Miami Gazette May 1, 1907 - October 9, 1907

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HIW!i:J'jl'/i YEAR



Second Bargain lJay . More Succes. ful than First.


Concerning Entertained in Honor AND Former Residents of Bride's Elect. LOCAL ITEMS


!2S2 '

MAY, 1. 1907".






Mrs . Nettie Emeriok und Mrs , Mes IS , Will Myersand John t:!e. uh Public takclS Ad"antage of Mr~ . ~' . ' oliwnrl,z "OIl oll1ldr n Mrs . ur: Crispln.Zeller, of Eu. The Misses Edith and Carolyn Letitia. Kenrick were trading 10 gule were in Lebanon. The at bonk, Kntu,:,ky, who ~tll1 hll.s de , .Mosher Mr. and Mrs. Ennl"., Allen spent OpPllrtulll' ty 'to "u" U , ,He vislUlI1l: Ci noinnuti reluti ves . ' d gave IfI d'elightful lunoheon, Waynesville Saturday. Spedal Price!:!. Iightflll luem 0ric!! of the Hom· t;atur ay in oompllment ·to two of On IMt Frlduy evenln g Miss Revu 'uodoy with the latter's p"rents W . E O' Nonl! \\U~ II (~neo n 'It:" :uuling Itltlt summer, wrItes 118 ful· the seuso' ' - -- - - . \ n s b rl'd es e leo'< MI'sses W I'11 lum on ent rtalnecl tile pUI'lls bf' re. I J.,u,t HntllrtlllY W" ~ th " ~"(\untl VI~il"l' 1.'unrsulI,Y. lowlU" to flJe Gal'.ettj;' : IrUlll Ellis and Edith Shil e. The of Lytle 8 i!!h School lIod teachers M d 1.1 H "1' d hll ... • f> . r . Bn rtl , Or'4! In an 0 . btll'"ulu tlu .v lwltl !J.v WuyllOt\vl!!e Dr, ~lot cy, DullList , willllfl fit B,,,·. 1'hl .. tilUel!lstyellr I was thlnkln~ table were dll'ntily decorated with of the three room II ' The OOOU/lion d I " d I t' h S ' d " '1 ' ,r en v sl.e re II, Ives ere un Ily . JU>\f hllnt,~. ,111,1 Wll~ /liMe B l~ (1o.'~a flll v y~lJUI'g, lI!ln xt weol!. ' of the gmud time to be lit Wuynes . snll ax and pink onil white carna· was a, very brilliant one from start Mrs. E. P. Krieghoff returned even thllll th l1 f\ 1·~t. Mrs . [ ·r. A. '1' . Wright wus quite vi llo.. Now I ~m noy intending to tions und the Ilfternoon: was most to finish, III) elegant two·oonrse frODl Cillclnnllti Sunday. Miss S'lrIl Sted!lom entertained, Reudt'rs .. r 11&1 liu)'.(l tte tire fumi l. sink U few Iluy ~ n~ o, but il! now con. cOllle tl,lis ,yellr unless sioknel:ls or thOroughly eIIJoyed by Misses Irmll. luncheon being served, whloh wus d eut;h shou ld cull me there, bl.t I Ellis, Edith ~bute, Anna Mere(lith, thoroughly enjoyed by 1111. ~~vcry the Misses Belen Ullum and ]lath . illr ",lUI lit" plllll heinl{ fo!lowf'd Vlllf'~oill g . . wI~t(Jh for your paper eltch wee)!: for Donna Huwkll, Bertha Elbon, Mar· one present woe pl f llsel1 Imd wus el l' DoWI'11 "nd r -0 Bone Su·ndav. 'l'l.le IOoroillln' '' "\ hu tjUVH gUil e into ~Ir . nl111 MrH . Walter 'hllndl r , tbe urrnn"elllt' nt II 11 flome 'onA urtl I clln hel~r fr oUl tile people up there thll O'Neull" KlI.thryn Alexander, delighted by Miss Revil's ubllity to '" I Th ' dl f .. 1. Mnl. Ph ehe TYRon, of Oltyl'ou, were even if th uy do n ot write to me. A Sh Jes~ IM <l It} I,t u I!JJtluiul lo w IlI'i I~, III I' " IJ P.I'! gnes 0 wllrt,z, e . arIat t,· entertain . Those proseot were : ..,,'Ir . om . pson IS IIpen ng . a ew ,being to in lu('o ll11OI'II1 who l1 Hllll lly tilluday I(UO!It.Hof Thomus Zoll o lt will sooo be MeUlorial Day LueUII. Cornell, Rhea Rogers, BlIdll.h Misses Minnie Duke, Opha Phillips, dllQYS .w lth hIS mother hare., . go t,o towntl 10 oOUle t o W",' ·, For !';ule. Plymouth Ro k egg I.~gld n . , Bow i should like to be up Hug, HenriottB McKinsey, Kuthryn Lol~ Varnell, Luria Burn,tt, Fern I1Ite u number of Oregoma ne8v\lle to do th eir b\1Si "~ ., fnr s tting. 1i0, llor 15. Hou~ thel'! ·to help . 80w mliny years Frame and ~b!l. Charles Ellls. I:;nlder, Zilla Githens ulld Bll1ncbe youn)/ folks o,t tonded tbe surprise Dyke and Prof L: L Smith lind dance ou Mr. and Mrs. Rlobard hwnrlZ und L. A. 201111 mer phone .l7i lnqu\rllof Mrs. Chfforu Mr@. RUUllitll, Mrs. Lydlu Wrlap t:, F, ' Wan ted. ' ' . Borry Graham, ' " Ernest Reg Emmons Saturday uight . man each heid burgnin Ihl,v s lI!'s Mnxwell. Mrs. weet and I deoolllted ...t.he Messrs lust SutorullY. 'ril e or()wu!; in MI'. Mrs .1UIII OR 'lurk Rnd daugbtor, mouument to the meDlory of the ers, William Duke, 8tunley Lamb, Clyde BOWKer who is with Mr. 'All 6xperie,nced ond responsible E. J ; Carmony, Arthul' G~eatbouse Spenoer in Lorain spe_t ' SundlLY ' Schwartz's !!tur ' Ilt tilll e~ ~.!llturdttY Mi~5 ,I 081'1ie, huvo boon the ~uest.s of bruve IDeo who never roturned oolored WOOlII,n as oook i'1 a fumily with his wife Mrs Bowker will . b I wefe !:iO grlltl\ they 00111r1 not Il Oi " 'innllti . rllllltivl18 for severu hODl e, bill who were itlid to lest far aud Herm!l,n Lewis. . . . th of two. No wasbing or ironing , return \vlth him, from hOUle !lnd frlendli but tbe Attention! A chartae has been walf,ed un. lind 11~ Zhnmerrnun!! ' e duys . Apply to MiS!! King, gil t Mllin St , ... M BI h Wilk II • , artlole on which u I!pccilll price WliS Mlsl:\ Mllry Lutchem lind cousin, good Lord knowil where they are Xenlu, Uhio. madA in ~he time of I:;unday sohool r . 8 op erson oa eu oJ? made was cOlllp\ otely sold ont b Mrs. DOlin 'Brack ney BI>ent ,llI st'Hun . luid, bu~ It w!ll lJe all right in the at tbe Lytle M. E . churoh . On Sun. his son one dllY IWit week. Alumni Members Notice. days when there is no prellc'!l\ng, Mr. Oharles Bradbury spent Sun. fore supper t,lme und auotber !J~ r. day I~t l:ll'ring Vtilley with Mrs. J oe rel!urreotion. gl\in W811 given in Mder not to dH!' Mason . 1 WIlS sorry to know Y.)\1 had an · , Sundll.Y school will be held at 90.. day with friend8 here. Il}lpoint,!lnyonll . , ' . . MI'!!. A, Muflltt nnd Mrs Joel ot,herfire up there. Wehavehad Theofficer8 of the WIl,ynesv!lle l m . 'On , SundItYs when there is Mr,J . K . Spe~oer II! h?me now Both thes !It,Oll'S will hove speClul EV' lUt! we re 'inoiunntl ' visitor suoh high winds here that we were 8igb ~h.oJ Alumni A 8800iat,ion preaoh:ng it will be held at the reg. Jooklng after hIS hone that was barl!.llit'1s th(, nuxtt:;llturdllY, as muy Mondoy . Mrs . •1. F. ()lldw:lllnd r ofrllid fire would break ,JUt.. . spechllly urge tbot all members of ul"r time, 2 o'olook p. m . Don 't ~tolen. , 'rhe blllckberries ure just getting the ASliocinticm buy their tickets forget. Mrs. Clyde Wilkerson and Miss ,be !'een by ' t 'lei r ud vertillem uti! in 01.!0 speul the dllY 10 Dayton. this issue of the GIlZllt·te , Nil ' B d' t of nel'r ready to bloom, 1 tbink our veach . for the b t ' I d ' If Edna Stout oalled on Miss Julia e Ite u rU s.ree 1 M (l:y es are killed, but late apples wilt be a.nqllie ellr y an sIgn y :Mr. a.nd Mrs . H!lrry McGinnis and t;herw'ood'l'uosday evening. Very Probubly oth r merchllnts DfIMI811 .v t.oU !l1 n ", UIl d ay!lnt on" 11 i ht , how mnny peIrson!:' eXl)6ot to attend. dllughter Leona spent Sund!lY ~Ith '\\IilI join in tlt e hllrglli u .dllY plun witb her aunt., Mrs . Avu Ebright IL ..; g . d 'd t I k 11k 't Jt is exceedl.ngly· diffioult to pro. Mr. Frunk 'l'hOm!lS, of near Spring sbortly, 'l'his i~ oue reullon ,wb y \vh o is con vlLleMolng fr om her long our to~n I no 00 e, vide refreshments and IUllke other V!llIey, whose wife Is quite si k. New Burlington. it is to tile interest of every person used, to when r lived there, but a.rrangements ,when there Is doubt . who cnn to c.,m e to Wuyne8ville i\llle s· phoos and I>eople obani;e liS the ns to the number tbat will be res. Mrs. Wellington Co~nel1 is at ftud t rllda. Y Oll ~ t mora for our Mrtl A V!l Ehrlght ' oontinues in 8 years move OD, but I think J am th'e ent. p present enjoying a viSit In sunny Mra Oharles Mendenban hali as very feeble stote of be!llth, !lDd is ann, l e as I used to be. ' PI ease Tennessee, nhe '" ent to Chll.ttanoo. her guest, her motper, Mra. PoweU money tlJlln 00 d 0 e I e wIlere , ~ still CIlred for by her sister, Mrs. A Give my love nnd good wishes to by of Xenia. , .."'II. last Tilursdoy, Ilcoompunl ~ ' ''d u Q, Bradstr':let, of nBll.r Dorton, and all old friends . her brotber, Will J . Rogers who Dr. S. D. Felis of Antlooh (',onege Base Ball Friday Afternoon MI1;8 Emmll RlllIhun. hod been visiting her here. I:;he lectured at the M. E. Ohnroh 00 Miss Eva. Du viS hus been oompli ~orrows fo.llen heavily on Intends staying 'Ilbout 11 week. Mondl ye.venlng. , . East High School of Dayton Bnd manted by receiving the app .Int Mr. !lnd Mrs. A. G. Smith of Bonner :l4r. Erne..t Stokes WIlS visiting at The.W. F. M. S, of the Friend's Weal School Will Piny. ment us t,en'o her of the l)riDl&ry de· Montnno . .Only a, few weeks IIflO 0. P. Lewis' Saturday. ("'bur~h met a.t the home of Mrs, th ' N B I' t Catherine Compton on Bnturday r Much intareolt It! being evidenced pllrttDllut 0 • e ew Ilr lUg on the Gl1zet.te announced the denth of Mrs. Perry Wade and Miss Glenna a' ternoon. uhool, a po ition she hils ulretldy th ' littl Alb t S d!lY B h I th t in the game (If lill~ebull .whloh 1.11 t,o elr e son, er . un " . rown were s opper!! n e coun y The mallY I Ilend,B of E . W. Brad' ed t l b ' . !" th d II f the com t "-t d t,ake piuee .. t Onkd!ll Pnrk FrldllY till ,d v~ry ILcoel)ttl bly tor two yeard, re I1\ t IVes h IlT . rerel? II e egrllm Ity will dlv gO • 0 are 0 • sea oc. ur ay. street and wife, who have been rea sftor .. oon 'JetWl'6n the Waynesv!Ue , Mis Rhel~ Rogertl, of Lebanon, telling of the dl'!lth of theiL' young- .,' • , .~. t!"L'''~' r t , home wIll _bull~ Prof. C. L . ~mlth was in lJObanon idents of WiI~lngton for a few l ' liigit ~ho~\ HtH!1l bnll nine flnet II wu the guest CJf hllr sister, Mrs . •1. est daughter. No details are known Mrs. Maffiltt Entertain 15aturday.· months are gtall to welcome them nine from the Eilf1t High ohool of 0 . 'artl'lright, Saturday and Sun bere. but it ' is "upposed tbe .lIttle New Century Club. Mr. and M~s. . S. Lamb and son to their home again. J)l1yton. dllY Ilnd attended til reception girl died from the liame disease that Stanley were In Bellbrook SUDday. G. W. Craig and jT. C. Haydock .All friends ot El Igl School given' by the MilSses Mosher Satur· caused tile oeath of her brother, The New Century Club met with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bough and Jr. of the New 'Burlington b&nd ' mellsles. Mr8. , Maffitt on the afternoon of 80n Kenneth MrB. ' Kate Johns And took \,art i n the Concert given by aTe' urg d to tum out lind h!'lp the d I1Y... ' t . ~n their hour of deep affliction A I . " , h d t P home team win. Ludies will be ud 'fholJltls en ergnli W 0 spen pri 26th. Mrs. Matilda Emeriok were Sunday the Bprfng Valley bujll a SpriOg d f genenl ~he wint,er!lt the Nutional MilIttlry ~hll sympathy of' the m~ny friends Twenty 18dl, e s resunnded to roll· V1'sit~rs WIth Mr. and Mrs. Allen V.aUe"oJ on Saturtla'" eveoio", Dlitted to the groun s . ree. . I l.l . ... f among GIl~tte reade,n will g.:i out I ..., '" oJ .. 11lar meeting of Mdll)l'. !I·I ~ n ten cent' , .Jome at !lytoll IS enJoYIng a ur" ca I by lIamln!~ some Frenoh lutlst. EmArlck aud, daughter Blanche. At the reg tbe ~ ~ U , to Mr, !lnd Mrs. 'Smith. ., ~ Followirig is a Jist of the play r tl lough whioh he is 'speridiog wltli his . After aJl bnailless w~s · disposed of, Miss Reva Williamson went to board 01 educ,a tion of Spring Valley ond their positionl\. brother, Jllmes Pendega ton \Yu ter Mr. Smith has sent the Gazette Mrl!'. White ~e!1d a most Interesting Centerville ~aturd!lY evening aDd township last Friday. the following Joe Th.:lmpson, OIltober i RIlY· ·treet. the "following Pllrtiolliars of their pll.per on "Ros" Bonheur," and Mrs. on the next d"y Mr. and Mrs. ' Wi! . teochers were e1eote1 for the sohool Miss MIlY Ln.tchem b,UI t.IIRen the boy's dellth: B')gardn9 a carefully prepared one lIaDl80n went np ana enjoyed a here; Prinoipal, W. C. . hillier i In. m ond DtlviI.. , right fl l l!I ~, Ohurley Cook, shoru!lop i Herry i:Jumiiton. ugency for high grade corsets of 1I;t 'l'he hO~UA of Mr. A . ,Smith un" French Literature ." Both pa · plellsantvlsit with Mr. and Mrs. termedlate, Elizabeth Ree't'es; Prlfirst bal:!e; .~ WHIter 't:lmitll, 8 oond kind8, UlUde to oreler to the meas !lud ll'aye Oook t;mith, of Bonner, pers were greatly enJoyed by aU . Mason Williamson. 'l'hey all . reo mary, Eva Davis. base; John Stru.wn, third 11 Ise; Ufe, simil!lr to II dress . Sbe ' ",Iso Montana was ClI.8t Into darkest ,.\ djonrnment was then In order" turned home Sunday evening. t Mr. and .Mrs. Irll. Rioh and ohil. (Jeorore Bevington, left field, Nor SAUl! bose' supporters nod many alo'om on the evenl' ng of April .10 , lind during t:be sCrolal hour whioh, ~ L ' h h been dren were t:;lluday gnesta of Mr. " odell.',h l l olaimed ow w 0 ror .8oS rnes.• II.nd Mre, Ems Br8od8lreet-. mal ..til well , oenter field·; Rf\ymond other slmtlllr Ilrl,loles., 1907, f when theire d the hostess . added to the d r~ivalao ng a' hongkaotre, uo s er w8ogon E Wil\lalOPon, pltoher. Mrs. 00110 Bruokne.v And brother, little lion, Albert Faye, who died pI~usure of tlte OCC0810n by I!ervlng P Stokes, h!ls quit the bualneBS !lnd Banta, catcher; Zimmer, RighI Mr. ' Ailre.d Lashley, visited tbeir from heart, f.l,Uuro. 8e Wit!! just dOlDty refresli1ments, In whioh she intends working in Do.yton, most Wellman. field i Diehl. IIhort stnp i Boht first ttged UUDt, Mrs. Erully t;tump ut rooovering from an attaok of the ~~:8 a.:~~t~t~Y Mrs. Hathaway Bnd likely at the oarpenter J . B. g Jone8 hils suooeededhlm in the bus· Ira Barteock a~d carl Cleaver of bose i Becet, second bose; L.lIgep ~bina, recently . Mra. Stump lives mellilea lind took a pold which pro third baee ; t:;aDlUlODiI, Wunder1iok. to h erself !lnd Illthough <Juite feeble, d uced BronohiUs Pneumonia, ar· \ness and II now going on his weekly the N. C. H. a.t llayton,spent Batur. le!t Held i Boelllnd, oeJJter field., III 8t.ill in ver) good helllth.' ecting his little heart whloh was Caesars Creek. rounds. day night ard Sunday with bome W.rter8 or Rogge, l)ltcher. / Prof. (J. !d. Allstin, SUI)erinten not ' strong eJlllugb to carry him 8ev'3rul were trading In the Gem folks. . - - -......- -- -deot of the sohools at West Carroll· thr.lugh, John Wilsoll and wife were shop. City Saturday, among whom were I Mrd. Martba Davis Is suJ!ering. Wedd Ing Bells ta u ' has been tllJr.inK In) enforoed Besides 1\111 sorrowing parenls he ping in Xenia one day Jast week, Mr. and Mrs . C. 1:;. Lam b, Mrs. Wal. 1from !In attaok , of heart trouble . , Are Ringing. vacatlol' the pust week, hili sohool Jeft three loving t'lsters and many Dr. G. Murrell and fBwily, Of ) ter Clark and Dr. and Mrs. J, 'w, and his son Joe Davis ball a very htlving been temporllrlly olo!!8d ..In' foud relatives to mourn Ilis death . Wiitmngtoo, oame out t.o ohurch W!lrd. , severe !lttnok of 180 grippe; their At-least thrlle. wednlng!! of intllr ILCcount of n, slight epidfllJliO of siok· A Illo1'h beautiful life oould no la,s t Sund/l.y int their antomoblle ond J. M. Staoy has heen under ,the many frlend8 hope for their ilpeedy e@t to readers ,of ,the GlIzet,te will ness in tha.t toWll. be pict~red·. w~ ~ br)y in ev~ spent the dav With ~Imri Humes. weatker for 80me d~ys past. recovery. John Cri tea II.nd family .pent Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kenriok an d Mr . and Mrs. John, Wolf and take place 8 h or t,Iy. Maxie B'amilton, of Dayton, wa,s erl' sense 'of the word, kind of heart Ad M' Editl '" with 1\ loving nature . So young Sunday with John W,lson's, Grandma lJIeaver were "nests of , W Today, e\f,nes ay, ,ISS I /I. week end visitor at the home of daughter Miss Bertha, of Waynes. " . d to Mr . Demp uri. Annie 'fhorlle. Mr. Bomtlton yet so oonst/l.nt. 'fo khc:i~ him was Joseph Compton if! Ilble to ride out Tille, were o/l.lIlng on Mr. an d Mrs. Lew 'Wolf and. wife of Harveysbura Shute w III b e marrle ~ , f RI h dId' ... to love him. again after hll.vlng been confined to sey Dennis, 0 0 mon, n , is eXp'ootlpg to t.ravel tllrOIl~h the Walter Kenriok Sunday afternoon. Sundu.v , . born in Bonner, Montllnll., tbe 110U88 for several months. , Tomorrow, Tbufscluy, Miss Irmn East t,l lis Bummer, nnd of course u_Be was Mrs. Goldie Surface and Mr•• b "", 1903. an d· d Ie ' d Apr il 10, M'l@svaarner,ofXenla,spen E B d!luahtf'r 01' Dr. J. T,' Em", "",ptem ar '8, EIII L ina Lewis were visiting at the ., will tllke jn tile. JU.nll}stolVn Expo 'd ~ 7 .h d 2 d I Harveysburg nnd Mr. W, E. O'Neall VliII be mar 1907, Ilge "years, mon. II ltD one ay !lst week with friends here former's parenta, Willl80m Weh and .n~. '_.' sitlon . ,days. John Spray went to Cleveland on The Silver Medal Contest given wife one day 11l.8t week. d . , May ninth, M.rlf, 'Etta Kilbon RI\ · Mrs. Cllrolllle ,Underwoo . VlMtlOSe p' k C ' busines8 IMt week. under the auspices of tlie local W. Mrs. F. A. Harteock and daugh. der of CorWin, lind Mr;. L . M. Ben· 40me is with her dllughter, rll. Mrs. ,atrl( orron s Am08 UeHaven's hllve instltlled a. C, T, U. !It the M, E . Chur(.1h Sun. ter Belen were the gueats of Mz:. der~on, of W!lllhington D. C,. will 'Laurll ' Reeve", in t:;pring Vall ey , 8irthday Anniversary. w8,t er svstem 'in tbelr home dllA was a mOlt lIuooes8ful affair in and Mrs. BarI Barvey of Oakland, , be mo.rried'. , 8pellt last week with ber sen ronor ' Atn0!l Cook, '0' ~enil1, was be,re every way . Sl~turday of last week. " Throtlgb lin unintentional over. last week '8 olloltlng funds for the Miss Mary Levloy was awot'ded , Undllrwood, noor Hurveysburg, Mr. and Mr8. Albert Gray of and thiil week wlt.h Wl\yuosville "Ight the Gazette failed tp 800ner Friends Meeting ' Bouse whloh will 'the medal for the be8t oration, and Dodds were calling on the former's Sunday Services iribnd report a birtbday cl'lebration /l.t tbe be ereoted in ,tllll-t olty in the near eaoh of the other contestants were pllrents here Sunday afternoon . . at ~. E. Church. . Miss Oillra Llle, who taught last h'o me of Mr. a,nd Mrs . Patrick Cor. future . ' He has been very 8ucoe@s· given a handsome bpok marle in ap· Cllllers at W. T. JordaO'lIti.uDday fu t 80 tar, preoiation of tbelr effort8 . · Room" of the WBYIlOllvllle r on recently. afternool'l were Mrs. Maud Cll/&ver, Sunday sohool ' at \I :30. (), M. ~hoot, WWl the, Kaeat ~f her unele The ocoasion was Mrs. Corron's I'he Woman's Foreign MlssioJ;la.ry and child reo, Min Aflnll. Branll, Robltzer~ t:iuperlntendent. R,nd auot, R~v. and Pdrs. J. F. Cad , ,birthday anniversary, and about Sooioty helb one of their most inter· Steam Engine for Sale Mr. Trnml\n ' Wardlow.' and MI8I . Sermon lit 10 :80. Su~ject. "The wullllder from FrldllY until ~ttir. fiftv of their friends Wa.lked in o.n esting meetlng!lflt the home of Cath. Neille Jordan and brother Frank. In o~det: to get It out of the w~y, P\llartl of the church." ,-':18,'. . ,, . them about noon to'remlnd them erine COlDptolll "Sa~urday afternoon, .Mrs. J. M. Belghwa1 sp8nt Mon. ",e 'Wi)\ 8ell our 1X horse .,power t d I t The foJlowhi g program wal given: Epworth l.eague, , ~~~. ,Ohllrlea ' 0. C~iff,.Rldge, of UOlllml.lU!', sJ,>ent of Ih? evon .nn a very p eWl!ln Devot.lnn8, Da,lsy L Haines; Roll steam engine, boilor !lnd o~nDeo. day with her \laughter Mrs, Walter ' B. CIl,rey, president, 'lOPI,C. 'COUlIt ~ '.lIel~y with hiB parent8, }otr. and d";~b~ag~:;t~n~rOUght their dlnnera call, Comfol't:, BualnelB; ReoitatlQn, tions at a ,saorlfioe price. B Ii ve put Tibbaili. Two of the ohlldreD, Bow. ard and Forest are having. a slel8 lng the Cost ~ ' Leader, O. B . 'Smith. ""-hI Rid j . l,og hlil ' . "Tb ' MI·~. ..... on ge, OlD with them and moet appetizing meal Rosa M1Il8 i Dnett, N~Dole B8owk· In a gasoline engine ~nd the sOOll.m of the mumps. Sermon ,ILt 7. ~o. Subjeot, e w,fe barf,! who had been 8pen~lDlf,the w'aa SOOD ~pread out whioh a1l did Ins a.nd ls8obell8o Haydock; Reolta. outfit is in thO way. we~k !l,t 'her s home f~ll justioe to tiOD, Marianna COlllptpn; ~~ding, It is In goop oondition, nnd when - -- - - Bewitohed ~uJ. . 'l'htl p~blt.o Is earnestly luvit.e.ll to ,md with her own family oel\,r Cen· d u_· (J ' b th Bernl08 Hawkl1ll!l', Paper, Louisa 'the work ill ligbt is just what is BlI.rmonious comblnationB of .ool~ tt d 11 thllfle Benkes. ' th Mr. an ~s. urren were 0 , n. en a (ervme., M.r, Ridge Is with . e taken completely b1 sUfprise !lnd Oomptoo. A :number of very loter' needed. We are aoxlous to get It ors e&8lly secured with IIanna'.· • Metropolitan IDsuIance Co. ~d "' a Pat WILl! simply "speacb~eu." eS"Dg letters were read from the out of tho way and will le't it go at areen Seal Llqnld PainK, They It II' the Paint of Hood Taste. fine type of the auooouful youog Tile ocoaslon was a moat pleasant, Cuba letil!8lon. a blg 'lI&Or\l108. . are made 111 (II dUferen' tiD.. 04 " Banna's Green Seal. Sold by .6.merioan busiD08I min .. Tae AliA.l G.u;mm. ' shades. Sold b7 J. E. J&nD8f .... . J ~ pDe In every way: ,J ...... atmey. M











DON 'l' 1=>1:9P~ IR.

£'119 9 sUon, fo" tmpartlng an Air of

Novelty as Well as OJl nty Pel', f~ct lon to tho EflJoyablo After· noon T ea.

~,dt pa~bp

Rea' the E.coe r/ .,nce of • MI'If1.eota b.ctory. A.... yo Ir dru"i~ Won.a" and Tako H .. rt.



Ml)ney 1'I'Iunt{t',l Cor IP lfi', AM If f)~: I.ES' DYI::

If your blU'k nehel, Ind 1 0,1 t el sick. languId, ",oak Bnd m lserab lo d y a fl ~ r d a)l - don't

wo rry. Ooan's Kid · ney Pills b llv urc-d tOO\l81111d5 of women In we same rooUIUon. M rs. A . H elman of ' t'II: ut r. 111 Inn . . says: "[hlt fori Donn's Kldlll'Y P ills 1 ",·oul.1 n ot bo 111'lng DO1\' Tb!'y urot! we In 1, 9 anll 1'''0 b l'~n wE'iI since. r us d lO h 'H'e 8U h pllin In my back tllU un co I r Intl'd . The 1>1<111 y S Cfotions ,,' ~r m uch d lsor· ,I!'r d. nod I w a 60 far son I' 111. t I was tho\l~ht t o L at d C!l!h's door . Sineo Doan's Kl dtl!' ~' 1'llls c ured ruo t tpel ss It I bad hcen pulletl bac k fro m thl1 tomir:' olt! hy all doalers. 50 ce nts a bOI. "o st er ' ~11burn nulIa lo, ~. Y.



01 U unaaU ...

1Jl 8n blame tlIelr ""~ e'rW7.

One of the Important Duties ' of·Physicians and' the Well-Informed of the World

It ral lUI.

Is to leaTn 8 S t tl t he relative st:m uing nnd reliab ilit.y tiJ 1(':( in',\' m a nufacturers o f mrdi :i na l age nt s . as t he mo~ t ~minen t phy s ici a ns ar tho m ost c arefll l as to t he ur.iform .qua lity and perfec t purity o~ re m cdi·s l.m~s rilu u by lh ~ m . and i t i .. well kno~ t o phy s i ians and t h \\-",I I· ln formed general I . t ha t rh' .a li fo rnia Fig Syrup Co " by r ea so n of its c orr c t method a~d perfec t (·quiflm nt and till' lhi ca l ·c haracl c r of Its product has a ttaine d t th~l h i!:'h s tn nding in scie n tirlc a d com m erc inl e irc l s whi ch is accorded t s u cc ss{ul nnd re lia b1- hOlls S onl". an d . t h e rctu r ., t h it t he u,une of the Com pany has h 'co rue a guaranl ee of the xc lIeD~e o f i ts r e med y .

It lsn't «I 'val'S the peopl wbo lOU7 l'OU mOil til tH are y~' u r :best triendl ..

TO th~ h o tONS \~bo. QoL(>rtllJ n U" lltly wllh 'JlIlIl.I l III'orll1:.1 ntl 'rnoon ( I)a~· 31111. tllllnltH hI tb ,::rr,wln): til'lrlt M.oat peopte wo ul d 'fall abon U f h O" l'ltall ty whi ch d {\ fl rct: ,jI·~ 1I10r melUlured by the ~ol den rule, \jllgllr dl_l llny. ( he numb r Is Incrt'as· ' n l: -~uo.lhiug Iy llIor :I C .,W I I thaD ;arfi~ ' IT .. 1he rn if,f H~ rb lu· AND QUALITY " \I~,\~'. tiOIl O \\'1.1 r(,by 1l1)(\ 'an illlpart :Jtl\· ~. tu pu nl~ th · hlltod . l'r~\ d ,(' t(\ d is· 'll.'~, acd tJ'Jlnt.lln l;"ud n•• lth, (0 hor Srllll,l rCI L~t Il l ouch or uOV"11 y . appea l t o t he 'Ve il· I nform ·d in every w a lk of l i f and a rc . S5 nti n l t n II r'1l'nne nt GUC- · l·.'· 'lIIl " c,ip of lca or "hoc.'lalt: lh c ess lind e rt>ditnble s la din , t herefo r w e wi s h to cal l t he att ntio u a t n' l w ho w ou ld Of en do lht' sllirils of \:Teat e ..enh ..dll·Rilult'ot s scrn'd n.r ,'~Jli':hl tbn.t en jo' g ood b e-alth, Vli.lh i t); bl s ' ings , t o t he I;lct t hat it in\' o lws th ques! io n 01 ri r;'ht s tride on. botor~ the e'·ents. and In tof IllIl kC' ' t he de'lLr ,\ 11111 n'l'"llIn th!'y Ih ' inr;' w ith all t h t ~rm im p li s. " \ 'il h prope r kn o\\'INIg-I' 0 w ha t is be~ t " <le h h our day alread,. walka to-,uorroW'.-Col': f n ll ~ 1 hll\'(' II dninty \'l.:rr('(·Ii(1O hllt h ;\ij of recrca. ion, of enjoy'm ent, o f conll'm plati on IInu o [ [fort ma y bl' m a d e to con'tribute ridge. t ' /11l\'(O(' an d UI'I,c:\rtlOOl' Ii l ~IJ 1I ('('l'H· to t hat nd and the u sc of m edic int>s di sp nsed willi (;," 0 ral\y tn grea l ad vanta :.:-e, uu t ~ :I r)' lit 1\ IlIrser Ulld !nO .. v:lrll'(\ .. f , FIT$, c " ,t us n3n," IIond II ~.n· o" in m a ny i nstanct:s fl sirpple , \"holt' so m e r emedy may 1 e invaluail le if ta k ·n a t the a '2 1~ (.! I'crmtlnrntl. " ("UllOI I h,. H r. K iln '!II ful l'. \.1rt'ilt ~ en t' Rl'~' nr~ " ~e:H.t inr F'r~ .LOO proper t ime. t he C.t1 i fo rnia Fig S ' rup Co . fl' ·Is t hat it is alik' i mpo rt :lIlt to present Til flr6t (hi nt; t h c" 10,11'1<1'('" 18. ,nnt hOltle and Ir~"t;-~. 1)1' Il II . I' hoc. tTl lth/ ully t h· su h jt·c t :lnd to supply t he one p erfec t la~:\t in! rr~l\w Iy whiC'h h as won "I C'A1 U I'tH!. "lI l1dwl ch . ,\ Im nr l to Lei .• 931 .\ tcL 't. . I' hibdrill hia. r •. the apPO\' 31 of pll y s ic ians and t h e wor ld·wide a cC'eptu n.:: . 0 1 t he \\-': 1l · 1nl o rnwd b l'ca ltse Ind Ian Re aches Advilnced Age. I.l!·k It' Ih l' I'lI l:llo. I tt' . I I " .'allsl), tI , Columb us unnltubby . a rUil·blood. o f the )(ccllt' n c of t he o rnbi nal ion . kn o wn . LO all, and t he ori giu 1 Dlq IU Ot! of manufac· c)'o, and lel OVlll Y enlr· r r,lI l), 1"111.' 0 Vice Pr~sld('n l FaIrb anks D~arly ed Choctaw. pr babl}, Is the oldest always wa lks f,.o m b ls r ~Idenc e to tt In hand in llMd II'lth wo Ilr;, ture , wbi ch i s known to t he alif orn ia Fi g· yr up Co . o nl '. Inu lan In th e United S tates. H~ l!t b~' t he ca pltel a nd ba \C. QlQd orlon atter l"rl'cCtlL Thi s v a luall/! 're m edy has b een long a nd fa\:orab ly kn own IInd er t be name o fIt R(',' IlI S htll'dly n~ f' A,;ar~' to (,lOplll)' Ilcved lo ha ve p a 5('d hla one bundre d dIU\[ goe s for long st:rolll through Syrup of Fi gs-and ha ' attained to wor ltl·wi d e a cC' fit. nce as tb e 010 t ' . cell nt of ~I /<' t h nt ha Ir tlJ ~ hntt l" in lI H1kllll; and fourt eeilt b year. Other ageu men th. n ort bwe st secllon of. Wul1inctotL fumily l axa tives, and a s it s pure l:1 xativ ' prin ipl,'s , tainl· d fro m ' c'nna , are we ll d \llnt~. sn nr! wt choij IIf'M ill w,," matl o. ot tri be declare thllt In tb Ir c h ild· kn own t o phy sic iu n s and th e \\. II·Inform ed of t be wt" d d to b e t ll p bcs t o f n a t ura l It Cures Wh ile Y ou Walk. Wt II II £'d bread . WhN(- th e: ru und hood day be was 0 grand epeclmen ot laxati"es , \\'c h a e [tdo;> t'd t he more labora te n ame c.,- 'y rnp o f Fi ~s an d E lixir o f AlIrn':. oot· E"I;t' i! acoert.tin ell!'\.' ror 1 0:l.I'e:; Lalt tI fM Ihl I' lItp(ln(' (,FlII bl' tbe mll skl u race. F.\·en now bl e min d hot .• w ... 1inlr. ori llo"o, nnd . "'011" .. ac hing S nna-as m ore fully d es ripth' of t h e re m e d:/, hut d o ul tl :;s it wj ll a lways be . ,mduc ~ a sood s ha l.e n 10(' M(,Cll r!'d III cl a r. but bl\ 1"5 60 ree ble that he ca n leel. ~lld loyall drllRIt'i"1 . Pri<' 2;;'~. n ,," 't called fo r by t h s h o rle r name of ' yn: p f Figs- and to g' t its n c ftci:l l effects alwa y s ~ th lilli e t rou blo. til r",l sI! to IIttal u not tal more tban t wo or tbrCi! mI n· """"pt ,,,,y ~ \I h> l i tll(,' . Tria l parle.!:. Jl{ EF: , Allen :'. Oln1>tcd. Le Roy N. Y. n ot e , w be n purch a si ll /!'. t he full n a me o f t be Compa ny - C:llilorniu F it:: Syrup Co .t1J (l ha lf ()Ii't'lo whl IJ III fL l hun · k 0 1" utee a t n timf'. He has 23 ch ildre n' Add,plainly prinlL'd on III fron t o f \. ' ry p acka:-rc, wh cthc: r YOII s imply ('[1. 11 for - Syru p o f ';1 8 Ilk() thoro mus t b ' " "It'al wllste and 109 CTlindchlldrt'o. Laud~b l o Ambition. Fi!;s - or hy the fu ll Dum - Syrup of Figs nn J E lix ir o f t:'nun -as-Sy rtl); o f Fi~ s and b oth 01 me lIud brulld . Mirtle-Whl; Is Helen to marry Mr. Phot!tgraph' eont by WIre. Olh'lls au <l 1·llIIont oe:'.-PoT Ihese E lixir of S c nna - i ' t he ne laxative f('m"dy m a nu fact ,.-r ··d hy the a liforn ia Fig Syrup PrOf. Ko rn. o f tbe Munl h unl"er' Much wed ? He bill! alread y bad thre70U CILII bu y In boW PiI h r<,k('n uli VOl Co . and t he same here tofore kno wn by th e name - . y rup of l'i ~<;- wh i h ha ' gil'eD slt y, bne "r!taU, Improved bls appara· wi ve!!. w,lJ..l ch baro been sloued . 1'1" plm('o' satisfac.tion t o oliliio n s. The gl.'n u ine is for s a le by all I :loin\{ drllggi s ts t hrougbout Jac ltI doc''t kno w. I II UPPO'. abe'. tus ,tor tra nsmitting pbotosraphs OT er t Q.C'lI come fn smull CMlfi. DraIn tho th e n ite d States in orig inul p ac \ages of one .s i ze only, the r~~ ul n r p rice of which tol egTaph wlre8. Ho has s ucceeded In mar ryi ng hIm to refo rm him.. l iquor from bolb 0llve8 Rl)il I,lme nto ee sen din g phbtogrnpbs ' and skotchcs six is fiH y cen ts p ' r bottle . . Wi d CbOI' One, AM Ol\ough weI! sea· or Bovea Incbe& ~ Q uar In lhls man nor HOW'/l Thi!l? Every b ottl e is so ld und r the ~tmeral ~unrllnt l: o f the Co m p llny, fi led wi h t he Wo offer ODe J;iuDdred OOllan, Re"'_rd t or aD' "blled mayounrullo ·to hInd togetb er fr~m Mun ich to N urew b~rg, a dis Ro ce ~~~:t~: C:~b l b. , ~ &.Dno' btl .curcl! by UaU", S ecre ta ry of Agri c ulture! , at \\" ashin~ t o n, D. C., th nt the r ' m e c\~' i ~ not adulterated or !lnd Jn u. lro UII) ml J.l.oro BilfOad we ll. of 100 mll e8. 10 trom 10 to 1G mlnut S. ml ~ n ra nd e d within t be m UllDing o f the l~oo d aod Drugs A c t, J lIlIO 30th . 1906. URrd 1I01led Elg g8, P lm 'nloes a nd We, tile un"c,.,-&~;~: ~~:eN:D~:nC~: 'J.°be::D~; 1?/ckl(ls.- Tbcse aro mado Ill! tli'i $3 S.OO Personally Conducted EJccu~ tnt Ibe I U~1 5 1fJ .. n • • nct bflll~"e h im perfecU , hOlJ" 'J rabla tn au lHlI I QO~ ' trMu-,ac Uoou. 'Ult ft n&D!:I"" , fl'bO\'O. th cggs, both. w lrllo n n~ ye!· .bto w carrT UlJ L aUT ubll , a ,l&l o . made hr ti l. Orm . . lion .. WA LI', :- U. KISSA ~ .. M~. Vl ~. ' Qw. choppod Qullo IInc . to will h Is Colonllt,' ODe-way tickets hl car;o "bole •• le Drulf, I,t.t . Toledo , O. n aU' , Cat'rTh CUrft I. lalcan Irueraallr, a e tl0l' t\ll ' cd au eQual Q.\lnn tlt ,· of choPllc1 to the Pacific coa st. via tho Chica go, ,Jre-o S a n Francisco , Cal. It T u pun Ibo b iood . DtI QlUcou •• u rfar. ea Of t.,. fllm cutOt.'S Rnd good pi kl ~. Mix witb Union PaciOc And North -lvestern II nil. hlt\m. Tel Umonl .. la l e n t rrc~. I-ri Ga 70S ceu,", POI' U ~ . 1\ • . New Y ork, N. Y. . uu)'onual so drcsglng and s pread ger.· are a lIaJe dally d uring March aod °T~:e tT~II:~.hi.~'a:;r:!EIt" '.' . -..,~ . tI"u. L ond on, England. fIl'O lJs ly O\'c r Lbo bread. April at tbe rate of 133.00. Corre· PrIckly thl slles hav e theIr nle. Chlckon n.nd Greco, Popne r.- T he spoadlngly lo~ rates from all pointe. e~Jclto n sho uld be {lm!lll rCld [or tbll' as Doublo bertb la tourIs t sleeping car wIthout doubt . but that dOOlln't Juat!· l or 81\11Id. boitlng tmW tend I' lind nl· only 17.00. tbrough Without bange to ty you In becomIng one. l owing lhe fOWl to COOl III Its ow n San Franci sco. 1..08 Angelal and Port· " quor, 'r~e SMU \rlches firo dlllnU'r land . Nn CItra c harge on our p rsoa. "'.p Oll O)] ly lbe breast I Ul! iI . thougb ally conducted tours . Write tor ltin· NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. t\.lo dark moat can be lI..ldod I t d sired. crary and (ull particu lars to S. A. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODER N EXT ER NA L COUNT ER-t RRlTANT. Q ilTrlp the kcu. roJeeli ng ' all skin H utc blo son. Manager To ur is t De part· end grIstle. and cbo," t ho meal fin e , menlo 212 Olark Street. Oblcaao. ill. abundance of things t-o eat i! n<\son with slIll lIn.tI cayonne (l<'1l110r. will be served wttl~out ad.dltiona ,,\Ix gonorollsly wllb maYllnna lse d ress· ONI! WAY OUT OF DIFFICULTY. oharge, Ing and lip read upon Lho bread: There win also be a -qun.ntity of . ,a;'prlnkle wllh Onel)' min ced sweet Milich Twlnl wIth TwIns, Will the EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPEB PLANT useful iultl fanl'Y artioles OD sale for Fond Mother'. Idea.• 8 ;>('011 JI ·flL'CI'II. makos a mos t ap A Q UIC K. SURE, SAFE A N D A LWAYS RE~Y CURE FOR PAI N -nI':. l iOtlzl ng t;alUlw leh. the benefit of the ohuroh. ~~c·'U:~~r~T Ti1~Ffic~ 1NA ~~S~~G~~~l~:t. DD&~:.yr-R~A~; I~" aud Sardino.- Rub the y ellow A lItUe woman entered a drug store Vor Imoro lrlnii years It h IlS T ILL THE PAIN COMES - KE EP A TUBE HANDY. (Jr alx: bll rd bolJe!! eggs to n smooth \lnd asked th~ proprietor if h e ho.d "an· bee n curing F~m ld() Co mplaints, A subslltute lor and ~uperlo r 10 m ustard or any otller plas ter •• nd will not &las lo, Bad enou h blghly acasoned other pIcture," such a Intlnm.untion, nnd Ulcern· blister {he most de lica te ,kill. The po.Jn.all yln l: and curalJv<s qu&httes of ~ a )·onnn.lJ;O to mak o a. tbl ck. eas il y ''Whal kInd of a plcturo do ,OU tion. I" alli og und JDisplnceme uls. the t.r llc lc arc wonderful. It will stop thll loothach" al onco. Iond rclievlI Illlread m ixture. Drnln the oil from meaD T" the drur;r;Ist asked. a.ud co nscquenL pinat Weak ness, Headacho and Sciatica. VI" recommend Il as the ~st and sales t ntet'na1 ~lt ree or (our good French slIrtllnes: cu t' "Doe like this." said the woman . Baeka.che, and is pecu,liarly ada.pted counter·lrrltant known. also." an eztem.1 remedy lor palDs In tho chest to ~, e ba ng-e of LiCe . 1,....::....,..._ ____..J.IlL.l=!,...II£II.WL-ll.JIlU...J.Il~.....e.u:~'Pl!.n,....u'_tholdlnc up an attractiv. ad\'er'tl s illg n~otGmac h and....all Rheum.ti , Neura lgiC and GOllly complalnls, It. trial Rccord s ~ h o'v that It hns cured will provo wha t we clai m lor It. and II wil l be lound to bo Invaluablo In tbll flI0VO Ule bonos nud serapo tho skIll print. household and for child ren. O nce tlsed no lamlly wil l be wjlhout It. Man,. "I ma, have one or two of tb em more ~8 of F~male I ~18 ~a.n any other <lne remedy !mewn. Rub to a 118sta IIml add to the egg Md p eo~ l e say "I·t is the \.est of a ll yo ur preparatJons." Accept no preparation f',I·dlll. E. P , nkham s 'egetnbte Cvmpollnd dl~ol" s and erpeJ8 m"yonull!II"; wl.ung UlO roughly. lett." the proprietor anld. " but I at vaseli ne u n l e~ Ihe same ""rries our label, as.otberwl." IIls nol I:llnutne. haven't manT ot them." T\~mors at an carly /l tn!;' of de ve l.opment. Drnll'glnll'''ensationac&nlling' Spread (,oil thin ellccs oC iJr a u. S END YOUR ADDR·ESS AND WE WILL MAlL OUR VASa. pam, weig ht. and , headlache arc r(lll '-ed and permanently cured by its U Sl!. The womao /laid sbe on I, wan ted 'foma to Saudwlcll fl.-Til 80 a e LINE rM,\PHLET Wkl,ICH WILL INTEREST YOU. I t corrects rrr~ g-ularitirs. or Pn inful Functions. Wt:'nknel'!! of the 'J)ry eltnple, aud conslsl of firlll. sOlid. one. and her tone lodlcated that s he Stoma I .. .. lnd l~" tl,).n. DioaLIUIl'. Ncr \'ous Pro~trntion , Heada he . Gen e. CH ESEBROUGH MFG. Co. ililnly sllood. woll 8alled toUlIltOCS. laId was anxious for tba t one. Sbe e x· M).I Dcb lhty ; also. lJlz;7.l ness, l·'n intn ss F.:clremo it ude. "'Don't care 17 STATE STREET, NEW YORK CtTY b r,L\voon slices of lightly hull.e rod plalned that th. ont! shc had with h er n;,d wllnt to be I rt al o nl~" f,'eling. Jrrl tllbltit .. v. ~er"ou s nl'fls, m pl r"Rn cs.~. broad. 1 llUow of no alludw lch murc had been given to olle of her cl.lildr n. ~ Illt ule nc),. MeilLn cho lln or the "]Jlues. " These are Suro indications of odalu ly or deUclous. Do n ot he misl ed Anot hor ohlld. s be stilled. was sick. f emn.le w 'n lm·ss or 5nme or(ronic dorll ng ment. ' Par KILI,ney Cornplluin ts of either sex Lydia E. Plnkham'a Ve,et.a~e 'u fo tblnklng- lhnt mayon naise will 1m· and was crying for a picture su ch n. Compound 111 II- most e:rceJlent Temedy. II ru\'e them. 111 WII" elnR~ of s a nd· bls brother bad. . \\II bos belo og tho cuclIm her; olthe r •"That·s a ba d wa,. to brlns un your Pinkham's Standing (liinly R\lccd aud dIpped In to Fre nch children:' \'eolur.e d 11 womnn c ustom er dressin g or cbUllped 111111 rnlx lld w!th In the store, "Do you try to gl va a :Women 8'~ fl'ering from any- fonn nf femlllc "'calm as nTe Invitrd to wri te lII r" I'lu k l:nm. L~· u n. Ma ss. 'ur [ulv ice . She is the :'frs. I'lul(hRIll rimyonn alsc, 1 pretor UI & In tter mysol f. child e\'ery thlng he c ries tor Just be· cause his brothe r Is more tortuna te?" who hilS bee n ndvi~i nl:r s Ick womer.. !I'co o f chnrlte for m o re t hon tW[' nt.v tlul both nl'C goo d.. . years, .a!,rl b efore th 'll, sho tI.<;s i. tell h ('r moLher.;Il .!a\V Lyd ia E. Pin kham "But," said tho mother ot the cbil· I ' • .. I ' :\ Oatme ol Macal'oons.- Ou(l c un ot iu ad vlsme-. Thu s sha is "'oil quali6 0 I.(} Il'uidu sick women bo.c\;: to white sugar, two lIu';::o h rCl akfast CIIIlS ~ren. "you don't know. Tho ' chlld ren It is poor economy to li se poor plUDIS on YOll' building. an'! yoa clln't doed to do l~ hea ltb. Der advice los fi e and Alwnys h elpful. or rollod ont s . two C'gg~, (lila ta ble- nrc Lwl08 and whal OIl. han lbe Olher pccially when )'OIl consider that the labor is .b.. m.....t co:.tly part of painting. If , . . wants." pai llt. this spring. usc .uffal~ A..L O. Ptillb, anst (eel satisfied tbot you have tis. a.... .. tlOon(ul or lJutte r. one tlUistJounrul ot "SUI'POSO." obJ~cte.d t ho moralist, Buff.lo PaiR" look be:l I. fl reNH:1 and nreserve .Jour Vl:QUer11 10nasat. bee.n ae the7 canldB t be ~ b ailIng l)U lv()~r, ouo wII s poonrul ot a l· ",,<I mo· 1 laod n • • i.moat. OJCIDP. ot' Z INC and Wll' tTB t.UAQ •• , onad In A• • d Llocbe.d Gil IIlJon11 ext.meL Illltl 1\ h a lf tOIlSI' unful "when your blldrco let old er, th oy .~:':" ~ 61 corr ect oro~ ur d t1 l1. m. kint a P,,:rlc-ct Bdore:7o dccld. on the k i nd ot p aUnt to UM. JIOUrOUI. In love with tbe aame girl. wbal to "no" abou t Buff.lo P.ln.... ~ e nd f Oil our 11')07 ohu Cbarl.$ aJld 'Valuable )t.in_t lotcnmMi n, ot s nit. 11,,"1 tb e eggs w 'lI , ad d n ,o rail Castor 011 til Pills I For four hund r.d yeara ~~ta haft Uiod t o lind" .a, to wilt they do ?" <'tbor In gretllc ills Dnd beat tb e uatt.e r ILrellgtlleu o r (:oltccntrallc Coa1or O il. Out lhO---lllOtber wu read,. Sbe bL'ACKBtJRN:I' thorou gh ly. DrOll pieces IIl e 1111.c of a Cook~d C!\ ~ h. r ()i' in co mbination with 'V':rC'TOR.Y 'WlllllIIl on w e ll bu ltered 1I1l ~ . II hou l promptly re~led : the flu r~sl o f pure BlI i r, C.";01ra. Gl o."Find twluB &ad faU •• IOT8 wltb gn. ete;, makes a. tweet IUU, pili that two In cl\(J~·1:. II nk>o '.11 II fJl1 lck Any' Otic: ('A U t ak e ii. ull "ad tbe eHect oven Il ll tl ll'avo Oil th UUII II fe w Wi ll' them." without t h t taste." ut ('s \lerOI'C I'Clllo ylII g. DR I£ADED TO , EAT. T •• ", If.. ,. JJr' Mllrglloril s.-To til 1" 111 1(' or ' :l IS do • • •• IDe: 45 d_ •• :15<:. we ll boatc l! egg a(ill nou gh I'ow('!',.,' d A" O ruggisls se ll them. A Quaker 'Couplc's Experience. "'l"I r F rC'!! Sample, ftddre u. tlU;,lIU ' to form a Lhl u ic in~. Mak(l the 1 .. , .' ~ • ~ K. F. DeDt .. Tho Viclor, Remed, Co .. DaJloll, O. . .• , c ,........... , (", . ' .. ml xlulo · lh iclt with chfljlp (I p 'tUM . Ro". !llony persons dreod to cal tll II "'j1rcn d to n fres h Ulh lIOa r~ rucKors m. a l ~ , alllJOu gh a Clually hungry n oa r· !llld LrC) wu in a quIck o\'ou. 'iy ali th e time! Nature ncver Inten de d lhls s honld ' fo , Clean Bril lian ts. be so. tor we are give n II. thing calle.j Hhl llostOll .M. BO say lhl' d eal~ .. ~. anJletile that should guide us IlS to UIlI), b ('(c':lllc d with ord inary Chil li.. what t be system needs at un y timo POlI'de l' \.jJo cll a lk, or f:llIlJIlr tu l{e a .. oct can dl gost. · 1i1iCI {If Ita ud rub OV I' th . t;lo nca and nut we I;el In u hurry. swallow our Into tho Hu l ling. Le t Ow chnllt rl" food ve ry much as we sho\'el con i Into writes Mrs. Eva Bashore, of Wapakoneta.-O., "by ten (10) doctors, IillU ln for a timo. then bru sh hit ve ry tho furnace. and :lU r sense of appclitp and the only hope they offered was an operation. for an abscess of ,J.lrtlclo with II. mod ernt e ly "ti lt LJru s h tMlcomea unnalural and pervertlld . nidi I)OilS11 wiLb a c hamois Hldn. four (4) months growth, measuring about six Inches long, on my Then wo eat the wrong kind of food Jt 18 lIald tliat tho W(lIl1Un wh o ovary. I weighed only 90 pounds and was so weak I could hardly or eat ,too much. and 'tboro you 'aroc l allH b t.r l'hlllcsLon os t hi s \V Uf call Ind igestion and ita ac com punylnll walk ' across the floor. The trouble began by my taking cold at my flI attQ her fl 'lenti s ll11lievu Ul at ~ h e lias mrse rles. period, which stopped the flow. I doctored for nearly a year Without l al Iy !uorCilsed lIer s toc k of d la· A P hlla. lady said. tho otlier dllY: JIlOOU &: obtaining relief, until, as I dreaded an operation, I began to take . "My ' h usband And I hue been sic k and n er vous for 15 or 20 yoa r8 from TO p.,lnt ·a Bath. It fore ~'O!lalnlilJ~ a hal ll It s hould drl nld ng ' corruir-tevcrlsh, In lllses Uon , Le woll I:ubbed wllh ~a l lll llap (J r or I.ntu Iy uufit, a gooll part ot the time. t .ll l11 lco SIO llO. Arter th is lliml y two for worlt or pleusure. We actually d ri'lld u 1.0 ellt our meals. (Jr three ('oats of balh ollamol, 1.1I hhq; "We tried doctors and paten t medl · can, III I'IlIo t \'ery third )', nad to ·al· l o w oa' h coa l to dr), t ho :'oll t,;h ly ' he· ctn s that count od lip lnt:. hundrellH ot doll ars. wi th little tr any b onent. ' (JI'O tho II \ 'X ' Is I'ut on . In OJ'der \,(1 ",' cciden tlly. a small IJllckllge ot 1I1 ~ I,"th In gooet ('011(111.100, rH fll cUlil er. wlJ uu fllliug " , al il'ft'Y>' 10 I ~ I Postum camo t'oto my hAnd~. T malle "I only used eight (8) bottles of Cardul Noy I am yell. have gaIned 3S pounda IWUIO coli w aLeI' run to be fnre tur nlol! some accordln~ to dlr (' lions, with s ur· and work every day. ' W ine of C:udul saved my life, I cannot say enoueh ,for It ancl prislng results. 'Ve both liked !t and OI! the hut lllll. . ~i ll recommend' It whenever I ClUJ." Noth ing could be more certaIn than the fact that havo not u ~e d any ' corree BlDce. f'.c-r Glided Plctu r~ Fra me,. you need ~;rdu, If you suffer from Qny of the disorders peculia r to the femille ",T he dull feeling after meals baa ll',,·s !. th orough ly <llll;!. wi t h a clpan left ns and we feel betler e\'ery way sex. It Is purely vegetable, strlc.tly medicinal. harmless. non-intoxica ting. and per':' dust 'I'; tOCI! ji L' 1\ 1110('(. tlf solt rll:'; We lire BO well laUsll etl with 1'0Atum WRITE FREELY fc ctly reliable. C:Ir.(!ul reculates Irregul:lr functions. reUeves unneceS3ary female paIn, '11 ~ i u . /'Ilu~~'''e It Ill! dr,y as }'ltU (·an. tklt we recommend It to our frlenfl .. an4 frankly, III strictest confidence, WIInc .U JVIlf . restores st rength and Invlgorates the a)'atem. Ovor a mlliloo 'Women have been ~ 11. .. <1 f\lb Cl.'lltly till 11 11 mark s 1111"':" .. bo· h ave bl.'on made sick and nervoull ! troubles and stating your ahe. We wlU send you f1ted by Its we. Try It. . FRE& ADVICE, In pulil se"loCI .n y~lope. and a yal,.t:re ~ I· . '1:»" glldlnp: mu it not lIc 0. 1" aud mhu.1rab!e by eoll'ee." · Name s h'eD u&bII f>i-pace SOCk OD "HOllIe fr~tJDent for Women." ,-cally w;et. nUd. 1I1JOulri h· 1)la r t' 1 \II by Poxlum Co.. Battle Cr~k. Mte h. Address: AdviSCIry .~nt, 'The lrollt of Lbl fire to d ry 1\" IWOn .(&.: . :, R"nll tl;I1 lIl,tle book. "The Road to. "lU b,l\ I.' hf:on rE'mlll til. ",('Ihlll"." 1Il pit,s. ·"l'berc'. & Rea-





1:!!'!~ ~alI8iQ~ ~~D~S8n 'I)~ ~. ~ood





Invitation to Women


..-, .I:.


• • "..


.• .

Victo.ay in Ohem/stry!"·


...... .,. P....






"I Was ·Given Up"

Words of, Truth












8' EMMETT C, HA LL ~~~-


Nl' ct Ha"'u' l

••, ( !;Iood UI)\1I1 Ihl' 1I111!' '1"1' all'1 " U1' ~' i'.\'''fI I h(' ' 1'1111 1110101" 1" ,,,1 l.b:u nOI~toti ,11111111.11," IIpon ,114' " !l'a, wal 'I' Clr I hu l u k(' , Th,,1;.' W!I!. III hll' I:l('o all :Il11l1Krn g ,1111 '1I11rtl or all· 'lIit'nOon, l llu lll'lnlOl') pl'hlll lint! h eHI, I lilt'" II I ' III '. . ' I' Wll S 'IU II! UJ; 111m al' I l w UIII"'IIII ')11 or a 1""11'11 II !; . , . \I' h IlIl"n:J lg' Ilf (h I' "UI'I\' "llIclul P ~ , " n llt1lI, :Hld ,. 'L II" 11IIII aUkl'!1 \' II''' lllln .' l nlJl~' In tuk ' :1 >llIlt ';1111 Il llllnllla t.

\ It"

\',trY :,lft rUOOH .





111,1((', Anll \' 1'1, perhnll~ , wh o COllI" t"I!': \\) UH Hh(' uot. ulwavH kind lu )hn ~dld ~ h o 1111' se III t~ l' I' j ,, " hi('f1I11PUII )"!



1! 1 ~ I'cll{'ctl(lIlS w('rl'l 1IIIIIllullh IIll el' I'IJfll d h )' Il 11 ullal' J'rklllg 'hc'ck

Do Not Let It E .cJpe by U nnece.a"r· lIy Se " dlng It to the Ci ty-Set an E~ample t o Others,


The In lite Sn('e" or til bOI\l ' II ... Ill'XI III' commllnlty that will pnll to· " u , « eth I', that will work as one man .hlnt I t wos vun ' 'vl dOll1 I h:li SOlD" " for the g neral Interesls, will find an hlll t,( IHHI f;r\lll' .. ronl; [01' Ihe englno , coughN I Illlli ",p utt ercd. lind filially abundance of IJrOSlll' r1ty. ' And WOI'kln .. t o"elile m ean" tb seemcd to jam , '1'11(,11' only hO!.ldwo )' "'" ., r oe WUK Ih(' I'''pl<lly faIlin g IlIomcnlullI 01 ppendlng or U.e d ollal's or til com· I'('all~' IIcqltll'('d, mun lly wllhln th e communIty, Nor N ed left lilt' wh(>(·1. IHII I l! ~ a m l n C1 does It mean only thaI the tunnel'. th e 111(' unld ue clll'd llll) , Su Cllr li S his m echonl, the doctor, the 1'1' acber, II mit I'd IOlllwlAlhll' cou ld dl ti o\,cr thl) editor mu st Hpt!IHI their money at Ihcre was n n thlll ~ wr 01lg, 'J'h e HI,u r k hom , but It means al so t ha.t tli e wu s clpul' and dLrollg, und tbe t:ll.1e merchant mll ~l tlo the Ilame thing, Jl WI'8 half fnll (If gasollnc , m ailS tlmt YOIl, Mr. Dry Goods M el" " ~Ol\' wh ut de y uu lhl lll, of IhatT' chant, mu st patro nize your nci ghhor, Itt< I1lHU I'cd ' h UI' l' It ' ~ 8 1 " ami sut dll w II., Mr. FUl'lllture D ealer, when you wau t ~ lal'l lI g II I Ihl' mUltH'. fU l'nl lire. ' I t m aus Ulat you, M r , " I thInk ," VII'6'1011l anBw('rl'd, " rar' Furniture D~aler, must patronize YOllr lI clllI)" 6(!ntln/.: h 'I'Hl'!r OPII Hitl" " Ihat n eighbor, Mr. Dry Good~ 111 rch ant. w IlI'C ~olng to I1ll sij uur dll1n ' 1'," whc n you want dry goods, It meaos "ThoT<' Js n flll'l. ty 10 cat. III th;. 1 that th groccumnn mll st patroo l7.o 10 k I'," h ' >511)(1 (,lIco'"'alll " g l)" "I t ' the hOI}'le Impl ment dcaler wbon be th ' I hllll{ don't 1,,1« ' ..II notion l(I 1':(1 wants a n ew wagon, and tbe Imple· ['1' lIy ~OO Il , SO Ihlll we tilt'll 111' li~' m ent dculer mu st buy hIs groceries It mean s that suven, ,J llck Phllllpij will come looking IQ the home tOWl1. COl' U ~ with hi s II0Ht. H e sald I wall wbotber Mr, Dul her, Mr, Grocery· a fool 10 tnkl' IL girl out. In a mulor man, Mr, Dry Ooods Merchant, Mr. bon t wltholll kn owhl " anYl blng abo1l1 Furni t u re D ealer, Mr. Hardware Man. It." ';Hut YOll uidll't loke 111 >- 1 just cam'l along: ' Vlrglnlll (,on801 II. "I I Isn' t roul' ruult Ir LIte n\(llClt' b.'cnkfl dOWlI, I~ It? You I 11 ,I u ' k I say he Is horl'lII." Pre81.'Dll~' th gold b gn n to fa d (!I t r am lite ",<'slem sky, und IlS !.he slIn sllnk a coo l bl'eezl! sprang 111' , 'II" glllla, In 1\ I' lhl? shin wai st, slll1" erl;'d. In u mowent his c ou~ was ott, and h e hud w!'Upped II about he,. " r-;o, no! " sho J1rote~lcd , en!lcavor' Ing to frep. h erself from th envelop, log fol ds, " I 'UUI 1I0l co ld, roally- ao,1 YOIl will lilke collI." " YOII be qlll el," h e c0 l11111und rl, and t1w g irl oboy II. wlril e a new light CUIIIO Into he.' c)'es. Pr sentl y her sl ender fOl'1L1 bega ll to droof' n little, "A rc rOil tir<1d '!" he said . "Well , pel'lIapK 11 lillie," sll,' admit· \e(\, " I glle~t; It wn ~ the t \lnls thi s mornlns, HI;' niovc(l 10RCI' 10 her sll,l e, an d slipped on 111'111 aboll t h.,. " YOll cnn I'est ilgahlRl 111 )' ~ho lllde r ," h· Knld , an(l Ill' w h I' g ntl)' 10 him, "Hllt- bill YOll ar tired , too, I know," Vi rgi nia objeC' d, He laughed IIght,ll", and shl' cou ld f I lite mils· el ij I,r his \lOwel'lul IInll sw ell, " YOII u re very BtI'Ons, nr' ~'o u not 1" she The keen blade of trade roclproc Ity will dll/l clo the dollara of the com· Bllld, IIdmlrlngly, and n sUed a bi t munlty among the home peopl., Kee pin g the dollar.. at home w i ll build los I', laving account. at tho' bank and mak 0 for goneral proaperlty, Sending Slh' I' alaI'S IlUlUe IIl1l, olle by on e, them to the city mall·order hou •• will bring lIankruptcy and ruIn to .11 o.nd Ih r wu s no 'lOulld save th e l al)' exoept tho crty. ping o[ th wllle\ 'I'il'l.I -!! agalnSL the bon I. 'rhey seell1ed II10ne In a dfeanl worlll, alld he s emod hardly con· or whoc;ver It may be, that IntendS to 19111 grow. IInr! your town holdlnss sclolls ef nny r ca Illy but the warmth erect a new buJldlng they should buy will grow tn vELlue at the same Ume of ttb c slender r rm III bl 5 arm ~ and the material for that buildIng lit tbe Carmer's a.CI~es grow In value, Tbe tbe sW$Jet, fulnt. pertHIlI of bUI' hal l', born ... or their neighbor, Mr, Building home trad e problem Is a many sided 000, and the lI(1me merchant's .Ide ot Gentl y It j'uls d h I' chIll, t hnt he Material Man, migh t look Inl O b I' bt'OWD eya, alld And l el us sl)O&II & word tor Mr, tbe problem Is not tbe l eas! or them. WRIGHT A, PATTERSON. t hen preSI! 1I hla III'S 'unon ,th r Ille Printer Man also. He Is a part ot

Of "1I 1lI" (, Il wUllle: h,,\,(' Ip('u It HIIII· 1'1(' mu(l ('r to II IH'" :; ('111'''11 It IlIUIl l ruul U. boat roluh, hili ' " '(\ I ln7.:l1'11 \\':tll C1(,CIIRIUIlt('11 III dl) lhlng., hints Ir, " " d t ho ill ('II .,f l WIl (II l'IlIll Y hO\Ir5 alone wilit \ 'I I'/l l llio WU S lOll nll In!; III Il(' I'ul usill ', Allel, Itlll' way, hal! ' i< t th a 3);' n t fllll~' I' Spllllu d the "IIdeil,t; o f th ' !lOIOI' U) hll1l? If Ulrll \YaK I ht' 1111 1'11)' 1\l'o(f1l t or 1\\'1) 111l;llilleL S"~l l nn s 111111 nvll'on· II " ·In.'!, A co !1eg(: mUll, hI) 1'1 I III 1111' " 1\8 t, h o hnd W lll 11 wllh I he fI l'Hl l'uKh In llUlkn , unci h3d 8lrllcl! It 1'1 'h, 'I'IH! 'hn'l\ 10llg all 'lit YPll r ~ IIndN lit r-; ,,,QJorn Light ); hull I n I h eft' 1111' 1lI'1' ~ K , howev 1', Th!')' had !;I\'en :\ 'Iuld l;,'clf·rcllall c , I)ut. Ul 80 n rOllllll'k· tI lll .. (l\m~l('nc e with wom 0, UtlU It II I\.S. 1008t markciJ In j hI' cOUlpnny of \ 'I r"rfnm. Wh en h I) hlld gone aWIl}' , hI' b(~d left h er ~I millchl voua, 10111;11· IlIg . chool !;Irl, and when he 1'0' IlIrlll'd Ite hnd f01l 11l1 1\ b eautiful )'Ollnb \YOIIIIIII , alld had pro mptly rull · (·n ('nllrcl ), and com l'l el el)" In lo\' e, Had it not b eu for l he three al· lent aI's, he Wall lit nn doubt hove Ill' ssNl his ~ \Ill w i th u1\ lhe urdor which he had Pllt Into football In hI s C.llt g ' days, anll, 'll1lt e as likely VII" I;'lola would hllv gently turn d hIm II tlld , As it was, h e loved, h r with u bllnil devoLlon, the InlE'n slly of whlcb caused him to dCllreclat him· s If n his own mind, whi ch 60 cl oud· II bls Vi sion t.bat he cou ld not even ~ d' wnt Vll'gl llitl evln ccd II most de· "'tll'd IIr ror II e for hl ~ compuu)', or I 111'r 11al1d Irem ll ill allli her y s wbo.n th )' tll t. •\ (161' his In81l'ruon of the lauoch, :\'('il IlIrnet.l IIWIlY with a shl'ug of bid II\'000d shOl1ldt!I's. , " We ll, IIIIYWll~', " b e , lIl d to hlmsol,f, " It ,I" ]lreLl)' SUl'u 1 ollnt 01\ lhat tl1 e I hili /: won't ' In k, evon if I ClLII't Illllk It ~ O . alld If we J'(1lI UII u' rook, w e \' III bot.ll.. swim all' l'lI;hl." As 110 slart.ea tljI till' path toward 110e hotel. he caught slJ:ht ot Vll'gJnln I'(Oming toward hll1l , und wnlt d, 'rh a ,eirl "'all smiling to h t>'1lelr, one ot I he teasing, mlscllleYOIIB smiles nf I hI' old daY8, On h I' ann was 1\ l h:ht shllwl , " Ahoy, captain! " 5h caned 11'1 nlly. alld saluted gravely, "!'lelia, VI !" h e answ ered, uncon, :doulIly r espondlog 10 b el' relllrn to I he ol d In llma,cr, " Th e crll iser Is all r{" \fly-shall we I\Ut. Lo Bea 1" "w n . w will go to s , any_y," ~h laughed. and lrll' l)eli to tbe end or III wharr, "Olt, what a bealt!)'!" Sbe' o'Xcl al1n, t'd, Ilell!;bled by tlll' 11'1111 lInell of t il little erart , "It ef'laln ly Is flne, hul bow did you \'1'1' co rne to buy IIlIe. Ned?" , , " OIL I ~w 11, I h eard YOU SIlY onl) rlay ,bat yoU liked I hem., ILnd so, ot conrs hnt la, 1 kne w the), must 1;e nice," h e tall1mel'ed, -;be gti.v h im n qltl k look fro m be- ' Mnth hOr long lash es; .but made no 1'<1~ l y , He I,tad )llllleel Ihe boat In 1'1050, and sbe Slelll1t!(\ "[.on the li ttle forlVard dock . '''Com on, nn I lit mlll'in'I':: she ('I)UIrtllmqed, nnd be . followed her ullOIll d, He oas~ 0", t he line, and, rol · th ng ' lIl's 11IsIl'uellonll" gav lh flywhot'l of tile t'ngln /1 Qllick turn, t" b' I' 'wal'il ed by h tll'lug the Qllick. .. trou " J1QP' J101;;' of I'cgulnl' explo· fi lon9, ' Vi rginia hall lInssess ' d h r· ((eiC of the wllP.()1. 3nd b eaded ' boat 1.111 !llo lnke, That' \\'ore rnlb (JI' !llIent as tile boat spoc! on Ulrongh Ihe cl cal' wo.l cl' , " I II (I!1~t In a nd out ItI1\ong Uw tln~ ,,\,<'(,U I lIlUUS, 'fhO) g'!t'l Rcelll<!d In· 1"I,t 111,on bel' al .'In>:, und h W:l S , (,(Intcnt Lo wat h ':01' rae, abolit IVhkh little tendril s of brown eurl" weJ'(~ blowing, Th l' hrac lng nil' had hl'oup;ht u bl'l~hl ('oltl!' Inl O h ~ chl'l'ka, nnd h er . yf'H were sPuI'I,lIng, "w. dtn ' go at< fnl' liS th old fl ah· rrollQ'a cantJ1," sho lI1'('sollUy snld; "Ihnt is, 18 miles, and then get bock in tim for d lnn 1'," " Yoll are steering tilla r ," he ' sold, "lid \\'4\H allllOlled ut hl8 daring, If sh · noticed tho t enn b e nsed, she jl'ave no sign, and' he h oped devontly Ihat she had not, Prt'oonUy sh e bl'Ought the b onl 11I'0llnd with n sweell, ,Rpd polntod to n I'IIlnod bllt npon tho Island, '''rhtlt's Ihe old camp," she AId , "and, Il's your turn. to steer now, 1 Pill golug to slL back In t be st ern CO l' uwhlJe," He obedlEmtly ' took bls nlace at' the IItUe wbeel In tile fOl'ward end of the lloat, It ne\'er once occtlrring hIm ' t hat sbe could bo ~teel'ed ~rolll any point bY'means of the rudder·ltiJe. that I'an along the comblng, '11ben, they salled straight Into the seltlng s nll ' now, and It reQui1'ed a ral' rul watch to avoid the rocks whlch. camo jllst to tb e BUl'faee of the Wtlt 1', eo iQIat 'lIe"dld ' not - dare orten ~o 1.111'11 his h ead, A quiet lury at him· 'self was taldug posseulon ot his m ind, Why h&l1 he not, wben he bad the opportunity, declared hll iove for the girl? at courae he would bllve , beeu rejected, bul ~DI woulll lIe )lreferable to bIll preaeat



-_ ..'! ,

a pront. Th e, groJerymnn btl ys a dol· Ia.r'a worth r dry goods, and tIle dry 1l0Ma merl' mill es a profl t , Tha llr! r,ovd" morcbanl patronizes tbe Ul'IILal1, p,d th e den ti s t 111 !l1 ' f'~ " proO l, aud tho d~n l: ls t hu ys bl\ tte l' and )l l'o dll~o f ru m th e flll'JIl r lind t!l13 ra nD I' nml; s n prnhl, Ro as tho dollar r; oe~ uround 111111 arounu a. com· Illunhy 'u cb mnfl 'lulo who so I. 'el,ln I CO Oll'S m,lltes 11 profit on th e han· ~lIng at It, and the dollar groWs In l o PRUNING TREES AT SETTING, 1"'0. Bul \ hilt 1I'ilula lIave IlllflP " ced hau the far mer taken that dollar to The Wo rk Can Be Done More Rap idly buy his gro cries of the mall ·orel er at T hat T ime. house, or tho groc ryman sent It to _ _ the lty for his dl-f · GOQ<l s 7 The 80m In ter MinIS Inf,r mal lon trll st orgallizatlon ot tll e com munity :1\'1' 10 IIt (' ,lilT rent 1II0thodS of prun· would ha \' o beon brol' ' n, that dollar ·llIg IICILC~h ll'(' cs a t ti;or,o or sellin;; III' · would lJa\'o cea sed to cllrn prollts fOl' . gIven In bnllclln (111 "Sugg all 'lI l1 on tho peopl~ of the ommunl y, bu t Ihe Ren wa l (If Ih(' Pea h Inchl SU'y In would have began earning dolla r s Cor New ,I I'sey," b)' n , 1" , \\'a \'1'0 n, 0111' lh , cI ty Inlo w!Jlcb It wns sont. ~In ~ t rullon I ~ 111[1(.1 fl'OI1l ,a photo· It Is the dollar that .I s spent nt grullh l'O lll'CI!llIced In t his bulletin, home tha t makes tho savlugs d eposl l.S Pror. \\' I1I'rel1 pOlll ls ou that all pl'l1l1' of ' the borne bank gro"'; that In· ' In);, berore S('lllng c nn be don e most. creflses tlte w ealth oC tbe community, rapllll~ Iol'fol'l' I h(' I'~('~ 111'(' sot. In th and decrcn~es th e tax rate, auyln! ~ronnr\. 1'1'0 tl'eo: lIIa~' ue prnned, at lwme meuns uavlng the commull' ' ha ve bore r s rem oved and be dlppe,1 Ity, but, Mr, lit rc:hant, do not preach LIds trado al ho,me doctrine unless you pra'tlco It. You Ulust bil l' your stock or m el'cban dlse In tbo city to b e sure, but asldeo from what Is spent ror you r stock o f m ercbnn dlso seo to It tbat very dollar It Is posslblo to keep at home r emaIns In th e oonl · munlt)', Keep thom clr~ulaLlng nmoog your nolg'hbors, and th ey ",11\ make money for you as w ell as for them; they will 'build the borne com· munlty, and mak e o[ It II. I)rosperoul communi t y in which ,our bu slnese


red ont's thai did not 8 ell to avoId hIm, How 10llg It was he nev I' kn ew, but Ilresenll~' lite dlstllllt bco l of 0 launoh 's 010101' forced Itsel f UPI). hl~ ultentlon. "Th'u, I1I11 S1 hI' Jo('k ," ht! salll , ,ali I! sll:bed, Irgin La lll'ang In h I' reet. nnd lJf:' glw : 0 1'011 bll k tho slewv's from II round, while orm, ' "Ught y01lt' alae-lights, qulok!" she commllnu d, aHd he hast:!11 ,It 10 obe" SOOIl tI Ill'lgh t 1;" 11 nnll l'cd wus I:'" flecte d In I he WIl( er, When his task was com pl I d hili I'll 'I! towllrd VII" Glnla. The girl w~ s 1~'lllg IIpon HIB art r. aAck , wl lh her al'llI ' 1"JIIldel' In Iho WilI er, Pr !J~ nllv shC' arose, ancl 1h" rnggr'cl remaln ~ ~t .1 Ug ht. ,hawl WIIS In her hmid . " It-It WU H tang l(;,1 In th > prope l 10", ,I 11I',''- sh whl sl' I' ll" , unll blu shed II fiery red, "YOIl hi s~ cd ang I! " h mllll I'c;d, aud iI,;aln look her In his :t1'I1IS, " "I thlllR Iht' ('II/.:In ,' will go now," hI;' said, and n 1I110llte l ator ItR f\troll /:, l'eg!1 fll' hO(lt6 Wet sounding Ihro l1gh till' 1I1 1~ h 1. _. _ __ _ _ _ _ Alumn i Cla im GOl/ernor, GO\'. H'll;h ll~ I~ I,robably I'he most "l1l l1l11 nloa" es cl1Uve thot ever It adf'rl th e slnto gov I'nmen!. AU ondlng the Cornoll ' dinner the athOl' night. he Wll 8 hailoll as a SOli o[ Iho I t1Hlcll Inslltu" tlon anti onl y /1 , w('el, or 60 before th e fll'OWII ulllmltl had ola l med ' 111m 't or th elt' own, ,Bil L Ih govel'lI ol' I f he hUR ' ahy deslro to qll ullfy fut't.hel' iUIlY drOll In 011 th e ,Colgate aud \'en the Colum. ,bla ahmrni wlien they d'lne, 'He stBt'tp'c\ his college oareer ut Colgafe, atayed tbet'e ' two ycar~ !lnd Ihen wen t 10 Brown , He ' studied l a w i t Columbi a and b ecame a Corn oll mllh by occupy, ' Ing a lecture chu ll' th er e tor two year..

thIs community; b e cootributes to ItB prosperity; he advertises It, lind h e Is entitled to his placo In tbe Lrclo thro).lgh whlcb ' tho communIty's dol· Jars are to cIrculate. When you, Mr, Merch ant , wa nt prInting ot nuy kind, give the job to th e home prInter. The dollar that you spend " .. Ith him h e wIll ugaro Sp(illcJ vdth you, ana bolh will make a prollt on It, It Is bu t fair that he h ave t his, his leglll· m ate I'ortion or the home trut.l e. He Is as much a lIart o r lhe community al yonr s lr, and a9 mucb entlLled t o your suppon a8 you nre entitled to tho support of the fllrmor, th e me· cl1llnlc, tho preacher, thu doctor. The bat.Uo agaInst tb e mnll-order OHH ,UI! can n e\'er b e II. success fui one unlcss 1111 Interests are actively n gag d In It , It can uover ,be suc· cess(lIl so l ong as the m reb Uilt w ant s It pren ch ell bllt does not \\'!l nt to pr'ac, tl /) It himself, 'I'll n. el'chant wh o sends hIs sav ing nccollnt to tho city bani! for safo lteeplng Is not cllllllcd to tbe su pport ' oC Ihe COlllmun ll.y whose mon cy h e tulce, from It, Th e merchnnt who wll! 1I.0t patronize h is brother m erchant s, \vho mak es bl s vIsIts to th o city an excuse for b uy· In:; his 01\'11 ' h ou sehold lHlI'pllc" ~ up · Plies that a T() no t card ed on hIs own sllcl nls, of the c i ty merchants, Is nol entltled to the support or the com · 'Dlln lly, Such a merchant wnn ts to pll'l:!ch hut not practice hO~e trild?: He ,,'ants to ao with I he communllY s dollars Jl1st what h con!l cmns In others-seud them nway from the community, He would balllll'upt tbe CC\mmunl.ty for, selflsh Intel'OslS, 'rhere are rew , If any, such merchan ts as this In thlll or other com· munlUes , but Ir there are any h ere It 1. , not for theI r bel.eDt tliat thlll pa· per Is preachlnc home trade te Its reader., , We hea,r much of tbe etrenclh or trusts and comblollUons, 111 what , " I ,saw somethIng In th ~ paller th e does their str en'gth lie? To a large otber day that J) "~Il ~t! d m e. I cut It ,'extent In t be rael that they cOlltrol out,and took It home anl/'read !t to my I, tbe trade In the com modll\es In which wife. It w aB sImple and dll'ect-<lne ot tbey are deal,lng" They mal(e every those , rJgltlve llt.lle bits that OJ'e I Collar the), ' a'p end an In terest earn· evolvlld by ,som6 slInn :r.l\l lnded phllos. Inc dollar. Let us rorm a. little trust opher ," ' of our own:. Let all of us, merohant. "What wati It~" " ' farmer" doctor, m echanic, preacher, "'It II better 't o have a smile and a editor, spend our dollars at home, ,kInd. word ror breakfast thao mutton keep them at' 1I0me, , and we have o r· ehop!:," ' pnlled .. t~ust of' our own thnt will "What d1d your wlte think of IU" ' IIrlu., ~ each ' or tiS our share or n,ro· "It s emed lQ hnprlltlB hI', A,ll abe lap ou, t~~ oapllal In'l'e$tell, gave mo for breakfast the uext mom· . Thl~ Is n-ot .. hard problem' to ft.ure Ing' 'Was a smile, a kind word and.. oat for ounelves. Tbe farmer let cup of colfee." - 'O leveland PlalD . . 'aay . wanta .. dollar's worth of Dealer, wpr'. 'H. b~ It of the bome ~ ..-..maL MIl tb. ROQtrJ. . . . . . . .


.. runlng Peach Tree'e , Vlt"llty.



RENEWING 0'.0 ORr.KARt:iB. HoW Prllninq an-i C', l t h .. llon Give New LIfo to 'rren,


A l lIIJ.; 'I hl I' Lh" 'lh.~ 1 IJl'ollluhll' Ilrch· IUS an' I hOh' SCl III rl'I't'n l limen, 1)1' at It'IlRI put 0111 In lhe ulodura 1\1('1 hm!. Tht,), o.l'l' culltj>Os l',1 of HtrOn!;, h ellltllY, \'lgOI'OIl , Lro ~ whloll 1)l'a(O, t) ol1l l;- (' OYer Ihe grou nd alit! IImnll!; which IIt"'l'e are no blauks. On many fa r illS, ho\\,evo .·, lht>'re arc smaller or 1lIl'l;or tra.cts 'or ol a orchal'l\, many o r which al'O worthl SH und 1I11lllY illfll' of ,whl 11 nol cll stlllclly profltabl(', ome 01 I h se 0111 orch, n iH ' ~ IIld lie r juveuut c\. 'l'h oy conlll be 11I'onght IrI LU 1'(,II ~ OlHlbly guod b ' I'ln ~ ,\u.L1O a flolnt wll ro th y would I' 'ally pu y a III'olit. Xow th I' jll\,onotlon of an old 01'Cl1UI'cl Is tl. fulrly Im"l ll waltel', IlI'O\'lulll!l It Is 11rollCr l y lind I'slood , ay~ 'ounll')' Geot.! mun, The ItllIlOl" IRut poln Is that It doeN nl1l CO.l81sl, In Ih' aPI;!lonLlon of 1\T1y s lll ~ l o I'at· (lilt re m edy, Sll1'ayln g will not au the wMlc; pruning will n o cill" ull the tl'ouhlos; tillage nl01l 8 will he W<ll'cb \' N)' IItlle; 111 only way t.O get the II 'HII'd I' sui t Is to ' apply proper 1II00hods nil along t ho line, Th e soli ~h(lll ld bo loosen ed liP nnd propol' Ilrnilltige )1l'ovlll I : The tl'uul,s shoulll b.) HCrllPOti CI, 1I11 and SP I' atl with I :OPPC'I' Hul fllt or lIord 1I11X mixture . Old tlellli li mbs shollid b Cllt Ollt' A rea· "Ollllblo hil t not excl,lHsl v prm)log " lIollld uo gl von. Thoruu gh Hilraylllg shou ld be undortnken. Ju cllse the t reos are of mixed or UIlI)rofllllble vn· rI"lIes, l h ey shollld be I'egrufled to standard sorls. Il Is uot !lkely that addltlonnl plant food wl11 he required Itt first, oxeevt on soils very 1I1\1ch de· pleled. AII orchard talten vIgorousl y In haud In the maLter of tillage, pmn· Ing li nd Hpray lng Is apt to start 1uto a stron g growth at once ; and If a gooll d al of raw t ertlllzel' Is applied. ' tbere mill' easil y b more growth than I~ desirable, !:lowey ' r, on e mu st, keep bls eyes opeJl, aod In case tho treu show the wan t ot more rood , It should be given, I lls r eally a compal'BtivelY easy malter, Ir all these Ihlng:; are Syst mllllCR lIy attended to, to bring all old or chnrd round, It 1'equlres rrom two to five yea rs to do I t, dependIng en tho condition of tbllli,'S wilen the malleI' Is taken In band. I>

In )fme, slIlphul' an d BaI t and then heeled In agaI n lo aet for ti me oC planting. In order to see wbat effect t his aY8' tern of IJI'unlll!; might bave on the growth of trees, I t Is r eported t ha t 80 :'.1011nt8In Rose trees were divided Into (011 1' lols. DIII'eren l m etbod s of prun· log weI' D~ fol)ows : Lot 1 were prun ed ,to Whip s. ' Lot 2 were pruned so t h at aboll t five ~llIbs w ere left, elleb about one Inch long so that there was oue bud I on ' each sid ' hranch, RASPBERRIES FOR HOME ~SE, Lot :\ were Ilruned so tbat five stubs wore ,l efl, each stllb being about lhree Every Farmer Should Have Hit Inches long, Berry Patch. Lot 4 w ere pruned so that ono,thlrd or the top of each tree was removed 1'\0 farmer Is doing bls full duty to by c utting th til)S of th e t 'wlgs of'[, his fllmlly Ir h e n gleclfl to sel at ' By l hls m ethoa the h eads wero I t t l east fOllr long rOW8 of raspberries (01' most as t hey werc wb eJ? t h ey come home us ', Four rows. because be trom the nurser y, needs fOlll' varlet! s, two of whloh Lot 5, as shown In the IIlutsl'allon , should b e black and 1'wo recl, an earl, and a l ate of each, w as left unllrunetl , The I' sllil of tbe test as r I)orl d Set th em In the spring on freshly by Prof. Warrell shows tbal tho se· prepared l aud by l aying It of'[ wIth VBl'e prllnlng proved to b o tho most a shov:e l lllow and setting 2% loet s ucee88ful. I t wns fou u d thM or tb apart in the bottom of tho [urrow, 20 trees prun ed to wblps ] 8 VI'ere Tramp the dirt ftrmly on the roots, found to malte good growth on J une Make ,the rOWIl BS l on g 8S the ne"lh I, wblle lWo wore making a fair o[ tbo ramlly may require, growth, Locate th e patch out 10 the OllCD Lot 2, wblob ~'ere pruned to one where cu lti va tion moy be easily, Inch tops hall 17 makIng gooti growth tor which t h e ordInary corn plows are on June I, and threo malting faIr well ad(wted, suggeats Farm lind gl'Owtb, Home, They w'tTIliOt bear t e IffI1t In lot 3, whlcb were pruoed to thre . year, nnd only a part oC the crop fil' Inch stubs, on Junel , It Wlls round second, but ror troUl s\Jt to ten yfll[J'f that ]8 were making good i,'Towth a(te~ t.hat the crop Is almost eertaln.. After the second year I\. slll·inch ~ulcb ,,'Ith two rcpor te! talt', REASON FOR ALL THINGS. In the lot where on e·thlrd or tho or straw each season w Ul make oultl, t op was l eft I twas to'lInd that on vatlon unnecessary and tb e ool y work ~u.tom. That Now Seem Peculiar Hall JUDe) 1 only 11 were making good r equired wltl be an annual tl'imDllng, Orlglll In W I.dom, growth, ~ Ix were makIng (air growth, ThlH may be done wben ' tbe plant it It 10U are plltlent enough t o ferret two were reported making very popr dOl'mal t, but preferably In the wkltel It out NU will 'find that tb erll Is a rea· gl'qwtb and one was round to be or In e,tl'ly BlIrl ng. son ror every little Idiosy nc ra sy we denrl , bavo, tor every queer tiling we do, H Is concl udeil rrom this experience Orchard and Garden, 'l'llk, f or exa mple, the 1I'earlnr; ot that IlI'eUy seve r prun In g Is neces· If th gltrden Illot Is uQ~ natqrally widows' caps , Wb), do widows cover ~nl')' to l he trees hefol'e bll;lng set out tbelr bend s w ltb wese curious IIttid tn order to Inl'"r good growtb , I f Is '" lI·dl'llln d, mllke plalls for d raining arrangements o r maline, crepe and DOl.- fouud thut t h .. tl' es werEl InJul'ed It, IlIce? It Is a I;ustom hllnd ed down to b y being h(Jllled after prllnlng, w'LI LIng , It Is su r l)'rlslng how rew t al men 11111 Ice a I).'acllce Dr spruylng tbel.r liS frOm the Ro,mllns, wbo shaved their Ilultnbl e time fol' planting, frull s lind v geta bles. heads when the)' moorned the IOS8 ot III sprlt),lng usc pl enty ot IIquk2 ana a dea r one. This Idea wa s all rIght SUN BETTER THAN SHADE. pilL It on thoroughl)'. Use too muol: ror men who did n ot mind appearing I'l1th el' I hlln too little, without a sIngle spen r or hnlr on their Tr Are Not 0 'P ( h e strawberr bed. heads, but of course It was most un· The Reason W slrable 'Along Roads, I r wInd s hlow the mulch 011' In spots, nttractive for wom en. N o on e, not ' I' pl:lOI' II. al once, e)'en a Roman' matron, liked to be one minI; ll'(' s for t.ll e I'oadsl d In W" ~ lern N \V York hncl(wlt eat as seen bald·h eaded, so the women ot tho Tiber devised a ,little can to bIde my ad ylcc I s, I h at. Ih l eSB tl' 5 n a covc'1' crOll Is th standard of f erUllo their bRldnc$3 , and thu8 tho custom th e' roadside t he !.letter fOl' I II ronll s, zOllon rol' 1llll'Ie ol'cha'r ds. It l'eaU, , has como down to \IS, e\' n though eltber In IIltnllll 'I' 01' winter: wrll cs fl wOl'k ~ \\'ouricrru l r esults, Why do wo 1I0t 81' nd more t11lle dig. beads are DO' longer shaved as a. slgu cOl'i esl ,und I'll, of Ol'nng ,1111111 Farm· er, On e r eason I , that III SlIt11lJl I' gln g wu,,~s beror 0\11' crOIlS oru or mourning, ' T he r ason t11at bells are tolled ror lhey shad e tho r onds tQo 111I1Ch 11'\ ruin)' ~ wlln,pf'd I,y th m, and l eas In mourn· the d d Is L110t yellrs ngo, wheu t oll· wcnlht1l', 1h ,'oby l{ct!)Il llg th o ' r oo ds I ng bl'callso w had slicb II. ligh t yield IIIIt was fl rst csla bll fl hcd, tbe ueoplo W l too 101l ~ whcl'e thcre Is too I11l1ch at barvest Ilmc? thought that the sDund ot tll(l bells slm<!e, whil e i h(' (lUI r naits ot I he fri ghtened away c vll spirits who boy· ri I1d Il.,y til' quick ly, In willter, Whl)I'(l Time to Spray. I hC're al'e I)' Oij Oil Iho ' I'Qn ~l g; th{! HIIOW I:Cd nenr lhe dead, Ir l'lIlt /! rnwul'S sh ould spray ' their accumUlal!!H, pilE'S UI) lOO Illll l'h In Why d o men, and wo~en, too, wear 11'1,11 trl!e~ In Ma rc h, before buds swell, w l l1d y w ca lhel', maltlnJ: It. III00cuil. bows on lhe IcCt si de or th ell' hata? for fll' li'on~ trouul S S\l ch ~B peacb nnd S00100111('9 dlm g rOll s Itl Ira" I, IIm f,cllrl, scau o[ PCIIt' lind al)pl e, rrult Tho reason I e; slmplo enough, When and takes l onger In III s[lrlnglltnl' to lhe b end co \'orlng bllilt upon the order r ot , ('I~. 'I'h nord allx m i xt ure Is tbe thnw away on d cons quen lly Iw Ils'lle or bnts or l o·day Wl19 first Introduced slnndanl fu n gIci de, (aut, r emember, 1'0;l<!1I milch lon go l' I n blUI condition It was ornamented with a ribbon whIch IIl11 e·snlvbul' Is :liso n Cungl elde; 80 It t han If o'thcl'wlso were 1h e cnsl'. I went around the crolVn and bung down you lise' It for San Jose on your trl!ee howe ver, with Ihe ~ II ' gesti oll osree, In two en ds o n tbe l eft side, r eacblng fOU will not need th eal'ly sJ)ray 'ot bolow tbe shoulder, Th ese ends w ere L1lat un Ii I GO'DOI' rlll'm, tCII aerc" !:lord nux,) a sort of anch,or, or saret)' line, and should be devo ted to tr ees. were put thel'c expressly to be selted wben a sudden gust ot wind threaten· ed to blow the hat away. Tbe rlbboni were Pllt on the l ett si de because, .. a genera) tblng, the l ett haud was more ap t to be rreel than the r Ight, EVElnlu· alJ)' these ribbon s were knotted In a fet cblng bow with ftowlng en ds, and then they wllre cut ott ,Quite clos8 to ~he hat, so tbat they form a very small and su'rr bo w knot. It 18 always the custom to throw old sboes after la bride and thIs queer cusl om came Into vogue when parents were l'Il the hllblt , of u sing tbqlr Blip· pers to keep, their girls ob edIent and good, Now the , slipper Is not really Intended fOl' tbe bride, but tor the bridegroom, who Is suppoBed to t:ce It , for the Bame purpose the mother and fa ther or olden time. did.


...·.lIure. are, with heroio all or I~



Not All Lest , I t th e col d, d r ivIng winds or th e (last have 1;!lIea ba k the tOilS or your pench trees , do' not ,I ' SimiI', Use t h e prun i ng shears (')( I,odl ool.l y; cut hacll a~ fur al> t he wout! IIppeara 1.0 b kill ed, Ohaoe 8 OI'C fah' I hat th e Lr os wIll t h en 'torm a milch llet· tel' top and b ar Inore !I'ult Ihan In nny pr vlolls yen I'. 'rh oll' n IV ly· fo r llled to[l~ v;row thr iftily anrl vcry l)rollllclivelr, snys Fnrnt Journal. ' You mU Bt go /!fler them as \!lll'ly ~s possl· ble In Ihe BPl'lnl>, olhel'wlse Ul ey will \'~I'Y 1i1 \ ~ly \l lno a way and die with the 1"01llIn:; of the !;I'o ,vlog season,

The Strawberry Bed, SomebOlly asks : "Sh all I cultivate01' hoc m y strawb erry bed thl!snrlng'!" 'ro thIs the Farm lind Bome san: As tI rule, no, The bed 8bOuld ba ve uceu c lean whell I L was "laid by" , last fa l l. Any weds wllich ' "usb III ro ugh the mulch sh oul d ' be puUed oul QY hand, Planting Poars, cr.n bo planted clOser thll.D apples, A ooovenlent dlstnnce IS' 15x20 feeL Those cau be Wnned t a aOx20 feet , wh en time sh alt reqUIre.' ThIs will be 1\\1 tile t hInning uecnsary, lis pears tC;Utl to reach U\l rather thu laterally,

Too t.ate Now, It'B IDle 'u prl1ue grap vltJe~, The A Way to Save Money. work ',lIlght to have been rlone l a\lt NoA good rrult garden 88'1411 IIIOD ...I"'L-_ vem ll"I" 01' rlurlng a mild 81\ IJ In lo'"tJ .'uary, if 1j0De now tbe , tnes 11'111 and doctors' bl\ls, drives aw8)' tIaI bluell and eweetelli lID tile '110lIl_ ble ed,


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little Millmi rive .. wlt.b saud aud

• _ \ ":,1I(l u , And M'\tJ a«~n~. A "'~UK'r M Mo '!'" I IJllhrls IS becoming a meDl.ce ,Ii .... " J . .',.Ii'" I., 'r ••:OlTvI& . rit,ory adjaoent to tbe ri ver

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-:.~"'-'-'-'-'~i IIWORK Of TAX COMMISSIONS




",yl.w of Prov".. Being Midi In Oth.r Stlllla, TlIIl corumluloa of ('allful-ula wae crunted In 1905, cba1'ged ,.Itll a tbo~· oU.lh IDVllltllaUon 1)1 Ihe \\' hole pr~b· lem of laxatton . Its repor t Is Il com· preb.enslve dlRClIssloll 'l( the l\u(.~tlot', . that are no'" <:onrro~ ltng mos t "lour Itatp.I. flUt It6 rpcowm endut!ons 8re moilel'lite. ~he l aX ' on l1or80nlll prop· erty 18 unqu al:tlo;ri1i' cnll'lt~mllf'(1 Aft 11\· volvlnc glllrln. IneqllBJltleH bel .. , ti ll 41f1'e rent , classPII 01 prnperly. Ilt~ lw.ell county aD,d cOllnty, bet,,' cen cIty and cIty, botween ·clt,l' and county. be· twoen man aDd man , The att.el1lpts to "equaItze" tb4l tax by atute honr<ls onl)l ' aerve to tlltf.'1I8It)· tbe Injus·.Ic8!I alld IneQllalit)l. MOl'l~oy er, the tax II a' verItable "school tnr perjllrY." Tbll lang uace bJ!,s be('l Ime famJltar . It baa beeu used by • dozen commIt· lIons In 8S' man), sl utes. The CallfornlR cOlllmlss!on fav Or9 complete separaU"n 01 slnlo from 10· ell taxation. It would I;h 'e 'oll ntl E'S and cities t.he excl uslve r!gl\t to tllX real and personal proporty, or relll property alone, and r serve for til .. Itate corporation. alld Iraochtse taxp8 . Minor suggesUons are lidded . and 'all are abl)l defended. A tllx commIssIon was ullIDcd b1 the MS8lachusetts legl81a l ure 10 con· Iider reform. lillmedtalel)' I)ract\cabll ratber tban protound IW \l fundam entll changes In tbe lIystem or tax'Illoo. Thll legislature believes that !l II deslt'· able to make Improyements In I,he present BY9te m 'Which slloll prove radical at pplng stonei to morl1 cbanges. . The report recommends a nnmber of new taxes aud of U1odlftca tlons tbat lire calculated to render th e state and the counties more Indepen-dcnt 01 eoch other In taxation. Hume rill e Is ecog· nlzed 18 the Ideal to work tor, and ' Independence Is to be mil de complete In the tuture. Among tbe apeclftll rec· ommendatIons are these: The ta~ntlon of blJlboards ; the I!lctc.nalon of the In· herltance tax to direct s\lcC'1l8slons: the Imposition ot 1\ tran hlse tax on express oml pnles: a grlld"d CIl.X on 'automobti es: a lax 011 stock rau~ler5 slmtiar to lhat wh ll'h has (\royrd so 811C(,1'8SIIl I In )lew Yorl;: llnd . Hllnllx. the rt' ten ll on by thl> S~;\tl< t!lIl rl';)\ , chlet' la ns 011 I·nill'lllld. lelc!;l'aph and tel pholl PODll'fI I k s , Th e conll nlssl n I's( ltolll "s that lhr state will ~(\ hnwf\ 1' ~ ' : . OOtl. O OO 81111111\Ih

lind Ii I· ' Cellt per , __' , ,W e pay interest at the rate of 3 per ll.OU • ,eRr ' . . :.. In 'ld.anOt' 'fterIOUS proble.m tbat will have to be fI' , ~fi • y~~ r It no~ Ilaid , II ,,"vaaM sol ved wi~hin the next tew years, • annum. on .savlngs accounts. .. A r 'presentatlve of t,he Gluette • ,.J'FlOE IN ALLEN B~IL.OING ORme up on the morning train from i i Th I • ' b' tt 11 Cillolnnati Friday (HId noticed that e money IS su ~ec 0 your ca at any time, l'r ",£P~orle ~JlLL . y.lO. 6-j in D1IIUY plllces the river was III b MAY I, " 190. most out of its banks and yet the ut must remlilin with us ~ix months or longer ,in or- ., . ".ONEaDA Y !!!'!~!!!'!~~!!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!~ rlLin Tlmrl!dliY and Thurlldny night 1 Corporal Punishment htlll not beeu 'e xtraordinary, der to draw interest. ~ in the Schools. The fao' Is the river bed is so ohoked up tbat n little e.dra rliln Begin slystematic saving. 1'be Xenia Boord of lllduontion causes the water to overflow Ihe haa beeD dlsoussing the question Rorroundlng oountry , One dollJar will start an account. whether oorp.>ral punlehment 'rho government Is spen jin~ mil· Iholild be permltt-ed In the schools lions .f Ilollars in improving the Call alll~ investigate our savings deparlment'. of that olty. 'rbis is a matter that wnlerways of the oountrv and we Thanking you for past favor we solicit your haa,been oonsldered at one time or eee no reason why it should not nn· ~1 ano~er by all 01&88es of perl!onll dertake the straightening out and 1 1 iIlteree*"«lln sohooll. deepening of the ohannel of the patronage. Certaillly corporal punlllbment Little Mlatui river, ahould only be used all a la'lI' re80rt' 1'hls is II. good subjeot for the THE CIT and Ihould never be administered BUlllness Men's League to not on a BAN'K. while a teacher II angry or eltcited, 'oomb\ned afiort on tbe'part of aU . but there are occasionR when oor along too river would prob . F. C. Hartsock, Cashier. penal punllbmentleem8 to be tbe ably rMult In aotlon on 't·be Uov. .( 0II1y meanlof oontrol. Bometlmee ernment part, 1 · a child 1IIIIO, lloOklllK in fine,r &ensi· • ''"'''"'''''''-'~,,'-'~''''''''''''~'"-'-'~~, blhtiea, where there III 110 lltile to Ideal WeatlJer. appeal w tbat 'cor~r.l punishment beoomea a peoeulty. L1k~wlse It the weather olin even be oon. there are timee when It seemB to '!Idered perteot it was last Sunday. reen)t 10 poeiUve good. _ After ODT stormy unsettled spring AI a Kenenl propolltion the the ohange to ,t,hl! warm, pleasant tMOher wtll ulaally be jOllt and It. May day brightnesa was most en' U qlJuaUy .fe w leaveluoh matters joyable and almoat ' everyone took advantage of the day to walk or &0 taielr dlacre"on. drive, The Township Building. ' Base Ball. Good people of Wayne wwn8hip hOIl_1y differed on the wt.dom of Joaeph Thompilon and Haymond buildlllr a lIew wwnllhip heOlle. WIlUaDlllon went to Kingman Fri· }fC)w ,that the buUdlna leem. day where they took part in a garue oubl, lure of helDl pat up, we be- between HarveY8bnrg and King. Un. ~e people ganerall7 will feel man. u lDHreet ill It at thl. 'Ime and a The game was t,o ha ve been be· pride ID it wheD " la oomple&ed. tween W,i1mlngton liollege and Tbe majori&7 tupay81'll are wIllIug Kingman btJt the College men fallto ezpead mODey If they feel that ed ~ appear, • f r ont ! h p U(lW !'I 'lI ~ "<: ') S Qr 1'1' V'(\nll~ they neelve valuafor 'heir money, Kingman won by a sooreof Ho 1. nnd ~urh 'CIl !" will t'ul..ul.. It to ab'l\tsb 'II. 01 '1·,,<'1 'alt on r -:II IIn \I" "'II'>lOnU'1 aDd that Ia a 'very Daturalfeellnl, • fir'''' .. ty. r ' " " , r r 10 III pur\10~ e8 .Tbe Guette be~ievM that our P1'88' Mr. Cartwri2ht 1::lll'u''''llnl s 8 1tH . ~', boud of b'OIIteea willaee to it Addr Hi h S h I ~, datra are admtql.tered eoon. ess g .C 00. omloally aDd honMtly and that a Mr. 8. Lev Cartwright addre8sed bu~lq ~U be PJlt up which win tbe pupils of the Waynellvllle High be • 018111' 10 'he townlhlp and School 'Il'riday lUg, on th e su b. .. morn,which wlIl meet the., req~lremeut. jsot of "Obe<benpe, iIldn8try and for ,eara ~ OODle. ' BUOOO88 " The la.portant point to ~ ramem· , The ~8rles of talks by business berecJ 18 thla : The lMIople a money men whIch Prof. Bratten has ar" ,being aaed or wlll be need and ranged are proving of muoh inter. &Il~re e1loul4 be oareft11 Ind oorrect eat and benefit to the u I1s of the ~tiDp made to them o~ th~ IIOhool. P P . wr.1 the mODey II beiDg need whUe ,. the baUcllng Ia tladat oonmao"on Will B lid aall ' 'WheD U il oompleted, The U Cha~uqua Cottage. more lKl~b, lot,,, ~In mattera of thia ~~ -the better. . C. T. Bawke and George Bllrt., 8,)Ok ;vis~ted the Miami Valley Chll_ ,'The Mumnl Banquet. tauqua grounds near Franklin one day leat week, where Mr. Hawke iii The Alumill AIIIOOi.tlon of, the planning to ere,ot a six room sum· WaYDeevtlte Bllh School hea ex· mer cottage. ' . pe,.enced great dltnoult;r in B80ur· iIl,u,OIIe to ma~ the Banqaet tb1.lyeaI'. ID former yeara, lome Notice church IOOle*1 baa tlItlIlly unllerWoken the 'Work, but 10 many memo Bavlng sold my store at Corwin ben of thllll8 , orpni_tioDI belong 0 " to W. J , KUban al1 persOllslD~ to the AlulDDi Aseoola&lOD that debted, to me wUl please oall and t~e7 cJo not care to llndettake the settle their accounts wlthont, dlils.y. wOrk. , , ETTA KJLBON RA,DlI:k, . It Ia not poIIlble to pay eno\Jgh to , ePlploy . . !oaterer from tbe ott; aDd the m&DIUI,r of eerylnl ihe8Upper hu become a problem. ' Bo'W,'Would it do. to drop the banRJDGEVILLIC,OHIt) " f tl? B BplCOJALTJIt8 : D1SEASJll8 OJ' WOMEN qu _hlreen reiy , ,;vean ap· AND OHILDREN. propria.' pqram, a. gOod socia.l • time; terTe lomoDade ' or other light refreehm'ellt. ' aDd ', eltmin.te the worry and ezpouee of. formal sup. per. nua matter,worth oOWlldl!rlng. --.LINEsS,.-


MIYiII' Tom l. John~on hints Them Out to ' h. Commission. :



1 1







1 1 1



1 1 '




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SUIoula Tha, ConalilUtiDf'llll Ob.truc· I tlon. Should Be R"mp· "d--Ouubl. Taxat ion I. Nol Fair.


RIJCnrc the 'p.CoX ~o~.tII>:~111 1l or OhIo, MR "eb ] Z, 1:\9t. Milo/or TOlin L'I .Johl180n ot O!evl?lrllld dl s c~IH"d ' Taxa., tloll " IlS tollow$: The trreatesl dfmollll y ID our toxlng I laws Is thal we hav!! tollo" d thE' old I plan , whl h hus gl'Own Illto It. lot ot IlIeqllallllPlI. 'I'hey al'e IIr!Sent every· wbere. ' There Is nq community, no matter bow small , (bat II not sUrrl'r· Ing by the fact that 80m8 of the prop· erty Is a18esged al 10 and Jome It 100 per cent ot Ita vllllle: on" to the ex· teDt thaI Is true some tl.\en pay ten times mOI'a Ihun theIr sltl re ot taxcs wIllie oth er Inell pay ollly on,e·tenth of theIr IIhlll'e, , know a "lllce ot prop_i y, acquIred lately, wh el'e lhe tax d1lpllcate wa~ only 8 lIer cellI ot Ibe IIrlce paid; . not a forced pl'lce '· ellhe r, I could mulUply that eX8D1ple by tho llsa n4s. You can not &0 Into a city, Into I county or any amall dI s trIct but y.. nnd tbese lIIustratlOlls, . Everybody agrees lhere Ire IneQual· Itles, What producell 'bem ? YOII can't trace. It all to one rcason; but tLere lire lome lelldlng rYaon ll to ac· aount tor It. A IIIreet railroad ,.aa lIold on the ' market at ten million dol· lara, No doubt about Itl value; t he stock was quoted regularly, It wa. .Molled tor '800.000, or , I,er cent. Ten wtlliona of pro pert, owne4 ,by awlill owners; hOIi~f.'s. taetorlell and ahops. 'not the worst ca. el, but the .v~erl\ge caseB of Iwall ownerti. stand OD the duplicate at alx millIon , or 60 per cent. The reason lor that d Bcrep. Incy II perfectly plaIn. . Thousands ot people' owned tbe teD mUllon dollan In small place_ ; none o r them . had a ( lulllolent Interest to Klve \\a own time or emplo)' anyollIl'a els8 Ume to look Ifter the tax duplicate; to either 1r0 before tbe lelrillature or employ In· leolous Irgumentl to defeal the a.· ' lellor in arrlvlnl at a conclusion or to defend by teChnIcalities In)l mil' Itep made by lhe a..C8801'l. All tbea. Wlln! concentrated In oDe ca.e, and they were scattered In th,e ' otber. What I, the bUllnes" of all la not anyoDe'~ bUlloe ...






M. W.'LANG,M.D; (




T,bla weell:·tlie !ilChools of' Wayne EXCURSIONS townlbtp'wUl 01088 for the lammer Jamestown Exposition V&Mtlon, and in a Ihort time ,,11 the Norfolk. 'Va. • OallJ until No,' ember 80 IOhool In thill ,vlolnity ' ' Will . have Low 'F are Co Excu",lon evers TuesdilY 'ended their aeason of "I'ork. Bow Cbolce,of a number of 8tLr""UVe roules . time 81ee, I~ seems only a very I..os Angeles, CaL .~on time' elnce we !IIlW the roey' May '7 to lo .. ·German Baptl8~ Bretbren Juno 10 to 14- Elec~lc; Medical A •• 'n oh!l8ked ,boyi ,and girls, with new' Good goIng Doe route, re~urnlng aoo~h e r boob aad fresh , determination, , , Columbus, .Ohio. " hutrylal' forward for the first day ' May 13.14,15,16. 17, 20, 21·· ,Pre,jbyterl"n of IIOhoo). ' General A88embly , Atlantic City; N. J. May


to Juoe ,a"Amerlcan Medical As.' n

nThe Old"' Inhabitant·" whoever , SpOkane ' " Seattle I June 2j 'to July I···B· Y. P. U. thlt meanB, mtllt certainly flnd it July I (0 6,··C. E, 4111.00'\* to reoall a aprlnl' that hN beeI1 ,morebaokward or more rainy, Philadelphia , Jul., 12, 13 an<l .... ·8. p, O. B . or ,more oold, or 'more uncertain' Winona Lake, Ind. .aeftlly than that of 11107. Bat ....!I8embl', Mav )0 to Sept.ember a~ we are h.>plnl for &ettled weather WInona For rull partleul are C&lIllult Dow~ll hopln,. B . E, BOO'l;ll. Tlckel AgeDt. W O. Order your mapmD8I JUid newl· papen tbroqh the Gaze,te office.


'.,,.wt11 ..

n,~. ~~.

Cincinnati, Ohio. Bunday May Ii, , .IIO,round trip. S;S




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.,. 1



7' . COUll ty ~


Court News. '



; Co mms8loner's Proceedings.

Sf " 'to t ·


7 ) 3~


to Farmers.


Frllnol. It , Cllodpn Y8 8u""n' In a few day. 1 will bave on hand Ra,nflr flt'al ; Cllllt' <lI!llUiI'AAIi. W. B. Stanage & Co., blan"" a oar load offertillzer from the (}anI"URNISHINO.s. Oll.vtfln &vln~!I nnrt TrUll" Com ! for blanlta......... ............ 4 80 t-.>n FerWlzer and Chemloal Co.• of P IW, VI< WlI.lter I, WeeDlI! et Ill: Ray OUne, merobllndille for llanton. Ohio. WIII ·.. lIl R I;rll V.. U. (lU~ nf .tb., .de jail ...... .. .. .. ... .... .... ...... 6 00 I would anIK~&thlit eaoh and every flmdltn ..o• .,.. .... Ili VAU Itll'V!! to tile IlD lieol ge RubertlOn, brld8'" reo larmer who reada tbls would at once an"w .. r r ..llltlvll t,o I,he dl"trlbut!on pairs in Wayne town. lend for a oopy of 'be State Analy· I,f prool'ffill from rllltl .I"M'ttt'll involv. IIblp ............. ::.. .. ...... .. 39 IIQ lill, wbloh may be had by-wrltlng to ttt) Jail!! Buroh, bridge repture In Oepartment of Agrloulture, Colllm . Aum .. Fo"d ComlltUIY VI' H. A. 'l'urtleoreek township.. . 9 UO ball, Ohio, and 'wblch contll.ln8 com· Cc»)'o/.<; QI1rl'nfIHnt Willi grllnted 30 H!lnry Oiebl ... oontraotNo 26 10 60 plete llnalysls of "llfertlllzert! made. dov~ 11' wblch .;, Vlf'Rd Fuok O. Miller. oontractNo Upon reoehing it compore ana.lysi8 E A HIli Y VII N B Edgely At'al: 23 .... .. ... ......... ..... .. .... ... 30 30 of my Peerle88 Vegetable Grower lellve Wll8 gr"ntt>d defendant8 t.o Ille 1'hom". Coughlin, oontraot (used for tobaooo) with the brand a an aDlenlled IInllwer and ~roafl pittl. No ~II. .. .. .. .. ...... ......... ... 13 30 you have ueed and yoa will at onoe . tion hi 2,) dltys. J. ~. lIorrl., tax duplicate for notice Ita superiority at t30. then I Ch,arltlB Ellpy V8 John E. Holden 1907 ............... . , . .. ...... ... \121 00 write or oa11 me up by telephone We gIve you 110 1 I et a1 ; C118e di8ml~8ed. W. Un,lellby & Sons, burial Imd wa will disoU88 the matter fur · Slllt that will Tbe llirgest j ob~r of paiuts and vurnish68 In Wheeling. W . ~a .. Oil vld S.-rot VI Mary A . Spear.; of Geora e HenBel, .oldler 50 00 ther. C08t you 112 to wanted to know w hIc h pl1ints were tb e m ost. popular lind 811tillfllotory h. OUIl di~miBIled. W. B. An tram. poetmuter, I al80 have on hand a partial oa '13.50 elsewhere the territory tributory t o Wheeling , Pittsburg, Columbus and Baltimore. Al ert BrttndenburR VI Wallllce 600 ·.t.mptl ...... ,........... 10 00 load of exoellent white oedar ,P08tll We give you a Repres enta tive~ co vernig thi8 on tire territory thoroughly oauvaeaed W. BowYAr; it W~1t ordered t lilt Clyde S. Meloy, damalet! for from <.:antral MlohtKan. Theae Suit that v!'Ill to find out. , the pllilntUf IIb,)uld recover fr.:>m borlle InJllred by falUng po~ts are etraight and strlotly No . I, ::!w~~~~.'1 5.00 , 'l'heir repur t oontained the nRllles of nearly every firet olal8 palDt the defendant property In qUl!lltion 'hrongh bridge........ .... .. il6 00 8elling for 20 and 22 oentR. acoodr· , manufaoturod in t he Uniteu Btatt's. or It. value t206. State ot Ohio v.. Charlel! Ing to IIlze. ~ ~tt g~~~tYO~i~ At the head of the Iigt stoocl HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT Bettie Gukln8 V8 Rtcbard Galk. Whltenaok and Jobn In a 8hort time I al80 intend to . 15 C08t you 118. 00 nothiug stlluding the fn ot that this jobbar had uever bruught inl; Ilivoroe wa. ~ranted on the • Poynter.oolll............... 61 l~ bave a oar load of tbe flne drain tile el8ewhere. worth of these pIllnts. grouod o! extreme oru9lty. A petition praying for an improv. manufaotured by Craig Hankin80n, • We give you a A tac 8imlle of their .letter to the trode, togetber with a oopyof tbeir PIlOBATil OOURT. ~ road be rpade trom tbe )'ort An. of Oakland Ohio Bult that will report, will be given to any one intere8ted In good paints. olent and Lebanon pike .orth for a .' I n tbe elt.te of .TonaCh.n ~mitll, dist.nt or about one mile, hid rosd TIle above goodll will be kapt in ~fB8:wl~~e."~5.00 Hanna's Green Paints are for sale by . dooened, repert of tbe .,le of pel; stook by me at my yellc>w ware .on.l pro~rty Will approved . Fint beln, in 'i'urtleoreek townlhlp, the hoaae juat below tbe tobaooo ware ' Gold Bond Coupons with all Pur. J. E. JANNEY. an4 tlDalllooount WII tiled road to be oooitruoted under the house tn L tie. chaises. 'l'be will ' of 'fhomas Drake ' wa. provisionl ot 'be good road law y FOLLOW Tm~ CROWDS TO Will prMented by W. Z. Roil. Pe' WH. B . C~RMONY, IUlmitted to probata and Mary J . ' L I 0 DA YTON'S BI~T 'CLOTHING Drake was .ppuint~ w.dminlstra tltion pl.oeld 9n Ill.. ,Bome Phone 82-7 yt e, hlo. SHOP A oohtr1lot wal let to V . J . Zent· trill: without "ond. Nftoma Bradley wa. made ·admll;. meyer tor relaym, a twenty.tach iltratrlx of the of Courtland aewel and repalrl on RiYer brldRI \ Narrow Escape . Bradley and aooepted the Mme, fur. at 1'000ter·., near King'l dam. o n · . • G. W. Cloyd. a merohant of . Lytle road In Deerllilid township, a' . ol.hing bond of"OO. Plunk. Mo., ~.a.d a narrow escape . Louil. t' Lewil wa. appoln* elt1ma&e 1311.32. Staple and Fancy. Groceriee, Frait8 ' four yearl! ago, "hen be ran Ii jhn. .u.rdian of Etta W. 1'. Lawt., mi. ' Con~raot let tor Portland cemeDt Ion burr into his thumb . He lays: Vegetables and Canned Goods. to A. B. mdM,l'arr & White, .T he nor, ent.flrtna inro bon:! 01 .600.' . "The rtootor wanted to amputate it I &a'ate 0' Itlartu J. I'lnn, deoev. Muon Lumber .co. Lewt. Broe., AND VJil41.ER IN but 1 would not OClD8ent, 1 bought ' Clgar8 Ilnd, ~ box of BuoJden"s Arnica Bale lind edt tlllal'lIooount wae tiled. R. B. 8mith P. P. Max "ell, Jamel that oured the da,ngerou8 woaDd." Inventory a~d ftppraillemt'nt were Moearty and Frank ~hitaore, valid 25, at Fred C.Sohwartz DrnJl(lat. 1l1t1d in the t;ltate of Sar.h Lashl.,,.. uDtil ~p&ember 22n4. . Phorie 79. C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. deoea'ed. Contract let to The Corrnaated Wal&er Eltzroth. 8. J. BIobholaer Culvert and Bridge Co.• tor .ewer Telephone In bi» house wbere.! ,aDd Frank CIIrroll "ere order8d to pipe 24 Inobee or 1I!I8, and ·2' to 30 O&D be called at an houra, day 01 AND CINCINHATJI L I, '-W raise 'be rei 1 eeta. of JoWl IDohl!ll, and above 311 iQohea, at mar. ~iMht. w. E. MOORE. Receiver . tOoiJoor, imbeciJe, prepara~ry ~ ita .tet price. Valid until lieptember Coaoblll and obairl ' lIupplled. . .Ie by ThOIDaIC. Welob, Ruardian. 2~d, 1901. . . Dav. recently moved to ro('UJ W . a , Eltzroth and' Boward~. Contraot let to Madden & Co. for nut to Crou Brae. TIME CARD WAYlfJaBVlLLII' EFFECTIVE M'AROB al. l1t U7 , Ivlull flied I809nd and flnal aooount lumber ~d loonat potIt., valid until _AD ITRIUD'f. Measure your roomll and oome to' in the ena. of R. W. Gllohrtat. ~ptember 22od. 19V,7. Don't Pay Allmouy !OlaLlon. ::I~~·fI.:~.U:'D~o. r,. f Cbeet~r Mlple flIed an Inveatory . . To be dlvoroed from )'ourappendiy ' A. M . M . PM , aD4 apprai~mem In ' 'be e.tate <!f Good Word. tor Cbllmberlain',. There will be no oooallion lor it if Lebanon Jc.Ar 8 00 11 00 5 211 .. L Will hi.. Cough Bemddy Sbaker Cr. .. 5S 10 68 & 1 8 We were wile In ordering tbillstook lut fall, In prioea hav • . maAlne'! , ,ami. I ·JW nK 11811e. People everywhere take vI_sure you keep )'our bowel II reglllar with ROM lyn 17 5 1 n 10 6 1 16 1 :« ff $l2.183 53. in tMtdylng to the good qaalltiee Dr. King's New Life P1Il8. Tbeir HClllpatead 7 4.8 (0 46 6 OU terially advanced. Largest IIIles Jut year of any j ·thll yar' wtl1 .be in th.. Mtate of Raymond A. of Chamberlain'l Cougb RAlm8d;,. action Is 80 geutle tbat tbeapdenblx Centerville IT 40 10 4.0 0 00 greater. MattingB from the Orient now in stock &88urel baa_Uful pat. 8rabt, mlDor, flnt aoooot ~~ aln. &dwatd Philipe of Barolal, never baa oanae to make the least Maoor t 7 :12. ,·to 32 it 6~ 10 terns, 10W88' price8. ftled Md., "rit.. : 1 wish to tell you &luit Lytle 7 27 10 27 4 ~ 7 . I I . can recommend Chamberlain ~s complaint, Gaaranteed by Fred C. Edgewood t7 24 U O!4 '4 H Iagrahil . .. ... .. . ....,.:... ... . . . .. . . ... . ... . .. . .... . 2110 up MAII.lAOI: LIOu.a. Cou~h Remedy . My Jittleatrl,· Sohwart.z druggia'. 26, Try them. Venable ; 720 no 20 .... 40 Lowe~l, Park, Extra ~uper8. J'r.not. A. Wooley. 22, pi..,.,. erlne, who II two yearl old, haa been . KI1.Cbner 17 IB :no lB ; 4 3S takiag fht. reml'dy whenever llae . DoMN 7 16 1110 1 0 4 SO Rugll-greatest stook_ y-tlL-.. .. .. .. . _~._ .. tl0.60 up worker, of Wa,.nenllle and Bertha ba. had a cold Bince lli. Wal two Eggs for Hatch' "'~. Leland ' 7 DO I~IO on '4 110 Large flnollgh for a room. C . Brown., JO, of Lytle. m,o ntha olcl. About" month a,o 1 . , I Lebanon-L . . .. 110 10 00 " 20 ilEAL DTAft 1'ItAl'lJ'.... con'raoted a dreadful oold my.elt, Pure barred Plymouth Hoell 'i:.'V 0 n & D 0& X l ' C B & D Ltnoleum, the areat kitohen and hall covering. Lace OUrtaial an the bat I took Chamberlain'. Collih per 15. Ouke'lI J'ruit .Farm, .. Dalton V 411 II SU JoaaVh P. aale to O. Rob Remedy aad W~I 100D aI . weH aI nllvtlle Ohio. Phone 66-4}(,. r, 61> new effectl. ,~lndow Shades, all o?brll, all Sizes, mlUle to order. ; . tnllOD. 10' In ....ranklln, 'U!50. . eur." Tbll remedy I. for ...le b y ' . ' tp D! :oT D ... X '1' .I0llD B. Stanton, of J'ranklln, &0 J . E. Janne,. M. A. Jameson, SOU THBOUND U 00 ~ L.' Bunt, of I'ranklln, lbt Attorney at Law, and . A. M . P . N . P. M. 'lSi in ,h.t .. ilia,e, '11211. • Breeders Take Notice. -< Ju.tice o( the Peace l.uvc I';o~ · No olo No d' H. S. Puckett aDd wlfe. of CUD. Lebanon, Ohio. Dayton : C B & D 6 0& L ' Dal ton : D & X '1' 800 ~ 30 I> 30 ~uita, Jacteta tor Mi8BeB, Women . $Oft oouaty, to H. C. Hubbell" df Two clnft Stallionl for Maplewood, Block, Broadway. Lebanon J o. 8 30 t 5U and Children. Skk.ts, WaietG, Un· Loveland, 11 aoree In aamtl'~ Public: Service. tml Sbaker Orosslog 8 3 rJ ~ on ~ 56~~ $Own.hlp ••1. Roslyn til 37 ~2 FoO "0 60 de~wear, Infante lo'ng oloaks. (I B D . Roitelet Jr. & hlndlOme dapple B d earp , . . rake aad Bo,,~ Gr.AYltalllon j "'llaM 1600~ ' 4 yn. '\ My Best Frijlnd c:=:'~e : :; 803 003 Appl.,.a., NOelven of ,'he arm , of old: aired by imp. Riotele (11232 Alexllnder Benton. who IIvI'I1 on Manor '8 5 7 ~: '~O \10 -8. Ii. Puckett and Co., proprletoh France) 70tS Americaa Be h'/ Per· Rural Route I, Fort· Edward, N. Y./ LyUe 9 02 U 28 628 : of tbs l'itlZeal Bank of Y.Uow venober7ee (14240 I(overnment 8tal...YII:" Dr. King'l new OI80i)Very 18 Edgewood ' 0 06 "320 a 26 Sprlnp to U . C Bubbell 11 aotel Ion) dam by Brebia u'2Bl. m,/ beat earrbly friend. It oured Ven_ble U 00 :I 30 16 aD • ,. Roltelet Jr., l.t. d.m, 80ae 110 me of althma Ilx yeara ag·'). It hall ID B.mlhoD town.hip, lot In LoT80 11,400 by tlir Benry 3205. aillo performed a wonderful ourt! of ~~~:sner ::: ~~ . ~a:l!e 10 32 land alid four BOrell in ("'lermqat 2nd dam SUKne 5245. Inolpient oonllumption for my Ilcon'l Leland 10 :!3 03 42 16 3 4 Tben"COme and bny your dreas at Oi)uDty,I6000; You wll~ 1188 by tbe pedigree Roit. /wtte. The Gret boUle ended the l.ebanon Art I\'e 0 aD a GO ~6 : : S. ·S. Puokett and Loul.. W Paok. elet Jr II fnn blood In the Peroher' l terrible oourh, and thlB accompll8h . oOally ef(nep~ Su[tl1ny. Stop O n Signal Butohi~son & Giouey·s. Xenia,Ohlo I 00 and J'nmoh .i raft blood. Bil dl •. · ed, the other Iymptomll 111ft one by . . No oity hall a better 'ullortment of eU &0 ~eorle H. Drak. and B01ll· poei&ion la kind and ,en'le, "nd hil l one. until ahe ' WI. perfectly well. 8Dlln.&, T RAI NS. .ard Apple,!'w, reoel.,er. of the 01&1. general op III perlpot, !lnd 'has , Dr. King'l Ne" DlscoveroJ.. '1 pow. Nortbbound Trains pas.' Lytle :l8 foll ows ; fabrics for the dre88 It8elf and the 7' 66:1. m. 6 ~7 ..:zen. Bank 01 Yellow ~prinll., 11 a I way. 1IIon let premium In tbe ,er ov!'., ~ugha and ·oolde il simply Soutbbound - p. to AC't'S In aaiullton *ownlhip, .1. .how ring.. :' marveloul. No other remedy bll.ll !) Ota. m 7 23p. m trimmings. It i8 a reasonable tlalla B Kemper to .1OHph .J! 8ervloe '10 t9 tnlare \I,v lag oolt. ever equipod It hlly 6naranteed oeneraIPIlII~eOI«,~\&~~~~~::;;on. O . 8tatement and folly proven In the Al10 Blaek Kinl. 3 yn old: 17 · by Fred C. ~hwartz Druggillt. 50.' . ' post. We IIro a Drea8 Goode Bouse' Boyle, par, of 230 in J4Iban~, hauda higa, will welKb 1800 at' yr Iand Il .W. Trllli bottle flee. and do not meddle with tinware, '111211. . old ,; lired by the imp. .illIIoD tba' i ' " • . d J ' 0 Ro to<.k 1ft prl.'Dllum at the Warren Co C N P , hardware. ohinB. shoes, etc. Tbese . !lnOl! an . • .binlem, I'alr laIrt fall. weighl 2100 j dam by Dr. John Hyatt; have tbelr pluoe. . ~Ica.a, .nd olerk of l!Iprinlboro imp. Peroheron .tallion at Morrow, cemetery, to Ora lIoCabe and ~ welglit 11100. Black Kill8' • . dam Veterinary 8urceo n and Denti8tr , Just look a~ our 8belve8 and show lDer l:Iheeta, lot hi cemetery. wel~ht 1750. . ' . Telephone No. 121 ca888 to see hO\9 fresh a.nd new 'and E, R. WQloott to o. e. ainiDl. Tenn•• $10 to in.ure & live Colt. olean the stook. · . Bow ea8ily til lt I lA.banoll,l I. Tbeae &wo ltallionl will make t.~e At· Home on Saturday Afternoon. I n ,. leltlOn at my ,lace t,beeDtire 8811Ob. • ' • trIm from our stook just in. . ., India~ II . and 8 nJtmin '1'; ' C. B. Sorface. '. Waynesville, OhIO. JohDIOD io··J •• per at. JobnloD, '5 ,, .' . . . Ser~es, &0", In a.mllton ·townBblp. '1~. Reller from Rheumatlo Paint.. ~onber'ful Eoze~ (''ore. Silk and Wor8ted Trimmings. ~heei- ElfeotB. Gingham, PJalda. , J. D. Miller, ..dmlnlatr.tor of'll. "I .uffered with .rheumatllm lor "Our little boy bad , eczema tor e.tate of 'Elmlra It.. 'GUplD, dl!~eu8d oyer tw " y.n, " .y. ,III'. W)ll.a:d live ye.lIl ..... writ" N: A, . Adamll, Insure Against Acci, . Cur.... a ......·rolm.. of Key W-· Benrletta, PI. "Two of o""r hOlne dents and III Health to lI,a r y Jm~be'h GUpin lot 611 .In •1IIt i&' .. "tied in m""':' .. ....e:'m,,_ DOl m ~ _ . oJ doosora laid the oaae was hopell!l8, Sprinlboro '~94o. kneea and lamed initIO I could hard. hi. Ion.. .belng &f ectad We then The Aetila Life InBuranoe Co. will Ruth T. ~henok to Sarah AnD Iy walk, a' otber tlmlll" woul4 be emplc:yed other.dootors but no bene ' i88ne you a polioy by whloh YOIl will and Graaville C. Till1l. 10' 7 "aoi. In ~y .feet and . handllO I wu In· 1&' reeulted. By ohanoe we read receive a atated /lum per ...·oek 10 . ," capaothted for duty. Onll glght about ' Eleotrlo Bitten'; ' bought a lnaw addttl~D to Franklin •. '111.JO,. , 1IIhell I "u In Hvere .,.In aDd bottle aDd ' .oon noticed 'improve ~ of aooldent or' slokD88II. For Thomy.Blon, to Jiar&ha '1Ih..,. ,from lt m71ri1. went · to the drq meDt. We oon'inued thil medloine parttoniarl aee Fred B. SherwOOd StiorM.ln Hamilton tuwnlhlp, .2711.0 a'Pre hen ~d oameback wttn ,. DDtll .. everal bo'tlM were need, lMlal Agut. tJlmeeD Plt'orf, to Enil Allen lOt boU.l e of Chamberlala '. PaiD ' Balm. ·1 . . ~-~ ' ---...• ' , 1 WI. rnbbed Wi'!l" and lou~ Le in ...non, ~. the pain lia4nearly g1ln. durin l 'he Seed Corn 'Chamberlaln'a ·OoUo •.Uliolera and . , lIaKlie and Samuel Bonter to nlKht. I 'kept OD nai'a s" for,. little. • . DlarrhtMlll Rinnedy . lit. Joha, 10 oIOJ't!ll in Tur"I.. more th.n two weeki aoi fJUDd Good aeed corn tor ale. A limited . There i. prob.~bly no mediOlDe .oreek townahlp; 11 ' tlid it drove the rhenmatlam a.y. IOppl. lpeat qulok If yoo want it. mada tba& II rell.ecll upon witb more ' . I bne DO' haclu,/ .trouble from (''hal'la - e a. I' D , Impllott oonfldeDoo tban Ohamber. . Thomu Miller. adm, to "ry t .t d~ for OT8r three montba. I t • "J ' . •• . • lain 'a Colio. Cholera and Diarrhoea ·ADn liIorfa06, lot 88 In ltprlnlb~o, I' r '1I1e bl J ; . J IDn81 , " - .. Remedy. Darin. the tbird of a taOO. ~ ' . .. . For .&omaob Roubles, bllloUlllle&;- oeDwrylll ~hiuh to baa been ID . , B"- G lIarra,/ to Kmm~r ·8. () y.:mr ma-sin81 and ne". and oonatl..t1011 try Ch.moerlaln. people have learned .th., it il 'he _.... • _ ..8tomaob u4 Li.... Tablna. lraDY remed,/ tha, neYer faU.. When reo 8a117 .• " ,",,81 iD W.JDa towBlhlp' paperll throqh QUe"e' l r .marbble 81lI'8I haTe beeD effected daoed with ".&81' and Iwee-.cllt ., We will .ve mOD.,-. by ' ~' !'do., 21i tlampl81 .. ~, to ia'ke. ),or ..Ie by . _ .' . . _ .• . tree.!'or.1e b7 J. Je, Ja• .,. J. II. Jaimey ,

Always Busy



JfO R $12




.FO R $20











Do You Need Carpets'


HutcbisQn 6t


Ready To Wear Garments


See Your Dressmaker







Batiste," 'Silks,

Hutchison & .Gibney,

• • .... : . . - .

Xenia, Ohio,







,011&be...... •







; ,


HELPING ALONG HIS MEMORV. (I_noe or Ancient ,MOlIes, Wish r('II\'l\I, whtch 'WM " nl' o r ~II' '"uUlIly I h l'll<' \\110 1.'1 n.' ('11" "0 If. ~'bll() on r\l~cd In (II aliJl' out a nIftSI·t\ul.12Iug, "I'tlglnus ItIlI If.· ... tflt'vu s pm)' .,\,. Th" 11ll" hurell Lt, whl~ forte d nr el lb!'r anel"lIt or 1ll."lcrn t l ll(,K. hy Wh lll Ihl',' ~('[' In IUI'lIlt thn str o:;lh /I "" p bog 10 !:jomersotstllr , F.or,land. HUlband Willing to 00 HII Beat t. I Dr. Willi ams' Pln kPlIlS Ara SOlfc ant SlJI (' lhal linl!) I he ' lIu Vl'llIl'l ' hall ,,\111 ~""1 ' (' o f Ill,' pl'l' lin I' r.'v lval mo ve· n workllln ll uUl'nrtbcd n CUuoo w hh-h Follow In 8 tr u~ tl90.. Rcllab le-A Favorite Household Remedy. . anf'ient II; rl)llng lI de, l1lClit. cl" malld "lhl' I' 1'l'ngun~ 1'01' 11 5 probahl) IWlonl:f'd lo BOlli " n(' .HI Mr. l orflC Ie I\n 111111 lll (l n ~ 1 rn Uvo lal \1\\ ('II r. '~' ho boat, "'Ilkh I.. at J\1Qlherho(lll lliay ho the cro,,·nt .. New England In a F ev er. I' Xl llll' II ' , .\ nil tllI ' I'I' I'nJlm bl~ Ill' o:lK. Is In a .Falrly Ilnod HIn t !! l 'rNI ' 011\11 nll.d 1\1,1 ob s nt·mllldl'd one 11 ~ well. b lcsHlng o( a womall 'li liCe or I t mil, TIl(> Ill'escI1l l't' vi\' 111 SIll I'l l i ll Ih if; otll r 1'ca~OIl ". Ill stol Y ahOWH IIH I hil I fu lth "tHII('S III '0\':\\,41 5 . ~'nr ~I) IIW , . al'e tll' VlltiOIl. and rnl)!lSUI' (,B 20 ! I' 't 0 III JIll's!.> l WO rl's l'eCllcl lIe i s a trlul Lo bri ll!,:' srle f IImI sorrow, 1\ r~. 1\1. J, (:"'111\1', a lii' 'U\' 'd In lur lI\uKI distl ncl I n ch l'~ In Icngth anrl ~ foet III !twill'S hi s wifo. who I", CXIlI'i Iy h is op posl t o. Wi ght. of li(l f; o" cn t ;, Slro.el , A,uburo. form f.! (Ill aft,' I' III won 11 tol'f ll I SilO' WI' hll\'(\ h.ll d .h,) hlShl'l' CI'IIII'{ijll;, ullcl I' dllrllt!01lul ( orr: (- dp ~l c' u('llIn elf r;ltl h I II willtit. l\od , Jn "Pl' uranoe la some- ",Jnmes .''' eh 61\1d ns IIho bado h llill 1I1nln , r l)llItes It r xperl nee 11ft )"U)e l" "NCS Cl 1'O-I'I'I' l' lind All'xnll.dN· 111 oull·hy wben h i' Will; oblluL 10 IIla l'~ birth of lIe l' dau Ah ter 10 1 901, 08 tol, ...'hat lik e U D1uderu puu~. hlngl ll lld , ~"w 1':n!;land , ("~ d · (I' IlI1 ",rn · III the I1Ibl('. I r . ll rll:!';s In thf 'aKt , 0 1'. Il lu'I'I'I' or I h(' 1 ol\' 'I'AII,' of ('hi· for hi ngo, . "wll,1 yO\! relllOlllbel' to lo w s: "( was ull rUIl d own lit III IIln lly u nu 1'0 k·hollnt! n·lh; r"usly . hunt lip 'oll sln \\ Hllulll lIlid find "ut . . I'llg" In I h <' 'l'E'SI, tll(' I 1111 ('1'0 of til Best V iolin Strittg •• . HARVEST OF CONVERTS LARGER Co-'\ st If It lrn dltlonal \'( ~" I'\'c '\1111 all 'Ihou t AUlI l Sarah '.' ' It Is so tlI rtny \Ime Ul e holly -came and IlId, not 1m, W Ihl\\lsml'(: l'urn !! 'hpol III ' O('rlllan y Tbo b c~l Rlrlngs' tOl' "Iotlnll II I' or laid II s'lIC Opt-II t o t h In Ihlt' nll{,!) of l ll (' THAN EVER KNOWN. ane! mllll ,' ulh ~1J's whn hnnl bpon In Italian Iflllk and ar (l'om tho I n t 'I ' YCBI'S !>i nco l 've b eurd tram any of prove In b Oli lth r ap!tlly art er . 1 Wi. "old· tl m·· religion. In Hoalon ' I hi' . )Jllie. tlil u ~J\" hlood l eSH. M r sloma.c/l lhe f1'lm( of t h(' hl"h!'r crlttrl sill Un t's of sllri ng lumbs, killed In Sep· 1I111t fau III ~': · evangolll'tic w ork 1IIId r H.,,·. . (" 100\' " Yos, illY tl Nlr." <ll str ssell n.o IJ IlIg tull ot gas all tbe ('111(' 11 1 hll\'<' ctnnc much \(I (! sll'ny tember. 'I'he proC(.'S~ of dry ln&, !lllil Histo ri'c Movement of 1857 Far Dixon n ll d t;llherH r!'NullE' 11 I n lin 1111· "And du yo u su ppose ;rou will reo tim e .ond nw h enrt fl u ttered 6 0 t hDt J ralth. Hill Ihel'(, III n Ilwl1\gln!l ' btlI'll bleachlo" of tha woods Dnd ·lI t\'ltlg'S by Ecli psed In I ntensi ty al~d Fervor- 1)I'e hlcnl('d nll mh"r or CO Il,· .1 1'8111 n~ . !llllbcr 10 (lut 011 y our I1v<'rcoat If (he cou ld SCRrc Iy breath, tr.!1ll1 lhl>l fllc l. 0111" IIl I ~ 1Il Ib 0 11 lhtl th hot Iiali nn sun. rlLLh r Ihan hy " Flna lly 1 rem ewbel' d Ulat a trleol! II O\' I' Canada lll(! s alll WU ); tl'll ·. St arting . w i th t he Work of Tor rey WI·,llI'. Thl'KC I hlngs fir 111 to (l n ll' In th o artln 1111 m thod used In olhl'" It Iud IIl1l1g s, 80 ItS IIl,t to c,l t 'h olle Itnd I' co mm ended Dr, Wlili u s' PI nk A fnlll' w e I, s' ILIl1))ul gn In Turonlo ~nd Alexander In Australia Fou r (') Ie,;, bill NIl'h wa l'l' u f fllit h In t hl' colllllrl" ". A crO lln l~ In a 'g\,('uL mp ~s· or"Y ?'))' dC'cad d ~ldS'!" Plll ~ t o Ill O so I commco ' ~d u slu, l('xundu l" : '>\ul\{'\1 III Vear'3 Ago It Has Spread to All Clv· h;- TOrt"~' and !llbl ' th u l aplI('lIr!! ill lUllt'\) ~ I r m ger u re for Iho slIperlor qUlllll y ot both ' esll, my d Dr. 0,.' 10 . I golned In strongth r l\l,l dl, 4,::00 cum'm'Rlons. " And yo u wtll try to r cme-mh!'r l.hnt whllo thc lJaby throvo n l O. Wh en I iftzed .Countrle s-What the Ev an· than li s 1)1'!'11 'Cl' SH ClI', n nd In Ih l' e nd ma t flaiR. T hi s 10tel\l;;I'" b 'fit wns al so Phllu dell,h i ll II Xl Wn R lItlw'k l' ,1 uy xp c ( d m~" next chillI I BtarLed t~lk · failh 1lJ1I5l nlul1ll,h ," th o I'e l\ ~o tl for the slow (j lali llallJ)n yo u h avo plenty or letl n '0 11 111'5, so gelists Say of It, tb e "all ~ IISI S, alltl t h (l lI lhll ~ llI!\m o ( the OllR Il~ ed hy th o ltllllan milk· yo u necd l1't go ahou t looking as It you Ing lh o pills ag ain as a tonlo snd Rev. Mr, Sunday 's V iews. whl j'\ped t u high nit h. a ' lI1ull :II'IlIY ~tl'e o gthe n r nnd had no s\lcll dllfl· rs, w hic h nl wu ~'s TIlIIHl luccl al II 1,ll gh harl no wire tl1 nl' ll to YOl""" h lrago.- TIIC grOlltes t religio us re, nlll)," .'ullllu)· hll~ . lInw vrl'Y IUll l . o f ru lI . womell li nd 'hlldroll I Il'O r('~~ · " Yes, Ill )' cI 'UI':' suld Mr. Morse, &II cully as u eror e. I got lip h etter and . nntl (he v lI\'nlsh, slowl )' teml1<'l'llIur(' vi va l o[ mudern tll1l1>s lis i n prng l·etis. Ing OIlVI1 I·- loII . E" (, I~Y serlloll or 1111 rinl I'UIIS(1I1l! rill' I h" IItre m:l h . l I t' the my sir u!;lli mobllcl( 60 0n r , tloaklllll I nto Ih wo d s of th " Iolll\ ~ be tUl'O ed · t.o take 11 1) his bag. Thl'Ougnout l h" (j ul l d 'tu t l!:; tlte r;olllltr~' , (llll si d 110S!<luly or Ill(' 1'". Ilr e:;('nl tnO\'l'IIIC· II t. Ill'''': t h,'.\, arc : " And , James," said 1\1rs. Morso, Lor'- . "A yea r M O lust wlul !!r 1 had an at. benl'ulh tho b eDt or thor. ' Illllhln sum· D.\II nlf('!staUons of li t b II sltls III luI\' "Til e. 111:111 nf !;lIlh rl u ~ fll~l' U,o'r cHI ' COllst, h(ls fa llCIi IIntlL'r l h WOI'C mrrs, prOlluce d, In purl, tho m ello'~ · Cully , ' " do you suppo se you wtll think ta ck o f rn cu mallRm In the h~lId s which lit' n no moro marked than III (o r Ign ~T4 \al UtH.J1 Itt'P h nudl l' nn t' 1"0 l' is Oil!! ur I' 111:;10115 Il t husill sm . ness of lO ne that ,;I\'('s 10 a ('remn n" or Ill!' 0 \'01')" doy while you Ilre goue w e llt fr o ll1 (1110 IlRud to t he oth er. The t:o lllllri S. 'I'll movem ent s ' ('rus to ~Oll''t'o o f ~II .C('''~ . Th" re I~ ' othu~I ' Doct 1 aUl h E.'re Rt h01l1 ?" j oInts swelle,l Ull and ...were so GLl If I Felt Throughout the W est . l ostru men t Its vlIllI . arler a 101):\1" ur t li) worltl· w lde. Chl otl an d ludla llre " M y dCIl "" r cs po11f1 1I Mr. MorAf;l coule l n Ol movo th em. Tbe palll e)t· 200 or mol' y(llll's. - ~1ar h Irole. Th rev !\. 01 I n t h I11lddl l' 'II' '~L ('1111, tl('ncllog La this CO lIlll l'r mo st remllrku· , .' , . • t lid (I up throu gh my arms Bnd ~ Ilh hili mind on cutchlng lhe truin. sbvuldcr s . . 1 t el t sick eno ugh to go 14 hlc reports of the rcll1.'ioU8 awok ulng nol l)rOI)!lrly U auld lo lI t1\' S.l1rC II11 1 will cC' r talnly make u. memorandu m btlll hul £11£1 'not do so. 'l'.b ls nUllet; BLOOD GETS SOUR. from hlcago . b cause lit r liglons I II tho" eoun trl s, Everywh r lh to do so." la st ed for sC " l'ral monU,s. 1 tried sev· I(!vlval s pirit Is ma rkoo beyond all [ervor In t hi s \ll1rt of the l ' nlled ral r medll's but finull y en!ll1l bacll Every Fam i ly Should Mak e Up This Slates h Uij be u u~ l1I \lch In 11\'ldronl'(' PI' d Ill. Oldll~t Man on Army Roll., to USin g til O pill s which had done mt Home Mixture and Take Now, tn the entral fla rt of lh n!lod III the el t! 8 SlIrroillld l:!g l 'lll clI!;:! f or T he olc1eHt nlll, tcd mDn on lhe rolls 60 milch goo d b ~{ore and found tbal St utes, with bleago as Ule rocul as Inn" as It hil S boen Jil th t' tlt~'. olted Statol! army I ~ el'gt. th y beneflled m ea lmo ' t at once, ' I AL this lime of year, say s a ,,' ell· oC the I.ol nt, t he sOTles of " olel·tlmo" rellg· The PI' pOI'liOIi or com' OJ' ts 10 (lop'lIll1' have nut been troub led since." Imo" 'n anUlorlty, l h Kluu Y>i h cODla David R obertson, of the hospital corps. l ou.s IlJ U nl;8 aud t he .har\·('st of con· . lion 111 t h slIIall ' I' .111 1\ n1l(\ 10\,:ns All druggist s 5(>11 Dr. Williams" Plnir slation on Governor's I lan<1. He Is a w 'ak , clogged and luacti ve, ruliing to Il l ao hn s be n m uch gr atel' lh all In v('rU hav been the most not abl In nl\llve Scotohman . He first IIDlisled Pills. a T UIOY will be s nt by mall filler out tbe t\ ol~ ons ond IIclus, wh ich Chi cago for Ol)vlollR rCH SOllS. the history ot th co ulltry slnc, 1857. post·pald. on r ee Ipt of prtc~. GO conts IOUI' th \llood , aus lng no t only f ucial May 27, 1854, and h bas been In eou· )1 r bql(. six hox s (or $2.50. by the Th e :tact 'numll I' of con\' l' ls In Itl Ihtlt yea.r occurred a I' l'l gloul tlnuous service, bllvlng Ule extraordl· hlcngo within t h lasl s i x Illon t hij Is and bodily !'rllptloos. but th WOI' t . Dr. WilIlllms ldedlolne ComplUl)" movement tha t bas become hlstol:lc forma of I1beumatl sm. I'PfI'OUS anu nary r ecord of neve r havlog lost a day, S henectad)'. N. Y. Send for bOok 01 b l' virtu e ot Its Int nlllty 11m\. !lCOI)('. nllL oblalnable, rOr th r II son tllere ne Is 'i4 years old, ,., Stolllaeh troubl ca, Du cl aell und pDln .. cures. ontlldered In propo~ ~lon to \Iopulallon hav b en S(l lUany Indlvld1lal l'e"lv I hi ago without HIlY fill. annoylog U r i nary. afflictions . then and now, the movell\ nt of 1 &7 movem nts In . It Is wortll anyono'l! tim n o w to ]'r obabl), was as Important o.s the on ' c ntral control,l iog orgolliznllon I\' bose get from some good 1)~Cscription pharo busln 88 It Is to keell tTII k of th e conver ts. en h church e!olng this work macy tbo following los r edl nts: Fluid for Its H. T he prinCipal el' ongell stl El(\l'act DRndelloo. ilne·balt ounce : workin g In t hi s clly esti mDte the nllln· (;ompound Kurson. one ounce; Com· bel' to d ate al from 4.000 to u.OOO. He· pound S~' rup SarsDparllla. thre e si d !! thes , many " back slid er s" hflve Dunces. . Mix by sh nklng w ell In a bot· been r ecl aimed and much Int erest hila ,tie and t ake 10 teaspoontul doses after "GlIP.Y" Smlttr. b en lIrollsed amoh g persons who YOIl~ monls IUId at bedtim e. have 11 0 affllla(ed t hem s 1\,(,8 with ~~------.---------Tbls simple bome·marl mlll:t ure w!II , any church . us m 10 numbers. ~'orme rly they tr ied torce tbe Kidneys to normal , IleRlthy Enthu.l;alm In England. to com'e rt a town by holdIng revival aotion, 80 they will tllic.r and stralo 1111 Tn Elnglnnd' In the Establlshod hl!!etlnt::s In n cburch t baL would not l,Irlc ac id tincl Ilolsonou~ wa sle matt!)r church th 1'!!lIglolls e nlhuslnall.I 't':lIh. s al on ·fifUI'!'lh of, the populatlo o, from th blood, and c1'l11:'1 lIiis 10 I b In th e last ye ar has been unpreced nt. Mos o( the sllceesarul r(wivalisll\ In- urioe. at th sam t lmo restoring th e ed. ane! e\' angellcal work of wide sl~L Ilowadays on the erection of a t,a,. "rull blood coun t ..~that Is, !Ii p .' Cllut. scope Is being carried on In much lhe bCrI!acle big ",nough to hold t~oll~Rnda . r ed blood co rpu sol s-whJoh I s nbstr ~atil e iuanner a8 the revlvlIl work Is If th eT!' hs no s uch hulldln!: alrendy In l u~ely Ind~ ~ pl'nsable t o pc rfect bea l \ h. baIng done In the nl ted Stales. ' the town . And peopl e now .lIr e ao New York'. RapId Growth. thcy fr el l' glYII Fl'Om lhe h adqltlltt r s ot t h e Sal. I'rosperOI)lI lhllt TIl rllPld. growth or th e tlntinn's vatlon Arm), there COinll re(lorts Qf x. mon!!y ror lhIs 11Ill'jlose wh l' hey great m tropoll s Is a sourcc of nll tlon· traord.lnary Int rest In. Ule work of formerl y would not,. that remnl'llIlbl organtzal'loll and 1 " Bu ~ bock o ( I t all Is pra yer. The al Inlerest ' and Ilrlde. Sta ll stlclans an unusually Idrg~ numbc r of : ·saved ." scotters deny IJ11 a, hut ! ! a lar ge num· IIgure that the poplllnlion (lr lbe cl\y The work of Lho al'nl.,V, howev r , fol. b r of IS off r!i w r to ask , 0 hUllIlIll will exceee! llllit of London ,by the lowto~ lhe great buma.nltarlan die. (lowel' to gl\' t h in a Ilert aln thlllg III year 1916, tlnd will d uble In 25 years. tum (If GOA, Dooth that "we shU\I'l d ~ cerla ln Will' at a cert ain tlnw aod 'fhe prcsent genera tion will u·ndoubt· be willing to do a9 much fOl' a man , th Y r celved lbl~ { hlng they would etlly sce In Now Yo r k tbe .w ol:ld's I F w . persQos Dr, R. A., Torre~. as fOr a horse," partak es ' lo Its dally u e pretty likely tc;l !,blnk i t oa mo fl'onl greatest. metropolis. manifestation mueb ot <th e character th e POWOI' they l1etlLloned (or It. evell realize that the population of ,New of a revival and lhe difference til reo It t h ey c(lIIld not actually see I t g iven." York city Is , already ooe In 20 ot tbe now In progress, Taken wlUtou! ref· l1opulatlon of the enUre . United Stales. erelloo to I)Opulalion. til movemen~ fore IIjI not so ·noticeable, As lIll I\rwy SHEEP: OC)G8 KNOW A LOT. or thai. tbe gJ"owtb or New ,"ork ..:;c1'f't"'-o-lf-" OmceT said: "W are whooplllg ' er of 50 years aiO was but a drop In Ln the cenlury pa!t has been II bucket' compared with the scope ot up all the time, anyway. With us It's Have Repeatedly Given Proof o~ R.. times more rapid than tb e growth of . markable Intelligence , the revival movement tbut Is abroad always revival time." tbo wbole country,- MoodY'1I Maga' Standing out as·. tile . cbler t eature to·day. zlns, or the presont movement Is t h blot.\\,ha:t a herd dol;': has firs t to l earn t:'. I "'he history ot religious movements ting out 'or sectarian linn In tho e \·an· Is 10 koow everyone of. 200 01' 300 Churning Dog •. of this kln·d sbows tbat they . almost gellsLlc wOI·k . The men wbo ha"e sheep. and to ' know tbem both by A curious polnl In Tcgn r e! to the new Inv(lrlailly followed on the h eels met :wltb tbe greatest lIuc'oes8 are sight and sm ell. This he uoes thor· dt'C;s act ocoupled the attentlon of .tbe . 01' bave occurred ' durlUg perlo\ls of those ' wbo . haVe paid no attention .i.o oughly. When Watterson' WIlS runnlos ·C"rnorvon county bench on Saluruoy. de p Industrial 'd lstress, 10 the Ulllt· j ed StRleS thlll has been particularly ,e~t.h:r seclarlanls#~ J~~omlnauonal. s~eep on th plnlns he had n young Ba~'S t1HI London ' Dally' Mall. ,The SI\· true. . . . . coil! not Yf:'t put to fhe lIerd, bllt pcrlntenden t rep0rlfild that eight per, k ellt nbout the rlllllllJlng ))Ia,t, says a so os had applied ror exemptions In TeDlltrelS A.ffected Soul., writ r In Har'per'!; l\iagazln. As tt.\e spact or dogs which wC "e 11 ~ ed ,ror , the reUglous. outbreak of 1,857 ap· sbeep came l ~n by hu ~dred!\ to the chu~nlng, I ssard Da\'ld s Inq;llred parently bad Its ortglu In th e dlstreslI tro ughs, the dog grew so 8S to know whether It had no~ been decl decl Ibat of the (leap Ie, ond lbousahds ' or those them lllill \vben they bad picked up a ·\ to use dng s fOl' sucb a ['u r posc was who had sulfer d fluanclal 10H~e s In stray from anolh('1' band he discovered I cruelty, but several or his cu lleagues mate'/llaJ things flocked to lhe ehurcn es ·Il from afar () tT. and, darting os a hor·. I repli ed In th neg ative, Tbe b eoC)l1 to pl'lIy for. relief fl'om tholr tl'OlI\)los. n ct. nlllPlng nnd ye lping, ,part d it out declded tbut, the owners of. the cburn· Monetary dlsaste!' r nllered t h Ileafrom tbe band , At tbe time no mere 1.lng dogs must lake out lIoens es. . pIe I!usceptlbfe to (' II g lou ~ Influoncos. lIlon would ha v pretended, without jtl!it 1t8 misfortune In IndlvlduRI rn scs (he aid of. th( brand . t.o recogniz e n or . Big Port of New. South Wall~l . . is .8 Mtent raClol' In the Introspection ot th e tbonsa.llds thut bore It. Newcastle, N. S. W .. Is now a very tha t orlen l eads to I he nec Iltuncll of How long I' oli ctlon stayS by the Important port. wltb lis 0,\)00 peopie rell~(ln . The gr at I'e vlval of the dog IR nol (~ertaln , but ' at l east a and sl\llalell 102 mhes by l'lIJl or 6Q late 'ros appears 10 h a " c had Its QI'I· tweil'(!1l10Ulh, as Wll ti prov d' to FUon ,miles by sea trom Sydn y. The prln· .~(n In a ~IDl llar na ti onal comllUon . Girard IIftcr h o hUd lost II third of hlR clpal shipment!! are coal.. Lnsl year l.'be hi stori c r f.' lI gloll~ 1lI0vI'[lie nl led banu ' whpli th o Santa Anna Cl1 me 1,7.1) \'e5Mels.. entere~ and cleared .. bay· h)' t h e l at.e Owlg h l l,.. Mood)' In . hi· ronrlng Ill' Lcm o Pill c w llh u cloud or Ing a coniblned tonnage of ':1.768.401.. rago l1I\ d r unning synchronoll s t o the eatl'~u ,co IOI: d . dU Sl .on I t~ w!r~gB'.' 1 Labor troubles' al's 1~ chief draWbac. k. wO\'ld's flli!, t ook plar:e when th e COIIO ' Aftel sh c:t llng or nexI yeal, pnsslng A FRIENDLY ' GROCER .. t rl' wns en tol'lnl; t h e Ih,·o('s or one of cloij to nuoth I' band, Fll on ' s dogs • t he mo~l .IiBns l l'O.1I8 Indnst rial panics set thl'm se !l'~ s \lIlbldd en 10 Touting )ropped a Valuable ' Hint About Coffee. III 'Its hl slory. :I' he Mill i s true of ouL or It. and rOllncllng wllh l heir owo'\ .. . 0 her n lLtlon s. .' It wouid Ite too bed to n early 20 h lui , whlcb lh h I'd r . Itt · "For about· eight y al' ," wrltc~ a In this )'osllCcl lhe t'r~~ f' n t r~llglo lls rat. 31001' home In tbe orell. lug an honest mnn., freel y arlru l tt d he ,ll c ~. ,,"outun. "1 surrer d from n I' v, movemen t r!HflWS rrOIl1 II 'nl'll' rIll o~b· 'rhO s,hClDOmen(l1 h,cre35o In rAil';"", ml\eall __ Wm ; A. Sunday, oary ....oy. slm,ply bllca!lso mft_ hnd picked UII on .l h e m esa following 'll ~ I'<)ss- lIart of th tim e llowQ In lJed lnllunlf nnq bnl, jet l ~-hIllIIUt." l nlU " .. eYcr1' 1101''I I ; 'rhel'A It II " p henn I it VCUI'S or of not IlDowlotl YO.n could do tl .. " 4 t tho Q(\ Un l.fl" wlftlill n ;lluh o t c llUfr,l he-.. n fter . FlIon the spring h fore. ,·ltl\ n ervous Ilrosl ru(lon. ' In I'r()cedonlpd prosfI, ' rll)' . l 'n lIIate· JI .:h tH)III , 11"ar\"uo;, ebu",J tUtil auQ t)fery wuderD . It beUer for less mODeywlth OUrry o le 'let!. · , Q.ulck lo know the wl mlll anll unbid· " Somcliru es I would gel numh nnd It ,. fli t h Ings t h(l cn\1nlr~' an e! I hp I" o ilip Ism . So'm il or the mosl IT('cttv . van· ~'lloNir....."rv 3I1f.r.rol'o' IIIJl<Um..WO·IM'I'OROP ' . AtabastiDe. Bette.. find 1111hle m emhc l's of n fln ck. th e wlsl' vOllld be .olmos lmvosslbJc f(II' m e to o f lh l~ tou r ," lja l '" "\J. \UJ,~ IU ItJ~ (jl flnu", o f as tndlvl ,luill s I1n,,;' heon nnd 111'1' l110re r; 11M!; In !.IIO 11, III e! l?cl (n (lvon to l 11 .. oot an. abont Alaba.Une \Y o turn e ftnn!! tl , A.ltlUI. frv Q;i tbo rO!jultl o f o\bl r pros t> riJ lI:; t han · e r Iw rol'l'. · Y et. t heir audiences wha t ohurch (Il er are co lli e Js nol ~ 1ll\rJng oe bl! s, unn. fol · I poak fOl' IL ijlloll, At OI\t(l rS, I would IiIr"l na.nd O1"I.llu. first. ooyw.y. , ~~o .. tut ",tee .:\n'd hlform$-l lnn Address ~he 8UPII:Jl· oalrar" .· o · hlstol')', In tho' ml IHt or rornHllly llfl1l1llted wilh . \n mosl cases lowin g IIft(lI' A stubborn slmy , will 11\\' 0 sevore b i lions r. ' laolr s. anti ruy IN 'I' h1N lIKN1' ()Io' 1:'Ill\lItiUATIUN. Um \.",u , OIlOJUl&.. W:e'U cheerfully send Or au)' DULb Qrlr.C{I (iu vOI'Uht(HIt. '&K O! ll . \ • ' thl8 mar vellous pres II rU r tll ,'1'1' nrl st's tbi ~ Is k.noll'n , hut doctrinal )lrej lldices often throw I t and stand suard unW ! eal't would flu tt el' r.lllnFnlly when 1 you full information if you H. .M. WlWAMS, an d Is malnl;llll ed fo r at Il!nst (o u r ann Ilrercr ' nN!S cue belilg k epI. In t he . help Drt'lves or t.ho sh .ep shows n bet · \ ~oul!l walk fast or sweep. . Baildiat, Tol~., Olai.. 101' ~~nd . Bll t the herder who. ha s !l '''1 haH" U\ I,en enough merllclno to will Bend us your addresa , , :;ear!; a cClustallt1 ~· g rowin g Ullt' of reo bllckgrollnc! liS ne\' I' bofore. on a post cud. . Ilgloila ent bll ~ ln s1I1 . Thl' mcn guiding Th l~ ellm'IiHHlon o[ seota rlanlsm In clo/!i tl Dlp ed at t h e <1lmcult work ot ,tart a small dl·ug. atore', wl.thout any h!' Illovom 'nl say thni' t he': soe no Ihe o\';.n1;1) \I CII I movement ilia" he h erding sheop Il)rollgh tbe chute/! and ienefit, On . evening OUI" grocel" was ,. The Alabe'tltlne Co •• Iwldp.n c of 'the uppro'ach of ' L1l e 'lid el tl" , .. ciln s (11' elfccl-e" oll the' vnn· rUnW8)' ~ 'I.n to hoats ~nd cars for trans- .sl Ing J.\lsbnnd bow 1 ,vall and ho '110 Q.~oiI"ll. Au .• Q,.oiI"~ Irged that I qull corree and use a" •., or 100 W••• r Stru'• . o f he r evlvul Sill I'l l . 'rhe nllmb ~ . of gel lsts clift' r 011 Ihls polnl, Sonl Bay tlortatlon Is tho rortunale follow , No. yo.. ClIJ. . . Th\1 I'!l '\'.III! P'lO's dog. nO(Jrdalouo, ~ostllm, so he brougbt humc n pkg.. co nverl s Is Increasing dull y. lIlorc m.en t hal th e mO,'Clll ' Ilt Is IInprcci) clente(Jly \ . '. Ihat. at. the ' S ~o e~lon land l ug . ' wilh no ,nel [ made it according to dlrectldns are goi'ng Into tim c v(\o gpil stt c ,work, st T,Ollg ber-all s,' th ose lines are being . Th'ere, are .posi~ionll opertl.n the asslst'lIIce; 1 1Ilt . 800 . wild sheel) from ,Ild· we were botb delighted with It, aod e\' rywhere pre llaraflons are be· I gnored , while ot hers protest t hat t hey Navy for,huddrcd8.of youn$' men . "'So we <lull colfee· altogeth er aod Inl\' made fur wldel' ac\l\' l ll cs III the are hel og Ignored hccau se Lhe gen. tI1e hlghland;s on the bQal In eight - bctwe'cn 17 ahd 2S yure of age; nil!lll t S, ' by ' running alon g the backs Bed only Postum, I ' began to g.e l bet. re vival movem ent. e'r a l rC\'I"ul spi rit IS so strong. and for mechanics up t~ years of the flock until h e 1.l ad picked out pr In .1I mon th's tlmo Dnd 1001. IIl,e ·a n. Reviv~1 Began lri .;II.·uslralla. What the Evangcllafa' ~ay, of age. Good pay, IInd·gOOd food Ihe slu~b\lm " nr stu(lJd .leaders ' ·that 1-her p erson. th e col,)J' c:\r,nc. bilCk' lO ' . fnrnlsbed by tile· Governllteut. "h~ current : r e llglu1J ~ rmthllsillsm, 'If you ask one of thc evangellllte c~use.d lhl! HhectJ to jam In the . Fun· y theek !!, 1 began tp sl . Oil ·w ell. iny" For' full infoimatiori ad!ir~ In Its \vorld·wlcle sense, rJ ate~ from 'WilD are nlllklllg big 8UCCesS(l~ In the \\ a y, and, b)r sharp bites, Bel (hem ,pt)ellte 'W8 S good and 1 commenced 'Navy ReCTlliting. Station; Post he wor k of 'rOrrey and AII'xanll'r In r evival Held for lhe causl! of the pres. Forward. hlma If . lr~adlng .the .1~l\c~s 0 take on flesh and become Interested' Office Building, Clncinnati,OWo, IIl1tl'ali'a four' Yca !'!i ago. On this cnt movement Ite will t ell y ou that It of the I'ae!rll; flock. like the pren'llere il ever~' thlng abOut the hOllse. r I ',. Austru!llln tQur . tlies(' ' vangeJlslB Is am;wer Lo III:ayi)r. Thi s Is what. equestriennE! or t', e circus, whleb al\ "FIDlllly I was able to do all my own ! lIide 10,000 el1nVllrts fn a lIlonlh !lnd Rev, A , ·C. Dlxoll said: lhe men or t he sblpplng <:h(lel'ed to ,ork ,,' Ithout the least sign of my old .JI&4 . 1C'ACH ARTIClE GUARANTEED . 1boliSIluds upon l,h o ll /sUIle!l! tl1l1o wcd "We who holl ve In the emellc\' o t see. rouble. ·1 am so thanldtil 'for the little MCIIlitJt, Cioaf'l4 ~ . . Ih!! fi rst great crowu oC cOll\'Orls In . pl'ayer b~ll e ve iliat God Is IIllRW~rlng oolt, 'Tbe ltoo\l to Wellv l' i le: It hall l'alIllntlleSI*, 1Imll' aCCelllilRce (If I·ellglun. 'rhe fire the 'petitions ·thDt have beon golns 111' Uplift Mrovement in, · J.IVBR. -.-~, Tn. Alaba.mD MIs8 Latona Burn!! has <!ne m e so much. gQOd, 1 haven't ~ '. C. . . W_ , .....' tiltH; klndlod Sjll'end throt\ghom No", for teo ' yelll'H WI over the 'arUl' tOl' a ,,' "'e boar" of ed'~ lken medicine ot· jlny . kind Cor; six ntrUIate tile VeptabIe. .rid he... Oo..mmont8al1oo.l rta.il1...nol "'r pM.. I... ' AI· heen apllqtnted b J . . . Zeala nd and .Australasla. It ha~ coo· world ·w li.h l \ ·"Ival of religion. U ~- lonths and d,ln't n. eed anv. _U..rfo&.... I>."DE.Pon.CIl.. OU".JlalII....... 1I4. tlnlled to bllrn stead ily In Ihut PllT t of though tlte lIoh·church I)OlllllotJon dllOS cation to organize. a conCerted tirove~ L IUU.Io rlllu "A. friend of oura who-:dld" 'n ot 111m ~h.!' world , noming nll Ih tltIle and notlwow If , th c fllct I~ ·tbut Chri stians .ment for ·tlll) Im}.rovell,lent of the pubGenuine Must Bear Ireal\ i llS out ficrcel y tt l Inl rval i,. The for 8 cl Cl'lld" have p:'a)'e<\ persistent· UQ schools or tho !>late. She will be 'ostum BS sbe made It, IllWd mine. men' ~\' h O Iltarted It wen t In l .onclon ly, enl'nesl.1 r and confidently for 11111t aod 1._ "" whao ••• ,...... to "10., :.u:~o~'~ · IYEA ~ ~ ..J ~\) d the resuirs. of the\1' work I here ·Bre . Buch Q . Illll\"m nt as fll now In prog· bama. to form scbool fmprovement aa- Dough. her', Wll8 k8 ,ood all mine. PI ' L '~~»fi; ""ell remerulJered . ffingitlod, Scot lAnd ress. ure still llro)'lng and the socl&tions and to try and awaken Ril . I·S casy 11 )' 0" ,toliow dlrectlona:' ....C(lumllI - - -should - -Insist tltIna..snr1lsedln ~ upon ~= ....&1 l/1'''\'.~I'or. NIuIInI all nllcl lreland caught !he con tllglon, The I movement Is JnCTeaslng. How much actlve Intel'l st In public edm:atlon In lame given by Vostum Comp,any. Bat· I tatn or !IllS. the puhlll; omclall and In mothers anel ' Ie Creek, Wcb. ' Read the little book. 1_______________ (llmous Torrey and l\\up'uder mjlet. : strons,w It will..get oply (lor! knows. Tile Road tQ WellvWe." la pkS8. II-I~-'-'~L __ in': 01 C&rdllf. Walell, started the j "But I realJze thlll anllwer ~11 not fathers as cll-.




.Beyond Precedent










lb. Of

Emer~ericies~at Home for the Stock, o~ the farm


SlocmsLini~l\t Is"a w~91e medicine chest P~Jce

!5c ;50(.. &


S ....d for fre~ 'Booklet on Hor~es"C6it1e:Ho2~ ~P9ultry. AddressOr. Earl S. ~Io~n~ Bo'sto'1t ,M~ss. .



Soma of fba.~Advanfagas lit""








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QOl')'rlg llt, 190£, by J oseph . Ilowh'a, " M IlI'jorle:' eal.d Lady I SlIlml , look, havl' 10 tE'11. I still See h r -nu. it I. il l&., at me wllh great so l nlnlty. "do a ll llark Iltlll:' thc 10 1\1 Vo i ce mur' ,,'il'belleve In the SlIllet'llutll 'nJ'! " rltlll' cd t hrIllingly. " Ah! Ye. -yo ur "00 YOII ruean, do I bplle" e In m y qu Ktion-)'aur hllslmod, J s l'Ilnl ~ IIgloo, I sabel?" Ifow-she 18 with him. thi s fllir Sir) " 0(' cou'm o not," sho ILlllIW rod, Inok· - 1\ I' nt.\nltl--b ur nnm ; Il Is ~loL1a­ UI/r rut her shocked . " I \lWall, do you be areflll- watnh hl m - Jla IIlnl'O 1l1l11 b'lI v In palmhlts t elllnl!; YO\l you r ab le to hi III , more Irwlng-morE' g n· 1nlllro, and In p r Ilenllol Ills alHl erys· 1I , 01' h wlll l eav yuu und .go with wi ga7,In g, nnd c l ulrl"O 'IUlls, and all h I--It nil II d In your llnllda-your tit t!tat Slll't or t hi/lg, YUU knl1\V?" lure IIf(l-" . " Oll , you 1Il an III 81I\1!!rBlIlIon?" V"l lh [III ollly hnl f11l1'l'l'essed sore am " W illI. If YOll like 10' cull It UlUt." or ruga ( ,aU)' M assln J; hlllll s lu'ong to . t '10, J. duu'l," h!'r fl'ot, Oll(t L:ldr l !j ub ~ I ' tlrow me .. \\. '11, y ou're goIng to r l'om to·dar, IJ ul,; I;) y hilt'k to the IIttlc all t,,'room III ;' c hild." 11 ~ ll tn . " III 11" "Woll, I<h e's doin g pOOI'l1le1 1nijslllJ,:, "YcS-dOD 't BUur, It's ,'ul gnr, lind Ill' haUl 1\ l;ood tnl'n , anyw ay: ,bnl Hh,,'11 0il ll lll'l IlU O, 100- lJ eCll llso l'vo fuuud a. II 'vcr m al(e tfrn'l, cat Ullllllh i " Iu Silit r " ally succcss ful c llllr\'oya ul. ... fjr-" " A wbat?" SII hrolt(, olT B1ldd"n Iy ns Lad y Mas. "A clllir voyant," sh e ulls·.... ered firm· 8111101111111 C,I IlI(J sw oopln>; Ollt of t h e I~ , " uu d Ilhe 11 ves In nilleit "Ire I-you 1'00 111, looki ng . v I'y nUijhl'd IlOd vcry kllOW , Ju'st 01T New l~Olltl Htr,'et ," n ll J;ry, Blll1, wlthoill pv"n >loolng lib. " Whul does 8h (b1" Illlss ' d dOWIl, th l) Mill 1'8, " ho puts h el· ~~ tr Illte n t!'lln ce, and "Now, III!ll'jol'le, iL'S you r turn," t ulls you your pust anti y our fllt ur , snlll Lad y 18,,))<'1. HilI rOl' onco I Ig' 00." 11 01'('(1 th e om llclll lll, hanl! Iwd, I'UU' " U avo yoU ask'd ber to I II you , bow to mnl.e IlII IncoUlIl yel ?" 1 ' said V!I'asa,utl y, " ~1y denr ~ I rl, 1 lun not always thI nkIng or mon 'y, " saI d Lad \' Janbcl , 8 ,' er Iy; ;'uesidea, I dOIl'[ 8ul;p08e sl\e .11' Illns of UII)' lhln g ~o sordl'!. Lucl)' lItUl;sl nghan! Is gubg 10 her lo-lIny, \)y t h way, and 1 nlll golli g lo meet hl:'r th er f', lIud JilVCIl Il Il IOO-Y OU kuow, til dar k 0110 who 15 60 pretty, nUll or as II ';0 well. Do com llnd l el ber lUll yuur futllre too," ] scolted; h\.'t she lu sl led, nud nn Jlonr Inter we w r driving down to :tI nll:tm e ,F anrai' 's rooms. . The light In lI lO ante·room Will! 80 l1im thllt for a fIlom nt 1 dId not I' c· o l," lllz\l Miss J:.l vu ijton, but InoUe d a filli:ht trombllng In Ih voice t hat grl! ted La dy I sa bol us she IIn!d : "She'u awful-p rfeelly 'uucanny. \ )sabeL" ~oor Iltlle Miss W1vastou was allllost I II t 'nl's, "Whnt dill she tell . you, lIfonn 1" .ask ed Lacl )' )sabl'l ' pluyrully, " I 110 110U YO I\ hav n' t bel!n 1\ nlluslHy l;!rL" , I wns gN,wlns mol" uceustomed to I , t it lI ~bt II ul1 Ie·roon), lUll] snw S;le Sprang to Her Feet lfonn Blvasloll flush nlltl bIt hel' '111 . . " , . or (lOllI'S!) not.'" sh o sa i d hotJ)', nlns down the stul r s, st pped Inlo tnl! ', ' aod wltb milch hoslo. ' Aulomoblle anu drew a d o!;'p. slad " flas YOllr molll '1' b eM In yet? bl' :l h of L oudon IIlr, m Ullt t ell )1I'r to come," :'or nil III rublllsh-" "Mllnllnn? Oh, 110, ))Iollse don't." said MOlin In n horrified voice, "Sh 'd ::1IfUI'J °l'le! ]don'l yo u bali "Il In It?" 1I1 Y d cllr sa lJel ," J sal.d crossly, 'o nl y Mil! all s(\rts or ha t. rill 'qn ~1I0n6 nbol!&_m nl l oos\. j m CRU, sbe'.1 wnu t "p.l ease don' t t h ln.k I'm aucb an alisoto kitlbw I,ow mu It I ow , nn tl ull tbat lu te rool. Thal sickl y sc ' nt, tlle worn, an's rldlclllous poso . nnd " olce, Uie "ort. of tiling, ~·ou llnow." ' "All ri ght, I'll put bel' orr," l{ll,lgbed wholo ll1ln g ' yas an obvious (rBut\.': said ' sally. "gl l,ady I SII~ol , who Is slwu)'s kInd to , "Ul1bellev r ," ij l\ aud I!-dorcd by Ullmnr r! ~ girls. " Don't yoursellTmir1lee bolY sooo you'll be t~.lle Wh ll~ she suys too 1lI11oh to l1enrt, converted:' I n ' t,JlO purk ' we ru n _across Lad~ lilY dear gIrl," Ilh ndded airily, "alld, by tb e' bl " :"-sh e low I' d ber 'voIce and M;jssluglUl.!n, JlIld b er houd on' MOlllt's ' :ll'rn-:"take "I sa w ~'ou 'at Faufal'e's," sold Lad) my a'dvlee. d'r op Lonl 1I'l uss'l n g-ham. or l snbcl, sreukln~ \'ory all'colly, "Jusl a~ yo u'll !;t't III a hor-i'jilln III 'as," lIud she YOll wore coming put. I sn't sh a IUllr. l:ustled a: vn:; ber re . MIss Elvasto u " ol? Sho t old me such 1I'001(1er(ul. . jlll(1 r ecovOI'cd II r mice or lost her \vond r(ul lhlnl;s," .~ I ~ . "Sho Is vcry IIntJlltlny:: said Lady "l1!)llo, i~v linn," 1 iienrd h er s:I'y a M n8slngb~m wllb a sligh t llhuddor; nlorn n t Int!lr, "biJ tJ \vollld ra th er IlOt lal it u~out lIef A iou, hl\lItisome sl rl wns l'~n.llng pl aBC," i(lw 'li l! ,I Itb IUU3hl!l.3 eyes t hat ~dy Tsu~e l . clortlY ' chang d 1I1f1 can· w .I' -:.f. LI.I 'Ie mlsol rJQf. v llrSHlion [lud 'soon aft ' rwa rda we " '~tii:hl." she ~old gall}' . "My d ill' d.rOve 'awn'y, . lsnliel . ')' u'vo s'on t . ino ILh r 10 it " Wh at did that fraud obarge i O\1, . fl'lI lid .... r n 1.1 I'fcct . wonder; , nnd sh I sabol'!" ' lla~ t Id mo v'ry( h ll1~ I Qldn't wnut "Chargo mo? WIl:, nothIng- at all, ·to know, Ollc.111U nl;· how m uc.h low\) or CClUTSC . H n t.. bridge, ,'nd llbc \'I.'n kll Cw I'd g iven "When I sn)' YOII, I m an li er ell , 1111 I~ I'll I\hd C!gurclI OS:' en ls:' I saJ d, " Wh at doos sh e chars .. " Mlll'jorI O Il(ltl ome' to ha' 0 h er fu· th\~ ail ly women whn so t o b el"?" ture t ol d," Mid Lad y I s:,bel ~ ru\"f:- I y. " Three guineas II Vi sit, I b elle,' ." "Ind , t!, I b a l' u't," i relOl:t 'd Indl g"1'111'(-0 glll n eus!" I cchoPd, agbRst. lIanll~', '1 como to h our YO\ll'S lanbel." L.~[jl- 16Ubo>I IIUlgh d, "Oh , '~he told " " by, I tbo\lgh t tho " ery worst 01 tlJl'J11 only chn rgoe! a j:!lllnen," ' 11\0' min. l1ulte Itlng ngo; but Fha Is . "Well,'" saltl La II)! I snbol , " yon see , very \vondlll'fn l, Isu"t she?" she Ild df'd, sh e Isn't '1' 'u l cl aIrvoya nt. '0 III re' ~ turnln!; Lad y E,,\' l(nu. "I met pOOl" my s llaye too for her 10 pn)'," IItlio ' MOI)a E h 'llstOll just now. und " Y':>III' sl'nre," I echoed; "but wbent FiUe was nlmolll IU tellrs," " "1l' Ill, sho'll ilo 601110 good wIth Iw r do YOll come Ill?'/ "Oh! 1 don't come In," said Lad y 1& )'ubbhl b If sU nth 'l s II M ann to gIv e up nbcl, ns sho sracof llll); b~wecl to 1\ Mnsslligliam, H I ' wHe I~ In th eril II ow. It's a )lil Y ~ Io un hns t ult E'11 sneh 0 fnn' pUtislng- mnn, " I only Sl\'o b el' tho 10' (ur watlon." oy: to hllll, becilIISC'-w oll , I-OIill):. Lad y l1'l asslni;\l arn Is his excuso, I sn 't sh oGot His Revenno. ' fi ll b 'l ,,'oman, y g od s! tl0l\o do t.IHiy , ever ge t th e l11.en 10 marry' th em ? 'I'll· 1t WitS durin!': n Chri stm as dinner, tn cbor lli', I h[l " o II 'pllrty all nt Ula Chrlstmns !l.lllllcr~ nre bllt oeC:1 'Iomll Verln~hIl111 B: . lind .1'111 late all' ·ndy. 11 thi ngs. Many of tho soci ety fo tk uf but q no jo rna sail ve," , and she rustlcII Ih ' <:Ily wero senled nl'OIlI'u l l1io grenl 1'h ey wel'o . hupp)' a nd' away lind down the stalr8, ' I!lble. were th e willy' r,ema l'ks pa ssel! . l..ady I ~ttb I lind I sat waltIng ' to tho Al, Lhe ent! or tho tabl e a VOlin!! ' .ante·I'()OU1 llint 1M to tho "Chnmber of J _ ,}'ulill'lty," us' JI1l1l1alllll FIIJirnl'c oll l:ed 1\11111 wus engnglng II lad y 10 conv -I" .her room or COU$IIi(ut·lon. TlIcrc WIIS salion. Wh), ~houldtl't be en ' 11 M h I ·a hClWY ollor of som e sick ly Jlurrume In conver sation '! Th c re "'OR n(' r ea, 'that COIII O even . through lhe thick cur· son, why ho should not. Th r() wa !: 'tnlnll ' tho, hung bet.weon tbe roopls, no one Iso to talll to 'her, .nnd I ~afl beginning to feel qUIl Ho Ilol,; e(1 her plate- He wus ' do ' fnlnt and sloel1Y, nnd lho hot, I'Qoill In g this whu he was IIll0 ITlI l led. ' 'wns filling mo~e aud more with n en '· Tb e yo un g Indy bl'olto th e sllc!lo~ 'OUS ' r et,lplo, wh.m,' Lndy Isabel sold to T he youn g- man was evidently giVing me, In a whiSper : her too milch, "Here, I 've 11M enou gh or this, . Mar, ;' Wilr- why. my plate i8 not , jone, I reel as thougli we Wer e at the Ilrt: ' . dentist's, ),et'li go In; ' she knows' m e, "O f-of COllrse not; ' r epli ed , the Innd she won't mInd; bes ides, I believe young 'man , lind dosl stl'd , something. has hUPl!eDed-pol'bnps she So- the 'dlnuer Went on, E,' ryone ~illl't come to, or Lady ilta.s slDghll.lIl WIlS 1ll00'ry . 'WI,y 'no l? It wall hrl ijt . , 11118 Bti1lnglcd b lli'," mall, ,lokcll were pap led, wlttlcl llm ~ She pushed op en the curtatns, a.nd I WeI' , current, The 1\ nn at the end ,followed hoI' meobanlC1l1JY, . o( labltl wn.s Ill! hSJIPY RS nnyont! ~D the even dimmer IIgbt ( , tlls· t ll t'rE'. lceroed a femlnhie figure dr()ssed In '1'ho l Olly III tbe oourse nr Unit'! atf Iftt)wlng while, lenDlog ba¢k with 311 tha the YOIIDg man ha 1 given hel cl o"ed eyes anll a (,teatbllko Caee, and !lnd stJIl her IIppctfte wt.s not al) w,'y da.-t. untidy hnlr. Lady 1t'l1l8' peaSed, ..Ingham'-\! baok waa turned. and sbe "Jobn, will YOII help me to the tar .eerned aa thoogh ahe ..... sitting vel7 k ey 1" ,!gld, "SlIre," 'repU('d the Cc!thfuJ ,JoIuI "Walt. theN! la ' aomothlDI elM "baok uP ' )'our cart.,..

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ISIUL I" ... '"Hiabwa~ aDd Byw.~" Proaoha.


Allthorlty: -Judges




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SERMONETTE. The M an of the Hour,-It ha s ". been said that grave crises ere· ate great le3ders, Stric tly apeak·, th l. Is not true, 0/They do not create. Th ey reveal, . :f, Th at Is, the Icad er h,'11 be en .:. In the proc ess of making dur: Ing all the ye ars whi ch have gone befol e and the great Is· Bues wh~n they aris e f i nd him ;j: prepared and ready to meet t them. :( The n eed of the hour has been the door of opportun ity bY'j" Which the man of the hour ::: co uld st ep f orth and show 0(what manner of m"n he wa s, + It I. th e shallow reader 'o f history, lrodeed, who estimates the great characters with the .;. measuring rod of chance an d fa · + vorable opportunity, That the boy Is father of the ;, man was never more true th an ... with those who have stamped ~: their personal ity aod character .... on the pa ses of hIstory, The discipline, the Influer.c;es, the !Struggles, the victories of the earlier y.ears was the rug· ;j: ged, Itern p"thway which led .. to the place of great opportu, .;. n ltlea, of. Way back through the year • .;there h;u been the gathering of strength, of skill. of moral + courage, of mental v igor for the doing of the great task, the he· + rolc deed. Othnlel, the one man In Is· I rael whom God could trust with ~­ the great task of de liverIng from the oppression of the lI1esopo- ". tamian kfng1 had been prep:lr· ~~ ing for that hour all through + the long years Wh ic h t1ad gene ~



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'J'IlUfi III p eoille reaNIECn, aliI 1-,OU III not 1151 1\ to the "Ml al n tew who Htrove In lIlem tb. pU,Jular v'I<lI" 0)1 'n pOlicY, Anti not only did tb" l en,l ers IIll10ng' th o Ilpeak dis· PllI'nlllngl)' ul theBe, but In vnrlolls WILl'S th ey caused persecutlt) OB t o l)(O l UJlttio upun thOlm . Now .n mong those w ho h ad rp.lIlal nod true to t hI! preel~pt!; ancl t lIl)hll1g-1! . ot Muses nnd .)oshull and oPllos cd the pupula r IDOV lllen t dare 111 wns Otlonlol, who Ir. t h JOSh ua hnd ao bravely fougllt "salnnt t h stl'ong cI We8 of Cannan and hat! IlV nlu' \\'11 by his ' own prolVelols [{II" won·sep:lI! I', Ulld had th t!l<~ by th b" uuLiful Achsab IlS hi" wIfe, 'J'he blUet' cunll(y oC thoso " lito wer li l cadln g l ~rne l as tl'llY BI'emed to ('('nl'r Ul,on him and ho fo •.rnd I e x podl('nt 10 wllh ilraw from abe mldllt or l ~ rl"'l !Iud to dwell In a porUon nr h Is inherlta nco quIte apb r t [rom thol11 . WIr ,' n thi s ha!l been ncclOn_..,lIsbtld l he fal ao I auers .eongratulal d t h In' ~ . !I'c., that now thore I,'m! no hln· drance to lhelr nlOdem1zlng; the na· lion o( I ~ra I nud m akin g It ILke th e !; r cnt nlltinns nboul' lh m_ In 01,' I' to 110 IIlls It wn.s deellled necesSIlI'Y lo I !\ t l' BOtHO of tho social c u~ lums of the olh r no.Wons, and thl~ I d to InteNna.rrlngoB, lin d nt wns not long b Foro lhe slrnnge gods of tho other nntlons had roun!l l.ll II' \Va" Into tJl e citI es of the I Sr!Lelll08_ . 'And why should th oy Dol? " ask e,l the II bel'llls_ "Do DOt these, our IIclg-hbol'M, sojourn nmoll!; li S to buy and s II, . and why 8h uld 'IV r efusc ttl let th m h lll'O tbelr gada to WIJI" ship and ~ 1'\' 0 , ven as w,~ wOl'sldp .llnll "or ' Ollr Cod 7" Thon as Uwy b ca me f nmlllllr wtth lh 1110re f esll ,' e olid elabornte sor v· ico of th e h'oaUlen worshIp. I hey bOo !,:1I,n to focI tbat the wOrljhlp o( tbel r God wn~ too narrow and severe and IIII(lttrnet Ive, And SO It carne to pas!! t Ullt !n tI III t hel I' worship was co r · rllpted, IlntJl finally I t was, un eaay and nat ural slep to shar o Wltll thetr heaUleu assoc iates a nd n IgblJors In tht: r 5th'e wors hip .ot the ' strango gods. ' More Ulan once Ot h nlel Rnd tbe r w who h ad stood with him had 1'1 'd out aj:!nlllBt thi s th Ing, . bUI had met with su h sharp l'l~ burr aud rldlctl le-, Ulnt w i th g r('ut I;ormw o f 11:\1' th y ease d rllrtb r prot · st. r allzlng that th oy mu~t l elt UlO 1" 1'11 I'un Its course. AIld the uI'1I wss not long In brlD g , Ing Il~ penalty , f or, wMlt liM bl' til II' sinful Induls ences, t1HW wert! nnabl o 10 wlthstann th demaDc1s 01 t ht,) kin g of l\[ sopo tamln, who, learn· Ing or th rIchness or the co.untry, se nd d upon. it lind 1.llLc d It und · r t.rlbute, Then "':IS It thal t h e bul' ,l cns or oppr sscloll rested h eavllv UpOIl thl' land, T be \tln g dem lllldcd 0101'0 and Ill,Ire au d as tbo tribu te mon y was Increased, th o t.askmas· t 'ra multlpllcd to collect the pnme For. ei ght long bllt " years dlel th ey se n ' e t his pow er ful kin g, . lind til Y found thnt lhe (donds and ,associate" from among the -n ations . a.bou t t hem w ei'" 11(1 longor Il lmlly di sposed to, warM th em, IHl l sought lJy many )1'a)IS h) tro uble til m and rob thelll of Ulel r ~uste nunc e. ' In th ije sor' strai ts th p c pie be gUll II) cn.1I upon ! ho nam of their Co.1. and r epontl,d of Ih II' rall y in C'olng th Hods or lhe peopl e allont· them nllu In following theI r






TheIr Manage men t I~ Mo ~e DI~.uIt T han w i th Smaller Onea. I


f c.w bill ' orchnrds xl at 111 , lhts CO ,I IIII')' and stili hlgg r onea aTe·' 'uromlsccl, tn sOllie of r western and souUlcrn I!lal a g reat tracts " heap land hnvll be n se ' u;'acl antS lIu ,'o bel'n planted 1u o;cha,dR. One Inan thlll bas owde a suc .~e8S of peach growin g IJ1 lIT1chlgan OU ral.hnr a 'largo . scul o conclllu cu II wou ld 1J0 IL flt>a tlilog to 111).\'0 an lIumc r\sll on'hard In T C Jit18 , \\'h .~r , ho could 8I1 r(ln~ out over mnu y squllre miles. IJ sot the 10n1l lind (,1 [(Iltad tho tl' PRo 1' hefl he lle~nll t .. flt:'II'U on tho hflrVO!; tlug and ltIurlH't In g tho Douches. If" rou nd, by ,Iu lll g a Ilttlo t1 gurhlS, tbltt II he hall t~ faIr crop of I,cnches fln Ills hun· ' el l' 'US or Ih ollsallds or I.rl:l()~ , he COlli" llot !;,ct onullsh mules In tbf' ,ul'roun(l, Ing cuuutry to huul hIs II ':to:. I 10~ to market U ' )'ore t h!'y wr·1l1. "pol l. Th!!!> was an unexpectod ou';' t el , an d ShOWb one or. th e Ira wbuck'" .11 ltu vi 11 ); a too InrI( orchilI'd : The o" ly so l ullou tQ Ilt~ prt'l hlf'1lI wus to balld n so ur or the rHllroacl Into tile ol'cl1llrrl, and I" a r c Informcd th.d · tn l" Is boillfi don". Til 1:!.1'gor ail> lrch artl the ~I'Nlll' r w ll: bo t be d' fflrull y or get· tl ng pickers and pa: k.,I .. especia lly In the (,II RC or pcn -h s luJd 11!uma. whlcll Iltllst uo murll.'1lod at onlCe, In th e rase anilies It Is dlffo -ent. A vl.'ry I nr~ o f1l'Ob. mIght b dpvo t d 10 appl o or " hardl ng IInel no stich trollhIe ocnlr ns co uld r eu dll y occur In Ihe 100l'gO )1 'uch orchard In, T Kna ro(e rr d to nhuv\). I~R p oela ll y If wlntet Bllpl B b' grown t he matter o f mark Ollll!; cun be llIade to cover oYer a on sld ('rubl p rlod, ThI s fa_ et al one. BaYIl Far'lI1 rs' RevI ew , sh ould make m u I an stl'on gl y tOWRrtl t.he 1rr0WIng of Rppl 8 In la rge quantllics In one plnce rntlier tbau tho growing peacheR, wbl ch musl be m ark eted al exnctly the r ight Ulile to h l'l n g gooll ..etums, It Is possibl e that tho bit; OI'churds t lu:\L w hav e \lOW are lUI bIg as nny t it futuro wtll see, ror tbet big orl'hnril Is mana god at. a Msad; vuutage Wil e n compared to lhe' Or> chard or moderate Size-that Is to a cO lllmei'clul orchard or a tew hundred acreB, " VP t)'


PRUNING-TOP·GRAFTING, How Poor Grade of Fruit Tree. C;n Be Greatly I mproved. ('pon tho ~ty l e of pruning In UIO ry 1'01\" dppentls larll;'II)' tho fu· lU l'c HbnllC of l ho trep , "h o pres cnt lmldenc:; I~ 0 heat! tippiE'S l o w au d to Ullell UI' tile cenU.r nf th o I I' ' os as 11lllch Ill! Il oRa i bl(;, Low II adlng brIll s th ' rrult Iw al'C!' tile ground, making It much tUor!" con,'('nl eDt to HIJC'oy und har\'('st, whUp th'- ollen c n· tor aO nll 1 s unll'lit. whirl! gl\'e3 1:01(\1' to the f ruit olHl R s ~IH l s III cun · trollIng dI 8 ~II ~e ij , To IJrl. (n.thIs shupe, stnrl lhl; h eatl IlI)IJ ut tW(I ro.: l (roUl the grounel , Itll(lwillt: fOlIl' or 11" brunc hus to 6'1'01\", lind )11'11[\1 ' 50 liS to t tlrow them :twilY fr01l1 Ih ' cr oter rulll 'r th ll n 10wu ...1 I l . by cU ltlrl);' ou t IllUS or the ah ',ols whkh I ad towurd t he cc nt 'r, '1 II I1\sln f eal ure of nu rsery pruning II! to soleN the rIght Ullr ~







8 Top Grafting,

brnu C'lleR, No two IIlIould bo l eft to ~I'OW whIch n l'o dlr otly o pposite, Tir ey make a ",eak lOll anti are al· ways liable t o spIlL down, A good rul e Inys: " '.ea\'e th bl11J1ch that JoIns t he trunlt, ar; tho thumb do 5 DANGERS FRdM SUN SCALD. t be hand and nev,er l et OliO o( two whl cII joIn IlIle lhe fingors," Young Trees Shoold Be Protected b1 T op sl'ilfUng I s 118et1 to ('0\1 " er t Board Shletd. ~~~ large trees beurlng "'01'1Il I ss Crult In to deslrablo lr I:'S, says Farl])NS' It Is ycry nooessR I')' to prol('!ct yow\/,: 1+ We read that "the SpIrIt of ,-olce, 'I'ho proc ss Is simple, hut, t r ees whletl bave been thrown In UuJ. the Lord came up on h i m" and ;; then he "judged tsrael and t likc root graftin g, I' quI I' S xJ)erl· sh'ade .or In .• went out to war," ',' nO;I~ fo r cOlllplele SlIcces". 1'0 top thICKly ' set ' nlJl'SBut let us remember th"t · It :~ grart a tree sa \\1 of! lIm1.lI.I wh re wben t.hey.was the prepared man ' upon th yare on Inch or n 1lI11 more In arB plnnted In whom the power of God cam e diumeler. Carc full y 81111t t he stock t he 0 ~ e h a r d_ J. for the doing of the mighty 0:. with a strous Im l( b)' dl'lvlug It . Th o 8\1 'n maT wi t h a mallet. 'l' b u d r i"e a I" cl ga deed. I I scald th e tender :There I Ii good deal of all y In the center 10 k ee l' thlt cl eft open bark of slIcb t ' eOll dreaming on the part of people . + with scions <)( tho d esired ,'ntl et y, Bnt! I' S\llt In tho wh loh have b o n Jll' I'lou sl)' pI'epart1ll, : of what they mlg~t and wou ld de:! \.b of the treo arc I ..s('rled (A), th e w ' ll);e · l s tllen + ,do If they had the Spidt of + or In {h e Illll"udul> I' moved 'n ntl I lIe wound nnd lid s (It God to aid them, tlon of insects 01'" th sclOI1l! over u with Sl'lltlJ llg wa!!: Shame be' to such, wlfo have ... dis nse, - Some 8OI't l o kee p out th e nIl" (0) . ' never learned .t ne sacredness of 'l' + or s It e"'lilloee&o the dal ly task. and stood the + S l OllS used In top t.;rafllng (D) sary nnd thIs mRJII are. nhont two Inl:h s lon g, hnvl ng one testing of the dally d iSCipline. :t b~ I\)l{llled In a WilY or lItore bud s and mad o w edge shapecl Ood uses tried men, God's which ~v l ll not tb e ' low r li d, In ' In~ rUn g the spIrit comes upon 'prepared jure th e h'e" 8:f aclon <'ilro illlist be t'akp.1l t'hllt lie men. 5.: cl OSE! blud:ng fn cu mblum l ayer coi ncides wltll t hat ot :t 'Oh, that boys and girls, young .:mnny Instancos rye lhe stock o r 11 0 g ruwth \1'111 l' sui t. ' t men and young women, would straw may he tlt,d Sevel'nl limbs sh oul d. be I 'ft \10 gra ft· ;;:' awaken to' the truth that the .) nbolll .th e tl'Ulll\ of en the tlrat yoar to Ins ul'e a h nl ll1y + present l ivIng Is shaping the :1: Th e . Guard. n tree with IIOIlVY + future de stiny: that the man ,~ ellsto nl~ . ~I'owt h or t h tre, Th 'f ma y he of t he hoor of to.morrow I. In .:. 011 day 1\ grolll' a t ilion Irll,d gath- gra fted IIle next y nr, In three yenrs cords, bul lhls harhors· I nsec ts IInl1 may lJ e blown nwny \)y heavy wind . + the makln!] to,.day, . :.:: er d und wur bOnlolln lng their un'· nil lhe old fl'u l t h arlng wool1 Illay 11 !ltor lll s. i ... halJPY con.l ll1 on . rC'm ) 1' ' d, l euvl ng only tha t o( th o <Ie· .';.·H,·;··:..:·~·-t··~·:''':··:''·:··:'~·~·:··X''''':'o(''1-:'·!-!. A n nrrnnge-H1e ot whldl sorves ' tbo "Ab , If w had onl y Ilislened t o slrctl vUI:l oty, und I f r,lil'e III tak en II pl1rllDS II nu al so form s 11 support for . THE STORY, 0111111 01 (lnti I ho fcw " bo coun se)(,cI ghapoly I ree wIll r c:su l t. Tbl s sly le ll' Is 1\ treach erous g uIde, a ml gh y with I1l il1," exci Im ed one_ "Wherf', nf trrafll u<: Is oft ' n 1't'R(U·.ll'cI (0 1'0 llJO t l'f'e II' shOlYIi h(','owil h, I t con8i ~16 or tl\'O nll l slnlif'S dl'lv - n I nto fbo. con''lUerur, a r el E' nllcsll lu sk llIas· noll', I~ our b -,ns ted ' p rosV - rlty~ 1111 111'0\'0 the . hrqio of t ho lrcl'ij, It tor. H l on tls b~' pi ' asant )laths n l \\'h ro nOW:1r (he frlcnll w mncl Is dnlle' III oar ly sprIng beto('{J I llo Ki'oulld all 11m slIllny ~Ide of lIlO Iree ' and I lnll nho'it lire l UJl i"lt h 0 )llec!." nUlo n ~ tir notions ubout us? \\ hOI'e- bu ds start. first to lhe ambuscado whero th of conI t)r 11'1 rHo Th I~ !:unr clH a!;at oat s()lIl ts ",nm 5h d and ovcrthrown, new I s the r;r ' lltness anll glory of hoth slIn nnd w ind and til I roe trunk 'on! OOI:le! And ant! ,thpn h o (nl'IlS as the hnrd task· ou r n allon? MULCHING THE ORCHARD, Is n,,( InJul'cel , Till" pmt ctlo n-Ffl&.l'-· whu t h upe I s lh ere f{lr us? \vh ~re\ nl BsWr and exacls' Ills tl' lbu t o. he left du r in g Iho wlnft'I', says Farlll Tllns It was I\' t h the chlllh'on of sball we so f 1" aile to I!o,)p us ? ' A Task Vvh l ch W n'l Reap the Reward Illl ll h ome, and will of I on 1lre-~el1t InAl thPS Q w onl s t il y all shook theIr Is rael. Th ey did ovil In the sIg ht." of 10 More Fruit- . j ury by r allbl ls. One:; I of a'ttl ~e., III th e L ord all'd sl'rYt1d lin' lilli, Il Ut! fOI" h(';uls sorro w full r and w ore abo ut to aSlln l h' sum<:Jl'nl .lo () 'ntect t'ho tree.., ....._ __ _ _~:\ 8.,)0']( tI\(! L ord Ood of thei r ral hcl's, ~ f' p[\'ra tc, wh en 011 0 O( them SilOko up T rC<'s n('ecl fO"t1 In order to do their . so that tho LOI-u d olh'ered I hem In lU lind snld: best, fOl' n tree Is sImpl y n hi g Il l allt lint iJ Il I s IJlu , -nongh to neod no aoob ., -' L d li S J,:11 to Olhnle!. lit DlIIY b e nnd RCl nc tl " mOI"l' rO'oll lhan thfln sn ntill »1'0 I.l'C tlO ri, the lIand s of spoll c rs th llt s)lol l pd of Ilr.Ile plants. A t rpo l hat \\'111 pro· tbem and Inlo lho h an ds of thei I', t hat h \\'i ll h c'lll 115." " Dill ' wllat can Oth lll ol ' do IIgai n st dil l' 40 bushels lif nllples rl llrln J,: II HortiCUlture and' Health: o n ~' ml c s round allant, so that Ih e,\' t ht's powerful kin g o f MIJso putamln 7" 1:0011 npl' (' yeu l', n nd ~:ly nIl fI\'('ra'~.' llol"llcllltnrc Is f\ h .n oah of agrteuT.. cou ld nol lillY lon ~e r slllnd befor <If ~5 , h usll('l ~ I' VCI')' J'P:l r , lij Corlail1l,v IlI l,.j ttl al I~ 10",,'ly c')n ll l'ct e" "itb th em, and Otcy w ere 10 great di s· SIJQk e up IInolhcl', deJo t di y, ," J)u t ll e\'cnhel ess l ot liS go anyway," Ulll ln;: \liMO f rom Ihc so il Ihn n It ca n Iw,tlIIJ. Th .., ,rll nro fl'lI i l ' )10:'0.,10 con. tress, .,' tll l'll , Y flt. ~o 1111111)' former>; ()(' r~ l s t slim III nlun~ iR lI 'elr dl);'esf\on TII l ll ~S lind sone r rom bad to lIr !!~'d the tit her . And e\"('n as l hey w ent the II'l'lrlt nn t I.1l1ly In gll'lng RuNI a tree no fuoel h'l )I (I . Thl ~ Is nnrll,,"lul'l.v so wltb worse nnW at last Ilia klns of 1\1(,5\1' potalllili had dE's('ended uI,on th o la nd, of tho LOI'd cnme upon Othnlel alld ' 11 11 In cullln~ lin n hml l! nt; nwn ~' :t Il n Pt1f)pl e Ihal eat la r ge qllllfl Uties ot .>\ had slilJd ned tho Ill ' s, u nd h au e·x · h w ent rOl"lh aull, m C,t th c;m In Ule liI<' Illlll f' r ln l thai. g ro ws nellr I t. No 11\.::., 1, us ,10 lhl' Alnl' r l,'an 1" "(1).110'). Thcy , actcd a Inrge trllJu tc, will eb wn ~ WilY. and wir OIl , h e Il (td gll,thered 10 l\'on, I ~ 1' lhl', I " 0' CQIlS l' ~ 1.0 yl ol d reo fl'lIl!. grow r Is tIl 'r('fnro tiu ' 1))I)' !nl; tb,,·. w Ol'ln n "NY illl l,ul' l ~1 n t cln"s "r #:Jod, g'rlm' Ol18 burd en for t b e peopl e to b lm sf' l.r nn arm:-' h e went Ollt nnd n1l1Hf' rallv<' erollB. (,,,( him g l v(' sn ch Irl'('B n multh or Il l" ~(\mf'll lll {,s IIrg.·d :L '~ alo~t Il i s ))rol{bellr, . ADd If t he full amount of lh e matl(, ','ar upon Iho king ' of r.lesopo· , I t lt.lusur o WfiB not fot'l lleomlng h e sellt I.n.mln and th e I.or d d liv er ed hili! ' sl nhll' man lll' <1111'111 0.:; Ih(' "'llIlerl u nl ~ I hal Iho food "III:,e o f t helD I. 'III soldl fol'co pRymClll, Inlo Othn l el'a hOll rl , 'ln tl h e j\ld ;;etl mmuhs . S atl ol' II Ihklcl v ,inll In D ~ l1lall , hUI 1I 11~ deli cl ('l1c), I~ mort) Ibon. I he land : :l!1< 1 I h., II!! Ion hntl ' lw aNl eli'rl" I'('r,ch lng " so nlt'wbllt 'bl'Y01l<J Iht' mado 11 11 ((11' hy Ihe slln ltnr>' ,'alu q..or Now wben Ule po,oll i e of I sra.el h I'!' fijI' 40 ),cnrs, en!1I !I ur l ug till' 11((1 or lill l b~ . If t h o Mella .·ct ( t!> hri clllf) . th e j ul()c s In the fr ltl t s w hl'u tbey at... gan fi rs t to mln glo with th e IJeopl " Otbniel. 1-;\[ .,(1. Ol'1In gfl ,Jlldd F a !"lJIe I' RU!;!Ip.sls tIl.K <.' n lu Ih"lr nnlu rnl lant e. about Ille!u , lh~ l"e. ,wol'e thoae In Is-liull II. bl) ' ploll't:'u u ndf11' the' IH'sl raeI who raised th e volco or ' wirl"n · Pruning Frul~ Tree., Ing and prot est-, thut God , hu.d sn!d ·SIJl ' Ir.~. If !lOt. l ot I t )I , os a 1\llI l ch. Alcohot a $Iow Pols.l m, IIr 1111o· I1 S llI [lIIY Ilin treetl dul"t h at UHlY should hnvo no dualln,-:s A \'cry l al'g . lIu lnl ... I' o f peopl e In A t n!l~' rato, clo Dot n ~I Clll [l t to (;r(l w 'with tht;! un tions about , them , but th e soc le y 111-0 d)'l n;t ,lay 'br day, 110i8' nno l hUI' [)I'o !, In n In rgC! ur~ht1rcl IInll' ss In f,: F <'bnmry am1 Mnl'eh as tlmo a.ul cr)l o f !Jl golrY und nal"I'o w ·mlndedn os8 Oiled by alc oholic' I I l"inlc ~ wllh ou l ' II is t" ho Ipft on tll O g'I'ouud . A f~w WC311ic l' will /lprmH. TI;ls mnkes a to a hnlt' of the total number was I'alsell, nnd tho f w found th em . Imow lng It, wi t he li t Iwlll >; ~ UlP 'Jlo~etl to yell 1'5' fcr ll.1I y.lng, wllh pr; lIl l ng und 1111 n ch y oal'. Clliling \\:I t h h llnd sa:ws, , solve" stu·u.lIng nlOll O In Ihelr' loy. hll p ol~!lnecl by th elll. I ha lIy k no w, ,pl'ur ln!;, 'Will relld'~l" t he [lill orchards al ty to Cod . .. Th ey wer e brnndod as any 1IIure )lOw r fll l ' son ree of dI sease hI] 1Il0st r mn unerllU va lol 011 t,he farm , CIObf' 11.111\ ,parall el to mlllO ' nlll !!; 11m}). cra.nlls IIII'd en oml cs or th e true pmg. 111 :10 al coholic Ilr'l n l(9, 1110 'not t.hlnlt rr Ihe orchard Is YO lln;; ;Intl the !;'round l,hlnll ll1l; on le r en,ds of l imbs wllb p<'ls r ich Iht:' ll)lIlch would bolter he of prlltl'rS, :tllli l eaving 118 mllny frlilt h:f!8 of Uie nation, alld l he prosress. Ii IH' It l) o lVn, ht'l l J lui ow alcol1lol to be 3 Ivo aOII ' liberal ,cl ment polntell LO , 1I.ost do.t ruc;tivc 1 l(J l ~o ri , I say from ,ll'aw Ill' conrse ma n ul'El. amI R,pplled R 1.111 I'S, ,'sp cl ul l,\' on main limbs. . . the growIng prosperity of the nation 111:' expel'lImee,,' t h~ t II i lire most de· mor e ro r pro ct lon amI to bolcl moist· po Rl hl c, W e plan to have alt the bnl sh remol'ed IInli bur ned so plowirtlJ . t,o prove that the f~eo Illteroo tlrs"! strucq "" n;;(!IIt t h al we tiro llre of ure U1I1U for fel'tIIt zl!l'. c~ n ' b o cOlllmenced , as eRl'ly 115 the with tlfp IlQI(1;hburln g natlollij Ivas a In this coulltry,-Slr \\'lIliilLm t;ull , . ~o ll ' l s rn conditIon to work, as all lib. Purple Raspberriclli, boon wUleh It would 'b t olly ' to cut M,D, PllrT'l o ra.Snllerrl os nl' In m Olijlnre Is need !l In 'decom puslng the olt, . In ,.. lu\ m etel' hel welln r o d rll~ pber r!cs heavy coaling of _manure d r awn ' anet • Wby sbould th y be so IIborl·al!!ht, To Drive It Out, .. ell as to loso tbe OPPoi'tllnlti s lying S,,'l tzerlan lt ' I ~ Il1.lkln ;; II. ~ampatzn an,1 black l-at;llborrles. 1'),ey Ill'e sup' ~lJrelld ul1<;b wInter, rlgbt at th eir door of pron tnlJl' ngulnst the 1150 ;lr nhsl ulh,p', the In. l'o~nu to be hyhtld ~ betwl\en 1,l ,ese two Quarter Acro Berry Bed. trade? Why ,.bould thdY :not· 11011 t(,lIt1on 1iE'lng to drlvo ail liquors of Spcf-Il'". Thl' Y show all 'r!ldR IIOl'\! In 0no'[I \HLrtur acre at good land. lee: to thom wl1nt th ey coultl nnd buy \hllt .dluracl t'T from Svdss territory _ hohlt betweeu Ihe lwo parent type, In return those things whlcb Boomed The s~rel~ry or tite camp,lll:;tl cOm , scm"! lIEflnK prOpa~lIl(!d by suckors, wltb ' proper yarl~lIes nnd w,ell CIIlUdoslrnble? \vh .. sbould they be BO mHtec sold It short Urn,' ,go that' othpr~ ,liy Ups, 'and sUIl otherij by elth· vated. should produce tronl 20 'to 40 .tl'ltl~(lt-IUc cl ·and excluall'e? tIad 0,202 stsualiHEls hnd nlre;ul i bee' er tll1 ~ 01' Rut:kere, Tho color of the bush()l!I uf Dlco perrlel! every aoUoft. not Moses and Joshu" bt:en, altogeth, , obtaIned ror ' the petltlon .I/lng !lIr I 'ruli IB USUally a light or tlark pUflPle.· .SnY8 M~ A, Tha~'cr, Thia ,wo~Jd " " " er too strlctT The ·natlonll ahout! stringent fedoral IftlV'to ' ''0 ahnvo at )( the varieties described, snys Farm an ordlnarv family rraBb \errlel eYIIQ were dlsl>Oled to be fl'lllndly, n~d ·reet. tln1f now thore a'rE\ pt'i1bably 1\101" Journal, only two, Columbian and dllY In II s"nn, aod ~ IIber~I ' allpp~,; _ Sbaltel', at !,he prellent 'Ume apPQ&r to· ('anlled. presorv"<l or dried durlq UIe wby ~hnulo th"y hI! an) tbe leu tbnn l~I ,OOO to uk tblL~ law b bave aliT CODUIUti'cJal ,yalu.. nUte y~ar. IWltIU IUflllOSCd tawa:tli them! IpaSKOa.




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rnan'~ Army from D"feat.


J " \IIn" ',, ( hpPIl t't!nl :';prt'ilds It yOU WILL yY ANT THIS "rtl ll ).!r .. t,llr s llrfnCt' 11ft tillfllut,orily ~ ' II "u y otlltlr l>-tiut 0 11 1,111 IImrk I , SAVE IT. 'J ry it Ilnd be oon vmootl . •. ,,1(\ by" E J'pnuey . tlu ve yo u Rlleul11atlsnl . Kiduey Mrs J nbo Frommaud haudsome or BlIldtler 'I'rouble now ? DI,} YOIl ~ IIY dtlugltler, of Oaytou. are ever have either ? Anyhow, you r eNt,,, of ber ptlreJlt.s. Mr.l\nd Mr", mtly or som ll of your frieuds mny. J, '. HAwk e. and will be ft gue"t a t B tt-er I\fI\'e thl prescription, It th'" Elllfl O 'Neall wedding toUlorro w cumel! from Dr. Ueorge Edmund :Mr. lIud tin, Carl Duke nod two Flood , tbe. well. kn ow n IiIp 'oialiat-. Ut1l eohl1dren. of nea-r Rldgevi1le,en ~hicb iR 0 suffioient guarantee of toy ed Sat,u rday evenluR and ~unday Its \'alue, By permisMion of tb6 wit.h Mrll. Duke's parents: Mr. IUld dootor we pullllsh for the benefit of IIrs. Nathan (Jrey and other 8ar. our reauers bls presoripti on . It is fty sburg: frleud" and also attended a~ followlI: Fluid CilsolLra. Aromat the W . C. T. U ~\Iver Medal C.,n. io, hlllf o Ulloe; Conoentrlltod Barko· test In the M. E. Churoh . IfI, une ounoe i Fluid E:<tract Prick· ' '}'be family ' of Mr. Jaoob Scott Iy Ash Bark , one half drllchm; Ar· 1l8:\r Middll"run, kas beeu for somE' omatlo Elixir, four ou noes. Ibne and still Is in an afflloted oon. Take one teaspO<?nful atter eaoh . meal and before gOlOg to bed. The .'tion. Miilll Nina IS suffering from doctor and thousands of his patients Oe effeots of haviug stepped on a are Iloth .,r ity for the statement mil and their hUlel!on J!loob bas II. that this presorlption Is II1m08t an "fer; lame leg from hftvlng been absoll1tely~rt8in core for any form of Rheullllltl8m, Kldney or Bladder lilt ten by a dog in t he leaders below Tronble. Dr. Flood also strongly iIIe knee. Both are doing- nloely advls~1I In oonDootlon wi t h this pre· .CoW, but are very lame I.n 00D8e· ecrlptlO.n ; the driuking of large . quantities or pure water. Any q ence. druggist will fill the ,'rescription at • ..... a. nominal cost. or yon may get 'he A. 8. Sides III Ingredients aud mix them at home.


A "U nion !:-iol<litlr's 80n " w'rlting in l':lundllY 's 'inoinnlLti 'olll1Uercilll 'I ribune, o on~ributed Iltl intllrEl!!t.iug II.rtlole ou l:itlUlltor ,Forak er 's OIlreer in the Ci,,11 War whicb will II d oubt· be of inter est t o muny relld· er" of t,he Ga zett e. At the ege ef sixteor. YOfl TS, J os. eph B ForlLk er on listed in I;he 0' ion Arm y RS n Private in the Eigh , ty.ninth Hegl lllen t. Ohio VOIU llt r Inflint ry, Beoouse of hi Ilot,ivity .1 b i anu ravery )e Hoon attrncteu Ihe attentlou of (Jenr rnl ·Ioonm. fl nll WflS appoi nted Ill! all Aitle on his staff At Missionllry Ridge h WIl!' in tbe very front runk of the ohllr~e that went o veT Brll gg- 'I! brea st.wor k . Later on, 10 North 'nrolinll, be bore a messog . frolll General 010. oum to Gellerlll oh ermnn, tell lu" b hIm th at hi s left ,,,ing wo s fighting (Jeneral Josepb J ohn ou , wbo bAd




e rnvery sown y tie daBhin g yClnng soldier, and many "OA r S IIf. J terward he r eferred to the Inoident

A . B. Sides one of theioll~e!'tban~ Banna's Green Seal Liquid Palut. i~ a publi~ address deliver ed in tbe bn.. t known of Waynen Ie II US1 ' The paint that _I WIi 1 11 satisfies. It CIty of ClUcinnati . The cO('l\sion ' . D P811 men bas been qu it e IIi 0k tbiII OOstll no more than the other kind was a 80Id lers re unioo, ilnd Musio 1V!lek. Mr. Bides was able to be at H 'I good beoause it's pure. 81111 , where the meeting wa s beld. lUll office a IIbort time Tnesday Sold by J . E . Janney . was filled to its onllUoity with a Pilt.

:~~~:~i~J~i::": £> •

.coldent Tueadsy afternoon whioh

leIulted in the Injury of the index

&ger of bls right hand. . In fittlug a II~W "in place In the Notice. Ibll1, his hand Blipped and hiB flnger, fell agaluBt , the ,rapitlly revolving The May meeting of the W. C. 'f. .. w, whioh IIBvered the bone be. U. will meet at the borne of Anna ~aen the lIBOond and third joints and Bannl(Kelly on the ,,!ter noon At flnt It wu feared he woul of May 3 rd. at 230 o'olock, A good 10118 the member, but after careful attendance 18 d8l!lred. ' examination !Pond dreslling, It iB now ! Does it pay to license 11 traffio laoped ,to .pve it. whioh Inorea8ell taxes by oreatlng a fer jails, penltentd.ries The Paint of evenneu and 800ura. asylums, h08pitl\l', IIlmBhol1.868: _ ......... . -,BaDna', Green 8ea1. reformatories . pohoe Sold br J. E. Janney. and oriminal pourts? • Does it pay to lioense a thing ECZEMA and PILE CURE whtch deorea8B8 a man's indnstrial I REB Knowln, whatlt was to Buf· e1ll0len01 80 that tbe government l't!r ! will give rREBO~OBARG!l to reports that 72 percent of agrloul. anT a1ll10ted a positive oure fQr Eo, turist.s discriminate against him for 8ImIa, lIaU rbeum, eryeipeiae, pUee using It and that 79 percent of man. and akin dI8easB8. Instant reUef. ufaoturers, 88 percent of trad8lmen, llon" Ider longer, write i'. Wand 90 percent of railroad otfioial" 'W lLLlAMB,400 Manhattan a.anue do the same thing ? !clew York. Enoldlle stamp. .1811108



Notlc;e to Farmers. In a few days 1 will have on hand • car load of fertilizer from the Canton Fertilizer and' Ohemlcal Co., of CanklD. Ohio. I would Bugged that eaoh and every , farmer who reads this would at onoe end for a copy 'of the State Analy· Ib, whioh may be had by writing to J)epartment of Agrioulture; Col nm: bUS, Ohio, and which contains com· lIlete all&lysis of all fertilizer!! made. Upon receiving it oompare analysis of my Peerlell8 Vegetable Grower (used for tobacco) with the brand, 7 0U have used and you will at once 1I0lice Itll superiority at $So, then ",rite or 01111 me up by telephone and WI will,disonss the matter fur. "h • er . I also have on hand a partis I ca load of exoellent white oedar post!' from Central Miohjgan . These lI08ts are straight and striotly No.1, aelling for 20 and 2~ centA, aooodr· to size. IIi a short time I also Intend to Jaave a oar load ,of the fine drain tile lIIanufaotured by Craig Hankinson, Of Oakland, Ohio. The above goods will be k:ept~ in .took by me at my yellllw ware· !wUIIe 'j ust below the tobaooo ware, JM>uae \D Lytle. , WM. H, UARMONY, Lytle, Ohio: B9m8 Phone 82-7 GeDt·le and E1feotive. well· known Manitoba editor writes: "As an intlde worker I flnd . Qlambel'laIn 's Stomach and Liver ~ble" invluuabl. for the touohel! GI bUlollllDMI natural kl ' lIBdentary life. ~elr ac&1on helnl gaD'le and oleariDl 'he dipathe tno& aDd" *he head." 0-1 ~,.. ,.... J. E. J.~;:;: 2150".



"[ltt'l" j a li. ..:k of llf'I·\'O ll S. (llll' r.;y t.hnt gil' R t11f'lll Jl101 i\lo. ' ( '00cq11('11 11.\ ' YlJII al' e , 1\'('<1 k, ,,"01'11 - \1111 .IW I·\·I llS, il'l'it-




alrh', (',UIIlI)L skt:p t JIaYll :Ll'ad;t1'l , " i Iltlig('. ·Lioll, et~ . 11 c'allSC' t 11 ' 1' ;;5 nvt Slltliit'llt 111'1" ' \' rO \'('e to k p ill Ol'guns iI('t ivo and all '1\' t 11( '111 to {l\' I'I' l"U. th eir nat lIl'etl fll I \1'1 i O IlS. 1)1'. :Mile' .I 'I ' yill' reo:liol' S 11 all h ll('r:ll1sc' it TCSI.Ol'C thi ' 11('1'\"0 11 : cnergy.




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It uullell" ',1 1I11 '":\";I~':· 1If), III 1"1'0. 1S9 ~d Rl.. Dr, S,M,le.' Nervln. 1\'lull1bIl9. Is lold by Ohio. your druggist, who will (luor. ntee thot the willt re fu nd wiyour money. fir. bott'. ll bene "t. "It lollt, he Miles Medlcal Co., ' lllkPArt, Ind

M. A. Jameson,

Attorney at LI~W, and Jus ti c~ of t he Pea ce


'_ "'ll

~\!11h":;~I ..ill'·,u Ic\'t"~",'I.~:ilo'~~",:~~I~e:,~. llOl\l' 111 " " -1.<1 of a n y ~wII:~":II~'J l llt'. [


L"'banon Ohl'O .. , .


will be pleased to know tl1at a oure may be effected by applying Oham berlain's Salve a'l soou as the chUd Wipe it off with a :~nuOrClse. e ore allowing thebabe _ M:any trained nurSl\1I use Lhilisalve wl,h best result8 . For sllle by'J. E. Janney

In ')aw Mill.

_ _ _ __ _ B. B. MUls, proprieklr of the .. w mill al Corwin, met with an


It is 1 c 'all '. 'Ol'I t' of ' J, {he 0 I'~il us lit ti e hi Ill." nt'(, ilot doi\l" their \ 1I1'k

n~n~~ ~i.~;'~:;:~~ .~:~i E:~~~!~~n~I;f.¥:::t~~;'\; ::!~s for 25e $$ slc\l 'HPICw'·\'UAOd·RIlTIUCzk' ,Bs,ond·'sa~;p1;IE!CIAL N 3 ~ 0 $ iS1~nf ::~I~g. ~$ (' h' ) a f' gI bpa $ $ .( I ho1e I Ir :. d m

hope h • •


If You Are Sick


stru k them On the Rnd that ""a..... ~ ",II Ir\'~s ' >lJr. Kil lll~1 reinforcements woro badly nl er d . . . . . . . . I &: C.... IIll1gllll ll 'I,'"' This ride was" mos t peril ous one, . . ... . TIll' rr!-!Illar being nine miles long and Dlane in ZIMMERM : ' lI.n,oo r Goneral . vhl ".I· IIII}( I ,lnl ~j:( i"I ". I Oil" IImkc th e f ItIII ng darkness . Sherman Wll9 gre"tly plea~e" over ti"Y llli~luk . I11l1t I .r.'·1l1I P I1•lhl'~.r Ih l' 111.111 .... CI u l{ 11'. th b


ellt t l I' I II I'n O.111ft,.,ou ' 11 r 1lI;H' f !'IUl\( '· I'" 1\ hl1o"l "\' '1' I,," h "ho "'II"~ \lit· ",: WII' 1', ~!:Id n.~l 11ft rnootl fr olU :! to !i, nt )\"I,el " b ,111"\" kilt,\\ ,)1 lh,' \\'"lLllII'I'II I tl ('Hill'." Illad(' h\' )J r • I llOl1l6 of her pur nttl, Mr. 11Il 11 I [ Kllill l' r '~ ~;\.III1I' · M r; . J , ' I:IlIwl\e. in ('ompHm li t t n R"t'\' th,' l-: 1 ~U l kicl Mi" lrllllL EIlI ,,,l,ON ma rring II"'. 1,,',,1' lIlIIl \,llId · . \ "\~ r ' 1,,> lIu'd ~'. "'.iIl tnkeplll 'O t,Olllorrow. 'PhUTsLlIL , 1'1' 11,,: gr Lt 111"0\ nt, II 0 ' 'Iook. ~ il-:1\ Irilll1lph til Ih ~ 'I'll ellt rtnillLll ent WII!:! In tllo Il il . • lIilll'll',,"lh ('c1I11I1'1 : . ' di'l ·O\~,n'nfl(l r .\t :l,~ t.UT f II Cb ll~1l bow or . IIncl enoh IJ ~, II o f "'i"'"I I1,ic,' n·~'a"· h D loy , IJr, 1, I,IllIl·r. I I'e , Ilrt lOle Wtls II ·COUl p lll.iell by n \' e r ,iI' • . -~ ' " uf 0 t l ' h 1\1 Ell' \ - - _. "lI llIl ~lIl k"llIL\ ~ 1Ir1 !J 1I ry. IV il L: . Ill" . III \\'II ~ hlad,lt,r 'I,,·,· iall,l . (tlld ,~ \\ ,,"o1"I'!I1I1,' comp e ll ' Cl to rellfl b foro t ho g il s t,s . ~1I~',·c",r."1 ill 1''''"11'11.'' ,'u''''" lallle h"o'I, . (ne njuyuble f I1ture WII S 0 lIow 111 ~" 1"· l1l." l'ul:l1rh uf. Ih\' , h'" '),1\:1 :qul , ' HtI~\il·,. I h ~\!a"" , ,\h"'h I~ Ihe w.. , ~ 1 oI' !Sh o'w r willch WIlS th r own ov r r',r;'1~)r ki<lll<'" lrliul.h-. ' nr, " ilull'r'~ S wump-~oot .i' 11(\1 re"· th e fuir y o nll!; bride. A IIIU icn l oonl , t 11' . \ 1 . ",, \llll'lIdell fur C'\t"y Lll1l1g 10111 \I ~·,)n .h i l\·(· ' u O\( Ol n HUlt kidlley·. \in:r or 101:\I\1'''r u " nlJlt.-lI \\1 11 1,\· arn ~.nnr. lIf IIlJ1n~omont. I r",,",1 jll'l I ~IL' r~l1 "'''Y ) ' 1)11 lll·~~ l , 1\ ~w~ A ulli nty Illnoh \\'11 so r vlld ill t,wo hL" ' lI ll'<\l'lllll '" 1II1' "~ " " ) '. 111 h'''I,lt:1I ' "mk IIIHI i ll pri""Il' 1' '''11\·.·. :1 11,1 llllS oourses . 1)I'Iwel i ~o ~1Il'('css""1 ill C" " ry "a~(' Lh I' " ~_ ~JJcd lt l :u ' r:ll1J..!l'IHCl1l l! ~l ~ h CL' 1t 11I 11th- hy which 11 11 r.-a."",,, (If tlot S \I,l)l,·r. whO) "'". . , Elunuu 'H .L1I~tro Fini~ h 1I11L110 t o lI o L alrclIIly ld c,1 it, "':'), 1I.I\' c II ~'"l l'k wnlk 0 11 . hllllie selll fr~' by 1111111.,11",,, 1o.. "l.. l~II. I, ~... illl-: I lC,)fC :Ihoot ~ \\' U l11p - Rot 'l alld h uw ,(Jld by J , Ii:. .In noo.\' Iilldll\lti f) ."lhO·I'·ldtlll.·y .. rhhlllol.,·rtrco~1 hll· . Wh,," writi" . lilt· , 11 1'\: ... 1111).: Lills


nor Foraker and said: "1 ,wtlll re" . only I lot to a customer; memler y ou AS YOIl rode mto my it cas h; no orders taken., . quarters when Joe Jonn80n !ltrnck my left in Nortb (JarOlina. Yon Th t bnrst upOn U8 in a g rove of Pines ~ e mos ~mpletc tock . 'witli mesG Dge from Slooum , say.' 1IIf"" of Groccne , fruit .and fl'1lI t .. he.,..needed to be relnforC Vegels bl e e lng tbat. ,ed. 'er ,_ s hown In I, own








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\.n ('Ie o'unt B \1'1') Howl, ui~met l' and :~ inehc ' 41(' p. \. hi o' ha 1'1I·i'"l n, i II 1'01'

$ $ Z· --- , $ SATURDAY ONLY, MAY 4TH. Immerman s ~ ~ on at o'n,lock. 10 cents each 15 ('





I recall l 'our figure. Sir, 8plashed The Best Goods ' wIth mud, your spurs t·bllt were The Lowes t Price" (pd. your splendid horse, hard rid· -'d en and panting. and how you at Give us a trial erect ; Ilud 1 shlill not forg,e t the 801' , ~ dler that you 10Jked and were. I ~ We are ps yinl-! ' marked you well tHeu, nnit thought ~ Cl' of the honor3 that ~ere your dill'. ~ You have gloriously H taillled them and I believe ,l1ud Ilpprove that and 'hlghest bonors n wnit


fo r


Iu desoribing the above incident. ~ OF OUH:E , Mr. Murat Ho)stead, the distin. ~ ~ guished journalist, ~rote as foHow!I : ' "There was a tornado. t:io snperb ~~"'" a scene WIIS not expected. Every. Tho Pilint' that.·s on gootl terms body knew how General ~herlllon with the Bos . Hamill" roen e ,I. loved his stlltesman br01lher. lind oold by J . E, ,Janney, wondered at the lofty or;v' for the highest honpr8 for another. The language of the General Ineant, no less thaD tbe Presidenoy. It was so oonstrued. The General was speak tng soldier to soldier, face to. face. and the candldaoies of politioians were 8wept down the gaie with buz.








' I ' h e 8Ji. . . .P..·,I Me 8Ji-t. . . .e Clothes that Satisfy. ar~


the 'C lothes W e Sell


"Old Tecnlllseh" wal! intensely friend of his brother. atad bad u funuy way of being sorry I~hat John was 'a "polltioian," but J obn really had t,he spirit ,of a soldier iu him at; keenly' a~ "Old Tecumseh," as the ' boys would oall the older brother, Jobt;l would have saorificed his dleams for Tecumseh'8 glory, \ The soene tbe Generlll desorlbed in a startling, dramatio way, was not the first In whioh you:ng Forak· er fig~red . Wheu 8avlllllDa.h had eurrendered, a daring sp irit was wanted to board a canoe and pull down the river) mind as it was with Infernal maohlnes, and ' take all obancesln an hast,e and oommun'i cate with the neet, awaiting news from the army. as was afterwartl. shonted and sUng by the soldiers of Sherman, who had marched down from Ohio by A tlanta to Sa'

' • Its ce l'hl1 11 1) a. ple,aSllre to weal' a ·ui.t that atisfie. .A nit that , 10U kw IW IR l'i,D'lit in e\7el'Y way and that feel . as if it frts J .

FRIEND TO FRIEND. TMI*"ODal recomm~ndatioD' of ~ pie ~ ltaft been cured of _gba uuS cold. by Chamberlain's C~ Reme4, ltave dOl1t more than all else to ilia. . It. It&ple article of trade and comIMre. . . . alaree pat\ of the civilized wocJ6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



you perfectl.).

If )OU want that A'fISFJED C.LOTHES FEELING you should ,,~ear SURPRISE ,STORE, CLOTHES. Style and wOl'kmanshi i) are absol ui ely corrcct and th() fabri Cs arc the choice of the output of the best mills. ' look at the When) on are in Dayton come in and have

HONEYII.TAR ~1l:n~at~ell~:r:Od~hv~t::i6C~!ef~~~'~:

stylps for this season .

'VilJ count it a. pleasure to show



WlTIIE .oach r••••J.



Hanna's LU!:Itro-Flnish the most beauUful finish for 600rs lind woo'd • work ever on 'he paarket. See 6n. Ished IIIlmplea at J. E . , ,J:anney'8.

.OHIO prompt I ,ram ' WAYNESVILLE, Offioe, Hlr",sburg, D. . ·~tDce·






'l'HA'r SAT-



Telephone Da, or Nlgbt. " Local No.1 ' Long Dlstanca ND. 69 -3r



, extrli hazard·lu8 dut.y, aDd! the first of the army to finish , ,t,he oourse, was the same soldier l:oy on the blooded horse with bloody . fianks , Th. ', .Duln. oalllng for tlhermon in the Nortb MON~Y _OUyots BONET aad T Aa II .. Carolina wllderness,'where the (Jon. • Telle.... plCki". Betu•• labIUm"" federlltes mlide their last obarge for Pr••• red 'enly bJ the oause that bravery c ould not ~ Oem •• ny. Chlo.... win, for there WIlS a grf.'Bt'e r destiny for all Amerioans togethe,r, tbllt was plain as if written on. the sky betw~en Orson and I,he Pisellidea, " STRAUSS


YOIl '

All dt'lIOrip&loDs of printing 8i ven fotteDtloa at Gazette

The Surprise Store

f. C. 'HILB

Dayton'S Most Popular Male Outfitters 28 and 3'0 E 3.rd St.


AND' WAVNESVILLE.··_N_ _ _ _ _ _~~~~-...;,.;.;......---~~~ w.\ YN I': I'\'lr.LI~ . ()H1('\


W~~DNJ,:t; n AY.

~~~~~~F~';~~J'~~~r~~~~~v~~:'~1~'~:.Y:rJ~~:A~I~:'.~--__~__~~~~__ '~--.------~~----~------~~~--:_~--:~~~~~~----~-~-~~~~:-~~::::~'.. -:.~::::~~::~---.__.~.~~::~.~~-~ . . . . ~ __•_____________~~~~~ MA Y,t{, HI(l7.

- - - , - - - - - P ERSONAL AND 'Miss Edi th Shute Miss Irma Pills and Miss Kathr~'l1 Frame Sur- I Come to Waynes I 1\,\. W E ()'Neall Ma rried prised in pitl' of her elf. I ville to Trade. LOCAL HEMS W eds Mr, D, E , Denn S I! I , , , I --L . . I 'rhe Bargain :Ony illou Is

on 8 t~ll~ t

l,l'lI1optly lit n liOn W un l'!!lln , , Mny J"I-, Ot' 'nrrflllll prill t.\' An!l "ill ' 11111 W Ulliu l-{, \\l 11I'1l MillH 1<]'lItll, hut .. l,tllJll1ll 6 Ib n wif" I)f M r. II I'UlIIHI'~' I ~ . lJ e nui~, C)f Ri ' hUl ond 1ndllll1l1 'l'ho brld J,; t-ll !' on ly l·hild uf , 11-. \£nnic e Jt'. huto of (,Ill ~ llluc(', I\ /ld ttm gruoU1 iR ont! .of HJ llllllI II1\l1 '~ 11108t high I\T r eKlll' ted y 11 J1~ h\1 . 10 Il l'~ III n . At Ih o 11<>1lt' ClIIJll1intell ror lilt' U(lI'(' lIlou.v, M n', l 'lind ~ 1:1 lIJ.!: h ' j',1P', Il f, Uu y tllU , ~11I11-; .M f' ntl ol ~1I1111 ' " "'pri ng 'OU!{, / , 'II'. ehlrk /llt' l ")" f X. uin, pla y iug Itr!' II ('Cl.lIl1 1111 ni.Mr. ',u . Wi l halL1 ~on h. buying . ~lI.vel:noney here, m ont. Aftll l' I It II ~nll~, 'lr l\l oKIl Y tile pleu ure f u visit t' 1'01Il lli ' tlo n~ ~IODd f' 1 '"hn'" WI' CWlllg Jlal pb WilllllUlilon, of AllIltH'l'()Il lntl pluycli You canl)ot afford to mis.'I the IlUI~ , Mil l't'h , II nll 1,lttle 1\1 \11.1''' LU. li'l IItt t special offering of Granite Enamel .Je ullo utt.c JI11I11 0~', t1Hl 1'I\l lmll l,r'/I I" Ware at Schwartz's, any article l Oco I eael'vell <lout tick I ~ 1'0 1' ur. ull lnliJ,V IIl·I·'~.' 1'01 ill whitt' tinter · Wuyu tiville H igh t:) 'i.I ul (;0111 0(1 tho t·l1t1 1l1 . tlxt 1'11111(' \le v. 13, n With his Hand Ulencem ut w i ll be n tLl~ ut .Inn jnmiu Ji uwhit,s, P:ISI UI' '+I tho to the Plow ney' drug 8to~ lit" o 'c'look: ' u.tur- ~' rI CIJ(\ 1I h llrCh lit \ y ll SVlll oJ , 1I1.l11 uruliY m ornin g. Enamel jell y pans H in 'li 10l' al Iy guinlng in I rl VOl' und m n rll tbl\1I St!hwal'lz's "\'leeial Sal , May 11 . . ever i Ii Is t o tl.ltl Intl'C t of Lh:e Ileol/h , Waynesvill e J-I ign ~koIlol)1 Alumni of tiJltI 'n'lld 11 Igbbo rill b' OlllllllJunittlOli 10 do t,helr ~r/.ltlin g III. Wuyn s· May 17, l H1)7.ville. Mis l sub I Utlso o , of Dllyton i Besides the OlerohtlutB wbo h llve a g u es t 6f l!; ql'. >1. li, Key " fllmily . bee~. giving, bllrglLlulI, 'Mrs U, M . Mrs , Will Ook, of Elyriu, hio, Whi te, the Wuynesville MtII nD~ is u g o st ut th h om o of h .r 1'111 h W, J l Kilbon Ilre 8d ve~tlshll:{ b r· o r, ln.lltw , I:l ~h '00 1( , th is we Ie. Ka\n~ for noxt !:IuturdllY,' Mrs. 1. E. KOYIi i K sun' ring fl' 111 , Full WIll lie fouud in tbe olrectfl f u l lIt rLl ful i Ir 111 1,lhl their advertise ments O l] the ' eighth top to t bo bottom (I f th e Ktll I t'll at page of the Gaze tte. R enu t hem uud h e r hODl e "u t,urdll), ni g bt., ,ooule to Wayne vl\ltl to \m y, you

bane Deboard of Hnrveysburg Met Death, Dllutll clime very udd Illy Frt · day to 1811110 UebOll rd, u ·wall kn \\IU residon$ of Hu,t'veysburg, Mr. Dab~llrd bud 1I11ft' r eLl fr 9m bellrt trouble for more ·tilun II yenr, but WBS apparen t ly In his usual hellltb Fridll,Y. At uoon ho werit t o his daughter:1I hon e 11l1d ute u hearty Olell\. After dinner h e t OOk bi tOODI una went to plow Ii 'fiell! n ~llr t.OWU . ~bortly Illt6rwl\1'd hIll lion fOUD~ him IIltting uuoon otou on his plow. -!ia died IL ,tew i.lours Inte~. Mr, Deboard s wife, two SO DB IU'U ~hre6 .dlloltghters sur"i ve 4!m. , With tbe excell~lon o t une 111I!lght r who lives at Mlddletow u .nll Jive in the 'Vlalnltv of .Ei.U.1 vtlyaburg, b'llueral seTvices ~ ore beld M Oil, dl1Y mornll:ig un,d "lit> buril\1 t.lS'k pJI!OO at (;1l1lrk9vi,lIe . .

Enamel m'ilk pans 4 and 6 Quart p.ecial 'ale, May 11,

10c at Schwartz's

Harveysburg Alul)),ni, 'J'lle anuuRI 'Alumni and "bltnquet tho B'n.rveysl?urg Higq 'holl will be h411d at the K. ot p, buJl


I:IIHurday Evenlng, htiLY 25&h . It is belqg held ou &turduy nigbt fur lile I\ooomidlitiou I~od oollvienice of tho Rrnduates Il>way J roIU home. in both busines8 nnd oUege . An extrll -effort }.l belul?, mUlle this loar \0 make the IIffalr Il suocess bO'tb In Ilttendanoe lInd I~l 0 flnun . ~ially, . . '1'0 these ond~, B' auitll\' lo llr og rll~n hUB been ur1'llngiui un,I tlltl memb6J's of the ASSoolIl.tion h Bve donatsd the ' supper. Let eVc.ry ruember be tjrellen~ tbis ytlu,r. 'l'uke a pride In your old bo!oe ,Bchoolli.nd by your perltOoal efiou help to up our Alumni and mllka It 1m In· IItitntlon of whleh every tillrvay s. burg grnd~t\~ WI~1 be prOUd,

Few Children Pass Boxwell Exami.nation.

H ev .




lUI(;LUr "J

Lnln J"ikl us of Hiehwoud·, We il:i~btl l ::>tr ~'j t Frle ml H ,,!I nt c l! fir !ndiunll, \YO!:! tb goeRt v I' l:'lJnluy i.t1(\ilnlOud. "'011 0\ i u~ tli <l, I ~Wllj o)f h e r o u ~il1, Mi ss Mllllie BiNphmn. thu f,lrOOlll, nut! al< 1111 loo k llitl 11110 M r s. Kumc!) ' uute uow ooou[Jlel! [I U[ thE! uHnr tu WillI. 111 ( ~O lll l1l g III purt of M UI M o Jli o BISIJlIlllll' h OUl O lll~ IJr'ide, h I cou, lU , MI'. EII!'I 0 . D t; ~ui s, uot,in~ n ' b UHI UIIIU, t Ink 11IH OD Water ti tre t. ' pillo II t thEl righI, \Ino t,b !' IlIu,Hl ul W, ,Gns tin the 11 v r.v III II U, IOlO't hOtlUl', AlI~s Mur gnl','t r;c,tlgow I(lk I~l one of hi s b Ilt hort;.:s b y Inng t I'er MI~1i

last w 1(, Il.t a50.



Il nilll l~ 1

W I)

vill ued tbe

l ~f t.


1111) p ili " ,) ll r llolH1111Cfl

"l:i l'U CO lll e.'1 - I,ll!' Bri llt, ," r IJlI u\'Idu lluLIJr(I(\

th o 1'00lll, 1\ pi

\l r


' Irl

A good program hru;J been aI'- i ~ simpli 'it,y , ulull. )/1 11 t' W, \l (\t I1 {,! ranged f or Alumni . YOll will ' ''mis.'l ding gUWll f whil e ~i1 k. hoI' veli\ it" if you miss it. cl\ught.wlth \illi so f f,11I vull!'y, n ud Mr, WllIiuill MoKo y, wh 'h us cur rying b l'iele . 1'0 l' ! ILml IiIh ll" I)t beeu til king I~ .boslIlc.!,s uUr!; fi t t,lle vl~lley. Rl'v. c.:lh hll1lh 11 f w Bor'e n Oollego, U r eu , K e lltllcky. r u lu rk ., uft I' wl1\1:b III \Iri(lo llIld tbls wiut r , klls l' I,m n eell WILYf\rUollt , j 'oiuiu!{ IUIIlu,,,, r ' lwIlt .1 t.hfl 'nes"iIle fOl: the summer. beuu tlful CC\'OIl)O I1 Y III tb e Il'rieJ1(l~ , I " \ ttl 10 t HIlU Hew. liowkillli prl)/lQUno l 't1 thom ' E name pr sel ~~~<:: ~e S t ~aay ,. pet la ...,s e a UI , hu~bllnd nOll wife, 111111 cl ,ft!orl Iht hnprea iv !lG r vic Wit h I\, JlI'u y r . May 11, AflElr Ibo ImfJPY plt i!' IIn l1l'tJcen'ed Mrs. llUmel ida 'Il Ilbout con gru ultlt.l ou i'l o f tbo /;u _I : thrQ') mil e n o rth I)f \ Ilyu ':\vlll ' Cf)nrse luoe11,)ol1 WA >I rvl'c\ hy . Ix beeu in 11 v er y fell'ble t.' tl~te of h uHhy yOllng 'gi rl ~ , VllJliJ ~ II f I,ll I brhIe. tor two or turae m on ths, lLud th 1'h pr eu ttl wern nUlIla rou nod coM dllUlp weltther of j his "'Pt'ing i8 b uutifu l. At. -1 "I()ck t·. !lnd very nnfuvorub le to i.le r II1l!lI.IOS- Mr~. Donnl depart' clfar HICIlIlJ (md oe uoe. tltUitlu ~ho.wor llf ri ", hI "h"eK I\ nd r.ll'; \,;. ' , Bltnl\J o u ; of Hll.lom,N . (t. Wl sbo. WBti t i.le g ueRt of b i" l'a ln lil' 8, Me The nest!! no th il! 01'('(\ Ion WflTe: r a ' muel Merodit bl~url 'el ll I\nflllll'l alit< Mnrgll r et, ' rclgwi k, Mr, Ellrl Ilnd f ll<milies fQr ten li llY" t • ntl y . D n ui, 'Irs. 'Imrlo,. 811 11 'l'ut . After huving h ore, ~ Mr . CH'lmpton M r . c..'lllr'k McKay, Mi-. Ullrl~ 1\10ext uded 11il:l visit fur~b e r we. ~ a Dd Kay, It I' 11111! Mr,;. CII , • II v IIml w nt to Rlollll.loiJd nud In l hu.II\polis, Mrll Hn \V lei nt', hb!', It llllJ'l nl ~ t'l( l g. wllere b will tlpellll IIwhll" Lr f!>re wick, Mr, 111111 Mr;., Alhol't· \)\jfll1jll, returnlng h me, Mr . !lud Mr.. Uuvid Oenlli~, .Mrri . y r!l \)llll \\ bel .!)', Enam I covered buoket l Oc at ~l ury Rllnte> MI8 EI ilh ru'oor , 1111'. IlIlll Mr . W, Schwartl.'/> Special Sa-Ie Saturday ,

Ill. MOfl r e,

May 1l.

l\tl' : .1 n hn ~;Ili q ll , ~Loas l'"

8u\\IlI r \1 EIl\(\tr,

L Olli;! '

i!: UllllOU!I ,

A feas~ of good thing, is in store fOl' you at Alum ni. Make arnuige- GOn1'l:;e Wilcoxen, JJlrJ\Llst UIlI vel't" nil f . ' Rlchll1ll1ill I nt1 hlnu; 1~'1(l1 m~nts to attend.

Mount" llHlhlDllpC1la~ l 'tu~' Ej.1l ,v :vooll E'tIIu:k Atlllel':lun, . rI'o II' i and Franklin r oad in Way- ML M ar tbll Uolll l't on, I Lli mlHoll i


pocketbook nea r Fourth


street ne.wilJe owne r can aecure same by Uis. Elil'.nb '~h Il nLl Blitil\ J:ill 'g, payjng i5 cents for this advtlrtise- :i nei nn ut,i ; Mr' (lncl M,''' ' Rob'r t mel,t and identifying the property, ' hute, MI'!! . EH7,lL holh B gIl1'(\ os, and applyin&- to Mrs, harleS fl ough MI Alice &"ruUl l, . J I!!S -]{,\t.hryn who found the pl'o~ el y. Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Gr ay, ·M r . a~d Mrs,· Carl Duke and child ren and and Mrs. Morton V~n Dorn


wel'e entertained ut an leg-alIt din-

Of two hun4t'ed aDd cleven clllld· ner


tAe home of Mr, and MI."S.

Il'rl\m o, M r . Il m l M r t! , W, 'l, J ~ I'IIUI O, Mr!!, Bet,hill FlIrn lul, Mr, 1I 1l(11'111'S, W: H . Allell , R v. nn\l Mr,. . ',J. Ii'. Clld W'I 1I11clel' Mr. llnil Mrfl. J . b: , .Jouney, ir".' .Etli t,h tillfrt, Mr. , Luu l'fIo l\'1 osh r, M1'. W, J rilboll, ~li ~se!o! Z\[yru lhinl, il lllY, SybIl litlwlce, . GUI'oIYIl IlOel E ~ lt.h ~to u T, .r(,\iI~ le M Ar iti t:. MrR. IImtlu· do. \Yngllt, 11.r. oml Mn;. A , M,dT1tt., Miss 'el sti ll A \I Li II,

n '.uUflil .M'lr~s \ V d- . l~ 'hu~ ll)u !! h~' I!~ ' " dlll g of Popu lar 'O UIIl,; COUI)le. IW1LI1. ~11l'1I I II tltl'.1



. I \I !I n'l

~rlllll' , of I ltn





11' '.. ,J, '1', l~lIH''' I··(}''VI'r h ll r I 1(111 1I 111'i IIfl1 " II 1"'('111 I!!! , li l' r f"th ll r' IIl1rl o r I~l.Id lml ,;ltollelll\(l \\II ·d~(\11lt,. !',,(.lfl , .. ,otf' n . 1II Ighlltd h c!' tro th to W. E . 0 ' (lh li, 'fill. ~UI'~r.: hl'II\HdH 1.1t' 1I1 ' 1 'Il!< o Jllv ~r'lll ()' lilt' IU I '- Ahijtlh ""dUro; . ,.Ill nrh whll'h. WII . ~!ll'l.I"l1lt'l1tl'd h,1' n ;Jir. ('. ( ' ''': pu J1 , t,b n ILe \'. ,I , F. ' hut "1111',,(, FI' I'\' I'll Ii\' Mrs, Fl'illllt' i.'flill.\'uil uIIA lill li t,lr of • to. MilrY 'II \ 'rllas p rcost''' ""'r!' Ill' IIn,l r'h ufnl\, IJ llit'i.l tinL:. with III full l Mrs , l:f l~ I l,lIlt 'l II'IIY , j\1I ~ I'~ 1';lIu S\!I'\'wr' o f Ih(o 1':l'i ~(,o pll l Chll l'oll, 'I Koy!', 13 "1l1l'1 1I~ 11 1111 . 1'1'1'11' . I:ll,'\', , 'l'h e ~ 1"1 \' \ I~ :';IJWIl Bll in \\'hi.~a l MIII'Y 'J'l hhu l... I' ll' l:otlll 1\u,1l1' II I" , :ilk Ii ~IlC and co rr ied Il h oC\u t, ut i .Ele r t bn Elhl )11, ~I ("l'~ r.. HII~\'lll d wlliLo l)rldll 'rr l'O~e8. Ii)' brutllel'll~o.lI tt, B,t1l1 'n l.I "I,I, W'~~'rl'll ,"P . s. 1111,1 ,is!PI' in I'LW , Mr. ul1Il Mrs. FI'I'O l~lU (i ll. i:;ll );,'4 ,l iI'I'I' n n ll Chll l'l . th ei r CII/' y. untll lJ ' .v'JUu::: ill troll of hOn Dl' 1l1 ~1) t'l tI ill wlu t o, whil h I' fl"W Ut'1\ Ea te. n Stal' . WOf(' PIOtr hr fllu's r oseN. . I A >c·r III', ~,~I'nlilon."" H'lli o" ul1lt(" ll howers Mrs, nadel', I "'~ v .' ~ ... til .. Ii \'tll' uf thc' 0 wo yo ung pOI.ll'le Tho m elU hO I'" IJf tll A1I1C'<ti o l'll l' I' IIlH11TIrtl}o tb ('tll one, c.u n uJfectlo ll' ~nr 1~t1 stl'l'n Klnr. ill u r d(.l' t .) e Xluml (l(~' "lIgmtllIutiPII/3 of r alnti ves IlTIdI r'ung r "tLJ'1 II l)n, 11\111 RV(' llll u. ,'m: iu l frwllIl , la"lmill~ tolPlh. r with ~J r", &I.l u 'l'hOD (lU.H It ~Ilh. \llnl illl I.\tn·' Rl1.ue r pr \'i 0 1l lo Iwl' llpp .-c1Il cohill !l' co m e I nnllb I~n. 'l'b e 111111 . w r Fl TIlllrrllt~(1 V1111l111'11 to!;1l r hN'lvltllO t,IStl'fllll,V ~1t'I' I' t(l,l .wil\.). whitt? J\l ourlll.V ' <, ,,al llug Ilild ]il'e!.\o nl h "1 l'O~L'H 1I1le;) f~n," '1'11 0 ion crl"llllt "'II" wllh 1111 01~g1t 111 fwl of ta ' I!,' hnl 11 111 tho bupo ('Ie r osell nwl "'.Il , ' ry I Althou gh <l lll tH' 1I1 llUllm r" ,f 1111" Il tt'I':~ctlve t S II' 1,1 1l~ /·q >lletlzlOg'. . fumli _'i' w rn ,lwll r euf Lho1l1un 1(1 , UJ' \'\ b ' n Ib 1:H 'lde cnk \~flH cut, 1m. H 1101', 1rl\, Ruder Wh , " )01Mu!!> Ml1r thli U' Ncall Hec\l~'ed tJw pll'til l y IIl'anl/helmet! \v lwo ring 1\tlSt! Anl'l.1t 1er dlth, tllll tl1f't'llmpall,V fil d iot h I' hOln', Ill iml.l l\pll M,r , 1(\ Ellii', I'he C(lIn , hut, \'eoo~ul zeu Iham lit Ol1etlli" h I' 1 1U~C ill tbe . vtmio~ the h'lPIlY IJrtllh r Rlitl i l,el'S in tIll IOllgA, couple lud(l(l t·lI h' gue ~<! , BprOn l,! 1\1111 gnv til In n Ilelll' t:v \\-eloo lll , . iuto It wuitin{f \lutoLno'bll e (lnd r ode As ~be h osplhd;ty of. I bo l{ilbll u fI' to pnrt 'U\lknowu to tho e b ol' , fllUllly i~ ' pruv rbinl, it I ' n.('E'JI'f\'; l)U~ wbcr(tvel1 it 1I1Ry. be the r ul' f to It y tiJut. th entb' hOll~O Wflll 11 lLrt full of 101'0 llud es~ e m 0 phL ' ,(\ vt Ih tr ui! [lnd tho frie nds I [t Ilt i.lOlll I Wi .hIDg f~r av enin g \\11 9 r:me r ttle W /lf,t. <lohgl!ttbem IJ. J'o'Vous l1 0n YUlOOll thlLt .wlli /. tl I Ill111g1 ' ' 0 "110 ,r ' _ nevor aet, . J\ . It i' I~n nnwritten It \'r iIl thut'jll.1 . Klle t !l f~t, tbe \~eddl ' .'.n" '" we r e ,' h ome t,hat n o gU!~ .. t sbltil leav e th .\[1' , Aunt\, flll ll , Mt Mnrtlia b(1\l~e without r frORhlllc nt, th li '~eal1; M,r . A. IItlTj)ri"l r~~VI)J: ' f:lurp~4>"{l~.y 118 vin' Q ' Nl'lall, MI p Il 'I', 6ull, vife u.nd dnu g hter, of lillintv ioc". cake nml C'Q fl['lOt iollS ,Lon<1on, hio; D~' . Her 9h e l1 Fishe r l!or~ e~1. oil wifo. of e b!lnou; Mrs_, CJ T . 0' Teall uu{l MI~:;ILetui(l, MeKay, I 1\11'. Elir. 1l Butu g, 1 u t.ll t orfurll , Will Move ~..:..-:rkansa MIS!! Irll11 Brown, Mr . ::;. fl. Ellis, Mis. D oru, · E l1i!!, J£, .Tl~~ney • nel 'tH'I, blurrn V, I~ w,,11 Imow n r(l~i rlllllll y, JOlfn Mc lur 1.~ \lU fUlIlily ; dont· hf tlll 1'1('inily of Bell l}I'n ll r, \trl!. Ellgollu Jil'oster 111l(ldnu~htef , of bn ~ ~nld hi fU1'11l 1If'1lt' (hu.t pi ce to G hmdulo; 8. p, Kindl" tLml wif , II g(lnll£llllllll rrom 011 t II aOlI WIll R.~, Dul!; n.ncl wif .J. Jj' . U11I1. on'a r his f fl rm 11111)1 Ill(lDt ~ nod wnllt~der lind wife, 'h'1l.110 EI·)j , Ilud Ill)URello itl ~Qoll:\ nt pllbil o. al o next wif , ,'idwell E lli , W llrren J\.o~', . ,-;nlul'\.lay nfl m oo n. . • Rh,et~ R og 1'. , 'ufolyu nnd Erlith ,[ t·. li n 1 Mri; MUI'I'lIY "'il l move MI) h e.1:, A.nnll Bnd Wlnnif.retl2tl. 1' (\. til [( o ~UI'. , Bont o ll CII.unl,', A ·rk .LJ)aith . Edlth 'rtwe , J. fl. Cunpmlltl ,liP. wll r fl it ill bO IlOll tJle ('IIIII/Lte lI.ud v.'ife. John p , '~rOUl'\ll ond wltn, will 11I11l di I, ft's . Mnrt'IIY willi!; of Dn On, 1Jtlolth hilS h,'OIl lluilo llnUf. II \ I<lb - -in ,'hl(11\ lhel r fl'iflnll~ llnlUng (iu

\\,111 1'111\,11..-11('1' ' If , ' :0 , all tI" . I, r nnlll 'IIj'III'l ul'f

"r l '

.hJl' ' l 'IIC' " I1l~ 11111 ~III I~II" I .

~1 1'f' I, \\' 11I \I\IlIHo IJ tl l lll Mr!<. ,J . \\'_ \\'nt'd w ... r,' 111 lin' ( 'hl l11 {'il,y

~~lIili, ~V!ll"

, upportar" I Chnr~I"~

\v1I" 1






<;,:hurch Notes


MAlt ; 8

' l'hllr~ll lI\

~ll' F. ill t 'lurk \\'( 'Il t 1 0 \)u,V t ,m ' I 11 lI'~d:lY \\' 11 11 tbl' lu tpllt" n u( . 'ii , 1I1~ _,I1\'I'rn l llll ,\'~ ~II'~. ~lnr.!Ilrl.t .1 ,,1i 1l- .\' n~ I 1'I11lil1 ~ In

1J1l ..,.tll n 1i'1'1C1u ,\'

:0.11' , I!:V>IJ'IJ l I'~ul'ly , whll I' (~f\ntl ' W,·,II I I I) \j'LY~Il11 III "i'I}nl~ Ollltil uy III nl II III t o nml l t III the l'IL~h lt l;' J.) If;lC\l' W o rk1' , IHl('\, '11y hill i;l \lut, tho l ot hinlllllu fill vr'J jlOf\p.~ wm'kiug '"r WHlt.r K n ri" for ,Iwllila I ., I '1'he new hUl1lU{I,V II I ~ll1u III lil VIl Ime'" COUll1lrl'l l'l:..i. ~11.v('l'ul Iltl1l1H t'





h('(1 !St.'JIlI! hlw I h!'Lll hllUh'llullo

It louK ii Ill' lh 'lll ~lJ thoro wonld I, ' 11 1I1IUding t.h''''tl o m du,v . Whil o UH a mnttol' (,f fuct, thL K . G, F,. 's nre 110 .. 1('11 ' fo r 1t (() 1)1' buil t 1\ they !fl1l ,1 g tl! IUi't,dll'oll in lIlor e CQ I111110 . ,\i ou. !j11ll1'1 I' ,w f!1LI'1D t· q (l e why .Johll~ IImJ :Stncy Rh oulu 100 i n lilly h llr l'v to ' et the IUIVul'story IlP, Ri~ht n ow til y hu \' t h e \urgl' · t, sturo~'I)()1Jl fo).- t h eir impl nHlllts I~n~ IUlldliJlery t hu H )dn he h lld . Indeed' it is U giglLDtlC top they hove ttlkeo whi b 110 o!'b er urlll Iho,t hua b on in ·bp. ine!" for huH IL niu~y 110 uOli '" In .t be few month tLlI~t t hey ll ll vc'b e ll in blls in e ~ II s' plI.ttnerll II is Mimply ll~tollillhiog, lUS tify in g. anlllll llJlIlI1ng tltu. t)l\lY , hooll! 00. CllllY ' Delt Il Vllst wU)'f;!hotllje tit pr 8. nt . l thiuk YOIl cll n ..;U as H,ea.n't Y ll~ It h us Ibe eu tir 'lllrth fur Il o·or "nd '11 w u '-I" u" VIIU' ]ted Mnupy of henven fo r II. ro f, ~lr, 'Wellinl7~on 00 ne~1 h \li! 411!'l1l b ment wflJk lllid iu Inlot of his r irlance Il\tely. Wi1l.1.t go on eallt. Wlltllon t,b sontll side of our b{llio qtreot-, i Ihe IJ IlflS tiOlf 1I0W . 1 IR IImpl'lsing 11 w tn uoh m ore f rti1i:1:er i~ \IHed !lOW t hun flo f ew yetlrt\ ILgo. Will. fl , CJllrmony re. celv (\ bi~ s ollll fi r 101ld o f fertil. 1YoQ r frbl11 tho '1~t1Lon li'ertIJi' vO, 'f l .

'H R( 'lJ . Sn Dday n ftri r A ce n ~1 II . l\t£l,Y I') wily . M rnin~ prny or IIl)rl l' e' lll I II lit 10:301l . m, Mo.y 19, 1\10 , Wil l> (lIe exu ot dtlte of tho l uodin [: [Lhfl

Caesar. Creek . I



. _- -


l1eJ;O/l,fte r


wurtz's will 01 tind la8t all du , eXbnusted.

In~t week,

'I'h 1i:pworth LellI,COo i[l,11101(} ul, the bonto ,,( Mr. lind irs. S. L. WiIllcllU on IlIlIt li' ridny evening Jl1'c,vNl I~ vcry plel\snn t oOCl\sion . \)n UCI'fl Ullt of the .blld wElllther tbe tl \t(rllltlo' WilH Ill(lllg l'e, .But the refreshOl ut!' w{l re eJegalOt und hC,)~o pro!!ent njoyed thelllsei ves

th l l\lghly. !.et t , rellt1or~ WIll joi u I1lHl ,Vill i L ::mgnorc;l nnd R Olle Are Il olog Ii 11'0 f(1~rot In~ing' tho m fruw tht$ big hu inN'!! Ull ,,~tllrd ,\y eveniogs " <)IIlIl11llli t~·, 11'11~t I,ll . ('111 nf(.i will t thei r 1I 0 W bn rb t' shop , 'fhe r oom pl'o n) "f lx'l\oflL ttt t,hem m ' 1I'OI'.V .'~\'ill >1000 " be plusterl')(\ aDd it will




l' xlIlIlI"I'11

I,h oll UO q ll1te B re"peot .. ble harber sboJI. 'rhoy lIre llrepu reu Wllnd ~o he l ter work for the I~looey tLu\n hilS here O.fqTO h e II IJUNSible ip 0 111' viJl\lge, Mr , nml MrN \'VI\l , 1:1, 'u rmon.v WOI'O S u ntlt~:v h o~ t;t to MI" . r~nu Mrs, Wm . WII l~toO , of Y,lok c et, Mr. Ilnd Mrll. 'Wu lter Kenrick llll~sed U. l)l f:l tt~ltnt !::lunday wltb Mr. Ilncl Mrs. l!~ltIl l' MUllt~tll ll e ry , of COli te rviIJ e. Mrs. E . J. L gl;, wl\o hil S Inleu k Iling b ou .;e Iut' Allie l'tlyl(l f ." nd lliln ,Ft)rre to, spell t S!\tnrrlll .v mght lind tiuollo y WIth l\lt': lIull ·Mn. H.. 1:1.. ·t. ,l ohn, .

Mr, oolld Mrs, s pending 11 few dals south of town. , Mr, and Mrs. T. ,M, ;BlorIalt~,4~ Millt\lisbmg, s~nt a !8W

reh~tive'8 here iaat week. ':1'. C. Haydook Jr, au4 G. W. Craig u.sslsted the ~111

baud in a

oonct'rt at Bellbi'ook

Saturday eyening, '1'he De;tfl Alph& cl.. Fri end'~ Cntiroh WBS entenalDecl tbe 1100l'3 of Miss Maude BU~


St1turdllY afterD90n, Our sohoo WIl8 in seaatOD OD , urd ...,.: "h was' neoelll!81'7 'to up Ii dtl.Y that had 'been loa'-



of ·J4mes Ol'lltglllrqa~

wbo I ft here IIobout yelus IlgO, W&8 blll'iI\l on I::laturdo.y. Ohllrles

of Morrow

tlie rell'luiDS, 'l'be MiBllloD"I:Y ao,oi~ib',..

M. E f:b.uroh held a

·'...1. . . . . .

at the DI.r8()D"'K8 day afta.m oon. .'fhe elElllIi"'h. fr .I1nlllntfl lind l!)IU»~r&.""'l!IIn were e nj oyed by aU, M embers froni o~r Jie,lgllll!4)rll~~~ " pecia l Sal g at Schwar tz 's . will COllllJ'IEmCe at 7 a. Ill. iils.tead of 1 Il ttendeli the receptjon , o'clllck

mee ting

and continue al\" day · or un- Spring Vull,,}'. W. U, '.P, U , 0 , U , F, aan l'I,esd,ay. A".\nll~1I

lil articles ai'e e.x,bu[Js ted .



• -----


'1 11)111 1 III


,nd.e r~on~oflitllry.


.. 'I I

l!lllll-d i U ' " lIf hI', ;IJld



'.,p""'''' .-,d, ·-

. m oml 11111 \" ,, " 1. [I ",., II \\11 11111 \;1 :\Jr. ," ,11 ~h~ I I '~II' I \oi\' 1l1'1(' lc untl lit\!; J~ \'U, l l'lll u impl). ' I ilil' fIll' h ' I I, I", ' 1I 1'pn-" I , 'I I' 11101 ~11~' ,I 'III '~ H ,; qlto. nud \\ 111 . N .. () N I',tll , J1\111111 II II p,\rl) Jt)1 II,,·, 11 1\1\ '1Il1, r"lIIIlV I'lljol-". l l-'qntill\ w7illliJ r . '1'I~ lIl'Rl l h'"UIIY:!, 11 1(17, Unl u J I wo Dotlotil br wll till' " "'11'1 1'''11'1' '1 '1 , \1 1' ' II I ' , ' . "1' .. . Itl ll .\ I,.. .. HfJ n. "t 11;.1 IIHlI< I, IIl' mnltll,'Il!. tU I1l1 108 10 tl lien tI "h~H lil II III /',1111' 1, I' ll I"' " , r I ,. . "1111" h il i' -II IIIII!; 1''''' IlI ~11 ' , \ l d\I'lC';ooo ~. . . ,1 1 Ihll . . M , \ \1 1f.1 IttH'V \ arl'llll (~unnljY. ROil, w,l \ku . '.Ii'I)\I0.wink th(1 rplIdlllon 0' , ' l1t,arrllt.\' ~V,'1\III~ IIltd f" " lItl llI ' !' li n ~'I1(' : "'I " "l}d ~ I I'. .,,''' I I r" \~111'1 "r'.' wud,llllg nUll' 1, T, y I i ' C,III' UIy n I,h e IJO in t 101' "" i l! 1m: I (''1' ",I"" . 1 11111" "1101 )'1 111ng ~'1n l fP HI\r " lUll1'ihr·.r, 'l i~R 1li h;;, w lt l) i:< Ih e only i ~111l11 ml, '11 ~ -<" \:'1"11 , 1 1I.t~I\(OoIl,lllll t lil l' ~l1li,l h.'· ;.!\I"s l ~ "r I\1r 111111 .u. rl; '1 '!l Q IIlIU'I·!tll,;1 h:lhs . "Il(1 .Mr .





'",tllI'I' .. f \111 .1 e \" I\(\

E ogllf3'h nt "ItLmes toWI1. 'filo• ..~O l' } I IIJtU''''l , LillI fl lUlil .vJ •~ I'llt ll U H~Ll from 'he Dlst.rlOt /!cbooltl ot Amos Van Dol'll of Harveysburg, on mon next 'uodl~y will ,bo Il hl ~Iun · I ' IIU CIIII' \\'111 . I ,,[, '''1 l rl II II I' I) '~• . Warren" COUDbY ' \Yho Iltleplvted to ::;.nday, utll . QIlO, , j~p:propri ,.te t o tbo thr cl1 l'i . . I t' ' r~ ClI nt hllUtlr edt,b uoniver;'llry ' of . t,I,lI t A ( .. w J 'l1'IIH'I' ~ 111'\1 I' UU Ill,,:': • pus the Boxwell eXt1.tu intl.tiol.l held · l\lr, E. 8 , Hllu by , whb l'.cQ nt,iY eVl~ nt, plirtiCl1larly emphll. I Zll1~ the .MI . Hun, 1 ' Ll!W IS u f Lll.lulJerrotJ ", Lebanon thlt!e Wlltlkl! ogo, 11\4, or moved frolU VI II.YIW~ Y ilJe '1,0 DlIyt,on Cl\.tlse· ' fOt' ll: ~uti tl1(;1e 101' :;JOO .yollI N H[1 I"11 ::-:un tl l1 .V ' wllil ilu rr y L~tle. wl ·b ut 117, tailed" SIlent ::;" turdny anI! ~ ' un cluy wit h of tho E pisc ' ll~l c:hnrclt 1t1 Amoriua. \'1:II\-pr 1l1"Pt1ng will ho h hl nt ti.le Eight oi' the 8uo~adultieventeen bis l'rother-in-Iu w WlliiaLm \:iay, Ili l)ll1l'O" f-j,Ul'Ili"'\'Olllptun tbisweelc . werti f.r om .Barlu'n townshi p. Miss Mr. Hnuby repor t cl himself und lilllulm ' [,n II' -Fmi!lh \tIlde to .' 'nu(ltlY 'c'bO\lll~.t\J ;;lOt~, Ill .' T OlUorrow, ' l'bul'stl"y, A se 'wion ~f!t'lIJ: I t rotll I his v io.i uity ~ver e Hazel G, B6fl8 W~ the only Wayne fUDllly u~ I1iOE' ly locnt·ed ant l doing wlIl k ou , :::ibId .llV .1. I\; ,IILII oey, to'WrltlhiJ, tleli(lJar to' p!l8~ . Special M eeting to Arc U(lY· Adclr e s /I na 1:I 01.y '01l11111111 . ;;\iupJlin. III \. u·Y l1 l.lsl'iIIe ntu r(la.y, well in .tbe. G em ~ it.)' : Eel Bfl l'gUll , Tbe ohlldren llllve an oppor· l~ f ormer .Wflyne. v illc I)oy n ow ltl , i OIl Ilt 10 It LlI , Evury lJ!)lly IlI'gl'll I'u l ,I II" Dls!; row nll,l wife I\pont , 11\~t range_.!~~110rial Day. -'~t&ent1 these sen ' loos. l!4aturtlu~'. willa 11.. riu n ~o1'Cloll -Ill tunl~y . to try I~nuth"c eXllrninllmun 1,1oyed tn Puyton . WIIS Itl Ro io town the oomiDK ~llturday, . . Mem1ter>1 of ·thu U . A. ft. o.nd Oll'rll otJo ' I<'llI 1t l'W . \\'u~·.1w,,\lI Il I" 8" . urdllY'. Boxwell uri:lnnlenoelUent w'ill o f V , lite r e(luo!1to(l ·to 60 Pl'1'l ent. lIt Mitl.mi ' Ql1ltlrtel' l,'( Maot Hl I; i.f OJ" I :Jr. . , Itlt',I' 1;'; tll)lt o n '~1t1J \\'1Ii1 Vll l' Y' Enamel pudding pans IOc Sch take pllloe tn t he ptliversity hllll Wal't~ 's Special Sale Saturd ay, May. I·h a ord er'lI UUll'1J) r oo llllu ttl .f'tlrr thodox wi ll be' II Itl fll (hol.ld( <1l1 l'ln t; I.tlU winl.llI· 1>lldJl0 to get at Lebu.~oJi oJ UDe 8th, (mu \ . h itl' bnihling, Friday . veil· I ed B rlojc ;,l ext 'ov!3n IJ.llay, II Ill'), l unl " .1)\10 IW\y , 11, , iog, MlI,y 10~b . lor ~Il(l obserVtmge fit ''1.0 :30 II . U1 . . . 1 i\ll '~ b:\'11 I~ vis ·t Nt w B urJi ugtoll OWiug th~ fu ct tbut t·he Urtbo, "I'owoship , . , Teachers Elect~d ., ~ n f M emorilll D tlY · . (Jtmrte; ly M etiu /t ' hri tillll 1':11 ~rlJOul !'o jJ!'D t tardilY u.ocl 8 uouity do"" Fl'iend" ohuroh wile unDorgoing v E . Bmttcl1, ommH Ilr) r S , of ".del~vor Rllll y Fir~ t ull ,y 2 :;)0 11, 11\ \\1\:11 Zi ll1l'i HHln Ull, The directors or tho ~o.yn~ town, a tiyst,em of ropa.!J l'ing und cleull Ever,yltody iuvitotl til toile' I'r\' lne:;. ,luh n fl oming Itrul In lll1ly sp'n t "hlP : scbools , the ('ollowlng lng ltist 8undj~y nnd WIIS therllfore a't!IO B "ppointruent of ·teuohers for the liD . uufit for use, th{l oourt,asie of ~hfl , , ~; !J n u!\'y . with hH ' 1 1~t~t\ I"i!I IJLro u tti Sunday'Visit.d rs. 'aalDg Y~1Iol' {\t their meeting 'P0n . W'hl'te' .Elriok wero eKtentl ed t,o 110eL I aflat Wilmlnj;ton A III our; - nhe: vi!litort! in W y n 8· day evening. aooept.ed by. the, O~th(jilox con~re_ Waynesville. Will , I Wil'son ' llllu w il e 'Wlwa shllj" ville Sl1utlll,Y weI' . ,I OflOph P r in t z , Uol1\'ge Hili, Belen MoCI(jr~ gatioD, IlDd t.!:,e two br'Ulohell \Vor· First Gam e of BEl'll lping n .x.outll"litl\rday. ~prlnlJ braDch, JohjJ (.;ulDmlngs pped t .. gether ond lI s~ene(} to R of Du.yton I MI'. and Mrs. G orgQ S . . , I 1:lur~y. ~ickl'.r 'Oll und wit tH' U Sligar Grvve, 108'1: WUltll.Oltl fine 'sermon 'uy 'lltav . Banj , HuW'kh1!! Bally , of Cinlinlllltl ; A. W. Hilinell, A l arge Qrnwd of buschnJI e.nth n, -. }lJ'opltring to reet ~~ lIOW ' huu 0 blli of XOllio. i lLi !! Etbel \\ illiu.mson B.ec1 ~1aJt.,Dona Jill.wke illllt;a Wltlllli~He<l lil IIr. t glllJlQ Ill! Norm ..l K 8tll well ,·. and , ~afrY , . It "UIIIIll I' , . Mi~s Lore.Da D an, (If Dayton . tile loold i\ h~ u nc1 s ILt O .. kllnla l'll r . liteen Url.lir; &ra.h .Elur~ett fiurnllton ot ' the NutlooJi,l NormoJ 'F ridltV oft 1tno~ llll!l al u; r n(\ a Ilin,. 1>Iaklot,. Mary J'ealey, Unl.venity at Le;), UIIlJ, Dame up to . Ti.I6, Pu.ln~ tllD t ta nils B 11 Wntl:; . of \V I~Y rfeav;iHe b oy' to t~ y i Ne awoID'mentll were mu.d~ Notice to Lot Owners • HlI.nDIl I", Qre~n l:;elli. R, Id by ,I . WaynllsvllJe FrldtLy a~d ll8tli8ted '!! oVQ)' t·b Eas t Bigh lir.hl1()I, of lit. Bolly aDd Sarmony Grove old hOme bale . ~ll team 10 E . ,I~nuc, . D(iytOD, w i.till fl scora of (j til 11. 'lOhool, , DaytOD, ' Mr, 8tt1"11 Is rho regu lur an~ultl uie\'l~lDg of thel/On of ~unty Auditor Stlb,ell ti.le lot own fa In 1tii(J,n;t1., will be held on .M ona.tlr. June 1:1, in Ie a deput 1,iD hili fa.ttaer'" ·AiI .. number ot my 1'tl.troD8 \\Ill I prevlo'QIJ~ tbat~avtq travl'UecHol'. 1» by"I1lY' hll.vlui the otYioe ot the Iduperi.tlten~c~_t,~t 2 Wayne tOWDllhill ,Amt OObl~, . ~...... when tho elootiqn of ollloers 11ll1~etil.Dlr ' .oollAy eVl.'lIing , to tal. 0'4 hoQle Thoso t o be ohosen lh"'~lJo.lth'" .o f alK,OOO tt'ldt_y_. treaaurer anI!


L_ t Ic ,

llL t week,' .•

Oregonia. Mrs , WI!l Mo~)O ey call1l.d on , Edwin' Armitage 'unchy a l ternoon, l!.:lrs. Ed S b erwood is eu ;erMin ing

be~ fll ~er £~OU1 Xeni£l, rOf.

II few



s . Ruth Kersey 011 lied MillS Ednll.Bpencer Suntlay. Ml', aod Mrl;l. .!In ~b,1l WilY 8 1)1')0 S unduy whlL 1hl:!Ir dallg hter, Mrs . ,t: ortQI'I ·llere. . '. 14r8'. J ,lIUI'S oh~Ilok b!\!! been en, tertlLi ning frlflnds for thll p~ t, few

d"ys .


Charles B~"dbul'Y spant Bt~ur ' d~~ and nudny 'A lth friends here, .Rev, Rnf;h MUl'rfty held prellClh. ing S6J'"IOO9 at the 'l'ar\lo

Gburch Sunday morning,


Rnd brandlsbln!; lbnlr Ipe&I'II In tbe AN EXECUTION UI INDIA. Idr, " 'bllt' Ib~ Mehn ... In {lit' r<)lIt ,,(,Ill Into I hl.' (tIl' a v(> rltabl(> cloud 01 How a Sentel')ce of Duth W~. C~C'­ II I rn" li 1\111 11I (1~(> Jutt(>t· fell Klwr l of rled O",t Streett. of .Hyderabad. lh t' ti eri ng 1111 S n f tb I Rnlc llt 6 . rQI' Ill py hllli IIhonri )' AN' III' II tl good lea I. On, II,), 1'111'''"('(\ au ... Pll rsU I'S VI' III, 'rile dl'el slOll as to wh Ih. thl) nnW a \\Ql ll ing c ry of min gled f ear lUu rliort'l· Hhllllid be o): ol'lIt'd or 1m· I nnrl dl'" llay l'U l ijCd lhll klug to 1 0 0~ IJI ISOI Wd tOI' liro Wal), Sarli th e CI vII allli back. Mil ll1lr~' Oll zN l e In It sCllbln;:: lin c xe Wh u W ill; Ihll t lurlri Itlare In th . ou tlou al \fYII "!lbad lit a Pulhnll who h"n " C'llij? 'I'h It ,;'n not tb sunrls: h lld RhoL hI s hr th<,,··IIl' IIlW, as I ~ "'~::~~~r.;:;":i::A:U:~w,~:;:":,"'" ;>io ' 1"01'11) ~lIn ut Ih ::lt \, ('ry m om lit Poltsl I)' ~ho rel t my !;n2t'. fur !lho On tho dll) nn whkb Ull s aw f ul I hili!: u sual Il.rL 10 t hl) mur ,lel'cd m ilo's I' In' A IlO h"l fOt-1! W lIt< 01 th o or JIal!IJl'II,'t1 Ill)" .1/ 'j.!'htr'rs WUle u 'w UVCg. nnd hlu wire, I he sl oll r u f Lb : .~11l>ture. A 1I( horlty - Jo hun . 1·29. WIlS I si n~ In 11ll? olher Qunl·tnr or th o h " 1I1'd. 11<'01 " ,' 11 , :.hd hi s dull r d, s lay. ee Il'I (i .ltC'" lI " t" 1'1\' (1 b"I ~ /)t blu ' ,", t '~ //lot dll'~~" '1, IIy IIHk n." Ut ili d r I', volerl (O~ d ath hI p:l ll' UI'I'()1' thr. hTIglt t r. Ii r or " llno fu \ 0 11 In Nl lltt\ b fOI C I It '1/' own, .. II. ~ ,m t!Xpllllll'" If. 1 ,'(\'>\ II I hn tl'I Y ror I he eXeC1Itlo II lhon' I strJ\l1I slill I ,'u,. lJolIlllI,s:< l h.l t ~' <llln'; 1,1"", In tb light willch Nown d I hl.' bil l on whl tlh er wa l k"I) on :J\l1 ul'llrl i ll Ihr \itr Is II hand of Ih,' lr <'fly stand. Flnm es I('nped and lu lov with thill gi rl. \I'hom 11'11 sec· IIl' ~H (I' h el bl' ... 1 \Ia~ de~lIoll'; lhal ~WlJe ll"'K ,l l'nlCci wUh ! uey Iwl -a. (01, "Isro/lel halh si nned." No, you ,.II,,'r ~ 11(tllld ~llU t'(\ 1:0:3,1 1;url unl' 10 '\ d In n RQ IIl1d I.l( th e c ity A I'\h IlIh't! II ))~"Ll rd aM I h01\J;h 8trh ' hlg 10 oolll> h ')1 I hud neH., r S(,OD. aay. It wan not I sr ael , but P. han. s('I' wh lnh 1'01il U Hml relll'll th bl ue t HIIIl'" nll c r her WJ nil/' WIl S 01/ r, tnll , h" .1 u u w ,it l'~M \Ill t\te ally I D 11011(;0' " lIh !Ix d h llyonel.a, Th n 1'rut, al1d yet o"Iy pllr! o f t he "Illlt " M I ho sky, \\ hlle lho c: ln uds ('If of sl h i 'r hell I 1-(.\2(',1 Il' tlop SU,l ll,,1 'IIIl'II(lOII" cnlllo I ll ' ('I' lt n~utl l , <lr '~sll l i III Il W truth. 'for aln Is never w i th out !{fn ill,o~, III l ozlly al rl)RS th e ho,I1.OFJ Sill. 1 on I ha )111 V('lI ltJ lI I wht' I'l' ~"ll hnli ~I\ l" ~llIb " l P" " lIheISL<III" I.u l h r ",hill' gal/u Il tS. \ I\n II Ile.v 1\"lt I' Ita Influence ilnd effet t u pon , III h'l fnce Ilglli u 01'01l/1I1 h is /1, cl( n n.1 now rOjlC'N ',rhl' 1, 1111';'6 hrllrl sl(ll'll s ti li. \ Il!! 8 1. od, . '1(1 behill d, til ((l 1I1~. II ifil l!' hamlkl'l " h It, r ttle lives of others besIde t he p:llro f,,(o UUII wil rll ~.slllrlll E: ) S, he pilld". I Jllrk d I t 11)) r e" "I' " Ill\' lind ~ I '~. f- 'Il lh '1" ,( 0 11" hit h"1 IIJ1 !Ju t pro til h d t Irl ~ '\ r/ll~ 'I'h ' ud>! of actual tranag r essor. Ilfl r hCI': hut Mlw lV ,IM l ust ('I'lli'll ",],h,_ d('/ ';~lIllll," r hnd 'I1ntle 111 ijl' 1'''11 Ii W 'I' Ih' lll hy !lil lie men . 1";\1' 'h (1(1 l he 1 II 11)10 til~bl. I Jo a lld 1I \1~ t h., Hore I. a solemn tru lh: " No rondway till' IJlII'I ("~ !lr ,Ill'''' I l ll' ~~ t'H rltll/' u, Th e Ilt'In/l ll l~ Ihl n!: I ~ fOl' t h(' clln' hIs III illY w er dl\zed hy Un: SIler.· In ih Ib rollS 0 ",al'l !lveth un t o himself olo ne," I 1I'l\ch" ,1 T,\ '1\ ~" lhl ' el l' ''I','1 tt 1'1 , and (Hit Iy pllmlyz tI wilh fear . I O Il ~ '" 81111110\' ~ 1 1I 11\' 1 oIucl.lIe<l t'lIl t U,l ll/llI'll lIlau 10 walk hl/t lu this c se litnd the sins wil le 1 I commi t h'" wn ultl 11,"'1'1' (hlt'l ' I II pll t '"I Yt hlll~ h,' \Vn~ ~ l) U \ ,'COlllt' th tl t ht) had I e) bo " Who t ('oulll I t \IIe.ln·1 f~1\ II ma n 1111'111111 IIIId rell'aced tn ~' ~ "I'K. touch (he lives of ot hers, In h'" pI ... lwt fur fCIII lit h:lvlll~ I, clln" er", d III n Jll l kn a, IH'cl h lmB If. And I hen ns til y I. re~ ' nlly I SR W tho !!i r l 1I1o;0IIn See It in the f ami l y cl " cl e, ~ IlW a Illllilitud of 1l1('11 rl !iln s O il W II!! gnzitl~ IntO anoth 'I' ~hnjl WIIl ' I Jl" . l ol,on hill AIi(' (\ 1,1IIgheol II 111 (0 Ill oa On .llrh ln(; fit tbe r:1.t ol spot t ho There IJ the profliga te lOon, but """I'Y hnlld nud rushl/' down th e I 1111:-1,/ II II\Y \1[\)' <ielll'niely thl·"u~l. t he IInrl dE'C'llIloll I h nl ~ h' w\l~ ' 1111\1' t nt I1lllrdl'rl." · WIIS IIIoel to 1; 11 ' I dow n, h e sins no~ to hI mself al one. f(' lIllnlllo (',o\\ci rol ) UOIl! Illu her! he·s'. II. ~ 1I11 1'1 1 h('1 aUI k 'I If ~Iu b I Wtl s /lo t. whll l' I II... IIOllc('U\o ll IlIlnded n\'Or 'rho whole f amily circl e I. 0 hili tnw nrd Ol thrill nud heold behin d II wLII II \\ nrnlog ~ h olll ns l h fi e I uS 1111(1 tho 1)10>011 1'118111 tI h/l1U my hl'lIrl I "bc~ \\ l 'lI t sionl'lll l1 !; lITI~ All' In sisl ohlll'ge II I I ho corrls \-0 I he xeu lItlo lI~ $wept 'lnto the vortCk of his co n he tllrnl'll OU I' ") I' ~ l' <i 0 11 pultlng' h I 11 111 I.' 1/1 h,n poaket. I' l '~ lllit:ll dll lll s ail e or WIlOIll , s 1 1.1 1I ~ l SI~te lll tlll I II/'ucd :lod arne buck nt to my I!II'·. ~ t a'l'tln;ltln9 Influence ll rtd feels 0 /Il i ll m es lIlt' 1' 11(\ n f t h h n.lter ~too tl III f Hlllt UI I Anel.l.1) ollib ;'l1lnl 111 h" ll','11 Ie bnd II (l it Ihl'11) , Inr 11'1 tlt o'll, th 'y b camo pUlll ·st,lckcll an d <l tile burd en of His wrong·do,n g hl oke 'links nnd Iled I n ever y direc· h' I' C 'CI' wele b l Ow u ' Ii "' .11 'Iut hetlJl c ~1 l\ 1", 1 , /'0111 1'"1t' lovo ot IIIls of Ihl' fe lou, wltllu oUl en h old l he Sin io a terri ble thing, r eac h· s ]o., bil l so me " I h o, Gill llJp ~~ /1( 1 ~ ' I ·hl l'f. I I~) II II "Ill ,1I111Ie"'t,) " 'II by A ll IIIlI\. COl ds pi n ioni ng' h is l1 ,'m s b h i lld , T h Inll out In ever widening c'!'(ll es 11 1101 Jlll l I I III' h'" OWII poolwt. '!'ht' TIlleclltltlll r , hr ollllillh l n!; Il b l·ood . The Idog aud h is hod 'g il aI'd Ilought tl l.! l1 · ltk/ I her and aft ct i ng the li ves of others, 0 Ml hllnd roll frolll 111\' hili. Ilnll I i 1; 11 Is I,,'prun e S('\JHI'lll l' t\ ,III Itl O il dw a~ hl'Rv~ ''''Ill d . Iwe n ns a .razor , In II Ac\\an'a sin became the sin of 6 r(' (lIg'l I II t ho ihlck ulld rgt'o\\ t h Dlld g:upe.(\ a n npolc!;) , I \\ ,I S wr lg~li/lg I illl il Ihl' IHII ~' ' OU ~ t Im " e full('n out 01 SII)!g sllv,' fll Sh lo ll and prolleln g lip lIlad t h eir ,, 1\) n l'!IQldlY as t b e, the whole people. and brought 'olii d toward t h 110,'(h . wh el'e t h e, a wa~ . wlwll ,. hllllol 1:' a " pet! 1I 1 ~ \\ II~L I ) l alJ ' Ill pOI'Ioe.L \\ ! II ' :O YO\' sow h l' \u\\,llrd ~ hl ~ "l eU m risk '(\ Ihl"O times diluter upon all. ju.t as your . ,,' h o RUlhor l zcs l he hnp('d Lhllt th ey w Ollld be abl e to find Ilnd Ir d til w rest iho PllIse flam II' , ·\lIc(' did, 1101 ml s ~ I t till sh,' s aw II III II 10lld voll' aln 'a 'ld my sIn may work i ts 1 l urnc'd IIntl be.h~ld a 181'g /1/ 811 In In " 0111 bUild . and ,hell- whll l ou ld pXl'cullnll "" T h,' ~ h ier at lh" cit y po· baneful Influence upon the lilies ~ sUllie (rlenllly nll y tha t would takE; lIl .fitting clothes ~ h lith l<!' liN! 0 ,1 !l uI v Ihl'lce l'e llllCil d : "The t b m I n an d s lv til Dl sbel ter. of thOle closely relaled to ua is "Ah. " auld you ' " h e .nlel " Qlll et' " h, MI Felix '; eXI' l alm \1d lice. A lliin . II il te r w rc 1112 lholl ghts of t bE; by acelal, Ilulllne.. or family re, H e el li ' his knll t'kl(,H 1 11 10 Illo b,«'k J.I iI" rfJl gh' e m MIIIl I .1Iltl 1 had Th!! n 1I11 II1tClldllJlt armed wllh II lh llS mad his way . torn latlon.. 0 k lllg as h .aud bl eeding and w eary . Th e t b orns of Ill V h Ul1 d I I' str,lllled u 11 r l1 de. III 1Itl' /l vel' Ihmll' w,' I(' h II Ilockol s. nlld 100;g n e d ie Ilrlckl'd ttl cou del1ln d " And they fled b~fore the men I n m ('t si milar li on IIIH' n I un his \I elld not )I(ln:< for II wh oh' we.. k t ill Illlln In I he bnelt, c:lllsing him to sturt sIl'o goltdcd his IllJsh and the I n terl acl llS of AI." What a'graphlc: portray, 'ou n l ertnnc . 1I11t! !I1l ltl ,, \, ,t J;II , YO LI Ihls 1ll0r,nlnl:'. "h cn ghe cllm to make rorward t l h e silm e In stall I those bouglls a lld Urullcll('s seom d to bQ . al of the weakening power of fa lilY h(l l'ro, she pr OHent d hol ding Ihe co, d s IlIld th em selves dolllg I h elr u t mos t to d Iny hlPl alld IISS ' ( '1111 1 ),.,11 ~l)(' 1'01 1101 U pi Ck. It LIP al n. S,ampson ahorn of h.s lock~ Jock l 1 I licked 1I1) l hl,; I,U IHI' five 111(> ,,' Ith Il n oth er pll rso In Iliac o ( ~ h o I)u It in ollllOiil t.e dh'ccllolls a s In a give him inlo th hand of " his ne- I I waa powerle .. In the hands of I .. " <In 5ho had los" and I holl ..I sa w "hat III nUl II BJ::O IlIlutug-o f, wlI" oo n Wgt, wi t h th r esult mles. lJut lIolwlthsUIOdillg t llo dlffi· ttla el1~ .... Ie., foJ' thOle Ihorn " Yr./<, 1' \' 0 hmllel 1111 t hnl brfor , S y I tl lelll'rul lh l ng 1 I1ftd dO ll ' , Ih at t h e " I'L'lcll '~ nCllli wus s tr etch d ul ll's n nd Jl(!r ll ~ wh l h' sUI'ro ulld d locka "'ore the ovldeneoa of lin An d anll, (oilowlng t h ' Ollly' or the ohle t hi m, his h eud W U" still dcHan t , IUId 11/'a1 trllll": I dnn t WUnt 10 h ar II I Tltc rv w a ~ J\ shrlrt s ll nce. In h i, Il u ve you lost )1011 1' )1 1/1 se, Ih!'n I l all h'd, heal U1 y 'ltHI Ions I po ll(: e, l ho CK cutl onol"s blad e d eh p/'oml s <1 blrllsc l f th u t I t he cOli ld ulluin At;:J many a man finda himself nll sH?' I din d with I he F thl!lsto 'te~ t hAt of sce nd tl fil II UlI(\ truo all t.he noek, but roac h sufllLy w it h sOllle nf th e power'e" to grapple with the Th. ~ Irl ,, !th lilt' h ,! "'n (,)· ()S I ,. nl ng Anl l - er - w II, t o IHl t t ht' s!!'" ring t ho hon d completely nelghbor l n' nallons t o tIl(! 1I0r! h, h o one. y, bocilll.e ain has aapped 8('all 'h,,1 for hl'l' pOC k JI , round 11 nnd Ill AIt I In R nlllalHllI, m)' wi fe ha ~ b l ue "ould so me dn~ I'ot ll rn wi th a IIOWO/,' h, Sad. la It not that 0 th o II fnit III it. ' ( " ('g. clenl alld hr lghl , l ike gli m pses Consumption In the Navy. CuI arm aod hn" e his , evcnge upon " Ye ~, I IIII\,{' , . she ~cl ••lulcrJ 01 h IIV,m. TI soml' XI n t I deaen 'e InYite defeat , theslJ dO!l~ Of IKraellt()s. "h o I'eflllled '''hon 0 mlln lit r R ttl alted , here ·IIltended that Ylctory I h colre 111'(' 8 cold m y Rachel, Did I n ot serve se\ en Slu tes IInvy he I s s~ lo c te<l fo r hI s phy, IQ mlu gl lJ w llh IIlQ peaI'I 'S about tb em .. <lould bit .hll. day, f ill' her" nnd wOl'1'h ll)l'd a ll IIn seen Ood, slelll ({ (n ess a!\ w II a8 m n ta l lIblli ly Thede'eatethat we Inour In t he )n' Ih IlI!'u ntlm ' Josh UI\ a nd h i e For the r eoso n n nf1 b ca use t h o Ilea Land of Proml.e, laya F. B. Mey NEW INVE~NTIONS OF NOTE. ann y hud tuk n U )) Ih e nUI'slIlt eager· mnll's lifo Is h Illlhrul Ule,'o nre few er, aN not necessary. They are Jy , emclIl herlllg t b " ord s Qt t h o cases or chronic dl>lclI!jo alll ong lbem due entirely to lome failure In Hen That W i ll Not Scratch and Pig 'rh r e u,· pu r llclllul'ly f w consuml>' I. e.rd tba ( th cy shOU ld d sLroy tIll! )) a and they c:hae grIef That Never Runs Away. I h res among th sail or s BI/t Lhe nnvy VI IIltel'ly. ome of t ho men w ho ~, Immortal Lover of our I5cned close 10 J oshuu had markeil depllrtmclIt h ns made arrangem enls .ro~•. It lllay havl escaped t h o ottelltlon Ihl' hlaco ",II I' t h e king h nd stood ror trealio s t hese secO! dlllg to tho ,........ la no reaaon for defeat or t h o p op l , but It I s n ovel'lhel e 8 a mos t Bclentillc mothod s. wltll h l~ ilion, nnd no w rusbed for· In the Chrlltlan life; always and fncl tbnl tho last Glimmer bas boon Wltrll dNerllllnc d on his cnll tn re. rt "When II 'Iungpr ,' as the sailors call ovwywhere we are meant to be extr aol din a, II), frullful III lll ven tloD 9, him. Is dlsco vel ell he I s g iven Illstrue "all not di fficu l t fQlluwl ll 1; t h l r ail "more than conquero ...." 'YS .Judge. till ough ( h underbru sh. whll the tlons t o PlQceod to Pen sacola. Fla. The couraa of the Chrlatlan A farm or In ew E g "llt, N , J .. upply· where th e sonllllrium f Ot' 'consumll 1 , lng lin\! Lh /lI pn wi h h i m r('msinod warl'fol' .hould be ~I the lun Ing th" m ethods of Wiza r d Bur" on k lives Is located," SRy\! OilY F. O'Don, togetber , I.mL as ' tb purs uit had bew~n he- goeth forth In hll ' to t h e poultn y aTd. has evol v d a com a moro l1erco and lhe I sr aeli les nell of the W est Slel e, who was for·, and In regular grjldl. SClrRtqbl ess hOlD wlli ch promlscs to re\'· m erty III cha rge at til w r o el o~o ullon Ihem, th ey ecattered, sSlIl tnrlum ..... drIve. hia charlol from the ollltlonize fll,l(:Y gardening . !lnd 'th e kin g wus l et t 10 go h18 way "Thi s BOllllllrluO/ h: !lotblng more wa"e up the ateep of 'rh e N e w Eg y pt h ell Is !let liP on th 111011(,. than an (luldoor ClIo/P, It cOllslsts or "a"n. '\SUILI h on plan, nth t his differ ence. rows of helw r canva s tell ts blllll on When the I Sl aclitelS came to the Child One l eg 16 two lnch ij shortor tball 004, never lay the light woodcn f rnnle s. 'fhe sid es can phlee wb Ie the king ana lIIen had thy failure on God; the o t her . By l enson or l hls sholtag 1Ju rais ed lind 10'\\'e" od, liS w eat hel sepllro l ed they wera pu zzl ed to know within! aile side of t h e h en gocs lit a sl ow or cOlldlU OIlS jlerml t. H or e tile pUllO.l ll. Jusl whal 10 d o, tor tb ey wCl e det c r· pa '0 than Ule otb r , \\ hleh h os th o r e ar glv n the fl' edom of th e camll mill II that the kill S' ot all others I suIt of a curvature In It r 10cQ motioll Th e)' IIvo Oll t of elOOl'S, taking 101l1! OllOU lti uot escs pe. \ III oLher " or ds. Ihls hen. st arti ng ror wlliks III the wa r lll Soulheru s Ullshlllf'. 'Bill Ilus /l ot God told us thnt \VII was naturnll)' cruol th e freshl~' l;eeu d ba l'u n In a dlrecl \ anrl at nlgbt they sleep In tho 01 Il must IIltllrly desllOY them, and will 1 line, a6 h ellS wlli. find s h er acl t mrs and sinct' bl s ,te· 1\11'. Milk and c ggo fo,'m the prlncl nnl he uo t h I II liS La do thnt v.hlcb he I le,Iou91y s hunt~ aside Wh bn 6b force wblch Is· el(,B of diet . • Very little m dle!ne ' lalmed against his city, b e has com mand ed ?" j l hl llks sh e ha s url'l vctl at the gal den lIrLi Is gl \ en."-Kan sao Olty S ar. T bus ncouragcd, th oy scnti ered Jh Is 1Il0st m Ig bll1y mislallen, f o,' lihe D to his VBSslonnte and (o)lowed liS best they could hUll utC. el~' san e tbe Circl e and arrived ~ C)n In AI ' whum Grilpes Grown Under Glaas. ba ck al he! own doorst p, Si m pl e ) 81al1l bC<lRIII;C In the LJ'ails l en by the fleeing m ell . Now nch m un was us r to win the glory L.:e~1...:==::;:' __""'::::.::.... ___-I ns \hls Idoa Is nnd elTec tual In c1lrblng 'rhe 'rape o f g rapes for the table followed the nows of Lho nomad lo l"'OPoo s\tles at the h en, ' s g rown In Bel g lllm, and under glass of J rlcho they hnd or captll . lng lhe rUlflll ve klns. ulld SO w h oll lhey burs through the un- Wrenching illY w ~l st (!'ce I h Id O'lt th IIn ontioll has laid dormllnt In lhe rt Ib In no Arcad i an ' I'ustl o s pot thai of tho ci ty, der b r llsh Into an allen field and saw tilt' pllr30. . Cu l this Is IItJt } ou r human bru in for all those (01l1l1leS8 tbls Idenl cultu re nouri shes, but In th olr onll hope Ule king berol o th em, Lhey all l eft t>l1 r se. million r ears. A 1I1('l'e two Inc h dl the wldea wake melropolila n SlIhlll'b befor e their God " tbe purs uit or tlte others and followed ' Bil l It Is, OIl, you bad, wicked ver si1y In the ullderpl nlllng ' cl rClllllr at H oezillert, n enl' Brusael s. H OI'e "Let liS not Ollh t bard after him, unmindful even of man ! I folt ) 0 11 t ake It!.. Iz IS lh e m utloll at t he h ell for tlm o nnll thel e I s II whole , oglon of gla ss- noth· bllt I t ull go olll 111111 Dll C of Ul killS'S m en who could b e Inl; bu t. g lu ss 0\' I' a "Ida vi sta The 'rhl s etUed th o m attor Was eterllltr . mercy In the nll mo of tbelr ~Il n maklllg Ids way just on th olher mnrchod 01'( betwoen t wo po; 1 'emen A m un In PlIgwll sh , Mil., hna hit lIpon sl)octa le Is on o o f tb e sbows of tho side of l he OpOIl spac e. Tho :n rl nnd t il t;l etecllv ' w ellt In a all h:lon so III,,) t hat o( th o . ew Egypt co uutr)' ror ao/ll teu rs ~,~d si ghtseers Snch appeals s rved ani ) to cier::ll' Shoui d t hoy 111\ d n lltelr cIIgerne&s ;:a b llIan Ih.1I h e llIis llt almost pa88 fUl the !Il1ke. en Il.t,d intonslfy th hnll ed of the t n I1II[U" 8 th e Itlnlf nnd fihal'e III UIO .'\. goal! mam loyors Qr Isllle tmlt \\Ih n bl'Ol:l; ht hofo re l he 1II0gistrate sn rn e. Till' 1111" was h nt un has suc· king towa r ds 1I1j~ strllllgc lloople w lto Sl ory thereof l o t thi s f ellOW es ape ? Of betns diN' cecded In b r('(~dl n r; wll.l t I) cnlls the Whos In tor at In Ih slIbject exlen ds had In\,aded t he l llnil aM wwnTds WUIi, l~e tbour;!lt t haI SIUOte the b ellrt Ghe mad e n Ill'IHens ,io fmllle,' thlln t he dCHS "t' Btll nd wlI\ , til II' God" and followlll g hi s ,'I 'totlnl' S or dne of tlte [sr l eHtct; . . lho one wlw so l vod III t en l u Itnt! 1Jllthell !!IlMy bl)', f ncei .~s 1,lg 'I'hl . rs a 1)11; with olle probabl y he Slll p rised til l ear n Ihnt It SOll gh l Ihc all 110,111(16 to rel ens m o eJ c li Oll/ldt d, and It I ~ round that ~·tltu"n t o the cl ly n fl !!r 11m lill; the bnd 80 confident l y declared that t h e Ru t tho mugill l ll\Le-n \\hl te hall'ell Ih si ngle I) pti e a!Teet s the pi g Just aQ Is f' am 110 URI! ve ho t hou se. hut from 'orm), at fs r ael before 111m h(' hod 01'- L ord WOllid h olp t hom . rathOl'I ), r 10' 'ollt ll!nllll~-sootlllll;;ly J( Uw shor t l eg nITects th e h 'ln. E ach Ho('zillel t, tlltl t ho great ('rult r el's ,dared tbose m II w bo h ad cOlllI seh:\d B y \, ay at an swe r ho resolllte ly 'lI ~ d to L: 1 hnw lI eCCMS8 ''Y it 'vas t l' TI\1 In Q ol rcul ar COUTSO ulld nnn so· o r I, uudon. i'll' hi, I he Rlvl ora , VleunB. .l\ nll l he days turn d a~It1r. and toolt up tbo Pllllllll t ur render t o ho slnln fo l' the pl'ot ecLi on o f hottcs t peop, · /111 n U) u , er wu nder s ra,' front hom e, De, lin, St. Pet r 8bnr, ond. IIllrablo ",1Mb followed had been blood) dOl:l ot thi s o l h er (lIs Jtlve, wllJle the r es t th ai , o~l/eu should be Illln lll1,oll, AI Th e InlOn clon 19 s.lld 10 be ~ortb mit· dlctll, fl V Ii N w )' ork , I' cel \'e Ihe In AI. Relontl ssll' ho seorched the 1,l011 ~ln\l cd W f9110w tho king. l ellgth t h is wrel ched "omn ll, commit. II nno; 10 1 ;1(' west ern fllmlo. S Dnd blilk or ~h e il' wl nlcl' supl'lies. }l;v ery Ity f m' IIn y " ho hud sh;)IV/I f es , a' IlIIll!;llIC bl s surpri se. the, oro ro, tln g porjury for the BillIe or a palt. y hClll f'1 S. dol li S' away e.lltirely w,tb tbe fl',ld ll) hUlldl ed~ or ch ests of choi ce .... 1\0 llad suggested SlIn nu,'" and \~ h 11 a t l ast h e over t ook tho mall frllll , admirabl y )ln ck ed. ara d e· 11Il1'se, . utl'orod the na tll to be adml n uec(lus ltl f (ll f cnc(s. h ad t hem ex ellt d In Iho II bil e nnd mllde him cll pUve to dlscon.r t hat ~ pl\ lch e li til th nlted Sta tes 'alnne I st el " und 8 WO /(l I he pllrse wns hers l lqllule as an xnmple to oth "s in II wila n Olle otho,' lhall l he king him· Th e p ll CI;! at HO l)zl ~erl I s a minimum "S, lenco. Ill·i so nel· ... Q nhl lhe rath er· One Declined, the cl ly, for sald h e of 10 pence II Iloulld all th e vill e, V(llh fle lr. who, hoplu '" t o dl\'1JI t I.U/ sult 1I111 n) y 3 ' I ,~gllll Phlilld I ph l n ~Iotb. . " AI Is made w C'ak by their p,.es. f rom hlmsolr, b tlll exc hange d clothing Iy IlI,ig ISlI'Llte-s lili fa t herl y. bl /l III a th epellcc udeled fo r packillg . 'rh e c'IlTulOll t w ay. l OI1 \\ III n Ol mOlld Ing lIIall ufacl II' C" r eceived tl contrllct (lnc . D eath to nil \, ho "on l.1 fea , \Yt'l b Qnc of his III n cholees t hunch es lifO those thllt welgb h 1111\11 ,·s by bl aS1l. m y A mon t h fa I' n tn ldnl-( 1I:11Cnrm s fa/' Ih e t el 1;tt'IIJlh • • fore l s,'nel or lJQI' ,la wn t o t h eh about two ' pounds And ~ h e Who i ll fnl th bad sOllgbt opol'al , ~ il ion !: Iho lin o f on of th e <Qad I Our god s bo the true gods l to perCorm I h e com:n.l lldlne n ts of l he Till< h i m a wnr" I \Va ' uII, ell away to n cell. "ull ),o3 d ~, In ord ol' to m ellHIII th l Ye ~ ill serve th em!" L ord, " liS gl ali t d Ihe fU\'QI' at bring· Professional Amenltie~ In till" IIt' lIolIl ' I elf l el1l(; 111 I SII nt OIJrI ,lI OI R '.If) II ''; th IIl1 e h u He_lt Vil e . A nd 5Q th e dll \ S (olio" l ng Ule dc· 11Ig l o J oshua t h Id ng o f tho strick Tho late .Jlllll e!! T , Muhe,', a wellthe uevc n most hldeoll ~ <luys Rio d gl'UIII'l as lug th em tQ m e I him on lhe t' 'ut o r TSl'ael hUll been blood \. tOUSI!] en Cill o alld .I o~h lln hall g-I'll h.lm on a Ilnowll busln oss man at 1'aulItQn, lllg bts or my lire. 8M on l h olg ht h ~ tu tiOI1 J1 l u tr(\J'Ill ~ . days . In. Ai , for "Ith lhe k lll l1l g of t r ee untll oyenUd c. IInrl !IS 800 11 ss the 00 , Cilm e r ('leaRC, A w :lltlel' entpr ed H Il sell I I h ls 1I'log,um t o lhe opera- Mass. had I he mlsfortulle to bl'enk :t hol!~ who had Incll "'cd th e k lng's Still WU!$ Iln w n , .1 /> ~ h tlll cClmnl slId d his l es H e Wll S att onded by Dr. my cell and wi t h marc ' CM II Cl Limn I I l or li t on or l hn sm all 8t r [ lon ~ ~ 1 5roleasure, th e " hol e cil" hud [(Iv-ell th at ti my 8h oll id tal,o hi s Clt/ cuas had yet r ecl'hod In Lhc Ill l solI . tuld 'Mcet IIl Il on H e al,l v al Gf UIO 2 · t5 'I'hOlllllS Pai ge, who hUd Dr. ,Ios" :'.!t up to all Dlallncr or ex eo ·Sl'S. down f rom th e 1 rco ,Inti casr Il at t b e Ha ) "ard to assist Illm In &E,\1ng the 11/ ' th ai 11\)' lr.nlJcen ce· ball llGell dl a· p In trai n. W enr nothing but shirt li t r in g uf 1h g:ltiJ of t h ' city .\ ad co vo:'(Jd llnd lhat I had het'll 11U,dollod anrl 11 tll/ Sel's " S'lcll was t il Rtllt or I hl ngs wben HUlb. • (h ey m l sell th e"con 1I great heap of o~l(l,;(We. nIDg WOJ d WII S bl'OlI s ht t o tll a Johll Ollifn ey, lin underlaker and a At th e unpo ln ted time be l eached ro,· t ~ 11l on:e ll~e I had not committed. J 1'3elit 'f! we Q seen st ones as a tcstiTllon lal ngu lfl31 ull I~ g ood flalllC nlld ill} clo l hlls hllv, , thl ,. SlntilJlI and Inquired f,JI' Ule opera, por sonal (l'Iend or Mr. Maher's, made t c. c llter th e \ all y bel ow the clt~ , WOSQ wlto w01/111 dl ~ h o nOi G(ld a mI de•n t; ~o ~ n reatored to me, I wa' ,e· tor lie lin w n YOlmg WOOlIlII looking a contrlvon ce fOl 111m 10 re ~t the leg 'an« ~'erc ol ukl ns th Ir CUIlIII In )lIn in st ,oy h i s )Jeopl e ~lJc3lod-a r lo(l'oshlng <lhapge hom be· omlJ ar"assel!. Shll said, 'n answ-er to Qn- lInd cu/'\'Ied It to Ihe Maher resiVlflW .,t ~ h e cit)'. 1 111/ll0(lIatf' I~' It O dence III his \:,'ld orlnklng wllgoll . Dr. Inb ollle ' ed- to step Into u private hi s InQlllry , ' Would Select Time to Ole. 1c.11l ~ w en t out III/{l f l om l he hi gh tv\\,· · oom . U Ol'e I fo tlcd tll, co lndles-o " I ,Ill! Ihe tel egraph o(l~rator al\d I:!ay "ard wus lh om, und a Cew miD. Two old f l',cml H, Oil a roiC'w BngIIt(:~ latcr Dr. Puiga callie In I' 'on the wall a at t h cit)"" ;:1I1f! he Illajoslle mOlron. lbe girl wi t h Ihe 11 111 h It' 1 1 l CS llullse to \0111' summons. W:l.1A:hOft lhe. IIttl l' ar'ny n tak itt; po- land w oman. 'Inot I' cenUy ' ;11 a . sub· "' Gv od ' nlo"uIIlS, gentlomen," he said , )l'IlW Il eyeN Wll O r"ld prncUled llIe . n hu t I tl ' cllll(> to cQmply wllh your litslUQn secu, e (or Ulc : . ~l lt w ay eUI and I hlll r CO il \'c " sa t Ion ~ UI n d " I hesltltlod about coming In lhls ,vcok 'u living f,eo of cxpell~e. and. s tl lIel lO'If; us to nllllarel."-lloston morning l nevo like tn onter illY o lo.e r hi's off. O"S (' II'ti I UUI on Ih !;<IS 111 o f UI(, v il lu"" !:;ume of lll an nl o,lS 10 relate, tlte girl wllh tho Post. " pllti ents' bom s whell I He an 1\lIdel ' ~e)' ~o ou t al on ce agnlns t h \11 and t h o v hll101' t o 1M 'Ily billa e ~ es, "lth w hom I W:lB slill In "!\!! d how nllOli l ol d Indy W oods ; Is 10' e tak er s t eam at lhe doO/', How Ie It und ~r I II 'o ver of ~a d\n l '~s ,, :t :lclo Uoth :,:lrls " erc. OXCC Jll ror The Wrong Number. wHl l )'ou, DI' H ayward 1 " th tl DIl', bUL Lb e klns Wllh a n oalll she dead yet :'" Inlluiled th e ci ty wo- Ihpl r eyes. c~ actl) alike. Twins, I man '·Oh." r oplled Dr. Ha Y"IlI'd. " 1 IH!V l'r PlII"lrl< 1,1t Ir m C/', was' working In 'or bllde sll)llng: bll((o /I I a liee " Dea,l ? ' 01 " shuu d t ho r llrnl vis "NIlY fo1' In the dllrkn es'\ l he)' "o l/Id 'I'l' gll'l with tbo bro,,\l1 eyeG. h ad the ~' nrcl s C'f a 1 all road One day he sec on "I/dorluk r's t ea'm It. illY pa.llee an d maul' w Ollld II 'nll1' On t h ' itor, ti S t h o tra in C::W10 to n full stop, l eal H In Ihol11 The gill with Ihe bill a hllJ11l1l1l 0" to b ' III the YII,·O Ilffice when tients' doors" 1I! w cl\l' ly w o will >lnrl'hUIllI u,ull '1I0t \' h l1o 11l1dot lll l.('IS' rce~ lI " f ns oyoa lIu d h e" handklJ~chl er to h er f.l ce. the forco WII 8 I 'ul Tbe t elepholle bell , 13\1l Ih ls. Ilho hUB since. InCa, 11100' lUe, 'nil)! I'l g(o~o llsl " tiev rul limes, Itolil ,he lugh ns I hoy n rc nlny," Can He Do K , .a(l'si roy 1Il1nn. N Oll c ~lJa ll Clsl'!I!le,' E v I y hotl), w it hi n heRl ln!': r1I !<tJn Q(' \\ 'I ~ ht'/(:ll l1 S(, Ih hllmor rlr I he 1I11'alr at litSl II >ol(ll1d It O'ught to._ be ' al1So ~ WII R, Ihal 011 I ho morrolV ron I' ""tlltll IIIl1'bllllk hllil jusl flnl ahed . }' th king anll :Ill lho ,men of AI- laugh l'.1 ' 1'.;0 vIR\t~' r IQo lrod mo rtltl eo !'clrl jll t Glrllcll h 'r Slle was hldl,, ;: sworM Ife walked over to the Jn, his seedless ural/ge. his lbol'lliess tlllln e'll, took down the rocelver and ro~e , and hll) eYO le8~ jlOtllt O. 1f()1' e ry nHln was "II' r I" , 0111'0: 111' a 1hhl . tl1f n j l):/I (I \I' llh a sort of \',h al IIl l gh t htl ',a l;cellled l Ill~ In do cen t ,nil th 1'1111 Tnatroll Raid glllllA, l lIlIt his Illou t l' tQ th e t,l'lIhslIlJttcr, just ,"Whllt al'e YOll 'goin g to orlg.llate ...-113" ~t falling 1111011 'hI! 11'1'11\,111~ c ' !'u h ll:uor In UI I! IUU;:h h n hUrl scali othera do. Itow ?" sam 01/0 /lsk etl him. . t~ut1d for th f ratn t h e gfJ1Jl H h . ul do· T he C~f . gh', /.I n 3wfltl w,ong .I1as been dono ::~i1 I()!::. h e ~ailcd "A letnonless camPlIlgll," r«\oil!!" IIClflldect IIPOll t h" lItti arm" glnh", ed 'rown e--or ('-Dill d MCIIIII'lY m ode ".(I ~ OU . fo. wblcb I questJon whath er hello. answ ered tb~ volr.a ~t the tbo w1znrd. I ;h'~ t \" nll r;y b rl(lw 1,,'1 ' :1 ,t fOTIllI' ll hl:!l" If ,v.' can Blake adlJquuw amends 1 othe, e~d ot tbollne. 11/ thll eight· "W:e "'Ill 1m 1'111' Ull)m to II v r y III OW/l'~ \\ roll . I bl!Uove h ' Inherit. " All In the Point of Vlaw. place he.r lhuJr wlvos a :td I'hll 'l ~nl1 ~(I lho foundll ti oll ' or It rlom bls ~,ln. hll we"er, xpress illY most doop Sl~.-one.H,~e,!lI~cl ?" ilnd . Incarn ,ogr et, But ' beforo I en. Aw, ~ "'.,~n. Pbwat. dye tlnk 01 am .... en~mJ)lld ,' " the ,king !!c(,\llrl~l l . fll t h er. CQl. {Iarnsdale, a prominent dUlIen "~I"' tQ ·.~plu!n. Ilermit nle to Inlro- a box "ar . -Harper s M~galille. of Plttsbu,'g, was traveling throllgh "We will destro. ~ltl!m Townll'-YOu Te mlslaken; his falhor Illl u /lIY!l ~ Ir. I aDl MJ'l\. , Alexander Indian territory, Wblle strolling I \n.l 8 qui t" floor [o'CR I hUI'stono, anlf lhese my around !'ttuskbgee ho met an old C»blh1ent!y the 1,11It: aad llis Ih·oWDC-- Y('!;. bllt ho waf;. ahlO lJIean :lolugh\orli, MJ\lJel and Alice: colored womrm who lllemed t() lIutebod fOM\'1Irt!, ~ n, 1 III nhd stlng~ 'Lnll lhe ,;on Inherited thOSe 'Pal'uon mo, Mrs. Featherstl)ne. '" Intp!"estlng cbaract01' and ~'~~~ii:t~h~CY bud c,\nll' wtlhln traits 1Io'lld. " I have IIlrelldY had tho HODor ill or their I'nomj. K th.e aflal1:loo~ • how mIlD), JltIOP!e or &D Introll\lct1on to Miss Alice and ned aVo 0 )' tn HI. Ambition. done Oft tbe for· "Hclw al'Cl YOII gettlne liP III Qat! Feathel'8tone. It'd Ibo tesldt or lb. ered sravel)' & ~ 10 tllIl clt)'f'for The • 1It'r('I', wild worn"" asked lbe sdmlrlill frieD ... Of Introduction was .u~b that, hM1Dlj 811ll:er'IY •.

jIhe Purse and the :Prisoner















8 g g

§ 8 8


i .. ·





. '


Most Trying of the .Season ~.



Now Is t h o SI'nsn ll (If Iii Yl;III' wli en ,,'Ollll' /l 1)(~!I 111 tu WOI"." u loOlll lit!' 0/1' (lilil II 11 ," 1 "1'1,,'1<1111\('(' or Ihulr hanti s j I n ~umm r lIWY ~('IJ II\ til t. ke or Iht'lll!' l \'llS hul wh C\l \\ IlI ltH comot; n lld 'hl' llir III co lt! Illi d IllHt l'p lit Y I . qul,I' 11 gll,,11 d II I of luokllll; ,1(1 ' I'. Nu WO illAn sholl id tlt',,1 I 11(:'1 hll lll1 K, l'OI·, .if NIIf' oll ly k nc w II t11l') are I Ull ) hI.'/' ~I cutest Oblll III ))0 lIut SllY (hu l liS Ylll1 til' "OUf own hn l1 'H'w(ll' k YOll CU IlII O' eX II 01 to hn"(J I"QlIy hllnda. 101' lIllIl IH nl) ox I'll ut IlII 'Ph e,' Is no dC1 I1 " ln ~ th at s ,'uh \Va t r I s exc elllll " l ), hull f IJ I the hallds, 110/' th ai III III1Hlill1-( Ihl' dll t ~e l ~ cl ugged Inlo tho pores 81111 IInll r tho nllils. Bll t r Oll tlo not hu,'e to p lungo your bu,'!' bUilds tl l1) nwr Inlo t he dl stl gllrln g di sh w/l l £,,: YOI1 cnn W ar ,"l1be l g lo veH w hen YOII wusll dl shl'~. anrl Lll ~o wh e" YQ\I wll t!h Will ' do".s nlld ~o,.ub. 'I'her J6 /l vo,· RO Y n 1;<,sN iI ) 1I 11~' 1Il01' for )luttlng y 01l1' band!! Ililo dll'h Wili er of ullY kln el 'I'h e g lov II 8t1OI/Id he thO/oughl )' \"ash (\ ufter h aylll g b /l 118 d wl l h cLenr W!lr!D ~v a te r Ullri 1101lpsuds. bol h Inside und oul. lInel hnng (J ill In lh all' I IlI'y The hDlId s sh ollid al ijo b e w ash ' d tho'·Ollg hl l'. not Iller h doh hII'd III th e Wlil I' 111111 lit Rga lllfol' t h is onl y srl nds In l he dlrl- b ut ,hey sltould b lulhe' Q(I w II w il h soan nlltl warm Wtlt " and II rte l' w ard ~ "I nsod tn c1eal' watot· P l1rLl ~' dr)' wit h. Il 60ft ' oW I, lh n rub III a IIlll cold



To Be 'W orked in Satin Stitch










eourte JOt! are ..lido. . f me:

to .u.'e tbe



1/erV'1 ~;ade,

~ _\:~~I~~ ,......-'!'.~I<f ...~








0 0















0 ~







0 0

Til e bellrl·shaped cushion fa on th e ri ght side wltb blue !llo·008s rOl' Ihe rOl gct·lIlo·nOla, g r~en tor th I aV1)1I llnd Melli S lind Ililio nlnk for th e ribbon. Th e 601i(1 !lalln sUtCh Is IIscd for

' 0( ,

Ibn lIou'or s, l eaves and rIbbon. and . I hl' ou tlin e fo,- tlte 8tems. Til oyeI ts :l lId SCllJlop!.l can b done 10 whlto 01' bille. Foliow Ill' directions for Iho under ~O \'il r IIlId Il/ulrlllg III> or the cUllhlon g il all al>uve for thl) oval cUlllllon

Dressy and of Striking Design COltly and Ornate Production Sun In New York. Ev en

10 the dross) callin g the I,l ng skll t Is lIltown VOl y r;o~ t1y costum e of this SOl I, worn by 0 1\ II' Ym'k womall, U gowlI costi n ' $2i6, Is to ~ hloll e d of R fluo 1I0llne v elvet IihowlllS U c r eam l;'l'Ollll d with nnl'low stripes or I'o ddllih brown. Th l' ski I't Is stltohed In (1llds 011 the hllll; so Il l:\ to oelmlt of fllilnE!Ss abou t tit botrOlll, th e skirt trails quite not i ceably anu lh t! bottom Is U'lmmlll'l with Il deell hlllld of creal\( broad· clot h. In th center or which Is lalel a (old of bl'own velvet. ' Tile upper pO,·tlml of th o sili, t Is fllli shed with a \' el'Y hi gh gil die, fO/ 111ls sutt does not Inell/d a bodice ot ,this pri ce . Tb e jack ot Is of tbe slrlpe.1 pAnn e. 'wi t h a deep collar or crealIl brand c loth with lhe center fold of b, own vj! lvc t The celiaI' Is Iiol/Itod Oil lbe shou lder s. th e poInt rlJlllllng down aD th e HI evc and being fll stened wllh tllrl'le gold bu t tolts, The Bleeves are tUIll CS


Le3l They

I'/l'n(n esR 's aile at the most attrac· tlve o( fl'lIllllln qualities. It Is alab one of lho rl1.l'Bs t. Earl~ and persistent lI\ust be the ~ralnlng' wl,leb catrles' thn girl inlo womo.nhood wltb her "bum], ' Qf neatl1e88~ well develOI1one\l. nless Inhe:, fll8t1dloua during schooldays sbe II liable to drlft Inl o carele88 habits w-hloh. Ihe nevel' outgrows, One alrl may bave a trlQk , [ !ellvlDg slioea a'bOllt ber IIOQm. M a mere tot abe 'Ita petmlttell to do and . . abo ..... oIdctr. til. UDUd,.

for tile


IJrQught liP on tbe body o( lhe waist c: neh Ide of th e collal' p In! III a simIlar I)oinl, tho same bul10lls being ulled a s I r lmlllings 1' he sleeveB Rr of tho HI "I D" ct nnlln e and are mllde with 18 I)ol,nt s whleh overlal> and aro fas· l OIl p.d wtih gOld buttons; th 8lee\'e8 CO llie II1ld\\'IIY between th!> elbow anli l h \I 1·lst. Tho trollt or tho Jacket I s gllthc r ed In fnld~ runnlug 'acrolls th t! bu st u'ld finillhed with a touph ot, sabl ' Th e (urs worn are of eable alld the l oqlle Is til several ahndes of brown chIlTon, rnn g lng from I'eddltlh bl'j)WII h. th e ligh test wood colot'. A knot o( Ql'lInge veil'ot Is placell a little to ane side of the br im, and , balds In ,place Rwoeplhg nlsrettes of osprey feuth·' Il " ~ , which swing ,'ound to tho front ' nnd curl ov er the hall' at . the ear. Thill coslume seem. a bit striking In ptlnt, lOt It Is SJnll>!), one of ~anf' slIob which the New Y9rk ,",omen weu,' n /l a mattor of ,COllrse. wIthout evel' thlnldttS ot It as at all cODaplcu- ' nus.

juuged IIlIworthy of ber blrtbrlghtdaintiness. , • ,

Form Untidy Habits.

"u .




ria Should Be Careful


nat '-r&! wouhl


0 0








'reU II1. j llHl ~ um c ll)nt for tho akin to nbsolt. \\'1\(' 11 th o lIn nil s are CO\ll' llid~II' Url C'11 )lowder lh III wllb tal CUll ' IIOWd I I' with n prOllurutloll l'III11PIIS() d or III'Oplll od cltulk. 7& llllrta ; zl ll!.' I1xld ' . llii purl S. 1\'1'\'/'1' ' xpalla t he balla" (0 :ttl'em I'l l' h (lt IJr' ' \l Id wllte r . sc 90U !,IIln 11'111 1" Ill. i f th is I s nol Ilovul1nble, pilI In ,I ((Ow li rtl l>s I)f ammonln I')r a pinc h /I f IIMliX Co ~ofl{llllL . A tWill 1)11 01 lJcrt z,)i ll al Ko h "" th e olTool o f SQfloll' l ll g II ~ ,. I U8~ auy thlug on III hlllltis bil l II 111l ''C Roap. 10'01' dlll;lllIg ll!.I U pal,. of 0111 g lovea Iil'II1I1)i;11l1-( I n 0 11 o f t h e lIl en o r YOlll flllllll ), l1ubbel glllveR aro l aO 'Clum sY r.... UI I ~ kin d u f " orK. Ol av s sholl l ll al,\IlYlI 110 " se d lUi' sw06(1lnl; If YOll "'(lul <l lIvol d IIn elghll y und 11UluCul 1.1 191"I's A CtOI' I llk lllg thom olr TllwllYS bellt liw rn ou t or a window In (\I der to In , illlI t hnt vory llmU 10 or dl19l Ie ,'(' 1110" d /' 0 111 lhem. alit! Ir YOIl sh ollld gl!1 thl'1Il wet, rllb th III wllh a lltlje (!os molint' alld l ei I t dry In . III Wli Shlll!;. of COllrH , you will not well r thtl ,'ubber gl oves, hecll usc t hey \\Ulllol bp 111 til way In th Or8l lllsce. 'lil d III lh second YOII wtll not n eod l hem aR th e w ll t el' will b cleun U ,hc sklu 1'1Ib" air yoU! fllIgera. use d the, ~I yl' lin QI' Zlll olntmellt, and dn n oL ll xpoRe tll S Ol' Il llrts 10 water IlIll "Wit' t hon l 'Oll cu u help 1\1IU1 t hey nl c heul d. Do 1I0t 110 YOllr fill!; I'll U)1 tlShtl y In r.I wLld of rags lind 11 11 11.1 g-Iovo fin ger. (or thi s k eepA l he 1I1 r f rUIII tho SOl e and lbus InCroaK s th e I IIgth of time re quired 10 II 0 1. I f ynu should hU l ll l ou r hUlld. IWllly Il su l ve ('OllllJOscd of 60 \lllr ll! lIou ,' lind 10 purlH vin egar. Thi s will preI t fro m hllsl e,'ln g 'rhe white of i\g I ~ ul so .,oud,


Neve rt hel ess By T ak ing a Few Slm· ole Precautions II Will Be Found That tile T as k I s by no Menna ImpossIble,










~----~~ I,


Hemmlllg Bias , R~tftl"g. , In hemming II Jot of bla8 PlIlnius thOle III nOthing . mol'c ~gfayat1nl{ , ~\1an to bl\v~ I~ ~wl8t Jo tlie 1XI00blne. ' This In because tbere I. a rlgb and a wrong blllll: Which II ;WWcb can be det rmlned \)1I1y by teaUIIg, - Take your Illngth qf good. ' and rold over your bljlll cbntsr from both ends. Lay YQur rule parallel- t!J thl. 110 that. YVII caD cut olr the sbort OOnt(or ' from bblh onde. ~ \heae, In the maebJlle j In ordllr to dtlfC:Qv"r wblel.. olle It. la ~t will m ,n ad'ew, Qd Pl'9dlace the twlatiq ,ao of~ ~ fte oUter ~I l'UD ....1)'. .,



!.orll l yu C1l II ... GII6, ot t ll8 1110l t e,

11147-1:) 01. 60 1ear8 ago A Ilconk s PlutOn! "ere ' nr>llI Dl ro(1u d 10·: h" public. '1·h~)'.~ lo·Jay lh "or l(1 's stannar d p lastprt . OF COOK ')'lIls In· ntlon has b t-pD' on e of til • GOME NEW METHO DS IN C WORTH TRYI 'C . ~cnl at biclIslotg8 Ima I 1l\) lg allli af. r"rr)s ibe IIUI ·k('st. ch eape~t Illld "es t mennS eYer dl ~co v er"<1 f or 1I0allnl: Oepart>lr~. from Old Sty les ,' hat 'A ill ari d roUof of C"Nnln allrtl· nt" . B e Appree l ~ted by t he F:.r,"ly Alleo ' k's or IbA c.orlgill:l l Ilnd gen· or Guests- Eggs .. la tl lo porous Il laRlor ollll arf, ~0 1<l b, Golden rod. ru g l ~tR a ll 0\' r the wMlll.


hobh les In tbe world , It II .lIver potllto the collt'ctJo n of old riD", whlcb are larll'8 allv er locllets •• tbe ronll of rln, . , 111 t o 'Whl oh the .... ooden bo .. 1 used ror potatoes ueAd to b. flu d, Th y are m uch prhed 111 brlo-a·br ae buo ter • .



l' '

._ _ _ _ :t


O.:1i. hl

T., I n.ul'H a non".l Drt ilnnndof

(i.e Ih r'r, ·O\' ~l .... orile!6 k"~p. t.bu bloOO V.m·. 109.

Dnn k hdurc






I ' ."

.'"!'#-. ''-

, 'lo



t ,


cal'j1ellr ~


It t h('


To be " «T at man It 18 oeean., .., to tOI'D to &('roual &ll OPPOTl wUUU.floeb etoucau ld.



Ih ... Ill' tldo ' t



For Infant s an!! IJhildren .

The Kind You Have Always Bought


I n11 .klnl!'

tit" l aNI II('8 l.Rbnu tly , the eelf- ty led emFnur ggn £,11G~ ll .. perul' or Snhura, Ie said to bp qul etl1 (PI", bill IJOIII1 I":\ al, hltl f ('UP CT' am, onu l nlted Sla'-. lor· mnk lo l; a In ur o f the twu ILlhJ""PO fllIR 14"otn d Ch l"C'H' , ~nlt, He was In B ostou Bome ume ajltO. IcrlLI' II ppeT, l' aYl' u ne. Hl\Ul :\ lIIall 1111U IrRe, I, t 1'''11, I" I. In bUlI" I' autl III hl' lt 1I1<' lt, IliOn 1' ,1 ad d C' I' ,m. Slip Iu tI. l'g!!" vlll a t :",,1 r 'II"' oc l ~ull. a liuw; R' I'\nl 10 \\' llh orlll f~w ""aln u of CA.,·cune . Wb ~lI \ hi l os rruln.CtlN' sti Oi~ s Promote UI'\) ucarly tJrrn slI1'lnll l ' WilD ('Ill! ~ ' . 1ho ne~sanc\ He5l.Cont ltin · ncilltrr F'lni s h ('oul ~ jllt:; Ii III I ~ "I'W' on hil t tt'ITd cral. nor1<lU\ . olorpIUIlp Opitlm.J SlrHln ( Il 'pa m CJ\"J' Ul" IIIhS r. aUI , Tho Old · Ma nk -Cu re will , NOT 'NARC O·!'lC. We ,II C I.nov: n 8. lh~ l"rgeNt g~o"' "n, I ~lul. " II f> gham.n l!l ucki B I" a . Eg(;8 p~ . (OrD . , ' CICd \ 1 ra ( ' 111\"(:" , ' Ofdl' • . HLldt .tralehlCIl o ut a cOlll r:1~:-c". (1 Illnt un anangp nUll t/)~t mlll( 81 1<'et-1 nort T h e nWay Yo u Look a t It. latorft allel Ftll'Ul S':ctJ 8 In J\mCflca. bper. muscle III a JIffy . evel lIfu b.·~tl pure, HG:l.I.C \1p n Ihn fur 6('ra l1l hJf~ f t Pg~s. ate oytr 5,000 ar fl! 8. . . . , . ,flU h'....W/!UPm J/lU , u Jo r; H'·ar and 11\\':lar to tJe "ll" whtl e l('l". ' ISO tl'(:114" FII~ Pl Ul' ~ h bnvlng the eGgs all!; hLly untl l· rd')n~. ~;,. S..J, lov!'! y Swear, ,! bhln sball Its lI~ht l it It JIz_.r...- • ur ll'Jatr,mol h H '".1 "0 Nt. log i. mailed "II ll1 l. lIl'ln . loast, .r o\' ",!:a .. 1' 1'011 l./) ou . PI) i rl buy",,; or 6cod " ' """ P«A.Il. free to ,,11 II milll e ll '? r01l1' II IIlp31.001l8 Y tl m p ~ IWJ , !;Iw"l<r b, 'en • 6e IN STAllrs ),' " It.' 0.'"" 10 til I chI BC nllli finish n n In hup sMl oned cc . "" lancp Taof "1' ""( r~_ d l' "'e san [)Ie "1 ,. .." . I1 . Fo~ icier AWf!r" d fee, tI tlt!,.d,' • t Oi;t'l! f Wit nn I GI " " o w IHtIII Il ld you ar'! " IIn """ " 01'> 011_ . ll .... H u gra V t lion iR' no "·'h ook E g6 a I Fi~noise.-]lD\ fI n: :"uly n. cn s. • . e 1 11 rton s r . cle .• all" b 'lI: 11ant ~~ II or bolHn~ I' bn., CIO"rr, rfc., 1 ' U 1' 1 . I' Venu s thIs m Ol} lb s lon ." lnl o.: .rr~e .• Meet! rl~ht hnsouc('n nurl U R 1(( 11· \\ PUtt 0" 1,1 B Jlllon rs 9 minutes ; h r dccll n Is 15 ,fro hn 11.', "Dlzer !::eetl 0 " Dox W, La . nllowlng .mc-llalf ahl· Apenw Remedy ro r~onstipa­ IH 17 dl'gr~r8 , 25 mlnlll(Os sout h and ~alt.'.J ",:.I, ·r •• e. " ,• . ero Put . cr Will of QIHllt onr (0 lt Ra arJoon l1on , Sour Slomach.Dmrrhoca di:·~. 10,2 I18con l' II l ilium r h IIII" --.... - --Oen'l plQy possu m wllh pain. two or tbrl''l bUUl'l'I,d Hltlmn Hans In Worms ,Con\'ul ions,Fevl' r1sl\· •• b voInlect NI I( one h egg R parnlely b ~1 'Icnd •• trl clly to busi ness. nl' l'. \l'at'.' Ule SLEEl~ ness lind I.oss 0.' publi c c anr:e. ha"e thclr ow n Insectn t., ' a luto lll1 s ll~' fu I' CIl Dnt! l1p r n IH tp A Woman' s Del ic a t e Skin d ,Id. P rl.:e nSc a n d SOc T ho wlLte r ~h ollltl coY,'r botl scm. ant! get Intoxl cltled Ju t like shoull.l r (' c!v " I h b~s l o{ caro. It I~ 1111111111 rill;;. 35, WILS tbe cbarge rnab e " In"s, so ap. lho (');6'8, Wb all tlleTe Is a tIIlll ,w 1' humllu b at I a. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mOijt hllflurll1l 1L lO S' ure a goof1 lecture 'as ey In, aSoutb Prnt. BOlloml byrllTerslL Renslnr; London or y y ,'(ll'efllll finn Is Ih ' '''''te OD aud Bu chllll's 'I'oll " l Soaps , i TO the Uw lo p ami lb o h Ull,," <I skhllm!' r to · ton, The leadlu r: publi c hOll se I n &no nly bl>UIIS gUUI':lUI c d under t h n(' w r o:IIII)\'l' wlt ll 0 Bol. Prof. to g accordin world. t cl:e_ r, f hU\l tl l'(Jfl ( aRt rult l Inscc ltd I I k like I law to b IIhsolutu ly tire, and Ol.·y clrculal'Wl pl th .1\ tOOla!... snllrC'. seu -(m~,1 9 ell ' gh . t 00 rumdark abig, wild .. b I ll l'C al s o antl~'I)tlc:. be ill" bollr cl an~ co\' r Is 'the mle'Y. lo sbaft " a large III)" and I tM " . I" If YOII wl sb t o with snll. 1111(1 J,eI'Jl"r and iJUlI!"'. l ing n nll pU l'lr) at. t ha I Is th si gn Shirre d Es:os,- lJu t tol' an g g; sh lrr"r. tending IIpward down 'fUor al,o reU _e DL-- , InBaTa n 60rt. ,·cl .. ty skill trce f,'om CXACT COPy O F WRA I':OER. IIn ll ~Id 1\ wi tll flnl trlle ts Iho In scI'ls. Th ey c1lmb LouI/ll. CI' O" C l dea your n~l( ons Pl'lIpll and s h e trcsa IromDYI!l"'""u. l n. ; IJI00 In 0 Into tbo neh t " r p it benpalll t h e Dow e r'8 ,,~~ nil k a Il, crumlls·. l'llOr ('ra I SniphU ' hon Dur of koJ e r fo r a (" TMC a l ,"_". c. ...... "• • ~ . ea. CI'tV. l'd!Ige!IUCIIl Md~'ooUellTry ' u. _ _ _ __ I r 11 I t } rsunII " I 1".lter,', ., • • • . nrrs e lT1 ('Oll1 (,1'IJ1nlJs l _f'a Y S p nOHlr m . nddr('Rs unci e h k H p 1 c enlH ('O ,PfU~wllh nUL and . cdYfor {Jlz::UJcs'I.};all~~, I his 0namI1f I, ... In n !)lad I'a t 0\'('11 unttl. _ __ _ d 0 1. 0 I C' !:; ' IJroWallIe !!3, Dnd ~to I" wllil Is /lrrn nnd "rllfilhs bJ'r)\\n, a R)l uitl ho pl uced Ill ' 11. li n AhirrprA -o TORPID i.JV1Zlt. 1'40jl __ _:.'_.. w ay be n ' lIl ' urI ':, lly Prl(O"t1C1 SOME NEW FRENC H KNIGHT S. a. oDO'fVel --" --.ulatetb . rnm f IL t es.To";ato ;'n Eggs Que. n of Holl a nd Hn A"reed to R.. 0 , ' . t : .. l tomnlo. scoo l' ollt t] U I V a tl can " e • 61(' Ul "11\1 • _ ogn ze Genu 'ln ' " USl Be'ar ._ \' " .~ pull], s lip In au egg, spri nkle Wl f h 0 Sigpature f" f' h e-Simi In but l rod wi th I) IlP r. corer Ilnil er· r t o sour"ee o lucJ'IltJ" he t ong Am _:_"~ ::!I ~'--" ITTlE . autl bake. :/- -~ e DU .. or thl' POllEl bcfo:e Ihc separ&> c rlll~'bs IVER , T hrpc hard rod.n de Gol la a Eggs Will e Fran n I stllte und b r hll li nn or , PILLS. ' ; . • ,' boiled eggs, o n tabl'Sllo on bUller, on e REFUSE SUBSTITUTE&. the toll or tliX on titles of nobility " ;:: : k. llIlI CliP ono nOllr, slInon ablC' t e the ruptur - - - - - - - ' - - and deeoratl ous, , . I : "all, one-ell;h tll I DSPO<lIt the Freucb g o vern m e n t no lon g er r c' h nlr teaspoon " , 611e s toast, pnrsley. o¥n l 7.eR tho ennoblin g tllIes aud dec- PCllI'!.!'. n "e , sall cc w it h bull er . Willte lu, tlt a .. uk ll ave h To r. e h t fa ), bol the ( o orations CURE IUS nl!ltN MA Da ACCF.f4S tn u t TO MAk. e rlllrnle gs. the right to " 'eur the Vatican ribbon, /lour. milk and scasonln K);'I' ~ DY TilE RAlJ.W AV CO NST R UCTIOIt " ;: op h /!SS. of ~ wltl rrOIll s y,,11 ry noccssa s th Mt b l il beep pu s b .:d fo r ward 10 . lgo loLilly - 1 or to b cllileil ('ount , It wa :: e lh o t m he t \ I' anej add U:.e l bree Ileal nU w&, com p3.ules. to obta in & conn,-m a t lon of tli le. '1'111. WllltO'; IIn ely rbod. •• b "qulekl,a at Onc.. III. .. "I.! lit fOil I' r,lI ces or .tonst In UCO. For liternt ure a n{l part icular •• ~ldrf!1I1 SOPB." ga vo m uc h perplexi ty to tbe c and l· hSRalve " a rruugo o n p lutt r . I prorzram in the T exas G ulF the tN 'fI!NDflN T OT' IM!II IGltATI ON. Oil .... That's dales, IIOothfts , .... protecls c1.M nnd .Iteals ) 'r Ca nad., or the fol1o"hll .Qtbor i~ed Cau.tti,;J Ule Fallee. J, ore' t ho Coast Country . It's easy there, h~cQuse th e Tho Qu estio n has j ust b oen 5e ttled, an d pour ove r Co\'c rmne n l AA'f tl ' : '1 t he clisouCil lD em ric r or strl1l n· polllto a gh rou ellery h t yolks to ed consent has ina m Wilhel Qllee n I t curcs C"" I, H. M. WIWAMS , LawBRildia" ToINo, 0 .... nh;h Gur top. e th r o\'e ling k in spr . r e ona. Ulicli ls d t~elve d an valldato Illlc b lilIes larrh ""d drlvos t cut s lOa ng ",allon Ih!, p t r. remaini UII(I per I,ol'slay $600 with pll. caloha,e in .ere amll~lng ["'f Think 01 It: $500 T he I' oult has be"" an a way a Co ld in tho acre in ooio... - $3.30 a bushel lor M W peIIll _ _ grimace to 'I'ho H ague-a nd also Ill' In polol S, S ead qllio.~ly. }t elEg g F arcl .-Cu liard boiled I'ggs I n cucumber s bri nK $3.00 a buah.1 in MIY I I Ihe E.slern as In tho pr!ce of OI€Se pan. Senses of FII!I~i zcoO cta.,l\tDnlg. au In ' r "1'... le And Smoll. ma,"ela, Theae and ma ny . ell..l. evcry..l.y ","ull. in e yol 1;s and Remo'·. . rosswise> c huh'es fa,'oI'S. p Ie "r by mnil Trin l Size 10et~. by lUoU. t!!l cll l lroil cullu. e allO. can he proved fo you. I can "ive ,..,., ;\lns b yolks pail'S. In fl Id whites put renell F tbe weeks ew f In th e last Dameo .nd ad ~_ 01 It.. · people .. 1.0 a.e doinfl Ely Brolhens,GU Y; IUTClu Strect. Now l:orl;. olwrl C '0111 or amOllnt l qun add ILnt! Iho I_nights \If lh o Gol den Spu r. or these thing. while you . rc rc.dina t illi . dver1 isement -- - ol~. ...d Ihe ....w and cold w. all•• r • •• .. •• pInS )'00 idl"" ~ Iy Sellul<' lIo r. o [ Chris t , of Gregory c hlcltc u 01' v ' a l fin Iy ehoprJed . Ma!St:. 'I'here ure pos i1 ionll ope n in the WARM, DRY CLIMAT E Tho ~;~~t, . 01 Pl us lX. have &re&Uy IQ' ton- Willi m oit,' d "Uutt r or nmyonn Navy f or htl ndredso f 1 0Iln gm e ii-.-~---- ~ he t In 01 the T_ Gull Cout io Il,e h.~lt biut A Hand y Re med y f or Burn s. that be l ween 17 and 25 ye a rs of age. aI 'l>OW buy ',an you irri"al.d laod which -.olry. I ha v oftt!11 h E'urd 1I'0m n say HO M E·MAD E CATA RRH C U RE. and for llIech a n ics IIJl to 35 year. CUR ES - l. the richr:st in produc:th- eneu. acre per $25 lchen Id tb y cnn lIe\' l' '0 n ar th e, and no afage. Goodpa y, oudll'oo dfood T ho railroad C..ilili.. wi!! pl.ce your p. oducl. in Ihe . bUl'll ed Sufferer a Sho uld Make Thl a Up ;and Rtove wll l"'lIt ~ .I ' .head 01 n.o'Y al l.. . . .elion 01 che counlry. .. m f urul s lted b y the Govern me nt. hM'(' S. li of all not It liS. of doubt Rome Try I t An ywa y. Yau g.1 Cnney pn.:e.-yo u uve in freight r1Itca- yo<I Aad N,,",ous a.,u For full i nfor matIon add reslI little> as well as Ruffart'l! mall), m.ak" mon"y and -rV0y .0oJ " eoltlt. 1"'.1 .... "·, II!c AI ...","", Navy R cc rulti n ll' Station , Pos t e th want of som . {.." me oend you a 75- pn'g. illll,'raled boo~ fuJI oC An r one "nn mix rig ht at h nm e the hu rns nnd !!"al\l>I for (JOke lJuJhlill g, Ciocl nnati, Ohlo. II. all Road we counlry. COll"S" ful •• or wond , Ihal l'd)' m l' r al>oul fOCI. ual ~"nl.le acl The nown. k best l' m dy or rs Itln t! {"'I me send'YOU n.mea 01 people who own .orne 01 llale of soda or co m . nllme "(' )'1'1011 (" Is glv u to th e (01· kn ow tha.t blcarbo 81mland .nd are duin, Iheae Ihing.. W .il. Co Ihem. ~ Ihi. lh of one Is of thl' pt."'" dosoda I"n).: " b n, it Is su nposed , b e- mon lowIng PI' !urin2' 10 b4J y any .. a round~lrip invc.tigato r'" ticlc.e. to a ny peinl on Buy <llIca thut I) ' V C but C8, Ildfcrd.sGd In caliSe of Us I1r01l111111C58 In dr!'\'ing plelll I' II 101.11 - - - - - - t hlllS: Louis, B.o wnsvill. & M c. ico Ry.- go dow;' SI. Ihe \lh\i hft n u 1 .. In..,I Should Its columns rello!. K el'ost!ne I h blood and ~ys t m v ry " c s· not 'gIv e ICllm '(lIaf(' ~ Il,e coun,ry ove.. R••• is bUI S25.00 f ....m loo from and ~bRj. aU r~u)l06 ~~ ~~O{~~~~~'. e.iy to lime !)re, and C hicago, S' O.OO from SI, Loul" for Ihe round . n p, on Ilgo C cnwrrha l pol all, r ello ,' ln g tlll~ Is llt t! (.a sl st rplll th k llr h (' I" lIlLV, 6... 1 and fhird r """,,ora monlhly: S ixl""n c.rload. of foul nnd ' ,hcad d i sease. no m attel is ol .... 1l '8 hand y III (h t! r'll'lJlrtn e cJlt\~t w h e n poopl. wen l down on our ",~",on 0/ January l 5,h I wit ro I()~al d. To 1I1'011Ore the mi · Ing: sleps I rX llor!cllce has Do Itot 1&• • 'luNul a . ovDel u .. oublo 1 Wouldc·. · O<'t trom nny gnlld pha rmac) OI1C III In 11. h ut'l'y 1L!ld lU I': toll Ii." 10 Ie- . ttl JlIOU: .bout tbe cQw:nr,? nea wril. lIl ost pXI1f'llirn t . tile nN It own ,,1 Dunde bnract mil rood.". Addrul Plllid wrile ce hlllt-olln Dwigg in8 o nc or Benld with Ih A k ~ r. Hun . one ouncc nll1l'olln d K argon an d C\J vel' th burn SEBASTIAN. PUlfIlcer Traffic MUllff, JOliN • ng b1lm! o th o IIl1d I'0IJPl\t " otll lif. Iime'luli ty thr e oun r II nllllloulIll SYl'\Ill Sa "sn osen La S, U.Slltio0 f" JR... , . Frb( c. , .... put 10 lonl,·h., d hall ,. •• ama" .. ay h u\'o lIever I IIr ns lllon Is /Wne. ST. LOUIS I ou thr.: fa r ", 0 1' c: 1 &C~hcte ,, ~e ll 11 yO\t CHICACO pn rl iln. Shal,o wc ll and URO In t ea I I to s . rld wliMO n a ml.rc: "II Hog to learn eam t sorenes or S hoye:. OH I'fI f' nd t :lilY kllowlt al • •• bull"o ,;l.. .. Illloonfu l doses after eac h m eal and .nd App l y },I)Uf$C!l ryo li ro n C'nsily earo from , U ' fiU\' trar.c br th e bu\'u t..a r • R R, IWNOIS EASTERN & tlnlc. cd LJ e.~ ~~: 3' ~·l~;"~~'I':~ whL' rCV("r k<>rosen e bad be b t ot Th is fs a hannl cs8. Inexpensive tnlx bo I ::---f~:::7~~ • UF In (l l1n, / tJIt tl.f7" ' f . I""" "~"r uu r 1 1 ':.~I';lhi. eto, ! selll ll g our R'ock a. pOutt.y p'rc'"';-!~"'--"""----'1l8cd .- I 'If{'t(I1'lul Rl.Vj w, act ion p('IcuJlnr n has which t.nre. 4. ,i. ...... . F..dl'acta. l\h:J ld u r ... . W rite .... I.. _ _ _ ____ _ . . KlcJlI ~)'s THI W. T. UWUIIH 10. - - - - - - ----"- -- til '!! nlltnlnlt th'o Ussues or tJle _. t I Cream Puff. - -II . m l ~ ·~ ~ wIth I "'tt " l\f"b'I• "e4f!h" Li\m~ ' IW X 101\ f nn:;encl'a l t..rm 21 66, 8) K.-E Wall' ng them to Olter anu S 1':1 n N. Eye A. ('107on's Thomps ' c .. u . t'IU butter tor(l ut ~ l1ft1l p(jo tfaiI '" iU''''~ I lIl. 1-1 •• ( ". 'lordl·vll' il. ("U , l". (I 'U\' If, Ilssfsti hles Hl PI ut f our I 'l l ( from th e h lo d nDe! syrtlcm all ca. l ho ,,, , ,, I ,· · I IU.l, Io., I'u n .I IIRHIII,·lf Me lc r n a OJ:' Wal er u ,;:;...., , e. li ll II tltlW lll~ I ", ( I ... , t IInlo-e 1m lI ' f·,,".ll'liI~ c up 0 tun'hal JJol!mn s. whi ch. tf not cr ud ! .S\1lU1 ' ~la n re. , . 1 A lt"J4~. n. .alow over "I I.-n tl ,..III .'t e~ u · 'tRt.·h~ II· 1"'111 A" I' 1·,dn"'rl n ' f"tl tl nn . , ... ·0 11.. P, It W.tthI H~' (')tl. rl, ,' he nl\l COtlS .. I '" j u thpr ll' ll, '. ,,:1 Mlltll j,". . " 4 ·t...,...".VaJtlltt~ .. ,1.IIu , . B. cntctJ , ar n b .;orhpt) lJy t .. Ch" .. ". \Vett..'Iro....... ' 01 cup ono SlI1'rot a III atr-':'Ildy - - - mC l1Ib ran(', 1I1HI 1111 (,Pf!!1 s ore or ca· 1-111.\'0 --S OOIl liS tbo wall ,!, nnrl • . al1d r flou snlt. r<, lHI'1'1t I~ tll!' ~ AI! .." ..- ,"' ""01,,1 I/u 1.\ (' I' r f'ur h I.h l) boiling po ln l. 0<1,1 rh e P I'Pl'ur(' some IIIHI tr~: as It I ~ t it ~ . n", ~.". ", ..I I.Q h. ull at on e nnd stir vlgorO I1 Hly, Ilom cat:lrrli l Nlllnlm lin of p r e C'ril}t1ml ~ .... t;ar 'lo", •• 'd,:"b\'·nl !~"(P (or lhoi'oUgll l~' I11lx(',i l' move fmm When i ~ ~ H e,r••., &COl .....,t1lEII, IlIuL ' - - ' 1) chili . I. (If I'll I" 1" 1 ""I" l l l a t on, th e 11 .. 0 and a drl f{Jll r !l u Lu l!'," cggs, .. . • - . m lxtlll'I' 1J,· t w e n I h e tlllles "Ie Tour' hu sbtlncl lip ). t?H a81<:811 boa ting til" "P l~, 1 I) rOIl by the t llllt "cll '" '1,l r , _ . ,...:-, I" r.. A W(Hl,a n u t the door . "I 110 ! tb9 sour fi]("('u " ,111II'Il. ·lI . 1...,'16" r)I..ul'''l l .:\1I1I l, rtu ,,'5 1 •••' .• h1d nn lll-H ' , !lV 4 W\'II " 'H1 Uf' '\·"OlIHt · A It •• i n .. uH ..... l lh. pa ns. having a toutll'red \In l SpIII)fI\'u d "r' . lho ron\v " ... - ' " IU;01 " ', \1 • • " . , t!XP~l· t h Co i ~ . ' " n as Il .'~ -'I·ON 111.,. NO HORSE OWNER CA N A FFORD , ,- 0mAli. U li lld lm:. 'tf.JLIIiJ JU, VUU), u l UllH~U Na 11tm haI r. IlIclll'~ !J p. lll' O nd one: of paC'" , utes min w fe n Sloe him f<ll ' to ke li -' ••• ;TO BE WITH OUT T HEM ••• • h:l s n' t llme bome tw co n each PllrT. 1'"lt,' In n ~I"'w oven w()uld I. A ~itiv(' (" u r c ft)' ~pfl:.mvdll: colic in .~ S r~DDY BE~II PARlOI GAME. all the U"". "SO \\' 1\ n dlln e and <'001 flU bOll I'. half rnl' nUncJ. ~~~'~: y eL'·- All1",· u lilllll (·S. h-n" lul; I ll" f UP; In LU IH Jll.0 <1 1<" I ,!;hac.& .Al ;~'II~ '~L~. fII~l; -~HE above rem edies aro preparet l under lh immecli:) te direc~.l ()nl'y r('! u~l l.; l."i l. rllt a ~II~ IIl .ttl' Idc o r e.n ch !Jurr u n d go to work ; r an I"'. ------------~~ t ice in l i on (I t a v e lt:rin.lridH .01 rCIlfJWD. w ith 2.5 )'t!.1rs' p rac n!l w it h 8"' 0(' (' 11(',1 wh ll1 l.C'rt c rcam. in case f f:.tll ure. 1f aJnlllw; " : rt:d as h l ca~., Cily ('Jtic ~pn a. Ch i,·r \' 'Ierinary !;;lIrgcou of the dir6CI~d. l sa to a CUll ' of (!I'!'am r Oil I' tabl o. ly tJn R uilway OInp~ut}'. wllb f rom 4,O<?U tQ 5. 000 horses constant 1oi1' Ilon ruh; of po \.'· llr'\. n;~f1 S\lg:u· n od une. )' i~ h as , 50 Ill1 l'scs i n o~ e d" y :lfrec w d ' ' \I,h IIIg h., hand. H e ' ·'Vas <; h ic ( V ""le nu b (l lf t .'aSl'Ool1(1I1 of \'all llla . Thl ~ r CillO sp:l!-mol)lC c()ii • Wllhtlllt Jo·· ing a C:lSC. hief u,o.k . -" roitt pu ffs. \\ria n of the \\'orlu's C ul umbia n Expositoin n t Chicngo; was It n eve r {~lii ·\ 10 r ':r i! rl l' !f':JIi'f,\ r , C ~la r r· Tl1tnto Ot ~ Fe,·cr. I: fl U"lI/ a ;' 11 " hilld red til >;hili YCl t· rinory I n.;p, 'cto r of liv!'! s to ck fo r Olt,' Unit ~ d Stot es GOVC , c. ', H ow ' to Wash C III Glass, A <:O lin ' pro ", 'JII ••lIve 10 " 'C1"'''1 cd ea~c". nl Ch k ago. an d ' bas h ~ld "Miou. o lher pos' l ion, of impar',,, lit rt l1U tl fl 0 m .Nc\'-r r IIU ' 11'>, \' Y. (' hlb()l'''le lr h orl.,Co;, If ndntln l~ tc r p.t 'i n :-,n:,'l I do"c' ';. Owing to h i~ W h it) acq utlintan ce. h e is coru inunlly impo nne.! has Uc.!UUH) IWl gln.Sij I nto \'P l'~' hot . w n[( 'r. Tho deplh T be h(:!Jt ka o \\ tl n ~ Ulctl; r,lr dinc ' n:n t Joca1itll's to ~rv'e rt!rn ed i e~ for vu r iQus nilint!nls d ,,~ .dtld 10 olle r Ihem to th a public il) (h i. (orm. (l ullg fever. of the r\lttln~ Il1rt ~ ,·~ II ff :t n '!Pl'ou$ lo' !!Jtl' O!1I' th p. glass 10 ,," ,Iden CXI1Jlnsi o ll COUIl"U loy III1J 1)llIll!{(, Ill to lh e bol. wu. The Big 4 Remed ie. ate pul up in .one packag e and Hluse In t ep-I rl wat"r 10 whIch ter A specific fr 'r Ih' e r.dic" ion ~ T'.pe ,hippe d by exp:e•• .to any addres s on receiIJt of $5 . has ","Otl ad.l('o ~l little n nllllon io. nu ll lind Hound \\'oi-m" as w "" Ihe r \l r ~ ;. d Or ..hI! d dJercnt ·r ~.-n edics will hI! solll' separately a., follows; ~leuL thel Irl'(>;; lIl a;' s\1l'faf'(,s w l l h a \ "'01ms th aI nil' " I;d l ru hhi.!!'. l)ig" ly , pow?er 'OIl l tllrn tif to COtl a ufe !lns ~ I end~d" RQ II IlI r ec cOlm so rt b rll ~ h, 3 Bottles 'of Colic Drench .ufficie nt to Ice Inlf) 'I o ll l · ;;l n s ~ ,1I.h nn less It h ili cure six cales of spalmo dic colic '. $5.('0 bl'lln gr"lhtnll y ('hill d In tho Ic!e bo • . of Fever Mixtur e .. . . .. '." 5.00 Boltles 4 . Cracke:d Cllt gla"~ cau ~roquen: : y Vermic ide Powde r .. .... 2.50 es Packag 6 be 11l'.. acnel! t,o' It ' lIHoftt. :old age hy ptic Heali~g Powde r 2 .50 D e.troyo all " 10 tbe wou nd, Antise es Packag 6 rlvels. w fe a of rtion se In ll1lul sl, l:' Ih pre \';~ n ts fcn n c rn ~u IlJU •• md sets ~p heaJthy n oa and le, Il"cah Itot ' b Th ese will nr'\ l you r Au INVAL! . I\BJ .E r cm c~d y Dutr ,lion. 'If yonr h';",," a rt, afili ·tcd wi lh any nnl!,uR I a ilme nl Iha and be obta h w d /l,t Ilnr crockery store, fo, Hm h \\ If0 C UI~ , {, ," <ked He,·I. , loca l vC led oary rloo~ not u nrl t:: nta nd . wr itt! \1 '5. Gh inc the bislory 50rn:r h, '. S.ddle C;alls ar d P unctured sym ptolns, ~ d we wil.l Ild\"It)C )'ou withr.lI l nO!;t . To Keep Canvas Bright. \Vollud. To k eep Can\' llS Lrlg b t 811llly to ,the ...SEND ORDER TO DEPARTMENT D 011 nseed li of l urtllc a s m a ll qunntlty ... IDg " soft r ag, a nd aftC"'wt\rds rqb u dry as possible. F'lv€, Ant, wortb A Mertlfyl og An awu. Rk hurd, al;f'd 1I~I'(' n y ar~ , In com· I pany wIth h is parl'n t H. \\'~'l vl $ILlng 8 trl nd. At lbe d in o rr table II WI\9 111 heol . I ll1Iked to huve 80lo'le ,·ak u • tilte d. W ill you "Say, Quick ly. R1C"Mrd ! I I hn"1l so m e uk,,'!" s~ld hlq lnOI. "'r. Im a!;1 1I bl' r ' lla 1'111 "hen HII bard " 'I:'"II~ tI : "It J('s lit kin d.,., bavtI a t hllme, I don't won t aus."


h.. . t


~~~ A ~m~v~ I ~~


~ ft..':LY.t -



In 'Us e


For Over


Its~d IUII ~u~~1I


PuielrE'Ve. ~tablle.lPRICE. i





;~n~:,l~lonu~"~~;I~o: :~C'Y ~'lI:n~I(J~d \~~l~ f~~ir~~~~ ~~i,e~n

't~~LJ It. Posit ive

Illt~ n.lonl!







Thirty Yea rs

r;\j..;;M:r;;;'l ~f.~~~"L irlf:';!III.:

SMAll PILL SMALL ~os , h S




tllhl~, tCII\~('(I'IY


Till •






!i:: :


E .~.:.


New Wheat· Growing Territory




Two Crops Per Year!


,,!no .


~JC! tb~


lantl work. anti prociu cu I month in the




h iCKS ·


!~ ~~ ~ p;~II~e:u~.~&:n:d~~t~h:e=r:o_'~b:e~~o:r:g~rlJ~.~ ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~ ~ U L F FARMS THAT GROW T11'~ ~ :Do::":::-1)"I~~~-Cif O A S T .. N.O •• HAR D" W HEAT . -. __-..::---=--__::-.-,_. -:=::--:-- _ . }~ :_._._.'-:-_

Ely's Cream Balm



gel l"t~









lI PO~








:- ---- -- -



Bears the Signature

- - - ' - --




EgU G a la Sulsse.-


'n t ~.



~nllltp/.at In n ,

' . .


$20. 00 to $50. 00








---- -



SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ~~I,~·;.1~JO>"'~::;;'·~ ~D~r.






No. I-co ue DRENCH








---- --

r DONt Su ffe to·otha.che.


all ~iQht lon~' from . neur().l~ia.


or rheu mat ism .



Li hi m .e n. t·th~

'kills "the p~in - "qUie ts nerv es o.nd indu ces slee p At 6.11 deaJel"s~ Pr1ce·25c 50c &.LOO

·Or. wi

S.5Io~", Bostol\..M~$$.U,SA,

or II m, eed 011 will be slIlIlllllll lt tOl LwO ar tlu'efl ilppllcaUou .


Bu. o"0""10 lI,tteul JO&.I iI;B,.~,8t.'lacr. ,a.ICII'" IluI.aJ'ii . . c:ltJ . . ••• ...... lC



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" Iarae l h" .aYI It . w~1J "

T ru. ~,

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truth, for ,I ft'a Influence the- ,Iv",. actual tran_ l !:fore I. a


man liveth u a "d .the. alnt toucf:\ the !Iv See It In ' 'There II the he .ina not l The , whOle swept l'1to th' ' tarnlnallng It tl10 burden of ~I" 10 '" te l .In.1I out (n "VI aod affec ting·_ I the ",,~olo po dlu.ter upon .In and my ban,ful (rifluel of ~he.e olos


by lIoc:lal. bUll

·Iatlon., " And they II of 'AII' What .. I 0' the WC, • In. S .. mp'9n . wa. power"'.1 hla eo~ -,lea,


Joc:k. '" tho I n ' ttl . fife.

ArJ many a po\,nrl".. to bec:luS




,'I ' 'Ill

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~ ~ ·'~lh,tes.· ... ,I\U,

, " '10 '" '




____. .______

.. "<1M,, ",,' r. Cum menc'lI\l'nl



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S\ t:d Girl End thel'r

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Held in mllny

SC ll 0l) 1

1'; xc rd s l'



J~""'''''''''''''''''''''''''~''''''''--'''''''''----'''''':'''''''''''''''''''''~ I



w.ill h l'

I lu'~)rl)U~a t tl C11'/11'1 ' "


Blinn /.: Ihc n cX IFc\\Wt'l'k;;.

We pa,v intl'l'est at the !'ate






.. -



Oood Home Rt!mNly ,'ur Rheumati s m. K idm:y or I

Ij laLldcr 'fr', Ib\t!, , ~ . I Tt.,J(· alltl HlcHld ," "tatp. Senator How~ Talk!! On lntep • V alll l'l hl' 'I)ring Purifier.

General fCdlurL'~,

pt'r ttl"t per"



hllll /,:l·n l. hJ 1I11.•\' ~ li t "I" III ~ f'CR l'u ll!'lull' lh i" ,' uur. 1I~ I,h ey ~' I I n \"" ,1 1 ' 1 " ~\' I'I\ ' . I H om ll R u l~, Qua dr ~n" ; J I P rCN- '~ )I U)\\IIV!"\ h ll "" IW t) ll . r';i n. ~rt'o t ih ' ... , , .... I I 1"" I, ,n\',"" " I'h l" ' III Ilw . nll~pu . r btlll ll lil'l1 l l ~ annum on s<\.yinJrI'! accounts. V t lll ~ tlon5 ~ nd Fr ~n<lhiH T .. xe s AI r "1'1 ' 11 I" f !I' t· ~ 11 \' 111', \I'" I. 'llhll' ly d ll'lI 1I1f111~IlI.kl 1/11\\' 1111.1 · 0\(. ' 111,,,, t.l' II11IJII1 . !'I' l'lnlt ( if Ih e WI Iltlll' r lWl' l' ~, tr lp!! ) SII i.> Jeo ls t-l~ DI6c " .. ~ ,'. ' til ll", lllNG .\ I II " The OlO'J1 l'Y is s ubj 'd: to . \ ' 0111' ('a ll a t an" tinlt~, \\"hl l" 11 11' ",,,"fl ulr IS I,ll hi" 111 <'. i" 1,I ' K II f \) 1\ll!linJo\ t1 lH" (~ I' '' I III 1\11 t 11.11; J . J "'''); . III ,2 ~rollll1lttl'S, II!HI Ilfl ring t 1ltllH'XI "IX \ .1"' 1,,",, II jI' ( hi, . T lI ~ \\'1\ I ' flllu"t , "hH l lf.! tl th ",ruth" .' Ul1 .. c • 0 :" efiLL J' 0 , I ,\ ll h'1!II'e~~ IfI :"~ \\" hu\;(·' tfu ~ t ! .;. Hlltt ftl"'tHY _..."......._ _~' _ •• _ _ . • --~ ~ 1 \11~:' ".C.I•• · .. til'> ~. "hllol~ 1111 C) ' ·i' I.· tho II LlHI , hut must re main with 'us six months (II' lon g-cl' in 01'- " C O:l\!I\I~sl'ln h" :';'''l1l l"r 1' 1' ,'01 " 11.. 1, I '. ",11,, '11 will ,III,,\\, U M I " I " w"v f .... 111 • "' I'S "~"' l~A \' ~IAY" .,. 'l. w ill (,t rulill lill IfI~i:1J uml ,,!\ \!d ~ e lli S (' ~ , lIo\" ", Ih'~ I·ill!;. ~ l a ll' lI I~ . 1I,'I i \ (' II Ir1 , dJl1l11l dn .n ' ,'f M n l'('b '' ",, ' Ap r il. Wh t o f ,l'llullll 1I\(!l 111 111 Wll mNI Intu til t' " der to draw interest. " 1 Ill\'.'(' lI ol 1I1 11'11 qll ' I !'I Ih l" nq;II ' l ' II,,,·lllllnr.--ly 111 111' ,) 1 UIl III'l' n ut, Ocod Prospe(ts f or t!a. n 'nl l'Olllttl e nC m e nt o f Iifl'. ~ m ont 10 10 1\e> III' thl' ~llhJI"'i In ,,\I 'oil 1>1I\lIl\l .1 , IlIi cl W8 \lit\' tu nlllkt, .{ 1.)' t t' , l I) f II ~ b NIl'lll~~ : 1 11'\\'" h""11 ('IIlllrn I h,' 1)1 '. I of l'lI o,!i (JUIl. t b y n I'll '\'1 lY~1i:~ '·ILt..K ·" l " : )1 \I IO;o'Ii:. I ~: H . , " ueg'lI\ sy cma IC flav lng. '"" \\'11\\ . t h ro!' g , ll 1111 f" :IlIl\" ' ~ : '1'111' ']'IIi-." II I " t,W(,) 0 1' tlt r f 0 vnlnn\.)1 0 Tllf' ' pro~",' I!' fllT ", ,, .,,,r III 1 1 < I 1'1 I,!" ""Y ((' rll ll o \\' \V b l ' h ,if fnll u\\1 . vlcil'ity BorA flllly "" e llllrl Ihi ~ .n ·nr TIl<' 'V"."nl'~ '·I '" lIil!h l'hllOI t~ x.:tll(l of IhM I' ('Ul ' IIICI IIIlO" Ill"l PI , ,," IIlIll ll'rp ," nt, tllOu~ IIII .tS nf ( :11"011 Om' dollar will tart an 'H'tOtlll. 1.. I' fI h"v;> hltd in 1111\111111(' 1' flf yellr~ . . wI lI 1'1 0 1(1 i ls " ' )Ill11l l' III'I' Ill (\ llt <,\;\' 1' " -; I-njo), frn u,'h lsl'~, Ih l' QlI" ~l lo11 or l h~ II I' ~ I ' v, I'll \lIn,.,. "flry '\lirin!! 111111 . . In Ihis COll n t.r y wbol1t Iii not r elll . I'i ~f'~ 'I'h\1I'~lh•.,· " ' I'Ill Il f!, j ll~- IlI lh . i", ' d el't' llnl nl 1·,\ll1 al lu lI u l PI'IIP"I'I)', ,III· ~ tI " e t.\lo\llilllltl tl \I f Ii V"'fI • Iy II pllyingcropfllldfAw f " rtll fl·r Rllt. 'l h I' IIr fl<'(\ m"llllierH i !~ ILlII l " Call and investig·~,tc our savings dcpart.mcnt. ~ \' QI':l ll n~ n " I" \lII II;! lil ,,, " r 1','111 P l'u !, TIIII fil'~t , II n rl un o uf' tll l'l't im . t.e mpt, toralflllllny larg"ltnlo unt,ofi t; clll~s: till' M I~~"~ [rlll,1 lIml 1"lh el l '~ ,( CI'ly ill !I". ij \U" (' \' I ' \") f .,I1.· )'1·':1 1' • . p"rtJlL1\.. " 1" ,l1 ·t 111'-0 co' l Ihllt \I i!i\,e r . ThankinO' .,·ou for past favor we ,'olicit your' nud 10['a1 ' lpt ll1 l1 , UI' 10",1 IWIII I' .. u 1<· Ultl \o- \' \\" '1 11' 1"" ,ulm." 1'lI rl Y!l 1l (If . . "'1 ,,"( ~ III' \ Ih u L!rllllllllll', The 8ur\.'rismg I'"r! t,his prllll:( HI ., " ~ ,, , ' " " II' Ifl xnll o ll . 11~ Iltl tl m<. \\,h E' n t ~ , fl r ~L 111'\g ht tbllt wheal, l o oks ti S w 11,,11 It does II " lln; WlI("ln'. . . , ~ 1'h (' Inxlltlnll or 1·lIrt ""· ,,t lo(l~. 01 Api'll ~ IIII " ( IIII\'~ IIUt '. 0 rrorget, I I l i l t " 'e l oold 811nD" we ' f' ~ patronage. ",' COIIIIIC'IIII I'" CII ',111\1'1 ". .- ,·,'nl." III III" III lilt! \11':<1, "U .'· I~ lill\.)1<1 t o bo co ld lind considering have had. the .. , l'h~ o ll m ,1(lUI;!l m e nt ,' )W!'t'ls es I) ~ ~ h e '·" r.l· a,i" '1l1l1 l1 'ly III 111 row . 0 11 1 " ' II I1'~ th u, WI'Jt u r oltlt,h int:t!J B UI'\'lIYlIb\1 rg H iJ:; h ,'c11 ool w ill , 'l'Ll';', ' \ VIlII!' 11111: II l1 l 11111 Olh l'r CI IlSS, t ll (' '(Ull til IWX I ,ltI .r 1\ I \"1' 1'0 Olllt!, tI. t~.kfl pillt' '['OE' llny. M",' :/ I, '1'III' r e ,' J J', ITIZENS BAN'lC l f "ul1~hla(' en"(lOI·al lnll~. Rl pn lll mil· IUlw h rlf rl lI ' \lll)lI r i~m ,r pn uOl o n l". The Soldiers' Memorial. lir ll II lao th r ee ill elli S;!, . , l 1... K r P £I n I iJ,' wl nt r 'I tb i ng ollti M i~;I Aun Kolly . 'l'h OUlII S W . Wei h F. C, Hart 'ock, a, hic... cnlll l ,anl (·~. flll'c t>1 ,," i1 \\' n)'~, !! !I>', I' 1I'e, \\' \I in t u 11111 r If ,VOU WQ ll hl llvlJili --~ ---'" t r lr. I\g h lln l!, \\' a t" I' 1·" lIl1 , all l , ' ~ . ali o f , !ciprlllg rh Oltllllltls ll1 "0'\ (" 1\1\101 The effort being lIIt1de by th " loe/l! null Wildy W . W elc h . " ' wlo ll'h " rll lll"il·lh'I.! PII " I\II' lllI' la.>s . Sncond 111111 U1\l~ ' i lll \ln rtllnt 'ye GrlUJd Army Post IIn ' l 'on ~ of ' et· I' P.N'I' to:\lI' 1LLI:: l . . wll,)s \) valli f'xl, l~ hl'CII II" C' .,1' 11 ~rnlll I Hh'l ~" t'\' (l I'Y Nlln. r t u .. 'IPIIII u t the 1~~~~~"-,~.-..< ,-""-<"-< _"-,,,-<,,-< ~,,-,,-,,,-<,-,,-,,,",,t..c1L. \'-<~ rrom III,' ('It y, nt' , M (lIl' jll'l \'IJ .. :::I'~ H U II S( ," 1':I'r'ry 1:;"" I b nU"" Wlf,• eranB t~ "eoure "' coupl, of ca onon \.... 11\ h o lt! It.s ntUUle u ('om "'hll'h th,' y l tlJ fl-' f rom I II" III nil'. 0\" kllIlW !4 lJII W IlI'eOR,m r v tbi ll is It l II. ~ !lnd qnllntlty of s h ell fr om I b e Go~ n eV tl nin g of Mtl y III t:he r o ti l'''' tw o • r l'8 110ll R or Ih is ~n r ILl' , ' Ioplll 11 ' "priu!l' 11[111 d, 1':< it . WIlIlt .\Vo lll ': :lfl. ernmeut to III!tl7e 1111 It m emo rial t o m e mb r In Ilw('\tl >', H.ll ph K onn y of Mrs. RlI "l]untely In_~I'1l 1It1 I'olhl ,u n 'd \\ !t h I" t llll P l'l y th !'llIlH,:pr \ n (~j l'l ll ll) )'ftn" our iOldlf'r dead, ill r eoei "in' con lin d P rry Vlln I!:wl ll g . Ille lllUe clns s or prnp"I'I)' III nllpr l.H, die~ !lllit t/l' o ry hOIl_a~ \ If .. doe", () 81derabie encoura gelllent. J. Xenia. I • • stOI S . h l" LIIl\1~ I). 'hlllll ou ·. Dn l'i llg t 'I'h pr S' l1t III Iholl of \'nillati.on .ot Iling wlulHT, while III ~ t f ll~ nrc- ' Air. J . B. C 1el1111o, (~Ullr tsr lJltUl . 11(,;1..1.11(1 001' . Mr . .J . ' . D u lll~, or-:..z(lUil\,IItl~~ II I)]~ rn llronds "'liS adopll'd llI'nll )' Y"II\I''; i n ll on n I. t{ r PIII, \1Ul't" of tho t 1U16, tb", ter.of Hoel Post G . A. R. r ecdved TllIl ('Cf)lUl ODOmnent xero iae!l of a goo. riosslbly nt til<' I I Ill" Ihe ~" lls t 1\1' ~'y . t P Ill .h l'f'o m " <' \'-"1;1(".1 with 1m, t:b~ following lettar from Co ngresH· the Be llbrook \ illu~e H tgb Sohool !I''''ny 'l'h t'tr"~l uy ut'terllOllll tlft' r \lut \"L~IEl ) lIOll WIIS n(jIlI ,jNI. wllf' n Ih,' 1''' wns n Il urlti l'~; tb " htlw la t 1')!llf' i' lll ~ . milD Denvl;lr . t:!8turd .. y . ..J.. . " ypry !,n·t'a l. flirter,' "(''' In I'I'IIp(,I'I)·. It :; is h ; ll1 " kidll t1Y 1Ut\ ·ti ve PI)isl1 n t;. will tnke pia Muy 1 . Th ere lire I~ r IV !tours 11In e... ~ 1 1'0 . 11 II nl o III . "Replylng 1,0 you r lett e r of tb e five members in tbls olass: l:!WUIn tli~r~ti (l n , I aVlu f,( bf'~ide" IlPr hu" AS!) III,;. I, : 1( 1:< vn a ll , ' ls lbI Cl nllli IIc", '~~ lhk W I' l\I ~ t (' I\ (l of tlt'lllg t hro wn ,)1'1' U~ th u:.; 1I.r u duriu ~ (,II · ~ nrn m r whll \:('10 28th nit. 1 wish t o infO'rm you thllt R . Penewir.,. Miss s .E t h el A . 'l'nylo r. bu'n:ti, fOnr !i ttl f'hil ll lr" n O'~ ht YOII !';; got 0111' :lxln/: S \'8 1('11I lInrll'1' clrcllmstanc s nnd we h Ill' (' nnl ' (110 · I~ro ph .V. lC'llll,\' 1I1111' u ltoli\' e, Ill" K Ir ' 1 hit. va writ·teo t h e ('hief of Ordlo · (lrace Turner, Rut.h M , ao\te'·t lind o ld llUd nude r . s lnnli ally nil fI' ll \I rrom Ihol \l ,I )" t c!1 ti ll in t h n 1l\,!4rclU l. Prill ,illfl fi IInCl.', Hnd hllve reoo~lIuended to his Florence Mvert< . Mrs OUll d W~I w oll k n o w n lind 0 l\.IND ~ Ibis . In t hl' 11\ an,lnlt' 111111"''''''' MI" a.lIl lln g thllll' po l~ n to Is lInio Ii hi , The B enbrook porntio ns h/lVl' CO!l1 IlIl n ' · xl ~ I,' n ~ .. , III ('IIIlK of I'h nlllllllti m . Wont tll ' fll. (I r .. ble coo's idt'rllt,it)n and a otio n 80hool has the di tinQtion of bein· f r6q\H!Ilt v'sltor ill lit h ' ,lI le of MI '8 d nil ",h ilt Is I' Itll y • .\'!II,\ m IH~ f( I " II r. I nt~ tim is ~o h& Tt'It' p li nn o in his unn sn wh ero I and nr c Sil l! I your application . Wishiog .vo n one of the few ohools in Oh io Hl ?\Jolli e Bi s phll m, befo l.· h '\" UUI rrill ~o a ;, r "ll t.n s l ~ . III )' 111'(' fl ~ t ~ ~ II pi CI" .'lelll1 d " ut r"lJw el up "llI t ~ ln'\l g t,b 6Tb ca.n hI' l'11111'11 o t ·111 h i Ul';I , lin:> ' J tlncc_ in your endeft.vor, I IlID very bll\"e a woman superin tendent. Mi s uud WllS h tllCl ill higll toem Il!1 lfll'nl. 'l'h o Il,SS s ~m nt Ilf II I'illlmnd Is tit! 10 ~ tlln!l thl' udd pu OhlllJ glIll h~ lIi gllt. ' troly -yours, wnlle by (h e I:nll nl . and llol·s. Th e r Frances Morfls is tbe I:;upe rintend, who kne w b r . t ( 1!\]IC' rutt\ff'. dAtup \v ~ lIlhUl\ Ilt • M. R. DENVER." 'ou cb,,!! l\uLl c hlLlr;; !< \l~ltJlt d , Is no flit mil t uodl'r III.. III\\, to g~t nl fll ~ r 1I (I l) f tllkilll! ~t h," g IU:\;l1 ti " 0,.. Mr . 0 04d~ is ul so wil l kn o wn 118 ent and hilS prov 3n b e l' e lf IUOBt t'fIll m od us n Ullit. a~ 1\ com,,1 Ie II I' 1"1 l1ll t mclliulUo~ wlt lOh d e ve ll ti HII\, !' C utly III"vt1<l to 1'1) ' lIl l h Tbeqaestionot plwing the memo· capable and e/lioient in that po ilio n f\ Jlr Ol; re~;'· uml u p t Q tluts hUl!i . Ih ln'l; : Ihrrl' Is no n!ll'1II111 In mNI Kll P on llit n il I for t f'\.oI!lt> dlr.v ~ nl 11 , t tn e r a s Bro, . Nltn Miami Ceme\ery will be 000· and Bellbrook ij.nder her direction 1I0!!S mnn . lis enrnln g r npaclty: 1\(1 n \l'n ttt 10 11'0 ' t H, \\l Iv o nld re {lll\lll nd Il , MAIN Tlt E t::'l . WAY' , YILLI' sldered at the meeting of tue Jot bas one of the be ' t ' 1100 0.018 In this get at 1Is Sllll'k 111111 I\nnll " tl llI : no ' iUl pl ~ pr o ript.\ h u wblllh (1/111 bo allUOll '~ Lust r o-Finis h.. I ~~~r"!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!~-.~ l'U<'ml"t 10 \. I\r ll lis !1'IIn "h IKr at nl!. Ii I\ .. d lit, lillY (\rll • !<tf,:e ( t is t1" rUl o~nerB of the Cemetery the first vIcinity . HeflQtlf n l IlQll dt1rtlbl e. s dOli li l'r ~ Itheurn~li(1 PIt~ll"' - 'rlt ~hlll<' 18 lrllC nr I'tl"l "'1 rnllwo)"R, lo ws : Fl nifl 1 ~()I lr'l ' xtffl ()t ArOIflIl · .Kond8 y tn ' J u,ne .F or this reasoo SPRIl/OnOIlO. flOOr!! and ot h e r w oocil WOl'\>. " Mllde 1 sntj'dTlltl ",i t'b r h OlllllU t,i~1U fU I' gas cOIllpanl ' 5 and nll fl'un 'his c pr· t io, lmlf Oll n e!, ;I; o n "olrat 11 Bllrkt\lli - aU 1 )t ownen are requested to atporn llolls. C' lIl)Jo ll\l\l, (lilt' 'I \moe ; Ji' lnit1 Ext~r prlDgboro the Com· to wlIlk 00 . " The onl y wily t o pro · ovor tw " yell.I'. , ·, <!ny~ Mr . H IlIllTltl tend tbe meeting, other important , Over at I n 111:11\1' ol h f' r " 1 !_I C:~ . Jlfl lh nhl r 1\ ,007.1\1\ Pri kl\' J\ .. I, A. rk , blllf II. d rll clm\ ~ ' urry, U plltro lnltlo , of K ey W ~1. or 1U t ('cn . t he hln Jllt ' t h" f\ (I( \'nl lJ tll Jr,: bU8lne811 i8 al80 to be ooll8lder'e d at mencement promlseilO be of spec~l P rly finish (\, 11 oor . tie the fltllsh t\: rOlllll ti O 1<1 ' :1: 11'. focr Otlll' ~ Mix. ~ltl. "'nnlf>tit,Il " it settl ed iu Ill y m~ rt-' l y ihfJ p)'l YliIrAI ' Ir" l lf 1-1)' ,." " b~f\on Interest, 1111 It will be held on Memo· "ct 8 11111))1 68 fit ,J. E . J Il nn .y's. tbe same time. I kn e SltOn ItlUi <1 III s L conlc\ hll r d · I\bt\l1d nrrl ( ~r \\11 m ' t,c R(\I\Pl.l lh- t'P k e n ~ h e . o m ~ l'l'l1t" \lI~ III Il: thl'r tb\lroll~ll rial DRy . There ar~ f our rneml)er s - -- -- Iy walk, nt oth r t iDIes It w ou ld bo or 9 !1 the t ra nc-hl ,~\A X , ' I'h ~ ffl t lI"9 t t (l! Iy IIni.! 1111(0 (lIl lI t, lI t! l' oo tif u l thr"':' I i u m y fe t lin d hunlls ' u I WIlS 11\. COmme "(!\J t'lo ml"h,!;tnn fI1 rt k" u r"l'Iflrt ot tln\(" 11 .Itl ,\' afte f Illt'·,)s, und lit bellThis in t he olass ! O hester D.' Crockett iUl e. hilClre ll , ,l 18 IDurt r tn o u a , p ao itllt for uuty . Dne ni g h t t he "' IHuun t vi t n-Xt-/i f1H hl h y (tHO rn llrC»\..t ' and MIsBes Estelle Ir iu, Ellon f wheu T "It!! i n ~e e r e l'~iu nuu 111 111. In t he l·nll l' d at ll ll·., tl\d \Hl lflJ:' (''( t''b'' , hil l! t.!'II .; p ,u' nf t\\ tht e tim e ILUI~y , I Boyles and laro. Weloh . As 1 IttL \' 1101<1 my nrm , . WI f'r om ir. my wif we n t to th UI'UI: II ~ U" ~. r~f\1 ~Ht ll~, \' nn)' 10. '''hlt'h \ho )" II f~ r flIftlll l\ Till, 1111'\11 prl.t! nptlo n 'pn y , F rom the r f" n o rt f'( l !!t'l ll. wh1 c h t Il 'ell at Jmhlio anct,lon lit m y t ~I- , s t o r e bore lIvd OUI1HJ b ck wit · 1\ C \l nd I n ~ tI ~ 1l ~ 8 of fl ll\\\',,)·' . 110 110 10 . IlfI\I II ~h r p h Id !Jeel it !4l1rv el< t() Our good Democratlo· trlend!! of NO ' omlmN It!lRlN'r. t Olllue h /Inti ho w",l!' lIot,tle of 'bnrube rhtin Pai n Bul l1l . i t npport r s t hUl th~ h \ th U ~' ft nr 'l1n)l s"'" r eg nillto tit tl nce i n Bel)b r ook, . the Le/Janoo PVriotmust have -' ' - . 1 wn~ ru bb (\ wit, I It un I fo und ch m;OU8, (or in s l n nnl, Oil,)' f. 1.<1~ pQr ~ti m(\llI tfl" I h nOl lor. \If kidu ys lid dream~ a geoul. pipe dream last In "everal nelghbo~!ng towns tbe~ ::;ATURDAY, MA X ll. lO O;:, Ili.lriii ~ Iho I h'''11. ~y It" 11 0M on tl\~ pu iu hurl neurly I'p n o\,1ring the mllc or ~ ' II~It' h 'H k : I"t! ' .l\ltTl ' IH CUI , auk but tiywa" Cbe'" set every' wltl be no Kr!lduntmg o lasses thIS Ib e h ll w 1!4 lind kidu ,V" it 1\1~n"es lit 1l ,~ f;O ; Rhotl. 1la ll(I, $1. .1 ,: \l1" l tl l" of ht. I k ept 01\ n S1U '" 10 fOr ' l 1it.t·1 nI g at 12.:10, th e f()I1 () ,~'jng 111'111 arty : :l W, Il , J" . T . 1 d ' ' L tl polltlolan In tbe' Oounty to talking, ~ear. his Ino ~l e~ o.r WlD , y , C OI" (" l>I,, . $I , 3 1~ : a 11 (1 ( :-I e'" .I N'~")' . r llp i(\ e lltulnlltt on of /Ill the \ \'lI!\ .... good ge ne I'I11\)uq)0"e b o r 'e!', a mil rh more t. huD t w o WE'E' kR I\nll f JlIlitl wl i<' r" nut ~ n t ll'e , ,. totl ~ l,,'I rn'U! .h) h' or · p r (lI!twl. o f. t,b b 'ly, I;>'bl h l~ r l> tb .. t It d rov tb rhe nlllllt it!!lIIlWU\- , by publuihing a liBt of patriOts will- Ure~onla and Klu~ s MIIIII. cow, good brood o w , will flln o w i ll 1 'hlj ve n o t, had fljl Y t r u u ble fn tn g t\ ol'&t"c.1 It, c. mO \' l"1nrnt (0 1' {n"<Htlon pt m o l' €' UI\lll ll r O I1 ~ iu t\}.l r in time thll.t~ log t() ·. orlfice. ~be~lI8lvea on tbe Juoe ; a fine lot uf obioken~ I o n t i nt dl cnse for live r tohr e Ulool II ' tnllw llS5- 1t hAS b.~" ql" IIIf'Ml IUI(l<lrtnll l II t 1111 \' "ther s ~un . AI! Il gonel'lll l£lau e I n thplr )lOU al"R fo r t\\'o or lll~e totUlI 1I01I:h10 0il vuriHf' rit is m;E'qtlltll atser of their country and bold a • • A N G,.l.l. ; r~. . • hive 01 b ~; njijO fll.rm implem nt ~, F . r 8u le by J . E ' J olpney yeArs- nnd . 90 (ur, aM 1 k ilt., \\,,, nohf.'l(:1' "(\. LJ I' UH" I'~ H Kt1mund :Flood, Ib l!l good Oounty office. oon sis tln g of (,;0 d l\l.o Oorm ick blnt! Qu('suon s but "'h o t ti ll· rH" \\'t\ )' ~ he r e RIDG~W ILLE, OHLtJ r.. m on . Ubi ' I 'I) ~ U ll'Jl a'Il"!l un then n r c v<' n' lo\\'l~' t fl ~ r d hu t tn X ll \ \ ' .rf'rftP Some 01 tbe gentlemen wOO88 e r, 2 h or~e wugon, break in g pl owUr. John Hyatt; lh y. M ' 1 ~ . 011 PCI' ",lie 11 1I~le \t lU l\( : mutltllll I1! Hl k do y rroubl' , i~ 1l1ltb SPIWIAL'l'IES: DISt1ABEl! OF \\'0 lEN 60· t o(lth hllrro w , I h or se bnrro \\, w h UI;" In hlo, on \t\P othe r IUII II ' , the to· o rlty fo r ' 111 namea are down would be pleased ~ tlltb1Yl(,lnt t,blt" t,bi~ ' t e rinary S ur~ on and D nti s tr tnl tnx on Iho rnllwlI)'1J l~ $~ i .. ~ ~. r m il pr ~o rtp·i ('1Il I!i\ no (Itmost oort·ain to accept the offloe8 should an an· AND OBlLDREIoI, n e w \DOWel'. 2 h o t I' ou lt i Yutor. t o 31 nl;Io truc k . I cU l e fo r 111 1 furm k! If I'benma,ltlUl. xioul publio 'Oloe a place upou them "!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~~~~~!!!~~~ bn' 'co o nlti vntor. ~et· double hil t . 111l1'e Th~ p ••• l1n la l Valua llon of P rope rly . ki dn oy I\od blndder t rouhl . B A tl l t! pr... a~ fl l t! 1 I !oI~ ('Jr~ rilo J bnt otbere on tbe liet lIoiemnly apd Always Tblo Hllnnll.'s (;ireen Seal plows , doulJl e all o y J,l p lIlW, go od ~. ,'\ t , HOJl1 tl nl·Ul'l.I!\y A1"te l'noon. proJ1ftrly OIlC'! ,"C1'Y t PtI Y"'!\rH 11 ift ., ,,,- o"e . it "'lUI s t U.'Colu ~ivel y in hi unqualifiedly ' Illlege that t~ey have P a int · with puro linseell o il for 1111 bors t' s led, cnttl ng ho " spl'i!l !l Wil t-: " flfled by 10('ILI nlH ) rtl ho\" r ~ t J'\4' h ' ll (ro m pr l va te prllotio lind we are plell ad \.tcry w n rd ntld tnw l1sht l'. rn "ll 1" .n Aur .. ~u b f),hl 10 1;(1 ve ij ro our rtmd rt< Waynesville, OhiQ. nevere.8ntbonghtotboldinf( o t ftce . outside . work , This 'P ldllt ill of 00, w ork l\ uro ess, t'lltrrluge lIoll I)u " vl\'Rl from Ih., timE' " ht' n lh'~ W :CJ An with hiR p lI rllllssioll- Any drnggh't hovels, A.nyway up In thlo end of the h eavy' body IIl\d need t·hinning. gy hlLrtl S , iron t;;ettl es, a grtC\l llU f fl l luntl' : Ih W\"o w"r" fl O Fft\nt ro ilie St nnd 1\ W I\K r' r(\ ltnhl ~r jolllh ",wn O nlJy 1~lI n tilllhe )JI)rtlorli hon tit u n'om ~ 'Otlun"y people don 't want to Ullli It ~bUB becom es m :>r e !loonomi cl\l fork , 1'1,\; e ; Ills uH my h o u:eh o lll j11l,t, In ro.; " w Yor k _ H nd !\fll II \' of t ho 1011 1 OOl!t o r you IlIAy obt.ttln I qe l ll. po1l\1oe now. What with the spring for .the oon tlm el' . Sliid by ,J . E . good~. eUll;s i"tlng o f t Ol'es , t llbl . ~, flrltll~~. l n~ t n,l nr !l tuCI' """ ln j.! l ~ln tl ti{1 1m .. 6rredil'nts l\l1d mix them. at h Ollie. Ilro\·rment ~ f, \' pr~' l" U 'unt"', ril(lY :ltl! :\.'Plowing, a.nd bulldlng Dew to';Vn- .,anney. T Ohlli l''', dishes, oor'p e t l!, bed room SOfHJ(ld overy -eur, Itl l Lhl j fffd nil ~ c n tt. 1 2 Ilbiph011ll8 and bolding bargain days km)"" lhey n SSCR, "t It· ft ll( i" In ve ry ~1fTDNI s uitE'!', lin 014 ell rry 1:.u r il tl, p ic.'lO YAA r s. '\' o H ." 'i' ·~ I'l ll" I' 1n t)\'f~ry every Saturday and ~titill: the Itlt loU llin "" t ur s. ob l1rns, WII. bip 7 Ki dney lrl,uhh: [lre"s "1)Qn til<' mind, t &'n !o'(\!lrS, \t lhfl IUS l ~('~:4I(ln of t h e Gurl.d of Rheumtlti slll . flf n nu m ... world at baseball nnd other equally ctLn rled fruit. or ~k ver y thlU g (li!lcournxcsnwi h!s."O lls nmh l tit~n : b Cllu ty , f\ ~('. 01hl y I tl~k "'d t l1n nurlhn1'8 l 1 r o f r, O\1 l\t l Jot ' nltt In t)tn ·" f'ePn rn. MI . WiJlill~ Benry of Chatta ;:;-oQ. us din gon e rul ho n; e keapiog. ~. ~tS-1 . \'ig'()r u n d Cllc orful· hl \oll 1mptldant things too numerouS to of 'I b ill It ' llllH with Ihl . ""~M tlnn: W . 11, MOOI(l~, He celver. !(!L '1'enn, , hnd rh eumatl m In bls C.' ;1 -tlc SS H Von ,\i Z>tlppcnr n.ill r r" '" 'whn h "\'f:\r 's~'r ll (\ ', flr f'oun t y mention we will 'r:est from the seetb' ' Ofl T M ' HII A Y . wI t '1\ lli p klllrH' \~s nr e ' ~II.f ('!~TIl e th r v tt"ld t llfO' !oI 1l1ll f" ~ 1(Jry, th,H left urm , , "The strength earned to ing whir.1 of politl08 for another sea· have gone out of th e musole!:! ~o E. W. H pkin~, Ole rk . !MIlID.!IA~I-- ~ (l1ll of "n il r r dis- th. I... l nl' rr" I.~ m~ 1I1 nt I ~"O ,.oe mo s l l'IME C . ~RD ,,,,,e.I, . un .1' 1:11 . T h ..·)' told of nrn l,l (> ru~ O f1 OPPO· SOD confident that when tbe IlppOiDt. that it Wll8 u sel efls for work," h e 4- A . f oNelll, l111.cti o n )" fill '" ~l\l (l ~ flf Ih,. ~lI m (! flitn,pt UIIIHP ,,--.. ~d nt has I' ld ncy 1rt)1l1,lc l·ur l " I~ TIV E: Mt\ OH a i , 18111 ,-ad 'ItUBe. sha:lI a",ive ' no dl ffioulty says :, "I ~ ppliel1 CblLwberlllln '~ b 'C0111 .. ~ prt"vtlh:nl J(1 S''''' ('Mil "ntl fin " " ., n r tUn pe r N :'nt or /'lOW!'£! UO U ND li s \'/1 111(' n u t li' n ~~('ar4: I ~ AN f).( l M will be' found In Wling all , offices Pl1in Balm anlt wrupp ell tb (l III'Ul 10 ~~~~!I\~~M. 111 l1 \ it i ~ I\' JL 1111,' Ill- ...n Cln~lI <' nl1~ I~)I" l lr Opf' r ty wh ll'h 1 o.n ngh :cUll UII.li6 bonsE' p .tin t in g rl ops No. It, No, r.o flannel lit nigbt. ann to my r e li of 1 , \.> llIUII fur IV dli l,1 to he nil 111 ,':d u ~ o!' r"l'illl~' " 8 (IUUlt! (\/ th e within 1he gift of the- dear people. found t,hllt th e. pttin ,g rndllllll r lr'ft, no t (Ie w ud'u\,o n bn.viug tbe Cbellj). l" M. hom n In il·ted \I i lh 'prnpol't)' 111 Ohio I.~. \\'~ 'I'...... If 1 recol. .\. M. me i\nd the etren g th r e turoell . In fis t l.mmt witho nt r egord t o qnality , l.'be p&ulot II8oY8: ,, 'uk l, i,llIc b, lilhe It'C' t r iJ.::l u1 \', 66 (,."Of.t or <, lIf f' lit. \\-~ prob. L obnuon J c . Ar CO 11 011 h" r. 6 18 ch ild " rillote'looofu': lI , iflhe IInllt: Fl"rdtls :11)1.,\' hn\'H ,"orr. hl JC 1owlI ~ thft ll any jhalt' r CT -: :,~ Altbongh the primary for the tjJree weeks the rheumati sm boo Th e r e III' ~o m o (luin t,q wblch C08 t lh . 1I ~, h . "1' If . \\ h ,' l1 th e d ll il l rend l ' 1'1111 liH) t n In l lll) t ~ ll l l') n! r nll,::l ng r,'om hn lt n losly n t 7 ~Jl ,,\ , 3 1 I ~ I :~ disappeared ~nd !Jas n ot s in ce ,re nomiqation' of ' COUll.t'1 Ofticel8 does fiO ,n(\(l. Tn t h Nh l hlg pl tl ('~ turued," If trollbl e,1 ",It.h rh pllnllL. l (l~e t.!mn · ' 1:I ,!n na '!I (jreeu t:lolll," "lie Wil Cll it sh nlllol 10.: 'lb lt: LII C III ml lh .; mtl Uf'1I 'I o wn 104 8 . (.011 ~ ., nJ't take place flIt . oDe year from ti m try t1 few ,lJpjiontiQos Qf Puin bnr. t,h y ur e m ore ' e xpen lye in th e pa c:~ :t f.;c. it is y t"t ".mi et\fd \\ tlil. b etl · ,\'.:L· Ju,nrl vI,lur N hlll\8'1" v('n~ Nl I'lr,lI y: ~nd ye, U '1UI)" tca.d 14(1 f! I)U \lllllnr "Ill' In WR loday tlwr I III' 1Il ~l ll1B \,ent nlll 7 olO 1I \l ~, ,!t;! p~ll fl U p t') l1 Il, I h ~ <'I1(\ :;" ,A t ht' ,h llinext September, ,he 'following gen . You . . d by wht('h Inn tl cnn b " J;o lier\ ("tt L t he tax M:\nn r t 7;l!.! ' ) :12 i4 fi~ fnn . o ld hy J. E ,J unn e.y . c ult \' ih kidl1 e\' tf'(Hl hh~ , :llld' lll C! first t-,lth 7 ~7 ~ . ~7 ~ ~i W HClt It all'or !I. tltmen are willing to be Ill i cussed with _ _ _ _ ___ H"I ; " \I 'JI1Id he i ownrol " !I ',I: .1I·~II\III C Il\ of <1l1pll " ll e. . e bv .J . ~~ . 11l\Jn ~.)'. Hom~ Fiul. 'n TaxatIon. I~lh( wnOl\ ~l 2~ ;L J 2 ~ 4 H . " . l lll" C 11 II 1" II·t ,U IU Il')(:111'. 'J 11l ~ Illlplca 'II nt untU.. that time If they shall receive Fo S'lsm~ y (\nr~ n gQ lh prt ' ,,:ns Mu hmlUf'll to ,,'c nnbl,'" '+; ~O :a .. :w ;'4 4U I t rllll ),hi i ~ 11 11' to .l lI i;,cU,t"1 ' IJlld ili Oll vf I nsure Against Aceltbe ~v~ted' plums. ' , \'ot'l'R ot tht s . 9 l A,t C 11 c nl1 s tl~l1 tiorlO.I 1,1t.CbuOI' / _ l ~ : 10' 18 ,:;.. ;IM '. dents alld III H !th ' li l,, '.ld ,It Il·)'~ ,'111<1 1,1."loIe r lI no! Illlt It, .. I!thU1 li.Hhm' h t whh'h ~xO I11PlNl fteo u r ttl c fII of , 8tate Senator, Mayor Cunningham , ea. }"d 'll .I1>; 111(,,-\ pcr,plc '>" lIfJ"se. r OHlft l11R 1'11111 r 'tl f's rrC) T)I l:\)~t d lf) r' , ,At tho n[ld rl~ 7 JtI n o 10 • an The AIHOll Life IIl!H11'1l n ee '0. wi ll \\:""1C'1I ":~ " c.~ I . :1S llICII I':~ 1l 1.,,(le 11Ii~ct- rl1 ~ t ~t' ~~ lon o r t h e nlUt~l1 lhly n .'c~nl\.1tlon r....olund ha. oppOsition aB yet for the -+ .. On t\, 0 0 .. 20 i8SIlO you /l \It li cy hy \vhi cll YOIl wi ll "ble \'.Illl k lllllc) . " 1101 hl 'll.l er \rIJllhlc , Warren cOUllty endorsemflnt. .. :!U " ' ,,1111 I"'l h IW{'1i lhe .1I11lC KI'eu\ r"' lIcoIy. ~::~~ 1\\~roll:~ C~~rl~~.. r rHl~n:ll~~fH~~n,8~~~llt~~ L t:bIlItOn- I ", . i 00 )f. ~ Or, r~c IV ~ n !/til t e d sum pa r ,.'k iu , :j' llc lllilo! 1I 1,j I h in(\lI ed Hlt ~ err: ' t .of ~""'Q I l i,,~ Ih" 0hlo Stot n .ard of Com' 1·1 &. U D~ . 'I' r: II . I) Rep~Dta,ive-Boil . W Z . .Ro II III c e of Il coillent 0\' ~iC!knp~s Fo l' WQ!IlI,· Root j,; soo !l l'l'111" .l'd ., It 1~ "lld III l' l! llsd n rN~(;)1\1 11 II whl",h t t w ns uz:g- (Jayton r. nl\ H '.. A . PauTy, L . C. WIl,kers;)n, I ' '" lng, J11'('1 vhllng rot' ~OmP ,m rt (lr clas-'iltlcR.. h ' t lrtl~~ ir,t c;. ;n fi ft \' ~ 1) .1.: X ' I' U &X T tlon 01 \lrcJp n )·. RO t h n t It ~" oll hl bo I)OS' S. Loer, Jllmts McClellan, J. p . t l0u\tlrf;' (1fl Fr tl H Shp l' \\ onll ('Il l ';11 <1 ·',I1 " .,1n\1 " r EXCURSIONS . H au ,I (1~1 $1blf' tor to , In nfl . lh (\y r10 In 'PNmsyl . 1 AgelOt. /I e hill I .~. You ilia ', ' Mulford a'nd F. MarloD Ba!lliit . '~a nr:l. wlH,' ro i hP), PUt flfto rROIln l proport:y Jamestow,n Exposition f)1'I'1"" UN" ~ ha r e n s'"ll p1c bolll;" 1111 ,110 llu (lll rn.t !l l 4 1II1l1 ~, nnd l .thlnk A , ,,, Natfolk, Va. . Fot AQditor-~. A. Stilwell, 1'. M. Good \V llnli' fo·r. 'hllruhe rl llin '. by 11Ia il fre ',. ,,1:;( II TI omoo IS..,,,,,p>Rorlt. th e.y t;cl OR big" r V ~ 1It1 nt 4 mIll. os L Cll\l C 01111), unOI No ve mber ~O No t!.' No no Mounts, T. 0 , Plltter8<ln, Ed S 'We' flo II t 2~. . CllIl" h R'l)lI'fl . p ll!lI phlc l t"nUll;(!lll a bo\lt :,h"u l1 p.RQO~, [..,ow Fare oach ~:xc u r~t l)f) cvar y· 'l' l\Osda }' I ",,,rk(lrl ovnr t,h a.t m rnfll\ re with "ome U:'110n : r, or, 11.1; \) P 1 ~ . :v I I1 O'1 ud lllg 11Ift ll )' "flh th lltum l' llsof tcsut'holoe of it " IlmOOr of uuruol1yu r out Ii , lin, Barmen Dakin, A. D" x 'J' MOU : :10 nop eve r., wh" lr " t u lr n \ll a tl H ll'p 11111111 .. 1 h:lt~ rs ,rec·i,'cd . f rul\l $llfTc rcr~ mem herH of thf'l tJonfltf' IU!lt _.w lnt r a n (t ' DoVton ; .i all , tln . lI~· ,'rMlei! a ~ uh'Hltutc t o Ih e tnx 3, O. Cartwright, H :10 1 tA!l I,lfyi n g to t,hu go(,"d 'lullli t' l n~ l'lll'ce\' 111 wridu ){ Dr . Klllller . ' ·Co ., cIa"." of tho consl!tlllon, ,\l'lI cl KII, Sec- ' r.. 6ba nou ,10, a aU ij fit" Mal' ; W 1& .. G~ rman Uapll"~ Llrc,hr ' II Proseouting Attorney.'!J'Jllll mrl ll in'!< 1.)(1 111; Ii , Hf' m ed .Y. , 1I i l\g~ulll1lol\ , . .' V., be su re 1I 11(11)1~ ll iion ' tl nn 2, '1\'h ln h n lblR to th f ~(>l' tl o n aR ' It r. J)i\ ,l une 10 LO 11 - 1:: 1""tl c Me,ll cal A<s' n MrR. W,lwll f(1 I'hl1i[JH of .BllruillY th i. par}er , !JO. I ' t 1\lIIk' UIl)' m istn ke , .l<IRl od III' to til ' lime 01 Ih p Itl ~ ( nmN,i1 ~ Mf •.~ 61 Young. L : K . Langdon, " o("~l golnlll: oue ' routc. r CL-Urlllllg a not-hf' .· , ~ en t: p rn vltI ,Ql' lo'r toen 1 (lpt Ion . ll,l n v eft 1 . . wril l1!1 : , .j \Vi,,1l rn tl'll r l '\1 ·I.llot. !Jil l r~l l1cJll hcr lhe 1!llme, "'fimp.Root , C O:j a u:l th e Clon F\l!utlon n1 fll' o vhdQn ju pt t ny It Is Brown and Wi\ltu:d J. W lin . r p I' rnmf'n,l "h ILl n i1rJ rluin '" I Dr. J.: i IIll~r 's Swftlllp.R?O\, .ond lhe !lu, "t t h ~ PN'tI ,)t ttme : bllt l ulf1 ~ t he JJfo\' IR() Co'lumbus, Ohio. , 1t ~ 49 K \I Sh~l1iff-Frank P Fo M.Il.,,· 13, 14 , Jr.. l UI H-, 2 0, 2 L· , pn$ lJl.t.crlUU I o Il ~ h R elll l'dr 10iy litt,hll~irl, 'ut-h 'l dr~ ~s, 131ngh!llflt 11 , :-<. '\:., 011 eyery l\lnt elrrlors of tIny cnlln\)' " "I)' ol lls.lry , ' (,T -010 :1 II' G inorn} .A ssembly , propel't.}' n nd t A X It u t14lJoh n l'1\1n n. Brant, ·B . B . Anderlk.D, e J e l who is I,WO V~lrH old hU B oBfln bOll Ie. 1/ O. a ~:I II .!!II thn ~. may fk:! fit Q~ (!oXtllll pl ' I t f ,'nm t n~'U', ... ttl int.( th is r OlU Pcl whud " e r h e I -" Atlantic City, N. IIOIi I&be.r, Elmer Smith, .J am ~ 2tJ Itlon n.ltngt'lhe1\ 'rh A l'urpos(' or 1l1n.t I. '02U May In t o ,T u ne 3"'I\to l rlcan l\fe ~\I c,, 1 ,\ Iottt'n tD "he nnQh count y ahfl:n!'o t,'t .r.~ ntrnl f')V'm" l1 11 all sao er, anO A, M. 8fOWD. II bllllll (' 0111 s in e h e \Vus two :11.1 luoU"n. to give th Am full anthol; l), to II 10 :\., WI fa ;I~ Spokane Seattle ! m IfhR nht A 1.)(1 11 t It o lOlIth IIgo 1 do "itll It 0" Ihey will, to '. cmpt Au eh Reoorder-Joel&b 801b a a. .. Julle :n to Ju prnllcr( y as hry MC"f' 111: Iq,d w'ol'k out 1\)" .0 a'l 00 t,rll cto() II drelllUllJ enId m ,v self, I: Dunbam and D. B. Welt July i to ........._ _ . the local qU.l<Unn_ nnrl rnll.,·. th~ leR1~ ­ b 1 t ook Uhnmberll\ in 's Couqb r '11 ~ a t:H~ 16~)! Inture . If th~ COIIIl\I~" bcll."~ th~)" cnn CommIHI.o ner- Bert ed, J .oe 1_ "aOllh Arrt"u I) ao ;\ ~o (J ;,0 R(ltJlert.v Itnt! W lS soon f\S well rec'lu~e the r I e of Inl pr eJlllt LlH'l' l nLY on Philadelphia ever." 'rhL ~'eml~dy is for Rale by Watkin', Fred ' 8lmpeoQ, J. W . · U~lIy noeJlI SOl'I1., S~op On shrn ..1 mnrllfnge. b)' ....1mpthlJ( the m. th o), emn ,lu ly .12. 1!1 :I1ll1 14 ,,·S. P. O. E no· It: If thny wlAh to In" Ihem R' 4' mill_ ,1. E ,) nnn y . UI'II>.\' " 1"'1<8, 'ruCKer. O. J. Edwards. Jobn Oas. 'hey CAn <10 ·It: If tll ~Y Mlleve they ~'n 1'raln8 pa ~. t"vlIe u folio,," : key • .1~hn Bawke , J, M.. Ke.ver, O. WJnbou AIRe mlJh'\ Mav JO W SepW lllbt.' 1 ,1 1.1 r~nch Ilcl'llo' I prOI'~ " tY 1I~' plnrll1!\, It nn ; 4.11. m. /)27p. IUo Order your ml~g;lllzllnelS anrt nIIW'l · tbe tfoX dUpliCAte at 4 mill_ or 3 milia or Norlbbountl 8. Billint, Jam81 Kitohell. · ,rank' I"or tull partl ul"-rl' con"t,1l IIny tale lb~7 . eeo fll, lhry ~Qn 110 It b, SoulblloUD(1 U Ola. m 7 28p. ta naperB t,hrongh Gazet.te ol1lce. U. 1\1. JIOOTR•. Tlpkllt Al1eat. \\'''I'nc" 11 10. ,I wbrulttJn, tb, matter to lhelr own esD, Mlller. A. D. l!Imitb and "orrie W. Ill. MOORE, We will 8flveyoul[m,one,y tora. Uen~l'AlPAsle.1' Ale!ll,~ebanoa , O . 8D00k, It




/ 100-






1, ,







I':;"'" r'l1'





1'0!\11 ~, k~rn)lhs. 1·' I,hnlll·~, "'XI'!'l'~"







C, Dodd's of

Rrl' \,,1\..8 E:\lI3

Ji'UR.r !'fU RE OF, }·\..I.JL

I'-a I


Public Sale,


An Early Forecast.

,[ '11 l'1 l




"'1. D



8ue,'I). 8\1 'eO llnd lnMo81~ kl'ng towards ~ h1 8 , tlad Inyad'ld' th e 1..../ a:od rollc . ~tul'n ,to the l city <ann), of Israel befl oderl.'U tbol\e 11\ n ' \lrreqdor to be sl! wbleb (al lowed b'nc In AI. . R lentlessl


dt,y. for any wbQ I ... ho had 8U gestt

bad thorn excollt tlq\lar,e , as 'an xa l th.e eftr, for satd h, "AI Is rond o IV e : (lnee. . Dealh' to R .; Core Israel or Ii God! Oll r gOds ' 1 ~~ will serve tbeIt ~nd 89 the clny ~ • ~!:Ilt ot T8rael had d,ys 'j I,D .AI, for 'I' 1I..1I0S9 wbo bud 11\ -I(I11If\leas;ure, the \\'h t up w al1 man· t he sta word ~ Is ,; nter .lh \'Rll e , -and:· were nla kl ng tI vfe'l' {'It t h cll \'. Itlng WGnt 'out a~(1 I the walls 'tit wa,fcbod tIie Uttlo I slUOD i>oo'uro for 'th(


80m!) ot JI18 offi ci

thl»" go oui at once '\IPf.l~ r . the coyer of ,th l'amp, but the

fO:~~~, f!~YII:~e d;

Jlee au d


mkny 1\\ 01.\. tiiC)rr(lW early ''''0 ' 4 str'o)' the m . . NOIII So U '1'1'11.1; tbat 01 . tb king and wi or everY man IVllS 'Ill.t:r of i(l.lllng · IIJ)O 1181100 fortb (rom I , ' ndOa Up OD the lit lIr.. th "ollc b olow. ''Wo' ",III Illl rSII "'be~ ~lH)h' w

.lle&lllJ;lcd," tb~ ::);·,~.lIoIaItlrIl1lT. , !'We 11'

Telephone No. 121 or. ;


Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble.


tOANO. _____ A1m CaNCINNATl







__ . _____

Los Angeles, Cal.








UN ER'AL· 0 IRE GTOR, uS 'Telephona O'ay or N'Ig. ht '

Winona Lake, Ind.

tooal No. 7 Long Distance No. 69-3r

. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Office, Hlrv8Vsburg, O.



a. I. '.




lit oae IDe1& tn tile . . .. 1IIlillaiu over a JII, Into be bay, wberll he ..... u two of hi' men came him aDd carrllld him UlO real' to tbe halIalthruln All to the CltL)· • I\~ he wus pretty near· th y got hJm 0111 of' the' H hus bls watch Bnd

___ ..or- - -........- -__.................... -_..................•.....--iioii-·_._-.?"!'!!!! .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;o;;;;;.......- - o:;;-_-_--------~~""","----~--~ ." 'from t,ho d f uelnnt. 1'he tlillu uf th lleremI'ln l r01l1 estllte WlI 1I p . provetl . Th t,M e un ted to $2,7!l4 .HO. 'l;be wtlli 00 t~ al li coun· ael- re wer;o $6L·1 ·11l. RI~lph Mlobel wu uwardild i:J01.tHj i Mlthllia S. :rull, *237.12; Ambrose T . DOtLrth, ria .72 : Bulc1rh Blrlok· \mrD, !i:l 72 i ROBS P . . Lookwood onel Hope D. L akwu od, llGIJ. 31I Olloh.

It H. l-'11I' ks 'VIlK npp ninl.en Itt! lll inillt.I·IILtIl' n f t,hl ' OH !II t!. 0 1' ( :r" lglI: tun WnIlOH : h\H h uud wal' fixerl lit 1,01l0 '


Philip FILitlPH ',.0 H"nr.l· Noltlfl". F.lIlnlf\ 1..01 , ;{. MIIIl I1'flI·II{It. A . 1. '1')1 1)111"> , II "'!'l"t'd . Thl' s uit i~ bl'uuj(lli Dil '111 lI.. t, I,h \' tl1ln "n n 1'il)011 or priJ) 'I1rll In l; llrlugborll. t'ha Jlltuntill' u~ . rt,. Ihllt h ll nwn ,. t,wo . I IIII' d ~"11; f' J::l "III'~' N p hl!'r OD · . tWt'lf.o . 1,'<1nnle Lung ouu I,ws llth Ilnu MIl ,gr., ]j't\ri"lI 11 11 !!ixth. )tha r

ArubelllL 'hurtz to Jollu l:Inuk et l. two lo ts iu Deerfle lu j 1. Arn old 8. MoKinuey t III to M a. lissa M o Kinney, :m ILores In Harlun town hip; I . Fran ois A . Laoa t ul to Mllry Belle l..nn , UL1Uivi(leri on e balf ill , tere tin UO ncres io F r(Ulklin town · sbip ; 1. Grant'I'horuiJuTg' to Ueor /{( W . (ini s iugar, lot in ll ; 1400 . J ohn If. BowlUun unr\. \~tfo t o

Th wi ll 01' Huth '1'. SolHmok wus' admit,t cI to pl'>lbtlle. 'vV . (j. 'l'hiJIIl P· . "O Ll \Vml n uminut u in tbe wlit na eXfl()ulor :LDIL iHll1ocellte(\ thl' lluM S ",\Vlllt;; bOlld of *:IO,OOU . 'l'll IIl e of the r eu l astute of thl! MJ\nlllJ\ll~; 1.1 EN!lli: . tlel,loll~ucI Haunuh PrlDtr- wos al" ~ pruv el} Hnd on firm ed it-he prooeeds Hu ce 111 oy, ·Iu .fll~UUIl· .• of. Bur. t:> wur e *9;'(;. vt'. YRbn r g, lind LUOIDCia. Pri 'e, .\·1, of Frank L . B . .0\\T1OI\n , 4· u re~ In HII r· heinl uJ A 1 'l'ho ll1l1l! " llIim 1111 in .., I H R I J B"rv ySl>nrg . hln town!!lujJ; 1. tereHt IJ 110 1\1 cl c!r,I<>n of the court lienry QDem n ng, enry L ' _ _ _ _~, .1 . I'n" Addlu" 'n .Hiller wure nume ll to .lobn E. Holuen, 31, Pullmu. n cou·· 1S wunl Olu 10 mil ke e Jl ol:!~o~!j'O rs iu • U "tllelr til Ie . . apprnltle thl! )Jroper t~ of J<:WI. W. li ndo I', ,)f MOl'row, omi Ahotl L. eonlmissioners' F . L flW\S, min or, preptlrllt,ol' Y to t·he WI~,;te ll , 26, of Morrow . , Proceedings. (jll r oI IDI' I:fUIl UWllY VI' ~~111l 1 ::lo· ~al e of t,h e sume . "tr OIl OO H . Ma lnmpyn , 2.1, r"I·. wuru lind D.LillY Keeve r I:lt on iL . • M ..., ~l I . TIl I' of Lebunon, and Ntlllie L . tInt In t,le tls t.utl~ o. r•.ry D . ~ U onay, '. . W . Z . Tto ll app a.r ed iu bebuH of M:lry Kee" or 'l1t her uOIltli luft *1000 ., fi ' :l6, teaoh er. of Mu son . d . tI r at Ilnu n I 11 ooun t I or 1J11tb. , t be petitlonor. ·!tuk Nixon a nd deoORse worth of ],erIiODU I prop~rty .lllll u [~ IlIill>L WlTl>TE ·rRAN8I"EIUI. , nve othe l' pJ'tl ying tllilt ItO Impr y . lot in Mil 'on, t,h e ut'femltmt unll, .WU8 file(1lly Mllry M e 'ture , udmin. TboD.ln Blong to MlIl'thll FI her. eu rUllcI b o mllu from Jl'o rt. An· .'talld,· f(>f j .- 1\\ plhintll'f l...t llg be l' beirs . 1'tl o suit I!!t·rutrlx. Fonrth nnd l1ulll IIccount WIIS 8 .:17 a c r es in Hamilto n t ow uship, ci nt !lutI LOba n on pike 11 01't.h l O lL . hi for pu ci~iou tbut th IIllIllI tiff lli t unc of ltiJout o n e mile. ' Th e puint Illl'Hll .' l'\' (!l')' may hll Vl\ Iler interus t But IIs ido for Hlet! in thl! e800te lIf Jl:lellnor 'r o11 2750. by G~olge '. ·ro ll. lid I Thomns Mill r . n.dministrlltor of rG md i" in Turtlcc roek town !'bip lI.ut! (lcoeu.sed, ber. l lito II~ t,h e will of Jllm eB F . Bennutt, t,o the impro voment" are pI'U))o. (I to Ex pltrl ,·. J oull t.bl1O Ii. ::lutinoe, ministrutor. '1'. M. Hinkle un rl J . V. B . l'flwl~" Mllry AnQ urfflce, lot ~. in 8pring. be mull onder tbe provisluns of J. Wilblll- WEllton, Morton Roueou t~i . uew g ood r Ollel lu w. Tuo potiti ol) John Phi d lps lind Ehzlibeth IillrJan exeout rH, filet! tll a six tb u 'oonn t. i u , boro ; I)oq. ' trustee", I.f the · l:)uolut.y of United the tll:!tato of George". Ilge, de I Ohudu8 'B. l .ewis to J 111;00 I, \V1l !! Ilia c don fil . ,j, t(~ ~ ~a.r.dal'(l )I:lboehuo, 2.:.11:1 lIere!! 10 Wayne to"'n (Jootrll ct w u mild witll V, .1 . Zent.. Brethran I Q Uhrist fnr the Gbarob oeused . In tb e est.uto of ,J ohu Onn ,) r, im· allip j 130. ' rhe} r for rmuodng Hud r e lll yi ng . In Harve .. burg. Tbit! is Il aulqu~ beolle, Thorn I II U. Wllloh. ~uan\illo , Flora Van B o rn, of E'l'lInklin. t u !lew I' n oel for r epllirs 0 11 tllO FO!lter petit/ou \\ :11011 tellK tlJe story Dr tbe dieinttlgl " Lion of tb e 'loly BEOt ent. red addition'll h onuln the Born L. M. Timm olls of Frunklin . part of river hridge in Doe rfillltl t ow ~ hl}J 'Lt, th e osl:im"le o f ~~1f\. :12 . in tlal·vl'.1 ~bo rg un<J. the .Ieoll;.r . of of $:1 0 nnd \VUS o rdered tu s ell tile I t. 372 in thnt villug i liDO . lind of h ls' c llllrge at pl'ivnt.e ",de t 'orn A. Imu burl mt A. . I;lrk of 'on tl'lI t wus on 'l, r erl wi lh A . B the stro! ure wher e they Illet io . Tr nlon . 0., t" B e nry G. H ell er , Sidos for Por t."lnd • meut Ill, lJlor w ... rshlp. Tbe membership de elL]l to prote(~t VOUR'r Pit ·KJ':\) INII.. t·) l ' ' j 00 0., In rnn kl 111 . Ile t pri Q ; f11so wit,1l Furr U' Whit e, olllled tUJ oI tbt) metltinll: bourle wus Will in m B. nov Bos ie RUL(g l ~ to MIL 0 11 Lnmbo>r 'o mpIlIlY, W . ('. LobilUOO Nnt.ion81 BILok V B A . ):;. finOllly 8 I ,mdou ell . Heceutly it Wll@ FJrd: I'ourt fOUlld ~~I\t tll.e . 1111el;:u, Loois N . Withllm. 140 noros io Il . Turton . Lo wi~ Brotb r s, R B. Smith unroofel \)y 1\ Iltorm. 'l'be trustees tions of t·lle plllin t.1I s petitIon ure ion to wns hip ; l. P. P M"xwoll .•1011li. MoCllrt y. lind Hanna's Green Paints are for sale by now wi" " to aeH the bnildlng lind confessed to lIe tru · by tbe !l ef"~ll Emlllillll A . VaD Bl1rlingen of Frank WILitlicr e fO lr t h same. to givtlll ,6 proceedll to tbe Uuited J. E. JANNEY. ant.• ltad t,ber ill due the pi/Ull' PIli I I 1'\ t C yrns 1\[ . E IIrn tU\r t A . I' ()b 1' I lie e 11 I II, 0 , gnw.m nt, WII l IlIU( e ~vlt I Brethr I,. of Oregonia, utica uud tiff $·1 Il. lot in L bunon ; L 'orrn ~ 1.0(1. 'ulvert lIncl Bridge S\lringbL 1'0. Mary L. Bmnlloo \'8 . Hulclnh George uucI Klltb e r ine M. Bufe r Compllo y for pnrc h ll e of p ipe ni l I"ROBJ\'!'1Il ,;0 n·r . G ustin Fllrlong e Ill.; servioe of of CinCinnati, t o Ihe .' L . & N . I1Itlrk t pri'f!; 111$ with Mnnd n John l.ltel WIlS UllPoluted Ildmin. SUIUDlons nn d fendllOt Willi urdered rllilrond,2.'\'(1 Il cres ill Turtleoree k aryl CUllllJ110.\· for lumb 1', Hi f Elt· (II' 'l'H~ Ist·ratol· , l the 6Il~ute of Henry EI' to be mllele by publiolltl o u. t.ownship ; 1. les ' lit $2 n Jler buudreunud I f p t tel. dllce ded; bond laoo. l'i.m uthy J. Price VB . Luol ndu Margaret l oros tu .fe lit! H . Ruff or over nt;l:3 00 p r hundred . ' 'rhtl \\ .1\ of Emily Monfort. ue. Priae 'i'be oourt fouael the de · uer, 9l.25nore in'1'ortl c r(' ek town· Bills nil wed . 06llsed, \~IlB udmltl.ed to provate fenda.nt guilty of willful ullsenoe sbip; l . W. H. tllull ge & Cn. blllnk $; .J 0 RUlIlI 111111 FtllJoy Urooe riee, Fruit,s , and I:;iIDI lei P Monfort Wll!! JlI,de for thrlle years Ilnd bbat nil things Wnlter ooll Cbri!!tine :Ilut r of R IlY 'lin e, Inll e fo r j.AiI.... .. G 00 Vu~ tull l R nnd Qannecl Goods. 'exeoutul' wltbout bond, dooordlug ulleged by tllo ' .1)llIlntill' ure true i Minrlletown , to John 'uutflrof salU e ·Geng H b('rt on, briug to tbl:! PI "vislOu uf .the will. n.bsolute ilivoroe wusj(fIluted , pl!lce, 2~ . OIl uores in Fmnklin towo ' " . r ......... ................ :,, "0 'i~ILrs uncI 'J.'obllooo, 1'elllll " Wl1illlf u J . L~bloy, llelminlstrlL. i Huttie B. Hnnkin"'ou VOl .hunes G. sbi l~ i ~,950. . ,luke BUl'('h , br iclge r e puirs ... II 00 tor or ~I .. • ellttlte uf Hllh J . Lasll. lRusso;J t ul. E. 0 RUB ell, ud· Phil!p Hopkins uUlI Mllrgl1tot E. Honry GleblH,oout V'llotNo. ~ 5 10 GO ley, ".,0 , "Jed, WIl given UD order to minil:lt"r£lt·or of tue e tllte of .1:l.ul·iut B Ollkin t 'l .Toaob 1. 'lurk lot :i in Frnn~ D. Mill r . oQntruoL C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. Phone 79. orwln i 77.50. No 2:L .. . ,. .. .... .... . ........ ao ;]O lIoll t.h e l,ropt:rty of the deoedent. I ~. Rus ell, whioh wu~ unel e ruontro · The ..ale of the reul estut.e of 1 versy, I1led R or oss petition to hl\ve Jaoob . Clark to GounoH of o r· 'rh lJ nlll D. CougWin, oen · ..fe lie E purling, deceased, WilY ; the r enl estateso\<1 to pay the dobt,. win, part,. of 10t :3 in (!orwln; 47 ,i)0. tru ot 0.211. ... .. , ........... La ao approv • . 1 'by the oourt.. The !lUle /~n~ oosts of oc1miuistrut.ion This Barry E . a.nd Lulu Jobns t U. M . J. '. Morrill. tax dUJlli lites ,"pricl. W oj 199 . II, lIud olle· third of , W!lS oo n~ent.ed to bY ' 1I11 he irs ex· Reyn om~, pRrt of lot 1 in Gorwin j I . ogle by und 'on El, buri",} of it WUI< V jd In ollsh. /141.1 a . ~4 wa oept Hattie B Hl~nkln !!o n . 'l'he 500. George HenseL.......... .. 50 00 given t .. he widow, EVil Spurling . l oqU[b orderell the r eul estoat!!' to be I , H. allrrls ' 11 itH hy R . ·F. liar W. H . AntrK)ll, postlJ1llster. Meusure yoor rooms uuu como to '1'~ IHlninistrtltor's oP Ull~ls8lon 111010. It is Ilpprn\"e d !It IIH4 63 ' ..75 . riR. at.tomey t.v U. Mo.. und Geol'ge nOD stOPlP .... ...... ....... .. . 10 00 Wl\8 .,.:( 1\) \I lIno IIfler the other ' Ambrose T . Denrtb v . Mn;h (th~ Reynold ... lo t 111 Corwin: 50 . UI.vde ' . Meloy. du,mogoa for 1 008111 u ( Iidtl1inistration hud been B . Null, 0 Il'\.: Rallli ~ ' ~1ioh el Urunville C. 'lUlli to Gear a l'hll h orse falling tlHough paid tlJH,'e rAm, in It $60S.71l. whloh filed flo orogs p etit-Ion IIond tbe ooint of l1' ruu kilo, Ipts 62 and Ga. M ~o k. . bridge ........ ... .... .. ...... .. :\0 00 We' were w'i e in o rc! rin'" this stook lRest fall , in pricEl8 bave mOl' .• WIll b.. lIt1trlbuted late r . found thut ,GOt.50 was due to ' him illl\ob R.ltditlon,IFrmklin : 1. F El ·in ~tate V B bOIl ~ teriaUy lI<1vfLDcecI. LILrgeHt An Ie las t year of I~ny, : this yel\r wilt be 51 10 greutar. Muttings fro m I.h e Orient n ow in stook nM ures ' baa.tltnl pllt : ... ~ ~ V. J. Zentm yal', o ont.m ot t rnEl, lowest prioeR . No 2 .................. ....... . log rill n R..... ... ... ..... . . . . ..• .. ..... . .. . , , .. . . 21io up F. D. ?tlill 1', co ntrnot No. 2·1 . L owell, ,Park, Extra 8uJlers. Race Record, 2:18 1·4. By Pocahontas Boy 1790,. Dam Opal S. Uburlos ~tllJb . .ofl ntrllot


'J 11





On a can of paint aJI there quality. It that pal'tit·]c of Jna't 'rial that went i t,lu. ma k i of 'pai n twa: ana.lyr.ed by ·· xpert chpmt. and fOlInd be t. a hig'h of ex(! .Hence. The lab 1 i til c mall u fa tu rol' S gllal'ante -' of' all ab olutely pure' paint-it is you from plac don ea .h 'ub tit ntion.



Ills ~Lrl to Iltove the cunilot mak him btl· )red t.rooll!; wOllldn't k 1l0WS WJllU 11 Is. · to






Do You Need


\. b',E'G!\' L ·BONTA'.~, 31',211 Will make o

:al~i::l~·~~ . . .f~,~~ ~.~.~.~ 22 .. , ...... . : .......... .. .. ... d

Lady Hal, 2 :11lX'; Legul Bont~t·, 2.18K i l,eglll 1;1111 , 2 : 1·1)~.

DA'M OF Oplli Hnl, .2 :173{.

c. c. Ulel~ver.

the Season of 1907 at $15.00 to insure a living Foul.

Conk Bros.,:Maple Hill farm, Waynesville, O. R. f.0. No. 4. ('Aratus,






S h 'O of IlY Tom ( p , , ... ....... :l: I~'~ 0(\ UUIII (p, ............ .......... : t: l t . YHIIIl ~ UoUo•.... ,t. .... . \ . ~;~ 1 {4 I l ,fUly llt)lf . .. .... I0 .. · •.••T·t:t:l •



l 'I'om HuirO H') .........., .. ·t ::!'J.

,r Pocahontas Boy, 1790 .

tUhl ()rd :t :111

I<lro of ~\, In(:h"lIu8 \

I I,IillY Itolfl\ (Pi.. ·.. ·.··.. · ~:!!:I 1Tom nelutrlc k ........... ~ : tfl

• l ) ulH S or ') I{n \f\\'oud I \) .............. . ~' I P!~ 1 l umhlf'-hm nn , ,, .~ .•... :.t::''Ml 1'II OC,Uht L

, <:1"" Hunlt"" tI) ) · ····.. ~: Il ..

I .


. 1" ...... . . . . .... ......

: AratuB

( 1'II~h" \

' Grn 11 (hi I rl l uf \ Ml u6 JJ~' Tum .. .......... ..... :!. I ~ I., (ltl111 (1) 1 ........ .. ... 1'l \' I. ,

••.• ~. l lr4..

I-WI ,

Pocahontas, 2: 17

Utlm'lr , 'l'oll' HuH,·, l Mlrtlus IU I l i" d

I lrou's Cadmus



i'-Ih ll k t ·l'4 p t", :I"t.~

:!:tll " t~ I I I · U l h!lllr ~·


l1untu:: !'Uuyal VI"U'" (I') ....... .. lIn' Mut-) r\'tm l p) .. ··· ..

~ook 1 )J )··· ··· ·· · ~:U7~ :I

.." ,

~ :l)'(l. · · ~:l11"... l!:".Lol' I:I~II \ P \ ........ .... ~ :II ~. !lw\fllllrll l l" .... , ... .... .. ~: I :~. O urS I '''' U'J~l IlJ ) •••.. .. ~.:l:1(i

t Legal

~r,~:{~:,~: r./rl·I~·;; · :::::. ::. ::~ ~ :ftl': r 4.

Pbnllttllu)IIL Uoy .04 . . . . . . :I;lc •

b:rlltll , ( tl ) .. .. .... .. ,~ .... ~:I N~\· lu·S "'lr8 ~ ,,~: Ill CrH~)t8mHn .................2:lU M"Onvlluk (P) .... ... 1•••• ~:;!"

(P)... :..

Opal S,



or .,.... ... ,.. .. ~:I!.}~ r.IIl/ltl tIO Il (IL8I... I......... t: l:;r:. ,



[.R(ly 0 ..1 (p\ .. ,...... ..... 1 .1'11111 Hltl{p


..... .... t:1-I "

2:1 .)0/




Ll1rge flnon gb for


Legal Tender Jr.,3409 Mln~ nr :II , I u u ltHU Uj{

AChlll'ubJn. ( v ) • .. ....... 2:(~"t,..; V:',WlJo \1l1 ... ..... , . ....... \ .:J:t~IIJ,;: 1\:,' 1111\ ~ etJl'oy ( Jl) •• . •. • :t. lI lt.. Hnrluy ~~. ( l-1 ..• •..•..•.•. ~U ., !}{-; I\du (IJ) ........ .. ....... . .... .. :!.1;~. p ,•• rl WItll l:!" '1) ... ,....... ~. I 1'l.

FJ 'II'II" lp, ........ .... ..... >!.lIlt:.

IJ(lw 1u1I1I G irl .. .. : ... ..... ~. I\I \~ ~hdlOHI

AllH~ rhml1

B n.~· . lr· . t J ) \

:1.:"" ,

Blackbird. (IHIU ur

IJluk IP)...... ......~. I" "-

Woodrord -,.. . , . ......... !!.I:t .. ·... r (,


, :\h ,,) i.J~· · " )

(;1"11 Ihl jol 'r. 11 '1111 ,,~ ~t ~


I III ......... :!.!\\I

l h, h y .

I CUllIcron Horse I

u)~ lIu\,l )' ( I·O \.'kI11

LeUll' T~IIII"I' Jr. J

Alrc of ~ I Ulltl Lilli Ihtu, 8 u( f~1 11\..,., .. ,. \ ., ~.: ~1I

(n, .. ...'. ............ :t.~'t.~~

UIIIII" <>f '111. III hltl lug 'rhllr'1"" Wllk" s I I»)..... 2.11 HUIlIl

Tender, 178,1.

:411" ur .. lu .... ....... l!.:ltl , IUIU l'i ufl:!. lu c llh ll oJ,: It.n\f e: 1l JtH)' t tJ )· .. T ..•.• . :!. l r~l, Mut"'''W l u L .... .... . ..... >- ~. !/U MULllnl • ( ,J ).. ... . .. .... 1f. IO Vhwr oy ( Il l .•. j.,. ..... .. . , :!:,)

IDavy Crockett ur I t""

I Blue BuU Blue Bun. 75


~Irp.u( 110111 .. ...... 2,"0

JUtlll ,!!. c)r 17;(, tnoludhH( J I-'rtllCU It K ftlOquOlI OlJt' :.! .('\SI" J\ btuuhna. {PJ ..··.... ·.... ·f·O 'l Il V'''"It"R~t.·( JI~I ' \ p l ................... .;!.O\.I .. t .O" / V 111,110 ( 1') ......" ... ......... ~.Ihl.•


{ PrUUl lU ' 1'1 J (I m\ld ijl r III no 111. ..... ..

{ Queene n~' Y nilll g-

Ready To W . ear I .'

ely. lumber .... .. :... . 21l<! 17 1 Fr d Batzer, CO D!;!ta ble 0 ts I 00 It. BarshLllrger, salary for April .. ...... ......... .... .. ... 40 00 I:lults .Inok ots for Mi Rsm' Wilm n . I " .I 'Lill os Follen,s lllury for April GO 00 1 uno (hildreo . • kirtfl . Wlli l't,fI , Un . George (Ju r y, J . lP. cos~s in . , ..) I rl (] rIV Ollr. \"fllntl' lou", (Inn II R, OUije ......... ..... . ... .... ... .. ... 1, _ 00 . 1...0 \1) >\ W oiugl(rlolle l', tmtl~re r · riug 110. senge rs 'lOrOS!! I ho Little Millllli Rh'el' lit Mo rro.v .... ... ......... .. .. 10 90

See Your Dressmaker


Enreka I . .......... , .... . Ye , I bUlle 1!'ouncI it at Lost., t<ounc1 wbut? Why thi£t Ctllilll· berlain '8 Salve o\llres.eozemll. 'a od nil mllnnor of Ilohing of tho skin. I tands 15.:1. He is tbe sire of Lega.l Jr. witb ha:ve ,been alRioteu for ul[\ny years

Bl,211: III


handsonle s~rrol iltul110n.




wit·h skin disease . I had to get np three or four tim,a s every night Ilnd wusb witb oold \1/n.tllr. to a\lay tbe terrible sil)oe using this salve 1:05, ~h.,


Iloy, lCoj)'Vllle, .

S. JA1Ul87.

I sh

~ e l'vnnt

Ul e

j;e n~raJ

'l.oss." Ross d ad 1" begall, thll


U ll In hi s wrath . mine! whether' h e lB wid ~' /lll Lo 80 ou land


I'n d about tb r bours Illnn hl1l1 ed hllU with ' here ho. ve YOll !Jeen ? I

three hOllrs to skln n

ed Mlk , " but it took )urs to caloh h.lm." volutlonary Soldier.

. Damon. the last sur· n soldler of Ol revoPI YUlouth Union. Vt., o was 93 yeal's old. )011 Damon In '1835, 12. H er husband wali ' not r celve a pension r. so r.lrs. Damon can· of mllrrylng' an 0111 lion money. Although ,tlonary widows s ut· lur daughte rs of ravo'8 stul upon tl\e pen· II acts for their rell!!, , congress. 1:wo . ot nsy l van la. ODe In III New York. ' UsJOS se a s II. basiS .;1 reck· IIIn;I.llIg widow of a mlsh war wJ1I tJ,ot elle of 81d6 Saddle. at oC the LondOD

women alwaY8 rode !en Elizabeth. Ib orgoJftccDl drelia UllOa OCCastOD. rode 81do: the taBbloD .

ADY DAVIS." hell' bends. ' Budden· n Ollr headquarters' re", blmselt from . hie with forced calm·

have a duty ' ~u~t


diJulalche8. Gentleyo u lrnow tbat tbl8. 'is InexoraJJle," t the . lid of tha box thin lay tbe bOlly , of worunD In brl.daJ at· breast raPolled , a I '.1!l8Som8. The ,bOIll was the dead lORded that ther gse. Wllh reverent ·part of the' robes ' Irohed. By <I'eiIlUI!St nnd two )allY lhe ...,In..:lua.l''!II.





Hutchison & ,G ihney,


J~~D T~ o~~~

For sale by J.





Xenia. Ohio.

10 . . .




;L'h en com e lind liny yom' dl'e~!! at 'I':I .OU. .. . . Blltohlnllofl & Gi lmay 'I', XFJnil1,i) bI'o . . '1'hll Or goo III. Brldgo CumpUDV ' .\ I .. · • . ' r! I f S' :'110 oitv hilS fl. uett,er IIs~o rtmeut of 11111110 ulll<! on II bll' 1 ge sout I U D • Oi ill" j\to rtlllll n llll one Sl)llth of Mil. ·fnbrics · for t.ho <lre~!S it.~olf nnll th e !Ion (In I h'l ~~oil1, lvil1e II'OU Milso n trimming. It i~ II n,!\~ollobl " r Olld lit. ;f; I!H. liud $191 Lllld the Gon·' stlltempnt Illld fully p I' VllTl In t,1,1\ tl'llct,.., wu. e IlwH.rdell to it. ·1'u e past. Wenfe I( Dre~fI Boodt! House lII11t t;..' I· " I' lotting tb~ contrllot ~ for and dl) not m erlt11 witll tlll w are, Ih ~ nh !!tructure of tbe e bl'lll" e~ hllrowa re. ohinll. Sh Ot·!, oto. rl'be~e \'I'll!! JlIIi\ i p'ml'll . 1'111 n ~ lIod :lpeehll'JI t,ion;; for a HCBel bfl,ve their pluoe. .fn t Inolt f't our IIh, Iv e~ in"l Qhow b, b 111 l'l'ill ~ on the DI1Y tou "ud Lab unon plkll we ra u)Jl)ruvud u[I (1 .id~ l!nBOd to see ho'.v fre~h IInil Dew Imd olelln t-li e tltnck. Bow 'Il sily tfil will bt> reObivlld QID thent. . l'hll oommis l on e rs vil:lito(! \.h e tl'ltil-fr'om our Kt-ook jut!t in . jnil wHh II view' to , lIIuklIll;: 80me Impro vaml'ntH in. the ~lInitnry !lOU · ditlons iJut Ihe mllttet· .wll. post'IJOD Sille flnd Worsted 'rrlmmings. ::;heer Etl'ect!l, Ginglium. PIrLidK . lid tem porllrily.

Ht ~ lht1

IJlfh .lt of :.I :2'0. 'llllrlt1y 'Vnnderverll, trial., 2 :15 i Five PDlnt.M, ii'inJ 2:16; LKdy Bonws, tri"1 2 ~20, Imd .. II"" ,...1 OUlOH. .. 81a pedtgree' sbowa Apeed on b lth ·stdllII and he. '.\ III not fail-to produoe speedy oolts !rom "peedy maroa • n" neD common DlarNl will produoe IItyll$h oolts tbat wl1 find r~y ·market as carriage horses or roadsters I "· \\'~":'''II8II.n~l parpOie horeeA. O&re will be taken to aVOId aoOidentB. but will Dot be reaponaihie for any. I(iIt1DtlJlclllltltae will mako $he aeuoD of 1907 at Maple Bl6llrahn 2~ mU.,a We.. of WayDeavtlle, Uhio, at "..""ITE.I'... " 001'C()OK BRos.,!\. D. 4.


-bose tone wall nSllll1J;' tl'y lllS' to nud o ut t il ' roro ()f very thin.: h., Durl nS' a battlc 111\ or· lPPI'oached the gOllerall hilt his favorite . horse, I atl' \I k by u ciln hou

Linolonm, the greut kitobon uud hllil covering . L ltoe OnrtaID8-&1I tho} . n w etfeot·s . Wiuuow Sbnd e>!, 1111_obr~ , 1111 sir-es, made to order. __



Him First,

011 I.'

room .


1PI ...... ·· ·· .... , 1,,>()

IlIl" Ultll \ ... )......... .......... ~ ::!t N ully H . 1' ) ............ ...... t:~ 1 lIut 'h"r Hoy till .... ·, .... ~:~!lf~ '""Ioy V.O') ........ \....... ~:;l:1 ~ I:/ .. rry lI"II~I\'a \P) .....,..~: ltl • 'I ulltO of :!II, 111 ,,1 11<111111

IIlIt 11 OJ } •.••• • •• ••• t : 1:1 iii l l:rtUHUI l·ru •• I" Girl 11\), ..........1; 17..,\

I 1!

n 00

I:l o~nn


f-'oo."twuLtUJ ... I·II ~ c l· . •.. !!:l1.l/ l.l

G ur l!J~




Rugs-g r ~11 es t stock yet .. ... . .. , .. .... .. .... $10.(;0 UI)


, nt.rr1 et WII S 81lte l'etI witb Wnlt c r for hridge IUIllI'er. 16 filet o r I U!l~ III ~ 7ri 1111 \1 I t! teet 0 1' O<,u r tl~

. { Tom Unl

' J """Y 'i''''"'' I. I.!ltlll HOIIIll.(PI .........~:I~~. I'rl"Oil •• \Il 1........ ~ ......... 1:11:r.


1';"I."t I,:,'l,

Pnll ~ hti ' r

(Ilrl \ 1' ) ........ .. ~:I\ , Rollu (pl ... ........1: UI LlOY ( P ), ........ .. ~ :I~":i


!'i ii'! o f I f,j\·fl IItJ n lnl"l .•• .••.•, .......... ~. I j'I .,

\ HII-!


' ~1111"lu

"'"' c -J


. ..


r epll-irs in MII~sie Towos llip " .... ,Jobn W o lfo, hridg . ropuir/i . 'W. urn e tow.Jl bil ) ... ... In l\, ll . M lll ~, lumbe'l ...... .. .... ..

!S. E .





:lldect. capt. . Fell~ HlIIldrQ.d and '8~ . Wh'8ll8~lng. Bakeer ~tell

wbo tho YQunr:

acel,," , 'tbe



..;.-......- - - -................ 1IIn4 brandIshing thf'lr .I'eaI'II In tn,

Ir.,--" _ _ _ _....

_"-_.A".---..Ji' ••___.......... , .-

- ......





The Miami Gazette WHOLE TOWN WON BY "REVIVAL" BROWN &. "'." c KA Y. P u bll shers.



".o,.a01 hOlt o.y, It wao n.

Rem!)" ItahIe Success

truth, for oil I" In"uoncO tite IIvo. of

actual trll'n a, ore 0" man liveth u .. nd tho Ilnl See It In There I~ the he sin a not t


swept Into the taml natlng " the burden SIn 10 a tOI Ing out In eVI lind affectI ng Ac:h,,,n'a sin I


oln and my baneful Influe of those ' cloo by ooclal. bUI latlon., "Alld they" of AI." What 'oi l 0 ", we. oln, Sampaon hlo e"~ '\1101, lock. ,",cre tho In h i' life.

ArJ many a powc.rle.. to bec:au. .ho~

'tIle d.feato j.;and of Proml l er, .... not nell

due .ntl ... ly ou....h'. . . .nd

to ttl" Immol! RuI .. Tbvf ,. no in "tile Chrl.tla,

• " . " ....... we ........ than ex TIle cou,... watTlOr .houl when'" Jloet ......gth. and

Such ,appeals lie "D lIud .Int'enstry .king towards tltls


bad' ;!llvaded 4Je I, , their God. and (olk

.retul·n to

~he city Israel Ilefc ,dered. those m n ' .. lIrrender i.9 be elt whlcb (ollowed bat In AI . .Relentles$1 eUy for any who I ...·ho had su ggeljt< , bad them, ,e xecute ~1I."are as on· exa)


tJJ cl.b·; fqr ' ,aId b, '''AI Is made WeJ efrc . Death to a tIC (ore rsrael or b <lod! 0 ,111' god s t lV,c ~11l serve ,them And sO the ' da)'s feat of tsrael had ' dl Y!!' , In AI, for w ~ hOti ~ Who bad In 'Cl18v~ea6ure, the \\'b

up to all nlaD~ wns til e ~ta g ' word \t armed Is :t.c.' CllLer ,the vntle, ,and were mn ki'ng tI clt~·.

' kln~ wen~ ou t and I




Lhe IIttJ o t ilUon secure ror U1 Somo of hIs offi CI they go' out ,at once

, antler lh




(l:ln)(), but the 1 fOl'blla C. saylng: . ''N~', f~i in the- dl .~ alld many '1\'011) \IJlorro\\' ~ar ly wo \ 4el!iroy tb orn. Non( . l30 l~ was 'tb8~ on Iy dl klng nnd all' ry mR.n Wlil!" ' ~It)' o( tailing 1I1l01 ,'tRSlled forlh frol1J I • I1ded UI)OIl til lit r, ~'I\I\()). bclu.w. "W 'II' IJI )'lIll" IIQ ' lace wbere til ir w

"'r .,.

• DCIUIIllOO.'· til



I\llo l h~r's )HIUI ' ~

as .





er on ~



. . . .~ wave

ot th e

w· <l· liIY:lt

:1 tI ( Htllt" lI ~ t 'h,iral'H~ r


here God Int. ...,ould be hi ••


of Eva ngelists at Abin fdon, lIlin cis.

' I

wal powerle'l


I t.ltl'"


The Ovelntlons r~ ;;nrrlh); n:1U111)lent pnlnt m aterI al s whl : h hnv h 'I!il mndo by tho As rl(:ultlll'al 1':11,1, l1I"IIC Slat! n of ~-Itr/-:O, , D " Rnd publlsl e,l by Prof, f,J, ),' , Lndd, st ate COllltllH slonor. h;\.6 0 r.asloll d I\I:t1CJ8l a milch o f a spnllatIon as th.(l xJlllsur of ndull rMIL'n In .rood pl'odllctu did wh en tho laLtor ,tll'st began to 111l1l nr. It h us \] (,I'n tlhown that k ells mUI'ked "Iiur \Vhlt 1. nU" of ton cuntnln olher sub stnn ('.8 !<l1::h ' hall(, bar ylQd, Rll l('a , ott'" nnd that 011 6U I)P050d ll) ue lIus tI rten contains r,etrol 110 ndllltf'rant s, to Bar noth Ing of wnler In Inl'So proportions . UIll ~tl m('~, ..ocalled "\\'hlt l.!'ndN" on t nln no~ lUI ' l Oin or g 11I11no \ hlle Lead. Tile (urlll 'r Is n lal'110 us r ot palllt :-;0 ono Is more interested than h (;\. tha I h e lulll' l shou ld nllbl e him to gel whnt h ll ll Pll oses h e Is 1'1I:"lnl; f I' , Ther ~ h o l1 lll b n ln w In e\' I'Y sll tn l'nfl'lll'lng t h llt "II p uln t paQ ku~es () lall 1<" \ eXlI Il y ue unl lug to tll clr con' It'nl ~, Th ut \\ oultl na ule e very p UIUL· bu ye r lo buy. I nt 1111; ntiy.


the whoio pe

, ..... drIve.


1.'MIllmcnt 111 III ~ .Ir hl'r 1'1'1'1(('1, r, .lIls th.' F: 'rlplll!' '9 Ihlll~' 111HI n"PIlI'(W ~ to wi n tllh(11':~ In ('hl·is t. rrhl'tlU'mlJ,·rF


1" '1'1,

dlaaater upon


the Use 1


touch tho IIv


tV 1l or

N llmlll"119 "1' k!'t ,. ~t1lm en t l..;"r4 L;Ht'!-''' h \"e lH*' \O nl'';H t I~t;lll a nl fu l~ tllo t.C'~ ~ IIrlil g lrlH Ru,1 ~'''lIn!; IWOI1I I' "f Ihr. ' (1 \\'11 , ~; il C'h 1Il"mll ' l' arrl 8 ~

Sest P r epar ation to Cl ean KI'\chen abott' lllt ~ L}\\O, 1 IUIO H 'hth 1l1 nty UlH I 1'1'ti Yl~ t14 ' W al ls .- Bonrd Th at W I,II Be FCiu nd, Ml\fk Twltln. art "1' a 1\fe tlm ,II' 1i(..1, )I\ illhl .. a"" ll · in.~, and 11" lli~ \lIul h(!1' 1'\' " 1111 01 th l' \'e \ lvlIll ~ thn. , H,lOdy In Many Re aped !:' thr nll;:.h which 1103 11I\s dIN'I'",1 anll nllt'lI 1\' 'Il l\' IlUl'u t 1 n 1\},H \\1. ll r.! ... . ' S IHt'ral h:l\l\ u ,~('lued 10 1,t"C'11 I1H' -Table ott loth. anlt) S t' tt h is (" lint l'ynu!I t-i t (' 01 :\ ~"T()w, Ithi. \ I;:II";I\~ 11I:lIl , """ I. 11"1\' Ihn'" 1 111 ",.'I' lh':~ 01' (:". 11,' 1 KI II!:"r" 0 I" I .. d. 'n ~ 1 H':slllH~tk In I ,s (, C, 01' I" Ih lll PL ACE IS T R AN S FO R MED In~ "It Itl.< .'II"I "Y, Inl(1 11' 111 11111 Hlh :11'01\ I., r" :I1 ~ 1) 1 I \ ~". s!t\ d IIr h,a """ '!.' l'Ie~tl Itw IlIl('h(m w . l1s . Or b( , , ., ~ \\ IIIIm 1"1\1' ,111 )," !If I I' III.' ""\1 (· ltl, 'oI.n \" 'I·"n.,. .a nlnl~t r . 'hll fill · Willi. r~'lIn Ill" :-'ortb All1r1'lc, n n., p••\1 1· ' 001(' 1,1" ,' ~t.: llfl i11 a \.m :o'i il1 , t hen 4'~ iull lip l hld I -il lIil(l' '.'Id ~'()1l11' It · III h~ '1 about 1:; :"i aid (h a w n. wha he ' lew. JllI ;n )!y the r ('onl ur nne uf' t.,:," II s(\f ,1'1>J111 1l1H.I Ilip It In till' \, r· o ' CO C I C' f Ab ~ i , lfts ti l tIll' flll ! 11 t o 1'1I1· 'a·ly ('I)nf" J!' ,,"UIIT, ' I! lO It", ' Yfl\lU c-. \\oll JUaJl In UtO SIl lIlt'llll1'llts or r~ut· t1nn tll whl<' h ,s,'lll' ntlll \l'u s ll Il part nl' It" wall v cr . onvlrts n I ty 0 out ... .. , lh t ' r (.1111 . :\ t Ut I, . ~.t' t: hi h p t p<.; ~h01"lly tu 11.11 hl1 ml Jl'i~t H Rrl" ~lI hJ"cl :" m~.'T;lld \\ \th Il. lb l! n IV)' llIg !lulll lwr elmh OUI 500 Po~ ul tion-Chu"c hc s r'\.ot L arge !!" III \.1 '.' .:\' I){I\l ~ lil l.) •• Int,tllutl' t o 'II·~ •• or Ullin a f \' bn rn; th e)' labor n!if! ~ w,' at Enou o , t o H old CrO\\ lls and a Tab, S IU .elllS Bro ghl t o Grac e. jilin IIII' " • !;I' '< Ih' w" r l., I I,. lu ld .If 1I11'e h t \\,Ul lll' Il\tU f;0 o l l'r t h e sP' t l~ ~ L I'l"luwd w hb l<crtlsI'II,' nn (\ 1:.HII)' un,1 ~ I I'II,, !;I(' for lt1'lnd: Illl'~ ~qll abbl" erll~cle El'ectecl by Velun ~"Y L a ,! ,' 1 " \.I t II lI:~ l II \ .;:, I ~ Id n I ,' (.I I n l\A 1.111"r" ie" , with ('1 :lll , dry I'loth. You 1"11\ 8.1](1 ~c"ld and f\~bl ; t l {!y scramblo bQI·" r5-Bus"'eC~ Me" P I;> " t o Bu i ld ,'(lll • • IUlI In" 1" ' vl ",,1 \\' I'n,,~bl 'I hlit I,r b urt.rl~rcl at t h 1'0 tilt H, It \ M Ihu rOI' ilt lll' 11l('1I0 all\"lll l!ll,:" !j "vor l,aell Pe rman "t V, M, C. A. Bulldllig for I , 11, 11I ~ " tl l" I'(', t )( Ih l I:,.) )'1'<;1) I,ll' ~ Iu · ~LS \c' ~ t a nLi tuO "t s atl sraclory way 01 otho l' ; .. ~(o I'fl' p !, !!. Ilililn th, ·tn~ Inll . lnl· the Yout h of tile Town an a Monu- d, II I '. It! l I IlIt rU hr t' t1 v t' llt'(' nnw n1\ '\'."hJI)<; !'Ill lllI"d kitcb l u 0)' lJathrOolU ti .. s r"lIow ; s!tllml'lI n.lIl hUll1ll1al ll.'ls ' men! to t he W ond~rfu l Work. (I. ,\ ~ " Ill' IIi tll\' .. ru(t!~~r n·s e x· \\:cll~, ' b rill!; down tlwll' Ill'IlIl'" IilltJ Ih,';r • -1·1·( I!:j'''j''.l II ' " ~utI Oc1y tl' l( fH tu 1\1""'1 " ~, n.lpa!'c r w i ll c l nil 5 11 UP l ea t hl'r, .\ Itl"",d',I1. 111-.\ 1'1'111 l'k 'lhl" ' l'" I rn ..1, " I' , I" 1'1'<'" I' tI1!,ClIIl~~ , Th at , n ull\es: Lhnso t h!'!, I•• H' "1''' l:lk"!1 IIn<ll'l'. !lOll 01" "nOW" 1 ' :lH~ I;ln hags. f rom th prn I\lld thp joy "r IIr .~ hI 'Vh a1 UtU, ~. \.. ('I l l iI\ " I' ttlls IO \\"U. ('u n · U'IIU %1(" t' , 'a J Ie froll) t\\'o UO In a luto~ 1 I ubb lng\ the sa ntll .a p l' lI~\ltl1" 01' r I'"rti!!!: ,lIl """'J ~UU or ~u(). '1:lh' 1I1 .. c: II e 11'110 10 nuulb.' r or tltud t' uts." I m'llcd tLl al 'hlng gr ter. rh c bll nlo::r, EARLY NORTHWEST VOYAGE&. thes' I cuth rs w lb o ol'll.le <Iulli is 11'1\ 1"("1 111" '1. The ~I l·l. Jil)~ wit h 0110 vt th l) 1I10 ·t (>lI t h u ~ la'ltl(' .'on· o f (llIl n , (,UI'I", ml sCl·Y. rc" M l ... ovl.' l to n ~ v. I: OH Pl'l ou g~ Ull .' IIU a, 1l1 :: 1Jr. t ·(\ lla.~ · ""I',ij wu s lho ' 1llnr or one uf (ht! h )('[\1 ~ 1 :lI1 Y 1l0nsel;ce pcrII \\ III bo Illl r('st· 10m. Acco un t of the Arctic Trip .. y c.IU· by yeur; al Il'nl\lh. nmhllinn I· Ilra)"'r 1111'(' 11111" life nuw l he fushloll ' n " ' IH11' I!'S. li e! h ellJf' d 1)l'Ol1lote Ih eu In a IIIU o uonrd tit r clln That Have Been MOld •• r t1o;uf\ . prltIo Is d ('lled; vunity Is It.'nll: IIbl' Ih l lll~, \' '''IIl~ 110. <l1"1l1~ wllo I lnol'clI 1O 'I,1 nn d HII1'('uU Lll nfl' irll O t hl! marl ~)( I lr Hsly for ht·tr u ~e . "mgl ng fo r ralen~' Iii In Ih,' ;r \lInce, l un fed alJolIl. 1I1111111n:.: anel ,; wc . ri ng, \ CUUll1 r' dls)'1 , \S b~' ilia 'In g h Is (l:J. . D glnn l~J: with the Ameri ca n di rt 001 hlng 1Il0ro Ihlln lho 0)'(11 Rry It CO DlIlS at lost.-Lhe on ly unllolsoncd now hlttrlHI til C' iJ· 1,'lslIr,' h UI'S r!!:ullng Iler 111 ' he II llll.l" o( lh van gl'lIRlfl fo r ~ov rles ,Jf J ohn 'abot In 1497, the t.wlll'li sec nrcr1 (r 01l1 lh e 10-: (mt Slor , f:H t earth 0\'01' had fo r lhom-an(\ th"II: IIIIIll 's lint! lil'lJ .' I ns· The CIIUI ' 11 "'eclL 'r b t'y IsslIed lh l'C" " 1'(> \,11'1\ 1 n lc,'ly co y ored s ev rill tim s wit h lIearch rOI lh oorthw\ls t pa ss Bt:I' Wll.." thoy " /l nlsh rrorn a worU w h re tllf'Y 1I1UnilY It M he"" 1110 1·l ,. 1 In 111\1 h th l'dillo n ~" d ecr\blnl; tbo 11'01'1, 111 A I>. new:pll llllr antJ I h e n a 'ol'orlns ot for many l eaI'M I he object ot rival es· ,\\Tc r o or DO cons('f)u PIlC(l; \\ her b c-r SII UH' Illr'fIUL' r T1" \\' ('1' Ill,> \\'el sb vII· 11Ig-llo n , :In .1 g\l'lnK n" .... s (tbo wor lll. ~n n to n nnnn " l or a pi e" ot outing p edl tl ouR from D nmark, E nt:land~ llCbl e v~t1 noth in g; whe rO Ihry \\'('ro luge' In lhl' hd gh. uf lll o n w aknnlug \l'l de SIVak nlll ?, JI1 'a ' h Igs lI ~ lh"r .' fl an n el ncntly whip ped nl o ng the fou l' Franco d,H\ Portugal, saya A. W . wpr e abO ut two co lulUUS n ( S('J'lP t.II'I'I· n ml s{ ulce Rn~ 1\ (allel rd 1\1111 a f ,)1· th;; . ell t;!: s. Wh II this Is finish d mal: II. Orcl'ly. la the Century. It was Froblsb· Ih Hlt1\'('l1wnt b('!:o n un a r th nllrrnth'El nut Into ~'~ IVS\lap'l' f( lrn l. , Isbness; wh er ' t1l1'Y ht),\'(! 1.. 1t no I~n c:\se, n s you would f O I' ll. plllo\O,', as er, bow I' r, who III 1 57 G·78 n, . t gll Y. I ad rshlll or two ) oun g e" sn ,rllil ta. and (J. clec i Io n c rd whlcll 1'0 11 10 IJ tlmt they 1111\'e ' exl"[l'u - n " 'orld lell' e liS th e bourd u nd l)lIt tbr .. o bllt. a dl BlIn t t nallonlll , chal'act&r t., lbe I ra (,;,'un s Il lcks ond 1'0:. S. r. alloway, all;n d , h)' ' our Ten<! \' nnd S 'llt IOn s ~ n ('losin g en d , al ij o t h r bullon- qucat . John DIlI'I s of DavIs' stra it, Which will lamen t t.hem a dar asSIRt(,(1 hy 1\011) r A I l' xand!'r . brother e \'lInl':ell~I s . It r rr:HC;- oI !:,rent In tufrC!l1. hol r~ . \\tb u In a hurry to pr ss a followed In th r ee \'oyages. 1535·£8, aD eI r on; t lb ern furever, 'rb eu nno hcr or 'hl,rl~s M. AI xnntll"l', Ihe ramoll Rev . P. I.. H a n seo m. [lns,,'r n( I h" 5<':1111 or tllb collar or s hi l'l w alst. sli p th eD, In I GJ2. came tho Illustr Ious and myriad t ll\;I'S th' lr ilIa " . an d 01.1 s c "SI' I slu g r . Soml' 'I d a (Ihe U11COllo;r ' Qn()o J1n l chur h In A hlugtion. III )'OJr nHO on lhe bonrd ami pre ss to hapl ess lI eu ry Hud son, whose m otll> . all th oy·dld, nnd "Ol'S nlon~ th!' sa1l1 bea\'ol \I rOil 'ht j)~. the rc~ vl v, I may b e (llvl ug ,Ollt> of lho "I'evl,·" l 'til I 11M'" ro ur h art 's con t nl III lh dining· was t.Jlnt exp lorers sbould "achieve "rofllle3s r [ld , anti '"BIll. h ' s us tIl Y gni u c\ trow th f nct Ihat lhe ,·u were hi:! Iml)I'l's~ lon !< of I he w ork . ~ alll : w b at the) bad un(\ cr tnkc' a or elsD give I ra .Ellans H l c ~ c. 1'011111 . away fro m tho l; it('IHl11 hent . van lsll-\() lIlalu, rooll1 for aniJlllC'r. ov I' ~ OO 'onv \, r ts, with \lcorc$ (bl\c·k· "'I'I ,~I'l':\ I ' I'I"al which I ~ S\\ .t'I,jI\~ ~ I a l;ers or f:Jncy W may not know r 1180118 W11 re fore It will not be." Rlld nUOlIIl'r, anti 1l,ltllon (lth 'r my- s\lcJer~ r· In!m ' el. In n. town of only \I " ' 1' lh,' r' lt: Is I ll.' ~I'lll('~ t l.JII'H~ ln!; me Iha l h e 110 \' lo\'es hI " IlI Lln nnd t h~ I)Oss lbllltle" o f plain blacl. 0 1' wh ilo The ' Real 'It t or the Atla ntiC' side Ih llt h RS UOtn" w II "111(' Il tI InCl' l'llu u . • oul~ ~" 11111"h thaL h ,. r :l11l1oL \lut his uilcloth of l h kind 1m wh aB 1I1ble clo sed f or two ceDlll rles wl lh thl! VOy· . rlu ds to f,,/low I he Rllm a rid pnth ubout :!.(i00 110p uJutlo n. T h o hll1' h " It 'I' unitt''' IlS II ,v 1' . 1..." 11 '0 1'1 11110 bl s 11'01'1< aL nil' fll I ry !lilY vllelt)th, I t tll le S (l;]lnLS as well \1 9 a GO or a gl at 8camnn. Wllllrun Bat· tb rnllg ll rhe NalllA d~ s('r l. IInLi aN ·om· Voluntee rs Erect Ta berna~ le, fOI·r. t'h l'l~th\ns IIIn! on an.)th I' us 1110re, II,! Illl1 f!:: In 811'11,1 lh wh ol(> eelluloltl. li nd cnl mlnrs, photo rn lill es. l ll n • who, In a IIny L oat or 66 lon s . wllh , )lish what lh. fil'bt myrla,I, nnd nn Th o IIIl"elln gs b 'gnn :l m onth II~O In !tl no ntl',' I' inll'. Anol UIl! r l\J ' 1) 11101" dny Rl h ome n ' o,lIng his !JIb I ami 'pIIlSh l?l's, tuil et ,11 ltl s mil), U mad o , a D1 1~erahle ef,Jul pnl n t, but an un· the m),rlurls tho!. ":1me aft~r il. 8t" t be InrgesL church In Ahlnl;(!rlll, sc:1l1 11 ' j ~u\'l'Li ClIII. tn :\hll1:;;I,," I'Hlay I hRU lhl'lI ,..:oln)'; nUL t,) \\'In l Tl lost. from it. \\'h ro ll iu n cesslll')' l O , daunt d h art. attained, In lG1G. thu L~lml .lIsh c! - uolhll1l;;," blll(1 wllil I'I bb01l Ihls • lin b o s w etl ' h igh 9t north In the weS lern h em Is· 800 10\11. Ii SOOIl lIrev.:d nllogN II 'r fit all), period of h,'" !last his to ry. ~'I\'I' Will B oco l e GOG el S i n er. t oo ' UIlI!, and wHh 1),l'u:II I 1\ eS l" I'u bUild r PII lind m I'e lHI I'e he en w n' 1\ p 9 Oil Wllh I h 11111cblne. pberl', 77 d eg-ree s 45 minutes ., lind The Re l !)o of Properl y, el1~rgy the peoPI~ . I d by. lh e van /wI, dl'oll!>l), nnd ..;Iorluualy c'onv rle(1 tu I . ~'OUUL; I11nn wh Is ou e or 111£' {or e11m 111111; Is l11U h m Of'e etr('rt1vo dl Rco vered lh ree radiating l ound8. Prop 'rly, the scnMe or J)r JlPrty, the lsts th >wsclv(! s. aN Iu \\' ol'l, 10 "ret' l (;,,<1, hUl'e bc n sa v('d n nd JnOSt st ud ents III H t'dellng ell/-:<.' hns Ihan hot \l'nt r to lalle s lalos. J on s. Smith and Lnncaster, lbe last Jove o f properlY, lIto regnrJ for t he 0. tub roael th al· would acC'ornllloclale IIhf'rotL'd f rum h :, llll>l thtit bOllnd them JI'clcJ d to h ~colU a Gospel slng.. r . Ull lo t h nnd IInol lim mn.y be b eing the ens tern IltrlUlce to the 1001 ' r! gbts of In dlvhllllll property-all lbat Ille , crowd . \Vl t b lho ussl tane' nf find mall" lhNII ~I,,"'>~-w lvt:s hn\'(' lie " IV hus chnr!:fI o f lhtl eb Ir ill tho \'I1 ~he d with II llum p cloth nn d t hen lougbt panas-. Js undoubtedly the slron g I In nt about no ,'olullt ers. It p l \J('m:\ I q Ut , h "'n BIl" '(I frum InLlIIr r'lI live. !lUll l lll'ge~t ' h urch iii Ablnsd on. nnd bas ,lIb b u with a II tlie IInso cl 011. Thi s BABY ,TORTUReD BY ITCHING, 'n Anglo·Snxon Inheritance. The Ins; 2 .000 wns CI'C'ct c\ in I hIN' .llIl'S, I1Imlo 10 ~h l 1Jt! nn('\\ fo r JI' ~ lIs '- l\'hll,' ex 'epllollal HII ut tiS 11 In g r nllu "\11 g ive n s li g h IIO lIsh lind will be righ t!l or Ilropcl'ty are b , tter sare Not a pe n ny WIl>! ~ p"nl fa I' IAb.'I·. [I , sc res ha\'c g ,lT1 C hrtl:k ttl I h ' graH' I I~I\1sI CIiI CUndl1l'lor. H e has heon :I (ound )lartlt'lllul'l y us ful wb ou , tor bris tlull (or yell rs . ('IV Ih e slIlw ot the old POll i o 01' cbildren • Ruh Covered Face and Feet-Woultt guard ed by In wi)) lIie t3-nILed Sln t 8 ,cout.aln !!d n Btlml·oil'l' ula\' pl u~r"rnc lIC' \\ hOI" thl'Y y(':\rs n!;') !Jul'l d all th ' Ir ; nom ina l C"y Until Tired (lut-Speedy thao lu 'aI" OIher civi li zed communlly com 1110dllil ol; 300: ' w:\s lI"hled ~I'lt h hOI (" , anll ul\lliu~ t ho ' 11~ c ome fon h, duys nJ; h tI Illr d Ibut h el'ctororo It is not wise to liS thllt ox 'e ll ent Cure by Cutl .. u,.a, lin .hi! earlh . Human lHe ' s cheap el etrlc\!y . hentr:.\ wi l h slol' s. 'Ill n Ilum' tlllck with s lllni n g laces, sBylng : hltl IIInltltion IlIld b n to b com a materlfll. b ,es wax autl tllrpenUOl!, sl nr;er for hi s o\\'n g lory; professional with UR. hu t pro\lerty cnn d o almost "My baby Wail aboutl nine montb. To Caller FurnIture. hut that no\\' be has yield 0 1\.1 1 ' to what It wIll. r s ardl oss 01 Ille com · An original Idea for covering furnl· old when sho had rash 00 ber face ' h rial n nd tI .sl res 10 b e used rOr m.m good, o r lICe It self. N xl lo us t'ure has been tried and \lroved s ue· and r, t. H er f cct seemed \0 Irritate GOel 'N glory. He will probabl y unit awong c\\' lI\zed nalions In r egan) for wllh H Oluer Alexan d er lu conducti ng coss ful by II woman who wlshcd to bor most, esp clally nights.. Tbey Ilro,llerty . come th e En glis h t . . '0 I' viral m eotlngs In a nelll'bborlug bav e so me un sightly chillI'S In her fur- would couse bel' to bo broken In her ni shed Oat Improved. She bought a rest, Bnd somotlmes abe woltld cr), whom w o Inht> rll OUT re v renee f'J, Lo wn , 'Ilel1!Onal Ilossessions. Th e re Is a dla· 'fh e h ts ln ss III n or Abingdotl hal'c lot of Roman b\(\III, t s, with wldo until she was Ured out. 'bad Illwayo Uti ClI rll oap myself, and d II oln r ed Ihelr IlI lOnliu u of corlng for dnrk b llle nno red StrIp es . an.1 h ad nil u sed .tInclion, howcv er, b e tw~ en tho Eng, t ho:: bod l s a;:i well as th e Boul s of the upholllt r er covor h e r so fn and ' cbalr8 beard ot so mt\/ly curcs \,)y the Cutl· Usb lind the Amorlcan attItude 'toward hu g(' number of youn g m n among tho ",lUI lhem , just 118 thoug h bo-were curn. R medl 9 thnl I thought I would prop rty. I Ii ra In Am rlcn 'we W01~ onv rts. !lnd hnve lR I'le d:l 1Uove- using tnpe~try or velour. 'fheso looked rlvo th m n. t'rlaJ. Th Impro\,4lDlent .hlp monllY tho rllw m dlum ot ex· bas h er bed room wns noti ceable In a rew hours, alUt _ me ut for th e erecti on or II, y , M. . A . 80 w('11 tbat sh chang ,lIsolt lh nt nn bo cOllnl e d In IIIlil dl n::. 1'h l ~ wIll st an d as 'a brlek chairs nlso covered \\'1lli bllmk·ets • . beforo I had \l ~ed ene bos ot lhe Oa· 'ftgure~ 'and put In llh' hUllk; we don '! nlt rr llle pInk Dnd floral IIcura Olutment b er t eet w ere woll a nfl lUortlll' II10nuDlcnt 10 tlli unique hnvlnl; .ay "a man of pl'ol)erty" wbe u w e resll'lp s. ' Sbe ' q had por I I' 9 and 'and bave ne v r troubled her sInce. 1 I' , "ival. • rer to a r ich mun. bUl we ('011 blm a In sid e e urtalns mallo or Illank t8 I1lso ll ~e d it to r emove what Is kno,..1l, UE ROE 'r , H. D. \\,I~ matching Lhose on the choirs, aud rhe 8S " rndlo cap' l from her b ead, and .mUllonnlr or n bUll nail'c. We don·t as IL WHAT THEY WANTED TO KNOW. !'i'f t Is I' Ill ly charming. nnd. as lhe It wo rkcd Hlce a ·tl) n.rm. , think of bls h ousc~, his lnn(\, bls fu r· Immenae Tabernacle Erected In Whlc It Service. W 'ere Held, blnn k ets nre very ch eu p, Uley os t cleansed and h eal d ttln scalp at the iilt•• ~e or h i:> p ict ures, but of hIs ' dol, Jare. The En gllRb think of all tbesl.' tlUl m pl' t1ngs w e-n t f orward wi t h re' "I' ho IONt I s f o nnc1 : h o n,!ofqrth and fo r. Childr en H ::d Many Ques t ions to Put 0111 h l ess than ono wOllld supposo. !larno time. Now 1 keep Cutleura Sh e !Savs thal everythlu g deponds Olntm'ent 00 hnnd In eMe or Bny to WI ~ e Man. possessIon s Inlo whlcb mall y t r ans' tl ou bl ed vi sor'. Th " t o llg h" youn g C\' I' WcJ Ill' r') I' J 'SII.' Pny-I t b ilK' upon lh, color of the blalll{ I s chosen . litllo rnsb or Insect bItes, as It t:lk!e !atea Its If. That. says the SaturdllY men of l b . l o w1I allend/:d nightl y, th puld UlU UY thlll1sand· f lll d. No \'111 113 'r o 111111 'o11t lI'\m Is passing In the Or cour, e, \' I'y pronollneed stripe s out tho inllammatltln at once. Per· Evening Post , I s n si gn ot grealer de- f llr mcr s rlm"e III f mll) all lhp sur· tl II an h e pIne ·.1 UIIOU till) 'Hml 11110,. this Dlny b e the m enm' or belp. thollght ~ ot toy 'hJldl' II I yest erday would b. uSly upon fu rn lt\lre, but the velop ment: . we Ilbl,lll OIllO to til at r oundlu&- (1i~ lrl' t . I\nd .th ., IJllll elin!; ti m ing Ihl M I'c vlvul ru C! Illlg. Dlore slIudued or d el/cnLe colors glye Ing oth r su(forlng bulli es. M rll. Hat· prov >d nonl; too l l1r~1' 10 hu ll I U1 , "olJfrontcd lhr!U1 \l'lth L111 s II Ol und: Idea, ar comin g to It. A gnln, I n Eng· a mOll t lllltl'sractory np[J arnn ce to a ti e Ou rder. Thomaston, Mo.. JUDe I. thl'ungs \I" hi ' h ,rULlI.(:l' oJ rln .v 'Il .'· <l ay. P"a lse Work or E VDn."e lls t s. , "SuIJllo,;e Ihls )n ornlu g an all wl s land tb ere Is on o c lnss tbat loveR ID all W I' to 'nt I' our class room. r oom. H e r E! Is \In 0ll jJorlllnlty ror Iho 1906," ., . Pf'op l e MY It hI In Iln SWN to prO! ('1' 1 " hl'lNtilln pcople; !lIlIJIIld thoull ' (Ill wlilll ~ I ~ Ihln 's wouhl YOII ntll,'/" 'rh e ntDa t .ur IIphol st I' r to try her hond. property SUllrcmoly aud Is Id nllfied 8en.ltlvenea, Dee:-. Th o you ng fol' Ih cnmln r; o r 111 s 01111 Oal l,.. chllcJren wun' urd ln ar y, everr.lny a. with I t-til e ' \1pp r IIlldal c las9. 111 that th e w orl( hl'ga!l. How sCD1iltlve de r ara la lbe mal. e\'ang lists t\nd tlHllr 11 II m m Ice il WilY . 'rh vy hnvc :1I\'skE'nPll \lS1\ dian bO)'8 !lnd ~II'1R, b etw en th e Escalloped Turkey wIth Cream Sauce, Ameri ca w nil lov mon ey, In ~ p oc­ hOll remAins of tnrke)' meat I"tll ter of rooll was proved once agal"" a 1'lI le' to Sllend!lll hon r (Ially In oro us II u:- I ed U~ Into fl los'r wn ll, :ll;es of nlnc' and 14. bu t the Questions 't.Ive of class, ::lIlt! spoak In torms 01 PI'UYCI'. Tho petll)1 ()ulclcl y ca ul:!hl wit h r. od, nnd U K 01' 11 11, hll" , 1,lInted fin ll its lind cQver the bottom of 0 during the bearing of a case at Felt. lh II I f I h : h ey f, ut, to t h at Imag inary I abal,e mon oy, r e g OU8 I' " r. a ne t ('~., too, 5 0 pnclolls soq l s o v I' I h Itll' un lf'1It fl'Ul\l th e lIlI wl s sh ad es were not we ll·grea sed baldng dish ; selUiOn with ham. England, where three m eo were oharged wIth sleeping In a deer pell G(J ' lIt h Ollrs \1 pOll t!J olr kn e s. DurIn" wn lf'l's or a sillful worlrl to I he foo' 'Jl • C 11Irnollp la r.t', ,.h , Y S\\I'\)ris d m e not Bait llnd Il!'J)P r. sprlnkl c wit h brend Ie per said they The Captivatin g Widow the fourth \\' ·o\; .) Yer 100 peopl o I th I' S8, '('h ank God-Ilut Gild bl' :L tlnl anti 11l11'1! set m e th ln l'lng. So crumhs (or grnteel craeker), dot with III Bu shey park. 'I'he r\f s crl ll1inuLl n n lu fa\' r UtI' a grcp.d ~o spe nd at l east, hnlf nn h our pr:tlseel for I h o grenr.. lbe ma\'\' ' I»us, writcs ~lI so; Agnl's D ail s Cameron In bit s of butt r, ' h eD 'I)fond on lay r or had pullc d down truIQ the r--.::ks abou~ ten shilling,' wo rth ot hay, which tb. wld,!w find s a llJpl o jll tlfl('a l loD . a i, d ally In pt'lI),er , It i s lmowo [hat ev"n (he g lOI'loll s \\,uI' I, t grace. Let nil the' h,ul1ut'l' Pu ll 'M all Mogazlue. nud cream sn uee, put In ar.otbe r la yer o( R m e or Ih ' h lldr ~)U Sil lit nn hour 111 lho people ~a.v ' AlU ~lJ .''' (ul'lcey nnd ono or CrulUbs continu all y deer would not afterward touell bit' thollgh I t Is p rob abl y Occol1l1t.efl ror b y " fe \\' or tb Ill a ny she r:;iv s are sub · II1\Ul th o di sh Is n OliI'll' Oil ed, having CRuse It had been Il1lu upon. ·In . taQt, prlly er du lly. Th e g r eal es l ti ft )' C Ihe. rev ival \\' a~ joln eci: Ole .llffer·rne be tween wh'lt Is ('x· lurker on 101); lhe n mix snlllcl\'o t Ihe deer wO\ll<l not 1;0 Dear the pen.. Rev ival Flilme Strong. ' Ihe dar wh Jc:h lh I I)CoU l e dpcnt III . " \'Ihy Is it that th e s un ouly gocs IleCtou or h er an d o f he r unw c(ldcrl 61s· BS the men hael IIlepl thcre. fasting I1 nd ;lI'I' , I', Tlw I' '' lilic seh ol s ha lf 'w ay round thp. eUl'lh 1" " W ll Y Is crllmbs to covor top wIth yolk of es; ter, No r espo ns ibility as to attractl v ,. and on o tnhl OS llOon each Clf butter nnd Th r evIval fl nm e SII'I'\!L Ih lo wn and s tol' 'S t:l o~ "rl R pR l't o f (h e IlICll'n , ! I, th nt w e don' t slip of!' th e earth'!" ness re ·ts li pa n li1e should ers of an nlmusl c1ClI l,l , Amon)! th e al' l), co 1\' In g ., whllo He(ld lng cri ll,,!,"e h ad 110 " If Ib eartb sioPIl d, what wOllld hap· n'llIIc; sprend l 'V r lbe tUI'ltey ; coyer 'lDullurl llg s pinster. 'au\1 'S eusltlve tu vel·ts W I' lJl'Y ~ \l nd ~ it' l s; til 11 C;l m' ,;e ~SICIl t ht'O lUl h oUl ' the d nl' . Ahnll( I (1 '11 to u s?" "How hlg Is tL vol cano closely nnd bnke tor one·hlllf hour. lbls dellfll sslng fact, sbe so on CenliElS YOll ll g , m n nlHl \\, 01\l"1l: ,n nd Iln ally 1,000 (l eul,l u ss~ll1hJ(' rI ~t 111 t:tbu l" Ingld 1" "Who wlIs ' th c IIrs t schoo l Se rve hot. Dr, William,' Pink Pills a Speclflo r eam Sauce.-For the crenm sn ur.e For Anaomla and ill Safe FOimlly , to 111"olcli c O th o ar tI ur pl en~ ln g anll m n wh" hl111 11<" '1' 1' jl l'lIfqsserl ChrlS. ! II:lCl e I<l 10 : : 0 II. m , 10 11 511"11 III n scr, l lI'ach er7" "Please 'nn you t II Dl all mix togo th e l' one tnhlC' spoonful coeh Medlc l ne. ' relics fur Ul tentlon ull on cull.lvated t1,:1l1lt y. b1J ~l n !' ti lI\ (>n , colleg . MtU ' IlHln by M I'. III It: : IIntl lh ",!UCt"r tllCI :l llout hls to I' Y?" Wh en the body becomes run down. pers()nn l s:Jllrl'. w hI ch quic kly palls d nts. work\ll ~" I n I II • fa torit's, :t11 (1 Sl' I'v l ' CIIII I IIIIII"<1 f or ove r 12 h Olll'S , I " When t h e world com es to' all en d, of hullor nntl flour. aclcl one-pnlt c np· ('11 e!lC'b of milk and hrotb, antI sca, eltber Ill! a r esult ot 0' etwo r k , worr,. lIpon ono >leek:ng a DlOl'e graf!iol1o gr:ty ·lJalr d 11I' IIIy \'I'l I'ans. I n a 11\1)1\· Ir wag III'H l'ly 1 I \>. Ill , wh ('u th ey fl llUl , ho w ('nn th e Il oilic ue IInl ted If pal1.s 8011 With saJ aud PCP \l r. or a H~vere i1ll1e~ 9 . an lCnml nn!ioll lit Iy left I he 1:lll"rn nr-l u, ,\11 th o [ie" pl\! hf their bOlil f's !~I'e In differ nl parts furru or 3mU5 m o nt. Th e YOllng IIIc1u't SI:ty Ihe entin, 12 1 ,,"'r~,lt\1 II I1" lo t th w o l'lu?" " Wh o Wllij III ' mall Cleaning Shell Combs. tbe, blood w ou l(] sho w Il to be wenl•. wld.'W. on t ill! Ol h <!r hund. r a ll z lng tlll' <lll n!\ ""lIt .111 11'1111.,11 1 a lirl'a ll. 11 :)(1 Il hll tlnvEutecl I; fomu lllr ?" " Wh at d oes ,ft is mu ch b ,ttcr to sen d n hand . nnd watery , ThI s coaelili on Is called tllal h er sllJ nJug 'l ul\lI tl l'H hn-ve been ' '1 IIIf' !l" O':':1<: " pI'r',,,1I' 01 '"" ch uII Ih'l .) 'n onmee pl.' !' sonlfl ed m e B!l ?" , "Whe ro ~()nle tOJ'l ul . ('·shl",j romb to "p er l s unaomlc. wblelt Is l1:e meeli/:a l · t er'1l. ,duly 1, ' r:lWoll. Is con Rl!lIltly allvu fO d ar II' s ill II)' 1\:10. lI un c.l!'l·ljhl ApeUl II':' ~ (; od burn '!" " Wh Rt h old th is fo r l' 'pIIIlHlJ ln "" W it h t ho u c o r tor "bl oodless ." Th o C('nlmun aymp. th e lle(:'>:HH y of JI1 3 Hying hpr l'Ppnta· I '?'1\' tu t';gll l ItOIl !,~ :\L th' w" "r l1 !l~ lo ' \\'orl d up?" "Wh y dlrl til e 1)01'(( make wh eel s nnel hJ'1l sl1 es t h ey. rnn .1 0 t he t ems aro llnl,'ness " of th e I I~s . g ums !Ion ro r " j mel! )', U\\'O I n tlSf' of uISI'IOsl· ' 1I1;:11I/.[ I,J'VI~ ':~ 11111 1 11' I':\)'!n:;-, 1ll'l,Yet!1J IllUllY pin l et s, In at e nll of une l arge wo rl< m or l' sal IsCal'lfll'l Iy t h an It 1111 al.d ek~ , sho rtness 'f brc.\ II IIlld t lon, ,1'l1:1I'1I1 III II Ullll1i I', 1.lJ' tJa l'lng 0\'(1 II n'd sl. /l','I,,,,I; fi JI 1; II L'lt t1 1Jd r{J Il' I n., !'' " Ir Lh ,,' f! I't.h s loPI'ed going he II n o III hor.1('. It" tto \\"",el'. 011' p alpltllflo n 0 t t be heart afte r toe 61l('L1ch .. " 1[10' n E\! tIIny he, allol Is In· t ~n ll ' d an hllur II pdh l h ell' Itlle ' , l' oU lld. whal \I'QulLl htl l)Il<' U'!" " If you w i sh l'S to nla lw Ih " exp'r imenl, fl'r sllg ht os t cxerllon, dull eyes Il::ld loss r..'11' 101:1)' !' K \\'(' Ie a n ~\\" ' I'I 'r1 In u r('· j ultlpod oft t b' IVoI'l d nnll wenl nil '5 ~ ' Ir. 11L)1'(, is I h Ipst m ethod. of appelll . oll! '.l.1 h~' jll'i (!I' III ,' ( ert h r Ul1110S t I mll l'I' !lhl" 1,,,:\I!n .. I, III tile arl ,' rnfJon utl'll l ~l.1t Oil, whc !'r' lVollld you go 10 '/" fl'o lll' a K oil 311 l bo1't ty : Oct !lc.-mo " (,1'j' M r. Lou is L. Cl ark. a 'painte r, ot '19 f'ud Vi\\,ilr.; . , 1tl:.J ' her all' agreahle, ono rl'01l1 \I L i nco !n Pl ace. Plalrdlel d. N . J ,. saY/I: " unto' l (r .. :11 l'h:lr,1rt('r fOI' Whom I " Wh y d i d .I 5 nil not wI! h l~ ti ne I'vwr!!'I'cd pll l llic J u 1l 11~. h<J,'" C; ...·. lgn t-llll" 'rr, In !l ar, rlrHt!"'191. ~lb into n )l1'N " sU IT Il:lslO • " L as t 1I1ny I wus obli ~~'d un:lergo 1I111:1Y h"el 1) , ~''1 pr:l).'iu,.: \\'I' nJ. to lIIe br ctl1!" \1 b w all IU(' il' bJ'ulh or tbe f\I'6l per'~ 1I", KIJ(' ,,01\ s f t'om thc ,., ' n 1\ oprra l Io n fn I' n PIH,'nd \s and ,",lil t. .11 nl i:11t 1'1' ;,I'll< ru r \\'tlr{~ rOUI' t im' 111 Y C:l Il1' dnw n to EgYPl to hll )' 11' 1 11 slI'el'L OI l. Rllb til l: IlR st e on l ho' ,,'h ile th o op r n' lo u In I self wn s sueA\D ~rl(nn ' '' ''11 : • Ili\ ulr!' to \\'o l11e n ') C h l~ f(II'm "I' " "Sel(' l(1I"~. P I'O)'el' ho d orn'/ " " \Vha t Is ' l11l' powP-r uf one ur tnrlol r o ~,h ,It with a "Ipce of an ol d , ss tl1l , 1 dlc1 nOl 'r ccove r m y I>trencth linll !i,I .. lI:,'· I .. I'H'n, :\1111 Is al.l,l r] lillI, '1," 0 bp,m off t' I''' d fUr n 1110:1 who ' ho Buckers (if u t1 cl'I\ f1 , h '/" " Wbo is s nNle j(IOI'~, \\ h en you hOI'e , l' llb blld and benltb. I was con nnetl to my bOll . t rln lly IJ)' Ih e: "uri\"'l1llo l1 l' I, o': t' so (" ' 1Il tI \\' <' tillig h (I ' m on'l tI~S ~se d I n " ho 'prettie st llflr~on In th e world 7" \'I"ry l ho rou ghly, 1'In e QuIckly II) for o ver 11 m onth and wos un rl r tHo lI°i,e I Y, w lllt'h :t ('(' III'!!:t h 4! Z' n Oll l(:l1 h I, o !, II" ~itl lln [0 lhp , 1'0vll':1l !l lltl iiI ' Wh)' d.lci • 'oul1 l uke some aUl mals "" I I'm WU I N n1l(1 r uh on :J. II t I.l0 eloct or' s care. ,VllOn t' wall nble to wld!'r r" l1g or tlll'IL- II ,lI" ltl 16 p'lI'mll cl'I'i~ I !:lIli il'. AI nl ~ht, he wos ou III' 'ltO the ark nnd kave oth ers lu g et " l l'm('(\ !<wc"t oil. ' If Ihat ' doas not I , e t lip my lc:1gs w r e so ·,y en~ and un· IRd to Iw r IttJf n~' llln al e rival. whoFo ' ' h,mt :lIJ-- 1110sl oj' III ' 1U s tron ;; li1 un- d 1'() \\'n e~l?" "Why Is IhcI'e HIICh a g ll'e t he re£lull'o!i poll!!h repeat lbe stel\(\Y thllt I ' 0111 .1' unly wallt l\'lt~ a cnn · wit h dllficlI tt y. . ,. he. I\'C'l1 L rOJ'lI" ~rd. I h I n!{ , HI l,ollllcs .:" "'Why Ill' sume prucess. ( !OIIU !!try l1lU . L be v '11 d 1).1' s(>c m l os "I wns g£'!ting no hetter Dnd oullt "i ' . p oopl IllUl' s im sl bl o than oth el' s? " buueenr e lIull h "I'omln;,; moll alY. Cement for Brokl:n Glas., not think ot f1;olng onc ll 10 w o rk . I I • bles In Great Oem.lnd. It Is a b ov wh o IVrllos: "1 would Plasl !!r at pariS. mlxlld Into a. pallte WRa dlsoourn (!.'ed, ",ben n n e ighbor Tho Soulh !lakoln \lit'll who ha\'1l Onei of lh 1II0st ~lrlJ<ing visible rOo III(p t o Imow ' how ),011 can tell moth er with while of e!;g, mnl\e~ a slrong 'told mo that Dr. WillIam s' Pink Pills beou mak ing 10"" 0 a yt.l1 ng /111'10 dIs sulls n f tl1 a wal(cnlng was the In· lll" eons from fathar plr;eon s?" und had cured h er ond Rd\'l! ~(\ rna to try E" S, Galloway. cnmsell d l'mand ,for 81bl>13 Qnd T ellta· " Who Inycull' d th o ~rst joke?" while (',l ment for 111 n dlng broken glastJ ' or t ,hem , I liet:Rn tilltln lt lhelll nuollt the , ~ull\('{\ lUI a WO l11l1n mu.l sllc n.l l n!:! thl'lr 1t1<! nb . T hu dt!llier's cuuld not get th e )'oun.~elll gIrl In the whole cla~s I:hlna; IlIII! II/tolhor "ce ll ent cemenl mlclale ot Juno nnd soon felt ' so much bard-earn ed m o ney for pr l'seots ha r o a chance to make ' an aw f lll eXJl.mpl<, be l' r c a ses f()lll' or liv e nlE!llI u" rs of th em In fa!!t c ntlup:lit. FI~Bt Ch\cll~o \Vl'ote, In (\ woe !lUle l1Bncl, In th. IR lUnd liS follows: Int o a small' hot· beller tll ll t I l.C)lt on '81>r1 was 'curlld. -110 press AS much Islnglnss as w'\ll Dr. WIlII~m9' PhI)! Pills llRVC ~ ... of him, for ob t aloing money ulldel uu., fumlly W I'e convprl d, .On Y"U 1,\ WUH Ilrawn upon aad th ey. Now YQrt-. 11I1 (llll(; ul !'!. shelH ot fool sCH )l: '.' flleaso an It. I hall pour In l iy ,lcgrclilS \In· ed rhollmnt1sl11, cblc,utcBls, after,effect•. lllan '!.I·ose In a \L1 eling al )d t f' IIlI cll Il sef"llcd rrs If cvcr~)' boy Bnd mlln III would yO\) tell me whnt my moU1er !&Iae Ilretenses, oIweetonod gIn. which will gradually of the grill Rnll t~fc rR. Rn . os th., th n hlo ralh er lall :~·u aloon l, ee l l'l') h t;lwn wonted lo (larry a 'restalllont I Ihlnks ol very day In be r mind?" (UHsolve th Isinglas~ If the Ix!ttlo II health ef the nerves depends IInol'! tbe ' aud mOlhel' nnd f1v(' bl'o~h c I'~ a1\\.1 (' our ' I' Blhle In his (lodtct. And In their kell~ In a warm place, purity or the blood, 'th!!)' lire Inv-'u, The roast bllef of olt! England 1I1 ~lerij had bllen savetl-I,I III !Ill. ontbusillsm Ihe conVt;l'ts wore not par· I, A FoolilJh Queltlon, .ble In neuralgia, nervollS ,debllltt•. OOJlK'I from Am rica IUJd III eaten In L1"" !tll'ge wagoa factory In Ab· \leulor aboul Ibe p)cket Blblo llclng I Drf'Dmer- Do yon t1lll1k " environ· CUlhlonl for Wicker OhalN. IleeplpSBneBll, dlulnl'B8 lI.ud eveD 100 "lib U1nllkf~lnes8 by our Brlt)sh In!;dun ij orell I1t lhe III n , weul ('.)r. ! ' cry small, One ev\ nlng a tS·year·old men! bas much or an effeCt on a per,.hese look well covored wlth, .j ~04 eomotor "tnla and pRrAlysls, ' <IIOuln•. but It duesn't ~o upMa wit}; "'·I'.I·d 811'1 proressed salvlltlon. The CIl· 'lOy walked Into Ihe ' !llorc anll Iluid Gon? veh'eteen, T.elng n l'otton {al'rle. It Dr, Williams' Pink PI1IB Ire lllunt-Thunderat!ol1! Were ),011 does not ha~I)' m~'tlI.l alhi ':s kept II all dr\lllilipt. or eM 8outb<! \\' n :UUIL'D .lId CbllPI110 tire n.tnlosphere or Ihtl place wall I. :~.IiO to~ a Bible. ,I ell,l ng tbe dealer Chllnged . Scarel·ly I air a dozen meu l a 1I'8S goln, to ape tI all the next day ('I'cr surrounded by a sWllfm of bees! "Ipt or prIce, /i0 \l.r . . . . . .11.11'11) t!iet o,)I'der II)' "I'll binI(, bowea 'UCP. by the Dr. WllII.aII"' , ~~,,'!!fY" , Wf1ru 1 ~t 'UI1COD1'CI·ttecl: !Detead or ,'cadln, It. I -Detroit Free 1i'r',.

W hat'

"('ru,. and yc

Alien d5

.Id 1;1111( uncl ~ I 'Ilrlug 3 'l1 P cl lnu"r lU1Ur. ,lil lY nnw l t1t\ttllll!) ~~ln~ "'rvh' .11,,1 I'r"~ ' t' 11Ic,'tlng, {I n.' ' ,f Ih rl\/'1,,1'I' "oll\"rl, I\:;~ II U !\Ih .. bl f, lr 1I11111Y y.:,(I·4 . 1\ ho . r"u n,lI) ,'.11 " "t ,'YPI I IIII IIJ.: t 'hrl.ll:;n. II IIlIlI' "III'1' I I'~ .~ 1I1~1 , . ' I'. :i tU1\\I ' Jl III hl:j P,Ut"\' \. \\111 1' ...... .'\'\" h I L..lJl' H~ ,\thlth cr cutl'I ' rt \\'I\~














leIu Co.. Salallllcctadl. N. 'I•


Trials:,of a 'President's' ,


paug~ter qJy Mary Harriso'n McKtt S he Tells H ow W omen in th e P.ubllc Eye Are Subject to Criticism - N ewspapers Publls~ ,Mallcl\l:1s Accounts - M an y Rldlculo\!S D emands Are Made Upon, Residents of the While House - Even the 'Children Do N v l Escape Criticism, (Copyright. 1906, by Joseph B, Bowie.,) (M ...., Mary Bonl.on !II 'Kcc, daughter Pr ah1ent Bu.rrlaon, W89 very prom· .. , nt In olllcial s'H'IHy during lI<Ir (a the r'" tllrlll 118 tho halion'. c hlcf execuU\'e. She


t eUS illwo w i th frnnknORII nnd hun,or 50m9 of t lu) p.cullllr ""pel'len CK wh i c h sho hull

..,hll o B resld nl of t ho Whlto Hous .)

How bOod it Is 00 laugh! Row delightful Hher tor' mnn or woman to be- blossed with a keen sense ot lb "ldlc\1lous! • Some are not thu8 favored and are contlnuously snd and Cllreworn, whIch II; mlstortune to be truly monrnCII over.'. A sobool for tbe c\lltlvation or the humorous faculty mIght be help· fUI to 'future generations. , The assertion Is nlaele that v.'omen laok a lIense of humor, but the aett'r ' CoQuelln has pu bllcly denied th e nc· CU!;llt;lou and says "It I s a slander that lIas lived by reileUUoni' W'lth truc Fr nch ~aJlnntry he remarks "tbat 't 18 only another example or woman's \an llelllshness that sbe ba8 been wllJ· tng ,to let ,U 8 tblnk tlla~ we men Ilnve II monopoly, as they suy In AmerlclI, , on hl~ot," SO' ' ,\Uch hlUl been wrItten on wit. bumor nnll fun, and so many examp l es from every dlretclon ha\'e come do\vn 1-0 U8 tha.t we cannol give the \lalm for SP charming n cllaracterlstlc to any on e time or country or sex, An IlctOr or actre83 wllo nigh tly faces a large audience ba8 an OPllor· lunlty Cal' judgin g 'o r t1Jese quallUes la the human race. So hilS tbe man or 'WOlDau who Is called lipan to OCCUll Y any c,onsplcuous pOSition where he or ,be (s brought In closo oontacf willi numbQrll of men aluJ women, whose fleld (or observation Is a broad one and wbose perceptlons . are k eeu. Well might suoh a on~ :exclalm with the p~i: " Qh, "'0<1 some JlO"'cr tho glme sle u. To IIee CJurHol'8 B8 Ith r! Hce Uti! ) I l"ad f'rI\O monlll n Utumlor free us And CoolI.b, noUon."


8felln).. and 1n llealtD, 80 Ion. al the,> both do JIve." It would bc a KOod fde. to cet a bm througb congress com~lIlng 'publlo men to write down tor future genera. tlons' all the amudlng In<:lIlenls, l ei . tel'S, etc" that torm pal'L o( Ulel r careers. Bomll of tlleae, no dOllht would last ,longer than th ei r publ1~ B LS ' nnd what a world of entertalu. ment would lIB coutalned tllereln! Ullon enterIng puhllc IIle a malt would betl.ol' xam lue blmself and Beo If h o hRS tbes qunlillclllions (we will tllllO ability (or grallted) : A calm nnd \lull lit disposi tion, U senso or tlte hu· 1001'0111:1 unci th e ta t to tollow t. J'liUJ'B Injunction at It Ing " all thlugl to nil l\Ie n." "h!l quullLJes ure gOOd for anr SttlOI) In lira, !.tut allllost Indlsl.'len sllbl(li I I' lll& wcal' alld t Ill' of all official aarcel': Tit wire of a Illan elected to fill a h ig h pOsition com es In, at cOllrse, tOf 1,el' shl\l'e at rill I~IU or nattery, nE to what silo cloes 01' l eavcs lindane, IIlld nil r elatives, even unt o tho tllird aUlI fourth genel'aUon, III list inn lle sw'et ly and say nothing, n o matter how much lhey aro .criticlsod or mao ligna,!. When you ore trying to make a non· enUty of yo urBolf whu l woulll lie lefl to )'ou If yon ha!! eo soeso or the rldl' culous?

J Olll on l y a woman who had a par t In all adllllnistratlon and who had to gil th rou gh tOllr renrs shinIng In reo I! cted glory , bllt that school IiHed wltb tho l essons that go to nlalte Ull lIuman exlsl ence--jo)'S, 801'1'0\\'1\, trIals nnd amu sing experl euees-wns, as a whole. 1Il0st helpful. In lhe plIl'sult of knowledge or 8 spIrit o( cu rIosity Buell Questions a! th ese come lo one dall y lhrough the mall : Wheth er you approvo of dun' lng, whether you drInk wino, whal. l'OU Lhln k of the latest Qovel, ho\1' much lime you give to you~ toilet, what Is yo ur favorite color, whelber YOII bOllev'e In women voting, whether YOII dl'ess your cblldren In 1I'hlte, ele. How would you like to see the ludl· vldual who could eend the rollowlng cOlDmunlcation on a postal card: " My

D ear MudulO- l

wllnt 11 ~rCMemt

~~~I~,()~·ufJ~ln~ n p;~::' fI~~d tl ~I~~'e ,,o~~llC~

puttcrn (80\" raJ o the r glrta wel'e Oll 'lIl l ono(l atf b eing n ccf~ "t' lblG) . and If )' OU I5Cml ' it plcuso prep ay the cxpreMs


c harges, for I hU\lO lHud· U " v\\' 1 will xprC 88 c tuLI"g 8, B8 I c an ' l

neo"" I' po. • ",-ny

s eo wl)rH I "hi gclllllg In tho,ngc,"

Anothor womll.u d sired "a pinna gnd sarno shert mUSiC," aB bel' daugh· t I' had great "tallen lB." A pastor Wished U,O()O for hi s hur b tor the roaso'o "tbat you are II r l oh lady and will neve, lu l~!I I t,'' The I' quollt tor money Is, at course, a ammon one adr! rORsed to people ur promjnence ai' tbose blessed " Ith 0;1' at riches. MallY pcopl are convinced that nch member ol II; president'll famil y Is drawing a large salary t.rom tho government. or that all of them have a pneuUlatlc tube runnIng to lhe ~reas· \11'y d portment and up n punching a bullon large quontltleB o f Unr.le Sam's gold I!uds Its way to the pllnchoe. 'rhe r qu sts for autographs are al· most unllmlt t1 and should a president underlnke to make the supply equal to the dcmaud bllt a small portion o( e!~ch day could be devoted to llUbllo busIness. Th en the orazy·qullt ortist- - Ilnd h er lIamo Is legion-wants at least one aUk piece 8S a souvenir, and tr lhe sl g· natur of the prcsldent or soUle memo bel' or bls family Is IIlaqed upon It, 10 lIluch t he better. ' One frc'1uenlly m'erh ears rernarkll on the Illll1 al'anc or chal·aoterlst!c ,. r saine m inlIer of the family aad It Is well with Yotl when YOll can 'mile. :llany a rrlend has enjoy p.d with me Ule tonowln g Incid ent, the remarks haying been addresesd to the cbJl· Ill'('n's nurse: ' , " Which Is 1)aby M c Kee ?" " This 18 Benjomln." "Whlcb Is 1If1'S, Harrison's little gh'17" "Thls (s I\Jnrtllen a." "j.Juml)h, I an't,. e tha t they look IIIlS , dll'lel'cnt from any other ohll· d re n." On another occBIIlon, w:len the salDe line of qllp.l!tltlnlng waB bolng IHlrsllod. IIl1d tho nllrse hlll,l mad an claborate apology to exeu~o tbe chilliI' n 's ap. peal'auoe" ns they bad been llla~' lng In t b e dirt and .were not ,dressed for In· sllection : "Hunlph, It wouldn't make any 'dllterence what )'OU put on them. Th ey nre very Illaln, homely looking c ildl'en nnyway." Wholl this SI)Oecll was r eJlorted to me, I gave my d nr homely babies a hllg and laughed hem'~lIy, beCB tlso , I kll ' w they wore beauties and that It WI\!! a POOl" 1IIIsguided Individual Who was III'obabl r Ilersu[l(! ed In her mlnll l hRt only OcniocraUu bllbll!s IIret{y, '

The mirror In which we may get " ratber (air notion of ourselveB II IJub, lIc position, although the Imnge 1'0tiecled Is not always exac tly acc\ll'ate or tl'U to nature. , 'With th hewspapers on one BIde laying that Mrs, E, 19 beauUrul In face and divIne In (otm, wlLh BUP rb qualities oC h earl and mind, nnd the oppoSition saying she Is a ' pluln lItt1jl womlln wbo dresseB atrociously and ' IIlea bad EnGlish, she may find her8elf In the position or , one at M ollier Goosc's oharocters, You will rom m· ber the little old, woman who f It a!llecll and bad h er pettlcoats cut off tip to h er knees and upon ,a waking and , not eXllcUy recognizing berself 4!xclnlmed, "Can t.h1J be I?' nut I t Is rI ght h ero that a sense 0' tbo , 1'llIlculous comes to 'tho 1'08Clle ; for If you n'r e broad·mlnded and hnye a oleal' co nsolence yoU wlJl I',,' able to emile a8 broadly a8 the' opposition over d eSl:rlptions ond you do gh'e , v ent to yo nr ,nlerrlment; for often the thNlsl,B are 110 , unkInd t1Jat )'OU mIght be :lemllted to cry. .But what would Wor.ted by an 0 .... j . b l) tbe, lise, sInce It would only make r.he Illaln face I1lalner anti the bnd r'Hi-am Hell er, at WIUlal'lfll,lI't, Pa., English would cartalnl;, be made WM badly lac m ted In a battle wltll ~.0\'88 It you could gIve tree vent to a grent horued owl \-;o hlcll he woutlded YOllr feelings? ' wl).lle 'gllnnlng ,near Fall't1li ld Canter. H shot, at lhe owl as It I! IV by him, , There certaInly tl no lack of (ree but only broko Its wing, Not wishing c\llICusslon nnd crltlolsm In the news. to ,disfigure the bird. Ff elll1r attcmpted 'paPers of the day on !lartles, poHtlcl 00 ktll It wfth 0. club: The wounded and .)erllonS, and the nlDn Who entera owl, which measllred near ly four feet th~ l,allUoal arena must tako that r-rom , tip to tlJ1i pounced III)On him, and life .aa ho ,docs his wife, " tor better. before he Wnil abl e to treu himself he tor -WOt;1lQ, for . richer. for Door~~, In I,was ~adly wouuded.

"; 'WANTED ' ONE ' LONG HOLIDA Y H8d No 'u .. , Any Kh\d.


The oommlttee' reliotted, h e was '(I/Ir I,.ab!lr of' nleotcd, '!lldoraed by every working· lI~nn.

',ears --

ago wlien' the late' &Idel' Robert B. Bancroft, at Cambridge tJ.a' recelved the nomination; It Was th'o \lgtit by the Teprellontatlves or the laboring men to be 11 duty they owed Ito 'tJle tr!ldea jlnJons to ,find., out llow die candl,date stot-d on the ,labor quu. m~il

Uon. f

' II. __ mllllttee )tu appoInted and the ..tefflew~ tool.. plaCe With. more or lea. pk\aldnl relult.. llr. Buoroft , the mmmlUee With opeD

8plieed of the Marcil Gral, It dOes not take on old mall to remember wi\en 'the only city In ' the cou~tl\)' to, enjoy ~ carnIval i5eallOn wa., New Orleanl. Now ' there are man.y IUch. only the qfllebratlon. are ·knoWn . by a :variety of Damell and tbe dat . . ,(or them vrlry. Philadelphia Year'. cJ~,.- aDd other place. ba'e am. IIUlled . the oh..rTanoe of lIaIlo",e'" Into a Illlht of talltaiUo mel. Ii:ae1a )'ear . . . addltlOJUl to tills lIaL . . .


.1Iouae. When all Ole more It . . . oJ. .,.




method til





THE BURIED WILL By lOA M. SHEPLER. 1'be hypnollijl hol~ln g fOl'til for ~!\p. for nn hOllr lie fore, and cs,m to cn ll h ti l f ' II' nl c llis lu n Ilrruulwny hall hnrl me to lake his plllce. L hud wonder ' d '\1" 10 woml el'Ful lhln~s In th waY or nt bcr symptom s, 'bul now rol' lhe u'lIklng tho subjects of Ill s p(lwl;r ell nl'~ t tIme I gu ss d. H e had II eu ~ I au g!! sec rels In th Ir own Il ves nr sit.. Ilol sonf ng h'l', but geltin g 11 1'!ld : hat of sOllie ulh el' pprson. Two J1 I'· or wnillng h ad, dudng lilY absence, se ns b ad rnm forWIU'd lIIUI In st nlo;hl" r.l\'lill h cr Il lell'gel' dOBe. She kn ew .':ot of 111<, wlli 01' WIKh or elt h uf , 'l'h,,!! I' hat still \\'1,\1:1 dying, ' Cllm e beca use lh, hYllno l l.n, Oxll1 t; iri s "H el'e: ' shl! gaspoo: " I 11'li sl yOll gr.'at, blu('k oy,~ s eJU thuh' oy!!., COlli· H'de Lhls wilt unlll Ill ,\' '!nWY <'I' 'Oint)·, polled Lb el l' TIP3ence 1111 the sta l':II, I sh ould have lei him tuke II w l/ h him HaUl w l' nUI'~es . On e a fal r, liltli I h It nigh t. Illde ::1" fnc('d g irl, thl! otl.. !, a hol ,l , 0\' 1" " 'I'lte lOlli',\' I' who bad mnae Con sln dl' s~ed, mIddle aged wonlll U. Ithody 's Irlst 11'111 !(Iok l ion hlm s If Th older wOlllan ho,1 cOllie IIpOIl III l ook ou: I'Ll I' thaL wil l. li e wuuld til stal!' ot his comp IlIn ;: gar. . bll t nol lil l f' my wnrd Ihor t1l the " I'ry th er e was- ,tl'ouble III g tll n g hrr ~ \If' lu st ' (luHlu Ith OlI," 01'01 01,(,,1 DI(' to (Ief1 '1 nily h ypnotlzod thill, a 1.,- ''I\'oul!! sl,'Oy rhllt will. n' I ruuld 1"'0\·0 by 3 talte Sh e IV nl orr Into cm:ll'llry toni · It USClll llld , This nl ald WUJ; d.:!ut' rl lll l l'UIllS or g sture, uut her lips reo ",h.ll ...h<, hpard enc ullh to Iml)\I' t h ai mnilled so long lIstlily cl osed Iha l Ihl' '(lII~11J ltltnJ ,\ hud n rd ered nllt' (If f h e a utll n 0 de spalrt.t! alld hl'CRlII 1' un· 1"1115 1" ... r,hl ' nOl (11111., !llIre easy, Inllll1l1t1ng loudly tlw t IIII ~ \V 11 '1 I'! hlf'h on., It n,I"I: 1 ' II : bIl l. 11:1 1 :'1' III)' scall t sltow for t h' 1I10n oy Invl'sl,-d 10 .lI n'P I hill !,. ,a llm' I h:t II WI, :1,,' ge Into tho hall. Th L! p rof 's90r IIl1d lll'el II,·'" ~, I \':il l. for qUI t , and th WOIIIU <I h gan 10 " HI" Ihtl l uw)':!r "i " lll [I t thr ,ta l: f'r speolc In hl gu hand ell mal1l\('r, li e pnl " I 'm a nurse by IJ ro f e~~ lon . I n \' I' O\' (>I'Y 1'00111 allcl dra\"')I' III tit ' 111111 HI) mOtTled. I- L hal , 110, tlO, I l(Jve him :" under lot:k aud I'''' ~' until a Hlar eit WI1~ Hel' lips aIDe to wll ' , tl snull, Ilado (0 1' Ihllt 1"111. He .eill 10.· u '·!'Io, you don' t lo v» him , You It now WOlllan til nul only !i arch my room YOII don't. Now lei! this uullienc why bIll m."s(>lf f')r Ihat m l!!s lllg will , \'hlcll, YOII hal e h i m; wi~y h e neve r marrl..,d I carri ed in Illy boso m , I 1001;(>(\ "bollt YOll , Sucll II. b anrlMome woman , T ell for u h i ding Ilillce fo r tbl' will bllt It YOUI' SlOl'Y; ' til prot SSOI' coaxed In Lh I'e \\'R H li on. Qnl c ll 8 S Iholl ,; ht 1 stepped rrolll n wlntluw to an oll l~ llle stl'augely Inslnuatlug t on . " Yes:' 'h e Sliokll no\\' clenr and balcony, Th p u .. n I" Indow all thi s' Ride shal'll, " [ was beuntlrul. I am yet. l h.., huu~ e open,)d Into t h e mom wh el' l 1,;h: How 1 ha tod n\ll· ~ llIg. How I th l')' h ad Inid il s ml"lrr!8!!. I:l ' forp the yet hate It. 1 wa s going Itl marr), KliCh wOfllan CII' Kherlll' , eu ~hod illY 1'00,:1. I a ri ch ulll inall thnl I luid unrsefl \\'h 11 li nd. b~' l1I can ~ of ti: "'!l e WhIIlOW ~, 11 0 [ IIrst mel tbo man J 10vcd-IbR j sc n. gninotl access to where ('010 9 i ll ycl-" , . nhody lay iu her cofli%1. I t uck etl ,he " No. YOll don't, Y ou hate him. Go \\'111 und I' h ' " body. and wh ell ' h on!" compclled t h e ("II'OreSSOI', "for at sh eriff and the 'wolllall bl'o ug hl 10 t be wOI'd l ove het' lon g u had ~ o 'l e red , search me ce nt Inlo l hls room , l ''''a~ ' TbaL [ hate, yes , Ihul'S I ~, <1e al lllug- calm !.v reMln;;;. cllme for m e to nnrse his si ckly wife. " RemarkIng thai I had lIet,l\ SC!!t h:: He had 110 mon!'y lu pa y me, but what 'ous lo Rhody 's h Ir to watcb h y h ~r did I ar . h e wa, soon to die. 'rhat body, I wunt very qH,etly , thoug h WI :,II [ Iwe w, aa d v n hor'II'C all di e!,! h som good show or indi gnut lon OVO I mod e lo ve to In . 'l'h \,'re tell , H e l ho In sul l a s I t nil ed It, hu ck co mv wa s 0 I:llmblel·. \)0\\,11 III his luck al O}l'O room by way or th dOOI'$ lIOW. t hat tlmc, I f lind Olll. H was I.Josl · "It wa a se veral·llo !ll's b forc lhn Iy tlOWII In his IlI el:. Wh en sb dl (1 chnnce was gI ven m to return to he 11I'tI0I1ael1 to marl'Y Ole oon, Did Cousin Rhody's room, and when I dI d h ",~ l'\o. He pul hIm elr wherl! I did so 1 [ound lh coffin loset! , and 1\ not hcu l' of bll1l for nve J'eal~, The funel'al dlr ctOI' In clta,rgc with or-l er~ old rIch mun l b'a t I 1\'11 5 to marry 'had 0 1I0t again ope n It. died. una not a.n orhcr so rlcb present· III vain I plead with th e hell' 10 ill· cd, hlm solf to my fa\'or unt'll five y aI's low Il 01) ned . He had given ordel's after. and thi s time Ihr man wa s thnt! t should nol li e. It was nol pol· )'OtlllgCI' Ulan l and , haIr witted, surc: Icy I felt to t II him ot the wil l. I Iy . Goin g thr01l g11 n stupendous rOf' would get I aftcrward. I kn ew she lII n nR f ast us ever 1'001 went , I wos WOliid be placed In th e ~a mlly VAult. gOltlng r eody for u shar of It us his She bad ordered Uml sh e was nOL tn wife wh en a lett r oum from Lbe man be burl d In thc GI'flU III d. She fen red 1-" "Hale," pul In tlle profcsaor, Interment. 1'h wIll, I consoled m y· " Yes, haLe, le}.llng me wh re to come, S If, I could get at allY lime, Th el'e l:Ie Wlln led me immed iately, He w:t s w ere I wo II ) ' 8 lO the ~'aull, and 1 bad Hvlng with hIs o l d cousin, Rhoda: ' h e availed mYticl f of one, said; " su h II r ich woman , H e was h r "ilUl It wus never to be. I{oowln near cst r l:ttlva , be wen 00. She h all. thal Cousin Rhod Y'H dl ath would 1101 raised her n l ce, bu t he n Iece, whil be9 1' Inves lIgat!on , alld f euflng tha', was to hell' 1111 bls . 'ousln Rhody's for· yet the qnes tloll m l);hl brai sed rIo · tnne, harl dl50b Yl'd her. and ran away tlve to how sh e died. the holr hnd lho with sUllie IIInn hor Ilun t desplst>d, coffin plnced In the slana nlcbe pr£'o , o\l51n Rllody Is no w ell: h e- wrote, 1>DI'ed for It, Illlt! gi vi ng out that he '- 110 n[)c ll8 II nllrse, She hilS come to teal'er! ghollls Dllgl'L sleal Lh body thln :1 l hllt J 11m Indisil nsuble to her anLi nsk u rewart! . LtI_ plaoed heu ry com fort. She has mnde a will 10 my' cbarges ot dynamite ill aud about rllIl rn\,o\·. Remember, you come j ust as a coffi n. I dllt not know of th i s unlll ioo hlr d nurse. and not us the woman I Inle. lo\'(~. l h e woman '('bo will be m y wi fe " How h jeer d wben I told hIm when 01l 5 1n Rhod)" s fonllne gets In· whero I had hlelden Cuusi\\ Rhod~" s I~ p,y hllnds: last will. How he sc.)rn d me wilen ':1 l eft 'tho mnn I wns to marry , I threatene(1 00 tell the lawY'r where ,I'ont Ilt th bIdding or th e oth r . I hlld hl!!d II t be will , lI\ud why 'ons!ll l'Olllld COlls11I Rbody II 0I'05S, frlghl· RhOdy had died. ' Who would l1ello"o fined old woman. me?' he said. 'and if l hey did , who " A I nrsl she sct' mell 10 cling des. co uld now g 't at ' COII~ln Rhotb pernt(' l y 10 hCI' cOllsln. but liS the end ' Oi'onclr's lIody to prol 'o It7 r wa J a Plllll'oached uhc tinned more , to m, fool.' H e gave m e so me ilion y, btl ulltl would spenl. or her nloc Mal'jllrj', h t;' never mal'rl dOle. H I~ sLlII 11\', anti o rd er Ihllt she b o sent lor; , !.till III';: H e h lL'i 'b rom e 11 mlger of Inle, b or consln aa w Itl It that Marjory I itl " . H I' hold~ all of Cousin Rhody's IUlld er I'enell' d Ule nJl'ssagcs. hllll I. H o bas nOI squllndol'ed It. It "Then. at th e l ast, shl) beoalll dI s, Is 20 ~·ear s." :ra~l rul of hllr cOlIsln , Sbe deolar d " Does Ihe bou se\(peper and, lawy.,r lhal Marj orY ,had done rlgbt to !I1al'ry gUll 1I1'c?" tbo pruf dSOI" hurrledlv, Ihe mOil ah 10"ed bost . Site oonlld!'d as k d. to 111 0 1Iiat she bad ~ecl'(It1y sent rol' a "Ycs," COIDe! the mur!l1urln" relll)·. BIIL ,another wns spouklng now. It, Iu,\\' yel' to draw Ull a new \\'.111, fwd I III list not let ber cousln know o( Il, wal:< th e young nul's. leal' und In· IIll1St get lh lawyel' In to thlt hou se cl sl\' : l ate at night. 'Yours!.'lf and the " If thnt woman telJl\ tile trllth, hOlt sokL'O(1el' can be wltnMses: she or· which sh' h us so ral' RM I can 1'0Jl(1\" dercti. her, th en I nm Rhoda Brollcl; 's hcl r, "1 did as she Asked rno to. Mal'jory for my mOllier wa s ?-!ul'jory BroncJc'" was lert tlll! bllll( of the rorttllle, 111111 The hypnoUzerI WOlnlln stl' u g{; h~. 1 the eOllsln bill. 1\ mod .... t lIunulty. The back lO a nOI'II"'1 con,dl t lon. wande l" old IlIlly put the ncw will utlrlel' her inJ: whnl ah might have said: pllluw, and gave nle th e old one to The Brml ol, vn uH was ol)ened by burll, · sh ~ lttlng lIll III !Jed watch ct lawl'nl elll : , A w(l rkman famous for 1110 ns ~he ~IIPPUS 'd, hum II · I wa s handling exp lo~lvo In slifo 1I)[\lIl1er WIIS pr~plL,'ed ro.· thIs. '1ul cklll' tha n site fOllnd willing to lako 11Wa.y lhe stolle coultl sce, I whip ped a pallcl' neurly frQnt l he nl he holding Llll' COffi n , allil lIk,e' it [1'0111 an apI'OIl (loCkel, oad t>ut rl~k m avins It out. I t was th n foull d th e old will In iL~ Illace. ' thnt tile p resent h ell' had .Ionll his "The next day , I gnve hCI' cOtlsln the work well: under othilr hand s In reo old will Icu\' lng blm al l. T!me 01111 Dlovlnr; th explosion thaI m lsht, haye agaIn Ite hnd lrl d ro get possession ,followod wOllld ba \'0 '1Il'eol<ell a town at it. I It III 1"'. y sccr.t. I would get about thll t vault. 'I' lw will 'vns rOllnd l!Ossesslon the ntheJ' one yet. With IlS stnted lJy th\1 nurse, but en~ It. was It I would bring him to tel'lI\s I f he re- fonnd, sb~ 'u,nd th e mall sh l(lvell-or fused to marry me wh en she died, hated- had Ili sll llileat'cd t <J rever from "Tho ond came Roon!:!r than 1 was t hnl land. (Cop)"'llI'ht, by Dhlly Slor," PUll, Co,l, l erl to suspect. H hud b ell wI t h hoI'





"Inlf Itrt'lf about nne !nellin the !lOa • knockIng thll caillain over Il 10, latll the edge ,of the bay, whertl he w d row "I ng, when two of hIli mlln caDlI! along and got 111m and cartlllll hIm two mB 8 10 lhe roal to Ihe bllllIlllo!. 'I'.helr' fullhfuln 88 to Ih(' all' win saved hlll1, 11K he was Ilrelly DCIlT' I~' gon\' when thQ), gOI him ntll nf tllcmull and wutel'. fI hilI< hlH wat.oh and hlill t hall' In his ~ I(I to nrO\fe tit" n!JoV(l. You amlOI make lllnl bl" lIe,,<' lh~ coloI'd trnnll!! wllu ldn 'L fI ~hL Alld h knows whut II I to 6(01) a bull t.

How She Won tho Hoa~ World·Mor101rc;h. 'At C'OIllIlI ~, II , Olll' Uflt' 11110un, wh n Lbe flower or 1111' court was Idling rOllnd his \,lngt l ,ull InitI o, Mil de :'>IOntljo, ~eal d ul lhe 'mllOror'e righI, C0l181111 d him from tlmu 10 t.!me us to h er fllu y, Sh foulld lWO Illel 111'1' l~lI rdR In her hnllll, ('uulIUog 20 OUt of 21 best pol n tll, " Slu tHl on tbat," ad"I!;('d Napol on , "I t I s \, c .. y high ." ,·~o:' nnswer"d Mile de :,10nt ijo, "I wan l 011 01' lIolh l ng-," ' Th Q cOlin l adlo ~ were In full alan. d or 01' hOI' wh 11 NUlloi IL h d l11<1d o up h is mInd III mal'I'Ii<ge . 'l'h y hud ('xtnlOl'lllnllr.v tUOU Il""!!, tb Cl!, e fi l'st Ill' dies or I h 8 ccolll I F:mr>lre cn ul't. One e ~'e nln g I.tL Cnnlpl h'll c. wh II F:u g nle 'vas goh=~ In t(l di ll n I' all t!tll arm 0/ Colon I de 1' Oul!); IAC'011. a sli ghl rO ll ' (uslon pet'ml lL I, hlll\ to whh; ic hor ah ad or ~I n . I"llrtoul, wlrl' (lr lh o mlnl stor. "How :" sh tl pxclil\Jl:led lO h I' c [wnlli'I·. "110 you perm it Lbul - 'I' 'ntu l'o to IlII sll pnst 111 !" 'l'h next morning Mlle. de l\Iontljo , wlLl1 lelln; In bel' eyes, ~to(Jd sud l y til Ite I rmec, upart Cl'om lh e oth ... rs . l'\u· polo on , who had sought h 1', a slt ' d h er th OItUM ot hel' so .... oW, ".c mu st l ea \'e him h e.. 10llg list of slights and In· "ul l il. Th emp ror liste ned lO the beolltlful g irl, trnu'1ulI nnd smiling. Tben, w!Jell ~he had flolBlted, ho tore a few gl'oen twigs froln a bu sh, dcftl~' I wlstel1 them Illto n cro wn lind said loud, thnt n il mi ght helll', U8 he placed It Ullon h I' h eod: " 'VI" al' this one . . , meanwhile." It WtlS hi s anllC)lI nCemcnt of th Ir II1nrrhl 'Il.- Sterll n /: Heilig, In Motropol.ltan IIIl1 ~szl n e .

- -----

Whisky was Not for Her. A W0ll111n \Y ho n (l)la1'enLly had beeD o,'er se to nt erlng IL SllloOIJ Up' [Iroaohed th tmrtelldel' In a fashloll' abl e North Side Iliac the oUlel' even: in g nnd In low lones caJled for a Iluarl or whl skr. FIve or six lOen were st anlling [l car til nd or Lbe '!Jar, says III 011 lengo lnt 1'· 0 Olln. " Now, [ Ilon't wnnt vou to think thi s III for m ," snl d Ihe wonlnn In way of xp lanotlOu, ot th sallie lImft glanCing fUl't!vel y nt tho til n nenr the cnll or l he bul'. " !lfy busllul)<I, who I s III sent !I1e for tJr e IIqnor and r did not wnnt to come b cause 1 thought YOII might I,h lnl: It \V~ tor m, and 1 naturall), would feel embarra sed, '" ' hat do you drInk, woorl nlcohol?" I' t ume(1 th e bal'lend r In II. matt I'-of· fuct WU )'. Tile men ncar th e end of Ute bllr lo,nghed atoud, "I dldll't CO!l1 In here fo be Insult· ed," I' lurn d the woman savagely, Ilt the ~aDle tim e mnnlf sUn' her COil' tempt fOi' tho loullgers wi t h a \'lcloUM stal'e. " And I "'ould like to lurorm 'ou that I do no t propose ·OO have my /!oo ds Insulled , ellher," said the bartend I' In a del.ennlned tone of volre, Af,t or parleying se \'o! ol minutes l he bun ud r h alltl d tile "'OOlan th e bot· tic of whi sk)' nnd sh e hUrried from th pIa e, slamming Ihe dour vIolently. "They come In h re lhllt wily almost every dny," said til e bartender In ex· Illalnlng the wonlan's embarrassment. "'Man)' men are too l azy lo go art r JlqIlOI' thelUselvlls and Lhey senr! their wives. Tbll t '",umnn WllS no doubt \ellln g tlte truth when site silid slle clld n ot wnnt the whisky tor h rself. 1 was 'u st kidding her," ' Odd ThIngs In Animal., T nllke most llnlmn.l s, 1I0rses have

no e)'ebrows and li ol'es aro 11III1US e'yoI1 ds, Cons quenlly the eyes of the laller cn n not be sllUt and a lhln m mbruneolls slIllstnnee CO\' orR them when o~lee ll , Th(' eye of t h e uwl Is al so pc tillar. sing lhat It I s 1m· movnbly nxed In itA socket and can not Sllr In nny tllrecllon. To comp n' lor Ih ls seemIng dl sadvo ntnge Sill It cun ltIrn I ts h ad al,ruost COIl1 pl etely arolllll1 without mo\'lng Itl! bud)', rf you wel'e to k eep a trog's mouth 011 n Dlany minutes I t would Boon die, 1\8, O\vlnl: j() Its pecllllar cousll:uoUon. It can breath e anI" with the moutb cl <)H · d. On Ule other h an(l, fishes are cOlllpelled to k eep ollenliig and clQ slng 1hell' mOIl~h s lu onl er to give t hei r I'csllirn tlon orgalls full play, A CUrialiS fllCL IIbo ut tll O eel Is that II has l's8 II fe In Its h eatl t han In Its tnll. oon 8equeIlU)', wh en killing a n o'el 1ho jlshermnll s ll1 ns h e~ us tall; It 81so ha H 111'0 h 'O I·tS. SlIol,e8 usually hov o Ihelr teeUt In th .. beod, bUl 0110 vllrl Iy In Africa , whose pl'lnolpf;l1 food Is esgs. Is Ilruvlderl wllh II IIllbslitute [01' th m In tts I!tllltlacb.,

Wrong, This !!tory I s. told , of a collel<e pr()o passur wflo \\'aB n oted tor his oOllcen· trutlon of mind , ' I'll protessor was rettll'nlng homl! one nigh t trom a scientlHc 'I\l eo tlng: sUiI. 'ilolid erln" OVOI' lhe silbject. He had r ached his 1'00111 In eM ty, when he heard a noise which semed 'lo come from unrler the bed . " Is som e on there?" he asked. "No. '1IrI11eS80r ," nn8werejl the In· tnlll<1r, who kllew tbe protessor's poC!ulll<l'ltics. . I~OQOOGOOOOQaQOQQ~aQGQOQao=o~QaaQQaoaaa~~aaQOGcCG [was I)ollltlve , "Thl\l's stl'all(:e, som one was under my bed," commen teel t lte lenl'lled mnn .-·,ludge,



Old SOld ier Ha t Walch That Saved H is Life In '65.


'bIll. ~. W. ' FII~ l cr, of CuulH'lI · H ad to C teh Him First. 11111 t. j;1 " h UH a l 'UlllUhh' "I'ill' lit th e C' , ~ 1'11'11 WII !'. II ' Is an fll(l-f'\~hl(ln d all. ,en . Shprma n nce Ilossess.. ,1 1\\1 1'1)1' IVH~c h .• II, \\Ill S 0 fllll' l)' '1)011 ~I e. I r i sh H,' I' vant ",bose for t!.' Wll8 IlNI<IIIg' piec e. u nd ""U!\ nJl .Igh t tllllll IL \~I~ ' Q'IIt!~ IIC1I1HI IIIh\(I trfYl n g fto f111t1 u UI I hh'" W \;f an. w el'e 01'6 I) rver y tlI I II,' .. JlUt Illlt M s I vl l:e by II onfedl'l'IIll) WU s lold to tiD . Out'in" n ' h!l.UI " _ 1.> 1111" 1. C. \ , J"osteJ' WU~ Cllplllll1 of eo e n,l or l:lInqHl n}' D, 'v n l " .sl xth II . S , '. I" d('l'l ), nile dllY Ilil lll'ouched the ,g IIl.'ral, brio . •1 I~ "k lllH' ~Ivl 10 n nll lold him t ha t h1 8. favorite horRe, 1?lrsl ,, \ . a\ s, n. n OSH, )tad IIE'en sll'lf II b y ,n cll ution ,, _, l ,cn . :-;1 <'I' h 'ti 1I 1·1lIy. allling Gl1 n. Ca n· !Jill I tlnd 1,,11 d, . h, ti lL! I ull ln~ , r ~I \lh ll ' . A l a. They (1I11In l; Ills Iris h "('rvant, t he" n!.'flll ~~"T11 to n lll'nncas, Fla., L1l('lI c 10 I5l1 ld , "00 s kin ROijb." , "lI ti;ll'IIIII ,. uuCI lhell by quick IIIRl'c b "WI1,\' , Slt' 1M Ross dead?" be"ull th tltruu;;h 1, 1(11 hi" ij WUIlIPS n n h wcst ' ,,1\ nutil lhl' \'';l!' 'k th 'I' . 'i ' ' I Dlun. . ' I~ n8118 I 11 nen h" rntlln l'fIH' tlJI In his wralb .\1 ,,11>1 lilli , ulIll Ihell ~o tl l h I1I1t1l 111(1)' SnY ln~ : " ~y ' I' IIIln,1 wh elh~" ho I~ "tII,l.. punn('('tillns wll It '\1 1l h~" R 't rmy "1 1'1 th .. r"llr f " . I I I' ' j'l' e PA d or 1101 - 1 to ltl yo u to go nut and ' . IJ o.:JlJlll l ~ \ 'OTt H U( 'ort 8 1\ln h(m.1, IIll \("I,')" lI a wklns ' dlvl ,,;,," of , " Sm"ICL'11 " unk 'r ," " I : 'Il ' rll e 1111111 I'plul'ncd IIbout tb l'e honm • • S \\ ,IS (J U I 1I11 l at'l' aud h erl11an hail ed him ' willi th " I h;ltl I WX! l) 1I tt> rI"L!I' , allli Ihl' th ' wOI'ds : " " ' h r e llRV '011 been? I I Y Ii ' wh itp dl\'I~llIn (IIrlhl 'l' " unlh. Ii), dl ~ · gl n~ 1'1 11 (' Jllt ~ and 1"' UI'hl'N and 1.l:le. Uops il t oll yon t \l'e 10ur'S to s ( n Q hl ~ lIallt' rl '~ 1'lawl{i l1~' nll'n ndvunoed horMe?" " No," an sw er ed Mike, " but It too\( ulI : 1I wi t hin h lllr a IlIIlP of lh en. 111 abollt two hOIll's to oat h him," E!tn}" s wllrk 8. and on Am'll \1 , JSnr" ha l'gl'll I II 'II" worl,s at rO ll r o'clock Widow of RevolutIonary Soldier. (I. nL lIJ1t, J"(18l 'I'. w it h hi s com· Ml'I;, V:stllel' S. Damon , the lasl sllr· I)an)" w u~ lin IIII.' skirmi sh lin wh n vlvlng WIdow ot a soldIer ot th r vothp. ord\ll' til cllnrl;e WII S gl 1'('11 , nnd lulIon, di ed In 'PJ)'lUollth Union, Vt., his InslruCllolIH W"re to nell'ullce and I"Ht month. Sh was 93 years old. druw th CII lIIy 'il iiI" , tl! n ,'nil )' to She marrlerl ]\;ooh Damoll !n 1~;15, Ihe rlShl und join the cha rgln!; (,01 . when sit \\'[1 9 22. H r husband was UIlI U . Wh en wl lhln 100 Yllrd ~ eJ r the then 75. He dId not r eceive a p ension fort, says 'altonal 1't'llIlIne, Ollpl. FOH' 1111 I~ yearM later, so Mrs. Damon ~an· tel' was orel red to dlllllO), hlK CO lli ' IlClt b accused ot marl'3' 111g an 0111 pany 10 Lh right anll lry to g t In IIInll tor hlR pension money. Altbough th e r ar of th (ort n ' xt to th e l>n )', 110 I1IOI'e I' \,ollitiollllry wIdows HUr· !-I ll got 0 good pluce whoI' n wa s "!I'!' , lh. I' a re tour dRughlers of revek eelllng' two pi eces 'ot arllll~ry sll nl lilt 1011111')' soldIers 8t1ll upon th'l pen· bl' sh()otinf; tlt e gunners, wh en a bal · ijlon 1'011. Specia l Dots tor tbelr rellet tallon Qr th e n ill Y ehlu'ged hIm ' and w I'e 11assed by congress, Two of drove him to the l' Or. H e lost , v· l h III ltV In P IIn8yl\'anla. one In n ft _ _"-"-' Ql'al or hl ~ 111eu, and tJl(lr' Is ",hOl'e n cLlc nt nntl Olle 11t e w York. slug til cnpta.ln ijO.Y8 h e stolltJ ed II bill· Mrs. Damon's cas a ~ a basis " t recle· Th e n ell)Y \Y r abuul 50 re i orling, jhe last suni elng widow or a l et. ahove 111m au tall of III blurrs so ldl I' of thc Spanish war Will not ale /Ired dO\vn upon his eompnn y, UJI Ihe y ar 202}, natUrally t he most of th shots were hlgb. 1'he cuplOln hac:) hi s walch In FIrst USIl of Sld~ Saddle. h4 a pants pocket, over the right hilI, Acol' r e81lOudon t of the Lonc\on A bullet BlI'uok 'he watoh on the 1'1 til l all sUYI! that women IIlway~ rode neal' the stem, split I t opon and de· astrille unlll Queen Elizabeth, In orslt'oy d the works. th e mnlnslJl'lng d r lo show a maguilicent dl'esB UllOD lIove l' b IlIg round , Tb e bull t glonced B certai n state occasIon. rode 61do(lnd l odged 11\ th e l'lght tIlum, bl!tl· wlso, and 1><1 set Ibe (ash lon,





' ' !I.

-----,. ,~


ROMANCE OF ,THE GREAT GUN" LADY DA VIS. -. Th ere Ie quite a romance con· nected with th o greut g un, " Lndy Do· vIs," nalDed In bono I' of the conted, ernte president's wife. wrltell a correspondellt of lhe National Tribune, The calltaln cc:>mmandlng the gtln was Alphonso Dubrell. He was a you ng sUl:ar Illnn t I'. who bad o\lpOsed seoes· Sian, bill said If Louisiana seceded ho wO\lld go wIth bls state. Dr. Ohartrand. hIe neighbor, . wns a vlolenl secessionist. Alphonso and the doclor's , daughter, Amelia, were lovel·s. I.oulslana seceded. Alpbon· so raised a compsny and pl'.oved 80 brllve a confederate that the ' doclor, who llad hltberto opposed his daugh· tel"s marrlnge, conse.Qted. The lIalr were morrled In Port Hudson, The hrhle wns lIccordod speolal permls· Blon to go Into the bombproofs, where In comparuUv snfety she could be ncal' her hu sband. There ehe saw him hrnvoly servIng hla enormous gllll, and smlllld encDlU'a.glngly on blm, wblle h er he!lrt was torn with

men unca l' I'ed th Ir healh, ' BuddenIy It major [rom our headquart~ra' stall' nptJeared. tbrew blmself from, hI. horse, uud ~ald, with forced Cl!.lm· lIess: " J am sOl'l'y ; I have a \lllty t~, [arm. The colDn mllllt be opened, muet be search d. rer ,dlsl)at(jhes. Gentlemen, as offic:ors yOU )';now tha thIs, my paInful duty, III Inexorable," With a bayonN Ihe lid o( the box was pried lip. WIthin lay the body or n beautlrul young woman In bridal at· tfTe-. pan her breallt reposed • ~~ ·'.'I'catil of orange ',lus60ms, TIle • ladles. one of 'whom WIl8 tbe delld woman's slst r. pleaded that tb~T might mt tbe corpse. With r "'eront l endernes8 vel'Y part or the robe. lind bale was searcbed. By the YOllng officer lind two 'alloll' d to rCCOm llany tbe r<l1mnln'...._ Ilonrd tho steam bOAt IbervUJ' , tllre were blindColdell, l ed th.r-ough our camp to lbe hont, wb er they bade, a last odleu to the dead' bride'.


True to Code of Honor

stool1 to:;;elher In r efL\sll',g Illrormaffon Ballled In hi s uttelDIH s to d iscover Not Blackwood at All. aoWnl ulprll K, tll .~ gOI'(>rnor sen· ~v rybody knows the Imllrlnt ot issu\ld a (\ec,I',ee t.hat ever.y l ntll H1nckwoo(\-the Dlall ,In tile alllllJ cap. In thh school shOt ld surrer de3th. Jt III not II ot tbe' original November 27, 1~69, thOllc Illda RltlokwoOd , When tbe magazine was lIuod up In rron~ of a buildIng slurt 11 "MIlSu" wno ted a pl~ture. The lhon stood' betwE,en th~ J)re~idl IlOrll'all III of 0 org~ Ullehanan, and the little tortress at Lbe rOd e of how It calll La he cnosen fOr a rront· Prarlu, und ,were executod by ' B ISJ)leo , t .. Mllgll" no one l11'ow8, Prob. of Bpanlal!, lIoldlers. 'ul)ly , thinks Ibe writer In the Book .ve:tr~ the Oubans have rQo MonthlY, 'BlIDle 80rt , oC decoratlOJl n,,','; ,·",1 and han! bl nored thft 1I~· Bocmed nocessar~' tor the \llaln co:ver. of bo)'s who would not , Thero wos a block of Georr:e B,uobanI:: Ilu~ whu cbolBe an IpolDln· an lying ahout. And 110 George Buehh ' rather tball violate a IItalld· ' nll~ll'!i faoe coafroD~ tbe universe . . Itonor which ,Is ftl elea~ly re.~O.l> the embodIment of SootUlh Intellectu. al Elol1 I1nd~ It Sh)l, at Wf:8t aUtl. and A I1nal'OU6, s: It 1"" I" 1.11. of Havana. ft

"Gentle~en, I ha~" a Painful Duty, fo teaF tc;r bis ssfety _ She b£'came ex· by ~h e fl rlllg !lnLl ch crS of tbe men. 4 Shc rushod alit 1'1'001 lIle bomb· prOOf" a pl eco or shc ll struck her, Ind. "be fell d !'ad, He rll~hed 10 her" !8W that It WIIS death. ane.! wenl buck to his gun. 'rhls IlIlll llon.I"1 during tbe assal\1t of May il7, 1863. Tb Jlelet, mo~nln~ was bealltlful. The slIn ~bon glorioullly ,·e wns aces· satlon at hostllllles tor 24' hOllrl. We burled our dead, While thus engaged • I'oquest came rrom tho enemy to ~Iow the body of a young lady , who had been killed durIng the engagement to pan through our linea. lt 11'118 granted. TIle little corteRe ca~ bY a ' military band Ill&)'o a mOl\rnful dIrge. It halted at OUll/Oltl ~ tllere were two IlIdles omara: 01 the

anti retUrned blindfOlded" Callt, Fol~ AgDU~. of the One ~lIndred aud Sa.. ll'· IHth New York, ;,v,hlsperlng, Baked: nne or tho confoderates who tbe youns o fflce I' was, 0.00 rec:el~ed the reply: ., "The gunner \\,\',0 .erved tli'e. 'LadJt "Who olld what do Y')\.I JOe. ." ' , "I lUea,n tne blr; gun; you hail. IlIA reason to know hI'," Davis.''' The young lad. WilD . . . aeee. . PRaled, the dead ""Ido's _..... ~ hU8hand through our. linea would tainted but lor ',Ime .mlD.... our lIurgeon blllpeDect to bawl ,. Itla' pooket. la .golnc taroUSb '-'I.f\lEd IIbe WU lIupported IIln', He Dflftt'





I,. r, _~rninK.

'=urlllt!r el dillpt'r

I " ,HU' l

warts'. S(WCild ~~II,·

I ~ at

Ma.' II.

Jo.epll 'l'bump,,"11 ,', " I, ll II' 11 CItDllblow.U!:\ulllh" 11,,,1 II " '\ "." ,

IIr. aDd Mr . I h"" ..,Ade a. brIef trll" "

II. 1'1 , llJ,mts

X "' Il '1


MI'. Walter Killl(ll1 anti H,~warr~ Booth were vito\itnr~ ill ( ~iIlClTlnatl Sunday. ~'namel puddi llg 1 1\11/\ ~ , lind <I quarts lOe each lit 'eh' ul'l:t ' ~ Spl{" sale May 11 . 1 have" tew bu~bal ' l)lU I.eI'm· iDll!eed OOrD lett, 'om IlIlr\\' , . J . 13. LeArniDg ( Bon!'. R , f . ll . 2,

.j ~.,\\. nll.,\' IIWr., thllll tlVlI ~"(lrt' ,Y '''II~ 11II\·'l" ',··,I, II \\'/1 III~ 1'1'1\' 11 e1!t' t il. tund lllll" 11111111 tlll~ Iii t I rl' .. t III!! VI'"'11 01 I hi'"" "111111"111.'" ,11111

Kings E


tain Tell

' h~r~,

I' ('Oil n 1y AI,l<lIrill (11)1\ WI "'1'1' II. , Ihllll)III"" Mny lit ' •

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UO ]H'L1


1'11- I;ar. Ih' 111111 f('('l,h,'d Illin.l' If 1<'1\01,. , 111 .. 1 III "11 '11" 111' I ". ,." ,11.,•.1 'hlll'lnllE' I . ( .... ·(t.."h, 1I~l!1 1' h,·lm . d.,,',I~ ,nd Ih .. lIIi~hl.l· IIl'l'ivl.·.J:\I thtl h m \I f lwr PHI'I'TIL." . s Il·riti\·· 1 11411 11 111111 ' fur' IIl', I":"II"!'.' ' I' ,rill'r" ,,"111' tho 'ollul.", gel1 t·. MI' alld MI·s . 1. 'wi" 'l'hIllTll\.' ;rei~l, \'lItlOII IIf Ihl> tlnlun I II lit" .'11It.tlS ,,11\, tll'U ~I\\l "h IUI,' rl't;ll'U III t.ll \ l\!\hinRton D. '" Sntul'flay , MoW '\' J I "I\S I, Iltl:< h Uff"', l' p'l('h '1'1"11' 1 11,.~t 1111' Illig "I' Ibl' Wllrn'lI 'Q uut y .?ol ....·t 111ll lit 1Il .V !d.o ro III III 14 The young' ludy njoy " a It 'IIrt~· (' r,·p\[ 0111 t h .. :!lI lh ,If .I li ly, I III, Ihlli. 'I'('lIt'h"r~ J\ f':lIII'; lIll llllllhl It Will b' II til l' V llIIllllint.:, lIurller Muill ' IIlhl r w I (l in!' frllm 11'1' ramilyanll (riPl1 l::;. \\' 111.(1 HIl I1 "'- , lit II 11" lill' In tll' p"II'1 t hold 111 Klln:~ Mill . ~I 'IY 111 P'u ur I It . . .--..lit /I till h"llll' ,·,1 "I lilt, 1'''!:lIIlo'I It , 1(11 r l ' : Ji'UJ HI I ll)' ,I,." ,. I]", ~\ t;"'ll'in t IIJ U MI's . ~1 ~'l'a:-; IIt.·I , Ebright , \ f :\ 1· UII Ill;; .' ''' !llg. Il l,. II,~ 1',·ltlltill:< hl;\llI u\1 It ~ IIlt ~ ll ilf! ll.t. L,. bnu 11 ,

"ill'd 1'1'.)111

"iJJ Do it!

bion, 1Ilin'oi ,whl) has IJ >' I) 1111 a


1'1'11 ,


\\"'rll ,0 11\ h ",,"

hili 11

"" ' 1)1,1'1\ ut

" r "V

The Waynesville Mills Bargain for Saturday' Only May, II. " {\ will

"uHln~ (lao

' ' I" Yli~, ('ut, tbisllll on t , it's g,1<'t1 1'.1' tn\ct,Cd"i>iitwit hl'('llltil";;nlC"l\tl'l" 'I'hll'l' lIl" l'l'l'h 'l!l~ 111111 '1' ;!lth l "'~I 'I"\1 111111 II "!'l'll l l'[' illl I" , t l ' ... y ""r milrO" l fil l' , il you ltv wi lh . ille and ::ipI'ingbol' • \ a.'\ th' 'ue...;\ 11111'11 11\11' 1.,01 htlrt' 1 "'11'111, gl\' " Ih'l W'"I II\ Itl 11111111111;"1',(1 if 11\ 01 gntlll r J,~ :if. lilli e!! of Ullyloll; i ll . nt,l1pr of Mr . und Mrs. . II . AlIl:'n 'fUll!:" ntlltlE\, of t],IIo" I " I I\' UII 1114' I,'rl,rtl" 10" >1 W( ' I'l' hI hI III ,lIll'l"'l'1\ 1 pu,"I:I 1'II I f .. Ih,' ( '(lIl III~' w orn·, )JILY YOllr rlll I'nllil n1'o ds. nnel enjoy d an illlOl·t\llI 1 ,·e,·t'p· it ",unlll w'I" l rt ' l""'-lIlt' r " 101.· lillll "v,, of her old fl'i ml" '1'1 I r I'\, 111 ).;. 1~I I II~ II I'U Cuulllr OLI nllch pilI' 'hn~o lOr r, $ 1,1 Sill I" T(III , to gil 01\' 1'1 11 .111111 11111\110:, II' 1"1Il1l n lJ l'Il" Olltll t..1 'I'll" :-iullt' rtn l fl n llpnt , ~.llI j l) 1' {'IIIII. ttlkl1l J.: <rrl' u l 11111 ' 1' .. I, ill Ih,· 111101 ~.1 1,, (O rf',n t. II I 1111' :! lItl Mil S lll !h n ~rl tt " m g IHIII 1\ [lh'IIl'UII\ .a)1(1 lJl'lI liln\J11I '1\\, lIlry, Ihlllk ~ t l\1lo1 (lhl 'l s h q llill tlll.Y i~ ' ,,""nf(' d "II ,' h .. IIl l eUI !. Mn, J . , H.LWKO KIllI NI·~. atlrry 'I'll IM!J....BR OWN . . DI"'nFR"':S I~ll :-Y,) OI,; d I J,(, Yl''' , it'.,! YOll r dut.l' to yo ur ~l)) f 10 hll , ' l' II 111(1 1111111 III hp .. u, II ~ " II<' hll !\ Marra" w e re tb h st . Itt ,t,ho Th II IU I' IIIIlg'1' ~"' l' U 11<'l-: ill. nt 12Jth in t. , couveying: 1111 h" hitlf "t' O\'~., 1. IUU o f It ' I' hlll'll : ill I hiS ce m · look lit 111 )' Uft 8111>1 . You'jJ tlnd JO Illl" Ill, 1 1I1I1.h pr, t,! l'fl lII is liS Clbl~ ahower In COr1l pl\monl to MIl! yo ur!\elf lIud furolly, oOIlt(ml olntilll1~ e l,/1 '·.v, 1111)1' (\ rhtln ' 'IIIV n tht' r O UI' folj n\\' ~ : th fl lll nil good IIH th o o th f1 l' full,\\\','s irma. EllllI, a8IIillted by M' t;. John 8.nd kind wisht's t 01.1' w\f(j 1111 (1 1\1 , i1t~lt' \\ (1111 (1 it. 1l0~ 110 11" ' 111'0 1' YOIl 111l' tll·,tllO lI ; lI'I \ll\lr . Kin::' iolill~ *~(I ~ ! nil" . 11 111: you'll hu vll II *~ . II O FTomru, of Dayton. aa.Ule to nur hUll(l ~. III< inl fmll!'II , o n 111111 vtho; 10 IIgirutl' 111i " Il llitt I' Hi gh /"i(·lt",,) ; I{uudi ll g. lIIi ~,. ~'I l) l" n qtr 1,1 I li u ~v. Beo;. B awkille 11,,11 fllmily the 1 th in"t,. . thtl (,Ur h IInltil1 f\\'~nl';V hringi ug it III Iho lItttllllinll o f YOI1I' Olll'(' i\1 1I l"li . I. 'ballln , Ohio: elq)eOt very lOOn to m ove loto t,h e or our 111 11 ~ r'" ~p, lIud \VII vPr.1' ginn I.\' ' tnee I.flgislu tlll' IIIHI lI . k thllt U AUllrt'~"1 III'S. U ,1<'('8, . l'rl'sicl lit barrl property on Nor t.h IIlr Ilt, we lcolllPc} Vtl;r, "gllud , " B1'iug 1111111 ~lIlil l ,11\ g('II11l'nUs 1I ppr ('lIrln ri oH Ii UIIlU O. 1 AUll u(!h '\lO ll , p ; MU>lIO, K\ll g~ whloh until recently lIt' ll 11\'1'~1 OCQU' \ \To h tt 'll e xpeo t..>,\ Ilv.l.- h i 1111 \'1'\ :>b"l1 h Jll ej\ ~f'll tll hll \' fI YOII gll'e or any If,ll(j SUI t I<lllu e l ~ewl ... rll , 1I)ltl 'llll11 ' I:Ugh " l'hO'l I; t\IILll'CS:i. "AI· Illed by HrII, EunIce ·hllt... th.· pl e ll ~I Jr 1 c'Bl e 4"lIt III;( VHr III II Ill utome nt u f the oi rC\l I\l " tlln uo~ Irq i. III 10 NlIllIrll", 01' . 1',. 1. Til!!. I 'l l dUllli litH it 1M $li). UO . l:eqr. A Bradf rd , of edll rv i~IE', golden w('ddillg. "~,JIld,,"y lI S IVO "\01 ( 11(11111: Hlllp i, flllll t's ,1 L'lI lh ~i;lll, I,IIIIU ( ' ,lIelIo. lnacie. bl18inesatrip t o W,,;vn&<vllle d id n ot baghl '1111' wt·d rlml hi till \\' . A fl ' rll ()(l11 :.; "Riu ll 1 :0 P Ill . ~tl1rd.y and was the ~Ul't\t. Of ~I II wl!r b til p""t '2 ~" I\I'R of !ljiP. ) xll)><it'; A tldl'f' ~iI "'I' hll WebstHI' YO!' , (til' \"Hll' Illlk., IHIII Illy •..1, 1', Helen Ke1sey and eister, Mp<. :-;Im. hnving bp(,o horo OPCOIlIlulr !!9, 1 :! . Wnyn ~sv ille Kid s l 'lIlh ll llJl I u l lI ll e." Ill'. 1:1 . n. F~~ ; I wllnt, Iv RIl,) ' \I' th i ~ "1111" lillY"; loonB ontil SUl~dIlY Dlorninj,: n nd Rth'h p.1 411 tillY" I"t~r. Fe hrulu',V vs Be Jlbroo l~ K id s 1>[u. io ; A{ldl' o~~ " Th Pllllo!o\ophy uf h ,1I0 th i. 0 11', 1'. 1 :01 1\ 01 111111 ,., Il lb. Wm,ij\ain ILnddllu ~ hI 8r.Mi sH 12, I 29,lInd now W 111'0 hoth pn .1 PIII ,v ," 1.'1', P . J, 'l'n~ !>i lll-l; Bll~ine"s, h nw \\'011 yon will tfJe&ah, who bave spell t 1,1", ,Wl1lt~r i' J' IIrll of IIgA. A "" ~O ball gllllltl t I,weell ti m W f\ rli"lIk .1 '110 ff) r yo ur killllre in Columbus , have I.. .,.. un I h' Ir mu" of Wtl.yuelwilio 11m! 1)111 K i d ~ . J.: ZEM·A li nd PILE UltE .,.In OD Caeti&r.. ul'I'Plc for a. m 'n brlllllJfI IlOd gl)od willhu!4. nU ll cf Bollhrnnl\ pt·o nll ,.e~ . In hi' Oflll II[ ' I{E I~ Ku w nl; wh" tit. WII" l,co ~uf . htlr . ()lh l1 l'~ Ii" wh ,I' 'lot ~' ''II ? tortnighl, patting II. )Jllri, .,t.1I old exraOfI the Ilk U) yo n qllUSIl(\l iutel'f;l;;:t In 'y unl,hfnl !'port~. ' 1' 1 will givu ~' I{l~U; \)F '!-lAHUE 10 • IIW ,l il li', Fn l'!;L't t .1 t' II1 Ilur ih '~ all At thi .. phil'S t.h~ lI'OIH/) ,,( Mllr h h ,)ftHt in oonvenlent, II n d ('.1111 flll' lIlh l\' m n . 'rtw gllm!' iii 1,1 1)(' "tl lINlnl ,"\' uflhoteu" p.. ~ it iv 011 1'1! fl).!· ~~o. Illltl b1'in~ i. with .v '11 if ~·O \1. \\' ,.lIt, OODdUtoa for Mrs. Blulo". wh", with \VUS . llIuob more RjJrioglika thnn :?::10 ~t.urt1uy, Muy l.~. n t 1I,Ikct1lhl l11l1 , ~," t rl lP.l1m. l'r.vllil)" III", Ilil e~ Y/\u" I'lIih'()II,l fllr(' , 11" 1" ""I." II} 1', ', IIr, Blaine oocnp.V it, .1 o rill I<: t.\I . !)ril whloh II/HI b 11 /llUsfly quit Purl; . pripe for men 10.', lJo y l111 lUll Sklll tti~'·H,I' ~ . 11l ~t1l Tlt r lil'll'. fl1u ~II'(1. '(' hl ' \I IIl'ml I nil'" I' wl11 I1UDmer, Hal H)lIine rfllllrlll1l!{ 10 Will try, ",iMI . varu'l big tro.sts £ile I)or s i'l); tee n yellrs i ;1 IW~ 1111110 · fr ... \l O Il't, !'ull"\' lon ge r , w\'i te (i'. W h"ill g,l,"1 nntll ,I nLII 1, t" 11)(\,. but rore pa r t. of I!l at week. The weRther Columba abr.rtly. 'l'll e lin ellp Qf tho 111.nJO~jn' t' nn'(1~ 1' \\ 1\..1. 1AMI-i WO~.!II\lhlltlllr IIn' lIl1 \;' IIl/t IMOT 1'1 1I1t'l · I' ItlI'I 111 1111' III IH Hr. and Mn. tlIIma,,1 H 1:l"llIes, be sme quite pleailllnt h fore the is flil Oitowil r " ~. WI I' If)Ur U ~' . jijn c lo~o ;; 11I11Ip. tnrdllY, and Sunday , ~-'IlI4ID1~lI1lCborc), were vlslwril i ll W"y, olo~e of I flat, WAVN~Il VILt, ftl ". .. ..nlle for a IIhort tillle Jl'rld .y. Mr , I,h e 2 th,. wo« vory milrl, r ~l nJ It Geo r j{fI \VnlorhOIl fl. cllt('h(1r ..a Hi'll. Baines eojoy returning t o Ilod Vll imy. Nil belt, r welltbor for Ma r shllil Hllin Oil, pHoli ol' Egg for Hatch .. .: &bill vi1l~ OOQUlonb1\.v. where tb ey th e OOOA IRtl o nld bavo beel! pro Htl ll l'ck Duklll , h I·t s l II llL1 Ih ' rO" Ill'1' I\t"ill .III1l Ji't1\ll'tlt. Pnr hnrre,d PI ." nHmt h It,· , bep.D bOIll81reeplng almo t fOlty vided, if it b~ /:1eel1l~l ndo to ortiPr Hngh Rid e, first hll~e Th IlIrg~'~ I, cllllhin~ -tllft.· III t Im ' pOl' Hi. Dllkt, lH Frnit Flinn, uDder the dlrf'..ctio~ Qf \YIl\dolll 110 · ,..,. "10 ID a JIIlrt of the hOllse b(l.' In "es McUlu r .' co nll hll r t p otl y . ne!\vllle, 011101 . Pho n flti ..I}:' IOIIJIDI to ItabioD Ridge whloh t.anoy lind benevo/en,co. a~t t; hed Rohert Burt on , third bll~ s . or» c - ... .... -~boned .. ven yean ago, I4nd tll",y time nnday · nif(ht rllJu began IInl' ,911/lqi pi'kin, i nl cr {felt! seemed to oQn tl nue nil night Yes atill oherish tbe f,IentJllbip Iht>y Yernoll .1i 1l1ith, ~ Itt li(\l~l l terdlloY we hlld 8uushlne, alo u116. ,10hu 'tnnsberry , I~ft !loll lanDed a' 'ha.t time loud thunder IIpd howers. follo,,'ed In IL r w dl'I),!! I w111 11ILV 011 hllud llIi:LLI1IV)OK S~l 'l ~ tJ Pn)l ~;'\l\. wlH tit· l·(.~ ...l h · ·c , 01 by aoot,ber nig h t of O'on~tl~n t rllin , 'Rr 10lld of fnrl ilizP(' fl'lIIlI tho ell n Death of James Wilson find n ow It iac,ooler 1:10 tho Gold n ~ b rltiD , I It field lh tilt' ", tb t! l'l ~rk "I \l' l,)· n.· '1 '1 'V !JIJI, 1. ,11 For t lll>ler 1111 11 'hpllllonJ ' 0, (" \ orre n · ounl)·. Ohlu. ht W'l(.o,Cl\.V\\ , tllv , Ma.lon . right, lieltl umll , ~ o'~I ""k ' " 9,VI\ 01 ,I\), ~: , 1.1(1 1. lor Wedding , I1lim/) ~II tP,e v,e ry niok ,'lItou Ohi o tb . \lu r~ "~ Qt Lo~'I~ I' \\,~ y n ~ 1'~\" n.ItI I" Din widul . ~hort stop lam. WUion pueed aWlLy Wed· of timo. , \,\.l~l l s ugt;('e, t IhILt elloh Ilnd ev r y W~rr ~h u'I Ll', (lh\O\ It (II' " Kr ..~'(tII Uln of EIKIt \ile ~ ~'II 1\0>"111\ I I~ , OUU 110) 1)l)lIur_. 1118da7. a$ 'he Hiama Valley ' Bo~· Two of our a hildrell, irlilln aud ,1l11rnett,. Gentor lIolt! lI' IIHlr wll o 1'1-'11 11 Lhi,; woqld, ILt unce "M~.I lilt: II f" \ 'I'll' 1\I .l ulI~ . 1110'1' , el\Cb b 'In~ o'nno~f t}li rel P.lJllfJ 1,1...· In D&)toD, after about two Ida., n rtl wit.h Ull I~ert! . No oth er s of ' 1, .. 1 to'.' 11 ()}>:r u f !lIe Sl~ t \l An u Iy· In til " ..,,111 MFh' , IIUJI<lre,j (MOO, OIl) \)ol1 nr" !LUll I,~" dn~ lul"r•• ~ at th. rau' or four nllll l'tlte, ' 001111 \)IIS IDDDUuI or terrible lIuffelluR from our r elAtives were with Ull on ~h6 I· whioh lnCl .V hull loy writln R to one 'Io :l\! 14.hl per (c l\,Um 1..l r "nnum. IIll. r· Hotohi 0.1, cllt.oh or 0III0h'. Bla rema.lnl! were brouRht ooca Ion whioh we celebrated. but t!..... t payahle Mnrr lt 1 Itlil • Jnd -(' tlll"nnllu : i 'll1lrtm pnt of AgrlClllt,nr olu m :Lllv tberea ft r tl l' " uplcmber Man h '[cCoy. til' t lltlfjQ .., the home of hill nephew, Mr, we hnd letterS from thrlle other " • Uhlo ' IInrl which cou tllin, O)HI Il r~ of ca.clo )'~"r: .ala l)on,18 Lo I\~ "n" • \\\W \Veaver, pltohe1" WtlloD. wflilt of Ferry. SOnS . PbBrwsllnd ,Johu "of Portland . "nnl~~I .. of ,III fertIHz~r~ Dl~cld ~l1ol pll)·u bll: .I1 '''lIvl\' : I vI . n l ,1 bonl., 0 1\ ~~~fI'lI I , no , IIll'P number of neil(h \lora Oregon, /lnd Wi, or Mionen poli" 11 ')1\ l'eot'ivinl,; it 'ompn\' t>onlysl aDd old friends lathered to \)1I.y 1\ Minnesol ll, nnd frQpl tpn ot Ollr Birthday $ urprise. ;f" '"Y P,'arl ~s Vegetul'l 'Grow r '2 ur ~ .lIj ' b oq<l ( I .... ~ l\tt'.1n lmr 1. I f HI Z 0.( u,\1 ",I uo 1\Iar l>l1 I. I .IUII, tnbute &0 tile deceaaed . Rev . Hltll, eleven ~ rlind:oh ildren, Rnd 'pre anta '''I'd for tolmcco) with th brand. pu&or or Jl'erry Cbri .. t.I"n Churob from lQllny. 01 t hem . In nll ~e ~ 01 .,,-1.1 "IlIlt!,; n. '-1' 'I" '" I. 1111'1', ,~h-. nfl~l ~r.s elt~lil1!i 'fn lor . WCS ~ f" " 1J ,lve u~>d Rn (l Yfl n WII] ut ~ e 11 01 whJab he had been II devoted rncelved 112 lotte.rB~ of gifts of Lytl , were plea antly !'Q l'prl~ed nntlUA 11" Hill riori ty II t l aO 1111)0 I ~ \1 1 en ll\ lluntJ ',o n. eT'Uu nho \· t. lUll). ~ member IlDOe .,ery YOQDR D1IlDbnod of flowerB nnd oth er evldRJlQ8!1 of uLll rda;v eveu!ng: iu.y 4, \.ly 1\ DUlll · IVril fl 01' orlll ru e up ll~' Wi pb o n ooad'uoted 'be toneI'II I Ilervicel!, remembrance. We k ept open h Ollt!e b r of frielldtl ILPd roillti Il , 'rho ,nil we will <JiB \le~ tllU 1111l{IPf fUr ~ 01 rillitl OOI\tl~ JI ~ltll II l. 11111 , . , . ",blob 1118 remalntl '\Vere laid !Ill dlIY, Ilnd nom e r ')119 f ri ends, nel g b. oocilSIOn?{Cl in honor of Mr , ij'II),' t.her Ii af "Ihl \lOlIil' all l" ll L~ lIIlJ r " J III I , to .... io .Bellbrook cemetery . bars and ucqulI)ntllnCS'l I!uooeeded 10r'II ftfty .~ i l{hth bir l bdGY· l! 01 ... oh1 ')QIIII~ on M!lf Uh 1? U I I ~. I IlJ Jlll VII on 11 ll l1d II I' .rr.inl cll r Mr. Wilaon W88 about IIi ~~ars .of Moll other In fI 'oeptllble shnt·t vi Its !2 or ~atll bo n d,.. 'In ' el~t l·lIIl.)cr I, l ln.'~ Refrl)sbrn ent~ wero !larvol! to th e lund f excell on t, wbit .0l'dll r p st~ -.0. aDd Wall 80. of Andrew Rnd ~nd notbln/l; w/latever ocourred , follOwlpg I M.r. 11ml Mrs. Laban trorn 'en 1'1\1 t.ll chlgll11 2 or ,,1'1 1)(1111\, on r.1:\ ~c ll 1. 1111:1 . 'l'h"'~~ llaiilu'et Poque W!I80D, and WIl@ .troUl firsl to lash, to mar ~pe p1tmll. TlLl'Jol', tlle /I'~ed pllrentt! ot til .IObt lire s~rllig.h IIn(\ slri otly N ~I , I, ~ of ~.l ld "1\"'\<111\ , up," ",bl\r I. "' I ~ . of ' the fint family of ure of t.I~e 00011 ion . :! fir ",ultl honlb. ()II Murch 1. 10 1 L ho t· 1I1r, llnd Mrs. Hn,rold 'l·n.yl ~ r . ,'Hi ng for ~O rmd 2:.1 C!lIl l,!j( IIccmir, "len. tn IlDUtIl weaterD Greene 1 tllirjk you wjll be' gltld \ bUllS 11 QI1~ pjJi ldren , ~r. undoMrs, WI ll IlIg to ail'. , l! t;. r :'I. h i tJond, On • ~ Ptvm be r 1\. In 1 , ~'7. Bat one~ember of hIs gen copy ot opr letter 'rtllll J on}) . B r a !:it!i_y. ~O(~ 4~»g4~ol' , q nlt·, ~'l' , uod ju ' It 1111 nr !, HIlle 1 uI Q .) illttllld to ~ ,)( altl lion";' Ollllt.Lr<h I , 1\1 Iii. . .tioD ..emainA, hie 'slster, Mis 'It U!, e ntlro RUrl v e l'bnthll, II,rllllge. ~ or $3.1\1 bOIll I~ "n' " [IINJlb{:r I. \ II} ;; , Mrs. Be r b St llOY /Iu d dl).qglltll l Jl;~tn, 'IUV( 11 (:n r 10;ld a t tho 1111/1 nrui'J til , 1I01l~ Wlt.oD, of CenterVille. mont ,nnd 1111 : ,' ~ II sa \\ 'V'Q,d. ('" Mnrch .1 . lUl U, ~h' , .n n/\ Afrs, Eu It Hernlan, ?rlr . "',IlUfnotll rptl Ity rlli'" I:I1Inilinson, , Portland 0 regon A pril 2ft 1\1 7 :1 <I I ,al,\ h Olld. on SCl'trmller I, 1\'\0. nll rl ~h'B . Hjd ney /:JtUIl Q I4nd SOli S, 1 ( . I ()"k luO( I )11111 . Mother of To IJl y ptLrentll o n the r,Oth 110(1 ' dll~lghter, PrjI·S . Ilnnllo lpbl Mr IlI,lU ·iI ((lr Ihll1\t.I[t'4"OIlI I~iyhlll fo r r.ul nnd Mra, Ji' O. Burn tt li nt! r!ullgll. . 'l'li p ILhov e .go lis will ho kllpt in ~8 1111~ . " II"I1I11 for a l'ulJ\lc hllit [lOci ,,"bill' .Haines is Dead. anniverSllry of th It- mBll'IlIg : Oftlc\l!olln\l lor ",(Illga J)ublllq,all3.n~ 11UbilO A " k hy IpO .. t, my yell 'IW W'"F . OntCiI To be IlS well belo" t\ wheD- ter Lurill. nllq 1I0p llllymoull, 11.~. to r W Rl'nU 1'I>I\· n _hl ll. W u\'r~ n C()uo~y. lin. AiDoe HaiDes Former Resi· we r OllCh your ng e, liB you ur 1I 0W, AlIilltOIl 'r, ~,ylor a ud 60n fiorre • an<l under uutharlLy 0), t h. lawd of p "J\l~ ~~n"t,· hp\lIw ~hu ' nh r,'l wn re , Ohio, Ohlu utld M ' ec U~HI ~tI!:lI') q l lb ~ lic \' l fiital deDt of W. Vidnily Buiied in .110 III I."yllll , is II conRomtr).lltl6 n dll,'o uftly to b e M,,, and Mra A Jl e n E mrj ok IINl IIIL""'H 01 ObI .. ll ~ amell/I'u , Muc h ~~. Jllaal CeJDeter,y Yesterday. I HOlt tu! Ohio L ;lW~ . p a~c 0 antI "naCT ami "I I Wlr whlhed. J ohn Bijtt~'l'\V('rtb " dn ugllter BIll,11oho, MI'. un a MI'll \, J ' , H. " HM ON", In U\lQ('I',IILnce wllh a . oCelllln re",lu l lon .. 1 lin. A. Baioes, widow of the late t tl fJl r u~l,(!c., o r W ,,~nc: ' llfl W"~ h l )). WaT,ren t' x Mr. Ilnd Mrs, Ell!.l'v .y B . lIrt tt I, tl,., Obio, As brevily 's the SOIlI M ¥it I·n "my . Oh i o, ~ lIl1tlo'd ' BalD_. of BarveY8bur~ died Permit me tberel o re now to f~Q.i t, nut! (lunghter. MI'. and Mr a IJ ohn !i,l'lIe P h "n · 2-7 ,\ r~blll uLion LI'l IWO" lIle for V' ~ Is.,I· &$1be,.ome of ' her ' daaab~'''' ·,Mrs. ' Y o ur. 'I.'r ul y. ~Jo~ H.un d dlHighter, Mr . Ilud Mrs ..... ---~ Inli of " !Jonus 1,,1' t h~ IlUI'W c v. f Pll\'l~1: f ol' A. 'Rhoadeli Gear Ced.arl'tille Bat· C). AllKSON BU'fTHlR WOlI'm , Rlclltud' B/lHleld, ~1i, s ~ ipie Kal ;,71~:II:~'~~ ~C!J'~~~'li~" :;:a'::IIII'Ua '\~I"~~O I,;~W ~JlaY4, '. s&y, Mr. lind Mrs . ,Toe"l'h o/llOIl. \\II' , ' :",ol Il\lhUo M icek for \\'I\Y"o 'I'owli hlp, W ar· re n C(JunL~. Oht():' 1)a~!rotL'(.1 1111 the (Jlh d lty of ; '1'be body w as brpught to Corwin MAR I ET'l;A, GE 11111.\ . uLld J oe ChllpmllD . Mr . Ol'een , ?tIr .l\ay . 1 110~, 'l'UeIda7 morning and fnnera1 aero DEAa Fa/mND AND CO~IR At)ll: RK'rA L, MI'i\ 1:l 0lll'y Blli ly,' nud Mr. Illl d Mr ~.

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~ ~~"",,,,,',,,, """'-'"~, . SCHWARTZ'S SPfCIAL No'. 4" Enamel W ar~ Sale' .

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2 Cluort J'uddin g pnn 3 tlUnrt PuddillA' """" -I quart Pudd\l . ~I\


"clun ,,~

6 q~ltrt Milk

Il~n PIIII ,

2 '. quurH:;uuc e 1m n


3 Clllurt'Sn uec I)U n 1 qun1't Dippers

on . ~Htl(\' 'all


W Ul' h lfuF in " q lIa rt P~eFlel\' ing" fli t) 5 'Iuar! rre~l'rvin ~ kt·L.l" 1 llullrt 'ovtlr cd b'. ck ,! t :! (I"arl (;'I vl'rl'd Hu,'k ! !l inc h 11:1Iy I'un" !J inch Pi e pnnll

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g'iv(~ h'lI


Walter t. Kilbon Seccessor to Etta Killion Rader. Having purchased the business formerly con tl,cted by roy sister, I wish to thank her many friends and patrons for their patronage 'in the past, . and hope I may be ,f avored with a continuance of same. I will alwa~s ' endeavor to furnish you with ~rst class' goods -at a small , , profit, with fair and honest dealings with all. 'GROCERY SPECIALS. , Ohio State ·Bra !Id COl'n only 5c or 60c per dozen. '

Standard Tomatoes 10e Quaker and Toy Oats 3 fo.l' 25e Egg-O-See and ,Corll FI~kes 3 for 250 Leno~ and Jaxon ~oap 3 bars tOe ,


Bawls for01 l' price 75c Saturda,r .only· 25e . J Dinner Plates 6 fOf 200 ~ Said \lO nd w ill ht ~0 "1 Itt ' he' hl~h •• L alld . .J! " ...,. were hel{l In the ohu.pel at LJO/c-Freq'nently si no COlD ' ,Jllliu li 'C1I~'l o r IInll lions UI.y de nllll bllJl~ l>lntler for nOL I·.... UlO" Ilnr an t! ,acorued SOUp Plate~ 6 ",Ot' 2DC JlJaml ~~kry ~ , lug to thia pllW~ 1 bave visit~d tbe Willio . IriLur""~. M t 'D\ tt I 10e I'''I~ m uo t ",UlO lhe numll.r of ' e~ ~ ~ el'S on y , . ...... BalDee was in ber eigh$ieth Nl!.tiont~1 Cemetery, wh e r .. . more It i bocau c somo of lJoliolk ,\II hlil . fur a",1 ~hu g roo;s " "inn n, O r bId Sll\p JH.l'S S5e ' of t hI) \)ot.l)~ .nd n c ru t:(1 lotcr~.. to ,Ial 01 ,]ellvery. nil '" "ear aDd' will be · ~elI!em""red by thaD .' e level! , tbouI\ond fed'orn I ~ol ~""""' , " " . ~ . tl10 organ Irl"~ tl> Iltll' Cl'O mpILIIICd IVlllla c ..r~tr\Cd c~e t , Bowl and Pitcher 4ge . caaoy readel'8 q( the Gazette. ' For diers are IIleeping t' I U yellrs Jl.WIIY, are not d'oing t hejr work Ililya. blo 1.0 th o o r ,l e r nf ~~'c , '\ til ""Iill' or ' . , • , Dumber qf J,eal1 '8~e )tvedllt BlII · (joe week . ~ go: 'whe.! at 'th e Cenle. 1'owII. hlp. IV"rr"l\ (;OIml ', OhIo, lor Wln receive a lal'ge a~ortment of Queensware thiS week. well. There is a l,l"ek O.f ~Wayne Jl~ r ."n t,,,n nr til" :t111C\11Il of bOllll bid In, , , :'e,abul', a.nd' also f?r a tiIDB , at tery, l]ooked over the c;>ffice r ecords ~ ' ~ tbat ~lerv()US ellCt t:ry h~t tUpO Il Ojn.II\loll ' tllllt Ir, I Mblll~1 UCCell\~~ . DOMEST"CS FOR SATURDAY ONLY h e I.ltlolel· will receive u1\,1 pay Illr uch . . J; . OOrwta. Of late yearl! sbe blls to' II ('ertuin h ow IDl1n v 7!1 ~h Ohio ~ _ ho nll" a. 11111Y lie ~IV~rtl ctl tn hIm UJIOII h is .. . , h I 1 t1:. f · I ' d t 40 as 5c gives H,orn motiolL l loos . . .·lter .hd me her .e~i1dreD men are a1D on l!' th e 1,700 f'rom ihe ~lIta bid wllhln Ion dn 'a!rtnn' lhO li mp, of said All cab<;o In W Q e eng liS rom far 0 sequ nily YOl1 Ul'e ;verik, ',w arll . "aId rheul< bt: rcwlneil by snl'\ d t t th" . ~Ilo .lane d~voted ,. lbemselves to ' Buokey.e tltatll. · . , S,PRCIAL 'B,ARGAIN' . ' yar none cu a l~ price , wOl'n-out j nCl'\'oqs, il'l'it:. iownWIII" 11 ~" Id condltlul\ I. n,o. (ultlll col . , ~q her clOtliDIL yellrsj' ever y , I t haB btlen, my fenr that RIllpb 'I li t! ""Id w ,,~' rro 'l'oIl' nHhlp, Wafron Dress linings 3c per yard able) e:umot sleep. have 'oUIILy , Ohll\. nRljp es Ll\C rl l;\\ II> reo ., ~luC &h..toould be desired. a .u ot's 'r ew ul ns w er e neve r found, for . Ladies Mitts 25c ,kmd o'nly 15e headu rllC, in li~ StiOll, etc. j :{,L nn)' n",1 ,,\I bId ., Bilidee her dauglatel: ilt. whose IIshe 'wliB killed ·whileon themtl.roq ~ SA' rURD~Y MAY 11. home ihe '4ted. 'JDe aOD, Mr C,.c. and in lin o'ut of the wa.'y vInce and ~\ . ~;:/\,Q(1 A"~' ~n'l or. ..'I. ,Mens' Jeans. and Odd Trom~ers '" Cl!l. SO & $1.75 kind bccau 'C t 1\.01'0 l ' not suffi- " 111.10 Uilis fo 'I"1\0,\\(\ o~ \n \lIp 8:111 J~OI1lI H. ' • &alO8l. ptatrlot Pal!lienger Agent of · burled wbere he fe ll itS we ll liS 1 ~ The m:st complete ~tock ci .nt l:J('l'\'e for ce ,to keep It/lto.1 fI~h _'ln;' 01 ~rll:O, '1007. ... close at 75c 'be PenDa71.anii. 'Lines lit DlIoyto~ remember . 'be oirclln~8tanoe~. My ~ f G • I " d tho O1'g-~UH\ activo a.nd aT': J NO . fl. ( """EY. . ' • 0 roccrl es, I'U ..S un , Mens Odd .vests were $1.00 & $1.50 to close at 50c ~'I L' Nt< t:' RA'l'r , aDd he wu ,with .her daring her doubts 'c on cern ing t his were whooily . I 1.' I LA NK E L.II O N, Vegel~blecv!lrs. lawn ilitown . low thom 1.0 perform t heir -- SHOES, SEE OPR LINE OF SHOES lnt QlD.... ·.tiBpelled, Il" the r ecorda dlreoted n \e . '1'rusl c eM or -' \V;tynu '1'0\\"D b.1I\. ~Vu rron :patirrul f1ll1ctions. Dr, ~ tY, Oil I" . . ~-.'~, .. • - • to &lotion " I, " grave nuu:aber 93l!4, Tohe JJest Goods . :Miles Nor vine r~tores Boys shoes size 13, 1"& 2 at 95c ,.. . PurcHased an A~tom'obilel whiob I Vlsl ted ,o,nd fo und the nlLme , The Lowest Price" nIl a. H. 1.1l\t'&NO'8. :health lJe ausc i~ rC' s tore!3 ark of Way"" 'I'O\\'ll" lIlp, W nrren Coun' Ilighest Market prices for Butter. Eg~s ~nd Poultry. , , of 'Ralpb Hunt, 79th Oblo ... ' In , . ( nlo. . . i;h.i.s II l'vons ' JIr. Ja.l~ C. Sale. of Jorwln. h.ns section G 1 found the graves of Give u s a tr ial We give away handsom~ Rugs, Lamps, Clocksand.R~_ "I 1111\10 b~ ' 11 ' AI k t llr ",, ':~t.-!l4IIhI .......,.. ... fJne Bulok lIutomo blle • , ' ..... ~ "~hv 'Is t1,ere s uch a IIld )10l I(now what " 'n;; boaa ·the I:Kd BllIoOt Auto Co" 'of Sergeant J. M. ~o~t!l" (oo~or , bea.reJ') .... We are puying .,.. me. f ( .. I,'d 'nil ~~t);'. ' ing Chair~' ~o cash purchasers, as.k for ticketsllolltlcs';" "mlY al'e some

If You

F(lr Saturday, Large Mixing

Are Sick



$ '



GOOI Brlnke,r, Wllhum Elate)', J., W.

..., bl'OQlll' &0 'his vioinlty lind ,. "~b· be '. f ' b ~ 110 ...... ~ ' a lIOur!)e 0 mllC , '~"'lIUe aDd oonveni Dce to It", ~:.C"'_: &o~, it out of , the way. . l l 0111'. 1:{ bol'lJ8 po~er .",4. . .a.' . ~llIr' Ilhd oonDOO ihl.DrilIoe prloe. Ifne pot ....L . .~..... and thA .team



,(')(l'g ')' S


..... '~ _ • ~ ~on 8·l:ld B . C. BowmaD, their graves .... _ _ bea.r in g the following Dtlmbe r ll lD ad 0the order WI II.bovo Dam : 6_:. 670 ,6700,6 10,8711, ()712 and U rhus seven of t he members of our regiment who were IL8Boolatetl to OF 'OURl:;E' getber In ,li(t'I Ilr~' DOt ,I'eparaterl i n ~ . ~ death. At the grll yes of these men ' . I tarried: for Bome time Ip 80lemn ~~~ ooDt-emplatloD of the t.errible eltolte. . ment atteodlD8 the deat~ of tbese oour&ReOu. loldlen loldlera, &1m... .3 Y"I'I &r.!. I DaD remember . . If

IQIe IDaohbie i8 Qne of t h e fin est I;leeder.,.1, V. [relnnd , J:.eW18 John

I$ Z'ImmermgD t'' ,S $ Utl'l l$ $ I



$ '$



$ $ $

i\tW!\~ :

O~rll l ~ ~jrr7\":d hull Ie. ~I II,J Il r wn.s

on:: ~ (lu s lbl e than oth i's 7" bur ' who wrt'tcs: " I would how 'YOl I eRn tell moth er fat her· plr:eons ?" lin d t he first joke?" while girl 1n !.he whole cla~9 Ii wee lIttio hand. In lh" II sheet fo lllscn,,: "Pl ease 11 ' lell m e ",bat my mothe, ' I b tillY n er n1.In d ·.. .


A Faoli.h QUeltlon. YOII think environ· much uf an effect 00 a per-




co men " hlno;


~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~'.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~"!!!!!'''!!~~ . !!!!!~~~~,:!!,~~i!!!!!!_i!!!!!!!!!~

Bitten l)y II, Spider. Throul{1t \!)ood poi ..ooing ollu8ed 6H It, by a spider bite, \JOhD WlUlblo~toll t of BOllquevll1e Tex, would have swell 11 ,. •• dillsolv 10llt bl, I., whioh .. IQIL8II k t I~Or raDnlnl{aoree, had be DOt been ell penqlUled 'to Bno1rlen'I" ArDioa CI&lV8. "T~8 flri.i appU . TbeBoa'lon foor bolt611 t'eh'etE!beaJed.U



dIlea D


Come · to. Waynesvi e tq·..J.'J1fid,.e.




ohler 1.'_',.,.'...•,:


' ~llrrl l W Efct'l'e.


G. W. C]o.vd , ', a meroh~u_ 01 Plnnk, Mo ·ael. ollrrow 1IClGMJe. I


foar .vel4r(l o.g(" "bel) he hB .. jfm. lion ., h IS ' t h \'lm. b S It ...,. ~ ,. .,Iorr InK' "Tbe Iho'lJr wllnted IQ alllPll!talle bat I. would no' OOntlent ' bolt of Buoldell', \ rolea, :::~~~ t-ba' oored tbe du.ngeroala ~' 21i~ at Fred C.Sobnns




,.- ....;;.;;;.;0,. ....



la_a AND WAYNEsVlU.E NEW&. FIFTY SEVllllli '['!:i YEAR .

Oreat Boom for Waynesv.iIIe and





MAY, 1-6. 1907.


The Thirty-fourth Annual Commence· ment of Waynesville High School.

Pennsylvania Railroad Company Mrs. L . A. Zimmerman hBII been Will Build Through Here. IllllrmingJy ill, bnt her friend8 are h oplll~ for II sp~edy reoovery . For many yell1'>1 there hlU! bee n talk of the PenllsylVII.nlB R'Illrol d MIS!! . Mnry Townsend, of Rioh. building I. branoh from Corwin t,.O maud, Indluna , Is now mll.klng bel' conneot wlt.h the G. L. & N. some· h l;lIn e at the F'rlends Boarding hODle. where near Lebanon .nnll get into Miso LIzzie Bopkins Is quittl 111, Cinomnllti over that rOlld , whioh is und Irs. AWllnda GIlIiDlore, of ap9ve high water ut nil times . Wilmington, hus been caring far her. M, sus, RI on H d H enry · I 80uroe, th e F rom a oonfid en t 10 oe ian I W oollard uttended the funeral of Guzette hilS lellrned tbllt at Iltlt ' thls.rolld will oertalnly' btl built and MIlton Bellm In Springfield 8atur. within tblrty dllYs, possibly sooner, day. surveyors will go over the proposed Mis8 Kl1thryn Alexander was route. summoned to Mllldletown on bUBI.1 Maroh Shortly after the fiood l.lst Eebru· ness IIl8t week, and remained W\tll ' InvoClition · t er fe r ed wl' th re I·i ary w hi0h severeIy ID u,· ve8 seven 1 daY8. "Marrying Mllry" trllffio on this division of the PenD · Prof C. E . Bratten und Mr8. '8;,lv"nll4 rulJroad, it was given OUL Brlltten served supper Bnndl1Y even. Oration that 110 t.rllnoh wonld be built Uno' ing to Rev . V. F. Brown, Rev. Cornet Solo ijouth Lehanon. However, b.eolluso l'hillp Trout- lind Prot. Charles 0 'i ra. on ot the expense and othbr renaOllil, rey .


·Lytle. Mr. C. P . Lowi \\'/I S in the loom City on ~undll·Y in nttentlnnoe ut the bastl baH gllm e ISll110 Lonqllore iM workin g in Das ton at tbe our pe ntor t rud e. uft.o·r having spent the pas t we k at home fixing up.

New Burlington-: t:ioil o, l

' lo ~1l1l

Fr lllu.Y for t h o

Perry Th'111l uH who hll" been quito !!i k. i~ l Il I JII'O l' lfl g . . i\1I ~~ Bf'flH ,· 1 l , ~r ti ll is vhliliolC h er g 1'll n dpll r rll t~ Mr lind Mra. RlO hurtl .J ull

!j .

Mrs WOl . Mendenhall, who hus Miss Ca ndR ce Baird wbo hu beeu with Mr . and Mrs . Will . H . Duke Loen se riously ill wi th h eart tronLIt" for Borne time pa st, i~ no lV wir,h her is Ollie better. brot·her . Mr, .Jalins BRi rd, near Rnymonll orog"'y 01 Xenia wus Bellbrook . " . t he g uest of hi li futher 1m I:!oroggy QUite Uo number from our imme. on l:!undUo v. diata vioinlty attended the !lh o\v at Murinnna - CODlptOn, Rosil Mills . Dayton ThnrsdllY· " Red Domino" Kelly I:)tanley Duke seems t o believe in Ilull UI.Urtl Wood took tbe Boxwell eXllml nation ILt Xen ia on 8aturday. Rev . J, F . Clldwallader the old proverh, " If Ilt firllt YQ U don't sncceed. try. t ry again." He A . goodly number of Friends of v Heln took the Boxwoll .examin ~ n this nelghLorbood attended Quarter. 4'Aprll" Ethel Stokes on a.tardayand reported it Iy Meeti ng at Wa.ynesville on Frl '''When Dreams COOle True" t:)taat8 asea8ier thllo befor e. \'Ve oertalnly dllY , Baturrln y !lnd Sl'nday. . Wl8b Stanley socoe8S. Uj!LlenOe prout, of the Xenia. "In the land of ' 'be Dikes"" Irm m Stokes Mias Minnie Duke WIlS trading in 8b oe F110t h ome for 11 fel>" ory,iII t Il that pllloD hllll been abllDcloned. Mr. and Mr8. Charles Fih<1tt8 are Trombone Solo "Vil)lere" King the Gem City Saturda y . dILYl! [{lst . Tbe. mltognltude of the proposed receIving oongratnlatlona over the Oration "Joan of Arc" Leah Smith Chlls. E. J ohn , witeand sonGlenn At a m eoting of the BOllrd of Ed· nnderta!dng CIlU be undert!tood arrival ofa baby girl at their home, Overture "Klng Midas" enjoyed Sunday with Mr and Mrs ucution of pring Valley Township when it ie IItated that the CuwptWy 8nnday May 12. Ellenberry Barry J ohns, of WayneS~il1e . . last Frida y, Mi88 ' Maria Stant wu estimates the 008t of the brllnoh . Presentation of Dlplomlill Supt. C. E: Bratten Mr. and lI:[ C M H h d re·employed as teaoher of Ftl.irvlew road throllgh Waynesville at .60,000 The HIgh Scbool BIlee bllll team "Babes in ToyllloDd" J rs , , . ong an sohool , west of town . . U went to Franklin afternoon and Herbert 80n Kenneth were Sundoy gnests of • mTbee. presynt pilln l'S to Or"""8 the jlu.1fered defelit at the hands of their Benedlotlon Re J F Cad Dr and Mrs J W Ward David Leabel' and family had aa ~ "" v. . . wallader ~ t K ' '. It ' .1 " f their gnest, on Sunday, Mr . Moler, dver a' Waynenille, follew the bed opponents, with a soore (.f 11 to 8 Two' ~tep "Wby oan't a Kirl be a ijoldler" Harris. s er enrlo an", WI e were of Harveysburg, of Turtleoreek to Bagermtln 8tatlOD Mi88 Anna Thompon, of Oloyton, lSnndlloV hosta to Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry and oonnect there witb the C. L , & j pent Satnrday a.nd I:lunda.y with Exerolses begin at· B o'olook. Kenrlok and dRui; h ter Mihs Berthlt. Centerville . .N. In fOIJner time. it was 6\lid the ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MU8io by Allen Family Concert Company. of WaYJ:lesville. ""onneo'lon ~ould be made Ilt DOddli Thomson on .. tbe Lebllnon pike. Mr. and Mrs. He rbert Ulm aod l'he BObools of Woshington to~ •. ()ver the D. L. ~ C., but tblalt! not Jesse Wright, of I:!pringboro, at;. son Loren, and M.iss Cora Watki'ns, sbip olosed Friday. Several of a Penn.yJvaniu property. tended Friends Quarterly Meetlnlrlp all of Dayton, oame on aturday tbem had .. plonic and all report I\. The Gazette'li information oomeS :here SatnrdliY and SundlloY. Rnd was ;·to the home of Mr . !Lnd Mrs. 1:). L. gaud time and iL fine dinner• • 0 direct that we reel certain the the guest of W~yn~vil1e . reltltives. Williamson, posslng the time pleus. Quite a number from tbl8 vlolt1 l• rOBd will really he built at la8t . Mr. O. W. Blabop, proprietor and . antly untH Snndl1Y evening. tyattended the oirou8 Ja8t Thul'll. ' I t is almollt time for IIcllool to be day. Corwin will booome IlD Important manager of the Corwin Elevator, junotion polut Bnd both Wayn s· hh8 moved bis family iuw MI8s ont ogain. Only a few more dliYs :\trll . Anne Wright bad quite . an vllle anU Corwin will benefit in Lb.zle Hopkins' hou8e on Tyler • and the oltl sohool bell will have accident Illst week. While walk. mlony ways tram tbe ·{'hanle. street, opposit~ the engine house· cessed ita t egu!tlr olo.ngiug, Ilud the ing in the Ytlrd she .tell and broke '!'he new road is Intend~d for Mr8. Jame8 Clarke and danghter, young folks will be free ·to enjoy 0. two ribs. She is improvln! lUi well thron,h .tramo and the old will be Mis8 .Iessie ClBrke. 4ave r~turned summer vacation. Most of them as oonld be expeoted however, at UIIed for locallrain8 anll freight . home from Oinolnna.ti where they are glad.that the end i8 so near , yet ber age. " 8S tbey grow older and some of the Mr, Ilond Mrs. A. ,1. WIl80n o( • hlld been for a fortnight oaring for a slok ·relatlve. . bitter realities of life burst upon Dayton visited parent8 In this place Milton Beam Died them they will realize tbat tbose Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ell D. Burnett, h ours spent upon the IIc!Iool gronnd The mo th er of Rev. Vaughan is from Pn~nmonla. near Ly,le, attended the funeral of fi Id Sa " 'l'h I td t thi I tb Id . and th08e hours spent In the sohool quit.e ill . MIl"An W. Be"II1, son of "'fimnel Milton Beam In Spring e tnr. e p 8IoMn s ngs n e 'W01' are p.leaeant thoughts." room were tbemost joyful onre free Mrs . Ernest Miller Is 'ltd I siok ou ~ .,.. day, and remained as gueats of their P d ' dires and Eliza , Beam, was born nBllr reei en' I A s T. B . Rogers, '97 momenta tbeir life. and bJlt little improved. relatives, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Orane . W.yne·s vqle July 27,1880, aged 46 until Monda.y. Readinlf of Kinutee and Ron Call, hy the Secreta,ry. Anna Meredith '04 The home of Mi88 Luria Bnrn et t Mrs, Uhtrl( Pine viSIted in Dayton y~r8, 10 Dltlnths. Be depllrted W J to I 01 W was the scene of a gay time Batur. III t week . tbisllfe MIoY 9, 1907. Be WIl8 mar. Mi8s AnniA U . Brown, who has e oome noomlng 888 arren H . Keys, 'U9 day evening. First of all onrne the Mrs. Hl\nnap Ja·mes of Dayton i8 ried ~ Millle Gilhaus Deoember 30, been teaohing in the Model School8 Rel1pon88 Leah Smitb, '07 elegant tbreeoonrse lunoheon taste- viSiting friend!! here. l.~ . Be leav811 II wil., und four Ilt Berea, 'Kentuoky, sinoo last Sep. "A good lpeeoh 18 a good thing; bnt tbe verdiot il 'he thing." fnlly served whioh wos the "mag · Mr. nn d Mrs, Ernest Barris we~e tember, hall rectl.ived her oommis. . ~Idren, an aged mother, Illid two nus even t us " a f t·h e evening . The h t home lost wee k . alItera to mourn biB lotI8. He WIlS sian for reemnloyment In the 8810e Twelve In, Twelve ant Dr. E. R: Orew, '96 daln'y viotnals soomed to bave a .. kind and ipdulgent husbund and IIOhool next yellr. . ,. What ~hall:lIlaY to you, What oan 1 say to YOIlI, salntary effeot upon the assemblage Oregonia. fa'hor and loved by all who Ilnew Mr. Charles Zel1 and fllmUy, who Better tban 811ence laP" Edith M08ber '04 tor from that' time au, everyone him. HI. 11181 words wore, "1 mUBt have been living on ·Mr. Harry . ' w a s ready to longhand have a good Z\,\,ain Armita~e was in -iJebanon Rev. J. B. Cleveland, Franklin, 0 . ' time. The timew6s pa sed soplens. one day la8t week. die, love to all; do not worry a.bout Stakes' farm and al!si~tlng In the Addres8 me, for I am not afrlild to die. " 1dairying of Brown and StOkes, have Election of oltioera Illd other bU8iness. antly indoed that before any ODe Mr, Frank Oleaver 'has moved Mr. Beam hBd Jived In Warren moved to O,evel..nd where Mr. Zell ......uat bItter word tbat finishes every feas' of lo.,e-farewelll" noticed, midnight Wlltt II.I>proaohing bi8 family from Ft, Anolent to Ilis .... oounty, near Waynesville and Lytle will be employed In a powder fao · and called for 0. dissolution of a property here . gatberlng, whioh all pre8ent jolnecl 'l'he Misses Ruth Kersey and • U of hl8 early life, but for a upm. tory. ber of years hill bome had been in Mr. Grover Meredith was a week The Close of School. caesars Creek. In proolaimins: to tbe b08tess as an Bara Steddom apent Sunday with Springfield where he Wll8 employed end visitor at the home of bis pa. ,. evening profitably and happily, Miss Edn" I:)penoer. in a piano factory and was doing rents, Mr. and Mr8 , Samuel Mere. A8 ullnal, t.he emotion of joy and spent. .Those present were : Mr. C. The friends of Mis8 Aloia Pender· woll1lnanol.~lIy, having purohl1a:ed dith, of East W!lyne. Mr. Meredltll sadness are keenly felt by Instruct. ' A large number of Friends from L. Smith, Misses Opho. .Phillips, ·gllst. will be pained to hear .. of her ' has risen rapidly In hIS profesSion are and pnpilll a9 the time draWl! thho vicinity attended the Qaar- Minnie Duke. Zilla Githens, Lola death at ber Waynesville home, a ~ome reoently. of tobaooo buying, and now has hill near f'r them to leparate after terly Meeting at Waynenille Uornell. Bertba Uoon, Fern Snider. Saturday evening. headquuters .. at Columbos, but having been olosely asscolated in &tu~y~ a,nd a few attended the and Reva William80n i also, Messrs. ~isB LUlie Kibler wllsln Waynes· Memorial Day make8 frequent "tripe to Pittsbnrg ihe lIohool room for eight or tlln Chris&ian Endea1'or !tally Sunday. Harry Graham, Herman Lewis, vme, Su.turdIlY· months. . . .' Samuel W'llson, of Spring Valley, Wm. Duke, Artbur Greathonse~ Mis~ Bildie t:)herwood spent ~un • . Will be Observed. and oth"r Easiern 0ltie8. , Dr. T. 1. Way and . Mrs. WilY, of 'l'hOll8 who have endeavored to do ~alJed On hil faaher, who has been !;t.anley Lamb, Ernest Rogers 'and dllY :Vlth r~lativeB hOTe. , With the Usual lmpres8ive UinoinnBti, spent &turdllY and t3un . their dnty have reason to feel a qntte liok one day last week Elmus Carmony. . M1SS Celtl\ 8pencer, of Lebanon, .' Service.t Wayne8ville. dRY with their brother in, law and 8ense of s~tlsfaotlon over a year ' JohnCr~tespreaohedher8' ~nnday ~;nt S~~nra/l.Y and Sunday with ' sister, Mr , ,,",d Mrs . Alfred Swain, well spent and that they will hi! '& '. . . ~ishing Oood sses · na U:1d Glildys BIMIJ1~~, A join' meetlnlC of meml>er8 of near Ridgevllle. Dr. Way bas just rewarded in future' rears by the ' muel I3ltanfield p8mted their . .. . hera. " the G, A. R. and Sons of Veterans 0lo8ed a very snooeasfnl year's work benefit of the kJ1.:)wledge thUII gain. dwal1lnlf lal* week, . and they are Alliliong the Little Mlaml river Mrs. Benry Kersey and daughter, waa ,held j 'rlday evening to ar· in.tbe Obio Denta.l Oollege, and be. eb, whUe thOll& who were negligent otherwise lOlproving ·their farm by the pas~ week fi8~erman. Hilve been Mitts Ruth, were in Leban.o n, Sat· -ran Ie for tile Memorial Day ·I>er. gan II. Spring Clinlo Mondl1y. whioh and otbful depending on othAl'II by butldihg Dew fell068, etc. ' . indnotrlOUBly , plymg theu vooatlon urdllY· . . 'vices, and tbls day 8aored to thA to do tbeir work for t.hem while iii_ K'088 Mills and Mariana and the oatclies b~eD b!g. Mrs. Clem BurneU WBS in Ore. -paniO\io people 'of America wlll he wlll oontlnue Ilbout th~ee months. 'hey lpen& 'heir time In mi80hlef Compton ath.nded the examination It t.hough,. tbat tb~re are gonia, Satnrday afternoon : obllerved here In the osuill impres. Mr8 . Emeline Gregg, Ilvlng 80nth lind idlen688 if they are hon8lt with :vf pupll8 at Xenia &tnrday. m?re fish in the rtVer .thiB .sprlng MIs8 APVbia Miller spent I:)unday ' at Spring Valley, br.o ught to the themselves, " as BODle . of &htm are, . . . than there have been slnoe ' II'10k , al "e • way. . JMIe ColDpton. wbo has been . .. the . big 'wl' th her Sl'st er, Mr8. .R e.·110 Dr. B. E. CIllyton of Yellow Gazet't-e otlioe 8atnrday afternoon wlll . 8ee what they have lost, and quite siok for. a few days, is some dlatillery tire at Treblnes a few Mr. Charlie 'l'aylor 8pent 8un~ay I5prlnp, hilS been 880ured to delt ver • a onri()!lity In t·h e way: of an' insect profit 10 the future .by thelr mts bett~r': yeara agq, .Whiob fmed tbe river with home lolka. ~e prtnolpal addrea&. The WIIoY' or anima.l whlohoreated a great deal 'take ' . . with whIskey Bnd destroyed thoua· Prof. C. H. Young, of Kings Mills n8lvUle band will fnrnlah InUIIlo of Intermit Ilmong local nlitnraJilltll. . " . '. Mrs. ·. Ann . Mills was taken very ands of fi':!h. visited here Bunda • aDd I18veral' local people ,wlll Illso fl'be llttle animal was ' ~f a dark Islokone da~nlUlt . week,butat .thi8 It . will be recalled . that at thllt y . ... h brown oolor, abont two -inohel 1n Th.e City Bakery ' writing Is lOme better. time thousands of fish fioateq. to S • • . • &e part in t e progrllm. ,_ 0 ~ ,. the shore and were gathered up'by pring Branch. The ~lUlday. previon. to MeDlor. length and, appeared to have BCOrtls la now r·unning. We have freah U.,er Fleminl. formerly of this people tor mUes "long the river. ~.- - - - - 1101 nay the members of the two of tendrils or tiny leg8. Wbe,o' t~e ' read k b I " d IJa place. WI8 IJUU'ried to M18' £dIng· • - • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook pleas. patriodo or!1erl will attend servioe ran ir, . whloh it Was plaoocl WIIS b b"~ 11 ·~~tvp - ~~ ~lI: ~n WednBi!Cll+y evening of last W. Collett Suggests antly 8nte.rtalnecl about thir'y five i bod t th M E Chnrch ' ,abaken it woulcl becowe rigid 'and on an I a,. e w week~ .. Mn.. Llda S&anfield, who " ~ trlends and relatives at there.coun. n.. ya e . . ' . to 11.11 appearanoee dead, but would you tor your trade. We only uk made her bome with hi th I t Memorial for 79th ·Boys., try home west of Wilyneeyllle lal' you io give 'our coeda" 'rial We . m e as , . Sunday @radnally rela~. No one wbo u.w I . h' . . :;.r, b __ ' ~C)ved to Bbaron, '1 h~ 'Ytrry Intere8$ letter in lut Th08~ present were Mr. Frank Basket M~tlng It Willi ..ble to olaaslfr It and it \1 w11 treat lOU 0, R. BunneJJ and, fami! were In week 8 Gazette wntten to ~r. Ed- .Mapl~ and family of Leelan i Mr. at Middlerun. probable the oreature wal limply .. ~Y B~THAwn PRoP. Xenl. · ~ mund BemlUok was from .bla «;lId , Clarenoe Hiles and family south of . •• a rida:r. friend and comratie, J. w,. Coll~tt, town; .'4r:FrankDalllnandfaUntly; , v freak. . . Charley J&cKluney and wife. of of Marietta. ~eorlli&, and ho made Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dakin i Mr. Kd. The· anDul · Banet . leet-ing of Banna'l Green ~Pain' wl~. ' The Lilerary ~l hold. bux New.BurlinIPon, attended ' IIervl0811 a lugplltion which Ihoutc1 appeal ward Cook and family i Mr. and da~ IIld~erun Baptl.t ohuroh will . lltands the '.ear IUld .tea~ of Ole IOCiaI at Ole bome of Ilr. Johil here ~undal. . !i'dt~:~Or~ o~ every friend of the Mr8. Ernest Dakin i Mr . .and Mr.. W beJd Dut i'r.i dq, Saturday. anel elements flor be''''r .t han .. taililade Beal·~ Bat1ll'daJi DIIh*.II.y •• ODe There 'a: number of ~ls of Walter Dakin. and Marl, Cbailee l:Iull&1 and e,!tlrybody ...ill be by the old prooe18 of mUdD, bT mile Donil cd Bldp.lJle: &v., . . that loyal and brave regiment lleep. LeWi8, Charlell Cook, Clem Paugh, . . . . weloome. Beafdea tbe reaular band. flgmena and Uqalcb an 11147 p ' " brbIc Oaly Uae word 11 eyer beard i!'l( in tho 08me'ery d Mariett. Lester Maple and Abe Dakua alDIItR. VI.1&IDI ~laten .110 :::r:,,~:..s~:.~::-,:: 110& 1004 to f:lnien Seal PaiD', Gedrp, and he thinklllt but fittlni A fine dinner and a time ot,". It. JaDD8J. . . ., ~•.8eo.. 80lel bJ :T. JDD.,.. =-=::~.~ ereoted to their WU BIIjoyed b7 all


-. 'IIe rogram for Waynesvi

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POTA~O l! 3 ,

h ..... bouSht tieaply , /l.1~ sql llqted much more sa", Mflthoda or Planting and Cul !l v ~ tlon On a rliral route of the Crop, wit h whJch [ am familial' and oyell DO N OT T ,t.KE THE CATALOGUE which m ONt of th e Incomi ng le tte rs I r r('f"1" l\ Band y !c,am fnr potal u STATEMENT FOR IT, :'1'( (rolll m. 1I oro or' hOllses untl tbe Inllel, ", dl"s IlU II l'1u011l rIU'l!1 ' In , '" ,, ~, .,. r ,:4~ " oW , 11 II>Ujtc:llllty&lfOIi Ifltl'}'" ., k m oney orDronEW .J mltl F arnll ll', 1'hl s 1,0 \1 (> ut , ne r s.' I) ves a f r l nd mine wbo By Dennis H, S~ovall ll~ hall shoult l ,'ol ~vllu, j'>.::p d ,n llJ)l y h.ongh t A \y fLkl! fro m I he .£!\1ll10.!i.!!~.l!-.t of \\,<111' 1'01 ted hll 111 us, flll'll i eh d llllli I' wha t ~ ol1slll ored 'a raro hal'ga ln, lI" 11 11'lIl n" uu tler u HOt! or 'gl'!J w Lh of HOME,MADE LAN D ROl:.LER, 1('''1',,1,,110. I,), Uull)' Stnry l 'uh, CO, I Th wal ch cn me, to hI' ~ \\ r(', hilt I t di d vel! t>ltl O I~ (lr SO U1 C Kind, 01' by II lib, ihe Purchas:e.r Was' Ashamed to Ule 0 .n h ti t tl j I d hnlll's, D'nllllio;i fOil lid' To.mnrrO\\, (" '/'I,I II .. ... -ror awliiT;; • . -,~ It- and - - ~,. - - -, I. ----" n dC""'"I t I 1\ ••h s .,!l --!.!L!.!i.!!lh,811£ e. ~ ,'\ l't", r otfi ,,~ ,, ' ,t> ~~old It to H H i red On e Wh'jch W i ll Good serv ice In m ill 1I 1'1'11~nt l o n !If barn l ' ara annll li r , n ' rt'nllll n ~Irollln;.: 1,)\, II ('h,'>;llIul " It Is agsllll<l our rul S In gi l''' any an , a loug money euoug was or Innd I ;.: '11 01'1\ lI y Rl'loc t, III B P~lverlzlng the Soil, ~\rl'l'l I" ~el' l lio hH'lIlHllur huh"'". 11 0 pllt' tht" add rc"s o f ou,' huby ca l~ " " Man--It" p .ayo; to Bu)' Silen t 'on It t o b"lng I ho prl ' fj up to fOl' 1111111111 ('5 I ho l'ul l Ill' \'1 11 9 10 tho h I' alii!' sllr h II I' SIIIur Ilairun Ihat la kerR: I h oll" h, ,I f YO II wil l nlltl w It. t '· ~ ~ ·" I' at HO,,"o."· ,'~ · t tlod .. Ifg\.I~fl!' It" \VII S lib bcttor, ¥. a , tim k POl' 1,IIn.n I.ha t Can~ons wa ch ' W ith fo nr old mowln lol lllul'il lne al1 f'llIt; th u cro ll Is ' to hI) 'jlla nl Cd, h I the lad)' nl I he rt(lur ml ,'lsl"j hlOl 10 "JI ll t ak l' t he huby rl'o m hcrt"- " , (' op)' M~hl, Alfre d C , In,'I ,) (I f ('II lit. , t:u tlle", Anot hN' Crlenrl "' he " I ~ , " ' il h t h ,earth sh'llS uL ofT, lin orde r to 1;1,,(, It 11 r!1'cHs ln t( ur w II , I' UI' 'hll ~ l' R " a NI'IIPI1 I1 I kk ' \. " lic' \ \"IIS "Nfl ," ])f in 11lIc k repllell Il l'ml )" " T el l Th 1';l1 st E nd of London 15 an ex· 11 )\ 10 anrl n al !'kl n bill', II Vtll'y sutls fRt'· mtl .d I :lI\ lIr I f It Is not.. alrrod y ri ch nlwaYI; dow n III tl' hl'IWl'I'1I !l,'(' anll h('I' th llt "'horvel' t ak ~ 13111) 1111181 ~11 .t ltUllld' 0 1 -. hl1l 'be l!~9 d oos Cor bu. ,~ ~UI?J'I 1\ bllla~r at S:H and 'Na S Itl"-tlld nough, It I ~ th II IIlow d. If I~rl y cr III '-jn~1 h,'(ell't' relll r nl n" to hl ~ '111111" ' wke II1P, l\l'l ug hor h re )'uurtic!f ',tlJ fm~(", ~Il ' HeaU or0 sllw~ ,' W~thaVt'l lllICieei ilj. cam ordln· and tUI Y 1'O'lll'I' ,' UII Ii ' lIIade IIft('l' t ht' JII UU' 1l0tn t6f's 111'0 IIIlSII'''I1, a rol l' ,l oll ot III IIO\.I"U.),~~ ,. ~ n. \.U,' "'-1 11 lop I\ulll ... i\ ~ II very \\(11' Rhow n In lil t' UCCPUlIlUll yl ll J; 11 1 11 ~' lors f Ir ellllll('T, k",,1 1\ I", ulI:in" '\\, n i gb t." • d is MC, t1I'uulk "I1U088 an ,l crlmo. .Jef ,' t; '1Il n!; t h III In \\III)' ,,~e ,d,o pu lw sl nl' 'nl,al rt' COI't1 of a l l Ihl' hJ1\1II.'~ · us Artlc d oth , In stead of (mtlun, Out'-hnlr ' ln h h oi !! WC " f' o Il W:\ 6 docld ed , and a tIpr th o fersu n W J1~ rlGhl wh en he said : "Great Itr), l onth!,'r, n lnll or h "nil w n~ su nsh am II of \t 11,, III)' I'ull nln g ru r l'ow.!! lhe Jll'op.' r ol s, rl l'l ile'l l "111')1 fn ur III 'hes, abo llt. t he t h ," , 'lIml' nlld WI.'III. If t h.'rt' wrt!i an nll r~1' luttl Iton , lin II , mil )! WlIN "Ieol' (lltlc>; al'O .. refit sores UPO Il th e l>od y t hl1t h e so llt I t at a ltlSR 10 h is hl l'ecl Imt:!llll' ri m 'of acll ,wh p I, TWI) \' )' In.llce apart , lIH enrly Ih' lh !!t ,r~n g 0 8 ('m!,l), lucubulfll' In I b" lung rll '" I hill i ng snllg l )' III hl ~ hUlik ·t )JlIlllplck ".11 ~1I11~ " , r~ h /"'l' W<J1l ~r ! lI)al OVO,'@ mllll j 1111(\.1 bouGh l IAi IJ,LIM' one In a 1\ 1111' ua ll plnnl,s thrce "tiC six In clw ~ I ho 81J II ,'nil he d c ntly 11I1'Oetl. II n.t! on !' Wil li of l h(' hOSllllal, ho was II l o n~ tl lll e 11 ' lore III ft r Il l' \V1I ~ ot 111('11' k i nd are horror,str lck on lui !l el~ hl)iJrfng ' lClW~ , '~1 A' la dy anrt h r 10 llg wil h h alf' lnch huks lIorl'd (' I o~e r1 rolIlIIIlS" til seeo In lh o bottom of t:l lUong 111(" ftr"1 \.() Ill'! ' 'I I\. I hl nking t)f 1111 ' 6 1' o l her dU)'1i wile n his t il t' ,gl'l ll dl n ~ of Ihcse g'l>; !1 l ito 01 111. 1 t wo duugh!l'I'S boughL sb m' R f l'.OOl tbo I t) I h(' on t! , W I'\' boll (I "II II II' ole! I he rU l'row nu!1 'ovl.r l ng th eIII b y .' 110' lurubRlor 1\0, 4 was l'nlllt)' tor Ove h ouse \\' H~ nOI l he ha lluw lI Pfl1' t uw u t \)IlIdso'sVisl I!s, Ille 'Qo"I I)~ .. nd ~r\l l ls Of htll.l bgll. ' ant,! ~h , 1I 1 1f ~ "e' l why th oy mu wl u ~ 1111lch i l\o wh ()('I$, h.'llIg .'a rellli I1I 11g 1\1\ th ('1' flu 'l'ow alon,;_ldu the dll),S , lind Dllllmick abolll 'h.'~ I' a l red of r n hllClw l I', \\'h u ~(! III I' , Ihe !;I r' m PHt ' h ad trou bl w ll h Ih II' fe t sai d It was 1I0 t to let lh ' I wo b y (011 1' 11\'uJr ct ii I'S!. Oil I1nd t hl'o wl ng tbo o l rt ove r o"'l'ln" It Il'lI('d \lP ll l u, Thc n n : ' n ant lI n an d ',\ ' t) n, . Ul h'''II 11 rl U I I l th , ," ., " Ilarl Ip" , II11. IN?i ,Il allC\1 Y1\I'il/Qvl3 mll'l q>fl l b e~ttu S'l of' I p , ft t~l n g shoes, . FI liI. s\\ ch ,,"e r I he e,1 I hC' lII, of I he wh 'l'l. nrjll'llred, I t WI\S II " {'I'Y ~nllll i !Jl l Or In Ih(' WI1I'111 /-:Io w qr 111 (' ol,,' n 0 1'" , n Crlo<!' "'l lh · d l l~ bur~cn f sl't l (nl; ' : !ty , jl tlstadel>s thi !Jan (>rro'ls of buy· It Ihe soil 111 wh lt' h ,a no, 1s o hllt:e,1 In thl' (I('n, ' I' U ll olrl ijl k l b:tr wllh hl \lu;lnIL),- '" Igh cd onl~' th r('e IIJlundH, Th l'c Yl'II I'S "f d o m ~ iI ' h llll \llll H~, ward wh ic h, II kc It, Is full 01 SrlL YO Ing "si gh ! Hn ,H 'I.'II\l",III'O dal(v o ccurring {:u,lrela ,It!' wn ~ IIsrd w it h f\ t wo ·l u1'l1 1.0 plunl h l~ pil i atOC'1I Is flll C)\ lh al I t HO th nur~ IlI f.,.,\\ el him . ' Hul .I t 1\101 ' I III 0 ·Ht Ill'm (la ll\ ~ I III' S I 01' 11\ 11' 10 1 m on ace to ~ IIF , 'r<}lt~1Ie \II 'hUDllltll\yo, all o ~e r lh o ' O\IIl U'Y, It Is o nly nalll!'- holo III ~ hI' (i(1Il 101', Th o nds WIII't" run~ l og lh I' 01' \)11I; kfi ~HIII,I ~ dll rl ng waR H h ' uh h), hn \l)' and , mOI'CQ\' er , wrecltl'd t h eil' hlllne 1I,Id rl l'DV th e Tbl s ts t he 'dl'), rot n o w Ihvadln'!,: t r, on· nl anll ' 'Inevllabl o t hat such ' tblnca tu rnl'd half urou uel t(l [tISl " u to lh(' l ho Will I ,' I', n(llhln!; mar hI' gtl illcd h,' l it Ilrottl al haby t hul h all beeu on , wh(llll Ill' helleved I~ n \l l o nl w ys sands of villages and to wn s, I t Is no t sllo ultl ha pI! n , frl1 llH', T hld har wat; 1IIIIc d between fa ll plow in/-:, \\'Ith ' 8(111 llf' II1IH kill d, b l'OIl~ bl In tOl' sOlli e 11m" . ' ea I)' all be t r ue III him Olll ,Or hi 11 (I'. Hh o ;"~l ot CII.pi1111 or bu s ln e~ H energy In , L t Ug see whllt will b e tbo !tec t th o l i,' o secllous of Lbe roller, T bo lr) ,wt nil car ly Atll r t In 1'h IIJlrl ng Ihe 11II!Jlc In t he I'OW wore bille rlb- hit I , dCl; rt.ell him , lQ ul\"l'y I li/ ' \10'- lhe . towns, or d lsrrlmlnatlon In ot this formlrtabl c dl vel'!l ldn" dr trade, nnCl ~h n ll id not UPI'll' t h o IIII\0m'e 11\ bOilS, II CRUSI' lh l'~' w eI' .,;l l'Is; but sire 10 gO 011 Lhe HlllgO, Dlrnn; tck" Cr.ell:jlts. or ro,x l,Il',lI stlon of t h lIoll In It cllr rl ('ll 10 li ~ II'$lfJll eon olu slon, th " fnll or ,. (t.uI'ln~ III w,l nt er aDd thf"~ one worc pink, Il pions d Olw· made b lll, Ilt lle IJ\'otos\. I () 1(', flc l' th e slIrro llod ,l ng co un try lhal Is brl ns· :-ieR rl y all Ihe 'b nsltl ess hOllses of the l\'ave II 111 '011 Ihe 1IIII'fll 0 , liS It hold s mlcl' t o know Ulll t It was II b(l" , go, I'• IIII d I) na y. ar lIIIIC" j;h I f ling about thts hange, bill a n w anll small er 10WI\JI, ",,11 become ' bankrupt, frosl ;lnll mll l st llr tillll 'pr otoiil S cnr ly Dl mmJ ck 's Itll r ·' Sl Incl'easClt with hi m, dlln s?rOus form or cO \1lp ~tlliJ) n, '1IIId t he va lue ot town property wlH'deJl)UWhl !;, N,' lI hl'l' Hliolll.T' th o dr ll '''' the IIl'l'h:;11 of tile u Vi w ard In 4, To bnolHh I h ' IIlIh lltl(1), , Iho ';:1\, n ~' ~ hll ' Mpr-l cos of tho~e wile bll : "'Co c line, rhlll'ch e3 and hools ' ' Ill reIng nu t or l h e 01011\11' \)00 J fl untJi lie " 'ould s tlllid a long Umo be fore the Ihut partin g, h e Un to d to B£II y 't; \)1'0 ' Into th es~ t o W!! !! , a~,! , you ,~ 11I .Ilrd celve a fee bl e- S IlPp? ~ !,. nd tho townll" spl'l nS', as n f w dll )'H ' dol",y, tit n ma)' g lass door. admir ing t hE' bllby nestled di e nnd gently ral s d the OV~I'lns , them at a s:tandsl.l1I or going !Jack, In st ead 01 b eing cenlors of bus I Ll\l) kc tit tllffer encll b t lV e u U Ilaylng II th pillo w, llIuoh like 1\ jewel i n a T~ 111 18 w ere l"orklng liS if tll nl ITII 'ward , Inquire 01 lhelr busiucs, m 1\ and iOOlal nativity, w1ll almost crop IlIl d one t hn t d oes ~oi. ;1 I\OP window, om eUtneS lhe IIttl G wa s belween th em , A s mll pla)' etl or comm erclul travelers and you will to elCl st, Tbe 'olin t ry In !;en eral will , A11 thin gs 'con slde rcd , ' l\ pi ece er , ( lIow opened bi ll eyes alld looked over the bllb,v 's ru cc. Dill), ' u s' Jo!lV ' I lun that. bu siness Is not as gOOd all becomo like lUlui, , p(lrUons ' ot . the , Il\nll thnl hnd u b'00,l" sIIP1,l y o r huI" WOlld flllgly ' through his glass «<\lgl! IlIg a ,()Umsunl d reum , DimmiCK s&llIell, . /oYI\lOrly and that the prospect ,\s ,~o~ south where t ho Inrge 'pla~t!\tJoD9, by rul1 ~ given Il the ye ar ' l.r o"lou 8 to lh 1nl.o tb e man's face, The y ~ wero t oo, bu t n t enr drO!l(Jeo (ron\ ,h i li o~'e a contlnued ehrlnkage In trad e, An se ling their suppllea In the cll es, "?'-~~~::;".ij51 one I~ Is 1\8ed 1\ 11 1111 \Illf), ,t;}:ound Is b rown and large, and ther wall some. Illj he 8191e (,ulc tly 10 hili rltom for . obsen'ant commer lal traveler !l Jd hn,\,e II pt tho ne'(ghb\lrlng to'fl'UIf Ih h'st, E xperi ence tCll ch es m thOot "L}nl! In ttlelr gaze tha'. wen '. strft l gbl lho nlgb t. l.U p , • ., ' to lbe writer : " [ bell,cve tbe day of down to the cron,roads type-drury, 'Roller f .r om Mowing l ne Wheel. , rl'~ sh' manllr , evmi sod:' 18 apt to to Dimmick's heart. It won him c(lm' , 'rho following ovenlng Billy 'a~" the villase and town Is over, The big unJllllnt~ll'ItUHl ' placeS' of a 'hB'lt dozen e.l}dll of t ho center shalt w('l'e Insertcd prOd\lCil scab or OUI I' ut!l'elLlleB on Lbe Illetel y, H e t II In' love with the tot, dl'essed his Ilreltlest Illld gl'tell, hts , ,!Ish are ever y where eating up the lit· ramshackle houses. Tile evil elrectl' IH bOif ' s ' IIi llie two ' out side pteceR tl1bel'8 , " • m eal a little clll' ly thal h e IiII S b~ look lie n sh, A f e w SUI all Jlne3 o f business 01 lhls 108S 'Of l ti-tJle ' and' aestl'lleUOll of' t he fram e, whtch wos made of , und ..made O1Irl¥ I1llpllcatlon for hlm, 1 am fu\ly pe\'lluudod thaUt. t. milch plmmlck 's ,hOllsekeeper cllilcd for his prettl esl when bls mOlber calU~, ' tW cannot })e ,done by mall, such &II of tbe value of town properl,J. wW r .., four by f our hard'wooo materlnl. Four mor,e pron tll,bl ,for , I~e lp lise good· two by , elgh ~ planks weI' I\sed ' ' Cor sized petillO 8 for seed rather than N o, " 'h en It bad been tour montba That Ihe woman might ' vlsll hor ~ lho front anti r ear of t be tram e, Ilt the Incubator hospital. An ar' little one undisturbed. Dlmmlct '(c'ok ' . small oncis, Whon tb • foftner al'e , A lliatfornl was ' mnde on which ~ho lIeet!; 1 on t as n arly · 11!! ' Poslllhl e to rangements were mll1le, He b 'd Ilrod /lented' '!!be lIIecHlillry credential, 'and his pipe ~nd nevel to. the IIbr\lry , an eeat was aURCh d 'bY taking an oJ11 pi tlS bavln g two , ores oJlcb, wbeo l et his housek IIer recelv th two wagon tiro anel bending, It In 1)01lit Ion small ,tull 1'6 II),!! liS d r elll of( the cOl,lvlnced the Incubater management wome.n , He heitrd 0. cry of s~rpr !!!e sh own, PJIltUoql1 was plnced on tlil's(' sed, el1(I, " , 'I t"at. ,h,e was fully comlJC~!lnt to , glye , the hall when lb'e deor 0ile Cd , b al's and an ol d mowlng"inacblne Bcat No, 4 tbe r eClulred caro and attention, then olh el' cries at ralllUr,e, II1.m08t 'Wh ii Itlt IIotntoes ' lire -dc'slred , It 'The lJaby's parentage did nol enter bott etl ror the 'rider, An old mowing 18' hn r!ny \lOg slh! to (; t' th e hind In tnw th agreement, aDeI Dimmick hyslerlcnl , muffled by Bllly's COl el" , ma.chlno tonguo' was used ror tb too good CO lldltl on , J IIhoUld b d I I I I !n g, . lon guo on the rollcr , When a roller plow II Rnd h urrowed d\l\d , diSk d ma e no nqu ry concern ug t , He " Poor. woman," 8uld Dimmick :0 I be wanted tbe baby, that was all, and Is devl ed In this manner : Sal' s P'r nl, It Is 80 fi ne tb at , nch, p,l eoe , of II cll was supremely hallll)' wbClI the title POll' , H p se ltled deeller Inlo his r ic Fnrmol', it I s much IllIler Cor a will II In a bed o f mollow arth and chai r snd turneel to tho book,mul'k y oungster was brought to bls h ouse, ' I eaUl to tnl'O 0 round bbun Is t hI! COI\1· have a fin cOI'erlng ' b f the ~ alU , Th perambulator wall rolled IntO wltb a ~et<lr llJ}n d etforl to ge~ In, m on l o~ roller, 'rhe obj d hI' \'tllslng early potat oe terested III th e sto r y . the ,bill' sltlIng'room belore lhe fire,cOh o you durling, you darling." ot'1ed Is to gel tllb. rs"a!! oa.rly, 11 .posslblo, TREATiNG GRAIN FOR SMlJT, 11lace, Dlmmiok lifted out th baby the' Om l\D alonc! , " You don 't "know bi g ellou h . to pa~ III th Q work t : In , and held him at arm's length In the Illto 110la eSt a good yi eld of largo, light j{f \.he da'n illng flumes, y our mamm a, do yon ? Ble ss YOl\~' ' i~ ~~~!r.f.nril 1"0 ~~ " lsn'l he Il fine lellow," said he ; h\)l\l't, lIllle one, I know you're bap' , \1 How It Is Done with Formaldehyde ~ I\\oo th' ~ tuher~, • Or .t - .. ~.;a-. l h"sil the !lILlUlld If. ~st hI\' In th biodt " Ian'" be jU8t a dand,?'I , Wbeteupon 11Y here, " , I Solut ion , • ah~Jl c 110sl! lblO,\I.'ltC'II 'blanted: I:ls hou sekeeper amlled ~\IrlOIl81y., , ' DimmiCK cl us d his book ijhl1Tl'ly -.. and Slit erect In 11ls ' ehalr, Who wu,; Fer f he bet'l etlt of lhose Who bn!' I n ael clln' th . and , n .·d ecldlng , ,1)IOasod I,T~e ~aby' 118 If ,,"011 this woma n, weeptn.. ·o lId b Illtlghlo" ... It I reu eI y treated leed grnln with cro~qd hrs new1,?lIdly" quartert!, " n., for upon t ho var,lolr and whe~b c l' to rnlso "What will we ca ll hllu?" Dimmick , ov~r Billy? 'rho blltorneas, bol'll of sm ut wl t h . formaldehyde, I will stat early or Illt [)0I.lll005, one must b co ntinued. " We mlU!l get hll.n somo desertion ant,! bllla'ed Jell , '\\lOn blm. my c:llleri en co In clol,ng so, ,' \'fltt's a (or han det rmJr,e, 1I1)0\l,1,1IS mark t .• h Lb N 4 eh BII Tho sweeln ess of olhel' days tingled cOl'resnondont of The f"armcr, Thr C nn 'l\lIth 1(l'tnIMl Itll' 'tdtftutthn nls If t ...... That'll er name an ) 0" jllll\ , nt~ tb~ I),! 'a~• hI's h enrt', truly, hor's w'as a voice . ;., '.. 'ean. OJ.. ' >I'> Lbe ticket-Billy; n"u r had 3(10 'bushelS' ot wi lit .bo, would hav(l J\.i, venture successful, smile of his," The youngster ~augheJl he ' had )loord and known before, 'j • -' thllt wus 80 smutty that I could ' nih' , fie crept softly to the lloor, Billy ...1"..... . aeU ,It at , tho elevator but ,bad to .. " aloull, atilt ' Dlm'J'tjlb1r l lau'gbed wit h blm. , • , , was l aughing now" o.pjl t h e ' w~m ~.'! " ~J'\ nd It nnd us It for ' bog f eed " ,I , .. " ,:!SaY. BILIT, &,ou're tbe roal me~a\- twas suffocating blm with kisses, ' Y s, did not buy dltfcront seed Ule tpUow , know you' I',e 'happy, IlIg year bu't treolod tbe ' grain r hlld 'Cen veiliont Stepa 'or erdnl'ftg from 1I0thing eonolerfelt about YO\l," t,~~ .nyw?,.n!';'Ded BII!y was to so happy, ' ' . " In the following mnnner and It cleaned ' One F ield to Another, ilD"derstanclinat "tll.iDmlck was a ba k Dlmmlck stood In the ,door, DIII~ , , ", It 8, err t1vAly that very IItUb' sMut " callbler, :was Jl}!lylng ha voc wIth the' wOq:IlIO',s Is to be foun<;! In the grain .now, I ' This Is ,madq ml\ch V,.e )1I: ,atep,lad· ~, . 6eYeNII ne" articles apJ)eQ,red oq t he h\1I~, 'und her fac~ w~s burled In t h e ma'de a soiilllon 8.8 the dlr~cUons with der, except for the hand rallillg, The lOantel, to keep Dimmick's pIrIe hoy II fat ch eeks, ' hll"" w)U COlt "tl1 .. ,lfl'(lb Jocal,;rlfy from thl tree the formaldehyde elated, In a' bar el rOl1r sldo Ill'eces pto.n'li out tbe to bll.cco pouncb constanl com)lsny , He scowled ' and cl enohed bls flHt~, or national nfo and drop you and your community Inlo the boltomle•• pit about' half tujl or more with '~ate r, ~lImo I~n,nh , and Jong' non~' to como The mos,t used was a lon"',n~ked bot!' as " f th IIltlo f 1101'1 was In a ttj;er II of bualtle . . .,tagnlitlon , Are you wielding tho laW that mcan .. ,oel'tlin dl .. ,By .hllvlng ,a board slant onto th e edge well UI) Ilbo,"e the wall " Toe,hand m il· o ~~ Lli fl I ' d alter to you OInd your communltyf I '" 18 d t.. t I. b d tie 'wlth i ' r ubber nllllll~, Also, there ,STI\81J, ,'II ., rst mpulse "Ill!:! ,LO 01' er , ," .. I " ,~ " I , ,. ; , " , of t h e bal'rel ond, ~>lacln g tbe drip' n" rna e p "ye, r ..... s ,p 0111', I k tb b d th nail ed toy- other as shOwn}" 'sketclL. her from tbe I,ouse Out hls fists re were other bottles und vial s, and all ,, ' " " ' barb erln g, blacksmithing or the se~v· act upon the valuo of farin prol,lp,rt, p n g sac s on 0 oar , e solution ' !ul'ed nnd the scowl lefl , his fllOO, tor " Int' of ' abH, d rinks and Icc cteam may oy cutllrtg ott th ' hOIDbl market. ' The ' wlrlch from' them, will , all run The uprlgh l t Ie ground, • ,',,;, Lbe :lJaby grew, use was ,found for of them, agoll\ th'iit dell g h tlu l !!\Veetness of oth, 11\es o,r ",tt;!de can· wll\ acid to the tax es ,01) ,IfIP.Q 8 by r1: Inlo .the bllrrel, By ,haVing t'!,O, and e' ft'Ud thr onbil!l11 ttlloV!!' stllo .. , DUJ lnS , ~e ,day BIIl,v, wall cared for ' er doys , tingled ' ut 111s' h eurl." ' ,," not suslaln 11' decent fown , The duclng taxable val ues In the toWnl. poa~~e Slick s, oDe , 8)1brpetge<!- In the \.0 make 'the blind' l'a.1I cOl\yenl en t (or by l'tie' housekeeper, bu~ Dhnrulck took , The womRn became sud!lenly aw,I~~ cause of this wJ,desproad 10Sl\. ot Il \l!\h , S\lr~)\ .11,,1110 not to the Lntercst of any. b,a.rrel a,n ll the. fl~he~ on tbo bOll rd ao)'one walltlng 'llp and clown th eLeps, tile' nigh t stllft, He gave ' tbe b'aby !illl o~ !lls presence, anc!, 11'),lng Billy In nells IS th e ng;grcsslve and deslrllc Ive body, excepl the blnated corporation. drtllplng, I t docs not take v Qrl' long to The c,ontcr 11\1I'1gh~ ~I\lnd,ard, .t'x:plaltl fi r st feed Immedlatel~' on ,his return his bed, eowored Ilnd shrunk over the' ¢bmpettflon o f' tbe o:l.tnlogue houses carrying on ' tht!" nlatl lorder business, treat ' enollgh grain Cor the lollowlng I,'arm and I lomo, IA selliS closo ns clIn , " trom 1lhe balIlD; then aooUlel' at scven, cr-adle, begging pity. ..!!!} be big cities, U has boen POB Ibl e to see lhe towns aDd fall Into' \!I\.y 's seedln@,', lhllS giving It o ne day's bo to the ' ston o wnU bn ' ono Iide 01' llu.II ofter a romp betore tbe firc Silly "Forglvo mc, lorglvo me," II e for fG cars !!Ir more to- buy ol"iOme' ~dC;;ay:,--:tlTVetowri· ii' not only of limo to dry . 1 consldcl' this lesR work WllS \.Ucked away for the nigh t.' Like 1)lolided, "but , [. had , 10 soe my baby, bouses 41n \he~ e1Ues, I If one lelt thut , valuo to. th e. landll Surrl)Qddlng ~~" b,llt , than sPtl n~lin9 anti sl~ 9vellllg olld tBr llll babies b e had tbe colle Ilt tilDes 'I did not kllow he wall bere: Must I the mer chants of his town ..... ere ex, lIS we ll stoolled b'u slneSB houses are !t1rer tlt !tetlln g all lho grnln treated, , , Bellns too pront, but this erro rt II conven ien ce Rnll tl 'Deneftt to ' the I J:lave' also trented onts with v ery guod " •• , the a:ttack uBually ~slllzlng WID be: 1>0 '1" I ween two -and three In the mornlllg, . Olmtnlck Hcowl ed ug,~ ~n , 81 ~ sl~e nt ., ot tho mall ~~r~er , bOl~S~S to diC '(lie I b'uyer, Evon It 1n 6n ~Y " tooiJ'1d, In the ,results, I treat oats tho Ramo way Al such , t.lmes DimmIck was alrvo~t Iy Il\dlcj.\~ed Ih dOOl', T h e wUmll'n J.;.l:!tdn I' lt6getli dl' Is"'" rtovl' thin s, tho ' lon~ run,' be saved by orderIng eve ry. ouly they hal' o to be IItlrrcd morEl on becom e of Lbe W18~ that Dilly was No, ' obbed a mO\l1CIll ov er RIlI~ and, kiss' Srowth, of ,tbeo pa 8~ few ycn~ Start· lhlllg from the ol ty, thl' Inconvcn l eJlce the n oor and l ert longer to dry as Il is 'I a ' aln, and baok In his Incubator, Ing hi s ch ek, dotache!\, horself (rom Ing wlth'_ a few. lines' 01 t r ade, this ",ncl ,line r 1t1!).IY It , wQuld always vei'Y dimc ul t to ' sow SWoll en ' oal ~, .I down 'oli Chestnu t strc'et, h im,' ") un~ ~ ) ,gl ad II Is here," sh e ror,m o~, coplp et.,llloll h as,c,om e 10 c; over make ijuch shopping unsatisfac tory, 'il so b ![ v o In cleaning nil sceos In .B ut Dimmick" !tnow preclsel \' Lbe ~ ald l OWly, look lug ap out h er ,nnd ab, almost everything that cun be In' Ordering CroDl a cata logue Is I ap the I) 5t Ilosslble wny, bllt If th y aI" 'OOu)'\le ot., t,relltmellt- flve droi)s of sorbing I he corMon ' of Ihe' room , ' counCry ' town abet It Is e ven IUIsotted In th e darlt,' ox(.'Cpt In' ,tbe case of ' a · ! ound to contain , toul se d I t. Is sa fcst IJClltlern,tnt \n ' l1 toa slIOonfl\1 of sWElet, " lloud-bye, sw ellleSrl, " !laid she, !.bAt . a BBvlngil bank departmcnl Is to few!es whose color; sbape and ,lot to u se .It tor e~D4 at ' op , ro:l:P!].I , ... ,(:110 1\ warm water, followed by a drill 11 l !u'nlng ~e th o door, TeurK glltlel'ed lie Il.ddc~ ljy olle ; of the , .j:Bl !l loglje, ,qulIl!.ty " t;e 1\1~\IoYll. . t.he S 11.111 e, ,o sUy experi once I have l earn ed the .. , o f hot cat llill lell, "It's sure great In bel' ores, ulld h al' fingers trembled h ouses, ' , To the man who can soberl y loolt Id sa.Ylng to be true: "As 'w e 5 11\\' s t.un: to )lull t h ' pains out of a k.l d' 5 ",lIen she PI' ss d them 10 he r lips tn The claim that, the m an order on both sides 'of the Question' lmd who Shll,lI wo re811," stomach ," hc- 'n!lsllrod th e hank presl, toss 11 [ l'o wel1 kiss to I he cro WlD'S' houseg of Cb llcago are .(Jolng lin un, ' can put hlm ~ e l f In the plac e of " the , ,';"T"-- - - , . . - dont, w~eD the ' laUel' told of his bub)', " ~~oil~b;'e: Htll S W othelU'I" ,l I n !Iol bUHIJlOss, of ove\, ~?OO,OOO, OOO may othor' fellow", l.he qUQry wll1 come : Growing Better Com: .. "J , , li:ou1J!9!} ~I~ ~ , I\ ~O,I.l.cky hi'l by . , mp !lt ItO" ,, ' ~eem , large, but o~o house a lollp. ./lIlS Is 1t, PCl>t ..(mm D1c~e w,hlm, or ovon ' r\ow' fOI" 'a belter stilD d ' of , corn , 61mll11ok 's visne to th ' Incubatol' , Dimmick I'ushco aft 1' 1 er wherl sh o sol~ geoiis t Q the amount o'r' . 29,OOQ,' ,Cor a certa lnty ' ot savlnr; trom one ' t o 'a" el' much of t h e col'n hclt I~ la es· e lltubll ~hmen t ceased after tho arrival ' reach eel th e '1111 11 , "Oh, Nelll'e.'N cIHo," ono III the ,pa sL ~ Ix months and Is n ow h alf ,& aoien dollins' l n il' year .t o tu rn ,lImated that no~ more Ihan tW(l·thlrds the other a11l'1 t hon naUed. socurely In 01' 1-lllj y ,' 'I've u hahy sbow of uly h cl'led, , "don't Icave ' hhn!...!lon't In<;lIballng ~ l\e~'q, l to ,n,creaSe Its my back ot. the old, con vcn lent ways of a slan d o,f corn III 8ecurod , 'Tho (llnce lo , Ule I rllnio 91 ,sUly, , .The elld ()WO no w,':, he told lhe UUl'se, When leave me ugaln, You will slay, wou't onormous buslneB)I ~J:' seiling shares ot dolng- ~u3Incs9, and to do my, part 'alJl~ I~ l,nn~ol Y.: wlt.h tho seed, I l Is slllnuards (01' hand I'all are nailed seti be came to InQul rc Into the young, you? Say y~lU wlJ\ 8~y," . ' .... ", or ' stoclr ' ta thousllnds of pebple In lhe . toward r..u lnlng_ the " buslncsII ' of my not gradc~ or lIorted so tbat' Ule pl!mtcur Iy to bt\lO ~rrn:U e;' n' a'r tho b otWhe.n she roturned to the door, .hope ,ut . m ilking ,thaw , regular "CUII- , old' acql!;a..Ipll!-l!t;e~ a~,d ~rl ~n(\~ , amf a! ' er w1l1 ' Mop 'hnltol'l\lly. ' I£ Is ilu~prI 8' tom. ,. . .ter's ", eUnre, ' . . 't::·" , , " 'I'h e' moth er of 'No, 4 (:aHed at the DII11mlck stood wilD arms ou{slretcb·, tome~s. " ' destroying tbe , valuo f propertY' la In~. how many dltferent shape k eru Is 11bs pitnl tilt $ nrt rnOOIl," s:lld t be en before t he tire, lll eodln g ' with his · 1'110 1I.11I1IfuHy worclllll advertlaement ttie ' town where my ''fr\ciJd S' ' Jlvo ? , , III'C (ound on a slngl~\ e~r, \lnd wli on' nunit) tinE! evoblug, w hen she called old·Ume , t ervor : " Won't YOII I'efil¥n, and th e' big hatalogue, 'With I t s Pic, • F, B.. MILLE:R. all 01 these nrc put Into ,llie plallter Land for GaIL,RII.lng, ou h el' I'egul ar Visit Of hultJeclloll, Nellie? \Vo need you, 1I1lLy and l e'-tur-es or artlclll9 In 'a: hundred' lines of " ' Oldri'r'sulf Him, ' , boxe8 the b~B~ yiJu, ca,n expect I~ \I n·· .In a It 'loral way, 1I .lIJ Il d In the , ., •.I,llplmlc,k 'Y as bu~)' giving BlUy bls , "! wan t I Q c.ome)18cl< ," ~ho sobbed, trade, are ,ver y alluring to buyers" ' People who 'patronlzo :tbe ea~ ru"' ' cven drops, ~ot .on)y use gOO(! seed, Uol,t~d Stat S, excopt ' v~ low, sll v.en (I' clock melli, und mude no re' as h~ 01u~ 11Cd her to bls bosom, most of whom are tl 0l familiar wltb nlng Ollt to "'oro.8t Hills are ramllla"r but.' slzo It~ ~o ,tJ1at t wo, thl'CO 9 r four ~wnlDllY tracts," aro"l!lnrabl~ 'for gOllt nIT. " , ", " • , .. " ' p'~1'Ce8" anl!" ' q"ult\ltreB: .'Some of ' tllo with Conductor ,. 'Crowley, the mnn w110 k etll e I s may , be, dr,oppe d I n 96 hllls, out rlil~h\' g. :r'he ' Ceed ' tha· t · go.Jts "refer .. .. " .. " Sh e desired \'erY ' !iluch to see blm, , ' '.·Blesslng tKe Animals, ' art1clcs 'b elow the usual 'pr,lc'e1! I ~e of ' .., of 100, Is browso ' wllh ,' a small 'a dml-llture o. and' ,\faa .gr.ellt~ dl~allflelnted wh en Tbn nclent custom of ble>l3lng ani, In In!e~lof qUl1llt1, wblle ,lIhe average ~::~!,say/~"~~~:,t~~,c~e O::'s:!:: ' ' weedll and grass"a nd. theu~oi'e t bOBS s he l earned that he had been t aken mala 'on the ' tea~t of St: Anth ony b~ p r.lce Is usually full] up tq ~l1at would H erald, . H,ave FaIth' In the Farm, tract!! bUI'dene~ with bru8~!,!00d and' _, " Ij;WllY." ,tbe ,n ur6e cont!nue!i, < "Though an abbot ' ln Guadalajara wos obseN e!! ' pafd t o Hie' home ' deale'r , ,) US , .. On th e arternOon of eleel'lon day III MatI!' ' farming a business, . P.llt, ,briers are ea\lcc'lally. -doslralil e, 'Tbe " he sll>ned a compile r c l ease 'of the ~tb La tl!v~e~ced r:~;c~s h~ tbat , Oltyl 'shown last WI1lter .III '~ , 8pell h I,n e?D', Noyelnber olle ot.h)s passoD.erR mO,n ey and brains Into Lhe fal'lU , fact makes It ' cl ohr 'Ch t Ib' the oolder toL wben W,e t.ook It, alld nss~l'ed t h o ~~ I. , 'I\{ q I I~ orf goner, .resB\ article. ,to r t he mall order ra\le ~Q old man wJto ,had , !I.een Imbibing ,th!1~e'l·pectati(ln, th~t' it will retul"O a ' par ts of the 'countrY ' l t , ,,oul4, flo nec_ otficllll s l ha t she had not the means an anr 0, er ex ,can c~, alte . ottel\ .ml/lbraodcd at/ lhe. reqoe!ft h ,?rof! t,' To" mllnage a · farm In a haTf, Mary ,to provlde , some.,teed..!n ' winter, to SUllllorl lt. ahe now begs that Ii 'be , Wllhln ,;a l perlo~ ,of . t"!'o hourI! bu~ , Of J!le 'r!~'l ~,I;~I!! poqple, with· deUb ,~:~::: J~ d:~ar,"'~ gO, to ~l~p~n tbe 1i~ar,ted ",'ay " f ~elng 'afralld to Invest aa Do\ , lJut , tll e 1!Iltt ,t~IJ;lI r emain \' 'turnll!\ to ber ," ~red8 ot r.n(mals, ~~cl lldln~ h ofaes, erate \rt~!1t t(). decei ve, One of ths " iJulIt ' beforcr it reached Dadle, street a doUai' on Iml)rOVelU f)nts or to IIpply at that Ume as bl'Owae, Ooo.ta will .. DlroJ4l.\.ck raised bl~ head and looked oxon. c~ws, 01\\1;8" donko) s, sheep, iDstall'COS gtve!D tit' thl. ,cbngressman the cond ' Ilctor, Announce'4 1<,-Itb' 'bll" sufficlent ,fertllll\er for fear that It wlll cat grass If reQ ulr.ed to do 80, all!1 l t 'I 'W "I goats, pigs, dogs, caUl, TabUltH, ~Ick· ""as of -me thouaand8 ,of Itnger rlns: ' t I III U Itt· t thed.nUlb's?e nw!lllt'y' m reo ens, t'u rkeYK, luilTOls slnglni' birds ..n CBr.ats'; when" t!! 1 rpl\,p( the r, "Clr-r-eQlt no ,[)a),: 8 a sure ot havln f,'; w land III urne , e UIILS ) , .0, we I kl d I th hI t ,. . , ', Guild,'" " ' t .. ,rears rea!lzed" If the e!tol' t Is !pAAe ,I'.e~a, rdeil , as be ng so much mol''' call' t do It. pOQr ~'" we~~ ij':';l~~O~ "'ts thO y ",\er. ,were In reality only ten, ",Yer a liar! It'a Jolill D, ' Moran!" to make tilt! far!ll better year by year 'I'tbllth'ble' fQ r ha r p~oduetlon o~ 8S l>n.. ~(e pr ssed'tl1jl baby c l(lser 1.1 blm, dumb a~linal: altd Ise C~;~lec or t~ ~6 b'b't t tJiNbb oidera I from hll ehoqted tb. sleep1 one, w~klnl up It III pretty eel,tnlu to be a 9ueceIB, tura for cnWe aDd sh cell tbal rlho IlIaclind "enllll'cd the ques Llon : " What Is w' to 'a 1I \h r' t.O~·1 'If t , catA1ogue,' or flom lllD -kd,:eHltnlnlbnt; II/iddenl):.' ' " ' ...11 " •• A .. '.. ' " ' ro" , , - , '" • • , j uS' 01 gOBt~ , u(ll.Jn .L~.IP Ullt; to . b e " on: her ~ oca llon?" ' po d ej b I f,'; U ~ . e~ I l"lIl sease does nol see the articles ,till ,. they .. -W..' " Don't Waltl, sld!lrotlc'- G., ~'.. '1'lomllspn United 'ShE' I s ell Iletress " n numbera,cume and tiS otten disappoi nted In tbe , .. . , New. Mcttrlll :llIonuro made fl'om fattening or ' A$rlclt'tute. " 11 sci. ' sa ? 1-1 0 \\' str:iIl ge." But ' Quality of \Ie most of them, but th ~.r~ 1) , ,new .. mottrlc , .c,ha!t r 4!prellentlug ,steel'j; Is toO valuable and 1\111 'b too - , - -- '- ' " , to ,t1 nurlltl , Hlraug,' Ilal't or It Dogs Do Not Need .. ,\a.,P(lI ......ouJd be It he l!eo;:raphl \;ally ll1olls"fea ot 'lhe 10terr cOllU )I , til wllste, Ihe PrJ'1'I e ... \\ d >S I tone of ' D,I 111 ", Ic"\; , words. Prof, 'ChUtoOllen, of "ale's eclell' , bq'lgh~ ~t ,,~om' ~, Fl,C\Jdo,e~ ''\It ''lIke' l<1' natlt/nII'l Ul dri'lC Jystblll'br \trcflihlA ,.n4 s'he<\p ",ell bpddod ,0 tha.~ 8S mileT) of' , " Hogs tMt. wll'l grntle astwhne butch. " 'Jl wu "lfl nol b I'llJhl tll lirl ny her MHc SChOlll , ufter a year's' elCpel'lmenl, OWl) that ho j19 ' dts.!lpPolate~. 80 be- meaa!l_ .. bGs ,beeD pr8flBl'C4 b1 fbI , ~lW ,11lan.ut;e, R,!! jlosslblll will Ile lIaved: ' era, el tbe~ .JIEltV"\' mad lit(' Id "tlcge or seeing tll!' ba b," ," bo Ing dog nourIshment, hai found makes the t1e s'\; orlt aDI1 to ,lIeratandards of tho department Too of oz" J!ledlpg , II dOl,le out of muat he pedoct·;o. .'"nUuu('li , " and Ihere wou l d eel'taln l), lhat wltliout meat Ihey shQW n o suade himself that he hns 8av..ed Ilf all4 Jabor, aDd will be ..doors an d ovary min or tll6w dralna forin, and (lI\Is.l v;';..a..11 Ill! Ih bal'm In Icttln:" be\' ': lilt'.' here of energy, strenglb or money, In m Instancos he 18 not furnlshod rreD tD au tdlool J,taohlq away l1'o.t l"I'eama ot CIOltl11orttllzllr, 01 rlpenoS6 In ndlU e .ll'"'e well enolll-' la "aluo. .. tile I,.tlm, StoP tIIe.a 41loW, m&turitl. co , all ILl" .. ~>lfl\ctqrJl)' Ilt b o.ri'I'e,


The Baby of Incubator Four













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' BY' ~,:"eethbar,~' ~

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I r~~4t i,!p~!l ~~, J1~h~JPt


:t~xlc~n i~~;aldncrease


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J;Cc!.\e5!l,l!I~ , ~~f"Jl


Sta~ell. Dej1l1rt~ent







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RUSS IAN CAPTAIN'S RE COLLECTION OF DISASTER. CO lnm an der of Wars hip 'rcUs I , Grap hic Fas hion of Expcrlences Duri ng the F ig hti ng a t T s us him a In Late W af'. ~'. 1'1. Yl:lIllmlo' oll'non' Hr Ill" H",,· s inn lIa y lin e IIf lbe HlI l'vil'ol'a or Ih e great Illtvnl bal (1 0 Of '1'll llll hlma 1n t.he wa r Willi JUI):III. wrll '6 of hi M eX )l(~ rl!m~ . ~ ,'('1'1 fitly III a l, n h ll ~ lI ';l 1 1'01· IIUl I!. Il l.' WIlH on hU1I1'1I fh· Snvul·o rr•• th e nn ~ Illn lIu:~~hIJl . Cll pt. tiel~l u lI'

o t 11 >1. nr (!(uue ( )VPl'

~ I II ~ tllilor w h lt:lf ~(! '1llS to l lltt Jl wllu hav :) 1 HV I' b ' U

In u ~ 'l o lI hi fun" wht.ln Ih t' Ih'>l1 s h ,lis

OVER $1,000 " V£AR AND " l.lVIN'G."

P UTNA ){ l"A1Htl..F.SS'DY'F.!'l /WIt b ut





-- .-


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Th;at 18 t he Story of a Michig a n F lt rm- !;lster and brillAwr ~ol,..,. • r Who Lives In Western C al>oa da. .. It'll sOdm ; can do to Trouble I" Hotel. I In any medical compound at much depend_ upon th e r;anner In whi ch it tt . &eep rom .... Ul: one. · . d' d ' ---,.OIc1s. A lb~rta . Dec. ] O. 1 906. • . _ . I 1toEen lhul. !.be plll nlNt. I!I o ne of I compound ed a s upon the In g-re lents use .' . - - !lfr. M , V. M I DlIeS . D<:! lrolt. M',c hh;an: Ill.... Wlnll" .. ·• Ruo ihln lt "",,"p. those f.'nlilled to IIR.v e his cran klnes... I " First there mu s t be a due proportion of tbe Ing r ed icDts • E llcb druO' In the r cblldr Il lc etbltll'; . lO Ut/a_ thD ~ urn •• rauueel t», . . " Dell" S ir nnd 'Fl'lrlld- lt wiN be foul' jIPo................ . n.' .JWn.cuNl;.... "'''.oll''. :t:o<·.bO,Uo. tenned '"Lhe eccl"lltrlcllies of genIus. pha r macopeia haD its special IIction. T o combine any drug w it b other dr ug • • Y"IH~ -uoxt Mar si ll I cllm~" 10 Ol\!s, says the Sao F l'Bll Clsco bronlcle. that hllve aUg htly differ ent action, the combination mu st be made w i th aU'ict Ilu c\ hllve 1I~ lIere "'1'.111(' ' . WlIat we ba~ been tlUl.ku WI 'f\'ba t Wben he lu pocted his r oom s a t the I r eference to t he u se fO.r wb lch the compound Is Intended. The drug s, m lly te o Sluce I callie .here whNlL hall run 'We are.~-ge !J:Uot. I MuJIl ~ lic UJlon Ius nrrh'nl I' l'y Iflte t he w ell tielected 89 to tb eir efficacy . but th e compound ENTIRE LY SPOILED BY frnUl 2£\ to 45 b u. ') I' tl '1'0, U91 ~ f l'olll • . , . otller il~&I1t . he .... n.t softly to t il ad- TH E PROPOp.,<TION in whi ch they are combin ed. A ~ ~t n .,.' lh, rn .,' I )' -r. ~d"'I(1 'r" •. n I. Jo lnlu'g doors nnd pili Ins hI s nrs . . Gf. (0 116 .. t1l1ll l hlluW o~ . I ra l~ \! ntlll.le or. " "I.'I1I ~ .lI ul'h",' 'j':, ~ •• It (1)1' ~(I"'l i:' '1086 to the' ('I'll ks exc laim d i n . I t t ake s y ears snd yea r s of experience to di scover this proportion . T here· th~t Inst !'1lUI·. lli'i mtt. to t ho act' ur on . md I1e..Io"n. !'!,·" .III',"II1,·h··i ,t ... (,~. (: , .. • d Is no law of ch emi8try, of ph armacy , Dy which the exact balance of prtlporlioa i bn tlnMt 01\1:11 1 \'e r. saw. :\11<1 (lUts p. IIhrt.t·. HIp. II <'cr. !'unli ·. lh~ 1000. b,lll!:s broke n BIl"lIsh. Zgo dd . net soun 9 b d i d E XP ERI E NCE IS THE ONLY GUIDE th ..t I sow d ~ l sl day or May thi s (;God ll~ulu,.. I pass tb ees." Aft . ~ nodding hiS. ap- C/I.Jl e eterm ne • . . YelIr ",rnt "_'~ to tn .1l(,I'B an\! w,·l gh· T he nVC'I'n e w oman mnk s a .stren. I I1ro\'81 of th e granll pllluO \ln,1 Ule fur· . In compounding .. catarrh r emedy Dr . Hll rtman b~s had many y ears exd 4t Ills. 'to tlle hll Sll 1. !Ill' bu rley If g il" I I ,sll' nel's nlt ll re he fr o wn e,1 III the t nn-c 101'ed pc nence. In tbe us e of the vanoue ingredients whlch compose ths cllta rrh ....'OUL 40 bu. 1:ls t y . !IT :l.Il< l 50 thi s YI'R r. ~O'Ut "r or'ur1o , seol 1'011 ~d:~C ~om wlndo,., shad's. "Muti t be gr en." U. r e medy, Pe r una, he has lea rned, li t tle by litUe , how to b armonize t be action of Ilnd was lIot suwn unlil tho la tt e l' part au hi ~ e~rpO&8 . I WIlS ass ured tha t a challl;e would lie each ingredient , ho w to combine them ioto a ' s tllble compouDd, how to a r rang,> f Muy. I had 8 U 1'f.'9 ,of Il ' ltatou~ Ihl s fNont '0 p . e. made sp r'lnl ly for 111m the n" XL day. th em into BULb nice proportions a a t o ble nd the ta s te, t he operat ion IUId the Y 'II' Imd s:>ld 70() hu s hel s an li vu t ~i5 Ha ve You Bo ught Mini ng St.ock I At Hva o'clock In the mornl ut; Ros· I chemical peculill rities of eacb se veral ing red ien t in orde r to produce a pharma1.1.1.1 . In t:he colluT. unl1 .n o bllj.( s t I pl(' k. Ih" I",. turned Ollt " "nl.I,,,,·: Y'JII ,'nrt en thai. clad only III ibis lIajama s. clime I ceuticlIl product beyond the critl.;ism of docto rs, pbarmacist s or chemist s . \0" 'llU' ''El Il fin e Gov" rnnll' IlL CI'C' tl1l1- ",'" )," "" Tl""W)' . \1'" ,\III ell )"" how . scul'I'ylog X It '<lIy dowlI stai rs and WE R EPEAT T HAT AS MUCH DEPENDS ON T HE WAY IN WHI CH ery llt Olds. Om (lO,,'S II lal 1<: ${ t liN .\ ,I<lre•• 1" "P_tM" I1 dllll'''''1l A .""" "lIuIi. I In(o th o oOlee , whNe Ihe drowsy T HE DR UGS ARE COMBI NED AS DE P E NDS UP ON THE DR UGS T U""M_. n Igh cI l'Ie w as nQdd l !l~ nt tbe d es k. SELVES .u..:. )w :\(l Illld 1 dldl\ 't f ed OilY ):I'nln ; ..:l :\ .! W ~lI"I'CI, ~cw \' ,.r:.. nnly prairie lln y. : 0 1'()11 s,'a w, :Ire <I,,· Wt:>rld' s Gold Production. " Zo Htl' ~ t curs ! :-';u lstl l Mut t . ILlg w(·I1. \\1 havn · 111(' {l a te nt fur Ttl!! "" ol'ld's pI'O\!{lr tIOIl J::old Is ..nopped ! =- CI'\'ClU S wc! 1 can not The compou ud mu st present 11 st ability whicb Is not affe cted by ch an ges ot 0111' hom t e u\! 11 0 11' nn o! !lIn I'I!1'Y rtlll groll' lu g. III \i'O,; It " n~ IIboll ~ 1 .. le'Jll." t emperature, n ot nIfect ed by exposure to the a ir , no t IIff cted by age. ·le m ust The clel')< h ur ried ly sen for Mona· be so combined th at it will r emai n ju s t the same wheth e r used in t he logging or t hlllll<ful that 'll'C ClIlIlO t tl AII' ''I·t!l , S~7~ .O O O.OO(); In 190G. :J,lIo ut 4(JO.O OO.. g'8'I' G,,"t., 1' ~llInn. D.ud Mano liP nt min ing camps of t be nortbw est or the coff~e pll\lltations of thc tropic.s . W' hnl'e lllud It 11tt lc 01' (,1' $1.000 000. Ntch )'ror 'b K it! . ~ ll1 ul,tnf,; ollr living-. . two hOl'II'S 1(>lIlno; nos 1I1 bai fll llny A complet e li st of th e ingredien ts of Perun a would nQt enable any druggist I ~ C ~ re 8 .WhH e Yau W~lk. sto rie" In lh: rmau !I 'ylng to divert h la I would not ~ La c· l. III .\II(·hlg-1I1l to or physi cian to reprodu ce P eruna. It is tb e skill lind sagacity by wb iah thes. AlI~n" 1·".,1· 1-,,"0 " n <" '.,. \1 III rO fr,r milld 'II'hUe lI,c 1'1 "'1'1< wus U IJ~ la l ra Ih 'c for a.nythlng. JJ 1 Il nri lY ('hol"a il1gredi ent s a rc bron ght together that give PerulIli much of its pecu lillr claims a. It\-,t w rn III ::;, f';l lloll t-. Ulul "'" (,lilli , :WllllHt oJ II- tlc1( t t.o Olas or . 40·an 101'111 f,~' . ~1I 1" I,,' ,,1I. 1 1',, :<~.q · . l' I'I'f' ~:;" II,,,,' , ~rtul\ r ln UI lIIuugl' nlt:uL fa r 'IIald ng a n efficacious cat arrll remed y. . ill IIIkhlgan 1 wo'lIl<1 talt'. the Lklwt .~I·. · pl,," ; "lh~ I \III 1<" '1'1',,\ ..,u" I·I!I·: I;. 1 1\ g il ton t!w Gong h s I' t sille nnd However much virt ue cach ing redient of Peruna may possess, the valn e of rdc,ln;:! h im (II II 0 \' 0 at o nc o to til" Il II II ill two)' a ,·s I ('Qultl 1111), All ~' of Aihloc""AlIe ll ~ . 1I 11Il<led. t.· B uy . . \ III UI 40·ncr f:ll·tl\ S . '[1)111 III (11 (' " Olln ' Burgl a rs Steal Heavy Stove. tlU<:.r ~ ln'N slu" us a ga s pi lle h ad the compound dep ends large ly upoa the ma nn er and proportion i n wbich th ey are combined. T he right ingredient s , put toget he r ri"btly, i s t he on ly w ay & tTy for 110 11001' l llan, G wel l IHI u. limn Wlille the family ot It ' cry :11:111111. burs t ': ll d<!l' t be Uuor and hu d to be remedical compound ca n be made of real valu e. wlill Tllon e'y. of r;ast Fourleenth EU t. Ne ...· Yorlr, ' ___ _. _ _ __ . l ' ill lose. ~hanl-..1I1'g ,'ou for our \\'a" a bseb t lit a tit at!:r. bllrglllrR Ins ad o r t hrowln !: Iltcfues people I' r08P rlt~'. I r m :tl n yo Ill'!; t rllly. ~~ bl'oke Int o t be house aod stole a beat· I 'I\' bo IIl'e In clastl bOlla s sho uld gro" ,Slgn<'d) ' 1"1' Y IO:TT I:>:G. Inc II t.oV6 we lG'IJl IlI: 600 paunda. vio leta at a u olla r & bUDC!l. -rhh 1"i the .. -"w \\"n\' -the cl ,' lliud .,.y-tO exercise tbt' bowt' la Dud 1I 0 p C h ronic t:ou . Up.. Olds . Alb(\rtn , ' naila. !lox 159.

h v.ln IU 11111. A " tllll I' II' hl(:1I I UI'IIG . ('uslly untl ltl fi t:lIllnll u lI~l y III l ho mos l 11l~l g:, It\ '1I11t p ~I"rnlll s hut Ill to .. l llh~ r IIIH'01lfrullllhl... pa ulc' 01' 1111 " IIlHI ~\ HJ. lI y higll II l'il · l t ~. "t;JI('" d" ,,~ 011 til(' II IUII'" t·ha r:tc t(' l'." Afl,' r ,lip SII ' " om IT 11'11>' f"Io'I), a\fn h ahtl ""ullllelt)· 11' 1'1(1111('" 'upt. Semt'llUlT COll nt! him~I'1f ('1I1',' 10111l1I In 1\ 11 llllJlI' lh,\ruLI" >.lmol,,'. " I hll 'n tll~air plL,'chc·,1 Ill)' flll'O all<1 h a lldH. whll<' a "lll l:, llu :<111('11 of lJu l'nl ll g ,, 11110sl bllnd ,·t! 1Ill'. HI·ca l ll · lut: l "' I)IJ ~H I" l ll. lIu\\' . •lId I !;t U Ul or Lh ls lw ll ? 1'(' I'lHl\lS >lulli' .. r I b l' e rr '" \\' ho hnll S~ "" III" ou h<, h Itl. t· tl {'1I1l III Ol! t. How 1 IIl' ril' ·11 on Ill<' 111'1 ,1>1' htltLery OLi a we ll·knuw ll RI t n III' t h s hip's It"n ~" I (·/l.II · l l· ~ 111l'IUh\'1' li n\! 1 ('an 'L 1ml1g lne..... Find· i ll !; II r IV "I l meo. ·apt. S m o ,luft !lilt lo WUl'k with an ununrnagecl ili a . Info rmallon LI S to how lu st"'urc of hos'l ! on IIII' Ilre. 'rhen L Ir,1I 1. low rllt to t h free! ~rllnt lant! .. of Ollnch l cam 11)'1. " lIav n'l wc Oil Y' " atl'rn (' nn ad ll ('a n L' ,,",'clIrt'1I uf ni1'elch ors '!" 1' 0 8,,1<1 . ""'or w hom ?" UllY Ctl n:Jlllnn GO\'!! rnlll 'lIl lI ttents. as k·d . 1\1 norr. " Whr. for ~·Oll . ) · .... u • I' bleedin g Looklll~ down b ' SO W Sheep RaIsing I., Australi a . that h is rlg b 1 g wal! ll tantll llg I n a Th e g reatest In.lllstry of Alls trnll n pool of blood. 15 ~\Iee p rul~ltlg. ma luly for t he sake Dan 'Iol\:h !>(·emed to hl' ", akln;:; a n . o r tho wool. b ut ulso lu J)3r t. 01 " lInn ccossu n ' fusII ." 1-[ ' wa ll t ed 81 IlIC cOll r ~e. [o r t h llIeat. Aus t r alia no w one to 0 "jlh omcllol'f. · .. W ho wnn lR r anl.s secolld IImong tlte grent 's he ep to 00 a CCOllltonnl cll ?" said ~ mCllo lr .. ml slll g co unlrleA. Arg JHl na bi ng angrllv. a nd l\Lal't.ed In go do wn Lhe fl rsl with 92.000.000 s heep. AlIst rnlla coml wit h 72.000.000. and Huss ln lallller. n t I'oallzlllg whu t bnd h U\I ' O'uly a few IlI'neil, ' " ' he' ll a small s{l ll ulOr .btul Wlnl wit h ' 70.000.000. wountl cd him In tho Wnllll a t the 110' years ago Atmtrnlla ,-"as flrRt. P05' ~..l ll nln\! o( th fl /lht It h :'ld hUI'( him. S Bslng no l es~ th nn I OG ,260.000 Itend " hut nl hili lim I h ad f·1( Lloth.ln!;." of alleep. 'I'b:. wa s In I Dl. P" O' h wl'i tos. "J,lller. III l tl h08plto l, longed dro ugh ts <I' I' th CIIUS r Lit ,yhc n 01'1'1 d there on a Btrelchel', I d estruction of mony IlJ llllon~ or AuS' lind rstood wby It wlla I hat d ll rl~ a t rallan sheep. but sl uee 1 !l02 the, IIs llt nu hears ue lth .1' grolln,; nor bllll .b (1n an unnmtl g ul n . Yet th,ese ,;hOllt5. Ali r.but um II aft ,·",an i. sbeep .were not IlIdlgeoulI,; to AII~' Apl,nrellll y OU I' fe II ngll 111(\' (' s tri ct t l'D lIa. T h y w re 111'8t Inll'oducj!d In limits for ree 11'llIg xtc rnlll IIlIIJrlJ6' 1797. being of tbe Spanish me r ino IlIon8. IIl'ln l{ vc.n II ply im lJrellS d by s peclos. ______~_ an nhRIJI'" ~ Ol 11"1.'. A thlllg 'nu b F IFTEEN YEARS OF ECZEMA. 110 .1,1llln fllI t ha t you fe I n ~Ut l ng. 80 lrrrlllie thnt you f ar nothing ." Terrible itching P revented Sleepnllt. RoJ6J1it ven ky be ba v d ·weU. Handa, Arm. and Legs Affected Seme no tt says that, nl t houg h \\'oll ll d Ii -Cutlcura Cu red In 6 Daya. lu th e bcnd. hack a ncl r ig ht I g, h~ sI des sevllnll s mall s pli nt I' wound8. "1 bad ecremll neot'I ~- tlft ee n ~·enrs. the Hus,.lnu ndml rnl bore h imse lf 1Il0st Th e alJect ed I)nrts 'Ve re m y hllIl tls. ch ee r ruJl ~·. going ott to look rOt: a arm s nnd legs. Th ey we re lite wor s t Illace from whl oh he could 'wnl It the In the winter tim e. and were al~' ay!, lIghi. P l'oceed lng 10 t h sta r board Itchy, and I coul!l not k Cil from tu rret h e receive d anot her wuund. Ilcratchlng the m. 1 hud to Ileep both which on ulled h im milc h pain . A hands bandaged all th o time. lIud at IIplinte r .. t ruc k his le ft lell. se\'ering n Ight I would have to scrat ch tbough the mnln nc n 'o a nd po rnlyz ln g the balltlagf.'8 a s the Itching wa s so ball of Ule fooL H e was I:n.rrled Into severe. and at times 1. would hnl'e to turret aud seo t ed n box . but sUIl t enr everything orr my ha nd s to h o\! s um cle nt a trength at once to Ilcratcb the akin. ] could o a t res t or as k why the turre Dt \\' 011 not IIrl o g. , sleep. I hnd seve ral physicians treat me but they could not give me a Moderll Boaton. pe rmanent cnre nor ev e n c ould th ey Th e cbanged cll a ract e r of 8uaH'III's 6lnp the Itching. Afte r us in g tbe population could not be maI'o t ypl· utlcurn Sonp. one hox of Clltlcurn cally illUs tra ted (JIBU 10 t he I'endlng Ointme nt and two ba ttle a of Culleura of ;th namqa of the committ ees i>f R esolve nt for about six days the the Bos ton common cOllncll . As the Heltlng had ceas d , and now the sores PII'trlots" d!t~, committee. for amille. hal's dlsnllpenr d. and . 1 lI e l'o r fe ll President Barre tt selecla Councilme n lJett{'r In my life thlln T do ' no\\·. Rachkows ky. SantosllosSO and Pur· Ed ward "orell. Band 30th . S. In· c e ll. Wh n th desce ndant s of the fantry. Fort Orook. ~ e braska." tribe of Isra el, II race tbat for 2.000 yea rs. Wi t ho ut a Country or 11 nag. h:u New Danger fer BurgIOll'&. rnalntaJllt.'d It s racial Id e utlt y; 0 1 A phonographic de vice that will call those br lLV p o illes ·!tnly thlLt dnr· the pollee by t ' le phune adds a new Ing the v8I'le(l vi ciSSitud es or the hazard to t he dang ra of fil e burglar'! Il0ll A s u f IIVOY.· Lo mba r\! a nil Gu clph, profcsslon. Wbe n' on atte mpt Is madE an\l tlte neve r·c a sln g conflic t between to for ce a window or 11001' wl tll whic h c:hul'ch und stn te. have gro wn til lull y tbe prope r connections have bee n st ronger ' ntllry nrt I' e nlury, li nd mado an. electl'lc current o perlltes D tbe' lI al'dY eli s, whose nlll!e aLurs duro ,1l0nogl'Rph In the garre t. 11he ma· In g t:~e mlrldle oges "cpt alive lea r n· tblne cllils up central and ns lts for In g aod wi lltlom In t he wo rl<1. · amI the pollee stAtion. 'l' be phonogrllpb tbrou"lI tlllbsclqllen t' centurIes cjf 01" then ll1forms the oft\cl)1's of the rob· Jlresslo.n mulnt ll ln er\ burnln s Lhe bery. g iving stree t and n llm be r. Ilnd re, spllrk of raoe un d re llglQn. Join toge th. peats tbls In(orrnut\on as IU'l g UB the er In mUltln g ple nB for BOBtOU"S .Pn· receiver III down . Meantim e . tlte In· trlot s' day. who will de ny thnt ~h e y trud el', all unconscious that an iliaI'm are qUllllfl ed for the work. and i hnt has lleen rung In. v!rtullll~' wnllts Iota. In the m Is InonrolLled the s pirit cit a tl1lP. and If tbe call IB promptl y "" aponded to 18 aoon In tbe lockup. moae ni Ame rican Instilutions.



OF DELICATE NERVES. _ __ ROlentt1al, t he P ianist, Mada Much MAN


J{) <'Ou ll< per lllld'LlICC "lid ....'101' wore


.. Big Bargain for 12 Centa POltpald. Not an O'r dinary Memory. 'fhe year of 1006 WRe one 'of prodigal The d r iver ot th e mavin .. ' on our aeed rnrm ~ .. Never before vall ndmlttell lhat he had a. very IlIld ' plenty did ':'getullio ,u,,1 furlu •• eds ret urn such memory. In (n e t. h e could hardl y reo ~norntuU8 yields. membe r what work he 'had pel·fo,I·.med Now w~ wish to iI::tin 200.000 new CII. · lhe day before . 1 tomen. tillS )'ear 111111 hence Direr for 12c . ' . post.pnln . . · "No, J can t r ecoil jus t whe re It 1 pkg, Onr.lcn Oi ~y lJeet.. .. .. . .... ... 1()c. ,was t hat MI'. Sud<1enmove had me 1 .. &rlie tRipe (;u bbul!e.. . .... .. . IOe take his hOll sebold goods . My m em. 1 :: Earli~~t Emerald IIcII", oe r , .. . I r,. .. . 1 1.1\ (rosHe Market tuce.·.. .. li\c tlf'31 18 ve ry poor. sir, . he re plied to '1 " , 13 D4I' Radi~h ......... . ..... . . . . · IOc 'the bill coll ector. 1 . " Bille ~Iood •• . . .... . .. ·. lu" ."UI\t you moved blm only a week 1 ., Jui o~' Turl)lp . .... . . ..,' ..... . . . 10c " ' . . 1000 kernels c1ol'lou. ly benutl!ul Bow· ngo, ' er lIeedl ... ~ ..... :.. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ... lile "Yea. sir. but )'ou see ,we m!lves ao Total .. .... , .. : .. .. .. .. .. ... : .... . ~l.OO .inany people that Its· ·Q. hard muller ' All for l2c pO!! in onl,r to in· to recollect.·· . du 'c our wurrn ut erl ,,·rd.. . and if YOII ,!,he bill collector slipped a ' ha ll ,,-i ll ""lid lOe ,ve will odd one )'I ac'\;nK" of d ollar tn tlt e mo.n ·s palm. . .",),hat Berliner . En ~lie~t Ca uli/lowe r. tOlletl, er It our nltll'"11ot h (llont,. nUI'~e l')' ~~ock , ought to do your me mOry good:" he "fit veu etnble "",I fllr1n .eed on,1 t ool ebta l ~);. remarkecl. _ " 'rh;8 ea tnlog i8 tnlli)('d Ir"" ~ o ull Ill' "It o.ught to." tbe maD repli ed. " but te " clil\~ purthl\.ll(·N\. Write t o da y. .1 0hn A. S~lur Sued <lo., 'Box W. La you see this a lll't no com mon , e very· Crollle. W ••• . IIay me /OQry ct ml net anll In has t o be ,. 'joggod C(Ufsld erable. Wh y. It COllI Mr Slept wIth HI. DynamIte. Sudd!lnmoy.e 1\ doll a~ to mnke me (0)" A French COD tractor ot ::1.1 m. ?ola s •.• Cut."-Mll waul; eo SenUne l. . Iopt with bls dynamite ID' b iB lied \0 keep It from freezlDg: HI, Great hil.take. 'J>eople app~IAte the delicate tnJte aDd Cburcbley- . hoar the Rev.Mr, BI:· IUltu11 netion o( Oarlield Tea. the mJld ley waa a failure. at tJiat church. herb axat.lve. Belt ror liver. kidneys an,\ Newill- Yes. be tried to brIng the bowel., Guaranteed- UDder the Pure Food ad u,ua. Law. _ ~nlrecatlon Into barm . ony wltb bit -~-. "Tdean lD,toad of trylDg to get blm"lI TIIere .. I'0OIII lor a DID of . . . _mOD,. wltb IJIeIr 1...... ··


force. allb. . . . .1'0018 lor










Civilized Way! ! "

li,," a nd it s mOllY nti(" n(b ttl ,.\III!I. our .." h Iht' b o we l- nrr vtS: (110 n ll "ur,u!! w illi .-alts . 0 ,)0' irltl ~ and C!ll h n rl ics, :;t.nd wca\:: PII J II\1 f ~\,;'I (,II \


Irol" .' If' e'

~3ntp l ~ •• d d ff""8.

K. F. Dept .. The Vietor, Remed, Co .. Dlrton. O.

.MOTHERS Of Skin Tortured

mnd e frOln simple nativo r oots and h erbs _ F or m or e t hnn th irt y years It. hll be' n h lJlpin~ wowe n to be strong . r egula t ing th e fllo ns p er fcctly a n d ol'ercllrulng pul n . It .l1 n" 1ll!lO p roved i tself e In prepurlng for c hild· birth un u the :hange o f Life. . . . -Mrs. A. M. Hugcrl1ln nn . of lluy ' bor e, L. I ., writes :-Denr Mrs. PlD Jcham :-"I Ilffe r d 1rom a d ispln.ceme.nt, l'xcessive a.nd painful fun ctiou s 6 0 tha t I ha d to lie d own or s it s till mo t. of the timo. L.ydl:1 Eo P iulrh um's V(·get.nble Compouod hD.'! m a de m e a w ·11 womall 60 that I am ahle to attend to mv du Lies. l \\ish over y s u fferin g womao ~ou.ld try Lyd ia E . Pin khnm's Vege table Compound and SCII what rellef It WIll give them." . .

Disfigured .Babies SHOULD KNnW

Wo!"e'n suffering fro m any {orlll of fe male ilInoss !irc In vited towrlte 1\rl'8. itlOkham. nt L ynn. Mnss. for a dvice Sh e is the Mrs. IP lnkllum who has been auvi Ing sick women free of ch a rge for mOI'e than twenty years. aod before .tbo,!, she 8.ll&i~ t-cd h r mot he r-in-ln.w Lydia E . PinKham In advi~log. Th e re fQre Ibe Is especiillly weU to guide sick worneD baek to h ea lt h .


tl u~ luan e-It of 1906 me ' us &"1\,,13. whit ... lb e wo rld h :L. t o be fr d. Cattl e R lili h iB. Du lry.. in g aucll\lixed Pa. rw tu l . re n llO profiub1 e "'"1lU. lnll.' COil • .,.-00<1 .ua wa1t~ r iu abul1dal1cf'1 r hurch elil anc.l sch ooliJ COuy~'ule dt ; m a rket . ~u,

...,_ .-


A Positive






Cream Balm EIII's ,


• i . quick I, .b• • roed . Ill... liellcl al Once.

ft cl enn~~~. eooth es,

FOUr'Z'S S~,perior Po~

EACH ARTICLE GUARANTEED H,t .... C-ul P wder ·Foed

ho,"~ <Int! prot.ects UlU llisl·tIl! d m ·Illbrone. It cnres Catnrrb · . ~1I<l

<lrive4 nwuy Il 0011) in th e H eud 'Iuiokly. Il ostor os tbu S ~nfies of T !L8l8 nne) Smell. ~'ull Ilizo 60 ctll. lit DnJ" gist8 or by wlll·l . ~, 1'ril1l size 10 cts. b r mail.



W. L . Dongh.... "hoes are rccogni1etl uy 6X Jl<lrt judgos ot.foot" tho bost I.1l 6tylo, fit an <1 weIlrrroullc. t1ln thl Rconn try. part ot tho 8hoe and every dotall 0 lho m",kIDj: 1. looked alfter 111111 lI'ata ho<1 over by . kllled .l, wltllOut regard to tloue or cost. If i could lltke you Inlo my 1~l'!(o (o.C tOr l ~8 at Brookton, l\Ia~R .• nntl show ! Oll b ow cAre Cully \V. L. Dvul,thos 81o oq& :\I'e mad e. you wuuld tl.eb ulltt cl'8t:lJld whr. th ey holll


C,,"aiD W_ P~wdtf . nd he. ... Ob'... rnment8er1.lloin. ll1. Send (or prk . till

and U....'u .... Uu,uE, Vou.. CO .....I ... ~"'_'.... 11. --,-

Ely Drothers. 66 "arren Stred. New York.

~w hiWiq,


to be




~rel\t.or VlAlIlft than H.IIV o tl l e.r make8. W .... n OJllI'I" . lIame. .. "d ~rh'" II.tft1l1 rt"d un tlllB whom . wh l('h r.rult'MA the .,..Inlt hll1\ 111'{t"H . t!d luft.r lnr .h ~ · I'a. .... r!'ll n fIIi ........ u.r. f:u lu 1., ~ I I! t'lf'. t.Jhoe deal"rl f"n r,,,he.rf'. <.'\)1" ,. A'lItlt~. U('/Il,.~tI., . ("\1 1al/J9 fllGl l td .[ru. W . L. UOI.l4.l.L:&-*, • .l&ru-clL&o.........

tbe ereatC't;t fanninr InucJ in ' be worl d .

any authoriul l Cann dl;al f G uve rnm ent A8jffUl,

MtJD'. 8hOe_, .5 to B07.· S hoe. , tI3 to 81.21S. ' Women ' . Shoe., . . to .1.60. MI,..,.' &: C hildren'. Jj.uae.. ••2.:.= 5 to •••00, •


h &,'c Itc t ..

t he pu I (e" VI'"a r .. l<"illi.. (y tu l he (a("1 that Rn a ... dn i I beyond .)ue.. llou.

of acee.u.. Taxcs low., Fo", .d"i(l" and \u ronu.ticn .ddrf:l. lhc S upe:rfn t~ udeDt of 1ntmlcr.don. Ouaw • . Can.lIli. or


Br a

Over ?OO,OOO ANe rica.

r Af1nCrl5 < w ho

\l(' d i ll C:wad. dhri nll

uUJUey to lh e r.rn )C"rl!l of We~ter"

,Warm Baths With

$3.00 AND S3.50 SHOES d~~1b

Canadian Government _IIP!!~ Free Farms.

of wheat fr om


Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women

" 'ear longer. nuu

All D." .. I •••• I 00. aDd 350.

--------~----~------- -----------

.Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound




~lIt rrH ~ft with Cot;,c-orjn. Il lack




n 1. rL\ r~ ~1I1phl1 r co n· C\'ft r ry R (\OI GlOR'l'r. et c. in Hhu"\c:burll 'ft \ licl or.Y Cuulr. Oi1· Pilll\ IIInk u th t! (l ne Idt'R' ph tn r Qht .lm1 youug. 1 hey nouris h · tbe b owel nerves, , ;., Ihe m for IOc. 2Sc or SJ.OO at al! Coo ke

ALL WOMEN · from t hc same physlcnn dlsturballces. ami ~lrc ll lLLure o f t he ir d uties. in mn ny ea eN, ' Iuicltly d:ift t lt ' lIl inLe the ho r ror.~ o C nil Id n ds · of f e male • mpln iDts. o rg an ic t l'o ubles. ulcerat ion . fa lHng- a nt! dls placem n t s, or pc rb!l Ps irr 'g ulnrlty ~'r s npprcliSion causIng backache , n , rVOu lin cSS, ir· r it.ahiIi Ly. n n d ·leepl.cIlSDess. Woanc n ev c ry,,'lr er'e s h o uld remllm'b r that t h o III ctic:ine t h nt holds the I' cord f ot' tho Irtrg' st Dum bcr of actual c ur Ii of i(lmule iJJs is





gentle anointit:lgs with Cuticura, the greatSkinCure, afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedycure of torturing, disfiguring eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations of infants and children when aU else fails. ,Guaranteed abso:lute1y pure, and may be used from the hour 0 f birth ' (Bol41brolllbQut (h.


.!!!.e"0' ou.,

oon'lhl-oe 8111 woman ttl B t Pas. tI ... Aa.tboptJo will Improve ber beallb and do all we olalm t or We wIll


leo4 her absolutely frte .. larll6 trial box of Pu~lne wlUJ 110011 or I1Istru~ tiona· and \lenulne tesltmonlnl5. S ond ),our IWIIII and &ddre .. OD • ~lal card,


ol e. n les

alii! beals mUo01I1

m e Dl. braoe ... fecttons. luch as catarrbL ~lvlo 6ILLKrrh and Inftalnmlltloa caused ", femlutne Ills; 16re eycs eo re throat and mouth. by direct loeo,l(ttatment Its our. atlv<f )lOwer oYer these trouble. II extraordInary and tIl •• 1 immediate relief. Tbousands of womeD ato uUng and r _

omnocodlng It evt .fY. day. 110 cents a'

d rultltl~ts orbyma!l. Rem mbe.r .howflYer, IT COItT8l'OU NOTHING TO TBY IT. THE n. 'PAXTON 00.. IIocito... _ _

D.po..: · Lcnd.... 27

.'?· I{~rp.,o~ l.,,&~t{~a~:f~~::,.&aB~~~.~~~ .~ta: I; .,n• • IIon, Koa, D",' OO. : J.~a, ".nlya, ~d .. To_to; R uv lA , FerrtlD (Apt:etll. Moeeo",: ulb "111 ••• Lennoa. Lid .. car.TOWD••"'.' U. 8.4~ o~l'~~~p~ ~w.·ot'J:~


For Girls li Women lou Need Cardut At ev~ry age, after enterIng womanhood, glris and ,v a men need the strengthening. b~i1dlng, paiD-reltevlDg a:ss1stance of Wine of Cardul. It wlll carry you over the rough places. ease yOIJII' liard days and Increase the comfort and pleasure of liVing• What Its millions of users tl1ln1i: of It, Is ven elrpreased .ID these words. of Mrs. · Rosa Lee Cole, of Smithton, ~o., who .writes: "1 suffered from female troubles for-7 years. I ' h ..d palo, :10'11' down 10 my stomach. 'my fe'e t hurt :so I could not :stand, and I ,~a,s so weak and n.ervoUa I could hardly do anything. I WlIS Jl!3t sick aU the' Ime. At last I wrota y,oiJ for adv!ce and you recp mmehded WIDe of . Carduj, which I took according · to your dlrectlons. I nave DOW taken'

5 bottles of WIne of Cardul, and am feeling beller than In the past 7 years. ' My feet and stomach do not hurt. my female troubles have gone. I am geUing stouter and stronger, can do 'al) my housework. work' In the garden lind tend to 260' IIttl-.! Chickens." . Wine ofCardul acts directly upon the sIck or dllOrderedt<womanly ' organs or functions. It Is a ~tural, aclen.tlnc, female tonrc. . It contains no dangerous' mlner~ls, or other ' deleterious' Ingredients. but Is purely vegetable, per!ectly harmless and benefICial to yeung IIDd olt;!, Every reliable druggist sells In $1 bottles. Try It.


Wlne .of .Cardui

phs (Ja"zstes. I 1.II.n..,

'\ •••


' " e.vllle ,

A Busy Week. ('"II,v , Ib l~ Wtll-Ii. wj Jl lJe



. ItI,,·I, 11I"ll'llt nf UII~ nut.lrn .'f'111r,

"f '\lIti


, ', HIt.\I\l d r. ' "~I , ijKH"'\1. I.ih. ' " Ill", !I 10 1II, '~'·r. Ulll,.\tlj( clUYH of !:Ichue,llI te hllrll wit h ~. II._ '1', ,L HI"''''' ,'_ "MOO",,, ~; "I""'" Iheit' !Justle aDd xClllemen t !,, Olll ll rrow 'l Ven1U!(. ' --- - --~ - - - t h l" \Vavotll' , l "VU u ,r h ~ 'ld"anJe' vi ll ~ tii~h bool 1_'Olllluenonw u t f l ' •."1 11 .y eltr If 11\1' pal41 II , 1"van~"C' ___~ ~s;:: exerlllt! II will occur. ~'oll wing the ,. ~'~'lCE IN ALLJEN BUILDING u~ lIAI ostom , the Alurnni AII .. oola, ..( 1\1 ,. tn_._ "'0 6! tt In of t h Btgh ~b/)nl ""til nl P61,


lap;'10J'~ "'n~~ :...:....:~~


".I,' II"

I~O, _

The Saloon Probletp in Waynesville. , An opinioll (rl''1nflo tl y Iwnr,\ In \" Ayn('tlville i.; tlltlt thert! wIJnl1l be 188.~ rlrunkenoeRS In the to ,n had we an Oll6O 81\Ioon thllD I hert' i At , tbe present time wbeo the town i IIUPPOIled to t>e dry.

',he evenin g I' [ter ')mlUellcement.. An inter esting Vl'ogrlltu hall b n prtlpured lOr th" I\\U1I101 .. nd a pie, Hunt Ume is tlnt,ICip!lted . How. ever, it is not I'xpeOted t,h"t tiDy _ o « nn mber of membe r from 1\ IlIr " illatllnCI1 will be preR nt, this yea r ,TIll' A '''OlDt IIIn(11l tI p~ltd effoTt t,.,urlng bllok member!! to tlhe Bome. 'omlng IIlsl y 'IIr, .ntl 110 Olany rll, IIUlltlild to tbo invitat.ion tbut it I hllrdly prubtlble very m .. oy who live an y diHllnce tlway will 0 >fe t,o !Dake

It is a regrettable fact th er e til anot,h r trip t b ls yeq r. muub more drunkennellsln WUV UItIl "llIe t han t,h er e sbould be, but, II I t,houghtfq l stody r t,b ~ I!"!l loon l.Let US Live In Harmony. qoesUon lell-ds t o till' belier tbat, we had no ' handled thlll prublem in the 8hall WI! bave Ii new Township ~t effeotive Wil Y B ou lle and k ind ly neigbborly feel, ua





E. lr.,.,,.., ....,..,,..,..,~""'~ ....~.,""~:..,..,.-;.::;;.... J~- S~~~~~~·~;;+;;f~t;·~~++J.-

i J

--Renled .. roJ)O.~aIK wlill he rt".J"~1I at J. " he nm,' eo of tbe Icrk of \o\' 11\' U" To\4'IUCbl'l IV"rr<'11 "unlv, Oblo, aL \\Tufn ",·lIIe. UIlIO: u",11 I ~ u'olOOk noon Of I ' N~~ H. I H01 . for Lh~ purcha.s~ o f Landi!> of '\\' n\' ne 1'own hlp. W~r, ron COUl1ty. Oblo, lu til" ~1C~.l/11t aUlD f ~t ~ h ..... n Tb olll'"nd !tlK,OOO,OO, D' '(I" 1I()II~r 8. dllY or June 1"07 eacb bctnll ~ Inateu ~he .tbe umttrat \I I PI"eHUlldrt'd' ('600: 011) DoIIU"" aD(I """rln~ Intert.~ at til", n l. 01 four Dod one -halt ' .. .. "' 1 per c;~n tum per annuU1 inler· e. I"arablc Itlarch I 11108, 01111 , ~ntl,ul1nll ali,' IhercaCt 'ronScpuuntle:.r n",t an" MIlrch IIr",'vl each yeor . snlll "onus ~o h, ~olfle duo utllll'ay"blt n~ 1011010$ : ~ I", s Illl>ontl~ on M"rCII 1, 1110 , ~ of ,01 hi tlunels ou SCI'LlllXlbe r I . )IIOR , ~ ul suld bond, on Maroh 1, lPOU ~ ~ o(, ' al<1 bon,t on Sepr,e~o uer I, 11109, ~ 0 1 ~ahl tlund. on Mnrch I. 1!lIO, '1 of .alll bon,l. on SeJ'I"IOI~,' I. 111111 ~ 01 . hI bomb 1/ 11 M.roh t. 11111. ~ of sIItd bol,,_b, on Sepkmber I 11111 . " ~ 018ul<l oondSOll Mor,'b I. 1I11~ , ~ of oald bond. on Sellte",b<!r I. Intt ~ 01 "old bonel. on ~Iarcb I. IUI:I. OD

September I" I ~I ~

~ ot ""td bond:! 011 Murch 'I. l ll l ~ , '!

or 8all\ bo",b on Sep(el1nb~r I,

~ of eatu "?Pds 00 Mnrch I. I\il fi ,

~ of .ald b<'Jn~s ou



1 1 1 , 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 patronage.

r .


,THE CITIZ· ENS BA""I If. I" 'lo



, d<1':~~'I:I~,:;t~I1" , "n " ~,

1914 _



Rl. r IITIII S 10 lh(> s ix 1I11111'1n doll lli' l'nl11llll Imlldlll lo; III ~11It!lsoll . WI~ Yilt! We pay I·nterest at th e ra t eo" f " per (·(,rt t per , 116 onll'nlloll thl\t R(JVllr ll rnf'U IR a l'I' ""~tlll~ Inn 11111 h, III I' Ohln ~lu).; ()~tII .. annum on savi . ngs aeeoun ts . , hll'l~ III n pnllli Ihlll l'allllol h I' 1011 , "rnl'l'I~- onslll" I' '1 1. Till ' 1I01 llt Is 1111.1< The money IS ' SU b-:leet t 0 your ca 11 at any time ." • 1 .. " , -It IS lin ."", il",' f or 1"1)\11 <1 ex' , IU',I . snllN' In Mil" 111111 thl! I'Qr"n1"llUn1l 8 jJn ~' b ' Ih~ "IIS' Th ill It! perf, ,·tlv 11'11(', ut ~ust remain with us six nlonths or long-t' r in or- '" It 11 11"'1118 10 Ill' un ohl ('t of ,g/ lvl'l'n J. nI ~nt to hide fl'll l1l Itill: I'n.\' rll Ill" rll" 1 der to draw interest. 1 Ihnl 11I,'y Ilr .. b!'urlng lillY hlll'd" I1~ III nil. T il er nre 1iw II" to Iwlk'vI' 1""1 '" the COnllJrnUOI1A tllrnlRh tlto "lIullllc Begl'n syste rna tie savmg. ' ,! nlmh·\·. II I!d 1I t'y 111'(' thlll'I'hl' ' 1','111 VIlt! of Illlyllll: lax"S' Bill wh ('r" do tlltl One dollar will/start an account. corllOrll lon~ gel Ih"lr mUll ). If 1101 I nff lh neopl!' ? Alld wht'lIl'vpr fin ~l<' Ca I ' Ira burd,'11 18 Illlt 11[1.111 IiiI' CrJI' (IOralilltl, andI investigate our savings depar ment. It Is Im ltl l'dl :tWly ,rotl"fl.'rr,·d 10 Ihe I ShUlIl<if'I'1! .. ' Ihp 11".... PI e. \\' I10 ' IIR\' It Thanking you for past favor oul of ' I.lIl· SII/!RI'bnw l. tlll' ~~I II H. Ih we so ,1Clt your , ('onl 11,11 '. tI ... I roll ('y rid .... lind Iltp "" lIlk


el,l.ruber 1..llIl i,. e of altllioO\l~ on Marob I . lUlU, '

+................. t! •


If' ·

1 1

~ ot . atd hnnd.



Incorporated 100:1.

F. C. Hartsock, Cashier.

;'1li n 's the killd or wh l' l'" (II I(' rl'els ,Ii 10 Ih l.' 1 t least 1I1)~sll>I ' ,·XI. til." And thnt Is Iltp kind Of taxul l"n Ihal 15 lit " mnlh r or IHllt Ih,' IUll fl. 1'\1 I'rllllllon an" ' (>)1, U,u,'Rl:anCI' III th lR l'"lIn lry, WI\('II lite so-callf'd SIa l (1 IIf' 1I mnke a 1113n h ' .I lie VI' Ihut snnwlllllly el . I! Pllylng bls

1I taxnt lon1 '"

a of aid oond. on epI IIl ller I. IUIG, ~ ' The.r e il no qne!'\ti 0 but that tnK IImon~ 'lor oltiae n s aflerwl\fds ? I....ued fortbepurpose,of poyh,.c'or n:1lI • J ;ax"s, litH 1:1) o n SIJI'ndlllJ; his 01 011 y UleD wbo indul~d in IIquor l lf BO,some of Ihe unkind oriUoism .,.tale sultable!nra publlc holl an4publlo ... -<'-<~"""""~~~""~_"""""~ ~~ I In un n'·,,<lI':8B Bnd ex lra\lllgOllt wn yM . • 1\ ~hel' r \I' V6G to drlok " ,I of tholle differing In opiniou shonld olll< ... ond a public haUand public ~~!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!~!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!!!!II!!!!!!!!!II!!!!II!!!"!!"~~~!!!II!~_~~""""!!"-"'~""~~"'_'~~";~ Wh pn II m ll ll Is HIud .. to r" .. 1 thllt a _ vr -' 'WI II "ontluue' \,; otnct!s for forbrooLlnl Wayne 1~owl1sblp . W urru.o UtJunt y ~ ~UUI m en would li otuallv WAlk a be dlacarded. It 18 nnl ortunlit~ for OblO, a ntI under aU lhorl>y of U1e laws or - - - - - - - , - -COI'I)Onlllol1 I'Rya his tIlXt'S, h 18 lint I O~lo !!lld ,,' ' eellon ~H3" 0 1 tb e RevlseO P t I H Nt k t AO 8tll to In'l\lll' \I' h.d hf'Cnlll" ~ J r the hundrtld miles til get a drink of Illny one htlstlly and often onjnstly latlll'. 01 OhllJ a a m'! nd~ M re b 211, I , .' erpe aa og naar e. monl'Y, An), (lId 11(lli llclII mac hine IVI whiljkllY , This olall{l of men are not to oonllure those differlog in judge In 1008, 08 Oblo L.a" •. pa@e £19 and ullder and hll\' It ror nil he CIH'I'~, uooonlance wllh a oortaln ro""lutlon nl '1'1 ) , tl) bt! ': onlldertld in the que ti on of ,'ment , The rl~bt ot 8D bonest opin Ihe Trust of Wnyne '1"~wn.bip, warren ' S Ie log Ulllrlte t f .. rlll"rl ~ ~)("' \1 In nn RI'Ilcl,> In Moody's Mnj;'Azlue. ttlmperlln oe in " toWn. ion is a part ot our inberitanoe as oun~y, OIlJo , entitled : Pled but. t,hol oold OI on tb ~ M t.htl bv n, I.. nrldt;eillon. OI~cur8 thlll Db · ']'he cbi "f.d vantage of R town Awtlrjcftn oltlzens; bitterness in "" rllllulutlon W provide f r the 1$8U' ye.. r, nnd the IInllOlIl" Wtlrf'l Ihen 8~rvUllnn : "A ' l,ull('y nf dlr"ct tn;rutlon ' Ing of IlOnil for Ihe purpc" ,ur p~'ln~ for vlI"tl ,f. iuferlor I!J SI1.e 1IU11 qll>llilY, Is more cond ucive tn hnllesl ndm lnt!· wlt huut ",,1000" II t hat It mak8.!l It t1 me8 of d e f ellf d 08B not sbow f ort'l relll 8HI>le ,"ullable lor a public ball nn4 IrllUon than the r!ollley of Indl re t tu · 1I.,.le h ~ rder t;) gt't liquor and tbe troe manhood t hat brl<>btens public omcea oDd for erecting n public hall of Ilt'!lh than tho~" rlli tlllli ""W. atlon , ~h 6reb.\· ttl ~, p..onle do nol .. ". • and publlo omoeM tor Way nt: Townsbl P. War· ~ , " r .-oIOVd! temptation from yoong and cheen oar plithway 10 life, reD Coun~y. OhIO," pil;sOO on Lbo n, b day of l tl ~"or I. JlULn bAr of Yl'ilr". howf've,r , know Iww much mone" I@ I Qk ~n r!'OllI m F. O, Anyone who has known neltber does boasting in tbe hoor May. 190~, all( . l? '0 'harp 110 tiug', I the.r a bllt' heen " !lteotd.v Ih' mttn d fl r Ihem . and thprMore ha\'e 11'88 rlor80ntU WSynllllvltle lIince the beginning of s nocees. Mayour thongbts and ~:uo! boulls will be 801 0 lO thD blghCllI and agoulZJng p:. iu drh-e you h og!' rlorln!; the entirR YIllr, with Interesl In demanding Whlll h 'c I\I (lR -.... b tb ~!!r~~~~er for no~ ICtI~ 'bun, pur ~od accrued almo t ra~y, ta k Dr_ prloes oniforml y 1II1 '.1!4f" ct.ur ,v , of It," II 18 Ihls IIt1Y PII),III!! tuxatl ou. • k • b t otl' ons be in hMrmo () f I tit I .. Ioon fi g b .. noW8 t a II ny WIe 'l.[il ' this b,.lI",r thol 1110 enqlt,ratlolla are fewllr yoang Dlen are growin, up words of the martyr Linooln. "WiGh All bld.~ muat _ te \be number of.J.~ ' \,n ti-Pain ' Pills l<'rtdliY. It huncb o f flft ,\' fiv bog~ pR )'ln~ the hllt A. that I IIdH Ih peoille 1..- d "h al the ~Ge malice toward none wIth oharity bonds bill tor and Ibe gr""'s omount or bid and get reli "". 'l'll ,, '(I t.,, yo' were brought through W~~' nesviJlt< to look on wlib lIlI onc('1'1I 81 Ih('. ollt· ......... I and accrued !ntere. Lto dllll" Of a~lh' '' ry , all L -, d rlln ...T 8 now • an w twen$y loeers Il,O. and ,tbe wrecks: for all, with firmneM In- the right, bl(lt tll'be ncoompanled lIb a cerUOe<l obeclr. out the pain th jr to Corwin ' wbi oh IHtrIlCt.11l tJo lI!lil!. rllgeoll e. (ravugtlilce Ibut 18 [1 I,ng till . · .... I h b bee f I _" God "'vell UII to GAe the I ht let JIIlyable LO tbe order or tbe Treasurer or SOotl- I'I~~ cf~~ l- lIP ' 'o n tJ'," erllble of IIttlmtl"D Fifty 11'( thpDI J:)ver)' mnn 8h~lIld IIl1d l'I'!lIRlld ,tl-at o f Wuat m, t ave n DII8 0 - . . ...., r R, Wayne Townoblp. w .. rrep CounL)', Ohto. (or II "l L U BII' f tbe dullnr the cOr)lorRtlolI I)I\.\'S 10 tile nerves. Tt711. n ta, l ,en as diwaf(> ferl lIy ·'lllln w. fl ' lI e .. r public tl'eu"t1 r," "exActs frmn hlln, OillZ8DI ' staDd 811 a warning to the as aobleve Ilnd oberish" lasting 2 peT ce: nLum of tbo amollnt o! lIond~ btd tOl upoo I'Ond\Llou lhal II >be biG 18 UCc~pLed . ,v.t. Bib rl I 9 boya and young men IIf ,he present, peace among OUl'88\ves " ~h" bld.J~r will reCttve s nd pay lor ouch re t d tl h _1 pr IIg oro, ·In tie wh ,l" hlilf lind ItS un Int elligent Bnd , duttrlll cit'· , ' J bo nd. :u rna, be a.,,,'decl to 111m upon bls d,e} 1 yare Lu'nuess, . bandr..d /lv .. rllgeo !Ill pouOII" zen h ~ho uld Sf''' Ihat It Is 001 118. , day, U8TIOl!: TO ALL. 811ld bl4 ..ltMn ten <1l1Iw 8 from'be lime of a'n ea'""e no a lJad ft er- f , " O. Blim, of th e 1I0ie no\u llbor, lessly and lavi shl y ilPenl.- Edltorll\l : WayneavUle sbonld be a. nearly a .. ard. I:\ld check to be. relalaell by .ald f ts '~ ~ ~ lownshlp II saId CO~dlllon IS 1101 fulHlled. ec . n.Lan t' t he reason ,' hood . bud Ih" blube t. II V rflgtl, I:nt, Ohio State JOll rllRI. 4ry all po8Iible and to make it 10 , th '" ... I h I I ti th A Pertny Saved The Wayne TowDlIbip. Worren e,: al:e SO popular with ('nlv two bog~. wbo!\e RV\:ra~ .. WitS ....e peop e w 0 are v 0 a ng'. e ' Cou o ~y , Oblo, reserves ~be rlgbt \O~· 11 1 t IMf>ROVING TAX LAWS. law by briDging liquor in here and is a Penny Earned. JecL aDY and 011 bl<1><. a w 10 u e hem. Y O1U~ , 3!lO 'p f1 ond 8 'I'axatloll 18 II1\' KlIhJl'ct of tnYf'st1,I' 1 it h Id be I . Bid _bould be 8el>le<l llnd en"or8~. dru Ygist an tell you. what Tbfl prt e -Ptlid f(lf t,hello porker8 Unn Bnd dI 8CIt~HIlI lI hi mllny 81all'l. 1811 ng • 8 ou ""fire y ptln" ·'Bld. for Townsblp fl ail BondA," th " "'hed. n oertaLnly would no$ be Bnt we can 8ave you muoh - more 0 ers in \'OU t\ 10 alitv wa81jt6,2:i per buodrt1u , and til thre r(IJM)\'ls , lIl1ve b I'n DIM" Da ted Olb doy of Mor. 1001, thi k f ' ~ I by spl'clll l cmnmlstilons which , h'e nn di1Iloul* to flnd out who iasellinR than a penny 00 your magllzines if n . 0' them. I JIIO, H .. CASKIIY. " I ,. ' I I I , InterpSlllI1; Indh:ut1on ot lhe Ilr IOllt .. ou ... ..ive ns the opportuni,t v . uO 1>.03 l y I), Ihl nk Ihnt Dr, Mites' l BI~t fttl by 'a Sp·I'd r . the liquor. , " " , FIl.UII< PIU'M'. Antl -Patn Pili. /l l'e 11m 1"'Nt mf,.)1 Ine "n trend ot x)lt'rt olll nlnn, ODe proml&ln~;, ooy saved from We guaraDtee to meet the prjOSIl 'l'ru~te~s of w:)~e"~:~;:~:ip. \Y amn r~::;, p:~ ~l~~rul tI~'mlm~r~~~lni ~~~ Tbrou'llh blood JPnt!'nnln l? Ollnsad ~l'W Y ()~ k 's noIlJml~~ lon rpCf)m· drnnkenneaa il w'orth to any town advertilled by ' any reputable 8ub· CounlJ. Oblo. 1IItlhou t an)' hnd o!tl'r·effecl8, '( hove ,by II 80lder blttt, o hn WII"lt i,lll!t. 'l\ mends tbe lI\)ol1lloD of t iH' tll;r 01) lIar·' h neuralgia l! lhot my 8~lfe r~ of Bol!q oevllle Tex: wOllld hll VI' 80nlll prnloel'ly ulld Ih 1tIl I'Olltt,'h ,of and worth to $he na$ion more than 80kri p ti on &Renoy aod in many in · AI~UI : .~ SL.m W QUIU J1IMI nr"~ nnd ftu l" ~ r · leg, w bwb. , CllAS. H, CI.II"IIII~8, !1 nd 1 """ nOt tok~ onlntcs: but t alII; I I os t I1I~ beCIlDtP c. mH1\1I &he WI! woold get from aD open II n~ can give y~U pricN, lower C(~rlt of Warne Town.~blp, Wnrren Cou o- ~aQlkle . the~" In!,1 I~. Itnd tho)' OIWIl YB of rnnl\in~ alire!!, bltd , b not b"t'n a Ilrogrt'8slv lOX on Inb l'Uanc s, Th. California c mml Aslon III RI ~o ' opposP<I UD .,ou can g et eilia ly. Oblo, 0 ' 6 me, }l;p 011 Ihat Butt ,." with th M woon . , .. rW h ere, n~urn l gl" nepd r.ur 10 Ink ' lI1em 0" persoll ded to tr~ Bllckll! n ' ", Ar: l11,C11 to t.a Ing fI rllonal prollt'r!"),. bllt Illto "if we are to have a dry to."n. Write, o,r , telephone for prl088 on Illnl,ele (l~ t~ ~l- will oot lorm .. h"blt,cool"'--'for I t!lI.lve I'The flr .. t IIpplf 8erts tltat If It III to utl t:lxed the rev'tl (\"""y<)pldt.:l n-t'hl!mf I - Be writes: ~~--Bu _ the magaZlulIII 01 .... oors wou want r d f Rh not tak .. them JU'l <me In th morn: ' O.. t "n r e eveu , and onr 1",Xp!! ,enue hould go to lite count! II ex· le"8 have u dry a town aa II poe .." ..nT'. 0 , eamatism. 1~1r kWh" ~ r'' ''1 bllo. nnil J eun do my beuled HII tile Baret!" HiH IA fl VAn' lIible, to. THE MIAMI GAZET'l'E. Mr. William Henry of Cbat-lanoo ~&rs, ~v. H~Y~U1lKETT. l\lacon. 00. sore . 21)0 at T , (). Scbwa'rtz drug cluslvcly with the I' venlte frorll- \he tax 011 r~"lty. It Is fu rl her r cOii\. Waynesville, 0810, >(e, 'fenn , had rheumatism tn his Or, Mil.. ' Antl'''_ln f>1I1. _re .old by Ki6t, mended t hu~ aU corllorallons aue! 16ft lirm . "The strength seemeti to your druggltt. who wIll guarantee th_t ' gooe on t 0f'b the first pack_ge tranchillc \lIlt s IIC I'cs(>rved to ill, b AVe • ,e mnsoIe&' 110 fall., he ,("III returowill yourbenefit man.;' If It' Send your News and Sllll " that it 'was useleRl! for work," he 26 ~Ot••• '25 C<lnta. Nover .old lri bulk. Help Wanted. The repOrt uf The M08SaohtlsllttJl A~vertj.emen~ In ~rly says, "I f,\pplted (Jhlimber\aln's Mtles Medical CQ., Elkhart,Ind comml8 ~lo D ,) r(1I'O~ 8 th e tn~ntlon ot y Pain Btlhn awti wrliPPlBd the IIrm lD dlr ct us "'I'll liS CIIUII pral lub rlt· AI aoon aa one iuue 18 off the OUD, men and glrl8 at tbe Pe- flannel at .,Ight, and t.o my r..,Uef I j IDees. of btilbonrdll and of .tocle preas we belJin preparatiOns for ters Carti'idge Company, Kings fouud tbat the ptlin grlldually left transferA. the r"lenllon of ItI1 fran· p,~, out $he nut week'a paper. )'lIl1s. Workli,htandolean. Good me ilnd the I!trengtb retnrned, In i(. .. ' . ' ~THAW A Y , , -EMBALME".I~ chlae eXllctions by th s,tlll, an\! a , "-nw pe_"''' .....em"- tb'-k that ,wages andoomfJr. table ho&el aooom- .three weeks tbe rheumatism bad WR ,~ ·.leJIvllle'a Leading Dentist .L ... graded tax 011 l\utOmohl1 8, It II ttB· -" ......... ..... au od tl 1 h dll11lppeared and haa not since ':e 8ertell that wi th' those alldltltmal leYturned , " If trotitH8t\ with rbp.nm~ Ottice In K ey" BldJ/. Main St l L-'URNAINDTUUIi:ARL BERIN ' _ DO work' l& dOUSOD &he .,.per eXcept m a on9 0 o~ to t e factory, tell. the Buy State coul d 1'(>o d11 1 poIllb17.$he day before it i8 iuned, Addl'llllll-ASIlISta~t Manager, tism I ry a tew,llppllo" t.ions of Pliin .r enough abolish the IIIX on realty 118 aDd dela, sending in tbeir nlwa or m156t Klnge MilI8, Ohio, Balm, You .ro certain t-. be pleased I ' A' · A· 'lieU al on Ilersonnl property, except . with , tbe reUe.f , which It afford~, n'ure · gatnst ~Cl· KIND~. tor muntclpal PUI'POSl'S_ ~:ne:=::p~e':~:~e~he IlU!t mo· 5'oraale bv J ~ ,I"nn.~.f, dents' and III Health Here In ,Rhode lsi lind t1IC IIY8(em of Telephone in hill bOI1NP. wbere I A Valuable ~rescription. The Ae,nli Life Insurance (.lo. wilL taxation ,III Inadequa te Ilnd Ineqllllablo. Tbt,a aanael our ,work to oome in can be mUed Ilt 811 )lOnrl!, <In.y bitt no effort tn .... llr~ II botterment hili! a ru.ah ju' before going to ,.resa LOCAL AN D 1811ue you I~ policy by wbloh vou .wlll been or Is IIke",la to be made al long , and !'Nul. in muoh inOODTenl8DOe Cur.. Rheumatlam, Kidn\lY and reoeive a 8tllted sum per ,,'Jell: ia. ultrht. a. the country IOwn8 al'e In th e aa· . aDd uUa ,yori for every perRO. In Bladder Trouble8.. PERSONAL 'I~ENTION case of IIcoident or 8lokDellS. For -Cooches and ob"lrll H11i'(l1Ied , Ba,v,e recently moved t.o rO" 11I cendant,-ProvldplI c NewB·Democrat. $he'oftioe. .. • , We know tbat tbe readers of parttoalars 'Bee Fred B,. SherwOOd. &Ii ' I te . t..ocal AgeGt. nflxt to Cross Brol. We want all \he Dews And all the' and 18 we paper appreo ~dvlce, "'Iss 'Emma- Helgb·Lay retnrDed ~!!!!!!!!~~=====!!!!'!!!===~, I d t abe good bl .. ~ A STATISTICAL CORR~CT,ION. t.dver\\lementa we can' - t a. all.... tare g a o a e to p~b· bome - Wedne' 8d~y "fter severlll n d W -" _ IIA!" IITRBlte,. WAVNEtlVU.I., . .. •• 1n1V.....-... t ' . d"- i~ll be ,.....h he folJowlng from a oromini!n& ",00 Onu> for (Jblimberltlln'III In an article on the exele tax ftll' ... mea, ... ""u OUI' rlen 8 w pbYllician , ' weeks ' vi8it with relaN ves in -Love. Cough Rem~d:v · - IIreB were give n 1llIl'porting- to show cons,i derate in 118,1diDtr 'what tbey , "n til utoni8hlng to know the ' land, Oincinnllti and Sardlnltl. Sbe People .everywhere tIlke p\eRsnrfll Relief ' from Rhenmat,io PI~h II. the ' excise tnx collected by the Itate want publlahed, In all early as PQ8. prll'Valence of· Kidney Trouble aod' WaR IIccompanied home by her in testifYing to tbe good qualities ' J !lutfered with Theamll.t.t"m lor from public service corpo,rlltion.. It Bible. If something happena W , d. 08tlabedrddisead8e:., SOO~~8 Rbeumatillm nephew Wlllie Jaoob~ of Lovel~nd of Chllwber)lIin's ~ough ReDledy _ over t",VII years. "83YS Mr R 11IIlnd de\lelolle that all or the, ftg)1rea 'll'ere e&d Tb r&d d' ' tor ILD ...... ver ~.-oublllll, whiob , , ' . Mra. JCdward Philips of Barciay (llury. II. Imt'rolmlul, of KI!Y Wes' not correct. The recorda of tbe audl· ay or u "y, on t walt are III most Invariably caused by Wh I Md .• writ!!!' : "1 WIRh to tell yon iba;' Fla . ' "8tilOetimes it aet.t.lffi In my tor ot, IItllte's o~ee abo lbe mllne)" D , until the nut Tuesday t6 report it, weak kidneys. , It Is Bald' by ~ooct ' en yO\) po nt t e, hoas ~ s~ [olin recommenll Chlimberlain·,. kUfle8 and lamed me 80 I oonld :' H rei ~a'tI by corporlltl,ons' In the different bot,please seJid it In promptly. ' authority thll_t 'olly one:third of all t-btot the work Is ~~ne with b .. nna '8 COUl\h Remed, My Iitt.}e girl lJut,h, Iy, 8t Qther times It ' wlIoli:l be classlficatlonB was 08 foNowa: ", Laat week 'he IGasette wu'dela-y- Americans who , bave reaohed , the Green Beal - yOll II plrofit by it, 110 erloe, who is two yellrlj old, -~~ bMD In my fe!) t, and bllnds 80 I Wlt8 III Arllnctal gas companies. '64,4;16.11; ed Mv.ral hour8 beYllnd the uatial aKe of , matnr~ty, are afflioted to wll.1tbe house. Sold by J. E. J"Dney, ~klng t~is rempdy wheoever she OIIpaoltllted for duty, One night natural gal! compallies. '113.8411,78; , some extent wltb Kidney Trouble Mrs W It D ' , bas hlld a ould- since 8be WIiS twq , wbeu I \\ Il~in levere ll'Itn I\rd lRIII" 'Natorworks companle.. ,7,70t,'8; time of i88l1e by a orlllh of matter in somlt form, The mostdangeron8 ' ' 1\ I!~ • Cbandler and 'montbll olEl, Abont /& montb ago 1 fram it my wife' went to the dru~ ell,lctrlc tlgbt companlel. ~.,2fl.S8; that 0 lme in at the last moment. featnr" of tIlls dlseall8 is the fact friend, Miss Cora Paff. of 'Dayton. cootrllot.ed Ii dreadful Ollld myself. stot:e hel;e I\pd (jllmp. bltok wit -. a IItreot, suburban and electrtc railway I , that many people have it withont 'tpeot W..dnl!lldf\Y and l'borliday at but I took Cbamberlaln 's (.loo~b bohle of Chllmberl"ln 's Pilin 881m. companIes. $264,451.22; · mea.enpr - -- - -the!rkoowledge,and conlH'quent:ly thabomedfTbJmasZllllandfamlly Rewedy Ilnd.w'l! soon as ' WeUiUJ twas rubbed witllt- Ilnd found and signal companies. 82.576,84 ; , 0 ' o. ~wners' M·eetln fl1 , negleot It untU It hal reacbed a ' ' .'ever. " - Tbls ~em"dy is for !!ale by tbtl pliln hlid nelirl,Y gone dnlln'g the preBI companle~. ',6 16114.43 ; ptlle 'line L " .. Q4ogerous It.age. ' _HanDel S ~ulJtro-~tDI8h Inlld6 to J. E. Janney , , . night. I 'k~pt on IlHlDg It for II. little , companIes. , 69.780.50; Pullman eOfll. ;WIII be of Importance. "Toe lelist symptom' of Kidney \'Ialk on. folel by_J , E, JtiDney. j more thlln two weeks I\tld f lOnd pany. 18.198. 12 ; telegrlllll\ companlea. Tronble,8noh 88 backaohe, sbquld ' There waR qnlte an exodus t ' tbllt it drove t.he rbllnllllltl!lm awav. $3,021),82; water trllnaJlortatlon. '1.· -;----, -be ![iven prompt aUention and Il lIIi to" ~ ~ AN G (~1 I bave not had any , trl,lublA fr(m 757,16; telephone compllrtI8l.- ' ,Sl" ~ynesv aDS 0 ayton l!JursdllY •• ,. , : t ')llt dtfl86lle for over three monthll , ' 718,40 ; railroad companlee (Ite,l m). _Every Member Ur eel to be Present lload · ~~liable t.reatmerit' Bh'o\11d " be at MJami Ceme~el')' Offiee the , ~ken ntn every t~ of tb~ dis, ,to take t~e ohlldren to tbe olrons. " RIDG~VILLI!:, OIJ[') ~l r 8111e by J , E J Dney U ,384,S00-l9 ; Irl;llght line and eculpFint M d ', - J ' ease, 8 boon elimlDllted , , I am The pamt tbat mllkes so maDJ SPICOIAL'IJEI!: IlISJl:AI!ICIIIlF '\VOMIlIf £E Z ± WZiiiiif' _ _ ment cQmpanlee, $7,635.42. on ~y 1ft une_ _ g~ tO ,be able t.o give 'lour read, ptltnter-poSte. a-np.a'e Gref n Sa I ' AND. OH1LDRICN. ers a IIr8loription whioil I have ,8eli ll ' ""!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",!! Dr. John Hyatt; • dom' kDOW~ to taU in any daae., It Sold Jly .J . E . Janney, ' Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist.r E k '!'be Gazette baa been reqne8ted oon t a i n8 no h armfnl ingredients, M1'8 Mllry Zentmyer lind hllnd ure a, . , . to call 8peclal attention t,o the an 18 pl8lUl&n$ 'to take, not expensive ' I' . Yes, I have Found It at La8.. Tele h N 121 tl'oond wblit? Why tbllt Cbllmpone o. DUIII meetin, of tbe lot OWDer& of and can be fined at any good drug 80me Iltt e obndr~n, Zilla and J 0 , Miami Cemetery which will be billd 8tore., It ie as follows; .Flulrl Ex seph, from PliriM' (Jros8Inl\', indiana, berlain'lI Sn·l ve oures eczema and all At-' Home on Saturda1 Afternoon. ' W'aynesVl·lle, Ohl.o• Tile leliolature ot lh" .,_te CIt OrelCn • t the Cemetery otDce the'flrllt Mon. trao~ Ca~ra Aromatio, one half who have been vi81Ung ber plrente, manner of itohing of tho skin., I ouno!'; Uoncentrated Ba~kola, Q~e Mr. and Mre. Jos. B. Hawke. near have been attilcted tor tuROY JlIIlrs lIu bocn workln~ OUI t.xatlon prolll..... day in June. durina' \I. I... t "8s101l, In IIna with other , ollnce; Fluid Extract Prlokly Al'b 81' I g ' V II t tlll ' with 8kln disease, 1 hlld to get up pr,ogr ••• lve shllu, an amendment 1a ill Usually a mere bandful , of .Bark, ODe half drachm ', Aromatlo r n '" ey, 'Oge . er with ber three or fonr ti1!les every nigh' anel 9recoll OOhAUtution 1_ prt;1poted. Tllu lot owners attend t.hese meeting. Elixir, tour ounces. Take a tea, 8later. 'Miss HaUle ,J:Jawke, were wash with oold water to aUay the <ltttien. Intar, .t.d III ~" reCorm nil' but $be oJIlcer8 and dIreotorB f~i 8poonfalalter each mea\and at bed gnest& sevez:a!' days la8t week ot terrible Uohinlr. but ,s ince using an am.mdme,n t IIvlnl the'" til.' broAd PQwe. Clf ol'Intr lhe aubJettlI or ' that eve~ owner ahould be " time. I am glad have YOll pub. their grandfa$her, Plbllip aawke thill &alve In December, 1905, $bd t ..... t1on and decldinrr what '11'111 be \ased repre· Ulh thill rrellOrlPtton 8S r know near Rid evtll d I J 'Itobing has lltopped ~nd has not for .Iate and what for ' local p'lr_ R~ leDt4ld ,at' thill year rl mee"n" 811 tbat it wil help your aftlloted read Sa ' k ~. e'l an une e, . C, troublad me. IIilder John T. On~. 9reICn has had B hlxaUol1 camilli_Ion there are a Dnmber of very Impor era who gtve it a fair lrlal. It $ak, wean .aml y. ley, ItootvllIe, Pa, 'For lillIe by J. et work for .ome time. hom It. ....,.,n. ~.ntly .ubmhted. 1h. conelu.lon "''111 • tant ma$te ... to be oonlldered en ooDtlnaoasly for a few weeD it Paint, ,nth HIlnna 's 6r~ D_I E. Janney. ad th.,. I. Ibat the tren ....1 pmIMrlJ' t&-y • Tb f ' II 18 almolt lin absolute certalD oare ~.. .,.. t. hot worktn .. well .nd that It .UtrM to en ore,. owners wID pleue for Rheamatlsm, Kidney Trouble, and be numbered Imoug 'he happy ---._.-ba aboll.hed In "rt at I"..., It I, eUtrrWlember the time and place; Baok.A~e, 8la4d"r and Urinary ODea, Order your map.IDea anrl DI:t",. , ....8111d that \I would be wall to "ev..... .ra~" lICIuro .. tor NYlnU, tor .ta..... aad make aD BfJon to be PNl8llt. Troubl. . " I:Iold' by J. E, June,. Dapen 'brongh 'he Galette olDde. tor local ..."mna.n,. ant the el\lr "" We will .... you mouly. to aUaI....... II 'F .............. ~: I_~ I.-- '\lUll&. . E '


If It'


NeuralgIe .


i l,







A. l\1AF'FIT.






in '





M D'


..I ... •.


fUN ERA l 0IRE CT0 Tlllp.a"l 01, or I~bt. tICI' flo. 7 ' ' LIlli Dliliau 10. 69-3, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Offtct. 1II""anra. O.


County Court



to her Gt'Orge and David Retobel, undivld· ed one third, 120 !lcre~ in Deerfield Frllonif til1l1 .. her , tlh~rlff, V8. township; II. ! I~ \v 8UlTiI . Fr~n k P. Forgy., et o.\. The CI\!\6 • Row To P 'iod Oot. Frunols :15. Allen V 8 Ce,· trill Un· wall taken to t,be SupreDle Oonrt Commjssioners' Fill R botll~ o r COUlll10U gla89 with YOUl ion Telepho>ne Cump/)n~ . Tile and upholding t·hat uf the Com moo I'Dd let it staud tweuty.four bours ; Proceedings. water a~edimeutonct· . plaintiff deD'l1ndl! '2000 dllmu~Il!l, I"letls. When ' Robert Smart aod tlingindi catesan . ~88ertlnJ( ttuu hid ~O D hlld hi!j h lnd Frank Forgy were dePuties of Sher· unhealthy COn· Bills ellowell. di tion of the kid· "nd arUI !levllrely i 'jured by 11 con· tiT GII,lIagiler, through a ml'lIt~ken neys; if it stains trivtl.noe oon~It!tlng of 'pulleys lind 0 00 81 ruoMon of the law, Deputy Ohio Corrugl1teu Cui vert. end ·,uge ,omptlny .. .. ..... ....• "2000 your lin B i r I) eviden ce eD Df itkidL rO!J8s to ,whloh a teuTII of horl!ep Smart WIIS grllut,ed abou' S600 I,n Wolter Bogan, lumber ......... 107 52 Imy troublt, ; t('. was attache,\. The boy was seVf'n fef)'" duriog the sherlff's ~\JBenoll, R. B. I::\mlth, sewer Jllpe I1nd frequellt d~ 3il"f years old when the 11001uIlnt 00· UPOll tbe order ()f Deputy For~y. to pass it or paiu in the back is cou l ...... ......... ...... ........ 19 (16 oured to him on Anderson !:Itreet in Tbn mi8t~ke was discovered snd .h anklln when workiog for the tel. Sheriff tiallagher had to pay the W . O. Turton, 0001.. .. .. ........ 1-1 68 also conduciug proof that the kidJl,·y: 6 00 and bludJer are out of order. ephone comptlny which WI1B o1'er. money back Into the tre08ury. He Lebanon GAS Co., gas f Jr J'ail . What To Do, 'rbere i: comfort in the kuowleuff'! St, atlng the ltIaohine. The fBther In I urn sued his deputy for the B. U. Prater, coal.. ....... ...... often exvresseu. lhut .Dr . Kilmer'L 108t his servioes whloh be oll1ltnll amount and after being oarrled Samuel D. Benkle. fees and Swatup.!to'<.t. the great k,dDey remell~·. . expenses in April......... 8.5 I) f\lI.IiI~ s every wish i!' (:\lring.rheumatism would hllove belonged to him uotil through three courts, th., highest I'n11l 'l1 the ba k, kIdneys. \,,·er. blndue, thl' boy was of age. Be values one hll8 IIowarded the deolslou to If. C, P~tterBon , horses Rnd ·• 00 "ud c\'ery pa~t d . ~he urinary tassage. vebl 0 Ies f or A pr 11 ........ 2u ' It corrects malnh ty to lIol water them at the I\mount of the dl&rullge the plilintiff. T. C. Pattersoo, boarding and scalding rain il1 ' lI,, ~s illg it, ~r bad sought. ~ru.h M. ' Thompaon vs. J. M.·. prisoners....................... 48 70 effects followlllg \I ~:' "pior, wlOe or 8nemenin& I&nd Sieker, a )lI~rtner. · t I Th •. d bee r, Dud overco.tut: ~ ~ l upl easallt jJ l~· M eSHemer, ell> . e cour. roao George E. Young, expenBes cessity of being contpclleu to go of . I .bip, VB Buld~h A . Blackbarn; tbe thl1t Dillon H. · WilBon, Jr., and as proseoutor ...... ......... 4' :t5 during tlle day, and Lo get up UI',:I eult Ie for $121l. 2 whloh the plRin· EUz"beth Wilso~ are tbe equitable W . H. Stanage & Co., Bate.s time.~durin~ the night. The mild Ill, tift claims il owned hy thtl . defe~d. the extraordInary effect of':lO . wners 01 the prolHlr, t y In question St.atutes for sherllf........ 24 00 is SOOIl realized. It stands the h' gh.':~t IUlt on aocoout. The bill 0001llsl8 and they were awarded all proceeds W. H. Stooage & Co" sup. fOr its wouderful curen of tile most 01 . of small purohase.,. no one or whiClh after the ~ortgage olaim of &rah plies 8 udltor........ ......... 24 00 tressing cases. , If yon ueed n IIIclliclne Ilwounttl to over.10.76, you ~ hollid hnve tbe best. Sold by dru v,M. 'lhompllon received 1746.90 And P. P. Maxwell, oement lind gists ill fiftY-CCllt and one-dollar sizes. to Dlllun B. and ElizILtel·h Wilson, PROHATIIl OOURT. sewer pipe... ........ ......... 1i4 85 VOll may hnve n saw pit: bottle ane) 1\ hook it,that all 11& W. C . Thompson WlUl appeint-ed • 1,1 67 . 90. George B. Ander-on. butilLl uhout bothtell sellts free D. J . Bollencampvs. The Morrow · of Z , Flowerfelt ..... ....... 5000 by mnil. Addres ~ Dr·1W ..dmlnitltrator of the e8tl1te of Mary .. Company. The oompany Oregoni"a Bridge Oompony, Kilmer ,&N. Co., Bing· A. Keever, decetl8ed; bond 'G.OOO. BrewinCo hnmloll Y. Wh en D.... ore._~ __ Appllcatiou was admitted the defendant was dissolved by t,he first 'payment 00 oon· writing mention this paper and don't •"rl&O t 43 remember •• tht: will ot PriSCilla Ireland, deoel&soo, OOUI t ; J , P . Falrobild was appe' int' ............. ..... ...... 1000 00 mnlce name. any Dr. mistake, Kilwer's hut Swamp-Root, d to probate. ' ed r ecelver. ai:nd was or~ered to sell VallAy'I'elephone Company, the address. Biugbamtoll. N. Y. K claim of 1536.15 was allowed to the property for not iess tban S326. rents and tolls........ ...... 15 15 ~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~ Van M,ol1Dts from tbe oatate of Morrow Brewing Company vs. Cc;ntraot WilS entered witb Otho Catherine M. Kibey, deceased. Otis Whltaore, constable, ~et al i I1enuerson for Btone improvement8 B. J. Witteman, admin18~'r:l1tor 01 oourt found that there was no lIle· to oulverts on the Waynesville and Hanna's Green Paints are for sale by the estat08 of Catherine lSurlaoe. de- gal seizure of property a8 was Lebanou road Itt the estimate of J. E. JANNEY. ceaaed, filed I1n affidavit of. tinal obarged. W . E, MOORE. Uecel ver. 'OO.GO. eettlemeot. . R . E. Joues was given the work ldARRIAOE LIOIllNSE8. in the mllotter of thll estate of Dempsey E . Dennis, 26, clothing of erecting a conorete proteotloo TIME OARD David Furnas, deceased. Ella U. aalesmao, of Rlchmood, Inn., and wall near biB residenoe on tbe WayEr l" ECTIVE MU,OEl 3 1, I UU7 . NOR'l'H IIO UND. I'nrnaa, guardia~ of Mary, &01lel Edith F. Sbute, 21, musio teacher nesville Ilnd Roxana road at the S,aUoIIH No. t o No. a o No. 59 IUld Barnh furoal. wal Ilathorized, of Wayn'ellville . ·The Rev. Bt-njo. estilllate of 140.35. • . l! M . A. ~I . upon her petitloll, ro dr~w thll min flawkinll. O. L . Henderson got the oontract , Lcbtloon Jc.Ar.~ 00 11 00 6 2~ eharee of the estate belonging to William E. O'Neal, 24, farmer of of building substrnoture for the two haker r . 7;;8 1. r.8 ~ 18 'heae ohildren from the executor, bridge~ In Deerfl'e ld township at Ito.lyn 11 5 1 1'0 61 15 1:1 Waynesville, and 11m" Ellls, 21, of, Staple and Fanoy. Groceriee, Fruits Beth l'urnllo8. 'I'he chlldren live In flompstead .. ~8 10 108 I; 09 ta68.05. WaYDll8vtlle. 'l'he .R ev . J. t. Cad· Centerville 7 40 . 0 40 6 00 New Jeaeey. Vegetables and Canned Goods. ~ The accounts of the t~o depesl. Manor ' +7 :12 HJ II 62 U M! Application Will tnade tu admit w.. Uader. tories, t·he Lebanon National Bank Lytic 727 III 27 10 41 Olgars and Tobacco, Williatn H, Mueller, 3 , drnggist, the will of Joh~ M, Llddtl to pro. and the Citizen", National Bank, FAgewOO<l :7 2l U" 2" ". H of UinclnDatl, auld Mrs. Lillian bate. were exa.mined and fOl1Dd t-o be Venable ,7 20 nt 20 ;4 40 Sb~m8lter, 30, of South Lebanon. oorract for the month of April. IUw:bnor 17 III no 18 U 38 The "1'111 of Mat.ilda Axman, I&te M. BROWN, Proprietor. . h' Dodds 7 16 110 16 4 36 Phone 79. of Fr&Bklln tOWI1lIhip, waa f,lled and REAL ESTATE TRANBJ'IIlR8. The flnanollLl statement of t e Leland .. 0 0 P? OU 10 . 26 4 20 appUoatlon WIUl made ~ probate It. Beppy A. MoFadden and busband Andltor and Treasurer, showl~g f:he Lebanon-I. •. 7 00 10 00 C H D Doll I: or C H " D 'In the M&Se of Andrew Baird. to Barry Strodtbeck. -15 aorea in balal108 in 6I\Oh fund and acoount at the begInning of tbe month were Daylon 9 100 • 11 3.0 5 56 .dooeaaed, the ninth acoo~t W88 FrankUn townsl1lp i 12,900. 0 ok.x T D " X '1' flIed by (''barle. ~ Long. ad miniM. O. D . Besoh and wife to Grace M. plaoed on file. 80 600 '. trator. ' Reea of Franklin, lot 274 in Fra.nk. SOUTIlJt .. UN D A . II p. Mo • • P . M , A petit-Ion wile flIed dellillng tbe ltn; '1,41i0. Iale' of the proper~y of Benry Ertel, C. D. Beach and wife to Edit-h E : L eave . Nt) 2- No 4. . No 0" Me88ure your rcome and come to b 05 . . Dayton: 0 B. " D d~, to the debts of the deced· BRack of i'rankUtJ, part of lot 274 5 30 : 30 O ~v t on : D &. X T 800 ·ent, and the matter was 88t for in Franklin': 184. [; 60 tAlbanon Je. . M 30 ~I 5U hearing on ,lune 1. Oharle8 and Granville ~. Gas~n Ii 65 Sbaker Croaslng II !IS ~ 55 Jeue E. Sparlln;. adminletntor to Serena D. GI18&in 1234668 tin to ~ 110 "050 Roalyn t8 aT We were wlee in ordering this stock lut fall, in prioee have ma003 aoa Bempaleod . 8U of the Nate of Samuel F. Sparling. Sarena D. Gaatln, 117 acrealn Tar· terially advanced. L&rgest. sales last year of any i thta year will be 111 611 CentervlUc S .9 41ed a petiUon asldog tor the ule o~ tledreek townehlp ; '1 . "610 ~LaJlor ()7 3 III grester. Mattlnge from the Orient now In stook 8.88Ur68 beaatiful pat. two promllllory notes which the deWilliam E.. Abbie E ., Moses B. , 211 1128 Meet me at my store in the 14 LyUe o terns, lowellt prices. oeden~ .beld, amonnting to 12,381.&3; and Ja~811 F. HazeUlne, 'sole helre story bailding, corner M~in II 05 3 20 '026 Edg!,wooc1 16 80 ,t!l80 DOl venable " be I8le being necessary ·to pay of ~pr 1'. B&zeltlne, deceased, to Iograiol . . .. ...... . .. . . , ........................ 250 up 11'0nrth. to 32 13 82 -1911 Kltcltner Lowell, Park. Extra I:!npers. eome del)y 'of tbe etitate. The 181e M.1cbatll A. Pfarr,7 acres 10 Deer. l34 t6 84 '9' 16 Dodds field townlhip i 1710. ·w al ordered bi tbe cOurt. . Ruga-greatest stook yet .. . . . .. . : . . .. . . .... ,.110.60 up Leland '921 11142 , 0642 Tbe Ilpprai88re reported In the 68· W"lter and Letitia Kellriok to Lobanon Arr I VO 0 80 a 60 6 GO Large ADoUgh for a room. Ye~, cut this ad out, it's good tate of , E;ta W. Lewil, mlDor, 'DaVId Ebright 46 ROles in 'Wayne 0Dally exnep~ Sun"'., :f S\OP on sIIID1>1 your ral~rolld fare, if you live with· tbe . \Otal amo~n' being 4111.91. toWOIhi' 3000'. ,. BONDAY 'RA,m 8, Ll.nolenm, the great kitchen and ha.lI covering. Lace Cnr&8ins-all 'hg " . p., Trains PaM Lvtle .. follo~8 : d d . Lou\18 1'. Lewle, gtll'rdlaD , gave . WlilterJ. KUbon of Corwin, to In 25 miles of Dayton: In other NorlbbounQ 1 lila. m. 5 27p , m new effects.. Window Sha.des, all colJrs, aUlllzes, mil. e to or er. bond In &he laU) of 11.000, U waa Sarah Etta Rader I1Ddlvlded one word~, I'll pay your railroad fare Soutbbonnd 0 oia m. 7 :lap. ID on eacb purohase of II '15 Snit, 'fop ordered that 'be property be sold at Wayne rownlhlp: w. E.MOORE. Coat or Oravenette. . Oenera'PlUIse. - r A.celli. Lebllnon. O . \lflvate sale. Walter J. KtlboD to Sarah Etta COURT PROOUD150a. . Rader, undivided one half Interest Northwest Th~ber Co vs A. B. In 50, pules In Wayne tOWDship i 1. 'My Beat Friend 8ulta Jaoketl for Misses, Women 81deiJ, e' at; leave wae granted the CbarleatlQblmmel to BerthaKn~ e8, U 's your duty to youJ'IIelt to Alexander .BentoD, who Uv~s on an' d C~ildren. Skirt~, Waists , Un· plaintiff to.flle an amendedpetltlon. ler. U aorea in Deertield townsblp i look at my tI5 Salts. You'U find RararRoute 1. Fort Edward, N . Y ., .~ Ma:ve vs Walter ·C. Cham· them ,as good as the other says:" Dr. King's ne11'i Di800very is derwear, Infant!! long oloaks. ~IAtI,' et al " tbe 1II8U8e iil the 08se.. 100. 120 ~uite. an<A yon' l1 my be8t eart.lily friend. It oured ""'.. .. fo' ...... to be In favor of the F ran k C . CI ~ v er and wife . to Do.e to th'e ' me of 88thtna six 'yean ago. It hasf -:are .. '" ....u . 3 also performed a won.derful care 0 plalntlff and & tetbPoral:Y Injuno. Qulnoy Ertel of Morrow, lote 1 8 tQ inolpleot con8umption for my son'lI ttonwa8lnadeperpetnal.Big' Twin 143 In Avondale Be~hts, Turtle· . wife. The first bot,t le ended tbe (''reek in ~nklin townebip ~anl oreek .town'hlp; ·'225. Yes "good. I I Brl~g me a saw pIe terrible ooagb, and this acoo~plish · . out il ng Ell ze.. ' J Beroam , e"• a'l , to J08epb of any• f20 ",alt u other left onewell. by through:the plalDtlff'alanq, soId e Isew h ere, au d ed, one the until shesymptollna wal 116rfectly off a Corner of his farm . The de B. l:iarCllm of Mllnobester, Ohio. "II dU1,1l1cate it for l15 .0Q. D'r. KIng'8 New Discovery's powfend8nta oommenoed tbe oonstruc· 110.62 acres ip Barhm ' ~oW'nship. er over. cougbs and ooids II simply Tben ootnlland bny you,r dresB at tion of 'anew obannel to divert ·t be· 8.00. marvelous. No other remedy bas flutchln80n & Gioney's, Xenia,Ohlo i r k ever eqnipod It .l!'uUy 6uaranteed oonrB8 of the Itre6tn a~d the p18ln. Rachel Searl of Barllln towns h p, Yes, for yoar SlLke and my L SIL e, by Fred C. I:)obwartz Droggist. 60~ No oity hILS a better assortment of tifr ' maiDtIlined that the work ,of ~ E .•T. Beedle, lot n in Deerfleid; I want ' to tl8e If this 'od" pays i and.IIIl.OO. Trlnl bot·tl~ flee. .fabrica for tbe dress itself and tbe CIOI1lItruotion and the etfect of the II. hence thli offer. Coule Ilnd see !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '" bl trimmings. It is a reasona e Itream'l W8llhlng would greatly in· . Margaret C. Withers and John how well you will '- jare hilla~d. · ~. W. Witherl Qf ~t, Louis~ to Ira F . statement and fully proven In the . GOOfl9ld. . T"I.rlok, administrator BIgcny, north bl\lf of Iota 44EllIott'l . past. We are a Dress Goods HOl18e · V.II. Jobn E , Draie et al ; the defend· I\ddit\on to 'L ebanon; II. here. Others d o, why not yoo and do not . meddle with tinware, ~nte were granted twenty ,'daYI to . w. G. \)urrell of Hamilton county Now don 't forget to cut out thl8 ad ~i----- hardware, china. ahoes, etc. These · file pleadingl. · . to T. C. Weloh, lot 29 In Morrow; and briog it ,w ith you If you EXCURSIONS have their place. Sarah M: '.l'hompeon v~ J. B. Mea· 11,200. your railrol1d fll-re (both ways) re: J town Exposition Jnst look A,t ourshelves and IIhow 'I8mer at al ; tb~ '1IIl1e of tbe defend.· Elizal;)eth Bowyer Riddle of Bam.. funded. Thill liberal offer will ames , , if . d •E Do . Norfolk, Va. c&sOs to see ho.v frellh and new and .an"llAnd. byaherl ,'fNb.8 approye llton county. to ...... ura . wyer, hold good until June 1st, 11107. 'Dlllly untll N'ovelDber 90 olean the s'oolt. Bow eaal1y to · b1 'he oour'. The action Wall tak. lota,143 and 14Hn Lebanon; II. not later. Pleoee remetnber tbls. oh~::~f~'".:':m~~~f~~~r~rt:c ;:u~~y trim from our' stock JUBt in. eD OD failure to pay I!o promlyor.y Je~e E , Spurling, admlnlstr&tor w _.:. Angeles, Cal. \ Dote for 1575.', . ' / ' of the 68tate of Samnel F. ~purling, I..N8 . . ~.:V 7 to J 6.. ·G<-rman BllPt1 i~ Bretbren . The ,Da.yton Sav'lngl ',B ank and, deoeaaed, ro Barry ~pu~1tng of Cov , . Iune 10 to l'l-Elootlc MedIcal A",,'n TrI18' Company v'! . Walter L. IDgton, Indiana. 2611.07 acree; 16, . '. HE~ Oool1&olnr one route; returnlnll another' Silk and Worlted TrlmmingA. Mheer Effeota, . Gin,hatn, Plaid• . Weeml Will aet .'ide on Rcoonn' of 114',88. • 00 the oorner M&In £Ond Fourtb. Columbus, Ohio. . blm not oonplyia" Frllonk J. , Mounta . to .W alter S. The largellt ' olothing Itore .In t h eo J3. 14~ 106e'n~,17A'.. "PI~b'YLerln"1 .. with t.,.l'IU8 or , , " 20"._2~:II·v .~u , late. The sberiff wu ordmoed , to Whitacre of Blan~heater., 110 II acrea olty• Atlantic City, N. J. neeU tbe prvperty. in B"rlan townehlp; 11,000. 13 to JUlleS.. Amerlcim MedIcal Maud Sb&nor 've J. F . Snook,· et Fr6(fs. and Luta Bollew Roea. V. 4 Spokane Seattle aI. A. D \ ~ptln08 wae made a party Un,le8by, undivided one· half inter" A Narrow .E8cape. Junc 'll7 to July , ... 13. Y. P. u. d8feDdab'to che. lalt. The plain. eat In Lebanon ·lot. II. G. W. Cloyd, a merchaat July 1 to l\...(). 8 • bol4ll two·ooWII amonnt.lng · to '. J, B. Meuelnerto T. C. Pa'tenoo Pl~~k, Mo., It.adha:.nhaUeraownae'IIOIIPIII PhUiulelphia ..,. W ._- J c1 foou yean ago, '" .... 0 E papoble .".,.1. 1'. ~nook Md AI· Itle'riff, w DiUoo I.....D. r'l an BOD burr into h1a Ul~mb. Be -'18 Jul, ill, 13 and U .. ·B. P. . '. 10 bollia a mort....,.. I80nrity on Elisabetb Wllaoo, 10\ SSlo LebaDO~ ; "The dootor wan&ecl to· amrutate It, Winona .Ind. lot of &be defendant 'tn I:JoGth 12.000. . . bat I ,.0014 not ~l8Dt. bolllbtll"'lno,u AaMmbl" A. p. ~~,alIoo1atma JOhn B.Jlealelmer to , Dillon B. t~O:':;::I1d= ::~ "a.,Ucullal'l c, thllt this i8


Tboullnds Have ' Kidney . Trouble and Never Suspect it.




THI LABEL On .a can of paint stanus for all there is in paint quality. It means that every parti(lIe of material that went into the making of this paint was analY7.e'd by expert chembe ot a high standard of ists ' and found excellence. The label is the manufacturer's guarantee of an absolutely pure paint-it is placed on each ca.n to protect you from substitution.


THE CORNER GROCER .Y ..................



Do ' You Need Carpets

Mose Cohen says:


.6t Gibn¢y


. WilJ Do it!





Ready To Wear Garments



See Your Dressmaker




NE:'S -----LI ...


Voi les"




Hutchison .& Gibney,






.,. -..,. . IODM .. ill""" ill the. WUaoD. lot 88m JAIIUoD; .1.

-jail '.: bU tile pIabltUr ..... "



D. . . . . .


II, aU'red O.8ollwarb DraJPt.





Xenia, Ohio. ,




. -Gaz ette I BURl:AU SAVES

th apl)l\C'n 11011 <>f lIle p OI\'~ r 9 ::If hIs' ...·111 111\ I by c" ' \'ollo ll 10 rvllglon be Ittlll a t las L ma~tel~tl it. All St! IcIly Confide nti al, It IH th" rul,' (,r lh" hllr(ln u thn t '~ \" ' r,\'thl ll !\ ,',1011\' 1(,,1 \\ IIh It~ \' t)l'k , huulll til' 11'1('\1), l 'uufl,1t-111::I , Illl t! 11 11 t t' I"I1I'1lIllS 'HI I "It,.,." Ij),' Itu 11\1\0 wt t h L" " "~· I'I'l'call~l o l1 10 III :;Ul" ~".

nil a~o~ Who art' tl r lld and d ~~ pond. l'nt han' h,'" I lee"", 'd uud II Ille-d, .\moll;': Iht'll1 a ru " IClolVs who Ira 1I"'''!1 I<>(t \\ I tll f:III1II1 :, d(' "l'lI d nt UpOI1 I hrm,


H~rd to Believe, '1 ~ w tho ra bhlt camillI; tbrol1 [;h tho ni l'. nn d I.he Ilt':tt m 1~ It ap' peur ed 111111<>1' m y ('Olll; ' ~ntcl L\ llIun Dr. Wllli311111' Pink Pills Cured Stubt WAY NI!:S\'I I.LB, bllrn Rheuma tllm Whe" Other OillO wllo WU Il 'hal'Iw el In an E II~Ih; h pollee Treatme nt Gave No Relief. _\ t ll' lHiul1 \\' UN r (\C('lIt 1.'1 t o C011 r t willi 51 nil II I; 11 rabLJi ti from a Dr, WillI,un s' Pink Pill s h a,'o bco. 'hul 'It' IJ wumnn who Wh~ 11)(\ :-;lIp· shop, F'\l l'l ht'l'u:ore . h Uilppl ng" In Europe, sw ore t hnt 1'"]'( lit' 1lI0st slubllol' n ca ees ~ I I1'1l 11 ,' hild l'c"ll. 111'1' itn,ly t hUl day II AcrMO n g w ' llUn;omo rlal II sage. Eu· REMAR KABL.e ; ' WORK bad 'tak en onl y two c uring 1h DO NE BY Wat; r~llIl1d lJy h,lt' flVth~· f·a r·l1l d d"ugbrh cu mallMm tor n ea rly a. Gen~ rn llon gllOsseli of becr, J<>I' '1111 Sl', '1\IIIS ar 'Dtilllt>d 10 tip» I\nd Utousun ds o ( g l'8lefu l rllL Il!uta ( PI' THE SALVA TION ARMY IN hnllglug hr II l " 'jI(' In II dUM(' 1. j\ ~ an il.','urr't! part or l' ('," , th,' lr Ineomc, l,nv gl v ~n t CS UIuOIlY that cllnnoe lie Th,' l:ll l hl I;II\IP Iht' lllnl'l1l 1I1l,1 11 1I111ll $100 ReWInd, $100. NEW YORK, c,c I, 'lfnllanrl , ho\l" -" " l'. who hn~ 1'1Ish(\cl III trnlll III' At tb e hot la th lh\lory 1& ~h .. t t ho ' . Ignor eo] , MI ;.t nt! CIIl th, Tbft fe.d eN! o r ttl,. flap u _ nI be pJr' n ed t" IUrD ('lIarl~ nr t ill' wO I' I! III X \\' Ynrk, lIy wuuHln " " \I' n, 1I,'fol I'C,.t lal1,lluro l (11 ulg lH's a guo.! .. private 1111', Roh rt Odbert, a m nch l ulst. av. l bara I_ il l hHl1 l ude ~r"l\lHHl ~tl!ct .. ,o It) l .~ l elu'e " /l h.,' dl \'d NIIi! thb,,1. ili!, htoe,) ...lne to .~url) 10. alit lu ~ U ~etI , Iml lh." IQ \\'11)' oC IlIl1sl ra l l l1g th' Illalll'r 111 "11" 1":" Ih. (111 (0 \\, \II't!, " In!; at 20 t Cnmoro n Street, D t rol t, roum flllil till' liS" r lhe public' rllOIDS. 'I'II" d," AID' FOR FAILU RES whi ch th ,' lIm'cu ll w:'l ~ 1,.lIuhll't,, 1I ;~~:rl~~W ~:I~:~~ ~a~~ ~l~dl,~~tt~r ~j:~~? ~'{:;~: M lch" ~llI U a \'or y dl strcssl ll~ 'x.l)flrl" \\', ('IIlIld hll"" h Iped I hnl- wo- \k!lujl h,'ut' uDil light. f III I nd dl~h '~ , bill 11 CU:l,U I LUI."ln I dt.nll • ., . rC flll l N)1 e · C.UhllII WltJl rh eumati sm fo r nbout l wo 11\4 LIFE'S STRU GGLE gU I' " 1\ Il' ll<lr l"r Il s~ lIup~l " IIf II ' lIIun ," 9111il '01. lIullal1i! ' " I t sill' h:1I1 , l lullll lrf!lIllIIl'fll,. 1I a ll'. \.''llurrh ClIr" I. hl'um In·n' yence n t n:r'IlI:1I li",-"I ('~. I"or cOll\'enl ence tll1Y's \\,0 1'1" !~~I;:~I[ ~~: Ullt~II~~l~~~u :~ 11~:!~~~~;ld':'.~:'o~ 11::~l·t~: e~ rs, 11 0 l11 ,lI.cs tb o fullow l u' ~11It.e­ 1"leI I1 S (, I' l1I'r lrll,,"I .. :, ror ".,11111 e ke I'S at I1l1ud U ('ol'IlS oC S" I'\' Ol1tS m il t : .. AlI oll ~ th o you r 1 S7 1 rol t the .~ [I . I 0 11 IllIlI toW\.' ~\' !\H' a t nkcl' nut h :t\'p 1\' I1II1 I':l r lly tak t..'n IInl'.'';(' f u n.:thutou u r l ho IJbt! .. ~r.. An " ~1"lm.: I IItt IIIH or two f1 at r Cl u" h by lllllld inv UII I he cu n .. t h u l l,l[) AUti tlllltutlt o f C' II II1 I I1 ~' '' ''' 1I1. who \\'ill rospull d to lbe ll u os L'~ S1I1I1· c tTecls o f i'!l e ulI1 ~ tl a ru wh ich g radullll y I II' Wa s h ..illldll," h t, tllg I II.t1I r~ 10 dutDl: II wurK. Tbe I)W p rhml rl hlt.n:~ " III' 1 !In'(' 01' nil nt I Ill' ('hll<lll:n 1'01' Iha! grf' W w urse un UI I WilE cOlUjl d led to Hope, Cheer and Materia l A i d Gi ven 0\" ' " his mlsr.,",III,)!' 1111<1 1II1'.litl1l 1 .. ns, bllt at It) m u d l ,'al:h In lUi " tlr.t h· c pU\'o' \'rlt t tlllL hl ~ ex pens , In ohl llll."), utrCl lng m Ull 1' , I II 111' (,lh"'I," T 1'L'" II OIIIL" ill l)nu B undnnt U l)lInr! rur AliI \" UU Luat.l l t .. U. l Ur Il l \' up w orlt fUl' a tillt(', T ho yea rs t in s, ~ n)' s Tra\' el M Ignzl n , t r:l\'eteTl! All Who Apply to T hi s Un iq ue Or· flndln(: ""111\' S" ' IIH'H ll'\'<>rl, In Sll r lll ~ , 'nlll')', W" (',111111 cure, C-:" Id re r 11", or tt'. ,itl1" nl"II, lin\',' alsCI o f '97 lind 'S [ w[ts 'coll lioed to Ul r bed . A,. to.. ,I. C Il l!~X" I\\' & ,0 0 .. .L'u l ~ l1 ,0. w (>I'e at I,'nd '.d by I hl' ir (IWII sCl'\'nnts , gan lzatlon -O ffl cer In Charg e Tells \\' hl!'ll Ill! " Olli d 1,lo\\, "111 his llroln. wkl'n ('l1r(' nr h,'l' allcl k " PI h,'l' " '\l h hdl ~ u )'.;1 l)rll C"o:IHoI" j ',c. most at the tim e" I wa s uncl r r " oct ors' 'rlt ~ D Uall'. f'iuuUy J'lII. C",r aIlU,UIHlth/" . Wltll " I'I'\'ol\'('r Th l' hlln' ,," IIIIillr",1 ' 1111'11 ~h 1'1' 111 10 wa i t 011 t,h,' lD , Tho IDurl I' ll custolll l h,' "ClII IlII')' lIntll s lle t rent m li t bnt f Ollud no r iler, of the Wo r k Done in On o Day, Ch ar. My hinl tu :-:' lI !Tt ' IHI~I' Ihl' \\(\i\)lOH. whi Ch ~nl ht.'t'l'd h £'ullh rho s t bc nne I n L The 1l'l, \' cl er no l ogs wcr ~\\'ol1en f rom tllO hi llS (law n. Bnd ~f l'''nglh , Thil l} acterl st lc of the Tw enty· Four Hours \\'U~ rllll y IlIlI tl C'c1 , 'l'l' D etective 's P~rable, II1 \101 nl'Y " llIl'loy slo,' "011111 h:O\ll' I',' t 111'IIC'oI u tl1<' d I y' lOll!: 'I' ralTl tl~ with him n r tinu o of Hflnry K. Adair, th w ~ l "' n de- ,,"unl uud rell blot ches DlI llc:lrcd all - Gen, Boot h T ~ l ks of Causes W hi ch 111(1111 t\. t-: Hn pl l\ \' af n l' lr!;t n \\ ~l~ Jlro\'trh,t l with , )11 o r fW U Fr('(Ju (l u tl y t hey l1aJ ncd " t' Ihf' l.'hi ld ""l1 un d "n·lIl1tB, b :I uBe ' hl' nn hi re t mllor· t Cli vI', wns ('01111' 11111 n to.>tl In (h I ves, 0 \' ( 1' t.ltcm , (U l' h im, aud hI":' if; lu t,,'rt,!,,; tpd In hi s h" rt llh' oth t o I", I 'ar~d r I' L.ed to the Form at io n of Plan to b~ thu t on, l' ~ .. on nn UI'l'I' ~ t - tll ;l l ha had me so that I ltad t bi lld tit m tlg~lt1 y II rll)' t hose ot tile l:m,nol'll . 'l'hc ellS' U( '(,lIpHlin n. Th~' ltU l'C'U Il , ' In H 1I uwltl1\" S al \'o lit lll ,\ '. 111:.... " Ith str inG ot li n n, Tht s 'so llw llm!l!l Ch ~k Self· De struct i on, m ade, T he Url'est lt a ,1 bf'(' 11 m y st erl , r ell ey 10llHlI .I' f('(' s nn' , th,' 1)11)' Dl"lIt. i. rl'~' jn~ h . ~.. ·t him wl H' l \ l1ltJr( ' 8Ilft, ·U Pla ns f Ol' C r ipples. or ed 111 pain hu t n t tb r Lim es o ll ~ ly 11(,hie \' cll nnd 'II', Adnl r wae )'nll(ld to <10 ~O . Al Lim es I hnd to rn ol d f 'I \l f; Is r"ali) I ('h rlt til ael'· III hi s I mlnl ll!;" ('il l. 'Ioll anol :1 Itl thnl nr~u)' "r Ih " asl'ed t o exp lain I t. 'T h l~ , til ugh. be 1" wi to 111 ," \\'(lI'lt. lI~h l ~ t.\\' CI'utohl'9 , ' ilnts. ,whn nt"c',l 011 thl' Y ca n APt. );cw Y ork ,-Y1 u ~y ? Th r' r 1,'01' So, ~ I!lNi ' ~ .. r'HI('rl Iii hI' 11111 I ~n't Ii III 'n who W'I'\' "" S I10 11 11t'11I r rfll ~ ",l to do, I 11 1'1111 'Ih ,.D1Irl ng t h' . e s['I')ls I Hutrcrcll ~ rr :Ill y lIslor Illn('(' III ull Ul{' ('lIy,' ,\h 'H~(' l1 - whirl. eDlth l lH Ilolll" it! " · l'W Yor,k . l i p In It 11 un'lI kn ows, A ch nlD'b ('nnu.ld at tho \f l' l'l lll'h ) \ Ilh' llt "' I\!' ...\ m ••t \(, I1n " Th~I'e orC' so many wnys nt cn t oll' from linin nr ound lil Y h nrt wlllclJ. 1 atb ost holt'ls n 'c('lv(,1! 3S w3\i'es only !lers hurry In and alit wlI h Hltr' Il" eM wa!; Ul1 l\ l l'\~llttl;- (tlllI', ,,6110 \\'U!i IhI't1al '; m 1(.lwu if.... W1H~ WI ' I' t1\' pl' l\' ( lj l "r Ing c rlll1 l nlll ~ ." II · slll,l, 1;llIghl·ng , t ributed l u th r hCu lDlltlsm, n ahoue two <lollal's a month, 1'lpl ,lnl; ot l 1{'~ I'UI1l~: p081Illrn hl'l lI!; ,,!,,'cln l l' nC'1 1 wllh l'nn ~lill'ljjlun , T ill' h lll'C'nl1 I I'han('(' tLl I'airi 11 1I\1(' lIhnurj I III'UII ),;h " YOII Imo\\' \\'hllt 1110 old mall luhl Ills ':At last no y moth'r w ro lo me nnd f .-rvlln ts In Amel'l rn Is u r gre lall ie d II v ry I !tel's; O(fi"NS In 11111 fo r m Is ril' rnn" l ng 10 1i;(\'I' 111m ,"'UI W" MI III tl", I,,~~ uf " IiIl Al'l' 111' :I ' 11"rlh'l1 or nsl(c.t m til (1' 1' D r, W ll l lt~ l~ ' f' l lIlt ",'Ire ? h(l nr ~t s!ll,f 10 him : "8cort /,:ra \'(' 100k l ll g I' I'l;onl! hlth I' bnm tll')'\IJ' (·'h tHli f', "')h' rp ht, n ;:a y 1,(' I lU I 11111111. ! m lt all n of t 110 Europcn n cu, tOlU, I tllli IIUlI In n Bl,ll n t i me I .. ' Don ' l t:lll" J Oh ll , Y ou 1:1l11·'. eny 1 Pllld, an d tlllth('I', 'r h I' nre 1'0nf('1' n('es abl e to /:lI ln ~tr"ngt h, I'llI' 31 J',.t'~ 'I1t f Oll lHI m y" If 'ttl ng b olter ll lld lu1\'o " " ' t' h:I\'(' '1,,'('lal al'r, I ~" lIh'n tR," ever r~n IIfl"r you: with out I ij r esLi ng 0 11 t h e r canonn bl e in sll1a ll om s and tit n ~ nlks \\'Ith h IR han")' ~ lron g \' n., II;;ll til do lillY : nl,1 ht , " fnr nll'III" fnr Ih1l5<> who urI! " '1'I'IIC: uhe olel man nqH cnll'd , 'A nd ~od 'n o t l'U tl lll\) si ne , I may 11<:1' ad d , b asI s of I h r I' Ign hllllilul ll!'llII, a m ilO. wi l li epn,ul ts ",11\) SltM elt a ~~ " you can ' t SII)' t he t r np P \'~r r lln ~ a rter that I consider mYD~l f ller(('ctl r rl1r d, hn.ndl" lll llt'rl In th nt \I'll ,\', uull 0[1 Feared " 11 Ban kruptcy , l arS roll'lOp d esk, CI I'k~ , sl nag· 1 h:l\:& n ot bud III loast sign at th e the mou se. eltller, bul Il Glllll~ r~ b l m I hoy 1)11 11 1111(1 (W " lilllltl II ~ sull ,d h' rnph I' an d t yp w l'!tors 11m' £II D80 sillce :Ind re I b otter now tita n Amer ican Chivalry , P,. s('rlblll g rOl' enst' ~o _ 3, w a ~ thelt' In j ust I he sanle: " I h III In wh ic h IIII' tl l'r,'cl S Iv,,"I .. l1<1t , I ve l' dl rl, F ot' Ulese r (l:l!iOnR [ Toward wom en Ule Amaden n man'lI purt In l h m ultipl ncLl\' l tles, rnlh r ,'xll[nslv l', ns I t w" s. lh nt uf 'I ,,('rJlllls l)' In L(\r rl' fl· ... r c omm onrl nr, 'Will iams' P lnll PllIs a tUtllde ' Is fl ue, Sh is nellher hi s , Th er ' Is so lIluch IIf 1!IlIt It s emM IJIIslllC~ " lUal1 ~ 5 l ' ' III'S old, <vh, WIIS DURING THIS MONTH . IJuek or tho nn tl·Bu l Id,' l urt'1I11 Is to nn )' on a tT~('ttid' t il sarno ns I \\as ," t hat Ihe bll slnf'ss (!Itr· troublrt i to,. feu I' I hal hi" d tty nor hIs doll. H e Simply tr <lIs bard to r M i l ':llllla l I lw w lwl' /I rgnnl zil tl ull of Iho Snl..,\, Dr, Wil liams' Pink P llls :l r sold by Excellen t Ad vice Wh ich Our Reade, .. all b el' w llb deteren ce, 1'118 chlvolry bas rled on co ncern a sol t·dcstl'u ctlon, for wo uld not br. ollOlciOJlt In IIIIll hi m 11011 A rUt)' , whl ('b /WM hlll1l(,s. druggl~ts, srm t by m n!!, poslpa ld u.~' . 0 \' 01' a dull '''II~OIl , li e wus IIlso suf, II1 D1 S, ( 0 1'1"'1 IIn ll colon W i ll Benefi t By: s IIttJe t o do with sacchar ine lIt~er· on 1'(' eill t of price , GO cert PM 1>n1l. II's, In whlrh It ferl ns frolll I hll srI' as mI d \\,(\rry In, six boxcs for $2.. 50, b y th e Dr, WIl, Bnccs, scraping ( et, nnd b ended ('1 111 h III th un fo l'lllllOI C.. U8 wo ll as Now Is th e ti~l o gil t th o rh eu. IIams ~t e d lc ln o a" SclJen ec t.:J. dy. "' den t 10 II IJUSIU€llS " /) n tUI'E', s<> I hu t N , Y. k nt!es, as h as his patrlolls m with h ys· he was on I h tJ ,I i'll. of 8u lcloh.., 'l' be 61'hool8 lI lld 1I',L1nIT,!: bu r<,ous, It 1l 1~(I m alic poi sons aud tou l ncid3 f roUl the t erlcal sill'! kin gs lind th waylng at I'ondue! !; mp l l'l~ u1P n t ltgI'll l es a1111 Is blood UllcI ~ystolD co lon el was not Ill' 'Dll rl"l1 h I \lsslst . stlit S 011 ' eml Dent. Varn l.h Secret Lost, III tO llch with III AIl S lul'!': tl I'm8 nnd Ilulho rl t~·, \\'h o ensllngu lned flags, H e Is, stronger In him wh it t ile som ew hat lurg suOt h n)'s lhnt nh um nti sm The Cr 11l Co nll vam lsh d i sappeared 01'1I0rall ollR, It ~ co nn o(,llo ns wi th ond Kidn ey t l'Ouhlc or bls sil ence anu app ar ent submiss ion r Qul red, \Ju t <II sum led hi m ' f rom do, cU lIsod by lh ab out [76 0. and 80 !Ilr th e r eci pe has to' th e Indlcs of his househ old titan the Ing nll ythl nl: ras h :l.1Id cOllusel ed m od. hosllitu is an d wl l h th o ID' II al PI'O' blood, wb loh orten hccon,lC's sour trom not b eeu r ediscove red, Wh 111('1' I ~ f,'ssl ol1 Is u l~o IOSI), so lh,at I t cnn ~cess r a ti on and s If,co lll ro l, , l ve acids. and olso t lis what to m ost blatant vulgarla u who prates of was a gum or arra nge qll lc kl ,\' rOl' t h I 1'l'U luwl1 I et I do t o m ulte Il all or a d i stillation pu re au J b ca l t hy , domesti c dominat ion , I t Is II, sl o r y wb lch Is o ft l'l1 to ld In Place au! from , sarno plant or a 'hom lca: I~ nut 1J)l ysl cn l Ill s w hl('h so oft"l1 ,II',,· , 111(' 11 G t f r(lm \l il y good proscr Industrl i ption l1 phar, l Ure \\o bl c h rounu Its olin· and WOIDCU !Dames 19 more tb an a pb rase t6 the known, n or 1101\' It was mix d, M any to lit e v rg· or st'lf,de' nlaey ou e-halr ounco t r pn r t In th e co~ of )\;0, 4, a w h iteFluid E xtrll ct tb eorl Ameri ca n m un, H is II1b01'l) ree l' ct es TCGartlln g It h.we 'b n ad· ~trll('tl n, D andelion , on oUll eo 'olU jlollnd [,aI" ,'ancctl hair II Ullin or UO. wlto WUll II ar pen. fo r ~ e r " rlgb ts" ofleu ~II U S('S him La from lim e to time. alld Dod, On e at I h lu ottors whi ch hilS he n , Gon, three ounc cs ' oDljluun d Sy rup :1"1:0 died I 1', H had becn rorc d ClU t of m ' In Ih'30, clu.l m d Ip bB ve FoacrlOco his own God'glven IJrl~lIeges, appll'l1 to th e w Ol'k CIt tho 8 111\'11 11011 Sarsa parill a, lI"11x by ~hnl' l nb In a II10Yll1 ou l 11.1 severnl plac s by young. rp dl ~CO\'e!'c'l I t. A r Tli y Is " oup, oap, 'n h' allon.'· 'I'ho b ottle ond tnke Ilon th e fae or I he earth or upon He en\l)lo)' " I olbera a teaspoon fUl attol' to ' mal.e r IU 11 wh o onld work more rllpld ly, 1I 1~ \' 1011118, but al wo)'8 \'ar· on:anlw Uon t(" cI s t il " hungl';', ar· m eal s ~:td nt I ne 'alets thereon, say s Minna b dUme, and b hnd l ost j obs unll! hI' aw r an ges to r ltIuklng I n l sb ed th em hlmsel(, H is ynmls h 19 hem III' ~cn t.lhl 'Thomas A lltr lm III Llppln coU's. ex i sts ' J ust t ry t hIs sim pl e bluod cl can r nothing fo r 111m bu t Ihe II llUHhollse or yc ry .sllpE'rlo r, B.ll d bl s vlo llll~ <'omand gives r eli gious Insll'uc lion w hl'lI aud ~onl c at 110 more ahh'al rous beIng than lhl' tbe firs t Sib'll of Rll en, Ihe river, H"e w as l ol d or aD aPPal" ! d hlgb pr lc(' s, 'l;h I h e per son Whom II WOIIIII l1l'of'fit Is m ntlsm, o r It varnlsbl u;; y,)ur bn 'll ach es o r you nnd AlD el'lcan gentlem an, tunlty whel'e h e cOllld mllko fal l' pOli shing o( 0. "lblln nre don. In a condi tio n to I' c('l"o I t, Wh en ,I f <'I th n t lho h:ldno~' 8 are not actlllg lIsually by a wom nn, wages and work mol' slowly , al though It r eqlilrl!! limit th e dtls jlon el nt on c:>s co me for aid tho right. An y on o ca n easUy l l r epare 'and pra h e could 11 0t XI) ct [a kOlJp pace wllh A sal n comes a stato m n t going to ' cLi , t I' tb e fin est I n lrum ellta am rll pruy w it h t h UJ If lh!' ~el'slln" ' this mLxl lll'e nt hor ', , young rOl en , H e w us Cont for t '<I nud ~o 11 si re, and If /l Ql t hey t;how th e gr at access of IIl'oeil rlty pl'ny ror otten as 30 Umes,____ ___ __ r cassure d and hns a bnndull d hl ~ Idea them, At uny eve nt , Ihel r IIl'st Oil, 'that has com o to Ui e rnrm el'S at tlle BUTTO N THEIR OWN WAI STS. of se l r,destruc Uon , oern Is t o oc that th y have Dllltllr ll1J 'Country . notably In lhe west, Crom n Had Been Dishone st. ·ald, ,.lIccoss lon oC big crops, Tbe r ecel ~.t8 New York Women Have ,Surmou nted No, Ii bad commit ted a br och of General Booth's Idea, 1roll1 this Bource havo enabled tho Using Persuall ion. - '. Great ObBtacie . trust ; bu t altilous b he had beell di s. Gell, Booth , III h is Pllbllc a dll l'e~ 'farmers to pay ott an enormou s thll Is the anti.sulc lde bllreau of th e owned by the reln t h'e wbo wns nr, 1I1l9n th M ar vcl ous. as Il may seem. New It llOI'lOl1 , BUYS tit callsc s amount at mort 'ages and to put great 'Salvatio n Army. recteq Ononclo ll y. il was uot likely of s uIcide li re ulnl 0St wllhollt uUm' York wom en hl\YO lal ely discover ed a ,sUIDS ot money III the banks. wblcll i This Instituti on carries on Its work that he wou l d he Il r Clsccutoel , He was bel', way of fflst en Ing tb Ir waists up th e explains tbe abundan ce ot fllnds In by letter and by ' telegrap h. 1t Is a overcom e with r emorse and was back wi thout cnlllng tor assistan ce, "But 60me w estern Quartel's nnd the lack \correSp ondence fu rth er back," he aboul add s, to "In take th e 'Thou~ht not lackln.JJ n generOSity. tbey bls OWII IIr when Ms school ot sdve~slty , atrlng Of cnu~es fOl: this III lanchol) ' became 80 tired ~f need ot drawing on the east ror a B reposito OftIie outstret ched, ry of all trouble, Its pat· notice was allracte (l to tbe anll,sul. ~ransact 1on I should say thel'e too palm at tb e chambe rma ids lIupply. Tbe latest moveme nt by the 'Fns wbo call tbat they In person nre treated clde bureau, His mODey wos nil gone frequ ently lies a lIense of failure In now feel t hat It Is time to ['!ftb as much deferenc e I\S thougb and he was out of a job, but as b e Is guard their 'arll1ers 18 toward formlnt; a comblna · ,tbey bad opened an account In a bro. young lind 'a sk lll,~ d workma n , no Lhe struggle or life ; ospeclal ly Is thl., pocke t s, The Gotham woman dlscov. tlon, or 'trust, for maintai ning and 'ke.... olllce and tbe connect ion WIIS trouble was found In getting a good the case with. tbose who have come enid that It 8he put h er blouse on , reculati ng prices, ]s It posslille that IUkely to be ,lawn In tbe world, Wltli posltlon niany, endurin g and profitab le, ' 1 be- hind slde borore, with tbe sleeves for blm , He ha s gone to 'lbe lair o.>t the octoP\l1 Is tn bo reo ~eneral WIlliam Bootb devi sed the work In an endeavo r to graduall y pay I,~ ve, th St ell Is tallen 111 the stru&: hanging free. It could be 'fastene d moved trom Wall ' 8treet alld, other ragl(' to, be good-Io tbe, \'al u ellort to f rom tall to bottom. wltb l-sulclde bureau In London, and back the money wlirlch dIsappe ared the excep' lnaater some. haled evil-Wi th the clan ot the b M!llI at bleb finance and located on Poor Paint ia Expen sive e New York e8tablls hment Is a de- lbrougb his peclllaU ons, ooks at the neck. and the bound leta pralrler No, G was a pllper,ba n ge r, whose lIense or utter helpl essness, No one tllen turned around and the arms v..lopment of ' It, worked out In ac· If one Is rich enougb to ~palnt bis cordanc e wltb conditio ns peculiar to trouble was due to Jack of employ. Is at hand with Huftlclen t sympath y , or lI11pped Into tbe sleevea wIthout nn, buildings cv~ry ),ClIr for I.he pleasure seuse to ' underst and tbem, to wholl1 duly strainin g the (astenln gs, So slm' \' The bnmlng of lbe art treasures In tbe metropo lis Or the weatern world, ment, Althollg h he was past InJddle of h. ving 11 di1nge of t'olor .cheme, ~obn Wanam aker's home,' o( ' m'a nu, Tbe New York way of curing a man life lie was fOllnd to be ac.Uve and the bleeding hear t can ·be laid bare, pie! , So strange tbat no one' ba,d the qua\ily of Ihe used nlay Cllt . ought ot It betore: Or i8 It possible .crlpt Lincoln and Wasbln gton l etter9, of the .uletde habit provided he does proficlen L Tbe otllcers roulld that he So the fatal slel' Is taken: Suicide. In th lillie 6gurt!, Bul if il II desirable to 90 cases out ot 100, must b e the trl- otber wom en have used the plan and of rare books and pictures Impossi ble ,not quite effect bls ,purpose 18 to put WIIa 80 overwh elmed wltb despair t haf umph of despair, cut the pninling bills down 10 the leu t meaply It took au hour and a bait' s tlli k to ·kept It to t hemselves'? Will amount pou lble per ),ear, h I. of Ih. to replace, III a pubUc B8 w~l1 sa a Ihlm ,In jail , Arter he bas been tbero ' "But r will not argile about causes. tbe waist ·that 'a wblle he Is brougbt Inlo court and bring him around to :face life again. bllltons In ' the back ulmnst importo.nce tbat the paint be 'PrlvBte 'los8, Of such object!! no man Can anythin g be done to prevent the now bave a Dew lease of lIfeT Icolded about It and told to go under VIet! m of Robbers . made of Pure White Lead and the can be more than a trultee (or poater· a suspend suicidal tide from risIng? This Is the Robber s bad deprived No, 7, a man ed sentence, Occasio nally be st of Lin eed Oil. There are Imita.• Ilractlca l q1lestlon, And It seems 'to remarks the New York World, ,the court starts a , Coincide nt Inventlo nl, Bubscrlp Uon (or of 53, or all htl had, ,and b e was about tions in the form of .heacd White me that we must supply tbo tdond. rI'he losa of ~ne manulo rlpt l etters reo .him, but that III an exceptio Alniost at the same time two dlf· uad, "nd lhere are substitutes In the nal case, ferent Inven t ors In dllreren t places calls the burning of Major Lamber t'a 'Once In n wblle h e attracts the notice form of re,d),.pr .parl'd pait,ls. h ave announc ed Ibelr suocess wltb collectio n of slmlla, trea!!ure~ In of charity We guaranlee our While uad to be workers li nd phllan. olectrlce,J devices for seelnt.; at a dis, .bevluttl y pure, and the Dulch Boy , !Phllade lpbla ~nlY a sbort ,tlUle ago, throplst s, ~nce, They are J ~ B. Iro wler and .WIl. (III the side of every keg 'Is your ,safe, Most persons wbo talk mourn tully '1\lr, Wanam aker h ad renson' to sup· lIam Ii: Thomps on, In Fowler's dev,lce gu:t.rd. Look {Ol' WBe that h e had protecte d t,he greater , to tbelr trlend8 about Qot belng long four wires are requlrcd to accoll1. him, !part ot his collectio ns t,y a fire, wall for 'this world are ahort on resolutio n pllsh tlie combine d elrect of distant cutting all the art galleries trom the wbeu th e time comes tor th em to SEND FOR Vi sIon and h earing, D et.alls at ilia make good' the threats tb ey have rest of bl s bouso, but the ' galleries opera tion are wltbbeld \ howe\'er , on BOOK made concern ing shumlng all tbls w e.nt wJth tbe rest when t,1l1l blazIng the plea of geUlng aut a patent, E:lch morta l ca ll with their own IJand/i. ID\'enio r uses lhe name •..l'elevu.... 'Wnll of' the bouse crashed throu gh ' Don 't Talk of Suicide. their root, GOOD NATUR ED AGAIN. Tbe mell and women w h o silently The amazing thlug In conn ection give way to, despair arc thos e who Good Humor Return. ' With Change to with the endless chnln ' aystom ot ar e Ilrone to t ake ' their own IIvea Pl'oper Food, prayers, begging l etter8, etc" whl cb , without eyer 8aylng a word about It In advance, Th e allt(,sulc lde bu reau cause so much annoyan ce to, their r eo "For many Yenrs 1 was' a. oon~tant gives them a cha,nce to tell their trou· clPlents and to postal nlltborll. l ea Is bles In sufterer 1rom lndl g!!stlon and n ervous· strictes t confiden ce and to _;._ ~ _-:-_ ' _._ , tbat anyone can I)e lul1uenc ed by, tbe receive b Ellp aud encoura gemen t at ' a nesa amount ing almQst' to prostrat ion ;" dread of I'll fortune betalUn g him It he time when they would not bnre writes a l\loatana man" th eir Iii( faUs to obey the Injllnctl on to con· secreta either to aCQuolntanc,es or "~y blood was Impover ished, the p Mtl 'il _.a ' b' d d tlnue tbe cbaln by writing nine olher friend a on account . of prld e, b \ • II •• ft roo..,.. viSion was I~rre BD weak, wit tbeH L(tlle 1'U1.,. .. . moving apo~8 before my eyes, Tbls Jetter s. Tbe slmI,I e ai1<1 ettectJve way !'lr8t of atl to .present himself to -' Colonel Holland Talking to • , ctln Suicide. ~ a1eo rel1eq J)te: was 11 steally dally conditio n. I grew of stoppin g tbe nulsanQe la for the the conside ration at the bureau wos treia tr'dDl'D yape_ru ' , red, and eventua lly got so reCipien t to drop all such mall. Into a YOlith who Bnld that at Umes he was to take his own lire wben the thougbt' lells with .. t r l end. th e brok en In beart n\II·tempe 4IgnUo1lan4-Too~ ervous I could :not keep my books .I occurred to him ' 1IAtID&. that. per!lalls A Jlerfec;tre he m-overcom with e comfort with , the Inclinat ion to th,e dazed, bewilde red posted, nOT handle' account s tbe w aste basket then to forget saUstac . ed1ror1lltzloeml.NaUftea. seek "the open door" that he could mlghl ,galn strength snd resnlutlo n If creatllre s with u guide. the mO,m~ntar.,: torlly, I can't "t. ' describe my sufferln~s, I IlIOwIlDees. ' J!:ul Tute, not r esist It, Once he had jumped olr be talked the matter over with the fly madden ed slaves of folly with "Nothin g I ate agreed wltb !Jie, till III tile loIou\ll, ~ , a ferryboa t alld on another ocoa8l0n antl·sulc lde bureau, Within un hour thought and , hopes that will ' steady one day I happene d "to nollce ,Grape. " Consul M, K. MOOl'b~ ad. repor t ing it b'r ldge bad formed or 80 'nUer he had told of his predlca· t? e,m. and. n bove , ~~tIIe=a conveni ent all, tead then~ to , Nuts In a grocery store and bought repIate tIllllknreI II. ftueJJ'~ !;Ilw Belgrad e, says ' th'at 'mlnlate r of point ot vailtage ment b e foulld !!mllloyr uent as nn ele- . tne arms or Him tram which be had vator Is still sa,) Ing. a ]lackage out pilot a lofty, building through · 'Come' unto " ,I e, allwho "rlcultu re bas presente d to the sought a water SUllt ya t.hat labor and What' It W~B, ' ' ot curiosit y" to know y gr",ve, Whenev er. ~., .." ',_ Skupsbt lna, or ,nationa l assembl y, for tblngs were going the eltorts of the army, against blPl the and I will "lve Employ you ment was also fonnd that "r IIktl'l tbe tood from tbe v,e r)' tlrSt. ..... ' ratificat ion a concesil ion to be granted 'impulse ,beset Must Be"" , h I " "GenUin,' blm, ,He wns out ot day, for No, 8, a YOllng torelgne r who ' " eating it wit, cream, a'ld now, b,uy employm ent and tbe reeling had ob· Fac.$il1\ilo Signalllrtl to an E ngU sb oompan y for building /l Reseed h'l m, llad come to ths ·country wltll a sman Got Rich Gold Mining, It by the case and uSol , lt 'd ally, J 1' What shOUld h e do? The sum ITTlI ~ '. of money, whi ch h~ld disalll)en red, ~ l __ ~ packing plant at Pa~atchln. about lOU answ er to that IVER George Wlngtle ld, the young mlJllon· Boon found that r;, wal en$y, Th e bllr.eau Tbe hureau gave him ,Grape·H u s ,rood 'was PILLa ' ~~ ll alp and ar. alre or Goldfteld . Nev .. w ent to thBt mHos south ~( Belgrade , on tbe rail· found employm lupplyln g br~ln and n erve force as ent (or him lind he Is ranged for his retuPl . , , , to 'Eurolle on a section t cn yeaTS ago, He wa s thell road to Constan tinol1le, ' , now cheerful and happy. II tlothlng In the drug line ever 'had done cattle· steam ship, 011 ,which he was to yo ul h o( about REFUSE IUllrl tUrEI . 18, He Ioc01l-'d a er could do, • Th ere called a rew ml,nutes later ,a work hls 'Yay, - --'r~ clalius, but was too poor to work them, "ltd ~os~t :o:g b efore I was foman w ell kll.lwn In th-e business ' There w ere four oth er cases tbat so h e leased at the propevty to Itore " eo t , comfort and happl· world, who snld ~e could hardly blame day, but Ih ey were mostly mose Of others, ' 'rhesemost Ol en stl'ucl< 'It elcb and oeas, Through tbe use at Grnpe·N llts m en , who ' were untortun ate trom men who seemed to ~ e more Interest: Wlng1\lJld was a made mnll $0 tar as !(\od ' . ,my dl~e8tlon bad b en res-t ar ed, yl eldlug to the Inclinat ion tOl~ nrd Rolf, ed In 1\ night's lodging than anyt hing money goes, ,)allles R. Oill'Js, now lilY nerves I\re steady (lDce more, my destruct ion, (or hli' hJmself, although else, and they, too, had their rewa~d , worth Geveral -millions . went to Gold· .yeslght Is good again, my m entnl f ache had ",eallil and everyth ing, from field wlthOll t capital. Wh en nmong ~ ties are clear and acute, atld 1 h/lve The tail ors ha ve decreed that eve, .. worldly poltlt or vi ew. whIch beart Meet Individu al Care.. strange rs he n ever gl ve~ the filightes t 3ecome 80 good'na ttlred tha,t mY" IIlng clolbes mus,t be either blue or could wish. and WIIS conn'ect ed with • It Is dlftlc\llt ,to prescrib e IIccurat el, hlni thl\, ho Is a big mining overoior , menu'! , are truly -u9tonl~'II:d at lbe Oxlord gray, Hat, ~boes anel llDeD the eburch , found there were times for all , the cases whloh come up b. :bange. I (eel younge: and lletter when he bad telt almoat Irr slstlbly fore tbem, bilt tbe omc,~rs ,o t tbe bu· Not a Chance,l abould conform . of course, :bB.n 1 blve for 20 years, No amount lilarrled m en wlU certainl y app.... DC money would Impell ed to take his own lite, '!3ucb reau have to vary the " r emedlea to Induco ~Iate I h" !;rlm humor ot the Staten ler wbat I h/l'l'e ~IlIDedme to aurrenperiods of depressi on had eOlne to meet ,Individu al cases, tbtough tbe In order not to lose sight of your him 'when Practica lly ,tbe same tactics . are Island school boy be was sullerln g from who wrote In an .Ie ot Grape-N uta food," Nllme liveD object II! life, It may be well to JUIoVI slight IIIn('s6: pursued In the womCS\' ls departm ent epic. "their fOCI In front. their wives ". PD,t1im Co" Battle lIe <:ould Dot account Creek, Mloh. 8118 that I. I!O' I.OQ tar awal'. i tor the teDcieDCY ID ' aDY w~. but b, or the blueau. whIch la UDder the IIU' beblnd- ble llI&bt,..·-N.w .l'IIe..... a reaIIOD," Read tbe Jlttl" lIorvl.IO D of, Srlladle r B YlII, WomeD Yorktile raW. .-k. "TIle ~d to-WeJl\1Ile." In pkla


~;v: PUbllsl:ers,





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Ina.ER IY'




jr'el'eSL?~avy I~den,







-. mornIng.

,T he Ot he r, Pa sse ng er By Augusta, E. Mansf ol'd


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"ytw y mHn wu s In his plnc rondy In m'J '· ~ . nnd artl'l' a quJlo II lIlnrl'h lh'" army 11 111 10 :1 ..I II '.~, !lel<' I ~' I J,y .telt! u II pon I hI' MO UlH Gllea ll, 1".l'om lh ~\ c rH nIJ1 H JllJII1 . ~ '.)Oslt lon tI l I I)J 'C (!~ or Ih"l ~1 1 1Il llites and ·h!' ,.\ malu·




1: lI c ~ a n' l I h l, s ~ 'o nl'!' dc1'al l' d ' wllh I h '!II coulll 111' se NI ~ ll'ctl'llO " 0111 In Ion;: . Irre[;lIlnl' II Irs III Ih \' all y Il u rl U P OII Ihe oP\lo~ i w h ill Ide:; at ~1 0 :' h, \l' hat mll it t udes th ero w (> re ! In ('o.ll'tl l·lso n th e ll' lH IlIY Wil li bllt a I ,"l' ro IIllr Iru! 1'01' lh e fIl's t I Iom S IIIC(, II I5 lJIe l1 h ud com lor;C I her Gi ll· c'm (I t C t OlI liI n s hn<l o lV 0 r fea r reo n ctcd In fhe lr fa cen. ' ~O h , \.l~ hnw." jm,ulntNI on o r Cld· -n'l. ll' " CIII' I"' u ill S t 0 \\ Itri m I1I~ me n tl GD t' 1I t he Ina t te l', " tlta t f cli ng wil l rll sR \!' I) 'a r '\' • 1k n we b ~g In our assail It uvo a t II" ' ll e l1'~'. " Tltl ' 1'C':lIor k ser ved to rPB SL·ure Clel, ('011 . a nd It SOO ll fOr(;o l his fea rs In tlt ~ 1I0tl\'0 I1 r Cpal'ulIOII S whl It we;o I.l elu g m a d ' fu r the com ing ':onfllc t. At I H ~ I .\' rn hlng In the It ll ie nl'my w,, ~ li l'oll" ht In lO o rder, alld Gl deo o I' ti l' d to . hi s t ' ll t fOI' a IItll reH t. Ilis r pose wa s ~ '1 dd cnl y hrok e n .by II ,'o lce Ha ying UI11 0 h llll : . " 'I'I t(l 1)('01'10 t ho al'6 w ith 1 hee n,'e tllO muny for m to glv the Mllllnn· Ilcs In to Ihe ll' hnnds . les l Is ra e l "Glin t I I II ClO se ves a ga inst me sa:-Ing, Millu O"-U hand ha t Lt s ave d 111. Nnw. thorerO I'e '""0 t o • proclai m In t l ' etl ' ) I~ or th e peoll16 sayl u!: : 'Wbosoe vcl' Is roa r ful I1nll afra id, le t him return and dell,l' t 'nrly fro m !oun l Gilea!I.' '' Starlled nnd aml17,ed, Gid eon swo,l t" o~cd lO ~h o Sr10t. art ,. tho vall' O hDd ceas ed. IIr'I)', hi!!' army \\'as amn II O1lo ug b now. What could he bOlfa rllr if pud were SOllt hom e'l " Rut God hath SI oken,': at last be oxclalm e d. "He who hath promise d vkto ry wlJl glvo It. III his own way," An d In this 81ll rlt of faIth and 8Ubmi ssion he went fortb Int.o the and co used Il to be proolalm ed t hrougbo ut th e r/Ulka of t he Israeli tes th at ..... hosoeve r wa s fearful or afrnld



Lim it, " Til y were s W.ln g out on th e tros ty IIO l'c ll Un!1 wh e n II I' dad nslted 1.1\

A r r rLol n' fonrl IIHl I 1t f' 1' w as hor rIn ed (Oop "('om ),,1 I JIll; nl.tU '~' h(' n a 11:l I'I'ClI- rllll y you llg IlIUII what Ihl'Y we ro " I", 11Sal. g il . In h 1'e u ln n ~ wl tb tlll'nln:; I Itl' can terBall on rrolll pOOL wultlng for II S e,n, /ltUro Au thorlty: - Jud"cs, c\l a p' ~ ullrunl ·'ed U)' I ho denier fl 'OIll wh um he enid th e y ·w fe walling fOI' h S, I'll. u 1" I. 110\\' .. us ~ hc It ols tod ~I rs. C1lrl" ~u, " e l ,rl q u<' n"l cs, lhe stars " as 110"n tur , . v .. ,t 1'6h Iff nnu It e r la r go Ilow r' basI: ton y\lu ain' t .'ot Im ,r!"1 Il WUs I'1I1'f! has('(1 IU b frN' of lin), to s hooL " . d. It mus t l lllV I • • • • • • • • • '" , • • o e •••• o ••••• .-•• 8 11 (' 1t lin wi 'il g - bf'!m n I o l e oot hmu'd Qr a Lond Cl u oml1l 11 u ~ , 1>0 ') 0 yOI' oWn S W CD I' v l ~· ,"Oreat '(leBar!" ' !I.ult, I'm think In'." • oro lls l)' In wllt' r In UI1 0 of It I' cO mpnnl ona with lL Il,e PI'CHC II CI' n ( 8 \'e ral c [t ll· "Two ho urs iUlc r dntl s ho llt ed down "Wc-!I," s:,ill ... ..11, s lowly, "tit 1'0 Wal SERMO NETTE . : {' I'S alld Itt'l' )'Ullnl: 5 II , s lmll. Illld th e YOllIIg 111:111 s o ld th e y weI''' I I' bllrul'n hud al l' lul :- fo und 11 n ChillI OIIC . un a l,k "I)' SO·I·t 0' clla l ~ Quant ity Versus Quatlty ,- • Th l'- hi l'tl' s \'oca bu)i1ry tn('trN l sC'rl to wltlllll !:' fo r 'lIpld III \I . ' 10 s hoal. " hu wa~, too. filII Ma n tr usts In numbers . God de. : "re ma rknbl ('xt III, IW IIt In ""WlI lI l L1ut Snl BIt(lok he:" li cud alit! re, llaino'. but that' ,. fil't e 'al'l\\'r1 ~hl 's hh " H ' rn What balll' '1I1'd alte r Ihst ?" n "cars agl) ant . , pcnds a not nll f on OI·c". • th.w\thln numb' mulll tl IIt nud lhe e r " of 'xt wel'li " Why, dad bo!:a n to sh oot," III' HO. , lng 011 tlte cllrb ollts lde more." h i, alH I l it 11111 )' hRd ClJm til I hI' COli 'III' clIgo Dal ly N·WN. me n, but . t he ki nd - of ;" en, •• Ill e s t:uIlHl·yal'll il l hlll'ln g ·msK. 'I'ho l\'Io l' nln' L -nll r a t thi s june " Ii " wo 'I s inn I hal for 0 !lui SII I,I' of hel' son'ij o! n · cnre Lil lako mol' '11 two lul'o dl sel'otlil•l Il)\\' el' d . We can well imagi ne w ith and tWI what ,pride and confiden mora ls s it e l11us l g t rill uf It. a lt !to\l:;h ce Gld, SLO .... P'AY, ~ f u ," ~ho fln ltl, looklllg dOlllllfuli y at s L\'al g hl.l ool[\n~ grl'un g l'o>' eye~ Ull eon paesed throLlgh th e long It alffll't1 II th <llIlIl'!' h O \l ~ ho lll n o lit' ('ond ue'lO r. ,, \\. , ('rowd lJlllI Ull s o. penrod nhO\' _ ,I and Ox -d ttl ' l11s 1"11 wllit f U ul\'e, " littl e "n\lI ~"I\I('(1I III li S 1lI111'(> 1'011 1, mo· ranks of Israe l's or 10 n ex!. , hlrty. un tit rae of Ih" III\ CU IlSci(! lI s SuI. two thou sand me n<Jrmy-T rn 'llIs, wh'n 0 111' day sho Qllie lly n· who had re o "1'hn.l.'8 lilt ri ghI, 1U1 ~1I." ('1'1 ,I thc " You soo," l \) continue d. "fllthe l t P-r NI I h m o m wlt e ..., lhl' ag e hu n;; . sponde d to t he call. co nlill 1.01'. " Olve u~ hold o' ':I \' bus· h tuo k III 1\ I" Ills t th o us ' o r' hI! 1"1' ·1t ~ <1 upon a ch air WII: .I0h:tll Y, allli Gideon G:lW Vic tory In t hat lIlt lin' j nlllp In! Tlte mol' Iho lIIel'l'l, hllndr.H'6 17li;J d 1l10ther whe n ShE . th 'll'(' wu s IJ III II' ox ru ted all a s toll lHh· . ft l"" my l1Io tt I', e ve n wh e n It's IIdgety wit~ H' ll,vllll; 'J InlJk uflo r him. H E : ar my. ~ saw defeat, Gid eon lu(; ch ,p\ of l,roCanlt )'. Old ladle~ wb o I' Ilev th o te rll ll1U o· sa w 32,000 III d II ' t mind 111) men me ready lng for lJlm lhUl • God " all . ,lohIlIl Y, arc )'ou ie nchln!; Poll saw 22.000 n w to ith fight fcar.. th e jl1urn 'y Ity pokln ' ilt me With th clt· Stlt'lOed 110['1'(-1 wOI'k IIkl' ; hilt I It n';: ' h ~ : to R w Cal' ~ " till' lII ot hor gas pe. 1. II11111r ' lia s ; bl 5 S th ulr heo rts ! 'f1ul re's • ful. frighten ed hearts next to noilod" In til e ' bUll Ihls IJlorn. WOll llln t 11 1'01111 thn to F or 1111 Ins tan t olll y .I ohnll), WIIS If hu lIRa 10 ea l • turn a nd r un a t the ready , flr s't ap· broad t hM 11 rt~1l 0'l' mlno panlc-sl rI!!lt n. a nd the l1 assumed an bad go l tOI '. proach of th e enemy, Yea, and lu', 80 In y glt. Drive 011 . 'hnrlJ e!" hllu , It would c holre hlhl. So whet : as he loo ke d further he saw expl'ess lon Or SlIlntl )' p:lllonc . nnd SllI'l u"" ln,," tCl bls n tl s tOll lod "t(lIld Bi ll I ~ ~ COIll ()~ :l10i I!: une day lln' llUls tilE' : 9,700 men who were " No , no, moth 01'." h e a s~e rtcd In a not \e ~llve II< I'"sound lng 1HIII :H lb ~ bp U Question IItt'algh t. I lllllt BII':llie1's dOW11 • r ig ht In earnes t-9,700 mendown. hUl't LOne . " I was JII ~l t \I1u' It all w ho IIml lhe oinnlbllll ourv round to IL big lIe-~od (or'/Ive mel - an' S07 ' the awt'u l t hing s I ~ mll slu't s ay." Id t hid Wbll ha ll IH that ex hllarlltll lg paoe liB t dldll 't 'nr llb' ~l\t blm , Th en hE wou no endure ;lrdsh p an " Mamilla 's darling boy!" s he ex· only ger Illdulg'u In before nll11J In the "'oes ott 10 rOrC,:I"11 I,urt u-Callf orny 01 n i b claim ed, nnd gath e red him Into h l' da,70 ne, & hI .. d : a 101'11. ng, I chase a thou san , somowh e re-an' I aln ' t neve r heal'~ arms.- K y , Times. and two sh all put ten thousan d ' • 'l'h ' " nox t to nobody" I' fOI'red to ,from blm sillce." to fl laht ," was It broll~od, beanled ma n' ln tI\e far Aa Othe r. See Us, "Haven 't yo u really 1I0W ? " obsorvC' o " Why ? Beca use one w ith God co rner, whose faco WIlS PI I'llall y hi:J· Mrs. Bowcl' II\'lUllath "And do th Am e ricans sh in e In etlcully , " Well ts a majority , alway.. Victory de n by a la rge relt hat or th s lu\JIe 'my 8Isler'I't'la~/'S lIephe th e ir convers ation?" uskl:l th o Int e r· In the world over evil is not de. 'knmva .... "coJonlill," add yet 'Cur the r (rOlD :(ulUrall ll, ' 61101\ldn "8 j us t back vi ewer ot the foreigne r who has reo ' t wonder al .. pendent upon the strength of lIero lied by the 011011 pages of tbe a ll If thoy mi ghtn't turned to his oallye lan d. b ave fall oll ID man, but the power of God, One Morning L ad r, Ho glanced liP , how· wit h one anoth ~r . "Let me t \lll you," replies the tor· Stran ge 'th Ings. tic man In whom the .plrit of God ... ve r, wh n the thr e women we re happen nt tim e . o,'cr elgn e r. "In mLl ed company the ladles th soas-m lgb rut. la better than a whole selUed, and not d the broa s houlders ty stran"'e! Ho's s8se mble on one side at the room and c'oml n' to Ilrlnk Physlcla o- 'rhe majority of my pa. I a nnd strong bands wb \ch w UI Ihe h fld I I all talk at once abo\lt cool(s aDd , t '" J I.t S l I rm Y w oae cfonft' ehnce space d black \Jonnet an.d fealher~ t1ent..s,I . lotsely cup a e a H onr. W t I us Home unda y. h ,vie,lImB. p", .a. R~¢ullar Jt~)Il" t l dresses, und t he mell assembl e at tb e clnallon\~1 n e .rm 0 ea, a one, . You drop \n to . an' have 8 chat .. Had not Gideon climbed up Ill nn ed s hawl anll coa'rse while a pron. with just othe r s id of tbe room and talk about him. I'll be rt' " I glnd to Bef • DrnSglll t..... lndeed·! . 'Whllt Is tbe na. to tho helghta of faith where ho nrc 80 oharacte rlallc 9f til bumble r you," s bou ld de pl1rt for ho me. And all dur- automob iles a nd money." -Llfe. could see with clearer ' vlalon ture th ereof'l ln g . t ha t night aDd until lhe ea rl), c us tom ,B at tbe ' CoYOn t Gardep 110w, " 'Tha nk you !c1:ldi y • Mrs, nower, J Physici an-The y seem to think I and feel the rob of God, AN OLD SEA DOG. er markot, mornlllg tbere was a constan t litre am he n~ver could ha· /e stood tho hOv n't an y eartbly ' use 'for money. 't know but what I will ," answe r ed of men leaving the "H 's a decent chap, be Is," ro· don camn, glad to es· Sal. l tlCR Observe r. teat of leelng over v, two-thir d. of on pe t he certain deteat, 8S they Imllrk d Mrs. Bowel", glv.1u.g Il sJtake. of "Biess " .... a l " Id 'lr ' C hla army melt aw.y, Had he not her t~nthers In the dlr cllon at tho " b L f 'dOU ' lhougl\t , at the band s of the vast . so. n 8. nrp. stood heroical ly by God'a aide Pate'r nal Provoca tlo", '1 hOHtS of Ih (l enemy. until w a or a you wnnt to troub le you I had d ~~~s,~cto r, ' alwnys foll ow 1111 hi s head nboul a I 1I0w di sap peared down tbe slopos·22.000 I. of MOUDt who has been and felt the heart·th rob of hi. Ollead. a nd lert Gilleon 'aud hlB Jl Ule It Is len p. m , Th ey are 81)ated ID " It's a bit frosty thi s morn In'." ob- ~" 'lIlaVa;I (l n' abuuL a ll thelle ' years! :~w::th~h:~v~~t~:u~a~;v:tl~;~ the parl or. " army of J 0,000 standin g there looklDg " IlTl'ed 6764 by wo>· of IIcknow lE'd .... n .. never lave much of an opin io n or 0 "No," abe says, bow ing b el' head, .,. " man who cl1n't with Quos tionlng conlent gla,nces b lmself Int o wltb eaeb by the brook's side, and gone the oompllm e nt whi ch half reach d hl lil t) counll'y wot bas "Pa Sill'S 1 a m loo you ng to become barD hhll, There'! . with the' m to Cllf.l< . face tho vaat army " I, othe r's faces . I . f .I engaged ." of the enemy, " Bllt our God who hath promise d UI .. "Tls so," res'pond ed , Mrs. Bowe r P II i'] 0 me n n London ." U, How many men are needed in t he ,' Ictory dot!} not depe nd upon wltb II cOl1l1rmatory lIod. ,]'h('n to Sal [ ~:r~!t,? e;(~~~:)~ b;~t~~~~ It Is ]: 30 a. m, Tbey are st11l seat' I'~~;,ll, for a ll a commun ity, In • c ity, In a numbe rs ." shouted G.l deon to his cap. In a loud wblsp 1' : "01 blm a ed III tho ()arlor . Just th n th omnibus pulled u , state, in a nation, to rout the but(oll.h ole. bo uquet." lalns standing neal' him, and they Suddenl y, from somewh ere up stairs. .'r fdfces of evil, a nd establli h ' In tllrn t ook ·up t be s hou t so Ihal ,t be l , " l ;vIVo" rel) I~Qd Sal.! proml"tl y alid with a Je rk at thc ? a gruff VOice shouts: ' "Henrie tta, II nd . rIghteou sness therein? word6 eoboe d a nd reechoe d aU over whJlst 87'64 I.Urned . his back . 'With street .nd t~1 conl'ors of Parllam enl atlon ceased. tbat fe ll ow walls' u Iltlle longer you'll the camp, and the sound th reof was, The conlluct or looke d Illvltln" It wa l two strangeonlc. be di d enough to accept his pro[losal . ~ rs In .. ly to waft Cd ou t UllOn tl that great citymen of , Thessal Ie Il Iell r mornlQg air wards two Indy typls lS III whom b e -Royal Magllzln e. who cQuld so work the workl to tbe very camp or t be enemy. consld red he had a vested Intere s ; of God at 'to cause the .evll to And while Gideo n stood lookln~ hut !t was drr und el' foot , noll the fru· Eaally Accomm od.ted. UPOII t he scene and t he words "" ere gsl maid u ~ pr f rr d to walk , so Ih e cry out and declare that "thne " Hold 0 11 ," said t he doorkee pe r at ~ tl ll soundin g In his earl!. tbe vole. that have turned tile world. up. hell bad a s hnl'p jlull and the omnl bur U;e theate r , 118 the SWII!D pus bed Plls t side down are come hither," oC Ibe Lord came t o blm again . aayI\loved all. ' hlm, "you can't bolh go In on thal; i• " ,. Ing: "'t was a Luther, persecut ed "1 orte D thInk ." remark e d Mrs. . thi s tick et Is for on ly one seat." "1' be peo ple are yet too B h I . .n d oPPoled by both church ; "That's all right, miste r. One chaJ r', and r b ring them dow n to tbe wa ler. many °hwcb , "w atlla mercy 'Us l \at those • state, who could ana I Bobby (to hi" sail or unclc)- Aro you b een big e noug h t o hold bring about II will trv the m for tllee there,' anC W u)' our . o wers are sti ll a ·sleep- • reforma tion, It wal botb of III a John an old sea dog ? " Dlany a lim e. ain 't It, Llza?" III' {Ie/)9 t ul II~ tlJl~ hpllt, all' don't : Knox In 8o\)tland and a Wilber. It sha ll be that ot whom I say unto Sailor UDole- Yes , thaI's what t hey take It Into tbelr hends to do tb'llr • And In a 'C loud of • Llza'a best t h ec: ' "Phis shall go wi th. thee. the ca lla me. , b ( In Engl.nd , and a Moody blushes t hey we re gone,-R oysl Mala· go In out e ore twclve or theroabo u ts , •• force same sha ll go wltb t llee·. and of ' In Amer I h Bo bb r~Well, then , let's hear 10U z!n e, ell w 0 cou Id c h .. nge who111soever I say UllltO thee e Ise b ow s hould ' Ife ever geti ' our • tho 'Thl- ba rk.-Cin clnnatl Enquire current . of llfe toward. r, house-w ork do ne an ' t-end to tile obH. • ' 0 snot h'all.go," not go wIth tbe " tbe same shall r ighteous neas and truth. RAT.TLED I\'ITO AN I,iPO!..OGY. dre n 1" M.ybe She Was a Governe .... Lum . thl. leSion then from "Most of,· );ol1rs :\re o lf to sc bool b)l . "Freddie Gldeoll that It Is by tho few In :" she 'cooed, as they sat Agald ' carlle tbe Que,stloD lhls In Oldthl. lime; a ren 't they ?': uked Mra, whom tho .plrlt of God reate, con'8 he llrt\ again the doubt as to on a Ila r k bench and watched the s un • CArp, rather than by the mUltltud ea go down; " lo'red~ l e, do you know what wisdom or furth er r~duclng -bls army; '''Yes. nil 01) 'eur hut W-III1 0 nn ' Malt: that are called togethe r by the and then, 115 barore. oame the thougb.t : It was the wife of th e gove rnor of th ey .a ln 't o ld ello ug h. My 11 11 he'~ popular moveme nt that victory' "B ut God hath Bj)Qkeo. He know- North Cllrol\na suld to th e Wile of th e tlln' on Il no. You sh ou ld hea r governo r oC SOll th a rolllla ?" 18 to be won over the holt, of cth bow he will do this tblng." ADd agai n InobQ,Ue nce to lhe com~ him say Il l~ poetry- pa es ·au' I)ageo "No. precious." he said as he drew the evil, It i, quality and not of ·it. he kn ows~'bon t. 101'118 Qn' carll' b er closer to him. " Whut was It ?" qu.i1tlty that counts. Illand of l he [..lord, Gideo n o rdered the fields nn' such 11kI;'. U's as good us .. "That It wus 0 10llg time be twe D Gideon' . Methods , _ How Iidyance ot his arm y dOWII to the hot sodlls," s he l' Jlll e<l wltll a sl)l\'er. dny "Iii. <t h COtlotl')' just 10 list 11 L() lIlemlng ly foollih from the Hu· Q s tream. And b e 1001; th hint a nti ther start, h im, Oldeo n 11!1l hed the brink of the man standpo int, Trumpe ta, I I . "We I ," announc ed Sal. " I gJ t oul ed {or (he nearest d rug s tar .-,fudge . pitchers and torchb! Old eve r I' " el'n advance at hl a m en and bere 'for Rochest ('l' Row. See yo u Sun. army g'o forth to war with such turn ed to recol \'o th em, wonderi ng The Modern Shytock , day, . 1111's, Bower:' fpollsh equ ipment ? Here WilS the while what tb,, ' LOl'd's purpose " Pl ea8 u wnll) up 111:- Ilurc h;tses ," ~7G'." U1i.(lM the 'bus wl~h l\lu~rl y '. the Div ine . wisdom . manifes t, Wl\ a ('once rolng t heUl, And · t he word sai d the grouc hy cus tomer, 'and .passed dOIl'n .tbc,,bas ket. :but. tb y • Here wa. stratege m . which only ~r th.e _Lorq came to Iblm agaI n , SIl Y' " \\'h)', I'V\l done .so," rCIJlied th e hall 1I0 soonel' sturtEld ,?n agalll than : fa ith In Go~ co..:ld ;. '..I1~~l'o~yonG th at 1~;P:t~ .-~;:~ .. wa. cas h groc r, tbe" bearde d 8 rangor dlscover-e[1 that • possibl e, " The man have made ."'BII!!" who real, "B~g pnl'don. but YOIl b a ven·t." re.bad ,been t he pre cl 0 poillt wh re he • I:iel that he must fight In God's . , IeI' 'wlth his tqDg ue as a dog lall peth, t'tl'l cd 111() g. C. stud ying 1111 onsclol1sn MS' ahi! d~voted hall "wBllled (0 alight, and sfll'a ng out : strength and not his own la the .: !JI m shalt thou set· by himself; lik e· his whlllO a ttel'(lIon to allmlrln g l be. acoordln gly. " Wh at. hnve I Icf.t undon e lip!" "h II. nil r ight agilln bet ween you?" . . .., • man who is 'w illi ng ' to use . tha • wlsll e ,'cry oue t . I . . I "That thum\) oC ) ' 0 11 1'8 that you lmt bowetb down • "Oh! Yes! .. , " AdIt!11'al...,. · d\llpblos , s!lo at w }!e seemed (iOll b'ttul • frobl . ar .meanwb lll" "!J:id \Vnlke d on vi I • !Simple, Inll It :1011 ' hi!; ~{iretl 0" lI~, N k ." , gniflcan t things to • we t" hcd up wllh th o butte r! " s norlt'd 1\el' bn ket a s prig 'o f scarlot goranl um hoI' burde n itt th:,tt ] Jla ld [ was sorry 'for hllvlllg (1\11~k nerVOIIR PIlCt ' . confoun d the mighty. • lIud thr 'e white dn lslcH, which, w:lth churaote rlstio of wome InslantJ~· QI~eon ' saw' tbe purpoBe t h o g.... " I wlln t It Il1r dog lIIeal. lilm Intb ' t h'e b eJt~i' Lhllt' ( , l' L n who are dO- : . ~\ lt.'·1 • oJ' GOd. He I'd 1 I dls,nove r who was Wrnl' It "p! "-,ilt III . gr eUed ha vln v reconsid ered Iny decl· n, f ron d 0 r tl 10 In ~ ' ~u ma n· IU 1', Iltg sOll1 eUII:t~ be Y01ld their 1lt1'e nll th, •••••• •••••• •••••• •• 0 • • • •·• 80 Inte nt UpOIIwould tb· Lorll's uuslness as · · she bonnd Iln uly tOl;oUlel' and laid o~ Sit ,It , was 1\ minute slon not 10 lal; bacll Bomethl hg r hlld o r t wo bw ' THE S'T9RV, Stung, to ke~p Ills eye Illlort UI I! enCln)" while sn l'd - 8o J IllIlde him aiIOloglze;>'1he .t rny of It. ~ bl\~k t whIlSt ' sh~ al", ( ~sengel' cmig ht ' up to her. W HAT Bf,lII l'l a vo wave lollt. ConUClu of ' c\ltbus an .lasm I.ook b ere, Brooll l ~ n Lifo. thai h e bnslll)" rorre~lled himse lf wllh the ranged a second .spray resc mbllo" . ' th, nl louls ! ' r .... an." some ot ' ''e n .. II you 'h IIs 00 lw d me fl t OI' U 811111111g last week CO~I' edWUwh Ul tOI". n '.And ' wns W .I c. swe pt over . (hilt \lor' IlIlly histea.d o( Ihe flr·s tln ·Qvery pnl' Uct\lar, he saw ~~ IIt'lIe banddis· \ ot gevulliu ms dC YOUl'S. , As b ig a bun.cb Ucm ofls ra I wbl LlI Rugged Wrist Exercise, llr Ih e messeng e r!! 200 men, bls faith laid hold of God be cn use )'OUI' fliUl or wus In jaiL and Her \ask . wlls . JUSt finlallc d when ' Oil YOU've go t;" .,. 1 flll'l how I ha ~ your father I~ a r<:l!:u, ' or Gid eon had gone.' Th e story at " I henr ttiut' Bowma ll '11a8 taken up tlia conduct or convonl nny , ~tur!l~ I It Sal stO ll ped, and liftin g " 11 llle tray his . ol'orthro w of Ban i alld tb e the l'lolln." w l. lIe w power, Bud, be, ,kl19 W: i.hllt lnrly em Illoy(),1 plumber. J rUlllid and sll e b anded ~hem to , bl or hel' baske t. l)rodUcetl her flowe l'". lIns ' 40."'11 of th e gl'O\'e, Young stel~ 1 know: 1111' ho was In " Yes," he WaB pmell cln g '-the wrist toge~her with tl,~~~~~' \ was, to be~ls, . ," That's ' j>(lu.r~:! .1Ihe , ~I\ id , "and the ' • Ab, Ule)",· r 0.1 ·~ell \ltA O!l , t hev, are.! bis .nll .lo IBruel to. throw jail al Ih' tlmo mondln ' U wate r pi 1:0: moveme nt rOl' eevel'al ' ho.tlrs off the yo:Ce ' this T he night II dark • •Btlch Ii nl"ht as Qther's for th ' d.1'lv6r." . L, d.on't -aaL any cbango, " mornin g." ~ " aD'd he or ' tbe M'dlnni '"ad stl. rre d' t 0 n ew brin gs' oftentim es tile , . tes , ,. A Belated Acq ~a lnta n ce .. "My word! , Ono tor him , too i drOIJII d, a soverel ri .. ,fo rbodings ot !nlo bel' hand. "Good tor blm." hope, and flchtlng men'. Ollt ot the dange l' to th e wicked. Fir~t Bonedl ct-I only got to 1I 00w Shoft t 'Wo be 'grand! ' Folks w.u, thlnk and to ,tbe 'She stlLl-ed /It the coIn ' th on .nt ,hl*" trl.bes of Matlasse h. " Yes; hi s wi fe made blm beat all ,\ sber, Zebulun ' rlghtBQu (b6' con'ftden t tooll ot as. my wife three months beCoro 1 mar· ". t hls ,'bere ' a :sql\I' ~o ~lw!ld"I~'," ':~III l," s he , gosped , "Ji:s li0U,! 'r hllt and !"al1hth all Quickl y rnllied around Ihe 'rugs be for be went to work ,"surl1nce U1at God rllle81 ·ID the dark· ried her. " It' 1l to be 'Sal'8, ' th~D: " sal(\ wllS nevor )' 0 11 In Illo 'bus ?" and Ilor tbe standard whlcb Gid eon lind se t , Qcoll d Bonedlcl neS8 ' as . h e da M in t.h lt Itght. , '(oh e [ only go t to kno w Chlc!1go Jour~aL Mrs. OQwer: Inughlag. ·, "Cau se we've weather ·worn faell ' took the ....;;.- ' -_ _-..L_ bue bt III). ,TaII!Fe . Is en ' oU I'agem fit a~'d ,'ust army b oth got a man ,at bo tnj!-hav en't or the .lIIldllllllles are 1)8SS' mine t hl'oo' monlhs uft('r I married Where the Shoo' Plnche••. hpr flowers. e nth usiasm In numbers , and as lhe , In·g · tile bours In!' troubl ell drealns. ber.- noyal Magazl.n,e. r.~r8. caql ?" " ". ' ,'" ' FIrst Mllgn a~e-'I'hlll problem ' or tak, " • 7': ' !:S lIt 'It wliil, Lhough, my girl- than I! llttle nuclou s whl cb GIdeon bad at ",WIt) GldeoD and ' bls faltbful lit t le " We haye," ,a8Sel)t~ Mr,a, .Carp' l, In g ca'l'e of the pOOl' Is a bard one, my lucky JI~l\r,! .1 !)Ill,w 'N~l you bnll,l , tM first gathered No Chttnce For • Kick. about. him grew. to baDd IB surroun ding the . camp, . ~hat soemed to cO",'o~' tbe .Idea over lbat I.he re baske The Owl- Twins. e h? Ain't you . 'Second f.1agnat e-:Mosl diffic ult . It's t. tor I'm gain' to tie ·1.000 and tben 5,000; tbe n 10.000, . Sudden! y , upo!l.,tb e qui etness of tbe afrsli l • Ill.. t ,tbolll>J1 ,husbn:n ds . }Vere. qU!lst\on- t ~k" t\l ~t ~Io.n~" aD'. I'm '1fI~hl n: tit they' ll dlsilleas e your piitrons7 easy e nough to get moqey l roru tbe m, 20,00.0, ·then 30,000, and stili they 'ml dDlgbt tbere sounda 'a ble bles~lngs ,Yet no selt·resp ectlng. take ehargo 0' YilU Lbe t rump et The Stork-< :er tl1lnly n ot. Cu pid b ll't It ruJns them to give It back .aa well. It 10.l w.ere comins In, .the spll'lts 'at tbe m 0 blast; Life, ,. there comos ,tbe cras h ot . Ibe says hc oCte Ilower.w olllan would be wlthlmt "tliat· ba'veo1t objl)ctlo nl' n . hears 'em .teJling ,each lj'?.!Iel.un til GI~e.l?n. was scarce ahlo to steel . Qf a UllgJ:tty, ' appenda g-a. ''1 W(\ s · j is t golll' to tell army: . tbere lIare s , otlie r loat two can live , And sbe badn;t. 1\8 'chel\ply rel\Lraln th,elll frOIll an' .hnm ll dlato ad· tot'th al1 Progre .., you about Jlm' I~8t Saturday," she con, the moulltal n'a lde lbt' 1\8 one.-Pu ok, '. I " .,'. , I, "anoe IIPOD the e ne m y, ~hlOb at tbe torch lightsaround Blacks mitb s torge ahead, ot an ad v.a n(:lng hOlt, And tlDued .ns 11'164 dlsallile aretl '.-'l1l '1lfe I H.rsea. S.ved .by a Dog. ,.Ilrst . warnlag 0" trollble In' [srael, had thell theTe rlDgB out Mone~' lend ers advanoe daUy, Peace at A'ny Price, 8t el\, 1Y.I\b ... J.bEj. d~lver's bti~tll.nbole,_ ' · tbe cry: A .New. iI.~l;aey ,f al'm laborE' r we~ ,te be~n gatherin g In tbe Real estate m e n gain ground, valle); of jez· Burglar -Your money or your lire, "Thl)' · iTYo\I'{n~w .ll'ow l't P6u1'ed? Well; be it sword of the Lord; and of Hal'bor City l!6 d6 sOp:re s h'oPlllng reel. Gam blers gei. t ho upper hand.' ' S leepy Fathel~Take both : bnt doa't liMO aa' bought a ' whole i:>ai-relru l 0" Gideo n!" . . when 11 e~etl , Iroc a storE It was · not strange In the face of Tailors PI'CSS ~orward ,-Jul\g\l wake the ID ba mad by.-Ro c aulIJlow er. ltllal' bllautlell . terror, yal the MagazlD ' bo81;, e: of t he Mid, ,. had' IIISR1JpCared. No onE such an e ncourag ing outlook, there· lanlteJl , flee In the, fl'em:y. of ,despair, • y ~akt tb1ntl"Wh&t 8. ' Lbe dMvel'le~ horsos go' d fo re: . tbat GIdeon shotlld have felt and every m a n's , l;Iword III raised A eunnlng Ma n, t'hat barrel did _look wllb them aJl It WIUI tbQllg t \hat Econom y. they Mrs, Youn,;b us bllnd-W b)' "Rulisle s, do you k now 'YOll an ef· lacked Jtlgh uPfm " 1 ! ., 'rhebl '/lown stillen. · 'rne Inb " walked had bean some de gl'ell , of s!llIBfa cUon ·and conn., against bls follow. BO that tbere was cao'e honte sua donco liS he watc hed h Is army grow. slaugble r In tbe camp or tb~ Mldlan: toct \1 good deal of II. saVing merely you Btay at home till s wet morning , I'omell tlltlt WIDd all' , raiD, .&II'.. he (l\st;Qvered '11M.. ;j;be IIp-tW8, c:w:, ,,wllli and as he pa86ed Ih rough tbe camp Ites Buch a,_ , waB"lle vn Jgu)pn beforo In Ule ' mBttOl" ot lII{tlDII your COlli Geor ge? Your employe.r can gOt alona ~oe8n't get 'olIl covered lIll In time, also miSSing , Some day. llilor th(' nnd noted -tbe eager.. bOlleful faccs of or wit hout you, . " s Ince, IJ'blUl did OI~leon and' . bla Bt hes?" 'DfL' e .JIIl!olo- 19t of ,'elD' g~tII l ~ped' .dill;'; rQtUl·ned . \0 I t.llltl. lar,tl\ • •9~, " ome bls nlEin ' an" h~ard t heI r wOrds oC George -I kDow It. but I don't waat "You bet [do, ['ve !IIl'!e,1 m"self band prevail agalnat tbl~ nllgbty en· weI' luto the slush au' gct~ 81l0!lll fOOd a nd drlll!t and starte4 away, barl · _uranc ll liS they talked of tbe com· Qmy and br~n" ~ellverall'ce to 111'801. a good deal or lime ~nd a lo t of ~IISI.)' him to IIDd It out.-Ro yal lIIagazllle: I~IB~ Uke blm. ,'fo'u.·t it?" • , . ". as lurlou IJ'. He WIl8 tQIIo« d and In Illg conlllct. be cpuld work by Dot IllfUull . rulne." not h elp but "Ab. 1?lIt you ,Bee, It came OD 10 Iud· a piece ot woods sever&! miles away say wlthlD hll own beart: . Undy ing Lovi. leo,lIl1e," roplled , fotl"l: ' Bower woo!h, the'teM i wa's .dfgcfoye Nd. .. ~ fIotoIIe!. ",Surely we could oot fatl to wID 8be-Wo uld you l'8al\y die .tor me! IIIIly. "I IQt a Jot 0' my: 1Iowe1'8 ISI;OIIt. h1id ~edged fbe . WaBOD betv,-een lw,: With ~lIlub an army," He-,·o, .doar, 1 ",o)lld DOt. 1-'1'1)II1II1118. , . mod'l worse than the 111111 ' when trees and there the1 had atood flvf That Dlaht a. t:QancU of war WIll She-Th ere I 1 thoualU TOU. woul.c1n·' Uke Qlat. onGll wlthollt food or «rip. 'l.'he, decldod that an ad· talk of 10 _ .,cr~~'" 00Ilt!ou I4. the ~Ii: tioJra . ..... Hif-'-My d~, 1D11O" .,..,-" ..".. .~_. earl)' ill &b I








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,' n":crllill!or

J: O'r mcr

~t:s1tklll s

M rs, EUa Radl!r ~larricJ Splt:mlid 51;..1' l11on Preach - I Hi'th Anniversary of I h ll \'" "Fllw 1 )II~h ..'I" p il I '> 1." '\1 , LOCAL AND lilt.:' "u.. 1 r;\II"II h'I L, l \JlI1 <l ,,, ,'11', .;:;: t il LI!IlHly H c ndersOIJ, t:d to Or,aduatill'g' Cla s Mr, and Mrs, J, 0, PEI{SONAL MENTION I ~ L OI IIlIiIlU' • "'III ~

It, F'. II, :.I .

1I 111' 1I t1lnl( II"' . ~l" \>;,.111 J-tlld ,' ,,~~ /11111'1'1 II Cartwr_ig_h_t_. . Dr Mlloy, d""tl~I , wi ll ilf'lli lillI', 1")1I1U ...,H:t'IlIlIl' "1(l\l'I tt\I'~ li t II,,' III ...~I II\'tl ftl \rlhh ... ~1.' . 11,11107, ul· By Ht' \'. S\I~J:'y~~:~;~;~~~' na y lon, D,)JI ' t PIIY AhllHHlV W bo ll MI'. lIml MI'~ .• 1 n. (" Irt,. v ,V:lb ll rt~ IlII II Ax l W I) I It . I )hl ,l J),' nt4t1 ( ·... III'IIi' 111 ('ilwin ll'dl 1 0', ' \.1('1< . In M .. I,PIllO\' l:h I Hl\,r~"II, ''') be llivorue(l' ru m Sllt)r' IIPIJ,ml1ly wright vlltnnot1 to 001 bru t, t,h, uu· I II " ' tI'Y I, hool 1 t i. 1l~t01 I1 0 r.v 1'hnr ~dll~' "'\lolli lJ ll, tb,' ~e n it\r ,,1.,-" H !,"~ Pllilip ~'rout IIllk'illtin !4' For BIIl c1I1 " t,wlnl! !! P n '~ hn)l 11 t 'l'lh' r wid be lI O ocoll siun 101' It, It pr l't'ntOtI Dr. 1'. I 'with 1111 1 I Ill' wed,lI ng \Illl k pillce III III\' fur II", IlI l'mbllfs of t,he gmdnllt,in K lI i vO l' t!I~t'y of tho lltl PIlY Aill.,>, cl uy of ' orwln , ,\I J (i .. lt uo w, el t'~ lln t gull! wn teh 11011 ('hn ln hon1l' lIf I.'IU h r hll' i ll "ll'win . Ohi,) , 'III~~ !Inti the t,enah rs 10 'utl n Il Iivll yonrs ugo, t h e invit,lltioll!! W re you K>;'ep y, ;ur buwel!! re .. olllr whit Mr . \V . O. Gnstln, Jl I'Ovrifl t nr lit T hi !:' W itI' li S tI .tnk SlI of 1111' hhdl I n I hi' PI' ~1)11(' il l hUI /l 1'.. ", of I h,' Divlnp S(l.f I·iCl\ toguthel'tll Hocdlly J,:i\'en i n t h 1l11lst Intur mu l Illlll1ntlr Or . King'A 'ow I,.lfl; Pi.ll" . 'I'hnlt· t h l! ull!'tln Iiv n ' lIur n, I!! Itt lill rn olltefml un ci. kiud\.v fpelini( \\'lilC'I1 1 ~!lIl\l1 l hll l O r oillt i III' lI f bllth IHlr pn'l'fldlul! t.h ' 'Olllnll'tlC lI1 ('nt ox· hy t ho lilt! uf I,ll indl lJ IlRll ble t.elo /I rc1:~ SU nlllll'itll1l II I M"rt i ll ~ "I Il I', fi ction itl 60 Ittll\ r.le\~lit th opd'1I' hlx lIllo.1I . ~hitl 0 Ilple b Jievin g . t hrll il rrt ~B!! ha d exlfltl tl f I' t,h .. Doctor h,Y 'hI' ! It '. . II l!l nI!PIlI[,,;,q to !On y I hll t IhiR A I' V Ih 11' frl e n ll ~ wou lt! nn l. rt1Jnomhnr lod hlllll, t41k\ll/o( I rf'IIC/l I"n t jl)r rho ll n ev,,1' h ilN UlIl Nl' tu " '" ke t.h t' I.... !!! I Cl It1!4". wh lO li \\,Il ~ un tinu'~n" ll \' I"I'I!" '1'1,., hrlt lt' il' th " ,'ltI" I' dutl ' h tll\' If nOlllpllli nr,. 1~ \l(II'III\'I".'l lJy Fnll l I : oue. d uring th e f nnr you rll of Ihl'il' t,h .. III I,*" tHrum 1(,11)" ", Ion I( ,. ·,,"1· h'l' I~ nlwlIY" of iol p ro~t. , hnt t,hll th illite so In tol'pt<l,ing t,l the m bllt ut ilI i~ 1\I . I h M . I!: C'lllItoh MOltll' of t hem COlltll1lting' t heir Ko " . ,I. Ii' (;11,1"'" li lt ,1 .. 1' ii<" tl'1' 1II1· S(,\ , WIII·t;" I~1'111!gi~t, ' :!5p Try t,II AII" 01 0 a 00111 tion togethp.f . 'It'll Cl II;" n II OIl tlr n~ lh' r O) I1 ~ hlllllllOl<tI ,.e n ·iNI h oi, I lII U IIWI'lt'H tl u,l Olden 1 1' , ue hied log t,h., lIon l1,,1 KeSSI'''' ,, 1\ Ill<' .l!: P I~ ' . Dr '- WilY lIlI !I fo r t.hl rteen Y"lI r" own n f 'urwi n , "!lll till' dMljthtAI' SIlI1r1IlY ('\'{\Uil1).; ..flC(, fIl r1 III !41J('oiu I thllt t il iu ll rb Ilf ~ II V WII !! Il d,w plI,l Dioo",," ul' H'",Hh Cl I'1l 'Ihlo ", I> i ,'h been 0111111 0 !"IlO wirhthe Ohln.Df' Ill nl i" III aytjr y Wil Y lin h Ollor tIl IlItr Inf,'rl'. t uno! h eI Jl t \1ltw s~, Ih. \' I" Hr.:' ~' n, ))1".101' or H.lIl'e r f'l nlvr o thun Ilr!1in'lry in t r·aRt. ror IH in ~n~~IO Il lit. 'h"'i lln ll l,) ti d!! W'II'I< Colll'!g( lIod 111.11 bl' n IUl'g~l y lust r u filth 1' . AlwlI, HTh In I:IIInlllLHHI'Hlm i:h u) 'II r' t. \vf i ~lJ t . 'I'b iH 111\,1 M r'~ '1lIl wll ll llrl,r 1:< VIsai ng l~ ·'i nt, wUh plll'll liri ~t'lt!ll oil fur Illl mentlil III re ta ining t il£' hIgh -t nd !-\lw WIIM l~ttil 'I, 1} ill II hhDtIMOUW M K l'b 11 rnl. 'LII' 0 11 ) ' tim 1'01'll\PI'Iy JIll' ,1 1111 [11 1'11.' lIrd of t he Insti tutilln . I( rn ~ !lilk t r"'\' e lin~ ~ wU,lIun Wlll' Il Pr""icliI1K ElcI,)1' of tlw Hi1I~10 I'U tlioll)!;ht t,ook t .lnglble' fo r m in II frillnd .. lit Xil ni'l . . oll t,I'IlIlu wnl' k 'J'bilO 11l1int 18 of Frllok AnMlu, \\'ho \V II S ()n ~ of II h l',ll'k hnt. uIJ n hlH weodillg j o r· Dit.ltricl, ot til M. E OOllI'U\t IIl1d be'l \lIifulgolcteu IL k rn k 1' , w hi 'h Killion '" ~ vre II t, C m'W l1I i!< " ll' :" h lll~v ,v boll y ancl n eedtl t·hinning , n (1 \' • I.wl' nty ~. I\ r~ II ~(J )lll!\lol' of t h . tli~ frumds II' $e,.t erl t·o Mr n nll Ihe hllppl at of lI)1 the hlq) p ,~ BOllw .,JIlr,.. Curt wrigh t, VI!ry . muoh to 'lUl !!r .• III"t, li mme r, hu~ r pr.l'lI lh' J'lt r' g r~IOIll htl " Ilt' n livi ll/! 1\1 ~1 ('\b .. dl~t rlllll' b lit \\' n~'. lIe!\Vi l l l', lh -il' !mr pl'i , . y I, t h y nppreoi ll tp i n ~ " !In'lI t l "'I'~lIi ll fIll' l!tlxl· ~ lI tor ' It tbl\ ~ 1I,1uflilleli lU i r ~u\lnoU\lcl\l d (l ~ t b,' Il '!'IIl'Y will ~r i ll WII\, n"",' Illude Ililother s tri rl lor wa rri V",,!l i ll gt"" I) . ' fn r two ' .1'1'11 "!I II ,1i\'>;,rtJci ihl! . '1'IlHHI i o l-hll t!l1I ~!'. This time h~ bll8 be~ n ,p 'llolnt d wl\l' I'" h. L flI ll ll lo\'PLl in th e ' Plm · tukill!! ~or his tt x t. pU l' t of tho 1::01,h 1Il,)"t t h orough Iy t he rellle m br une, . viII Cll rl ni u " ..)' ~ I 'o rll li t. :; ~ffi n t,~ Jllllnay. t si" f1 Llfl ll" J'hllllnt 'of th G over ll. vpr>l( or tho~, un,1 chllptt!1' of I·. - ,; I be gunst~ I' n,torl'r\ the _inlng 1\ 0 ' '',1 h:"("'~' ,OIl y 1; II O w ~ nil ' '1\\ uli Colls lrootlon En gi no I' fo r u lango I :hl n8 go C". ompu u:v, with t erl'l t.n ry ml'lIt 1111 ,vhpre 110 b., ho n I'll pl'l 'tim thy, whleh 1't'f1dH: ":';tntl,v til r0(1111 Il ",1111 11 hlll ll It of wooden t:r 01 th l~ IIf h ,'I" l\ llIl lIt. t it ... pncft it, lit, 1,1) ~ t' ll lik e t h ' I'l'luArhi,,1 (~ E'llt l (; lind Et1\:ohve, extondmg fr om Uln oinnut.i t.o . Ne w loY prl1 l1lolted ull I·il nllw Ite 0 II pip;; 1<\)O\\' , I.hy "'If "PPfll\'I,,1 IIlIlu t.JlIll , " to 't h piokH W 11'1 Il,mtl ,I t o erich II r · oug ~on ,lith i.lla HI-t ruc tiou!I I but cw. "' h u, 'U kli .. 0, worklllll n tbut l1"I'uulh 1I0t til h " /I w,1I kl""YIl MlIllitohll edit.or Orlean Ilnd bendq uart,ers a t, Knox . I v I'y l' spf'llRi bl e l'oqil,ion .11 t II lOY t un A H"PFol" t-l .. ' u p" \\' UN ' givan lIt1hll lll It." ~ w r ;t.o : " A ~ ,Ill in ~Id o worker I tlml ville . hnnd slllnry MI' A. Edilh Rll r ri~ WI'IlI to! I 'i n . The chl11'C:h "'" ' l'l'IlW tl UII II ll tl 0 ,', liS n , fepl.\' to lin:\, q UIl:lt ions lI ~ k ed I '1I,III1\)orl ll lll ... iit ollllloh 1111(1 Liver Mr . Anstin has livod for se venl A~~ r co n ~ Tllt.ul tl t ion s fr om ·t IHI onll 11It'k TlHlflt he !;ivp n fr m t,b, oi llllal i 1\10111111 \' In plI ,• •, [ II ,','\ ,.1\ year8 nt Straight Vrook . Kfot,noky, gn !\t~, Mle brillll l pnil' leu t h .. WII " 81" l W n '~ '('l'I nOIl WII!! f nll I f 11l11pful HU I' Ply. 'I lli ~ 0 1'0 t N l fnu oh flH' rri visit. to Ullr tI/lu~htlw: MI'~ 'Ji'l'U II I( '1'",,1 I ,~ IUVII 11111 1,10. fur the tOll o hl~" where he wa!l s tationllr " Ilnglne f0r to tb", di nin g r001ll whe r t be tll h lr t h o l\ ~ I1I 11 II ppli (l.dllt t,(1 f'Vtory lllH'l1llll 1I11'lIt., tlK wit h th o m ost wllteh f nl l'IL.d OlI', ",II .. I r1l\ " 1'~ lit( 111·1\ 111' p" rto It 1. · linll ~ IIIl"" I1l1lUrtll to 1<OOelll .. rv ,I'" t·llUil' IIIlt.iuu be ing geut,le IlliJ .. hll'ge llillnnfll ctnrml! con e rn, WI! , pre/ld wlt,1I n f lI llt nit-Il hle \1\ t he Hndi oll ell II ~ IV II II ~ I.') th " so fr eq l\entl y t,li e nnswe r of t,lI e wel' l, f,lI' Bo~ tllll III j .. ill h, I' .• t},,,,.tl\'o nll!lIring fo r s lloh, o.n OOOIlsion anll t·h e t ', hIe 11) ('lII bur8 of th e g l'u ,h ll\1.iug c' I " ~,, to Lho dig Nttvli w,'nld b. ye~ 01' 1 ,11) r..I r . J o~e ph 1111!<hllll tl, "'bo b ~ Iol'e l. t hel'll 1,)1' tJ.... t, II nu th" blUIf\' '' Price, ~ r'Ot.II , The friend/! of ('hllrleR /:1 , Mool'e I1 IHI r<lolD S were ta stefull v d C01'llt, which it WII ~ f l" 1I1,ll' ily tlddn'l'. l'tl. 'l'h e oil ,iI' of Ib" ohnrr.lll'nl'nh:lbcU ('hllpmun WII Ilwal'cl ed th .. pr ize lot SOtl l ~ Hn' .' lin d wh \l~p. work w1l 1 H, " " pltll.! frl'o . ,I , E ,Iuoney, of th ll United !:iult es BurRan of 'or e d wi th oa rnll tiou s lind r o r . . brlVing wo n th e Itl l'gflS t nnm bor of k c,' p h im the1'( I,hrou/( h Ih e SIIIIlIll r porll t lOn s, WOl'hing lon L . C, will. Th o bride ulld groolll wer e (' !! sp"cilll lJln ~lo pioks . . Mrs. Gaorg~ B"wke r e pvrt -------...;.-------------~~-----be p) eosPd t o IlIIIrn of furtb or a d. oort d to th o depot lit· Ii o 'oloo K bi fld 0111.1' two le ft.. '['hI:! con tits t end. VllnCl'ment that, bUll oom to blm. th n1emb r s of tb e Order of t.h 11 rl "p~ J,:ootl wllrk ",il.h n,' " If.''' eel. t il Jn1l'lSti'" t' l' IIl\ kell til rel)I\lr Mr. Moore haB been appointed t o EJ\~ te rn ' tur who remoined wir.lI undertake tb e InveHt.lgotion of t h thflm lind mllde li fo " or tll livi ng ( ?) 1I 1\1II1I1'S ~4 rro ll :-ic'lI l Pni ll t. ~,h l II.., ttt t lU' fr lit p r " 1! wl:!' r fish l ll ~ (b~' m ~lI n~ of II WI" don SpOC'll lIud' lumber In .M.1ohiglln and Whl until th A trnin lim o which hOT! ' ,J. I·; , ,I " 11 IIPy' Ifldl!') III tuh .. flI led wit,1I "/I\VdUKt· oon,.ln nod will spend several 'tb m happily It\'i'lly t o Wn h i n ~toll W UlI inrl nlged In , li n d ",li"n two moutbl! In' t,bo II states ioveRt igltt- D '. wher e t he,'" will mll kn j,h ir Three Hundred Years "8 oop l'cl ollt " t h 8/11\1 kind of !ng 0 nlllt.lOUI!. Th e work is very hom 1'. aod · " here I h e very !.lest, Of C h urch History , wonden I' P OOII, 'JflX or otbe r trlnk· Imp<'l'tllnt 11011 Mr . Moore '" numer . wi!lhes for long life fill el wi t h jl,lY lin", fdrmds nmong (Jllzette reuders go with t,h em fr om Il circlo of I n~t.f""l nf h i" lI ~n lll s. l'I11no SO li. ~ t., Ulf'Y wpr ',lO l'tn rs wllil u' Il pjoy . , ' , " III /: l'U ft' hill nt!l. 'I'h ~ . W ( 1' 0 f' him upon llis fri end R who A !liz" 1l'I only limi tod U ' will en, I!'l'Iltulilt n!!, n v . ,J : h. l llltlWIIII 'L' ~flr verl ill wooden tm y!' IllHl llnok. .) IOH~e () 0 4) ,, 'Ie 0 OWIU!! . ' Ilan"od rlJlllOlnt,lII llut, by tho 1l1llUUOr of t.b eir rtcq uilill . ~1 11 l'.\ 0lIIIUm .. 11 \'el'etl II 'n 11 11IIri'!li< t t h con· et!' . " ... touce . T he in vit!'tl gn eRts weI''' R v nn I r llOse who were prese nt on I,h ls gl'l' IItlOl.1 lit, ',t o ,~~" " Y'!I oh u rc h nn I b Tl ' B U1lClrtld M r s C'lI tl Wll lla cll' r Mt· 111111 Mr ll ~ inte r e ting OCCllsinn, W re \Vo lt,or t·ll t! fl ubJ' . I. f Octogenarian Brothers Whltr. M r. IIn ,t M~!I ~'rell Sherwnn,i . W . Yell rs of,", 'h nrch, l:lLtflr y , Killion , Kennoth K lI boll , Celebrate Birthdays, H enderson, wife nud t wo li t! Ie 111 1(\0,,' th t! h r~t pe rm,," n l !let. Mr lI nll101r., Bnily , Dr , lInll Mr~ t.leluen t III wh,'lr HI n w thn ni t d Ellis I\Ir nnclM r!\ C lrl D k M' • undllY, [day 5tb, relatives nnd SOliS Oth o Hend ersoo , F red B III~ell Wil l< mad.e nt ,l nmeNt \<I n , V~ I' lind ~lrs. eor l" £l ,;lwkn, uD~: ulI'd I frl Anll" guthered lit the bbme of Mr. H onder, on , wife 1I0d little cllLnght t'r, g.lnlll ,,"l1u th e flI rst pel'llIlHlf'lIt, brl · !.Ir!' Wri t! hl', Mr . Ilnd Mr s ,tonllN I,' ' l~ ().' and Mrs . ,Ieff mitb, In Waynes· Glltberine, R . A, r os!! lind wi fe, t um LIJ ,r(lb fls t'u ul1s hed, tb E! li:plsllo, Mr lind l\lrR Le!'t.~r hl nl', Mr. uu i Bunnah Antrum, Mrs. ,J. ff . Mrs , ville, t.() 8urprille Joseph Atkinson pil i a rnce . \)'~I n g r ~u th llt fi ri'lt, Mrs . (alll J)tnA'Il, Mr . nnrl MrN B'Lln and remind him dnd his brother Cnskey, Mrs. E1i7..1l be th Y enzel IITld ILInt~ . the pohtude f th 111I11't. Mr. nIHl I\1r1' . F n nke" Mr. ) Daniel that eaoh Illld Plllired au e tber Mts~ A pphla Miller . be!' c n fr nUI Ib,is nnel Mrs Allen. Mr!l 1:I T ih t fo r st It, l~ox milestone in Iife 'll journey. On th nt U1e ~PIIIO' pal ObUT b wa tl ttl bills tile Mi sps Ti hlJltl,;, Ril y, 1 a~h May 4, Joseph PIUIS d the 80th anni. ti r t r It lOll . b ody to l)t r tllo ne w My ra BAird I\I II V W 1' i" h t, uull 'I'r . . Young Life is Ended ver8llry of his birtb, and lIay 7th w rid, lind It Infi ueD(l I1n,1 mem o W rrell K " " . , . b,'rHb ip h 'lve s t nclity incllen ed " II lCI!'f Yf'l'I1'n"s .. .. hlllit t.he llll I c..:'l v~l'El'1 B'l"k et \ til 1lI11U Q. (Inll ll)'\ 1,"1''''. ~I",.... 1,'1 " .. ~uI, ,1 Daniel completed his 2nd year, • f ;0 ~ Miss Alma Pendergast Dies after They are natIves of Burlington t h~ou/:" n II lbc s~ y n rs " unel 'ho~ tE's~ gooll nig bt , I h A~ wi. l\C'tI h" 111111 II, llI etJ' I hi nHI!" II nil ,,11I" l' Long lIIness, coonty, New Jersey, and grew to ptlmnlh·n tttBlj) lu n hns haen cu ll tI th flll1 t.h n e njIJ ' 11\ nt of I1I ;W v h il i' . manhood and married there, but III or UI fuets 0 0101 occted \ I II . At varlOWl times the pust wintnr t o'1'1" Ie ~A I t'·~ ~ar \y IliS ' ,t f tl b I py nlln v r!mr r. li S 10 )'6III'!' Jl"s:; , OIlme ttl Ohio more than 50 year ~ u or y l) " 0 u rCl 11V, the Gazette has mentioned the Ill· ago, IIond have resided in tbis oonnty IU Amerl Clt by t wo \' nt s whi b the greater pBrt of tbe time, both nelle of Miss Alma Pendergast, 1\140' take plnce thl!l yea r 'rh e fl rllt- ill ..- ,--~--~ -~-~~~-. ghter of Mr. and Mr . James P It· IIore widowers and live with their the Jamestown Exposi tiqp 1l 0W go Obit uary of James Wilson dergast , Satnrday night h ~ r l on g ohildren, and eaoh refutes the theory lng 00, whloh no d, n t/t mun" r ud ' of Prof . Oather by exemplifying a '> ufferlng OliDle to an end . t ,en r i l l' I,be Millm i lill:t., tte J . T he decellsl' u WIlS 11 y onug woman ers of t he Gnze tte wl1l 'lI rt oil. 'til [Wri happy old age, that Is useful In ,1fl.llItll! \Vll ~ bin lltO I\ \V\I!lun w •• ~ oth er e "ellt is til tI' l Buuilll oonvim Ulllkillg glad their oblldren by tbelr of more thBn ordinnry b elluty of tioD, f th e EpiillcOllu l hllrcb 1 prti b OIll 0 t b r .~ , I 40, (je pfl rtoo thi t! )(1 q nlll t. tnll bU(lk el lllllU II C)f hp!ott Fin ., I"rll" \>rtl",o, ', l t.; 1,, "" r l'l\ l! , 1I~h ohn.raotel· anci her weetn as of dis· ,presence witb them, son ting t h e ent'ir e Epl CO Il" l boel y in tl fe April 30, 1907, lIg"d llli yeur,; II qu"hty, I,il! pIli Ie. we ll ,.old .. I·f(I ! . ,During the year Death invaded pusition and many 10,vable chnrao t r· Allleri Cil wbloh will m eet ut Rioh months .. nd :!8 tll\.y ~ . . !I IlIdlf' · III tl lllllisttlr. each: of their ranks, and George H. Isti08 endeared her to nll with wb om Il10nd, Virgi ni u, io 0 t,ober . Be wus tlll' IlIlU of AlJd r ll W illld pntLlnt. 1)l)t lOIll. (AII/lmal tl IJllntlle. ' AtklDBOn and Nellie Gibbs will moet she came in contaot. Fallural ser · Wilson, wp o Rev. 'ud wllll llt1 e r ' ~ unilrl'P ga ve Mll rgnret t Pong u vioes from the fUlllil y resldenoe with us no more, Many Ii veil ,.t t he time of hi!' bir ~b \" of ve ryoa roful)ll' p ,' rntioIl evi de nce Tnesdn.v' MI1Y 14.. at 1 p. m . oonduct Wn s bmglo o T wO !lhi p. Mo ntgolU we were a ed by Rev . G . L , I::!tine, her former unll mIloh r es ,~ r oh unll W II" io tense· ery Coonty, Obi . Be W1I £1'71e :: +-------- --:-, ' Iy int e resti ng. grouP. notWithstanding. Miss po,8 tor, when tho following obituary youn ge t of fc ur ollildren, Olluil:ll. . ----;:7---"'7-----~--~------..----lie Good, of Overpeck, sent 0. very was read : Alma, 11000011 !:laughter of I}()t us}r rd" r Y.:I ur mu gll ;"in es Imll ri \VS &~rll b ou d 'Mary, nUll I)eing nenrh fine cake as • memento to George James lind Rebecoa P end ergast . w .•s 11 yenr younger b nll thA In s t, "' '\, us to reserv ..~ . e v A~klns~;n, and Mrs. Ltloy Dynes born near Wavnesvill , Ohio, Mny puper R t,hrough t h e Mi nmi Gn7.e tt ollfned ~ itlter Will! t h 'l pot in till' and two ohlldren came from &bina 10,1 ri, nnd llied May 11, 1907, ngeel \ V will ~ n ve V'Dn m ODey , fl\lDlIy nod id ol o( Ihn horne. Kind t to Ij~teal IL mlLrch" 00 ' her father, 2~~ yenrs and one ullY · !:ihe was of in (liSPfll:!itioll und telld I' in SYIJlP,, · and Buooeeded admirably . Mrs. a kind, gentltl arid'obeerful dl))o i Notice to Lot Owners, ~,~i=f" I:~~:lI~~t~~~D!~~llr~~;Uil~~\~!~ !".!!!!!!~--!',.!'!!!!!~-~~__._~,~'!"'_!!_.~~-"!!~~l.~__~~~._!!'_!!'!_~_~~~~~!!'.~ ~,-~.~---.. Will Hargan IlDd Lester Hollings: .tion, nlwn,y s t,Tying to plollse otbers . worth each brought oamerll.B, and Muoh of bel' life was spent in the I'ho l'llgn lnr 11IIouni" of we are eXl>"Otlng a number .of n ,J tt\. home of lIer unole and Ilunt Mr. flWOS V r yAmo und(Jovenin g lindTflllll tbe re trning rl lIud ud 'H Woru ble piotures of. those present. aod Mrs. Robert Young, of Oregonill the lot (, W rI 1'1, In ~1ill mi Ctl llllJl llr V ollg o{ Z,oo loIUllg nod pm ylil' offer Besides Mr. Smitb and family, Ohio, who looked upon h er BS a be will be b leI on Mon/l llY, .JlIne :1, i;, ell HHl t "'tlil t np a ll Il m emo rial lIud' inol~dlog .Joseph Atkinson, tbe as. lovod uaugbter. th e office of the ' uperinl,Oncl t11.t,n t 2 sembly oODsiated of, Danie Atldn. .A t tbe age of 19, /lhe was convert· 'oloc k, when the eleotiun of otllce rs o K· son, dlxteen Mile Stt1nd; Biram ed and joined the United Brethren ovo r tbe a llu~o ,If God to interoede .Brandenbargh, New Mldlson j Mrs: oburoh ILt Oregonin ,. of whloh will be belrl. Th ose t o b ohoslln for th ose that entered into Luoy Dynes and two ohUdren, S't1 ohurch sbe WIIS I/o consistent nnel lire two t nt tcetl, ont' tr "D'~ lll' er autl covennnt r elutlomilli)J whb U d. Bnd j H" h ed th b' I Jina; Mrs, A. R , HolLing8wodb and respeoted member at the tiUle of one ,clerk. . t.o plend fo~ t.he ollusetor which 'he '" avang pure: as , e usmess lormerly condudfamily, Oregonia ~ Edwt1rd Cleven her detlth Imp r tllut hu In e~s If! to he trllos offer ed nil l)i >! life, and for wbioh be ed by my sister, I wish to thank her many friends and KeraDd family, Frllonklln; Mr. and Ber illoess dated back m ore th,m [l ted , aud 1\ full I~tt eu (ln n c I el Hhed his 1l.1l1~ · preolous blood . He t f h" ' Mrs. r Will Berg$n, Overpeok; two yel~r81 her henlth gradually sir. d. J , H . U A!! KItY 'I erk . lenroed BII r ly In life to love l 'hrIRt, pa rons or t elf patronage an the past, and hope I may Lewis Atkloson Bnd wife, Dodds: failing, until in h ll r weakened OOD I~lld .in hl~ ;\ro nl,h mllde lI,Publiohri~, Clln be favored with a continuance or-same lmo Foulks, Lytle; and NeJlle At. tJitlon "'he hncl no stre ngth to res l~t ""!!'!~~~~!'!!!!~~~~~!!!!'!'!~ ____ fel:lslon of hili faith In t, d ' , • I wI'li aI ways 'ldnson, Lebanon . The day will! one when attlloked Inst Nove mber with ""~~~ ~ ,vus buri e~ wit,h his Sq.vior .in '! en eavor, to fu~mah you With first class g~s at a smalt or genuloe pleasure, and we hope to typhoid fever . From tUe efft'otfl tl~n bllptuim, bron~~t tUto . pIe profit with faIr and honest deal'lngs wa'th II .meet witb these .two b'r others as of 'thls and 11 com(llicntlOu of othe r lCllIgdom of ,l eM"s Chl'll\t D.nd untied ' . a , ~ pleasantly .next MIlY. x, Y. z . disell8eB,sh e, died lll~t Sll.turc1l1Y eve n wi tLt' tile con'r gatlon that worship. GROCERY SPECIALS ing. pell at the plnee kn ~Hvn lit thllt time B'er sufferings were intense, hnt. ~ay Quar.terly Meeting, were borne wjth grea t patienoe nUll Ill:! N ow Sul eTll , \\Ibert! be was 1\ Wayne's Vi to C k d t h ' 1 loved tlllri hooored m ember lIutil C r orn, pac e a orne, 011 y 5c per can, or fort.itnde. . Miami QUarterly Meeting at ·Or· death, I1ml alt,b ongh b e hllcl lived 60 per dozen, . No one felt the letls t do ubt of lle r thodox Ifriends held at t.his place SPECIALfoBrAR .. GAIN . nellc tl~e time ull ot.tecl ·. t o on~ rllce. Standard Tomatoes lOco friends, while BRuly mouruiog J18r 6-11-1907 was well attended b~ tbe Be WIll he !(reut.jy mu;sad III the ' ' , dur~rent oODgre~l\tlons oonstitut· los8, rejoioe In believin g b el' s!tfoly 'SA'L'UR'IJI~Y MAY 11 ' home wher e he bud li vlJd fOl' o ver Quaker and Toy Cats 3 for 25 cents ' arrived at home . . ' ·iog it. even . yeurs wi t h thoRe tbnt were 'Eg 0 S de F' I 'k 3 f ' She left a father, mothe r, Olle .Q uite a number of Friends from 4 Packages Ilellr too him h,~ f'~llIily tie~, nod with . g~ - ee an orn a es, . (or 25~.· sister and three brothers to mourn other quarterly tn'e etlngs ·we,'e Sweet Wheat ...JJ. wh om lie WII S mnch I~ttnched, Lenox and Jaxon Soap 3 bars 10e present, Josephus Hoskins, n min her early death. ... flllpeo inJty by t,h o flis tllr wbo ill the ' " • trBlesseclnre the dand who die In istlllr, and the Superintendent of Chewing Gum~ onl y s ur viving m ember of his QUEENSWARE , . the Lord . " " . Evangel1stio.a:nd Pastor'll work 'of fn t her 's fo mily i Rh e resldell in Ven · F S t d L M'" B BeilUtjflll ' 110wer9 presented ' Wilmington Yearly Meeting. WIlS te~'b"ille, Ohio, lind bas written tltltl or a ur ay, arge lxlOg, owls, former IJrioo, 75c, with .'. us, 0.18) l:aroJine Hadley . 10vJng friends borl\ mutE< test,imony . . trl u te to the mem ory of ber <letlr Saturday only 25 cents, This Friend 18 one Qf the very few of the high esteem :n wbich she WUB .... New Goods-all flavors t>rotb e r D' I . . b eld minlll.t ers now among Friends who ~ M.I SS MARY Wn,SOl> , Sr. lOner ~ ates, 6 for 25 cents'; Soup, plates, 6 . for 25 cents Those who 'oar~ie(l her to her la s t ·oontlnue to wear tile plain bonnet Q3upBOr\t.nJdarCaSnweet. Picklcs 15c 'Meat Platt~rs,.' only 10 cents; Slop jars, 55c, that obaracteriz'e d the Friends resting pluoe we re Messrs. ,J 0 0 Eggs for Hatching,' Bow1 an d p't h 9 head drl'l8!l.of fifty yelu, ago, II.n(1 Tbompsou,. W,t-rren Edwnrd~ ; Bur. Bnrtlet Pcnr,' IOc 1 c er, 4 c, . . . while plainly drEl~ea yet when th" old Howell, Ernest Robinson, J es!;e Lewis fl.nd George Zell. ~weweetcOherenS , n e/l'es aoc per doz. Pore burrell Plymouth He'!: .' 'large Assortment of Queensware J'ust r"ec ' ,'el'ved, ' congregation express the feelings ' J, PElf \ii. Duke's Fruit Jl'nl'I!) , Wt~y , of,the heart in songs of prai,e her voloe mingled With them giving ev· . Sore Nipples .. New nes vllI e,OIl1o. P\lone ,6C.4 ,X; . tjl DOMESTICS .FOR Si\TURDAy . ONLY Idence by so doing that she 'belleve~ Any mother who hus hn<l expel i. New Tomatoes, Lettuce, Hicksite Friends. " AU calic.,o in whole le.ngths from 1..\-ard to 40 at 5c per in the modern ideas of Friends that enoe witb tbis distressing ailment onions" Radishes, CucumQ ' I M roUBlo may be n. part uf worshio. bers, Apples, Pine Apples ~ uarter y eetmg, yard; none cut at this price . . Tile business me!3ting wad I!ome will b~. pleaseCl to know t llat n. oure Lemons, Bananal!. Dress I' U'n 3 ' d ' ma.y be effected b,y 'upplying Cbn.m what lengtJlened by the discussion berlctin's .gs, c ,per yar , Salve 0' soonas tbe ohlltJ __ . ..... . .The (~ullrterly ,Meeting . of t,he OIf a proposition from thA trustees Try a can of'Star An't i DUI~t 'i atCk~!tA Eriendt! SlItl1rcluy and Sun Ladies Mitts, 25c kind, only 15 cents of Wilmington . Colle~e &liking the is done nnrsing, Wipe, it off with ,,' oll)th before allowing the bl~bf' ___ l'IlLY WILli of,spooial interest, And very M ' J • . sanotlon of the Quarterly Mee~ing Roft to nurse. Many trained nurSllfl nM We are paying largelya.ttend"d.. Tbe regular bU8. en s eans 'and Odd Trousers, $1.5Q and $ISS kind, to to expend 111;000 for new equipf~r lDellS of tlie'rneeting und usuill wor, close at 75 cents . ment and ~ni\dlnp to acCommodate thissalve'wlth lJeat re~n\ta . ' For sllle '" 0' Rblp ocoupled tha time . ' " . ' the inOre&dOO attendaDce, 'l'he'vote b,y J, E: Janney ,!,ha Indi,nu Yellrly ~e!lt,ingof Men s Odd Vests, were $1.00 a~d $1.50 to close at SOe in 'favor of said propo,!!itlon was , - - . Frlonds will tnke pillOtl at Waynell , ' ' " ". unanimoUB. . . At the olose of the meeting n. sub aJtamLae:,onan'd ·ville flhltl year in AUgust.. . SEE OUR LINE OF· SHOES ' " . Boys shoes size 13 1 and' 2 at 95 40ft ., stautiallunoh wall served to about Justice of the Peace J " }'Ol' stomaoh troubles, bil\ousnellS " , eenLl". i' . two hundred. Tbe soolal felltnre Lebanon, Ohio, . OF COURI:IE . and QOlllltipatio~ try ChalD,ler\llln'B Highest Market Prices for Butter E g - and Pou ' It of $his ClOOIlsion W8S mOllt enjojable. Stomaoh and Liver Tablets. , Many ' ' ! ' , eo> ry. Maplewood, Block, Broadway, ~ r .roarkl1ble ou~e8ltllVe been' effected We lrive away Uartdsome Ku 'La ' C·_·_It sbines In the betit home, Hanna 'Il bill! . ........... . ...,......... by them' .Price, 26 centd, ~mpleR, ' , 4. gs, mps, ---liB LUBtro- Finish-made to on '.,.... .,. ... .,..,. free. For pIe by J. E. Jaliney land Roelung to Cash Purchasers. Bold by J, B. JanDey. . j\ 1 tlw


IoIl1l1 Ilt,t

' "5'



No.5. 1 f II

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ahll'day only, a.1l ·clay, .













---.---- --

Blwko t Special


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h e articles, '

Fruit I>ish


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Walte·r J. KI'lbon Secce'ssor ~~~I:;'~ ~Fe~~~ :IiV!~ ':~~II~I~i~~l I~br~::t. to ftt"'a .I'lbon Rad'ere

~ $ ZIMM~RMANS $ $ $. '$ $

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$' ZI'mmI1rma'n's t,. .




'Thirty- ourth - - -- Commencenlen~



• Members of Alumni ASS~- Harveysburg Commence· ' LOCAL ITEMS ciation Revie~ Early Days ment last Evening.

\V 1:1 OLE N UMBEl :!!1:!1I

Lyt;·~. ~



1 . ('b - - p-, - .-I I ' 'COl t en joy. r. I·S. ,J " rlflA . flyn o r !l L un ' hf . A nnua I Mce t'tng an d . B Ilnque t' (I f Tl1ree Gradllates omplete 'h'" '1r. '" 11Wl) siol. II ~ I Of the Waynesville High Schuol. • '" ed t)undRY wit·h .l'l'i r . ,, Mrs. Thlld Zimmorn.l un was very ' Former p UPI' I s 0 f W ayne VI'II e Couil'se of Study. flOti family . Om ( ·Ull'.'~ .,., It.! out IIgl'•I'n a' fl o!' II Three Graduates Receive their ser io us ly luck IL fe w tlltys lu t week, . Jligh ' chool an EnjoyMr . •1. M. S taoy is slowly impro". b\U" .' I·(' Il tt ulIl,' of Ill e moosles. unl, Is nolY O\uoll bettftr. . able Event. '1'he 'owmenoemen t exeroise of Diplomus. ing uf ter htw in!; IlIlll qu ite h ~ i e~ e M i~H L!lUI'tl Wern tz has Ill'cApto.1 In mMly rflspeotll thetlllrty.fu ur t ll Milts Ethel WIIllILUl8on, of Dnyton , t he Hurv!-'ysburg High Sohool w hioh t h o g ril). a POSit.i flll 'Lt Kings Mi ll s . . "unnlll eomm enoemen t ot t,be WilY, sp nt SlIturdl1Y uud !:lunllay wH h ALout one h und'r ed anll twenty . were of s peoin l lnterest and a most ~ • . . Mr. IIral MI' . WlI lter K enrl k 1I1i"8!'4 Luorll. ,md l'lIi nnie McKillnesville ti lt:b J:lohool whiuh too k h er 'parents here. five persons attended th . unnu,,1 prowlSlDg CI ASS conSisting 0 f MIss . h tV Ann K elley lind Messrs Thomas speu t ' nnull Y ufte ru ot)ll i n ~" rin" sey s l'ep t ~ l1nauy with thei t . pluce at J:lchool Hull'l'hurt:ldll.v even· U. U. Wliliumson left yes terday meetingund bl1nquE.tof.t e . uynes· . . I' n . Weloh tm d Wilbnr Wilson. , received bor o wi th tllc lu t,er';; "uron t!!. 1\11>;8 Veo Dtwis is on .1.I protrltotp,d lng, WU.S of w ore thl1D 0l'dlnI11'y III on II busi ness t rip whi ch will take ville HI g h J:lc h 00 I A Inmn I A. ssoola... terest. him through the Wost and south tion, ,b eld at the Odd,FellowB Bull their dinloOlllls. Mr. nnd Mr8 . .10e McGrI1Y spent v isit. with relntives i~ Xenia. 'rhe gradul}tilJg ollltll:l oouslsted ot weRt . Jj' ridny evening nud Lh o occn sioll 'l'h e oratiol[ls delivered by the 8nndlLY evoning with Mr. (,nd Mrs. Mrs . l:1 ope t:ltIlM , drtnghter upd three young h,dies, Mis!! Lllllh timllll ~1r. RIII})h Wlllhim on, of Auder. wiJI go down In h i ~tllry liS one of gl'llclu~te!l wet'e above' tlie averngl'!, Allon Emeri';k lI otidnughter Bhlnoll , granddtLngh ter were undtl.Y visitoTIl IlDd Missell Irwu Ilnd E~he l ~toke::l. lndil1nu, who b!ls Leen SI)enping the m ost enloyuble ven ts of tb botb in t,lle m ;n ge of though toove red <.:io wher YOIl will in c.)un ~ry, in to Vull ey. Mis8 Et.hel 8&oked, tile lil'::It SIJBI1k. two weeks with his ftlther b ere klnll. lind in the ma,n~er of deJivery. t OWIl or in villnge, and you will Om obool closed with tL picnic er, hlld for the s ubjtlOD of hllr ull· flltllrned to hi.1! h ome ut Andert!on,' l'hure were n ot as muny of the Prof. J . B. 'Wrlght hll.s been super. h eul' Ohll1uSIlIon of the weat·her . [t ~'riday uf ter (I successfn l school dre~s, " April. " IShII culled tltten· Iud lrmu Satnrdu:v. learber olasses present a u uu l, but Inl e nde nt of the sohoul . tho pus t oertni nly is II p CUlitlr sea80n und is y ellr. ,. nOnl Il er 0 t lUI p.' ' . ' Wrlgbt und Mrs. tllis . \VI1S not to be CAlle ted , ao; tnony y8,liT Ilnd \J11. Mr tlon to Lue or",w l l)r . Jonllthllo , had tbe •·asslstance of not at al\ fuv ortlbl.e for growin"" ' . •J, N , LemllJOn W UQ S110 pp Ing events ·tbu.t hud ucourl'ed l U tht . ' . fr oul u dista nce CIlllle back last y en.r It bonrd of dlr(~ctors mude u p awong orop . In Day ton Monday. WrIght. of Hed LIOn, oume over , . the be, t 1)£'OI)Je of Harvel'sburg Illlll M W J T.{II ,nontll 01 April, ot u hitlturwld nn· Mondu.y to aee their illvlI,hd r elll. to Ilttend the Homll UowlDg who d ~d , . Mr . and Mr . WlU . B . UI1I'mony ~ r . . . ,' Qon was in inoin. ture,lIull a1t10 ul'oughtuutl111uwbeJ . . not fcel like Dlaki ng the tri t> again community, ond the sohool hll hlld ell te rtaineu on Sunduy ,Mr . anclMrs. nut:i on o lls'i ness one day IR8t week. ot betlULitul ~houl(htl! cOlDoillent tlVe, Avllo Ebright.. . this yenr. a mOl;t prosperous year, An thony <.:ieil!ler IIDd d/LOghtor Nel . Mrs. Alice McKin':ley returned with the month whllu Nature uWllk· Miss Lilll h Smith WIIS 0, guest of The olusseli from 11100 on dow u lie, Mrs: 'Inru.Geisler und dlLnghter home FrIday after a visit witb her eu!! trow her WlD~er '8 1I1eep. h er friend s, ~lle Missel! Kelly, lit w re ull well represented. Ki eked to Death F loronoe, Mr . Wm . Mr.t2ee,1I11 of cl!lUght r Mrs . I . N. Harris in Day"In the Lulld uf the lJlkes" will> HilrveYl!burg. and lit-te nded the Dayton, lIud Mr . lind 1>lr . W . F . ton . L> ' h '"' - b I t T The early part of the evenin " WllS by• Young Horse . lu k lind fumll y . . 'he th"me of MillS lrU,1l otuk",,,, l1ud ulg "'" 00 oommenoeluen ues· .. Miss Mury Davis of W'I~ynelvi1le dd dl1y -evening. . g ivcm over to u generlll Boclal meat· - -- - - .. s pen t 'undny with her frillnd Alm~ Jlhe Wlldl! II. moa;t lntero:Jtltlllg" re~tI ia g . The gue t lil Slit. dow n Itt tbo Charles Adams, Well Known CoIMr . a nd Mrs. R. H . ' to J ohn went ~n t.he Little Dutob &in!,;uow, "ulOb Mr . ",ud Mrs . ,Tohn Grimm lind _ to Lebanou ' atordny und . tflid "II Wat-erbou e . bllllq n(;' t table about half (last nine , . orcd Man Killed at Spring Valley ,. nsome wily or oll1tlrlllwll.Y'" uttruOLd bl~by duugh weut to Xen ill Slit· lind ufter part.aking of upper BeN d ni gbt and t.h e n xt dILY, vi lting Millard Peters, of Lelnn, visited 'bll InterellL lIud SyUlptltUy of IIU urday, where Mrs. Grimm rc~malued by Mr . H'llrry Murra,y, PJ'of r . H hllrles Adlll ms, It well knowu 001 . r elnti " es. Tb ir lIau~hter; Miss roli.tivcs hOI'e ::;unduy. ~udlenCt>. 'l'h"re WIUi wuoh In thlll tor ;1, vhllt with her moth er , .Mrs. R qgers, of FrunkHn , PreSIdent. 01 ured nlLln 80 y'ears ol.d, lind who h ad Hel n, e nl'oyed' t Ile I,iID Jllenu' wlll' l~n , M' Is ·N e111 e W e 11 er,of O i l Ie, 'en ten lltiII~y or Ii blstul'loul nuLure tbut ill NlI.nnle Mont,gotuerY,Lllt Mr GrImm tb . I d r d d !ived in this vioi ni ty nil h is life. was with b r frienu, ML!'I Blnnche Cor - BIWn t Friday with Mrs. W . W. Ar-' 110~ usuully ~otlobed UlJOU !lud tbl1t hilS returned lind III ,I t his po t i~ e .A~HOO1l1t .01', !lIVer e ~n . n 1 fn.tu lly injured by II. horse ut S pdng ne ll. Id L th City B k ' (11'ess, botb SPIO.V and IDte restlDg . In no . ' . atlde<l wtlliuritllly \0 Lue )utect;JIIL iu It . El Il ery. faot. Mr. Hog-er s proved bimsol f II V /Liley WednlB8dl~y evening, which Mr . /l,ud Mrs . Allen Emeriok lind M.r . !lhin Collins and, Harley Sea. MillIS Lellh tlwlbb, in' lltlr prt!Sen· ThOSE!. from 0 disMno~ whO at· most ubla toal:lt !Dllster und througb r I1lted In li la death In Il Xenia dUllghter Bla nche, IIlso Miss H l'Eln mlln spent ' I1nda.y with T. W . Biggs &ation of "·/ol}n of aIc," ll1uue II dad MI AI P d ' bJS1,ital E rlday . ten \I milo en ergall!. s ou~ the e veni ng bad something /::it. John, enj oyed unda~ Mr. Ilnd famil y . mOBS plell8iDg uddress LInd guve the fnneral were Mrs. T . W . RIlYQlonll', pleasing Ilnd approprhl.te to !Illy a.1. • M:r. Adams hus been living at lind Mr . Hurry CoruelJ (lOd Ron We Ilr'e glad to r eport thllt the ' lltory of ~1ll11 1l renoh 11 rOlDe 111 u Cinoinnatl, Ohio i Mr. and Mrs. R ob the tight place. ' Spring Vulley nhe pnst 'year .. nd Carman. Mr. und Mr . F ronk Car, injured hand o{ B. B. Mills Is ra.~ very t!n(er&UlUlng nlui rl:ltll.l lltlO WilY , e rt H ¥oung Mr ond Mrs Willitlm 'l'b II I h tb S ._ hllnd led qUIte a nuwber of horse. • . . e ro 0 '{Y e eorp .... ry · . mnn und rtno gb ter G ruee lind Mr. idly iwproving olOtlln~ 'Wuh ~b\l munyr d W 0 f .h oull White Oregonia Ohio' und Misses h d flfty f 1. _ f th A few clays before hiS death he . . (' . a young horse and Wed. and Mrs. Web quires were present M r ' -. B er ' t ~r D_ I D_ · GrIlce ,nnd Momie " Woodruff Leba sA o weI t ' . onr t m em UtJr 0 herQiu~ tliliur havl'llg dave d h er purchased ow, 0 f near DLlr· II. IOn IJreSOn . . t . to rouke the 0 on ion 11 plellsant one . 0 b g ent fwd a , soc oountry truw dedtrllotlon. uon, Ohio. ne da y evemng star ed to lead It up . , . v y nr, sp a e ay I all t At ttle IU:16 of tlllii IIcldretis, tho " . Althongh all th.., fri ends of Mr. and uown the st.reet. The borse ~~s Esln. tHey ~tlS the proud weok wlt,h her brothe~ Charles .Refourtalu well' dOwu, llnd \\rhen it Mr . l'heOdore BIlrryh1l11s prllpl~~' Wllrren Key!! reoogize In h i 'l II Leollule frlght.~noil in some munner r eCipIent on lus t FrldllY, of u nile nolds lind family. • tOIle a!,;IlIU ttbere WWl pre ented u illg to bUIld u ne~ house on IIlI! young Ulun of exo IJUOlllLl taleut , IIlld s tarted to run , Mr. A.dums, gold mountod pearl ~)enholder, ijtted ~1ts . J . N . Lemmon and MisSes mOlit rl1Ulidt-IO ploture ot tthe beau~i· fllrm : Mr. Berryhill bus a fih ely y et few knew of hIS auility tiS tJ 11el'd to the hAlter a.bont the ani. wi th !I. gold Ilen . 'Ibe P~Jl wus lIre- Almu Wate~house and BenrieU", Col JOIt.U of .Aro . . Jjy u 'olever ur· I0011 ted farm Ilbout "wo miles frOUI poet previous to this occo Ion bul nlul', neok an41 WIIS draggeu thirty Isented by ber telloh r,. MISS :'dlnnle MoKinsey attended the Harveys. rllngel1lllnc oj' IIhKltrio light, 1< burn· Bellb~oolc, {lnd wben ~ r~ots the in weJ4:oullnl; tbe class of 1\)07 int or forty feet. l'he hare::! then klok .. Duke, a fI re\tllrd lor haVlIlg t~e lmrg ommencem ent 'l'uesday ev. i'n i pyrl1 Wu8 ttrrallged unu on thit! bnildlng he is oontemplutmg , he the As oOil1tion , be ,did it in n. burs t eel li nd II truok itS· owner in the h e ad gr eatest nnmher .. of head marks IU ening, Mills Eloule I:Iwlth ~udtld a~ JUIl.U 01 will have IJne of the wast oJmpl",te of poet ry whioh stum ped him as II iust baok of the left "ar. the clllS.'J. But 1U1 HeleD St. ,John Friday llelng the laBt <fay ' or Arc. 'l'h11 10ll.lUrtl ollme tl8 1l sur· homes in the country. poetic genlOl:! of more than ordi nllory 'j'ue blow m 'OEtt bave' been terrlffio was close behind wlth only four le s sch ool, the 8Ohollirs with their par. prilH! to the LuuJurlty of the uudienoo ~hen Dr . T. Sh~r'l'l'ood waa u.t ability. ' u s ome seotion men wbo were than Esto,. .Rather a 010 e rllc ,we ent,~ lind teaohers made tbe day und wus he&I'Lljy IIPVluudtld. work In. his garden a ·t ow daYI ngo, Mi s Leah with responned fo ' working on the railroad quito II> h onld suy very enjoyable by having a ' diDner l 'n thIS 'oonntlot.1unj 111010, m emiQn he f~und II new POtllto thllt bud the clilis wit,ll 1\ very pretty rm d little distanoEI Ilway pla,i nly bellrd Almost everyone around Lytle is in the sohool srounds a.t noon and 8bould be ct *he sluKe ::;eniDg~ . ((rown from one whioh bad remuln. apprt'prlate speeob partly in pr o the hoof s trike the helld . aware of the fllct tha t Floyd 'UyIL!;O in thl1 afternoon u.1I went tbe wlll.)h uuded I1lllfbru.1Jy Lv Fne Intur ed in the ground ull winter, Ilud and partly In p oetry, '" ,broh deser ves The injured man WIIS taken to has a pony. So. fo,l' as is kllOW~ , wood ; ,\'llera they enjoy~ them- , ~Ii ot tUe OOou.llIOD. !looted plautll htld rel10henu size of !.hree or four to be reoorded Il one of the best the MoMllItln. hospital IIot Xenia., Floyd n e ver had any trouble 1D selves Immensely All returned wtire I1rIl1nglld alXlut the IItligtl, und Inohealn dl"meWr, I1nd tile top was addres eR made on an occuston 01 wbere h e litlgered until Ji'ridl1Y w.aterin g it, '!Jut o~e day '"st we~k very tired but happy . Only one • neatly IU;'ranaed fouotain pli&yed fully fonr or five Inohell in beight . t,his ki,n d . evening. hIS mo~her hlld dnven to Wnynes- thing hap(Hmed io m'ar the after00 the rear of 'Illl phr.tforw, glvln~ John C. Hawke ' oomes forward The friend s of ur. Eli l/.. Orew, 01 Funeral servioes were held fr om ville l1~d deoided to water i t as she noou t\Dr] that was bidding ' good• iennine April .ch.y etroot ro the wit h the p'rize rat story for tiutl Milllni burlf, were mooh lIiSILPP,'lll t his late home Ilt Spring Valley Sun, WIIS oon)ing llome. 'l'be operation bve t o the teaoher8 as neither one April oration. . aelijlOn. Be set 110 wIre trap In hill ed tlll1t professional t1u~l eR nnda it dl1Y mornl,ng lind a slloond servioe oonsumed qnite It great deRI of time, will be with them n uxt,year . A Du'toh wind mill oconpied a burn r~oeiltly, woll batted wl tb impossible tor bim to b pres nl was held a t Miami cemeteryohapel bu t i no dlscI'edit to the pony, be· Mrs. Pearl Bowk t r left Sunday pla.oe 0)0 tJle pliltform and Ilt tb fresb ' mtlllt, and in the worn/ng. and (jeliver his addre~8 on "Twelve lit noon. oa~8e IL ea ulli ob erver ee~s to evening 'for Busoom, wher& , The deooose4 Is survived by bis think thllt .t.he PQny wa. CIlll8IDg no ehe will visit a fortnight with her oonolull1on of Millll lrmu. Stokes ' there were twelve full grown rats in, t.welve ont." u a"dl'e8 on the Ltind ot tbe Dikesi in the trap, "nd he . tllitiks 'there wife wbo 18 a <laught-e.r of Gus Wil. troub..1e at 1111, but that the reall~t· parents. .... .. Miss Edith Mosher , of the cldss of ""i..· WIlS let in motioD, Ilddin v rell.l· would have been more, but for Itlck liunls, form erly of WayneS Ville. traotl On WIlS u gentlem!ln on the . . . . " 190-1; responded to the tOU8t, "Whal Mrs. U. E . Wernti!l and son Robil m e Ilddress. of room . other side of t b:e fenoe. "" •• shllll I StLY to you. WlllJ.t oll·n I !lily ._ _ ~_ ert have retul'ned bome u.fter a Mr. F. U . .:.ohwu.rtlG ill Itl!tiHed to ~rs. E. L, Bergdull IIond bright 10 yo~ . better than silence Is .. Centerville. pleasu.nt viSit In Dayton with her tbe oredIt ' lor theae eftoots, 118 he little Ion Russell were 8UUll1)Oned In this addre!ls Miss Mosh er bro't New Burlington. neioe MrR. It. B. Pease (nee) Ml\ry devOli/ild mnoll tl~e to their prep&- ' uere week frop) .QlLYLOO on in many incidents of the sohool rillY 1'be baoClllanreate sermOn wa Ad"ir. ' ~ ratioll.IWei WIth good results. Ilccount of tile serioull iIlne.;s of h or lIf d tl d f f preaohed last Sunday evening llY Mrs . .,Ann Flirq uhl\.r IS suffering , . :X: . In llreseuHo" ~11t1 grtl<1w.tes with .:unt .MI ~ Lizzie Hopkln8. Mr. elul~ flUe?I ' oneto nu1m u1'!j 0 1 ormer Rev A D M<ddn, . with 1\ sprlli ne(i ankle. . Mrs. J[~mes MoCormlolr, of emil, ~ , pup ~ llllll lar I\. 1 lor learer s ' " _,I ...~ . . a ' .spent Sunday with .ber parents Mr. , " their diplolUlltl, ~\lPllrln~~ndent C. Berg~llll ounle\t,ter I~ th~ w~ek anJ · Interwo ven in the Q,ldre d WtlS s uf Tile Commeno~ment of the Wush. Born to Melville Bally ·nu Wife, and Mrs . Pntrick Clarlr, Her sister E. limlten mad" Il mos~ prIlO~IOIl.I. ~pant Sunday with hi!! fumil!, but fioient I'plce to TIlllke It not Qnly in. Ingt on 'fownsllip Hlgb School W!lll May twelfth, a flOU. Carrie Chuk returned bome witb .lind 1'lel1s1n.: uddrelili 11lrgely Ilttended last . Thnrsday ev. Mrs. 1I1elv ille !:lmith eD.J·oyed a h er . ' "on the obJects Mrs Bergdall will rewain Indefi. t '.,r eSI.Ing, I'Ut very en j 0yuule and vlllue 01 ed.uoIUlon. Mr. lirllt Ditely and oure for ber ick .r elativ e. . enlng. The two graduates were visit. fr om he r fllt'h er the fi rs't of ten's llddress showed cure~ul tho't Rev . iI . F . CudwaJl~d r t~nd Messr~ . . R Av. ,n S 'Ieveland. ('I f .FrAnklin. P erry Van EWing Ilnd Ralph Ken the weok. Mrs. Goor ge Adllms lind Pro~nd study Ilndgtlve to bill awhence W, H . Allen lind C. <.t. W!lIilllDSOU n gAnttemnn ~.f Ohn.l~r1Y ~ttai n noy.. OWing to there lJein~ I11l Mrs . A. H . Hllr lnn Ilnd son Will . de nc~ Adl1D1s 1I·1·e qoit.e siok with a olear i<lea Dt .s he ]tiles on ·whioh tLttended the I1nnlllll ClIuventlon ot m tl ls lIml mnDifest n.blllm', deli " er , girls in till'! Cllass the deoorations hun were g'u eHta Clf T. M. Brtrhln of the mell sle!!. we shonld. worlt tor ~ho up· building tile Epiltcopa;l Uhllrobes of SOllthern d t.I~e 01081ng Ilddress. D:" (;Ie\"e· wer e few oonslistlng on ly of pott.ed Miumi bur g, SI1turday and Sunday. .~f our '~0018. Ollio', in Ctncinnilt.1 Wednesllay lu ud ~ . ud(h·e.~s WIlS ,~ along plllonts, out. tbe subjects were r eo Oregonia . 'l'h&' Gaze~te considers this one of d Tb d" f lost week The educatlon"l line Rnd while be flpoke mu.rko,bly rendered by the boys Mr. B. B. t2oo(irjoh of New York Will'rerry , of Duyton , llpent Sun. the best addrestl6!l eVl\r mude a.lon ~ u.n th, ' ura II.J. 0 III d er .bv the Il t oamll'd fl ru bl e Ieng tl I I'I" h' e ld tb e l'lle lIubjeot of Air and Wa ter ,\vus. oity WIl the guest of Thevor C . . ga erlDg W8!I pres e ov . . tt t 1 . t fl ' ct · 'B ,P'd onk on i:lnturday nay wltll home folk8. "this .line !lot our Ilnnllfiloommence Rlgbt R B'sl olJ BOvd Viucent Il en Ion IIn.r 10 .er est a )1 9 11U I IlSslgned to Mr Kenney !lntl by J. v . • ' . IlV. I I. • th I t ' . Rev Benj. ijl1wldns of Waynes. F red E lbon and Miss Slldie SherwentM aDd we rtlgl'et thllt· we are , Much businesll pertaining to t.he onc! rong lOU .. menns of experiments performed ou ' 11 . d G HId f D .. d ' rb. . . VI e an owI an . t 'Clnable to prosen It to onr ro.!l ers welfllrs of the ohuroh wus oou· The oOl)1mitl efl to n01l1ill>lte Ont o the stuge h e verIfied hi statements beorge I ' t a . ay- wood , of Wtlynesville, fllliled on teo wt:\ro u ness v Sl ors 10 our MIS!! Julia, Sher wood '!:IundIlY. ' . . . . , ' . in fun.. . 8idered Qnd p!!Rsed on. oers.for the enlll11nt: " eut' !mbtnllUHl !n 111\ extrllordica.ry w..y . Mr. Ew· I k ' ' ..... D~ v .J• "...,. ·Cad WII.Jl lI\ler, ':' h " I f II I 11 ' d I . ' . w 0 wns M' d Mr Will lU O'Neall tle 0 ow ng st, an t lOY w r e lug showed grell t, ski\! in d emon,. t ow.n, 11St wee . ,Miss My rtIa Kibler entertl\.ined & . I r. au H. • . 1 d Mr and Mrs E . W. Bradstreet .on the progrll.m 'f Or the m yoollt on" I d h I at 'J'hursdriy lifter UnIUtluLOIl. I.1 eleotet; PreNi ent., IItruting to tll.e tl.udtenoe his s ub. . . , . nl,unlJer of h er friends at /~ party w~ IlDa}Jlu ~l) be ' prelle!!', [~nd' lte" . ~rrtvet ome u. ., t ' truvillitig ·Miss Ii:lllth Musher t ,Vioe Prctlh)ent, JIlOt MlIgnetism lind E lectrioity I1nd IIore entertll1nlng their grond ohl1, Ft:iUay evening . .' , ,n ' . . JUs Via wee ks S1),,1I m . . dren Emmet tlnd Donnl\- Bally, for BaDJ. ~awkln8 ..uwcla.ted iu hIS throug' h the !:louth, as \Vus SUfu.lil!ed' tlr 91d B owell; Secretary, MIRS a.t the sam~ time lecturIng about It ' Mr. Imd Mrs. Ed Sherwood a.nd ,1 ~teau. . '.. .' from Post Oards Inluled to tbeir Dnnllo B "wk'e; T reaaurer, J . E . Both the boys intond flni. hlng, their I~ few nays. hvo dn.ugbterB spent Sunday wi-tb 'Exoelleo.t Ibnll. lc was fnrnl81l~ by . ~Il.rentts from u iuis villl', Chattanoo Ja.nne\>. .w ork I\.t Ohio StIlte U niversity. l'he P ence address given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Riohard Emmons. 11 L ' t h e we .. Down u.u d popu Iar All . Oil · ,ga. IIDd' J~oki1onVll\e. The buppy After lea vlug tbe !lnpJle~ table, T.he olass IIddress was given by Mr . willis' Orites at the Friend's Church Quite I\. number ffom O,regoniu. Famliy Orohestra of OilY ton. ooupJe will go t o h ous k"eping this. dancing wlIBlndulged in uutllll htte uroham from ubove U niversity. on SundllY was botli interesting I\,ttended tbe dance l1t Mr. and Mrs. ~eek on the htinclllome O'Ntlul1 ' hour, mUBle bp.lng furnished by Mrs, ,T. O. Kline passed I~woy and illstructive. Will Mooney 's Ba.turdf'Y night. Cemetery Lot (,Btate in Ellst W,lyne town!!hlp, Frnnk Curwlln 's orchestra.. IlLSt Monday. Burinl wal! mLlde at Mrs. Walton Compton ,attended Walter Clell ver IIpent SulidllY wi.1h . Owners Notice. whereu wealth of ..ood wishes Irow Amob~ thos!! who retll; necl to the .oil-via 's Ohurol1 Cemeter~ . the ~rllene County W . C. '1; u. con · his pllrents. . , .. , 'I ' I t ventlOn at Jllrnestown, .rhur.~day , • i ' M . A host of udmiring fr [ends wiU go old 1I0me to enJoy th'is joyous OOOf"· 'he following teaohers were e eo· "nd Frl ' d"y last week. . . . .. .. . i s Bara Ste . ddom attended a. Mawy owuers of lotI! n luml , . d f th '1 t· h 1 N 1 ~ u AI. . . .. ,with them. Air". ADuie 0 'N~I1, slon were Uonnty Auditor J:l. A e or e I ex , so 00 year. Q . , R ev. Jesse Bawkins, will preuoh I street car party of Lllbano.n young ~metery are DOt fumlliar Wlr.h the , . Ma Mill N " , • i Ji;1lI t . , . lottl or of oert08m . Mitlt\ M,ut<hll. and !lhs!! nelle 0 h NBI1Il 8tlhvell Llt'd 80n und looatlbn of tbear d ad . daughter , Nor'. Nyme ' "'th I~rL ; d o. w,N"l1rl'Ge B" 0 . , '0, melnorlll.l sermon -" at the l"riend's people t,o Mason IJ.'.hursde.'" ." evening. . ' Will ooaupy th"ir relDo 61 .':lwe .mlll llUd MIR8 Vivien j also County o . ;S, '>II ~ Iu ge i O. • r UOle Ohuroh next 8u •.'dIl.Y morning. 14 S dis ' Brav68 on their lots lind very oft h . on l'hlrd WlLynellVllle, Surveyor SIl.muel D H k\ d Merrlmn.n I N:o. 7. Leliu Allen l No. ~\Ullq will be furDlshoq by the 14 . . Miss I1bel herwoo now en1t .do not vil!lt them e1f.OOl 00 Melllq. where thllY will be warully wel" . ' . . en e ,lID ,D ella V. Plnle ', No. II, MIlI'Y Parks i. E. ~bol.r. . loylng her summer va()lltion, after rial DAY and then h."~ to 11 ~ showll oQm~d.' Mrs . Henkla, and ~r. B~rry Hamil. Intermediate Room of High Sohool, The regnlar Mamorll,l services 110 ,term of snccessfnl 'a' thet, lot... • - .. ton, aildMi8S Rhtla Rogers,-all from Olifford Hanfter; Superintendent, wm bo the Pd.. E. ohnroh, Harveysburg . ' l;\operiDtendeDtBhidakerhlr~bskl!d Commencement LebanoD i Mrs. !W.wena · Redfern R. B. Ewing. • May SOUl at two o 'clock. Rev.. Mr and Mrs Edward 'Wiebkin the Gasene '<> call IlC~eDtloD to the Zartman and sl!\ter Anna, of Xenia; ~r. G. W. Clemens, f.)rmer Vro. Levi M.ills of Wilmington will de. . d h . S d fte ' g :tmpolJllbmcy of .bowlnlJ III) wany postp~ned. Mrs . Mary MoKaY of Leb..non . Mila f88l!or of school here, att!lndad the 1I"ell the "ddresl. returne . ome ~n ay a r aD people abo,ut on Memol'lJll D a y a n d . . , ., oommenoomllnt. A prOOeBBlon oomposed of. the extended vlalt In CinoinnaM. baa oeated as to aN .,,11 who UP '1'11e ,UOmmtlDCemeDt exercises of Florence Myere, pI Bellbrook; Mea. IICbool ohildren, the Memorllli atlBo. • _ • ill u SO lJO&tioD of their Iota the Mer.r ittltowll Blab School have BrB. Raymond Spahr and friend, y011l' anei DeWl!. dation aDd $116 old loldlerB will Order yaur magllz1Dea and DeWAI!) aa11a' the CemeMry prevlonl so been poItPODed f~om May 23 . to Mr. PhUboU, Harold Cook, from papen the Gazette office. maroh to the cemetery led by the pape1'll tbrolllh the Miami Guette 'MemorIal Day, "y 80Sh, Dela.ware. ' We will save moJl'a1. New BurUngton baud. We will sava yon mOnay, ' . Lr , aud l'llrs.

(,j OI·g0.





.rt •·.







- 1 0M ~~!.. of Cl,. i" , Ir:. ~n,n Onl,., mf're b.ndful of I hr' ,I\'"d ,(iti! I' I"I'.:\ .HI F \UI'.LE tnen "' ''ro gathered to him , lind he D \: j{~. in I, 1..1·liht .· d t<rILI~ l .... lor~. telt that It Weru w,on" tbllo tolly to nttpmpt Ihl' work oM dcl h'crancll' .,dtb BROWN'" McKAY, Pu blish ~ r .., Th. LU ~f'r;~ r hu reh hn. roceot1 ~ su h a (or('f'. IHsut'd a (' nil for 1. 000 nf'W ", Inls tpr. DIst'onsolnlo and w II -nl;;h cltscollrOlllO 'WAYNESVILLE)' to 1111 vnca'H'1 s In that det)omlnaUoll. day a!:cd . he ' wandered forth on ulont', Qu ~t' lonllll:'s fill d bl s h art. A STOlT or Tft! PUIOD or TU J DCltS T"k~ I :aI1.eld T b' !'prinll-it will A People'. UnlveTl lty, . I" ISLUL \lad he aft r nil b.'('n s t fo r th de&II'" l &11 UI ~II\' llll )" of ~~ a~t,c h c , Ia~K ,Llld Tbe mOJ;nlflcent bill 1111 08 or '11'1 Car111,,1 gcnN'ul ,II hp,.oIlh . 1 h,. n lurn l I.. ,,,· li ~r n ' or I ra I'! I-Iow W/l8 h to 1;" 1) )>llrfhe_ the blood, c1ca n ~ •• Lb. ") " lIIegie Instlt ule oJ Pittsbu rg, whi ch hal bp!:lu wh n th pc~'ple 'Vi' re not with lem "lUI ~"t;chli. he. a llormllJ lio n 0 IjUllt been d d'rcaled In the presence of him In spirIt? No, he did not \. II liver, kiduey ' and bowell. z pr es('ntIIUI'es ot t orfllgn govern· have the 300 whic h Gld on had so ef· - - -~ ~ lionna~. ~ F:I'c n merlcllo wom cn 'I\'ho Wrought by Tlma. criptur!) Au~ho rlty . -Jud '''5 c b ap. fc ctl vel,. usell. tDIents and m,m of learnln ' from all U1:1 ijl I' I h grac of wulklng well In Dlnlzulu, the Zulu ehlet ollce ,ond .. Tbus OCI'uplt'd 111 tho ught he h nd tOver th world, !a a melllor ial and ter. 14 and l ~. th eir yo nth s em Ie) los It In ol d age. I,. known nnd rear d 10 war; bus a. not notl'd whither bill ' ,1 0tstl'PS were !tribute to bumnn aSplralion. It Is not ' V/l tch lin old woman w!llkln g : In nln graphopbone willi whlcb he ell r· lnklpg him until so,me vo lc s . at his acctd nt, but II signlflC'llnt a nd natural ~;! _ :r~t-!!.{:::W " , !!.::·,!~ :. ,,,, ~:. elbo w cans d him to look liP an d h e CHA'RGE OFTEN MADE AGAINST case .. oul of len she I tl at·roofed and talns hit! rue8tl. He bus ul so un. or· rt.hlng tha t ibIs groat peo ple's uuh·ersl· AMERICAN WOMEN. ul1grnceful. alld we s hould ,do every· ,ao built In Eualand, on whlcb h. &ERMONETTE, not d Iha lIe was JII 1 within tb e outt y sbo\lld I'ls" In tbe bl'llrt at Ille roa r· thing tbat I~ posslhle 10 old age pl8ya. s kirts of Tlmnilth. ~. town SOUle three ifnI!'. grimy U1r mlogham of AmeriCA. uTu ch u. what we .hall mileos dtstllnt trom h:ls , WI1 home. Decom Ir. We dreas betler th an w did, unto the child th~t Ihall fo r him he s a ...· tWO lUe n slruRgllllg ':are le 5S ne .. In Walk ing "fld Po •• of we Imow beller what sulLs U8 , and how ~ ere t he gr at fo ~une of the dooo r the F Igure ' R .. spon.lble for Th is born." Samaon had the to 11ft a he;1\'y burd en from Ibe back to Pllt on oll r clothes Jlroperly. which • 'J!.S In large P8rt mnde. Here are the Criti cism-Home Gymnast ics vantaga of God·fea rlng parents, of II. small IISS, tha , 0" r ln(Ir!1I and I ' hul f' t lHl \litH ia . men who helpe1i him mllke It. H ere of Great Vatue. and h i. training began before he weary fro Oil ::I Journl)Y. bad flllIl'n . orl HUI - th re will bc mall Y 11155 nl· the, too, in hi s . youth, workec\ with ..... barn. Thele are two con· wa s 'now crushprl Lo Lb e IIrt h y t il h~ lIt s to t hl ~- Ih err arc 1)111 f II' ,. ry THIN, NERVOUS PEOPLE NEED, b ad and bnnd • a od fel t tll at In sa Llate ll ow 1.0 Ilis pos or ne's haud s Is a dltlon. which exert " l ifelong weight of Ihe ol crc handi s whl 'h h !,ruc·"Cnl 1" 0 111 11 , and t h In l' n ~e ( 1 THE TONIC TREATMENT., Itblrst ror koowledge and light which had b eo ca r rytllg, Th" l'SllUlIs tpd ~ro!at \ ,'~t of bl'e d ing, amJ one's Good h el~ ht In the majority r our :iCX <loes Influence upon the character and "lran('p !,'1'('lttly 'd ' pf' nds all nn up· npP Ibe new Instllute wUl h lp to satisfy , deat lny of a life. It I. the her· animal )'lad fnll 1.1 In such a lllanner n'll [end Ihat WU Y. \\' . (lr llll1(!h tOO Thl. Woman Took Dr. WI"la~· PI.,,, r ight c'<lrrlu .'l(', a S(lod pO~1? of I he hpad To Ihls day 1IIr. . 8roegie balds lil Pilla, alilne" ThIrty Pounds and Itage to wh ich , every child haa as to make t1le fas tenin s h ' which Iln~ulal' and lOO dOWllrl"ht In our Ha. Been Well Ever Sinco. gratefu l memory the )'Or800S who Ight to lay cla im, but oh! how the burden was S t r~'PI' d to hi s ba k 1Il0" 111 I1t~. Til mod 'TIl ' hool girl Bow mllny womon-aud men .too1 .. ldom doe. It come Into Ita IlIacc'ssilll • and tb O(> III II \\'l'r cllrs. Inll l1l l( K In !lames much o n Ib snm bf' lped him by Buch small fv.,·ors a. 1111118 9" h I' brother ~. to the p;rcar 1m· are ~ offe ring froTn 0. genoml d hne ,In r ight. Ing and s w ariog lind 111l1l1n" at the the loan or a single book. Tbe Cat· ealth " 'hi,' 11 the ordluary re m dll'~ Ilt'o l'eOle nt of he r healt h a nd her hseem The coming of the ch il d into helpl ss b!'a ~ t In an IInsu e e~sful pf. n egie Institute pmbraces five g reat IleulUlble I., ch eckl How m nny It~R . tha home I. too often the unwel· fon 10 TIlls him and loos n the l.hy ~ lqU ; but wltl'n lh , hooldays b"uds 600 th ir 'Wives WJl.1tiog away, partments: the li brary. wltb II. quarter come accident to be followed by thongs. are o,'Cr there Is not Ihut du clIlU I'a · stead ily lo~i ng health and beauty, ~1ld. .ot a million vulum s; the museum con· lI11n ot "ral'e whl cll would add so mao are pow 'rlf' haphazard rearing, with no poa l. Sams on took In the sltun Ion a a to II Ip I lL~\ImJlt lOll talning one of the fin est nat\lral Ills· I du lly to womnnl y ha rm s, ;';ole Ihe aud other gr rm d ~U$8 find in tit!!,," tlve rellglou. train ing, glance. and be for thel Dlen fairl y tory collections In tbe world ; the art d cbiJifll ted syste.l1llI ensy p rtly. for tt' ~w in~ir\1': gull of II' lI·dr SNI wom n God haa a claim on every life. reallz d wh at h ad bnll(lPIIPd h e l' nll gallery, with Its annual l.nternatlonal In Ih e S U'!! tS. 11'1(' mo ,'l'menL of Ihe lowored vitalit,y ill D1!6Qtu\1 Lo tJ1O. f::isk of and that claim .hould be recog· 11ft d th as s, burd en Ulld all , wllh cne /lrm s IlcconJl'on ylng I h lIluvem II S ot tlgh ~ iug off t lie inlectloo of th . ,~!;('1&~o'Y ,jury and ,generous pri zes; the mu s ic nlzed by the parent. of th,e un · band wblle ...·Ith III other he Qlllcl:. to whiclt mo t of us are almoit daily eJ;till' body. l ha IlIck of r"pose. and fllr born child. it .hould Inlplre Iy u~rllSt(l O C d the thon gs. and li g htly hall. wb re the best work ot &feat posed. d . \0 ofl"u th e luck of til 'nlt~· . th rowing tbe burd 11 across hi s OWJl The symptOtwl' lodlcatlng the lIlf'l compQsers has an adequate presenta· t them to the faithful diac:harge ) arents wit h chlldreu .bould r Rllzo of the parental obtigatl~n. , and sboulders, h Indlcatcd to I he men which may hl,ve rosnlts 60 fatal 0011111 ItJon; aud the great group ot technlcal Rus kln 's Injunclloll s, .Ihat ~h fi rst s~a~ Iy be balf~r d ' ribed thl\ll in thl It .hould guide them In p,lanning that he would lInlsh carryl n ho load .cboo)s, for admlsalon to wblcb 10,000 duty o wlll g to wom en Is 10 secure It stnte lU nt of Mrs. Will iam Maul y. of the future of the child. It they wo uld I ad the Wil Y. Istndents have al rea dy applied. It tralnlllg whl c b ~h all co nfi rm their 92 Oonrt Itreet, Uticn, ~. Y. Her case In the c ... of S.,.,.on Bllch was the odd procession whi ch ill a 'ITJil'ul one. She says: would be unjust to overlook the courhealth und pCI'recl their 1,0 aUlY. caree .. w •• d.flnltely Indicated passed UI) Ihe onc mal o str et of Tim. "For six m IJut.its after tho birth of my lage and the far-sighted geoeroslt y of We rarely realize the IIleul Greek baby. I snft'ered from 81~. d iuy h e..d . by Divine revel.tlon before hi. nath Lhat dny and mol' th a n o n perbeuuty. and y t Ibey were a 10llg·lIved aoh the city of Plttsburc III building 'up birth a not vouchsafed 80n came to the door to see th e llIan Which mad like a. rus h of rllc . and w probably _hould add to blood to my fo rehead, jll8t ba k of my the Institute,' says the Youth's Com: to m~nY. a.pecl.lly In tlli. day; walking along with light QUick ep ollr le ngth ot da:s If II' rollowed In eY0j3. Some days th oy twitched 60 I panlon. Every olfer which II1r. Car· but notwlth.tandlng th l •• there carrying an ass's lo,ad, while the pa· could )uU'lUy IICO and black spot& floated th II' footsteps. , .hould be the definite eon.eera· , tlent , beast t rotted on by bla aide. !necie bas made bas been met baU·way Ther are pl anty of Pllll1 llhernalla before them. The least exertion brong ht and the t'l\'O men le d the way. tlon to the Lord and the .eeklng by the municipality, and every Btep for hoIU gymuastl cs. whl b s hould be on this Bickna~ My appetite WUII poor , to follow the Divine will In the ' ij Tbe novelty of the situation tor th and I 'Wall often sIck to my stomach. Ih!s philanthropy has ndvanced has Il t Ull In our bedrooms and U8 d Judi· tr.lnlng of the child 10 that ~ moment Qulle drove rro m the mind at "If 1 trlMl to 'Work my foe~ soon be,been promptly paralleled by t.he city. but ' Impl x l' Is s lously da lly: came 8\\'011 0, painlnlf me terribly. 1. eventually he ,h.1I come to fill Baniso n tho thou ghtll whl b bad boen Sldlled workmeo and the great Indus· ln Repose of the H~nds. wit hout anYllilu !; will 110 wond rs . and 8 how hrut siukiug spells and grew pale and the place b_t .ulted to hi. ablllroubllng blm, but when h e bad deII I 1((' II III hQtly w II brae d nnd assur n ervous. I' "'a.tI IJO thin ~bat I weigh"ll. Itrlea In ""Weh they are eogngeil have Itle. and the need. of the world posited his burden at tbe door (I f tbe alltl fOQt. It Is II rf'l"'oa h lev I Ii Il':rll~ of d epm·t m nl. . orne xe~cl8e 9 only 96 pounds. ..... pnde Plttsbur~ one of the STeat In whloh he IIv.... houso wh re tho two men Ih'ed and "Oue day when at the drag store to again st Amprl D worn n tbat fe w of s hollid hI' cnrrl d Ollt ,. ry mot nlng • \American ciUes. The Ctlrnegle lnstl· "The child grew and had turn d to go, bnl'lng r c tuspd the (let h eailiWhe powders 1 decided to tryl' tbem knolV how tQ walk. tnde d, we el th I' berol' 01' aftcr be dall y bBth : Lord ' bln.ed hlm."-Doea 'tute wllJ help to place It amoDg hospl t.a llty which th o meo were urg· ha\'e hard It boldly a srrted tbat fh e It tbe bath be IL h on hp-tor, fo r Dr. WiU ial1lll' Pink Pills ilUltead. . Ing upoo him , th e whol uohappy lIOund like DI'IIlne favor lt llm ? soon lIOticed that my headache Willi d l ~' ~eat e ducational and nrtisllc and "omen wbo can walk ... they fear of chlllll, and b efore. of COli rae, ap~lU'iog and my n erl'cs grodo aU ~· only Hal God thOle he picks a. par· lraln ot Ulought rptu rned. He re;music al centers. Althougb Its physical are the bandllOme Spanish t be co els are put 00. sbould grew stroolOOr. The )U1B gave Dl n. tloular recipient. of hl& ble ..sented tho 0 Philistines bi ng In tbe ~tmosphere Is dark and smoky. Its h~y appetite IlDd I DOW w eigh Ol'l'r I"g without conllderation of land; he des pised I'b e lr o' ·crbearing Y~"'----~~-------------------------~J 180 ponnW!. I bali vo tho pUls to be tho /mental outlook Is bound to be clear. the Individual merit? PerhapI and s uper l1Ious ai rs; aod he turned ' BIG BROOCH IS ALL THE GO. NOURISHMENT FOR THE BABV. best, tonic nnd builder a womtm n tak , /wholesome and Invlgor(lting. It would aeem 10 from the .u· Impatien tly trom tb,e doot and bas. as th y ct'rt-alnly II lped me wben illY e ect "rilclal and Imp l7f. knowltened down the street. 6tyl~ Df Two Generations Ago I. Back Neither Milk· Nor Solid Food Should oondition '1'88 critical and ll~vo n \' r , Great prlntlng works are I!stabbeen BCriously illeiuro." ' edge of man, but recDgnltion of "But:' h e ask d him self. fi ercely, ' In Favor. Be Forced or Urged. tJlshed at Nartang. in Thlhet. A travThe gn?at vulne ot Dr. Willlnms Pillk the perfect love and perfect ju.. "how II It to be cbange d7 What can ' Pills lies in I he f\lOt that theyactnaJly e ler' s ays: "There are thoullandli and tlce of God comp.l. the 'e onvlc· I do! The ·me.o ot larn I '1\' 111 n ot 00 not at a nr tlmo Corce. or IIrge make D w blood nlld this carries hoa!; It Iil g llroocblls :\ro a ll tbe go - renl· thousands of blocks at Nartang, com· tlon that God a lway. ble ..el l~.· stand with me against th cse Ph Ills· hlld ; It and strength t., every portion ot tit,. where the condltlonl of lit. and tines." Iy big on S, such ·I!.S weI' wo'rn two milk or so lid food Ullon th prlslng matter In 'type equivalent to The stomach ill tooed up; th , heart make It po •• lble. . h d geneTatlnns ago ; onl y. wi t h the ex· he s hOUld reruse pur t or th whol ' of body. (numerous dllfereot volum~s. Each 80me children are 'allowelt to He was looking Into t e oorwn,r~ ce pti on ot l he en meo pins, t b )' a re u. fe ding, let tbllt mcal go. and do, DerVl!8 IU'6 81 rcmjfthened, every 01'lp1l ia to do lIs worlt. IItlmnlated wooden bloak 1s about 2. Inche8 long be was passing 1111 be , s poke, [or [lOt give uny food uot II \be n ox reed· If you are ill and the mal:ment ynn grew up like weed. of the mead· ~ tbe people who hacll thronged thltb. mor e gorgeuus arralrR, 'rho mode l'D In ~ hour comas. by 12 Inebe. wide. one face bavlng are tald!lg does not 0tIl'6 y ou, wri~ {lor ow. and It I. only by a mlracla Ill! er bad not yet withdrawn, and he big brooch glea ms and s parkles 01' :s f'ol' th fir~t 24 honrs lift r birth <!&rved upon It a complete page of of grace through ' the...vlng and ~ noted tbo expr sslons of .... onder and a j;bel't of vi vld co lor_ Th re Is noth· \,ery IItti rood Ie nee sllry; f d the proof of wbat Dr, WlllilUllS' Pink Pill, 'Ietterlog. The met)lod at prInting .is cl .. n.lng power, of J ... n. , Chrl~t ~ admiration as tllelr eyes followed blm. Ing d'3mure aboul it-It Is a strlklug, in fullt ubout onceTilfi YO hours. If It have done In similar cases, YOlil'druggist seils them or they wil l IJ)rl mlUve In the extreme and conslsf.s that aometlmel luch IIvCl lira at !iI3 His attention was eapeclally dlreoted effective ornament. , Is 1I05slble , tbo buby shollid IJ nursed be w nt by mail, postpaid, on ~ i pt o f ,of laying the paper on a lIat lIuftace ~Iost oC the big pins hold a :;lnl;le laat brought Into hlrmony with ~ to one young woman who had eagerly by lhe mother, us th e Dourlshment It. price. 60 c;outs per boll, III~to r Qod·. will and In the way of ,.. r and leverJng the l!lock upon It wltll a push ed hersel t to tbEII fron t 0 d a gr~ up sE'ml ·preclous ston e. '''he stone makes recel ves from her contnlo.s ertaln In· 12.60. by tho Dr. WWiama~cw.o 00•• divine blu.lng. > tbe brooch, for t he s etting Is simply gredl nl s which are necessa ry to Scheuectody, N. Y. long handle, mucD as the village The development of the child or people Btandlng none oorway. blacksmith works his bellowe," ~ and as hlB eyes met hers a hlush Ii nal'row "Im about It. T ranspareot clea ns the ~tomach an d Intestinal Ihould be Godw.rd. 10 that It olierllpread her tace and 10 confusion s tone s are nOl , as a rule. backed with tract of the n ewlY'born, as well as to One of the gravest perils which ftre may receive Go ..•• bl .... I~g. The - she retreated within. seWng, as th is detracts ' fl'orn theIr stimulute tbe di gest'" JuJces to ac· tflghters are ' constantly facing Is the upward walk aiwaYI ~"d. the Tbe Incident start d a new line ot appenrance. th·lty. If for sOllie good r ea son 1.1 Is Amethy st anti to\l1l2 eeem to out· not poss ible fOI' the' molher to nurse Jlerce heat. After successful trials, a daacend1"1 bl ... lng. What 8am· ~ . thought, and ere he l~ad half relr.aced 80" "ood for In the , war of number other u'n ns pal'enl s tones used h er child, give as a Bubstltute a little lIIewly·lnvented "heat veil" has been In· and truth In I .. ~r hJ~ s teps toward his borne he bad for thes big bl'ooches, sucb ns gnrnet, boiled wllter slightly swee tened br otroduced Into practice at Cologne. ·Ger· r ..1 w •• the rNult of the early ~ made up bls mind ..... hat be would p~rldot, 3Qlla· mnrlne, tHe. Well -cut t hin gruel d<llltrlllized. ACter the first many. where 200 men have been sup- ' " "'hience of that' Godly home In ~ do. to[>IIZ pins gleam like living tire. tile 36 houl's mll'k CUll be glveo in a dilute .'" "If I caonot ralle an army to tight •plled with the appliance. The veU I. which h. wa. reared. . R against tbe PbI1l8t1a(~ s. 1 will torce a am thys t pins 'Slow wllh a 1U0re s ub- form. Cow's milk can b e \Il1uted, 'm ade after the principle of a safety plain , 01' In the fOI'm of top' milk. The ~~~mMlf.:~:~n7~~n;::~~::-:;~n:.;~ Quarrel with them. 1 \\'1 11 ·take · me I dued light . IIamp. with double windows. It Is com· i:I1luollt !;hOllld he tblll "ru el or boiled wlto ot the lind will yet THE STORY. Alsatian Bow., 1XI~ of fibers of cane. which possess water.-Harper's nazar. bave occasion against them ." ' aile of th mos t fashionabl e ueces· the peculiar property of retaining wa· RoM: bls eartlest recollection Sam· But " 'hen he had spoken to hl.B par. so ri es to brldesmnlds' costu mes at Dolly Varden Hat •. 'ter tor a considerable length of time • on had been Imbued wIth the aments concel'Olng the mat ter. sO:~'lng : Dr s nt are the Als atian bows for the Morning b ats are extremely slmpl The \'ell Is made samp before bClng bition. to become II. great general \lke "I have seen womun 10 Timnath ot ifastened ' to the flremao 's ordlnal'y Jephtbah, or Gideon, or Bamk . \Vlth the daugbte rs ot the Philistines: now hall', Th os 111' «s pecially 8ultable fOI' The nolly Varden Is Perbaps one of young glrl H, ('Itb I' for tbe occasions t he mOijt bet"omlng novelti es, and Its bJa mother's milk aB a ba~e h e had Ibrass helmet. therefore get her for me to wif ," drunk In lUI Intense Bplrlt or patriot· tbey chld.ed him slllllng: " Is th ere of wetidlngs or for venlng rllDclion s. slowllcity makes Itil charm e ,'en more ===~ St. Lazare. a leper's hospItal In 11m, end as he bad grown Into man· never a woman among th e daughters T h Y Rre exceedingly dBJ.Ihlng In ap-, apllltr. Ill. says t he Am erlcao R egister. ltIbbo119 will b largely used tor IParls, bullt at tbe close of the bood and had listened to Ihe stories ot thy brethren, or amoog all my p 0' , pearancl' anti ):et very simple, and ,a t'O much more becoming to 'y oung girls , 1ll0rnln'g ond coullt ry millin ery, and 'eleventh ('Ontury. Is to be razed and of tbe mlrhty aleo ot valor wbom God pie. thnl thou goest 1.0 tak e a wife ot than fea t h ~ I' 'II' aigrette ornaments, the full ruch for girls' ha\s will be bad raised up to de\lve'r Israel from the un clrcumslzed Pblll s !ln e s ~ " I3ts elte <!Ieared 'and purged ot (oulness 'while they are ill so newer Ihough not revived 10 taffe tas nail glac s ilks. bar enemlea the purpose had grow n But Samson was de at to hlA fnt her's more becoming thlW !pe lear or fiower ~y the admlssloo of fresh al~, and within him to some day mu~cb at long· excluded suoshlne. A plague the head ot a cooQuerlng army a ll entreaLiell and his moth r's tcnr~ .... rea th s. makllig re ply alwa ys to Lb el r I·cpeat· The bow goes directl y In front. a . ~ IN DOTTED SWIS8 MUSl.IN. ofILlOt tor centuries, the BCllne of mBny theso otber men had done. ed app ealll : lwl ste d fll ec" of t he mnte rlal going 6 nameless, uoreeorded tragedy, 8S His motber lold blm over IUId again "Oet her for me; for ebe sccmeth arollnd Ihe high collTul'e 8S a s nood. Daisy Apron Ornamented vv ith Colored I'well as ot many tllat staln with blood tbe ,tory of \he angers I'lslt. of hla right In m y eycs ." Embroidery Silk. The bow s may bo mad e e lUte l' of gauze . !tbe archiVes of medIeval France. the blrtb. and of the promlRc that he And wben tbe r saw It WIIS useless , sprinkled wit h cr),s\ nls, go ld spangles. Do ~ted aWlss. mus lin Is th mat erial Illite of this ancient hospit al will, be .bould be II. deliverer unll.> Israel from etc.. of IIllel'I)' sll t ln (II' I'clvet to matcb lon~ c r to try to res t rain him In Sbe 'Kiven to open·alr spacea aud modern, the power at the Philistin es. bls resolve, tor, they dlt! not untier· or con t ra st with the c08tume. or of used lu mal,lng lb ls (\proo. Quantity had told of the Nazarlte "OW and \buildings; stand toat It was ot the Lo rd ilnd th nt cloth of sold' 01' ~lIl'el" The bow is n ecessal'y Is a piece 33 Inc hes lonl!; by bad by tior faithful mini stry IDsplre d 30 loches wlae. - The bem on ench he sought an 'o ccasion against the Quite larg ;~n(1 very Jaunt y. side Is lIn. Inch'es wide. At tho bot' Immigration CommlssloDer Sa,rgent blm with t he !Bme 'splrlt of loyalty Pblllsl!oeti, they did n,s he d Ired. So tom Is 2Y" Inches wide . . Yellow em: . !has stated that the law uoder wbich and devotion whh:h had m Ol'ed bet' It came to pas s tbat In time Iho yo ung broider y silk Is used for featherlit Is uolawful for a state to ' pay the own heart and kept ber pure l) nd un- woman ot Timnath became th c wlCe stitching the h em, The t.hree rows 01 lPassage of Intending Immigrants' or lpotted from moral and spIritual de· of SamAOn, but ere th ee wcek or fcstlv· cmbrolder), ncrOSR tbe bottom repro Ito IISslat Immigration except by ad· cline wblcb was manIfest among her Itlcs had ended there had transpired 'vertlsemellt, • does not apply to Ha· paople on every hand . Aud In all tbose events of wblch the Scripture lWail. Under tbe auspices of tile Ter· W. earl), tralqlng Bnd dlsclpllnll, the apeaketh In d etan , and wblch guve to jrttorlal lmmlgrn.tlon society Imml· fatber Jlfanoah, had nobly aecooded Samllon the occaSion 'whlch he Bought ,-rants are belog 'brought to tbe Iii' the G~dlY woman. of InlllcUng upon the Philistines , tbe Ilaud from Europe and t he Azores W In luoh ~n atmosphere It ""3S that punishment thef so 'rlchly deserved, !take the place of Japanese laborer.' Bamlon had been reared , and liS he and of turning tbe hearta of his peo· IUpon the suga~ plantations. 'eveloped ,Into young manhood, and pic back to tho scrvlc. of tbe trul' felt tbe "Igor of hIs strong ,physIque; Ood. Gen. Batyanolt. B Russian naval am· and tbe Impslllnc motive of bls d ee p eer, Ie quoted ' 8a deelilrlng that the Iplrltual lite, tbe Irresistible Impulse Cormorant. Trained to FI.h. • • American shipbuilding yarde can turn moved him to go out among bls peo· Cormorants ure familiar eoough ob· ~ut In two ',years many, IlhlJjs aa 6:u· pie and Beek to arou se Lhel I' patriot· • ropean yards can turn out 1'1 five years. 11m and begin tbe .orgalllz31loo ot an jec ls fishing on Ill,e ollUylng ,Jocks' be· . He IlccorcUngly ' recommends that tbe arm.d force that should I1rlve th e low th e clll[s whereon they n est, or czar let to ' AlDerlcan builders 11 ' coo· Phlllltines trom amonr; them and seated upon the poet!! which mark tho course of the channel In a tldlll hal" t.ract tor OOIlB\J'Uctlon ot a tar ea~terD 'realt the yoka of their oppresl\lon. bor, the It brilliant emerald eye8 ever equadroll, Almond Milk. But spiritual conditions were at low On the watch ror IIsb. The simples t face blench known 18 'A brand!!:=n"'e"'",,=d="a"'n"'g"'e"'r=;':b'="ss com.e to ebb. aod people did 'lot seem to fee l But tew people nre perhaps aware almond milk , and Is good If 0'011· ;terrify humanltY-lIparks from the tbe need at or .care tor ' anything dlf· that these great black uncouth lookIng 'Itanlly used. Blanch 3a. large al· sant ox·eyod daisies. Yell ow sllle wh-eie8B t~legrapb. Tbe p~lnclpal rere~t. And wblle they telt the bur· birds were at one time traloed In Eng· mond s, Break Into a slUall bllsln and be used ror the petals, each potal ha~ · c au se for alarm Is that fire Insuranol> ' Jen of the Pblllstine rule, tberll were land to catch fi.s b for, tbe amusement put In a lum). of s ligar, Take a wood. Il1 g foul' s t itches. tlte 1.\\'0 center ones oompen68t1ng features , Buch liS 111'0' of royalty , The sport was Introduced cOlllpanlee nlay t.ake It 11.8 a pretelCl en polato mllshor (not a wire Ot' metal bein g R lillie longe r than t he one on tectton from other eDllmles, and cer. ~ further hoostins ...tell.-Kansall In~o tlie country from th e court 01 taln commercIal and loclal advan- France In the time ot Louis XIII .• the one) and break the almonds and IIug· Ilach side. Brown embroidery, silk 1ournal. ' tag.., which appealed to them, and French courllers had beeD taugbt lbe ar, the n slowly. alm'olt drop by drop. use~1 for tile center of the dalsl68. wbleb rendered the .lrorts of Samsoo metbod of tBmlnc and trallling the~. add a half flint ot rose water, Tbe th ese being Frencb knots. The top A Chelsea girl , who bougbt , for her practl'cally wIthout elrect. birds by a Dutchman, whOle cplmtry. ,pr,o ce88 III a 10llg on~ and must be of the apron Is turned ol'er ~ 'AI Inchel father to hanr In hll omce a fr!'med ' What If he dId perform deed. of mell had already learned It during carerllllr done, the object bolng to dnd has four rows of IIhlrring. On motto. "no It Now:' waa shocked to prowelll before tbem reveal inc bls their v0y'agel I!I tbe jf.alt. For It I, brcak the ulmonds os fine as dUBt. tbe wrong 81de ot the shirring 8ew a _ f... _1ot. IIILO .. 1178\'fC\t, .. ~ learn next day that. after lona heslta. power(ul physique? Wbat If he did to tbe Cbloese and Japanese IIBh~· Let stand OV r night, then stmhl piece of plain mualln. 80 the threada .tllrnugb musli n clotb. USe the "milk" won't branlt. Futen yeUow satin ribtlon, be had marned for hlB aecoucl reeount the , blltol7 of the put I.n men that EuropeI'D Datlonl wel'e ~~~iL -=er~ wit•• &1rl three y..... OIUT IhlG ber wbleh /JOd had civen deUvcrfUlce to Indebted for a lnlowledc. oC the lROI'&. mornIng and mill&, lettiDC It d..,. _ -bon on Ule rlgllt-1IaDd lid, for ' till PROTBCTYOURIDaAa

The Miami Gazette

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~UT.~ M F DEL "8 ,Dn:s el'llcn' 1 8t1ak. Into Your Shoe. lIIore ,goods, p r ~I!.ekoge, th,~n \ll~ ,ra, ~nd Allen's t'ool-EnPc. It. t:u r~. pninCul"s\\'OnOD. IU 6\ lce Geo. E. Law, of Br~z ll , Ind., tlte ~ol' urc b. IBhl~r nncl fUblCl. ~,\Inrti nl" ~wcu ti l\Jl feet. 1II11kes uew ~hoe. H-s Marrie d '1400 Cou I -----~"""y. l:io,<i by nil DnI~gist~ anal lao tore•. • __. P C5. It. II eurloul how a mod p_~t aet re.1 , 1I1l1,'t acr. 'pt alay ~U b.liLllt O . ~, ,,,ulll~ F1U:W. . .,111 a ppear In a tbreadbllre play. I .~ d dl'cll. A. . Ol msted, Le Hoy, N. Y. Jlls tlre Ceo. lil. IJa,,', of DrB1.Il, Ind ., I.a~ fall'l y. ea,;ncd tho L1l1e "'I'he Mill" I Ill .... W 'aalow ' . 8oo'bJ". RP D • . Prince Fond of Boxi ng. Prince Willdemn'r of Denmark Is a ryllig , Ciuu'e,' ' uy wlli cb h e Is Imown 1" .• ut,~ •• ,.,."" ... . ' 8:U"'" "" fnr and wIdE', hlwlng. G _III " lu~, .'I'I'''''U. , ·..r•• " ...." ,o, ... ~ . b.a\l.. cap ltn l b~x e r a nd Ie e,er ready to put all' aoy mU "rled Ilome ~ •I nn I II" !-;love8. 1400 cou ·~ e8. 'fell A pret ty kl rl Is as fond of drawl n!, ' years ag~ lIe was aU ollon AS a pollllc.a l oft\ cellolde r II De II u ty 0 u 0 ty of i1rawlllg a sall1ry. Tr a surer. "At tbat For morc rro":<>l1_ l ha " nnl', G ~dicl rl 'I'M time," ~a ld Jus Lice is til bcri\' 1~ ll oic~ wllull n laXlI1in· j .. • . Law. "I was s ulrer- lI eNI.·iI : it. is P un', P lt·,u'\.n ru, to lUh~ . .\1 011 In g f!'Om au ullooying Ilnd PI JIl"nt. (; HlJl'ltU t!(,'d IIIH I"' I' t ilt! Food . kldn y troubl e, My . UII(! 1J...,~s .J_~\O' . ba~1c urhcd, m ~' r ~s t The Ilrcbd locese of Co'(lgn e, Oer· was brol.e ll at n ight, aod tb )la s~ng s m all Y, Is tbe lure S l In the world . · of tho l:iu n y ~ecreLio n s we rc too Il'c, wltb a atlt ol!c popllll\t! · n ot more Ciuen t Rlitl con lll in d s'llim nt. Th rce tha ll 2.000,000. I box s or I)OIl Il 'S K ld n y Pill s c ureo me In 1 ! i, tUltl for tho P:1Rt 1I111 l! ),eal's [ FlT~ , f: . -II I1 P I ',' n.~ 11",1 nil :\' e nnll hll vc bCCIl fl'Pc frol11 I\lJ n('~' COIII Jll ui llt n ,,~., <,'" I"'I'""",,' nl" ""'·ed I,)' 1 r . 1'111,,··. ·


Why Her Ladyship Surrendered By Guy Boothby (" flPl



J" '~ ph



On e upon a time, In a ce rlaln AII!- 'd wu till Rllndown, lind then trallan capital, there was iI. man who bOil 0 10 I' POrL the cllrlou!! II, havtor \\'as Q, mOll1u rot lho legitllal lve coun· of bill yuun!;' mlnlres8. tie \'ece l "~ 1'11. a. IlCiIUlll r, a merchanl and a mll- hla dlscha l'g UPOD the spot. and hl1~ 1I0nl1lrt'. nll a t th e · same tllue. HI. IJ Il II wooderl ng Ul reason why cVllr uam e W IlS AleX111111" I' DIves . si n e. Lady Ul v S Wll 8 II IC:llle l' o f sOI!I.ty, l.ady Di vell w as llesl (lo hel'selC with wlllch IlWlI ll ij (lin t Mil OIIOIl('d HuilSCl'lp' rll~e, IlO.1 COIl8l'I] U 'nj lr 511' .I ohn was Uon lis ts wltb cl'lls hlll g II1l1nlll nce. fU l'lo UH, li nd 1& pE'cil(' nt note whlcb a l'&lId eu tll i' 111 11 d on 11 sea l \~hlch rh"' " npxt moruln g, Hlglled "Owenuo· e·l! ps.' d ('v II vlce-I'o),ally ItH(.It. IIIit' BnHsldr;e," {lill y Illude th III l he Larly 111""8 hud a lluu ghtCl' whom \I\' 1I10l'e \'eh "I II{'nll~- de"lnl'O fhnt n elllH'r call ' o Ih "DivIn ity." Sho was II Hhn nOI' h<'1' pauper t:uBba nd should sweot Girl. alld llad becn' b rtlll o l l~ Ill) ('Vl' r 9 t 1'00: within t h 'II' (jOOI'S li gni n. ~lrl U:.· tlUUQI' It(>\' moth 1"11 cYt>. a fat· ''1'1118 wa s, CIt ('oursu. very '1II pll)n~ · wil iell In Ils I( was SUOIl'lt'lll 10 :; UIU'- nOt fo,· .11 " I "' l lI ll~' ." tor, III s pite l,t flllt.' her Il i 1.0 Jl crnn .. n l"Il ~ 'g cu n - I I belr ';I'ucl 11IIJI(,s lllon. sbe WflS I'collY llorL But. th ough sho s pok lIye \'eIT fOlld 'Of h('-" par'uls. At tlte 1':UropNIIl Innguage's III" a nOl\ \·('. IIn,l. ~:Iln tllne Hho WI\R I]l1ll.e c<l n vln~ 'll could rid,,, dunce, ~I n g 1111(1 pla y ha ir 11. IIltn ht' l" Cbu l'ley Wil li lhe hos t. thl? d07.e'1l ItlNtl' Urn ('n tN b" t(cr thnu 111.111' "lev('reHt, III hnu d ~o na 51. as w II as ill'or dslonllh!, sh WIL~ not nl'o lld , "lit tllA \V 1 ~ (' sl man In (,:l:lstt'(l e, a lit! hud hal·nllug. oll ly IU be known to b · nllpr clat d by 1n 01'11 1" to' fnl'illl.nto li la Jlubll c d\! - c""l'ronc. 1I 8 Si r J ohn f'll1vloy (>d aN ~1I·.Iv at e so. 'f hnl young l;cntl pUlan, thOIl(;h p('r' I' 1.1l.1·Y Il mOHt IlIerltol'lo us young mun f(' 'fly aware t hnt lie was lita ny d ', Who a~l o( 1 hi s lotle l's harics Gren· h"'o 'S I'PlIluv'd t'l'o m what al! thour;h'~ vIII l1IIl1s ld ~c. 'I'hls;; nll('lII a n IIv II him, Il 'gu n to look upon blml!el£ a!l Rt Dlvcs PIII'k, nnd was broll glll intu 'lI t h!!r a line fellow. H I'l wnli 0150 dall y cont uct \\' Ilb b l! (1111110)"'r'8 fU IIl' '1 lIl to Sliro ,tbat h had n sch m th at i1 y. li t' \\,118 Ii SOOd.louklu~ Hlle nl waul d bri ng th e 010 p ojlle 10 tbel r Fuun g Englis hman of nl l'SI-Nlous nll - R"" S('S In no time wben BO deslretl. lecellPOlll, who d ellnorl to lulk ot hi s Hi s IJast was goi ng 10 vrove useful. past. a nti said hE) had 0011\ Ollt to nne I" all. Howovcr. he was wl ~ mnke hj fl ror~t1l1 e ; but us Ih lll Is wha t ' nough not to I t bls \\'ifo Into llle secI' t j ust tbon. ovel'Y nl'\VCOTll I' sa~' s. il uorly .gn" biOI l'redlt rOI' ul'lglnaJlty. H owover, 'I'h ey spent Ul e l.. honcy moon at be made II very gOOd Ilntt1IlU'11HIII. LUI'tc;e Buy, and aft' otlon WllS In Billie of his xompill ry heha\'lol' strong enough to coln'': ev Il those awbel' ladys lt lll r<1gnrded hlln with KUBIII. ful sllod hllls tlle loveliest ot rosy biles. On T ucsday lhe Orlll ur. steamed li p clous eyos. Shll suw thnt t he " ))1vlnIty" ravor d him greatly. and II WII S to the anchorage. aud e arly WClln65' \1laln to all of liS thal he wa il mo re day tile youllg cou plo bonrdcd her for Englond. They lay concpal d all Ihe t hao 'a little In 101' with he r. Havins grasped th 001'11111,), ot mUl'nlog In Ibel r cuoln. anll durin g Ih IB. l ...tdy' DIves, lectured b el' da ugh- t hnt tim e. lJasNldse told Ills wife hlu





I ;I(llir ~

aud bncl,flf 'h : '

,·\"t l jtf ' IJ I 'il t' "

:--·(.':1d for Fl'f '~' ttl .o.}

Sohl by nil deulol's. r,o ('nl s n box. l!'inl 1 " , "I~ ;",,1 Ii",:(;-r /1 ". 11 II. 1\ 1'1l,', Ld .. l'~ ! ,\ "b ~I .. l'I"I,IIIo,I"I, ia. p" Fostl" '-.\i!1lJlII·n 0" \{uffalo. -. Y. . Cham oi s Skins f rom Sh eep. Dre w Cop iou s F loods of Tears. Ch umois sklus In a Ill njol' lty of . A ph~'s l (,'I;.lIl '" l'llrllnlld, 01'(1., I's ll eases, cc ruing to a Uol ted Stal('s ma ted hut 2.01 8 I fI ~ POO llr\l IR "f t Ul'l'. cOII Hula\, "('!lort. !'('conlly Issued, a re 0" t wo gallons ill r, lI, W('l'l' sll('d 111 on.? . renlly nil 011 ta un eil she /l o r lam b , n is lt ~ hy th u, ..II !'1I C' tll:at It('lll'li ~a\" sl.ln lin in;;. Th(' Kupp ly of !<kllls from II a gc's " ~j adam ll uttc'r tly" iu that c Ity I th o 1'I'IllllOIR lij vc ry II tnlt d. }; nougb ree nll y. could n o~ II ubts IIl!!d 10 a YCll r to Tb•• " mo, . Cota"''' n tl'I"~" ""'n of UJe ~unt" su pply th (~ U nllctJ 8tn lea Cor tD Ol'O ~~".u !~I~r"U;.,~rM~~~.~~~.c~'~~,'~1;'~~~.~\~~:. Ul~~~t::~::~ t bU Jl a slnglo day, a ralr average ~ ~~~rr~:t~I~~r.;:I~,I~d?(fJ~l~~:·,dtl,!~ I~'~:';~!:~ I;"~II~~ croJ) fro m Swlll.t'rlnnd bein g onlr l 'I\!U r C \\' fLb luct\llrelitrur..ll, v rv uouuced 1c. II, c ura bte. aboul G,OOO to 6,000 s kins, 'fhe chll' ~~!:n~~d',~.~~~~~,:'r~~~i~~~~~',::'~~~,~~!\~:~~~:~:: moia skl o Is heavie r than th e skin of 11 . 11'. '.,.rrh C,w . """,ur' .. ureu "1 ./" . ,I . ~'h.nOl th e f:; Leep or lamb, and much coats r . 4. 0 ., T Ule.dO,Ob lo, t. 1. huun l)' (!ou.ul 1. uU Onlile ura 0 0 I rnlr),; el-. h I. la ke D tUI ~ rnalll1 In dOIIf'~ f mm 10 \ For slr II gth anti d urablll ly the chao d,"p' 10. '•• op",,,, tul. JI A,'" dlr<Otlf. ~n tI,. 1>'0,,0,\ I mois Js prE'f l'abI • but f or ordl na.ry ~~~d~::oJ~~l~~~f;~:'.~~~. 1,,~~:)'~U~t~~·J' 'I ~h~t l~~ati~~~ UKe aod appearance tbe oil-ta nn ed IO~~'J;.~~~";'~~.'~l\Wll'~'~'~ co., TOltdo.Obto. shee pskIn 1I01llg would In mos t · 1n- 1 >!old ~~ om'?" .. : ~Gn. etanc II, be preforred. ' , Tlk O aU', IDlUI1'm, for cODI,UpaIiOD.




Delicate 11'1 t he Old H:lme; Hea lth In the New.

A Positive CURE FOR

CATARRH Elr's Cream. Balm i,

qu ic~ l ,

. b. a,bed.

Gha. ReUel It Once. 60c. S tr Drol.,!.O Wurreo 1Jt.1 :oi 1 Y .

HEALTH 01: WOMEN In t.hhill iDotecnth century 'to leoep Ill' wlt.h t.lle wur ' lI ,If pro~ress 'very power of woman Is "tramed to Its

utmost, nu(1 tho t nx upon h er plJysi. cal Hystcm is tlU' greate r tllllJl ever. J 0 the good ol d-', hion d do.ys ot 0\11' g ra.nd molltcl':; l ew drngl! \vere used In lOeilicln 9 . l 'Il('Y rolled lIpOU r ut) lIud herb!! to cure Weo.lenllbllcil " uti i1iseasc, Dud lhd r ltnowloll ge ot. roots Bnd herbs wn.s fn.r gr,m lt!r tba.o tb:Lt of wom n today. It was in U,js s tudy of roots ncd herbs th at Lyl1i,~ E. P inkham. o C Lynn, lI\ ass • el is(' overed o.nd gavel to tI. o) 'YO lDen of t l,e world a rCllIelly more [loLen t nnll "rucacious t ha n OilY cOOlbinali n of drugs,

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

nn hOD st, trlel! an(\ Irll r cmclly of nnqll('~t.i,,"able th erape'uLic vnlul', 'l'h is lllc,liclne ml de from no.U veroo t lind h ' rbl> cOl)tnins n narcoUClI ('r othcr harmful dru gs and today 110Ids t he re.cord Jor tho l al'gcst nll mber of aotual cllres ot ! mnlo diseases of an y med icille the worl ,l lin evtlr Im owD, aod t.housands of vol\lotnry tes tlmoninl!! aro on file in the laboratory a.t Lynn, M n..~~., which t es tify to iL~ wo nderful villuo. Mrs . .C. E , Ifinlc , of 'aruegio, ]>n., writes:-Deo. r 1\Ir8, Pinlcham:- " T wish evory 811 ff ri ng \"omu n would take Lyr1 ia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Colopo"nd and write to you for advice . ] t Itall don e me u. world of good and what it hn.~ II ccomplished for me J k now it will 110 fo r others." Wben women arc; troll bled with I rregulnrltl·s. DIJlplnc men ts, Uluer· I.tion, I n fl ammat.ion , Back ache, N ervous Pros trati on, tltey shou ld rc· me mb!' r there is ono t r ied and tru~ r emedy, Lydia E. J'in k hnm's Vcge· table Com polllld. i:;

Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women

Woa:nen slIffering irom any for m or female woalmeliB ~Te In vited to wr ite Mt'R. Plnlehu ln, at Ly nn, Ma ss. Ollt of her 'VllIIt volume of e ll' periellce sh e probably bns thc very k n owledgo that will b e lp your case.


Cllul'ch brldgl'. Su sk. , Dec 'mil l' 1 St, 1906. To the Edi tor. Dcar Sir, '1 come to th is connlry from the tate oC Wisconsin threo )' ars ago, nnd mu st sny that I am \;r aUy plea spd wltb lhe ollllool, In tb Is woste rn coun· try, "'or my own' pan [ am entlrcly progress 1 ha\' e saUsfied \\'I Lb , 'th made slncc om lllg ,lt ·r . 1 1ta \,e rai sed excell Ilt I'P I S or 'I;rnl n o f nil \, Ilr lo· ti es. [.Jnst senson' my whoa t I\veraged 23 blisll els qf wheat to tbe a cre, oats 60 Ilud b31'Iey 40. W ball a IIple ndld garden thi s Y Ilr. _'IIlt'oi t,g successfully tem ato ~ , musk· melons, wale t' m elolls, sweet corn and ltinorM s orts. Tho country Is . '\\'ell adapted to wb eat gro wing aO(I mixe d tarmlng. and to my mind It Is tho best cOllntry un· del' th e !lun for n man with n ramlly nnr! 9mnll mean s. as It Is possible tor a man to comn.l once fllrmlog ope ra· tlons with much less capital t han Is reCilllretl In U1El older selllod cOllntrles, Pita elimul I!I 911 tbllt co ul d be desired, being ~'e ry healUl)' nnll In\,lgor· aUng . . My wife ellme out a boll t Ilb, mon ~h 8 ago, nnd a lthough Inclined to lie dell· cate In tho old home, sh e bas enjoyed lhe best or health s lnco oom lng Ite re. 10 short. I am more t ha n stitisfied with t he land of my a doption, and I am a lso satisfied with tbe la ws ot t he counlry. YOllrs \\Cry truly, (Signed) JO HN [,ANGDO N • Write to any Canadian Gov rnment Agent for IItcrature a nd fu ll par tlcu: lars. Would Grow Tobacco In "reland. An oft'ort Is beiog ba do under dlree~ Io n o( Wll1lnm Redmond to repe al Ule law whi ch proh ib its th e growing :>t tobacco In l relnno. It Is h old that soU I\lId climatic conditions In Ire la nd are favorable to the production 0' a goo quo y o[ tobne 0, and that Itl llulUvaUo'n ' can be ma de proll.table.

ter . 8 verely. wblle 511' John COlli" )'cd S ~n \\0111' b fo re slilllng Si'r .J.ohtt and a hi nt to his p.'lvnte sec I" I.ady OIl' B CllIlIe 00 board and a l Lary tbn t It wou ld be. bet! r I' '1'h:1pa !C one o'ulock l he " esse I w Igh ed allchor be w re to d vote hlm ~c l t ino r :l8s I0 · lIou81y La his du Ulls. IIU t! 8t amed down tho gulf. . 'I'hen it cnm to Jl115l!lhg notes at J.ud y DI\' es, arr Ol' family I,r If rs , a rl'n nglng mC'etingli III ca bin. examlne,l th . th ora ngCl'Y afterwal'lls, On da y 1\ 'r Il\d y~hlll' 8 maid, actin g IInd ll r Ins t ru nons, follo wed them to t he ir \'e rHlcIIVO IIl!, and on h·1' relurn to l he hous . r n )a led Ih 11lll'])Or t of tbeir AlOII \'l\I'l!!l.Uon tll , he r IIII.s tr~ s8, A0 tuVfU I 811 II follow lI . nnd · next morning niL udverUsellJc ot , nll!1 ~j ll'e d In thtl dally papeJ's Inviting (Willie lio n for th 110811100 ot private sec relOI'Y und IIw:\lIuL!nsIS to a Illf'mb(lI' of I,a r· llamant, etc. 1'ho night that. Bassldgo bad farewell ·to »1 ves Par le the" Dh'lnl ty" cried h e rselr te sleell ' II'll b a llilota Dnd bundle of bill ls-dollr IlII der h er pillow. SlIe IlSS rted tllat " h r Charley" was not a "' pauper" onil 1\ '· nobody ." nnd 11110 8nld she " WOUld ratber dIe thnn ah'e hIm upt " Tbe new eeoretary provett to be D l ittle saudy-ba lrod mun , who woro Tipeciacles, and confined h is nltcuUonl! lIole l)' to bls blue books, being wise jjtougb ~o lea"e femal so<;,!.~I )· lllnuc, Rllr laliyslll\l &lItisfied II I'ij It thlll be wlis not dan gerolls , a nd tor a montb t hings went· smoolhly. . ••1. About this tim!>. Mr. C. O. Bll.~lii tl ge, , -Who Iletore had declined every lilVila' "How Dire You Play U, Thl.' Trick l' tJ on b e recel" d, slIlJdenly became Q, Somelh lng sbe s aw th ere m ust ha\'8' great votar.y of fashion, rellgl'o nBIY a t- , pleased he r. fO I' sho closed he\' plol'et ending every 80c lety gat hering tn ~h o nOli a od took be ,' husbnntl's arm, muthope, I 8111lpose, oC m~e Unc wltb hi s nalll-In~ : " R~ally. how "CI'y III nsallt! " lady love. T he consequl'nco · was lh at 'rben they ~trol!ed do wn the lll·llnlen· .Slr ,lobn, J.ndy a nd Miss DI ves were Ilde deck togethet·, lind turlling tbe 1n varl ably cons plo llous by l he)r o?- ('.()l'IIel' of the smoking-room were eon· ..e uce. Every duy t ho w lII'fu~ e 1,'T6W t ront d h~- the two' de ll llqllcnts. Dlore a nd more bitte r, an(l we out· "Tit Dh'ln lty " looked sUI'pussln gl)' IIld I'ft wood 'red how It wo ul(l clld. As ~ w t Itt &-WIl:lte costume, faste ned .a ml gbt b(, a:l:lleCtod, pllbllc s ympathy the wa ist with 11 bl'oad lluUq lle-sil ver was eo U.el~· with t th e 10vol'lI. and to Iluck lo, 1\ Inrlte wlllto Ilat, a11l1 tbe m y knowledge :"Ifr. bUI'I('s Greuvllle rl alu Ue at of Inn s hoos ImagI na ble. 'Jl is 0 pit.· to be:' ill! 'I'al;e Garfielll TeA. 13nss ld ge b nd more Ulan one' o ft' ' I' of Even tho grace I a's Dasshlge 101lkl'd t he I n,,"t l\'~' cXllclly " litell L" the neeus v[ ,,"omen fl.,,1 <,!, itdrclI : it i ~ nlUde Ilsslstnnc , .be. pic ture ?f honest FJngliah ma ull · ' IlICll who rIy " f hm'bs; it pUl'itics I he (,I oou, 'At thl>! Juncture SIr .Tohn a nd bls I, ess. (l rRdicntC'!'l , Ia~ell fl;e . o,'cr O Ill CS 'llrus\ipalhlu, la<\ y cootemplated a mastor stroke, T b eld r coupl looked /lnrnlyz('(] bl'i lll!~ (,;,,0,1 HC31th. and an nouoced Immedlilio departure with rag a nd ustonl sh.ment . All tblngs A bad Imltalion .. of tea "tter tho jn th e ·Orwull for E ngll1 ud. In ord \', onsldered, It waa really a most aw k· atbey Billa , t hat Ib h' dll!lghte l" migh t ward meeti ng. }'orhma tely, bowever, tlie real b e preaented at tbe ne xt draw ing. no olher Ilo.ssengers wore preRent. '. J.ud y Dives wall t he fi rst to reI'O\'llr, room. A 8troke of luck favored t ho lo\·ors. Illld sho addrossed herself to her fo r j ust a wee k \lrevlous to I hc boat's dUlIshto r: . saili ng Miss Dl vcs came ot a ge. Some "Oh . YOII wicked, w icked gi rl," all one sent hel' an uno il ymoll8 box o f sa Id. " bow dare yo u to 1,Iay U8 this NeallolU un " jol&.l/. and I uellevo sb e tl'lck 1" . Tbe graceless onB Interposed. and 'valued 11 mol,'(' than a1\ the.costly prose nts ot b et· family. ltiaanlll cb Il$ wl t b- m islog hts h nt polttcly to hlB motileI" In tbe bun r.b was a tillY note, .on the In·law, a l'tSwe red for h is wife. contenta of whi ch slte aeled. " Pardon me, Lady Dlvea," h e saId , Dassldge ' lad g iven DO tremble to r '·but. before you say an ythi og further n ear ly a fortnlgbt, and he r ladyshi p perhalls yoU, will ullo~ 'me to Introdn c )'011 t o my wlfel" Then , boWing If h I II 'began to lIatter ' ~e r8e t nt s Ie 8(1. wit h t he a~r ef a court chamberl aIn, a t l&ft, defea ted hl/ll. 1 11\lIst : 1elH'e be continued : ' ")',a dy Dive! _ tbe ~ou to jUdl:8, whet he r or oot lue\). wal marchioness ot' La\'orstock!" . tho OIllle. ' (n v lew·ot t belr trip to Ene,"nd • .the "Wha t !" rrled his mother-In·law, "Di I Ity" h ad orde l'ed a t ravellnl!: ltep pln g hack aa It thunde rstnt c\[. dre:8nOf sIlPerla U\'e: teXtll1'l an el neat_I"Wh~~ do )'011 mean ? Can Oda btl n ees. and In order th nt, It mlgb t li t all t l'lle? ' . . .. 4 'e89 fi tted before It neces. "C.ol'ialnly. ll1amma, ans wered her ~t she sbould bay. It mOlt (lal1~htor, " thougll I only knew It my· ' . r 11 t rflld on. . soU Utls I110rnlo&. Charl ey came to c al e u 'i . Aus t t:lllla because h e wa s too 1l09r to F or this purpole on the momlnl fol- live tn England, and ratber than 'I\'ln lowlnlf.,~r birthday, she drove til ber his wa y by mean s of hiB title be droll' tall or'. plal:e Qf bU8lnes. , rv;d atter ped It. and wa" ooly known to ua by In!ltruC~g th.e coachman to k eep tbe bls tamlly nume, A month ~ he 1101'110. moving, ente red the IIhop. ' cll mo Into 11 lot of money, and n ow Tile cirelli h aving been IItted to he r we aro going home to rev ive the glOo IUltiltactlon, abe watche d her opportu· rles ot tbe house." . nlty, &lid, as the carriage was gotn g I wUlIt leave you to ' fmutne ber' up the atreet, aho IItrolled quietly out lad ysblp'S s urrender. Sir Jobn'., 01 of the !Glop and down tlae pavement In courae, doesn't count. ~ ~ppoBltu direction. OIl reacb1Dg the general poIt oace Philippine Porte BUIY. • • ehaneed upon · Mr., ad Shipload after I hlpload of raJl"., after • DIollleD('1 eonverntloll they 1I1!l8P8'1'1 and cold irtorap producte JOlt... a IIaDtfoIIl tosetbur and drove .. IU'linq at MaDtl. and other PbWpo ".pl_ ~wq. pille pW..a from varlotaa A.tIaI!ft H. • . . ao.chmu DlO'1II . . .0 'IIOM

PeniOnal bowied ge is the winning factor in the culminating contes!! of thi, compctitive age and when of ample character it plac:ea its fortunate po!SCssor in the fron} ranks of


The Well Informed of the World.

A vast lund of personal knowled ge is reaUy essential 10 the achie,emenl of the highest exceUencc in any field. of human ~lfort.

A Knowledge of Forms. Knowledge of Function. and KnQwl.·. edge 'of Pr04i1uct. are aU of the utmost value and in questions of life and heahh when a true and wholesome remedy is d esired it should be remembered that Syrup of F igs and fJixir of Senna, mufaclt.\red by the California F!g Syrup ~" is a n el~cal product w hich hu met w ith the approval of the most emment phyllClDnS and 4PVeti universal satisfa ction, b ecause it is a remedy of

Known Quality. Known Excellence and Known Co~ponent

Parts and has won the valuable. patronage ot-millions of the Well Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowleGge Ind from actual use that it is .the firl t and b est of famay \autives, for, which no ClIlrivagant or unreasonable claims are made.

This valuable remedy has b een Ion; and favorably known ·under·the name of-Syrup of~ - and hOI attained to world. wide acc:eptance .. the most e ent family laxative. As i!! pure laxative prindpl,et; Obtained from Senna. are well known to physicians and the -Well Informed of the world to be the bett we have adopted the blore elaborate name of -Syrup of Figs and . EIisir of Senna - as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtleu it wiD always be caUeG for by the shorter «-Syrup of Fip-and to get its beneficial effects, always note. when purchasing the fuD DAJIle of the Company - California Fig Syrup Co. -printed on the front of every package. whether you call for - Syrup of Figs - or by thcdun name - Syrup ol Fist and Elixir of Senna.




LON03'N:E~GL.~O. U


Victory 'I n .Chaml.try 11. ~, 1.. r, Chemislo ban lrie4 to liDtl .. .. II 'D

Culor 011 In Pili, . ' I'or o""r four h ub'\ rc~ 5trC'lI glben or concentrate Ca s-to r Oil. t.:ooked Casle r n il iu comblnaUo. wlt b the purest or pur. S u l,)hur, CIlACa.ra . cane g~ r. etc., lDakca a awcet IUti. pili t ha t .ItV oue ('Un take and · 'get t h e effect

,..·,i boul I he taste ."


1 ~ d l'Ftlt, l Oe.: 45 d C1 M'S. 35t' . All 1) rugg15U aell th ~ tn.



Jlo r J: rcc Sim ple. addNas.

8aars TIl.

K. F: Deal .. The Vitia" ROlli"" Ca., Da~I.ft, O.








What is medicine for? To cure you. if sick. you say. But one medicine will not cure every kind of siokness. because different medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver. another' to the spine. Wine pf Cardui to the womanly organS. So that l'l 'why .

of Cardui has proven So efficacious in most case~ ot womanly dis~se.

TfY. it.

Mrs. Wm. Timer, of BartonvlDe, m., writes: NI suffered for yeara with female dlseases.ud doctGftd Without relief, My blclc and hed " ould hurt me. IIld I wHered agony with bearing. dow paJna. At 1aIt I took WIDe of Caldul aDd DO... I am ID aood bealth... Sold everywhere. In S1.00 bot~ea. - ....---:~-7-.t'-:li:..;;.,,-


t ..·....

'hft II We;: have n

__ ._ Beal Elt)~ti0I1 ? 1 nl

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N ow thu'l till r tl i ~ II .11I·ll"PI (,I, >II th .. Pennllyl vtlollt rll ilroll cl (".., 'P" II ." bnlldlu ~ nor ()t\!\ I h r in' r hpl''' !Iud tn ' In Ill1lnti' 0",, 1' till' C . 1.. ,~. N rontp, it I I)" k ~ .\ " ; 1' th f dn',llil " I mlill Y YOKrlJ I to 11 rO ll s nfllll lll l~-d If. th e rOlld i" 0 (' 1111,1\), b lll Jt. i t. w i 11 lUeau mn 11 t o " ' .. YIlI'" ,·ill , lind o rwin in th o f IlJlpro '·l'd shipping fa oihti S lind tlce OIIlIll Od!l. Lion... But. IIlOSt imllorhlllt o f 1111 , it, will give empl oym ent 10 u il U fll ber of !lIon nt goo(l Sill" ri el', whi II man y will b . pl'nt. !JerEl N o \\' let's pre pare fo r II boolll .

A Roa£t Roller Next. 'J'lIe MIone orllsh r Tt'CMIII.v Pill'. elll1 ~ ed hy" llyn .. t u Wtl. hip i:! ,1 ~l ing g.o nd w ork Ilnd lin improve. III tlnt In t 111' TOIHis "f the t o wnshi p i!l re!, I·ut. wit II i\ I'll iJ r 0 rond roller h ('OI I)1.'~ IIlmo~t " n e c",...,.1t11 , . " 'l'hA (,TII~hM I" .. \, ~ tile rook nlld SlClu n ill jugg II pilfM whioh e vory driv,'r will nvoillll,'4 long liS ' 11 OllU and whlob ur e ruinollS to rubber: tiro~

A I'o'ld roller would put tbe pike In hllllll'dtlll shop for trll vel und b v firmly pll('king It d owtl wonld b;lVfl It t.endency to make ' Dlore permAuent and I ~sti n g rotlds . In this r espeot a roller mGlLns oono. my .


t. ·f

1' 1 . 1




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Hold r h(l' to ,,,n u liJ,!h t n :; \\" 0 11 cP t It rl' \It'nlu" f r ntn it, ' I' lll°"-ll 111r1 n Ultu f


"r. , \.",,,1



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Mem'orial Service.




.,.: "r 'altll.""l , ,,"

" ",,'1' I

Itt I I

Help Wanted.


i, ~er 1,'-

I' ,. , ,


dollar will , ta)' an Ul'c:oun1 .

Call and in e ·tigatc· tlllI' sa ving's dC}><lI" ,ment.


Thankihg you for past



l'i oiicit

YOUl' "





~1:~f .. ,)'; \I ::I·;'~~\ t,S'~~ n \(l~~: ~n~~l,t.~~' ftt~a1~ \~i

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tl y jilt1 nd\ ' , '1' uf'L 11 ,. I't'h h ' ll'"h(\ lH'ft~ lIr t' d n lu, t t 1, \ Itt' I l r . Milt'ii' NH1\' h l~ " JI'I'1U 11 t ill! Uti'l l


All hht"i mll .,o t ... Lllt .. lhl' numher .. It'lr anll tlw ~ 1'1J"'''i UtnOlJllt .'ht ltlll<-rc,,~ ~o iI .~ t, ' (,r ,JI'lI\' cry, all l,ltls t tl l,.· Ih t.;", mll. mtr"ll whh , l \· ..· I't.ii1rt\ he c k . \m\·!\t/It' ~, the' I,n te " of {he l're .1!o,u r cr or W ayne To\\u~b ,I Jl . \\',t rrcll COUHty . Ohlu, rOf .! p r t'e nlum or uw :\ln oun t of ' ,uu d ,.. bI.1 rOI uplJn C(' lIllilioll thu t \f ltl ' hhJ l .. j\l:t.· ~ll, c'l the b i d.' ~r \\'lll r (' \.' \\·c t\IH\ l,;t\' f'.l r !-Cud\ oo .. tI. n~ Inny hI' d\\,.mit·, \ l'l),lm hi ttnhl hili whhln t A'11 ttHY tn'lu ttl · tim . (Ir '""ttl


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-'IItS. l\ 1~ l.l.Jil M TINnA I .I " J 111~ 1 11I8~ , ' b, Or. Mil •• ' Nerlil n. 10 ~ ol d by your d r u ggfflt. w h o will YQrn,n.ce th ilt the lIr.t bottle wi ll ben""I . It; t f" If. , ho wi ll

refund y our

mon ey.

Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind

M. A . .T am~son, Attorney ut I.uw, unci J u!ltice of t h PCllre L~banon, O lio. hllllc w nod , BJ.I(:k Bro adwlIY.

-----OOM·E HI~RE----no


II I1I H"\W,OlTlt'lI t ~I'('nwd ",t ow. hu t \\' 11\'11 hi' lind 1Il.f ... h,11l t Iw r.n lr l h hot ... tl ar- t' , .at'tn~ h~l d , M '~I )~"'lI rt·t l , n lHJ

. If ynn II ro n j\1I1~e t) f gOl)d [' I" tll,' .YOlllll llli,)t 1!l lll u II plU 1'('llI le II " ,

!lSI ,.\ P ll I l t k~,

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IIr Il U t" flllol1 \ \ ' .'tl (':.11 '(.I It) tH', i\flll '~' Nt ' ,' \,llIh , \\',. I ~IJ!II U J!i nnr: 11 t o him .

)f 'rUE BE'l 'TEI{ K.IND

B i!'

I l it (h,· I tl'H tl (1,"Ull1i \l(, 1

"Our ll1 qt" hoy- TI;trry, IHlll ttp n"U Il S t or I hrl"l' p'ir'I, .I Jl d a lt hl'lt"th "'t' d ,,,,!t .....·('d " ltll Id ,I II Y p h\·~ I I'iII1 . lin "1)U. t 'nu"l l t t l ,a.:rtH\ \\I'r:,o 11 \111 III" h'I,,1 hl n Hl'at-t rH :" III ' lilt.' ", ,·~·I.;, .\h·ul thut tfnlf)

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l' xce ll 11 (,1' IIf IInr [11 'l:IlIu<l Young , h' u 's ~ l1 i l ~ . If ~' Otl nl'\1 ' L !;nu(.! j lld g l'" ~,Ll L1 })t ,III}'" wi1l 11 ,:- 1'14-.\11 t t l ' h,' hh.:.ltl·:,t .HILl I I h,',~ hl<lde r ro,r "10' 1\'" Ih.... IInr alill .H·cr",'rl ,,' (. p t IP>! t LI'11 )"'11 !:I!toll ll.! b y nil Itllltl llt' .. Ill Ile n · fill' YO Ill' dOr! ' ing

and ut:crued

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Ulll11!:-. L 'hll:I, 1 -111 4' 11«("., • a~ w l, lI 11 ~ llh)'l1 .. h.'il lh· ~,.,I 11 1 ~ JI'd tr01l1 " P fI ... ln Jl t CU I't.I,

)1 .,,'.11''':.


,,"0 1'(."

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Men's ·and Young Men's ~uits

. ';\ rl l :tlllu tJrm l.t) pr,,, 111 ,,1 f"r lh' t .. u '~\ln(11o; rur th,' 11 11 111 !1 ~l' ,'I ,J.tlhu,:, fOI-


I h"U lll" Ul"U I, I el"' ; l~)ff',l with H II h~'''' :-Ih-f;lrJ: hut Ih l " lUt)n- t l ') "I~ o( htJol owd ..

)hl\'t' IIl\t



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.b ealt It.


F,' Hart ock, Ca hirr.


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TilE 'l'rIZENS BA]\1 f

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Begin :. st('mati(' sew i ng.

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r ,'u l , .otl ll l e ~ u i ll hlt~ 'ur .t l'uhll r lull lllld IlUltlh- .'rl1 n·... un ll (01' " \"I'!' IIII !t a p U1Jlh' hall ,lIHI IIll tHIt· 011\'·... fur \\' I'}'I\" ·l \·'v-Ii .... hl l'. \\' .H rt.'n C llltfll\". Ottl,I.· l'.l~l,.t'fl f 'U ,'wUt h ,\,~y Hf

Y oung lll ll D 110(1 girl ~ ut t h ra. ters Curt ridge OI1.lP" OY, r in ' Mill . Work ·ltgh t nnd olenn . G ooll wng as lLnll oo mfJ rt.llhle b o t e l !I ~CO I1l ' modlltionl' lOR 10 tb ruet q r.Y . Addre!\s As. 1 t-llnt Mnnnge r. m 15 (It ' Kin g s Mill , Ohio .


to draw interest . '


1111 ·.

'! nf ".\,Ie' h n u,l ... tlll :-:"'l'li' II JI,,' r I 1111 ,., Att nt inu! le lll h(lIs o f I'h o O . ~"rs .. ldl""I"''''' ,\ la'''h 1' 1111,\ A. R . n nd Oll!l or Ve t al'lIllS will i .: or ,.",1 ... ,,,,1< ,," '"1'1' 111'.' 1' I l(tI', m Ol·r. n l, I.h d r II nllllt 10 o ' cloc k ~llll L...... U I' lt 101"11\'\ 11\11' 1"11 ...1'0' IJtI\h,. IlIfn' U) , 111~·. r.( II~T 21) tll n nil 1110 reh to til l' ~I ,,"H lll(' " tI{tid,l" for;I !'uhlle h.ull ,U\y 11\l 1Jhl' ... u't l\ l ltll ' ·I I·,'tinp. .\ 1111 hll ,- h,ll l au,l pn),lh.' E '('hnrl'll 11 1111 11 111'11,1 rp li ~i O \1s !lor,,· oAIC'· ullle l .... fHJ \\ II \ 11 1' '1' 0\\ II h Ip . \\'" I"rl 11 l 'IH IIH.~· i('p uhh, :'11111 u mkr i1lJ l huri ~ \ h' il .. · I ~ , w~ \JI ?"I\1 uad t.r ~"'I' tlou :'! .. a:,- "I ti ll' I· '\, 1... ,'" R ov. 1'1·on t. hu!'! Il l' r'LIl ~ "d !' J)U . . 1,il\lh:.·", 1If " hill ...... .t1ll(,llt l,,·1I .\ I'lr~h '1:-'. se rvilles for tb o !lay an d !I ll ,)I<1i ra 1 nOli , 11~ Oh lu L:\\\<iI _ l,tUt ,· IJi1 t,u,l h lu1et' fUHl 111 ' :11',,'1"\1 I'-:\nn· \\ It II ;\ l..'t ' l tH i li fl'-..oJ~ UOft I I lInd old i r ' . on s l' h ould . bow th oi r t hl' 1'1'I101h,. or t \ '.t\- Ih,· 'l ltl \\" .. llIp \\~ :trrtl ll (',lUIiI \ ' , \1hl,.. 14lltlUl'd ' !I Jlpr ociliti oll by H IlIrge II!te ndn 11 M .



, hut mu t r main wit h us

, patl'Onllg:('.

.\I.u·"'h I . I t'l l.

tltl )l· .w.I~ ,1M .... t· iH' ·II1 l)c·r· l


The mon ey is subjh't 10 ymlr- calJ. I any linlt', ;



"iI',,1 II'

?l lml)' 1 (I I'SII II!'; will SIICf (,rt'<l lllJt,dtl :'U"()llic.' l'J'Cllll <'pi 1C')ls.,·, lit ... ~ pa " ms ' a 1(1



llf'n .. !lI1rNl t bl' 111\" " '111 h t' ll f<"Tr. j ~M ,.,.II .. ",~, "n ""I" ,II.h', I 1\"1 ,.d . 'ril l' itqu nr proh lr lll i~ no t ,"'" ~ "f ·'1"'" I·,,, .. !· "II . 1.,r"I, I 1"1 ': o f 1111" 1'1' ~n l1t il11l'nt . WI' 1111l~1 Cilil .! "I ,,,.1 1"'/1,\, "" " 1'1'" 1111"., I 1111' sid I' it, ".' r iOIl!'I\.' 11 11<1 W(1 I1IIl,:t ,.. '! "",,dd lw,n,J .. 'lIl. 'Lit ~h t , I llIa ~(l l~ (l n ~. tl r ll 111'0 I litH wl1fln WI' f..!1'1 n i : fir ... ",1,1 l'r)H lt.., III1 Ser,lt Ihl'f'I I 111 1 ' :0: 1011 III,\\, W I' \\'i II I'nfo rt' O it ' I " 1

pO" ,


annum on avings accounts,



l "ll

! It·,,}. t

We pa int« .. 's t at the "Hte of:l pCI'

, St.Spasms Vitus' Dance


Im .1 ill ~: IIIJ'IJ)·!.1r /.;1I 1·lI1l'1\ I",: t ll ' r tn h11l~

IJ. In ·C. f:'a .. " " Il.IIV '1'(1 h. . d "·,,,·f',·d 11"))h .1 (111 1' 11 Jl lH·' d i .... ~ lI er .. o f l-iu.,O L'1 the:; , Il ls. um1 \I i<1\ld1 tllw nys n;l u." -oJ' t il \Iv .' np (0 'l'h" I" "II i hr' II " '('('II.WII ' ,n ill f Is no\\' running. 'Ve hllve Ill''''' l h ut I·ppotll t-io n "Ve W/l ut tel i lll pl·...!' nl\lI l1 ."lIu tllu l whlll, l b,' '11111(1. n l y l )11 ktl l'p .""n" ho\\' l ~ 1\· ·\1 1,, 1· wi lh Men Leaving the f' h l lr br lid. cnkes. buns . pi s fll-d r o ll . \\ ti"l. s I~ cit",'" 10 h. r"I.IIlIO,l by MId " I' th e lJlI/\ ht . y . ,; t ~'1 :l ."l wo r kJn"n!l h l p 'If ollr <:1'>l II '~ I" III~iI,. I h lI ri OI''; I). )(111 /-;'" ~l'\\' Lit,· 1', 11>\ Teaching Profession. on !Junds dally. We will thunk I "'". hlp" .. ,,1<1 ,:<In,lItl 'II I- n"t (1IIIlIle,l. Ill" Illll I;" ,. ., ~1\lH 1,- ( ' 1" I I h" II pill' I" ~ yon tor Yotlr: trade. We only T Ile "ltI W" \' n ~ l' \\'n~bll) , .W",ren u r uoh [IS yo u ' Il II(' pl'l·f ' 1 wi li lO g- 'o P'l.I' 1I,· ,·.·t· 1\,/" ,".11 ..- '" I"" k,' t ilt'l ""I In Warren Oonnty; . lind we pre· COlmty, OhJ.). re~"rI'<K Ih~ 'I~hl ttl ,~. (:II l1 lp l" , 1I11 11~ " ''' ' I'H,l II.' 1", ,>1 , y ou to gh Ollr oods u trinl. j Cl a,,~· and 1111 Hltl . sume it is the Plime over the !ltnte :--,'1 1\ ",' 1'. ,' " ~ . will t r eat you rIght . H!.!.••hou,hl I,U. "d"''' ,"", 1'11110 , ""1. generally, there appears to b e 0, 'Roy E:!t\'rll ,IW AYPltOl'. " 111,\ for 1 0 \1·".111[1 11 .111111",,1,. ' ~Icn'.. ' ~le ll H ~ ~ tv li · 1t -~_'!:'.':'"--,----""---"-_ great soaroity of ttllohe'l! ut t he l1 a, ...ltI.lll'lu~· or~I"l'. ItIO ', ~ l. , LA .8tt , ~1 . U . . ~ present time. JNO : -~ ",. F .lIIcy 'lI~si Il H\)'I f". (J h "id'" llllll r' t:lnlp ndid ( ;ll ,~i ll1 1·t1~ . W OI·~t, d~ Notice to Lot Owners, Men espeoill.lly are giving up J' Il O\. II.' Ii I' ll 1·, '1" I" . F IC \;\ l( 1~ I . uuS . 1 l'l V ' t 1 I teaohing for: some QO()upntion tba~ W,' Vl10 '1'\1\\'0'111 1'. Wlln"n • 'er g o" , lI'I.I\,.y now ~ t\' h'~ , W"lt . , " Il' , 1tl II!<, fl El!-tu nr.9 10 I I wr rl






cod ' uit '.

will give them more m ontll!! of e m . t t b tte l ' i 1

'f he regulnr !lnnua] m et,mg of the Jot owne rs in Miami oe lnetpry

.u te • • : 1/1 i(or ... d I(I~rlll Il tS. I'll "". II . CI.~ IIt"''' ' lerk o( \\' a.~ ne 1:0 I' ... I'(r. " "orn' ,, , ·nll n· IU n t. n t-

P oymen II. e r sa aries w tho out the numerOU8 petty worries and will be held on MonelllY, J nne 3, in ,trials which make up a s uhool ·teacb. t,he offioe of the 8uperint ud eLt.llt 2 er's Ufe. ' o'olook, when,~b e eleo ion of o m cers

l ·.



~~~~~~~~~~~_ ~~-~!!.~ _


~~~~~8Hd9~e-a,~~~~~w ~ilYI~~-D~~~~~~UL~~~~~------~~ttr~:.~(~ifrfflHI~lem(Tllrrllrr·nrtI1Is~lml1 .

M r. ,,~. women applicants 68 was for . .. III'ta u} ·5 Anr.\ ' of 'h ttlln l\o merly the oas8 either, altho !{" . ' I'en n , b Hl1 l'h on rn n l i. rn in I i!'\ ImportllDt busip ElsS is t o Ile trElliS. ItlIlIftve11 1'111 , hnth l1 ~el .hml\ . "olll otl !'o to . the srl.lary this is not explainable by " .lIe " o'rhe ut of e ll'!I . . .. noted, a n d 0, full I~tt e ndnn c e is d o .. ques tion 8S moat women receive t ll n t i t Will! . 1l ~f\l e!\!I f lI' w ork; " JI C greater oompensation BB te~h~rs' Ind . J. H. U L\SKrtY, ler k. ~(t~'!I. " I Applied l!lHllll b l'l nin'., ,tha.n t.hey could .ltt other work. ' P Ul1l Buhn o:Jl II \,' r lll ' ).) d t he ll rnl In Eggs' for Hatch ing. Oimn el fit· ni l':iJt a nd to Ill y r Ii Af I TeBohe1'8 ~ I!oltlries have steadily f Ul1l;td t,blLt tll t! ]1ulll g I' udutl 1l.Y le( t risen the past tew years and prob Pure bBrred Plymouth H~.t.' ~. . III 1\[\ \1 ~h e t,r en gl h r etu rn ll In ably oontlDue to go u p . per 15 . Duke 's Frnit .FlIt·tIl, WILY, thr 0 W '11s t ho t il 1I1llU it'm bod ne v ille. Ohio . Phone i) ~·4 X. tJl dl RIlH)ellrpllllDd h ill' n I, ioc r . tUl'lled .·' If t ro nbl 11 wt tL rh pllmlt. After SChool---What? tis m try .L f c \\' lIj)pli ou ti OIl:! of Pllin FOI' stomlloh troul.lles. biliousn e u.nd oon stipation try C htun ,1 rluin ' BU)III . · 'i ou '01'<> ce rt.lliv I . 'ho pi IJ Rad The above sounds something S tomnoh nnd Liver. 'l'nble ts . ' MR.ny wit.h t.b l'e.1ief wli iclJ tt n O'o n1 a graduatlon essay, bul· we don't r e m llrknbl e Cure's h llve bee n e.lfentec1 5'0 1'1'n1e bl' .J Ir. ' .I 'lUn :.,'. mean It for tnot. We don't pltr. by th e m ' .Prlce, 2ti cent. 'llillpl tll'l _______ _ t.toularly mean It for tbe graduates, free. For sn le l' y .T. E . J!I\lu ey Card Thanks. either, bat rather for the many I _ __


boys and girls who wlll be o ut of sohOQI for the n ext two or tbree



J h H r. 0 n yatt;

Mr. and 11'11 . .Jllmp. Peud rgn t wis h t o cx prc' ~H til i.: SIIl(' ),,_ g rll t i


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1I 11d ax\',ln"i ve ly . Ilxfjtli llit · Iy Br.),;. m llke. tu ilo r Ollll e f(on l tlJrong h Ollf IIn.<1 S\lit,s t,1\'1t ht fi r

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fUN ERA l . DIRE CT.OR, Telephone 'iDay or Night. [ocal No. 7

Long Distance No •. 69-3r


8ranch Office. Harv8¥sburg, O. --'-


IV 1111

11'1' 1' 1blt<

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I) I V.. h··.. o II fllt l .. d ·r,11' " " 1\1\' ~ , u " w \l lt ~~ II ' I IJ~ t'II S I " ,l ' 101 j!t t n .. t.h n· " 'JI ' I .. u r rl uu ~ I''', II'Y '11 L( ill IIn ;1


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II .. t La I \' h.,' I h.11 '1II.II1 . hl' J1l1 ltl 's ;-11 1" ,· C\1r (' 'Z~ 1I 1 11 11 11,1 nil 11111 'lt q~ IJI 1 1( ' h1l1' I,t tl h r k l ll I ,, \I ,d ?

'l" hl \I lI ·t e r I,.' /I " " V ,_ 1I 1'l i I, ,t;', 1m t "I Il l''' \l"lll ll t iJ I" ~llv,. III lJ . ' (tt< lIIh l~ I·. IIlUr. ~ b ,­ ( II O IJlIl ~ 11Il~ .. I.U!)\! ' 1 'HllI 11l1H 11(1 A. mugd fl An t [IS. or m bnt, , f h ig h M.ld of th e Iltlllst. wor tl il n 1)1 ' I I" ' . I!. ldo l· .llIh II 'L' I ) {l,~ l ~y , 1(llul v llh ', Pit. .If n I' ""Ill by .!. . g mr\p Sl~it~. ill In 11 o l. N k . . ~ trill ep (,[ll< ' il11 r a!' , IIl E'l\'oh[ln t l uil tH' ru l)!t ..• E . .Jlltl'Hly




i:'.:U I'P '\;" ! li o lIIrl

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You ' ll Pil" * 1 .00 o l ~c '\' h "' I:I ' (o r

,hr l,

!'J1I 111ity .



The .Surprise .Store



pa l

months. Veterinary Surge o,", and De ntistr t l.1l10 to' th e ir fri ullllfl 1111 (1' n i~hbo rl'l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ; . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Did you ever tbink, little friends, Telephone No. 121 l o r til e 11Illlly n cr. I, f km dnes' 1111.0 that you oan learn a great' delll out . . S\' lnjJllthy wl110h w r e. 'Jge ue r OUi!1v E. C. Hilb of sohool, jnst 08 much perhllpll, ul · At· Romc on Saturday ·Afte rnoon. l l.ll1l! I,owod ll p~IU t,h Pi I' cl il t· l11111 g h t '1' Sol Strauss thoagh in u different way, os you Waynesville, Ohio. , d nrin g h er Ipn g 1111(\ ( t'yl n g i lln os~ oould learn. if you were in soho Ol '1I111u t t h e t.l mo of h e r (h:a t,h . . Dayton~s Most POI»ular Outfitters. that long. 1 I ':. Durhig your ,hollduys .You onn. Sore Nipp las·. R .. lillf fr (HlI ~f!nlll~t1(' ' Pa ilI R. lea.r n to develop the body, rewem. · Any mother who l)IIS 11nd e xpEll i , 1 . s u fftH·c (\ ,,,H.b J:h ()lInlld l~m IQI' tOil, ber that it tslmport.ant that you be enoe with . this c1illtre sil1 ~ !lilrnent . 0 \'1'1' tIY" :von.r s , "SO-YII Mr . :rt Illtmd phYSioaUy 8S well ' aEi menta'lly will be 111 All sed to kno\v tl1rtt n cure ~· Uurry .• t pllo'olln'Ln , o f K ey \.va~T . I!trong and no man or wom!Ln oli n m ay he efTeotad by oppl.v ing ' h am If ill. " ' ::;'1 111 tiuw s i t sN I It II i n IIlV be an all around oltizen unless they ~el'lnin 's RI. ve n I ~oo~ liS t~he .r·lJild kllnoFl n.JHl lu Il\cll lll El YO I could hu r d IS done nurSlllg. 'W ipe It f)fI With It l.v· wul k. lI t OI' h~'I' Ill n e>! i t w o u11l hI' WI~ .1\1ANUF'AC'fURE THE VERY HIGUEST are strong aDd healthy in bl)th ~oft oloth h Afore. allowitlg' the bIlOf' / ill my t(WI Ull'] h u nrls ~o l WIIH in . mipd and b ody. to.nnrse. M.nny trained Dnr!l(>~ WlH l)u l'lIcit 'II Oll . fOI' I,.\ l1t..\· . Oll e n ig bt G RADE OF It is not gfling to hurt n.n y g irl in I,h1B8111ve With best r es ults. Fot' s ille wh oII' [\\ II.S m " VN p'lin lind IlIm'< tbis hoIldo,y 8OOS0n to Jetirn, to h elp by J . K Janney • 1r l)1II i t In y wifo w l'n .t t·o th drug', Brass Gulll').s Type . - - . - - - - .- - . _ _ _ . tO I'O h ol'o n, rll CUIIII' 1111 01! 'witn 11 Brass ·Hule in S trips Metal'lJorderA her mother ubout the bousework bott le of , 'l1u llliler ln.ill',. Pllin E!lI lm. Brass Labor ~;'aving Hulc L. S. Meta I [·'u rilHu re and neither will it hart., bllt rathe r I \VII ~ nlu lJ" d .w it I .I ~ u rul fo un d Leuds and S lugs Brasl! C.o lumn Rul es it will belp IIny boy ·to assi st his • .. . • th" ..tlllln bun n ell r!.\, !;<)Il A tliltin g th" Metal Leaders lirllss Circles father in his work. during pllrt ' of. 11 IgII t. I ke pt. un Il.q m g It fo r ,t Iitt! tbll vlloatlon sensen. Thllt 'i s t b e ' TJ\Ol'e th uB t W" w eele ,' /1'1(1 f Jllll d .Spaces and Quads, Brass' Lead .. rs th ll t .1t d ro v th " t he lllllllt.ifl m ItWO .V. Brass Round Corners 6 to 48 point praotloal side of life lilld we lire all 1 hll ,(1 n ot II fJ d a n y tr 'lIlblt;l frlllD Brass Lends nnd Slugs ':"Ietul Quoin s, etc. the better for lellrning It. . t ut ,li ~el1" for ove r t,h1'Oe mouths ., Then there are lesl!ons t o ' he ,\ND ·DI!;A I. lm IN B" r Sid e by .1 . E J .nu ey . . ....-..--- --r----- ____ learned from nature; go to 011,.\ Co1ullltl R r: le t:(J i'ncp.<l .llnd II1Rrl e ull [l'ooll II n ~ w' II I Il smllll ---- --.----~--- --woods when yoo oali·and stndy .the cost. trees and flowers and rooks'. 'P ll'lI se rem omber t,iu,t we are not i~ . nny 'l'lllst or (JulIlbiont,ion tltrive to make your. vncntion !I IlUU'q'o su r o t.1mt w.e onn DItl];e WgrClitly to rour nd"l1 ll tlll:tc to Telephone in his house wbere : El socoessful one. . With your fun lind . , ' , i10ltl wit II lis. reol'eatlon m 'll![ a ·l ittle wholesome can be called Rot 011 bOnl'R. dny rtf work and etl'ort ulld you will be the night. A copy ()f our Cataltlgu e '~~iJl he c becrfull y f\~t'ni ~!J ed 011 Il.ppli. bett-er for it. Coaohes Iln<1 cbairs ImJlPIJe c1 ou ti on . Then when yo or: vacation is Bo,ve rece.ntly 'moved to TO '1I1 .. ........... aild' t.he Bohoot bell sounds its mes. next to Oross ·BrQs. Philadelp~ia Printers' Supply Co. sage for another season of effort. MAIl'< I!TRIllET W A YNESYH, lJE, O. Mllnufllotnr e~!! of yon can reapond with I\. sound body - -' and olear brllin, ready and able to 1'l'pe and "!!i!r.~de Printing Mat~!!!!. ! bave a few bushels pure L UIi IU. Ord"r y,lUT mngu1IIne8 and newM do your best ,during the 80liool lug lIeed oorn left, Come early, PII pa r l1 t1lllonglt the Miomi I3RIl'e tt e Proprtetors a9 N rth rqinth Storecit. year, J. S. 'Lellnting & lions. R. F. D. 2, We wilJ. snve monoy. PENN TYPE FOUNI)RY ' Phlhadelphla



t,.rn " ollll en «'r rOll Il1!i n"tiun s ~I . 11 ' : I,. 1Il\I' ~cpl l d

You willllfi Jv :l'J OI"'lw h"rl .,. :! iiO ,



----------'- _--_. --


D , ~. H. E. HA'J'HA \V A\, 1\ ,r JOllvi lle's Leluiing Dfl Utl ~ t (jfTi' In K(~y .. Slug . ~illju

I I .Jrd. 1\)1' 'hum he r lili ll ' .. 4Jullg h R n1l'(\ Y Pl;upl, e vul'y wh Hrl t Il n pI IJrinf in ta t1f,VlUg 10 r.b e g oud qUIlIit.H:l1I d (;IHIlJI,h rl tl ill '. · VQ ugh k.<medy . l\(r . "~d wll . d Ph ihp!\ (Hure,")', Md " wnt e~ : ·1 1\ Is h LV· tell yon th,l* 1 !lu' l'I;~ o ll mrn e nd ·h .. mlJ~ I·lb.iD '11' 'ou J4 h ROlned v My It tll g i rt, ' .I th . enll e, \\'bu I two Va,U'Mold hnll hu(W tll k illg 11I i ~ re U1 ~~l y wh~ ~e\, (~ I' " li e· 1I 11 t! hll(ll1, o ld . lSlucll sh ;. ttll tl\,() U1 o llt,h ~ Ll I<-l Ab () l1 t , ~ Ul ul,lI 111('11 l·lI f1trll t:t.ll, 1 I.L t;ln,,,, dflll o\,ld tuY!l 1f hll b I t , (I k 'hllmLal'lll lu '" Co u~l; till.H!1I1,v li nd w,>\ oon a well "II ve l'. " 'I' hbl. ':e ulI li ly III for tl"le 11


re. Junney

, '.

In ure Againet Accidents and III Health 'Tb o

A ~~


Lifi:l lD~llrflllOO Uo.....;il1 In' .wlll .1: !'Il ll w;u

i."~l1e yon II [Iolicy

I' tl o~ i ve II ·.·tll tell /:I m .1I por

. ' (1I! iu of II ~01 dent or sJckO Il!ls·. · Ft,lr pn.rt;i () nlllrs ~e ·. ~ l' I B: Sh r W'ltl,l ( '" ~(1

LOCO I Agent.


G enl le lind EIl'e~ t,ive. , well know i) .Mn·' lituhl\ edit,or w'.;tos: .LA liD i ll .idFl w,/rke r · ! find l: h.Hnbe l'iuin ·!l ' t qJnlloh Ilnrl Linl."" "1 ,,t'>j invlIIl1l1hlti t or tb . touch 13 1I. 1 ';1i1)(]~U6"'>i tI!ltur,d ·to ioe(ien t,u..rY 'HI tbou' u being gen tl e IInrl ·Il", Ii Vt-l' Ihe dige .. t,i\'6 (,'I! ,·t lind th e, h Elllfl, " Prlol!. 2iiotH·. . ""i" [l1 "I'.I'r u ., I!; .10·01l · Y.


Wit,,' to iI~f . . 1"1 will giv~ li'REE OIr'C Ii A RGE to ' ny 1I1l:1I0teu II Pol!itive oure fml Eo. I"nlln, . lI)t rheum, .e rysitJelIl.8, piletl 'lU(\ IIkin disellse/;!. InstllDt rollar, \lon t .8utl'Elr h>nger, . wr!to F. W WlTJLIA.M!;, 400 Maohattan annol!

j' IU1; E lCnowinlfwhut It

.,'-l\lW Yorlr. 8 1:1/1.1108

l!lnolo.e Sl/ltnp,




--------~.l----~--~~--·~--~~ , ----~~--~.~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IIl~" MI1It;. .1 Clark ...... ...... ~ ~lr Often

COimt;, c..:ow'{' N 1::\ S.

fm' ul1glJ l'1f"f' flf I lh i 1 "" .I .. hn 1I1rl.,llH; t'IIIlIP, Ill\\" j,l10k l or prnhR l t" II':\\' H1J I T~ Il w dd"l1ll"l1l ','Il ~ H" Il! I II llin p"ni j\ld~p .. "..... .. ............ ... f1lllwurrl lei' ""IIf'II ~ I Il II' IHr .lIll.I'I. ()l. 1r>IlIIH"S 1'1)1' Ii '('~'Pll r~ 11])1'11 VI IJI\ .J ill;! \\'. /I 1:'11I1]II U I' flnll . C'o., l't or......... Vll ,' tlt t I, ()111 ': il hq.,:,\ ul ''11111 . . ' I' • t il ,. ('b "1''-: t "" l' IIlIl'". ,.LOlt ' J1 1'1 , lI'. f o r II t111 .Ii l'tul" 1111 ,' t I, 111" 1111 11'1 '\·l,nl .. 1111' il1 ~ . 1'1'111'111 l'ru,lln 'j'(lI" plwno II)! I


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I"" ,·.I~lJ ~l .· WII>I t.Il Ii(' " II 1(1 1 • th t' 11111' " 1' ,,1;,1 fnlll1(1 !!nil1 '. ,,1 ~llh"Jt " I" 'I'!:": I I ' ~ " " • wlth,,'til """ I II~ 1i th >lt l'llnt, I),. W/I Ul11'11 '1 !.... Ihll ~(' lI t I I) th(, API'ill w ork 11 ')11"" to \\'IJr k it flll I bllus n l : llilt lilt.:' , 1'),, 11 II III t-!.,v 1ngs 'qll l( 'lI 1lY "" .)11 ·.,IJ ~ t'hu \; l,r; II ' t IS ' j nr '_...111..1. . , 1 . 111 ,1111 ,.',,11111\1"/11 1

Ji' r ill} I"In 1'1',

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(' Iror ' 1' .. I 1"111 1" ~11I i(, "r t lllll) \'" 1 '1i :1I'1~'" \VllIt.

Il'lC'k .. t!il .1011111 l't.·,I' 11 1I11'. \f1>, t'l' dnI11 IJII"" lUll :, UI\ I,I' III tIll' ('htll~rj o( pl ll lill t! III d"~II'"Y Ill" Km g l'o\\"d I' ~IJ II!', g)ldOI'!\ j' \'/; .l u1.11 ~~ , Kih l,uy u tili ; (lllO NIII ,'lfl" illll'. lutt'inqut''' ' itlH01'Y n olo I"U ' 111\1 10:1 " " 11 Ity 1 h ,' tit/II ,\11'" "PPI'II'·"'l. cl f naull t. 1"'1I1"j? '\I I '· IIIU.lll " Ih l3 A 1\ . 11:I"till \" .1 M K P\' ('f' , I ill ;



uttorn y f or till' IJllIlIIt"'l

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hlll' t:. 111<:lr

.10. EI'HINB Tl nCK

fl1l' ki,hl~\'$ Iilter ""d th ll t fllITIly IS fl1l' irtll" \\'o11100<1r.k.



, B II e ' ull th,' ot l"'r " T:-:. " I~ IOJ h l'" llIl. A tria l l1ton tOWII~hll " 'I'l'l' I,rn' I l'C" "'"111 0; rllll I tl ::W 11II ) ::i ' t o fili pi "t1 ln~" /.{ ·11111 (g ' .U II'IJIIIl,l' l UI' " 1>(1:1'1 wi ll 'cominc(' ' " 1\'<111 ' . 1 1I~I Ol'l l e r t.'l tl'tlll~ fe l' :JIiUU 't'()JlI I! I ' H Ili i'll uf ~" l llt'lItlllllnf l1u Ill1ll ' .'Il lJClII lll In'ldl-W 'IT\Dnv !uUllnti jjahlt ll . If) oll arc ~ It"\'YIH1C'''' ",ak!! 110 mls. Ili kf' 111 'l'111t.iI~C! r(lf'k tnwlI~11I p, I!1..'hl: kc IIl1ld I!y n'ir~l <j,)c~l)riug" your kitlueys. l'nOI' fllnll I I) I,lt o 1'(lIItl fund 111\\ " .. l lljl V~ Ijllllrll "( I~,lti(' I i< n I)i " llJ tt", ""Irllllrdllillry cfleet of


P UllllI '!4 Burldln g, L OIlIl lIud . ·"ulll L IIul1l11; ,1MI' 1l (l II III, I:' ~ 1'11I11 .HI. , ' , Dr. J.; il lll c r'~ Swnrnp. l{oot, tht: grt:at ., rel/w,l.". I ~ ~<){)11 r ' nli/.t:l1. It lUg~ A ""UC1Ul lUlI lJf I ~OhU I IIIII v leI· e tl l O tltly~ t u , 110 1'1\"Hl l l1';~ I " IT\ h 'llrl w .~ IlJ ll d WIth ~ill Del': 1I •.killu,'y ( oIJlIHUl(.III~ hu~tf" rll"\\'nll"('rful(,tlr ~ mer E lIull EIi:.o,lIir ·1.1l ,'hn.l el'u. L ,·.JlIIII·,l MI>Ullt v~ H " t' I'Y .l ut'kfi'llI; 1'1' l il t lrl'il l~ I IHln /I I '!, 1(1 f,wt u l .. I' lilt! rnu~ l "i. ln's~i ng" Cab"Us, ""rl i ~ sold 'l'ho l>l1it i ' fut' u flirl'd u", orl.1J f II 011<;(, 1I11~ , pfl , >.':t 7~ pl'r hl1n,)n·tl; j , It,,,t 111' 0"1' 1' Oil it~ III ' fit " I, ' all , 'IV ".t • :1 00 1}(O 1' IJ UJJ{l rod clrll ,,(K i,t~ ill' lift ,,-cent uj ort'l!'lIge 01\ luI II;' ill ,flll'I'OW II" ", UIIlI 1)1I"-d,,ll.n: ~i l(,:: . )t ,-' JUUAtH! LH ~,fO~t-- ";~ , l lP C'IHlltll l tl .".' ,".... I't<~ r.·, , \ rll!' 1 r 1)01 11,' ,;. Y ou lII 11y " I olmllO, It>! I II u ll ~tl cI , t l\(' dd·' uollln!" .. , fuilod to oOlllply wll h 'lu ot l (10,

'(II11litiulI~ t


I'lt1)U,I 'I' )'; ,



Ed w/I)'(l 'V l'!rIl'lc, :1(1. IlIb,' TI' l', .;nll. unll t'uljl wlln \\"(' /'1\ app'li nl l'd It;",· n. ~~lIIl't.., uollle' 11o"," fSwlUD1>Root. ; huIl) l'I~ UIlI1P I1 : IIllll I,i lt h· Hi ll ~!l [olxol)lin'tl'll t ' I ' · .' A h)'IIIll1 11r""." I ,,?"P:I1I1(lhll:ll '!hn~;()\l C . . \ 1!" l11..~1fJDllr!; I· how [I) fi" d nut I f ) UII h a,,: k lllm:)' or ~ Ilrh r,('blllll," . 'llllt! n 'P(lI'l, £1 1",1 II r l',lllL 01 LIHlII·ll~la'ltll·r IfIlll!>\l'. ~kllli <1II thi s paper 1,,'" 10.\' 11 'llll u.non , :m , 1l11' )rn(~y , ~'~{,,"in lltlo whicli , "'11::: Ol'tlf'I'l' i1 , .. IIeJ\ wr iUll ~ to fir. K ih"er & ' n.: Bill/,::' It ;IIulrm,~. \ '.

. . 10 the eRtllt o of (Jail I'll," nil l'/u l Of WII ~' n o ' ,,1 1]" , nlHI M r M, 1'~ttH Kit 11ll lih;.h nd III Ihl' \ ~t 'rn ley, fir t !lull fill u llt c 0111 \\,11:.1 fil('U b 11 Rllfi ('T. al. Corwin; R rn . PhlltJl I h~' r~llU"llon P 'ltrl"t . \Vi~b iuv nl(lry lIud IIPI vrlll~ tl U IIlIlt. T l'C.'ut.

'1'110 wi,1 of MUlildll AXlnllU, ,I d, WIl S Ildlllitwu 10 1'1'0 1)111 1'. A , E. AXllIlIU U!; I' ud to t b will unJ was mada oxecn l or wil,h out bon d , In tbe eshlt Of Mllry A. Keev er , ueeeased, DILi sy K. 3ton 1iI11l 1 11 1110 tion for n, revooll tlon of t.l1 I tt r ~ of Ildministrtlt.ion Io1mn t tl to 'N . ' . Thomp On . Til· 011 \ III b helled 011 fay 2. 1'he \ ill of Pri;loilill I~olnt1tl wo udllli Lt d t o proullt . '1'ho foll owio!; 1I0COU1ltll w ra a V proved lind 0 oJli'ru tlU ; .IIIUI S 1;'. cen

, I

Harvey t 111, Ullno r

V lJuu\fl 1-:. M Murlin, :I:!, cll: rk, Ciul'lunu tl. 111)(1 Jrl .. S , 1::111 ,\ tll IruO, ::l~, C07.lltlc1n II' REA L I",,.

n c,. "I~" N

j\[o '

OF E ' OLJ,' f:l


il. :'.O

A 1\)1 I.• 'I' ll LY l\LA(~AZL.\,E DE\ O'l'EO T() 'I'filC


with It'. U. Th -rdon', \\h t!I\~")llrkidney,n r" lI'enk 1\IiIJ"'r for mlllr "I' (ml"r. ~.,," (';1l1 IlU ,lt"Pjl:ulli how . ! Ii' 11I'ell n (llr h i "ur rfl",ulI,l cli h-vOUl"l·IItIn.!Uo!lyI: niT(;·tcd nuu r ~lIIUlll '(l n Unt on r OILU in Frtlnk . !Ju\I' (·"c;)' 'lr~'111 bCC III, \ O [" il 10 do ils 11111""'''11111),, ~1 1" :,0. AI ~o furl1n . ' lui>,. 01 h.'I' III"'" Irtlll }"' neh WIllI " l~ ),<'lJ OI'!' ~i, k or ~. Icel b~,tty," hegl n J'. .' '" _ ' " nllllle ,laki ng th e ~rcll t 1, " llIe}, t"lIIl!J I~'. J) r.


bow to use it."

hCl(iu ulng

l '. lllrllc·t Willi 111/1 1

I IIIII'tlllnkl'HTIY lllI ~ t nke,

' 111 1' uutl litH rCllI l,,"ucr Ih" "" 'IIe. ",mnp-Root, lit. I 'il " f , ~."al "Jl· MI<l the nade " P.i ngh·,,"IO", >1. Y. ,Ul o." lon·bo llie.



G K .v!! tp Eel A . Moes, ocra iu WIlYIlf' town. hip, 1. B l!~ . ThUll",,:! 1'0 l:Iu n ·.\' II nd Lew ,JOllull pnrt 01 lut 1 ill W[lyo e \' 111 ~1 5:J O. Alhert. E fo:ster, of ElnTl1 llf o n. to

\\. I... MI)OHt::. f!

KEn, Editor.

lO)lr.. e



ITnw I,ll InCI',-r. II (Jnl' ' s \ . oen boIU I'I'. 'rho A l' t n r ('on \'nrl<n tioll. ' . "hnll find \\' 111: ..;hoo11l Imr1 W nnl<l ; I IIll\' t il (J r<)non ol ' l l i o ll ~ ( 'C1nLu ry nil t,jllll[lI',I'). Correct /l;ng'li sh i n I he B OlliO ('orr ct Eng l l. (, i n tho .'("h oo l ' Vhut t o 'IIY UII(( \\' Ullt Not to n y. ( 'II11I'S itl LIlI,te r W dtill A' ollLl PUI1~' I, lJttf, liHl , 'I'w lllJ nll iJ~' Drill ~. Bn. io c!'l io;lIg lt!ll l for tbo [3U,l ll ~ Man . \ 'olllllound \\ o l'll:;; lI ow to \Vl'it~ 'L'II Olll'. dt1di '~8 tn English LitaTnlllrO


!:to Tb£luJ .

:1.00 a Year. Send JOc for sam ple copy. COnREy r l!:NG LlSH. Evanston, 1I1. or ub cribe t hrough the Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Olljo.



.J I\~tlp h


Partial Con tell ts


)1'11; 1( •• '


'4Cotttte~t ~nglisb.


( ' llIll Hlrl r'li "I1, t I·: J!:Xtlu rtl',G . \ Luullllll, A l vlI U II I. C.. lI \'llil 'l ,' I're gtll!ltl'lll :; II" y,. JO( IIlltlll , .1., flO. ; KiiL"er's~Wall'l l>-Htl<t, hCC'llll$C ~OOIl nml E . H , \ 01\1kl l1, I I'll I tf ·~ ul I LlI l11 til 1'10 Il fl .. .1 H. .I H~ "t al w,'n I 'u ulrllet "'Il,' nJlI(h1 wi t h Ow Or _ '" )'tlllr I; " I Ill!) ~ aI'" ", ..!I I th,,), will IH:lp



illI OJl" IHsorrlcr ' t \~ !\t' Ulo, t 1I11 (lortllu

. 1,1·1'~t , hl'hlgl' lIurl u'('('fing gUIll'tI ' 1'1I1I ~ "lJ Iiroll,1 w oy h ri rl HI?, L h'lTlOll.


'''PIV j,;

pru,'~tHOller t.hat ~~~R~';':m~ R\'i,,"cC hilt ""'\ n

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utl"sl ' l11 atl' ()f

IN, '1'1{

Unhealthy Kidneys lake Impure 8100«. j . t I II Ill' ,'""jd""('r! llwl only uliJltlry!llJd bl.llhler troliN,·> "crt" to u e. lr'Il'''II'fi> Ihe kl( lu~s,

II 1',(1

' jl t' U~h"llltlll .... . ,.'... ........ .

The Kidneys Arc Weakened by Over-Wort

ell' cr,

, :i!j


F Oil mon , nf .EililUilt on 270 ncr s in ""lIl m t o wnslJi p. I,


\\ i ll Do it!

, (·: r I' KVI'( \ ' t : M ,\ 1.'(1:11

i\[l'at lila (II my St.Ill" in Ib o 1-1 r'VI".I' bl1l1ding, corne r .1.111111 nntl Foorth.

So. 1

A. M Lel>llnU Il .I e j\r't( 00



' til pI

l1I 0~


hilkt: r l'r .


:i ~

lind ' Fllnoy Grooeries, ]j'l'ui t il

\' 1) otll"l t>.~ !lOU Cannod Gool!!r.

:.10. :J'

Ji gars lind TobILOCO,

11 0\1

10 :;

I 1(1 " I ;. 1:, A . W. MIlt'clis t l) M ry Kirby, l UI Phone 79. C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. y (J~ . out this all nut. it;:; ~ood for IIl1ml'"~~ad 10 4~ ;. O!, .Jobn OU rlin , io till , third; Bauju. in L bUll 011, L 1 40 Ii OU yon I' 1'IIilrollll fIll , if YOD hv wilh. Cen l.e nIII" min K e ll !lIlOOIIU ; Isullo J une ' . 'l'11(,rnllH . 'V ]011 , guurtli II <It .. , I ;j 'J I ., " I f D lIy t 0 11 ; III ' II ,\"ror *" Ii~ . w·· at Il or ' fODrth j ~ ilU 011 ,13 . \Villilll11 , IIl1bo. J oll" '000 T , to \, ,I. 'OOOUl', lot Il ~ ,) 011 Ci' 0 'j :!7 ) ~j t -I'j olle, se'c nd ; \ ilhlllll Itu""r!4, 1 I iu Fr d ric k bnrg, '111 rn hJ\VD . wo rll- J' II l~u . our 1'1llh'Olld flirt> 1.,1~'j \l('Qol n~' !H 'I H n n ollCh pur IIIl e uf Ii ,.Hi ,' ult" TOll '·~n .. hl" ;(u ~II first and 11.0111 ; b: , A(l fI~tt 1 Ot)\~'Jll, shi p, $20r. . H 4U 1\ I LCh\l~ r Ii I~ t lO I 11 ;1 first lIncHinnl ; ,R.e \' B olhmll, firAt, j J, j\' U1'r 11 \\' lod . ~l'llste , t ( l 'olll ,)r CI"l VOl1 tt" _ 7 J ~ 110 ttl 4 :lU Juhn 't.l'oop. lilllll; Alllondll ,I Oit Euilllll ' . • Ull W, lot J HI in U UI V 'r. I.ela III I ~ : ID ij l' l 0 1) H ~II nll1rS, lir t uod !lUIlJ i MIlT thll Mwh !:!ity Heigh ttl, *:lOO. r·. "AU()n-I". ,lJtI lO '00 \I :.!fl III ul!u re you r rooms nnd oome to ner, firs l, unclliulll ; P e t e r D . BI.i nru. Amilio Dt!llr lb (It til hy 'Il rill' Yf'!;J, it'H y our duty to ~Qu r 'elf to " H,t"p USi: ,'I' Plltterson t o 'a r oh ulJ ~IIY ·Wi) 100 ku t.~JY 'Ui . uit. You'll flntl II III (\istrlbotive , 0, • • ' '1' 'l'h III of th e rcn l '~ tl1t ll of ,TollD a r t ill 'lon rcre ] , t o\\ u "hip ~2j'9-! . th<"m U gnod 1If:i t,he at h ol' f 1I 0 \~" E :10 . 'ODDor l)y ,l'Jl tJUlIlH , . \\' ('1 JI, Iu' s '. nuu Lli'.lIi iH. GilIJi u uf, :1=20 ~:llits, lInc~ y u'll ho,' II 50t 'lYe were wi 0 iD ordering this stook last fall, in prices hllve ma, "'11 'l'HI'\ ,;, l:NU gl1ordi'lD ' WnS uppro\·cll . 'J\\2. 50 'prillgboro, to Chllrl lind Idll not t tho A, " 1', M. 1', M . ~rinlly ndvunceu, L[lrge t sales Iii t year of uny; this year will be (.tLl"C No Kti ·waHleCt llt of '20G 11ft l' th v~r~ bert, of _ prilJgboro, ' I t:J 10 J ohn. g re~ter. Mn ttlngs from t,he Orient now in stook assures beautiful patIJ~)'l O Il ; C II .'< I) r; or, out! ( osti' were ]>11 id . :Ion s tlddl tlou to lwing-boro. $i)OO ()"f to,, ' I).t,. X 1'· , 00 : :t(l tern!!, lowest prioes, :l all 1 Yt 8, "go d." .Bring m A il , 11I111Jl l.oh,\1\ II J " 'I'he ule of .Jllrlnin 1) r. cm ul prop· J uhn'L. I::)ny pp Ilod Itil 'M . 'o YIJI), S ;10 !lMI (~ (if, of lillY' 0 'ui t ol.d l!!ewh r orby of J ohn 'bl'li Ii, cl C1:llllole ll, \'fI~ of ,,\l oDrgoruel'Y, to D, .·.1\1illel', a,,10 Iugrnlns , , . , ...............: . '.' .. .. : . . .... , ...... :!Go up ,.. ," " , hal:!) r Cr(,~. Ing II ~ II ;, Ii;, I ' ll oIu pliorlt it tOl" ~ l r. , U(). £{"qlyn ' flj :l7 , L owell, Park Extra. liiupers. u,PllrOv(lll. acre:! ill ,V'lyne tOWll i:l blPI :ill. ~ :~f) ·'r. liO :, 03 O"I'n~~lC'"l b U o O~ , TII~ will of John M: Liud ll, d D . l:) oIlnd Lizzie 1. Millar, uf Day. Rllgs- g rentef,lt stock yet,... .. . . . .. . . .. .. .... *10.50 up ('cnltrV"lIIe • 19 . III !I l l .oeus~, was udUJitt d to (Jrobate llud ton , tu John f:l. '1'1Ilil'r a.4U 1101' :j 10 'R ';1 ;) 1\1 Lnrge ADOUgh for n. room. IOU 10 F, M. Blunliti.>o, Jr,. \ li S Dllllh ex v IIYOIl town bill, 100. Y ,for ~' Our sIlke n;nd. my : uka j ~ Il II 0' H 211 eoo~of:.und I' boud uf 1 O. , Ptlrry L. Enl'ohort ttl J ubn nod I wo nt to sco if rhi!! "od " , P~LYR j Linolenl1'l, the groat kitouon and hu;ll co\'erillg. Laoe Curta[D8~n th9 ' 11 0 (; a !!U , 11:W Fir t ucoount. \Vus tilud i n th ' es Mary M. GrahtliO , 1.11 uore III h ence tll l~ JT 1'. GOUle lind ~e~ 009 :1 all ~~ ~ O neweffeots. Window hA,dos, nil COI:lr9, nll slzes , made to order. HI II 1'1 ;I~ h o w we ll you will l t1 tI:! tote of Davi l!' ul'nrlt" Uy ~t~ .lfnr lJloll.rcreek I.Own hill, $1: ......... '19 I. ' '1 :J ~ AO :14 naH, eXtlOuto1·. , B'lr~let A. Polly, widow an(ll'ol!; ~11 !! 3 !j,,:,! JHi 42 Iovl'ntQry IIUU Iwprniseul ot io hEllr , of F red Polly, to M,nry .POl lY , I. 'h" nl~ t;I Allr 1\"0 !l ao . a fiO fI 50 the estll.te of Mllry A, Keever, w eI" or Frauklin, lot ·15 Muckina.w il tldi. h r e , ()lllors el" why not yon ~ ' hally CxP.(lllL St",.1"J ~ '. L<11l on 8/~ nu l ~UNO,,\" rn,,\1 NH • . tned by W. IJ, 'I'bOlllp!!On . ~ioll t,o Ji' runkliu, $, ow don 't, f.;l l'g t to ont. a nt, t!JI " ud ' oits, Jaokets for Missos, Women' , 1'r i,,~ (1:1 • I,yUe •• f(>llo,,~, Flrs.~ Ilnd filial U\!OOllut, ~"ere Olotl . Oyru M . E Ul'ilhllft u~d LiZ'l. l o nnl1 uring it \":itll you it Y Oll \Yunl N'lH ttl b(lU,hl i ii4a. 1ll . .1 ~'i tl. 111 lind Ohild r en. ' kirts, Wuil!ts, Un. iii tll estMe of ·Ph b l'hlrkle ld Eurllhu.l,t to J lun !! B. Will !! 14\1 bO your rnill'olld {ll rl1 (n' t.h \\0)'$ ) l'C SoutllHlun\1 {) 04 a rn 7 !:~l p, III dorweur, h,fuot long oloaks. Duy, b1 RIII)Jb B, Purk l:', utllUiui:l. uores ill UI1:llltCI'ou k ttJwnllh ~J1: 1 fuud d . This libe ral offer wtll "1". .10:. MOORtI~. ocncrilIPn.!t~e(} ..... ,.. I,!cnt.Le bn non. 0 , tr!'tor. Mllry.h:. (jIll/LUI at II I t u L W. hold g 0,1 ulltil ,lllu6. lsl , 1110 •• 1)111 OOUQ'.c p n :; &IWlIW • und M . D. LIlCy , o f \Y) IUllllgtoo, nut iiI t I ' . PIl'n e rel1lorn ucr I bill . My B est Frienu '. rhe M90re Lime 'oulpuny \'8 P nl;. ~1~ , ,2 'I ores III Wn h illgW U to wn MO~E t!hip, $~a1 '. AJexunder B unton. who IIVtlfj 00 riok Ollynor; CIl .~ dit<1U1 Bcd . RllrH I Route 1, F or t Edward. N . y " R.ollel't ' burt!;, Il whlo\ er, t o 1,..b"., 'l'bo Ro ;,or Mit,ohell Furniture ~1I.v. :.'. Dr. King 's new D isc very is :.lie i{, . 'ox, lot 1;1, 1...11 10 us lltltlitiuu (Jom})l1uy v~ T,iJ)ia Wout! wnrd H,lI·cl. m.v l)(;'st, " 61li't.h1Y fri end. It c uret! to :i\luSOll, $1. () nth" C'01'Jwr ~1tti n Fonrth, me bf U!lthlllll, 'six yetlrS l~g'1 . It bll.s ing, lldminitltl'otr!x; ph'IUtlll' .tl! lld Theu IlQtll O uo (l bny your ~lre!ls' ",t .' W. '. '1'11 111111 OLl, xco tur 0 '[ t,ho Th.~ hlrll,l!;!t, '('10 hiIJ" uJ\lO perf.orm ed It w,onclorfu I Olil'e of reply. fintchin ROJl \.'\l GiI.lD Y''', Xenio,Ohio m,Ci]llent 0 .n~ll ~ll pt,i o ll f()l' m y SC1D·. Mary L, Brunuoi:! Vt! Buldah G. Illilt will ' of 'RULIl '1'. 'C IH uok. lio ' cit.\' . I' I wrfl. 'fho {h,i!I~ b ottlo oded the No city hus n b "ltei' AsSprtmeDt of ... ~-~ Furlong e~ Ill; the ru otion of I,IJ6 otmsed, 01' Frllnk li lJ , t,\ Bl:Irrhll ;. . t,on 'i blo ougb, u n(l tll i 1100 mpli ' li I fll,brlc," for ~,b o dr oss jt,self Bnil. the NIlITOW W~('IlP' . ' , dofemll!.nt . Levi (;l\l::itlD to .r equ\,J'e WOIl', lot:3 III P l'llllk l~n, ~JHOt), et!. til o f.bor 8ym)JtoUls left ODt;! lIy ,I . G: W. Ulo r d, n li;lIl' hoot of It Is fI t'etl!:!onablo 11M, un~i1 bo wa~ l)erf ctly \\·e ll. trillHnin ~s, the lllaiQtill' to ~i\'e tico,l1rit.y for ' E J' d K BIl j£OUIlIU to Ern(l!)!; WlllSr PII Ilk, Mo " 1\<1 II Dal't'O W ·SC.lPI I [ r. I ing ' ~ New Di covory' puw. costs .wus ovol'l'uleu. lot in ·L e blln oo. L , ., I· fon r ·on r ij. 11t!ll , " hen h e rill-II I j Im , I' over c(JlI gh ~ !lod \lo la i! Simply st.ntement /lnd fu lly prov n in the ( , New Yurk , Trust '011lpuu y v,; Williuui' fl. unli l../lUI·IL A : .:u ,~, . 'o n hUl' r into his I,homb. H, !'uy. , lUllrv 100R. () oth'e r' l'eruedy hll!; pn l'it. We 111'0 It Dre"s Goods House Dayton, Ltlbl\uOU 1Iuri UinulOuut,1 'pOI·t, !lol de\'i~ oc .of AlIllil l. 1 \'1\' . "'Th e 'hotot, wJ1nted 1tl nruputll tc' it, tlVe r ' eqt1ipCld it 1< uUr e lllirllnteed ood do o ot mecldle with tinware, 1 1 ('\ Ilght bY}'l'etl '. "';ch~'lu' t~ Dl'l1ggiRt , r,o ¢ ltiulro'~dColU~J~:V, ' '1 110 uloo!: Ihe purl, (j I; I~S (I, to .Jol lO 13. Well;'h but 1 w(\uld n ot eOil.l;'ot , ht'x I)f B\ll'\dfiJl 'S \ru <'i l •. 111 1I11 d hnr()waro, ullinu , ~hoe!!, eto. These 1',.1111 hottle f l(, . road to Edwin <:I. 'rlllotaclIl, tl'CilStil I!Uel {lJlht W.!I<;1i uy t'UI'1I 1ti l' (" l Dtllour, thtl t I1r ~(1.thn (1111l I' I'IJU~ wounll " iIlln hlL\' t p t>il' plu os. of the ' oornmi'lltee Ilct1nIJ for ~b e 18 UCreH in b~t't1Jlklin tl,wIIHhi(l, :?:;~. i\to Fr\ <l /) ,' ·rltwllrt. r. Drll,.Jo(ist, --~-- ....-----.------,J U!:It look I)t oqr shelves /lnll show bondboid~rs proteotlye ' ligrea lll ur", Fllid 13t.. ,1 :1m t u Ell itll MI1Y W (In1,' OIiSOIl to see lio \If fr(f~b ai](l Dew lind ~a\8 approved by tlie court: It W,I\ 10 tlcrE' ill 'l'nrtlnor 1~lc t.own-blp, ,Ji;l. ol ElIUl tIle s t ook. Eiow cosily ·furtber ordered thI1t " th" ' }lurohUijer .1'honl/'~ " . W ulc iJ t,) .1; <1111 W. trim fr om our !!t ock just In. ' shu)l :pay $500,00 In IIdctltioD co thti '1~ tu!,\, of ; MlI.·(Il1 , lo t;!!J in -{'JITOW; 120,000 tirt!t poid tllld I\ll:\u 11tl $1.100.' shall ~UI:D over $1,778,000 , III fo ue __ ,,·et~. ,EXCURS~ON ' v~lue of tIlQrtgaj,ie ' honds of th e :" '. , Jamestown Exposition Silk Ilod WOT ted TrlmoilDgR, :Sheer Effeots, GingIlll.m, Plaids . . rOlld, Fo~ ' thiS. ~he Spl~olo.1 Mo ster COlnm I'S SlOnerS . Norfolk; Va. nnlly 11 nUl N " ember :)(1 Commls81iJuer Allred (3 , Horr W il!! Proceedings. L ow J•• r c 4"!t"HLCh i':xc un-. lon t"'"6r y 'l' UI,~(1,­ Xenia~ Qrdered to give 11 deed' tvl' tho prup. OllOlq" of (l'ouml)Q" of uttrooLiv . 1'0ill,'S, erty. l'h~ deed is to bA mude sub ' 81118 A llow (1ll. Los Ang'eles, Cal. jeot to. the right IIf the oourt to re· l'rlli!te B Pul;rli Af)'tl jJ'~, . May 7 1.0 J;; rI~l an U II IIlI .~ Hr~L~rcn , " . h t 'ka fur'·bol· liglJtfoi' Qur t li on (1 ..... $ 10 6 Juno 10 to H ~ l~ 1 GLIC M"dI C:l1 ",.·n <'l nire' l)uro 11'1 r . 0 lUI.. '. Gow gOln " nne rod,te. r cturlllll ~ ~ll\)lhcr . paymentA IIIl lUlll' be , r,i. tel' til 1uelI to "'l'[\istee!\ Publi o ' AIYIiIt'~, . ColumbW!, .Ohio. be' necessary und 1\ loin ill t tn,tulld Jig-ht for jail ...... . .... . . .. . . l 3, 14. 1.) ~ l'f\ 11. 20. ~l ·~' J"'J rc~~rl.crln.u for She ' p.n yweD.t of such flltth'e r 'l'rutlte ij 1> blie AITllir enn . .... 1 A ",cllIbly cost requiretplluts, wut r ." ..... . .... : .. " .... " .. . Atlantic City, N. J. William Yril$tll V9 Idl.l.Belle (3\'lf Wll1~r, ' McUl\i r e, b ,rHll o( I !! 1\. JUlIl' a·· In rlel\J' M ,al~n l ,\., 'n 50 tlO 'Tho: ~nnl rcComnlcnclatioul or ~ tlth j ' the pluiutift' Wail gruu t.ed a llilHIC Dehollrd .... ...... , .. . Spokane Seattle JUlle ':!. ltl J u ly j "'[f- Y . P . I:. pie riIo have been clIred of c:/l?gha &lid divorce on the de te ndu,bb'ij wJ!lnl W. Uuglo~lJy lI11ct IdOIH., um: .1 u ly 1 t(1 ""·C. 1', abaeQco. iul ot ,J ohn HOwllrd .. .... 50 00 colds. by ChnDlhcrlnill ' ~ C:Ollgia RemeclJ

01)1\(1110 'C!Ullt ;


OUT l'f

You Need

Carp,~ts '

Hutchison 6t Gibney




.F ARE ·

Ready To'.· Wear. yarme.n ts

See Your



-- _.












& Gibney,



()harles SUr'fuce V8 WlllillJU ~)scllr B. ' !lin , IJT1dge . ra Gust1D; . ~'Jedlstnl sed for wuntol puit ......... . .................. .

. proaeouf;ion. /:Itate 01 Ohio VII Churles Whtte. aAdk i the def~DdaDt plead not guilty 00 ~. chU,a of ..'tem~1 to blow

..11'. D. Miller, bridge rOl'uirl:l .. JlUJ. V. Buukl.D80n, lumber {;. V, , Williams, fretght.. .... Tbe ,J;anuig Co. I law book

knve done more !linJl nil else to liI3u It .. ataplc article of tra<k /Iud commerci .,..; I large part or the ch'i llzc<;l wor&A


July Ie. l a an,(\ 14" ·Il. P . • r~ .

Wino~a A8 ~1D"I~,

. Ort;le\' YOU1' mllgazlne\! "olt

PBpet8 thl' Gazetto W".wliI _'(eyo11 ~DOY,

- For hUL

• E.



Sepwmllor oon \II t WIlYUI:1ivlllo



",'Hh lomo hellt, lIet ti,ed by the Incredu. IOUB Imllo whtch pltH'ed over Delllllh'l bandsome race. ~ ·tor jUlt the olher BROWN" McKAY, Publillhe rs, day·. at GaUl " 'b en . a company 01 . Jlicked m .n, 1-he brllve8t or the Pblllll' OHIO. Une arlll Y, IllY in walt for hI m expect. Ing rlalnly to kill hi m, b e ar05 In tho night nnd canled oIT !lot only tbe The Crfmlnalold. IN ISIAEt s reft mn s!llve Iron I!!ate!l of tbe elly Tb~t the public scorn really bItes THE DIFFERENCE, TOO MUCH. , b ut till' 1I0l>ts thereof as won. and lhe B~ the "HI."_u ..... BlOW.,." Into wrongd oors C?t the mod el'll type n A~ t tlllY -thl'Y were f'Jllnd a t Ih .,erY mil)' be read In tbe tllte of the I"slll"""'eR, I IlilVO hf'urd oC hIm, OW l'S Vlrst COIII'~ Gl'IltIullle- 1 /t ear yoU top of Ihe bJll thn t Is before ll \lbl'on ," ance gang, It. as som Bssart, Amerl. (C;P1"IIrb l " IWOT. OJ lb. Auth,lr. W . l'.Itd . . ..} .. \\r Iy, be nills t biB a wondor," De- eV '> l'ybo d~' . gt.ts drunk .ulId ~o"s hnv n Jo b. Whnt <IIlI"g? can lIO lely wcre aIr ' lid)' 1I1111t Inld Sccond ('0\1('1010 Grllllllnt - Ob, I'un. Scrl pt nre Aut horlly : -Jud gl'lI 16: lIlab xc lul mcel, with growln C nel mlra· \\'h opIn g urollllll tho 8tl'I' ts, K Cll l/s class '. eacb with Jts stnudlU'ds and 1·:11 . tion, "I shollhl like tc' see this ml gb ty n wOI'l h l , ~ <:,1\1' nnd h (l ~ \I Conlill 88 nln g flrru ud s an d ('Ieanln g 11,:;,,':118 Its oOlnlon&, t h s robb IS would ha ve man - Ilutl 1 will," 8b'9 added wlLh de· for I.el\l II I'; s tol'i s begl nll.lug ' Suy. Iud 5 0 forl h. 1111\'0 ~' O IJ Ilelird thlR one? If ~'OU have, " L.,lk' It?" laken a sylum ",ith Ihelr own class, cllslo n atter a mome nt's pallse, .H ••H ••• I • H+H++++H+! "Fil'~l \'litO ; thnt Is, . lInUl my e l\\ cull nl • IT. OIlCO th I'll WU ~ U )' 011111: a.nd fro m the till ' k o C their " crowd," Samson hnd t rnvcl('tl fl\ r that dilV. mn rr fOd C'OUIllo, , .,' "WOl'lhl ' 88 ploYll1' hll(1 th I1Pl've Lo lt sk 1Il onl 1.0 would have waved 11 gar a nd mock· SERMONETTE. IlJu(tw, n ci nd lJ"at. /llI d-" . ' hili nOIl ~ to cl1l1 n('I', It'l!' nrctty and as bo r('stoel trom til ') hCII t of !I; InG hand. at tho wrulhf\ll public, "Oh, lin! You urc t hln klllS of .l ohn Clng h 10 hal'C' 10 IlsH()(:IIII wllh YO ll r An Unworthy Love,-There day lin d I' lhp shu,lo or I:n 011\' I reo ll~IIShlJ' noman lllllriclu nli. Snunlsll , are strange Inconsistenc le. · In. by th brin k or the t l'ic l(/j ng s tr"IIm K Thl :; Is hili c'ou ~ llI . ./ohn G. D.-h' ' 9 socia l In r,'rlu,," unl of bll Hln l!ss IIOU1's." h ldalJ;05 Fren h 5 Igncllrs. or Drillsh the lives of good and great men, be fell uRl e p . J row l onl~ lie sle pt he h Is .' r .(il lol·s Int.o haul; nll)l y. runs -". n oble me n wOllld hn,·c don so, bl) d, t- someti mes, just a. we find In with hi 11I1lltU'lcd 60, kn ' W not, s ave thM as h" awoke wi th 01 I' p\'tlpl lo g thC' ~ 11I · se . ot tlre cOlllmlluullty no t th is Inc ident from Samson's :: a s la rt h nOI'tf Ib a c tllll KIIIl willi hClI1i H nnW' r lllltOIllObl .. •• O"'I1 N Il $3 .000 VE RY RIC~ Bre. We marvel that one so :: lIf'ari llf; th w"'Rt Tn \:or lzon Illld 'the l\)(/li ing clull. 11111; " SCI I IlIll y In his more than tbe chatte t'lul; of daws , s trong cou ld be so we ak; that + hcuL In th e utlllosllh or Dut th Ins urance UII vas Wt)re s elC· harl gi vPII b o ~ II I III IIp orn 1hut ht) In flll·ltll S a man of s uch faith as to win a Illnce to tHat co I cUfI'lJn t of It lr. wJlll'll thoRe "'llU Ihlnl' 11111 1(' was mn, h ' Itl made Am l' iCliIlS, punlry Ill' d, ' gon. place In falt h'l gallery In the always ClIlllO down I nto tb o " 1\\1 ('), R9 1)(> 11"1 III'tl 10. re ad s IIU Vl'ls In I~ r" ul' h . lal, sensltJve.' IIl1carallnced . hy pride eleventh of Hebrews could fall th e even ln!; a pproach",!. II" (tI·oso anrl-" or (lasl e, Tb Ir s(;n8e of superIorIty "Ah , I Iloe! - stl':; u/:O I ~ hullltl mil k' 80 low; that a man of '0 In , s lowl y ndd 6trctcbd his s r nt form . wns. afte r 1111, II short and feeble ten ae a patrlotia m could pla y M d thon, Ih rowlng bls ma ntlo o " or ~ll ch II IIlI ~ lllkl' - 1l wt' lI.kno wu Il tock. li lul soo~ wilted. T h ey did 8 0 completely Into the hand. of hIs brond I'hould"l's !Inti ncJjus ling th e alJUIII·hl 1\' 11," - Pu C' k. 'al'e wh nt Iho people thollght of lhl! m. the enemy: lind yet It onl.y reo 1 g·lrdl nt lhe loIns, 'b o PI' ]lllrotl to Beg lnn" ln g " Ca ree r. lind ijO jo tbe grnvo, 01' to .. ~ Ie, Ibey veals the frailt ies of human na· PI' sa for ward. H o hnd s(: n l' ~l' ly Inli 'n SI,l rIng Youlh- I 1Il1l1 1!I'~ lrtnd ti ed from t he. vitrIol spray of censure, t. ture. It certainly pr.ovea the a dozcn ~I o ps wh en hI' b CIIIII awal'e scriptural ' declaratJon that the t hot a pall' ot "Y 0:9 were obse rvlnl'; Is II vu('al\('~' un you Itlelll Il lUff. If only we can bring It to b a r. Bays City I~u lt ur- Y..,~ . th ra IN: 'In fn't . • " heart 18 dece itfUl abol/e all hIm losely fr om tl hInd a bi t of E. A, Ross, In Atl nutlc, the r spect thIngs and de. perately w icked," s hrubbery. He et opperJ short~ \V ns w (' 111'1' VOI'Y : hul·! ·hlllided. unli 1 crill or licorn ot the many Is sUII an im' and that "without God, man can thI s a lurklnl'; nl'my '! \V IIS this somo glvo you u jllb nt nllce. I ' wunt sonHI mense as~e t oC SOCiety in Ita I;ItruGgle do nothlnll" that II worthy or . owartl ly Pblll s1.lne a,eckl ng to tak e li ll (,0 1':0 arolllld I1 l1tl Inte l'vlcW lugg wi lb sinners, endurIng, hIm \mawal'es a ud 10 11111 him? lila Hulldpz r, tbe p mintl llt poll tlclan. Samaon allowed thll unworbrow darkl'n ed onrJ hIs yes Oasbe d, ThIs (1all \' hlll'g'l! Ihll t ho h nla hIs MUlt Learn to Think. thy loye to take po.eea.ion of A haif dozen quI ck s t ri des . b rought wife anti s lllf\'e ~ h Is 'hlllll' n, aull W fl The young \)oople of to·day all com· hll heart and to e)(e~lle Iway him to th e s Id of the bu sbc ~ , nnd wnnt to know whut be l!l ln ks abUI11 Jlared wllh. lhose at 50 years ago are oller hll '\lfe, and there was only hnsllll' th rustIng th e m ns lde he saw, it. " m- cr--h:t."en ·1 )·ou n I' glllsr In· one Inevltalile outc~m. , humllla· chle!y deficien t In power of sustaIned uot a bu rly Philis tine wIth bow ancl tlon, defeat, dllgrac. and an· spehr 6 e king his lifo. but the bllllUtl· t orv le wer [ 0 1' that kInd or WOI'\; '!" attention and o.rlglnal thinking, Tbey · "Ob . yes. se,' I'u l of I II m. bu t they gul.h of body and .plrit. fill In ce and form or 0 wODlan. ca.nnot, or at least they do not, think Mrs. SW('llI ngto ll Idurlu/; Ihe WI')Simlon loved Delilah. What Halt sbllshed that silo had bee n nro all In ('be hOB(lllal."-:-I, Yo l [ I am 11" 01' It'fl R wIdow I shall nover as clearly. as patIently, 'and liS cogentwal there In thll woman that callght spyIng upon him s he let her \ · cekl r· oguin IHu r rr ,tor lnOn (ly . ly as did tbelr tathers. They do not could to the heart of a eyes droop Bad half turned all thoul';h Mr, Swelli ngloll-No. I suppose n ot, WHEN HAPPINESS CAME. as quickly distinguish the Ir relevant godly miln? NothIng, lurely, Rho wOllld flee. And Snmson, s urprIsed But th Dllln who mn rl'ics you will! trom the pertinent, the kernel from of the qUillty goodn.... It .. heyo nd measure by the vIs ion Whi ch tbe husk, as the men nf the l!lst genwal a lov. baled, not on char· met bls eyes, s tot)d In Ilwkward Not Even StilI. ilcter, but upon the outward, e ration, 'they have an amazing fund sllpnc , while Ills eyes drGnl. In the "\ ni:l tl "0\\\' lm:' ''l1 tlJ,tulmu hili wi ll phy.lcal beauty which captlvat. grace and beau ty of tbe woman boCore of Inrormatlon: they a re wide reader, 18 or Ih" sri 111 oplnloll ijtl ll : blm , . ed _tho eye. Such loye I. al· of brIght ephemeral Ilteratur : tbey A I1 m lr) ('mtvhu'NI UgllhuJt hc- r "'Ut waya ,d angerou8. SlIe was th fi rst to speak, ask ing I tS nu L I.UII"t li eI'll. n or ~\·(ln .. til t lIave tasted every irult on the great There II no more powerful with ('aller Interes t : tree of 'knowledge : they know a thou· Influenc. ov.r a life thiln that. .. Art t hOIl Sa mson !'" Tho Real Embarrassment. eand Intarestlng scrapl; they are love whIch takee ponelilon of ".How kn ow at tholll my na Ul , tholl "D(I\' >; It nco cr 'lIIbnrruss you." w, more "eraatlle and ingenious and at· the heart, for "out of the heart CGlr Qne?" Samson replie d, cllrlo~lt~' IIsh ' tI (If tIla PI LIIlllurg lOlIllonuh'e, \racUve tban any other of th e r ecent are the IBluel of life," If that mIn gling wIth hI s adm lrutl on. "wh n lOll bnll PCII to b In II pos ition lov. appeall only to the ma· generations. But. lIaye "resident W. " Ah! hath not th o ta me of t hy ya lor wb fa YO II IlIlVp to In troduce "0111' wI re terlal . and phYllcal, high Ideall to une IIf r our ex,wlves ?" . s pr a tl throughout ' all t h Innd ?" ah H, p, Faunce of B~own UnJve rslty, In are ab.ent, pure motilles are excla Imed, grncc Cully readjusting tbe ". 'ot VOI'Y 1I11\('h," he I·cltlled. "The 'LealI e's Weekiy , they are quickly led lack/ng and IneYltably that life [\lId S of hE'r robe nnd s mo othln~ Romo r ca lly .. lltbnlTuss ll.lS moments ure utrny by aopbJstry, nnd eo,slly hid- to mUlt sink to the lel/el of the lhe IIlray locks o~ hllir ",blch t ho of wlll'n I lIr.tI myself 80 ]ll:lcod that 1 Ilurrender conviction when It conOlcls life on' which that love 18 be· bol s te l'ou B br eze hhd s nlltchcd Irom IlfW IO' 111I1'O<lIl CO my )Il'e$out wife to 'With Interest. stowed. This explalnl the moral t be wealth of bla l! ~r h a ir t hat c lus· my n.l!~ t one."-Judge, decay and lad tragedy In 'many tered nbout he r he atl and wns sonding That !.be ,bn110qn Is expecled to pIa)' Ha pp Ier Poor, a .wrecked life, Step by Itep In b wltcb lug spray across tile fair • part In war, and possibly an Impor· "0 ill trllele D wbef l'Y thollgbl ho the unworthy love galnl a.cend. cb eek. w as golil!!: to fu ll b II' to n tornme tant one hereafter, II evident from Samson mov ed uneA s ily In hi s pm· ancy ov.r 'the will until at last un d 1110"1" In hl l;h ~ocl ely. H • (le n t muttary • procedure abrond. In Ger· the complete .urrender II mado barrass ment, fo r h e' did not c u]o\' the sIx montllK lenrnlng to c lll tll'at t.he al wa. the CiI •• · ·wlth Samson, words ot p ra Ise Or Hattery. grenl, many careful a tten tion Is given to the t.'I;St for 011 " s." and one find. Illm.elf shorn of sI mpl e follow that be WIlS, lind to matter by army authorities. A nov· ":'\ lid " 0 1; h dlAn"polnl ed whe n the hll .trength and undone, ' cbange Ihe subject he asked, In turn : e lty in German military practice 'ia to rtun ,rldu'l CUI\lO'~" But If that 1011. I. a worthy "Alld who lire tho,u, my talr one 1 ' about to be insUluted. and the out· "Nol a t all. il s glad he Is, poor, one, thore Ciln be no ",ore poa nd wby art tbou out nlone In th is He-And t bll)'-er-marrletl and H . says It doe n't Ink s Ix mon ths to come ,,!111 be IntereIUng. · Botl)· fr~e tent Influence 'or good over the place?" lived happy ;:vElr Il~ter. I 8uPIlose? and captive ballOOns are to be s ent up, ICll rn how t.o c ultIvate Ih e 'Uls te 101' IIf., It lead. out from a.If, It "I am D lIinh. and to see thee am 1 She'7Yes. alter t he divorce, and coast artillery batteries will use bl'er n nd c,lllbllgO."- hlcago find. In.plratlon and help to come ," sbe confessed, wit h a ·frartk· D ~ n y :-/(,W8. ' ,the balloons as tarr;ets. Hitting bal· higher Iduls. It welcom •• 'the ness thut was oJlurmlng. .A:n d she The Brain Storm. hardlhlp and nlf·denlal which loons will be muoh more dlmc~1t than quickl y add ed, In a.ppeallng voice : ",Vh!'n Alllinle o.I«m" t h~ kll t'IIl''' .IO,l r SURP~IS~. 'aro necealary 'to . the attaIning " And YO II '\\Put te ll Ene 011 about the And hu r n" lho tn al\ ( ust ,'n k eR, strl.klng ships at aea, for In addition of tho •• •. wonderful thIngs I have heard con, And RUlmps h el' (p c:;o t 1I 1l 0 n l h ~ floor to 4lBClOuntln& the moUon of the aerial Unltl lh rl'llilo .lw kc8. And lay not that we have not ce r.nlng tbee, will you not?" "easels there wlll be tbe height wbJcb tho Jlower of control oyor our ' "Nay, but the slory at th y!!el t ' V a LI D JlOt htnl ~l\O ' 8 In Il. pel lIle projectiles must attain to be et· Or mud or angr.)l -no! lov... W. hayel We can wlll would be a ralrer tale." Samson ex'V~ ~llIIp l y MY wHo ll she's IIPRCI: fective. FightiD'" wtth airabJpB will to love worthily. We can !lurb claimed, " Wbere dwellest tbOll, that "Th e ' b r ai n Slf)fOl ' ijOO Il wtl l 1I'0 !" lie certain ' to mulUply 't be problema th ... uperflclal emotion. of the I may visit thee?" -{:hteo¥o DI1!l y News. with wlalch mllltary , Bcience has to · and I.ek for thOle d.eper ;'Tbou shalt come and s ee," she re· deal. . exprenlonl whIch will Interpr.t During the Honeymoon. .plled, trlpplng orr ht~ for e hIm, "'blle the will and love of God In our Samson ,eagerly followed , Tbe F ri end- And YOII lind G~orge IIv,.. The affection that Ie be. In another year or so, when· !.be ex. Tbat was the beginnIng. of a love have excelle nt n(1,.etltes for ' e verY Itow,d apart from the Divine which touk complete ' possessio!) ot his meal. What Illnd of uIIlleUzers do ten ~ion of the Florida East Coast rail· will and purpo•• I. lure, to lead heart and lire. so that he utterly for, you use'l way, now under ~nstructioD, is com· ..tray. God leekl to ,hare In The HI'III.!-Kl sses. denr. And got the obligatIons I:bat rested upon Ideted to :t{ey Weat, and fast ships. all earthl~ relatIonship., and to hav o lho grllnde6 t d2SIIel't, him ss Judge in Israel. Inodeled after the EngllBh channel vea· the degree to which he II given 'I' he Frlend- Gl'l1ctous ! And And whe n It becamo· known unto niB, bring Ouba witbln five hours, by hi. rightful place, to that degree the lords of lhe Phll:lstl nos that Sum- does Jt con slHt ot·/ sea, or an American railway running will the life be blelled and be The ilrld<>-Tbo saIne. oC 'OUl'seson wal! enamored at Delllllh, they a ble .. lng unto other •. through trl,1nll north. east and west, 1;l8806!- blrllf:O Dully News. Cllme liP unto her and said: ----"'-..,'-- - Hanna 'may become the grentest win· ++++. . . . . . . . . .~.• +++.++++++ "Entice hIm , and s ee wherein hll No Pure Adulterant Alrallable, tel' resort In Ule weatern hemisphere. great s tre ngth I!elh. and by whal "Your' honor." said lhe lllllkmnn, ar· THE STORY. means we may prevail a gai nst him. Over 90,000 were bandIed In and out l'al!,'11ccI rol' seilin g lin article bolow that w~ IIl IlS' bInd 111m to amlct him; or Hanna by the varioua lines durP' ALL the daug)lters of the Phm'!. th s ta ndn rd, " I .'(\11 the best J could," sur, tln os Delilah was the fairest. and we will give theE! everyone or' u ~ Ing lbe last touring Beason of Decem ' "00 on," ~nld Ihe COUI 't, ,None could corupare with h er In boa u· e levell huntl red pieces ot sll\:er," lieI', January, Febr!1ary and M"rch, " U th(' l'e W(,l'e Impurities III t he long ago Alld as th ey spoke th ey spread Ollt ty .of raoe . Rnd fo rm. lind ' wIth lhe milk," tlon ill1l1cd ' the (lI'IKOnt' r, "lllease ltl'' '-Ohlcago physical chnrms thert~ we nt a vivacity b('Core her e yell the ' grea~ ~hlnln g ·pllo. bua l' in mlnll Ibat lho filtration HYP.· It Is said wIth re~pect to the per. and c)overne s 'whl ch made her beauty of sl)ver coIn. A:h! 'h ow much Onllry l!\m h e re ISI.I't: w)lot It ought to be." ce~tage ot CHIs and with respect to well·nlgh, Irreslstllile. Mnny were . tl)at would buy for her dalntJ' ro r m, . Her ' Ana.wer. the acd"L~y or tbe ordinary membere her sultprs a'mong t be lord" or the The m'ore IIhe th ooght of It th e more Cause and Effect. ' A bll. h(ul swoln. WIlIO h r', n n\! 80 ,or the churches, Chrlstlnnlty In Korea Phl)lstlnes, ' and ardently Illd th ey be' !lhe \l' IlS lempled 10 ISt rl\'e to make II Th Dp 101' -1'1' .llIlIt come back .ElltS ff~'r\1 1.1 Uo IUTIlUon wrol . ' Ie tar ahead of Cbl'istlanlty In Ameri- aleg!! her h e~rt with ail tho " 'lIes oC her own, and during Ihe da ys whI ch fl'om San Rc mo ; bcc n a WIl Y n we k, ,,,,,,1 f1 nl s hvtl up hlK I,,!lel' thus: "~Iy 1')\1C. on ,)'on J "I mply iJ(HeJ" Th loklst-1'eB, I Hal\' It mentioned ca. CertaIn ly for Ingenuous, open- the lover's art. but to none dl4 she (ollo"" ed ~he piled Sam son with qu es· IlIcarted . clll idlike' ChrlsLlanlty, says a «Ive special encouraGement. Wltb tlons, using all th ~ wInnIng arts of III th e 'llIlller, Bue by -reI urn of pOBl lie got The Doctor (eagerly, - hld ef'd! writer, J hale neve r. seen anythIng to bewitching coquetry she ' Ilept them wblcb hQr clp-ver 'nlltllre WIIS capa ble, . An ruui wtJr to his fl' 1Ir.1 () note. unW at Ins t one da y .. she kn e w ·tbnl Whnt did It say? danCing .attendance to her and Illaln· H JII "t o nl Dlne rl thl8 crl, p ~ <l\' 1 '0 : equal IIlese Koreans. TheIr manner. talned ber SWlY over them. so tbat ,SaDlson hud reveal ed all 1!ls henrt Ie The JokJstlt (Irew atte ntion t{) the , " You'o bc t1 ~r OnLi fl. n n,ntldo t !" ,theIr wcrd and their work Irresistibly ' tbe beautiful valley. through whIch her nnd that the sliver treasure WD b remarkable dec rease In 't h e death,rale suggest lbe cburcb of the apostolic ran tbe brook SOI'ek, whero s be dwelt. wltbln Iter g'r nsp, And did ,'ever s or, ~ " . A Safe p'roPCllltlori, " aKe, . Told by the ' Face, rel ' t hink that yo ur futhe r's became known as the encbantress row or regret fill her b eart arter h er 111 rs. eb III'(\h'71 met that little boy tln ti l;)8; liS iHllldln'g, inopecton ,,"onld be garden where tile que'en 0.1 4eart. 10YI)r 'bad been bOUDd Dnd dragged from IIer side, «;l0e · never knew, fO! who lIYeli next to you, yes te rday, J RWfully dangero.lli. 'goi ng round un, Il\bet'e 1s o.n e Rroadwa-y (New fork) ru'led supr.eme. omce bolldlng that attracte attention No,,?, it chanced ·In the course ot his tb ere were other admlr~r8 to take hl p could tell he was ·a good little boy, by safe buildIngs. IIlace and the .wealth she possessed hIli rnee. Smllll Son ' o~ tho liou ~e-=Oll, no; ~y <the lack ~f sIgns on t he windows. erratic trave ll through the ' Iand, seek· r.[rs. ,.'latlJ u';h- Oh. I suppose yes. It dB a tremendouB big Imllplng, with Ing here Bnd there adventuro, watch· ga vo ber all h4!' vain heDrt cOUld terday wns' one ul the day s he'a 11e doesn't go· near 'em till ntter t hey willh. fil II d!lwn, - l';lfe. ecores Clf wlndow8. not one of whIch Inc' the Philisti nes and curtaIling tbelr 'wnalled his fllCel -;- Yonl(e rs Slates. power, aud judging bls own people. bear-a the name of a firm except 8ev· A Mar:fyr to PrInciple. mlln. the Is raelites. that Samson one day Clothel for Parll, MUlOum ' eral .o.n tbe ground floor whIch are " Yes; IlOOI' Hawldml ""US a vIctim came Into tlie valley or Sor.ek. When ParIs 18 to bave noW mllseutn 01 Bootlell, to his a nt l·exluJ.nslon!st sentim811te." deeorated with ole nam e oC a bankIng 'hll presence became known to the an lnt.eres tlng Jt will be " You can't e.~ Jl~ct t hat those Nlca. " In what WRY7" . CODcerD. The owners of the bull dIne Phlltsllne lords 'II'ho we re '60jdurnlng locatod on some ,unoc:cupled land bor, rnSlIIlD lieroes wl!l di e wltb tll t:!l r boots ma\ltl liP bls miJ\d th~t be was ob1e.ct OIl. arl.lsuc ~round8 to UUIlZIIl& In t1!e p/llce tbey were filled with Cear, derlng upon the Obamp de ,Mars, and on.I' getting too (lit. and he ,doctol'oo ans! til. wil140wB for ~dver1l8lng (JurpO.8es, a condition ot mind wblch was Illy 11'111 come into exlste.[ lee wllhollt atate, , " Why ,not 1", "tan'ell htnJ ~'e l! to death. "-Ghlcago concealed frow tbe eye s or tbe fair aI~ . " " M~st of " t hem are bare footed," Trlbuue, . NfDety-one young men have jllst Delllab, The owes lite or/gin to the beaD admitted to !.he practice Ill", Sur. PrOOf. "Tell me. ye bra,.. ones," she lIal4. palnler', M. ~auTfce LeDl)lr, who Is th~' . . No Hurry.. In New York. The presidIng l~dl:e In tantafl.zlllg way as loon as 'she Mr- l>reslde.l'lt of tbe SocIete de I'HIstoiNl "Has that 'man any sonnd l'a Ung aa Young BIrd (on a tree)-There . who admitted them uld there we ..e celved tbe sItuation. "what .there Ie to du CQstllme: 1,1. MallJrl:e Maindron, a fln's ncler ?" "The ' very best. He wns In the oomes a liullter. W 'I) belter fly awny. already 18,000' III wyers practiclnc to lear lrom thIs mall. and he one of tlie the , ",'ell·known wrlte'r , who flII8 the Old Bird- No I~u l' ry . He's got · to New York City. No wonder the prine delplsed Israelites? Are not the Phil. vice chair, and among other ,dlstln, reoent Wall street rlcll m~O '8 panic. latin ell mllste rs of the land, and do nos: KUlshed members 01 the soclety-tbe Rnd he' contrlhuted a lar¥e sbare to ollmb II fence befol'e he !fets to us. of ebJnl'lea il advancing. the Israelites leM'e ua?" . patronl of the museum-Is M. Edouarlt that live rullllon fWld to IlIIlverlze tile ' and bls g un wll! Ilrobalily calch 'In a rail lind shoot him, The y mOl' al. . "Yea," they ellcl.almed. "but th'o n art Detallle, th.e Ilalnter. The . exblblt. pre81dent and hlB polIcIes." The Qoulda are objecting to tile , nol Ignorant ot what thll man 8amways <Io,-N. Y. Weekly, will consIst a wollderful collectloD . lawyer', fee of '175,000 for obtafnlnB loil batb alreadT done to the Pblll. of costume.. H, KnlW. : tbe ...arloul eo. a divorce trom Bonl. 8trange people,' tInes? .How be hath single-banded tumes from tbe Sab1!ath School Teaeber - What Ilea. down ·to . DefIned. the Goulds, when IOU conalder the Ill1ltten our ·armln, ',ntl bath defied the end of tile , cMtUIT. doeB the parable o~ the Prodigal Son ~nloker-Wbnt IIi a eclenUat! tact that they ,paid ...eral mUlio.. lll!l-itrongl!st 10 bind or hold him? wbleh Will, be ~D lIfNlnd teacb us? Rocker-:-A man who Wants to ftDd Bobby Tbickn!!Ck-Not· to be tatte4 out how many 'germ. tberec..... JD · . "101141 tllat II Dot III," they w.nt . . models. &D capture Bonl. calva, ma'am.-Paok. anlllllll mJlk.-Ju~ae.


i ..u,,~,~,,~~








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T.... Pille Heve Cu;.~ the OlllOe_ ,_ Almolt Every ,,"orm e"d Even In Ad"enc:ocl Sta~ell. .dh nmatism is lit painfnl I.nfI"mma. ~Ion of the lDusoltl8 or of tlto ('.overi uRB or the joiuts uud is 60lDEltirucs no 'om· panled by sw Ulug. Tho Jl:~i u is Mhllrp aud shoonug ulld llQ('~ D(lr. (·uu.1lno j t.~e l f to any oue l )Urt at tho btidYI but aft&r B&ttli.rig iu 0110 joint ' 01' m Ulielo tor " time, 1000v sit aud passes on t.o Mot her. The mo t <lllng roilS t.endonoJl: at the d lsensa is to tho hOI l't. E1tonull , applications llu\y gi.o lief f row pal u for lit timo bu t t he d isca.\'6 CIID DO~ IJe c~~ uutil ,tltO blood is }lllriflud, Dr. Wllillulllj' P ink PitL~ are Lllo best 10 eli· oine for th is purpuse lUi t lloir nction is dil'llolly au the bloO(L, mnl.;l tlg' It rkh , rod and Itenll hy. 'VII\)U I h. Wood is pum there CUll bo no l 'lt U I II:ILI~ Ill , Mrs, Elleu A, Ru.~ ell, (If South Goff ~t .• Aubllru, lifo" ""Y8; "1 I It~rl 1J'''1t .uck: lor tlft u fl'l11\l illlpuro blMd, brought, ou by o.orwork. My hCl!Jt wU.'! 'Weak IImL ,llJY hlLnr\s col(lr l !l.~ . I WIU. tronhlpcl wi! 1\ indil,'Cslioll. 011\1 volllitill'; &[lCLls, wh ich ('aIDe 011 0 ," ry f l; w ruu ol Its, 1 Ilud 110 LtI'Poti to UUIIllSt'll t.o haVlI MVfu! flliDtiug "Jlc'U!', fuJliog <1"" Wh llU lit my 'Wo rk. I 1'1 qU"lIlly ff'l t ll lllTIO nll o\'er. My l l!lnd achod u~ lLluously ,r five yenl'9. .. About two y eID'S ago I lwsnn. t.o tf'l'l rh elll.IUll ism in lily j oi util, " h k h \,lCca11l1l 60 IMlO I could IlIIrdly w,illi. My juiuIII weill 8woUellllD<1 painoo mo t orrl bl y, "Dr. WiUiarns' Piuk. Pliki w ore rl'l' • omrucDdcd to lliO ny a, frioud , oftel' I hlld failod to get 'W ell from til l) doctO I"" troatm en~. When I begrul taklu~ tho p ills, tile rhellI1U\tlsm was at its W(\l'!'\t, I had takon ouly lit few boxos, when I he hcaduchl)l:lltopped and n ot long afl l'I" w~ I felt the Pliln in Jny j oilllB 00. ~olD1ng less a.nd I , • until there waN none at all. The 8tllfness \I'M gone Ilud I have never had any returu. of the rl!ollWIIotisnl. " Dr, Williams' Pink Pills 11M'S cored linch dlsea!!('s as n et'Voull and geneml delJility, ludige tlon, n ervons headaohe n euralgia lllld oven )1artilll pa.rIIl,vlli.'1ll llli lllcomotor :ltlUi;\. As a tou io 'for I he blood and ucrv t.bey Illll uneqtJAllod. A pum(lhl t a u .. D iseases of t lu'! Blood" au la COllY or ourdlat bOOk: will be Rent free 00. request to Ilnyoue illt ,~._


Dr, Willialll.';' P ink Pill ~ nro &01<1 b Y' a~ dJ:uggist\l, or seut, POMLpul d, On I'l:' Cl'lpt of prie'o, 60 c nls p r oox,!!Ix box I)" for f;l.CiO, by tho Dr. Wllliarns M oditllu& Company, t:;ohenoo tady, N. y. Court'l Acoultici aad. The aGO\lstt lIro(lert\es of the courtl'Il0nlB In l .olldon·s new erimlulll our B building nrc so bad, It Is IIBld , tha t the til he r lin)' n ()1'180U I' wl) () hn,1 be n sOIlI-ent' d to 61 m,,"t}Js ttlOll{(llt he lind boen setl t nced to 12, H s aid lo II wa r(!e ll: "On nr Ule Ilks gave me si x mOll,ths OU(\ nnoth I' tit 'em go"e mo ~Ix mouths be rn r"." AI ~ o , besl d 9 oahoes, "r v rbernttoll'lfe complai ne d of, BABY IN



Awful Humor Eating Awa y F ac eBody a Mass of Sore.....:cutlcura Cur.. In Two W ~ks , " M y IIHle dau ghter bl'nk ' out an ove r h er boely 'Wllh a humur, lind we use d everythI ng recomme ndetl. b ut wltbout l'()Sults. r CllUed In three do . tal's . but she contInued to grow 1\'ors . H er botly wns a mnsl! ot 80res, ond Ii r little toce waa beJng eaten away, Jl er eilrs looked as It they ' ,,"auld drop alT. advised I"e to get CUl/curB Soap and Ointment, Bnd beCoro r bad use d hllif ot the ea'ke Soap and box of OIn tment lhe sores had 0.11 h alE'd; and m)' IIltle. one's face and bod~ we l'l~ a s clear as 0. 'new-born ba be's, 111'0\1 111 not be '\\'lthout It agaIn If it cost' .fi1'9 doll!lrs. In sle!ltl ot 80vc>nty·flve cenll! . Mrs, George J. Steese. 701 obu rn I. , Ak.J:lln, 0 .. Aug, 30, 1!i05."


"The deepest 'Y1!Ipathy ' !liaD Call Ihow to man Is tl) hell) liJ lu do ·hl. .duty,-Muloc k. ' Krau se'. Cold ':'C;;e, . Fnr rDIII 'in hot".1. t lll'l't.H, "I ouL or b,, "k. D~ L I ' lOc,ly 1m' .Ln U ri " p, J,l'·UlUti.t.. , :1;," , There Ire lot. ot peqrl1 In .. tbe . . clal scale who do .not. welgb' much. '

- -----


'· He.


The,re are po.ltion a OPeD .i " tile Navy for hundredS of yOllJlS' met! bet,,.een 17 \lnd 25 )·ea'rB. of age, and. for me<:hanic\I.,up to 35.years of age. Good' pay, and good food fUl\nlshed by the Government. , F'of full informlliiotl · addrels NaVy Reofl!itinll' St&.tio;': i>oflt Omce Building. Cincinnatl,Ohlo.


Charles Edward Becomes

an Heir

By Harrillon S. Rhodu

,itt ....'" ....." .....

't1.'," ....,..',"" ......,"'....,"'~

WOI'1"rll:l1l, liy ,I While l.ady Angela blls led h <ll's It willI the hill thing!! the dlllClitilllon wont on llud broadened, ns It w nt. What Lady Auge la want (I to know was wbat h 'l' hlJEblllld wOllld lIo If h o IV I'e "lldd Illy Chat II POII I h 1I'0l' hl wlihoat the lucollle 01' th OCC lI\llltloll which resulted (1'0111 hi s eo nll' '11 0 11 with AuaUu and CO III Jlany, banltp.I's, or N w York ci ty. "r s bo,uld mllke my wan ls lowwn In I hc , nowll pu,pers." slIlIl 'hlU')\'A E d. wurd, lookin g Ull tram a pngl" appal" antly colIIIIsting nUl'aly of afl\'e l'll s(l· tJllmlS. "I ehoul cl alIP ly fIJI' U llosl, unn." "As wbat 1" a skcd Paul Cn n ' Ihelr guest. ' " , ·"l' lIo.t 4IoeslI't ~ef)m 10 lII ultcl'. I ~h oul(\ d cille all som ' thln !; " ery co m. ((Wln.ul 'o nd protltnlJl . YOu Cf\1I a p' IUlI'Ulltlv got nn yllling YOII wanl." Chllliles l<~tlwnrd J)I dltot(>d. ''1' hell evo," 1111 u(ld£ld. Rlo wl y, "Ihat If on budll't a ]lonn y In I h IV rlrl one ou llln't clo bdtcr Ihull iJpcOIII l! bel l' to ~o U\e v ,ry ri ch person ," '''rws Is all IlIs l,l ruUon. harles Ed. ~' ard '" 1'100 hls wit . "To'IDw'row, lilY darli ng Ang la, 1 8(lvertise.·' " And I'» bet YOII t",en ly·fi\·e doi. lars-" begnn Pnlll, "that yun flon't get an answor." "I 'U tnk It," came t rom Iho pros· II Ul'e oo,·erUse r. "lind If you like I will b!!t allother tw enlY-flve that 1 h come ttn h eir." The appeD I wbl ch harl!'!! E<I\"nrd InserLed ' WIIS J1erhDp's nOL llOpr ce' <1 nted. but It was Ill. lenst unusual. It ran an follOWS : "Tn Earn s t.-r wish to be h e ir, parUalty 0\' wholly, to ijOIU rich person . A pllymeut on accoun t u RII'3hI0. If III London cuuld un'an!; 1\ II rsonul liller\'Ie........ . The adv rllilClI1cnt WIIS to allP ar for th.ree dllY8 runnl liS. Th reA days pass d with no result. "h n t he lett e l' lUiM!. 1t is stili III' sl'r veil among l'b c mos.t val ued ar blv s r th Aus· Un8. It said: "SII'"It YCMI havo not air nll y lIIade YOUI' nrmllS'l!mOllt8 with 80\11. on 18, I shoilid be g lud ot an OPIlQl'tuni!y of talkJng , with you In I'ef I'once to t he P08S~1IIIt.Y ot your .he omln g my h Ir, a pi lin 'W.lIlch 'It S bl S ,to III might be to OlU' mIItllal udvnnlllg. If It should b 011.11 Monday att 11I00n, I will sit tn I'ha Knuslnglon gurd u)1on a bench 118;.1l· tbe founlalns at the head' ot the Serlu!Illlne, holding a 'copy ot the 'Nme8 In which YOII~ , auvertl/le· ment 'khaU be mnrked wHh red Ink. I hope l.t will not dl scom !\lode :ou to. meet me Uiere. In COR YOu eannbt ~m 1)11 )Jonday, r shall. If tho W lither a1l0\\'II, he ' there on Tues~ay. W edilelldny aud Thursday. " 1 am, dear sir, "Yours mdst faltbfully, "FELIX ARNCASTLlil" Tbe ."Ie formal snrden la)' boklng 10 the August sun. rhe 8UU had acarce ly begun to sink, yet one l.all


,He, ,,


to Be About' 7.0 Ye.... of Alie.

tree to, "the , west mnnDged to .tretch Its ah'a dow Ilnd Just tOUch u ben on on wblch sat Il gentleman ' aqr088 whose knees waH spread earetully a copy o( tlle Times.' He appeared to be 'ab6u~' 70 years ot age, with gray ' h.-Ir ~d ' moullluche. A ~ the clock of a neighboring church IIlruck Ilve . a yq,ung 'gentleman attired In gray finn· nehi: with n Panamn hat shadIng hla yos Irom the glal'e; 'Stepped Into view ", • Del¥' the fartbest 10lintuln'. ... . "YOll ' are Mr. Arneaslle, I pre. uume," sald he. w,hen he ha,1 advanced , to the bench . "I .. ~:' 'l'~ the reply, "and YOU are--?" ' "Char.les Edwa~tI AusU n. I nm an , Aaio\'t.CIUJ. as 'y ou ba,' undoubtedly 1I0tlct\d, but I have. mllrrl\l(\ nn Iilng. IIsb gid. 1 am 2G )'eal'!! old, aDd"";' I don't 'know-I shollid like' to be -(lilt

,our heir. 1 think." Hr. Arncastle loo!{ed Ohnrles EQ. •• rd sbyly over,· "You d!>n't," he laid, he1l1:I4Unglr, "~·ou d!>n't-1fell, ' wluat { mean ' la. are yo,u 1u ,reat Reed'" "or 'clr.1I"" til any cas~. oDe would tt1 .to 'ee". up appearlUlCl!8, No: I , . . . . fdl]n't Inot 'HT7 pGOr." ' , 41J' - , . . , r .4oia't loe" " " rt..-


"~ "h

B, B

\\'It- o, )

It CUres While YIlU Walk. DON'T GRUMBLE AT TRIFLES. 'A MISSOURI WOMAN Allen's 'P'ont , F.~F ~ i. ~ r prl.,.;n curf' for hot . ~wpntinR, p~ 11,.11 •. n n;! ..... ollrn. 0' b in ~ Twcnty·ftYII eushcle Wheat and Forty. Tell, a Slory of Awful Suffering and ff'et. Sold h~' all druggiFI•. li rler. 2!iv ,' n~ n t five Bu.hels Oat. Per Acre Are Wonderful Relief, I r ptll ny NUIl.tllutp. Trilll t. nckAl(ft FRJ':R. Allen . . Olrn ·tell , ].e R ~y , N. Y. In WCltern CanadOi. Mr~. J. D . .JQhnKon, .of G03 W est !llInaie Pheasant Hatchery. Saltcoats, Sask., ll ick man St., Columb ia, Mo., Bays : Out of 5,600 Iilnglls h pbeasa nt egr;s Itb D ,"e mbe r, 1908, "Followlag au op ra tion t wo yea rs late ly lmtIolted by. the game commis· 'rG th e Editor, ago, d l'o ps ~' 8 tin, II10ner or IIlInol e 3,000 heallby chick ! U ar ' Ir, and m y left aide was have beeD h atched. I willingly give you tbe res ult or my so swollen the doctor tOUl' and a halt , yenl's' ,~"perleuce '111 s altl h e would bave to [)eafneM Cannot Be Cured the Dl s triot at Saltcoats. ll1p ou t l be water. by local IIppU CO.. lJcm., U \br.,. clluao, r e&c: b lbe dr,. Previous to comi ng h e1"e r ra rm ed In Tbere was constant OIUC~ pon'QU of th e ft &r. Tbero JI (JUly clue • • , to cur\: dearDetl.utl ,ba' tlb, cuuIllluUUUl1 reml!t1UI'. BaldWin, St. rolx 'ouut~" Wi sconsin , pain and a g urgling Delfne.. I. eaLu l e4 bYllo tnfl,amed ooD(1It1 0 0 Cit Lb. mu cou.llolDI' of til. Eult&tlJ1au 1'UlJe. WbfA 'bll and as 1 h nve heal'tl n gr ,at dea l about sensatio n around Wy Lu be JI lua. meLl , OU bare a rumbll oE Ml uod or l tn. a nadlun North·West, 1 decided hen rt, and 1 cou ld not pt!rrect bel-rluli• • lId wbonlt 11 t ollrer, eluted. Dcar- Ibe DCIII I, l be r e.un,aDd un lentbe InCluUWllIoQCIO be to ta ke a t.rl p t.h ere a nd see the COlin· rai se my arm above t&kCD OUL _ad tbll tube nlltort.d to It. n ort:n aJ c(.Iudl. lIou, beutu. wJlI bo deuruyed t ort\"er ; n Ine tl-uel t ry tor nlY8e tr. I wns 1 80 Im pressed m )' • he ad . The Illd· J)Ut ot t e u ar. ea uled. 111 C.t.rrb. "'hteb 11 uotbl1ll' with tbo rich ness ot Ihe soli t hst I nc)' artion was tl lsor· bUL au coadltton CJ t the UiUOOUI .11 rfleel. We \flU ' he Ouo U uud rrd !Jollarl tor l UI CUI of bought baH 11 se tlon ot Innd about dered antl pn ssar;es of Ule 8 cr lions Dearo«lJl (CI-&uled lI, CAta nh , tbat. CIDD U&' be cured by a.II'. O"arrb Cu re. Seat! fur cl, tree. five mil '5 rrom tho tow n ot Sllltcoats. too frequ en t. On Ihe advl co of my Hold b l),u fC,.t.t~i~~ : l!UE!'t ~ \" &. "; 0 ' 1 "1'ul041), O. I moved on to tlw land the followin g Ilu sl)alld I began us ing Doan' s Klduey Talcu ftau " ~'aWll' 1~11l' tur eO lullpaU"a.. ~ J ll lle a nd thnt year broli e 90 acres . Pills. Since lI s lng 11"0 boxes m)' trou· wblch 1 crollP d In 1904, and had 39 ble ha s not r ea)lpea r d . This Ii; won· BI.hop Potter', An.wer, A )'oung clergyman In a remote bU Rhels wheat PCI' n reo In ]905, with ~ e rrul, aflel' sIItrprlng t wo years ," Soltl by all ~ ea l rH. r.0 cpnl s a bOJ:~ cOllntl'Y district wrote last l':aster lin acreage of ) GO lIer S , 1 lwd ~ ·I bush· lime to Bis hop Pott r, s a yi ng that cis wheat and 35 uush C'11l ot oats )ler F oster·Mllb ur n Co .. Bull'ulo, N. Y. acre. III 1906. wilh ) j li a cros lInd er he was about to take a wife, and ask· GONE FOREVER. rO il, I hatl Z1i bu ~ h e ls w heat nnd 45 I" ~ If, to save some olher clergy· man a long nntl wenry journe r, be b ll ~ b III of all Is per 3cre. T en years ago a fa rmer Pll t Il ls InlFrom ' the abo" o mon'lllone d yie lds cUIII.! not marry blm self. yo u can rellll ll y unde rstan d thot. 1 am tl ul s on a dollar bill. The u ext liar b e 'fhe bl ~ ho p ' s re ply 'I\'(lS mOrl' lOll S, " cry ,,' {'II )l1 t'ns d wil h th e Canadia n went lo · tb o ncnr s t tv,,"n antl s )Jpnt It I)' (ollcls. It said: \\' st. or <:ou r3<', J 1> 0\"0 had to wO I'I, Wllh a merciwnt. D (or 'th e yo:.r ,\\'II S "Could you bu r y you rseIC?" lIarll, but 1 don' t IIIlnd thnt when I out ho gOl I he d ulllll' bn I•. Four tim es In s ix ~'eul's lbe Ilollal' ('amo bo. It to ge t s uch a ;;o d I' 'lll l'D for my lab or. BLOOD GETS SOUR , To an yo ne thl nld ng abou t omlng to him rol' p rod II!' and thr 0 tim E's b e Givea Advice and Tells of S imple Ihls couctry I ca ll truthf ull y s ay that heal'u of It In ttl pocket of bls ne igh· If they ure prepui'pu to worl. and n ot hall. Home Mix ture, Tbe last time lie go t It back four grumble li t 1,.lfl S , thcy IlTe bound to om t hin gs 1 would II ko dlf· years ago, Jl o se nt It to a mall ord er At this, time ot year, says a well· get on , Imo wn suthor lty, the Kidn eys b come tere nt. (Ju t tal,o the country a U round, house. li e ue \'cl' Ilns se n that dollar weuk, clOgged and Inncth 'Il, failing to 1 doc 't kco w where lO go to "et a bot· s ince, and n vel' will. Tbat dollar bill will nevC!' puy any more school or filter out the poiso ns aud ac ids. whl~h tel'. Q:oad tax tor h im, will neyer bull,l or Yours tru ly, sour the hlood, caus ing not only faolol brighten any of t he b orn s ot the c om(Si gned) O. 'B. OLSON. a nd bodil y eru ptions, bllt the wurst 'Write to any ' nnadlan Gov ernment munity. Ho sent It E' nti rely out of rorms of Rh eumatism, Nenolls and StQmuch trouble s, Bockncbe and ])aln· Agen t fol' literature oad full particu- tbe Circle ot usefulness to himself and lars . " bls n e igh hoI's . rul, annoying rlnary oml cllona. Pulrunlze your local mercllUnt who Queen', Moat' Prized IOecor.tlon. It IS·.worth anyone's ttme nOI\' to get One at tbe decorations, of ..... hlob the be lp8 you to )la y your la xes, support from some good prescrlpLion pharmacy the tollowlng Ingredlen L8: Fluid Ex· Queen of Portugal Is proudeat I. the your sobools and churc hes. and le nds tract Dandelion, one·bolf ounce; am· medal ot 'the llrlUsh HUlllsne acclet,., a h ellling hand In times of sick ness pound Korgon, ono ollnce; 'om poulld which s bo WIIS a s ked to accept after nnll tl'ouble. --~--~ Syrup 'Sarsaparilla, three ounces. MI x s be had leaped Into lbe harbor at United Statu Lead, In 011. by s hoJdng w II In II bottle and tal;e Lisbon and saved a drownlDC man. or every 100 gallons of llJumlnaUnl In t easlloonful dose.s after your mcals On all great occasions tbis decoratioD all usnd In t he world, 64 "allons are and at bedtime. Is to be seen pinned on her dress. Her ~roduced In the Untted States. This s imple bom e·made mix ture will majesty. wbo 'II a siste r or'tbe Duch· lllra. WIn%w'. SootheDI:' Snap, tOI'('e tbe Kidn eys to normal. bealthv ess d ' Aosta, recently vis iting U8, II POf ("bUdr~n t.eetblJlc, IOtre:oa ,be guru" rcdUCM lDo ac ti on, so the!)' will Illt rand s lraln ail another special favorIte ot the royal Aamw. Uou. aU.,. palo , CUJ'U wlDd co1l0. :.:t.G _ bOtU. ul'l c !lclf1 and poi sonous waste malt r family, and, like ber sister, was born rt's· uSIIBlly the maG who has 10m. [rom be blood, and expe l ihls In The at York House, T",'lckenbam. Queeo 1I1'1:le. st tbe same Lime res lOrln g tbe Amella was one of. the v,e ry tlrs t .wa- thing to say who, doesn't .all it. "(ull blood cpunt"-tbat Is . 9& pe r c nL men to Quality berselt ElS an M. D. red blOOd co rpu scles-wb lcb is absa- She lausblngly t lis her friends that lu ely ladlspea salJle to perf t henlt1r . her most U')'lng patient is King Cllrlos. whom for years she bas tri ed to AGE TOLD BY THE PULSE. diet tor " too solid lIesb."--TIt.Bltll.

s aid Mr, Arn :ls Ue, ratber sadly , 'fben be atld ~ c1 t "or ourse It's only fair, Is It lint, thul th e h Ir s hould he lll me In Ro me wn"s? Thero nre so many thlllJ;1< to I;" i1ono, und It III "Ol'y· Slrlilll-: . and V ry fOl'llinDl ' tlmL )'OU ~ hQIII!I be ni, AI1I>I·loan. Ilecalls It Is your YOv(>l'nrnOUl Iha t IIII S my muney. When th 'y )llIr l\1e what tbey owe Ille I 8h[\11 he a v ry deh man. or course In th o 1I1 calilho'> I must see what I can <10 alJolll nrron,!;ln g for you antl , YOU I' xnonses ," Thl' Insl w as s llitl with a II1H1ln l unl1 path ·tl c ,1I J;nlt .\', CharieR 1~(lwartl tho I~h t or Ihe honse IIi Flt'l h 0\,011'111' , Ille cotla.:e fit Le nox und th IlllII gU' 1\1 \\, li t ·ookhum . lind wOlld 'rell I'U lh ' r s.ham u(ocPfll ~' jll~1 whn t part or Ihe tlxp e n sl' ~ of I hf' s(' est.ll hll shlll ents It ,\'liS ltkf'l,v Owt 1Itr. F e li x Al'Ilcn RUc 'au ld cOIII' C' nl pnllr bpar. For II. wall graduull y dnwnln.: lI])o n hl l1l t hat In, 51 au ul heln ); a vCl'y rich mall, hIs hell c ral'lOl' wall an exu' 'llIely ' poor one. Som thlll g like 1rtf) years :Igo a bran 'h (Ie t h AI 'lI cns ll p ~aft1I1)' went out to Atllt'I·leu. Contrary to Ihe IIsnal 1'111 , th AIIlt' I'lclIlI bl':l nch tll ed oul. and 10 F II x Arllcosl/ 0111 In <lu course thu t (01'101'11 at 01 forlor n hOIi s, one or III l"1' >lI ch s ])olliLUon claims. The hl "IOI'.1' of th ese claims 18 a rath er un· ha lJm' chapl er In Ame rican records , Th Fren b, I!xerclslng Ih right of senl'cn over whi ch Ihere WIIS so much conlrov I'SY lu \;IIose duys Infllctod grent losses lIl)OIl Amel'lcnn m erchant· me n. among Ibem. 1I110n the brig EI Ullor sailing unu er Ihe commo nd at h I' OWIIOI'. uptnlu 'rliomas Arn· nlled Stul es waH In a sll . Llllol·th a ))o~ ltlon 10 ex ac~ I' ' PllrUtiOIl rrom \ h JoT II ch government tor tbe InJul'Ie,. <l one to m rlcan clUz ns. And a la rgo SIIDI or mouey 111 s atlsfRcUOll ot all lalm~ was actually paid rrom Pari" Into th e II' ullury a t Waf!h l ll ~ IOn , Th"r It 1I11rortii natoly r main s, and nolLII .1' lit I' ntJ es nor thr als hnve :n'u)Jed with cOIIl;I' HI! to Indu lh governme nt to rll tigol'l;e lIs lII·gotten gains, Th C1 IIrralf' Is now so olr.! Ihut nlmost no on 10k s It 5 rlouslr. "And whll d YOU do to proseCllte Uta claim?" asked Its PI'OSII cllv In· berlto r. 'T wl·lte to AIUCI'lea" to t be pres I· d nt, 10 the Be I'elary ot the lreas ury , From Birth 10 Death the Beata Hay. amJ to Bome at th e se nators. And I a Steady Decrease, Ort n t ry to see your amba8sador here. Gut Ws a long Um e slu ce I have mun· Row old are you? Ask ~' our pulse, ag d to se anyone eXCel)1 a secretary The bllmo.n pulse bas a ... Ide range,-five y a I's. 1 think. Th II olber ]leo- even In perfectly healtb y persons. Ille ha ve tr'l d 10 help UI , 'IJUt they Ttl remale ·pulse always beal!! tast· h.av ne l' I' don e allY gpod, and til y er 'than tbe male, 'a nd tram blrtb to have cqst. mo n good " c III. death the pulse beats steadily de" J hlld more onc!: thau r Inl\'e now. crease. It bas been aald by great :\1 y S Oil took most at my money wh n authorities that tbe age and sex of he we nt ant to Aus tralia. He was to a person , could be ascertained by the Invest It. " And whll h e WIlS alive. be rale ot the puls e alone. Do bles a~ sent me DO l1OUI'I<l8 n' quarter. 'rhe~ birth bave a pulse beat' of 160 times wh en he died- he was ' kill ed by ' a a mlnule In ca~e ot a girl and 150 1n Mrse-It seem d Ibn he bad Invested tbe case of boys. At the a"e ot tour It bndly, or hadn ~t Invested It at all, Dr ftve the pulse beats ",'III bave rail· I could nerer quite make out. At en reBPecllvely to UO and 100. Mald· IIny I'.He It WS8 ~one. nnd besides , I en.' and youths' pulses a verage 95 WII$ alone. That Is wby I thought Gt and 90. Mature men and women avtin hell' 'Ybcn J feud your advertise. erllge 80 and 75. Elderly men imd m nt. Whnt do you Ihlnk ot the women have' an average of 60 and 1i0. plan?" ' An old woman's pulse rarely. If, ever, It is almost, unnecessn'r y to say that ,sInks below 60, but amonr meD a Chal'les EIl~vllrd accelltl1ll wit h olnc- pulse beat below 50 · la quite ,c ommon. rlty. ev"en tl\Ollgb hi .. ' Inhel'ltnnce There are, however, great, varIatIons seemed Lo cons ist merely Qf l'es \I01I81. conilistent with bealth. Napoleon's bllltlclI and tho 20 pounds he would pulee Is said to have beaten onl~' t4 Lillie. a minute. whi from POIlI Cnry. Mr. Al'llca s(.le t hen h eld Ollt his hand New aanka Laat Year. to hllrl~' Etlward. There was s Fou!' hundred ond sixty· two ne", ,gold n SOVereign In It. national banks were created in 1906. "The pa'ymont 011 account," hll saId For t be Inst scveo, years the n \'erage ""Ith nn upologeUc ' smlle 11'E1I:lhIlIlS on hlUi , b een wlthlll' a fraction at .0 ,a his mftll t h,. "r hop, It Is enough for moath.. We no,," bave 6,345 nattoual the 'inoluent. r lliust al'l'nnge some- ' banks, ' with ~877 ,099,275 capital and thing more 01 once." ,&96,343.022 circulation. Seve n years The rollo"'ln ~ mornlns the hel I' lI ud aco the banks numbered 3,617, 'I\'lth his wif ClIme liP to town and' 'harles ~6Hr.S 08.095 capital and '264,462,730 !'Jdvonrd nu4 a cohslllLatlon wilh Ilia clrculo.tlon. law firm or Henderson and He nd er· APPENDICITIS. 80n , wbo bave so extensiv e au Amel'\' call connection. H Wil li scarcel)' SUI' pl'lsell to finrl that tll oy considered th~ Not at All Nee.llary to OperOit. In payment of , (he French s ilollation Many, Cuu. , claims among the tlnee 01' foul' roo t remote possibilities In the world Automobiles and Appendicitis scare Upon learning thi s ile drove direct tc some peopre before they are hit. the co~n I' o( Ihe ve ry street III whlel ' . Appimdlcltls Is of len caused by too lodged. much s\p.rch In tbe bow.e ll!. Starch Is M I'. A-ncastle ' Kee lling the sketch. of his moroln J;'e hard to tUgest and clogs 1111 the dlgesmovements 10 mind, It I. u little dim. live mscJ.lnery-also tends to form cult to se llow he had founll time tc: cakes In the cecum. (Tbat's the blind do Borne of the things ot whIch hI'. panch. at entrance to tbe appendix.) told bls ,h enefactor. For 1111'. Arll A N. H. girl had appendicitiS; but callUe was led . to unde rstantl thllt .l lived on milk ror Ilwhlle-then Grapetalk with the Amerl(lJllt ambasHador Nuts and got well without an opera.dlacloKe d tho fact that there wus 8 It,on. growing feeling In Washlngtoll thaI ,Sbe says: "Five yenrs ago while at something' ollght ' to , be ' done' about school, 1 8ulrered terribly with constithese long.he.!;lected claims. More pAtion and IndIgestion." ('1'00 much then \,hIs, It appeared that the hank starcb, ""blte bread, potatoes, etc.; of London and New York had such w,hlcn s h e did not, lllgest.) confidence that something was sure lo "Soon atte r I lett school 1 bad an at. I100PI,en ,that It, was willing to advance ' tack 'of apllendlcltls and for thirteen weeks lived on milk llnd ' wGter. When M~. Arnc8stle 60 pounds a quarter 'I recove red enougn to eat solid food upon th security of his claim, )lay. mant lo conUnue until the bill pll8seil lhere WllS notblng that wOllld agree congres8. at whldl tlme the money .wl t.1I n](·. until 11 friend recommended WUIl to be rellold with Interest at teD Grulle·Nuts. "Whpn J begnn to eat Grape·Nuts I lIel' cen t . , "My deal' boy , tbls Is wonderfl£l!" wclsh e 'l 98 Ibs., but I lI<Y.ln grew to 116 burst from "':1'. Arnc88UI.). Ib3. The dll3tress acter eating l!Jft me " ll'S jon,· good buslneaa [or them," on'l rely ' and now J am ,lIke n new I)er·





"'l'Il8/l)'•• Beaso....

Pure White Lead Paint protects prol"'rty agai nst "'pai no, "'plaCt!ment

IUld deteriol1l:lion. 1t makes buildings look belter. wear better-and ..,11 bel. ter. Use oily Pure Linseed Oil and Pure White Le.d made by tho Old .Dut cb J'roc;es!, whi ch is sold in kegs wilh IhuD ut cb Doy tude wark on the side. Thl, trade mark protects Tou against fraudu_ lellt White I .end adulten.l ions and luustitules.



.. J. Tart nn Paint.':'

Il,e. ..1uabl.,

~nto r.

mallon ou the ."lIlt nbJet"t . 800\!rotI

tlPOIl te4lueeL.

NATIONAL LEAD COMPA.lW / .. 'UJAicMvn- d tAl /.11""" ~ dlltJ ;., ,ua,.nl 111'Il: Now Yor"'. Boo'oD. Bull.lo, Ol.,elu"

bl_, 8 • • 1.oulo, PhUod.1. pbla IJ ob. T. I.e"I,. Bre.. 00.1 1'1.101>.,..

(.lID.I •••II,

IlIoUo.ol LM4. au Oo.J

A Positive OURI: FOR



EI,'s Cream Balm I. q.lckl, ....tiled.

01... lI.nll .t Oneil. It clennael, fIOotb~•• beals alld protects the dileaaed membrane. It curell Oatenh aDd driveeaway a Cold in the Herod quloklJ. Restore. , the emsee of Tnste alld ' Smfll. Full P.izo GO ct •• at Druggist.. or b,. mall, Trlail1ize ]0 d._ by maiL EU' llrotbanl. 66 Warr.D Street. New YoN,


A. N. K .-E





Advice to Women from Mrs. Henry Lee. Mrs, Fred Certia and nrs. Pinkham.


Spent $300 on Doctor. arid Remedlet but G6t No Rellef-Cuticura C,urea In a Week. "Upon the 11mb!, and ibotween the toes my skln 'I\'as rough a nd scre, nod also sore untler the arms, anr.! J had to stay at bonie Beveral times be ause of this a!tectlon. Up to a week or 80 ago I bad t ried many ollieI' r'eDledles and several doctors, snd spent about three bundred dollars" without Illny success, but thts Is t<Hlny tbe seve nth day that I have been using tbe OuUcura Reme· dies (cosUng a doll ar B,nd Il half), which have cured me completely, so ilia t I crin again ' attend to my '· busl· ness. I went to work again to·nlght. I had been BufferIng for eight years and bove now been cured by the Cut· Icura Remedies wltllin Il 'week. Fritz HIl'scblatr: 24 Columbus , Ave., New York, N. Y., March 29 and Aprll 6, 1906." LIttle One', Pra ',Y ". lIary always gets a little pIece at caDdy evel')' doy to keep ber fl'9m beIn8 na~b ty. A ne da,' • h e wu naugbty. and she did 1I0t get her cacdy. That nl&ht ,wheD IIbe wu 10Inr; to bed 'she said ber prayers a. fGI. lows : "Our Fathe(, who art III heaven, please elve' m" my datly can'd y." ' ,_ __ _ ___ Famou, Book FI·ee. E"ery render of tbis paper can get free metllod "y ,,·hl·cl. 'I', .,·ch t.ell. f)f n n"w • U lIer~o lls Afflicted with Deafnr.6l!, 1:iead Noi~8, Sore Ryes, Failing Silg ht from any CRu, e, can oure tbemaelvetl .t borne at Iml"!" e~ penllC. . . . 'V rltt; n ImmedIAtely t~ D~ . W, O. Calfee. ~60 Century Bldg., lit,s MOines, lao , No Cordella.amar'f\ed ""oman tan't • . ' e ecessarlly liP to date because her hus band happen. 1.0 be , the latest .thlng out. o~ churge oue of Dr. C'o lfee's famous book.

'Pure!' Pleasant! Potent! 'l'hree inl,cresting {nels ahout Garfield Tea, the NatIIrnllRxative. Tt i. n.. de 'of Herb. Dud i. guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drull Ul\'.



Llea often trea4 on the toea of tile o.hod U'utla.



Owing to modera methods of living .... passing througb Change ot LIfe. Fo. on" woma.n In a thousand .p- several montlu 1 .'lIlrered' trom hot fI&lih~ proachestbisperfe t1YDa.t llra.1ohange enreme nervoll~es8, beAdache SlId a1eepwithout experiencing a trllin of very lMmf!&ll. I bad no appetite and could 00' . lIIeep. llwd made up my mind there "1\8 annoylDg ond some times p a in t u 1 no lielp for me until J 'began to use Lydla .ymptoms. E. Piidlham'. Vegetable Compound. III}' Thi.s is the most critical period of bad symptomll ceUed. end It' brought mit her whole exlstenco am; every womlln . IlRtely through the danger period, bull. wbo n eglects the care ot b er h ealth up my syll\.em and I am in uceJleut heallh. at tbl'l ilmo iDvltes dlscru;e anrl pain. J f1IlnBIc1er Lydia E. Pinltlwm'. Vegetable When h er system il:l i ll' a de ranged Compound un~rw;ed for wowell , <Jurln" colldition or sbe is predisposed 1.0 thiB t.ryl/lg pel of life," , apople xy or congestion of any organ, 1Ilrs. H nry Lee, 60 Winter 8tl'e t, t.ho teotlency Is a~ th is per i 0 .1 , New Baven, Con n., writes; likely to become a cUvo a nd w ith a DearM". Pinkbam:hoslo! nervous irritntions mallo Ufo 0. "After sull'er\ng untold IIItserv for th...,. burden. A t thi.~ t.imB also cancers years during Cbo.llgo of LIfe 1 beaN ot J,ydio. E. PiClklwu's Vrnetnble Compound. and,. tumors liable to kf orm I \Vro~ .- yOll 0 t Iny conu,. t Io!'J an d I~. b ' :11'0' 1II0ro rl . ......"IlI1 In .an.. egru th el!' "s t rllctlvU war . take Lydi... ~ Pinkham'. vegetable ComSucb ,val'n iug Aym pt.oms as' sou se pound and followed your advice, aud to-<lay of suffocation, hot flus hes, headach es. I am well aud happy. I can now eA~ me lan cholia, dread of im- wbere and work IIBweU as anyone, and ,for pending ovi l, palpitation of the hear t, years prevlousl bad tried butoould 1I0tijtlt Irregulltritics, constipation Bnrl dizzi- o.rolll\d wltbout belp. I consider ),our woolc!uef>90verelgn bAlmtorlll1l'er1ngwomen , ~ I.ness are promp t Iy h fied c d b y 1n.t e Illgont wom n who are approacillng Women po,~sing througlJ this critical 1 the period of life wIl en this grea.t perlor1 shouM r ely upon Lydia E. ! cbange m ~y be expe .ted. P1.Dhbam·8 Vegetable Compouud. Jf Mrs. Freel Cerlia, 1014 So,,yette there is anything abont your case' Street, So. Denu, Iud ., writes: you don't understand write to 1Ilrs . Dear )[1'11. PlllkhBn1 :Pinkhsm, Lynn, Mas.~ .. for advice. It "Lydio. E, PinkhaJ1l'. \"egctable Com. Is free alld hfl.!l guided thousa.n,ls to pound is t~c Idea l medicine tor womenwh:l healtb. DOt.

When a. medicine has been successful in restoring to bealth, . actnally t.housands of women, you cannot well say without' trying it, <II ~onot helieyoe!t will ~elp ~e." I~ is your duty to y.ouraelf andfatDlly to try LydIa E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompOund,



13.00 AND _~~~ W . ~.


OOU8W ",:00 61lT



Meo'. Shoe_, N •.0


lib""., Nt...1.6().

W. I,. Duuglas shoes are reCOlfD to be tbe best III l~yle,lI~ &lId p.rt ot ~h.,. abO() aDd el'ory detail the aad ...aloh8.1 oyer by .kUled. sboemakors, " \lme or cost. If J "auld JOu Into D'y large Brookton l lIb~•. "aDd .how yon ho... Qllfdully W. ,boes are made, you would th ou unde.. ""od wby • ..r lon~,and ani of ....Iu" than ..uyother



W. I.. la4 nam•• nd pri~ I.....mpfd.n ,he boilOfU • • " Iqll PfOtl'!dJI th .. ..,.rd ...."'. tilth ,)r1rH&f!d ntmor"I~ . N" IIktb.U1u.... tfold Ibttbe ,,", .. hcedealt.raner,-wht n-.


" . c,.WQ,..b·wtl".Jf ",,"'UCltJIWt.ill • .Oo/el.. UJ.""rM. W. 1-1. UOLlUL.&_. . . . .IL.o• • • ~~

•• __xf •


was tho reply. " Ten pt'r, ('ent , ls bIll (A. little Grape-Nut' dIssolved In hot Intcl·et\t." "I co()lIld' never have arranged It." wutel' or milk would ha,'& heen much . bettElr tor thlll case than milk alon., "That la why you needed an heir." tor fJle starcby part of the wheat and !'tI r. ArncllIIlIe get. hla GO pqunda a barley Is chanced Into • form of dl. I ~ua\'ter regularlY'. The Fn!nch apoll. ' _ ntloll clall1lll bill 111Itlll unllfl~uDlabl~ ge.tllole Bupr In maldlll arape-~ut •• ) , tlol"Ylld 10, W~!lhIgton. altboulh b"' . Nam" liven by Poatum Co" BatU. , lIelr WI1"I" blm often from America, ~ree"" Mleb. RM4 , the ,~ltU. boot. .Ild It 1. sift)·. '"to re~t PftIINII,. . "l"I1. Roa4 to WellvW.. 1a ,Qa.

. .

Protective Paint


EY~r~b04~ ~. tllat pare Coot"r 011 atwllP ......... tbe aafnt ••uttat e.l ror Coaa.lpatloD. Oood ......'.'IDn I , L'fbl Bul-Ihe ~he.t Oltjectlon-il.l

ea.tor oU-a. all. II •

'.te.d_.n' ...... ....... J i.

tbe " Neat 8e8t." . The I I s.dl" ftm~, 110. II Coeke4

1I\'1 W

C.ltor 011. 11."'. nfla .. Sulpha, ""n,bined .nd cbo<tlDlraled ..It II cUi:arla. (>1" ... Wild I..blo .... ~ UI". ,ular.coal~ DiIlI!.,ClIICd·8 'a YICten c:..a.OII.PlI ... .......~ acIhs wl"lIaart" M paIa.

. . as H' ,1.110•


• : F. DfIt.,

til" VI'. " ...'" ~.,


. . . t r<m~rl,


••O~. \l. AND



Mr~ ,H,I',d,t , 'JI 'I' " til 1110 pl ..11 1\1" uf 11 VI~II fnll\\ t:h it 1\lIught r anrt g r,"\ 1 . 1I"II~b l r:!. ot WilllIi ng' t llll , I II" alll·l.y pn r t uf M.I ' w aok . ~lnl . F . . ·hwlIrl:t. nntl I h l'l<o lit t Is ,c hilrtre ~ 1111 ve r t,n rn n h(lIllo t ro lh 0 Visit \ Ith r Int i v..,,, III ( !In chlnnl i. A llIun 11m III \\ odn t!Ml llt)". pili:) bl" tl nb!llJriptiu ll " lDd iuol1hm Ill y maotton d tllIIt, b \,Qnld I1k H tUII Il little min . W e rliflu.' t. \.I r ,nu l e .. n .~lb\'n g, bllt W fld n e~!1 I\\" ni g h t, it r llhlPrt . \V" ,1(1 II/II III II tlnn rltl!' III IL ~ pirit of brlll:l~tJdooill . unt jn · t ro ahow h ow t hin g!' w i.1I work out. Mr. r o m li'o!1te r . of F"I~ler"', \V 11 >I Il· "i8i to r in 'wuynll8vi lle MondllY. Mr. Foster i n eph e w ot IJ.r . •J . T . EIIi~, und . o"me lIBro m"inl y to vis it, th e OrNlmel Y lind hmt.or In II k ing estoblls bltl (uH. of ' tokes /ln:1 Brown , w'tth t·h ll vi .,' of installing !loob " \;lttllt ,'i ll h ill fnther' s fUl'llJ , wbich b e i8 contl nottng o n ini Ill · g aot scient,i lin prin iplIls , liS h e il! II g rllrluat.El of tha IIgricult;nrnl o p"rt.m ent of ttl 0 . 1:;. . lind Is DllIlI log prli tiCIII u a of th ll eduoll. t Io n h r el"etvad tboro.


lI nd

. tl(l1' l, 110111

C"ncerning Former Residents Mr~. Vttrnll 0 11 kA:Y KelleY,of Ouyton, 161 vil.lting in I UWll Ci ty, Iowa, Bnd will probllbly retnl\ln there all 1I1I1ll1U1' r .

Mi·. Frant IHsher who left l'eD ooullty early in Maroh to try hit! f o rtune in the Golden State, till ' I ~ ,old friends bao 8 r ElUl8Dl be r II Ilu In Qhlo. even thoogh he hi happy In his new home. B tl ent t he Gazette a e f racen f · y hi 8 b box 0 mit w o · Wall bl Ithi Y a P premated and greatly enjoyed. It I ed th thl oonta n among 0 er n ..IN~, s e v . oral' oranges of .delicious flavor, lome very. fine lew OilS; and Ii lime ' 'and grape bnlt, the two 'J" .u ..'01: b el~g espeot,ally novel to Ellsternerll. BeaUles th" frolt. there were fine I d I . pane 88' an, _ ~ve~ a nd blos"o . " ' m8 f th I tr e rom e pep lOr e, . &lr; Filiber also !I'.lOt a' lette'r wliloh · many •~r Ien d samong ' wi 1I i nterest h IS d ' Hazette "l'6& ers; ' , Rialto, (Jat. •.. .. ay l"th I i i . 1907 , Tb Mi i G A 1d I t e am azel e.- 8 es re ti9no t your ' t.o .renew my s~,"',,,,,,ri[) I t J)Gper, I .will ha.nd. Jon a emon a the same ;'a1so . a few mori, 8pl'OlmeDs of the , fruit that I ClIme to California to eDjo V and whioh I am doing to ~lie'fuUeat extent. • 80 far 1: have no Qomplalnt to lIIake of this oountry as it haa ooqle op to all expectations. Plenty t.() eat, a I Ihe work ' one ca.n be. and ' nice weather to work ill. There . hav~ only been two (n three . rains sioce we came here, the 9th of "·a · roh ' and the w-'ther Is rathe.r· ... "'" ' o"un] ~or thJs ,.tim.e cooler now·than '" I~ i'-, thi in thu year. While I ..e . 8 cou,n· tty and expect to make it my ho~e I mill8 the life time friends I left be. hind in Ohio, and yoor Pl'per will seem like a HItter from home. .The 'Jeaves 'are from tIle pepper tree: I remain Yours Respt. " '



Fieher . • - • Ren'ewed RU'm ors Con-.

.h Rai Iway B rane

' WtlYI1~svilll!




P ."

LINE:'S . a.


8unda)' ;May 26


MORIG ' )''G " I='



!lA ti N

1C.~'I'~1i Ilium:\(.

, ,I" nil ll r Oil" IIhll' t il

"WIIlI ~



- - "'!f

Save Your Flowel's

II 011 11I I II itll IU:ir. "ou II lIhtl11 II • 1,1\\ I .. l1I1t "'ll f J WII;; r Olhl (t. ·1'h .. [Jlll t,nli H 111 1)" 1I !:on t. of Jnlj o f t Itll t h I',IC) III I'~ , t f()r eign onlpn nitH" d li ng f,lI'lIl llll"III'H'~ !:my:!, "'1'1111 UIL\' Ilf t h t! II lll flhhl .,U tIlI lig h tnin g rod n l1Ln bl1.~ pll~llllU ." ~OW ll C", 11 >1 II 11W II,'V 1( '1'1',1. \11,'" rl.l' illlll /lII t I' how \11·(t llt'r t.\· U IIU Ii "J; UIIL.Y h •• ,,"1'11 1.1' I1 lid In uxl)!' " " " ... ly JOIn t • t,(1 •k '!l111 till 11 ,\ '




Ouy of ' tho Traveling I?nkir Past-


$ KltBON '5 $

$ 1$

$ $ 1$






'L") '-


$ $







$ $ $ $ $


. .,



$ $



$W BIter J.K'Ilbon





GOOD SMOO'fH WHITE ENVELOPE' FOR 1 • pecial SatUJ'da.yonly at

$ Z'IMM"ERMANS $ .$ $ . $ $' $. $ $ .


MOlleY Rille 1.o""el1 ot tnt: Juty 1 to Dec. 31. 1 90 ~ . SlO I. 159.C~8 5 . 54 . J uly 1 to Dec: al. laOS. 222.559.466 5.i s New Go~ds-all fla.vors Du ri ng Ibe loet 8 Ix mon l IIS 0(1901 IL' mor\l:ugc tor UflO,OO'J.OOO ot .'o!. p. r conI wos recol'ded, but lhls Is not 1 11 ~I \1d ed In Quart J .a r Sweet Pickles 15e Ihe a t.ove <lmount nor In the oomp.ulnUon· 3 Pound Can ' , of the mi. o( 111t erCMt. . Ial I0 8 were mIll111ft D-'rtlet Pear.. 1"A j I lhaso aUll a .' In 1110 ..... VI: foll owIng wttY : 'f1!'1 Sweet Oranges, 30t per doz. morlgngcR r~ 'order " I toCl.1 ~nch tltilmOllnt t., or In.or New Cheese tere~1 W"8 ~.pnr" l atnlect nnd the Infull Cream and Mild t~rcHI comp\lt~d III 'lhol nltr. 'rh 1011\1 New Potatoes.New Cabbage IlIloreRl chl\ rg~ on n il 1h" mnt·tb"llgQS \'1\.0 comD\lt~d Rnd (hen . dh'ld d hy tho New Tomatoes, Lettuce, .. \lm ou nt at mon y IMnl"l. Theile staliM' O· R&d' h C IIc" nbulldnnU)' prove thot eve ry abOUlnlOD8, IS e~, UCUj. ~Ic pltll'pd bet\\"C. II Ihe horrnwer on,I bers, Apples, Pane App es, ' INI(lor of mPM·. 1\0oJ Any llur(1 n plac'" 'Lemons, Banana8, ' . upon lhe Irn "~n"tt .n mUsl ( n il ullhnatel" ' ___ ' upon the borrowe r r mOIlOl(. Ant"I D liS t Tho ol~ low In 111 6~ .t"tn, of Now York T fS tar ry a can 0 . WA" mORl u"jusl to those Ilepcndc/1t lipon elitsl.te8 In tru"t. beenuftc IrURleC8 war. We are paying' Itmltetl In their lt1Yestmen t. to morll;agus ~ .on r.• 111 •• t(lte, Ilntt- IIomtnall.,· n il All ,It ·eR· n tnteg w~ro fully Il~.o,,~eil nnd to)(@c1. ' It . ,-. . ' . WAH \Xlmmon (or on e. hnll or tM Income .. o( o' truRI eatale tb··be conllMn.1 ed by 1'11"4 aUon, 'I'ho annul\1 morllfasc I,al' h,w or . 190. relieved 1 nd~rd" ~r th~8 1 te'I\';'UI bur;. den. but It Impos . a ~cr 1\ 11 ~ 1Ilrge 0 ~ one · hill( ot J; per cent on borrow rs, Ib ..... .ajldltlon to tbe eoonomlc 'rGto or Interest. " . ~ While t.he presenl recorolll\g In...• .I~ '~JOt 'O F COt]RME ..... thearoti nollY· Just becau.e It Imposes 80me adt;llllonn.1 burtlen Ot;l ' thos .. . who borrow: It IsbU,rilen Innnitely to be Jlreferred to Ihe grenter Of thll lll'nUol tn:x) or, , . . .



lor .eggs.







. . . . . ...... ......

. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . .. '

~ •

to bur\lo/1 bo,rrQw(u'11 Ihethe liability of on morllragefl to I,!,p(>fted, tn:xn.tlol1 b" u personal propertY, .a.:~d the. o,wful hljusto I!uch .....• cRught cblqf\y widow, and tlce orphans, 'wholenlle were with mortgages In 'their .P08S'!S$!on. 1\n,1 Ruffe,rod tho conOsc8t1on ot ,ll large. ·share or thel!' Income. The .lho rccoi'tllng tn'X d\lrlng revenue the ftrn frllm .1lI months IIlr.0llnled to

.1l·IiJlmers: Save your' name, the number of lonr rllralroute and the ' . noma of . yoor farm prtn ted on ~ . yo~r ,letter paper and ebvlopes. The Gazette will supply the sta.· '2. 333,817. · l:.A:.WSON tionary an'd do tbe prinntIg very ·Pre9")~nt. DcPllrtm~nt 'l'a",,~ PURDY. and A.. l!~~Ii'1lent•. City 'It Ne,,' Yor\<. ' cheaply. . N<:o:lce.-Ohlo readerB of the ajlove 'rtlole w11l lind In Ii wbltanUaI l'8&8on work

Du.H.E·.HATHAWAY, ror~rh.t

,V"., '.leanlle'. LeadiDg Dentist _ _ _ _- - -_ _...... Office in KeYB Bidi. -IIaiD 8t.

Leave Waynesville 8.28 •• m. ....-

T' ! I D f '1 •


'I'll" hlJl'k WI1 1'i1 " I"'jug' hit !! ro l·t'!." 'y I·"t'tlrllfl" t,h.. /(1'\1) ~h " I Jl ,',,· ... r .. tlll(t j it, i~ pl·.,It}l ltk tll ll l' \ III b.. f" ", I'\\' ~ . • Good Rods Protecb 8 Buildinl1', fl u\\' I's \I\' MI'1I1I)ri,,} . II .\' thl".I'"lu· _ ~~~~~ ~~~ eQe th,' 11 hllVll llli(\1I HIli 1. IIIA'thuj· ; , \'t' r lll weekB II ' 0 During lh la t lhr o. I\rs the Ktate Older " ellders of tbe'tl uzotto will 11'111' t· lli~ 1'(,11 tI)1 ti ll N A. R III nti'lned tb ll,t t.1111 10 e w York hM I\\' d li nd r three r aCII I~ t be day!! wben almost evor y P Rt IIIltI " 111011", ..,, u f tn llke~ 'J ~ p "( ill l 'I(l1" 1111.1,11111 jlIWl411 11H ellrr ren.t laws fol' the tnxallon ot bu i lnlog iii t.1I connt,r ,V WILli protect · Ve ' II' rl~Uf< 111111 III ell' Iq' p lrnMolI for morlgl\ ge ~. III the state ot j\ ln&suc}"I' eC\lIglti nt! t h ~hl,niug ( r IH11JIJ O!le~1 toO til !-IIIV'" r II H~r 11" "'\1,1':0\ /"1/: i\1 " ll1ltrill l 1':11.11 ;" fir lit , r.1" ·1I1 " 11 I he I I II V two rh oused ('lI nll ,m II fill quantity , WI mortgagos 11111\'(> bee n lItlr~ly h e pra t· tcd) by lIgbtning (ad >!. of he ll to be lll llr" d \r,h e r In Mitull i ('x milt froUl Inx!\tl on s ince 1 ai, tlh~' I1 "hlfJ lIol1 !-'" "'' I,·\t ",· \\. I'd lit [t WCld th n thlLt t.ll .truve llng prul"ct,ud , g/ll n s t lll; hlh l ll ~( ~I~c' hlt l'!( BOI'kslilr C6 111lly. MnS!lilC'UI1 S(lt ls. ex. , III tE\r y c r 10' III pi lle" III "/lyne':! tend ll from norlll I~o so uth the enll ro ' li g htn in g r od U\llU nourillb ect \lnu nll a u ' lullt. It ~..~ III rO! Will It 11 tll s (;I' \ ZI·r.t, • mut! 1111 I u , ' /IIl )IIIH, I~ vi li e wid th of the SIMc. nnd l)ord l'fl! on r ouIJ II u golden h"rv at. fl' OIll til · gen tlrlll r ..... IVI1I u~ I.ho IljJl'ltWI[.i.11l wll\ ()I;I I fu r I h tllll 'l'lI ~ 'hl'ul ll h ll d r II <lrtl rt' CJlloH tml 'o ngr SSUlIIIl M. R D!lnve r hU8 DlI( che,s. Columbin tin" H OIlSR Iner un tl ll ~ p('cting fClrlD rs , 'l'1l1) rod of ligbtnill ' QlHln t,I r ~ I t 1:< lib givfoll ver , R.!lsisftlll Oe in th etfort counti es In the stute or ~ .... w York. Ull\n wonld po t np I\ n Infl' rl or r od "Hlllltol y 1111 Ihll·tll 11 I. I,hll t Ib l' wnrk tv ~'" l hf, r II. ~ t h o ~"w II ~ hip ht1l1Jo1o t " :<fl nr thA!,' r 1\011 nn o !l (lil Y r Th(l mortgage r ords for 1904 nnd in an i'ufe ri or WilY t,bu,t oftlln 1111111" bl 1 !1 r.t'l l tn t h ll~'" l'll ll.\, ('flm}Jf~ illll ll tld ull I\' IIftlll' dUlII r IIl1ll C ~ l1' I'\' 191)5 t OI' Berlcshl~ ' coun l.,·. I. ~ S .. nnd t h ' 11 \\. 1',, ' 10 th IlOllI1·,n t o r.v li N n" nlt1 t\"'l lI~ O i\1T .1. \J . t 'o lAman Qun r. th s tati stics ot the mOl'lgng r 'cqr(1 .tll lJull rlill /::R HI Lbl n to t.Jt!l.1 tlestruc' t.ent" l!:lwh hl'I' \l ~t." 1 1>1 11 11 "1I 1J11l1ll III 1'0 1'1/1(11' Y"lIrll • t.el· Mlts b I' o f 8 0 I Post G, A. n, of those cou ntl s we re coll pctp" . Slm, tillo l'llt.ll r I,hun u protecti o n . III i t~\il " " \YlI not.lfi d t hILI. tb il' r qn st lIlId IInr ' tallatfcs w re olJ\aln iI rrom th E'or thi .. r ell. on Ii ~htlllllg rod b Th e 1Il1lnllgM' of 1I 1111th1H' !tlrtl.!:o Prillt.I'IA' o f (I ll ,', !1 dl,tiou!!ut· , u I o nft rud Illy rU11 1 l nllon I~nct city or Boston (LOd th Cit)' or N w h I' n lI!towed nnd the o.un e u p pll l\ r g til ~ /lO IIl I)'III;\, ~ll,.:gt' .. I" Ih •• r I'IlInp"\li "" te l dl'!1 t il 1"' o IllP~ty ILt I,he Gllzett.o York for compRrl ~o l1 . omoc . f;h oll we r e now rtllldy f or s hipme nt. P rIor to Jul y 1. .1~0!i. debts secured h1 f.O ai~use. . . ob ll1'!~t:l fu l' tb tl lIh~"I1' ,1 ur prtJl,HO These r e lics IIrll II most, Iithng m e by morts ng 8 on 1'()Ul catole W I' Inx· Of 1I1.t'" y ell!'!! thoro blll'l beA n ~o ti o ll tl'llrtl .Ilght.lllll)! ~........ ... . .... . ........ .~ m o r illl tll t.he heroio mon f rom tbl!!! abl e In New YOrk In the SRlIle man· Ulll oh IOl\l! fr om ligh t n i ng, oRlleoiull y 'r Hlt: WAIIM M 'I' U l.l:S .......... . a ile:! neighblJrlng oornmuuiti O!l whu n r 8 5 any olh..,r personal Pl'Opprly. on barns Illld uut.. ullil<1ings, thllt. in. 'l'1t's l\l. wu i l\~nI'1I11 t;'1Ilrt;'ll1j z ,r it n~ ' offer rt th eir \i'v es in t.beir oo untr.v's 'rhnt Is to lIay. thai! ach persoll was !labl to be ~ssl!slle (\ (or all taxab le tlllTIIO C6 tII lln und oth ol's hll ve b e n om\mlol u g III II~ \1 111 I11I1lt<. tiilllti d " fe ose, Ilnu in fut,nre Yllarll will personal 1)I'operl~' own d by him In 10 1' stiB/ltlO tt th e ubj l:Klt of lig bt t,hat 7f, IHl l' Oll u t , tlr f" I'1I1 b I1 1111lI1g.~ 8 r"" 'l U r e mind r t o t be on coUl excpss of his debts. Although no very DIng roll .uncl it bill:! bea n fu nDI! tbll t I O~~'lll' !II' from l il!hl"lll~. '. ' . lo~ gen e ratIOns of t b A dnys thnt great ell'ort was mnde In most parLs r.>d~ properly ulune lind prope rl y ., A t 11 re "ut I~I t ill i! (If I'll III. tried m en 's sonls nud impress illl nil ot the ~tate to :ISSEI S 11 rs ona wbo . II ' '1 • [,nOll'l > t'S'(1.111 ... ).",J 0 [lIltlll llll ." MI\'~ ~ 'y ~O:.. t llfl grellt les80n of lava of h Ollle owed mo rtgages . tlle fear of [ tl.~8U n pot np afe iJ. pro tootlOU to bui ( lUg .. '!unlnoe II"enl' det rr d many trom I udlng 10('1\11)' on ItS well a 8 life. '1'0 t h is nd InSIl 1~J1 ins llrnn " n nllc'ltifl n . "()f'" o f ' i ..tit' 111111 oountry. n\ortgnge security With the r suit ·tha.t fIIoce com panle tire ili!! IUolilng th" th p 1 1IIdll\~ PILJ.hf!l \V /i K ' A ('111 11 hy OJ' ~ at;lIl'day ..... tbe ral ot In te r st Of! mO rl{;I\{;ClI was s ubject of mising tbelr rRt eR o n wh i It l r(\ill,1I11 I U illl\'u l)(lt1 (::lIl1v .. n . ' ~ Inerensed to be s iltn mills ie~ MII ,Y Af\ e~" I:lml1 tl l'l .y r.t, IIIe1(111 1\ el•• ,, ~). Awful Penalty over what byit tronl. wouldt wo have hM 1;l lllJdings n.ot pro t cte d by rOC!!I. 'Le roy Ironl:!, of WayneB ville,RE;oot B'olldlu/:;s lib 11 Lfl .. R"I.Il'l'hn!\ '1~1J"s d ' Inflicted Qn Drunks morlgngeQ be n exe mP t from taxa Uon as In MasslI husolllS. . .f or I\, number of leading in bOru.nce not R o\'ltll1t\ ' T he dl~ n ~"i»n wIll h Waync's Victor urn Franklin's Mayor Severe on Vio· In 19()6 a law ,,'.as passQd d signed oomptinl6s. hus bell n mncb interest. foll o\V(\c\ ~ b!) wecl 1,lult til e f'Lr'll ~rR 5e pce CHIl 10 correct In (1lInlily and In· tid 10 this s ulljeot nnd with tile IIld of t.1l t.lIte qu lte ~tllH 1'1 11.\' ,, 11t('Ci Standard Tomatoes lators of the Liquor Laws. of th tilee gl'OSIl Incll.lslo[1 of mOI·tgages jusllc 8S ordlnury In:\;nblc. PI'Op rl y. By tbls ot his h~!'llrnn ce ompllnt ,fo uDd ILl. u bit\ln~ fll it" 011 Iht Il g httllng IOe per can e veral of o ur eitohtmges htl ve la w a1\ mortga ges r corded on and u .tlrm manufacturing ,it-andutd rou,", ro,l!!" Cup ana I1Ul!crs bC . r eoently mentioned u unique, but atter Jul y 1. J905. Yo' I' ma d taxable which Ilre "nct rsetl lly the ~·ire. A CloUlmit.t 0 of I,h,' Nnbr" 1111 Howl nnd Pitcher 4!)c 's evere penlilty whioh the M!lyor of without a ny d duetlon for debt , nnd Mars hlll fo r r elh,blllty , (lnd I~rrtlng· t ll t a A!<sIIollltir)1l r(~JlIl I'rfl(1 Ibl11 Large decorated ~ Ja. without rega rd to l he rCllld nce of the d P I' k d i~ 1 , Frunklin recently in1lict.ed 00 n. {DR n own r. nt the rale of one.hulf .;r one e With erry E . "enrlo . lIn ",ef', , bnildln gs pro p r v rtl\l(\f.l11 wl~ r e dinner plates 3 f .,r 25t in tbllt village obarged 'Witb dr'u nk . per c n t per anilllllll. J t;mith to hundl e und ill<!tli ll the n \'Ar atru k 01' illj ur ri b.r Ikl, t.ll i ,,).! Lurgc Decur-ated ennesl'. T his law WQS oPP!,sed by those who same. Al oo'" tbi line t h ' ta te Steak dishes 25e Th (l gu.i1t 0 f t Il~ on I prl' t was 1'1I1lI I ' , mOl'tgng predi cted s tlln t n umlform tax on a!1 b'ir 'Mllr tmlof OhiO t~ ntly i~lIlted Walk 'over for Dayton. Mcn'~ S hirts sizc 14>..• ullly . would r:a lse the rll te of tn. . " lie k-I'nd orlly ~v ""e lin d on I118 p Iell 0 f gDl ItY t'·ue Muy 0 r . ter st a nd t ill" talt would tlilia rail' 1\ bullet-i n whioh is uf Iu ror est : senteziced bim t o remain in FranK. wlwlly 011' bor/,owef'i;. ,. (t wns pl'edlot d Dnring lust s nmme r :!l:! buihliug>! butio bull ni uf1 frOI1l DU .I' t OIl, Odd vests only [iOe . lin six weeks. ' • also that the amOljnt or monay orrered wore destroyed by Ii$ htnlng in Ohlu: "t,yled' he " Wn Iknver~, " (lUI"" 'do wn !\Ien' g' working c10thilllC ~ . In timea past tbe n e wspaper s f tor sllcnred mortsag uld in 1906 thore .,·e r e 1110 Imu 'lIl 11104 t-o ukclal Pal'k Fl'irilY 111,,1 e n l"u j!ed Und~rwear be rlonns dllced. Tbls Is.hy ~n 'u" '''hatwo'Ian. ~ " ,tbe I'e w e r e 1;)3' 81lUe , I a I Lehan on and other rival tdwn8 hllve pened. as wtll more tull yJ app ear' in '". 'rtIe propll r t v IOl'II till. WaYII ~v llll Millmi>. i n lin illll'l'. I! t st y I e ' slLid I!omo. v rv unkind tbings about the followIng table : . In 1906 wU!l1!!2 3. 544 . f'st iul( ~II IllA and low prices . Franklin but~ n ever anythin g like AVERAGE RATE: OF INTEREST. Clippings flom about·one tblru of \\' U!.l vlllll WI\n by 11 80 r o f R emem ber e gol' e away thls. July 1 to ·Decemb.r 31. t;b e newspaper!! of the 8t~te ah wed to » Rugs, laml) ', rOt:klRg ClllUrs If we' are to bolieve the Lobanon '. 1904' 190. only fiv e buns ~tfuok lVithout being '1'11 0 OIlY tOil lellln WII . nmp Cl ad llnd VlltiCti to ca It pUI'chall- ' eounty .... . ~5 ..20 p(lIICMI 'lt Is bad enough to remain in No", Kln p York count, I' ....... . "..... . ......... ~9 5• .,6704 fired. whIle Ii houses wel'e tltrnck of II, g n tle mnnl '" to (If ;VOUDI( ff l ertl. F'rlloklln n. few hours bnt \vhen Ii Dutclte"" c "nty .. " .. : .... .. . ~ ' ~71 ~ ' !8l and not fired , The tllucderbolt.: !!&em . lo wl<. nnd tb e t;,lm.· ,>;ery I<lItl!lfno. n..""~.' poy tho liml't Columbln. COl1nlY ...... . .... .. ,... •. • , . t j t man uinst'"tay tuere I!ix weekI! for Ren.soJa r cOllnly ... .. .... " .. 6 . ~4 5 . 6' ed to pl'afer , where it: Is uoitvonient" o l'y n ov ry re~ "eo . Mallachuaett.. for Dutter lind E'~, '"' just lI 'oommon drunk, it looks I\S if to d estroy life rat.her tban prope rty " ,._ BerkShire cou nly .... . .. . . . . . .. 6 . 03 5.03 'W b 'd ' SOCial sat Beech Grove the pnnishment is teo gr,ea.t. Aby BO.IOn .. ...... .. .. . .... . .... , 6 , 09 5 .07 • Y shunl the tarmer go 10 . ' . • way the Mayor of that .town B88mS New York. Loan.. tIle expense of puttmg upl1li8~tplng , The m e mbarll of t,b . 'R to know how to find 8. ponlshment 7rom .fuly 1 to D ~. 31 . 1904 .. U'74.915.0 IS rod, when insnrance will protect hlUl r ' oil G. r \'1' }' rom Jlln. 110 Ju nll 30: 1905 , . t iin. DR,lS7 huroh will bold U "001111 m eatl 'llI lit for tbe orime . From J uly 1 to Dec, 31. ,190• . . IOl.150.G5, from J08S oy fir e from lightning?" t.h h ome of Mrs . Idfl, M.ll'\nOn, n ellr ~ . ~ Later- I:!inoe writing the above It w\l1 be obser v'ed that the rate ot D&..RNS B.UR N TO TtlE OROUN lJ. ' York b Y we have read in tbe .Franklin News Interest did not ~ IBe In Nell' There ara two r <>Ud ons. First: W ellman, tho evening of MlI.Y ~;lcl. ................. .... cent. This was (n ura.nee \vi.JI only 'proteot him for AII 'fri endso( l.b e u r c h u.ra itlvlt el1 ~ .......... that the 'Mayor !!entt>nce.d the man quIte II full half ",er • becauso tbe Interest rale hi N:ew York. , tQ. remain In Franklin and kllep Tirlor to the 1905 law , was somewhat 80 percent of the pos!!ible 10!!1I. and sober for, six week. We !\lwllYs did Increased by the liability ot mort. in Qllrns the losll nellrly IlIWIl.YS· thi,n k Franklin . WIloS a pret~y g,ood gages to taxaUon' all .pe rsonal proJlerty. total. 80 ,the t'armer cun hll VO no tOwrl apd tire glnd to make this oor- 'Dhe faUl!)g orr ()f the amount of insnranoe protection on 20 IJIilr oent. rec~iQnl now the ,question ls . 'hl)w ::~ ~Ot~~~ ~~!I,:~.r y gr at In the of tht! V~UIl of the building B e u s. hard 'i sit tn keep straight in Frank ' . In "1906 the law was 0 amend. ~I\ny oarrie:! '100 to t20() on , liu for 81x weeks. cd as to provide for one single and hay. but takes out no sbort tu at that time 'of reoord. Iml)Osed o n term pohoy .to protect his newly all mortgages recorded Qn anll ac~er garnere(1 orop at the time at wbich Help Wanted. Jllly 1, 1906. All mortgages made on """aGting My is co$xin" lightning and affer thot datc ha\'e been 'lIable "t ,. Girls Want-en at Snowllake Luun. to a single recording tax o( one-balf to the fn\) barn, e\lond: Wha:t the . , of one tier. cent, Itnd are th ereafter fll.rmer gats from Ihsoranc6 OOUles dry, Lebanon, Ohio Also . /I. fire " t r II 'b t U . Th exemp TOm a 0,: ernx n on. e out of the premiums or a8!le8sinents man . Address', 8nownalteLtI,unqry, errect of tbl!l ebange' In tb e law tm. · ," , Lebbnon, Ohl ' O ', 0.0011 ' ov · er Valley" ' pay. If 11100 saveS .. ~ mediately app eared both In ·the de· , hili neighbots . ." telephone. m22-S t cline In the rate of In terest alld In tho barn , the only 10811 is thllt of the Increase In tbel amount or mon y Providenoo. whu \vUII long ohllrged E loaned. I present tbe IIgureR for the with al) lightning aooluents. ~ ............."'.... '' ~"" . ~ .' tlrst six montbs .01 the operation 01 Ano~her tbin~, IL rod will proteot . . . . ... . . . . ...... the new law In N '1\' York co unty and ., b f the fi gures Cor Ille CorreS\1 0ndln, other premium pllyers ne/lr y or period of 1905 for comp,a rlsop : a house in burning from ' lIghtnlng





i\1('mllrill I,ll the Nationn (> en,· t!rR fro'm I.hi ... mmunit y Given by Govcrnmcn.t.

cernjng - -- - -- - , , The'e;s:olnsive , publl~~iciu in last n. tte 0 f th I ' Qf Wt'dnesday •8 ",RZe . ~ pan · ra.11 \1\IIlY t 0 ,b n'tid the P eunsy.1van1a;' /I. branoh line 'ftOm Corwin . to oonnect with' t!h!, (J. ·L. & N. and Kilin An . entranoe ~nto CinulDna.ti abov. e . .,. ed h high water, h"" ollns mno oom mant. .. There was ' a rumo~ onrrent last \"ee' k ' .Ibat the- old elevator. a.t Cqr ' win, whJoh bllilding and th~ lo.pd ' I· on which it 18 loollt.ed, pe the r/llI wII.y; WBS to be torn away, !Lnd ale,ot'htl.t the Company i'nten4ed to Ilr.range fm; PRsse . ngers to ·g~t on the ,trains fro III the west" id eo f tb A track, At present, pallsengers have to bo~rd tbe .trains from , the &aIlt side, orossing t he railroad traoks. . Mr. H . . E Boot'h, age'nt for the COlllpany at CorwiD, wben seon by the Gazette Monday, said he Jtnew h d h nothing of t e propose 0 IInges

· 'e' nnsy· lva~,.'.eU

get , I ~e~ .'i~"'\.I;"'~.~ ~~I;'.l.leqe . Lightning ROds and Shells, ~ and their Advantages : L .




Schwartz's, . Wayp.esville

may fira tho buildings ofneigbbors• l.'ba grelltestauthority on. In8urano~. . F 0 M L' Mr. ,. oore .. S8,Y8: Igbtning oa,OSE.S many drell wbich conld be • prevented b~ good lig htnin g rods" ' ~ 1.0ijIN{l Il USINISS.

- -


During Illst yela.r nb fire"Of campony ,loin . g' It. I"rge furlll bu!!i .. l' nes:! III OhiO 'got e nougb prflinillln!! . . OU barns to pay 1M t08 ies on th e m. ...."""''''''~

Rel'ort~ o f tbe tllorll\ insuruouo cou,panle u tbi~ stl~tH FOI'1 90li show ~ that their propHrt.y J ~Sl.l frollJ IIgbt .. ,1 nlng W" l~ two-thlrilll U!! m~ (ll /loS f ' II " n , u'ues cl)mbl neel ro~ .11 y ' n VI ., • • .' In rep],v to n'l . lnQl1l lY ' .. ,,'mt· .. I' ,. . . fl th . • . if I~utn,n.g, re e SHO"!"""'.V .I 1\11 Ihsuruiioe do m\llLD Y 11 .. vi n t:'5 ..2aa,OOO at-. risk HllicJ.: " In ' IIIf sBvell y'l\.r9 couneotion wit.h t11iH ' 1l~8 OiMlIln .u9 . . Iln .)fllcer '~e blive not b :1I1 ontllo:ls to arod .l eil building hy Iigbt 'ting." . , An insu ;'alllle ': I)mpauy wbloh 'rlLDkS lu the first hll If duze n in /I.. monnl ot insllrl~noe onrri llrt bn farm b'n l'ldln",s .. i~ Ohio in IL oircu1111' t.lll .




thl~t 10~seH


gent·s SaYR. from 'lIgh.t, hing in ·t he [Jnited Stut,EI~ hlWtl Ill'o rulL's ed five IJer (l,e nt. II, yellr' for tlllI' Illllt ~O y~~rs; tbllt It Io:! nn(!\Ir to in sure bllrns ut the tllte tor dwelling!! i . tbill bighe.r ra tes IJQ b"rns a"d stook are" neoes8ity; thl\.t Il. proper rod or conduotor will . reduoe if ,Dot Int'! , vent 1088 from electriolty ; th&t raUI8 I on oountry botldlnas not so proteot .. ed will be advanced ,and the time III notful'diltllnt wbe.nRll cOll1panles ' wtll oharge • b1llhel' rate on uDrod , dad prOperty•




No matter how long the grain"holV thick or tangled, 01' how thiD or .bort, yon can harveat it with Il Champion bindu in a maD.IlU ~t . will make yon feel· that your harvest has been .ucceuflll. Champion machi,Des wen: fir.t built in 1849• . All these' yean fam;ten have bull . nllnj them anel are better ~t• iafied to-day .t han e,er before; We handle a C9mpJetc lhte of Champ~oli '~\l and·. ~

. harvu~n. machillu.ancl wiD be,glael to,ele'monatrate ~ meri~ Y-on can/t mIa nco ceo U Jon. ute a ChampJoll .,...


I... ••


omo.,· . .

Jj'JW ~'Y

!jF." III '1' 1-:1 Y I~Ar' .

WEDNE8DAlY, MA Y, 211. 1907.

WHOLE ' UMBF.R. 29~7


Program for Memorial ·'.OCAL AND Reu nion of . d MIrs. Ed'I IMr. an Day Exercises. PERSONAL MENTION Alexander _F-ami y mund' RetaJlick l

. . . . . __ c




-1" -



Ferry .

1 /lnu :& qt. oovorod Suckets lO~ 'I'l I f 0 II WlU . A !JI' )~I' 1I1l1 1IfIS lJ o E DnHl A' 1 (I t A ,, E' ' I \VCII Ilt SohWll rt".'s Pots lV cunt,. ut n B Ig "UTe no !.nJoya bl e G'at h ermg 0 Hold F,a miJr Reunion. '" Enu'-)) ! \Vltre Su' lo S Jl;nulll b ' 'otfee \ -n.rmngod by Hrlll i P\lsL U. A. B. "::0/1 ""11'I z' WuynOl:!vIII(l, lillY IIrt.i 'Ie 1. now n Family. 8aturday ,June 1st. J ~n;I:~;~ 8. Vu.y nellv illtl,8ILt llrfl'IY And Edu1urid Ret,,\i It ('fi lliP '\l o " Ill' Hlr - IItDl'lluy ,J ulte 1st.. -- - MI'. Il nu Mnl. Edmund Uotulliok Mr. nnd Mrs . '. E. .rl1hnM lind Ve t.el'uns for ~lel1lo ritd llll'y. CH II on W. , V. dh nrts for Jolnter. 'l'lle t1 couuunts of ' Va hlngton {Ire vo ry hnppy in having a s their sou Alenn entertnin (l on uudny, The rUI'Dl n r~ lit OUI' neighb'o rbool\ .:AII the eX .'l'oill£'s will be h Idnt · [,rl. !' huggie , uuth LLI)uUOD, Oblo. AloxIlndol' held til Ir unnunl 1'0· gu ets t.her o. relatives Mrs , .Hlhnda Mr. and Mrs. J o 'l'lhHnus. Mr . a nd hnvH bron mll kill use of t he fine MIn-mi tlmetry . In CIIlIe of rlli u uui ull At t be h Qspltuble homo of H etll lh 'k, of Climax, Miohi.!:(an·, Mt'S. hur lo. R ougb lIud son Ken wl'utlJI I' for jJll!lt few days.Fin bluo gl'n pa tme for ren t, . Mr . nnu Mrs . Jesse . Rar tsock on Mr. ·IIDu MI' . M. E. R etnlJlok, of netb 10ft-. ILDll ·Mrs. finny J ohn Mr. 1. RosenthlLl I our .enterprl@. ·'geten twlll b l'e tetl ilnclnrrnng. SOl' cnttl. Appl y t o U. L. tlj -:Ilrl·n!.!' V"lley UII C! Wllynes. , IlILve au opening on fo r borK ~ .. w Bottle 'r-eek, Miobigau IIUU Mr . lind ('hiJd', Mis ,10 sie Au on und [ug g rocer WIll .ed in front of tile chil l' I, nUl kin g II oomplete nu\lito r illm . Ri kR. villo ')like, Snl u rdn.y , May 2(/. lind Mrs. VEln Lo u Minor a nd little Allen Emerick wif ulld dnughter, SuturdllY night. 'rbe hue of mILroh will fo r m lit the Mrs . \V: C. I31l1'1l0t t hilS '!eon .vOl·YI Wtlsllillgton Aloxnnucr will have dallght~r of Louisville, Kentuoky. BlftnOhe On IIccolln t of the blickwl1rd townshi p hou~ o ill " uyu Otw ille, l!orlou!:Ily III rUI'Bevel'lll weuk!! hilt. \) fJ. n (loud ~O yea rs in Nuvllmber B RiuOIl t.llflse, tho party WAS Ilug. lirs McGinnl wns rluite III for 1\ sprin g, 1l0 wers fo r decorlition will heul1tld by the Band, arto!' wlliQh is II !) W i'Og(lill lrl J; hOllll,1I c\llli HI,rellgtll next.. Be WII u mun of gren~ l orce lU entell unuuy lly Mrs. Mury Lt . few days In t wee k but is mucb bo a !lttlA ou rce, unless 't he IlI.dle~ will coma &ha sllcak er!i, welUbl:lr~ · l!low l.l · I of cll tll'uctor uncI !t.ft a n inllr'rell iOD R ol.llll ick , Ed Ret{llIick and fllUl ily, better n ow . ee fit t.o c1 011llte !lome from their of thfl G . A . It. in CILrrlnges, 8cl\('01 J osrpb Print~ unci n. yonng luuy allun his neighb TS 11011 acquui n. B rt Retal\ick ano famil y, "liff WhIter Keurick is mnkiog Olli e wi ndow oolleot·ion . clultlr en,. l"'ullS of eterno .folluwe6 fri SJl(l , .Mi MnrgllT ~ Mo il y. o f ces , as oJ)e who e CI;)Dduot oould JIIll1eRnn C1nd fnmily, Mr . •fohn extensive altel'lltions in his home, The l!'erry ' undn y Hobool will by citizen .. in ou.n ·ups . Dnyton spont ~lHHIIlY wiLh his IlItr- ) ue )loint II t o 1\9 worthy f emul,l- Retll il ick. M[sses Gruoe Re tlllllck liddi ng a bathroum a nd enhlTgi ng illLve til ir obi\(j ren' exeTcises on 'l'he oeremouy of strewi ng lIowers eDt her!). tion, both fi neighhor nnd oitizen. und WiDtf red Mere~lith, and a dllY Lhe ldtch eu. :::iundu.y eyenlng. Come and enjoy on the water in 111 JIIory of the 1.:fii;!s Evil. NClty of Aenill Wtl S n. 1'J~I'S r eunIOns huvs a. rCl'tful .uud full of huppi(1ess Wilt! enj oyed. by Mr. a uu Mrs. W . }o" . Cltlrk were tho exeroises, and don't forget to 8ailors nnll Mllrine!! wlw l o~t ih tr recI nt guest of her IU ther, ~ll's. H. stlln ulntlYe tone to better. tlung tlJI. Mr . lIond Mrs. 1\1inor retarned Sunday hosts to Jr . and Mrs. bring a lit tlll mOney t.o help along I' Jlv · s In tho WU I' will be brll'fly ca l'· \Y. Foy who i!~ ~jukillg IIU extellli u thon the Ill er drugory f life, lind to Iheir Ilome In the evening how Muson WIl!illlllson of Gentefville gOOd ou u e. rled OUl Itt toh l'tlce brldgo. .vi!lit with ~[r !!. 1::( . \ • I rint z, tbi!! \Vii specinlJy so liS it wa~ . ldded over. 'rh e Mi, hign n IHlrty lue on. lind Mr. lind Mr . \Vm. H . 'nrmonv J. P. Mullin ILcd wife while in Arrived a t t he oo1Uettll'Y th ro WIll •• .,' d by ' Ingin g som of the old Ilon gt:l, r oute to th ei r' borne frolll n vlsiL Les >or Kenrick nnd wifn bn" AS Dllyton Ilist Wednesday, called at MI' . B . i::l. oowelT is conAD e ' to I "Til R f Sh 11' " b "I" U.o b E 0 e 0 1 . 00" Y witll L': il' LUCl isvi lle relu tlvtl~ . und Sundny ~o ts, Mr . Imel 1tlrs. Arthur t e t)t. Ibmbeth hospitul to visit be ulusio oy the bund, invocation by hi home by 'L IJlldly s wa n II fo ot S UC 1 ~ s Rev . ·u.uwiI.Jludol' . -i ngl n~ 0 1 . ' . I A\1I'elms Alexllnder and wh o .. to"lll,o IT bere for u brlof stay-, Wu.~kl· n I'nd Clll' ld, al80 u r . ,- I' •. an Ilmioted cousin , .Mis8 Puble, of . I wlllOll IJl. ClIUl;tllllJ1 111 II I-(rent dell . " ... ". 'u ' ''' Amel'iclLby Chorus IInll uOdl nco; a re ' noted loelt! sInger. Ihe fore- und will al:o visit lit the ho. m es of kiu ' Dlo' ll er. Troy, Ohio. W hile one regrets see· a t 111110 . • l-tendlng of .Llnooln's tty btUg . . . noon Wll~ pen to gree tin g one anotber tlle (,~ her meO'! bers of the Retnlliok It mu t bll II plellsl\nt occupation ing friend at suoh a place, we . peech, Muslo by qllll rtette, Audress AI I~ lu rll ' l5 rllltb ' LOU br uth l' liS Lhey IIrriv c1 uud eIJquired 1i8 to fllmily nellr Uregonill n- nd Lebanon to Cl rive a nolt, for Rorry McGinnis shonld be thankfu l for these gred by Dr. B . .6'. 'luytoIl , of Yello\\' Bruc~, of prIll!; VII.lley . we re ~uests tilfl hea lth and pro perty of eaoh , while here . WII .Jut driving 1111:1 aro und nnd ill titution8 whioh piny so great Il 2:!priug , Musio by bund nuu lhe u,t, the h OIl1 of thOlr unclo, T. Seft' 1111 thun kful that no t!enous iIInet! nr.mud lu t Sunduy. Pllrt in bettering the oondltion' of deoorll.ti on of t·he grn,vos of ::smIth FrldllY · WIIMreporttid "mung tbe "bsout oues. , Ice Cream Social. Mud on 'lark returued MondllY maukind. . · .J bn W. fiuwke lIliS 1\ ~[lt do T hose w}w hud clm rge of llrepllriog from 11 week 's IllY In Dayton. . . We a re glad to note the aoiiye s leepiul{ ber06s. 'l 'hose who will ttllce ~ILl'~ tn the posi Ltou as d(IY engine , \' in the Eleo. tho diune r nUDounc Il it rea d)T and Tbe ' lH~lIlber of the . Ridgeville For quite II while, tha t is to suy part tll ken b:1 both tne Wayn88· line ot ' ma1'clI ure r qnosted -to trio ligbt lind Wute r Works l'llI.nt (j~ well whea il app tlt.e8 re~ dll y ohuroh WIll bold It 800101 at t hat II. yellr or two, Allun El~lerick ' hus ville 11Rpers In olea.ning np the m eet IH 'fllie town ship hou!lo lit 1 L.ebnn on ()blll . ' respund ed . Befor e bei ng sellted it ohuroh, So to rllay evening, June 14. tn Iked of put,ting £I, c9 nol'ete' Ooa.:' town fr om the 8a lo of o:olook . 'end YOUI' fluwe rs to .the I.£:he Mi e Minnio lID 1 LlIllfU seemed DUO of the mo t (J ttin~ JO Il or n-Ill wll11 beau sale, Ilil well in h is ' por oh 1\ t of tho h ouse we would sny, good people, wbile a tqwnl!h ip hlluse dS eU1'ly lIS po sib le. MoKinsey, of Leba non , spent Su n thin~s 0 I of tit m ost 'lIp)Jrl}pi ate aR OImrly, llop<'-orn and peanuts. \'\'611 , no mutt I' how small th~ few have stllr'ed t.he ball to l'OJbng dllY lit their h om in orwin . WI\S ingillg" Praise God fr om whom Everybody olordlally invited . project sOllle wind work is r equired ldl of you should gilt busy and 'I'he f'1'i enus ut Mr. J J . Dowulng ull ble lug fl \'II. " Noth~llg furth e r fir t, But. tbe windwork Is oyer route the enemy from your midst. Mrs. T. J, Brown tb o Xoni" pb togrtl)Jber, will be Ill. ono bS.;;l1ld IluOUt the dlOner tbllll Corwin. Rnd t.he pr"Ject l~ to materialize ill Should you need any help, oa.1J n~ Injured by fall. ter e. tell in kn owing tha.t he lla reo to RILY It \Vus n. fenet. the near fut-ure tbe grllvel havillg on some of your rnral friends. cently ]JUrohused a h llnd omo IIUtO. Mr . Anre lu Alflxn.nder of ~IlYton 2, .t and (j qt. PaddIng PilUS 10 ots. u.ppellred on th~ scene la8t week . .R emeruber the youth of today will Mrs. 'l'; J . Brown, u!:!~ooi llte editor mohlle. /lnu Mrs.Belle Al e..x ander Fra IeI' are at i::lohwa.rt", 's E namel Ware &1e Do uny of. you remember Iloont the man of t.omorrow, . and of t be Ull2.8tte fell 111ld b roko h I' M 'I k M 'R f X ' 6 the only two chl [dren living of Ilt,tlrday, Jllne lst . r eading 'in the pa pe rs somo tillle I.n hIm rests the P088lbiltties of the hip- W~n~sduy nfternoon nnd 'd r. sur., 0 \o ny •. 0 +f eDI~ OIl lm 0 Wu hillgt,ol\ Alex lmder 's t hllt wele lI1r . Benj lln;li n Mil ls was spopp. baok that £I, oobb ler from Altoona, future for the good name of our - . . . . " Wll unUIIY av Ill ug 01' a ~ 101' ,· _ M' AI u ,- - d I tl t P.onn ylvaniu., Illld di scover ed IL 1\' . e own . , . . hIlS SI'Il OQ been .coDfintlu to h el' bom e stllY wit.h hi8 uncl e . Mr . Frtlnk presont: I . exan! r lila _ Il few 109 in Da.yton just Thursd~y . in II- ~erious condition. Mrs. Brown ' lark of tbe ow Burlington )fll:O remarks ulld r lid letters from Mr. WtIlialll Nedry , of Barveys. compound whioh inixeu with nshes Mr , ~. V . Mullln attended the Will ia the yurd lLb hllr Itome whe~ . I ab ent one , a l'epol'ted n~ deoend· burg vi Ited iris nleoes Miss Lillie WitS su per ior to ooa\. Jt all 80unds Momorml services at the M. E. t he l100ident occut;red. In stooping '::JJun 't Miss the Eualll AI Wnre llDtS living nu d 49 wero pre ent fou r Ncdry and Mrn. Allce MoKinseyone entioin g but if an IIgeDt should Cburo.h on unday morning and reo down for a n ar t,lole ~h e in OlUe ule .. 1 ch warlz's, Wayn e vll1t1,u ny genemti on heiDg represented . Be dllY reoently. come ro~nd to selI you -9, share In portilnn. exoeJlent sermon and aD .1 h tl article 10~ Sliturduy Junel t . knew hi futhel' und cO lll manded Mr . .00f1,udo Strouct and sis'-r t he compllny J' ust tell him to mov a Impr.esslve .servioe. The time" mlLnner -fell W1t I er eu I' Rulpl;, tJI6 !Ion of M.r. 8 Ilry J ILY h I t h d I .., .,. h weight. A memher of Ib lamily i eXlIlIlp 0 0 IS ecene ants,n m aD Irene entertained £I, oompany of on fo r when investl'gated so\·on'-I·8. eGmmg w en this servloe and au;> wlio form rly coudncted 11 gruin , 0 th d aa neu.rby· ,tt the time, Ilnd WWJ . not pe rfect but of m n·n v' strong young people from Dilyton l:)u\1da v • cnlly the whole ",nt'er p""vea l\ e ecom tI on l!ervioe mU8t fa.ll up.. W~ eleyotor /I t Vo ~wln lI.nd u; n ow li ving J ~ • ..". • . ..... th t he ussistance of neighbors sbe wil h ·tl il .. thllt wero p rominent. 'rhe re t Mr. nnd Mrs._H . E . Booth visited fake. . on e younger generation. t;hall at Troy, hl!!1 beell II gnest a t the of the qlty \VIlS happi Iy spent in a r eJl1tives in Le,bllDon & turdav . and U d M '" R Carmonv we forget the servloes render!ld by ' ried Into tile Ilon e. home of J . M. L m lll UlI for 9 verlll ... r. au 1'8. v 1Il . . h perfeot visit Interspl3roeq wi~\l Bl)ng~ Sundl~Y. · departed fo r Obalupaign Co.ou Wed. t · ese veterans of th.iI Civil War~ - 2:!ivce the ncoiuent., Mrs. BI'own, h,-s, of conreo, s uffer ct. j{1'OI1tIy, in Ul\.ys. Iw d goou words wheil the time soon MISS Laura W'erntz s pent Sunday uesday, intending visiting relatives Or shn~l we illlltill In ·t.h e minds or s pite of. every t,hilig I;bll t On ll b 3 ...Veh Meeks tho vetol'lln moil oallle to 8eplll'lLte. The day was WIth her pa.r43nts Mr . and Mrs. there until tbe latter pllrt of the our ohlldren the debt of gratitude llone {or her. . on rrifl r , hUll l.1 !en d oin g sOllie f\J;or. somowhat mar r ed by ocou ionnl Oharles Wernt.~. week . ' wo owe them for 'he hardllhlpll Ber I\g~ und tlxtremo weu knes iug lat()ly all the umount o f mllil he shower!! for oul.door sports bu t it Mi s Edi th Davl8 is Visiting rola. Mrs. Kate Johnil has been ill fol' they endured and the ourse .by her OODliitiou E\eriou~ . cu rries l\Cd lind th llt be lI V rlJl~es seelPed to inOl'ea se tpe s pirit wit hin . tives in Xenia ·t his wee k. Il week or more Pllst fronl some them blotted from 001' beloved! Miss Annie O. Brown, of B r II a.bout 4ili'; pouudll IIch du.y or 1~, liO Tbe writ.Pr, IlU iu vi teq guost felt Mr . OMlelo Arnold IUld Mis8 May thing akin to t,h ', gri p lind qui nsy oountry ? It I~ snrely II. ouaiom College arrived hOUle Thursday pouuds every tbirt y daYli. tho spi;it of the occasion ILOd, gr et· Glenny of Lebanon sp,ent lSu~day combined . ' thut shoUld?e handed dowD from evening and Is nssi ti ng in cn ring Mr.lsllao tou t, of Rar veY"Qur g, ed th e parting tlme ' wi ~h t he rest . ~ith Mr. o.nd Mrs. W . W' . Arnold . S. L. \\' ilIinm!lon is headquar ters one generatIon to another. and ita kn o~n touohor of Warren 'fhis occasion will be l'em olllhered. Misse Jllne and Florence Clark for plants cow. £Ie has enlarged sIDnl kept ons Oft for her mother . MiAS Brown Wll8 a, '"011 " n . • _ .. .. ' fl~once ~ ....n tl1 ber ore . 'UOllnty hilS been n.pPolnt-ed to Il of Kenl'a {'t"d th t h I ' . the rising generation. rwcompanied home by Wol te r Me . , . ' . Mrs. ~uth Chenoweth ' . v SI" WI . e r l)arents his beds Ilnd o~ n supply the demand .8:I\Y who r eturned Sundlty evening goou po It~on in ~bo ~i<bo~n, OhIO I Mr . and Mrs. J ames Clark Snnday, for cabbage, tomotoes alld sweat The many ~riends aDd old Delgh. to oODlplete his t flU' S work nt chool, whloh oor rles W1tOl t an ex S~cc~lubs ~o Long Illness l Mr .·Ed t)mit.hofWlnoltester,OhiO potuto plunts . bors of. Mrs. T, J . Bro-wn are very Borea. . cell~nt opportu uity fo r promol.ion . Was Widow of late Evah I VIsit ed hIS 811ster Mrs, Claude _ sorry to hear ot her mllfortuDe The other da." whellll 1l1&mbe1' Chenoweth . ' mi th last weok. New Burlington. lind hope for borl~ speedy recovery, of Ed\vin Chandlor ' fam ily weut to Miss Cu.rrie (]lark is visiting hor F. W. Cu.rma.n and daughter to ' get their I/lUi!. they f(!lund two Atter an ill ness ext.emling OVOI' si tel' Mrs. Ma.ry Chalfant at Mon . 4 qt. Enlunol P reser,vmS' Kettles Grace will furnish the lOullo for Mrs. Mary Baily fiDe heads of cl~bbl\ ge in ~b Ir bQx , \L llnmbe1' ot w eeks, Mr " Ruth ongllheln , Pennsylvania. 10 cent at Sohwar tz 's Bargain day Mr. RosenthaU's opening next Satat Death's Door. probably left th ir by some one Ul) ' henowet.h, of the Mid(lle run Mr<l . B. H. lIiUUs WIlS shopping in Saturda.y JUU E! ls~. . urdl\Yevening . . . . 't d ·t... ,..· ' ha dIe's fond neigbborbood pl18sed 0 wny III elev. Duyton Thur.... ~v. Born t o B _urn .. Vnr.bnok and wlf. e. Thll -tenera.ble Mrs. M.u-r y BllifYJ .qullln ·o WI ~. II r . on 0 ' look I11ldllV ll~Q rlli llf,f. euw~ 1s lying very near,d eath 'l1 door .lnd ne"s - fot cabbl\ge. Wh oever thE Mt's. Chenoweth was the widow Huraoe Stoltes, Boger Morga1\ Tuelldu ,Y M~y 21~t, 11112n. . . Centerville. for several dllYs tile rnomberA of doner wos be exttlods thu.llks. of tb ~ Il\te Evun Chenoweth one of 11nd little Mflrion Adams have the Born to VlarllnC~~ogget and WIfe. r fnnlll". h uve be.en dxpeoting the A. Q. Brad treet. of Alexllnd~rs t ho lurgest rO.ll estate owne(s in meas les. W eu nesdllY Mny ",.~nu . a aon. Quite a ha.' i and wind storm went he ~., J . ~ Wnrt'"n Count,,'. She 'wns w.i dely Mrs J esse Hl\wktnB was the Duest end a.lmost I\ny time. ville oll.rne d wn to W[~~ nesv il1e Illst· known !l,ull bofore he r hup])rmd's Mr. Bornea, Uillette of D",yton ' . ' " through this vlOinity lut week, MrS. 'Bailey ib .",lmost 1)0 Yellrs of W ednllsdllY and Willi 'nooolilpllniect deut h was not ive in the IIffllil'l! of and Mrs. Netti,e Kepler of Mor r ow of l'elatJ'Ves ia SprlDgfield on capsizing vehioles on the . road . homo by Mrs. 13rnd's tr ot, who fo r h er homo and nelg hbvrhood. spo~t I::llltmdllY 'and I::lnnc1ay with Frldn y . . breaking window paves and un· age. tbe flve preceeding weekI! hid . be on . Of IlLt~ ill helilth hILl! incil,ptlai. Mr. und Mrs . Oliver Dl}vls. . Ber~ BIAIO who ~~s bholentBPenc?lang r.oofiJJg bu~ldllJgs . f h . t tllt·ed h t' . Leste G 1 f W . the wlDtor nenr HilS ng on . . Many of the fn.rmers huve beeD . i . th a8sls~ Ilg 10 , e Olll'e 0 er 81 or Fonara.) eer v.Qes were held lIt one r orIOn a lI.yn esvllle l- b ·s rcturnell homo . . Pa.triotic Sermon DeMrs. A.VI~ Bradet·reet. wbo is now 0' look 'ruesdayfrom h er lilto bomo and Almll. Waterbouse attended j II. , , oampe\Ied to pla1l.t tbe eora over nnd At 2 o'olook at tbe Mi tldlerun the Alumni at H b S 'rhe Fr iend B W, F. M. B. m et at due to the aold I~nd unfavorable livered by Rev. Trout. sl\ gll1-J y Improved 'in he llto. lirveys urg atur· tb b f M 8 A H D-rian on ohul'< h . ThA hody \\IllS \rlid to r elit day night. e orne 0 r. . . =no weather . The l oonl Union of W . . '1'. beside thllt .of In Mid· B .F. Ab ner 0 f Uopr Ing b oro an d ISaturdAY ufternoon. Mr . SnIU Pi ne of ))uyton ha~ . her . htl bl~nd 1 . l' . To' Soldiers of the Civil War U . is arrn.n ~ln g fot a I::lilver Me,'nl dl erlln b nrv!ng grouuc, SI e IIII ' A.IulllllS Utten d e d ch nrch at The lemoflll sorvlce at tbe beon Il ome II. f ew {ays. I _ __ . _ _ . , . last Sun~ay morning. onntost which will probubly take '" d . bt I FrIend s Ohuroh . on .. unday was Miss Floro. 8ears of Deyton is Ly tl. e oun ay DIg '. f . ' pluco sometime, the coming month. Sprrpgboro Alumn~ As' l j ' ' . 'I . ' lnrgely uttended and enJoyed hy aU visiting r elutlves. here . . Wh I 0 umptng 0 18 r ope WIth . . _Ea.oh 76111', t he mem" 1'8 of ~he A. num her. of, young ladms hu Vtl .!lOlue b oys W ednesday IIfternoon , present.. M E -B d soei~~ion Will Meet. F ran - k H ilrner o.n d Elb er .•. Mllr t In ' r. mary . ra street, Laura Urand Army of the Republlo, aud 8Ig11i(led tbeir intention of takiug Rurlnn jumped on Cl piece of I fl ' I '" h ' t DaviS, MerleBlmes \Iond Lelia AlleD the Bons of Vete1'llns'; In eve1'y pIU·t in tho oontest Illl'd no doubt 'rh u.oull .. l mceting uf the Alum Ernelit , former y 0 t liS P u.oe II ve gone 0 . . . It ' k I . attended t he Sunday School oonvenoommunity, on IIhe Sunduy pre. the oc06slon will be of Ill or e tbn n ni A 9~Oc ilLti o n at t h\'! tipring boro gIn. s and ou t lin urtery in his foot. I tao e u: o .Cllms.. tlt 'tion"at Gorr~a.ntown Satnrday . l~ Ig h chool wi)1 tak.e plnoe Frid (~y Bad t.lie 'doot-or' not nrrived iu time : Nec\~ ~~~ ~ : .ceeding Memorial Dn.y gather to· ordillny int.el'~st. rl s Ie hlO edrs IS Budebrm g tV:} Mr . lind Mr8 . Wilbert Griest roy. gether and I\ttend. sorvio(;l jn one . of MIS Mary Zelll8 Iy;rig Ol'ltion\jy eveni ng , May [n et I\ml mel1lb ~ rs of it might have proved flltal.. I P r d 11., D . a very sor e 11.11 ctluse y ge . ,Dg II tile ARS()ciatioll IInll tbeir. friends Mr, and ~rs. James Ulaham were h b k' b . d I hi I a y entertu ned ro . an _1'8.~· :t4e olmrohes of their neighborhoo-d. 111 at the home of h er son .in Iu.w Itro looking ' fo r wllrd t.o the event shopping in Dayto'n ·Monday. , a tis 00 urle n s po, m . B. Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pine to g~v~ to Almighty . <:iod, t·hu.n kR _lIl1d dUllghtff r , Mr. II II d. Mrs. Joseph with m uoh itlterest. Misses Lu.url\ and Minnie MoKi n . Cards a re out for the marriage of and da ughter lust Bundl1Y,' 'The foIUj\V ·ng l)rograw h all been . for t,he viotqry of rIght, and for . 'HILwke, nellr :i\pt'lng Villi y. Mrs, Bey of Lebanon spent SundllY with Veda, oldes t dlLu~hter of Mr. a.nd Miss CI!lra-Murrey. has aooepted oconssion. l'reEM;lrvation fl' t;l m the perils and Z ell is 1I sitlter of Mrs. E ll on S[(lp'~ . nrrn,nged for theMusio . their patents. . Mrs: Emerson Vandervort; to M.r. the position of "day" operator ., dangers of ·w ar. 1lJJ(1 of Messrs . Neb!jlllinh 'Ill d Mud· Roll Ctl ll lind R udmg of.Minutes A t-en pound baby boy to AJ vln Conklih. The weddlUg wtll th B tel h h .h Last Su~day the m ember9 of W, Ison M l!hlHey, of vtIle, Rladden the h ome ot Mr. lind Mrs -take pl iloe JUhe 6th. e c;>me ep one.- exo allge •..• e _ Election of OffiOt;TS , Fred Everh",rt. . _ M Will Bewell of BablnR is the positioQ reqently vaoa.~d by MII8 . . ' ·R. H~l Postq. A. It. and Edmund u,n d II! - grllut,l'y beloved by 011 who Qunrtette · . Ora Cu.sey Wll8lU Dayton 110nday. TS. . ' }Jearl Watkins. Misses Beok nnd Hathaway Retalliok Cl}mp ,B\JDS of Veterltll!i know h er : . ThQmas, Hu:rtt spent Sundu.y in guest of Mrs. H: W. Collett. Mrs. , LlLnra ClI.mpbell ' v.I8lted her Messrfl Kenison I\nd RQsDagle attended ' service ' n.t the ' -M. E. At.teud th'l ' startling 10 cent Sa 11'1 Addre8s Loyli D&vls, son of Mr. and Mrs. of Weloomo . M.Ol!row . Ohuroh !llld listened to ~ splnnuid, at Enamel "wtlre at hWlIrtz' i .Ralph Jay is the guest Of Lee Joe Davis, living near Roxanna, l!ister, .Cor& Pope, this week. Mr. Dwight BUDDell 'W llt! the viotim of a. severe Rttack of pa,r1otio.eennou ~.v Rev, Tront. . Way nesville, Saturday ,June 1 t . R Il8poDlle Miss Estelle IrwlD .LemmOn. &'ve1'd.1 }Venit from hore to Oln. nervonsness, on t:!nturday evening, ~U!<IO Everyone ",ho IS Iloquainted With. Mr. Imd Mrs. T. W. RaYllIoQd of, Church Notice being' delirious for ·severlll .hours. \ Prof. O. M. !:louie oinnatl ~nnd8y. Addross ~r. Trout knows bltn to be thQr. IJlno\f1nlltl were recent guest~ Mr. John Spray and sister Mrs. About a week ago his little si8ter Mr. Dwight Bunnell Rolo onghly patrJOtlO .u;nd he Nhowed Mr. and 'Irs. JU11\88 l'eridergllst und Mary Harlan spen t Monday with wl;ls8hopk04 by lIghtning during & Bil,Dqllet The service at the ' Ridgeville hlD1llllf ~ apptefJlativtl of ~.h 'l'l!ll0 Wedne"duy scoo1l\panled Mrs. Pen. TOa!ltmaiter, Mr. Elmer Johnson their oonsln Mrs. NaomI Harian. storm and It III thought that thil ohurchhav8 been cboged. The Ltttl6 Everett Harlan returned preyed upon his ~ind to suoh an " Air (Justles" . rifloes aDd \lrivationli of 'he s~ldlllrs d e rl{ll8t , daughter Katie and ~on . extent that, in the storm ,Sunday morning serVlOo' will be at 10... •• Prof. L. C. Wilkerlon home with them . 'ot the Olvil War. . JeSllle, a.nd MhA Nina. Bmith, to h~ 1000t all control of both and $he even,lnglenl08 at 'f o·olcick. .100r Unol<\hDl!d JeNels" . 10 cent Etl1&mel Ware Ba.lo I1t eTiming Sia addreal throt1(Jhout was prao- Oregonia, where they remained un mind and nervea. He 18 now im. bo.h standard time. Bel'. Curler l1r. Ernest R08Dagle , ~hwartz'8. 11e, Saturday tioal. helpfullUld inlplring, .and de. ttl flatlU'd.y even lng, tbe' gue8t. of "Improvement of OUr OrgaDlu.. proVing nl0811. of IIaeon ill t~e putor. . tlOll· 1 Prof. ~. D. KeWeoD . JUDe lit. ItrftI \1a8 .troqU' oODlDlendatiGn Mr. aDd l4n. Bobert YollllS.







• think , 1\'1\8 .IIIJ In (he land of l be Ilvl lt): :" '" u ocl"" II\.: Ilr -;: lillie!. " Go ba,.,k til )'.\ \11' "!ill' ,, .,l j he m lrt, t I h,, ' \ OI!"U!!. tbft to')' ~ l II~ \\ lId [lin \ h r,l'I~ . I ~hnll nevo\' il)h'l'f(' I'1l wHit yo u II 'Oill , Jln\" \\'11 1 ~' l)\I'~ "I.', comrn.ll!s, I lm uglu p • 0111:. whl1t1 'UII lI t,cd \l am n th '~ IU(1l1 . ot e~d "'''I''' \ ' ' 1" 'III \l nlhel' lli ul lh!" r ~ wl tl II;' hl'lt. I' I' yd A fl'o m n nnl lClII \ n wl li"1i ~·Cl U 1:" I' (' rUI Ii' YI'R\'S 1)( yn II' HI'I '," " 1-/" I1hn II lo nl'," ~ n lt l tli l ; • •\ . Il. TH E VETERAN WHO BEGGED. 111 11 . wh 'n I l'I'llorccd <11111 11 '1I I, ' 11 lO 111t:1\I: " Th <:! I" a I'" WIn gs nl one v Pathet ic Story of an Old Soldier Who f UII 't buy alltl lhlll gs rba l ntl l it Il" \\, · . W;),8 B ltn~: I , J' of l hl; ';UV"l'lIm e ll t ('u n 't \ nr'\' lcle ," In!'


,t ,\. It.

'V 'IS 501\1" Yl' al'N ullO Ih lll two, G . 1110 11 , sCJl IJllul\ ~ · d al S I II ~ Il V t ·

601dl ('1' or Ihe 'Ivll "Ill' lil,!:!.:lnp; <ltI'C(' I. al:lk{'.1 IIII' 10 "SI;ostu, ia! wi th h im, for hc W:III d r" wllt g II ; 1I1l111 " eusl n fl'tJll\ lbt: gov('I'lIme nl, anrl t il .. "!l ldler" hOl\1e WIlS 0 1' II lD '1Im, \\'l' itl'S A da 0 . S W\!C I. In ·ltlcap;D 101l1'II AI. I sa'ilied o lll lv 111,,\ Ilt l' old '(lltll ' I'. w hl) hall bec(l m ' lJll nd sl oee \ h •• \\" ~ I· . lie wa s ~tun J I II !,: o n a HU'ee cor ll r, ~ r 'c t , soltlil' l'.lI k . cVl'11 liM h l' h tl' Oll t . lhe '11n C\\Il (01' lh o o l1:'l'i ,, ·s or Ihe O1f'l'cl(ul sO\lh; wh" Ih;le nnd t o h I>! ,'ulcl'. I II lIIdt' lil Y" 'It kno wlI 1<1 hi m. Iud !l sk 'd him how It hllllP lied l ha l 'I \l' lI S II g,::lu A' o n lh c' SII'N't, wll n I·h .re \\'111; nlNIlY ill" .hl' llI 1'1 '1' hhll ' Ib ' mal,e t1{,' lr rop R J;T 1\\' t llp past ~ ('t\"(l n ,v h.·I'I'. T h ' bllllli 111 "11 ask d 1Il~ 10 tb Ir 0111." hOIl Dr SUSlell lll\\'\' WII! . lIu\\" him 10 'u ll li t m )' M il •. l he n(;xl gOIl • III), to (xpl ah, hlH Callr' , II nll \\'I th Ln t. ~. or In n1l11'e l lill ll 1,r.OO.II(\G bl s pl'omiso Ih !' 1111 1'\'1 \\' ""d etl. · s qll ar mlh'" " f Fl \lss lll U t 'I'I'ILOI'Y lh pl'f! At t he alllllili tell h our, I (1 b ,\' a W il ' SlJWIIl;: bu l li n I' a p illl:. Tilo 11('115' IOl', t bp hlln.1 IIIlIn c am!', Il ild wh en Qn lK hnl'('(lIlll' IIU I th Ql1' lil li e' ,'I. \I·C 0 1 no lind tluM WhllL II lI od to ~~y bls Repil grnl n in to the g rullnd . Whc n Ih e ~ u~ WIIM won ljll til l' II ~ I WU S '(J II' n 1'111 III nd fa U('!I t o re i urn a ' CI'Op. not "rned. I t WA A nil In Ill ' I.ol nt of on ly wert h )' I'()h bed ot I hI! frllits 01 .'I ew. ' And b can ~p. 01 lh a \ lil t ' n 'lew thell' l oll, bill 11I t'11' Reed gl'll in IlscH whlcb mig ht It a\' ~ ~QI'\'ed ns tood. WIl ! I n '\' ~I' }lnllS a blind b ggar (>n Ih In tt llJ\ ~ at loa st a llenny ' g unc. Th ere wa s. nflwh 1'0 ro : ur n fur .troe t w!tholll 1 wor k 01' HlI C or, Hllndl' ds oC mil es 11\ hl ~ 1'111 , I I;ltnll toll PDO I' old Cllnne' ~ SUIl'l' a wa r t hf' re were cilies. bu t the few dRrlng fln e s who I'cached lh eln ~ent IPte . to relllinll lIlall Y of th e CDrn· beck thf! bopel 5S word.: "No wort.::· 'acJ"1I of his 'I11I'el' oerllonlllltr, for be laS llassl'd (nlo ' .he land wbore. It Is Whole.a Ie "Grahl "g." lrollll secJ ... tbe blind sboll see," 'We .In 1 9', When th e famine killed bun· ,ave al\\'a 's with liS UlOtiC who need dl'eds, tb Russian 'government hit .h Ini erpretatlo ll of experience and IIllon tbe expedient o[ forbidding tb .md r 'llnndln g. tbDugh seld om Is lhere worll " bllnger." bUL the taJ;lllne ot the me who t Oll s\,cak us e lo'lne ntly liS l'I'oscnl Is so much great r tbaL lid Gun'nc Df U,e h\lndred bn ttles and guvernment 1& full)' all ve tq It. De· ,h \. ara of hlllck dlll'knC9S will h s ltles havIng appr opriated '$S il,OOO,OOO :nm~ nHcl'\\'ard. al l'ead y, It Is now negotiating It ioao " YOli ' 1\s k me." be said: "why 1 ot $:)7.000.000 more tor Camlne rell .r. lillnd on ,be stree t Ilnd beg. I dra\\' BU l even lhls Slim, I ~ totallY tnadcQllnte , p nelon. o( sl~ dolla rs n monlb, and. to th e worl. In hand, espl'lclally as htlil ~ :l11 j1(() til tl.e ,mlcll ers' horull, or 10 or th A mQlley '11'111 line lh a !lockets of Ihe o tlnty lious , If I do not WI\Ul to Dfficla l g'i' fLMS to wholll tbe deaths ot a~ 00 far 0. 'ny from my flllllll~'. Yes, ihollRnnds of pDor pen80nlS hI me re ly I hl! \' e h II rll thul II (01' . a ll IInfort uo llLe In·c hle nl in lh Ir o wn " Uut I wall t to II",'. ,\1\ i8 11 url" all s hort ellt to wealth. . he tim " anti I call' t s ll 011 a b nch, At 11l'CS nL tbe r e i I' t 'w(ll'k In Hllslla 10m wh oI' , SlId mer Iy . ISl. TI\f' conslsts ·ol do ling ()at II Iiound or br 111\ ;o~' m I1 L 01 blinUn '$S Is. Ulolnl)'. t h n d a ~' lu sulTl1r e:rs . The IIgcd and lreadtul bl unk all the lilliI' . You llll nol" g l no thlul~. J On' L know Ihllt ali us e your eye s sorll ' fa lJlllles IJf Ilve or s ix ha\'s ~ \' e ry wul;lll): mOIllt'ilt, 1"0t si mply pel'hn os t Wu who dra \\' bl'cad. O ~her ,,,hell yuu a re lookl n& llonscloual,. Ii fum ll\ s bU\'1\ nono!!. .It t \\"o of a rllm· liS of si x dl'a w !.Irend Dud <llI'lde It 'llUull)", I m eans thaI. e ach me mb er II ts ohe· lhl rd ot D. lKlllnd 0 day. The r ogulat' ellel of a Russian 11 a sallt II five Iloun!l s of bread (fally. ThnH tb. most· ro rlnnn tc an! now exlsl1ni:' UIIOD nn e·fiIt,eenth ot th e ir regulol' far , or, lo an m rlean w ho ba s IIII' e AQUUI·. meals a day , two m oal s In tbl'ea 11'U li

~n l h

71l!T PST.fJ./807J(


/"0(2/;1 AT CHhV.87AJ'I"G 800(o n. -On the I'.' ·ll's. stol'oeli or b yond thl' " palc." uu .1 In tlle a rlll d li\lrlets o[ Iwrtlll.'116l rn bina, 1hou.·a n,1:; (If h\Ullan h 11lS'8 al' dyi ng 0[01' wnoL or food. l.ack of ra in In l he '1l 1'st In stJl nc, xce5~ o[ It ill t h o sec· (oud I t he ca u e. PI pro vince. ii, ' h lDa a nd !!1 In fill. sl" a re affect <1 , a ud, " 'hlle fro m ~tJ e omlt.'t' countrj' COIDO Itwful tales elr the ba rtt' rlng o r huronn flesh for food . o( the ij8le ot IIltl children, nnd of the breaking ou t at the piligue emons the close-packed 8ulft're rs, from flu8sIa com es a wall at d spalr. where 'IIIeD; "omt'n and chUdren lire trying 1.0 ling to ure, 1'j'ltb almost nothing to eaL aod ,,'Itb n.o fuel I'D a. tempernture (If 25 degrees belDw zero. Conditions sucb 10 both coun· trf that It Is e stimated tbat wbal ,In ·tills country 'would be the price at a alngle \-1slt to the theater would Silve ilL human lite unW relurnlng crops' brIng Belf·support. The Christian H e rald of New Vorll, ..,bleb. baS taken. charge at tb e AmDr! · can end of tbe Cllln s famlne r elic!. pledgE'(! Itseir ta lIupply 10,000.000 \IOlIlidlj of flour, corll , cOl'nmeal , m dl · eal 1I."plleS, etc., In adlUtlo l\ to wbnt llad already been aent. The govlJ rn· \hI el\L gave the arm y tl'O nl!l.Klrt Gen. Jlurord to carry this cDns lgum ut frDm Snu Francisco tn Shangilid . Govl'rnment Aid Inadequate. lu nns~ la tllEi fllmln e I~ " Ing reo 'llevecl 1'0 Bome extent by I<overnm en t aid, bat jhe res triction s thi s nld cal" "Ies wllb It mnli e Il , 'eI'Y lllll dequntc. it In vol\'es the ,dellve ry of one pOllnd or bre,ld a ~ ay ouly Iu IIUIl'CI'C I'S less Iboll li and more tban 59 yea l'S or ag . lntunts undel' Dnc year. lind all Ule vast mojorlty between ' 17 ond r,9 «et not blng eXccllt wbat Ule IInse lfluh amon g tbe more fortuna te are wllllng '.0 '\Iba re. And, above and !Jeyond thill, ther Is th e tact t ba t the /.llack bund o t Russian otHelal !;rafl npilroprilltcs for private eDds at lea st one·bol f 01 th 1D0ney llle go \'ernm ell t voted Cal' lI'elie r. HIllbop Pottel', of N e w Yo rl,. Is pres· Ident and 01'. amue l.l . Hal'rows,_fpr· mel'l y of Hoston, lti aceretary at the A lile\'lc~ n . relief rOl' Rus sIa. . It is hard to jlldg between thc two, lin t l>erhn.[ls tbe s l,lll8Llon In Chinn Is III mo re pltlalile at Iln;'lIcllt. StilUs, tlClB gathered eal'ly In 'F e bruary In ono or til fi\'e strlclw n ' Chines !,ro\·jncr.s #ho\y~ ' B totnl of 23.000 d aths. This J. but a. small secllou of the Ilw ful Ijj!;~r ga te. " (orelgn correlS [lond~nt wdUng In d e cl'llltion of thc afl'ectcd dlstl'lcts MYS: " Eve!')' sell"lhln 1\('/\ of grlls~ ~ ,18111 ~ Mil roots has dhiappeal'ed , ond "tal'\'lng I/arents am callug their ohll· d,. n, I, IlIlow lhls lu he I rue, and ~JD \'t' m)fself tDuncl hllman flesh on · " ylt'." Three Month. In Famine'. Grip. 'rile 11Is trlcl Involnld in the famine Si8 1(llno,'ll ns . "" mellnlng "nllrlh of lhe I'lver," th e Ktream ·· belng '1 h!! ' ·nngtse. Fo" mure thnn lbree 'mDUth s this I'eglon In lIurth I'll Chioa ~Ia ~ " n In the rOlDo l'soless grasp ot famin tlOd rllmlne·I'rl'!I dl ~ easo. 1"o rty da"s f ' rain alld conseq\\ Cllt floodl! il 'UI>fld cnl:unlt y 111100 ' th e 40,000 "Clun r mlles of terr lt olT alii! Itll 15,. 000.000 of peuille . Be fo re new CrollR can be mlsed it Is s Uw Ulc,1 that, dellPlw til e !Jest etr(\l'ts for I·clle r. Iho list ",111 exceed lhll t ot NUI.leij. · :3 ••11 I"n tllC'l scu and .hln la lea I'ullcd Into 'U UtUi lll ,


Wrl rhlg aflel' a t01l1' through one of fnmin o CUlnlJS o r :J(),f)OO 1I\ IlI'vlng r (' lugcc,s. 11 corres i/ou" e lll sa id 1'" ·cIlI · ~ y :' . "Llttl~ more lhuu UII hO\1r 1lP;0 I 61'W two women. ("' e s linUlbl~' nloUlll r .and gran(\mOllllll', walling ov'~r t11P Un" coffin of a chlhi t.ha t had been "a':t o[ g rim famln c'a dally toll. " II Is all sO !lolTlbJe, so O" CI'POWQr, !UI<. so' hl1l1l1l1ng. 110 h e urli·r.'ndln*, that on(' ('lulI,at writ oi il. In ol'!l cl'ly fash, ~(ln , It seem s a~ i[ 'o n ly th e repeated ~' I'Y of. 'H~lp! Help.! Jieln! ' call tie '1a ~ hiD neil tOI' lhe ears 01 tht' l, ruS I' OI" 4JU ~ American t'OO "I". to ·whom Go~1 'Ia. j!i lI' ll 0 yea I' of 1111l11ty, while tbe ~ ' ou r f Chlnll porlst. fl'oni WUIlt. " 0111 o( th e awful nllu;s of ~urterl D g " slicee ss ion o ( \lHlh' \cluul ' Illcilires <:O 'Ii('~.' troollllll; IJ erpl'!' 'IlI Y' vision . 'l'h('1' was th ~' njun . lQIl \\' '0.1; 10 arand (J1't'I'I . who bore on hi Imel:. IJS older h"fJlh t'I'S cllrry lI llbl.1' ,in Chlnll, 1IIH bll tlll 01(1 morner, th l) \liN" ·!3ltin-an· \I('D(, I'rumewol'l; 8 wnmall. -f.he)' wtil 'lt'll helf), Rnll II\('nlll;!d rill' It 111 the I bill \I'hlne of, thl' uIW I' I,l' lltl ~ .. rahl 81111 I dal'ed nut 0:1 11 ' til III ~o I\IlIch as a ol'per! 'The Mother'. Sufferlhg . . " Or tbo.~ mD~her, hard-l')'l:d a~d I h~


I\Sl\ l n~t 0

wall lI' llh !;alh NOd 'lbuut h c\' tlllt red sk ins. sta ri n!llJlItlln ca:rlng on 11 eom pao ), o f Uv1ng rcCugl't's. who al'!' 0. morfl m ela of'bOly !3lgltt t han IIIP thOUSAnd" Il [ 11111'1 'nl I';r a \'('s 11111 0 11 ' which th e)' " r e e neB IIII' (I. The), had J> en (ed- o n portl n of Ih ill. w nl('r~' rlcc po rridge tDr \h III Ail - and no w tlley mUSl wall In th col d rol' anolh r 24 hours to poss b r I' lh Y CU ll h red again - a lid even t h n SDm s't rnnge l' on s moy push thel)'l asid anrl steal Ibelr turn at I he meager I'e· Ilcf. "Strauge In con gl'II11 1e6 flil s h Into one's mind 8S he walks aboui alUong lbese 30,000 I'efugees. As I pa8~ed Ibis morning on old, Did' WDl1\Bn. CO\·ererl onl y by a few rags, 'who Ral OIl 't he cold, !Jare ground , sharing h i'l l' small bowl at l'lce with a babe of 12 Dr 18 months , e vld nil ), be l' gl·andehllcl. who sat Dn , ber Ilnees. l thought of Homo grandmothers whom I kuow III Amerlca- swe ct,J'aced altd cDmfortll!J1 and klndlr, wbose ev nlng' of lifo II! Olad6 pleRsant by t h lov ot ohlldl'e n and grand children , and " 'ho ImDw nDl lbe word want. Ane! l recalled SD Ill ~ bally 1rlond fl-s weet. nlrldy IItllo d ari:, wropped In t h Ho esl line n. wllh W81'~ ' robes UPOIl which 10\' has lnvlBbe cl It s gPlieros lt)', a uri who~ e tooll Is n. maLt cl' .oC cAl'eful cons ultation Wi t h ph)'s l HIn ~ (J,n.1 (rl ndS. "or (IlIl·SC. I ann ol Imnglne thes dellcat b' nutnred babes In dirty ta l· t rs and , "poserl tD th old ~"In te l' nlgbl and day. week ofIeI' week, r l sQI:1 ehow olle "Icture s uggests Ihe otbe r, :Just so, wh eo n re fugee mpt)lf'r aecos-led us tblll mOl'lllnl\ tLOd a sk ell us to cc pl hel' 'bl1d as a gift. I,mllglna· tlDn br ongh t' ln s tllntiy to vlow t h pro' clous nesl; of Ule Aillerlcan chlldl'en 1 I' now. Suffering Unpara lleled. " Iuclll IIt8 could be pllpd UI,on In cl· dents: e \'e r~' olle at th ese 30,000 I'oru· gees Incllrnates a stol'y-a stQI'Y or a home abllndou ed, ot toils om e jounle~' ~ to this southe rn tlis l dill In tbe hOI,e of finding a I.lttallce of'tood to allay I hat awful gnawlllg of hlluge r: of th e ellgel' h Ullt for a s heltered nuok In n doorwa y: of be ln,; dl'lven from Sllot La SIJQt, IIn1.11 at lallL II f IV feet of lInre eorth nl'e aecul'ed OUL alliolig th e gra\'c ~ "' Ith the otb Ol' I;cfug es-a s pace 11.) blggcr lban a hlli CR grove 's urnc H for an ('nth'e ChIne se famll y ; or lbe dnll)' and nlghtlr hllddlln~ lo· gellie r In one mn s tor 111 ~Ilk o or hu· mon warmlh: of thl! BeRl'ch for dry IP'II ~K with whic h to ITllIke a Uny flro : of lhe mOl'lIlng struggle tOl' II pOI·tlDn o( tbe gOl'el'nme nl rice Rnd of that In· deHel,n,ahle, terribl e. prllnlUve duel b etwoeD lit an'd Shll'\'RUon which tbe Ch ines HO daun tlessl r endure. " In 11.11 this, I wrlto of lhe best, all!l not of the wors t: Thl ~ Is only the first outPPHt ot tho fClmln e dls trlcl. AlwaYII .Clole to Starvation, ·",[' he ' hln se 11\-, . ,'loHel' to a ctual starvn lion than It is 110sslble for a wes ((~ I'n e l' to comprehcnd: th e ~' a~e oJ· wOYS pOOl'. So lhe failure of I he orops - not to mention Ih o d et;~ "uctlon of lhe lr hom es b ~' flood- at nnce Illace.) them 111 , 11 s hlle Dr aclual destitution. whil'h Olll Dilly be l'~ lI e l' e d whcli the ",lleAt crOll Is ' h a rn' ~led til ' .lUi)'. i ennwhil '. uwln g L) lucl. o[ siled , only hill{ of ( hc eprlllg wheal crOll has heen plallted." The ca rgo of food whl~b tho Chris· tlun HCl'll11 1 ijll nL On11' .to Ille stl'l cken l1isLl'lot in ('hlnu CURt $100.000. llnd I.hls !;unl ' w,,~ I'D.lse!l by populur sub· sc t'lptloll. Its orl'l va l III China Is e:.p Ned to dD much fol' I hc s llltererS, lIlIt IIlOl'e food will hll \ '0 10' follow nt ollce. CDIl' dltlDns hlwo AI'O,\,'u s tendlly WOl'sc. and ,lIlngli c hu s bl'ollcl) ou t III on or two o r the provinces. The surt'er e rij are hudrllell logc ther In In t b') cumps . Millions Face Death. In UIIs8111. the cOlldltl ons al'e IIU1 Q, leas 811111tlllng. For I he IIn;t time In the hls t,;>I'Y of such C8illstl'01lhes ' In Russia tbe governme n t Itsel( Is aroused to the necllsslty fol' I'ellavlng the sire~s. · Tbe famine a lJecIJI n o - less t han 30,000 ,000 peasant!! Inbo bltlllg an area half 08 large 118 'the UnIted Stalek, alld wblle .hls area lies be· twoen tho stepp ~ and "Wh it" Rus· sill." tlir., ram l,De Is ulJcct.lng IndlrecUy tbo l)eo,Jlo within the ' "pale" who de· I' nil IIJlon t he Ileasanls for trade a nd conulI cl·ce. The l.euRant.ry repl'esent!> 85 per cen~. of t h e onUre IXlllltiatlon . 'I;helr ono IIIcon~ ot IIve1l'b004 II! farmlne, and when lhe I'aln did BOI CODle to

w ee\ I~ .

'I'he velT soedg Df tho \~' ~ds fin VII been ealen and lbe ground has be n stl'I111'od of e ve ry I';re n t hing. Tbe lit, ti c hOI'scg hll \'e all lIeen soW or enlen. an (1 Uw \l 'clls lonal cows, taD. ' Dthlng remains hut tho hOl lo of r elief from thl) DUtll lcl£,. There Is no wood for tlr S lind lIIony fami lies have joined logotb ' I' ' In one !house 1m' warmth; ~ 'urln!; lit e olher dwellings down for fu e l. ~t Is ollUmated tha t hi Ihe ,lrovlnc of Samat'a alone th ere wtll be 200,000 deaths (n II total !'DplllaUun of :1.000,· 000. lind ol,be rs of t be 21 "rovlliCoS af. fected will ha\'e IIItc avcl·R!;QS. Seek Aid of the World,


Shot FIred by One of King George'. Ships Stili I mbedtlcd In W all . o !!rorC' Illl' "u lbrea k ot 111.\ ~"'v(J lu· tlona l'Y Will' t.1l1't1 OIUlIltOI'I'. 111£' m yn l gO\'P I'Il)l' IIr , ' ll'g llllll , fllnri li/.: .11\\ l;1'O \y' In g II nl'C'$L allIU m! th e <:.:l lull i '\" . !ieci' I· I", 1'('IlI11V II lh e HUl'pll cs n" IIO W!\ I' lliat had IH.!l! it ac<: um \llu \lug al Wlll lullI s, 1)111' 1; 1'01' Jet'. li S ag ain ~1 the ludla ns lu all ~~n/.:lI ~ h IlIU II ·f , r· W ItI' tlml Wal! in th e YU l'k riveI'. Thl!3 s ipI' so a l'o l)s(>d th e <!o l o ll l ~ t liS lO hl'ln p; a b(l Il L UII li p' I'ls ing whI c h callsell 1.. 0 I'll 1)1111111 I' to mk . rO l.u ge UII boarl) th a nlll l' 1\11\\1, Of' Wlll', and n:sultcd in l'utl'll')( 1l"l\ry 1,,1\111; In ' lull ed II~ lhe Il l'al guver nor uf Vl rgln ln. S OOIi aCl 'I' thi s c \' nt wa l' was iif" chlJ' d h y Kin g Geol'!:(J u/o:ll inst his revoil in/o: c(lltlltles. and 1.01'(1 Onll"'lIre, scel(lng re\' Il l;e ugllillst Lbo Virg lll lllll l< who tiad so SlIlIIntlHllr ollste d him. bombal'd !!11 'o rrolk, til ' 0111)111\1. WI.

The Evolution 01 Household Remedies. The

old-time h'o:asehold remedicl. In the flaTly hbtory of thl. country,

EVERY FAMILY HAD ITS ROMEMADE MEDICINES. Herb te~I, bItters, laxauves ADd tonics, were to be found in almost every bouse, compoundeel by the hou.ewite, sDmetimes auisted ", . by tho apothetary or the frunUy dOGtDr. Such remedIel a. pier., whldl w •• aloes and qnall8l., dissolved In apple brandy. Sometlmel a bop tonic, made of whiskey, bops and, bitter bark., A lcore er more of popular, home-made remediel were thu, compDunded, the formulae for which were plisSed alDn" from bouse to bouse, tlometimes written, sometimea verbally communicated, The patent m ed Icine business is • natural outgrowth from this wholesome, old-time custom, In the beginDinlt. &Ollie entel'Prislng doctor. impr~lsed by the usefulness of one of these home-made remeelles. would take It up, im~rove it in II1ADY ways, manufacture it on a large 8CAle, advertise it mainly tbrough almanacs for the home, and thUI it would become Uled over a large area. LATTERLY THE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY BUSINESS TOOK A MORE EXACT.AND SCIENTIFIC FORM. . _ , Pemna was originally o~ of tbee.1t old-time remedies, It ulecl by the Mennonite., of Pennsylvi.Dla, before it w •• pJiered to the public 1.or "'e, Dr. Bartman, THE ORIGINAL COll(. POUNDER OF PERlJNA, t. of Meanonlte orljtiD, Firat, hit prelCribed it for hb nelgbborl ~4 Ills peUeDt•• The "'e 01 it increaltd, an4 at lut he e.tabli.bed a manufactory and fur. Ilillled it to the Kuera} ""1lI tnde. Pernna tl ' ulefnl ill • cUmaue allmmt., lUCIa n lou..... coldl, eo... thrMt, bronebltle, . .4 catarrhd diaea~1 ·leDer.U,. lHOU,U lfDS OF .rAlULlEs HAVE , LEARnD TO USB OF PERUIJA and It. nIne iD the

mat IlIaD,.

THE DOG WAS TIRED. An Inc lde"t of the CamJ)a lgn Before Santiago, 'Cuba, ' A II t tlQ Incld ' n t

I' lut .d by th Inl(l Shltrt I' III ' un artlcl ' Dn Ihe ' 11 11' tu\' or SllIHIIIgD, 80YII YDuth 'R 'om· 111i1llDn , Illull tnlloll the;! s plrl.\. of lile Amed tn soldl ra who e ntere d ('ull il, a nd a t lhe. time contains a bi t of hll' 'mDr thut was nOll e th ' 1 ' 56 en jQyuble ' !J caliSe it wa s uncoll8elou R. 'fit meu blld be n In !Jnt'Lle all da~', and , wenry as Lbey' were, had t.h an walk d, 11 rousb, muddy miles In th dark, a romarkabl lind arctliOliS I,cr, forlllanco: WKrcII . sen'eel to IIllo\\' tb II' st l;rling mIlitary qllall t l H. co r respoOllen't nDlI 'e,1 fl corpo ral of tlle Twenty·nWI colol'ed regiment ('urrytn g a Ilot dog- In hi s arms. Sur· prlsed thnt nil OYOI'WD I'kcd 'so lellal

U l'lI.

\·ohllli nrlly . bu rden hlm s If, ' be .. 6rporal. dldn 'l )'011 11101' h pll ulgb t , berOI'e lust?" ':Yes. s oh." "Dldn 't you nght all day yes ter day ?" .. 'Deed I ,UIl. SlIh." " Dldn't you mRI'Cb 1111 last ol!;hl?'" 'I Y s . s ah. " ", " Theu wby r;lo you carry .th!lt flo$1 " "Wby, boss, 'ca use 'th e dog's , tired , I,

Deterlllined ell'orts are now being mltd6 lo enltsl th.~ symllnlhy of Ihe 30m thi nS': there II nol a momenl bu t wO l'ld wltb ' the lSull'erlng, Igu01'11 nI tho whole at lite s eems to be p811slng lleUsllnts, and emlssal'les hav e been netore YQ II. and all tbrough your ere8~ lIent to this and o t her countri es. ' M. "'fo m c, an actlv , beaU,h y, man, \.l Shlskoft'. who Is In Am rlc/I to enlis t Is death , and worso thun de at.b, ta he aid, sa~ 1l Ibu t $ '1" 111 save the life nt Icft sllLl ng In dllrkness 'ali day, only ' an Iulu lt and t ba l $6 will I,eep :o child being fed at Inlervals, and at Inter· fl'om d)·lnl,;. vals Pllt to sleep. All In' my tamlh: Thc imrnlgl'ants to Hoston fl'om RUS' go to work every morning and J am s il"ar ' moslly pcople fror.l I.lIe h\la lc" lelt olone. My Mlghbot·s don' t ""ant and lhe~' 1I1'e lax ed several ' tJ mes 8 . to be bDthol'ed with me. I . am In yell I: to hell' th eir 11ersec utcCl friends verybDdy's ' wily. nnd re lallves at hDntle. Il Is estlmlltcd "Dut If I cu n cOmo down town , Ihat .1 1('gat('8 fl'OIll Rus s ia took not take ' lIl' lilY stond !iOmewbe re on Ii. I ' HS llillll $;; ,OUO ont of 1]ootl;ln Ilis l noh;)' street. I see'mta live again yellr 'lD he lp the victims of pcrsecu, through wbat J neal'. The clang and tlon : n nd 1\I'01>8bly $5,000 more . W'lS rnmi,le or III street 'c ars I~ music to sent 8 ema~ Lbe soa to illdlvlrlllol~, my eal·s. The. 1,IDck. plDC.k , plock of elthl'l' 10 I'cliev~ suffel'lng' 0,· LO hell) horses' feel.. t he qllick or shuffling t hem lo ellligrau;. tread of passers·by 9n tbe sidewalk, To th o RlIsHlan ,Tew8 In this clly tile the wDrd 01' two tram' 80mO (rlendly: famine lraglld): now e nllcl ing I~ the · Jr even ulltl'ien.Jly ""olc'o, ' I hORe 1\1'0' aU ,:lInlns of ml sc ry 'lonl; drawn nut.. Tbey meat and drink tl,l my s,ml. . \\'111 do what they <:on. bllt I' s' one of "Yes,.I do t.a ke ' mon e;y from thn8e the m en ILt lbe civic' 501'\'leo hO\l8e 'on who I; Iv.e It to m e. anrl .r need It,: tDIl, . Salem stl'l;lC.t said the ot.hcl· ' c!ay : for my family can seal'ce keep the ,"Wh r-re OUI' people can get morc walt frolll 0111' dOQr. tholll;h . . ~I)O, 'my mon y to send to Russllt Is a Ilunle: good wlfe -hateB to to heg. nnt \he y ha ve drltlned t hell' jlm8es ttm!' . who gives ,tn. me ? Not anyone who ond LIlli agoln; . ond no'" Il remains ·Is ' hurt b~' It. , MORtly children-bless for all tb ci\arl LBbJ o III genoral ove r tlieir hearts-who ' ~sk their mothel'l! Ilcl'e IQ do tbelr slillre." for a penny to rmt In tn~, OUI'. Or It '1' hc fomlne means a tl'cmcndous set· IB ' a workln! mau 01' wome'n 'wbo 118Ck 10 RU8~la. At prcsenl lhe II1'0b· stop's the 'way home trom work to lell1 1M how to obtoln tooll. l.atel' will give n nickel to tbo blind man. Some. CDme the question of the flltlll'e of . times I bavo a word or two of kl~d. provlncl'ti wbotie people have lost neS8 from one 'of tbo people ""!Jo SlDI' ral'mA, aplma ls alld sllvlngs and have to give of God 's bDunty to them ~ no money. F ri ends ot Russia, bow. "Do YOll Ihlnk a'ny one ever mlssel! ever, seo promls(l of better tlnles what he g lv'e s to me? It Js a 8n1"a ll ' ILllci\U, although thll necessaril y In, board that ] coun~ when my boy hae vO lves IL vaat amount of worl(. Th~ taken me ' home tor the n~ght: but h()pe of tilt' Ileasant In t be famine arell tllBt Is not the .fmllol'tanl thing with lies In hi!; cdtieat10n III modAl'n !arlll, me, It Is. d!lY by day, tbat .I 'have Ing m ethods to ta~o tbe I)laco oC the lived. The air has blown In my t.hDufian!l·year-old customs wblch he .face . .Men and women and children stili folloW8 and In t he Insu:ljatl')n of have been n11 ar.ound me. 1 could gl'eat sY/itcma of ' tr'i-'gatlou 'III) that ' hea.l' tI1elr volce8 al~d their footstep" crops may be groWl even wbeIi tbv _~ 'tho roar and l'atUe of wbeela mad~ mill faU ...



1I11 ms!Jul'g I.ol ug too tar 011' IU hI? r urbod by bl s g\lns. 1..1We damli!; was caliSI'd hy hi s II'OI'LS, lhough tile colonl s t ~. wbo hact lteen tanght to reo gil I'd th wal'ship's SI'\!8t Gllns 8 R monstcrs 01" d &Ir nclloll, " . I' nc::, I'll' I' ady to s nrl'clldel'. On e Df the rQund sho t stru ck th e c hurch ond was Imbedded In Its brick wall s, where it remains . A toLlel In8orlbeci: ...·I red by Lord Dun. more, JantlRrr, J 176." 18 placed lind r It, and t.he h 'y Is Cll refully cut nway nrollnd .It. To lhose wbo are famlllni' with mod. ' rn high J)uwe r wlosh' shells the solid ahot of Lord Dunmore's does not treatment , of the.. allmeat.. They a llilcar very dangeN/un. and one can. un learat4 to trnlt a4 believe la nDt but 1\'(lndel' how Iho 81111111 boys 01 Dr. Hartmm'a judgment, an4 to rel, thot da )' resisted Ideliln!; at them as on Ill' remedy, Pemna. tb.W rolled th rough ihe !;l l'co~n I'o~ all .~~~--------~ Ih ... 'wo rld like roo t ballt'.


He Wa. 8tanding on a 8treet Corner, Erect, Soldler.Llke,

~udern patent medicine ' bU.t· u.tu~al outgrowth' of the

Dess ia tbJl

Canadian' Government Free Farms 0.- r 200,00\1 a",.rk:... CArmer. .... ho Ito". lel·

" e d I n C:lU Qlim <1l1r~ nR \he nali\ re,w Y :1f'1 tHtr• fy IIHhe "'eUba' Conll· lin 18, beyond <1'•• 0110" Ihe Ittal<VI' fOl'111lnl l lad (u 'be wqrld,

OVER NINETY MILLION BUSHELS ' or wheat from the h .. nut or 1906 m~n. aood

runll ~)' to th~ furmerti Qf ,VHle:rrt C.t1""~ WheD lb ....,rl" t13l1 'q be led. Caule R.I lug, D~lry. lUI ~lJd Mlxerl JI~rlJll t11 Are ~I60 pro n'able 1:11111115:'8. Coal. wood aua. \'PAler [It "bu"(lance:; ~h ureltetl .mt ItC'hooLw toD\Oeuient , II1&-rkLS e...,

of at:CCI.. Ta.... IOIY. ... ' _ _ Por lid vice ."d inror"01.'ion.d~r~, tl1e 8upe". Intendeul of tn1m lll'.'io .... O\tlwa.,h, of

any 'Quthortu.l Ca" ...tua" Oil\·ernp..:ul


H••• WIWAMS. Law ....... r ...... Otie.


... . _ --

~:::'nr'le p~a!~

He Brought. Him In Alive,' RCI1resentllllve Nlctor MlIl'dock of the WIchita district. Is lellJn g- Ihlp onc. A farmer hired a green IrlllhlDan. One of the nrst loska fl881gnotl tbe new hired houd was to IJr!ng Into tbe cow lot, dea'd or allvo, a ,:efractol')' bull t hat had broken l\l to tile corll' fli;)ld. The (rlshman .'I\'as given II shot. ~_:;'~;;:;~~;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ gun and ta l!\, 'to shoot tb~ hull. If lhe '. nnlmal sho'Yed 'fight. ,TaunUly be BWWE. . ' : 'went ubollt his tosk. Tlie famiel" It,storm8-;/a stood at II safe distance to wltleb do ~ont c:ow:tft~ , , velDpment8 . AS"soon as t be bull .,lW . yourself, • the Irlsbman entel' the cornfield, b Indoors / !Jolte.\ at blhl, ljellowlng madly. The'_ 1 rlshman !Jlaged nwn'y wl,lb Ih' sbot. gun and emptied the load III' the 'beas't'B brenst. On rllsl'lld bu11, madd er thnn over. The Irishman hiok tc? hI s he~ls witb th~ bull ' at te l' !ilo]. ,' '' What are YOll doing?" soreamed the fanner at the fi eelng Irlaimlan, " ('m bringing him olive, sir!" sll,o ut. , Cd . the Irish mall b etween brcllt hs.WaHhlnglon , lJorald.



A:r,m y •• a 81de ··~hDW. The war' del,artJuent not · selld troops hereafler to take part In iocal tulra, carnivals, c~c. , wlilch nl'e 'ot' 0 eo.mmerclai-. chllractel'. It l1as been decided to tldopt a ,'Qllc)' In ucUng' IIpDn requllliUl for tb ~ ' )~elle!lce or, a.ny l,nrt of the 1'l)g\llar , army. Bnd Jle rfl· after ,t he provision of a ·inllitary fori:e ' for ' p\lrpos6S ,of pa\'ade or' a s an ad· jllnct ut any SOI·,t of celebration will be limited to alfa.lrs Dt a purely pa· tI'lolic naturA, or In · CDtrl1'lle'moratiDn o~ some ImpQl'tant . historical Incident. The military aulhorlt.leH.ln Washing· ton huve come to the coneluslon tbat It only chenpens the army t~ send any part p( It on~ ' RS an attraotton llillt . makeli It .the Iubject (I: ailver· tlUllDiCillt tur mpre or 'Ica's commprclaJ 114 rJlOsea and sordid gain, '



"" '0 ,'·luaumED 'ie••


alaln.· Donkey 8tlll Llv••, . The 13laln' e donkoy. once the er\'y of ,lamea O. Blaine, utili loOall11 ., , I\round the outskirts of Bar "ar~r, ' . .... ~e, He 18 ."lcI to be D1'. 40 yearl .=teir~--~







TWO BIG QUESTIONS . I rHE "MORAL OBLIGATiON" AND "tOES IT PAY?" ( ·opyr!&; h t. Ly lJlllly Slur)' PUb. I ..... J

nlnks (lilme down to brcnk£lIst rath. er lnte. There was IIU yuoll ,'eaRon wh y be shou ldn·t; [01' 1l'l1 Wnks hud to flu was to put In lhi Mtlmo fmm broll1;., fO SL until dinner. yll "· nln~. 10lluglng IWU amoltlng. lI e glllnceLi over hl R mRII. tli s cye \"0. 6 Illtra led by a dill II I )' nOI In .a femin ine hand. " Who the deuce," he pundercd , 81 II .. sele ct d Ihe le llo,.. Curlolls ly opening I be en veloll he I\'lnnccd at th e heading, 1\ blllsh flushed 01' r hlA fa!!£'. ~h en. quiCkly. he look. '<'\I Rt th o cnding, the blush dooponed, Hlnks bocame noll na lll), norVOIIII. AH bo CIlI,.,fully reRt! th ' 1 ttec hI' 11'10l<:ed I11'Otll111 the !'Oom t.o as>!II,'e him. jI" 11 I1U ouo was watchin g him. Rlu ks W/I S a most ,llRshrul yOllll!'; hllch elor. H" a ctell liS t.hough It w ,,' . hi ll first I' a l lov o Jt',tl 1'; his con Ndon s ness, hili bilishes. all point cl aliI' way. ('onklin , who WBS 81 ~\l I IIn"ln g In I he brcakra ~t l'Oom at tho cillb. wlltch. 1;'11 Binks wilh a pCCllllnt· interest. Th re was a ,' rival ry b two n Il1e two II I n. founded on a certaIn 1I In golr, wblrh caus 11 them to take a s neering Inttorest In one anoth er. ' , " A. love le tter, e h," mus II Conklin " hlmaeif, 1111 he walched the light. IlIlIg DII8I",s on Oinks' ·C8 C . "Wonder . who the devil would 10\'0 a Uliln like 1hat, !lOme nurse·maid or clerk, I'll wlIl;('r. He's In love, though. rl'om lh look s of Ullugs; wonder who It can bl! ?"


During the next rcw '",eokll sey: era I morl.. of tb l:l mell a~k(!d OllflhllJlt I! a dvice ao ,l each tim' h guve It to Ihem freoly and It Wil li IIIway8 the aam e. 'W ithin U month Ill'e r lIow!! had reo Sig ned rl'~ m the c iub. ')'h old I'h'all'y beLween Bink s and ' Conklin WIlS though t by the mell Lo be lhe reoson for tbefr resigulng, n Illl r or them stu led the ca us . Young Speul's said he w as going 10 l!lngJand nnd dill not Intend to return . that tb ciub'lIte Ila lled on hlll1. '1'he olhel' two gilvll dlrr rent I' ' asonR. Til e Ih'e reSignation s Illlld o some· wha t of a s ilt· in the c lub. [!lid It 'Was lopk ~d upon Ill! a Rln gular t nc t t hut ' eaoh o C (Q lIlnvS who "CSI!,'11e U mill'· ri d Bitorll )' artcrwllrd . They all made I.:ood ma tcboM. but qo onc couid iii:· cuse t hc\:\1 of having mlll'l'i 'd 1'01' tl~p'n: cy, IIltholl~h Iholr 'vives ,,,el'e well·\o· rIo women, a nd lhree wpr widows. onothpr u grn~l1· \\'llIow ; th e luM:. young S I)Oa I'S' wifl', a muiden Illdyot fi ve and torty. . Oliphan l lnughed when he thought or th mB tch s and eagerl), wlltched for signs and A), mlltom. nltlong l.he remaining m n. . One by one, at Intflrvals, throughout t he year. nino m n r Rigne d and mar· ried. A 'y ar art r Dinks had rilcelved t hat· dalnt)· miSSive tbel'e were but five "old·stagers" lett In the once·lbl'lving Ro D\()re ' oh,b. ',The re wer no more , eligibie men to be voted ilt, the ex· penses became too heavy fl)t· the five loyal men and, accordingly, the ROlt· marc club was diarupt d. 'rhe ·old·stagers" we "e lonesome, los t wlthont tbllir club·llte. ail but 011· phant. A s the old oiub house WIl8 shut U!> . ror the laat time, he rubbed rilB hand s gleefully nnd hurrIed ofr to his little city omce, Opening hi s desk he hunted throur;b 111\le until be callie upon the follo\l\'iilg : me morailllulU :




Hor.e.t A08wer to Thele Will Keep the T~ade with the Home Merohant Every . Time.

(Collyrlshted, 1000. by Alrreo:! C,


Wbe n lhe thrifly person or his wJCe sits down for the first tlm e-{)r any llm&-wlth tbo mall order catalor;uo and its temptation s , thcre are two, and onl y two, poin: s to lie taken into considerati on . On o o~ these 18 moral obllr;atloll, and the chances are that that will be 1ismi s~ed a8 8entlm ental nonsenle. The other Is- Will it pay? acd to that (he thrift y porson will be In· clined to 'Inte rpret an answer rrom tbe prices Quoted in black·faced figure s III the cntnlogue. · , NOithor or those queslions shOUl d be lightl y dismis sed. Morai ' obliga· tion Is not sentimental . nonsense, anti black·facod figures somellmcij lie. The dut y a man owes to hla own community and his obllr;ation to trade Ilt heme are 80 often re.itorated In the country press that, possibly 11k!! lome ot the preaching, It has a tend e ncy to harden Ute hear .. of tbe "nners. What haa 701&1' IUllghborlnc town

hous hold. nnd tMt among the (!uUel to his (amily aDd to lIlo h eirs of hI. astute Ig th u or pr,llcLiClng Jlldl cloUI eonomy-buyi ng wlhere ae COD bu) :'h cile upcsL lIud tl) the bes t advan' . luge. Aut! lhlil brlnga us to the Bile· anti po\!:~ in the argumel1 ~tho para. mount QtI Ilt ion In' thIs oommerclal ag e-" WIIJ It pay?" By Illost people an amrmatl"'e an· swer to that Question Is .accepted a s Ihe CIIIi or duty. As a matter at filet , " will it I)n),?" Is a I:ood test to apl)ly to IIny 'project or pt'Opositlon . The re are commerolal. as weil as politica l, demagogu 8, and the man wbo II ap· peal d to on tbe se'ore of patrtotlsm or prollt, duty or .onlar., eiln Bcarcely de. be ttor than to ait. down by hlmBeJf and )ubmi t that question-" Will It pay?"-lo h is own best judgment. ProvIded always. that he &oell to the ve ry bottom of It. What nre the relative advnntar;es of buyi ng a t the local s tore and ordering from a catalogue bouse! Advantages, und ersta nd, t!tat figure In the question,. "Will It l)sy7" Don't get away from that questi on. It certlllniy Is very com£ortnble to sIt dow·n by your ow'a fir OlJille and select a dress pattern or a sulky plow from a printed d ell' crlption and a picture of tbe arUcle; much more comfo rtab lo, In fact, than hi tching up Bnd tlrlviug to towll, on a raw do)'. A cons ideration more Important, perbaps . Is that the printed price In tho catalogull seems. ,In some casel at least, to be lower than the price quotod at the local store. Isn't Utal conclusi~e? L et's st,e . T'he catalolUe describes tbe goodo and Quolel a .,.- ~


SHOULD BE MOST ATTRACTIVE SPOT ON EARTH. Amount of Time or TrOUble II Too Much to EKpend to Ach ieve Such a Result for the ·Chlldren.


Tb e Sli C l'~sru i hOITIC'lllUk r ougb t to be 1I1,0 re tlHm th good housekeep. r. wl'iles Mrs, Hob lW hilton hI the Boston II raI d. Sh e mus t 1I0t onl y ke p th e hUllS!! In t h holl ow of hill' hand hI lin conomlc an d hOll s wi£l" iy I>oin t of view. but must, too, h ll\,o the raI'l) anri b eaullf~1 1;lrt of cnmliug a hom Into whi ch c \'Pry m In\) I' of the tnmlly wa ut s to brin g til 11' p art\ ClJiOI' fl'l nd8. A trllly htlme-rnnk pr'a hOUHC Is a 'Place thut looks cit ·erflli tho minut e one sl ps In ~ itfe: a n Hlr that 1M quite uuexplalnaltie, a nd that n v r Is ,Sllld· led, bllt oue tha t just nat ul'aily a chieves Itself o ut o r l h(l Bplrlt th at pervad s and dominates tho house. And It's the spl rtt of a moth r wh o wants her own house the most uttrac· LI \'e place th ere Is. and a place th at Is hospitably open to til Bmail noisy fri ends 01 Hill y and the lon g·legged, IIh y {dend s of H enry }\ uguRlllB. and sweet, quiet friends of til y oung dOIJ~hter.

.lullt lhen Binks looked quickly up rrom h is letter and caught onkllo'll eyes riveted on hIm. onkJin s hIfted I,Is ~aEe, Blnk8 thrust the letter In hI. hreut DOoket and mad e a t.rivial Temark about the weaLher. ,.Ht r breakfast, tb two ol!),ed bll· Ilal'ds ror Rn bour. t:\lnks ~IlS excited, ('Oil kiln wa" uriolls. bll t he dm'lved ItO Information. Sove rni limes be blnted I1t love arid each timo B1nK. lIushed. ' . Th t arternoon onklln I' elv(!d an un x ncct d note In a "emlnlne hand· n .'OfOlUl Clot n. ,,·riling. He .read It enlt ri)'. blus hinG CQm. Hlnl:. ......... W tLl . Bn r ()ln)' ...... .. . .. ... J,;I\() lUI de ply as his f Hcj w e1u\)nlllU had ('llOkllll .... .... O, wfl>. H u ppcr·.. ...... l.OOO that mor ning. Dul 13lnk~ was not SI)('III'S .. ....... M .. ld . ~{\'lle ... . .... . .. . .. [;,00\1 Jun" x.. , .. ..... Whl. HOrIl8by .... .... .... r.oo Ih er to sce hlmRnd he Wil li glad 01 'Sm i t H........ .. Whl. Bl xb)' .. , .. , .. .... . .. tOO It. Howl'v 'r, there WEII' lwo 0" three X ... .. ..... . , ... t: , Wid I ( u~ld n ~ .. ~ ... . ... 1.000 X .. ....... .. .... \\'111. M )'01'8....... ...... 6(11, ()Iher f>!lows In the room ali (I thll'Y Th re W ro nboul a do?ell more wa t h d C'onkll.n's bt'llavior with inler· it 018 nol ed on th o memo-slip, Oli· sl. I, sc(\m d Iho~ uddelll y tb e whole pbant fuot ," III tu till cnrctu li~': ' a· pnor r t.It . Hoxm o\'o Cill b IIlld cbang, bla CIII , g ItllIl el<)lr sslon of good·na· t ur o on hi' fllce. l l(l. '['b ('), were nil IIn~ h f'lo I'S und 0I0~t '''T'tVenty tilQl1Sll!lrl ," bp s lllll d , 11.11' tl r 111 m )'tlll'If;; ullua lly Ule )- guthorell lug th Or or lIn cvc nillj; und drunk nnd ilrol'\ng ly. to hlms If. "Tw n ty , lhou: ·pJar d r\ls. But th v'n lng nner Ru nll In commission : tlmt Rox more .1 inks.c I"pd his lett!)r. th or were cl ub v 11t UI't:! WDS II Ilretty good thin g . hul. four or fly "oltl'st ul{('nl' 011 IlBnd I lhought I hud. t bose youn~ fell O\\'8 siz>d till right an d I cer talniy matched ror (!Jotr g me. th em w ell. T hey ha,l t.h e good tnmliy 'rllo younger fell owH hlld a II gone und pl'Omln t! lI l nam es. the gir ls had {lil t. or' Jock d lhemsel 'e~ III tbe lr roomB. SIU' Iy, sornelhln!; was lhe t hi' mOil y. All's fnll' III 10\' and wm', IIlntle r, hilt no one coul,i xplain It. bll ~ til I' la/I't IIIlIch war at. I)rese nt in nobody ov n tried; they I\' ' I' ull Ilro· ",I'h e H art nlld HO llle Association for ' tho Promotion of - '. 01' 'Dpied nnd seemed 10 hav ' somo, " Wh y, how a re YOU, Speul·s . old The fire of publlclty I. the medium the mail·order houlel .re ullng to . thing weJ~1I1 nlt all th Ir minds. man," Ilro ke ott OliphlUlt, u the basb·, Youn; S)I IIrs acted us roolish nnd rill young IUlln I) nl cred the office, deltroy thla community. It II, up' to you, Mil. Me rchant, tl~ fight the devil hal'l hru l IlS a gtrl of til : b hoi·tli y ate " Whut-buo k fronl tho hone ymoon al· w it" fire, By the aid of tl)e 'local pr.eS8 you !=an 'hold him clver the acorohlng ftamca, and put •• top to hI. devastating competition .0 'rar al this com· 8 t all, I\n(] had th e elub iJ!\(ln in itA I·endy!." ' munlty la concerned, Will you. not ... I.t In the good flghot7 '1l1lul\l s lale, e\'et'ybody wouid hav no· tI d hl A ex tMlordlnory belm viol' and The ,#ay He Propoaed . t OI'1lI nt it him. by adking fool Quell' " Did YOI\ ever henr about F lossIe be: gtn,n )'ou, Mr: Farmer! A market 'tof price ; mllybe It glvea a picture 01 thll tlonR. Uut nobody seomed to noLlee 11I~ (lngage d 7" as ked th e {irst young your produce. What hal mnde 25 to article ai80, but yOIl don't Bec the . AlJythlng. except a f II' of the "ol<\· tilIng: 50 per cent. at the present value of goOds. Tbe local morch.nt IIbow. YOIl /ltng fS" nnd ven they iapset! Inlo abo ":\0. I it trlle?" )'our '(armr Tile accessibility at a the r;oods; )'ou ml.y examine them sl'nt·mln(JedneBB, at tim S. "Y 5: und It's tho most romantic market: y"u know ..' hat your Brand· crlticaliy; he may allo,., you til teet Tbere, was somethhig tb matter thIng r ou O\'el' hard or. You know fatber did on that same farm! Drove ,them or to call In all expert to 'advlH wit h. the whole RoxmQI'o chlb. but eaen Egbert 'I'ig luore has b ('n paying at· ' hie IWlfs and ' ba.uled' ilia grain 30, 50, you. r. It fsir to oonelude that the mlln WBl! too absorbed In all'nirs of' h!!: tenlion to her for more than a year?" maybe 75 mlles 'to tbe ncarellt market catalogue article I. the cheapllf Ju.t o"'n to noUce It. "Yes ." towD, and reCeived prices for ·tbem because the price II lower? .....Vell, yesterday morning }'ioBsle that "auld make you howl abou~ tbe 'fho mall w'a8 eagerly wat hed by An eloment that [pust enter Into the Ihem ' all "\id InvBrlllbl~' eaeh man Wll8 helping her motile l' to clean truatl. And be hauled 'lia'Ok the tam· comparillon of gooel,1 and :prlces Is, seorohed out a quiet Cornel' In which house. and she had on an old skirt Lhnt lIy sUIlPilell ' for which he ' paId what that In ao)' attempl~ to tool' the eus. to roud his letters, and tben sat alono 811e Iia~ tried to gIve to every cook you wo.d , consider mQnopoUltle tomer, the local merchant' II decided. ami muse,l 'for aD hO\ll' PI' so, t hey have had (or two yeur.. ADd she ,prlcel. Db )'011 ,happen to know wbat I)' at a dlsadvantace, H4> must sbow Old Oliphant, who WB!( ' III oldeat had on an old blouse t1IRl .. ad tho~e tbe old farm was worth then' Well, the goods, not merely de,tirlbe tbem. bllcheio·r In the club, WB8 the only gl'eaL big balloon sleeves, you know-" It lacked a 'COOCI deal ef beinc 175 or His busIness depends wbolly ' upon the "Yes, yes ...· man wbo noticed the RtrHnge bebavi· '100 an acre. limited trading Irea of. hIli fown and our III ull tbe yotinger fellowa, 011' "And her hair was nil dragging down 'Y ol the' bome to_, wl~1I Its bedy his ability ,to 'h18Plrll confidence within phant bAd II en voted III bul a montb into hel' eyes: and she hsd ' been tllklng m"rk~t. has adY,aDced tile ·.aiue of that cfrcle. He .can,not ~frord to. make II~O; 'ho. WB~ 'a "D)an,·about,town," .n down pIctures and dusting them, and' your property Rnd made ,au worth' 'll praot!ce of mbreprelenting hil cleV" f' old fellow, 0.8 gossipy and ga ... th~re were sm ru's or dIrt every way geveral tbousand dollllrB more than goodl, ' . "'\11008 as any at tbe younger felloW;. aei'oss be\' fRoe; and h er bands woro your crandtather , was worth. he Tbe mall order lI,olllle 11 ' llot tIed r.Guld dc~ ire. . He '\Va9 'notorlollsly 8 in borriblt! grcat bIg gloves; Bnd she homo town affords soboollng for your down to the mulm thllt "Honesty I. " /toQd.tellow; ~' It, WBa bl" ehler !lim (n ',waa wCllring an old pair or. curpet sllpl clllldren, and perbaps Boclal 'a nd the b2st policy," It, has no ,nelgbbors, IICo nnd be 'di8'tlngulillied hlmselt In ' pers tha t belonged to her fathor. And church privileges whlcla YOllr family .no (ella,,: CItizens, ~IO toutual I,n terests hlil' purs uIt. l'tl>lIodY ' knew where he of Ilil t hIngs! " " . • ..Iould not othorwise enjoy. Tho rural wlih Its patrons. lits trade area Ie "Yeil, ·yel!: . )\'bat then 1" 1(01 'his money, but .be Dt)ver seQmcd ' mall and telephone ·syste m·s. wide and ' alwa,s shifting, Naturall, til lack Jt. He bad ,0. IIUif\ omc In the " "Egbort Ilrollosed to h el' while ah!l radlstlng tro~' the bome town, all t he.e condltlons -do 'no,t demBlid ,e xtra. city apel IIpent raul' houl'lI 1\ da r tber . "'as lI::>klu" liko that." 8pokes trom a hub. brine' to , YOUI' ordlnRry 'ylgllance In IItIPplying. hOQ. Nobody Imew what he 11Id: hltt any "HI!!' did7" 'home ' the greatest convenletroes at csl·mado goods. And Where VIGilance t llll · tho fellows droDped In on him at "Ho did, anci, of'course, Bhe. nccepted mod~rn Umes. . " Is not a nceded orllploye ,In ~he busi. work they "'ere . a'wa~· s l;1'eetE:d wllh him " . Have )'ou ever. notlceci tbat the tll'8,t ness be is ge!lcrall), taken all the pay cill,ars find hottle/!, ,and nev~ t· , sl,oppod '. "\Vel'l . II man who is 80 deeply ,in .tbi ng the settler, ot a n,ewlY·oponed ;'011, wb!'cll makes a &B'Jlng In ex'p ense. to thInk what ho did In 'Ihllt omc . iove tha t he wlll propose to a gIrl rcservation do II to .end for II> wl1gon as well 8& in the cost of the goods. It Old 0,11p]lant wntl. lhQ Qnly man who ' wh en s h,o 10Qks f hBt wdy ,Ieserves to load 'o f mall order ealaiogues? Wen; I lowar prices are' Quoted by. the ' cata: , noticM t,he.i;ad 'stl1tu ' at 1\!f1l!t·S ,jt the' be ae .o(lted." ,,;. ba.en't. :They 'Jay out, a town sJte Josue bouse, may not thl. account for ;Rol\,njore clll~. !lnd e~e n .~e dl!! , not ",Yes: bu t Bgbert llrol)O ~ ed over the' every six or ,e ight mlle.G. slllrt two. or It? , '. ('QlJlin nt· upc>n ,tbol,ll; bllt, oqcosional' lehwhone.":-London ,Tlt.Dlta. tllree conera, 1 ,tores, 'bllild a IIchool . ':wnl It ' p ay,!,' I~s. It a mntte~ ,c:>1 I~': 'libel' quite. alone, )I,e , would . break bouse, a eburr.h, a 'blaCksmith . Rhop, a economy to bllY Interior and damnged Defrauded', oaf Into a ntartling fit of longhte. , and Tba fhl. Is a world or di sappoInt,.. 'graIn elevator, petition ' tbe dapart, 10Ms When the lal7l0 money, or eveD tb n resume iUs"usual, ca lM nenieanor. - He 'served In .the guise conflden· menl!} Mril, Green bad long ngo' learn· ' ment (or a' post ollice .. and . itart a 'a little more, will PillY for 'lOod8 of the lIal friend .'to 'aR the younger men. ",d': llut 'sbe fOllnd one more , dJaup- newspaper. Tbey IInow. from rormer belt quati~1? Whlcb' Course dOBl I that, with, these thlngl man'. flr.t duty to bl. own bou,ehold and that was bow it. .happened that polntm(!nt to add to ' her list dun. . e:I.pertenee close b", .lItl .w lll be, endurable, what· dlctatl? ' , about a,week aft"r tbis sudden IIbange her VisIt :0 ber daughter·in·in \\'; _ B,ut to get at tbe tIottom ot tlial "I deolare, YO\l n~vllr can count on eTer bardlblp. m.ycnme. Tbe~, kbow, lit. Roltmerl! three of the rellorws 'toak him· ulde at 4S1lIe'rent times ,and pray· wliat Colks will do. and" you might a)IO, til at wllhout tbem ..they mu.t IITI, Queatlon, we mllst e91111~er tbe far, "d hIs 1\dl'lec on ~1l'bJcietll OIOlI~ to their Just all wei) gIve up flrat as last," she 11.111 of lsolallon and endure an exlat· · reacbhic cenel'JU e'lfeet of man order. tic:.lrUJ. Ol(phant freely gav\!; eae) of Haid, ' deJectedly, to Mr: Groon on , ber en'll th~t I. contrary, tAl' 'all -natural , tradillC. 'II single catalolue ' bousel . are to be capitailz04 at "0.000.000 t.hem bl8 .dTlce, and hI! ami led to relJ1~n. .; 'There I counaeled ,lh~m .to human IniUne", ,OD . the otber halld, It pea wttlaout they mUlt'" NelloDeit with alonl h imael~, all he tbo)Jght ,of. hpW similar name :tlie baby Emma Loqlsa, for biB advloe had 'been I~ each caee.' The allntie' and what db YOU 8uPIlOse auitt , .aylp'c, that the aT~r*le COIa!1 t rr town wltb St!lndard on, tbe Met trult and three .men '1ire1'e Blnks, ConKlin aDd lias done ·.'reU, ,,, " cadot exlat wttllQut ·tbe IUPJIOrt., o~ rall\'O&i1 mercert. :If thl7 ara allowed , yOIlD. Spe&ra. . Mr. Green llrofeSMd himself uuble IhI tributary tlrrttory. Theni , II tllat to a1¥l1l th. llloi1 ' f'r om '01Ir count" tOwn acr~rdl the IIdY&nt,ac~ tor thit tOw ••, your crandc:blldrell wtll flod. After the confidential talila wllh the . to cOnjecture, . '.' . olcl pntlClman they apln becaljle aud· • "S~e's 1!l1Ied away the Bunker Hm rurt) eltl ...n .that b&T~ blltln enumer.t-; condltlonl the Mme . . thoall 01 denl, changed. teapot and the Paul Re.ere eugar· ed. tllere Ixllte wbat WI ~, call a. )'Our'. time. Their mar BIIIII. declde4 to Itop bll ulel_ tonp t6 tbe blltoncar 10111.... .aaitl Inte",epeldenCle aDd a moral obIlC~' Jte.. wIll he 30, 60 or 75 mile. awa, betw.... the two; A,-e' yoa, 111'1 Tbe toWII' "d nllacea wlil be de ute and aet info lOane kind of work M",: GreeD bitterly; "and I ' e~pect tlon TbrtJty hrm,r. "U.ln. up to tnt ob- Hrted, u. tJie "bu." will be too dl. ().' other, • notblD. but what the bl.,e and white IIptioa ,,~. . JOU .". your b'adlac. taat to HIUI apok.. 01 OoDkUa 411t oat oIpreUet. cou*~ .11'111 CO ant, ~d &bere'll 11'1" ... ..n ....... ,1I0UA?:' I'IIJ'aI ...... u,....d other And fOUJIC IJIIUII .at ,lhlnldq, ..... be ~ JIOOr, lIel~ babT ..~~ 'l"8 lilt. Ua• ., ~ tile fa~..' ........' far .... ... eyed . . . . . . . . tor Ilalf a .., 1& • a "Ule IDII..staae to Ia,er . . . .~ Yoath'. Qhap.a_ _ ... __ tII&:r. " ,to ...." .......






..,....,., .................. ..ur.


The nicest part or Buch a home. too, 115 th e clos ass oclatloll at nil thfi!sO YOllng oeople of various ageR, bo ys and girls, tor the re Is 110 Hner .

SAfer WilY of \Jrlll l~ l lIg UII hlJd r 11 t hnn c l o~tlly tog ther. Tiler is a si lly IItl1e age or both \)oys (HId girls when lh y have a IlroneneBS to falling in ,. alr·lo vc," Ihnt may be easily s lipped "vel' In a houschold HlIed wi th gay li g ht henrt d' YOllU1 wbo are like· Iy to n' li t elic IT , trAg ic sit uations with rra nk teaslngs . It's An 1llllllllCe gnorl ror Ih e' girls. and PB' ticull1riy good for the boys, 1\ gi veR lh ~ m n !lolnt of \TIe w I'\" (.a h li ther t h,IL fr, :IO \·.1< th III \'1"·"11;, 11 !r~, alld IIIlIk es flRc h rar more inte resti ng ('otll lltlnions or allY a gt>. Ev~ n Ir th huvlng or M isters do es n't in SOIll o n' caMe lll'OV(' lite safeguard Cor a yout h tha t It·s popularly 811 11110S· 'd lo be- and mostl y Is-t.lten th e rl" Illcm lJl'onc or Hom nl e IItlie fem· Inln co mrad e Ihllt h haK alw.ays 10k · n 11 hoylKIt care of will koell hhri from doitl1; no end or fo llics that 60me , or the "oth(,I' fe llows" do. In hi s re lations tow ard otller yo ung b'irl$. Ilt os~'. fl rhllll s. wh om hI M sis· lil ,·S' n re uot fl y wny of rue ting, lIis rcmetnhrnnce \,of the ylluug gir l fri ends will be an Inllu nce t alar hi s llOint or vi ew. And thpn tho girl wh o iuis been thro wn all her short 11 re with \Joys, iJrotiuws nnll th elt· chums. has a bet· te l' r>ersJ)ecth'e on mU llenJJnc nlltur thun on wh o h as no t. flrothers are IIsllnlly more than rrank on th e quos· Uon of the fol bi B of their fri nds. nnd deoldedly ' crltillal' of the ones Itlo sisle,· " plays around with; " also sho hea,"s the frank c rIticIsms of othel' girls that ullconsciousiy color her attitude toward men·chlldren.



loRult. To be effeotive black batll must be large and they mus t bave It M.y Be Worn WIth Co.tume. of All curJJng I>lumes and reathers to fully carry out the regal appearance. Wben· Kind. and Color.. ever Buch a style overweigbts the :wearer It should be strenously avoId· No memory of rece nt fa shionable ed. and In 8uch Instances it would be we<\tllngs , lingers In the mind ' wltb well for black to be' foresworn for (;I'ea!er Ilerslstanc t han the preva· d"essy occasIons, using matchIng ience or the big black hat worn with eoior or white, as small blllck hats costumes of a)1 colors. In some In· seldom meDII anything like dlBt'lnesta nces It is oC velv t. in ot hers it is tIon e Xeept tor utility wear. The or ~ce. alOuin It is of th two com' heavy biack lHce, wblch Is realty the hln ed, but always It Is lult urlantly Imitation Irish dyed, is handsome In trimmed wilh r ath e rs and piup:tes combination with velvet. nnll ,there and always it Is big and picturesque are some or the most beautlrul [lO1!' In s t ylo; .worn b~' the womall to whom sible plumes and featbers seen this Sti ch 8~apes Ilre l1e omill g. Il lInques· season. III mAn y In Htunces the Duell Lionnbly makes a smart and strl king 811jlen r to be' o f llhellome nlll length, ettect and 11\'en gl\' S 1\ I10te of charac· bul ,cloHe exa minntlon s hows lbe trr to a pai l' tinte d cost um e. without feat be l's Ill" 1I0L grown Ullon ostrIch 8 whicb It wouid fail or making any of llIal'V lous s ize, bill the fiu es or I' II I e lf ct. I ndl'lls of aile III'e knotted to those Yet th er Is dan ger or h u fash· of anotbe r , g iving exoe ptloual breM tll ion belD !;: overdone aud t hore ure to tile f auier: Oao or more of tb se so me co lol's with whi ch malchlng h ats urling ronnd lhe hat B lld railin g o\,er ure Inllnl l Iy to b I" ( rr d, while on to the huh' mllkes a trjnlmlng tbat Ilgllin the re ur . a greal many women' nothing 'lIs ' Quite equals and the \\ ho alt mill 10 wear lh se bi g, dash· . black h ats 110 lreot ' d are among tho Ing mode is to whom th ey or not suIl· I 1lI0sl notabl e lhat the season hus E(t and who roll to nchi c\' uny good brought fo rth.




Some New Ideal for Entertaining the Little Ones.

Will Be Effective In Any of the Popu· lar Light Shade•.

At a child's blrlhd o ~' florts , a pr ll: table cen ter was mild with a Ilowl of goldllsh set in 0 wreath or H/lwers . The wr\lath was mad e or a s 1lI0ny small bouqu ets nR Lhere were chll· dren, each lied wlrb narrow ribbons with long ends. After the rerreshm e nts wore s rved the .Childron glltbered nround t he la· ble and to each a ribbon wos given. At a sIgnal there wa s n general pull, and the PI' tty wr 14th broke \Ill Into s llarate pieces. 10 t he delight of the youngsters. The aUIw er was a mod el tor the pllrpose, bouillon In CUllS, c ream chIcken 1\ rved In little paller cases, wllh mock saQd wl cheR, rolle d und tied wi t h narl'ow ribbon s. then a s imple lemon ic~. served in sllla ll , f)lInch mugs. n ca ndled eh eny !1l ellch mug, alld with t his was hande d round home·made s pon ge cake, balCed In large roasting Ilan sheet8 and brokon, \lot cut. III generous pieces. Finally COIllC SOIll !) ga)' mollol's ant! Ii few bOllbOUS.

1'hls Is a pr tty !II' 88 that Dlay. be cluite Inexocnsiv Iy in nun 's , \·eillng. In white. or some w etty ' lIght s had e. Th sk h·t, Which comes just to the ankles, Is rull Ilt the waist. and Is trimme d at th e lower part ......llil rO"'8 ot s atin ribbon . The bodice is .. simple erllij8·over pattern, a little fuji ' tn ~de


Matter Whei1 , Dress Material •.


1' here IR scarccly lI,ny coior or allude t hat Is nut good (0\' d::y wea r bl' a Wlllllll n with . bl1l8 eyes. Her hair II almos , cert nln!)' n yeilowlllh shAtia or hlack, ahd anyLhln g suits th ij two. Urown -hnll'ed wom e n hnv tI wide r:'tnge of COI Q\'~ , nlways Pl'ovl,lIlng their s kin Is <lleal'. but th ganiut 'iff hrowns Is l)reclsei)' s uited to Ulem. This is \llIrUculllrly nice , jusl now, when bro\nls are 80 rlll! hionabl e ilnd , the s hlldes ai'e lin limIted. Thcre are charming "woods" (or a day, and for evcnlng tan l;!. cafe au 'laU. creams alld vellbws. tr the eyes have hazel glint womnn wlil do well 10 so into 'the grays; not the coid steel v~rleUeB. but soft daves, pink lind biue crays, IQme verging into msuv e, 'l1he exceptions in thi" class cOme for the muddy sklnl. 1n those cues taDI and ,' cafe au lalt8 and , gra,. Rhould be strictly Bvoided, for they Will aC,o,en~uate all the , lhiclm_ or the CO!llplexlo'n. '


Bonnet. for 8mall Chrrdren. Dal'lty lingerIe bonnet&. trimmed wIth lutlngs ot fine lineD and batl.te and edged with narrow Y&lenclennel lace. 11'1\1 be worn ,by afllall children thlll .prlDI and d~IDI the camlq .ummer.

at f.iI& ... ais t. 'rb. edges of frootltl aN trirrUl'le<l willI a "in aDd rucl\e of I~Ce. head d by I'ibtloll 1f)(e tM.l OD the sklrt.The pnffed sieeve!! are gath. erlll! Into a Ugbt bllnd that 18-t rimme d Wtth lace frlUe. and a litraf) at riblJon en'ding In "oow. The deep silk waist. , band .matchfl8 tbe rlbboD, lind must be mount d on ' a boned founda,tlon. ' Materlal8 requll'ed: ,'Ft•• yards ,. 'In!Jbes wide. abou1U.yarda qf ribbOn, 1Jl Yllrds of lace, 1", yards sateen tor bodice ilBlng. . Le.ther Hatpin • A novel 1180 of leather Is In tbe lana oC a "toln. 1t 'Ia ratber larse, coneahaped, embossed and stained tn a handllOme deslgil representing ' lea... and fruit or ftowert, Tery rich but ,et 11ibdnecl In color.. Though It loeb IDualve It 18 bollow and TerY 1I.lit "elght. ,"d It gleamB 11" • 'blt CIt Oil tbe' aprIDIIi,t.




$10-? $12"P $15~ ?

$ 20.? ~owthll~th eliot Wltllh l'l' hll~ IIr, r in,,1 1l g r llll t cil'.i1 of WB fPr will II! used fol' s prinkli n g t b e iH r.ot .lI cl III wn use r!' 'o! \98t r, ho w\1 ver , h onJd r emaro ber n o t t " wll ste th i5 p recio n ~ , fI oid , In pil L urnme I ' th ollSllnds of g ull on o t W/I Il' r hllve gon e to wilsIe Ihro ngh cnrp l es8 nas~ , AR t,h o w " t ~ r w or k~ p111nl if< own eu hy n ie t own thp incH vld llul who wlISLe!! wllter is tn kin g t he pl'up"rl y of the !,ow n, lInd inlp roYls bingt ll em · ~elv e!l . Look u t it froDl t,hi stll UUpoint lin ] be car eful o f you r wlLt,et:.

F 1JHi'I ' ~"\' til pll tf " I'n: ~l'(' I hn Thl' !'IlIi ,1\\ III).! rI"y~' E . . rill,.,",.; 111',,1 1"'111111 ~"t. · I · IIII' "{I II,·O\ , ,"Ul,1 f:lll1ily W(>I'I' 1'11,,"1" II nil p /,r l o, k 11'1'". \\' I·\hll·~IIII.\' W " ,·Il.lI:': . In !1·tlllI fllhrk;;: ('0 111)1'1 ".' I,lli' v" I\l1'1I YOIII' .! .tt ~~d \J IInntl... ull j...l~ J'tl ' 1I11p · r) t ~ q ~ of 1\ '\,,111'1( 11" 1'('IIII~t ""n'l'll n~ Ill .. II I till 111 ;1:11 bll lhllll '; 1'1l. "t< .· IIU nll'1I1'\'. hll' ~ II ' "' ,V Il l1 1' 1' ,.. t lll'l~ \'ill ".! j,r ;"Iltt, 'kllhl ... li n ~I .lldl 1 I'll 1 1)o ·,rlI . "",\' ~II II'" • n f.· ""',fd,I"t r , 11 '1\'" iIU"1I I h~" I. t l) I " 1I1\'1 1I Ih1 L~hl l) \ Ulid clt 'lIIl 1\'1,,1111\'. , r li VI 'II ·n l .. ! ':0(1'11111 bmhl.,on "'l'ph.' 1Il1wr I Itl ll nnp of tlll~o~ llrl,!ull ~ hU :Io n ('xhnult, \I' un II' HIIl",] UI II I' " " "11\111 II.\' OW :! p( "~hl Olln,l ", u n ~1.1r, II I. Hn:, . ,I'll "pini ,",of t r \\' r1 hht'~ prlll'I, 'Llclllbl' r" 1111 ' ''l~ I\rlll~ "ttll bom ']' \\,pln' pi,·">",,, , Hlltl "~ JI ,, 'l d ", ". "I'lli'.\' ill thn rnhn u I')" art IIIIlI tllklllt,: rllt'1I1 t.) 1111 " "lilt· 1I'1i1. 11\ , 111' ~~d n's II J t '\ 1 (II N'r\"t-\ ytl l! . ' l'\V IUfl .: II( ~ a fLi uuod .. o n. ;\larl'll I HI 1U !\llS ... . I, n" SU1'fElt'i 1~ ui. 1HllI Ul III U\lu g f ht4Jt\ lit LJh~ 11.. ,JJu l', 1 itS III IIlIy II~ 1ll1)' 1)1 1101' J) n.I-I;lIIMI,Q'·O f1' 1I11I (',',I! tlll)l1~ 1l1lt1l11(\rlJu with th, ' I'h .. purpu:. 01 {I ... ~ ,[",· 1. ' I" :,1 \\ h" 'I B""lIn ,,' \\' p /1" (\\> 111>. 1' I hi' IU IlI 'I llll t " 1 },lhltu· .... . 1;'11','1 In !ll'lIl n:rship H ' r l ' t" L' 1"""' l U'llrurtlwIHlqN) ... 'ILltJllldn ~ rn rrl·!ll Il i1k . . lit "'"," ) . h, . , .Ill:r~ oping orn rae Ion me "MUI'! .UIl .tltle ,tN .• lHlhll' hIIll.I" UI IUI,II,· " 'on l rrOIll (, " t' fllrllll w lln l1u" l\ll'I!' u\.t:"" CUIII,-" 1.\ ', 1\ .. 11 (F r om e \OV i Itni ng lo o J ou rnu I ) onIC">lIn,IIo'rt'r "llng .L1,ul lie ha,llamlyul,lI<I' Ig . . , : I' lli :-11 I If' 11 11 1\ i () l! ill '. Itl ~'IIII:!. \ . • \'. ~l() ~ E "'Ile r a I'S n othl· u ... n e,\' In t,1l th ll Mln's for \\'. "", ·I·o\\n'htp. W"rll'",I "'1I11\. . ,;h'I'I~,l tl) ()\<I:l111\1I"L O il J 1If'~dIlY. , I ' I' I • (.

A f .)rmer r e~icl f' ut Of Corwin .... ho hit hepn r elld ing in t,h e Gllzette of tile violntlons of t il liquor ' laws in Wit vnpsvl,Je nnd Corwin has writ, tell 'the Gazette uu interesting letter dOf\liJl~ with condition s when the op en ;<lIloou f10url hed in o r '~in ~od when the town had n o soloon, 1:1 IIIIYS he lived Ip Corw in when thero were snloons and when there were none, /lnd he !lays tbat moral ondalons were I.recepti bly better when the~v bad no sa}.)ons.

A Correct ion.


The following dOllltnuoiclltion comes to the G3zette signed " A Subecrlber," We Ilre glad to make ":he correction. I)nt trost, onr sub. t' loriber ' remember· onr rille whiQh II that Ilnything offered for pUbllo&tion lilould be signed by the . I t party sending It. ' Names wi I no be publiwhed, If preferred, but ' the publilber Is responsible for everything that goes Into hIs pllper an d it nooeSSllrily follows t h a t h emus.• know where 'the reports come from. Everybody please remember thIs. , Pardon this digression, however, -Sere is the correction : "In la8t week's i8sue you stated


,bat E8t& dtacy had r eceived tbe Ighest marks of the 8lx ~h grade. 1n the firth grade Oral Burfaoe reoeived the grilt prize-!lo fountain pen-for the higheet marks from his teaohe~, Minoie E . Duke," .

The Sunset Magazine. One of the best magazines tbllt baBoome to the GIIV,ette in 0. long time Is The Sunset Magazine. of ~an Francisco . Anyone interested m the West" (and most of UB ar,e, to a greater or le8s extent) should read i:iun8et. It depiots the great West in ali a,ttraotive and high class manne~ . In addition to the Mugazine 't he publishers ho;ve ' recently issued u. booklet entitled "The Road ,to I\. Thousand Wonders" fi1\ed with beaut.tful illustrations of' Wester~ 8ceuery. which they offer free with their magazines. The regular prio" of Sunset alone · is'1.50 but .. througll II. speollli ar· -rangement tho Gazette can" for a limited time seoure ,this umgllzine And booklet at the "peoiul ru,te of


to l


The Saloon Problem.

l·'ll r a:n .. w ~ui( 1'1111\ ' t ', lh i. s f .;.~

"All Aboard" ( f l' 0\ t ho X l' 1I 1t1 J-t.'l'llhhcnn ) 1\11' A I H IlSOI'. til w II . kI10\\U I Plln BIlt\d l~ pll~~ e ng l>r couUUC lol' 1 Wfl~ in t h city for ' I t ime 0 '1'uo" , dl~Y : A I ' ha::! boon nlnning on th' 'I 'nfl( ! for II pe r io(l of :l!! yoars (nil i I wouhl seem II Iiltl .1 ()(Ill now n ot h eltrhis"A ll Aboltnl " au t h o lin' t we 11 ol uUlbu_ lind 'i nCi oTl llti.

(lht ,-)




rlutlm r ltyor th.: P llh,'



• •


[Uto 1:"\-4.'1\;'('






\ \1



lJ . . .

mutter of the tr uotion line exo)Jt 011\,) ,1M of :-1'~'II"n ~~ilC. 1!~"I~:" I. tnt.>,tl"'.~1l1l1 n nl ~' rrllf' lit t h"II ' ~l"uratl \'t'UI "U "l l hl"tllJ\\'lr~\t)' ,l\ lJ tI Ih"l' lju\' .t\ lll tl tlfi' tlll·t I' t I' S " on ol'ull ,'- cAIJ n,eed ed " .. :-;ta IUlt" ", 01" .. UK ."uellde.1 Mon h -~. dl'~linUl1l)n nllril I·'rlll y folln 11l~ ' _ '1 " ~ IV ~' u., Jllun. u.s Oh10 L .. l\'~ . IMel' ua .,nd umlt'r. nd It t~ Ull ltH'l' nn\i \:' hJ tja~ !tn' r \ '!'4~ ' j',,1Jtl III \")1 1',·1\ ' ;'11 111 .1 • 1111 " )J 1'1' 0 0(1), res the v , bot b ci t,y unll 0 nnt r .)" In ul'c"rd:\nc~ "'II, " ...·rlllln ""01111.'<111 <II El r ' "II. " lu tlthiu~ or Il fr uk.. tl1 D t o 111' 11 '1110!!1I h"UtI\'~' • 1ll:1) 'l'hl' I" wid ' 11" !l V ,'lIl' 11:' \1)11 III" 1I' If tlw 1'rUlilf " or \\'t\,,\lJl.: 1'IlWI1 hll) .. \\ ;:&rn:n 1 ' tb~t the rOl\d will he buil t. B nw Count . ObI ... enllllOll ' ~t· \\ 11 '0 ' 1 I I"rlIIU In r rlll, II!;. "O"wll,'. " XIS!. III I 11 IIIIJ I,rl: 1111\ Y')II k,·" l' .PHII' bo",,,I,, .. III .. .. "'JIb , on is the q u e tion , but /I dellnlt "" r' .. ,llIlIon to Ilro"I,lc It'r the 1-~II' l bt lwei th n IIIvt hl'r ornll ir;tfllLH pig. \" 1'. 111<'. IltlU il. 1 CUll I ln'1I11 u \. " • • Dr , K lllj; '", 1\ 'I' IJIIt' PIli!!. Th I r aOl!wer clmnot be g h 'en . 1'he hlg nl b" nlb f ... ,he l",rl'<>.~ ... 1 J1!1l' ! nc (0" wh ' oh h lHl ix I ". (0 at Iii eo"ll',lt 110(1 0' '10 "I't/lIlI ;U"I"IPI ~l! I IJ n",rl P II Ie !'(', w>ntl" r,·\ .. r I IhlII fJli , 11111_ ren l Il!"\ul e ~Ujll\bl C' for ., t,n title: h .\11 nUll[ , U t erms of the fran chi e xt 0 ~ 0\' I' pllbll~ onlr,~ 'In,1 for "ret'lln!\" • I'lIbllr .haU tbr ' e J 'nl llr npp lL\toll l oon IIOI1~ , _ ___ _ . _. 11"\' t" II !! 1:111\ ,I ru ' II", k, OO u I. , ~ u perl' od ' of e l"b lIte Ii m onth s,vet, :t11l1 puilih' "RIc'e""" \I'uyne 1,,,,,,,.11111. War- a lltl thr U lit thl' fo urth . His "i noY t,' "E"1 1A ,' llld IJILr~ UJ(I'...~ n'n Count)', OM o," tJa:-~, ...1 " n lh,' nth t1ay of .. ; •. I.:. 14 l' c. 1'1 tn pl uilll .. (·hUII·nIP\! II by l~r·'l l . Ilod hy thnt time. unu oubtedl y, t he May . '1\'0 7, , ~I.\J) was "live Ilud n.10Ylng nil t h t' IU ,Ji) hU O, IU ' ",ba l. It 'HI!' til 1/ ' :!rl~ 'I ry rhh lll . road , will be io runoi ng orne r , SaId 11tl1l\1$ wIl l II, 1>1/1 III 1M' l'l~h '~l anti I oomfor ts III ted on t t o his brothers . • l' I Will gl y I!' I E~~OF '1"1- I l;~; It) - ---~- '- - ...... - -~ f h ere can be uo hit ~h n o w. 'ome :~;It~rl;~~der for no I <, )h.1II pur and aCCt\i ,I /III iStt'I' h n t 1\ II tLr (I nc di su I' [Ion 1' , " !IV ullh('tllll II IJ(l~1Cl \. (Hlrt! ")1' gL;, 1'\ G, ~t. (..J , rnontUl\ nl:o we Ildv pcated. the iu u All bl~~ ttlu~1 ,~tlll Ihe number hf d . !l11fl P • Ibilft i(\ II r o II w.; kat. I. tI t il II , ~1I Jt; r h.: nlll, ... r~'b llkt"" !'I l!'b HIIJ"~~\' lI. I> " , \Jill ~ t hllt corpo ration do o ot pnt ~o ho"'I' .11111 'ur amI ,I'e ~ro.. n,"ou~ l o( hhl u ll JJpecl for r nn SOIll . 1\l r . f:i£1r1n n 'Iull ~kln t1tq.,u:;t'~. I n,,'"l1t I' hili. ' , . ;lnfl .ccrq,·,l ID ler~kt I.' (I'll' Of dOIl"er),. 1111 t t tl i' ~ l·l!l11.ALIH::.... : Ot:-. ":'''~ J · \ l t M k! · much money in enterpr ls(I!! 1\ till Ibl,lS lllllf>IIC,'OOlIl.ulril w" lIa Cetl'n 'lI ,'11 co. Il!l.~ Hut -put n p 1111Y 1,1I0~ n I ~ I IOIl '~ ;;ull'tll' longl' r . w rllu I~. ' \ 000 hnd ' with ou t there bing 1\ o'V', \\' IJay"tll~ 'u lito onl " 0'( ';,be "'rea~urC ',"1 s t'lI of IWtolC • WJLLl ,\t.11:\.4 OMllnll I tun 11\' nllc AldJ L'HII.ul<~, " . o,'U 'l'OWIIStltt, . \V ,l rr f1 COlllll" , Obln. rUt pose t o COOlIJlete tH e work cont em· ~, ;',,·<:n"'III .. f til" .IUlull n,1 of bon,l, 1;1<1 ( ,(1 I n n iI:\.., cllI ." " fi t 111 I' t , . w YoI' . lilll ch) \litH I' . pl at I ' I\ud tbi 111 ' ~ move h old", '60n "o'n,l1l'"" thul II th, "id i-UCl'C , e,l " I' I~OII ,,, Ill '0 t o 'ioclII n n tl t\'t'll. tot ...dH t ! ." 11ll.'.Il" ~1 ~. till. h(lhl~r will rel't.'I,n' unu JjJ.y t)t' ~ucb _ , l'e~. 1 liu\, f/' nud II III L" ... i;, ou r propoitioo to be oorre ,;, Whllf I honrt. ;t. 11111' \)" ;I"M~ ·,1 lei hili' "1>1,\1' hi, u.. {'Omll1l' r Iil l C III , '. ' ilbnr I~ Il . I h .. e ""hi hid .. Ilhlu I,n .1"y f!'<lmlh,' tlrue uf salll 1 '>' "villI.! WIIIII ~ \I h" tI,.1I "~' ''J we bf!ve hod pat lonce, et us . It · ;'1\',... 1. .alt! che"I, to h~ ..'wln.a II}' ."Id hl1~ lor a n r1 Wl' cun n llt lut p r Il lf' !-,ub. ril lIoll l' l" fu r flt) \Ill' 1~\II, I, h," ,luIU' :--11 1\ I t "l CUi'.. .., ~~t,:V/~· ,J ~ tI flil d til m ore . The rOAu will b built. lo"n'~II"1 ,.Id c"",III1'm I - unt fulHlI"'l . IL f u tu r t) fur -(IIII' po ~ "d pI H . ID~ 11111 'JlZLoes, nnd ntlw~pllj"., c" , III fIIUUIl t'I' I ""li lll!; .. I tI l,· "kl. I '\'lIe ".hl \\' ,1\' "" Town,h lt" Warre n m llo h 1\1 )IJl t.I' , nnd "n. irlrl,omihd)le tb GU'l:ett , !lice. • 'utt:O-W · \\11\ hu \' 11 )"""11 " Ill " 1, 1I t'll' """'.1' yem" toUtl~\· . Oh1l'). r(' .... (' 4 ; c,Iot t1\~ Tt~lIt t.U !'f:. Worth J"" t :uiy allll ~II bid, . Looking After, 111 t III pr1r(>~ 1I'u vtlrl becl by 1I 11.V wit h kill \I ,,, II". 1 .utl I .. gi t HI' nm unt of .oflr g.'" 11,,· VI' li,ur Tl ll h '" ""UI',)' fi lii " " n lhl 1lI<1, <ll<Iulll . \J -Ollle.1 lIr1 d 'nll"r';,',!. {,From the Blltnvln ourie r) r pu tllblf' sOl>8(,l'iptIOJI II !;enc)'. w 11 tutoe i u mnr l; et but, th It iii silid that jobs o f v ltriou8 ' '11111" fo r 'I own .hl" Hall 1I0n.l" . \VIt 11 \VltlJ (~I 111 "1l1l' 1' I ... ' IIHY, ' I" t,,!'t'lVI lIUllIfII:r, l)lll , IU ,". U ln~ kio d ure , 0 plen tiful tll'ltt the fJat<'lllllh du)' of ~I!I~· . \lIO" hi" ~lIh' III I.J l'UlUbl!J', I Uv" . Ill", . h I ud 0 t nn y' kl' od .IN O, II. (·."K~\' rIg t Ulan can II m s F it .• K 1.IlA.'•••. 1101111110( htl ... "t,(J PIJI:tl m ilt 11 11" 11<.1, of e mploymen t from stonebr Elll k er ~'" \~K 1': "11,.,,. t l nub l ,tt 'Jn ll . }!.. t1t'r . ),~hfl ' 1' I)II/ot 'I'ru~lc~' rot W"~' I'~ ·'·o wu. hlp. \\'0'. ... ' 11 1 lttS,. r t o (,\·lll ..\ PIL . .h"t.)r :-,td 1" 1 ., . t o a cabin.e t office. In additio n to cun,),.Ohlll' E. , I u'n '~\~:-", the employmon t provided by cor, A"'.l : WE MANUFACT\J ltE THE VERY RiGlfB T . d id 1 t" G '11M•. II. (l1 . ""~~1 ~. , po r a tio DB o.nd, In iv Ull 8 'L1e ov' • 'rk <If Wa ' lh ' '!'I,,' n.blp. WnrTen nu n' GRADI~ 1:' ernment mo t ulw~YI! hitS An ont-tit t.\'. Dblo. Ur. John Hyatt; of des ira ble Job which !Ire Il vail , ______ ~_ _._ v t e.rinllry IIrg on ~ nd, 0 flti tr J~~~~~~~~~=-:-____~~__~~~~~('rs I1ble to a ny qUllhtled to perform i ng ,t,ile "'Inring r d pllint nnd -tn to Telephone No. 121 L. : Metal ~rnit urr tbe work. Wedn esdl1'y , . Jane 26 , Ull merous. \' tlIYE!. , knob." w h e Is Leads ;;nd Slug l!xl1minutions , will b e b eld io Uin <'In d le"u \' r. WIII'l _ll form th , lettd , A t-' 1Iom on aturdu ' Aft~t:noOIl_ Mot'll. Leade rs olnnati for weather ob eH er $72 : ing f I~tur er Of t,he nelu'ly n ew June 19, haJI ins pector. $1400; Jun .' , Waynesville, Ohio • .' ~ paces and Quads , , mil b loe, so pot e n t n!4 n . truvel !<r . 19, Bnrv!lyor of mi n ernl depo. it , 6 tu" point ~, hut s. u . e.Jo~s ill speooh, it 11 ing H.dwf ' h " )II 1 IthBI11111l1l 1'11111:-1, ' 0.00 per day ; Junl:l 12, for lIid in , . ~ctnl Q uoin , etc. di vision of Ilnthropolog.V, $50 per ~l tel'l y' ID CODlIl ,t~nt t o g l v,, , otl~1l1' 1 u 1l' ''l'etl Wit b rh llUlfit,islll 1111' month ; June 1\1, f.:lr rneohanio, tb lLD the ~tyle o f Its mnk!:', wltll n u Q \ ' l' tw ., y a I', . " 8t\,YII Mr , R 11lllll.1 (JIll Collllnn Hules r ufllocll uml U1 t1 ~ ns good !Iii ,n W II I n ;;1111111 'iiny. tJl1tl'ohnltll, of Key W»I'I . 'bul'eau of stllndnrds, 'ODD per yeILr' l, ign or tok u of , Its owne~. tho ~:_ '0' t . FIll. " ~ I 1110 tim s it sett,l ud 111 m ycen e tUg" 1111 ~'lDg beeu r em o\' u. kn es unll him d 101<801 co u lll ' hrli PI i)II~o rom mber 1111 t w ' o r e tlot. in UIIY 'l l'llS I or om hlllll't \oll 0/, 'I'll maohine wu left fI t tilt! h lnck · Iy Wtllk, lIt o th l' t llllPS it. would u A Woman's, Work i N 1I\'er vone. mith sbo}) Inte 0 00. oi h t in April. unil til' sur tllut \\'0 en'\ mlLlio it. grilf\ to yonr n(I\'Antut:'o t o ill lUy feUl !Iud h l1 nd l'! 0 I WIlS in .' ' (From nn El10h a n g ) by two you ng m e n , who, gll \'e , (Ii (llIplloita ed fO t· uuty . One I11g br. fl olll wit II us. .T he' qnlet fldell,ty with whioh It reot,ion fo r ils iltliuec1 it~te 'r epllir, wh u l '~Il in Sey Ie p~i o IIl1d IUI'I~ A (lOllY of. Ol~L' ('0 taltll,tnC will II o l~eel (un y fU I'oi 1'1 II 011 nlll'li. frop) It; 'my \vlfo w'nt to be ' OJlll~ woumn wil l dl h WO-. h all-a coo k her tntln g tll ey w Ollld cull f r th l:l stOI' ba r a I' d . IItll · haok wit <, IL nti II . life 0.W.1l;V for h e r hU.IIbuucl IlD.d prope rty in the lIlornin J.{. F or t h e !.tott le or b omb rlu in '!\ Pf\io BLllru . child ren 'is tl lOlIorve l of I;'nrlurance. ! III t tw o we«ks it hu s bee u wui ting 'I \VII I' r nullHcI wI n I It. und tound Here is .the Beryltndl) or woman I its deli "erll l e frum h e m ll ke !Iud th ., \;IlIlU hlllin IIrly g " JlO dn.rin:; ~hu P hiladelphia Pril,l ters' Supply o. ~I~ht. I l(e pI 11Il tl,~ lilg Ir. for >l littJu h eaviest. No soooer is her work I hfln t of the shop I1nel t,h wonc1 el'lu'" A1un u fll ot,llr /" of .nllro IllIln tWQ we k!'O II tI d f Il\li ll don e, t,han it r eqnlr es to l>e dono ' ga?e of tmn ge r s . ' It hn" ',uen , IJ, t II, ,11'0,\,11 . 111(' t il 'U nJlltl lIt lI,wn' \" . Type an~!}ligh ,Grade)'rjnti~_j\llItt!ri~1 aglliJJ . Men tl1ke j ob~, work 0 0 I propElrly repltired tlnti III r endy t a ], htl'va Jl t hll(1 . y trcin hle,..fLl[Qwm ....._ -: . Prllpl'lot o r :1\1.1. rI ll N'iul thorn, finish them 1I1Id t h ey ure ov- 1'110 , (In,I' tllO lJlllc ksmitll i ' n lllJy 0 It r I~ e" "~' tu r lI\,tl r !bre lIA 1)' 1\,. ", F l ' SI!lo by J : ~:: J ' nnol' , er frir,,!.\'cod. The ,Prospeot of enll, l rcod VI) hi s Jl\C)l\ey. PE N'l'YFJ!JF NOR ,PhiladclptLiil ing them and clruwiug tbe pay ·for !. Tu e III II ch in r emRi Ulld in th L ...~ h.bor is allurin g but.n o , i! uoh Ill . ! hlu ok mith "bop u~til :rues(lIlY lurem e nt a nre helo out fOr tue 1IJ0rniu!c: \I'll 11 pllrlte!l Cit tll C np wife. l:lhe W !I hes Moo(l ilY n'fte r l fr om t.h o 'i t y. l lri m "~l th fl Monday the SIIUle gllrru ent.s un ti lj prowl1 pr o]J£\ r t.\', pit if} t il< there iR notbing more of thom, nnd und wont Jl tl Ih eir chn g!{y. thel'tlbbing and wringing goa . on I Kn,,~.v WilY , '1'111 uIII B A L~fR forover. She m emls t.h o Rt oo lno g~ ' hll ve \) >,lnu /!e d t .. II o mpnn y ' vf . " NlI """ , 1 .. 1(11 1 ' . with tireless fld eitty, t h lilpnc which th' I,\\'O young IIl AlI wh o IHft bolos meebing he r gil)'; 1'\' e k uft,er I it nre l.Il'emlJI1I'''. . ,






.JJ •

p llLlcHER ' .A,:N D I R1 '.I'El

--- ..---



- -_.


/\. MAF'Fll.


week, for if there hI 11 "(\urlle ll" I _"!""!"""_~~~~~.~ _~~~~~_~~!!!~~","!!~ We reoeive 'subf!criptlOns fO,r all place in t,h e Rocl[; "he" invnrilll,ly the lellding newspapers lIonl\ mug· 111lt bis big t oo thro ug h it. Eyory azines and it 'wtJI be a SRving to morning' the r oom s , 111'0 )lilt in or. [lnyooe to SEle U8 before ordering. der. Thore ",re no j ob~, ell ch 0 00 We gUo.rBntee to moot the prices ' different, no t orUl9, n o puy . The dilered by tiny teputal>le subsorip" same wa hing, slime so 'ks, tlie tloo agenoy , IIml 'in many inst~nc. sllme \'lislles, th e slim o t' llom ~ ev , es cnn otTer lower prioes thau can' ory time . " . be tlecnreu elsewhere, 'l'he WOIDlln who wrota thl!! evi, de,ntly doesn 't, gethor ~ ho ro of Mlo 1:~ rvP :'sburg, husbaud 's ,eorning!! ou · !:Jo tUl'elay l1elp Wanted .. __ .,. night ~s every wife KhouM. Yonng men Aud girls at the Pe('ooll W ords for Vhll mb erllli[l' ~ , Cougil H ml1d.v ..' ters' , Cartr.idge Company, King!! Stray Elellhllnt P OI)l'l o 0:V~ry w11Elr() tllko \J1en~l~Te Mills.' , Work lIgbtand clean. Good (From t111J lermont 'ouri nl:) in I'e t.lfyin'" to Ule gqoll (llUlllt,IOs wages and comf.ntllbt11' hotel aroom·. l~ riot very often thllt,fl,O '\l1t,O of Uh.fl I~)hOrl u in 'S Cou gh Rem edy. I modatlons olose 1/0 tho fllctory . ' " Mr>!. ICtI'\\,urd Pbilip!! of B(ITCiRY, mobile goes nlltrllY nntl !'ronds d r,! , Md .. wTite~ : '1 wi,lh Lo te ll you that. AddrOllI! Assilltunt Manager'. jeotedly Iibollt ~wo.jtlng 11 claimon t. '[ 'Ol1n r eoommend ·h,)·m b l'luiu 's m15 6t ' Kings Mille, (Jllio. Ono lJilght nltnCl!!t liS we ll think of CI;mg h jl.ellledv My little girl , iJutll losing an eiel'bant Ott I), saw nilll , erl ne, wb o i t,wo y'e ra Old, hll b beAn tu klng this r eml' ely W'henov ~ r l'IL Eggs for Hatching. For seve.r al dllYs, however, II In,r ge bas had iL coll1 since sh e wus t\VO Pure barred Plymonth Hock " '.: oanopy ·l,op lIouiomoblle, nearly new mont.he 61e., Abon tit m onth ago 1 e lf, per 15.' Duke's Frnit ' Farm , W~y, hilS been 8Inm~9rlng ntthe village contrllctod /I (\ren cli ~nl nO.ld, itliy Ilt Amelia I\nd n.ttractillg but I took bflJtlOerlnln 8 Vough . ne8vllJe, Ohio.. Phone G,Il.4;':;. tjl 8m " to Remedy und W.8 soon as well tiS Ur. MIloy. DentlBt, will be at crowds of sight who stop over." Thl8 remlldy is for by. admire the dllVozUng brass Ulonnt, J., E .•Janney B~VeY8burg' all next week.

If U){NI'l"URE


O'F \Lb ' KlND~ "


FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Telellhnne Day or Night. local ,No.7 , long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Branch Office. 0,




T elElpl" 1\1' in Itis h l,Il f'1 ~rhflh h 1';1\],'<1 lit Ill! IlInull. Il n.v ,. r flir{ h t.. {;oac:h Hf, L1ll,1 Ii lli rK . 11.1111 111,1 H"."" 1'lI~ Iltl~; "I IH·,~!l 1.11 fl):' m


. _ ~:e




•• I

No matter how lODg the grain, ho,y·thlck .Of! fan gled, or bow tbiD or short. you can harves t it with a ·Cha m pio~ bi",der in ~ ma nner that 'will make you (eel tbat your harvest has been successful. Champion macbines were 'f irst built in 1849~ , All tb ese years farmers have been u sin$ them and are b etter sali s,/ied to,day thall ever before. We handle a COtJIp iete'line of Champion grain and gt'ruls harvesting 'macrunes and will !>e glad 10 demonstrate their merits, You can't miss auc-

cess if you use a












= . ..amn ~

(':\11 ' LI nf l{ IAn fll It tl!l'" . Mr I" lI i/1I11 • II I'\" !O f Uho ttnnQ'" . ':.. '1'11,111, h R" l'li Plunllt i III In hi". ;> ft. 111· tH • " '1'1\ 0 l4 trl nu tb , !'AIlIO{1 t.r> ;lnvr~ 1l1l\l fl ')ll,t, M. th" hlllllC'lt'lj 1'1 ' tll 'l t it \~" I" 1\ ' .. I.....~ f (l'1' ,',VI'rk," Ii< ~fI"S " I ., ' "liNI Gh " lIIherlllili's ' I>" i 0 8'dm IIJII I '" "h tJ !'Pc'\ th A "fm In ft. ' llT\ ~l JIT nil(ll I.• itn ..1 t() IlIV rllli"f T I'O UIHl Thllt, Ih .. p ',h, Br,joll \tll:-- I/lft. IIH' ~ n ., thl' ' ~tr('n i:l.h 1''' ~\IrIlPIl I'll ' t,hrtlO "'Hp.kl< t.h .. Tlteunlqtil'lll IUlll ' ol!' r;llp.!I rp d .. ild lilt It 1I0t lIil'(1e I'A .· . , I t.nrlll!rl " 'IJ tr' mhle,1 with "11 mil. · .1 tl~ru I ry .\ ,fow 1\ flPlllldll)n!t ot Pliin B~lm. 'Y'I \1' Ill", c:p[tft\n i . 1.,., ]lleuME'd: wl~ tho relief ~hioh It nffordl. I Forso.le bv .1 , @. ,I"nn" ", ' .




Coun ty Cour t News_

Wellwll lI, .purt of lot 14 !I In Laban·


Pleas e Save .Your Flower~' The Caurs e of Many

iNSTRU CTIVE D. W . B umphre y!:!, IIdminl stra· l' I,1\l ~ ( 'OUR~'. I TERES 'l'lNll The baokwa rd spring has 'groatly Sudd en Deatl ls. • tM,a of I)hlo W .J . 1!:. 1:10111 er. to!' of t~~tll,te of ,10110 R. Rib. retarde d the growth of flower@ nad prc\'oilillg ' 111 thIs field i.1 D. Miller 01 Frnnkl\ lI wu~ b y t o . , . KlbIJoy, 131 Mrell in It iii probabl e thore will be fewer lJeCO.lse so decep. apPOin ted' tt , dt!fend thIJ Ullln nij Iso l:ltu-lliltou toWnsh ip, laO·OO. tive. l\1Rllyslld(len ,JrJl1D nnd Annll S, Wellwi in to flowers by Memorl u I DIlY thi year d<"II[h5 are causeu found to be Indig ent. than have been in a long time. by it-hear t disEllen<l ral,. PitY-Ii v~ A 1'. Subin ~~ol'l:e W . tanloy. pa,rt of lot 149 For thi!! reason the G ' A. R . ease, pneumolliu , et Ill; Borllce Sl\bin. exe utor of LabllUo n, f,l. heart failure or A MON'l'B f.. Y MAGA ZINE DEVOT ED '1'0 '1'HE Fmnk .E. Stuul!tr ing ",nd wife of makes aspeoll ll appalll to 11,11 porsons .. poples." oreoftCII the 'Iust will and testame nt, of A . '1'. to save their' flowers for Memori a,1 lhe resull Cincinn of kiel· ati to FEN LJ H Burt Jt'i81u~r nnd &'bln Was Wilde 1\, Pllrty' IlofondHut wife li e)· ui s~ase. Day. .EIther bring them t,o the kiillley trouble H is in the CIl,se I1ntl VIliS gl'ven len vo toO lot tt., M ~~es 'l'ufts nrldltlo ll, Muine townsh JOSEP HINE TURCK BAKEU , Editor. ip house or leave word Ilt uHowt!<l t ondvan c ville, M 50. fiio pleallin gs. ' the Gazette urnoe &n[l II. commit tee thckidu ey.poiso u. MlLggie E. Ellrnbl1 rt to Elmer E . Heorp;e E. Fryburg~r v~ En'lis Partin I Conten ts cd blood will at. wiJl oall for them. lack organs. cnllsing catarrh of Donnel l et al; lllotion t o dl~llI i ss E"rnhl~rt, 111 aCI'Il'~ In Wayne town· The fohool ohlldre n ar,e requl'st ed the bladder, or lh e kidneys thelllselv Cour e iu ltrnmlll nr. . '. the Ilppe ...l WlLS overrul ed: dOl end ship, *1, to ga.tber a~ the townsh h) house bre.ak dOWIl a nal WBSll! away How t-> Inoreas e Ono·s Vocllbul!lIY. cell by cell. ~ , A, ~tilwel1 1 0 C .. rolinp Bladder Rogers , immedi Lro.l.bles almost always result ant w"s gUUlteli privllug e of filing The Art 'of (Jon ver6fltlon. ately after dinner nnd carry froUl a derall!:(t lllelll of lhe onll hnlf of lot 64 In Lebuno n and a.n awend d Ilppelll bond the flowers to the oemete ry .. 8 usual a cure is oiJtulued ql\ickesl kidueys 'I'he Shall and Will : tShollld anll WOlllll : Ho w tn l l ~e '1' hew hy a proper Wtlll"ll l to' H. Hartfel tor et ul plnlntlf f WIlS given :.10' <lIlY!! In wh 'ob trel1lwellt of th e kiclueys . If youRre feCi · Pronun ciution s (Centur y Dlotl ollllf.V). In former years . ing batJly Edward y . II Bennet ,~all make t et no ",I. lUi slake X aore by to file u. petftlon . in C'oOrreot Engll h in the Bome. takin li Dr. Kilmer' S Swamp-~oot, the Henry' H. KiSSinger VII Robort Frankli n townllh ip, '700. Println ll of all desorip tioDs nt· greal kidn ey, liver' ami bladder rellledv. rreot Englisli in the cboo\. It corrects ill Ability to hold urine aild tended to prompt ly I1t the Gazette St. et al; demurr er of defendnntWhut to say and Wbllt Not to Soy. scalding pain passi ng it. " lid over· offloe. was overrul lid. Comm Ission ers' comes thal unplcasa nllleCCti.ilyof beiug ( ~\)Ur8e In Letter WrIting Bnd Punotu ati on. C"ldwe ll vs Tilton;' plnlntlf f WRS cOUlpelled to go often througb the cia\' , Twenty DlLily Orilla . Proce eding s to get up many tilll"s duriul'( Ule Morr ow's New Bank . aud orl1ered to WILko bls petition more Buslnes e English for the Busines s Mlln . nlgbt. The wild am! lhe extrnordlllBry definite . effect of Swalllp.R Ol>t is SjXlII relllizccl . Uha,rles HartUll in, oont.rn.ot Compou nd Words : BolV' to Write '1'he01. The Flr8t NationlLl Bllnk , of Mor. It stands tbe pigb es~ tor its Millard Fl\lroore Snook VII WII· wonderful Studlea In English Liternt urll , as.. ......... ......... .. .. ..... .... • 30 row, will open its doors' in the curea of Lhe 1I10st dislressl og cases, llam,E , Snook i tbe Cltlzen8 Na.tlon Ed unrby, lumber Swamp-Root Is plet\5anl to lake IIl1d Is . ........... .... 23 19 Horner Bldg. In 8. "ery ' few days. Al Bank was given lellve to file WOl. EVRn8, sold by all druggisl s ill fift y.cellt Blld lumber ... ...... ... 8 25 The board of direoto rs, 15 In olle·doll nr size boltles. YOII $1.00 a Year. Send JOe fot sampl e copy_ IIll1y !la\'e II cross petition . Bernice Snouk H. U. l'rllter, COlli for jall.. ... 4 00 nuwber , ~re : Frank T. Whltuc re . sample bo tie of this wonderfu l lIew dis· Mounts , a plllintiff WILB given leave Lebano n Ioe CORRE CT ENGLI SH. lU I II book lbultdl s nil about it, and Coal (, 0 " R. B. Gilmor e, Geo-:ge Debold. cO\'ery Evanst on, Ill. h()t~ sent free hy lII ail. to file answer . , Dr. Kil . coni for court house.. .... 4 76 Henry Gtehls, Ohll8. Knnpp, J08eph mer &. 0 . , atllghal!l~()"Address . , V , Wh~11 Board of Unout·lon . of Bumllto n Frankli n Ohronio le, blanks Donalle y, Weg. Cowgil l. Philip writill,R: lIIention reading lhls gellcTOu townsh ip, ' V8 BOllrd of Educati on SUbSc rl'be th.r ough the Ml·aml · Gazett~, otIer III tbi s pRper. Don't m a k e lIn ys for l301dierll Relief Cow. Whltao re. P. K . Urton. Oharlea of &uth Lebano u. 'T he court sus ulistak e. hu~ relllelli be r the 118me, Swaru, mlttee ......... ......... .... .. .. 13 liO Volke.·d lng, Thoma s ::;m:tl ~ , Il' Wayne svl'lle , Ohl'O. .E. R. ~t. Dr. Kllllle'r's SWllmp-Root. aod tlie talned a demnrr er t-> the first Ilud &me. ~lanks f~r Probat e Urlm, a.Wlress. A. BingllllU C. Bowmn iton, N. n. Y .. Jesse ou. overy· "'!!!'! A . lx>tll;. '!!'!!'!'!!'!~~!!!'!~~~~~~!!Il!!~~~!'!'!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!,! Ilooond pauses of tho pialntlf f' pe" Judge.. ....... ......... ......... 16 00 Mounts and R. Evans. tition. Snme, blanks for SherUf ..... 10 50 R, Evans WIl8 elect'ed Preside nt M .•t, Ftt.rr VB J. M. Murray.. The W. H. Stanag e & Co.. and WJD. E. Knapp, Cashier . The court found that the def ndant blunks and reoords for board Willi very fortuna te in seour. owes the plaintif f $9-1.04 Iond or· Olerk .... ......... ..... ...... ... 28 75 Ing Mr. Knapp for Cashier . Be dered thl1t chaUel 'I.ortga ge be Da.vld Trotter & Co " lumber 236 811 Is a Warren Oounty boy of wide W . F. , MoonE. necelv~ r. . foreclos ed unles8 the money is paid W. Ungles by & Sons, burial . acquain tance i has ' been a. farmer, In ten dllYs . of Emiline Smith.. ....... 50 00 telegrap h operato r: tillk.e t agent, rIME Cl4lRD Staple and Fanoy Groceri ee, Frnib J. Sawyer resigns as B membe r of etc. He la now first (lsst. NEW SUI'1'8. tloket E:f"FEOTIVE: MAJ,CB al. 190 7 . the Soldier s Burial Oom~ltte:1 of agent at the Urand Central Vegetllobles nnd Ca.nned Goods, Depot, Anna Bell V8 William O. Bell i <\1. NOHTHlJ()UND. Harlan townsh ip and WiUmm Mc· C1noinna~l. He Is self made. a StatlOl.. 1'010. ) 0 :010. ao Nil. IiO vorce IUld the oustody ' of two ohil· Igars and To baooo, d'r en is i)rayed for. The plalntlf t' MuUen wall appoiD te4 to take his thoroug h busines 8 mlLn,u pright ILnd Lcb..aoo JC.A:~ ~o I~' ou ~~; honorab le, avers that she has earne(1 the living place. ba.ker Or. 7 5~ 1. M r. 18 Contrao t WIlS entered with Uhas . ~r. ~vans, tho Presldu nt of the family for yel11'11 Ilnd tha.t is one Roslyo 1 7 50 1 110 6 1 15 1:1 Phon(' ,;tib~ for repaIr of stone retainin g of the best anil ~ost M. BROW • Propr ietor. bus. Elemplte ad her hU8ban d hIlS failed to do hl8 .. ·~S 10 48 r. O~ wall to Morrow River bridge at ~l1s ineu men in Warren COl1nty Ilhnre of the work. She al80 88ya . With CeotervllIe 7 40 . ' 0 4Q li 00 t 1 ]\1) 'J. UQ. U~!! • these men at the head and the 50 ~Iaoor th&t he has treated her oruelly . estimat e of 18.26. LyU. 7 1!7 D 27 ~.7 Plans and specific ations for or more stook su1;l80ribers that he swore Ilt ber and disgrac ed workin g EdRewood tl ~I( U'" 24 , . H & oleanin g and paintin g the court for its SUooe88 the prospec ts' are Veoable her pnbllol y with damagi ng aeou· ;7 110 ;ao 20 l4 4(1 house and barn.t tho t;herUf 's res· very bright. ' Kltebner 17 18 :101S U as ..'10Da. ,lden08 were approv ed 1&1)4 the Au· DoddR 7 18 110 16 (36 LeI.od paODAT E OOURT. 17 OU· CI'l 06 ,( 20 ditor was directe d to adverti i8' tor Notl~~ to l,ot Owne rs. Mell,llu·tj your rooms and oome to L.baDon_L~. i 00 10 00 • 20 The' followi ng . nccoun ts were bids. " Cit .. D 06; 7. T 0 B". 0 • - • ' 1l1ed : Dllyton For stomaC h trouble 9 (0 lJ 30 5 a, biJIontlne1i8 "5 ' '!lhe regular annual meetin g of D ~ x '1' Ludwlo k W. Miller, dec'd tlecond and oonstllJ&tion try Cham,1 8rlllln's 0 " X '1' the lot owners In Miami oemete ry 830 000 and final by T. C. Pattel8 0n. Stomao h and Liver Tablets . Many will be held on ~l'onday, We were wise in orderin g this stook last fall, In prloes have June a. in mil.. SO~'l'BJI .. UNU Almeda Cain, Imbeolle, ninth by r~wllrkable oures h"ave been eft'ected the omce of the Superin terially ad"an08 !l. Larges t sales last year of' any; this year will tendell 2 A •. )I · p. M: p , M. be ' by the!Jl' Ptloe, 2a oents. I::!ampl811 0 'olook when tbe eleotion Benry Cain. of OmOerS Leave No 2· No. · No uo greater . Mattlng B from the Orltent no' in stook assures beautif free. FO' r lillie lIy J. E. Jauney 111 ~ h Id' ul pat. Th Mart,in L. Nloely; .e t al. forth, by b h Dayton: 0 Ii $I. 0 b 01> .. _ • terns, lowest prloes. we . "-...:.,./ .. 0 e to e 0 oaen D"vtoo : 0 '" X '1' auo 1:\0 Ct 30 Sunuel Fox. ' are two trustees , one tJ:8I\Surer and Lebaooo Jc. Help Want ed_ S 80 • GO , 6 5Ci , H , S. aud J, Y. Clemen t, elevent h Ingraln 8 .....•. .. .. : . .... '. ....... .... . .. .. . .. .. .. ~50 op one clet-k. Sba.ker CrDA.lng 8 SS ~ or. Ii 65 ' and Ilnal, by J. B. Olemen t. LoW8ll, Park, Extra !:Iupers. Import ant busi.ness Is to be trans. Roslyo Girls Wanted a\ LaUD-' . t8 17 . 2 1i0 "5 all 'rhom& s W. Snyder , minor, sec· Ru~tl-g reatest stook yet . . .. ,' . . , .. ... ....... 110.50 up dry, Lebano n, Ohio. Alao II. tire. aoted, and a full attenda nce 18 de. HompnelUl 8 '1 309 4l 0 11 CeD~rvllle ond by W. ~. Eltzrot h. 11.9 IP 6 11 man . . Addres 8,Snow ftake Laundr y. sired.. Large !lnough for a rOODl. J. H. CASl'ElY, Clerk. Manor '8 ~ 19 Invento ry ana apprai8 ement were Lebano n, "610 Ohio. or oall ,over Valley • LytJe 0 10. LlnoleuDl, the great kitoben and hall coverin g. Lace' Ot;1l'tains-&1l filed in tb~ elltat.el of Ma.ttha Lane. 3 2lI 8. ~3 tbe Edgewood II n 8 26 G 26 m22-:lt Sore Nipples . «leO'd., and TbOJDaa E. Drake, dec·d. telepho ne. Vooable . Dew: effects. WiDdow Shades, an oobra. all &il".es. made to order. ; 9 oe '330 16 SO , Any mother who has bad . expel'i. KI10bner The' latter eatate i8 valued at about ffl 11 13 3~ 1632 Gent.le· !lnd Eft'eoti ve. '; .808 wljih thl8 distresS ing ailmen t DOdds to 11 3 a. IU 3't · ."',000, U . • h ed' will be pleall8!1 to know tha,t a oure Lelan" A we I}·kQ9 wn _anlto IU ~8 In ( II a tB ~ll Itor may be effeoted by Ilnplyln a Cham. Henry S. Clemen ts Jr. and JjJII~· ",C l te8: '. "As an in,ide worker I find berialn 's Salve a~ lIo;n a8 the cblld Lebanon Arrh'o 080 beth S. 0, Boavey were. appoint ed ~hl1wbei'll1ln 8, 5Q 0 60 '8 Stomao'b and Liver Is done nursing . Wipe it oft' with a ° Dally eJOOpL Suvolal' ; SLOp on slRnal • rlla~B of the etltllte of William H. lltble.tII Invalua ble for the touo.h es 110ft cl/lth Suits, Jaokets for Misses, Women before allowin g the BUlID"" 1'~ATN8 • Clemen t.. deo·d., in place' uf John ~f ulhoUBDIl88 natnrlll to sedenta ry to Dur8e. Many trained nursollbabe use ' Tral1l8 P388 LVtll U follo .... 8 : and Ohildre n. Skirts, Waists, Un. .,f6,•. tbelr action being gentle and this salve with best B CI !mentAi resigne d. '{he n~w 3ft'e('tlv results For slile l'Jo.tbbollnd 1 51a. m. e olearlng 'the digestiv e by J Ji) Janney !I· 27p. m derwea r, (nfants long olonks. . ' Soutbbound :9 0.... m. .~usteea filed bona to tbe extent of tro.r.t and the hea<1." Price, 25cts. 7 asp. m .. • ..... E. MOORE. 108,000 8eoorOO by tbe Fldtl}ity and nu:=e::~o~:::r:lo::~~a:~ :~: Deposi ts Uompa ny of M&ry;land. ~1tJpleafree, J. JjJ, Janney . OeneralPIlBSenlfOO' AI-eB1.Leoonoo, o . The estat.o 18 wortl1 .a bo~t 166,000 Order your magazm es anrl nl1\'1's,' name of your farm printed on and CODsists largely of land iD tbe papers through the My DEISt Friend Gazette olUo .. your letter pape, lind epvlope s, Alexan der Benton , wbo liv"s on .. lolnJty· of ~"'atoga.. N. ., . y. The Gazette ' will supply · the ita- Roral..Rol1te '1, lrort Edward ; N. Y., eome at It Is in United I3tato8 bonds ~~~!!!! !!!!!~~~!'!!!!'!!!~~~~~!!!!Itlonary and . do tbe printin g very lIByA: " Dr, King"a new Disoov ery Is The tr~teea 'filed their eleven.t h my best eart.hty friend. It oured Then come and bny your, 'dres8 at. ohlmpl~. . aa'd' fiual &CJot'lnt, 'me,th ma silt yean ago. 'It bll8 Hutchin son & Gibney 's, Xenia,O hio also perform ed a, wonder ful cllre of The win of 'he lote Patriok Cra.\,· .\ Narrow ~cl~ve. inolpien t con[lum ption No olty . for has my s(ln's a better assortm ent of a8D of Salem townsh ip Wd Ildmitte d G. W. Oloyd, a meroha nt of wife. The first bottle ended the &0 probllte .. Earl G. 'WU~on was, Plunk. Mo" a narrow esoope terrible oough, o·nd thi8' aooomp lish . fabrics for the. dresi Itaelt and the made executo r WIder bond of '200~. fonr year!! ago, \\lien he riln 1\ · jim . ed, the .other sympto ms left one by trimmi ngs . ., Ii Is . a reasona ble Bon hurr Into his thu~b. Be I'uys : one, until she was perfect ly well. . !lEAL ·E8TAT.• : TRANBrlCB8. ,. itateme nt. IIDd fulfy proven in the "The ,dootor wanted to nmputa te it. Dr. King's Ne'w Drticov ery's pow· Baymo nd 'E;' Mulfor d to Ambrus .but I would Qat oonsen t i bought er ovel' COQgh8 emd' ooIds II simply past. We are II. Dress Goods House Decker , lot \ box of BuokleD's o\.rnlga. 8ale Ilnd mllrvelo us. No other remedy hIlS Dodd8, " thltt oured tbe danger ous wound. " e.ver equlpod it J!'uUy BWlt'!mteed and do not meddle with tinware , . 'WIlliam . flond Ambro se Decbr to. :Will be paid to ally })C !'lOll 211,. at Fred C.Sohw artz DruSl(ist. by Fred 9, IOohwlI.rtz Druggi st. 5pe hardwa re,ohin a, shoe8, eto. TbeSe Raohel Rogei's , one 110.·e ill ·Clea-r. 'who··c an"1in done atulIl of Iltld 111.00. : Trlill bpttle flee. bave their plaoe. oreek t~Wn8bip. opium ; chlora l, JnQl'p!l i~le~ Grist Pollock aDd <,JIllrenoe W. Just look In our shelves and show HAT UAW A Y, PoJlcok ' and wife , to Ol\rl O. Pol· cocaine, ether, cblol'oJOl'm, cases to see ho.v be8h ,~nd new and heroin, nlp'ha and beta en· W•.Yllea ville's Leadin g .Osntta t look; lot in.FranJdl n, 'lno. ' olean the itook. , How easily t() Melta Thomp son of M.oblle. Ala. caine, . camw,bis iIJdi(~a, OJ? omoo ~n KeY8 Bldg. Main St trlm 'from our stook just in. bama, to lCa~n ' BOlbro ok part of chloral :pYUJa te or ally of ---~their deri va I.ives t ' ill any lot OS'in L3b1inon, OhiO, . EXCURSIONS .. Alf;8d ·R. Borr, SpecIal Master of ,Dr. Mj l (.IS , R erl. udieH • • James towil. Expos ition i Comml8810ner, and W. E,' Moore" Sille and Worste d ·Trlmm lngs. I:!heer Effeots , ~Ingham. Pla:ids. ~ appJic s to ~,ouds if. '. Norfo.l k, Va. . .:eoei"e r of the Dayton ~bano~ & original packa ge.. Dally IInW November 30 • ttn'opF.are. COllch ExcursIo n every Tucscla y · Cinolnn ati Railroa d to · Edwin O. ened, and , Cholae hio~ ot a number of IlUrllCUTC routcR. not ·{,a,mpercd '. , Tellota on, '~rustee of the bond ho~!l' With. Certai n UllSCl'llpU-' , Los Angeles, Cal. j!ra protllCltlve a~ooi.ltlon, the rail· May 7 "" JII· .. Gumlla DapllsL 8r.,lor60 lou!! person~ are making road 1200;000. jone 10 t.O 14 -EltlCllc Medical /I 'n " Oood 101011 ooe ~O,Ut.6. rhumlng anoLltcr statem ents about Oha~lotte M. Ungles by. 103 aorel fals.e these remedies. Columbllls, Ohio• . in Olearcr eek,tow nsbip. "1 have been troubled wllh a. tdJ'13. It., 'l6, 18. 17, 20, Il .. · Pretlbl'lorl~q , John ,Ertel and Sarah M. Ertel to . rlbll headaobe tor tI\O "u.t Ion YU!'fl; Geoeral ll••ombly could dO rno no good. • Waldo Sears. lot lill In Mab,vl lie the dooto... )(1188' AlItI·Paln Pili. advea~, Atlan tic CItY, N. J.• tIMd In tbe Bllnl1 'I m..,.""ltle. .., .sOO. ~3 to .Tllne a··Amerlcan Medical tb_ht I 1I'0uld 'r.y a \Nf.II\pl •• . I 4K . YOU~ PRI~.~ING and they j,ClIJ.ud me wonderfUlly. Oharlee M. Leod .Y ost. IOle beir IliD,bad Spoka ne h .... dn ch" HI> budl, I could hard~ Seattl e aee to' work. "., I .... nt to tile drwr . to.Wm .m Juile 27 10 July )· ··B· Y. P . U. Bell Yoet; doo'd" to 4', atore and rot I,ux.' In a COl/pie cf July .l to, 5"'C. I!l. · Barry EKgert , I?t 14. in PleaalWt hoora J W08 bil" I~orht. It wne tbo ftnt medlclno to .J, "'" any \tood." Phnad A. A. f). l.Ifl, 'phIladel phia, Pa. - Plain, 1800. ,elphia lUI Tllconu. ~11'<l"t. JulJ 12, 13 andl14···B. P. O. E. 'DIll ~ recomm endatlou 01 . . . £l111Da D. ·Jonee and 0 Jrnella DrDr. Mllli' Antl·Paln Pili..... .old Iw .laaft beeza cared at.-p a ... Winona Lake, Ind. clrugalat, whO will gua.antM 'lin · JOIl. of Harlan tbmhi al to W:11· paetc... will lIInlllt. If I' ,-lIlbl" cotc!a ", CluuDberlain'. COIJIIa ....., JO t.O.Septem ber . uam A. &11118 of BQ&lervl1le, 10' .... lie wlll_ur n.rour moner.' , .~ • _"~ Nwer MId n laaft 4011• .en tlwa all elM 10 l-.l. It • I tuU couult 1111l1ljiui1ervtUe. fl. • 11\, IIIp1e Wa,nctITlI\e utf~ at bade u4 [ ... _ '-lIe4 1cI1 :IUIdIM t, Ia4I I0oI& WIIIoDe' at &0 .lou T. 0.0 ,




En glis b-

b~w t~ S£~











Do ' Yo u Ne ed· Car pet s

. l1utebis~n 6.




Ready To "Year .Ga rme nts

See Yo ur ' DressmaKer











Batiste, '

Hutchison & Gibney,


Xenia, 0












..or .JIOC....

' - " " _ • .CMlW~

. I



olenllr nl\gr~nt 10 be nbfJl'ryeci In the rC;';lI l:,II' IrllnijHj·t!otJ or bu ~ ln "":s , lIf1l'l'ly In t110 tJll.I'k, thl' I)nuk<'I's turn.' " 1(1 Ihl .. !!Id o of Ih "'(lll' r for II I! III , '1'.1 d tl'rhll no: wh lIlt'1' Iltt" "U'" "(~C~ (lei

s\' vol'o l

no ll'N ' Wl+~


rl'nl 01

SllU I'J.o U8,

lit e m a.nd a uUnlhl'" of 1111· 1111~5i1onu hly J(ood OIl(>K WP :' ~(> ut 10 I h 1\ nl\'dean BlInk Noll' company, .FINANCIERS OF FAR EAST :-; e\\' York , 11.1111. IIIHO 10 the Rank or 11:lIgl a nd , !jU)'~ Ih :i n Innatl l ~u, ' DUPED BY SKILLFUL QuireI', Art I' l h l'l'e moul h ~' .. l o~1'I study ot COUNTER PEITE RS , I hp. not !!!> dis 'I' ' llUlI (' I~~ 1" ~ rp not pd In EICf'trIS from the 8 .. "11 of England a ll I hO ~(l IIn'der >ill" Ille'[lln , And th pr W(>rc pro nou nI' d ounl rfl'lt .. , The ~rtd the Ame rican Bank Note dlse rt' IHi n e l '~ we,' limited, how cvcr, Comp .. ny Are Now on the Way II) ,he nil Out ' l dtn'I.'I' ores oe I lCl!II'e to China to Assist I n Separating of the "a pm', ann (l tlwr vll' tnHlty tn' the Sf'ur lous from the Genu io e dl ~ ('I' Ul hi ll hlltltH. Urills h finding:! Notes Held by the Big Financ ial WI'.rl' thl' sam e. onst enlU tJo u Itas U(leO ell II ed by I n,t itut.lonl of the Ellst-Power, May Jo in In the Attempt to Stop the r"III I(,8 s~' nl to I he o"lentlll banka. Skillful COUnterfeiting, Which To whal eXlent th (>), hll" t\ b l! n 1'''' 1,'Ing lh ese ounlorr('I\S , dnrlng Threaton. the Currenc), of All Ih ree ~ I'III'S a nd how Illan y I)t th Ol1l Nations, the bnnks thontselvl.'swllrl' aad 111'0 holding A8 S UPIlOS dl y good mOIU!)' 'I'I,\, mos t 81ulle nll01l 5 CU ulI Il.'r rel t· reln3lu~ 10 b Il!lU'n d , S ixlee n mil· ing '1ll'raUons III lbe h1 610r,l' ot tb o lIoll pouuds - ' 8 0 ,OO O,~OO - 15 uu wo rlcl lire coming io IISht III th e 0(1· Amcl~lt:all Xllcrl's .. ~ ttllla le of Ih e ·n t. T'll e amo unt of n\Une~' involv Ii ll JUO llllt alrend )" rouud , Is c reAl nlmos t beyond I'ockonln', , Four Plates Und, anll th., ruethod o [ fo rgCr)' 80 1al' . ll, hll!! been 08 1abll h d tha l lit 'se rPIlt"bl ol;, clever a nd dllngeroul! tb at Co unt erf ,it s wore i.)(I CC'11 In c:llcllla· all 11,1' flnancl I'S o r t be e aSl at' lion ' ut tho ' ullon lll g of lho Ru sso· alal'1lwd , Japa ll cse ' '11'81', !tnd possibl y b{'rore. 'rill' sigantic sche ml', so s uccesstul· Ill&lllutl of hl\v lng " IOIlP d t he tide I.v carrlod out tba L 110 living mil'" hI'S risen lInt.l1 tit ,\mICled bnnkel's ltO ows Its extent, Is pracl\(oally laid !ln, IIfl'ald o( t h 'II' 0"' 11 paller, b ccau~ III I II iloor at th Jallonese. Polnl the.y cailllot hl!. 6u re o r II . by IIolnL the tact tbut tho li ttle brown Dn r ll1 ~ lu e wtlr It \\,11 5 'openly ' mell flood ed al! Manchuria antl Blurt· oharge d thai Ille ,"II)an a gOVOI'II' ' N\ the RUBso-Chin se bank wltll spllr' I.J lellt knew or ne tar[o\¥, olleraUollS 10111< money' durIng tile \VII ' wllh Rus· c-anled on and closed 1'ts eycs aud 'J'i a Is belDg established b.V experts. 1('1 l h U1 . Every Ja pane8e ai' ixteNI ml11lon (1011111111, 01' ' SO,OOO.OOQ, " or tbe coolie ' lass appeal' d ' o f tilE: wortbless tttulf Is !laid to hllvc ple n ty o f money, Th e banks ' tH' 1'1I detected. Nobod y call guess \\'el'~ b lI iegcd, and the report WIlS 1.:" ... mucb .'more Is exblnt. rite thal Ihe IItUc bro"'n mcn " 'el'e Jap",u!se engTavers and prlut~rs securl llg II goodly pOl'lIon ' of their Ihave wanutaclured II. oounterrell \lank li ghting expense8 from the rour banks ,, ' :note t hat ba s defied xpert8 for two l"fcrred to, ' years and iJuzzlel\ thelll slllL Th Experts to Investigate, IRUlIso·Oblnese. th .Hongkong InCorlJllIUon hil a been I'ccelv d t hAt ' Shanghai, tbe Imperhll BAlik or blnH lhe mAin co nntl' rtnl.'.t ng phln t It s~ IC aDd the Indo:ObID'ISo bllak- all th e~~ haa been located In Kob ~, The out· ' have lelt tis· stlll'g o( til .Japan ese. HI ill 'sa id to havo cost al ICllllt '100,· money viper, Whol e rr I't It will hn \' 000. Tbe Illos t eXl'cllslvc ulAcblnery an as yel be. only eonJeotlll'ed, 1';vclI uscd In th milk In!: or man 'y bal . . I-!nrope lios 8utrereit. becn e mployed In turning ' out tbll ppeal bll8 beon made to the Jail' anese gQ\'ernment lo cllue:t and c n· torc~ strlngcn ~ laws tv exterminate the IIwarm or sbrowd cuqutCl'l'eite rs ID Nippon, and wbo Iud the wlltchCui olftc1llls or that em.plre. It Is ('I!llmed scant att nl[oll ~I(UI lIeon Vald to t hl8 r equest. J UI'an ,hilS I,ad mallY things to loolt aUcr iSluc' hel' coslly , 'opquest. or tlJe' Russlau 1)~ur. Now Ooubt the Truth: Bxperts from tb .,Uan\( or England and Ibe American ' )1ank Note com" pany are now on tbo way 1.0 hlna to. assist ID ferrellng OIiL the tremen· dous amounts 01 bogus Dlouey known 10 be mixed wllh the g nuillO. Th e[r IiDdlngs; It made public, are e XIl cted to startle the world , Tbey mar be 110 momentous tbat tbey 'be sup"rI;'6!ied ' lO pr,evonl the totterl'ug . of In ,8trongest' flnanclnl III ~ llt uUons hI A ~Ia . ·Bankers of the orient fear, with good 1'eason, that llte y al'e bold, lng, locked In , tbelr burg lar·prQof vattlU;. tellS of millions oJ I)Ounda In cOllllt rlet'tootes which th<!y took tor ~enulne, and wbloh will spell 'ruln ",hen ~18cl(l8ed, Tb money Dlen I,a vI' nol forgotten that lhe Hongkong IInll Shan3\1al flanking dotporat\oll wnH ' ompelled i.o keep ' Its door~ allen ' lIve nights and five ,dars at a .l\lretoh to h"ndle 'f r l' markable and ,unllccountahle ID' 111I of bdnk n~te8-.nOl.eB of whl i)b mRny have slliee b~1I fo,;nd tQ be (01'l~l'rlc8, and ~f whl~h rhe \ bank Is 110t I'ld , And tbe rDdo·Ohlnese baDk, a Frenci1 corl)pr.a\lon 0' Sbanghlll, with· drew Its notes from c.II'Culallon to ' ln· vestlgate. the character 'of lhose reo 'ch 'cll, Then" sudden Imll drastic ' S~'Btem cit, seruUny wall Pllt · In 1m· mediate effect. ,Nine alIt or ever~' ten note were reje'cted ; now there Is ' doubt about ruany or th t.e nths.

mldcllp or A warm al\mml~r day II. jl:reat I'\l"h of noll' ~ hogan , l~v 'r~' oblll;a· lion WlUi 1\1 I w\th oul, ql! BtiOll, Onr· lu g Ih arle r noon It kt pt "p. '1'lu, 1111(,"1< werp rill' \ he mOIl! )la rl 1)1",," nl· I:d Ill' tltl' c!llllle!;! , 'rh ~ WI' I'" IInlver· Kri ll ~' nr 1·)1 t\v, dullar eIIlSS. Th o(\](linil; t IlU\l~h t or a cou al rfeillng '!I/'h 1111', lind had Ih e lr c'xl,erb In· v stlgnlo ' th ' n I 8, S Yl: I' a I )IOU\'II w(>l'e del'o U'd to a study 0: Ihe m , II!1' del' It IUlc rQ~cOJlI'. 'l'll~' expc rl!l had 10 1\('klLo\l"ll'd~ thal lIlO ·dlscl' . Ilaney could be rou nll. Inspection Provedl futile: " Th en tit hlg ' bonk did Itll duty , The om ill is knew Ih lBl v ry not e It . had In circlliation WI\S ' .l1I o, 'n Ihltn amply N I'lli' d, lind tltO d l rmlnl'd th :,l If III peoiJl WilDt d 1\I\1'd money 101' t hpl r impel: llJf1Y IIlloulll h:IV O It. thAl n \j>:hL 111\' bnnk remalil d oppn, lind th e IlL'l)!, '8slon ot COO Il!!8 kl'llt ttl). 'rbe neXl da y lltc bank did not dfl ~I' , And e l' 1')' bom' to,' t\Vo days a ud flv nll;IIt8 lhls rtl s h conttnuetl. " ~;xll'l\ funci s n 'om oth r lJl'l~nr,hefl of ilie e'''I'pol'allon we\'(1 hlll'rledl,l' I' ,. ' Mil d an d QI' I'Y n01.e m <-1. , 'hl'll Ihl' dl'nitl , ln ek(lllNI ;'till\. th otncluls LI'CIIlb II easier, How . \\lUll ." lholl' sa nd s of dollsi's III !.l0011 E llgli~ 1I coin wa s withdl'llwll hu s ll,evCl' hcun dl· vulgcd, umee It 10i;ay tha whe n Ih ' yoar WR R rOlludod Ollt lind tlte slat m nt oC Lh bunk iliadI'. th , hi gh· 01' . onlclul s wore surprised. Th y Rl:'uln 5 t About to 8 It a f(ll"~l'ry Imd IlOt be 'n lle\"(lelrated. Theil' In· v,estiga tloll I lCrti ly brough t \llll Ihe fa t thnt Ilr nctieally m'ery lIote Is, u('(\ by the bank hHd III I'll \' 1\II'lIN). nlHI Lhlll nil aSlI'l!!lI'cd e; n1llnc, The n 11101'0 notl's 'b t;lIn to C'OID In. (lpn· 1110 deposllors and I ho so holdlllg thl! rpal note>! begall to be fl'lghtl'ned by Ih rllmorN lI oallng t,roadellNt , and Co ming fo r the most part f,;om drunk· en, oplnm'croz d coolie s who Jlad se· c ured IIDaCIIBlotiled amounts or mO,n· .'Y. . 'rheH depositors began to pre,. Relll their not es tor p;a)·rue nl. Tben Iht' bank 0lllcll\1 8 knt' W Ih re had hel'n A great prime, 1r.ISp ctlon pro\,· ed rlll,lI c, Rnd Ihoy decided to lay the matt l' b (01'0 Am rlcaln lind ' ~:nGII8h eltllCl'ls, Tbe 1'0sltll II! nQ~1 knOV.D, . "Tlte rlldo·Chlneso blm~ In Shang' hal wnR similarly artelClod. It oeo nrred about a year ago, I rcme m· ber it well. A run 81arted tbrougb


" Plant In Kobe, 'I'h Russian ' goverllment hll5 de: 1I1~lIdM , ~n Investlgatloll U8 1.0 the "rreot upOn lhe RII~ ijo·<': hln e lle bank . ~ .r tbe IItream of cOlmt 1'(0 1t monoy Ivhjch t hreaten!! to C'n~ulr Ill!! czar's fjnanclal cratt and b~nil'U\.ll hal( hi s e LDIJlre, n,ij It all'eady . ha;; Silie rla. :-\i'cboItIB 11 L may addreas 8 Ilute to I,he pn wers ' asltlng thlit til l\Iil;ado b " "o;ed to adolll m ea~\II'eH t , s tra ngl Ilui co unter rel ti ng mllm(co chllrged to his subJect$: 'Chere III grollntl for I hll bell cf thnt. t lloy wIJulri roadlly 1\ • 01l109C' IJ rllug'h lb.1l (enl' or tbe s llread IIr (hI) plai?; ue ul,d dUilliciltiO Il or lb e .uton y of o tlt r ' ilutious, In K obo III1S been lucmlncl II, ClIlllltel" . fd it ing P!:I11 ( which 19 ssd (1 10 ' hu vu , c'ost $100,OO IJ. II ha s !:,," s(>fl 01' ra , ., 1io tl ,;, bilt wO I'lhle Ms nol 's, liO IICur • pI'rfecUon .thal olll y ' the minutest fnul t c all .. be [ound ' by allo ills, are decla red to be stili comlug frolP the lall<1 N cUerry bloslloms, chl'ysanthe illumE and flghtlng Ulen . Othl'r plauls 'llld 1.lIge ntOlJs Imitators arc Ill'esulU' d to be contluulng the crooked work. LR l 's lImmcr In the ' RUSBO,Oblnesc I.elt'\( doubt arose as to· a cel'taln note. It 1,;a8 tol' ,10. Mcxlcan mo,ney, lind ll lllllbered ,06Gt. ,Il wa s liS pe rfeot :) 1" 'I,\'odltctlon ot tho gall nine ol'lglllal ;IS rould be conCelv~tl . ·Tlle bank's •' ' pe, ts pored for weeks UV UI' It and " GOl>d note and could IIntj nol ev ell I h.. ~ 1I~htellt, iliScrlJpanc)" Yet tb e han k note officials had .Irou!; causo I" !>c·lI eve it a forgery, II/orat Fearl Realized, >llllJ l\a\' doubls bad COnt~ up In tbe "1' 1" lal Rank at (~blDa and at tbe t, ti 'blnese !JaDk. ellorlll, I.uwe"er, revealed no visible peculiar· 11)' of ,& note-ee.rtalnl" none eum,

Mpurlou!; lIolp., and some of the most akllIed workmen' In the worlct 'did tbe dcllcate engrav,lng or Ihe plates, The product or th.a plnnt Is nothlllg lesl:I thllll a \' produotion or tbe Rus· sian bl\nk ooto, III its perfectlon It , ilBsse~ 1he b(1unds or Iho word " conn· terfelt." It becomea a dUllllcate. Ono ot the lendfn:; "x pe l'ls consult· ed ,'pga"/lln~ lhe dll c.;l\mll la Georgo tl. Hall, ?' th e Aml' l'ican Bauk N'o le COlllllUIIY. He lfi now ell route to China , ,vher!' hiM , ntls ~ [oll will kee p him occ upi ed I hl'ee months. His time will bl' de l'ol d to ward ' solvin g the /I.\,oble m 1I11/1 rmos t th',re. ' Five Days flun, ,1. S. MoC une " on e ot tlte besl·known ' xile n a of Eng land on 10rger)' and counle l'Celtln,::, is z.lso bound tor Shanghlli. whlcJl urrel'~ th e most re r· Ille fi eld for. Ihe skill oC ,s uc h me n., ThaI' appears to be th e heuclquarl e rs ·fol' the elCtcnded Investigation now beginning. MI', McOune claims Ja· IJaU hal! been petl~loned b y several !>f Ih e larger bankIng corporations of Chinn, all of ,w blch, are Europeans In·· stlllttlons, to enact. a drustic Inw; similar to that or 'l he ,I nltlld States, making It a hl"h crllJle -evlln" to have tI counterfclt, note' In posses!>[on. "'1'hlll Is the condUIt'n In tbe tar east:' Hald Mr, ~1eC une, "The bank • OI'S do nut know whQre they stand, Run8 ba\'e bee n started on them whlcb w.e rp absolulely unaccountable, I reellll In I,artloular the ca:a e of the 1I0ngkollg and Shallgbai baDk In Sbllnghal. .. Aboul. a ' year and a halt ago arlin s turred on tbla bank, Tbe 'o melal. did 1101 upderstand whr, Tbe Instlu.. Uon Is an Engillih concern, and bu "rac:U~lI)' unlhnlted capital. In the

THE DRAGGING OF ROADS, With Very Little Work a Good, Road, bed May .S a Malntai'ned . \JnC'e- more we tak

ull n ur I,nrable

lind Insl ~t on flll'lil llrs ruaklng \lrllp, IIl'11tlons to malte tb best PIlSSI IIII'

lOads t h('y c>In out or I he 1I11\t rial a t 'Jatld, which Is just Illulll dirt, Alld lh more clay 'In It thO blltt r. ~'al"l\t 1'1< IIrc fooli nA a\I' u~' the great hullt or th~lr road tax ea CVf'C'Y r.C"\" by not u si ng a dt'a~, Th road drug ma y b nHlIl out ot any light wo dplue, oedllr, co tOil wood, "art maplo, box ('Idol', l ~ 8 lIost or log IH us d Il sholl III he sO I'on f ' I 101lg, abnul six or ('[ghl hichcn hlcl;, ~ aw'(\ Itt LWll le ng lhwl se, til two pieces put " I,lIt sill fOrc' 1II0llt abollt tilrC'e Illld a hliit fl' t (Ipart, hcld t Olmthe l' b)" vleccs of hu r t! wood or t;\(, I I'olls, A log, c hain ~ hol1l" be ottaC'hell (a lit front and the teom hltchr,d to il In sllch u wn~' thut the d rag Is draw'lI al an IIngl o f 45 dog reos, The drag s bould he drl\\\'p up one sld o at the road and down th o ther wll Il tile roa41 are 50ft. Tbo

Befor.e Dragging team used .hould be the hea vleat. s lowest·movlng tEflm OD the rllrDl, The lise of this will In tb firs t place 8mooth lb roalls down , filling ul' tho bolcs, taking orr tile bUIUPS, nnd drag· glng a littl e dirt to th mlddl l' of Lho road. In lhe pceolld plae It will (\l1ow tbe wlnn s 'w blow nv r It 1lnd lh sun to sblne on It : and the dtllgged ' rond will b'el dry II <ta ~' or two, apd, It It has m nny ruts III It, sOl1lcUm s a week, b • rore the IIndl'l1gged wtll be dry. , Do' not. ho\\,o \'c\', xp ct the dmg to do M y good In saud 01' In Uluck, or \\"b j 1'0 lhl'1'1l l' stOnes 'In' the I'oad or stUIlI)lS 01' II IIch ~rn 8l1, or wher the wn r stalld: In t h ditches on . Ith r sid, Th r oad drag, d clnreR ai, laco's Fal'llIfl!', Is lh o pesl I'oad nl ll [n, talnl'r thal has evel' bee n dlscoverf'd, and oO.t ollly the btlBt, but t.he cb all'

;in4l' Top . dres.I~II'

cst, It will not In1(e tbo place of the' grnllcr III Ulnk hi g the rand In tbe' IIrst pia '0, no\' will It talce the place of the sid e ditch wblcb carries orr tb water, nol' wtll IL do in any undrained laud, 1t Is not everything ID road·maklng, bu t for the maintenance ' of tbe road nfter it has ollce becn put In sbape It ellcels overy othe r Imlllemcnt ever yet

, a rumor tbat 'rol'ged noles were In cl\:cula'tlon, The .Japanese who were 'III' on the counterfeitIng game "were augb,1 0nted by tbe holders o't genuine ' uotes. and III a 8warm they descentl\)d uwn tbe bank. Where Will It Stop? "This InAtlt u lion ts uIHlerstood ' tb be bacllod b)' the Fren'ch govel"ll ment. It pllid do1l1l1" tor dp llar ' on e\'c1'Y not, The 1'\10 conti u ued In trelllen' dOllll ' , 'olume, lind ,the 0111c11l18' fillod lipan a drn~Uc move, The~; _ruoa lled· e very nOle or tlte . ban k 'thal WII~ In c"'clliallon, IInr\. for five ' nll,l'S le ept th em fro ni [J8 A~ing alit: to .tllI! publio.' I l W IIS hOlJocl III (his wa)' to II uearth h!' holrlers at tho co untert'ol ts, It waH ' uli sLlqce!ls.tlll, 81hl lh.e bank resullled tb e cJrculatlon ' of Its not es. "The ' llIlllel'lnl Dank of Chilia haa exverlenced siml/lir ' runs. , Whcre Ihls \r; gnl ng to stnp the ' hankers caJ)not say, Tb e only reason It has not CaliS' lid a IIl1stJenslon 01 builluoss In lhe rar enat' Is ' tnllt overy ' man thinks he haa II geD ulne no til and theretOl"o doe. 1Il ,twoi'rr, The only mlln now wor' ,ylng ' ls t he bank'er, who III almost pulsleil by tht\. tboughl; that lhe mil' 11(,1111 or Dotes bO"ls carefully guarding III hIe vuults may Ije merely, a maa of ountertelts made blr the Japans.e, "Tbp, bankers look to the paper , Iuanuracturel'll to lIave the, day.· 80 far the only' baslll for decla,lng any of the notel forgeries :bu been II dll' oreVIIDC)' In tlie Paper, . It. lakC8 .ameth"I' more than Imlt.Btlon to make the 'raiSe 01 paper l'eQjulred tor banle n'o tell, Thl8 last Conl~l~on may be tbe Jlleanl of atop to the aeUvlU" 01 the and IIkeWiN the gl'Oat"1 01 -t8JrIelbwl .• chem.....

Spring catarrh,

The ' NecII'Sslty of Putting In Ti'\al Whloh the Crops T .. ke Out.



Pe.. ru-na Relieves ,


In ronllY (If ilio' old l' U;.:l'iro;IIt II rill roglon s, th 11111111 q UCl\;llo... 10 lhe farm !, ' I M tlmt o( s nplil ~l n lt lillln t. !onu for tbl.' 11011. \' '11\' arll'l' ... oar a 1I "ld hal< b' ,<,u 1111 'd UIIOII U· ItI'o(! nc ' til aame Idllli (If 1t l'II1 , COttRC'llion tly t lte Ijoll haK '10ijl ' U.II orodllcLiv IIUf.clty, 'l'hls IlInd lI1"s t. now h lw ., rOI)(\ or It ~ vnllll' will b " IIUllgh.t.. ' 'I'hh; load mu st b(' star cI UII III tho 's nl\. The rILrmor thinks h I.'l) tlIIlH "'1'111'1 ' th laud for c lo,'('I', bul must \lUI It [II whenl (It' corn ~'ell, 11ft I' yOll\' 11\ I)rtl o\' ~o gil t a gc)od 1\I'IIIg rrolIl it. So crop I'ola llo ll doc~ nol appeal to IIII'll, Olhol' llI oa ll' IIl'es nlllst be adopt ed. Ff'lrllllz I' o[ ~o llle IIUtll1' IllU Kt. · h nRell , lind be I'CI;prts to Il tu bllllli "I' hi s I nl\~ , A good cUllun .r'11i1 re rtlllze l' hi bellclll'lnl to tlto soli, hilt nO lhlng Is b ttel' llinn fa r m lIIunurl'. 'I"hl! fe r· II lit )' , at th e wcll·mnnll\'tlt! 11111\1 ,lacs nOl lllLSS II WilY willi Ih IIl'st orop, b"t ahld R l'u l' ~e.v 1'111 ),<'111'8. Tit ' lasllng e rrect!:' of fU l'lll III 11lI m' on Hall 'was ))1'01; II lit Ull 0 11 01'1 111 ' nt stlltlon In 1';lI glllnd.. MIIIIIII'\' WII S IIppll ed to a pi ee of IlInd on oanh y<'n l' ror ~ U YCIl'.,., thon It was dlscQnlilllll'ci . OYor 20 YCAI'S art or th Ins t alloll 'atioll , larger l'O llS ot barl ey w<'l'e ~CI ~ III' d from lhlll IlIlId than tl'om lund thal 11R11 na\'e r hec n mallured. Th I' nAon many flll'm pl'S do not get lho rllll 1.Il'n ' lIt of mallnro is tbRt t hey ullolV It to I' main \11 plies about. lho bnrn 1I " '~1t it 'dct e rlomtc s, or thor toll to UIJll ly It I' Ill y "to tb Hol l. · ~l!lllul'e sbolll,' UI\\'II Y8 bo Pllt on tilt'< sail betore it lle comllose~, fol' 88 It decays It ac ts upon tlte . min rai particlos ". t hll Boll and ohllnges Ih e m Into '1\IIIabie plnnl to d. An' !lll'sls of soli b)' e:l:\)l'I'18 I! bow ~ t bllt It urte n contaills lal'S quantitlcs or pb0811hol'1I8, potass ium and other olc· m!'nt In InDctlvQ (arms. When fresb 101111111'0 1 thoroughly ,mixed wllb .tlus soli It produces 8ucb a cbllnl;t> In t he minerai clem nt s tbnt th el ' lit once be, come I\I'altable ·, ror plant \ltc, lt Is said thRt fltrlll luanm'e docs nol · ~o nlalo 1\ largo amount at 'total plant '(ood, only oholl l :;0 \.Iollnd\l Of. nl: Irog II , PhO phOl'\I utld \Iotallhlnm to the ton, Jl s value th Eln Is not .0 /Iluch III what It COli tul ",; OJ! In Its powor to operatfJ on th o mltl rill ·Ie· m c nts In Ihe Boll, "hont\lng lhem Into nv.nlltlbl plAnt mnterlll\. j,}XII rlU)ellta ha\'e prol' II UlIlt wh en 11\0UU1'0 Is al)' 1llled to . lloll Il 11I'Oducell ~O or 30 Il~r cent.. or Ilval/able plnnL rQOd, Thlf proc1u't . tblls f01'llled 111'0 called hu· rnat.e~. , " . \ hIm w eome to _'culalc tbe actun l I'ui llfi of ma nure til 11011r,1'8 Md c ht ~ , BOYS Farme r's Vol co, the \'C' s ui t Is ~u rln' 1 8 ht ~. SII\lI'Oae an acre of im J)\lverlshcll I!lnd tl)at. 0 \1.1(\ PT~ duce u(' 100 1'1' 1111111 ~o bllsh Is of COl'n In Il iavoruble senson Is Lrented to thoe tons or rich IllllnUre, H , !.b Henson Is UII ~ I)l cl oU8 Ullft a ro will now produce , '\0 bush Is of "ood corti ttl fll's year, This Increns ' or lIrbliShclH, ,s old at 00 cents, woqld .brlug , t n dollllrs ' per tOtl , (;le'~ ld es the .Jllnd bns a [le rma· 'Ilent honellt, and will malllC st iI, trom y ea r lo year. , 'rhe manurc should alwaYII be dis· trlhuted. evrnly, 'FQO, .much III one spot and 1I0t · enqugh In anal her reStilts dl sllHlrollsl y. A manlll'C sllrea/!' , \" Is ulniost Indi slle~.Bllble to tile upW.'d alfl rarlll I', SOln fllrUl e ra ge t along wltltout, \;be m, hu t 'it takos a lot Qf 1I me and patlonce to pro(lerly, . ~prea,1 tbe nianuro,

MISS DORA IlAYlmn, "'I'i l/lOlIl '".<I~rrUJJH r w.r"t~ (tJ Ilta". ),011 t oo' / lu gl'mt r,li~f I /«UIII found ,. YOlO'" _fln/uable ml'dlcb". Pr:"tlf,a. a"n will railtlu "IImlion q( ail "',I' frr'ellrll

,"'{ftr""t/ .u,~ /, cala,'rI, io tltatfad, .8,. sides I dfter/ull.Y ,',co rn",~"d it (0 all $IIf· (td"g y.i/,. (alart'l, j" any.!ornl.",l/iss Do,'a .lIa)'fl,,,, BI9 6J1. St" S. W .. Washing/orr, D, C,

4 Case of Sprint ceto""",

[,awl. r, .\l3~ N,Broadwa,. PIHs bm'C', Kas., writ."8: "1"alIt apdng I caught. a ti~yere cold, whlcb doycloped Into a. 'BllolIS case of catarrh. I lelt w~.k and sIck, aDd' could neUber eat nor &1 el' p \\' II, , ."" w~m\.Jer of on'r olllbwho had beN. cured of en io.rrh through the .)Isc of 1!tiJ· runa.·&d"l ~ o d mil to try it, and [did ItO Itt 00 co, 1 eltp ·ct.:d hclp, hut n~thlri~ Ilk the \\,oll.ler ful c hanll'll 101" the beuer lobs rvccl al most as llOon IlS [ started taldllg It. In thr e day 1 Iclb much I)('ttor, nnd 1"lthin two " 'eak. I was I.D IIl1e hll.1 tho reruo,. ia a wondurful dlcino,"


M~8, N , p,


Clothing aod OU,r llirr1tlan'ti Coat

wo for K(!lJ "r~~ " lie .


t. D .dan~lY i l uited '

~Dou't acee llt BDY w:lte.,>rooC ~oaf: rrollla dealerll.llleas il 1:)(!aN our t rademn.rklhoIYQ.

. belDw . "ti'/\w'"'l\as*'an:: bnt . . It your dcalC'1" .1C1C Dot cnrry th~ . U SAWYK,a U Olled!;lolh"" ADd SII.". 11& Co r cut.10S'


Shelter ' Which II 8tro!,g. and EilllI) Oon.,ruc,ed, '

An 1IIInol6 rarmol' suggests an economical Illall for franl1ng a bay ,barn. If the frame Is not too luge. 2x4 stuff will an8wer, but In case of a large bar~ 211G I., r ecommended, If ben~ la In"~nl ed , Jr rarnlt'!rs don't talte hold ot this made altOl' manner shown tn the tIlU8' rond dl'as It will not be many yoal'll before !1 1I a.ttempl will be made to levy on theru tho expense ot maRmg ll1acl\dumlzcd roada. about three to five lbousnnd do110 ra per m III <1, and I.beae ,mncaila-ml1.ed roads wtll c~st more to nl!~llItaln tbem tllan It ' will to make ,and l1\l\inlaln a good dirt road with the mlllcl'ials and tools they bave on banci. ,c LOW





It :NIII Prove a Moat Handy Wagon ,on tho Fa,'m. .



1 pw!' a lOw eiowu W'<lgo'n aDd will Se ,. ctlon.. View of sav I,hat It I~ rightly named by bolng "'Ilie ll " hllndy ItD.g(lll, '1"rlle8 a 001'1'0' trntion, ' t.he pllin Is s uch that tbe In· sponde nt ' of Orange. ,Jt,dd Fnt'mer, f terlol' b[ I!ynt 'Is letl; liS free .froin wo'uill nul do wltho.ll t one lor. tvrlce t~/l1bllr ' wO'l 'ks a.s ' "oaslblo, the Iit'lce of it ·if 1 cquld Dot 'gel lin: Str.en,gtit at frallle , Is gl ven by ' (Jlbe r _ono, Of (lolirser t.he r!' Is a great IbrAQes "t)laced ,at cllher side of ' tbe d Itfercnce In cjltfel'cnt' llIal,eH, us well ben t, Bach be~t' sbould be placed In a~ 10 IlI.y othe r tlilng. a moderate slzod blirn about six' rect . As lawn a '11I8l1uro 81)1'01l<lor I never aport., When set up they sbould ' be I'SIl my wagon for ~hat PU1:l'OS.<:, but , J carefully Iplked tQ Iloat and then RjwaYIl I,COIl tbe' rack on It. , 'F or bay· sidell with 1II'hatever mn terial Is to be lng, t hres hing ' or s hred'd lng they can· UIIO\1, In a barn of t.h·ls kind, says 'not be heat!: n as the pitchers would PraIrie' Fal'mol', It Is l'reaume,1 t~at' lql\ YOII, rol' ;': ben In!, wagon com~6, to tho cOntcnts l'est, dlreot IIpon gl'oilnd, the lIeld. tlley all want to pltcb for. me. I' : floor' Is I1S0,I', It Is necessary to ,' Ali to draft, ,,-ell, they do draw a 1\t, make t~e ~rame much ~tronger, tic ho,rd'e r , in! sOllie. . ploC)ol!, ' Tnke' a grinel road, tlte vrlde tlrea strike Dior. .A Dry aarnyard, alOIl!!a thllD a nal'row tire, and a 10lF The farm b~MIY\'rd that ha'..oo4 . wheel is barder to 1'011 over ,II etone dralnuge and keeps . dry a cood Mare t/lan 11 blgb, 1II'hkh auy sl;'nAlblo man of 'the lime sholtld certaInlY ' be the can soe bllt. 11l tbe field I eitn pull my chortng .(Iiace 0( a '!lIlPp), farmer: ~ If load essler, tbore ts anything' tbat 18 ' dl!lqreoable The Ures on DIY wagon are ,.rOur, In . wet weatber It ta to have to keep IDr,l1es wleie and 1 I:an get over the one 'e ye Oil the .: path abead or YQU soft grounll better thlll1 1 ever did 'be- wbon lIounderlng around In tile barn. ioro I bad It. yard In order to keen from 10ttlAl ,In IIhort, I,he liaul)y wagon Is all mlred, ' right It you have tbe right kind, but Ih1me of my Ilelghbarl have IOlF ' A atoDe boUle i. lIot IQ durable u :wllooled Yt'agOU whleh a tlllUll ' cd '0118' of brick, ... brlcll lIoun, ~11 bo~ ca~ hareD" tII'W lVlien 1IOt' construc't ed trill ' OIl. bu"~ '.cla4"'• ~t..




Gtnvini MUst·sUr ,f,ac.-8linU., Slcgatu~ .•





By Louise D. ' Mitcht!ll f.~ ~1~~~~-4~~~~__~~ «('''''YI'h,hl. by /1 (1l1y SIUI')' I'u !>, Co,,


"I d n't \k u Ihl' Id a or I I. dnn" hter ," 1,'IlLh Donl'lmrn salll as 11(' l ul,l lId bl s \lupur. "but If .ou soy IIt ~' VILli \1· slb' IlS \lave Il ntl'rlaln d IIh .. at t h~lr hO I1~e IUlII \"l UCh [ClI' hl lll, I unrJ 'l Hoe wh y I s hol1l t1 thlnl, he WUH not s uod cuoll,zll ro lIa , so !l:o nheud IlIl d IUI' l l.c hllll bero I t' ~ Ull llke," ,, " \\'hlll '6 hlil lIall\ ?" 11\(1111 1'1'0 ber 111 m' hI" t il 1'. R ~ b 1'1, l uukln g ul hel' "ver ' !Jill tllJl r his UWII nC' Wl! llIt ller f UI' II nll'DI('u ~," whll MOl he!' Uoul'l)or n ~ lJfI/lc' nd,'i1 h,'T" Iut rOKI I II I h.· IIsl t or . ll gmc"rY IIIDn to IIsl ell Ill/'~Ill i vely 1'(11' hpl' r ' llly, " I '1u't lu ft" , IlrunOlllH',' it.:" Kald I;: III Y, It 'klll lititl J;l y. " 1)11 \ 11 r;o und N , Ull'1ll Llilll /lke--lIk - " I·- itllwlhIRlc,l' ItH tl:ll n :;~\I"Ol h('r ; Il'l\ uhllu l 11 )' urd 1011;\," " lI l t; t ho a. re Itlllr .Hs hwa l ·J'."flut ill I~rlt~ , who wlla' engllgod i ll 11llia ncing hill gllUlS of wat I' II/lUIl till' nat bl ltde Il r l\.Ill Iq11fo, " rt 1'011111111,. 1Il~ nf thos 0011 11'11 1 It'll '!! G m e tolt s hl I11 fl Iltf' li ther nlgllt : "' I·It~ n· ,,', e R. y o png o w n rrl'llJl .Jll "an, \ \'b ' )3C ntt.rnp uri n 'rIlCMd ll\' U.'ghl'a: I I\t<.1 II I rOIr,; It Sun.III )',

" I'll ''''''IUa:i1 t un Monti ll v , • 11<' HOund " d lIlcu rnc k ... In II


" It ft 'sounded like I'Otk In hIs llockl"!..' now :' I)e~an RobOt't. smiling, " II" nl lght he tempt d to colts ldel' him 1'/1 1' lIur duuS,b ter, ah, dan 1" ;\1 r. D(:nr\ooro turned toword him flllickly. "Nol tor my shlll'e or her" buy," he said , pJllUng tbe little, band lying on the tahle near hIm, "wllb deep lende.rneas, "Family and chnrllctel' go fUl'tber with m&-wlth us RII. I hope," "DeliI' IDe," sighed Mrs, Denrborn, 'I rio wish that Jobn we re here to 8d\' 188 us abou~ this RU88lan , He's cpmlng 00 th 'Kaiser' t,bls n ext week , ISlI 't be,

Bu t

UpOIl th!' sc n ' li ne,! lltea h er horizon hall SOUl ' whul 111'0nll ol1 d, 1J0w \'~I', .1 ohn had neval' nc tllo.lIy prvpOsed I.U h I' ti,ollG'h b hud n 'vcr Ult mnt It to hid!' h ll; I' al roelllll;~ to. wnrd ht'I', li e htu l been :lul'c,ad Cor HOlOe motllh~ , Sh e al'ose to gree t \jIm ,Willi Oll t. l\I I'ct oited b Ands IIlld shlnl llg S s or w l oomt', ami 11<'1' Ihlshlng fncfl li nd 'Ih o ~o rt g'1't'y sow n Rh o wore Illatl {' a III .~. lUI' h U ' V I' forgot. "And , ,I 1111, I w au l you .t o m ot MI', - M I'.~R')\\'-rtow-Il oll' -" ,111,1 ,1<, splle h"r tIIo~l dc'spcl'nl cffol'ts tb , lIunl lI'ni\ cII HIT Ill to a g urg l ' In be t th l't1nl. The lWI' mell ' bow II Ktim) II l)d 1,l i t; J ohlt I() k d Ullo a ~I :; \·shu1'll' of-hls'Du me wll h II Jl cullnr l 'xlll'e~sl (l1l III his OycS w hich Ib l' " llIbarJ':tllso!1 a n d hldl !,"llll n L I~I U,I' tl'ullslut u In to " hiS hateful jeal Ollsy," T o add f lll'lher t o h er dlsl:olIIIII tII'!l ~ h!l th ough t 8h c. II 1\1'11 II snlr kel' f t'o m behind the h ea vy 1101'11 01"s It'ndlll J; I nto th librar y' wh or o F r l t? wu s 1I11t1/1oRed to lie crulI,l' IIlh,,; fOI' an "exlllll, " OU th e mOI'row, She m llll ' n ~lI l1 a nl "trOI't t o lhn\\' out th CO nvol' uUonal nllllOl; pher , but ,lohn mulntalnorl u. (rozell atUlllde to, ward hel' suII' I'lng guest. confir ,lng hls, oonvol'salioD wholly lo h 1'8 It At last, chilled to lh marrow, th e l.llls, sian urose to dopal't. mnklng . lIllI IlM,' with 108S el\se and grace tllIln niluBI. Wh n th y weI' alone Kitty tUl'ned upon John wIth blazing eyes: _ "John FInley, bow eould ynu!" nho burst out at last. "How COllIn you be 80 ul~erfy nasty to him when be hi Sli senslUve and shy before stranga.n?" But John slood his ground stl)~L1I1)' tor once under her wrath. " 'Shy' !" h e excllllmed, Indlgnl\D til', " I beg your pardon, Kitty, but I sb(luld thitik h e mlghl feel a little 'sby,' \Vhere dJd you Dleet him ?'. «Itty explained, JOhD took an .ndlg nant turn 1I{l and down the room nud then came \Jack Bnd stood Iu (l'Oot ot her, .


{·atty?" for J)it)'"s su,ke don·t. r rer the ma~t(>r to John. ruanuny, for It 's 5 0 jealouR or every num who \lven , 1i!1 · :tkS to lII e il;tnt he'll be S III'O to sit d!)W n nat on Mr,-Mr,- " II 1 .


" It 'makes me wild to Uihtk hit bat .to elIll uDon you," h ' h,'oka Olll al IOSI , "I cannot 1II1dorstand lIuch runk carelessn ess on the part ,eot lh tl Van' AlsUnes, 'but It's tho old rG II~' ot shlll·bonrd IicC\lIuln Wnc s cUITIl!d be. yond the IIUtll~ or cOlllmon sense, Kit" ly, rorglv ' 00 (01' hUI'(lng ~·ou , d 'nr, bu~ Hull f ellow wit s my ,tailor III I~on' !lOll! Whu t I ~ II' UI' t o, now, 'I'd like to know. WI) I'/nln 'hlllls It Into-" ~ 'Your 'Iallor'- ' l allor' !" Kitty h:inrd h er self sa yI ng III a voI ce tbal callle from somC'lI'bol'c IIOWII III hcr IY)ots, !llld as she droPI' tI down 111 (0 h or sho hea r.l a smother ed bOWl frott:J behind the ,Ior tl el'es thlt t mild her bury ,h el' IJIIl'nln" cheeks nf;U.lnsl lbo uphol sl el'(l Q chu\)'back, " Oh, John! Ob, John! " sh monned, b ()lpl'}tI~ Iy, " How ' p I'f!lctty IIw(ul tbl a Is alHl \lallll 110 guncroU!il y u'uRted 10 In" jud,gmellt, too !" llU~ i n shool' disma y sbe began lo sob, , It Is easy' to !) IIllv that .lohn could'n't" I'Y well \'eslst Utat, so he bent (Jo"'n /l lld drew tb sobbing girl IIJl until slu lelln ' cl III his IlrlDS wIth her shllm d fnce bii\uen ugaln!!t hie breast, " "Whnt Is SI) 'Awful' sw o(hearl ?" hE' , whlKllCred, hold~nll ller oll)sC wllh a ':Iasslonate, yeal'ulllg tenderness, "Dc you meun t!IO prelmmption ,o~ tbat scam}J? Well. d ()U'~ worr~' 'a 1Il0nl()nt abnut t11ot, then, tnr, hI) recognized m ' Ins~a.ntI)' lind wl[/ lIot Ililpear ngaln upon the SCQlle. So lie there again>!! illY heart und rorget him alld-'-lhlnk of m e. Little glrl-ueaa', !ltU girl. r wanl to tell ~'OU bow r have longed tor thIs moment. liow many lim s' I bave hnugered to llOlu you In my arms, D enr09\ ," IittlDI> 'the f1usl\ed faCE up toward hili o~vn ' 'tblll Ito might see tbe lour,stalned , (lyes, " look ' I1t , me! Ha\'e you ml seil me-'-j\lst a' lIttle? (n all lbese months or I~X ubsence, have' yotl ,' for olie moment, \"anted me back ? Darling, (10 you-" " ' But just here' hlH Jute~llsUlIg InveRt[. 'gallons were InWl'fuptod by an , "a,h,e'm '" In RII uumlst.a)eable ' voice trom lbll next room and l he Ilraperies were. pnrted 8umclenU~' to permit the entrnnee or a thick , n llTl'qw roll ot wh ite paller which was sbot i h e l ength ot lbo lonl( rlrawln!t·\'oom and, d r opped .at tbolr reel, th e oUl el' en tl rO\llalnhlg d trou bled, , . ")1u~, l:tr!lclol's lIIe:" sh '. crl od In dis· In the hand o( t1,I C' In~l'lIdoi" ' lIlay, " What.o\'er am f III do, rO l' I Mn u't v n I' n\eUlber, Wo first ' llart of ,, "l beg your purdo,n~ ' ,Jack," ,said, the .... b \'olce, " bul 1'n his !iuTl'led 'exit .Klt'o 'It 110W and slncu papa do .ml 0 Jl!ct nusslan left , lIart or ~Is naine behind ,'I'm to' h, ve Illm ,,1jul'e 'Cor Thui'sdar 111m a'llll I've wri tte n \t, on this, thInk, (lyen,l ng!" ,,' . ' Ing you mlsht care ,to r oluro ·It lo lll.m : "And tbls 18 Monday! ' Ol'oat Scott! sbmetlme wben hc was Ill'oninll your I 'must get to ,,'ork 01\ It tbl s TOry min· coat~ ,.. ' , ute It Tnl to !lcep ,n,l)l ~o:lt l'iHit , " '1[\1 ,Yon.: r gucss I'll jtts~ ltOlJ' OVCI' to Teachel Azt~c L;lnguage. ' (11'11 nls now, lind get sOllle or ,t he rront , f I 'Molislgnol' A, M. Hunt,Corte,a, of I tlI(ns belo,n glng to 'tbq , pn,l'ty 0 t Ie the cll;v of l\Jextco,: conducts II scbool til' ( pInt'," , ", , where 'th'e anCient Aztec lantuag'l Is ., 'O'rRce's: IndeedJ 1'011'.11 110 notll' t.ailgbt In addlLlon to the ' ullua " ,Ing of ' the kind. Frllz D urilorD, fOI' I " kllo\v \'81')' well wbat thn t means !!' branches, A numher ot his I)UP \18 are Sh !ltOod 'for 1II0melll, linger on , ,descebdllntll, ot, the, Montezumas, anti \I , staring fixedly Into sllllce, :: Wllat Monslgnore ·IiIl,nt.Corte~ la ,firm In , the J) , K 'Wo' w H owsk"-somll- Ilelle! that the~ Bho,t1ld kllow !lomewas I l - O W " , I b I ' r ~h I f "UHlig? ',I ~oultl 11l8,t '1Iaml\ler tha~ ~by tf,hlln.:r. or tHe I O~gUIlAgC. 0'1 e rltJ0r~ , " "II f ' 'r"et nJl'a\lout leBl'nlng Itln utlel a, , e 8 an m el can ,c 10\1, COl bo ~t: G ace' ''' , born In 'ew , Ol'lenns, and Is about the , ro~~n:fJI7e , o'f t~e t~ct thaI ,! (Itty bad 'best living ,a uthority on Mexlqan his, I~ ·l\u.,ved to keep that 'l'hlll'l!day even, tory, ,~ I Ill'g free from all ot\je\' ~allers ))eca\lse ' T>hree Condltlonl to Ollly. hilI" , Rt,lsalan soomed som . wllat slly The courage ~o tl'Y to do !l thlnJ,\ ,,' abollL m euti,n g 8trlng~rs, 'John Flnlcy" beforo YOll 1:now bo\\" and the pa, who , 'bad landed tha~ dllr und wal tlence to keep on trylllg littor you nalllt\l,lIy eag r wllh the taml1y, have found out tbat YOU uon't know 8Cnt ' up word thllt lie w1luld dl'Qll 10 1I0w, and tbe pe~everance- ,to 'renew , l ilai even1ng, He was Rober 'y cbum , tbe trial as mauy ' tlmell 118, net!esllU'Y an(l ; It 80rt ot fi~ture In tbe family-at until YOU do know how, arc 'the thTCQ lenllt he WII Willing to be regllrde<l as CondltlonlJ or' the acqWIIUons of pby, 11 IIxture If, I)nly Kitty would not abo Ileal skill, m~ntll power, moral "Ir Jeet. And ,KI~ty llad Dill. pjJlIlUvely " .~ "ohlpcted" 1I1Itll bel' R'lsslall came tue. or personal ezcellencc,--nr.2e, " H6,Cks.lnll,nan," politely Fl'lt'l, KItty laugh d, proyok " ~O\\', wh y ca n't YO\l leUI'll hi 1111.1\1, Fri tz ie, (l ear, and th en teoo;h it to me " she C91Ued, "I rell hendlollg uv r it tti.r ee dmes when ' t Willi ut ' Grnce's Sunday at'l orlloon, and I wu s S l) morll· fl ed, Do, pleaso," 'Til flo 8 0 with ,.Ieasurc, 111 )' I" no' I'an t on , 1I0 w lOueh Uuw wi ll yo u ul· ICl \\ l\! 1" " One hOltT- lInder CI'IlC 's tllltlon ," W it" UIt.l sly 1" tort.. '['h\l 1l0Y'f\ (li e ti'L1 hed con~clousl~' alid to hid hi m bn:rras m nt h e frowlI d !Ial'kl~' III)' on b r. " QIDe no w, Miss a SHY," h ' said: " arioru , yottrself wltb rOIll' compa ny " fanue'r wh en you',re atldJ't'3slng me, or 1'\1 lam your llu8sllln'l\ nalll c hind, sid bE>fo • aml-oh, I bet;' ,y,ollr JjUI" dOl) " m oth r, but' the hl8111 thing ~ Ilil p d:' ~or tbe gl ass he hnd been , u y lug all t ills II rue to balllllce sndden· I}' lost lts,. ba lance anll c ,,(lililed 'do\\'n 1I1l0U t ho brqad·plnle, r ellnclu!; both to r l'llll ni litH, " Ii ' h uoo eyes ancl lilanners!" sulel Kitty , I nnlns h r Ibows UllOr: Iht' ' Iabl and I' sting hel l' dalnl )' ch in 1I11111t ·her claslled ,baeds. , " 'I'here's nOl mucb or hint, lllen, It he 'nly has eyes and \II unn ,I'S," aald FI'l, J. disgustedly, " ' "W ell, he ul'csseil 'bcautifully," on· tlnuM Kitty, "But be 'W Ot's hla I!IlItll ~ as II ]1l'lnce wonlt! , 111)\1 1 don't hl, lio\'e he vcr give>! thr.m a tbought oflpr he has onoo pul Ult1m all," " Probably not. No donbl he leavlls hIs tailor to do tbat tor him," " 'nd' he dances divinely," . "Wbat! With al\' tha t name?" , "~1rs.. Van Ahitlno mol him on th'c >ltelltller coming ovor -dldu't Grace lell yo u ?" " ., .''.1'01 not soylng whut Grace,' tells me.. . Russlun.·Cr:l7.oo, bllt I'm willIng tlJ IId'm lt mitt our convl)l'sallllns are m it l al'~ely .col1~ pICUOU 8 (or 'l~!o Intl'odtlc, , I IQn ' 1)( ' C~relgll Illle ~sl s, 1" elll, sho WIIS eharmod with )11'.-' 'Ir.- '; ~ be paused, h ellli illy, wblle , ICr!t7. 'lallghod in derision, ' " l?lnun1er ninuber thl't'c," be an: 'no\lIlced lIoss-mpl\rb Ucnll)i , ' , Sb gilt 1111, Iltovoll fll btll, s~1\J loOk·,

l)rC8 I1n~od



trade v;'flh the bome merchnl'lt, yet If other p eople (oUowed rour f)Xllmple and pUtrllfllz II mail order houSe.i, tbero wpulo b e no bO llle 111 rc hunt to tru de \ \t h, H oUlt'rs bo ug ht o C blm on ly wh n W'e y ,,"UuLe.1 thin gs In a htul'Y, and sent out ot tIIwn rur thc ' grpa t 'l' flart ot thei r SIIIlPI\ S, be \\'oull! h a\'o I for morc I,romlsing nl'ltl s 10111'; ugn, or If h ' bad stayed III l has'" eil' IImsta'n c , ~hc sberll'! w oul ll /lna l!y have cl osed lilA dool's, You " 'onlu lt't III;e to live In a. plncc W!lh. ou t s o res, ami yo t It may b e thnt ~' ou pref!'r t o rl)s ll1e I,n a cOllnlJ'y t owu rut her I hUn In a city, D o yo III" sb ar , tllen , t o ward ma,kln g I t posslblll tor the COII OIII' 'm el'cbant 10 carryon bushl SS, ' Y OIl mu st I' m emher, too, lbat wh n you sond y our money to somc big can , cc rn 'In a distant city, you lessen the amollnt or trlln y In c lrcnlation In YOl1r own re~ ld.m c e town , H you han apen ~ it n t the home s Lore, 80me ot I at l \ills t ,v.auld have b een pnld out by the propri etor In the torm at wa ges t o hi s \l m plpy ee; tb cy In tUI'O wOH l d h ave expended It tor th e ncces, 8Itles of ilfc, aud ~t wOllld bave passed trolll C li O Lo an otbor or the h om e de:II, ers . p~o \' lng an Imllortant factor In the \,rUS llcrlly at t he o mmunlty , Hav. Ing BOllt I t to tbe lIIull order house the probabl ll Ues tb lll it will never agal ll benefit anyone In 'your home t own , You &hould trade wllh the home mer chant because he Is tbo one from who m you ask and r eceh' e favors, Perh ap s you have had a run of IIIluclt - YOII have lost your pOSition, bad long'contlnued llIness In the tamlly, or bave experienced dlmeulty In collect· Inl money due lOlL You are In





Fre ight Charge. Added and Qual ity Considered the Home Merchant Does Be st,

(Copyright ed, 19Ot1, by Altred C, Clnk,) Tbe r eas ons why ~ eonle should trade at borne arc numcrou s, but 80 t ar as we ai' abl e to l ea l'n bu tone rea ~ on Is' advalH:l)d for purch!l slng goo lis or mall ord er bous :., That one roason:""'a saylllg of monc)'- i s ortcn 00 r Cll.3on at all , f or In m all), Instnnces tile express c hurges or tl' I,.ht und car tage will hrlll!; lho cost o f nn artl· c,lo tbut a s Quoted In th o price li s t Beem ed a won derrul barg ai n. II1 1llllSt or Qul le 11 /1 10 Ule prlco chargel! b y tho IUl'al denlel', nut on ' n w ere ou e abl e to save a f ew c nts on tbe pllr· ohase 1)l'lce by buy ln s away from bom , It upponl's to IIIi that the loss Is Intlnltel y more thun lho gain , for he who 'sonds lhe l oon ey which h o oarns In !.be hom c town out La swell the cotror s or wClllt.hy <t en l ers In dis· tant cities caonot (a ll to (orfelt In a con sid ers ble de., reo the respeOt oC tbose al'OUlul bl Ill. nOT can b e lind r these conditions prese rve his self· respect In tact, Tbe mnn who patronizes mall ordar bousea must bave ' a Inea klna; f eeUnll

' LEARNING ABOUT Hu.: aES , Ten dency 00 the Farm III More Inteln gent' Breed ing, M:t lll ' u r' t he you n!; men bro!1 ght up on Ill.' rUI'Il\!; 111'0 I ell l'lI I nil m or e ahont horses 'Io'llay tli lln they Oval k n ew b r01'O, 'r h y nl'U doln s tbls , ln thl! -" ~ 1asrl ultural colleges, whero UJey may A SWINE STORY, lak a long I'. ou rse uC In ijlruolion Q I' " Ilhort. nnc, , Ai a «'su i t II I ~ Ilor lllin On e Farm er's Hog. That Made a that 11' 0 will \.tnve b >tt el' hurH breC'd. Great Protl t: IIII:' In Ihe Il e'dr rutu !' LhtllJ we buve had lit the I, resen t tim ", Hllh<'rtlJ tbe '!'h e II'I>lh \l ltagea' who says t\)at Im ow ledge of tit ho r se In nil hla !Jell r. tbe II I,. "pa),s th r lut" I ' li s a 110 more I ngs h ilS nOt b01)1I ox onslv" alllon ' the "atonl t l'uth lhnll Is ontll inctl In t be r ank :l/l d lilo u f the own 1'8 of ,;nr.h nn ' 6lntc lllc uta mad by Tb ell, l .olll s, IIll Ul s, O.h or wls() w, ,woultl Ilo,t bave John 'u\\'II1 0, and other gr,' ut I~og seen the Alml ' tis II I' edlng that bas gro wers, t ltHt b og g rowIng Is o ne' or tal,cn ph.l.ce aud wh'.cb has k f.']lt 110wli th e m os t SlI l'ol y VI'Olilnhl e of 1111 I he per c aplla. vn l ue of our h r\ I'~ S, bral1c h S oj' f al'lu lag, M IlIlY lIoople 'I'hls sl.lIdy at tbe horse Is bAin g s~ln nl' ilcem to II\1nl" bl)\\' Vt'l', t hnt hogsllay In te!d by lhe Ia. lv s t hut nre being riMS rt w e ll onl)' III 111 "CUi'll b \I'," Thi s I hy 1I11! va.r h:>IIB atatlls r('Qulrlng stul, know to b Il m ista ke, Wl'l't 8 a 01" lions lu bo I'\lgl st el"''d, T ho sur t oC lil y fa rm h. Wiscon si n Is tlOlug rrol'c,J to (!Ir td lhe, l'e811ollli ' 11 1 ,ul Fal'mlng, n ot III Ih l' CU I'U b I : on t h e contl'llry Imo wl ell /:,c o( good hO I'~e hnl uln'thau It Is In or,.. (I( th old st.atc~ , aou we nit )' 1)" 110 1', ,hut t h ert! are Iud! ,I\Uons n en.' I' mnk e lillY gren t SII I'.1I 11I8 of coo" tha t ~lIn'lll or th e olh<lr State!; a r n ot l\ onl'l ltc less, 1 tan m ak o h IgII LIllY ral' I,ehi lld, say s Pil~' ll1e1'S' R 'II w, The Imva llU sseu h aw ) c om polled tAl e • authorlt! s 10 wnke .n In vcstlg ul \ on 'Ilutu the condlliOlls axl slln g In tlte breedlug " f horses, nnd Ihe dutd, tl'· , ' umulaled ar c proving very v'u !tl a I III IIIs1ruct\ng tho se thnL are most In· lOl'l'hi:ed In Lhls study, Irrom every a ~I'lc tlllurll l collt'gO Is going Ollt an 10·' Ultonco tor bolt J' borses on lbe' (nfms


CARE OF A C!'LVING, COW.. What Can Be Done to Carry the Cow Safely Over the Period,

w ell ' even when prices are down to fOUl' or five cent6, When uJ)' to sl.• cents, profits are a 100 per ceDt, or more, Corn Iti great feed ror hogs; for fat , tenlng there Is notlJlng better, but It III 1I0t wise to deoend on except where It makes big yields every year, 1 caDoot do this Bnd h er e Is my meLh· ad or making cheap pork,~ nd getting good profits: 1 have three fields well f enced, adjOining eacb other, They ....."':~It.!I"'''':::::::~~~::;...... " ,have rrom elgb t to t en acres In each, and In eacb tlJere Is a good supply o( , ru.norng water, My hag!;, In the laLl, tude o( Washlnglon cft)'. spend ten monlhl$ oE tbe yeor lu lbese flelds~ At this writing there 115 III No, ] a crop ot la te cowp eas on llal ! aud clover and opchsrd !,'1'tlBS on th e rest: In No, 2 t here were oats nntl Canada neld JlIl US which have b en eaton olf; In ' 0 , :! lhere are only oul'l y cowpeas, The bogs ra il In 1·0, 1 In spring and enrly IlIlmm I', t lten In , 0, 2 till tho)' ate lhe olll s an d pea.s, aod now tbey al'e In 'No, 3 and wfll romaln till til e I,eas are gon e, Tbon til y will &pond 'a l arge part or the winter III No, lon the IU le cowlleas, There III ' no lftnd of (el'nge b etter adapt~ 10 making pork ,t.hal) these, Last Call 1 bought among a. lot at hOgs ~ome half·bl'ed J ersey nntl " razor· ba ck" sows .tllnt had t ogeth er 36 pigs, I fed the pigs t'"'o lons of tankage at" a cost ot $76, nnd $20 worth or corn, anfl l et tbem run In good weatber In a potato field tbat bad been dug, Th ey rooted up and nte all tbe tioultooa , tbat hnd b e n left, The malt'Ordor ftend II encroaching upon OUr town Ill ke a devutatlng' As soon as the clover and gras8 got pratrle fire, and we .hould turn to with a will, and by the aid of the, hom... ull enoJlgh In Ule spring' In pasture trade plow run a 'protecting furrow around the community that will lave ua No, 1, 1 turned In the 111g8, Tbey and our In.titutlons from de.truet ;on. Such II tha duty of every 'oYII rell. etayed 't bere till tb ey were s ix months dent. ' old aod \\i elgbed 20() pounds each aud the' mal'ket price way $6,10. Tbl~ tlmm av e r~ ge a IIWe more than tb~t everybody In town knows that st roltellod clrcumstanee8. Would I matle $12 I\, head, ']'be mane): cost of Ulesi he Is a plndrance rather thaD. help le ~Ler to tho mall order bouse. stating pigs when soln bnd b eeu only $4,.75 to the community , He I. not waD~ed ull these circumstance., 8ecure for In public posItions, and when ques· YOll a supply or th,e necessarIes at eacb, showlnl; a K~1I of $7,90 & head.


tlons or local IDterest Bnd importance \ite on liberal ' c r edi t terms? Most as' FINE HOLSTEIN RECORD, ue dlsbussed , hi. opinion carries far su redly nol, An IIPlpeal to the proprl· les8 ~'V~lgbt tban the man who co n· elors for aid In your extremity wquld tribulea hIs ahare to tbe prospel'lt:r or be barren ot reslll tE;. It la the bome What a Nebruka , Cow Hal Done Twelve·Month TeaL the communlly by IIpendlng bls won' D1 erch an ~ wbo 8tands ready to extend eT w:horo ~\l earna It, tbe credit ~eee8SaI'Y to tide you over A threo·yeur,old \:pW o\\'Iled b:r the , ' 10 addltlqn to 101lng In a Il\rse de· an ,emergency, and [<1r tbll reason, If rree tbe respect ot oUl ers and bl s for no other, he .1iI0uld bave your NehrllSku. Agricuit,ural college ';:'as own selt.respect, the man ,who does loyal support ' In jo~r UI:!I~' of pro., &Iven II 12 months' orucla.l test w Ith the rcsnlt below, Every' pouna of mill! nOlltlng ,to build up the ~own In which perlty. be Jlvea 'falll lind tbe contentmenl ' Perbaps yoU are tlllanclally Inde- was wei ghed nnd tested tor butter Cllt. which Is necessary to llBllplness, ' f1av· pendenl, and have ne\'er known the Th e cOW WIIS milked three Umes a day tng done notblng to mako the town necessity of asking for cred it. };ven (01' I be ftrst six months oC lactation betfer bn II unable to soo til e munr then YOll are Indebled to tbe, h~'l11 e and' all ' the f eed ' glvon ,her was advantage" It possesses, nnd , Is con· merchant for manY" o r tbe advantages welgbed, The results obtained wore , ,tlnually, talking and t hinking of its you enjoy, Tbe I)fOpl'letors of a mail eSIHi clally Intorestlng, In 365 daYB thIs cow produced 1'8,573 defiolencles, He doal not 1110\'e out, order boUse would laugh Yotl to B"orn bowevor, but staYII on year nrlel' y csr, were you to ask them to slIbserl be to- pounds ot iullk of ,an average test of , a diSContented para~ite, gelling all Ltc wlIl'd the building ot your DDW church. 8,34 vel' cent. butter fat, This ,amount· can nnd clvlng as little ae pos~lbl c III the ilJlPtovemcnt o( 'your schoo\, blllld. ed to 620 poundll ot butter rat for the retllrn, ' Thcre is nn unw r illen Itl ..... lu\;, or tile ,expenaOD , of maintaining year, which estlmatod ail bOt tel' , Dature thaL I,1I!lkes It Impossibl e tor yo ur ftre ,department. The ,home, mer· nmounts tu 734 ponnds,' A,t 25 cents one to reall y' taku an Intel'est In , a ,cha nt co~lrlJ>Utes IIb ~ra lly to the SliP- 'vel' poulld tills butler would be worlh 'placo ,unlll h e ha s done something for Ilort of tbese Inslltutlons Ill. essential <, 181, mnklIig a total vulue of prodltcts It, and ' I,t Is onl y wben Wet bave donI! to the public cq,mfol~ and well ,behlg, U28, Tb e value of the milk solllls, our lIilol'O toward J,luUdJng liP tha tOWII and you caDnot alfo'rd to . ,wlt bbold not tatij, at 3 cents pel' ponnd ' woul,d be '47, In whlcb we, lIvo that It becomcs a from him YOlli' patm nage, 'I'he whole cost of the feed ror this You ,know your lo:cal dealers, Per, reDI home to us, Perhaps ' the local .teafers In country haplS they bave grown ,from chlldbood cow was i71. It the 9',000 C\uart s of lulII, had b een sol d tor ' 4 con t s \leI' towns ' do not ' al ..'aYIl bave In ctock Lo ' manhood In YOllr llome. tOWt1 i you Quart, tlte InconlC would bavo b'een 'ust tb-o artic l es vou desire but they were bo)'s togelher. they have watched are, usually wlllln'g to order: whatevor b,. you In sickness, alld comforted, you '360, ,01'. fL nOl nrof1t over the cost , or feed or 'lIearly $290, but as tbe milk their cusloml!rs want. 'a nd under or. la sorrow, they take a kindly Interest . was actuDlly sold for 8 cents per Quart, dinar), 'Q lrcuDlstlqcell can supply you In your' welfare, Do 70U DOt preter the net profit over tb e cost ot feed i.a QuiCKly as ' ;you can procure the tbat your trade should IncreaBe their was n enrll' 14 70, For net !1ront, this coods from a mall order bouse, When small pr,oft~8 rather t haD, add 'Itl cow standI close to the tecord , 'In fa()l, fOD huy of tht' Ilome mercbant, ' t h,e QIIota to,. the_millioDI!' of dollar8 annu· ' above uny cows' tha.t we have 'ever C09d. are berore you and l'on see allf Bent to tbe mall order 'bouau? I~ heard iir, Cu'n th ere b e any be tter 'ar· ... bat )'ou' aro g~ltIQ&.' In' buyIng 'liy the borne merchadts prolper tlie to~ ,ument ro,r <unllty In ,l1 dairy cow? mail, lhere !:o always "a chance that , be a better pla,~~ in , which to ',,\len tbe ' loodB arrIve thoy will not live, Their , prosperlt:r will be· Wh~t Might 1EI1. pTC:!\,e "to be Just wbat you eXPl1cted felted by ImproTtlmentl In ,the Ippear· H , A, Hoppcr of tbe Wlnoll College and dellired, ID that case' you are put anc. ,of their own property. and by riC ,Agriculture has boen testing the to tl,le hlconvenlen.ce 'ot sending them their IDcreased llber.llltl ia c\1ntrlhr1 cows ,ot thsl !;tate tOl' tbe last two back for exehallce, or If tbs need II IDC towlrd "publlc ImproYllments. anti )'eal'li, He mukes tbe statement tlJa:t ,lmmedll1tte and preallng. yC!u .Ii; by helpmg them by youl" pa~ronace. ', tt ,ail tbe COW8 In the Blllte ' werf1 IS obllce~ ,to , accept that wblcll II 1I0t TOU w.ll\ also be lIel~llnc Tounelr pd goo!l au !be besi h erd he has tested, : entirely aaUafactory, the enUre communlt:,; lhey would ,add to the I'cvenue or tho '1' ai. tolUS In order tbat YOUr FRANCI618 A. HARRJ8; farmer8 or JlUnolB ovllr '60,000,000 home town may bave Btores at which ProYOCQtlon I!nDUgh. 1UlII\I~ly, All, ' tbls loss tracel back to ,trade, TJaIl1'8 are many tllt\es ' whea IIlud (befqre ' the IlaUlhln g b,eal,'l .to tbe ml8taken Judgment of Ul.. TIll. 'au are In a hulT)' ,for soma Irtlcle cap)-How provokll~CI 'Here we'.,. 'lola farmer concerning cowa, It lie there II 110 Ume ,to lell4 to New York. heea 10 .alaulel, till bua't Nauld ('ommence to mak!! a atud, of or e1..wll...., Your lleed fa lauped once. ::aWl, tbelr" breet!a and typeS, ~ Immediate an. ta;-faU.,.. Toa are JIJ16-.8tranp, oo.u1d 'correct &hat jlldi:m~lIt.

Jr l1 cow Is a very h n.vy milker, Iud jn high co nd ition, IL wOllld he well to give her IIgb t teed for 'about a w e,e k he fore rroshenlng, to thin the blood a. little, aB 11 preV!loUv e of milk fever, K eep close watcb or hel' nad put her In a bOll statt at night, so that wbell she does calve sb e may have !:lor treedom , Arter calving gIve b el' a ' warD) ma sh or bran, with 11 bandful of salt scattered on top, Let tbe calr lUCk,. and then strip ller Ollt 'and put hm" back In her stall , says Ii writer la ~ural New YOIkel'" tbat sbe clenna, 00 not give b er any cold water unUI atler sbe bas c1ea.ned. WOl'k ber slOWl y on to her feed " I dl) 1I0t IIJ\e to mill; a helter before calving, Let l he calf SIIc:lc ollce and If the heifer talt es kindly to !leI'. milker glv~a doWn hor milk freely , abe ls jtist U8 w ell 01T back In her st.all, bu t It she holds up her mllh nnd wants b !l,r calf. let ltCl' hil\'e' ll; milk hOI' at th Bailie time ot the calr sucking, ,unlll shit, talws kIndly 10 h er milker,



INDOOR'ROUGHAGE RAe/<, Handy DevIce Which Will Sive Feed and Be Convenient f~r 8heep, I n designing a rack far Indoor feed. Ing ot sbeep, and especially ,II. breeding flock, them nre sevel'al things to be tal(en lI\to consld!lrntloll, III tbe ft ~st place It Is desirabl e th at tbo mck- be constructed to tllke up , tile l east amount of sllllee p08slbll\. It ' should be so designed thnt 8uWcient roughage can be constantly kept before the· 9nl· mal s durIng the day Wllbo)lt waste. , Every ftocltn:illster lik es to see bll breeding· sLock look well , To tbls , end th rack should be conslructed 80 thllt dIrt nnd obarr from tIle can· not slrt t hrough Into tho wool and cau8e a muttod condition about " the neck Un<t' a.lOllg i1ie back, ,. , In 0111' long ,experience In handling a \lock or, breedIng we have experimented, 'w!tb a number of dUr~




Of ,




l1li481' I1ICIa ~ III


aew ."rlu -10][11111<

Rack fl!r 111"""

ant des\p.a or sheep ,rackll .. hoping" to got Il gOlld combluatlon of all the· d. slmble qllall~l e s or a good sbeep ra~k. A'boul fOllr years IIgO, Wri teI" the '001'· respondent o,r Pmlrl !! Fa\!Iller, ) ' eQ!l' struclod one the phi n of t,h\l" de,slgn. herewith l1Iustl'llted and find· It' ,ans'Yers lhe pUl'pose bettel' than', any· thlng yet found, . Tho rack can be constructed',aga.illBt !.be wall or away , 60 tb~t tbe stieep may feed from both sides" . As we' bave our racks conslruoted. II:rou.nd the outer walls Of our sheop baru the One bere illustl'llted deslglll!d i:ov tbat. pw:" ' nOSf.'. ' ,' , ' In tho rttclt. JYle drat place txb at aD angle ot a~ut %O,, ~. grees to tbe base of the ' 8ldlng., leav· Ing a' spnce at tbe teP for feedln!; at about 20 Inches, The r'ac1!- 1Ii1l8 th.en. boarded al tbe enus aDd !aeed.. as shown III cut. Tbe dlsta}lCe ,from' tJa,6 \loor to E Is 18 Inolies; Ji'rom E to top or slats III eIght InChes. At E • ~ was conslructed for tbe feeding oe gru,ln, Smull, c;leats W1iro toe.aaiU~ 10 two Inc,hes apa!'t. Wlth this I\malJ \liace to set the ro'usbage t~ulJt , th& sbeep ' waste very little hal', Oi\1n call be conveniently III UIe tnMlllb wilhout dllllcnlty.




Unwl .. B'r elCllna. 1lbe breeder who , PIIO'8 more atteJlo \Ion to 8hape and color than he dlljl" pmctl 'al [)I1lnta ~u r.ometb1Da Itlll~ learn about the solence of pOUltl7 rat. ,ng, It I. meat ano,l ..... aot the taathers, tI1nt t1i1 bll)1DI .. uollil na&ai

"-t: I : ~~ 1"" i Il g


I Su n day

Wa) m: Towo ship

i-les illc:nt s I



Sc.:hool 01 1'I

111\'1, ,11111 Itli


'~I !)c'lc



PI:otc :t Again st

by -


Electe d !OHic ers T he Nc:w ~enLury ~I ub AS'sOl ..iatlOn .

l:lJull ly

_ ~,huol

M&:J1lOrial D.ay Pi nits , '


1 IlIi'''' III ' 'lll~


H('~"in li

: Ul ida .v·



';-;;b- Ihet \\; 1111 'l'ho ; nv a l 1\: 111:. Mill" III 'I'll" fl dlol\\,lll" rmll 'l\l th tll I'lt" 11'\\lll g ,,,101 I • II/'torno on (If I'ho , nn ' s " Hurri . ,i ,\h .. 11'1''' III I' lIhll.' A II,'p .." , ' j l'l' I, " l'n~h" ,. ( 'n,,'" :-;IIIJ~ "" ) I .. . II II!!' I' l l,.. \ /11" ...u· , ll1\llflll" ,lI1l1 l'I!" ' elHb~rs r eo II' ll1 f xtdlll i::il III I. H ~ I LI' t ' • . \\'V:\J~~;'l U ,\ \'. , 1 1i~I':'-" I\lIl i un, ' I )l'll I-p"l'1I1 L· IHI~ " L.v 1I l1 1111ltg SOlli e l-iu'111111' "" If'h,l .\ ·",' . 1' "ponu 'd [ II rll ll cu ll 1'UIIIII/ 11"1I )1 .1\ 1111,, " l~ ,·.,"'r'lJ tl, ~ I,·l·"',!. U \I ;lu II. ", , 111 1 l it., ,\ 1, 1\\1I_IPI' I'fllI .\· ,I lh,· ~ \lIId . ~, \)" ;:;111 111 111' fll • ' \ l IlII'U' at'l Ll\lnl"I II "\.·~ 1 ' "111 K . h g .• Mdl, 1<1 . ~ ·a"I l:h flt th ' rr1Cllu~ Ih r e .1lIll .t,ho \lIlt'Ll ~"l')tI!o: li,II/HI H"' I· ,l! III.. W fl r U l \I \ I \ l il II pl tn rHl pl·(, llI l ~t·" .. nlll 1'. w,,~l!IP ,111' \ , 11 \\' t' l' b '" ~('hl " . • \'11 1'0,",' II lh, II \ 10 1 1 1 1 " Rt,nllY" I ' dill' /111\1 \\ tli PI·"II'l ll l,· ' Isof c')llr"e, I I I .J \l'~~ ( 'Uf ll lyp \1,,-4"1" rH\'lI r t,d rJIt' . o:tu 'l · unl\ no . ~" " " Jl1 :'1 " 1I1 ~" "I1'I ·v . n t lU 111'1..' r') '!1"""l" l'll l /.m .!' \\ , n h ..I,l "I II\ ,~ Mil) (hur('11 ;; nudll )' " ")llI n , ti r l" ... • . ~ ,1 h'l I " ,{tU. l IlH .... \\ llh Cl p l nH u t;t ~ h ' ( i till n : 01, :lI H h 1 n, frllllld~ ,n j~ lH) I n 6~ville HI 'H!~~ i , . , hu ~,.' n lill II 1 1' ."',," '1 (1 /11 , 111. I " 1 ' b ll'' l'u ''' 11.,e' lit" t ~ U1I 1, 111 t \ Un t ~ .~ " " t pr"'·l·,l l ,".:-, nnl l'· ~Il" I h t) I'''ttl ll ll h"ll ... ... , I t h' l'It nO ll lind (\ ,"elll II U II 1\1 .,.,.. II'I·t II. 1"1\ I II •I lid " IJla' \o~. ,\\ .. .. 1I·t-~l) hll :' , 1'ln UII['I" [t"ad lind I ', III I "'!'! fl lIl'th (,I Illt··j'lIl1 l·,' ,. "",'. h:l\ l'lI ~ hl\\'('IUtil', I f B Olli' I I i nlt'f( ", 11 1111 1"l p 11 I\( '~ ' . '''1' 1 1)'''. ~ 1' 111 I ' til n,'· ~ H TU'4 I'h l ,( •. ,",11: 11 , J. I 11l(!1 ) 1~ 1'1' I h n W. H . t~lIrd nd~ Ill tl (; 11'1. ... 0'· " A t Ih l' 1If1 ~rl\"l\tl ~~t'S "i ,111 rnllr IIf \VI ~!'\t t 'n rr d llt,H I llftal' ,\' II ' 1]: hlll~ .. I \' l.t " 'III\ ~, JIIIS, l,V H ~i U ,'c1P'~1I g, U )."lttt it rnlll ' CIII L . ,~ Cllhfl' .\ Pl'vf, 0h, tJl~' . B0I1 '''ll 1 Long 1111' oopy of t.ho w i1 rkl' I' r l'l1 ll1 • I ~ \ lI n/r 3"l fJl" Wt.l\; IH' X. II I d l'd,.-: u ttl , 'in d r1.lPl t l !'L l'"tlhU I "P:-tl,f 1HhU', "" t I·Utl~il.y 11tU'lH I'\ \11 ag-Ij.ln~ t, " \"' 111'""" ,\1 ( :,. ",~" h. ul , (I "ll t i "I 111 S( l t1nHl)l1 Ilt~ Ivl~ ,IJ " lo l . ,1 .' 1" ·"."I u: <I"lIl lJiI\'. 'l' rl bllne. which give Illl ,e 'UlIlIl uf II C' II '\ , UI,1I1 lI1 i' i\.I C\"':o u l rfO '! r\!i, t.,llo \\tri: It, tlli' ,h-~j 'CI' d" >11 ,f 11'1, 1'\'1·,11 1"11[ , i::ivl""11 H"" tI. t Il" l,lI"WI II I-C I"'''I~ "' ~', W.'Il'IIl1l1'lll h'·,\"" l' llIfl uhIH II~ht111 . lit. ' ,), j',,'o,lI lollII; . the m e r g in g of tbrtle I IIdlU g han k Ii \\' r l", ht ~ l'~' n \\. Jl :lll . 1 \1 ~ l'1l1l1e lit' h·,,1 all l Iii' C'UILII' ,li~, q)l lI'il \'t'~ or t hu l.' I1 · 1\ . J.l'\,i~; ·I'!·""HlI l' r . l~ r , d L 1.'.111 1." ,·It'· . I'll ~hl l' .. t 1' ltd Ill' Ihlll "I \III~I) lill of - t bHt PToK I'1l8RIVU cil y ,111(1 1111 t l'l 'hlo, V I,ll, I ' 1l.~1{lE! /I1 ; . i,. hlsl h h:tl ~ T , l'''l\' ,I " \~ I)I1II'Y B 1'1:0." t ll' t'rll .. IgUII." ill n tlOlI ~ r . Irll I III'n r l (' (ltl~' . III 11I'IIt\\1 '.11 \II ,. I ~ . I •. [:Sll nll 1I ,.:-o.,,,,, .. I'III'Y ; ' 11'1' l lll 1" In . ,.,,, " , , ""Ih ('"h' ,." 11\' tl ll,.1t "ltlr'. I Ill'II('\' II.' """lh'lIl I'll Wl'Igul . I breat.hs o n ev e l'l' pllg I b p IH ".: r ~~ Al l ' l I 1)1 c.'~O ~ .. n 11'1 Ill l" •II Iii" h r rv. Im r pu ." of 1):1 r inll'l ll1 lind g ucl clrt""" ~ II In n /,[ th ,' li ll "" ~I ! ;tlilr , '1'" 1l~ 1I1·1'1· . II l\lld l1u8t le of tb l) ,\· e~ 1. 'Ilo .. II t'il' I"r", lln' BII II. II .~l ,O\I d(1 I',l lil'oll r,) lIul\' r O I' ",J"C'l11I W I ~ IJ ", " ~~IIl'I;1f1\1l1 (' h~' ,I I'r ~I'\' h " 111 ,. I 11 ;..; . I i I" ' I ' N ll l111 I II .,11 H !lY ,(, "n \\01''; ' " .\1. A. lL li nhll\·. :--1111<' \""'\Ii \ ·( ,I'lt. I L' d r SI ,llll o 1l " tlO ll t,lt t~ l'l'~r') it bllnk i knowlIl lslle Ilull htl 1 ()::;~' 1I1 tO I' Il w (I" \ \Viis "'~I II 'e1, '\ lllil ( II. ' llr. III/V l h '.\'I,il!; ; 1' '1111 1" g""11 0 1' ,,1111 ..\I,.,.. J'Il, hll \. 1\1''1 III t h O\'011ill!(. 1" 1'11 111 nt \ \ ' I'ij:hl li l'I'('II! I' !l 11I1 .Blink f L on g Benau 111111 III 1' . ~u l'll " 1,\1, '1\ Ill> II'I~ " M I'n 1\ 111:110 111' 11~ It",,, d 11 (1\1 rt~~,. ,lIlIlIl, ' II 8p l entl u\ "I'III'tipt " f tlill \' M. I :. A. ill ' linn JUuc im: II f ,. ,I ' . , PllJl ip '1'1'011 1 III>,) >' pc.k,\ ,,"/ 11111'; ~tHrl' \""!', h.t .l', u h' 1 )I'l~I ' ll t Uf l(' 1' will 'It ,\lIS~ \ IIl'" IYI; M U~lJ" I' l'" Me g 18 onll of foh !' ulrl:' to r~ ,) lu HO W li nd H.. " . ~'(JllIill hi'i pun nl' PI<'I11 I' I" h ' h eld I til" 'I'n lI NlII 1I 1 h il l'''''" n l'W I'Tl(Hni )lll t,l on in W It." m' A 'I'll ~ p l~t ." VII l" Jlu.. III 1.'11 II ' 'P1 U I\!t ~" Clu 1'\1 1i ll \l ll IJitlYUll IL IDIIHtut ioD. lilt " lJ,I'\' 1lI11I'ltll tnt' " 1( '\1 hI' ,1;", TowUl'l i i )l WII~ 1' 1)'" \t od fl lld II COlli ('; ra .. IJ 1 '1'''''~, ('1 1\' UU '. %u t· ~Utl dh,\' :"" l~lI"o l WH l'k lotn..; II b,' cin(l(, " 'l' n lll 1I' l' it'I HI ~ biji " tll,,1 u \Upt"t1 Il' /.Ii·,l ,'h,'I"'.. Th o I'tl~l\hlll 'll~ The frien ds oJ Alvlll S .. I I· ra UIJII JJ111t 'l~ ClJ n'l,.1 I Il l,( of ~Ir" . XU I' t\JIy'IUll y II) tlri"". \1'\1 11, ~' IlY I 1 tu th o \ tttn t y , .... p(,ld ~ Il)g- H t ,g-t' lI lH' uy M'T ", ~II ~::' M ""lt I' 1 ·"~ j1 ".IJ{II ' d· III ' I . "ill ,··IlT'; · , . ~ I IInhl,·, (1 Hil l',..'Il' ') 1' fliruily wll o m Ol'ed fr o lll \Vu .\' l · e ~ Bn)",n , Mi~~ I{ ll .y, .r D . Mnrllllt ('U IIIII . 111111 wltli'h " (· l·l · lll,ltlr~ . ·( ~\l I rd WHy 1I1I t t ,II " A t{,"lJl'l.c ll q ll 1:- 1; 1 11 11111\ "\ "e l h~l't 1\1. Mc·KIIY .. "'li S "I' U lI ~l ll·I . · t-l l.t ~l) l 'U hy P' I1 ,\IlUg ,Il in lg "* ville t o n ear D/ty to n R li ttl e uv r II polr,torl ,.lIn rio lll iJltll O ll lli r (' r s 11 1 (I I3I1 Y 1\1111'(', ._t ,"ltlnrcl Im.'(l IlI ld I" '~ ...."111'11111· It)' till 1+ ,\ . n C'X('c u'li\" p U:-.. P tJ J'P tl l' U lltll1l p JI lw~' ' Ulllt ·lfl .'. ' year ago will be intor es te tl iu kno\\' · submitl e d th e follnwi n' , wh" '''''t'!' IHI'rl'c1, with fUIII; wor k utl .\· wh,'r ." P,llIl lIl itll'(' ·\·I.,t ...'IIII .1' o\'( (I , tl)lI u 1I11l"L'rs " t' II,,· '\ . ""Lltl ll ll n Th li' jlrl'~~lh irf(' Unri fl).: 1:11 ' "" 'j:o l h ,, \11' "'ltlll il Ill(' l i;ti l 111 , ,I)'!'II. \\'ll lDg that tbey bave sold III Ir furfll on m otio n Il tlo lor~d ;-lcc t.I \(1. P r"si . 1\ ~D III !l n v .,)' ,1I\e1 ,'HI III' 111111" . I ;.Iatutll· . 1'01' I lw JlII~ 1 .\" ·u '" h ,(Il' II; 1'1 : l' n" l filII 11\\,('\.1 II'" lI "tHI ' :'~ Il hHll<l l',1 Ity lll' \l 1111/1 ollt hl.,'l:(' ('[111111('( 1l·l !<11l or h ot ~litlg. l in (·h' ge \' gll U~' en Ill pr ohubly and i!:dltll ll lll ~ h , 1' Ul'tlt, '. 1\[ . R ... hl !':.: r ; \ 'ICO PI' ~i, fl/lIJ'· Yl'II I' <J ' lll' o l, I'll '" \\'1 11-\' 101, 11"""". :,Inleg'; i\l l~S ·" IIl·I,I , 1l ,, "tI 1';11 [ l1'() K\11I M1C' k.1 Iil'pel. h Ull ,., 1IIll I" , dellT , A . [ l\1c KlI~'; H ' ·rotllry. b~in e,s. 1 ~. ll,~ WI\~ " ~R" lllro ' c1 IIr 10'1. ";tlmjl tn r', UJ MI ., _ l , IIII'II H" Il'JO ~cJd.·" II \\I~, (' . I A. "" . 1<',1"1. W . s '1I1.', Mr , r l'I'USllh. nr oll r Vll' ' \\'\11 C hlindIA ( ; ' L lt h:h •.Y' I iUIi I.!'1 j(· , Ih ul Mo r e tban II llI o uth al! O thei r '1' Frum ; Pritlillr y >O:uc r e l nry, MIt( . u lIII I II , (11I cl ll flu I :,uIIII I' Ionnw. · I .nntlllu l'i ll l,: till.' long " r,l' oJ;\'gln.w IIII' S II l' I'l llou , n I'),u IJ Il to t\ I" ~'III "{ l' 11,,·~Ii Il\o' UI'~ . ml11io u' \'l'flVI' t.ijlmnu LI; "!'Imd, (lIl II I'I"ll ~ l' I'\' I U:: bouse WB dest roy ed by fi r e uI1l1 Ii' H. Furr ; H o ru e De pt., '\' 'r Btlll'Y , thl'!.) )'l'IlJ' ' III 1i:1.I' i\111 1'1'. HIll III III I'll full OWf'd 0 \',,1' t "0 ?11('01 . il k \\' u 1 1 ~ oIIl' ')!'. Hull d,V. 1}1I1 1 oJ· ~II',; 1 I I nil YOIlI' llI('n II n ti ,' ,'1' 'cl hn ('/Ill o f .I?nth;' r MCll'TUW ; 'l'lli rtl. ( i. IJ . .\:lpl th l'Y htiv b .. d n 1I1l1l'lhu r of 'o the r ~~rli ~ODj llUliu 1:I"\\'ki l~~, ; .~rlU(Jjl 11J1'{'d un(1 II ",u11 1 (11111 tl lll)'.\', ,' Lll l t ill .'\. ~ t"". ·, . II ~ .. I}nl\', , .)1,,~ 1'011;1. ' \'11.1' , \""(·" ,Iollflrll If ' ; 1( iI'I"~ l 1'11 il' til !.!' Ir"l'm in l'lIl /\lll',lh I 1. " 1 ll \11' i , :.. ll l·~ ' t .. dis ou ru gem nI l! h tHo It itl tll h R ~ Pllllljl l r o ut UJ .. lioy' Cult , .. I II 1Il1", I'll ' !c.:I·'ltur .Y, tlO~\ltlH ~ l i l1U ~ t ( ' HI It,1 ,\l l "'~ \ 'j ill'" 11"1 ( \ JlI .. "",' , , Omll11ti .e: MI~N l dll , i J) ~ .JUIU' ·l"'UIl, IJl,lmll u lI ; , ~"'l E xe o nt,lv e t n~- III, IIlI 1 1 1I','r lll ~ q h ,'erely 11 Illed t hut tb ir to r tulluS BRino~, J\1, E. (hllrc h ; B ~ . H ilII' t ll.dIC YOI1 I' old \) l'II \' U ~ atllJII' ~ ln l'( , !l1l'11 I II ill tll 'f ndm g IIIHI ]lr.,1I1'f\' Ilh,l 1 ~'1I 1 . . h_~ " Lvh r, l l,. L ,r~) t '"h; \ , ry r (fill - -will now obange and they 1ll~Y e ll , ) r t h o u ox; \Vorrlln K ey~, Hi olt. Ily bJ'uku, IIll,\' Iud )' (' III liri\'(, h I r the r tlti'll! ; llll ll, 'l'n'U Hll' 1'. F I '~ (I L l'uul y , 1-l'hUIH))I; IIml'lll IlTllh'pt! b 1i1'l" ('I·p:t8. \YIl l' · ,"n ev ".1711''' 1 j gonc1 HHI(II"r UIIl1I P find th Ir n l' W underlA king in iSCO'! E , n lle A . 1:1 . \\ ; .i te ,Moetin~ A~ S I ~tllllt 'l'l'I'Ill<III'L' r , I . 1..1. U.'n It!, l1 f tlollS bl'l1\'o TIl( U Ili II d u r lllg tI"oI ery way ~uoceasru'" n , Ly tl e M . E 'L'''l1J11 l,f l:Iur... "~. lIul ; . .L \ mlt.TIISO !I 'lmllll ll ; P;'lJlJlu:y ' H . l" 'WI'. , MI''- . L . Mt ' ure, 'l .M n Hele 1I.1i l, Ollllr h; "n', ddl1 '~ <l r,'urJrul ",'n' t lt .. t tbi s _ Iltion nol !;h 'rh ~II I il! ad ve rt-ised elN Fll rm llUpl" "I .. ul ~ '0 ' Ill n. H n r1',IH'" , LJl'tJg i)U II. ; ohool ; 1:l0 rllCf:l I B olly III tbl s 1St!1l~ of tbe 61i 1.6 t.W: III "'>I, :! 01111 i " ,tl o l'. . :! '1'"1,,,(,(' " bt) 11I" '>-ll rYI'(\ f o r n" 01111 nynrofP O!<tlH" r Ilk. ' CnHIIl',V , iI.I l''; hh t ' " II M rs thC)Joltl ity, IImll\ VlI!! l, rlllljllrit \\' , I:JIt'l.or h ,,~ 1I111l0Un oe/l l' l ll W~, l "ixl,' 1011111 hlll'l"' Pre ielen t, .ll\UHt !'o" 1'I'Iflfl "od h ud t.h(\il· II V fl~ ~hOl' t )l UJl tl~ ) Ll, l h'''·!~U nlt&. ; l\~ t b nrroll K' II\(t Wit l" 111ft ·hilHI 1 h (I' in 11111'" l I w'h o MtlfVI II meetin g (I f 1111 ontp or KdIIS'"I, () ' o IJ. xll ' )')" R!I" 1I !'l'III ' 11 'I' (I ' ~ IlI th( "0 U,I • . l . . ". ' ... SuicilJe Ends l:h L" Il"k . 1 Wlo ,,"t P li O. II IV t·.,l II;;' \1 sulk" w o rk lit 1\ Ibxet I ,.. p,l )' .. g y tlr 's o'('hw\{ t (lrtllec oUlin . ' . " · I.l· lI,,'nl jl 1II ' . l 'hrl~t,I"' i :! (It I'll; lo ing hUl'oh 1 , ; "'1 ; Iil. . yi' M l' S ir Life LIle g of . Youn ~ dl'ill With /, '1'11111.(11' Hl tl ll'hlOl·n\., ] Rll l'O Ili,,1 ) Iar,ll'hip ~undny "hernOOll . ·~P(' '1:1. . juga, ln A ll. EJ l l rod ;~ \I, f l'uuk li ll . 'n.hlr,)', ·c n,l !l ll MiI'Vll I ill. alr wl\l'II s; ur h ·., fi 1I:<t, A lti t eful n o it1.l;rut 111'0 ll io All who 0 n llrnf \\' h t' Tf" HI, (lllr ~u ' Deer il ~ (e(lo~ ll itioll n E IIw~ !;r II t !I ,o rl' (1'Pt'" Bright and promis ingAirJ becomes will pI t~t!e r e m. "mlle r t.h e ti lil ellud k .." Wh Itt, H:lrI' ~"'tl' I', c.( J101''''' Wl\ .. llI, hrHl ~At'\'i(' f1~ It n,; Rf' 1 upurt I Iw ·'\0 ~ I I ft!Clchcrs Will h 1:1 urv',; t 1', I I Wv . deran ged . through IUnes and 1I11l ce u nrl h e pr sent . I Lo ru . MIll' in wlliQh t tl Iiml'!' I h takes her own life, ._' ,:.! hli)' lud,1 rl' J. t wo h o t' "I d, ~ c111,f ,)f , \ (I, at Cb.a n,re ~ O1 nl'.".J o f t hp!!!' b l'ItVfl h ere)",!;. a lld Cl n1 d Electe ers Teach TIe, 1 i (lll,. • .1 Lnggit.!:', 1 ~}'11' ng wllg Wayne s ville peOI)le were f rel~tly mll' [l de, In t l)'!ll\l vin~ h,l in t nu(w 11 i II for Lytle Schoo l u1H k o r truck wu gOll , bu ll Lel.ll'in g':;, Nhouk,e d lilldgr ieved Saturd ay to Prtlf . \ 11. .JfJ \\jI J lhl~ 1' II~h l llt" th ktr !irtIVP!\ \v~l . Clw t' r, , . n t f' ' W ay nl" S ' i,·tlll' ('\l r n I pli . I \' I',II'ua le&rn of the (leatb of MISt' ~rrie III . ell "ul .ll, ClIl' VI I rl p,lIrlll(! find dp grtltlt,n uf ice ~eT\' pr~~, bRCC tl1 1 , ,.rt ollkll1(,t iJl' J I ill: llllr ~u II " LYI , 00: nt . n . lo .. whicb . to, Erluolll, r In.rksvn Bonrd.o , 'of . . , The Osborn d Ihlf' llI tnl)lll'c'o l,lt- I, ( fir t. 1:1 ~), 1 th pre ent ge 091'1.\ tl .n !'houl Ulltl I. 110.1\\ II . " 1"UIIl, ,I h· d I) ~ lllollS I . m ~e 'l'o Ilmlll onred Ilt n. oanitar hull In ·H"milt on. h us 'r e , e l ctod Prof ..lIrl ·.mi :h ~ l1 P t :!O(ltlO n t I' ol'l h ItIl lind ile.: iv r)r n it I.'orn 1 , cb oolll uf thut t! (I\'l\ !lhldl!.'T, 1 gr ind •• t'OIll' :k LI th l' 'lr.i~,Il Jl. ~lI ll k. Mi88 Osborn had reoentl y bnd 0 erlnt·~ndoot 0 1 th lll'r j ' U tl 1 ' R 'vi~ 1l M1e u rv i vi ll l1; oOUII'llfle~ llt "h e I ,. I::Inrr~lIl I , . r 1:1 I l l :\ltlJ.r , 'hl) ttlll"hl ppb A Ko.( MI it b' I'." therCl(' severe illnelllll. ( ,r onl fl'v e r wh ic~ af, v ilill ge. E . J . nrm oll Y htt- b It bMOo!S; tetl lr ,lop o" " I'{I' ~Jl lel g 5v prln rs ' <'(' HIJ', ~11·u t1 ~r and ll1 Ull ll r C l,11 of · mll ltl or llw .,1' h O\lI focled her mltld and she was sent ele too tohuve cbnrg 1)1 [{..soJved, by l~.IIT u "hn w .~lJlP N.,., !). II I rh 11I'1 ' lII lry ~" "" I·"tor., 1 ""tHl' ~hlk 1 owl and Pitcher. ·19 . to a prvat8 sanitar ium nt Hamilt on ruat c1epllrh nE'lltnn d 1\11118 EIi~,' IIll'tb <:1'1' III l uI' o f 11))1\; c(~ n~, lilL~ o l1 ue 8 0ns 'Of V ternn . , of Dn 'V t flrt , Ohio, II r, snt.. 'lTtlU /l \lllu i t1 ~ J \ imur.l' I'r 1l11r1 I the '" tbe 1l !;\ ler 1 of '~ I' n II Chond III ondItio c II/Ih The nt. lJlTO 1\ ul oll !! L r.Yc d ' ~ h'"l~ d fOr treotme ' ta l''', Milk 131)ltlc· . eto . Lot of Thut \\" yi~ w with ·, tr rn Ly t Ii 1m t hL rlllV !I,· f!h\lIl',~ , wit , t lll"(,th l, lit young woman . was not conside red Miss Minnie ()Jlke will telOh ill DIS, tn to Y teodeno, di'nm';' plates 3 for 2iio h t val d r I I I t h e Ferry .B I ' I r known II ' on side f rom t,IIe I t"ty serious so she . WIUI ,'allowe d many trL.)t. fou 1-111 'po. C".' 11.1' ~eve ru Y ' IL l'>! P(I."t li n... , ,' n t' eC l 01 \lrU lI,; , CO I1 Ri~ti n 1:\ of 1 set/) r I'U 1Je('u....d l e d c Ull01](11 Lurl. . Ruth s M.i ~lld ,,1.)1 ' !lll;< p,'( prlvilegG S. Saturda.y ehe Ilt.e her. Sellool •• otiRtU nUll (levo ,iQn f'r whirh it io lI br ~ I l\utl . A. ' I)t'HlI'i tri :, ,U'no h inghl ~I .f Q t. ~ 2 !l, ' ru ll h ble !::I l a l{ ' di ~ h c 25c . breakf8! 1t Ilfll usnal and not.hing out Dist r ict 10, we~t of Lytl \'I'll . a r en t,fll1 unci 111Jlkfl it 11 c1n y , t u I t of t;ollt1r!1, Bl'idl ~,~ , Lines et . l·c1 ,; lI i lW 14;,., (lill y, IIfJPOilll ~1Iid \)0';11 sot, Men'!j n u lI') i,. hlf! '1' . of the ordinar .y wall notIced about rt ]llcu io I )l(l o f "po Mr. undMr ; Albertl l ' pll hr und Oue J:ltlY knif" 1 hlly ro'r lt Ill,(\ --, her. A shert time later Borne one kind unly 2Gc . ilt., h tl. II.·u thl' to or hou rliil n e Iy OUTu ,.. ood of Xenio r o p e!!, >lhov \ ., ol'k , It os Rn(lrnk went 1nto an attio and found b e r Miss Marv of. n. io epetjt 50c [~ a (ully 1907 vest: Odd (l01]1 til til IiVlllJ;\' d ow n 1'ne' (lilY ve ning IU).U will r ' OIlO 'I:ohllor o ' ~ "rll,y e l', ~ W , one ' u rcf' nf t:ril'f ti..,CH hanghl g Ir,1m "rope . I:3be wh n hnlll Ih !s Til des II,n l1 Tlllu e It r . t WbH lotlling ' . g ing',' rI wo mornin is' tell' tb turn dead when found . /IIlY sllort'~l to the llltl u.II)t'V or t.he-II' f l.'OIli rho 1'1' :Jlr'l l II I'll r (1f ts of R pv . · nDd Fruit I;Tt~yel'," P llt hula ' ligg'e1' erwcar Und B ' nleoe of Mrs. tlley w e'r e the g ul' ~hl" MiI\8 Osborn of I\lj.\c l" ~lto 1oc1 r . Mllttook nnt! Grahbi n g B OB:!, IItl 101' d d end : ' u Pll ye(, l' I\) 7, r,ll l' CIIIl 1\ (' .; look fu '01' hOl1l" luks l ijtyll.!S B . 8. Bowell and well known here . ,~r . J . F. Cudw141 rlimini ~h I h{' II gm"s SI' (1 !I wer , dilY wi ll impni!' "nil beuch, work girl ve att·racti f l'l h J'C'pitlt i \I nl 1111 hi. bright, "b' a Sbe ...88 I f the rl!'llI g 1:1' t,IOU and It,\\, pri '11 (lev io ,IJatrtot I' . b , r t ory of tho ~ 111 liPr t l,i'c n , 1 1 , (II' Base Ball and he, famlly ' have the slnoere one IV I r e !It I' t, er . I)r lltion, IInil ' t b , i)' Tev reo' gi \. 'u ay We r clllbe lII Itc In sympat hy of' a\1 who knew her Ih . Engin e , their ouu~. ry noel i t Ili t o ry W T G P II it i Rtill t r ill ,) rse o n ttl o n tho 'n betwe k i n~ ·italr~ Friday ~oc , last The garue ]tugs, lamp n eso1veil 'OIl WIl I' 1IJ't't, the IlC thte aIBlotio n . New Era m ·1lr -, only beo ll Itl u ~u Jl . . I lHUIIHIl' " I TI ); 110 ·. ,llll1 YOl1!)/!: pUl'cha s tol)e f o cash OlJ It) t.i es t:'. vm; M.iu ou lind /.' w o p 110 0 WRyue svllle MIlHIIIS lind .t h e B. P ' h ort timo. Trnrl iti n. lUI w fl lI '1. ltht, 1' .1', t ell ~ . kl)l v c. A SO illt.\QIt in u on onllol l1 fj 1\ " e n. inoh 1$ , crs, .. U1nk Ho.s ,' ox I' " ground the on non, Call on W. W. Shnrts for Enter, O. E. of Lebn II ror Momor , ns I,h llt ther Wil" t' . t /\\1 l'Y lI\o nth wit,u 40 f ot. c.lrrier , 1111 in good e rnl nllf:\o"ju t,ion pie prise buggiell ,l~outh Lebano n, Ohio. of 'tbe laUe r , ref'lIlto d jn R c1 f . ,1)111 wo n1 (l n Yl'f1I· , thi W (' Ilay t1\l'lim it of D,I.I' illl 'PLult, t Ligh line Aeptc rlnrin' tlhll Y'lllr, :11'1( [. , ·,T he g nm o 0 11 '1)1l/litin n , Rebecc a S M~rrl tt wlio ' bas b een fo; tbe home t entn boxll Uno tbl~ ill! Litnti 1\ pitpl'oin ll y n ot. 11'11'1 h , l'v.'~ r\·,l h,v IJdlltrl rl' "'..tlriog b OXOll . 2 IlIrg l 'r"btlct!t f ur i tutter 11111.1 I~ggs of ~ ltl · . V ll f nd a re ro h ric WIIS quite aD i~vaUd f o r sOlDe time bas b th sides l;eCllll!lf' it, i~ \VC)r~e n .nt h !'I·S lu· overcua t . 1t ur mill ~eed '. M,,'nd.l) ' ;\lu)' 27, Illll';' I) llvq h A e; UI'Ctl.n nor. ' so far recover ed 8S to be able to go '!'be oppo lle nt Jllliy~rlO ~ere ~om ,5 00 HOII nn · Ihl !' )' sp ent, . I 'l'~~ IIM , 0 1' 'AI, le: ' the from Ill'y WII hp l '" r.0·· 1I11 ·!tl Y ; 1hE\ . to PhUIld, elpbia ·Pa. the latter part the old nin e a.nd o rne fr om h . On. fill. 1\m o \' oc . llllt. r ig-ht t (1 t>Xlwo t 11 t,t'\T lllhJ~"will 1)( tnHI' CU,. al' d on plo~ed wn gl1u.e olalln A U. hi" N c her to rl\ n illlluo ,t" ~ U \I be of lut week on a visit II0el bit., r O'l'I:ltflT h ei II ~ II t :,!" 'c iooJI w111 hest R ~ h hl ont l.n I) tof t1l I' s w e r e In bad 1t11 101l1l1, IL dren , We hope she may be .muoh b th ,"ides '1'lle gronn(l r lp vlng u 1~(J 'otl thl\ m o r o hurLllfu l l>erllllsf ' of tho in tho n,ft,c rn oOIl 'l' u ~dfl:; ' 1 I O I' UIl1 ~ ' IJtll'ob y b ven 'i vlln. d a' Itadi mRking hue i · on o~nditi benefitt ed by the oha.rge. uf ., p r hif{h id!'.llR for , ' h io ll It st'lI1fl s . r e j t r Wil t! ;)ll, hnt nntiling til tage to the p)llyer s , bllb tbey 'w re n bl,e n o l e . A ell COlln Rosol\'e d, '{'ho t 1\ COpy of the~B h. CII for nt C iv, ee r e d ·witb thil t r en.tmont. so.tiRfl ~ ri dllJnllg t1!10 fll r II I' hit. h et'n b Itn g YOllO I,h TaRolut.i"n~ ho Nlmt. t" BANK STATE MEN'l'. J L. · ELr~l<~R:-; . ed: On lI ocon nt of dllrkn !\, only 5 lon . lind II r p,po rte(l ! ~' l1 Uhl'ifoltin 'R Mon , A , A , Mc~ol ll inniog!! were pl uy!ld. T he three new co P.v ro Oil h of I-II doily PUPIHH, . Pl llo tion O l'~ al'lll playe r s wbowe r eenr oll ed Tlmr8dl~y 2~!O .. 'W"':N: R AP I' I, ll:. Hilhlll t'.lt II layec1 p club · 11 'mel:)1heJ:B of the (JUIll P t: on llYJnllrle r. . l'k le it, h W hn .Io f)1 flU!t gllme o· tbis WAR t,u e nr. t tiID ' . T. hi. Lnvg, i::l ec.r ('t·llfY . t heV ..had p laye9 t goth el·. Ollr iltllr , H E..xecuU v i\ t~. hy flU APPTOV ~-.-~. oa t cher 1.1b oUlptl On lUllde a89 nlllttio n ,' - . - 'OlllUl itkc, M, y 2;1, 11101. -OF0,1 pluy ot b o m eaod Willi l\ID o n h a gd ~""""","" .) ,';1' 1111 UON>I'I',\ 1I 1 1~~, lD v 1:1 him with eya nt his judgmo C h nlr rnllll . . THE WAYN ESVIL LE {, had lind o nl.v o n e ba 0 UD b"lJ 'Y, ,l'Crlltm oett n Be 1:£. 1. ., strike out s, T Ile flo ')r e was L t o 0 ill ~

a ncll)r~n lliv.L\

II,"'!I ,' Iwud { IIl'l1l 1 Will

fol' Il n lcllLill"y \\' Itrl' 1.· .. u U · I'Y, . " lr' " r", ~ II ... (. "

1)11"1 (\' •. 1111 ' , hiI'M A ill I' u A" ullll"I', 111 Ul "~" Il U·I til 1,'10 "r" , ~ ...' , It,y Iln·I i~ n.' \\, u t h 'IllHl III ·III '!' HUI' · t1H 01



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.. .. til



Walter J. Kilbon $ ~

"""~"" , ~


Report 01 the Condition

NATION AL BAN K, At WayneSville, in , the State of oloSe of · bnsine s, ( . ' ~ay 20, 1901 , '

"'EB. REBOU - R:u \

Loan ~ and dldc<Junt8 over(lra lts. secured

. '


and uneecure d


.~ OO . ~46 ;

947 78


U S. Douda to ~ecu~e clrculall on ,,0.000 · 1 2 4 .~ 4 3 Bonds, aecu rltle8, dc. 0.000 B:uiltlng bonse, .1 ,.HI!: agtft reserve l Due from appro\'e< . r, ' lems I c",b otber and beclt~ C 1.24" Note. of otber National Banks nIckels ~'ractioLal paper curr ency, 21" . an d ceo·t. '

00 76

00 ;!{j

00 pU 9~

r.A I'"II11L M OIlin: RIISBRVII ·t/< DAN K, VIZ !

. S.Il!G ao '. Legal·te nder notcs 6 , 67~ 00 Specie , '

,H ,'trir :10

Rede mptIon fund with U . S. lre3ij' . u rer (t, p . c ,. of

2,£000 00


HII. a'i~ is.

'!'OT A1 ..

LIABIL ITIES. $r,O,OOo \10 Capl1at ftloclt paid In r,o,OOo .OO Surplus fund . QXPC;0flCR •• Ic , lltH pro IvIded Und i~ , O I O 31 and. tares paid Nation al Daok oOl~. oUl3lnn(t ln g Dlvldeno.s unpaid

fill .OOO

f{~~:~:i~;:;j:~"1 ~~;~::2 ::)JI or de poSi t .



: 1.'ObO IN 2&4.702 47

$ $ $

e. The Boys ' \.JI



Don't Forge t

$ . $$ IIro. $


w1 1l

Noti ce of P resen ting

24tll olny


Cook'. lanola, 1':",.11111 00

May. lOu. .

' h~


DI.PClOl'!l .



l ~Jnt\lI s


Ne w Potntoc ow Cubhag e



l' r,·, .. ,,,,tI In .UTI ' I! f' (IItty ul

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I htt i. I'rn y lfl l.! Jo r l IB: Itl l' ''~ll Otlt llr




'umbe r s






New Fi shing


per doze n


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....... ......


I'l'i p

t l .00

I R ound


OF (. HJR 'Ie

{H 2;,

$ l rtonnd

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qua rt PUd.d ing Pan s


':.~ ~2 ~~~~t cl~,:~~:~P~~~~t t




O'S Quc .e 4 qu a r t·· l¥lil k .P ans·. '., 'l "."P~- s. qua rrt MI·l G Qua __ .... ns 3 Qua rt Sa. nee ,p~' ~ Re mcm her this ' CiJC lastQ ONL Y ON'? (la',\T'


, '1 l::! nn!lIIY J n ull _ Leave W"yn esyllle 8,1)0 1\.. Ul '

Tri p


4 5 qua rt p rose rvin G' K 's ttlu a .. .. .

.LI~ES -



ding Pan s 2 qua rt Pud 3 qua r t P U d (1"Ing Pan s


" , , ,

Tn~kte j u s t

Here arc, orne )f th fe)l' 10 CEN'I\S~


0 n I fin s 'h N N cw S' PI!I:~C - '. ew


r. W. 'I'. WII.SO,.. prlurilla l ['c,Hlo/lc 101:1(. 4\

mOll P} .


CO ln ml•• lotl r8 ~( Ih~ t h "lt' n ',,1. ,., %",l tHI . ,Ju ly

$ $ $

Fur t h!! week 's market Fancy Strawb e rries f res h ' evc'r)' d a y pples A Pinc OranJ,l'c s

!!luR ' . 1\1"

lance or ~20 rod. ",ore or 1"1'.'


h nl'I, ll \' C- t\' '''l th:u, n

'I'elllou, o( " ('ounl')' 1{(lIIII on I,ho f"l hIWIIl ~ ' I).,. ';O" \l : 11.'Anni n!, il L • polllL In $url n,:. V alle}' Pike and CanlWtow n a ml IJdl\' cc n .S. " nlllt"n an.1 I',. ~Il ,' d1l'1<1 "n lin" r.~~. nel n ~ ~:I .C. Il:d ll," ' Inr"' o III ~U '· I'(·)' n :n nln.! Ih" Il~" wl'h ' . holr •• Id II".. "~:1I 11c')' all<\ ,J, M: 1.1f Wltll ' Ile 1111.· tor 1·' N1.01. lhe ftt>ll lh Iin 08 C""k'.I .• nd, , lI" ' .""J1'V h"I IIlI <lolrh" " lrt'CU" " rt\t\l" SCl In;\, ;,Ij'!, Y ',f "iurl'~ ~ IhO llru' 'rS\''' IIH I( ll l\Ol 111(' III 1 3111 l1Q"Ca "I L,· .\" I(," III ,l or' WII~on roll " In .J. M' I·,illl,,;: 101\[111( " ,1[' L:tIlI'f' or 1'''~Il'' j'"I,I. ..1",,\ ODor , ,, " ••~ . ~'!I/

~~~I~~ll~;~~loI' ~~~<I ~,~f~~U~~g.. r'~ ••r! , ~ N'~~':~I 1. E. lCE'~\,~~~':~~VU~'I~I:r~I:;~' Ll,e Jon ~ brldac. gOing norlb. l,elnll ,dl~' tl •• t ' .1

aR.~-A -.

YOll r cf'uA th ' oppo rt n Ility to ., a·ve

Pt!tit .i on . Road ty _ Coun _ .,..~_ .

\; ol l~ I~

$ z. --- , I g $" .·ubscrlbed a:~:~0~~'~oE~f:r:~~de~nt'~'1 8 ~~~~:~t~~~~I~~,·t~:~;~::~~~!;tf:~~~E~I;~i;~l01lh~~" $ 'Imm . el'man CO~~:Jn~16~gO~lL ~ep.::u ~1t n~"lJ~~hO';'l k;'


_. __



W. H . ALLt: l'l. Pr"lliden l o f the al , " WCllr thal .. boye na med bank. do l.alemul) arm lint! tlt:t.wcc u IsauC! Compo \he above wtatemt:m l !'l trut! t 9 Ule bcs J. of or DC ar th t! f lOll aUll J , 1\1. Cook ' In .ur ve · .U03 (lnu nvkl!owledgea~Hlbcllcf.

.' I ,

__ ,



Schwartz's, WayneSVille



~::::c~o~~ryrRe:e;.ti;:t-::$~· ~~B:r;I''n::~un::y:o:u~rl:JC~g::~~ $: p.~~~~.I.S~\··y,I'r,'I.'~~~,'Oi~.· 15' .'1 ' . ,bu." EIXCURSIO N' TO alteratio n $ Cfl n ' use~nyquanlit); $ NQ III',el" herel)y "O Iveo


'.1'111'1 lot· oWIlt!rs (or Miomi ' e llle · t e l·.V .Ire s peoioU: ; nrg d to /lt ~e nd t.h ·,' II!lUlllIl 1Il !' tin\! of thl A sncw · I I,m " J\lell will ht· h !Jl llnt. rbl) n lnees , .Tnnc1 :lrd nf tIl" (;(' 11)1'1'1')' , . 1') \1ll nyllt 1lIILtt(' r~ A I1tl lllhl'I' 'l Il'tlPPI·tH ,,1\1 COlm '11) 1 11 1 11I iH lu; t eu II I" ~ Ul nrlo "" t ltllt . :\11 jo.L "",ners. will ~ 11111 :'" a ll t'))', 1'(' to .lltle ral .

~..1__5c. . Dau.~~ :BrUSh ' an~ _~_......-_ _~

·A · nille cf boys l'UOgillA' iu lIge t o yeu r s Ul) fo 1·1, ',\ent to. , fro,m I I ' Bellhro ok Friduy Itnl ougug' ( n Bellbro ok nine on the bull fi eld in IL g~ll\e whioh ' resulted in U s Oll r e of . I J to ~ iD favor Bellbroo k.. 'L'he boys r epor.t I\. g r ont gume., . l ot~ of' fuu IIUO tbo bast of t r ell t. ment from · tho B ",lI brook lIille . A d return gume wi ll lie ph~ ye u e r e .

'~111 .a7~ 7H b e Ilre ~iln t'rl lO tbe Comm lll.,lolle,I'S of WIlr seS>ilon . ,1uJyl . Aa. r en IlUnly . nltbcl ruou , 01 fOT Ille D 11107, praying I II ' STAT" orO,!JO: Cl)u .. ,.vorWA nnv.,... K~ : I f 1l ..1 II I TOTAl.,


papol'. 'Eve r ybody t.urn out to tho~e ~I games us theY·[II·o with r sJlec tuble t eams fr oDllllrg e r 1)luoe . IImeu nd · tS . cOIP t I1e Ip .;,~e II tlle~~~ ~. "'c tU)'C (" , • UI1 C . .... .. cv ~ A. retorn gutUtl will bo lliay d lit Oukd .. lo Park Fridu y , May 31. \. ~ Admiss ion SIlI\)..e li S betor e 1901. hn.vEl. We gumes. S previOU in llH the ~ Tl)e best shoe " good team and' u l1 we ll oed i!l some made h poli YOllr h nltllller 'loyal r oot.ers l so IllY o n t,he s h el f I)'nel h e lp s upport . th e . .ol uo , .. .. Gil me will bEl o!\,lIe d a tl ::iO s luirp,

S] J 1'lfIN L

rrJ IE EC-ION ()M x SAJ~E 01( 'T AM E1 . J \1\ AR]~


ccia l for.


' Ohto, 'at


~ ZIMMER MANS . :~r~~ff~~~£~:~n~c=~~~~~ri~:i~~~ $






A''l' UIt I) AY, .J UN E -1 tq




J . B , PSI"'II




Many Aged P e ople




D. L. & C.



. 'l'~ilre It; Ull u nu!:Iulll UI,uoUUt of 810kness anloog th e (lg d p uo lfle ur [thi4 co.wuIUni LY li t pro~llllli; Mr*,. T..1. Br own, wbo ill !:Iulio l'IrlK from'!l broken .hip l·emu.llltl with IlUle Qhll.nge in he'r oondition s loce last week imd ill still ill I or iticul . eODditlon. Mr. A.L . Flln ::o otillues iu a tl r· loull oond~ti on and the fumil y and freltldll fear the outcome. Mrll, Binkley, the U1 o~b or of 'l'b(,UUlII 8Iukl(1Y, HvinR on Mllrti~l .Roger's fu.rm Iii u.lso vel'y ill. Mfll. A VI\ l!llJrigbt thoii~h ·stlll (raLi1" ill healt b it! tlowowlll\t im proved.


." U. WlllilLll1 On ill l1 JlIII fl'o lll II tri.ll th l'UOl;h 'fexllo! . M:;:; L [lh l$mitb iol ~l1eullit1~ Lilis \v ok iu Wilm rngton re new ml:{ old fr l ndebllj,S. F IDe P uroell Mul 10r 8ule; ' 7 yeur~ old uUCl tiuo rOlultltor. .fL1"o ~OU I U ~ o ed potatue:;. U. L. Hiok:;.


Mrs .. Eva J ones



Bu il d i nto D ayto n .


Mi ,8 J en nie (,;ook b Ol:! h ntlll~ hor I:;Utls t t.llo pa!lt '!lflveml UILY!! . Mrs . Milble !sonto n of Cinomnn ti. iro r I:lI~ lll - A.n ·l by ~IJ tU l'prtuiin in gootl oomlitiou . Call ~t M tll. O . 1'. O'N~a.I\ ·8 to WlI.ynosvil le . Mrs. (,;ordelil~ :siruw lons is !lpIllll.i ......"'--lug a fe w dl.Y S wi th r l,}latlvt'S ,.iu In M ,emory of tlhe . ·Illoinu uni. .Mi.l!s illJry Emlley , of (,;o lum bUI; .' Nation's Defenders. WLL::! the ~u "tor MilS!! MII I'Y \Juoi{, Memorial Serviccs are hilld in OU t he lower pringbol',o pike, ..Beautiful Mjami Cemetery . .several du,y s la:;t weok .

Last 'l'hurs dtt:y Memorlill Duy WIl-"neaville like Illmost ev ery

wm - I--

' I

According t o la lellt r eports. Ncw Ln corporati oll at Columbus. l-~euder l:l

of the Un\'.ette .living a.long nhe li ne o~ tho D. L. &, C. r ailroad whloh ru us fr om Lebllnon to u oor D(lyto n will be i nter ested ill tbe fo ll owing di (lutoh t rom Col· um bulS which appeared in Sa t u r c1ay Ill'o rning's Duytop J Ollfnlll : T he Day t oo , Lel.lanon nnd 010 . oinnn ti Ru ilroad ond Terminlll 'om pa uy of Lebunon wus inoorpor .' atell this lJlorning wi{h f) ·, OOO.OOO Cll pitnl stoo k by Frou 1:1. G roll. ' ' . 8.. 'i'elles, J obn E. M rloy, ·hrs . B. (hlo ulld bas. M . Rll~iI, u:U ' <.:leve· huid attorn ey;!. '1'he nev.· oompany IS to take over the rrop~ r ty ·of the Dayton. LohanolJ lLud "incinlJa ti H.oil roud pl'ope r ~y, whioh W UY d l!!. posed of a.~ judici'tl 8ule on May 10 .. For y'ea Ts the D. TJ • C. m llrond

tl.llUgh~el' hilI< b 0611 r unning its trai ns to wi th

~ MIs8 Ethelyn, l\fe spenuing /I. f ew oth , er communIty in tbill IlI.nd plliLl d lI.y!! In ' DlIoy t'0 1). W It1I .. ".rs . J ones • her. tribute to ~he hel'oE)s of tht> IIIster, · L .d 11 M 0'K lOsey , , Ci~U War and impr6t;alve eerVlceH MillS Mu.ble Sat ter t hwuite. of were h"ld in MlawH.:ometl!ry . opl'ing 'Vulley, wlls tho guest o f Iler .orlle da.ys exerclljes were in obargu OOUI:IID , Miss .Mu.r y Da viS on Me· of the G, A . .N.. !Iud Sons of \Tete l" morin1 D IlY · 4Utl.

in /I few mile f Dtlyton und trlln!l· fer.rln :> t heir In to the alty over !lither t il e C. H . ,', D. Qr tho D: & 4 . traction line nnd for yea r s t hey hu ve. been s~rjvi ll g to get a right of wn y into the cit"'. The r oua hll iTbo n I n the bands of 1\ r eceiver fo r pome time and

Mrs . Rebeccl1 J . ::lide:l WIIS hallP Y WII S r ecen t lv s old by order of t be over tbe bea u tiful Uowllr8-8en t" to OOU1· t. au d purchllsell by t he bond her ' bV Dayton ohlldren t o dooo m te holderfl. thei r fa t hers ' gra ve • •• .. .. T he inoor porator s IIf t he n ew company a re s upposed to r.eJ),r esent Mi !l <.,elia J on es,. who hut; beeu tbe bond b olders and It. is BOld t bey Il1 Il long t imo wltil ty pll oid t'Dver, I . . wlI now secure the ri gh t of wily ra llied In 11, m ell8ura from ~hllt af into Dllyton , tind mn'k El ex teDtll\,e ilIoti on, but her b611Jt.h seem to ue, impro\Vem"nts ill tb eir t rack llnrl C. E. Br!l.t ten', Commlmder 0 1' un"e v~ rm m eLl uucl is fH llillfC rnpl()ly equi l>~l!'nt. ,~unu, ltetu.l1i()1( CIl-D)}! 'on8 o~ S t 0 d ' h f L I . . . . . u y un • 0 U:l 0 Y e Invite VetorilDll, pre81deu ~urlng tbe ex·. tile fu,!'nlUr fi of thi,!! und n~ighbor. Memorial Day Visitors srcill8s a t the Ce Hete~y. I ~ev. -I. F. '11\l wu.l lldar offered un Ifn g Commnnitl es to vic;it th em Among tbe v i itors In Wayn e~ . or fdD\ m n billery of .111 ki ndle'. II.ppropriliote prayer lit t.he pening Fllir trOtlhnon t nlia rig-hL l1ricel\ ville Memo r i1~1 Dny were C. J. Bar· beau /Iond ,little son , of Oirolevillfl i of ~he ~l'Vtce . .. IU! ured. Mr. nnd Mrs. ' La ter Crn~ e and 'ComrRde S. Lev . Ca ~ tw rlght rell.d Llncoln'~ . ~mlilor t~, . etty~bnl'g : Mr~. J oe. e. (Jompton , of Dayton, little b y of Spriugfi,!lld ; 1\1TS. A . 'E speech . ' oame over Sll tUliday to lLttend tb o Weller a nll ohild reu of Ceu ter vill e i 'l1be nddress ot the .da.y WIIS m ad ~ fun rul of her a un t, M r s. ·Mll ry Mr . Il.nd M l'tI. Charles M. Rol) 8rt~ , . by Dr. B: F. O1ayton of Ye llO'w Bully, lind remal ~ed ~ith her of LebllDon . . ~~nll~ IUld was ono of t he, bes t ' of !lillter . Mrs, M/ll'k Du vis, u ntil ' Ull. -the !D')1 ny splel.llUd nddr 88es tha t, dllY morning. Charles E, Michener 'h An b8en ' m11Cle lit this .)11100 ou ~1i8s 'Agnes Scb wlI.r t~ ilU" ing ~ocal U. S. Observer eimilnr ooeallonll. .' the plea suro of IL- vi it Crom ller "I~ · Furnishe . Some Interesting 1>r. Clayton paid a h.igh tribute tor . I'dills :-· chwo, r t~ . Of Cillol nnllii. Statl!!tic~ on the Wl'ather, to tbtl men o.nd women,of 'tbo Civil ~O'r q!:'otber.from Ol1y toO n wus ILI 0 n Wal,' and hill enttre addrel!!l t eemed gueSt at tbe Sob wart·z bome ~ u tur. wUh loyalty lloDd p,.ttiOtl~U1 . . dillY knd Sunday. . .'Hurenu hilS furnisb ed tbe Ga:J,ette M rB. \1 tl ton BeilIU, of · t be follO\vm ~ flgnres on weather with b r )i ~ ll e !lon , WIl S in W \ly nes. condit,i u durin g April lin d MIlY. Called To Her Reward. vill e Saturday ilft ernoon. Mr!\,. wWGh indiollte tbat this per i oil bu s .'-----Boom lIa. 1>' e1.l ll;iti.n l:( f~ienrls 1\ t wit uessed th lJ Ill<) t, \Jacu linr ' weatb· 'Mrs .. &ar~h J!llle Obandler motb uytle uou other pohits f11' tbi er \,\,e 1111 v hud in a long hum ber of er of EdWin a·nd Aaron CbandJer yeur . _ vioinity. diedt6!t~ the- h omo of 'her lion , E d wilL AbOut tile oul y W811l.U f feature ''J)llOadIl.Y ~Igh t. . . Ml·S. W , Bl1 rn ~tt, wb o bas tbat a venl ged np r ight In April WIIS Mrll.1()hau·d ler hilS been In trai l bl~ boen It gl'ea t s oiT I'or 101' iL tbe , r lti ufnll whloh nmoun ted ' to t tbe sud !Uon Lb or tnor6 l.r Om. ILD n uces!! o~ .1 2, G ioch s. 'rhe wentber WIlS ~he bea.lth for 11. lOng \ilUe den ~nd was UI)·eXI>60I tld. : tooth al\!L all:lo Ilboesses In her ooltlest for tw:e oty .six yenrs 'apd MrS. Chandler Wlu! ,Il' womlln of. 8~Onla~ , is n Ow 1;D uahre lillved lind wlls.w ithin one d ' gree of t he ·oold. beaut.iful ·ohl\raoter and ber de"th II.ble to· Fide oot a.gni n. est evor r eoorded by tb,e weather -wIll be mourned by a wide oirole Mrs. Ehl'. abeth Milson, of Leb/1.uoll burel\\l. AI)ri) pnt t bo muchmfil· of frlenda. Ignoncd month of Ma rob in the The fnner~1 of M.rll. handler will hu.e been r" r week with h er parent, shade by several delJroes. . The Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Liddy, wbose be held from tbe Frlenc)s White ooldest dlloY of the mODth waa the Briek Mee~lng house at eleven health is failing and who need the ~eco nd wben the mercury dropped afTe·ltionu.te" Gure of their chlldre~ o !.oloolt JJ"J:i~IlY' morniDg. to 21 degrees and the warmest OD ooca.!l'ionally. the 211t.b ",hen the thermometer • Mrs. MII.ry UPP. Earnhart, with registered .ill. .Miss Jane. M. Rober~hea: 80n~ aod ~Ilughter, ca~e over 'i'he mlnfa·1t for l\:fqy aTDountec1 from Muld I~to"'" n on MemOrial Dn y ., . ., as is their eostom , to strew tbe to 2.73 inobes , II.bou~ an. Inoh less MI8I.I . _ ~ua, ·M . Robpr ts dle.d ,.nt tbiJ graves of their lov~d ones with thlln the Muy did just (l, hOlile of her l!il!ter MI's. .A mandll 110w,er.8 ,: ~r Jlile 'h'er~ Mrs. J!;urnhart l\ ~t.le better t hnn April in ,p rQv.idhig f¥1ttOn, o~ ·th.e Ba~veys h'lr~ pikf', Ilnd \i.ttle 80n wp r:3 gllest of Mrs . warm weather .•llthougb it was uo · Wedoeeday .e venlng. . C. W . Baruett, lI.nd Miss . IlPIl W811 rensonllbly and' un easonably cold . MI .. Roberts Md' been a 'luffel'ea: enlertalned 'by ·Mrll . Mfl,rk Duvis. The wlumest dny iu t h e uion tb for a grea~ mnny yeaa:s . . A. f e\v .ludge Alex Boxwell was in WilY.' wben 2 d g r e~Jl WtlS r O.lch e<i wa!; YuA1'8 I!'~o she fell ·and in3urod bel' ne viiln ;l 'uesday nnd mado the one liegr. lower thlW t ile Wll.t·l11est hlp,and. hall. siuce boen nu IIlmOit rounds of t h lJn sine~s section of dllY in Ma rch . 'rhe millimllm tem· C~liil.t aiMl'erer. . ' tlie·town. ,ludge Boxwell has been perat ol'e W ilS au degl'ees on t·ile \I ~h.

At ODe o 'olook the l)roce ' !liou iprmed .. t the townsb ip huoNe unll " marched . to Miuml Cemetery,. At. the rl10e bridge the ceremony ot -.he. . '"/1.ter 111 . ~'rewln·., .. fiow flr8 all .. 1U6wor v of ' he 1lI\llo;~ who lost iT , • theh.. IIvell , lu their count~.Y 's ' de. .' tebllt! Will! carrted OD .



, . FnDeral . ~ervioes w ere held ~un. t,iay ~ominK.' ; . ,. Mlia ,RoWrts ·brother. 8 .. D. ......... 0·· f. VlO....,... n.. ... • , " u.. aa· came to o o n,Q'" 80 __ alf.tiiul.'b~ filDeral and remaloM ·,,· ' DlOq Mendil bere ,until WedDeeday

longer promin,o/l ~ t n County jl.ffair s dUlon ulmol)t · any map In Warren

Elliott School


Ef~i';ie~'t "W~J'k- on ~h;-:::"'l


part of Sunday School

Offic~rs '



New Burlington. ' ,\11 ,.. L IIU, 61ui r i'l t.he· gUeilt 'O f ' ''lIlii1v\\~ ill Oll.vton. ., .


~ . H .Ulnfll' Holl ing wbl'tb ~ttended n ewnrded by mdm bers ~;f ,Warre n N E W S Y N O '}'CS . • u GAfHER ED gy "I-IE liAZI:.TT E'S t,11I' f lln rill of llit! grandmot her ' County Association with I CORRE SPO ~DENTS IN N~A I~BX PLACES Mrs. Beal 00 Sll t.~rd~y. ;" . Re·election ILtlgll.r linrle y it! a. t home again ___ _ /lIt r li n vi"g spen t 'a few weeki hi 'l 'he luiuual gatb erin g of t·be nun . Corwin . WI:"h Virginia. Ly tle. (l.IY Scbool workers qf . Warren Co. 1:1 F. Oom pton attended thE! War. h eld nt Kings Mills las t Tnesday M.iss I:!t.el\rl tiles f Morrnl\' Luwt "intll l' 11~l'In!; thO' Leotlll' I'en , l:O. . . on ventlon ~t Kinp' und Wednesd ~y W IiS one of the Lest spen t 'rhur dn y with Mrs . H opI) nurtlo R!l \' . •TII mos B 'iV11t'l0I1 WIl Mtlls on Tnesrlll Y !lnd WedoeedllY. meetinl! in the h i8tory of the ASr!· Stiles. one of tho L(lc tnr 1'>1. All who h a!lnl R'ly m ond R6I)V6S of Xe.nia. III ~t. ocilltion botb, In ntte nd ~n lle lin d in. Miss Benriel-tll M Kin ey IIlld him worn dl'Opl,v illlprce cl wlt.1t hi!! lltlmo for a few days on acconnt Qf te rest . ~iSB D nm. Hllwke of Wayu es. !uhl e, wilty sa ntlllll" I(nt] wdl d liv I:!ick ne:ls. On·goniu wa s , eleoted 'Illl the meet· Vill e were .L eb~"on .visitor!! "lltl11:' le nd I , ·ltll'll . It wllJ 110 tlllnht bo nil Mi /I U rnee Ha rner of DaytoD w~ ing p) nce next yeni'. Lebronon Il.ud da.y. ~ 11 1{1' (11)1,\ l-il1 1'PI'IAlI I I) IlVl'I'Y Oti O to th gue.. t of h er s ister Mrs; WaltoD 'lIUIl ville were un:l ucces~ful llPlJli. Mr . W . J . K1IlJoll \VIIS ill ·!nei ll . Il'n rn tlHlt I IlV. \\' /ll-;ulI will d JiV(lT ''';oulptol1l u8t weell. Qltnt fo r tlle h onor of enterta imng u liti n husi~pss Frida y . IIlnt>I,l.JPl' IcClllf(' ut Iho J,ytlll M. · E. Mi 1\I u. ry Vandervort g~ve a . t he Uo n v ntion. Mr., Frunk ' Illith and f/Unit •\' (If I ( 'hU rd, on 'll'x l IOll(ll\v• o \'lIoi ll t:'I'; , )luTeel shower . fe r her n teoe Milis P residellt PlIul 1:1 . Wright. l:leo. n elll' COllten-' ll Rp nt 'l'hnr ~(.jll Y I;'" Y" \l \\,111 .- N, HI II 1-\1 n ce hi.; . \lb· \ Cdll Va nder vort on Friday ofter. Mllrti n JI10JI on .I ud 'l'r ellsl1rer with Mr . l\Ud ?ill'S. ,Tam eR !:1l1i11 o~. Ij"f'l I~ II lilln n l1'~ l lIl\l un(\ r 1t1 ' !l\II!; 1I00n . Fr ud Plluly. to wbo m or udit for th\! Mr. nnd Mrs. Jobn 'prllY of •. WIII'IIJII(' 1l wtIl be ill~ll'\lI'li\'o tu nil. flU (leSSfLl 1 oo ndition of ·t be lI il'uirs Burlington wore guosts f .Mrt;. N.I Every (On 1111'0 lin: li nd ... fur . Mrs~ !~~b I Collett of Barv6Y8 'yonJ'~'h'o!< . Imrg WI1I1 the g uest of. ber slster IIf tho WI1 rrlm Uo , 8 uml ny !Sail 00) omi Ba r!o n Thorsdlly . M (I Ed Mrtt. 'I'. I.:. Haydc ok last week. .' . .. Associatio n I lu.rgely due, were all lI\r . W lIiug- lol1 'I,ll'll ol l 1:)ojl y d . r: , ureBce wllrel of .l!'run k· r e.. eleateLl. \ lin Visited frIends hera one ' dll.Y l' . i:lILt.unlllY night und Dom1ny "''it,ll Rev. F . B. ~ilner and wife, of Mrs, B. E. Hntbl1way or Waynee· centlY. ' . 1Mrll. 'ul'uline J'togl'l'l' , of L bll non. Leesbu rg were guests /1.fI the home Mr . Imd Mrs. How/1.rd Booth , Mr .•mc1 · Mr . '. Il: . •' QlI nM im d ;jQn of Charl es MoKinney on Friday vHie was seleotetl a8 a.de1i.gate to the I:)tuw unday School Oqpveption. Miss Al)P~~ll Millor lln,l Mr. II. E. 111enn hl~d ri ll t heil' 'UuHIR durlng e vening. . Wilson Vlslted friends in olumbns ~Iltorday nlgbt und 'Hllrlll), Mr. Mrs. l)ickinson (Nee·MQ.ud tlpray H.ome Destroyed by Fire tlunday. nnd Mrs. U. ,I . I:lmlth lind lion WILl. IU(i ) ltt le duug hter were :villl&Ofll Mr s. Stoops of Xenl n visited '(ra. ter Lo i!:l, f Willningt,dn . t h,e hOm o of j·heir grand pareD,.. II W. W. 4 rn old several day Itlst Mr . und Mrs . l:IHrry \ eGlllllis Hn~ Mrs. Elija BawltiDs •.last w Residence on Nathan Jones }1l1rm nnd little d Ul1ght r Leoll il weI' iu The New Burlington l'and P weak. · Occupied by Ja~nes Zell Is Burned. Mis e Katea nd Alice Ill r k n· Bl'llllrouk on Memorinl On .v. . for the Mom nriHl e~rctB88 a~ ~~nit e IL ul1U1h er of Ill.l r!!Ons from t:;priDg VlIlley, Tburl!da), morning. The fine residenlls .Ou t!ho farm of terttLinod 'Mr. F:wing ot 0lu1l1hus, .A. R. from' ,bJIi Na.than Jones on tbe Spring Valley rurtl . Kin~ elf XeuilL IInu MI' . f. ..,.I.le 111111 vicini Iy wel'fI in Wnylle . Me mbers of the W.I (lling of ·incinnllt.i ThurliLIIIY . vill e ither' to utte Id t.h funllrol or pili e wE) re a ls o iD /1.ttendan~. pike north of Wa.ynesville w.all oom· Mis es Mi n ni e lind I~U IJr\1 MoKin· 61 r s. ~(lily o~· to t.r!l li ' 01, 1m. in ps MeUioriu] ervioes thtllyear 'drew plstely ;:le~ t'r oyed by fire las t 'rue.'!· @ey of 1"" "lIl1n ol1 spent s~yer\l) clllY8 t h te ' l.tlll;'dH)" . . I~ Inrger crowd thaD 1111ual. ,Thtt day night . :1.1'. aml !\Ir . .11I1lI6!1 ~{. . Johns uddr s!:fby.Levl Mills of Wilming. 'l'he fllrlll is oconpled by Ja.mes r eoeHtly with their parent . Mrs. AOhs~ ~ u ll en ~n? g ruud 'l Hpen 1. l:iutu rdllY nil{h\. unel ~unlllLY toIl. W illi ver y interestlDg and the Zell und the family awa.kened to ltl!. mnllio WII S iDepirlD~ , tinl! t h e h oqae ulm ost rElfldy to full daughter of Cln clDnMI \'ltnted I~s. ]l!tll1 lIutly witlr Mr. '111a Violll BUrill n Inst week . Fr nnk UI~r y of YUIll\tl h' et;. Tho t un lirul of Mrs ~ iQ, on theIL, so fast an tt f uriously S~u Y lind J tl ltml IIg otl! tor the D Jggett occurred from tbe ll. . . h llob t he ~an 5 llqr!leq. 'hampion Furming Mnoh iuer,v of, ' ohuroh on Friday mornlog. :iutef: As it was thElY we r e f() rtQQl\>te to I\nnLlal Commencement f 'r sllecilll indue l1lf'nta to IIJI fll r m· m en t WIIS m/ \.n tb8 Xenia oeme. escape witb their liyes an d salled .. to come to them to buy , Right tery , of the SpringborQ High er M' trelLtmellt 111\11 righ t price but n~tle 9t th eir h OUSllh ould fur· ,; . : . . emb6l'$ of th Barner IaDdlr ' SctlQol. nitnre : . . I M r . doe Ib (lllln" bl S Unnll y ·Ilr. who r eside ne r h . "'- .~. rly tl ot th ctmclu ion tUltt II. fu r. . ,. ere. were ........ !llr. J on es OIl,rle¢, PO IU!!)lrunue dn . Four Gradua.tes Receive. rfheil' . ullce wj11 Huit ' bl'ltler t\lan ~end"nQe at the fun!'ral ·· ~ thelr" tbe building and Mr. ZElil1 only 12riO Dipl()s;na s , At~'\·es . So he is proceeding at pile unol ~ Henry Jaoobs n.ear Old ToWIll wovth o~ bte b ousebold good ~, 110 In mauy r esp ot jlh c Qommence .. pr . nt tune to iusttll\ one in bis on 'Frid t\'Y. • . • . the 108S fo111l heavily 0\1 both . ane .ooun r y h OUl,G. And Ju.mCI:I R. _ _ __~llIenb of the l:)prlng.bor o Righ I:)CI.J.OOI Jollns l\o~n't !I em inolinetl to be wh ich took plewe III the K . of .\ltehlnd aud is doing ltkew\se. , Fourth of July Celebration h!\U Thur sllny evening wl\a of ~n If ,tbe weRtb r 'permit It thc re uSl\al Ill\ el'e~ . 'l'he 010 S c:onststed \vill be 801\1e t 'bneco set in t,hta . Mr . and Mrs . Edwud 'WlebJriD8\ TBe 'Warren Ooqq~y ~i'/ j'Joard of tbrell young la dies Ilnd one youll g nelghborh ofid t1lis weak. Yet we left Illst week for a summer'. 'VIalt E 11 ., . h~ar many romplnint ug tn nt th eir . . ' is Ilrranging fOlla 'grBnd FOul'th of gen tl eman, Mlsses ate ~e .rwlD, p lun:ts.ure POOl' lind fll r bel W tbe wit h f riends in and abOut Olrioln" July Ce1ebration, Q.t Lebanon, July Eldnu. .aoyl,es, Ola ra Weloh al;ld Mr. u.v.e rn ge . nl~ti. '.j, 1901. QetlioUS Will be gi'ven in later Chester 91'0okett. Miss I r w\,n ills Mr. aM ~rs . Allen EllIai'i Ii: and ' ':Mrs . ~win Sherwood w~ .11eCl i88 Ue.~ at the Gazet te . first speaker h ad for ber s u b ject . daugh l r BI ~.uoh I~nlfo l$o Mr. Ilnd $0 Xenia .last , week, owiDK L , the. " rh " Oolonla,) P er. iod ." ~he r ·. Mr . t . M.' Hou' h !llld aqn K n nelb erlous iIlneBS of 11,er moth••,:JO " ,1 Almost a Nonogenarian. clI.J1ed !1 number of interesting fuets ~ver \3 .Il a unullY gl1 e~t9 ot M .. fin d . 11' . I:)tullll1 u nd tll l lll\V Mr. anti MJ::s. O. B. Triatil. ~ 'oonneoted wltb thj.s. perictl of HIS· I ~ac Lo" ••.• , '0 b b" h Lbuil!e Autlior, and Mr, t' ,..i ' . .,." .. ,~ 1\ een a ~ orne '01 .Mrs. Mary Baily, \vidl~ w of Em · t or y. from Ius WOl k 111 the em Qlty dill'· ton, oalled on Edna Spencer Illor Bally. dIed a·t her home, nenr , l'be. Rovolut!oollry f'orio " be. Ing 111st WI' I' \( tu "straighten np. I. a fternoon ' . . , if' . Wayne v ille, Obio, MIlY thirteen tb, 'Inll' the BubJ' eat of M. B I' I' Ed\\'llrd l.cJ1l~l1cro WIl8 seen in . ., '1 . I 8 oy~e UI· our villrlj:te lin ~ntllr .lny. M~s, E . P .. Krieghoft' ·left for nineteen .hnnd req aD d se eq. dre . , then\1~lanCe , wll ourrled til fI. Mr. 11 1111 tn, . .1. ' tH. I:ltaoy h llve cinnllti Sund1l.Y where she She WI1 8 born withw sight of the most oilurm mg mlln nel' t hrongh be n in . MEloham . pu r~ IIIOM lust visit fri ends' -. ho me wh ere s he died, Jun e utll , the even ts of.hersubjeot. 'i'h nrsduv . 'rh Mi • .. " . . . i " e sses Lllhe an4 Lau .... Ki~• 1 17. Ii ed tb l 11 189 Welob In .h.e r presentatio n r. /1.1)<1 1\'1rl\ 8 1·,·,. Stuoy,. and ler were in Lab .' B ad sbe v ane lJlon onger of."Th e ~at,oul1l P eriod" nI nde 11 . rl ungh~I': 1' .1\.11-. M r . Obl\rles ' ' . IUlpn ~~1lI'da~: sh e wnold bnve, been ninety 'yoltrs m o t ]lleMin g add ell . bin i -. to ,EI1 I~, 1011 (1 nil Mr~. Il!hnel;' Els.rnh.urt. .. WIll Myers and Verno A~ . d th '- ,- . .!: ~~ .~ nl~ l nnd f!lUli \..,.., Mf1~fH:S .. ";J\",I> aQd IIn.r' ,trnnsnotell buahiess tn l.LebaDOli old. 1111 n 0 ~ ~):I'ts;1;l,\'; '~ ' lea 1St 0 old \v8eut.y I'J(ISl'll Su ud y . wttb 8a.t urdll She sauk gently to rest, in the m ann er . Mr. und 1.11'" Roy li':u rnllit.rt nlld y. full po8seBSion or 11.11 her faoulties, Mr . Cr ockett wbo rClpresented fnmUy . . The Mislles Sarah Bteddom aDd perfeotly oon80iou8 to the IllfIt; and "l1nclo I;ntp " tol~ bi p listeners of ~ lil8 hls t :-'~U(\y ~1I1 :> b en /1.t her Ednli t:!penoer are DOW enjbylh, ~ble to ~press qer w\shpa. , " . ji;rand 1>' '~f r II WI ... pnst ai teud f,bei.r summer's vaoattou. af&er tiM I1ml l\1orl'itstown bl1vmg comvleted suocesaf.u1l1 'he A noble ute 18 olOl6d'I a lovln~ !Tbe Fqture m a :y intr 1'0 s~ve i ng t be mllnner. cOI;nmenr:elUent ll, . JUDlor term In the Le~OD Rlgb. motber III gone. .~ .. • ' The ball was be~utifully d .~JtinW'tln ' 1'11,,11 \Va B u.b. Scb~Ol. , .' ,:, I " ' . Mary Z'e .1 atad wearing tbe national coJors tl0 l!t .for Sll~ .rul (joys ,(If: 'ntly tlo sEte Ml s M~ry Coune·r . ?nl? ~, ~..,. which WAS in acoordao'oe ·wlt.h the a sl9k rolaLlv e 10 Ft. \\'jlyne,. Indl. P~tters').o .g rad tl1'tes w,ill .~Jt at Mrs 'A nswers" );" IS ' .. ' HnU. BIlvBr 6rove 'W ednesd- "e",[Q" • J' m~ I!lmmons. tOPICS discussed. . ;..~urb~Tt Hol'zljll b,a8 )Je·:.l.8peDdl;g ...---~, .T be_pr\lllentqtio~ of diplomas by 1>ltll uugh ll , n dn y dlty 1J1!<t Sun, a. few ~lI.vs ,.with Ilts,n.8 '-e"" ,. A long fiud useful life ElUded Mon. Miss ii1tbel Pence ID her eilim and du .· tiler Wl l'O r7 P rSO Il >! ill r~t· '., ElIlrl Thompson. wllo h&IJ -b.,.,11I day m orni ng wb en .Mrs . Mary Ann l' mp .. tel1d iln e ..t t it ' ul1rl~y :-';0 11 . I 'ond bome for· some '.tl· me OD aooo"'o' u r SSlve Ino.nner wus In Dllln.v th e colleotion umoul1ted to i l.l0. I L " Zell . widow' of t he late JBcob Zell , r espe.)t of m ore thou ordi nlu y iu. 'l' hls to was 00 0. dllY ",h" u ,h ere ~ang ed f\nger aull 'lIprained aDkle. pa sec! nway at her h()mO a.bout t:erest. WII 110 prell 'llIog ,'ol'·\,loe. ll;l'ends to re turn to Dayton Mouday.




- - -_ ......- _.









Fol"Iowing th pre ontllt,iuu of t wo ' mile's "ou tb west Of Spring Vlt lJy . · d lplollllL tJle ,Curtnin 1,'OBO nn(l (1 Mr . Zell \Vns almo. t life long ta bl6tln .ndded to the intere!\ of tb e ra itlant of t his oomUI unity Il,n d ooonsion': widely, known'.' T he retur u qf tlle Ottarbi no , T :1 O fllneral of Mrs. 21E!1I will be Qua.rtette w!Ji.ob fn.r n isbed the held n.t one 0 clook, . tbiia Wednes. , music wa·s on inspimt ion to ull In dnyaftern ooo. . u.t,tendanco . Re ,, : Soni!! wu pr es.

M oun ttl 0 IIy'

'-'enterville .

- -'-


- ---'-





.'~enlL MarllLtt is VlSlti0ff Ella Mau

bser veu PlIovis Ibis week. , M V h )1 d to . ... . 11 r. Img n was OR e see hit! woro no !Ie. r vi ell or tIlllr oh.illg 1,\8 ~oMt~rl.erT·oWnb,l()DI~)jno,jdsor weill}. .. , ii·t·~kL · 1 aD am I .... we usual. ", m .te IL nU lllbel' of poonlQ . . ..... S priug \Tulley. Thursday. "iT .:i!~. V" I'.V Clllie t ly 'in tbis viol· ni ty . '1''-e' r e

County buth tho have ~elllt . Ugh,tly wit him y6a1'8 lind he iii atil I The.f.ormsr pupils of the Elliott . ~r... ZeU'1I death WOSI due £0 the ent and offiolated In the invecllt icu t e;t t.~, MI?~nlSburg, J..>~ytqll, n.nd .. ~ 1\1r: E(}gu.r Rurley , Bil4, ·;El..,,.. y,oung .in hel\rt lind young in' looks Distl'itlt !::lob 001 noor F'e rry , will infirmities Of II.l(e. and llenedietion. 0 IlVI S (J moho (,;benoweth two young" mea ,Gf' arid ytlllJ8.. bold tl1eir aJlQual re»nion, Satur. The obddreD livlDg are: Mrs. (,;enter ville wnll indl!ed re pr esent . Ueas~rs . \J~eek, . ai.~en.d6d·. pr~iJ8 Elil4abeiu 14. H~w.e; w40 wl~ . her' ed nt GaUl Uity. lllllt I:)l1turday in meetlng hQre WedneSday. night. ·' . · G~g. ' Mtllil Dakin ' have oome t.o husband' and family made her Springboro spite of plerot,v of ruin. • Mr. ~erDie pm . and $milybt . ,' . CenterVllle spent Runday wiUl: bla WaYDe8vllle 1h»rsdflY for her snm·• b e .01• more. th nn or di nary I tt . .' . n eres home with her mother. and . oared Mr . ~rD el't B orris .Ilnd WIfe (If purenta Mr. aDd Mrs . .Abner 'Dill. Mrs. Ev~ Bough mer. vuootlon, at the. bom e of: her to thoee who once' II.ttended the for her durlug tbe liWI' yt~~rs of her . CJtarlos Fi~t~ I:lnd family of .Mi~. Dayt,on u e visiting bis parents. '. Mrs . .!t\a Barnlird !lnd ".' .,. gr~nd mo~ber Mr8, Amanda,Wrlght . h ) d ' I t tl I hfe; FraDk M .. and Jamles 1' .. Zell, dle. t owll spent '.\:hursda.y and FridBY. Mumps lire b coming quiw tbe Ole Marllltt and -". body of . Mre, E'Va llougb. Miss Dalnn h'BS been Btte~diog ~ ?O u.n II> very p ells an '. me s ,. .. ~ rn ge i,n tbi s vioiuity . Sevei1 :tl have Wtly'neaville nU.I'SI1!lJ7 . C 11 t · W hi to D (J th antlQipatellll,t tills yeu'8 KlI.therlng. of Waynesville i Mrs. Nellie Ellen wit h home to~k8., .,~~ 0,.' ~e :late. Dr. ;"Hou,,~, Willi 0 age ~\ BS ng n . . ' e" A oordlal luvltatiQn fs e¥tended lilvun8, Spr\ngt\eld ; '.Ra.~f' M. and Ju!'lge O\lI.r~~ son o( l ...ebanc.n hll.s b een confil).ed to t heir homel! WIth Jc!l~~ll::~ j;r01l"tc> Wa1n6/lvUle ~uesdl!Y . past wlnt~l' and after,a month tl)lan~ to ~11 f~rme r pupils and teacbers . to Borape 'I'. ~ell , of . ~;enia. Que been vhlltlDIr frieqd~ b el'e the 111l!~t thcm . " T<lm Dill SUJi,da~·y!~a~el!ve~l.laJr.!lil~~~'~';/:: .p.tyt·OD, wher:e a.hp bIls ~een IhinH hJlre will go on to ber home at 1:Inn· Ilt.t,,~d. The reunlOD wlli he held dangbter: Mrs: 91lle Zel1"b'arl', di ud w eek • Mr . ~l1d -M l's. Mil on Williamson , to soe. lDOre .at $h8118 ,be ~t :few years. Fun~rall!ervicell n.iblll, !oli~out'l f.o r the remaiuder of at the sobool bouse . 8evertl'1 year8 ago. J)hrele brotherll.. R obert 1l'1I!!CP (c~lored ) who \Vant. ~ \Ia,nt e~veral ' dIlYs, in 00 Ium,bu8 week. , ......, oonductad at Miami 0emetery ~he I\ll~!"er. a~d ODe Ils.ter 61so Burylve. 'l1ney to O{l lifornin. for bis health dle,\ of v \sit ing . Ihoi,r lliece Mrs. Pearl MiBB Heilln MeCllure CJiapeJ ,?eSd!\.y ·dterDt)1lD.. a~'6. be Announcement are : Abram MoKtnzle, .of Ca.lffor. , consumpt.ion and bis r emuins ' were' W e ller Rtdge. .. nOll Saturday. Mr!O., Brooh DlowHl(lle a.nd sid_the members of ,tb'" famlly who clnugb t, r, "Miss Edn~, (If ~onroe. nia,: Nebemiah MoKjnzl1l ~nd MlLd~ broujfbt bere Tuesdny Rnd bnried in ' Mrs. A , J . WII$on u-nd 1111t1gh~er, o~~~h~~~ a~'!!'r~~~na.tI~II-ldIl4 6", We I\.llnounCe tll,e returD do te of ';IIOoompludeil the. remainlt,manl old WII!J/lll)nl~on, wera gUl'lIt.s of . Willhlni a . fe)" dllYs IO.lIt week. Dr. J . $i. W'atsoo; ,mdltor ot , , 'Peo leon MoJ'{ulzie .and .Mrs. Ellen Sldoll our beautiful oemetery on the hili. 'Mltorjoria visited bel' mother Mrs. Valley Sunday as he lB a ,lri~a. ~f \he Rat.hered'to Grandma F'Z''y e ~f SpringfJeld is Clark :Pioe, lo!.'t week. • of- tbat order, \)Inf\iddie il\ the widow of u.nd Platform" of Ulevlllnd Ohio, of WI YoesyUle. . - -- '--"""';1vlSiting Qea: lion David and wife. : Mr. a:b~ . Mrs . PhineRIl' Hibberd MiBS EI(lle Myers of Be,lbl*1t .Jla7 ,a tIDal ""iblite, of· rellpect. tlle ]ate Judge Dlnwid~o, a mah who wllliooture ~t ~he M: E . OIi~Jroh ,Notlee. MiM B!l881e Reeder of lIelLr Cen. entertaine~ hi~~ly the . toJiowtJ}g v~ittng Miss Belle Myers f« who' Ilttl\lned )VIde dtst.hiotlon and In bjs adopted state ond who at Lyt\e Ohio, Monday ev ~ning June terville spent Thursday and 'Ftiday guest!! lost Sondu.y, Mr. aJld Mrs ' . • Miss ·, LizZie~ Hop,tins. ." reflected oredit ·upon the community 10 11l0i'. ~ubject :- ~'Win~ Wate~ with Will .rly and wife. Charles Bailey, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Wal. and f&lDlfy whloh he left. Ml'8, Dinwiddie and WomeD ' Wit aDd Wladom", Doors Tbe JUDe Maetl~K .e.~. SopkiuB died tblll Mlu Hazel Penoeof LebanoD V111. ter Hibberd, .Mr. aDd Kre: Petry ~elli~ 'Tftn ..IIt"'r_ whUe limited .dB to OpeDllt7~~:l9. no re..erved seat"," T,U. will IlleM June iWe4DI"f'I mOrDiu. Ilh6J' a lODe ber . . Ited Johu Boiles ~d family eaat of Weller, Ml'. ·atld ~r~. Ed Pine and ~dB ~s oaUiIl PlaQ8:=a::i! Admi8liOD IIIi 08Ilts. Oblldr.e~ ~c1er hOI!le oUA_ Dura teIIlloa8 slID". and meet toWD the put week. . !!Ii I Della. Plne. Mt'. "nd !Ira, mer lID 7· maoh iDterested foul1een. 15oenta. Benefit or Lytle 01", &0 have 'IOU i . to pnu JohtI tJlDolair and famU7 . will Brook. RoWts weN ID OentervtlJe UIe.. ~~... ,~.' "*i.cakeD p1aoe Leotnre Oourae.. Walter 'KeDrloJr, ,nth. tIS. ball belli ....· .. tot' OallforDla batoreloDl, .veral dal. las' week, ·,!I~...~~,p'~1~ g




nrr~ved ~il d~h~:aneg::~~ringS

. .. -






..... U88ene, OlliO.


CoaDt 'hul baDd. W, K , CDllt $\5,. CuteUalle II laid fal\llly flrllt 000.000 wbon tbe br\ll~h t hla tlll(' "r(lbllbly will thl' m to be rid tak ' 1111 Intwll morl' of thnlr llacl bnrgflln ,]'11., dOll1l'tlllr. \\'1'<' Ie ot thl' Marilloroou"hil " 'us 11101'1' Or a surtll'l ac IP LIlA worill. 1'1101' had Ill' 1\ I'IImOl'8 o r dINII!:'I'I'CIlWtlllI, bIlL 1111 ~ o \l'll re nOI LhOIl~11t 10 b' R'I·lou!!. 'rho duk of M ltrlborous h. like I b ~()lIlit de rAM' lollnll<', Wl\K uot aUlo \I) underRtund tli' chu rllclf' r o r Amer l llnll girls. 'I'll y IIIll;hl b ~ ultl'ncll'd by n litle , but tlley Have II' ule,! n ot ~ lIbmll t(1 tho IlIdl ~l' rell!108 - It II! a mild w m :(' - o( til Ir hus. of For .4heucl of IlIlnel >l: \I Wu!! snltl nt t hl' 1101 ~Ilss ('OIU<lil' lo \ ' andt'I'llllt 111111'1'1<'11 t ho duk e the Number of DiooTce" HOrJe tlllll sho hart ma !l~ lh \ll'sl barllnln 01 alJ~' A lI1Qrlc:lJl. gi rl tbol ' I'er FOT bn ll g'hl R fOl't' I ~1I i"urrllI IJ ):;'.. but her 11l'l'sent 1\:11 1inpl1ll1 (ja~ pro"es that tho ,hlt':lgo.--Sur Iy • (' W Y.'III·'S dllY Or t'! PH.,,·Uou ulld ("lis the SlOr,), lo lhe .. f w s ulltOUlIdl'fl. mu s ~ 11(\\', Ill' n L111' sallc!l'st I lIu I ( 'II r .. llr hI a IlIlRhl ~1I 1 nt" wa)'. 'I'h bL'll Among lh \\'rc k" o f Ihe ~'E' nr Dono 11111 ver hnw ~ 1 \('111 \\' hlll! tho 1l1ll~1 unlnftHlll(o,1 st "nn~~r; "~I'Q\l lng Illto hilM cUlls ..,1 IlIIJru ('.. nllllt LIt Ihun III 1110 ~jHlI'lI'llOnt, oll~lI)' ml" hL Ihlnl; th gotl ill\lall t '!> hl~ "ooks fol' 1:I(W II " I'i lt~h u rg cu~c~," wluch l u ('l udc lbO;) 1111;1",10 Wit S 0 1'('1' a ' !;1'\'C<' l'y bl1 l or u w ill bO CfJllIll.' III 'r! 10 sll cll1wn IIlIiJ w 'p, fOl' Ih!' IIsl of th,' uJ:lIt!monllll rtlfll~r1 /:OWtI . I'Ilth I' t han a rulll~d wrl"I"I oC t ~" (lr sho 'l's UII IIWfll1 life. Thl' IllW san she IlIny l uI\' a dlnn'l'o, 1l11i1 ~1I0 l\r"\I ()~c~ II' S t It . nu nlhur or lll "'t t~'ra . I'll ro 11 I'n (mo ll gll aomoti ll(' jill'S 10 1'1U\ ~ Is nil . H 11l'1' hUNllal\ d bn ~ . 1\ th u ('0 111.1/10111 \\'''r~( Ilm l! 1 II!' (lllrch· !:ouu IIlISI, Ion ()r a bit (,t properlY, she flunk sh oo k !'lltll J?ra uclsClJ. tr 1Ill')I Il l1 a~k~ f ur ltIlIllOIl~·. Till! struggl fOI' "'(11m" t 11'111 of 1I111Iul.o·!lQllc(' some lIu ''I lla(1 !Jccu rre.'c! at 011 1' I n ~ tan t. Th 1I(). 'onl>'~ -.1 rf'nIlOIl ~ , Hhl) II' lng Hint ltl t Il rs tlllll bl\ I' 1' h I'll rih ' U w:'" 11I llI:1k 1\ S Ity fica If t h!'y ,'ould I"' ulll!ct 'c! WUlIllln rc' !:n'I .~ tll(' Il'>lS ot th,' IlIIlIl wh(l hu. bl'pn he r ~tlJ)Jlo .. t ruther more In t be des"rl baSi II Ilr Silha n . . III>' 1t1:1 11 WillI 11118 In decd . It hal< b eE' 1I It blld Y(,lI r r r than III lil fi S npld . . Dl\'orc S h :1\' > been m ort' n hl'r hu~llUnd. 1\1\ Ih ls I~ Ilk t\ comt ... (I 111' rtl, b ll ~ It num r ous t huu In lin), ot!H' r t WI' I\" Jl I) 1111" II 'I' ll 11' 11· montha sine' IIInlTlage b CClllu till In· Il1l1kc~ ('lipi d WI) 1t1t11 t1on. I rllle ~, duk S, co unts, ill " Ih e IW I'ld l fol' thnllsulld~ or Y<'ll rs stalcs men. IDlIgntlt K. und mll1lonill res, t h nt 111111'1'111(;(' Is a >ncrl',1 InsUlut1on. butch ers, docto r s, gl't)COrK, laiV yt'r~, :1'11<1 now h \ firs ( rllH CI\'('r~ (b ill It I s • aua labo r('l'~ llUye com In l;'1'IHf :n a jllkc:. T hl 1)I'oJ'()rtlon or ItI\'orc('s to martb Ir lov uftalNi. , Ln' tllt~ Itoo(l I1lel . II,I),S 1100111 nlll l'rle.'d rlaJ(os In :-;nw Y or l< Is onu In fOllr. Bnd "lIved h U IIII.II ~' u,ar af«'I'." Now III Chll'll];O It I s ouc I n nine: In Sa il the probl 111 of Ihe nl1\'el b s in s In · Fr III 'Ideo It Is ,one III rour. 'l'll c e tea d of ending n t !.h ullnr. f' OI)l e rllt'lh or w st, you ~u t ho UlOt'e fre· qUl'll t III'(: cJlvol'cCII . . Th decree sepll' G' l married nnd III n g l 1I II'0rc d. hloago stili lealls!.h '\'orlfl lu dl · ratio n ha!! bll cbed !ts wa gop to the, vorce llOlluluUon, Bnd pOrhllll!\ In ll\(' stn r of 11\1,111'''. J{llflsns It)·, Los An· to ollll.y . ~' lth whi ch (1Il'orc Is " rant . I:: I(OK, anel ori! Ita Il ro as bad as an ed . due oause belli!: shown. Th ' Il enr- F'r, n elaco. I n onch 0' tlies c i ties th te lo ~ or t t1mnn)- :lnll tho gran ' l ng of br ing on dlvorc 10 ' v ery fou r mara de ree In t1 (nult ~n sos In tht s Ill' ring 8. 1'h tall stlc8 [ 01" SIoux Fallil tak es only a f e w miDutes, lIud the arc k Il ~ 10 ,k II up In 'a,. r porter proot averllge l<ln,p.h of 11111 8 cons umet'! Is v[JlI l L I eSlilUnl d Ilt \ U IJllniltes by l'CO llle 'rho n105t noU.ble caso ot t he yenr, who st udy dlvor o m Ulods. 'l'hat Ilorhapa , WII,S (he Intel'l1a llonal tm g tl y I s \ by!.h Inelll CCl urts lire known as of tho UlllolJanos. ' For yeara Ule " dlvorc(! mill s." Til y work with t,.e world h ad WI tnesse ci the eXlrava· BIICed ot a Klcn nJ bll zz snw as t hey go !!;a nCO_II nud Indlscretloll!! of Count th roug b!.h k noui or matrimony. )'our Bonl and wondered how much l onger lawY /lr fII s lIle papers, ) 'our case the poor ' countess wou ld endure W em I s caUod, anll burr·r-r-you are dl· tor !.h.e sak o oC hee cblldren . Am erl· vorced. can' sy mpathy, almost Without excopII I s Ibe women who kpet) tbe bu:&1. tion, has 1.1 eu with ' Anu a. Goul d, 'tOl' lIaw ylorklng In th!l di vorce ml1ls In bow!!vel' much J!lr Gould, the rail· Chicago. Four ou t of fiv e ' suUs are rond IUngnate. lIlay have b een dill' brought by tho wives, Tbe m n are trusted, his daugpters al ways . w or e m eaner ' than ~ 'l'>'Qmcn, perba!)a; llOPular. Conn t CMtellaoe was a 1'1, or lse 'the husband!! are more wJJ11n g dlc l1lous joke tcrlleopl 'wllo took lire to tough tt ollt without appeal s to the IIgbtl y and an ru:aggerated v ll1l1ll1 to ~~L ' , lbOfle who took 'I t \lonously.

DOMESTIC JARS FREQUENT AND SEVERE Matrimonial Wr~ck" Almo8~ Beyond Counting StTewn the ShoTe. Life- - West the Eo" in That Been Asked and Granted.

OIlOl')lIOUS' \'ai llb ot ""a ot " Il-

" hell. but

Yot withIn a mooth 1t wae ... nOlJo t't'd that 'rl, Yel'klls had Olar f led' ilJon MI~n ...r, At flrRl Ih pub Ilc r otulIl.'ll IQ h l'lh!, ·o I t. lItlzner Will nOk3i\. ap.. t ho widow uf Y ' rkc8 waf 1Il0;0 t.hll ll GO. 110 was a gay. ) 'OIlIlC soldl or or l ortunl', lind 1)(,{ll'lo Oldy l aughed when h smll od aud llUf}!ltt J thaL 'Il mura'l ngfJ lilld takt'll piIIC, csp aiRily a~ JIl l'S, Y('rk os fI'nrf ully anti Indlf:nIllllly dl'l!llIr d Ihat UIC IdoB WIIS nlla lll'd. Bllt Ole news \\' .IS tl'lil'. IIl1zncr And .1rs. Yorke's wel'o mun und WIrP-. 11 · rnr o JJeoulo Wen) thro ll!;h lalklni: ubo lll th caso til cOlli.lle qU :l.1'rolod Itlld Illirt d n lul l'elll uilWII IIl1nrl.. · It wa s sol(1. Ih"lIgh no IIIWWII to bo Il'n e, 1hilL ~I I'. ~llIm e.' r t01l1 11\ ' lsI 1I upon I",r gh' lng h im $l jclOO, OQO, and Ihnl sbc had rof used. Afte r the SAP' umllon ~ I r~. Y u rk os· MI~nl'l· xplnlned 111 ~~ Illlll'rln go ~ 1l~' llI g: . ":\11'. 1\lh.n cr l'lune to Ul lI III a limo wh n [ WIl8 I nllk lll ~ nt lifo Ih roullll ey,'i:< tllat woro fill"l l wllh h 'u rs. 1\ wa :; lin n rllst. 1I ndl:l u I '! _Ill . 'l' LI way I W IlS li P.


tn: CClumoom, '





Un ited Italy-C elebrated for His Acta of Daring . GI'I1 , ,I obn 0 11111'11' d l('d n 'l' ''' 'II I1Y al th e \ 'iolorln ~l .. nl<lt'lll i l l n~ llllo\1. NII 'p. li t lhl' Il/;I? or 111'111'1)' ~ o . II " h "~il ll hl ~ ('lIl'lICr i ll I hI' 1';II!;llfl h nl'lIl Y. anti In L!!~ ( 'rim nil wnl' IIIHl hl ll;\lIHh" '1 him· ~ II tI~ lin r,,11 or or lIn ~ h l 1I i1l.!1uli~ . H Il' ft lli v 1'; lIl11l511 Mt'l \'If' " With l ilt.' muir nf (!UIIIUln, lIull I tl J~ H(I 11"l(1I 11 11 1. r"11111 11 11 CU I' I' 1111 11 I' (; lIl'ihlll ol !. .'.t lh 1'1' II CI('~ 1 or I,ll Iturlna I \\'ho WIiS IINlllg unci r l ' : I\'O U r'~ '1I ,Io'I'S) In' 1\. " wl l h hlno III :i 1" II)' It ~k\llull 1111 11' 1 · IHIIII",1 ClIILl'l nlll ;; 'l' I ~ I , whll II'r;on l -clI~/: uI R II II ~ hl K ~I' rVUII . . ['(' I ~I 'l'li ~ U1J11111I' Inl '('\1 In till! 11:111'1011<' 1110"1'111(0111 I n . 11' 11 . 111 I · l lI. IIIllI pl'llb· \\0111" h ll\'(' 1" " '11 ~ IIOI If HI"l' IL Till' t \\'O ItU ld ~ ll lit :'I e : ~lc tll , all,l l lil'lI lo'illl> /L HlI1ati IIORI III n ""lu /H' '"I IIII'

I'\.' ( 11<,), W 1'l1 \\"l"' 11

Trouble. of Helresse. and 'r.ltlea. Wbcn the cOllotess tlnall y le ft h er hils band, )leopl e bot h sides of tb e AUantic said I t s e~ved him r ight, Tile

trugleal tlo.linl)ll ln 511 of the ThaWI, proached first startled and nma~erJ the Coreys , ond the Hn rt jes, and ('o r· me, then ca.ptlvated m e." Dut w lthl" tnlnlY no other ca se s havo Cil.Uled Ii ,t W days she ell scover ed, alto ' snY8, greater distress to Cupid, the d Ity l hat th e YOUpg m nn did !Jot love h er , ot all true 10V rs. It would se em that '1' 110 liS w as a n ine dnys' jokc to the t b e gl eam of 's uddenl y acquired mil· public, bllt It wns a ' gl'ellt sbock tCl 1I01lS, liS seen t hrolll;h lbe smok)' itt. ' ;]pld , 'Wbo Inslsle lIlU t all matte~ mosph ere at Plllehm'u , Is 8Um l en t to pertaining to love bl') t aken 8er~ou sly. bUnd (he eycs lo'\·e. . Dr. Cape n Was Ready. Willi am E . 01' l' Waij ruined by 1\'1r. Four Times ae Many Separati ons. " Or, SUlIluel n. ("npen. while PI'csl ' aruegle, so l'VI r . 0011' 'un cl e Is I'eAmong til e more famous hlcago d nt of 'r ul'll! C(lli '!le, one dol h' er d po n ed to have snld. 'J'bls was be- <;JIBes t h e y ar mlgbt b men nnn" " 1 Ul e .HI)l otnlls to th' grnmmnr ~ 11001 ,c.n ll se Mr, Cnrnegle ,put Mr. Corey In l ha t. of 'Iaren ce Eddy, t.he or(;an l st. I;rad uo lel> j ll~, lind I n Ills ad· t h e wny of b ecoming :rIch. , The l1ead Th is wa s a musical romance. In wblcb clres8 \0 th sch ollirs us d Lbe word of ttl grcat steel lrust, l oolting [or lhe fi rst discord Wlli! strnck after nellr. "J\elth rOO wHb Lh !l l et w r 'I" silent; p i I,~ u l'e lui d " til I'll Iiii" In tho by wa ys Iy 30 yenl's of manl d life, Tbe " ar. but g h' ln g some Quotations 1)1'0' of life, f ou nd 01ll y IIInhll(lplness. As tlstlc t emperam nt" .ot tile great or. nO\l nced til salllo w01'l1 with ;In UII' Ih e tnmllinr . sa)'lng ~;oos, " h e COUldn't gllnlst.. ' i s m entlolled In co nnection pare nt lice ' nt 1111 ti)e lettol' " I." stllnd pr osperl ly," ".II th e world Is. wi t h t he dom estic unhappi ness. Cupid gen iloJllulI who wus PI·t\lIell t- ask \1 falllillar w ith the sto ry o(1\lr. Corey 's lms hoel lrou bl troUl ' Hmo I m m emorial t h IE;arn ec1 ductO!' l ator, whetJ' er .t h e spectaclilar r ls In th e world of fl· with th e artfstlo temperam ent. The word was "neUlIlr" or " ul(h flr ." 11 1tnCe and of tho all eged' esca'pndea Sel)a l'aU on of l he Eddys occurred In SIIBpe tlng a IItUe QuizzinG from the 'Wlll <;h caused his wllf e to l eave hi m ,. Pllrle, and l\il'. Edell" firs t br(,ll\gllL 8ult Iwln kl In his qtlo/jtiOn r '8'Y , tll o Shoo obtained a dh' Or co lasl summer . In '1I1cago, !ju t n(terwnrd di smissed rll'eSltl ent r ev ll d " tllIll ,cl uer y WllS an· otter IIvlll g In tho stal e or 'ovuda' bls case a'n n secn red Ilte divorce I n swered ·Iong ngo In tbls 'val' : l on!; ElDOllgh to . acquire ci tizenship Soulb Dakota l ast sutUm 1', An Inexperl need ' young woman und r tll )Ib ern l laws 01 that stote. The llst 0( .the y ar' s d0111 allc tr~g, Rsked nn o lder In,a tron what ~ he 1n b er b11l she 'c h nr,t;e d her hu ~ baJln edl l's migh t . be cOllllliued almOst enll, IIhould \J ~e for a fr lli t l.I urldlug, " R als· ~\' Ith deserllon , but It generall y was leasl y. I t. is lib wonder that Cupid 1118 or dried /{rap ," anil ' th mntron unller s tood . lhst t il fa mll! hnpplness ~'eep9: , E~oTts are ~ol n g , made by 1)1, answ !:ed QIIIC.k I)'( " Nhol' 01' l~ iJ:ter: was wreck ed b}' M,r, Core) 9 1mbUe at· vorce congress os Ij.lld T fo~niers 10 t nUona to Mabelle Gilman, all act· 'c\U'8 t h e e\'JI by a natlolln) divorce Where .He r:tu~bed It. teas. ·Iaw. [t Is c laimed that .If tl:te road SOl1tbwat'd trom the summi t or ~1t . 1'he Hartje , ca~e ot P l ttsbllrg made to separation w ar mad e more ((1m · l\.fo0'lllulIlre nnd near Its base lies the tile whol e countr .. gnsp. 1t InVOlved cult to tra\'ol ther e would be rewer ))re~ty 1lI.ti~ v;llIage ot Warrell, . 1I. grn ,' e charges aguillst ~lrs. Hartje divorces !tnd per haps l e68 uohnppl· H ere Uves' the town's /;enIUs, whom and h llr cnachmHIIl nod . counter lI08S. ' . •: ono cal l s "Pat;" oue Who ,S ,cha r ges 011 the- part .Qt tire Wife thai' 1n 'r ecent )'eO:r 9., whllll the over r eady with hIs good n ature ' aod she wal} the ,'lcU m oC a consplrnt;y, tlon 'vas Inoreaslng 30 per cen t. tbe '11'1511 wit t o mll)(e rrlends wl l h. all. III whi ch h er husband- l he ' man she ,number divorces · b·~. risen 300 per Olle colil, rainy day t be M et bodlst h ad loved alld wi th · whom sb e bad cent. '!tb e dlsprollo r llon Is Incretlll' mfnl ster or tlle town' met " Pat~ ' on the IIv~d-;-s01;I ght to bl l1l1t h er re putation Ing rapidl y, II k eellS o ~ COl: anothel shcet III his shirt sl eeves ' lind !laill. b y hired and p erjure(1 testimony. Tbis gen'eratlon Ulera wllf be 11 divor ce 'lOI " Pat , You OIISlit' to have on ' YO llr ,oont, was iln'O or t h e ,most 1I0torl ous domes· ev ery marriage'. f . , y on w ill cutoh yo nI' deat)1 ot cold: 1 tic tragedies ov er 'llre d In any court M eauthn e dej ected CUPid pondel'B " Slire, I won't" r eplied Pat. " When ot, any l:l}Id. I t was worse even than th e case. H o knQws bow to mllke I , get .a good sOllk,ln& I U6e n .. llttlo tb e Tagngrt case. AICIne I t was enollgh peoplo (nl1 t;I jove atid , marry~ but he whl sk lly and. always . conie . out , all ' to ,m ake !bll yea r me mo\'able In the can ' find no way In wbleb they l,lIay rlg11t." ' mlltler of dlvorcjl. ' be b appy Ibough marrIed. He doubte " B ut, Put;' said !.he minister, "May In contrast wllh this th e ,trouble of much I ( l eglsluUon IIglllnat · di vorce [8 S)c where you ' rllb It on7" Mrs. Churles ' T . Y erk es and Wilson would compel them · to, contJnue "You are too wl~o 'a lIlan In lillie , Mizner were Illmost farcical. Mr. love ooe aDothe~. such II QU estion as tbat," r eplied Pat, Yer.k es, t he traction mngnate, died ' ----:-~-~wl.t h a, l augh. In ,New Y ork In December hat ullrte r "I am lIugry Wllh DIck," Balll t h e 'matter separatloD has been eet. circumstances that ca ll\ld . t he otten·, pretty girl, \vlth ' Ii myriad or blushes tied. but the coun t st1\l l a· clalUorlllg . lion· of t h e wllol e wo:rld t o his, widow. " and I onl>: give you .that kiss 111l'0ugb ' Bridget Was .Wlltlng to WClrk, for money- million s of It-to pay 'hls' Althou'g h they hnd n lJt heen ' lIvlng to· r evenge." "W e had at one time 'In flur ·serv. ' tIt reminded me or reVen'b"9," laugh· Ice," Bays (I mOdern bousekeel)Ol',' "a debts. .POI·haps In the final dl sJ)Osl. gelhcl" harmonloMI), during the l at er Uon or the case he Will r eceive an years 01 hla IHe, Mrs. Yerkes declared ed U,e lucky young man. ve)'y simple, young woman. 'Who came allowance even , grenter than the all- that h er husband h ad never ceased . "Ill what way 1" to us tbrqugh one of the regi stry 0 [' mony , of ·MM!. O. H. P . Bclmont. who to love her. and tliat she was devoled " W ell , you know, 'revenge II .flees In OUI' town. . drawlI ' 2SQ,OOO a yeu r from her former ' to hia me~lOry. sweet: "~blcllgo Dalfy ·News,. "She showed t.he qUality .or lfer In. telllgence on the very ' day She. callie. She wlla told to go Ollt In to the Ylll'd tllre, qunlo t ohl 'colonfal, and t.hat 'I;' IIga fro~ 1C; to 40; sOllle of Ibem who h as come from Alaska 00 a ,nna take clown , the clothes' 'Une, \V'h lch Bart ot stofr. Why couldn't we hlllit wer e n egr eases, but the majority were ·to his brot her . . The ouggct mi ght bl! was 'str etched 'upon half II doz.lln posts ,liP thO se llrubrellas'-tb er a must be CII·cll-ssians. ". likene d to a man's band wi t h the se t up for tbat purpose. mllllons of theUl l y ing around In 'The hitter 'arc- supposed to be tbe palOl turned upward, ror It Is over ' sill "Bridget was at tile t llsk 5 0 long CloulIlry !;arrets-why oouldn ' t we lOOK most beulltUul of all TurkIsh women, .Inches long, almost t.C?ur Inches wiele, thllt we began to wond er what On. lt~ t hose old · whalebone rlbbad glng· Ion whloh acconnt tbe slaves of !lie Is an Inch thick ot the thickest part, earlb' had l1ecome of her. We went ,bam umbrellas. for the w!1aleboQll 6\1 I tan , are always se lected from and "Weighs" " 1,610. out · to /lee what> 8b ~ was doing, and there I s' In ' them? Don't you ' thhk among them; liut ·, In t hla Instance I , There. ald tew men whci can dig 'found her working away vigorously there may be an Idea hare for mtdc·. l oolied III vain ior any trace of good such ch 1I11ks or gold out of the: r ow.n with 11 spnele. She ' had dug 'lIp t hree Ing mon ey. lonks, and, Indeed, cO\Ild bardly holp mines, bo t dlarence B\1rry Is one 01 or the posts ~nd hat! Illmo ~t contplotell swlllng at t he comic effect they pro- thele lucky mlner8. H e 18 orie of the work "l'on the fourth. She did 11\1 A MODERN HAREM, duced, dr ea~e d UII to tho olhes In the tho pioneers of t he gold mines or not atay w!lh us long' I " ""-Sllat!! lIfOo latesL Paris lashlons: executed 'by IOo A1asl;n, nnd havIng beell one of the ments. Clrcasslan Slav.ea· Now Wear Copll~ cal dressmak ers. . firs t men· to get to the vn rlous rlcb of ParI. Fashion., dIggings, his energy aod persever, . I. It Cpwa!'dly7 001,-0 NUGGET ' A BEA,U 'r.V, · ance 'bave been re~arded wit h Ii larle , Gr0r;-Yea; he Is What- ~o~ · might . . , L Less jlfc'turesQue ,thWl tbe deiCrip. amount of gold. How much lJ,0 one tllrlll a financial pe&8IlJ1IBt. tlon In PIerre Lotl'a "D1sellcblP,oted" 'Alilkan Mine Hal Probably' thl knows but Ite, and he 1/fon't !:tilL l\tye l~ What's , B ftnanclal 1)8I!slmlit? was my peceJ,lUon ·In the harelq oC BOl' Larg •• t Ever Fou!ldl Gyer-A man wbo .. afraId to look ma Hanllm , the wire ot a close relaPtun_ Now • Nee'Hltl'• pleasant for fear hili Maude will 1/fant dve or'tbe t tirone, 18YII a WI' tet In It I s not Itn uncomr. on thing to aee Prior to 1888 · tbe 'lIt'uoes cobsumed to make a touch.-Chlcago DaU, the BIo'Ston Globe, . Oleo wbo have 'ellough greenbaekll to 10 tItta C!C)uotr)' came almost eliUrel, News. . [ was assisted out of my carriage' choke all el~phaot, but It'a not orteo from ' France and ttie Danublll1l pro'!' by a gaunt eunucb In a black frock tbat one' m~l4 'a man ' a lOki nUl' Incell.. ,The oonlUmptlon, was Ima" allCl coat and red fez, who nye me the get large eoougll even a bone tlie ft1llt wa. conlldered delleac)", IbJvera- al he clutched my arm 1/flth elclt Jf lie ·had to ' eat It wltlaoot thu 100,000,000 : pouncll .,.: . . tIL . hll ,. .lila ]law, . hi.Ylq It r,';o IOllde the hall J ... met









It ·Mlght Pay Now tCl Loolc . Up Tho •• Old, Whalebone Ribbed UmllHllae. "I see by t be 'papers, said Mr.' GrlllOnby, "that , the lut quota.tion for 'whalel!one tn England was £ 1,750, or, sar, Bbout ,8,7GO 11 ton, maklog whalebone worth now IIOmewhere 10 tbe Ilelghborbood. ot ".60 a JlOuDod-a pretty costly commOdity, " J can rememb er the lime ..ben whalebone was cheap, very cheap; when we UBed to burn whale all tn blmps and use 'whalebon e tor umbrel1a Aba. 'rhoae, old-time whalebone Ttl). .bed umbrellas were not lUuch like the Pl'eNllt steel ribbed close rollerl. "No. They wena of t he bulgy ,out IOrt . of glngbam 1IDlbrellaB that )"00 Bee- DOW sometimes reprodUced a rter • ru hlol' OD the comJc llage, but whlcb lire now never actually uljed by ao)". body, ,thDugb ooce tlaey were uied by e\'er)'l)od:r. Iltabrell&1 7'ith whalebone H

• •,


" ·om1\o ,,,i.;.se hus· flO,Ooc) a year, _.IIl1- 'Jwtr hut 81 dre.res In ,11 , yellrs ",,~. brl,ht or .~ woUl. have ....'!",_ anore , leat UP C. 0, D, ~,tbou ~ maklns;

",be. · ADd . . .t I wal

• as tilt.:



",Ioc to .., .

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l,wtlWI'cll vo l lm 1" 0.:1'0 , (If w bom IJIIUIIP bel110 111 1' 1t'1H11'1'. ~ 1 1:r "' tl ll :: and flll'h l l n):. I h I ~ W ll~' llcrrf s 11111 lO(ltlll llllna. IhO' IItll,· bUllII rOlI .'bdl I'n\"rmo I! 11 1111' HI 1111,0 jlal' t In t hfo! II ~t da.'· of 1he SI I' II I!!(le bl!!"II'" Ih , npl(lIlaLiou ,, ( I h ,' Ilou l'l,,," ,'O [lI' m~::d ('r·l n ' ·h ll·r. DUlln e' to!)11 t:ll'I' I ~ 1 iI·. GII11hal (lI. 10 WhO ll 1 110 also 11 011 . 'r "d n ~('crl' l 1II l':~:lgc w l'iO,'n 011 ' :1 J;llIlrll p ll'('t, or Pllil l' which lIP hAd b ell1 nnl,,,,,'ol 10 do~1 ro~' tr l'1I 1Itll rC'IL . At P al 'row !Julin e ml ~o d nn ll rtl~· ('I\lllll l'll wh al h l' nl' ~ rul· th II' lit Ill' the.' lin III ' of Ih' n C!!l!lfllE'hlo nUll!'" 01' tlo:;,"l menlll ln y lesC', IJIll th e II W U worll 01010 ' \ ull Slcllln ns, ch i Ill' Palt' rLlIl· tnn s. 'l'he." rO Il ~ hl slll enllld l r 0 11 t lli' r.rltlcal oc 'n,HolI or I h lJ llI 10 <Ir ~t II· a~zo. lI'ill'I'll th eir t im el y nl'l'l\'111 l;Ial'ell t ha rnr tll ll('S of t he l ill Y. I,fitor, ~.n tll0 1U1I lnlnnd , Ih e ~' were Incorporill. d In Ihe b rl~lIl1l' whkll Dunn e co mmnnd d ul t he hnlll or \ -ollul'no, Will 1'0 h was NO ~ \' 1'(,'1)' ,,'uund 'll Ihllt hl ~ It te \VIII' l huu)l ht t9 be In 111I1IgCI'. II wn s c l eb,'ale d fill' o ·ts or 1:1't' llt ,hi rin g, ailcl al til some lime ht' nl wlIYs . prt!s('rved tile (1111 : . gent l e lIIanMrs pf II high hl'ot! ElIgl!!;l l g'cntl t\lIIulI . GlIl'lbnhll trllsl l1 l1 him n· Urlll y. IlnLl no ornc\lr who ~ r \'I 1(1 unckr lho Hnl hl ll hpro h all I ~ 1I10rl' loya l 11 voUon to lIl!! .hlef. H e.' fleu !lo hl Ihul Gnr lh aldr ~ 1Il11l~ tnI'), :l blJlly ha,1 n ovor been done J\I.· li ce to. Btl \'. I d him :I S Il1Ime l\~' urably SIIII r io I' 1(1 the gen l'Ilis llncl er him , bitt h th 1\I;ht W n or ()~ nz, who , WIIS uflel'ward' ,mlnhj lor 01" war. Gen . Dunne's grent deRlt·c wn~ to be I' c Iveel In to 'tIle r egular lIallnn ar m y; hilI t llough the commi SSion al l' poi nte d to Inqulr Into till' elalms of Gllrlfll.lhllun officers roporl ed hll:\hl y In hi s tn"or, his wi sh "'0 8 never grat!· ON I, b ~II U Sc)', t houSh h e had IIh 1I hla blood t OI' Hall' J1l1d IllMerlnlly h elpe d to rl'o i1cl·. he wa~ tI./l IJ: n!1'llllhillun. H o l'ec('lvoti \111 th ~ Ilnllll il lIecl.rn· tl un s. In itld lnlt Ibe Suvo~' 'O rtlcl' ror mlllto.I'Y vn) or.


YOree 'la wyer ~ 1Ut t:ho!s-e fa & DOo tlceable air of teatJlvlty ' .1D the courtroom when eases &ne 1Ielng bea ~d. The 'average ~ 'Who · appellis t o the courts {Of rteleuo matilteslS rio sense ' of ' tIOrtOw or humiliation. ·i t 18 a. bUllnelll! proposItion with her: She. 8ue8 bel' lutsbllnd for lila crueltr


9U I.hod Service to th e Cause of






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cl'Ow4 of .lellllle 'WIlo "If lD ~tl.'9Y,! .JIIl,JPUIo, ,·~.!,,,~W~

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Woman'. I mportan t Position. An Ahll'1'l 'Q O WOU1lln, Mrs. Jobn L e s ll - famlliurly klloll-n os Mrs. Jac k 1. s lI o-w~ 1"88 L eon i e llIallch .let· owo ut ' e w Yor k, Is Inoftl ('lal flll\'i s r In fushlon nud dross or'-l hc' duchess o r OIl11l1ught Qnd Pl'ln crss Patrlcla, totho form r o[ wb ow "lile 18 l auy la Safe, Sure nnd Sp eedy. ' 0 extcrDa l I' UlC(!y AlveI' re~ clevi s d has so fully 1\nd unqll estionabl y m et (11 se thr e lU'lme cou dUI n lf fla Bu ccessr'ully us Allcock's PllIBt r a. Thoy are safe b CI\II 0 tlI3Y on tallL n o del eterious drugs nnil oro InaU\) t acturcd upon SclClltiOO Jlrlncll1l os or uie ~lclno. Ttl y aro SlIre becaus& n othing ,;oeo i nto th em except Ingr dlents wblcb aro exa til' adapl /l to' the pUrPoscs for wbl ch a plast r III requJrell. They nta 81) e~y in UUl ir aelion bccause their medlelnnl CJunllUcs. go right to their work at r lIev lng puln and r esto ring Ute Datural nn(1 I)ealtby performance ot lhe funotlonsof muscl es, n erves alld skin. AllcOIlK.·s ers are tbe ol'lgl nat anI': genuJne l ,oroull plasters Md Uko most m eritorious nrU cl es bay b en extonsl'Vely Imitated, th(l~('roro nlways' Oloke 6Ul'O Dnd get tI,1 '" b u ill ,



Tlllt from ~I at ur:ll Springs 18 Gen .", ally tr10st Nearly Pur., 'rhe purity of sal t clc,pcnd,s UJlOn t1I. rce f rom \Vb I It It Ie obtuln 'd an d sani ta r y COlldlUOnS IIn(1 I' Whlcb prepared ror tlle nt nr k,ot. TlIe oC ,common snit t he moat I\" dlspar;lsablo of all Ulc-soason ln t( subslance !jolh as a r I1 shln~ r.llndimcnt Dnd II w ~ lI ·nlgh unl vorsal ron t pres rvatl\'e, III , exbnustl 89, Y,!)t 0" P BO th ore Is salt and slllt, says the P Ietorlal R vi w . Formorl y sait wa.s obtain d b y \'allornting oc an \\'1\1 c r, a pl'Or~fl t h t l eft I11l\lty l'tnpurlU II ·In t hl? r(ls l~\I\."· to say n th ing . of Its exposuro to lilt kllld s of dirt 10, 1t,s shia;nllnt f rom . ell: ! ports. Th Tut'k 'il I sln.n~ .br rock salt. whlcll '8 stili l arg~ly .u ~ d 10 PQrki pa k ing and 10" f)l e lnanll faotu rc oqce creani/i, comcs to lh ~ t/o~tnd States ' III holds ' ot vesseJ8 cont!illlnlly Bull· lected to dirt and f01l1 od I·S. U I)qn Its . ill-rival It Is 8&:lIlu II lllldled. Ill en packed tn coarae burlap' bag'~, perlllltling dllst to Rlf't Into the Galt. In llll! ~ ondlU on It rca h '" the ('~n ll url)ct. L atterl y, howov... the Ilroduct <If ,1\l t RIll'il)gS :lias IRI'gt ly tUlt It the lea,l In ' Hils ouotr)' npt \Itill rOl' table salt bu.t ror m~t pac~I IlS. Th~nlli1i . I pro(lucllon .!rpm · tlils 80Ur ee, in l he " U ni ted, State s rea'oh es 'm ore !.ban olO.; ' OOO,(lOO bllshel s, tile stilie cif 'N ew V.,llk II) I~O' vIcInity of S~: rntills ' flirnl~hlnj; ·· lar,.1) prC?portlon of thl.s Import.'n t IUl,plJ,



Of ' the Food That Fle otorec1 Her to He,a l~h, . "My food was Idiling /D e aud l dldn!t know, t h e cmise," wi'lt~a Il ' '010. YOUDg la<ly·. ".' or two yellrs 1 'wnll t h lnanrt slchll~, sulferlng from Intllg sHOrt all.! ! Inflammatory rheumatl8m. ~ < • "1 1I00d tried ditrer ellt ltimlD .of Met, plain !lvlng, abd inany oC l be relUe~II.I' recommended, bu t got no b etter. "Filially, abqut five \II eks !\g\>. m~thcr s\1ggcsted t b at ' J , t~y GTUJ>e> Nuts, and I ' begnu at OIlCO, catln l;f It' with ,a Uttie creu'in or mlli{, A ehnoiu the b ei ter bcgan a t OllCIJ, ' ... '!1'0·6ay 1 '11m " 'ali nncl am gulnlng weight und ·lItr en gth . all t h e tl\il . l ',;e gained 10 Ibs. tli!! l asl Jlvo \Vel1~iJ !lnd ,do lIot Buffel' any more from Indl' gesUon and. the rbelupal.h nn ' I, ,gone. "I' koo\; jt 18 to .drnll 0·~uts ,o.lonl! that lowe my re8to;roo h ealtb,. I sU\! eat lhe food twIce 0: dny nnd ncver tire ' of· It." Name givon by 'Postui:n ed., • Battle Oree1('; ~Ic~, " ' " ,. TIle' f1avo~ of Gr(lpe·Ntlt.s Is llOC\\llIar to . It II neutral , not lpo B'\'IIeet' bll9 ali sgrllenblc, lll~althful qual~ Itt tbat n ever grows' ,t t'resolUe. On~ of tb!! sou roes ot l1,bcllritlltl_m, Ii from overloading the lIyst em ' ~Ith ' aeld material, tbe r esult of tmplrrect dlgeflUon and asslmllnt\(II). , _~I ' BOOn . . . hppl'opel' 1~ 2s ~. . . dooell ,a~d Grajl~Nuts .I s , tatooo ret#l· larlr, .dla;estlon Ii stroD;. tile ~ ..... do 't helr worl of b~lldlng upgood red blood cell. aDd of curylDl awaf



tlIe excel8 of dl......maldli8 materfd,·· from the i '




WESTERN CANADA. At Least The ), Don't Have to Sit and Watch Hu sllan d ·. Flirt.

The Prospects for a Large Acreage to Be SoWn In Wheat.

"1 snw 8\11'h a p r It)' " 'omn n

at a '

.'. ..... •

It !i(II'6 Wllho llt Hllyl n g t hnt a talking mOI'bllllJ d l'~s 1I0t : IlY ..... I\h ou t g ulu g .


St, P nul . Aprl\ _4 , 1907. -\\· ord hilS . dl ~II<1\'nnlnge t h e ul hl' r n lg h l." Ih e lit. be u r ec h 'od nt the 0111 01' I he II .. I'cal wI dow wa s s uy lng . "S h wns

By Owen Olivet .

a ll~lll l un ' OOI'er n m(lnl In St. PU IlI lhu l , marrl d . Sh e, Wil li s ilt In}; al a t:lhl e , scedlng 1ms comlll~ l l('cd nt n, r!tJu. , ..... Ith SU ll11) o l h or p r IIy ..... um n IInl1 ' Ii rrll lt ' l re In Ille lln "k V31'\l 18 IlolntH t hroug h o u t lI11lultolJa, u :;llUlch· hu ndsom e men :lnd 10 (' 1' h lH; IJlln,I . J IP r Wo rth t\\'u ru~llr .1' '(j~ I" a I\I ~t;iI cnsc. 4:>W Iln and AIl>ertu. hlls l)lJ nd ' Leg ll.lI to flirt utlll'll't'oti s ly 'Th e ht'uv y s n uwfa ll Ilu l'lng lh(' Pl\ ~t wl l h o ne Of the \\' o men . J wIsh you r",tpu rl nr p,pe .. i",."lln~ II il h druse'onel wln rc l' ha s. left lhe g\'(Jll ud In spit'lI dld Ollid ha,'e BI!e n l h l;! loolt th at ou.rne s ha pe fIll' S li e 'cs~ ful 51' ('dln :>; UIIl" U' 0\'(' 1' her tllr-!;!. F;\'(' I'),bodr In tl>e 1'0000 ~trtJ:1 )-! t'lItlmnl\.!tio w t. lt-· h hi". ' j·l t.'llrh h ut'lil • l ut - lHt~l.' • ',J \U I'\ "S '1 1I1t! hl~ nt l\", "c. :a t'fid d lioll s . Til e tin e w " uth ' r or th 1,1\ , I SU II' h o w II ls lr Gse d ~ he \\'115. "1" :;1 t h J'i IIl ndt' \, htll", ~d 1I,·rl)",. Vur fe w du l's ha ~ t ak pn mu c h ~' , l l\(' 1'1' '~l ".'1uw : who 'I I wont t(' lalO \\' IR thi s . ' ·' .lh1i rIJ 1110 , li\" ·1" Ilud k, d,u·" dplllIlJ.l;r.. ou t of th 'm Ull" ",,, I dUlln~ IH'Xl ,,'hy dIdn ' t sll e gil 10 wml; nnd 111I·t '1II ' l1 t o.j • .o,lll"l, -Jw.ltI J~ lil', bllu.J II "II(!t\8 u.l1U tQ -



I (·"f')'r~;;h" h~' ·.I" ' ,' IIh 1-1 , Huw l"H.l "Thf'J're two 0' 81 .s· RW"I'tllc,nul·j".,." " II I I ( I 11 k 0 .J1m br' st I' PI'III,IRe> h' e8 • ald MI'S. V RII.<;-hon . wilh Il II ll1 l;h, \IS l'ulI·... JiWk H t;ad and ,JUlll '~ 11t'11 \\"'n l ""r. t "Ph !" th l' , '1I\0. J loo l{e d U[l"I' the lll whh " 1 )11'(' fl'l' .Jllck wh C' n he glvcs m e The Sm a ll Buyer of Paint l,nQh ,''' 8111'[11'16 ' cl dl s oPPl'tlvn l, d ,,;\,'=,thJU. who tal;es aro t hat th e Dill It ,. II' Ihl'uds!" J ("\,1<''' . " \\' (1), . Ih e "C"'"fOll\ul ' ,1 e h ,t'I. !" I 1;1' wi d . \I' ('Ic tl ll'\,I' will S(" U'l"'!Y I.! " Il I:lrl ·t w it h une ot t he " '"I1!SO I\l(! nu," lu 1",'1 rh llt! ha R ollly j ll ~ t Pll t h el' r. :d r lip." " ' 11\1 I 1'1',.[ I' .Jlm- whll/! h e .. yes II, \I hll' lI I h I! ~(>" ll l' \, Is li Cit I.II:II\!-( 111"'1" \ ,'n 7 Anyo n o r t h III wn~ '1',11 1:,,)' t ralle m a rk, ~hn wn bel li', ' P hyslc la n 's Larg e Fee . :lII'H. VlIIIIl llu II III U ' h h l 11 10;11111 . nl IIIII SI,'." (1 1"11 . Th" lI10st '''1 ,'1 1111 ,110 (''' "fl lllu"~ I'Nhly :lnd Wllllog, bll t , n n: wil'('" n f'v!!r Th e laIn Or .•JIIII I"; ';a l, ·. Ih ,! rllrnoll~ a I ' ('~ I S CII) eve ry k g o f ,\I,i le "She's I ,~'Oll I(!I/lw. I ha \1 LI 1""lI pl " " l.lIw I "~ I m pl lllpll re !" C!~ ls I 0 nil ill nil u l ~ 1 tins tI,· fa I'll\( r ' ~("' III I (J b ' alJ I III do thlt l. 'I'hl)Y j lis t b illirl 11I 1,(\II'nl "). ·,I I· I" i'"1 Is :Ollil l IIII C' le;,J hI! bll }' ~ , i pl:rfccl ly p roo f "l'lll1oRal!l, b ol'ol'o'l 11'11 " hI'\' "/';" "1 SII" ~" "I "U hl' I'R.-if \111 UII o ld trl'C' n ro t.1II ~ )' ;.;"tt ln:; Ihln !;:! III ~ h ,,,,·. ,it I',' au y to n y. with &;, ')'y hod y Ou· to hilI'. wkl·n II f' ,(' of , . :",.(h ll! I S~ :, O.· t e , Ic d ; as I' C t ~ 'c tly as if he h I,> Illn l c he ll a s ic In ur wo ol nllk': II\' 11'11 11 1, IIl1d HWUI\ ;; I".\, Ill" hy l llU dll· 'I'h 1'0 will 11 o n I. Ir .J,I!W ' ,\PI' II p'r' lit III';. 00(" . lIll' In q;,·,l ,. " 'I' )I:ll d for I1wIlI· were :1 Ta i\r uacl omci.,1 bll)'1 ng SO W'11 lu ~ 1"'IIIt: .lI iI ,·,,,. 0'11 " nutl 1>'1I!t . ~ , '''l'hn 's the 8 (\ \'I1l11n " we rf'a l wId · "-Ill cl ~ 'lI'j( 'al all t: u 'UII ' O. fl f;I1I I1 ;+I. t ho .1I h t, " .1"(11' IiiI' 1\1111 11'1' "I' I UU II . 'I HI I , I I ' " II CI· ... I',,,' y I) 1) II I II\ 'OIfl ll~ " m· ill 111111'Y J,llIlltl H 1I\1',"~hl)1I 1 II", t hre!' OW" hilI'( un" II 1\ "s. '\\'" 111I1I ' t ha v" loufI (lrt·(\s f to ns, anu wh it a ~" ~," s li ~ II!·'.II· llr·' u , " J . Ilk ,., h ' I' nbOll t on c a w N' k." .'110 ' hl'lIll'll .In ('I, . ,, i! . ILli d .II II I· wil 1,,'," 1· p rO I·llI c '.S Ih o n i'WI'('\Il"l'l' :'1'(. h \l~ l' 1111· 10 ~ IL and 1I11l " h uur h ll~II ;1l1l1 c; fl irt ing 5100 Reward, $ 100. ( \' q 's .. [ ell ' r111 t !:l at h is b ck III \(In lhe ~ k(' 11I nml rc'l;lI ll1, lll h" r \\'1'l'k I .1:\I·k . ~;~I I ,lun'l InllJ\\' wh at t.. ,Iu IO:ldln ;( tllI'l!' " (0" : :1\111 ,' ff", ~. \\'011·: \\' i 11 utlwr W' HnPIJ. \\' (1 klll\\\' II'hNO ' Til ., r" J4tlo!n tl f t 1l1" JI ~rW r ,vl.l lou 1111"1\!o r " ( f} l{'lH O 1/) ~l'l! I II . t no adu lt ':I.l 1 (. i ~ t hut 1I1t' 1'U 1" ,,\ j,·u "l Hu· l.! t "d,' I tJt.c . .. t 'h il l 1"1 " ' 1\"0 "It ~('''Ill S 011 1,1' tlll' ,h(,1' , !IIY 1I1t, \ yO Il I II' 11t,-r,' Wf'I'l' F h '.,\10 r nllIlIR-- Y O II al'C ill':; II I;( ht Ill ,d da y 114 U\'Iit I' III I~l t 011 th~'y lifO' . lIud we nlso k no w tha t ",11nt· rl l ., ' U! I'h " 1,,le 1.1 ~' I II,' In 1111 1111 't1.i~t:!" . u n' l HI U III I'~II "d "tT li n Ioim. '"l hrrlt Jt "Jr ~ C~ L~rr f.t 1\".1 I. lh~ uu , ), 1'11111\1\' $ II ~ 'II 10 ('n ll h e \,. ,I'01l\' 11111 .. "'"" . . . . I l"I,k ll\); 11011'1'1111), (' rl'~S , 1; I'OI·g ,;." Ih "I I' (,\\I1\ e; n l1 d b " "' "111' "(' !iv" :';';' II' ('\" r h ,·y lIl ay l'I IOI I\('" l u be d ull\~. . ~flfl· l.,tV l ~ HoJu n I tl I III' li lt' lk\ll fr , ~,\ (JII L )'. ( ; ." rr t\ \\'('11. we ll ! .. . YUII II' '1',' .IIWIl )" (II IHI ' '['''If ,h! '' rip!, In till:! ,ffun I" ' lin I.,· 1I ,. )"':l , Ulcy a;" IH'(, I,ahl: 001 tll l' lIlI;;." Pur e Whit e L ea d and Pure "t!lul.! ' t' l!l ri :1t U l t" ,, '11 ' ! I •• 'IUh.:, rl! -l Lllh! .. I.t. ClJLhtlll.l· t lu il lil t.trltl " Ut' Ut . Ih f lJ I IH ' Llr\J " 'Ire 11 1 ~ "u lu, 81111 Y" III' sl)' la 01 i!IO'i thr· h:1 Il Il,1' ) "ill' 101 ;.;o:d I 111.",111(,' r I " Il'rllu! l r. kl'tlU/l llt Cl'dt y u p '. 1t t tltl,h lIJl,tJ " ~ I I I 1I'1i":~HIt " II ' Iu '~n ' l IIIC:; i!l \\, (:" j,' \'t1 (·lI l1atl o . A ': C')\\IIIl1I" ',l It Cures W hile You W a lk, o 1<'1'. p II UrI "'II'! uf Ilw 'YM!·'n . ~b " ltIbr ut! lTu ~' :u:.r UHl , 'o urs ," t R g'r d. "or f'I)lIt'~(" I. 'auly ! " l \lI .,u 1"•. ,,1 1" '4 ' 4."1 h II I "I'taiu (,1I rl" . f~'r l \ltl ll,I.. ( lIl lt " r t tlfJ lll" ,·",.(' , 1~ lItl HI, III. \fl u ,',l l h:o:, , nf'or e5 ~ .tr)' t og od .'II. 1.lltle "Irls OI'C Ilk .. kl( t"II".. " 1' 1'11 1'.11" . willi d l. ,1'11'(.; IIJ: " ,I' hll ntll"'(1 n ,il, ·.'1 II.: tII by ill( IH.lln' Ul' ttlO cun /.l\tu l1o.1 ll "-lIt! 1I,."' .. t· e .... :'1 lll't ... \~t Ili l l¢. r,dlt,\lo,l... II !L'} Jo'\\IIII( li. lit 1ung II!U·t' jl31lHmg. Ju~ II I I nn' lu l1 ulll ~ It,. WI'r lC. " tm P flJP r l u1 u r 4i hu \ D I '1' lll'Y Olll{ht not. t o gl'ow li p . It Jlwk ,'s "Yll ll r ~OIWl'l'ha t lan Is Ill\!UlltOIl OIlS! " flll'l h pl' sOlllh II an thl <. 11 will 1)(' !, 'r ll i""I . ' uld 1>... :011 " """,;1-1,. I'! II' ~~ ". IJIJII'L . ,HIIt!I·I, tut lh III II :, ,' IHn1h'tJ pU" 'orli I tlM t il,.)· u Q'ur 1I f\(' tecl old." 1 sIG h \I . I But d 01l'1I " ll ,ho l l' llllk lJ!'s ld«r t haL \\'t'f l (> tn (' :lrI~du . l'fi1l1(5 a 1111111 1-;' I """"/' ""' ,"1,,11 III". '1',·,,01 1'.III'iLu~ FI: E I~ . On r- IIUhtlr(H.I u \J) l artil IIIr IIU}' ,' " .. u lUtU It f.ill . LU S EN D FOR . ~~' Iltl fur ,1I '0 1 1.('''l lm .. nl I" . " Id mai d s IInrl IJirl lJ:tChl'h)I'H Bre hl'l·. th c' n l' ~' In t he 1111" i,r I',' ,'dlll!.l' "It(·r a · .\ 01 , 1'<" . \11"11 ~. Ullllb(\:,J, I.e ltv)" N. 1. cuAre,hln'· 8 ..... f. (: 11 Jo:~ l·, , - k ' u , Ttl!o!.h) , ' BOOK alw:lYIl Id I' Ihllll n( he l' 1"'U I1),'," .\115. "Th ,' ~al' l Is 1{ ldlll c:: 1'''C' h a ll a ft lo ll s fOl' Ih (, l ' I'''~('ll t ynUI'. It is fI, f" I ¥~I~lutJd ,~I~ol~!~~~:~1 i;,fi:'tvr OJn ll1.II)&t hHlo \' 1I111; hOu In Rp e l e d lll c Rk" ln :11-;11111 . li S ullOr k : J'I" uIIJ y j u t J'I'allwd Ihut to RII)' th"t fal'l1I " I'~ \\'1 10 ' I In Ih,' II' R e lief W o rks In Ch ina. ~;~~ ·I.;.II~~,~ ,~'~:m;;: II ml llHi 'JU t flU 1'/lln t lf a100 rnl l!tnlst II Ii. " Wh), ,l Ull" Y'lI l you lin )\ 1'1111'11 111'. Ii 's \'PI'Y lil e ' I'm cro p h,' f," " Ih 211h I' ~~I h u l May. H,'I! ..t \\' 111' \ ' III C'lTlploy :I,OUO mrn Money for y , M. C,.... tjuhJ\" t . to",ut fr" " AlI l~tJJ. p ,, ( k c(f In. U L/VU U MJIHl. L. mnrry, O l'.tl\'~o?" '. )'''". 'lU ll )'IIU ' I'O ~r wn liP Vl'I')' \l ief'l), will 1'1l ·,' I\' 1I111~ !l lIiI'ell l r t urn s. A lIa ~ e UN' II cs'ltLIJII h(>(1 III U' ( ' h!tws(' 1 Th I I f $-0 000 I " n d by IWp bdU·' H'" m il". I1l11 n lJ\'r nf Ihn s l' (''' llling In this HI1ri 11 r.Jl!.I!I!: l'CII1"I· . '1'1, ,, Ellg li ~ h .. \ 111 'r l. e ro s ug u ( . D ne ay "Y O.II al'c n ' l nyal llJ hl ." I Jlolnlf'd 1:111 Ii IRIl 'L lIl('o \I :, 11 1',1r m e . I 10HI! 1 th e Y. M. C. A. 01 O Uall'u. Out., broke NATlONAL L EAD COMPAN Y out. · \1 llll' Ult! 11 dill' wll h 1.\ klllt· Rlwh. a .11I1I y lIUI ", hljlll ." wh o hnd nlll Ih,' I.. IlIul I 1" ''' por,' 11 la HI t:1I1 re Ie! fund Olllllll llls '_ 0 $2 ;'0,0'00. oil l'e o r (ls 'hat h ave bl'c n mad e by 1.,,'lrh,,·,. _f ,. eI Mw.". r\J II• W I1 1IJI" ' ,I;I 11 11 "JlPIIJ'.\ I1 InnlII 0 f;1! I I .. - r-'f1~ (>''''''''tl r llrt'' (IIllM I tlO!! Il oed lo. · Sil o to ok JIl~' 111'11\ hJll lu ls lv Iy ~.---.-- .• t h o nssocln lJO I1 R 11\ \h Ir h lllhllll g Ull. N."Yor). 1I"lton. Dum.ln. OJ •••!o. d. "M y 11"13 rell I'OS m fr0l11 t il o "ces· '·Oh . ',' 011 d Oll't! O n ly J tl1olll;hl-' - III a CI'II II elf IIUIS nnd llOI'II.'Y and pro b· r; "fj<:l,J ' .3, :S "l ure, 1{ ·lIIo(ly. hrln~· I \ ' aS S( ' s In whl h . ~ 00 0 has bee n ",,,'o • • U. Cb k ..... 1I, ,'Lo,,I•. I' bllof" II fl Tli l ' itl\ Jdwr (I IJIL I UllJlll UilI U .autb : llll\(' rCt,IIIt'1l • ,. , . d ' ht.. tJ ubn'1\ Luwt.. a Ur08. 't o ' • .PIU.. slt.1" of bOxln ),0111' enr~." Rh ,' stoliD t! nod loo ked do wn u t h llr :c J Y fume IlX . 1 H. ·lO 'CI I I' W WII. 11'., 1inn. n '~·"lnll'. 1 1o~ Ii,'('\' (II tI l,i, l. 8 'c m e d In th - I HI , 11'0 )' nrs. fl e. , bu.ilb ' • • ,Ionol LeO<!" 011 Co.> "' ~I y a ge 1'11 ' 1"8 rn o 1'1 '0 1l1 111 " lI·eeR· ~hU"'I;. , h!' I' ;;I' liIb lps Ih ~ w Ill IIllInl. w il l 111" _. I '"rih~' Il, c 101,,011 "" .. ,·I",II'S I"" c e ntl y Ih o O tl ll \\' O US~lll'llItln ll s tout L:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ sll~' or bal'lt.lg 11(1' 'n l'~ IlllX"ll ." " " h ll1 lci ng Is a n w pnsLlrne tor gil' them nmlll£' food fo r th m S'l\'ps '''III I I I~''I 'II . I ' s Ulauc ui Jj ~rl,", uu d is to mi se $200,000 In 15 days. It r. - . - - - "You III' n itOY t 10 /;'." , h Rhook \ ' 011." and s t o I. \lul'log th e cQm lng Bumml'r :olJ.ulll~~ly J'lII e. I ce lv "d 1'1 U gPK (o r $ ~ O:l.;.t 59. O il t h e b er h ad s lowl y. . Sb gla nce d nt 01C' l'o llro:J('hrl,ll ly. :Ind II'l n l(01'. 'fh esl' pn rl ), !Iel'dlt,!; o [.... r· I ln s t d nr o f th cllmpalgn 1,500 p eopl e " YOI\ a lwfll's !luy Ihln gs Hk () lh~t. nl i" l1 ~ a r no t COllfil1<''' to on" tll Kl rkt. Th is ~'ear E1 co nI' ntl on o f tile Am erl· pl e dg"d $70.000, "VOIl d(1I1 't lOok 30." I 11I·n t ('stl'll. ~ ~ ' :I'm ~O II xt wok . Y OIl 11\'" ~~ . Tlull j .. \\'h)' I t hln k- nt le nst , I rlU II ·t but al'e ~pr(lu ' l 01'''1' a ('(I ulIlry 000 can F c: tl enHI I)Il o r ' alholl (' !locletl H aren 't yon ?" r nollll e d. "lJ OII' 0111 do t hll k--(/Ul y- " m lleN Illn g h ~' 400 1ll1l(,!1 In w ldl h . wil l La h <: ld 111 ·lu d lu Da lJO lls , July 14 , ~ .- ~ ~~d!~~~'~x mlil,~: )'011 tlle l?" . "'I' ll dar:' J )Ju t lilY halld 'on T he a /:(' \11 5 of Ihe Cana di a n 10 17. _., --_ v.a r h ... opened nl' a ,. n ytiling 'rom 25 10 100. I think I\(' \' ~ h'J III,l e l'. roC'nt . l(j I\lt'll ti l d lfT 'n ' nt nIJ lnl 3 It 8,Om e tlll1 l9 S hap pens Ihat (11ht'r I I. rgel)' h,eren .d 1",,'1•. Sla )taij k p t m )'<I \1U ;; . I s hall 111I HS " I th llg bt 1'(» hAps t hat . now I W&8 Ih ro ll!(h lit Ih" t nil t1 !';Intps . 3r ' pNIIIL' h ar(' ;as !(n(ld 1111 op in Ion u( n Posltlvel, cUr'Cd b7 l~~~II~~;lJeOr'°~J::I·.;:: hel' Ir R h B ~ B noll f:;'lfi I1UlI't'! tHl." \V b usy ~i\' ill~ turr..r mallon ,·cgnrdlng th e m Ull us h l' ( 11 IC f 1 i t th eso Liulo PUla. , f ~rn':"~I~~Lt ~,'r~h ~b~o?'\~~: nl ,'111)' 111' \"" 'l! n~ 1 ri c' t. til"." t 8 1'e II I lI ~., deud (l 1:)''; 0 I ru s\: - u l I' It.' S TlJny 'illli cuntlu urot 10 Il I.. had l Jecn (ri nd s slnpe sht! wus ... nl!IO reUeyo Dise mllll !" llvol luble> (a t· r. ntflc r l<. I.O\\' rul!· . - __ _ _ _ ) tro:nDyspepsla,lll· . 0 ' I< H U Ul(ElJ A N J) bn l)".·. WldToonearti RES Pl(UE lu every &<: \I le r . "rOil won'L try to P('\'sltn!le hor WilY rall'I< . lu rormn t l(1ll an d II I 'mtu\'. K ill the Flies Now ' A perlcet .rcm' to, will )' O1l7:' jl r IlI'l· Initl nr(' gll'l' n a ll i1llpllt:lllo n t .. lh!' a !(,'nt, l l'l' r,,~(' 11t",I- m . "\ )),\ 1 Y FIS Nauscll, b and 0 11 my ann. I\'h o w' 1\1111\(, 0llpCnl'!; in ndl'crU s WC I~t KII ,L EH In llH (1 ,,,"<,, ",J". 1 ~1~1" It. .. '1\ ' Dud TD.Sto . el so whc\" In Ihls l' Olll'T k \'''Ii'' ,kdpr. Ij" ·,·nol 2 ,) in JI )JOtlUl, Co~tc4 " You ovel"I'O I 111), [1 \H' I'S IIr per· . I'Ullll"' , I I De K "III:'\' ..", Jllool.I~ JI .• ·. Y. Pn\nlntb() lall. SlIaRI u : ' · A F ish Story, I· LIVER. They

''' I "\'""





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~~~t :l'ut:~~e\\~~a I!I~:; sa), .,



"T rO ll#' Tlr le ·I\oll! Xml:II' ns(' !" 8,l ld a gllnll' r Ilf loeul l'lIltll'IH'l'. " '/'1'0111 arC' HII,p ly a li i" LO IJ r otr'CL IhC'l11~ lI' e s. I L II k at lh ~lr (ho l1\'(" uti(ln ~ )Inlllllg c!1I(·)tS, ro r ''I!ln l'l .... 1.\1101 ) v U wlI.l ngre ' wi It m (! t h:\l It 's ,lie b il "; H li lllt neet!

;, ....

" ' TIlI 11h! " "I'm afratd

" 11 ' halm ', v

I . got' 1I11 un tl LO!)k till' IWl

nt)' l' (}lg-l1l ~ O\"llr. A n y\luw , 'old 111 lil.b ll ( Ih l\ l< wcc J-· ,

bt's r:IS. G,lOtl·by: ' "Good· by." Urs .. V II II~h\1U h l'ld Ill)' han . d il trifle JOll' r. i I mil USIIII I. •• \"0 11 wlll 'mlSs YO Ur !luI I1 lnY llllltc, . G r(:e: I)h snld, g ti ll y. '' ' Yuu' \, al· " l1e~n so kInd I~ her: flU VC I'Y, ' very kind. S he' ll n e v r J,)1'1;(l1; h ut • . • Tim nt s du 611 ' t it. If 1 1I'(' l'e YOI~ I should l'eliJa (j h r by a w ife. Tn. re nTe . ~s or nl gh·ls ." "rill at.rn ld 1 should b hard plena . Is and Ell,,' n10l11l'1' hn ve s et my s Lullilnrd . . , . BluHlI .' t h ' /\J ! Oood· by ~ :' The n t w a n t . As I wa s g Ol nc:; s low·


prot(V· ll on or aa t J . It ' S::l r ~\JlIlII'OIl h IIhl nl-( Izn rout 10 ump 1'0\11 I P \\':0 ' r . ~,. ." k let <lllek by Ihe n (' . I r a g t 1 1111 II r llll1U c fu II' I II! 0 Ihe dqJlh s ,uHlclcntly to !t'IlI' liS r,,(' l ~ lIckl llf:' In Lb t, ai r. w h e r It ('an gN llO Ilurch:! ' 111 10 11 Ih e un l. I' 1'51\ tlml Ihus ,1 1'011'1\ I . Th C' n th trom Ilick: tl'" (cll i he rs Irom tll . bl l'd . ~a ts I II I ~ I(- Is lir llllt! WlntH awu y Oll t of th' Jllrl dlcl lull uf Ih e ·(J u r l s. A r e lh ~rt' 1111 )' fl(;h(' r lll e n ? )\o ll e . 1'00 bUd , Th is lIould lI .. a /\Ju ll' b fUI' oDe or lhci I' fi sh s tories." _ _ _ _ __ __


}y dOIVIl llle fro nt I)ulh 'I ~ ij W III in at 't:lle gat , She callg ht rn h)' the aT,I;l1 S IIlld tn d 1'0 s lIln III .rou nd . The dlgtt1ty ,It ber ~' ears lIad 110t tully com . upon her. , . · "!tIl' deal' mnn! '" sInl cr l d. " y ll're looking as sole mn as n funeral. What II tll . mltt ter W\Ul YOII 1:' "Sw M h 41llrls !" I saill : Sbe iir. d h r I!Y 8 wid e . She has "'on(l r (ul eyu 1I0d Sll lCll dltl 101l.g 1111111 S., . " YII,u ha \'e n·tl'.: aIl e . l'l d . . "Jt It's thlt\ horrid Mls8 l\f · llol· I'll no\' r S()cait 10 YOI1 a ga in , . . . Til It I be " 1Iev9 It·s Mi ss Gray? J ' Sil l\' het· tark· Ing 10 you af ter c blll' h 1.) \1 SlInday, and yO ll wO\llllrl't lako any notice or mil. he Is n'l a bIt 1110£>. 0 th I'e!" ") 111!1n't s ay' my Bweuthcnl'ls," J rl\mark d . She hod th . ~ 1'8 1: t" blu s h . 'Mulher has bee" tnlklng nun s'e ns 1..0 3011." Sh Ilo~e d n sLOUI! with ber ' Darn )Ol. . ' , . "'] 8 It 'n611S nsc. I{ldlll ?" 1 always used to cnll he r tbnt. " Bllt J $111 pos e 'ypu 11' (:111' (' lell me your ~ '~ e ~g n o w ?" sti!1 1111'1(' 0 t.he Btull . I.h l'4l llg h the · gale a ud Into the ,>11 tI e l'. "Yoll ,don't "'nn t til knn~' my s r 'IS now ," ~ll snili, wlLh an ", or ~11 el'· onc. " I Buttl lOlie t hu t i\ll s ~ ; rtLyhur' hat doesn'l suit ber." Sh e nodde d · agtr 8~I'y Iy .' ," 'ALl ss \'ang bno has a new IlIlt, I obaerye , ' Sil l1 aed to show m.o bqr new bals b [01'(1. 811 .was groW II lip. . . . i wi s h you bndn 't gruwn II fl. KiddI e." . "W fl . · Ilf ten(! I Itn l'ell'l," s h 111'0;1108 ,I, ' I.e t's go' dOWII th l'! In no and 11sh r l' 'Udd l rs ~ ''' ' She IJIII~ h ~ d und look lilY ' arm. " 00 YOII r ememh er· · when 1 (e li III the IlOnd? '" I lllll g hCll, too: . ': "Do n ·t clo ihnt lo·d ay. I cau·t lirete.nd )'ou'r6 little e rlollg h to carry born • . . . ' Ab911t t.hoso 8w eC!th ~n1'ls,



Kiddie ?"


"Whic h?" she Inq\llred , Inoor:cntly. "TEll! m . atiout all 'o r the m." "Wc·v~ only nn .ho'u r and a balf." She laughed wickedly , under her b reo th. ' . , "The n tell me abollt Jack. Rond and Jim ri Wblch .Is It 1" . . . "!flint.Is lh'e difficulty," a he stated. ''''''blbb 'do )'011 like hest ?" "There;,," t't bl rd's ue st somew here about heTc," she observed Irrclevallt:y n'l'hrf'c sllcck lcd eggs!" ' ~Whlc.h "do YOII llrefcr?" "'l'boy' re llll allk ," "Voill' 8weatl).eart"" " '", lho e'·g~." Sbe lallgh ed tr. amp!lolllly, and 1 bad to lallg h too, . -"YOU tn"BO )'oiJ wo~' t confide In lIIe



She Would Not Answer or Look a t "Eczema, Heat Ra sh, and Scalp AffcC)Me. g t'own up, you-you didn't 'a pprove III .






t lons Affl ict Different Members. But Cut lcura Cures T hem.


e. · 1 don't flatter yOll . The ' S \\ l' ' t it ' nl'(S' do ." " Th ey IIWIU\ It:' Th ere wall a Hasb III 11 ('1' ey 's. " Y s," I .(lgr ed. " I' m s u r they do. or rU ll I'S \) Ih >y ti~ . Th ey ll oll'C meau 111 I' Ihl'n gs Ihan I Ihlnk 01: you . . . . WhIc h III ii, lit!! " girl ?" · : ~ fll lh~r." . SII s hl'l\gv, II h \' s houl· d a rB II It Ishly. " I lik 11II ' JUSt 11.8 m uc h Il~ the oil",,·. R e a1Jy J do: J >!lIl'llOijl! I l:Ihull lid Ilke th e g i r l In

"l\ly wlCe b a d e.Ct ma {or flve or s Ix ~'ell rs. It ,,"",\S on ) 0 1' (m' e and woult!

~ome and go. ' \ Ve thou g ht 11" \\,olliet gIro th u llcura H pm e tl l ~ n Irl ul. \\'e Illel s o und 8h hus n c v I' had rt s ign of e<;zemu for rour y nrs. 1 m~'R , If u sed ' ut.l c ura Soa p n ail · uli c lIl'a Ol'n lm nt so m a !IntO :tgO tor flllllu g he ll'. 1 n o w , liu '0 a. \' ry heav y h or hair. We used CII ll c llrn R a lll e dl 'S tOI' OU I' bully, wh was n uri), hntd wh ~n }'oun , Sh hil S I ' I'Y ni ce hu.! l' null'. Sh Is vc ry YO UI' V "'I'Be~ : ' fl" s h~· . and we h ad so much LI'Ollllie " \\' hl h \,(' I'S s · ·' .1 a s ke d . T n~u a wit h h at tbo t ""J would blllh lwl' wi'lIer h~' · tll'Oti,~ g lon . alld I',· writ (eo \\'I t h 'utl c t\l'f\ Soap alld' th(' 11 apply so ntllll ), I' rSIIS: nnd 11I~lit at Ibew Clltlcura. O IOLnt lit, It would dry abolll .;lrI H. h ent III' so muc h q lllul,er l hnn an~" " Th ose In The ;\\1 1'1'01',. ' Th e Third lhl u" e lso. )\fl'. l;J. n. prl0 6'1l1 Ir e . :J2:! l' 1'8e'11: : 0 \1 ' 1 YOI1 r ' ll\ ()\1l b r lhem~" o. lI [) itol SU'e t, Iowa Ci ty , l a ., J ;JI)' " ";o·/l, 11 0 \1' (iCl III :: liO?" Hi, 1905, aud cpt. 16. 190G," ·1 dhl 1'01111'1 1'1 11(\1' Ih r.1. U ~ · a mntte i' -"--'-- ..-, T tl T o k!o Ni eld X I(!hi rem a rks o f' I'IICI : b ill I "nlllf'c! lu bll finit e I'm! uy ,!lndlng tllI 't sh 'Illi . . . th:n "O il!.: lI u y' !! Ilay for !In A ItI ~ \'l c al\ h o rUl1l"l fI~ IIhoul fu r :J. !lock t - \\,or.1\1110 11 I n Su u Froll cls c o I'l!pl'estmts anot h ' I' . s ign or gro)"IHI Il\lPSS- aDc! a fa ir Il1011t bl y ~llpI:Ud. tor a Jupa. nese." p rlldu ,lld a la . t f' l' t! c,ultln~. " Rend til m! " s h cOlull1llod d. So



1 . I'~a(l:

,'a u o ot y


_ _ _ _ _ _ __

!.be Dowel!.



c oni.

hu rch .. a,..., .




Don',t Sne:eze YOUr Head Off, 1\1.... '''·9 I '0101 I ':11"\11.' will 1"'11'1' you ul, I BTTLE m u.l ""IIIIII} . At :ol! 1)" ';;"0-1", za.,., " IVER '-'. I PIUS. T he way of tbe trao S"I't:5~or 18 a I " \\, cll.lJe:lI n )l a th.


Genuine Must Bear F S' '1 S' t at:- Iml e Ig na uro



~J?1l!' .


au BSTlTUU!•


To oonvlnco noy

woman t h:\ t Pax. Un .. AnlL." 'Jtlc will ImliroYo her ilCllllb 111111 du IlLl 0 c lllhu f o r I~. Wli will

t~'id oref'Il~~~oh'~lltl rh"c!k~ Jr"~~atl:I:~

Whilo no 'woman is ('n U l' Iy free from p e riociic ,mJf(·ring. IL do· not seem tu b tl th e p Ion f uuLnre tltut wumen s houlil bllff"I' 60 s t:ve re ly .. Jr· r cgnlu r itil's nut! pUlo nre positi ve {lI' itl n ee tllllt sullJ , t1lin g i(l w"ou g wh ich should Lo 'i't ri g ht or It will II!ad to s e rious d erllngoment ot the f c:mjnine orguni sirl, 'l'housands of women, h a ve fou od r eliet from nil l'oriodlo sur· fc ring by taking L y dia. E, . P inl, · ham's ' ('get.ablo Compound, which mude from nutive. l·OOt.s and herbs, ns it is tt e m o st U,orou g h femo le regulllt.or known to,lnedicnl BcicoI'c . It cures the wodiLion which MISS ADELAI~E. NICHOLS eo.usesl!O much r1iscp mfort and robs thnt pe rind of its terrors, Women who nrc troll111 'a w i!.h painful o r ir· I' ' " lI l nr 'fun ·tillll S s.llollid tol, c iJnmediaLo nctlou to "'"rd off the rscrious cun~"q IIC'!lCC5 UDO be re,;Lorc.l t,o henlth nnd strength hy tau iog




ro~IlIJIOIII"I ' .

S t 1111

your n:uuo lIIl1l UJtlre5S 0 )\ a iJUSl:l1 0111'11.


CI CIlIlOPS 100,,1 3



m U CO U 8 0




brano al. fcolloM, 8uch M un<ol calarrh 11.lvlo . IOrr lo nUlt IlIflllUlmllllon caused by ttful· IIln e 1II ~ I 8'><0 I)yo ~orQ throat ullll ,noull" by Illred loen l trClIlmCIlL 115 aur· utl vd p<lwl' r uve r tl mS6 troubl e., 15 extrn...

ordhlary mill gI""8 lonm'dlato rell '!, Tholl . llnd, vI ",limen nro " sinK lind reoQlfIllIcncJh'K It I'cr)' dill'. IlO C 1115 M drI1Jtgl.~ l~ur by nl3tt. R e m ombe.r. h vw(1ver, IT (JIJIITS YO NOTIIINn TO Tit \' I T.


TlU: II.I'AXTON CO•• IIoeton, lIlMaa.


Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound


] u ~ t write Dr, flult of' Ornnd Rapid . ; Mich iRoU. ?lIss Ad eln ld N.l hols ot 8!4 West 220 d Sti'ce t, N e w York Cit~· . Gild he w in lieu tt y m ' It J(c n erou.d rrt' t- ulal bun t" wrl t.e ·:-J)OllT 1\11'8. 1'1lII,hnm:-" l f WOlllen who s uffe r w (lu lu ollly r ei\, Ql ttu l~all Vricclr fi. lm lotablc rc", ~rl y, "lid '" \l alll!1 h le t;wHJldt'l "lhlll the c n UJl t and curt o r upon J,ydi:l E. l'i.Ukltllln ·~ ¥~g !.able Compound tlwir lPo uh lt'R ,,0',,1<1 L~ t."flll ll lltll p t lOn t ha l \V II nM ' Oil 10 B l J(! tter\l",ler ~ qt1 ickly ~L1I,,\'il .ttld. 1 r cel greully indebted for th I'l}lid !lnd h c ullh AlIIll tl inJ,! o f .h ls di ~e ;uc nu d l he n eceultfCIi o f w hiel, ha.; ~ II LJrought to m e by your iner.timablc r "" 'Ily. " Y<J U«""., li B weLL- WRITS TOOAY, L ydia B. Pinkhum's Vcge tuble olllpouncl el1T('S V Cll\ lI lo C'o rnpl ni nts Rlleh I1S I"aillng Bnd DI plncl' roe nts, !Lnu Org onlc D l 'a M' ~ . li(·II t!II C!t" . ~ Ueo~r.a l J) ' Qili~y. ]l1 di(!'!~sti ou , !Ll'1t.l iUl"igorntcs I h ~ wh!lo!l;lcL.fc('!:J'Il!!"li.i&!l'~in~.:·:..-I~-~~IIi""·v.""~: s.I'"tcm. }'or Lhe c'\Han,,~munt.~ ol tbe }{ irlneys of !!llller s ex Lydia • ~~I\II'I .E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ie; e.Sc'L1ect, . I(OZEMA,HIVES ~ ~~

.,..,un11i 8--.,i....

~c ./, ~'DUo~.!V~O),l~"A~lg.J.,~ol~ol~~~\T.O,}.W'1

Mrs. Pinkham's'.5tanding Invitation to Women

WomelO !Suffe ring fyom any fonn of f e mllle wcnknf'RS n r c iU "i1,,'d t'0 \V1'lte l'trl'el.Pinlrhn.m, at Lynn,'JIJa ss.From the s,\'mpl (l ll1 ~ g i " (' 11, lh,: t rou ble may lie IOlCated and the q1l;elrc s t-l\nu llurcs t wuy or 1'1' "' 1\' 'r'y 1I,II' .



~~Know ·


d ocl<Jr8' bi1 t~ ,



It.IlINTI W ... finD

'O..... Jit"



• •

swu: r


~t' ~~"'U.~\.~"tI~U!.,u"~~\~~,, 'C1.I.~~W<'\IJf-\"" cx.~1l "TRI"LlIoX I ~CI"T' -~

To .,'old- exercls e t he bowel" 1Jr h.11: i llg n lucld>llrn t . ·Vi ~ l 1)' CRltlor·O Il· PiIl., .

IF YOU ARE RUPTURED alone", \Vh)' Uhl h •• e ,. ("u .... " I lWnd


~r "' lk.thW I. )'u \l1 'l<JUr,, ~


by h' t,.. .

with Pllttlc ul urw.lA lid

;::If: ~:'~~~~~~a'{!~l/;~'~'t~:

~~:i"~,~~ ~~,I,'~b~,~~~'l~Un ~~~~~~~:;:::~t~~~I~'


JtUl l1uro. wh le b '" .II SI 'unvlncuJuu "baLrou C&t.D li t' tm llre ly 4.'ur~d ,H Iowan ~oSt. UilRlUA HtALJ!.R co.. W. I, EaJI. , ..... II

A ll Drllggi.lO: IOc, ,2Sc,.nd SI. OO.

For l; ree SaJ1lplt":lldurcse.

J ohn ril\fc'd about Ill y h a ir anCJ eyes, M y \ '1111',,) QurnIHul'e t'1 J 1111. nUl I:lN !.!1· \Used tn , c rltl u ls A s ir j cor'uu for 1~lm [


II. F, 0.0\.. The Victo r,, Co .. Olrlc n, O.

kDn ~

r III,ell Jollll b,"1. When J ohn was b~: " ' Ilh Jim hwlln d ' to J im; Uut UY ror P e t e r- Itt:ull y, I . Took r


ILCcnUp t ot lilm t


l or i' n " .c,1 10 wish I COlild

",\ ( l tCpt bot h John and Jim , 1r hH'V J)I 'ol>08t1d t J f Pet e.l' shOUld , 1' \1 d'~O Il III ~p (J~e ot Il1no. .

I ~'NI hlllnulIY, U( lI,e ftlrley ball. Joltn 0.1,"0.\. III "' 00 d id J i,l\: Jlul Pct"r ne\'o l' " . k pll "I nll-

. ·'l'w". just ItR \\' 11 ror him .. deeUll~e

or J'ollo . 1 lolt! .llm 'no :'

An(l John

U('(~ a' !; (: t,(

Jht) :

lell klnling them,


A • Bad. ·Sign


'"' III' J. a w tllld t)tl.1cr- prevlli1 ~ C\.~ry "brtc!. I' ..r ndv) e n,", 1"I<>rntal\" n OII,lr(". (he .S I'mtIN'I' E ' OJl!': T 01' nl:ll\ 1<'\,'1'10 , Olll'WI<. Cn."""" IIr a ny aulhUr ...., COIIUUi" " G".«n"'. 1I1 A~ III. H. M. WILLIAMS, LAw Sandiar, Toledo. Ollie. _ ~. _ _ __

t pt:"itlC:tO I!\>,


WC'll\::lI ~ ", 8 ic \;nC'5S :I n(\

A nd 1Ilt.' n who' re r tttr (U A J.1LIJ) .

l1'OO~ and ,n ter In Almntl.llce:

SMAll PILL SMAll DOSE• SMAll PRICE. I .IR~<' nd .<100011, <"",<>ol.", : mfirl<<Ioc. ,y I IbW' cllo ll nle ll".I ..... ( i nth ' " ", Ilo

~~~::dt ~f °ru~r~:~~ll~~n c;~~"Jl~~~or,t &:~:i~I~~

P')ti l' p ,tCI" ft h oi! ',lI1<1 Imlt; but Ihen I IICI'e ,' thOUght or him.

.1\1 hll wh o Rfltt th e ,boot(8 I


t he bow rl !l. 1,f t he Ivod tl ."! 1101 paS8 'o.s t ~nough. h decays-fo rm li" VllIfrI'JlI RUlJ Jf:\."' P.!t

Dl'lur .fOhn wn s dark . 1 IU«(l IllU'k men,

· Tw n ~

n"I'OIlS In j ull l.lln!:' Ihe (au lls I t t'guIl\tO

nutritIon ftorn th e- f U4J"", it pn,,<ic.s thrmut ll

, Hul \,-h() w uul\! " 'Ll(ull him :

'l 'hH II'\I~I I ' cum€, f'I'um' Jim. T ha t 8 lUQItl P I 'l(lr ~l'n l th o l\VoI \Yu H ~o flUid wiJ.h h~m . ..


I au'' of l'lh!!I·S. . I u,' t oC ulI'n sholl:ows,

The Ilnln troflhe intutin !4r:cco lltt~o!\edof m iltiulIJ:i o r lil tlt" uct iu ll ccl lo,. , ,,, h lc h .. ud. iU1 hc BL~'\CKBURNJ"'

TIlE 'r1l 1l1D 1' 1'11 . ON . Two g 'rrtll' nll~ n 4..' llI11 U t'ourllll": 1118, Thf'lr IUHn~" \n 'n .l1,hn nut! J I Il1111,~ l u4U " g 1-' 1 r . ' !t' r t! w ei" thn:!t'I ;

And thon- Welt, "'''I'' r h ot ltured so. '. 1 ·. ,,1<1 I'll "u\I'ry h im I "Ab" I said, when J had Jln Ished, "1 ' 8 : ~'Id who Is PI'lI.'!r?" . Shu wOllhl not nnewcr, or look a:. me ; 1I11d we sat In sll ' Il('e (or several 'rheo I 8t rokll ll h ..l· hair. DOW !" ) . "God bless YOll botb, my d " ar. Hu', Bile studied my face, .under her IODI a ll1c,ky IIlao .''' . I. .bes, anU grl'lw lerl?I1B. . 'rheu Ruddenly , . bad A gllmJ)se of ''Or OOl1l'OO I will, I ilte Jack ~t. hllr eYlls; they vq;-e smllin r, a 1ltt1!', lIICiiIutie he:~ darlr." anti a 1ltj'J" tearf.tII; and 1 rOLind ~l II

I He

A. N, K,-E


. 2177.

Il'l'egularity is bad in every department of life. in meals. in 'sleeping hours. ' Not only is it a sign of female disease, .bot. unless cured. it will cause danger~us u:oubles• .beca~ of the poisons thus allowed to remain In the system. . If you ·suffer in this way, get a bottle of

,but especiaUy when it is ~ question of womanly habit.

Wlne of Cardu I

LuclDda'Jobnson, of Fish Creek. Wis., writes: "I S\lffered for fourteen (1~) YeArs".th I~­ At last I tried Cal'dul. and DOW I am cured." At~· druggtata, ID $l bottJea,

c:~sIDg' lZI'eat pain.



.~ DB.


141· lic:a

. to,


iI. ... "\,,t)(IU-

~": '

,4 1a






"'!_ - -

ill tll111. vi ' IIlty 11.>l1I111IY ~. tllU Uh.l~" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I our Exchanges fulhwo' ul! lilt UUt II ,yUIl'·. I'hb GOVENMENT COSTS ~ fllrlllOllwl1iohlle ,lIv tlutona tim TOO MUCH P'ubJll'h ... ~ Wer'-I'" I. \\ -:" 1n ' ;" IUt". (l bh.1 A V8ri~ty of Inttlrellting [.ternK helllll~ecl t'o ,10011 W . RIC'H, furh e r . • ,~-,;" w '" -- I: 11 _..-, M ~U , .t~~. Anltf.ln~ It'·I' 'M 'M d l 'i<\' to•• tttl . rl l lC Gathert'd frorntho NeWllpapt'rs of Mr. 'Bllrvoy \{I ~ /\ud MrR . •1. W . ••fI+I+tI+"+I+tI+"+I~I+"++ l.ttiI. 'I'. J . nt((\W:oi • •'..!J.IiiOt ,-" 'J' ,, " : 1)"1'1 ,. 01 the tate. Un .. tln . In) ii i Mr. ~iOl ollptt1r',ll ')'hll s late o r WII\ nnslu Is IIlIullI 10 --- -,~-. ttlls terrill/ill lIod on hi s lJ II CRfVOU ere 'l a new nollol bulltllng al a \lrll' I~ '''\VIII\J(' Make Way fur thc ]{ural Currier t,ht!\ ll~ of his nllme !lnu dllto pos d cosL of from rour tn six million I liL t!. I' year If 110C; \l. h I .11 i\ lh' ~tlee D YOIl 1'" li \ jn ,Tit PostlllttNt r (Jeu r/t'l llns l til. '1'1,1 Ifl t,teT!! and dute lira dollll.rll. As !:IfJ"h thlllgB 1(0 , ))P \'llIlJl~ , -- -'4 . jnst t: ' I~' \II Cll ll t' I ~I\ IIJ. \IJI'FI OE IN AU.EN BUILL>l~G i~sll e d 1111 orue r thll L 1t,1) rumlmail at!!l piuln. I ' ll 0111 tell C) w Ilee[ued {he trille ot two millions dlll ' I'C'nee In 111l had :11'.tt \l'- l'd·IT !":. oo l'r ie r!! hILV,. th o r\jdlt ot WRY o n n bo u t A Udl VO IIIl wh !l h e visited tho fl g-Ilres g1vcu Is not 'wol'lhy or c on , rr ;JCPy.101'l t: eJILL :~. l~~ 11 11 t.)1Il " " lI ntl',' I'CllId~ . Ilud UIII I !Ill RIR'll Ohe.~t, 'r two 0 1' t l}r o yeul'li a go. slderalloll . e!\\ll'clu\ly Whf' lI It Is till : ] f' SII. 1' 1111 1 :\\'(' Il d y J N~~ , . • . I \lO~ ol,h er 8n WI1~ r et urned to the fnrm Mon . der;;tll 11 lhat 'thE" 813to of WlsC'onsln , (',tirrltlJ:IlN or 'OU \; eYllu(' tnkol 1)1'. \ ( i l(·.·· , 11'1i-Puin IIIU ' t. surrender t hilt rigllt of wily dlt.v - Blu ell ster ~tar I'! pu Qlicl1 11 , has III nty or mon y on h llu!!. l'i(( ~ , A (;OrreSllo nd un(, In dosorlblnB tho \Vll y n 1I~llItl I" fllst g t1lnlllK " rOil to tilt! ,r llral cU l'l i r - E .'oI1l1ngo. "!l"!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!! gloi'ic!! or I he pro l10sed II w capitol. fl llh,jPI'!; II 11(,;-,rlu. -h , ntlltion 81111 \)II SO \!olJ town. SIIYS Ihat Ut 1\( te Is abl .. to build It b:tl'(' til( III witll ~"I II 'a.lI at fhll! Li me be nus ot Ih 101'g... RlIm~ Where the Quakers First Lande(\ Wll\' . .' : ' \ ) llil 1':11 " ttl l ('Ol~1 _ __ ___ wh ich Wl sconsl u, I g1~ lall on hns 1'(" We are told thld w e arA 10 have I is !<nici thllt t,lle yoalDore tr .' fl·()· 1 lI UlC' i I' \ ~; l', i , I ; ('('II a. Selll.,,1 I>ropu. < al. will h e reuel\,~a:\I centll' dll' ert d tl'om lit col! rs of til ~uw'w e r went·bar from thlll 011 - "II I. ICtili s hwd in~ on unnk~ of tlle th" om,·u r u," Cl~rk ( Wa)'Of' q'(jwl\~ hlp, corporatluns of the tnte. IllIo t1lf' tli1'('('kd, il:" CI I'.' q)nh in tb lng clf'voul,ly t,o he wtshncl . .. O.. hl W/Ir tLt Burlinl,ft '0 , Naw J llr Wurren CUIIl\t.'·' hill. u, W.. yn t!llv IJt ~. OhIo, s(nte (rousury. 'I' hls (lI'U I'edlng Is saId UULU I:! ()'Cl'tltK lilX H, or.J Ni-:: H. It)Oi . fQr t I It I 11 \) (dlllll, 1'1t\: 'I':d 11101'-' ~ ~y r 10 whiob .. th e I:OOU hlp Kent " ' 11e' I, uro ll a,. of l,omlij or WOS 'le'l'own.hlll. 0 ln ve 1\ 01'( I'tI t he I)\lOJl)\! o r lhul ' If a bargain 6ay 181\ good thing- bl>nring th tl firNt pl\rty of QURk r s Wl\rre n unn ll' . OhIO. In Ihe nllgr"IO'l,' .\1\1\ oommonwea lt h. grent 1'I' IIer rl'OIl\ (Uln, ] hin ', (', \I ',dlll ", (''hLot:Ofor one ,or two merohants, isn't it 11 from Englund, ti don Touohlng Ihe o( ";111111 '0 11 'I' ... U~dll{1 l IH,O(lO.UIl) lI olhll ~, lion. f01'l11; h l'I'o i1l, ul \l ila allll rln l II \ be 11TH lluJ' 01 J Une. I1i0i. /'aeh 1.r~llI\t Th is may looh to 80me Tlcrsons 11k good thing for all tbe ul erobllnts ? f r ie ndly .. b ort)ij of tho new \\orl!! . I II LI10 gum of Flvrl ll un"rctl (MOO,On ) Wllurs, b ttl. (}tw: jllt', ':I !!l tahis illa ua \)p.arlnl[ In,ae.\ 1\t I h~ ra lo o( four un<l l lhe economy 01 Irul' s tn( f>flll ln IlS hIIJ. , 'fIle (Jazette stand8 to h el ,l in 'I'his Will! two cen tori e!! lind ~ q lll1r· one ' h3I1l~' " f I'or ce ntum per aonum , Inl~r - but Ihe re arc clImmnn, c vorr·du l' cltl · di r.a 01 ' ('I,\o \':t! h:·dl'at·, lU' every possible way in IIrranging tor lillO . lind Ii nentury lind a hulf e. t Im)'ubl Mn reh 1 . 100S • • nl1 ~(""l ·.. unu · zen$ who m ay lie telflpted to Inquire thoi t· Ul' l'h'l!! i "l', , , ~II\' I".rear,er on ~ 6J1t.eIJ)"'~r fh;lI ,.n~ March :1 t I I (I tur I. s peoilll bargain dllY for the 11.1 tbllt the g r~llt 111 vlslun In th e nro l of eac h ~"nr ; . "Itl IlOmlH to b 110"..1 Uue " , n r g il 1\11)' S ,nl 1119 to nssesg A sk Vil lt I' d 1 ' \I t~ ~ i. t lllJOll t DUll pllynble no f"ho W 8: tntes IIIlon elt hel' the (l ople or. Ihe i entire town. I,ets ge ~ tOg"thor an J ohol'clt took ]111101'1 . - Wilmington i.heUl, . J 01 saJcI bon~. on M .. n 'h I. I IJO~ . ol'pol'atlon s. for th e l'IIT)IO!ll' ot MIlian · I give this old town suoh II bOOO1 H8 Re]lublioan. derlng SG,OOO.OOO on n pllbllc bull d l n~, 1 "It g lvt'" Ji lt, l-P '(\' l J'h"nfl\"'O l(j t.JO " 01 uhl !",ud~ (III eplilmber I. IlIilK, It I;!'l!! never hlld b e fore. t\.b lo t o 1'1 ' ("1' In ~ J.~J "' I'. 'M lkA A nti .. As 101lg 8S s lIe h cI'IIlICS agllln81 lh t' I Pn lll l'llI a U~ b~ ... t ".' tn l"],\' \ \' l' I lBva ~ or :tuld bonds o n M a n }h 1. 1u011 . • tnxpllY 1'8, both IndIVidual And cor po r' j' ~\'\'r lw d III Hur 1\, ' (11 1(1 lo r tlH' l,revanPeruna Manufacturer Tired of lItl" n'lld IJ,I!' (t 1)1 h. la t1Ii(.' ln:~. l\l-)' \vlto ~ o( saId bond. on c))I ~ U1 llCr I. 1I10U. ate, continue to be Ihe rule. th o SIBI ' Clean Up Farming. whl' hl1 ~ l' 1" 1\ (·on ~t.lIHl Hurt rr.r ,or mus t Tlracllc xtOl't101l In soma dl l'cr,· I \' ortt n ftll ,' I . ' jn ' : f\ 1 1 dl~t , JI\II" The Hurtman stook farm, 80Ut' l ~ of .a ld bbll~118 ~ o MIIJ'Cn I , 1111 0 , in" III I' 'tit ' . ' \ 1'1 ~ J ' l c,,' .\"'HI· tlon In ord r to mak (he c)(ll'!lva· J ',lin ' ·111 .... I I I' ''' t .y I~ '~I ,,(uH h )lO N ewt!JJ6pers in ulaoy anrrountUng of Oolllwbus, f"meu over the conn · :: of utel bo nd. on ' ~ Illellll 'r I . 1UI\I gBllce possIble. Il Is no 811OIol;Y to suy I Lh o hn lltl s u l . II w", ",,", ", .. t ~ of 8111<1 ""illig "n Ml\l\:h , I . 11111 , IOWIIII Hnd oi'llill ~ell of certuln dllYII try, is to dl8U]Jpeqr 118 an ontlrity. .1. 1, IJI _' J. I '•. l. t, ' I, ·I ~. N , " UI81 the corporal Ions pa l' thc cost. I D r. ,";O,!,,~ I\ll J "PI1I I1 r"il !: -A re 'iC ,ld by being set IIp&rt when 'all personll in Dr, 8 . B. B'lft~n Will no longe r !! 0 ' Hold liol1l1 ~ on ...·e 'JLc mlm r l. 10 1 1. Wby s hould UlI), or 81lybolly Ise PIIY yo ur d r '-'\l v r!t. who ~,J (1 l1~r "h:a LIllo" It ? the lirol p -< ~ - ~ e 'wIll :"~ II J I t. If It Ihe commnnity Ilre requested to oonduot tho big estute ,,8 a separuie ~ 01 HUIU bonds on Mar 'll I. 111 1.. f ;lIl ~ . h e v ' ,11 "t,i ' uI"'n .".,u( rr;'·'ir,. Th raol Is that In Ihe majnrll y of I 25 do, e •. as c~ f'l b. Neve.' sai d n bulk. olean . up thtlir OWD l>reml8ea and farm. but will r ent out his lands !! o f ~nfd btinll.N Qn clU t'mhcr I , l Ot :!. stntes the nmo\,"t or l'eVl' nl1 n ces· / Miles Medical Co .• EUthart. Iud aillO to see that the portIOn of tbe to the tenants. Farm muohinerv ., of suld bOll d . on Mar ch I. lOla . sary to be raised In ord r to rarr), Oil lJublio street near their property is and utenstlt! are being disposed of :? of Mall) hO Dd", 0 11 .. epu~rnbilr 1. 111 1.1 the governlll lit Is estlmllll'lI Oil tit bas Is o( nil Illnt It 18 Ilosslbl to ex' r8lt),onHbly clean'. Previous to tbe and the tenants will make tbeir ~ of &ata lIo nt!" On Ml\rch , . ilII4, Ti)tlh! h~ pend for a s pecific (lur J'1O~ litter the R()nltl. 'umlog Illilt year Wayne!!- accounting directly to Dr. Hart, 2 nr !tu td oond 8 ' on~pt 'lUbec I , 1 \) ... , If :V,ln won I" I\ujo:-, 10Il\\Irl'o \\, t" kp mon y has been collect d, The 6bjl'ct • Yille InrlUgurllted II. somewhat simi . Ollin or hi~ Ilgent. Whether Sup ~ or IIlhl hlllllio on ,MarCh I. 1111 ;•• t) h lllll herl .. I 11 '11 Htl trllH!.h /1 1111 Lh Il,' la to get mon ey-not milch dltr 'renc 'l'llblP.t. l \lnlj!lu. 'J'htW u~o(ln(' .. ti n " l"r movemeDt with good resultll, erlntendent Millor will remain in ~ of 83 1(t t;ono ... on e pl Omber t . I" I S. how, but ""at It.': Of courS , Ih p.I·e Is Ill<!r pPlllllA IllXll l h,o .. m (It., .·)" .. r Ibn Wby . not keep tbe good work up his olHoial capa\llty is 1l0t !leter. ~ of sahl \)ond. on March' , 19 16, no Wil Y to spend It IIUW It Is In bant!. IWlld ;. d (1 "'/lIl~" th .. !" IIIH II 'b , 'bllt . nrter !hnt Ihe r Is no l' stl'llint .D~ try the plan again this ylll1r. :t 01 0<1110 1/on1l1. on o,llc mborl. 11 1/ 11 , mlned .-Ohio Run , PI·it'!'. :W ... ·n t... 1-\1\111)11"" rlh'/It. J . upon Ille S(l IIdlllg of It. And 80 great I E .]unnl \t"~ .f'lrnJ! :-.ttll'" . u u>w1,::,~~~~:r,~~u~u;~ ICOlh~~r:r~:~~b~~~ reformers Insflll'B 1t!);ls llllfoh to I' Thill is a ·Pretty 'General Senti- olllcesuntl rorcrcollng a l1ublk ballllud publl~ squeez gr at slim s r!'Olli grea t cor- ====="""===........,..""......-.....,.!'!!~~ ===="""===..-~~~"""'-"'-"'.....-!!'-~ Three Young Ladles OmCM fo r W a.vno) "own~ b l p, Worrell \l(l un t~ , pO rnllOn6, Whellever (he 0 01)1 r bel ESTAaLISBED A)I l.llI' .. rllmlrl l'll 111"11"1111 " " .. t, Will Orac:hiate ment Coneerning the &xwell OhIQ . nn,l un.le r Ilu tll qrlly 0 1 lh~ laws pf aga,nst, such tnxnllon, nnd th Cn t I Law. Pl)~<,i,, 1 I'''f' .. ~ 111' ,111 " H"w' t1 I' III ~i(, O~lo und or ';~c tl on 2 Ua 0 1 th e 1I."18ta thnt Lhe' 1)eoplo db not i1lr lIy Plll' r , I Onl v 1"', p.Utied the Illst "'o¥well ,Slatule. of I1lhlu .. ~ :\m~nded Marcb ~S. From the Schools of Wayne Town· Q"" D " J9 08. 11M OhIo [,aWl. I).~e 0 ;1 and under and the cost Is Se.t up as not on 1\' the ex- r examinatloD In WllrreD C~)uDt9' ODt 10 nllt,'Ordance wIth a oor"llo l'ClIOlUlloll 01 cuse tor. bqt tJle jus((,flcntion ot. IlIa bIhip ~~l'Iday Evening of 211 apphcants , All the Ingenu. Coun Lh ~ 'I'ruRtC<!>< Wa)'ane w. Ohl\>.or>utili · 'J,'ow n hip. Warre,n sl1oon.ell Pedlt urea enUI'",ly beyond r '\' 1I The anpual Commencement ex Ity of learning and, experiences Is , ,," rllBultnlon Lo pr vll1e for Ibe. Illau, G tit · h i lI I eroisell ot tbe pupils of the Wayne exerolsed by the examiners to bl\flle Ing Clr tJQod for tlte purllO •• of' paylnl( for overnmen C06 6 00 mUC n t I I , ~H Towaebln &booTs will take place the young minds thllt a~ BDbJ' eoted reD I CHl.lle sulwble f r n public ball 01111 country. The JeO Dse of ndmlnlste rlng l'" public omce. lind (or erecllog n public h'all It Is .orten III excess o( (he h II fits d I I y tomorrow eveDing, lit t~e !:!chool to their IDqulsition: "Is this and public om ..."' for Wtlyne Towu.hlp. Wa ... rived. wilen ther ar auy. Tho sill- ' I n W Byneevill e. reo County. on lb ' Olh day a ':"l 'U 8everlty nsefol or fair :~" 0 ne Is May. 1~0\' . Ohio." va,.aa . . ·of mIII1 on, d 0II ar s t II I cup It0 I In 'l h e rno d. tne .......... cia"· oonsllt. o·f P . nils f m ' Ii ar dl y a ble' to OOno ade that th","a Madison.t\ dWIB ..I,1111 1 . Leading .. UD "" . pro ~ SaId bol\ll~ will bt !!Old to lhlt IlI~b e8t .nd est I k IItue Ilk city! oft.. II .. ,"' the ' dlBtriot aciiioola of tbe town. figu ' res re'pte~"nt the p' roportlon ot beSt bldcler lor not 1 R tll .. n p.. r an el accrlIed 00 • e a or y·!"ousun . 0 nr .... n-· E"""" d~)\tl.rlrnenL wrllUlU bYllpo<'lAlllta; lbu • '" Interest.. mond . In the.. s hirt hosom of !l Iwo, I\lJ:lIl!!lt auUlorlUes In til I ....... ~IVU Itn.",. I ship wbO suooe~ful1y paslled .~h.e \nt:elli~D,oe to stup,dlty In the Ohio All bIds musl HUl' !! lh. numlJer of dollar man. It ,,'I!I he a InsLin g ',,;vl., No Ol b rt,&pW' pretend. lO t :<Im pl\l'u with It 1 BoKwell-Plltteraon examination youth;..:...Xenili. boni! b id ror ani! tbe groKs aUlount o ~ ' blll dence of re puhllcan degenerncr. and In qualillcallollll of edltorlal .t. lI. sfiul'g. I Sranch OUlce, ' aod wbo arter' thei~ Commenoement - -and Keru ,t 'Int ere ~ to lillie 01 d H'·ery. all l it will not suffice all an aoology for lis Oh'l'll thb a~lculturul ,~WS wllb .. t1"~..., I '!!!'!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""!e'~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!~ . C bIds 10 be aCClOnlJlllnl~ wl lb a oerlillell "beck, xlstence to say lhal It wal! (ln ld for ' or·Cl\rnplc_llotev, u aU~.n 11ltl by I)l(,ut'M. -. '. w,UllM? ~Ullhle to adtJili88ion ~ any Another' Telephone o. "aya bl., to ~he, nrl1e, of .tlle Treasurer of . t ' . . Blah &bool .i. 1l the oounty, tuition The oltlz8ns of Barll\D townlhip. wa"ne 'l·owliabl p. W..r~en CounLy. Oblo, for by tile, corpora l~lI B .-}!:dltorlut: The , INDISPUNSABLE TO 2 per centum of tb amou nl o(bonds bid (" I Ohio M'Ilguzlne, February, 190i. ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS fl'ee. . Warren ooun\y• . ~v~ organized '" upon (ondltton t_h t II tho.b\d' l. \\cqepted. t 1 b I tIS· h ' ,bopda be bll!~e ... m 00...,celve and P'" for Rue" . wno WI UTO Tb ere' are,"brea grad QlJ,tes,' 'U _i8868 6 ep one' oompany. · • e pur. a. rOII;Y , aW1lrcled to hll1l upon bl6 ATTORNEY 'GENE'RAL ELLIS ' KEEP VP WITII THn TIMES, Ina.' Hamilton, ,aazel G, Beq 'a nd pose of the to buUd iu tbe Bald bid within l:.en d.. ye from Iho lime of IlId " '1 f aWllrd_ said ch,eak to . be retained by . s\lId • ~IIII. Slbtrcrlp'lo;---, .,t.GO I " L nella L. Tome· neighborhood of twehty WI e~ . o town.hll,!1 oalo1 co ndlltoo l~ ~ov fulH\led. oUlIlI,eata - Safelluard AllaJn,t State . . . , ' E t TwO li.liI.rlplloa": '2.~01 Following fa the. Programe : ttllepho~e line·in th~ to~sbip. An , T.he tiu ltl ,Wn:vn~ 'l'Qwn~blp, Warren ' - .- ~, x ra allanc~, . , - - ,,rl ~u Bulll. rlpilda .. ~~.u. invoCation . ' Re. .. rn.;o' .. o exobange wUl be 'located in Butler. QoUD~y, r e en'u tbe r lgbl t.o !e' Danger to a s ;ate In securIng a.1I Its • ..,. ... JerL hill' aria ..11 bldg. . , reve nue trom xclse or prl vllcgt;' taxes ; SPE(1I"L INDVCl,En. ENTlJ to HAIS· Camp ina Hamilton \'ille, fi\nd it is elCpeot8d to Bt~.rt , Blds'. bomld be ' souled an/'endorSed was sbo~n by AltOMt ' Y G n til 'Wad nHS OJ!' L"HG£U, GLVB!1. Tbe Ame1ioan Girl ,of ~&dai and i wltb' alxty-aub60rlb8re. , The reallon " Illd~ tor 'l".... ~I~ hlp Ball Donalr," · . Ii. 'Elllls, In an addreQs Iterore - tho f Foul' MuntlUl' 7 '1' ,ul7'rlp 'IJO (·clitll. Yeet.erd~" . < Bazel G: BeM fer .'t he new venture Is that t~e 'es ' Dat.ed UGIl\ au)' 0 1 Mul', 10'07 . ., Oom'me rclal club oli "Taxalloll ," H e I , ~ , Rhymes from Riley -r ,ue"" L, ~J·o.:...ts tabllshA" tel b I 'ld :, argu\ld ,1 hll the 'people wou ld, to a SPECIMEN COpIES • ' .. ,', .... . 'U ,:" • '1,m , , ., ~. > U)" " ep oneoompa~ .e soou :r,N/!. H. ~A'K':\'. large exteqi, lQse ,their touch wllb the ...t111lt maJlI'drroo Onr"9DCllt. ~t wlll~ayon,.. , Clalll\ . Aild~881 ','~ree. J , O .. Creager; not b~' preyailel,l' upon .to go into '.;', '~::~:~,r~,~~: stnte g6v~rnm'e nt, 'It tlui y mllde 110 dl, bMy IIIWrI!IIted In ftDY'Wny In C\OUDWY 1I(~ .W , ;'N, N : U. wbaDon. Ohio. ',," tlie,terrltory .- WeSten Star. W~y nc ' 'I'owo. hlp. W,tl rre o re t contr,lbution to . Ita snpport amId lor tbcm, Adw-UIH p'ubllAtwnl ' Bo~eQI9Iion , , ': . ' &!v. ·.Tr9ut throu gh the medium of taxes. &;.UntER TUOKER .t. 80N~ ' ~'uslo will, be fofni.a bed by SfttAt.· Ua, Remarkable Fatality i~ ' Methodist. ~~~t~: 1:1. Or,~ ....l<"'~. .. , . ' e To av~ld ,the dllng r 'the 8pea~ er "'bu.n~. N. 'Y ., , , ,,'.· '. . . COlin· ,s ugge~ted tl;tit.t tlia le"'lslat ure lev'",~ nn "'!'!!!!:!!~!!!!!!!!!!i!!!:!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!'!'-",*"'"'!!!'~--:~~-"""'~-:---:~--""--::--.,p.,. f.he 'wellknown h .. """," . 'of 'Uti Charge. ' . IOr It 0 ( '.." ayne 'l'OWh' hll!. 'W .. rr~n " .. "-r,..,.. 11 l)' 6b10_ '," .' ' . annual 'assessment agaInst th l) colin, 1 ~ 'i. ; 1>r. Isaac S. Crook, -()reaiding EI. · ' . ' ties eq\lal , t9~'about tl) per cent of the , ,_ _.........,.,.:.:.:'..__ " 'Lo~l T~'m ; I.. .. " der_of .t1!'e O~iil:I'~Qthe d.lil~rict of ,Ule '" . '" " '. ',' cost of, oi>erating the stat ' govern, " , '.,' " ¥. E. oburob"attencJet! tbe lnnera}' Notlce~ o( PfeSe!1t1ng .:' ment.' This assess:IDeht 't o he dJyll;led , ". , ~th O~mes of R~V:. Is"&o M:. · ~onars.'it.t· Stauton • Coiil)lty Road ' Petitionlb':'~roJ!ortiori t.o the nmQunt 6f t!lxell WE M AN.l1FACTURF.: ,'THE VEUY ·:HIGHES1'., • , '. '.. ,,'- , .' " :; ' Monday. Rev. ' 80111ltll' 'Wn8 taken ' • . , . ",. / ' . raised Ill' eaoh oliilty for county pur- l GRADE 'OF Series ' of Victories lor -'~ Waynes.. " . t ..' . Nol lCI} I. b• ...,by· gIven tba~ i'\",lIllon,wlll poses. The' n:Uorn.~y gene ral suggest, '11 Baa Ball CI b ' suddenly ill and died Friday of last. be preMcntfJII t" Ibe Comml88loner~ o( Wnr e4 tllilt this would servo 1111 (lrnotlcal VI e e u • week. II tb(l fifth . tIme this , .n Counly, ,,~ ~h~(r DIlS! lie 8100, July 1.. II. results of ll Ur I)' separatin g stale , Type Bras8 Gal1('ys , , D 19U,/. \.>rayll"g lor lbe 'altera ~lo n of .. Wayn88vllle ",.on two pmes on charge ba8 beAn made vaoaut since cou n~)' rood on.i,he follo'lVln~ 11\,,,. 1"",It. from local taxation, whil e at the same Brass Rule in Sfi'ips MeW Borders 8tJClO8881ve daY81allt Thor8Bvand th fa d D E1eglnn lngat a polA\ln WIl.Qn'~ pUte at 'time It· has many commendable fea· Brass Labor Saving ,Rllie L, S. Metal Furniture r . or near the lartl) lin. lielwee n ~83UC. Oomp- tures ot Its own. e ~eoeot q<ln renoe. au ~1' ida7· Orook bas, ~tl oAlled qpon to get Il lon, an~ -/. M. Oook III BUrvey,; 4apa anti X 'I 0 Brass Column ,Rules Le~dll ~nd Slugs ' . ~, " 1 ad 'W"ltli .' . , ", ~70n, runnln(l: Ulenoo. ln a north erol, ' dlreu· en a, . The ft 1'1\' t" game, was p 8y " supply .-Chlllioothe Gazett-l,. lion and followtll( alODg tbe b\'lle of tb~ bl.ll, r----'---.,. , -h--'-.......... IIS Oi~ . Tr~~~r8~ ," Spr1Dg Yailey tlllLm ' and "relillted, . ~o "8, to ,"-'C Ul'C 11 belter grade, ~hroul!b J ,\M, · , , , Brass Leadt'rs SPI\C:cs and 'QUad/i, I f 2 iff M i Hf If . (look'" la nds, patl8lnglon lhe s .. s~ ijlde 'of II 'a-tr.~~.'Ct~~.~~ ' .. \ ; 6to ,~8, poi"t Brass R(lund Corners . Ina !!COre 0 '11 ~ " '_ n ' a~~r: , ." . ~ney ~ . :tUB a , rc~ld.n"e on sllltllands. 'coolinulnll' 10 a '" " Wayn~vtUe. ,..... " ... " '.':" '. There Is sUIl money in' ~lfa'lfa ~ilrlherb ly IJjrecuOIi and,'en~lli8l\t or ncar -,-TAX'AlION, :REVI510N,' , Brass Leads,and' Slugs ,\ letal Quoins, 'etc:. ' Frlda"' a · .Lebano~.g. .ls ~ble to tbd ·Jon~,~rl~gC!'. gOingorn.1o(l8~. rtb.llClog. ,, ' (liB' 'IN MANY·' STATES ' , " .. ~ "..~ .. . whenafa·rmer . " · get', .l~er tonce 01 __ 0 rO<ls mor.e , ,, greptt,on res " 'u~ted' li1 a HOor,e. 0( ,12 '8,00 for a 81~gle wa,"oDloa " d of ' tbe , ,W. 1'. \y}t.a\>" . " .p~lnr.,'~\l:1 P CII~II~ln(,e'~L'" ' . 1)n ~~~~~1;10.~~ Old Column Rnle.t roflloil(l '/tnd IDlldli ,IU\' lr\'ood'lls n ow IH 0: !ltnlln ,/ . tq 1 nl fav'?t ,.o f Wa!al!8vllle ' ' " Beed. aays a Kansas \;'rep9rt. Thill 1\1 . ' , . " . ' , , ' ~ . W· "'hi ' ' , ' 8111 s- to QI'ente Jax commissions are COMt : " \ ' the expedence ot ... .' eve. '. , _ . , '\ ,pendlni; befor'e the gimerlll Rss embly . , Cuied . ' tRrmer who ,lives near Bqriob., and Notice of PreseniJng , of ' t ile . following atates: Aln!iamn. Plt)IIse relUel~ber tb"t .we 'jUG not 111 111,1.'; 1't' Il!:lt or C:Jotnbinlltiou :A lady cll8tomer of OUl:8 had'.f.luf.· 'wlio shipped sTngle lot of ,i o r\ . C ,olln.1t . ion. Pelawnre', '· rdnho, '1IIIn9111;' Thdlllnn, 'and 'llro ~11re tho t we 'oRn IIlllktl it· ~o your , I~<l VII 11 tllicll I/O fered wi. til t8tt~r . isslon company that Iowa, "'KanBas, r,faillc. l\lIcblgan. Min. ,. , . . f,or $wo or hthree d Wichita com.. m ,." , (1ell I Wi,t I1 us, . , .', . -. " yoara, It got 80 bad OD her r&n s netted him $810.03. ' The', 'Ioad 'Notice 18 bereby gt,ven tbat I.l , pellUon wl\I neBO~ Il. Oregon liild , Wyoming. In . tbat ehe. oQul,d no.t attond. to her welglied., 5'., .' 0 3 p·'otlDd a • fo'r'" ·w"·blo· b .be f1re!iciltCil 10 lhe , comrpleal\lnera Of Boine ,ot, the ' states these bills have A. COl'Y tlf· our C'aitalug\ll\ ~\'1I1 .l)(3 chee,r frill y 1tl~!li!thOl' QII , . 0 bo f -.q ~ Warrell Couhly At Ib~:J r , nex~ :sestilpn, Jllly. ' . ' , . householil duties. ne . x o· , " 1Bt, A , D . lO07, IPrllying lor \lie luylng our 010 been mnde laws. and the probatilllty out.lou . Chamberlain:.. Sillve cured ,lJer. Mr.' S~lve received 11 cents a ~ou~d openlnl1 of 11 C'.oURty ROUd 0,,' \bo lollowlng 18 thnt ,bills wll! ~\!; enacted by a <iDl~, . , , Chamberlain's medioin8l\ give spieD' on tbe oar at BQrtoD . 1t is doubtful ·\lce. towlt : "ue'f!:Io nlilg Rt ~ point In J hO ~ority ,or,the : states, ', It not ,b y all ~f" ' --~--'-)----"----'-,;...~~ . .; .'lWU.. "Ity'If there IR any. other " produot , "of t~fl Canby and prIng VllIIO,Y Plko' ana In th em. , Thl S s h i uslve ' iy that piLi] d ) .' h' • . ' pfin . t ers ' t "SUPP Y .\JO; 11£.1 It ' ~. ' . • \,o n Ino thi' did .8Atl . Bf ac. · s (lO,Q tbc dh'town I .lon ~tlne between S: Comptoli and k .ows conc )II a e p la 'M, B. Bodtljly• ~ Co., ,Almond. Ala, f"rm thnt Is as valuable as a,I'falta 0" Raines f ..rmlll In survey 23S:! aDJI , • 6~B. the problin ot .how to Improve the ' , ", ' " a ' nufll:ctnrer Ohamberlain s m edl 0i nl* are f or , ~ , w ' '..' . running Itlenel! wltb tllel r 8ald IIn.cs Itllte arid local taxation system is. a I ) . .' M·1 ~ , · "' of '~ ....... "'~ .. , ""Ie by J, E. Janney, sell4 .an~ ~h~ demand for ~hIQh' 'In- Uls,o ~Itb Ihc~ln'! of Frank St(1nJey a,ad J. ,1I1 .. que~tlon oi vital il.nd· urgen'~ Imp.or- : ' TyPe and High Grade' Printfng· Material ' of growln'" less.. is :inoteaslng 0/00" Bl]LnI!R, titI" Burne beIng tbl! 80utll IIn08 tnnce In nearl ev ry sta'~ In ,th I -. ~- -:..;;,.:;--=-"""';:.:.;;.=..::.;==:;;.:.. , . st.elld , " • • 0 Survey 1\1\3. r:I" NorthweKlorl y dl""ctlon .... One ,of. the finest lots of II.lfalfa 8eM 'and' ln tbe u me until It Int<!rl:le<lt ,' 1M pro Union. .:, ' " Prllprl et,ors ' .,., Help Wanted. '" I ' d I '" WI' bit I tel " po.eo ul"' .... Uoil'lln tb~ Wilson rotl<l In' J.' M '. Prlncloles or taxation " l[ke' all eco.. _. ,'. PIi1'N.N 'rvp, III FQUNI,_,RY ,.• 000 .ve n o " , a Y :WII!l Oook'. larlda anll cnOlng lllllljJ a' dl ~ lnn co or _ F . ' '. bought from 11 fRrmel: 1D 8t!avt:r 220 roda mo~e or Ie..... , ' . ' , . nomic prlnclp1es, are unlverllal ' ' In' 'iiiiiiiii__iiliiiii;;;;;.._;;ij'io,~·otiiliiliiiiiiii;;·:;;;;'·;ri;-';;o.;;;o;iiIiii.~.~iiiiiii':'_;;;;;,;i_~"';;~~ijiiOi; Yonng D!sn tUld' I.ti'le lit t.b~ .Pe, . t' 'O k'l b II I d !UNft S'rAN'r,!:Y, PrIncipal PetlUoller. thel,r appllcat,lo,n. W~rk. do:ne 11\, ~)Deooun. 1" Il oma. 8 sma o~r Oft state mRy he mnde ueeCul In 1111 other ters Cartridge Comp~y, Kings shipment,bringing more thlm $:J, 50~ ECZEMA, and PILE QURE 8tate~. By making 1n vest!gations Ij.nd" Miliri., WorlE light atldClean. ' Good E,c. . r REB, Knowing whllt it was to a.uf. guidlll~ cil~e~il810n on'" Bhnllar' ,lines; , , wa~es and comf.>rtable botel ~oo.m. ~ :r '1 will give' FREE OF OHA,RqE tp and ll)en .com,pa~lng .results, .the pe,,: I mod_tlons olose t.o t~e.fapto'ry, Can Anybody Recall an .00der " llY affiiot!Jd tL p!>sltive cure tor Eo .. 1>1,e. In each, can help. ,all -51 lher Addr8llli Assistant Manager •. One Than This, ' • 'Alma, IIlllt rhenm, erY8lpeII1I!. p'l1ea. sWes and !,It! .llel,pe~_ by wl,Jal all'~ber m 1Ii 6t ' KIDJFI Mills. Ohio. Last Fri~y George Hudson 'llond skin dlElel1l!es, , Instant relief. _.tates accomplish. . , !lon't Ruffer longe.r . write F / 'W ' . ' " . , • •" ' 'brought to town from thl;' farrn of WILLIAMS 400'MII.nliattan a"onue Program of Hu~lnga · Tal( Com!Tl,..lon , J . W Gll8tin, ' ne,a r New Hope. II N'ew York. ,il!lnoloee stamp: ' 'O! Ohio, A :Fortun,te Te'JaD. ' ~~~ ~i. ;"ria~~~, .~~ land terrapin, wbloh hlUl a. . history, 8IlIlOOS ' May tr-T'a.utlon of MnnutnctuQnc tbe past year 1 :have ,beoome 'au a.nd for thllt. hitit<U'y it . is highly ' .• " ,'. and l1ercantlle , llldus,trles. ", J{ew ure prized and protected. J't Is ,posl Subscr.lptiol!lS roo" toraH the lead. "lIoe a-Taxation , ~f Agrll\.ultu.ral q uain't ed wi.tll Dr, A.-,i ng's I \..d I I d . , t ' duatrles. . ., PUll. and n .() tautlve . eve~. "",oore ttYely koown ·tbat tor more than og !DagRz nes ,newlpapel'l, a ' lJept. 8-TiLxation of Banking, iQs)Jr, ,,sed · eo etreglh:el, .,diB~_ , of. aldY ·yea... , this terrapin ~IUI made the (fhzette oflioe, ' N:ote ..... We,v\ll .' ance and cBulhilng and" 't.oan Asmalaria'aud bUloUinell. ., Tb'ey don't htll home on and aboo' the Gnstin meet 'the price.. ad'v ertlMd by any . aociatloD8, Moneya and Oredltl" KrlBli Dor' Kiioe. ' 260. at 'Fred O. the ne;gbbore reputa~18 m1)jlcripUon ..,enoy. 7-TauUoD,. of ~bllc , lIemOl So1iwa~le d~u8 sto'r~. ' ,' farm, Some one of , . c' • eo.....Uaaa.

-:::. " r v .ltS



Clipped from

I Headache


Sufferers'' .i


r ~~






\\';~I I !,








Gazette Office






The ONly Agricultural NEWSpap.i,


Ag~l~~I;;;at"of WDrl~ I

fU RAl 0 IRE CT0 H, lBlSllhone' 0 or N!ght,.

local No.7 '· ' !' long Oistancil No, 69-31 WAYNESVllLt) UHtti.










' '.'












. hero of haat '8 d In ,]Ucllmond,\ 'l ie theW ser,<e 'In · t.lle 'ill -~Ul O~U,... ·at 16 on Decl'~ur' lI , ),Islted St. ' 'J:l!3len , 18 a' deseend&:


aI/ ' too freely dl~pel . ....ffiI,lfrllMiJi.. ,Qulte"'earh, 'l ln ....11,"'-.""",." ,..' ~he 'llild silps 1):1' ndents : c6r r {"'JOiI~I~(Jham_rlaln~ has bee'n ob \I. 'rllie ' ~ot to ' give his , 'On . tlte J o'ther 'band; a"~11)Y bas ,1.wIeD ' known; to R ' o.uto8\'\lph wltb ,a '~umc , 'advJal~ ' hla ~QrmroJ 'or b ~ attentlt)n to • u8~full :, ~ , ~~HI, ban4.. rtUng.



Y,Road Petit.


"j ...




11)0 .



County Court News.


''',~I IIII A .

Uurwln, NI!lW ilU I1'!I .

WIII\uDI H Wuke. "I,.rIlWr in r ror, v8l:1~rr.\I titrrnlt,bl ok , Allet::ing ele v. n error.i lu tbe prxlledlngs in the court 01' the J u~Hce of Pelloe 1I!;llinst him, ~ue plaintiff soekl"u trlul in ~he cummo.n Pleus 8 rodtbeck churl:: d Bliike wit b Oil itL\vfully datil \tllng lIim rrlllU lund III Fmnklill tow~~hip . M. Corwin Ol' ~ke Vii . .Mllry Howker, Kat-e I:)lmonton et Ill; pelltion for pllrtition. 'l'be plt.lntitl' ohums un Intere,t 1n u Lebllnou lot, ns un belr of Rlobllrd Simunton und \\;ant it 8et apart for h :m. I'UOIlATB: c UIt'I'. Appliootlon Willi wude to lIumlt t'be will of. Wilhelmlnu Romohl' tu probn.te, 1'll.e decedent wus 0. resl , dElnt of BurllLn townshIp. Elry Lewis, administrll·to[ of the estate of Jumes D, Lewis, decO&lllld, flied an uccount of tbe slI le of cbut tels . • Jj'rllnk U. AndeTSO\! wus mlLde ex acutor of the last will of Prlsdlll& I eland, of Morrow, as he was nom inated In the will. Ba furnished bond of 111100,00. A olaim 01 '11211) again st the e8: tate of Ellison K. Snook, deoeul!ed, lnade by Willlllm K. Snook, WU8 rejeoted by Morris K . Snook, exeau· tor, upon tho rl)quisltlon of Bernice Snook Mounts, a grantee of Millard 11': Snoo'k one of the devlae6ll of the will. JobnW. Dnuhllm WBS appointed executor of the estate of Elizaooth J. Dunham, deceused : bond tl5oo. Thomall Mnrllhy, 11.0 Insane man h"vlng B legal aettleDlent in UDlon townslill), W08 ordered to ' be taken, to the Dayton Asylum, James ·~ol . len. tir. Willi appointed "ullrdl~n of hlB Il8tare under bond of 13,000. In ' re estate of Perry minor .; Mary t3purJ~n-g, guard.lan, WI\8 granted permi88ion .t() 8611" an Elmwood PI.oll bond of the Il8tate for IUD. WiJllam C. Hatfield, exeout-or of the est"te of P. B. Batfield" Wed his fourr·h account.

Hro\\n ttl hntoll D. uur6S III 'rurthlOreek

III )l-tl



Miss Augusta Ham- . DO YOU G}tT UP melllVlart:1ed in Chicago.

Commissioners' Proceedings_ Bills I1l1owed, . Oharles Bartmlll1, oontraot 33 .... ............ ........... .....$

4 30

lumter ...... .. ..... . 23 111 WII ium EVUD!I, lumber ....... . 8 21i ~ ou B. U. P.r.I ter, 0001 fOl' juil. .. Lebuuon .£oe and Coal Com· puny, 00111 for court· ~ 75 hOulje ......... .... ..... ....... .. Fmnklin I'::hron~ole , L1ank~ for S'lldiers' Relief Com · mittee .... .. ......... .. ........ Dt;,O Same, hlnnk8 for probut.e judge ...... ......... ....... .. .. . lU 00 t;ame, bloD ks for 9h~l ift' ..... . 10 50 W. B . Stunllge' Imd Company blanks and records for (·lerk ... ...... ..: ... ... ........ . 2 iti DILvid 'rrotter 'LCd, Company lumber ... ......... ... ......... . 23G SIl W. Ungl6llby and l::lon8, bur ial of FJmeline ::imlth &0 00 Bills allowed, W. ft. A'ntrlLtn, stamps ..... ...• 12 00. vi. B. Anderson and Go., state report...... ......... ... 1 50 Oregonlo. Bridge 0, oon · traot .N). 7 •. .•, •• ••• •• .•••• .. I:lZO 00 C . C. Olea.ver,controct No ,21 1 9 90 .o;am Ioms, dlltnages for road Mound bridge.. ....... ...... 7 00 Bllmllfon oounty, . Warren oounty's t1hlLre in bridge at Loveland. .. .. ... .......... 1a 63 Lebanon Patriot, oommi8. ,lone r8 ' ~port .. . .... .. ..... 12 110 Western ~tar \ commission· era' report... ... .... ..... ..... 12 71 . I b WIl8t~rn ....... ", ...r, prlDt ng ur ' docketll...... ......... ... ...... 40 00 S. S, Ti.)bals, blanks and records ................. : ...... 15 00 on H , St·anage ' ~ . an d C0., blanks ...... .. . ...... ...... .. .. 2{! 75 ,Franldin NbWS, blanks,. . .. .. 2 00 Soldiers Relief Commiselon eXl'en86l1' for year. ;...... ~ 110 00 R . lhr"bbarger salary for !4Ily .... .. .....'... .. .. .. .... .. ... 40 00 James .Foil en, F3r., salary for May ....... :..... .. ........ : .... . GO 00 CentraJ Union Telephone 00., rent ..... ...... ............. .. ,.. 1 00 Coats in two 00868... ...... ....... 11 i5 Contraot was 'm ade' with W. B. Taylor to'-1'6pair- canal brIdge In Fr.nklln town8hlp at the estimate of f28 . Oo~traot· :was entered with B. U . Prater to <repair road8 In 1'urtlo. oreek towna~tp. where direoted. .An agreement was made with D. Trotter' and Co. ,'t o Jlw:obaae bridge lumller at 13,00 per hundred .; speo. lal jOl8t at ta.60 per bnnelrO<!. A similar agreement d . . . ma e with William EV-lAns fo t Ium be r .. a t markjlt prloe:, ... A refnnder of tdoxes amounttnl to *0 34 was paoted to. Gao. Ker.r on a hOWle ~bllt haB been torn away. .J . Sttwyer resljpl8 a8 a member of.. the' ~0ldler8 Burial €ommittoe of B.lrlan .tqwn8blp ~d D,",~y,

Miss AllgUBtli. B . HII.ffiUlell,' who is woll k!nown in Wuyne8ville, as the gtaoddltughter of t.he lata 'I'homa8 Collett Sr. II.nd Enoch Hllmmell, Esq. tlnd niece of Philip Bllwke, wlla ma,rrlcd, l~st Wedne", . dllY, 29th· inst. t<J Mr. James R08k. elly, o f Uil.iOllgo . . Mr. ROBkelly Is a Dative of Cornwo.ll county. Eng. Iliud j- by 11 pleasant coincldenoe, n countymlln of Miss Bammell's mother, Amel ia .Collett, who was bol'll ill Towey, Cornwull. Be is the 80n of 0. MethodiRt minister Imd himself a member of the Meth. odist ohuroh . Sinoe April be ~aB bnd u. position in th" offioes of the lllillois c entrulRtlilrolld,llt Cbioago: after servioe with the Big Eou'r at L:inolnn .. tl.

has onoe Ulore been demonstrated in the little town of Fedora, Tenu" tbe residence of C V. Pepper. Be writes: "I wns in bed, entirely dis I\bled With hemorrhage of tile lungs und throat. Doot rs f!iil ali to help and ILII hope hud fl .d when I began tak~ng Dr. King'!! New DIscovery. Then instant. reo life oome. The ooughlng soon ceas· ed : tbe bl ~eding dfminlshed rapidly, lind In tlnee weeki! r WIlS able to go to work . .. GuarllDteed oure for coughs and ooids. 500. and 11.00, nt Fred C. ' I::lohwurtz's drug storo, Trilll bottle free.


N . Y.


$1.00 a Year.




m' ...u-



we. ed




Send JOe for sample copy.



The regular



SubScribe through the Miami Gazette, Waynesvil1~, Ohio. I






Hempstead Centerville

17 51 1\0 5 1 15 1:1 .. 48 10 . ~ 5 Qij 110 • Q .Q' Ii ou


t 7 fill ,,]) all



lO QT • • 47 2 4 nil 24 444



!!O · U. 20

KILcbqer .

17 18

Phone 79.

podds '

7 18 ' 11. 16


+7 06 $If) 00

LebanoD-Lv·. r, 00


A, JII No \}'


Ingralnl . ... . .. . , .' ... . : .. .. . .. . .. ....•. . , ....... !50 up . Lowen, Park, Extra !:JuPe'ra.


• 20

Rup-p-eated ~~k yet . .. . . . . .... .. . . . . .... IIO.5O.p Large anough for a room. Linoleum, the great kitchen and hall ooverlna, Lace Oartaiu-.Jl 'be new eff~. Window Sbad,etl, aU oobra, $1181l16li, made to order.

P,.M. P.M. No • • No 0" 6 06 ' 6 SO laO

Day ton : 0 II & 0 0 .. ,,100: I> &. X T 800 Lcbaneu Jo. 8 ao Sbaker OrOlil lnr 8 3S Rosl,n 18 81 Be mpe~elUl 8U Ce nLer,lIIe" 8 49 Manor '8n [.ytle 0 ·0.



69 80a




II 0& U

Von"ble Klt611ner


u odds

10 It 19 !.lS

Leland Lebanoo An lve II 80 ' oally 'elfllC!llt SUllda,


!:Juiu, J.okeu for Misees, Women Children•. Skirt8, Wallts, Un· derwear, Inrants 'long oloakM.

"L 60 6:03 811 " 6 HI


8 2a



'880 la 8~

10 80 101\2

3 9~ 11112 ' 360



Ready To Wear Carm~nt~


~ 5~


We were wise In ordering thla Imk laat. fall, In pri08l have ma. teril\lly advanced, . Largest sales last. year of any; thla year will be greater, MatUnga from the Orient now In 8M1ok . .urea beautiful palterns, Jowen prices. .

sapTIU,.. UND Lei>vo

C. M. BROWN, .Proprietor.

Hutcbis"n 6t (}ibn~y

OU:&D DAZT O'B &. 0 9 40 II ao 5 fi 5 o .t .X l ' D&XT 830' 600



Measure your rooma and oome to

• 80



Do' You Need Carpets'~:

*4 118

U) 00



1 !! T

no 18

.Fanoy Grooerlee, Fruits



Lytle tJdgewood


Vegetables and Canned Goods,


See Your Dressmaker

18 42 0110

' S~p

on 81roal

SUIID.n· • 'RAlles . .

'I' ralns pa" . I~ .,tI. . . fOI.\O"" NortbbOllnd 1 'Ilia. m. . II 27p, "'. $outbboqud . ,II It'a. !Ii, 1 . !lOp. ID

Hu1ohlnIOn & GibneY'II, Xenia,Ohlo No ~I&y has a better a8110rtment of

~ ; ~ , MOORE.

l'ri08 for 'he drells itself and the irim~ln~s. It Is a rea80nable . . and fally proven. in the 'statement Collo' aDd Diarrhoea. Pains hi'. the 8tamaoli, 'ooito .and , We are aDrll88. Goods BOUBe liillrrhoea 'a,r e qulokly reJlev.e d by and do not meddle with tinware, t~~ use (Iof Ohamberlain,s Colio, Cholera and Dlarrhoea , ~Dledy . hardware, ohlpa, shoo., ·etc. These ~or ~le by-.J, ~E. ~luiney. ~a~e their plaoe: Just Jook at· our 811elveB and ahow . OeJleraIP"..eni-·;. ~1'Dl ,lAb.non , O.


'sy'lv'an'.-a'· Penn .. . l.INE:S . .

. .

year. , .: , . , A few oltlli"'r~medy' will in. , . , vllrilit\lr ·elire ".IJ .Qr(iluQI\Y, Ilttack of !:Iarah O. IInU D. GBle . J!··r6D'On. Piltsburr tf) Jollu. ~. Har. IItI'll.Qe~r. dli'~rbal". . . ".. ., . undivided ~. " of p7 1." aorel! It clln 111 ways .lie depended ,"pOnl • .tlven ill thl! . U/CJrl!. leVllre attaoks of lI'urtleQree,k town ' hip, 1626 , CrulIll) Ilolio and,cllolerlL morlins.. , It I, a'Hlllll)' sn<:(lI!\l1for SUll'IlDer.· , WtUlam E ,. Ba'z eltlne at 81, dlaJ1"b~" allil ehpllj.ra '1IIfl\Jltnm--ll1 of Jlldp-, .T .. Hazeltioe, deaeaeec) , cb\l<lren, AlI\ll~ tlt.1l means of Mving · Goorae L. · Smith, 12 88 aor811 iblllivel! of lIlany children eal'h yeRr. Union townahip I4.GO. . ObamberJ~ln'a BaJv., for dilt!~ . Wben . rednc/:d with wattir and . • .. . of the .!Qn, .. aweetened it t. ple/UlaDt to Ulre. l)har)ea Jonel· k) B~ry, E. and On4t~ttleo~ tll~Bve ............'•.:.;.1.1. 1DverymU(l~.famn,lbollldkee~· Artie V. IIoKioley; 2 1.2 .orea in tlonl bu~ ' 'l;'G~ ' " or ~ rePled, Bny I~'now, ~ PiUcz, JIIcj._In bta Iiome. LARo.~, GOb• .a.arliii iOWDiliti.-I800j I, &, -111&81' . . . , ..



Co.r8e in Ilralllmllr. Bow to Inorease One'8 VooobullLry. The Art of Uonversation, I:)ball and Will : t:lhould und Would :. Bow to I Jse Thelll. Pronunolations (Century Dlotionary ). Correot Engli8h in tbe Bonlo. Correct English In the School WhlLt to say ILnd What Not to Bay. CourlN! in Letter Writing lind PUnctulltlon . Twenty Daily Drills. BU81nesB English for the Busines9 Man . Compound Words : Bow to Write Them. Studlvs In English Llternturfl.





Partial Contents

lifty·cent nlld olledollar ~i2e bottles arc Rome Of 8 _ _ _ so\,1 by ull goo<1 druggists. DOlI't make OilY Ill istn'k e, bllt remelnber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's . wamp-Root, 011\1 th" ",Idress, llillg hullitOll , N. Y. , 011 every boUle. .





,A. ·, MA.F'FIT.



~o Not Negloot the Children. At tbis 8enllUU of tile vear the first unnatural 1 " o~enBS8 o(a ohild'lI bowels ahould have immedl$te at-' tention . 'I'be be8t th~ng that can be given is Cbllmberlaln,1I Collo' RWOEVILI.E,OR[') and DilLrrhoelL Remedy SPl!:OlALTl&S: DISICABEI! DB' wOMEN Cholera followed by ollstor oil a8 dlreoted AND 'OHILDREN . with eaoh bJ ttle of the remedy. !"'!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!~~"!!!!~"!!!!"!!!!~ For MJe by J E. Jllnney. Tbe Magio No . iI . Number three i8 a wonder·ful mllscot for·Geo. B. Parris, of Cedllr Grove, Me., Rccording io 11 l.o tter whioh rellds : "A,fter sulferlng muoh wlt.b liver and kidney t.rouble, &ond w. 1': . MOORE, . becoming greatly disooDrllgl'd by the failure to find relief, I trloo Eleotrlc Bitters, and as a result I TIME Q.\RD am II. well mlln to· day . . The first £FFEOTIVt; NAJ.Cll :\J . IU01. bottle relieved ana three bottles NOR'I'R HC)ONl>. oompleted the oura." Guarant6E'd SttlUODB No. l ' No. S' NO. 6' best on ell.rth for stoinaob, liver and A. N . PM . kidney tNuble8, by Fred O. Soh wlLrtz Lel!nuOII Je. Ar.8 00 11 00 5 22 druggist 500 Ie 6ij fi III 7 58 ""!!!~~!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~ haker Cr .

D H.E.



bOlO t~ us~


Remarkable Resoue




JUdney Troubll: Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who rea<ls Ihe I ewe)lupers is ~"Ure to kuo w of the wonderful II Ii ~ cures lII ade by Dr. KilllJer's SwatnpRoot , lit· great kid. ""y, lil'cr aud blndder remedy . 1l is the g reat well.ieal triumph of th e nineteenth century' discovered Ilftt!l'ycnr~ 'C.;k="11 of scieuti fi c resenr'h lJy Dr. Kilmer, the ---eminent kid ney null bladder . ~pccia li st , lIud is wouderfully ~\I eccss ful ill promptly u.ring lume hack, IIri· llcid, cutnrrh of the hlJUldcr uud llright's I1iscase, whi c h is the wor~t fonu of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp· Root is not recommended for e ve ry~hillg butif you hnve kidney, liver or bladder trouble ,t will be founel just the remelly you ueed. It has been t est ed ill so Ulany ways, in hospitnl work a lld. in private prac.t ice, aud h as p'roved so successful ill every cnse tha11\ "pecial a[rnllgelt1~lIt hns bee n U1ude by whicb' all reade rs of lid s paper, who have 1I0t a lready tried it, Ulay bave a sumple bottle seUll ·free hy IUail , a lso a hook tellillg nore Swamp-Root. and how to fiudout if ) IOU bove kidll ey or blllddertrouble. When wrlliug mClltic n reading this geuerous ofTe r ill tillS pa per undsend your address to !Jr. Killller. . . & Co., BillghlllntOIl.

'J'lltLt troth is stranger ,t han fiotion

OURT r ltOORBDlNGS -\.. K. Eistun vs .1 , M Keever et = Dr. John Hyatt; 1101; G, B. Andel'llori Will made a party defendant. Veterinary ' SUl'goon and Dantistr Dora M. Cre&gl)r vs Thomlls D. Telephone No. .121 James at 111:.a.ulle dismissed. . Annie 80th .VII Ueorge L Starkey; At, Home on Saturday Af~ernoon. demurrer by defendant Was over· Waynesville, Ohio. r.u led . • Henry Shuter vs Mary Uliflon; Be Fired the Stlok. jud~ent of Justice of ; Peao ? ,. I have fired the WRlklng.stiok agaln.8t pl~UJtift' ,waa ~!-,~a~De~ . . _. l've oanied over 40 years. on ao· Adam Jj razler 'Vs ,I nnle Frazier; of a soro · tha~ resl"ted every the court found ·thlLt plllinUIf Is of treatment, until I tried entitled to dlvoroe and the B\loklen '. AtDlOll Salve; thll.t haa bellied the·sore.and J:IIode me a hllop. ant is Mt entlt !ed .to lllimonv. , PY iliAD," 'wriles Jobn Garrett, of '. Inez 8. Stranflbnrgh VB John E, North MIIII!. N. 0.,. Guaranteed r',r Strau!lbn.r g; the plaintiff was grant· PileI!, BurD8. eto., sold by Fred C· eel a divorce. . ScihwlLl'tZ, druggest·. 250. Robert Mitohell FurnIture Co. vs · Lily W.oodward Barding; .the iury · disagreed, The Bult was '276 al· _.0 be d t ·Ieg......TtoB IIowe on lloo~un ., A M ' , D . ... 0 o~Cllmp vs orrow Brewing Co. : first and , ~n&1 count WIAS Bled by J. P . J.i ult'ohUd, a-ecelver. , ANO DEALlnt IN ·A. K , Elstun vs J, Ill. Keever et .1: S . G. Joy, Thomas Corwin, EI. F,UR~ITURE mer Smith and ' Bert Monger were ma~epariUld~~~t~.~~__~~~~~WWLa~~~4&~~~ ,Ex parte;. O. 'A. : "Alva .. HUI an'd E.·B . - VoekJe, trustees 01 w~· entered with 'Ch!\r- '1)leph<?no to hl8 ·llQ.usll w~o~e I e ... '.. stibbs for repair·. of ' "tone reo ··...mnto..u fOWDllhip; ILn . orde~ was ning w~l1 to M9rrow rI~er bridge. can: be Cltlled /lot nil . hours, day of giveo for t~e .tunsfer of I~OO,. frpm t.he 'e8timllote pl fS ~5. . .: ., night. cOaohes IUld ohalr8 lIuppl1ed th.e ·poor. fund to ·road ~.und . Plans oud specificationS for. olean. . IIABKlAGIII LlOIIINBJI: Ing and ,p.Rlnting the ;' 00nrthoua6 " Have recently ~ovo<l to rO )Dl . . ri. c, apd bllr.n at the sherJ1f's residence · aayinend ' L , D6~net, 22.. elllgIIDe.~r I Were IApproved mil the auditor was next to CrOJlII Brl)s. MAII'I STRlllET WA YNEBVIDI)III, O. .. of and Lura ' qirocted to advertiae f.o r. bidij. •• Kibbey, :h; of Morrow; the Rev. .~~~~~~~~~!!P.t~ , ~~~. awigg~ri. '.,... Ev.e ry Man ·Sls ~~D Doctor. ' The average man cannot a·tford to it. HA'fHA WAY, R,JCAl. ''E8'l'A'tE TRANSIl'RR8." employ' . a physlcan ,ior every '. ' :8. A. Stilwell to Caroline .R ogen, slight· ailment or 'injury ' that ' m&y . . ' Leba ' , QUour in' hl!i '~ famlly, nor can he .a.f. Office in Keys Bldg. U"in Bt l·S·of lot 54.,· non. 1, ' . ' lord t() negloottham, ail80' ~light aD , Sarah lItorrl8' ,to A Ihert Oorneil Injary os: th~ . lIOra~b of-lI. , pin ha. "U),{ "orellin Wllyne; t ownship, '·'70. bee/l known to : calise ,.ths ·l088 of. a ·I·..-:-----~---.....--..;.~ J$tn811 B. W I)bi 't o Adalia Ph\lllp~; lI~b. . Bence every; man 'must from G'' . ' N~S · U8.6S'allr.e s In OJeilTOreek -towiJsbll>beC; ~i8 own d~tor 'for'thl~ . ,... .. . '. . '. 0las8 of ~lIment. 8uccel!I! often de· :11.' . , .... pands upon treal~~t, ~ ,...:.~ ~ . Lease from Marie Sausser 6agel; whicb cali only when 8ulta· ' I ::;!>"'~~7:....<>' -xeoutr.ix·o.n d t.rii~too nn.der",.ill ble a.t , .ha08. .'eIt. 5 S8(c·J...<!§>'~ ;' . ~ . ' ." . . ... ~. ' ''~''' '''. ~ 0> 'Ann$ M, J3anBser., deOOq86d; ·:.· . have ~en ~ yeara ~n~ .George ,ija'U8~er apd [1r.1DDum~ . · Baussor t·o ·The Do.ytbri·' Brew·eriep . 1ftIBIIIIl~' \ Company, property ' now . OC1Pupl,ed , . ~~ . 'by dba~l~, Wedderstrand, for ' tw,? ' ~ "'~"""". ~ . .', .' . , .. ' . '





LeI Mil Wenver, of ' PlelistUlt Pillin , t·o EVIL Spul"lin~, of J;'loIIsRTlt Pluin, Idtl< j und in 'rhomns HII1 ' II .lcldltlon to P"iellsllnt 1:'loin, I 50 . Viotor ,.lOll Ruby Van Riper to rge C.loper, 2. 5 aorB lot In 'outh Lebanon, 11.



,:. '


08808 to see hooR fresh and Dew and olean the stock. 'H ow easily to trbn from our stock jnst In.



Jamestown EXposition ·'


.Batiste, ..



Bilk and Wonted TriinmlngR. HheerEffeata; ~iillh.m, Plaid.. · .

.Norfolk. Va.

. Dillly uD~I1.. November 90 Fare On"ch .ExcoJ1l.lon ~"er1 TuosdB Oholce 'of a nQlllber of a~~ra.oUye rout ....




Xeniat. · Oliio~

. ..,'LOs Angel~; Cal•

May 7, \0 16····Gtlrman Daptl8~ Bre~b~e!, .JunelO to 114-l!llea~tc Medtcal Ass ' n O'doII &Olnll olie route, returnIng ano~h"r

.... .Col1llmbus, Ohio.


13, 14, 15, 18, 17; 20, 1I1" ' PI""'b,y~"rla'll · General AasembJ,

.19Atljmtic City" N, J. JllnIl8"AmerIOal\ liedlcal ~O

Spokane' '. . Jun~




1..: •.8. Y. P .• IJ . . to·6···b. E, . ,

10 July

JUII, ,]

. PhiladeJphia Jol,. 12, '1 3 and U···1), P. O. E ,



Winona Lake, Ind.

A.... lDbI'. May lit io Se\)~lilber For tull partlcbll.. cODII!lit . ~. ~~,. 'l!toket ~~t. WaYDe.,lIIc





'. -~

.' HENS , MOTHER!; FOR GnSLINGS. hot Iron. ~'I\S alm"s enougb to drlVl' him mud! Y II, the buml llnUQII noel Dlre ct ioha for Hatching anj dos'pnlr Ill! he hurd I hI;) cltlnl\ln lj Them. cllalns nnd f It the b r uwl b lo\y1I wlth'h BROWN &. McKAV, P ub lisher •• w Id d lJj 11 II \'Y r t tero on bands un ll The nrs! thlllS; to con!llrl In 'hol limbs cut 10 Ih o \, ,,ry dopth>! or hlB olile '" AyN@SYll.l.IIl, lu g ~lIn~ I!g!;'c uud I' 1 \l'1I ~ 1>1 nt','e r sou l! But 1111 that eJ,cru IlllinJ; urll >al I .,) !llIl mo~ ihull Il,r ·l· ur rou]' IIn ile r was nR oothlng now to 'the nn!(lIlab of II STOIY or TUE .ElIOD OF TO! JUDGES II goOd h.·n. Mer cannllt be ('u,'or II T he Language and {he Boy. SOli I lle ndurl'd as lho IIccusln g' \'0 10 IN ISIIAE L Ill'Ol1 rly, (mtlu ihe 11t'n III 1 I'u lr of consclonco crle .. Ollt lu his l\/'al't A child. with Ils meager store of By the "HlabwlI7 .... d Brwu" P!eac.ber COO ? FOR HENS AND CHICKS. !lIz ,(\ 1\\1,1 wl Lh oar n at III 'Iosed In nnd co ndem ned him. He, lh t' Nn zllI'lle lan&L'nge, Is ~u m e\\'h al In tbo pOSition som!) qul o plnee. " ('e l) IL (Ilah or e, We chQS, e n (In ot Oud to to 00\1: h of llle fnb l<>d woodch uck. whlcb was Type of Construction Und by OntariO pur wnll' r, '1Ilso on oY grulU, whM.e ( COPl'rUl t. J1II01. Lly LbD' AuU10 f, W. tL &"1.u11.) doll ver and judge 15rllol ; he. (Ii sim ply obllgeli to . cLImb a ttce , Agr icultu ral Station . s ho u n h 111 hi r~elf. n\l~t 11 · r well Scrip ture Authorl ty:-Judccs ' 16: mlChty . clmmplon who hlld oCI'er wbelh r It conW do so In harmollY t hr/.' limos wnh IIcl' puwLl or lind ra2t.31. knowil defelt dlll'lng all the 2() YI'[U8 3\11htll'fth 's or Ih Ol1t:ll'lo ' .. I· lIIuVO all L'iellll eggs nrl er !ll'v6 nth 'lIny, wltb tb e tncls "r natural blstor}' or ___ he h :l(] Jud t d lsra!'l. (' 0010 III last to ['\llIuml cull ' S' hay d e\ Is 11 n coo p \\' \1 n 111 gosl in gs It Itch g\ " o th oQt, H e mllst xpress himself with ++-l-++++++"'~+-l.++ +++-to{.++,t<+ ~bls ! C'ould It bc I IO~ Iblo? which IlIl'l r cOllln.I'! 11J1 for t be h ' n I·It al lnn gultg Is Im n\{' dlntely at bl. (Jnlln :t SERMONETTE. ~.' He eb ok hl ms If to soe Ie he w!'re 1111 11 chl~ k ~. It hs . n IIp\"l~ ' <1 Ihat It lII ust C'ol'C' rlll he n fOUl' 10- SI)/. command. or fall In lUore or I S5 se rio :;: ..- awake. olld It waR nOl :Ill a hlll l'f!II S !;I I'(' ~ pic II IY of ai r UOI h day alld nl l;lI I, llw he ll and S"sJIIiSs III II Rhurly grl llss .). drcam, but tho ('l an k o f Ih c' nlns lin d (\\11'111<; I ho nlsht In IlIu'tlcular rlln . Gh'c wllte r In 1\ el rlnkl ll!; fOlln· ous d(lllr e to cxpr ss hl msctr nl nil; + Tile Triumph of Evll .-uOur {:nmo liS nn I\n s \\' ~r1 u l: \. 1( ' _ Ill' urt· lalll Ihnt Ihl' YOIIIl:; <lilt'S cannol Ii t and so hi s lIulo storo musl bo treatod god hath de livered Samson our ';0 (' d his tn: rublln s 11nl1(15 to llh' ~ I bhl' can \)1' sn c1usoll "1I1L "1\11111 ;) nllll a.!:s Inlo a nd 0'11' Ihul cau G wa sh ,I clCILIJ lIB thoroughly pln stl • jllst liS th o lanC:llllllll get ill to tlllllllrll c !ltlllll' h llll enemy Into our hand." waB th" :to!< lo~s y('a. . IlIs lLi o nnt! Cli,l. gunge of bls !'Bee. In , Ils earlie r boaat of the Philist ines, They "Oh. G"d! " hc ('r\ "d . " hol'Y could I (lr dllt-ks. A SOLId III!!n or the fl'out ' 'I'h , yard ml\s t be 'hllnGcd on (\11 (lr t11u <:(1 II I~ show n a ~ A In Ih IIC' Iltngos. was pln!'.t l. SIlYB AtlllnUe. saw ' In th e downfa ll of their havo Ilone (hlf! thll1 ':'. Anel In tlH) (,1I <'"g h to IHI \' gllud. Hort ~I'ass nil ~ 'OIIIPl\lIyill!; lll uslrQlloll. The exls Ienco of whiton. "to makil • powerful enemy an evidence of i'~OU)' oe hi d~Ii !lUI .. h I) hp J l l1 [JCJIl' hit; ' th' II ml'. ,,'nss Is lbt) Ol':t ~uf)se Tile IIllp r parL is <lO I'cl'cd wlL h wl rc rUIIlI, If ('11 ' 11" obtni ll ell ~\"O hrQl\u hlte." Is nil \Jle justlllcaUolI be +, t he favor of their god Dagon. J.. brcast ul1tll the ring ot tll r: lUlul: needs for smalle n. "to mnko ~ m a ll:' .. and OJ proof of the ir own prow· bClln S etLl,'l'u !Ind rc.'cc hot' Ih:uugh and milk with KlIlilll Illno\lnL ot shor ts ess. And that la as far as they.;. lho prison h (ll l~l', . or lawe n. "10 mako low." "Jimmie :wel nwnl mixC'11 wilh for Il l's t I ' ""k , Llk n Oooll tl 1l'I'" SWf'I,t :l CI' 5 hili A Iso Iliid IL firth 1'011" (1 on 1s to lhl' Jo nes ha's n' t gr"wn muoh si nce be + could 8CO or understan d. Evll t always Is half blind. Its v isi on soul th o m emor)' or his Ivro ngllolng, rt' 'cl. i\ ftor t he fir8l wee k. t;Um.:Q t ri was b r beror ," SIlYS some one. lIo lV he had all uw<!<i hlms ,I( llt{'p by Ol'nng J uut! Fllrml'l', in ~I'(' U. " Why. 1 b II ,ye ho's ungrowcd some." + Is lim ited by the horizon of the physica l and te mporal. It ellml· '!' FI P to bo lIraw u In (o Ih I.o wcr ot am Ollnl ()r shorts Ind C01' 1I III t.l, niSI; 'In swers my younger. expressing bls nates the true God as a 'fa ctor lhat wlc.k e d WO lll nn. JIow It hud utltl a IIl0e be t' I;crl!.ps" .\fUll' th ' tboug ht CleMly ' anti rul\y, nnd (\.OlIght· :t and places superstition an d s ought h !s own (lU~ nnd plr lls \Il'e IIl1d fi r ·t IIl h iht' Y 111\ be f d fllnStly rllll ~ uncons ious of the [act that lin· . pride upon the throne of rea" -to had forgotl II his 111 g11 calling a nd b· Oil SIl91·I's. <,.wn m"al lind Oll!S. willi gul slic ouUIMllI B do not recognI ze + aon . Evil does not recognize ~: IIgllUoo. AIIII, WOI'l,O sli ll . holV h a bo ut a flf lh of Ih ! e d COlnlll)\lUr.! o f God as a controlling factor In +' lIad f[ll1en BIl low (l J! to rltV III th the right of this bandy prefix to athec,r S[·l'llIJR. PI IJ L~' of f.(r I$S, goocl the affai rs of Jlfe; It does no t s acred s ' cr.C'ts ({ hll. God 10 I}le h 'l\ t tach Itsel f (0 lhls pal'Ucular ' verb, b ill lloL 100 lIlu~h ~p.~ d. I" an CO ilS understan d that It overreac hes + at a profaD ,Iud pl'olllgnte Ph llls llu\3! PUI'l' Will l' ull Ih e tlnll·. will nu,:! Ougbt r to havo stopped him ' right Itse" and brlnga about its own wom un , IhI! ~" s llll S IlII'g I' IlIn tbe beu Ilt tbere nncl loaded ' his uod eveloped Du rin g th se m (!ltaUons. whc o It line mun I h oill. memory with. , parallel columns of + destruction. But from th e Divine v iew· s em d os though his vory SOil I words whi ch do and do Dol admi t Lbe would bo orush d by tile bn rden of bls point. evil triumphs over the QUEEN RAISIN G. prefix un· ? ]( 1 had done so his br~ g uilt and bls Ood bud for sake u hlto. good becauae aln 18 permitted th er would l)rob8bly not hevo ven· to usurp the place of God In the :t+ forev r, t h r came Into III p rison Nursery Cage for the Hatching of Vir-. ured to as k. a lItUe later. how people heart a nd li fe. The fortreu or hOlljl II ollillllUY of the lorrls or tbo gin Que,n •. Secondary House for Brooder Chicks, make uo·baud .polnte d china, and bls Philis tin es. wholle la Uo n was the heart la Im pregnable until the little Iide door of sin I. .•• fested as tbey look ed down upnll LlI 1/ nettin g nnd :"e lowe r por t wltb s lal s An E nglll;h lJ eX Ilerl. ~r . Sinde n, knowledge would bavo bee n less to· opened to adm it t he enemy. + old en my and tau nl ed him wltll the so Ihat Ihe 'h:Clks can CODIO In 01' go h as I' c: lIt1 y I, "bll~ h ell In t h 'l lrltlsh day by tb\. !;mall amount of Informa· Samaon waa OIl de1eated man bllmlllaUon of his positIon anll glorloc\ out llt will. B Is a t,ua rd w bl ch is H 0 ,Iou rnn l n descrlilliclll ~f hi s 1m· tlon whl~b . 1 was able to give blm on ::: from the mo!"en~ he let the l i n hi s weakness . . A.t last they tired mad to fit ov I' Ih 'Iats /lnU nn be l,rOVe(t nur sery coge fol' (I" ell·cella Itbat s ubject. + earthly love ulurp the place of or this diversion al~d turned to go. fasto n d In Illnce o~· thumb llllltOJll! and vir gin qu li S. H says: 111)' ,Impl'ovetl n ll l'sel'y·cnge for 1ho I Even the wolvcs are njoylng the + God. OInd the flnal yielding to + sayi ng as they 'did so: on he r sille of lhe oop. "We mus t ne dS' olrer a grent sacrl· present era of, pros!) rlty. 'r he gOY' : the Importunltlea or Delilah was:t A goo d Iuca of th e cud II oUons is hatcblllg o f Virgin Queons and tor holelllll; Ihem until thor a re dl !}lrlbut· e rnment hos Issued II bullello hi + but the Inevitable outcome of • flce to our god . D 19o n, for seo how : . ueh unholy alliance, ::: he hath dellvere<! Ill to our hands om I'd to til ' 1111 leI Is Illus trat d , In the whlcb Is s hown lbe nou rls hJng co ndi· "Let no man Gay when he I. : en emy," cut. 'I'h rill qu el'l\' ell III lleld 11\ tlon of tho C)uyotes on th wcstern + tempted. I OIm tempted of God ; + Tbe' words arou sed Samso n. and Ilusl rlcJII b • I he wit· -cloth s l(lo,;. wblch caltle ranges and of th larger ~'olves for God cannot be tempted with loog art r they h ad departed he k III an b easil y II dJ u SL d to 'ri p !;CClIre' known as "Ionfers,''' or "Iobos." Tbe evil. neither tempteth Ho any : rep nUng th m ovc:r nud 0\' r aod Iy ClU clI·cells of Il'lIY sl; c. Tb eng man; but every man la tempte'd saying to himself: natu ral 100d of these bcaats of prey Ofll!lI!l all allow ,p rlncll,I!,>. whlcb 'ny. It was not the gorl Dagon. but was l he ' huffalo. but th ey find catUe : when he Is drawn a way of hla nlllkes U; Inse rtion 0:' remo n ll (I f the my sin thaL brought .me to this [llnce. and llOrses a so,tlsfactory 8ubslltute. + own lust and enticed. Then QII en ' tll1 or or Co d for til qll ell X· when lust hath conceived. It Shnll Ds'g on. Ind eed, r c h'e th e ' {'dllioI,lB nnd eas}' , Til cagE- l1n n g~ atti c' are pr&f rred; nOL tbat the brlngeth forth ,lin: gnd ' al n. glory?" And be blllriell hIs he ad low be lwoe ll \ he combs s ome dlstanc(l ·,wolves· have Bny preJlidlcB aga inst wl'ten It II fini s hed, brlnge th between h is kn ees as he reu ll zed how fl'om i h lop hy th ~t lit wire Bhoft. ea ting borse·ll e~b. bul because tho old :t forth death." grievously he had compromised the tlte bent portion ot wb l h T(' sts On \.h·e m ethod of attack from lhe rear. :;: Recovered Strength. - But cause Of Ill s God, And even whll h o· tO ll'bnl' f all of the tram s. '1'he which th y prltotlsed on the bultlllo, while evil In Its blindnesa was + WIlS thlls bowed lbere came whisper' 1I\I\1u; 01' qll 'on, Is I hus k t worm Anoth er House for Young Chicks. 1s eqnally 81Jcces!l{ul with . range g'l ory lng In the fall of the Ing to bl ~o\l l that with bls God tb oro balweeu brOOd. and . Ull a I~ y Impor, IIteers, When they try It' on horses, :t mighty ,SOIms on. the mercy and + was forgiven ess and me rcy. shown In C', 'rhe Ize ma)' be JlJade tllnt In tho cold ni ghts ('If May nnd "Ob . God!" be cried, as he lift d ' to !\\llt h owner. bu t· It ll lls been .111 lit', Th . bowever. (bey meet with a painful :;: for",lve"e .. of God were being + age I If Is of th smllll· his s Ightless eyes toward heaven. "le t found by the 01ltllrlo aU lhorlU(ls Lhnt, . S l'Os.slble s1ze. so t ha t a nuwber of surprise. iio", B~;loU8 Is the pest of • be.toweq upon iI repentant .in. nero What evll can , do to a man :t: this tb1ng come to [lnss that I may y \ a coop tWO -feet blgb In froll L. 1; ·wolves. rema'r1r~ Youth'a Compan10n. 18 nothing to what God can do :t:}., show that It Is to God that victory b e, In cbes hl\\,11 In th rCAr a nd tW(I or may . be gatbered from the fact 'thnt for him. 8.a",lon shorn and longethl I,et not tbese unolrcum, Ul r e [ l long workH v ry snllsfae· Wyoming alone has pn,ld out $65.000 blind and In the power of the clled Phlllstln os [Ol'f,:o t lIlat the God torll y. 'l'he portion of th e coo p co ver· 10 bounties In the last ten years. and enemy mOlY yet rile above the of l srael and not the god Dagon rul· ed wlt b \\'jre n el~l u !,[ Is o'lle foo t wide . . th11 makes no account of tile Bums conditIon. Into et1\!" , ml, erablp As shown at . t he fron t Is l1Ioya· , llliid ·'by countIes an d s too'kmilD:S ' liS· which hi. lIn hal plunged him.}, From tbnt ,mOID,ont something Illre ble so t ha t whe n th e cbl cks' AI'O Inrge H,e may again become the In· loclatlons, The cattlemen ' reckon peac ~ camo to Samson, and .ns the enougll t he h n ca.n' leaYe III coo p atnlment of righteousncsi to days came and went the r epentant d uring tbe d ay, tiroI'. .'belr losses ' to be a,bout ten per ce nt. , the condemnation and judgment heart of Samson l'ollch ed out In farth ,of the herds. ' Orellt orgllnlzcd nelgb· upon evil. + and took frcsh bo,l d upon tho G"d to borbood ~olf·bup ta on t be western SOLAR WAX EXTRACTOR. "If we confea. our a lna He II whom bls life had been consecrated. Iraog8ll b"~e been IIdvert!sed all oYer faltt,ful . and ju.t to forgIve UI ,Tbus there grew up In b18 h enrl a n ew Raye of Sun Used 1n Rendering the the east durmg ' tbe past ' wln\er. our .Ina and cleanae ua from. all . hope and confidence. and the old ,Wax. unrlghteouanel.!· The prl.on thrill of bls strenl;th nod poWer came Sleep and Old Alii' , house at Gua became Samlo.n·' back to him. A solnr wax extractor Is n eeded ' 10 Tbere Is' no queslloo that tbe confessional. , The Phlllsti'rie. At Illst thO grellt day of the feast avery apiary and severnl nre kepl rlm· 'Quantltyof steep requIred steadily d rmnd sacrifice to Dago:I. t he god of·lhe nl ng In many large ap lar! B. EXlract· 'could Ihut out the light of day ,Inls hes from Infancy to old age, Thb from hi. eyea. but they could Philistin es, arrived, Mu ltitu de's crowd. Drs wblch I'end ~ wax , ljy steam urEl lie a ~a tb er Interesting ' eJlicepUon to not .hut out God from ' hi" ed -Into t he creat amphllbenter. and al ~o IIRed . To the lauer class b . longs heart. Tiley coul,d bind ' hla other thousands 'Illled the roof ovor. the 1I/1proved !the ,general r ule thnt, ' ~8 ill so many WI IlB wax ex(raotor. 100klT;lg the arena" ThC)n ol¥De tho T hi s Imtlrovemont. Invented In Swtt· IImba with. fetter. of I?r..... but .matter's. old nge re turns to tbe ncedi they could n!lt chain dpwn , hl* cry for Samson \.hat li e might make zerln nd and Improved In America, con· lof Infancy. As regards s leep. Bays ,aplrlt and prevent It from BPort for tbem,. and while tbey waited ststs .of a tin or copper vesse l with. jLoo dCln '~oll Mall. O~2ette. old age II reaching out and finding th" Impatient ly a Dlessencer was dis. a drclo of ' pertQratlolls In the bllt· t hem can b ang s ille b ~' si de between • more remo te In Its needs from Infllncy, two combs WIUI Ollt wldefy sepllratlng patched to the prison house to rctch fO'lllvlng OIInd re.torlng God. tom near tb e sides to I t In steam jthan 18 aD y othet' period ot llJe. It After all, how clrcumlcrlbed him. What a shout tbat Vias as they [rom II bOile r below aII'd withIn this Ule combs, and or.e 01' more of i he ,elderly people obtain good II ~ep duro are the ' powers of evil. How :; saw the form of tbelr old enemy como IIllper \'ess I IIn91 her receptaole-lIle cages call be Ins l'ted or , I' mov ed on ling the' IIrst few hours. and If they the .ervant of God ought to rea· groping Into tlle are na bofore thcm! comb rl'Ct!lver-made of per;ornt d tllrnlng bnck tll Quilt wl lhoUL lifting (out a frame, Tile part "c" WIlY bo ,have Dot lost that dellgbt In l:eadlng llze the poulbllltlcs ' w"lch lie How dHferent rrom tbe old Samsoll within him b he link" hla life who had wl thstoCld tb e armi es of th o zinc. Wltb ln a few years wax extract- made of tin plate or or celluloid. Wltb which we Illi had In youth, but whlcb ors employing Il! e h e'lt or he Bun and the ' laH I' mnl 1'1111 III,e queen a nd with that of God. . Phllllltines and bad. sl ngl c,hand ed'. BO maoy of us curiously lo·se. tbelr known as !\olllr extractors bave come slai n thousands of their stronsest In lo general lise. T h esse ntial r Q. qu en·ce ll elln be enslly see ll Inside ,case Is not \'0 b\l" grieved OVllr, Tbe , b TtO farllemlnatlon 'linn thlle grledvlotluo·n' t0 Ihe cage: wh,lIl' It ,Is clos d. At j'L" u con men, Tbore , he was In th eir powe' r , special value of the earliest hours of tur 8' III nil th e ,f ornls th llt htlv ll }Jeen and " w " are shown (lltrer n\;klndl t ~a Is Inex· where lin hOlia CilS forc d to mtlke ' sport for the m. aocl s leop, by' the way: b08' been proved by , cUlable, 'unpardonable. Here la , + right royally dId they cheer bls every d evis d are II. mew l ta nl( with It of s hafts. glass cov1!r and It llua1) y a wire cioUI JlSYCbOIOglcal eXperlruent. 'fbe . popu· 1'h(s eage can be uled. If required, where eamlon'a faith, spoken of 1+ fe"at and shout I'D lils cars : Isr phl'ase " beA uty sleep" Is well war· "Now doth oUJr g od Dugon find strainer IInde r wblch Is 1)lncod th reo lIS an In troduclng·ca ge, Tbe ca nel }'· In the eleventh of Hebrews, , aniad. It Is l he ellTI), (tho deepest) .hJn,,1 out the brlghteat. T'hough pleasure 10 Samson! No w ure we c 11Inc i for I he Will(. ,the wbole so ar· hole Is oovered with a Un slide. bours of sleep (bllt make for healtb' the phyalcal eyes were hever to uI'enged for nil that Samson batb ron g . c\ as to nab le on to Wt It at whloh. wben pusb d to one s'lde. e n· such an an s le as wil l catch the dIrect abl s ·the hees ·to liberate the Queell iee again, not eo with the eyea done unto us!" .aod: b eaut~r. ' of the soul. Faith touched the And while the tumult was at Us rays Qr Ul e S UIl . T he e ffeollyen ess of by eaUn g thr9u3h the candy. • Camels. the ol'd ships or the desert. bll"dness which had come from be'lght, Samso n turn ed ~o the Ind that tb solar eslt'nctor Is Incl'ensell by Preserving Eggi. wlll ' soon " Ive way to tb e n ew sblpl' .In and the soul looka up and ... bad le d him Into tho arenn nnd salel: hDvlng th g lnss doubl ec\ and adding Th' uS \lul way of pn) pa,rlng water· 'of t h e de5E!I't. au t omoblles, The s~e· see. the God that giveth' +1 "Suffer mo th "nt I rnllY ree l the pll· Il reflector. Sitch ns II mirror or • Bheet of brlghl met al.- Exoll:lng~. glnss ror s toring eggs Is to dllllte anD strength to the humble OInd reo Inrs whereupon the house Btandeth, cesllioo. like t hat of steam greyhounds . . ll ' storeth t!1em which be of a 'hat I mny lean upon tb em." ).art of sllioate of sndn In tell pUrts ', to cllnper· h1ps at s~a. 'bas to meet ' I I It d fl CHICK CHAT. of j)l\r , rain water. Tbe eggs. which r r contr te IP r ,an eo , we nd Tbe shouting Ileased as ho reached th" I'tter end of thla m"~n S.m "preJull.I".J "rd cooservaUve, 'habit., but 'mll ~t he strictly fresh . are )llaced In 0. position between the two main . pll· ·Flne. "lean grit should be the tlrat a s tolle crock tbe conQu e t by tbe au tomobll ~t .. of 80n was better thOlin the f1rl,t: + lal'l! which sustained lhe weight at wooden t ub. and t h e . solution poured ' upon t b 111. A cool :tbe sand , ~a5tes 'of Nevft\la is 8n ac· that he rose above defeat to Ith8 roof. , Eagerly 'Ills bnnda groped thin g eaten by qtt1e chicks. ' Early maturity for market meana win a crowning victory. So abou\; . ~nUI thoy tQllcbed tho' great com[)lIshed fact. Hllre , to pc 8l\re. It celluI' Is t he best place to keep the '11'88 not'the c.a mel. ,but Ure bu rro and may It be with every c: hlld of + woode n plors. .AU! eyes were turned ' considerable 111 · making IIll tbe vroftts. jol'. Wllterglase. or slllcate of 80da ,tbe stage coach that bad to yield. ... God. upon h j m . now I,ll wO!lder ,to Bee wbat . F elch says the light brahma will Clln be secured Ilt most' d r uggists at ,Under tbe hCllvy ca rs the sand bard· t •• I •••• +++ ...+++++. +... oj next b e wo\)ld do. lind a breatbless ex· grow a hroller to weigh two I,ounds 10 to SO cents a pound. Eggs wll! It e igh t weeka' of age, kee p In It, If fresh when pu t down, ror eo. Into smootb tracks. and wltb a THE STORY. pectnncy filled the place. A pound of naphthaleen dl s30lved In six months or 11, year. 'Dhls method 'lIttle work good ,motor car roa,'ds can ~, AMSON blind and In rette-I" Suddenly upon' the slll1n ess whIch had fallen rose the voice of Sarasoll I gallon or ,coal all makes on excoll ent Is considered one of tbe bes t 1uI0wn was the message wblch spread as b e lifted bls fllce towards heaven : Ilee I)alot for the roosts. .1~ made . Several toll roUds have been [or prelervlng egp. . 'llullt and' more are promised, Rlcb "swiftly throughout th'e ' land ot the ond the eager 'JlQultitudes , lenned for. Stale (but not moldy) breacl moist. " miners al)d olhel'll who use motor Philis tines. lind Into the borders of ward to h e~r what WIIS said. while the 3Ded with' milk 18 one of t he best Orst 'Mortality Among Duckl. cal'll tor business and .pleasure' are be- tbe land of Judah. crowds In the reai'. realizing tbat roods for chlckl! and duokllngs, Th o ca uses · of mortlll\t)' amoDa ,,"nd t,b e JDOVement to construct roads "Samson blln:d and In fettera !" s!)methlng unl\81Uai \VaB l1'anlplrlng. 'A llOor!)' bred thorough bred Is YOllng ducks may be Rumllled up as Ito connect all Important P9lnla ; 'aDd , "Surl:ly. Dagon. the god of the Phil· presaed toward the front. Overheat, dampn ess. get· ,,0~8e than a sCfub. !3crub trj!atmen\ follows : the commercial development 'c,Jf south. Istlnes . bath heard our ory and hatll "0 Lord God! " rang out the words, "Ill mak e scrubs of tborough bred • . tlng wet. lack of grit. grl1Y h!!ad lice, delivered' blm Into our handa," eI· clear and loud. "re member ·m e. I pra}' lern Nevada Is aSl!ured. ," Stale and dirty water Is a tl'eQuent sndde n shower.. ,delayed ha tobes. ex, ~=;==:::;.:;==~ claImed the Pb11lstlnes. tbee. and strengtben rue. I .pray tbee. ·:&UBe ot bowel trouble In tbe early Il.Dsure to sun. laok ot tresh ~aterl ·'Surely." .bl~terJy cried the Israel· only tbls once. 0 God. tbllt. [ may be roungsters; provide cler.n ' water In drinking vessels too s ballow, an I i. mall bas been dlsco"ered ~n' Phil· adelpbla by the name 'If Antonio Ites, "our God hath forsak en U8. and at once avellged of the Pbl1lstinos for breeding out o,r condition. ' llean dl ab ~s .. Wbatawad. As the contents ot hll delivered UI Into the power of the my two e)'es," The "spring chicken'" "bould be , A sbollt of derl-IYe laughter -ani • Surprlalng, pocketbook har monIze wIth the name enemy!" And SamSOD. the erstwhile ' cbam· out from the pE:ople 118 th ey orled : latch ed not earlier t han February. nor . It Is surprISing how mllny people, ibis blendH s hould lose no ' time, In ad· plOD of Israel and Israel'l God, and '''He prayetb to , Iils GOIl!" But the 'ater tban May. T~e market weight church goers, and. as a rule good PeDvlslog him to k eep away 'fro~ Willi the unconquerable' foe of ,the Ph11l8. found tbereof 'W.811 Quickly drowned In • two to lhree pounds. pIe. are wlUlng to pay for a seoret by Strong pArents mnke strong chicks wblch !Snmmer eggs can be prejlerved 'street. tines. saL In angulsb of body and IPlrlt the noise of cr81sblng tim bora as Sam, In the prison hOllse at Gaza grinding. 80n bent himself between the pillara. -IItrong chIcks are aot h'e lind quick to be .80ld In wlntQr aB tresb. Be Tbe German plano manufacturerl grindIng. gr1ndln,; while the clank of and t\1 e y we nt ,a,o wn lI)ce bIts of strllw, . ~row'lng..,.qIlICk growlh make, tbe above , auch dlsbonest praotlcel. , sell many e;ctremely cbeap InBtru· his chruns lie pt doleful. heartless time Arid the houlle r,all upon the lords, a1l4 /Ulcy. meaty broiler and rooster. eet , two b ~nl at the Bame time; Beni on tile t:arm. ' upon ' all the pcople' that Wl1re therelll; mente In Constantinople 'on nine 1.0 the movements or hla bands. ,ben. If the hatch Is not large. all the Add a hJve or t'frO of be". tel th,. Yea. th e agoof of (/lose moments ' so that. the dead whl\:h Samson Ilew 'montba' time, Tblnk of paying for I wben, In ft endllb glee' hIs captors ~ad at his deatb WIBre mqrp tll~ the, , :hlcb can be liven to' the most farm's equipment tblB year, I\II~ aaw - - fourth·rate plllno After JlVIDI wltb II notberly hen aud the other set IlsalD. lOme of tb,e sweets t~t 11" 10 ',W pierced his eyeball. willi their red. wJllcb he IIlew III hll lIle. 'au ~e.a~ part Of • 7earl wale tn the fteld and .-rdell Ir K!ven her libertY.

The Miami Gazette. •


'1' '

• I+i







t :t +

:r. :t.

"Nublacks" \IS perfect as brains' a nd ingenuity, coupled with first-class m aterials and modern methods 0 f manufacture, can them, They are sure fire, m ak e even patterns, shoot hard and strong,. and will stand _ Je lo 'a ning . A s k for "Nublacks" next time.



I :I:











" ' 1















Shotgun Shells



Lo aded



Welllht or t bam wel~ uj) to the D ~e "pull..~t

















SLICKER , Make it

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A Positive CUREFOf(


EI,'s Cream Balm . I. qulckl, absorbed. GIve. Relief a .Once. 600.N.l".

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8lde. "'heel Steamer Arou led Intere.t In J ap.,n.


"1 "nW tho first sleom :hI ll ft ytng tb. IAm erlcan ntlg tbat v r c rossl'll tIlt nter the h nrl\or 0 'Pllclllc ocenn \" said Fred~~ n. Stel" ling. a lllerchant ot Hongkong. "Thnt " esllel WIIS the Colorad • ant it Illnded In HongkQng 1n 1869. It wn, ':th o firs t day of January. and tbere W{1J, a big rowd ot people of all nlllloonll jtlea to Bee he\', Delng n Bid wl\l,cl '. 10f t be old·tusblooed h·pe. she was . , cu riosity. At tbe request or IS3110 .J lien. the Amerlctln c,onsul ' g en ral tho sblp gave an exourslon. around thl Island on which tbe cILy 18 ~Ilua l ed. I ,was among tb'e 1.200 ;on board, ' 11 'Willi a gllla dol'. WhIstles blew. IHK)pll shouted. and nllmerous smail s alHnl boots nnd tuga escortE)d 118. . J "As I reme mber now. 1lhe vessel b" l onged to the Pacillc' Mall Lin e nne Balled from Snn Frnncl~ co. · · She OIl1d. 1he trip ot 8.000 mLlc8 In 30 da,,5. nn wlrnn she arrived wns In Ilarfeet trlrr and good order. Eve'r ybody rc!lllzet thnt. It IU Clans lIle beginning o( th. Kr eat devolopml'nt or tbe Pacific," '~

A Sane An;lly &II, He-Won't yo u for give me for klo" Inc )'ou? ," S he-No, If x'dld you'd kl sG mi again. ll o--l promIse I won·t. She-Then what's th e cood' FRIENDS H~LP St, POIlU I 'Park Inc ident. "After drinkIng correo {or breal; rall I nlwa),s tel t Innguld and dull, bavlnl no ' am.bltlon to get to my ' mornlnl duties. 'f ben In about a'n hour or, so' ' weale, n ervous derllllgemCn t ,of tlu heart aDd stomncb Y;'ould come oye) lne with such' force I would freQuentl) ' ' " bllve to lie down. . "At olllOJ' times J bad severe hea(\ acbes; stomach finally becllme alfcct. ed and , digestion SD ImpalreU Ulat ' l b od serlou8 chronIc dyspepsia. nnd COlli sllpat!on. A ladY, for many year. State Pr~ldent of ~e W, O. T. t\ told me she . bad been greatly bene " flted, ' by QuItting coffee" aud u Sloa Postum Food Coffee; ' she was tro~ ' bled tor yeaI'll with asthma, Slie 81\/': " It waa no crOsB to' quit ooffee whem Bhe found' sbe could bave 118 dellclou. au article al Poatum. "Another lady, who hod b~en trou bled with chronlil ,dyspepsia for year::. / found Immediate l'elfef on cooslng cof tee snd beglnn~ng POltum twlr.e a day She WIIS wbolly cured. Stlll .nnothe. friend told me tbat Po~tum Foo,' par fee WIlB II Godsend to her, b er b eart trouble baving been relieved a(',e. leavllll olf CClIf~e and taltlng Pc,stum "So man7 luch eaSIl8 oaDl!! to mJ ' notIce that I concludec\ col!ee ,was tht' cause .of . my trouble and ' 1 quit alii took up P~tllm, 111m' more thllt plcaaed to u,. that my ....)·i 0' IJ'ou b1e haYCI 4Iull_red. I am _well ant ' t,apPT." ''Tbere's a ReaSon." neu ,.1'11' . .. to \\'eU\'UI..·· -ill"~

How tho Shoeing MUllt Dono. >---



HoW One May Judge of the Anlmal', Soundne...

'Til SB nt' tIl e JustructlO)18 of a .nOt d horselOal1 j)ubllsbed by Lhe , 1'1I11"1e 1<'arm 1', , Tbo III'st .Ullnl; lor a Ill' s.l)eoUve lIUI'Cbll~ r to do In cXR)Illnlng a horse fot' f\oundnc~s (s to walk up In ~ rrpu't Qr him lind soe t but he Ilas a brIght. b oHul eye. Tben sLep around lit ')Jl('t;t side and look thl'ough th ycs to ~Be( ll o.ny defect Is llollcea!.>le fl'om that DOlu!. of. view. Somet:hnea Ule re Is a cataraot or Bcar upon the ball ,00"lIU))1I Ulat Is visible ollly trom the sid, 'I'lle catap\ct. In lis ul'lter R~ose8" will a\l\:!al' I ~k<i II ~mnll white SJ!OL pn bo 'pupil tn Its nrlt I' 6tl\~0. l't look In the mOI1~h 10.d tel'millo ,lIge: niso to Be th t tho te tb IIll.U\ toget\ler, evenly; , '.A;W\d an an·

lII.mea and Location of External of Horae, I , ,"uulo: e, til 0; 3, (p,·t'h tid; 4. 1191l : ~, I'r~lIl: fI. d,e It; 7. lower Ju.\\': ~, thNfI\: ·li. nil 1(: ,10, wllh HI: JJ. pOtnt ot s houh\ ~r ; I;). bronet; 13, olbow; 1~. (ol'" .. rll1; l b, 1m ~: Hi. 11n-nnon or 21hunk: 17, fettock :· 1 I r aMtorn ; I cqronet: tlO, r ~l: :n, g'rlll; U. II I)'; :ai, thLllk: 21. buok ; :to, I In: 211, 11"'I\ntlI1 Qr hiI' : !11, " roup : !!.Il, dO('k; ~,


Iht~h '\lr

quarlor; 00. tow

kill ) II, h<K:k :











A ~eb.t many penple dOll't, Imow whaL a :UlJ n ml'!\J1S Ivhen IIv liuhl ll~ Wllnls "lh(1\ hot·ije . bBII\II~D~UII 80 he ClI.n' tr"'vel." ..; .. Iancln a hor~" lUeuns (I. wbole lot. He mu~t be bal !lit ed nil Jl'I'( C Iy as fit pllll' of mer· chant's ~CI11e9. 1f the blllcksmlth. aE 1\ lJOl·$eebotlr. "Would \alte c:nr to get the lusldu 01 UI forit the 110100 hOI;<hl IlJ Lhe euLslde, and g t th ~h\) " tbe Ilght .length. ~her Is nlo tl'Ouble , 'Som' sm iths, S/I,(11 the MonLrefll 11 rill'l. wIll nut on CI &ho.e 0lle·blUr Inob to I !.bort, ,lUld If lae lI,nlntal goes IllUlO hu 00e8n'l klllll" what's , ~h (! rn ttel'. Som\l horQc2 will \T~Or II 1IJj0rt l' 611.00 Ulan otber~ b('conso Cl r the ~1I11' 1' \)nC0 In llle dO. g l'ees hi lh~ s hl1pe of llle hoot. Some WIlD t 11 long WO aild HOm\! a 3ho'rt OllE'. 'l'bel'ofol'o tho I' . ",1\1 be a dlf· forence of 4() to 17 d "'rees. Ill!d oI)n U horL toe YOll will find that t bE' norse will stand st.ralghLel': tho. t Is. tho up, \JOI' paRteI'll JoInt wrl l come ,nore dl· rl!elly over the CarlL Wllh a long too YOIl will Oncl thai th UI' pel' iln8~' 01'11' jlliut. will droll l,luel( Inore or lesH. All eull,y W;lY to gel t he length (If Lb hoo you want Is to tn,k a 8\1UM :ll\d VIl)C It. (1) he f\ oo~. Let the run'U of the sllunr COIUO to the C)el1tcr ot th e J1\lslm'n jolul lind thon ace how mony. Incb a YOll h r\~e frOU1 tbe too o th he 1. If you follow th 'ls rllie you wlJl .bave fewer IlImc lIOI'Se/!, Andtber 11IlUlDrlt:\( nsllll llleue pertl· n ~)nt (III stlollS : Daea tbo hOrs~'£ hoot (tIlly co vel' tho coth'o lowcl' horder ot the Willi, 01' is It too ntlr!'ow or fiLted :;0 roll on tli las lde that II has given I'lse to Inter(erlng, 01' hila lho !lboe IJ,CCln uull ed on croolwd, OJ' hns It beonio 10080 and IIblr ~ed ~? is It too short 0 1' so wide J1t Lhe onds 01 th o 1I1'11Dl'heB as not to ~ullllOl" tho bllt· ll'OBses of (II(~ hoof? Does the uho ClO\'r II1l0nci with the fOlm of th boof? ,\I'e the nnlls t11 ~l rlbut d so as to In· terfere as little as pos'lIlblo with the x)lanslon of the quarters'~ Are Ulorl': too mnny ? Ar they too large ? Tiles arc 1101llt8 Lbo horse owner should as· certaIn In order tbnt any taults obsen'cd Illay be COJ'l'ected.

hnal lha Is lIndc.r.sbQt or over. GREAT DEMANO FOR EWES. IIhOl, I\S burBem n xpress It. th lilt· I V tl'eqllently being ealled' 0. parrot illO\lUI, • Higher Prices Being Realized for While In front' o( til horae I~ok Good Stoc:k. " rl:rAIgl\t down at Ids (ront legs to HOO It there are any bunilbell kUllO' K vel' In the blstol'y of til .' 61t()el' C!!Ip. or Bpllots. bUijlueSBj at Chlcngo h s the rle mand A . spl~nt Is 10000ted anywh re be- foJ' l.lreedlug w s been 118 strong as tw en the lutee and the ankle.. lind lills y 'IIr an4 0 ver b tore WBro ao Is round only .on tho front legs. It many shipped OUt, flays hlcago Llveta\fes tho form ot a bOllY substance stock World. DUY(ll's who lire not IIble on the Inllido or lhe leg. I t. seldom ID get as many as they wanted bere qaus II lameness unles8 neal' II joint, hal' gone to range counlry and but It Is liable to give trouble and Is bougbt Ulom dlreot from the r!\J1ch· to bO avoIded In mllklIJ,g a purchase. luen. nder the pressure or Ruch a Look .over . the body of · the borse k en dUlltand values hOI' Advanced -to 8~ 't bat there are nil rUlltilres, very noticeably aud ~tand a t a 1'0' then el'amloe tor sllundness wind. markobly high leVel. Tbat foot 18 o6t Lt 18 not always pOlISlble ' to avoid a dll!couraglng fentul'C, bowevBr, for 11 ml"ta~1lB In this dlrljctlon. 'Watch the gbod ewe at pretlent prices !>I'oduces nank . tor unuatural or jOl'klnl; aedon. II lamb equnl to hoI' own vahle and Spmetimes a horse wltb beaves shows ' will yIeld enough wool to .pay 'Cor her 1t 01\1»'10 tbe post rlla !rhen not ex. keep. On' Ihls basIs ewes .01'0 a good erclsln1r. · 'rhe IIteathlng sboUld bo Illy stment ' and, many p 0)110 are boregular, anything of a labored char. gllll!l ng ~o l'e ognl~e It. The faot tbat acter Is sUlll1 lo1 o l ;s. maI'o ewes are belIW bOlurllt ~y the Next take a poalUon dh' clly IIPPoIn th corn b It does not a/g· lite the hInd quarters lind look f~ uU,,- tb Ul ere will be fI, tllI~phlS of curb., rlngbont;l lind thorougblJln. A s heep l'nJslld, for the mOf\! Ule), buy cllrb Ie \{no~ by an en.lllrgelnent ot the more the crop .0\1 the range Is cut tho baclt part of tile hock joint. A down It Is jllSt a matter of lr,a nc' rlng}lone 18 a 110ny onJat'gemenl jUllt ferrlng own ol·shlp. Wllh the l'an~e ,bout: the hOOf and may apllear UJ)OD cro!, b lug mAl'keted closer than usual !thel' tl'On\ of hind legS. and til dl' mand ror multon IncreasIng. ..,. Ipavlll comes on (h~ Inside oC th\l the Ilrollabllltl l!8 are tbat ',prlces will ler; below lbe bock joint, 11 hard bony bo as hi gh next . y~a~ a\ tbey aro no". .ubB~nco more or leBa perCCllUble. A ' thoroughpin \8 located dIrectly In the CURE FOR HEAD TOSSERS. bock joint nnq Is kpolvn !jy ' Q 8moll puW III the akin on oppoSite slllCs. Dy ~dju.tment qf a Strap Acro,. till pr8t5lltr~ the finger over the S}IOt on N ." .. the o\l~lde It may lie telt on the In. 0111 , . ,;..lIectlve, iIlde or the leg. and ,vice VerBa. "In t · baye a handy 'deVice for keeJ'tln.; later iltllges It \lMllmes 'hardenell, ' ' the hOI'ee from throwtng hIs, 'head np tr(l OPt tamlllar with ha~dllllg nnd down whtc;b wbr\(s sllccellBfully. borseS ll. hi not even neL'essnry 10 J)IllIR writes a correspoodent ot Pro.lrlu tile hanl1. oyel' ,the rjllfm'ent partll to Former. . detect, ~bese evldenl!eB of unlloundness. t m 'lt take a small strap. something althougb the Inell'j)erlol!<1ed may flnd like a hame BtTap, only t uee a buckle tt I he]=, ID do 80. ' bn both ends. I llut tills strap 8crOS8 Look 'tor Ihoe ' boll 'on the elb/lw. tilt nose and buel:le to eaob Bldo of or upPer edreml!'y or tbe trollt leg. Tb~e are really blemlshCII ratbet than un8Oundneal. the Bame helng true of 'Wllld puml found jUlt abqve tbe o,ckJell. . . , , Above 1\11 ~ lure the r~et are '"'~ leet. · The BI,lng. '<No foot no borae," ., 1 a true one. ' " . ~ BUte th/lre aro no '1tlBrter :cl'acka , Iii the boof. ~ Let the beel be fairly blg!) IIn4 tb, foot Willi cllpned, which lIIeallS (hat It ,lIljould ~ave 'a concave , unClei' surface. A. black hoof Is consli!· ereel balder tb.iUI a whIte one, althougb tIlere are BUlIl; ,white hoots wblc)l WQr well. '. . lMtiy. tlke a ~ltIon bebJnd the ' The·Strap In PlIO.. anlm,al and notiee hlB hlpB, ,,' They II19ul4 be ,eXactly alike In outllne. tbe bridle-' JU8t above tbe ' rings of tilt See tIla ~e ,tall III carried IItralght. bit,. , It la ·theD drawn tight enough 80 LUre ,~e s}loe· belli ,and the Wind ' pu.l all to ' press agiJnllt'tbe borse's DOSc. , \his II only ". blemfB~ but d~trleta ~:l the C\lt tl,1e atrap Is 11I11strated al lIO. .~ba~ ' ,from , the . animaI'I value attaching (0 the rIngs' of the bridle eo.merdan,., Fer i the 'BalDe rfII80D bit. ~Is wUt' work all 'Tlght IJl'Ovld· Dote ~ ~y tM1 ~Ita. • Ing the horae II not too tender btUed. • " .. Atlfl~ ,all tlIe!ie Inltrliotl9n8 bave .... toUoW4i4 'Out £0 back to the bt!!&4 and' ioOkJ 111m on the other ~. ' Tbere 'aN little trlelat or ' ~eMrlsti", IleMa1n ho"," have, .. ~ ~ ' 118 ~arltl~ qf dJI~ •• ..,.ICb ~ ollb' !lie dlacoyered b~ uee, TiM ~. iIoweVer,- 'WUlE\nable ,tbe , ~ tJ\' d~ ~ 80nndneaa If


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"itb a Imall portable brooder 1IQ1III~ ' '!lbe bad ·.ffOCltS of cold ~. &lid I~rina ate t IlfeY8liteci. Th_ DOle brooc1!!1' UH\ iDa, be qIIed lat~ on , in tIM _ _ to pnrtectJ the ohlCH from tile . 1Mat Of til.. IlIIt Att.e.... tbe ellicb .-.' ~. too Jar. . to ' ltV In the bl'OOd~r . . thl. hoq_. for ~tlna-. be protected. frolll


I)re~.., ~_


"fII. H.lrt WIS Badly AfflM;tCtd thl Patl,", aeoan EXPIitRIENCE BIRDIiIALL'S Mil. Doan'. KldnlY PI! WITH "WHIRLED EGGS."


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1.:1 '7 L



80mewhat Pointed. But It denoted Quic~ Int"IJIOllnclI.


Is it a Catarrh RemedJr,. or II Tonic;. or is it P

Pierce jl\Y, the commissIoner of MI'II. Ellzl\beth Ma:n.. ell, banks of J\1I1S$4cbuso\ts. at thl> Amcrl· SlOmlngly He Had~ Not SuffiCIent Ex· 'li'ourtb street, OIYDlpla, ,so.ys : can !lanltors' l\~Boclab'on'6 enn 1I11 0n pe"," ..., /lInd In HI. Wrath He Ex· "For lpver tbr,ee In St. Louis. Ildvocu.tod a betllll' "0, cl,lmed Almo.t 'n David In yellrB I Buffered countlng ayslcm. Ai..' ' HIs 'Haate. wtth ~L dropslcnl "Bot above all." said 1011', ,lay. II! Some people call Perlloa a great tonic, Otllers refor to PerllllA I I u~ " contllllon wltb· a dlsenllBlon (his Idea, "\\'e wnnt remedy . . ' , out bm'ng awarO In telllgen<'1l, It eD1b"7.zl~m(>nt Is to be W,i!~b of tb.e s. peot>le are right? k It more proper to call peruna. ,~tAUb riaAll was peace In Ule DII'/lsnll nat. tI 1I' t d S ' '1 cdy thaa to calllt a tOD1C ? . 'J'be or I be flye cblldl'en II UU b on tbat It was dl~e loroug I 5 pu own. S s ellls lire Oar reply Ls. that Peruna Is botb a tonic .nd a caurrb remod", In4ee4, tbent c:aa put to bed, Ih') last request for a to kidney tTOU' I'::ld. but Int IIIgence I~ bcttor, and be no clftctual caurrb remedy tbat III not also a tonic. ble. The eal·I),, '.Dl nshl ers Il~d telle rs ul'.d book· In order to thoroughly relieve any case of c.tartb, a remedy mull !fot 01111 ba•• ,& drink at wa.ler hnd boon sllonced. and s t n g e B IV ere ltel'Psrll. and note cl rks we . wan t lhe specific actioo'on the mucous membranes aaeeted by tbe catarrb, but It mat~• • Mrs. IlIrds all bad com Inlo tho sIt. prlnctpally baclt· same !tcen. qul clt intelllf1(enco that & Deral tonic action on tbe ne"ous system. , Ung 1'oom lP Illnk dO Wn IUlO a ehn tl' acbe ' and bear. charnclPI·I1.ed old al)t. I rtram Cack. Catarrh, even in person, who are otbe'r~1IC atrong, Ie a weakened conditIon 'Of ..... with il little Ured sigh lo lake up the Ing down pain ot Gloucester. mllcous membrane. ~here must be 80methlDg to strengthen the cireulatleu. to cidllrn1ng or tit blla,. n's stockings. but 1 w ntalon~ "Cnc l! ·Iily Vel"" 111 , One day he got tone to the arterle" y'~ to raisD tb~ vital torces. And IIOW nnllglll WDH II al'd 8M'Jl !.Ilo \I l hi Perhaps no vegetaJIle remedy 10 t b.• world has attracted so muc\i; attention 'fr.... , " d f \I IA S case medi cal writers as HYbRASTIS CANADENS IS. Tbe wooderful efflelley of tbil hat. cl'nckle .ot Mr. HII'O!jtill'~ llapel' as he witbout worrying mnch until dropsy I!own·hrutle, ee tlg set In, My foet ,nnd IlnltleB swolled was bo)) '1IlIlS. bas berJ recognized many years. and is growing io its bold upon the lJlodicalptofcen.. adjusted his ~:le t Into n. 1II0re 'owio rt· "'l r!'ar .. (10 lor,' he sl1ld, .' tsn't When joined with CUBEBS alld COPA$A a trio of medical agents is Iorm~a Ja able )losltlon on tM Ii lit of anolbel' up, nlY' bands J)urfeCl and became 811 Peruna wbicb cODstitutes a apecific remedy for catarrh that in the present .tate~f mel1&cllalr. S'~tltlellly h (nok irI s feet I Ilse 1 could bnr dly close Uiom. l .bnd m uch hOlle for mil.' "·Oh. ye!!. lli el'B I~: the doclor an· cal pro gress cannot be improved upon. Tbis action, reinforced by Iucb ronowned1oDa down, sbovod his 8))OCI:lOI !\ lI[I f lit· great dIfficulty In brcntb In g and my thor on blft nose. Ilnd clcar II hls heart would nutter wllh ,th'e ' lenst elt. swcl'lld·. ''I'h,,' e , enrs a~o , was In as COLLINSONI!,- CANADENS~S. CORYDALlS FORMOSA and OEDRON SK~, erUok! I could not wnlk far wlUlOut y01l1' t'ondlLlon PI elsely, and louk at ought to make tbls compound an Ideal remedy for C4tarrb In all its etsgH an:iH.~tno\ill(t--;r;:j'-,;::"-::"5;i th roM. . . I d t st me now' 1D tb~ bod y. ' "Ar II. d1d YOll ever e a t any whl rlRd stopping aga n an ngaln to res. nco ' From n tbeoretical standpOint tberefor~ Peruoals beyond criticism The ~ nll& 01 u ~ing four bo xes of Doan's T\: lduey "CI1C~. Intelllg(nt and al ert, snld Peru.Dol. confirms tbls opinion . NII~b.rless tdsti lhonlals from every quart~r of tbe urta n;,::s ': ' h e ((uel'led. ' furnh'h am ple eVidenco tb3t this JUdgment l~ Dot over enthu.lnstic. When prllctical u" \\ ,u,.1 d eg 5?" l'f'pcAtod Ml's, IIird· 1'IIIs th e bloa Illg bas gone down and QUl llltl). the {oullngs Of dlst1'l!ijs have dlsll p, .. 'What doctor 'lid perien,c confirm9 a well-grounded tbeory tile. result ill a truUt tbat cannot be shali:llSl. saIl. ". 0, I nevcl' dirt." "1,lllte1l hoI' , Ihon," ' sn ld ;\Ir. 'BJrd· penred." . Sold by nil dealers. 50 c ents Q. ball, sail. Jl e oJc.ul'cd hilt th1'(JUt agaJu Itlld Foslel··l\'lt1bul'D 0 . , Duffalo, N. Y. be:;<nn to T( Ild : "'1'her III u Tl1 rlclsh I'Qstl\urnnt In HE 'WANTED LIVE NEWS. New York ,wh '1'6 one IlIItY ent pilaffs. sherb Is nud 8nll'l'01l'Culor d gou.t • s tew, but Iho lJcJdesl dish Ih e monu Correspondent Had No Ti me t'O Waste with Vice President. boltsts Is 'whl'l'l d ('m~s.' 'J' be Im)lres' slve dish Is 1"'C\Jlll'cu b ,rore th e guest. Vi ce President Falrb:UlllB slopped Wh en It Is ordcr d a cook n\('1'8 the dining room with n kInd or sling' In II newspaper man t.ho olhcr day, and In hIs hUlld-1\ lIU1e pol nttnche.l to the good·natllr elly nsked cxpillnalion of en:! .;)t a I '"lher cord. 'rb lOan opens an Inc Ident which bappellE'd years tbe ggs, soasons theUl, and sh uts ago. On lbll~ occnslon Mr. Fai rbanKS them up In· the 111110 pot. Tbon he :lnd thc e{)rrespondent "'ere chatttng WhIrls tb e !lot al th cnd of Its cord plea santly, when suddenly the It\ll,e r PoI'ound bls head at Inconeelnble moved nwoy to meet Senalor haud· Y8~rs speed. Hound Rnd rO\Uld tt spins. ItB ler ot ~lDllle. Tbe vice prE'sldent .satd: outlines become vague. It see ms to "( have alwuys bac,1 grpat ul'loslty to k.D.oW why )'011 deserted me. OInt day." smoke a li Llie. " SuddE'oly tbe mnn opens It and The nowspapel' man besl tl~tcd for a lIets ti le o!-:gs bcfot'\! tbe g uest. Tbey moment, and then I' I'llI'd :' 'To te ll When members of t\ family Qua rrel, are beauti fu ll y scrambled and quite YOll tbe truth, Mr. Vic PI'~sld nt, YOU hoI.. Tile h e/I t of Ihelr moLlon Lbnmgb are 'a mIghty dry source of news. You a iot of truth· leaks out. mllY have a nosC! for neWfi, but I the alt Is wbnL has ooked tb m.· PILE. (J()REB L~ G TO .& DA 'YR. "'TllII s: exclaims Ule TUrklsb llost. dOlillt It ; nt any rate, you never !;Ive PA1.0 Ols'rM It!ll 'r II ItUllnlDWUt1 I,() t!u nt 0.01 aU. ·tho Onslerll shopb erds (,':10k their uP ' any, Now, wben n nQW!lpBpor mnn ~r,~trl1~n:;tl J~I:I~un~~~';~Ko:~d~""tt~LmJl ua;; l·lle:. 10 e{!gs. wblrlln g U,om In a ~lI ng like .e cunnIng for blS, li ve tlOWS Ito hasn't Ibat wherewi th Dnvld overcame the got Ume to stop and exchange s mall Some men c an·t. even a;;-tbelr duty talk with n man, evon IC h'a be a sen· wllbout mailIng a fuss about It. gian t ot Gath.'" ator, who woul() not. know 1:.he prIce of 'I'be 11eXt nlg!lt !\tr. Dlrdsall n\1' pllarcd af his home \V lUI 0. bunll.lE' news If he Ilnw It." MI' .. Fairbanks There aTe positions oJ;Je h'ili the FIT,:, t. \'it ns Dnne" ~nt1 nil 'l'rmllS' smiled. " I thank you ror your frank· Olsen e. pcmht nent!l' ,' mod O}' Dr. l\lill ~'" Navy for hum!redso( youngmell unci I' his urni. " {aory, \Vhu.t nre you fixIng to do ?" ness." he said. " I· see 1 shl1ll bave to GJ'I'Gt ~er\'e R tm' r. ~"d for 1'1'e~ ~~.uO . between 17 ,,:oll 25 yearll Of · 31:e:. Iriui bolLl nlld trrnli '. Dr. 11 , n. l' line, . cultivate a nose tor newS," ;lnd for mecbanJcs up to 3S yca.rtl exclallnod Mrs. Birdsall. Ld., O:lJ AI'ell t .. l'hiliulclr,biu,. 1"1. 'of age, Good pay, atld good f~ "Do?" repeat d ·Mr. BI~dSal l, ""m . ALMOST A SOLID SORE. farnished by the Government. goIng 10 ~Ihlt' l somll eggs, thill'S wbat Kln'men of Immortal George. For fnll information , i\i(ld~.(!U :Many kindred oC George WIlHhlng. I'm goLng to do. No more of yo ur Navy Recruiting' &tntlon, ;Peat Meil eggll. and your poached eggs, akin ' DllIIlISe from Birth-Fortune ton dwell on and about the orl!;lnlll Spent on Her WIthout Benefltbfliee Building, Cino.lllnatt.Oblo~ Wasblngton plantation In Westmoreand )'OUI' boile d eggB (or me. I'm go· Cured Her with Cutlcura. · land county, VirginIa, Tbe present ocIng to bave 'em whIrled." Mrs. BIrdsall 1<:n IV better than to cupaol of the plantation 18 named ' "I bave a cousin In Rock:lngbnm Co. GeW8;e Washlngton. Interpose any obJecUons, Ilnd Vient C]uiellY ou with her preparations for ...hb onCG had 0. skin dlseru,e trom her DICK,S' , dinner wblle Mr. BIrdsall was un· birth until ebo was 8tx years of age. 'Wrappl~g his package. . H;er fatber bad ' I\p~t)t ' 0. forL.llne on :I'n*o,"=, In R fr:w mInutes he entered tbe bel' to get her cured , nnd 1I0ne of tbe ------1\1111\1 ad•• rtlMdlD Its columns should InJist upori ha.1I)fr dinIng room , awlaglng tn bls ilInn" a treatments did bel' any gooll. . Old what they ,"Ie 10', reI",.." aU ~ • <;tJRES ' pall' or thOllgS. fl'om which 'was sus· Dr, (}-- SUgr;csted that h El try tlte lutu o ~. Imitations• pended II small losed pot whlclt bON Cutlcura Re.medles which .. he did. .ALL ' ACHES l Borne resemblanCe both to a censel Whe n be commenced to use it the frfolloulllelOc A'dtq.-. _ _ _ _.__ , { -'child was almost ·1I. solfd scnb. He and a slln lO. Aoel PI"""......... "GIJ)lme some eggs now," he or· bad used It about two 'DIIOnths and 2160. ......'i.t. . d I'ed. as h hroko luto n ebeer[ul the cblld wae well. I ",as tb.e re when whist! . Irs, tlll'dsall bl'ought ·three they commenced to use y our, CuU· eggs lind Mr. Blrd sdli looked alU108t cura RemedIes. 1 stayed that .",'eek gay as he bl'oke t belll Into the small an.d ·..tben return ed home and stayed two weeks lIud tlten ,,'en't back and pot. . Proved.. Good Man 0; 8uslno... . .. ~ wasu't ,any slonllh wltb a slln!;: sta)'ed with tbem two weteks 10nge~• While preacl\lng In Pue'.Jl0, C<l1" a .n my lJoyhoo!l dors." be observed IlDd when 1 wen~ homeJ could hardly few years Ilgo ~ev. Ed,,:a'1'l1 J . WI~coll cbeerfully as he gl\th ercd liP the believe nhe WIlS the Silme cblld . Her (ound hlmsol f In t1\e embarrassing pothongs In bIB hand, "and • have '.t. ukln -WIIS as sQU. as a babY'B wltb- sition ~or bclng unable tllIlay his debt,S. ' Idea lbat I can" show n ,thing or twa out a Bcar on It. 1 hn ve n,o t selin' bel' ((nowlng tbaL If be stuok 10 tbe pulpit aboul Vihll'llng to Turks or any other In se v entlle~ refUs, ,hut I have heard he "ould h"ve smnlJ cbance of getUnll dal;oes.· Here-mo\le this tnble oilt from her and the last time r h eard from e ven with the world, he ' qalt preaoh l of my way Rnd glmme .p lenty of room. her Bho Willi well. liftS. W . "E', Ingle, Bul'Ing and went h.ito tbe mIn Ina; business. ';'IUIiUlcueu ~eep the cbll~rE'.n back tbere, and lln.f;loll, N, C., :r~ne 16, l!10li." . To·day he owns m.lnes In C<llorlldo don't come Inside the door yourself ,Jo~ worlb $3.000'.000, bllsldes a great dcalh ,",'hllo 1 am whh'llllg. It mol' take me Mea baTlnc orten. abandoned wbat o.t other · . ..aluable PrOJlorty. a moment or tlvo ID get; th o rlgbt was vIsible tor Ule sake , ~,f wbat was lubricated~ swing' again." ,llncert aln, bnve not ,got wbnt they ex· OWei Double Alle9 I an~e. I !>lr. Birdsall qUed 'tbe cover qn ' the pectcd, anll have loet what they hlldCount ,Prosper D'Eplna , who has top C?f t~e }lOt, grpsped' the . tbollgs, bolllg unfortunato for nn ,enlgmatlcnl been decorated In ParIs by the British ,,!nd slowly began to w 11'1 t~ e ap- sort calamlly.-Delliet/rlua Phaler· , ambassador '/V·l th the 'Vroto rlan OTder, , paratus. Gradually he IItLed his hand eus. 's tn tl)(l~ otid 'JI<!Bll)on ' of, b In~ a Brlt-' and put more \)Ower Into, blS ' ""rlst 1.8b subject an" yet , a Fronchman nt N" rull!!E I' fBlhll'cP mallc; ,,~lh -PUT· till , he b'lld aVnlned consIderable NAM f' DgLl'~ DYF; b right, IJelluti· the sam~ time, . He was born In tbe llpeed. Round and rOUnd ,sped the 'pOt. ful colol'lJ 11 cerlliinty. , " laland ot Mallrltlu8 some G~ ycors ago. the thOngB glvlog out a low. bumlUlng '11be Island, of course, Is lnbablted by P~Jce 25c. SOc:. 00 sound, whlcb graduntly becnme hlgber IIlllny & man wbo prays for ratn a Freocb-spealdng population and once and blgher as ilie speed Inoreased. would doubtless stec.l bls nelghbor's formed part of the terrItories of De~lers Mr. Birdsall stuck manfully at bll runbrella It bls prayer. were answered. France. Both the <:ount's JI,\rent.e beTreatise'OnThe·Horse·sintr~ taak till the rev.o,vlng pot became a .......---..Ing French. tile count Is regarded In cIrcular blur above hIs head and tbe TO (J().RE .... eoLD IN GIllE DAT ' France as a Fttonchman', but beIng ~.o)lloan.Do.~i'on.,,"~.• drops ot por8plrat\on trIckled down ~": ~nt~~r::~~fl~ui~ldi~ ~~'.~!D:~r:\~~~ born under the Brltl!ih""a~ be II just his ,forebead. ' , UKCJVZ"ij . f,Dat.uro II OJI e&c,u ~JI. · 260, " aa 'Iurely, a B~IUsb lIubject. ' Suddenly ,thore ~B a loud ))OP, New York Phllanthropllt. , 'Mrs. Btrdsatl entcood lIle room sbri~k• rlclt, Dr. Adellllde' Wa)lerlltcln, Ing. .. '11he top 0(, the pot crashed' through lbe dInIng room WIndow. The young and band some. lias tUrDQd part, l' THere's more in paiht than ' the 01 ' body· of ~he }lOt vf)ered around ,and of her elegant New Yor.k bome Into a CQ!o,rs, lead and oil. ' Best rcslllts tan ~ bad landed, wIlh a l'esoundlilg whaoJ( on physicIan's olflce. Rero sbe devotel only from best ingredients, accurate bal:lnce the hllck oC Mr. Birdsall's neck. One Ilbout six hours Ii ~I\y to practJolnr of their proportions, ana,the 'best method of:. ot the thongs had ' evidently brokell. medIcine, all the , Income 80 ' derived . . mixing 01' assimilation • . But most impcIJt1Ult Mr. Birdsall droPl,ed bill apparatus going to her charity work on the east of all ,is the grinding process, Upon the fineness de~nd in large and stared In dazed fashlon at bls' Bide of the city, Mrs. Wallerstein la accomplished and Bo~allY prom.1nent. 'WUe, who was removlnlI-a sticky, ye1- ' degr~e tile smoothrie-ss and covering capaoity of ,11 paint. . ': low mass from lier . face "WIth bel' but ,has giyen up most olf her 80ctety pleasures tor her prote,.slonal and apron. On a le~el 'l'i;lth hIs hend, the ' four wlllls' of the were decorat ed Charl!&lil~ work. I wIth a broad, 8patlere\l yei'low band. (a.SD LI.",. OIL) .' ' ,. ffOm which, little ye\l~w drops "Yere are ground tHrough Powerful mills of sp~inl CQ~8tructiori; they :~. slowly, trickling do\'irn' the,' flowered !liin the.piuest all~ mos~ lasting. pigInen~ ground Lillseed~~ WalIP~per. . The back o'c Mr. .B,lrJlsallll an c;orreot proportIon; they are 'honell.t1y made; .~ost no mcue tna'D neclt was streaming raw yellow egg and raw egg wall spattered freely' oyer inferior paint~, and, pOsses~ all the essential qualities of a ' the carpeted floor. Mr. BIrdsall .tood .vecchle8s and A<k rou,d..l.rlOT Durf.lo A. L. O. R ...dl'.M~ci P.ltI1JI. If b. caanot IIIpplr ,pu .iJ cliiwct ... "lfIu!'< ... loT"'lc.".DIlfol.k... co."ln",,va~l~ l<>Io..... llo".o.. <»rto 50!lp-1~"'~ ,.past tor a: moment:. and seemed un· able to ftnd words. rul wlf(t gazed at him Wlt,h ftigbtened eyes. 'Tben Mr• "!' . ' .D1rdaa)l'e ,.cOlmtenanca booame IUt· fused wIth rage. " "An~;' be bQ,wllld. 'Ithe tellow who wrole tbar yarn wde an tiitetnal U~!" It C108D8\!S1 bClll~ lind pr<ltO<OtB \ A \ POOf' . olijectlon, And It·s a s'u re thint ' t'hat ,oDe c'a n't the bmne. ' Proud Beauty-But I can't marl'1 be~ lure of aD)'thlog In 41118 :world. tanll' 'tha~ man, mamma. ') ',Qon't love hIm ._,. .. Cold ·ir.... Wlada'_ careful ,Mam~-Tb"t la' merely ~ "or c~II' .... !IfoIlllt-.r, 10ft.... lbe irU ..... ;:1'.- .... Head quickly. te(:bnlcal obJection., Patricia, and mutt IaaID.U.... IIIII ...... C1I_ ...lA4i>Ou... .... botu.. /It.oreB tb$ Se~of . ~ not be allowed to Itlnd III the Way TBlite .nd Smell. Fulhlze50c~,lltDI'Ult­ With too ,mIlDY people obarlti Is ~ or by mail; Trln181ze 10 c~. by maIL 'a match 10 4eslrable from even' point Ji:l,rDloth1llll,66I W~8treei,~aw:rorlr. vte"\7Royal lIIBaUlne. , '. more of ~ . tad than a vlltue~







.Over Thlrll

The Kind You Have Alwa,s Bought






,u:.~~:.~~. nD.~.'~ EI~

The Circulation

and 1he Muscles and


by usinst

Sl()~sl' Lininie~t ·


,Sold b1..e.1I



Address Dr. Earl

•. :r;n.r.



Buffalo A.·L.O.' Paint.'



P.""'ect Pal-nt r.' " .:

Buffalo Oil Paint &:Vamish Co.~ :~:W:~~ , ~


lIrooil.... '

Wtin the weather J~ the sprlnc ~ , hind . eno1,l8b . to put ~ GIIf '01 dOoh. mine follow


-f.J.;;-"yra . '










... "


. "


hENS , MOTH ERS FOR G\lSLING~, hor Iron , "\\'lIS n.lmi);st enough '0 'Ir'v, ~ hIm mad! Y c .. t bte bUlll llllltlulI an c) Direct ions for Hat c hing dpspnlr:lR h" hoard tho I'lnnlllnl) T hem, chnl n lind f It lit b rutal blow~ ' whll' h BROWN &. Mc KAY, Pub lisher;. wold d th 11('1I\'Y fatluro lin IHItH'S 110(1 The flr~t Ihlllll t n"ld/': IImhs ('nt t ho \ "'1')' d 'llth s tlr hlB ollie WAYNES\,ILl..lIl, Itl g !:1I1'KI' ');~C \Iud I' Ill'ns I ~ Ill' \' r so ul! Bllt ull th at ex .... u i" Unl';lll'Il€'al h' \1111 IlIU~ Ihllll lhr"" (II' ~II l1r nmkr was I\~ nothill!; nOW t tilO u'lf:ulsll 01 A STORY or TH! PUIOD OF TU! JUDOES II ~lIlJ\ 1 1"'11. ~1(Jn' IInntlt I' l'o\t'rE'Il T he Langua ge a nd {he Boy. sOli, h cndured us , the a rc'lI ' \u" \'o' ce IN ' SlAlL 11I'O IH! I'ly, t'oullnl' Ihe IIC'n til <l tnlr A r hlld , with Its meager store of or ('onselenc' c rlc. l out \11 \lIM h ilti By tho "tUllb"lI7 and Bnr .... PHI. t bor COO ? FO~ HENS AND CHICKS. !l17.od I'un with ' be r nl'"1 IIWlosl' u In and conde mned hllll, 11 0, tht' l'n~I\ I' lt" 1llngt:age, Is Eom(,whm In t ho position ,t o Cud ; h ,tb <,hose n (lI\l' of Gml to Type of Con8trUcllon Used by OntarlCl ~Olll" qU!c'i \II II !:e, 1<1' 'I) I L 1,I ~h of o[ Ihe (ub'I'd wood ohu k, wllic h was 1)111'1' WIII L'I' , also 011' of ); I'll hI , wheN dell vc r ar.d JUI!!;\! Is ra'; \le, th !'I01ply Ohllg'cl LO cllU:lb a tr e, Agricu lt ura l St"t lo n, s h.' li n Iw lll h r solr, f)U Kt It r we ll S(,l'lplure AulhorHy :-Judgcs 16: m \ghliy c luunploll wbo hud I)('\'c r whelb r It Cllhl\! do so In hn.rmony 111\'10'<' tlmOs wil lI 1I c' lotlWd l' 1.1011 ' re1; 1l( WII dof ut dlll'l ;llg all Ihe ~n YI'llfS !HltlllJ rllk~ lIt 1111. (llIial'lu 'r l· II\ IH'e all ul lIU ( 'In(8 Ilfwr ~ '1'\!I\(b dn:\" wltb t b fUl'ts Ilr nantra' hl" tory or 21,:ll , h h nd Judg d I sm I, (,O ill n\ lust to 1 l'u\lll rAI 1'"lft'!:, huvI' d'''' I~ ' '1 1 II 1.)01 \\'h II l hO gosllllS'S hu tch gh' not. II must I I' xpr \IS , hlms"l [ with t he .,,+-:-++++-:-.!-.)o.:.+++-!.+++++.;":.++,I-+ Ib is! C,}ulcl It be I,u",llblt'? which I }at:\' 1·~COJlttut.ll1l1 I'or l.hp \1(' tl ,vhal , ong ung e Is ItlIntl'd lnt I ~' 'nt hit!' ~ 'II\IISI cu rl'r lll h!' tl foul' III 'I~ . , (,,' ntlll 11 0 huok hlnlDe li tu ~\:(\ ([ h(1 wI'rp ~ nUll chI , I(~.. Lt I '1, .1 \" Is"d Iliul 'It Ol1lnl(lucl. or fnll In mort! o r I~ ss se rl, ~ til<' '11'11 1111 11 ll11s11tlgs In u -ha l' ~' grilss nwak , nnd It was n ot all n hlll <,,,u" SERMONETTE. gl\'('s pl"lIlr or ,all' LllIh li llY allcl nl 1-;hl , rllLl , (:11'0 wlI l"r In II d l"illk ln~ futHl' uream, but the ('lank or Ihe ('ha'ns us d sre ' to I!Xpt'.'SI' blntsr'f :It ul1 : rill/,!' the III!;ltl [ 11 I'lIrlll:u)lu' :lull .I\l Th e Triu mph of Evll,-"Our ::,~ cami' as nn all s "'i'rill/!: \1 .11"'" 11(' 11ft, la ft, Ihal lit" Y'llIn;t 1)1\1:5 1':l nlll'I c e t anc! so I Hllle ~torc mu s t be II' :tI ed .;. god hath del ivered Samsoo our ',' ('d hI s tl'(' ltIlJlhl,J; b~!lds [(I Il"J ~hl hl· C1Ltl I", ~l\ ('!t18 011 lhnt " l\Iull anlnJH1~ 1111 .. :lII cl fll1e Ihll t cuu h wasil 'c, C' C:IJ.I a~ t horoughly pIn . III:', Just 1:8 the la o, (':lhuut I::l't III to cllsltll'lt Illthor h 'u Ins l<l(' nlld nlii. + en em y Into our hand ," was the ',' los a "YC!R. Illl:l!le of bi,; rnce , In Its purl!e r "!' boast of the Ph ilist ines, They "Ob , l;.)(l!" be (' rkd . "ho w couhl I Ilr ('hl(·ks. :\ gClod hll'rt u ( lh frollt 'l'lh' ynr.1 mllsr bl' ch angl'd on,'n ft g , wa ~ pltl stl(', sny s Atluntlc, :~ aaw In the downfall of t heI r 11I1\' e <lilUC' \hl, 1111111>; ','" ,\11 .1 In lh(' uf t hf) ,'uOl' 16 S I\ U\\'1C 1\ A In th~ a ' (0111111);11 III hav" ~,)u d , : .. tT ).\I'aSS nil ~"'"I1":lu , \ llI g l1I us l rll tinll. The exlstl'nco o( whlt !;' n. "to mako powerful enemy an <'!v ldc ncc of I hI' Ii :11(1, c: ,'ass hi ill c )ll'.-\I gllose a r;l' ny ur h is 11<-"1\;,11' h" b"1 l "I <I II h I>" 'l'b" "1')1 I' l,arl ls cO I'erell, \\ il ll wll'<' rllntl whill'," Is All Ih£' j URWlrnll oll b e ", t he favor of the ir god Dagon, :( breast IIllt\l the tit!J! of til... ''' Itiu b Jr "n~f1 " (jlllnflll'l" gi v n 1,...':111 and a proof of t he ir own prow· n eeds for smal1e n, " to Illul< ~ man ," challiS el'l,,,c'd llull n't'(' h 1" 1 t 1\:0111 :1 IIl1d mil k with ~mnlt '1 111(>III,l ut ~ h "J'lt' Qr low D, " Ill ·make low," "Jimmi e ~ es&, . And' th at is as fa r as they a til l I\Il'a l 11,11(1'(1 wllh 1'01' n'Ht IVCO 'I;. thf,l I"'isoll h OI I~C" U k n :. nil II th"'1"(, ~ "' ('1'1 :\/' ., ,. hIs ,\ 18" :\ilt! a !lfth "\111 " 11 11:tIS tn L1 Il' Junas 1111 ' n' t gl'OWlI much s lnr.e b e + could sec 0" understan d, Evi l of· .:. alw ays is half blind. tts vIsi on ~(1111 the II . mary <'l' Ids wro 1l .;';I),\ln f.: 1','<',1 .HI I' Ih ill"", w (, k, SII/:";PUl,i wns h r. bL'fllrl'," says some o n , Is limited by the horizo n of t he :t. OI"llIl~lI' J Uthl Fnl'lll" l', 11l~1"I\ II W' "Wi)y, I hd le\'c he's ungro wed so me:' + phys ical and t empo ral, It eflml· ... I low he h:'ll alh.I\ >"Il hltnHIf !'I,1 1' Y ~t P 10 bl' 111' ''\\'11 It llO the rowt'1' or \1 llI,)1I II I nr ~ horls (Illd 1'01'11 III III, nlst) ntl ~ "'(>J's lilY yoltllg('r, I'XI)r ssln h is nates the true God ilS a factor ,;. tlt a t wlr kc:>tI \\" 011111 n. H o w h bnd (\lId II Hul I.cet'· ,\ 11 Ill' I ha bought c1(,;II' I~' nnel (lilly, and delight, l' and p laces superstItion and sOI'i!hl h'ill ow n ",(::10 nnd plc'II6ur UI1<1 ti rsl 1I.01l t h Ihl'Y ca n iiI' f d Illo~ \ly fully uncilnsri.,.us of tho fn't Ihat lin· + pr ide upon t he throne of rea' had forgotl C' n Ills high \!u lllllg :"id a b on S h OI'I~, '1\1'11 lill-al nnd oal~, WI\h son, Ev il doe s not recognize ~: gu lstlc t\ IIthorlli s do not recognlzQ IIll lltlon , ut!, w rh' slll l, ho w h l1 abollL 1\ flrlh or Ih ft! d CIlUII.O\lIl ,! u[ God as a con tr olling fac tor In the rig ht of lhls llandy prefix to at, hud rall e ll ~o lo\\' as to n 'v(' ul Ih l' b 'I!f '~t'I'nj)S. I'l l'lI~y ur ~l'ass . ~oull the a ffai rs of life; It doe, not of· Ilcr ed 8 -l'r('t, uf hi s Gnu 10 III ht'n I ta ch Its el r to lh ls partic ular ' verb, but not luu milch . ('(I. I" n ('OO llS understand that It overreaohes o[ a profnll(, ancl pt'OUlgal Phlll llll u :\IIl\ flll"l' wnt. r alt Ih (' timc , will m:·:, Ought 1 to ha\'o stopped 1)101 right Itaelf and brings about its own womnn. I he gll~HIIg-S l:u'j,( I' t,!U.1 l he ben llt tbers and lead ed his und e ve loped destru ct ion, . During these m dll ntluns, wbcn It l}llt' lUllnl h old. men;ory with . parall!.'1 cQ lumns o[ But from the Dllll ne II I.ew. seelOed a s thoul; h his \' ory SOltl word s whl c:h do and 110 not ad mit the poInt, evil triumph s oller 'the QUEEN RAI S ING: would b r us h · d Iby til blll'l' on of bl ~ pref\..'( u n,? It 1 had done so bl s b rogood beca us e sin Is per mi tted guilt and his God had tursaken bila ther wou'd probabl y not ha ve \'en· to us urp the place of God in the Nursery Ca ge for the Hatchi ng of VI,.· rorever, lhere ca me In to tll ll rlson hea rt ' a nd The fortress + h oh~o n cOIllDany o r tho lordS or tbtl It ured 10 Rs k, a II tlJ lat r , how people g In Quun., HO U le fo r Brooder Ch ~ cks, Secondary the hea rt I. Impregnab le until make un·baud ·palnted c hina, and bls Phllt s tin S, whose elAtion "'IlS mllnl, :: the little .Ide door of si n I. An l~n gll s h hl'() (oX per l. ~·I r. Slnden , knowl edgo would have been less ·to, fested as t her , ooked down u pnn tlle ir n ttfll ~ and t 'l o lower pnrl wllb s lnl 5 old en my and ta.Utllcl\ blm with tho so Illot Iho l)h~tk s ('an COilV' III or ~o ha a I'll (' nll y (lublls h tI '" Ih Url ll~ h day by th .. s ln a ll nmOlint of Informa- t opened to .dmlt t he enemy, :;: Sam.on was a de ~e ated man + humlUntion of h is position nntl glorlod 110n wh ich I wns able to gh'e blm, all out nt will. U Is u bon nl which is U.. e ,ltillr nul 0. tJ ~OI'lfllln tl of hi s 1m, ++ from the moment he let the In hI s w akne~s. At last they tired IIl'Q""d n\lr ery nge for (itl en·cells that s ubj ecL earthly love uaurp t he place of :;; of thi s dlversloo and turued to gu mnda to fH ~\'t' l' Ihe slat n lIud cn n b nnd \' lrgl nQII ns. Ii ~ays : rll~ !t,o d In p'ar,' nj thumb but tons I Even the wolv .\I y Improv('d 1I \1 1'S ry- cag~ for Ihe s arc ooj-o"> lng the ++ God, and the final yieldIng to + + sayin g as t lley did so: on ,,'It her alii. ur t h ('OU,I . ,the Importunities of Delila h W31 + " We must n d ,~ off r a grent sac rl, A !;oOc1 Jdea of Lhe 'n t! secti ons Is hnl{"lin!; or vlr!li tl qu e n ~ nml for present era ot pros p rl t y. 'I' he goy' + but the Inevitable outcome of .;,_ I" ' !clln" Ih£' m uutit thl'Y o re dl s tl'lb nt, rnme nt hilS 16s ued n bulle ti n hi such unholy alli ance, :;: fl ce to OUT god, .D!lgon, tor tieQ '\lW, lto hnth delil' red Into our hands ou , tI \p th o lI ucld Is !\lus tral d In tllo wh'cb Is s hown lhe t10url s blnll co ndl· + "Let no man say wlten he II ' ... nem y, " Cll t. Th o I'll' 1111 '<' t1-<'ell Is ' he ld hI tl on of t he Iloy ol B on th weste rn tempted, I am tempted of God ; The 'ortis aroused Sam son, nllt! po sitIon b~' Ih p. wlrc·cloth ~ Id cs , whleb catllo ranges nni! of the larger wolves + for God cannot be tempte d with ('an ho ('a~\ly Ildj\ts tl',1 III ~rlp .. eC~lr .. ' lon g nrt r they ba d tlo ll:lrtc,l hll k ill known as " Ionfers,'" or " Iobos," The evil, neither tem~teth He any r p atlng til Ul o\'er nud 0\' r IInti h ' Cll1,' ' II , lis of U11)' size. 'rh , 1:'11;': nalurlit toad of Ul ese beaats of pre y man; but every man is tempted . !!uylng to llimself : ')J1 li S ou n II W , IT lne lllle, whit'h was lhe tlllrralo, bu t t h y find cattle + when he Is draw n away of hI. "XU)", It was not the go,l DlIl;o n, h ut wak Q!1 Ih Itls" rUotl \1 :' r(> lIIo\'nl of Ihe + own lust .and entice d, Then + my sIn thnt bl'ollght mo 10 IbIs placo QIWt·'1·tL'l' 'or M 100,1 for Ihl' tlue tI x" li nd hors s n satisfactory s ubstitute, ... h I ~ h ' I d It + w en u;t .. a t conce ve , + hall Dagoll, Ind 'cd, re~c lve th e ,.l' llitloll und a y, The cal\ ' hnnl" CatU a ro pr&terre d ; not that the bringeth fo rth sin' and s In 0I" .t. '1<'1 w a u tbe com bs som~ d,strul , ,wolves have nny prej udIce a:;a I nst when it Is finished, bringeth .:. glol'Y ?" Anet he burl d h is head I to rrom Ih' lUll It)' Ihe s t\l\lt \\'Ire Rhufl, l'ating borse-fl esb, but I,e ntlso the old forth death," ::: betwoen hIs knecs a$ hc reu llze d how grievous ly he) Ilad COni prom ised th l' the bl'nl portiOn of whl h rt'sts on til me thod of oUock from t be rellr, R ~covered Strength . - But + cali s or his God. And \' (>n while h e (Ip·bn l' r 'n or th frullles , The wbich they IIrllcttsed on the buffa lo, while evil In Its b lindness was was t bus bowell til 1'0 come wh lspor' I)Upll. 01' quea n, Is thus k \'t warm 'Is equoUy s1Jccess[ul with ran ge glory1ng In ' the fall of the .)0 Ing 10 his ~oll l t hlLt wllb hi s Go d th oro beiwee n brood , anti ihls 18 \lllt·), h IlJlQj·!ltcers. When· lbey t.ry It on . ho rsos, mighty Sams on, th e mercy li nd wa s forgiv en ess and me rc)'. ~lIown III . The .l!lze mil>' I.e made tunt III th cold nlg h,s C)f :\111)' lind h owever, they meet wi th a painful forlliv e ness of ~od we re bel!1g ~ "O h, Go d !," be cried . ns h e lHIOU to ~ lI lt tht.' OWI1 I', hill I IIns been ,I tlut'. T b as' ' Ill> ,It Is or tile Stntll\surprise, 1'-10,", 'se rlou8 the pest of + bes towed upon il repentant IIln. hi! sight' 8S eyeEI towm'd heaven, '" t ,follnt! It)" the 011tUI'Io a\\ Ihol'ltJ S Il inr. 'sf' I)() '8lllle size , so lhat a. number of 'wolves, r emark s Youth's Companion, ncr, Wh at evil can dl! to a man Lh,s t h ing corne to Ilass thAt r may yt' l 0. COOl) t\\'O 'feel high In (t'Oul, 1:; , Is noth ing to what God can do + mny , be gathe red from tho fact that for him. Samson shorn ' and :t:. show tbnt It Is to Goll lhnt \'1 tor)' bo, In ches hi ' h hi th ' relll' an d two or unclrctlm tJH fl,.. t long ~\'o rk~ v .'r~' so tlarac, Wyoming alone has pq.ld out $G5,OOO blind and In the power of the + longeth ! L et not thes cl ried Ph ills llu cs for g t that the Gael torlly , Th 110rtiO n Of th nOI\ coverIn boun tiel! In th e lus t t e n yC!ar8, and encmy may yet ' rl5e above ·the o r Is rael anti !lot lhe "od Dago o rul- ed ",lUI wire ne IltI' Is one foo l wide. thIs makes no U 'COtlot o( Ill!) 8ums milerable conditions Into + , As .s hown lit ,th 1'1''1111 Is mo,a, oth!" paid by COUllties nnd stockmen's a !l" wh Ich hi. lIn has plunged him. From tha t moment, something lik e bl e so tbat wh en th e chiCks' nre Inrg lIoclatlons, Tile aWemen r eckon He may agaIn become the in , I,eace Cllmo lo 'IlDlBon , U'ld a s tbe noug h th £' b n a n I ,, " c tit Ithelr losses to be abo ut ten per cent, Itrument of r ig hteouoneas to + days cam uod wen t lbe r opcnta nt d uri ng t h duy lime, lot the b erds, Grollt organ.lzed ne lgb, the eondemnatlon and jUdgment heart of Samson r each ed alit 10 faltb upon evil. + and took rresh ho, d IIpon t ho Got! to SOLAR WAX ' EXTRACTOR. borbood ~olf·hunts on t be ",e~tern "If we confe.. our sin I He wl)om his life had bee n cons c rate d, Ir angee have been adve rllsed all OTer fa,thful and just to forglvlI UB Thus the\' b"Te w up In his h or~ n ne w Rays of Sun Used In Re nd er in g the eaet during the Pllst ' winter. our Ilnl .nd cleanse u. from ,all hOlle and cOlltldl!Qce, and the Old Wax. unrlghteouaneu," The prl.on tbrlll of h is s tre nglh an d po wer cl me I ' S,eep and Old AUf, houlle at Gua become Samson's + back to him, ' A s a' nl' wax ex~rn C10t: Is n CE'ded In I There ' ls' no question that the confel.'o,;al, 7he Phll latinel At last the g reat day of the fenst ilve ry apiary lind s e ve rul are kelli. run, :quan tlfy of sleep requIred steudlly dim. ' cou'd Ihut out the Ilght of day ~ and sacrlnce t o Dago:l, t he !lad or·the n'og In many lU l'g nillar es, Extractfnl s bes from Infnncy to old age. Tb ls fr~m hI. eyes, but they could , Phlllstines, a r rived, M\lltlt\ldes crowd, ors whl h I' od eI' wax hr steum ur n \Is a rathe r Int eresting ' exception to not .hut out Ged from , his ed Into the gl'c3al amphllheut r, nod a, so used , To the lattin' c luss b 101l~s Itll e generul rule Ihot, as Ill' so many heart, They cou,d bind hi. other thousa nds, fill ed the roof ove r' t b Improved wlsl:I wax e xtraclor. lfmbs wIth fetter. of bra .., but loo kin g th e arena. ' Th en cl\ffie the T hi s Imp ro ve ment, Invented In ' Swl t. ,matters, old age retorns to the neede they c:ould not chain 'down' hi. The Nursery Cage, cry tor SIlUlson that be might make Z I'land and Improve d III Am rica , ca n, lof Infancy, As r egards s leep, \lays .plrlt and prevent It from sport for them, and while tbey WIIIINI slsts of a till or copper v ali I With lLondon :Poll Mall QueUe, old age Ie reaching out and flndlng 'the th e m oan !tlln!; !l1\le by si de b~tweeu Impa tle'n tly n m essenger wns di s, a c ircl e of pe rroT/dlons 'In l he . bo~" , more remote In Its needs from Infancy forglvlr:rg ,l ind restoring God, t wo combs with ou t widely separating patc hed to l be pri son house to tet h tom n enr the sIdes to It' In stea m After all, hew cIrcumscribed lthan I. ~ny oth&r perIod at m e, It him, What a shout that Wa ~ ns they ' from II. boll I' be lOW nnd w!t hln th is t.he combs, and one , or 1l10l'e or t he .elderly people obtain good s l ~ep duro are the p'owers of evil, How ca ges ca n bins r t dOI' . r mO\,AIi 011 s aw tbe form at t heir old enemy como u PI)('r vel\slll uDother t'('c ' pta Ie-the lIng tbe fir st few hou rs, a nd It the y the sel'nnt of God 'ought to rea· '" g roping into tb(~ arena berore them : CQolb reoe lver-nlude or JJ rrorHt.ed turnIng bock lh e \Jullt wlthout lifting (o ut n rrame. The part "c" mllY be have no t lost that tlellgbt In readlnl'l IIze the poaalbliities wlllCh lie How dlffc rent I~rom Ih e old S;unBOIl zin c. " 'I t hIn a rew years wax ext ract. ",bleb we all had In youth, but whlcll within hlll1 :ie he links his life who had with stood tb e armIes' of tho a re e mll lOy ln,; ll! e h e~t of be sun nnd mad of tin plat or of eellul\lill, WIth lhe lu tter malerlnl th e q1,l en a ml so many !If us c uriou sly lose, tbel. wIth that of God. P/l!ll sll nes nnei bad, sl n bh,"~ h nnderi, known a s Hol nr extractors bove CO llJ til case Is not to b g rieved ove r, T he To fall Into sin I. grievous, s lnln Ihousands of Ihelr lltrOngcs t Inlo e; m,rn' nse. T il e ('Rse nt!n' feu, (Iueell'c I I can bl' IIsll y s e n Inside but to remain in the condl,lol'I :: mt'n, 'rllere h,~ w as In tbell' powCr, lu r s In nil th e torms t lln havE' be n , Iho clige whil e It Is clos cl. At "t" special value of 'tb e earlies t bo.u rs of + ,where I'n has cast us is Inex, a nd " w" are s hown differ t" kinds sleep, by the wa y, hns been proved by cu,aable, unpardonab,e, Here Is + rorc · d to make sport for them, ollli dev ised arc n me to l lanl, With It uf s hurts, , rtghJ. roya lly d hl th ey chee r bls ever~~ g la ss cove r 911<1 l1 Bunlly a wil'e clo'th expel"m nt, The popu· where !lamson's fa ith, spo\<en of + ThIs cage cnn be uBed, It r oq ul're,l , jJ,iSyehOloglcal C eat an d shout ~In h is ea rs: nnd straine r Hilli er which Is placed the re, lar phrase " beAuty sleep" 111 we ll y;or· In thll eleventh of HebreWS, a s a n Introdu cl ng,cage, The cllud y' "Now doth 'o,ur god Dngo n c 'ptael !' for th e WIIX, t he whol so ar. rat\ted, II Is the early (the d ee pes t) shlnel out the brl~lIte8t, Though pleasure In Samson! ~d w urc W (l I'anged a s to en ub l 0110 to lllt it nt hOI& Is o'Ver d with a tJn slid e, hours of sloep t hut · for h ealtb the physical eyes were hever to , av e nged for at! that SumMon bath uc h All a ngld a s will ('alc h th e direct \"hIGh, whe n Pu'Sh4)(1 to one sill , en' and b eauty, Bee IIgaln, not 80 w ith the eyes 'j' don e unto .us !" ab l(\ll th e bees , to Jlbernte tile queen S .ra y, of t h 811n , The effc'ctlve n ess of by culi ng thl"\)U!;h tbe cand y. of the soul. Fa l ~h touched the' 'I' And While (he tumult \\'ns nt Its Ih solnl' ;(tmcto l' Is Increased ' by blindness wh ic h had come from .,. : Cam Is , (b e old s hl\lS of tbo desert, 0\.in and the soul looks up and '" height, Sums oo tu rned to th e lnd t hat bu\' lug tit gl nss doublNI and adding preeerving Egg., '\\'111 soon gl vo w ay \ 0 t h e n e w shlpl1 sees the God th at . gilleth' ;' had led him int o tile arona uod snll,dl,:., 11 reflector, s1lch a s " In lrror or a The usuu ' \Va\' or p" "pa rlng water' of the desert. automobil es, The SIIC' " SuITer 100 thnt I mo l' f ' I Ihe hee t of b,'[ght met al.-I';x(: li~ ng".' itren oth to the humble and re , ,.; 'lars- wh e r upo n the hous(J standcth , 6 I n~8 for s torlllg eggs Is to' t1llu te 00'0 cession, 'like t hat of steam grey bOnD'ds storoth them which be of a lIa,'t of slll <:a~e of soda In ten !larts that I ln ny lean upou ' lh em ," to c '}ilper·"h lpB at eea, b as to meet CHICK CHAT. cont ri te spirit, and so we flnd of Illlt'!' rui n water. The eggs, whI c h 'rh s h o utln~ ccnse\J as he r eache<\ preJulllc!l' a,d con ser vative bnbl\" but the latter end of th l. man Sam, I ml'ijt be s( rlc tly fresh, are ll' nc ed In 0. position be tween Ihe two mnln 1l11· Fine, .. lea n grit sh01lld he lhe ftrst the conquest by t he au tomobile of .80n was better than the first; a s lCltle cl'oc k or wood n tUb, Dud t he lars wh ich s us ta ine d lho ,ve ig ht or the sand wa sles of N eva~a Is, an ac, that he rOSe ' above defeat to t.h e rOOf. Eng. rlY 1,15 hand s groped thin g ol en hy li ttle chicks, so lu tion \IOU rei! upon tb 01 . A cool win a crowning vIctory, So . compllsh ed fact. H e re, 10 be s ure, It abo ut until the y touche d t lte grent Ba l'!)' lllfit lirlty for m.!rket mean II C \l UI' Is Ilui h est place to 'keep t he wooden piers, All eyes were turned eonsltle ra lll In makin g u 1> th e l)rofl ts, jo,'. ' Vntol'gllls8, or s ll!ca tq of soda ," 'a8 not ' the ca mel, but burro and ; may It be with ellery child of ul)on h im now tn wonde r to see ~hat 'F e lc h says , Ih e ·lI g ht hl'ahmll \1'111 ca n. be sell ul'ed .a t most dl'uggls ls At God, ItIle . stage coach t hat hod to yield . , r the heavy cars t he san d h a rd, ++++.,++++++++++++++++++++ next he \Yuulcl d o, nn d a bl'eathleSB e~, grow a Ilrofl el' to ,veigh two poun ds 10 to 30 'c e nts a , poun i!. ]~gg6 will peetnnc} filled the Illace, It e Igh t wee ks or age, ' . Il eep In It, If rresh when pu t dow n, for ene Into smoolh trac ks, nnd with a THE STORY, Sudden'y upon t h'e sti lln ess which A flound ot papbthale II dl sJQ lved In six months or 0. year, Thi s m etl\Cld little ""ork good motor cur roads ca n AMSON blind and In rettere'" had fa ll e n rose , the voic e of Samson ,gallon of coal: all mak es an e xcellent Is cooald red one of the best known made. Se"~ ral toll roads b ave been wa s tb e message wblch spread all h e lifted ' hI:s face townrds hea ven ; lice "aln t for tbe roosts, [or prese rving gp, built and more are ' pro m'sed, Rlcb swiftl y throllghout th e la nd of the nn d tho engel' m u'tltudes ' enned fnr· Stale (bitt not moltly ) bread moist, mlnere and others who ·use moto r Philistines, and Into the bord ers of ward to he nr wh,a t was SOld, while tbe aned wHh mil k Is one of t'lli best fi rst Mortality Among Duck." 'cars for bus Iness and pleasure a re be- th e land or ,Iudnll. crowds In the r caI', r eali zing that loads for ch l<;ks and ~uckllngs , Th e cn uses , dr morla!!t)" amenA . :blnd the move ment to construct roads "Samson blind and In fetten!" sometlilng unusua' was tran.plrlni!:, A ' poorly bred thoroughbred I• . youn g d1l OI(8 may be ~ umm ed liP as Ito co nn ect a ll Important polnls ; a nd Ove rheAt, dampn ess, get· "S urely, Dagon. tho god of the' Phil· pressed toward t he front. "orse IhDn a s~ub, Scrub trealment follow s : "0 Lord Go d!" rang out t be words, will mnke scrubs of thorou~hbred8, trng wet, lac k of grit" gruy tlead lice; Jtbe commercia !" development of soulh, 'Istlnos, Iiath heard our cry and hath delivere d him Into our hnnda," ex, c',enr lind land,' "remelUber me, I pra)' ' water 18 a rrequent Budd en' sJtowel'l!, dala YN! rial,ches; ex· IeI'D Ne\'ada Is Bssured, ' Sta,e and dirty claim ed th e Philistines, t hee, Rnd, strengthen me, 1 pray thee, lause o t bowel troubl e In Ih e Borly posu re to , sun, lack of fresh wa~erjl A man has been dlBoolle~ed ,n Phil, "S UrelY ," bitterly cried tbe Israel- llnly thIs once, 0 God, tbat 1 may bo roungste rs ; provide c ler.n water 10 drinkin g vessels too s ballow, and breeding out of condition, ade lpbla by t he name of Antonio I\ es, " 0\11' God halh forsa ke n us, and at once uve ngc!d of tbe 'Phlllstines for llean (lI~h es, delivere d u. In to 'the power ot the my t\l'o eyes." Wha tal\' od . As the contents ot hll e nemy !" A ' s hout o f derisive laughter ran! Tho " Sllrln g chicken" should be , Surprising • poc ketboo k hnrmonlze with ' the name And Samson, the erstwhile chafll. out from Ih e people as th ey cried: latch d oot !larlle r tban I'"lIbrllul'Y, nor It Is ' illll'pr-Ising hoW' mony people. b ls friends s hould lose no t~me In ad· ' pion of !arael and [srael'. God, and "'He I)raj'etl! ,to his God!" But tbe ater than Ma~'. 'JIhe murket welgbt c hurch goers, and, as a rule good flOC). "'sing blm to keep away from Willi th e unconqu erable foe of the Pbllls. round thereof WUR 'Iulckly drowned'n B two to three pounds, pIe, are willing to pay for a sec ret b:J litreet. tin es, sat In anguI s h of body and BPlrlt the noi se of cra sblng timbers as Sam, Strong parents mak e strong c hlck8 whloh dUlDtne r eggs can be preserv~d In the pr'son hOUSB at Gaza &rlndlng, son hen t hlros,e lr between th e pillara, -strong chicks are a(:t1ve nnd quick to be sOld In winter as fre s h, Be Tbe German plano manufacturer. g r in din g, srl ndln l:: whil e llle olank or Bnd th ey went down like bits of st raw. trowlng-qulek growth maKee the nbove ' Bue)l ' dlShon el\t practlcel, lell 'm any extreme ly cbeap InBtru. hl 6 chains kept dol e rul , hea rtless tim e An d the house, fell upon the lords. and luJCY, meat~ broiler and tooster. Bee. on the Farm. menls In Consta ntinople on . nloe to the mo velllent. at 'his hands , upon all the thnt w~re lbereln: Se t two bena at tbe B3me' tIme: Ad,1 • or two of be"" tbe month.' Ume>, TMnk gf paying ' for I Yea, Ih e a gollY of those momenl" so that. the j;!amaon alew ,ben, J! the hatch Is no t large, all tb e . when, In fl e ndl.b glee bl s captors had at his more tban tbe)' lhlokll can be given to the ' most farm'. O(Jutpment this year, lUI\! a.-v. fourth-rate pinna ..Iter liVing with " , pierced bls eyelJalia willa their red- which 10 hili life. ' notberly hen and the other set aplll, soDle cif th'e sweet. that no'lf 10 W &Ill are.ater port elf a ),earl . Ir Il1ven h er llberty, W81lta in the field anll prd en

The Miami Gazette. •



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Shotgun Shells




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lIP tQ.ate Jll:8.Pb," On ' tqe oU ~..WW 'has\ lIIM!n ....,.\I\~. aUlo~ph , Itt~ Dote ndvl8," I ' 1)lls or ber a

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Clnclanatl Wet :...:.._ - althoup maki~

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"Nublacks" s r'" QS perfect as brains and ingenuity, couplpd with first-cl ass m ate rials and mo d ern m ethods 0 f manufacture, c on them. They are sure fire, m ak e ev en patterns. Dhoot h ard a.n d strong and will stand l r e lo aHing. A sk fo r ''' Nuo lacks'' next time.


· I




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SLICKER , Make it

first Choice of thkmlln Who nows lV llt Y OAItM"HT


I F YIXII> DCAllf!> IS (¥ 'ISN • •AND.




A Positive CURE FOR

CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Is


ab. orbed,

ClI•• i ReUe' at On e., 60';,


E ly n N 1L,OO W Qtr'l' l\ Rio. N . \,"'.

- -- --.---.


S Ide' Nh eel Steamer Aroused 'nte re.t In J apan,


"1 snw the i1rst steam ship tI ~1n~ t b. !Ame ricnn' flag Ihnt ever crosl.l ~.1 th ' 'Po 16c oc un cut r tile h urb or \) :HoUllkooS-," sa id F'r der~ , R. ;iter \lug, a me rchant or Honl>kung, I '''l'hlll \'.aSHel \\'U5 th olol'lld, nnt. 1t land ell In Hongkopg In 1.86" It Wal tbe firs t day or Junu·avy, lind th rEI wal In big crowd or Il ople of all n utftlOlI lI lies to ~c . he r, Del og II sId wh( Il'l lor the old. fa s hloned type, s h e was I c urlos,ty. At th o request of r~aoc ,T \All 'II , ~h e Am dcnn conaul· g n ral tit s blll gav e nn excursIon aroun d tbl 1s1lmd !In whloh the city Is sltul\ t 'd, I jw ns amon" the 1,200 on b onrd, 11 WDB ,\ gu la day, Whlstlcs b,ew, Ilf!opl. 8hou ted, anc1 n,tmc rou8 s mall sa!llnl b O~t8 llnd tllgs escorted us, " AB 1 r em e mb er now, ' Ihe vessel be Jong c1 ' to Ibe Paclfll} "Mall Lin a ne ealled rrom Snn Frnn cls(:o, She mAtlf th e trip o[ 8,000 mil es In ~O dn ys, une who sho arr'ved wus In porre t' Irht nnd goo,\ t\rde r, Everybody TO IIlec tbn t It meA ns tho b(\gllln ln!; of th. grent dev IOPllIl.'nt of the Pacific,"


A Sano Anal ys is, H e-Wou't you (ors,vc me for kla. Ing you ? ' " 'b c-No, If I did you'd Idsa me I gnln , . 11 0--1 prom' se J won 't. Sh Th on what's th e good T FRIENDS HELP St, Paul Park Inoident. "A(~e r dr,nklng cottee [or breakfasl ] a lway s fe lt Iunguld a nd dull, havl n. 110 a mliillon to get to my Illornl n& dulles. The n In about 11'0 hou r or so I wenk, lIen'CUB d eruugeuleut ot tbt Ileart nud ,stomach would ' cow'a oval . me with Buch force I would fr equent!) ho vo to lie down, ' . "At othel' times I hod s e\.ere heat\ a elles; stomaoh finally becnme atrec t ed and di gestion 80 Imp alre\l that -) h od serlou8 chroniC dyspepsia and con 8t1pnt!on, A lady, (or mnny yeoI" State Prl!.~ldent of th-e W, 0, T. V, told me she had been greally lIeno flted by . 'q ulttlng corree' ~!ld USID~ Postum F ood Coffee; she was trol~ blerl, for yeartl with asthma, She said It wal no croSB to quit coffee wh r she fOUDd 'she. could ,ba ve as delle lou, ' an article 0.8 Postum, , "Annther lady; who had been' ,troll bled with 'clironlb dyspe psIa (or yoam found Imm edl~te "lUer on ceoslng cor . , fee and beginning Postum twl ge 11 day' She was wholly oured, Still nnothe. friend toli! , me that 'Postum Food co r fee was '" Godsend to her. bel' b pft1'l trouble bavlng b!!en retleved aflc; leavIng off colfee and taking P;:,slu lll '''So many luch Cases a me to m, notice that I conc,uilec', coffee was lh' canso ot my' trou)JIEI arid T ' Qui t, ant took up POllum. I- nm more that ploased to lay th",t my \lays 0' . U'O\l hIe havo dIsappeared. I a m well ani t,I1PIlY."~ "There's a ,R oason ," Reu

" ne R9a4 to WellvtUf." (u pkp.




Tt4. HORU.







at 'a•s'

"the He.rt Wal Badly When I 'om,what Pointed, But It D'"noted '" j the Patient Beoan Using Quit:!- Intelligence. EXPERIENCE MR. B1RD::I-ALL'S Doan'l Kidney PII .. WITH "WHIRLED EGGS." Pl p-rce Jay, UIO cOlnn'tI~Klon(> r or A grcat uny IIIl It Ie (Inll" 1:110\\ M1'8. EUzab th 1Ifn.''I\·ell. (t 415 Wc~t ba nks or 1I1ussachusetts, at tho Amer l· whot a :u:ln Itlt'amf wh D h" ~' ll' H ht 8eemlngly He Had Not Sufficient £x· "'ourth street, dlympla. Wash., says: can nnnl<"~8' ,11I$Or.l:I\IOI\'R I'nnl t?-nUo n po'anls " l llat Jtors(> \!11 I.wood UI' !<It tha i pertnea., and In His Wrath He Ex· "For over thr e In St- J.olite •. allvocal d u boller I\I!. :10 n.n lmyol." ..... I1\llclnl{ a b"I'. ' cl,lmed Almost aa DavId In yeal'S 1 SIII'fCI'O(\ c01lntln g system, " AI. Pllluns II whulc 101. lio mUflt be bill HII 'Haste, wltb a dl'opslcal " But above all ," saId Mr, .Ia ·, III . Some p eople call Peruoa • great louie. Others refer to P~ruoa II a~..t' cat.tal E~AMINING A HORSE. UU (It! !IS II "rpoLly 1\8 It \lull' or mer· cOlldll:lon wl~h· a dl acilsslnn of !ill! IdoG, "we wunt r~mcdy , . , Chan!!" sClIl s. If th,! billoltsmith. as out belllg aware In lelllgcnce, If cmbc".z kml'llt Is til 110 : Wli;\.;h of these people Ilre rigbt? Ie It more proper to e&Il peruna. catarrh remHOW One May Judge of the Animal '. II hUr6 Aho(:I" wOIll,l 11\111' Cllre 10 gel All was peac In tltt' Ulrclsnl: tlat. thllt It W(LS cl ue tho~oughll' pul dO"'n , '),; \f'Il1!1 11I'e edythIlDtoca~lltlltonlc? . Soundnes•. I ho hlRille o( ~h (OO l thll 11111 hl! l/(ht 1' bo !llsl (If Ih e I\\'e chIldren had bellO t _ ""!lll bar In t IlInnnce Is hptl I' nnd Our reply IS, that Peruoll is bot~ Il tonic .nd a ~lltArrb· remec1y . Iodeec), thO.,.. caa t I Id Il I'he 01lls1l1e, uod l;eL tho 1;1ll'1l tbe put to beel, th ') 11I ~t r IIUetit for a olney rOll .. - , . 0 . ' be no etf~ctual catArrb remedy that IS Dot al~o a tomc, Theso m'e tb Instl'll llnns of a 1'll\lIt I ngth. Jterp. Is uo t l'Oul;ll'. Some d rink of waler h(ld h u ·HlhlllCNI. a.od bl. The early ' casblers lind Icll,·.rs UI'II hook· '10. order to tbOfougbly relieve any case of catarrb. Il remedy mllst not only lui..... s tag e s we r e koeper~ and not . rl i'rli s we want Ihe I specific action on the mucous membranes IIUeeted by t be catarrh but it must by• • not !)d hor81.l1ll1l1l llUhllsbeu smiths, an.rri tile Montrelll Ii rUllI , will Mrs. ntl'd9011 hnd 1.0111(> Inttl tl1\' sit· prlnclpolly ha It· slime keen, _ quI It IntHIII" 0 e that g .l1e!3ll.o¢c..acUon.o.n...1.\UUICD! u 5t~m. ' . " I'olrl Pllrm r. put 110 II Mlloe one·hnlr Inoh too ~hort, ling room tn >J ln k duwn lotco Ii chair nche and I;p,ar- cllarnuL I'l zetl old C lilt. I r" ' 1"101 Cack , GatArrh. even io persons who arc otberwise Gtrong, Is Il weakeoed cooclltion of _ .. 'J'b nl'st tlrllll-( fOr U pl'OSIlOall\' luid Ir lia£' .ulmul goes Inul' h docsn't 11Il a IIltl Ur d bl~h to llIk Ull the Ing down pain of C 1011 stet'. moC1) US membrane. Thore must be something to strengthen tbe clrculation, to tift rlUl'cbnll r tq 110 In ;mm llling a hor80 l(llClW Whnt ' ~ th /I1 lll1et·. Some borses durnlng b( th ch lldl' II'S al<1cklngs, but I went ulon~ " IICII Iny ve ry III , One dn~' ho got toue to the arteries and to rai se th~ vital forces. 10: soundn SN Is tn walk up In frnnt .'1' III IT"UI' a. s hOl'IOI' H ho(~ ihan other~ Anu 110W unughl was h'RI'd KIIYC tllo ,Perhaps no veg,etable rem edy In the world ball attracted so much attention JnIIa o L. :bhn alld Il 0 thut h hOIl \1 brlghL, bl'(,IHI~O "r t h" dlrrerr'uc(! In tho da, crack I ' of MI'. 11Irclsall'ij l'ap(II' all he wl th9ut worrying much u ntil dl'ol1 s.y down.hearted ' feclt ng that his elise ' medIcal writ~r9 as .EIYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. Tlie wonderful efficacy of till. ht!:Ib beertlll ye, Theil st J1 nt'oun ll al ~t' O~ hI tll shullu 'or lh: hOQt, 110l1lu udJl1Ill (I hili !':! t hllo a rnoro comiort- Ge~ In. !Ill' fcot anll anltlos swelled w~,s, h0 1',r:I,C8R. , .,, ' , bas bern recognized manS' yenrs, and i~ g rowing io its hold upon 'tlio mellieal proleqa1G11. I fea l, doct.or, he said, th .re Isn t 1 Wbeo joined with CUBEBS nnd COPAIBA 11 trio. of medlcl\l'llgeotcl ill foimea ID on~c sltt und look Ibrllligh Ill\) Yl18 wont'n long we lUll I ~mllG a ~ltOI' t lIuio 110sltlllll Ull I h ' Sl'llt of nllothel' up, my b ands puCred und became 50 , Peruna w bicb constitutes 0 specific remedy ' for cotarrh that in the pfe~eDt stllte of me41. 10 11(1 If any d f1 Is nolie IIbl troin one_ Th I.' tONI tIl I' will bo n dlt· ch iliI'. ';:1l1e nl), h e wuk his r et tOllse r cOllld hardl y c10sc tti m. 1 hatl mu 11 1101''' ror III '.' "'On , Y N, tbet'e Is: the dortor 111\- I cal ~rogre5g cannot be improved up0l!' This action, reinforced by 8uch rono')Vned t on~ tha point at vi w. SomcU1il II th el'l" tcr llC r ·lO tb 47 d ' :;r ('~ , lU1d " 0 11 dOIl' n, shoved hl ~ HOpul uel 'l\ 11\1 fill" grcat dim IIlty lu br 'a~hh lg, :tntl my 19 11 catn rDct o r IlCU1' u jJQlt tho ball s hort 10(' YI'II will IIml tllllt t bo lIars'" lh er all hi" lI uoe. UIIlI ('IDaI' dills hear t would flulter wllb tho least cO(, swol'I'1. ''fIJI' e rl'a rs 3 ;;0 I WIIS 10 as COLLINSONIA CAN A,D.EN IS, CORYDALIS FO~MO SA and CEDRON SEED. ' Uf'lllIPI! UUlt Is ' flBlul a only rrol11 tbe will sland >;1 "'llliht"l': n lllL Is. tho IIi" thrOM, . e rUon. I could Ilut \YlIlIc far without YOllr ('Ol1llltlon 1)1 cl. ,'Iy . and lunk at . ~ught :o malce this compound Iln idelll remedy for ClIUlrrb io all its etogesl1nd iocllticl:. tID theFram oody.. , f . . • ... ._. side, 'I'll Iitarnal, In Itll cOl'lier POI' ItllSlern jolnl will como mol' dl · " '·u. ,lid you l','er eat 'lny wl.llrlQd stoppin g u?aln aod IlGllln, to I'. at. _SI me" now.' Dcl; In teilic nt anel III ~ rt sn1 4 a theoretical stllndpoJllt, there or , Perona IS beyoed cntlc!sm. ..he tlse .... SlIl{; "will uvelll' Ilk a smull white rcctly lweI' the tool. Wllh a 101l1! nngs ', ' b,· (Ill rll1d. U51)lg rour box c~ at DO:lll s hltln Y . ' ' Pernu,l. ~onflfms tb i5 opinion. Nllmberless t ~stimonials from every quarte r Q£ tbeeartJI. Bllot on Ih pup il In Its eni'lIl'r stage. 100 ~n l1 will find t ha Iho !' jlRsl. . ,." furni ~' lJ ample evidence that Ibis judgment is not over enthusiastic, Wh OD practielll Q"W,11I'lcll c l.'g~?" l'''II('utM . Irs. blrd- Pills I he bloating Ilns gone down and QU.I,f:lIIY, th e reellngs or ulstress pave dillll )lWhat doctor ,Ilel YUO ha\e. I p er!eD~o COOflrt:1S a well-grounded theory the. result is II tmth tbatcannot be shaken, N :It 10 k In til 1l10lltU (0 tl I r- 'I'n' Jl)lnt will elmp bn k rnnr (II' less. ~u ll . " 1'10, I n\,\'e l' dIrt ," III uS: ulso to seo thlll HI • It' 'th All oj liy w a." lu 'I!t I he le ugU I of lh ,~ "Ll st"11 hcro, Ih'·Il." saId Mr. lJIrd· fleured." s hut l ogother ,eveo ly. Avoid ou 1i0' Rh ot, ~' UU wallL Is to Litke n s qU,l r :.tIlU sail. ] Ie 1(,'!1'cd hi 'l throat a~nln and . Sold I)y all deal ers. fiO cents n box. '1 Fos t~r- ~lllbu!'ll Co., HutTalo. N. Y. pIal'" It ()II lit nuor. l.,I\l the \oo!:lIe b J.;an to rl ull : u t tho ~ll llur" (~()III!) 10 the <lentcr tit "'J'her o Is n T II'I(IHIt I'<.!R I~l1r"nl In HE 'W ANTE D LIVE NEWS. III(' lllu;lflrn joillt lIud llwn SI) ' ho w w YOI'll wll ,r EO onl1 HilLY 01 II1Iatrs, llIohr IlIdJ1J1> ynu IIllvc rroll1 tlto tile shor b l8 !lnu san'ron-color d gOllt to till' la c I. H rOil tollow Ihl« r ule st w, bllt tIll> o(I IIt'Ri d ish the In nl} Correspondent Hild No Ti mo t o Waste with Vice Presiden t. YO ll will ha v rewer IJlllle hOI'M . b(J a~t6 Is 'whll'l(,d P.,J.;s.' Tho 1I1JIH'es' An ot h(l l' Ituthnl'ltl' n~ll s III u perLl· s l\' dish Is I,n'pfll' t! h rore the gU(,IJt. Vlc:e Pres ident Fa l!'):J3 I1!tS stopp~d n III lIl\eq IlOll s: Do s III hors1!' ~ hnol Wh Im II Is ()I'll I'(' d Jl coo \; IIll'l's ' tile rllih' CO,'UI' 111 0 cnLlre III we,· bGnl(>r of dinin g room With " I;lnd of ~lllltr 10 n news lJlI\tcr man tb e uthor du)', and lh(l WILli. ('JI' lij It loa nu.rrow or ti lt 1I h is hanu-II lillie pnt atta ched to Ille good·unlltr .d ly asked cl(plnn aUoo of so f\ll! OIl Ih Ill ij ld thllt It has given en:! .:>t a I " ther cord. Th llI un OIlOOS nn Inr:denl which bappene d yenrs ri se to ta)te rf ring. 01' has ilio shoe t·he . II> 's, St'IIS0 IlS them, and Sh uls ago. On toal occ .. s lua MI'. Fairllanks !teon nailed 011 crooked, or h n~ It \Ie' Iham np In tll lit ti e pot.. Than he :1IId Ih o corre~ponr1 nt were C'llalllng omo loos a II shirt d '! Is It too whll'ls th" 1I0t 01 thc cnd ot Its cord pi a~ antly. when ·udd.enly ~ he Intl.e r sltoi·t 01' so wid at lhe cllds or Lbe r.rolUld his .h lId al Inconceivable moy d a"'lI), to meet Senator Chaud· Names lind Location of E~ternal Pa rte bl'llll hes as not to SUIII'Or\. Ille b\lt· Epe d. Round lind round It spi ns. Its ler or Maine. The vice PI' sltl I1t said: ll'C8HeS of the hoor? Do 5 h uhoc o utllnos b{:oome \,Ii£ue. J~ 6 'e}lls to "I have ulways hnd grpat '~l1I'lo s lly to of Horae. "tlOW why YOII des erled m il thnt any." I . ,"unl : 2, rU~Q: 3, (Oroh,!nd : 4. fI'llI: .COrl' 8(1ond wi Ilt til Corm or lhe hoor? smoke II IILtio. . , l·':"~ l; . (I, (! ll ~l}k ; 7, I w r Juw: g, ttl,. u.l; AI' Iho null ' dlslrlbuted so QS to In · "Suudf'nly the llIan 011 ns it; a nd 1'1111 ne ws lJaJlCI' man oes! L" tca fo r a ~, tl~ k,; 10, with "11: 11, Min t of dhoujder: terter · .UI II ttl 0 as P05111bltJ wIth the Re l s Ihl) ,gp:s h rOr, lho SUllst. They maUl nt. aod th en r 1,lIed : 'To tell l~. 111'('1111; tB, Ibow; 14. (or¢tlrm: l~, I(ne : c . . llanl:!lQn of th , nuul'trs? Are there nre bt;"I1Ufully ~cr(lm1Jled aud qllJle you Ihe Iruth, lit.!'. Vic PI'oslclf)c t, )'OU J~. ClUl1101\ or fthunltl J•• ( 011 .::1<: I • ruH' lern: 10. l'!'lrOntH; 120, fOOl: =.!1, ,,;lrlh; ~. too nllLny'! AI' til Y too larg '1 Thes' hflt. ']'lIe hent or. 11\ l'11' motion through are a mlghlY dry so urce ot ncws. You IJltly Iloye a nose tor n·ows. bllt I h"Un :Ill, itullk; 21 , I",,'k; ~G, Inln; :ro, are \1olnl~ ill hors owner' slIol1ld a,,· th e all III whnt hil S cook d tb ein. PILES (JUJU:D J~ 0 .}'O 101. 11.& Til. Ih'UII~h tit 1111l: :-7, crollr>; 28, ,101,1., :!!l, cerUlln In OI'der t bul any Ca ulls ob.. 'Th ,ls: exclaims til 'rul'klsh hosl, dOlll;t It: nt Rny rat'. YOII nc"el' glvo P'AZO OlSTlI ~.s · r ( Io!UIlr4Ul"ccd to "urn aU J ('iUJI Ihlgh ()~ 'IUnrl.r'; ao, lOWer Utl~h up sny. Now, whon n newspBller 1110n ~t Itc h' " •• .1lI lid. lUeod lm.:-u r 1.Jr.fUrcuhull I,",h:. ill S I'vcd may he con cled. '11;0 .lSt rll shellherds , ,,,,ok 11Ieir kin; 11, hf)Ult ; 3!!. h' "t' \0 14 \.ItL,.1 (tr U10nt,l1 r~ (IIf1 tJ(Q . flue. ol;I;s, whll'lInJ: til III In a sli ng IIko II £,unulng ror big, live news bo ha sn' t h ua! thut Is !llllIor IIn d{:r·uhot or m·or· GREAT DEMAND FOR EWES. ihot wherewith Dnvld overcallle the got lim to stop nnd cxchnoge 8111all tlhot, (\S hOI'~ollle n CXPI'CijS It. ll! lilt· toile with a man, Oven If he be a BCUglaut or Cath:" I I' fr Yll u\ly being eallea a parrot Tha noxt Illg!Jt :-'1'1'. Birdsall ap- alor, who would not know the price of' H lohcr Pr ices Being Reallzcd for Dloll0 .. Qood St~ k, pellr d nt hi!! hOUle wllh a. bum!.l t> uews If he sow it." MI'. Fulrhanks The re "r~ pO!'lIt:ion s ope.~ in the FrTf::, . !. \"itll DlInl'o on,1 all N.r"I>llR Willie In fron l of th(l hOI'lIe ' lOOK smiled. " J thunk you fOl' your frlln k- I)i;.~n .. f', p~I' IIIi1ncnUy l ' I Ir~U l~' DI~. 1\lhw'~ NIlVY for !Iltlldretlaof youogm«!D und I' his ann. s{t'all;ht tlown at hili front le$tI to G r;pn t ".Nen" c Ht·~tor~ l' . ~elHl !nr J'rer $-LII() ~ ess: ' be said, "r, sec I ul!lll1 lIa ve to uctwecl117 a n d 25 yeara .of 'a ge, "1'1 nry , whal ure YOIj' fixing to do ~" 1'\ ver In tbe lilstory· or the Ghee r, ITi,,1 llOttlc lIItrl 1!'l'Ul i e. Dr. n , ll. l'I inll, II£'O If the re are al1 Y buncbes , Knuec1.illl vate Il n ose ror news." n uti fOr rh echa'nic8 up to 35 year» bu s loe~ , at hlcugo hos th def~aud ex.clnlanetl ?II I'S. !\il'aenl!. L,I. , 031 A,"1t 't.. }'I1iilltlelul1in , PlI. llajas ur splints. 'of agl!. Good pay, aadll'oodfoocl "J)o'~ " rellcal'd Mr. Blrdsoll, " I' m A BJ)lInl Is located onywh er.e be- (or bre dIns W 5 be 0 n8 strong 8.9 going 10 ~lhll'l somn e 'S, tbal's what ALMOST A SOLID SORE. fur'n ished bv the GovedlD1ent~ Kinsmen of lmmortil Gll ors". tills y 'ar ond II \'er b for wer ao , twa n \~JI knee Il,ml th lin kle, and 1"01' fu\l IQformat:ion a£drc&III Mon y klndrcd of ,George Wfl shlng· rill I!olnfi: to do. N o more ot your nlllOY IIhlpped alit, Hnys IIIcog6 Live· I. rOlln~ on I)' on th (ron t legs. It Navy R cnt i~inl:' Station, p~ fl'l :f eggR, and >'0111' ponched eggs, akin DI.ease from Birt h-Fortun. ton dwell on and about .lhe origina l stock World . Duyers wbo nre no t IIble takes the torm ot 0 bony SII\)slnnce Spent on Her Without SencfltOffice Building, Oinoi.nnati,Ohio. W ashington plantation 10 We!!tmo~e­ and your boiled Rgs for me. I'm go· on tbe In81de of the leg. it said om to get as many liS tbey wanted ' bere Cured Her w ith. Cutlcura. land cO!lnty, ' 1I'glola. The present oc· Ing lo hl\ve 'om whtrled'" Ia /IVe gone 10 th !'Rnge country nod l'a.U8011 lome ness unlells n ar II jOint, cu pont ot Ill e plontation Is no med 1>1re. Birdsall kn w b lter than to roneb· l)ut It Is Hable , to give troubl IlUd Is bought th III dlrecl rrom til "I have a cousIn In Rocklog ham Co, Gewge W osblnglon . In lerlloso any ob] ellons, nod went tUM. nder Ihe prOSllUI'6 or such a to b . II olded In making a purchose. Qule.tly 011 wllb h OI' preporations tor whb onco bad a skIn dlaease Crom her IAOk over tbe body of tit hora k ou· dlllltand vuluell havo advanced . CITY' 0 .. TOLEPO, l II dinner whil e Mr. Birdsall \\'os un' blrtb unUI ebe wns six YI)ars pt age. St'ATJ: 0" LORID v ry no tlccllbly and slll nd nl a I'e· Llu .... COUTT. ,. to see U\at· tbero ar np I'u pllires, 'F" ":~E J. Ouut£y tn.lite, oat h tllit be II &fuliOr 01 Ihls ..per deHer ta th er bad spent a fortune 00 his lIocKoge. w rapDlng level. Thill tncl Is DOt l!lu'l'knhly high J)&rlnlt l of tbe' a.rm o't to. J . IlU E r .. CQ .. d,'~1DI .lrinK 10 buy an.\hen oxaullne tor soundness o[ wind , In a fl,w m lnut s he ~ntered tbe he r to get h er cured and nooo of tbe bllllnc,. In 11.') OU.1 Gt 'fulC!llo. (hl' to l, and. Slate ;.;;;;.;;~;.;;;.;;:;;;. Ihln. ad,.rt/sod h. a dis ollrllglng feature . however, tot' 0. It 1. ' uot always possible 1.(. avoid and tba ' ••t4 ftrlD "Ill ,):1f tbo IU tU 0' lis cqlumns should 1~.lsl u~n lIa~lIIc dlnlng ' room, swingin g hI' hi s lland a t rea tmeots did h er any -gOOd: Old 0:"; lI USDUED l)OLLAIIS t or ..eb •• ,1 '.,US . m\illn/teB ,In till s dlreoUon, Wntob tbe SPOd e w ot IIre.a nt Ilrlcea 1'1' duces Dr. 0suggested· t hat be t.ry the CalO ot C.T "tlR. ,tbal. caua ut be oured by Ute Ua"" (It :i;:~,,! ~~·'mii'ttl~~~. telu"", lIlI ,~ patr or lhongs. fr'oUi which WBS li ltS' !lank for unuatura l 01' jerki ng actloo. n lumb equal to Ite r Qw n "11111 and Cutlcura Remedl e9 w1l10:b he dId, Jl.u .. t.'& C.A.1'.utRU CUItL }' fIA ilK J. li e!'.:\". Sometlme8 a horse wIth heaves show8 will ),Iel([ enow'l! wool to pay for ber J.lended a small closed (1ot which bore Wb en he commenced to u so It tho ~w!)m to herore m e "cd 'Ult,) cril l tt In m)' IlrcleOIJD, some rnsemlJlance bolb to n ccnsel lIe p, On tltls bas Is ow s arc a goo" t b\1I6th d&, or D e.cember, A . U ., 1 0, it 0"1,,,1\1 t he nosll1ls whe n not ex· j -'-t A, IV.OLEASON, child wo s almost n solid Bcab, He erctBln~. The br atlling 8hould b In,'cijtment and many P ol,le 111'0 btl' and a sling. . 1 611iAL f NOT,UlT r u m .10 , "G lmm some ggs now." he or- had used' it about two monUls ond regulllr, onythlng at a Inbored · char· ginning to I'e 'ognlze tt. The (act thlJ.t nillecA'-Arrb Oure I, ,.ken IntornAlly aall ac ta the child was woll. I was lbere wh en d red. os be l) rcko Into 1I chet>rflll 1l1ore e wt!H are b Illg btlllll'hl hy lho d trecU, ,'D lho blOOd and 1n11l! OU!I ,Ilr'l.cel ot lb. a ctel' I s uspicious. ., tree. rmen In the corn belt do s not slg- whist! _ . fr~. IlInlaall hrought 1I1ree lhoy commenced to use your Cut!, .Yltew. r.od. to.r lelUtQvDlalJi,. F. J . Oln:NE, 4: CO., TOle.w, O. • Xl take a pOQltlon directly oppoI stllyer) that week cura. R ' medi cs. eggs and Mr. BInI ali look ed a lmost nlCy tillll there will be 11 BIII'plns ot site t be hlni! quurters ond look fa. r:ablt:111~:>B~~':;tp'li:-tor CODlllpaW)p, and then roturn e d home and stayed ~ur b! ringbone M d thol'tlug hpln. A sh cp rats d, for tb e more l,bey bu y gay as b broltr them In to the soulll two weeks nnd lhen went back ond po t . tbe more the crop on til rauge I ~ c ut Proved Good Man of Buslne ... . orb III kno",n by an olargoOlont of "r wasn't nnr slonch \\illl a sling stoyed with them two week s longer, Wblle preacb!.ng In PlIe\llo. Col., a lJe baok Ilart' of tb hock jolnl. A down. It II! jusl Ii malte,' f tra nruud wben I went homc 1 Icould hardly 10 m y boybood clay a," he obae n '0d few years IIgo Rev. Edwarll J . Wilcox rhl&:hQne Is a bony en largement Ju~t ferrl ng own I·shlp. Wll,h Ule ran~e . ga lh(!r d up the bc lle ve Rho was tbe sa mE' h lld. H e r touod hlmselt In t n o om barrasslllg pop.bout tl,le hoof anel mny appear. upon crop being m fl.l·kclo d olos()r th an usnll'l cheerfull y as h nnd , th demund tOl' multon IncreaslnS'. tbongs In his bund, "an fl I hove ~_!. klu was as soCt. ns 11 Ibuu y's wllh· IIIf1 0n 'or being uoable to PO)' bls debls . • e lUler front or hlpd I gs, the Jll'ollllb lU~ es are tbllt pl'lces wlll Idea thnt l oan s how a t hing or Wfl out a llear 011 H, I have lnot so n her ~nowlng (hil t It be stuck to tho pulpit A IIpavtn comes ,on t he los lde of tb I Q blow t)le bock joln,t, II hard 1.)00 )' I;e as hig h no, l )'Cllr at. they are nolY. obout whirling to Tu ~ks or aoy other 10 sevflotoen yenrs. but I ha\'o h ea~d he wou ld ha~-e s'n1all cbance of gellinG dagoes. Here-melve this tllb lo Ollt fr om heT :lIld Hlo 1l1st time 'r beard trom even with the world, be qalt 'prcacll! s ll1)/ltrtnc more 'or les perCel)Uble. A of m)' way Ilnd glmme pi nty ur room. her sho was 11'011. Mrs . W . 11>. Ingle, Bur- In g and wont Into Ibe mlu ln;; bU BlnesB, th\JrOughplu I ~ localed di rectly lu tbe CURE FOR HEAD TOSSERS. ({eep th e cbildrtm back tbere. and lI ngto;" N. C.• June ~G, '1906." hock iolnt a nct Is kn own by a s mnll To-day h e o \\'n l:\ mines In Colorado 11utr In 1,h skIn on opposite sId s. Dy AC!Jultment of a Strap Acro.. the don·t come Inside the door yours If worth $3,0 00,000, bGsides a g reat delll' l ' ~ 'hlle J am wnll'lIng. It moy loke m .M en ba .. ln~ often oblllldoned wbat presslllC tbll 6n(;er over tne 1l116L on of otber valuahle IIrbporty. Nose Is Effective. n momen t or t wo to get tbe right was ,'Isl ble for tile sake of what was usin~ the ouftrtle It may be telt' on tbe 10Bwlog a ga in," uncertuln, laa've not got '. what they ex· OWe. Double Allegianee. side of tho leg, ' and .vIce ~.v . raa. In 1 have a h an dy a vI r: rol' koeplng Mr. Birdsall fltted the cover on the pecled, nnd hav e lost 'Il'hat th llY hlldCpllnt Prosper D'Eplnay who bas later 8tol:les It I\pnomes ha rd e n,?d. tb bOrBB .from throwing bls helld liP ' To oqe ' familiar with handling and d.o wn whl'cll workll 81lccel!stully, top ot · tile pot, grasped the thongs, beIng unfortunate for an enIgmatical beim decorated In PllriS ' by ~he Bl'ltl sl1 hOlllles It Is no ~ eVOII ne~'es';nty to pas8 . "'rlles a corre~pondeot of Prall'll! aod slowly began lo whirl I'le ii.,. sort of cnlamlty.-Demet:rlus Pbaler· ambass ador wit h lbe VlctOl'lan Order, paratuB, Gradua lly he lifte d hl ~ hallil eus, Iii 10 the od.d positton or belu~ a arlt· tbl! hand oyer the dltfoill\nt par ts to Far-mol'. Dnd put more pOwer In lo bls wr ist Ish Bubjllct onll yet II. Jo'rcn oh mnn (,t det,e el these cvl~enccs of unsoundness, I first take a small slrap somelhlng till he hlic) altai ned consIderable ,N" mug$ or rnil u r~. m~tI~ wit h PU Tolth011~b thl! Inexl1erlenr:ed 1I\0y find li ke a hame stTalt, only l lise e buckle NAM F. Dr~ LE~ J)YE '; lbl'igllt, !Jcauti- tbe same Ume. ' He wile born In I,he apeed . Round and round BJ1ed the IlOt. ful cui ON a c~rL"'Jlty. island of l\tnl\r:lhlus so me (1 5 y aI's ago. Ii a lie!;! to do so. on lJoth WldB. i !lut t his s trap acrOS8 Tho IBland. of courso, Is Inhabl1 ~d by Look ' for 8hoe boll on the elbo." ti¥' nOBO and Imel:le to each sldO of tbo thongs (tlvl n!; out a low, hummIng 'SOc. sound, whIch gradually b ecll me hIgher or ullper extremIty of Ibe front IIlI;. Many a man who pray s for rain a }'rencb-sIleaklng pO(lIIlatJon and eOlle and high er ae Ille 8peed Increoeed. ,~n Oe~lers. These Ilre really bl emls be~ ·rather Ihan would do ubtless ste::1 his neighbor 's formed ' part of the terrltorlell of M,r. 'Bird sall IIt uck mao fully at hIs I!mbrella If his p rayer8 vmre ansWere4. France. Botb the count's ll,\ronts b e· t\UtiOUndneB8\ th.e satne l,e.l ng true of :"ft:lIor·... Horse" task till the rovoh'lng pot becume' II wlud pu.lfs round JUBt aboye the Ing Jo'rench , tbe count 18 regarded In TO CIf DJ: .& «:OLD BI GIU) D.& Y • circular blllr above bl8 head Ilnd lho Ilcklns. France 118 a Fronchman, but belog -:--'~ ~;Sloan. oosron.ll'la~:,.,. '1'1"" LA..XA'fI\, t!; UltOMuQulul no1'.. lJlen. I~nlr drops of porsplration trickled down ,h.M A hove all be sure tile 'fllet are [lerborn under the British Hag be 18 just rur und m l.)nof' it )'" " uttl "'" Cllr e. K. W UllOV g 'd " "Dlllun, II 011 eub \tOr. . 2.bC. bls' [orohelld. . fee(. T~e s~;'ln'g, " No toot no borse," . . Ilurely a Drlt lsb s ubjecl. SlIddenly there W3S a lOUd pop, \a ' a ,true ,one, . New York Pllllanthroplst. . " Mrs, Blrd8nU cntored Ule room shriek. Be s ure ,there 1),1'0 nti 'lUart r 'crackl Dr. A,delnlde Wnjl ef'stllln, rich, ing. The top of tllo pot crIIshed , In l,he boof. Let ~ho heel be fairly young and bandBqm e, Itals turned part thr.ough t\1e dinIn g r oom wlodow. Tbe ....Sh lind the tout ~ e ll eUP~lli d , whIch There:s more in paint than the mixing ·of body of the pot veered around and of her elegllnt New York" home Into a mealla Wilt It . sbollid ' bave 0 Qoncuve colors, lead Bud oil. Be~t results can'be'had ' landed. wIlli a resou nding wback on pbyslclan's omce. H ere site devotea under 'surface, '" blae~, hoot Is conBld· about 61): hou t'S a ~ay to ' practlclnl;' . , only fronl b e.s t ingredients, accura"e ba1:mpe ! the back of Mr. Dlrdsall's neck. One , ereel harder than whIte one, nltbQugb · medlcln e. all Ibe lucome 80 d'erlved , ' of their proPortions, and the best'method of , of the t.hon g~ had evidently broken. lliere ' '!ire many white hoots which , mixing or a ssift1iIulion. B\!t mo~t ii!:tportunt Mr. Dlrdsnll droPlled Ws apparatull golog to hor clte-tity wgf'!c on tile east wear well. ,. s Ide or t h e c ity. Mrs, Wallerateln III of all is the' grinding process, ·Upon the fineness depend ill :liu~ lind stared In tlRzed tosblon nt bls LuUy; ·take a .posltlon: behind the Tile Strap In' Place. wife, wbo WOIl removIng 11 sticky, yel- aCCo m pllsl)od and: socially prominen·t . \ degrt e the smoothness and covering c apacity of a ' paint. animal lI:!ld noU,ce bls blps. They low mRSS rrom ber face with her bllt has glyOO ull most of h er loolety, shonld be eJt8.eUy alike In 'oll\-l ln'e. the bridle just above the rings of tnt ures for bel' professlooal and J)leas apron. 011 a level with hlB head, the > See ' that th~ tall \s carried straight. ' bit. It '" then drawn tight enough so tour walls ' ot tbe roOm were d ecora~ed charitable work. Like the shoo 1>011 and tbe ~Ind 'puJ ns to press agaJn8t the horse's 1I0se. with a bread, spa ttered )'ellow blind, (AIID LlIIUctD OIL I thlll III only a blemish , but detracla . Re.t~red by Americ~l n MOlley. b the cut the atral' III JIlustra tM n~ aomewbat trom the . 8nlmal's value attaching to' t bo r.lngll of the brIdle from wblch little .yellow drops were are ground through powerful mills of special. construction ; they conCbarlton, the anc~ stra~ bome of th. , ~rClally. the same reason bit. Thlis , wIll· work all right I.rcvld· 810wly t rlekJlpg down the flowered earl of Sulrolk, III onl:e mloro thl\ scene tain the .purest and most' lasting pigments ground in Aged Lins.,tid Oil wRllpapel·. The back of Mr. 13lrdsall's ,: note: thc way ht\ ,.-sIts: . glQrie8 of tb!! olden t!lm!) 'slnce the in correct proportion; illey are honestly made; q).st no ~ore ,thall ; lrig· the "boNe ,Ie not too tender bitted, neck WIlS s tfeamll)g raw: yellow eg~ Atter all ·, these Instructions bAve marrlago of the earl on., Mlf;ls , DaIsy inferior paints, and possess lind raw egg was sllattered freely O\'er . been followed' filut ~ back to tbe ~e&d One F.armer" Feed•• all the essential qualitics of a the carpeted floor. ; , . hetter. It'll a.. ft'no .laco·bean mansloa I feed bay and no straw~ using m·y . and l09k It1l1f .Dver _on the ot her side. of t\Ilrk san'dslone, '!11 th mullioned win· :Mr. Birdsall stnod 8pee chle ss a.nd dows lind qal'ved stone ,portals, and A.k yourd.~I.rfqrnufr.loA. L.a. Ready-Mix.d Polnlt. Jrh. can':'o' •• pply you .end ~er ...·' The~ are ' maor Uttle trlci~ or straw for betIding .nd workIng It 'into Manufacture ... for prices ~tN1 folcltrl contall)hll valu:able infor=ation Illdch2rt of ~o I~ a!!bast . for a mO!llllnt, and. seemed .un· dlaM!lterisJ;1cs certain ~or811s have, !a, tbe IIlIlnu~. IfIlY8 a corresllOndent "UIJl\U.lD" many treasures of art, Includ· able tQ' find words, His wlfo gazed at' OURE ~ WI" peeuIlal'lUlls of (Ilspoeftlon,. ]l'8rm and Home. I do 1I0t buy ani In" the famlly 'poruaita. ·"Ir2III$. only be b, use, grain 1.0 \~ed, as I rliise what r wnnt. blm ~Ih frtgbt.ened eyell. Then ~r. TaRe 'Garfield' Teo, tlte N~hlral !Axa"nile' abOyc, however, will {mabie tbe My grain ratton Is wheat Ilnd oats,. aod BIrdsall's CO.llnteoance \lccnme BUt. [uSlld with rage. liv9, (or con;'lit'tnliolt , indigestion, liver t. qulc.ktr llIIo,b.d. bIi~~ ' ~le:ct ~I eoundn8)ll U ltell8 and oats. I bave It ground and .. nil kidnc~, 'ler:).lltt·ment., IIlnil eold •. 'It i ~ "Ann," be hOWled, "the tellow Who Ill... RIll" .1 Onc.. . 1&_. " , . It makes good teed .[or 11.1\ kInds 01 mud" of Herbs. Gunnmtced uod er the It c1QUn~eJI , soothell stook. 1 teed all my stOok, excepl wroto 'that yarn was nn inferDlll Unr!" Pure . Food Law; . " , NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER! henl. nud protcot6 working team, two reede a da.r. · I feed ~ , Bh.lter the Ikooder: , THE SCIENTIFIC A'ND _rilODER I\I EXl'ERNAL COUNT ER-IRRITANT. the discll.~&1 ·mom. . A. Poor Obj!lc:tlon. And It·~ a sure thing 'that · o~e can't btllue. It CW'C8 Cu.. Wben ,tlle wea't~er:ln the sprlne h .. turnips 'IrB~ 11\ tho . ~brnlng. Ulen hay; become •. ! mlt.1 '~nough to pu~ tb. water at' nlgltt, then teod . meal and . Proud Beauty-But .~ can't marl')' be lur• .of 8D)'tIIlng In l\lls ~orl<l ' tArth aod drivoll brooder ou of 1100\'11, !lOme toll w the then hay . . I' have fed tbl s. "iay far !,wo th'llt man, .mafnma, I don' t love him., away iI .Oold In the , .1 .... WID ......•• 80ciibliDIr 15T"1P, Garetld lil1mma-Th~t la m~felY a yellr8 and 1 think, my stook 'do better pJllft of Ilrb~ctlnlJ It wltb a small '01" rblldrtD ~ltaID', 1U~,u..'tb" pratt redu~ £Do Bead quickly. Ro. , :ovltb three feeds. 1 tCOIl ' whllt technl!lDI obJection, Patl·h:la. and mUlt ....l... III.-bOw.. slores tile S'ell.~ 0( ' • portable ' brooder' bOUie, ' Tile ' bad T4IIte nnd Snlell. Full aill.e 60cte., nt Drug. ertectl of cold Wlndl, aDd ' storml are hay the. cs,LMe will eat up cloan, ~d not be . allow~d to stand ' In tbe way of With·, too mllny -peopll~ obarlt.Jt II gists or bpDnil; Trju181ztl 10 eta, by mall: EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT a mDtch 80 de81rable from every p oint . tbUJI PreftDted. Th~ same broode~ four ,Quatt8 o~ meal at a: feed. E1,r Drolhera,lill Wa:mtDSt1'8o~.~"' York. more of a · fad tban a v.inae. It OUICK, SURE, SAFE ", ND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAtl'i:-PRIC!t of vfew.-Ro}'al Mugaslne. . , boll,.. may be ulled l!iter on In tile . ~....:....----.... . Packlrig Fowl.. . ~~(C'Ml7Lcg~L.':E~~rt=T Tg~E~;.ATN AW5sf')~~~~l~ttt.DDg~~~IiR~·A~~ @eaiAA to prote~t the ehlcka trom ' TIlIL THE PA.!i~ COMJ;-$-il.J;E·P A. '(UBB HANDY. When fowlll nre packed in barrels , N,vel'ttl. RIQht· Ono, tit "the eaD.· After tile c:bleln .,. A substilute for and superior to mUitard or sny other plast.r, and will not or ' boxel ~or ~blp~ol\t. all the M~il in the Upper Bertb-What waa aom.. too large to my 'n !Jbe brooder blister Ihe mOl! dellcalo .kln. The paln-.llaylnt and curallvo qualltlllll of 8TIF:FNU!I. STITCHa. LAM.NE... CR".,!, heat shoulc\ be ou1 ot tbem; To paOk the mBtt~r ..wlth. yOU' You kept lilY' diey .will tbll houlle for rooeUa... Ih6 atuC1te er:e ...ondar/u). II w,lll stop the lootba"he III once; snd ' ~Uov. TWISTS AND TW,TOHE8. ALL DECA." WHI. tbem IlIifore tbat time 18 to Increaae IiIg "~ext coimter! next eounter" all' Here they will ~ protected from . YOU APPLY Headache snd ScIatica. W" recomm,ond ~ the beat alld .afut 1Ill1I~ ",e opport.unltt.. tor the ~ heat to de- Illilit lanll'rtllnl ' rem.fiJl for p.J- In \he alII8 . . ~ predllt.or, rodent8. ' 'telop In tbe Interior or tbti box or bar· )laD I~ ~wel'-l dreamed I .... and atoml. anel;"uncl Gouty re.! and ~be (creel! of dec:olD,polltJOD .1IIp»tDI for 1111 wI'e.-Detro\t I'ree will pro..e what to ,.,.. PIli ••tII. ,. begID their work. It 1J111 bP. .eeD that Prep. _1l00000o~ and for 'amll, ~er bM tried tJii, go tIltl' might euily leacfto bean 10.." ODIIItrWIUIII a batll . f9r u it treqUent11 dDn. How the Shoalng MUG' Doni.



Is it ·8 Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or is it Both P









The Circulation and 1he .Muscles and "OiDD lubricated, by


Lil\;imel\;t " ,

Price 25c. IS $1.00 'S old by Treatise-On The Sent ••, ,Address Dr. Earl

' I NT' PI


Buffalo A. L. O. 'Paints

f'1)r ·


Pe rfeet Paln • t'



Buffalo' Oil Paint.&'Vamish Co. ~~rf~:~!. .

Ely's Cream Balm











" - ~\


CLOTHES SOON? 1'11EN HE \.1) '],llI K! ["



I llH' lIl,.thing tllik 1111\1\

,'1 .t hing

1I\\,lIll l' I,f


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wH,b loetfllc nb).' di!\t1 n O!1lp~q.,- the ' Cd nu on lind" qnHn t,it y of lib \I ..". filet t,hll I, l OIlO, Cdh n ~o\l lfiurll I ol1l'eq "y th G A, R. £I1l11 ~on!\ IIf

lor,hin g n ons Ihreeoth rllt r



rllns fr ;lu

til .



Blue Ribbon Talcnm

P )wder, . 11 , fine hig hly

one pi ece heavy t in.

of ' good l'cg~lar 25c kind Saturday June '

perfumed t(til t Jlowd er pedal for Saturday • C



Covered llaakct well with double hand les worth 20t _sP_IecJ.;...·_al_S_._'t_ul_·d_ a Y-_._~I I1ll1 d (\


'. gu verll.

In t.ll oity pu t to!t t.b er . Thill h rtl\ mo nt., tlDd th e~e WIll be pl(l cl'cl In been Ih o HOknol" ledgpcl .. tILl i"ll ill ' t h" . ( m et·ery li S (l monument 10 onT


~ o t.l l1l1 '! trllde fo r 1!" lih ars deuli. , As II numh I' .'> ( uuts ill ers wish to .A fin e double cake of Magnetizpd Tack row four <-.ood .IL1Hj "t r p lI~er COlll llllt,ilioll , the Mo~e conl.ribule in. ~o m WilY t. this ~[Il· pure . tr~nsparent GI.- · . 'nh(;n \p8.do1'5hip 1>1' more shArpley IlIoriAI, uJ1, o ,l)Jo r~ ullity wtil l it! lI iv . Hammer, Special for bristle 'l'outh Bru h cerine soap will not af. d fiu tba n over .' Whu t '!' tllo 0 0 the I1 l1 blic to contribu te t , lWIl\'(\ r Il~on '! t,b xp nee of th ll fr Bi,.ht, wlli .1l Saturday fect t~e most deli{~a te S]) 'cial De<' ouse: l\l()~P CoIl! 1\ ()Iothe~, II I 'wlll ho ILbou l· *&0. J une 8 kin, spccial Saturday Jun e t: wlly!<~ ILtj,.rll(lt'H·Y, lIltv · h C lUe I)ro 15. Lev Ollrt\\'rlg ht untl ffi . ),; for aturday gr e~~h' Iy baH I yelll' by yo ur, UII j{ ev r were reo lected direOlorl! til toduy tb a~' IIr. t h bf'st. olntl",.. nncl J . O. 'n r twrlgllt sal cled II" in ql1l1lit,y, .in tnil rw lt ;tn<l ill st.Y\1l 'I"rOlll'l1tc r nn,l .1. H. ClI8koy, ( )Iork . t.hllt h Ulllun ingl>l1 llit.y elm prOd u(; 'j'h e I'P POl't, or th l' rOI'\(II'1I I, 'of Shawl Ot· Bundle l!'<'l' M 11 's and Youth!" Rni l R I h(l Bon I'll 'O f 'I'rullle" .. , S .. Lev ClIl't. H ea vy 'Press~ d g-I:t ss HOlls -hold Ammonia I.Hu t ~PJI • I ~e\\'h .>r" lor *l l!. wr ight h aws t,h e ;:o plenc\id 0 lulitilm '.. of J,{ood Str'ap mad e }i'or Mf'u '!'!llld Y uths' nit.'! uf uft'nlrs of tbe 'om at ory Mill is Buttcr Dish Full P~l1 t bottle heavy leather Illul. Rell 0.1 6wh tlre f\lr I!\ lli giv u in fnll h r ewith . S pecial for Special for pecinl for ' For l\1 \l o '~ltn d Yon t!III ' 8ult~ 'l' () THE LOT OWNElt.q Oil' MI )II Saturday June 8 Saturday Satur day June 8 t lll!-t. ~tlll l'IHIlWherfl tor ,:1-0. 'RAII::TILHy As 0 'IA'rIPN : For MtllI 'i< lInd Yi'm t bM·Su. tM Wo OOOle· t.o y ou with t.he ~ lst ~l I hit t e ll e l 8ll wlllir~ for ' 22. Illlllunl re port of t he keepin g "nu For M u 's lIod Youths' Suils t.hnt t! 11 Ill. e \\'bere for $:.?r.. Hnnnoial cund It\OIl of the Cemetery ' 1\ afinit·s. ~ FtJrMen 's un n Youths' Snits In ol.lening onr report we arfl oon · thu Ii II else~vht1re for '30. ftdent thn.t it will be grl\tifyinlt to PAYTON oacb cine of yoo to lilllrn of the porfeot harmony ond lUutual fflel Ii ; iog existing betwoep tbe aoard "nil t,be Soperintendont. Wo '10 not ut. t o IUlitllto thi.\! bOOlltifll\ e~qlpl e. Bank Organized at ISItING:< . a ll times aoo.ord ill onr vi WI! in oon f or i l ' \jI 1\ m01l1 worthy Gpl r[t . CL 0 1'J1I1S. West Mil ton. ' t re open Bliturda.YII oRtillO ;30 dncting t be v~rio s questioilS und Tbe ~ u pe rin tendan t rOtJort£l nllm p .. 111 . propoilitlool thnt oome before nS,but be r of bnrHI\ in I·he pl~ t -yollr, -ti; Store 010 es lit Ii :30 I).m . I1ltoellt t·he majority rolell ond 1111 work to · nnmber of int.o'rmellt." in oem et,or y Oy J. N. l.cmmo", former cII!lhier. BII I·ureln.ys gether for tbe gl'eatll8t lind bi ghllllt proper. 2,N60 : in the l\!e~h oc1\ t '\0" '1'1 i\Jr . •1. N . r.A1 f1lIll 0 n , f rin !'!' ('u~ h · Gold Bood 'o n pOliS wltl1 Illl good of the AB8oolution . Thill reo gronn d " 100 IOu t t I .'I".:. Ie )Jl1 p. ul~rity of sillt e vltull.!! is' vi.~ nt ler of t.hEl ( !I t l~.ell" B1L11 k Itl, W I I~' " ~ pnrchllses . Itltlonsh1p of t·h e Bourd lI,n d' ~nper. from tile JlLrga nl1mh r r.h tlt Olli' villfllln,l III pl'e~ellt AII~'t. '1'rnILQ nr . intenaeut is that whloh prodnces the good r esoits tbat we lire nbont patron s 1111 ve o rderlJd in t h e Inst 01', ('If the Kont l1oky 'olll lmin g 'a of DRY ton 'h ilI' r ~ nt.1Y · orglln . to report. .Before entering into t be yoor; 29 sla.te \·'IHtlt.'i, II briok. No . Sunday School of lots sold, tl. grave ri g hts. 7 . \M(\ It hank li t WE' ~t. Milt II , }h ln, Rally Planned. details, we wish t.o re lieve ourselves Superintendent IIml foro e Mr. Lellt lllon iH i'till with tllA ' Iil:o n of nn oblgatlon that we nll owe to placed 21.1 fou na ~lI(}n~ for the e re t.ur ky ('(l nl Min iuJ:! ( !o .. Iltl.l i. .1 oillA' nr most Vlllnlt l: le Snperint'.md~nt A moet.ill~ ,It the newly eleoted thl~ \Y tll'k n~ a ~hl(l linll . of U)o n1l1l1f' 1 n tlt . T il ls Iii IIIJP r · Mr. Shido.ker hUi servecJ QS 000 officees 01 the Wayne Township sistentl y lind faithfully for 11 yeurs ent t nil thl\t oQr lot owners /Ir e SundllY ~oho o l ABlloollltion wlla Be bllil oonduoted tbe llUriu\ of over not huokward In improving t h ei.r !le ld u.t the M . E . Chorch SO,nd8 Y Fine Position Comes t h1rteen hundred tlf our Joved ones pos8B8!!ion , ilftel'Qoon I1nd plnns for the work nnd in nil these yellfS b e hBIi only An auditing oO lUnll ~tee oonsistlng to Wayuesvi'lle . Boy. of tbe AssooiutlQD wer,e . o utlined. been ab~ent on two funeral ooca· of O. E. Ril ey , ,A. B . Slues unu __ __ _ _ _ It was suggested thut an 1111 day sions. E'lve <yeurs fl,go Mr. Shidak. C~rles Madden wn seleote(l . by . The 1ll1ny fr ien(l!1 J1f Lllnr,lnoe rally !lod plonlo. b e beld 80'1ne time er sulfe'red an irreparable los8 in the Board to exnmlne the treuliure r '~ ber wood will 11 \lI ens 11 t(t k n w t·bis summer Ilnd 0.0 effort be tbe death of his faltbfu l o.nd devot b ooks. They. hElve performed tlUtt II.ho.t ha b,,~ II creptl'd lin exo II' nt t o enlist tbe i.nterellt of all SundllY d wife . Mllny would have given duty ",1ll1 will rBlport through their Illl ' itioll "ith Ihfl Amcl'INlII CllTbon School workers m the plan . aW!ly ppder the s,vere trial. but clu\\o mlln , th e hH'estigltti p , MI\nnfll oturina ' 0" of 10volllOll, Details will be ann ounced In the OUr worthy superintendent aopept. Tile trlln SQrel' is nresept wi~l1lt i s lind begln ~ Iii'! d11tiflN IIt.1I IUIDIl!!'ome GUillette all plan8 mature. ed the inevitable with oourllie and boo k~ 1L1\(l wi 11 gh'e YOl1 i\- fn ll ' lIO : uIl IIlTY . cbeerfnlneu, performing bill dutIes Mr. 8berwood i. tJ) son of Dr. count of f\nMlOllii. '1'110 hook lire with 11 spirit tha.t oommends hltJl Ord inance No. 44. open for insJlPo>tlon to 1111 onr 1 t Rnd Mr. . 'rhouin!l Sherwood And for in an admIrable ' way to aU of bls owners !lnd w e i nvite y onr closellt the PH~t f ive yell rs htls boen ILt not)lerO'llS frlendll . An Ordinanc:e Consentin g to the We bllv e nsoert.ulnali wnrthmore Oollege ns stunon t 10rl1 t niy . Iu rep'>rtin g the ImprovemeJit.s these ligures fr om tbe tl'ensnr r : nnd tt'lloli pr nnel while t he re won .Detaohment of Certain Territory mllde In ,he lus t yellr, the NoteR to the ImlOont of *222~ . 7()' ; h igh hou or .. 'From t he Village of WaYnes. most conspionous is tbe ereotion of Casb. 1197 2:1 ; t hIs .toto \ mukel:! ville, \vaTren County, Ohio. Be· hl!.!1 t il e qn!l~ itj l' nmke an o.roh over the entrance at Ravine 12921. 9:1. By II conservntive 10. for sn e e ., . eolion J . Be I~ and It I. It ruby orllaJn A ve n oe. A milliS! ve stone n.roh was vOloe of yo nr supplies nlone, ~h e.rtl '"'!!'~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!~ by tb e OQ llnclJ of tI, ~ vl1l8He or WllYlle.vlllc, Waneo CoUllty. Oblo. "hal 118l!<la l be alld originally intellded to corresPQnd Is to l>o adde4 to the resoo;ces fe ?!!"_ . - - . -.! . , tbe saIDe bereby I. IIlye n to lbe detaebmon t wltll tbe lodge bOQ8el! onlllloll ' SIde. ported by ')'Ot~r tl'el18urer I ' 550 10 of cer laln lerrlJ,Or)'. lying wllnln the cor' porate lImllll of 83ld vUla~c . un t bO EIl~L but tbe expeDs88 of lIucb a IItruotnre vaults, oar pat ~nd musl;n $110; bo b sIde . of. alt! village. ea.l of the mil l was beyond tbe tlnlLnoinl IIbihtyof Items Ulnking $510. By Il.dc1ing thi!; race ontl WC/IL of til Lhll MIami river. 10 occor,lancc wtLh tbe pr",.r of lhe ptlULlolI tbe Assoolat·ion, tbus th" Bourd Itmonn t to the toM.\ r e ouroes gi ve n by Lbft owners of said lalld8. "nd 'III f1eserlbctl ' berelo. to lhe Boord of Counly CoDimloslon· ocuceived ' and adopted the ide I!. of n by your t r ellsurer. m Iklls you r tOLli 1 , era of .ald WarrllO County. OhiO. '11 wblcb Ollst IIteel arcb, wbloh is or'nallleuta I !lssetts . 311:.1 1. 93.saId lemtory I, to be t!ntaohed from 8ald Village :lod aDDl.l~ cd J,O Wayne '!'owoshlp In and will endure ror many to By tbe va ollnoy that occnr s in oald CoUDJY. come. This propollition Wlltl tllken Section!. TIlls ortllollOC<! ol1ull ..'ke effecL your Bon.rd tOdllY, by r ell80n of the 'ant! be In force from anti ilfler lb , QQrlle.t np by tbe board imme(lia.tely (lfte r expirnt.ion of the terms at Elmer E . period ..lIowed by law. tbti ll1s~ IlnnDal meeting, and It oon 1'1IB11Id. J'u'ne 3 , !fIU7. t raot · wa.. eDterll'd ioto witp (be Kee ver lind l:!. Lev . C"rtlVrilt!lt, OwJt" J . DUIlt<ST. Muyor Pro '1'em . CO""',1111 D. HY-&!). lerk: Oregonia Bridge 00. for t.he strllo you will be ' reqUired to seleot t,\VO ----.--r-, !' .'--~-tate of OhIo. Wl\rren counLY, of YOQr I,ot OwnElr!l to l:!upply their ture u.t II. oost at 1100 which WIlS vlliullOor Wayncnlll e. pIllce. Al so your t,r ansuree !luel o lerk I . Charle D. ROO,\. Glork .of 80ld .\Zl lIuae of W;\vn Q~v l\le_ Warre ll County. OhIo. hureby consumated in tbe mont.h of Mlll'ch. J ohnO. Cltrtrigh l~ IImt ,I. B . 011 key . corililetl tbe uwve to be a lrue and . correCL copy of the orlilinal ord(nance 1"'.lIed OD Ibft Tbe next · Importn.nt consid ern. In submitting t hi r eport the I·ru!'l " dn y ana .IIlIA! Ilbove muntlontll. lion of th e Board, wUP nelornlog t ees cong r l\t u\lIt o · the m ~el vos iu lJe IIAIII , ~H' 1>. ft~IIf1 . the nnd evelo(led (lllr!8 of ODr tng !lble to oon16 IJflf or c ' you wilh' grOunds wit.b evergrnsses, mre ~ uoh fn,vorubhll!on uiti ons. ,We know ~hrnh .. um' ornamentnl tr ees; it " 1'111 b lieve \\' h,\ va t he s nppol t Means Monarch of (?CrIcetion. Cood, that,ar ui 8tin~ tll shed by goOd dllaigna, aud comU\endl~tlo n uf , HUC It one f ~"""""""""'" W.ll:\ oOllsistent. with our vl ewA, lind lIoild (jn isb. 'J he best conl!truction lind . ~ We beHov ed our lot o \,Vll ers would you, lind nll joiu in .'ej ·llcing wi t h VI'iJ' rcasonll.bln pricos. . A sk your II pprovc Ollr lIotions I'D ramovi ng one ncoord in tbiM lJenutlfu) Home d,, :11 e r f f ~' ~,J " line. Plf· u:.o~.•,,\.. tu sho'v f~ ~ f C l' Ii n t lUuny of nnnsigbtl y ' nlltivA inbllhltntocl by our SlIill ted 1101111 . you 'th e from all trees,. l'plying their pilloe with I. olhers. Jr:v«y 'Ber! fuliy gua.rnllteed. . i:5. I..e v . Gllr tright PrEIs. •. Mf\~ II"· A.c·rt}k l![j ·R\, . fin e vllriet·y of imported trees, can· • sistinl!" 01 the purple maple lind RICHMOND-IN,D IA,.A MFC. QO., R loh mo~d, beeo h, .the.globe el n~, m alden Hair Ordinan<;e 45 thA ci ty 'II l'ehil1

Y 'III'S. IIllll t OUI' ." . wil Ii IlI n r fl " tILr('l\


' 9c





J. W. Collett, of Mariett,} HAil r In. oopyof t.h e Mi<· "'-'.'-. .•. - Day progrlllD lit tbo Nlltl On. ~.'.IfY · · U.4~riettll lind ill with It tbe follow hi\: I ntEl r · $bj Gazette"

pri vdege ,alld )Ileu/nlr n :~~~,~~:" Memorial D ay, t o rose" t be our 79th'O. V I.

litO $ 2o




IN ']"IIE l)I-{.l ('1 "VA YNJjJ:SVI1_' . --...E 'SOIIWARTZ'S




..aNa were 80lemn .....Il~e, belag in oharge of

and t11e

AriDy of Georgl~. •




from thti i,: onl·t.b a

can vas,



at Waynesville, ·0 ..

r:':~I_DiDI&tI1CI " .. appointed to In· A _lplle aJI4, aot 118 to lhe be~t t\'\'.l"'_« oarryiog·&he water wbl()h dO.WD 1118 mg~ 8treet 'bill to WileD tili8 I~ taken OIoN of ··'"_l!Qtit'fr'olb. Bllh to 8()l1tb Itreet. put in pew Clmorete


etandard m agazin es at at the Gazette l,Ihlo.




. !$ KltBON'S "'"$ $$ .$ $. i $/'

~ ·~FI&lu~. Fren~h , "

. " CJ;~am Candy ~J~w.:~~~~~~ Pounds for ' 1.5e

:...........------.--~-, . • • •I..J[)4JE·"'ve~C: .~I t h e . C<... .. ". _ . . • 2 ~ 25c: .~l"' .'= ". L Jlkg. or· \iClbar~t!~:!~r~ for 25c:



tree. eto. Among ~be Bole.oted 11r you wl)l obtlerve the varlOns seo tions dotfed wi~h Colorado Mprnoe. the P"ramadelllil. the beautIfu l hemlock and mCIDY othere of speoial

'$2.50 or $3.00 sh~s .sold be Lnty.. The ' expenditure of orna· 'saturday we WIll gIve 25e ~ mentu.l i.m p rovem e n t8 .a lone will worth o f hose Ladles o r ~ exceed ftriO. The B;mrd Is now Gen ts, you r o wn . selec:·



Blue and whit.e lined .e numeled ware st1'lC:tly firstll no . . • c ulls. 16 quart Dish pan.s 5~c . 10 quart Dish pl)lns 49«: 14 quart Buckets 59c 8 qu a r t. Kettles 3ge 5qua-:t Coffeepots 39c , Remember we give fine . . premiu ms for cash trade Hi.hest mar.ket price paid for Produce. brin&, us your ' chicke~II' we pay 10CrIn trade for Dena.


I aIte•J


t~e '


. .


every day


Wit h each pair of $2.00,

'$ ~;~j~~~~=:~~-=:!~New" , $$ $ $ $



Special BargaIn fi0 I ' Satul'day . . J nne 8 '.



-- - ,




I:RM L Itl:NS $ --Special far June '8

·COME - .and' HEAR· the BAN-D

II .


oontempiati ng the propriety of building 1\ lalle ' at the buse llf & vine Aveuue, . nel1r the oommon , ontrllnoe .WhiCh they hope t el huve conllomatod und preSllll:t to yon by the next IInnual meet\.ng. W ""onld no t htl ve yon i1)fer froDl tb Jibern.1 RUlonn t of expenditurea in tbe pIIst yell r . und thllt WbiO.h i8 contemplated, that· ,tbe BORrd e~· Mrtain!l extravgent ielen . Whlie tbey progressl ve, there 18 ·not fl, member who is insensible to ..con· omy, bnt at a ll times mea every care in h lulbanding y\,ur mea,llil. We are pleased to meDtion a ·lIb. eral hequeat left to the A.oolati9D by l5l18le 8teddom of '200 for 'he perpetual care of her lot, Tbl8 is til~ 8nt to the AllooiattOD



To J..evy Taxe~1 tor munlclpa l purpose8 for thl~ Tax 'year 1907.

TH~ .

Gazette Office

It ordaIned by the council of the vII· WaYDeII.llle. Ob(o. 1. 'I'bal iliere be'levloa 31\<1 cOllecte~ . Remar ku.ble Reso\le for lbe Huppen of Ihe, munlelpaJlly during 'l'hat trot.h is stranger. thun dotlon tbe fl.c.I,e ar 1808.01' eacb .lolI ..r of .valu ..· h na onoe more been detnnnstru.ted.. lIOD of tbe real aDd p ~n 9n.1 ,Npert y mth· _ ..., ... In the,vlllage of Wayncullle . OhIO. returned In the iittle town of Feciora, Tenn ., OD tbe iraod dupllcute aml 'dbjec} to ' tUIl' tbe residen oe of C_ V. P e pper. Be lion 11 ~~ mill&. i - I . i b d ti 1 dl' Sea. ~. Tbal ~b. Ic\'Y above DU lborlzcd WI' tell:" \Vas n e , en re y . s· (or munlclp.l .purpose. be and tbe "aIDe I. abled WIth bemorrhllges of tbe h.reby apperLlnneoi ~ 1~ II QW8 : lungll and tbroat. . Oootors flliled' 1,'Qr Oeneru1 FUll\! . I~ WI\II~ to. helj) we. lind 1111 hope had ,d FQr PubliC Healtll F'uD'\ r, mmlll when ' I began tlllEing Dr. K.iri... ·s ~'lIr Public S'lfel), .'~ n<\ 711 PI I' or Publi c Service Fund ... O1ltl",' New Dlsoovery. Then . iUlltant. reo Soc. a. ,Io' or .' nlllnll; tuna alta . ' 'life cam", The cougbing span olll1a. j ' ::.. ~~ ed : the blr.edinll diminished rl~pid ly, Intcreat Oranol lolal cnr, orn•.lon 'I'u lI !><O mills ,and' in turee . weeks I wlIs .able to go S.", . ~ . '.rQai lbe·cIOt". ·1I< ber \JJ ql.ect~" to work." Guaruntoed oure' for I to ccrlll., lbe .. bove lenel 10 IIle "l1alto~ of oonghs. and ooids. 5Oc. und *.1:00 W~rren County. to be pl ....... a On tbe tax lin F C u~ h t' d ' and collected Itcqortllng Lo lit)\'. . at red • ou wllr Z II rug IItoro, Sec... TIll. otdlno.,oe .. ball la'lIe effect Trilll bottle fr ee. and be In force from aud "fler lhe earllesL pc>rIOil allowed Hy la)\,. . P"""ed." Oouncll ObalDiber Lbl~ 1'bl0:4 (ar.1) ECZEMA and PILE ·CURE day of June A. 0. 11101.. ., fla ...lo_ D. -.11, ·Olerll ' 11 REE' Knowing what It Wb to TROMAS S·"aRIII'OOll. Mayo): t: ~r 1 will Kive FREE OF OHARGBl to "taV ajillottd a positive 'or JIlo.



iNma, W' rheum,

IIIId _kiD

P.enils·y l.vanla

-_.- -- ._ -



LOS ANG.EI.JE::I, .To1I1l 10 to 14, tlooount Nat'on .. 1 Eleot\o Menloal A!lstJOIIt tlon . . . . . .JAMESTOWN EXPQSll'lON' .(NorfollC; : V..,) daily'· 1lntll N nvelllbl'l' 30 I.Jhoioe· nf m·,.ny d "sirl1ble ronte8-"n ' raii' or by (Ioel\lj ,teamer; POtoOi w River and Gbe8al,f!ake ~tl;l lllllb lLt S. . Stopoverll a~ ' ew York, BORton W!lsbtngtQlI .' . ' .' , Buitilll ore. PhUlldelphi" . SUM!dE:R TOUaI-3T FAr« m.~ to r"mou':! "esortfl Illollg .)flr s Y,Conllt. In Long Islll\ld ILlll1 New Engl tnd. with New Yor k IIU<1 Phillldelpbill stop .o vers .. Allo t o Llllte !tllll Mountllll\ resortl', and to \.lolQrlldo Itllet Pl1odlo Voa!lt 1.0UI8VILLE . KY., .1 uno 24 IlUd 25, Masltd' Pltlmbers' Vonventlon , , SARATOGA 8PRlNOtl, N . Y., Jul ~ S to 7, Jr. '1'. Conolll e . !SPOKANE. June 27'to .Jul~ 1,.. B. Y. P. U . SEAT I'~E, W~hlugton, JUDI' 29 to July 6, e. E. . PBILAUELPBIA; July 12· to 18-B. PI O. E.-direot. or ' via W,allblngton, ,,[th 8top'PVe1's!\t Bollt(more And .WR,IIllihg. tod.,. • . SE,ASHORE-J!lXtJUR8l0N to "AtlaDtlo Ohy, Cipe May e18M other lIMalde 8.






.WEDNES DAY, J UNE 1~, 1907.

Harve ysbur g t~ have : PERSONAL AND . Charm ing Reception a Home -Com ing. LOCAL ITEMS aod Lunc heon





. Moun t Holly

Orego nia•

Burgain ales Ali Bohwar tz's oo·m . Bargain Silles at Sohwar tz's Enilinel pie plates at Custer, . 5,. Given by New Ce"tur y Club com_ BlAr . tel Qle~ce I\t 2 o'olook eaoh Saturda y U1e~oe at· 2 a 'olook olloh for Next year. Attend the Oratori<m1 Contest at· SllturdlLY meno:: ~~ ~~l~S ~ Soh.war tz '. omuLebano n Ladies d9n t Mls!!rthem you ca.nsav e money. don t MIss them yon . can . Sllve The realdeu t. and former resl. tIohool Ball Thur~y evenlug Don 'tml thO OC eaoh Saturdll:V, . ,. ' Albert Staoy and famUy IIpent Inoney. dente of tlle lood Old town of Bar· ,. W. a. Madden is nnterta in Ing . ey. 88 IlUl you cao save monTbe ladles of the New Cent ury ~OndRY nfterno on with Mr. weylbU rl,are plaD'bJ~1 for a grand hill brother from ·Clarks and Mrs. Ch~rley Henderson visltud Pr f }> I W . vllle. . Ulub enter taloed the WQDlan '8' Lit. rs. J. Mllt staoy. . 8D1Jl&.OomIDI • .,.d Re.a nlon of th.e in l:ipring Valley Mond!!,y and Tues. burgOc ' lI U J . Illint ap~r of XeniA., right of Barvey , . form.'· ...Ic1.Ii. of tbat oommnDl. WAy na8vllle . friends Saturd~visited e\'l1 ry .Club. of Lebauon, at the W . F. Clark . and family spont day. 1dr Ru~~so ~:rjendsfb~i· Sund~y . y lind home of Mrs .. Charles Hllwke, on Bonda;y with Wl1lia.m B. Carmon y Mable whioh wUl .ke plaoe 8Qme time S d' Clin e vlaited Miss Bell e SPenai If f ~ey 0 Co umbus ill Tlmrsd ay, June II. and WIfe. ne:l& year. Myers lat't week un a.y. ne ; 11 .ew a.vs on hil farm The hOQB9 was tne tefally decOr . . Mr8. X ute Johns spent SundllY Ameeta ngwml OQD be ' held for a t Mr. Vaugha n ~f\S Barpln 8alesA t Bohwa.r tz'soom- ated in white anrl l(reen and Center v1 11e ar regonla , at tlll\ hamEl of Alr . Ilnd Mrs. Allen Sunda, yaftern oontov iBlthls the porpoee of geUlD8 prepara tions me~oe at 2 o·olooK . eaoh 8llturda.y 12 o 'olook 0 flve oourse lunoheon EmerIC k . moth. d Mr. Ch!\rlesBradburY 8pen~ 8uo.: for tbe e-velit'Under ' way and It is don t AlIs8 tbem you oan . er who Is very low with helut trOll. ay with frieods here save WdS .erved. The Club ladies were. Mr. and Mrs. WeOing 'tbe inWntl on to do everyth ing pos· mo__ ey. ton Cornell ble. Mr.IADd Mrs. Charl8ll tlherwood l88isted in the serving by Mi8tle. ent.erliainlild on Sunday Mr and M B t M I sible the coming year to mike the Misl Rath Zimme rman arrived Kathry n Fra me. EdithtbeMosber spent Sunday with Ed Sherwood . lIrs. S'eeJe, of event a mOO8U . SprlnR Va'Uey . . ·, Mye~~ oa~~d o:r~!:. a~~st!~ ~~:: and family . bome MondRY from a plea8an t visit n orothy .Dakln and Donna Hawke, Mr. andl Mr8, J . B. Jones enjer Thursd ay . Here'. hoplDg BaneY lbnrg mRy ~Itb frien4s at Morrow . . . Miss Myrtle !Clhler 18 en~rtajn. wbtle &.b88 Caroly n Mosher have a lar-Clelltul !ilome.Uomlnj( and Mrs. Laura Moeber and son Barris Millll Sybil Hawke fllvored and tained the former 's parente Sunday lit St, . IDg friends this week th a the tte Rrterno I on Ita I I i eXpect '0 leave tonlorro ' r. ur ·on ~r:nhart and farl! i1y Walter VI \V for Uar Illdle8 with several plano seleotlons. e . - a~ .' prom.e e k ' P D dlDgtoD where they willllpe :· . and Mi88 Louum nd the Mrs. Hawke as hoates8 ond toaat. .Tames ~Iohns, of nellr da s eaver 18 spendlDg.a few =~ !,:!:.~Y. ma e to e 00· summe r. wife and gOD Ralph Wayn88vl)1 J speotI:ltokes Tuesda y with y . ~ith his mot~er. . mlstr888 gave a most cordial wei. ~er a Sunday gUl!I\ta at. the home of Mrs. Ellen Marlett. ,• :.iee wlndow ';t Guster' s for Sat- oom6 to the visiting ladles. to whiob . Michael Oldy Is 8erlonl ly In 'at Uh8rle8 Rye, of Middhl larael Wrig ht's run. Mrs. Iall Barnar d is spendin g a Ibe present time. rday'. Specla lSargai n . Mrs. Fisher responded In a few weI) Mr. al,1d Mrs. u>ster ~enrlok N E a . and few dRYS with her daught er Mrs . Mr. L. H. HoJzlln and OhO seD rem ark'J , two young. . Mr . and M rs. C. P. Lewl8 attende d Lou Hartsoo k of Spring' Valley . arrow scape ' ''r and Mrs. Ed Chomos of the The following tOll8tS were est olilldran were in tOWD 8DDC1ay . mOlt tbe K. of P . deoorat ion aervice a .; ?ar T0m Dillaud m Deatil by DrOwn ding. Well upper two I:Jp~Dgborl a Pfike are rejo!ohin K interest in g Ilnd were gre8.\ Iy .enjoy· 8eJl b.rook t;unday sons E Fro James 'Muon of Da ' and repor ted a 80n a~d Lester S~Jlt SUDday over 'lle arr~va o · a S.lD lit t el r ed by all ' Sunday with hOlDe folt.: ton 'pen' large orowd and a fine time KIlow. Cltlun AI...t LoaH Ufe, bome tlaturda y night. T ' b b 1" Ce "1'he Olulr-T he firat weapon of 1'ha OOliti Dn~d !lbowe~ !I • '. lulle. W,.gbt . On'll of Wayn88- Howard Trout who is a student Primiti ve man , tbe hliit of tbe twen. ranoh Interferer! with toba cco sett- om s rot er Bernie of nlervlll e., r:~Ph r Wllke~IOD Ia TilttiD8 11111, ville', belt known. cl,,,Ans and bna· at Ad. Univer sity spent Sa'urda M.r.a~d Mrl. Barnes or Da,y ton g pa ents at Honow tills 11'..,1•. y tlath oentury woman -Mrs. Bunnel l ipg th roogbou t.the past IDe.. meD had '. narrow 08011t1le and Sunday at week und re fVISltl,g O:a~le9 Myers"a nd fam.· Quite a numbe home of hill The Club HUBbund. r from thi8 pl8(''' Ilb O llld from death tlaturda y afterno on, parenY . Rev. a.ndtbe it continu e Dlany plan t will I y or a ew ays. Mrs. Philip Trout. . . att.ende d the Blgh 8ohool and Pal M.I.88 Cordnn e Clarl'. spoil in t.bfl beds ' while .ttemp 'lag 10 ~ the LitOIl " MI'. Levi Gage liDd soa Vanoe at. tersoQ Oonlme The Uazett.fl aot,low ledges M.-ml river.t .tbe old ford jnat be- celpt of some very handso $be reo The C!ook of time has Itraok the Frank Dulte ' has reoently bad a oded ohuroh. h!lre Sunday morn· on _T hursda JilOemenw.,' Lebano u me M.e· y and Frid.y nllbt.. Woman s Bool'. . ~rs . :Fankey . naw cllment low WriCb ,'. fIllll cl8m. top put on the lar e g, morlal program s fr )m J . T. J,.iddi , Tbll ~merio&n Woman ID the Mr. and M~. R. B, Emmou . Home briok smolle stack at his saw.mif!. IIr. Wrllh t w •• out tlIIhlng and of Dayton . Tho Wedoe sday " night prayer oalled aD friends bere ~unday ~f. . . Mrs. Stanley ~bls will no doqbt keep the weathe r meetlDg 'lOllS led ~~,':: ~":\~~~IJ:.~d~~II':: . Mrs. Ehzabe th Bogardu8 "nd 80D by Mra. Whorto n. ter~oon. . Tho Americ an woma iJn the Cl~b, ftom looimin g, the top brloks and ; allr~y Stephe ns visited at Wa.lte r he deQlded &0 re'ur:~~be Eaa.t 11de Jamie, are malrlnjit an exteode . Mr. and Mrs. d Wt1l~m Kaney eu'1'h A ' W ~iss . a~~ ~:bal~ mnke 1\ mOire s ub@tantlal ohimney. Bakers a few .da~s last week. • ,.in hi. bone in eome mlnDe r visit wltb relative s In various tertain8 d the Fanll'S on4.,. . pub e merloan ~:!liOI ~ra ~Itz~~ Wolter Kerlrick did the work. 10' too rar ilown .".m and waf of lndtua . Mrs. ~."M. Earn.l iart was 0\ lIe4. . Tb~ Childrell8 Day e:l8l'Oillliil will Tbelad ies then Ildjourn ed to t.h~ Mr: anq ll1r8. Le8ter Kenrlok IIOOD lD deep w.~r. Mr. 'W~ight were to Af.iamlsbnre Fr.lday to attend the. be ,held next tlanday Enamel ware pint oups )) oenta at porch IlOd 'Yard, where }Do~ tbeyen joy. in Oenter.vllle .&t.nrdlloy.evening iu fUDsra lof William wu ~roWD ' IDto tl1& water and it 9U1ter ,.: . l~ri8:S danj:fh . the U. B: Church . · . , ~ a soohd hour. after whloh ~rs. I\;ttendanc~ at th~ meettog. of .the ' WM 0Dl)' by lfIl.plD e,. lIPan over ter. . . Mre.. Mamie Curqml ng and ohl) · Hou~h' favored the ladies .Ba.-rgai n lales d SOhwa ....•• 00t1l~I\h ~ ~ . lbraTY -ban.... , .... that be In&nap d to dren of Xenia. spent Baturd .C1ab. 'they report. that Loyd J?aVi9 report-s ha:vl~g ayand piaDoseleotlo~. .. . . I (he pr-ogra~ 88 well as the soolal the. biggest oat fish hE!r,tI fO.~uRht men!)!) ~t 20'oloo k eaoh Sa'ar4a Y. 'pulfb1 ml8l{ onto tbll'aho re Sund8y with hf,r D)other Mrs. Mary r this I?on 't.mlls them you OI,\D ,~B . Ward read • oarefuUy pre. ",!lioh followed ItI renditio m9D. In the ~tlmll 'lie ' frlJrhtenlMl Apn ~lte an~. other reJatlvll8 n.. was a season" the flab weighs 8 -pound. . ey. her". parecl prlper I)n ''P01ltiO&I France ' ; ' , raod SUllOel89 . . . honew u balnl born down IItream . .. I .... Kather ine .nd ROtIlUlJ Mias Helen MoOlnre Ie Bpeniling '. ' ond a·n d Miss Cuarlo tte Frenoh ,pve the Th~ best quality of IIDlllmpedetl by tbe boggy Iud bAr- Dakin of Bannib al, KiuoUl .m aohlner y a .few daYd in Harvey ,barg. . 'i areln Ufe Wellm an of "Voltai re" in a mOlJt -pleu I lind r1ght pdoes are what Btaoy lIud neNw.. iD Immine nt danger of JIll. Wa1.lIesvUle for their annnal Mr. and Mrs. Abner Dill \If·a .. in sam ing and Interest l.n g manneI'. JrIr\l.! Johos offer tbe larmera ' iDl~DecI. of the . vi. Ceotarv llle Saturda y night Aud Sun. Bargain ..lea a' Soh,ra rb'.' mt'r"'tiIlU wi~h their'. Boagh kindly respond ed to odD~ re~ , ,,Inity . Before buying maohin ery day 111'. Wrflh~ Will too ex~nat.ed· ~y Mn. ~anda Wright . 'DSenoe eaoh aatard. l quest fo, anothe r piaQQ 8"lf,otion. _lIverY'fa rmer shOUld see them. .,. ., I 0'01001 hili OWD IIng, l. to do Inythln 8 We wl.h to take thi. opp6rtu nity Betore adjQl1tnment -'frs. Sawke let their priC8ll. A square dealand . Mr Val Craft of Ohiea' 0 . vis. Don't mlsa 'hem you caD ""II moDfor bII ho,. or to 10 for ..... ~ to tbank all our Delghbors to iting 'friends bere Sa d g was ey. · ." . " boUaW ori. for help aUraote d the .. lIlaanu e they rendere d ' us for the ~hanked ,he Lebano n illdiell for i every,body. . '. ., n "'y, . Joe Da~ ';,r DaytOD IP8Dt ...... at the tbeir part of : the pr~r..m. :whioh Mnster (,orl Joh.n~ • tcaatlei i of Robert 8n~oo~, who time of our receot ffre. hila returne d Wi~;:yuarro~ :rn~: took dinner, day night an4 Sada,. had addil9 S~I muoh to'the pleasur e. home after ~aving pa884ld wltll bI• watfiah !nllOm edlatan oeupllt ream three B rei an rs, ' arley Bender . paren" here. ' JameaZ ell. of the oo6ll8io } n and . flad madetb .~ week8 . v~ry. pl~Ban tlywithMr.and sou nn ay. OIl abe DppoAUelllde.nd as lOOn IU! . M. C. Liddy, thelJen lal old veter: da.y onolon g to be rememb Mrs ' JOhD Them ~ and ian.<l. Mrll. Allie Uole. BIa maxp,Iqa said Bargain Sal~s At Scbwar tz'8,oom he dI8oo..... the .l1h1atlon hllleDt an of South MaiD atreet _ Banaa' Dakin vliI~he ..f~'. hal been' Mra. Clementa, M,rs. S~OPII, 8n~ thllt a bee ilIAd IItung wOld ~ C~ and W. U . Madden . "baobl nl" " for the 'laat week !dlal!. Baird were $ uelts of ~he eye and hill·te"C6 wae 80him near the me~oe at 2 0 olook 8!I~h S'ltn~day mother Mn. WllaOn '., t:.1arlUiYfu. l,,'barlea ~olda aDd othen re swollen that dOD t Il18s them you Olln IIIlve pDe day 1..' week. . l. ha bee 1-IU h08teu . •,c.w. 1D .tbll meaotl me word " hlle Mfl . (Jd, n)' . lIOaroell' knew him when she money . s n v.., ".ng . Thl) menu is dlllleni ng of sPeolal llhe went after . 0' tile ~, . apnad rapidly "aDd ~er danght er bUll. Yea this did not • • at Sharonv lJl". Mn. ' . BarlllY mention Warwi , oODslstl ck .toDd two ' '~EI." or PfI!MM . wtiDl. .&o th~ . N lIr .~d tao . oJ"o~n Fromm , Qf aa. foJ~w~ : .• _ Dg of .five. OOur&ell , prry Carl and be was not at all In B Ii t . .intereati~g ohlldr~ 01 148'-'0 " .. , notian of oommg bome. ..... lb. 0 '. JI. ~bl'" drove Day&oD, wera:n~ofw.yn8llvi . ~r ,~, 011. , lpent )'rldar and ~t~. with ll" . First oourse:, Str ,,,,bem es. .' 'lOnlc . held at th'3 Lyl1e M. IdA teAm to the plIlO& and 'IIr. relatlve a tInn y and Bft.rgiliD Sale At' ta,a cOm. her ~ tbe ...... 0 ~ ..u .. :were a;ooom. . 8e00nd Course : C!licken oro· \ E. The Church tJunday evening In oom. mence at 2 o'clook Sohwar · W~1a& ......~ &0 Jatabom,e. The c:,iit: o:;: '-r~. eaoh Saturda :romm . I I" 9uette8 , ooJI1 topgue. 'oreame d pota.l memora.iion .'. : IaoIM w.. AOlten Q1I~ IOOQ after. of GhUdreQ'a Day were don't Miss them you can 'lav! ".f6.. h C RIr -' aw J.~'. who wlU' toea and pea Pl'ttles... Mr. aDd lin. ~ ....... . Mel , .' , .WJill8 .,.,. . mDOla· uhaa& lal'gely attellide d A 'very ted b;, apend .t II wee ...tb. .wntm. interest . money. ' . Third Bel" and EdIth 80KaD .Dd. fir,' oaa· oourse: Cottage 'oheese, Ing program was rendere d b the IaIa ezpoaa re ...,. Madl'.... uperl . EverJ' up tocJate farmer ha.oom e adishes , jelly and roQa. , ' vin .~er and ~f~ ...... .. Odd " ' .l ittle .fOlks lUJd..tbt' older folk~ did Ohi1!1ren 8 Day WIlS observe . . . IIr. . Wrllh ' . nJ1lec1 var, ~ noopll lll the value of ~ooa 'farm d by Fellows Decora tion .t ClarbY tU. &:ourtb course: SaJad.. wafers. their ~rt in produolDg $loImo' the M. E. Sunda.y ~. ohool on ,.DIoIIl.r aD4 . b,; IIOG4ay moraln a maoblDery. J:5!&OY Sun. SODday. J~n. of . ,'. .lHtth oourse: , loe oream. cake, very flne sinl~ing. The ohurch . . . 40WD to1I{D altendl DI' to but · ,Lytl", are Ipnw forand was day evening . the C~ Impior;l O(#!ee. Mrs. F . A. Barteoo k &D4 lin, . . ' beautif - - .. ~ ully <ieoora ted' With ftowers Millll Lena Blain hu 'lIaohiDer:r and InVi~ all farmers to . The.plaoe Mrds oob81sted of poet and enter. Maud Uleaver 8D~ . . . . . indeed flowers played a very talning . her friend. Mr..been , OD *hem befo~ boy-Ins. , ~i8ht oard,s from Parll. Kaloh. of Anna of Lebabo i, w~ oe IIhowin~ Frenoh Import-ant pllrt in the program , Third Stree t Pmpe rb'. . 0811 Chio~o for a few daye. prices bee, quali~ of ~ood8 8C8n~II, the history of whloh oo~n· was here atlendl n. to tbe ~Tile seatinlt capapit y was not aa : r.h... _ "_nil s ~uredaDd The Y J,>. S. C. E , wal pleaSan tly ment of the eze~ for to all. . try both olubs hup- been atudym g 'laree a8 the .crowd and thll many were _ enterta , ~--"- , .. : ined by Florenc e Haydoo k OD meDoemllnt lall Frfdij·nI8tit . ~. ~ See'. for&t. th~. p,..tyear. . ., for084t oltazuJ whiles omedl d 'not Wednl!!adayevening; lin. UII!de Yea" hU P1l~ lII~r I;tpecl.l .. BarpIn . .. Bargain tlal811 at ·Sobwu 1:a'.com . in ~:a~f:r:e~t ~r.::oboon~~~ ge,t in .at 0.11. thll h?*_,o~ ' Thlid aDd SOuth ,Mrs. .l4ay ~Ucla who speM. . Mrs. T. M. Barlan and meDoe at 2 o'olOck each ·1Ja., mda, . Bargain sale At. ~hwartz'l ~om. Ruth ~re visitors at the home , I"""" oned byllil l Addle Keya ot the·Winter wi~h. her annt; moat white and green for the Le.!.IjO~ of A. .don·t Mia ·them you CUI ...,. . 4' jaoftd JDto fa lut -.:r~k. ~oe Belen~. at Wayne sville;MillS Club and yelow and wh1te / ~or the Dle~oe. at 2 o'olook each Saturda y II. Hat.Jan. . . money. , . . ' " •. rlon .t MI88 ~hem you cun '88ve J .. F. Hali and family of JleDdIlb_U whqlial l been IIv1nl In 'tet~rbed here tor 'belumm~r. has Wayne 8vllleD lub . near - --._.. ,--,-Ml'!l. . The following ladies wore 'pres' mODer,. ...... DI'ODIIft7/.lIu moved \lito IIr. Hiloh \ba. , Bfa.noh been In North UaroUnlt. e to f esli8r. were euelta at the 'Lab n , CoQVln. , . I • ':I'rIuak 1IlUei'. *-.tclence, whloh Mre. for .ome tblle woere •• home of J t; Leamln g 'l'hur;eday her hUl~nd n~1i:Saraha ht Mill Sarah Cente rville T ....... ..ted. ,. . Friday "nd &turda v. ' ' h.. beeD eopged ~n a large liudd· Shawha n. Mrs. G~. Stanley 'Bula in Bal~ A' 8ob~'I~' , MJ:!I. "I-~1IDction SUit Ste- · . Married, Thured ay evening . at me~ce at 2· oolook eaQti ~ IDI oontrao t. '. . Frank Brown, Mni. Milton Clark. Bargai n lalell At 8chwa.~tz ...., !7"'. 'lI oom. the tl8idenCB the brides parente . don t M.i88 them you O&D Mi~' KIz~le Merritt II at home Mils Corrinn e Clark, Mrs. ~. . meDce at 2 o'(llook Bf' ob Satarda y Mr. 'aod Mrs. of TowDlhip, BUildmg. arte1 Emerso n Vander vort, a deU"ht ful wlntel' villit wltb Clinton, .MilS Gail Colbert, Joseph '. ' Mn. don't WaB . t.helll you han eave MI88 Veda. to CoDklln of mo*!-ey. . . h " • relative s tllro1llI~ the W88t. Miss Eiiwil\ Conklin. Mrs. Oacar CreaaQuite an ea"ltem eDt ....ftl1e4 . , er , ' mOl~ey. .Co1ll1~ ~17 lajanc:- ..erriuw a ..~mJljln~ed bome Lumbe r.ton. . here tjaturda y .,..~~~ whe III'• from ¥iM l~a,. Oilatuah •. Mi88 Clara Elt7.... The oomblDed .enterta inment aDd 'l 'he' W. F. M. S. !Lnd Aid Soclety of Israel Wrla ht 9f tIo.·~Oi'Wf.W'" ~~~f BoDelL . ~~O:r1It~ r:.~ote!i~:r~ ~::~:. Waynlllvll~ whO ~ ~eth, ' ~II8 ' . Berrllce .~ans. Mrs. 80ol~1 Riven by ~he Libraty Clp~ the M..E .. ohuroh were· pleaaantly ~llDartoal:i>arl!ftgtoD-;ofXenia merwt 'hhll grandparentA..Mr: and ~!~~ nersche l. .. !II~er, .MJ9B .C harlotte was 'quite aa~ooel!8. ~~rllll t!h: =.:~ CIIl~uteda;, 61ed ~It in , the. War-. Mrs.~. LeY'. Oadwr iRht. The h~ll wa~ entertalDl!d by Mi8ll1lll Jennie and '. rw De French . ~18 M~l,'y Frost, • Mrll. " rultld to ovet~owlng" and nea~ being droWne d. ' ,.. . CoUnty ' CopunQD 'Plea . Cot:!n., Il8 the ·.Eliza~tb .Reeves on Thured ay after· i:~ha ," '. ~~orkoD the'par t at IOId C~arlea ~ou.i'~. fd18l ~ary Klbbe.y , PF0gt;am was '~rendered by home . . . . that th•.true....... of' Wl,fJle Mr... and ~rs. tal· noon . 0 .. R. Fuglto n,came M!8S Nelhe Kibhe~, Ml8S Eva LeWIB~ ofuour emoien t citilleD .he wu.n d ,&OwDj)dp be ' ~ined from sellinI' ~ WaY~8IJ~ll1e Sl1nd~y It was espeoh,.l1y eDjoy,ed . The .Mias Flora who ,.as .been and the 110rse but th! bu . 1I.$lU· aDd rpmain . Muw..Rb~ McCalll, . Mrs., Edwara eDt number presElnt WIUl 80 great that teaohin g' ln tbeHl.lrlan ,18.000 .orth of.bOlla, wblCh. w.ere ed over· ,M"n~)'; .to ,,'tend Miamls lllllg Bohools t b river ' the fa· ~?rrl.8, MIlS ~ucy~, gU. C\ara t ;]e 8upply of.orea m was exhaas ted e to'" put on aaJ. SaturdI'Y neralo f their at hom" tor the 8Ummer . old nelgllbor, Mr. A. Se!klr and MISS Bessie a¥IBS nt e . .," Neall ~nd long before the evening was over. Is R ' ~e'~.l!dl Of ",bleb were to ~ L. Fan. ~. Fun8t-o " J B ' kl d fo. 11 n was 'former . Mi:S. 'HolJ)rooK , ~ . Mr, ftnd Mrll, H. E . ~$b aod· S . " - ill bulldill l' .. neW town.hi ., Iy ID ' ~he grain. bulno The friends of Mi8S Fearl 'Wot nd T~e 8!l d~sk :~<1 f~i1Y Mia Benrlet tll MoKlnll8Y .• "aaded " here .and .11 . • - ~ kins delight fully snt'pris ed her \t ded°t't i· ;,w · bfDuIe • .~ .. . .• . , nqw I.i~lnl ..t yellow'8pri.ngil. ~i f til i . the CommenoemeDt at ;Utica Taee· Obitu ary of,Mr s. . . Monday afterno oD with .a paroel :ti;~ G o. :.. .;~~ 0;Mi.Bae ~~ . dllyeve ,11111 ~.Ill. attomeya we~ IUlting . ~ wtndo"" ~t . Onater' s !or tlat. ning. . ,'. ' . . . . sbower given lit tlie ~ome of Mrs . Turner ' on Wedne eda. 1 blbeliAJf of a m~ber o.f Citizens ~l urday' , .Bpeotal Bargain . . The rna!. John Lemmo n \e vliI'hlll isle . M;ary Hough Corlt. Po~. ManY' useful .presen ts riag6 tooli:.pII\C6 at the'home of the (rlend ~. "and ~clril~ '• ..taxJ)l¥ en II), rI'be '~mnt, of <lldwln Arthur Zell at G~Dvl.ll• . Uhandl er · ': c • , . Wa.7De. toWliabig. 'and :a1IO lor the have been ·)lavlng · more thaD wore receive .' Refreahmimts of bride's father Mr. Albert Turner ·thei r. The followi ng obitnar y notioe at. ioe,oream andd,oake. . thie week. . . , ~lvani. Bailroa d 'Compan~, it s118re 01, alOkD8118 ihe cpaa~ week' were ~erved and about three' miles south of Jam8l!' Mrs. Benjam in Mille .nd· lOa Mrs. Mary E. Bou~ll whose body' all went IloWIlY :WIshing • I u '.,ua.,tM nilrOad of' courae . being' the bride t<>wn 1!:01l0wlDI1he,f-aneraJ'of Ili!! ' moth: was broueh t ~o Miami. Cemete spent tiundoy ID Bprtnl Vallet "Uh ry eleot muoh · a ~r~en in the to\fDahip. . ,~r. lin. ~nd18r ,hal been ess. .. Ba;gaID ' sale8 at Sohwar tz'.oom .- rel"tl\'8 8 . OD the la8t '1'ullsday, is tak~n .fro~ t~e .M~ss R~vahalPpln : : " • ,.~-" 1)f~.. ,Gazett . ue prob-, IIOk lillt ~. ha. alia ~l11iam 80n spent Sat· mence at 2 o'olook ever ' Sat rda MI'• •Obandle,r·s Dayton Journ!l~ ~nd Will be of in urd!!" at;l.d .Mr8. Lid. MoKiDl8Y 01. Da~ ~ab]y -aU I f~ibar with the Vario~.11 niece, ~iIa JeDme-. ~nlela. , Sundar at her unole DOl! 't mist' them you caDYsav of .,P'mo:" Xenia. vial ted Mrs. Alloe ; MolUDHY alid, ~rest to mll'DY l .~Aders of the Mason WllIIaDIISl;ln 8 ' .. ...... ~ftlie to~ip h~u~ ,qU..,1 w~o Came to ."6IId the funeral home aod at: ey. daugM er Bund"y . G~~tte: ; . ,.. • . . . tenderl the soo~&1 Saturd~y: evenipg . . tioft. , ." ,, . ' ': . Mis. Leah Smlth' lefUlon 'day for UOOrge . "Wa~rhoaae II '~lUn8 '" , . £arb in thecIP iiq the, matter ~t l· where .he·wl11eDter the Ip Mr,s., Mal'Y E. Hou~h.w-aa born 1.1188 Glady Natt of M.lDor spent ; , his friend ClaJen08 JCdwatde ., .' ~~~on. 'Wa~n COIl':1tY', Ohto, c' " iIIoiq . ~.OOO, worth Of bOndll to 1nonetl '. dals with lier .frle~d Lu~l\e Wilmmg~on IC.'hOOI at 'be Bos Februa ry 1'1, '1835, and !1hii! at tlle 88vllral Fra.nklin. ' . . , build a townBhip 'bulldin& and hall I 'ttll ' "t.'raiDIDll ~ . Ml1\er of Centerv ille. . Aul)urD where aba' will resldeDoe of hllr d.aught er,. Mr8,. . r ""II ' r ' ... e t . J - "'S ' 'Of Several ' ~ '. ... \Albmitted to ' tb.·\vo ten and ,. people fr9m the' Deighlo or~ .~ge ""o ... mencem n nd a mont.h. ·,A.' the' end Of'. that BowlI.rd Bopk1nsi near BdlD.on Mr. and' Mrs. • I~ t, at ~Dg V,mlilllll att.el!ded Childre n Set· . ~ whil. ~'fiU 'a lars- numbe r ofl tl: ' 811e ei~ 'to return 'h ome ', . , . Vl!olley lpent ~llDda~ wltll 10:46 p. m ., June I, in ber se~eDty ...vloes at the 34: E, Uh~rob .. y,~t" taUed ~ ~ hecaule th.e law bus eIn oale she likes the Sonday The nnnaal Comme noemen t . of ~ope Stll~. .. > work ' will. .third year, ' The fn~eral tooli: pJaoe evening. The·lit .. , • !'!Il9uu -,m!l3o rity of two...thlrd,8 of retUl'illa.teti fl)r alonle r I&&y. tle · folks did -reo the Wilmin gton College will :take Mill Lul~ (ftlleD of Ol~~ .i. . 'Tuesday; J1une'th .f~om the Cll~pel ,markaMy , w~\.I, 't"b~ ~rogra .. . V,(*f.-flvor pf mob;a pro'pO"- 1 .J,f ' III F. ' m, oon· plaCe friday;, Juue 14, at 10 .A. M. vlaltin l HtI.. Reeder I ' rt tl' I ~... at 'Wayne ! . OhIO, and tbe bur .ststOlJ of a conttla and'"tpa roh. ' ., 81l;1iJp: l . ' , I, r ,· . .manlle an ~xpe of, 0 an 'ia.1 Wftl. ~n.:ville, l he',Audttortum of the Oo~rege. BargaID.8Il1611 ..' lIoIl". rb'. co~ · Miatnl c.,mete rY. ·1dhl. lIr: ~yron. Hlm~ ·baa been con· int'l'here ,. TIie·t1"uIfAIe!i then, (olloWiIif ·th\ij fr_om '~ro~QII~o,815 ~e!:al Jai!r' will ·be twelve ~~tei I, monee at Hough 2 o'olook ~1l8 aaob .• \1Irdi1: th~ ) daugh~l' ()f ~1Ul jined ,to ,hi8' h li)t\,l8 ~or, abo)l.$ f,en fiDe muslo. ~ .. ,zpa. ..t bJ ,a ' ~orit,;;g W and a gOQd speaker . A 'don't Mill . &hIP'. you O&D . . . ." :e,~ . \:1~hn aDd · llIttbelle '&:yans, of ~ellr daYI.witli' ~\iDlps. of ~.. YOt.rii· pi'Oceeded to .U8 iOlulIe'1or ·...t~·h numbe r of pel'8OnB from this vloln.· mOnet· I~: • °d: A_& e'.w ere, fle an~, 0., and ' was, mamed to LeI)' . ,.,. Dr" ~~. and Alra.• .lam6ll ' Py\/er and ity will proba]y attend. 'bonM.iD ".. ,t '18,000• . or a w uam e ~n . ....... e~e~ an d· t JilC!Ob ". : liough, DOW dtoBl'lOd. tJhe Mr .""nd MFB· ·Lee SohuJn • ~. • ' little I... ·thAh olle percent of th~ aker w!"e . . • • B. A!fbb:~ bae tc:Ibee~ leaves one .slatel' and.,oDe. brllther, ~n to~ over . E. CbJl "'b . tU ltu~~ of thll to1nllh1p;- 88 v SUlDday. · , J, F. Young will I our De g ng wn. Mrs, ·Oeoa.r 1J'h0m(ll.on aDd Mr. . Bargain Sall!8 Sand • ., prOVldiilm~OIl_ of ,the ,re. ~klln At S"ln,~~ :a'l!I i '. . I:!prtnR '. . boro .~nd" MJ~dle. Ruaeeh E~IUlI.·· ot.Lllb.non .. TWIl oommenoea~'2 . . ' . ' """ ac&'v . . . . VtaIl4 ..... ofOhiO. · o'oloolt e&ohS alur./ .' 101' f~ty YlIIlfl anc1h.. the childre n. Mra: MillY HopklD teAc: hat Corw in. ' . . .. I,' 'of .d aydon· t !lIsa tbem. ,yon' .oan ..v~ ' ......,~. wo. . have., ..,. IOld .&oWD ~•• of ~mmIlDclAtl~I. · Exam near. Belmon t, Dr. ,. .... SllDd.y BOlaool 1:10: Chu. HOUi b .or money. ~= . ' not th. irijl,mction In~ttOD of &he eyee. made f~, of Lebliall Prof .•1. r. Yo~tar1 of 'Servlce 10:a,; IIpw~ Lnpe n. a1lnlve . , ..·. a1&o . five ' . , ,:GO. Rlt .... < th!, Warren.Uouo'Y era ~oOhlJdnD,.n.7 ' ~_'" .s.~"p' f . heariJw ..,.. Harpin .~ A.~ 8oh."arta'lI'Oom grandoh lldren. II... , BouJ(h w.. · • ciatlon and one of the beet DO,.,.. liVIlD a& 7 :80 l.a,.Ia l 1laaIo.' a.aa.' me~ber of *he Oell.tral ChUrch of ' f.... · , ~ TQ.. , aJMI ' he IIl!IDCl8 IU :01Qlook each latarda )'· Obrilt, "Iuoat en lD th.1I Oounty~ hu been .tlOIII ,.do. J:~1ao47 . oorner of Sixtb and Brown ·, ian", ,.oJ ' ' ~bti dtorlloQ "Mdi 4oIl't ' I11III tIMIaa you u appoint ed l3 pertl l1:t of ~ to t1a1a M]I4e. .. .. ....... .... will GaD . . . . . . . . . . ~ lWv. I. ,I •.• Cahtll . am" iom row boat. Corwt~ lIohoo I or II II~ III be tat.. ,;01' the 111_ _ · of ... oIated aUbe hD~" Great Celebr .tion Delnll' Planne d





















U&i!:tH. r.


..., .



,cIh.r". . ;







J. C. Hiler





Old Toomey's




Orator'. Cllmpllll'lent to TII",n Called Fllrth .W • rm Protnt.

InJudlclllul Methode In the . U.. lit Roilltll . Fundi prollo Almost Tlltal L.o ...

511,,,,,4 TaH1 'Y.,_R,/lnMtll" 71,..

Two 10 teresU n l~ stories are told or The tarmel'll or the weet pBY III n· the late (jIm, W. iii, L. Barnes, ot OAII· 1I0n8 In eRch \lllo cv 'ry yenr Cor I~ od BY JOSEPH POWELL Corula. 9no cc. nc I'OS a campaign roud Ilud yet barl ronds al'e tbe I'ule speech that the g:e neral made In ' (ted· A . , . "......' fII'PIl ' 'If:" ~ I ~..... nnd good l'Oada thll XI:cIIUon. ding, Being Il dl [llomat as w II as an PLAN TO PREVENT EROSION. (' pyrl~ltl, h~' .rbe~ph 13. Bowl ...) There Is enou gh money bllent. It I~ orator. Barnes, who bad nol been In foll y to levy grea ler taK s to be spent 'I'h .. lawyer "Rid It was Ill! slrang· Whe n bls foolslep!! had d ied 8way, Redding for a del:ado or more, sougbt "sf will 11(> had ev I' h l)lud to d,'n", old To m', oreeplng eautlolls1~'· Into the to say somothlng: flattering sbo ul the U.. of Spoiled Hay That Haa Been wlll\ eqllAI foll):. Tho groat lll'obiom Baled Will Do the Trick. Is how to spend th e monoy wls Iy, aOlI i lill. H,- fell he owed all ",mlogy \0 s tab le . ent!'rg d with R spade, town 's gtowtll. Wben he reach d the whe n we learn Ihlt! there will b nb tn a momc nt h (l was climbing the filling In slage of hll Bpeeob. bo sai d : \t qe romllons of tll dec I\S d , gath r· Farmers In Bome • ctlons Hutre r cry for sr ator taxntlon', but a reduc'd In old Toomey 's parlor a(ler lh!' hillock. He rememl?ered gauging lbo "1 ~\'ant to congratulate the clllz ns at ~n (111., . tor Its phraseology. placo where Toomey bad burled the ReddIn's on the wonderful 1)rIlgr sa at mucb rrom. the elf ct ot eroliion or tion ot Ill!out one·hnlf, to tho grell\ , Th re ",('ro qutt..e two doz~n an x' treasure. hCler laboring ror blilf an Illelr beautltul city, When 1 \vBS ' Iast tbelr lands. Dltchea form ed by over· relief ot farmers lind to tho greal 1m flow water I have found can be cheap· prove ruclit of tbe rOlld8. W havlI 1011 6 (>),('8 Ill>o n the IIltle lawyor at hout, his IIpBde rang UI)On Iron, He bero. not many years ago, I had 'to pul \ Ihllt Th re was Shalln Kel· kne w he had the pot. His bresth left up at a rams hackle hote l, with llOo r Iy fill ed by bRles of hill' or ah'a w given time enollgh In luv c8 t1 ~all ns I), and oltl Regan. Susa!l , Mulle n, him In t)le excitement or ttie mo· accommodatlonl and bRdly cooked placed across tlle ditch 60 88 to form tho value ot the TOad \lrug to bc abo Fr nk Mll rtagb. Tom Gaynor and as . ment. Cood. What do I find to,day? A mog' a dam. 'rhe dit ch may thon bo solutely convInced Ulllt arl r thc road lII an~' mnre , again, all e peC:l.lInt of Gasping, 81 rugg llng, stumbling nlOcenl Cl\\'Rvansary with' a ·culalne plowed In oj' a little e\lrth . plleol Ifl lIrst dl1'lned . anll grndecl aq ex' o l\le ~hl ns ' o llt ot Ih'l pilI! Tooruo)' was aeross the tie-III, Tom rellc hed' homo, worthy of n')1I01Ia." Tbe compll· against tbe bales BfId aucceedln$' rRlns ))onditure of flvo dollars a milo In I;n wn 10 have received some yo ars Dlor dead than IllIvo. 1'bon with r~' mont won allplu.use, and aCter the will com ple t!\' the work , the uso oC the IIrag wl\l ke II ' the The bales should be laid' flat nnd roads of Ihe i 'e: t In bott r concH lI'\n hMore, under the will or lin Arnerl an mRrklible dellborA tlon, co h ~l doring !tlli meellng was over many or th ~ ·audl· tln ('I~ . O\l1e IIald It was $10 ,000, llgitation. be unll cd the rOi' thaI tors crowded to the platform to sbake carofully OUed aHQr !lia nn nr allown than any. living mun hn ~ a"Il" CK pe,<t· R. O. D. FIZER, Ht. 8terllDil', ret., 8 me $:lOO,OOO. Toomey' had Sflont bound th sa king, hRnds wllh lhe I uKiaker. One old reI· In tbe ,II\lslratJon. lia),s a correspond· ed to see th em' or lh/lll nino In 1\ (lut Wri te!!: ver~' II tie of It, Tom gla l'ed \'lIea ntl:; at Ihe sIgh! low, with a ploueer beard. walled pa· r>t ten 'bollove fbey ca n htl kept. We "I hlfl'e .ufffred with kidney Dnd tle ntly (or his ~u m. When ho reach d . His 'nearest I'ola'llon W:I Tom Goy· that met hi!; <')'0. simply thlow mon Y Ilwny III olio\\!, bltt,dder trouble lor ten year. ' past • .. 'IIM, who-~o II WO S l\nld--eXllccled to , "Sand, stones:' w as 1l1l he Willi ·Ibl!. U)O general h clalmly IlU l hili hands .. [,li s t 111m' 'b , I 'Ollllll OIl Ccd u IlI It Ing the roads 10' g9 IID lh lined neld 1111' _ C'O OlO In tor \)10 bulk of the. American to eJ!lclllate Cor 1\ lllol1lNIL beh!o!1 b.lm. sboc/k bls .head angrily SI'IIded ond was h alit nnll th en gcl 1'" ,·un,. t\nd continutit.l10r thrl'c month$. H turned oul 'Ibe CO nle nts ot tho and blUl'led out : "All I wan t 10 say hoard, He ",at< a proud, hard old< m n and L .amM~together, us lin ')X· 1 1111. 11 lIot uscrl i t "inee, lIur bn "u ( fult ' ,,,lOti, wJth a large fllrtn of land. )lot. . · . III tbat )'ou 'ro a whlte·headed old Calsl· IlellSlye grader, vile \1\1 a lot oC l oo~o ·lI.llllill. "'e~lIhy. ~s \vcalLh goes In Irela'ud . "13ll1r Rn OUIIII;" he t;8.ld. when he fler. r kel)t thnt' hotel." dirt. willi ohl 'llII8 II lid . borse ShOI~9, " .. l lJCllcvu\t. I nUl 1'IIe\llrnd 1 tI, er l!IIt 118 bN\spl ~ of th Ilonny 1\8 If he WIlS IIble to speak. ",Toomey was Uui The olhel' slory denls wllh the Bileand emilly bOll los, Gml wllh !;1' IISI \ 101' 'gi\' my h lgh at COlllfllO lldlL lOll WI . h8(l Dolhl ns. His prIde wu s slgnll!· trickiest auld SC(llIndl' I In Irel,\lI\l clal sessloll oC tit I gl.slatlll'e called and we d!J gll lore III th e mldlll c o~ t hu cl\I,"' q lin lItlt;'a Or run ...." Po-ru,,"a for Kidney Trouble. ' l)anll.l' dlsp l o~'e d III till' wa y II t ~ot· Bad ceS8 to hi Ill : , and old Tom· v CI\( io 1111 I h vacBlocy calls 011 by lhe the 1'00\1, l't'mle rlllS It f.ODlCI hlng t" ;\,~. tko, U. ' imser, Omnt, 01lt nrlo, cd Ih~ 8uliol' for lit hl\nil ot hla ott· 10 bed turslng. rallllro or th e solons of 1899 to elecl bo D"oldod ' until nccesslty Olll peis III'eU~ 'daughter Kil ty, , When the lIrst pnllg of hit< dl 'llIll a nH<,d Sta{es sonator. Dames liS to u~e It. This Is almn ly C II ' III' L'8 n .. w d tCH: , . Lb:ud nol, b en " 'cll tor 0 llo\lt fOil' ({It t~' lIl)'nor had tlxed ber attec, lIolnt menl WII S over, ~he I Il~s'er .palD wanted tile bonor.. bu~ the cpmpromls· 811ell kobhl l\n d a ho ~r lble wasla of )'OI\I'S. · I I,ed kidney trouble, end, lJJ cfOiiij""'o'n' tbe poorest ot h ,: sultorll, 'ra passed' blul by and pic ked ' out· good mOlley , The Balu In Place, lacl, (elt badly /learly all tbe time. F rank !If II rl oRh. H e also wlls R rela' TbomlUl R. nard, oC Venllll'll, The It Is equal folly,. Wllllac/l's Fnrm I' "This Hulllmcr I got liO ~ry bad I night or Bards' I.l!clion Oov, GRg:e wall ent or ''pralrle Farmer. 1'ho bottom goes 01, to protest, for us 10 IlU t In tlon or I he dead mIlD. 011 the death of hl ~ pa r n18 Toom ~. I1ad taken him l'Olleed from his bed by s ' caller who of lhe ditch shollid bo leveled so that wooden eulvcrts, Tbe tltne hl\5 /to ne tbollght 1 wOllld il'y Perona, &0 I ""tOt. tO~' 1? 1\ aDt1 beguu utop-oe take P rllnB In to III house out of charil y, and had rerllsed to wall ' lImtll morning. Gage tbe bales wll\ set tl ~mly on 'tho ,by wh' n auy culverts should be made and Mallllllu, . 1.I(lver censed 10 reDlJnd blm. of It, opened the door lind there stood Oen. ground ond Ib$l banks dug off so that of wood. It Is equal roily 10 undor- . '.' 1 took only two bottles of Perun. Bllt. l\lI 8U"pense. would 800n be at Barnes. "Oovem'~";'. sald the general they will be reasonably perJ)endlculllr. take to build stone abutments for ' and one of Maualln, llud nll'v I feel ftJl ~nd, ~or tbe la",yel' bad commenced , solemn Iy, "YOU culled tills SQsslOn to , NQSl 011 c:reVIC!!8 must ile' trnml/led full bridges, even' though .ul e slone 'IV ro boLler tbAn 1 /1&\'0 for lO~e' time. ' to read the will, on a vacancy. In.ltead of ftlllng a va· of earlh. Qllarl~ed and lying on lho ground. "I fe el thn t l'crunaand Man~lID cured I! uue bRle ·will not reach aCrOS8 tbe Thesll stone foundatlonl 11)r brldgell VariOUS "eQuests were made until cancy .you have ' created one." And ·me and mild a dl1l'crent womn.n of lue dlf<'11 more may 'be uled. If two balee ,Frallk ~urlR.h anll T~ Oaynor were then wlthollt, ano t:~er word the general will ·jll.t aa sur ly crumble 08 tM allog lber. I bl sa tbe day I plcketl up lir e used they should bo added 10 ai )'o"rs cQme. Twenty yoars ego ~uper· Btalked away. .,. the only ' persons' left unmeotloned. the littlll book and Toad of YOllt' Pernna. • to pr"CIS against each otlier anel a galnlt viBors ceased to build ston«l llrldgcs, Gaynor was tbe man. all felt- sure. It la the b"dnea. o/ ·'he' lcfdll8r' tI tho ha'1k 88 abll'!"n I~ the cut., f( put but InBlQad put In plllog III Iron remOl'O from 'he blood . " pol,ottou. Tbe Jaw~'er had pauBed t.o dough and toke 'a 'IIt Ie ",ate~, Thoo he con. Glrll Have Mote' Llb~rty" III . thlB way no' support wll\ be reo tube&. These .,wlli stand tor' two or maler/a'" They muat be atltlvQ all Yt. Hnul!4: , . , , One Idea In the mind of gfrlfl. of (0- qulred. the force ot water will only .time, else tbe system suders. Thore are " 'Anll to that sorra.may-care black. ,day Is that par,e.nt. S,\!ould not. .Inter- crowd the bales 19a1nst. the bank and three goneratlon!!. It PIUI been per· times"wbcn tbey n ell a little assiJllanee. tflC~ly clearly. demonstrated that co~I!rd., Frail)!:' M'Irta&h, .1 bequeath rere wllb their' E:olngs and ' comings. keep them lj~mlY III place. melitis 'c;beaper thari the sWne Qllo.r, . l'crllna Is c,'tu.ctJy thi~ IIOrt, of ".re~ Wby Jt hOB come' aboqt Is somewhat ,the bqu~ and land, abdut It on condl. If more ' than one tier of bales 18 , I'led and l ying roady t(l put In. ThOro- eely. It ball saved many 'Pt9ple froQl tlon tha t he never sells . It fo r leBB of a quesUon, foil' there Is really no required the ditch shOUld be filled di!l8ster by rende.rlnG' the kidneys 101' "Hllm .£ 200 for the far fteld , ;£ 50Q 't or less obllgstlon on' lhe pal't Qf parentI level with the top of tbe flrnt tier be- tore. If we are to IIB~C !lUr )uoney 111'8 ville atr'a time ,yhen .they were not able must 'discard these bridges with IItone to heat t.heir o,,·u butdcns. . llt ' near on~ and tbo bouse, which 'Ie '~Q know Ii dau~btor's &ssoclal s' and' fore another tier il laid, fOl1ndaUon, put In , cement; discord lIyc lime. tllore tban any man In his the places she gol!s than lbere was on , Mosonry .or \lOnIJrete would of course all !.bo \\'ooden culverts. using eoment ' moth .rs concel'Dlng tnemselvcs a g n· make a better job. but tho bales are , ~ 'n$es wOllld think of giving. My old Instead, and th en, when the read I. 'IQ t~ C8 ,can go t.o thal sUngy nlgsard OFallon ago. A perc~Uy . natural fact ~ot 80 CXI)enalv . 1 u~, damaged hay It'om G8..\' l)or. ril, make h1m 'remem. . Is tba t' normal ' young ' peoJ)ljl crave or , ,,tl~a v; ,which I bllye hnd bsled ror once. lI'r alned by UJlng or othe rwise, Iler ' that b trealed ~Ie Like 11. dog , , ;llnlu6ellle nt, lIud . If this' Is 'not provided tho IlXI;I.'C SS ' llttl'110Se of 'usc In this and gril~ed. US!) slmply' the rood ilrRg. A ' Matter of Profltabl. Intareat to the W~ are saUtlfled \hat by fqllowlris lt Bound th, /If homo tt will. assuredly' be &d~gh\ ~anner. .whe n J wa s poor. and ,.fa'i\'lied 011 I1~e UntIed the Rope Firmer and Dairyman. thl8 polio)· the state of ]]\Inols ' <;ouJd wb ~n he tllought 1 was rich , And aacking. I I . eJs.,wb This is true 'of the girl ~r ' the bales are /lrope" lv I,laced na· ~ 1\Ve $0.000.000 O\Jt Gf the $~,OOO,OO,\ , there'e . DIY 'old, bamboo stick In the of ·the 'Iostl oC hIs .el!OO" called fJJ~ at. ,who h~8 notllln& t o do. as well as tor ture IIlIs the' lilt 11. Watet gocs A few years ago most aayUllns' and over tblll ' were used on the roads , f'.P.J';\.er f hat I. I. ave to Fr onk Murtagh, tentlon . He kn \\' 'Frank to he a s imple he r friend who has to ",'or.k ,a\1 day, through thll . bu.lcs as t'flO dlly liB last year, alld have ro~d8 tl'a t , woulf "went" (or milk or c~cam or 'blllt I /!o ., t~1! ll'iY oglle. ~o ~el 'tbe Dleou old' good.natured fellow, !,nd b~th wlll ~\lrII tom:oreatlon a~ay through a slove, but sit I)artleles or b a pieasul' and a com tort. to travel long a9 It caule originally from a eo", " r 110\\' oir th II . premises any time he With this Idea h1 bls 11IIni1 he atlt (rom' bome If no ne lB. to be foulld earth lire held bl\Clk until lho dll~h ,ts ove r nlne-le.Mhl of tho year, Now !.blnss ·are cbanj;od. Tbe fill ed to the to[1 of the bales. tlar show his ' nose here, house or ou t afte r, breaktaat to call 'O~ 1:rank. lbere.-()hlca!;,,, D'a lly ~ew·s. Tbe publfc r Ollllzes, the dal ~y mall same loRY be Hilid of Iowa , ~UB60Url, ' land. I' mak ' this ' dllty a condition Frank wondQrllQ what h wantf,!d. ~ - - -." ' - ,." , Mlunesota. Wlsco)lsln and easto~n reallzes an~ tbe farn\er realJ'lIos tbat GLEANfN~ FuhlonB In ' Japan, of ]"rank ¥:uT'tagb's' enjoying what I Was It somethJ'ns aboll~ KI I:t~' ? He I{nnsl\.8 and Ne btlls.k a, 18 ndt there 18 just as much !llJrerenee beI ave hlltl.' " WIUI grievously dlssppolnted when R Fasblons Ilhallgll in Jl!pnn most fill>' tween milk f~m 8Weet UlCDlllliI andr GIve tho hog a cbollce to bo lean. much to th o road questlo n where (ho milk .from "stale" utell:II118 III thero la Wtieu the I8.W . r and mourners had mlnnte later Tom plunged Into the I.dly wheu tltey are the chBng1\itt rainfall ' Is less than 20 Inches; but The farOl of. lit good farmer 1m· Ilepartf.>d , .F rank waft left tn the' tlole business about tlle chcq!Je. lll\dj;o ,of wealth, and wben social sla· between' mUl!, and chalk and wa~r, p~ve ~ .!h p'ro'ductlveoellS+nlm r :Wbel~ Is ftom 30 to '0 .-~~T'ffb'miYi1ill · iLl, ;r"rrs n·ew1y·aoQulred DesPaJr chllled "J;'rank 'II ' hlood fo r a tus 'ebbs ' alld flows and l)eop1e are tp The prOblem of keeplns sweet- all lnchos we must, have mild and. mise ry year, .. . pl:Ol)erly lind his thoughis. His min", m.oment" He hall hOped that the . knowu by wha ,they weal~ Among til r e or four JIIontha of the year' un· the uten811§. used 'In connectlQn wltb AUer all, the t;l'aln and rougbage lIa.t~I''' lIy re,'el·tQ1! to ,KIHY. Would money wo;1Id · gfve hIm Ihe Btart IhaJ men. the 'fllshlon of tbe hBlr, 'wblcb less we leana h(lw t.o USG our money mille, and cle'a m 'lIellln!r a.nd .botter' thlll Iftu c' st"oko of 'fo~LUlle ' bring her would. enable ' him In time to c1alm had to (10 wltll .,the warrior's. head· Bl'9wn on wcatern '.rmll are the 'c ollected III the shape ' of taxes in, making, haa been a sertOUI 'ooa "ttb . . neal'il r to hlm 7 H.e was forced to ad· Kitty. In ri moment, )towevor. the gear: ' has gone lvholly out of style, cheapest and best fol!4s for fattening tellIgently. The great trouble II to the ,farmer, mi L that It would noL He ' was sUlI oloud had dhiappeared r,rom his good· The msn o r officIal rBnk wears bls stock, and eapeclally tor fattening He has come to realile t, l Ilt, tbat the gE!~ ~d lupo"ltIOl'8 to qul( pa~l1hlnlf ,'e.'Y w r , trom '010 standar\! of c.ompe. natured soul. He ,w alked bVIlI' tb a · clothl\8 lit f!lrelg.1II lity- Ie as ' ~coml~B , ,steors, up ~adll or bridges or culvertil ~nd .lIghtest talot or hint of lta1enel8 left The best tlmo to plRnt corn ' Is when len y requh'ed by old .Tonl·, I Hla eyes cupboard In the corner , of .the . roon); modern tasks,' lh![)ugh he 'r elilrlls ' to churn may rijla a "h'ole put In permanent cilivorta aad In a can, till ' liuddenly ~ II upon the bamboo · stlcIr 'pulled 'out a wOOden bo'" . drew there· bls nadve qostulne tor hili houni ot tho grou\'ld' is. warm enough; but lhe' bridges. utllog cement cilluy , al It output; ,that tbe taint ,.blch II lll(t II wblch lean,?d 'agalo)lt the wall In a from the cheque and banded It aeros,. eaSe. In the qtatter of ,hairdressing It, surface shOUld be 80 dry tl\at the dirt DlAy seem at llrBt. ', but wltb the ,con· , la tl(~ form or bacteda. .h.o~ 11'0" COl'nCI' ot the room alld be could. not to Tom ' Gaynor. Is not only that c:ertaln tltylel belong will not IItick to the planter 'w,heelil, and mulUply In milk or butter, procluofldence tbat It will stand until tbelr Take quick aDJI good care of tbe restraln a smile as he thouSbt !lr :ta "Mnre 'power to ye," cried Tom. to c.ertaln period!! or ~ges. but may grandchildren are ready to VOle, . Rav· log d:Ilaltroul results. trees and ~hrubs al they come from .The,farmer hili learn,e4 that bot _ . a880clallo" wltb old Tom lu the will.· • Ye're the beat (e,la hi Ireland. Tell not bo RjfectQd after tIOme hed data. iPS done thhl, quit patchlug up the "Begar.'· 'Bald Frank, as he took It me If. [ can d!l anythln~ for y,e, ft I bllt wlthl~ tbo IlmlUII ,et by ago there I tlie .Durnery, . Don't leave them 1,lng ter wQn't rlnlle aw", tb, St'flU7 ",ai' roada. ' Drain thti roads If (hey need :tlP ;.nd 1a8lied the ' afr; ·'th!lt·h ' come can;'. commattd ,me, command me." are variations .. aCltlOrdlDS . to faablC?n'l abDut In the Wind and .sun ·to d~ out. ~ne In dairy u{enIUI. " ' ;t Protect the roots. Dig big bol.." ~'dlng: -I!nd then make It to tile lo· "Give ' me Kitty, then," returned ' wbim. down heary- on ould"Tom'a back If be .He bal learned that ppAP ~ea,..,. ~ terest of the farmera to get out atter IPrtad out tbe rootl carefully and 'darea ahow bls nOlle In heret-' Frank with brusque bold Des I, residue of Its own whJelt I.. U au; l,.lzan!B Prey on FI,h,: , cover with finc cllrt. and ~OIlF .stulr ever.)' I1Iln and ' drag. tbe roadll, UI!ing thlnl,: worse. th~ the mJlk , But neitber' Frank ' nor' the rost or ~\ ·We aU know." old .tbe '(11.0. '!Dan, a,eam ~be 'cheapest Rllel U.Steat drag that Jerry ThompsoOl, or Howe town,hlp, ought to start rlgllt otl' growing. Qld Tomey·' ·. ·ielatlonl wouid bave , "that auld Toomey ne.ver lpent the N,ldue, IUId It II lltOe ~OIlIIer that they can poAlbly ~ake. Grass and gMlln form a good com· , 'Uiougbt Tom's deme_nor at all money he got by the American 'uncle. Perrr county, an, experienced f\.sherthere bal beaD' a COII~t clamor :for a daJry aQ4 Iw.. teller that stranlle they known what W&l Shure It'l about thll house It mUll mBn. sar8 thBt !:hil Bcarclty of alh blnaUon tor pork making, It the A GATE WITtiOU:r HINGE .. PB8B\ng In tbe oid gentleman', mind be. Hav.)le ever 'Iearehed tor It,," In the Juniata river, II not due 10 graBB II . blue grau 10 mucb the bet· wlU m..t, modena reqqJri~W\., eBt that. moment. "I b ••e, Indeed!, returned Frank" much. to the' bask ell a.d aetl U to tar. as that Is rich 10'klq. A rew of lbe largeat creamel7 eatabo "Well, theil, look he.r e." laid old tbe ugly' black lIU1rda. The rtve, food. Tbe hest grain '8 tbat not, too One Can ,Ealll" . .. M~. fro", "011· Ulbm&nta b ••e c,aUed e~rta Into cODI "I can laulh a,t the whole of them, e.. for Old Blndar. .....?:oomey and all." he laid to . bllUBOlf, Tom. "I'll .t ell 7e what I'll do. Keep .I~ ~Id' to be full of 'thesa ..po b,eavy In .tarcli. 1JI \lOme pa'rtl! of ' lultatJon on thll problem aDel haft , I , ....... ~.()fd bave mercy 0'11 tho oul4 , rUm· up your .'sl!areh ' for It and I'll ",e ye Wes an~ they Ihe ' enUrely on fllh Europe barley ' II UllecJ for flftlshfng with this Iclentl1lc .II! hit' pon &::trod, ' .spa wn ,nd ftsh Man:r 'of' these lizard. bo,1 on IraSI. anit producoa u~, . Tbe e~e. .tor rollel1l fr.o!D . an old lIet ·ao'a. lOul, !but I can He him 'as ' plain ' Kitty wben ,.e lInd It." n'ture' wlJicb .acU, lila 1M I binder, .c an be put to gOOd Ule Iii .ak• .'bIU......Boru~ ., . '. 't now al I Baw blm a montb ago III tbll . '?lillie .. pld ' Tom Jiad been taiklni, have b~~, caught ~Il ~\ltl a~4 'kllle4~ ~cellent· mea~, · '" • '.:.'. . ~IlS ImaUgatel. Cut ~otc__el olle . dUBk Of the elenlDg, dranlnr" alirotls ' ' ''rank's ' eyel. wanderIng about the ' and ' upon exam!lnaUon have . beeD : Belebtlltl bay. Imo~. Boru ;. tlie' ·1"9.n pot' and dlggliig a ~ole lIear room • •bad BuddeDly lIghted upon the' fonnd to ' contain 'flsh from one InCh Pueh the porn. a cleaneer. ·a ,w..tener and" AIL uti, ,th'at , tree o~ the hill and burying It. bamboo .Uck. . . to Blx locbes Ions. Whence ttiey AII .com growe~ IIBYO noticed ~hat .ioptic destroYer of bacter.!&j·• .P!1u . If com II planted a~ IUlt the 'r)gbt 'there, thlnklna that. lio one would "~llIr an ounB," 'he cried, Jump'n, camo Is a mYllterY but tlie lIa gro"tlil. DeltroY. a..u;la lIJi.tmiuI tliey are dOI~g,: a~cOr~lng t.o . m ;:~ ' t!me, that Is to sa,.: whe~ the gfOund . ever get hll monoy. Ha, ha. Pa.t up and running , ov~r to tho corner .~d promotes and Dreaertea trelb~~ Toomey. lhe very man ye hate the tor the sUck, "What 'have I }leen 'Thompson and other 'fllhermau' II 0 illS wat1hed up sumclently. and the , ' l",eelneBs, and ' pdrtt)'" reileytq til, 11 moisture II not too ile~1i, M ~ m'o~t .will get It. ~ tbJ~klng of at all! Oet out ot thle. Bi!cret.--J?WIRdelphla Record . ·dalry.tjlan . and dairy ' bouseWife '·rot" . sprouts quickly and often wltliln ,two' For!!t!ttlng the dead mlln'. warn Ins, Tom Gaynor, Remember the words , drudgery and of p.eedle.. .worlt '&IId days you can see the youns 'plant!! In' he crollsed ~he gate and entered the of the wlil, lIIan. Shure I'll lose ' tbe I worry. ' :' " . Famoul .COI'iPI ,DI,blnd,d. tbe rowl. Growing CIPPI, Uke ~oung field , Frank perceived the move· place , for' letting ye .stay here." ". . Ill! IIheapne,s anf! vu lue' ilioold slye . The Balik of E:nglaDd RIOe' Volun: I!ve \ltock, need a, ,qulclC. ,,180roll. ment rrom the kitcben window, and Luoklly for Tom, the gate of ,the It IIrat I1lace III tlio ,ueceaelttea or. ever,. 'n;lndful .9f bls" testamentary obllga· yard was open, and lie reached aarety leer Corps, which was established In itart,land tben they noed pushln'g along' . dairy.' " ' . " .' 1$75, ,prlma.rJIY ' fox th' e defense of, the during the wbole Bcason. T\te harrow lione, he snotched liP the bamboo w.lth barely a ' yard to lipare. ' CQW'.s llDDER ' li, blit THl!l: 31lck lind char$'ed down, on old Tom, As Tom 'd rew up In tM ;'lIll1d)O' 01 bank I!rcmlses, was !ly an .ord9t of will do more ,tell1n~ work rlgbt.' bo~ , " elea1!~ healthy: anil amootll' .ciODiutiOD 1\lallhlg wild shouts lis l1e ran, . tbo road, gasping for breath. Fran~ ~be British· w!lr omce recently ' dls·1 than any other Im,Plement. Don't be by 'wuhln«.oft ' with Boi-as '. &liIi '....ter ~h e ' w.blrlLn~ bamboo' recalled co .. held out the slick, brolien aerOSI! too bapded, as the corps, "ht'ch WIl8 main· afraid ot him-bWlng too much. liar" 'a tablespOOuful of Bora to t1,o:llua~ tRlp!!<1 at the elCl>ense or ' the bank row before . lllaz:ttlng, and when tile lain lenD!, of old Toomey'lI will to middle. . 'oc, w-ater. " 1 ~ , Tom's, mind, He turned tall. SOl'atl\' .' "Bol\!1r'! Ould Tool~leY'B l>a'mboQ Is autborlll~s • .was !lot cqnslde~ed nec· planta begin ' to peep '. thro'u gh the, ' ~.-. . ~~Ia pr9ven~ roughn'lil .-0 .... At nlgl\t the 1I8nk Ilremfse!l ground har~ow wltli the rO, W 8. If tho!'> e,saary. !.led '(I\'er the gato and' was outsld~ don!) tor," said he. " But what's this nesl or cracked teatll, wbleb ' Ihe ' of danger In no time. here?" peorlng Into the slit. "Tlie' are pro~ected by military gilat~ , Til~ Ol1gh ""ork Is, done; the ground' wlli be ml~~lng time a drea~ ,to the pow u.s .. " Yo deserve the greatest credit;" stick. broke and all as It Is; I. hield co,ps has been under tbe command I)r kopt clean, and Itl In much better ton" , . worry' to the ,mllker. ". ..' :.' lJ " .... ~r led be gaily, w\ien 'Frank 'bad reach! tQgether' by so~et!t!Jlg , Inside 'th!l Capt. R. $. lnman fOI' nearly SilO year,,' dltlon than If cultlv'atOr:s were started ~~~~~~!5~: THE ' M ODERN CLmN8~ 'o f alj ' aud O\lt ot the total strength Oc ' 95 .earIY. More "thorou.h barro~lns. 'Is · ~" , j.IIe gate. "Ye do yer joety' IIko a choobo-papel', by the look of It." , . dall')" ,m onllli 1 consl~ of....o.Oae ' utili. ina'n," . ' 'Frank tMust his fluge'l's IUId drew offioers. nnd ,men 112 made themselves done; the cultivators need ' not atRrt" .' A ' Rollir Gate: ' lpoonfuJ of :Borax 'to evem lftUart. of< , efficient. This . -/is the only illngle U11 tllo ·corn la *Ix or eight lllcbeil '·.segar. We a terrible hard way to out a roll ot papers. ' . . ,, ' 1 ,..., • water!r.peeded.' 1 'Rem.mbi~ "iill' :' . oompany corps In Great'. BritaIn. ' hlgb. · . "flav" to ' trate 'a ·nelghbor." 8a~d Frank, "I wbnder' wh'at It can Diane?" three Inches I~ the roUer at . A, ' al :~~nM equals f6ur tea~"'l -.. "Maner" 'crled old Tom'. wbo had with an air of apology,. "Ould· Toom· Long a.ard ,~ Be 8Qld. land Qood fO'; Iomethlng. . s~o:wn. :) Ua~ ooe by 'three, Inch Bluff Be I1lrfi ~h~t-70U pt-P.u..., 8aIai. :0' ,YlI).S a very Queer RUIn.'" , tal:eo up .' the . roll a,nll opened It. A beard over 14 feet · in lengtb II All la.,d Is good .tor' Bomethlnl': If to llaU the plcketl to, At B ule , 'a be , IIIre, ,yoil, mUlt ' pt'.~!~'_~ · Tom dismissed tbe matter wlth a "W~y, I~ manel tbat th!!1Ie ~ JjaDk ' cbeery " Il\ugh, and ~ they 'parted. ' . , of Engl~n~ ootel, ftft7, •• ,ye hundred abortly to come up for 'aUCUoD in Lon. It bal been 80 bard!7' cut , np b7 rains fIa.t rock ~r I '~look ' .of.,'wood " wlth a ', TJllAM ~BO~.'" :- U, ~ are Uuble to Atter "upper Tom .at by th~ flre pound. notetl thlj!re ar.. In m7 fli~ thll dOD. The late oWner, Ama. , Broad: ·that It .cannoo be brought" under the h!lle, I~ it to IIf the , troll' 'batt. To .et th, "ao 111l1e 'N8m" braDdJ_i(u .hur.t, whQ dIed at Whaley Brldse a plo,", Oil cannot 'be' Uled for paSturage. Illppor,t pie , ~. at:~e, toP. the ",ae· ~r, ~~e,II'I. l!amt!, ...4 "'.1l ;rsu . !t. ~,. Iichell)lo.g as to t~e best mean, o'f be:. ,bles~ minute... · omlog possessed of the hurled' treu. . The ' palr ' .lOod there gaslliag . at sbort tlmo ago. Willi fOr levera). yea.. ',It mRY ,BU," 1K uaed f!l~ tile gro"lng tical Farmer ,1~"Ii.tlI the u.. or ' a ranp to ,u~pl" 7'08. S ••d 161', ~l~ one of (he "freakll~·. at Bnrnum A:. Bal, 'of certaIn klndl of tr~e•. , There a..., sbort. plaillli ,flvo' inches w,de aad 'one Paclfl o. ~&It Bonil: ColDil..,. CJU, , lire. The only courlIO left wal to buy each other. loy!s , ami Wombwell's lIle.napriel. trees that will grow ~ SlllUea, a, a d on ,alUl ollo-haJf.lnchea. thick. Tb!s IIIl\kel ,m. " . .' , ,., the land. .It gave blm a' chin 'tb 'thInk "TbeD. this m~lt ,be ould 1'"00111&1'11., the: pJ:?blb!ttve prtce old Toomei' American money," said Erank, and Wtlen DOt exhltilting hle'beard he u~ tbe POOrelt of IOU... It I. , bettor to' a ¥Ory 800d ., pte. and ·requlree Dp had put upon. It In, tho will. ~ But after ...... ' ~aped from ·bll eyes as he lUed to wrap It up In tlllSue paper and coli II hat!! tbem oe~P1IDS the sroUDd th.. 'bJD&4!8 iln~ little Ume, . '. ";. His mustle1!.e, ~o- ,.h.'e unllght!T ' ~lIIel aad .clll7 .. ,., ',,' . ., " q II. ,,;bat. 'sIgnified It T It would mere, ttom ~~..apUt \lamboo to the .preoloua Inllde biB walstcQlt. . 1~ ' be . £20q to return" for' thollBanda.plecee ot paper In 'rom', baol!. . .... hen fully Iltretcbed were Oft" t",r' ~ODke Iylllg ba~ed I,;, t1)e Iun. A jJrOup , ." , ,e l.a!'.'.!.,... , ,and BUIlahln.. . Ue I\~ , F.rank at once. . .' "That'. juat what It ...10 crIed TOOl, ,ardl .long. The alale h.. been author- pf tl'e\.... will at lelilt ' lend ~bellut7 to , C1eallneii. and . a.DJlshln~ ha", ' .tbe' . the' landscape whUa they ani' . youns nme deet III th~ .tablee .1 I.u the M hf} came &0 tbJlI conclutllon the !IFrank, my boy. I c!qlltratulalti' ye." l1ed b7 the dea4 IID~'~ brother. and Yaill. to tile farm "hen tJle7 are blUllaa , babftatloa. d8&1I1I« _' ileatll to ' 1l1t('h was rBl-.ed .and Frank entered. "Alld ~ and","" anI! -" mllrmllred 014. \U~~e ...... ',ad ~alth abd Itrensth lJe ' had hope4 ,-tQ . flnd T~ out ' an4 Franll, hla . "Ice bl'Okea ' wltll Mit •. to the iltuck--.s til ' , KJtty ~IoQ'. But .~It'" a1;l1l the ....4 tlon. ' . ,. . 0/, A.Qeod..... fer catwe. . ., -_L. .cheaper. ttad lIone to bed. 'l I .Old Tom ClIIt him Ihort wltll a BallI lIa~elyte : . N.b..... reed~ ~ 11l~" .' . ".11111 ~he ,m~n I wante'd to _e/' laulk. becaue her .et 'bl• • tb. a.. ,ear ecallal pan. ~ dlat It fa lilt 1l0III'18 to IMlld 'rom. Ind after a .bort cHoker, "bon't otrer to .ay ~other wont," \If .,... cona uel . . . . .d oat.. wiUa do tao _ _ boeIq. fa tho "rdI&'I"===:=::~~~~~:':::;;;;::::::='he fir leld ........ UHI -pro""" or nld le. "Kltty'l ,OUI1l, au ... GOiI au tM alfalfa tW ...t. .'l'Iaa& ................1 ..... _~ It ..........




















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lion, And rl~ht h ere I s wh"l'e tnc SClO Q t OWII IH'opnsltlon omcs to hl.rn VlUn gJ'''at fOl'c(l. II kD()w s he C:ln seod hi s chllcJ r" n t o th e \'Illn 0 sl'hQol Ilt a groll rleal l es~ 6:tp nSQ (hau Il) selld th em :Iwo.y to (m ll ege, IHld ~l lI\ t lu m ost {' U os b ocUl r r esuits u re ob· t lltt ·tl : ' I( th'" ~:. : mer S"I' IClUfil ~ rl R!I'(l9 1\11 lh .so G(lod L!~hl;;!l ho InUS ~( n (' Rs l· ty lWII ) tn blllld lb I. LI't IIiJlI un'lI r· sta lll1 llillt b e III one ot thp main spok {' I II I he g rent Wil D I of com· 111 "1'" III Ills vlc'lully an\! thaL he <'Ull lII·afford t o sen d nhroad' 10 purchliH ev en Lhe sma l cs t Ite m r m Ct' l'hun· dl. P, IhOllgh It may se('1Il to h illl tha t he Is savi ng. a f EllY ('(' ut br I.!o ln g RO, Il see ms that It ('oul d be ulIsll y pointed out to him t hat If thero was no t.oI\'n n oo r him and 110 ba d 10 drive ~o or 30 mil 3 l() t alto his I)roduce to market and ha Ul his grocories lhe 3U m distant: ho m!", h c 'o llid nslly s tllut h i ~ lund, wou l d greajl y d PI' . In" III val ue nn d th d lsn dv an la~ ~ bo w oulll . IICOlllll ' r on CV"I'y hnnrl woul d b.) \'1:' 1')' llisastl'ouS fO hi s lime and tt l) WOU ld gla dl y 6 11 nd ht s money at h ome t o till' I·t thi s calumlty . Onl) ot lhl" mo st potc n t I cvt'rs wl l h wh ldl to contl'oll trarl 111 Ollntl'Y 10calitl s Is th o IIhora l use of p r lnl rs' Ink, cOlI['l ll"d wi t h Intelllg nc In od, verli slos tbc wurcs o( th e m r.rcb u llt. The cutalog ue bous s mllloy lhe b ti t talent obtainabl e to w rit t hr. lr adv I" LiSC1Uenl8 on d spond l arge sums o r m Ollt'y In t bls way. H ASl dcH udvortis' Ing jUlllolo \l sly tb ey adl' I'li se on a large scale and con s Qu entl}' get tho busln SlI. The old say1ng' U\t\t " You must tlltbt tho d ovll wltb fll'(\" will ap· ply In th is case. 1:bo h om e m erchant lIlust advertise. lIlust do lIlore tban

Pretty Childhood Romanoe T llat ."!ny' ed a n Important pnrt ,n W il f • . , I

hoi "n,,·tlntln In IIgn!!t, lIO or l lrl' cbltdl'f"n Wf' l'e kept Indl.orl< : loll ~ III SOlUlO \ n,\' [tulle S\\'et!1 nntl .Jnllll.c!" 11011 011 nm nngerl to lot.' out. " I~ rlro hlll.l y thOlt uley hall HlIIJPc:d Ont or Il\(' 1'1'1«' h!)l el, Ulloh· s~'I'\'cII hy Ih!'lr nUI·g!'s. Van' 1'U1('. Iher IVPW h l1\'llit; a g lorlolls 111Il~ play· In~ l u' til" sa nd nil the shUl'l'. , h~n l(' ~ I'('nmrkpll Ih Al Ihe Han d WIl>l 101~ IIn,jl' In rl'llll l uf 11\1' hOI I. Hltu" fl )J tl ;,\11 (mill !,.,hlud the boath oust, lind llll ~ \\l"n.'d: " 1 ralll I' pl oy 11 ('1·... .. "1'1.'5 . HIl w ould r," Ins\\' I'ntl the ho)'. W hethel' ' Il wu>! 11l' ~11 11~() the t)(llit hOlls al{ '1'11(111 Shllt\O, I' hpcau~e tll !'Y tlltlU 'l Wfi UI Ih ('lllI'1' 'hl ltlr"li to j (.l n 1111' 111, It IH 1I111'd t ll It'll , but Ilrob 11>ly Ih tnl ,'cliHon \l'IIS [lin t I he bont h O Il Ri' ~ llt'lIl' rc tl h nl fl 'OIll Iht· hlltpl , anti HO (r()lll th!>lr IIwlh ' I" ~ anti IIUI 'SI:' ~ II Was


l hul



I , 'h"l w 5 (lJ1IlIst'1i nud shu look . nr,W ah \ Tt. IISHGII t o do th" same T HE YOU~GEST CAPTAIN • And It FI!edo Upon ' t he P r osper,'ty ..In.I J\~rl! In I Illu ' tlllij 10 Hllt'ry, ' Vlcu lhlu!;. It nH\de hur allgry I thl nll ur o t he Countr y T owns-:-" ~(Iulnn(ou und r C () 1' \'ullUll'~ S, 1'01' It Il, Sb wUlll dn'! IW n(>r08» III stl't'eL Boy Who Won H i s So l die r , M cn:ace to t he waK lilt; lIul' h ani! 1111 oltHtl.. I,lulI d 10 ~ eo lill Y Illall sill.' lUll! el' ~ I' l illil and StrapG ·Before H e Was 20, lI t'l I was III pro",'p s. Hnclwl hn d - t hlt; t ,," of a 1ll1....l- \)uL she ha~ N ati on, alw ~}'s saltl ~ ha h UltJd thaI l'o l'm ot uevcr m et blm. I WUl! no L only Th('J'(' hll \ ' IIl'cn paru~I'ujl h s, col · \l·Ollyrl/:"llI cd. lOOG. ~y .\ICrrd C. Clnrld d is Ipa lo u and h:11I II ('0 C ullt'l1Ied stru nge, but ' L \\':1." tla nA 1'01lS . limns and bonk s wr ltl" ll al,lIlI the A ij Lh y<'3 r~ '0 b)' \\' 0 nre mol' It) " :I(JI~ ""'l1cQua, I' 1'1\', Is and 80, . At lunch Lilli e ir n:l,"on had hlld ro ung ' l soldier or IIH' ('\,," war . ],;\' . LO fuco with ,cJa h;, 11 ", 1' that shl' wu s goin g Lo k oop I his lha n 01' I' \)ru ugh t f de 1"1'), stlllt' hu s had lh yO\lIl~('M I ~ ••l llI l"', . "Y('~," sho was !Oay ln s, " I am SO s tl'un g(' Utl fl IlIlmen \lila wo uld not t he " itul QU Stioll of tradlul; at IlOme. and PI'PI1 y nearl y Il l nd I ClInT '. I I'callzo how mil 'h )' 011 hilI' h '1I!'I' oll it, ). , t tit ha l ('Jla~ t I WO Durin g lh o (la s t IIccaelo the h a\)l t of (1\, j1 t'y Cll nntr III 11l 1J~L t'nJoy nt oLlOI; your bll lcll I' nnt! BII wu s IIIUU\l' inl,l h·!1' hOl'He ·111 ~(l l\o! bUYlns go el K II bl'O ud hllti grown III :ayt..l1' y !Hut l' . n{)~. s sucb Ilr l ,ul'tlons tll'at the . country g1'(j(!' l' soolally. III ro ct , I h~II ('''e of hers Ir. J nell I \I a plcLIII'efillllo a~ )' (lIIIlf\ a. I ~ ,jl"I'I'Y grocer III to\vn belullgr t his ah ' rod!) off. " ll t! wo"'~ a wiliUl 11::1111 10 ('1' '!latH mny w!l1I f eel alarm d at w pr' 1lI11 s. 1~1'· 11111'1' 11. In Illls WILY Iilurkl' tlll g g ts a 1111 I.WO collt. fol' ! well h(' I' 0111 "C. tit prolm blC' Ollt('O I1\ 1111 1 55 som etJllng tnto Iho SUI',I<'., I n be "hOlIl I h 'slImo hln ~ us· II m orn· Till' "I aco t hO L \\' I '~ 'I' all f'l! I:w. Is durle to fort)~t all 'tll g l'eot ca lamity n ~ Cll' IlIUOllll' H. SO Il If..' I'),!'S. lilt; " ~ II, n nd one (:, l a t w o th i llSH uers' L 'Ul' Wln Il pin,: gr(lv on: rlor,k. whlC'h \\ III ~1l1'l'ly rc::sllit th I' from, of tholll Ii ) "," '. T rUll coudlUrHltl 25 y ears a;:;o w ere On I hI' <IllY O ltl' SIOrl' ll(ll'Il H aros ellllll'lI hl' d al ollce." III!; thl' r l vol', IIll d' I~ "IICI'U! tI rr(h11 l al!'r dropped I h.> t h ,I I' 1i 1'~ 1 .I\n(lllll". At1!'I' Ihey .lIad "' Hnt'lI al YOIi a1't.' simply Iry ln(:, 10 Ih vi IV ot I h~' wa )'fun~ r by a I' lI g ll. sallsfactory. At that lime catalogue drlllll fO I' " Tlltl,;kl'l 111".\'(0(1 logethl'!' rOr sC\'l'rn l hOlll's h('· nltl k,' ruo ilIa I. Wh~' I s It Ihllt yu u al· 11 \VU U fu \'orlt Sunday "fLofnnon hou6(,s wOro entirely unkuowll and Y{'I'\, cd us (\J;hl· slel, Ih I,oallh UKe' Ihey w. n tlcred \\'a: . sllo w m o YOU I' wtll'Rl tild 'I I f I wulk f Iho -"!lllll l o v ' I'~ o f \\\'!\ster. cOlllllry nlcrrltanls wCl'e " monarchs ot III ~ 1111111 In lh t! dOll'n II .111' I' Ibt> walel', Th ~y w ~r e III1'l 'lI )'O U Ie ~ I wo uld 11111'(' IlLO lwcd Aij H a h I I' ,III d ul' Jll'tty i1 Ilwn all th y 811r1' yed," 80 tt1 speak, la the ra nk s. Among tbis In ss Is Coioll ol UII HY Illn y lnl(, ulnd dl.1 IItll nutlce i lle "w lll~ yo u IUllg al:o. A s LO l h ti Ileo· 8tOI1l)0.1 0 111 uf the shado\v . li e linea r l1l1l'ilSN)l d, nnd th e' peop l w ere C'harlu9 W . ~Iotl , 01' MII\\,u uk o". s YS I'I sllIl; tdl!, 1I11tli !JabI' JU lIl ped Ufl and p r osp erous and happy . 1'el'haps n ot lilt', IJ y a re IIty II Oll ie. Th t'y W ro 6<!' Dl d aIm t gallll t. 1'i0 COlIl' l,lIo n· I h i\lIlwnukeo SUlI llI(ll. Tb cvloncl suld : " Wh y, m y II rrss ts w"I," h I;uod 10 II II fl l'o YOll ('alll' 1111 0 illY al con1Jllu!lplac(' ~ pall8NI botw II 80 much ll ccn use they gcuerally hail Nllisted whell he WH~ DOl quli n 12 11IIt' hpr hand Into her pooker rt)l' her II f,'. r wa nl d u lo know Ihpll1 lJo· th em . Th l'Y f acer! I h' si tuatio n \I'1~h · m,onoy enol1gh to m oet tb Ir wallts, yt.! uf age and Re\'l'ed t hrl'e yt'ars. lIuntlkor hler; li S I'h I lnll ~ d It ou i a furf' W 11' ]'[ manl C'u IlCCllllSC YIIU out Ill'o llru l ulll'y , I to lles an and lille but beclluso o r the ont ntm nt that m ost ur the t Im e :1$ u musk l urrler. string of II lid s f rt In l tho WilIer. pr ev all cd tbro ugb out th e coun try at 11'111 wa llt t o 'ome h ere wllh 1110 some· fol owed h l~ l ea cl . H er Is 1\ IIt Ory a\)oul th tl rnui.sest 'Tho), I~e l'" Inllne(lIal I)' wash d ab()\lt thoL time. Tile farmer s raised good lint ~ aft rWllrcl s." "!Jelov d,' flutd I th e mlln autl hi s coptaln "'hn 1>I!l' l' ed III a W isconsin two ynrds fl'ol11 shorl', wb I' tll"Y 'b leaa cJ hacl In her chair and anus reach (I ollt (01' IJ r. ]0' 1'0111 h er crops, t;I'nerally, ond r eceiv ed good prices f or whaL th!'y h ot! to !jell. They I' glmenL ll lll'l ng t he 01\' 11 Wil l', and Lbo cn IIgh t on some Nen we II. VII I,\ I Iy wall'h d th II opl, T il y horses bacO! she b ' nL down to \.1 m . "Oil, m y b ~ll d ij!" exclal mod Bahe: probalJlIILI s a r rhnt Lborll We I'\! few 80ld thei r surplus stutl' to tbe local \\' 're n vast h erd t o ' hel" tor sbe \V1I8 AlmosL savag 1" h e IIfled her fllce If ' un y coptnt ns yo nug I' than Heur.1" ';get them for me, J u mes." m erchant and bought what they I Hl llc l .-E~ ly tired .of I hese p opl . T hen and the Id ss thuL b I' 11118 reslloll~ d " Wh al lire t hey good for ?" ssked . Mlltl'o u, w ho (01' :!()' years has beell want04; aud thl. W&ll t bB belgh, ot sh w .US Borry sh e had bo n so dis· 10 11lirt h or. Y CL IIb e dro w back SO,lll" t be 'hlcugo lit. NOrthw e~lo rn ' s mun · Ibe ho)'. llJ;reealll \0 lIarry fo r sh e I'eall)~ WAS how, tbough sho hud fOllnd n n VI " Oh, th r are Dolly's n ec kla oe," an· ag I' at Norfolk, Neb. Matrau wa s a fllnd o f hIm , hut shc wns a IIttto- tl rod world . Somethlllg In th c lilt n slty of i\IIchlgun boy. He was not quite 15 swered Rabe. -01' him, 1.00. H e. WIlS a good dC}ll IIko hi s plIllS lon warnotl he l' to cO lltrol bor " W ell, It w on't b urt h er , to lose y aI's o l d In 18tH . H Hi ed to enlist 1hes!' people, after all , and this r· o wn . Sh e gl'aduallv freed h el'6tj!l In hi s own Sial. , but th r ecruiting Ulem ," he reph ed. H'll1blnn ce hnd an!;ered bel' un con· (ro m hI s em \)rnee, but he would Dot "Oh , James, won 't y ou get them 1" officer longhed at hIm , Ilnd whon th e 1Iclously. Wby should sho marry him r elinQui sh her hands," yo ungster iold him h didn't know hi s begge d lIabe. " J will give yo u auy· nnyh o w? He was the ,tlnes l mnn In " LIst h, . l ove,'" sIlO said. "I must bUBlness tbe oft\ cer threatened lo ar· th in g yo u want If you will only ge t W l'\)i)tel·. hut ho wa s so much like the I nTe you now foro,'er. reBt him. Tbe lad theu went to hi · lhem ." r est of them . H I' tlioughts w er o 1\'an· "Yon cannot when 1 bave just found "The only tilIng J wnnt Is a wstolt cogo and tried to enlist. but fail ed . dorlng In Lhlo WRy whon sudd on l y, all yo u, You cannot go. l love you \) 01· Hearing t hat a ' compan y at Uqlolt, nnd h alll , and you won't get th at," he Ir dra wn by a. g r enL unknown rorc8, l I' than 11[0 , than all th e w orld. 'J 0 \\' IB., was not fur! he enlisted wi t h ul e answered. 0II11!, sa w directly opposite at U1e other be nenr YOU Is IUJav n . To bold )/vu For Ull InstfLllt Babe's race was Rel ol t m en, It becam Company G . end uf Ibe room a mOD hull conceoled l in my arnJB Is som t bln g th nt Gotl Sixth WIsconsin . H e was not onl y cloudeu; th en It 'b righ ten ed an d Bhe in th e wado w. Sbe w 9tcllt;!d him hl m s Ir cau n ,'er know, M y love Is young, liut very !roID II fOr h is uge. 80m time berore she rllollzoil t ully a (ury I bat has con sum ed Iile slnell I Yet that didn't prevt.! nt hlij makIng A tha t thp)I bl)tb had 10aL e,' crYlh lng saw yo u last night. I wa s to h o . e mod I soldIer. Hla knapsaok w as ahou l them nnd were looki ng stralsht beon marrlpd to·morro w, but tbat 'IS RS l arge as MY In t he I' g hllent, and hno ellch other's eyes. It seomed li ke as Imposslb! n ow as 1.0 love anyor, h 11 I' r fen ollt In a mltreh . Fi e an "po ch In hoI' lito before sbe clime bllt YOll. I h :lvO notHl ept slnc I tlfBt ml8sed none ot th e haltl s 0/ thnt regl · I,ack I n t the world at t ho sound of saw you . I pac d th st r Ls all TIlent and the I ron Hrlgado. H e wo s I-(UITY 'S vol co. l asl nli;ht. My h ead swam with (h e s rgcant al Getl y~l)Ur,; . Blld th o llaICt " \ 'UU 'I'I) t l l'(ld , s wceth art ; (orgl ve desire for you . I stagJ;cred under the ~' eul' WAs flrst ser/mll II I or hi s com· n)c t'of kc ping )' 0 11 ~o 10nJ;. 'oill e, \\' I ~ht of ill Y lov . I knew I Was lIond pl\n~, and on se veral occ8Hlons bad w'lI 0 now." to dream It, ulld y l T relt thu t you co rnm n nd of the d.olllpanr I n hatU . Sh l) !;ot up wea rily. lov d me. I lI:1\'e round a ncw lire The fnll of 1864 he WIl S commlss'l oned "Harry, lI)lI me, who III hat man Iwcnuse of )' ou. All'ea dy you hu\'l: a tlr ~l lieutena n t a nd Ih e o llowHI" with 1I~~ t hnlr sUutdlng jll ~t acr08S made my wh ole II r" w orlh whil e by !l F bl'uory \\'as promo l " to he ca(ltalu, Ihe r uem?' Gh asked Intlttrcl'e o·t ly as si ng l e kl.·s. It ('n n on ly be a 'gl orlo~ I' und S8 SITch cOllllllnlllled lwo com· h . h ellllld h('r on wlUI b or coat:. ti,' anl. I I va ~· ou \) tLor than li re, (lanl es In the closing c:\ "'llalpI abou "' \\' hy. that·s ,Tolin Mllrtnln , ,he Ron and wIll 811J1' r hull fur UIO rost of ClCI" Richmond and Pe tc r ~ hn rg, Va. 'rhere of l b. ' bluc 'slllith who \ 'n~ Uri' slcd nll)' 10 poss. 's ~'llll lor 1111 In sl llnt. wero au better Bolellers In bls r gil II 1 I ng ago Cor rOI'g lnp; !l nolhcr mun's YOll t. II IlI I! you IUIlSI l ea\'o mt'," an d m n t. )[0 has been as sood a clUz on . I1IUII ( 0 n check . ' Y o u ma)' r emelt!· ho Itl Asel.! htlr hllntlll UII sh' dr W He hos been mayor or N 1'(olk two or b ,'. Slit tho so n's 0 (lrell,\' 1I0oont I h eul oway. three te rms, a llIember of the school S r t, snd I'v !leard t hat he Is 95 per ' " Y s, ) 1ll\IRl Icav e YOll , Ihough I board , )ll'Om ln ent in gralld 'anny clr' !'onl . tlte perCect pllysl cal mau," • reel us yon olo. ;\1)' love tho ug h . Is l es. lind l ust ye ar WTlS an officer In A s h y 'IV nt Olll \Iltl dool' sh e sa w t1ltlerent. \\'IUI III th e 80nl Im ' e pre(he N \)rasks L oyal I ... egl on. a lIIan loolt h UDArll " liner h~r and was ' dominates, w lLh r Oil It is lho bolls con chIllS or Ius ~at(J l ong afler she lov . You tiCO, w e w ould n ev r Ile SAVED BY SILENCE. lef t lIlt' churcb . lialipy aftor the orst wild pu sI!lon had \ \ ' h n a ll I' 'ached h I' room she passed. ,"ou w ould get Urc d of lIIe Incident of W estern Fronti er Cam· l l\lr rl!'d Into h oI' d l'csslng gown alltr lIod I thluk It wOllld kill Iile to i ~ "e Are you, Mr. Re~sld ent of Thl. Co mmunlty, feed Ing to the me" oraer palgnlng !.'mong the Indranl. ~t r d Into Ih o 01' I1nlll 10llg lifter wi th you . I lov ' ~'o u ' 100 \\' II to !Tollr· hog the dollars of th is community? Are you pour in!! the money that should IOl\Iol" h Vaguely, n~s was hOI' WOllt, r y YQIl. I w ou ld tJ nly make YOll mla· atay in the town Into the trough from whloh the giuttonoul hogs of "The 'Doctor Saya He Will Llv.... a ll IIr am d, lJut ther WII8 a n w O1·o bl o. You seo I C,111110t break down the city feed ? If 60 you are doing not only the town, but youraelf, an Irr. Two Mldler s who b lon ger! to a bod )' hoI' In ber til' .arns to·nlg'lt, 11'0 was all t h e bllrricl's of \lor dlty aud en· parable Injury, and one that you ,hould atap a,t ance. of t roops croSsIng t he western plain Bal d : " r · wIlT g ive you e watch and " I'y tall and blond, wi t h the 8tren",.,1l vlronment. A s mad as I nm to 511Y, In 1 i'i2, starte d out to capture a buf· ebnlu I~ yo u \vlll only get. m y bealls." ot un athl c t , or as man who had 'take me,' : see the picture or our tu· fulo. A hcrd bad been Been ahout a "Hon"st?" h e demanded. mauled ralls . . In tbe nllllst of h er ture too pllll'n ly. I would s l n~ to YOUl· th eir am bi tion" b Cllce the conten tment say: "Come to Smi t h '. to t rsde, mile dl stont, tbolr hm'ses were In " Y >s, bon ost frill y," I!h e salol. ' ch eapest place on earth ." He' mu st J;ood ('onlllrlon , and. says the author' ftrellght dreamtng she suddenly l evel anll I would nlways Ceel th at I thlll prevailed. Tho bllads w ere soon restored to But In after years, ....hen cltles describe his merchantll se &II he would of "Fi ve Vears a Dru goou," they had their owner , Bllbe's leors drlod, ' and laUAh d? Was she r eolly a bi t In lov,o h ll d morrl ed benenth rue." with tbts young tough? She had He bill' I d hi s face In b er hor8e2 «ro .... · and trado expanded, the mer· In private conversation over the coun· e\,er)' r eason to ant!clpl\le .good sllort. she was , happy again. a customer, and then quote t be thought for an Instant tbat Mb e had mane and his huge rmme shook wllh chants of these cilies not being con· ter 1'bey IIPllToac h d th h erd at a In a rew mInutes 1\(r. Holton came s en hi s soul by w ay ·of his beautiful sobs. Sh s t rok ed his cold hulr aod lelll wIth (!ondltlons of trado, devised price.' Tbls will n early al",ays acl as walk. and w ere within (Iff)' plstol·shot of t oI'· lhe chIldren. He saId : " Th ey eyes. . aut would she bad soen bls oach time he relt h or touch It seeruod plans by whlcb they mIght rellch out a clincher anti will at l east pu t .hlm bl'Jore Ilia buffalo saw thOln. THen hav e been bun ti ng every wbere fOI" (or more business. AdvertisIng In t he on a standIng wl ~h the ca talo«ue on or thUlIl, nUlIlI'd Peol. w ~ nt t o th sonl hnd b o boon l e8!l hand some? to \)realt hi s heart RnoW. y ou." W as II. after all, the splcnuld Ilh.yslcal "1 hate to hurl you so, and I a m newspapers being a cheap way c f bouse. In fact Il will g l ve him an ad· wea l. tb e nth r to the Qat. Pee Irs Jam es did noL see l'll to mInd t ho mllU (ll at hutl attrocted? Pcrhaps It hurling m ysuJ( more, bu t o ur love I s putting tho merits of their soods b e- vantage over tbe cata log ue hou se. (or com pan ion lIad dropped hla first bur· scoldIng he received ,on account of the fore tile people, this plan appeal ed to In alln08t eVllry oase he can sell lhe wa s l h comblnauoD, ' as elElmentai liS It Is Imjlosslble. When fnl o wh en th o volco of roec l rang ant: w et shoes, ror the )Jl0ught of the ThO' no<tt mornIng tound' her ba · you flCIl nlo m arri ed Lo a man who 18 tb cm and It was adoptod. A t fi rs t they Rame grad e of m erc handise cheaper "'let on yo ur horse! " watch and chaIn was tOPlDost In his ·,ard and tho~ sbe remel)lbered ; Tbe sulta e you can know lbut' , . operated 0 11 a small scale ; tbBn, ~ 'as than the . .catnloguo hOll se can soli It, ~I~~~~~~~~~~mrn~----~--------~~~~<, whole thlng seem d like 11 bad drea m, that I lovo and that I am longing f or the merchant saw tbe opportunIty for This Is not nlere theory but · a state· he pO,lnl ed to 50 or more Indians In "Now. don't (orget, Babe," 'were bls .·h I alWa}"S did tbe market.lug, bllt · y ou with ull m y . heart ·aud with all maIling I t pay, he added to hll!! adver· Taent at ·rac.t, for the reason that the a halr-clrcle h alf a mile nway, theIr part in g words. Using rund. And 80 It has conUnuel1 country m erchant's bu siness I s operon lhls pal'tlCUlar mornfng sh bougbt the Illtollsi ty tha t I am capab le of. ItJ rt wing 110 tal' adva nced that re" I will g i ve It t.o you a t tea ," ahe re" Ullng5 tho family n evor ato. Sb e was YOII SOC I urn not capabl e of IlS mu ch until to·day millions of dollars aro atlld at a very much less expen se thall I real. to U)lIP wns c ut tiff. plied. In Lh o butcher . sh Oll when the man emotion as YOtl are, or J sUJl(lose tbaL Annually sent to mall ord er. houses by that of thB inall order merchnnt. 'onsultatlon wa s Url ef. Peol led Wben James w ent down to tea he There are a thoussnd and one I t eml the w ay tlo wn the hili ond c~clod who had \) oe n , dlstnrlJlng h r ·dreams tbls r e nun clat l oa would bo Impossibl e tbe peoplo of the U ni ted States. found a Illtle box under bls plate. He' Th A best nnd most ettElctlYe way to of expo n ~e whlcb Ihe cit y chant tor ten h'our8 walllec,l In. Ho dldn·t 1\1y lov'o will lust l onger, though. ro nnel & thicket, can~ru ll y se lcc tln t:; 'dltl not wa n t his Colks to 80e It, so h~ l ook al her, but as ho passed bls coat · Wbon all tho wOl'ld sees lIIe tho dull· th r ott.l e th e calal oguo house has been has to m eet t ha t ur ntlr IY' unknowD the flrm buffalo grllss sud so 8S trr »tuC k It In lo hi s pock et. After BUPa qucsllon u ppermost In the mInds of to tbe count:ry m er cb ant. sloel' brUSh ed her arm nnd a thrill ful wIfe or a Good man you will kn o w l eave no 11'1111. and drew Into cover no l The tim e Is ra pidly approaching ~O ya rd 8 from w h ero S:Ollle of the (IeI' he llurrl ed olt by hhl'l self to have I'Dn l1uoul;h b e l'. Wb eh ito had gone thnt . 1 am a bad wonian and t hink o f cOlin try m crcbanls for several yoars o IJeep at his n w treas uro. ' When he .out 6~0 SIll" at h el' (oat 1\ till Y wad of you alway s. You 'w! 1I marl'r lind set· past; somo IId vocalln. one plan alld when people who patronl zB m all tlru r Indians · Slll'e 10 come down. opened the bill( he fo und a little Un me anothcr. Tbere are seve,'al plans hnuses will 'lIIe looker! upon us "soon· 'so pape r. Shu blusb ed Ilk!) a guilty tie Int:> a conL n led middl e ogo. You TIl('re tt!'y sut on their hors cs, pis· wlltch arid ' ch alrl. Hill E:ager taee schO'ol-j;lrl lUI sho .sloopM to pl ok It will forgot. but r n ever \lun . 'fbl s Is wblch might te presented to, Ind uce crs " by the solid and Influ ential cl tl · ln l s In hll:ld. 1'Il ey hnd no fUUll'O l oud ~ tl, fOI' he hnd eXJl eteli a .reul the far m or to buy at home. 1n tbe ze na of all co mn:ollw eBlths and will UI'. :All th way 'homo thE! Bern i) ' of m~' last fill' w II." p llln'~ ; th ')' mlgh l hilI' • to fi gh t tlElaJlI w:lI eb, li e s[li d he would tako It ri ght Impel' wos d nch d' ti ghtl y In b er Sh c l ellnod over and ki ss cJ hi m on first place hI s pride migh t \)c ap l1llu lI'lI suiter ostracism at tbelr hands. lUlll er IIlal bhllY ; they woulr! tlo wlla l· hllek to [luhe, but sOll1ethl ng Cltles lind town s are liuilt by com. '' hall(1 nn d w.hMl ' sh finall y smooth ed It the forehead Bud lID, as If m ove ll 'lIy a to, Ther e arc v ery few ta r mers wb \> ver cl r cu lllstanceS s ' emed to d ie· him cttllngc hi s mll)d , and Instea~ h e ou t she ' SIlW 'a f ew 'Yords n orvously frenz)', smothOred h er wl tb klsRCS un· own t ilelr OW Il {arlus bul that woul d bin ed e fforts of t h residents theroof; lale. ~ \lilt I t In h is I)ocket an d said: "It III lie Intcrest d In' building liP hIs OWIl not by fo reign capi t al. So too are our ,"crAwl'd In (len cll, ,UI she gaspe.:!, They hid not lon g to walt. Th e In· . j ust like a girl." "~I ee l me at Lover'S Lenp at three Suddenl y, wi thout . wnru i llg, her locllilty. He r eallz 8 the (act that If chu l'ches and IIchoolhouses buil t. It dlan s Cllnte 1'111111 111:( dowlI t ho rOCk lhls IlfLernooJ;l. For. God's sake don'~ horse·sta l't et! aud t.lil'olV him s"alnst a hIs farm Is to bo valunblo It mu st be m ay be tru EI that In llIany Instances ,trail s. leatllng Into 1111" bottom , s 'nd· The Icloles lmd formed ' tllelr cry.· .rall · tIle." ptlle tree, wh ere h e· st.o\lel motlonloss 1lIl'm ?d In the most sclentiOo manuer, caste rn capital has been o mpl oyed to IIg . Ollt blooll -curdllng Wa l" t heil' There was n o thin!; to slgnl[y who waiting Ull she ""!'s out of si ght. H c' lind nil buildings, f ences. etc., m\ls~ be ma k o Improvements 1n the w est, b ut whoop at e\'Cl'r jump . Th y se llI 'd Hils ' nutl the hutt I'CUPS' have bloom ed . wl:o'te It. Sbo was' .bteuthleas ' wh en could b enr \ he r lvor Just II low th e k ept up In tho ~cst pos si ble shallc' l always with lSooJ round Intcrest to \~ thin k t.hat 'th t! fl eeIng m'l 'u wuuld a sCOre o f limes since then . ,sh e linlsht"1 I' adhig It, The· surprl slng cliff us It n ois tl ~· flowed on Its jour· and abovo all the farm mu st be)o- the l ender of tho lDoney. No one ever try to esc ape iowartl·,.t!nTOII , and till Two m en ' IQ, unlfurm w,ere Bland'IDg n Ol've of , ho man . BIH)llliod bel', Of ney:, It fnscinatc d 'blm, Ho waJl;ed cated not too tar from some good bCli rd . or a case where an eastern man enveloped' In tho circl e; did nnt think 011 the porc h of a hosl)l ta:!: Tbe tallel' cCourse 't here wou ld be no Qucstlon agalnBt his 10 the edgo of tho ' Iown, for we ~II know that fart,n hnd · 01: fi r m contributed to w es teru entel' that t h 'y would tlo unyLlllug but run Illld tI£>I'ker one ' askoel· 11ls companlou., brIngs' a much better price when 1)0ar prise tor Ihe fun of tho thlng. Nor abQut going. It was ridiculous th nt bluff as 0. mQII In a dreain. [or t.belr lives. whi ch )Youltl \)e Stll·o how CO lltaln Holtou wail. to somo IilOOd ·town or.' village, It Is did )'011 evor hear of a Qase where any 'The riVer saug : sho, Rachel Whiting, should havo such " WeU," ~ep !led . the companion,. "the death . On~ b ra wny b rave tlrew, reI II not hard ('0 get the farmer to realize mall order I)r cataloguo bouse ever ' lieI', but then' lhere "You've seon' tbe heaven' you can n note written at the foot or th e trail where t be elootor SaYB be will ~.llve" \)Ilt It was a 't his. for I( be ever 80ld any farm lan~ , contrlhuted to any oh urch, b'ulldla, wa s 'no poslt!.ve proof tha> It was kllow, ' m",n had come down, ralserl hln~self n a'rro.w escape, ,,'Th,e 'bullet canght In or tTied to lell any, be kn ow,! thl. to fun d. Nor yet did they ever b uild or tnCllot for I\el'- bu t she n oeded '110 1 Now co mo with 1U ~ to hell ." In' the stlrru(ls, Rnd looked shal')ll)" a 1Itrte tin watch ·be bnd In ' hls vest .' . ,lIrDoC. sil'O bad ~ebuked one of tho : Torl'l.fitld, h e loolted ovor lho o.brsB be '1l f act. Well, then, atter b~ ' hias h olp to . built! any at our schoolhouses. towo r d t hem . Peol's conlil onlon, be. ' pocket." reallzod this faci:, :tbe tblng tor him y.ou never b.eard· of Ii caso of tbls kind maIds for m eotlng a ,common man and Into the sl'lgglsh 8t r eam. !Icvln g th ey w ere dlscdl"orod, rl\lsed 'rwo weeks . afterwards a m~~ry to do Is to patronize hi. home mer· and ·you never will . , All tbesa castern al s I1lst'Ol to IIhool; bu t Peel quietly crowd of 80ldlllrs. were ga~bllred cbants and buslnes8 m~!D, . so thl,!y mal' sharks 'care for Is your dOlinI', and l1)g msd e III M ontserrat, on e of the be ablo to build and maintain a ,ood YOU know II;, anti when they have got. :ea ched over, and plac in g hi s ha nd on al'ound the bedside, at· Captain Holt.on Suicide Followed ?ecullar Whim . Ills comrade'. arm, genUy (lr'essed It bear 'tbe ' story ,of ·the '"' U'ttle tiD .. ~n Lonllon a'h er was called Leeward IslBnds, to establish a pigeon town . ten that they bne no more use for l ow n. ' , walj:h, which the r eader ait'ead,)" , to tbe bouso at. a 'lVenlthy, mao, whom post with Antlgua. Some homel's . Publl~ soboots are muoh ' better In yoa. Tben wby Ibould yoU patronIze In a moment the Inllian \vos ~ott to knows. he tounll drossed In the cosLume 'ot have been Im(lorted from E ngland, lhe town" tban 11.1 t,be country for the them? You cnn go to your borne mer. ho w est, ahowlng \)y h is actions that "Yes, at tI.r lt I thought the . Wa~C.b Klni; Lear. He · pOBe!!, ,and ordered an.(1 an sao II a.s they bave Incresaod r oa!lon that where the pO(lulatlon. 18 cblnt any day l a tiie year. an~ I( you . ~ol'thless, but .,1 dIdn' t , want to. burt seveJ'll1 (llctures to \)e aent to frl onds, sumclently attempts to eatn'bllsb a most d ense, tbere II . more tnuble are Ibort t)t cbanse. lie will elltend 110 bad ,not sl~eu thelll, The way n,ow seemed cl ear, antl tlie girl'S Ceellnss, so 1 'kOI)t tt, ~: Later th o photOgrllbbel' ICIll;ncd tho r eSlllar 1l0llt \)etween t he 'l'IV(l Islands properly to the .mount of terrItory YOIl credIt. If you are slclt and un. wHl be made. ' man bad (!ommltted suicide. \!Overed, honce there II more money II"ble to wOl'k the bome mercbant will ;hl'Y Qui etly waiked tllOlr horDes ull grew, older , ~he 'Yllteh' gro .... de,rer ~ colleeled for IIChOOI purpose., f ,nd as see ..that y()ur tamlly II provisioned \Vbe~e they had gone <\own a .fow IDO' me; when I 'entereil t)le army 1 oat'Made Perfect by Pr.actici. .a rel!nlt more and bettcr teacbers are uatll 'OU eet on your feet again. He a1ent,~ before, turned Bouth, anti gen t.. .rled It wltb t#e. At. tim,", 1 tho!llrht 'f A '. apolltao woman " ,ill CII~1'1 Oft employed. ~II tlIl~ II of the bh:belt will do bf tbll and at the 'same fy trot ted Ilack to eamp. No freab' wu toOUah; 'IUlll :wbultln't part with her "head :1 velie I full of WAtl!f ~o tbe Importance to tbe farmc, al mOlt Ume furnlah the .ame craa.. .f soodl 11eat checre~ the camp thaI: nleht, but It.. Tw!) w.ek8 agu It aavec! ' ID, Ute. vel')' brim, 0 er., a roucll ~IIQ, and tarmll'll who .,. of any Importaace ,a at the aaml~ or evft at. leu price , ~ h(.)· bad R DOW adventure to talk . 0 it II .ven dearer UIu '"'fore,...... not. aplll II drop ot It. Ch~c:ago ll&lJ1 N~"L , tlaeJr IIrofellloll are Interelte4 III Illy· Ww till a OPI lDIRhant do Waf weI', H~











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Splen did i-=ina ncial COI1 ~ dition of Miam i Ceme tery

Ort.iina:ncl! No. 45 To

r.t" ' )' 'ruses for munic ipa l pur,lORCIl for till' Tax yoar 1!lH7.

,\ VnriC!ty III' (111('1'0,; 1 i II/.:' Hl'ms Galn,'re ll frllm tlllI N l·II'. pn pl'r" of th' t u l('

l'hl1 ft)llo\\,lIl~ I'OPIH'I of lil t· fi nlln , 1'111 1 ('(JI'l\litiLm nl' l\1 illlni ( .... lIIul c l·y WII!' :nt, lIell" ) for lluhliclltlOll 111 hi. t. \\'''(11(:1 UII~. '!l o lJut W/H! orow 1· Thi s urt'ly was II ('II ' on l I II I' \V",ot of lIi\lIf't . ,lr<!U y j(1I11 d (Iw eslmol.l !. It I~ ~ Il gr'<ltI, h,I\\'II\'<'J' 1 1",1 \\. ,u, v \ ' 111111) of JI1I1t1I1 ~ 1111111- III 11 . 111111 \' 111'1' ~\ II'" it wtll ilL' of p,t n"Ht , 111 tl ll t r ",hi l l'd 111 1" '111 o,~ hlll' VII I II( ,.f lh ull/~ It" htll,;I'' 'I':

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Send your News ,a nd Adve rtisem ents in Early


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,h oughl II littlo paleh ' u f t n 1101' :< an, 00 ~('\' :I , Io'"r -.;III\: III ~ r11l1(l ,111\1 ~ , ~,o In h ' r c tct •• tllOI .. for *2:? uO I1cj'" tl,,~ fir .. r, o f thi~ yf'IIr A 5000 US 0110 i"tmo itl o il' 1111 SIlO illten l".l I II ItltlJlII 'J;II "",I I.. loll e" rporll" 4n Tn ~e fI ,uIIIIII 1 1o~-'~'I~ \'1 '" iO pre 's, we h,'gi ll ]1r p lirllliulI~ !tl /, tl'lwl; l" lrm Ph s pllnlt' ~"\.'. " ' I'h;\1. ttl(' ("ltlrk h hl' r ' lIy (1ht' , ' h ,.1 Wtl~ l'ouII,1 tl'rllr,' th ~ alll)\' 11 I .. ,'k _ lrI1ht l \hIt 1t lf'" n( ge ttinK oul, Ibtl II XI we,\ I;'" )1/1 P OI' . nll<lul' tlw ~nl! HIlt) IpJl~,,,1 "" ulll l ~ (' t t' l Ord I r r,' n "'OHIII.\. to ho ph"'Ct l HII 11l( ' tll:\ 1I~ 1 it f I' " .) . '" al1l1 C' lIt h'C L",llll'l' unIIUit t r. 1:1\" Many IlIlr80 lls seem 10 think t hu t,. r,o)'lIlty ot j 5 ce nl" a ton, . ' tlllt! sint' .. ..-t." ~L' ''' ..,. 'I·I.JJ ~ " n.1t nllllt·l' .... Ihal t l .lk,· cllI', " no work Is dOli a ll tlle pup l' exce]l~ ~ c bruur ,l' hu" htlllun in I (HI ;-'r, a UII he 1n ( u fl' , · tnun nlltl IIlter 1I'" " ,'rBI''''' 0111 of ' ·10 ' ... pc r hi(1 1111\. \\ etl hy Ill\\'4 pD8l!ibly ~h e dll.Y lJefo r e It IS i~l!utld. '\ \luy from he r 111\' 't,tment l ·>' 1 P I\:-.. 'tl at l 'uun ~ lI CI,".1II1ht'r til l.. 'l'h lr'tl l~:H l l Ol1t lIf 'huil's :I,» l (LI),ltf.IU IICA , D, Hltl ; lind (lelay sendin g iu tbeir oews or IFll;;U. It \\'Ill hkl· mol'" . th tlll n yAn r kmll tJ[ 1'"" llIr'" l"Il SO U~ ': . adverth lmeulll ulltill t h A II1 Bt 111 0 10 go t nllt 1111 the phORph "Fur n UII\ U HU ' CflAIII .et; .~;, ~::;~~' ' ::!:~t\~oIlll', !\l1l\' OI' I "l ' ·· 1t.11. 111111 ,llIldll g nl~( 1 MIIO "I ~ I' I .... I · , ,I "- \1" , l I 1~<lt'lIl1" ': MtlHI (J.1 IIlII l] ),.th (j~. ,d . m e ut before presR l\lne. 'l'hiR olluses l.hl'J) Hh w ill have h oI" ., ( ' 1 IIh 't~ 1 ' \.1 f. ,OO U t,nn \\'1I ,vt--::l\t l .. t ltt · ( Il' ,v t huv,-' lll}()LHll t' Jtl t~ • our \~ o rk t o come in 1\ rush ju. til'. IlIl1ch \lnri ohecllo f rt.ili ~~,I.;~~I'~t'Io'~ :\Ihl'" '1 1"~I ~ t ,II' \\ It h y. tOIl , (J fl. I lti l i ' 'I! 1{1'l'~ I q " l\· '·I .\ ~", " •. , 'yUill' by .\"'111 '. UU , r 1 r :1:. 'II ! t.i:I. 1, lll 'i I fore It()illf,r to prflll, nnd r Quit!! ill ~ I \I pi a . I'!I ,-Xollilt L-Illzett,e I I ~l t'l; I JlII . ,' I ...... , It . I' HEr. Kllowill~ wl",t it, WIl" tn lIlIl' fl. I ' ll I,ll l"dll.l· 1 t'·.l1l tlt",\ IIrn Ih, Itl'MI ,:111111(," t' ;" ,II, . ' muoh incon vtlllil"llce Knrl extrn I I' .1 'Il t,1 EXIP cnditun ' I ~ 1'J will 'Iv ~' REEOF ' BARl'! £l iJ Iltuh.. .. '1" I' I It I ,llId ill ill qUlllit.r , III Il<l ltWIUt; lIud .IU Hly l" Aa ]I r I'll t' of l:'ll Jlminto lltle nt r " ny oHliotcd II. "o~iti\' w ork for everv perso ill Ihe office. I ll" I'tll' "\'1 • r The Ordina ry Woman " 1 ' , I ll: ' onro .I~· nlli i ol ,1 It 1:1(,,\ t!I ~" tl u B I Ihl< l hnlllnn lO!::I'IIUII.,Y ClI lI pruuuut\. I f.. lila . sIIlt rh e Ulll , et·~, , ..e lu f"r W'e wllnt 1111 tb e news tlml '/Ill thA I h, ,,' 11 1 141 \ h' ~, Ill);'''' "\ , ,"1,"1''" , 0 111'( • It. is lI ot ofl 0 Ihll t, "rtLdullte~ of 11 pOliS :11:1·.1 "ull Ill" .. .. skin ,", ", (litIl1IlS(' I , [lIst,UI t r elll'f. ., 'II.} ,I I n I .~ _. ~" \I' .1\1. u'tl'LIId Youth!! ' uli !> advert,lsem tlnt. we olin get, /l,t 1111 1111 ,, 1:1"11\ •• 1,'" I! I • \. 1l :?OOO,OO P Oll't suITe r JOI1~ r. write F. " BIgu S hool diA lisa C\ lin sMoo wilh Mortgll go Ltlll ll ~ It d .,~~,,, 1'lOt,l., :, t l' ,ll ~f· 1 1 nJ . . wltt lrt · 10.' $ 1'! " . ' l it !Ill · t,im 8. but tru,!lt o nr friends will be ' nporlnt mle n,',,:-;olu ry a!J1l 00 WII,L1 AMt;, ~OO Mlluhn ttull IIT,·l\l1t· pnl\ "t! "1 . "\ \. I i h, lU I" tl ~I::'" I ,,) ~' III ' .'I' ,, ~ w Doh good Sf \l e I1m1 pruot iCtil Ill11 1 !'ol ',' t • . , · Il ~ . un( l Ylll'uh~ :--UII J," ~ , P(lu ,'\ I t Laha r oonsldH ate in 8 ndiug what, th ey r.Ilr. ,1l 1 :'l w York, ],;nolo,.,· ,.tn III II , ' P 'II I .. ,.. 'lO t' • I " , ., lin d IIbility 'IS did Miss Emmll L-li ltuo lll' 11i'~ Iltlll " •. 1\ l' 1~t;twll" I' " "". * ' ~. i .. 1 I Ii' (1 \\1 11 " ~Ilnt, lIubl! , b ed in 118 enrly ,uij p ossi · V tLUIt>l a~ ,Gil II HI l !lU t h , :' ' ~ I r. tI g r/lduute of . • l'I'fI'·.~ t h e Morrow High ~\II ' ill,III '" ,, 1111 Y"'II It ,; :->lIl lrl !th'''' l I'. ,.~ , 'lt l " l S" !\\(, ble If !10m tbm g bI\PPf1DI< Wedne s, ·1t.rpPf. oil7 rllllt. K('I\ I\I~tl\V lH' rj I,,,' ~:!U. \. . !:;ohool . I1tld the followi ug I tnk en ) l l :t:fl. •. ·. ,\ 11\ IIh', ..... . '. day or Thurlld uy cion 't, walt uutill Musliu 01'. ,.'lIe" · N"rvln~ 'I s sold by your I<','r .\I," '~ HllIl ~' ••uTl.l~ · u til from I,h e Morrow Tribune . Bel' sub. To n i~ ht" drt··w ' ''· .... ,~ "' il (' . -: ,. , nt t' c til t the the nex t TUP!lclr y to r ep ort it, but Plnots IIntJ 'rl'CINI I It II I ,;,,11 1 H' ,\ l t I. , \ It tlr.· I" r "ii. ", \"dB b OI, .. t, If It 1alll, he l l UA5 j eots Wll 'Tbe Urdin .. ry Womau ." If y u wonlc1 t' nj will oy r ca. IOmOH nd yo~ 1I' u\oney. O\\' 1I1 l'1Ii10 RP,Dd it i n prompt ly. Brtt' k ~" J r 1\1,111 '14 .. nti Y lin I h,.' ::;1111:< ;1.:10 ChulIlb r·R 'IOIllllC.I l uud luke People that juwp i nto pouds and Li \'91' M iles ~tfedicll l Co., Elkhar t.lnd I hilt ~tllJ .· ], 0 \\11 ..... 11 1'''1' :.!f,. Lomb I' :1>1..1 II 'l'llble tR' t olll ght. '[,h y prodllll 'In pull out drowni per ion8. or 'c lim e Annu al Comm encem ent of to fourth 8~ory ng ngroooh lo Inxntiv o enoot" .,Iour ~hfl I\li;] wIDdoW8 of bUl'uing h eull IIUl] l e lln~ ' I.he s t Olllll Ch , 2 ~ . ;IO Wayn e Town ship Schoo ls buildin gs to rescue childre n. or top Pri' , 2i 'llnt",. , 'uUlpl s!:' fr e 11 t .1 , if, ] 0 runR wily horses l1ud that SOI't, of E. .Tunn y 'H drug ~tore. a no Three Pupils Receivc their tbing, are all very ~ood in theil' wa,y 77.7 Diplom as. but it is the Iitt.Je ti red WOlDlIn Notic e of Prese nting pushmg down hllrd on the wlIsh · A gnoc\ lllaed audienc e gathere d at S n)Jpli n. Coun ty-Road Petiti on. bourd, or r oastlug het mlll}t to II tu ro hool Hall Thursd ay evening to NOlie' Is lh.'relty 81 " u th. t. u lk.,Utll)ll w ill \lver a red hot coo king stove wrAst attend t,he annual Comme ncemen t h~ u rc RC ulOtl t o ttl· utu ht l d l IHH'r~ ('I' ling with the p ots. Ilnns ",nd 8kiliet~. \Var t'c u I 'Olt l1l), Ht thf·l r ne L ,(....,,1\)11. J ut~' exercise s of the Wayno townsh ip t 1. , 0 . • no,:,. l,ra " nil tOr th (: 1r~)' l n l! uu t "I' thl1t des3rve s the medal for h "" r o BoJlIlloe on bllndi .Iulll.i 12, 8':110018, ' Jlt,enlrn;o f 3. (" unty IhU\ll ttl) tht' I ,thH\" nV ism. 8he works her eye. out lind 111:('. l owlt: L-ti!Jll nn lll& nl Ol. pohn til ltu' 1llOU Tbere were tb.r ee graduat eR, Mi s Ca.nhytow n ;:UI ~ "' p ' lr l~ , ',H1t I'ttl ' .\n,' In her fingers off,. meudin g impo sible R eoelpt.! lhe l11 \" ",Ion lInl' bel \\' ' l' n I , ·luupt Inu HamUt on wbo spo1(e on ,the llil J'~ , rents In equally impossi ble olothe!! e. I-I ll htl: tt (nTInH ill ~u n·c.Y '!:j:oi'! (JI\.1 • ncJ (, :~ , sUlIjeo t: "Mu 10 In Camp, " Miss r u nn ing tto -nCt' with L-hl,h' 1(.1td Hu~:­ fot the cblldre u, wbile tho hu bllud 'rotllt nl!u Wllh I h~ IIrIl' o f I·..,.",,); Lauh,s nll".1. M. Hazel O. 8el;s dlsouss ed "The A.. ook 'lJ land .... the 1oIlt Tll l' hl· tu ~ l ltt' ~ulllh lilli',,", gobbles his iood, grunt and cmwls ~xpenditnr ~ merican (,ilrl of . ~ uh' c-y ;,;-;a, in a Nt) r thw Q:-. tt' rh' lltr~\i tl o ll todllY and yester. into llis paper. Miss Emwa. spoke Baluoee Oll"ulIlI< and In Ul\! tHl trlt! u ntil It InL ' r ..w1 l ll" Ilrn day," Miss LueUII. Toms spoke on l .'noo 1. 'OJ \H17.2:l II0bed "1" 'I'I,,lon In tb e WI!i<oll toa,l with great clearne ss aou her ltod· - - _....... L.IN ES .1. ~I U9:'" ~) a l 'OOk ' lnmls :tnd 'mlluj.: lX-IUI-{.f ,!IlooIII IIsb on h (~D<1 "Kbym ee from Riley." l ..\Ul'4.1 ('It ience wall quite with, her. i , _. :!.:.!O r ud litO -0 or h ' So ' ~.l.AT~ Notes j ~j \ I~ Tbe exeroia es Ivere opened with a ~2~J 7'0 I,'UA"K 8'1' "'.KI·. I.'rlnct l' I l' lill l'n,· r. ELlt ' ..Inll p 10 til 11. I (lt lll/" :01' ,, 1 • II ~;I' " I I' · prayer oy Rev, Pbtllp. Trant. MHtlll'1I 1 A~ OtJltttl(ln , ' Uncle Sam's Fashio ns. Total resburo os in bnnd s Mi88 AnDa ,Meredi th te~oher iu .TA MB: 'TOWN EXPO Trw, (N .. r f<:'l .... ' VII ) ,1;011 .1' 11111 ,1 of Trellsu rer .\<~V(l r y MUll 211111 l'Iis lhvn Do tor. na the Sugln Grove Bohool bad oharge A.n ediot bas just been i8Bued from ;o\'1VeJllillJl' aD t:11I)lCl' of mllO\' II "ir"hlt· rr'"I ... ~- ,,11 r.. II, "J' 'file av rnge \DUll ClIIIUo t IIlfnrd to hy Ul't"un Ittl\lIrn r ; Potonlll I i". " , lI 'ntl "II ·.. : l lIr of tbe exercis es and muoh oredlt is the Postoff lce Depart ment, etting H , \' mplo;\' n pJIY . tpllntb ul " .'rop v r~ II I )0; W \: 0 1'1; . B .l!:'I ,.II . \\' ,,,h ",t. due her for, the excelle nt program fortb that 11,11 rural mail ouriers . Fine Chau tauua Progr am. lIgbt, II1l1llenh 01' 100\Il for e \' ry ,,,. in jury \hot UlIlY BIIl ti llw r e. Phllude lpltil\,' and the m~lIl1er in whioh It was who deslre to diBOllrd tneir coa.ts on OCllur in his fUllllly, nol' CILII hft u fo ·t MMEl't 'l'UURI ·' T FARE~ t,) I'd il lln' It-!~ tlrt~ IIh'"1! :I .·r The ~ed out, Miss Meredi th made a the wa.rm snmme r days thitt are ex whioh fiami Vul ley Chl1n tuuqml ford to n ·gle t th"m, Il~ 0 ~ light Illl se.v 'Ollst. i n Lnug I~lJUld IUld Ntcl w b'Dgl"" I. With "" y .... open", July lOtb. lind oloses injllrv liS th !lCmt b of tl pill b as very pleuln g addre8 8ln opening the peoted to arrive along, II lId Phi\I<ue lphia .. tnll I)V r ~ , AI '0 til L 11\0 ulI,l i\I,tltlllu k in Augu t. Aug. Gth, promis es to be t h e grtlllt . been len own t CCIl1Se the 1\1 ~ of 11 lll exer0tae 8. l' gartH. 11IId II) ' olol'lIdo !Inn P ,(lift,· C'UIi't and appear In shirt wilists, mlll!t ul· e t'in the history of the 11mb, Hene every mlln must fr olll c institut ion. PrOf. J. O. Creage r, Preside nt of so wear clark neoktie! !, neltt I.t JUI· ILI.,E . KY . . Inn , :)~ 1\1 11 ~ ~ • •\III ~ t I' 1'111'11 1" 1',,' leather 'l'h~ hi gb ~tllnclll,'d wbloh t,bis Ohl1n- n ece sitv b hi. own d octor for t,h is 'On vell ti (Ill , th'e Nation al Norma l Unlver sltyat belts, also It turn rlown oollo.r. Noth ·' tttuqnl1 blls ItUuine d \n previ oull ola88 of ailul nt . Hucce S ';lft, 1\ de pend!! upon pru!U pt trellI SARA'l 'OUA 8PRIN G ',N Y •. 111 1.. :-1 t .... Ie ','. C!.. lIfllnv .,. Lebano n deliver ed the 01as8 flddress . lng is Bllld about the remain der of yel~I 's will be ful1ly maintai ued this w'IIOh 0110 0 01 be h ull wbe lJ1nn t, 'POKAN J;J , .Juno :.?7'n" .Iuly 1. ,II . Y P U Ruitt· Pr80ide nt Oreage r had " very tbe uniform , though in OIlse of a ex· yeur, liS wi\rbe 's een by a gillnoe Ilt ble m edioine s ~r" k ept nt Imull , ::!{;;A'r I' LE. W""hin gton ; .lul1 o 20 I,f) .llIh· :'. (! , I;:. practlo osubje ot speakin g of I tle1f tra hot Bun, or Il severe storm u.n the followi ng pUlrtinl list of t,de nt : 'hllmhe rlaln '8 Remedi s have bll n PBILA UELPH IA ..July 12 t ·. HI-B. P . l , Ii: -(J! r llci in the lUal'ket Made lien and Baokbo ne." Prof. umbrel la wOt1ld be ·someth ing. It, or F ,.., l ns, Dr. R . S, enjoy a good ~or lIluny y ellf (IUd ,Or.. ' . .., O v ia W'Hlhin gton, wltb stop pV>'r_ ·,t B " ILIlI ..) .... 1; "(\ WlIl'hil lg unaan I'epututl Oll, eftage r Is a very pleasin g 8pe~ker is rell.Bona,b le to suppose that the Mllc Arthur. ton, Rev. Gep. R. Stl1urt, 'hlllllbpri lli n' 'oli, Oboleru lIod and his remark s were followe d next order will be for p ostmtl.Sters Rev, Wm . A. Sunduy , B,o n . Wil\lllID Oiorrh oea Remedy for lJowel com , SEASH ORE EXU U I-t ' (01 t o Arlltll i l City . 'upu Moy I<"'\. with close 8 ttention . to wear ~re8B suits, with h~ir pu.rted .Jenning s Bryan, Jrohn Tmftl)le Or.IV. plnint!l . eight. oth r p opll l" \' seusid e r el'OI',h! ,\ ug lls l. )h nmberl~in's 'ougn R el.1l orly for 'rhe musio proved quite popuhn in the middle . Unole 811m IS a ta~ty es. 'eo, :r. B. Fortlke r. Wllit Bol. oough!', \V IN0NA bAIU~ . IN 0 -Dail v ull til , 't'lptE'lIlh or :10, cold!!. Cr ot;l p tinu whoopi ng being by Peter Satalhl , ' the well old duck .-Ulerm oot Currlor . como. Dr. Linoallll Mc Connell . Dr. ' ou g h . For full Pllrtioulllr~ oons ult, B , F. , B,)ot,h ; Tick"! o\ ~""t,. known harpeat of Dayton lind bill hlt mbe rlaiu' Paiu Bulm (li n n.n · H . '1'. 8011, Dr , S. C. Schmuc ker. Wnynes ville. Ohio , selectio ns were frequen tly enoored . Rara Avis Rev , W . H , William s, W a cot Eqoiue tiseptic lioimen t) for outs. brui8'e~ , '--~: l)OrD9' !\prains The gradw. tes receive d their Chicago OJee Olub. BostoD nnd rh e lllluttio welling 1111110 bllck ptl.ills. diplom as at Lebano n, Saturdn y ' Urange .Fra<l>ier. of Wilmln gt,on, T emple Quarte t te, Parlllod ,Newhn ll Ohomb erluin'R St omllcJl and Livel' piol!ed np on the streets of that plaoe June 8th, "I Ai~D rablett< for con t.ipntion . bllIOI1t; u (,!I>l reoenMy , a. rara. avis, but little Co .•Old P lantlltio n ~uartette. ·ur. and stolUllc h trouble " t er, Mlig ieitlD. Youml1 t he Juggler . known 1D this seotion called the oven ' hu,l.1lbcrlnlo's ~nlye for (\i ell C8 Ptllu,l]l \sika.s Pets. Dr, ,Rob·t Me· WE MANU FA(''1'U RE THE VERY H1GHES'j' Base Ball. bIrd. from 'the fllot thlLt it builds its of ~he Hkin. c Intyre, 11\U1'ninated' Fillet. O.xell' Ooe b ot t lE! of tlJ e~e five prepltlll ' nest under logs, with ' an ove n·shap , GRADE OF ham tioo 's Moving s costs I)ut PlcLuJ:e U .2fi s, VldoriQ us again. , .John For Mil lo l).v S ed e'n tranr.e. The bird i~ of b eauti , Type Rutledg e. F. L. Lybarg er, Dr. Alston J . E, JIlII~y . 8mS8 Gn IIl'Y!l ful 'plumug e. brown, witb yello w Bruss Rule ill Stri ps Here U Is JUD&J i2 and' the home Ellis. , Dr , G, P . B!'nton Metlll . Dr. ~lordcrs G, F. spockle d bre!lst. The ,prettie s t ovell boys bave won anothe r game of bill I. B~lIs s Labor Saving Hille Help Want ed. L. S. ,Mctnl Furnitu re bird the Uou rier kn o ws of is u tur , Wr.ight ' and a n~mbe r of otbel' fitThhi gllme was played lietwee n the Brass Column Rule!! ·Lellds and Slugs traotioo , Y'IlHlI; III"" nUll gi l'l!l lit tlle P Wayne sville Miamis Ilnd SJ>ring k~Y: is ulso wn with yellow Brass Ci rcle~ 'l'h Metlll Leader s odnoMi onn, 1 depn:rt meot whicb speokle ' t oer" d brellst Cllrtridj: when it' cornes out (f! {J ' III(luny , Kings Valley on the ground s of the IfI,tter. Brass Lcadus Splices and QUlldR. of the oven 00 rhanksg i ving Doy · hn ~ beeu so popultu lIud }1Nf1ta lJltl Mil :;! W ork Hl;h l, I1l1Ilel<l,[ l Il , Goo(l 'fhls game was alMo '1I, very peoul. Rrasl:I ROl;lnd C"rnel' s . 6to48p uint ' And also like Mr. Frtl7.ier 's oven will be enlarge d and Improv ed . wo gp':; lind nOl1l t "·f.,, llio h nl,eln rcOIl1. Brass iar one all it IIhows how tbey . got Leads and Slugs \'letul Quoins etc. bird is a . very scarce commo dity. Tnis wiJl ioclude ,oonr es of leotures m oc1l1ti(lI1H olnSQ 1,0 the fnotory out of a pinch . The ground s were -----,..... .:......Econom ios. Natorp ' ' A,ldreHtt i\ s~Lt/l n t Mllllo gor. 8till we have ~een s,om e fin o s p eci. in Hi to ry. ....- --- - In bad conditi on thus making it ~ Old Work. Column Liternt Rulc~ l'ul'llCI.1\ IIllll Itllltl e till ~ol)!l l i~ Iltj \V ,~, n 111111111 ure. Ge,)log y, Hibl.-, m1 5 Ht, mens. Clermo Kings nt Courier Mill s. . Ohi o, dil!a~vantage to .our prayers who ure Heu.Hh be~ i doR ol.Hls work ,in Music. co, t. . . aoousto med to smooth diamon ds at ..... Orn tory Ilnd Expres s iot;l. <.hiolog y, South .,.l'bano n GOCB Wct; P IOIlSO r e m omber t,h 'Lt W (l (I,r o li nt, in uny '1'l lll1t o r Cr)l11 biri'ltio ' hOme.: 'Tbega me was dull. at first. A (?, "'I,l1nllt c 'l'(~ xnn . ll ' lUlhls tri'1l1 Arts . Dom esti o .'ois no!' . Mr, unrll\l'o E , W " (lo(l\llo e. of t07 I:>t.. Rllre thllt w o to our side as their oppone llts scored ('flll multO it I;l'ontly Athleti I~ os. I yCHlt IlIlvlllltlll .!'O 1.0 An eleotion waH held on last. Sat. Loui,. , ' 1, . el'l,t! witb liS , 8 runs tn tbe second innlt1g and one urdBY under the BellI For furtho iuforl'l\ ution and pro. tlie po~t Y" ))111101<. TeX-. sny!!: "In 11\\9 whloh r e lIr I hllve becoDlCl Illl· in the third, which made 9, tbe last suited In 0 comple te victory A '('opy of om ' 1.'lltnlog lle wUI be hQer fllll .v fUI'Il,i~hfld Oll II]JPI'i. for the progt'llm s nudress F . (3l1\um Cl'OITi- ql1llhH€tI wll,h Or , Kiug 's New Life one to their oredlt dnring the fame; ",\Vet£l," the vote stllndin Clition, g II\) to ' ·w er. 1:lN N . Mn,il). St.,' Dayton . , Ohio: Pill s ; nnd n o Inx/Jtiv e' l ever hAfMe t,,.jed . 1'0 t>ll'ecti ve l.Y di, poses of Bnt our team saw the weak places Quite exttnsl ve Ollllll'lllgu WitS ... .:.. .-;--.-~ J.IIlJlllri ~1 H nrl hili ommess . " , I'he~' !lun ' t, !...In time and. began a nllS'. whloh waged previou s to tbe grind , nor /! rhe, 25c , lit F l ed G, election . The Remark able Resolle Philad elphia Print ers' Suppl y Hed the score in the Sixth inning.. peop.le were finiJ.lly o~nvinced tbnt, '1'hllt truth is struDge r tblln fiction Sehwllr lz.!! dr,l1g st?r e All workell togethe r in fielding whiske y wlts 'being sold Mnull f llotllrer~ of in the cor· blls on ce lDore been demonBt.,rnted tbebal1 s, JOnd. by excelle nt batting'i on lltl~yWIl.Y lind Typc and High Grade Printin g Mate~inl ' possibl y this in the littlll town of Fedorll, Tenn .• . .. .Tb ... - - - - : - - .... ~---- ' . on t.helr p,aat. won the game. re~idence of Q . Pepper . Be e bad some influen ce on the result. the Proprie writes : " 1 \VI1S iu bV tor!; ed, all Nlll'lh Niolll ~treflf. entirely dis BOOre rtJHultlng 19 to 9 in fllv or of ~ \'Varren County Times. PENN 'l'YPE (?OUNI ; l Y tlbled With ;he morrbage~ of th o W&yne sville, Onr boys receive d P~i1adelphin • _ luo .::" , ',anel tlJrottt: Dootor s fuiled .a. IIqoar.e d i d e well ~o'l' ''fled ..,.- .... .... ea an Itt : to h e lp lUe. lind. ,lIl bope bud fl rl ox.L' ':' , Notic e of Prese nting with the, game, This makes the · " _. when I lleg,m t,llkillg King 's 6tb g ome for our ' boys witll ollly Coun t,Y Road PetitI On New Dlsc\ove ry . Then Dr. THIt' FAMO US io~tllnl re , life olllDe, '1'he co one·def ett.t. Tbe ga~es 80 far have ughin~ soon oells Nollee L. hereby g l~en III"'LI'" POllllron..~'llI ed: the hI eding rliltlill i~hec1l'l \pidly, be pr.~ent Qd In IIl e omlD ss oner. 0 •• ur hl\d good attenda noe , T hey wis I1 run (Jojunty. III Ih<:t r lIeX . ' k I tl . I "e""lon• .Iuly J , A. lind III tIH'~,fl wee N WitS II .. OJ to go to tbank the people for their p8Kt 0 IUU;. pray in g for l!tij alle .. aLlo n of a , to work .. Ol\urlln t.Aed cnr( for . ' rOlld 0 0 the r lIowln~ IIlIe . 10wiL c~u,h oough!l IInel collI pa.trona ge und hope they w,lI keep counLy 50c. Imd '* 1 00 ncglnn lng "I a p<,IIIL III Wll.",,·. :11 It Freu D , ::!chwIIJ'I,z's drug !j'nl'" f 11 or ncnr the farm line between lsano pike The ,en\lln e Com I)' , [ r luterCf;l~d and come to the o gunrnnt ed to be as repre. 'r' OW- \II" all,l J , ~l. Onol, In ,un' el'" lao:.l :Inti, Trltt.l bott.ln , fr llt! , ' tug games, FOLB rS'BO NEY and TARIi ID ' sented Qr money refunde d, ~.o" . • uunlntl fhcn"" In" norlhornly Illn·... a Y.llow packa,. , Refuge IUbetltUtea. Watch for Ille Weeklv ' on n(lllnOe 11011 anti followIng ..Ion" th e IJIISt· of lh'l 10111 is uscd by thousand~ for flO us to ~U(,lU II b e tter g rath:, J M meD" tu this Pftpet II.nr1 come one cook'. I.nels.rt!pa.ijlng d only by multitu de purpos s alld is of l3ubs riptinn> ! n'o' for tIll the le,"1 on lI,e I~ .."t Hille t)( " reslllcnce ou tia hJ lantl,.." cooUnul ng .0'01& Oomp. n)'., C!hlo.... value to missionaries. and all. NOrlh urnly dlrec tl on and elldlnw 3L orillneara inK mll>gllzilles aucl new"'I'u purs. at evangelists, singel1! . the home·, the the Jon"" brIdge. going nortb. ""Ing ... \lx· • _. rthe ~u1:ettlt olUee. Not.I' """:,,We school, the children. All.!ltan darcl mllgazl nes lit R!Jflolnl Have your priutln g done at the lAnce of ~20 rods more or leI(\, , teacher s and' wherev er portabi lity is required. meet the prloeH advertl 8ed by au.:..,. 1 W, T. W'WlO!', l'I'lnclpnl Petitioner. --Send for R ful, dellCriptive catalogu e free; Ga.tte oftlce pr ces ,Rt th e Huazette'" • OUl06. reputab lo subscri ption aHenoy . M30'H





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nn sy .



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HONEYIND1AR The orl,1111



remed,. ,



~~~~!~n~!;~~~CIP' Organ



lee Lake Street ,

O..loaao, III.





Coun t '.! Lon· t New .. . ,. I


Or(£linun(;1! No. 44 .

WITH A L AME BAC'X? A n Ordi (\:! llI'I' ('on H~ n t in g to HlI' M'Il'Y i' IH.,.J III /{, g ,It, " 11 III nl I 'p rn ~li-s X '!..I Il, I!. Hn \n':' 'o"u I IHl" UI'st , Oe (n chmE'ut of CI'-rlain T(~rritoTY Kld". :Y TrOuble Mnkl!s '(ou Mistra bl e. fi )lfl llf'l\ III I 11111 , lllt lll II I' p lt l\u l llt n I . 01 W ttYIII ' \'i llu .I n o ti llY 1/l lIt \l'l'Olc F r llnl th ~ " iIlalt' of ' Vn y n t's, Alu III;,t l!ver)IJ~I, \\ ht)rCHd:-;tlh~1I w!ot. 1 ~Ii'CI' t ,,, hun' to k "'1\" "I' tl ,,· w(Jltdcrful s II IL bom] h hi hy Hilitl lIlill I' f ell 11''; H ,I WOIf III 'fl u l h lCl(mg II I'pshlll l' vii ,', \-" a r re n Coun t y. O h io , ~!If c' llrl:_ 1'lInol <: hy Dr. th tl llllrpo I' uI' mll lllh rl ni n" hilll ii, II lIt III ~ Pl'i l\ ~ .vlllj l'~' . "nIl ' [ r . ~ KiI'lIl'r' < SWIlill p . t I h-' "Il UIIII It 1~ l<l l lr. · h~ ul'I luUlI11I ooile!;. " ' II I't, <l rdl' I'I,.1 11111 11< 11111 ' 1111 '" ' M 1 IIlllpl oy 'II un II ' P 'lll1Ryl . b\b-,'.'th,,\ »I-"J lI.O)ot. ~lt· ):rti:CL kidlUI (uuudl ut Lhe \ IIhU! 1 or \\'u\,IH: .,rlht: . ~. • 11\.' ."1 11\'l~1 a lld Llud \\' . Il' I \! JI ('f )UIII .\", UIII.I., Ih .1t .l~~t·'H he ,lIId Holtl li t llot It ~~ th ll ll $ 11 11 \,,,1 l'L Itd lrl)lI d, • to , oIer r ·IIII'I},'. th .' ':tall\p h, -r"h, I.. __~h~ "'1l l ', ttl!' th' U" hltl"Hl trintt.1\ 1I1111 1111 1 1I1 "'IOUli t nt' I' H . It is LII :g r 'IIt med. I,;.lwi ll 1-\ F IIl'llll , 11' I'Plllolicli llf! tlr j'l'! 1.1111 h'lllhJ l' Idll~ ,dllliu 'hi' .'H I P "rk!l, IUhlllrrisll'/I tm' Qr' 'ti l 1" 1111 ,, tlml \'l·j.lllid n,r Iii,. ' r (lHld l\n U in I':!!. t- I" 1',ll,' 111111\ .. til ...i thl ·'· 11L.1 J,U:, (ifl (111' 1', .1" ' i :,, 1 lriulilp h uf Lhe .. hI!' nl ,,~h\ ~1I 1{l ~I'. j'a ... L or tilt' lu lll 11l1 \'~h.'l,' lIlh ' l: lI lU rv' of 'I'Hlg h! ,," \, "' •.' ~ , tl l!I'I1 , cd r .111' ;q1l1 \\lk l .,1 t it, · Lillh' ~I L.11111 1 iv,'r , 111 • dl ,:,('o.\l: r :f!r\fu~rYt::llrs ,l llHllll h j' ''.\' ~, "X~<'l1t.O ;. o)f 1:1\(1 <1!' \\'1I .l' n , IT" nHllill. MI' , Wl1I'nns i" u,."" ,rl} :tr1 f' \.' ,\ Ilh tlu' IIra\ I'r 0 ' Lh~ )U'uLII)U (I I !"t'U'ftltil l' re:;enr 11 , bll ,llilil gt h l"(1 n uw r, o m s, 1I(\,hll~o. I" ~h.· ,"\ II I I'" .l$ ~.I hi III nill), .; 11\1 II .. 11\.· .... l' U" 'll I" , I),. Kiilll'r 111 tllte wi l 11,bullll HI'O WI! , d t!l:uIIscll . !i ll !IAll t.jn !-( /tntl lig hth~ plll ll t lind 11I"'.I'f·lll ( •• I th.' Hfwn l f,f rmllll~ ('(IIIlIHHi itll1 (,ll1ill l' lIl · kirlnc\" :l1Id I r ~ II' ,"" dd \\ ,IrrJ'}1 ('''I' lIl~ , Ohio, IJ)' wb h II WII!! g rul., toll luII V uf (;'J IH t I,IJ )JII ~ " I"u l us tll lliug II, 'UllI )l J.uttJ \~Il I Ur "',Ih( tc r d u,r.\' ~ ttl fJ ' d ' t..Ldlc(i I,'um tI:lld !JII'.)c1<-1 "pCCi:tll ' l, 1111<1 is \\,u."ltd'rf"lIy t h e BI)eOln l lll!l) t, uf :1;5 0 Il UII." 11 i l!y ~ t tlll l , bu. id e 1lI11 11 1' at hol' i lll .. \ '1 I hu.:" :1 111) .ll\lU! :tI'd :11 ,\raYI1l' '.1'o\\u",lll lI JII HI<'~\,<~fll l ill prolllp! 1 ' chri:tg III III l: bu.:k -, ald l' lIU fll \", t1ri\~ Hchl. I,.' at.urr h uf lil e 1,lu rldl'r Hi lli Il ted III h l'l' will Lit Ih'" ' t Mil )' )' ''' I . S, 'clhill '! '1 111/'1 n "lI~, I 'II' " ... h,1I1 t.a kt '(1. '("\. P t ' ' ' . I lrtl VUlfll.lll l s, II n (\ wbuu PUtIl)JI 'te(1 Bright' s J )i ~~1I5" , whh- It is tbe wors L alld 1,'In J'urt"c · tr t,1I\ Ullt) utu'c tJII! ,·url l l' .., l r(J e~ tll nt \0; I" l'l;IIIlid (' h nr h IInll ~' I, I ho OIl O uf 1he 1I1') ~L elllll p let IJ rtlntl (If ki(ltI,,), IrlJllhl l', ' ,'rl' HI IllIowt.'IJ by 1,\ ~\ Pr. J.:ih tl cr·~ ~wa mp · Root ill 1101 ree. li ke "d. Ul utO t hl~Jt. . A llltlll· "I I LlS Jlil' II lH 1 II '1. ' I 10, lI eil j 11 I 1I I-' (',lll l, 1':1',""" . •1U lIe ;1 II'II ~, . r nC I,IV(> ullll l lClll l('i l for \."\'~r)'lhill~ hut if y t1 U lUI \' c ( h\ t:S.l . lJl ' II~t-: ' I ', MII ,·"r PI {\ '''('UI II I a. ~IILU \J () : ul'l'b . l1Iulli ty, (HAIII .I.... Il. JlM: Ii , l 'lt' lk kid " '\' lit·cr ...r 1lI,IIItI 'I' Ir'JII"I' it wi ll he ~l " h.' fIr (lido, \V'Hl r e!} \ '11\1111\ J ohn..,. it. D ru ke , KUll r di nn 01 Jli 11 "J'I I' ,,~ BOI't ll I I' 0 I ' f')IIII1(j'''~1 tlw '''lIIc.l), ro" 11(,<,01, IL IIiIS ,. t :>1' wO t \V l U lRon guJ.{· \ IlIaJ.,pC r,r '" ,l\'W ... \,IIII ', ),lol' U h ::-tl'd in !-It) 1I1any '\fI)'!". in h ospita l mOil d tSmlOn l oll , tiled h l ~ niut b lind d IU I r i ' i f f . I ' I , l.:1i.ll'h-... D. HI:" tl , h:rk I,r ..,ult! \ ' ,I\01/C II I fi nlll I1CCuU U ~ , ~I u Il h: 0 1' )11'0, 0, ~~o n ~ l n ~11'~ \10. k "lid ill pri,'''I,· prtlCli<'l" :ltu l !las \ I lh' \\'jlrrt..' u , 'UU Il LY Ull in, III· rd.(\' "I, I h e Olty l::I OS plt.lrl In ,Pl'll1 :.:flfllu, l~\\'"rl.l\IWl'o pru,' I.: ,) :'iJ ~ uc~ ~ t':)~flll ill "-" 'cry ca ~c tl mt " ll1l'( 1 Lh ' II hll\t' lo 1Jf' .3 lruv :Ulft , (urte ll 1n t h e la L Will of Wit h lllliu itl Is e llj o ylU~ n fortn ig h ls v\lcMi,," (" )1')' til l h, ' tlr1~hlUl IJ rtltll ulh. l! v rl5"'cjl,Hl til, ' ~Jlt',,"i: d IItrll ll g"t'IIH.°Ut l~ a s hee n m a d e by ,dli ch 1111 rCII<ln' or till ' JlII\l~r, w il l) 1111\" cla \ "Jl1tl tl 4l lt ' &lll!.H' t' .ftJf ' llI hf llCtl. U e llloll r , tl eoell 8 d . Pe rry Jtutl lllhr wit h b o r IJIIT 'ut , M r . ul111 Mr . (' IIAICI . l-,~ I), )tMV-II , tI<llll l rt:tlcl }' l d.·tllt. It lll ' 1t:1\'" IJ slI ltl p le Wil t! now inlL t d Ull ' XL1c u t ) 1' lI ul1 11 hul tlc ~cltl r 1'1'" I,,' IIIUII, "Iso ho ,k l d I· ~ C)() rge N. Brnwn , ll en r Ferry . e ptul1 "" 11110, g i \' llIK h U1l11 iu I h o • illg I lure "hout ~·\\all,p . R(lnt. fll ill h.,,,, 10 SI1U1 of IjI Ht UO wi th (;l uor j!, u A udo r. M i!l~ :Mll r y Pug h . wiJ bus es l;ftlJ , 1i .1I I 0 1111 r) .>ulta "dd " ",.y or hJ HoIci 'r lrO\l' h it,. \\'hc lI writi tI~ lllt · Ut.II'Jt rt.:a.d i JI g' lh iN ~ou un d Albert t:!clm 11 It Buriti ol!. Ib,h "d It w 11 lie e n 'oel r llllU!·tl t,lo n liN /-l1'lltrri Il S 'ltT0r ill t hl ~ p"l" 'r u l H I ~c Jld ),ollr hurlo!! "olde r di n e . A lber t S cb. ' I U lI 1rcEllh nt t ell 'h e l' in ,y ,(Ylle aUtl lIt1dn.'s!\ to )Jr, ), illllcr fUN ERA L 0 I A E C u ell nnd H e nry GlJl blt! tU',c 1I 1)poiul d 'I elill c r eek to wuBhi p~, hil S !I.cce)Jted \" Cu., Hi ll g l uuulrm, :-;. y , 'I'll , r('glllnr It l' u~ iti o n iu t b e K iugs MiU t! ::; b oo I Telephone Day or Night. 1\ Ilpraisel'S, iirl"~ccllt ;1 1HI . O ll ~­ Mr . und Mrd. \lie llli sll ldiu e unl' E'mn k F, I ;o ulle n, e xeout or UnUti1 Local No, 7 fh .. liu r :.izc ho t Uc.:~ ure noma ot 0"""'1>11001. ",;1,1 h,' all g(~1f1 drll ggi5t S. DOII ' t m Ak e t h o wi ll ul' P r tcllln truln lll l, tiled IJi~ r j oicl ng ove r t h e b1rth uf Il ' Ull. Long Distance 69-3r allY 1I1ilo"l:lkc, lltll re Ul IIlhcr lh e 11 U1 ll c f l::I lI \\'urd , w h o n l'rJ vou lLt Ih ... h' h om e I'l n lllllccunn t . . SW [\1up ~ Rn(,l , J )r, J~ih r ll~"'S SW;lItlp.Roo t. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO a ll tho Wll yn Ilv ill e lIud Lebllll oll ~' rl~uk , e, Antlel'ijOU, , IlX ou tOl' un, !l lld lli~ ulll rt,,5o:". HI llgllnlllt ou, N. Y' I 0 11 ii th. Branch Office. Harvevsburg, O. e<'~ry brJ ltlc , uer th will' of Pr io!lll ~ 1r.,llI u6, fi led [l\llU, Wed ue!:ldllY. ,l uue th

I ~'l'h: lt Et:;'J · I N t..

"COtttt~ct f!n~nsb. b~w to l~S~' it."

A AW N 'l' l:I t. Y MAUAZ)~I' DEVOTE ll ,TO 'l'H E F J<'




JOSEPH IN"' . Tl ,. '





i "" , Editor.

COlll'se in U rn I 111 11 1\1' HllW to lnol'ell s 011 's Ve,eld ln lll r" . 'l'h e Ar t of Ca n ver 'l\ tion . . ' ::\hll ll. IIlI U Will : b o old 11 11 ,1 WO\l ld : !:t ow t v I 'se T h e w ' ~ r6nunoi llti ~n8 (Oon tury , . "t,IOlHll',\' ) Correot ,E ngli s h in t.h o 8 'p Il. Corr eot· E n gli . h ill Ih a S' I, 0 1. ' ; h nt t o S/l y ond W hll t ~ .. I to ny : ( ·o urse 1n Lett ' I' W r l t in ~ II lId P llnotUII ti on , Twe nty Dilil y Drills . . ~us in e8s E ng lish fo r th o P usluess Mnll . (;oDlpound W ords : H oYt 1. W r it e Tbem . " t\ldies in Englis h LiteI'll ' II I'A. '


$1.00 a Year'.


Send JOe for sample copy.


Evanston, 1lI.

or Subscribe thr ugh the Miami Gazette, Wa.vnesville, Ohio.


h is Inve ntor y 1.nd , Upprui lieDle u l wh illh \V ns r eoorded , Do. t Neg'lect th e ' h ildnm , A Motber' s Mission. .( WIIlil\ Ul Mi Her , Gdmln is t Tflt.o r a t At th is ~eu ~oll o f tIle v ellr t he ' 1 J~ J IIJGtr. I' I LLK UII[' fi rs t unllut\1T111 I )0"On e88 o(a c hild '" Mllry E Mille r " fil ed h il! flr st lind Th e fo llo wi ng II rti Ie W'I II wt iU n bo welH s h ould It llve irnnrerllilte at. P h: IALTli' : 1)1 h:ABKIl Ob' W M It N tlnlllllcooUUl ....J&.by n m e mhe r of t he Blu veys bur~ t aut ion . The he t t Ill IJS thut, cll n Ueo, Ii, W llIcerllon llumlu ist lUtor 'iV, ', T , , wb n con ilo U t h e r be given i~ "h umber lnin, Colio' ,o f t he olltllte of B lO n'r y F lunnegnll , bO Ule:m in vlllld , nn d is )mllhs b ed .'h ol I'll lID 1 DhLrrhoelL R em edy (o ll oweu by oaMo r oi l liS dir ect ed otJeoollsed, m ed hi!! til' t Iloc d fin lil ac <1. 1. he I' q n e t o f the W , , '1'. . of Rta ple aUlI P'allOY Grocerlee, Fruits with euch \) ttl 0 of t h rem edy. l 'he Ma giC a. ,co nnt. Wny n eS viIlo;l: . Vegetnbl l'.-i !lnd Canned Goods, ' umbe l' th ree is u wo n(le rful For l!fIl e by J E . •Jllnn~y . . ( u tbe str eet of one of o ur larg Cleo , H , ·Wil koulO n . od miuistl'fl mU !lcot for eo. H', PO l'ris, If edlu ' 1< , r a und :,robacco, ,t or of tb e esu\te of Hunl'Y Flunne, Itl es u h ttle b oy wlliking by l,h E;! r VEl, Mo. , II ccordin~ to Ii lo tte r gau, liIod uppli cntlon with tne cOnrl -Jld tl f un indu lge n t p llr e n~ wns wh i h r ad : "After s u ff r in g m u oli LEBAN~N to ~I\ o r fil e c IIgui n llt lIid till <lt t rll wd by som e In r g bright le t· with live r und kid n y Ir ollhle. li n d Phone 79. tute, sot fo r h enrln g J un 24, 19U7, tel' o n the f r ont (J f n bu ll d iug fu r beooming g r el1t,ly d isco arllg d by C. M. BROWN, Propri,etor. rh e fni lmo t (j od r eli e f , [ t r ied I ' ItT I' HO ' KED INli S ! l'e lllS h end, W . U. T . I . \\' I':. ~ I OHI': , lIerclv~r . E leot r io Bitt 1'8, u nd as a r s u it I In t h e milt! r of A , K e m per E.1 s Papa w h Lt d oe:! ; W " s ta nd flJ r ~ IlUl IL well lll UIl t o · d IlY. Tbe firs t tuu v s tb u county comw ist!iooBrs on W h y "W " shLnds fo r \V oll um hott 10 r elievod nud tbreo u ot tle s TrhlE: C.~ RD oom pleted tlie oura. " nnrantel'd ,lIIoti on .r. G . Joy, 'fholl. Curwi u U y e" , T eo) . li n d .: Fl1'f~I "I' I\· .: MA"GIl :J I, ihU7 . be t on el1.rt h [01' s toll1nob , li ver and .... OWI'llIIOV;>(Il. Elmor S mith nu d Btlr t Mo n g r ure Tiley d o Pli plL d on ' t th ey? kid n y tr.Juble!!. by F r d C. ' hwllrt z ~ La t ions r\n, 1 ,' N O, :s ~ madl! pll rtilet! defe ndun t w ith le1ln So it i o ur 1)0 in ess t o II looking drn ggl'l t , GOo. A. M. P M. ,to file I~n s w er in ten d nys. .~fte r t!lo welf'L re of ou r ll\ls IJn n d Measure y our .rOODl' li nd come t o II 00 I .~l!l\no n Je , Ar K 00 'l'r Ol!l teos of flnmiltQn to wn Ili l ~nd son s at holU nnd IlW1IY fr e w -; ,-,lot 10 til! !i ) ' Imk ~ r r. Ur. John Hyatt; 'me a.pplicutio n with the cour t tt Ilolne. 1 7:' 1 " IO r, 1 l!i J:I Ito I)' n trnnsfe r $ 000 fr om tJ1 e poor fund 01 T hiS llu8 bee n IlUid 1,0 b u WOlUll n!! Vet erin'ary S urlfoon and D ntis tr H~rnp;!lead 7 4~ )0 4 , 011 1 4() 0 40 ~ 00 that- t o wnship t o th e r Olld fun d , I~ ge b ecnus of th e lI(l VOnCe lll e n~ i1. Telephone No. 121' Ce ote r" III" ... 7 :P! II ):11 ;.. !,'! ~ 130 0C W e w e re wise in odering this 8took last fall, in prlO8ll have lilt .Afte r the xfJluinti ti on the cou r l dUl'll t io n nnd ulo ng ull IiD e;1 calou. 7 ~i' 10 !!; ~ n Ly t! ' terially ad vunced, ~lJ,r :ls t sales ysar of any; thla year will I, . . J8rmltted it us n o injury woul d 'l'e IIl,t en to brond e n und d e~ l' e n th ~, At · Home on Saturday A fte rnoon. E:dgewoOlI 4 H suffered by BIIid t rans fer , w iu d Ilnd let us a nt of t il e deep grenter . Mllttlngs fro l" t,he Orient no~ In stook assures beautiful PM ~~ ~ I/ Waynesville, Ohio; Ycn'" ble l ~lLcbll r ' 7 Itl ,;IO ] S t ... as Ellns Whitac r e is g ru.nted u d i ru ts of t raditi on , aou wbell we hll V II t.ern!l, lo:west price s , [lo dd s 7 IU 110 16 4 ;to VOI'OO from h is wife Anna. \ bitllOr ceaoh ed Il hlg b e r phm of t h ou gh t Ingrains .. ,. , ........ ... , ', .. , .. .. . .. .. .. ... ~. , . .. 260 up r~ Illod OU H ') or. on the grouud of wilfuJl !l.b8llno nd 1I01,ion we will fi nd m e n WIll b ,. I bl\vo fired the W lI lk iu g·st!ck LchClno n - I~'. ;- (II/ 10 0 11 Lowell, Park, Ex~ra t:;npers. 've curried · ove r 40 y ~ rs . on a c, l from him for a. peri od of three yellr" <ltro nJ.: r , pnre r a ud In or o r ell a n ll C H .t1) 1l,/l J'. 'l' II, Tl cOlin t of a !!lore tho t· re s l ~ t ed every Rugs- g ren ' ..... t stook yet . '. , . , , , . , . . . . . . . .. . . flO, 50 ue x t previous the eOUlpla ' nt , J ud g ble. U IU 11 au .' ~ ~~ k in cl of t r ell t m e nt , un t il I tried 031' 10 11 Large Anongh for II, room. m e n't ren'd erod 10 ubse oe o f d e. No thin g CIIII b e r equired of n Buckle n ' ArDlCl\. Sal ve ; tll!l.t h as o & K 1' H 80 R 0(1 fense lly defendAnt. enor e t.lulO we Ilre able t o nccom · h e:lled t,h e so re nnll mo de me a b ll.p , Llno)e'JID, tbe great kltohen and hall covering. Laoe OartallUl-aJl th 5 TH. 8 u NO In the matter of Philip G llin.os V F pH Illlncl th o!:lo o ronnd u ' w ill be py m il n ," writ e J a im Gll rrett, of A . I~ p, M . P. M, new effects . Wlnllow Shades , all oobr8, all sizes, mllde to order. Norlh Mills . . C. Guo rllnteed fl)r :Benry Nolder et aI, court orde r ed· h a ppie r t o s boro In our tlls ks nnd L No 2- NO .. .. No U· Piles, Bllros . eto .. , sold b y Fre d ' I\UmDloD8 se r ved by public ation aD g i VO t ime tq slia r e wi t,h, tlie Ul In SC'hwul' t V., drul:n,:eq t· 250, , i, Or. " 'ly l oO : a II " 1) Oh~ l on: 0 ' X T l :1 0 :, . 30 Miss Maggio F ilrego . A . J . Thomas th e joy t ba t oom e fro m mutu nl Lebanon ,Je. , i f Ii(j ~ .o.nd the o wn · b eirs of A . J. ,helptulne s . ... r,;, ' b ak'r r 08sln g :" 11boUlIUI thei r resl~u.ces b ~ ln g nn· T b e n a s n10th er s of gro wn up Ro~lyn t "ra 611 2 01 ' t:lults, JUOk llt8 fo r Miss es , Wome,n ohlldren le t n see t o ourseJ ves tba t '!known aDd ant of the st,.te, ;t 011 H '"11 Lead 0:0:r Ilnd Children, 'v ' rts, Waists, Un. l'cmOtvlllo I I I II .11 A .•J. MaJott v Collins E a rnlillrt, we lire Dot denyin g our elves nnd ~I a n o r :1 iiI "010 defenclllDt grunted 10 d n.y s to Ili benring c rosses thot if rever sed derwear Infant!! IJng clon,k s. l. ytJe II OS ) ~U . 1123 an8wer. ' ' wo uld be o ur 'uild ren s c rowns. g d g c wood •.. tl o r. a !! tl l\ :!B Jury oomml!! jon I' ports th e Of 111\ t h e bl es~lngll frOID t,h e hand ';;1 3 (1 \'olllllJlc II oa III aO . A N D D~ AL)~H IN DAlDel\ they have seleoted and I!8W of the urea" Give r s urely b e g r eat. I{ I t {)huer tn 11 ;:1 H:! ~O :1 2 !todd . • 10 It GU a~ thlit the ole rk hlld placed Sallie in 'est o f all Is our )lriviJego t il b e · L-ol aqll t\f ~ 3 :1~'J tR4 ~ the jnry wheeJ rdin g to luw, mo t,he r . Wbile we b en l' Slid r e o LeiJa O(lO A" 10:" 11 30 1 50 1\ ,0 aDd had looked Itup. . p rts of obu.~ec1, neg looted lit tJ eon e's - nal1y eX I\Ulll u n ,lUlJ t StOll 0 11 81~ n ul Orl\nd j ury re . eo~n' ened by conrt Ilnd liom es mad e Slid and g loomy by ~U N"A ' 'I' U " I N ~ , l ) le ph one in his h o u so wb e r e \ 0 Tben come IlfI ,' bny your dress at on EridllY u ,orning , wus , in session th e effect, t,h e lIquor tra ffic ;lDd 'I'ral ll I" t •• r. n le a. roIl O \f ~ : 7 IlI a. m. ,1 271l. ,m Hutcblnson & H' lIney's , Xeniu,Ohio one day. retur ned seven indlctUlent other e vll!!l, , we mus t I'ej oice tlmt can be CIllled Ol! nil haUl'S, day o f NOI'U I\)()UIlI\ SOu l bbo uml 0043 m , 7 20 p, III ,a nd ignored tlJree. th e re I~rll so mllny h a ppy hOUles, so night . No oity hos !, ' ·Ilt·ter Rs sortment of W. ~; , MOOH I':, ~mp pl!et1 Conches Illid c hellrs MA-aRIAGtt L lQEN8E • muny kiud pilron ts tellching t h eir Ucner 31Pu8SCIU,-" A qcn t , Lc blUI Qn . 0 , fabrics for th e dress Itself !lnd tb e E n v e r ecen t ly 1lI0v od to r o ~ Dl Geo rge A. . DI~vis, :.1 , f llrmer of :lllldl'OIl by exoillple Oil ~ ' el\ 1I trimmings. It iii " reasona ble Fosters, and Miss Bllttie Me nill, 27, prece pt, tlu\ t the rolld tp h llppiness n ex t to r oss Bros, 0110 fl.od DitLrrh oeo" stntement "n'r1 full y proy en in ·the MAIl> BTIUI:&'F wt.Y1'1 jt ·VII.OIll. O, of Mllinevl11". I,B Ule continuous effort' t o JUuk e P llins In t h e .at luna b , colle und . Elln.s Whitaor e, .61i, of Edwllrdfl. othe,~'s hoppy, tbllt th e ohie f Rilll in llillr r h oen lire q ~lokl y r elltwed by past. We u.rr ,Dress Goods House t h e t\ e .,f bll m be rllliu ,R olio, and do n o t m eddle with t inware, Ilnd Miss Viola ,R uirijer, 27, of li fe ought to be u sefuln ess , v. l Ue. . e rl~ n ud ulnrrh oell .Remed y . Edwardsville. TuJOllIge blL!I mid 110d we know it K. ' . A'l'HA" r A Y, FUhoro lsnle hardware, III'; I1I1 : shoes, e to. 'rheae. by J , E" .1 un n e~ . Willl'lIm uerrll~l1, 2 , vlas teror, 01 is tru e uy (lnr own o~sel'Vation t b'Lt ,VR,\ 'lesville's L ellding .Den t ist have thelr "pl aoe, ~bllnon Ilnd Mi1!s Irene Meloy, 11:1, tho iluppiest people th e onos Just Ino k li t, our s helves and s how tPltt I.i re d oin g eVElry thing In th e ir (JOice in Key s Bld g. 'of Lebanon. St· ClIlSIl8 to ' ~Ae 1,lhV fresb Ilnd new and Alvin A , Conklin, 23;' IOBurlloce powe r for the good of hUlUllnity . olean the "Lock. Bow M s lly 1,0 Agen~" of Xenill, Ilnd Miss Vedn But we lu~ve so muoh t o do, s o t rim fro m ""r'!!took jus t in . ' Vandervort, 1.1), of Blu' veysburg. Uluoh to see to in our. b om es, ohqrches and neigbborllood lind os RIilAL EsTATE TRANSS'IIl.RS. o ur sympo thy goes out to th e needy e~. Melvina ,rillvls, of Oinollllilllti, to and oppr.essed ,· th e n we rellli 7Al om' 'Leon~rd ' Moun~. I1, lot ID Morrow, . , Sille , ud Wors ted TrlmDllngR. ~heer Etl'eots" Gingham, Plaids. NorC6\l1. Va. $2,400.. Ih:s t duty Is t.o our .o\,\, n fllllllly . ond

M:.W.L.ANG M.lJ ; G.M.









11 &.


Do ' You Need Carpets

Hutchison 6t





T8 Wear Garments

UN DER1.'Al{,ER.






Dre ~1smaker







pennsylvania CH~~~R~INS . LINES . MIl~U.

%~~ .~~ ~¢ v ~<>~ ~ ~,...?b ·Im·~t

" DI

l)nl1~f unt il

N O" ClllLer


Ed'w ard A. Tillison, 'trustell, t o r ed o ubl e ollr e ffurts to see t o th eir '~).I ..b. ii, ,~ JI C: 1 .1~I'Ll.' ,.:.,,"..'. ~,\. F a l'" ('Qa ch ~:x ur lOll eve ,·s 't'li 'st1a y ~ ll . ~ =1..,~ ("h (tlctJ or a OIlIOU\'1' of ol l,ru.cLl vc rout es . ! Frederick B.' Olfl', Shefdon U. 1'ol\'e s proper ty. b '''' . ,.. ..,? ' Los Angetles, Cal. John Morley, Chbrles ,Ii. ,Bille W e Wllnt t o have b eullty ",n,d or ~ ~l!R'~f~ ~~c ~ May " w 1(l ·.. QcrIn 3 D Oillltl~t Urethre ll : and 'c,ilarletl 114'.. 8u88, ' r oad bed" der in obr homes y et we , ~Ilnl!t ·be ,I UIIO 10 1.0 14 - l!l\ctl,lc MMlcn l A."' n Ooocl gO Juif o n t:. r ou t . ret.urni ng an o\!h u r .tr!l<ik;'. rallwa.y, hge!\, .stat.ions l de unrethl t bllt 'this itl not purehased A fl' w tl C)~e of Ihip r(' will in. 'Pot, ', engities [".') rolhn~ 8 took ~ by oor own physioal exer tioD~ for (Jolumbu8, Ohio., ' ,'/1 1'1" 111 ,, CI~I""IlT\ onlluury ·attl\tlk of ,.0 Wt,OO by the D : ~: & (;. R. It If we do und oV,e rrute t h e nbiljt,y 13 . ... . 1rt, 16. 1 ':'. ;:!OJ· 2 l ··,Pro.,,bl' t c rl''D ditl.nhll?lI . , Qncml A8!1CO m bl y , ft Cli ll ,1{WIlYS h e ,1 ~ J1 eJlll e d U l' Uli. ·'L.300.00Il, . n us our norv es' will b e ul1 oul e " "11 in thl' Ill ul' , "'~ I'I! a t U(' KS of Atlantic City, N. J~ ... }(ar~I)I:), ~~H;t ;t~f ,.lnll'O~st ,~ . o r t~n IlOd dOlltl'oy nit t hut wbich is GrIIll!]1 ('"Ii .· II Il 'l l' hol e n t m ur \"". J t h' ~I I 111111 )' " l)(' (·,,~~ rll l tit r 1111 II 'UI " I: ' U ot! , U n l lo vn ble 'lud IDllnentiu.1 in u s; a~ Dlllley ~ .. ": :001 y S~~k;~~AUI ~'lcanS~;ttl~~""'"1 tlill rl'lt(t'" 111\1'1 ' (",.. I ~I' 1l lllfllnlltl tl in LebllnoD... l,~ . I .' d L , 0 Oh Be r thn W·illiullllI IHveH (Ill mot Hers. l'h il,llr A!I, (111.1 i ~ (lip lII "" I1H (,f Htl I'iug J une ~, tO J ul y ) .. 13 · Y. r . l1. I July, I to 5", '. 1::, ' '" I' u el N I l:io ru etirn 'II Wll almost forget th e tit " Ih'eil pf 11111 ny I'l l i lih"'11 ,, 1'11 ),":11' . C,bll,r etl N'OOM ' , ;. to 1tnd Mllry . fl Y I" W . ,," I ., • \\'"'hl'l ) l'~t1 11(' I ) tl wit h wa tt ~ r antI SllIIpllro, I. t In L"lllIllOll, ,2(JI) , . ,lwIII.., III for us ILOd our lovod ones ·~ W . ' t c Il11.1 it 1.< plt' ~I~ lInt t o t ll ll ~, Philadelphia , lI1ary A I ill ur ttl'Ht 11'\ HI l)hll,TI " ~ 1-1 , Il'o t QII for the homo to IIlllke slllveB .Jul)' 12, I !I amI U·"H. P . O. t~ . J.~ "~rr lIl an (,Of II fll lUlly ~hrll1l,1 Irt'rp th l ~ 1' '' llI~lly in b i~ h ()lln· . II nr it II n w . CalltnD, .lot In S. qth JAilllnoll, on. ' IIf IlllrsulvOll for r\p\lCIlt"noe suke . . Winona Lake, Ind. P lU(B , ':)",q, L A nO IH;I~E , IlOc. dollar lUIa Olbl~r goolll1n<l valnnb\l' I ,1u~t hal' we huvtl to get u. little A ••elDl)lr, May Ie In S~p"' lnbr r 1t'o r eoDJmlt ~1i.t4erRt.l !ln", olli~l'r home !lnd ~oo tt) ourselves , E . lJo oTD. Wll y ne yUl ~ 0 (;harlPll .J.. W~ber Bnd w lf.e to ' th'~t ollr Qhlldrou ,wd their fathe rs I '. '()brj.llttana Weber. 4.0 IlOt~" in Bam· maY' Dot be tbe vlot.lml of our s ,;)f All' the 8taDdard magaldllea at 'il~ &owntlliP. ,PGO. " martynlObl. . spoola' prloes at th G )~b 0 lio . ...._ _ _ _-'""'!!!~----..


Batiste ,



Hut, ison &; Gibney,



Xenia, ,Ohio









INDIANA PEOPLE IN WI::lTERN TEN YEARS a F PAIN. ONE DOLLAR A W i;. E;K" he marrlN!. nil :lfr. F rick Ilnd tlo n. I al 11:IICk!' III 1'0151. ] CANADA. \Rln h't~·" r cnllp,hl lhllm I ... rorll III<- 1 1111 I h'lIl 1"" '11 pI Hf'{'(1 In Ih" can· ku ot ..... "" tl tl!! lIn~ .\ IiRe ~'" I''';''' It:tt! 0 ,-co l n ~nl " ~1 IIlI' will I a, k.' 11 him 10 \ How to Make It Grow Rnd Double U nable to Do Even H ousewo rk B&What Shl!1\ We D07-I'vo Got to Build G~lI~O of K ldll!!; Troubles, 1m hOIll !' Ilk" !L (1111 11UI \i llll' 11;\\I/: II\I'r tnll 111 (, I" Ih:' 1"':4lal\l'u II I ill X or th Up I f Carefully U sed. C rana r lc s . . III ". hll \\'\' \ " (, .",as a m ol''' . 1'\'" ~ Pltl l :lI hlll'lt lR w h,'l " I ha ll illll l'p"'l ·. ·I'h Mrs. ?l:t f/;~r'" E mnlCl'k h , ot Cll n· -~1I 1.';tti(HI . ' 1 111 1 r u l li,',. Ihl) ~Io nda) 1" ·,·,1<l11M. l ' Me .\ (!I 'OI'dlll,!; In tho an llllni rt'PIII'\ 0 1 n , L. N llp(lll'(in, n.. s:!)' s: "Po r A 11>li.l3r written to 11 Canadlnn oo~_ ::;h,' 1CII1Ilti h"rt",lf [" ·[II·tir'all}' a prill' h di d. Ih" X e w y",.k ,;",·ltl/:'; h . lllk ~ tI\l' r('IIL ,,,,n l'l'or ernm(.t't lI g Ilt r m m '1'illtOI1. Indium,. II,\l' r i\I aln lll ~ .'HI (' h ,,1 h l'l' all I h,' " "' 1'0 W (lS h ":' Oon'l ~k IltC ." oll lll.b,' ~ o f ,h' I)I) ~I I III'cl i II IIW ~,j.J 3.· fift f'C Il :0 s 1 W.IIB :\ f r nUl 1.1,111 (,), I nl\l' Is hilt on of many simllll.r (hal 111'0 I. .IIll '~. 1': " ' 11 b r d,) \h inl!; wli!! !IIku n 1\ lit", )1) Ull~ ~,. \I" \·l\l r,ll'):el'. )1r. ~9r" ,ind Ihl ' 1 ~1II 1 " I 1\.1('1 1' U " I II '~it!' hl r;1. ':\1 :1' I'".r l' p~i ." ~ the h ao, ls of III '!lllu,lIurt gl)'leI'Dlp onC .I,,'nr fro\ll h OI' nd !! II ~ Il all to II'l' nr l'I'II' k '~ \\ lIn1. hU I"" n !!' I~ u,'I'I' $1,4() O.O tJ ll .,nlol. an alll o!'u l m a . t erll \)I ~ . L I Cr) . II[\'I' UlS who ~ o )Ir.vll ga Il 8 to otter l h .. IIl1 it\lr m nr a pI'lMII'>r; If sit.' 1'S.' " 1' h"I\' III l ill' 1'<' 811\111':\nl," \\' ''lI t "II ;;l'l'I~I N' t.hiUl the bOli ll CIJ 1I bl of Lbo I lIl'n or 1I1n\'e I'uusl,d ouo hundr ('d and s hIt)' scros 01. iand .'('/l lwII I I \II nil III t II nl\ Ihe wur l d Iha ) lIHf> ~ 1 "'·I' .. r, " I r "I <I th " 1')'11\>1'1 to r'~ I '1,11 'u HI al l' s. It h n J' p . N l~ (I 0 lin ' 'f r ,Ilwl l ow l'I1 l1 wny fares. Dut h er. sho W~ ' lIIHIl'r . I·(,Ntl'ulnl. 11'110' II r HI ""{,I'I'" a lld "h I' \\a . ki n" T Ill' ~l ' II 11 ).;'1LOI'S, . wh u ?lIt tlllll\JI'I' I'lI itl .. ~I~' ('l't?s lght Ie a COli)' of III l ett r: , M I_.s ~I "" 1'1" lI:1l1,'" 11' 11 ,," " I'<' aml' I l'III1I1<.:h til h. in Ill!'. · Ih o Il\ lt ab ll ulll ~ or ~l lI lIh lll l ll l l I HI,lll d. "Ti pl ou , 10 ..1.. ~ov . 2~, 1906. WI13 (I ' r .lI arl' s p illS all .i'h .... Ilh~I,I<' I<'H. 'Xlt " I"" ll'rl lit,.. hllnl' I ·.. ·1". b'lll l" i 1111 Ill y \\'rl1tn'l ~ fl nrl ~h,.. 1 1I1'1:' IIJ II " " 11 111 l' l1!kll I III' Ih(' ,1' \\ IH al'l'o:trrd h..ror III I.' , "At your a r' lII'~ l :;olicltollon a partT ho nk or th .. :l l1ll1ll1o hll" ou t In l\\I' , /-= al (' 1I 1\.'· CI'OII. :;1", 11:1\'" lilt' 1\ ,It·,,><s to I ,hlll l. 11011 w ' o o r SIIIII11 !IlI'a IlS W('\1 ' n ntl [ h, d dl~~y .o f liS [ I' III Tl lllon I ft I (1 Y l!i fo r roao1 . shl' hll811lv Iliad,' a I'IIIH' "I I IIIkl' lh" "Ia( .... nf lhul II", 1'1 01 IIl1lfnrm 10 r 111'1\\' l hoi l' 'ox tlml'it', Uw 'OIllIllUII I· F r l en l', 'ar~ I cU lild n ot do .'" 51 I'll IIna(llI . O ur illlen 'I('\VS \VI lli shonts. " Ill' (.. r('('(1 11\1 ' n th!' "In llnll I "r I hI' ('0 11111 ) 1("111" T h,'11 I 51' 11 1 li l lY '''' II w hl)lt' wOllld I", 111 11 h 1,,' l ter a 1111 H'I U" i l ·,1 1\1'1 I r l lll l!tll" Itlln) l,P 1 1"h'~I '1I111 11\ :'\" ..... )" lrK " ,; KJrIl\ lll n "n·. 'I' h ' ," \\' 11>1 +l Ot ull ~a,· iu;.:~ hll ll l( h Oll s work, nnd fo r t w o yl'ors d i d nol l YI1I1 nnd (L cn r elill study of· your · liter' tWP II t h I ru n lmr:. (.f h I' w ltlll",," J' Il .... :" nl Ill" Ilpd \h l\l ,"pry nl ~h t fall 11\' , In tb PIlSL ),"1\1'. T III' I'!' Is got Ollt o r th hail SC'. Th o kill n ~' se- I al urc I ' " liS t o o'x pcc t grellt thin gs of flllli ~lI rt In !l r!' I ), til l it ! grou lld, T hl' I w a s 1... I·k In 11IY fl iel ro'lI l1 ;\1 l htl hll' u ~t:\ ~ J.n ); I" '1"' l n lO~ hit 11 1(· 11 011' wh" ~ .. . r lIoll s W l' iI r l'.I; 1I1nr . nntl Illlt'IOrS \'OUI' C(\ lInlr~' wh ' n \Yo hou l ll a rrfvo ilu lllllluhll,' d i d lit e t·"~I . tool . I hllil 1"" ' 11 alia" hl." 1 11" 1' 1I:t · S . I I'" rl IS lIo t !'relll ln hl" IIJ Its milll ' 11'('1'0 n ot h r h,lll j:; III >. DOll n' ~ Kidn ey lb r • nlltl we were \l ot dl s ~flPo lute d. Pill s b "oll ~ ht lIIO qui cK n ' Hr' f. nn~ \\'0 w r ll t 11r C' (larl'1I 10 mal! n cur ful !llIl Il't ~\l BH ~I mc r re ll t ltE' Rlnry " I ItIIO II' lhal I n lll ' l'Il.\h l ' I n II' hlll 1 ' 1\1:,1'111 ' Ill, HIlII Wh OK ~('"·.oocy is UOI l1ullll )' cll ro,1 m!'. Thill' SII ,'Nt lll?' II fl'. xlI.mlnul\un of lh cOllntry an d Il s rahl'l'sl'lf: " I hn l'<' \)I" Ik n w ll it illY filth · 1t'1" 1' dllll'" .\ III W\'or W hll ll1 I II II VO IW,I'un rl '11I ('!;t\tlll , : old \) )' n l! d l"u l crll . GO cr llt . a box. uourCOR. und 11' 0 !lid so. At nrlr dawn "'1' CO l' ,. I',".;h Hll l d, ·'" l1 hal l l'l\il~'. I'lln Snlt" " lin . as'; I:r(ld II'" t hllt IIl1' 111 11" 'se lill Y!! of p;" \ 1'1 b qllick lho S 'coml mornin g alit of 'l'llllon we wit h a I "~'s nf h qr ~ ha p(' l y IIltt hr art . . fU l h':' I' hll ~ "" tig h t tl1 ril l" '" IIII' 10 g~ ~ .. h"· n\l'S. or IIIl nlu ): slllek H. o f ';(1 'l· lI ll1· FDs tcr·~III1)Ur(\ '0 .. 'lhl\TnIQ, l'1. Y. IIwoke In n n l' w wn:' )(I . A. fur a1l the " lIlId no po \\' c:> r on 1'!1 r1 h ,'a n ,' \'1'1' gl' I 11' 11\1 hltll, hu nlE' 0 1' n ny " 1,.'1' (lltl e!'. 1 liO n i ll I> \l c k l' l ~ b l I' ~. llllnlt·01t1ll5. Ull WH E;RE; WOMAN IS SUPE;RIOR. ey (,Ollid 1'1l:! ;h w as an ~11J1ar(' ntly m e \111(( I' h is C?11I I'nI fl j\al n. 1'111 . 11 1"111 lull ), "'II 111 hln nf ('a rnill' 111) nWIl Ih e (:1 11 h IIml in lh l' HII",k I' X(' Il11 Il ~ (' 1I111 111 S S XI'RIISO o [ DOW so wn whe ot w o ~ an 1.'~I·(I, ln :0\ ("'.' Y OI'k , ~""~ tr Ihl' 1 ""I n): u lld. ,,( 1i"lm; my 0 \\'1\ 1I 1C', III) d I i l i ~ m"~1 Li IllI' I)' to hll'll to illl' Hal'· law sa y ~ 1m 1111 In fa nt i n I "nn .• ~.1 lUll !\IIln:; III ,1 0 ~ .. ." I n,;s hH nk!l and t o Iln l n l .. II I lh,' ,; u- Vegetarian Spri ngs a Fo:w F ac ti on !:In d (lraide grll.l!SQs. 1'b e v l vl!l grole u A.tonlshed CompOl nio nl, (J f tho wh ('u t ju SL b gl nnlns l O 81001 ,·unla . 1,('rlol'I IY 10 (. ' (,"Y lIIan (If ~ 11l .lll · ,·n l'll oul. anu tlte inky 1I1uclm ess of t be . " I did ru n a.,,·II Y [1'!J 1I1 hlll11f' - 1 \\,II I~I : Famil y Is D i vided. In j\s 11 11<1 limit rl 1l1l'lIl1~ o f cl t.' I,,' sil i ll l! "' ~ I n ro tb o f1 r,;t of tho y oa r ." ho QolI (:(lI\ l ra ~l O d In B w uy Ip nutlflll to I'd to ~ n 00 t lw ~Iag ' • .'1 )' n':lHl uq I " I am ):1)1 11 1\ til llI~k(' 1',"1'" I'I1'0rr !L 1\ "l1 nll,' slIr l'l'us r('/.:l llhr l)- a l Iller· ~ala . " I hayrn' t h ad a stllok!', nud 1 Sf'C. An h(lIlr or 1\':0 !tHel' \YO s 'lIlllcd ro r l ea vln.:: h om e Uri.' my 0\\'11 S"(,IIII. 1 IO ' 1' 1 III)' c1all ~It I N llU!·k." " ,'r l ul'" ,1 ·st. ~I p\\ York.-(1rll\\'ll woman tn ~ \'I' I nll! \\'Innilleg, 11 0 1' w fOllllU n numI wl)n' t t II IhAm 10 i1 l1ybcl dr . C" I,r lin ~ I Pr{''' r. " f;h I~ I! C'lIr r ht l hh> ,. 1'"01' a I'i t' h lIlan 10 SII('{'1I 1n l o Is nn!' ha" en' t \lllton n dl'iuk," .Y" fk. Infant In Pe ll n~y l nll l i a. 1'; v'll' ), llo dy I n o k~,l at hl!D wltb be r or surl'rlsl's. .\ hllndred tbO U S~ D<I " At on to m y IUlhel' m a ti · 1\ ~tll\l' ('h " " lI ti i U1\1 "oi n" r.o h (' 11 1 Iny MI~I r Ihl ll g-. ll f' CUll a fl'o l'" 10 h ose ROlll e ~I ah 'I )J r (' I' h!\>\ ,I ,'chit, tim ,'ry 'on· (or m e. allil fiu ally fOll nd nl" In lit kN' P lInt .. r I h ,' ll:ln ll ~ oj 1\1'1' f a tlll' r:' 111 0 1\ ('),. 11 0 III\ s I !ril l' fn r pe l'sIlllnl i ll' Ilmn tl! m'lI l. r ~ 11t" ) l an ti 11 11' 0 . lI ow 50111 8 w 'l\ h Oll se,l , Wilh w"n r ~ 10 ~ ("Y In I lll' melro I101l.; .. Pl y mouth ho w \. I wO S about to sc- NII;,J J\l' r Ill'Olhpr. G"OI'!W A. M l'rcer. n \'I'lillgll t\(m of th e 1'1 ~ lt. II lId hI' 11 11 "; ~ l ro nr;. wll1 'd h ' m lln t lie . Ih l)' said ; ,·('n l . n r c l ho t go 's 10 01 111<0 a wodorn She 111111ks CIUI I hp 1!1 1\' S (I f Ih El ll· ('\Ire an ngll~ .Ille-nt 10 ';0 (111 I h e !lln g ,1 " ln lty ,, 1'011.\1' In l' ltI~bllr)t. II'hell he Ihl' [lOWCI' 10 ('nf(II'('" hl ~ l e~ lIl r i ~ h IH. how nS I·'~ tlc, how spirl t uul: 1t was lre- UI •.lu,<lnt c it r -b nirks. b otels, nows· pl r ' til l1 ll' r il'o hl'l' II belh' I' Cb lill " nnpor ~ . stu r es. cl" \llrlc light. alro t \Vh ' lI h I' IIIt'p(,lI rcd lI'iLh nnolh r 111'111 I hOIlI', 1 nf t h iN. I I Ill /I Y w i ll ()t' h nlll .\' lo se. hili In ru l)n,l o u ~. thnn Lb o !' nf Wili la ll1 . Penn 's old "And yr t," snl d a p al e veflClnrlan. rall\\' ays, a w('l·ago. waterwo rk S, as· and fot'!:tbly look mc away. :\1 ' [ Ulh Clt I )ll sH ~l l'I' ~"'1' has 11'0 n lhl' r hl·o l h,,!'s. pil h r (,fiSC' lho Irllll Rror (If 1I',·"l eh in Sla lt>. 1\8 l on g as ~ hp s tay s In =-I' W " lI.ll wOlll on. or at Icast !J9 Der c,? nt. of phnl t l lIlvelllenlS. every lhlng. With toid Ole Iho t nt~· III0 Llu:11' wu ~ I ck ill n ll l' 1\ CI ,'I'~')· rtlBn a lld t h ol h r Is still n lll a \' I ml mat I r. York sho Is Ilpr rE' cll !, Slit (1'011\ cap· Pllttlbu rg and \vllnl !l mc h,nll . III ~ rh ~)Il1. ' \ 8 f ur y oulIg 110rllt r a S P[. 'I'() all I he lIIell who wo r k for w ;tP;(1S them , mnlnlaln this \Vonder lul absll· (lyes anrl cars opcu we U'ov l ed for ture b)' h er fal h r , who flut h l'r I n Inveigled Into an In.tltut l on, hr ti ll'l I!ll yl ng anylh ! n,,;. lJu 50nw.. 01' (Ill salll r ies' lhE'II' onl .I' hoil" for Il n n ce lbelr wh olll life long. Wby two th O ll ~nnd mil,s t h rOUG h lIIanlloba, th Coullt r y h ome, al G r mlln LowD, dnll' l Y' III (lrIliS thcm for It 1" Su Itntchew nn nn d A l b r lli. gOi n g out . lhln g IIllly h llPp Ct~ ny clay . At nny II Breful 91d age li nd for 0 Ilr fr(' PIl .• the ot h r day , 'beca ae sh e wants W it b bls medicntcd banllkerchlef over the Cunlldlnn Pa(' lfic milway, via "W took a tra i n f n r PI t1< hllr ;::'1 ni t.,. wh " n h e'~ 21 and cO llies Into lh fl'01I1 rllCklllg TIlon r <'urI'S In 10 tiroto be Ind pend nl. . nlA'ary to }:;t1monton, IlIld relurnlng Howe or, nfl!'r Ih Ill's i :I Op. Wh l' lI WI' S2 ,Ot\O.()OO wbl h );lr. P'ri ' k Is hll hand .. vide .1; forohand (0" Ihe (II ( U I'>'. They bc brlls'l d til sneer f mm his lips. Mi88 ~1ercer la just Lurno cl 18. H ere "We m en ." ,h e snl d . " b!!1l111 w omen to Wlnn!tl cg o\, er the Cannulon r.;l)rlligol over th P('nns)' lva nIl1 lin . th e Ins ' r I' him . lhl!re nil' !, be 1\ w ddlng. ~ h(lilid tnkll nQ ri sk. Wh c n Ih p~' ~ p c· Ib law 8ay s Ihat .1l woman of l ' Is Iro hogs. \Ve call our wome n 8111y; ern rallwn)', In t he m eanLlme ...e ~tra n f;e man , wbo I,roved 10 h e II Xe\\' I Bllt It wU\ lU \,;o \lluGO! In ' l' W York . lI llIt thoy Sink th rlr famil y's fulur of ag . In Pennsylvania a fa t her la \' ork tI t cli ve, left u. I becnnl!.' ll ll ~' ~' h e re girl s or 18 rna), marry without 111)(1 \l1l'il' ow n P O!\(' of mini! again sl w e won' t glvo tbcm tbe vote; but the made 8c\'crnl side trlllll nlld stopped a chlld '@ guardia n \lnW she II 21. and pl clo us a lhls, nnn my B U S I.h'l on ~ their pa n :nls' con s nt. a t e l\' Uollal'9. Even 1\'('1'0 thl' ch allces 1\' l'UG o woman lives on a bl gher orr al n number of points wh re we until then sh e Is an Infant. W(lre confirmed when we gOl 01T at This Is th I 'It r )I1lss M eree,' wrote oQIHI I- nnrl In l h o CliNe of II ~ mnll mlln plnne lban tbe avertlge mnn. She made drives Into the surroundlnc !Iut bn k of all this II somothlng North F'hlln d Iphla , to he l' brolher wh e n she arrived here Ih orld s UI'O Illways n:; aln ~ l h llll'-:' thinks ot nobler thlugs than money· couutry. 'On every hand \ver e .evl· more. !\Ils s M.ercer had lo m a k e a den ce8 o f ltrOSl10rity. Til e growinc "When w o !! to l>pe d at a res tau r ant In frE'c N IV York. ,~b ere gll' la of 18 th l'l dk which h take!; ifi \'[\sl1), <lIs· grubblnfl, dr ink. tobac('o. (ood . sen sational es cH j)e Crom the home to " Old yo u ev r hear your wife wheaL oats. r y , fillX, ba l'lcy. not litl o cal I l r l ed. lo get awny. 1 foun d nr no longer infa nte. prOlltll'tlolllHC to nny I)ossihl gaio. gel wltbout the jurlsdlotlon at the growl abollt the cooking? Did yon t] patch !) , but groat fields, m uny of thut I co uld not no ,I hls, hut I ball a ·" S~pJ10S O yOIl h ave hoard IIbout dnd la.VI' s or the sovereign state of Pennevor h ear oC II " 'omnn e pl clIr ? No ; Ulom a 8quo re mil o In xt ent, th. ch a nco 10 w rite a tel g ram and Hond Iluttln): mo In slIrn c kind of a conv nt. Orlglh of Mr, and Mrll. sylvania. She !IUd three s torlCJl on a " ' 0 01 all II Ilbove the bogllke pl easurol lhroe, Ih' e and snm lim es 1\01' n·hor8e I t ·oul hy a boy, It was to my >l w nnd nlao of m y scapo. M onda~' h e Tn earll I' times th o ordlllllry mnn rope lIIade of . sbeets. m et a young or' t h o lable. Sho Is above such a t cnms laying over an ia),y bln cl ribYo rk hOl e l, ulrecU u g t haI n n on bl' )lut . IIIC t bcro. Satul'day, ' ab ont 12 was simp l y Wlllium or J nhn- I hal I s mau In an lIutomoblle, whisked away tobocco nnrl wblsk}' sello eD as Is uow bOD or yellow stubble, G norally In furallowod t o remove my errent!' w lthoul 0 ' lo ok . !laylime, I scallod by ' un· t o SI1), : he had onl~' a C hrlllt\u n nllnt O to Plllladel phla, excbanged th e InHU, my c(lnaent. From th r sta1l m nl '" scrowlng Iron bars, !;rIlwlln.g over t 1"0 c ol ng 0;" b re," row s Btrnlsh t os gnn bar rals and n' wll hom atl)' kind o f "hamill''' b efor tutJon's uniform tor a dl' SS, whl b 'fhe vegetAri an }lut on hi M c;a p of ri Ght nngl 5 from the ' r oa, ls str lchlnl went 10 an EllIs opal tnl8~lon 011 Ensl roo r~ and rn III III fl. Hy III !'Ii goo,1 IllCk It ur surnall1e llr\er I t . SOIllO meall s !lhe borrowed. made Ol e fi r st train Wa lnut lane, Germantow n. m ~dl ~ o tod fl an nel. und , de> pilI) lbe Into Lbo d i $l Dn~a, contrast II s'.r angoly I r Cl\rh rI X IV ' York In a ha lf·llvlng o f r\l sllnl-'11l slllng on John 1\1' " ' 11 111\111 wa r m t b or thc night. ti re\\' lhe Onnnel wll h on r IIltl e fl eWs at hom <l. The for .:tIew York, and h ore >lhe l a now, " My tath'or left mil anN I h pard conditi o n. I had not II cen t whon I from Roother John or Will ia m h!'cninco della n t, but happy. eartnb ~ o\" r his cars. t owns hoth l arge and ~Ul t\lI \\'or tlou· h i m tell tho mat r oo tbal I was to b e ran nwn" ill a ca-ll co cu stom or \t I tle II cea ary. r\lckllRI11 s Ii I' ll' d Irom " Give w oman hal' due:' h e ended. bly consp ic uou s. lllad t o. fit'SL by pul at hard w ork. and white eh i!\{ . Those roors were iii lI1Ufl' S I\'nde or Ills dwelling Ili aI' or Of Prominent Pittsburg Family, " Sho I s n t\n er·t1bprofl . a mol' l empor· th ir. n wn08S ond s ~onu by the to,,,, " [ hnd nev!"r work a<1 bplorc 'ln my co,, ' I' d \\'l l h " arh e!l \v,lrn. lin d Ill )' !.hnn arlng' el e\'ators nce ssnry to h ol d tha 'l"ho. 1'!ll1rcers ar funong the bost life. I had to seru h, wtlsh. Iro n anr! do "rm ~ are n il co v r d with lHlIldages. II'0m som porsona l I' clIlInl'lty w 1''' I l e: 1\ m o r 81) i rl unl cr r:al ur mps or w heat ,growll In t be k,nown p!'ople In Piltllhllrg. The fa · oLb rln Dlul l askll. I nInde lilY e:ir'ape 'non:tll I ('ollitl I eomllltlnl cn lCu wllh a tuck etl on lO h i s hrl O' I.I:l11 1111111('. nllli roars . g r S • hog·llke Il:IUIl."-Clncl.o' Immen s Imm dlntb n I >hbor bood. tb r Ii apt. Ceorg . . ~l e rCAr . SUJl!>T' last Saturdn>·. The tlay b (01'0 I had )11'. O' Hei tl!', t ll ' l'hClW allol' ney, aud pl llln John becamt' ,I ohn IIlllh. And uatl ~;n ulr!! r . Y I t1l r wer<' no " lu lster R" In Ill!' Tho n wn 05S, Iho Ul vlft. lhe. \1 sUe. Inl nd anl ot '\)ulld lngR In All eg ll oy Inu!!. ome .Tohn . mlill n cc llmnl a!r'd Long T im e B etween Call!l, the 801lnd o f GOW amI h ammel', lh a COllutr. :>low, M iss 1I1 ere I' had fin · m or e w Nllth than th blll ir o r his f I· "You us d to w l) ar 1\ Vand)' k e t nts h O Il H ln~ OWl1l'r s of b uildings In Isb d school. an!l wlis aboul to lake l ow ~, b 'lIUle perhnp a l au dC' tI 111'0 ' b ~ nrd," she pOIII d . "r don·t. like yo u ,'arlbu B stn,; s o[ c:omll l l1tlon , tbe pllc lI h I' £lIne III socl oty, wbe n she meL r i " lol' or an tnploY r or hi red la ilol'. wi thou t I t. The nexl tllll e YOIl come of h ousohold ttet'ts an Bgrlcultw-nl YOlln g Carl Dornlraos('r, 8. I"ard of Then 119 lJ gnl1 16 b ('till n I'll Iho t o ~<: m e weur one again. im pl monts at Ur r allwoy stations H eury C. Frick. H e wa ynllnc;, good· Xornt an·Fr liCit o( \lw lIn)' I h e " m:ti s' 11 look d al II I' r Cll ronr hfu lly . wai t ing l o be ht\uled out tha looking: and be s t an rls to Inh r lr a f o r· ,. 0 you kn ow how l on g It lakes to "e nlm s," tho occoslono.l sl. u l r " o[ Ihls placc or tl tul , o r t h estl Wow tun e, He proPQsed; a h acce llt d. w(H'ltrJv' lI 0 1' or th o&('. lu I im c t h ' grolV n re~ I) Cc tabl e Vandyk e?" he l urnlug Its twenty or thlrly ac r es aBill Mr. f'rlc'k co uldn 't see i l I II the " mai st I'" or " mllIH! I'," ns It soon asll d her. ~ tiny, th e sot! house. .the unpainted IIgbl 'th at Uro youn g people did •. aDd hecam l'. g al LEwkpd 011 hc for h is " N ,'. s/lld ·shp-. "How lopg?" house of w ood , t ho u p·t o·dat ml)t!eru lo r thai matter. neither did Cupt. nam . and h o be '~1Il Mo ist!)!' mit h " About sll: montba," he ao swG rcd r esid enc e with lurgc r ed lIurll by, all Mel'c I'. Tber was slOt'my sce ne. nntl hi H wiro w as Mnl Blr', s Smllh, 1I1ul alll' ely, theso w ere seo;on ev rywb l:'rc we wcut, some h ot words . a llu Miss Mcrcer ' G radunll y ,.hl> S M e (If ilOS ssl nn w as an earnesl ot pros llcl'it y nod wenlth, Lo stalk l.'d Ollt of the house. , MORE; BOXES OF GOLD lost. sig h t uf, nnd lhl' t itl e wns con· be, Wo t allIed wltb mon Dnd " Islted "All rig h t." all so l d. " yo u don't f !::rr Ii lIpo n any kl nd - h y m er e 1I0a· tho tr places lhnt f our yonrs lllW was have to s u pport m . 1 e[\n get a po, And Many Greenback.s. Iwnsi n o f II' 1I1lh 01' hol(ling posit Io n . unbrokcn prairie. 'I' heir . bo uses. ulUon on lhe ' sta e I r I have lO." o( m OI'1' 01' '~8S considera tion anll 1m· barns. Implem ents !,nd li v e stock were H e r fath er lau ghed' at tills, tiut t he Ilorlnnc!' . 325 ho~e:1 ot Gold nntl Ol'e nhack9 the eQUal of o.ny th iug In Ti pton Co Wl~ gi r l made good h r thr at. he did will he sen l. lo p ersons wbo w rllo tho ty,.ond why n ot, wb il th ). \\'CI' O rula. get a 1)larl.' In " Tbe Earl and t tt GIrl" mo st Illt l!r esUng and lruthful I H er o Ing flvo, t en ancl twenty. yes. In one' coml,IIIlY, and ab e eRnie IU New York Curio ColI~ctor,a Queec Fads. of eX ll erl en e on the l ollowi n g tOpic: I ns tance, f orty U\o usnn d bu sh el s of 10 r ebearse for bar part. It loo k ed as :0\0 on e kn o ws (f Ull so well ns a 1. How hll.vo ),011 b e n oft ' ct ad by wh eat 'n yenr. Tb e fact thul such If shE' would slIccecd . Sh wns daillt y, eurln co llector how Illnnr qnecr flldB col1'eo drinking and h y chnn glng trow l arge. " Ields of I t I Ad s wla som e, xlro m Ir PI' tty aud chic. • w 1en aro . rll. SQ 0 occ upy tit I1llndij o f pcople \vhO hllve corTce lO Po stllm '! easily Dnd 80 snrely d UI !:Iut alo ng (~om Pnlla Morr. r. bot h IOhtlll'O a nti mnn cy. One woman · 2. Olve name lind dccount or one or v ery favorably. And wben "We saw "Ycu~ mOther Is vor')' Ill ," be snl who 'Is an :lel ' pt ·ln th, Il!'t of finding mnra colTee d r lnl, r s ' who havo been m eD who four or fl'\,o yJars ago oom"alld ~' OU must co m home lO .sea her ." tbln gs In Oll.l Of tb e. way pill ol's and. !:t,rt by It nnd have heon Indcccd to menced thero with two or Ihree thouor CaUl'S' lhe girl gave In. Tar· geUln g III m at low [I1'l e S Is no'" ult and ' u so Postum. sand dollars. and 'vera now as well fully 6h took Ihe train for Pittsburg. worki ng on ' n o 1 1l8~ Ihan 60 dllferelll 3. Do you know Bny one wbo bas Illtet! nnd moiling lOo ney much easier ns @he supposed. h opl o g to see her colleclions. many of which arc de· b een drlv n awa)' fr om Postum be· and many timos fasler lhan 10ls of dear m(lther b fore she d l ell and to cldedly frenklsh . Iler a m a r W (.If canse It came to the loble w eall an ollr acquaintances on Indiana farme . b g forgll'eness f or running away from lhem : Sluffed · tonds for a woman cbaracterless at tbo fi('st trial '? fifty years cleared and valuod at four h Ime. Tliere WBS a atop at Pblladel· who alreaclr bas various ijpaclmens 4. Did you sel. Buch a }l er son right t1m !ls as much, we d ecided to InvelL. IlhiR . of the genus toad In his various rC!;'l1rdln g the easy wa y to maliC It So we bour; ht In partnership 1\ IItUe " W " gel o ut h ero." said t he fa t her. shaDcs and sl?cs, foss lllzc d " egeta' cl ear, black. und with a SU al)!'y, rich oyer two thou sand acres. wame ot-3stern l y . nn d sudd nil' a rt ('tecti\'o aplion, odd holllc s, l eelll of falUontj peo· taste? Improved and In wbeat. II(Onr<!tl- h hnd bee n cOllc)ted f or his IIle, photo!lrnphs of particularly '!'I . 6. Have :rou over found a b etter Bf,lrore l eaving Indlnnn we agreed . "art. clous nnlmal s. IJUllet· weights . door way to m ake It Ihan to u se fOllr hoap· tbat If the opportunities were I\S great "Y uu"'o }! ot to comp alnn g." Bald kCys, 'exacl mlllln'I III' COI)l es oC In- Ing l enspoonClIl a to tho pint of wuttlr , 1111 they wero rCli resentQd ' to bo, tha' th e man . " and It'll lJe bettc r il' you v e ntions (Or tho Il lllli shl1J cllt of crlm· let sLand on slove IIntli real bOiling we would buy, ond own In partnerdon ' l lIlak'(' n. Hecllc." Inai R. IHld skill S or cal l! of lofty 1\n e· begins, nnd b eginning at ' thlll tlmo ship a \)ody of laod, and l eavo 01:9 of Th en Miss ~I er~ e r r ea 117.(' (1 tha t It age. Th e foregolug fnd s nr sc leeted wh en IIc t unl bOiling stll rts, billl full 15 our oumbor to 10011 after and operate h ad nil ltpen a lI'lI [I. Hp r mothcr was nt random. hu t ser vo lo sho\\' tbe mlnules more to eltlract the On vor nnd It. Tbls we accordingly did. UO I III al1<l sh wa ,·,'1 I;oln).: ro PIU s· . ",cop of lhn worll umler·t aken by a f ood \'31ue. (J\ plec or bUltc r tbe si ze Just beforo t tm& to llircsh I rehU l'g al ul l. IlI sl all Hhl' f oulld h rself II.e r Ron who adopls c nrin coll aellng n8 ot a pea will prcve nt bullll1g o\'or .) colved a l ettcT trom him. "\\ hat shall on Ibe way 1.0 th !! ollnlrr 1I 0 me. an a Ilrofcssln n. This oonlest 18 connn !'d to lh oHc who wo do?" Hald he; " I've got to build l ll slitul i oll co o(1u!'f 1'(1 h y I h!! Protost· ha\'o used Poatiml prior to th e dllte of this adverLlsemenl. granaries. 'rhnr '8 so much whea' aol EpiRC' opal (~ h ul'ch at C) c rul !ln l ow n , . Caught Big Sail!ng Fish. De ho'n est aud tru t. hrul, don't wrtle that lhe I'nllways are Just swanwed • a s'u hu rb M Ph l h'l dr lnhla. .I,ottls W e.LVe r of this lIy r hlrnOll )loe ry or fanciful l ellcr~, jLllil \llain. W o can't flat c ar l! and the el VII'l ors Rel()!' I ho gtrl (,DIIIIl r" rlI V"," f r om nro nil fnll. I nev>!I' saw nnylltln/t frum a vl sl l to the [" Iorlcla COURt Sat· trulhlul Rl lI.l em entB. J,er RII I' I'~ I ~ n n ,1 In,lill llalilln ' hE' w1lg urdn y, brin!; llI fl wi t h him [1 PO· pound onles"t . ,,'111 cl080 .Tull e Jat. 1907, !l11~ It." In r ar.! Y w e wrote. " Good .for In unl r,l rm and IIl1 d" r r Mroln t. That sui lin g fi sh. whl eb hI' laad erl with ' It and 110 l ette rs r ecei ved ilfler tirat. (ltlle YOIl. Go nhead nnd build; YO\lr storT wa s a ll 'ltll r ch 25 la R ~. !li gh l [\1 !'" an~ h ook anti. line al te ,· . 3(; minules oC will ,he a!lmlttell. 1;XBmlnat!nn 5. of l et · 80 llncl a better t ban th e l ellers wo lIsed 1her!! ~ lt IlIal\ 1I11h ror m i nd to ('R eap'" snort. 'say s thc Wa shington Post. t ers will ho mado by throe JIHlg es no t to get rrorJ •• ur frl endu In ~an s lll A nd f'8r<ljl" ~ h e nill. 1'\0110' ~11I' - can no t l c ~" 11 wlllllOIl' on Ih o lhlt'!l Ooor r ec(ived IId\'i ce and help rrom him. This I s 8111r1 10 bo Ihe lIi lt'd fI ~ h ot m emhers of th o Postlllll C~rcal "Co.. when tb())' belllnll ed. tlJe fllct thnt the SIlO Il hl'r fin ger s' fi l he la.\\·~ nl' P" nll ' .f>ylvanl a :lnd It!!r [alit 1', t ill>. : 111' i s rrnn wlii'b I Ihou !:'ht 1 cOll ld sQua.c zo 'I'lle d tc c ti vt) rla (1 had wi t h him II Its kind ever cllll ght In Am er i can wn· ! Th eir dc lalnns will bQ rnlr (Lilt! h~~d wh eat ha,l been deslro)'ed by the or n ~f' I II ~ew YO" 1e alld all ' I n fallt no lhrough . That montin!; I (lr etc ndl'fl In all I(tn(l o f (I'ollbl ' : 'I~ve n II 111m'· It!rR. lind. ~Ir . W eav 'r ha6 /leen hll sy Unal, lind a n eat litlle bo)( conlalnlng cI nch bu~s nud .tJI 8. corn by hot that I was sick and I Il'tl y 10cl(('d me In de?rroj· ('annOI ' b'! tllk " l1 from on(' slale since hi s rolllrn r eo lI'inA' COllF; l'I\tulll' a $10 gold [Heco sent lo enr.b or lhe wlnds. anti that th ey must aell tbe 1011. 1'10'1'. 1(1 anoth er wlthoul a warran t I'I'IlIll rh e lions from his nlllll 0rOpS /l shlllg fi vo writers of t he most Interesting" stoel, f~r mean~ to \lve on . Y es, build I ll'rr .s \) p·s a woman ; th&r 811<" 8 0 my rooll\ . ., L a£)0 1l 1. t wo o'c lod( one nr Ihe mn· go v rno r, nnd, too, I am o( age In thlB rl·lcnds. l etters. a box oonlal nlng a $[; gold by all menns. And he did. and ollr c h ild tron H 'a lrlO In lo m ), rO(1lu. I ~ p l 'an g st.ate. . Tl1 e monst~r will be 1i!I'n dover tr. £lI e 0 to ea<:h ot tho ~O n ext h sl, 8. wheat put In by n renter made ~we ... So h r p ~ h e pr'wos 3 ~ rrlllain. Would Have . Gone Crazy, olll In to th o holt and lurned l it key the Smlll1sonlull In sll t utl on. whlcb I~ $2 groon back to each of . tbe 100 next ty·sc von busbels per .acre" . P la nning H~r Elcape. In t.he (1001', I?ekln g he r In. , "I am t oo t'lI do any law fighting , wllboltt a spe cimen of ~hl s l'l lld. b es t, .·nnd n $1 greenhael; to each oC Very truly yours, " 1 Itud nothlllg bul th e ugly uniform I hut h ave a f;oorl atlnrn ey to figb t for All this l ook w lls nnd plunk . :\1lss lil a 200 noxt \)QsI. maldng c:ash .Il rlzos (Sd) A. G" D!1RKHART. dl strlbuled to 32f> persons. (Btl) J.. 1RbLOAR.TRElSlDDER. 'i\I('u" ' r I'Puliz cI l h at she \l'a!'; bei l;" of the Instltut.lon o n. and 1. kn .,w th at m e . . I sbnuldl' ha~' e be n tn·a?y had I Don ~t Fit the Callc. Every frlond of Postllm .I s tlrgild to (Sd) WA1.TER W. MOUNT. If I dltl get out' l he chances w el'c .tllal ~ tn ye d In tho co nv nt mIlch' longel'. As \Val 'hl'lI (I V. r y mlnil le. SI; c " ' Uf! ulad "You shouldn', have hit t hat ·man · t o senl l> 11oo,'s a nrl wa sh ' dish es, walt 1 could not get v"j·y fal'· awa y . How· It Is now, 1 Iooa\' e n el'v.!lns prostration, wdt e and each Iclla r will lIe beld In who cu lled YO Il a lJal'." lit Ih(O [ab lo a nd lIIak e ' bod s- I.hln" s e var, r wa, deflpe ral ~ . Th e wl.ndow . "I look lenrlhly \)nllered and III. I 'hl!':li eMoem by tho' company, n~ nn "ShQlildn' C, hoy?" MhQ. had ne,'er don!> h~nrc In h '1 ' lite. I. got ouL of Oil n ed unon t h e .r ool of a h.av" $25 lO lu sl m e unti·l [ 8tar t to re' ":"0; YOil sbould have (IPmanrl ed (,"Icl ence o f ~l1c h frl endHhlp. whllo the YOUI\ IDEAS Slip II Tllhlw d Bud washed and Ironed porch . I t wil ~ pro tec ted liy 1< ~ash ot I .. \live m y "'ages. This I bor'row ed ~rom littl e boxas of gold .anll ehvcloljP's of the proo(. und If hc could no!. nrodue DOII'T DtLIoY u nl it h'r wh ite Ilttl!! hand o we n' all Interwoven IroD, but I llIonagpd I,) IIrl 8 girl 1 .m et In ~he olher cODl llany. TO APPLY rOil PA.TIi'.NT Il hc woul!l havo been brand ed a8 a monel' will reach mnny mortORt writers Olle end' rar enoush to BQ\lee Ze my Strangers have all h~ e tl 80 good to me, red !lnd snr. RUl nJI 'th 13 lillie IIb e Hen" for FRU n ooK.LET and 18&", "'by. "'hos plain and sensible h,U fl n con· M~() U. 8TE\'I(N8 ct ON •• ~ uti, .tit. , W ..h. body tbrough, " In lhn t (!o:o vAnt, while kneelin g ro r Ial sl!i~!'. " waB \l'rllll nJ: her chatl('e. . "T\lal's nil right I't hfrll.Jl y. but I taln lhe facts doslred. altbough lhe ~~d r~\-!!;,r UraDob.. ~~~~~'f:tR~~i;~s:t hou1's In th oh' worship , I thollght t hey Au ,l lh youn g \\,>lrrt of Mr. Fri ck srnd I' mny ' ha ve' hilt smull faltb 10 NO PATENT. NO FE!; FOR OUR S'ER\ICEi waH " n lsld ... " ' oltlng '10 help hill' a Fr~dom at L .. t, · . . were fnolt; 10 think a God existed or ' knew he bad the prnnr."- Phlla~ c llJhla winning at lhe lime o( writing. Ledger. "U waR 1\ hard lask. anel !eft black alBo thnt fIn !toil hilt It re on fll'lh ex· l ust i ll " 1>I"II,er mom n t. · .1' hl a IVUH bp. · Tulk this subject liver wllh YOlll' Isted. 1 fce l !l!\hnm d 1'01' thclr rolh;' CIl.U l(' ":I!i~ Mrl'ef'r wa R able 10 srt lll ~ '1 au(i hloo IIlarkR on m a that I hav yet. frlonds and see how many among A Pr~:tlcal Demonstration • .~ I' · H h'lI "'I' <l ilt to h im IlH\ldn,Cl lin a I) ' Hul n'If:!! )n Ihn mof I slid down on Ion. I tell )' n u I woulll have commitl'OU can win prizes, It III II. good, hon· "CPlue. Com p., my II ttlo :Ilan," e1[, !1st compeLltlon and In the beRt 1; ln,1 of . l,nh,\1 1 01 rOI' him alld hi s big Bill mo· a ni llc of ~ h ... ot8 I mado from my bod· ted UlLirdel: Ih ad I ~t ar d t iter Dlucb clnlme tl olrt 1111', Cheny, "I· w~uldn't IL causo, nnd costs tho com pelltot's ab1:.110 · ~ ju ~ t lit IIIKh ~ ilnitt, . rllu~ , ~o lhc porch hl' low, and llien I louger, "M)' tholll' llls were terrible In that cry like that." =- " t \I' IIM 11)ls the IIrst 11m dh" hs,\ IQst my halnncll and foil lO the ~rllun~, ,oh/tel y nothing, "All Tlg~l: replied the boy., throil~h Olllli l' n n 11 Plu>l II tllllln I "'"h )'011 11/\ ' Mr. •" 1'1I1) only II rson whu had seen 'm y IIx br ten room, T..ovlllgly. AddraslI your letter t, the Postum IKKloumt~ ....::11A.IlEL... his Bobs. "Lemmo glvo YO\l a' sonk Cereal Co.. Lt..... Battle f~re(!k. Mlcll" no'lI l1·;I'>l;l.'r. Lns Decemb ('1' I hpy ran ASt!aIlO Willi a YOI Il1i\ man wbo wal !;lOllS tbe? llluck of lhll 801ln4 IIlte aD hallk . o' lhe oar with a stone Uke I. 101 writing lOur UWD aDDle aad addrelll ~.I" " }' lt1SE'tller- l hl'l l S·y ar·nlit"'i:lrl Blandlllg by hla automobile acr08B the u' ilile how you'd do Ito" IDd l.hl~ 19·year·nld boy- lulelldlnJ to Itreet. I appealed La 111m [or protto- · InfaDt'8 '! - 'Now York World. clearly.











Laws of Pennsylt'a nia Place Her Uncl,er Father's Control, But in New York She Is Her Own .MistressDaring Escape from Institution in Which She Had Been Confined- Ward of H. C. Frick Involved In Romantic Story.






- - ---









- - _......._ _ ' ho rne, '~Irt'l e nnd frlen<le .nlh lne ole th e commDult,. I, . time III IIsure anll vlva cllr, bllt &b. sort ,of 'people W'b(1 could tlot rOI'get the quiet. l1" lI1" ll. ti P' spend tbel r mORey at home it a d· II flil1g In l1ucnoc or :-<aoml. t licon, vences ra pidly. T hero Ie money for s 101181y ehe wal! COlIstlllltly Ill-awl nil M.&NY RI!ASONS WHY IT IS THE public ImprO Vl)meDtl., mo noy tor new COm[)III'leona IJElt\\' ' n the li fe IIho had e nte r.prlses. Tile 'lIoney whlcb l he BEST P,OLICV. kn')wn nft r becomi ng tho wife ot' bll: loyal nl an mattos a t home-lll- lnvestt!f!..+i--============== lon, ancl I he li te hl" l' Iloople li ved, A r.~01t .or Tut PER IOD or TUE ~UDots a t flome ' ; ()le olty gro w/I. the all'octe I IN ISIAU \Vb n lhe HOle dr '\' n elli' COt' tllQ fes· a re ImpmveCl . nnd the lJIa r ks lit p ros· NO CAUSE FOA ALARM . SELf-INTEREST A BIG ·FEATURE Ilerll:y a nti progress or. ev l ~e n t on THE ROAD TO ~UCCESS. tl vltles I\llClidlug tile w.orshlp ()f t belr I god.. she bad fe lt the old thrill ot ex· , . e ve ry s ide. The bOJleymoon had bumped tb , 1'he youthful joltesmllh sloocl In the We are wont to Inve igh tbe ...~-~""'!'~_ _' - _. .~-...... Peclant 1)leasUre whlob s he uled to Th.Olt Whi c h Benefitl the CO!1'lmun lty woalthy mlln wbo makes bill money In , kno w as s he Ila d pla nned and llll'epa recl BUgUSt. 'Ilresence ot Lhe gronl editor.· ~ump s. " You know , John," Buld the youns •• • Whole Benefit, Eaen Indl. Scripture au th ority: - Rut h 1 :.1·15, to share In Ihe celebrations. But Wllh tl' mbllllg fiugers 'he ulltled the one tow n and luvests It In anothor; thi s feeling 800n passed and ' left he r Btl'lng arottnll bl R batch of jokes and. wife, " that I uaed. to be your type vjdu.I-T he "Why and We crltlclte him for want o! loyally \?speclall y " orses 14 a nd 15. . wrlte l'?" wIth tbat 's e nse o! unrest and dlssatls· laid thom on the ed itor's desk. to the communlt·y wblch produced hll Wherefore." .. m-YC8." gmnted John , "l bave brought you some jokos," he fa.etlon: 80 Ibat a t last, much to the wealth and fe el that we a re done an +~++++t++++.. "Well ," she contlnu d. "1 Wistl YOll 8ERMONETTE. j s urp rlse of he r friend ... she decided said , with II nstea.dy velce. "Would YOll AI 8 It·ln tereat Is the la" 't\'hlch gOY' Inju6t1ce by bls failure to put his woulll t1l scbarge tltc girl YOll havs no .. , that she woul d not· go to t he featly· care to loolt tbem over?" e rn ~ t h lransactlQns ot trade. It Is tbe money In ho rne e nLe rlll:lsell wblc)l . "We have no llse whatever tOI' new and hlt'e a man In he r plnc ." .IUea. It was the n Ulat t hey besteged ,A Choice That Determ ined. ft rs t IIgb t In which th e subjec t of would Increa~e buslneaa ancl pros· her wit h their pl eadi ngs unti l at last jokos," repli ed th e edlLor gf Um y, as be "'Huh!" rejoin d h ubby . "1 bope you Destlny.-Orpha on the ro;ul "TradIng a t Komi)" must be t reated. peri".)' o! our city. The orlUolsm Is don 't thhlk I would make a (001 br my· t u rne d to otber ·work 'on his desk, th at led to the land of Ilracl , . s he consen led to go. Sentiment hss little Influenc;e In ll'llde. justifi ed and It bolds just as gOI)(\ In B "Bll t lh9lll!,'.' sa lel the young joke- HelC twice In t be same wuy ."-oblcoga " What 15 th e Dlutter with me any· carne face to ' f,a ce with the turn· "b. proaper,lty ot an y com munity losser degree to 'tbe ma n who t rod I . way?" s be ex~ l a lrn ed, 1I·I·ttntedly as sh e sml lh. "are not new. Some of them Oally News. d eJ\en!le Oil t h ,'ol ume ot b ll ~ l n e"s out of town . It Is tb e Bame alfenso had come to her of a new home . ' bu sted her self with th e Jlreparations. ar at lesst 20 yeal'S o ld." trllll ijll ted wlthln It, borders', Tho on sma lle r scalo. ' With Ii. cry of joy tile gt'p,at edito r THE STRENUOUS LIFE. a nd pl aee among G,od:. people' "Why s houldn't I go, and wb y The e lfect ot the rel'erse pulloy I, h,cllit)' with wlt l h bUSiness 'c nn be and obed ient to the aspiration. s hou ldn'1 l bayo a good ti me? 'Why gr'asped Ihe joltesmllh 's band. a ccept· tran ~1I led depends largely upon thet prumptl y seen, T he writ er bas In for a better life and holler s ho uld I Cee l as I (\o?" . Bu t e ven ed tlie' jokes, and lIan ded blm a pure RUlollnt of n10ney In cll'cllialion and mind a notable lostance. T"o cilies wh.lie sbo Impatiently argued WlU1 'he1'- Ow,-cell t· Ha"ana, ullloll made clgar.t hi ngs , ahe started ' w ith her an r Inll uene \V.b leh talles mon y out ! abo ut 15,001) pO[lul atlon eacb are moth er·ln·law. Naomi , and ,si.. ter· selt there k Itl recurring to ber mind M IIwauke Sentinel. 'ot a com munity Is detrlment nl to the situated on opposite sides o[ a 1'1 ver te r.l, Rut h. for t he · Prom· the memory of II 'r mother·l n·l aw'·s tl llll IJ IA I welftlre of th community. which Is a b pu nilnry between t wo Deeply Interested. wOl'ds. fiS repea ledly Rhe bad heal'el ll,er leed Lan d. P erh aps sh e a nd l Is III tbts res p ct tbnlltulling with stntll6, Each cOlitalnH soveral milliOn' , lInk ~- 1 would hsve be n run uver Ruth duri ng the sad daYI of say , \Vh n us ll orl to nllond the feasts: m all orde r houses cl'IIlph18 a com· ulr s wbo made t heir Dloney In the "No, I hn,' I tt 'o\)' OW ll land. 'but I on Bl'oudw8Y to-day It It 1I;IlI nol beeu OIlInH)', Mon y wh ich should b lwllt lumber ' t rade In the two towns, Th. +1 t heI r widowhood had t~l ked oll er to get he.· their planll. Wh ile clld not lelwe my God IJ hind. nnd [ ror Wlllils. Wl10 was with me. l;Ie In l(tc I Clrculs(lo/l goe8 ·to 8woll lhe mllllonslres of one of the c l Ue~ ure th eir hea rt s 'were bleedl" g and ~ cuuld not go UI) to thtl si,'rvlc: s that SI)rallg forwanl and s howered blows volt. III ' of money In tho dial ant city [l uttlng their mo n y Into olilor Indull' te nder t he re had come a yearn. wou ld do honor LO lhose ~·hl cb. are no on' UI hOl'ses' h a ds with lin IIIU' 1[\8\"at! ot rl<mnlnlng at hom to be t rlee In the same tow n a$ tbe lumber· bl' lIa . ,Just as tbc u!1.lbrella \)I'oke. 'gads a t al l." , Ing to know t he God whom the ir t urned over a nd ove r again A8 the ml,!' Ing goes out'. As a resll\t. tlte town Is had known. a"d She had (ell a glow of adrnlrallon tho ~CUlll stoPlte6 , and I was pulled husba nd s Ilium of trans Cer Ilmong local mer· rup ldly fOrj.'iug to the trol1t ; every oue ro~ 1\:aoml at lhal lime ror he r brave OUl frolll benea th lhe wileels. e1\1lnta Rnd th Ir cU9lomel's, 'Is Ilr09[tOrOtls. the deml\lId ,for bousos + served, and wIth . It had· eome Bllllks-Dld U,e u mbrella ba\' a the resol ve that they would I\'ords, nnd down deep In her IH~art s he The etrent •• f lhls dI version of mon ey exceeds the SUIt.llly; properly II vnlu· cleave unto the mot her·ln·law. knew that the gods which lIer' people s ll ver hllndle , like, a shepbal'd's croOk? fa not confin ed to the m rchnnI.B who a ble a nd ever yone Is working. Tbe wOI'8 hlped w re fllise gods [lnd not Naomi, l1li the one who c:ould , " 1 didn't Ilolle pal'tlcularlY. Ilnd. be·) lo~ liS I s thl'reby. It elCtonds e'Vcntu· m illionaires a! the town across lhe guide thei r feet Into the way ! like t be Ood whom the H ebrews we I' 8ldes. he bl'oke Il all to pleccs l!lop· lilly to evor:r membor o! th", com· rl yer a re IllvesU ng ' t1telr nloney 1D ' .. sb lp d. flut now that she ba d go no pi ng Ule team. Wb y?" a nd ' bleiling of God. m unlt)·. It II a ourtallment I)t busines8 wel;Jtern and southern pi ne Is nds. The 60 they had gone forth w ith ... bUck to ber poople once more and . "He borrowed mine yestel'da y:'-N. 'W1I!'b I\ Jrect, the val ue o! a ll PTOP rly townl ll langulsbing for laoko! money ; Naom i and had come to the bor· ' ... Wll 9 a way rrom t be strong. u plifti ng Y. Weekly. e ven to the labor of the man wbo II n')W Industries cannot start because of d ep.enelenk on a dllY's work tor ll18 lt v· lack of capital ; m erc:h.ant. are .re ll· derland of Il rael . There Naomi j ln(l ue nce of that godly woma n. Bhe pauned and wIsely tested the log, It r aoill 'ullon the people wbo Ing;, IItore. an.d bonaes a re bolne va. had Celt the old desi re to enjoy tbn old An ImpertInent Quutlon. Kitty (entbuslasllcally)-Oh, t love Iturcha£e away from ho,m In a degree cated ; people are moving away and .. IIlncerlty of purpolle of the two lite as s ll e ha d formerlv do ne. "A " loman's work Is I\e\~ er done" rled :.I r~ . Brown.-"l a lwBYs, know It." garden ln gl Why. 1 get Ul) at fiYG w,hloh more thall oirsets .ny"llosslble geaeral a i, of pc;.,erty and dec.y parsom eho w she could not. young women. They must count he r .pause. "and I, lor ono. o 'clock e ve ry morn ing. .. vlnK In prlc. tb.t may be e lreuted In vades the place. the co. t. It Wal no light Il)lnli ·'.But I will. I will, I will ... . sbe ell:' Replied Ask. wh)l the dev il d on't ' . he do 11'" Ella- Goodness! How lonl have t!ie purcha8e, . Fe" clUe. p resent ,uch Itrong es· to choo .... God and God'. people cl':l lme d. ns s lle made her OD IlI prep· you been doing that? ~ery donal' SQbt out of all1 COJll' amples of thll v.lue of mon ey Ilpent at •• .a fut ure de,tlny. They mUlt aratlon8 and starte d forth ''' Ilh the GETTING RID OF IT. Kltty - Oh. [-er-began tblB mornmunlty tor goods' which c.a n be pur· bome but lIIe II&lDO pl'lnclple bolda merry grou p ot Crlends w'ho bad realize that It meant ,epar.tlo" Ing .. eb.led at.home reprellent• • pereent· , .true III eV.rJ com~t1nlty. It II due (rom the old life and ha rd.hlp. come to a cco mpa ny her to t ne In the new. In .ubatanoe. Naomi ' place of tbe colellratlon. As tbey Nary a Onel aald to Ruth and Orpha what mo ved on the y c hatte d and la ugh· Strnng~, amId chilI' lI·o"dnl whirl. ed gayly. a nd It wal' n nt long ere Jeeull laid to tho .. who would Ne'or loBS boen our luck 10 \'Iew become hla d ilclple.. " Which of the old Hplt:tt of gayety bad c,o mplcte E'en tho shadow of a pOllrl you," he exclaimed. after he had possession of her. and s be fo r got nil F loHtlng In u n oystur 01 W. - JutJgc. declared that d llclple.hlp meant about tb e struggle she h nd had and crol•. bearlnll and fellow,hlp In the quelltlolls whic h hud llep t her III No T 'me to Lo,e. ha rd s hl e and ,ufferlng. "Intend· · so un happ)' a slate Since b r return to The wise old doctor wali ImprelslnB Lho 0111 home. Ing to build a tower, I itteth not lI llon his lit tle ,patient the essllntlallly Thus the day s ped swiftly o n'. T he' down firl t, a nd counteth ·the of maSLICtlUo'n . cost, whether he have au ffi cii!n~ fest t Itl-s ';yere at th II' lielght, an d "lI'1y lad," ho adv ised. "no ma ttet to fin ish it. Le.t haply, after th great thro ngs of Iloople awnltjld ' what you eat. al w1lys cbew eac b he hath lai d the foundat ion, and tbe oorplng of t he solemn proceSSion mouth ful 30 times," o f lhe prle81S, who In the prese nce or he i, not able to fin i,h It, all' f1ul J immy shoal; hlB hen'lI sign Hi· that behold ' it beyln to mock him, a ll tbe 1leOI)lo wer to lUake t heir of· canlly . nylng: Th is man began to build, tel'lngs \0 the goils ond tnyo,k o their "That wouldn·t do at 0111' house, doc· and wa. not Dille to finl ah." bl . sslnc!! u pon the people. 1'01l0wlng lo r," And Orpha bid her mother.l n'. , which th , dnmsels were to dance the "~n<l why not. m'l' 60n ?" si nuous, i1 reamy Ogures wblch were la w a tearful adieu and t urried "Bec",use I'd a lways be h l\n groy, Ttl. pRrt or tlle religio us cere mon ies. O'r· back, Turned back frolY\ the light of which ' he had caught pha , alTayed. In lI er IIlmy, festa l robe8. lItr. F lubdub-What'a th e UBe ot reat ot the kids would clean tb e tablEt a glimmering . Tlirned back from t Dad ' tIIlcen-be.r place with tille o ther" k'e epl ng III ll l old umbl'c lill. a ro und 7 off boforo 1 got th rough With t bat one tDout bfu l:-ChJcn.go Dall y News. the higher purpose and de, t,ny. duncers ready to play ber pa rt. when. It's no good, Quenched the fflckerlng flame of + the t ime s hbuld .coDl8, .a s s he had Mrs, li'libd ub - All right. [,1I . lend , t FEMINI~E 8TRAT~GY. . plrltual "plratlonl, and tllrn· beeu woul ' lo \10 In 'tormllr ll'ea rs. to 80mebody.- Phlladelphla Press. ed !;lack to the old IIf. and the , "Are yo u mit ' ghid, tha t yo u a re he lo lind not In the la nd of· Israel?" asked old god,. Turned ~ack to be I HI. 'One Joke. Iwallowed up by the world .nd oue of he l' com'lla nlons s(an dlng ned My U ncle J oll .. wllh j oy will nil the th ingl of th, ' world. _ Thll to ' bel'. . . "' "h t his ono l\·ltly sall y : " 1 know .n mll n ... hose " lime I, WlI' ''Yes,'' . an swered Orpba eu th,uelaa II the ' ••t · word we ever tie.r of or courSe h\! IHLS Il vule !." prpha. From that time forth t1cally. "and 1 wish Ru th were bel'8 ahe wa, counted out . of God'.. to share In the festivi ties with UI." What H. W... , W. c.n Imagln. " Foollih she " aB, Indeed," was the reollonlnll. lo:lasked'Man (dashing Into a parlorwhat her life r(lIIY have been reply o f the otber, "What c an 8bE' . 1'1Ie m.n racollnlz.lln the .dvertl8l n ll all,nt hIe moat POW'~I after ' he~ return, ·.nd· how when find the\'9 but poverty and bardsb lp? car on )Veatern rallroad )-H old up ~ tile tldln·g . came of the ,ble..lnll Hava. yoil had tldln~s from. b er stnce yer. hands. , .. I,tant • • He .... II~el that It II .dv.t~lplri' which bring. him. ~I. o.rd..... PS88enger ~ Don·t shoot. pleas e. t..t the 10c.1 m.rchant. aw.\(ln to the 'fact tllat .tM IOc.1 pap.r. c:an d.o for .nd , pro.perity whlr.:h h, d co.".. she went away?" them ju't what th, .dv.rtl,lng all,nt. ~o for the clital.llu, hou..1 .nd the to Rirth an tile, to \1erl ,tranlle," .. " l At t he 'ii)cn tlo.n of t he land ,o f Israel. Take, all I'vo eot. and, ,welcome, Mask M~Q-'rbIS III a blr 'Plle of fa"'pff .I.nd of Itracl, .t ,YIUI.t lilt\' tbe , nllme, 'of Ruth 'll _tranger , fto~, of money tei thl city mati ordor ,hOU.I. f~m' \hl. comm"nl t 1 will .• top. IDO:DeY, 80 111 ,1.,0 you ten qt It I ~ , ... •• ........... : ..... ' eor tI.: . . "of '. " havi come th" ,mlrtlnlll of dis. : sta~dfng I}eal' had started fllld th\)D, back. , I may be a 'traln.robb er, 'but t .re of IDJUltJce t o tbe communit, It~ everJ communI.,. to r.elllyeit. tbt ppolntment .nd regret thilt IIho lls te ne d ,easerly to the . con'verlatlon aln·t no parlol' car porter.-N. Y. '.elf. la tbe ftnt place, Bome mercbant had onci ".en 10 n'lIt the bl .... ' ' wblchfollowed, but. so occupied were Weekly, mpney It prodUee8 In til, communlt, 1"11 ' .nd h.d thoughtleilly and Orpba and ber fri ends with con· 100e. the the prollt 011 .. lale. Not ollly W~Ch producea I~ tb.t. but 'p tic. of tlI. article repc .... let the trell,ure Illp versatlon tbat tbey did not note this. Encouraged: from her. "For all .. d wordl But Buddenly tbey were .roused by an , e chlllc. of belal .willdled II "US8 my daughte.r eneouraled you. relenta 10 mucb of the merehallt'l cap. .rpmellt Uled &aakllt tradlll, wltb ti' I I d . ttal wblch II tied up III the .rtltll. and tbe 'mall ·ord.r bou_. Gooct. .dv'!l' tongue or pen, the " a rupt nqu ry a droued to Orpha : youll« man!" the .. : 'It might have be.nI ",' "Old JOu know Rut~?" be asked. , " Yes. Blr." II Dot ' workiu. H.ylal capItal tied U', e d at cut pricea, of~eD fall to m." " Br,ng " up melll. tlI.t tlIe operatloal 'or th. Orph• • nd Ruth Itood .Id. b)l' . you wor d f rom her 1" Orpba "In what way. may I ask?" k .-hant ._ c-"'-II.-' to .~at . -':teDL utl~ up to th. deacripUpa of tile .dYeI' ,.Id. that d.y at the dlvldlnll IIl1 ed,' eagerl,., '''1. IIbe wen.? How· m ~.~ .~........ ~ W VA lell!eat . 'th .. The ,e~ eellta "wblcb II . " farea IIb e '" d IIh e con\IDue " d to pour .' "Sbe 'told w e J ou were very r;ener· ~" IP ' -d.· tb.t" ed " .. I!". bet.wI.,.; th. world and God. . an Jack~ou are holding YclU'r blraiQl , He bu tlIat milch lea., IN ~u Olll."-Cl!eyeland ~ei.d;'r. . . .., p.ll e 'prlce ,0(, .n .'rucle 10 ' J ' t Id A"", f tI· ' ' 111 OD the wrong Ild.e to protect you froml ".uell . le.. to pay' ID .llIarle. ·.to hll bo Or.pha. ~ur!,ed b!!!:!"" t!l.r., ~"d. ou a rap . u. v Q qu~a on's ,1p nl up til u,bt I. 'alullly -UCriftcH III the the tal.. Ruth, "",ent on,. and 'tober IDqulrlel concernlQi Ruth, the sun, ' KEE.P ING OUT 'OF T.E MPTATION. cle;kl : to, P,ty til patron.,e, ot · e qu"U" of the .• rticl.. Buylnlfrom tbe cia" w. a,.. rejolclnll ' In ' . the Till, ' .hanger lifted up hlai hand In I know It: :'but tbere ·i. , EYelyn-'-Yell. butoher. the "'",e1 ,"d ' tile olher pur- 'm.ll qrder bou" III b1lJIIII bllnd.. A . ' , " . ' -r.--tbat bornd Miss Snub. and 1 bel' -"0· rl of ... ~· D-e .... Ue. o~·'llfe,. to' Ill' 'h 1. ' . Chrl,t who w•• of tlie houn lielplees prOte Bt to steo tbe,':lIood o! ••, ..... "'" - . , l PU~C aler n"v.r tlI~Dk' ·of bu)'fne frOm ' . . ,I I ' b ' to, aee my new bat. .. ' - - t la pro-"t". ,In lIe"lp.per. • d"' ~ b b . • nd Kneage of DaVid, ".,holl qUP.6t .!lDl •. say pg, II • did '10: . .... .,~. , .' a ome mere ....t wltbout ex.mlnlnB 'Ll ' •« ~ h j t tl'lne; to deposit In' bank where It th,. good., but will 9fteD lelld bla grandfather Obed ,w .. the Nfl , . ' . sten, o,r . a,:e UB come from Sure :Thing. m.y be Uled by other ·m.mberl of tb. mOney" to a mall Order' houie. w(th 'Ruth and ' lIou. Bethlehem .nd bring tiding of , won· One eute IIt lie g irl . '"community, ,or to de.yote to church or bllild ,al'" that .tb·.....Icle 'will prov'e , ' , crfuJ tblngs wblcb baye 'come to . '+'............... +• ++• +n ++ dpalls; ~I) be r 110 longe r poor, un for· 1n your lon<l eJllbrace, 'eharll!i: 'l'he' mon.y wbteh ,oe. ' ~ 'the ' to be u '·rep",lente4. 'How often tlil. THE 8TO'RY. . tun.te Ruth, for IlliC, bas b,e C,o me the ,18 better · than t wo , In lfOllll) o t her p la ce. onlJ . DINT of coning _d. pettin g Or' wl(e of one of the prinCipal men ot ,'~' • •U order houee deereue. tbe. l.-r , falth I, mlapla.-.& ftAIl L_ prov·n ~ -l.Ifo. . "pit. of clrculatlOl(lD tb.communlty; .b l e6mp.rln. ~lie . coOdl boueht from pha·s.frle nds bn" li t last perfluaded ;b,8 city." , a .(actor wblch dete'rmlll.1 larsel)" the , m.1I ord.r hOUS88 wltll . tile gooda of· ' . Sult .. ble. . ....:tue (Jf all goods ~r pr6perg on th( fered 'for, ..i .. at. bome... U the man he l' tc aCCOml)Snj' tbe m ·to the fostlv· " What" that JOU sa y7;'· crted Or·' lUes ' In' tbe vlilage close at hanll : pha. Inorcd.Jlolls l)' , ,believing th at ber Gunner-Wbat Is t be name of ' tba' all~~"~t: the . eale of wage I, ud tb~ I~' order buyer ' wquld follow ' thl. system where fo l' .weeks th e Ilre lla ra lioilB ba d cars hnd misunde rs tood, ", " bi g sp R rtm ell t.. h ou~e oyer Lhel·e? . Lorelt ., ..... If " "whlle, . •' on IO'ns. t t. for •t ,little ' . ,be would probably , lJeen going ou tor J.he honoring ,o f tile And thu s . ImpQrtuned the s traBger Ouyel'-I dOI\'t know, but 1 tblok I~ ' ,It t~ ~!'t . h.rd t~ · t~ce ""e, e ~ 0 find. bat ,tbegood.olreredat,hqmeare godl of the l\1oabltes. and . Ibe wail weot on to e xJlialu , antl to .g lve fur. Iih'oulLl be caned ' '''I'he "vl aryo''' .. " tlie\ dlvenlol\, of. mo~ei from ItCl· .. of "~lItter 1;\\llllt1"and r.s IIDOd bargains busy getting reatl y for thc start In ·ther de tails of h~r·.Bl ster.rn.. law·. Uf, Gunner-An d why so? . , / ·••to cbanllel••, 'wh~n m~ey ,l!Car~ 'al the 11,1111 order «OOd-. taklne quill· tbe ea , .rl, Y tnornhig, It seemed Itrange sluce ' going to Dethle liem , OuYer-Beco use all tbe wome D .~ trJ de. l.ngu~lbBl beclluse : (If the laQk U, Into "oo!l6Ideratlon';' If. tbls pre" par rots and, all the men a ro ..0""1 . ...'f .clrt ul.Une, medium.; merehant'l,and, ' lumlJtloll ,I ~ true, the buyer 01 mall qr. to tbem to b~7e to coax' Orpba to ' go, A~ tbls 110lnt the conve rsa tion waa Cblcago Daily Ne ws . .. . "In,otbera ClU'ta1\ expens.l; tbe vol lime der toeda.II' dhltilld 100er. IS' be ha. for In "form el' years' she ball been 'ono Interrupted by tb~ ~a8sl ng .. ot Ihe !' Ir tr.ilei2eereasea IIId' ' nothing: r.. secured Illfertor eoodl' 6r:d. baa robbed of tha gayest a t. such celebrations, .nd priests, mumbling their locantatiolis . , nores .ctlvlt)" in trade tiut an Illcreue tJie' cOiD,munltr In wblch be Ih;el, al they had expected, DOW thlit tbe In· while the veople ' shouted the names Up , to the TIm ... _ fro.,. !lome , qu.rter of the clreulaUne well I I hlmlelf•. of Ule ule of th. OUllnce of be r mother·ln·law. Nlloml. ' of th~lr gods, crying: -""hat's tbe .meAnlng ill all 'we . lIedlu1lll < WbeJ;l t~e wlume of m'Oa~ .. wa. no longer present. that ehe would . " Great· al"o the gods ot tbe Moablte': ' rldl cuIO \l ~ s~tirr the , children 180m to . ' . monOJ. •• ~ ,SJ~GLElTON. . enter .~atn heartily tnto t be life .nd Wbere are t bere g~s like UDto tbem. be getllng at' schoo!?" , .' , IIIcr~, trade move,. and It Dlovea , , , I ~ f' -'II ., customi of he,r ""o.ple. ..'" • and who can bestow blessing lIucb tl8 •• ,fut u !!be, vo um. 0 mOlley WI I~ "'. W•••l. ,,~ ~' I . th!lIk. !Dy dear. ' 1111$' ~e . '••11' termlt. ' 1(0118)' ,t bat t.,JforkIDC II COli' Bhll l.waa enmlnhil , her . . . 'w.llt " On her return to, h~r old home, atter they give tu tbelt fai thful c~hlldren!" regulations are enforcing purity of JtaD , elf producing proftt fd, '1.1;. moo , ey .b, the "d ..of, , the blC mirror. "ne'r . the departure of Rutb and Naomi ber .• "Who, Indeed?" thollgbt Oobpha; bit· brand 8 eve ~ywhere •.~tb~f . are ' elvlDC . -'CoO... , . . "'arenta 1UI:t friend. had welcomed Iier' tllrly, III het' thought !' spe~i baok .to. ,,, . I Itt tbe children for ment.1 tood pure. DOll· . ",., I DOt ."1'0~ DC ~"",lIce. I ..~ , mel" .he .i:cl.tme4 it!ttlahlY, '." oO&1l·t I' , , , lion IIl ·tide; : :' _ anytblnc pretti ,Ill ' t1il....~', rllht ·ra,rallY. secretly rejolclag that that day wben ahe b.d ItoQd I'd- thl!' ·De Qult -Wby' I. It ' you ne..r . , 8enae:"-Bal~I,iIlC?re AmericaD. ,. .' A , 'ccorcl , last" ltJ. to USe, later.tlllt 'or. , "Well • .1 ca.":' chucikl,e d til. JOUIlI Ibe .. . . no I!'ngell. t9 lie domla.tedbY roadway ' wilh Rutb , .nd Naomi ' and ' f ' -'t ..p , .. , tile J.raeUtldi Wbtb.n who bac! come' h.d tlDal\~ turned bael aDd lett the lIahlog .ny more?.. " .. , ..• ..,.himember 0 '. commuu,1 1 .tO!lOA" man who wu .. tUnl 011 the .of&. '....ra before an" ,w ho' two to ... 011 .1000e. . Her ,"l• •ttlre '" ' Oo••"Ot Alwa",'Wortt., · . De ~ltt- I bave reformed. ' dl· '· ' ' •• Into tbelr m.ldlt • tne • _pea , .. m a. lIea,OI u pqt~'ReaJ1y' Aall what do you ... prft. , , , ."The w,y to let a thili. ~u p~,," ~ Qulz- Refbr med 1 ' dble to the ~mnnlt1 III "hloh 'i!. ' tJ''' In'' , bad ftrmly &lid,l y retuaed to seemed al thou«b moeJdng Iber ID ber 0;,' HIU- Yes. [ Ilgned t.1Ie .rl,. ... remarked the DloraU · ·flJ ·h ew. EYt!I7,"UU H '.pend. at Ilome "WlJ't 'fOIIJ~. ." III their, Idolatrona reuta IIId dl.tres.. Sbe tiaollcbt 'O f abhorYOIII'lflU:' .',...' '''PI to mab'II. ·Oft bolCU.... more ' . . . tllea Ih. lIJQbcd .... laid .11. pr.cUcee. auct" tile hell.... of JMJousY reDce' wllieh Wo.qif ball bad of tli. pledge and made • lolemn vow ae,er do "Ob. I don't kllt;>W," re)ollled the c!1t' ,. raJ_We 1IeOaue tile, are more Wable. tJacte.t the waIIt wu Jut teo 'Io~ &lid reaeDtlllent wllieh were. telt .t '(~ day. of ,the lrIOIlbltes. 'WlIa\ to tell • lie. moralizer. '~ J ba"e Il c!lltlllct and palo.· ~. . . '~.Dl1mltJ- , "'1, mo~ WI.. fer..,tIllDI. tbe Ume of her marriqe ~o the proQl' ,",uld ~he think of her IlC)'W In the Confident. ful recollection of trJlDI to' I'• .,• .,.. .lalcb to baT . IItt,Li1 ,~.I~tJ- • IslU youq Hebrew, Ch\JlOD. were for- m~dit o~ . .,.elf! ., She )Dew that . "Do· you tlIlak YOllr will lell ,once."-ChlC\~ ~IIJ ~ewi. '. ,ID .11 ~; "-'dI• •et, Ii DOt Ill""" ". I... ' ''''' ~ • cottell in the ~1I"UOD tbat Ibe 11'88 the God h.d Clult pla,lnl tbe r.ce. !': ', ' ," .. A ~, It NYQIMII cioDftalltlJ','n tlIe' "Do ,.,. IQP.OIe ~.. fd It OUOIt more "". of them. , &lid 'bo,u::t~;qribifajia:i.;;:~; j,." .......'u. "I'm lure ot It," III.Wllred 101Ine " .,.. "~I_ " teal drele at til cemm 1"- M1'IlIq _.- loll T' . But to Orpba IOmethlDI III tile old ber t1IO 'G ~ ' . - IlD ,,#, ' 011.ure ... Jaeklq. Sbe could 'DOt ell· :0041. 'Sbe mtallt Nn. Torklns. l'Tbe mODey call't ~t m.,•...,.v_ )'OUzal' ~na1lbIn• • priiIt for ' '"'1011, 1fbo "_u':':'......L. JIIIID~• . She did Bot ·uudentaad. q,d. but Ibe 'lIad , foreTer."-WulJlDatoD Btar. . quite a IOOtaI 11011 -QeD at - - -.-_ ucept that III the bid, home aad with .......... '" tIae WOI"ldDlp II..... \lUt· 1Ht baa oa~ ,& ..,.. I. 1IeuI.. ODID..... lateNit far ~ old frIttaCIa tiler. , . IOIIeWIIf .. . . . alae t.... ~ alllee lit. IDaI'fIap. . 1M . . . . . .it. Jta I• .,.....t .... ~ a4 ....... at tlIIIQJOIDtIMDt ,.., em... GIlt .. 1. .;....a.1 I ....~ Ida wlf. ~ trIeII to toriet It. ............. " - ' illI\ -. . . . . . .. DIlIr\ .a;~I....... . . . . ~ ................ . . latel ~ -.a" , eO!ll munlt,.. TRADING AT HOME ,tile , composed o[






















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Ucath Sunll nol1s ~omes to A. L, Farr.

wllll h,llll';u n ., III\'uI1l1, ) hill Nllil. 1,11'1 1 I·1l h,' with I IIln, HII\I IIlll\i~ lIr I" hl ~ on ,f'lIt ItI,tl h .. , ,, rI'U .. ,·.. hl~ i III '''1~'1 MI ~ :\:.I;;-I1~' " l 'lHlulHer , wl ,q h .. 1'l'OlJIinent BUlilnetIIJ Man i and W, U lug, Imt \l) wl1l'1l th." l'.HI , II".", ,,tl'tll1.1\ n btl II It Mit';; -<llul Itt"oh ..... 111 II,. Know Citlzen Passt's to' his tltlllllell t,) I" " ,' t) Ih •• til'l'lI ),,,oIy III d .. })~n v •• r ~, · h!\tll .. (lOr Il.'vo-r" I ,",'ltl' Reward ·. jll" Ilt'tt)le h' I'~' B fl.1 01'", hill 1'111 II "Jlpent~ toll ,,~nd ber v.. oallOIl 1">l1l in th e 11",,111 "f }\ J. ~'lIrr "'''lUll t ilt nJl with .. utllt /I 1'11'111 )1\1 IIUli e Iluty travllh ni th rougb 1,lhl PII ~ I . OCUIl led Frill,,\, Ilr Wliv I th .. t II• •·tlllllJ"d 11 r .. naotlon IIf lhtl \ Inoludllljf Pbl1l1delpbia IIlld. OIlh,!r n"!lvrlle lost on~ of iltl!J'Doiln b., t.' kllOl~U gl 'l!'Y of thA 1v:ior wh llm 1.11' 10\" d pulnuo l Int rest In bel' round~, .. nl! · 'il lz so well uno !lOl· vll\rl .~Q fnilhltll'ly . hopes to be o\ble 10 inQ\ \lde Wllyn,; s c . , us. "1 b il, 8.rt DI)t tlI nd , fO r dl;llith . vllleahlO, wb .. re IIhe lllliY hll H\lrA . ?Ir Farr IllOIl .M f tl ct()r tn t he 0 .. " on l\' tnk e owny the .lllprtnl of a wum welool\lll by " 11 ~ "'tiny IIfallf thl" ho\I1 commu ni ty for llirul st breuth ' . ftlf;lnlla here. lorty years. 1:111'\ In.llllun ce WAS Itl i\utllif e. ')lJlru e'n c\ll~ 11 ... 1' ~. WilY" I,he r l~ l ~t Kule lind hls Itl · 1£1 but tl1e llraln (\e to it,/! full , ClLreilr. Mliny readers of Ibe ·(Jsv.elto will t gr\tyOIJ unquel!t lOn eJ . AM n lmRI And bo)) unll rllitll the ' \)lest OS •. nn doubt be Interest ed in t he let1.o-r , S8 1111111 he 1I1 ~tlj.n. ed unuslltd "'110 s l1rnnoe give 1'eoelvml by the GII Z tte from Mr Ool88. In bl~ fllullly be W.ld .. ile, We do n ot live to dl \ve die t-o ' Mary K. AnderIH,n, formel·!.V voted 'hll.!loon I\nc\ father ond in 1I"e " ' . .Kingsto n, I&nd ",bo Is n ow living ID ever.V walk uf ubfa be left hi t! im far &WI&Y Manette , Wdt!hin ~t,() n pross IlS 0 capubl o Imd ,aft\oitiDt oiti YJ'li. ADder on IlAYs: • zen. . Mrs. Mary Ann Zell. I _houlr! very Dluoh enjoy "i~itlDj( .F·or t he Pllst yellT ,Mr. Fllrr's . 'the8Ot!nell of ,yout.b. but no iloubt b ult h hod helln " ralluull y foilin g Mrs. Mory Aun M Rinlley Zell, tbere hav\! been so DlOiIlV Obon~e.. IInct tbe. end oame. penoefuUy ..t dietlll t her home with her IllIugh in forty yellr~ T would fE> I mY8~(f 100s t , ~urrouu 1 quart .E name led dippe r .. lmO(lt 8 RlrtlDge r . !:io OIl t,ho whole hi s faUlIl.v . .ded by t 'le numbe r", of ter Mrl:! . LI1.:.!le Hawke · ualu prlUg VflUey, Oreene 0., Ohio, Juni! 3, round 1 doubt if It woulrl be wi a to ri k handl e well rivetFunerl lisenic es were he ld from 1907 1lged 76 y en.r~, 10 monlhs and delltroying tbe ilIolllons of YlJutb . hi s I.. te home MoodilY morulp g Iln,l 10 dIlY". ed, regul ar 25c kind specIt b'ad bet'n mliny years since I wer ll very lorgely Ilttend ~ by !:iltlter Zell W ,ltl t he do~ghter of beard a word trom Waynesv ille till .cores of his old neighbo rs ond Patr\ ':k and EI\~nbetD MoKiDs ey of ial fo, each last ve.'\r at Bome COming, wbeD friends who took tbls opportu Satur day nity preoiou s me ll~ory ' of' thlll flL :nily . 1'/, my de"r frleDd, !:iuBie Morfo rd Brud· W pay a Inst tribote ot respect . Une ~i..ter lind Ibree brother ll Bur. ford hunt-ed Ille .... p Bnd wrote to 11111. The religloo s serVIced were very vive her. J WM so plensed 1,0 hmlr from her huprOIl Ive and In ha lln ODY Tbu dece ..sed wus uuited In m&r. ouce m" .. , hut, Duly t,\\'o letters had wi l.b h l~ beautiflwere DECORATF.D FINE LARGE BELT ll ollrl t hin lIf". rioge to ,1!loob 11. Zell Mllroh 11. .DECORATED pl!88ed" be~wee n U8 wben the sBd Rev. Beuj Bawkln s. pastor of t,he STRA 1 02. W TRIN KET . Brothe r Zell IlIIving passed BLUE oews calDe t ha t m y denr frleDd wa... Orthod ox Friends ohurcb CIJINA BUC LKE AN UNI end t,ne "woy Sept I'm bel' 28, i H9Ci. ']'0 t his BASKET. . HINGED gone. 111m @:Ilid she WIlS ~O 'ortn 2:1 rd Psa lm ' Rev J F . Clldwal PLAT E, CUP and llider. union were boriC lie von . ohildre n , HEARD OF BAR~ Date In her ohoioe of a hUbb&nd. Sht' 'rector of 'St. Mary's Protest COVER. VARIETY OF ant Mr. Frllnk Zeit. ldr . •llImllS Zell of SAUCER • . THE 3 WBII II dl'ar 8wellt girlllnd we loved Epllloo.Jlftl ohurch made a GAIN fervent W\1ynesville Ohio i Mr. Ray Zell SHAPES eaob other Vllr,\' dellrly wben girls aDd eloquen t pr~lye r, wbloh PIEC ES each WIlS Bud Mr. c 'each ~orlloe lBPE CIAL 7,Al1l of Xenin AT VllIo; c each $Ogelher. ~y Coul'lo Addle Keys 18 foll .)\ved by Rev . Pbillp FOR Trout-. LI~le Buwke of ~prlDg Vili. t·he only one lefL in Wayn8ilville. pastor of the M. E . ohoron, 1 IDIRjltnl', who .re wem bers me and read aD obituar y anet eulogiz who · ley, Ohio i Mrs. Nellie EVIIIl of , ed the Sprlngfieh.t Uhio i Ollie pDllsed nwny !lhe Willi only ~evllut.een wben I hll~t d eceu8t!d from his owupe rsonal AVl(ul:lt 5, 1896. tlRW har:' She Willi a!\vays a dear, knowle dge of B,n d well 'l'bo!! the tam,lIy. h .. d their K'!ollrou_ girl Please exooee tllis spent life. R t\v.blsW. long, M. Oo11'lua n, II sorrOWiI lind theu' JOYs. \\'s III of YQ\lr II , e, your "Very former p1'8tor, olosed tbe simple '1'~ose whu kDew h ~r intimat e. frlt'ul11 v Dote mUilt be my exouse. but impres servioe s by offeriDg Iy will !IU~ tue OOmDlt~D1ty illlB lost 1 CIt'; iIiie.. by It tbat whatev er pr" yer. A qoartet te tbe M. II go('d DIlIKbbor, th e .oburob· a ~ooil clJ.tllI~e8 Dave taill'n place in Way. E oholr eao!( Beveral from approp r iattl me mber IiDd tbe fllDuly a dtlvoteil nlltlvl11e tbe klnl' Wllrnl' hearts oUhe hymns wblob were favorat es of thE! lind IDdulge nt' lll\lltbsl· . I·th' pl e \love not . o)JaDge!l . . ,J, . very deceaSed . he was ever plro ' lIp ~ aoll lOuoh Plljoy yonr bright.. interest . Among the vhlltors who attended Iu ·sympli thlze and reliave t.her6l\dv sut iug pllper lind bope it. will meet the fonerai of 'Mr . . Farr were- f(mng an(1l1lert to the \v"n ts ~nd wlt,h the BUoo888 it· deserve s . Mr. and Mrs. A. F . Tatt. Sr. So'n th needs of otherl!. .Her ohllir and ·Oharls ,ton ; MH, F&nn1 M. Brown, place In tbe home Is f ..rever "BOunt, Notice of Appo intme nt. 8t~ubeD vil1e, Obio; Mr,a.Dd Mrtl. A . bot ber VOloe is mingle d W,l tb . tbe EJt:lt.e of Ruth A. Cbel,owU b, (\eoe~ . F, Taft . Jr. of Dayton , Ohio; Mr, lovell oneil In Our' ..·Ilther 's beauli· T be uDllersl,Ded b been a.ppolntec1 and and Mrll. L.a . Vinson Dayton , n,; lui home wherll lue no be~rt· 'Mrs Sarah ' , 0 i !Whes or (.ears. there qualified .. Ex.cull;r of lbe Estate of Ruth. MI.s Je8n Ferguso n' Da.y&on , • , CONT~ST . A. CbeDo.eLl>, lale Of \Vl\rrea County. Oh io. Rev. and Mra. C011'ma'n; &blo. O. ; 'fhe ,p resence tbe fRmlly, tbe Jane Chan dler, ' Mr. ~nclllrs , C, ·R. Funsto n, Yellow 'gruDd ohlldreJ) .lI.nd ueigbbp r~ at ' . deceaaed . · ' . " , ' , ' . ' Springa Q . Ilaled Lhls Ath dOly o r Juno A.. D . 11101. . '. '. ·ue funer/ll servloe B ,t.old how well . 8o,roh June Ulluiel Chan~l (lr W ItB School Ball Waynesville OhiO, . Th~ followi ng obitoar y was ~. alie w .4sloved . '.\'be floral W . n. Allen June 13, 1907 at 8 o,clock • wreatll ' . Ilt tbe fnnl'ml : ' . " ' gllVe thdir • silent @IYDlpat,hv a'nd the born neu.r Wlnobe ter , Louden o. Executar. GIven under the Ausplct's 0 f t he . C. T. U• AtkinsO n Luther ' Fan WitS .borD longs by Mrs. fdllrlilbu ll ot Spring Virglnll\, Jul y 31, 181 And Qleu ..t , In Coxsac kie, Greene CouDty, New Vlllley whispe red loving Topic Christia~ itize. ship oodeDces, tbe Cha ndler botlle..tesd :IX mih.>11 1'I0tice of Appo intme nt. York, March 14,1 29, aDd weDt to to thebea rts sodeep ' PROGRAM ly !>ereft. west of Waynes ville Ohio Jqne 5. 1 , bill Friday June 7 l.907 from .grllnd tbus to live . honored by Row Music No Lice I. bereb, IIlvCD tba~ tbe under· his rest 11-11 home in 'Wayn~vl1le,' OhiO, () . h ' ] How preoiou8 thos to die DlI~8ed by 1907, lIged S yeM~, 1 mont. I . .1gne4 blls been duly appointed and quail. aged 78 years 8,.. . 2 m;)ntlis 2<& da.ys. nM~~~lon all. All ripe and mellow frolt talis . dllYs. . ' lied by tbe P robate COurt of WaneD Oounty,. • . . Wbile' qnlt~ a young ~hUd, ' b,,, il;), dn,e season to the grouod i liS tbo !:ibe WIlS tho ooond in 8 fl\mlly Of I Who ill R~9Ponslble 0 1110, all Ilucutr l" of th.e 1a.1l will Gild teat ..· parents remove .' d &0 M,Iildlebury, fl\lwer hangs "its bead !lnd ~roops five No.1 mebt of lIi~r, Ba.lly d.ceased. hue of I3ld Vermo nt wbere ohlldre n, who with their )ll\f What FOl the d~aaed 1'6- aud dl08; as tbe slln at eveDIDJ,ts Nd. j ''<IUnty. ' d Sid E ton ilided until he wali 'twenty one vMrs 010118 81nks calmly into t be Solo 0gean 's ents, BeJ;l nlllln .n . EIIEllbctb Bally·, ney en The Ambula nce . Wa,nesv llle; 01110. June 8, 1lI0? of .ge. At tbe age uf twenty' , hili bed leaving traQksI of glory behind i 01\111111 mo,ved to OhIO lind settled. No. e Christian ilizensh lp fatber " gave blm hi8 'Ime" Ulel'e·. so did s h,e Ieave t b ell8eart bt M UI I y SOl)nes No. " lit ' R ooh esttr nOM' orrow 10,. Solo by allOWing bIm ~eio. of all be wlthoo t a " Iltrug811~ ~nd withou . . Publi c Sale ' t " about 18B3, aUll t he snbjeot of th is Crlms~n Ballo.t ~arned, .U pon leAviDg Vermon t,. slgb, bel' faltb Wafl true aDd trutb· . ,.. No. [, . sketoh. ('fos'lIeu tbe Phlltp Hopkin s will offer at he took up his residen ce jo .M . NG.~ . Fitch: fnl.. She walked . with aD abiding Mountn lDII 'i p tbllt journeyAlIegll!lUy , AJII14mcan ChristIan ltlzens publlo 1181e, Saturda y, JUDe 22 burg ldauaoh on fobt Wl8tta worldDg ilt ·II8UBe of her' boaven ly Fluber '!\ . W'th(J U~IC f Jud ges Here b· the boneeh old gooda of his alster, bis t~de all -, I rllwa 0 ciablnet maker, presenc e and waB ready' wheD he f!hoem~k ertlllr r~ther follo wed the M1M mlisabeth Hopkin s, at .her late beiDg foremaantaDoy trade for mnny years. The Court of Last Appeal ,Decision of Judgell . In a largefa otorya t called her home, Mluy H. Terrell : ' bome 011 Fourth ah:eet. Full partio- thatpla oe. ~ilrllh JIl'ne's mother pll8seu to tho I! adl ti 'rbe' toneral ' sel:vi~e8 WRJI , O(:lU hlgber life ab~~1840- bnt bt!t ulal8 nen week, .f1lt Bere bt! met and ~ tbe O'De doated by Rev. LeClair . 1lI818~ en c 01) who; for more .t han fifty·fo nr years R \lv . G. B . Bar~r of Bellbr~o b.v er lived to .the ' extrem e ' age of' 95 . CO,NTESTANTS '. h8s been hi, compan ion, and on The ·text nsed WIll be founu j[ O. yellrs. Luella Cornell In th(! MlInr yeari! of tbe maiden life of Agnes ScHwartz J&nnar y 25, 1852, be was united iD 6a ~BaIDl, 4th .-yerlo. SIII'Bh JaDe waB SPllut In . ~he faml marrl"g e &o}(lu Mary u.. Taft. To (jod IJrlUlt l:illl hllBSaiDg to Jetflie Marlatt rBltt up Iy of t:;amuel Bnd' Bannah · Bulter. tbls union were born five obildre n, 011 the fomUy that hl}ve 1u.ldilo, Henrie tta McKinsey , ' goo.1 wortb wb om sbe reve red 1\1'1 pl\r 'l three BOnlJ ~Dd t"o da.ugh~~, two r a mother to rest. ' " oerttfa Kenrick. ' . en~, and as 0. token cf their 111gh Specul~tioh of the'son e Clytlljltn ~!anoRy.;belll Winnie Meredl Ut P. L, C. esteem of bel' 1:!1I1Jlnel lI.ud IB.,annha\h During the War of ...e . e o n , " -. _ t.roated ber .88 they ,wou .. t; ' e l' _es~ Cloth ing Specu lation . beowaa engaae dln tbeilnia ...-, binR de· Notic e o)wn Obl)d . Later she made U her Fune L_ a ral of . . tisfaoto..... . . way fO.r par'meD t 'o f thbe ArmorAy~ath8prllng. ay 08 Pleas ant Occas ion', . ---- 'J home wi~Fb her s i 8!er ..~oohel field,,MaaeiiO WHltta. • teo Ole J'8 . Miss Lizzie Hopk ins. ;enJoyed b"' Easte rn Star . BOme peo~l to get rid of tbelr of . ~ran~lln alro hi ld ,0 f .worro" OM hl tha war "'lils wife being In ·pour Ba.v I ng d oclded o. ,., 1'0 qUit -..,..,....:~~~._--::"~ Februa ry ~SI 18.01 ' shn ·nnlted In 'money..... '. , health. tha:': ~~h tbelr two da'ugb- nltore huaine I am, pre))arethe Fur· . Munday eveDlng'>Y8!O ,be oecaf.\(' t1 d ~, dl! .. ma.t rlage wi.tb Cbl\ndl er at I The fu'neral " of But if yoo have a care where ters,'oa me to Oblo, I18ttling MIs~ LIZZIe Bqp bf tb'e a!l'noal ht'lIll1!.ottlID Q, tbB l\0(1 YOllr ~oney goes, and want to get tinllvll le,ln Olin ton Connty at Mar, Tote all my thoe to th~ O~,1ertak t,he Friends MeetlDg hoose at , ~O'i kiUS.' ~l\Dstl death was anDoonced III al obllpte r of th" Etts~r~ 8~r, tbe , where my iift b~~t~s. I~:,:inlt. ti fitted up k onester Oblo; oecordl ng to the mar IOljt week's paper took place . from . tbe full wortb of your bard earned a. tlrotbe r lind sliter of Illdl8llb Mrs r:o,noh . Fur ~1l'S~ 01888 dee tf k:\ngll. tEO cuh, don't specul ate-bay where were located , 'Bfore be wa.eng ~bollel a 'riaige servloe of chnrcb. ' With ber J'8te reilden08 on F.ourtb 8treat 'and tlie (0()()" j)f .t he Ma.on~ OrodOl' aged . n. l' I ' ng 8.11 . B I . . him sbe trod ~hetha.t ,,"I on wall ILft 41)joJahift you klio~ every oont's worth of In the grooery b\l8lneea pathwa y otlllfe in , for three men~, nexUo Crolll!l Bros . ,on Miami much pence u.n~ Ollt! Foliowi nK the iU8pec~on b.Y value i8 pnt Into a 'mit, We 'b ave years and it was bere dome'l\t ,lo felullty FrldaY! l;fterDu o.l. rha tlervlo08w:>re Ih'e ,Dlstrlot IllJlpeotur, IIUpPfl wall til at the str~ Wa\I:88 vllle Ohio.• Wbere 1 unftl bls delLth 10. ~ptembl)r, 1901. ollDdnoteil Ilcoordl ag to Ill!' simple !lenetl ""tl .. ver'!! t eVflDhll< to ' . llea8Oll, and on that ' Rcooon ' (lIln WaYD88vUle, OhiO, andremove d &0 II Mr. I)enl. ~ • _ .:zdsz__ . . ' 0 r ber family Old whllt they COUld. t-o afford now to oO:er. 1'00 better opened a grooery in a .mal,1 !'arr . roqm'/ riD~8 ........ ....... . oheer ber ana make. her d~linlDg mllny yean. velu88, . In the' Aman bnltdm~, where by I~. . : . ~"" .. . . . . . ~ ~ . \ ' years.peaceful aDtl comfor tlibl... !t'e euy to make broad olalms on def"'t'lgneablelnduatrv.8~rict Frl.,nd B,ethla Fur nfl 8, ,~rlend " . bOD08· ~~"''''' ~ i ' ..,. , Sbe.w8-' ~oljoit.Q nll or J~e o?~fol!t Bsnj . lll~wkins OoDd a e v' Jl&pera bantblg stookB bongbto hooP, ty,aDd .ooorte ou8tre a'ment .rhl~lp .,.. . . '. ' . , forall, " , " but-bo w 1181dom 'these olaints are be suooeed ed beyopd bl8 , ' . oflhoe whh "'hom I!be .. t m~~lJle d' Tr,ontt ookp.'\I;tiDtbeserV'iCt1wblob 'greatetJ . noel "ben helllL.h p~rlDitt ~d b\llllljd bOrne oat to a man wbo Is partlou lar expoota.tJon!l, 'an{l.todaY ~bere wll!lutt eu'aell by ftInnv . !rlenrl" lind .ta~d. 1 , h erllelf iu ,thllt sendee , . abQuth ls perl oua I appear anoean d as a monum '3nt to bie buslnes .. ' ·k· 1 . ·'1" 'tb l InZIM M~R ' .' MA' .' NS the. bfe of his olothes . .~l'hey are tegrlty Rellllzl ngt.hl1tF II~her'. c~lue .wou1i1 ~ (lDe ,of. the· beet nelgtb B~!:iodtQO 1,)1\,, 0 n , e , . ." , , • ere jung renp tHo ripeued gr~IJl she Fr.I ~JII~!lnr$ usually ' leftove rs tbat n,oboby bli8ln811888 In the State. grocery ' hurying gro\l"d lo . , , In , 1878 , ' . . , '. ' , • ilet her bouse .lo Qrfler an~. only wanted . ' . . tbe .firm was. obll~ged to Fan & , . " '. ~lllted Bere's how you 'll save money White be baving taken the 011,11 ~o oome llP lll gber , Postp oned . , bla eon I n - . . ' .' bere : 'rhQilgh SIlA WA" able to fl ssjat In . . law !.h. .J. Will Wbite, Iniq . Jl&rt. , ., . ~·· S Special Low Price,lI alUhe t S~tul~day '~$ ' the hoosah "ld dotles ·of' her hflllJfl '10 SU.L1~ ...... ... ........... $2 SAVED nershlp , . u~~ll1 We<lne~~y: , ,_. . 7 tim~ on EverytJ llng. .,. ; and tbus .p~ '12 SUITS .......... ..........$3 SAVED s !IwllY the !iDg~ri ng .. . From 1873 to ,J1,lne SO. 1&81, he --:- . " , . . . Gra);e Nuts 2 pkg, for 25c,. . ~0~r8i oWIng !O tlle feebhml!s8 ILt ' Uwt,ng 'to phll lhreo.t!, .'16 SUiTl:!, ... .. ... ... .......... $5 SAVElD Willi P08tmoa&er or WAyn"" plng,wPRt.her Shrede d Wheat ~ t:endunt upo!,! Il~e she hns kept olo~~ !1 ondity nigh , 80 few pe ~li" 818 HUI'l'S .... ...... ........ ... $5 SAVED and for II. Dumbe r of years ~\le, l18r'fedj With each p.\r of $2.00, . . Bi8cuit 2 for 25ei .20 sun'S ........... ....... ... $5 SAVED ILti Il membe r,oUhe oity ooolil0ilto bt;lr owu firfSlcle r,)r, tile past 12 ablp ~o b6llr ' 'Or ,lamM B. D II w"re W"t.Mnn, . .' $2 50 $a 00 shoee ..old Hardy tood'a nc!l . . months . $268UI 'l'S .. .... .......... ... .. $5,SAV ED ' . tbe rRmOUS BII! b9me. Ufe ~8 no lees lel""l :Wrt altd leoturer Af the ,or,. . EnObel ! 3 for 25c \ ". ' Sbe W A a ]tfetlUle m~m~ler 01 the, M: E. Churob Ilt Lytle, Gel tusy now I Follow . the than biB pnbllo, bullin,e u life, It . Willi . " Satu~a.y we ~dl.i~e 25e . ' kind , . ' _ _•. lI~ety of FI'~~n~8, fully tI~ .1pOldEjd 1.0 ~8tp0r1e t,be thlLt m~~ ! All road8 Ie.\d to .;tose aDd affeotioDate bU8batid, an aInd~lleo .\1re 10111 t worth of hOIl~ "'.ihell ~... . Wheat Berrie s-The New , ~ , _, tende(l its 'rt:h~i ou~ 8~rvloea while Wedpesdl\Y !;lveDIDg, .(tt nlgb~) CobeD s Store! gent and faithfu l ' fatber, a st,vDob .. : . ..; ~n~, your own !lelee- '. I • Food~Just in-onl y JOe ' healtb !I~d ~I~en,, ~h permitt ed "ud nr,. WatAoD Is one qf ~h~:cou frleDd , o ohrlstlllin gentlem a.n at all a packag e tion. . ' ". ' • : , . ,: . . I.r-Iell to hve uut Ul\~ talloh prln mOllt famous lectore rs and .!lt,~:v B tlape8, bow' muoJ:l all thIR_. meaDS to . II Iftr/l:e ." . Bl \ d " it '1' ed' e . _t I ___ oiples o~ (. bel' ahos!,n p~ores8 ion . . "udien·c e should 'be out to \,!PAr hh;n. those wbo'ar e lett to await the . re' Ile .n . ~ I e In.... n,.1'!' . Strawb erries .' _ Ser Illllt ,,upe8s lusted only fqor: .. Be· villited ·tb~ Clftlh ~1{1~hl • union OD t~e otber sid~. r, eletl ware lJtri~Uy first/! ~o every day d"ys and did Dot Ilppehr .allt.rmlDg. Plllnt at na,toll 'mead" , UDder the pastora te of. 'Rev. Mr.. ' .md wllJ . cullli. J • ___ . ' un'll t.b, tb e eVf\~tng before lier d!!RreturJl RaUelg tp Lvtle h of ·the f;odl\Y, . M. E . ,Cbarch at ,,;v. 16 qu~rt'Diih pans 57e . . '. Ore CLOTHE S, ' Wb",D the 8~lrti ·,vork of pneum!lu ' The Leotore will tl\keWf'dnPM . Martins ville, Ohio, be ·was oonver~ ' ·~ P',me...A ppl Ilt the' S ' .e8. a:~~gu!n.n~e. • f ! ' i'llIni~hed die Qilu.11l It..nd th.e Mndle M. E. C~urob at ·Lytle. plfloe . .' ed and made bla.hom e witb tbiS de.... A'rl~. I ~sl' !D q,u., ~ t ·n • ~ pana 49~ · ', .. ' __ t:. : <" . ' went <nit. .~ . , . .., , . 10 snd 20 cent08. Ever~bo<\ t , onme . '. , . ."1~ qua~ DOmina_Ion" a1thl)ugb from early ~uck.ets 5ge : '.' We are still paji6g •• .;' . The 'f~eral B,~tvloes were lleld'lI,t bOYI!0OObelaB:clbeen suob a faltl,l . .. ..., . ~ quaT;t K~tt'i" ~ .~.. ,', . f. . . ~ theFrle .' . u~s ,o~u~oh .(wh,te . fulll:Ue ndant upon \,11 t~e . meaDs of brlQk) . ' C For. Egp .,. 6th l1&y the 7 Inst. lit oleveD .'):oloolr f~ " 5quartCOtr gl!aoe' llnd oontrib uted 80 freely to ',' .. .i'TJ , .Remembe~\ve giveee~ H' h 't M k 't '" fine . ,' .. 1 L whlo)l W1l8 . lllrg!!ly lhe suppor t of tbe Cbarob , tbat . at~eDde d by ' . . : .,.... .,' .'~. '. Ig es ar. e. . ~ . '. . " Bym~tblzlDg friends. , ' . \ '. . ' "n, peop!e.. t~o!1ght Mm a ·~e.mber: .of premiu m•. trade·.· _ ' . Prl~e for. ~utt~r . . Approp riate test{moD~ Viall ofEXC\1RSION TO tbe Qbnrcb, and from· tbe thqe of alg~ea tm.rbt:price'pa~d ... .. .CaUan,d ,8& ~~ , : fer~ biY ' fdends ' Matilda 1!'Dder. , •. ' ' marriag e, ,family d.evo~lon!J and h . . t.,r .PrOdu ce"briq u~ 10a..· w\)od, ~etJ;ila ' 51n UIUI, RevereDd , a l>18S8inginvoked of God 1't. e,oh .. 11. . chicken . we pay tOe In' Cadwal lader, 'fro at and Hawken s. . . ~Oc'. meal, "'~ tbe. dally oo'tol':'··.of his . . .' '" ' . luternie nt-ID tlie 'il'ieDds Grave IIlAlh STalK']' WAy5Jt 8v I LDR. ,0 . .&bund , :t~de for' Bene.. (ife. For a third of a centnry . be (' . . ' . yard. , ' Trip baa served &8 a Trustee of the M: E . , ~D l'oom next. d(lC)r to Orl'lIfI Bros, ., . ... . l'he ~I ! bearers Qllorob of tbls 1I1.ce. · 'were ~Iltullel Harll W"'I e St.,lro . ' . . . OF OOU RaE Butterw orth Owen J . . Bnrnet t, Eli . . " ' It seem~ llt~ng that in bill lata ~ " 1 ' . ' ~ D. Burnet t, JallOn J,., Sheeha n, Ed Sunday June 16 II1nelll, aftEr ~n all .b ll, "Dtlel1boDe in,~ hooll!! and oftlqe . , win Tboma und· WilIl.n l1'. Framo; where I o..n -bCtoal • --ve Dl'.ay.n--v ille 8,28 ledday ' a. m. orDlgh life t, engage ~ cl'in miiit;,t . to' t~ ~ . • '. &A:a ~~ "i . . . sick (for, ·tbe pallt 40 eri~g A, B. 0, years, hie \. . Vallily. rhona 14-2, ' . I ....... ....... ' .... : . .' .• . . ..... . . . ~


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Mose 'Cohen Makes a &hort 'T alk On







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S' 'KILBON'S" ·' S·



SI)ecml Ba.rga.Ill for June 15 . .








•. Pennsy'1vaola . :·I'N · -=-S






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JUNE ,19, 1907.



NUM8~ ~IISO .~-'-


~·~~~~ ·_~~~"_~_~~I~· ~~~~l\'~~~__ ~£~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The OIorlous Fourth IPERSONAL ~Nb Oratorical Contest In Waynesville. LOCAL ITEMS was of much Interest. Farmers, buy ·your twine of Billhop at Corwin. . MIIIII Stella Lemmon Is home from Shllllherdson OollecJ Uran.· vUle for the Bummer vacatl~n. It· hal been ~ number of years i f DaThy*'>n, s • IDae Wayne.vUle had a genulnt! 1~ltral' Phhoebe Tyh80n , °M v... ng er d aug ter ra. omas Fonrth of July celebrallon, but If Zell ' plans now under oousiden.tlon are ' . carrted ou~ tbe Eaeie will so&r ov. Mr. and Mrs. Upshure White are er cbls V101~tty and scream in 1oy, visiting . Mr. • White'8 par~ntl at t.,) Uberty IlS It bas never done be. Owensboro, Kentucky. fore. Raymond MarlaU has taken a 'l'here will be two ball Kamea be. position In the finishing Depar'· 'ween 'he now famous Waynesvllle ment of the Barney & Smith Car .team and probablv a JJayton team. Co. at Dayton. Tbeq it la propo8lld to h&ve aMra. Semuel Pugh has returued . ~me between tbe fat's and thel8ftns . home from 1\ visit with her daugh. 'This In IMelf o~ghf to , dr&w the wr, Mrs. Peter Baines, at Miami . popolROO for ml,es. In antlolpatlon ville. . .of thla coutes.t the vill"Re Marshall Mrs. Verne Kelly, of Dayton, ac. ill aWltlorinlll tn a suffiolent number oompuii"d by two itttle ohUdren of .of deputies W eee that the fllt men that olty, spent Bunday a~the home cst aD ev~n obanoe on base ruunlng. of her father, J. H. Caskey. There te .. possibility that either . Jobn L. ~ulllvan or Bob 1!' I&Slmmons Missea Mary and Clan B&wke can be 'lIeOared to umpire the game bave returned home from a pleas. Dr. JIlllill will be on hand with bis ant visit wltb Mr. and Mre. John famoDII Arelca bArrel. Fromm or Dayt-on. . The Nation'. Birthday will be Flttiolrly Observed here ae· c:ordirilr to pla.n l now under way.



Rebekah's Notice

All mellubers of ' t he IWbekah lodge requeSted to attend the reguhu meeting ot the lodge to be held Tuesday evening, June 25lli . The Oratorical Contest given u.n· Buslnet18 of great Importanoe Ie der the ausploes of the Woman's to. be transacted. 111 Lt z1 Y Cbri8ttan Temperanoo Union at , rs. ~,e .eazelJ." J:!oo. School Ball Thursday evening was I an ent Ie SUCC888. Corwin. Six young ladies toolr part In the oontest, · Mtas88 Agnes Schwartz ~t81 Goldie Ravedon of Clnoln. JetI8ie Marlatt, Benrletta MoKin: nati visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. eoy. Bertha Kenrlok, WInifred Mer. Arnold Su~day . edith and LUlllla Cornell. All of the OrlltlODB were along Ml". James Saletl ·and Billier Mrs. temperanae lines ILnd everyone of Mary Waterhouae. Misses Alma tbe young 1adillS aoquiUed her. Waterhouse, Swllll Lemmon and self oredltably. . Benrietta ,MoKlnsey went to Leb. Mi88 Luella Cornell, who spoke anou Saturday In Mr. Sales new on "Amerloan ChristIan Cl~lzencl" auto and alitended the Carnival and WAl! awarded the prize by tbt! judg· took part llll the automohtle Pl'rAde. es Mrs. B. l~. Booth visit~ relatlvell . Mra. Mary H. Terrell ef New In Uindlnnatl and Lel;lanon seve.r al Vlenna~ a daaghter of . Rev. Benj. daY(llast w,eak. Baw=:s aDd who elnJoys a WIde MIBB t:\teJla Lemmon returned repu . on as an e ooutlonlet of home Ir Jm Granville College Wedmore than ordinary ability, ravored nesdayeve'Dlng. the audience with a reading "The Several Ko"om here attended the Court, of last appeal. I t . ' Music WIUI furnished by Me88rs. O.mtest at I~he Waynesville Bohool Bal) Thursday evening. Fred Sherwood, Fred Benderson " Le roy I rons,- Ch ar1ey 8 herwoouJ Mrs.Benj. Mills Bnd son attended Prof WU80n B Ie MItt R .h the CarDlvBlI at Lebanon Sl\turday. . , e n ar a , u. Zimmerman and Jeanetto .1anney. Mis8 Uladls Stokes of Clnolnnati Is villlf.lng Ibor fl.unt Mrs. Bowar~ Booth. Six youn.r ladies participated and all spoke well.


we have satisfied our roving quest . New. 6urlington • Sur:ely a trip' to Fort Anoient cou· ~ not faU '<> be a pleaslLnt one as w.,}) M~lIs 'N ancy Icenhour' remltlns ' in as giving you 'somethlng to ' tliln k a. ve ry critiolLl condition. of. Meears. William Duke, ..Arthur Mis Florll HIlr1an Is' entertajnlng Greathouse, Barry OrahaID and E. her friend Miss Brady"- of Mlamle. J . .Carmony paeaed a .pleasant, Sun· burg, day &t that pillce. . , Mr. IlDd ,Mrs. Enos BIll of Cedar· Mrs. ·K ate Jobns and Miss Bla.nohe vUle visited re latives here on !:iun• Cornell who went to IndlaDn. last day. . Wednesday are enjoying themsel ves hugely In the B oosler State at J . !:S. Leaming 11\ preparing to the present time. move bls houae aqd Impro\'e it. Mr' an •• Mrs . Ed Kettermun en. Born, to Parmer 8t.auley and joyed a ple~sant Sunday with Mr. wife, formerly 'at thIS plaoe, a Ion. and Mrs. S" mnel8enkleof Lebanon Linley Mills of W,,"ynt!lVille is Quite a number from our vll1ag~ visiting at the bomll of his grand. and vicinity attended the Carnival father, B. F . Mill8 . in Lebanon I)n t:mturday and report Mrs. Boraoo Compton very pleaa· • fine tipte. MI88 Helen St. John antly entertained her t)Qnday Scbool and her brother Leon took in the olass and friends on Wednesday ev· whole thing trom 'rhunday until enlng. Saturday staying in the mtllmtlme Boward Leamlng baa retarned to with relatives . hi' work In 001umlJue after havlnK epent aevera1 weeka a' bl. hom.e here. Springbor~

Mlea Arline Elliott the ohlld elo. Wellman outlonlst gave &D entertainment at tbe. M. E. Cburoh &turday evening u , and Mrs. ";n mer "'--ra .... d r .". ~ .... .1 for the benefit of the Epworth RrandobUd of Day ten have . been But tbe tat alJld m.,18I&n glOme i. Bf!njamln LtppennoU and ·daugh. Leagno. Th9 eoter.tainment W vleltl' n".. remtlv"s here for the ......t ~ hi .-OIll Y' one of the many 8~ t nga ter, Mrs. S. U. Davil, spent several fine a...nd WIiS well attended. ~he -Is ~-k . . . " •I..... "gg CIOn_mp days w,*h Cinolnnati friends the oe~tainly a wonderful ohild . oon8ld· "'-. N. B. Rlob and -'fe en.-r. A band wl11 dilCourse Iwee' mulilo first of tbe week. i hi...... all day long with Ii oonoert thrown ' er ng e e s only nine years old. tained at an elegant dinner lut ia ia tbe evenln . Then there will Mr. Fred (,aekey arrived home Sund&y morniDg she sang two solOS Friday, Rev. lind Mra s.qent of ..... I'" gil trom the Ohio S...w Unlveralty for Oreat Celebration at at the M. E. ohuroh. Harveysburg. Mrs. Ida'ManDon IlDd .- rann n. raoetI, IW mm ng raoel Mr. and Mra ~ MoKlnsey were Q , aDd ever,thlag .pouible to enter. ttnhe sammer vaoation Monday even· Lebanon Fair Grounds. Lebanon visitors Satnrday. uite a number from htlreatte.?d aunt, and Mrs. Ml\nd , Oleaver and tala the orowds that It Is hoped wlll g. ed the Carnlvul at Lebanon Satur. oblldren. Th di Arthur Zen, at Granville, Is vislt. d y Mr. O. N. Bitoh, of CiDoinnatl, erector!! oUbe WlLrren Coun. log hi. frie1nd John ' Lemmon tbis 11. . , . . Mrs. Mat&te Davia Is Im~ovlDl oome. Bllward Early IlDd wife . and verY fllli t now, but Is .tlll Tef1 .'011 partioulars will be given by spent Sunday wif.b his wife and tf Fair AiBooiatlon IAre planning for week. bate who are spending the eummer a great Fourth of July oelebration Thomu Mmer and wife were in W!lllt, ithe was out ridlng. 80Dda" th.·Gazetw next week. with their aunt, lIlaa Belen Kelaey. on the ·Falr Groands at Lebanon Mrs. Belle lWeder had quite a I the parade at Lebanon. evening, her many WPl'e Ibis year. serious accident Sn~day. tlhe was Mr. Oharles Pence &nd .w lfe are very glad to 1!88 her oat ODOll mOr e. Lon -A pocketboolr, between There will be a num.ber of rILC8II standing on a. ohair fixing. a vine home froOl their oottage at Ohatau. 0 lrl U I b Ii If • ,. Mrs. Brown "s WaynelYtll.e and Lebanan, lalt Sat. of various 'klods, .... ae ... .: 11 gam ..... , when she lost her balance and fell 'qua fo' fe d M'" I ' a ey ng el yan, , w e a~e ,tl.·. ........ ""' , l' a. ways. ra ... en~e s jololng over the arrival of ' a' IWW , Condition Serious. da ur y. Finder return to Jamee eto., and it IS the Intention to matt! breaking b()tb her arms. ill with tonsilltla .lIIr•. 'r.•1, Brown, woo fell and Benbam or Gazette office, and reo .ble the beIIt oolebratlon ever given M B . ~ , ed apr! on ,.t he 14 . liIfote her hlp Il~OU~ a mont.h n , ceive reward. on the gYounds. Lytle. rS'II;~~s~rls 'on enwr~ln Mra. Annl\. Jordan and .daagh~, M H Q severa t e g r a oroqoe' par· Edwina of Columbus are ~ oOODtlnutl. bi II. v~ry, orl\loa1 oondl n . . . . Alexander, of Ehda • _ • 'y Frida~ .~fternoon fro/Il 2 antU 4. several weeks wiSh rela"... 'bare, etiOD. ·~ '" OhIO, is .villttnl her mster Mra. ltily Lebanon's June Mr. and MrtI. Lee Muon and ~r. ~If Gilpin and family ar~ en. Mra. (;larloyTurDer also of Col. aer auJrerlop are Int.enllll ",lid Smith and peeting her many fan;tily lpeut t:aturday night and .tert-alnlng Jay Knox who ls . jusi limbUs is spend1l1l ' ~e'veral Sbehot w_~ar;' of coarse agp.· Waynl!llvitJe friend I . Carnival ~ Suc~ss • .tlunday ."'lIth Mr. and Mrs Uhar18s home from a western sobool. with her bome ' folks Mr. . Bir... " ... her 1IfS!lotton.. A. Q. Brada&r~t OUDe dOWD Clark. l'hey came to .-certain Tbomas li'me and family are eD· W wi k . .. • ,, . from AleuDdersvUle .t!aturday ev. LarJe Att4!ttdanee ~nd Creditable Charl8ll' oo,ndition and foand bim ·tertalnmg tbelr daughter 6fttrud~ aro. ' . , IFratel'l1al Orders eDing and waa &ooompanied bome Ente....inment are Feature., to b3 a very Ilok man, oonfined to from Cleveland. Mr.•Toe D&vla pf tbe N . C. B. ,a; d t h i f bet'.. DaISOn w at home Sanday. . his bed Will Decorate. S Qn~y by Mrs. Bradatreet who The Lebanon Welfare League , ,an ye op ng or Mlr John Penae of Mt. Holly visited ,', , _ _ ___- _ -:-. . bu been a8llts$l111 in OMlng for inaogurated and tias s11OOO118fu1ly times to ootne. his ~nt Mias ~artba Penoo SQn~y. Mr. and Mr~. Charley Gra~ aDd ~'be looallodgee 01 Odd FelloWII ~er luter, Mrs. Ava Jiibrlght. Oarrie4 On& a ,JuneC&mtval whloh', ' Mr and 1I~~ Walwr Kenriok en· Will GUltin of ~aynesvi1le \'islt. daugh&en Mary and Opal of Way. &lid 3. O. U . ,... M'. ,will uniw In II Mra. E. S. aanbyand' lIOns Paol If we undenand. OOO'8Otly, 18 to joyed liundlay with Mr. 'and Mrs.· ed his brother Barvey'l3unday. ' . n~vtl1e. Mr. and lID. , ~, 8. ,Btoh, lIIIIDlorialll8z,vloo W their departed and, Alfred, of Daywn, viBlted 'become an annual featore. - Alf Bainea of I)ayton. '. Samue.l.Balnl!ll and wife' vlllited MI'8 ... Maud (,,1. . .r iuJd Clarence m_~next Sunday. atterlloon. WayneevUle frienda Satorday and TAe Carnival was beld JaatThof8. Mr. and ~. E. R : Riilido.1ph their daughter.' In Lytle the paSt aDd A.ndr'y01~..r were 'he gaelU Tbemembenof , &he two ord~a Sunday. Mr. Frank Woolley, an. dav, Friday and Bafurday and WBII oamEtothe home ef Mr: and ,Mr,s, week.. , . s~n~YOfW.; T. JordaJJ IUIcl wl~•. , 'C. S, Lamb to enjo;y a. few d!l.Ys oh Rev. Fromm, the millister of the Mr. G~rge ~lil .aDd wife aDd will m.i'Ob w_IIIt. .l Cemetery and other former rtlI.l dent, now \tvlng a gr~at SOOO888. · decorate the gruM of their mem·· in D~yton, wa,s 0.180 liere. . Saturday, wu of course the greas Saturday and on Sanday Mr. WiU Reformed churoh is III witb ty'phold Vesta took dinner, wUh Ed Manin 'a bera eleePlI1~ there. . . Mt: Art-hur ZelJ wJlo ~aI been .day and tbe .m etropolis of Warren tlf.aoy, wlfel and. daughter from fever .. Suuday . \ It ii. po.I~le tliat &be. JtulahtB of attendiDa s"hpol a& Uran:rlue la Coun", W~lI orowdijd with 'people Dayton and -Mr. and ·Mrs. Juiius " .\{rs .. Frapk:l:Jeeker north of tpwn Pytbiat may al;iO jO.l n i~ AeserviLle home for ~be lummer vacation. ~bo ollme I,!r .mlles around. T&ylor an~ !80n Wtl~ie joined them is veryiJI ," . Mount. H~lly bu~ that hall no~ ' bee~ deol!ltld . . Harold Cook of the Ohio W:eeleyan A.n aut-omobile parade was .very and epent the day ·pleasantly. to· Will Earl and wlf ' Iftl ..... h I . . '. UDlverslty is al80 home for &he good a8 .wu ale,) the baud conoert8. gether. . .. MY . e v ... ~, e r ,. Mrs, Joelab' · Davie and !1aUfll&er , . ' . parenta in iaml8borg ~unday ' . . . ., vacation period. ' . In faot· Lebtlnon did 'Itself proud ·In Mr. Randolph 8ay8 that ' in bls .' , . " Ella ~ud lpen;t Thuraday..,Ub ber . Sudden Death . , ' . every wa.y " . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fi"l attena· 00UB1n lira John EdwarcJs I'll . .r of Je8ee Pugb Georlle )[Ols, oarrler o.n ~rural ~, pOllltion aa .travel~ng !l&leaman he ad K. of P. ·decorll.tlon e:rerolllllt'a' OeD.rvlll~. . ' . route No.. 5, met with a heavy leaR has oovered 'wonty ltates IIlnce Bill Grove cametry Mlamllb . . Well )\Down RHidellt of 'lVa,Ae Sunday m.lht In the de.~ of one Sa-m e Here. the middle of February ' 8urlly IU'K IIn.MIDnie Marlatt WIUI In Bell. Township.' bleAt While at :,f the borse. whioh he ..sed 1111 oar. . . that la golnll 80me. BQD~ay. 'b~oolt Bunda.,. viBlting her aaM ~ . Wo.k 0 IU. Farm. rylng me iaaiJ., . The i!anlrlln News olosed an 0.0· M1I8 Clara Nlebel attended t.he sarab Ann. DaVia who Is 103 yeaD ~ .. ("'h 1 ai d f t1 . Doont of a wedding In· that vlJlage Mr. aDd Mrs. Lea~r Kenriok funeral of MillS· Nora Early near old. . .3'1118 Pugh " ..g~, '16, yeere dled .. _ ahr es ohnger: anfth Vamll y, : .bO. ~t weet; wUb tbe tollowlDg. .ttended· 'be , K. of p, Decoration Mtamllburg SlI.tutdlly,'· Mrs. Charley :,Myers and ·f.Diuy d I1.rgeof e .a.y . I8rvloes it1 Uen~rville on ~unda . .' Y"ry .oddenly .T,buraday m(Jmlng hv.e a han tbe~ele· '. N..It-A f uII Une. 0f ..h e '· lateat · . . . y Sunday June' 23 the· K.. of. P's.. lpe~t Saturday and' 80nday In DayP one eX;:'tlng• .. or mereka n ~ Ityl. of wedding ~rds and tnvlta- livening. 1~ey bring b~ok tidings \ Will ohaene' deooratlng their cOm: ton. . lrom heart failure "" ." .. ,. , . 1111' Pugh wioa -trlo~ini the ~ Ytl~ar &red ul g Laa~&wo »wee ' . v~~ 'tlons 0611 be eseu at 'thlll ofJlce a~ of an imm8nle orowd a'n d a ' very rads graves and IWv Hammaker of Kate DaugMerl Is lpendlng her' ." . on an _ aa ora 0 K 1nRY .... " hi dne time .• . ~oDI1b. rqad ~ front. .~f h~ f~rm locitlng aft~r atrl1.lra at. "oontral" very r~na ~, " ~.t. Bending , . '. . Middletown will giv,e the a<ldreaa d vao"tton ~tb, Mrs. Carl ~beets, her oa *be Upper Springboro plte. wben d ' ri th I bee " wedding cake to the .printer eeeme ' i>robabl, many will be interested the \:emetery. siller nesr Ridgeville. Ibe ead CIl2D8, aDd ft is ~uppoeed u ng e l' ~ .' ~oe' . W be .paBaln~ ~ut of olllwm. .to .now tbat Warren Hunt haa • • Anyone who hIlS JIIUI'ura anti . .ilted without' a .trqgle. ' Miaa A~Dea ' ScJ;nyart.z who ball . , f.-. _ " . bei!n 1I0008l18foi in, hi' Pal' year', Oreaonla would lUte K8' 4 ntoe Galv.. He . ," been making her home wit)! lIer ... ~ M M ""'-- "- '. U"ti "'....:.. . .' Children', Day Exercises.. woik .' I . . .r. . . -.rn...r., ". Z8D8 p '" Ilr. I'raDk ,1!Jt.OUa ~ along · .... ,~ about. .fwf put 'eleveD and ,brother. , Mr. F. C,. t!o~wartz "nd· I ' •• . If y.o u relDlember lut tali he~. Will Terry speot Sunday wUb 8prlng valley ~xohaDge. . ' .Mr. IlDd Mrs; John Morgan lpeny dltooverecllllr. Po-I. J"UJg wltb 'hili aulsting In hll s~re t.he pas' ' The. servloee at the M. E. Charoh tered North ' Bigh Scihoo) at Co. bome folks home . , evening were of more lum . bus . ,witl~ thl! Intention of com. . Mlls Francos ~herwood, of t3t. the ft rSS 0 f .t h II wee. ... -alh II n. fue to the.ground.- . " ' .Iyear ' returned w ', ber ' .a' Cin· '. .lallt tloDday w. . 8e oaJ18d ' tb: Pap·• .Ion Wa1~r, o~n.t~, Tuesday. - Her Ilater ~ho ·than . U8uit,l b~terest, ' being glY&D pl(lttng tbe last yeara 0001'18 in that .Louls, Is visiting frienda and rellL. Morgan's parents, Mr. and lin. ' ••d Iller (ooad tbat Ufa Wal .tlriot haa ~n .pendlng the past ,t~w over to the Ohildren. , IOhool. .wl~ are glad 'to' learn '~·lI.t ·ttves bere. . Stepban• . ,. U 'II ~pO.ed teat ' ~ ti6d' 1J~n weeki bere !,lso retu~ed b~me. . .. Children'. day baa oome to be au blseffortll'bave b6en orowned With . Miohael ~ody Is not muoh 1mMr. IlDd M~:" :W1ll8ti.r·of CiDoba. lying there .pqeaibly tJUny.Duoatett. ,C. V. Ma,aot:l-~r "Diok" . all he; illaon~l e~ent 'bat is looked forward suooeea and tbat tbe graduation 8%. proTed a' this WrltlDg. .Datl, Mr, and Mre. . will BeTea .of . .J.... P~Jl· had . beeD · ....~i1ent , kDow,n~almoetev~ryma1i, ,",om. to by both old and "YOUDg. ' The'l eroil"" wlll OOODron next Fridny .Urover OJeaver wu In Kings Spr.lDIr Val1~ lPoOt··.We;dIla.4al of •.-u. :vlolnltJ' ,tor elan, yean.. an and ' obild In Warren CoQDty, propUD Sunday oonllaie'd of IOnp .fternoon. Keep your eyes on Miile Sa'urda),. with Mr,. apd Kn. TOm Dill, :Tom. HII ,.",tfe, died 'eevetu ' years' 810.'w.ui~ Wayn!'8Vllletlllnctay. "Diok·" reolta,"on, and dialogues .~d w~· Warren,. '. Mr. aDiUln; Ed SherwOOd were says '~at Mr,. S'~r II a ' ~l '''''r­ '.ibOe' whioh tMae lie and Jila ~.on ·'!" n,o w wl$h the Eldridge & B1.q!.n~ In ,every way credl~ble both .w t.he · Mr. and :Mrs: Wm. B. Garmon), called to Xenia. Thn~y,owlng to man , They weD' _fiah~Jl8 ... .. 11 W~&er. bltveJiv~to · the~lvel. \Vholellale ~~y ~. •' , Dayton., ohQ~re»: a~!1 *'> 'h~ who iDsfruot- .nd Mr. arId ,·.Mrs . . Allen ~meriok the sudden·d.e atbofMrs. 8herwo~'. · oaught fifo the~l..~ " w"bIn., 'DI;e f~De~l, f Wlia:.held .f~m tbe ~e' f~erJy ooDdaoted' a , ...~r.;V ell them ~ . . IIIIjoyed Suu~ ..)' w,lth Mrs. Matilda' mother. ...' t~an an O~~ il. ". " .. ~ .. 1aIe h~ Saturda7>ulornlnl. :'. Iiera. _ . . . .., . ' , Emerlok. , . . Dr. aud . Mrl. Krielhoff .are ~; ': LUlie ~ ,,~~aa~e4' at .8priDK " ,'. .... ,~h', DI~, Mr~! , Lealidtlr l ...M . Sarah La(alette•.of ~iddle-. 'B argains Thllnday, Mlaa Rev. ·Wllllamaom .went to joyln~a vlalt from their ~lldrenValleyto~hlp w.OOI ·,oo~lInoeLaym~ of Pl8&llDt Pl~n, · O~lo' l teWD, will llpend ·tbe neat ~ ' . Frid d"Sa'turd Da~ton on IN' ,T horaday ,to attid froin <-t'inol~~ati tbill week. . men' ~cIa:r evaDiDK. ' :",'" . ~ 1UD00g.,tbJiae ~ho a,tendecUlle ~b ~wit~ lin. Bbright; .wbo , . . ay ,an " a1' tbe ii.iua':Ion eXlirolsel' there ', nll tleveral bOIQ 9regonia .HeDded. Mre. --lIIh., '~dUotecl the " fuD~l. " liII .lIatolDg IUlrbtlr ·,after her : lo~., IIr.. r. C. Schwartz Who baa b£eD on Bunday Mr. S. L . WUlIaDl80n tlio Uarntva~ at LebanoD.lut .~k, Prayer Meetlnlr ~edD,~Y. auil .;. '. . ., . I1ID8118~ ~. IAby~tte ill the ho.~dinK bargaio - Rale. ~oh . Batur· .~nd wife drove op:!,ud a,ter paUing 'Dhe MI8818 Bertha Elbon, Kith. Josh Htliland 'SiiDcIa:r,.~. t . ... Death'sI\Vork. widow of Joseph LAfayette, who at- day for. 8evert.l monthl, wi~ mark a plealaDt day: all returned on Sun. ryn "rame and Fred Eloon atleod. MfJoe abd wif. lor Da . . , ODe 'ime Wayn..vtUe auel eel . I~' hlUJ e:r~Dded hla pl,a n day eveninlJ. , lid the Ohlldren's DaY exerolaes *'> IIlCed Kr and KiL ' 'l'I l' '. .... MahloaJUCl.e reoetved word oooupled w~' is DOW bOWD •• the 'anel at tbil HUOn wbile &he fa~. It Is queerr that II here Bunday evening. 'U'~ VI .., a:..~_"';.;. ~~7 ,, ". . Kin propen ' are 11 - ..... will Ii Id bl- _. . we ve 80 Dear Oh . ....r a ..... ~y. ""~7 of ~h8 dea&h of h.r .la •. · !C ~' . , .. , . , ere a "'! ....;r . 0. .. I.... luoh ' greAt plaoea loa the Natioaal ·Tb'e . , lldran's . DIa)' exer~ .Ma au4 . . . ~, ~; 1lItct1al ,O. Ot&rk, a~ W..,.b. , B. II. "r~, 'of Obarl"&ClD~, W. · ~ dAY~. iD a WIII!.k t!l"Macl ~f o~t" ~ Bert•• r Worke ID .oaytOD 8ap~y ~T8Dfug we~ a ,secndecl San4&'fY -:::,~,~':.~, l..~ ~"' .Ohto. .. VlrplIa, ~ho ~a,:ela for the ~er. '" ,he eve~yOD"~ op~tuJilty 10 and Fan AIIloJen' ,in oar OWD oo'QD. I~. , . . . . ~. . , .,. bel .rs. )i.llIp draM *'> 1~1i Tobaooo 00. wall lD Wa1D"':" "'1r~ adVlolltap. of &h!lm ~ ' ,,~U tyand 'yetlEDoWIO .UtUe 'Or lIlem '''lU'''~oll~'''''DTer, pl......'- · Mr.Bd'Ward ,a~of %eaIa .1au JIIaad'fllle Tlrllnday alld • ..-ded ' Jut week. ' Be bad b48D off. - 4Dt,. line ·apeetal barplDi ~limria W~Ue both of the above 'I., ~~ed thefollo1l'lq saeata p~~huecl the ,properi7 .JlCpw OCIOQ • ..,.. faDerall'rld!t7 mondnl. : I,or a ooup1e of weeb .. &I&e l'8Iu•• Tband.ay an~ QOn&th~ng . J'rI~~ plaoea are ellf oatia:aal IJlteren ~t ~l' home WeclD~J: enD1D8: pt'lkl ~~ . DaD ~I~ •an4 :.IDq~ . lin. Oluk'f.U abont aev8Ilty·olUl of .. f~l by whlch he 1DjDN4 lila and a.~. . , .' '" .' ctq~ "~ld be.', 1Itfe' tD ..yiD, thaI Tha ,l IiIIeI LIdIa N~. Myrtle hen 1IOJ)Il" . , J.eaft or .... bee. Be fJIqNIO&ad ~ . . .~. to ~. ~warb ~ lIIiDir.oJty mMb· n~ more ODe ,half of ~be peo. Kibler, lllU'T OIRmu. 'L ea lI7en, ra,men an,~ IIdtinl toIIaOoo· . .' I . to ..... , - thla weoIr. .• _114 belleve. tha, peop,le lD the ~ IItW &luna. WaQ.aoe. 1Wrl' PciQf UI4 .~ plOW!q 00I'Il. ..., , Saw JOII. ~ hrlu for .... ~ 0DaIdI7 wlU reapoad to ~~De qp.ION the ......cI. G""'lS~'" .- . . . V.... Mr. ad lIN. II. .. ~_rt : ...... ~.' . . . . . .. Oonrlo. '. ~ .. N&tlIJJ .. ~. pi au4 ,l b.. II'~ AftDItap,.WIII ~ ... ~ ~a1 ,"" .dNllMi... ' . '. ........ , . . . , . . ..... ..u UMUluB~ A"QIp 01-.







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1~1v(tryullC' , , ti: t~dkl'l:;'


PUbliaher8. 01110 overnment·Bullt War,hlp •• 11Ie governmen t bulldsl be best s hips tbat float. That ts cartnhl. The on· '1Ieetl ut la the fin cst " ess I c ,b el' I'IIte Qnd sIze tn tbe ·wo rld. and s ho \\~as built In a government navy )' urd. Governmont moo Y Is spent honestly. There are 'no n!;h t s and S Q IIUbbles to ~et whnt Ihe onlracts ('all Cor. 1t It do s cost a lifUe more mOll Y It Is 'Wor th . It. In t he progress of bUilding 'QJl our navy tor the last ~1 ),ears we are gradually geUlng to whllt 18 tbe uuoh!l1S ot .. very fnlr navy. We wbo' are Interested In t.he upbu\ldlng of the UIIVY, says Renr Admiral Josepb B, Coghlan. U. S. N., In L sll 's '.... eck ly. wani. more ships. We are to·dny en· d eavorlng to get wbat wo nave hel'n quIe tly lI'orklog for the last 15 yea"s - that Is, large ships with la rge Imt· t erles an d gre at ape d . . But the sen· going classes lind lbe .1Derchants are cOJl~ervllUve. It tak es a long time to ('hRuge them. Take, for Instance. the cas e ot the first monitor. It took the gm'ornmeot a long . lime to adopt the pinna. Tbeso monltors wore Inte nded ror smooth water and not to go to sell. In th e early days we WIlfO occupied In settlng this type of vessels made Into n bntU s hip. Wo d!dn 't want tbe mono ltors becnuse tbey were unstabl e. It Is only wben we gel the big battleships. whose mo,'e men ts are 80 slow and steady, .tbat we get tho bl'st reGults for wartare,

:\IJu ut ',,~ 1l\ ntc.: \\' ~S If no' r(lll,' I!nl II::'; lI'"ll . '1I,,:nl's 1>'1:1.1\ .;holltll hll\'" II1I~rr!, II "o(l:r(l"Y It, tloo lu IV t'( I t :u· l. rlu.! 1I0\\' 1Il1l. l WI? hun'Tun ' wln 0" l!1!n (l!" nf III It, lJ y



I hu vUlIlln" lut.,) 0111' ~I 1I 11l Ii ,'h w" rn nn ! "


"Hul ,lit!



' rlpl lll'<) l"ut horh y ,-"An<1 /jOIl. aU I ,I Ull io f\utl l: It JI,llh f u lly bf, n "how"d on , n il thnt t h"" hll~1 d!)l1~ Unlo tll)' lIlolhcr· lh· tll~' .. In~e 'h ~ dOllth ot Ihluc hU sbulld : nd how lhou hO"1 '!ur, 11l)/ raIIlI't lLflll th)' 1110110<'1', " ntl l hl) lund nr Ill y nUllvlty, JUIIJ a rt ",,"IU UnLO II pnup"l' whkh


klw\n:.'st nnt luor c lo tU l"l'. lI ll llo U:U; r " lId 1111 tloe Chlllll r.


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r 10 I' !ll'!'(';

"!'\o." admltt (1 rill!' nth('I'; " II "{,!HII9 t hltl \)ot b Ihl\IHhu'l'fl·III ·l olli atlll't id to r"tllrn \\'I Lh h ',:. ",Ii ' [I ~hl' rebuked 11I!!..1I an d I,nde tit II' r t'lrll to thel'r

bom S ,'nd Ih l'lr V Dillie and their gods.. ·fhl s. r pha. III wlfo or 'hilioll, did: tUll nulh ching to h'r mothtll··lri low, il 'Iorln g Ihut wblth \' she wenl ll 11a would go... •

HoW O'Brien ROle Frnm Draym;an to Lreuten·a nt Colonel.


Prl v u~te' Jamea Gibbons Was the Sol. dler Who Pulled the Lanyard.

f'l Iln III·tlcle on Fori sumtjlr hI Ihe Phliudel llhia IlId e'Plllld(>nt OnY-atto ot April 15. 1904 , b )' Clu\rles S. nrlng· hurst , ' olle Ilem Sill'S: "'Pho fi rst shot nl'Cd from r.'l''':-=:~~~~~~ Fort Smnt I' was b,v .ltlm BS Glb, bOilS, or our 00111puny." In a let· ler to Olbbons, wrltt D ill 1904 . Brlllghm:st slIYs: " \' e~, Jam lls, ),011 fI,· el Ihe tlrst~ hot of lhe wllr out ot Vor t Sl1lllter. Lilt!,'!'. BL'lng hurst WII~ Ol'd e~ l r \;el'gP!IIl ~ I)r Ih oOlrluny and Bon ed In 'tbt! war of I Gt. Burly III rh(' s pring of 1 54 Gil hOll!! WUH Olle of over 100 CllV III'Y. uJ'lll le l'Y and Infan t ry e Iclll'fS ulltler First LI ut. tonl'lllaJI and a corps or l ' lI/ ted inl B el)glneel'B who cnm Hst a rO~9 th e t IIcklegs ,los rt of an Anlo nlo. Tex . Glbbolls was aselgnt'd for dul)' with IIIH, Rich rd9, otn)'lnny C, ~'11'II t I nit d StRles OI·UlIur)'. at Rloggold bn rrucll s ancl lit Fon lurk, T x. His time of e nlis tme nt xplr d :-101' wber 15. 1856, and he ltv d for u llllle III Il1elnntltl. 0 .. and 'ell' Orle alls. Ln. His old c"mllllll), I. under ollt, Mo· ~rud · 1' (lnt onfederute gene rll l). aat ucro ss the plalnJ!. and had co m GJbllol1s ree nlls led In his old com· pn ny, Ilve·y at e nlis tment. wns Iron s· r rred to Ne,,' York, then to com· \lany E. tinder 'spl. Doubehlay. In Jun e, 'J GO. lit Fll,·t Moultr ie, harll's, lOll hal'/lor. Soul h Cu,'Ollno . When Maj. nd erso n B"lIc ualed Fort , :\Ioul· t rle. Oil lhe eve (l,t DecemlJer 26, 1860. and occlllJied Fort mnter. the pos~ flllg nnU othe r mbl ill S wer pul In n ba,'rel un<l Prtvute 11)1)0115 I~US d e· tolled 10 I,; II:m l t h ' barl' I and eont nlS In lranslt. Olqbons' l(1ok n y ry II tlve 'p nrt In h Iplllg l.trNogt h · /\ and 111 d r ndlng 60th Fo~tij 'Iqlllt rl nnd Sumt 1'.' He tells of Illa ny unpCllo\ s a nd If)cla nts of \)1'111' 1'1' by · the M'olllllll, ' olUc rs iln<l soldlerfi ;t IIt,th rOI'ls, At Fort ·,110tl1Irle. whe n lJot)t IIpls. Doubl dlLY nu<l oy nlOlJ r \I-rr worn' ou t "by copslnll ' WQI'k by dA>' .and ma rohlng on the ramPJlI'tS at night. Mrs. Double· day aud MI·s. Sey mour stood watch, 're ll vlllg n h ot h r ' ev ry two ~our~ hll e I heh' husblllld s lept. ' \vh'e n Maj, ' Anderson a llowed hIs ot. fI cers to rei th e . fire III

A clvillotn nntl Ull 1l1'n1.V ollje!!o' lVere tH lkln g. 'I'bo, dvilltill hacl s llg~esr" d tllat llle I'or n.l 1\5~1~1I111( III of a tl'OOp IJf ctllo r'cJ. lIlll'ttiry to , IIII ~' CIt, WO fi t Poin t 111111 be II HUlll ,by t h war de· portmenl 1.0 ' mlllt(llte th hlllll llllllloll (I'll by Ih t' co loo' 1.1 I' glm nls II au na or 1111' HrOI\'IHlV IIlt' affa ir. 'Phe Ivl\lan (hought ~I w n~ II cOlltjlllrne nt' to se nd. color(,11 i!oIcJl" " 10 tho s how r,;ac .~. or lhu whol linn . , SJI)'s the C! hl!)lIl1 o 'Oally ;.; WlI. .. omfllilll ~ u I1 " s old lI,L' , ontcOI'. " Well, It IlI UY IUlI'e b ' ,:m ~ !) Intellded by thn cl IIU.l'(1II1' lIl : for Ihe tl ellur\monl. lh e clvlllll u IJUrl or It, do"s n't li ecllssnllly kuo\\' t hl' KIlltu s or tbe W est Poillt d luchment8 or 'IIvalry all\! art ljlilrl·. They really ore tlot sol. dl rs. T ltt>y rl'ull y lire grooms. They 11 9'd to be enllsretl "Ig hl the l'o Wllh \1 full nnderSl8ntling on Ihe part or the IllIlU who enll sled or thr' SOI·t of ae rv , I he wu~ I\e ltlns Into. They hlld hOllses an d II' re ullowed to mllrl'Y li nd ther rorL' lunn y 11Ic n were wllllug to e\l ll ~l for Il SOI'l of sc n 'le ." "\:luI ." ~ nld nn x'Ylllllnt e r Officer. who ~IO{H1 b.". " I lI~e rl lu ' s e Qr lOl thij' \\' Kt Polnl I.oalt ry tht' 1' III YII'J1 ln\a du ring Ihe 1\'0 1'. Il.nd II was a flue body of soldiers." "Bnllsted wh II Ihe wn r broil Ollt t rom 1'111'111 I' h01'1I cherI' 1111 l ht! Hud· xplllhll·(i Ih Ilr lll), 0111 c r. 501'1." "'I'h,,:'e wu s lL u ll "l pll~ or Iraliled. well III It. !,It co ul·lIe. The dr ivers. th e ,'n en who l'Id Ih ... nCBI' horse III eaoh or tho three t 1I 00 a hitch d to a battery, IV re Ir'lIl' d men : tor lu Ill )' tim t h'y did not, ns 11 011'. hU V6 "ndllt.s Bcl 11K drivers In cad I al'lillel'\' drill . The drivel'S were Irnl ned nilsted mell, It lakes n mlgh ly I>ood mun 10 be an a rtill ery driv er. . , "Do' ~'O ll ' L' III \lib r LI ute nnnt Col· ouel O' I:I"len \ Ihls Is nQt lhl' rcll! nllmo which Ihe R,'my oOlcel' m entlolled), who l ' tlrM nol. long ngo ? He has IWO s oos who lire CBlltlllns .'now. W eBt Pointers, atlll n <lIlUghlcl' who Is ma r· rl~d to a mujol" II Il \V1l6 a drive l' In

A Wonderful , Reltoratlon

Caused a Sensation in a Pel)l1sylvllnla Town. . M1S, CIIllI'los . Pres ton , of Elklnnd, Pa., LiIlye: "Thr years ago 1 rO\lnd ' tbllt my hou3 \\'01'1,_.,_ wus lIeeom lug ' a bul'• den. 1 tl red easily, lIad no ambllloQ aud wus flldlog tllst. My coruplexlon got ye llow lind I lost oyer , 60 pounds. My tllll'llt wall terri ble. II. n d th re wns sugar In t he Iddlley secr Uon s. ~fY doctor kept -me OD a ~lrlct dIe t , but ss blw me,ll' Ine WIl8 not belplQg Dle. l ' b egnn u31ng Dolln'8 Kidney Pills. Til y belped me , nt once, and' soon 1111 trn c~8 of sugnr · dlijaJ!peared: 1 bave rega Ined my' former weight 'and am perfl! tty we ll :" S()ld by ull denie rs . 60 oeot.8 :J. b(\~ FO iler· ~ll!bl l ro Co., tluanlo, N. Y.

" But had ~ h() no friends to gv to ....... ............ ................. .......................,........... amollg h " own I)eonlo 't bnl s be 11110, Lid ... .. muk sur h e1101 er" aske d · ilonr.. .. SERMONETTE. ~ " Had s h' 1Iot, l do not th ink (}"H .. "Whom not hav ing leen, Y' .. :-Iaoml ,\\' Qui,1 hnl' s o UL'ged hl'r t\J I~' ...; love."-The .. word, of Peter to ~ , :: ... tu r n. ' "Old s be nlll gll'e other r a son rOI ... Christians refer to the Christ,.... and are strikingly pertinent In wllntlug to Olll ?" :::: cOnnection with this ,tory Of:: "Yt'S, I b 111'1" I clld h el1t' slI mo ene ... the romance of Ruth and Bon. !'" SIl )' thllt :-luoml hacl lold lh III lhnt NO ~ISSING IN CHU~CH. .. Thl, noble and high·minded" Rulh hall I' llo11uced th!' go,ls o r her man, Bon, had Heard of the p 0 111 .. saying Ihat Il h hnd co m to Galic ia " Pea~ants Punla.he,d for Un:::: self·sacrifice and devotion of • kllow lhll t lbe)' Wl'f't) IHo god s at all timety Oacul a~l on. -:: Ruth, the Moab ltl'h woman, and ' . ami lhnt s h cOllld n(lt I' tU1'1I to -OI'I'e .. his appreciation of true goodne .. T"·PlIl.r Rll ih e nian Ilenllllllle ' belong· .... • th In " .. and worth had aroused In .hla., "A;ld does sho brli \'e In illr Goil of lo g lo i fi llRS, In 01\119111, hav been pn- ' . hcart an ' adm lration, yea, a 10llC, ~ th . Jle bre ws?" flul:'slion d .H nz. who telll'NI to 101'10115 Illrms 'of IDl p rl ~o n· meul : fl'o m a we k to a mOoLIl, tor : whi ch could hallc had .no other ~ wus It <levout Isne lll:e and se l'yed God .. sequel than that wh ich th is beau· ~ w!l h 10ynl whol -ll ar tedn 8S. k.11!~1"~ podl ot b r ,In ch urcll. ~ t lful love story unfolda. .. " Y ~.:. th ' lilh ' r II' nt on to ~. ~ r(·\lu liaR aria n between two pBr· tl ll~ III th I 'IOWI1, nnd tbo prl at · .... It Is a splendid th in g to have ~ plnln; " Ihls womun. Ruth. It Is sahl, ~ a he art which Is se nsitive to the .. clun g lO • nOIlII. pl elltllng tha t ns s ho PI' !I~he d 't. Hermo n !n wbl h h urslXl .. qualitiea of real goodness. Our .. hnd cholll' n th lIe bl'ow lJCople liS he r lhe ~ '~a.san l~ to hlllke trl nds b ; or. 1 hpy th e - enme to church IIgaln. .... pel'<:eptions of worthy qua lities ~ peonl' nnd tho He brew God ns be r .. in othera are so mod ified and '" God, s he b \l J'[ulttCtl to I' t urn wllit took him AI Io li! 'Word, and on the fol..... tempered by the ex.ternal and suo '" her.". . lowing ,mdny the two b ostlle llarllell .. perflclal conditions of wealt,h ~ "And Inc coming lhltlt 1', how ba,l h mal'ch LI IIlJ the church sldc lIy II Ide, Bnd k'lsst>d t he altar. Tben tlr Y sol.. and aoclal position'. th at many II ~ sh donc?" n OnE co nUnn d. l' l'slsllne ~ humiln flower of the rarest pur· ~ in his. flU s ll olli ng. for I)e had p ' r. emn'" shook hl\nll~ nnd klse done ,anotlw,: on bl)th chcp.ks In the PolllI " .... ity and grace ,nd beauty Is born ~ cel , d at U] \'e r)' beginnin g. when ~ to blush onseen and unknown In : t hey 1I11l! heg un to t 1I biOI of Naomi's rn.shion 10 S al 111 recon iIIallo!1' The Actor and HII Voice. The ' kissing ~c no excited lotld ... the busy, occupied world about.. I' turn. thllt t here was n pr judloo The supreme glft 'of the actor Is bIll .... It I, eaay to aee the IIlrtuCl of .. against lbe l\Ioabltlsh womo.n who bad ;nught r Bmoug Ihe 'memb ers 01 tile Yol ce. -A s Inger mayor may not be ~ thoae to whom we may look for congrega tIon, and the 'p rlest pros cut· come with h 1', lnd he wos too ta ll' YOClllly gifted. Yvette GuJlbert gives ~ favora, but we have little thought • mlndecl to condemn her has til y snd ad the pC8sanis for UIIS!! mly conduct . all t he effect of melody, even evokes ... or t ime to spend upon t/1e one • on too Insufficient ev idence. In church. Th e court. hold that a chlln:h hI no pi n for kIssing Ind the spIrit 01 trllgle borror, WILh voca l .. who In Itla humble, narrow.. "Hur wbol e thougbt has se ,n ed to fo ~nd tile 1'l'IISants guilty . orgo os that are sUller and smaller .. sphere Is IIl1lng nobly, herolcat · ~ be for the c'o mfort or Naomi. alld It Iy, sublimely. • muSt b e admitted that abe bas worlred Ihan the proverbIal voIce of coo· To most of the people In IInc aslngl;: 0 .. rov lde for their s lm. The ·i. ••t Ouh, !>Cleoce. Th mo's t Inmous armea 01 Th nlltolsts In hlSh at I t!tnde:,> our day is saId on autho rlly 10 be one : Bethlehem Noami and Ruth were :: pIe wan IS," was the admissIon. " Yes," 51) It liP IIn\lth e r. "and \Vh n Kather cl arou nd alld mourofully \I". of . the worsl si ngers. Tp th o great .... but poor, needy unfortunates, TO:: .. the former the ,urprlsed word ; the n Ighbo rs a nd rrlends 01 NaomI tctup laled a darlr boily thllt luy UIIOII netol', writes John orbln In Apple- .. of greeting on her return was ~ would ha l' prol'ld d for the m. Ruth lli . lJ:1 nming lOll b tor th m . ton's ~IlIsazlne. t.h e ess ntlal Is voic e, .... spoken, and sympathy express·· ,. declaretl lhnt s he had com 1I0t. to lJo .At thllt Ul olhl ent D Villi rs, the la ~ ligni n voice, always voice. Mr. Mans· .... ed, and then she was fqrgotten . .. a bllrllen b llt a It Ip. and luuny Is (11 of the lIarl)" who had bee n d etain ,I fiel d blmself hne said somcllJln g of th'a .. For the letter 'there was the d cd of 1;lu\l;) 9 wbl(:h she hnl l) found by a fuully IldJnst m nt, rode up. kInd lIery ' eloquently, In an address to .... curious, wondering gaze of the • time lo do I\'hil e yet busy with lb'c ':\\,hn J's Ihe troubl 1" h o ask d. On e or t b,1 tUNllnd 'g ro up l ot)l~rll tho. students ot tbe Eml1lre Sebool of .. neighbors and fr ie nds and towns· ~ (as ks wh l h would buy the m shelte r, aroilllc!. Ills voice was choked iv ltll Acting. "T'.Ilnk of you:- voice . as a .. people of Naomi, and the un· ~ li nd food.: ' ra ,.p. Th e d rf[l ot tbe conve rsation hn\' ln ~ 016r nnd liS you paInt your plctllto .. spoken . query as to why ~he had. "That Idiotic hauffcur whom the cllarll()ter YOIl ore paloUng, the .... come and what she had hope of ~ been s lnrted in th M dlrecUon, therE' Oa hM i" ' I~tt' d on brin gi ng aI O,llI; ... ga ining. ~ wel'e olhers r ndy 10 tell of Incld illS sceno you are J)ortraylng) mIx yo ur rlld n'l I ok wh ere he WR S going·... • . But to one person at le ast In • 10 win ch RUlh had dlsiliay d her colors. YOll bave on your pnlato .. ."Y es." . ,~ Bethlehem there came an appre . • 8wpet, s!!, rincln g dovotlon to ber (palelto) 'a wblte voice. la'" \'013: .. iie 6IuQ,,11(' ll Into the ' pole tlnd : clatlon of the purity ilnd ~ molher.ln.l. w. and :llso of I)er .falth bilinohe; a heave nly etbereal 0)' blue .. streng't h of character of Ruth. ~ In t he God or the Fle brews , so lhat brok e It horl off! "-Cleveland P lain voice. the voice of prayer: Ii djsugree- ... He .heard of Naom i:. return, and • wh n BO:lz had I ft l he grOU[l and Delli r. oble, jeaIolls,' or ye llow volee:, a steel· being a k insman of her dead ' . gO Il o n LO hi s oll' n b~ had much A Suggested, Explanation. huaband he m ight have felt al)· • 10 think abCltit: . gl'IIY voice {qr qlli et sarcll.'lm; a ,hrown "Tbe f"ellnss ot women are far at the thought thal here • noyed voice fo r hopelessness; Ii lurid. red .. ' -~ Nn t urnlh.r he felt SII!!cllll Int.cre,. t In del!per nnd fio e r tbao those \of ' xqan,'· • was a poverty·stricken re Iat,ve voice tor bot Ilnger; Ii deep, thuoderwho would make drafts on his ~ Naollll, be~JlOIse sh e was .Ihe_ wl~<l,w 'l-;20_ .a. cried the Inely orator, In a llerpc tone_ bountY, He heard cif-t e coming . orlo ls uea~ r lollve. Ellmelecb. bllt Oonbl day s ighted . the fir t gun. and, "We al'l\. told by lhose wbp style lbemrlen t.bll.t . the color of the green sea tbllt a brisk . of the daughter' in·law, and he : why s hould be t'rouble himself abou t ut hi s orders, Prlvnte! Jomes Glbboos sellles lhtt str~Jlger 8ex .... ~~ we ar. ...... breeze Is crispIng; and tben there's ~ might have listened to the un· • t his )I oablll · b wom a n ? So h e thougbt plllled the lan YBl'd a nd s en t l~e firs t Crllllths' battery. 1:h re \vail a queer Illuc;h Illrerior. Is thl\t so!' It. loud chorlls of "No" from tl.e lakindly criticism which must. as his mind k pl r eClI'ITlng to' Ruth. 3bot from Fon S Ulll lei'. SOlDe com· chsln of Cl rCUDi,8UlIl 8 t\Jnt , took hIm pretty little pink voIce. and the shades have been dropped .. the ~ DUJ'ing III!! busy days ",blcb followed, l'ade8 doubted OlblJous' ston'. A let· a/ollS' from Ilrn ~ mlln til lI ~ ntellan t col· dIes greeted ! tbls question, IInIL tbe of V!<!let-bllt the I'!u~ject 18 endless." oralor wcnt on: Itrange woman from a ,trange · " for the lIar l y and wbeat hnrv ests ter was ,w rItten to ' lhe war dopart· oue l and mMe lil s sons grndulltes " J aay tbat woman' teels wbel'e mall land ca,me i(lto their midst. What .. were n ar a t ·hnnd, 1I1l<'-' 11e had mll~h ment , Ilnd the 1l0S\:"C,'r stnted thnt Prl· t\le Intlt\tntlon wher!! lie stnrted In by' thfnks-" , aeheme had IWe ·· in coming ? ~ ro 10011 aller. he could! not .rld hlmsetr vate .James GrbbOns answered to roll sCI'aplng artillery hOl'fles. . 'jO' 8I'len was II dl'oymao In New "111 LlJllt the reaRon your husba1ld 1.5 What selfish purpose had .he ," of rhe thOUg ht. and h~! went ove r an,l cJiIl the T\)orolng ot -!\prll 12, 1861, lit to serve? Suaplelon of her mo· ~ over agllJn In bls. mind aU thn t be bid Wort SUlJIteo·. . Capt.. Doubleday 's His· YOl'k city, not long oVer from Ireland, ba~d 1" Inquired one ot the t ew male ' lives and contempt for her na· h ell~d .c once.rnlng Ruth. . tory. contain" tbe names of Corporal a strong. hus ky chllp 'a nd wIth Jill ex· members or tbe olldlence. tt WIIS hick,· Cor him tbat he go, I.wo .· tlonality and her poverty might i. Fi rst of' all. h e sellied In his own Charles llrjngh\lrs~ and Private James celle nt commnn.d or his fists. Oile day ,II got In a jam awp.y, .dowb there. at lecoqds suire' In t.h&~ 1'IIo..e lor thll door. ~ have so prejudiced his mind ~a' mind thllt b e,r moUv es for .~om.lng to Grl!l1ons' In ~qmpn ll Y E ..• tbe time e nd o[ tJie cIty and It pollee· "':'Pearsou', Weekly. . ... t blind him to the rare woman· . Bethlebli!nl wei'e purely unselfish. for ,,' !nail spOke more har~hhi ,tt? 111m t.han .. "I; ·vlrtue. which ahe poase.. ed. ~ tile strang~ land and' stra,nge peopl!!. . ....n Overalght. O;Brleri liked. He jumped down from ~ But hl. love for real goodness ... could not offer b er, t h() same certain ty · .hls dray. whlch -,was so tightly 'Wedgo,d Wh en . CI!upp/e ,gQt ' )1p the othe r ~ was a'o keen and genuine, ·and • of h~me and friends , which her , oWJl Greatnes, ~f ·the . General Shown In t hit t 't he horaes wotild · hav!! 'to stand, mornln!; he wandered a.round · hi s ... . his· hlgh.minded Judgmen't s ito " • .land wo~old have done. Theil tllat ~he HI; Natural ' SJmpliclty of M~nner• and t hum ped the policeD-tan to Il 1In· ' opp. rtIDent In his prett; pink paJamas_ ',' . f . f'0 bias -I"d Impure mOo ~ was ·s lrlcere In her delBlre to hove the .... tlve, ree that r m ,he waa., a'ble to. under. .~ Heb rew G0d os h el' 'OOJII"'ao mn Il·t ish. 'rhe policeman, calleq ror ~ help the v fY picture of woe. . I es t Grant illld SheJlmBll were t he onl~' anI! a lot of olher policemen took' after "Wbal's t he malter, s\l'r' Inqul r"d : .tand fully "all that Ruth had ~ from Ihe d Ol-ollon which sbe had .. ' done," and though ' he had not P,- s hown sloce b r a rrl\'al In Bet hIe' olllcorl ot high rank I evor met Who O'lI'r len wbo rnn like the ml8chlef, hla vo let. aId llot J;t!l ntl;e \he n ~ mollph.l!re· I.bout dOdllJn~ 8ruu~d corners nnd leapIng "l. <\on't knbw, Alphonsl,!." .he &roan• leen her, he loved her. His wae ~. hem. (lo ns quencc. over obsta Cles . Other pOlicemen tpok ed; (' I pU S~Il<l ,1\ most · \Inhappy night,'" ... not a ,entlmental, sup rflclal ~ So, as the day s went by. the' des ire them with mlllts l'y .. love. It was I",ch love' as only ... gr.ew uP .in .hl s heB'rt to see .ber. He While at Cll'y Point I ' fre quently join- up t he I;hase a~ (/1st a~ he , ~pa&s:·s~·e~d~,.....;A~I\1~h~O~I)$;;;;e~l~oO~k~e~d~~~~~~m;~....:..~~ The first building ever. erect~d In .. _ good, pure, Itrong heart , can ~ hut! I'el\che d 'an ·a ge. w.hell l!e rel~ h~ .ed my frl e,lJdll of ' qen Orant. s~tr, hem snd fhe · otl\ers ~ beblnd 6 the 'U nlted Slates for the public use .. feel aa It find, thOle qualitlea In .. \\'1\8 ' beyolld SE!nJimtlnt, .and f?r . ,t bla. ·Portel'• . Babco.c k, "BlU ~" Dunn, lI,!d" on the word to' them . ", . what l;11e '.matt~r. . · of 'the federal gov.ernment, under ·the ~ another, for purity "Ioves purity; ~ ,'BUBo n hO CQu id not (Illi te de fine or lin· others,' a L bls' )letlelquar'te rs. < The' gen:, . "O' l:Irlen' ~ot to the witersille ' j ust your IJujulllas ,,\,ere not al~'aY8 neat al a ~~Ig wllh, 'iL ' lot (,r . em·pty . 'cannl must be more careful, . • .1· ch~5t1tIlt1on .. was the mint at PWladol· ... d .... dersta nd ·· the · sl\nlngs within hIs own eral; :In ~~aress linltorD'!, . • breast.' He ' kne w he gl'e'w . Into th'e but· Ilot . tastldl.6us1 In' appolritm en~s, bouts \\' O~ Stlli'tllig liP tb .Hudson. He, bad ' pl'ep",red 'Cor ')'OU ,were banglri~ 'phla, .. Robert Morris; ' t he 'patriotic .. goodneal I~vel goo nesl. ..... '. . ........................... hallit or li st n/ng fOI" ~o me 't!dlng!! ot .would sit 'ut t he door,' of hIs tent, . lealled ove r ' three fei!t of waler .nncl. acros~ tbe foot or,.tJi~ l>e.d )I-The , Ilc>financIer of the 'War o[ Independence: '" .'.. ' . '. ' THE STORY:' Ruth : li nd lIioi·c lila!, OIl C!! ' he ' ·ques· OJ' some times 'on one or the long 'lIet, bid In one ot the boats , Thc pOllco be mlao. " li'lI8 first to bring up' tbe qU\lstion of tees l hat race'd eaeil olhel' unde r tbe could 'hal'e 'n~\lbe d hl m. of eoti~~e. If Ws's Nlit F.or Old Golde .. OAZ 'Vus absent fro III Oethl eh ljm lIon ed his nelghbol's a.nd Crl nds con· ~ naIJonal mint: I\n<,- It was be who John Sioll.n, ' the notlle) IIh,lstrat\lr at the lim of the' return of JIIao ml earning . h er . JII thi s WilY hI! 'became teut-fi y, smoke, IlRten, anll 'som tlmes they hlld 'k.n'own· h ~ 'Willi on !t he wa· " 'orlied ,wIth 'Thomas Jefferson ' and ·tnllt; and not ' Il Boul 01 118 ' from' l he tet. but . til ~, Ih.o ugh t-.he · ~as · beblnd and: e tchtll;, lalcl lIo'wn ' ~ ·n !!w:~ n'\)e.r ac- ' AI('xand er Hamllt~o to ' Induce con· lind bel' daughte r·III·luw. HlIlb, but on fnll1 l11ar with ever)· <l e la II. almost. or youngest to 't he oldest e yer hnd a s ome Illmber ·plle. and':lio ~" eBcilped . coun~ of ' t he 1181" of a Bongjlreau for . hIli renchlng ·· Mme IhlS lIl t· of n e ws he r lite In Rdhl eh em, nnli leal'ned gress to adopt the declmal ' system of was IImong th e firs t to rench lils e~rs. rflll h of the story ot h e l' hre l>eCore thought of 'rank, writ s 'Oen, Morris 'rhe '<'.nPllihl' o( 1·l1e low' boat let hll1\ ,76.000. ..... .. I.,. 1',. . \VHhollt lower: work aroimd a lIU1e " un~1 they n\ade. . Such IDleR," .he' said, '\remill!! nIt! or . money arltbmetlc. for ,lhe townspeople had lI ot ret cellsed . ,coming to l:I e lhl ~h e m, fQI' people did Sllhatr, iii .:A till·ntlc. \ first. land In!!;;. ),'hich happen~ cI 'to the ' convllrsatloU " of old" GoIl8a '; Golde ' to gos III conell l'lling th e venl. In . fact not s ee m to tire ot the g()salp which log ·hls manner to .tbe le vel .. of ~llmn. ~rrs. ·George H, Gorham, a well- be ' bnd scarcel y ga lued lbe gale ot.hls cente red ubmlt · Naom I and 'her Moab. IlIl'lty,. be' fmt everyone at his eaee be Weijt Point. ·Tbep he put O',Brl!\Il' and his dnught!ir Lott'Il.· lW,ell: <'I..ld )18 loy hili ' nntlll'al similllclty .. · ~e ' had Ij.til\Ql'e. known Wnshlngton ' woman, has 'dus~ village helore he was 'ami'mi nded b)l ·n lllllh ·cluughU)r·ln·Jall'. '. " .,. ' ".:, ;' buy that." pl ctnrM '.' lialil '1,.\:#11. on" he.r accomplished II herculean and u!llqQII gro!1p' of nC,'lgbb,ol'a wbo ' lioure.d lnto . " She must be Ii good woman·... HORZ non e of th!! capl·lcllBOr . moods ' ,!r . I'Beln~ , pi!nIlJlel8, he 'fal ~Iad ·~o :on- falJ1f!r's returni ' trom' iI. gallery" '_'0: •. tllsk, wblcb I, the complliltlon ·of a hll fnterested ea r nil ' th e story of woula S8)- to hlmselr, "loll) gl ad BrIe vanity. .Qulet In hla pre8enc~ . anll IIst 'ln the .al'lfII~ry d<j!!aehment, whll:l1 th~ old mlln ·anllwet~ ; .j 'Wby ~ot, ~aCanby ·just'· theil. He went. -Vpp?' ' ·'Twan;t ...'dear· e,opulb.' .. , ._. ' French.Engllsh 'dlc~lonary that IItro.rds NaOllll'jI life alld mlslort unes In th e hilS come. to Bethlehem." anci 'he would rint)L rlll In Ills. mann er." gentle In vpi~e, had oC Ilbsolute .pllrlty In , sP!lech., ot ullaC. ~o': work'·>t'ng ~ llIir8e8 . . 9n,e ,day a · the means ' for those deslrlog to I~ara land of Moab. and .or .her .havlng lost go 011 plc~lIrlng 10 hlmselt' Ills hOllie , .' ", , fected/ sIIllPle.' 'd!gnlty, Grllnt'·. tlirey; . eltber Frencb or English to mllster husband 'nnd 8ons· tbe~e, nnd of her reo wfth s llch' B. womll.n ·10 it. Then be a cbal'm ovel·. hIs campfire. West' Polpt driver wae laid Ill>. and ·tlle .artlller.y, . ~ 'A' C0t!'''l!n~ . , was r\lini!!g i around. wonIn8\.1uctor. tum In SOrl'OW and llo veny to th . old would laugh and shake oft the "spell," lhoae tongues sufficiently to converse "O( . c:o'lrse," . 8al~ ·Mlss " ql'lDillD " never gradualed a man ' wbo.· oddell dering' what 'h~ ·should do, O.· grleQ "Mr. Klcid l,\~'s . JadguaJe la' nO.t ~IWIIYI aod ,wso to enjoy tbe literature of 'home sbe hal'l left over ten y III'S be· as he would calf It But Rutb "Ii hIs so little austerI ty or ]Jretense' to ,s polie up , und ' ,s al,d :lliat: be ·kile'!".: how eleiani, ' but. 'be 'can tie ' 'lfen- com,loll: fore. ' , II ps came to be· u sweet word, and pL'nk. ot ·tame, 1I0tb. ·to ' dJ;'lve. "Slttlng on a plunging 1\01'8'e mentary III bls roligb .way." . "Yeti?" "Ellmeleoh might battet hnve taken Rulh came In to 1118 thollgh~ 118 though with YOllr rlgli't .. Ieg dolie u!t In Iron Isked MIss Wlae: "Yel. be sau rill you~ advice and stayed In Bethlehe m," 'she had somehow alwuys ,b ee n th~e, .' . 'The L.,t to Fall. ' . A:ooUege girl .out In New YO.rk 'IS oJaclilated on e, BS the story. WBij fin· So' It we nt until, dllrl :og tb e midst 01 . A partrllit has recently been c;>btaln' to , keep 1t-.fI'Om beIng crllshed 'agaInlt _ ..bird:: ::Hubl ,. ~ , ~ &Il ,O,lrlcla.", · colng Int9 b'u8lne88 this ' siilJ:ime'r lis Ilbed. the 'barley harvest, he came Into bls ed of the' last mAD to tall .Iu tlIe clvii the · pole between you and th ~ · .o the r 0lI Adlroudack guide. If the '. Maine "Yes ,. resjJOnded Boaz, .l\lldly ; "I field one 'd ay nf)d, whllo talking !Vlth wlr. He .wall Q'Union .oillle!', John:Jef. liorae ISll't ~ulie \Ike ' dnvln!, dray. · girle ev~r ' ·{oHow ber exam'ple, tbe baTe otten wished that 'h e had li ste ned lhe foremnn 01 the reapers. hili atten· rers'on WI.l1lamB, f.rom' iray cQ~nty, In- 'e ven, under the' most ' excltl~g ' ~,!Idl. G,uides -no"" llce.t;lsed for the:Malne wll- 10 .me and been cqntent to ' remain . . d on was aUracted 'to ~l figure quietly, a of comnany Jil ot the tloos of dl'ay drlvlngl but the lIeute.n · ant <:010ne1 .c o\ljdn·t .do nny b ~ter\ and . .(}e rness 'm ay ha'V~ 'to cut ~utes In order FrOm what YOll tell me, be could not following In t he .wake of the. Oleo- al 1··T'hl"tv.rnllrth 'lndlana regiment. . O'Brien went In to clrlll thl!.tday II to 'g , et llUslnf!SB. . . " . have ' fllred worse .had he .d one so. tlleyI put and gathered and stllcked th~' . .• "'he flgllt In, v.'>blcih he "'as' killed, DC. • or:.tlie.m·lddle·, team ot.a .clIl,ll80n. and Ws two sons dead lind grn n. . ' curred ' ilt Palm.~tto ·Rancb: 'Texa.s,. on He wall IItrong, Int,elllient and ' a quick' . The )dill; of Iilllgiand .Is a publ,18her. .ElImelech only Naomi 'Ieft," h!! rep'e ated, half to . 'Whose <lamsel Is this ?" he asked. Marcb 13, 1866, 'more Ilwl a ' mont h . and -he staYed driver. . •· , .. ba. the e!IClu&lv~ rIght to Iss ue hlmsel!. meditatively. "And what or and .w hlle tbe words were .belng ·ut· after Lee~B 811i"re~dlll'. . . 'Jl)arln'eril' chnrtil lind English m·lIrln· Naomi ?" h e add!!d, after It few miD: tel'ea. and before the servllllt cOllld . Thec.wo~d to IllY 'd own: .l'~ ' had not . "Su,iPter ,,'as ' Med on ' lOon afte.r., erll are (orbldden by law 10 nse liny utes' ,)IIU8I), as his thollghts turned reply. th'ere came · lhe· whlspe l'lng ",n· reached Texos at ' that Um;e. ond, an ward and O'selen '''w~nt- .to 'he (ro!lt clonrts but hIs. The copyright oll ' theso trom llle dend .to ·the IlYln~. "YolI'll8Y ' swe rlh 'hls heart, "Rlllth, " •. ~ngageme"t . ~oo~ place between ... ,v~th ~rlffitbs 'an~ ~o~ promoted 'right And as be looked 11110n h a r. even ,be · Jml\lI ' torce ot Iln.ldn blooll8 and . a, de' along.. A~ter :. tho . ",'I,lr. be . was 1tans· ro)'a l curts, furthermore; ne\'e~: rUlls sbe has .brought a r,t:ollbltlsh womall wIth ber '. '· , fore he hOd spoken ·to 'lIer and she h,ill [f d t· l ' '''11 terred 10 the 0·egtilnr8. So In time ho'. o·ut• . lachment 0 con e ~ra e cava ry.· u • WBII ' retire,!! as a ' !Ieutenant col,on.I<I, ':VB<!. her d'aUghter:ln-lnw. Ruth, mode reply, .he kn ew lha~ ' his "heart "ams was , t.he ooft: man killed!' . . ill\, beCal!Se he !lot · mall ana Ilel$!ld 1\ wire of M,/Ihlon . " And ,they do S8Y she had been conquered. It Is rather lletula'ntly pOinted out 18 devoted 10 ,the 'lId Jl\d~tt bu ,some cOP In lower · ~w , York. 'U he hadn;t • " '.' An 'Old Revolver• . thllt Dioli ot !lli ' Ume alnee' be has strange motive must have brought her' !Jeeo: allle : to lick' the cop tbe COil Swinburne Tragelfr. . ln tb,e ;~yal Artlllerr' m~um , .ieen .1.o tb 8 Brmy Peary has IIpetlt on from he r country and h er' people, tor mlllbt ' bav~ ~eld /l1p1. T!Jen ' O'llrtell Algernoo Charles Swinburne" the Wo61w1ob, Englal!''';, ~Y. be aeen an woqla have bad 30 dayS In jlLtl, gOno 1(lAve ., But If he brini;s home the ~noml h"lh o'o tblng to orrer .lIel'. Ib ' poet, Is engagad. In "l'1'ltlog allb.t-cl\&mbered m~chloolr , ~CJlver back ~to hla dr~y . &lid never known 'porth pOle nobody will kick about th .. [ad it dO<!'It seem that bar comlne tragedy, tbe· subj,ellt IlLtln.c lroJD tile tlof~ ' or QUeeD mllUr' that be bad esCaped wearing Bbou'l det lII!lkes ~aoull'. lot tbe h!lI;der. to,!, ~!!.!~~~ .aJar)' ho retil. Olth. > . .": ~traPI '!l(b llih'er i.a. . ODUa-...










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By Edgar White



or harve~ lIal e or tile Illte? Bllt ".iI, pot? Tb, 5e t wo s to rekeepen are bit. te r ,aga in st' Ibe mUlti orde r hOUBP.S, I wonde r why? 'I u~ lk e <\ with t he r a\1road ageuts ,In th at lI:lIe city a nd he said lots br ba rd ware and f urniture Wl~a s hlpJ)cd In. He said, " One day 1 w(ld o ut a n express order tor $B4 to pay [or a b ill or h r.rdware. I told the man to 1;0 up nnd lief it the mercbant COUldn't fil l tb e or tlet. He went bu~ ~90 n came bliCk, sayi ng t ba t 'he didn 't have ba it ot the s:.alr o a hand and tha I he wouldn 't c ut A bit lIn wh at h e d id, bave.' .. Col um n a rter culumn bas been writ· ten deploring the I~act th at t b e b uyer 5pen'ds her or h is mo uey away t rom home, thnt s he o r h e Is helping to build lip the mall order house to t he delrl· ment at t h e home m orc hant. T be sen· tlm e nt Is good o nd ' the ca use 18 wl)r th y or tb e e tto r ta beln i: D)ado to stop thla , unde rtow; bllt no amount of writing, and no a mount o r h ome pnt.r1otl,s m .wlll flver o vercome t he bll d etrcota of th e dead morchan t In the IIltle to?f'lL T he trllth Clln b~ Illallily seell , Le t us l urn ba()k to the general 'Stores and look u ~. llle proprieto r ot anyone . He 'prohably will be founll bus y waWn g oh a customer, htl Ir ftot he will t 11 'you hnt It Is not til e cata· loglles alone l hat be fears, btlt alsn t hat It II! the letha rgy of tb eifo two dea l rs, They lire b illing to dl'h'e aIVny trade from bome: ' I havo wB ud re (R trom t he subj"ct and gott n over on Lh buyers ,side of tbe fence; bllt fsn'l It well at limes to look at thc othpr side of tb ls pitlallle s tory? I slarted to wI'lte a Cew IInlMl o'n " Wby Peopl • bould 'Trade at Home," anu have :;otl n Into the fi e ld at " Wby l Ule H om Ma r cha.,nt .ShOUld Ind uce People t o Tralle at Home." It m a y be Ifa lr u i the IItUe t.own to ooce to a

" W rlle he r this for n ~e, ,1 an, t hat "By gad! That has t he I'/glit rin g," ,,' hlln .shl' br lllgs her hll Rhllnd with suld the o lu 1/11111 , " I'u have done the "re I I Milch to Be Fea red a. the It I' tb n slle way com . DOln tell same thing 01) self. Tbat doell se m Competition of t he Catalogue II ~ rhllt I' IU sulrorlng-el yl ng-npl a to explai n." he we nt on , lIl cdltlLlIvely, HouseS-Should Be Awak· worll' Sh shull II vel' darke n (hosE\ " but yet. It 1~II ' t sure. It I cou ld only ened or Burle d. 'loor~1 01) YOU bear? I've sworn It. 9 00-" "I'b'IIL'g all. Se nd He nri h 1'0. 'I.'he Hasbl:oo k Wil l ked 0 \' ' I' to ·t ll e Wilh WJ.y sh'o u ld tho bome merohant be ~d wl lh balf hl!t r In tellect hall t brlc" dow and whl spored somet hing Into tI I" I ve," l!'J'llnlde's ol1rs lind llwu lou him up to ' llalronlzod i nstead or tue mall oNlEW llOuse? The .s u bject Ih as been ex· Th e lall, b a ndS()me,((JItt'ltI'ed ' old (be couch , j( ' UlI <! lltlln "'ho had balf l.\l'I~OIl from " 'Here's onr li llie boy, Mr, I.e hau sted almost' and from alt 'points or ill · couc h to de ll vo ,' the peremptory Croix," h s uld ; " l\1 01' lak' his hand , ' lew and all s id s there Is 1\0 valid ronaon why ,t b e me reli a nt a~ home ' (:ollJmand to bl u retainer, fell back t'X· 11 0'11 te ll yo u. who \\. 1\1'0." ~hOllld not~ x ~epth. g tivo, pric e a nd hllU ~l"d. vVlth ' th Sile nt tread of a Til Illva ll d Clasped t h c hllu' R hand l'Iean·lI ml) ed I1n lmal o( lh Jungl N. It lovingly, a nd placed hl ~ Olh I' huncl a rtl c L 6 , wan led. It Is no t tbe in ten Ion at the wrltor youn g man e nte red the hcrlrooJII and Oil bls heael , IIllpronch d the hedsld' o( bls falh o'r , " Yo go d:;!" he exclalmod. mourn· ~ o ~ot ([own a plcaslllit flow of la,n' His I' l';ul nnd a houhl'ra weI' or tl'e' full y. " I'll A'iyo m y bOI.e or Ihe h re o ~uuge 01' lO prod uce nn Interesti ng bit Jll e ndou" s ize for the (I('liellle borly IIfl C/', noal' :lH If I , for a si);h L , hi m, of rcnding matt er , lIu t nt rel~' to state III a t ' W Illmvle S 'II( nces whll ~ J have .tI ncl leg,;, glv l ll~ hll1l Ihe III'JI"a\'ullce ~'I'a lll. l t' . lI OW 11 11 W I' II I" ,thl1uglJ tfu11)', "'n and l oarn d of tile co mp uton b· M n h1l1l11llJtlok c'I man. Who'" III th t:' ruom hel,e." '.wecn tho Qata!ogue hou se8 and th e " 1-1 uri , illY hoy ," J,(n SIll'r1 I~ 'rolx, "OIOl Il'lJtl ." homo m,e rch'lI1l.a. In th e fl/'~t \llaco no t~kt n g a Onll grip on til hlln~hbllck ' 9 "nl C!;S tI1 o hllll! Who Iso'!" ~ue ommunlty suffe rs greatly in ,thla ha",l s, and .1 o kl!)g him I'a J'Jl eR ll y In " Llttl tl mamilla ," wmpC'lllion. 'J,'hat mall S lh proble m t h(.' ),l'H, I haVe just f('cpiv .LI frOIll " nd - ullll wh .-w ho ('I ~ ." YOUI' IHter a not , ,wltl h Is hurnln;; " l)ad,l," In;i ll Ih e hoy I' rn m"rJy. lo",!;. all the DlOI'C IlImculL' In solullon . I m ea n by tbls th nt lIle m3Jorily of buy· In yo n Ilre, Sb'u Is ovor III lown, lug up nnel smiling nt Ha~hro ol{, and wantod to "ollie h('l'o, )'llIlrs 1lf1;11 "(loou! YOIl'I' all 1'lg hL, Frun kle, ors 11\ no one community pur oha~ e lly )' t'Hl , r\lIl1 l<U1\)er-yuul' l!1~t"I' leCt us. a ud , b 11(1\' YOUI' dad' s all right, llIal!. 'fbe bll ~ ln Q6S at the mnll o rde r JI IJr()\1O YO ll1' moth('\,'s II ,lrl. Whllt I. ny how , I'm 'luln g- (0 glvo him my houso Is ~catle reLi 0\' r a Inl'lIe terri· I.Qry, th o numb"r of orders coming It did to m mlltt rs not. 'Ph 1'0 WI1K hn nd , II 1''', lin I.o rook-Ceclr, pleas tl'om Rny one communllY compared a mrul who tO,ok YOlll' Q I ~ t e r fl'0ll1.1'8 s hu th dOOI'," "1'h door ' ~ shut. ta t her," aald the w JU~ the \vhol e Is comLJaratively llmall lit s \\'U)' Ibat muile It 11II1I01l1;lb lo tor to tbe ullmhe r of ol'd .1'8 In the town. li S to S!?e her ' nil,)' more ." . yuti n!; IVomnll, wulklng oye l' to It, " Y ~ , fa !he r , ' A nla ll alol e s iste r. " Maybe Il WU 8, but j thoug b t I felt 1'h e1'0 Is Iln ex!! 1,1Ion to thi s In ,a (Jom' munlty whe re Lbe home merchants are H was a llad lIIun.'· aume a ll oven It. You know o ld POI)' dead ones a nd as~ e~ho rb ltaot prlcea, "Y ou III e rlghl," snld th old , sen· pI e, espe lally \\'b n we're dyi ng, a ro t! Dilln, whil e Ii mlillgnun t 8cow l over· n blt sen si tive to draug hts, I wlH b call t hi s fa c , " He wn!! a bat! mnn. you'd get you r hnrp, Coclle-It's ove r' Your els te r bad a child b)' th at bad t11 I' b si de the mant I. ri g ht wb ere ma n. Now, nil' boy,rwollid not. have YOII yo u j ft Il- nnll Bin'; I.Q m , Frnu kl , b a rm all hai r or YOllr s lst r's hea d. 90n, you k ell sU II uow Ull mumm a, but tbe talbe r or ber c hil d Is your 'sings." , e n nw and mine, and, He n ri, should 1'he luvalld Instelt until nearly you ENeI' m a t blm. kill him!" dawn, wh e n HaN brook h aving done " Yes, fnth e r." all he could , went (Jut Illto t h hOlI·' 1'he, answ r was as calm lLDd u way to gel bls cost. 'iVh II he put It lnnUe r of fllct 88 It tll commission on he t UI'll d IIro und and saw eclle had be 'n tQl;o to tow n to gel Lhe standing b alii hhD , wllb both arms mUll, Thel' was' nothin g s uggesting ou t s trel hod. He look aile or he r an ger In the ltoy's tace, ret tho dr· hand s and s low l)' rnlsod It to his' ing plll Ol er sce m d to bo slI Ua· llps, fl od. " 1 kn ow wh nt you ",ould say," he With in l h hour thot th p tmA n said, ge ntly. "and 1 lhank Y01l. Ooed· had dcilv 'r d the un forgl vi 1:\' ; ult!· lIy." .'lnnlum to lh" yo ung ",nll illn pelltlon., As h wnlkoll d \\'11 the gra \'~l od il l' U . H I'r. nt hapu d la' l" II Card. slut. palll h "'II ~ conscious thlll so mo llnTk i ll g ,l ha t tha cllller wlllt('d In Lbe 11 P I tlg llr w US flitting u bont th o Ir~ es and pllrlor, sh (lnt r('d a mlln al·oap. bus ll es, golllS lu th fll11U cli/' ctlun . lind d('fl' r nthll'ly bowed. Sbe 011 8h· 'UJlIlOs lns ,11 \ras uti o r III d ogs, b 1.'(\ slightly II : h e r cognized har l :\ pnld IJlIl I'ltil(' at lC'ntl o n till 1110 llg· J Hli sb rn ~ k , 11 11 o ld ncquulnl:\llc (11 I' uro blo II d, bl s way· a t ~b e 1;ll te, Th c II ' ~Irlh n()rj, a 1ll:111 whll lIad love d h l'l'. II recogni zed 1110 SI' Ie qu ely mi ll' nnd whoD! She h all 10\'E>d. BuL 11 0\\' s halJeIi fornl a. man , wh so m II sh e \\fig ftl ~ d to s him. une! corlllul· to b all h Oil and :Inns, Hus ul'ook at. Iy xl nd ·d her IJllDd. t IllJltell to ste rl to on e side, but h is " 1' ur futh e l' is Ilyln g ; YOI\ would n!.' my len l) d lit 111m like 11 whirlwind, chit heel him willi a de ath grip ubo ut IIIr 10 6 e 1.11m ?" "Y S . sir, !)lIl he 1111 niJsolllle\)' do· lbe , throat ami bol' him 0 til ' arlh , pll ned to r C Iv III 1I11l ess-uill 8S-'.' Hc couldn't cry 'out, and 1118 nrms "1 know," said l;-IalibroO!t, gent ly, s eme rt pilrnlrzcd. '1'he IW)lchbaok ' J "SUI ' lbnt does n't mnll e r, ,If you'lI kn It ' on bi ll brells a od mni ntnlnod his set ~'O\l r wraps w ' 11 drh'e onl to lbe gri ll or le I till all wan ov r. 'I' he n plnn U'.I1on ." ' he a rose from t he boctr an d rlln h.l s ': he lool.ed ,a t him witil amaze- hn nd th rollgh hi s tawny ha il', HI ~ race m onl . " wa s :>ore!le , a lmost m iling. When tlie ' local ed itor ~nd the local much.a nt put the il' ,houldere to the ; '.'t \:11 e n Ival'." he we nt oU. ' "1'1' Th h\lll hllat1 lt Imo \l J\mJ made til t:' whe el of local , progres s t he town , w ill move, Its Industries' w Ill thrive, it will o,'xpluln Its we go Klong. 11 0'11 r eceive 's ig n ' (th ~I'O s. In Ih slllln' wa tch pros pe r, But re me mber th e ed itor cannot do It all ; he ask s a nd must have )'t)lJa ll right, n \'e~' fear." ot ' tho lJ'on fl!llll'altO D. ihe an gel the- merchant's ass istance. " I Ill- bil - F rankIe--" Inot,h 1"5 vol c arne, IIn.l b re called "Fra nk l 1" th WOl'd~ 8M had pokeD las l : " I am gOing lO len ve you , HOll. To Illustrate, Th ere Is n. III 10 olty III while tbrow a (ew shovols tu ll of/eartb " Yes, In)' little 80n." Th , ma n stal'ted 11~ If strllc k. bu t he a m going- ou 11 tar jOUI' Il l'Y, blil lhou Ilie centrn.1 pa r l ()( \vl s~.onsln, a beau· on the, dead merc bant, lest he 's tluk eth r ecover '/I h hns 1(, wl,lt hav by tJlee yel l ll: noble fll ' tl ful HUI!! pillce, with Its shqclY streets ull d poll ule th Ul e rt!st. ' " "l:lrlng brlll 'lllong:" ha' Rale!. Lb(\/'i be 'gOod to him fol' Illy sake , lind 11!IlI1Sant hom S. It bas soveral E DW ARD T. H ALE., In a f w momen s s b e I' l U\'IIod lelll1·. and for t hin e, nntl Lho s I hlngs h e genora l stores owneLi by II ve, wide· SOME, REMARKABLE HORSES. nwa ke merchants, who a re hustling tor lu g a pr tty lH,110 boy 0(- four. T he H n y~J\t t h nl thou does t," cblld , hod Its mo h r's clea.r_ hn n(\· Copyright, IJ)' n ully Sl" ry P U h . 0 . ) busi ness: yet are a lways pleasant alld 80 m facEl , IIncj e.y(!~, a nd seemed to be read y to vis it w ith a ustomer. They Wonderful Storln About t ,h e St..da . of FamQue Men. as \l rfectly at euse as It t he whole VOLCANOES OF TH E MOON . are not vut ou t at a.n y time to s how eJlulIJ,\on . were e ntl roly to h ili Itklng. 1;I)0ds, ta kin g de wn bolt afler bolt at In his letter s to Lord Granville, pub. W ben he saw the little feHIl \\' , HM' On Much Larger Scal e Tha n ThOle of vlot h and m a y\)e t he n 1I0t mak ing e ven ~roo k slllggered bac k a nd m utt red :, Our Glopc. & ftve-<lent sale. T bey t n ke t hat a s IIs hed by the Royal Phllosophlcal. 80' " T he vJJJaln!" , ' part of the ir business; t hoy are a lways clet'y, who was a lao greatly Inte rested 'the mOlher overbea r d t l; . expI'CS' I t IR evide nt t o allyon' who ,glaneQS wl1lln to Bond oS l·ha s t to the c it y In natura l hi story, Smithson, tl1e uJ)wllrd at l he IUOO Il t hat Its \'olcnnoes (or un y ort,lcle t h ey ma y riot hu ve In laUn de r of the Sm.lth sonlan Institution ' .ion ~nd colore,d . , "We W!lrit ', to s t. LO,lll e," s he said. are,on 0.11 hll m nse,ly larger scale U,ta n 8to ~.k that Is wan ted by a c us tome r ; In Am erica, rela tes how the borse of tdlm uJo:\Js lYi " for six lUonU,i8 It seem· those ,wlll ch stud' 0 111' globe, One ex, th eir · s tocks, aro ' up·to·d ate ' and free Alexande r lh e ' O'r eat, Bueephaluli, ~d 'th ' t h eave n ,had cOlilc to eur lll ,. planu Lion', now aba ud onetl, Id lb a t Lbe from ' sh el(,worn goods: , T hose men would at night, on b ea r ing a blast of s ut! then he,-" ' force' hf gl'ov lt atlon tie in g thore onl y mak e the humblest custome r s teel wei· the trum pet from th,e soldle rl on guar d , At , he ma~slo,n , J ea n hAr red the one-8~',th tha t of t ho earth lhe m alle I' come In ~helr s tores , and partiClilar at· showing the , approa ch of tbQ enemy, "" 8)', expelled from a rat,' wo uld lJc tenti on Is p.a l d' to walthlg o u childre n, rlln at gTea t s peed to hll master'. ten t ":'I ~' orde rs are strict." ,he s ai d; s prearl fill' mOl'e wl de l)' a nd explosions gl\'lng t h em even better m eaSur e a nd , a nd .... Ith his tee,th . grab th e sleeping " ahe a n not e nter ." would be gilne rllll)' ' on a fa,. more quality thun th ei r eldors would 're- mO!larch and shake h lm ,untll he s prang , ,il3l1l I In sist s ho h us a rlJ? rnagn lO cerit sCI\le. cl/ln. 'And ,these ' m e n 'are adver ti sers, In to th e saddle and galloped toward com~ I In,'" IIRld Ha s brOOk , .s le ruly. Prote's sor PI ~kerl ng Quoles this Ihe· 1'belr ad:s Ih the local I?ape rs a re the e nc my, AllO th at the gred :::allpb Haroun.el. "Le.t u8 pa's~, anil t he n ft ho wun ts to , OfY ' (lD ly to refnt It' In Ilo m~ COIllI'llrl· changed r egularl y and' s bow ti me and or der u~ out, w e'll go, bill \V 'l'e Il l' Ilons whi ch h e hall mude IJel ween the stuci y. The y meet th e ma"l order mar. .Raschl,d In tbe ~IChl ,c entury tn march. In!/: 10 Bee blm' firs t." 'great vo lell nl c I'eglon o r Hawa\! ,Qlld more than hal( ,., a.y In apecial s8 1es Ing toward the force s of Quee n Ire ne 'rh l' strongly built man () f the one ur the 's tu a ll el' cra te r" or tbe lUoon. a nd clea r ing of odds and e nd s . H e re of C<?ns tantlnople eonstantl )" had a IIlln ()1l had ,a. way ' ot bls ow n, a nd thp T h 'facLs see m to hi m lit bo that Is an lnotaneo whe re the r e Is no legl· numbe r of tra ined A ra b~an hors~ l dl: s · n ' a nl il l<l il't like to ri~ k', (1 I'Q l'son(l1 t lie la\,ge c rnte l's 0 11 lhe , 111 0011 , CAmE' ([mate o xcuse for 'a person sending r ect deilcenda nts of tbe famous horse m l,er. ' Intp 8xlste,nee when qUi Ihln , solid IIw ay nfte r goods. And ·tho veople do own ~ d by Is hmael, '. 4,000 ,years ag(i) ' ''tq the r !" I ' d' ust coverlug ·the moltell In ter io r not , V e ry few art icles of general m ol" thro,,:n forward a s s couts, who trom 1'ho )'oung womn ll rushed to : the' In· was .. owing , to Ita ' so li di fi catio n Ul,1\ c;hand lse' are shi p ped Int o l bat ci ty. time to time ret urDl!d to camp and by valid I\nd ll,Uelt nt 'hl s lJ t)dsl de. cont rnctlon of th erll. t, ' milch 'to\) , Tho buyer and sellor are workin g In a pec uUar whinny and neigh reported harmon y to theIr own betterme nt and the proxlmlly of t ho ene my. " Who "a lls- me , fo tbel"'" ' de ma nd cd BllIa!,1 to contain the llqll ld IIl1l tel'ilil. But , to come ' dO\ll'n to the present th e olt! mun, bar ~ h il'. : T ho ,()ro te rs We r ' ~h c l'll(ore for me t! a.r1vnnt ago. ", "It Is 1- YOllr dl1u gl~to l' -Coc ll e--'- b ~' t he la vn bu rs ling t h rough t he crust But look a t the other aide. The city dey, It II relat ~d Iby • re Ured New {!all '~ you seo nie?" , . alid so r elieving lhe Tll'OSS Il I' '. j.llter,' whlcli wo have In mind has one hard· E nglnti4 ol e.rgy~ain·, whose s ands , " \\'he re's yil\lr . h\l K lJn ll~l?·· arter ' tI lle, l'elle f':1tad b e n fo un d and ware mi d ono furni t ure s tore, Both life bad ne arly run out, th~t one day " H41rO h~ I,,;' Mr, Lt:' C r,o h:," said Ihe cr,ust hod th ick >n ed tho iMe rl o r •hllvo fairly good stoc ks for the size of on leading hll lione down th,rouc!t a HHs brook, ca]n)ly. reg ions by coolin g s h rank away fro m t helr 'clrcle of trade; but just s te il Into la ne to & brook tor a drink t h e lI.n lmal "Who , are YO,u!" tho' :.:o lld ahell. , wb lch "'liS 1l0W too either one or these stores, T he pro- Rudde nly halted and, turnIng Its head , 'r h ~ 01(\ n!ante r , hail rise n 1J p.,?n bll large , a nd , bel.n g In sllm ()lf! n tl ~' SUI>- prle tor may be In the back rOllm or the round, grabb!ld up with its t eeth one ot "elhow a~ I t try-Ing to PII J' t hrough hl8 por.ted, cave d III,' JI" r m ltllllg t be gro ll t back'yard for all you know. but by and It I hll}d ahoes 'll'blch had just dropped ' .lal'1I C'n d e YGS 'at the m all who s poke fi8~ Ui:O e ruptJ ons whi ch produtlod tb e Iby 1I0mc s tir Is heard and lols urely he ott, and, holding It· In Itl mout h with , to ~I ru. ,,; . , ' , ' , . , , sO'CAlled Ilillar seall. " . makes bls a ppearance-neither s~ore the, nails daneline, It: backed up agains t I''M}, no'm e II Obarl~s Hasb rook. 1 Those e xte nsive ou tOow ~ I)f laV8 .'haa need of a cle rk- and probably wltb a atone wall and c1l1pped It onto -It. m3 ~rl ed YO\I1' daugh t(ll , whe n ll.he lett' di ssolved the !)fl glu a l '1OII d IIhe! 1 .... he n· some I;l'umblos a bout being disturbed, hoof and with 'a fsw v(olent klcke . hOI/l aome )'eara' agp," ', e ve r they canto In to conlact with It, •• ks what III wanted, The re might as nall~ It on again. 'rhe , 'g\rl, who bad been s obbing, muqh as the )" do In the present day \,"ell' be plaeardll In the store announc· Tlte Actor". ComplaInt. . llu!ftm ly 1'1lIsed her fa ce alld loo)(ell In Ha walt. . lng' Buy what I've got and kee p stlU" The phYlllelan loolicd ~ra:ve. ' ;It lbe man who bad made the a's toulld. Had the moon boon lllUch smaller und "We are bUB,., don't dls(u'r b u . ... '~ I 'give you,~ he 8la ld, " but ten more Ing deelaraMon" wh ich sM had JUlt the se eruptions 'ml$ ht not have '0"" No ettort I. made to oho\\' you :au artl. yeara of work." . . (Jon1pr<Jhended, " Tben, h ur fe btut ell currod at all and Ir the Uloon had beoJn cle: nothing ,II ever taken down trom "Grlnalnc his teef h, the actor htssed .$oltc nlid Into a .mlle of g r.ailtu4 and mucb largel' thoJr relaUve 'lIlze would the Ihelves unle.. directly all ked for . m_le¥coleIlUy: <:on Odence. 'rhe plallter's fOI'01 s hook ha ve been greate r . . Most probably on Neither liard ware nor furniture mlln ," Cune )'ou, why didn't yoa tell me w'lIl1 emotion, as be .alu l the ear th Ilmllar olltbllJ'ats 9fl!rt'l Acta w11llnl to get what ~ou want Ir he tb.. betOl'eT Are 'yuu .ware tbat you "Tbe "root, III~e " proof! Why g reate r IU'Jd ollr original gi gantl o 'Ira· (lOllS not have It In stock. And agaln- baYI robbl!<! me ot 'Ieut leven dldn't YOIf let ine knllw betore? There'. ter• . wllre destroyed by the outho'll' ' neither, one of thele stores belle~. III Borne t ricke ry bere.~ j at the earUer archaIC 1'OOks whIch a4vertillDS. Tbey l13e no space ba will IINIOD' f'~ ..._ the "1 lIu4eratood y6u' objecte4 t o me complete ly lubmerged and dlaaol"fcd bome pape ra; a Ilt:",comer wOllld ! 'u s roundl aUeetln. Sf bolIor," them. "Iver Imow the el~ po..ened .Ilcb "'WIW .. craud , lI..brook. taklnc .....peral. Cbancee: • pla&lea or · bIlSlD... entefPri'Ie. Who f:om llIbt opera P' ·',.n..a.. 1 1.014 C8c.l1 ral\'8f,to me nUoD lIlT CJCICl Is , tact. Iblf they that ~ aftr ....... Of • ODIlRtr7 banlware· or "<III. JOII pret,ell4 lI~me In. ~ let..r Ill' wrote y,ou',' Ilhlp btlll mut worahlp blm III fact. IVDt~ .tart rt.,YIDa a IIIICJaI ..... bat -ere' lID aUI·,re.=!,u1e


" enc(,





It Ca n Be Sown Profit a bly On a of, Ground That la Fo,,!. A grOlUId hr' ('lean II hi uo I\slor to sow IIU( S and c loy r 111'1), In ' th spring, D urlns the growlug ~o a,;ou, ollta ahd clover get sh nu 'of tbe wea(ls END ' SCOOPS' FOR WAGON BOX. a nll Slllo~h l' tb m out. The cr(\p I_ cut be rote tbo so w cds Which do de· How a Oonven le nt Atta chm e nt ~a n Be " elop nUltnre seed, If Ollts are reo EaslJ y Made. moved tit onae and th e land pastured, lhere Is not lUuch dan g' r at weeds d . A band y IiC001' bourd whl oh cll n be \'I'luI.lng rre Iy. If. how vel', the weetll!! allach ed to III rf'lIr e nd of Hny wllgo n do, g pt IL start, the It Id can h mow .t box Is II howu ht!I'e wltll . 1'h f' s ke tch b forI' the s!'ed mail/reM nil l 'lh e clO\'e r tihoWH ve ry cl nr l), hO\\l It IR ~nn· alloweLi '10' pl'odu e a r':ll the n e~t IItructe d, A 11 tim t 'Is neeeRsar~' hl to yea I'. muko a fl oor ( 01' tb e scoop 8 i~ Incllea In II1l1 ny C;lsea It mil ' ba deslrub le long I' than th e box Is hi gh. with width to pluw t il lo nd ,a s soon 1'5 t he OOIS ,3S IlIus trRt tI , 01'1' hlll'\'l'Ht II. ,turning \)',d e~' the Rf nmve I he end gnte to wll gon nod w., 11); , Whe n til y Sta rt D!; vln, It fe '\> w ee k~ IlItt'/' th l" gro und Illay 1\ dlsk!'d. an d an), de'JP lopm e nt prevellteo!, Th ill C1\ n be r" lleoted fi ll ..,ftp n as t:lh: ..ssory l1l1l11 " 0111 w at hp. I' IIl'rlv t')l, '1' 110 tol10\\'ln)!' r :11' Ih e fl 1(1 cun hi' 111l:I\ t cd 10 ~nl na nd 1.1101'01l1;hl:;, cl.IlI\'IU c!, or tr In :t wln l(,1' \\'l\(Oa t region, cun b~ Bt)NII'd til Iha t i:I'oln th sum' ·lllltllrrJ1. Br tI,.. pud <II I hlJ B f'cm<l YOIII·. n. Id trP II Il'd In thlH W8 r. no mu lt 'f hoW' fUll I. will hc· pnlc'llcull.v rr 'f? from 811 ann uals. An tllt' l' Importan t II 111, sny8, Fig. l -Wagon' Box wi t h En d S coop Or"'lI;e Jlultl FarnWI', I ~ (he " ife,~ l tit Dow n. Ih ,' IH I I ~ crop Oil the me hanl 'nl (.an' attach th e scoo p board , This mil )' be dltlon ()f th ,· Rol l. Thi H, or "uUl'se, \\'111 don lIy u 'lu g IImall at rnl! hln g a Willi doppnd HO II what IIl)On tb condition scre ws ;'1 0 thlll the scoo p bonl'd call hI' o r UH' g round and. "" h n th I;eells ur re mov d wh on not d sl n;!r1 , or It will Pll t In , lr t h!> wor k s tort cl ul'I$', \J~' be I)Ossl hl o to nut a boll Ih l'rJ Ilgh Ih e ftll 'f' lhe gnllllld .Ir led ulll, Iht) m echn n. Rill ' Of the scoop board fit Il j)O lu t l ~nJ co mllllull ot Ih soil Is not 1m· noal' l.l so liS I.Q (OI'ID a plvn fOr t he Ill'O~' (\Jj, liS lit' tell(l e-noy would be to end, call~n rllkln ~. Howev 1', good form. !:llli id ' (he a oop bonrd jlls t ,wid e I'!\ nowllu ll)' lI rIo not "'(Irk th 11' land (lnough so that Ih sid 9 will cO llie on wh II It conlulns a n eXCC-8S or mois t. t he o ulslde of tho wagon box, In this lire, ons!'qu ntly, as a ri.ll (:l, th e land Rpeedlly \Vo~ k !l UI) On and mello w. Th n the ruots of lhe ont s supply co n. Idernbl hUlllu s , M'O t hai It Is usually friabl e and more easil y wOI'k d than It wa s b for th , 1'0 1) wn s grow n ulJqn It . H, as shoulil be done whel\ th e 111'1 e of s d Is reusono ble, do\' ' r it! PUl hi wlLh t h ont s, tbo nllrogea ,colltont of tllil, soil WIll lJ In 'r ae ' 01 and also th e SUPLlly ot vegetahl mu t. t er, Tbl s helng tru e, th gl'o\'ll n& of th e OlltS crOll Is an el<ccetllnJ;ly IJUpor. Illllt It m lu 1'0 1) I·olallon. Whl1 ~ th o hulk of tbe oat$ croll will a lways be lhres.hed llud t ed In tbat maunCr 1.\1' ma rket d n Inr ' a r prop r. "'BY; S!l~'S Prall'lo I'ar me r, It will scr ye' lh(' doub l ~ IJlll'IIOSe Of ' holulng the tlun could be IIse/l more conomlcalh 'If sid 8 o[ Lb box togetb e r and keeping f d In tb s h .ltf. In tbls rontl, par· th CO rti from rO lli ng ott Wil e n low r- tlc ula!'l)' If t h' rOjl Is cut II IIttl 011 i bn '1' e n ord e r und dJ'led th oro~l gh l y , Illg (01' St!OOI!III !\" Ilbundan ce ot hi h·g rild fe ad Is Chuln Is tos t nod In t he Illan ner If a portion of t b oats s bown In j"ig. ] wblch also Jlll/ st.'atos () blalned, ho\\' t he S oop baliI'd Is fOHten ed wh n crOft (I'OJu 111'0,11 hI, el( 0681\' moi st· til", or s Ollle oth r a\J u. harillena t 10WPI'Eltl. r' i g. 2 Jllu stl'n( 'S the m tbml or fo st nl ng Wb Oll It Is drawn 111'1 be 1\ little lig ht or tllI e \' II, It cnn be ut.lll zcd to exce lle nt ad vantage al!! In Ilosl llan. s h uf onls. II Is beat to have c hnln rast


, '

mllnnor s howu, and Ilosalng CUTT ING SEED POTATOES.,., I\I'Olllld li nd I' tho Sl!OOP bon I'd to 111 large strnll8 s hown at D. Tills chnlll Two Eyes Sho uld Be on Eac h P iece tc) will give' add ed support, to i h ' nd Be...Rlan ted, _ _ _ _. Vi c . SUCCESS WITH POLE BEAN S , Some Sugges tions as to Cu lti vat ion by One Who Knows, '

fn Ih e prlnclpul I!o l,~to srowiug aec· tlons. med lullI lO Iurg sCed is use" for 1,lul IlI li g ;llld CII" lq t\VO yes. TIl lh f;lUl OIIS Or IIle)' dlsl rict or Colo. I :Ill\> CUll (nil' Is ' don by hand" 'Pota. toe's 01' s hovele'd Into fI hln or hop· Iter, Illude or n dry goo(l8 !lox fIllls it 011 legs. 'I'h back Is nllllle higher lhan tho front. so t hnt potatoell I'

Lima beallJl will grow nnd do \\' );11 In any fnlr saJ'd n or 'orn lunll. hilt ~\' 111 ~'I eld bett r nntl 1>e mOl" 111'0 fi L· nhle if put !:III n gllOd sanuy loam, well dra'i ned lllill ll lolling a little , h. towal'd ' t ile south. We ,pl'epllre th · groun d carefull y , plowln ; bnrro wlng and tll'nllglng wit h plank drag to pUL lond In good condl· tlon . 'r h n we 6 t t h pol II l hr by th ree alII I one-ha lf feeL, wid st apfil't Rs t a nd west, ror we cult i vat (Inly ope Device to Cut Seed Potato"•• way. t h roUl;h th wid est spa S. will r un dOIYn to th e ope ning a~/I A pOlo Ix to se ve n r et Is long e no llgh, W e sel them before plontl..~+-sth&O~e:b0tt.tEl'tl'10~nle l tll-:sltf's_lawl~tel:+(t-I-tttr°e-'le"t0t2°rtu:ot'll's:t:"h_e_'_7-_"":'~~~= 1es nln g polcs to the norUl ' a li ttle. T he c ut ti ng Is simple. Au old case seltl ng poles 'we uso u sharp, rolllld 's t ake, IIrlvln g It ono fool In to lhe klli te (a) 111' fuste ned to til e end of ' way n pla nk . or ltOlll'd (b ) ' In' s ucll' gro und t hen r emove a nd put In pp le I ha t potatoes can be ' push ed aga.\nst a8 tig ht ltS ' l108Rl ble. Th e beans arB planled It gro un ll t he kni fe lind rail fro m It Into lhe ball ket he nflnlh, , T he o perator alta nml wenth rar e wllrm. a bou l i\iay I G, 0 11 the box to whi c h ,the ooard la In latitude Of cenlra l Illi li nis. 'f ho large I1n t lilliaN wo plan t by fllsto ne d n'nd can wo rk vli r), repldly. prllss lng >'II:h bonn IntI) lhe gro ll nd . Seed Potaton, e r e dO\I·n\I'unl. nIJoll1 011 In h doep; Tn the culling of seed , pot.toei , It . plan ting six 01' Ig hl b FI n!; In n e lr· has b'm,1 fOllnIJ a(l v l ~a ble ' not to leave ' cl aro\lIld eo_h jlole, For s mil lie I' too mflll Y O~'t)S to ea~b 'peece: Too pol hen ns \l'C mnk o a p lnce about two IlI ll ny ~ta l ks mea ns, ligh t stalks,' whle h. Inch es deall 8/,UllIlIl aeh po le. t him ca li be blown down, m.ore eaaUy than' d rop b e811 ~ Rnd CO \·OI' with hoc. large s lll iks. P robably too . many .' W ~lIlt.1 1·lIlt'. ho lin d keep denn sta lks Il\eau too Dui.ny r oots and t he until Int e 'I I SIi Itl Jll(lr, 60 metlm es h 11>' fo rm ll tl on o r too lllallY tilbers fOr In!; vln cs lalte II) t ho poles, ROYS ' a ma n y of t he m to be good alze. Li t. writc r In Farm onli Hom a, R · mem ber t! po t!lto!'s are not; marke table, nn thnt ~'II pol beallR run t he same wa y OIf1 tt I' how good the vari e ty, may be. ' 'smllnd th l) !lolA lIIuJ I( stnn (1 III t.he For s Ollie years ther e was quite a fu. otller ' ~I/' ecll o n Ihoy wlll not gro w. rare ror t be growl ug of potatoes trom \\:'l ole Ilotatoes '811 s eed, ' bllt there Is Settln'g Strawberry Plants. Jll'obably nothing, gaine d bY ,u i'ls prac- ' 1'h 'Y sholl Ie! be aot e ve ry 18 Inehes tlce. one! the re la a e Qnslde rable l oss In rO\\'~ thrao al,l d on e·h,tlf feet a pa rt. of seed mlltel'lal. 'Probalily the .Yllr~· Mnlu laln clean ultl vatlo n llntll "'ost uld PI'f1ct!ce of outtlng t o, two e Is C:Ollles, When t h sround Is llrst as ' gOO d a s any. troze n cov ·'/' the , pla nt s with almost -:--..:...-.-~ a ny 11 titlr, liS tree rl'Ulli weed i\eell as The COlt·, of Oistln. pOSs ib le, 1J neo vq r In tile 8p ..lng a rlo,r The eOIlt. of.' mak'ing ' galas on tile th frost Is o,ut and before t h e plants hody ot the ' hog Is now oue of the ht!at nll tl mOld. I.eave the mUlch be- gl'eat things to C()ns ldol' In the feed. t ween the rows untn after piok'i ng Is Ing of bogs, When foods fo~ 110gS over. Tmm edlately after the lallt cost nothin g, no, On,e thollght of a sk. pic kin g mow th El fi eld and burn 01' Ing how mue~ a pound of gain oost. h 0111 o rr the litter and comme nce culll. We mURt , UBe mote pasturage, an~ vat,lon , a nd cont inue aa before until work Into that pasturage some ot the< frost comes . lJ'here III Home t edious legumes, lUI, th.ese are rich In ,th e ' n I. , work' conneoted wl l h the re n ewing ot t i-qgen that Is ueed in making mUBcle. the field ro r ello!! s uceee<llng crop. ao Wit hout muscle the hog Is without thllt one mus t 81t down to rest arid stamina, refres b hlln self: The vi ctory Ilea In the getting up and continuing agaIn. Keel' Po.ted , on Price.. , The farmer. that, .ralsell ~ood pOlIl. Early Sown 8eed, try abouJd make lIure that, be Is !,Nt. Seed. IOwn early Ibould he covered UqC , a fair price rpr It. It orten bl\l>' .ballow and not rolled, Tbat lOwed lItIDi that the man tbat OIUl put upon In June ahauld' be covere4 dee,er ,by ·0Ie m~~ a P8rfel?t prodqot In the rollin. lead ID and loollOnlDII eoU poIdtrJi 1.'''40. ' not Jmow how to 011 top, let for tJaat aroclllQ& Wbat it a ..





he Ga..zstee.


Bed Room Suite I M(.s( ' Made of Horse Shoes .

( ~ oll('n a. Shor t Tidk ~I)('eu la ion

lipped frOnl ou.r Exch anges

gl'OW ll l'~ sUdJ I " '11 fj~ lt t ft> I' \'1'1\1', Autoin g in Oklaho ma. III (,rtl I· tl' 1\'( ,I j (,r ... 1 lll)'ll" 'I'l,,, 'l'\.il~~ \'Y I~ HerllnlJll H . W . &;It,)\ · '" r ~ t,hl\1 ' Ill 11ll1.lctl<t- IIt1l· lIlld lnughto r, (1 1I\11y ', ,1 , A . All· ['utien t Work uf Four Yell r " 'I" U I'H" ,.1 , Mu l, A" ~ to""! .l ll (n" HIIO M 11 ••i\)lt 1r A Varil!ty of I.ntcres ting Ite~\l 8 t.1w 1I'I "\~ rnr "I'Olll!h Itrlll t h e t'dltu r of .I,he NeW II llring lIUI!' . :V"III'~ "" I l'I>lltl.":,,,\ I he Ktlll' l,Ul1 (1\1 1 Inr II WIll' or t llf' O'J Ullt.y Gatnt'rl 'd fro m the NCW81}al}CrS I1 orchlln i" I'\,. "11'" 1111 th·. fl, rm Cloth ing Ile lllatio n 'rllo of the tatc ./< l •. ' 11 tjo rr~~Jl ol\tl· . . , 1/1 1\11' B f'l t (.·~ DAII' 1l 1~ 1 WIlI'1I1 11111.1) , In 11(\""" • tlll'Iiuf\ h out I II' . flrllll' ~ lIlnlll I'. ttl ", .. 11011 f,lII' "'L1l h ' !: UtlL11 ). nQI.l h·' g nt sen tis in the toilowin g- WhlUfl "IllY h" II Autl fllC'tory WilY for tlO~ Ilald , 11 lIlvallce . Clerm o nt County U'oml', Comin g _ _ ~_'-_ _~ P\''')J~'I ' to g \41, dll Ilf their _ _ ____ 0 cllUlj.JI"t\.ly III"H t) 111' I,(t 11111 t. 11 will II f' hill () Plt" iLl 11 1' BO(lk'" will be of ~ n rill IU'Cllre!l buCIIII~O sutn.. pIli U, III OIWVA re(lel~ t tlltilln toil fr JII En tllYll1 h Y(' II' N llUftlrr rill' dFFICE IN ALLEN BUILD ING of tll o(lch t.,· of ' the 11"~1 1I 1;t11It\ he w111'11 th n dlo 'g ,1",t Itl t. \v11I'kri th, nnllnl'l4 Ikill 15 Hni If ,\' (111 huy;, 1\ whl r' t,l') 'I 1'1.' r. .cpT1o~e tZJ1LL . . ..10, 6'2. nUll the I' ,ults ou tull.l l1l1. 'd llOIll R 'lIuUler(lll:< (llll'll"h III do II UY oll dn"illlo t' .<II IIP"\1 1111 I·CU.' III,l'iC. . ' Ie 0"ul O S'At "" e J Ollrnn I !til-I; .. y.Hllt· mllllO)" gor ~, IIntl " 'Illl t hI 'I·t ~ I' .~.J:"~_ lermon t 'OUIl Trllt,h HI ~'Irllngt! r thlw tif:liIlU . dn Ulflg " RIIYS 1'Ir, \'11 11\1.1'r1·ort . w)llt'h 11 oe""ir,nwl1 11 11 ltllUIt't li ut,., III" rnll w llrt l: IIr ' l)IIt hlll'(lao l'lIl' lI ----~ WEDNES DA \' h itl th w eek Olll~' II I\,w ' 1'11I1II~ IUII1 1'1u11'r1f" ,lro r urn l'n t, Ihe IIIH" or J II NI!! II' · IPO; 'l' b il:! I~ Illl old tldlt~1' whll'h ,1' 1l ,'u-h , <lOll '! "1 )1: ·Ull.It' -itll,l· wh (ll'{' " II IJ]J h 11.,. \'11 11 1. 1I1t w I I ' IT (' ''lI t' ~ worlh uf bogi llu i ug MOllel.IY , !!!~~~~~~~!!"!~!!!!'-~-~~ bllvehe nrllllll llu rhy t'l\ ept emi>Cr :lI). left. , h I' ~II .I' S. 1111 ,1 ~cn l/'t'h' lilly of Tll u 1,·u l1 Wltll Il g ht elllnl by I.h lIml Wllll'h ' yu lll"l" PilI illr[) II ~lJIt. "'(> hftl'!' )lI r o f ·t he chi f yent;o will bo bile e~~s nf Iho (·lr,·nI10 hl\!l1l rill~ lUI tro 1I~ !:Ittl 1. . "II iilHI'ct ('I'lllWihll " II fl'.)1U tbl Thil'd wl~rd Send your News and M ,la l I ~ flf, llr i ll~. ' ll11 to 1I1l1U wh o he III _ tln~ ut Pr.. P IOfltlllut . whore whi h ~tili~!ot t hes,' fr\lit~. We bllvo only I !,;Iuu e ill ItH I'U ktl " w , I II ~ J.lIII.' Ilt Illll 1111 yu bCll lI Inkin£' j)llflH\lye ~u ~ \\'n in Mrs ' ~ 101l ,' \(WUfll Adve rtisem ents in Early SI16U1, oV' r f,)l 01.11 I' I Uti ,progl' IYAses . UrflDt wus b I'll. bal h OI1. u IlI tll !'y will ho II 1hi 11 ~I' I I, "IJ, I u,l t)lJ 1 I1 11t n('t'Oll llt, I'UI: {j numl L - tew.'tr t ' , bU~I(Y, 1111 \1 by runn · 11.11 ' d 11'\11'11 Ihlw tuu m·\, .1' 1111 beMel' Rll IUIII');::\ Ill' to ue lIlUU by (;l n Oul, th ll t rhl' ~' will n llt hI' IIhl,) t o .1(1 iny till Rlow t iltH!' II n.1 bll\l"I,i ug Itt A~ soon 11~ ODe i8~ ll e 18 nff til .. in the meclliln i cul ano ~Ol(\ntifl ,',dUt'" e ral Fred eriok.D . G r unt. nutl GA n 1I1\ICh ( l utl1n ~ e. f,w !",tIl press. we bl'gin prHpuru liun,. for lV ol:ld doring til In!.t hU ll' I'Plltury . th!' h il1~ we IIl'1'il' ali ho rn ... l\urel.I·, ' tll.11' Wil 1r'" Lllle'y I II IIl11kl' hn lli tl ('\Jli llls 11 'orb in It Is ex. millg.t l)1I Hpj/u hl ir'lIu to 11>18111 e oU I'!>ell'; !j Ihnt \ hi~ 111 11 X liII )101 "I' Itillil11 tll~ >!t UCl \; .. lIu li 'h l getting on t thH next \\' 0 lI 's pap,' r '1'"tI di ll b: II'll h ilS he lin resto n lll 10 oht! [1 , m elltl ng to 8 M·rt It hll t- I"I\\, s l.l,h'lII 1I1 (I ~ l' (:It1i lll ~ tir e Many per sons 8eern t r.hin\; ihli t 1:< II Irn one II" utlrlll ,d c" lIl1li llun lin t.! 1>1 POo l' Dlo velllen t for the Ilurpose of E nd of J.'.lr mcrs 1\'1 ul ulIl no work is d ODe on I,ne pup r exC'e pt fo rmin g itk I1 f\Ce R~!~ r y fnllctio ns, and Lu th is prOA l' e~!4i\'1J ago lit · utlt'~. tJ ilfl lf' mit ( 11 11 III II n 1111> I" \llIrt illtll(u' 1111"11 1 hlij J11' 1' ~ " lllll Upplltlrul1C unc! pu r ha sing ("mnt's ul rthpluc 1>y pos!!ibly ,be dllY before it. is i~~ll(\d , wh Il so l11/l uy Ihill S~ tlrA lIIull " 11,1" t ill ' lilt. Live S luck Pr nlccli vt" As,,'II. Mr. Selt'l. is s kimmin g liver tile Dr hiS ll lutJlt"~ , Th e )' uru t,IHl l nited 'tllt II (:iovern lllen L ullll IIDd delay se ndin g ill Ihei r lI e \\'~ I)r IIIIIOlltnllr.I', tiny d Jl"l'lnre. tr Om f'l1I!! Il-lll\ll\' lef t ·u Yur s I h "t, A f( w .1'l'nrR II~O t.hl' t ' 11it "11 Vn,1ll Il1utl ~cmpll lIj!nio, Illountl nlt !!llnel lIubuuy tho cr.:.otto n 0 1 11 n ti n g W O nnm eJl~ rs hlutnul LiI:o ~to'k advertl lwe nts nntill I,h e 1'I ~t mo lUoll oi III '1 Dutnct,u rll 11IlItnlltl.1" II I· \\'uut l.' d . 1'1'111(' 'I,iv hills wit l, t·lI e I,t rellte'st, OliSO -R. e, H ,' r("~ h ull' .1'0 1 ' II .aUI'U ilion y in his hon or . As th Ullltter DOW A",sooit ttioll, w ith hllu{\lll lUrlers lI t Wh i n I' Y in l'Ollkhw lI, Ok·la ment, before ]Jres~ time. T his an·n e" t,rn cts utll' lItt.en t.lon . ·. Now". 111 fl' . stl1-nlls, ther is Dot el'en!\ tnb,,\et to gdgerl n n, Uhi n, IVt"ot our work t,o cUllie ill It rll~h jll!!1 bl" (l 1l g rl'111, (\e111 Olltl hUlloro d y()lI r ~ 1I~t1 th 1111 ¥I I' :-;\ ,, '2 SA ED mn,rk this bis t,oti s pot. A lIOl of IDsurnn fore goin g to prll~R nml r ps nlt fl In n" nn e '0 in \Vltl'n, n 'ouIlI,y And Notic e mont th"t II Ullin hll il Inll.le :j:1 :! ,'L l'r~ .......... . .. ... ... $3 SAVU:D mi 'ion Is to be I1I'POintell to pro· tIlllny farrn01'H will I'arull mnoh InooDve nil-noe nOll ill! opcrn extrtl I\, wh n lA bed rOl)lII ~l1tt" ',I' · hon] $ 1;, ,' L: IT .., .. .... ........... ... $;; 'AVED ~ I ' .. l l ll ~ .. .......... ... ... :::5SAVI::D pAre 1\ ru morinl fo r prese ntlltioll t o tiona wit h so rrow BII I'ing Q 'irled to q uit the Il~ur· work for eve rv l>crBon in the o ffic e. would 11111'0 CII USAll IlItll' ' ·' ''I1 I11, 'tlt .' ' .!" ~I ' .., .... ..... ....... ,..... . :; 'AVED congr~ ·.-Wl hningto n Republ ic'llll . uir,nro 'l'h We wnDt 81\ Ibe DeWR lIud n il Ih n hns hlfl!l I nm Ilr"pH r Oll to u e· i'i,r. t 1' 1) ll ulif'rlVl 'lrnr ' dif c1 FOt' toll n t.1Hl $ ttl r (l I t ,' " tllIl,It' "1' '1 •• !"\l · LT" ........ ... ........ .$5 AVED uy I~. M. vote l1\1n,), t,lrn e to t h e Un .lertllk advertl semenli. we Olln g tat 1111 c rud 1I11'.. ir IIrtwl'i g ht ut (;h \('!1 go, , ~ ." 11I~1' lIOW ! Jfnllow tho C hild uy huntl. b tll 1I 1)".'''tl 'h Meet ' Death uOlltaio ed t,ho ft!lllowi llg I' gnt;lll ng in!! bURin!'fl , 1:IllyiuJ{ (lltell up lUy tlmell •. but trust our friends will be n Hllt t eDien t o r ol1~ " wid .. ':p" " nd in· 011 , - " ,~! All rOCltL . I III to ;uooo \...·'d· o ffi ul \-I t-h " II th a I,hing" t o mllk AIl lll l1 ·~ }o;t t ,I't) ! in Peculil lr Manne r tbo COlllptillY : conMld Hate in ~end l nl\ whll t· tb AY t (\r st. All I1t ton dllYs Ilgo tl Itt,tle five WilDt, ,.ubllsb ed in Il S ellrl y us p Oti I· 'l.'he ~rlln(l jl1 ry 'I t BrYU Il , Ohit\ fi rs t clll!l!ol Un.a pr l,lI kin g E~tllhn8h Ju ooh Blow, tI , ·Hndn,.k.Y hl.,\·k ",ent, lIext t o l' r o~!I Brtls on Miollll Y ' !tr o l.d on of Mrs . J l\llIeS West. hai! r ' t u rned 1111 intllc&UHmt IlglliL1l1 t strel t. ble . If Romelh mg hltPPI' n s Wedn . srnit,h n lid W"YH(l s"ille Ohio . Whore 'l consi n ot ~I r 1. M. of non r 'ublL, got t\ g~l\i n. of corn in day or , 1'hur~lllty d OD't WAit , nntill Sta y of . t::. B r 'II W , form e r sccrotll. ' r of enn h" l'!1I Il!ll nl uny tll11ll. (\"Y or1 Lytl e i::! 1ue dt" ~ I ~nt· r. mit II his thront. Dr Ruble WUR oulleu t h e cl efno ct l nit II Furlll 1'8 Mut,nlll niuhl" 1)1' r th" VII lit> V PllnJII' ill the n e xt l'u fRdr y to r ep ort, II: but r nnl) huilcler of lin "lIll1'l:1 11('d find it \\'11 a t fi r at though t, there L ive t ock Pr t otll'e At;so inlion u011l h, uso 1111(1 I Hie II. NUIll bor l 4 2 plAtlee "end it In prompt l y . room a Ulle madA of olitl !<itl" I /lilt! "'''nlll be no seriou tro oble , b ut on f IIJd ger tou, ciltlq.:il lg t,h llt h e em ringR - A . Mutrit, deooml ad with h o r e 8l111e~ ~)."ow in g worse b e WU8 t~ken to II bez·t1od nnd obtninf 'd pro per Tot.!~, r l'1lI (1l·.r 111] Four yenrs I~go M r 13 1" 11' 1'1111Execu tor's ~ublic Sale. <..'tnci nn lltl s pe ialist f o r nn o pem der fill'" pr(ltens e, (hut h u retnill od • Itllh- I]Stolll r o f \l\lril h lld .. nf cei l'ell the iden ,)f wo r k iTl~ ,"1 ~ ' J lllf' , tion . He wlllkcd tw qua r 1 wi ll ofter ~ ~ publio sllle on t,he thi ng during idle mOlll"l1 t· lind t· , :3272 thnt b e I Qn ~t:ld I,) thr' It"Hocin foreel wi! h t·Ht,t" r 10r tW fI 1)1' till'l'lI li n tb e bo pital frOtu t he ollr, b\1t wbe n ti;m tlDd t,hll t h I' a> prnse t llll t Vnu l''' it g o l ~o hllll n il h ni' h"II,itl tar '1 tlf the Illte Ruth A . Che no· nlly deoided o n n bed r01l1ll (.hllt ,.,h (> ~1\l l tl I1nt "Monll t. , h ( r . nit e. th doctor begon to give the n eoes tbe lIlouoy wn ~ to II p,llrl t. weUI. BooUt one mile north o f Way· '0 from thnt time until jus receot 'hllr · h O Q~Ah n lll (\ 11 lie". OUtl bnx .b}MBAL~IE R ~Ilr .'i' nUll ·thuti o h e s udde nl expi r · I . D,·' lIn . who Wlli' 1\t· ~i~ tl1l t ,.1 liB 'hllnlh"I 'lllin'" ~ ,\1'1' II l1n·t! hl'rnf, nenllie on tbe Wayne s ville Bnd Iy be hus htbor ed lit hiR t il, k, wh n· d. Mrs . W s t. lo~t h et llnsbnn d gelle rtll "1l1"111 uf lh .. Ot.lUl]JlltI .11, \ h '0 \'lI I101hl"rt ,jn'~ m"llwiIH1 ~~i"" " )lit 11 ~IA I~ tiTIC~; ~~T . WAYNE · )'\t, IIE. fl. Bellhro ok pike, the followi ng prop· eve r h e had a few wom nt t o pelre rll'l ~<l ll tl\C·ti 'lll In Ih l:< " " UIII'IIIItf" ,. erty belongl Dg to Ihe estllt,e o f the more AS A· pa !! I,ime thnn 110 in f.l ut h u di!1l1l1t ·h tl "e ~ \l oll 11 111 1'01lnl uox II tll'or 10 l 'r \l ~~ BI'OR. ·\\,o ye ' rs Ilgo from bei n " bit wit h IIny ~i H HI) I1I1 t'.\·,~ I ·", AI ill ",III. AIM exprell Ullin n the B &- O . - ' VIJ . n oU'JII with 'I ho n r!-{lIlll'l, l~rl (\ n , Bnfl.lIl·l lI dec&l1sed : (' St If' • d efi nite end In vielV . ·hutuhl'1"~,'i1\ ·s tnf"~1i I1U·I.,. • r fl t nr min"to n Rel>l1 bliotlu . 8ATUR DAY. JUNE 2\1 1907 ~ 1I 1 (\ II," .J. E .1"lIlll'Y "· 1 I('pll on The sel Inolude s a b d t lid, ronk· i n hou!lo nnll ntllce beglDnl Dg at 12 :30 p Ul . A M.idnig ht V i s i tor ~ where I ' 1 er, cbair ant! table. 011 11011 clu or n ight. Highla nd ounty Man Eloped With Ail >l11I11I1"n I1l11~ 'I'I.\ "' ·~ III ~ '1'\ i ,~1 1 JerKilY cow. rubber Ure Troy 11 int't,x\(-:Ittld l ndiv idllnl, sO \ 'lI Ill',\' P!H ne ).1-2 . Th ors IIro twu hnndre rl nnd thirty IJrl ( (.~ Itt th ~ H H 'l. ~ ti llt n iH ," ". His bUigy, househo ld goods pnd mis · eigh t horse s h oes In tbe fllur Mother -iii-law . w, 11" \1'''. 'i"Un ~ th ~ R. IOllllltl telc · urti cellaneO us 8rtlc)'~ s. 1 . set bog'g y oles aud '1Vhen we stop' Wil lia m WY lltt wns Ill'Ollflh t h ie ~ raph olllee Mo ntltlY lI1 !;ht about G\,,. I \. ~l11n tll~ \) W II It (l l,II\' . til 0 n Ider hArne&ll, lotof stove wood. 1 kitchen that eaoh on fr\llll Lefl uurt( 'r ue ully ' by Mu rll hn I J 2 I ' I'll'k lind ~letlllll1tl"IO lIumit . o f t,b em '" lit; hll nil rhr 111"-\,,,,,-, , Jrt ""'''111111 'dl'"rll Ih range. kitchen cabnet, 2 D)o.n tel dmwn froDlll teelwe beglll Dooley u n d lodg di n jllil ill defllul t t nne, i ll ~ tllnt f' I·. nud befor t.ll!) ~o n "IIII'JOI' /I to reill ' \,1 1\ 101' " \'e ,1' oloeU, lot-of t8ble linen,' Illce cor· of ,'300, h aving I, u h ou ~l d over f,O in l 11IIrl s YIUlIlhl o .• , 10 nl 'IH' op· ...,11 tilt, ,.. ll1h ' l li ' I' t"j lll,,\' I1l1t r . U "~ ize what !L tll s k it WII S. Mine, rooking ohairs. dining roout r '('U1.U · III h, ... III IH 1 1 " ~ 11 1\1' 1'1111 h it a the g r tl.nd jury n the chilI' e of de e ratur 1.11 hlll'"e. IIt1\l .r. Tbe b'e d Rteau contui n ~ OllU hllll tilllfl t,o I'''urn f",'n rlt 11 1'1\11'" til !II. 11~"" il l.{ lIt " II obalre, abont 70 yards fo higraln Kkll1t:)' preys llpOU Ih e l11ind, , ertio~ ILOti fn llure to who Ul' why hI'! tiler hilt!, d o,lllec! jnjnry 1I~ IllH ~I ' I" IWh sUli1>or t oa1'pet: 16 yards brUlISeb! ca.rpet, dred and twenty qlght pi ' 6\1 w h ile d iscour(lg-c~trouhh~ bis 1111\t l\:S!lell$llmhitir)ll; I;ca llt)', "f II pill b,i .. b\l<1 ' ug ecl 4 ~~om .seta, a nomber of dress the r ooker t hr yenr!l, to pit. him n .,1 ir /I t,\li~ 111111 hour, h",' l1 1111ow ,f\ (\ ,'1111 " I I.•· III"~ I I .. . . ...... ~, \'igrir II l1d ')I(:crful- min r Is made of fifty i~ht : ~ ertI and wuh stands, lot of window (o. : ) I1C~S :S001l clisl1l'Pl! ar W y utt'R urre t ' Willi mlLde o n oom· tha rnlUl'i f rcellllw duor I\Uc! . 1;00\1 11111 1:\ 1:1"111" 1'1" '1.1' 111 '''1 !I,Il,. I, : ,' ,III TlIe shoe5 are no t nil f the sn m e .hadet, foliling lounge. lot of tables ",h':l1 the kidneys nre plit lnt of 1\ (} !'\fotlt," IJt' 11I!'4 .. \\fl .I"', I, d 1111" T .l.,,,, h i fath e r in. lIl w, B. F, In t,b pre .. e ncc lit I ll,. 0pf\r u.tor ~ Ollt f ortie r or dis· w[t,h · ,'111, ~ " f 1111 ...... " 1. ,'1I1" " ' - ~ ( It' ll du . and .ands. lamPl . 101· vf dishes sizehy anyme lms. 'l'he!'en r o nl' EIIRtElr, a n d t,h e r enl r enson is his g un In lI"u ;l r un d.1 ~~~~;;;;;= <,DSI:I!. and COOking ntensils , 2 )lflrlor !SOfas, bundre d Ilnd t,weuty eigbl, tlill'e r l"'n t fill' In, Wilt II '. )It' lI d!' 111''''' 1"''' III1J1 '1""1' 1I,"n t. ~ Kid lie" trollble has 1\1\, g ed l o1>Clllen t in Muroh 'ylth t,ioll if 11. MI' , 'OI~lIl Is une mtnon . gasolin e range, lot of linol- styles or pu.ttern s, Il-nd' w h ic~h (lll ll " Illy I", hull wh llll ll well known tlit ·· I ceOlne ~o pre,' lent eum. lot of rag carpet, lot IIf canned h'i s lllo lhe r. in ·lllw. w ho i~ Itbout of tho e c,' I nnn colleot 11 yllun g I hI .. Ill t·lllt'illt·,. '11', In"ll . lit " " Ilti . "'':''~~~t::.ld tiltH it i~ l1ul UIiCOIll· fruit. garden tool@. !J beating stoves hlack!!m ltb bas said tbllt III I'e o r!' I 'hIl ., twice 1ll1ll'rlll his uJ{t) nn.l . the m oth e r of ~n n LIlli ln '~ It' ' IIIPtll,,,, 11111'" hC'!'1I ~ 1110n for a chiltl t (J he hQrse shoes used in its c,' n Hl rl1ction ll tlllld romtv f( proteot In Ihl"nw . lwt fl'rlll'lf two lap robes 2 dozen chicken s, ll' ""llT, "n,l 110m llffiit:tcil \\lith fi" A'r >:l wn ohilelr n , Th y only him ('If fro m I' r n nu1 Yio Terms: A I sums of $3. 00 or which he would n\lt pu t n u 1\ h or e lo ~ nc o r "") '"'' . 11 ~ \\'~:lk k.itln~'·s. If lIle ",,0.\ 1'''I)'1IUI ''''I . ._ ,r c-chillI urillnt eb ~o/) often . if lhc IIdn!! S "lIds r tUf nod last \ve k "nil h i arre t. t,lI COmplll1 .Y from (ioUllc111 1 l(ll:I li t Dnder, Cash. Over that amoun t a f!)r le8s tban fl v~ d ol jllrs pel'·set. ·lw,u lwr J. t!n " '" III'! Uh ,)I"" '1 ",Otl Ih" ne. h , or if. wi",,, imrn th e chi),1 'uiMoly oredit of nine montbs 'wlll be given ' foJlowe d ..- Elill boro nil tim~ . Whl<u the hum t1iscov. l i>illrl' lI1JI"1 Ht'IIIt'I\.I' f Mr. Blew realized t hu t if th e h oes itge w\tc" it . houlrl lie "hIe: lq reaches un il l' I,,,IV 'I ' " " 01, conlroll hl; New>! Elerllill . to puroba ser giving note With ap· ored tiler WllS uo trnCll ' of rellr 1lI l l'lu!llIliI '. 1 . . , pns£a);c, were . it 8.tta!lhe i ~ Y t ".ffliclctl d rongh wilh n hed"I: ~­ . proved leenri' ,. \ , ' . !llIIu .ol1 l! n ,~m tl t I vI' ,. K,d c pcl1tlupo nl lt, lhc cllu ' eu fth"tllfh Ohttrlel! 111nke Ul' he r \l trohted t,u 11 ' COIl/!ll!< , Imlr"It\"C wonld not be very pleli!!in g su be liI1 W. H. Allen, Fxecuto r. d" , Cro llP "na wh {"~\'I D I{ ully . i. killiley tr Ill/Ie. alld the lir~l Sugar JOl' Borses ohlli r nnd set hi lll Relf down no.d Willi : cOll!,!h . .C. T. aawlle . Auo'. sent them all to Muncie , Jndlnnl l 'lep s h o uln b' to",.mls lite trl!atllultlt of 'rho go d resn lt ob~lIin ed hy tI soon i ll II drunk n slmHho r, wIl en I and ' got tbem niokl e pluted , now lhc,c ilnporlltllt or gn us. Tl l i~ 11111'1 "Isa nt 'h 'llnhe rlllill '~ Pul n Hlllm (110 1m · Ir<J ull e i tiu ' I.i f\ 'outi ilio n of rnilitll·r y s ur geo n from the u e of Mr. Venllbl e relieved ,hilll of hili t i e li~i(1 Iillilnl'n t) fur nt,H. bru Notic e of Prese nting t'.le SUl te prese n ts at once tI hunp th e ki tlucvs :l11l1 "r1io;eu:;C ll:ml'. hl~rltlcr nll,1 11 ~ to n sngnr in lnrge d08es in forced fire Ilrms, nnd lllter, when 1\ trllin ' ImrD!!' Apt'ui na swe lling, JaIme bllok l/il tiS Ill tlst V (}I'I ~ S\lpP""" Coun ty Road Petiti on 80me; mll8si ve und n eil t IIPP II ru nee b'.t\\"VIJ . . uncI I'll 1IIII Iltio \lltins II!II U~ wl·1 ;l~ IItc.ll nrc 1Iuldc miser- mllroh es led him to employ it fOf crew pulled In nnd gilI'll hlln t h e I elllllnh lirl"ill '~ " t,o llllioh !lod I.. i ver Notice Is bereb,. ' gino that a peUUon will Thllre is not one piece of !lny oth r ahl e wilh k idneY' and hladrln Irouble, th e. purJlO ~e of "vercom ing fatigo e. n oces be prese nted to tbe Commissioners of Wur 1011 teriH) tbnn nry ussisl.n noe Ih e hUllI \l'lI S ; l'ublfl t Mro r .coll"t i pnti t1),. biltOtl " "tt8 Rt eOl in th e fOllr nlld bolh lI<'l'll til ' ~tIIllc ~rcat r ·llled ),. !1 reI! County, I\t tll~lr next ~e3ll10q. July :l, .A. TIll' lIIilo1 nn,l lhe inl1(1 edl ~ tc c((eel of C\.'wo hun d red of g min s , of 811gllr e~o,) r ted to t h e onll l p j le ,. hi II wnl< , "Ud ..llIIII UI h tl"O UI! lo,. D 1907. praylol for til alteratio n 01 a plFces even to the 011 te!'!> nnder ill SWlll1)p - Root is "')UI! rCllli /ell. It is snIt! lVer f d dllil~', mix ed wilb tbe eOH r e lv to goo ll, illld ( ne that not . couoty roti4 on tile followin g line. towlt ; hUlDb.e rlllln H • ~Ive ftl r llit!llllt:!,," Begl.o olol at a ))011\\ In .wn.on'. pille at b~ d s tead . h . ,lru·l:Ki!;t ". il! lifty. bo r es'rood , nnd lIi Atribote (l reg· f tll ~ lll n , or Dear tbe farm lIoe betwuen . l.a~c omp· DlllD y person 1V0 u,l ti tlll'Dll\h n or en. , Mr, . Ble w r ece n t ly hnd , I be !lnlte e lll "ml lIl1 ·.\l .. \llIr n o ~ottle of t.lll'.se five prel)II.IIl . ularly thro ug hout t h e dilY. too 'aJl!! J . M. Cpok IP. 8ur<eYd 430:1 aDa t.ore of this kind - p rin t.: \TI,1I0), t i.MS COSls but , . 2ft .708. runolollb eoCJe In a oo.·tI, er oly dlrcc· plaoed In the disp lay window of fI SilC hr!lll ·S . \ ·':\I'm(lY , For lillIe by Not onl y aiel tbe fntigue di I'ppeur, Villette , 1111\''' a 1;"'11111 ' hc,ttlt· . Uoo aod roUowlng .Io~ Lbe b..~~ or t M h Ili lar8e 811ndus ky firm ,,' her ' ,J . ~~ .'/1'111 y. it lit h,' mail frt!t' . nhi(l a 11 0me o r Swamp.:ItOOl. out 110 UB ~o _u", a better srade, ~brou~h.J OlnDY IIlJi n ual .. ull ti I theu u elt!ss M COok' . laods , paaalog OD tbe Ellbt .Ide of a traote:! qnlte a g r oll d ell I of . otr e n pRIIll'III.t tel lillg nil ulx.nt wn111p· Rool, residence on Itald l ands. contlnol ng In a tion . 11,,,haling' Il lfllly ur I hc thlll1~nlldS of lteSti- becn use of t lwir J\Jist-rut ll e condi t ion, Nor~beroly dlrectloo :lnO endlog a~ or lllollial Ie l fl'o r,,·,"' cl\' froul sufTerers r eoove r~d t h EliA' n o rmnl st,rengt h near lbe Jon.eII brl4lr, 101011 oortb, being n di6' At the present tim e he hll' "U' d. III writin,,, Or. I,lhucr & Co .• uod remlere d good servi qe ....:..From IaDce or 2~0 roda mor~ or les .. set lit his r esidenc e Ilna hll ::t \'An IIiIl;,:'hu111l1JIl. N. Y .. bl: slIre IlI1Il11lcu liou W. '1'. wrtoRO/f. Prlnr.lpal P e~1 tloner. . 'Z..'G.J ~\I"'-IUBI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ tll i ' ]I:lpc'r. !Jou 'l ",ukc all Y mistnke, 6,1(fll l Horse World , IIpeoull lted . on ·.sendln g it . to the hut n: mE;m M UC· 4t LIN ES - ....~, ..\"':..~ ...,..:._,., ~ ..atu ' hl·r th e name, !-;wRl llp ~ Rool, Jnmetlt own exposit io n : Th e onl y Qr. Kil111er' ; S\\'(l1llp· Rol)t, .:lull the tid· thing w~ich keeps hlUl f r nlll dOl nl{ rlr e~~. lIiugh ll lnloll , ~. Y.; ou l!"ery . " 'A Year Witho'u t a Suinmc r. ]~ ~ AN GE LE:-;, .Juli e to 1,1) J I: IIOOl)nnt N"t lon,,1 EI Tir e · I'ra I,i WI !l1,h r .Mlls !I~lriDg 80 is the feur thllt it mi g ht get 1.111 111 hOllle. Medl 'u l A!lROCl ll tlnn . . , I a : r vi i ntOl'aHt, Y~,lI '.1 11 IICO UD t!! a ged in transpo rtll tion . .TA~'\E T~1W , l!;XPO,' l1'lON ( N l k, VIl.) dllily' until of I ,,,' 'QIIl tWit 'o n of 1 t\;, In old 80 far liS Is kn uwn thtlre is . noth· ovm uh llr .10. IJhulctl of IlI lt ll y r1 1'11'['1\1111 rOllt n~- tlll rllil, or hy ,()ct"lIl "tenmll r ; Poj,omllc f{'lvlIr null Ch o.ll pelt ke lHl\\'''jll<)I(t1' fII,' " it. i!l kllow n liS " tb'e ing similar to it ill the onti r u UllItetl B ~lv Mt61l Ulboufs . fit J10Y Ar~ nt ~ew Yo rk B u ,,~on, Wutlllll lgttlli yeHI' wit.hou t ,t sUJllme r:" 'I'he re States. . e 'dlilll or o, Phit.,de ll ,l1itl. . ' . ' htul II lti D . n flthin g like it in the In view of tb o very oll(~i l y o f bi~ 8 MMEH TUUR1 'n' l!'A IU l, tn fl,m otl ~ I'oaorl,!! t\ I O n~ .1 r . nl tHl IOI'.'i' '1f t hll oldest persons th en prodnct ion. Mr . Bla w fisks iu r Ollo,t ~ey 'ous t . in L oug l ~ lulld UlIll New F.ngllnt l, wit.h Ifthl' ee good phy. icians 'New ' York liI' it , ~, lIul1 )~Iw ro h ll >! been nothing I~nd Phihtd Iphin ~tn )l OVArR. AI ~Q t Lalee illld Mo'l tDtuin should pi'onoull "0 yonr numbe rs $lO~O for tbe fll\1l' pillce:; . li ke it ~i nc Muy wus ri "IUDlh of rl!!lor ts . Ilud 10 Colol'llti o /Inri PaClfio UUltNt. N 0 wat~er \"he ther h e ~ell::\ it or case hopeless, If they whethe fl'o l;l,s. tlilll ~un \V lI,nd iUIl, for[p ed an I:OUll: !YILLE , KY, .fune 2·1 uod 2f. MIlRtl'r PII11;lIJer>l" i t, i t will II IIVtl·y.B should decide t.hat you remain r8 1:1haII retains Con ve nti on , in':b thic k. " Ii . l!fLid, At lellst one ' , ' TJlitli "VRluohI Q ' rcmcrly 18 A cure Inonum e ot to his or eat · fOr DYIOP'-'j"tdll , Iw t1guMtf'II , Ff uarLcould not live longe r than Ive genius Imd meobuu i clll s kill, SARA.T I.lIIW OGA WII. fl·( ,'I.e n tu deu th in Ver. I;; PRIN G::!.N "1 ... 1ul,,:1 to 7, K 1'. c'OO(!lllVll . b!-Jro , A.c l, ity n,: nr Monr S t t)nutcb. SPOK ANE, .fune 27to ,\ol .V 1, 1:1. Y. p , U. Ic_ k nr Nun'Om) H f ':\llncb~ (I~ l l e ra· 1 sbr weeks. And if . you whioh we see is of 9 ' hi gh type, mon I·. whero "uow fell io ~hCl depth or Ner\'o u~ nC")illty ('H' I' rfl lratlon , EAT I'L.Il:, WlIshln gion . .lunu 211 to Jnl ,V fit U. lit , and nIt OitlelWtu'l, rl s iu., rrom ,\ di80r. of t~ il ino!;Il' 8 There wns t hree incb· 'should get well, after usd orutl ou~UWou c,r tbe. ~tolUu.cho ' PBIL' ~UIDLPaIA, Jnly 1 2 to 16- B. P. O . E. ~cliTl<o es of ~ ll Q W in New ' York, iLOd w~t ar t, or ing only $L.OO worth of R elllRrkll l)le Re sO.l~e vill WIl@hill gtOIl, w it,b flto p Over s '1.t Bltl r.illlo r e and Wnl!llil Jg. f "o'l.(I ~ , n Ih e t"o urlh of ,July AS far 'rhnt trut.b is s tranger t lmtl fiction Dr. Miles ' Heart Cure alld ton. ' . It) tA1c ~. It iA flO n~oeg. s " ulh a~ Virg ini" . Ourn WII S k illed Nervi ne, ,,,hat \voultl you has ODce !U'o re . 'been demuDs tra tcd I nryPleasant to diet ouly in. ·/f!(y, ti(;Vlo r lJ: ~tics. !5EAS1: IORE in the little town of Fodorll, '1'euo ., I EX " U H.FHQN to Atlnllti u "it,y. GIlI'O Mn.y uut! II ugnst ' '' I\ S no better, 'nnd the advise a friend in like con- tbe residen ce of Q, V. 1'ePl)er . 8e '.rh o stou'"ch will Jo;()f)1l bo in 6uch 1\ eight oth e r Jlllpniur s ·I.',i d I'esorll:l , A Ilg nAt, iI .. sncoeed i Ig mon t h>! were col t!. ID b t!(\1th y ("'omJltio ll thnt 000 can <Jat., .' writes: " I wo s in bed, e n t ire ly dis I dition to do' mo.~ nnyklnd <>f food . iVlNON A I.AKE, l N'D ..:..!laily until eptemb ~r :l0. th o ~]l ril1 g of llH 7 Reed oorn WIIS abled with 'hemor rhages o f tb "I Iulve to tha nk you for savIng T)NO Sizes. For fulll)!l l'tlouIR r~ ('!Insult H . E ' Bl.lot h . T i k~·,·' Blllel flJr *5 1\ h ,sbe l. Similur oondi. my wlre's lICe two year. ago. W e har! ' .Iungs and throl~t. Doclo rs tullell l .,., ..... g oll t , continue d wlth t h~ doc tor until the • WIlS II Q vill~ . ()hi (l . to h elp me, RDd Illl bope hlld U d I SOC. and $1.00 per bOI. t,inn s W 1'0 I' ClpOt:t d from F.u rope. third doctor, like th ~ tw o ,pre\I'OU.5 when I beglLD' tllklog Dr. ](Iti/.!'~ ones; II&ld that ' nollllng co uld bo <lone In nn A IhllUY llllper , dated severll,! Jr YOll r druggisl. du"" n~t bnve It, for her) Ihn t . he hud 'better New DtsClove ry . T h e n In~t.ranl ) e· I tnk -n send c.1 i rocL to bome trom th e Ito"pltnl to qui be yl'n r !llfcn.. Ium n!> Wlnc~eKter, om!:!t? tt y waLt lite <Jame . Th e COl1g llln g i:!o( nmm~ . ber tlllle. whl h would F. L. SIHINK LE, b. OVe r II Vf'ltl'l' old. or VArmon t, l\·,ts 'qu ot" ll week.· at ,the mu"1. 1,")tbrought ed: tbe bl I.'. ding dILUini~h('d 1·lIplc1I ..,. her ~Qnufaotu' lnK Phnrmnc let, bome a nd th en I t hougl. t prooobly und in three week, { Witt:! I b .., to !,In 1)1 'FHE FAMO US bi~ h l "' w"url~ " "f thnt ~I rll ll g Dr. J.J:UeiJ' l' earl CIII'C "ntI Nervin'e MUNOIE . INDIANA . might h elp h ~ r. _0 I liol II bottle of t o work . " Guortlu tel-d l'llrfl f . r ~llm n w l ' .-I{ .il~II~ S'l t" :-11. " , _ch and ""me N~TI' " nd LIver I'm. OJ''''1/''" ""d 'l'uIiIlIOIlIGI•• on! on conghll and CIlld ' 501 awl :1'1.0U, and commen to 1!1V' tll en_ to her. apJ,t iCf,ticili. w. loon "c~ced n An Itnpro \"~rnont. a nd a.tFn d L.: , t:) ~hwl1l'lr. '!; Ilr oj; ~ t , , (1, .ocou ......ed 1>)1 thl ~ ",e continue d glvis the .o nlr· foldi~g or~n H er!' is the Silve r Lining Trilll bottlle h ila Inc 'he medicine. We IJR \'~ her eleven . lIotUre In all or th e medtclne. 8he worthy 0 cot1S1deratJonj t:> the Cloud, tailt8 It oc:ctlaloOllJly now If she reel. g)Jaranteed to bo as reprethe need. I 1101 10 the minis try. anel B, B . V"n'lPI· "o · ', pl opria ·"r ., ' A 1i"\l' l nlllltp' 'rl'xn n , Notic e of Appoint~eht: IlaVI been tor U YWlr&." . sented or maney re funded, '111',)"p~ t, ~ Pln ... f Mr ,nit, E , fn1 ' 111 l1 ~ ·fl T W (~(ll1dlnp. o f 107 ~f; REV. p, M1LLJOA N, is used by thousan ds for J':Al D.t.e of ~;-~~ h , ,Ii.:c n.lit-.1 , I,uuill Ht. , nltJI111 Oonda Sprlne. , Ran.. 'l'.-x. sny!!;' "hI Inm o~ t n\\· I1 . I n e /l r IIHI m ,,~ t prbnt multitu de purpose s and is of 'lthe' u nu 1'~I~n,'d hllt<l h e n :Q11)utnl.'d a n" Ih e VII sI, :V" lIr 1, flOve ber"IIlIO Dr. Mil,,' Hurt Cur. II. aolel II), nn. loeul frnli, ., ,,,I~arp in thl~ ~f'lI(i"n 01 qu"III1Il" ;.~ )·!x.oulf/r of III K'lace Or Ru~h q\lHlnt~,l wHit \)r ·lI · NI'''' Lif,' untold value to mission aries, pur ilrulll.l a', who ,w ill lIuaran'H that th eon \lnl, r~, RIIV!l !.hAt th" oold evangel ists, tra'velinl!' singers, the home, the A . Obcn()",e th. la t · ()( Wllrron O\lllty, Ohlu. ~tJho\ . unrl n o IlIxII I'(\"o lover till ftnt 1I0ttii will beneftt. I'lt f.lla beforf' lie will refund your monlY. deceased . t,rled sa . ,£'fl'ecti 1., l.v dillpo~ e" of 8prl'Ij:l , whloh h ilt! rosnltol l in grela school, the children , . teacher s and whcrev er portability is require d. nat.... lith. nil. t1.y 01 Jun<, A. U. 11107, hlolurill and biliou net's." Thl'v don't, d llmllgll t(, th e fro't oroPl h a s "Imo.t Send for a full dCllCrlJltive catalogu e free, JIiIu Medical Co., Elkhar t, }grind nor gr\l)e. 2lio. nt Fred w. a . Allen xternlin ated IDllny of ihe In8ec~ BILHORN BROS ., 1116 Lake Stree t, Bohwllr t?,s drug.l!'t ore. , "ixeoutor . Ohl~, III. 1)eek, that h&ve given · the fraU C,




n s .................





f'I; I",

Women as Well as Men Are Madc Miserable by ·Kidney and, Bladder Trouble. '






RPE 'I '\L LO' V' F A RES '

Wh at Wo uld

You Do

Recommended by Physicians



Iilhorn T818.cop8 Organ



In" -

- - -, -

Count:1 ~ourt News.




Vbus. ]J. Ellis vs Qt!orge B. ElliSI l!,red B~tzer Conrt...... ......... 10 (Hi' Public Sale _ __. . .... ~ --IJt ul. ClIse "Ill np for heuring on Pat (jaynor wit ..... ,... ...... ... 1 00 -------~~~~~.....;..-~- -~--~-----.--.-~_N ~~~~ NJ.;W ~ 11'1:1 .patition lIud unswer of sltid defend. Frank, GlI.llniler .................. 50 1 will offer at publio sllie on Lnlu WrlOU VI! J';\.IwllrCl Hi ' tlln, IlD~l:I . Lund!! b l~_ III comwon cr.j alley ~'elephone, rents and SA'rURDA}',JUNE ::l2, 1907 R- ~-I+L. I)htintill' !luyi'! thllt he h~ wife of oull dered partiMoll t o~~ JI~llde , tolls for 8. A. /::;tillwell Begining at 10 Il. m, the enUr ,\. Euwurd Wrtou lind thllt 011 'bUd Tbe P. C. V. '. & 't. L. R. R. VII Auditor.... ..... ....... ........ :J 20 obattel and Illousehold goods of 8elitrille, ill til il:lH1l6 01' one hild ' 'thl} trustees of W'LYQe town8~il), '1'. . P atterson ........... .:..... 1 . 25 RaohelB., Mury " and Elizabeth. ~ ·.-l~~l1'fo!l-C)oI:,a;.. 1 rlngo. .Pluintitl' lItllt~1:I lu b r poti: Wllrreo co unty. PialntiO: ' on mo· E. B . Roge.·!! , t:9mmr......... .. 1 25 Hopklns,decealsed, ut their lateholJle 'tlon t,l llit . u fendllllt blls heeD gUilt. &~on tor u teillporury Illjunotion lind .T. M. KeevClr, ........... .. 1 00 on Fourth Strlget, in Wflynesvllle, ' tttple. lUlU ~'III\ Y liroceriee, rruil.~ of gross n9g le~t of duty. Plniut.ill trel~tin~ tile petition ILIl rill 'U,ft'llluvit O. S . Mounts, Clerk. ...... ..... 1 60 Ohio. oonslsting of 1 lorge lJlohog. og lil.blc:l und (;lIllned (~oolls. Prlty'8 tbllt~he IIIILY b . I'lInttld (li- 'l'empornry injunction «rll nted en· Alex Box well. P . J .... :.. ... .. . 1 50 any sota, ba1relotb m.llhogllny Bofa, 1 50 a large baircllJth waluut chai r Ii vor ,cn tody {,f (.hlld UIl,\ AU h Illi-' joining them frblll issuing or ' selling Georg W. Cllrey. Coroner... Illony ria is r\U'ht lind J' uet. bonch! ngreggllting lJ 000 .00. Pluin W R L . T l ' "IJ)0 baircloth wlll:nut chairs, ~pring o .., . . eWI, reas............ 1'111'.. P. V . V. C. & St. L. r. R . I.:",.. . ti.lJ asks fol' (J rruunent injunotlon pJj I'l II ! ' lIenoe. 'R e'.l ..... '.... .... . 1 50 seat; marble top pnrlor stllud, Inrge Phone 79. , M. BROWN, Proprietor. VB tbe tru t as of 'WlIYU towu!; "ip, to is, ne. (:/co. E Young. Pros . Atty.. 1 25 wirror, mahogany fr tm e,:J dressars Plnintift· ILver thllt /lid to",ul!hlp Ed ~. nklin va Tbe Uuited Pub· amnn· 'E< ofli 1'............ .. ....... II 00 II of them marble top, ~ oO\lobos, l ~ _ __ bill! U }Juhlio hull I:!lliUoiently OO Ul Jisbing COlllPUIIY , ',:irouit oourU re o Ventral Union Telephone 00. large oberry hookcase, ~ wlLrdrob s, ~~~~~~___~~~-~-~-~-;;;;;;;;:::~~~~~~~~~;~ mod lOllS for suid defondant town verseH deoision of comlr.on pleas rents and tolls: one walnut nnd one cherry. II nioe - - -- - _ _ _ __ ship and thnt. tbe bend iRallo f t:ln und orders remn.mJed tack for furth · W . B. Anderson, Oommr..... 1 00 bodsteau9, Ii trlattre8ses, 2 feather por cent of tow n bip vttlulltion ' fOI" er bellring. Milton Clark. G. P. S . :. .. ..... 2 00 beds, 0 wll8b!!t;ands. 2 rOllnd top purpose of ereot,ing towu Ah ip . hull Ciluse came for hearing" on petl· ~ . A. ~tilwell ..... .... ...... .... .. II GO tands, fl, lot of ourtains, large lot is unln.wful. 'l'eUl)lOrOl'Y injl1llO tioo IIljk:ng for clit'eo tiou of Oourt . H, Mounts, Olerk.. ... . .. .. .. 2 GO of ollrpet, Ii olIpboards, extension Me'lSllr ,Your roon, ' norl co mo t o tiou allowed 1111(1 I ,Wlunl'm t injulJO. in oonst,ruing will of Ephriam Kib . Will R. L eWIS, Trells ....... .. .. 2 00 ta blo 4 kitcben tubles, morrli olial!, tion prnyed for I ~ . beS , deoeuse(l . Ds tribntlon or. Al ex Boxwell , P . •1. ...... ... ... 2 25 lar~e 00vered ohtlir, 10' r ooking Tbe P. 0. C." 'S t. L. R. R. 'o. derod i"llde lnu plnlnt!ft' pay oosts . '1' . V . Puttersou, 8herlff ...... t:l 5 ohuirs, 25 cbuirs of varions kinds VB the trU!lteBs or WlI yna t,owlIs hip . MARRlAGK 1.1 ICN8~J 1" . P . Maxwell, c IUeot. ...... 1114 .JO 3 beati ng stoves, a oook stovo /lnd /l , . We wer e wille in oderin g this tock lust fn.1l , in IJrices' . b ave .nll it Is asked thllt temporary iniul.lC ' J ohn E . Fllircblld, 2:1. South Leb . \ (.!Jurles SchlottlJlan. co~ruct 'for gn ollne stove. It large lot of ooo klug terlully ndvll ucecl . Lllr Oll t siltes la"t yen'r of tl ' " .. tiny; l\!ol year will u. tiou be disllolv r cl IIJld set· aside on /lnod .lOd lii s!! Ollrrie Bone , 32 Leb . cleaoi ng ou~ iu. tile lit Foster n r,ar Iltensils, lot of di ohes, ohin .L and grouuds thllt petitiou does not stuta I1non . uew bridge at estimate ~a 00. glu8swILre, tlnwllre, orocks ILDd Jj 'trs greater. Ma ttings frOi Il tohe Orient n ow in atook a~R nre8 hellutlful p ternll, lowest prio 'H. foots suffiCIent tu constitute Mr. !:lallio McGrUder. !lU, HIJringAndrow Drn. ko, cleunins und 1 good olock; 6 Illmps ; 2 flower Ingrlltn~ . . of IIctit;n. boro, lind Lu oy B JrlJ1 oll, 19, Pllintlug iron low trllss bridge on sfano s aud nOWell'S, '1 sufe. A spring .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . ........ . ...... 200 up . H. M. Sibey Vtl Mllce IT,dl; pluiu- 8prillgllofO. . Morrow nnu ttltbs Mill Pike nt bed lounge, 2 huge trnnks, obeat IJowell, Park, Extm ~upers. . tltf SI~YS h e ent.o~tld iut,o vorblll oon JlllJles . 'lcG rlldor, 23, tLDd Miss estimute of $15 .00. of drawer, an old fllsbioned ohest. Rugs-grelt' •. ~ 1 stock yot ... .. , . .. , .. , . . ..... '10.50 up truot in 1110(; to pillut, ·ultivate. Lldu.MII-nye, 19, Franklin. A rond petition signed by 0. M. I~ olotheshorse. qUilting frRlJles. :t La.rg nnougb for a room. bILrve!lt and [Uurket stnuv an ie ·. Looill A . Fortwaugler, 22, Vln- liopkins and four otbers WIIS pre. spi nning wheel, hnvn mower oyth e Detenllant htu.I ordered piuintlft' to oinuati nnd Miss Mable Ward, 21. sented praying for a road to be reo 'pmy pump nnel garden tool. lot Llnole:lUl, the grellt k itohen Ilnd holl co\'ering . Laoe Curt8lns-!\1I t 'l I.!tuy oft' premiSES. PhLintitr pruys Kings Mills. • viewed between f,be Mlii nviJIe and of (Ju ulleu fruits und glllss fruito lins, new effects . Win<lo w hade., nil 001 r . u11 size, mllde to order. fO'r tcmporu ty Injunction ret;tnlo UIi1TOI'd P. Kreihn , 34, Pleasant Hopkiusville pike in n urvey 154 . I~ IlIrge oolleoti on of books and ing slLid Bull from intel'fel'l ug wi~h Pluio and Belen Couden, 20, Mor- Plnced on file. U1uny things uot, herein mentione'd 811ld crop, for reu. ou that Hull iiI" row . ~~~~~~~!!!'!'!!~!!!'!'!!~~!!!'!'!!~ n colleotion of a life time. 'rerms j respJDBlble In dl11Duge~. George MoLane. t1, und Misy All SUIJlS '10 00 or und(lr, oash. For Ji. M. t3lbey vs Muoe 81111; do· Murgu.r t Brannon, ' 23, botb of ull @UUlS over U(),OO. Il orecHt of stx ~ults. ,ruokets for Misses, Women fend tLnt uuswers petltioll ot 1'1"lu Frunkllll. · mOD th will be !ri ven to pnronuser and Cbildren, ·~" rt8. W Blsts, Un . till denying Vluiuti./f·s petition. givitlg R n ot-e with approveu secur. . REAL ESTATX THAN ·FERS. T I h 0 N' h ity. Philil) Hopkins ' derwellr, nfu.nt!! ong 01 okl!. C'oqrt orders restru,IUlng order John Atkiu'!on to William Frll:l.· eep one ay or Ig t. T DII,"k grunted as heroin prayed. fOr until ier, one aore In Vlearcreek tOI u u • .' . CurtUer order of .thlif, court ujJon plolutltf glvin, g un.-'~t.t. .1king in t'~vor bip, ong Distance No. 69-3r Colio aod Diarrbo n. Charles lind Wllrreu Apga~ to of Ilefellulln t IU"WI'i: tb BUill of '20. • Pilius in tbe shutnnob, colle und with surety nppro ved by tb ler. Jo eph Apgnr, one lIore, '1000. Branch Office. Harveysburg, O. lli!lrrhoen. are qulokly rellovod by tbe use of Cbllm b rlllitl s 'olio oondttloneu itO ording to lu W. A. N. Vouden et 01 to 1'be MorCh olera. and ulart'lioell RentedY. W . .-Jay Ilall vs ol"mon Fred & row ROller Mills. - lots In Morro\v , Fo~ sale by J . E . •111 n.~ . Then com ,w il hn y y our tlre!:!s a t CO. Petition in OJ'l'()~: Phuntitf ~25,,90(l. .. Hutohinson & 1:.11 bney 'so X (Hdu ,OhiO III errot; stu Ille! three ground" ~I S. A. Htilwell, audl'tor, to Robert RIDGEV ILLE,OBrU error; firat, tUtlt the ourt Qucd in RO,;8, fot!! in, FrllDklin, PE IAL'n~: DJBEABEl! 0(( WOMICN . Notice' ofA:ppointment. 0 city hus 1\ l'After assortlJlent of J. Wllrren Wood, trustee to J. F . AND RILOlt'ION ro1lOving lJoud WOll nn(l his obligu NOllcc I~ btireby l:h' cn t1HlL Ih e under. fnbrlct;l for t h draMS It elf nnd the \ tioD tbereundor. '. co nel, thllt til Rook. lot in University Heigbts, 8!~l\(J« ha. he e n (lUll' !lp)!?lnll'<1 anll IllIall · trimmings . I t is a reo AODable, 1300. . 11\1(1 by Ib J,':ubale ' OUr! of W rren Count y . jU's tice of the peuoo, Ge·i rge W. The Magic No . 3. Ohln. a.~ e.xecutr ix of th lasl will ILRiI 1t'S IU' stutement llnd fully pro von In tho Lliut:~ 1'. Beuvor et 11.1 to Wm. C. Oaroy, erred ilJ ·tl~e dlsmis til . at Number tllre is 11 wonlierful lDen~ of Mury Uall y decclLlird . IMe of enId past. We ItrC' , Drel'S G.'on BOllse &nd otb. ' 'tp. 88id !lotion nud 'In renderiug Itill Tichenor. 1622 :l flcreil, mli cot for Geo. B . Parris, of Cedur cou m.y. . er good' Itnd vul unble consi lilration Grove, Me .• (\ooordlog to a lotter £Iizab Ib Llally , and do n ot Illeddle with tinware, jlldgwtlilt of dIKllli~, ed. l'hird, thl~1 ~. A. ti lwell . lIuditor. to C. E . wbioh reads: . 'After suffering muoh Wnynes\·11I0. Oblo, JUII' • IU07, hardware, 111';II'~ . hoes, atc. The e the judlPlIent of ju tiee is UKulu ~ t Ellton, lot in Franklin township, 11 . witb liver and kidney trouble, lond tbe ltlw . . bave their 111110e. Sarah E. Hatfield to Louisa Lewis boom ing greatly dil!Oourttged by Tonight. the failure to find relief. I tried PROBA'l'IO' 0 liT 33 uores, $ 1 Just look I1t oD rsbelvea Ilnd !!how If you woulrl enjoy tomorrow t.ake Eleotric Bitters. and liB u, result I In tbe of tlle ~stllte Louieu F. ' LeWiS, guardian of Etta nUl It well ma.n to·day. The first Cbamberliliu '8 I:l~iomnoh and LI ver CUB08 ·to see IIO,V freljl! aud new aml Mllry Ann Keever, d eoea!led, OD W. F. Lewi • to 81lrub E. ' Hutfield, bottle r Heved uud tbree bottles Toblets'tonlgbt. They . produce Ul! clean tbe >!took. anw easily ' to oompleted the cura." Guarll.nt8f'd Agreeable Iu,xlltiv,e effeot, oleur the trim from 'Illr tack jUtlt In . m,otion of DulllY Keever l:)tone, t o lot in Leban n, '4111. set !lslde letter~ is!luod . by W C. L\1uisl~ F. Lewis tv Sa.ruh E. HI~t. be t on ellrth for Btonlncb, liver and helld /lnd oleunse the stolJlach. kidney t,r<>ublert. by Fred C. Schwartz Price, 26 cents. ' Bamples free at J . Tbompson a admiui!!trutor of SIIII) field. lot iu Lebanon, $1 Ilnd otber d.raggl t . 500. E . •Jllnney 's drug store. estate and be ul>pointed herself In. good and vll·luo-ble oou8Iderl~iion8. steal!. Motion overruled by opurt! Enois Allen £lud wife to Jaoob 'illr 9 Del Worste(i TrimmingA. ~heer Eft'eot. , Gingham, Plaidll. Help Wanted. W . C. '1'homp on to IJ&Y oost in Oornell, lot in Lebanon, Itnd·oth. ! case . er oonslderlltions. t Young mAn and girls at, the Pe. Peter Oberlin. exeoutor of oBtat·e Ennla Allen t o Juoob Cornell, lot ters Cartridge ompllny, Kings azN~INNATII · 01 Hannah Obllrlin. Ill od Inventory in Leoonoo1·$lund.other , go'od nnd Mills. Work ltght ILDdolet\u . Good W . 1':. MOOH~. Hc ~elv~r . -t' and appralsemont. valul\ble oonsiclerut!ons. wage" IlUllcomfJrtuhle hot,el UI'OOUl. u~. (,....,...1 tt This Na",. when ~ to Mn.ry E. Soo tt, IIdrnlnistrlltr.x 0 1 Mary.J. Langdon tCt ~V. H. Lang . modutions olose to, t.he .fllctory. TIMIl: C \RD ~st.ate of ChlLa. · N . Scott, Ilecoll ed . don, 82 aores. Sl and oChel oonlilaor. Addres!! Assi t~tnt MlIllllger. 1':I'-F'I!:C1' I\'E; MAlo. 1\ :Jl, 1\.(17 . filed ber inventory !iLd IIppralse. ations. NOI(1'HUO ONI,. m 16 (It. Kingl! MillS, Ohio. . mf3nt and lillIe bill. ' _ _ _ _ NO. 1 - No. ao No . r,C) H. W. Wn]ter Hied proof ,f pub • A . M. l' ~\. He Firecl the Stlok. (... culilton J c . Ar.S 00 11 on ]iOlitiOIi of notIce ot apl>ointmont of Commissfoners' . Means Monar h o[ perfection. ,GOOCIa i j. 10 :J r, Itl that nre dislillKuishcd by gQod dealena, the administrator lierein. . J . Wit Proceedings. I 1111\:13 fired t,be Wl,lliing-stiok !:i bahcr Cr . . 1 'VI'.. Ollrl'l cl over I/O y el rB. on 110. HoslYIl good finIsh . Tho best construction anel • 7 ~ 1 1 111 0 1 11. I .. ve ry rensonnhlc prices. Asic }'Our , I OIlUt of IhBore thllt· reRt.~t.,ti evel'Y HOUlI18ICat' tern£l,n. • lO 4~ ri 011 i 4~ .In estate 'o f J . M. ·I,jlId·le. proof 01 W. H . BOliO, servloes 1\8 Ill. kind f tr ntment, nntil I tried cnlervill e .. 4 0 ,) 40 .de" Ie r f '~' .1im .J tt lI'1-e. Dlf. i\ UU to "how ctr~ terent ' publioation of the noUoe of til up. firmu,ry ull'eotor .. ....... .... $ -& ll 00 Bucklen's Arlllca l:)utve ; tb~t ba.s Mauor f 7 a·'.! " ) a~ aRII' Ilm.Nftllr:ul,.ltl!~ you tho f~m 'all 7 ;)7 1 !!7 4 ·1. polntmont ' Of exeootor, F. M . So, m D. B nkle, fees Illld ex. hetl led the I'ore and made me a hup. r.ytlo others. E.v~ l:l ~ ,l fully guaranteecL . p y IIlflll. " wriles JOlin (jltrrett, of l~dKC WOOll ;1 ~4 :~ t lJ ~ 4 MANUI'ACTUREO ltv ' ' BlLmilton, .T.r. panses for May .......... .. " 117 10 North Millt!. N. C. GQnrantoed f'lr Vl!tUlblc H 4 /) nil ~ IJ . Will ·of Lizzie A. Pit·tsfielc1 , do· (;/130. E. Young, expeuses aM Piles. Burn . eto . • sold'lIy Fred C' 1{ llchuer 17 IK !~ IO 18 RICHMOND-INDIANA MFC. CO., ~Ichmond, Ind • H :,,' .censed 19 flied for pl'obnte.. Pros. Atty. for Mlty ...... (j tjli 8('11 wuttlt., druggest. ,250. 1J0,III _ ' 'i 111 110 I II oj ~(J Lelunll t. OU ;1 <, 0 0 .. :.!11 In estate of ,1fl,lJles W! Ellis. de· Johii V. Runkinson, IUDliJer 25 71 Lehanon-L • • 'j' (10 II! 1111 oeelSed, C. E, Ellis filo!! npplic a tion Lebfinon GIlS Co., gas for jail. .. 69 C H n T. T to be appointed adwlnlstrator and Lebanon 10e flod COlli Uo" H... • A'l'IIA W.A. Y, Daylon 9 CO 11 au ;, tio Is lippolnled wJth bond of '1000. N .. Ice for V, a 10 Wll.Y'o:lesville·s Lending Dentist 0.&..\:'1' D XT 6. Whitsel, Ed'Sb"whan a.n d 'rhos W. F. Eltzrotll. lumber ........ .20~ 36 Office in ;Keys Bldg. Main Bt K UO ~ lIO WEMANUF~CTURE TH~ VERY HIGHEST SOtiTBllw NI JloGninD are "ppoicted Ilpprllll!ers. T. ·'U. PatterMon. bOllrding GRADE OF A. )I p . M. P. M. In t,he estllt,e of Ruth T. SchenOK, ' of prisoners during May 6~ 20 I...CR,' e No ~ . No 0" .. Type deeeaaed, W. O. 'l1bompllon, Ildmiil ' 1\·C. Patters'on, mainf.ai1\ing Bruss Gall~ys O'nytnn ! 0 H .I:. U' r. or, Brass Rule in Strips tatrator. files Inveutorv and 1l1)V' hdrse~ ilnd veMoles dur'o Metal Borders · r, all OIl,Vlon : 1> • X,' UO : ao , Brass Labor Suving Rille ing May .......,. ,..... .... ..... 20 00 (, (,f, .' L. S. Metal Furniture raillemen&. . . I.ullanoll J o. S :10 I nO Shaker Crossing ~ ~a Brass C~]ul1ln nule/! In the estate of J . 1:1. "VanRiper, Elmer Rowell, bridge reo Leads and. Slulrs Roslyo tH 37 ~ iiI) Vlotor . Van Riper, administrator, . . pairs 0I~t: C~eek town. Brass Circ:les. Metal Leaders H ClJlp8I.Clld U 30!l lI:oa Bra8~ Leadt'rs . dIeil inventory and appraisement. IJhlp .......... ... ..... : .... ...... , 22 14 Spa!!cs arid Quads, . CeOlArVlllc . H 49 III 6 11 Brass Round CQrners 6to 48 point Celia. A. I:'avage, administratrix Bo-r]\ll! Fudge, repairs.. ....... 2 61 Manor 'M &7 3 IU L )"lle Bruss Leads an~ Slugs o 01 :I ttl Metal Quoins, etc. of eataie of Floyd g, 8llvage. de rhos. Goughlin, bridge reo tl ~U 'E dgewoou Il 06 3211 r. !!n oeaeed, dnal account filed. pllirs 'i.·urtle Ureek Tp. · 16 76 , :I UO Venable 11011 ' 1 CO 30 Will of Jane Rober~s filed for pro, Bert Reed, bridge' repairs In' Olu Column Rules refaced und made bS good as new at a s~al1 Kllebncr ffi ll 1:1 3~ to a2 brte. Deerfield township...... .. 39 00 to It 3 :It CO 34 Dodds cost. Will of Ruth A. Uhenowetlr is ad. Lennie ,WhltilOre, luwber .. ... 25 70 A few tloSeR of tbi~ r meily (>"H\ ill' Leland IU 29 .U 42 'UH P)Mse remember that we are not in &~y Trult or~Comblnation Lebanon Ar. h' o 0 ao a r,u (I, 60 mitted.for probllte. Same, bridge repairs SlIlem 1 vlIrinbly cure un Orciillluy ·attack .of dillrrhQ!n. .. . ' !lnlly, "."cpl Sun.I.., ' : . SLOP OU ·~," nul uncl 'tlre sure tbot we cun lJlake it greatly ~o. your advantagli ~ , W. B. Allen ISlli8l1e exeoutor of . ...l'p ............................ . '.,.. ·5 00 It .can ul\VtLytl be ,lep nded upon. ~OIlDA " '~'tMIIH. rleul with 011. wll') ot'Rnth ~ . 6.hqno~eth; bond Frllnk D. ~lller, Con. No. 36 96 50 even ill the u iure l\uvtira AUlIl ks of "ralnR !"'~8 I,ytle all foll l)" ": ... F crnJll \l""It' 111111 ('hol ra morbus'. A oovy of our 'atulogue will be oheerfully farnisbed on appli. , at I\I~O,OOO. S. L ·Vl~rtwright" 'rllnk 8I1.111t', uUlJlugos ............... ". 7 00 ltll! qlmllyal1C p,ll~fn l .to): summer Norlhbounu -: iila. nt. 6 :?'ill. m • 0 04!;1 m 7 ~lJ l1. tn Rm,ith and A, B. Oha'l,dler, Ilppr~is 11'. W . HllthlLway, ropnirs ..... .11 2" dlnrrhLp.n null oho}prIL iufllntl\iD In SOUlbboUlltl oation . 1". b! . M OOR}~. ~h\lrll·"n. '11)(\ i~ thl' mellua of e""i,\~ S . I(. S tllP h cnaon, Ium be t . ..... 1'"I 61 erl.!. thp IIv" .<'If IIIl1UY obi hI rIm PIlC'h y Cllr. Gener aIPussea,-" Allent. Lelmnon . O. Estate or .l erUlIl1I1 Vrllu ~, a eUlllllled E C. 'I'bODlpilOn, medIcal \ r)WIl l'"tllll'l\U with \\'~.t 'r /Uul Philadelphia Printers' .Supply Co. l:f. W,·1d.•• nlwr II< flpjJ(linlt'lll IldU}1D ' lIerv!\'lflS to prisqnol'.. .... 5 00' aw(.l\t<~tll,\l it j61'1 l/:1aut to tllkr. . li:ver~' )Ulln or n f:lJully shnuhllceep , ~llnufacturer8 of Do l!iIot l!iIeglect the Children. I.trlltor ;',\)01111 $lOU(J· W. 8. St.nnll'l!e, JltIper for ~hl~ n'mrclr in his h \Ill . n,n' it now. " '@UlIT I'RIl ~IWIN(I", 2 3"1 1 'r. 'Cr1. o · L AROE SIZE, · /iOo. Type and High. Grade Printing Material Alld Itor 'IIf t 0 i oe............ ~Jo. At thi8 season of the year the first unnataral 1'10~leneBtl of a child's .ToJln W. Volle,l' \',. l.IIIl" Woud ~IlUl(', IIUI)plies for Auditor' .. Prtlprletors 39 Norlli Ninth Stfee, ~:=:=~~~=~~=~~~~_. bowels sbould' bavl~ immedIate ~t J>ENN TYPE FOU~I)RY . . ............. warcl Baf'tluj{ (It 'LI . ~h ritf oflluf»t;1 otlice ...... ................... :. all 5t, 8ub!ICriptlons I:llO' for all t.he hlild . tention. The beRt that. ca~ to diltl71bnM tn.-My w ht' pAill by ·1obmjl.ou & Wnt!lun, InVlen . nr magllzin88 aQd newspapers at be givon III \:0110 . . ' . Cholera ' l!tnd RAnledy pltlintU'llu 111\ hfljn~ $431:163. , Shentf t,nry uf record for P. J 36 00 tbe 6l1zett~ (lmoe. N~te -We will followed 88 dlr.eoted Pri~tting of All Descriptions ordeNd to pitY o.,,,t. fn!'ludlra!! $24 to t:!tlLte Ilf 01110 lVI ' Robert meet the prloeB aclver&l.ed by any wlt,h MOb remedy. p II. ~U8 and fOil 411 oCber 00.&; tlmart. flKfl ; Given ProDipt Attention' 8 80 "pakb~e .ubeorlp"O~ apU01. For .. b7 .. . . · ~"i78. ' .•• A. olalll8lOD J, P ..........


'liRE U 0


() , E I) Y









~ ' Gibn~y


Ready To Wear- Garments



local N o . 7 ' .



See . Your Drc..~smaker


M. 'V'.LANG,lV!.D,· G.M.












Hutr ison & Gibney,



Xenia Ohio

~~tCllmC1tQ. BRA'S $ AND IRON







a ........ ,. . ......









or IIntab. b e mnwlI none of the artl by wbl'h traloed runn rII BaYO tham· sel vell and gain 5P ed. Yot be olinI>' )lcd pnu' lically nve mIDutt.'~ from I I' Ibe WIlI'IIl '1! 1'P."orlt rOt' 25 mll(lB, lind finished wi h II b r ad limBe and 1IInny i bo w\! Iuwll r d tb ... Ct'owd ~ Of faIr RI)el'-' 18tOl'" who avplAncl d . 1'hll t WA" ' throu gh !'Ih" r IlIablllty to tool (ullgt'.... '('h o.c ....ho ....lI netist>d the IIlnn of th e b"rPllt r~(' t:: on P"1\ 10 ~ el'l' umplIPrl ~o 8,lle bo . Long boat h 01,11 n, 'h IR )cmg journ )'. I ran flRI · footed . II twl sl . el his body . H corrl erl hts nl'llI ~ like a ~ p r lnt or' going for ,\ hundT!'d-yarti ONE THE: PRODUCT OF CA REFUl. l' cord. Got D~wn Work . TR-A-tfI/'IN'G', THE OTHER NATURAl. PHENOM ENON. SO It " 'I'n t for Ight miles, Il nci the JlldillU wa s w II 1I11 In th Icnd. 'rh n I hose who followed 111m In motor Cllt'S All t he Advantag es W ealth Cou ld , flnd On ul ~. ,t II saw ,\ change toll O 1)lace. '1.'h Ind lo u nl1pearl'd to II G i ve Have Been Lav lahed on Young Son of George GOUld, W hile IIwa l,o>nlnl> to au enjo y m nt o f I hl' the Marveioul I ndl an Runne r la II- r un. H e got orr his h" ols ll1\el C~lIl P, ull on 111 11 tocs . runn i ng lig htl y, y o:( ilter~te and Mentally of Weilk Charhe stay d wi th Ihll I'un l" llml ni p fill' acter-Two Most Extreme Ty p.ea nNII'I ), 111 milt's, 'I'h!'n It!' lnrn e.1 I n Ever Per fected at Same Time. his ui[\I\lt/:lfr, who WII S b sldc h im In







wIn, bnt be 1111 It Ill ' oae o f bls

M~ryel of Endurl"ce. 'I'b ro nrc nClt 'I rew ",ho olalm mat

Lon,;obOIlC docs not I'nrtioularly rel\l ~ wha~ rlls\(\n'e h Is runnin g. autl I hnt I~ Is nil Iht' 811\111 10 111m wh I ber bo run~ l.'n mll '8 o r flO mllr~, I. n , rllth· or lI,,·lnvnrll. "'lIh onl y I\ vornge dr· volOPlllrnl of ,lt~g lIIuRc l l's und r Cbll~.I . th ere II not hlng about' Ll)ngbolU S physique to 1\'11 g S.L th .. l)lipnomenon. Probabl y ,hi SIr n~lh IhlH In his r's· "ia'HtOI'), Ol'tolan", 1'01' h (' hf\ ~ n o \' ol' )'Ilt hoell Iln()WII to tire IInrl nl w ~'H lin· Isherl Rilnost , Ifl! -' ITl:'ih g II>! \\9\iffi ho begun thp

1'U II .

Oh'p L ongb JIlt n ('1 9r " OUt·Sf' , tOT 2r. mil eS. '::00£1 w nl h('1' "llnct\lloIl S onrl sOlOt.'lhlnlt to ,qlllr hl11l to h l~ ll tmoa t, and wh nt r Oliltl h e ('10 Iho> dlst' n e In '!" hi s II\ (U\lll~P l' waH, asl d . Th e Inl! !)r shool: hi s huurl. I' w(1l1ld 1.>(' hlll' (Is ~lhl(' 10 8RY , \lUI hI' \\'o llirl Intll, ' a ll C'. Ist lng rl'('o" ds looi< "Nic' I," Ilntl woulll 11I'('O\)n ul), 1'6lnbllsh fI~lm's Ihllt w01l1a1 II .. " ". he lIC'!I!11I1 . In 1111 ,'1\('('.' In wll ... h h,' hll ~ ngag ·

Ilest<;n .-,IIl~' auld 91HI 1'c'lI1 I.ons. 11 ('[\1 ' . pd , l...(n l~ II1)AI li as J\{-\' f' 1' hpt'll ·· j'X · b(,AI thl' alhl ete ul "duclllh,". th lit h" How for?" Ill' gru nl ed, " '11(\",1." \1<' will i u s l ~t 011 lllrnlllg iliA I<' to of 1Il1tl1 re. " A bollt t Cll 111,\1 '8 1I\0rc. lilt 'PI' lIll hpud (1'11nl Hlal ,' tn si ll., IIno\ wal (' h ln~ anci II hlllle ' In ," ~uld III BUlu'l!; 1', 'I' hl' (/n o l a II IJrodu t of "',,"lIlIh . of !:io T om I ( I III t'()\\'cl. S uch run . th ill ~s uh.'n ~ , 111P 'o m:So wit h tht~ llvf~' IIp.rsoll1l 1 I lI tr l'''~t . I f a Indy 11 1'3111.\' ndeavor li nd of cllreful tt-aill ' 111111'( hnrll1 1'01' be II S I' ll h fore. 'I'll!' l lest lug, 'rllc' olh er It< t,h e rll llnl nl\" II\Il' la st mil e or he 2~ mll() ~ . some o f \I " ' 111'('. al hi 111. hI' IInrlol'slunrl. , gl'l n ~ ('h l n or t h e Onolldaj:'lI s. the ~ 1I111 ' IIllhl1l . wnll dlllw In f ur mlnu1c'K. 46 and wil \'I'~ II 11>11111 In a k'nowl .. ,l p Will. IC'I;I;, d I nnlRn who cll r l'ied orr th~ Mnr- "l'~ll lld s. no ~n I'llI' orr tht' wllrl\r ~ It I. " SIlIll"Io'Ii Ihrll h ' IIs.mll : 10He R sen'1'lI1 11\111111 s by t'nldul; n 111'[1 or athou ace In IlI)Rton I II AllI'li an d rC'col'IJ for lile fla l mil!', R llI ~~hE'cI nl\ world I'ceord!:! fur:lr. " Yon heat lilt' !'l'cor,1 fh 'c IlI illlltl'~. " I hln !;~ hc .'ld(' III rontl' In hi long OI i l l'l',.1 1I sll l l of ~I l ' t nod col d and th e Ind l11l\ wa" told Hfl " rwll r cl I II 11\0' 1'1\ CR. (rowd cd " ours . wlth olll vl ~ IIII strain . hot I. To Be Given Education . 11 Hhl'u!:'!:,' I h is 5h(Hlld('I'~ In<ll frl'l'Th e on(' Is h II' to mlilions. a ilIO n T it Ca nndlnn IlcoP i!' are rul ~ ! n/: a or (' ullllr, of tJlI~a tlo n . or high In· c nLl y. 'I'hc' n h wn a 10111 Ibe 11mI' b e fund to eduea lEl L 01l1t1J01l1 In uck nnwlh·t1\/: n o('. T he oth er 18 o n lndill n mnde. et.!gmenl Or bl s .\Iarn lbon w i n. It may rr III toe-nail t o tOp-IIIlOl, Iloor, litlt r" Fa sL'I" ho gil rl c<l In g u ll ra l \) e thnt In r dllC!lIl1ng him, til y will l ones. a,te: of nn Int IIII! oel' 80 low Lhat h spall I he r unnlllg machine. I II' III d by \11 lruln er os nothing " \ I' Y fn · t. ,\\'ol'e ),Oll !'lIon lng hs rd, " I.ongboat Is mOrQ like a mnohlne m ore tbnn 11 ,runnln g·machln l'. Y et Tom?" I hau a mlln ," said a sportsm an who tbese t.wo' ClPlloslt types h[l vc BOIU . thing In common- Ih ey a r 8.0h at th e tO il of th eir l ass io thc worlel ot sport, lhey eoch ha ve gl'it an d stuylug IIOW r lind lig ht Instinct. Wb n Goulcl hatll ..u ror th amll' t ur COUrt tcu uls haHlpion sbl1l of th world lu Eng land ' last month. he I\ut Into p l'~ lI ce tbe 11'850nS of y ,ars of careful I raining at th ' h nn<l s of ex· 11 rts. He mployed all th .. gon rol· ahlll Ihllt 1\ ualurally brl ghl Ullnd, ti ldnme, cd h)' skillful tenchlu ' In lh cou lll aummOD U11, l.Jrtle mor th an a \Joy . tor .Jay GOnld Is only 1 • Y arB ol d. be sbow In hlsj ga m III reRII Sll euergy ~h a~ his' gra ml Ca tb er show .1 Ln aoother fi eld ot c ot.! ' a\·or, H e I!hows th e sana e ~n rnlshll). nib It a IDore courteous 81H1 sDor tslIIllll ·l\ke genorol. sb!p. an.1 l be sn me tenoclty nnd un· 8\Y r\'lng purpose. T rlb~to Fro)n Opponen t . "Could II' a hi t at sheer wh alobone." sai d En laC) M iles, the grcnt EII!llll;h arun nr. " I CUll t sil ty 't hat It 15 slm · pi)' aw fu l to Iliay ngELlnnt hlail, b o 13 so

r 8~\e/!s.


" Yl)t uo/Jody coulcl wish a m ore court ous ollponell t. His abl er BLreuglh lie In ' hi A Ben :lc and ul so In his 611/11 In hltUnJ;; tit ball Inlo tit , winning gallery. Hi s oUlIlr , stroll e5 !Ire ve r y S\lre. Plnylng altal nSL h im Is lIle II10ying a galu st a r I n t l s~ llJlI' c hi ne." , . Till bit at sheer whtll IIOne Is th ~ n of Georg ,Goul(I, lIuaocler I nd rnllY/!lY m aguat , who Inhcrlted th e greRt er part at the ramous ,Jal> Qoulers bOHI'II.· H Is nbout JIve fe el t n III hes III h(>!gh t , a ' cl ean cu t, mlllll", elta-II. of IIlile and acUv flgul'e. and pol o nud mn,n y otbe r sporl s h lLv e cO'u trlhuted to make him · th e oth l t h e Is. It goes without aaylng th at hIs multi· millionaire falh er Is' Iln ardc nt hacl, I' of ~II his athl et ic act il'lUea.




..... AD

I ''It'R nlY c nllid ollinlol\." be eold, !


"clot.. bunt. of ~pecd.

IncOnllderate HUlband th .. All the Trouble.

C~u ••


'tbat rnOn

When You Want Pure White Lo"ad, IGet It.


lofes,!!!1 with tiCY n, shoulon't \I'(>bdl'r It 70 wou ldn't bll m re c' :rt'ct, Thore Is' Alexis Allodl n, tile learl r of the I ronble ~ntJ a worl r. Dr worr~' In tbe' ./tuBsllln domna's lubor parly. W IL,q very 'mlln' Or It! ' ~ ' II 'n I lI ~volI · t got' mllJ'veJln!; In Ne\\' ,YoU at the It, I 'm worrying 11 9 to wbero \ '11 I;ot strength or the labor unions or Anailr- It, anll whl'n I gilt It I worry ab out ICIl. I what to dn Wl l h It; It 1 put It In the "Now thRt , gras,p . tho slzA ,Ilnd ba nk I WUITY beoanRo It rlon't gro" power or th(,se unlous." be said. RUlli. t ..5 t "nollgh . <lnd It I sp"nd It I worry Ing. "I see tb') Ilolnt ot a story tbat beCll uNe I p;ot rid ot It 60 soon : 80 I tailed to und r8tand omlng ove~ YCIU Bt>e. It's a w orld fUll o· troubl on the boat. An Am rl an womnn anrwlIY YelU tak It! 'I'he poor bIen. told m thl3 I; Ory. She so ld tbat nrl Clnrije It: t~ rh'l) don·t kno" young br i de was rOllod one IIfternoon whut to do wl l h It: til re Isn't 11 hllnd· crying bllle(ly In the smoking I' am '~1I 1 of hnllilinen In a Lon or It. Here or h er cl\lb. ·WhY. my d ear,' said 80 cornell a bill colic lor now , t.o get elderly IIl1llrQD. ' wlllll I s Ihe mllller whllt ' lI rtle I ha ven't !;o t. StllY h ere w ll h YO Il1' 'Oh,' sobbed t h e brld".·r and "nl.c lt aln h !m while I climb t o tbe 11m gai n,: to l eave George l Dear me , roor! "-J\t1 llnta oostltution. 'I am going strai ght bn'k home t I mother!' " What!' exclaimed IllO mil· SPECIAL TRAINS. IrQn , ' has G 01'/0: already Ilrovcd un· kind! W 11, III y' r all nlUte. m ._" N ~tlonal Editor ial AS80cliltion and "But tb weoiling hrld Interrll pte d Christian End eavor Conventions. Ilcr, 'No,' Rhe salel , h I' Rllo uld r8 shnlllllg with srlcf , 'Oror ge Is n denr , I'CI'Ronali ), c: "d uc l d sl lcel111 lI'a lnS He's perr" l. nUl lhat b rulc at a ,<Ia till' Chl cll~u. L' nloll Pu '1l1c & II Dry SlrnUlon ~ has r e fu sed to hll)' N O!' " · \Vt'Slc!'1I L!n I 1\1'0 al'ly lu M .. ~ . Slmmnn~ , a nrw ,llnn or !;e wn Ju l)' f(lc thl' Polel tl Co, at. SIII'('lal 1I1d d lslriot ' a. 4 of the AllIulgolllal d 1111'(' XIIIJ UHI' t our at \'f"ry low m lcs Wlvos' IInlon has bcen ordered out fOI·rolln.! trill, InC'ludlup; aicolllnp; c'nr s trike,' '' ' (Ie ~oUIUlo rl ntltH f.' , nlC'nls . "tC'. .\11 th ail\'lllllagl'~ . (If n, d oll l;lll t fill 111111 a 1'0, ITCHING RASH 18 Y EAR S. rllll~' 1IiTII II/.:('0I l Ou r In r.o n ~eoinl om · llan ),. \\'rltt' fllr I In r nrles and full :AId's Rash Spread and Gre w Wo rce Jlnr llCl1 ll1 l'~. S ..... Hu ~c hl so l\. Mannger Undcr Specialist's Cart-Perfect T Oll riRI i)el'urlm nt , ~ 1 2 l ark Si rc t, Cu re by CUticura Remedies. 'h trnS"o. 'Y

rI \·IIK. &n(l

Probably there is no ·ot,be .. article of com. merce subjec t. ed to GO lIluch dultr ra. tion ' and i •• l""r' repre.

sentmtion ns While Lead: Out of 18 brand s of uWloile Lc:>d " rrcrlltly Iln.lyztu by the Gav.rumrllt A griculturd l;;Xperianc ,l t Slation of 'orth Dakota, S cont.iurd au. olutely flO White Lead, S 1r3 n tl,~. J5 ~" of W hile Lead, aud only 3 ovel j<Ji'~ or While Lead. There i-i, h()'Te. T, IL way to be ~. t .in or the pllrll)' nn,' ll~nllil1ellt!s or the ' Vhilc J.~ad you My, and th ilt i ~ tD'. !ll. t Ihe k~g )'0.1 buy 1lC'3U Ih .. Dul.·" jJ. ,y I r~lI" mnrk. Th is trade mark is " posil1vo l':1I3rnlllC)c of aliso. IUlc!y Pure White L ea d In de by Ihe OW lJutch I'rocess. J



SEND FOR BOOK " -A T .. lk nn llatnt."

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" ott.J1(Jol!ked' ,,,

JIU/bftJ,.. I/l4tJ fnQrk.

NATI O~AJ, I.EAD 'COMPANY' Desert 1.00 nds Made Fert ile. (". UI""~f!I"f'''' '4/ ,,,_Julto. In" c-rtlr-3 I • • tON:' " OM' , A c ordl ng tn (lOlellll flg ul' s. slnre :t, ~ " Tor". llo.tnn. Dlltra1n. Ot~on". tne I'OCl1l11la Ion IIlIV w as cnnC'ted I)y Chll'h, n.'I. (,hh,Nt(), ' th . ) nutil. Ph U,," Ituhlb la (.,J C' l b " , .. Le"I • .t U ~. ~,l , l)h~ congress 10 l UO.. . Ight Illwn a , bave b. "b 1~.t1 ...1 x...w • ull ,I be('n built aud 10.00 0 peopl e 1Ia"e ·et· t! d on wha t w ere desert l an ds. ne hundred ,mil es or bran ch Tn llwR )'s ' have haon bellt, 1.267 miles of canal s have b een dus. many of whI ch carry ",h'o l e r l\'er. 1lD<\ 47 tunn 18 bave c" red hI' be n e:tcu.vat d. It Is eellmat d thllt \'""'":-""---7""' Po~IU"el,. tbelO Little Pilla. , lh territ ory mhrnc d In whnt Is , ,'l;bey alIO reJla~ Dt.. Icnown as I' Arid ~eglon s cit It ·olt· !;roM tram Dyspepa1n. I .... ed States covers GOO.OOO,OOO Bor 8, of IdlGl!S!J()QlUld Too Reutl A perfect romwhich ' ab oul 60,000,000 a r 8 Ilre IIU\). to~D12::l1.n""" Na_.. j c t to Irrigation ond cnil be cony rted lind !1'nste Into f orms liS prOtl ilOllvo as I PI I.u . In tho lloutb. Co3tAId tbe most fn vorM l:ectloDs. 'I'0Il;110. Paln In the SIde, TO RPm, UVEjt. 'l'IIQJ rsCllUlte tbe DowelS. J'UrslT Vcgoto.blo. Free Medical Advice. BOY HAD NOT UNDERSTOOi). A well I:oown U.ndon plt)' 8l QJan at a dinner pnrty on evcnlng wo s mn<:h Pretty Phrase That Was Most Wo. w orried by one \'tho' wa s S eillog gra. Genuine Must Bear fu lIy M Isunder.tood. hJltous a(\ I·!Oo. ' '' 00 yo u knQw, doc. tor," 8111(1 bls queRti on r, \'1 know 0. TTLE !VER , -:;;-_ _-oJ T hat I be effect of II c hoi ce and ap- m oo wbo surrers 80 I rrlbl}' with In. PILLS. . • ~ propriate pllrase, Is somellmes lOSt' digesti on that at U mt'~ !te CILU ' do lnd oft Li m es woefully ml slnt erpreled n o hln g but howl vI h pn , II. Whllt ==-~nEFUSE SUBSTITUna. IS w ell IlIl1slrat II I n nn Incident con· w ould YOll do In tha t cll~e? " Ject d w l l!J th e defitb at a Yi rg loia "'Veil , I SUPPOSII," respond ed tho 'Ilwyer. ru dleal man. " I. should bow l ""'th Dur in g t h o m lln' s lI1n oss til e ' wires palo, t coi' ~'ore dlsconne teel wbl eb attached Lbo bell to tbe old·Ca sh looed pu ll knoh Oefined. ) 0 tbe front door . "Ond," IDt!\llred 'Fred,ly. "wh:l Is a A messenger boy came to tbe house 'fi gure or sp eech 1' " "Wb"re's y ur moo one morning and began pulling at ther?" askod "Dod ," cautiou sly." he's the boll, ,' Th ere was no response. downstolri3: ' an'!!IV..I' d the hoy. "Well, He continued, to j erk t~e ancient knob tb n," begilD "Dtlll,"~ fi gure ,01 vigorou sly. A whHe·hulred gontl en)BO GI)Oo/\II, my son, 16 a womon." -Har · Hnall}, allPpared, wbo rai se d his band per's Weekly. CURE FOR warnin gly and said: "My boy . .tbe sliver cord. bas boen To h(',cn good erms wilh humnn /1"turl', !cvered." Ile W eill {l arll, ld '1' /I purifieR lIn' blll.,.1 cl':ldicatcs t.!il<C~ e. T gu\r,lc Lit clil!~ti\'c ",I s that so?" exploded the boy. 1'<1011 nod hrinl!s (J ~od II lith! 1I1I1n,,It qulCkl, ablortled. "Prom the way I t acted I thought the 111' fn ulllr\!<1 1\,. Gurfleld 'J' 0:, llrool:lyu, GI•• s R . li ~ I.1 Once. o.l.l• wh ol e aln r n thing woo bU B ted. "-~. Y . ~. Y. 8?Iil ur drul:lli.ts. B II UI"ruh.tMi \\' Cl rl'llJlBl. , bJ. Y. rimeS'. --'!"'I'--.....~_ _ _ It may oat be pORslble for D. young He Was Thicker Skimmed. ~7stcll~iM~~ W alter Howard. t b e London drama· mon to meaRure life: but It I s pos sl . I tlst, .was l eaving t.he st age Iloor of a bl e to say,. I am r esolve!! to put Ilia _ __ ... .... theater on e v nlng wh en an anomie- to its nobles t and looklng youth stopped up und suld: "A.rc you ~Ir. Howar'rI?" Th e Blltbor, r eplied In tbo affirmall \·e. whereupon the yonng fenow said h e -wnoted to go the stage. Nolicln g bl s . ev ident unfltoess ror such a lite. Howard advised 111m t o stick to his present O()o cupa tlon, whatever It was , "I am sa. slstant pnwubroker across the w ay," sold the 'a mbilious y oung man. "And w/lat do your peonle tblnk of )'Qur going on th p Btage'I" asked Howard. ·'Oh ,. they are right aglllnBt It." WBS the jaunty roply, " but I shonldn't mind the di sgrace myself."

"When m y (\augllter WIlS a hab ~' sho hurl o bi' oltln g Ollt Il'h!hil th e ars. l'h dOClor sa id thnt sh e wonld on to ~I'ow I t. nnd It did It t sorncwhat bet· l er until she was abo\lt fi ftee n yenrs Jld, lind ofter that she cou ld get noth· Ito was ing l hnt would drive It away. l twnys aplllying som cthlng In the way , ~f salves. It tronhfcd h er boblratl the knoes, oppo site tb e elbows. bnck ot :he n eck and ears, tinder lho chin, and ~h e o It got on the fnce. 'i'hat WIlS ,bout tbree y ears ago. Sho t ook treat· !It nt wltb a speci ali st and see.m ed to ;et w ors e.a ll th tim e. Wo w er e tb en l"vlsed to try tbe I1Ucurn R emedie s. Lod now I don't se any hrcnl, lng out. U . Curl e)" 11 ·1!1 Six! sntb St., Dill' ::Ih·. MI('h" Mil), 20. 1906."





A Positive


fly"s Cream Balm

. Jay Gould lind Tom

I.ongboat Oom p.lred

hu s watche<l hlaltl In m an)' \'aeo ~. ..It Is·a gOOd dl!ol iII;e Windi ng 1111 fl c ftlr.k_ " ;>\0. '1'00 muny teams," be salcl la. You'tell L on gboat to ru n a ct!rlaln .1Is.' conlcnlly, 11I nc In u C rtalu tim , and to I(eep "Arcn' t you Llrcd?" asl;l'd a n ew s. Jl1 st so rnl' aitellil of l he ot ll ers, and he paper man . for he hart s en th e hullan will do It 10 t he l etter," t I f b !J ut how would tlale I ypn o r a hlnte Ollie upsa I'S 1\ lei' t e I'aoe two stellS "" ~ ~ ~ nt a, ti m e. ' compure In 0 Irlal wllh the Guulrl t yp e. J ar Oouid I arn d the game ofI co uI rt th '.tlh lc l a whp ~onlhln e" I,II~" Icnl fit. ... I L ug bollt seem d surpt'l se d at Ule t enniS . nnd was train u n I r8 II cel S 'III 'sllqn, as though b did not Imow n ' 8S wl tll tll "lll - al ILl rtn ess. ,,'1,0 1s ttle hl ."" hest t"ll 0 1' IJlblelo'/ Itl til t ullis courl t hnt 01'1116 the the m anlng of th • word , Ifl most Imllortllnt pal't 0 r I IIC magll . I n It trial of all r 'enuuronce the InA t i t 0 I"" t N " HlIngl'Y," it gr un t ed. dce(l In his "en gymnns 11m a eorg = OUI' , ' ellun ll'pe wo\t lll w in. Not "ecallse of J " II IS ra th r ' II IlQun t ry Itome. WitlI thl'OIlt. So th'}' snt him down at a " realer 11ittck. but becaltseu he posill' th I h Id tuble and I)a sscd him n m enu. 1'001 c .ever)• f 3C.y at wea [ call 111'0' Hesses sOIll ' t hln '" of the cn lllloit" tel .. I I II won( I or ,'II.. "t II e ~ooo l ook I t III both banll s, eyell It 11l'l o\1 s- Wlth stnnd' rall"'u n shown Ih' th l OWer J I,) U1'" , t ,8 sma I c Iy one wa)', thon a noUler, ~nd finally " ,. B t Ii I b lIellme PI'QtI0 Ient · u w en Je 01' n '. ' anlmlll., I t 811C'h. a llIun were" educa"cd. ..... A I t b b tt I gnye It 01' I' to. his manager. • ./ "" ll. .. (!S re a ecome e or lIo n a I( his mind \\'oi"e hrought up to t h'e " WhlJl clo YO II want to at, 'fom?" st.uudurd Wlllli'o' Lh n erv es ' ~'ol1ld 'h a\'e, ' ,good ' !l\'erage amnlenr. his fltth el' ,~as '. Iellghted and tell ,111 l"1lI1 th e ' Idea aHI<ed his managcl'. full \l1I1Y In 1\ competition " 'Itb /lthel's. soul "l\l e~I ," snl d Ule Indian. I 1<' 8 ,. t nn" ,. " • wb ero h o ' woulcllhlnlc and worri all he If • • M N t Considered. "Wh at Illnd of mc'iI L?" oney 0 " i\l cal:' ..... a,s tbe stolid reill y. mn nl ung'.joil Is [ll'elhuble t hut h is en· Instructors were ellgagt'd rol' tbe dnrRnee wonld b,~ ser lousl~' Impalrerl. He gl'lUll d aCQuiescence 88 oi h er lio)', somo of th e b ~t In t h e wOl'ld . Th ere Is much lhe ' I,odlan cOIJ1d be ' fOOd, \vu nartl d, bU L crnned hi s h ead lind Is rae 'Sl\ms wer e sp ent III yonl\g tanght In th o \\'(lll ' of I'unnlng flO as to • '" fo t'word Cll l'lo\lsl r., when A Bh leY.181lCd .taY:il tennts ,education . Ono of th e In· him If h" would IIIIC som e icc cr eam . save hl lllselr-'for Inst ance. h e ch apa Sl tTuctOl"S who hUl l " h:uld Ia\ mould · " II nil '?" h e ci(mlllnd ed. hi s stl'ld hadl y. 'B'ut even that mlsht Ing .TII Y Gou.ld·H t enni a form reec h'od' ch anse I,on giloat's whol e callacll)" H e "You know, 'I'om . 'old ; cu t Il with I ' a mal'vc!ouij running Ulllchin 0.8 hi! 10.000 'a 'year, Wb en he goe!; ahl'Olul ' , BI)OCIII ," i s now. and aity IItte ml1t 10 Im llrO\' e or 't o "Iny . Gould ngIlS" S fI gYlU nasl um 111 Pl'anee' ta l' h l~ tralnlng-eXI)Cn sC L ongboat" ~~. ,~ lIash ed III a.1l\ll'cc\ll· ' nl tel' hI s ow n IIll t uml method s Tll l gh'l n o oh~lacl c. lion. only r esult In .·I)',llllnJ; !.he ma ohlne. Yc t wealth, and racilit l e ' tlt at'wcalth " Gon I. " h (" t;'xcl ahII'QcI. "Two," ' . ' \ Anll h t' h lei UI ' I " ' 0 tin gcr~ to sholV Two Typel! of Perfectlun. CJl\1 .brlng, would ,b ave b('oo u st'l es~ , how much ' '''U ~ wallted. 'In 00)' tl'l a l of sk ill or slleed .requlr. Ing al ertn ess. brain wOII;, th", sudden ha(i not the ' matorlal of wh ich chum · Wilde 'be n tllerc. Gould IIOS' Has All Ind ia n's Stolidi t y. " 1,lon .," ...~ tv Hi)lllIeaLlon Qf all lh n hI t ' s (lower!. H s5(",1 1111 t h e r Qull'em ou tB oC IlIlnd T u :,111 Qu ostlon .' \lUl to him b y I he Goulel I~' (l e 01' m lln won ld u netty a nci llOdy anel 51)h'll n ClesS~ I'Y to i nlllm WOUld-\) ill tl> TVi "' \\' \lf S, t h s,·en'., (n · sliverlOJ: i.o tho LnnglJoat nthlete . Net. II ' 1Iaml) lon of him : It n e d 'd onl y dIan I' UIl[l O" gruute,1 rrionos)' llllblc re- vous n el'g), wou l d lJ\' drnwn lilian, the .1;l lIful handlinG' and car ful lll'(l ctice pli es, j el'kl1!g Olll, a nd , "!)io," 01' Cjnlel{' l'esponsl) of' hody tel t he will at to d(w 101.1 tlieDe '1l1alltles, " shuillng, hls beai! . W beUler hc ullder· th.) m ind would ' 'Iunci t h " 'higber type On e of th e host ICl)own or I': ngl lsh . tood I he pi ll-port or these ""e811';118 of Ulan ' Il victor. Bul In 011 .1-' even t c riLIc,s Aays o f .J a}' qO\lld : .is doubtful, I'or his .l\l anllgor fin ali ,I ' wIler<' strilid fl!ll~ l e n cc and ab liity .to " r bell ve Mr. Gou ld 10 hoi the I Il0S( said lltnt It wolt'leI tie' uacl esK ' to talll stan.1 g rlt c lill f; punishment wlth(1ut ap. j'enlarknbl e amnteur t ennl~ pl ayer la ' him 1I0r! hI" hlmKel ~ wo uld gl\'o \.I t'UI' I nl> la ',f p.r' I I t wer!' re qu Ir ed. , the ~ In t' Alfr ed Lytlleton came 10 I~ords, wiJatl'\'er In(urmation was deRl refl , I,on gboo t t Yllo of athlete would be ~ r ,'!' ~' ears urte,r l eaving Ciln!Il)'ld,g!,!, On e , thing wa~ ctH'laln...:....that til t! 1'". ro und InvincIble. ' 001)1<1 lives alllld the s ll rrOundl n~8 and beat .r. H. H eot hcole. Ii'or 80 rllan !;new o utl dlence. YIlIIOJ!: n pl ayer. Mr Ocnld Is a,lmost : "Sit [ h ero, TOOl, until I co rn e hacle. whfch nnl y groat. wealth CII Il procure. Iltll"n\) . . His g r eat rd ~ h, bls Q;lIlck , You ' mU8l n't go n eal' lito w indow. Looghoat /loundil nAlis with II hammer ,·YI·. sud hl ~ keeD I'collzatlon of the Wlnd' th ert), See?" In II box rnctory In Torool o, Can, He vnhu' of lilaying for 1\ wlnnlng 'opcnlng " Huh !-' ejacula ted Lougboat anel kno ws enough nc L t(l hit bl s thUmb. ma l,,, a /lrofourtd iwpresslo." ' . f;eatNI hIm self In the chair Indloated. Gould hilS aeql tll'ed th Ilt"1'ulslenee Indilln I. a Wonder, I Ie' , \\'a there ... hen l.he manager bill I; I'audfa ther had to suuh a marked /I nd wh s l, ahout the ludl1111. him cam e ba ok. stOli d anll \lat/enl. Hit extAnt. . Longboat l UIS til ondurance 111"~' call II runn lng-ma IItne? That' ,I11ld So",\'cel~" chunged h I!; posltlou, WILl c\;/. his coppe r - k lraned for efathers vh ul. he Is. n olhlo!,; roor. '('am Long- and made no attempt to leave the pOKsessed. mach Is 1\ strlltlng example hou! ~"n rlill 25 mUtts f:lstpr I hlUl aoy oj,alr until told" to do 80. . . of the tl'sn Hml9slon of cburuc ter lstic8. m'\l1 1 " Ing. hut he c3 Dno! co nverse He 15 n e.'e r ulluw d to rIIn wltb· I Each Is about as neST per f ection In hl. I n l~t1ll< 'ntty 'In Jo~ngllsh . he could not put a mauttgcl' 'bolng n ellr In som'e own brancb 'a's hu\nantly ca ll approach. wtll ' a Ictt r, he Is n man 1,(a5 prlml- ' , 80rt qf " ehlcle. f'or. tbe story goes, HI. Strong I malJlnlltlon. tlI' P Id.~a.s as any o,t the r{!c!·skl/Uled ,hat In one l'IlCe In .whlch he en gaged. "The ceosus hulreau 118)'8 there III a bra \'cs wbose b !ol)d course!; ~lJrough ann III whh!h lie ran alooe. I.ongboat·s hlH "dns .. , ' manag"r. sum moned hurrler\\y, foud divorce granted ev.ery three n\lnuteB." "Isn!t-.It a wonder we are not He Is a \lhy,leal phenomcnon, thll th" UtllJ1 ~r eo~aged In eV<l ..",rsaUon IndiAn. , H e dOll8 not kno\\' how to with Rome lalh' speetators, 1'he In· ened bt the ,conUlawnaa.. IDapplnf nIIl-that Is t~ say, he bu w> " 10'.11" dian hlld to make up ove r a mUe to the Uut"


Lon;.; boul hum lled h is SbOlllt1 ' 1'8' IinO "

~ tel oll hl8 head ,







b,_e~st:....u:s=e~., -

~~~"~l~.~~i"J.WCI~t~"~r:~:~:r~,,~~~~~~~~·~o::o.~·'~.f~:~:.!.':~z..~·~·,\~tl~~~~~ ·:b~J'~ ."1 ,

Nervous Women Make Unhappy Homes

, "Gumming" Season Ove... Like r eturning miners from, the Klan· dike. tho "gummers," amateur and profession Ill; ' are coming .out of tbe Maine' woods ,w ith th eir golden grains, lay the Boston Globe. Sprnce gum ho.:! h ardly reached tbe "weight In gtlld" ' prlce, but the lovel' of the ,bal· samlc "ch'e w," for wblc;h there Is ~o ro!tLJ substitute, mu st pay at the rate ot ,~ .• O a pound tor It, and t hat In E!a:ng,'r, M e.• '1\ city snpposed to be tbe DIl \VIall Clf,y at tbe cum region ••

A ncrvons it'J'ltable WOlllll.ll., often 011, I lI1~erod 80 I ,Ud "ot oore ",bat became of t ho verge Of hy~tc rics, Is 0. sourcc at me, nnd my family dMJ)ftlrod of my re'niBer .v to everJ' one who eomCB uoder covor),_ Pbyllicl.,1l1 falr", holp mQ. I "118 url(lld to try L),.Ua E _ Plnllham'. hel," Influence . o.nd unhappy .a,nd mi... VO'.(Otable ComponQd allli ~'1?rlt to teU YOIl " erabl" hllrsl' If. . '. tb,itltbns ontlrely cured me. 1 think ,II FIT THE GROCER Such women not only drlvo hUll· Is the lIn08t modlchiG on earth and 'I ~ • bo.nds from hO/Re but &rtl wholly ~n£it recommending, I, to aU my fri~uds ' and Wife Mide the Suggeltloh. to gonrn ell i1dren . " , ' , ' acquaintances. , " MrS. Geo: A. James, a , life IanII" , The ill" at women act like" fire A grocer has excellent opportunity brand upon tho nervcs, consequently resident of Freaonia, N. y,. writes: to know tile etrecls of slleclal 'f oodl! on sll,v en·tcnths of tho ne\,vous prostm~ DM:r MI1\.' Plnkbam:- , bls ' oustomers. A Cleveland grocer t lon, 'nervoos desJ?Ondcney. t h ~ "I ",.. In "terribly mn 110'"' condition has a loog list or customers tbnt bav,e "blues". sleeplessness, aod nervous and ,bad 0,,"008 prottratlon caused by Il'ritability 01 ~v!>mQn anI() from SOUlO feroa1e ,tl'OUl)le.,ln tact I , bad, not boon well , be en belped In health by leaving oft ' organic ~eranll'eDlent. ' " iriooo,my, eblldron. wore born. Tliw' coo· ' t oftee anc4 using Postuni - Food Calfee. Doyon e;cperleneoflts ofdeprellBlon ' dltlonworked, oo'lIl,.n~~ a"tld I Ir. He says, regardIng his ow, n expo- wltb rest)'Os>!Ue!lfl al, ternatl,o'" inl",rllble. I bad triod .. \YUh ex. rlt.&bll,l remadlel!and witbout' getting mucb 'helpmany buO l1ence: "Two years &.go I bad been treme Irrlto.biUty? Do , yot! ·snifer , Lydia E. Pln1i:ham'll V~blo Com~d drinking cofte~ aod must say that 'I from palnfl In tlie abdomloal region, ' hl'OllKtitme bock to bealth'and str:!lngtb. I I was almost wrecked In my nerves. baCkache, boarlng-do\vn tialns,nervolts ' baa .180 carrl8\l me 'tbroujrb the "Par'tl" n'] arly 111 tbe m'ornlog, l ,L al dyspepsia, sleepleSsI\eSs, and almost ~ o,f , Lit.., ' I CIlIIO , too atrooKly , " .. contlolial\yerpss and' Ilnap'py? H RO. reOOuimeodyourmodlclno.'" , so Irrltahle and upset that I could your nerves are In a sbattered coo- I'I~ PI~k"m~s ••vltatiOl to Wo.C.~ bardly walt unUI the eollae was dltion ab.~ you,are ' th~tene4' with ' . r " , Womon suffering from any fo'i-m of ' 'served, and ' then I bad no appetite tor, nc~\1a pr03tratlon~ bre1kfast and dId not feel like attend· ' 'Proof is mooumental that nothing female weak'n es. lIoN il\vited to iDS to my store dutJell. in',the worlr;l is better for ncrvonll oommunlC!lte 'promptly with Mrs. "One "ay mo wife 8uggelltecl tbat "~roubles ot ....omen than Lydia E. . Pinkham, at' Lynn, Mass. li'rilm ,t h'(\ ... I . , Ptnkbn.m's V egetable Com(\ounc1, aymptOlIUi 1\'1,';n, tbe trouble may be lna8mnch ,as I was eelling SO t muC;l'l made from lIative roots atid herb!!. l~ted and tbo 'qulckealo and aureat P08tum there mu~t bo BOme m rlt In TholU1llnds and ,thou~dB of ·w;omen " " of I'Q.COvory'adYlacd. Out.' of" h er it and 8uggested that we t ry Il I took ·call teat'. fy to thIs fact. ' ..oloDle of eaperience In t,reatipll' home n pBc'kage and Bhe PMlPared tt, lira, Nellie Hakbam, of 161 Morgan female. Ills Mrs Phfkham pro\>ably I4cc!>rdlDa to dlr~etlon8. The reallit . St"Buffalo, N. Y., wrltea ,, h881heverykuow.ool{otha\w!Uhelp ",a8 a very hap))), OD8. M,. nervl>08- ue.r ltrB. P1n,kham., \' ,our cas~. Her' lIdnee la free an'll Ilel. KJ'AduallydIIAP,.red and tCHIay "1'I'I'1II a 'fITIICIj trom _proItntiOD. alwaYI tJelpfnl. ' . i 'am an right. I WIIld advise (e~ery. L~,a 10. Plnkbam'a 'Vegetable Comfru~4; mllde ,fl'Qlll 'DaU,.rootI' aDd one affected In any • .,. wlth' IU!rvoue- ber~, coutal.Da no uai-ootlll8 or harmful rDp and today b9lds ~ for "'e.1 or ' .tom--" -'bl- .to I-,J _ 0" the largest number 'of actuat ourea of fuDale d . . . . '" 1Mdlolne the , .. - - .au.. __ wMld haa _ known, and \bpuIanda 01 yolnntal'1 t.u\IDIODIal8 .... oa. " ... Poltum Foocl 0011..." me la the Iabora~ a' Iqu,.IIuI.. "JaIOIa ... to ~. ,WODderfIal -.al_






weUvW:'~;'"Bea4,~. W

J.Ja t:. ......', •


w, a . . .'. _. . . . . . . ." .... .

• \0


J)v~lntr. t. ow . O1'l at '""I ohin,; wh";' p 1.'~A!.t Ji'Ant>:l,~;;SS Di:ES .. re uBed. AaL: your dl'llga:.I..


Poison Baby.

Wllal rellsnn could not avoId haa

otten . lk~n. cured by delay ..,...SeDecL

Mr., Wlallow'l !i<>otb ..... 8)T.ap, r Or r..b l h,1r Q. t Mlblo.: .. ,oflell' Lho ,urn., rfJt1 I1 C-e' . . lI..a1waUun. a lt.,.pa.ln. cure. "llId co1Ju. ~ .lw\u.. - ~.,.....----

reJlltlag Ills experlenr.el a m;ulo usuallY poees as his own beto, ~n .

fORTY Y&!!.RS AGO -aJ.most ~very ~other thought her child mdt hl "PAREGOR~O qr laudanum to lI1f1ke it Bleep~ These drugs Will produ ru&ep, and A FEW DRo.PS TOO. MANY will produoe the SLEEP :FROM WHIOH ITHEREh ISal NhO WbAKING, Many are the ohildren who have been killed OJ'!!"' '' J.J~ whose e th as een ruined for life by paregorio, laudanum and morphine, eaoh of Which 'is a. narcotio product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from seUing either of the narcotios named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them" p'oison." The definition of" narootic" is: f'.I1 medicine which relieves pain

. - r('Olly,'I"hl. Ij~' ,1.,"".,11 Fl. II \\·I"~.) , lItI\'e loco d OIlCIl." Rtlld ·r,'ls· IlI·otl.JllIg 111m In th ru mp ",1th l he (' 0 , nu king a 1'011 crll' ,'or IIIl ~er Inlo ~olilt ur my klllrp.. Il,nd we heads ror' Don't 'Sneeze Your He.1I Off, , Ill. b 11'1 or hI s brlarwood )JIll\). •·... 11 Ih l) rOCk. hl ~tlng uu ly UII.! hlgh pln c(1M, KnI"""'. (Cold Cup""I". will cure yo" al. !.llong or Its b ing s)lrln " Ulill III U8 will! llie IlOny tuwlug m (t lld lbe Ileal" mllwt illlLunUy. A~ .. II D,1'UKKi'l., 2{i~ , fI'lsky 1\I1d fool lllll Ill! a two-y UI' old. ~ I 11I<.Ilnll I'enuiling 1'0(' nil' back hllil·. A para dOll Is a womn o wh o thI nks '' It waslI't j ust II 'CUli thll girl WII8 r never w:u; mllcb 11 trnvell ng a·toot . \Ire lt y-I'v m I liP WIUl a III II Y bel· hllt I I'eckon I' O1u ~t have . b;'oke a ll bersel t more lovely tban tbe ODe of t I' lookIng oncs bprol'e a nli ~ Ince-bllt I'un uln g record" tor a 500,yard dn s h whom lObe Ie jealou8. Ih r wa s 8~Ill(\Llllllg ' lll II I' ay s tb ut ' righ t: Ihen lind I1lOl'e. an d we made the Improved Farms W ith in 50 mad nw h orl \'obl.llu rOllnd a wb ole I'ock j ust 0111:1811 of our I' d . br9lhers. and produces sleep, whioh in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convuZlot \VII n she looked Ilt me. Blue " W curtdl es flown In a 11Lt1 hollow, Mile'l of I't. l'uul. 'heup an d de imbl. for sions and deatll-. ,; th Y W re, IIIle tha i 11Il6Cb of clear and t he lud luus rltle buck, IInq begIn hOUH~ . IlO'7c profi t (or in\'efltmrnt . \V l'ite 11 0. 1';\-o n8 R eul E. tate <':0., St, Puul, ~iinu . ,,,ky Qver t he \I'll a yo nd r, and bIg a nu 'W \lOW wow. Innocent. I li Ked to dreum nbou l. the m "Thcn a telv of th e m IIpllt on: and HI,tory Will Bo Coatly. nI ghts while I WliB rl dlll g h 1'(1 wllh toke a circle arounu to sa U they ~bould So fill' tlie British official hlsto r, 10.000 long·horns find my ow n con 'I't us fro m the rcOI·. LuI I or U, e Hoer war hn H cost $l25.000, and Iho.u gbts f Oi' compolI )'; 1l1,lll wh en a don·t wO"l'y Ilona, kn owI ng t hey can·t onl y UUIl volume hns a ppeared . , Jlow gets to w l lt~ re thl nkl;l!; or th I' ' :lcll liS. r~1' It)' 50011 Ih Y rid back color of 8 . g h')'s c)le~ kt!t! lls him (roUl ulld afl ,. a lot more talki ng I set: Tn, e th e g~ncr:l l I..nllh, tuke J ni ly for n Itimc ; il \llIritit ft lJt!l ng lonesome h ll's tll'l· tfy fnr ulong I.h y',." ~ol n g to t ry to r ush us. 'clili .:;".-lio l<l tll ~ blf)QtI, f:ra.f. fU!u lcS I"llcu n 1Ut -j~ m und iowards 1J In ~ III lov/! ",lUI her. )10'11 RhoOL?' 1 asks lhe uo)" ' Don't chl'(,liic u i l"wll 1f.~J un41 ~t!.p~ the "Old mall 1'11), 101', whn ownerl th e Itl ow: he 6D·r~ . ' nevel' trl d to.' ' \V II. ' lI""d. UnJli ~ld Tell is, IIIn,lo II[ 11111',0, I'an h In Ihe S wuo ll\,lIt'I' "all"),, I soys, handin g hIm on 0/ 01)' fOI'ty· 1I(l't'IJt: : 1I r~ l;uul'llnlc "' d l UHhl r tlu: P lIre was her ullcle, an ll th dn 'WrK had rl!llrs . 'you've ~ot to I '11m I'Ighl n ow. I'""d """ 1 ~1'''Jl.H l.UII'. I ;,".fj Id Tea Co., Dr. J, W, DInsdale. of Cblcago, m ., llU:yS: "I U SB your CUtorla aDII SllnL her out (rOIll SOI11. wheres bUCk J\ 'I'll yo ur eyl' 0 11 tht\t big huck on I h llron!dpl , 1\. \ ' I advise Ha use in all fami lies where there are cblldren." Eaet to li ve out duors for It r II' MllOtte il pony and w11 cn he g Is th lll ObeyIng HI. Command , Dr. Alexander E. Ulntle, ot Cleveland, Oblo, llIlya: "I frequenU)'l month s. Th (Jay ufter Ihe old man 61de of OInt bunch or . ag o pell li P on Be nh am- Uld you ba,'o un,. com· prescribed your Castorl. and havo touud It a reliable and pleaaalit relll< brl n*e li t'" out frolll lOW Il wI t h Ihe him . Shoot low and k p a,slHlotiJlI: pnuy while 1 wus away'! edy lor children." . bllckbourll h oalls me up 0 t h p mnch 1111 YO II hit. Romel hl n .' 'I'lle bo)' tlllt s :.1rs, Benlt lllll- Nobody to spenk ot. Dr. J , S, Alexnnder, or Omaba, Neb" says: "A: medicine so valuable anll JWlJse ' Il<l te lls 111 • h ' wanls me \.0 81'e dl(~ ~ l1n . looks. nL It like a Bil ckl d Benha m- Wasu'L your mot b e r here? beneficial lor children as your Castorla fa, dese n 'es the hlgbest praise, I I.lw l s he haij 0 guod tim uml uun'l get i'ons t" " admiri ng a new sor t 'of worlD ~Irs. B nhom- Yes, but you won't find It in use everywbere," . lURt. ·Iet we speak t o ber, Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Butralo. N. y " says: "I have frequently prescrlbecJ "You sce. l he ol d man had Itnow n file (JulI e Ii whll nnll hadn't vel' your Oastorla for chlldren and always got good results. III tact I 11M Famous Book Rree, )leord of m): tl'. Illg 10 ~Ie it l nn)' uod Y's Castorl. for my own children." r.1'ery rend I' of t hiM puper co n geL free du st, W II , I Btl k~ Ollt Ill )' chest of tho I'll" on~ of Dr. CulJec·. fn mous ~kK Dr. J. W. Allen, at I;1t. LouiS, Mo., 8ays: "I heartily endorse your \\ hie" l ell. of U li e"" m e\ bod by will h <Iullc a lot. tUlt! 1)lIt 8 11 11 It new 111111' of torla. I have frequently preserlbed It In my medIcal practice, and have pel>' O Il" nfllit lcll wilh Den fo e.s, H e. d haps all d tlll'ns nurse maId rCII I chee," always found It to do all that Is claimed tor It.'· Sui.,,". Sore Ey ft, F'liling .-igbt [1'Om aoy rul rind . co nte nted. an d for rOlli' lon g rlHlse, 4..'nll l! ure ,th elllKe) " t!1 at. h ome nt Dr. O. H. GlIdden, of S~ Paul, Mlnn" says: "My experience. as a prae'monrha th er 's hardly un hour of th f UlUIl I::>'1 ienoe. tltloner with yotU' Castorla haa been hlihJ1. IIIltisfactory. and I cOlUllder Ie Wri te a I.tler irnrned lntelv to n r. W, 0, da y' that I'nt lIot round sonle wh eres au 91cellent remedy tor the young.~' . Colfee. 3GO ( ~ lItliry Dlllg., be~ lloillc, . I ... , hll nll)' In case tbat gll'l Willits me 10 Dr. H. D. BeDner. of Philadelphia, Pl.. saYS: "I bave used your easplRy -..,·Ith . The Apt Pupil. torla lUI a pursut!vo 1n the cases of children tor years past with the moet " E~ery day Bb wait growIng PI' t· Tbe phllunth ro plclIl l"lflh a" cn ue h,ppy elfcct, and tully eDdorse It lUI • safe remedy." If 1', hor' hll nd a were I: ttln/( hrowlled lady was vIsitIng a lower East Side Dr, J, A. Boarman. of KODsas City, Mo" says: "Your Castorla la a splen· b~' tbe SlIn and tllc color omlllg 11110 Su nday schOOl •. To test th e aptness II r , eh ka a llil II'll" y 8 gro wln~ clld remedy for chll()reD, known tho wodd over. I lUIe it In my procUCtI or a parLiculllrly Indlg !It cluste r of bl'lght r- au d (lvel'Y lillY I WII H geltln g and have no heSitancy' in recommending Jt for the eompln1nt. of InfaDta ptlpll ;;. she look t he class in bund to Inor In 10" wllh h r rmd mOl' afrold and chlldren," (Iueatlon Ihem, . hc'd 11011 It Ollt. "Oh lld r n, whh;b Is the great s l or Dr, J. J. Mackey, ot Brooklyn, N. Y" BaYS: "I e,onslder your Castoria an " 1:111 ll'ouble was comhl$: my woya ll ,' Irtll l's'!" excellent preparation tor c:hlldren, beIng composed at reliable m ed icInes ffl !lt. an d olle day along III Al1gll~t I .\'ot olle an swe red. and pleasant to tho taste. A good remedY, tor all dlsturba.tioes '01 ' th. w n to mp!'t. It. 'I'h HId Illllli t .lls "Think a little. WLt:l t 115 It r am dod Igestive organs." • lUI" IV ' V gol to have so m!' ~1111plh~ !I, Ing wh u r gtve tip time ami plen su~re ao I hltclt c~ UI) n ouple of cayuKes to to ~OI\le down amoLlg you for YO UI CENUINE ALWAYS 't h hu khon ... ' IUIlI s tnrts ror lown at moral good?" aUlHlp. fC R nn oll·,IIlY llrl'vo, And nftcr A grImy I1st went U)), .~ Beara;e Signature of • J 1) lIt up th . pOlllell nnd hnll my sup· " W II , whut am l dOing. lillie boy ?" II I' nnd ord 1'8 til ' !ltOre t .. lick I 'sufls ;'Buttln' lu!"-L~fe, to b iI . . -' In lhA mornin g I lurllS out ood "Those Red sklns Cireled the Rock ," Deafness Canntit ·Be Cured nnd a rly , lundl! up the buckbourd :lnd pok!,R It Qut ovor a I' III with 'callu ell gOOllij and groc ries untl hll!llne Hij.llk",. 10lles ov r to til 1l0St oIDe rOI' I II " \ h n t il y c mt' llal!k lhe boy, m,;II . TIll! 1I0s0llUijter halls me wh II gl!lt.Iu~ xcilpll. (or'g IS to bug the I slick JIl l' h at! lu th du.,r an d aij ks gl'ou nd cIa. . .nougb anll a bullet I!!! wanL compau)', SU)'!! lhcre'M u te n" kl ck R up th dust III (ront of hlm, I.···,_c,c·. ::.· d rfOilt collle In on Ihe stnge the iloy knocks otT hI ha nnd tlatl l'ns nga lust b (ai' who's IOllklllg' to I' Tay lor'R Ih e I'ock b hlJld Ole. and h t umb les r ll nol): or oourse, I soy!! yes, and I)rel· hack across my I ·gs. I thInks t h y've ty oon th y l'01111c1R him 1111 'ind ~bows got him th n, sur. but It's only a b lm 10 me. H '8 hardl y more than 8 glunclng cut on the s ld~ of hili heud hoy,. anti he has on Illor'e good clothes Lhll t 81.1InS ,hIm. 80 ... ' PI... ure' \'o~1 'Th'IIe.S"ect LIllie I'll" .au".b lb. bow.l·urY •• aad ar. a pel" fC'..:t t on ic for tbe mlllC'cli and ligament. 01 ':A ~-rrD 'I' 'ban I've ever R~en berol'e all at one " I'd tumhl d /lnother india n 011' his 'be bo_rllil : a.nd lb •• I" why they do li nt .&.I..K.'-""-D LI ~al. Unlveralty W .. lthy. ll)'lle, He' looks like he'll a migh ty pony liS III y w TIt back. whic h mud Over 100,000 Amerira. pain, .i d na or lTipe. but caUK" danahtful Accordllg to tb e Yale Al umni Week· '.naiff. who lJ~ •• He."'Md almost eubtJc. nle••, movlcnent. LIT 'I L£"long ways ' fronl hOIll , lind Ihe mlnule three o ut ot th e game alto;;etliel', bIlL lied In Cll".da dUrla! ly. the property of the unl versl ty In in the mOit n.tur.l way nnd wltaout c;reA1the 1»-. t lew year.leat I set eyes on hIm 1 ,knOW what he's I see l hey 're going to try It aguln . so hie- • bad h abit or wcake nh.¥ tll.e IYltem fy lOlhe fact lhat C.a .. ;,u an .. ,,'a v . · • , t h e re for as w~li a s t hough I'd been I pushes the boy down behl ul! Ille Dud New Haven wblch ' hi exemptJed from d. II, boyo~d qu ..llooI, U iotl tli try tbem, u ~" el pleasure" will 31 .150. an Ih. c..alnt 'a""lo,ll\1d I .. lb. world. lold. loail s bolb gu ns In a' hUI'J'Y. When 1 tnxatlon, Is appraIsed at t. )'wn for kcC'pa. 'Inc rea se of , 265.000 over the apprals· . 10 cent., lS ceQt. a ac! ,1.00. " I re kon muybe I dldn·t look real s e hIm layIng th ol·e. looking 08 In no· AIJ.llrunlsl., joyfUl ~o 00 hIm. bit t lI e's 80 anx.joll8 cent a a a baby, wIth hIs whIte 10ce ed 'tllx. xamptlons of last year, thougb For Free sample, addreH, to get IIta rted t'h ul h c don 't notice. and und a s mil e 00 hIs lips and tlte hlood thIs Increase does n'ot Dec es6arll~ rep- K. F. DeDt.. lhe VIctory Re,ned, C... Dayton. 0, Ilre lt y soon we pullil out for the Rar-O. tl'lc\t llng down olle ch ek, I thInk- ot resent actunl a ddlttonal ,'aluell su\). "Along towal'll noon ' we 'l'e riding tlte little gIrl \Jack lit rll on the ranch trncled from the New HaveD &rand r list, or tbe total exemptions about rO\l~ a 'sand bill when lhe " onl es nnd tbe look Lhat' lI be In her eyes 11 'ftlaaptmw , $),.370.000 belongs to tbe She ftleld Sci· stloK up til Ir 'OI'S In a way thut I go baok aod t.e ll her h e's dle'ad. and A C.rtaln Cure for tired, Hal, AcIIII' .. menDS on or two t blngs-bea r or In- I g ts might y hOL and unco mfOl'lohl . entillc chool. The !lId campus, &I of whe-at f ro m the h."~At or 1906 mel.'" 1"004 DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. . 01\ "YH7 box. LeRol, N.T• . moaey to th e f. nDer ~ 01 Wel terra CauMa. "he. llla n. aod It aIn't more t.han a IlIlnute· ' Th ey' mo)' get hI s buh'. y t; r 8a~' 8 to land, Is "alued a.t $1,033.400 , and Ihe Use world h t o be fed. Cattle Rai.,,,1' lb.11"J"buildIngs on this campus at , 2,183,000. befol'e r Bee It!s ludl.lns, The l'O's myselr. 'bllt the'y've gOL to get min e Inr aDd Mix d P a.rminl!C: are a lso profitable (al.J.. iOI'" Coal.. wood anCi water tu abunda.c_, qUite a bun ' h oC che m. maybll 20 or :10. nr'~t.' The n the show begIn s llguln The appraisals are high on man y of churcht. aud IIC boo18 coo'Ytoleatj markets .ot of a~,.. -rase. low. s lJread oul s o w con't get by \Iud walt· nnd the bullets buzz. arouDd 'my el\rs tbe buildings, as compared to a ctual cost. The' valuations lire placed , and par ad .. h::e and iafonnatfon .ddn:A" t he 811JM'rlug real lJaUe nt for us to drIve up und lik e a lol ot bees. inle.ndeD1 "t h nm i,ralfon. OUa."., C31l1da. ur IS the!, are exemption!! there bal t$ay howdy. • " J<~our times those Inr rno l redsldns a,,! aUlhori r.:ed c....-.. na,d ian G?ve rament A.lcUL "Tbey're nil youn~ brnve s. 10 paint clreled lhe rock. and ~Ix o( their been no occasion to apPllal for tbelr H. II. WlWAMS. La" Bd&q, Tol«4•• ula." reductloD. aod feathe rt;. BOI! I know who t theIr . 1I0niei had lost theh- riders, Ij\lt 1 was &Rme Is the· mlnate T B(ll'eycs on them, ~ettlng shot 11[' qu ite II tor. having to QUEE" KINDS OF CURRENCY, T.hey has a playful hnblt i'bose days ex-posc myself some to k e ll lhe bo y To aOD.lno. lID)' • WODlNl thl> t PIut. tine AaUlep&l .. will o~ b reaking out or i ll reservation OC' covered. When all or a sudll eo l Cnlna and Part. of Rusala Hav. the Improve btr health aslonally ODr! ' bunting a fe w ranch bears tbe s weetest I'I\It Ic ' , eyer lis· IIDd do all wo olBlm houses and scru \llng a rew women :lnd ton et! to-a bugle soundIng t he Moat Unique. . . for It. We ... 11l il a mild eured an~ perfectly aend ber absoluteJr me • IUlle trlul children and then s lIeaklng ' bock to chul'ge. lttd [I company of t{OOllers bolt of J'lUtina ,..lIh book. of Inlltru()o cooked corned Beef, a.Dd carefully theIr tC""'es' aftcr dllrk lind luugh lng I,,'c llk!l cov I' rrom behind a salld bin , Chinese mon ey Is traced back three \Iona and lIenulne testimonials. 8 e nd paek~d In Libby 'a Grl:af White "" tlJ olisand " ea rs betore ChrIst. One ,lbl, ,,~~.r deJOur IlAWIl 1ID4 addreu OD a poslal card. a t · the' soldiers. who romo Ull Oil the When Uu:y' come In sIght; tlle IndIans emperor obfeci ted to copper colrilt~c. slrl n, 10 buy any· KlteheZl&. It la prepared as care· fully aa you would mAke it in run \ISllIllly about t ll(' Ume lb ll 11 res Just nlttul'ally t u.mble . a ll Ol'el' Ibem' galb ered a whole tasue togetber, bur. 1~1na.d . . l1loo<l ln I I~, column ••~""Id In,lSI upan h.~ etop s mokIng, selves, trying to get away, a nd the ' your own kitchen. " IDUOOUII -;:.\':: ~~.r",11~,~i. ,eI"."" aU IU • " I heads Ibo pont S rGund 80 eud- wbole outfit gOElS by In a cloud Of .dust led' It del'P Into the e arth. and tbrew It baa the cbaracterlltlca and mar: d ~n t hllt the buck board mok s a clrole nnd 1\0IBe. ' In on top the 1'0rkmen. employed Ill; dellclou. flavor of the rilrht kind feCllonl, sucb •• nnsal catarrh, ~Ivl() IlIoTrb oulllnft&lllm:ltloD.C&used bY temto{ corned beet. 00 one wheel.lllld Slal'I.8 bncl< tor town·' "r jumlls nIl nnd WBI' es my" ho t Bnd dlg-Ing tbe plt~ The ))\1 and , tao cur· ulne Ills; soro eye. lore !broat IIl1d rencles were struck In the form or Pot o.lcIt Ser\'IaIf.-L1b~. ,· . Comod lIlolitb, by dIrect locallr<iatment , ItS I'd fOl'gol~ell a ,mi ghty Im'JIortl\ llt I t.s loos a fe w :I()~"til yells wb~lI thlly scraps of. cloth of knh'es for barter, 8th" power over thuso !roublos II utl'&Beef, cul IDlo lbl" .Iio ... ar<ocroci on a erl'l\nd. 'Whal's up'?' tlte boy asks, ,,''1) tlY. and Ule n my kn ees got. so rt of 81111 were In ' exltrtence from nllout tbe . ordln.,y a04 rIve. immediate reUd, · plattar uul C..... labocI ... llh Li bbJ·' Chow Tbou!llIods 01 WOlut a are uslOIl and re&o . Chow make. a tempt .. holdl~g onto t be seat wuli bo ll) hands. wob bly lind I loses Int rest In . the Ilro- . sevonth to tlte second century before ommondlng It eveIT. day, liO eentl at In\: di.h for luncho_, 'The noble md man'a ltll, 'I says. dodg·- ceedlll gil fo r !Julte a s pell. . ' . Cl I t ' The cOm~one8t of Chinese drUII81~t. or by mall. Itemember, ho ... e"r. eIIa ... r or IIpp.r. IT CU8TH 'YOU NQTUL"!(l TO T.RY IT. In ... a bullet that sIngs · by my Ill' like ·...rhle' next thing I knows I Ilnlls, my' Jr, ~ • l b ' h o d m'e tut d'18k THIC B. I'AXTON ClO.. »0._, x_ '" . " . .' n · ' f money s t e eas ,a r un · u ' a. Dlo~.qltttb, 'l'Io 's 8ee ll~' red and 8~trb~st~lde, ~ 'WI~b ~y ~1I with 'a square hole In tbe, center ; a 1.1. ., . . . . . . . .... Ihlrsty_ to!: gore: I .s.ay 9. and ,If .you Oil' t'o~ : tl' le~e sl tld~ oy a s s .. thot;s n0 9 of .these a re worth barely • I wa.nt , to lt e~ l) on w ~ orl'ng YOll,r own 19 rvv~r Int ,1l 10 109 ~e on 01)" 75 cents. One's cook In ' Cbina cael ·IUY OILY GUAIIANTEED 1000S. ~rur ):ou'd be tter bold on .tl gbt. cayusc, Oh. hes all right. h e lIaY8;. to market wIth great s trIngs of tbl. lM" lIItNem. , , ,ill'bero,'s a bIg. Hhelvlng rock ubout 'lIo~hlng but ·a scratch ,on l~e head . heavy money· 'round n eck, sboulderl, ~ a mile back. ' not far from tho trull. and I shuts my eYI!lj again 81\d ,torgets and waIst but even whe n weighted . CUTAIa WOlllnO.lllft ... _ " ..,. . . ~.ruI """" a..t.llIo .•1T u. It. I!ePto and 1 know .If we, can reltc~ t!lQt I can m~ l'rOtlble~, 4. . , " , '. with as m~ch 8S1Io stroot; man'can 'ca,1'.f ...t1,"r~' ct •• c" ... u~",y. '1Id.Jl'l~"g hold ' them off for, QuIte a spe!I, 80 I Th~ next .tl ay I.m IQ~.lng In , my r y, very 'lIttlo of .ollr money Iii l'epr~ • _bliP"'. ,..11l1 '1'_ ......'7.. ~.,.••-'-!,t... ."..= . •• tMTO O&T1D .. rounOO.. ~ .......... slaps tbe-: .l~nl, ·on the 'lloole8 , back a bunk ., teellng might) lonesome. ' ,:,hen lented. On 'the Russo-Chinese bordera PATEIITS ::t!l!~!!~!~!'U~ and ~~l!s a I1lw ~Imes! Ind we c1r1.tts tbe , li ttle gIrl ope.ns 1.he door ~een tea pressed Into btleks bal Jlftn ~il'it.lJl~IIf..t~ ·~,.~"'.~UJW~M'rr':RQ; ove.( the- lanCillcapQ Jlk~ · .• yellpw dog looks In ' to .s ee. If I m awake. U'les tbe money of fite c<iuntbi for , a thou:' Aoflato._1J<>a - , '''!It,h a ·can tied to Ills lI\ll . . to get Ull on one e lb,ow, . but I m .too land.yeani.-Sund'y I\Iqulne. . D.....CE -.,.!!'b'.l.O _ •• N,. K,-E ' (1907-21) . 2179. "Wllen the rodk's abou ~' 600 yards weak, a,nd s)ut comes In and drops on ..' .' .. WI"" abead and the Dearest IndllUl about as Iier knees beside the bupk ' wl l"h. her l_iiii.ii~iiiiiiii.iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiilj~.iIIlii ~ f..r behlnil one of' t he ponies 'steps In ' t\ye~ e)Jlnlng like Rta rS a ad slil)S bel' Women's troUbles throw cloud over their, lives. which neglect m~y cau~ to becom." JIIiIft'I:WI8DL a pralrle , dllg!., hole and' goes down al'OIS around m~ oe ck., and ki sses. me with a , bro'll'en I~g ,and before 1 hav ' ' You ·dear. !lId 'Fl'll!co,' sh.e say , hId: Make yours lrito a ~sstng sbadow by taltl~g a medlcl~o that ~cts dIrectly on }lour womanly orpna. the dis. time to Iwear we're II\led UI' In a" lug bel' bro11'n cur.l s agaInst rny ahoul· 9rder qf which has cauaed your womanly troubles. Tho right ' remedy for you, whfJn you bav!, beadac:he. . ~eiip 50 pronlllloaOIl~ that I !Jon't know ' tler. " SontebolV 1 can't lwem to Iblnk hacbche; nervom spells, dragging palns; Irregular functions etc,. fa for a second .or two wblch IS .me. anll- or anything ' to say ,. so I' j ust IllY,S which Is I'he bUCkboard. Put I ·crawls there. ,B\Jlpjng a~ tile · cellinI; wlllJe ~be .. dut ot tbe·· \\'reck ' mlg.y 'BPry and whispers a lot of 'thlngs Into niy, l~rt looks ' rou.nd for, the .bo)', ,H ;s ,se'ttlnll: al' alloul how 'good 1'\'0 ' b e u 1'0 h.llr, In Ii {lllildle or mol.umel\ Ilhd '/lour And and after a while ~be kllses me brokeu eggs, ' hni{gllig n ham under an" goes nway'. one arm .and lookIng mighty lurp~18ed. "Well, they had B panon ~ul frnDl Mrs. R. H. L~WSOD"O{ Sprott. :Ala" wrIte~ I !uffered With femaio troubl~ for '12- years; tried 4 but not 'bm • ,bIt. . •' .' " , town a 'week 01' so later, an!! the boy ~117'li'n ; t any t!jne ito Qtop nnd talk. ' Illld ''girl Insisted on my being beRt doctcJ~i they did DD 110 I took Wine of Cardul. I have tUen J8 bottles,~feel greattJ relteved and am 10 r eats the other ,cnyuse 1009(1 from .lu8u·," '. J • hett~r than In 20 Sold by all reUablo ~sts. In $1 ,00 bottles. Try It. what', ' left of tilo bUokboard, and . '~TIseo lurned bls gaze to watcb a pIcks up the boy abd ehuckB him onto wheeling eaglo far O\'crhea4-the>ll, ItS baek•.. 'Now !'lde', ·you .lIttle euu: ) "They named lhelr first boy ~. me." U)" . rrabblns. \ho: I/Ons's til!!' AIla be salt!. wl~ll u. aby .mlll). "1 WIIR


The taste sndamell ofmedicines oontaining opium are disguised, and sold under the names of "Drops," "Oordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You. not' permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physic,ian know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES No.T CONTAIN NARCO]ICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher.



Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.




The Kind You Hayo Always Boug~t In Use For Over 30 Years.

~~Bowel Pleasure"" Canadian Government Free Farms BY 'URN

'I-1 P.'II





~~ ~







.... ,......... . . ._ "'1ibW u.,.'"

FOUTZ 'S ~:;':r1o'irl~\fi=



~i~all~:l: PAXY·INE . ma:o





••••iiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii••••iiiiiiiiiii••iI..... .-


Wine ,of Cardui








'N. N. U.12·..Wayne8ville 7 Temp~rance


'Re8~ents '


\v.... ' -I""-t"'- t ' b t i at III lit one tllll" UI' "u. orlpp.m 8!Jm 0 u .... x I 'l'III', W, '. '1'. \ of \Vtl,Y Rived io "lmOll~ "very :re&olars Itnn th~1UI P HI D , h tl .. r!'<ln . filII tll'A (lilliI'M '~tb. 8,en~. tbe Gti.~t~ " ,.. nge IIUi) lktw ttl 111" t, I,)f I II ro' l nOn nOu 'l'l1mpeTIlIDC8 /I t th" ddreM from Marlett.. , \YuYDetlvl\le's rfqlre>ltmt,lIhv"" ,lIet : A n~lol'h hu ntll ll<l 11'11 II Ye llow '\'OJ th " lIeV6rc ~hllll ptn ~ 'It tbe l ~ r! IlK!I, ,,' 11 1" 1\ \\'all tHk l! pl:l(, .1 11 11" 1 W(' Nat!~vllJe, Tenn6.,see, bllnds or the NII!lontil • orlllttl (III i l It ., Ii.oli. f.ill rd, of Loug Beach vel~ ity nl1l6 on 1." li t, M. ndu:v "ft r , J Illltnlmf ur )Jrt'IUillunL tempe r. . Ii", •OOIll II a oO)JY 'nf the no n ~t niverlllt,\' .I:l tllghl~, ,Leb'lll )"1ll'O W\lrkUf" rrl)1ll fill ))lIrt-d of t,ho _\.. tNTER \1I0h Daily Press lind tlmollg on rhe .~allll\ \\a~ Otll IJllnly " ~ t a te WIll lou preSf'llt, 1\fIt! we jUltgtl 0\. UP ;flm!l oonoernine tlmt pro· " , n~.lIcly of F.rrors" " Whst Yon fr lllo " re'l,ding of t l, o p.rogrlt1ll t ha t gre~"ivt Cit y we note t II h"lf Will or 80tn ethin ~ of the surt. for t h", duy will u DIr more thU D oroi. million do llBr~ is blling !I}leut, in whfl.n tbe fi nll illoora \VIIS 0111 ullltAtl nury inte rest. putting 't.he lltreetll in firllL ('ln~8 U(1n il eemed till it t,be \\thole co nt At 'Pill! 'hl1uttlUqllll ' Will Ill) hel li ou dition Ilt, tho present tim , mi bt have been to see jUl!tt whioh th e ftUll llns ~ e ft· g rollulls at Yellow Tbe spi rit of t,b We~t se('w!I \-Ir" sino conld mllke {htl mo;.t ~ rro r!l , 8pring~ . valtmt in Long Bell ob nnu when I f ~1I h bar.! been thll (,tt~" ou r , h tlue tb ey wllnt tl omotbl1lg !l Il Il C riKllt; fllil fl l w ut.l h .LYll \\' L1 11 etl~i1~ :lud thoy 0 0 oot ~t o p ber/lll~ e of Ol) ~f , woultl h,,\'I'o quilt! rtH' t.l r~(l.l th~ !"'nre ; A Ca rd /:


t i',





'l'ho We~terll :-itilr 11I8t w,'!'k ('0 11 tlllD Cd tbe followln'u r ODcorllinl,( .1 I)right younl,; m'llI who onCA tOll l;:h t in th e Wllyn e 'l'ownsnip &Ohool!! ; 'I'rn v rse J , t~ulllon(\~ whn hli!> h,,)d su \,o sfully th ., l'hll! 1' of En . f(hSh Jill'ruture in til!' 'b @bire '"nn(x't,icu t, Epis opu l' A,·"d em.\'. fil l' the pas t V(,lIr. WIll work: IIgllln th i~ . \lnnoer , n" he diu l/(~t, for tllo FederCltioo ,f ' hur('h u~ in Ne w York Dllrin~ th e IlCluted !!eKliOn Illst ~ l1lllnlll r IHI IOI)(mt hi !! MillO in th e siuUl .li ~t,r1ct" I,cochin /l t,he poor 'bll!lrpn aud ng ttl .. mllny ' lIod vllri' d typP~ of humun ity n~ be {"I\tllli tlll'lIl 'I'hiM ~efLr he WIll be til .. .. ~"i"fl1llt sUJl rin tende nt, of the sllttlel1ltmt work , H I~ uuties Will he hHlt lII"n .. gul'ill l lLOr! i n ~pe 't,ory, Illlif litl'rllr y [md journu\JHt ic . In till) 1)1'1101''''' of Cl ssillting in tbe var· inull ~I , .t ions. h e will ha ve to keep movi ng ~ 11 over Manhll tl llu , aud Brook lyn" On t,he literl1ry tlide he will receive the daily reports frow elloh post" oOlllpile the StlltiStiOS of the work, Ivrit.ethe detailed oocount of the !!limmer'lI proc ed ln gs lIod grind out copy 011 t.he Fedention work in the slums for the New York po pe n., He will ft Iso speli kin up· to wn ohurcbe ou ' thtl s uhj eot of down·t own o ll nuitiou ~ , The Will i;;, Ii!! it is mapPllu out . wllkll~ Ii very intt!rcsting progralll. Mrs. Belle, Reeder



'rh ompp:!.)o 'S 1l1 t' tl j

"lilYI'd \\,t·11 ullller th exi-< tinl-! !!Ir l'UIIl ~ t"l1 (" ' ~ II.HI wo hll yeoDO l'l'Il~J)n to i" " ',m in Olll' ~np po rt to the I 0 11 III In thl' t irs l IIIOIIIK Dnvl ~ led oul h.v In ndin g rl nietl IIU" ri ~h t in fr oll t (If til • pItHO.' 1)(>11 t It 10 first. s l,ole Il(·,'ntl IIlId til Irll .und OReiily sco red I,n l'l .o mps .IO's llufiel, le,,1 huo t , After ,hree f!lllS YIll''' "1110 t:ook Uw liolc1l1l111 Il Il result "r t"'OJ l'o,;t I,\' l.l rf fl l'~, ul lo wed two ;\ )\ U, !'cori'!' . Thu ~ th e 1,;111110 lJl ' ~" " , 111111:1 s rol)d the score uutill the fnl,,1 ~ixrh iuning in whioh tbH I5tlllil' WII ~ lo~t to our hOllle fOtllU by 1lIC1.I,V .wrOrtL Agcli n in t,h oighth nllr tOOIll went wild II nil fiv u 1I.1Ii£,,, rt'sl'lted. whlob bnpeles, i,Y l o~t Illt\ ~lIm!' . Til ~oo re ; 'L







U ()







" Till' 1..ll mon Club " blli!! heen quitu \,opulur bere th is week. \·!.. r,1I11 I'; IIppr oaobetl I1UU 11 request IIIUll0 f r Il clime , 'rhe initll1tor IHJI'kots t.hl· cui n li nd t !Iii b is vict!lIl I,,· I.~ 11 0\\ ' II l:huter Ulowber' of the oll L:lub, 'rhEI g np is !I squee1,o, tltl huilin g I!igu II 80ur look a.nd t he l" I~I!\\'''rd. " h 'e bi t. " Us uolly the tillrtlll g UU\' IC' is to t ry it on some. one .-1,6 If n,l I,(et yon r dillle bllck .


fnl np til clote Pllttern .



:.l !(llart,' Tin Sa uoe Puns,

Fo ur Year Old Girl Accidentally Shot, Injury not SeriOU8. W hilt might ba ve been 11 very seri ons accident occurred on the ~lIt'terthwaite r"rm b('tween Ore. gonill. and Waynesville ~aturday , W. A, (Jr egg who o('Cul>ies the farm ,lI.nd his hrother were 61lgliged jn sbooti ng a,t 0, mllrk , Mr. Cregg 's little foul' year ,old daughter Willi sitting noor where they were 8hooti'ng and in some manner In loolling or unloading tbe gnn, a bullet 8truck the Iit.tle girl p&lIIIlng about the knEe cap and in· fiioting a PIIlDful t,hough not serious wound . Tbe father wall grief IItrioken over the acoident, !Jut the little girl is 'now gettin~ on nicely , .

Fine, Stith

with Handle und Covllr , B peollll.. .. .. , .. .... "





Spo n go~.



:--;IIIllIIIII .. " .. .. , ...

COME, BUY AND SAVE MONEY Cnp IIncl SI1I1(lllr. Il (lgn inr Whi I' t lillY

11I ~t... .. .. , ..

.. ....


cent klntl

. . . . . . 5q




and Patent


OHJ,( )






$ $I



$ $ $ $ $ $





$. $ $ $



trouble in "e t.

' F;

· ngr'ess

FOLEY'S ,, -



-. -

' - - -, . --

Playing IDJ~~~~}~;~!~~~~~~i::~::::: l HONEY.I' DT'Aft Cards.

~~~~gd~:~:~~:~~r:t~:.n:~~;'!~~~~:~~8 I "'~'~"""'''''''''''~-'''''''' I . .r <ompl.WD... not ev"uattempted U)·otbo..,

ODUI!lNPTBNR!lyADRLEES · TIOoENTS IN ALL C '1\'110 WISH TO KBBP UP WITH THE TlllIE8. i"~I. Sab""rlptloa, ,1.50\ Two SallKrlptl.... 12.601 t'hollablerlpUo... $6.60. .PB(JIAL IND1J(JIII'l'BNTS 10 RAIS· , EftS Olf LARGER ()LUDS: Fou.l'ltItmJhtI 'l'rlal TJ:i:p;;O cent....

j I

Thl Irlelnll WlTIVE COUCh rl..ld,.

' Tho lonulno BONE,Y and TAil I. I. I. Y.llow paoka,•. RetuI.luba&!\lI"" Prop.rod, .nlv, b Iv •• I• .,aO.m ••ln,. Ohio.... ____ ~ - - ,' I Collo and' Dillrrboea . SPECIMEN C~PIES Painll In the stamach, co Ito' and ..lIIbemalledtr,,",oorequeat. ItwlllpAyaoy· dhtrrhoea Bre qUIC.kl Y relieved by body InLerellted III ltoy way In c~uotry lire t. use of Chamberlain R Collo "'0" forth. ,D. A"u...,,, Ihu pubU.he... : ICllolera a,nel Dlarrhoe" Remedy: LUTHER TUGKER '" 80N, I'For !!Ille by .J , Ii:. .Jaunev. N. y . ' ,' ' ! I'OL&Y""




$ SI)e' '1 B"argaJ.n '$'


plays cards. Gold edges. .. roo ..... IV J. ~ . .JANNEY.

Hoyle 128·"ld, fort.,oConr,"" s-cIt wrapllO" and name of d..l.r 'rom whom ~ wore Ixnlcht. .,Add..... U. S. Playing Card Co .. ellltinnall, O. ..



Sna~,u.rjd2a.Y ~

1 probubly waktl kno,,,n his dcoit<i on n~ tMood~, E!tber he will mllke t,he injnnc. , Pratts Poultry POWders Uon permanent or will riiMtlUlve it 25c size only 21c atld permit tbe trllstee~ tu prOllUl-! d . Pratts Hors'e tlnd Cattle , Whatllver ,bit; ueol810u. thtlre il:! Powders SOc size 4fk ~ little doubt the Ol>posing 8icle wtll '~ Lightning Horse, Cattle ,, ~

J u ~ '"'




$~ "

:::~I!~~I~~~d:~:et:~c _ $L'g••,." H., d,.p. to, " ~ and

~~eting~t $ ~:I~cacnu~:~::t~~:s:8!n ~ . . earth 25c !fize 19c ~

Camp 'fhrl :l un ulIl Ca mp MOl) tiug

others compare with them.. Found wherever so, ciety


:~J~t~~::~St::: e:::t;':l~tI:e

Epworth ·Heights

Cards of quality. In beauty, style and finish. no



darry the oase tu.: I!ighercourt,





"-"~~~ ~ The ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaper. ' TltK


., . , I Mrs , Sa,rllh Sllllth I ~ CtltlC,,1 111 1 I have a large supply of fresh water ice and wl'll lit t his writ,lng : . , Mi sR Ethel WIlliams on WIll stllrt. make deliveries Mondays, Wednes days and Saturday fo l' JohnllLown , Penn!lylvnnilt tod l l v . •• where !lhe will visit wit,h her uncle In ('ase my supply Will not meet the demand will ' Fant'y Ca nned Salmon Imd aunt, ~r . unll Mr~ . F rank Long I ' . I "ancy Fat Mackera ... From there sh e. ':"ill go to the Ice In s o as to SUpp y my custome rs at all times. .... III t E • New l'otatoes"New abbage mea own XlJOShoIOll , I New Tomatoefl-.New Onions A number of YOUllg Illuies uni teu I' C. M. ROBITZER Cucumbers---I'inu Apples in 11 fl1rewell snrpri!le in, compli I Sweet Oranges.Juicy Lemons mont to Miss A"nes SclJwurt'l< Mou. Phone I) /:: Strawborries -- -Bananas h .) . " ctl\Y evening. MI~s ~o hwl1Tt 'l< Wlltl ___ _ _ _ , _ __ _ Remember ~~icket8 t/lollen comlllet ly by s\lrI>ri~. The No Decision iri ---- - with cash a ffair while informal was very ~"" ""'........ ~ pleasant und tne guests lott with Injunction Suit. ... . . Big Lot of New their best wishes for MISl! Sohwnrtz. Premiums nnw in Contrary to expeotatlOn" Juuge C. ill Robitzer will begin deliver· t.'urk did not announce a deoi8ioD We ure 8till, raDt i~n/g r ing IC6 this week to .a ll I'lIrt8 of ' III rllgnrd to t he tem porary Wayn eSVille IInd 'Corwin . Mr . Rob- Monday, ' Injunction forbidd ing th e t rust ell8 16 t 18 f B or egg8 itzer dosc:> rvos Iibel'ul plllr ,noge J () C or utter . " of Wayne township to I~sue bouds -__ ItS lor severtll ,y enrs {I1i~t we hlive CUl .

OF :O l TR

DWI,... Ot.V




AlID ..


R. "

THE ESTAB~~H;: I~ ll'mmerman's' $,~f!;~:e.m ore les~ COUNTRY $ $ GENTLEMAN ' I~ ~ Go ' - - .- -

l ()O

Hot Weather Specials



(, ,"xl

l!'i vo)

~;lIvt' l o pe~.


Full Cream Cheesc Fnncy Dried Beer. Wafer Sliced Fancy Cakes-2Sc kinds ~ ~ The Best Fresh Crackers

A Fortunate Texon , Mr , E, W . Goodloe. of 107 tit . Lonis St,. Dllllos, Tex, sClYs ; "In the pa st yellr 1 have becowe fie· qUllintetl with Dr . King 's New ,Life Pills, lind no laxati\'e 1 e ver bf:1fnre t ried 80 effectively llisposee of maluria and biliousness. "1'hey tIon 'I, . grin d 1I0r grille: '2~,,0. !~t ,F Ied C , Sch wartz s drug stor e

I '".

( ~ovl!nt, y



~Jleoitl1.. .... .. ... . 1 O() -I



Mark Struck Child.

be IH'ell ,t.o be lI\lpr OOinloll li t t11i~

CO~~~~R~t~j~~ i ZIMMERMANS :$ f $

~'~ n~::~~e" l\~:'~~ 1~~'I~;:n'~;~I~aR;<lI:~Ill\t;~~"

, BuUet Aimed at

tlIll llt

~1~~r:~~lr~~Wllr~~ ...... ... ... ;....... ........... .. .. , 14e

II u :, 1I :, L' Horse f or Sale Enrn ed rnns- W"y . :.s , 2'> :-.; l . .Fi r!lt on b ~ I1 I1-oll' Wil l1u 'lI ~o n A llHgl:t toppy d fnft. borse otl' Bflrr M. D/I\'ill, Two Base Hi ts - Dilkin 'truck ou t by WlllilllllSOU Attention Knights by Bllrr a Wi ll IlIlv e wod. in Knight Rllnk, Tim - I ;:I!-i. Umpire;; Lowi nnd Wedlle~I IIl Y eve .1 une 19. Vi~iting Paul,\'. Bro th (lrs cO'rC\ifllly illvltell . L. A . ZilllmerDlun

Pennsylvania ~~"~

~ I I\!!II, lo111111t.i

nnd Sngllr B'o wllUllde of ht"lIv'y preRs('(l


Death's Work. Mrs Celimla Sdllrs. nf Centerville, widow of the late Charles Sears 111.0 WILh Ih · li n" of P.r .•ok ';Lanl ')' and .r. M , ook ' s land s, the Rum ... br' l ni: th e SOl l l\) Jtl lClt died at her home in thn t villtlge of Snn' c}' ', K:!, In a NurthweslOrl)' ,lireeLlun and In thc HaOl e unti l It In W r Sl'('L tll n llrO Monday afternlJon. 11,,"eil I1l lerution In Lh " Wilso n rOIl<1 III J, )I Funeral services will ,be held C" 'Ok ' s III ncl8 and ending bellll<" .l lst. Il l'!' or M mo · l ' Qr It\...~. from her late home W ednesday lIf· :.: ~..o ,rnd ~" >i I'\ S ' ' ''' . Prlnd l1l1 P"IILlo,,,,r, ternoon at 20'olock:.

Celia, the daughter of,ls90C .louss of third street, who has bee n ill a long ,time Is graduallv wflaring , " way' and t he oild Beems hut Ii mil tter , of t·i me. Cella was first stricken with fever aDd later developed Int~ oonsump tion. !:ih. hllll shown Dlarked forti. tude in her sufferings. bearing them with a " ~ti en oe and sweet epirit seldom witnesseu .



Have you

Quart jar swelet pickles 15c 3lb, can Bartletpearl! lOcO Evaporated -A1I)ples 12Y. c Shredded Whe'a t Biscuits , 12X c ...... Grape Nuts-Iler pkg. 12X c ... Extra Fancy I.arge Prunes ...... IIIIP" ' . 10e ~~~'\o}~o~!~: "'::t~~~:~N~~I '~' r~~~\:,~ t~~ ~ md I;'cac;es 15c I ll' lU,'lslon IIlIe beLween r. COrtiPIOIl :111<1 ~; , uart Jar reJi>aredta~d s' Hk

life passing away.

, .-



Ol\<' ,

Has serious Fall Mrs. Belle Rfleder , of Corwin , fell $1.00 round trip to lind broke both her wrists Inst Sun· Yellow Springs day and is now lIuffering greatly and Springfield 8S a re8ult. of the acoident. Sunday June 23 Mn, Reeder was standing on a Leave Waynesville 8.50 a. m. obair on the porch at her home fixing some vines, when sbe fell Ilnd in pit,c hing forward,h,e r weight. came Notice of Presenting on her , arm .., causing the injuries C ounty Road Petition. noted above, Notice Is h r"by glve ll IbaL " IMI II"n will Mrs, Raeder is 'lalte fI. heavy woman and thill add!! to t,he serious· be ",eso oted to tt,c COUlmlssloncTO elf ·ount}· lit IhO'lr neXL s ·sslun. July Warren 1M. J\ . 0, IOfli. prayloMlor the I"yln" ou l ur neBS of the occident. upcnln~ of " ('OUIilY H ou,1 on Lhe fflllo\\' I,,"




Th e fllUlily ot t,ha hlt,1l A L. Fllrr dC>!IrO toextenu I,hei r Kin 'ere t,h!lnktl to tbtl IUllny par~ 'LJus who by llym . piLI by' IInll vllri oUt! kil1llo es~o!! [~s8 ist. I d tbelll d uri ng tbe illn ess aoll a t t hu 11111 0 of the detltll of tbeir 10 \'ell


WilY . - - I ' 0 ~ . N. l ;, :! u


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E.lworth Height,~ wiH he b(' ld Lbl8 LlghtnlDg' Castori: . , ' ~ , 'e'lIr from ,Jul v fo 1-1rh UUlI 0 20c IIlze 19c ~ery exeell tl nt ' progrlun hll ~ 1>('l1 n All scrap tobacco 4c a pklI. IIrranged , ' , Remcmber for Saturday only' ,A nnll ' bel' of YU!l l'K IIgL' Ejlwl,lrt ',1 Highest Market Price for . Butter ED'D' n Heights ' Willi qui Ie 'POP11 1111 . wil.1I , ' ",,,,8 an d .... ou .'.ry , people Ir,om t hiH "iuluit ,'" ;' hut I f Illte , yeur!! t,he II tt.·1,11111 11(1,., fr;J11I . about here, ut lellst , h,u; 101' some reason, diminished . ~ Epworth B eb hr,Ais uni<ll1l1, 0 0111· ~ binlbg II religions lIt,Plo~llherf' witb .................... .... up Opp ,r tu nity rur ret<t, /llId reore" . ... ........ ...... liou', It it4 ,uI'Hl)rvlog "I' " , IiLaI',,1 !""~'-!!_!"'!'! . ~_~_ ~~ . .Ii..!'! .-. ;;;____.;;...:;;. pat.ron/lge und WIl Uespellk fur it II All tb" Mt~lllllll'li Ulllgllzinell lit large Iltteudallce. . H peola l I1rll!I'S at, tbll U.~t!'; obio,






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Springboro .




1'1- . l lI al'. , :'I1!ullll, l l llk " ' - ,,, till ' I' I \[ ' 11,· 11"1111;;1. "I II I" , ,:I I .: ' . 'I' ,,, II , . , I rl I I ~ ""leU IlIlI1 Il11 i .\1 ,'" 1\11 11 " 11< v i-'l itln g hIlI " " . 1 (;1'1'11 1 l' rt' l)al'a t i/ln ~ I It- i II I!' I\llId(~ I, - !-o II .! I I d U " v I, "' \, 11.,•. I>I'IJ I.\).: h ' / h old 1111 ", WlIul( 1II III t .' "01 1"" I~ ,\I I h I' 1",1' ' 1.111 ,., ,>1 ,1" 1' a lid n' ''''11111/1 ''11 ,. ''1, I (.,."~ 1'. 1I'b, j.lur\' I·\, h lll'g "t) " "xl w,"'1, ~ II , It t ill" plul'c. Fnr Th e UII),. Cm"d ~ Will II. · 10, ' 1',' .\1 , ', I,, ': 11 " ,1 IIll"II " '1 III ~1 11l 1J1I ~I II III KII II ,lu\' H" JII1 , 01 ( " ,I\ \" 'l1li ll ll II I I" "'III ' \\." I t Ia ... q ,1 I 'd" I I " I' U , t l t _,t'nl \ . , , .. ". >' 1I 11~ (, 11 . , " IIltl' I II' I'It ,\' 1u r q f ' 1J 111 ' lIhll~ , \ '1.", . II l'l'l' For 1\lil" 1< ,\,."III1U . h , \\' .::-' i ll 1"' II H' f , 'I' ,' : l~ . tl l e of \Vn rJ' rn ennut .• •.. d " ip,1 . 7\1 , .. I) ' 1 \V ' I~' Jl""' I II I ' ~"II,,· dll.I· . . 1 ' .1 I ' " .. 1' 1\ 1111 . " " 1:«'''1' ~ tu I' I"oI lo r 11'0' 1 1' " t' I ~ I '''1, 1 :'-I .. ~ .I " lill Z, ·II " I ( inlll /.:.11,,TI,,· "1'1111'1 , of n"H 1'111 , \'1'" II ". I" " 1 \\' I I . I . ' 1\('11(" " ' 1' 1 ' ·. nn' " y " :\ll' A f'" ro w lJ)\' ltnt.i ul) 1-4 ,·" ft'lltl (ld ) f t '!"I :--; .1 B: ' I'!.;''' II . pi t ~ ln ( 'll1u" tl , . , '. . . J · t.... I I I ttf' ''' 1 It\' n I""' l' fl i II 111 . IIII,hl'l' llillil' tlf ~ p~ 1\l1 II HI F l1 l1l'1lt 1";\I~ lI l1':.:lI l l'". K . I, ( 'IlJ' l wl'l g lit " J, · IIII \ ,· ,· .)I1I1" " -P" u, JII ' hll lJl · l l h 'I '\ · llI IJI' ~:i\· " n l .r :-; Ulllhl .I '~I· I I 'lI l :-: h l • " :\ 1",,' 1.. I" VI - l1 · .\ ,J\\' Y" l' k, , . I nllll'~ M Il~ ' l1l.lff lJhy lll n. ~IJU lIl " 111\" " II II',I' ,l If " I' II "r,' 110 11' 10" 111, ' 111 ( ' ' 1..... 11 1 I tl, ·\ , ~ 1I 11" " .\' 111 ,11'11'"'' :\,. \\ 11.1"" 11 ( ." " IH' " I lI ''n l :111 , I II I I:-\U lldll'y wllh hi s IlIllt'l'!\ud IUllttl"l' . II I lit. \\''' .''I,,'s\·lIJ ,.. . )\ " 1,llIlIdl,1 , 1·' ,, 1' ~al '· - (; flf). 1 n ~. 1.1l' lIgl'I.UII " 1111" 1"'(,11 11 1'111 11).{"" II lid 11 11 IH'"1. I ' ., It l ~"\' I ii, · l,r fl ll\' I I .\· fill" h OllS l' h , " " 1 1,l lI ill' II 11 1l1I, 1", I' Ilttl' llrl l'd l lli! Il'lI d Y Ik " 'JIIll lI,\l II'J: '"l'1l1 ,' 111'1'1' 1';;0 1' 1 '(' lr'fllfjl,,; u lI .u f lIuy t ll n , ~ p,;ut , 1'1' 1 ':11 1" .\ II I :'l i ll n ll~ltl1l' g w " ).! ,,,d" l lI ,, hl'l" Ii !,! " '] I" , \ II ~ " .1 1 1I1I ·i ~I " I I\ II I' I , tI "" I' V' ('I''' (II \\·U . " lll'O\·I1t ,, 11i ' 1' ill ' p l" .\\ 1\1 11 !.!rad UIlI,' \\,'rl I"'''' , :-: ' 111 1'01 11 .1' III1 · j ~lIndl\ .V wllh "I ~ I I I Il I'U lltlSIH'e l a ' 1' 11g 11 111 , till ,\' "I ., \\"" "1)",, \,\ 11,. \' hltn l' :-: 11 1101,,·," I I I I _



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• "1 1." i '''' '11 1 ' d ll'd II I IIt .I' , " " 1,,,1 ~lil"' IIY AIll U II ~; I ii" ,., · d ny. liJ"n ,.dl .' · " lf1 bp I' n " p h,' ,,· \l'IIJ , IJl ll lh ,' 1' uOlIlIlIl'lll Oukolllll' 1'111' 1>. . , S .llnl' ll .. .\· '1" "'1;01 ~1" 1 1I1I1I ·.I ' 1l 1 . 1, -. "' . 11 :1 11 1 " ,' - 11\11':'\ WI' l'lI 'P I ~I (. II \\1' It I ~ 1llllll,,,';I],lu l u I' Ih ,' ( 1/1I., · 1t0. T' \I \\' 1" "~ I'- nil 1\' '11111 ";,, 111 1' I II I I I, \\ ,' 1\ 1 W,' I'II :Il l' II lld . II'~ . " "ITS ,.;,) I" .IUI1 11' , I"\\·11 " :~ p"si\tl>l l IIlId , r,. . • I lk (\ r~ll ll , (I f M'IITO\\' . . .. , 1" , / ,,' . 'I" " I J\' .\1 ,, __ ,., \\". \\ 'I I ' ., ' 1 'J (I I II 1 I . lu l ull l'l'I'ry ll llllg 11 1111 I... 1 , ~l ll g d ll \· • .11 Ill: ~ IIl ll l ·!.I. 1\'1 ' :. . JI I . . " ,. ' "1l 1 1~ ~•• I' . lIU I .1 r~. '. ' .. 111 1111 .\' "I, ' I 1'" l n"" 0 1 i ll l,· !'.·: 1)1 (':J (" " II 1\'1' ~')l1 " '", P\'lHl1l1~ lu ~t . l ' .\ 111 " . ," 0,11. ' 11" '11' :11 11 1 11' . '1"1 I :'>1 1- '; :\"1\ IIl'lI d , I ,," '1, " I ,\1 "\01 11 ' 1 "'WI~. ' '' I ,I ~II" I '. :-i. 1.111 111,. '1'h(l.I· til/' ~; lI HI \\" . I'~ . "llIIIII O\l lu r I h"II,,\, . Sil l I,',' h ' "" V I: " "' I I IIl" "'1 \1'111 I" r lll'l'" II I "Il Idnd ~. "" "I' IJI,', \ ,,,lIl'd h " "illllll :l II' ~ ,1 \' " rI d .. I " \ " ' 1' '\' g .. 1l1 Illllt· ,,, ,,I g <lu tl H, ·I . ,I IIIil"~ I.,'"'' - 1'1'11 1 s l' \'(' r ' l ~II' /lllo! ~Ir " . ~' I'ed H ()\'e ullol loll. l,llllIl1I'II Il ';. " " " " '''I~: 1", 11 1·:I,n ~:lI t . KIl IUldll .· 'illi l :-'11 1111 11 .1' .111' 1' ''' 'I, k ~!1'll h 11l1d \\110' IIlId , it ll")ll!.ll " , '. ol "Y ~ In " " ' \ 1' V, II; ('11\' 1'11", 1 \\' I"'!-- 1..\' d :11l g hl ' I' , " f ~l ul: hllntC"lJur". nr" gil r lltl~ ,. ~ I l II flli t\rJ'!'- ,J :\1 1' 1'(' " J' w .. l'(, I' ll f • , . , t) 1" 11<1111 ""IlCI' l'I. , l'iI· . :-; "" 11' 1'11 ">' ':' 1"" , h l l/. ,oll ' lit 1II1gal'''"~ "1101 ~( II' " 1.,, 1 \ 1-1 11 ,1'- "I ;\lJ' UI1 ' I' ,\ll'~. ,1111111" :Ill' ',ll o! ~I ':i AI I"11 E 'IILI l' iL'k I'll . ' ."111 1 " 'P~t I I ~l) lIllt" rll 1.11 11 " 1l1 101111 I 1·1 .,ll t ll%{ 1·' rIlJlk Hltll1'\I'IlI1I! '/l ll d . ,Iii 1"1''' :'1'1) h llllll' 11'1 11" II I' h l l 11'11 11 . I I i-;, 0 1 I lIlI'<. 1." 11' 1". " IHI l' llll(l l'ulI 1' '' d ol I' L'1I ' 111 ,,1'1/.llS \11 ",!I' l ' n II' I" I \( I ~ fli i:ll' llItl ll llll IIlld J I1III IIIloi 11 1I 1 Ilt' ~ J" Y'" :-mll " .'" \1l1 !1 :'I l r . 11I1i1 ~ II'_ ' I ' 1 "'y H"ll lo illH 1111 01 d "dl~ "",; ( Il l' l",rl ll·l1 · " "Ii-, l ncl llIUIl. ;\11" .\. ' ''1''"1'' ali t! ~ II" B rll il. 1'1 .1'11 ,' \I ' ll " ', III 11 ('11" .'II I' lllgh ~ rll ,' x l" ' l'! III ~I , "' I .. I Il(} 11 1I 1 Ulil)l l ~ 11th ~ I !' " " 11 lIlr" C. I': . M n nl'ile . 11 11 011 1111'" . 1\11' Ih''' I< ' :-; t ll lll ,1) 1 l 't:Il'v,·\· ~I ' I1' C! . 1> ,, 1' .... ,, ' \ " .Vll l·S\, ll l<· WI'!'I ';': \Ip"t- 111 , '1'10 ,' ~)I " " " ':' 1]lllt h ll l·I· I,, ·, ' 1\ 1" 111/ '. \\ I·.. k fll r 1111 (1 .\1" 1,,11'1 n ." " .. " I K . :-' )1 ' 11('0 1' Hllll fllllliJ ., ', :-iUll . ,\Ih I\' . ,\' . Anlll " 1 \\·, 'rllll ·,;,!,I\· I . I 'I I IJ ' 1·' 1 I' I I t-.t u1 t pndltlL.:, ' IHl t\)HI()I'11 ~\Ullfl I ~ I' ,:\ Ii ...... f~~ I\:.I ltl' 111I d ,\ I l l " ' l' lu r k W l 1rt IU ' 1, ' 1 1 rh t' l J' JJIIIII(l e"I1 I'U '.' \~C\ J' .1 , l~ 1~:. ..... If · I U ... t I U 1 h Il~I I H Iluy urtll l 'flOl l U ~ch ()l)llItll l ( ' Iu, utlll 'Jl III II I \" ('(1" ,\' ~h " 'II' III 1 '111 "1 1111 :11' FI'I""" . : ' "11" ' 1'1 T I'Il I-t1 11\' 111 ,li ll"l'l '1l 1 \'bll l" ~ 11 (' [' 1111 " 1.· II noi " " "l I II I :';p rllll-;~ '" . I I \\' , II II I ,. '1',,1 HilI",; \\' (' r~ I'r lind WI I, . 1' ". " "' "'-'~ \,I " IU " ....; '\'0<'';• . 1'1\' \' 1\ " I 1 . 'j'l 11",' . I II 'I I I \1 I" I II I f · ·\I " " 1·11, 111'11 \\' ,· I·IlI /.' '"I'hll ' ~ WI) )' I; l i d 1,''' - - ", II '"'' I I) 11 . 1", .... 1' ."1 11 ' 1111 11 ' . . '-' ri ll 1'C" Y (~ Y l! 1l1nH . " r . li lt " r ~ . I'fI ll ' ll ll !,! I " II ,:.: III I III~~ .\h ll .. ~" •.' nl SIl,,,I,, \' / "" ~I ", 0111 1' 11 ," ''' I11> n wh l' l\ \1'" II ' :lit,;" ~all' l' L1lll'l'u r 'I~ tt ",l h "I' " I 11 II l~ . " • 'I' lo u l'l'f r(l~hll" ' 1\t " wn ol I'nnl p" .'s I h ,' \ \'lIr n p-\'III" 11111 1 11 1l1'\· 1 \ 1· ~1011Ti.: \\,111 I ' t. 'n l ' . . "'" to "Ull Hf\ rOil - 1'111 . \t) r~ •. v' ~ / I' I IIlk,. III" : r ('.1 ' , II ' C', 11 " \1,,' 1)11'11 . ' Ill' 'I' I' "un I" . I ",' 1\ 1',1 n I' c'n' 11 1\.'" l'1I111 . A, Ill llCh ,,'~It' 1' t\11' ~ It l, l)\' 'ell Pl' lll't! o f )'1l1I ' 1'" 1",, ' 1" " 1' 11' 1" : , I ' I I I I I hI. iii ulll 0 IIl' t [ 0 1' . 1I.v '''"/'1 I .. ,,'-~ .\lIl1n ' O lI'll l", 1'1 " r ~1 1I III " I' . ' / . ~ I. II ,J""L:hll'l·. ,1,11" 111 1h . I ' I ...:, .1 II I ., 11 10 1' (111"" '''1> '" -Ill III CU"1 ", ' \'1' 1'11 1 j" ' I' ;-;II'CI'I J( lIlld ~I ' I" ' I',, 1 '\IlY~ 111,,1 I I Wi ll 1.)(' Hu lt l I II 1111' I Il~lt,·~ t' blllll l· l' . \\. 1\\ 11 "" .. 11 · 11 urulI ,Y ,. , I \1 ' 1" 1 ," I ' \ u,I' l""llL'l' doll ed l'::of. ( ' Iyde w hu ""plios l oJ MIlIIH""r l,t lit" 13 ,,,,' :,11 Ullli :llr~ J\ 1I 1I11h'~ (,I 11'1 " 1111 .\l l~~ ,\ 111 111 \V ""· I II' ill.l· , ','Ille( " " " ". II " n....(I,·oI lin I' x I" ' IIt' 1I1 , ,, , ' ., \\, i1kt' I'''o n 11 r w tl"V ~ Ill sI w e tlk X nlllil II11\' 1l.1o-<I t ilt' II111 nra1 ,'\1 :'lit· :III' ,, 1,,1 ~ 11''l" 1\ '" 1 '111111( '~ "I' 1"' 11 . i>Jl I" ,I·llIlll1 .\,·I " I' I' I,llllit :\11" . U IIl'n· g " ,.\oo"III .\I I1 11ll i-;1tI1 I' ~ I" . ' . I '1 l ' Ir Hldl'l\'II Jl1, "\'II'y lle "nll o l )111(1 U lli n" , ' e( 1'1'1I1 /.i1·llIl, IIH1 t lt"I'. ,I I ,. ~ 1, 1 I J' I W"I'(> H11I1 " :O .\· vi , il ll l' ... II I ~II" . I ;I I ,. :llr~ \\~, illl'l' K CIlll'lI'l. 111111 / \'1 ",1<'.1 lrnr gnllldll1l1 ~1 1l1 : (,11 11 111 1 ., I' ' ''II .,11''' , I'('(] (~I' WOI'O in Alilltl ' l lt ll' iloI:H '" \\,111 g Il I n " 1\1' 111',,11 · ~l y!'l'~ r ' hl"y 1, ,' 01111 1 1' '' '0/ 11 11 I ' . . I II r t T l 1, I' u llllun ~ '"llr dll .I' . )inr:ltlll lind " " ;; 1·. ·,,1 t'l'o\\'ll~ ''''1' "111'1' :-il'l'cilil :-:11 10 (I ll .\ il!llll,",y J'·I'l ': .I \' ~ I I" I ~,,"] 1111 111 "i l ll - a ll" ~ " 11 11'."',, .,'.,1, '1' I (' lInl'i nlld w if, 11'1'1'( , III II'" pan'lIt- 11 0 1' 1 (1 OWll li e,:, 'IY ~ . . 1:-:1" 111 >,l i)" fI1 " U :-;llnday I (l III I PlId I I,, ' : UIII I ",: ,,1111'-<1.1)' (.; rl1l1d n III ~ J 1I 11 1"' , 1 I r . . II ud ~l r!; . II I L(1r .U nu e r wuod I " b (1 1" '1'''' II I II 1),1 til" jJri y tl() ~lIS \\,1 II II nd ::ifl llll'l! II .,. ,lllll U ::~ /lll,1 ~ ~ ' , I ~"': 1'11\' I, ,, I ~ I" ;]lIJI'r' ["1'111" y unn H\"'l l I h i n g,, ' lit .\Ir ~ l l . ~I . \Vhit · 's . rh"'If ,... II ' "1 II I tlllll Illil l.'(· 'I ~ ~ l uw l.l·lln J1 l· lf l· lIl!; l) f it 1'1' "1'(11;-(' 11 uu,lMI s LII lUII '~rJ ghofl tire , ' I tt .


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L l lil u Lo r Pllrt ( ")1)'IJlI)II. II I 111' ,,1' ~I' I' Bllr\lJlg IOIl ' \\'11" II,,· , gUIl,, 1 II I ;'1.1~~ 11 ... 11'11 LJ nwklll ~ 1;1,,; 1 we ' k .

I t ' 1111 '" 1\11,k' your III (I

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I'. Y' I(. I ,,, ' •II• ' I', I ., rL~... . 1" '1"'1\('11 all Il ltl!'. 1lll!11or' . r .""II ('hal'les h,,~ . .IWPII I ing Dr . 111111 ;\ 11'.... I';. P. Krieghu ll'. I t ]. J . s" I'I"n~'" an" ·tl'tl Willt . Ill" tI t-fl it :I,,'. I '" F ~ly(' r- WlIS oa lled t o




11 1\' 1 III\" n I II ; ~I ell! \ In lJl~ t l tnl l"n I . J TI l(' A Il lllllTI, BlIllq lll' r fIll £' "'1 II IWI\' (' h.- t i l' III \\' ,,,1 ('II I'r. l llIllf Jl ', '"l l~ IllU t· 1 1'(lI! .. I·. . . . . ' IIt(~IUIiIlPU It, HUIIIIII~' . •lwj n g t~ the injun ction Dissolved; ' I1111 H ,,,," i-','h' ,n Oil I1I"t I ' .-. L' . \ ' illl'H 01' . 1.u l,"rgb I~ I") \\' VI ~ IIlJ) g'. l '; ' rl Oll" rl l ll(,~~ Of his ll1 \1 thor ' • ~tt!'o:-:' E,'u 1):t '· 11' \\"' ( · nt i t) () x f u r"1 1 \\' ll il h l! '' I';1 i u ll 'I'u\\'I1 • " .,.... ~ ,llnn1It\' Llypnllll!. J!" H ·l n .l.l u.. .,'I II IIl In.\' 111 '11111 11 1-:. WI I('TU .. III' \\'1 II wu,; 1 hl Itl 111 . III I\. ,. III I I' 11 11 111 Rul I W' lll'r" I I J1111 " I IP' 1 I", ys 1l0\'! l' h e l' 11I11'l"'t~ III Ih o (,Il~t" rll \111 1'1 " I , 1,1r " ' I . I, . 'KI)C'llI'flll I'~ Ul)erlll ~ . I I I I \II" IIY f'Vlllllllg. " IIT!!I' (' 1'1l\\" \\,11' 1 th l' UI' . J~ I'llllnin" 111111" :' I' " I ,. ' II J . '1 I - I .111 I, p to (' 1 ' 1Il'~ 1' III I ll' . 1I 1'1 1lI, ~ (' 100. ii, o 1.11'1111'1 "oe 111111 1l hA III'I' I" 'IUll lI " Illl'll >111'111111 I IlV l l ,dl u lI <l uw n n udl , ' I I' '" ... I l\\ I Il) S \' 1 I lid Il1ml Y I!'re . . n il \\' tl) ~ll1t T1111~ I ' I. . II ' III I ,' n, 1 I IJ '1.IlI)(11I I POll· nn d /.!fllld .' IIIll WH~ bIlJ' ·Yl'd 1. TIII\'/lIo.hip 1: I'l i ldill~ ('asl' Will hl' A . I 11' hI" 1.111. IIt · "" ,lid Ill".\, III thl,. ('" .~I < :/I j ,"il' 'I I I I I I )1' ~Irs ArC' 1111 h e rsOT find dUll!; 1 1 r ' t tl' o.e ",\) n " ".n llh ri l " I .1 J' . J" I: ' Ill l( '"11g l it · "" ( 1\"" ' 1' (. . . ' \'out,llJ ll , -I Ill!' IlIll llllwl!' t·tnltt' l'." li t ~ I 'l' a kl'll (I) C in' uit ('o ur!. ! IIn .1 n , . " . .' ' . IJ 11" '111 ,1 1'11 \1' "\'1'1' 1I1lt! lli l, n 1Ifll'\; " I " I~~ Ol'n IlrJ'I\·,·, llrUlll \V I' mlngl .. u , tlln ('e ill' ~ome u lhpl' ,11111('111 11' 1"1' I " . nlld nl'lI" L' II II "l1 ,ll·,1 tll I1 " .li· lll f' r ~ . Da y l o n III~I 'I'lin r s(]IIY · tl" . ' :01 11'1 a ll \\,) I ~ 0\' ''1'. Il l' r l\' lll;': h Ud, n w h l' r Q l\h p. " lI l' ~tW llJl;; lIbell Iil tuLti " 'I 0 1 ' 1 . 11 111'(' JI I ~ I reI' II' II n ('Ill' I'HI( vOlHOI I Ir OTll IIl I! ~pnl '''" ll l lln Cluh I1 Onl' J.~'tl(' Thlll·SUBY. . " H t;'.~1 'Ill illly llu,l il!:tlio ll R whl Ii 11'1'1"' 1"11111 in 1"1' !In',, "lillll :! " ,. I ""'1111'" i ll Ih l' 11I') I'I1I11 g . :III'" 01' .J ll lrll>~ Ll11JllI';;h lO r 0\11" , lil t; l'o lJc!;e . ' l'ht.Y will s pelll\ t h o . ,Jnl1 g t) l 'I'lrk ll l1 ~l tIIIl1 11 .Y hllll l1.1,' I1/ liun :; hi ll~h'~ " "'TII 1 1'I f: IJI JlI'Il" ';; . \\' . U . Mn ll d (' u ,\. () I. , f'Il" O o r tho UIPI11 1...lI':<. ~l(lllY hi'l l I I I I/Wl' I'!,\, Ill,' 1,'1" III' :,I"f' ll WIIS JJI IJI'l) . I " It I I I I ' ~ Ullll11l )r h 0 1'1l ' u III n d ad lU ll dl :;~I/Jy l ll g III I ! t " 1 u ' " " '1 I I I I . . ""ll. ll\I·" ,' II- .L·I III' ))III'OD ." 1'. (' \ , I) " . 1101'''1'\' ill ' UlICII " " g runl C' ! 111'1' o r 1111 . . 11111 11ll< on ' I /lll . ln ~ ~ I' Lcl 1('- I '"11 ""1'"1 , ,y r 1(' /tilL' l'l1lf' lll lllllll' MJ'.~ . . 1, ,11 '1 1{ 'II ' II1 ." I' " 1111' , :ltl'>I . \Yill KCI'S Ll Y IIm1 MiRI!Rut b e ~J .. \\" Ii I . r I \I'l' r" . 1, 11111 1'. uIl II ll. UllllY \1' (' 1'/' I.h!" I I . I pu~t'l ' . . wl!l1 k~ "go f o rbi llllill" th u trn ~ I' ""i: . I~ Ill . ll ~~"'" /Ill( ~ (l 1\ ., I . ' • . . ' 1 11' lI'III'!1 1 l' al:l l1 u t l ll ~ r l"J IlI 'L'Ing Ke r~y 11 !,ren tll'll 11 \llu 'l'e l showe l' , . , • t"'I , • I. I U\'t ll ltl \v('1't~ g' Ul .~ t ... fl f II t'r hl'u tlli ' l' t I 1ll ~1~ ~lY t l ll t l) tlll ' .\ 111'" ~J,lt U I . I • , ,,,. r' ' ... .. ' .' W·Pll1\.. ' . • U 1 ll wn " lJ l l' I II I;;>;ll(' III 11d " ' ll. of \\ U.Y 1.;\I\\,u\,,'" 1",,1 \\'1' (' 1> . \ 'it,," U l 'I'lt l' f ,' I1 , 1\\' l1lg J11' 1'~f1 I1~ \\,. ' 11' III t UW II [ I)l I , 1 Il l . .1 It" . ( ,lltl'1n t1llll,; ':' II'. s~ U ll~~ i., n oellol' II I lIl'UT CI' Il ' I "I hon o l' ,If MI·K. B'lrtlest Mannon , to HCI· I,,· II OI1l'y t o (' I 'pct II I OWII· r.:t1\\,11 /'11 ~ l}f l it ' : ,1111, ' ,·tlS· d g" ~ 1l!'llt , r~\11ll ll(llg hl>o l'ln g l' lfll', /lllil t l Wll' I II I" ' I'Y ~ l e l. l llnl ~ , Htllcy ~"Inl' , ( I~"] " Il' I"' ll1 l' yj"i t c tl ill 1' . and ~lr: . Wil n ~ l : :'Iful' Y Dnyi , Wel1llelll ~uy !lfter. fi llip ull lhlirw ~ulltlnv h I'I! . I " II to'Il,! th(\ bllll'l 'll'1 11' ,'1' lIlr. IIlId I 'nx. ,J a ll l' ·,. .I u hn". 1',lm l' 1' 1.ley. I_ I ,1 , 1/ n otl n ". 1'1" I , Mr IInll 11', " ~\"' ~ I tl~'ljJ.,I U l\rl BUI' II It" l'',I' ll I'I' t I, '"~il rl y • '..11"11''1'\' G" ~~•. __~~~!!"!,!!!,,!,!!!!!!,!!,,!,!!!!!,,~~~,,,!!!!!! Il'b a.tto rllllY" for t \to )Jt'l\n~yr. For .~t r.-()lt"l ,, : ,, ' tllll 1\'11 ':1)11 I" :\lr~ J II I I IU~ ~ , 1'1' , J' tn l'lIIlY f 1 lUluI tlnoluv. . i " = I ~' • .J . I , h"I' I ~ i\ll' :I 1I!1 ]!O l !'!:, \\ 1I11i1 r " . '" JI t I' . J I' '. " I'lllll rlU H' rVIC \' 11 111' 1 '·",· ll"' llll ' »)111"'11\' IllJ I . ) l' ll". I'~ ~un I CS .- U \\' . 1-':l \ • I11'1" , . 1\ IJ } rt I I ,- reo r ra .? ,'\l L .A\~ tH' \..f'urtn \, t.,.~ , 10. , . ,. I . '~ v • • , - v . ' I 1111, ~lr IIml . i l' , ,1' )" Ill , j . • ' " , , " WII ~ !.t o !!1 at {Il ,' 111 ~1l1l1il'ul i'iprlU g Buy Your who lI.1'll OI; ilusi ll g fJ IJUlldill ~, , ,,, . i'11' . " " 11 Mr:-l . HIIlllll OI Ulltl"I'W 'l l' t lt l i'I'M tI " d :\11' _ \\' lJ 1.l'itl·r ~ II ' \\ o d u . l~ItT 1.1" ,' 11< '''1(l 1'•. . 1 (11 1" '1 . I f I (l 1l1 " I' llIin !'..) or 'liurll'1' 1-\ll IHIII -;IIW\l' ~l . ; . \\' I . 'I :... . I 10 1',1 cr lll ot ' r y :-;llll l ll." " t OI'IlUIlll . . lll od illl\l Jy llTlDllllUCe ll t h 'i l' i lll"n ' . • 11111\1 l'" ' ·~ . A., J ~ l) " . •\ 1' . ",,1111 110 " lO " ~' . . ', . , I'lltlLI , ('~ . .\11' . I ll!! , II'~ Frllilk Bllr ·1 :'Hll llS,.11I1l11 ~l lss gl~lll AIl f' II . /'. , '. , . " d "I'l'ss \\' li~ g l\' cn I'Y It Y. HlltlI . at lI ' JIl of il!! )) nlt n g till) (' u. e ' 0 111f' n t' lt. nil'] ,1 1111·.h l rr. l\1,,' s 1.)11'111 III, tl l , i lJI . lind ~lr . . Ii. 11 . /'it ,1 1)"11 .1\1\1 Illllk,.!' lI'] li~' " wn~ ('"I (l yer! hy 1\11 Ugl e,r(, "11 'on r!.. C b ll rl l)S FI' · L\~'lllt · flllJlIlI- . ' I , III" "",I illll''' ''IL ';, I I]' ~ 1"I " fSI')lr, 11 I flllll il\' I' ll j ,)y ('( '1 ::)u I\ll'llIlYll ig ht IIl1d l ~lll~i('b,, 'j{I' n'" ~;III" iln''' 11 ";I' IIIlk ',

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A I< Ih O lJ l r o u i t (" urI, Ill)e~ l1 ul , .~ II'~ . EIII I1 II1 Du lt llll- ,1'I~lti~l " 1\1'1'\ l' n .tI 1)"lI lh'r. ' :-ullIlay with I ll' In r m , r ~ Ill'Il liJ l· r . ' li l1 ll Tl ll ('(' lltUl'Y IJI ,. W,I'I' IH' II r e p . • ....;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~.~!!!!;~~ CII U\' \J 1l1l:iIU~' I Ot.l' I'lI ll llm; lI (1 lh · 1['1 1'1" 1,,, M)' . lIn ll" l r~ . (. h . l'n n" l lJll l ('l1ll uII IlUlI1 11e l'l)f ,'l!(] I,I,1 IIltlll .. l . i lll llw ll nll w ifc ~(r nntl~ l r~ . ,),11111 . . I ' . ' ;'; ' 1 t I • . I Il'M!I)\CI Iu " ('lIil htl (l o n o ull l i! th o C011r II t "II 'l' IIII' . tlr lll :':~ n Ih II (' Il l 111 1-: I I'll loit n TI1I~~1 1 lI lll'Y r ,l\· gil' I' 1l lit Ih o ·· ~'IJ X o f D 'Il l' Fl An ('iunt '. ' . Iltl' ]\lIll ,-, (· 11 ( ' h llll l lll1'il J:l ul t lin t h OIll (' of ~ II' l <u rl .\ Hllol'lll,; 1 TlJurs I " l ] '1 '\'" 111 ' . ~ f.l 111(l (I f OUI' YlI l111 g .JlIlO P": 1'.1· IJII:;:;CS on Il w C1IHu tb(' Jlro Jl o~ II illl I ' . ' , . . ,. " I' /llli .., r " . I 11111 Ii . till' . . , 1 . , I II ' I I' "/l co . d 1.1' I'n!/llllg A g o od pl' Of{rH lll :"J\s I : . ..' ." , .IU ('( li n Qllltug 11 II' , "l l e I' s T _ __ TU on Pl'llVlTUOUI WIll h ll\'(l t o WH i t SIlJll\\ \\',I!t o r,),1 CluJ''' " 'HS i n UaytlJ II ""l1 uo1'l'll 11 11 ,1 I'VP r y holly '·Dj l1)'rtl i .\ . )\\' . ,.n .ll\ll ~ . \ \ . .I . l.l llTk 11 l1 l1l u ,·utnI'lIIl Y. .I O 'O)litIl9 li oskillsof Wilrn l ng ,o n ~'I·1 11 1l ~' . IIt l 1lI1 \l ll( 11ll: l" >lIY"l1l i'ill liJl' ''l~t'I\',,~ III ~llitt' o f Ilt l' 1II' "t.I1\)(1 fnlll llf 111'1\1 .".:. ,I. Clll'1II0D Y . ']' h l. ll.· ~1I1Jhtlth "t:h",,1 h e ld pl'llll chou nt the Frion d's c hnrc lJ o n I linn . Friends I)f I ltt, t OWll Hhl)l buildi ng (l,r Ih l' Ol lli: FU1l11'1l1 . [lI1' ''C: II ')l ~ l,utI ~ I is~ .B~ I1 } \flll1 wh u It II ~ I'cl'n 11'11 1'''' , )111''''''' ',1 11 \" I'y ~ll oll sa u i:innull,Y w i th IlI o II' Chillh'l' II '~ Day l'''' I'I'is ' s l:llHl . 1::i 1l1111flV . IIr e ' vo r y \lI\1I'1i (l11lI1 ~1'\1 llt J nllgl' 1',111",,111\('1' ~ .A~~()l'iIl.ttll ll . II' ,,'(' Ii \l'1t !' : IIIC! in :'-I p w :\[PX\I'11 1l1111 1V1i ') i!' ll n w ' ~II' . 1I11I1 lIll' ' . ' hIlT1 e~ KI Ollill f{ I' " t T it . . '. I ;Ju rlL l1 duoisip u 11111 1 tJlk,· i l Il~ IlU 111 uolt1, tI Ih e A lgIIlIl(lllll .lhlt ·1. " ),diul,( h o I' 1' 111'1(' .l l'Sp)'h U 11h ll l.11 lin d tll'l) (' h i ldnltl ,I' Fllil' l'i ~ w wlllch ' ,Ill Y Iwrlllllg . )Jl'll ~l'IIlIl Wll ~ Born . to Anile!' UUI} wife, , <ll c li l Ion ' 1' w hut Ow hl g h e )' Illl lll'l.$ A 1,,1'1l" p " I'('h IS hl' i l'" 11(1<11'11 l" ' I!/I \' I' '1 \lII H III) I nI A I' ''~ t lllg Inl k n il . . II , J l' .11"' 11 J'I·I Hl rrr ol . Wl'lrl n os(ll1yof Jrl s t'yook "d"u"llte r .. , f '1 IS I,,"' t ,)I I I lII' nol' 1 Wt,,,1 <', ,,' 1.1 " ~ , ~ ~ '" • "',ill tl o, tl lIl Me lh,).II:lt· I'll 1'>l0 1l11 "", 11 V" I' \" I Ill' I1 I(1ll 1.1 11 11111101 \1) 1' u ., " ldl'" II · . -.' . ~ Itll i tQ 1\ nU lll' ,r·1' I r o m h lil" ul . ·'I' ('i" " lllllllll· l) l"oJlIltIllt. W);i l'P , wli .,il ' i tlll' I'ity' "f 1)lyt' llI , t e n llt.u ("· " dr , ''' ·'; l>1I,Y r XO I"i ""8!1t .Jc!ise Buwk,ns fill ed tho pulpit tit Tlle bllll ': ing will!) 11 elt l ~' Llt1 111'1'1 ,1,1 ~ th l light t hro u g h tho flU UTl s wilt 'lllll]llcted w i ll a,lll 111111'11 ,I ,) th,~ . ill 1'. lint! ;'ll" ~. Alh a r l :-;llIey ulI ll Ih tl l ' r llgl'l' - siy,' Hn' t'it rnn ChllfCl\ at th Fripnd '" 'hurch in Xenia . ( '1) t the t , ',\' IlHhip c,HjsiLiu 1'II blA II.' illlt ' Ill' tI", J1111'~ 1) 1I 1lg-". I ~ 1111 nglltl'r,. 0 ll ll ~l 1' . f\ n d M r~ . · ,I . lIi. ' ill i l ·!toll I'M Il ('!' ~\l1l(la y oyan!,, /:(. l:luml uy 1110 1'11 I1\ g . IH ')IIUY, bntulinnl fll\' o rilhl o ,h'!' I!; J.:1!m o ml Ih' llIll kk IIltcTIllml tit.. . · -':t/l ~ Y \\'el' n 1110 ' IIndl ), gl1 Pst~ ,If I E-lOIll IW CnUlI':'l' " 111111 ~1l11l11y of Mrs . l-tnlnn o f .M c sburghl in ti is unti ol pllt, II. · Y l'lIl1w :"[11'11 11;(" ( ' ''"111 11 11'111'' 1"11 t 01'· I I. . . . . 1"l'llllkI111 ~ ll(lUt I-:inuclllY WIth ('hnr· . '. . cl ll Y lint! It ~ t,' m·d t o llll Ild ,11'!'s ],.\' ., ~ . :'Ill' and 1I r~ . (hllrle- (lil li I'll (I f I ]l'~ 'J'! II I111lhOllllllll fil!llLly . I ' h gn f's t " f 11 m ! . Mrs. H . ' ot. t1f'n "l~" ' W Bllill , 'll' hl1 l) \\'If"( g-I''' (lb' 'J'H I'; \Vll~' I\ (l"\·l l1l' . . lI e uI' .\' 111 I ' w ler'!· ~. TIl n tll o r WII ~ n .. W h l lllki:'T. . l.ll":I .


New Burlington.





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Buy Your ' 'l' MEDICI NE' S ]lATE N




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Th u~jp\\' o rt h Lu"glin"'l'\'lCt"

1I" l hlll'lI '" 111 ull l' I" ' llphful CCIIl Cl OIY . Fh pH ltlilll bo y ", . ,)1 o u r toW \) reo i )\.\0I1I1I1.1' . , "owo· '\\·"· I h" llrrl\,111 o f Iitlog ani! lH' x l ~\lI l\I!l Y WIll 10,' III K. n \' I~ r " " "" i ~ s l ll \\'ly i lll )1 r O\'i llg. pun y ",l ,n \\, :\Io n :l uy . . ~1 • I :\ ' "lI lI~ tl ", V\~il''''~ n.t !lI e 1111' 111 '1 . \ I I'. ~ . I ~ I IIII I '. ( ' ''' '1"111 .. ,, I ~I I ~' ,'I ., . I 'I'II ('I ~ " 111 ('1 1 11' 11(, ,1 1 A IflLl' l .\ ' of .,.' ·Ollll ,," w o m e rl of' Ollr . ., ;~ l' ll ll "t'l· \·.ic"~ll l'l lll'f l'll l" ' l'lI!II ; l l'll r J'H I. <'ll lll'gl~ Il l' ~ " _ " ~ at S Ill \( I 11\'. \\'''~ r "l. 1" . "'I n ,,,,·, . I I ;o.;.'x l [-iUUclll." p v ro nll1.! \1111 1111 Il lfl 1"ll i lll1 " !' :-:nl1dllY .'III'''. tl l 'II·., Eill'l.I' l n (1ighl lllrliflo li f\tt.o u uod W'ilLJort'n r oe I , til' , \t W Il\' 11 . 1'\111' 111 !lin Htlll .•! II f " , \1 I \I \\ . II \ t 'I'J 1 l \\"PlI l-\, I\ O \VIl(IH11('l't"1' \, l1ll i ntH't l t H } ! ' • , , • 1:1"{ (It ~ t1(!h : ~l'l'viel' s fil l' ' Il fp\\' f ilnd l' illI~ . 1', 1.. ' JHl! rtl n f 11 · 1 I,1IIlf ll :!OI.IH1n, O!l ~ t UrSl'LY· 0 1', unllti !' ~ 1) 1l I."., ' . IlhI P... 1 IIt(' ,' lj ll l l1ll ' ll r "IIl l' llt o [ . I IIIlI "I'\I " ~ alld I_ lllil'tll. /',Hrll' IIlI d I III' \ . L' . 1-\ l. , f, . w Ill h ol o! !l / I ' 1' I IIl nn llt . ; lit· it;Il ~ 1 lillr ln l: till,' It I.' I , 11',1'1' "I n,·!! 1' ~l il ldl e l" I\' Jl . . Waynesville 1" p "cll d il1i1;~ifl ll llr.l' lIl ~et, i u g q n lIext , " " i(' 1I1r "~"")11lI'it'" 1 111 1 1l1113 1 111I' " "' L~Il""~ . "I · l Ilt · I ~ I I I " .' · " 1 11 1 ' I I " "IllIll.I· l1l u nLli s . Jl \' 11'\\' " I \1"; I '. :-.; . l" ' Ill· ' ·' ·"" IO ' f\· '~ I· f/, II II II·lill 'I KlIll'""" "\:Il Jl1n f{ . ""!!'~~~~----'"!"-~---~-- Ill'!' \' ls ,l l ll ',,' lIi <'ir ~I~I(I/· . r.r/'~. LI'-l lll :1\lll(',I I10 ,7 I 1 I J I I' I ' I I ' I t· J 1 1'111' 1 tllllt ""' /l l'" (lrtJllI b ,·,J· fl v; I ('" . ,I ' II\ll'lI\ . I:I~' , .t ll\·' ·' ,;1l \'t' l'll ''' .V~. ( H ' I' . ... e ".llv.'. ~ '''I, l'I(, ~ll~ 0 ,Oln I ;; t W ,· rt. (lltl< \11' .'1 ItJo; ":IIt'I.,I ' I·::-;. 111)1 ,. i l will " "r llli ll l.\' h i' a Ptln" '1 l" lilr \\It .I, . :\l Ull\l,"tl.llI of ll Olir Valley · 1 til pi l l e r II ~,) ' I,e lll II , I.l) " " '"! , .all " " . '. . II 1'01', ' Y,H11hl' ~o d 11." 11':' o f hIS d eath I tW IJ t,lt l'"'' I,,~ I \~.,·,.Il. . '. . ' 1."" ,, < "II ,."". ,,, '" I' . iI .':' " ".: ' dl (l il. if p\'(lr y '1 IJ (\ Will Innl IIlI t I ll!! i I nll ~lllldll .l' !I\'ulllll':: H e was a life . . ' / Mr. HI'u 'I'Y ' l' h ,' /1 H1:', o f ~ Itl ll,':v ' ·l ll"I!" rl" ' )I - .,,,,,,),,,, '''~ 1,.:,0,) 1II IIk,' I )'I " IIIl ' III~ I I)I II,,' lllf' r. llIlg~ 1 1" " " lI l(', JI "" I' /" lf l lwb'rl lld 'scuurc h .~of.-.~--. J . () I nltlll, WII," g. llc~1. "I' ' 11l~ ],/,11 11,,.·1' . 1III. 111' .11 t-. '. I'" . Buy YOll r ,""11 hn~ Ii w id u. CLH.' 11l o f rel/l.t l Yes. P " '..HI 1[1 ' .. I ' }, ... tH'l\ t' ~ , 1'1 01 fI\ .) '· ";I.!" 1" 1 1 ; IUII 1 1n III' , '11.1'.".,·" 1,1(, u 11 11 "l'll; 'liclllll' VI 11 I . . J 0 0 I~ , , . ]I/I 0' :-'''II1J'[l'l~· . 1 1. ...... " .lIhl l ,,,,,,,, ." ··I·III . .· .. J\· 'III .• .I .•. (". 1'1'11 l) ,.\ · I · 'L~N'I' P Uo Ii"d II1( 'll 1l\ fll : llilf;: health f o r '... .I', .'1" 1 ttI .. f, 1\1 " . \'1(! '1'111."1\11 . . II . loll I' hi;;' ' l ' ." '''..,".. ,,\111' , , ~ I: , I : , Ij l\!! .. " 'i-".· '1-1 l·."~ .. ., I\ . M 1' . ' Il~' n HI 'C rl ' ('m oI'Y \, I ~H Wll~ lIl I/I'f) t'sPN' I" .I' \(1 ~ (10 ,,,;\ ., , . : .... " II ' I 1 I I I 11111'11 ' ~"\· I.· l'IlI ,""uIIII.! IIt1(1 lii ~ d e n,t b W/HI uf Owil' J)"ll:ll'l e d Hrntlll'T~ . anllt. MI'I' . '1' . ,J. 131'1 '\\, 1\ . wIi" i ~ Sill)' ' 1·, 11" ,1110. , ... ,, \ Ii" ,. . p" l'lI il l' .Y " V" l I" " l) i ll ~ al 11 ,11. Il rll' x p oo t cd . , / (lrillg t'r'"ll 'Ili o . dTnc t,,;, o f /I fl'll ('1 It r . , ':" " ,'" , . " , "'1 Ilu 1I 111t-:'· \1.1 ttli H "'I " l ll11 y . I·:" j'ly . IWAR'i' Z lS, ~11~~I'H b:Jlnll II /It! 1\111 rhl ,- l o ot· of It.lln s u n o llln 1111 II 11 llUlI 1 CIl~I III1\ 0I11llp . ~:;~': ,' ;'.: ': ., 'Ii'! I ' "" " . 1:\1., " ids Hllll UllY 1l1·Ii" I· \)lIb Way nesville , 1-I" I' Hly"ltUJ'1\' ",hre cu llin g' '' o n I.:··•. ". lli ('/'I '.I"" Y ]I t",}.\, 10" .11' 11 ~'lIlr'"'lll~ ' I duna" Ir'n' 011 1:\ILI,nrdll.V. Mis!! ·lIll1 on g lll ost, l)f t.h efl'lII HI' I.lIdJl n tl h ... . •. MI'. lli.1I1 ~II· " . 8. I.. B " nlglllJ " ' HI n ", vol e nl. u r dors Iii.' g ulh l' l' to~wtl!" I· !. htjl'· b l'"\' . ,\'li" \\" '1'1' c'lllJpd 111 '1'(·' 11.1" :'i ,li .,"., 1 ) ,. ,,;~ II"" I':"" "" 1' (,(, 1" "" tl. p n lllll ll ' 11 ' . Tl1 (' I'I ' 1>< 1 - III 111'1 (1, \\'h,; hn.~ t.llnght t h e FI~lr. on o ll e (l llY oll t' h YC'l\' "lid h ... ltl · /I 'I l bl' (' S l l'I' III,' i lJlI (>:'~ IIllt! ,ll'll lh u f ; .,11 "" J 'IUW "d luol f" r tll o lust two YHIUS '" -I ,It · II"L. ll o l II li ,'h] ""Ihl ll H' \' c r l I 1I11 1e~ 0"' , ""()l H II . Ioy oc,' ~ t tl Ie R'10 h IU o n. I· 1' 1 )" lIot'vico i n m 1'1ll0 1'Y o f r.h d e ]lll rt 0 (\ :\ I,'". lk l'oI :.:u II '~ 11 \111 1. . ~ I I ", I.; z ~, i, ' I" II 0 Y i' I"' ~ I'\~(' II ,' IIlJ1 ' Hnl' ldn" lind ",h" hilI' IJOl'n 1:1'1'(' '1'" .• " '1( <,:, ':') h"Il' Ill]/. w llll t hl" \( ~ Ill! )'1\11 11\-: 11 1101 ' ~l'h 01. . Ill Oll\hon< of t,I.t OiT o r d e r . Ltl st ~1ll1l11L:V t,lt r oo nf t h , ,' 0 1:11' (11)' IIUl l Clll ~i n e l'. It II YO I' ' I U1'111'" I U I' ll" WIl l' 1''' II", bilL;''' It II v,, ~ II" ke d It.- I J'I , ·~ . :-: ll' ] l ft r 1 ~ ll (! \( o f Hpriug Lil ~t \\' ClllrH1SI1,LY n n nnk~ o wn l ou ge"" IIi (!O I1d Fellow~ tlJ o l"/lIglt t ~ , IIH'lJ: l \ \' l1l ll\lJ PIl .I· IIll!. Ll. ;\ I III.I' I' II·:~ " I,·' j l ll'c' Illll i /l lls" ,l Ih u 1'lIn' " t \) 1 \ · ;,ll\.ly · w, fS v i~ll.iJ)g frie n d!! I", r nll 1111111 Wil l:! f u nnd uDco n 8ci ouli in I. I) f Pythl f~ ~ ' n ut1 th Jnnl 0 r ( }n l e r i\ tr . H p 1' )'(' 1"1 \\' n Tw.1elr. Jl 1 ' ,Q ,lld i"'\ ' t \. II ,llt l ' l1 . ! ', l lfl O hu wi.q ',"J'uIHl llr.v· tt l L "u ~t , ut pn,';-: ,. f,·\\\, (I n,·,:-t rh e fi l's t. u f t howee lr f(\I\I.'n cu rn er , just ,vest of to\vn. l Tuit<.!tl ATtl(\ r i (~1\,1l ·.1I1 l'c l\lllli c" UIllt l.H1 g rll,llla t '· of t JIf ' W a'yl\Il~ \'i l J:, ·l ll i.{1t "''''I,:u.. I' '' ' oI . ;" " ,,,, 1'111 Ih.' l 'I",;I'Ill'1 1'''1'1111 Ill\!, " .... 1' I ~ I. 1'.:1'" '~l an(t' llll vIS ~I,ollt II fr'wl!IlVS iJl'. [~ndgo WIlK c 'lllecl lind he was ::;o h <1 o I, ~'I <' 111' KlJl lll ny "' Ith fl'l" ll d .. 1"/1,, ", .. ,..,1 I..... "' · ,; ., ,', ' 1':1 t Ii ,, !, I'I ~ '.1 11l'll g in;! . .. . I 1111' w " .. I; \\'1th Le n l~ !l11l l'iutl.. ' . 1,llkOIl 1·0 t h o h o t,e l wh e re h e rem!tin. i Tt the Jll 'Hlp r !lll se r viC()s . The Ill e rnhor ti 0'1' brlt: h Il l'd,' 1' lIl l't, 10 1"1'11 JIll' . \\'lIl' wil-l, I_ 11'1I\:<!li ll f.; rill' 1I 11 1.k ,,0I, 1· " I,,11<1 '. ,If I 11 lS 1I I,t hlil 'l ", I,hllt u n (1\·, ,,1 WI ll ~I r~ Vallg l,ll ,'If (jelll,orv II I". who U': IIvu r ni g li l,. H o r efused ' to .tell Iltth eil' l'<,l!< (l00ti vCJ l ut1gtll'no tn !; ((1l\J (I C(IJ\llllhl)~ >l l l ll'" (' (11llJltl ll,v. 11",1 111 ,1 " 101 .,.,1 ""1',,.1\, ;". ~ · , :.';'I 11'''"~ 1 '' 1' ''111 fi liI' \'l ll uJ.{" >1 " .1' m o n' I", ~ ""I'll '1l1i ll .~IC ~ t·nt· th ( 1"I~t I 111l; ~"ntO O \' wh ere he WllS g c. lIlg , Il<jl,dud 'hy t1! e \Vlly n cs \' lllo' '",Il'l fl' 01 '11 "1)1 '" IIlJI' (·:tl'llll l·n til" hlt~l lll'''''' 1\111. I'il \" '" .. ,"" '"' \\,1 1' !llllt II,; ""In g ,e1'i:",d n l )(111 al,,1 ~"\,,:,, 01 \\'0"1;,, dll.!ll i:iIll 1Jl't1u,'. "~I I s,ll li ht) WIIR tll(' frlther ~f one Hum\ l'n rm c'('\ i n \l\' llOe!\~ioll nlld ,~. "i ('\ (, llt. l.v Il gTC' I· .• l\t lh fJlrn . ' PU {{(.riy II'I'II~ld"' l] . I)" '.Y,)I1 1:11,,'" MI' . a ll il I>1nl. ( '"roy of IJII :v t;Ill I (~r Ihu wcll kn.() wn lI ctr eBSe!! \D' the . I lllnrohl tl to Miall1i "e lll e t I'y. Jll.i!'~ ( ;Ill'\'Hl 1'1",,\1')11', ,,1' )< " \1' ",,,''' .' :11 \1" 1 .!" wli;V Y ' ~pll lll. .~IlI· l1 n1111· und' !-llltlt\" )' WII.h 1 1 1l~ 1' . All o !'tIHl l o~ga~mlld"' tl pl el1~i ll g ,1 ' 1':\I'Y, wa t' I"c :~ \l I'~tl ' t.It ~ I'I U)lltiVo" 1 I,' t' IlII;' I !I(1\' \(. I "\ ~ h f" 1' 111 " '1'1\11 }',ll~,; HerL"", K en .. ;, ·k h lls . lll ' l'11 1 ~ 1 1' IIll,l MI''' 1·~ lIl'n\lI ll' I. . " 1<'1'I111~ H.oeves, .t he trombone ~ " ~w('n l' I' i~i ti II :; wi tb MI'. fll l d :l 11' ~ \\ 'Ll I (' I' .'If r . T n l" !.Jill I" 1m t lio ,lei. II"t. p11lyor I~. Oll r bo ud fi lJe~ an e n~llge . "ppOILrtlU Otl IJlt it i.~ (itl(} I li tl Ku i,: " I" ' L . 'lll·t I\'l'i:; h I. 1,,:, I \\'ul'l;. ~I ,I ~.· • :. '. ' , . " , 'J fP.vthhl~ tIJJIIP III.i olll.h e 1l0"t II).! . K illg,lt ' n l~ I h l' tlllll g hl" 1 III 11, ," t\\I~.I'IlS B.IlI!.. , ti n :"l r llll . . 1 I\, \"ri r kHIUCfllll~t l'l'idlly."III'Illlt u :; :III' .J ll.l; l, Il l)il1l Il ,1 WIl" In X,lnll\ mont.. \~!~h the XeUlt> Mlhtllry Pl;liuOllce 01 th tlll' m e mhe r ,,! in II \lIl · .1 ~t')l 1 1' K,n gl] (IlI. I!;dll,"' "I' II, ,, S,,\\' t hut tli(, 1I11l1"O. "; I OlI (' " ' PIl.I. IS Inl(l til I lh e U ~('o nrii o " "e l' \'l""~ nt . · pi'ln g, / o ll hn"in •. ~s :-ill l ll l'll" y "Ve nln !; . I Ulll ll o plhul'sdllY . If o rtl] u f white Il'llll BrA nUll J II~ h t .1(1." " ,. \' :'I111'l'(lt· ~IW I,.. 1\ 1,r ig l)\. ll ll,l ilil l h (s l " I l:n n w.I"ugl1 01.111 hI! h"n) in ~ lt ell' CI '~n\)IIll.\, . . ' • . 'Pho flll'pll"'~ 1I1'P hll ~'y 'ottill;; !l ilt I h L' i" lIirt. wtli s.t... . . 'I I II Il'u I ('(I y'nn ng 11\<1.1' lInrl gl\' I':' I,,·,· lief I". ( ' . TlA I{.'(':-:()(" K . ( ;IU; lJi 1' . Ly l.IH (''''' I.I!J 1'Ill /.ihr.A .,f tho b ll l-, t.lI,I'~1' to".~l·(:')' . . , . At t Ill em]] ter ¥ !'lIcb orll pl' "Il~ ' fll ll H'r vlll nnb1(' I'K"'~ I/lIJ( "'l n :ll'" ' " .. , , () ,Col' X'!'Y O F W t\i!i!K/'I ,ll'n r';Ug'lt~ WIll It 0 111 It S 11Il11UIt! lIt (l '1 1 hll l ' nt ll ll ljll ll rl! I' I.\y· m eellll'::: I ' _" _ __ _ rle d out 11 8 rp~ I )\ ' O IIV C T1lnllI lind (' ((II" r illl ,,",1I''' . . . LI I~. II I, I"'. . . llIorin l "e r\,j('eH· IIl'.~1 Suml"y.' M Olll, Willi)! Iwld ut fhl ' p lll l'H Il C'XI. Slit l'he Vl\ll ey 'l'elepho n e Co. ilj str ewet\witl.t l lowp l'''l h e :':I'IIYI " ' I.f l l'n)t'D. B , H it" . I'unl" 'rh' I h .. H\\" lI'il t ... 11111 1 !,\1IJ~~J'1h,,, l .bClll.lIl' "{) I·~nl'the(),.d"'l'swi tlllle()t 11·1 Ihl~ 1l1'l1u ,\ 'Hlllll'iuntlIlY · . I pl'ellJlrin g~oe:x.tend tts lines from Ihe ir sh-Il'p\u g T1\ (,1ll1ICI' O; . 1"'l /l( ' I)J1l11O Iho \\'''\'111' ::; ' ' 111, , ~ (; h i\I/ I" 111", I h Ill l!ll h lill y I t .)UDO·, l Oll';' hlll "u I'nom Ilt :1 ::W un<1lll ill'!;h ilj 1/ ~l l' . Will \\' 1Ikl y of n e llr H,0XUII LlII , \Vll y' u esvi'lle uiong the Bellbrook ' R ov , P lilllp 'l :I'()U.t . tl n li,·(' ,',:"- ·n ~ !,"'It II f ' wd[1y~ I\(:r'l' wi th I'l'i''' III ~ l. E I\ lf. \ ~. N,"I' I"\' 1'l lt l. l'· ~ 'III~V !," th oll! ~~ \ ' hll,'i", hwlu 'rlltltL' \~Hfi Oo~n1Jl~ hom . t'row ~Tlrillg . p.i ktl' t~ · Midt1\erun, tt:herll CQDlltlot . hl\( bee madfeDW1~th tbeh~~lIIe . hl'lef ud dre~8, rHt (' rl'lng l'~ Ih l1 1m lit ,; lu lt e'\'· P"l" of lit o \VoI.'I, I'rn! . " I'hl" 1I:1l1ft "'liS hll"11'lllOnol('ll .tlll)('\ ~\'I'~l<'(, will lJ~gi n ti t:! ::\0. A' :;lIOtl \1!1110 Y('Ji-IllltH' llr"I' 'j'Hml,"g. 'Bte S~)d' )d ~1! Oln W t nrnnl ~I)1 r\t IltH.t 1)1'('1' ''1 1. nIllOTl/{ l i \l ·1 \111'" n s lndt1111 u t )'(lll> Ih ,' PII~ r. .. . . , B I" " tot IIIl 1l1 t,r' JII}' 11~ ,mrM I a '" • 0 e p o n ., 0.0 ayon W IOu hI i WClllbe t·8 0 f t.b e (ll'fltlr Jol (\Ddllleg )() <! \\"l1IlIIl·. J"'('XI1E'I·t ' I" 1-(1 1 ')~ (l l) I;n111l :l:! ll,l; 1\1 (J;1. llTllh> I'IlCI.1I h np ,II U, ~ Jll'" k'! l'w tll · 1l\· tll'n nIHlrll'l "sunol ' :-;nlll"!lfe ll ~" 'I'h , h orse gllt fl· " t. pluonitlg e xtensivo additions to ill! Ihey 'H',OOlllp" s h . ".. W Ilsl.lln),:tllll , RUIl'n t AIl!; l1 s t I.h o til' ~ ' , inl,(, H!;,", 111111 ('(l1lI llll"/ll'Pl1 im~lllf'~" tllcl'u will bll :II ml1 ~iI', 'I' he J o"~ 1\1111 (',~n ('l n (jd 1·0 ~O h o m e . It !lcverice about Bellbrook anlt ~ mUll I r.of VI : lIlU ll' lI1 1'I1\ue r s wlJel'o h (·) Will t l'lI o ll th o ' oming ,Jul y 1!lnl, l uoa. pu blil! i,; iDl' 1 tit ,,"'('Iml,; lit .I11·u k o 1000 Il lld tnrlled around up. Bprin g ValleY,ullll the twocompan. were pre~el1t from e ntcf':llIe . Bell· YOI.r . It. IS IU E< .lllf.\m l ioll ,l VCllt\lully , ~~, C. lhHT!lll' K. Cas h ier. th o (' hur 'b . ~~t the b\l!:lgY~llnd uroke it ull to i~s will give their patrone II com. ~)rook, L ytlea lld o~llt'{" )1omts. toprlLot.ico luw . pl eoe!!. bIDed service• ll n " ') I ' ''l o r ~

111 .,,;'1 t il Ill ·







Fratel'nal, Orders United in Melnorial Services


1 ~ltl('It"~~





MI.'j·DI ' INE'


S ']








ITe ep




.Jne Extension

, The Welltern Star last wbek oon· t&l~ed the followlnjf coaoornlng tl. ·tirlght young man who onae taught in tbe Wayne Il'ownship Schools: Traverse J . Edmonds who haS held sUOOO88flllly the chair of En· gliah literature in ,t he Cheshire Eplacop&l ACIldemy, Connectlout., tor the pIlst VeIlr, will work again this i'nmmer, as he dlci Illllt, for the FederAtion of Churchea In New York. Outing the heated 1188.10n lallt ,ummer he ,8pj!nt bill time in the _Ium dhltl'icttl . teaching the lk'lOr ohlldren and Iltndying t~ many and varl"d ~pell of humanity aM he fOllnd tI~pm ThIs year be Will be thtl Illisitltdnt Iluperintendent of ~he , settlement work . lilll duties Will be half nllanllgerial and inllpeotory, . I tl I bllit literary and lourna III c. n $!i" J)rOOllllIl of allslsting in the var. iOI18 tlt'lUOIlS, be will have to keel> . movlnl$ .11 over Manhattau and Brooklyn . :On the Uterary !llde he

:~=!~:O~::ie~~e r:r.~~~I::o:

~pl'ingll. ",blah Unl. jUlI. Iity alae 011 11.\ Monda, ~f&er A Duwber of l~rGlninen' emperIl~ at Univerefty ·aeight , Leb~n. aoce w~rkertl ' trom all Pftrta of the 0". The ",me wall QlJFtahdy Ii< st"te WIll be presllnt !lnd we jud,e "Oomedy, Of ~rel' "Wbat You Ia rtllWing of tf,o program that Will" or IOmethlar of the ebrt . day will be of more tlian orat. wbAII th,l!.finaJ 1I00re "al oaloulated Intereet. Ir; seemed .. if ~~e whole oont8lt Chautauqua will ')0 beld on might have IM!en to see jlUit wbiob the famous NeJf groandll at Yellow side oould make the motet errore. Springs. If such bad been tbe case our home teatll would hlive .von easily aud would bl\ve 'q uite reversed the Boore tallies. But TbomplI()~'8 "men '. played wall under the exi~tlng eir. The f"roily of jthe late A L, Farr curnstl1neeB and we have no . rea80n dtl8ire toexteDd tl~elr sincere th!lnkl t9 le~ e~ In onr sllpport to th~ tel1m, to the, many pereons who by symIn the first inning DIL vis led out' pathy and varloWiI kln,d nesses asalet· ~Y laDdlng a nice one right In front them during the , Ulneu and at ~h j pIlate be6t It to first stole the time of ,the dEIIltJl of their loved econd and 'third lind eOlllly one. on ('hompson's nnfleldnd bunt. After three faUB WaYDt!!I\:U1e took Have you Bit? tbe field' and as a,reeult " f tWII coat ly errors, all~wed two N N. U, "Tbe ~mon Club" hos ~ooree. Thu"! the game begl,". t,huB qUit~ papa lIAr he:re thlll week. A stood tbe acore antlll the rutHoI I!ixth vlotlm Is approaclled and a reqQ8I~ luning in whloh the game Wil li lost IDlade ,tor a dlOlJe. The initiator t~ onr home telAm by many errors. pooketa the coin a,nd tells .his victim Again in the eighth Ollr , team b tl Is no~ Ii chuter member ot-the wont wild and five tallies resl-ned , Lewo~ Cillb. ThEI gnp is a squeeze, whloh hopelessly lost the gnmp. the bluling sign a so.~ look And ~be '"b' ()atl8word, "[va bit. Usually the .' e Iloore. -'_ . 3 uurtiDlf adVice ' is to try It on. some. 1 2 "5 U 7 9 one elite lind get yonr dime baok. Way. 0 0 0 0 :! :! 0 l.' ... N N --1 U 0 . . . 2 0 '0 0 ;, U r. 0 Horse iror Sale Earned rune-Way. 3, N N O. J Flnt on halls-Oft' Wllllb'nsoa 1 .A llArge t.oppy l1rlltthorae . . oft' Barr 1 Two Base Bite _ Dakin 1 M. Davll.




ou~ by Williamson

Oream Pitcher aDd SDglir Bowl made of heavy pressed RlsM, bellUt! ful up·to dat-e pat~rn"mus~ be seen to be oppreoiated at thll! re. ' ,markably low Jlnoe tor the two pleoes ............ : ...... ................ .

2 q~art Thi &uoe Pans, .. j ' /-;;ne, IA~ge. with Handle and . Cover, Bath Bpongllt',

Bpeclll1 ..... ...........

&be work, write~he detailed AOOOun& . by Barr 5 Will hl1ve worle In Knight Rank, of the summer'a prooeed~ngs and Time - 1 :38. Umpires Lewis Rnd Wednesday eve June 19. Vishing . B ro th era cordially iuvlted. ,rind out oopy on the Federation Pauly. wotk In the slama for the New York = L. A. Zimmerman papeR Be will alao speak In up. K R &S

SPOOlal. ...........

Cup and !mucer, Regular )0 oen' kind

p 1 ' . ~O::_:=::dt~~ont:u ;::'::<1): ennsy vania ~""~..~ . . OD~, LINES .' iJ. ~ aaittlmap))!!d

Blellcbed , .

1 00 ·

76 (SeVADty Five) Whlto Envelopes,





_~~OIOL.: ......... l00


Attention Knights





Wblle they Iallt ........: ..... ...........

Complete Stock ) ". and Patent



mall:el a ve,y

:::;.:~ou. COL~!!~N ~;~ i ZIMM~RM ANS S. ~ !l.~ ~rwln, $' $ Fall

Belle Reeder_ of


aDd br,ob bo&h ber wrlata .lut 8un.

$1.00 round trip to Yellow Springs and Springfield


Hot Weather Specials

Full Cream Cheese Fnne)' Dried Beef, Wafer SUeed Fanoov Cak... ..·Ll-~~# - -_· .-. :; . . ___ The Beat I!'reah Craeken



day aDd Ie now II11fterin, gre.tly .. a nsult of the ac01dent. SUDday June 23 lin. Beeder 'WU .undiDg OD a to. ch!llr on the poroh at her home aX. Leave WaYn.vllle 8.50 a. m. inR iome vIDea, wben .be ~e,U and , I, • Quart jar aweet pickles 15c: in ~tohlD8 fOl1ward,her wel,ht Notice :of Presenting 3 lb. ean BarUet pean ' tOe ou her atma, OAuslug the '.-juriel . County Road Petition Evaporated ~pplea 12~e notei1 abo...e. ' • ShreddeCl Wh.~at Blacuits lira. ,Beeder i8 qaite a heavy Notloe II he~b1 81yen lbal ',. petition wtll ,12~e loneTi Grape Nuts-r.:r pkJ: 12,Yae wom.n -_ ... th'- ad"'- 6 - the aeri--' be preeeD(ed County10at the lhp-I.Comml DUI .. _IOD, " F . A. D. 1001, p~a1ID' tor tbe lelln, Ollt ,Extra aneyrge runes lUlU ~f tb~ accident. OpeD In, of a (lounty Road on the followlDg lOe lI~e, &owlt : ne.tDDIDI at 1 pOln~ 111 tbe ~ Dried Peaehes t5c: CIDbytoW11 aDd Spnn& VlllJey, Pike aod 10 lIP:" Quart jar PrelfUlred ·MUI. · th'. ftTork. Dea n' ~be dlvlsloD 1I0e bel1l'eCO [. Compton and E : t rei tA, O. Hnlnu .farma In auney 23S!l :1Od &89. a "" · lin. Cell~da Saara. of Centerville, rU,Dplnl' 'tb~nce wl~b llielr Maid linea __ -:. Fanc), Canned:Salmon widow of .the late Charlea Sears a1.0 wllh tbe IIDe of Fl:aDk ,Stanley and J. M . , ,. Coot'811n4s, tbe •• m. belDi tbe '80utb IInos . · .. F tM k I died. at· her home In tbat vlllqe ot Survey 6118. In .a Nortbwe81erly d,reewoo anty a ac: era , ~ODc1ay aiteratiOn. ., ' :g!c\n,J~~~:nl\~D,~~ ~111~~~n::~ ~~o l~ .New Pot.~-N;w' abbatre ~al ,' lI8l':viCM will be held Cook'8 laDda aDd endIng beinl iii dlalanoo'or New Tomatoell-New OnioDI f '20 r0d8 mo::e or ICIIS. . ' C' ueum be ra-. Pi ne n.pp .. I~ f ~m h er ·..: h o~e W"'''......88daY. &. 'Il\!flt rAllrn. PrincipII Petitioner. ternOOD a' 2 o'olock. Sw~t Onltgej,.Juie)' LemoD' Strawberries ·--Bananaa A Fortunate Texan . Y0UBf; life passing Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 ·/:it. Remember our Tickets St., DaUss, Tex. saya: "In with c:aah · Celia, She daughter ot, Isaac .10D8I year r ha~e become au1 . nn,,,tnt.Ad with Dr. King s New Life Big. Lot of Ne'w o~ third atreet, who haS beell 111. and no laxative I e'Ver 'before Prelmiums nnw in long ·tt,m e ia. ,raduaUy'wearing a , 80 , effeotively dllPQ8Ba ot __ way 'aD~ the on\J seems b~' a matter aDd blUousnetl8. "They ~on 'to We are still p.lying of tim,. , " grlbe. 250 . . at FI8ci C. 'Cella wal flrat 'IItr~ckell with fever drng store. , . ' . 'r, for 4!IfIr8 and ]a"'r developed ln$o OODsump • ' 16 to t& f'o r Butter tloD,'Sbe haa IhoWD marked forti. ESTABLISHED ~ - -. . tude. In her, autfertnp, beadllg lhem with a patleD08 and . sweet spirit) 1161dom w"n8ll8ed. ,

..... .. ... . .

$ $







$ , '"



Bullet Aimed at · :Mark.Struek Child. (


Four ~ear Old Girl Aeddent&Uy , Sh.~' I~u"" ' not Serious.


'lbe O"LY Aalcultural NEWSpap.r, .um ..lDIImaDLY 'I'IIi

LeadlU _lUll JoUJ'Ul of the .World.








Mn. Sarah Smitb ls o.:ltlClllI III . I have a large supply of fresh water le~ and will a,t this writing. , Mies Ethel 'W illl lllD8on will start make deliveries Mondays, Wedne8days and Saturdays. for Jobd&own, Pen~ylvani.. todA~ " ,, .' . where De will vialt with her uncle In ease' my supply Will not meet the demand I will ship and aunt, lIr. lAnd Mr8. Frank·Long • • . . , "', , From there she will go to the lee In so 88 to supply mY'customers at all times. ,Jameltown Exposi.tion . '." , .



affair wbUe informal pieaaant ~d tbe gueste was lett 'Very filth tJlelr beat wisbes for lilt. Schwartz. . C. &1 Robltzer wll1 begin deliver. inR ice this week; to all "parte of Wayoe8v111e lind Corwin. Mr . .Rob. itzer dlll~rvea , liberal , patr ,Dage liS for severld ,ears pall'. we hlive RUmbd more or less troub)e in get.




HOIEYuD1AR Cards. n. IrllI." WInK ••• r•••.,.·

at a


ha.ert''''-' ",10, .

1ood'' '....


....,. OeM.,.",.

'Cards' of .; quailty.. In bea\l.ty,.style ~fI~sh, n~

others compare .'YIththem. FOQnd, ~"'~re,er society '1' d' 1..1, If... ;pays car s. Go U' e"~es•. •

Injunction Suh.


S":""'.", . . . . ___. $ IILBON'S '.. ,.,. ' ...... ~

O ' ~ . ontrary . to eXP!'C,f,atIODlI Judge Clark 'did not announce, a 'decision ';', Monda,y , inrelard to'temporary . • Injunotlon forblddlDg tbe trlialoes of Wayne to~nablp" to Illsue bondl for the pu~e of ereetlng a toWIl. /W Ilb,p 11ouse, . fj e 11 la Mid that Sh~ 'Judge . ";'111 ~tu~day .,robatily .JI)8.ku known hie ' d8lJisioll u·ne Monda,.. . . ' . Elther 'he ",ill make the' iDjane- , Pra,tte Poultry Po~dera ~~n p8l'mllnent, or will dl8S0l,!e it 25c ,alae onl~ lie . and per wit the trusteell to prooeed. , Pratte Horae anC! Cattle W~tever hl~ declllOn tbitr:e lit · ' , ' .Powden 50e lile ·. mile doulJt the opposing sidt! W ,II,l : Li,htnlnlr Borae, Cattle '. cany the oue to a higher court. , and ' ~oultry Powden the '

$ Specl·a·l BO"rg' &l.n,,:


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z.....,. ~t wrI\&eo by 8pacWIaU. tile , hlcbut -..tIIorIUea)a tbeI1' a.pectIYe IIDM. Vi.ha& might ' have been a v~ry , No"otber.JM!IIV ~ t.o ClOmparll Ylth It "rloUB aocident ~ OD tile "'ql,.Ullratlon8ohclltortallltd. • , • ' . 01_ the III!fIaultural NEWS with & ~tterth,",lte farm be~vreeD .0fe. .t com~ aot eYeD a&leIIIpledl>1 citben. Ifnia andWayneevUle Satnrday. .N~.I~"N'A.LB TO , , W. A. Cregg wh9 CX'OlI.plea tbe ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS fum and bIB brother were eDpged ' , WHO WISH.TO j~ .h.x.tln·, m~rk. .' . . . . . '11• .,ITD TaB TIlII... : TIl. 11t1i1llft.~ \ IiIr. Oreg.'. Ustle four year .... Ie ....... " ' " . ' •• 10, , daulhter' wai IltUllr Dear .ou'ra..llo~I~Y.. .. , , ,_~I......I . . Tn ~8J' were .h()(j~ing and ID hft'.~"'1L .Y.llew~u;.. ,.. Bef~'lIb1~ .,.,.....'...., II, manner in loading or unloadlbg ••8(JI.U.IIfD~D'D" B.I. Ella ... L~_ ~LII", Oh~ ~D, ~ buUet.s$ruok tbe ' lltthi girl puUDIf about the knf.8 cap and in. JIW,. BantU ~ ~,.~OcmWl. 1UotlDa a pamful ,thoqb Dot !!erlon. 'P.EOIME" OOPIES wo1lD4. . will bemalledfl.llll OIlI'8lJlMfll. I~ wUI PaT IIII,J'- Idil.rr:b~1I!I I. _, WIoII .. ~ We to 'l'be . f.ther W&I lrier .trlOten .-ll...u.em. Add.-tbII puw.ben: IClIOII!n o~er Ule accident, bat tbe· Uttle &OUT"" TU,O Ult • •1Ii. Birl i8 DOW gettlllg on Uto81y . , , .........Jr.Jf.Y·


A number of young ladlee' united C. ,M. KOniTZER in a fllrewell slll'Prlse In oompli Phone meDt to MI88 Agnel Schwartz Mon· day evening. Mies Schwartz ~aa ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,,!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­ ta&en oompletly by surprlBe. The No Decision hi

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Epw~rt~ H~lghts









, . bed. ~faU l~ alj~ 8Y. ', Liahnlq Rot d~pa ~or . • :Man and ite~lt tlte fJW






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Camp lYleeting ,

$ $.'.


colle Clure lor Bonae. on ' anlloa) Camp Meeting' ,&. . ,earth.• ill.ellte ~ .' ~.)\vorth BelRbb will be held thi. Lf&htnhll'.C..toria . ~ f! om JUly 5th ,to Utb, Il~d. a ~') ~.~&e excellent· .pr08l'11m· . hils ' been , AlIlClrap ~ba~ 4( a pkat. I'a~:rallgll>~ . \ '. , : "; . Remem~r lor Saturda,. o~l7, o~ yell!s &g9 Epwol'th , 'Ilrbel~ ~arket ,r ri,CIe. (or .' .• . 1:JlIBflll~'8. wall quite' popu!..... wltb But",.., FcP altd PouU~ ~


lIlc:'$ '


I . ye::~~~h,I:~~:~~~~, bi!o:! '. lII

=:~~~f,;;,~Wa~.t, hu tor lOme ~ " . .

Bellihr.e la unique, oow. "rebgtous 'atmdt!pber6 wUb )rlunity for reat Ind' recJ'ea. It Is dt!llervlag 'lIt ,l& liberal patronage 'aad we beepeAk for It a IUp _&leDdUoe. ':. l


alter J KI'lbon ~~

• . ,. :. -' , ~ . .... A'.:.;a ......... . ~ ,.. ~ • , A'JI the itand.rd DIIIa~D" at '. peeial prlcn at the OJdo. "







Y I ~A R.




WAY.NEFlVlLLI;<;, OHlO , Wl!JDNEI::lDAY, JUN~ l!J , 1110•.

Greut Prcpllrut.ion s Bein g Made For The OilY, Crowds Will H ' .Herc For Mil 8 Around. A cordial invito.tioo ill a.-.:: taod ed t o tbe PIl bl!o to 1:!»ll ntl tbo Fourtb of Jnly ut Wuyu e8ville. A .splendid pl'U~r"ul e lIul:! lJllen 1Il'1'IIOg d lIud ILII IIro lI&Bured II tl Ii gh t(nl un.Y ut bOllutiful Oakdale Purk . • It i8 impu8111blo tor the GuO'.etto to tell e VGrytlling tllut iH bei ng )I!(~nlle() for t;ll b dilY. Slim ' 0 tc I!a.y Uttlru will ua ru ceK of IllI kin rls, UlllUerOllR oontestfJ , ball gurn ee, u 'lIIl concert.ij, eto. Nu m orou8 V~IO'."'s will btl Hlvou . ~.;e m118 nlld <.lodgers Co,' \lurtiOll· lll!'l! .

Privileges for Sale. 'rhe refreshment st.anu pri vileges Ilt Ol\kdnle Pllrk for July Fourtb will !Je Bold t o tl\ hl ~ bost bidd e r, w ho upplitlll to MtlDlIger o( the BII ~fl B,,11 'J.'eutn, Wuynesville Ohio. All the prl vll~goll will go t one pe rson lInd nH 'grout rowds Iiro tllll'e to be present nod -tho privileges will b e 0. g~o 1 tlllllgs/ ' Ml1ko your bia dt 01101 .

Injunction Dis olved; Appeal Taken.

Buy Your


New Burlington.


SCHWARTZ;S Waynesville

The Miami Gazette. BROWN &. McKAY, Publilheri. WAYNESV\-LLlll.



The Old, Fashioned Scrap,Book. And \ hen lbere Is ' l be s r ra p,book, Do you r m ~mber you r au nt 'S o r YO Ill', m otber's old rOI)- book ? \\' hu t u ras · cllla:~lnll volum II wn9 III ),(lIl r ch}ld ' Isb ('rill!. 1'11111'0 ' was Uo OI'U I' 10 It; j Ulit Ii th Ing tbBL hnd lll e n ~ d It ~ Dl nk tlr--a Itketc h. n Jok .. , a lil t of pathos, a t unny 1,1 ture. nil c l,'vallng ~t' n1 I ' ment, a s bort s lory of II nllti Usl lu l r· at, so m I bIng u bo ut Ko ml' Oi" l wh om YOII nil kn w. \,: ,. ry leur hll\l b n Il Pprove d by Ih. judl;Dlcnt of a I'<'BII l' wbose tas le \\';1 8 , . ry slm ll:lr 10 "our " WD; a nd you l' nd It grt>('ully. and y t wit h tbe'> (1'l' lIu g of Ihe chll tl wh o d ol'S not want 10 t1n l~ h his piece (If cake 100 800n. I wontler h n", mOll Y ~lt'opte or "DDlpnrntl\, e lelsnr II r k ee pIn g Bcral" I)Ooks In til l lIIeB II1 I' nGIn' ago. remark s .. ",'rlt t'l' In :\Ot Ion,. 81 Hera ld . T be ...·mllk ~ u PI , 1 III 'n l" is no s ullsllt m e (or t h III 10 pl ncl: In thp hands of hlld rcn , II III I1rolJab ly ~re the vpry 1.1('lhora of gooU lblngs wblch " 'e se now thai pnt'a l r~C' lI lir nmbl, l ion . ond makes I.S t hink thu t k pI ng 11 11 a d qunlp s C.' rrt l)- llook would be t 0 g r at a t.a sk. 'YE't w ' hu ,' lIolh lng Which s o g til fo rtb 1 hu p I'sQllol tOll ch, It WII S aimosl ols InU mule !L~ a tl lu l'l' ~ Il W ' ), orlc- I. tber e \'('r R time In - more Inllmal by fa'r lha n a llook a womau' li fe wbe n tbe posslblll l)' of wllb co mment on the ma r"l n, rOUl anc Is dead? Is ber hpa rt ever " I led 10 upld'!; s ha Wl? Whal Is a Tbere hove b en hlu ts of unea.~ l n e ss woman 's prime of life, an yway? Tbese. Ilmong th lilndoo~. nnd Ihese nnd are serl olls questions" Tbe y hlwe b een ('.onli r ma Ion to a certai n eN tent In tbo a s ked s ince Ihe heg lnnln g of lime; rlotolls o ut break at Rawalpln cll, In Ih do ubtless I he~' will be as ke d 10 It. Punjab section of Indln. RIIt Ihe re end. Ru e neve r hIlS an ans.cer been d II not a ppear 10 be any Ilk IIhood more 'I'eq uen tly d maDded thU~ l'lgbt of a ~ rl ous o\,t brea k or o ne which tile now In Ihls t we ntie th ceDtur y, frac · BritIsh a uthorities. with Ihe loya l na· ti cal as It Is, lhese times a r tar from be ing s bo rn of romance. Uve fore s li t ' th 11' dls l)Ossl cannol In yo ut h, In age, woman'a po\\'er of a U\l press, IndIa hi li n e nor mo us coun , loving seems always, iu n the s am e. try. with a de nse IIOI)\l1ollon . wlt la On e day ' we have .nlaldenl)'· May ma r· m a ny conHl cU ng ra cial and re llg lolls rylng bonr y·be a Nled p ecembe l·. Next .;1 me uls, \ \O'1IIe ~he Hlu<,i uo8 for ID ~' e bave musla chei! Ma), t he blushIn g numerically probably lb la rger p n~t brIde groom of m o th~ rly December. It 01 i he llaih' popul ntlo n til ~I ob a m' Is all the s am lf-lhe onl y snfe nns wer m da nll a nll o thers a re m an ), mil li o ns to the Queatlon Is thal thet does n 't In numb r. a nd a nYl'blng lik e: coh 'slon Beem to b a ny woman In Ih world who ca n flnull y pllt as Ide romance for !n an alfempt to d rh'e Oll \, t he fo re ign· the mo re pr ct lcnl Iblngs 'of lire. (O r" Ilncl to O\'ercome IJ r ltls h lIo'·er· And ~ Ilo co uld have give n mor(\ (,Igot.)' Is ' wlldl y Im lll·o lmh le. · il l'S th , promln nce fa Ihls very thing Ihan '''ro~' Ti mes, The mo )'e lntellig'lnl nnd , 'MIss Ellen Tel·ry. lIre lllle l' Shnk.e stlear· progr sl ve o f ~h e naLly II no do ubt Ian a ct ress or t wo con tinents. She re -.Jl z that tbe prot cUon a ft I'd d bas r ecen t ly tak n to h reelf a Ihlrd Y llrlUsh rul e Is In realll )' tbe lr po· hu sbllnil-J umes Ca re w. The y we re mnrrle d on Mar cb 22 last I.It Pittsburg Utleol nd 1'III1 tel'Iai snlvatl on . by Justice of ,tbe P e nce ' ampbe ll , Terry'l Youthful Husband. Some F ....t EngliSh Traina . . The Penns~' l vanla law r equires eel" For II really magnlfice '!t xhl \>lt of regulnrly nllllntain d llJ gII'S\l cd servo tn'ln questions , Young Mr, Carew saId Ie -one ",'hlch provl d a dec ide d be ""a8 born III rndlana and was a n actor by' 11I·oresslon. He owned ul/ to ~bllc b ene fll- EnglAnd III Uds us 11 rew ::2 yea rs, bill h e looke d younger, Ml sB »Olnts ; for ber populous olUes a lrord a Te rry lold that she hnd been marrIed dense pns senger traffi c to sili)J)O "l 's uch twice before-cl!vorced once and wid· .a s ervice whIch Jla s 110 counte rparts ow d the second time, She ga,'e h e r In America, exeellt In a few pla ce!!, ,'e' blrtbday a s Februar~' 27, J 848. marks B. B, Adnms In Scrlbn e l"s Romance ball always l,layed a part Magazine. 'To tok e onl y o n Qr twO In ilie life or Mrs, Charles T , Ve rkes' from dozens ot examilies. th o number Mizner. Wben 8S tbe bea~ i lful Mary of dally trains betw en Londoll and AdelaIde Moore pt Phlladelpbla sbe Blrmlngbam (113 mlle~) ov I' the Lon· met Cbarles T , Yerkes be was not the mlllll·mllUonalre that hlil waB wb en he don &: Northwest rD, mnklng over fi G dIed , He bad beell out or ' t he penimiles an bQUI', Is ae en ; bet ween LQI>. tentiary but a IItlle wblle; still t he don and Exeto r, over the Grc at Wesl golden-haired gIrl loved him aod he ern (1!14 miles ). th e nll mber nlnnlns loved he r, They were married, at a rate over 55 miles Is {(,Uf, One Wealth came , faster and [aster. ]'\1'. Yerklils became one of th e foreof these late r trains mokes the 119 mil es betweeJl London and I:lrl s \ol lri, mosL t rac tion men ot, thIs country and. 120 mla.utes, In ench dIrection, ve ry !!lurope. He hnd . a beautIful Cblcago bome. but ,Mrs. Yerkes wanted, another day. and tlo B thi s wi th r e mu l'kablo In New York. So the multi-millionaIre r egula rIty and punctua lity. built anothel' one-a great brown· atone pile In upper Fifth avenue. Pres ide nt Roosevelt ruay Hlld SUI" He died on Deoember 29. 1906. With· ,port tor Jjfs Ibeory t bot und er cOI'ral1l In a montb along came a handsome ondltlons ,, ,'ar 11111;;- be more honora· slx·loot Californian. Wilson ~'Uzner by 'ble than peac!! and bett \' for ma uklnd uame. He had 8 way, with the wome n In the ,u tterance s of 01' , E mil 'Relcb . that ",as wonder[HI.. lind In tjle ~old en' thl! Hungarian , historian and flbll oso· W es t he had, le ll n reputation as a phe r, now lecturing In LOlldon. In n lady's OlaD whlcb would be hard to . letter to a :-le w Y<;>rk popel' Dr. Rei ch lIupilcate. ~ay s he does not bell vo In p a ce con, H e bad knQwn Mrs , Ye rkes tor about a year, He called to expreSS his ,gl'esses. and addS: " J bell \'e. ofter grlel at ber Borro'w, Here again plly 35 yenrs of 'stud y ot lhe ,pos t a nd ob, was akin to lo" e. His sympathy WIlS 'Se l'vlltlon of tbe I)resellt. thl( t conHlct 80 uppareT\tly genuine. ' his sollcl(lIde made liS, conllict kee ps liS gCl lng. and 110 tender thllt the , wIdow wa~ louched wllhout confilc l the g l'e uL qlles tlon cir very clee ply , nation a can h eve r ' be solv e'l. SbakeAdmit. 'Mlltake In Marriage. .. peares are mnde by Ul e des tl'ucUon Young Mr. MIzner himself felt the ot armadas, and not by universities, clIlI ot OUllld. Ji'rom eommlBeratlon 1)e lecture ro'oms and public libraries , turned to courtship; he won an eo sy The fatber' of !:ophocles ...·as Salami s, "Ictary after a whirlwind attack on Ge neral dlsArmamellt mean" stagna, the citadel of the ' Widow's heart. lion and degelleration ." Wh en Mr ' ,Within a '!l(lnt~ , after Mr. Yerkes' , . dellth they were quietly married. Carnegle hears, thlB he wlll be greatly But here tbe romance ,died a.bMn. displeased. Ing. I\lr. ltlliner 100D ahook the dUllt of . F ifth aven\le from bla teet. and Three ot the younge r gene ral.lon 01 , Mr., Yerkes·Mlzner declared tbat Il the Vanderbilt family nre Bervlng the had all been a mistake. :New "(ark ·Central. Alfred G, Yan, Bitt now the case of 'Mlzner va, ~fI&· detbllt , hilB hIs desk In the financln, ner is even befor,e the court.. departinelll, Cornelius ill/dB hi s grent" Death aloDe robbed Mra. Frank Les· est Interest' ln t.b e shop and construe Jle of n, fourth marrIage. When the tlon d'epartmon~, and Is said 'to kno\\ MarquIs ,de Call1pallegre, a :;!panlsh a rrom the lO'o dbed UI), Hh noble, ,died ,In Faria recently, Mrs. cousIn, William K .. Vanderblll, Jr .. bas Les lle~lbat Is the n.a rne by which she combined both, th«! financial alld pl'ac chooBes to be known-told 'to her friend a that IIhe had promised to 'bj! tical training, his bride. Her trousseau had already 'J . P . :\Iorgan tblnk~ more of his col, been made In PariS, tbe 'wedding set lection of miniatures than aU at ,bb tor early ,thlll month. But lhe marquIs suddenly passed oUler art U'(!I;SUres, He seell'S ne\'er away, And now Mrs. Leslie has sail· to tire of talking about them to 1115 ed for Europe to jolb the mUr<:lUIB' frlendl. lind now he is 'bar.Lng then! tamlly, cOflle d 80 tha~ they CUll be rellroduee'" Many Time • .Married. In a book. ~Irll . Lelllle wa-s the beautiful Mlrlam Florence Folllne of New Orleoha. It. I't'l'IIrned t rave l!'r SlI'ca 1'8 tha t at Her first. husband was E. O. Squier. least 10,000 ca~ is ba,'e lI.lI'n named after1l'ard United Stat&.! commissioner for RooseV(!lt In E!n 'pt, whelli' bo III to Pe'ru. from whom she aeparated. 'Very pIllltllar, 'Wltb Ih .. be ll rs a nd tbe Sbe thell married Frank Lellie. the I-_ __-!..!'=~, ••,- Tcdd)' III bemml''', Iht. w-!ifll.. rich "ubllaber. Arter WII death IIhe bl'oCUlroe a brldo for the tblrd time. I!lIU rY~ :Jg "Willie" Wilde, brother of


The , GroJfllJA LISt 0/ Women Who IfIJl7Y Men . MIllIY Years Younger Thllll ·Tbemselves Seems to Sbow tb4t ChMDlS No Lon!ler CertlJin to Wane Beyond PortyPive and EveR Pqty.


the 111 I! Olll'ar Wilde. S he divorced !If Enl:land'i tor mOlt. tIOlIt1cla oa. lhle hus ba nd II OilSI' he \\'n. lU I) IIl1lch made 1\ i rl)l to A ll'Ierlca I\Oct f II In or a 81' od hrlft, amon~ [\\ h.(>I' 1,))1 II !:s. love .... ll h Ih e 01 vcr :\' 'w York 1:11'1, R01UIlII C' bRR \llwa ~ s 1l11l~NI tI (01' • 'fbel r marrlag lu til'nce cb urcb Wil l' TIlos t N)I In th life Ilf F'lll II. I h dl · a nota ble ve nt. T be paIr r t u r llPd to E ngln nd.\~' ,-In . :\ ,,· w Yor k hos knoll' lI hl'l' III se ;;0 YPII I'R 1I11t! mOl' • bill 1'.:' 111'01' hall RUtld OII,II 's tact lind ('I v rne~r; 11 11t1 h E'n t b., pi a wher ' , he hu s m uch to do wit h her husban d's 511 • oe ~s In sla tecra ft, as all E ngland faU n 1l1'C')' to upld 's da l' ls, Tbe Itr at dl\'l\ WI.lS bol'll In I 43, kn ew. ' l.ord Rand olp h hllrc blll d ied Ibe mo rn lns II npr her mot ber. ;'lIme, III I 95. lell,' lng h,11! wIfe $250.000. BarlilL h ud sung N rOIB Wllh gr a t F o ur Y'lIrs hlter II I ow s I_ndr 1\ lut. In 1. [0 1. ' P ttl . al lh t uder Randolph met YOli ng 1•.1 ul ennnt \\ e st. 'a lle of el~h t. w as olso ill ll gl n l~. h{t l her son of u (amily Ihn t lia il mu ch prld l' r al d(,\llIt. WII S In t hl cIty In 1 59. bul II t ll ' mont- yo Il wall lov 01 fh't l '-fer s Ingin g mu cle 1\ furo re ; hCl" lUI.'" s lgbt llel"'een 'Ih co m Iy wleJ ow o r 62 and Ibe young onlc r of ~ 5 . YOllll g· 'eSB WliS In l\llllltll n OUS. , ,'e n yeA rs ,IO! l' ~he m I t h e )ls1"r than ber YOllngll!!t 80n . 'j'he "lur rl ng of be autiful "1(Jt ly " 0 1111 de ' au . • of a n honored French t mlly. T h y \\' r bOl h In I (, ~' a nd a D~ldl er to 'Lealie 'u rter, \I1l1l1 ono.ll'e. In mo rrlage Willi or l'ong d by uo less a 1 0 proved nnhallpy, Th ey were , dIperson age han th Empress fJugenle. vor ced In 1 P. and tb e y() ung ex· wire wltll Ihe glorlollB TItian hall' W n t 011 Won Heart of Dlv~. Ibe stage, wh e re she acble ved not Th en In I Tl she met lhe Cli OI'. Er· nps to · Icoltn!. ror PRltl he ch nnged only fame but fortuD e. ijroadwD)' Is s tili lalklng Rbout /l e .. tile wh ol CUI're ut of t he d h 'a 's lire. Si gnor ' lco11nl wa!l n sln!;.;! r o f no marrlag laat SUDlme l' while' III B061011 v ry re mll rktl bl ublll ty . 'I'h great on lin auto Irlp with O' I)a rt)' of fr lvncls . so ngstr 5 S loathed t h ul an . wh o per· It \\'a ~ all ,'ery s udde n. )' ollng Mr .. BI6l ed In fo llowIn g II r nil 0" I' E u· Payne . onl)' Il Il'lne oldel' Ihun ~ 11·s . al·tor· s 80n , Dud ley. pro posed on rope. t ho ugh t h re wa s a Igdl\lI'a :\,Ic· dr.,.: th!')' ,,'ere ma rd d almost t ho ollnl and Bel' ra l IhU ~ l coll n I 8 ., But 1' lcoll ui wa' "rs ISIE'll Cll Its It, nexl. . Mrl. Burnett In the Lilt. Ho wa s Ii fl'l nd at Ibe ;\\tu qu ls de 1'ak.~ M I'~ . •' ,·o nces Hod 'HOD Hu l" CUIIX . who r unl1 Oll t 0 11 dar ho w mo lt 1'8 stOOd .. H e rorblHl t be ' sIn g· nel l. for xll mpl e, " " Ihol' o f " Llt tl er lh 1t01lH ' . Thl$ mod t he diva fu· Lor\l Fau nt leroy" anll o thtor .. u cc~ ~s · rlous , lie a lso .. rrU t; d to Ill ow h is fui work s for o ld a nti ,'(lUll g. ~I 1'6, \\'lIe to si ng. ThIs wa s t h Ins t trow. Bnrn(' t l was :lI ls8 H odgson In 1 n The)' s('para led : a d lvor(' W IIS Ouully whe ll sh nla rrled Dr, , )1. L1ur nelt nt obtain d In I ~ : The :-Il colln l8 wer e ll,e age o( 23, A q ua rler of a c ell lllr)' late r ' t h y' were dIvorced ; lwo YPllrlj w ad lwa ln, h,o. Tb en ]' 11 1II nnd :-<Icolln l we re mar· a fterw ll rd Mrs. Bu rnett , t he ll a wo man rl d, It was t h n Nicolini gre ",' In of 60, r('11 In lov wi til Stt-ph 11 TO ~' I' the sU matlon or th wo r ld , lie lo ve d se n\! . Engll sbman. Ilh . s lelan . oulhol' hi s new wlt e d vot di y, Ue was Ute nnd IICfOI·. T hey wel'& marr Ied In 1.9 00. 10ve r·lIke hU\lband always. The n anot he r lit I'ary romnnce had And ' Patti . loved h im, 100. Whe n Nicolini fell III of ca nc r or the tonsue Its culmination wh en t,h nt lulen ted no one could nu rse him but she, When writer. Elllzab th St1l81',t Pbe l p . Dlnr· he di ed s he was In co ns olable, rled Herbert Wa r d, She was the gift · T ben cam e t he Baron Cedentrom. a ed authoreB!! . her genlu B ma lllred at young Swedish nobleman, :15 yeaI'll , H . He was the .- \ndover theolcigll of old . Tb y met at Pau, ten years a go. 2'1'. enger to enter tile mini try. He fell be Is over be ad In love wl l h Pro(ellllor Phelps of th e semina ry. the wow an wllh Ule wonderl'ul VOice. liked the entbus lasllc YOUUI , and he




De llcioul Be v,rage I. Too Often Spoil. ~d by Careless Handling - Right Way to Prepare Cqcoa and ChoCQl:lle-Vanlll!' Flavoring.

II Sid Mlltlk"Ie my fu th t' r'~ noUve "Wa!:& 1\ \'", Mr, S .. a v ry d af old man. Durl llG the I!lI min er tl'l Onl1111 ho lels h hl pUI ~ roo ms to ~lI me of th e U1 ll1lY ,,10 S ill'('\sefllwrs who freqllent tbe lil a ,a:I )' 1I a BOllton HI' I'uld w r Iter, Iln d one clay Ins t liu mlne r. ""hlle Mr, S. WI\/I I[n h!!1 I,tlI nlen. a young man of I,be v lingo han ced by . lind Ihe (Ollo wlul; COll ver· , IiUt\OD took pltlee ; "Oood mor nIng, lIIr. S."

To Milke Te;a. - cald lhe pot aud '/lever p la ce It o\'or tho Ore, A olliitn. gruulte . or ellrl btl n Ilot Is tb e best. Allow one tea s poonful of t a to u. \.lInt of boiling wUl er. AQd the tea to the bot POI, Ilollr on tbe bolllll g wale r and cove r wllh a t e a bll!ikel or cozy, ae an ytbLng thut ,vlll keep tbe be at In tbe I)ot while It Is ale pIng It desirable. The In(uslon will II/ ways be h n ,' Ier at' the botlo m of, th e pot, wblch makes It bette r LO ilUr tb e tea. be fore [louring, or t he fir t CliP will be weo k lind tbe last too strong, !:lolled tea IB ve ry Injurlo ul , mQr so than boiled corr ~e, u It Is rleh In lunnln, oa a nd c hocolate al' rua tle fro m tbe cocm1 beun . Thes are ground , mixed wltb 8ugar, and frequ entl y Ill" I'O W l'OOl und s tRrob. To Bom e \) 1' p. arut lon s d nnn.U1o n or "Bnllla Is aiJ\l ed . bocolute Is wMe fl'OIlI Ih b on. but cOllllllns a IUuc h lal'ger IlfOI' rUon of rat than thll cocoa Ilrodu t lons. The' fat obtai ned (I'o m the ocoa b ean Is ·ocoa. Rnd ubocolnt e oocoa but t I'. dll! I' 11'001 I .a an d cQl'(lJe. as th e)' co ntain nllt rl m nt II R w 11 as s tlmu, lant. Theolll·Qm ln . tb II live lIrlnc l· pie. la "ef)' milc h like 'nl'( Ine lIud tIleine In Its composi tion nnd I! Is. AB cOCoa and cbo uinta contaIn stArcb It mu k('s b IIIl1 g a l1ecE'lIslty 1:1 the II I' paratlon, H milk Is a(ld d Qnd boil ed wi t h Ih cocoa It Ie I sl\, dIg a, tl ble , Doth chocol at aud coooa sh ollid he boiled ' In wate r and tile milk s lml)ly scalded ond added las t.' Oood cocoa Bhould b r ddlsh brown. v ry nne and fr e from fat. Cocoa when boll il In ....ater wltb 8cald ed 'milk a nd wbll)ped cream odd II III m or~ dl gcstlbh! than chocoln te. al· though chocolot e \ auld be ~ llli more dl estlbl e If It w r Dl!ltl.e wlLll water and used witho ut creo m . pi ece 'o r A cup of chocolRt with ""hol wheat bread m 'll,eB a good b reokln ~ t fo r a school chll t! , To Make 'Cocoa ,-'hl olsl n fou r teapoou rul s or ~oc n witll lour lobl ospoon rul!; or b o t 'wat 1'. Si ll' until smooth, t h en IIdd lIalt 1\ 1)ln t f boll· Ing '1'0 1 1', bl'lIl!; \0 th bollin' poInt, then add t wo Inbleslloonfuls of sugar an ll IInl t R Cllpflll of good mille. 'f a ke fr om th e tl re a nd odd a few drol's of VDlIlIl ", It Ilk d. rYe a t once wi th whipp d CI' :tm. To Make a Pot of Chocolate.-Pllt four oll nc s of cho olal In I\. doubl e boiler a nd a llow It to III It; t h en a lid a Quart of boil ing w/l~e r lin d ' st ir con· stantly un til th wilter In Lbe boll r bolls 'ror 0 " m inutes. Add a qUArt ot scald d mill. nn.d beat w II wIth an e gg beuter . Sf" pl nln or wlth-wliTpped r liD! . A d ro p or t wo "' f olnuamo u or half a te l1s1100nrul o f vanlllll ma y be adll tl If d sire d.


,"You've gol rOllr bouse full of boa rd· ers th is Bumm er." lItr. S. wA S plclllng potato bugs oil from hla plunta, b llt h e man aged to 8tO)l 10111 nOllgh to an swer. ·'Ye s." "Some nice looking young latHes amOll1t tbem," continu d the ), OIIllG man. Mr, ~ . Itood UJ) and eyed tb e pota· toes criticall y. tben answe red : ' 1\\ e ll , th ey'd ollght to lonk puC'ty ~ood , I jUBt picked two qua rta e1 bugs oft 'em." Medicine of Bamboo SIP. Tn India the eap of th 'temale bamboo Ire Is IUled lor m edIcI Dill 1'1Il'pOHee, "TabBSbeer," or " bc\Os locha n." la sold In all Indian baza rs . 1111 It hBS been kllown from the earliest ti m e!! as a meulei rlol agent. It III also kn o\\'n In Borneo, and ""I\S an ar Ucle of eommerce w ltJ~ eorly Ar ub t.J odeI'll at l he eaRt. It.a propertIes ar Bald to be s f,'engt h ulng, toni c and aoollng. It bas \} e u IIllalyzed ond h a s been s bo wn to consist al most entlrtl ly ot IIlIlca, with traces' of lime and )tolllsh_ From' Ils rl,l ms l'klible occurren('e In th e hoI· lo ws o ( bllm buoB the eaAtern m Ind h as 10Dg aSBoclaled It with miraculo us po werl.


Don't Use ~'Practically Pure" White Lead 'fllere U no p{gmml that Is " pr-.lCIiC lIy" Wbile L ClIJ -no a lb.,.. p. iIl1 1h.1I has tlie prop"riie. of Pure White Lead Pilillt. Pure White Lead, good JU rnl-that it is ~ cannot ca.rry auullc rrin ls ",i\buut

having il. efficie ncy imp.irM . To gel Pure Wbile Lea4 durability, see k) it th t every kelt bears the Dutch Boy trade m rk~a gll.rantee I h ~1 Ihe content! are. b~o!utely Pure White L'ea4 made by Ihe Old Duleh Process.

SEND FOR BOOK "A T;;).I!: on Paint," gh-•• Yalua.ble Inform tiOl Oil Lh e po.inl>u bjeci. iio:nt i rt<! U I request. -AT iONAL LEAD CO. Il'ANY ..... -.t,.,It,rrt' ,. 41 t lilt II. thll

Nett' ' ·nrk.

C' rt~'



IN" : ~ ull'.,o . . Cl~ I .. l .ltd . 8e.. Lvn l"- r.hU. Ilr:,.

fU'{1t ,"


U ItHtl nftfU-I, Ob ll'I$r'O. ~bl. Io'''bb 1'. L r..-Ir '" 8,,,,,,

1:..11..,.. .a...~ '" 0 100.1

II P 1I0'Il.,.1> ,

How to M~ke p'rune P ie. Pr une pie can be Illud e now with a little le moll ..e~'l to give It Havor, Ornte Ibe pilei and slone the prunes , Raisin pi e Is nlell, and el ates c ell ('.an be made 'IIllO our g reo t Am erIcan dlsll. Long be, fore cherrI es are here nice pIes can be mad from canned cberrle s, And canned currants make a pIe-that one nevor ge ts nowadny., somehow, Yet l\rrl1 l1ll1 grow, and wb y. not ? ,. brough t.· 11l Philadelphia' ,marketB gene rous a mo unts ; ' yet they are C!nly il ed spo r ln gly (or C) urran ~ 1elly. Cur· rant jum Is dellclou ~ for lilt!. tarts. Splce,d currant s a re tine, 'rhe trouble Is lhat cur rants ome when cIty houBe· ,keepers her 'are closIng their bom S. or ba ve all' nd~' gon , and so non e are put up, - F rom lh s lrawberrles IbM 1'0 pl'eser v (I In the ~p rhl~ 10 Iho' BU· fumn rrIlItB , lh e r. ~: l s a long gap.-Phllad elP~11l Le tig~r_.~ , _ _ _ _

, .... hat cat·e. he-or s he ror that mat- Invlted him to hla house. The re Mr. ter- about a little clll! ff!nce, ln agc? Ward met the aut.horess. He was fas· They we re' mu rrl ed . ralg~y, ~oS was clnated by h er brlllhlDc)l, ~ Bold and Ihe ' buppy poll' retire (I to & Oradual'll' the young student's I\s pl, ne w casUe In No rwoy. where Ihey rations , turnea rrom the mlnllltry to dwell yet, hal)IJY !ill larks. IItature. , Mlslj PhelPS was I\Is, In8plra· Burdett~C9uttl i'to'Y'ance. tlon. Wbat lollowed wall- love. Tbelr " Never woe the re a happier marriagc frlendll were amazed: They were mar· than that of the late Buroness Burdett: rled 'In Qctober, 1888. . Coutts and William Lehma:n Ash. To·day Mrs. Ward II 62 yeare old mead Bart.lett. 37 years her junIor. and Mr. Ward Is 46. now styled Ashmead Burdetlt,Coutts. ' And In the news of 'only a , day or He wus a Brooklyn' boy of ' modest two ago comes the announcement ot lineage and more modest fo·r tune. two more aueb marriages, 1n Worces· The baroness possessed a fortune tel'. Man., MrB. Antoine Kielbasa. ot milDY million. ot pounds 'Bterllng . 'widowed three Umee, poslessed of and was a partner In CollttS' bB1ik. one U.OOO,O,OO ' and 46 yearll old, married ot London't oldest financial IMBtitu. Martin Moneta. ten year. her junlo]' and a ' poor photographer. Here In lions, She Immediately settled an ,an· New York .Mrs. Ada Jaftray McVlckar nulty ot the Interest on $'l.25().OOO up· on the young BrOOklynlte. He In tllrn announces her engagement to Herman cbanged his ,namd to Burdet.t.Coutts. P. Trappe. !\Irs. MtVlckal' bas nve It was the happiest of marrl"es" son8, two or'tbem mar ried. 'Mr. Tappe The young husband was all devotion Is 30. to hla w;lfe. who In turn was tremen. Wbo now shall dare to say what a doull)' IntereBted In his , career. She woman's prime really II. or when she made. him almoner 'of all hel' vaBt can forget romance and Cupl~" call? schemeB of charlt,),; Bbe advanced him Evarta a Lover of Dogi. In politics until ,he got a aeat In par· Max.,.ell Evarts, s on 01 former Sena· lIament. tor William 1\1. Evarts, IB II big 1a w, When she died. at 92. last Decem- yer .,.b" IIveB In Vermont, practlcel ber, her was trief-str.lcken. law In 'New York and rals08 old Elng. Another International love match Ush sheep doga tor fun . He has the with London for Its focus was that ot ' beat dogl of that breed' In this coun· Lady Randolph Churc/llll and young try. , . Lleut. Cornwallis Wellt. liut In this cas'e the bride waB the Amerl(:an, tbe Ha. Rllen to High POlltl0c:t., brIdegroom the Brlth!h lIubject. Among the textile klugs or ' New Churchill Won f>r.ze. England Is Waller H, Langahaw. of ~Isl 'Jennle Jerome WBB onE' ot the New Bedford, Maas. He rose rapidly bellell ot New York 40 "",", 88;0. She from the humble pOlltlon of barefooted bobbta bot to , Ii m:m Yo' be now con· was the da~rhter of Leonard Wall IIlreet man, recuteur bool. the ' molt 8UCl:essful colton DiJlJ vlvaIl!. Lord Randolph (Jbllll'l~b~IL in the worl4.


To Make ""dian Muffin •. SI(t and mix togeth'e r n pint ,and a half, nf ~'e llow ]n'd I8n ' meal and 'a ban!!. fnl of flour. Melt a quarter of a pound or fresh bu tler In Ii quart ot milk . beat rour 'eggs '\~ery IIgl\t and atlr Into tl! em ullero,Hely (a little at Ii lime of each ) ' the Inilk wben It, Iii quJte colcl. · an~l the meal, nddlng a small teaspoonful nf sail:. The whole mllst b beate n ,long and bard_ ' I Hnve the mullin I'llIgB bu t te r ed a'nd heated before pourIng the baUer .Into them for Dftklng. ~end the mumns to lhe table hot and ,split tbem with the 'f1nge,rs for eating, as eutUngwltb ' a Eat ' knife ..,111 make tbem beavy. with ,butter. molasse. or honey. , Swlea Steak. Get a round steak. about three Illches thick; &al~, pepper. and , flour It; take a meat pounder alld keel> pound: Ing tht) flour In tor about half an bour; l'Ise jus't as much flour 'as can be pounded In the mea,t . Put butter In pan. nnd at~er 'It gels hot put meat 1.1> and , bro~n on both sides ; then add' hOt ....ater and l~t cook elo,I'Ily, closely cl'vered. Keep "addlng water uotll tende r, If onions are liked. boll 's lx or eight onlonB In .salt "waleI' until tendei", A bQut 16 minutes before takIng Ufl the Nteak pO,u r the onions with the liquid 0"1.'1' tbe meat; cover and Ilmmer. Orange .Iumble•• One-half eup butler, one C'ull saga, cr' tOlether. Add one beateil egg. one·thlrd CUI) of milk. one t.ea, rpoonful OJ'an ge extract. 8e..~ tq. I!ether, 'then stir In three CUll8 ot floUr, IIJ. whlcb hns been sifted one tea.poolI· tul ot soda. two at oream tartar and a Ilt,Ue salt. RoJJ on a Ooured boan!" very tbin. cut .",Ith a donghnu( cuttar, .prloklc WIth lIupr and balle lila.CJtI.






~ARTR\I D:D '. For Rifle's and Pistc>ls Winchester make of cartridge. in all calibers' from ~2:I ,to ~ so are accu.. ' rate, sure fire and reliable'. In fortY year,'qf gun maki~1 we have learned many thiDp about. am-... ' ,munition that no one could lea~ in any Qther way. Wben you buy , W~ftche8t'er make of c:artiid,ea 'l et the , bcne8tofth I:experience


. t_

WII~OHa8Y.,, ' ... ' . .nNQ A"". ~ NAY.... CO .....


1I"081'l lYe OURKPOR

CATARRH Ely'. 01111 Bill , 'II .. Icld, IIMttif. ' ............... IICII

. . , JItwr,H\T .. tN& ...... ~ .

IDI "oted me • I'II:se In sala,." AROll'tJD THE CIRCLE Illrotb tbe cotulll g year, a talk ma4e b, e r J onell be explained t bal thle


t!le y



opl'r'g hl ,


Dally Siory P ub.

Thurll hllu b n s ll u t Ih rougho ut I h ' 01 ul . H kn e w. us woll I1S did his wlf. Itllng 011 th e o llPoslt sid e of the tabl , that o n of hIs dlftl ult flell ~ wall ullon him-and Ihnt It would bp days beforo h' could 1\.pl! to sb.k oIY It's Influe nce, H WU H -:bse nl , Iy S rawUng on Il, a IIn oll elnth wi t h the plon~8 of his (ork, hlH fno,d scarce, Iy tOIl!'h d. . Dlllla wa tc hed bl m nl1l'1'owl y. She. 1m w wli 1\ a ll mal'l'l cd Thl1 rp' Ihat s hc hod und e r ta ken a tr emell dous )l l'CI pl ~til n. Sh lov d hIm , an rl that 1l1 ' ltl g~ d very, prosp ct lv me ll tll l ha rtlshl p s he wou ld problll)l y he cull ed II pon to IIllure. [)-notwlthstnndlng h"" thorough knowl tl gc of his (orme r c'art:, I. '11111 h"r ke;:on Insig ht In to hl ~ pn'Rf' nt c1l1Lntcle r and 11I('\' llalll(> t e \1\', Ilt'!'o lllellt-she s l\Jllll'd flu ll wl ll lns lY Inlu the l'. PI' 'e ully h 10 k d liP 1'1'(/111 hi s 1'1;)1 li nd l'nr{,unt I'('d h'r y('~ wi t h 11 CIII'/OU S, IrClllll'al gln ll c('. " I 8111 goUl~ aWl\r. D"l lIls:' Il\' s ald : "YO \I k now Why ," . " Golng-n way I" S he dl'O lI l\' r! h er I. nl (.· und fork and slared u hlln III h un IIIl nc e, " \\'b 0 s hull w s lu rt, Do"glu a~ " Sh~ ~kl'tl ,

' .. " \\, ,, 1 I !lnlt! I hilt I ' was gol ng-

wa R pO~8 lh l o beca\lse t he (leople we re HOW ~HE PRACTICE OF HOM!! k e~llns th eir money IU hOllle ralb e r TRADE HEL.PS EVERYBODY. than sa ndlnr It to tho oalalogue bouses of tho c lU es. Brolber Frank ( the post· m:!s tor) expl4lned tbatl the moli ey or·, der llUs ln ess of bls om,ce bnd dropped to a-Imos t n otlllng wllttln Lbe pas~ six CURING DISTEMPER, monlh~ . lie sa Id that les8 ~han a year An Increated Use of Prlnterl' Ink In ago he 'VIIS ha ndline Dlore than $1,000 tho Local P"'per Brought Proaeach mon Lh In tb e s hape of mon.e y or· How Tll ia InfectioUI 01 ..... Should Be Dealt With. der •. and lhst now tile tota l Is not one· perlt)' to the Entire Com· . Courtb of til at. 1 und erata nd that tbey mun ity. Dlate mper Is .n InrecUous disease will also In crease the 8c bool teacber 'y aud can be orevented Ir t he q uarters "You'll have to . ISta)' OTe r Sunday. ealary ne xt term ," lire kellt (re fro n. th e Inrecllon. Wa s h· Mary, so I can have ' a c hance for a Ing th trough 'WIth 80ft soa p suds or Tlslt with you. un 't !1osslbly ge t lhe "A 12,page paper this week, •• eo. cnrbo ll c a cid solution tw ice aeh Urne tb rough the WCOI[ . B slne81 too Anylhlllg special doIn g?" mont h . whltuwa s blng tbe s tall at lea s t liv ely," "Not ilL all. T hat's t.o be the ",gular " Tl,lngs must be S t tlng b tter s ize bt the Record In t he !uture, Tbe once eac h mont h and oecosion all .v with yo u, John. Lilst time I wa s lIere Inc rease In bus iness warranl.a It. Tile scrubbing t h fl oors of th o s UllIs ara YI)II seemed Lo hav e lots or time . to campaig n of adverti sing bei ng eOl1 dQcl· measures which will ge ne rally pI:event ISpa re_ Sai d busln ss 'had gone to the ed by the mercbants 'fo rced DlB \0 11I- nn outbreak . In a dditio n to thi s th e dogs. or rath er 10 th Q mall·orde r c rea se the size or en<;roaeh upon m~ animal s boll id hav e tin ubulIdnnco of ex;:orcl lit! nnd IlIIre nl r. It 18 )<11 011'11 that honsen. What ma de the change ?" I'cndlng ma t ter columns, and 80 I In · "Well. to tc ll t he truth. 'lao', I lust creased, Then , too, my 8ub ecrip tloIJ all IInlmal whi ch Is all o wed th run of wakclled up on day and though t I list Is srow lnt;. Peopl" who never took • past""e I~ not 80 lIabl!) to th dis· would gi ve tb e m rellow.; III th city II the paP" I' before s a y they want It n'o w ease os o ne whi c h I ~ callan d . to little of th eir own me tll cl ne. 1 got If fo r no t b Ine more th an to ke'lp POlt· th e stllll s III a "oorly v n\llaled ba r n. If t he dl seasC' Is ligh t. lIn ed nOl be onlo th e (act that th ey wore killing ed on the prices the m e rchanta are lh cause ot any parti cular ala rm. as 01 0 by rcedln p; Ihe l' ople al'OIIl)(1 h e re Quoti ng. Buslnes s ' ln Ul e It co rd omce on prlnl c r's Ink In the wa y of a dver- Is boomi ng 0.1; arou llrt _ I had to t ising, an ll while I knC'\\, ' most of od\'crtl ~e for I wo more Job pri n te rs, 1\'ha t th ey S;lirl WO s II !i tb o people . alld ba ve .lus t orll'lr d a ne w prln tl nll didn't !cuuw It. 11IId I slarte III to pre~ l . Oy the way, Is t bat borae you lib ow them wbal I could do. Not at alte red 010 Bome UUle a go l Ull on th.•


, Tb Storrs ag ri c ul tural experi ment stu tlon of Connecllcut glveB In bu l· le tln 4a the follow In g co nclus ions OD pig rll Iltng rtl ~h,"8: T/le pIg IImong far m animals I. notecl (or bl s SI'eat capacIty for (I S' similutlon. Bil L wltb the snlmal the eco nomy of t;lll n ts grelltly artected b, Ule c huractOl' of th'e I &tiOD, One lot or t h ree pigs r Qulred 2,738 ponnds 01 sk im mli k contalnln!; ~30 di g ~t lbl . nutl'l tmts ttlt 100 pounds 01 ga lli.. jo, lg ht lots, o t 28 IIlgs rll(Jult'e.d l .miG pound s of sk im milk . and 2.63 01 t; horls. containing 258 pounds of dl gel'tlble nn trle nt s, (or 100 pound. 0 1 go ln. A nd ono illt of th'rell pigs re qulred 4-1 5 ' pound s of s horts conlhln Ing 294 poun ds or digestible nutrlenu tor 100 poimds of gain . Milk Is an ens lly Llgestl\lle rond, Whon red alone III the aOOfc tria ls, 100 poun de or 'gain wore mn/l e (1'0111 Ihe I nat amount (230 pountl sl of dl· g s tl ble nutrlonl ~. W he n ahorts were sll bstl lut d fo r a 110rtlon of skim milk, more nu i rl e nlR (258 pounds) we~ c t eo Qilired (or 100 po unds -aaln III wi'lglli. \Vh li'll s hurts were red a ll'>ne t he rnost nutrients (2:11 ,.0Ilnd6) wore reo Itulred for tbe IIl1m e !,'1lln . 'I'h' reader s ho uld bea r In m!:lt.1 thnt the t'I11anclnl IIroblllm la not lI e,e oU1l81,lcl' '11. . Jt Is ndml tted thn t whli" sk im mI lk Is ns ll y dIges t ed, It Is tClO bulky In baractor. Tbe capacity ul I hc Illg to dI g I:t and IblslmllB te I. greate r tllall Its capllclty t o consume this wate n ' fluid , At ordIn ary ma ... ke t prlrcs. on pound of diges tibl e nutrl• Bandaging the Th 1"0 lit. ' uts would cosl tw ice aa much In skim It will be Il be neftt ralh er than a detri- milk as 10 s horls. Experl e nc 8bow. me nt. COils WhIch have Il are general- t hut fro m a fi nancial dpolllt. the ly Immune the reaft e r, If tbere Is a most oconOllllClI1 ga ins are made wbeD sIl I'lous outbreak, the best remedy Is t o s kim mil k and grain a re fed In t be n"IIly slilve or ponltlcetl to the a!'lected . PI'Ollol'tlo n of thre e·fourths to one. But parI s . One or tbe be8t ..Iv e mIxt ures tho trlal8 show, from a pllyslologlcal 15 oll\'e 011 . four part. and acetic a cid , standpolnl, thst lese nlltrt.e nt8 are reone part. Balhe the s wollen parts Quired fo r a gIven e o In when the ra, treely twI ce ea cb day with thIs mix- tton con s is ts ot easily dI gested fooda , ture, As a pou lti ce. nothlng' ls better Th ooncluslon 8eem8 warranted thlll t han hot bran, using about. halt gal- lhe rood re quirement. for maintenance Ion of the bran for eacb horsQ. To .1hts ond ror producUon (milk or g row th) s hOUld be auded two ta blespoonfuls of de lle nd s not only upon the composi tion (he followIng mIxture : Nelts(oot oil, and diges tibili ty of 0. rntlon but also oue quart; spiri ts ot cam plioI', eIght upon the facilit y wIth wb,lch, It I. dl, ouncel ; (lulverlzed mllstanl, IIlx t;est d and assimilate d. ou nces. Th lIIuslratlo n accompllnylng this BOX FOR RINGING HOGS, arUcle shows how t he bandage sh ould be fast ned on til e heRd, Take a eom· Device Which Will Hold Them Secu ... mon grain snck nnd ut t h nus In to Iy Down During Operation, four strIps. bu t lea ve tb middle 01 the sack whole. H ere wi th I 8ubmlt a Iketch of a bOI Place Ihe poultice on a whIte cloth r in g ing 'box wh ich I found to be unde r the swo lle n part, t lt e n uudor It vcry suceessful , writes a corres pond. JJl ace tb e whol e part of th p s aok . sa)'8 ont of Prai rie ~~arm e r. ACA !·e preaent. JOllrnal ot Agrloul t ure. S CUTely sew th e e nd s of the lIt rlllB tug ther the lop ot t he head, all owing o ne band to rest In front 01 th e yes. another between the e ycs nnd ell r8 nnd tbe r mnlnlng two ove r the neck b&c k ot tb e e ars. , One,fuurlh o f a pin t of Glnub e r ..It II ma y b adml nlltered twi ce edch day III the 80ft ree lS. It the r e Is '11 great tl en l of re ver, give a hal f t aSlloo nful The 10c.1 merchant who mUlt bear the burden of 10Cili tautlon Is entitled to the .... I.tancc of every relident of tho community, When you aend of Iodide of potash once eacb day III your dollare to the mall -order houl.a of the city you but add to the load h. t he rood. must carry, Keep your dollara at home. GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE.


'0 . ,

we re d umb, Hilt at In M. t y !I gigantic e lfuI·t. Ilhe [ollod ha r . ~... ~ IInll !lsked: " How did ~'ou eSCIl(l E: ~" " I did not escap , I was pb .\'.Iolle;1 hecullse-becll use I waa dying. I ~' nu Ilered about till I fouod out where .I " I, we re. 1 kn e w you wouldn '[ re fus e ni l' - to-nlgbt." H e put Ollt one hnnd weakly lu Ih!! wa ll, to s npllort hlms tllr. A violent 6 t of congliing e ns iled. after which he we nL ou , gaspingl y: " \' V" se , I hav e n't any mOll y, and l ~w c ll , I wanted to b n al' so me body I 1,4d known . Yon-yo u'll not rc rusc m\! I " 1'hc IDllrk 01 u alh was alt'cuuy UI, II th s hr unk en f atures . aid gelltly. "o r " ome In.'' s h· COlIrs rll nOI tUI'll you OU I , I- uly hu s band Is nOI a ! hOllie, bllt It will )Ie all rl g hL" Ho h ,hi •• fblded pall er In hl K hUh'. ' It e laid It 0 11 till' 'dg o( th t n hl e " That Is ill Y dl ~c h l l r!,l ," h o;tpl[\ II\( ,l . "If rOll 111'« allollt loo klll ~ IL v ..... Shc dI S:ll)l) ar d t\ Intl I/l CUt. aud I . turn ·t\ with bntnll)' allit BOlli ' foo d Theu 6 11' W(,1I1 out. ICII I'lull th!' ~ l t'11 lIIan !llull e, . An hou .. PII~" d. 1'1\e cli ck ul n In(c·/, Il el' III Ih lock Blal'tl eu Dallas r"Oill ho I' reve d '. S Ill! run Ollt lulU the bad . hel' 11 ))8 8purt, hor eyoll Sl,urkllllt;.

- '

" HII I thought. Il'at urnll y-" ~ h e 10" Dou g l atoi! " ' I'lulal d s wlrtl y, nOli b ro~" orr, a H took h I' In hi s a .. ms a nd llisset.! 'dlsappelnt d look crfle plng Illto her he r, Th e souud ot s llDed oll \thl n:; lIyr' . mad him JlIl1l 5 alll'lIlll1y, Thal'p s hook hi s h ad , h is eyes " What Is tha t ?.. :Q \'EII'IE' d IItullborf,l)' rrom h r Ill eudln/: In ber e ~clLe m · nt over. Thnr)le' gaze_ Alte r a little. he ve Rtul'r d to bome oomlll(; Dallas had fl lm0 8~ ror l oo k UJl. gouen t ho strangor. ''It Is just Wls, DaUBS. The devl!'s "Dou'glas," s he sa Id. after a little. Jl:ot h is claws In me again , and....,.ilnd "come Into my room and I'll tell YOll I' ve got to dO somothln g. ' I'v gOt to eve rythIng, My brother, th e you ngest .g t IIwny . br myself. and flght him ono. commllted a '.-,ery. He wa s d o wn -~ Iran gle him (01' good on.1 aUHelll to prison tor tll'ont y years. Las t Ir I can. Y u've ' pilt up with Ihlt; sort wcek he was llardo ned, nnd-yoll arc JI. I hlns loog enoll&h , li nd I' m del r' uot goi ng to b ~ angry?-h hilS co me 1lI Ined:....don·t try to dissuade me, dar. bock to- tO die." H e l' vole trall ~ d o ff I- ·I' m III earnest , tellrful a rnesl." ~I' to a ...·hl s por and i bc cov 'I'cd h r fact! \)a llas slIld nothing. l hough her yes with he r bands. filled -wIth tears. The re wall a ' mOlIlon' s ll li ce " Wo uld yo n wlsll m to hav e your ~brllpUy Tbarpe bAnt allfl dl'ow her • h lng~ pack II . or "'ould you ruth r nt· hllad to his should I' lind ki ssed he r t e nd 10 It yours If ? I h011 you will ugaill. , An houl: la te r Ih y II' nt In tlllt b long away, d ea ~:' lo the s ic k ma n's- room . "I'll S~ ohoul JlaCkln g. re you "O rolber 1"lolch r-" Dallas bega n. g qlng t mi ss meY" he dCfIlllnd ed th e n s loppe d suddenly alld tur ned hOT' Jlhrupt Ir, r lDed eyt's t her hu aba nd. H e cli me .. A In I ? Oh, Douglns:" he 1'08e Il II to III hed and slood looking dowl! .nllll w lit. up to h im , laying or h r at. t hc sti li , pllllid raco. . h a lld s. cool and s le ndor II!! II white "Y 8:' he ~uld, "therc's 110 do ubt 01 Ill y. on hI s shoulder. It- he-s d ad." H 1110 \' d away 8ij he Ill' took he r sudde nl y In bl ~ arms spoke, olld ullco n:clously hl H han d . lId crus hed b e r agai nsl him. reijted on 1h 1J:\ II~r thal hud bNm I fI "Cnd knows J ",ish-" h \! sLopped o n tho tab c .. ' DRlla watclred him h If way Lhe sent nce held her ' 01T with fnschlU wtl or S 8S he rn'cs nil y , fl om bj m, searching hor ('YCS decp ly. ploked It ul' IlUtl !.Jogan to uarold It je ul u 1 . oara les!! ly. "DII In l'" ho c l·led. nfter a mom ' nt. " Doug lass." s it e erl"d. ;'Ihat Is min e. "t II m; If J should stay for-say H - he gave \l to mc!" ycars. nnll Iben com e ha k-wolllcl It 'I'bnrpc I'erolcted It an d Itl ld It back h I' jus lhe Bam hel we n ,liS ? " U Oil tit tabl ,·. "'~ll lr IIlbih)l>; vlslb!.),. Dalln s . coil cl d h rs Ir Ill suintly I~I ",Ife' paled, bll t CO ll tl'O lk d I\er- nnd a po lOg l7. I\. " n nll y, s h SOld, 1'~1r 11)' an ('!forI. " rill so I1n lI'1II1!\, ~'o u mll81 l hln k m " Always ," s he snld . HI!!' heart con· ridicu lous. I- I \0\'(\ arl'nld yOIl mIght lying. ),01) know , but at seIling good llIarket ~ If SO ro u can b.;l ng him' Beat Result. Obtained from Medium t ract d. dcst roy Ihe I'all('r, un d-!Illll- " n rou Dd. I want him tor a blrtbday We ight Animal •. 1)0.18 as chea p ·as {ho cIty fellu\\'s .. ,,;. the \\,J)~': hI! rOlllnl'l, pd _ II~e8 li t· .. It 1. mcrC'ly a dl~chRrge," h o Inter- did, nnd lots o~ tlmek a IItUe Gh nl) Or. pr ~ e n t (or m~' wifE'." I )'. In .. ('h un17ed t OIli), '!Whll lO\' r be· rllllwd, t; nll), . "an d' dues n't espccia lly ~-H1 CHl' ft. . PATT ERSO:-J. T gel fhe best r!ls ulls from horscs " I went 10 Lhe local paller und pre tC' U LII • of lh e man. As h lon Villi rs?" mutt r. 11 0\0\' thllL II 's dC!l d. 'I. I's ~() welghln/>; l ,~OO 1,0 ) .300 pound s, w rltps ty n cur scared tb ' ed itor tu ,Ion th hy tlrd lnl! cllllShl hel' brelllli ~ hn .. pl y, lu to IlnOt hc l' hoom. d ·ar." He pul h l3 !)rdcrlng R hu lf pa!; c o ( each Is.lUe ror t\ farm er In Orllng .Tu lld Fllrmpl'. TEN GOOD REASONS , \\, 11 n h y IVer first ma rrie d. s he had Hr m abo u ~ 1'1.'1' lin d I d lIer oway , six month,!. Th e t) 1 set nllout seelllG These hOl'ses are uHed fOl' genel'al pu r· \\' holl til y rl'u h d hOI' 0\\'11 roo III. 11111 11 :I clea n Ii .. ' a sl. of hel' alto h' wi th wb n l I hnll to s"l1 [ til e peop le Read Them and I"atron lze tI.e Mer, Ilosea.1 They mus t ha ve good acll on, ,\ '1111 rp. nnd the s ltbJc t. hy tacit con· Onllilil \\'0 ' !Jobbing sorLly, bul sobbi ng ,,'ould WIIlIt, ( rcoall y didn 't knew be eompaellr bull ~, something on the ch",nt.. of Th is Town_ ,I',. nt . had been. losed ~or 1- r. It WIIS ru r jor . · 1' h~nl. Cod. ho ha d co m e "'hat wn s In tbnt s tore lin til , I start. 'd o ld Mu rgun't),pe, bllt a · little larg e r. nllJI' tim he (o,'6 8h repll!'d , h01l\ 0 man"-dllr rent, Ho 10 I o !e It over , Soma of th tblngll S uch horsos arc la rge e no ugh to hAUl H re ' are ten good reasons tor t rad· " I h d rorgOti n thnl ~~<: h II j)!'l'son Ir ltsl d lI er ti l ItI -t : hlld becn ~he re so loug I h Ull forgol - In g ''''Itb )'oll r hom e bllslness Ileople, II reasonahl e load and ca n do a good Th nam Qtt the cC I' Ufl ~ t1I (> wa'! Ixt~ u~d tT" dny 's work on th IIve roge fo nn .•Th ey len nl/Ou t Lhem. I haul ed th c.m out us give n by a n exc hllnge. lie rl't;a rd ed her qlt Il\7.I en lIy fo r an As hton \rllll or~. are use ful on t b road fo r IIghl wo rk . 1\lId IJut a bargain s nlo price 011 them. Ueeu1lse : You Elxn mln. your pllr 111!<tAn t. The mo sL lIsoful hors cs for my gentolel lhe pl)ople ubout th em 10 .the " I 8111 a fra Id It Is n pll)' YOII did not POWER FROM ELECTRIC EEL&, next week's Heco rd. anti gayc lhe chase a nd nrc uNsure d of sallsfactlon e ral wOI'k are good . snapp>' creabe/ore luvosllng YO'llT' money. !\l1 ~! hl m-Insteu d of lIl o: ' hl! ptIl'. prices, and say, I just Couldn't get Ueca use: Your homl! m e rohant Ie tnres. s lI ed, t en ta~ lvely . " I 8111'P05t" be would Result of Recont ElCpel'lmenta by • th om things wra pped up, fnst enough, I have but little troubl e III brea kIn g always ready lIud willing to make h1l\'" made you happi er. . Venozue'lan Scientist, Elvor slnco' then I've just been ,buying rlgbt any IUror or any defective artl ' a liI' coILs. a s we treat t h em kindl y, " Wh u vou talk In t,hal fasblon , handling t hom co ns ld el'8bly while they lind seiling, buying and seiling. clo llurc'h ascd of blm: DOllslas, t he re Is reall y 11.0 answe r I Jre young. W e ne ver h ave any trou Prof, de ESllc rando. h lid of th e gov· See ms lik e noth liS stllYs In til e store, Ut\ca llao : When yo u are sIck or fot Cla n mak , .(\nythlng I mIght say ernm ent colll'ge lit Camca s, Venczu - .Hllv e blred two more cle rks; and h Ie with them wh en they are old wOllld t nd .o nly to mak matters III. bad II hundred lI\'e~age sIzed e !ec- tbey 'r e eVOl'lnstlngly telltng m e we're any r ea son It 18 n i~c ssary ror you to Imoll gh to bre'l k, 1 b lIeve In givIng ask for cred it, YOll ca n go to the loeal geod care to colts as weli as work ,,'ol'se," s he said weai'lI)', ('!-tc eels captured a nd {)o P\l~ r wIre 'In· out o( tbls, t!lat or t h e othe r thtng. 1 A 81\dde n revulsion of fee llug selzcll ci rcled around lhel r necks just belo w found that tclilng the I'eollle what . m e rc h a n~. Cou Id y'ou ask It of a mall 1I0r.IIs, In my experi ence, a horse not IlrOperly cared ror atl a colt does n.ot hl ~ " '. the ears and tlle n · connected thl)m you'ye ,.ot · alld what · you are wlllln'g order hOllse? Becll1l8e : It a m erc hant Is wtlline de ve lop 8S earlr as one t ha t receIves " For " e me. s",:eethearl. I am a wllh a molor. the eele remaining In to s ell thom for pays. ('vo paid ott to extend YOIl ('redlt YOIl s hould give 1ll1: rable brute. Thllt Is fllst " ' hy I the 1'1 vel' nea r th sbol'e. "rope r atte ntion . Horses s llould alBO that mortga,:e that's been hangIng we It to get away- til beat \I to dealh: "'fholr viol e nt ftollplng and contor· oVaI' · us for thc last tQn years. lind hIm tbe be ne llt 01 )'our cash trade, be boused :11 bad ",eat he r.. I bell eye Because : Your hom e me rchant pays In gIvIng · p le nty at good, wholesome Ih. ft nd tllat Is eati ng UI\ my Ve rll tlons proved II most uncertain sorL of save ,tOO t c, th o tlew church building local taxcs and ex er ts every eltort , to ,'If-JI8." . electric curre nt. he procllred all' !)esldes. 1101.1 It 's adve rtising that build an,1 better your morket. tbus 10· rood, Hp rses should ho ve. spec ial al t nUon, and the man who succeeds Ie :Cl).lIaS lifted hel' lI ead and looked at otber bundred IInil put them Into a dId It. creasing botb the value of city an" the one whe keeps a close eye on the blln bravely, "You' II stay over Sunday, wot\'t country prope rty. zInc .bath whlcb he had In his bouse ., ou trnst me, Douglil.," she qUlla· anH connec ted It with the motor and 70lt! r"e got to ge t to the store IDdIVldu.I., Because: The lIIIall order merchanl tlon/lt wistfully. found thilt tbe)' produced /I bout 20 now." do.,. /lot IIght~ n fOllr tax e' or In an y Individual Hog Houlea, . " Yoe llnow It." 'But o ven 8S he 1i00'l!e pow cr. WI th this h ran a mill way hold tho v.lule of YOllr prol/erty. • Tbe fo!! y of kee pIng a lai-ge . num. !!lloke, slle caught hIe tllll-tale . llniI~ . and lighted up his house and grounds. "Jones or!lered a new delivery Becau"e : The mllll orde r merchan' be r o( hog8 In a small Inclosure Is hI! shifting eye, The power from 'eel s ufflcell to Said doe~ nolhlng 'for 'the bonoOt of lIIIar shown by the unusual tatallty th!!! A' fe ,.. words more and th,e y ·se par.. prOdul:e .46 ' candle Incandescent lights. wagon Lhhl morning, ' Jan e. Iin ee the , folkB around b e re bad kets or real estate values. ' season. Th e old' notion thlLt hugs sted for the day. At alx. Tharpe came Prof. de Esperando al80 !las !ound , Because ; It your town Is good could tak c most any aort O'r trelltment home wltl! the allnounceinent that ho tllat a motor car can be run tor 24 starte4 to · trade at home nnd 'quit ~endlng S(· ' IIlllch mon ey to the ' mallonough to live In j't Is good enough to has bee n r es pons ible tor heavy 10iI8e~ wO\lld . be ' ~~ ln g on lh e midnIght ·tI'aln. hours with 100 eels In a tank three Hoga are 'BubjeGt to ·H e might return In a montb- m.ore feet long and one aJld one-hnlf feet erdel' hon ses he si mply had t.o bave It. spend mone, In.--Go\'. Folk of Mis: t his 8eaSOIl. You can (lave what I make on that colds and lImg troubles. Wheneve r likely.. It' w~lld be t.welve. square ' and weighing complete less wagon to I;et lhllt n!!w drcsR with thal sOllr\. Because: The Illest citizens In yom we pe rmit the m to crowd Into Ug ht than. 200 pounds. 70ll've lI ~en wa ntln.,. Wish you 'd commurilty patronize home Industry sheds, In large numbe rs , we are IlIvlt. It Is claImed thal the lal'goat ocean buy It or JOMS though (or he a\wa.)'s :Mrs" 'tharpll l!nd been ou t the great'':"hy not be ,one o f. tbo bos t cl tlz en8~ Ing s uch ctllamll y. The 8e ll ~lbl e wa~' el' lIart' of the 'dllY· She calllo In at s t ea mers afloat ca n be run wllb 200.: trade. ""Itll me," Because: It y'on give yunr nome to house eithe r hogs or the breedlnp; twiligh t with a ' nagging headache . 000 eels. producin'g 40.000 hUl'se Ilowe r mprellnnt all o(lportunlty to compete, BOWS, .Is to build small houses and Throwing he rseli nerose a lounge. she arid contalne(l In n tank .not la,rger ."Yes, aIr. 1 n ;;lIr~ I'm Rhead B little, by hr ln glllg ' YOllr onler to hloi In fhe scatter them a.bout t be fie lds. Wi th f.,l1 · Into a deep, tll'eamless sleep, Tt than l'OlllOxi 6, Tbls plan't ; or course , more than thA fvplght 011 that buS~ Y . quuntlties you buy Oll t o~ town, he will farrowln" BOWS, each one s hould be ",.s nIno o'clock 'W1ifJ!' s he started U(l, wlll hav t o be dt,lpllcated so tbat besldc s s e iling a ,bOltcr ~Ugl:y than d nlOlIstral.e thnt, Q\lIIW y consId e red, I)rovld ed with a n IlIdl*ldulll hOlls • bu t wi t h an Inexplicable feelin g ' of alarm. when tbe e ne rgy. In o ne Is e xllalis ted ),Oll got, I Intended to SOlid away fQr he wll1 so .... e you lIIou ey. wltb the , olber hogs s ix o r elgilt can • '1-1 I' beart was throbbIng fl e rcely and It can be ho isted ' front the hold to tbe ' burik III one at theso house!! very IIhl' r~lt weak and SI)ent. Sbe rOlle dook 1J0: tllal ~be light from th e s un mIn e, ")0. 11110 you did. but I s aw " , Bro wn'" adv e rtise me nt telling t ile Be'a rch fcT' Old Cannon. n{(:el y, 'Build . a half·dozen or more Htlfll y antI wen,t Into the- dining room , can Infuse ne w e nCI'gy Into It whil e kInd or, a buggy no had Dnd the prl.cfl, . A tllldltlon BUll S\lrvlves In I. up-emt und try the Ui. A I. mptl ng lunch was IIPI ?oad fOl' her. tIle power ' Is rltr'n ls hed by tho rel!ly l\nd I <:oncltulell J'd took at JL I1rst, county .. Pa .. that vl hen Ge n. John _ _ _-'--_'--_ bllt sll e rert III and tired , Rrd s he left plant.- hl enga TI-Ibulle. Don' t Crowd the Sheep. He's ,nelllng better ' p l;lces th an tho Sulllvnn &art'Md through that region It IlntOIlCbp.d. She I'ellll'neo to her CIIlnlogue fellows, a nd he's payIng the In 1779 on hi!! e ~, /l(:dltlQn IIgnlnst the Thoua who keE!p sl eell, li nd espe· 1.('dl'Oo m. s hIve ring all OVC I', Rnd sat Her Millunderatandlng, dow /I clolle to ·the fire. A pereml.tory The 0 rdl;'O t F rElnC llman lookod terl - ft· Ight besides. I Agurl) that I saved IndinD con(edernl:y of central Ne .. ' clnlly beglnnonJ , should be '.arerul not l'ln ~ or ~he doorbell fQusM hel" ( at tite fa it' young allg I o( 1118 lust abou", enoug11 ,on lha L bu ggl" to Yo rk, be onrled som6 8upe rftuolll lo hOll l\e tbeto too c losely. 'I'll , cli to! f11lal 'ply- She turned Ih e knob an" soul. "Jet'adore :" he murmured. "~lay­ pay I.ho -doetor'l3 bill tor 'a loll y's ICk-1 braas ua nno n al ong lhe 'VII.k c8·Bar. u "rnl actlon t hat t he m,nture . sh~e !, ' n e6~ , .nd lhen, bO':lld r., Drown Qr· motlntaln: To Hea rt h for the se revolu walll ll Is frolll winds and f~lIlng \lee red out. Ule fnll light of t he hall be [,d be tt 1'," !ill e I'et.uroecl _ " 'ioll d'!rcd Ms h:!y .,t m o. al)( be'l pa.y!ng· t fonar)' reUcs 0 ... unber o~ tbe besl ata l' ms. GIve th e m s uch prutectlon chal,lde lle r flashing ove r her pale face. 1 an't n vel' unn tell who 8 IIslenlng In " Good prIce Cor It. too." known cltlze nl 0(' AllbleY hive formed on rl n dry bod and (rom c hole the y "Oallns!" thl, yere hOllse.'·-UaIUmore AUlerl· t helbaeh'es Into tiU hl.torlcal society,. w\l; u9ua11y pr.-fer t.o lie III th yard, Sho rell baok, h e~ hand ~olnl to her can, • ' , "Now, my deo.r. 'YOII m.y eDlage ('De reccQt SUlnday th o membtin unll-lsil .hey hnve been accllstom d to ,throat as thOUgh Ihe· felt stlned, Vlclorles .are · lik e flab; fO~ eaJl't Was Harmlll to cI ve P~lnee8S music IlcolIPcd the mountain In the vlclnlt1 lie wlthlll IQ' lJIutUn& Ulew l&I at 'Yoll are not aolng to ttIMI me out bring them liP to be ca~1It. bllt ~II I"son. for 1Il. wa \'0 01 \Jrollperlty. ID of Laurel Run. bUlt could find no relh~.. nlsh&. t6-nlgbt? Don't, for Ood's sak.!" arrnw Dolut•. lIle colillllunitl hu ,trv\:k lb. 111101. except a fe~ \1) ,a, them. Sbe Msayed to Ipeak, but bel' lip. mnst go where the,. It





WHat Has Been DetermIned by Imenta In Connecticut.




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" "II"""


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The Box Complete. Ule e nd o f the box, four fcet Ions, 2£ Inc h s wld c an d !la Inc hes hIgh willi lhe benrds na il lion th e Inside. Two-· by· raul's m nke the frllme. bei ng bolt< e d togeth e r, EJ<) are 1I1e~ e8 lx8 bolted to B which h'as II " eral holes so l llal J,)E ~an b e 'cbolll;ed to ,eult th e Iilze 01 the i10g wh6fl necessa ry. F III a rod 18 I" ches lon g nnd IIUaohed by a bol' to t11c upp· I' ond 0: D and E.O, Is . ' rod bolt d to eac h s id e of tbe lowet e nd of D a nd Ibe UflPcr I)OrUOn 0 E. H Is a piece Iron e lgbt luc:be,1 lon g. mod e to wo rk In tbe notebes at I which, are protected .by I/roperll' made Iro n IIttachelL to the rIght end of CC alld K are two pieces wllb • s pace bet ween ror EEl to wor'k .In ." Illustrated In th e c ut. L Is a brace to bold th e up per works nrm to the box. " The cul s hows the box ready for toe hog to e nl er rrot:U the rear aud be he ld by EE. As soon a8 tho .rlnge have heen Inse rted the clamp may 'be .released a 11,1 tile hog allowed to go. The operator Is then ready 'Cpr the next one, Tbls box should....hant gultle fe nces o.t the rear. so tl!e hop ca n be drlye n. In with I. Uttlo e.· cltement nn vo8~lble, •



ilrok n Lolti I\~e l ! ep~ ; valua~le , thaD traIn II on es. Note 'the dllrerence. It Is not whll t borse, are wort~ flOW, pu t \ they are, like t to l>E! wortb [011 1' yea rs I'rolJ!. 110..... that ~uld r~gulate th o number of ' co"_ to be rnl ~ed' D ~xt year, . It Is almost Iml/oli1dble to destroy he n I\(!O ~hen ,tlle>- ,alice $el a' .tarl , On the ho·r se. Ho\' .. should no t 'h e q unrt<r,·e<\ . near a' 1 ." bO!Hle. • nor I!hould c hl'c kell8 be l!I.\lulI'6d to roost !leal' fbe I((lt se's IItllU, I t h ilS been s ald tnat ~bere I~ ' not a sec:t~o'o af d ie ~ouDtI1' wh re' 'a legumll!01l8 crop cannol _ be ruillert 01' where a domestic Il.lIlm.1 cannot be kept to (lat the le\tunitJ. The lIVll Hock belt Is f.s wille !lDd Ion" a s the nntlon, . , 1' lt oare Is one horae to each tamll)' In the UnIted Slalea. In othor words, Lhare ar e e nough ' hOl'Bos In thEi na- , tlon, If each aile -were hltcbed to. double seated .urry and flYe ~p" were llut In eacb Burry, ' to ba~ th. p·" 'III.~lon of lhe country.


!CI ipped

from our

at :1 lI,t'J.l('k , lOf II ·ut. Illlli); ~ti n , 'J'lt tl ilull' f\lllo\\' Sf! nr d II ]. ttln of Illel,l ioiul' n"~d "hy hi" {uth r. \11111 11rll ll k .. h, \I t. hulf II bot.t.1 nf it at. l1rdu~' tilt rne I I, Soon 11ft r thnt he lite II numb I' of g r en nj/pl • [\li d ill u . ~htllt !olllle · Wtl~ ' writhin g In g r \It "guny. A duot r \\'11 hI! tily 8nmDlo n e,1 ana ]Jronon no tI th ill· ne,.~ nont iJidige. ,tion. Althoug h A\',s ry III t1l01l 1 Ult"llns of IO_!l(> ning pflill wns n~ d Iho IIM,le Ind \VII . in t rrll~lI IIgon .v duril\g ~ho tII g ht '.I'h,· illt n pllln WI\~ ntled hy deEllh In less Ibu ll tweuty . fl>ur Il\lur-... lifter be \\'n~ tnl; 11 ill.

ovur to. juin with th lull LI Clr Q~I\t I ' \ (' II{ rfllll .Y 11110;",, '1' 1111 illl]1111 h'~ "I [{olllllrltllule H, 1!j\IlO ,11\1'~ ill t.h" wright s\lUtdlit w 1)1 III ,,1.11'I· lIlIIh,' rll ' ,'1' 1:: '\1'01"11(' ,111' \ 'J'hllt t.r nt h i~ "'l'lIlI~l' l't,llIIlI fI t h ll I ' 'I . \' 111110 IIm1 u n . II 111",111'1111' I~ IUI >< 1l1lCtl n lOl 'U hI' II UIlIIIUlltitl'IIIe,1 J(lfiV n Hllllti re nnl ou . ImowlI t ll ll" tim ' '11"~' l' lIl1ulIIIII II'd ill A 'IIri"l~' of Intt'rl's lin/ol' Ite ms 'th Iitt.J, t.)\\, 11 M ~~<'llflfll. '1'13 I1U., A II.hongb ~ hl' ",HI bl' g r f'lI t,l " Iu 1l11t11tinn , 1111(1 I" )11' (1\' " "",wln"', "1' ' th o rl'"id,\JWO nr (' V . Pflp ..,t'r. 1;\11 Galhere d from tht' N~WSI)aper lUi.. ~ed hy IIIIIII S t'rillllU" "neI 11 " 1\: tn t1w 1U,,~t !lk"I}II('"I , t,h" v,illl!' I wr;tell : "I \Villi ih 11"'1. flll.tirely fli~ \If the St.uh' qllllintllLloe ye t. no out! Cllll COllI so ZOIl-PlI orll, w~ It 1\' ,' loll IJt,r!!II"."I ; IIhl Arl with h r· III · ' rI'lI 'II.!'~ nr Iii .. klonlv he~ IO:!I tl.tlO u 1edr · ~. . . liS tho rI OII!' :li!!t r . III '\4h'lH\~ XI) ri lire ne, II r Pnl g,\II\·. t'lll l l\tnl-:~ "nI dlll l 'flll\ II'~ 1.,,11-'1) . . . . ' ,_ Lnw Enfor(,l 'd in Hig hland ('o unl,y . . , '1 . ·~ I·l tl )'t"llr tf Ilut II n) , 1 , n w h ' :\IIt"e IU!'IlIt'1 lut' uf ZUII - Ph lll·lI . \\'llIIu~, \d ' t.> h,-I" lit"l . Iltl II u ·01 1 1"'Ilf' 111,01 II II \\1~ on)lllulUs, \\110 \\1111\1'1\\ 10 I II. Ihi,; J1n>~(.rt . ,~i llll '11 1l,.tnl\t l ~' III h ! ~ ' wh,'11 r h ••u,,"oI . ,\~, ,, .. 1.11' KI "~ ' " II \' r befol'B tb"h JA B» d lnl<e uf lOll· PI'I\'lIt,' \ I.'FI E IN AI,I~EN B II,f.)IN<-I pr!lt'(i cl- f,'r 1Il1l ".\' 1' ,' 111'>' \II ;-.: ,,,J Ih .... " l'UI·.', Tho Anti sult'on f,lrce,. lire. IIft.. l · 1' 1.. '11 11"" ",1, 1 I· ... · Iioe.s wbl b follQw~ the 1I pllrtllro \I'I'llin ' til \' nl' lll \l ~ lli ~I " ' Hh~ IlllI l . hlo ( " '1111 \ ' l ' II " "'III ~ II I I1 v."( 'II c· ,,, >!, tr <.l£lPj{Oj'le eJiLL .. o f no ",ho~ lif 11/1 boon 0 'CIU8t' 1I1I nwut.. ttl whic h Ih 6 ·~ \' IOllliol''' of lli e Henl 10('111' IIJltlnn l' .rl,'JI>llI lr' 0" .11\'1: Ih ., hi I·,lilllf ,It , "t1l1~h,·t1 I·IIJ1HIt ." . , ~ ~- ... --.......-.In\\' In Highltlp ll connt,.\'. '('veu 1\ 1' · I . t I itl I t b . ~ull i~ 1I1 l,f WIl III II I" ~1I1 !.f ll l" r ,,· >, ut. IIn,1 III tIJl' PII IY EONE DAY JI'NI:: I!l . . . 1\10 ; ~' 1I ",~(j(,I U 1'( W I I? r us II et'om wt'I'k .. l wu,,"hh ' t " /I." jl' I't rl;!st1! b"vs he n lUnde I" l:1illsl)oro ' t./ ""wk " (;nllr,,"1'1t-r1 " ,111',' fO I' tiS It, wer II pllr~ I b r 0 \' 11 hf . !l!lU (lOe in '(Illl\h Hr enfield ~ /11111 c ,lid" :'UO IIlIrI $ 11111 . Th" Anli · , l ' h ." hllVl' Ih· It Ingeth or for u\'l ' r 8"1 000 roroo~ in 011 1' neighho rillj( lit. ~' 1'1 .\1 • ~ ·bw"!'I~",. drll g >! t,"I!. Cash ~eglster Co. to \) 0 Nfl t "!.f l, ·d th., (h !1t1r II . ~(l :rOllI'S ill trn ~i~te rl y ufl'ectio ll Trill I hllnl' fl·'· ... COll ll ty. expr es~ \I dete rutl uu.tio n to At thi" ""U" IHI nf t,h .. "PIII' the .__ _ _ Rema in in Dayto n, e ufnrce the IIUU "YUlJlttlhy, Shill'llll:; Iif : ~ bl('s . Orst Ullllldu l'Illl '() . eIH18 · " r'n coI li111 '", dry \:!d lct of t he p opl lugs lind t.r inls With II lirtn I'nHh III b'1 ~'('I" "lll Illd IIIlYP inllll OP,mhdll. in t,hnt, territor y tinct Il!lsert thnt th f' r1l1ltO' ut. BHn wb,) " ctlre~ for the' widow ten llUll The hil. I !I11 I f ~" )U Wllu1 " IIIljO.'· I,""Clrro \\' III ke 'Reader s of th lI?o ttn hll ve fill CII8 . ~ "tnrt ' l\~ t.II', I, Il tll Making W; lIr On The IIrp ed Ill' ouly the beg inuing CIIIIIIIU\lrJnill 'll . nod tllt. herle~s , " fur tliwllY" , OVlln be I;h'(Hi i~ L'hlllll bprinin tlI "t:h 101111 Lfn,,' heeu IllClre or IE'I18 inte rp8tlld In tbl' ... ( ; 01\(" '1'111)1 t.l< IIIlll l{ hr ~r" of the orllsnd Ilg!lillst tb e h\\\! . 'I'hol' \11'11,1 " ,1<' "n fr\ \1l\ ea rl y childho ocl th y hllNl l: holti1'll ullll Dhlrrlt" t·" Ri·m"rl.1 di8Cuss l n thnl hilS l> en ~oiug on' brankllr s ._ Wllmin gtou D . lil n('rllt. 101l1l1Vf'f1 h v "111\\(11' flil II . dlrl'dell' n~r .. ellllll> I"xlu l\' I' lr"'ot., . le" l· Ih" In ord er tlltlt. fiMherl1lou IIlfIy bave lJeeo toruioe,l t o t rn t ill t fo r many montll UII t wh et.ber t b l' he (;o~ of wllb Illlch b !.tlilof th l' m lldy. · h'"11 10 IIll (' !t~ II II RC' I.hl1 tl t,()Il\llllh . SOUl enjoym ent in Ilsbi ng, and ·in · t heit' fllt.hor~. Pri e, 25 ('s n t,t!. S'1l1ll)let' free Ilt ,I . Nationa l Uaflh Registe r Co. would For snl,' h.\'.1 ~~ ,I Il 11 111'. rllet' t.lIf1t. rMI Ii h l,urlS huvo II Jt: J llone.\' ·" Ilrll!!: ~tUrL' . Tb Cu . eml' 8 rvlO s took Pilloo reulaln In D!lyton or rem ov/I tCl This ill worth clippin g , ohunce t.o en joy life for snOb brief W dl10stluy nfterno ol1 nt. some ot.ber city. and will be plell sed th o l)llm ')lIt and keeping . S»ll ' ali is tle.igne d for t)lelll . t·h In Ceut r\' ill , condnc teu' by l\lnl. 'to learn of the deoi inn thnt. t b e hlo .tl h Imd gll me cocu missi on hn. Debortl h L Yll, nssi ted [t n IOnn' hlld " t eu d ollor pup 11 e plant- will reulIlill. by Ito\'. tl clnrod war elll the Cllrp fI I1sh J\hlltlox ,-8k t'h by B ~' . VIlHKhllLl T he II Nh Iteg i~i er '0 . mploye s \Von ld look nf~e r it cllre{ul ly IIml not let it r un all over l.owl1 . wut if thllt Is of small Vill u U>l tabl food, \I bout four ' t h ollslwd pe rsons IIn(1 llll hnd II bciy i would hp c1 iHu re u t. 1I 1)<t M n o vu lu us spor t, lind of pas· tbe l o~1I ott-hiH immeORtl ll>l:V Toil t : Ere Is tllrue.1 loose at 1\ ('''rt\l irr nge ith'6 injnry to oth r fl b-by ellting I have ~l hlrge supply oJ fresh water ice and will t he olty of DI1.v t·Oll would teill por. uutl gg. o f o.1ooen t fisb. t o go ~ t he devil. The pt"'Jlle wonder the ,'r,' IIrlly, at least, pll rall ze the oity . driving thl' lll fr oUl na,turlll breedi ng make deliveries Mond ay, WednesdaY 8 and nturd ays. . The t roublfl 1I1'08l' from t he fnct wbere tbe ~rallt 1,lod.v Ilt lonl r ~, 1 t.rllmpB , cleliclbe llts tlud ~I · t.~ come 111\1 feetllug grouudo!. I t i though t thn t the tlsh .Registe r Co. felt it thlll pe rmis io u will be given to In ,. ase my supply will not meet the demand ') will lihip WIIS not receivlIl g th treatill ent it fr om etoh dllCllde . 'rhey nrc. 1{6rmi S plU for them, proyidi ug t h food deH': rv ed from t.b e oit.v lIuth ,)fitles n ated frn m t.he p ure se tl ).(11 111 " 1'811 f roll) o nr home!!. lIud "" 1" 11 hrout1 . fhlll tire t.hrowu lilll k iut the wnter Proof of >llld OilY lon people geoelll liS. the Value this Import · . ice in 0 as to upply my custom ers -at all times . OHst upon 0111' steets null liliay . It, ~th otlrp lJ ' ing oonv rto'ld iu to for. The re IIppeurs to he a lel'lIng now ant Medicin al Agent all the Jlllrt uf he OiUlh But.h orltim! IDIlY be YO ll r boy t . sta rti D/{ i 0 tl.lII't fIli llp. r ,- Xonio. l1t publico u . C. M. ROBITZF.R \)ireotio u . At nil event!' tllil buy FOR WOM AN Uri well IIH the people of Dayton til ought to be give n tb SIlIll" ohllo(:(' " work iu harm ony . ' Phone 35. Grent l'hysici llnl! Recomm end it This age of graft. with the pllp.-C offot)vi ll p ( I{ II II ~"" ) (11 felltnre of' t hp I~!{ree m ell t , of for the Cure of Woman 's ills , Record . , loclll i uteref!t , ill that giving t he D. " 11" ~ o urlon h o w tho p ople Imvtl 1.. & , railroad lin im t ranee into tll r DNl IIranuli ond 1I00ol11e so Llis. . T he N tltlonu! .:)tI\ ntiuril DI RI> 118ll: th" olty· PlIst the Cash Re"lste l' t o ry I~ II m edicil l work of nearly tow Be cheerfu l tru~tfull, " s,Ill tho olel fnrm or . nll pI' l~iIl1\8 . -th('·llsIlull p l\gll~ , II know l 19o11 :\~ This road, there foro tbe mutter of g ruft nnd tr n. ts hILS Httmllar d auth ority bV ............- - - - - - - LI N E S will haDfUe all the Cagh proc1ucts. the III ,\tOil I There are two RInd E' of people ill tou bed u~ Jn . " 1 lind fm,r hugs to [lrofe!! Ion eve rywh e re. it Wil li ellit ~I the world. One e lll 1I gaol! llbout. J1~ ~JH 11 nnd ndverti ell th em in t he vil l. ed by suoh world filmed \)by ioillns r. : <U!lGIi: L"J " ,IUIIO 1() W l·l, "ooonllr, NILI. ,lrtll l ~;I' I I\ I II \ calling it u vnle uf t eurl.!; they cull IU! H obl~rt A rm ory '1:1l1re, ~L U.. Some Freaks in Fruit. 1 rlicul A ~ncl "t,IOI\. ago /1Il)ier . Balf a dOli n poople cnlll O . themsR lvos poor WOrlllS of· t he clUB I, ,JAM E <T )\\1N ~.'PO I1'JON (Nllrf"I ,. VII on t tn see th8bt, . IIlntl IIlllong them profesMor f t he rll\JAlltl().'j ,l ud milt IllIill' 1111111 aria and medi It in the ,J effe rs on M cl,· talk abut Ii vlng tit "thi s pOOl' ::'iillvfJlllbtlr all. 'l'he unseaso nable Weathe r this '\IO\(e of 1ll1l1l .V ,1 ~I rlthl" \,.lII t ; - " !.I "',,I) III' WIIS II widow. She wllntell m e tn ,,1 'allege of Pbilild ·lphiu· dyiug , H rate." IlI'Y as if there loy 1I0l'\un .t lime\'; PotOIll 'IO HI VtJI· 1\ 11,1 I 'h"~1\ W'" k" R were scmo Rwell epring ball hfUl the "'feot of pr . r u)lth e breed, the weight, lind li. Ru by. M. D. • Qr • lumbifl III HOltlllb Id s . ~t QI)Over" nl N W \' 111'11. H , '~f'III , W \lHhi ll ~I ' '',.v duoing varlong freakR In gr,»vin g virtue in orawlln g about like It to t he fr..ct t hat tl~IlY ', v"r Ity, New York . n,ntl otherri lIf Balt.illlo r , Philtlcll\lphill were in goO<! worm, Such peopl e trail g loom at: plants and tteal. . hell\!,b . he wl1ntecl to be sure of eq n .. 1 promin ence. , ~lMER T )UR I-\1' FAI ~~i'\ 1" lIl1l U< I·n-/,rl.• "I'III I.! .1"1' rhi s great lIled i<:JII uutb ' Z:lty ue Last we~k · 'a twig pi ncked from te r theDI, ~mcl make II Dismal th eir good eye igbt, a~d s y ()nn~t. in Lmw I l.lIHl lI i1U Now Ii' lI ftllnll. IVII h N·". \',,1'1: he!lring . Hcrl bes the !lotion and U~ SWIlWP t tb of b ::Ittbe I world . The oth o:!r " a Iltrawb eny apple tree on tbe lI od Phill1d"l))hill ~ t n p ov . r. , AI.n t,/1 I~ " \C , ' :t ,,,I M., ulI,"ill She wnnted to be sati fied t hllt they llledcines ' recv~ nlz6d iii the phlll'lJI_ nJI'O rl ~ , ulI II 10 Illol'lHlo III1.-t hlC'til( ('"".- 1 premiae e of the owner of the Guett,e olnsll bring sunt-hl ue wherev er they were good nlltnted . She Ilcopeillo ll of the Uuited tit~t6.\l. H I·u(tr. wllnted m e Britain , and Ge rullmy, with nUIIl 'w contain ed a well develop ed Rp/lle go. Even If they , 1m vo to PIISS to sign n pn,pel' thM I h!ld rlli I.n 1 'VILLE KY •. Juno ~4 " ,-,,1 :!!;. ,~I 1"1, r "111111 " I''' ' e(1 the ons refilren oe to others. III tii<lou<ls I Convpn ti 'Jll . alDlO8t as large as a walnut n.nd II through the VIIJley of Snca, or bit. p'orkers :Ihstend of ' . stealing them . iug the prop,lttle<l of L ifo .R ~,~llI SAR 'l'OGA SPR ING:oi, NY . •Iu l,,;1 to 7. K '\" , • ·.. " d",·, large bloesoM , Buoh 8S Is usually terness , they I'top to make " well, Wben [hod clone ibis he t lI uthortl e expluiu 9 Lbe "'I)ull e r · and t be sale :-;POiIA N E .• fnllil ~71l\ .I uly I. II . 'I:' P 80 that those who oom e after them Ileen .rly in ~by . was IIbout t o be effeoted s he s udde n . rullloti on ,)f t oi wedlom o ou th HIi:A'l' I' LE, WII ~ "ln gtou, ,1111111 ~9 to .1111\' r., ( ! ~; . may be refresh ed. Adelaid e L. A pear tree alllo IIppear ed'fillet! ly turne.l und walk:ed a ~I'y . 'Hello, meDstrf ml or~tl n lslJl ,)f \VOlD e n. 'fbll PB ILA.U ELPBIA , Jnly 12 t,.) Ill-B. I', () ~: -01\1'''0 1 110' Rou@e. ,'emedy fav o rs lin lDorells ed diswith bloom last week. now whnt's the matter ?' I oalled c harge;, whtlu til tJ1en ~e~ ure too vi" 'VII. hing t on, wit,h lItnp n.\" · r ~ '\.t B,,\t,lIl1n ru tllul WII~hl"K ' a rt,er he r. 'You 'VEl ('ut, their tu.i1 s I!OtlUty aud pniuful, !t nd loon) reg uilltes Why Don't the Govern ment Stop otf,' BIle r eplIed . 'Ye'll, t·hat WIlS .be m en Htrul11 funoti on wh n irreg. HEASH hRE EX .,U I{S[O.c til Allunt,ic (Jl t.v, ('lip Mil ' lIud Frank lin Wet. Post Office Robber ies . dono when tl)C\y wor~ pigs. ' ".Phe n nlnr o r too profuso . ~ otioo t hl1t the eij!ht othe r poplliu r ~en .. ide reHllrt ... ' Anu1\!\t . effeot is to regulu.te 110lj f USfOre nor· y.o u knOCk (. ff fifty . cents lI,piece. or Illul funoLlo Tbe resuU of tbe local option e leo. nsof the 'e Orgllll , no The Por~ ' Wilham postofUoe \Val' \VINON A '-'AKE .INO.-U nilyu lI t II S ptslIlh, r3n I don't buy . It' ~ wbole hog or n on e olotter wt.lther-t-h...:;,;;~.m;~u~ tion a& Frankli n Thursd ay was Do rob\JEld last Friday nigh u~si,u~p~t--'--FF;:;n;rff:;;\lTII['-;:;p;;-n~rti.ij ,1 llltlrs con~lll t B . E a .)oth . Tl okAt \ gf'III,. t., PostmllB flUd no g rllft . · " pl"08 ed menstru~ t lou, or Its 0Ppo very d80lded viotory for the wet ter John R. Bro\vn WII YU !'vIII I), Ohio . not ,dlscove r' ng site, profuse . elemn ', the robbery until t:)a tnrdl\y morn Thltl Ul ed icina1 ll iun t, Li f Hoot, Frankl in had heen nomiua ll.v dry Ing. 'I'be postoffi ce Is ., with others of tJ(t'lal vnJuo, ur, in Mr. Obitu'a ry Sketc h of for two years. foulld iu Z " Phllr" . YOur ,h uggi t Brown 's atore. · The burgl<I rs e n Mrs. Charl es Sears . WIll sUPlll.v you witll till:; re III Il(\Y . ' It is hard to a88iRn a reason fo~ tered the store, the n broke into" THE FAMO US ';tlreudy IJrO)JIU'('Il, OI11IJ1JUIIlI c1 In tbe d80ldet l.chang e in the sentim ent drAwer oontain iug '60 govern me nt ---~JU r the I'II'{IH 1"·")J",. thll,.. ",,01 1' ,, [ of tbe town ~ No doubt It dozen money, and 'a!flll hroke Z'llind ll,~H(llI n (l (ll\u ~ hr .. r /\ "~t-e llh upill ~ .. ld,""· "'itZ,'d ,(1 into the 1)111l1 b tt . ~ ,. dlfferen t reasons oould be g iveu, on money drawer o f the IItor a IInli 1111 a n und Hl.l llnuh PeA\lI.. ~ \V jIH horn <\"k hilll 11'1' % 1)/ - I' II,I/'I'-II l' 1,1,'(\" r is the onlr fold ing organ ex pliulll t ltl ll WIll IIH Ilo,·,),oll Ell ' h i import ant ODe being th'e toot tbllt d ed tho oo ntent ~ oight eel1 (l nllIlI'H. in !:;prin/!ho I'Q. Obi n, ,lni y 2 '. It(t··, )lLtIJkng ( III worthy 0 conside ration, lr .. iu" IIUlllpl" l "\J tI ,' :0, . I Frankli n 18 so, 8urroun ded by liquor to their bo ty . T he b Ul·I!II\. I· ~ t\lflk IIn,1 (\op'rl.e I4 thi !l lif',' lit 1,1\1' h n1ll(' pll cil l"I" g ua ra nteed to be as r epre-l'fl'''I ~ ( .. r II . ,,~ Ill ,,' .ll1e(\ t towns that we~ goods oould easily n othing wit.h them except, th HU Ill S ill 'on tpl"vil ll1, .JUlltl I~, ' ) ' d , it/!P 1(' ;11 ". 11 /"" 1\ "" fJ ' oIr ,,! ),' PengH " .I' ti <". sented pr money refunde d, l be secured . by all who wllnted of m oney e,x trlloted fr' AflviOe t" \o\-'OIn .. n. " II Iltll ... b , 'k "I is used by thousan ds for III I,h l' t,wo 64 y"ll r~ l,llll ll nt,h H, 27 rlll .I', drink anyway . . ~ r e/lt vlliu p. I' xpl.d nlll !?' Ilb"ut the money drtlWe r H, !lud they cloubtles~ mull i~ude purpo cs and is of . htl w •• :01 (hJ cenll ec1 Ir,'nl H hllljJ . ' hriuu~( urln :c Ht' \\"1' ln . II I.Y' w, l lIk l " . ~ :' The 8&loon questio n Is I, big ODe hl1vln~ beeo severlll ho nrl> unt Id value to nlission arics, on their lioo of ,l e v'lUt QUllker plll'Pfltl! j;(I' , !loti (lId~IIMe " ,,01 Ih ,· pr'opo;> r t reut. evangel ists; and one tbat every town wlll have flight before the burglnr singers, the home, the y w.~ dill. COllll11g originn ll y f r uTIl Englllllll, .It:IAnt, fOi' rhol : I'n,',' school, the children, to oonten d \'IUh to II. greater or less oovered , not the 8 1~ht teacher s and wherev er portabi lity is require d. es t nine WIIS nud >Iotl.ling io Prin eI' GIlUrg ' 11. 0I- 1f YOIl dll. lrt . " 'OIru i ~lll.rIllRt'" Send e:J:teut . during the next .twenty obta.\l:ui ble . . , . for a full descriptive catalogu e free. ", ~ bout Z'lIl-Pb ul'lt, I Ill' Z" 1- t il r VlrglDlIl, ~ r om hel'o h r )l1U'e nl S l)ompu years. uv. Kul urullll I", i\lICII , Will BILHO RN BROS ., 156 Lake Stree t, emigra ted to Ohio, un d led UI. Chlca 80, III. ' . ~ayne8VlI\e, itself, is situate d ThQD~ ' tL~ '~n g~ro Fool' ~1 1~~w e r ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~-'~~~ muoh as wu Frankli n, and if we . ~~"~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ were to have an eleotlon now the Dissotl sfaction at the operati on tli ecl in ohlltJ,hood . Her beloved outcom e would not be certain 'by of the new road In.w 19 evident ly sblter, Uhurity , is th llt only surv'vo r any meana . . hot confine d tu Clin ton ooun ty of t he t'llmily, the lIl otbe r hll,viug County , prohibi tIOn, state prohi, Farmer s resorte d to II> very e m . died 'in 18'47. whell the two:> sister R bitlon and entire prohibi tion seem pbatio method of elCpre8~ iug thetr were lUere c hild.reu , I~ fovin g ~ unt. to be a n80eui iy In the Bettlem ents oontem pt for tbe nllw VALLEY PHON E 156 law down In hectlme their foster mother , nnd II lEBA NON , O. UNDER TOWN CLOCK I' of the questi') n "ud there will ' be a Jackson County , liS re lute.l in the fathers love a nrl Oll ire is the only . '. oonstan t fight for yea'fS to enforoe followi ng press disllllt.ob from ' r ecolloct ion of ptt rEm till training the I.. w . Wellst-on : " Down ill t h t: village of And sympllt b y. Mlm y pl ellStlDt anrl ----~.-------Oak Hln , workin g tilO roudo! hal! be- happy tn fl m ori es of thi!! gooil aunt eome lin Issu e lind Ilbou t 80 · oiti)lens "nd of t.heir fatber'ls co unsel ILnd have sbowll t·heir contem pt f 'r th e \Vord~ of Iuve, . r~mu i nou with the present. rouclillw . They formed R i le rs th roug h 111\ life's ehnnge s, pflrode w ith '" primit.i vo ox t en tll liS The fllt.her diell Mltr": lJ ~5 th, l' 75, " . a fell,t.ure. 'IInd to t.b e H op of 1I\lI r. SIUCO whi('1! time ohllrit.y . ·found II tinl ·mu!!ie. JUllroh ed to the center eonj!tmilll h ome with lier sister ZII . of tb e village, und, digg ing a hole, Iindn , who WII!! united • I in mllrrill ge bnried a . oopy of t be r.>lId law!! t o C h nr l e~ \V ell r s Mltroh Hi . 1 (;1;. They the party dispers ed, feuling l'we lvil yell rs ago Mr. 'enrs \VUS that they hull lIutfioient,ly humili oalled frO-ill' the ea.rthly, 'h ome to the a.ted Obio's In wlllnke rs. " .l:f ome beyond , nnd the two sisterH • ...... I '!\" Wilmin gtrln VeDlOCr ltt. were le ft to llIt1ke hfl~ 's pions find _. puraue its jOllrney a lo o e I,n beauty, style and finish, no Mr~ 8!l"r~ ' tllllrncu life WIIS Protect the Childre n, others' compare with them. ! pl ehRII n t lind happy, nnd t he oh eer ~ FrJm· t,ime to time 'the Gn~ett!l fnlll f'HH /lnd j o vi,dty o f both h ers e lf Found wherever SOciety has publlsh ed in t·his colulUn . ptlrl\ IIUtI. h er helo'lled husblltl d brigbt.elleel ,gra,p hs telling ot deat.ll ur seri ons 1111 Il]ei r dllY!; lind sbed, Us hnlo ovor Gold njnry . ooblldr en from having elit; tbe ddy ~ oud yolLl'S of her blllllII v· ~ 'Ca. IA~.'" en or drank someth idg not intende d ment IIna llt1liotlOn. Bhe has suf· J. 'E. J:ANNE Y. for them. The followi ng from tho fered from Bst·ham alie trouble in FANCY DRY CLEANING • Xeuia Gazette ca.lIs renewe d atten ~n aggm VII ted form for UIIlUY Hoyle 128-r-ce prelOlld.lortw Concr... ·AND Yet her tlOn to the neoessi ty of parents ex years. charnct uristic PI'O .. and nama 01 doaler REPAIRING A SPECIAI~TY " - whom roo<:b bourht. ~re... erolsing every cu.ra over t·helr . chil . obeerfu lnetls lind h er on flllterin g U. S, Playing Card Co .• c;'nclMatI . O. faith buoyed her up lIud sustaln~d dren, Harold , the three·ye ll r old son of her thropgh the long yean of her Mr, and Mrs. Ohdrles wead, of South afflictio n, and transfor lllled her life AU ltandar d magazi nes at special West st·reet, died Sunday mornin g, Into a brlgh~ and hopllfu l waiting ¢08I ~ the (Jazetw ollice. for that time when she might pus 1


Excha nges






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Life Root .in ZoaPhor a o.r

Pe nn sy l. va ni a \..T.... Lo\ \r

_n .""',.,...... ""' . --. \,1 ')





Bilhorn Talascopa OrgaD


~N~R~~w~n ~~r~~~~ofw~~



'~Iif)jin&) .Cards~

'** ..... we..





· •


Kin ds of

~ar~ Of~uallty.











======~ =-




COUflty Court News. I' IW HA'I' IC ' ''1U II1

:: In l:IullIiHou townshlPlIt. (;!tlr n(l(l 1:1 . l:IurdlnlC tu Juhn W . VoITAr. hy qhorlft·, Int. jill in }I~rlln/(.

, Notice .of Presenting County ~oad Petition

NOlloe I. hereby ghen t h .. ~ a petl~l~n will Ii It, *il01i. b e pre~e ntL'<l to the Coullnl sloner. o f Wor ""'lilt! .)f Ir .. c . Erl .. 1 .• llti AIIIIII H. ErIAl ren County. utth cl r next ReR~ lon . July I . A. ~UHlln Pil, l,dl~ld ,, (It't'eu" .. d . will lid. Rohert R 1111<1 AoI'L I~ Lew.",. D 190 1, l,r"y ln ", for the alt era ~ I (' n of a 'OUI11>y r ona un Ole followi ng Hu e, tow l t . witted' t.o ·lnobtLte. 'hlLrle .. WIn, lIore" in l:Iomiitol \,Ownl'hip. $1. 11 g lllnln g . t a polRt lit WII 80n·. pile at ur Ilea r Ihe I'arm line be t wee n IsallC Com.,. U.PIJoill tefl ~x'·C\l tur ,. !,,,tnt! $4,000. .John W . VollM of Frl.lnldil1 t UII a",1 J . ~I . nole l it ·urve.VB 430:1 n nd Apprui"or!<, A. h' . IriHllltOIl , \y , II' . Plltriok W , lIod Mory Burke. l" t. Staple and U'un oy Uroceriei', F ruit " 70n, ru n nin g tlw ncc III a n ortb c rnl y dln!tl. tl on a ncl rollo,wlll g ..]on" the bU.,' of t M h i li M1C1~!! und ~ eorge M WII , 791 in Frunkl\n $ltOO. '1'/1'" Yalaablo remody I. a cllre Vegetable:! unll GILDnAd Goods , so n. t o IWUll re " bCller grade. tbrouUIl J M . Ib, D,o""""I&, ladlle811ou~ B eart.. ElitILt6 11f .' " TUOII n, Loltl. (1806llH.I\I; Jolin E. S pring" to .1 ,?lm R. Drake bam. Aeldlt, or, or Bour tllomach 'ook' &la ul1lo, Ilalilllnj( 00 the E ... . olel e o f " 8Ick or Ner,oul R eAdRllbe, Oen era l ro..101e ll c,, 011 ala l a n d~. co rl tl n ul n ~ III a ' :1'; ' r~ Ulld "'olmooo, lIenOUU11i II UlI VII III' lit til IIleu I ur pllrt .. f lots 24j Ill!d 2411 In Lebanon, Or ..... Deblllty or Pl'OfItratloD Norl hor oJ y r' ilre c llnn a llli t: ud l l1l( at. or n ~ nr ud all 0 1 _0 .,llloK fIoom a diJol'Ullltl settl801l'nt. Ijcl , Lhe ,I n,,,,. brltl gc. going north, I)"lng " cll". dored oobdlU~ u ortbe I!tomlLCb. LUIlce ot ~!! O rod s lnore Or 10ftf'. F..!IIlLto lIf Illhll irn M, (JlJpin , tie· JaUles W , Ellis to (;horles 1<:. W " . \I'll. ()N. I' rlnoJp a l PC LllI one r , Phone 79. ~ 1: I U' H oeu8ed ; ILdl1l ln lJltrn,t ll[ tlllthorlzed Ellis , by sberiff, 14 9 aorlls in MilS. C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. j PI_nt to lAke. n .. not OOCtlUo to 1I0cept clL8h vnllle for ronl esth te sie t ownship, $1. ary to diet oaly 10 .,.ry ,",vere _ . - - - - -,___ ,_ _ _ _ _ _f TeUer Cu t ed. !laid. JlLmes Stoops, ,Ildmluistratoi' es. The 8tomaob ,,,IU 8000 be In IIWlIi a b.~U.y condition that one CAa eat A lady cllst-omer of ours had @uf. (Jeorgo W, tJlm y, IIdmlnlstmt»r ta te of tjonnah Prinlll, to Lonis _ aay or rood. fered with tetter for two ur three VII MOlleH OsI-ofn Of ul. order grlu,t Prints, . of WlLynesvlJIl4, lo.t :; In years . It I~ot 110 bad on her hllnds Two Size., atl to lIell real estlltr, lit prlvule sllle. Wn.ynosville, '975. thllt she cvuld not attend to her 100. Ind SI.OD ptr bOl. Eruest Boppo and wife Minnie Estllto of Huuullh Printz, do.. 1I0llsehoid duties. One box of drunlot does not ba.e It, C~umberlllln'l:I Blllve oured her, cellsod; acOOun tlt and vouoherli Illed Hoppe 'to GUB E . Hoppe. 1.2 IUterest Mel1lillre :VOur roonll 8 nd come 10 to Chumberillin's medloines give splen tor final lIettleul~nt, III 14.62 ncres in Deerfield lownshlp F. L. SHINKLE, did 'siLtisfact ion In t.bis C1omnlunltv. J 011n W . Linder wus Ilppolnt.&) It 8 ,ISO 1.3 of 324 IlCrel! in Dderfieid .a""fact",I". Pharmaolat, 101, H, 'R odn,ey & Co., Almond, AliL guardian ' of Wilson Kirby, imhe. township, IIIUNOII, INDIANA. bllmberlain'8 meiiloines ure for "ale by J . E, Janney. beelle, under bond of I WOO . Jennie E. Fu.n dqrburg to J. ~'. cr_,. .. 1\4 7'<II"-faIe 10ft' on Vie were wise iu orJering this stook laMt fnll , in pricaM hllve !l\',t appll<la,lon. In the lUlltter of the ~lIl1 lgnment lind flusanna BeI1, of Harveysburg, teriolly Ild vllnoed . T.ur os t lillie!! h,st yenr of uny ; tbls yeur will ;b ot M. ~ . (;olp, J. D, MllIor Willi lip lot in Harveysburg, 1300, Notice of 'Presenting poln t.ed (lsslgn\\6 'i bond $4000, grelltor. Mllttings frOtIl the Orieut now ill stock a Rs nros bellutltul p~1 County Road Petition. terns, lowest prioe.s, , D~vlu Mlll:!On WtlB IIdjotlguu In Commissioners' sl1ne lind rem unded to the Dllytou N oll.., I H lIC,,~by glve ll that It petitio n will [ngralns , . ' .. , . ...... , . " . . .. , .. . . . .. , . , .. . .. , ... 250 up be lJresenUld to tbe Com ml•• loners of ProOceedings. l'iospitlii. W .. r r en Co JII I)' ut th ~l r lien . "".Ion , J uly LOWen, Park, Extra l::!npers. I HI . A. D. 1IIU., pra y lnR to r Ibe luyl ng ou t o r 'fhe will of Jllne E, Roberts , de. opening of a OoGu nt'y I(oall On Lh e (ollowln~ Rugl!-':'gr~III '. Isto'ok yet . .... . ..... . , .. . .. . . • 10, 50up OOIlSed, wa., admittOO to prot'n te , 'l'he following contracts were Ike. Lowlt : Ue~llI n l n g ti t a p ol nL Jo th e Telephone Day or Night. 'anbyt ow D ant i '11: 111& Valle.I' P Ike a nd In Large I1Dough for a r oom. U. R. l::!utton wa@ made exeontor mllde at the meeting of the count,\' Lhe dll'lolon 11 0-10 be t ween I. Co mpton a nd f:Local No. without bond. 'fhe I1pprlllsers aru cammlssloners lut Monday . l!. lI aJues fnrl108 In 8u r\'es !!:JR!.! and r~a . Wltq Law & Winner for cleaning . long Distance No, 69-3r ru un llll! Ih clI ~ w ith Lhelr •• Id II n.s Linoleum , tbe great klt.oben Imd hall covering. Laoe CartaID8-:I!l • I , W. W . Arnold, Levi tI. Lukens and ul.o w l~h th ' lino u f Fra nle S~nn loy and .1 . M. new effects. Window Shadfls, all lilol:lrs. all 8lzes, made to orde,r . and palntitlg tbe oourt house and W , L. Frame. 'ook 'Jj lands . t he sumo bolllil the lJOll tb linCH of SU rI'''y j;~U , In n Northwe,tcrl~' dlrecLlo" the stable at the sheriff's residence :l nd In th e Haml: u ntil It (o te r _L t he (lro O~JlT l ROOEEDlNU8 tt the estimate of ,3110, Brancb Office. Hanawsburg, 0., pol>Ccl ..I ~rullon I n ~ h ' WII KOII roud In J . M Cook ', Illna. ar.11I codin g bcl nl: a IIbt a noo or ~ State of Ohid vs CIIllrlesj WhiteWith J , P. Rawles for furnishing :!2 fl rods mo r ' o r I . W~LANG,M.J); Dack et a.l. Jobn Poynter, & ~r.y paint for the oatlrt bouse at 1.36 ·a ltANK STAt'. Ity . Prl nclroal Petlllo"or. l::!ults, .rlloketl for Mi8lles, Women dele/ldn.nt, pleAd not guilty lind hi .. gallon and all a6 45 cents. RIDGEVILLE, URI<) ball WILS fixed al '500. ' With J. E , Janney for fllrnisWng Notice of AppOintment. and Cbildren. I:II" rts, Waists , Un. SPEClALTlES : DIS EASItI! all' WOMEN Uhllorlel ,E. Ellis vs George 8 paint at 1.35 a ganon. . AND C HILDREN NO Lice 1ft hc , eby Hlve n tba ~ th e unde r . derwear, Intllntl! 'f)ng oloaks. 'Ellis 8~ 801; the apprilisers of the With Ueorae Robertson for reo .ll:lIed baN bee a duly ap pelnted and (Iuall. Ellis estl\te fOWId it to be worth pairs on the river bridge at Tele. 1I0ll by th e P !'O b3,t C liOUrl o f Warre ll Count y, $13373.10. Thp el!taLtI was divided graph Mills a' 37.87. Oblo, :1$ executrl" of the I . .. "III ..n~ t eOlil' ruen. or M ~r r Unlly ~ 'C II. ·d . h'te of . a ld With the pregouillo Bridge <:Om· aDd Charl8!l E. Ellui bad his ah .. re uoun t.y. 1·. the 8lltate llpart for him , pany tor footwalks, palntlug "nd ~;I,I""OO lb Ually, VlIll1ge of Lebuh ou vs &pid flooring for Mulberry street bringe, W ay ue$" lIIc, Ohio, Ju n ti , I U01. Railway OClwpl1ny ; calle dismillllod, Lebanon, a~ 1~0. & ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~~ •.~~ tA,Goorge Relhle ~8 William D. Bill. The following hills were allowed: MAl .. STIlEET WAYNBSV1LDE, O. Every Man His Uwn Ooctor. Then come IIlJit bny your dress at Court fonnd a judgment of ,557 39 Oregonia Bridge Uompany 10 room next dcor to 01108S Bros. 1'be average man cannot Rfford to Butchinson & C;jibney's , Xenia ,Oltlo wor L on Frm-"'Iln brldge'192 00 H d employ·.Ument a physlcan b eA III fllvor of the pliliutl ffs \lob IQh t ar ware 8...)fe , , ' slight or injury for that every mllY No olty has a l 'lll,ter ossortment of defend .. nt 'Will ordered t.o pay. I::Iameflnal estimate on 'Delephone in hOWie and offioe oooUr In bls l~amiJy, nor can be Iif. WIJluUJl Ruthman VB O. C. and 'Franklin l;ridge oontraot where 1 can be called day or night. ford to neglect them, as 80 slight an fl\bric8 tor the drQss It,self and the St. L. R , Y . (;0" case compromlsod . No. 43.:.................. .... .. 244500 Valley Pbone 14-2 InjarY1l8 the scratch of a pin has tr,tmmings, It 18 a reasonable . arI es gu "'-hl0 t man, o.Iean I n g . been known 'to .cauae the 1088 of Il statemt'nt anc\ fnlly proveu In $be I LEd'w in ILe . MlLftln, executor vs Ch 11mb. Bence everyman must Frank it. 8h11lU. Mary U MarUII, sewer at Fosters......... .. 3 00 The Magio No. il . necessity be his own doctor forfrom this post. We Ilrt' L Dress Goods B9use of Leblulon in her lut wi \I lind tea. John Linder, bridge repalrll 19 25 Number three Is a wonderful 'olass of a\lmelGt, 8UOO6SS often de. tament declared' that the executor V. J. Zenlmeyer, brldlJ6 reo ' mtlBCOt for G1!o. B . Parris, of Cedlu pends upon prompt treatment, and do not meddle wi 111 tinware, Edward U. Martin .honld 'urn 'o'!et pairs ........ . ......... ...... ... 35 2.1 Grove, Me., according to a lotter whioh caD ollly be bad when suita. hardware,obinn., shoell, etc. " fhese ' , ~ &0 Frouk t:lh\nn all notes held John Wolfe, bridg~, rePlllrs 20 76 whloh reads: "After su1l'eriDg muoh ble medloine!. are kept at lland, their pluce. " 0_ 1 D_ . . . _ f It "0 00 wUh liver and kidney trouble, rond qhamberlaln'lI Remedies have been egalnst him slgnOO 'by hloi Ind\vid· ., DRAWr, Oftre 0 vau ., becoming Jl:reatly dl800araged by in the market for many yoars and Jn8t look lit our shelves and show w.Uy, I\JIIO all notes apon which he O. B. Tufts, burial of Alary the failure to 1i"nd relief, I tried enjoy a good I~eputation. 08988 to 86e hOlv fresh and new and Is prinolpal. 'l;he executor brought E, Cavolt ........ ......... ... 60 00 Eleotrlo · Bitters, and al! a resnlt I Chamberlain's Colio, Obolera and suit heoauae he was 'ln doubt as .to Josiah Bolbrook" book type. am a well min to-day. The first Diarrhoea. Remedy for bowel com. olean the stook, How easily tG trim from 'IIlr I!tock just In. wbet,her 'sev'e ral notes came uQder__ wrlt~r aDd 00 der 185 00 ~:~e~ie:ha: o:~:' }hGe:ar~= PJ~~berllliII 's Oougn Remedy for ".thls heed. it was judged by the Law and Winner, P&pe riD 8 beat on earth for stomaoh, liver and coughs, ooids, ,oroup and whooping J, ' o()()urt thllt notel! &mounting to t7600 Anditor's and Survey. kidney t.r»uble8. by FrOO C. Schwartz cough. . 18boul<l be returned to tbe detend. or'r offioes ......... :.......... 17 65 druggist. 500. Chamberlallll'e PaiD BIllm (an lUI. Slllr 'lad Worsted 'l'rimmingli, !:)heet EIJ~ot8 , Ginghll.m, PI&lds. Thoma!! Harmlm. bridge re: ti86ptic IInimell1t) for outs, brulse8, .aut. burns' sprains swelling, lame baok tllrelda Biuret. vs Boward D. pairs ...... .. ..... .. ............ 12 00 Help Wanted. and' rheumatio pains. BlLf ~m~n; a new trial Wll8 granled Sbeep 0lalDl8 lind allow. llhamberlain:'s Stomaoh and Liver n,noes. Young men' Bnd girls at tbe Pe. ['ablete for 'ocElltipation, biliou8lless ' ulJOu tbe m otion o r the plulutltf. CRrtridge Com pliny, Kings and ef.omach troubles. '('be Aome 11\ 100 ' '.:Omp8ny v~ ' H . (Jeqrge W. ,lliole .. .............. . 10 00 ters Chamberlain's Salve for diseases 65 MI I 1M. Work light I1nd olean. Good A . Cuyutl ; c1 e lllurrer Iiy (ide~dllllt, rboma8 Belding ...... " .. " .. : .. , ,,~. ~ ,..I tt ThI8 II"",. ~ to of the tlllln, ,J'l8\,ph Gilmour .......... .. .... .. tiS wageH1IU11 oomfJrt..l ihle hot,el RI1CO\u· One bottle ol~ t,he8e 'five prepal &.' '10 p 'I,itlon \\"" IIY,!rrult'rt . Cbllrles 8. , ann ................. . as 00 DlulilltioDS oluse \,0 the ftlctorY. Uont! oosts but, t1.25. For sale by I\IAIIIlIA O ~ 1,1 E~1I1t AddrtlllM A!!8i!!iotmt Mftu l ~ger. J . E Janney. 70 George Leer" " .. ... "" .... .... . .11I flOb F V l ~e kon. 28, fllru er, 70 ml5 tit Kings Mills, Ubio. Cbllrles &ker ...... ........ .... .. . . UIi/JIllton lind Eel,," MII .v St .. wllrt, Thoma~ B. Dllillnsh ", . .. .... .. :l8 00 ~~~~~!!!"!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'!!~~~.!!!!~ Means Monarch of perfection. ~ :18, I.e b&D')JI , ;0 (rll 8. Blackwell. .............. . .. Be Fired I,he titlok. that arc distin ~ulshed by good !lealena, Ohlirlelt J . Brook",:!Il, b ,okke"I,or, Henry Bonk ....... " ... ...... .... . 70 &ood finish. '1 he beet conltruction encl It I bll VI! fired the W .. lking.stiok MldcUeto .. n, lind MUlllle E, HUIIIII very reasonable prices. A.k J:o. l ' vo carried ave" 4,0 yesrs. on 110W. F.. MOOUm, ReceIver, ·berger. nluslo tenoher (~f.rmanl,()wn, de a,) Ie r 4'~ • .J:.....-J " line. J>Ie. count ,of a 1I0re that. resl>4ted every ExeCutor's Public Sale. kind of treatment, nntil I tried to show f~I~IIWI"" IItreDt Rev , 8wetlney. you tho from oklen's ArDloo Salve ; th~t h88 others. Ev«y Bcd fully guaranteed. REAL l!'.8TATJIl TRANSfERS. I will olfer at publlo sllle on ttJe helLled the sore and 'made me a bllp. • f:F Ii'f; C'l'IV IE M.u-cu ~ I. 1£,0 7 . MANUFACTURE D lIY J08eph AtklDlIon to Wl1l1a,Jl fr:a- far 'u of the late Ruth A. ObeDO- py mlUl, " wriles John Garrett, of , NOHTIlIJO UND. CO., Rloh",ond, Ind. sler, 1 acre In Ole/lroreek t(lWDllhlp, weth, about one mile nortb o.f Way. North Mills, N, C. Guaranteed fnr SLatlon. NO• .1 . No. 1)O N Q. r,o tl, n8lvtlle all tbe W.yn8lvUle · a~d Piles, Burns. eto" 80ld by Fred .C· A. M. • . PM . B<>hwartz, druggest. 250. ("'harles n.nd Warren Apgar to ~lIbrook pike, .he following prop. 1l0U 523 Lebanon ~c , Ar.8 00 70!1 I. G8 6 18 John Apgar,. 106 aores in Ooerdeld erty 'belODitUl to the estate of. the ~'!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! Sbaker Cr. 1 7 !i ll 110aI 161 :) Ro.lyn towDlhip.,I()OO, , deceased: DR.H.E.HATHAWAY, H.m i 48 10 'II .... tead A. M. Couden, et aI, to tbe M,"· t:JATURDAY, JUNII ~9, 1907 Wa,Y'lesville's Lea.d1ng Denti8t 7410 o to Centerville , WE MANUFACTURE THE VERY HIGHEST t 7 all .., ) 32 row RoUer 'Mills Companv 21 1,2 beginning at 12 :30'p . m . Office In Keys Bldg. Halil S' Manor 7 2'1 I D 2'; ' . 7 .!IOre. iil Salem tpwnahlp, t1125QOO. , \ 1 JerBtly oow, rubber Ure 'l,'r?1 ~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Lytlo GRADE OF ; 1 24~ $I" 2. ,H H EdRewOO<l, 8. 'A , 8ttlwel1, auditor, to Ro~rt bUigy" bouaehold goods and ;7 20 nt20 YeDable H 40 Type Brass GalleYIL lWu, 10'" 75 and 76 In J!'raDk~\n. cellaneous UtlcldS. 1 set ~u , 17 l SI ;ao 1S U 38 ·KiLcbn.r Metal 80rders Brass Rule in Strips .... harD8III, lot of', s'ove,wood, Iltl~b :,12I1S. 7 111 4 30 D<kld.. 110 · 16 . BraBs Labor Savin,g Rule L. s. Metal FUl,'niture :i; WarreD Wood, TrllSt60, to J. range, lIitoheD oabnet, . ~ mantel t '; 06, . ' , 06 LollDd " 2G Leads and Slu&,s Bra8s Column Rules [,eb:1l1oo-l.v. 7 00 10 \)0 4 20 F ru h ' 1 t I Univeralty Heights olocks, lot of , sabl~ UDen, lace our· . p, 0 D , , " talns, rooking abaln, dining rooln Met~l Leaden Brass Circles CH&-D 067.'1' C Il& O ' ohalrs, about 70 1ards fo IDgraln 4800, ' . '. o ,I) lJ 30 5 r,o Dayton Spaces and Quad., Leaders Bralls lAura T. ~ver et al to William oupet. 16 yarde . braaeels oarpet, D.tXT Dt!r.XT 6to 48 point Brass Round Corners C Tiohenorl II~ aores in '! 'ortle.' 4 bed room sets, a Dumoor of clreas ' S 30 6 00 Metal Quoins, etc. Brs8s 'Leads and Slugs 'I era and wuh stands. 'lot of wtDdow SOUTI!II., UNU . 9 r eek town .... p" . • shadel', foldiol lounge, lot of _blee 1.., II. p. M, P . M. . 8. A. Stlhyell, auditor, to Charles IUId sande, lampe. 101: 6f dishee Leave No 2· No . ' No O· Old Colomn Rul611 refaced and made as good lioii new at a 8mall E. EAton, lotS 227 and 222, Mackt. and oooking utensils, 2 parlor BOfu, Day too : C ,R I, D ' 5 or, D,aw .lddltio~ to Frankliu, '6!&6; , mirrors, glllOUne range,lo' of linolcost. , OaTtoD : D t!r. X T 800 S BO r. !l0 Sa hE ' Batl1eld to Louisa F. eum, lot of rag carpet, lot of canned A fe"" d011lll of tblA remedy will tn. Lebanon Jc. , 8 ao ~ 6U 6 Mi PIMlle remember that we are ' no~ in any Trust or;Combinatlou , fa 3'" I Tn tlecreek town. frqlt, garden tool~, a heeting stoves vtlrlably cure an or\llnary attack of Sbaker CiroSllo', 8 3S ~ 55 ii 51\ Le~SI "aore. n .. . ~ ' ~wo ~p robes 2 dozen ohlokeDs, . ~nd are sure tha~ we caD make" Rreatly to your ad:irlnt&p to dllfrrboe,ll. R081yn . t8 87 e 60 "5 Gil ship, 11. ' Terms: sums of 13.00 or It can alwaYIl be depended upon , deal with us, 8 .. 3 03 610,3 Lou18& r. LeWjl, guardian of under, Cltsh, Ov~r that amoUD' I eveD In the D;lore l(jvere att.,cke of BempeLead Centerville II , . I 11 e 11 A 'ooP; of our Catalogue will be che8r'f~lIy furnllh8d OD IlPpJi· EUa W. F, Lewis, t.() 8&rl~ . Ellen c~ecllt of D~De mOD&hs will be RiveD cramp' colic aDd cholera morbnl , '8 3 111 "6 I II ' It I. 8qllll11y 8ucc8II,ful for stlmmer: Manor a_ ... Id 'I t I Lebanon "90. to purohuel' RlviDI note wUh ap· diarrhoea' oatlon , LJlIe II 01 ' 3l!3 0 ~U In and oholera Illtantum u t I ...e " on .. " proved aeourUy. . children, and la the meaul of sln.Jnjf Edle.ood 111 01, 820 ,ft 26 Louisa F. Lewis to Sarah ElIeD W. H. Allen, F,l[eoutor. the livea 'ot Ulany children each yeaI'. Venable " oe 13 80 ' I~ 80 U ..&deld, lot. ID 'Lebanon, C., T. HawkE!, Auo'. . 'Philadelphia Printers' :Supply, Co. When rednced with wefllr and Kltchaer to 11 13 8:l '0 32 Ennla and Goldie Al1eD '0 Jaoob Iweetened I~ II pleuant to take. ~d8 +0 Jt 9 3' .6 8i Man~fao'llren of ' man cof a family 8hould keep III 2S ta ,~ .8 '2 Comell, lot in ' Lebanon, II. Notice .of 'APt».ointment. thisEvery remedy to bJ8 home. Buy It DOW. t.elaud Type and High. Grade Ptintlq Material lIary·J. LenRdon to W. B. L;lng · a 80 8 60 PRICE, 2/10. ' L'o os SIZE, 3Oc. t.ebaaoD An Ive II 80 0oall,. except SUDtIIl" , ~ SlOp aD al,nal Proprie~ra 39 Nor*h N1DUl Strees 11011 82 aoreS lD Franklin townllblp, Eatale of Ruth A . CCbeuow.tb. dcoeued.' IVIOlA" PENN TYPE fOUNDRY P......lphla . -1" The auderalpe4 baa been appolated and ~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!o~~!!!!!!!~ TralDi pau L,tle II folloWl: , I'raDk W. Southard to James F. qullOcM .. EXeoutor of tlae E.~J,e of Rb~b SubscrtpUone reo' for all ahe lead. Nortb~lIad T IlL m. IIU'p . m :SOU&harci. 1 I'ore ID 'l)utJlIOl'66k A,'ClaeDowetb, late of Warrea OoUDt" Ohio. 109 JDMrBliD8I and ne"apapen, ... 'SObnbOaad II eMI m. 7 IIp. m Printing of AD Deaeriptiona ' decealled. ,*he ~l8tte o.oe. Note -We will , II W. B. MOORE. IIowuabip, 'I., DetecHIa ... "Ia <la,. of JUDe A. D. lU07. '*he prloea . ..,~ by any GeoeraIPuM .... ' Aleat,LebanoD, O. J. 0 WilUama &lid IIlIsfbe*h I w. B, Allen mae Giv~n Prompt Attention a~ ~ 'Gazette OftIce WlU";' &0 Ira O. JIlrteI, 60 ....... IDaeaUlOr. epatable IUbIoripliOD ateD01.


In 111(1 , lIl1tl "",, III





Reoommended by Physicians ~Iod

Do ' You Need Carp'e ts Hutcbison 6t Gibn¢y







Ready. To Wear Garme.nts



See Your . Dressmaker






Hut,I;ison & Gibney,

, ,~'"lel,mOR'Q



Xenia, Ohio•




DAnall LEWO.



mi· :-:





'1. , '

<Q ,


,) ' -




The Message from the Dead .

, I

H WIll kn c w thaL bls · molher would COlli th n alld sca rcely d itl sl ocl' (lome to his (' ) ' ('8 tbe nl3b t b e(ot·e. Imeou se of th e 1\L1PIIY l':tl)eclallo n wllic b 011 d bls h ea rt-. B e fore the IIgbt lind begull to break In tb!! .. i iit be had l ett hili cOll cb ID the little tcnt wbl Ii adjoIned thal occupi ed b)· th e higb prl a t Ell. IIUel wa ll wu lti ng to.,,,, Ungulllh the IIgbts' In' th t emple.







• , ... "Hi." ...,. ... 01 Ii,_~", Prwac"•• •

(( · n p ~r rlght. h )" J oat'l p h B .

IODS'·1 a ( pln& f o r esta ot ~ o,"h w ~~1 LoulHlaull. and R O l1l h ea ~ t Tp>:3 S. lI. ualty In IIIacl'" re m ote f rcm Gl'ttlc ml'l1 l. 11"0 8 a peculiar p eople Ie· cal1~' k nown II R the R ed Flo nps Th l' 11 11 011' i ij II hilII'd ont! an d ",us t he IIsect 'wlt h cRutlon . lL Is 81,pll l'cI to u ciaNI! In wbo ~c ve in s l a th l' ~in l ll 01 n cgro hlood and who a re. In (·01l 8etj ucn ce. 'Roda l out,·alll s. .\ good ma ny yea re ago a )'011 11 " hoy 'I,'ft a R t'd 1.10ne r olo n)" In Ihe ai , t'aHI!'1I pa rlsh . Loui sia na. an d dl'ifted I I' :\(' w Or.If'lI oM. wh ere he liv ed rot· • Ifrn e t h e life o f Lbe ~I rcetl\. In wba t Ilnrl, " hOI'S and 011")"8 t ile ' Ilrst yoara nf t hl trul\gle w(ore flll S81ld Lh er e Is n(\ r('c or d, H e em c,'g d. art l'r n ·co n· '~fdc ra blc Inlerva l. f r oUl I.b ' ('1' 11011' o t ao II Hlilln oyel r s bo[l tn lalt III \lo~ l · tlOII of night wa l cbmell III All ont er hlll lt'i"!!', )t ero ,,"pn ,'llInILl li nd. t h i'lI'li nallon fol' nn OII IlCIli\OI1 IIr"l nll'l. "'1(1 h'(' nt ered II I...·h ·al ijchool:' 11 (J ill k with hi ij I05Ron ~. I!'I,od·loo k · 10J!' .and I' Ad y to adOll tiH' waYl\ pf hi s II It r ~. alllo nA who ll1 1I JlaSK d liS l ' ,.('ol r . Hi s o nn ec \l o n ~ I' 'U1 :,L1 1I d UII · (1I ~('(j \' ('r(' d , and . h l~ I' ,ollie had l o ng SI U(,A (orgOlten h i m . At t he school Amb r ose. us he ('all d h lmsrlt. !lId very w ell , Ilnd o n H vernl ..It' c ll s l on ~ r ecei ved ' coDg ra tulatl o n ~ f rnm h i In str u c to r~ . Ou gradlla tion O. e dC'('lcl ed to l r y m edlolne, and en I l ,,·t>d 1'\llane IInlvl'N!lt v. "'hc n A mbrose had tUk n h is do· ~ r<1 he was no t long wll lllDg ror p r a · tl ce . H e had a s triking apJlearnn cea 11 t h . qu i k figure. 8011111 bonds, lin eager. w is t Cui coun t nan 1' . and bl ack t'y es. h happt'lled one night tha t Ambrose )Vas a gil at at Ihe bou se oC a former JlI C' mb('r pt his facult y wh re a whi st pa rty ~'!l " nssembled. Tb l' r ubbl} r was bul h alt o'\'er Y(h en 'Il c ab da>li, c d liP Ih e door lind a ( u,gro servant 1'u ~ h('d / ln. , Baying tha t hi s ,ul str ()"s rHllst ba~'e R. ph YsicIan IlIImedlaLely . Ambrose 8ald lhal h e wOll ld go. I-I e w. ~ dr l\'en to II I' mol p [,a r t ot lhe clly to an old·tashlon ed P re neh m an· 6~on ,,·tth plllllN! and halcollle8, and n gn r dQD with ' a broken (ountal n. 'I' ber(' was a lIl1ibl I n th e w indow. ami al; A mbrose cam !) liP I b sle ps lhe door was opened an d all olel ""nmsn In It wh ite NiP s i zod him by the haud alld Ptllled hint InsIde. " M ' ,dough LeI' ill v ~ III. Sa ,'1' her f o" til · : " H e was led III)'Slall . au d du wn • Jon !: hall to the lick I·oonl. Thf\ 1'00 00 was KOIII wha l 10 g('rly fu \~ I S h ed , but OXflll1 II Iy c lean and with thoso toucb ' . wbl ch b l'lun g 10 )I opl e o( refluelll eil i. Jl w all all In whIl e. and two ollud!!.ls bllr n ed o n t he 'hilI be Ide a crllclfll( (I ud Hower. l\, 11 1;;h h d slood In o ne COI'l1 1'. 0 11(1 ' (1II llJ e bed. ben ealh u gOll z ca nopy, a n" lD~ girl WlI ' losaill' r('stleflS ly . " Y O II will sal'e hpr for l1J , ?" " y s. ~· (' s." A mbrose w en t li P and took II .. w rl sl. H o sLllrtelt. uel! hail', slIch 1\ I hr oat! . SllIwl l ' I h y ps "11l'n (lrl ,,101'1 0115 ey es! A lI\ hl ·O~t· I ok d. !P'o w wl'nk. los l COll n t 01 t he j ' " !. 11. Sudelenly Ambrose 11eeu ,u" UJiI t b el' eyes we,' 01 n. " \\' hIl L I s YO!H" 11 0 111 ~ .. " n r: A mbr ose." • .'\.111 I go ln!; tn dil· · .. , "no n ot excite yourllel f. \' u w il l nlll Illc.·' d l '. df' .. 1"!('llse do not Ir l

In l hl'


B owl'·~ . )

to get w ell . N o" "e a r t' l ov~r • • . you and I belong t o ac h olh e,·. M y a r ms are open ro r y o u: wh y do Ylll' no l t ake m e? FIe. Amb r ose . )' 0 0 are a cold lover." Am brose st ll rl~d up w it h " ,;hasll y look . " YO ll do Dot k now t he mBn I am ." " 1 know t ha t yo u (t , P I';ooct a uri k ind- an d I h at I lovp y o u." A mbrose NLa r ed at hflr fu,. It IIW , Inenl.· Th en slI dd enl y h e I "A II ,.1 du wlI and wh isper ed a re w wn r d . T l'r(,8 1l c lo&eri h er f'Yf'S . ~ hllct d '!I' o d . l ay stil I. Fi na ll y h I'" 1I1 1~ belUln 10 lIIove. " M .l" b our Is co rn t· . :::; ... nd [or l' lllh"r Ell lin ." T er CAe dl'd b forf' mo r nln!: a nd W~ . bllr l " d I wo d a~' s l ater III l hl' (. Id Hi I.ouls co m !'t ry . . A mbro~e att t' llI l erl th r f11l1l' 1":l 1. "' hr n rot 1l1'll II t o h l ~ l (ldt:IIJA~. wl"' n h·' wa ntl er d nne' III art· 11 1110n/\ 1I 1 ~ nl1" I ~' . ' lit' 'r ll'~~ I'oom ~, h ' [('II Ih" II r at 111111' Il ls ll',·,'l bl I (l 1:H inll . I n Ih suet' Pdl ng da ys . thQuJ:h h u" l(' nded C<H1 ijc l ~ n llo llsl )' III 1I 1h prO (('H ' ~ Iona l d ll li E'~. h I' wn H II " hllll g "d 1111111 11 ( l'lI In lo 1\1(' lallchnly w:. ) ~, II ,I wa s afraid l O be alo ll e w i t h hiIllH,·lr. n(' (lo y I II t il e stl'e~ 1 h(' t' n n ll ll· to r d Terl's ,'s mOl hI" '. ~ 1 11I ·. '1'0111[\1'(' Wht'll shl' sa w him ~ II tllol, hllll b)' 1I0i b I lQ nd ~ and trl C'd 10 "1"' "1<. h ili o n ld nOl sa y II wo ,·d . TC' r"~(' h ad • been her onl)' child. a nd sh" w as II \" IlI g 01 01": I n t h e ol d 11IJ1I "~ no w w i t h hI'" ~t'I· '·IlIl I~ . '''hil - A mbr ose w a ~ l"yl ng 10 ('omto r L her h e h:HI A ne w Idea. 1\(' lair! h er he w as In n ced





'ot~:~ P il':' 81'. I will t ell ." 0 11 w h,.. • Iler., nnd I will te ll ,1"0 1.1 . I(n .. I lll v r e


11 sJ de m e. You r IWll el a IIn l" 11e U '0 1'. " rIICrC'. B ecanso-becnIl8f'Hili ~'Oll will uot lell? R Ulc mbe r yo u m us t ll ·t. ~n' I h t (It 'I '' CR USe O\'e no - e - ov . , hc SIl,t1k bllCk. on Ih e . 1\ \II OW5. clln' ('11. 3 lI~~:e eX h~~RtCd . and flllt til ' 11 t' ~~~" sm ug. . III'om isa. ,·em em· , ,'. N<':t1 mornIng Illp "oi " 1 sePllled het· 1('" , Dnd Ambro~(' WUllt 10 lown : (lI·om. I.i l ng· 10 r('IIII'1I that e.v enlng. Wh en he ('am c bnck. Ihe l'atioDt had laken a tu r n forl h worse. Th e poo r old worn. "" " ' II S frantic. Sho clUDg to him and hrsllugh t him not ICI leave lbem. Am. Io l"O s(' consented to tak u r(lorn In lhe hOll sc anti lurn oY(' r hi s olhe ,' patleuts It) :". lI ssistll ol. lie hnd become abRor hrtl III the ca se. and he l\tI t lolo It ni l I h s kill and de,'otion be possessed, 1~ \"I'r y night he sal "l' wl~h the nllr s~ . hlm selr alrnnRt as pale and \\" 1' 11 AS she." His gre.aL dark eyes re· II prled t he d elisht. the pa sslollate eag· (" ' I1 "~" , th o despair Induced ' by every .IH. '!!C i ll ber condition . On e nigh t, '" ~".' la t£' , be was. sitting with a book -".,,,. t h" lomll, t ry ing to r ead. wh en h!' be('lI m e aware o r e~' es thed upon I· j m . H IlIrned_ She WI1 8 hcc konlng t o l, im Ho tipt oed 1'[I!!t the sl et>"pin'g 1I I1" SI' anti bell t 0 \ ' r her . " Doj:tor, 4 h'" (. bo!'n watchin g" : 011 a Ion!; time. And " OW llJlusl l ell YOll som e h i n ,;. lam A(' ill<:" If) di e. " " . uo : d o no t · pro·



(. · ~ t ."

.·hC' \llll" ed h",r nngel's , ac,'OSH hla 'l~ ( lhem rpst Lh ere ' a nl(l lllt'nl. 1' 1~ ' 1 <u dd Illy d r(' w him dO\\' o tl) her . •. \ .• ,' 1 \0 IIIC• •\ tlll;o:os,· . I il not ><r,! ' "n, llI'IIK ' I; l'ouo('II, " I alO a "'·I"p.tch! I 1':I\'t t1<' I\'f' d Y II. ),tH" moL h ...... t oo. SI\,' 11'1"1. tll O an(1 I hU" e w ro nged YO II 1'(lt h ," " T (' II I 0 111 If) til," lihl' sai d . j oy· filII " . -''J' lla IH gocul I " "l'l] 110 IfJ ng,. I" , " pruller Y'HIIlt.; 1,,(1) . 'h ell OUI' I :I '. III ttl d", '"" ho" I1rlyll I:'e~ , " :\ , \I' rrll~C pu t h ! '10 111(1. to h Li rtlO I', II .. It'l h' r 11 11" to n hI. [Il'f'lwo.ld. " I i ll "(J. VP YOII; \" (' u bl\all no t die,


"I'.. ".' { , ..

":\(1. ' un, I mil S" (lie " She ~mllr'l! ;\1)f '1' hlm. " L wuu!!1 be n ~ h:j m c cl - no~

"You Love Me, Ambroael S01" nf II. r st in sOllie qlll place nnf. fa" rr um t he ell r. a nd a3ked whelh r she wO lllrl t nk e h i m fOl" a sho rl tim e as a lodger . T he ]loor WIlIl "1 1I fll ap· I,ed l1 e,' hli nd s w i th j o~· . lIlItl ~a i d II U ; h ~ ho tll d co me as h e,' gue s~. ' 0 Amlu·o. l oo k 11 11 hl ~ qlln "IN~ I II 1\11111'. TOll lll re's llUltS • r t lll'u l l! 10 t ll 1: lly uo w :\1111 t hen !n I"uk nft· '" hi !; ImllO r l an t ens(';;, bill. allowl n\\ hi m self fll e n t~· of tllll 10 cll ter!.alC' I lhe o ld ·womao . In t he "V nln~~ wholl t h ey w eI'... to;; I' I h er sp "p ok e I nf t ' n ne l h e d ea d g i r l, ~nl Oll t ' I h., " ollk s she ul;'d l o r l!ad . ]Jolnll 'cI o ut 10 hI m her ran )rl te IJ a l; ;; o ge ~ . show\'d hill! her embro l dor S·. h er II " W,,". " "(' II I I", doll s sht' nll r sed 8" 8 child . Imp. T OIIII,,·o g r e w ye n ' fo ,,,1 nf him f or I hi ' IlIl el'esL and ~ n c() said : "If " 011 ~ . '. I llu d Ole t Illy 1 (' l"fl S bctorf'. sh e I ~II Hi ck Ilel"h a ps \"0 11 wo u lri ha ve 10 villi h I" lind lhell ' l wonld have had " nu I f o r 'lI son ." nd a 1I,,; n,cn t laLer sl! udd d : ': Sh e liked YOII (," (,11 1Il 0r~ Ihall YOII 8 U1'1101;C. .1 li St. brfnre RhE ,li ed she Hi ed to " 'j' lIl' a m ,,~


S II£;C-


" ;\ m essas e! " clir" l\mb r081'. " 1'( whom ?" "To ~' Oll . I f~nr y , but I do not kllOw. " 'ult and 'L ""111 ~ hu .. It to YOII. "

Hetllrning atl ' Insl ant laler sh e tbl"l18t Into hI s halld A pAper on which was wrltteu I Ii Lr C'mbllng char· Dcter s: " You mll st go baek-" That nlsht Ambl"O ~ o sal. Ion!; III hili room with lh ' papor In hlB hand . What did lhn words· m('an? Go back whero'! Pl'epl'ntly hp I"OSC. tUl'D od down hi s lam\l and IIg\lling a canrile sLole Ulltoe d'oWIl the hall toward T e· ', ese's rOODl , ' He went to Ibe O]len window and sat In the plaeo fl"Om which man y a night he had kepi watch over tbe sick girl. For a Inng tim e h e sat there. and ' pr sently g"ew dro .... sy, hilI wa s waked just as ho hnd begun to nod by a low voice speaking hl l' nallllt. .. Ambl"os(' ... . It said: "Ambrosl'!" He sat Ull sudd enl y . and IrlokC'd aroulld him . "A great bar of moon· light, glistening ilkI' . I'Oll ~ h e d sl. 01. la y acrOSR th e ,.oom and ent r c d Ih e ca noniod b d wh r Ihe c" r talns w ,.e partetl a· lilli e at lhe sid. ..'llIbro~ ( fl eer 1,1 In 11Ii d sn w In th e s wimming mnonu cam s- 1'cl'cs('! " Al1Ib,·oHo." she b n:lIl buri. ':/;0 ' bscl! to your !leopl ." AllIL r ose w e n t ha c k 10 ('lllca ~ l o lI pad sh. Th er e hI' mlld u Inlllllrl c:s eon. l el'nill g til l' bo)" . who had walll,fu l"l'II ' off so man y YIlR I'S hefore. bllt no onf> r e meinb er ed lhe InCiden t aud h e co,flrl (;111101 no one a ~ kin . At tlr>lt hl ~ flOOlIl1' w ,'e ' slI: piclous of Dim. but gmduall)' t h ~y aueepted him aa onl! I n( tb/'m and he aD11' tlUl\1I1 to bav. I great Inftuence I1mong t~e&.

As he 8100d the r w l tb ey es tllrned towards t h e Clls t w at()hlnp; eagerly fur "SAM" HOUSTON. tbe' comlu g or th day, bls mind w ent crl pturp A II l hOr l t)'.- I SllIll. ('hap. bac k ovel' Lho xpe .. lenoes tho )'enr. Story the Man Who Fought with Lt'r ;1. Isl.l v.'1"6e. L and J 9 or chap- He r ecalled hI s Hrllt dill' 'In th e temille Jackson. ter 2, servi ce ; of how strang e and blS It 6oe m~eI . aod he bad wond red wh Ih· In Iho dB)' s or Dill' !llo uec ,' (or e. er Ood knew b e w as th or o. and Lhat ralll!l r~ 5111110rt for a flllll i ly . COli 11,1 be SERMOl'>lETTE. he wa s jll st }\ w ee blL 10Il el)' III nee his wrlln~ fmlll th for 81 olll y by hllrd "The word of the Lord w .. motber bud g OIl O. H o hn (\ recallell Anll IIaLle1l1 la bo r. a nd e" ery h · R1th y prec ious In thOle daye." - Not tb ~ storl ol! which his mQlh or had lold boy I\'IUI a Xil cted Lo do hl8 Ifai'1. Sam to the people of Israel, but to blm or how III(JH" " hl4d beon taken by 'w as a health y boy: Iud (l d Ihe r ecord!! God. Spiri tual lI!'e wae at eueh a· his m oLhe r LO tho pn lac e o ( th e dnll ~ h · o f thll't dill' Reelll 10 ~I \'e no II.ccollli t low ebb In the I~"tlon that the t el' at Pharaoh " 'h en h e . wa s just 01 li ll Y othC'r kind . and h e wo r k ed prec i ous things of God were abou L bl s ng e. and he Iwd wOlldered wIth hi s ol dor b rnthe,'s RII dll Y fo r withh el d because God could not whe lh o,' b e hod f ol t a s torlorn and 'h ' Iwl vlle!;,1' of running tlC,'nSB fI IdA g ive wtlat the people were not lon el)" as h e. An.1 Ih n ho had ":001- 10 l hl' lIehuolholl Sd Lhat he IlIlght k ('I) , read y to reee,ve, _ God nevflr fo r t od hlmsel( with I h th o llght that hi s "lacR In l h NIICltng c lnss- Ibe wastes his rev elat ion. He never , h w as. It Ile r orr . tnu n Mos s hn d la st to I'c('iw It foro dl ~ lI\l ss al. c st s h is pea r ls before ,wine. been fo,' ho W:lS III G o d ' ~ d w elllng Yet 11111 l l'n"II 'd to f('~l.l . ItI IVI'It Sad, i s It not • . to th Ink th~t l, Ia(' an d Moses had bueu amon!: a Holl 10 cip her. I1l1ll r'n rtln ~ \\"I1S . III hi s t here I . on l y too often a condi IX'oplo who did not Iwo w o r 'care ro,· t he k l'Y ' 0 unlnck II H, or('IHIIIHC t ion of '1 l fe a ndl hea rt which bls GOd. o f wlI O(l el'f,,1 l l' 'uSll r(', H n~' K t hA Chi. shul s t i ght t h !! w i ndow. of Q '''A nd T"II t r~' II.nd be liS (aI Lhr .. 1 as r ll):11 )\C \\" H. Ort PII und Ort t' ll h ud he heaven and p r ev ents the Di Vi ne Mo~cs WII S "11 ~1 Icu rn . 1I1I I n il so 11 5 11 ('11 1'<1 fm lll his IIIm h A" s IMleR of Ih ble ssi ng f r om deso end ing ? The. 10 IJ\' fi lle t! fo r l ;ud's 8t'I"\' i ce." he hl'lI\"(' :::;('nl c h I lIgh llllld('rN • . who \\" ' r word of t he Lo rd IS pr ec l ous- Q ha d L\,nUf'h l tn, h IIl1R,'I C Wilh u w is· hi s "'''·('~ l\Irs. II n<l 111 11 11 " u dPlll tl or how preci ous we shall not fully. dnll' l u I' boyo nd hi s Y~:lr s And orton t h,' flllllllll " ~Io ·",,~ o f I ~rry In whi ch real ize un til we come into hi. sin eI' th ot n rRt d o[1l1 l1 e eXIlf'rl enro In lll K for rUlh ers ' uu k pari. wb e,' the presence and t.he full knowl Ih C' t ell' ll lo th Is · t hu ll ght had c om 10 ",!lll ll n l .1 fo nd "r" fou~hI anti 8tll l'\' d edge of etern i ty. What poverty hl l1l to quick en h i m I n hi M "well es nnd anli 1" '11,\ '('0 nntl lJo )lud 11 11 a llaKl r ell t' r of 80ul is Iha l w hich feel s no (h, 11 S. I~ nch dtly ho hnd h ad his eUIlI ' . Soldl rs o f Ih e revo illt ion des ire for the D iv Ine me .. age I flak 10 d o aud his lesson s to l earn . f ounll II welenmo l hal nov',· rail 'd il L What fatal deadness to know riot Ood cagl'rly h lI slen d as t1i age d hiS r,,1 h e"'~ fi r sid e. lind ~h p l r YOllllg ~r care not fo r ('od', wordl IlI'l st Ell hlld gon o\" er th o hl sLo t y II sl enprd hell r d man y a l aic or URW ('S "Spe.. k: for thy .ervant hear· o f Ism I a nd hllli l old of God's dol · IOIlAht . o f. 11131'11 aud 8111'1'el' Ing lind eI" eth."-Wh .. t if with every whl •. In ~s with 1!I'·lI el. H had been uoepl y gon e. perl ng of the Divine voice In our Int er ('Sl ed In thoso ptlrlS of the sLorl es \\' hOIl Sam was 13 hi s s tlllll cl! and 101lie there wOll l d be the qu lc\<. wh ero It was told that Ood had spok en !lllOrl l; In Iho . o ld \\'n sh l ng ton college glad. eager re'PQnae of Samuel1 10 hi s peo l,lc lind the ir l oad er s. and bll ll ding w ere fo r ever IlIte"l"IIpled. Ills ManY, many tI"les a day come h nd IIsked I!: II, wllh childish eosc r· rather . di ad. and bill mother wall l etl the gentle promlptlng. to think n ess: wllh nln children to (ne e tb e (u t ure, of God and to obey his will . but The r w r e r rLlle lands Oil th " Do s God sl,ellk 10 you ?" aa often they glo unheeded, or And UI II wh en th e a sed prle~t hnd TenncH~e e. allllli e enou gh LO furnlsb a with the proml,., to lIet"n when h esitaled In evld etlt onfuslon nnd home ro r CII ' II bra\' o son Who c an · a more convenltlnt .eaeon has mb·arra ss lllcnt. he had followcd up M nted to 'Ieav e t h e home In Lhat come. But man's convenience Is . beautiful vall y alld r08S lhe ' AI· h i s first qllcs tion wilb: not the time Clf !God', revelation. klghCIlY mountnlne, IL wnll 8 por iloll8 "I\ow enn' w e heRr God speAk1 " God doe. not de;al In future •• Dllt he had had no SAti sfactory reo uDdertnklnJ:", and full of wild od\'en · It ia II present relatlonahlp which from EU , an.l I his wa s one ture. bu t they r ,;t d a t IRs t 1I0l WUIl Y sponse he would bear leI the human life. o f tho <Iu es~lon s which h e w Us lInx· 0111('8 from Ihe Tcmnessee. And when he IIt.Opl to · apeak, liard work ' alld r)l ent y o f It YOllu g lou s to II sk bls motber when sh e the loul mlllt stOft to listen. If SRm sbared cb cor rutly ~' hh hili bro· should come. it doc, not It is ;at Its peril. God 1'h('n Ihere w ere some thlllgll n bout I h ers : bu t he w as abl e Lo gil' some m;ay not apeak ;ali·.in. Certa in the t el1lll l e se rvl e which h kll ow hi s allenrillnce a t. an acad em y. too. ' H o It i., that the ~nes"lIe and the mothnr cou ld explain to hltll nn h llli bad r ad aud . r ead an ~ngli sh Imo s· ble.. lng . lost coin never be no t becn ex \l la lnc d to him by Ell or l aU ou of H mer unlll bls mind wa ~ regained. Othe,r bltselnn and hi s !on s. Nay . Samllel had oad)' other message . may com e I carn d t hn t Il wall Qult t:1 usel ells 10 froll' Clod as in mercy and Il ly ·lh o la Lte,' with Ques tion s. 111 love God deala patiently w ith the fn "t he b ad f olt In hi s blldlsh b eart Ind l ffer~nt soul. but there I, a a.n av "slon for HOllhnl and Phln hilS distinct and posi tive lOIS to that w hi ch had I d blm to av oid th DI all soul for all t im e which f;alll to h e COUld. H er e was sumethlnJ; el,e take. when God ,hold. out to gIve. h(' want!!d to osk hi s mOlhe r : Whether duri ng the busy rush of How. it wa s thal If th ey 'II' r e ser vo . the day. or durl nD tile still w~tch ­ :luts ot the Lord th ey should . take u of Ihe night, let us be eager ' th e best or th o sncrlftces :or th em· to say when God 's voice Is heard se lv e . as he bnd seer. the m do r e· speaking 10 the soul: "Spe;ak; . peut ('dl r whe n the people h ad com e lil for thy serv.. nt heareth." mak e th eir on:erlngs 10 t he Lon l. "And Samuel told him every .Thcso "" o ra fiOD, e or th e th i ngs wh lt."-It Is ha rd to tell the whi ch w ero t rollblhlJ; his t e nd I' henrt. , tru!h to our fri ends, sometime.. a nd the re WIl S the ~I'i"hte r' sid!>. as he It Is easy to say the f1;atterino . th ough L o r th e !lart h e wo s taking In word, bu.t i t Is quite ~nother thO t emJ\le service and h o w hi s mol h· '. thing to be fr'ank and honeet e,· w o uld reo l proud o f h er boy as sh e and say the word wh ich shall s ow him am.)ng II, O1~ :lU i r. lan s dol !!S; po i nt Ihe error. a n,d sound the hi s par t t o mil k a .1Oy ful 1I\llli e Ullto warning, Bul l a th is not really th e Lo r d. In thi s way h is 1II 11Ii! k ep t the tesl of tr ue fr iendsh i p? It bus)' whll he w a l l od for Ihe break· may seem i"ngly st"ain OU" rela. InJ; or t ll d o wn . alld !to al,sOI'bed dill t ions w ith tho se whom we h e bocomo In 11 1$ me<lHatio ns t hat Lh a ;and hold In speci al esteem, but W i nn i ng HI. Flret Laurels. sun was all but bur sti ng obovo tht In the end it w i ll work to their Ollc fl w ilh the d Cl;lre Lo ren .t tho horl zn n wbo n ho or ou sell himse lf. good and to the lItrenglhenlnq " I sllall be late:' h o ,"c lal me(l. ho~ pomn. In t he ' I nnf;lIe In ' Whl oh . t h oy of the t ies 01 friendsh i p. Deal tenlns t owa r d s Ihe gol of Iho t rn \\' ('1'1.' w r l U en. H e 3k k <'l1 hlB t <'Bohor fa i thfully . Gi ve God 's revela. 1)le co u rt. "Ru t '\' h l~ t Is Lhnt?" he ad(1 ItI th a t1 rl e m~' to Inlllnlol him III tlon to the hea d of another. cve~ p el. no t in g I he d ust In the ~i~ ', il ll r:t Lntlll IIn.1 tl r eo k , and WUlI prom'lIlI y though it Is . a message of con· nnd m ovi ng IIgllr s. " Who can be 1·('tIl5el1 . PerhllpH. lon g n(l orw a rd N. • demnation and warning. omln g so cn r l )' to the celebratllln ? wh n this lIIan !Ill" whut a cn r '! er ~~='+O. .~~~ Can II be rno thll" ?" he ask ed h i mself. f)IJOII(' d Lerore h is YOllng nnd blU!hflll and th e 1I,·s' IIII]\ulso was 10 ru sh 011 );l llll ii. he Itc \Jented hl5 decision . THE STORY, down the pilth way to m eet the ap' . A'bolll thi s ·tllII e an ol)enlng thAI WA S AMl E'I \Yal l'h ,'d w it h m ore thou proaching co mpany. bllt h o cbeek c.d Ihoughl u . ,.y gond one Ilr seDted It · USIIAI !IIlCl"l'st. th e ~rr llaratton s h rtn ~eJ[. nn.d T ememberlng his dllttef self. A Ulall who k opt Ii smllll trlllling Whi ch WNe gCl ln g rO" \\'~"' d ror th e sol· . III the l emplo. I", hurried on tlnd was stor e )Va s In n ee d of an as sl stanl. nnd ernn col cbrAtion or Ih e Pas"over reast. soon bu ~ y , x l lnglllHhln g the lights and broLh erl y In'l1u once prevllil ed ' to IlUt ro,· not onl y . w~ s he Lo ha vo a parl Ilerforming th e dulies prep/lruto~y to Slim In th e 1I0sltlnn. .Jllst the nllmber III l he cel ebrati on h .i t h e knew hi,. the et'I'vlces of the day. Alrelldy th i! or dll YS 'It l ook to 011 up · tbe m easllr!' moLhe,' \\oO\lld COD1 (,. It had been 1\ lonl!' Levltes were arriving alld put.ting ot his disgu st 18 not r ecorded. bill r ear 10 th o YOlmg hoy. His brave little thlnJ;s In order (or the offering at tbe Sam 8udd tlly disappear ed. and with .hcort had fOlln d comrnrt In the sacrltlces. and many a little dnty t eli hIm his rill e and bls ' milch· loved . thought J:hll t he bolongc d to .t.he Lord to the lot or Samllel to pertorm ere bOoks. 81111 Ihllt he was In Ihe t empl o 10 ecrvo everytllll)!; was ready. Alniost I mIla'· Beyond tbe Tennes8ee lay the coun· him. bll t I\t tlrnc s there was tbe hun- tlently he walled (or th e ellanco to t ry or tbe Cherokee8, a brave and gerlllg Itt bls hCil!'t (a,· tite love and g et away to find his mother. JlQwerrul nation living In "eaee alltl comfo"l wbl oh only a mother knows Now. the last task WBS complp.ted alJllndance on their OWD lands. To how to besLow, But she ' hild' faith, and he would bo able to. getaway. lnlt ~hem Sam w an t on,d they rllcelved him, flllly )lr'lI'O red bl III for tbe separation, just as he WIIS pasRlng out or tJt9 with mucb rrlen(lshlp, and their chle(. fa!' Cram his earliest recollection ahe outer court one of the Levltcs sinu. tbe slately and revered Oolooteka , In had _filled his h oa,rt and tbougbt with moned· him and requested hlm that he CO\ll'II4) of U me' adopted biOI as h I II aon lhe place he was to take' In the tem- fttid Ell. and gave blm • place III his Wigwam: ple 8Qrvlce. and when at last the A look ot disappointment l\wopt o~er bCOllo'.}'lng' ou him ' t.he name " of Colo· time had com e thot he wall to go " up hla tace. and he was jllst '00 the point ueh- the Rover. with bel' to Shlloil . a C;hlldlsh senle of ot slIylng: "My {asks sre all done Ily the friendly lire of the Cherokee Lhe dignity and Imporlance made him now and I must go:' when the thollght cbler the YOllng white- stranger r ead bravo a,nd willing to r.emaln behind 'came to ' him :' "What wOllld mother Roomer's Iliad and learned to convers.e while his mClt he r retllrned 1I0me. As think If 'l should come to her with In a tongu e to which tbe £11111<1 Bard she had emhro ced him and prossed a a rvlce left undone?" and so IIwal. never listened'. HQ acquired, too. a ",'arm. telldcr kl !ls opon his brow ' at lowing his dls811polntmcn t he slarted knowledge or the Indla'n 'ebarac ter , parting she' had said : off to do the bidding of the Levlte. whIch made blm III after yellrs (bell' "Re m emb r . Sl~n, agRlnst anotber And when he had come Inlo , the tM'\lst frlonl1.; tbelr Dlost dangcroi, s ynnr I will come hl t h I' LO see thee. presence of Ell the hIgh pri es t ant! Iln0IT!)' . Three' or. 1"0111' years IIA8sed . See how milch o f ."! ;OOd thnu canst had d ellvor ed hl~ message" whu shouIII anel the YOUB!': Rover must hav!") bave to Lell 011' con cerning tby lerv- he find wallin);" Lo r eceive him In an thotlght . a8 he grew oldor. that his Ice III th e Lord 's hou se." atljolnlng aparLment h,!t Iils ll"\ptf:ler, trn hom was with his own penpl . He had often thuul;ht of th words , and wha t Wll5 hi s dellght ~o flnd ' lhRl for he returned t.o live jlmong theD\ ~ and th ey .had cnm fo r tcrt him .In tht! slle had broul:ht hfrn a llttle coaL, the Th " war of i 812 had beglln , anti at lon ely hnurs alld e ncl.l llt'ogc d 'him ' work oC her loving bnDds, the fI, s t cali t or troollS In the nearoRt when hlH h ca rt had grown faint IIoci towu th.., tap young hunter onllsl.l'd--:weary with the mon alonOUII routine or to thp 1lI0rtiHcatJon .or hla rrirmdH- IlS lbe simpl E'. ,lolly taslrs . H e had been Oil Bottled In New England. s private soldl el·. alll he sturdily do. brave H"IId s re adfa st and RO opt and A large part of the r eal olive 011 III1'ed : " [ hnd rather hbnOr the ranks fnlthrlll 11 stud ont hull h " Ilrov ' d thnl con sum ed In Xcw York CO)llO~ to the Ihall dl sg "ace an appointment!" at IAR t h ~ hact loc!'n Inei lltlell aD10ng ci l .v b y way or /'iew .FJII glond. , Thelie ~ oo n r osa from th e nUlka. how. Ih08C who playtld u\lon th e mu si cal In- o\l,'e olt" lIIen o f" Callforula have nvol·. allll wAarJng an enslgn's lmlro "D1, Itrum !'1115 in th e: (,o m pi Kerv tce. and rormer! th 015 Ives Into un assoolaUon, Willi h lK' first lalll'elli unde,' a g ene ral bls first th o u~h t had be n oC his Lho m emb e r~ of whloh produc tbe su shi rn anti unbreaknble Ihllt bll< n('t her and how proud and pi ased . grelll ,. Illlrt or lhe 2&0,000 ;;allon8 of IrlentiK d ellghtod lo coli him "0111 .be would be on l1el' r~tllrn lit tho (JII now tho output of thlK eouD'ry Hickory ." 'Imt: of lUe ~ now DPII.I' lit hand to ye nri~' , FM tlle ~nslcrn lrade they 'J'he batllp. of Tohollekn, or the lind llim filli ng ' ,urb' a ·pla<Je. hlll'a eetabltshcd a big bottling plant HoneabM. II ODe of the 1II00It Dotl'd 3" !mpallellt!y he bad f;;:unted the ID New Ellgland, CO whiola nil II III In8lan warfare. On a bent! ot the . , . UDtJ~ the ~l'It da, of the'..... Ihl!lp~ fa. bl&lk. falla[IOIlllD, the Creek., y,"bo had 10D,





I f





wnge d an IIIc!ccl sl v w a rra r .... t oo'tl llw \l' IitUlltl. r e~o l\' o (\ to l'Iy k II I! III • litH. I oll Snf' nl 111. " l' ' I'II 'II ~ h 'l< ' (10'0' ,1H'r hu d ,' l sI L"tI t h e 're k IIl1 l l,," ~ v t" '1I.1 lIIonlt,,; bl' to ro . lind lIatl declarecl to l ll ell' I,ro l'holll th lll L\'" (1 11,,"('1" 0 ' lhelr 1)l!01' 1e sh ould U 8 ~ (! OIhlC' !llI d )! I ~£ bnllip In Ihe I,alern(l u~ . a nd a vir lo!"): I:III<:h li S th" y I,ud lI evur ' knQ wlI ~ ho llid tTOWII the dll Y. The prnph els .. roclalllled thl H t o ti, e wnrrlor8. t elling th ' lII thut a c lo lld rrorn b ell vo n would bt'! tho slgllal thn l lit e GreaL Slllrlt would " s nd th a i tbelr de ll vcr nee h ad c om e. 'l'he I'n l rnn ou t o the penin sula wus sLl'oll)o:l y rarlltled. and Geo. Jack sull him self advanced upon tb ese h" ~ Il ~t· wUI·k K. bIlL Opn . 'orTee, with hlH IIHlllnte d In ' n nnd th o ' h erok e8 who Hel' \' d IInd er .111 k Mnll, ball fo r ded t he rlvel' ulld. llll\'lIuei n l; nl' ilK bank s. Ollt o ff I he ,. tI" al of I he 'reok s III lhal di n:' ti o ll . HUL th wll )" 'herolt 1\ soou di sco,', r. r ecl I hc ClIlloaa ot th o Crec k s, hill(· hld d.lon In a I'r ln l;( or bliKh ' 8. 11 1111 t h('lr swlmm ,'s bmll ghl, t h olll Ac r.oss th e HVIlI'. Tb el ,· j; allllll t chi ef. Rich· l ani n ro wn , 101111('1 Illto a CUII O' . hi " hl'IIVCR 11 11(1 CUll t. RU Ks", " " cIIOlI,un )" o r senlllS s wnrllli ng afl,'r 11111,. lIud IIn,III rln bnll s a lld fI 'T OWS. "'h I h Kllow.'red a ttl OIl.1I lhmll. th ay mad o til h' llLortln g. 'I'h ' ~. a l 'OIlCE' ~ eL ti l" to a ('11I ~ t er Clf WI ~ W lllII S nell I' th "' at ", li nd t h' l1u rk ~" luDlIl pf s lIIok • r l Ml llg abo l' l il t' I rl!l'~. wa H lh" Iilg '.HI La G l' I! • .Jaek· HOII Ih". t hey hull el"O !lell the ,·I"e,·. HI ~ ," (> 11 W n ' CIlJ>(' " to ad,·un Cl'. bill t hl'i r 111"11\'''' len(h'" h old I h elll back 1111· til he 11:111 el.nse d l lll' " 'eC! k s to I' . m ove Iheir WOI\I II IIlld c hlllll"(' l1 t o I, 1I1(\('e o( safel )".'rh Il Iho bruutil'works w or e stormed lind th y oung e ll ~ l gn . Who (1IlIght hi li Ii r!!1 ba l llc · thn t rl ay . WIIK CIll O of the H" gt to c lAmb ,. o \·.!r. Gallantl )" l eoti· In g his m(' n. h e Was strll ck by It bu "bed IlI·roW . and I' Li I' d tor a f o w 1I10melll s t o havo his woulld bOllnd up. S J ug hlr).l III the !llIrgeon'8 hnnd s. the g n "01 o rd rcd bl", to tbe r ellr. bu t l hl' YOlln g rn 'cr "lI sh ed agalu to tbe combat. whe r hi s ( d ellds. Lb Oh ero· ke R. wh o hnd kn o wn him so Inng In )leac ... ,. gn ,'d d hI s da" i n g de ds wltb wo nd el' und lId Dllrali on. Thi s dlHQbe. dl Ol' of hi s lid ared ,him f or lI(e to I h Iroll 11 ar l of hili omma nder. Two lJull<: t s, \Vhl l'h. at the same In· ·tO IlI. Khall ret! h i. l"i ghl srm alld loclg d In I he ab ollict or. put IU, c ncl to lila '111'1' I' IIlI II sol d Ier f or manr yenrs. a nd n arly lIu t o n end to his II f. Wh en. arter months or sllrTerlng. be w~ ~. 0 hI li way t o I',,)n'i n \ 1) ' ann~·. hi WaJj Iij C'l lIr lie. R oi th battl of :\ .)w Orl e aD~ , and t h w ar w as o\'er . !'I:Q doul,t 1\ Wit S Ii s· II rce or ke(' n rcgl'e t" Lo th e youn g Boldl!),· tha l h' b oo n OI Sh IH it the glori ~ o ( lhuL vic tory . H did nvl k no\,' then I hal R dp ), wOllld com e whl' lI b wOllld a'L 8S cOl~U1ander 10 It ~altle us bril lian t o ml as declsh ' as t ha t on rO il ht 11\ N e~ Orloans. filiI Ih p yen r ~ w en t Ill', Rnd !'iJ chs llges camo Inlo I h IIr o ( (be boy who was ",,1111111' 10 work 1111 dn y LbaC he. mig ht r un Hcr ORO I he Held and spe ll wlLh hi . hlSH In t hp c luulllg l ea all. lie beenm Cl dl" tln g ll l~ h ~ all a I a...... y el' ; h e was m lltle governor ur T en n SH ('. un,l urh' rwa rrl he )laic! a 10llg v l ~ l ( H ' hi s Ild ol,ti:'<l fnth r. tho Vl'r,erull ie Oo loot" kll_ A (t~r Ihat he W(l n l lo ,.,,:COS. i nt .. ndIII ~ 10 tI!,e mi hi" Ilays In I' nCl'ful relir m ell t Oil II I!"ttl farll'~ B ll t " Rome men cn ll t or phl C' l'H. a ll \1 so me I!luc~s ('nil fo r lI1 " n ." .1011 t hlll dr \ol:un or a herd 8111111l 't; (In let 1\ (. waR n ever r ea· . Ih:ed . . T oxau wns all lh \' ('r ~t' 01 a r ...." III· li on , alltl In8UII .1 Ilt Ih .. M ex \("ull PI"O '·Ince o f !\ ' W t::~ 1 r alll ad llrll wall d t>s· lIn et\ 10 I! COllh :L ~ !Jural '·I> III1bll o. 'I·h .. n WCIIIII"r "a . 111 \"1 d 10 1I I llIce In h er councils n ll ti n rl"r< year s thl) !!word of (·uUlnllllldr:l ,·-III ·c hl ' ( ot III: rl\l' ceo WM I lid red h im. 1'he ~ t""lTIln .: or t h A lllmo uut! t he Inhuman hutcher y of .It K ,>o lllln L elafenders waa qul c t; I)' rull u wM hy the m1l8RaCI'e of Goliad. wh ' rc ·500 brave._ IIIc n wer o fllaln lu cold bloOd aftor th Qh' Ol\lllIuIIlIlOIl·. . M eanwhile lhe 'f1)1(on gQlleral. with hiM SAd Iln(1 dlshenl'l n It rollow r •• Willi Jlursulllg that m asLerl y r e'lreat thAt wa ll to c ulminate In a crownlnl; victory nt San JacIn to. But or thaL victo ry yon all hal'e ,I"end In the, history IIf Te xlI~ : 1I0~' 700 T t! );uns facod Santa A nna with hili 1.800 traln!l tl soldl I'll. and how tbe glo"les of that day ' mado a her.o or I)vary patriot wllo roUgl)l there, alld aJled a Ilister UPOII' lhe name of Iheli lelldor - Gen . Silm HOllston. or T en ::..


All In the Day'. WO~k. Discipline In the army.-beeomes ID lime 80 much a malte .. or cOllrse tbat. It takell precedencc .,( evoryi hlng elBe. Capt. J . W . Gamble r or thO .BrIU.b navy tells In his memoirs of an exam\lIe of It that Clime under his observa-' tlon . He was visll!ng ,his brother • .an Ilrmy oMcer In' 1h Royn l Engineer " barracks. Th' y t peD t · Considerable time amulling themselv s wl~h Ii gal· lory plslol . praotlclng at a tnrget on Ii wall · In hla (111urters. My prather hud an 'a rm)' iervanl unmAd And,.e~' •• snys Captain Gl1l11blf)t·, extraordInarily lItupld. bllt very cold ·blooded. While w e wel'e I,racl!oirrg u baH went through a door an" by olianco nillped him In tho ar. 1'1e t oo k It as a mat · l er of callrs '. aDd 'gav(> tit) Hlgn that COltitl pOllelbly 'be a bnlaoh or lli sclp. lIue. We knew notblng oC l until we CUIlI C Ottt ond SILW him At' Ill ng ahout. lIude r a table... "Wha t "IJ YOU l ook· Ing Cor, Andrews?": a!\k II Iny hl·orh\lr. A~dre w E dNlw UtI. IItoon ue. a lenUoo. and r0111l d III an 3:]I010go:lc tone, "I was orily n·jClOklng for a bll o ( my ear ns cbme off when ), 011 Ored a abot ~hrough tbe dOOF, Rlr." .!Ie ~vldeDtlt thought thal for a In-tvat .. t\> havo bll ear tlbot ,olf did not ePUlie to I ... teffere wltla an 01108(1 amu~



, t'



A WONDERFUL GAIN. , Utah Pioneer Tell. a Remarkable Story.


J_ W . Browning, 1011 !!2d St., Qgden, tab, a

Millinery Ideas of the Moment L.end The"11elves Well to Pre.t ty Arranl'ol'1'enta That .WIII De· light the Eye . . It hi eVident tbat Dot onl)' bave the mlliln I'S Invlld ed tbe 1I0I'ls lS' llolualo. but that tbe laLter have I'ullllinled la govll IIrUesl. tOI' their w!'udow!! b ar a &trlklog I' SUIII hlance ' 10 th ~ s how windows at a mllllnul'Y shO Ll In which hat s, l'lbbon aud Illce vi e wllh the fragrant beaurtes for promlue nc . 1.arge tin t hai s ot l'uSC1I1l lIu'a w In all the pust I s hu deB 111'0 cOII I'el'ted Into tIle most cbllrrulng l'ece pllU!leB t al' cut ,Iowe rll and used (01' tuble dec· orations. On lIrt"angement Is effected by standing Il bowl or waler In the UI~ tu rned crown and flllhlK It with tlowers, allowing tbe m 10 t ru ll Ollt grace· tully over Ib o b r im. whl l'h lIy lllua ns at dllbon tleB IH shU llllll lo .sl lll ula tll a nowel··baske t Agai n, lhe Cl'owu ' Is tlll e,1 with a fan cy bllsk t or s weets hldtlc n nlltlel' l1n arron l:'~ m e nt. uf nowel's. lace alld ribbon. Wond .. rul umbillutions 111 111 wav of color Gt' t til yo a Uti 81' I'lIt he-r 'tart llng to I he womun who hus " no· tlo ns" a!Juul s uch thln gR. AlII 'r l lin lleauUl'!! lI.o b-nob wllh s wC'el Ileus anti v Iol lB ke' ll 'los COlli Ililll Y lI'iih Y 1I0w lullllS. lIeh IlIlIol'lIU.1ns lIIU Y IIUSS In1\ ~ "(> I' In II Uuris l's 11'1 IIdoll' , but th ~. \vollid !Jesl lJe I It ' t 11£,1'0. · Hillbon fl g llr S cOlI s Jll clI 1I»ly In Lbo Il a. em'!:! 1\0rDI d eOl'lllloll U, al' \learllll: us ull ll y In tbl) form of tin y . nu lTy, Wfl·lIIee rOI! tlOB at baby rllllJo n. A pOlllllar nnd nW'lIclII'e arra ngement 19 to nll a low baske l 1\'ltll fer n • f "(\nds of mile featber)' I'al'ie tr. t hen dot It h l'e and t her wit II 1'0se tt !lS oC pink, yelloW'. I'e d or whul'v er color hns bee 11 se le cled "JI' the r.olol' Ilc heme. u('h 1I n , al'l'all!Wn1t!lI l Is mnnb lUllS I' II s l" Ihu ll IU 1\ ~ Cllt flow rR. )' et nrC}dllce~ Ill{' llt's lred tlt-


wbo crossed t.he plains In'1848, says: "Five years ago tbe doc torl! salll I bad dlabet s. My ,1lldn e),s were all out of ord r. I bad t o ri se OllllD at nlgbt, looke d sallow. relt dull and Bs tl ess and had lost tU pounds. !lfy back ached and I bad spellB at rbe umallsm ' and dlzzlnesB. Donn's Kidney Pills relieved me of .t11ese troubles nnd have ke pt me "''ell ' for a year pas t. Tbougb 76 yean old. I am In goo d benltb." BuIll lI y nll dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N . Y.




Took L..t Jump from Forgotten ber Home PI.t ••


IwostBillybusP-owell. prall

HER TOKEN OF THE PAST. Huiband Itlll Here, 8,!t Hair Had D.parted. .A western man. who plumes blmself on hie ta.sclu al l<in for the otber sex. was n.ot long ago presented to tln nttractive New York wom1ln. In course at their n rst te te·a-tete the man with winning '-:/1)'8 'at once look occnilion to turn the con\'e reallon Inlo lila tllvo r lte c bnun el. ". o~ser\'e tbat you are wear'lIC an es pecially nne .Iocket. " Bald he. "Tel! m , do as It co ntllia lome tokell of a PU l 10l'e alfalr ?" Aware or th e weslern er's weakness, the h:llldaomQ New York e r thougbt to humor blm a bll. " Y es," smiled she. "It dO'ell cont a in a ~okeD ot tbe past, a lock ot my busband 's hulr." "You don' mean to t 11 me that 10u're a .. Idow !" exclaimed the westerner, In dellgbted surp rise, as be nlld,ed II trine nearer. "I und el'Blood that your hu s band was slive." "True;" an ~ wered the beautiful cr eature; "bul bls balr Is gone."-SlludIlY !IIol;azlllt'l. _ _ _ _ __ _ Bill Nye'. Long Wa lt.


. Ru~


h urdlar the li e d, wall ' refe rring to hla colle,e daya 011 the Berkeley track. "Tbero were five 10. the race. I drew tbe extreme outside lane, Which ,ave me a bad IInlsb stre tch. Dut I cot a peacb oC II. s tart. swept lbe curve like a yacht. on her beam enda aod camll down tbo straight taking tbe lumps ID bea'lUful style. I telt 1 bad a varsity record In me at that clip. and I th rew all my power Into tbe final slrldes. Spring· IDC tor the nlnt~ lIur~le I fairly new tbrouBh air. and , dasblng t.o the _ftnlsh. ,broke the tape. tbe world'. record for tho low hurdles. for the 220-dasb, tlnd for the running broad Jump. the time being 21 ftat. and my las t jump over two burdlci at once. clearln& (3 teet aud lome IDches. "Whe'll' !" exclalllled Olle Snedlgar, """hy were n 't tbe r ecords ever Ill· lowe d ?" , "Well," continued Powell, " wben tb ey went to measure tbat leap, Col. Edwardl Bt arled to s bove hi s cline In. 10 IlIdleaU! my to remosl spike mllrk, and the Klick Jum ped oul or hi s hand. 'J'b~'y scm ped tbe shorl gra s8 away an d tound 11 solid r nbber borne plate Imbe dd od where lbe varsity ba t,. tery used lo pra cUce."-Snn J;'rnn clsco Cb ronlcle_

I,'utual aurprlae In Confld~ncee Fol. 10'Wlng Ma rrli1ge •. . Last· Chrl slmas a m lddl e.aged tinplate worker married a widow whoso aCQualo tance he hall milde but 8 t e w weeks be rore while working some lit,. Ue distance away t ram ltoDle. "Barrah," be 8ald. nervou sly. sHe r tbe ,uesta had d Ilarted, " I bave a wed din' p resent ror ye," . "Whatllit. Jobn ?" i\uld Sarrab with a .mlrk. "I 'ope ye won't be ·tended, Sarrab." laid John. more sgltated than ever, "but It Is-er- er- It Is five or 'em." "FII'e of wbat 7" a sked Surrah _ "Five children! " blurted ou t Jobn , delperate ly. anticipatIng a scene. "1 dldn't tell '18 I 'ad c hlldr e n- ftnl at 'em _" Barrah took the news (:almly; In tact sbe appeared re lleve<1. "Oh. well. Jobn," s he said. "tbal do make It easier for me to teU 'Ie. 1-' 1ve I. not eo b ad ' as mo, wbatever. Be\'en 1 'aye gal!" "What! " bowled J ohn , "Seven." re pealed Sarrllh. composedl y_ "That Is my we ddin' present to ye, JOhD."- Ladlea' Home Juurnlli. SORES . AS BIG AS PENNIES.

Whole Head and Neck Covered-Hair All Came Out-Cured in Three Weeks by Cut leu rot.

"Alt e r It aylng lhe m a sl s m y wbole h n.d anll neck were ol'ered with sC1lly Royal Scion Doe. Good Work. sores about all large us n pe nn y_ Tltey The uuke of Ab .. uz2-l. now a I'lsltor we re ju st as tltl ek as t1wy could b~_ In liti s counlry, pmnounc 8 It aft My hall' a ll cume ou t. 1 I t lhe trou· tboU gh It were s pelled :· A h - broo ~·zee." ble run alon g, taking tbe doctor 's blood with the a ccent on the second Byl- r emedies and rubbing on salve. bn t It la llie. AJthou&h only -3( years Old'. be d id not seem to ge l aliY liJ~tter. It has done a deal at bard work and bas slayed thllt way for about six months; bad mnny hazardOUS experi ences. He theo I got a se t of tbe CuUcura Rem, its the Bon of a Spanlsb king who ob- e dles. nnd In about a week 1 noUced dl coted nndet· pressure. Tho Bon a big d IlTere nce, and In Utl1'eB we eks early In life took service In the Italian It wns well I.'nilrely and I -have nolltad navy. Th en h o went. In tor exp lora- the trouble any more. an d as lhls was lion and moulllaineering and In slIch seven years ngo , I (,{)lIsld er myself purs uits bus trave led all over the 1 cured . lIIrs. B enry Porter. Albion. - . wo rld. 'rh o duke ha s wrltt n acce pt- Neb .• Aug. 20. 1900." ably of h is 'I\'anderlngs and Im8 woo hOnOI'B tor several Bclenllfic 60cl ti es. ALMOST FELT ENVY PANGS.

Bill :o.; ye whe n a youn$ mIlD once mad e an cngageme nt w ith a 11Idy Will Live In Pari •. A novel noml c nt e rpl(' c Wllll 111 II do fr iend or hl ~ to tllk& her drl \'lng on a Th e willow at ollis P. HunUngtoD u p of tiny pots. aclt holdin g a rnal el u· Sunday art rooon. Th e appOinted hai r r rn . read~' fOI- It'an spla ol lug, ar· day ca me. bU l at the 11,· ry stsble all bas Informed fl'le nds In Washinglon rODgl.' (\ In a bnsk(lt trll Y_ the horl:les were taken ouL save one or h r pu rp~e to I'cslde permanen tly In Parill. W!th this oble(' l 10 , 'lew · Th po t!! ' Wer(, Wrt\Pl1t'd In e n o lu, slink),. exe edlngly bony hor e. ('r ne Ilaper, h hI In Ilia e by Ill cb· Mr . • ' ye h lrea- he n~ Bnd dro\-e she Is preparing to cl ose ' he r Ilollse In wide ('<!In ImJJ I) 1'1'-'h1JU that led to ID - t o his CI'I nd's i!"sille nce. The la d)r le t I\'e \\' York and go to the Frcnch captlh-ldllOI 1,III C('6 Dllll Ihu B cony rl d h im wall e early an hour b fore sbo Hal. whore th ere will soon be comfhe c nt Ilrpl ce at lhlt cloa ot lhe , as rea<ly, anti th en on vi e win g tbe plet c1 a man s ion tor h e r cosling near· meol Into pleasing eouvtlDll'1I at the dl 'r pu lable outfi t fl atly re[usild to ac- Iy $1 ,000.000. Mrs. HunUngton was ma u)- r aI'S younger than be r great compauy Mr. N)·e. . OCcaSIOD. " Wb)·." she excllllmed. s n e rlngly. hus band . who le n he r the bulk or ' hie 11 r nod them nmon - I h , I)()IS ions to do witb &8 she uiJ;ht s ee " that horse ma)" dJe of age any ma- hlili wore sr 1\ carnntl ns. fit. . Tull "I IJ with rlbllllll rOI' IloOlllnr- IDf'nt.' • " Madame." Mr. N)'e replied, "whep itt In combl lion wllh fl ow 1'8. lind is Flne,Lboklng Royal Couple. <!sp dally I . . I II'he ll a sort. wav~ I a rr ived that hoI'S \1'11 5 a IIranclng Th e kIll" aDd Queen at Denmarl ' ....... --..kfJ II' ct alred. For bank in g a ' young .Bteed,"--H srper' s Weekly , arB Ind ee d a regal-looking couple tabl or mlrrops green I ulle aDd King FrederIck Is a giant In Itature Where He Met Him. tn nllax are cllll1'1l1Ing. He wns one of those smart men who whlle bis consort Is Ul e talle sl Toya' 1'b I'n ' nnd bowl. -ula t ha l'e IODg woman In Europe_ Sbe Is al so tht be [j the ·ncc pt d ' r c lllac! a fOI' ut lik e to show (hell' cle l'ero ss. richest. having Inh erited a great dea "Watch me take a ri se out of him." flowers. bav uo 11 I' 1l1ucl'd hy I be at proper ty from her rather. the latl fan cy bas k loud HII'DW ' jard ln lc l'e, -he snld, ss the lram p approached. King Charles of Swed en. besides thl ",hleb e \ ' n tho mos l CO Il gel'I'at IVB Then be listened solemnly to lbe tale Imme nse fortune ot ber motbe r. 'II' he J.U \lst admit (arm 1\ mosl filling ae t· of hard luck. "Tbat's the IRme old slory you told was one of the rlcbest helresse8 oC tltf tJ rig for th rrngrant bloS901119. m e the last lime YOIl ~ccosted me," he Dlneteenlb cel)tury. Her males ty It deeply religlou8. ,aid, " ' hea tbe vagrant had flnl sbed. Chicken In Bean Croc\<. "Is It 1" was tb e answ erIng Question, CUl chicke n In s mall Il h~ce .. . a:!l tor Important to Mothera. stewl ug; wus h nOlI wille d r~' : 8111'lnl<le "Wlte n did. tell It to you 7" "Last ,,'eek." Bnmlu car"'al)1 .,.• ., bolli. 01 CASTOmA. with salt: dip euc h Illece In 1lI ~ lt ell "Mebbe I did. m ebbe J 4Id," &dmlt- • late and .ure ftlDeclJ for tDlllDII &lid cllllciHn, iJut! I' an d Toll In 1101\r, lHlllIn!; larg r aOO ... LhaL I~ 1,Ieces In boltom o( crook and plecM t ed the tramp. "I'd forgolten meetot rnt. If un Y.JIQ tal). Pour ovc .- 111111 ing you , I was In jail all lust week," Bmotbe " i#:;:;z... · ')De oup an4 a hul f of boiling . wate r 8laDIlUt'I! 01 ..~ . Piety. nnd eoi'or t.lghtl y. Bake iu mod rate In a recent number or 8 German lD 'OIG For Onr 30 '\'carl. oven one hour and a lIal[ (or sprin g rile Wad YOQ lJA\'O Al,,&J" iloulhL magazine a' wrller olfer s a variant of (lhlckllns. In thi s way th o Gra I'Y nttho talo lately published In 11 boole of r eady Is pre l)BI-ed , 8 0 wh Ll Itt c hi kchlldren's true sayings . wblcb relutes Telephones In BOlton. n Is lUted out It Is rea(1y rOI' tn hi e. bow two Bmall girls tri ed lo sit on one BasIon 18 the greates t tele;'lhoD. When I pre pare ebi k n thi s way I do s tool, 'und one at lhem r(.marked: "U user In the wOl'ld. accordln, to tbe annot have to tolioh again until ool<ed. one ' oC )15 was to get oJ! tbe stool. nua l report of lhe New England TeloAnd 10 lIave gal! i bake my l)otltocs there would be more room tor m e," IIhone & Tel egrapb company. EvelT · and a pie or pllllding' &11 'II'lllt th same Tbe T e utonic vel'sion, t e lls how a ·Ger· day In New England ibel'e Is an aver· ti re. Sq'uabs or ·lIwall pieces o~ beef man sut by the bedside of his dying age ot 9?'i),85S telellbone conversl\tio08. ate d~llclou8 cnoll d In ~hls way. Jn ,.Ue nnd murmured piously : " If it 'In 80slon thltre Itl a pbone for every 'oole illg lu eutjJ thi s WilY all the juices , please!! the sood. God to take one at ·Il persona. ure relalned . 1IItU!Y lieople omplll ill UII, I s~all go to 1Ierl1n_" · u C tV! lI'reast oC fnll'l bing uI'Y. bllt Sh'a~e Into You'r Shoes cook d tbls way It Is jul'lI. In Hard L.uck Indeed. ,! lIen's }-OOl-UtSC. It.cures pai nful,swollen, She- He bas a most exuaordlllary . m~rti n l! . "" , p.otl n ~ feet. · Makes new i!.Il0C' . Caramel Junket. flS\lre, basn't be.? ""'Y: Sohl by nil j)1~l g ' i t" alit! :' boe lorc.•. If ODe Is 'fond or caramel or ple.ln H e-'-Thara so. • , believe an urn' Vl1n t accept 'on)' "" J.,. lltutC. l:iR lI1pleI'R};E. junket, tbere Is no desser t ror S IIW' brella is about the 0017 thing he can Au. . . r••s _4. S. OI1l1~t "d, Le Roy. N. Y. mel'_ more del h::nle. Two cup~ of buy ready made. milk, one-thi rd c up of sugnr, one-third Th!) ac me ot goodness Is to laTe tbf --~---eup ' of boiling water, 011 junket tab, pubilc. to study unln rsal good, and to. CHlloDREN - 8HOWED IT · let, u plnoh oC 'sUlt, one teaspoon(ul promote tbe Interests of tho "bolt ~r . \lanma. . Heul milk' IInUt blood ElT,et 0' Their Warm Drink in tM ,.orld. as fBI' liB lies In ' our power.RUBkln. . warm. Caramelize Mugar. add 1I0l1lng Morning. : -..:~ter. and coo,k until B)'rUI) Is I'BImproved Fa'r ms Within 50 ; duced to oD~-t h'rd cUJl. Cpol. and "j; year ago 1 was a wreck from Of , t. 1'0111. GheaJ'l and dQ~ irable fol' · add rillk slowly to syrup. Bt'eak the calfee' drlnl,iDS and was on the polrit · ~liIes home •. r.o% p rofl~ for inl·eFtlllen't. Write tablljt Into ' small bits . or Ilowder It. at giving up my posltlon, ln the scbOoI U8. ";,.'o n8 RPhl E -lute t o., St. Paul. Minn . add to inlxture. :wl~b salt and vitnl)1a. room 'becuuse of ·DerVOUJlDess. Turn Into ·.cuPs 01' dish, let .stand until J have 8eldom known anyone who ". was telJlng a ' friend about It and tbe )~nket congeal.. Then Illac~ In she said. 'We dr.l nk nothing at meal dese rted tnitb In trlllellJ that. be .could \ . tbe r~rrlgorat9r to chill. _.lust before time but' Postum Food Coffee and It Is be true ted III matter. Importance. . 8o"lng cover tbe top with whipped suell a comfort· to 'have som~thlng we -Paley. ,--''---'cream and chopped nuts. can enjoy drinkIng "I'ltb the cblldreD,' Don't Sneeze Your Head Ofr. If plain junket Is prllterNd It may "I was, astonilihed tbat s he would alKrouoe'a (;01 ... <l4jll!ulefl will cure you albe lIovoted with s herry wh e or nul· ·10'11' the cblldren to drink .aoy kind of mOlt in.hotly. ' At nil DruHlilll.l, 250. 'meg: In8teacl of vanllln. .' colfee, but 'she . ~Id Pallium was tbe most heal~bfuJ. drink hi tbe world for No matter ' b.ow bUDgry a mao. may Vle"na Chocolate. cblldren as weU as tor older ones. and Willie the ftrBt course and the bar- that the condlUon ot botb Ibe children be " . /lIDile taste at defeat .atllflu le-du!! and ereliln chee!:t! are b\!lng nnd.adults sbo,\\,ed thaUo: be a fact., . blm. " eaten tl)e ·.VleDn" eho.cI,lale may b~ ... "My first trIal wius a failure. 'The · prellared' ready to elose I he repllvt. cook boiled It. rour or fI va minutes and Heat a Quart of mJlk to the boiling It tasted lIat tbat I WIlS In despair point. Put Into the blazer four onnces but determlDed to give It one more ot ,cbqeolate cut In small blts, two trIal. This Ume we follbwed tbe ditabletljJOQDfulll, ot sugar aDd th ree ta•. rection. and balled It fifteen minutes • · bl..poonfuls ot hot water. Cook over after tbe .~olllng besaD. , It ' was a dethe lIamea until smooth and 8blny. cided saccess and I was I\Ompletely Add the bot milk' and a half teaspooo· WOll by Its rich delicious flavour. In a ful ot' ilanlJla wltb .. IitUe cinnamon short time I notlced 0. decided 1m· If. 10U like the ~omblnajjon. tbe n' provement In my (ondltlon and kept wD.l~k with a muddleL' or ~gg ,b eatt\\'. growlnar beller and better montb after Pat- IDto eaclJ Qal) a spoonlul 01 montb. until ' DO,.. - I am ' perfectly whIpped cream and pour the hot Clb(Ko, bealtb,.. aDd do my work In tbe Bcbool olate over IL - . room wIth elllls and pleasure. I would Dot return to the Ds"e-desll'O)'lDg rea· alar collee tor &DY money," _ "There's at Jleaaoll." Beaa \be ,..




Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound been tbo standby of Ameri can moihel'l! In preparing for childbirth. NotewbatMrs _JamesCbes ter.of427 W. 95th t ., New York say. In tbl. letter:-Dear MrR. Piokham:-"I wish every expeClAnt mother kn e\v about Lydia E . Pinkham's Vegetable Componnd. A 1lelgbbor who had lea rned ?[ ill! g rent value at tI,i s trying period of 0. womnn's life urged m. to try it and I d id 80. and I c. a.nnot so.y e nough In r e J!'8rd to the good It. did me . I recovered q n lckly nnd am In tho best of h ealth now." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompOund 18 cerlalDly a snccessful remt'uy for tbe pt'cllliat' w calcnesscs and ailmen tll of wo mc n. . 1 t hn.~ cllre~ almost every form at Female Complain Ls. Drugging SensatIon s, Weak Bac k. Failing and Displa.ce m n te , InU ommation . Ul ceratiOD S nod Organic D iReascH ot Women aDd Is invaluable in prepBrlng for Ch ildb irth tlnd duriDg the hange of Lile. hllll

Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women

.Women slIfl'cring from any form of female weakness are Invited to Mrs. Plnkhu.m, at I.yuh. :M"s.~. B e r udvice Is frce.


~tI Ci.vilized This i . Ihe !':e w

Way I ! "'

W. y-Ih. cIvilIzed .... )I- to exen:IMUte bo... l. antlilo p Cbron ic Co u llip.


l inn RIIII il l IU B11Y aHwdOlnl evil fl.


Nourl.s h the bowcl-nrryt:s : (do n 't purge w ith haii •• Ut"r l (,'11.~ aad Ctltb llrtic:», and w ra k el1 J'vur fliy,.tC-I1I ,) . Cooke Cnfitv r O il . pu ~ Sulphu r! coa· cel1t ra'~rt w il h Celican n, Dluck Cn~ffY R~t . r. i UgH. et c,. III Bhu:Jcburu 's ViewS') Ca.lor.Oil· J'ills n Ul kell the on e id~. 1 phllh: ro r old alld youuK. They nourl l b tbe

bowol nerves.

Ct& \heu, fo! 10", '.Oc or $1 .00 It .11



Por '·' rf. e ~:lmr'~ . • delrt 'a.

II. F. Out" The Vlclor, Hemed, Co.; OI}'lOft.o.

All Dr.... I•••• 100.









;E.;a.~ =D~:








National Ed itorial Alloci a,tion and Chrlet lan Endeavor Convl:ntlona.


P ersonally cond ucte d spedol trains via tbe Ch'lcago. Union Paoltlc & North-\\ est e rn. Line leave early In July tor th e Pacific Coast. Special ali -expense tou-rs at v e ry low rules tor round trip. Including slt,ep ing car accommodations. mea ls, etc. All th e aeil-antnges at a deli ghtful and carerully arrouged tour In co ngenial com· pan y. Write for ltlnernrlel> nnd rull particulars. S. A. Hul ohl son. Manager Touris t Department, 212 Cln.rk Slreet, Chlcago_ A Capable Woman. "TIl re II no pluce fllled by mon,'· renlorked 1I1r8_ Slrongmlnd, " tltat woman cunnotl1l1," " it 'II'ouldn't b e 80 bad ," rejolne<l her busband. " If she would 'only let ,t go al that. I saw one to·do)' wbo was fllling two men's places_" "Wbere?" qu~ri ed Mr s. S . "In a s treet ca r." an R \V.~ red tbe wre tch as he made a hurried exll h 'om tbe room.

Coal, wood and wlter in .band.ace: ('burc.h~'1 and sehoo l.. con.tnit;h l : market I C'a~ 01 accea:o IU~1I


To conTlnoe any ..omun thnt P ...._ tJDe ·ADU."p~lo will Improytl h"r b~n ltll . ana do all ~e cUilm . for H. We will tleDd lIer ab!lOlutelJ' free a IlU'ge trllll' box Of Panlno wltb book 01 lostnt o, lions and Bertuln" teIUmonlal •. I$ ond

Relief for Ladies

Libby's Veal Loal

Libby, McNeill &.Libby CbICltl. .






brano af· fectlolls. sucb lUI nasal CSlarrb,. ~hlo catarrh and Itlnammu.tlon caused DJ' femlulne "Is; SOle erOiL lOr" Ulfoal BPU moulh. by direct 10<>111 weotment lts ellr11\1.« power oYer ~bellC tTouble. Is e'tr.... ordinary and glvel lmmedlaloO I'CIlel. Thuu,"uds of "'IImell .ro Dlllll and r~o­ ommeadlul It evel'1. day. IiO ceut. a~ drultl!lstlorbymall. Rl! ..".er. IT COSTS '20U NOTRDlG TO TRY IT. PU~l( 4)0., Boeioa, III-.

'J'RE Ro


343 Acre. besl Slock aDd Grain farm in N. E. Ohio, fine location. R. R ., Scbools, cburches. good buildings, t40.oo per acre to settle ao ~.· ~:lIe . Also 100 Acres Deal' Erie. No ~cbaft,._


Erie. PL



'Of clllUdrea t.eet.btDa. eof• • ,bellU.f tll, "elDON • p&Ia, OIlI'M "'ed ClOth... _ . tao&U..

.... 1100'80 Gr.. 01 ... , ...11100 IoJot,D m.IDr· ......

001001.1". PfO'PU . . Itlon ID eollLb 'relu. "II IDle'" M" 'OU it tOU w ltl add,... lIoz _ Ct" ..

lIuI" '''0' MINOor')..


a ....


'A .... LL·N_ ACHES _..


JIlTention 18 tbe mother of truat. and promotion Is tbe stepfather.

Wine of Cardul has been called "Woma-n 's' Relief .... because of its wonderful power, demonstrated in actual experience. during .more tAan 50 years; over the pains. distres!! an~ ills, from which women are so prone to suffer. . Mrs. Emma Carner, of Emmett Tenn .• writes: , I

otld me more good thaD aD four doctors who ~tecl my cue. female trouble, but YOmaIl'. med1clDe




'pour'ADllwexandT addlreUN 'OOEa,po:::IBC::~

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MIl , . . ~:::-::,::.L::'l



If. II. WlWAMS. Law BtIiWlq: TaW., Ow..

Ready for Se....... At Once.- Slmply .. arall hed W'lIh liau ce It I. an appetblD¥ untrer lor Juudi~OO Dr dinner.

..... Wl_do ..•• _tbl" ..

UO" hUll

SUPItIUN1' BNDHNT OP "'!MIG1(ATION. Ottawa, ClaaOa, or aDy . alltbori!ed Clu.dlaD Goftrnmcut It gent.

Do you like Veal Loaf? You will lurely be delighted witb Libby'. kind, made Irom .c hoice fresb 'meats, In Libby' •• potle... kitchens. It is pnre, wholesome and delicious In fta'·or.

It III motive alone that ~vell character to tbe. actloDs of ·Dien. and PUTt motive Ie In the deed Dot ID ' the evenl Be DOl' one whose eye reillideth ... ward.-KreesbDL

low: c limate the but in tile

penlo zoue. II" Bud orderpre,..tlac,·erywbcte.. for .d"ice and ·j.ronoaUoD .ctdr~ •• the

WUb Beel Ind Pork'


moul JUtle ''Health OIUaIe," "The BOa4 to Wdh1U.... III " .

The first r qulsite or .. good mother Is good h ealth. and tbe experieuce of mo t rnily t;hould 1l0t be Il.pproac~ed wltbout careful physlcul prepuratlon. all a wowan who is in good physical cond ' ~ ion tran smits \.0 b er n Lbe lJles8lnga of a good COuStl tu tlon . . Pr"pa rl. Lion 10r heal Uty matern!ty Is llC<..'OlDpllti hctl by L)'d ia E. l'lDklttlm's Vegt!lllble Compo und. whicb is maile frOID native roots and h erbs, more Buccessfu l'ly tban by aoy aliter medicine because it gives tone ~~~~§§§§§~~~§§~I~ and stren gth to the entire tc m'lni.oe organi sln. curing displacement8, ulceration n ou inllammation. aod the res ult I~ less suffering and more children healtby at birtb. For more tit lin Uurty years

Famou. Moalem Bell. On the walcb tower oC the Vela. at the Alh&mlJm. Spain. th ere Is a allver. _ PoaltlYe l,. eated II, ton ed be ll wblc b the Moslems u sed to these Lillie pm•• rlog as a sl/,'ll111 10 le t on Ute water 10 lb e gardenlj and lhe fOllnlaln In tbe oil), below _ Ils sound can be 'heard Grallt CrIcketer's SImple Tribute to at Llga. 30 mil es away . Th e malden HI. 9wn Worth. wbo ~tr ill s It la-day Is aure of a hllsDrowsIntl88. B~ TlI8loO band befOt· th ~' ar Is out. anll of a • U1 tlltt )Ioulb, Olated . 10 1855 th ere was a grealt celebra - good one It s h l'lngs lou'd enoug b. On Tongue. PaIn In tile Sido. ~~~=_.......J TORPID LIVER. tion In London In honlJr or Dr. Sam- c l'laln fete lluys It Is lI1'ely 101' the fe8'\IIIJ8 Ute Bcnrels. J>ureJ,J Vegetable. uel .John so n. and among tbose In at, be ll. t e ndance was the AU Btr:lI la n " C\' nc k" The Di6advantages of Schools. cricketer, Bonner. tben lit t.he h Ight "''''b), hllve you taken your son alit at his fume. Genuine Must Boar of school without a siling permi ssion ?" As prie oC the guests. saYIJ tile omFpthpr (a groce r l -But tb ey wero pile I" at the rece ntl y publltlbed " Lelrnl Qi ng h im; I wi sh to Ilrlng him up tera" of tbe lale Dr. Ceo rge lllrklJeck to carryon. my bueln ess. and tbey PILLS. ' HlII. Bonner's be!lJth .,.-as prollosed. W re leachi ng 11 1m thnt th ere are ' 16 HIll response was not wo rlby. REFUSE ounces In a pOllnd .- T ral1!lla t d tor "After seeing the way In whi ch Dr_ T ransatluntlc Tal s frum 11 MOlto per Jobuson's momory Is re ve red ," he aald. Rldere. I with great "Implicit)'. "I aDl not slIre thal I would not ra tbe r have been 6uch a m an tbaa have gained my own ~reatest triu mphs In crlcke t-". Youth'B Companl'oD.





I went tbIough .several operaUons 10r

better; W1Ul I took C8rdul, wNch hrougbt me relle', It Is the most WODderful world. At drugIata. III $1.00 boUt.. Yltb cllrectlona far 1110 1'r7 It.

run """·-,..,,..·~-~.J;i=:i5.r::'~I=:;~

I )


A Chance to do

m:ttrn Ing . t-=ormer Residents

,_ ~ Wlll' n ~,Oti IIro Illl0UViug In Duy. Mr. finn Mr!'. Burry F , ('1I1l1\lbell . Inll, oonpon!' 1If(' Illv ' n with <'Iwh of t:!pri ngflAIII , lit 1110 ,II "r HIII.tllling i I'I1rr\hll~" •• 'l'hA Ilny tnn ,.·It:mltl "'il~ th r tlo with Mrs. Cllmpba lJ 's llllY 1111 I'XII 1I ~f)H • r 1,\\ t\I\f\ y~\~I\~ . .. r VflM U I lndl stu tho ,lllm Nt.O\\'1l (IXI'O!;lI.lon brotber. Vlin 1rons I~t Bngerrn'ln' l l\l\d MII'Sf' lira the \1I~llott! . Yo u Idab\>. ihm 't WIIIII l.hulIl. II mi . If ,v uuIIlllI 'l ~-;---,. , k t·ILk. th 111 tll U !l1I1 /;l~ g irls k o ' t l t.bU II1 . le ~h88 Maeg M.CUOIl1I1S, n t ~ rlln . Dill you Imow thllt II WU Y11 ~Yillt' lin , e~ted to lellve Mondn;v ~pr . " l girl \V" l! In th rll 1':' . Lllrl BI1M vllllt. wltlL ber friend, Mr..' 1,I\1Zle I \VII~ on of tho I (" (d(\tl.~ ~ t {lrlll', l,nl Roberts Smith t\t MUllel , Indiana he r 111 oth 11 r, IIlII' 111'011 f;1(:k fUI' t.WI Pruf. E . 01 de Mill r whu wa tl w,:o~!\ nn.l h,t! 1I11'l1l1'1-- 11\1t !Ill(' I~




for 1\ tlDle dU\lerlntendt,ut ,1\ tbe 'urwin sollllois Is spendi ng a pan of lila summer vnoot.ioll iu Wllrren Couofy Prof Miller went t,t) ::>po ' . .' , kane, WlIl'blOgtOU, froUl \ orwln lIntl the nlove seems to have bean u· m ost excellent one for him. He i DOW Prlnoipal of one of tilt! lurge t' h I I thatrllpldly growingclt.y, so 00 s n . .. recelvlnR a hlindaome Millry Ilnd making a success 10 every WilY · Mr. Miller bos 0 great mony warm friend. her~ who will be plen ed to _ .

know of bl~ n

()t\8.'4 .

Stuhl, . 'eoretary ounty Home- Com ing Ael!oolat,loJ1 ot Albion, lIhllOI~ , tbe Gazette bill! reuelv d I~ oiroular jo!<t ISlued by tbe A~8OCIIl tlOD whloh will be of inoorest. mllny-Ga7.ette retiders. 'l'he"OI(1 Edwards Home Coming" is tv be hillel tit Albion, lIlInoi , August 21, 22 11u(1 23rd of tbe prlls· ent :vear. Among other things the letter of tbe EdWl\rdH


Ohios Olde t Uesident

a Kindness.

, _D~e - at_8elJbrook~ I

II"Y~' : A liollle·ColJllnll




t;ouvenlr Mag'" :tIne bal\ been publll!hed Ilt oonslder· lible L·ltpen e, showing balt tone~ (tnd biflgrophlcol 8/etchesl of many of OI1T local people, besides mllny iI· In trllt.Ionli of bUlilneasand rnsldenoe pr,Jpert.iel\ in and a,ound Albion, Mud mooh information that "I'm be of deep ·In.tert'llt. to tbOlie lioqnaintod with this County. '[hIs 'book will be msll&<l to any address by ad· dN!'Blljnll tbe ~'ooretary and iDolos· ing ten centil silver and tb'ree oentli pQsftlK8 &0 oover a limo II portion of 'be espense inourred In Issuing this work . In due time you will re Ofllve complete program for tbe three day. of tbe Homo.Oomlng. Let OJJ bear trom you; also senri .. Id 08 n imea of ex res ents ,



. thirty.

5 . ............ .... .5c Fancy B('lt TIll lId ~s , ...... ... ... ......... .........










$ $ $ $ $




$. '$





'!~ , wLi:~: C:rrol~e 8!oVr Mj:~e) ~y~~~


Bring us your Butter and' ; Ears. Payinlr C for eggs



~~~~~Sg~:~~g a~; t~!tecf~~~!t~ AI"S association, at Cinoinnatl tbli week.







Grnphophone' clmcert Sat· , urday afternl)on and We pay the limit for Pro-

. Zimmerman's '$:~i~:~h~~Vr~tj~:F~!r~:;r~~ $ 'u

W-glled:e'J give UII a





__""M. ........ ~.

.s '



4 Doz n Cloth \f) Pin, ...... ... 1 .... ............... , ..............5 Ladics Leathor R it Pur () ............... .................. {) Whllo they If\.Rt ... ........ .. . :..... ... ;., ... ...... .. : ....................... .

10 cent Po kef. Book ,.... .. ............ ............. . " . ...... ... 5e




the plantation of a reJ.atlve tn Miss. ISBlpP!. and enjoyed a goodly quantty of tbem by dj8trlbntlnR t·bem among their friendll, " part of whlob found their way to Mra. Thos . J. Brown.


A. Y



0 N,



SUMMfR' SALE Begins Next Saturday Morning With a fresh elean stO(lk of the h " t of 'merehandiso

nnd a wider choice


ea(lh depal'tm~ll.t.1 than at amy pl'e-

sale in our. histor'y. ,~



June 29, and for two wee,ks.

ill': 'the DruJg Line



tick) Fly Paper ......... ..... 5(~ Hcavy l'la. Buttcr 'Dish, with , , v 1', c






. EQr Anything


S $.


"Enamp! Dipper (1 pint

. Go to


-1 0



\Vhil e tll y Lll!lt .... .. .. ... ....... ...... ... .. ............ ................. .


Ureat 'hats . elrne'. boy and 81we money. Mrs. U. M. White. A. W. 8alnes o,nd family, of . Xenia, spent the first two dliY8 of the week wlt,b Mt Baines' ~ra.nd: .. father, Mr. Allen Baines. . . -" . Mrs, Rebeoca . •1. Sides WD.8 marle' p'et a.d hIlPPY- by I\. visit from her ,son In . Faney 'abs .. oun . lAW t\nd d~nghter ~fr. " olld. Mrs. a. Bo n : - p '" .. " Q. Everly of Dilyton on Srt.nClAY , Win bc headqit~rtera for Specla n -..ns. eanut· Cakes, Cocoanllt Cakes, Iced If vou have not bough t thl.~t sum the Famous Liggetts Parie ,Caketl, Fjg Bar. Prune Bar, ' mer .hat" now Is your op()ortunlty Green if you havc ' never to get I\. bllrgaln at White,1I . T-'-~dy .n,ears. I ced M_a"A~........... , used it ask your neign'JOr ~ MOla1l8e8 ' Coollie8. Colfee Tbe Inftlnt cbild of Mr. lind Mrs b t't d I Cakes. Date Bara, Ra15{n U'M'RobltZl)r Is eerioull1.v III anrl 1111 .... a ou I , once use a ways Cookies. Mary Greens, Lemtbe Gazette goes to preSM litHe bope ~ 'used, also.l'llris Green and on ,Crisps, Orange ·Crisps ~ iiilhe\d .out.for Itsreoovar~ . ... Bordeaux MixturesjUlItthe and manY. other kindl!~ Mr. and Mrs. ~8 " Smith left thing t9 exterminatc PotaRegular Pn~ 12Y. to'l8ea ' 'l'bursd"y ev.eoi~g for K"!lRAS to Rugs ; . C . ad where'they, will spend ,the I!ext few , . . , pou.nd. Y:oU r eh~u:e onIy ' P9 un , weekfl :wlth .Mrs. Smith 's brot-ber ~-. .Buy rou.r ~aktes-h t 't B" k ·Mr. ,Borry: Mrs," B . .Q " .' Specials for Saturday· t 8 00 0 0. a e ~lexanl)er, of , EJtdo. anel Mrs. '. . , . .. . - , -, - ----.-,- - . Lnther Sellers of Dnyton 'both Hood ,; Snrs81panlla . 79c N"w GOO.dB thlB week 'yisited her 'last week and were pret!· Lydia Pinkhams Vegetnble eaa New Beans-NNew bPb . eDt to wis!! their slsternn enjoyn.ble Compound 74c New Potatoea· ew Ca ace . , '. .'. ___ . visit . . J. oley's KIdney Cure 74c Canned Whit~ Cherrietl Mr. and Mrs. , C. H. Cleumts en .. FOley',s Orino Laxative '.JOe ' tertll.lned on Bnnday Bt . a tamily F' S a can dinner, the fonowlng: Mr. ond Mrs . . rUlt yrup 43c Canned Goose Be~: a can ' Q. A . Brown and son Eyler and Mr. Beef Wine nnd I,r on '_ , Canned Bartlet' Peara ' '. • P~rey Eyler. A. Chandler and 50c size 27c ~ . . 10e a can , h~e brotber. John Cbandler, of Iowo Lightning Castoria 1ge Fresh,Shreddect Wheat (wbo bB~ h bee~ srndi~~ seve~al Lightnin~ Hot drops 19c 2, 'for ,FuncyCream ' 'G ' h ra,p e , Uuo 2 or """' F , 0 ric . d, r ,crack ers ' ' , , C,)onar~. . . , . rea '__"_ .'We will have plerity of J. o. Cartrl~bt. Cashier of thA and c.Jees FIR~ WORk'S . Waynesville National Bank lmd A new lot 011 premiums , . fl)r the 4th of July , F . C. Hartsook. Cashier: of the just in, calland see them

.S .



thr t'e yerlr ogo. Fo r the lust JO yea rs Mrlj . Myers ~

. i ZIMMERMANS ! PERSO::::::~ S S i$. . .:.-. =$ Saturday June,



~ ~ . .,.~'" " " #



2 quart

Mrs. Letitln, Vanghull widow I1 f ~ the late Benjnmln Vlln~l\lln , llil'(1 hull been snfferin g from ' n oompll . n·t the 110m~ of her 90n, Re\' . B. I". ~ll i(l~ of t1isellse!!. but h r \Von~er . Vaul{hlln, 'n Ceutervl\lA ~Ilturdnv . ful vltnlity oDnbllld bOl't.o ljurvlve Jone 22. after lin i1ltl P.SA nf IIb)llt. until an ' unnusunlly rip':! old nile . eight weeks . Mrs . t111!{han W!lS 'h a \\'~'" IIbl e to be nhont nnd l1tHI in her eightieth yenr. 11 v r los l con t:ro I or either her ' Mr~. Vaughan was widely knowo. I:llentnl or pbvsiolll energies· until eSpeClallyin the southflro portl?1l Sundny. Jl1ne 9, when she suffereR of Green and Montgomery conlltl<'!\ on nttack of pIlrn ,y!<is, from whicb where ljIhe haa lived for man !Ill never rullip.t1.' years. t:!be wa. a W ? mILD of ,11911 Bel' st.reDgtb \YIIS grnlluully de did obarlloter R:nd blgb 'Idetlls Ill1d pI ter! lind Wel1nestltly sbort Iy after will be greatly rulBl!ed . MI l; noon hour h . passell pellceful I Iy into eternltv. Mllny readers of the Valletta W .(1) /.[r9 . Myers WIIS Lhe mother ot are acquainted with Mr. anel Mrs st... children. of whom but four aro Cbllrles W. Smitb, who mov ed from living, IlS f01l0WH : Alton Myerlj . of here to Dayton a few yellTs IIg0, W will sympathise With them In Mle Alton, In. ; .Jlloob M:verlf, of . Ill'· e 1t ren c nnty. OhiO; Mrll. CyntliilL IS '• t deatb of their little da,llg lor . Bllines, of Wnyne!lville, n1l<1 Mrs . . n . Dele Y The ft)lIo~lng sketoh IlILS beAn aruh D, viii, of Bellhrook. 'he I" banded the Gazette : Mi88 Dona Ha~ke was bOIlte88 laet Benrietta ME\dora, tIl'! little dllugh I1lso 8urvivell bv 12 grandchildren. W8aDaeday aftemoon ~to a luge ter of Ohlllies W. &.nd Ma.y Smith 12 gr6llt !;l'lInd 'hl1l1ren nnd 12 pariy'Qf YOUDL( ladles. Cards fnr· was born in Dayton, Ohio, April :tS, grl.'ut grellt grnndcbildren, who nlahecHhe prinCiple plJrt of the af· 190'7 and deputed this life .Jllne 22 arp dist,ributed througbout mnny ternoons entertlLlnment. Miss r tl rr ' different pllrts of the country. r 'rbe funeral took p!lIoe FrlclllY BeDrietta MoKlnsey ~illnlng the 1907. age 2 mo. ' hus IL It e I e IS ended on eart.b and gone to join the aitern Qon I\.t L2 :30 from tbe rolli . prIZe for 'be greatest nnmber of angels in Beaven. , h Will 8 amae . Tbo bereaved puent., bave the dellce Of her rlllug tat, MTljI. . A &hree oom'ee IUDoheon woe sympathy of aU their friendilin the IIlIll Dllvls In BI l1bro<lli , the Intor. · ~rveci. · ~ lOBI! of their first Ul'rD . The re nlent Itt the MitUll~1 oemetery . . MI'. and Mrs. J. B. Ohapmap en ~ mains were brought from Dllyton tertalned alxteAn of tbelr friends R,t Monday mornlng.on the 9 02 train. ~~(JItice. and the funeral was conduoted from earda Satur4ay evening. A plt!llBan\ feature of the 'evenln't the Obapel by Rev. PhilIp Trout. Mill/III ebllpl,el', Urdqr of Ellstarn came when dellolous bom~ IrrowD tar.will hold its memorilliservices atra wberrtes were eerved as reo in itl! chnpter ;room, .on nnduy, Buy Your fr 9IIhmentl!. J I1n :lOth, lit 2o'olock . All MI)snnlc4 corllially In vlted .

Extra. S PEe I A L




h I J I:i1Ie WIIS IIHlrrlel1 t. t e lite os· .... ph Myre when \lobon! 2~ vellrs of ..i::JIII.... IL~f1 . Wlt.h h.l m . she removed t o Btlll brook. Mr. M.I'er hllvlng died \villl1'I'1 a uhor' tl' llle .. f' el· theIr re ~.

o . · 1l1ovnl 'to thnt ploue, bout


Bigg",e st ,V alues Ever Offere'd for

JI:lu ':'10 Blu rk y . .


S(;I~I"rA] - .. . .. .... ..... - TZ'R --






irs . Sarah M~' t'rll "allKCS Awrty "!lNI 102 Ycars. Wa. 1\10th('r of M~. Allen Hllinl's, .. t Waynesville .

;\I ,wy I' ud I·t! uf tit Gu~ He l1uQI1I11llt()ll With Mr " f:il\l'l\li MYI I '~ uf tlell brOo k . pl'Qbn bly th eltl ~t \I I'. on In Ohio. Imd oert dnJy tlH' oltlost ill th\s viCinity !lnd will h In!. r ~t pd in t.h foll owing sketch .)f lJo r h fll : j;1I1D1l1U 1I!;1ILll Hllr filth r billll, Ilnu L1f tho ,\lr KUllh MY ;;I ti. th uJdtll:lt r es· ellt little hou~ utj in WlL.V Ilt! \·il1e.llutl iti tmt of VI' o n e 'Otloty . 11011 prooa . when I l,tlllgbt In tit 8i~\1" hool, bl~' III f)l u£'lIt re~l(hmt of hlo, Lilt~ Willi oue Of t·h 1lI01lt popul"l' and nmbiflolls "i r\~ 1lit'l·tl Ln ~ t. nu ~~etl 1\\\'1\" lit tllO b <)l1I e of bar ~ 111' shu I(rnuul tro fr om tA 10 dU l1ght r , Mrs. Wtlll'lIu Dfl V l ~ in 8\,;:\1 11001 ' b l-l hal! Ilin e tllkclI Bellbr uok, lI ul'tl .v nfter no n Wed· 11 oi)\1 r~e in u, bnsillotl!4 uullllgc. tlnd netiOny, heing I O:! yalir",2 months II'. n ow k 6e l~il1g l~ooks fur t.l1 KII .n~ nd !!G 11l1YE or og . LlIhog~lIllblllg C!o, W 1111 IUlt:)" thllt Lilli d' lIerv . this fr et} trip tu Mr!L Mye ri! WtiS borll in Penu · ,JllmestowlI ; so you Mv verv \'lItl1 sy l\·,lnln. ~1l1r o h 2i'l, lOr" ond when you lin, lind N nIl it to her nt :l:;:1 g llit YOllu g 1lI0\'cel with her pllr. ill1oil 'noti treat, or' tnme nt VUIl . eutl< t,o LinD ville. Licking county, Il ~llliiti . You hll e fe~t tbe joy of d~ mg!l dlslntereijted kindness, ba ye n t. miles eust of 'olumbus. l:OU ~ It's worth expori en oiD~ The flullily 1'lter r emoved to Wnr· 1\l(lIin . l!!I1't Iti' . rOil connty nd !lubsequllllty settlcd Whitti Ar Hurnet. ill H lIhrnllk, wher e sh lived nntll It r delllh B l' 111I<i (1 n namo wu9 Death 8 Work M re. Bornh Collett, wi(l o \~' nf the late Benja,m ln (.'nllett tli 'c! lit th e home of her 80n B. Y . Oollt,u" IIOllr [JarveysbnrK at. an elLrly honr 1.1 0 11 (lay morulng. Fuueral' servloos will b btlltl frolll the home of her ~('n ot. \l lll' o'clock, tbis Wedne dllY IIrternOOIl ot Miami 'erneter y nt:1 0 ' 010 Ie


We announce o~r :Summer Sale\ I

- - - - - -...- - . Oran.gers' of Wa~ren Penosyl"ania Company Sc~~!«rtz's. . ~unty Will Meet Here Will Make Improvements For Anything

.. 'In the


P~no'm!} ,Grange Will b~ Addressed I ~t .ol~. Elevat~~ WII~ by' Distinguished Lecturer Saturday

Drug Line . POIlODlIl Urnnge will

p'o st Office wm


in Iln

be Torn

/~ way;

The . PenqsYlvlmltl. rJl.iI~OII<l "om.

Q~I diL,Y's6!lslon at. tb'e ~llIhgA Bali pany will begin extel1!1ivI' hllprove.

in W&ynesvll.1(1 next Suturtln.y .lune ' . . • Be , .Mqved., 29th The Ponomo Gr\l.nge ' inoludeK tho . Q "'_ More Commodious ua.r tCrR.,.,. : three Uronge8 of WlI.rrell . lJo'lllty, a~ Morrow, Lebanon Ilnd -"Vnynes. . cu'r ed for Government Employes. 'Ville. . '. Rev. 8erbert· ~S. Biglow. tl,le ..:die The Wayneeville Post· <) IUce w.iii .tingnlsbed o.nihor; leoturer, miuil4 be JllQved from 'the' 'I4mn'l) 'rooUl In 't.or 'arid r~tormer, Qf Clnoi nuatl . ill . the Stoops, bqlldlng t.o the large be present Ind speak Oil the Inliu. room 'It!@t. north of It 8a 1\900 u.s it tivo 'a nd Ref'erell dum . <lan be f\tted UL', ilnd .1I cpnvenient .. RDd modern poet Illfioe ,18 promised. James Stooptl, owner of the build . Ice Cream SOCial.' Ing bas oloeed a oontr let with the , government for a teD years lelUle of 'fhero will be lin tce oreal~ "oe~1 the room and thl~ we~k Rave an at tire hom, of Mr... Ilnd MrM Goorge 9rder to an Indian&polla firm, to pt 8t~r'\I, two .wile!! north f Rfdgeville up tbe room with m()(lern . p(l8t ' ,oftloe fumisbInRB at ~ cost at about Frld",. eventng", JnJle 28-1907 tl00ll. EverybJdy inVited. Pl'ograme and It itl.expected th"t the omloe will Pb~Bpb mualo. move inw 1M Dew qaal'ters about · . rem I:bdder Sec the 'flrIt·or Aupat. ' ' . '

ment-II at Oorwln within t.lle next. OOUl)le of weeks.

The trnoka ' will he !Ill 1I1'rllll$<cd thlLt pnf!lllflngers 01\11 hoorrt tit.) IIl1,r!lfrom t·he west sld~ of the l'tLilrOlul, ,wllliout cr )8SlDg' the' -'trao!: . fr"m Ihe depo~ In front of al)p ro llohllig train~ ail Is ql,1w n!lC~l~ry... .. 'l'he olfl grloin ,elevlitOI' owned l)y ' th" Pennt~ylvanlil- oompllny Itnll' which Is ul!ed by O. W.· Blttbnp will bA t.ol'n aWIiY or removed ,,",I '1i aide track for IIttlrl~g carM Will QEl put dOWD wMre It 18 Other ohangt!I! are also prom Iud: . ~oll(\ Itnd UI'Lrrh()~ . PlI.lnl! In ~4tl Rtllinnoh. onlto IIDd IlIl\.rrhoM !lrD qnlokly l'pllaved . by tbe lUll! " IIf C,bamberlllln,!1 (;0110• Cholera olld U1arrboea ReDl8l1y. For Bale by J . ,E, oltUllle1.








Harry South Str,uck ' by Ughtning. For &le=" 1beu.p, SCLLlo~ .

_ _ _-".,-o.-


ton WI gOD

O.~. :a1~\jOp.

Vall y Telephone LjneiUan ball rhe li'ou ~flh o~ J'uiy C lebmtil1n Nnrl'Ow ESClllJe from Death. . Philip 'l'rout WII6 u.bseot, at Waynesville tomorrow ' from hill i)wpit SundllY evening ,to Rarry 'imbh a linelullp fo r th to be II.. great su'coess. . J,Dtlrry a coupla lit Springfield hio, VaUey Till phone Co . ullrrowly . !j '1')1e fQllowing ' pl"Qgrom h,~s Miss M'll'gre . Ed wards, Of Dayton 09 pod dt' tll by Alectroout;ioll dur, arranged: , 2 Bi~ Base Ball Games Edthe guest of h r brothor, U: J. inl; /I n ,u v \' thunder tornl Sut\1l" Vlotors of Dayton, ugl1lnst Mitunls wn-rd. _ . . , , diP;, IIfMrD on. ~ r . ~\l\l th WDiC W0rklng on ,. pole of Wayne~vU1e. ~lrst galue called , Kenneth RIdge Is VlSltiDg .blS '0 "'-o"na "I~me Clllled nt ~ran~ po.rentli, Mr, IlUll Mrs. EIIJo,h in BDO~ sh'e till BRrveyal)l1I'g clur, 11 t i' I~, m. "'" '·'f'" '" compton I.,t\ 'U 'It on. ~ml illg loll S~'l '·.J.U M'lLl bllil a piece of 2 . 30 p. iU~ " Extr~ 8peOlI\I:- A five innmg glloule MI!\I! Ruea Rogers or Lebllnon i Il wit LI In hlL' 110 nil whi Ie bls foot or bfoBe. bll.U bstweeu the Uld Mlm guest of hor tll tel' Mrs, . J . 0, JlrLib'ILly Lou~b()d 1\ I:P'o'llud wire, tbls cOlllplottng I~ Oil'emit nnd ella and ~htiKids . , , Uurtwrlgbt. ' . fnH eB'edt of th£1 electricit.y !3nter u .' , 'Ra~es Contests and prizes Jolin McUlure, of 10\11 linll, vi Itetl 'l'llb ruoe' 200 teet prize, *:1.00. his niece, airtl . Otto Lewis, 8atur· bls body, fle hllll to be down frorn Leroy Irons ;8eOOnd .prize, *1.26; day und SunullY. thil pole and wu nn·collSclou fnr third prize, $.7u, 1'. 'Jeff Smith, R. F. Moshel', Prel\iu~t L'f the BODlt'; time. After · r~gll1nlng Girl rIlOO, nnder 16 j p~ize, drell8 p~ t· <.;ttlzens Bunk 11I:1'1veU ill. ""aynes, ooosolousne a IlDothdr heRvy tllrrn • te1'nootnplete, ~lVeu by B. S. Rowe .!. ville from bis houl\) in Olll'<1ington C;re~e(l pole, a. $2,00 'Will. bE) placod Monilay ~veoing for U "'asks '3tAy. Oll,nv' up ubrl for It time hi!! condl t.iou I\glliu lleOllDlo sAriou ' 110 top tbe poJe ,lllld<. ~eIOUt(~ to Wa,n ted- Uook white (lr ooloroo. Be 11a uow IlhllQ t l' ~CO" r .d first perl!0u t1.1f\t " ea~ es Ii 't i' Uood wages. Must ~ive refer no" , froDl hi tbrllling ex:perieQoe, Eoot raoe, 1.00 . ylir 8,. r.a pr ze, Uu ll OD Walter Griffeth, Eloruvilla, MI'. out ll's futher Wtl.S 'kille!l l>y $:.!.OO, soooDd pr~ ze, '1 ,00, gJVOl1 l,y Lebll~on, Qhio. falling from 11 tel ph n- pOSt II "cr, J. E Janney:. , 8wiJhu/lng rllOe, 71\ yq,rds, fi.r t Miss Januie <';ook, who WI'S !:Ieri- ul yeurs ogo. prl~, '1.26,8eCO,Dd prize, $.76, gi v,,~ (' \181y ill last week 18 now Vlll'y by ,V. O. )?hlllills, . iwproved. Baptismal Service l5aok:raQl!, riO yards, first llrize. Mrs. R , A . \.:ro is ' eDjoying u at St. Mary's Church. '1.~0, aeoond pr ,'U3,' '.60, first prize visit from her slst el', ~r8, Mlrlludn At the moroiog service at St, Blv~u ll~ F. C. H~tsook , llrilDl", of Bethel, WAtOl'1llelori l'il{l6, 100, feet ;: h;¥ Mr . lIud Mrs. GblL '.l es l:lI\inel! aod Mllry's Uhur('b lo~t !Sunday Rt!' '. bOos , UDder 16, Pi big watermelon ohlld of Daytbn 'l'ltlitell Illoeug I :ud wnllllder Il<iUlini:;ter,.d , tbe suo· \''I,u1t& w. B. 01lne. Waynesville fdends Jillft weak. ralllentJ of Holy BI1}ltlsm to the in, Wb'e'el~l'row ' r 0!t. 100 Yri!=ds; " . fout ohl!!1 of Mr. rmtI Mrs, Euwln .'fli!s. prtzQ, ,~.OO j'" econd prize, ' .,liO. M.lss Mubel Wal?h uoU . I1tt I~ ' Smlth of Bnl'v cy bUl'g and to SteJlll t.i{l7' tbrowln~ base ball farthllAtj niooe Belen SIUlll;l~Dt! 'j f (''inclDnntl . on Otto Hockllt t li e Illiopleu chi ld ~",,"Ir of fine shqelt glveu by E, ...Ttl vL!itlng Mis Heleo Kel e. . t Mr. lIud Mrs, EU .D lin. 'Iilmhllrf. 4 , l.ittle Miss Thelma Bilker of Wi!· To,the member of the home team ~ulngtoD i8 vi lting her &:rnudwoth, In Memoriam. 1I111king thegretl.~est num,b el' of~ er, Mrs, ida. t)tokes. In eaoh ~ame, George Dakin.. M.ra, Abi Ba.ine and her (Illughter Slve t1 "riO shtLvmg tloket. in. lnw and little grllnd ohlld of DIlY. 1>Lrs. l'ill,ry Bitlly, clLtugbter of Pri&etI For Those Who .tt:end. ton, lire tlpending tbls w elf In WilY, John und Elil'.ll.beth Lin,ton I::lIltiter ". The busio'ess men of nt'ltl"ilIe. thwaito, WIl1\ born tLt Wayu villn, alldCorwin will glveprlzea (0. '." Obio, Jnne ~9, 1 17, l\J,1d die~l ILt wllo /lUend the celebration,tft. Steve Phllllps of Wa hiu~- ner home ne/1.r there M,leY au, 11)07. I " .,. • tan .:lJ. WIU! ~ guellt of relntlvell Gently Ilbe sonk to rest in t:4e W~:::ieet load ~f people brD~t) , \V,~yn!:lllvllle I.' docy or two lust full JlosesBion or all her wonderful tQwn; fir8t prize, bporre . ~ fiont'. . .• '!l, perfeoT,ly CODS(lious to the Kiven by Wayu~~i11e 'M 18; 8C!oon(1 . Mr. nbd " 1''' ' Ed, I Brown , anu 'veryilllst ·and tLble prl~ Betli Tbomaawock.;!,£. ~ CUs lit-tie lloy, of .Furry w re gU8/ltsnt 8 'hl d ' ri ' bo Of I! AQD' 01.. the of l' ruuk Thomus f t4e r ,, t I' P .~, X .. ~ • 'to , b Ik Io! d "at pring oro p e ,,,,on "y. ' ' . ro";"t)oo ' p al!8~ C • M • B rown ':::-t , '" . D8 w~ IIta~ e ~. . . • :Antrat,ll of .'~,bnnQ . ' Ue. ,+ . ", ,1lU tM g~) 'O~ rs W, 'E . OgT_ >i.,O;gest family j tl'~$ill"~, ~e dell; t3u~<,l ...y and fr om ):Jere went I:;he mauied Emnlor Buily, 80U ot OOrD, L . A. Zlmm rma~'1 :sec.o,n~ on to Xenia MtmdllY. . of EmmOl' ~nd Eli?tl\beth Hwy'as prize, 618h plln, J. B~ ~leman ; M,rs/ .~ O . Bitch and bllby wUl B.ll1y, Uec~mber 2, 1 ~O. third p~l~, gallon ot qr~, Fred j oin Mr aitch Ilt Cinolnnnti tlldo.y '1'0 tb e~ ~,'ere bot'n !llx ohlldron, ~. l:iherwood, : ." onel fr ow tl\.er,1i go ~o b~ mother's four of wh om ILr .living two dtlugh "l,»el'8Ofi'tDaktng 'he 10ngll8'tdrive; homa noor Falmouth, Kentucky. ters and two ' sonM, five grandobll · dren Ilud two greu.t grandobildren . . prize, good wlilliebonewhip" ,:-. B. fQr' " oo~ \yeelis stay , 81doIL Ro~~, i,he Ron of MI'. ~nd Mrs F. She wos u widow for ~1ll0re thun . (Hdest Person j prize, set of l)l~tes, A , lin rfsook who broke hill Il~1l1 twenty e1 'ht Y IU'S. , "'lie oups &nd 8I1uoers J . A . F Ull k ey, ~evoT,J w kt<..IlgO, iii gattiog Illang, .., ';VIIA a 'DI1Ch valued n. vbtn ber l-ieavit)8t Person; prize , pair .2.60 ni ely now .IIU11 will soon hnve com" of the sOCIety of Fri end s 011 her life "-, W ' • J I Kilban. " plrt"., IIS0 o~. t."u a iujllred Ultllubp,r . • nnd until IUCIl.P ,oitnted by I!~vere' I!h""" ' recen~ly mllrrie~ !,onl?le; ,Prof, O. H . ' Young, of Klug occ\df.'; nt tOJk: on I\otiv pUI't in tho pr1~, ~eur'l! su. bl!or~J>t1i)U to MI.nIllI Mllll1, s}lell~ tho. grenter pRrt of last delib rutd.\>'lS ",nd busines ~f tb Gllzctte, wee);: wii:l. \.r IS mo1hflr, \.Irs . Mnry meeting, h Idtug various po .i tloos 'l'alle at. perllon; Brst prize" box y \IU~ of W",.'n~vl' l1o . · of tru t und responsibilJt.y , .. n ., ,., u nt oigtLrs U. R. Clemeutl:!; s cond Almopt ninety :vetU's brullght ce MIlBter Charla M rritt, F ·,It. ptilse hair Ollt, Mii.blon Ridge , 'grellt ohaugeR to toMR lI-flllml \flllley. Otdellt couple; first prize, dozen Rally New J ra y 11I'rived in Woy,- Of whloh to l!'enr tilt' intelligent blue Bollund pl~t68, onps liud au· . lflst week to sp nd tbe lIum· woman co.n verse, WII bPiu phil ure . Iller with Mr, ont1 M~. " f.ov rmg d " Qers, F. b, Schwartz; sooond prIze, Oart"'l ight tlnd Mi~s Klzz_le M rtitt: Itn lDdtJ'nct·lon ." year's snbtloriptlon to Wo,ynosvil1~ - A strong·mlnd , ' 8 qilig nt. r efldnr, EQterptilr:l1 . . .0 . . Duvis W IIS hI Dllyton two Ilud ret,en tive memory , he WRI! W 1) wook w ith lIis brother posted, n.ud"ever ,took grelll i.nt r, ir'att.est bilby, 2 :veil.' 8 old Q~ . uu. . tlor":,' Unit nl'iz,.~, ' babtplllllT, ' A. .• .tda.f. O.~ vill, wh~l>ls :~eriously ill . , Mr est in both N atio,. no.l and lo(J{t l 'l£1'oi r~' "' flt'soooiidl)rlie POx.ot oun~y. w, Da.vis f,o rnierly lived Ili WI.\Y. ne ' helt;>oked' wellto t.h e WI(VS ot S. Balnes: ',' 1 ' , ; . of the~(~~v..~~~~ri~~8 ~~~:u:s '~::: ber hOllPe.ll old, and (lte not tbe "'Plenty of mllBio-1>y t,be WIl->,nes. ]'ttl h ; I' b;;ud of Idlenefll:o," lind ther e "r8 v.ille c' . . det band. I· t · !l ope 0 Iltl recovor~ . none of her oontewl)O~arle but re, 'Plenty ofbo"hng l10d fIBhlng. _ A lhl'r.t Snl)tb nnd !nml1y, of Day- call ber belLIIUfnl h !'spittllit,y , witll A"D' ldell\ place to spe,nd the'4th or ton, c:am!i"dowti l:)uudllY to hi!l fll.llh. so mLlny topics of vitul Interli9t .1ulY· llltd keep coo) tlna forget your flr''', Oyrus Smltlls nnd eX!Ieot t.o re.., t.h ere WIIS, no tlwe for vn Q enter: t.-opblea. . tilllin here n~til the glori?us FOIl~th, tlllDDlent. .A Ithougb f,)r Ulauy ~-~ri 't fail tp C1O,p1e twd bring ul!d otherwise ,enJoying hfe. yrulTS a ~rell.t sullerer, yet' her Rioh .B oel 6x~ectll to .go to "w~et 1Ip'~lt" nnseittRh b lUut, iltld , ~ollr fri6~d!!. 'J)o;wn ~ollts tit~y In . ,W.a.~!iltI,vi~le , a.n~':,. ~e.~p, boolp ,your next .wee~ wb,ere he 'wil.l Il.pidlng human ; iJl!m-est, \vltb her • ')iQ ' e tOVl'P' This celebration 18,o. bIennial meeting of t~e keen appr oia~lon of the humorous. ' .nY~ ~y BUatti~8 ~en's ' Lellgue Nn.tiort~l Fl[at~rnlll ,~ooiety of tbe Illade her r oom IIn'lItlung but Il ii.nd Baae Baln:llu~ and tbey prom· 'Deaf, Mr: Boe1-ls 1\ del~gate f~qm gloomy pinoo. • Ue~a. fine progtam . . Cotne Evel'J' p'lv1siou No. B, of' ,Dayton. The f:\)j.c h~d a. lib~roi .educlltion for Jiod1.~ has been in exlstanoe abont those, days, whioh .with hor intelli '. . . , ' six yell.r!l'and has hea~l quaI.ters in gent reading inane h4>I;' au enter, :.. Dance was~ C,'liiCa.~,O, . t.alnlng companion, . , ~




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3, 11107.

hO~IO on &turdu,V und i Lytle. visiting {llIrents I~Dd ' ~ Ill g hlllltltl with friencl . !..';'l.llH 11:'1 utlvtll·tis 11 for " n.yn 1;1 .M."l!, Ml1lJle ~~,~-p., Frunli H urrl , !lft !r doing ,111 UJe~, ll1e'l; Fo.nrth of Jul y, will ltd Il WII r(l, ' , ,1'11 vf Uhnnlnn&f.1I·\il11ijj, tow o Exposif,iol'l Is bhoroogb,ly BItt· aU lIf, tl'lfl 'nfl ll Purk '1'hut'sdtly iLf~1 ;'~ ruilclm Qtl1er ' isfied witlr /,!ontb ern Obio. It ill 1lotlO. Mrs . Obllr]e8'f!l1~'~iI;I ~ood en I1gh fOt· him. Whil'w ?1J:. Antln Emerloknoll 'i'YHIl en. ping in ' Pnyto'p hn ve tiD A.ppreollt.tion of holU , ' yet. tOl't.flined on 'nudllY Mr. God Mrs WIlIl}.c. to fully r~I\ 1i?e wlUlt Itis llllO ~.n.o lillrry 'orl1~Hnnd'!01\ Clllrn'Hlo , Mli4t! MlldllUo,· ar...._ ... better unuorstt;nd the mlU ,V l(IVOli ' ?III', burle!l. Vltlr it; iUlJll'oviug OlnntlUl ia V'i 8It\IlI . . . " s h,lwly . Hi b ost, 01 f,.{f)~il.; l\Ie ' J t-llges of gOing IIbrolld I\od nb!'fI) "l1li II(1piu~ thill, tJltl impl'ovell101,lt IUtly euts .I!L~. a.~d ~.: mUDllerS, Oll tOIllS, proilucts, etc. of oontioue. ' ' Professor ~1lI~~' otbO'r oli n.,es. I,..wtel' K nriok Ilnd, wlft' l1ud '\Iff tBrtn~ed lIe1~e1'l&J ·,~Ia~l·". .Miciljt1h Hal'vey who Korvived Lewi!! lind 'w ife attend ell Ih l! pr bis brothers ' Vvllson ,'nll Olllrk entn,t lon f DtlmOn ~U1t1 P.vth~ut< Harvey, died Itt IIts hOUl in W. . at the NlltJ(1l1.,l 'rhen.tre ou 'l'h ura· . t S" t f h dll:V. Dllll~ ,on , 11 DUILY morn n~ 0 'l'be Tllport i us 1\ fine II veeblls.






l"aturdllY Ilft.elri)llt)u while cngu/,;· eel lD putting up t elephone wi r e~ , II young m/w from Lebauon 1)y. the nlune of outh wu fl atruok by light. ning whlJ 'VOl' king n.t the top 01 tl pole uIlCI' WLIS reudered uOilonsoiou A traIl blted arouod his Lody Ilud Ii Ull hed to the pol I held his forlll jo a lim a od I1ppn'rently 1ifoles conuillion. Othe,t- workmen ,,,,,,,,,'om rOll anll ' Dlllcin l~ the saDle I round IllS for'm. IOnd let the b ocly to t he ground : , lnls sinCll l'OC voreel. We Ilre infCl I'lllle~ Thllt Mrs, Upp, formEtrtY Of filOtyneaville now und -, \. til 'Ie 'Ir;J~ they bl\<I E\Yllr witu e~l\~cl .. for thaI plUlt 'YeM .. . re!!ident of this trorl) e. 'Mi lies FElrll Silider I~ud Lllrlu p~aci') 'lIIJln the nenr future r eturn Barn tt nj')Y d II. w.eeks V\fl(t .i1l Wellman . (~llee ll city rfle n tly . lind tuJ;;'e up hel' Ilobode in W. r . 1}lI t e .1oJm!! tJ.l\d 'l''l-e MI Kelley Christiue nnel Prizes I1El ndvertlslil for Wuyn s· BlAuche t: rnoll retuillcd b orn. ~\Jn will ' long tI tlellli II trll i ulng woek aft. r LL Vlll'Y p101lSflPt t Nob III f Durs"s, bn vinl:' decld d ville 's Fourth of July will h aWllrd. wt'eks visit' wltb rtlll\ti vtJl! ill . ~, V I'~ tv gi v I1t'.( li e tolephone cxcllLLDge ed at tbe BIIII Pnrk TI)'ur!'l tirlY "fter· pur of t.hs HUOtlier t~"te. ,Ont",ielero:l nli j.(tlt·tll!k wj. y t 'I ' l{. fbr Il moho u 'efn:! lind lucrut iv o 13111'Wlllt.or Tibb/t.1 nnd wife ·ellt ' r. G. E'6. dulled 100st l:iuudny t heir ploym nr, ' . , Deourl~tl (l n flllY siu'co nO'c{ecoI'llHons Prof. J . B, Wright t,n,i.ned tbe form er 's danghter In z ocoun rl whicb WLlt! vi iblo toll tlij)lD. W IIshl'ugtul'l 1), ', und tbe ',·, lIud auut 1\<11'8 . fillDlIuh .Tll nltl" of \ oom miLtM, howe v\il' , Irppolnted town E.t ~i ti ODt and visited hi dayton severnl dtl.ya last week. for tbu t, )lLll.'p(\~e did tht> £leo rn.tlng M L:I B i Ii! r u.t tlItI t:C' IU t ,I.' ,'U1;lduy w C'rniug. 'on ill Itt.w onil clnughter I1t Ba,lti r , eorge ogun 8p u , rn!l' Th e SIl' 1{lIi ~!I \" 11101'0 thou lorty mord, reW"DCU Friuuy very mu oh everlll. days whh her sl ter whl) i stroug \In ( 111 II t, t·he ir lodge room indl po edt No t:iQubt every aVid! · very ill lIt hEn' homH In Mid(1letowll and belldN [0 ,' till' t:\prlng Ylllley "V.'!', .I ordlto wos Il DtI.v ton " i i.lIUld, lIlII I'lIho, 1 II 0:'11111 1or(lol' t o the (lbl mom t of hili ti m" Ilnd nctiv, lty wa en r:>ogod cluring tho trip 1\ t r from '1'hul' day until ·~tunli'y. M. E . hlu'h 't'lw " nev. Ball ilir, R . 1:1, l,t .Juhn ot Lytle L f)lJUIlOIl, 111111 ."1',, ~,.h· Kuight" h is ,t 11 Il tl l ' and nevor l>Ut.'1 off Iive1't!d 1/1; ,,,h,p " :i wh loh W!lS, for tone m r ow whu t elln be IICCOW' spent oue dLLY last week w ith he r l'OOlt t, il" 11 III'.) t , \ 11 ~ ,00'uor phahed to~I1Y, Jl}re lon ~ we 1I01'e lmr ots Willillm Rich aDd wife , 'ttl l ..y ilIJ t 1£ f it ,.r ('Irnished Mr'. and Mr:;, Ablju.h U iii r ~ o- t,h e ,uti ' U 'tWIn )! ' ).<) ,," 1\'lcel! IIDd to see hlm1bl 1t!:l'Uw self. \'oll~1. . A.t ()blnles MlLad el~ tho new grocery· t rt>ltined at dlonel' FrlilllY Mr. Hi ~\}oy di d tI ..' 1I' II 010900 , Lilli Ii!W"I\' ~·, th lJ ' ' . mrin hns blt;tltutti!d n da1'lIrtl1re Ly rum Wa'~\Vick IUld dltughter No~~ie u~~rohlld UU! ""d lJtlu\{ t the I WilY of 8npinll: · ou hllud dnil y 1\ of Olive Branoh /tlld MI' . and irs , room ill du f.)Tnt.. '.I 'ho fresh. upl)I, tlf for ilrl~ frnl tB !lUU Hl1tn Turne r, !,If ColnmlJu!\, V'lllley lJfUld pI! i' I 't! !'VI c,V (j vogetable!'. '1~be n ew' 'grocery i Il ,Mrs. Idll M'lIlnotl aD') dll\l~h tE) r lIlost liB.' OIiU c'_·pw l\lo.'lIl1 . OhUl'OIt \V' I I> VIII ,-d"ll Ll l'tll'VQ rV ~hing o ( lJ8 ' ty ~l1 d' the effiolent, F:thol hId a th~lr 8 U ats !I,t dinn e r tl/:l !Ded i.iU~I i'<11 011 . IIccommodo\illg clerk, Tom Welch, Monday of III ~t week, Mrs . 'EllLl 1\11'. UD. l ir ' .llIllIl ,1'Jh na I be ndllog goods IHld pu tomers iu Seol'l'l of Monow. Mrs \ ikoil' IIml two SOUIl II r lu (I ,l }{lIhl\t \,' re thll t w~y Oll~t rnn Dner wbiob !nO kee Miss Compton of MIlSon, M,rs , Er- day b(l~-t til, M I' it II I Mr . :~I Dtlst Mannon, Mrs. ' 'Il t· h Ri h und Harry.Jnult alut (·hl 1cf ot \'''.VI._ all thmg oruf r ll;lIbl6, ville, Mr, li lld • It', Allie HI)le Win)Ur - Wj lsoii is u: close "Pllli. Mrs Mand t'l!mver lIud little AO > lit tle lUl1:rht 'r, ,'no '~'hOIUIi , )Rife cant to h,is ' tlldies at 11 commercia l dry. Imd !lOll J';'u'l 111\,1 Ill ~o MI' , rt'lLte Mr . ' ,md Mra: Elvin Fires ~nd John !),. ooll lj~6 in inohl1~otf and Is llet~lng lind Lewis 'v re iu Bllrveys. MI', , 11\ aUlms lllJent on oumirably . • Wil~1111' hrul ~"I~: IlftOfl10fll1 with Willt r Ke)1r b'tt'lon, We nel:gy Bnd a.bdIW· 'to b urg Sun d flY: ntt eruoon . -lill!i wife.' conquer w-llat v r he -iUi< . Willirim Rioh '~ now bouse is very Porohes in our little villllge O.ur 'beut sh,?t' lia8 -beel) n wly near (lompl t n Mrs, Rioh was in 'filled to overflowiug J:)u~da.y even, ~lIrb d in. reeD silk 'or ~l· sklr Wo.ynesville one j{~V hull· week lay: IOl: Ilfter the ervitiesl~~ the Ohurch. feather, 'b.e dwelilng on ing In lL I:!Ullpl o f lIIlI> l' getting' ~. Perry WUdo,and wife en h." tl1lued their respeotIve DIl,rentscll6rgl;l -Il)litQ .c m.ngu. f 01' ill\ng~rs. fllmtliElllpn 81lI\dJ~y-


~~~.~:~~ Chn9. Gray duughwl'S

longing pure snow. wqlte. Fronk l:l~idakel', Josioh Rogers, Miss Etta. Arnold, Will Ra.rvey, B, L. Dtlkln and F. E. Mills h'ave 'or Il,r e ll!Linting ' thei~ residenc . OtbEtrS to follow Roon In the same kind of improvemont. But of 011 the improvemllnts tbus fa r not~d pue hilS bnt II. mn,tter oue L '011rt" ·Ie' jonrn y 0 Il t tc ", the count , 9!'ideJ\c~ of eh.ft.rl EdworC\s, . e l;rollt !lOIn '3r. feet ' .' , t\nu SOU possi,bly 71) reet 110 a. very '101'ge commocli llS vern'udn. r h e old til, hioned: (iool's ' in frlJut hove given WilY to 'IL pl\lr ot mamoili 1 d tb th f"1 g LlJ! oneliUD 011 e sou 0 ~ le Ilouse nn pen Illg U'I a ' u.1 e whb In plate gin orne ij ~y or 10 teet, bas been made. The entire lmild, iug iM olotbed :\D white lind ' fe nces

son'oun,diug ' iu the SIIUl O klnd of oltJtll . Hnrley JlIlI.8 taklln tl.le rnde picke t fendin~, -. 0 ' ~nd di visious a ~o.f nnd the .s~llRe are lIul>pl!ln ted wI"h d kl,n d In th e • tb': '"~ bAnb' <>n . m.o ern uUlrke,t . it IS ope of Ihe ~pst attraoU'Je plMes In tbis part ,f tbe ·coun·t,ry . ~n! te II number of our· Ildj'lcent f!ltm Ttl are putting up new fitructures, ,awe1l1ugt!, ba.rns l)ud tobl~Coo hou ell, ...."bile not II few nre adding to . lid t;'epll iring ~lle old home~, adoDuing ' thelll with the ' IHest knoJm to \ Dlode~n improvoment. '11h . thr~fty !n.l'm~~ of today is 'll df~l'I'i))g. oord ,Ool'd ye oltie)) ttme "ood h QPller' is' the iudex of inte Igence !lond thrift. Be hll~ QOIU!! t~ he front In a polot of J.Jlel'ited r qgnltion. Al w n. y s belonged t11ere but bad to forge ,h ill WilY, I1nd , Aff i I niW the dupper ' youn,g man of the ~'.. EnJJY4b1e . a r. ' Mjss AnM Ear,n hort of , ?didd ~- WheJ;l visited .during tbe ~ome. oitr, olothed a:f ter, ~ the Po.risiOtn " f " . , ' •••• • •• ~ tQwn , who bas l)een spending ,lI[l-v' C(\mh~g last sumiller, -by Il . n ow mildefollomin' theshlldow of the Younlij~dfl!)!lllo'~8 at ~uc-~ eral-' alDo~g ' rellltive~ hure .prominent · ~ucn.tor, ~or t,he who b"" rl·ght londs ~he _..J•• l '1 ~.,~ A.~lr to h "'0 ith . 01 "" ~ .' t. CeIlIUIU . ' t, " er~ ~e~ er time in ftltfyea.r s, .he. reciLl1ed, hi g, Orops looking aa well '}~ and will be, remlnl"';'enoe" tile 2reat int\lrast 0" -' VI · It and 0 " , ~Y' 1" . I' ~ could be eJ:pelotecl' after wlo v.!~c e ' '. '-U;rnell " . hO~;;' ;,Mls~ ~Ii~ 'b!'rse.lf ft;nd ....h'usbjln6,·' ~n tbe " Ellirly and SUO~ nJllnqulshed 'ber gru@p r-:-:,' r.,}o.n '.. ... . L...::t1..S Ii 0 l ··:b ateehhoueeill&n , eduoatlonaHtraj~ of tbis ,ooinrnpn tlirea w~ake IIgo_ MeadOWS th* ~~.11 .Wv ,~ , '.. g ~ sa w b W . lI~d -wh ,Boftar returning to ~lhtf.ql ,~n(l8 at ·, e _6dd gl1e1J18 i.t a 'llO~e party ~tn ' tOo!, l)leaIlU1'e In lIeQ<ling c.oUllng out¥l;emarkably !lnd ,the 11&)1 Fnday ,8v,t'Jning. .Sa{tnrdl~.,..!, . "'er some \jooks ot w).lioh he - was of'tbe old reaper ""Ill ere long , b 'II 8 ere u ; , . all (lve.r the laud, ' The .. -: E., IV. &rDhl\rt the llutb9r. . • ~ !'" ~ , •.~nt d t 1ft)' con ... e"'_ .aDd the lat~ .mu8t tllke wa-rn· ell an clutliye sh~ ak)re :'newl~ In ' the tribute to tbe\ l'~ve'red and hie tbemseltee . to aafer jo,able iD allC\~deootllte<l·.an~ the 001)1, friend of his earlier liCe, ~OQliIllany. thfiltn,.b~ lIaid, "[~)y. tlul .anti· • . to.'. Old. Age iI . BoeP.itaU.tY, to





~n (l

and Op/ll of Waynesville, Maud Cleaver nnd chi I (\1lJiL:w...~itll..hE'rj).rJlthflrl~ncl~~J.~Clo.dJll.I.,Y T. Jordu\l aod fomilY, Miss Cpra BarileI' of Xenia is the 1.l1...1t;.,;..,,", gue~\; ef b(\1' 8iater Mrs ~altcn Compton . Oregonia. , l4rs . Tom Lee of New PllrlS, 0" I?dzes as ndvertised for Wllynes. was the g\1 ~t of relatl ves here lost ville's Fourt.h of July will be award- wtlek. . edllt the B!loll Pnrk Thursdoy tlfter . Mrs. Ju 'apbine Reeves very 'plens udo,?, antiy entert.llinecl , the DaltlL. ~lplil4l:broth:et:. Gll~I• .~"'l!!!~:\1 . Mr . ,/i'1oullk <)Ieaver " vhobllsbeen Oln ~ II t Il .P1~to~io llo PIt,rty 011 Ollt witb tbe Oregonia Bridge Co. a",y fI ft rJlo (J~I , • for aOIll e ti me, 1s SI) nlting 11 few du,Y!I witll h ili ftll.nlfy here . B:rl:i~g~~~~v:n~~ ~:::I~~UI1 Afi


a ol~Hn,"


of Kings \\Ii1lt', SI) nt 'II nrday Ili..d Suuday ~ witq frl nus 110(1 reln.tlv!ls here. Mis, Mubel \lerwood left for Philil uelpbia, From there !'

on Siltonl"" nIght whiCh a AuCOOP" .". Enrry W nd hu ' b'een from tIl e l'og ll]M' l\rmy of ill he III I ,


she will go to ~n ~~=-!:::":"":::::.J.+-...L,lA-,iW~~~AlllUW1g-.~w......IIJj~k,==.:.: j~!!!"~Zl-··f~e tind will I\tt.und the , .lumest-own mnil routo' cbu.n .... l)d Ex.position previons to ber ,return ! uo\lott inICQoedl:g' 1~1I iril1 1:I~'"ullley home: ' bud c~rri~d the ~lliL R ev , U7 'i 0 f D"y' I-n •• I d "',wr, ..,..n,pre"c le l",overa lyears. ; , " ! the " B , hUrch 'uudllY morn: George' Mcl:'~lerl!.OII, ..Irba · yotiuK log iu Hev . Welbaum '8 plu e. I UlIIU who bu's J)eell bl3.lDle~ ' fjom Mrs, 'l'b oml'.~ Sponcer nnd .two rheumatism' for :seveu ' 'y oors, · ~"sl)V.~~ey.)~~~!~;'~Jl~q}~_1 yoq.llge~ t ohUtlrell,' of Leba.nou, had' ~n el ectr , 0 fliu plitced henr. -hui I',~,.",,,-,-;, spent _S",t urdoy Rnd 'undf~y WIth bell. • ,. LElaIIDe!I~ Allen Kibler Hond fnntil y, TIll) ' M.lss~s lild~tl ond Glnrlys ' l\:'lount Hoily·. ~peJ)c: r were In T...ebllDon Thurs· cloy. I friZ/l811B Il.dvertlsellfot , WIl.Y~e8, R.Il'IVh .mel Ray Wilker80n ' vllle1s~ou' rtli o( ,J1;11:1 will,be a wa.Trd:· nel the FUUl·th of'ITuly with ·t,lle!'r ed-o.~ ~jlO Bal',Park Th~rsday n~W~· rald'il~Ii:("el~~rOQ~allIlII"fiUI gruJ., ut Mo~row, ' , nOQu . , 'j" :", !toy Sherwood ·spent. SUplillY wi th Mrs. Otll Marl"tt SPol;lt ~f~w his parents here, . . last week with ·he /illlter 'Mrs Mrs ' ·C. 1;1. herwood · bu.'a taken Cra~g of noor Xenia. . •. , little 'Loln Thomn!! from tile Chll. ~!'" Lue Stephens sPE\nt '.a. ,fR~IV..IJnJ{1iOn dren's a~U1e in Leb.a non. , d'ilye w\t.h· l)Js fllther near , ~a.mes. ..aJat.i ....... · h I I k Abont fUt"e'!1 couples fro\Jl Wil town w °d s~ 0 . F B d mtngton lire camping here ~r. ~n ' rll. red I1mar '1'lley . ere -rBinfbroad ~unday . near 'Bellbrook c,a.lled on . ft.\'"''':~I;~ !. arll.udmo~he, r; Mrs. Ellen' M,a:rlll;~t l.t1l'l1nlftlll' ~ 'quite a . numder ' of t.llei~· frienu8 0;b,' h t ~und~y. '· fr,Oni t .elr own. , The thil'd quarterly meeting of Mrs.' Ed.' ~llal':woo~ 'and two ghtl. Union olron1,$ WIlS held at 't.his dren ylsite9, Mr , ' and Mr/!. O. B. !:; Saturday a.nll 8uu,dlt.y~ I:!l1erwc:lod 'unday. Lue 'Stephens spent I!o few . . dllYs In Dayton with her daught-er ,. Corwin. M Mra. Jobn organ. ' I~~~:~::~:~j= ' Mrs, (sa Barnard o~ ,1I01\r !'du. '1, N. ~al'1'iH a.nd brook visited her mother t\'Q1D111.Y. Da~ton .' -spending tb,is week Mr. ' J ..mea ~!le of C'bl~IiDlaai:ll with her .m,othm- , Mrs.. AU~ M.~ vislted' friends ,at this Pl!&08,'




w ,

returned .to' her "Wedneaday .~~







8 ru(' bridge Il~od on Ihe sle l~ ' of the aol no. He, had just tnmllt d For·

t uue. and tor onre the jade bad prover! H broken pUl ~e. To desorl be bls r morse wouhl he ImJlO llS"ible i he woudOl'o<1 dully what Ills mothe r wOlllil t hink wh en he would see k h r out tha t nl gbl t.n tbelr IIn pr lentlous hote l tbat o\"e rloohetl t he bu y of MOlloea and te ll ber tqat th e tr l)) wOl.\ld have to b 110sl11oned; ·th at th ~ m ust bas te n home without Ilela y. He w v r.y we ll what s he wOllld do- how sbe would lak'l bls hea.1 on b r s hould or nnd lay h r aoft. fa ded ch{'ek ngu[nst his r uddy a ll and /lny, -- No..-e\' mind, boy." H.e urscd h imself for a foo l. alid th 11 <'hu kl ed ':;1:IOI lr a~ jlU thou ght of tJlIl slIl"\ll us· 1\~ of mon ey be wnuld have w~ n he had lJ:lwned "a rlou s a \' tlcles of ap' varnI. the proceolls of which would go . 10 bu y ttcu t8 [or home. ·'.lu st nough for a bo~ or cigarettea," he mu ttered us ho sllllu bled dnwn th stallS to fh 81reel. .. Ir, clln you not und I'lItl1 nll c,'en F,ngll sb," spollo 1\ dell Inlls ' mllslcal volc . . Tlracc brld g sCI'a mbled slowly back to (';rrtb frOID the re8 l m ~ or de· Rpalr Inlo wh ich he ho d descend cd. A lJlg red IImouslno car stood by the c urb. and from Its window protruded 8 " islon of pink ulld go ld and OuffiJlesfI tba caus.1 Brac bridge to uncov r wl t b n bas that wus more wors hlpfu! thon gIll!' ful. , "~~ h ! Wbal 1I0 )'Oll wanl" he askod. rud ely, ror his dull ed brnln was not as qui ck a s It was wont to b , nor his t ong ue as smoOt.h: but thQ next In· etant be blusbed In confusIon a l his 0"' 1) grulT'n es~ hr h g yo ur pardon, madam ; ca n I be of s rvlce to you?" "Ah, you ('an," IIhe sighed, relieved· Iy. "Com Illto UIO ('ar," and · ahe lh rew 'O pen the doo r, lIlaklng roo m Cor him b aide her. "RlIl," ealc) Brncehrldge, besl1ati,n ".

a prude, and be ~ ..s 'Ieet wi th






, ~



,One Public SpirIted Citize n Who Realized tho Big P0 8.1~l lItles and uway. Cultillated tl!e Field to Ad· "And now to pll rchu s those cigar. vantago. ette~ . " eald B~ace br l d 'e. Somelhlng crackleu III hll! coat l)ocket ; hI:! fe lt, Onco llpon It time tbllre was 11 Man, and It was a ne ws papE'r. . who In his yo utb WitS reared IIpon a " How did 1 get tba t," hE' as kt'd him· t~rm locatcd near 11 Smsll Tew n ot Relf, ollentll;: It abs lill y. The !laming Great P rom Iso. Two weel(ft In each beac)lIn es cnug b tbls ' ye: I Yllar when. he was not sawing wood, fee din g the stock or picking pota toes. WOMAN IN RED AUTO ROBS ENGL:ISH LORD, be was allowed to uttend th e IIlUe red sc hool bouse In the tow n. By bard· la. MOlt Daring Scheme In Yea ... -Lord bar d uri ng the day, and pe rSiste ntly Algerno n the V I ~f lm .r:ea.ll tn .... "-g"U"" ~ .Inll rtIariii8iifjt, .. .., tl.1 DI., iIiDIAIlA. HA lrnvS l 11 He llU his band In h is han ge r - ner \·",,"neS8, at wberll rCI)Oscd bls la st fiv e. r"" TlMII. . .'.I, -a.. lion u( lI ... I • sl t!ep wHh nOle. "a r mna ll t of til los t batt! ' wlthOul MUrr "Tho uO\'II ; th at ~I 1'1 bas lOU ~~e':n h;~ :t,~n,






~fI h o orJed.


,o. ,..


" . was a tool tHO '

"0 m auy


thin k b ro re whot b I' gome t f .. . But tha uk th gods thal l a m n C0 1ll1l10n. I,el'son; Ih ey' \I " ever . I) ivhut a (001 I've been, as they ~A about the I!Jngllahltlnn. I don't be r will s mo ke IgareLl.C's to·nl gllL add d , ns un afterthought . Ho p OUl his old b rIar pi lle, lighting s ilence; th('n be s lowly took bla tow8rd tbe bot I. 1tI. " 'Tis s ad to lose your money ~SVlllEt yo ur idenl on one s lImmer's eve "to quo th, very crest(allen ,


Oar or Night •



Hlllnrc~tNl b \\'kO r~


r Ilev(,d my ~::'M )!~,~~g:;: atopped 1I81n no return 0



lanca No 69-3r·

OHIO H 'a. afYns burg, 0•

would keep bb !IlIDd Geu-p1ed. l1e loved the old town . He saw that It ner!ded n ~ w nro. H.e figu red out tb al tb~'re were GOO bTmel's In tbe neigh, borbood.. Ench farm er sur Iy spc:>nt $60 a monlh som ewhere for sup~lI08 Thill m eant n Lolill or $30,000 II. Ill. mth; ,36;0,000 a year. Then tbe tew b un· drE,(\ people In the town would add otber tbousands to the volume oC bus\nesis. Why not bUild a great 8lor<l and 8uf"ply the wonls of t~e .people? . HE wOIIJd 8pend 60me money and build up th e town . He bought hair a block on wblch thr~ or tbe . to res alood He erected a larr; brick build ing, amI soo n he bad Installed In It great stool(! ot goods. Ot be r m ercbants In !hE ·town sbook their hends. Tbe Public· Spirited Man was certainly crazy. Fal'mers wben the y came to town looked up the big building with won· de r. T!lll 'Weekly Mirror bad lO senil aWllY t or type ' to set u'p tbe page ad· vertlsement tor the new store, and w ge t a n ew preS8 tor the p rintin g at c11" culnr. and posters. One month arte~ the openin g of the sto re the graveyard qui etn ess ot tbq Lown ha d pa ssed awn y. Streets war ' IIm,d with the tea ms nnd the wagons of th e fa rm er s. A new e levntor fOI gralD bad uc n st n·r ted. The ra il roa d placed a ' ncw switch In til e yord to ac· commodate tbe Incl"ea sed bu sln ss. Tbo son or thc old town bln cksm[th rco:pened ~h e old s hop closet! tor years becuuse at no trade. New li fe W911 rapidly beI ng injected Into tbe place. T'be re was an electio n, A lot o t newcomers selected th e PubliC Splr· Ited! CltI:r.en tor chairma n at th& town board. He was elected. In aile months lhe street8 were paved, an electric II t h.Ung plant was In operation, alon g wlt.h a wate.r 'Works. The Great Store· kee'per had a way at doing things , and ho did thAm. News of the a otlvlty at the town Ma 'heu near·by villages, and th e people came to see th e Big Store nnd to buy goodB. A cold storage [llarlt In conn ectl o ~ with a ne w com mIss ion house operated by frie nds 01

Gill.. Heavy Yield CI' Fine HIY Stock F ..dlnll.


Floor Joists Extended S ix Feet B. yond Sides of Ba ru to Support Roof. ,..n 10wO: cOI"fespondent senda 'a sketcb of b ls m ~lboll of attaching a shell roof to tbe side of bls barn lu KliC h a WilY t bat It pro(ecls the doors and nabl os tho O WlI l)r to pass trom Dlle door to !lnolhOr wltbout being obllg (] to E'X)lose hlmselr unduly to ! \'e,'e IV nth r, says Pra irie Farmer. \\ hen Ihe barn' was built lhe carre1DOndeut says thnt he bad the 11001'

The Shed Protection, lolsts xt ndeti six reet on the outBid or the \Jarn 80 as to enable hI m to e l'ect tb Is s hed roof, as shown hi tbe illus tration. Rafters we re u sed to cOnn ec l lhe oute r ·e nd of this joist w[ lll ~b e s[dlng 80 as to pe rmit a h alt plfch roor. He Is w611 pi ased v.ith the Idea.


·No field, crop Is looreaslng Ia P<Jl!1t larlty so fBst tn this locality . . tbe ~owpen. wrlte s an Indll1l1. corl'flllpondent of Orange J udd FlltlIler, TWs Itt on account of Us protlta!llenesa In m[ xecl 'farmlng a nd stock tM4llng, as well a s In th e fs ct tbat It Is an ex· cell nt substitute for clover. Of late years, c lover has not been as .lIre a crop as It wa formerly. It II a dUll· cult matter' to secure a gqOcJ awli. E "e n when a stnJld Is SIYJUrlll1 ~ there la 80me sort or blight or, i.nS'let post tbat dds troye the crop and this Inter· Cer 8 wllh t be fal'm rotation. The Inoreaslng popula....lty ot tbl. oowpea Is due to the tact that givea 'a beavy yIe ld of the very nJiest hay Cor Slac k teedlng t hat can be producelt upon th e farm anll at tilfl tam e time II a 8011 renovator. It Ie grown verT ch eaply Iti 'a cowpea, WheBt, grass aud corn rotatIon. One good breall.ln g at lll e Innd In s pring Is s llfficlllnt not onl y tor 1be (lea crol', but also for the wh eat that sbollld fo llow It. Alter the p a crop Is I!x hausted the g)'ound I" loose and the ' onl y preparation neces· sa ry fl)r ~v b II t Is to dlsll alld drag crown , thI s giving a perf L seM be d aotl sple.l1dll\ condlLlons to IDtiUre a paylbg crop of wh ent. The lJay Is relished by nil lJndB ot farm stOCk, Inelud[ng swi ne and lloul· try, and com s nearer being a com· plele rllUon ~a n any other crop tbat can b raised on t be tarm. One thIn g 1 n otice Is that tbe farmer who gives It n test Is sure to adopt It somewhflf8 In his re gu lar rota1/o~ It Is • eror thnt has COlOe to stay In tht. part of th e . coun.try. 'l'bere Is no burry about stal'tlull the crop In s pring. Land sbould ti~ deeply and thol'Qllgh[y plowed and WOrke d down. Some time tbe ll\tter part qf Mny or first of June the seed 18 soWIl, nbout a bushel and a pecle to the acrel It may be sown broadcast 01' with the drlli. From 100 to 200 pounds of &004 fertil izer should be used per acre. The time to harvest comes aloDe the latter part of the sunimer when condItions are u8ually pertect for hay. making, The peaB are cut when the seed pods are hard, it both hay anct gmln are desirable. It tor hay alone, cut a week sooner , A rnln will not Injure the hay ns It does clover, After , It Is cut, allOW it to remain In the swdtll unt il cured !lull then mOTe away. A longe r ttme Is required' for c properly tb,an for clover hay. but It III lUuch more valuable . It I. nlmost Ind~speri sll ble In Ule dlil ry, and will reduce ilie expense of bran buy· Ing to th e mlnlmum. Some perROn. advise the 'sow lng of oats ,w llh tH!a. to bold t hem liP, but this Is not neGessnry or satisfactory. "It will pay to grow Dens for WI" , fo \' iliey come In when the grnss s fall, either on account at drouth or overstocklng. T\)088 who ba,'e never gil'en cowpeas . a trIal s lJould give t hem a test tbls seaaon a nti be convinced of tbe proll~b l ene.. oC tbe crop.


~~_ _ _~h c BETTER HIGHWAYS, I'lg me cnme, anll hi s total lack swelled hend so plea sed the Old The Usc of Tar and 0 11 In Road 1m· prollement, MUllcal Terml\ Can Be Made to Glvt. Man that (rom tim e to tim e tb e ambl· a Plea ... nt Half, Hour,· Uou, youth was advanced until at the end ot six years he was drawing tbe In all pnrts ot th e c[v lllJed world tesU~ varlpus mater!als me n' ar 1n playIng UJ[1l pr tty snmo eacb' biggest salary paId by tbe bouse, and that can be used In road Improve· g uest Is 1!1\'en a dulnty card, tQ wh lcb me nt. In most counlries tho matter Is fastened a SIDull pencil by a cord of road du st Is sometblng that excites or a rlbboll . They aro then told lhat th e concern at peoille. It 18 ana of th " mus lo room " Is lull of articles ot the great Incon venIences of living In Inte rest and Hmt th ey nrc to discove r the country. In tbe U nI ted States the th m and wrIt down tb elr nomes. cou ntry roads are all wilde and all They may bunt sl lll;"i)" or In co uples, have more s 11 uncovered by verdure working lb clr li st out sepa rately or than lu Ile l'haps ·an y otber country. tog Ih r, as tb e hosteS5 d slros. and . '1._" t be best an sw,er recelvea a pl'lz , a 'l'hes wide roads g Ive II. 1arge su~face uo:\: or can dy In the form ot 11 musical for dus t producUon und In some local· "Comf', If ~'o u nr goi ng," she ~ poke Instrument bing :l[l\1 r())lrlate. Itles th e du st blows III cloulls from the Im pllt l(' lIt 1y, at th e "arn c time rlsln:; 1' hel .. IIltontlon Is calletl 10 the rOllds, till the v erdure Is anythlllg but lind g ros"l ng his "'I'lst and (no\os 10 arU clea ubout lhe rOOIl1 . ".hlch :lrO CI'e n. It g ts Into t be houses and t.IIS hirn Insltll!. Bracebrld;:. tl!.o ugh nu mbered, and o pposlle to correspon ll. pe rm eates every nook. T o get rId ot it may sound pa radox loUl, 'ollid not Ing nllmb 1'$ on their curds tboy must th.l s nuisa nce Is a task worUlY of our n~lst thal In rt ct\ve tUIt on his arm ; wrlt.e t he nam es. best th ough t. ]1 slellP d frO ID th curb and drOlllJed Eac h objoct numbered must havn Some road expe rlmen ~9 have been 1I0me musical s lgnin unc . and onc ·o n lh scat b sille b"r. In pr0i>I"ess In t ho neI ghborhood of "AW3 r. Adolpbe!" s he erl e.1, i\h arJl' n .. not be mUs ical to g u 5S them . as Jackso n, Tenn . .Mosl or tlle tests were !y. Thc chau![aur slarted th machine certa in t rms lll'e, So comnlon lbnl mau all roalls In lhe City, but some e" e rr one knowlI them. Wllh It rush. also 011 the n Ighborlng country Or I'e brlrlg had n s n8a llon of a H r Is n list or articles that ml g\lt ronllR. Tbe tar was apl)lIed lI\l rlug t;lY lft journ ~y tbt"OlISh th e ni ght, bllt lie used In til gnOl . wIth the s lg· hot weat her lo lb ropaireu, olean ed Il W3S a dim on , lor hc WIl l! btl Y nlOcll.n t .ltns wor te each : und thoro ughly dried slIrfaces oC I'oads ~' r, h'loklug i n the' ,,;ornan's br'lIu(l' uS'pho 1. Qu iI'll o[ puper (Choir). In a n.1 nelli' tho olty. Th tar was . tit b !lId 111m, ber lIeck r'oclrclell br !!. "bre dolls dre~s d ail ke (T"lp, kE'IH at a leml)erature ot 200 degr ees II pea I collar, nn xp nslva opera' lets) . wb lle lJ log conveyed over the roads ~Ioak thrown o\" t' \ler m illc s hould e rs, 3, Carpenter'lI brace (Brace). In n tanl( wagon, from whloh 'It wall Sure ly 11 had neve r se II r.h equv.1 of 4. W nlch' (T[llIe) . dl s l rlbllled over tbe roa d 6 urfaoe by a this \V man for beau ty; -she se med G. Razor (Shafl' I. hose wit b a s peolal nozzle and spread .\ The advertls[ng magnate will draw ~r.ide to ~he stern of our community a lmosl s t us ille tram h im, a 1;0ddClls; 6. ClIln·r at of a "[olln ( Reat). USING THREE HORSES. e~c nly III a thlll layer by laborers just al the advert isi ng of the catalogue houses I. now drawing It away from 7. Carll beari ng the letlers XL. lie conIc) no't . conve rse with her. Once usI n g sttff brooms . . The tar was a bo the home Itore. The people are Interested In the Itor' news th ll town. h e trlE'd to s lloak. but could get ' no (Fortll). Bor b d I)y tbe road In ~l gi1L or ten How It Can Be Done by Use Clf an Will you not give It to them 1 furth er than "Madluuwhe rea t bll 8. Some on 's lI~m c (Signature). Off.. t Iron, hours. nttor which a Jl ght coaL of sand b e~a m e c;oolused, nnd slnmm ered him· 9. Pa ir of scales (S alesl. .)1' SCl' ning~ was eve nly spread over "!llf In a s lle.nce agai n . Tho s lrl 10 Flas of n tnb lo bell (Bnss) When tb'ree horses, ara . used for lau gh 11 l1,llsch le vo u sl~' at III Borry a · . II : PI cl, men ures oo ntlli ning' two Boon he was taken in as a member or tbe S tor~ peeker, caused Farmera til "he s nrrace and th e road rolled by a hoaYy 'hauliog, " 0. double' tonine Ie bring In tons of bu tler and hundreds I team ro.ller. The svorage amount. or t empt, th 11 looked at blm sillewlse, b ets ( T wo benls In a mensu ree). the fi rm. Age and hard knocks Bnd Bomet1.mea used. But tor tnm work, (lut. at QJ orn er o( ber vlolel·eolol"pd 12: H eavy stri ng ( hord). brushes ",·lth t he busln ss world de- of t.bousands , of eggs. and chickenl lnr ·... scd Jl r SQllnro yurd was 45 hun· nn Qffsot Iroll may be put .o n , .,tbe other produce. Tbe lrans forma., dr dths of n gallon, Tbe Inbor cost nnd e~' es. and SQI!! lowly: " 1 alD hum'!'I ; l3. F lntl ron wlUI t he letter B on It. ve loped In him mnr ked busi ness acu· ' tongue of the wagon or almost any YOn a t Ilrrllld, ns tllOUgl! you ml gh: . fa ce (B fl at). men. He forged to th e {root a.e a Uon 'w ns quick tram a Dead T ow n , to ·Ioss than one-t n th of a cent per Carm Im'plemenl The offset sbou'ld a L:lvely Small CIty. A blgb scbool square yard. Tbese roade stood well b in Ihe presonce of II de ity. I ",ouhl H . Cardboard leHer C buns OD flnanole r and a publlc·s plrlted oltlzen. be made or Iron, two Inehee wide. 1:'he A.s 'years pnssed be pl'ospe red. Early was established, new cburches bullt, Cor at leust seven months, says Farm· draw·hole til It ahould be ten or 12 not bn rm n IIv[ng creature, n.nd Bure ly ohand eller ( High l. 16. Lum x: of tnr (Pitch) . and la~e he was ever looiling afte r bl s and some ot the pioua people were ers' Rev[e w. The tar surrounded tbe not l-QIL Besides. ( am· small ~ than )"011, r o u see." ·She rane:ed he r tin)· 16. Pill litem (Slem ). V911t busIness Inte rests. There were sbooke d to see an opera hoyse erect. sldnes and gravel and tormed a hard ((loved banu In white kid bcalde Brace· 17. HnlHone plolure (fia:! ton(1). times tbat he longed to be again In ed. The , Pan.Handl", Be Skedunk rllil surracll about one t o two IncbeB In .llr!dge's large r ones. 18, Bank note (Note). the Bmall home town. Otten In his road, whIch for years had been run thleno8s. In otber places some exp rlments youth b e dreamed of some day being nlng: 20 milell tram tbe town 80 And Ulen the eternal mMculloe as· n . Baby's s hoe with !In o on thll chaIrman of the village board. Only challged III route as to bave It on the have been made with 011 and tar, both 1JumpUv nesa of sou1 alo~", In Braoo- sale (So lo ) . main I1ne. 110 the place had two rail. of which are fairly good undllr righ t 20. Stout cane ( ~ taff) . once IIlnc& parUng fr om tbe old home ibrld!,:c. He M uld not te ll fr',m wllence had he returne d, and then to find the , roadl, Enterprising men 'Wbo · wanted condI tions. On lbe dUsty country ( ICBma hie sudden CO\ITal;l'. but with ·a 21 Neckt.le Tie) . town. ') uat the same only n IIttlo more to locate III a Live Town turned tbelr highway, hOy.'ever; the all Is too light ' 22. Bar at so~p (Ba r ). ~elapldated, BIld In the "" eed.over. eye, toward tile place. Soon tbere ~or permanen t resu lts, but tar proves 110unce he callt ured he r llngers nnd threw ·hls muscular arm around b el'; 23. Door key (Key) . &rown klrkyard the neglected graveB was smoke trom a balC dozen big fac. to be very elrectlve wherever used. s he .struggled hard to releall'3 herself, 24 . 1;'n l)e measure (meaHure ). . of Ills good parents. torlEls, and In 1lve years atter the PubBEANS AND CORN FI!ED. 26, QlIllrter dollnr with a · blaclt Strenuous business life and a ..ld. IIc·splrlted Cltlcell bad started bll b'u t saw It was uselen. 8l:te etopped, pantin g, . court 1)lallter dot on It fA dotted qual' lous attention to the accumulation ·o f stor,! bls old ·home to ... n bas Increllso·d "You are mussing ' my (1'11111; I will ter). capital without vacation, caused him ItII IlOp!ilation 1.000 pe r cent. 1t wa. It Make. an EKcelient Combination to-.feed the Pig •. call AdOlphe, you ' Insole nt mlill," Ibe MADAME lItE R.m, to lulter from what the docto ... pro- ,no longer printed In · Ilttle t),pe 011 th8 . This III an e'ltcellent combination In s a id, bl!twjlen gosps.. The Pace 'That KIIII, nounced neuraatbenl!l, and ,advilled mapI, bnt In capltallettera. Attaches of the 'B ritish legation In total .rest from me.n tal eltort. Tbe mall Bracebrldge let go her hundn and MORAlr-Do Ilot underestimate the pIg reeding. Beans strong In protein grasped her bare arm.. 'Icl\ll; )aer to· Waahlngton are beginnIng to w ~)Il der bad labored too dlllgentl)' In amala· Po •• lbIllUel of )'our community, 01 ~nd corn In fat. Yo~ng hogs thrtVe wards blm. His e11l1l Wt'll. burnIng; h'! how long Ambassador Bryce will be Ing money. ,ReSidence III a Quiet place tall to d.e velop tbem. No city 'II'al rapidly on such a combination. Pro!. fe lt a weakening ·senRCton al lie able to keep up bls present 'pace in 'II'al recommended and retirement from eyer .made «Teat ,b), Ita people 111111111 , Sha'll'~ has this suggestion as to the 1)1'ep~a~atlon aD,d ,feed Ing of beans. Ite touohed ber whIte flesl1. a reolln& or the matter iot public dlnner8· In commerclftl :worries. Tile Ore at 100411 elle'll'here, laya. 10ng[ng- IOnglng 'and dellre ' that , he dressel!. SInce 'his arrival In thl. Merchant laId hie vast Inter<)ata to a D. X. ' CARR "Beanl can be ted to s wine only In could not control. To know 't hat tbll country about two months ago ha haa colJ'lblnl), ' and after careful thought, the eooked torm, Tbe ,pIg aeems' to ClylllzatlDn ,In AbYlllnla. ~auUtu l .creature was at hll mere), beon Involved In an e ndless chaIn or r.oncluded that he woulu seek rest an.d eltbll~·rated hIm; he .Ie~ned a&owl), to, sucb affairs. The deman·dll upon his Ii renewal of health In ·the town where , ',A lawmlll I. alreHf at work at be unable to utilize beans which are 1\'ard ber, · nearer,· and" nearer ; h e stomach an'd vocabulary have been he at one Ume attended the little red Adl. Ababa, AbY8.IDla, and Greek ar· at all hard or firm , even thougb they could teel her sh,ortened .breath OD his Incessant an<l, wblle hll\. accomplish. !cbOQlhouse, and wbere In cblldl8h 1m, tlBan. are engaged In quarrYing 'and havll b'e en boped··tor some time, hence c·beek. He gazed Into her eyea. and me nts are mnny, his versatility great Qjf!naUoD he would be powerful and "loDe be·wlne: MachInerY' In connec· It Is very essential tbat thllY be thor· ' .he bUnked, then . abut them t1ghl:ly, nd hIs ' capacity for pro'ducUve ,amonll by becomIng chairman o( the t1o'll With houae bulldln& generally II , o'ugbly cooked. To supply a slngie ml)r mur1ng weakly, "Your ahlnlng achIevement large. hie frlond~ re- village board. Accordingly be retired likely to be In demand al aoon ..:the teed at hlllt-cooke d beans to a pen . eyes"':"they blind me." Ife bent Itill member tbat he Is nea rly 70 years old from tbe city, pureliased the old bom. mealnll of trBllaport are alm·plUle!!. Tbe hogs, robll them (it their apetites and closer to ' her. aod J>res~ed his IIpl to and tbat· perhaps It [a time the Ten· atead 'II')lere he Willi reared and pIcked I:on:iunent 18 alread)' !;lull ding .In Eu· relish for their food, If Indeed It does .,llenln one ·lIbud·d er[ng ecstasy of jo, erable· diplomat should be relieved potatoes, ,alld ailO built a . reel,lence ropean aiy" &ud atone houllell mlly tie not' Imt ,t hem oir feed. Tb.e cooking and IQve, ' He Cl.Ould bave sworn· that from such a telt of his e ndurance. and became a Oreat 'Factor In tile lIlen , lOme eTeIl of tIlree storie. 10 sbould be conducted ,In an eyen m.o re enreful manller· than It would .~ In tIlos" tw~ _ roleb\ldll returned the prel' ' toWll, . Time bad made few change. In btl&lit in the capltal. ' preparing them for human tOad. It aure of hie IIPI. , She gave a· .• urren. aalllcity of AncIent., the landncape." Bulldlnga and' I\.reetl ' World'. 8u1lmarlne Cabl... , w[il materlaily shorten the cookl,g derlng sigh and Isld .her ' head upon Many quotations came from tilt were tbe lame, onJ ), ahowJng ·.the rav· TIle . total lencth of , ,ubmarlna p~rlod 11Ild ~ ve better resultl, If the hi. ,bQulder, hel'.,arm8 slipping sroun(1 worka of Thalel!; tbe Gree~ phtlolj.,. ·,ge. of decB)'; Tile old Itores 'II'ere .ln , biB neck. 'He orulltied her to hll breast pher, and anI! o f' the 'seven wise men, JIOIIlIls.lon of the delcendi.nts ot tile cabtl!1 In tlle."world . 1e about 460,000 b~an8 are' soaked Ii"n hou.- . or ·two, or' · ~ictor'lousIY, ' It ..... 111 lie who ..ld. "Know thYlelf;" O'll'llerS , wbo conducted tIlem 'II'hell he kllotjui-279,G22 mile., of which 60 per· better, over night, before' the cook1J!.g cen~... are. .Brlttlb, ten per eent. Am.ri· pl"Iper ' .I• b egun. , . . , . , ' The ir ' one ' ·lIttle leCond < pa.led ,"Few wor,~~, are a sip. 'of . pru~ent ..... a bo)', T~.ey were not doing ~e ' 1'2118 ·use d ahollld be rinsed after quickly, ' The liar ran to tbe c 'l1r1> and Judg:~ent; Searcb after w,~!~~!" •.and. lIull~eBs that the, sh,?uld, O~e ~eat can, ' a ,little more .than nine Il"r cent. · .topped· with a Jerk, and they slipped . choose what Is most wortlly , 'l'be ... ,Iuontion was the ,town bad a rail· FrenCh, and ' about· IIlTell per cent. . eac~ ret><1lne a nd eapecillt care"shoilld · .. th · a _.. til nothing more beauUtul . than the road. All about wa. IlIggelUve of German.. A: areat adYBIloe In thl' do- be taken 'to, clean ·the kettle or barrel . 1111 e ' 1oor' . waa Qpen"" e II wl-Alt I.... f r peace, ' ,apart. . "I I war,Id ." , "TIm etb .., . . t .. p -.., 0 It was BIl · Idea1 place for. .a ma11l hal ·Hen made dUrlag the lut after each 'cookIng and not allow Bracebtl ge WIIll say nr; . ,am a um· It Invellu and dlacovers all thlnp." man who dellred .to PRIIS til. ·d·ecllnlnr ~e;' · yeaN! by Genilalit. 'II'!loae eltortl or uloldy material· to col1~t about. the. .,., madam, In aJll'BIlglng yc,ur eloak" He al,o uld tba~ It wu tht! ~"'tl d~ · . In co -templatlon of fbe here. lelld' to con.Utute ,an Independent I,.. (ood receptacle: . More. thaD one case !lIld I greatl~ fear Y9ur r.ullleB will be thing In the ' ""orld to "no" one'alt, , '( . Th q II'· .. " .'Il·k· .. of ' supposed · llos-: cholera haa been H .te"ped out anll 11(1ko" . or: , ~" , ., . aftllr. ere, e 'II'al mucu e unto tem.-M~IDOi'taJ·' DI plo~irqU" " d. ~po 11O. e :.0' •. • ' , 'II and the ealle.t to adml)nllb' anoth!!r. d~th. There Wu fresll air III abund. Dream. Go · by Contrarf... traced to IgJlor~t or «:&rele. neglect around , .t her ",ere back III froot ut In hll .' youth Tbales wal llreed !D alice. All II~Ur.e lavlahlJ . ipellt It. . "lVhat dO J<>U _,Uppoi. II Loa, In ,aUowlll1!; old' S'll'JIl .to '- accumulate In tile .caslno ~n. . . malT)'; but he Said, "It ·11 toO .1 OOn;" beat.~ om ill. cotiatrr' IIId :tIle tcnm, da), dream 1" ,. a ballrel InBtead o( emptylq the ba,. ~ tbank )"ou ~atly tbat you wlU ' enti late\" III urI!, up~n ,bI)lng ' 1IrP!S lad Iyilii ~I weed. · 011 the· .t....t. know, unl_ It '- to be- . rei each · tim. l1~tore the Dew. mate:. ald me. at all, Ilr, Ibe aatd, .1Il1)ln, again, he aald, "It II, too late." weN' aIlo." to IPM• •p, 'bloom ad blP' mBJor."-Balt!.mol'e' ",aHa' dumped Into 't." . ..~ "I ab~ucted you on a wager. lilr, that ' - J . ructi maturtt7' wltIlout Illlerru,tiOll AIII~wl. ,t:farrilwlni the Com. ' ,couliS olirr)1 01 ~~ Brat l8Dtlomao. , , Aft Inlh,uatloft; ~a.l'ICf. ,I ll tb. 1IO)'th. or tIle' .l~" tt ,ron 'f-1IUft th;e ciorn to tiarnlw. It at tile casIllO. . ClerlYm"n-Madam.,)'OU mut... WItiahl tile 'RetiNil Btllltaela , A.Powl Quaatlon. .untU It Is thNe or four Inch.. lillh. "ADd DIll" 11M JOu to.mor;ow7" bl coDlIoled wl~ tbe thoqllt that · '0• .btl bad - ' : 1 4 1IlaOIl of ~_ that .s. .. U bIG IIIllch truh. or uked, bt. ~ 1ft euspeue, ' bll,band J~ at "lilt. . ; IbIaa I»lrlt ... ,healtJa.; SebIW _ lao . "TIle . h.-lt CBADot be .COIIjro,rt4," WidoW-Do )'Ou meall tlWtIJ" tat . 10." 1nIII... .....111 aWka JD ' .... ' ~ eel .flJ. ·'nd.. ~ hay. lillY beton .. -.., '.. taO. . . :. . . . . . . .'. . . .tM&~"'"'!""!~.







.t. f_





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' Hro d upl.v ·r rlltcd. tlllrk ' r lltlMI' purfl1e. it 21 iuoh 10DI( by twel ve W"~.' r · "

\\ . rne.vlll , Ob ll.


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",ear . . . . . ..

.\ .!l ', ay~ .. r

1( ' /10\

I" '0/1"""00 1>.. 1<1 .11 ,\II ya noe


Tra£,}lorla eJlUL ' . , W1WNESOAV.




PhY8irian8 FailedAgo: to Cure. • G rowers wat~h your GJrain . After G rain "hnt Was Five Yean Still A 6m'lll, greou bug hn.s made Uti l iu

~~ ll}JptlIUSDOO lu the Krlliu fields a . ..



tbi lind otber IJllrts 'of the s tolte, .


Ilnd hilS (I <loe great dllolllilge to the CUpped from 08ti1or"p, auull, llI fell red th"t tile E h wheat orop may be little iojured. by our xc ange~ uot flltnK and b oome straw folleo . -----A Variety of Intereatinw Itema Xenia tlll1.etta. Gathered from the New8papen ' of the State A Pione"r .... Gone, Not Even Free Drinks Allowed In Dry PI!lces.

By a deoi8lon of tbe Supreme Court, rendered Tn88day, It i8 held 'hac Uqoor may n·lt 00' gi vcn to a pertlOtl in Il &.)WD or vllllage wbere u may not be legally 801d. Her.,to. tore it h.tUI been tbll oustom In places where the sale of intoxlcaDt!! wa forbidden to at times ('vade tbela", by MUDg up a tree dlapeDsar"j and glvlDg a driak (If liquor or a bottle of beer to callera. Tbe dcolaioD II. iD .an lCrte ooun~y case of Ohio agilinst Linder, but the deolalol1 applies all over the ltAte. Linder Willi pr088Cut. 8d tor I'8l11nll: In a Ory to.w Dshlp. He IIOt up the defense tbat tbe IIq· Ilor Watl given wlibout oharge.,· The ol)ort held tbat liquor oould be l{iven away"wlthont vlolllMoD o,t tbe 1"., agalnlt lell1og . The pr08(lOutor IlOOeIpted and went· to tbe Supreme OIklrt aDd tha declaloo of aa...ln811 hta e:aoept1onll and revers.. dae andlng of 'hlllowsr. CtnolD.Dati Tim88 Star. ~

The BoY. Fint.

Mrll. Let,it.!" VlIllghllll W/I B horn In Ureeull 9<>. Ohio, Septtlmuer 24, 1 27, Rnd died in Centerville, Ohio, June 22, 1907, !lge 79 yenrs, e ight month8,:t dllYs. " Slle Willi the 6th obild In" falllily of 80" lldren, born to JOlleph LLnd Anti" &okett, 2 boys lind 6 ~lrIB . Slae was the las t r"pre8entlltive of ber father'lI flluuly, the other8 all hll.vlnl( died befur· r6ll0bill g ' ex treme old age, ber brother Jobo be ing the next oldest at bl8 deutb. tl6 yellr8. Her father and m other bath died at the tLgfl of 44 Yll/lrlj, IMvlug the oblldren to get aloDI( 118 be8t tbey could In the world In the Hllrly dllY, common schon I privilege!! lu ~he oountry tllatrlcl'8 Wl1 re ver.v meager 'and lIer sohonl r, rllllllfJ~ Will< very limited. Ber fatber having d ied in 1 38 ber mother waa ieft witb. ohildren to struggle tor a living In the wilda of the fore8t!! In Mercer Co., Oblo . The 2 boys worJ>,ed manfully tn II!! 81st tbe mother to care for the other obildren. Thlt hard oooditions of IIfti 800n n806ll8itated the allle of tbe falm and tbe tlUrOba8e of Il amall traot near 8t Mllrys. It Will bere tbat abe saw the · workmen go ' , baok and forth who hel~ in the oon8truotion of tbe Grell. · Reservoir. She Willi mat:rled to Benj'llmln V h t 16tb f A ril 1847 aug aD he a p, . ubnt.o tbem were borD 'b4 uhlldren, tree of. whom survive t e mGtb~r, 9grandohildreD and 11 great grand ohlldren living off Iprlng of thl. unloD. '. " She and hAir husband oslebratl!d 'belr "GOlden Wedding'" 4pril 15,

A Deat aDd t~oOb!Dg little para. grapb wbloh . polntll to tbe "better , "AJ" for boYI, .!MIU forth tbat ID. ItlOmeD wanted. Uta In the form of A baDd.btU, ciroulated ID the Cam_land 8,.uday.8OhocI at "_DOD aud I&yll: "Give us the boyaaad'hemenwtllbeforthoom. Iq. Tbe _loouI, the pool table, .... ra08traoll:~re ..fter tbeboY8tD .... town are th B ad ..,, ~ ~, . e U aviOhoo~! If J'OO , ,. r bo, la n~t in tlon· ~ iOhQOl moraiDg lebd him SO.... 80pdaV mOrniDjr:',' :"fie' ac. CiOaD,the forgoing a 8M' atroDIJ 1MB7. ueIol hiDt. l'he bo,a who .ml&ke, Tha h us baDd died f rom tb a e Ifeots


.... , .o~. 8uDday~ool and bold ofThe paralyaia yearl ~Igbt ago. Iaat &0 it are tbe boYI wbo lI800re las' 3 YMrs, almost, ahe

ba!l happiDeM on eartti atid ealvat10n ID lived WIth he! youdgeat IIOD in Oen



raa ante a. ,day. • _ • grew worse aa age advanoed, and th f h t d I' bt be


Bud Burn ~ui kl .Y Heliled. .WOlroaD'S bel't frleDd. lS one rhllt "111m 80 delighted wit.h ",but WIllI: ve her tbe degree of bO · llnt Clllimuerlaln'!! Sj\lv e bn !'! t1 1JlI tl fUI' helllU}, Btrqugtb' and. t hat IIIHllre ine thllt [feel bound to writ. . lIod Int elHlell for ~I!'" ZUtl t>hora l~ tellvou@0."81lVIIMrM. R n],e rt. M\, t that ~rleDd . Not .. '~ PBt,entoure 011\" t on:45'7 ,'ObD St' , Hamilton . ()nt}~ri o. but JU8t .. medlolDe . tloientlflolll y "My ,l ittle daultbter h,'1d II hod hurn '\ llrepar"li for womeu only. One on ber kDee. t Applied UtulIllber tb"Uots directly on tbe dieel1!!ed 1"ln'lI Salve and it healed bellu ,lflll ?rgo.oM through UlI' blood Bnd nero ly" Thill Mlve· always the pain of vou"tl8sues systemwltb , replooingtheold ,worn. of a burD IIlmost inst.ft/lt.Jv It il< out new, aDd remov. ing oJngesflon, in6"mmat,ioD and for lillIe by J. E . •TanDey. unnatnrol lli ~ohar"'e. .. wl~1l wIlD18n'S'j Zoa.Pborll is tbe frieod too. becallse ii, keepa her l well , 1 Mrs. Edwin Let>, of Addisoo l Mloblgtl.n, BUyS : "PeD' IIlDd ' Ink caD never tell what Zoo .Pb'Jra )la8 'done for me. It is Indeed a. true and trll'd frieod Iin"d bl1s lIeye~ failed me once" Wliether you ue aiok,l ttillng. or well. keep 11 bv~tle of Zor· Pbor" ID I he hOQ8e a.11 tbe ·t tme. It will prove /I friend illl nll8d. , l1rR 'Ii lioe BrowD, of Volley Juno . ·t lon, · 111 . wrota on . M1Iy 27, 1 "'0 9 1 .. _," wisb' to tell vou th&t ZOI1·Phora has been 11 wonderful bl8l1ling to me . r htl ve been a sntferer' for the taRt1 leo yellrB from leuoorrhea. and for· the )nllt five yllltrs w'il~h ohanJ(e o.fl life aDd all ilorrQ(s, I tooaj trootment. from 10011.1 ph:vs1aDs 10 • Elkbart, Ind ., but received Do .bene. fit liloo.11y (Willi hi ~lnoetl k> be· lI;in ta king Zoa Phorli,. IInd..attar tok·lnl{ fou,r bottles nlY healtb f8 restored. loan now do my OWn welrk , and can never thank you ennugh for the benefits derivAd from your woodertul nmedy." On April 22, 1907, nellr)y five yellrs lat· er Mra. Brown wrlte8, "You may 8t111 refer any woiDa'n to me. 1 will gladly recommend Zoa· Phora, " Doe8 tllli not pr()ve that tbe-/)ene. . fit wall permaD"'fU Thla let·ter illltrQDg proof of the mAr!t of Zoa Phors. The oDly 1f1ty t.bat vou oan heoome ooDv.tuoed iliat Zoa·Phora do.~. muoh tor ftU Is to try the medloiDe yOl1l'll8lf. G<» to your dl'nR,tat and a8k bim for Zoa Phorll; DO otber explanation will be needed. Yoo will reoetve tbe nledloiue IUrealty pre~redI...> oompounded LD jUlt the right pro.. , porilon!. &~d put up io. a l18aled, 8tertUzed, onp doUar bottle. " .



. • '..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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., ~'- ~ LO~ A NG g l..~~d. ,lUu ll l U r,el 11. "("'I}Illlr NM. " "11 1 1l:I" Il IlB


Mf'lliolll A"~, ) 'l ~ tt 01\ . ' . .IAME '['oWN EXPO::l [rHlN ( N ' II''' 'I ,(, V'I ) dllil.v Ulllt! NI) Ve lllb~ r :10. Uhoiuf' of IllIlIlY 11 "il·lIbll. Til III 11,- " 1I.l'Id I "I' hv (lU6110 :'tenmEl r ' Pot,IHIIiI Rlvtl r IIIHI C".,,.II1Jt·,lkt1 B,y lIte"mb 111' 1'. ~I OPt1~ f)"!l lIt N IlW \' ork, I:LII.rll II , W'l sit ill !!'''','' Blljtilll'ure . Pliiltldlllphill . SUMMER 'l'lIlJR[ '~T 'FAIU~1"l t,1I f,. mOll" I · A ~I)I'f." "IIIII Il .I~ · "l .V Illl~t. . in I. 'II" [,.1.11111 ,ul(l Ne \\' .FIIL(1 111/1. with N" " YII', k ~ IUHl Phill\d elphill IItt1 P OVl;!rH. Atu, L" L'IKu "'hl ~L" 11111 11111 I'''llort,~ . 1\11(1 to Clllol'llcJo 1111,1 P"C1 fi u UIIOM t, 1.0 lSVfl.I..~; KY, .Inlle :14 '1111\ :! f' , C\1IIH t lr I', hull I..".~ . ()Clllvent.i 'lll . S ARA.'1'OliA HPRINGl::', N . Y .. •1111,' a til 7, K . T . C"uol"vt1 . HPUKANE . .Iull c. 27 t o July I, II . Y. P U Sj;;A'l' I LE, WIIHldugtoll ••Iune 211 loll .llIi,\' ii, U. E, PBILAVl<~ LPHIA. July 12 t o II\- B. P. O . ~. -diral' IIr viti Wrt!>bingtoD', wit,h stop over" 'It B,dtlllloro tlno WIIHhlll ~ ' t oo. HEASHORE EX " UHSION to Alltlllt,lc 'it~, . '11110 1\111:'1 Hlllt eigbt other popular sell Ride rl!!!orls . An gll" I,$ WINON·A ~AKE, IND .-Vllily 1I11til &lptolllber 3U. Aunuol fxcorSlon 10 NIll grtl j.'lIl1~, .1ul.y :10, 'ontlullflU PII M. tlage . Ret,urn JlUlit Aug\lst 10th . Round trip $7.1I11 For full pllrt,loul&rll oonsult H. F.. &,oth . 'J'lok llt 'gent, Wa,"jDesvi1le, Oblo .

I ~



It Begins Saturday . July 6th Dayton's 'G reatest Midsummer, Dry Goods ·'Clearance Sale


The .unloadin!!' ot thiR immense s.tock will 1 .11 '










to the peop e and we know It WI be t.o youI' u<iVtllltagl' to an, ;...IpnyeaOfo~DrPa.okpaea:tJewll~:~a·beAdf~oeDdto& ticipate your wants for orne t;mt' come, in vipw ot th~ til t v~ .,.. J


\yomen;: . a medical ~k . giving Int.ereeting and instruo·t lve informa: t.ton abot,lt all dlll8lla81 of women' .~d th8 way to aoooeesfully' trelll tbem. .:you 0 aD D~ .t:reat y~at'll81f In -tbt: ~'"" of your own ' bom d ~ :4f't't 11 tr bl t '

:~'Y ~~e




O.U 88 f!,



• • -" •



that · many Inres "of goods casf m 0 I'e-. tod a v at the mill", thl:tu pI' r , t' 't 01': '. ' -.' en re al prlces. .:' I




Note' the date and be 110 II'ne w ' 11th ' the crowd -..1 t·urday July 6th ' a .





A Cbautauqua hlUl \?een started

to it. MtSllfil M'llIte F. BI8phan aDd Emma Cartwright w,ere gnastl of Mr. ,..nd Mra. O. B~ ' Funston at Yellow MprioRl I18verlll daY8 la8t week, and lIt.teDded A.ntloob I.'hau· ta!l'lua durlDg tbllir IItl&Y. Maater' Lewis lllarke. of Clnoln. Dati, oame up to WaYIll88vtlle Friday ,afternoon lind will mJlke II. protraot. .ed· vi~it with bl8 granllmotller, Mr!l ~ .James Clarke. Le~11I bll.8 malle a nomber of visits witb hl8 re)lltl..-e8 here the prst t",:o YIBar8, and h.1I.8 endeared himself to 1111 with whom he came In ·oontl1ot. Misses EdDa and ' J .uella. Janney !itarted Tuosday to 8t. Loull! for a vialt with. their tlnole, Dr. Charley Eilts. Their father, J. E. JIIonoey, weot with them 118 rar 08 DI&yton Ilud started them on lihelr journey, whlcb they 'm"de o.loDe. .Mr8. J 08eph Laf lyette, of Clnoin. nati, who formerly 'Uved ·ID Way· Wilmington .Journal - OUSslde n88vllle, 'has been lUIIIiRtlng hi the GliDI of 'be mortgage on tbe care of Mr8. A va Ebrigbt for a fort· ~pdngtleld, Wllmiug~n and Clnoil).. 'l'be Doot.or Away from Home . . wheD Most Needed. nlgbt. nati tra.CtlOD line, DO~iDg hu. . ,,Id II: '-People are often very muoh dt8 Mr8. · Edward CbaDdler and tranlpired t... ~t, WaD rna e one ...,. appolated to find ~at their I.Dlity .' D . lt8ve tbe road would 100D ' be OOD phYlloiau 1& away from bome when' ~ousln! .Miss Jennie anlel, ·haye ' _noted·. '!'he pow~n that be, . seem $hElY molt DOed his aervl0e8, Dt- bee~ seriously ill for two we,eks or k.ep their OWD oou11881 eveu 10 aeaaesllke oramp oolio ~d oholera more. and bue been fortunate In . .._ bl marbaa requtre prompt treatmeDt, being oarl!(i for by tbelr relative, far "8 ~t too give t .... general pu io and have In many inataD088 roven . ., .... _ ' !' Itngle IdOll a8 t.o wbat II 'belug, or · fatal before'mecl101De oould ~ pro ~ra, 41ma Danlel .i'd,e, .of ~yton, ,,111 bet 40ne, . .toward tbe liegt.nIOI :oare4 or ' a pbllloluD sa~moned" who ,Is a prote!lalonal Duree. · . ~Dd oompleting of t'le, wQrlt. 'fbta The rigbt way la t 'o t~p !'t ~D!1 a Mrs. Abner Will!'Jn aDd little · t\l hardly rlJ(ht thll people who kottle of Cl1amberlaln a Colio, Obol. dangbter. of Portage county ' 'have . ' ,' . . 'era Gnd Diarrhoea Remedy, ·No · , '., , , ' , have .clveo fnUlOhl8eS IHld r:tlhta-of phyaiCiall can PretlorltMi a '" better been vl81ting among relatives in "'~y are entlt etl to'some oooltdera mec1lptne for theee dl8eaB8ll. By ~reeDe and Warren counties for a tiCID. . bIITlng It lu' the hoQ.88 you eaoape ,we,ek or more. Mra . WtllOu IlTea a muob pain and edering and . all satisfactory' repor' of tbeir ·liew , •• riat. Bay It n'ow i It may' eave b '1 ' . . " life. For eale by J. ill. JanDey. ome n tbe northe!!D part. of . the A WoaderfUl >P~at. state, bot are sUlIloyal to() t.hetr 01<\ WUmtqtoD RepubllCl8h: ~ qrfrienda in tbla DellJ'h borhoodand Aa,., · lI'r••er bad aD utr.oftlinary 8~blcrtptloDS roo' for all ihe 181ld. en~oy ~eetlDg tbem l.plD. lootlnl plant on esblbltton .t oIDI mapzln88 aDd Dewapapera, at ~_~. 4rac aor. ·tbt. week, "la tbe (Jasette 011108. ' Note -We will Flubsorlptionl .:_ _..... blact lUy, .)r IDail. plalJl meet the prioel adventMd by 'lUly De".papen and . . . . 01 IDdll, The leavel r8pu"b~ IDbeoIipatOD'. Gazette ollloe.



'ennsy. "y;. n' a


I'l-aisinlr Zoa- Phora.

";;;;;~:;~h S:~::.~~:;~::~ ~~'~~:~~~~£;E.'~::.

• .b.... bim ooDliderable arid worried ago ahe waa brought down ..•to her .him 1IODIe. Ben Davia waa In poIBM. oouoh throlllb failing strengtb aDd , . . of a .lot horae, wh10h 'bad DO alowly went down nnttl fln .11y ,4JItPc*tion to take " hie medicine dea&h I'tIlleved her of her IWIeriDg, ~. man" or eveD .. a link borN During all thea!) weekilihe received But mankind bar a OompeU. the loving attention onun'" faithful ',~"q~ abont him that everoom_ daugbter to~ wblob Ihe gave many ~ au, .rlOman' tbat an ADtmal ~teful expreuloDa, · of the horae kind can put up, and • Letitia marle profetlllion ief faith .f,UID. Ben Davia had hla borae ID Christ when .0Dly 18 year8 old (·thh;,im aDd drenohed. After 'he an. aDd united with the Sogar Oreek iwal had recovered an erect: posltloD ' 0"hriatian Churob In year 1845, he looked . reproachfully '-to hla UDder tbe labol!! of Elder George owner Ulen put up hla tlok. 'It was OweD8. "hard aDd 'VIOlOJ1ll ooe landlog aD . . Sbe rematDed II. membe~ of this hil elbow. breakiDg the bone and obtu'oh until her death, a period of la08ratlng the tleeb . After t~e limb about 62 yeara, She bore telltimony h~ reoelved aergloal keatmsnt. tbe daring her last alokD888 to her on bone laid do~ ·aDddled. Mr, Davis falterIDg ' ~aitb in her Lord, and the .' bile a moet· lMIrl.o us and patnful ID· last spokeD words were "Reat, Reet" jury, but wlll ~eoover. The fnneralilervicell was heid in > " .tJlermoDt Courier. At... E . .Oburch, CeDt.ervilla. Ber. man by lie~. S. D. BeDnett IllIsi8ted NothiDIr DoIDIr. by Ravs. ;r on9a aDd Maddox.




bro16(\, lind II tl)ngue HI l/lohe.. Ipng All the Horrol'8 of Change of Life l,rotrllrle!l fr om it. 'fbh! 00 dOllbt for Flv.. YearB . beucorrhea for Iii T . UIlOWI\ - - ~ ~-D; ' ,,,,d M ~ I:;-~;'::; gives It the m.llne of snttke's Buad Ten ·Yean. ·AO ......TM . MOKA,. ' tris .Mr. ~rtlz er htU~ btul tb:J plant --~MM. rr. J . OROW" . ,~S8 ( ;I 'n BOl T 8everal yean. Use Zoa-Phoru, Publhil\ec\


'l'hul;lulI'uIIII' WUIII I II , " uf "till' IInll uutlun tllllt IUJOuIIIIIllU~ B. Heil Receives i~ I lilt, lI el:"~,"rll ," "II,' Il / 'p,'rfll(!t gO/ld helllth , A plaYMlollll.v Wtl" Honors ut Yale fUl'ln lion f ,· turr'~ , MIIII,\' " 11111111 WOlUlln I.. Uflvflr"ttrrtot,lvt' /Jot. 9V"" ,Wl11l1l1n ",h .. ,'o ohi II11V I'I' ,.HI'Vli II,~ to hflr~l\l r I£lllotti(\ Bittpl' I'II/1ltlr,' - -- lill IITII~ t' !I IlIndlll, p"'.l<lo>" '1l l.hoM" wanlt \Y oml1n. r,:\vl' Ijtrnlll! Dtjrva. , Prof. U. B. Hall, who wo>! prim'l . rllre llllll\!t. ,,~ I.h"t. nll r,h .. w ,rid all · hri~hl IWBtI. 11111",'tll, v61 vll t.,v "ltlil. Iml of WllyneMville ~ hool8 tbrlle \lr Imlr6,.; ne,.hH' ..... 01",1-1' HY"'~, OIOllll b lI!lt fUI . e lUlII~x· OI\. ( .n '1':n~el'll four YMrs , reOOlv e(l"hi~h orntlon " l"uIOt1 th 1I:'11I IILlIl !.litH "llrll:; IHIIJII' "~ lit ~ C' 1'(,1,'..,, : 1. . 1"1111 , 1 , 'llt. IIt410diog Ill; Yl1lu 'ollE:ga III. tb " l - - - ~- - -0 10 86 of r·he yellr. wh rlt hli hlH! "'0'" ~ .,.... . ct ' llp6nt II torI)] in ()I u~e 8tl1d.~ . ,..i:£':: .-,j ' ._' .. " _ Y ........ _"j; ......



Uu' fer " &'Uar'dl'e 'n"




1,4, 16 &. 18· E. THIRD SIt DAYTON, OHIO. .~ LEBANON, 0,








.Kinds of


1111 ·


and 1I1s~ •






Coun.ty · Cour t News .

UI'YtO'~" " ·'Y. 2:: , of

.; IiI'.Ilh+llh W n."up iliA l't,·V C""p"r '1' ,,, ,,,,,,, M. M. .. roll' . ~a Lllvpln, ,,' , . LA"'I".

NK W I!tJ IT~ .

M i ~"



~~..;....~~~~ . -~


l£I1W,: ,,] 'L' B'Hll)y . 22.


.. ..._....... .

I Nerve Sick





• W E . 8'IIull,1I' V,. WIJI J: 11lL( ~ 11I 1i ' 'I'reallu 'er of Wllrrtl/l t:n\lI' I.~' . " , til M I"~ M'H" " 1\'1" " 11 , :II' , 1\ Ufl P Rev II,titl"" PIII nuli Clu olUllt M. \JUDU. hn ~. Y' lr ". i 2. li i nL(N Mil :1i 10 n llt\ll eI! Ib .. the ~ ~ pl! uur~lg Piltl Staple and v'anoy <*r ocorlee, F r ult.s If weak, w.orn-out, Mull,.· 1." ~ II " 22. Kl n l(" Mi ll" . I~~ M .IIUl:» hll .. blOrllln .t!UUlt. IAJI>I.I UlJU Vegeta ble" !l ud Cannad Goolis. leep' ollluP n 10/ CllJ'e nel'VOllS, . ra nn ot Tbll ..Iaable remecly I. aIreartnot truft1~ In 1II1uXh.:nIJII I; h,lJ \lu r tl , \)1' ~ i1It · K Br" w lI . :11); l.. »y.~JIII la. Indlr•• Uo n~ r. fo ""n. 1)1 I" head~ ~7! r, Itll stion, Jill'\' , inc1ig 0." . f :! u.ud 'l'olmoco, burn. AcIdity ar, ,or Bour ..loUlacb ,.uhlir W I,Il ~bnn \l pon ).Ird Cl'f l)t;llIll MI ~,.. IJI"rtt i-i, BIoI< I)r Nervous n ....lllClr.e. General n 1l1'll lg ia 01' peri.,. , ) u(·I. or N.rvon" »ublflty or p,,,,,traUon 'uy ~ep\lr.llble pbyt!IOllUII! tur II ltlUf U Rpv , H Hll w ll ,V. IIIld 1\11 0 """""'• • rl.ln'g rrn m Ii dllOr. \ KJolIlL ES'fi\Tf; -rfIANllr .. R." O(l! · pa i [I S, H :is becau se derod ""odil ion ,,( t be IIlou•..,r.. IIi p'urpUllbli i tt..ihi!iil!~ r I! UI,;UI,t!d d !If < vu 11 8 to J OI!. M RtH OY Phone 79. C. M. BROW N, Propr ietor. ill ,btl IIlIltl uf ~ bld Ilqu ur.s u t .•llr y OUl' lie!',' '.' li r e weak. It ~ , 1' . • a, Ji. t'ce fo e - t bau flbUVtI ; t/Jilt un Juuu 1, lU 07, Ktl ti cf'mtlll : 67 nClrt'S ID' ,2 nen ~ o ]a(·k he t. i· PI _of. to f&1re. U I. not. "'''''''... :1. R . ary lo dId ooly la ~er1 .evere caa ... ~ntl Audit ur ut WUrI' eu UlI llu I,y 1m r. ; 40 ant es ill . !ll, '1" that lIla1H' ,' the stomach t8UOO. ; ii R" :I, , tllorlty of Inw nltm,d III~ Ullll ie vu !lOreR In Seo , 15. l' T be .tAlInach ,,1\1 OOOD be In II1Ilh a ,tc. work ! lun g l' t, JI('U t .. ~1. healLby ~"dll~ tbat 01U! can _ , tbe "Vow '.... x UU~liulIl '" V1' lhe :BernltlD ~ no D{)rll Hroper \DOlt AOy klud of rood. sick c heco~ tJv I'f illllW in Hut· " ••Iqllor Dupliotite uf WlU'reu Uoun R . ond :~ o"hitJ Hill , 611 8 c re~ Two 8Ize., ])... Miles ; N Ol' Ville c ure~ 2400. " 1>. l,ownph1 lau t u~ IIKul hllfl;ud O wrully unlit and tY, " hr. per 11.00 Ind 100. '.:IiDl!lin ~ . D . os nnd'J ill· sick wheu it l' stores . M:nrlntt Glarll hlO1 '~200 l tllllt staid treli:lur er : II. o lot t Mea. ure ,Your r oom· fi nd (lom e t o bave Dot olaim dOM joint : e tr >n gth, and put's ~","t. . .~d , .. Burden ]len ,., R. __ E. to . IHldl CIlIlL. per tb,-tan a to IIdd :W l.,uO ~ ; ll' ortownsb t lw powe t· behind the t!0ta l taft6r .Iune 20th ; tblu tli u fill. In MI, B nll y, W!'yne. F'. L. SHINK LE. C.orwin to J I)Sfllh to do t beir work. 1k'1IIO~ did not ..epurt hili plli uu III! , .C . D. ond DUlllY gau lnl "".""oo f.t, nulaotu. •• ., fI, 11,., :i: trom MUNOII , 'IIDIAIIA• oue,lto be 110 ttUed: t h .. , til'; lIotion Brown ; 00 ncr s in 5 16, T "Almost three ye nr~I 10I , 8ull'ered H nd palplta.... bave I l l", n er \ ' U\IH l1 fIl8. In cJ I f!'f'J1ll ' W e wer e wise in oderl ng t his stock last f" lI , in JlrlCfl9 11. IS. O. f o tlou t or ea uOt unstltll O ld tl Cf tbl! J 1'1. eu h "taln.t · 11 • tl nn o r Lh I wa lk or ta.lIc or Cu . l'l u will be cornto elU h Ephriar y ,vll 8 to p hi t alee nny; Costello of b~ yel~r :Mart last tlUl' t les .. sa lIud 'be lltat~ of Ohio ; tbllt wllhout Mull'el"l"g. Altogefh er I '1\ terlally ·flcJvanoed . ' Lar lit ten uefl t' I p , .. h . Il L.,u contll,lon. M y doctor did not iful beaut !I!lUro!! R stook i now ponry i ujuDotlon I{run t-tld upon tello uudl vldl'd one half of greater . Mattlng 8 froll! t,lIe Ori ent • ,'em 10 do m e 0 nl' good. ( had t ried lp : 11. R t:fn I1lU I1 ~f r um f'd IC9 t hu t I d id n ot bav. pla~tljf IClving $1OUO boud. Hrowu In Wn8blb gton towll8h . prices t.erns, lowe8t mud, flOp" or IIny or tbem doln&' me JOlliah B. Mills to Rhodt1 J. Mills; Dr. Mll e»' Nervlne ..... good. lUI ) ' &I Shllwhu ~ iu, orneYII for phuntlft'. relle! trot I trlenll. n b' "" l ~!les HU Ingrain s . , . . . . .... , . .. , . , .. , . , , ' . .... ... , .. . , ... 250 up $500. 5; ., R 3, Sarah Burdga VII the Village of lot No, 5, ~. 13, 1'., " 'O ln 'ho "rst. oud alter II. te.. ~lI' Lowell, Park, Extra tlnper s. I t.' 11 Ilk . It II QW person. It not oruy '~IiHii : 'plalntb l ti~YIl thllt ' s be i ll Tb08. Bill to M lIg~le lIi1l ; lot No· rell e\' od m y heart a nd nerve. but I oD ~o the h08 fh\'lgon't ed m y whol e l. t Rug8~lJreat.,>j 1 stook yet , ..... . , ........ .. , . t l0. 50 up ' uner of liUld part of whlob II! 11 In 'l'hIl8. Bill 's addit,i am vcry grateful becau se olnce I liaYe PleBl!nn t or bla OoluDl New II IlIg It. r hn v.! h a d a.lleolutelv d of stopp town t wlth:,t1 plIort and J...arge enough tor Ii I·oom. vUlII~e the wi~ln • no return of myoId ITouhle." MRS. HOWA fm F OllD. and that within 18 farm land, pi II in. Plal~; $125 . II til. Worce.ter, lCUo. LinoleuJB , the great klt-ohen and ball ooverln li( . Laoe C nrtRlns GO SummIt J\ V'I.. -lng I -V-~-~b-e-K LoD-g-lJ Dr. Mllea' NervI", 1'1 lold by your tltl /llilul tbut said landi! be·debt ohtld order to llde m tho that sizes, " all gu.rant cobr8, wlff 1111 , who . Dew effects. Window Shade8 fro~ lI&id 'vlllage lIud ~ .mlldt! II II the popular ory through out Eu· f\ ra t bottle wffl benefit.. "It 'all., he will refund your mon.y. ll .\merlo In while : es oonntrl ropean B. O. pait of Frunldl n toWbllhlp ; Miles Medica l Co., Elkhar t, Ind the ory of the present day Is "Long J>eoblUlt attorne y for plaintif f. ry live Dr. King's New Discove COJOION PLICAl! COURT. King of Throd a nd Lung Retne R yder tate.of Ohio V8 Charles WhitIS· edie8 !" of whioh Mrs. Julia .. It : ~nl tll , Jaokew for Mines, WomeJ l lIaYII A1B88., Truro, Paine. ed appoint ! 11 It et. al : .J . A. Rnnyan rolief t1te Immedl give ano Ohildre n. Hl." rts, Waist!!, Un . RI DGEVILLE, OHIO to 1188111t , litA'e ; jury ohOllen by never failll to " cold or oough d aDd to qulokly oure a J h P I nAni I SPICOIALTIE8 : DISEAS ES 0 1' WONICN derwea r, \"IantM 'ong cloak8. oynwr foun. Mrs . Paine's opinion 18 shared' by n ......... 11 ven re; 0 n t.blB of nt.8 'majori ty of the Inhablta UfD OHILDREN sullty. ' . Ne w D!l!covery onres & Qaroltn e BoUow ay vs Ella 1. Sa country . IIttor W A \'NMVlLDK. o. MAl" S'rRKRT waid \t ~I; court find8 that Caro wellk lungs and tlo&r tbroats and ; falltld l1ve h ll remtldle r all,othe lind Seward 1. Ella ay, to Ur 088 Bros. door 111M! Hollow next 1 oom r In the only for cot'ghs and 001dllt '8 by f)alsy Keever I:none are eaoh en sure U. e. . F 8t.)r re teed Hardwn oure. Guaran , anll ,1 ,00. titled to 't be uDdlvld ed one third of ~hwartz, Druggis t. 1;00 'nllepho ne in bouse and offloe ' . free bottle frlal W . f~. MOORE. Uecelver. said ~l eetatAl. '!'hoe. Scott, wher e I can be oaJJed da.y or nigb t . ., led appoir.o Then come 1\.1)'; bny your dren at Belbold A. Kohl.n d J. Valley P bone i4.- 2. TIME O.I.RD topartlt lQn same. ,,__ .. ' •• - Comm ission ers' Hutchl nllon & U;bn6y 'iI, X.enla,O hlo , Proce eding s. F~ Ffi'EC'l' IVE 14AJ.'OB 5 1, a U7. '!'be P . C. U. and 8t. Ij, R ·o R. VI No city hall" l,nUer 1J1I8? rtmen\ of the Trustee s 'of Wayne townl!lbl.p; S,allons f"b'\011 tor the dreBs Itaelf and th e BIIlII ' Allowe d , , . Vlaoa&tId . If Provi81oDIlI N, II • • A . II(. It 18 a reasolljl bie hltaml ng8. ~"~ T'9Q~'D ng pue ta appealed. tq oircutt court an Wm . J .,' plpn)bi ... f I S 25 Leb"non Jo, \r 8 QO 11 00 5 !Ill 'I'D " lucl g,,~, II!>. ....... .. .-.. .. folly proven In 'be ....... "nd nt rePairs It~teme " 18 1" 5~ appeal borG ~ require d, J:las~ ... r~h y.,uI Shakei' Cr . 1 77 lIS r iU n bott l!! o( collllnon 1 I~I f>I 16 111 1 ~ B B boo. ' soap ........ .. 1 00 wnter Roslyn lours; L pur t\\,eutY·f P'RO»AT IiI COURT stllud it 1 nnd lel pal'. We lire Dres8 Goods BOWIe . ars . rger, 1!).8 £> O~ 7 48 lltor be,- H~ mPlltead I\sedltlle !l8 I18hny ,\rger, Barshb! . and do n ot meddle with t inware, 6. 00 'Y1ll of JiJlIzabeth 'l'homp8 on , R, .') 40 7. 0 llill g indicl\ll!\lJ!ll Centen llle 40 00 ,........ ... janitor t. atl8lstllD '. probate to d adml'te was d deoe&ll8 t 1 3~ ,. } a~ u a~ hardwa re, Ilhlnllo. flhooa, etc. 'l'bes~" ti:~\:~~rrbe~id: Manor iT aDd Willard J ; Wrlgbt was mude Jamel Follen, salary IlS jlln • 2T ~ 7 ::7 ne '6; if i~ ~t e i ~ls Lytle bave' 'bell' "Iuoe. ltor ......... .... .. ... .. .... ..... npcuk lr witb a bond of t6oo. Phl i ll!ll Uv 24 ' . U " Ollr linen Ii. I!' Ed~woOd 40 ;, pap ~o nil wall o t ~7 Belker, & · g n. nable Ve Bnemni ;'~ idence 0 ' Jd ' SP.l!nflA aud Barry C . ",rtl(bl JUllt look " , onr 8helvet lsnd ilhow , IT JI ""$10 1" " 311 ......-; , lIey trouble; t:x KI&c:IIQer" f~r ndl8e meroba !lnd er to '88i' ho~ fresh and new and .~T W. and Spenoe r~V 88 • }Jb 10 Ill! etlee. 6 ~ Ii 7 (requent do.::lil'L DodOs , ' 00 27 .......... .. , ........ .. .. .. : S C. lt Gllohri Wilda . eland L ' R 018ln the stook. How easily t o to pass it orpdln ' fhompe on and • • liB ., , ' .t-1 Oft 'II~ OR N0 _~ in the buck 'ft ._.. mot oont . 80D Bender Otho trim frOID Imr 8took just 1D. ers. I appra&D ..... • 80 .appQ D k.idDP.YI LebaDon -l. v. r 00 10 DO 27 ... ... .. . :.. ... ...... ... .. ... ... 60 50 also condnci ng proof tbat tbe D It H Proof of publica tloD of notices of 0 T It: Doll 0 a. H 0 nl1l1 blndJcr are out o( order. No ~6 Ollylon D ol9 X '1' lJ ao 0~ "X :appolD hnente of appr~llIers, admin Goo. Rober t80n , contrac t What To Do. J, l' '37 '1 Tbere k comforL r f in lbe knowled{r. a.;, . 1 flied . &0 11 lua ra, etc. were 42 ..... .. ... .. ..... .... ... . :.. ..... , n tbe b 00 6 30 R ressed Ki1mt'.r'" Dr. Lbat • v e. ........ 140 00 often ' y, SlUr 'lod Worste d TrimDl ingl'. 8heer ~ffeotll, OIngbs m, Plflld8. Jowing .0.l18li : eetalea of l.'relgbk ln W. 1'. Eltz.r oth, luJ,Dber Swamp-}toot. Lbe grent kidney remed ," " ND t"U SOUTHI , II1 & heUIilIiU cliriug.r n i. wish (u ~fi1!s every 't " Woaee, deoease d; Matilda Arman , Chaa. L . Bender son, CODtra( 368 95 p alU IU the buck, ktdno:ys. ltver, bladdel A . W. P. M. P . M. I No. 31.. ..... ........ ... .... ... ssage Lea"e No 9· No . ' No e· dea.ue d; Ruth '1'. ScheDok, deoealnnry url tl1e .;! part every nnd 5 or, legrapb T ' U "D H t C W lon: Day d water deceue h,!l to. LaDe 3 Kanha in:lhiEty eel aud It corre.C.ts \ e nlOD es :eru 5 3U • I pull I" . • ~Iflg It, ,!r bad OIlo"OD: 0 '" X T 800 : 30 scnldmg IL.I1d 25 es... In8llllag sendiDg Co. follow. Ii Ii~ S a ll 11 6U , ~UDt. were rued by the "!uor, wIDe or I Leb;a noD Jo. effects (ollowlng llb. 81lp· • ·n pJeasant .I'" , Sbaker Or08. ' ng II 33 m".. lDtfI Oharity Ann Stanfie ld. aduiiu W. , H. tltanrlg e .& Co" ' _ , !heer,.and.overco n r,n M .~ I , of go to ,eli ... . ,.J tt TIIIa II"",. whell .".". ." I. 44 ~ . t; plies for Audito r ....... .. .. 4 0 20 cessity of being COUll " Ii r.A I~ ..'rllt of 8litate of William flhn. t1! aT 2 60 Ro.fy" Ul" ,:1 up gel 0 \ ud (I day, the dllring e & Co. blank" 0:0:1 a oa 8 n ftel4. d~ ied.. flre' aDd flDal ao. W. H. 8tanag miid , ' . 7 25 tiwes duri,ng the nigl\t.o( 'rbe U JJ I 11 II 49 f' Pro"-te Jud"'e ltra.. rt. 5wamp.~ '" . Cenloervlll. admIDl effect "or-, inary "'''D'' .', extraord the ... ..... . .. ' UD or OO~ • ...... - . . . ~J .. . " 0 HI 3 l il ' Jj 6 7 . .;t MaDor high the stands It realized. soon i~ blank Co. e~. g 6 '23 of:" te of FrlId Morey deoetU'oo W . .I:I. Btanllo· for trealur er 16 GQlfor i~s wonderful (cures of tdhe ttlosdt. ~i . LyLle '. 0 ot 3:18 stateme nts B 0 ry and apprau ement' ; J. A. II ~ a me IClne ,yoll I cases. tresslOi 6 26 ' It 16 6 K' 9 .. . f .was vou should have tbe besl. Sold b"druv- EdlClwood Meons Monarch of perfectlon. Gooda On motIOn of ",r. etlver 16 3D '3 80 suardla D, of ea ...te 0 R U 08 enable V • a1zef ar one-doll 'nnd fty-cent fi ill are dlijtingu iahed by good d~CDI! !p.ts tl ,that oontrlAC ng followi the that moved . lry 16 3 2 E1111 Imbecil e, Invenk ' 11 11! J til U a1lU, II Kltohn~r fini sh. 1'ho best con.tructloo and botlle \e ) ood i sall1l· baven ttlay YOIl Aud. tbe. InCO, elltered and S6 e 16 .... 1 :14 10 -:-;a Moe'" admltJ lIua'rix of ea. be w DU ve'Y reasonable price.. A.k JOur boo~ that tells a l l " D<'dd R 1842 , ll l IlI I ~ 19 Leland " ' J oer· Bboutit, both &ent free 00. ~"lIne. de a le" ,'~. II 60 tate f Frederl ok Moery" deoeaeed ; itor hllvlng lIven the rllqulre.d lerent . Leb3Don Art Ive 11 aD 8 5«) J to show :~udres~ Dr. mull. b)' fundll to reprds with tlfioate ordered from all W. . .poD her appllca tlou ; I Stop on you the · Dally. unepL. Su~l\a, ,~.t,UgN . ~?, /!l. A.~ 1. es ba).{lImet estimat and lltlonl J:U&ran te.L llpeoifiO BoIaeoll ". .,..,"",," , fully Plans Bed tV leu l ... Every persona naton. the athens. I"le , private 't" at , . --" , to . . . . . 1M III. autlD ..,.. . and don" ' ; a. folio';, : M"HUYACTU~ED IV " ralns pa.1 (,v tle for a ooporet e- oulvert pear ~sl· writing , mentio. n, tbls " 1t"'"P .........1 and obattell l deacrih ed In the, ' 3 27p. m m. 5b. 1 bound Nortb tbe er rememb hut , k e UIl Y Uli~take lli n "~:ct Genn· lind Utica \V1111t1n Humer of 'alld ap· than t}le RIGhmon~, InCl. In D ory \ at not lesl h pome, Dr. Allnler 's Swamp-Root. ' 7 28p. m II Oola Dl " . SoutbbOU lld .' , . toWD8 tp tile addreati, Binghamtou, N. Y. eek Ole~ror In road town . Talne. w. E . MOO RE. pr t let to Applica tion t.o admit thu wUl of were llpprovtld and contrao "ceDt.Lebanon ,. O. ilsseU-" GeaeraIP 1 c.. made, Obal. 8tiJ»bs at the ,eetl,na te ~ohD Lebr to probate . , R. , • ATH~WAY . PUHLISHER~ :' ~e bea~ng was , let ' for June ,1I2,ili, 8ubeorlpt.loDR 1'I~lved hare for .r 'les vUle's Leudln g 'Dentls t \Va wltb lnte en~red wal t Co~trao .. . lt07 done o'olock p. m. . ~aln 8t &11 i!ta~d"rd magazitDee, for sewer plpe a~ mar, QWoe In KeY8 Bldg. Jil &lie :matter of the estate of CrOll ~rOll. valtd . WE MANUFACfURE THE VERY HIGHEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! •• !!!!a:.,., 8!!!!!!!!!! lPOP t, ~ ~p" Ullin 1;lri~, ket alt8CU· the , eoeUed Jaok;.d W. .Joba GRAD E OF. 'ton Rober. J. Shawha D and UeOrge Contiilo t waa eDeered Into wlth Brus GaUeys Type 'W'. ~ey were ~ .se11 E , A . Gray for brtdtre lumber 11oor. ~ d.: ~undre per Metal lIorder8 '5~12 ing !Uld 5 ts01l4.0 of Strips ·UteD, In lbODU kI. the lIrau Role " head walle to L. S. Metal Furnitu re lio.~18 ten w~ter wo ..ks ~Ddl ' Plani' for conere" lI....l · Labor S.vinl Rule In Tnr· Lead8 and Siup I have a large suppl y of fresh w,:,ter ice and will ~f Vl8V~~Dd 0 " ,faQe valQ~, 11000, 88,!,er at ~dwanader brtdge D•••I ColUMn Rulee pproved . ~ ip.were Metal Leadertown8b t~ecree LI~~, ~~dt, . ' lltriot .aDd teD IOhoold lira. Clrelel Spaces and Quade, Planll ,'for oonore~ arch on the make delive ries Mond ays, Wedn esday s and satur days. ()hld, face val~e '$1000, ' both tranl. 0 ..... Leader s 8pel!oe 6&048 point • ' ~ bel.. laootlon ecl by the Morrow aDd Zoar pike near, OrUB R9und Cornel'll . etc:. Quoins ' Metal ship wili nllll dema the meet Slugs 'not and will Bnn,Leada In case my supply John '. , . . . ' Pla~1 for concret e· culvert on &dmltte d to prol>!ite 1\IJi! ' ers at all times. custom my y suppl to a8 80 in iee pike Old Columu Rulee refaoed and made as good as ~ew at a 8mall Valll!7 Sprtn_i , . wai appob.t 8d WIl,De lvllte lind in Wayne ~WD . l...... !Ji • l ..!'·fl'taW& D~ . . , 4ecQl.D. IKl... .. Hi.l .. Ie ChaDd ' . OD ,T'..! m ,! ~DZ ", . ' OOlt. ', approy~ ,and o~red ' •, • , , ' , ........ ", wi~ a oond 01 IGOO. Anna 8hlpwe l'8 ~ Seal P l u,remem ber that we are not lu a~ Truat or;Com bluatioD omoe. !l Au~ltor , 'he , iD JlOIIte!l • .. Ia .. ODt Albe,,,H and B ",_kle , ' and ~ ~1Ved ' " ad pt~ls '· will b8 " . . ap to ., ' ,. : , and , are sure that we P,hon e 35 •. . can make.It;,greatly kI your adv~nt oont1'8ot let OD July 8;' 11107. " J ., ,,,.... ' . . . ..... . ' • " ,. ~o~y wal ~p. deaJ with us. ..,..~ e. ~tlt M'1dici~e i~ tlie..World for A 'COPy our Catalog ue will be oheedu lly ,furnllb ild ou appU.<piaIo&ed guardtal;l ~f eatete ,o f \I!I" ' Oolio 'aud Diart'h~. ....tlte P Morey, minor, at a bond c~ tIO!l " hambtlrlain '8Coli(l Ohol. "fd~dO IInd~. on Anders , 0 'w. bP t.o) Rem'edy ea DIArrho ~nd eril , S. Co,ll'IV8 r auretlflll. Philad elphia ' ,P rinter s' Suppl y ' Co. 'tlie '\.letIt. 'rewedy In ' tba VI oriel ," )I .RB1"ACis Lloltal'1I1C , ~lIIj Skjr of ,C.uter L 0 !1"vs M,' ri MaDuf aoturer l of ~ , • linn II1rDet\t'9: ~IIDp iln, lil, Or~lllonl", AlII "1!tm IiIDbj" (Jt t o it.coliII 'e, ll~AII Grade ,PrintiDC Materia l Hlch and 'rl~K ,Type ,&o .Mill~ Mary "" OBvl", t7, ,O" " gonla 'dlArrb oPII. Lllllt, ,, tlJh:k. ild), ~ . dip, I1I~1 w" I g~\ n ,~c "Ii 89 North. Ninth Street Bev A K . tMtrll~II~.. Proprle tor8 ll III) ", t PhOade l.... . Aahfor d Uht\fr vhollJ)" SCI . W"fl t (w(,'olrt ,If I hK!lfI t t", ten .e PENN 'TYPE rOUNI )RY COlto. ()!1f1111'! ' &011 ' h l"rrh ~ 'ICO to MI~ D i.; ' Bu~nl '17! 'laln'.8dV' ,ol)hul r t 1 1 11\'1' t: b"ven I . .. . ' lJ1 0."10, !I, with 'It idnoe nntll Ulill wt'ell. \< hAl , ' Kibll' Mill. mer 21i. 0." ''"' O . I bfld a ,VAn IIl1Ver-e IIUlIc!t IIn~ t~lI k . Pllnti nlr 'of All DeseriptioDa oeDt I Vall. !II, Franlr) tn' lbfllf a bott.\e ~r th~ hveDt, flvft -to 'li. "ary, UlKJll'lrll (Jotto. II tlfl'l1 Ubambe III'" .. on Prom pt ~AtteDtiOD laDd' ~boea Rem~,. aad ,hi .. .' ' , ~III • . . . U4 .. m " maD. Dew a like feel I ' IiIorilID ,.... J . QlltUer, 10, ~~D,

Recommended by PhysiDians

You· Ne ed Car pet s


Hutcb'is~n ~



FUN ERA Telephone Oa, or Night. Local No. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3r


Branch Office. Harveysburg, O. '


Ready To Wear Garments

A., MAF'FIT" M. W .LANG,M.D; (j.M.



See Your Dressmaker


Tboisands Have Kidney "ever $asPftGt jt;


::~~H:.Ua~D·N o. ~.





Batiste, - Silks ,




Xenia, Ohio.

Hutt ison & Gibney,.

~,"iel,l1'CoIt'Q BR A·5 5






. "-



_,,, , '






!. ! !


' ~.~~ll 0;

'~,~en~k' Bo~k :,ne~eS::;:v~;,BamI1CO~ .to~D8b~p





aemr,''', ..

... a.t~ JlaQIW,

'0 for'"

110, Liliall -.

. .Glven

b7 .1, .II. ~~IlD"',.

at Uae o.HUe . . . '.

Nothing I Ate

I'ailled blm In the (lilt m "f the Mol. /IllY.. Th u lof) IIlllrted baok. oongratulie. and he ' was odmltl d tn rull 1I\.lm· 111111111: hllllH It that he had sllved an· bOI'shlp BIId. to th II' Clo llnd ~ II I'(l . II" utili'" 1111' , br~ on reaching town he hal\ . . how v e~, to b . In ill. INI I), .. " ·ur., ..1\ Ihnt'h m.lne aUI rlnte odimt again, b nl\se m mh(l1'!; or all' Inel (l IIiHI II .-11 "'~rdl I·Cd. · . or· divIsion cO llld not b£' 1\r\lIIlll0d 10 1,'10 .... ,' ..:rlll~ercd, and sOIn . or Ihe Ule delill rIllioll8 ot othor 10.lg1l8 In n I'l;collnlr.od ~ Mc P8rlao aa .. 1\1ol1y ' BY H. BARRETT SMITH dlvl!:llons. 1"1I1t r. 'I'h y s l art d -to IYncll him. AlItlior of "Bat O'CoDDor'. Help ...:.'/ "whitt 184," ete. 1111t hc ~ho w cd his U8UIII l\ rve, aud. Promlne"t In ~l1e Order. Eventful Career of James To annlu r vol ver . catmly w'lIked hili ends McParllln fOllnd ell'awlng McParlan. Well Called lhat ho wOllld have tn out·Molly Ih thl'oill\h 111(' l'o wd, Although b had r.toLl!es. 11 Inte nsll\ed th h9 rll tel' tnll d III ijllyl ll H th e s Ullen1 l1le ndenl'B . (COPl'rla;hl. by Joseph B. Bow l~ • . ) Greatest of Detectives. he had 0 I'st (\~Sllll1ed . \I bl'cUlllo a life. he ddol'lIIl,ned that he would at It was an uncomforlAble moment ployes ' s lalrwoy, Presently 15. r eturn· loud bra wier. 1·1e bOil ted of huYI ng INls t Iwlll ' to C'aptUl'e th murd reI's. Th lr ty.Four Yea ... Afte r HI. Wondor- oomm ltted all c rimea. from Il tlY lar· Going l/1to 'Il hote l. ho wrote 1\ fe w [or Jllr. Wolts wben MI8s FlemIng aak· Ing from luncheon. camo words 0 11 ijl1 \' !'a I HlillH or paller and cd hIm to ex lala wby tho n ewcomer. down the steps. ful Aohle .... ement I.n .... anla. ceny La mu rder. · H e was read)' 10 il ropped th e m In I It street wh re Uiey MI HTaylor. was still In cllari e a e • ''1"5 •••~ thel'e was a note of ga n drink. s ing. da nce. court a girl ' or He ,. t he Center interest for HI. coulrl bo r(1IHII I. 1 ' fOllnrl. They were notions. Miss ",'Iemlng bad many tie pathos In' Miss '1'aylol" s voi ce. " I He pretond erl . sympathy wll h Work That Was Respon& lb.lo for Ogh l Mr. want to know It you lhlnk -YQur coil lb perpetrutors ot a c rlm url!"r Its pic ked lIl' 11 nd · Ii tlflSS • acti ng on the for the floor·walkor. t he Present Sensational Trlale at ·comnllsslon, whIch he hod h~ II IIllahl blnt, wA tI ·orgnu l7. \1 IInel went ufte r til We lls dIsplayed ·the utmos t . so- duct Is Quite honorable. You tound Boise. Idaho - Lived for Years to provent aad tho filII d tall !! of wllich mll rd erel'~. 'fbey W\! l'e aub uque ntly ' licitude for b'ls favorlte-csJ)cclally my countor a lmost porf ct- IOOK at II . sill co he bl\d (alle d to secure tor ber to·dIlY ,'~ Among the .. Moil le.... Wllore His be was 30xloliS to disco,' 1'. li e bc· bans d. "Is Il my fa ult? G 0, but they (; the pos ition nbe coveled. B ut It was Life Literally " Hung by a Thread," ca m soc l'otory Or . hl8 IlIvl s lon . At "The All' I. Polluted." Flllnlly. su spect ed by tho Moille!!. not solely on MI HS Fle~lng'H account me u razzle and- an yhow. Il.don·t hurl mceti ngs of the orde r he wa s I he 10u,l· l·hlll\dC'llIbla.-Whl1e thcre 18 bu t es t talk or an d th hlg g'f' SL ~loll y of hal ed nn.1 fe a rNI hy rospcotable cltl· that Mr. \';eIl8 surrer d the torture of the m to get transrerrod-" "No, It only bu rts III ." sliShl 1·1.'8entblll ll<'e belw n lbe horrl· tb III all. But h n vc r a skeil 1\ mlln 7.0ns wh Q lllri not kll ow hl R r ti l char· wound d [irltle. · Hc had recomme nded Sbe la id b r hlind now on the ble ('rll\l e~ cOllllnltl 'd In lhe mining roo 10 JOi n lho order. all~ h n I' I' by act('\'. anr! hair sic k fro lll th stl'aln Mt ijS fl aming highly. ahil . wllhout a slons of Idallo and olo rarlo and lhe word 01' deed sugg s led or c ncoul'8g 1\ ot the work. li e \' 'gged 10 be r II ved. word to him t he ftrm brought In a wrapper lind sj,oke genlly : " Thero Is n ~ay ln g In this house Ih nl Wood clfrdllng de dH II rlletrated in the a crllllp: " 1 Rill sle\l IIud tired of (hI!! wO\·k '-· he stranger and Insta ll ed her at the no· couuter mlnlog r glans of Penn sylvania a g II· ' It'C lIlll ~l ull(;CS COiUppll p(\ him 10 wrn lr III Oil /' of hl R r ·JlO r l~ . " I Iwar or tlons. The Hoor·wn lker cOllslde rcd Iho whe n '\'rllllller 15 SlllY5 at ~11IL1o n ago. (bere Is litis oXlraorcllr.:trS drink a !\r ('a ~ doni or bad whlg ky. !fe Illll rdor II nel b lOood ~ h lJd In all tH ree· flrm 's conduct eQu ivalent td n procla· the houd·ot·s loek res igns. Sure)y. Y(j\l "Ilk betl c,n tbem, thaL lit ·a l\1 ' lllAn bC(,fllll sic k In oll ~e CJu Jl(' , Ill s hll h' ti OIl;;. Th e a lt· I" . j)OIl Ul d. ( can' t' ma llon o( bis unimpor tan ce. and h tie· do not Inlc lld thnt 811ylng to hold ~ood tho [e ll 0111 . He los t hit; {·y o b rtlWB. His ~ta llrl It mu d l longol·... Ind e d, h tcrm ln d to show tho uales PIl('7lle that forc ve r- Is ' t hore any rooson why the wall Inlllrumental iI) proc url u DS. LENORA B.ODEBHA'M'Rlt, 1II0 sL hnlJo)'tllnt ol'lclen 0 Cor the gov· oyes lg ht h p~ lIm' IlIlpa lr('\! . LI p looked wonlrt K\l I'j'ly fl ~ I\' e lJ "' II k illcrl It ti e II • not ih o fi rw. was WIISlOI' ·on lhe wrnpp I' utld tile head of · tlte nol\ons· Mrs. r. n t>r~ llodc:l h,\luer, R. II'. D. t . sIde aisle. 11ull together? 15. I'll s hould not rnU) en t In bo(h cns('l\. like a fr 'ak with hi s ir('(' n ~ I'('c tac l cs. hnd r«lIm ined.. or the fe '"ng "'as And all the while, percbed at her lon .'e It II) rO il With 1\ s llgljt Jlre~ s ure Dox 0:1. 1C"I" nol'~dlll', N . '. w ~lte : .11110 s Mcl'arlan. (la Il.y tbe groatest hold !llltl'. ro ll !;h ahl rl and f,lt' 1111«11 li ll"O Il .1! 81(IIitlH l hllll . So. towal'd l he ,. [ Sltfl' r"ct with stomach trouble ond of living det eetlv 9. did 1I101'e Umn IIny cnal swailS 'rlll l:' th re ugh til · >i t're lR. (' nIl Clf .I Si & he I'n lllrnpd 10 Phlladol· ·dCRlt up over the slo k s holvos. Wrsll· ot hoI' hani! Miss 'mylor pass ed doWn InrlllJ slion fo r Burhe t illlu. &lId' nothlu, per l ~ . pencil in IUlIul . " ' US workin g lh s tairs, thu.t l Mil a~reed w i h mO. 1 \Vas Vel') oilier one Iban to break II» lhat t rrl· No 0 11 SUSIlC t d Jim :'IcK IIIlB. or phla lind "'01:; warml y welcomed by Lhe diligently on an enormou s sheet of WrnpJ1er 15 stood whpre ~fl S s TOS· n~r"ous lind lCp 'riun eod II CODt lnual' bl organization known lUI t he Molly dl'eam arl lhat h I' WI\!< at work night Plllkc l'lon ·.· t wrap ping paper spread out before ber, lor left he r. a lld sh e \I'M nol aworo nf ee lill g o ( tmlllJlIlnt!slJ and (llllr:. l ~ jllagulres. James Mcl'nrIUl\. 34 years n!lrl dn r ga til erlng e vld l' lIc lhal "':IS 11;1 tho (ollowlng s pring cam the 1roru iho do~'\or. but· Jt did w,' lal er. d rew from \la rry Or lund In Ul e to hrlllS to a closo th e (.wful re ign of t rlnl s of Rbout ; 001 n IIcoll sed of lIlllr· Wrapper 15 put In a ll lier spar·", mo· tho PQ 8slug o f tim e until Mr. \Veils modloille no good . nienls~and moments she hadn 't to culled bel' CroUl U,e aisle. (I r Ol' or ('omol\('lIy In OIl1 n ler. In Lhe tliah.o tJt'nlten tlhr y a "conf s lo n" oC terror. "I found in 0110 ofy 'cit' Peruna 1>oolc~ 81lare-ln making carloons. She call· "15. Iii. wbat are YOIl ,Iolng mol' awful rlme~ th an tb e lifo illeR EVery rug-ht his I' norlS won t 10 the cou r$C of hi J1clll n ~ (01' th e go \'cro· a dellllription of m.v IiYUl pil'mK. . 1 then ever da red 10 co nle mplol . Pink rtoll ofllce In Phllnd Il' hllt, Thnl ment the tiislrlet nUol'noy ~ta l·tl ed the ed them "s pellbinders," 'Th e- enrica- th re? You've blle n away from your wroto to . Dr. Bllrtlllun (or adVice. Be ture In ha"a was the head-of·stoCk. desk more than a n 1I0ur," .aid I boo cn.tarrh o f the stomaCh. • For 11101' l ban 20 years th 1\to1ll08 Is ·tll strllll g Sl , pRn or, th e wholc' a llltlllnce In Ih . CC)ltl't roo m by annOlln· The sal.eswomen were 8p~lIbound In· 16 ma dc no I'oply I\S she came dpw n took '1'01'0111 .. nud Muualiu Dud £raJolVea fiollrlsh(>d In tbe onth hl(: ltu mining re· s Lrung cxpl!rlenco. H was io cou· clng lhnt among th e wit nesses who his direo tio ns lIu(l can now ' 8sy tbd I glons at P nn8ylvanla. Th organlza· s tant co mmuni ca ti on with his employ" ' vo uld be nff()rjld by the slate was a deed. They were prepared tOl' 16's lo Mr. ·Well s. fAlel B8 wel1lJ.,~ [ ov~ did. a udaolty In nny form-bllt the head-o[· t's the matter ? Are )'OU III!" , ''-Wha tlon wail slart ed betor the ci \'\1 wn r. r8. aud for mor than t flO )' ai'll h man who (or year had lived In t~e "I hope that &ill who arc .lIIlel.ed .IUt n look Its name from lit ancleu( wa~ n vcr on e SIISllcctecl or heln:; a cOlln ty. hud n ~soclatnd with tit Mol· 6tool,'s bea utitul proflle done in n h [ have a hoadaohe." 16 gazed at ~ht'l same YIU·\ltOOIS ",111 take Poruna,:.. spellbinder ! They , looked Inquiringly tho 11001'. ' It luUl cert l<iuJy curtJd m~." , . band of 1rls h Rlb~nm e n. who. dla· de l c live. Jio WIII'n d many mon \\'h\l Illes, bad bc 'U II me mbe r of tho ,?I'del'. " at Mr. Wells. They found that he and . "Oh. that's too blld. I'll give ,Vou II 'l'ht'l\,' Isonly OD4) of hllndredawho g ul ~(>d us, modo forays. Thoy have written similar Je \te\1l to DI) Miss FlemIng were also-hypnotized, day all ; b~lt. be fore YOll go r wallL you wor named trom ornol\us Maguire. Mr. We lls was tho first· to bre ak to sign this paller and lake It to th e Hartmall . ,lust one lIuch case as th lii baron or Enolsklllen. who In 164.1 took entitlCJI Pcrltoa to tho cftlldid con Iderthe sp II. He walltcd solemnly down omce," 11(1ft In tbe Irlsb rebellion. ' The s ilirit ation of evtll" Vono similarly aftlluL4ld. If th e alslc. He haIled bcne atb the desk "What's It all about!" 15 Jlut [orth this b Atrue of tho t,,·sti.uony of one pe .... 'l\'hl II onlmatea th e .Ponosylva nla so· of Wrapper 15, and, wllh ' deadly serl· her bost elf01'1 to Allpellr nat1ll'ah eon what ollght to b~hu tlmonyof clely was. how ver, e ntta'ely dltteren l ousness. shook his fis t · up at ber. •. All tho girls at Lhe }.;otlon& ha':e, yliR tholl nlld6. of honcllt 8h\· trom that of Ita prototYIl . cere people. Wo l'a ve La our illOli a ,re" "Como down hore. you !" , ulSlled II." ho houded her the paper. Membcrshlp In tbe Molllcs was nol llJany oLher l.88Lanoo ;11.18. "So." Mr. Wells r egard d he r wIth " It'" a potl t loo for the removlI l of the t'.O llfln /I to mIll r~. Til r were saloon· asp erIty. "YO\l al' at your old trlcl,s heud -ot·slock : wh~ Iii utte rly In'!omu . kealle rll, trlldes Poollle, artlsolls. oflloc· again. Dldn't I tell you wben ' [ put tQlit. 16 lool,ed at tbe paller; ehe did We cannot unl1eretand. a ciltaraetet hold llrs and men oC no oc uplltlon In you at. this counter tbat this was your nOL trust bcrs 11 to 9DeQ~. "And by crealer than our own until sometbla. lb e organization. 13)· wbom I ~ was last chanco? 00 over on lb o e m' conaenl:!1 10 It bns Grown liP w1tb'star ted. nnd for wbat 11II1'1)Olle. have I·C· plo)'es' stall'S and wal~ 'f or me-['II sel· ollrBolves.-Whlpple. malned seQrets. Hs mollo was Ue your casoln t\ Dlom nt. ,.I"rle nos hln. nil)' and True hrls llilll 8+.'I'~ UP 01110.. C ITY nt' Tol..DG, L . . • MIss Tarlor humo r 1I ~ l y 100k In 1 . v C' A! tJOUT'I. C barlly ," and ~hc me lings oC tbe 1i'~ ..~& .1. u".. r m.k•• ootb lie I. "'.~'" dlmlnutl'Ve t1gure. th dllrk . eIOsh . race. lodges aod of t be couaty cony nUons C~'1::!I():Q '~:e Qr~,o!,.v-r~lJl~~ ·&,t~t~ ~:a ~~:a th e (Ier t mann r. " " bat on earth were 011 !led wl t b pra yer. Then. art r have you done 1" ~~~~ ~'8i;~aF.'g'M~U~\f ;:'1)1 t~:r.~.~ pray I'. lIle business or hUlking pla ns cue or O.lT UU ~ ' ~b.t OIUl DU," bo eluted bllhe UIO" "Done?" j ~ Hx tI her sagacIo us yes tor aSlla Lnl\l\oll would be raken up. . li"I..L'1 4 ,1 ' .... au Cu.... _ • on Mise Taylor. " I've left .nolhln· un· II Willi n I. how \' r. unUI 1n th o I!-:cm 10 ber• .., m. ,.d .IIJr:'~r~~I~·~~::J!~ <!-not that ( know ot. You kno w don thlt IJlh 1\&1 at Uuclmbl!r, A . D •• l.SM. . e~rly _pO~ that murd rs beCllJn fr 1-'- l ' .A.. 11'•• OLlIASO~. ,.,'hy rm gOh~' to g I the G,' B." QU nt.. .so~ boss 0: n. mine. am ob· 1 .... 1. r ~ NO'l' ••Y J'08Ll. '" wIsh 1 oould do. somethIng for no lous [Iollc mall wbo bad clllbbed a U;:m;Q,tarr.b Cu,. t, .•,.lreG l.t~rn.1I1 ""~ au fO U," snl d Miss Taylor. reOcctlyel)': d lreo tl, va thO b,1lOd .au IIIU COUI lurt.UI of ~ drunken "tollY, SO me miner 'Vhu bad "Gee, ho's oallln' me !" Iii sprang to · 1"6ill. SIFt! rUr f.V.'~~c7t~~~\~~ co.. Toted? 0 in ·un·ed sllulO di spleasure of a DI Ill· her feet. "1-Iere's where 1 pass in my Bold bJ' nil D","I"' . a •. tier a tbe order. or some cltl:.. n 'who T.... .U "'Fali:~I'.~III!J !r q,oUl:4..•• J•• '*'~~ checks! " .. hlld Sllok n 'o f It dl srolllleclfull)' v:.o lllri "15." tb 1I00r·wall,ei··s voloe I A Benef.etol'. ' b either /Jouten within an Inr,b of his v,'as loW, bll t It had a fruity ftavor. Jlfo. or murdered occas ionally. 13ut "Wb)' don' t you do liomethlnlf rOl "['ve been th inking ove r YOllr case. the crlruel! were 8poradlo, Dnr lng the II ternture and art?" "[ have don. and l'\"e .com e to the concloslon tbat . civil 'w ar ther Incr ased rl\pldly III lomethlng ror them." aoswered Mr. yoti a ra a very clever 1J We : girl. too nllmber. and by 1871 th 'rll wall a 1'011;11 DueUn S tax . "MY c:orporaUOIII han ole\'er to lose." 'He paused. and Wrap·' Of terror In Lh whole antlll'lIclle robiped magazlno, wrl lors and Illu. per 16 Celt lIle !Ioor gIving way ·w · alon. extendin g oVQr Ove. couoli s. tra tors mom th(ln Ilnytblnc else that der her. " I feel that 'Ve-that Is. the , During that year and tbe year fo llow. ,ver happellcd." sa les'Vomen an~ heads-oC·stqek hlne Ing thor were 4 IllUrdOI·s apd In· beon unjust to you. r ,have noticed A Dig ~t Her. Illllnol'able uss/lullS a lta t'r lrucll lI/lslnSl wh en you try to do belle.r you receIve "O! dear," slghe r Miss IIIUdd. !oJ IlrO» I't r. do winll I knew of an elrenU VQ I", McP.a rlan Becomes a Molly, no encouragement." ~;.....,~~~~~i~~~~If!!!III. Mr, Wells Ilaused. 15 was ;; to preserve my eOJllP\cxtQll." I (h'adl/lI,tI)' the nmlt.y' or th 1\1ollica Bpoecl11ess. Sho wondere d what was ' "n )'ou keep. the box In a cool plact ~· 8 S . dl r cled toward the I.nln e ow ne rs coming nelCt~tbo <; lImax came beaut!· It will be all rl,bt, won'~ Itf' an(\ tho railroad corporations. On o !lLlly. "I'm going to give yoo another "15, I'll Leav, It ,to Yilu.'; : 1)058 after an oth er. who lIart mlld o hi m· ' chance. In th e Nt ure 1 will not be 8 It unllOllular wlLh tb · mlll!!rs. Wu! IDno),ed by ooin'p lalntll or your oon. lbo way. 15. I'vo a fine )lonltlon for ·mll rtlNed. Min s wero blOwn UII' or .duct. You can worll. and If you please YOIl- blg lI\oney Iq It. 'l00 ; but you flllcd . with wator. Ra llrond I)roperty m e I will see to It ' tb.aC :'you are won 't g t It tlll the head-ot·stoek reo was bur ne d Or deslroyC'C1. Fino lIy • rl1I 8'od-' 'signs. and-" MADE SlAONO AND ENERGETIO Pro81dent Gowan . of til Pbllad '1lIbla 11[188 Tay lor reached the bottom Mr. W e lle ,,'as Interrupted by an BY Oft. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. &: Rpadlru; Coal anll Iron company. step ·a nd· IntcrrUllted the ftoor.walker:s eme rgency call for bls services. lIeel~g t~at th e cIty lind State aulhorl· we re t;\oomed to d.e ath by the MollI 8 was famIliar wllh Its crlm08 and wae marvelous dIscourse. . Tbo next morning tbe helld floor· Ge" .... , 8~Jalo_ eaUMd _ D!tfItie we re powerless. d 'lurmJoed to He attended s\l tbe mecllngs of bl s pre pared tQ Idlentlfy the murderers. "Mr. Wells. may 1 Inquire wh), you walker tapped Mr. Well. lin 'the shoul· ,cl.nt ""Bf_d Quickly Cor'Nct!td Ii, CII II on tbe Plnkerton s ror ald . They diylslon. He kept on the best or Thla TO"lo ft.",",.. der. Miss 'Fleming had 'just had a This witness was known to the peo. removed my wraPller?" 8el\t MoParlan to lb scolle. That was torma )Vltb everybody. 15 received a second a!1ock- palnfol IntervIew with the head 1I00r. A fcleling of Ir8DCftl Wf~J 1JOOr pie o[ the COlli I regions 88 .lames Mc. IP. \873. wh en McParlan was 29 years 'r.ppetlt>e, IP1!8 of breath af~~ tb.e IIlirh~ I . SU'pected at La.~. Kennll, but Ids real name was James this was the Jlew Head .of. N.otlons. walker. old . . " 00 you k~o:w. 110gan .. the , head . . OlIerol8e a,nd .broken aleep &r$ ~.., Wh'e nC;l vei· he was detailed by the r.lcPal' llt n. ntVI be was a detective BIIld 15 ·expected. to see a ",8orap," ' but ftoor·walker,' a petltlon WIl8 sent. to Of ~ aymptoms of genllnll' ~eblllty• . Me Parl,an came trom thc Rlnker2 1\I011le8 to commit sonie crime or 10 . the dl s ll'lct attorne'y . When McParlan Mr, Welle was most courteous. YO'll may thlnkthat"the:r Il&ye DO relMfODl "llfy dear Mis. Taylor, 1 bellove we tbe omce yesterday?" .. lons' Ch lCJlgo office. H e was 'born In partlclp,ate In tbe cC)mOllsslon . he al . was called to the witness stand t he an· I "I dO. Indeed." Intl!rrupted 1I1r. to eacb other and tnt you will1fOrr7 lrelanrl, hlltt come ' to Ibis country wah Jound sonte plausible excuse. Out dl enco could s carcely believe that the dlsallTee about some tblngS", liut I am wht'n a ·young mlln nnd hall bad con· ' events moved swiftly. Tho ov ldence quie t. gen~lelll~nIY" yet 0001 and reso- sure ·you kpow . you have the 'I~r,est Wells. punct11l0usly. "1 sent It myself alolll, hoping all the time to feel'beHir I IIldcl'lIble Cll''ic rlence wlth lhe world. which he was turnishlng ' gradually lute de t~ctlv.e· was the wild and reck. counter-the 'greatest space on the by Wrapper 16. Jl domanded the re- IOOIlo Tbls is .. mistakel for eT!lI'J" 'ODe ' .~ ' aIsle, It takes an experIenced I).and moval or MIss Taylor-we can stalld of tIie symptom II CIl1l8OQ .by bad blood. Short and s llgbtly built. but muscular. tlghlened the calls around tbe Molllos. les8 Jim McK:enita tbey bad known. whlch mnsi be Dtaae pore and II8'Ir • to run It and-:-l want to help yoU to her no longer!" , 01 faIr complexion, with dark balr. On6 arroBt followed anothel'. And b before health ,Will be 1'I!IItored.aaaln. A , 8ucceel1. I transferred your wrapper The head floor-walker .mlled oddly. t.Qnio treatmont is nooeunry and for thla. ' brond rorehead aod gra y eyes and and by It became appare nt that some Eleven Mollie. Hanged. wearing' glasso8, ho tJl'esnnted a gen· one was 'giving to tlie government 0\1 r.IcJParlaa 'WBB on the stand foilr. Just now because I want to give you "I think you bad .beUer come With """-.~."'.~- ~1 'h.H · /' , ' . Ucmanly appearance. He had been ·the secrets at the organization. One day s. He tc.ld his story "Imply aDd the best wrapper we ' haTe In ' tbe me." houle. Here she I_Wrapper 1~an When Mr. W~lI" and hIs luperlor ooachIll3n.llollceman. cleric ' I'n 11 liquor morning aU the signs and Il8""W' or'ds amazed evel'y one by bia revelaQon8. . reached the ·Notlon8 the d.ay'. work store and had finally gone Into busl· of tbe Mollles were pu. bllshe d In every Th e mas I searc h Ing cross-G/t_mllla· expert.. "Than~ yOU. Mr. Wells," ana. with. bad not yet begun. but all the salel' n~s8 tor )llmselt Tb ChIcago Bre newspaper, Tbon there was no doubt lion tailed to find a flaw In big tellt!. man y. When he told tbe al.oryof out' a word or look at ~5. IIhe .turnell women were bebJnd tho ·counter, and wiped him out. . Then' he went to work that tlley had II lrallor among' tbem. fol' the Pinkertooll. Suspicion tetl upon ·ucPftrlon . 1-le LIs belug suspectelt at being .a de· allruptly ~nd walked down tbe ' aisle wrappel\ 16 was · seated at her 4esk. '" ~ . ; The head lloor·walker .addrelsed her: Following bls Ins(rnctlons to learn ·bad 'accldentally dropped .a lette r on tectlve. Inlenso silence pre~at1ed In to tbe notions. When Miss Ta),lor reached her coun. "16. the peUUO)l you brought th the all be could· about the Moilles. McPar. the street. 'I'he "toll\es accused hhn t h e cpurt room. .:'pr .the ftret time tbe IflU went to Pottsville. PII. I-Ie changed or treachery . . He became Indignant prisone rs mllnlfeshid uneasiness. ter her cheeks burne4 wIth Indlgna. olllce tailed ror th,e removal or Mr. hl a nllme to McKenna . He got ac· and br8llened: It out. He persuaded Tbere were ml\ny Mollles present ••nd tlon·. ' ber tea...· ~ere ready to '. tart. Wells, tbe floor·walker; but It appears "( understand," she 8ald. in an evOll tbat when ttll8 petition '1\'a8 ' put In Qualnted :with eve r·y body. He was them that be was a terrIbl y abused they listened wllh blanched ehEMIk, to .oloe. "we havl! lost our wrapper." your bands It -called for the rer.loval fng constantly. before looki ng for work In th e mines. He man. They begged hili forgiveness. t\:le recital. . .....eII l ·. "What ror?" .'·What are 'of Miss Taylor, the. bead-of.stock:· How ' e)'EII. OOIIIlelItrate my , 'could IIlng B goOd song. dance a Jig. At leasl tbey all .dld excopt two at bls the me. atWtDpt to. IQ.. • 111\88 a rough joke. be IIOlIle and at. brotber office rs .In the order. ' The evl. At th u close of the trials Pr,es Qow· we 'golng to do?" were the Diany que.. d 0 you account ,ror t h e c b anger' · . OIl com , tIll7.~aDBted . . an paid II fine tribute to MeParlan. tlons· thrown at.- her. ' Already a "state "Dead 'ea8yl" 16 stood up. ."you .. 11''' ft!lAl17 foiooed to lift up a t··entJ ve to the girls. drink Ills sharo of \lence agalut ?fcParlan was too h Arter warnt'nl~ the public that If there aee, It was thIs way: 1 am .very ' bandy poIIitlon l had h~ld tor twinty~"ht w laky and pay tor It. and WBS always strong to be doubted. So they deter· was another :rPurder In that county by of things" .prevalled. ' "Nev!!r mind. we'l\ have 'a wrapper wltb my pencll •. and., If there'. a ror· years. At_ , ~. ICveral m~ ready ror a ro w or sblndy at any kind. mined to kill blm, not the next week. r 1 . . that 60clety there would be "an In· ie :was just a rollicking. Impulsive, or the next day. but right ott. qllisttion tor blood. with" which ' noth- dlreeUy_ very good one. too. ' gery. I guess, I ' did It. You can d18' Withont ~ I ~ .of Dr, Willl.amt' charg,e me. or 'seqd me .t o Jail. but If =e~ feel~T9~~::~~b . generous. oareless. ullreasonable. Quar· Buf McPa:rlali gave them ·the slip, Ing tbat had heen known In the an- told-an expert-Wrapper 15." "Wrapper 16?" ,tlie cry 'went up it was all. to lie done over-IJd do It muobltl'OlJlllll'tbMlatartedm . relsome; 'devll·may·care. lrlljhma'n . , escapIng o~ly br the skin of hls ·teeth. DaIs of criminal jurllprudence oOlild Sixteen men lay In. ",alt to murde l' compare." . . hEl added : .Imultanepusly. A' chorul . of wild, a,lln." . ' " fot m~lf here In ·ClhelIea. 1 haft , He got a Job In n min e. He , Insisted . protests followed. Theil Wrapper 16 "Bpplee a piece." 11eTer1iad ..' retum: of J1iytonnerllOk. 'on wl)rklng In Ills bes~ clothes. Soon him. but he was warned just In the hili " COllt was l"rown aside. then bla nIck of' tlme. StUI he kept at bls. work • • '''And to w!bom are 'we Iniebtei tor, "141'8 Ta7~r, saw that-· be~ counter Bb~ picturesquely deSCribed her week ·DeII and Cl1~ ~ Dr, PUJa· .. '1iD uoeIleU IIIlrft vest. ·~nd filially bls shirt. He per. alt!lougb lie bad.. another enemy to the ·securlty we now have? , To whom' wal on the ver,e of slipping back Into at tbe "'pUons. her "qulc1c raise," and toJ1le." " t • Sill rod and suffered und er the unw-ont. tace. Outraged., eltlzens 'had tormed do we owe all this?, under'tlie dIvine the "late elle~ had found It two weeka tbe 1'ro1uIse of ". fine Job wltb Ii ' bill ., mone~ · 1I.U'.aellmelit." In ' concluslon ~. Williams' PlD1t . cd WI!. He BOon le8 rll ol1. how.ever. vigilance commltteeH to retaliate on provIdence ql God, to WAOm lie all the ago. ,lhall t wal not ali the skillful miner or the M0111es. McParlan was known as \:t.onor and glol')'. we o"e thll safety to The sale&'lJomen fought 16 Oler ev· ahe said, 1\ lIle Industrious Inborer that admill. an active leader of tho organlzallon, Jamel' McParlan. and If ever.· there .W8j!\ eIT parcel; anil she, knoW-II'S her "You. kM" I bave 'tbe' aame or bO"sloll to or lri.tluence In the MOllie's was and hla lite waa .in danger, not only to \\lbom the people ' of thl. work . will. without e~rol'. fou,h~ them Lng the boss , m18chlet muer or . tb.l. to b(' obtained. ' from · tte Mol\les. but als o from other oounty Bhoul,d erec't a monument. It 'l. back In orerllowlUg meaaure. 1Tbo shaok. hut"--stralghtenln8 up ad &Iv. So he ga,ve that up and cajf)led • cIUten.. James MCPa'rlan. the detective." battle rsged ~!o,· days. and on' In. ' 14r. Wells . a mllltary salii.t e-"I take oJ! my bat to 1a1I1lJ.",!" ' halr·drunken saloonkeeper Illto dlvnlgMcParlan had .been ordered to fill" As a rUl\I!t of tbe trials 11 men gah~'lay .evening Mls8 Taylor All' ADd 10 It ~ame to pa8a U..t thli 11lg' some of \.he seorete ot the o~ganl · nlsb a !nan to kIll a' mine superintend· ",;ere bangedl' and about 40 other. I18nt hut or. her Old heJpera trallsferred. llr, ,oral "spellbInder" w,U the ~....a 01. 'lotion . He got a few of tbe signs and ent wbo had Incurred the enmity of a to slate I1rlllon. That wu a death The head-ot·.toc), could not [llIsswords. With tbese he was e nabled Molly., In order to gain time )foP.rlan blow to tbe Molliel. 'They have not Well. Wall ' pJuat In removln& them. brlngjnl about man7 f,lball8et1. It .. to palm blmself off aa a Molly. sllylllg promised to obey. but kept delay.ln, . heeu hearll trom sInce then. And The wroq la7 la the fact that the .' Pined for JoIlel T&)'lor her !Gllt preaIhat he bad * n a member. "t the or. on Ode pretest or another. At lut he ~ow. after· 8 · lJeneratlo~. McParlat:l II floor-walker '1!acJ the ~wer to brIQ u.e. It reduced 1$111 Fl~l.. to · • ~snllatlon elsewhere. and been ,took t"o meD and 10111& lI'billty anil one or the ,~aeat"'l character. In the • bout ,til. .ltuatlOD that ~~Wled bla ltat. of cbronlc dtllllpf).bitIDtDL II . . acJQJ1Ce4 Wrapper 11 at tJIe NCltJOM Obltsed to /8ave the pilice 01 aCcOuDt preteoded to atart. He got the mea areat drama.. OQe of th·. lCellea ~ codllet. ...\ IlOOII Oil KoMay llead-ol- BoIllAl 0111 _ tk., "G.......... ...,HI.., or • orilDe . he had commlttecl. Tbil clruDIl and kept them drunk for \"0 wbleJl II 'II&C~ .. WII&It ItacIi WIll lltuac .loae .. lb. . . . I .... alll..GIi..iT,IJoJl__4.r.




Agreed With fife.















\Vnrrcn County Pomona lirange.


rl1 u'lIhlnMIJil ngll uf /il.hl1''''; th, Urogon, io Mon. ftYla, CaUforn",. Pl'Of . ... nd Mrl! BObUaIOD will llpend tl\tlil' v IIcn toi 1m , &ha' place. .


John Cbandler of





_ found muoh tu uLttrol;t him abon' bls old h OlUe aDd notat! DUIll· eroua ohllUKtl8. 'l'bls is hit! fi r ~t "lIIit he.f e In 116verul yeu 1'>1 .

F. B'. Hormell send.; . t·h ~ IIze •• «)bange of address from UI1I .:lIgU Sb Indianapolis and we note by t,be letterhead on whlcb lle wrlJto thllt heil now District, M"uIIKer Ilf th • UOllSinental Casualty '0. of Chi u ~u ~bd hoa his headquRrtel 1l nt 26 K . of P. BuUding, Indinnapolis. Mr. J;lor,mell Bayalie likes IDdl/lntl)Jolil:! ." 1\ \s getting baok olo!:! r I.u oici ' Ohio:, BormoU who htl~ , ' ~ n qqlte 81o~ is unprovin l; uo\\' .


Twa frOm

Rack at Lytl Church. Thief Soon Captured.

A bold attempt to get

Ilway with .. ,norae In brood day 116ht WLIS • made at Lytl~ Sund;y mOl'ning, , wben a pony belonging to O. M. 'BODIh was tnken from IHaok Bt Lytle M. E. Churoh, by a. former pupil 0' the Retonn Bohool at- Lan· CIUIer~

Kenneth, the lion of Mr. Hough bad ridden the pony to 8und&y 8cbooltluDd.ay morning and whtle be .... In ~he ohuroh, ClarkRoll BaiJOl, ali eleven year old lad of DaftOD oooly unhltohed t~e horse 1lDd ' rode away. Several persons .... the boy unhltob the hor-e, but It ,... all dODe In suoh a matter of faot tha* (hey thought nothing

wa, ' oUt.

. The 1088 was IIOOn :I,llscovered Rnd &be lad wal oaptured near tbe Fair

~...J!~~~~~~~~''on J'l!:llIIPI• • boy Iold a

by' Marshal

variety of stories

..b80 oaulht and It......lYjIs no~ .

~y art8I'DOOn that the offioials were .~le sO learn througb the DtI,y, $On. tioUoe *he real name Bnd home

or ~8Iad.


,It ~eD fOUDd ~bat hlB name ', ... Clarbon t:!mUh and his home

~.. at IBM Finh stree. , Dayton. ' Be bad been aent *0 . the Reform,

8cboola' Lanoaster for Inoorrlgibil.


where hll aerlel nnmber WRS


1'h8 boy is only eleven YOlUl .oId

ia*ber .~ blight little fellow .and his

ap~noe appeals to one's . lIympa" ~lee.

New Century Club.


Gigantic ·E xpansion

l>il'll. 1 LL'l:!ish~I,iq ll Inl .. t.i"I · 11:111 Hu" I'


Ro\, . II .

1-- . il l ~ ullJ\\'

{: lll Ci llllll ll . ),




,) 11111 0



Horse Stolen in


WIIIUOlu \l\lf\tl to 'tll ·(·· , nrl floor f (mI' Jlr~ ,,! t Itwllilon. In ttl(' flltl\~I' Oll r !'Inthitl~ Will 1111 I),' I'xhillitold ill Wo IW \' modern (\lothio/r ('II hi n nt.!! I!:"nry I'lli t wi I) .IJI' 1: 1'(·K.Il(~ nw ly. noll "ill b~ ~hllw n tuunr Ctl"to'" e rs tn fir t C'lu_q ;, hll)Jl I\'lthout wrinkl ~. 10 101' m e rt \' Willi I 11<' C'n~e \\'11111 111\ (Iut.hing Wll~ ltep t (In t,h o n1!1 lOty lo~ lIo unt.ers, 111 nr(\('r rl Ttl du!' ou r !lt110k 10 '.1111 t OWf~~ t. l lO t h t)1' OTt' 1,!Ji$ big chll nge i'i Illn litl . \\,tl.hll \'0 i nil n~llInl ,·d "

"ho bIB boIIo vi Ittn!,; rl' llitlvus hI 'hie vlolnitv tho pt ' lI~ 11\.1 \.I r.1I w Itt!

Waynesville relativell huv o re oeived word of tho delith of Elwood Chandler, whioh ooourred severlll weeD ago In KanslUJ City . MI·. Ohilndl"r ~tld been fLltHnl:{ h lltl1th fcir some time and recently wen ~ to Oklahuma Ib the hope of lJl\llt\l:ltt.. lag hlB healtb, returnill g 11 " h ort Slme before his .death. Mr. Cbli ud . leI' wu known to Ulauy rSlLdt"'(f of the GaZette and ts tl UlIIl! who wi II · be gretltly mi88oo.


C lOll II l ll ~ !JU1' 11'IJllI'llt

i'lIt,urdllY ,\tIlIO ;lll, 1\](/,. uvnr \II() 1l.I.I/lIll e l III th W ,IrTl 11 ,. I. I l'ullluou l~rlll1 ge U1 1:l ! Wllh t:lI'lW I;;O . • 1;1 II L rlw lr 1'1301111; III till O. (). L". II\lihhlll!. I!:Ill' h ~ 1'1I 1l~0 in t,lt c'llUu t ,l' \oulVg rt!l're~elltell . no:. POl't shuwI .rl II ~1l01l 11l {'rt' , I ~O III Inlm'hl1fi:llliJlIll tit bl\wts '1'111 Cn '11 11 , Ildn.1(i :< \\' e l'tl i 11"( rU llloJII i n ~h II; SUIl . I 1111 my,n l'l-i' UI l"ltt.h J)U~fl' III t ~r wh ioh II l' e~lllll r \V".l'r,I.n '\I (+rtlllg e eli oll I' WII "en' \ '10 ' • I I, I. , Q Illlk th 1I11l til1~ WIIS Ilguiu . tlml hlllrUtll' by th n W ur. thy Mu"l.l' I·, ' is te l' 11l1lllouUl . UllrlUg rhu I tI Iill 1' , \\'bioh " 'II1i u p II III [J' I',,\I U"; n Oll IIIt'WllOr of l Il.u l:l ruugl',lIltlny lit II, I pre. ellllll1\' O hU"lUe,"" puupltl uf the Ul1ll1luuity we i' pI' .'aut. PHOU){AM " 11 \,. 'iyD C~VI 0 u ... nl ll~ U' Lucil

MI'. Big-ulo\\' doti "!If ,1 II ~ 1'l' llt Ie ·tnr \\'hl 11 wn w ' il l' 0 Ived by h i I\udience . \Il lll ug IIIhu r tllln~t! he Bille!"


" 10 (I rcpresentlL II VI r 1Inllllo, hi WI! al' n ot 1l1l8S00 11.\' lIirl, ·t "lit of tho 1lllOplo, lillt, imhl'l)l t.I.y I hl'''u:;h l'() pJ'{ iiv~;, le c tllli lJ y ('h(l1 )1'''' pI . . ,

Phe !w le will uo dnrillK .Jllf,v, IIllll wn n,lvll<ll y on to lIve ~i.i Kil le' III wonl]e.rfnl , Mon y Savillg" oppr. 10011it.y which we hn ve prppnred fo r yon,

P ::.RS'.NAL AND ·l.oCAL' Offlcal i(eport ....Ilr r{llll - h" "' lty ""rll!< p""turo. of JUlie W~I'''lel'~~'~

Memorial Servic~.


~Ir Illll l\Ir~ (' M, R o hlt ~(\ r hnvl' I . L. HI kll. . ~ -, UI I' H~'IlIPI t h.\' III t,ll1 oo mmunlty 'I n \ • _. ', ' • Huporloll for 1.111l UII~ett.e by Char. lb' E t 1~1It\(l h~~ 1111"n .\\ ,1rl\l tt. I ~ 111111, . F' 1\11 b Ol'berver tor ',. I tll ll doutb tlf tIItll!' ·i llfIUlf. (ltlllg:J.tor l r 1 uO Dell c: nptcl' u. tllO Il~ en, 111 11 IL "ikit with Mr~ . A. . E \""II"r c pner. 'n ., ., , lf' , . llI ri! \ Iltl,,~dll.'i . , Stlu·.h ell\ 1111 hnllr !lAI~e Momorit\1 • '011111 r B1trl' 0I1: r Ii 11(011 I' COil t rv i110l '1' 111' f('l'll u",i ll !.\' tr l1.u tt WIlt1 rell, I";1 rVI e tL ItM l c:.llgu 1'1') 11,11 ' uuc1I1Y 'l'h~ wtlllt.he r rNllIILned ve~y cool by I~ov . l11lllil ' I' r lil t tit. t h ftlnel" nftel'll uul] Mis!:! l, VII Il ll)' WI)II\1 nf I)uyloll durin rh \llin. lili lt vf tho IIIllntll, nll~ ridllY m ornin g. . ! Tbi WLIII lil IIrllt ~l' r\'\('(\ I "i.i!'\ u{( It ' r frl HII,1 ~11:!!< n~l lu h i lll( );(lv"l' ,l \ 1, p; I' l~fl;l li el'~ the • III'Y 1.001.0 Rc;>bitz .1' , th e IttO ~ kin!l , 1)('1c1 by tl1itl orll r l'i ll C,' YI'ight. flllrl/I l,l , Irnr. t,b hil<I h tllf Ila tl ~u llllug iltel' of ( ;h'l r IN~ 1\1 . lIull Peal'r \VIlS. lIliltltlltt·tl nut! fol' I.h a t. rtln";llIl BI"'ullll1'I'1I ' hu;' ~I()N' \\,1 11 h(l l nllwh \\,1l~lJIel' III'V I'I' lik .JmlA · or I o lut)i,or, WIlt! Wrn III \ llyn " . :dl th l' !JIor iI\l]lr . 1\'" (,10 d 1I1111llY tlln 1"" 11'(11 \I I .101;.' . \lI1~ h ,. '1'Ili' wUl'm ll t temper. yl ll,', 1)ldo, April :3~ . l \lOll .!:\!,1 . I, tho ~IItIlO hunr t.h >I rvlC \ lie . P/·~'l.e~ II Ildvol't!~t'll f.I'1' \ llyn ~·I "llll'l' fur the mon t h \\'1.1 . tID whleh pr\ ~" d frlll1l t hI. Ii r .1 U IlU :ltI. I 7\ h"l lIg I"' hl h lll'U I v 1'.1' o t h r ('hll P I' III H" onrt.h of ·1 u IX WIII Irp " wu 1'(1· , \\'u ~ I 'I:~ll\lell ()I, I /1.. :l;J.~Ll. '['he (I t ll uri luge lIt' I yetl ,., ;t IIlr ~!;, ler . m Ohl • . ,,"us h l.lh1!IJ!l Hilllllllr i elll\t lhe I::IIIIJ Plirk ' ['hilI' dll Y I~t'r r Iculdl I WII! III LOU the :l t tf'U.lllt Utli, 4 .1 " \,8 . . II 'Ice!!. noon, ')'111 rnin flLlI 1I11.1l\u·,ttsll ttl a 44 ' \ . J fl'ti t tl 1 f I (;ro M l'tl . II l ill('\IC~ wl ll ·11 ,hlllll, iH n llnlll blow ~he Wll ~ !,l) n!l(lC\l'/lt ~d in I:Ilrly , U litO on .0 \1l1l1Am. Ill':! \) f I~ ver ;~ I 1, r,OIIl.'~ .('n : ll~ """1'1; '( \\'Illolt Ii:! tI .2[) Bnpt i~lU, M1n(\nyevt' lI lng .l u11O :N . .~'II ' llru :SllU' tIle IIIlljul'lt.\' of th tlllJ Anllwl,·tlH I nhl,nOi' t Q. I~ (' uJ u,Y , In 1Il'~' . Thill' un \,l1 e ov e of 11l" 'r tI pllr tl1re ttl mil 1'8 of tb I Ilgo \\'1\1'0 "ro rott II lit h l[.l hOllll' lw l·u. 'I !lh e \VII!! JO"ingly ~iv,m by h r ]lllr PI' !:Ie llt . I .Ir "I' /1l rN :' .l-l ll " fI \' 0 111' 1I00tll IIllll t'lll :l llnt til Lo rl1 ln 'l'rullt, • A q UlIrttlt co nsili'tillg ~ f M .1fln' rIll'ld ruuL,' prlnl 11 (Ill . ' 11UI· . by . · Lod , Th!) GJl 1.l1t l ll \\'111 U It. fo r IResolution W How 'hort b r stuy Iln\hl til ~rodHendersun,F: 1::I. EI,l rr . F, 13, l y ' lllll'lItlYlliHlrhalll'ly , . yomulg ge t;Con~~ of 'mrth . horwoo\l 1~l1(1 Pro f. WI1",1U . i'nl'. t W I I d I.itt.le II1I1I'Y II delight. ni hod roll. 10. I --I I ()'~ l. () ,UUI yom ge (). 11'. est, 'tiel Dg Ihtlr.0 . 1110· R fol f.lhilll , weot of eli P Hltlon n.nd ' 'Ihre members. elf the 0 1'01'1', Dr. A ~mn " I'II1JI' I 1 1\' I t B otllAr ll'r k I \ ' . oClr!' !lV'"I'II ! lY t) r . "I ..n spirit hor fllCIl Wll!! like /I, -beautiful .,. VllY Wlllill1ll .Jouo~ IIml w e I"'mhmblll' t·.h 0 r .Dne 1of I he rlnYIi ' . ' I:l FOll'r tI" II ~c U 11. t f t10I ,ltlII flo wer disp nsiJII{ frngrll11 0e IlUd D. Rlldel' lw v a )lH ~ d Ilwny 111111 wllh)l PfI ~ ll'·'. 111:1 "" , HU ll Wllh )II' lit . . g un c1 chof r 111\ IIround. Irlbutes to th ir 1111 m ory \V t' l'(, I' 1111 1.0 ollr IWlllch , it< Th£1 uno 011 whioh Ill!! fntllflr . . . he!'III1H) uC'qnlllntf'll with Dr , ltrsn\vpll : Thnt W6 selll1 .. ooPY , I.... 'I 1 "[' E,ll' A hri g ht Iitt,ln li g h t hll fol go n e ou t to D r. w a) Uy j , I'S . , . • I~ to J t ' (. f Pil i t l . I ' " ,·l It. Mr . ,Jou s IJy " ('n r 1' () n . ]{ ay.~ IIIltl' 10 I pm'! )..ll~f1E1 tl W I II "'. 1 lJU11l I'~:< of this t,l) \loth )lIW rS' UUlI t.U t h e v .' ; r tllo 11 (1.'11 • t.I'" 11,' 1' 61' ,1 tllut "rl " .. ·t · e r N t hnt 111'1 1I1'I1I1u6110 11111 1 !'Iltlll' 1v (1 I' '• I\£1 (1 CI(' II ~e(] . he M r Rnll r by H , Ii: Bvotb. ul \(1Ul<)lH~H . 111111 k Ul' P Ill(! IIll\\'l\l!' - . L, I 1 ~ I' 11 11(1 . I) tl ll r H III' Ilhov , d r!'ht 'J' t Ir (' oJ I t [ i"illltltll11 "')II t 0 I • . ' tt . \fo,I V S U " illo' her pllrents lI11d g ranel . .J . E . J nnlley !llso.r(ln /I nll:l1ll l) r .. ' t~ 1" '. ~ .' II . I . , , 011\;111' <I. JI' l1g \\. Ill ' . P N ll II \. I (HUml 1\ h I' ,rl;ottl 011 0 li tt le ur.Jther Frederick illl of the Pnst (:Ir.. lld Pntron . <I f . W. who ~ rclil ly mi~. \.te r morn· tbe orde r, th lilt ;Jo hn Blytilo , l'ri 'l.p. ~ u ~ n<1vll"tl:lo(l tor \VIt'vUPR In t; ' 1'0 an:1 bor ovoning kl s. no of tho m ost lIoLlve workers III Visit the National "il ll'H Fnu.l' lh (If .J Illy C'lllcl)rut-lon Bil t while W II1llnrn 11 r loss we Eft , t rll t~\r hil S ver hu(l , II /{ I',ut Cash Registt!r (;0. will hI' lIwllrll el l .. t Unlrl111 le Park huvt. rb 1I 1l!OIl11 ""!I\lI'llll 0 that nnel n good man . . li P, h(IS gall e 1.0 ho wi th him who 'r h e lL!tllr '~I1S n pPl'opl'intr'l." ,I,l!" ll~I' I,y o~ V nyu'J' viJll1 pPI))ll( Ilu rln' tlw 1I {t llTllo 1311. • I' ll 11 . ... ·utl' l' tllo littlo o nos to tomo or.lI ed w ith fiowElrs . \ Cl)II~ lst.l n g 01 Mrs , W . 1:1 . .A 11 "II , . · f f . I kl 1 Aft 011 II t l \ I . Mr:l. ~; V. UIIl'" h llrt. Nh'R (loOI'j.(u '1'1I)r1\ IIII' PO,oI,lIllltlt\II"!\ Wml! for It. nil t tI III . .0 1' \1 !'l ll ' 11,0 t· 1(\ n gt I1Ill e" ,' n r r llent' r 'I . Mny' W1'i"ht. 1I11~u tl I J 1I11111 I ' J"I))'O; Ulll t.·~ \ V. Hnwll' , 11~!; MI' P. M. H" IIlI!tnn , II ~ l mll~1 .. I' Ii (\ 11 vl'n" . u mg W 10 ~ol'( ..... ~ rnY"1 .. , • ~ • fl l\t _' , W I . ' /I( IGII1 I1lIl H"ig hw', :v 111)(1 Mil,!!, J)oC(). ul Cbnr.l)'vill 11111. kfol~\I~ . II\~ ." rs . .. . . 1lTd to 11. , I II u l {' tl ' . stnok 11 !;o l1 (1 rll l Illlr hlllllll~l~ tloil tl m ost impressi ve mltll'll I' . IlI'.VIIII'1i I I)" ~II . In.r~n ILUII II. -Illll ond II" k ;)111(111 m ' rli ioea Hu "tl \' ~ : .. , )hnm'~










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1\l otl orn oouliltionH 1.. , " L' )'I' VI>lIl oll Sl.)nlO dllDgerous well kl\t' ~;,t'!\ III' \ I tI~ ~.................. ~ Thil11at!lpsis. DIJ.t1 MlsRe!' DOIIIIIl 111111 rom nm· hlu lllill 'H ( 'oli", eh, h1l"1 IOlId nll~I": · f llll rosentntive y t OIll . . "",,· ... 9 ' ' ' ' ' ' ]'ov J " '111\"1111 I fl 1 l ' . .1 . Allwl< o !'pollt· IIIAt Thlll'HIt" V in I)" " rh o lh"lI··rl:v I~ ~ 1 1I"'hl l'll l Hn' • In, " , I!. . , " I' l eI "1 ,ll'u t tOil VI. ltill l{ Ill ,' ~ 1I 1, illll lll 1'11,,11 R, 'J l! i t!'. h n(' I~ II "" r r ,' 1' \ I /I \!1VP. !III. • . Uirect legi In tiou is lUg 1I "" /I i ~ ln l'tl l\ 1I 11 111 1 '''I' ('(1O Irl .}O 11',11,· ,t1for(t t 110 ,,1ell1orl,tlut1l1rf'~O! In hlo; 1I ~l\ I l",tl' I' 'n t l!1 g II' pr t.eotiOIl t o repr ese n tll tlv o ~:Il v · , imp1'o>lsive 1Il11l1lle r . 1I : I . ". 11 I Hl r~ ,'lilli' 1: 11(1 III h .. " " 10"1\1 d " I 1>1' ' I , 11 • J . . . 10 lfll' Ih111lt,.. " I 1I11\'I'C'j[ . ernlllent. Tho IJrillnur y WIl\'k of ~ MIl ~ I C nnd ol o!; l11~ "xorl! i~f1~ olld. ! . , )': .1I1p lle :v. leglii ln t Ion s h ou ld btl dOllo ",I /I t ~ e ll th 111~Y :':"'~:Vi ~I.~ __ _~~ pro Ollt by r e presenlnti vo, but I b P ople s hould ha vo the [lOWeI' to tI.ks tllly meas uro out Cif the h l1 nail C" . OTHBS , HATS:>o .. .• f'lIR NIS m NOS Death'. Work of reprosB n ta ti ves nnd e nllct o r r Bubsoript;\9~S reoei ved ror ull j ect it uy ulr ct ·vote. ~ Mrs . 1\111111011 Ri<1~o I'(\(' j , II It The most 'essentiall'equ L ite ill tho building Referendu'l:! Opti unal n ot Ohli~II' n ewspa anu m""uzlne " ut th o Canned Goods, Packm 8~ug 'l' ltnrKlln ,Y JlrtlllOn O!ci ll \! t h l tory, Ga7.etie oOioe. V of an estate is' to form the habit, u l :lVing: a ccrInlulivo I1D(\ Refe l'o udnl11 hil S at prices that lots you t opher ( : lt~rl. lI t lJ" IOll W" t ' l1l. age Goods, small dei\Illtrh, 'ubcont'lIH ll'l'r~ ,!'II' I1l! ,1,,')III'I]i 'I b en inoorlj(jrttred lu tit oo n ~ti tn · Herbert S. Bigelow tain percC:'ntag(~ of yonr earning'. . cantt help but buy. B ight W edllosun.y, J t1U Il :?Ii tions \If ou t h Dtlkot~, Utnh, eVil H at Waynesville d o, regon, kll1hoDlII, 1 wn , MOD · Anyone may earn money uut it is the pel' on New Goods this week lte '>lth lllJ tlll~ f.e w . tlUYIl lin\'llr hi" tUllll. Destinguis hed Minister, A~thor d tit-h. wb n b wa iltr.icken \\'itll . with shrew,d foresight and lmsin e. . in"i ind that 'I'he Leg isltlt nres o f Mai no, Misand Reformer speaks at Faney Water Melons . 1Ill'nl y~ls ullLl !IIlnk fl1p iilly III th e souri Bnd North Dnk:otll have'Pu sed can save it. ~. E. Church. r soilltions ·tv submit L.O ' inlntl v ~ Fanley KalamazoQ Celery end .... t! t f th S 'l'he fun ertl l ""IS h o1l1 nt. Milloli · acqllh·e the habit ,ac.cel)t th~ oppor~uni',y , Rev, Berbert 8. ' ~lgelo\I', Pastor and referendum I1UlI ndlllen l. 10 ' . Th curs 0 I ·S t d e cason on ville aturd'lY. Jun o 2~ HIIlI ioll"', of · t h e Vine Street Congregational po pull~r vote. " F S81 e P~ ur I ,. ~ m en t Wll~ mnlle lit A\ilf.',rfl . extended by the Crtiz nS .Rank, throbgh tile Ohuroh of UlnoiDDa.ti and who nd· . After fini s h ing Ih o r og nlur bnsi- ~ aney meapp eS- LAlmons ~ The deCOR d was fil t h r f Mi. dressed the'Grange lit thei r meeting n ess Orn.n~e olosed . medjum of their Savings Ocpa.rttn nt wher~the . N P t bb l~i2lzlo lurk , wbo Is well kn o wlJ in Next regul nr meoting n.t Lebnnon Saturday.remn,jned over in Waynell" e~ () .a eli-j edw 0 ~ age Wllynesv ille, hllving frl'qiltllltly smallest d po it is accepted ·and inter4'st at the ville Sunday I1nd .spoke/lt the M. E. Aognst 31. ~ . ueum bers nn mons visiteu hor unnt, Mr . Itirtgf'. I~Dd Uhnrch both morning luid e vening . rate of cent is p:tid and Tang'l efoot F y Paper ber ftlth e r 'ri deAth nCllurr et1 jo f. fn th morDlng Mr. Biglow spoke Dedication. 4 double s heets for lie two wee k s after thrlt of WifR. annually . !>n the topio "Is Life worth Living" __ Tho fl'iGQds of M ts !t1l'1' ILnd tho 'i'hls sermon wl1\1addressen primar'l'he New Methodist .Episol) plli Pariel Green, 35e ?ther ~ mbllrs of th e flllllil y' unjt-E, lIy to the young people and was une d .k In dfep sympathy for tlHllr d oubl e hUloll .. nt Spring V, l1ey wl\1 h o of the best serm ons, ovor delivered a poun pac age b a r e v lII C'nt. d edi outecl ~unc1IlY ,Jul y 7t,b n.t 10 I~ a 1001\1 pulpit. We are still paying . , - : . --""" -- 0' Jock, uillo services ill t he after· In Iho eveni ng the spetlker. wa~ lloon £tnd e\'ouing. 'I'IJ . pn\.Jlil· ur per dozen fe " ...... '1t' ) · . greotlld by un audienoo that ' taxed C for eggs t. ~} h V :' ' ~..,. ~1 (,: \,j cordin,By invited to lI!tall, I, . ~he oapactty of th e oh urch nnd who The world·famed treatment ........... " .. ~b'" ""'" ili.b . '- ,~ ,J .. VI'. W . D. Pu.rr will li ft VI cllllrge listened with kee,l inte reRt to hts for Piles, Eczema, open sores, 7..,,,.., .... • ~ ... , ~~-:I L. ~ N 2 F' ~5 . .. • ,-., ... ' .' liS istod by t he Pastor W . M . P,Lt ' address on I The jJowers of an ,idell. " U nasa l catarrh, and all the dis·' J. me town Expc. it i 11 Lm F&rt- Toun: t on r.lltl ulh 'I' vllliting mnii~ l ers . Re~ . Herbort l:i. Big low il:! n eases of the skin, burns, etc. P' OF COl l-(.' E ' ~ Itt burg " ~I~' r . ; " '1 Y c'r.'k nnique figure in pnullc life , Pllstor Old' School Association. ' of one ot the leuding c1lUrohes ot Oinoinntttl he bus bt'en u power In Af lubara of til!' lIlt1 ::-;( lin II I A8 ~ 0 pubhp I1ffairs, both in tile city nnd oill ti ol1 111'6 l'eq lIolll Ro1 t" lI1eol, lit, Endor!jed by physicians, leadWa$hmgton J at Uicmoud ' h state. the hOUle of ~ f ' o rgill' H " dd n ini druggists, aod thousands of and other points on qne Excursion Ticket '~!!!!!!!!i!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grateful patients who have been Go one UOllte - Return Anothe Long Limit ' l1h~ 'rtp tlOllR r uo ' fo r 1\11 thu lend Notice to Land Owners, on Weduesday e\l'lnillj! .JIlI.V ;I , Jng l1lo ~"1.inEl!! Rnd n e wSJlRpllrs. Ilt cured by its marvelous healing ANN AL BASHORE EXCUHSION powe r. t.h (~II <I t l o mile. Nutc,-We ",ill I::!uo tiPII i u . Non-Resident of the County, of In the treatment of h emor. AUantic City Cape May F pr cOII Rt.ipu t,iOIl I hp ,'" i" lI ul iii"" ' lleet t,h e pricell. ulh'er ti tled by any Time and Place .of Meeting of rhoids, it obviates , the n ccess· $16.00 Rou~d Trip fr~m Wnynesville, 0" August 1:1. qnito ~o 1II0e n~ ( 'h!lIUI IIlr'lui, ,i, r . j1n.t ltbl flIlU. criptioll "genoy. Viewers and Surveyor. ity of a s urgical operation, and l:)tomlloh und [.i"~r '/'"hl " ts '1'11 ,·\ the dange r and excru ciating EXCURSION '('0 NrAGllA FALl$ alwllVK prodl1Oo " 1'I" " "lIur m il "': ~ro 1,UlfiC t !C;I1I))t ul' a mi 1~ lIrl C. fl nlnc:s \'nu rno n ~ uf t.h e h () ," (. I ~ \\'il llont. nu\' pain. It .cures quick er, and . , $~,OO UOII~d Trip rrom Wa . nesvlllc, O. '",.. are bereby' not 11It..'tI t hilt IL (lOLlt lon SoIlg oed .b)' IS e ntirely safe and painless. . ' BO$I (J~, .1 oj." 2., . I,)!? -:-N'o"'E~I (rln lIII Pld !:lornA \Vutlk A 'N ooderful B.III1Ponln g . . etf, ('~ . 1 ':·1I ·fl ,2ijr.A"t.~ Frnnt. tan l ey aotl Others,- \\,UI1 llresQuLM to S e nd for ' circulars of ·.h lln. - top 0\' t il lit 13oI I111ll 'I'O~ ~VIl f!h lllJ;: ton : Ph Ill,lQlvuiu 111111 \ tb /\ Cou nLy . ('om:ul~slonpr. oi w nwll!j fr ee. HI 111 hy .1 Ii; l' Irt. Byron, N. Y hilS witnessed N e w York, . Count,)', Ohio . .nL ttl4' 1r IO('!l'LllIg he ld n Lh ' nnnl:ty . li n" ('I f rh o IUO t f tl ID ILrimu\o C/HfJS d f I d , re so tlOu~a ndsoftcstilDoll' PHlI .. APJoJI,Pl:l.IA , .1ul.v llltoHI-B P. () . E .-ltr6orllot. II' tlroL dny or July. 1110'7, pml'lr!/! f~ r lhe Illylng ' mIL ~1II 1 c "LalJlI ~ h ln'l( of n ' ''U '"y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, II f hR,Uing' over r eco,l·dell. All11S F . ials and professional endorsevi " WIIHhln toon , ,,,nll 'SloII ove r!! ilt'a <It·inwre (In,l WI\l\hlu~ rORtl. on th e r~,ilnwln J.L lin t: t( Jwit . .~....... ............ ~ Kill\.'; ·of· thut Villoe !la.!'!!: " Bu ell . JI1 nts. If your druggist ·doe$ t ' l1I . . IJeijJnn l u u at a Wtll l In (~ 3n }j\' tu\\'n a nd ... ~ ...... ...... Io·n's Arnlcn Snlve cnreu a sore un not h a ndle it send direct to I R 1M ron. TOf) R IS'P ~'A t o 0 ellD LI~k II nIl Mnlln. S,l rlIl K ,'all ' y pIk e lInd III till' iI!" ' lslcul lInu . tn.v leg with . wb;ch I 11lld snfferl '!l hetwcuil J Cu l1l mll n auel P:. f ' i If\lU (:M' '(anoR MARSHALL HEMORLINE CO., ill ro~orll'l, IllHl to. l!o lllrll rl o "nil Puoifl£1 {J~·.~t. • Ovflr 0 YIlII}'!!. 1 Am now sigh !;,v In. . ' ur\' cY i4 :: a ~ !. :l n O :IN H r UII I, l n lol thenc() ",'(,r Iull· lml·I.Jtn l" r;; M II.. nlt II. E . Bi,nth ; 'l'lnll'~t. wi,tut h " h ' ):uiH 1t 1l f! P\o al 'o \\ttll \,llO !InfO! ~ . KILBON'~ ~ five ." tiul\rllnteed tv onre . fill ·Marshall, Mo, fI \'IIIE', Ohio. Frotl k ~taJlIi~)' n Il I .J. t'L r: nok "s l and " the ~ .tl~ ~~~~s, by Ii'. C, dchwllrtz, Drnggist ~m m t;. llt.·II~~ lhl; JiI Hith II" ~ lit ~lIr\'cy of lj a




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'9Deof the most lnte~llsting fen t· tll·,1. . Oat<" 1111 , ISlt1:oy .. r .Iu ly 1'1(1'0. .~of tomorrow's oelebrn.tion will S. A. Stihvell, County Auditor •. bit' &he bue ball pme between 'tbe .HI·H . old lila 1.00 the boyt!. . .- ----~Ji~te" the Hne up ;' ~. lieD'• .Club'- John ailwk~, ~. SOOke.t , . ~. :S. Bally, W. 0, BaPtr, L. A:. Zimmerman, Walter 1IoCt~,. Frank Pratt, 0. M . her, Gaorp Dattn. Soy'. Club " James Mo· C)~ Wll~r Dakin, Carl H!\.w ke ,

Bqb ' Iltop, George Walerbonse, ~, lId.'rirdi. Vel'~on Smitb, Robert BCttIoDiUalle* Dakin. .


A few doses or t.hlll remedy \\,111 In. variably oUl'e un orllloary IIttal:k of dlarrl~(l!ll·

. Jt cau 111"'"18 be dep'(!ndell "pi'" " _Yell In he- Wtlre IIIlVM'e .tr Itch of • ·",,,,UtP colic aud 'l\ilol",1'I& mor"n~. l~ i1lcL'EI(Isrul for e.umml'r .:;:ir,,~:~~ &1141, aDol I'hol,,1'1& iuCIlntum In tile



Specials for Saturday



N._~U.~. . Rike's~.·III!I~_III!I_~___"II!II_-"_"''')lIl__..· __


R i k e ' s _ I,



Vlcw 'r8

:lnl'l ~urvcJor" II I UlU",t. al 'J baac COIDploOU"! f ar m on lti f l 1:1 1. l! :\~' o f J\1Jj!U!i1 .U07 , at 10 0 '01001£ 1\, '" . lor' th e IlI1 rp '''' I ' ~ ' foI ~ t forth tn

Line Up


.Green if you have never used it ask your neignbor . alJout it, onee used always use~, also Paris Green and Bordeaux Mixtures ju~t the thing to exterminate ' Potato Bugs, .

rlowers '-and t h and 10000\'o\lt

('ou rl ty 8 urv. ",' c ~r U ~ ," icw, twt' " '.",

' ' ' 11



reqolred ~h' c n 'lnO Balli Cou n'Ly CaUl '


ord er n:·pp"in trtl



Hoods Sarsaparilla 7ge ~ Lydia Pinkhams Vegetnl»le (;ompound . 74e •'.Qley's Kidney Cure 74e Foley's Orino La·xativc . Fruit Syrup ' , Beef 'Virie and Iron 50c size 270 Ligh. ning Castoria 19c Lighthinl: Hot drops 19c Fan.c y Cre'a m cheese Dried beef, ci>ackers and cakes . A new lot of premlums just .in. calland see them Graphophone concert Sat. IIP'... V a~m.oon . an.;d:_~~~~ · ~~'• ..:~r We pay tliflhii1t . duce, give ua a .

Rik'e 's Sum·m er "Sale now going.

payton, O.


Bigger ·:an·d ·B.e tter





The .Best ,Summer Sale We 'E ,re:r; .Announced. Th~ reMons f .)r. lt· nre I·hoRe: Our growth 1~ .Ooll!jt'ln't fI,~tl BubAt~lltiltl, ·DeO~I\Rit. Itlng bil(gel' RtoOks Imd IllTger flCllOI·tmenttl . . Nover in ·mir long history we h lld so ·Iu,l'ge II Atnuk of merobllill11Re Il~ juf!t nOw. - ,Ou nooo:nnt of the (leuldod I1l1vltnCe ip thfll)rices Qf .lU kinds of Dry Gooilf:C, 'his.morchn;ndt>le ill wur tU lUor~ t~dllY thon When It was bong~t. 'T ho seiling priM Is ba8ed ollly on the cost of the a.rtlole. ~ot the ptloe todll.Y • . This 81\Ie offers the <>I~port.~ntty to buy from ollr whole stock ILt less thlln regullLr prloe- Rnd 800rell of Items are duced WITHOUT REGARD TOrCOST. '. As 11:1 ont oustom. exoept tIle few items we "ro selling under· oOllt,rRot,




Reduce~ ..


1I'IFl'Y SmVEloiTH YEAR. O~ahd

4th of July Celebra-IPERSONAL AND Harry South Struck tion 'at Oakdale Park LOCAL ITEMS by Lightning. aynesv e,' 0 For &leCheltp, 6 'ton wagon ill Ohi W



bn was bome on 8aturdllY Imd Lytle. Springboro ~.-Sunday. visiting parentlland !:Ihnke· -- tng hands with friend!>. p . t' l ' W t':'Mu.rdtl.y aftel'noon whUe enga.g' rllles IlS ,avor IS C f o r nyne Mr~ . M"hle H:obln8OD hn4 ed ID I)uttlng up telel)hone I' ·eB Frank H u.rrill, n,ft:lr doing Jomes · V1l1e's Fourth \)f J,lIy. wi \I he awn rd· I,e rt; of )juolnnAtl -re vt.!llillla 8OtI. Ies. 0 . W • B\sbop. Va II ey Telephone Lineman "as w.. , u •• " !'he Fourth o~ July Celebrl,'ion :Rev. Philip Trout waa absent Narrow Escape; from Death. young man from Lebanon by the ~own Exposition I~ thoroughly But· ed at th B~l P~rk 'J'hnTHlll1Y "rtel I:r"udrnother Mr•. Nazioy at W....yn8lvllle tomorrow ' promlaes trom hls pulpit SundltY evening ;to nllme of South was struok by light. .Isfied with /SOuthern hlo. It Ie noon. Mrs. ·harles.ThomPSOD"U to '"' • PI" IUOO8ll8. , marry It oouple at Springfield, Ohio. Harry South II. lineman for the n lng wh.ile workhng At the top of II. ~ood enough for biOI: Whiltl we M'r. Allen Emeriok II ucL wi fe 'm· )lI ng ir) Dayton ne da~ the 'rhe fo110WtDg program baa been . ' VtI..lley Telephone Co. oarrowly es pule lind was rendered unoonsolous have ~n I\ppreoiu ion of home. y t tertllined on t::!nndlLY Mr. IIlIcl Mrs Iwe It . uranlled: MIs8 MRrgre.t Edwtl.rds, of payton 08ped lIe"th by electrooutlon dur- A strap belt4i\d ar~nnd his body and to fully realize what It Is on can LJurry ~ornel1 a~d' 8ou ·Il.rmlln . . M I",~ Mllrltma .. BI- D ___ Ban Gam..... Id the guest of . b er brother, 0, J. ing a J)onv" thunderstorm Batur. tl.ttaohed to tbe ]~ . Ie held bls form better lInderat.nnd the mnny ndvBlI Mr. hll,rles l ,lllrk i." IfII1~rovlng OIUllllt.1 il! visiting ber ... . . u.&IIC .. a ' , '. slowly HIli host of fri!lnd O! III Vlck)rlof Dayton, against M.lamis Edwards. day uiterooon. In a limp and apparently IIfeles3 tIIges of gOlDg abroad and oh~arvtng boping' thnt, tho improveUlont JI1I1Y 6IIt Nr. !lnd Mrs. N. B. IQI!n_ of W.,nslvUle , Firat gam!' 08lled Kenneth Ridge 18 visiting his Mr. South WRS werking on a pole condition. Other workmen Beonred manners , oustom8. product!!. 61o. of oontinue. Prof,ll sor Kell180n and faInUJ a' 10 &.~. ~ond game 08l1ed grand pare~tII, Mr. &nd Mrs. Elijah in Baok street in Harveysburg duro ropes and plaolng tbe snme around othe.r Oli Il IOS . Le~t·er Ksnriok und wift' und Iill' terhilnod several relatlvea tlM ,... 8.S0 p. m. . Compton at Hamilton. . ing tho stOI'OI 'and had a piepe of hIS form and let the body to the MloaJah Barvey who 8urvived .Lewls lind wife attended r.he pre welk. Their dll.ugbter OH. . JIlxtra tipeoaal:- A dve InnIng ·Mlss Rhea RogerB of Lebllnon 1811 wlm in his band while bts foot ground. He baa Bince reoovered. his brothers, Wilson nuel Ol~rk sentatlOn of Da!non !lod P~tb111t1 turned 10 Columbus with luIr .... , t f hi t ... J () I hi d d Harvey. died lit his homp in Wil. nt the Nlltt(11l1l1 'Iht'atre on 'lhurs- to vlsl' tht bue ban between the Old Mlln gUIlII , 0 er Slier ... rB. . . lIro ~tl y touohe /I groun \vl're, We are informed that Mrs. Upp, . dfiY . Y 8 SU1Jlmer. \.. Uartwrlght., thl8 oompi~tlng a oi~ouit and the former\}, of We.ynesvllle now and ml11gton Su nday morning Of heart They l'eJlurt it us 119 fine 11 IIpeo. Mrs. W~lter WllIu~non 18 DOW at '.od 'he Kldt!. , Jlacea, Contest. ~nd PrlZeti Johh MOUlure, of IndIana, visited full eft'eot of tbe eleotrioity entered for the past year a. resident of this tronbl~. t.aolo 11M they hlld flver witnessed. . the M..iull1l Vulley Hospl~l "' , u.,.o TQb r~oe' 200 feet ,drat prize. $2.00, bis niece, Mr8 , Otto LeWill, 8l\tur. his body. t plaoe will In the near future return MisMoM Furn nider u.nd ~ur~1I tou and Is getting along moel,. Leroy 1l'0D8i Beoond prize, 11.26, day!'ndSunday. Rehadto be taken down from Ilndtakeuphere.bodelnW. , Wellman ~~Q~:e~I~{~:;~0~n~;~k8 vl~lt 10 Mr.llntlMra.Joaeph a.cDe1. a.. ~ltlrd~rlZe, 1.76, 1.'. Jei! Smith. R. F. Mosher, Prellident of .the th~ pole and WIIS lloconBCiou8 for T '•.e Misses Kelley, Christine and Mr8 . Kutc Jobns nud Mit!1i V . KellIson (lDd wife, B6I'V8Y. CJaIo qlrl raoe, unde~ 16; prize. dr6811 pat· (}itizeD8 Bank arrived In W"ynes. some time. After regamlng Ann will ere long a,liteod a tralolng Prizes 8S ndvertlsoo for WtlYuos· Blnnohe Cornell returned hOWfl lllst tiu and wife, Wa} Fi"- anA ~ oolDplete.llve~ by B. S. Bowell. ville from his home In I'ording. ... o oonBOiousnesB another he~vy storm sohoolll for nUrBflS , having decided ville's Fourth of Jnly will htl llWllrd· wePk aft,or ~ \' HY pleasant two Mr . Burrison and wife. JoJm ,~....... Vw "" df I h' .. : d t tb i h I P k'I' f wtleks visit with relutivot! in divers u·ntI ·wife U O !l4D Fred and UreUed pple, a 12.00 Will be plaoed Monday evening for 11 weeks IJtuy. 011 me up ~n or II. t me 18 oon ... to give up tbe telepbone exchange e a e .....1 flr - hurR(II\Y n t,er· parts of the Hoo~ier ' wtll. " ,w. ~ '.- .~p the nnle and bel'ongll to tion agtl.ln beoanle sAriou8. for II more ns6!ul and lnomtivo em. noon . Outsider!! m!"IlL I/,~k why I ii l K. ~ veral other K. of ~~=~~~l~i' - - ... r -; Wantea- Cook white 'or oolortld. B e h 011 now·. a Imoat r aoovere d ploywBnt. iF. 1I"',,)6l'1On &bat '~Qhee It, Walter Tlbb~IB nnu WIt eu ter. G. E'I!, , called " Ill st ' \1n ll t~r rheir th e 1>1II.Y 'uUlllon and 11'00' race. 100 , 11&rds, drat prize, Uood wagllII . Must give referenoe . from bis thrilling ·experienoo. Prof. J. B. Wdght who did tai d tb f ' d ' ht 1 Deoorlltl oll lItlY !lluoc nu d 'Ol'to lions the Nation&l Thel&tre Vall on Walter Grltl'etb. Flofavllle, M .. th' f th k·ll-.4 b ne e ormer a IIUg er nell ooourred whI ch wnK viHiule tu theln .. 'l'hurl!d' uy evenln .' '8.OO.lI8Oon.1 ~rlze, 11.00. given by , r. ",ou II tI. . er was I .," Y W!lsbington O. O. and the James· and aunt Mrs. Hnnnllll Jnmes of A oommittee, however. 'l')IIolnted ,. g a teleph .me post Bever· town E itl d I ·ted h ' • Mrs ltadaJloe """ "'-utherd at -,... --'L8banon, Ohio. fall!ng f.rom 1 ..& JaQuey., '. XpOIl on an v Sl IS Qayton eevera! dllvs last week. for that )JUl'))U!!fl did t h" d!JCumling ...,. noo. 76 yardll, first ?d1811 Jennie Cook, who was serl· 0.1 yelLrs ,ngo . son in·law and <laughte~ Ilt BaIt! , . (Jeorge &gan IR s(>en lllng nt the. UO~lI~Lery , nUllny lLlornlng, Ilnon Is vlslt.lng her stater .... • 1.25, 1I800ndprise. '.76. given oosly Ul lallt week 18 now very more, returned .Friday very muoh 8everal da 8 witb ber sister wbo ill The 811' . h.llll!hts Ul ore thlln forty Ralpb t:;~ee~. . Ba tl IS' ' .y . strong Itu· ,i "l' 1\ t. \.llulr lodg,' room Mrs Frank Seeker nOf'b 01 to. . b,. \v.. C. fbl1llpe , Improved. p sma ervlce Indlsposed ~ No doubt every avail· very iJ] at her home m Middletown Ilnd hend,,'l hV rlJlI t:i\lrltllC Valley ' . bl .... I*Ik raoe, 6<1 ,~rdt!, drat prize. Mrs. R. A. I,.;r08ll IB enjoylnJ a at St. Ma~'s Church. u.ble moment of his time and aotiv· W. ·r. Jordan WIlS I~ Dayton Yisl bllud. lIlur·ll II III £': \llillorder I.\) th(' 18 no.v a e to be up and .boIit 'l.OO,lI8OOnd prier I. GO, flra~ prl~ Yislt from her s18ter, Mrs. MU/4Dllll Ity vias engaged Ilnring the trip ne tor from Thursday until ~t~rday. M. E. hUl'ch '~'II\\~\} Rev . BI~lI of bOU8~ II; part of 'be time. livqn by F. O. Barteook. \.-'rant', of Bethel. A{ the ~orning service at ·S t. be iB /l hUlltler and Devor puts oft' Mrs. R. H, rot John of Lytle ~blmon. hllll~ "1 1 " ::;'Ir ~Illgh t., lie ·Quae a number of our 01'''1 7 "' fo th hat b . . hvered 1111 n , III" "~tI wllioh '\VIIB II. are brl"htnin a up their ~. . • b Watermelon raoe, 100 tee. ; y Mr. lind Mrs. Uharles Raln88 and Mary's Ohurl'h lust Sunday Rev. .r , e morrow 111 can e aooom spent one dllY Iflst wec l~ WIth ber oredit to hi 111 >< II' III Il I 10 t.he order v ' " , " boYIL under 111, a bil watermelon ohUd of Dayton vlsltod awong ()adwallader admlnlsterr,d the !lUO· ph8hed today. ]~re long we hope p'ltents WilIIt\m RI.oh IUld wife. Tho Lyll!' ~I II:. Ilhui ' furnished Nlth new paint. We hope , Ii: rament of Boly BlI.ptlem to the in. to see him his uslilal self. Mr. and Mrs : Abijab Culller eo. tho 1.I11lS IO ti ll 1' 1111( Iho ~;o'r"ices and ~I~u will oontinoe to be . . . . . liveD by W B.OIlDe. Whe.niar~w raee, lQO yards; WltynClsvUJe frlendsiast wee . fant ohlld of Mr. and Mrs . .Edwin . Uharles Maddel1 the new grocery. terttl.inoo at dinnol" Friduy Mr. Hi they di(1 tll /'i!' 1':11'\ w1l1.~ . At the 10~S, K . of P. bul,ldiDg i8 allo bel... ent prise, 11..00; eeoond.prlze• .' .60. Mis!! Mabel Weloh IUId lIttl~ and daught~r . tllll "''' l' v lC\,,~ tl lll ::i1\' }{nlght.jj pmn~ed. 1Il1lt1'0h\led 'JUt ,\.I,d h:1011 t u Lbo lodge 'l'he I 0. 0 F 1....11 .... " ':'14' ........ r otl Smitb of Hllrveysburg and to Steph. lIlan ~as InstitutE,d a . depart~re by ram ' Warwiok . " Nettie oloB~ leoe a Ud, throw\ng baaO ball fartbeat; n eI en Sim . m on8 II f Cinolnn en Otto Hooket the adopted ohlld wtl.y of ile!'pinl!: 00 htl.od daily a of Ohve Branoh and Mr, ~nd )1r . room in <.lUll 1'.) 1'111 , 'J'he ~ llrlng . • • . ....... .... .-.r of flne~eh088 "lven by E .. V. &1'6 Villiting M18S B.,elen Ke~8ey. of Mr. and MrB. Ell Deun. fresh supply of foreign fruUs and Sam Turner, of Columhus. Vnlley'bnlH1 I'h!ll~f rl OYQry OU l 0.1· memorialserv1Q8f1 at &be eemeIe.., Banabar'. ~ \ Little MI88 Thelma Baker of Wit· vegetablea. Tbe Dew grocery is a Mrs. Idll Mannon l1u.l dd.\lghter most bay 01,111 Ilxl'r"HrllcJll. 'l'bo SundliY· Tou.. member of 'be home team mlngton is v18lt1ng blr irandmotb. _. thing of bell.ut:y alld the effioient, Ethel had 8S their guests at dinne r ohuroh wus UI \J wt!"11 HI: I~ uver\, one 'l'he flrai of July C. O. , . .pion' ~mill)l,latr'llae41l"e1&~I!II'numbBrof blll.l er, Mrs, J'dal:!tbkes. In Memoriam. tl.ocommodatlngclerk, Tom Weloh, Monday of last week. ~f8. E1\u. 8e~~~~~~tIM~~~ ' .l.llllllH .lohnl! and tookcharfoot the baok.Uue Ire. ill eaeb lame, Gearle Dakin will Mrs. Abi Hainel! and her dnught-or Is bandling goo4e Ilnd oustomers in Sears of Morrow, Mrs . Wiko!I and two lions CII rinnl1 RI.lvlt ,Wllre Snn· Springboro to Franklin, Ilve ~ t ,60 eh&'flDg ~cket, . and Iitile grand child of Day. Mr8. Mary B~ily, danihter of thai way and manner which m8kee Mis800mpton of Msson , Mrs. Er. day h ost. to, Mr. Iln~ Mr . lind ~rs. Airs. HaLtie Uecker ........ PrISea For Who Attend. ton. are lI'p ending this week In Way . John and ·E lizabeth Linton 8attf.r all tblDgS comforltable. nest Mannon. Mrs. Sl\.rah Rioh lind a:Mry J ohns !Iud cblll] . of . Waynell home aUer a p]euant ~, ._-'']b W , v I l l e , Mr. t{nd MI·li. AIlItl Hule a.nd W I ur th wa it'e. was bo rn Il. t W aypetlv III e, Tbebaaln81111 men of W.ynllllv111e Detlvllle. ilaOlIl is a olose II.ppll· Mrs. Maud C.·leaver nnn little .(\n. little dlLUghter • •I I)~ ThQ,"ll~. wife .frlends. aDd ConvlIl"m Rlve prlzea ~ t.Jwae OhiO, June 2ft, 1817, and died II.t Cant to his studies at a oomn1eroisl dry . /lntl son Ihrl uOll tl.1\;0 Mrtl. Kate ltev. James Lew nturne4 .... Who .~nd the 081ebra~on, al fol · Mrs_ Bt.eve 'Plllllips of Wa8hlng- l1er bome near there May 30, 1907. oollege In Oinoinlilati and Is getting Mr , and . Mrs. Elvin Fi~es 'ond JOhlll\ , . . . from New York '!'b"-'-- - - . Gent]y Bhe I18nk to rest iit the on .umirably. 'Wllbur has the am· }i'loBsle aDd Lewis were in Harveys. 10wI: ' ,'. tonWo. If. WB,sl a gudost of rtelatilvell Mr.WIIJ Hilluml IIlIO nt upday noon - - '!NI1La~ load of people brought ,to In Ilynetlvl e a ay or wo ast full poseeslon of all her wonderful bitlon. the enelrgy and ability to burg Sunday afternooo, aftcrnoo,} with Walter Kt:llriok .' , •___ ..., "'nt --18, barrel of 11our. w~lI:. : B w 1'n'lam RI 0 h'.8 Dew houlle IS . ery aoel wife. in Qur littiu . Nicholas Arcbdeaeaa UI4 Wwit ..... n V" •• d' 1\1 . Ed d facnltles, perfeotly oon80ious to the oonquer whatever he undertakes. Porche!! ' vi1ln ~o were attended Pomona Gna.... ...._• • • by Wayn•• U1e MUll; Beoond ""r. an rFs' . rown .tant very last, and able to express ber Our beef shop has been newiy near completed I\S Mrs, Rloh was In fiHed to overflowing Sunday even- nesville I:!aturday. -" p1Ie. 8e&h ThOmu 0100&. 't.,B. Cu little boY.9 f . erry w.ere\ gUeB".Ba wishes. A noble life is' olosed, a garbed in " green silk or s'eal skirt Wayne8vllle one c1u.v llI.8~ week lay- ing after the Ilervices at th~ ohuroh, .,.... dllrcJ ptl., box of Ii 'oeD\ oIg. the ,home of ,hank Thomalof the Illvlng mother gone. trimmed In leather, the dweJltng on ing 'ln a. supply of paper getting Mr. Perry Wade and WIfe enter. Howard Early and wu.' .... 0.11. aIowp; founl;l price, .~t Lower Springboro pike Sunday. Bad abe lived one montb longer, same lot will undtirgo a like change. ready for tbe pallor hange~a ::~~~~:!f ~:~~~;~v~ pnrents and Thomas Miller and wife an ..... .... uc.a ,,"Ulitand.lnd handle, J. M.i88 Nina Antrsm of Lebanon sbe ;would have · been ninety yeilra ,Will Baines b~s painted shutters, N. B. Rloh arid Wife 6Dtert,.ined I to tour Indian. to U1elI' .aaIGlDO.'\.. W , White. • WIUI tbe gueet 'cit IIrs W, E. Ogl880 old.. cornice and all other trlmminp be· a' dinner · Sunday, ·Mr. and Mrs. blle~ thlB week. SundllY and from here went She married Emmor Baily, SOQ 10nRing to tbeir nice residence In Ohaa. Gray and daughters Muy New Burlington. Mrs. fl. O. Bal'l'llOll" • • ~ familY .; dret prize, cue or ... L. A. ZIDUllennan; I800nd on to Xenia Monday. of Emmor and EIIzlI.beth Htl.ye8 pure 'snow white. Frank I::lhidaker. and Opal of WaynesVille, Mrs. M11I8. Mattie Hill spent Ialt week her mother. 41ab pu,~. S, Coleman j Mrs ..'N .. O. Hlto~ and baby will Bally, December 2, 1840. loelah Rogers, Mis8 Etta Arnold, Maud Cleaver and obildren and W. \\71'h her brother Enollilt Codarvllle, Mrs. &rl ·RoblDlOD'. . . . . . . at ddJ4 ""ee, phon of oream, Fred join Mr . Bitoh at Clnolnnati today To them were born slx ohtldren, wm Barvey. B. 1.. Dall:lD and F, E. T. Jordau and family. '~I88 Corn. Harner of Xenia is t,h e Dayton vlal~ci her ~ daJa II, Hberwood. ' and (rom tbere go to hi8 mother's four of wbom living, two dllugh. Mills have or tiLre painting their guest ef ber sister 1I1r Walton this week • • lW*lID makiq 'be 10ngeBtddve; h00l 9 near Falmouth, Kentuoky. ters and .two 8Ons, five grandobtl· resldenoes.· Others to follow Boon Oregonia. ·U.!)mpton. Jobn SmoJair aDd ~ . . . . priM. JOO4 wbalebone whip, A . B. for a oouple of week a stay . dren lind two great grandohildren. in tbe same klDdi of Improvement. Mrs. Tom Lee of New Paris, 0., l/Ujt heard ot "ere in 'Y_ao.ntoae . ..... _ . _ Bo.... '.be .rr. and ... U was a widow. lor more than But of all tbe lmjrOVem8ntll thus P-'-· pDrk ~njoy'-II at .."' .... ____ .aOD ' of " o n~.,s as 8 d ver tI-.... ...,.. for · W aynes, waa tbe guest of reln.tlves bere last.. ... ·"e ... rs . F, She O,!,-' Penon i prize, se' of platee, A. Hutsook, who broke 'hls arm tweo'y eight years. far no~d one has but a mn.tter of ville's Fourth of July .will be award. week. Mr. lind Mn. Gurft ~ to 10 npl_ .Q08rI, J. A. Funkey. severlll weeks ago, III ,e"lng along ,8he was 'a muoh valued member one fourth milEI!a journey east to ed at t~e B~l1 Park .T~uraday after· to IIJlnoll 'bta ., - ,k to '' ria' ,her PerIOn; prIse. palr 12,&0 ~toely n6w Aud w\1J aoon have oom~ of the aociety of Friends all her Ufe the oountry nlIIidence of Oharlllll Mrs. Joeeplline Reeve!! very plea8' ...... "h noon. IUItly entertuined the Delta Alphtl brother. Oharlea ~f: d un til !neap'oItated by severe Ed war ..... T e front BOme 36 feet W,~. Ktlbon.. plete ~ o! the Injnred otilmber. t to k ' ti t I th d t ..• ibl ..,~ I Mr . Frank Cleaver, who has been Clas8 at IL Patrll)ti l'ltrty OU 'l'hurs. . M'rt!. Barab Jane Wu.on, 1 - .' t ' reoen'ly married oouple; Prof. 0. H. Young, of Klnga a"" en ,) an 80 ve par !l e an . ,80U .. p08ll y....., eet haa a , -...-, y • bleri tl to 141 i deliberattonll alld busine811 of very large ooulmodlous venmda . out with the Oregonia Bfldge C~. day afternoon . Iy ot this place bot "b. . . . . . . . . P-' ~ II 10 P OD am Mills, spent the grooter part of laat, meeting. holding various ])Osition!! l1he ' old faabtolll'e d doors lD front .for so~e' III 8pendlng a few The .Epworth LIlIIKue Rod New, has been ,,"eb ber ' 0 ......, . . week with hl8t motber. '\ lrs. Mary of truat an!! reap'onalbihty. . have ";veD way 1bo a p'air of m~moth dn.y~ vyltb hIS 'famlJy bere . \ ' Bu.r llugtun Blind g"ve tI IlIwn fete Springfield. ~ dead aDel /S'·Is ...... ~, PB!WDD i Ant P*1u, ~I: 5 Young of WaynllllvlllE!. e' B . ed h :r \ '-'1 be --..., _ ',"Ian. C. B. c"lemen"d ; second Haste""' Obar]4D ue'r ritt. of Mt. AlmOtlt Rla88 ones and on the louth of the Mis!! elen Hoblin, of Kings on Saturdnv ~igbt wbicb Will! quite . e ,emaina ...... u.h Dot.... c u .· ..., ... h h". IV I house an oNVIla'" filled 'th I Milia, spent Satnrday alld' Sunday a. suoooSt!. bere tor lJurtal. prilf, '~lr01l'."... on:~ .....- ". WI arge ' . Bolly New Jersey II.rrlved .t n Way. great c anges to t is ...iam a ley OJlllat coople; dl'llt ....118, d Olll8D nBllvllle la'8t week to apend tlie Bum. of wbiob to hell.r thi'l intelJlgl'Dt plate glau 8O!nt~ 6 by '8 or 10 teet, with friends and relatlvetl here , Harry Wood hilI:! been l1i oharged Mr. ~nd Mra. Jolm 0tIJIiIa ~' GO"._A ..a..t- eU- and IlAU. \voman OOnV,8r1\1l, ,w as botb plMeure hal been made. The entire build· Mias Mllool Sherwood left Batur. *rom tbe regulnl' nrlllY 00 ~ocoun' Cinoinnati, are VialUna hel' ,u..... blae -"I ...... _ ..... rmer with Mr, and Mrs.~. LeVtlnng ~ A B J h d wif oe....... C. SQIlwarli; IIIIOODd prise, cartwllght and )l1811 KiillZie Men Itt. and Inltimotion. • InK iii olotbed In white and fenO BS duy for Philadelpbia. From tbere of ill health. • . 0 ~ aD e. ,.'.lIIlba~OD to WaYDeevlUe . ' ~stronll ml~d, a d1Ugent reader, .urroundluK in the same kind of IIhe \)'111 go to WaRhington D. c., On Mooday lDorulug the star Mr . .John Boylea an4 family .... , JI!p~i. S. C. na.l_ waa in ~y~n two and retentive memory, she W,,8 well O~arley blUl taken the rnde aDd will attend t-be Jamestown mtlil route oha.nged 11l~nd8. O. F. of to.wn ViIl.tec1 ttoo~ 'Peaoe &lid ) ......., bal»J' ."... 014 or aD. day., laat week with . la rotber posted. and ever took rreat . Inter. tenolng, lInt)8 and divisions Exp08ition previous to her retm:n Collett ~uooeedl ng 11111i811 SilLnley family near ~baDOIJ .~anaa,. • . . .... ~ bab')- wlr;,":. Maf. Cy Davis, who Is 8er(oaaly ill. M~ eit fD both NatloDal ancflOCllI ai!airll fU1d the 813lme are supplflnted home. who bad ollrrled the. mail for I A" J. , nd~ie boZ o'f 08ndy. W. Davis fo~er1y )iv~ II.t Wayne!o i!Sbe 1001led well to tbe ways of with the best EnOdern kind in the Rev . Wwir. of Day ten. preaohod laevernl yeurll. . Ca~s~r ,s -.:F e l: ~ 'ville .and III knOWD, to many . rea~~rI ,her houfebold. and ate 'not the ~8rktlt; A1toil~ther it is olle of I\t tbe.u. B. Churoh ~unday morn. l, George Mot'her80n, thu " 'lunK < ' ,' .. by the the G&zette, Bi8 friends have bread of Id]en8118." and there lue the most attral)Hve plll.Oes In ,this Ing In Rev. Welbaum s place . . Imn:n whc hall been helple88 from Bam Wilson and wife of Spd~ ' C.det ~11. hope of hill reoovery none of ber oolltemporarlee but reo part of tile oouDtry., . Mrs. Tho~as Spenoor and two rheumntism for seven years, haa yaney sp,"ut Sunday :wl*b Walter' , . . " of bo."ng anil flIhtng. Albert Smith ,!,nd ramllJ:, of Day· call her beau~'fol hOlpltallty, with Quite a number of our adjacent younge8t ohlldren, of Lebanon, had an e1ootrio fan plaoed near h18 Wilsons. AD lelMl plaoe $0 .pend· &be ,Uh of toa. came down 8unday to hli latb- 80 many $Oploe of vital Inter9l!t. hrmers are pqUiilg up new struot· spent Satnrday and I::lunday WIth bed . . Zimrl Bainos and wife' awendod . •·... al71U1d ~ 0001 and foraet yOIU' er'I!I,JOyrus Smiths and eXI)6()t to r~ there waa no time for vain enter. urea,.a~·ell~gs. barb8 and tobacoo Allen Kibler I\nd family. I ' P6tnnnn. Grunge . at Wayn_,Ule , · k'ODlaltlll '. main bere uD~l1'the glorious Founb, tainment, A,ltho~gh for many hou8sll, while' not a few are ,adding Tbe Misses Edna Bnd Glady .. M H II . Saturday. .' PoIJ'. '11 to Ooaae and brin, all tlBhing and otherwise enjoytDg life. yeara & great an1rerer, yet her to and repairilDK tbe old homeg, I:3pencer were 10 Lebanon Thurs· I ount 0 y . ' Isaao Lytle an!! wife ~Jl8Dt Mon· ~~,., ,ToWD folke 1'-7 In , Mr, Riol), 8001 expect. to go to sweet apirl&, nnleldah beart• . and adornlDg . tbeu'l with the ill.test day. . . 1 PrlZ4jsas advertised for Wayno8. dlly with Wllmlngton 'friendl~ . ~""~Ue u~ ~Ip booll\ y~ Clnolnnati nlxt week wbere be wl~l abldlni ' buman Int.eleat wU.h ' be~ known to moolern improvement. .Rolph and Ray Wilker.o.n wih vi~le·s. Fourth of July will be ILwurd: Dr'. De [Javen Of Xenia U¥1 Rtob. 1/ . . .iowil. Tb1I ae1ebra"l?D 18 atteJld $e biennial meeting of the keen appz:eolatlon of the'humorous, The thi'ifty, fa,i'mer of t~ay Is a IIpend the Foqrth of July with thelr. e~ at the ~ll Park Thllrellay ufter· l1x:d Lindenwood and f!l~lI1' qf ~,.. , .~ );1 ~~. . ·lIen'. , National ~terl;lal Boolety o.l , the made bel' rooUl anY.hlng bnt a dr~wlngcard 'and ye Q~den time grnr.dparenta a~ Morrow. noon. ,.toOn bave beeD the pesta . of ~~, ' ~~ ~I Cluh an~ the), ~rom. Oed, . M~.; Boells a delegate from gloomy plade. . ' " "clod hopper" I,. ' the illdex · of in. 1,toy Sherwood spent-Sunday witb Mfs. Orll. Marlatt speut R feVv De HaytlD8 ;fdr a w~. ' " · .... fbi. p~. Oame Everyo DlV1aion ' N.o. 8. of DaY1O~. The 8bc had liberal eduoaUOil for telligence and t~lrift .. ae bas oom!! his parents here. :~a.ysla8t w!lek with her !lIster Mrs W:lll~r Moi.>beraon and . ~ ~. ", 7:' hal ~n In exi8all08 .about 'bOle. daya, whloh with her tlitem to the front In ,. ])OInt of merited Mrs c. H. Sberwood , baa ' taken La01 Cragg of, near _ enla. . and A~riah Fi,Bher and ,W lfeo! La· . '." 8ix ye&l'l and has b~d qtiar~rs In gel;1t readtng made ber ' an . en~r. teoosnifiion. A ·l vi &)"s belonged Itttle Lola Tbomaa from tb~ Chil. Mr, Lue Stephen a "pent t\ few ington spent l::lil.t Olday , od ,8anCla,. Diadce W..· . ('hIO&go: tainlng oompanlo~. ~here but ~ to forge his way, and dreo's Home in Lebanon. dtl.Ys ~lth bl8 fu.ther near J~mtl8. with rela~lvll!l. . , ': ~dJoyabl~ Affair. Mill.s Anna Ea~rt . of M.iddle· When V1al&ed dJU'iD1l the . Home. no.w tbe dap~r youni man' of the AbonUlft"en OOUP~8fI from WII- town wbo is slok. . . . UlI.leb ,... . • ,' . who baa beeI1 ~pmding Ilev-' Coming lut 8nmmer. · by a 'now city, ol~thed litter ·the Pa~lan . Mr. Rnd Mrs. Fred Burnard of' 8pent 8everal days 1- ".~ ' l~ Lidlei .' H~a* e~ . among '1'e~tl~ea~ here prominent' 8<1ueator, ' tor tbe . mode follow" In tbo) !,hadoW of tbe minllwn ar~ oamping , here now. D,eur . Bellbrook called ' on ihelr Cinoinnatl' In . aUendanoe tbe + __ Mal , 1 who Iby rilht leada 'he They ~ere reinforced ·.~undaJ:· by d tl ~ .. Ell Ma. l it Holiness meeting ,.' .. ...... 8ocial , r~ " , ~.oiD -i() ;berhomeei~her ~inie in,flny yeal'll, he recalled.. throng •. Orops are :1'00.klD; as :we,1l quite II: n~ilider 'of ' thelr friends gl:!.:'~damy.o ler, r~ . en, r a .. John ' • eo .'II..-: , I "W .JIl .'~'!~..-11 . '. . d Ui toDlmorrow aDd w . III be remiJ)lsoenoe, the lteat ' Intel'8lt of' f b i '" to · " ~~~~~~~!~~::: an ... 1181 b ' by Hi Me ", . I'~ ppu]d be exp: te4 after winter s ro~ ·' .e r ..o.~e . wn. . • The third quarterly meeting of Soroggy· " ~I"\..;:':;_C.~ y·L · . tJornell .Mar· ome . ... b!lrBelf ,llnd~uband, in 'b~ ~rly lceandBnowrellD,q ulihedbergraap 'K rs,Ed,8. btlrwood and ,twoohll. Unton ' olro'ul't wall ' eld' "t ' t.hls' guestsOf _ I I I ~~ :" . t'- .. Watelll011le 'and eduoattonal dall'll of t.hi8 common. n .. U'~.Jl ~ere.~~ a • Ogle.~, wbo . will b e d \Vh lte ' t I to hi t~ree WIII8U .",0 ; ·,Meadows dl'8D vl8lted Mr. and Mrs. 0.' H. ' place 8at~fday an'd rSunday. ' c Letter ...., 4Co8'~ . dle ' pdd ., a .bOD118 ~ny un"l tty , a~too ' .. °l,a r ;r e i~m nidi' I are oomlng out .rsmart.,bly and . &be Sherwood ~~ay. . Mz:1t Lue tlte'pbell(l 'spent a ook 0 C81Itro,rnlta ~-:: . r, .h ome, • p euure .... Ben ng to aong ot tbe old l' ill 1 ~ • . ~ . • al;W~"._• .diI'1'iI&i1 her' boo'" f hi h b . . . ea~r w ere Qng .· ( day. in~yton with' her daughter qlM-Il4)ID ... _ _ oj w--: 000..' .... w:ere pre. " , ' ". ~m~ ai, 0 w o e wa~ be beard all oyer tbe· land. ' The ' . Corwin. ' , ., ."".... "I, ~ V, Barnhart baa h"d -hta ex'. tbe aathor. U d th 1_ ' ~ . • Mre .• Jdbn Morgan. _ . ...... ~ eV.~D' mOli'. . , i ... " . ' , " qua an . e ...r. must take :warn· ." '; Mrs. 1M Barnard or near Bell. ' ~Ua .., w , _boe IItQ~ .new Y papePed; 1 10 'tlle k"ibu~ to thll revered ing and hie themaelvea to eat. lira. I, N. iB"t.ria and family of S da ook i8ited b ' th v , ev " . :"' ·b ~d 4eoo,ated and the 0001•. ,l'8I,t fol ~18D4 ofbia e*.I\.,. ~Ie, allOOmpany. quarte..... . . · . Dayton are ~~itdl~ ;;tbla .,,~ir bt er mo er li'n y, ICe,ntt!r'8,08llti • + 7T~c! '" e~lo.r of &be, deoprattQu fur:nlllbe.!t.· lis• .them, be'laid, ~'TrnlJ' '&hl"" ~tl. · 'f wltb her mot~ M~ '~ Altd8' M ~r. J~Me8 ayn~ of t:lno'npa~ . .....;: • . Mr . dote'to Old' Ap iii Bgepl.... ty, ~OIt of tl!e PJltlemen of cloth KiD y . ' . ( . n.ited friend I! , .t this ,plaoo SOD' ........... "' N .• &lee , ' mod81.iiJ:n:iany 'e'l! lCl"" •. l. . " . : ,'. .' who wel'tl,~~~~. ~the Bome.Qom. G:dht .stok~ re~rn~ 'to .her day. . " , .a_ , , 'be"~' .~ a ,',u~ .... ', from her' I&bON in, 'lal' w1!8k .Il-AID .tbo~e. A fe bcm,e In Otqnln~tl . Wedneeday 100-. , ~. B~rton Earnh,r t a1l4 aon 1".,...",..... . .Wfer&1 tlml[ll .tJle ~ of th~.\ lieI' workl,4Qfollow '~!D4ecl. uj) 8xpNued oompled by hert ..~, H.~, S~rOld.of neu Wa1 n 8l7rille ' I~nt 8eUa 'Oook '.. PDt . •boUt aD ' . •• th. . . ._ 'U 111ftiD1 'beeD &ID,ply- ~th. . . Sunda, with ber mo'.her JCll8D , '. . . : NI.IU4 bJ ~. DIOIII oommunms ,J IIu BaIIe\tA MoKiD18Y and . tile. niDI' of a Ilok . bJ' .,!IDA lin,. ~adlan JOIIIJ .".~........ . J[eDedlltl14oll 'Wert!.%ala V1aIkn . otto. lIl&rla&t eu\erialned &brae ~'='!l~ bI~~ l1l'i, ht ~- aD4 ' .' , ....... ~ tOr l8l'enl Tb~~ IlartalD of II 7011D1 men of 1>t.Jton ~.--~..,.".D



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TWO ,O--LD .--

Fa" PlowIng Has Proved the MOl' E".ctual Method of Figh t ing Pllt.

flo many city men will sympathize V,ln' woT'll'" IHe Hhmdu~ "01'111 ' " f wit tile foll~ g Tlew of lIfu tnken Y lI"v ·11I1,.II·hlt" ",)1,.,· un.t ,"ry \Ull',1 ("om n rvm able autobrogruphlcl11 hO.II f'H. Tlwy 111'0: the )'0111111 linn' l' l • Horlal... Adventures In Conlontment?" II .'I1~ k ·hl'ell s. or ~ llnl'l1l11'l 111l!<~ ' ," "1 camo bure eight yeon ago as ilie ><'h',1 rl'OIll th f l lhat whe n 1,1l1C'(' I ~~-",~~~~~ ,'oule r of this farm , of wbleh 110<10 aft,· lI \lun Ih'lr bl\(;1l1:l th ey will sUfhtllnl), '1'\'" .~nl)' fauh tho\! 1"11'311l La mson 1 • W:;'Ul'r Ihl\\' e )'011 Il"tln HI ul kll\b, rwal'd I b ulne the owner. Thll time nnl\ t h hc\(jy IIlId . wltll II . harp dl~\(. FARMER 'S HOr HOUSE . II); ~OIl1td , 1III'0w til '111. NYC" 11 IInsld. had h ad I (l t1nd w\!ill ~t1 ra 1\\ IlII Ul ' I : 11I'!\Il1 1.~Tn ijtlll ~" MIl'll d ' III:&nd ..-rt. II rOI'/I lhal' l Ilk to forgot, The cbl f '"d Enl ,), 8~lIt Place for I'bill; 1'1 hl<l (\I~tan\: Illto tbe ulr. WI,..'. 10 • :>.roS of tIl Ij' hUI'1')' wo(\,II><I me " '111 h(ullr, " 1\11(1 I\' I! " lf~ Iltlll J !'~cb ('1 lI 'lPl'('~ Ion hi I ft upon my m 'mory. ' uow hupi/lly growing 1r1C1ls!luct. II! 0 , " 01'111" 111'1' nDlllnfl t h I..IO" t troutol'" wn~ her t:o,'('Il. lIllllblll I\nd UItBI"Y , tit! )'1I11 l' nlll( " "l he ,..' to m .. t." lng Wlntef Vegetablea. ~1'flll' o[ Cl'OP "ChtS. an(1 UM tb"y 11\ 0 "I ' ,'vr"l1"~ ~ Jealo ',. )', TJ ore ",a'S hnnl· ":";ow. Mira ," sliltl HlrullI. Qui 11)0 bill 1I ,'l nl: hlllTlllI\ (aster Ib nn 1 coul,l weU IIndt" 'A"ound '\.t Is dlJJi ult to ~1J1\ bat I), A WOlUall In all tl10 C{)UIlIFS·~hl. Ih1l1 1 t\ l·11l1~·. "I h., jC'ulo'!d) ,'aC I,(\~fl 61l'l t;1t InlV"!. 1"1'0111 lho Dlomullt as u boy uf th III. rh'!'1 '11 sUf'nlc 10 1III'nm 01 ev('n lunk 01 III lhll! f,llIIl ly IIn~' longer, It's Illuyt'l1 17 1 flrsl hegan ' to vay ill Y own 11'0\' At Ihl' ' IV Y"rk ('orn('~I . Afirl('lIl. 111111 . (M IClir or ZlII' , I.I>Ulstln IlCr\l tlnl< 0111 (.\1 ' 1'\' til ollly woman I arne my tlnYR w.. r ordored hy 11n In scrlll·. I tn'll I l';X II('I'lm 'n~ dllitlon . ~hllll ~lIv II ra M ,\ 1111'1 Ill' a IIU B~!" :Hld 1I0<'U8111/1 h ' I'C to 61'. Bul J 1\1"'; OX PllCtlUg a .lIble power wllich drov m houl'ly to Ill)' tusks. 1 ~vas rar Iy ollow (\ 10 "~n rlnlfm l ~ ,'O\·(l.I'lnJ:; n Ilerlotl p C 111 1' " ho,' of t l'Ilng tu lit '0.1 1111':1111 IIWflY frpUl U'UII, WIHWe',. 'Iolld." Mlnl ~" y nl'f! v r mnl." ftll' Ih. Jlllrllo~c "r III'r, "t'IIIIH" '!" 111 11'1\ ,HIli It'hn ed III tl dIs lank 111' or down. bul always forwunl. r('SIIII!; " II1~cllul ' lIIclI"u\·e~. ',lit' Ktalp. From h" hillc ona Slln1l1l0" till)' ~'1IHt\'fl 101IC, " I (lulI't I;nQw lIo thlL\{I lCllVUI'1I n Ul l vague SUCC'IIII whlt' h ' we mOllts Iw ro IlIntl nrc hU Rc'l InrF-ely t111'1'O ( ('II tl boll Ih\lt ol'usl1l'1I 11Irillilth I nbulI~ III) ·l au. lcH, W!lIIt I wnnt 1'1 Au', t'lrUIlK love to glorH)'. "1\1)' sellSOS, ill Y nerves, eve n my UIIO" lh~ n'sulir.< of thos e, (,X[I rlln !,'Utll. ,hI' ("1111'1(' or IIlram's hUPJlln.'~s tlud IU IIIW I_ \"hero':! 1 ,,11 nUna, and m\lscll'H WOI'O cOlltlnu\! ily stralncd 10 Many n, Ih",IM lhlll had 1'Ir ,'lO ll ;~ \cft 'lI sha Ltl'l'oc1 III ruilis aroun,1 him, whu I.. !Sh c'?" Jt I 101· h"\' n l'r olll1\\" lIdc,(j tor :11' .1 'strllcUon .\ 1 SIIIlI.t1r ~lIrn lind annll1l1l ced he r " 1t!IlWIIII Il R! G ()~h sn ll 6 •• Mlrnlld. th e IItnloSl of uttal oruenL. l, r Ih C 'l('lIth II' 1'(' found to bin. Illtcution or luklng lie 0111 II rno 'mt ba, II gol an bnd ns lhat7 H I! )' 0 11 tered or IIlIUII ,d by the waysld , a s ('mel " II t. 'T u .-lIe hu t one exnmJlI : It IVnllrm and fI, 'lvinjt 1)obbl n (0 tho city '1lIo lI' l'd )'o\lr .Ipalollsy ro Cllr"y you S It seem!:! nalura l Co r me to rio. I 80011 1\' aQ tuUIlt) hIlt Ih,. ",lrl'\\'(\I'm8 we,." 1(' ,lttl'lI ll a I'l'vl,'ol Incoll ng . Much 10 Cur Lh al YOII'\, UClllltlly !lutrel'lng '100 I· h ai'll I h ~h ar" ra 'k of th lush, For Sudden. man y years, nnd I can SDY I~ truth· s tili aUvc In Frill to whl h ~~ h (' lI ough IIlrulU 's sur pl'l H lln(l r.llIlg-rln ~l lra h ud nllllons?" "Dld )'Ol! hurt tbllt man wllcn ' y",. I n either IIl1d lil' 1\ appli ed ll' 11111 the \,eseta· declined hi " 1"'otT(,I"d oscort. ·:Now. Hiram 1.11 1\1 8 11l1 ," a id Mira. h I fll ll~' . ( U(H' " ,' .Bted . The rpllr. yetlr~old 80n of a rlalll run oye\, blm ,vltb your machtn )'4. lion . ftl.'r sll(' hud gone. H Irnm s at dis· a l!rh'k. b UKl ne.s·llke tpne. Whi ch thought nor re flected. I hod uo pleue· Ono mot1IO,1 ",az; psp 1'1 111 A\JIJrovl'd co nsol,,1 I), on th sid 110r(' h s moltlng tlhow,,,t' that h I' I1I tnd WRS not IP'svoly '11'0, vou though I pl\l'sued It Il ll'l·ce· w~8lel' n !lelllltOI' ~lRd a Vlln- blgh Ollln· t rda y'!" "N~t \l bit. He never lIDO" what ' ~fall Illuwlllf.!. Til,' "pll\l\ab<1n of Ihe hl ~ 111(1 . 'III UI re a iled 10 Ilrth by th e atrectcd: "beror ever I ,>0 bflck t c Iy durin !; th e brief respite of vaca· Ion or tho Importallce of his Cather. tr ucl, hlm."- MUwaul'ee Sentlnl!~, s 'rho latter tell s how , ou one occas ion tlon s. '1'h roll h ma ny feverish yea.., your ,h o use I1gRln, or ove n pul my tool hen nCill1 I'\'a ult~ thnl rollolY fnll plow· ringing of lhc rronl d'lOr \lI, lI. In th eir T~est e l'll 4 00\ • th lad cnme III): I ~ hE'III":'r\ 10 be found III tit fol· Passing to th hall, Hlrnm F.AW In that wago.n . I want IlU ltlllnDnt\on ) dill nol work; I mer Iy produced. BLISSFUL IGNORANCE, I ", ' ho o nly rea l th ing I did was to IlCr0811 a magazine In whIch , by some lowhlg rllets: \\'1 1' worms IIvo ror at t h l" ugh lh' plM glass In th e froat rlghl h re-,thl R vcl'Y mlnltl , Who I~ ngrav d, side by least thl'l'I' ~'car, In th wor m or IlIrvltl door l hn l hi \'18lto r was merely an 'I me ntlnll, lind w11al bus iness ha VE hurry liS If every moment wer m } c hance. Ihero we i' SUI .... Wh en til WOI'IU" tll''' full grown \lullan ft'ul l vendor, and shook his you got with hpr at illis tim e 0 ' n ight last, aH If t he world, wIll II now se'ms side, J)(/I'trnll.ll of tlte pr8sldtm t Ilnd tb e so rl h In everylhlng, held only one s nntor me ntioned. l hpr hnnge to SOfl wllll Q IlUIHIC dll'" hcud at the mun , . As h e was about to whQn honest fo'lks I nbed1" • Whe n the lad ca ught al r;ht ot his til tbe SllriO g for the gnrdt!o. Tbe In" .J uly. The 1I\I11SI stnge lao t, on!)' "IHurn to the sid e porch. Hi ram no· " 1 don't know , hal you're tall, l!lg lIr1ze whl ·h might be seized UpOII be· Since t hell 1 ha,'e falh er'" features be broke Into a brolld ilapeat anll be~ t kInd of a ho bouse about th re . 1I'e k s, th e Insect ss:mm. lIco!, a Illolle of pupe,' Iylllg on the hall ' nbout. Mlru-l' \'e no mol' Iden lhlln 0 fore I arrive d, Is a lean-to, with a HOllth· Ing t he adnlt form In '\UgulIt, But. fiool'. H went forw ard Bnd plckpd It n xt yenr's pumpkin. But I'd like to tri ed to recall 1\ ke one who 81ruggles sm\le, "That's 'u good plcl urI) o( yo u, 1fI!!t!ii.....~"'!'l~~·bI!~~6;mals\Jre. thelldJotnlng Iw\ld · tlll'I, ng to uay. altlioltgh lb(,' Mult Ul). know If thl u Is what \'011 call Ilttend· t9 restore th e vl s l01l8 or a fever what dadd y." said ·he. "Very good, my soo,'· lI.iC Itc&.UIg,as I/o "break against t be wind stille Is r ROhed nt thi s timet, t h e In" WhAt's t hiS?" l-IIram ns l,ed. 1If! he Ing a r e vlvlIll ma.t1ng . I'd also ll ke to It was thnl 'J ran 10 attain 01" wh y, " WhO'8 tbe man next 10 you, dad· I sllollJd bave borne wltltou t rebol· n4 cold. ' HOe t t'pmafllS III th e c II '10 the I1;round wall;ed back to t he porch. " A letter. Imnw who Claud e Is?': Tbe bullcnnl, ahonld bo mude abo ut till Ihe following AJlrll or M ill' . nearly e h?-and tor n In two. That's funny. "'\'o t h llIl ler·bugs wi' Claud !" wne lion 811Ch ludl gnltles to 80ul nm( body. dy 1" asked lbe young8tel', "Wh~', m y lion !" e~clalmed the "en· 16.,1; l64Jt wfde Ilnd li S IMg 0 t he a year. ThIs period of qul ellc nee 18 Mira's always 80 partl 'ulllr about t he 1\J Ira'8 liV palll'nl el(c1amatloll. " But That life s ee ms now, of nil illusions. bulltUng agatnd whl(1h It b pul. T he appRtently necessary to tbe life of th war ' sh saves her lolte rs. Why, now. wilen you !!let love-I It rll from YO Ul lhe lnost dl s18nt and unrenl. 1l Is ator. "don 't you know? -Thot Is one , I ,.lAg , lUll top should sta n about beetlc. or In e'Very case whtre t.he 8(,\1 who can be a·wrltln ' to Mira like that IIkQ that uugu essed te rnlty b for(l w ~ of ~bo grllatest men of th,e world. a lemen tlnlUl. Hiram Lamso n. mlln mol' admirable aud more power· • 11 n feet liP on the adlol nlo!l' building was dl turbed after lhe Inl!ects had - ' M y dal'llng Mira,'" ah ould bo mnre CH I' ril l ' tblln to dro ara born-not of conceru co mpa'r ed ntl the .tront of tb hot house s hould tro!l sfot-m d, the b e tles »erls hOO. " My dnrllll g 1\1lra- I cannot go a woy · III nroll nd In tb dairy. Now, read with that Ilternlty II Jlo n wbleb we are ful tha ll any kIng. T haI .' my lion. II I .e atit feet hI gh, of whi h t h'r (,> teel By foil plowing, says tbe I,"arm Jour. 10re"e1' without seelng you ror ol1e tbAI I ne ,', :nnd Ihen . tell me YOll n~vel uow embll1·ked. Presld(mt Roos evel l." "All t hese things hal)pene() In clUes I The lad al>alo lopked at the pIctu re II . tel be of glass and three teet of na l. we cn n destroy the beetles In the worlf of tarow II. It In yo ur breast b a rd of CII! rnen~hll\! " JCOOiI, durable Inch boards, lined with 8011 and thu8 prevent tbelr dc)Jobll\ng U',e re still burns one s park of tile lovo aDd amon · crowds, I lIke 10 forget of th e- prl)slden t. ThOll, atter a thougbt· Mira took n Jlloce or paper frllm h el f01t Ol' .tar pap r. to kooJl out t he cold, egg 'the followlnll season. Arter plow. tba you fe lt for me on~e, m et me al bOSOm and ha nll ed It to Hlrom. who (hem . T h y smack or that s lavery ot rul. pallse, he observed I "Ba y. dodd y, th e I)eople In tile east Tbroush' th entire length., ~aia8i 109 (at leas~ s ix Inches d<:ep) , lIle sf,lI 11nl! IJlUlt e Ight o'clock to.nlght undol' munaged to read by tbe light ot, thE tb spirit which Is 80 much worse thun all)' mere slllvory of the body," . "'Iii be awful proud when they Bee the ~"'''''''IIJ~'"11'DS blllldlng, Is run t b e bench should \I e well pulverIzed and QCO'l' th e blallted elm In LoverR' wnlk . Grant rnooa : Gertte-Or. what fj1n ! t'htlMl Dora pre!lldenl's pIct ure ne.xt to yours, won't Smart Got 8 ,piece of " lellr" b n«l~, a bed I, mad . This bould s tllnally stlrrod so that the earthon m t·hls lallt prayer, my love d one. alld " Dear HI- You hav e broken .my lbey 1"-Amerlcan s pectator: - a nd she doesn't kno It. I """ feet wlt\o and about 30 'to 32 oell~ of the pllpno and adult!! may be 1 'w1ll never tl'Quble )'OU aga lo . Your hea ·t tell 8rlUa h Admiral at Port Arthur. rt. tint I w11l go \lway und bear n~y , I1UibOll hIgh: Agal""t the exposed s,de destroyed. It will usnally require o.t fllithfu l lover, Claude," her! ,f sorrow In sillenee. You wilt lI ev r _ et , n ear·Admlrlll Slr Edwal'd Cbiches· "So ' t h is Is the r e vival m ec tlu' a s me ngnl n on earth. unless you corn e tc tel of tho BrlUsb navy, wbo ' dl eq reor · the bal\d1 ng a benc)l. of the same least throe years to ren der tho 8'011 ' QUITE NI\TURI\L, be jb.t-and only two feet wIde Is r un , oomp((I'atively fre from wlre worm". Mira's gone to? Gone to r vlve a th blasted oak In LoveNl' Inne at hall cenlly. used to tell thlll "blt of blstory He CARRIf;D THf; IAMPL 8, as only t he pupae a nd adults arc g uilt)' lo ve for this fello,,' Claud(>t builleatln,g 8 t,,'o-foot walk, ' , Illl sl e ight to-nlghL Yours, thougb I of th e tar enst, just 'beror ' nllsBln Ncar tile entrance at One sIde ma~' kill II, lhe young lar vae remaining ux. wh oeve l' be may bc. Oh. Mira, Mlral llIay not call you mint'. A certain York county orencher fol' t~ok posse8slon of Port Arthu r: "I 00 plllCejl a 'good s ized old·fasblon ed Injured. This Is why you've nlwp.ys p rtend ed a long time !tad been dOlIng "Clemenllna." ran Into Port Arthur one morning Bnd tlft! stove. L , t th pipe run n arly o~ Rotation or crops Is Illso help!,,1 n to be eo jealous of me-y ou did It to ~Itb a fi ery concoction nr,et!llll\'~Q(t"'lor­ HiI'anl sctmtchcd his h ead rO! a mr> allchot'M alongside n Russlon . 01'ulscr, cover 1I1l yo u\' own wl'Ong(\olns, !Julte the J,englh of the buUdlng before I,eoilins tho 'pellt In check. , there was the devU to do. Tbe some stomocb t rouble. ~bllet ' Well (ettDg lbe cblmney 80 that yon will , , " Half pa st eight o'cl()Qk, IInder the men t In perlllex,lty, Lhen s lapPIng hi e port ndmlra l put olf and tt'ld me ' r1~nIDJ Ilt l ,holel he trea~ blmselt' , 1P'8 al\ th'e )leaL A low, conl\tl\ll t C~ARC9AL A8 'PLANT FooD, blasted oall. 1 muat get Oil my bIke thIg h ca ug ht Mira np In his arlll S nne aa IIIUIII, to th e regulation ii~role dOle 11~ .,,111 kel/I? !,be house pToperly a nd 8pln 'ove r thetEl, I may b In time. kissed the astonished woman betort eoulil not n nc llor, ther e. I sold 1 was' An InqullllUve Soaton drummer on bill nlready anchored. He said I mUBt s he ' conlrl o Ner realstance. beaU-d. ' It " Lends Heall" ~nd VIgor to All BUl look out for )'o urselt, Claude! l'Il rlgllt hllnd Inquire d the roaeon for ·tak· "'.:Vby. old gtcl." h e said, "somebody'~ wlligh ~gal n IHld get ' out. [told bim The Ulualratlon . taken from' th Vegetation, just puL a ra whl'de In n1 ' pocket, and Ing lbe medl~IDe . . 'fbe pre.~ t~· Farm,and Bome abows the arrange' r ll give you the llol·dlngdest lambast· been foolln!t liS both. 1 got a lette l I wouldll't budge a n incb until It pla lned hlB stomach dlftlculty, aDd the 'mmlt: c c heln. the glas ~sh , a a ' tbe A horticulturIst connect~d wftb {he Ing tlutt n man ever got on thi s side of pretty much lik e tbat-slgned with th slIlled me, and, In Lb e meantime, I benefits of biB treatment. 6nd tbe nallle 'Claude,' a s ef It was Intend d must hnve (resb provis ions. and vegeIfln bel and b t he walk. By build IllS BotanIcal Oarden s, at WBIlblng\:On. \,l~ ~he equator." , drumm er, 1I'ho wns I)lmsolf subject to (' bouse yourself, tho expen a will C otly Said : I Lo\'ers' lane wlis lh e nam e given to ter you . ,W ell, wboever It WIIS. we'lI tables. The n there was no end or ex· ' Indlge8t1on , t ben related 1I1e tDateri'aJly ,lessened. It wl11 -qost bu " ExperlmentA with refenincet to lbe n ell·wor,n pllth that ran t\lrougll a just Cool them. We'll get, Into tbf ~Itement, RUBaian p inn aces antI Ohl· symptom. and 'l,bUtely reQUelltlld thlf iJJtUe to run (t, The 8<l8h, .'glaze d,or un· I,Ise oe cbarcoal have develoPlld the pI-ii or woods about five miles. from wagon and <lrlve hom e and neve r 0 nese pinnaces dar tin g a\l over t he , 1 " ' ~u prlvJlege of tryIng tbe remedy. Tb.' ~ u~, can oUen be bougbt cbeal)t)' t~t hat plants will vegetate alld I;I1> W tile 'Lamson farm. Tbe city to whi ch word to an ybody to let follts kno\\' .harbor. I went quIe tly Ilbqut my bus· By mpath ti c preacher freely 'gave hi. "lOong,hand. U pot, ~ew 6ash a, t'1! no In Dear Iy pure coal. ant) that plants Mira was SUPllosed to ha\'e gone to at· whnt two ,;111 rools wc've bee-II to. Iness, The , Chinese laid they would u very .senerous dose, wblch epeedll, ' complain to my govel'nnlent. I night" .fl0r1 6l(penslv and, yOU can th n buy: grown t D-a . ~ .. ~ m Ixturo of two-t hIrds c(!a1 ten d a r vlval meeting lay anothe r five -I ' took e ff ect, be CI ...... Haif an hou r Illter as tb ey ,tored grInn ed. 'fhl s went on for. some time. , gl"ze I\nd paint them. A d thlr4 f mil es beyond tbl! woods. HIram made As Boon as the tf6vellng maD re'IoYbullllln, of tbls kInd ':o'uld be marie to an one0 vegetable OI,old greltt, n' 10Dg detour s o as to ap\lroaeb tile th h ouse LInd Hiram mad,e· .. light I\nd then 1 got orders from homeered his brea\b and Wlpod hIs teu. 1I& well by ralslng fin e tomatoell let, Iy. aurpar,~thoBe s:own. ln the"'o~dlnary trv . Btln'" ' llllce from the back of . the Mira e,'(claLmed ; , Salls1?ury, wo,s ' getting old U1en', and t ce, ra4lahes and .otber atul\'. ' way. T"ll,llroes8 is added w'tbe stemB, " , he th,u8 IIccosted ~be mLnlater: .. rlchnesa to the color ot the leaves and woods, lustea\! ot from the t.urnplke. · "Hiram Lumson. thore's b en l1;t!svee probably a little 'weak-to leave Port "I und~rstall4 t hat YOIl &1'9 ' A'rthur and slllI tor Chefu. W h en I bea uty to tb\! blosllOms. ~n all easell It s tili locked tS mill utes of th e nil' here! Everythlng·.s turned I4p8ld~ prellts.hel'1" reaebed Chefu tbe RUBslans hnd taken \\'here It II ()!lBtomary to mIl sand with Ilolntod time whe n he came w.tthln down," MICE IN THE ORCHARD, . 1 a m. IIlr." possessIon of Port Arthur. Had 1 ThO M;alden-Whilt do you do ~ben t,~ e mold 1n which plantA are set, tile s ight o( the billSted elm . lnve8t1ga~Ro Jl revea le d losses lL ." 00 you llrea cll ben·fire'" HoW They "'.y 8e Kept from Girdllng l 8 ub~Utution ot c harcoal ~\lBt lor the In lhe gatherIng dusk Hira m eGpled llton:lY.. , plate Il nd ' le"'elry to the remllined. the lIIetory at he far eRst you tall in love Wl tl! a girl? "J do, sir." would have beeD cbarged for , all The Poet-I run.-tometer,-Pbllll· the Trna. 8and will render the' vegetation MlrR, seated behilld a trlje some 20 ' amount o{ U,200. , " W"'I . yon are the Oret' pr(taeh time." l1elpbla Press, . . ' . stronger and more vigorous. paces from tbe blasted !Om, lind he ",Bless me', If .those robbe rs havenlt Wat reVer . S IlW who carried 'roU Tbe Minnesota experimen t stnl1 0n ,, ",Pure ebarcoal lIots exc.ellently u t.eard tbe whlnney' ot tbe taltbt w Dob· act ually hadl th e lmt/u'dence to Joov( , samploo ot It ,''-Boston H&iiid. Gamecock Language, THE E\EWARD Of VI,R TUE, U![ that BOme' C!:xperlenced !;ree 'QW' D means ot curing unbeallhy plant;'. 'bi n, tethe red Romewhc,re n ear at hand. their cards!'" exclaImed Hiram. Many traces remalJ1 ' In popula~ qu. ~mmen d the follow Ing trCll.t, 'fake, (or instance ; an otallge lre41 "Seems a~ et Claudo walm't In such · LyIng !~C(l downward ' on th o d lnlng· TWO OF A KIND. ~e"t ~ protection 8snlngt rab bi ts alld a ffected by the V\lry ,common dleeasl!. a "hurr)' to Ileep hIs allpolntm8nt 1111 1'0001 tllble '\Vere two ClI.lendars whlcb speech ot Ule hold that eock.Ogh tf.s The gas went out. The rnald~D ahrlek~lI; gnln ed ' on the nation during tholle R e r lillie brother '(>'''r ml~ ; •. ' In whl cb the .Ie:lTea. become yellow Miranda was. She came out be.r e hot had been tot'n down trom th e wa.lI. On 88J<0 Iul;i\ .00 8 aod t urneoJ "Make a title\! "hr!e~asli. about th a nd It will acquire within It few weeki toot to see' ~lIat city dude, an d there he the bBCI, ·or' each a n.o me wae printed centurie s tbroug" v,·hloh. It' was . even' Ror'tnl.chl"t·. Jt .Inl> 0" al lh'l metel'. an offlcllli IDsUtutlon In boys" 8chools. , .I!ltene), ot I·clm, . to whl h' add -Its bea1tby ' greell ' colol' by' removing k eePIl her walttn·. Ah. Mira! I never' In Jlencll; In InTge, IIHortllc(l clillraC An a 8 0 I>e sh,pped Intb the b(»" "That beats coc k·ftglltlng·· may' be gonath ef1\na he growled ; eDOIIgh hlut). Itrlol to gl vD a 'rouln's ~he III'POt tlurface Ilt the ··oortb from trllatetl y.e that way. It's · plttrul- ten: 11 hur!. P!I\l, Peter moat Of ntl, Ing olll of !nshlon In fllvor of \'tbnt 'K blue' ool(lr, P I!.KS .1) t wt'en two be pot In ,which It la contaIned a downright pitiful to 800' a woma of " "OLA Ol!l." ~nd thnt ,",&8 ,,'by h. howled. takes tbe cake," now 't hat the '/'OW$, auii appl); with Il· hrll. II. coa\lnli placlng ' ln I~B : stead a roulld" t he' per- your ye~rs acting like thIs. , . "CLEMENTIN A," Ilupremaey' of' t ho "8)lort'" Is The lo\'u Br'ntred. "Here, Pete," h' I&ld, "Aye, lass, 1 could almos t fin" It In ,t hat Bide of Ucb row which i s nc>:l to Iph r)" of the pot t! ring of charcoal oJ/yrlght. ~ll(J/i; by Dully s~ol'Y (lub. Co" forgotten: ,b\.1 t we .wlll ' sJleak of "1\vlng "I'm ,Ilia t hnt you WOre wlllln .. t)l" o'(ler~tbr:' flf an Illeh In thl c~nells. Th.'J '.cbor- my h e at:t to take amI IItt ye Into t he What ~ de.lri!t1 .if ·you . ' like . a flgi Ung oock.... tho\.1g)! ." living .ToSodoher!>: Anotbe r reinl)dy TI'comm E:'" MO l~ 10 coal 10 UKO Ii; the ' dUBtllke wagon alld drtve ye s tra ight bo·i ue be· .. 'the promi sed Ihlilt nl!;: Only One Wish Honored. like a racehorse." mlght ' be more ' ln Of oouno, l'rn lorry your . palm , lak E! n \)OIIIO.I10118 ,SOJut1ou . \I \ i, ~ one ff(lm 'fir or I)\.n e coal, s uch as 1 8~ u8ec! rore y,e get a ' ,ch ance of mRklQg a fqal l The laleaL arrIval In. Shaileland wal IlOeplng vwlth tbe times. · When we Shoultl cali.o a 1IU141 trou ble-. tlllrt of sulllbat 'of stTyclininl' ($"". ~)' tho country h!aoksmkb, aI1~ Ithe ot ' . 'beforQ m y eyes, I'd dq ItTo·morrow t urf). It out Apln. · thIrd ot ope part of borax on" \I~I of hiit r s lIlls are obtalne'" wilen ,the Lhe Whole nIght's business very rOSM. "W ha~ d l . the 'mntter?" say that , a ' ulnn' "dle8 game." or tbat , Abd ~ will Illv. you 4o~111 0!" ~Jii ayrap, t~.n,. parts of Will ,', Thl. coa l lias b en ,ex p08 d. to r tb~ action' - I( It wasn'e Uin_t Tm. bound to e ver· ble w froD! t he tips of the shad tlollt· we are "game" for anytblng. we are ."-u.tu,,,.ls Pllt Inti:! .\ lars ' . ",).)" "r lIil' !llr thl'Qllll'h a wlotel' sell80n. 1~t1ngly 'knoc)( the' noitd"hment out Qf Illg near, "l aee," s ald Iho ero!ls one, commemorating the ganlecoc k's s Jlft lt . , DUped. " that e very deSire r expressed In re- The "whUe footh r" Is ' an allUSion to 'R1ollt!led ,bottle a~c1 wol1 halten, Xu.... "The PI'ollcrlles of the charcoal are this fine gentleman Claude. "-V:oung m:ln ," said the old lady, wltll gard to m )" flln crill Ignored," the fact tbat Buch a feather , In i. ~ut t~sh twig from the 1<10\1 0 Ire" '\I»l\lI('~ l er1. In tWI) ways: 1o'lrst, by lte "No. I guess It's all oyer betweeo anger III he e yes, "I've brought back t1I"t are beIng attaoked a nd wiT h a 1" l1l1,' n(.":r 1<;> Ill' Rerv All "Iants and you Bnd me, Miranda. I don't.thlnl\ "That·s nothh.g." r plied lit o ld timer lighting cock's tall wall taken a. evl. this bere thermometer YIIU sold me. In Shndeland. "Th e onlv shades dence or InferIor breeding and coui', amaH brush palM Ihem IIShlly w'LlI hl\lIt'la llc~a from d t!CIlY; and, socpndTy. we can 'ever live together after this. wIsh es nre 'currIed out ~re; lhe "'omen You can't come none ot your tricks on . ' .. tbe polson, espec iall y lhe t~r lTil nn l uy th ... dnrbOlllc ga s It tllrnl~h es du", But l'U do ~he rlgbt tblng by you, Mira. wbo, eX llre8~, the desire ~ hl!l thel I' hu. .a ge: ~nd ' Grose beld ' tbat "black'leg" me," -buds. Tbelie are said to kill rule; olld Ing Ih e slo w llc omllos ltion It ' under- VOlillhaJl have the old plaoe and $5.000 bunds marry a g8In."-A ohlson (Kan.) 1."'Ra'arrsloodoeCrllllvlled'-'"afrom the black legs of , " What', the' trouble with It?" bland· '~lt8 Without el}dlUlgl!~lng bini\! and gOl'H. a nd \~h ldl. III It (ew yeura, con. In cash . . That'll leave m e 'ample for Globe. I' "lew, , howe ve ~, dIs· Iy aakfld the Clerk. ' cu",n..,u by,. the, slngl!! point that tbelr o\hlj.r anlmala. Scatter In run ...· nr~ re' I'erl~!t into tI coltly carth. I ~ )' Ield~ my needs,. And: ' don't .thlnk '5.000 Is "Trouble,! The 'thl~lJ don't' .atllY; the , . , legs are not always blllok. ' , dll'l'!:lI r nnll '~onstunll y ' one of the enollghl elt)ter: " You hare. done as Scllttered 8ubJects, q ll ~feq by tbe rod~nt8, ' .aIpe two dllY8 at a thne. Glmme 11:1;1 'Mrs. Drown-I 'met 14ra. Peek 1• . , 11111.'1) may also be klllej! with ~t '·)'c h. mOKI h e ntial e l 111P.1I(8 of 1.11In\8. am!· mllclt 8s J bave,· Mira. toward' savlng The kIng or .England hns In AsIa mOD OY back.'.'-MII'I'allk~ ·Sentlnel. ' Jnpw, I do thtnk ahe 18 8UC~ a "oritf4; . The' pace of Admiralty. nlDOf powd~r,ed On COJlll . meol mush. Iri " ('~!) 111I 1Iflll 0010" An d :;teaL IlI xllrl . . what ,we've gO~, I'll' ,~aAte It ~G,Ooo. mor'o thun 300,000,0'00 s nbjects: In .plteful woman, alwaY8 ruunlng peoo", Wheat or corn niay be 80aKed fot' 2~ 8 IHII~ ' to UICnlo Nobody shall say as I!m sUngy: I ""ell. Ame~lca 7,600,000 ; In AfrI CD. about It I", reported that ' Japan will seo <lown behInd tbelr' backl. HAD !lARNED IT, _ .' ' l\~I'. B1'Own (8Weetly,,--WeJl, 7QI( ' JI' ·.hour" In a strychnine 80 U Oo. made '· \\·h !',. Iu,.g~ qllantltles r char ron I Ihere JSIl 't much for ~e to do around 43,OOO,OGO; '1 11 Australia, over 6,OQO ,OOO. Oreadl\allght and go Great BrItain needn't Imitate bel', ' l:r bOiling a le~$P.OOo!ul 01 t h t' crXH' sr. II. cd Ihe Ill nnl8 ca ns u", and ,.p. bere; nQJ\'.· All tbat'lj left Is to square anI! In Europe over 42.000,OO\). 01ass1· 3,000 tonI! betltlr, laylD, down a battle'1.&\ .. In two' Quurts ot woter. t be g~'II I II, quire morc "'a te,' thun ' ordin arily . as RecQU'ltS wI b Claude and}{lra: TheD, tying th llm broad!)' by religion. tbere shl'l) ot !la,GOIl tons eervice ,~l sJllace­ Revll,d Mythology•..• When dried, 10 be scatte red. a l Ihc lhc Itlr 18 g ll'on f,'ee a cce8S and tl rlell ~hl l! ol(l .~an' for DawaoD. , , ' ar"l 2P8,OOO.OOO Hlndus, 94.000,O~O ~o- D\e nt. Of course $e . mlstrel,l8 bf the The serpenta were twlnln,g \J~1Ie8 or the t rees, . 'j> t~e roots rapidly ," . At last It · seemed t hat lIflras 'pa· \~'amme({aDs, 58:000,000 Qhrlstl aris. 12,. seils will not 19nbrll ~e challengE;,' and lelvell 8.1'011114 U1acoon and' Ue nce .!Isd given ou t. Hiram I~ed ,OOG,OOO Dudtlhlsts and ~3.000,000 of va. we must prepare to .hertl' of a Brltlsb sons. nt his watch as she' got up and 8tar~ed rloue pagan lar non.Ohrlstlan 'religions. batttes blTl of 2G.QOO tonll. Tlie Japa' APPLE PACKING BENCK. Fall P lanting of T re es . ':Oreat snakes I " be' ellllalm~ . fo r ' l he by·road 'where he Imaglned 's11e' . ' nese, . \lelng a proud and progressIve • ,;[n · ~J:pr. rl .m elllS car ried U i n E ng' " \11 ' Is worse than bel'n g atrangled hn<1 left. DobbIn te thered, By the light :The Exclullve Waste BI~· k et. l1eo (lle. will no( B It' , and milY· be • hl\lli'l wn~ found t hat early rail pla n\· One Which Will F.old Up Out of the of the full 1I100n Hiram saw that It was octopus!" , "~' , The latest and smartest waste blls, coun,tcd on to pu~h. tbEI\ bUIl\1lrlg.'n1lirk W a y When Not In US,P. - Ing of. fwlt t I' (1$ IS vcry advall'Ag(!1I118 But even he did not lmaclne gO,t 1111" too, kete.. aro ot leather, co\'er~ d' with atl on t heir side lip to 29.000 tona.. half paRt nine-. • ~ I! lIl£' \lltlnUn g waR d"'la"e<1 as bu tnol~c l "ssl y , t0110wed Mrs. Lamson, opell 1>at.t el'[1 of wIcker and with a ~hat tIme our 0;l"1l,p enthllslasts t hey wE>re' doomed .to 'die a UD;Jt!l~[ ( 118 Nov lIIllr'r th e re"111 . W/1re .Take a 2/,;4 and saw OIlt'tWD tour· 1"lshlng hi s bicycle alopg !>efllro Illm : , I~rge roll ot' t he lea the r over ' , wlll ..wake up and t\:le . taxpayers ' .wl1l deatb In all the IIrt ,Imu8Elu.n ls_ Ln"....... . (he ~~me as tr tho Illant\og weI' don e foot lengths and bolt them to!lclhcr succeeding age8,":;'Chlcago ""'·Ihi" ....' .. ,.lU8' ne Mira Wat;; about to atep IntO top~ Thea'e are parl1c ulllrly Ilppro· be Invlted ' to. ~on:trlbute ' the ' clIsh .for' . in: Aprl\. . La1f~ fa ll 111nn tlllS a nd e ,'1)" In th mlrtdle rot· th e legs. Tb en tal; t hE' wa!l=oll. Hlrum. who bad r eached ' prlate , tor library o ~ study whe n a f10aU llg tortl'e!e 01 32,O~0 tOIiS. 80 apr\ng plAOUllg BE:' lIIed to gl\' t ht' bel' gldo IInohserved. ~a ld : .· . the leath er hi the exact shade of 11'0'11 does ' lbe race tor nava.1 supremccy go, ~ l!~mo e~ull F II Is pO$slllll' t hat In ':Lel 11\\: h ~ IJl you. wlr~. I gueSII 11\1 papor, chall'lI and olher furnishIngs. the mind of the rt)mpetlng world Qe· 'tb\! Unt ted !StHll)S I~ WOuld II as well Jo~ d my wheol Into t be wagon arid So far t hey are suffic lentl y -..",nP.,.I'v,,·lln g at Ill'esell,t fi xed upon dlaplaoement tc.l a atually ~ a (I'ee ill til 'gl'f)1Jnrl wC)'1I dl'lvc' home together... . ' to ii~ very exclusl~e. , 1l9' If there was no other factol"'to ' be WIler@< It Is IIJ ~ Iil nd 1111 ·tll " \I ll l ·.it In'' . 3Qalllaatn:aQIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOaIllQaaaaOaDUaaaaaaaUaIllIllIllDlllaaIllIllDOaa' ta ken In lq nccount,-BOatoD !l'ran, .~nd nt ou' In t h c 's prlog Th moist ..f"...··. "' " ' Bcrlpt. .. ,C}~l fl)tlte" f f~II~lond rnay. Il\Iwev!o'r. gi ve tl\.r 41-/r re nt ""~ lIl t ~ rrom t hdst' Il hta1n, ;.l .Caulle for Tea .... ' I , ••,ble III SClnl ~ecl loo s n C l he ( rilted The ' <.were spea~ing of. tbe tash lon· ' ~t.\lle8 wh.,,·,. \)f lh drou tll. and ~evere ~ow, IIfr, lbok me 10 i1ie f~e and able 'Wedding. I 'JQld 'hn ve ,;0 br' co un led 0 11. • . , I~ ' '''~:: ';' \ '''' '' ...., 'I" 'J'''~ Pet of N~W York Man ' Evicted In: WQ S e llough to fri ghten the crowlI. btll 'fAnd she' Waf) tile lasi dalJgbter." Ie- leny. U you dare, tl)at you ,marrIed , '. ~•• . , ,, " . 'N ; traders On His Domain. every time be s creamed thoy Increa sp.d D!lIr/<ed ·olle. ..' ". ' . _ m. tor mon ey." Mo"able Apple F!acklng Ben~h, ., tllel,. speed. ' Over the tree tops t/te He raltle d his eyes nnUl they w,eriJ '''Yes,>' al,\ded the o~et:. "~d ,they A mnn Ih1ng In a little cuin!lorh\nd f(ilir I,Ilrds wl1nt, tbe pnrrot lligglng .3 alway s sal4 abo !;\'as the cream ot the !l,r eoted to ller COtlntilDlIDce, apd tal, t wo 0I0r' ~~ " !8 lind su w to th e ,le ngU, f tbal the bench III d esired ~o be. Bolt cO\lnt~·! N. Y., town. t hinkS h e hilS li ttle behind t:he ot her birds, but neyer CaJnU y.'t .• ~./ . ~...' " (ered. ",W II, J thInk I carnt the casb, th o lOl' vlece" to the. 'Iegs on' elt(ler dls covel'er\ a re medy for _tile el~ow ovll, for a moment ·dld h ~ ' g ive up the . , "And'atter tile cerempny tbe J arents don't you. dellr!" slLle nnd cpnnect the ends with ',( small "rbls man owns a llurrot, and occa· chase until the C~01l'R had been lost to wept. 1 wonder what tbe, were cl')'· ' 1' 011 (1 so that th e benCh wl11 be opeD to , ~onally l li ~:. bIrd Is allowed ~o It\ . elgbt In the thick foreat: 'I'ben Poll Ing l1btlut ?". " . • Courle It 'an't, about three feet from the ground. hIe cage and perdl In ~he b'ees In the allghted on R tree for a' fe w momeD~ "0)1, perbaps tbQ' 'were 'crJiag OTer He~~But It Isn't considered »1'O~.r H()QI'Y can vas Is nailed oa the slt.!~!:, front ),ul'd . Tbe othe r mo'rnlng ,Roll after whIch he N1turnl:d ' to his bome,. \ .pUt mill'," . tc! glvo va.ll!able 'prelenLS to a girt to s ays Prairie Fa'rDler, and sewoiJ ca\111' ~1'OJll his , oa$1l atter elltl!,g, b,la' . w.hom yoU are not enra"", a"oulHI the rOll S at tile ' e nd. The re- breutcfa HI. anll. looking fo r 0. tew 0:10Hlm,S1 wbom? vi ... fill' E.agio Blllt Is ' an allple pIcking benel! sImIlar monts . h flew to' orie of the .,t'lilmoat Her-By-er,...tbe oth~r glrll,~I• .A benevo)eot' old "eiitlemKII wo vIII· to wbat Is Illustrated In the sketc h, \Jral) cho~ of , tI la ll ,m,wle .. t' the cor. ' nlgn.p,rloid'II£II!,l( . and, tbe 80n of bl~ hoilt took a cqo DilIJ:; News, 'rh o ~d'vantage or th e canvas Is to !lave ne,' of tho 'house, and there r.emalo.ed ' .II' U.L[8["''''''. sbare In tbe entetainlDg 117 lbo~~ Lhe f~l1lt (rom lImng bruJsed. 1Intll thrve crows Ilal)pened to. alight She'. thlt a~adwlnl)er, 01 ' iome , pjgeon., The ,benevolent :&bow Ille \!Ilper b.d. atlil tbe , In an apj)lo tree a sbort dlBtance ~W8Y. . Wu l11eal8d that tbe lItt11l "And eu ~ul" "'fe '~kt cut ellMt' lIelo,.: the I\lw ' t' bud~ Hili Up ,.'ee.. . ·\ 8 800n us t~e parrot cangbt ."rht ~r 10 fOD4 .·oi· pet.. and prolll' Samt' Hili Ihp.J!!.rt -lip around tltl' )'onn~ thew cocked bla .head to Olle ",de, ' ''0. iii.. rabbl~, . trees about otIO foot hlgb lor proto(). took :.004 look, auG ,tbeD WIth . a DIuJ~'" uoa front- freellng, m .l ee and .~bblta I for tho ..pp1, tNe. d~a die, "atet· from tbo '1'OObJ , ' " PoU' utll, wWI (,TOwtb ltart. JJI he lew ·among · thtI TlnI anSWer. tree in 'lfhlclt






' !



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, "ab~'lt



UJe lin



By J. ., H. 'LEONHARD '


(C·op~' rlgh't. by DIII4'

9 r3.e bridge 8t~od on, tbe stolls at tho 1111100. had just temj)tcrl For· tuue, and for obee the Jade had proved a I)ru()e, and he 'wII B left wltb a broken Iluue. To C\escrlbe his romorse would be Imfloselble; he wondered <lully what lIts mother w.ould think when be woul(1 sllek ber Ollt tbat night In their uupr t ·ntlou·s hotel t hat overlooked lhn bay o( .1I10noca and tell her that lb.o trip would have to be pOlltllon d; that they roust hasten bome without <lel~y. fie knew." vory w II what she wOUI<i do-bo w sh would takl) lila . h ~all .on bt'r sbouldel' find lay he I'. sQft, . fad ed oh Ie agalust bls ruddy one an.d Sill', "Never mind, boy." He curse(l hlmH Jt for a fool, and tb Oll ohuckled grimly as De tfto ogbt or Ihe SUl"pl nll' a~ at mouey h wd111d hove when ho had II IlWIl ~a various Ilrllcles of ap· IJa.r ol, tbe proceeds or wbloh would ~o to bu y tJcl;c(:s rOI" hom e. "Just e nough for a bolt or cigarett4)ll,,, be mutt red nll.b stumbled down the stepa La the stroet. "Sk. Ctln ·YOII not undersland ev n Engltah:' slloke a (lellclol1s mllSlcal voIce. BrB<!ebrldge scrambled slowly haek to oarlli trom the rea lins of de: spall" Inl6 whlob he hod descended. A big red IImousloe car stood by the (lu';.I>,. amI fl"o m Its window protruded a vision of pink and gold and ~umpess tha t causert Brncebrldgo to un.cover with a hast tbat was more worshll>ful than grac tul. " mil! Wha t do YOIl want" he !lsked, rudely, tal" h is du lled bralll wns uot a8 QUick aa It was wont to be, nor his tOQgtIC. IIS smooth ; hIlt tho nOltt In· stant he blushed III eotltnslon lit his own ~111Y'ti "8. " I Ii g your pardon, modam ; 'can 1 he of B'rvlce to you '" "All-, you can," I ho slgh9d, ' r Itevcd· Iy. "Com ~ Into the Cflr," ~d she threw open tho door, making room tor him be81d her. "But." ~sl d I3racebrld~e, hellitatlng, "I_to


'~Otn l', If l·O\! !Ire gol ug," ebe ImfllltlEn tly. at tho 8Bmo lime rlsl l1g 4nd ~1'aspIDg lila wrist aod tr)ing to tug hIm inside. TIme hrldge, though It niay Bouo<1 paradoxical, oUI<\ not re.lst that Inel!'ecUve h iS. on his ann; 'be is~e)'lJled tr01n tb curb al1d dropped. (In .b seat beside bel'. "Away, Adolphe!" Oil crl d, ~harply. Ttl chautteur slnr~od tbe ,ma!!h lue wllh !\ rush. .Bra ' brldf;e had a sonsaUon of a 111'1ft jomme)' througb th.e night. ' hut It was a dim one, tor he was blIS}, I\rlnklng In tbo woman's IIlllluty [, she Mt bcslde· him, bor I1cck ·1 nclroled' by a 111'1. coUar, rut ('Xpe.l1s1 ve opera cloak thrown ov I' her nudl) IIholllders. jiur Iy h!l had nevol' seen the Qual of this woman for, beauty; 'she se med 'olmosleet u!IJd&. froni' blm. I\' goddess' he C!ould not oonvers with her. 0 he tried to s l>oak, bu t could get no fur ther than "Moduln-" whereat hI;! b lime' confuBcd, alld stl\mmcred him· auTr Into silence agaill. 'l1lio .glrl iO\lgh (I mlschl~'·OU8IY at h i. sorry a t· ~empt, th n looked.' at hIm sidewi se, out 01 ~b.e eorner of ber VIOI ~·co)Qrell e3'eQ, and said. lowly: "J am hu tn;'ll: ynu ac~ afraid, a8 though you m i:;l:! Iwthe Ilre~epce of· n. deIty. J J-oulrl not h:l rm a living er¢a t ure, and' s urel y IlQt you, Besldell,: I am imallel'. than ),0\1, you see.'" .She ran8ed ber. U n ~ gloved )and In white kId bc&lde Bracc· lIrldge·li· larger ones. \' I A~d ' Ihen tbe cternat mallCullne as. IlImJ)UVenI'8S of lOut alOlle In. Bracebrldse, He coll1d not tell frlJm whence came lila Budden coural\!. bl t 'WIth a poullee he aSI/tured her !JnllGrII anrl thr,ew his muacuIar 'aMl;l llrollnd her; "' II h e . It uggled bard to relea,,~ hnrselr ~ , : .•JUt' lIaw 'I~:wa. UIIelell, S~e .topped\ ·t.>ant'ng. ." . • . "YOII 'sre' mUIIslng illy fl' j\1!'; I will clll Adoll)he~ :, .ou Insolent lIIau," Ibe said: betwoen, . i'. ) " Bracellrldle l~t go Mr. bund!! and. , staeped her bare arm..· "~n. lIe~ 'Wardl hUD. HI. eyel wa~ burnIng; ' h'l . fe~r a wenkeni~g ' l.enll~lon a. lie , tou~1!d tiel' wbae fteeh, a , feeUn" ~1 longlng-]onltng and d(lilre that be eould not ;CO!ltroi. To ltn'uw- thai; this \ea.uUful ~reature wu hili mercy exhilarated him; he leaned ~owl,. to, , ward bl r, nearer, and , nearer; 'he ·;eQuld'·feel ,her .hprten~"b~ea~h on his . ~1lee,JI : ~ ,caed. Into tier .eyel, and .~e . bll~ked. tllen eb,ut them tI,h~IY,. .' mUlojn rtui ' 11eakly,· ~j'rotir ilhlnin. " et~~ bUn" me." He bent .tlll I olol"r. to bllr;', a~d p.rea"ed~ hll ttpe to , bera ill:cllie l.bliddertng . eo.tIlBY of j\>,. and love. He coUld haY,e .• wom ilha~ .. \ho.... · two rosebudl '" 'turned, ~e pres• • ure- of hlll, lIp, Sb. iavea .urren· <terlng "lllh and laid her' bead ,lIpon .. 'bll",boulder. her armllllllP'lIg !'round "JI neok'. 'He o~bed her ~. hfs breast ,. - "tlltorloUlly:" -,. cJ I .. Tl\f!lr oJte " IIttl 1 HC.on · ¢UI~»,. The ~r rall the · , lIt<iJl}'llld ,wl~ a'.jer.k, . an . ' aB~br:;:nW~.e~a!. ::; '. ~.m





JDaIlUD, ' In

al'r8Dgl~ , 7f~r

feat your"t1lmea .t4IP)led out anI!

~ ~~ !lI

·Cll8l1~O " _IID,

Btary Pub, D.) A(1olpbe." The machine whIrl'ed away. "ADd now to purohase thOBIt cigar· !lttes," said Draeeb rldge, Somethin g crackled III his coat pockct; hI! felt, and It wa s Il neWSlJalJer. " How did I get that,' · ho aSkt d him· Rclf, ol>enlng It Ilbllently. Tbe flawing headlines cn ught bl., eye: WOM.AN IN RED AUTO ROe'S ENGLISH LORD, Maat Daring Scheme In Yea .......Lord Algerolln the Victim, He I,ut his han~ In Ills ohange pock·

et, wbe r I'ellosed hts · Iaot five·fra nc: Ml e. "a I'mll nanl ot the Inst ba t tlc." " The (Je~' II : that girl has touched me ~" I~e crl d. "1 was a fool DOt to tlIluk !Jeror what II r gam was. . . . Hm thallk the gods tb al ! am only a COOl111on person; they'lI never kn ow what a foo l I'v heen, as they know about the Englishman. J don ·t. bellove I will smoke cigarettes to·nlght," b add d. us a!l afle rtholl gb t. He pulled Ollt his old briar lillie, lightin g It In ",llence: th n he s lo wly took his ' way toward the hotol. "'TIs sad to lose your mo~ey a~d you r Ideal 011 one Ijllmmer's eve," he Quoth, very crestfallen. INDOOR PARTY Mualcill

~AME. ·

Term~ Can Be Made to GIVf, a Plenant Half·Haur,

In playing th is Ilretty game each guest 10 glvon a daloty card. to whlcb III fastel1ed a small p ncll by a cord or Ii ribbon . They are .t hen t(lld that the "music room" Is [ull or arllcles a! Inte retlt nnd t bat Uley are to qlscover them nnd writ down their names. They may hun t s lugiy or In ouples, wo rking th eir lists out separate ly or together, qs tilO hostesll desires, and tue best answer recolv.el 0 nrlr.e, ,a 1I0x of candy In the fo rm of a musical Instrument being aIlPl'oprlato. Their attention ill culled to the artlcle8 about the rOoDl , whIch 3.r9 numbered, and OPII\lslte to· orresponti. Iti~ 'lulllbel's on tholr !lards Ihey mus t Writ the nameR. Eneh' o\)j ct n umber d must hn"6 1I0me musical ~Ignlficonce. 'and one need not be muslcnl to gl!eus th m, as ce r.t aln terms al'q sO , cam.ruon that 01" )'y one know s thllm .' H I' Is a II t Of artloles that might b used In the gam, "'lth the sll;' uificnnt ans,,' r to nch: ' 1. QuI re of palle r ( holl'\. ~. Throe dOYs dr S86d aUke (Tripl ets). 3. Carpcntel"s brllce. (Brllt'e) : • . Watcb (Tl me) .5. Ralor -(Sharp). 6. Cllln·r Ht or B ,·loUn ,(Rc~t.h 7. .Card 'bearinG' tbe . Io.tle~s XL. (Forte). 8. Some onll's namll (Slgoa~lIre). 9. Pair of acales (Scalul! . 10. Halle of 1'\ tablo ·bell (Oass) : 11 . P k meas,lII' s containing two b ets (,rwo beals In a meas11re) . 12. Heavy string (Chord \. . , l3, 'Flatlr('O n with thc letter 0. opitt tae (0 flat). 1<1. : Cardboard Ie ler ' 0 . hung 011 6h !\ndeller ( High C). I . ~6. 'Lump of tnI'. ( Pitch) , '16, {'Ipe stem (SteIn). ' 17. HaU.lone plo.tlll'e (f.ra Wtoee ), 18. 'Bank note.;, (Note). l!l. Baby's shoe with an 0 QO the sol (Solo). 20. Stout c;ane' (Stair) . 21 Necktie (Tie). 22. Bar of soap (Bar). 13. Door key (lI:ey). , lIf. ·Tape mellsure. (measure). , lIo, ·Quarter dollar with a .- 'blacll c()urt plaster dpt on It (A, dotted qua.r. ter) , MAD:'U fE :MERR!. ·

One Public Spirited Citizen Wha Roal!zed the Big Passl bllitle. and Cultivated t.he Field to Ad. vantage. Once upon a time there was a Man, wbo In his youth \\,as r ared upon a fa~m located near a Small Town of Grea.t Promise. Two weeks In eacb :rear when he 'PI'ns not sawing wood, feeding the stock or picking potatoes, he was allowod to attend tb o little red schoolhouse In the t.own . · By hnrd la, bar during tho dlty, and pe rsistently r ending a fow 01(1 books Which were heirlooms In h19 tnmll y. and eacb w e k ab sor!Jl n~ the Intelllgenco cOlltol ne,1 lu tb.e Week ly Mirror, be, by tho time ho could mark down his nge al 18 yoars, had accumulated sumcleo t knowledge to run ar.ay from home. He wandered to a large city a nd th ere his great muscular. powe r aSSisted to gain for himsel f a position as Chlet Scrubb er In a la rge s tore. He had not acquired lhe . cigarette bablt, and his fai thfulness to his scrubbing brush, and his unwillin gness to know all about hi s empl.oyer·s b\lslness, 800·0 M · tracted lhe attention of th e Old Man, aod nt tbe e nd of a yoar he was promoted to Head Rus tler In the shipping department at tbe large salory ot eight d011ars a week. . His disregard for scooting when the closing time came, and his total lock ot swelled head BO pleased tho Old Man that from time to time th e amb l· tloua youth was ad vanced until at the end of sl.x yeaI'll he was drawing th e biggest salary paid by the houlle, and

would 1I:eep Ib16 Illln4 oc~.,. plecL ae loved ·the old towu. Re saw that It needed n ~ w lite. R~ fl gured out thol tb1tre were 6110 fSTm ers In the nplgh· bo rbood. Ench fli mor surely spen l $50 a month somewhere fur supQIIG8 Thill meanl a tobtl of $30,000 a m,V\th.: $360,"'0 a ye'a r. 'I1be n tho fe w hun· dred p apia In· the tOWI1 would add other thousand s lQ the volume of busl, neSB. Why not build a great store and supply the w,ants of tile people? H~ would spend soJJ/e money ' Rnd build up the town. Hfi boug ht balf 8. block on wblch three ot the Btores stood He erected a la rge brick building, anG soon he had Installcd In It great stocks 01 goods. Other mercbants In !he tow n shook t'belr heads. Tbe Publle· Spirited Mati was certainly crazy. Farmers when th y came to towe lOOke d up tho big building with won· de t. Thu WeekJ y Mirror hnd to sond awa, tor tYPt~ to set up the page ad· vertiBemcnt for th o n ew store, and t<' g~t a new press for the prlntl ng ot clr· cular. and V(lsters. One month after the opening of tb .. store Ule gra.veyarcl qui In 8S of th" town hnd pas'sed away, . Stree s we re lined wllh the tenms and l ho wagon. of tho farmers. A 0 \Y e levator ror gTailJ bad bee n starled. The railroad pillced Ii new switch In tile )'ard to ac· commodat6 the Increased busi ness. The son of t.ho old town bla ksm ltb I'oopened the old s bop closed tor years because of no trade. New life was rapidly being Injected In to tbe plnce. There was an elecUon. A lot of newcomers select.ed the P ublic SplrIted CItizen for cbatrman of th tow n boa rd. He W8'S e lec ted. In Bile months the streets 1were pave d, ao elcctl'lc Ugh ling plant was 10 oporatlon, along with a water works. The Groat Store· keeper had a. way of doin g things. and he did thAm. News or the activity 01 the town ~ac:hed near·by villages, and the people came to see the Dig Store j' and to buy goods. A cold storagl! p'lant In conlllecUo:) with a new com miSSion hous,e operated by fri ends 01

Th. IJdvertlalng magnate will dr.w tr~de ta the .tarea .of oUr community lUlt as the advert isi ng of the oiltalogue hailS". (II nD'W drilw lng It ilWay fram the hame atare. The people are Interested In the .tore new. of th'l. town. Will you not glv. It to them 1 . iii


soon he was talten 111 as a member of the Ilrm, Ag!! and hard knoclts and brushes wllh l ho bnslness world de, velopod In him DlIII·1i. d. busIness acu· mon. ae forged 10 the fl'oot a. a Onanoler and a publlc·sph'lted citizen. lIB )'eaJ:s ' passed he Ilrospered. Early and late h e was ever look.lng afte r his vast busin ess Intefests. There ' were tIlDes · iha.l h8 'longed to be again In the Imall home town·. ~)ften In hili youth he drea~ of some day being chalfman of the :village board. 9nly oooe Ilace parting tram the old home . had he' returned, lind then to flnd the town jUlt th. SIUDI'I only a: little more iet.p1c1.ted, ed In tbe weed-over&\'Own kltlty~rd the neglected graves of' bls ,ood' par!!D ts . , Strenuous bU81nesa life . ani! . ulld. lous attention to tbe aocumulatloll or capital without vacaUon, caused hIm to ' .uirer from wbat the doctors proThe Pace That Kille, nounc!ed neuraathenia', and advl.ed Attallhe. of the BrltiBh ·legatlon . In total reat from mental ellort. The man Waehlngton are beginning to' wonder bad tabored too dlUgenU,. 1n ·a mu.· how long 'A mbassador Bryce will be In,.mime,. Rellideoc. In a quIet vl~ce able to k~ep uP. hlB p,:"ent pace In wu recommended'and ratlrement from the matter . of publIc dlnnel'll and ad, all commercial worries. The Great dr08ses. Slilce bls arrival In tbta K,rehaut MIld hI' ! ast Inteiest. to a country abOut two monthe a.go h3 haa co.Jllblne, and after careful thought, been fnvolyed In an endlosil cbaln· of concluded that be would leck reat and auch altnlr.a, . The de mand!! uPo~ bls • renewal of b.alth hi the town where stomach and vocabulary have been he at oue tim. llttended the little red InceJlSant and. wblte hlB accompllBb~ IItlboolhouae, and where In chlldlBh 1m· ments are ,. many, bls versa.UIIW g'rea.t aclnatlO1l . he would be powerful and . capaolty ,.for " p~o~uctlve (IUnOUI by becomlnl cllalrman of, the ';'"ItI ....."ni",nt · jarge, hIs friends re- ~lIIa&e bo,ard. A;ccordlngly be retired member that he I. ncarly .70 ·Years trom the city, putchalled tb. old borne'and that perhaps itl la tim\! the yen· atead w!lere' be was reared and picked el'a~le diplomat Bhould be relleyd ~tatoel, and al~ .bullt a r~sl,tonce BU'oh: a te.~ ot his .e~d~rau~. . abd became a · areat Faot.or In the 8 ..... clty of ... nol.nta: " . town, Time had ma.defew oh"nges In ~" . the" Building. aud , st~eta Many quotations 'C!'Jll8 ' ~m th~ ...... the ... me, only sbowlng the rav; "orkll or ·.Thalel. the' Qreek ' p.1iIlOliOo cif-decay, ; The old 'toree w4!re In pller and one of th. seven wile meo. ~""Ioll 9t ' the ~.acen"ants of the It WU I!.e wbo uld. '~now thylelf;" ·owaer. wbo conducted them when be .•..,. -ords are .a ' 11ot. . 'rnd •• nt 'l " " , a . boy,',. They were not 'd !> IDg tb e ..,."'...; '1 W w .... . 'jndP181lt;" "Search after ,,"Idom, snd IIIIItOel8 that they ahoultL. One ,reat ohoOse wb~t II ~olt Yp~Y';" "There mno~oB"'W" the" town .. h'aif a ralt., I. u.9~1jlnl m!lJ'O, beau,t ttul. than. tbe ' "",d. : A1I ' ~bout ~a. ' Iuggestlve .of 'world i'~: "Time ~8 tbe ,.wlplt thhlg, for peace. It ~a " an Ide~1 place tor a 1~ I~veOt8 and dlecoyers all till• ." . ID8n .wbo desired :to' pea,1 ,h la decllolng , He .110 £aid tha~ It wu the b'atd..t dara In contempl;'Uon of the be,.. thin, in the world to '1I:now 01le_1111f. atter, There, Ilf. ·.wall much I.Ute unto and ·ea~lelt. ,to adm01llsb anoth"r. There 1I'U fresh all' iii abund· III bl.youth Thai.. wu . nrp4 to 8IlCe. AU 0« .attl... lavlshl,. .pent itl ma",,; ,but. be, aa14; "It ·1. tau Iioqn:" lIea~ . . .. the couDlry' and the town, IIlla 1a~lr III Ute, I1P01l beiDC \II'PCI IIacl eyilll - . _ . . OIl the .treeta 1PlIl. )Ie, la too late." . . .... .ano... to III"" 1IP. bloom and I lUCia ...~rttJ · without InterrupU01l IIl7the or the alele. & Ret1re4 BI&Iba... 0« b1a 'ol4-






tho Storopeeker, caused Farmer. tel brlog In tons of butter and hundredl of thousands of eggs. an d chlckena aDd other vroduce. The transtorma· tlon was Quick tram a. Dead 'I'own to a Ltvqly Smull City. A high schoo was estagllshed, new churcbes bUilt, and some at. ·"tbe plo\1s people were shodtcd to B~~e an ope ra house ereet· ed. The Pan,·Handlto &: Skodunk rail road,. which for years had b een run· nlng ·20 mUes from the town sc cbanged Ita I"ol.\te as to have It on the main line, 80 the place had two rail· roads, Enterprising men who wanted to locate In a Live Town tUlled their eye" toward the vlsoe. SOOn there waa amoke fl~m a half dozeu big factories, alld In SlYe yeara ·after tbe Pub- ' lIe·splrlted CIUMn' had started biB atore hll old ·home ·town h&l Increased Ita pOPl1latlol1 1,000 per cent, It ~1I·a no lpnger printed In little type Oil the mapa, but in capital letters. J40~I)O . Dot unllereatlmate the po.llblUtiel of )'our community, .01 tall to develop them. No alt)' wal eyer made gr eat by Ita people IIl1Yln. I\)CMlI el.ewhere. . D. M . CARR . . Civilization In AbYlllnl •. A lawmtll la .Iready at work at

.\dll Ababa, Abyaslnl., and Greele sr· tluna are engaged In Quarrying and atone hewing, . Machinery 10 connec· tlon with , Iiouse ,building lener.lly III likely to be In ~emaDlI na 800D I I the 'means of tran.port are almpllfted. The gonl'nment IB already building 10 ropean .tyle and .tone bouse. mlty be aeen, 1JOln6 even of three .forlel In h.I,llt In the capital. . ·Warld'. 8ubmarln • . Cabin. The total length of submarine cables In the world la about 450,000 klloms-270',G22 mil", of wbloh 60 per cent. are BrIJ:I.h. teu ""r cent. Amet:!· can, a little more than nloe Pflr cent. French, ~nd about SeveD per 08nl' O.erman. A Isreat . "d"anoe 10 tbll domain haa bfl4,n made tlurlna' tho lut· few year. by Germany, whOllO ellorte tend to conetltute an InCiependeat .,.. tea-M.morlal Dlplomatlqwa.: . Dr.. ms' Go by eo.i,.rl_ "What do )'ou suppose ·11 ..ery Lon, doner', cla,. dream?" "I da't )tinaw, unlnl It I. to be~e & knJ~ ' mayor."-Baltlmor(l AJIlerieau.


c.;u W Pt.""


Give. H •• vy 'Yield FIne Hay fa' Stack F ... il lng.

SHED PROT ECTION FOR BARN. Flaor Ja " ta Extended She Feot Boyond Sides of Baril to Support Roof. An Iowu

corr s poodoet



sk tch of his me tbod of aUachlng a

sbed . mot to the s id 01 bls barn In su h a way thllt It pI"otools tIl e doors led enabl 5 th ow nl' r lo pass from DO door to all ther wllhout helng Dbllged to e xprtse himself unduly to ! V re wenlher, says Prnlrio· Farmar. When tlle barn was built th t)ol're",Dolldeut suys th a t ho hlld the fluor

The Shed Protection. Joists eX lended IIlx f 'Ilt OD thl;! out· side o( tho barn .so os to e nnbl him to ureCl this shed roor, a~ s bown ill Ih e Illustratio n, Ratt 1' 5 w re used to conn ct the outel' elld of this joist wi th the sidi ng so us to pel'mlt a hoH pit h roor. He Is WEIll 111 ased with tbe Idea. BETTER HIGHWAYS,

The Use of Tar and Oil In Road 1m. pravement.

In all parts of the clvlll2ed worl d me n ar testl ug vDrlolls motor!nls that can be IIlIed In road Improve· mOllt. In mos l countries the matter of rond dust Is 80mothl ng thllt exclws th e concem of Jl ople. It ·Is ono at lhe great Inconv nlcnces at living In tile count.ry. 111 th e nlted States the Co uDtry roads are all wid ond al\ have more soli un covered by verdure than In [lerhaps allY olhel' country. These wide roads give a large surtnce f01" dust (l roduellol1 and In some local· Itles UI dust blows In olouds trom tbe roads, lIll tho verdUl' Is anything but gr en, It get,s In to the 'houscsand permeates eyel'y nook. To get rid at this n uisallc Is a tusk worthy of our b s tbought. Some I'oad xporlmenls havfl been In progress In Lhe neighborhood of Jackson, '1'(;UI1. Most 01' the tests were made on rond s In the olty, bUt Borne nlso un Ihe ne ighboring country roads. Tile tar wlIs 'applled during hot w alit r to th r paired, cleaned and tuo/'oughly drie d surfaces of roads III and lIeur the clly. The tal' was ke pt at a lemperature of 200 degrees while bOlng conveyed over the roads In a umk wa gon, fl'om whIoh It wae distributed · over the road s Ul'face by a hose wIth a SI)cc lal nozzle' and spread· evenly In a ·t hln I nye~ by . laborers us ing stiff broolDs·. . The tar w/iS a h· sorbed' by the road In eigh t or ten h~ur8, aCte!" whl~b a' Jlght coat of sand or screening" was evenly spr ad over surface and the road roi led by a sleam ,·'O ller. The average amoun t ot tar IIsed per square yard was 45 hun· dreaths of 11 gallon. 'l'he labor cost less thnn one.ten th ot ·0 ' cent per sQuare yard, These roads stood we ll for at least sev n months, says Farmors' Review. The' tar sUI'rounded th slones and gravel and' tormed n hard BurfaCfl about oee to two Inches In thleiOlells. In o.~er places some experlme ll Ls have been made wltb 011 and tat , both of wbloh are fai rly good und er righ t conditions. On the dusty cou'n try blghway, how ever, the 011 Is too Ugh t Cor perman nt results, but to,' proves to 1>0 very etreeUye wh erever ·use!! . BEANS AND

No fi eld rOll 18 IncreallLng 1'1 [JOpUlarlty so fast In this iocutlty as the cowpea, w1'1tea nn Indlanll COrrl'IIPon.i, eet ot Orallg .flUl!1 Fa·r lfltr. 'rhls \11 on account or It II profltablene8B 111 mixed farming al1d stock ft:ild lng, as we ll as In Ihe /tact that It Is an exoellent !iubBtltute for clover. Of late years, c lover hus not b een as sure a. crop as It wa" form rly. It Is 'a difficult mutter to securo a good stan!!. Even wh n a slllnd Is se'.'i1re,l: tb el's 18 som sort or blls bt or InsncL pest that d'stroys th e crop and this ·I.ntut· teres wilb the fnl'l1l rotall n. The lucreuHlng populu "11y ot tht> cowpea Is due to lb fuct that It glv I a h I\\'y ylcl(l or th yel'Y fines t hay tor s tock eedlng 1bat CRn be produce,l upon th farm aoel !It thf, ,,-o me lime IS a soil I' no \"litOI', It Is grown vety cheallly In a COWl ('n, wheat, gl'h55 11.1](1 corn rotati nn. On \! g'mcl brcaXl n ~ of the lant! In ~ I),rln~ Is su fficlont not only for I ho II 'R crop. bu t a lsl> for the wheat that sbould follow It: fi OI' Ihe tl ~ crop I~ !!xha~, stf'd th e 1'1·0110(\ Is 1008 anet· Ihl' only flTelJal'lltion ne as· sary fOI' wh ea t Is to dl Nl, and drag !lawn. Lhls giv In g f\ florfect lie dh'd and Slllp.11l111l condilions to Ins ur e a . paylhi) c /·op of wh nl. . The hay Is r lIalled hy all !..tnda of fa,rm s loc k, Including s wine und Iloul· t ry, and com 8 n firor being n com· rllete ratloll It,an IInY otb e)' crop that CR n braised C)n 'he farm. One th in/! [ notice Is thal' thu farmer wbo gIves It a test Is Sl1 /'O to adopt It somewbore 10 his regular rotation. It Is 110 01'0:' that has come to stay hi · thts pa rt ot th o country. Th re Is no hUrI'y about startht'" tile crOI) In sprin g. Lantl s bould lx' deep.. Iy and thoroughly plowed an d worked down. Some time the latter part or. Moy or fl rst of Jun e the seed la 80WlS" about a bu sbe l and 11. peck to the Rcre. It mny be sown broadcast or with the drill. From 100 to 200 pounds' o!-"I!:ood' rertl llzer Sh01i1d be used per acre. The limo lo ha rvest comes along the lalte r lIart of the summer wh n cOlld lllollll are u's ua ll y pe rfect for haymoklng. The peas Ilre cut. when lli~ seed Ilod!! are . hard, U botb hay and · grain are desll'Dble. If for hay alon , cut a we k sooner. A raJn wlll not Injure the bllY as It does clover. Arter It Is c ut, allow It to r emain In tbe SWlIlh uutll c ured and then move nwoy. A longer time Is required fpr curi ng properly thnn ,for clovee hay, but It Is . much more .... aluable. n, 18' almost 1ndl spensabl" In. the Clalry, alld will ·rMUlJe the expense ot bran bul'Ing to l he rolnllnum. Some Ilersona a9vlse the !lowlog of oa to with peal to hold them liP, but this Is not nec· essary 01' sa,t1sfo.ctory. ll ' w ill pay to gTOW pells [or pasture, for they comll I.n \Vb 0 the gTll8~es fa ll, e ither 00: account of drouth or overs toeklng. Those wha. ha'va ne" I' gIven cowpeali a tl'lal' s hould give them a. test this UaSOll. and be convinced ot the pl'ofltablenes~ of tile CrOll. - - - - ' - ' - --

USING THREE HORSES. How It Can Be Done by Use of ' In Offlet Iron. Whe n three horses ara us d Cor hen\'y hauling. II. double lonl~lIe Is sometimes us 'd. But to.r fs'm work, no otrsel Iron tUny. be vut on the tOQSUl' of tho wagon or almost any ' farm ImtH moo t. Tbe offset shOUld be m:ule or Iro n, two Incllea wIde. 1'be ' draw·hole In It ahould be ten or n .'


It Makes an Elleellent Ca.mblnatlon

. ta Feed the Pigs, Tbls Is an excellent co mbination In pig (eedl ng: . Beans' atronlS In proleln and corn 10 tat. Young hogs thrive rapidly on 511Ch a combll1Rtlon. Prof. Sbaw has t.hls sugges tion as to the preparation and feedln~ of beans. He S8)'S: . "Beans can be fed to s,!",lne only- tn the cooked t~rm . The pig seems to be unable to utilize beaus which are at all , hard or ftrm, OVen though they have boen boiled for some time, hence It Is very essentlal' lhat they be .thor.• oughly . cooked. To ~uppl)' a single teed of htolf-cooked benne to a POD of hogs. rob. thcw or their apetltes and rellsh!or thei r food, If Indeed It dOes not put dIem air feed. The cooking should be conducted In an even . more ellreful manner than It would be III pre paring them for ,htima~ food . It will materially shorten the cooking period lind live better reBulta, If the bilans ale Hoaked lln hour or two. or' bottet, o,er nlKht. before 'Uil cooking PI"lper- IW beglin, \ 'l'lllls used should be rlnsM after eac~ le6rtlng ·and f,l8peclal oare should' be, taliell to clelUl the 'kettle or barrel after eaClh cooklnl!: al10d not allow BOur or moldy materla.t to collect about the' food· receptacle. More ·thao one QUe of lIupposed ' hog cbolera . has, been traeed · to Ignorant or carele•• noclect In allowing old B'I/I'1ll to accumulate :in a barrel lnstead of empbln& the bal'reI each time before 'the uia~ rial III. dumped hlto It."

Th. Offut on W.IIO~ POI•• Inches from the tongue •• Hown In the cut. It· Is eully and cheaply. made, 8J\YS Farm and ,Home, ,and very qulokly put on or tIlken 011 when ODe wants to eban&e trom two to thre.. ' horsel or back again. FARM GLEANlfitoa.

It may seem unseasonabl., ~Ilt ~~' tnre knows lier bus1ne... . One thing we ~ave' alwaYil ·notle8cl ~' A good corn year nearly- al;'a.y, hall .. d ry sprIng ' for I!-. Btarter. . 1 . Thero Is no gTeat lOIS without small gain. U It Iii too .oold for to do well we can console ou:tllellvt,. by tblnklng that the-weedt' are ·,et'UQa . '8 set·bacR, too. :' ., , In· a dry tlll1e It· Is ' plan to get the seed ground. Planted in ie'lt by the sub·soller; out It the weather ,,,,,' the planter jlt,lLs It· <lnw"' .'" 9II"b~_!iI It Is Pfletty certain Tbere one dUng ~coln:t... certain ev.ery day. It no longer' be kept "t .a i ahe brings In I.. a caU each price of atock cattle lat,q ge(her with the blgb I. fast setUln" that . \luintJlull, If hop aN kept are el,t her Ite~~ at II. . Harrowing the Corn. bill for ebofta II • Per toa are It won't burt the corn to 'harrow It untO It 11 throee Pf tonr Incb. h~, pared· with eQI'II. that I., If too much trub' or COrD led lD & 41'7 staDel. ~aye .~ ..... 11ft III Ua~







.. •

• 'rha Clulrllllllk W 111111 • of !ItoI' un,l nutlun tblt" IMlClUUI~UV tiooply Hurmt 'U, ullrk fllddlllh I WOMAN'S BEST FRIEND D. B. Heil Receives UI n u t Uti", "'!lrli." "III' 01 1~'I'fl!O~ gOtH1 hOlllth. A pbYlllOlllly Whk "urplu. i t 21 lD uhe~ lon~ by twelve Honors at Yale fill'IllIIDe} j •. ~nrr·" . Mil II)' " Itlnln \Vomlln II! nllverllttrll,ot.IY'I', pot ~Vt!1I \Vo u)un wh .. 'II 10\ novi r ~" rv" 11M to hOTllillf 14l11lOt,rlo Blttfor.. r.,.lor.. hrolld, "nlt II t.nn g u He In htl!' lon g All the Hiorrors of hange of Life 1111 urllllt'll 1I,'l11"I, J.I(t,.~"'I! ' ~ l.hLllle \\'6IIk "'!)nHm. I(i.vA Itro1'1g DIII'.II~ . IJrnltntle:l fr olll it. 'l'1I1~ (Ionht for Fivt' Years. Leucorrhea for Prof. 1). B. Beil, whn WUM prlllt'l. rurf! fl\lulil ,." th.lf 1111! w" rltl tid· hrlghl Ol·ell. IIlIIlIntb, vel~l\t,y IkID. M '1'. UKUW-;~-;ll~rn "'111111 rthl'. ;-~;;: ~Ive It thfl IItlllt ll uf Hnuke'", B Uild Ten Years. AOIUJ8NttTM . M KAT \ pal of WltyneHville Bohooll! thTl1tl or I lIIir e~: 11011 LIHlI!~. 1.·ul· 0 ." "', ( ICIlII 1,eo ut flll ('llDl It\x'o·l. ( , u. r"Dt~!1 .\ ri 1d.r. F.II;!;or hilS th" pIli nt • .ttS. 1', J . UtH"'~ . .'. 8U~ ·t ~\ lIt! l(ul ' l"l II. ' b I)rll't,IIIn ' " IRtfIfJOt.h I\kllllllld t,llllt, "lwi~lIdIJ"'" ut~' ' ti.·b,,", ' 'I.. Uttlull I lilll·. ....=-. d 'I' \lJr fo Ilr years, r OO1ve . Use Z03-Phora. >!!lvorlll yourt. 1 ,00 U y41tlf' • •• • h \ ' u,hTulI\X' standing tat Y"le College I~t· 'l . Q~ A year If no," Vaft! 1I Uflvau~ close of t·he year, wher he IIIII! ''li.'''''l\ . ~ A After l'hYil icians Failed to Cure. 8pent II term In olo tle Ntudy . .~ .V nns~T "',')( 1 - -~ Grain (;rIlWeTli watch YUllr (~ rnin. Thnt Wail Five Years Ago. Still _ t'Fft' ICE IN ALI.. EN HUILVINU Praising Zon- Phora. ' I · 1N E S .. fI'ucPl'lO]'lC CZJUIU . . ]'lO. 6'~ A ~1U1l1i . I; r tlu ll hug bill! IlI tHll, it" """ . ~I J1: - ., .. "'......... up;)llI ~rn" \l III 11111 ' ~rnill /.iollill in ~-Blld Burn Qulokl y H IIleu. }'J, .o\\r .l~" ARE~ W OlUan '8 bost friend 18 one tbllt, • I am SI) dellghle!\ wit h what ~,, ~ _ '- ~ ~ .J. '- J I..Y I W blON ESOIl \. this tlnL! l.lh er ptlrts of t,h., <lHte. will give her the aegree of bO .,·lInt, ' h"mberlaln'" Salve h" .. done for L08 ANGI£I.. IJ:ti . •lnl1 o 10 t" 14, ,, (l(lll UIi r. Nilt 1111111 1!1I .. u lill lind btl" 1I' 1I1cl grullt dlJollllllle t o t,he h ..Ith , s trength nnd tb"t n" ture nle thl\t t feel bouf1d 10 . write IlUiI MudlCll 1 A~~I'Ol"tlOn . o/It·1l or" " , Ilnti it ill feti red t,hut the lo ~ooded ' for hu,·. Zu" Ph(JI'Ilo I~ r.ell YOU 80. IIa'l'lI MrN. Roll rt Mvt, .rAMES1'OWN l!lXPO::;[1'ION ( Nllrf'lIK , V'I ) 01111.'1' ulIIII Clipped from WI\Ollt orol' lIlay be little injureli. by t11f1.~frlend . Notu "pnten tcure 011," tou.·.j57.lobnSt· . Hamilt on . (hltorl n. ~\IVOlllh"r :J\I. l :holCl' Of lU" ny II ~irublu ru.\!,a"-nll.r,,U .. r · our Exchanges no~ JIIiIl~ Iln,l b ( OUle IItraw flilleo . but just Il medillille . Moientlfioal1y "My \lUle dauKht,er htld Il b,ul hurn ' I", , 1t'PII Il ~tellnjr~ r; I OW 11111 Rlvur linn <:hO"""M~k.. B!,;V pre \lIH",1 for women ou ly . One on Iler knee. I IIppli ecl UhlU,lbel' ~i.t"' llibolll ~. ~ t,o p<l\'ar~ UI NUl\" Yrll' k, B. I~tllll. Wn !!hilllfl'\II, Xeniu Uu ·t.(lUe. A Variely of Interestitllf Items tblltuots directly Uti the diseli8ed lllin's Snivea,nd it hllllietl hellu.Iful Bult,ilOore . .P hll'lllt'l jJ IlIII . orgllns througb the blood nnd o·e r . Iy 'rhis Mlve ItlwilY" the pnln of SUMMF.R ·1'\ )lJR.I ';T FARE~ to f ' .1Il01l~ ~e~,~rt,... nlmll~ ,Ir,' Gathered from the. Newspapllrs vond sys tem r epluclng the old worn· f b i t · 1 I . N Y of the Stale out !.issuell whh new, and remov. 0 a urn Ii moe 1D8t~ut 'Y t 18 ~ .. ,. O< llIlIt,. In L 1 ~ I " utl'UIlI N~w \i' nl(l,"O , wlt.h " " IIrk A Pioneer Gone. Ing CJngostion. inJ}lImmat.!orl' and for sale by J . E . ,Janney. PhlllldllllJhlll ove r~ . AI ... tu L'lli" "'lid Mu untltlU Not Even Free Drinks unnatnral di.chtlrge. r"sl)rt~ . tllI.1 111 'hlnmtl o IIUlI Ptlolfl Co!'tlt.. Mrtl. L t·IU" Vllu~htlll W/lil ho rn Allowed In Dry Places. Zon;PhOrtl is t he well w" mon's J,() U I :;VSLL I~ KY l .hm t! :H ' uoel :ar., M'IKtLr Plom"el'I\' ill (:J rUIlIl U Co Ohio. &ptemb(lr 2 ~, fri e nd too, beoAllse it kee ps her (lOIl Vl'nt,I'>II . By " deciSion of t.lle Suprem a I 2;, Bud died in ()enterville. Ohio, we ll . . I >lARt\TOOA t)l'RING~, NY ., .1I1h' :1 tn 7, K . '1'. Cunol"vt!. ourt, rendered Tueijday. it is he ld Jnne 2, 1907, !Age ,9 yenn., Ilight SPO KANE,.Jullo2;' to ,luJy I. H. Y. P U . Mrs. Ed win Let', of Addison tha,t liquor mny n·, t btl gl Vtln to Il months,." duys. Michigan. IIlIyS; " Pen and Ink can - - - -.. LINc:S~----' I~A'l' I' LE. Wtlllhington, .June 29 to .Iul~ 5, C. E. I ... PBILAUELPBIA, July III to .16-B. P. O. E.-lllrool. IIr Bhe wnH the 6~h child In Pl (Ilwlly never tell what ZOI~·Phora has done perllon ill Ii t .J wn or vl\llllge wbere for me. It Is indeed a true and EXCURSION TO viti Wlll!hin gton, witll stop over!! 'It B.. lthllore Ilnd Washlut(. It may not be leg cllly sold. Bertlto- of 8 c " lldtel1 , born to .Joseph iLnd tried friend and has Jlever failed ton .' fo re it hliR been th 6ousto~ In place Auna i:)lIokett, 2 b l'Ss umi Ii ~lrI8 .. m e olloe" Wh ether you are !!Iok She WitS the IIIt't I" presentutlve tlilmg , or well. lIoeep 1\ b.>ttle of Zor~ where tile !:la te of intoxlcontB was SR " I EASIJORE EX .,U RSION to Atllintio City, 81'6 Mil), "'.1 d . eight otller populur seusl(\e rOllort !:!, AllKu Mt 8. torbi(ldeu t o at times (' tbe lllw of her father's fttUlIly. t h tl tI thers Phom in 'Ihe house all the time. un II will pl'Ove Il friend in need. WINONA I.ARE, IND.-Uaily uutil "wmber !lO. by IItIttlng IIp a tree dlsp'lnll6ry aJld f\.1\ h"vin~ died befllr' r ellohlllg ex lt Mrs A lioe Browu. of Valley Juno· Trip .. ~ivlng a drlBk (If liquor or a bottle treme old "ge, he r broth el' J ohn be tion , 1". wrot.e on M~y 27,1902,"1 Annunl pxcUrIllon 10 N iugrn ~'tal18, ,July ao. ContlnuouK l',,"-· Sunday July 7 sage . Ret.urn IiUlit August 10th . Round trip $7.011 o f beer to callers. The dtloi8~on Is In Ing the next oldest at hi s d .1I,h, \Ill wis h to tell you that ZOIi-Phora hns heen " wonderful blessing to me For full pllrtlon\ars oonsult H. E. B<l(lth, Tioket ~g8nt. · fl.n Erie oOlln\y case of Ohio ngtllnl:lt ye"rs. Leave Waynesville 8.28 a. m. Her, father and m other both died I hllve bellO II IIIlft'erer for the irlst Liuder, bllt the deolsion "ppUOtl all ten yeurs frcm lellcorrhea, and for Wl\, yne~v\ll 8 , Ohio. the Inllt five years witll chanlle of '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J . 1 at the agll of 44 YMr>!, leavluK the over tbe lltate. Linder 1-"&8 proseout. ohildren to get along ti S beHI, they . ed fM pellinll In a Ory town hip. 11~ l\~ II U l~ ho"~~ I~k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He lIet up the defen88 that the liq. could in tbe world In tile IlUrly trelltment. from 100al physlans in Elkhart·,llld . but received no bene· uor was given without ohante. The duy , common sohoo l priv ilege" In fit "Inally (wall Induced to be· the country_ nistrlots WHre ve ry oourt held tbat the liquor could be Iliu takinl!~' Zoa Phora, . and after jli'l'en &way wit.hon~ vloiatlon of the meager and ber sohonl t,minlng WOI:! takin/r four bottllil! my 'health is rostored. ] olln now do my own ltlw agalost selllng: The prl)8ooutor very limited. Ber father havin g .l ,ed in '1 38 wtlrk, and oan never HlAnk you ,ocepted aod went to the Supreme enough for the tienefite derived 091lrt and the decision of TU8sd"y her mo he~ WIlS lef t 'wlth ohildren from your wOllderful · remedy." On to struggle tor a living in th e wilds 8PlltaiDeR hla exceptions and revere. April 22. 1907; nearly five yellt8 lat. of the fores tIJ In Mercer Co., )hlO. er Mu. Br'own write", "You wily 01 the andlng of tha lower , The 2'boys wor ~. ed manfully til 0 9 stili refAr any womfln to me . I Cinolnnati Thnee Star. list t~e mother to care fo~ the nther will gllldly reoommend Zoa. Ph ora. I t Does this no~ prove that the bene. "t ;~. I '• Children. The hard conditions of fit wall permaoant? ~\ Get The Boys First. IIf" soon DtlOOlIsltated tJle sale of 'l'bls let·t er iM strong proof of the I'·· A D811.t and touohlng little para the flLlm a.nd the nurohase lit' a mllrlt of Zpa Pbora. The only way ,graph "bloh' 'polntt! to the "better small traot netar 8t Morya. It WIlS t.hat vou OII~n hooome. convlnood .thllt Zoo · Pbora wt\1 do 8S muah lor yon' way" for boys, setA ' forth th"t In here tbllt she eaw the workmen go il to try t,he m~olne yo~rself. (10 19JOmen wanted . n Ie in the form bI\ok Ilnd forth who hel}lflli ill the toO your drnllgilt and ask him for of .. hand.bl1l. olroulated In the construotlon of the Grea ' Reservoir. Zo/\ Phora; no other explan"tion' Cumbel'land SundaY'.8Chocl at 8he wtU! ma.r rled to BenjallllQ will be ne.edfld. Yon will receive wi! ft .01 , LebaDOII and laYII: "Give U8 the Vaughan the 15th of April, 1 47. tbe medlerine "Irendy prepared. compounded III jWlt the right pro · boys aDd the men will 'be forthoom . Unto them wera born .. ulllldren. port.ione. and put up ill a lealel1. OUl' Ing. The saloons, the pool table, three of whom survive the mother, stt1rtlijll!l'l, on" doJlar bottle. Uae ra08 traok are after tbe boYI ~n 9 grandohlldren ,,~d II great grAud In eaoh 1>IIckat{" will be ·fouDd a t ' · t l' Jl R ~ 0 l' Ome L1IDt' to come, ill vi~w uf this town- 110. are the BllJIdav- children living 011 Bllrlng of this oopy of " Dr. PenllellY'8 Ad vioe to 1Cl I Women," 1\ medleal book. gtvlnll aohoola. (f your l>oy 18 not 10 t!un ., union. int:erestinll and instrllctiveinforma· that ~oods more pTe~day IObool this morning !lend hIm . t!he and her husband celebrated t.lon about an dilieases of women J u gunday morning. ' i We ae. their "GOlden Wedding" Apl'lI 15, £oDd the W(~y to 81loo089folly treat •• them. YOll Oln now treat yourself OODDIi the forgoin8' a neat, strong. 11197. . In the prlvaoy of yonr own borne . . : D8eful ·bi~t. rhe bo.fS who · The husband died from the effeots fut to the Sunday-!!Obool and bold of paralY81s years eight a8'o . not tell yonr tronbles; o &9 It are the l>oys ·who 880ure The 18st 3 years. almost, she bas happto... on earth and salvation In lived Wltb her youngest 80n in Cen LOCAL AND · hMven.' It Is aa aure 88 day, tervllle. She had beell afflloted -Western ~ar. rheumatism 110mB years, which grew worse as age advanced, land the sBnse!l Qf beorlng and sight be. B:rc)kea Ana and Dead Horse. oam~ very much Impaired. The • LaB, rhonda)" a PerlntowD farm- infirmities of age told upon bar once · er struok a nesS of acoldenta whiob strong framB aod about ' 9 weekI! from the numder that are I!olng In· burt blm OODBlderable aDd worried ago she was brollght. . down to her to It. ", bim 80m,. Ben Davll was iD. poesea. conoh through failing strength and , Mlsltes 1III.,\lle F. Blsph.IUI ' I\nd elOD of a liok borae, WhlOh had n'O slowly went down until .flo llly Emma Cartwright were goests of ;, dtapoaUlon to talre' /ohis mediolne' death rsheved her of her sutferlng. Mr. and Airs. ' U. R FUD8ton Bt Jike.a.mso" or eveD as a Biok borea DuriDg all theen week8 she received Yellow t;prlol{!I severnl days last week. ond nttended Antlooh I.'han· ·J~d. .. . . . Bu' mankind w a oompell. the loving attention of ber fait.hful tauq1l6 during thllir stllY, Iq.fOroe about bim that overoomll8 daughter tor whlob ahe gave mllny Maller Mlwil OJarke, of Cinciu . • ....."any .11r8'llment that an animal grateful expre8tllons. of the bone klDt,\ can lIut up, and Letitia malie profession of faith natl, came up to Waynesville Friday s= 10 fumer Ben Davie had hie h'o rse In ·Christ when only L8 yearll old afternoon und will mike 8. protrllot. tbrown aDd drimo~ed. Af\er the "D· aDd nnited with th.e 8ugar Oreek ed visit wllll 'hls srandmotller, Mrs· iwal had rooovered an ~recrt position <"'hristiao Churoh in the yellr 1845. Jnmes Ct"r:ile. Lewl!! has htl looked .. reproachfully '"t. ble under'the laborR of Etder <Jeorge number of vialts with 'hls relatins here the prst two years, and hila oWher then put up hla klok. It W!\S f)wens . " hard /lDd .vtmoU8. one landing . on She remained 8. member of this endeared himself to 1111 with wbom hla elbow, breaklDg the ' boDe and churoh until her deo1~l, a period. of be came in c:o nt"ct, VALLEY PHONE 156 LEBANON, O. la08raUu&, the ·d8llb . ~fter the 11mb about 62 ye"rs . She bore testimony Misse/! Edna "nd l.uella Janney had reoeived sergioal tr!!atment the during her last Ilo)[ne88 to her un storted Tuesday to 8t. Louis ~or a · horae laid down and died. Mr. Davis faltering 1uith fu her Lord, and tbe visit wIth their unole, Dr. Charley ~ • ~O!lt serious and pain fill in- last spoken words were "Rest, Rest" Ellis. Tb,el r father • .,. ~ . JlIonney, jQ.ry, b~t Villl recover: The funeral Heryices' was beld in went with them III far (\S Dayton . O1ermo~t Courier. the·.AI. E. Church, Ceptervllle. Ser. lIud .litarted :thetn on tbetr journey, man by It.v. ~. D. ~nnett . aMIlsted whtoh they made alone. Notlling J)omg. Mrs. J oleph Lat lye~te. of · Clncin. by Revs : Jones and Maddox. na:~I .. who formerly: 1\vlid in Way. Wllm~gtOD ;1'0I1rool - Ou&slde nesVille,' hilS been 8881Rtlng in the filing of, the mortgage on the '1'he Dootor Away f~om 'H~me oare of Mrs. Ava Ebright tor a fort· i;pHngfl.eld, Wll:ri1IDgton andOincin. when Most Needed. night. ' natl t·raotion ltne; ' notbibg has PeopleiLre often ,very .much dIs Mrs. Edward Ohandler Ilnd tranlpir8!'l t.bat would make 'Qoe be· appointed ,to find that their familv ' ' . . '. D 1 lieve tbe road ,would SOOD be oon physlolan i8.away from home wbenoousln, . MISS ~ennie anle • . have struotec1, :rhe Pawe'" that be, lee~ they most Doed bis . serviobe, 01. been, seriollsly III for two weeks Or. to k~p their own counsel even .80 B688es like oramp 00110 and ohoJera more. and have b€ep ~ortuD8te ,in morbus require pro~pt treatment, being cared for by tbelr relative, far "II not t,o give tbe general publio and have In many instanoee proven Mrs Alma' Danlel EUe of n&yton ' II stDIfJe idel\o a8 to what JS 'beiug, or fatal · before m~ioine oould be pro ' •. , . , w.ill tit! dOllO, towarll the beglning ourad .or a phylloiun summoned. who .IS a prolfesllonal Dune. , !,nll cOlnph4 1ng of t'le 1work. '.~.18 Tbe t:lght way Is t,o keep at habd a . Mr8~ Abner WilBOn and . little , 'of Chamberlaln's Oolto, Chol· da nghter of Portage oounty ' hll. ve IS hardlY' t'I:;ht the " people · who' !?cittle era ond Diarrhoea Remedy. No ., , .' IUI ·V ., ",lvEln trllllohtileH nnd rights-of phyaician oan presorlbe a better belln . vhlltlnl{ among relatives In . ' ·.vuy lire tlntlt ell to 80n1l' oonsiders. me4icloe ·for: theBe . disease8. By Greene and W:arre~ counties for a h/lvtDg it In the hOlUie you es04pe week ,?r;more. Mrs Wilson glvell a UOD, much pain aDd 8ull'!rlDg lind all sutlltuotory ,report 'of their new riSK. Buy It. now; It may lave' h ' " . DRY CLEANING· life . For sale by J. E. 'JanDe .' orne ID th'e . northern part . of the A Wonderful Plant. . . " . ' AND . .' . y 8\ate j ~ut arEI atlIl loyal to tbelr old ·REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY WUmlngton Rep~bI\OaO ': Or-' ----frieDda tbtl Delghborhood and .1I8'1t Frazer .ha(l an elttraordlD&l'Y Subscriptions reo.' for all the lead.' enjoy meetiDR them aplD . looking plant · on exhibltioo a. oIDg Ql&811zln"" and .n 8w8p&pen, at Brown'l drug BtOre thll week. Jt Is the liazette offico. Note ~W8 will RubaorlptlQiD8 ieoelved tor aaUe4 the blaok Illy, .lr IInll,,,e plans Dlett the prlcel ad voril8ed b.Y an1 De,lpepera aDd mag••lnea, 'at ... II • utive of IDdll, Tbe I_yea reputable) eubaol'iptJOD age001 • Ga"olD




· ~he"P aod Eaally Built F

hg Wlntcr,Ycgel

th91--------; ; . , ; · -----. . . -------...... -. . nl.U> a e· ....,..a ttY-



~ - -.-...-...".




'lil\1l III tbe spring for th ~t and betll kind · ~r~ lij n l elln·to • .,,..I.o-......~~~'bl'!'tl' 'bxllOsur ; \.he 8 I'll!: I\c.t'\ng as Il broak ag

. . 'rbe bulhftnlC sho1l1d- t Igllt feel wfde and lit f:.uilll ing agalnet which 1 lo plllg Klaas top shoul ·u.iae feet up on the adj ( nd the front of thn hoi be "Ii feet hlgb . of wb h onld be of gla8s nDd good. durable 1noh \lOB I "felt Or tar pallor to keep

Tbl'Ol13b tbe ntlro I mel.,.a(UOlll1ltlg building, iF a bed Is mad ·

r. -the bulldlllg a benet bolgbt ' and only two fee thu" leaving a two·foot , N ar the entrance al bEl placed a good slze( ""-I dtove. L(lt the pip, Quite the l ength 01 the I n tetlllg lbe chlmn y B( ileCure all the heat. A




materially leslIe.ned.


'll tUe to run The B3S\ ' 1!;l llZod~ can orlen be l " ond·band. If "'Q~, l1e

expensive and yO~ lIe glll88. glaze ~nd p bUilding of tbl s lnild '!O' well by rals\og nnl:

t.u e. radl8l1es and otber

maD,r lines of


::~ ~~a:

-rhe Minnesota eXlle' " that sain e mqlorilll rIO recommend the · f pro ~ectJon


" Malie a: thick whltel

1\18te.o oy of crelm. •. enougb blue ,·It rial to

blue' 0(11 or.


'tOw s, and Il(llll~' with a thnl /lide ob'Boll row

operator ."


nother remedy rl'(,o nmile a polaonous 501\1 Imrt of sulpba! of R tblrd ol .one part or bOI"', ' ..... wblte II rup. Lcn parts 'mixturtl Is pm Into

nine . powder ed on oOi" Wbeat dr orn m ny II( .hours In u strychnIne bJ . bolll n ~ a I ea31l00nf talll In t wo qllu rts of w wht'ln dl'led . t.o be BC .

of lhe I rees. • F"II

Plan ting 01

eXII~rl m (,'lls

' {n

hmd It wa» fO ll n" Ihlll t nl;. ot CI'ull ' rf'1' 6 IR \' 0, • , bnt · t.b,at H till' 1, llI lI lin~ .


N u\'~ 11111 '1'


t he alne as IF Ill<' 11101\' In Apr i l. L al !) 1. 11 p lat ~ .. rlllg

'. ';

plnn tl l1 _ s em •

, l",me

~);u lt F. it Is II' tile United Sia L s it w I 'tu ac.tul1tl ~, ~t.\ l a t r ee I, wbl're IL Is to . la nd aa ' . .-'\f\<I 1.Ia.nt IIUI t Il' (h 8J1 j • , IYllats 'of F.n ~ llIn<l mn>\c rOlf



!j<!c lio ns •

,'ta '

wh "re hq j h c\r'l' , ,;old bo ve La bp ,'oun ed;·~ .



11\antH grm

. ni;1.lnI;R. I,r _III'ojlerly n •' '!'u!n do as well If madt )lIt .th h l'AI Clm~ til (!Ill Ill'

they ar4' taken 01T u

\II-Qp '~be ~eLI~'I'. C.:ll lhr . l' rllng ~!'Od-I h " Itro '~Il8Q O . 'l' h ey : hl)lIld b. 1'J lucbt's Inn.. an d lihl L, t two b\lds, better I 'Mla upper 0111 Is mad"

bll"" tho 11111 .. "" cut' eIOIl" bolow t


Huo'f''er' &.g-ardt'e'.'



" :,


crowO' .

14, 16 & ·)8 E. THIRD ST. ~DAYTON, OHIO.


- ..... .


the tact

July. 6th


Grow 'rom eu", "The' grlltlC. ,]uin co, 'lo • 'm ~rr)', rose, .antl a D\~"'_

great , bo . lid vnntag to an-

Nole lhe 'dale and \be .in line wilh the


tlllI' r .. nl I'"snlt s '1'01



today a.t t he mills than



car r!


)!tl e

:~l~el?~:n~::~~~ut~::: :a:~~e~


·mouthed botLi 8n,I weI .clut fres h hl'igs from th tbilt are being ilL R~I, . mall brush paln l Lhe. the 11018011. ellpeclall y budll. These are nld T~blt8 without endang . lhr>r Ilnlmols. Scatter ' qllenled .by U~e f odl!ntll 1Il1ce,may also be kit

b a >J('8


. --






ent retail prIces.

H_ They May Be .Kep·_ · ... . th'e Trcea

Ull!nt 8.8


The unload iu<r of this immense stock . to the people a nd we 'know it wi II be to ) Pae you wa t {'





heated. Tbe illustration till! II'nrm and HOOle show, mllnt; c c being t he ' glal n bes and b Ihe wan ,house

'09 O

It Begin.s Saturday J~ly 6th Dayton's Greatest Midsummer Dry Goods .'t . Clearance ·Sale


(n.chea hlgb. Aglilnst til




. tu1 cold.

1lre will keep


P I . ennsy vania

Plan of Lean·to HI

feet wldo and






... 1






. ~'W"Td 'l'

County Court News.



B"nhv. 22. OilY 101'1, ~. , Mi~ .. (. 'Til IWv.ahelh 111.\'. 2:: , of NRW UI'l'~. 'Vl.\y n,'" ilia ){, .v Gol n,,"r " W E . BItDlI'"r v.. Will H I ,, "n l" ~ M M ,t"'.·>:\ LIlVI'IPlltI,! :1'TeIl8u'er of Wllrrtlll (;"Ilflf., ' . (I tu Ml ~~ .\1 '1' 1' " Itl ... " ,. :i ll. 1\1I11'! " Mills ~nd Uarolln~ M. Ouun. PIUi;'Utf·~ / Itev PilI I ~tltion stiltelllhlli. htl klltlVtj II 'drug / ·hll~. -Y ;;rk. I\ln!!" ~l l ro! to "to~e In t:!out II L u bulIIJII Itlld UOtli! Mj", Mil' lit' 1,'"111. 22; Ki IIIl .. Mill If weak, worn-out, not. trufli : In I UIOXlcRlib ~ IIlluurt\ ,Orv 1~ " I{ Br'"",". ao. ...... uun' II Tbls ,..Inabl r om~,. 18 a euro llen'hll lS ('amlOt sleep ; uther WI'II tllllU UpUII prt< orlptlOll MI~II C it. rll 81111tlll', n I 1....,1).111. ,". Ill,r In dlgo.UOD,_ Rcui.burn, Acidity nfJ I)' tSollr tstomacb lta \' 0 inoiges'tion , 11 ad. oy raputlllJl" plty slolulIll I'ur U,loUIO I{~ v . { -I UII\\'Ily. 8101t Or N n ·o u. lIeUlllUlhe. Oene. ,,1 or Nervon ...D obllHy Or Proolmlloll 1.I('lu:, llc lll'i1Lgia 01' periIII purp zsell l l·hllt btl nllvllr tlngtl l-,loU HI<lA I, lI:!!·rA·r..: 'I'ttANtjF~lU' and 011 m .ca••• lIrlsln g !'r()m a dl llOrdered ooo,IIUou o rtbc I!locnGllb. ldi (' paill., i t is uecause In the lIule or ~Illd IIquur d ot :,tlr JOI!. M StllO,V to t:;ilvu~ Ilr d A d~ yOll l' lI("·,·ps arc weak, It tban abuvtl; tiltH on Juua 1 1907 Ketlel'mllu : (17 /l orl'lI In 21. I' .. il, ft. PI_ot to take. It I. not Il IlOO811i .' the IU('k (If Jlel'\' force the Auditor 01 Wllrren ouuu~y IlU: fj ; ~O ri ore~ III S !.ll, T 3, ~. f,; ~ to d l.~ ollly i D very severe 1JIlIleII. LhorlLy of )RW untered bill UlLlJle un rt.crlli4 In ~eo • 10. '1' .•, ;1, R., 5; t Hr,()O. illUt. wakc'. the toma h . The ,to mMh will 800 ll he In "Doh Oo the "Uow 'rill( Uupll(/Ilt ~ " 0\' ' Ihe :Uerlllllll 1l11i1 Dorn HrHI-'IIr t ·, n l . heal'f-, /tIll '·s, te, work I ...altby """dIUon th n~ OUD can cat m~ uny Iclncl or food. . "1~~qQOr! ot WllrrtlD tkJIUl . R . und ;":'ol-'11ill Hili . \16 u~re" In 6u,ill1p<' I'fc~ tl,Y - h (lo~e sick. t.y and udll'Y"fnlly chllrifOO 1I~lliutit laD town~hlp. *2400. Two Slzes~ DI·. )(iJ e~' ~ 'l'viu cures him $2200; I tbllt ·1!"ld trellducer ;Clllrll Mil rlutt und .JI)8 . D.: '.,;1inj!on 600. Ind SI.OO per bOI. ill' 'ick wheu it 1" ·tores · threatenll to add 20 IJer cent, addi. to E. R . Burden : joint· claim t o lot doee tlot have It, l lCl'Ve stl'ell O't h and puts tlonal anllr .Iune lWth i thut thtl a/l' In Mt. Bolly, Wayne townsbl,, : UIlO tI,e pow l' uellind tbe orF. L. SHINKLE, 1I"~r did no' rt!port hlzs "Iooll 1111 O. D. lind DaitlY Corwin to JlIsilell Manuraoturln·. . .harmaol.t, gUll. to do th eir work. oue to be MO tl1xt!d: tbl1' 'UU 110tlOn Brown ; (llIncresln 516.1' .,5. It .• 1I; MUNOII, IND'ANA. ··Ahl' O . t thr ee yenr" r ~'l""rM trom 18 ag~inllt. tllo 0 n~t1tutiou of U. d . $1. fl f" f\' f'Ut-l'I{.· HH, Jntlll{("f& tloli . IIl1 cl IHllptta. tlUli ~I r UtI' It "urt. I c(.u hl not ant or and the .tutu of Ohio i th~t ~ ,elll- =Marths Costello to ,Ephriam ~\, ­ HI.·.· p \\ IU1 cc) mrnr' (, . )1' ¥" u lk Or taU, withou t tl urrm 'ltlg . Aitogo t h<!r I waa porary injunotlon grllDt-ed ulJOb tello undivided one half 0' ten Ilcr, s III II 1",<1 c fJOtllUulI . My dOClor did not platlltUf Klvlug '1000 -bond. Brown in Washington tO~'n8hip : 1. a, ~ III 10 do In o nny good . I had trJcd ij(\ 01.11')' r"'" ' dleK thul I did not hava & 8bawhli,D uttorneYIl for phuntitf. Josiah B. ahl1s to Rhod~ J. MIlia; much hn lW or (In)' ot lhern doln&, me (IllY goclcl . l~r. Mil.' Nervlne woe ,. ~rah Burdgo ' VII the ViUage of lot No. 5, ~. 13, 1'.,3, R ., 6; 1500. """l:f _t ;,l by n felent!. I ,Ot rollet tr<om th ftrHt. and ulte r ... rew days FranklCii: plalDtUf IIliya thllt she is Thoa . Hill to Muggle Hill i lot No · I tolt Uk e " lI ew person. It not only reU~"ed my heorl lind n erves. but "wner of Isnd, part of whlob iB 11 In ThOll . BIlI's addition to the llUfl Im·lgornt.", my 1II110le system. I nm \ , ry gmt,,(ul becnuse sInce 111 ...". within the vllJage aDd par' wlthant towp of New (Jolumbla or Pleasant stopp ed IISIIlB' , It. I hRve had absolutely no relul'n of my ·old lrollbl " and that wlthln.!s farm land, plain. Plain; $125. MnS. HOWATW ' FORD tlfr allb that lIItid lllndli be detaohed - - - -GO Summit A"e.. Worcester. MUll. Pro Milo.' Nervln. II lold by YOUI' from Bald village and .00 mude II Long. Live the King! d.ugll'll . who wilt gu ... ntee th.t the Is the popular ory throughout bottle wIll beneftt. If It '.11. h. . . . of FranJdln township; C. B. ropean oountrles : while In Amerlol1 wltl retund ~Dur money. ' Deohu, attorney tor plaintiff. tlie,,\lry of the present dllY IB "Long Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,Ind OOIUl"1f PLEA8 OOURT. live Or. Klng'B New Discovery, 8ta King of Throa~ and Lung Rame te.of Ohio vs Charles White. edleB!" of whioh MrB. Julia Ryder nack et al; ". A. Runyan appointed Paine. Troro, AiaBS., sayB : ··It. to litate; jnry ohosen by never fall I to give lmmedlate rollef RIDGEVILLE, OntO llpeelal venire; John Poynter fonnd and t.o qulokly ollre a !l0ugh or oold" ruUty Mrs. Palne'B opinion IB shared b.V a SPEOIALTlICS : DIBBABES OF WOMEN majority of the Inhabitants of this . Caroline BOI]oway vs Ella 1. ~ country. New O~ @oovery' onres AND OHILDREN !!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~~~ ward et al~e~.urt finds that Caro· weak 10ngB and lloar t~roots after Mne Hollo " .Ella I. Seward and all o'her remedies buve ~alled; and MAlr. S'rREY.'r WAYNRSVILOE •. O. DailY nee er H'tone are each eo , for COl"gha and oolda It a the onl? In room next d or t.o 'r088 Bros. DAn~l, " J ,. sure onre. GuaraDteed by F. C. HlI.rdw/lre t.Jre . · titled k> 'bO',a,,~lvided one tblrd of 8ohwartz, Druggl8t. 600 anrl '1.00. J~ _id real es~~ .. ThOl. Soott, Jl~ rria) bott.le free. 'l.\ilephone iu house I.\nd aflics W . I!:. M OORE. Receiver . Kohl aDd J . A.. Belbold appointed _ _ _ 0---where I can b called day or night. · k>partitlon _me. I ~ ...... Commissioners" Vulley Phono 14-2. 'l:be P . C. C. aDd 8t. L. R .• R. VB Proceedings. tbe Truatees of Wayne towDl'lhlp; I!: FFECTIVE MUOH at. 1&117 .


LAWi". '






fUNERAL DIREctOR, Telephone Day or Night, Local No. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3r


Branch OHice. HarvBYsburg, 0,


M. W.LANG,M.D; t;.M.


'LlE/AHaI. MINNATI, .11.

provilliouallDJl1notion vacated. It ill appeal~ to olmut ooDrt an appeal bOnp of 8700 required. PBOBiTlD OOURT :Tbe will E1izab6~h Thompeon, deoeued was adml\t8d to probate aDd Willird J. Wright was nlllde eKeoator wUh a bond of t800, Pbll ip ~pelloe and Bar. ry C. WriRh'. lornles. Pbllip Bpeoca and W. T Tbompeon and R. Wilda Gllcbril' · appointed appralaen. Proot.of pobiloatloD of noticel'l of .appobatmeD.' s of appraiaen, a m n · 18 to fll ; tra 1'8. etc, were ed in the fol Il0wtDr caae.: estat.,.. of Ol'8igMon W d---" II tll"-' A ODes, ~ : a .... . rlDan, .deoeued; Ruth T. Sobeno.-:, deoeaa. .eel and MarUla LaDe, deoeaaed.


.. BIlIB Allowed . Wm. J. POanger, plumblDg repalH ........................ 13 26 0- B '1 00 u ' arsll ....rger,soap........ .. R . Harshbarger, II&lary all allliatant janitor......... .. . 40 00 JameB Follen... ulary lUI jan. ltor ......... ....... . ........... Sriemnlng & ~Iker; wall pap er and merob_ndls~ for C. H. ......... ...... ............ 27 00 Otho BenderBOn. contrnot N ~ . 27 ..................... .. "....... tlO 60 ·Ge.o. RobertBoD, oOlltr'a ot No . 42., ..... .. " ..... " ......... ..... 37 87 W. F. Eltzroth, lumber ...... " 140 00 ' Cbas. L. BeDderiloD, oont,ral't No. 31 .., ...................... :16 95 WeBt.llrn Union Telegraph

Staple nod ~'a uoy llroceriee, Frui t Vegetllb)p.• !Iod r,nnof1fl Gool\iI. ~ .~ ,J'" unrl

Phone 79.




C. M. BROWN, Proprietor.





. ~


1;HE COR N ~ H


Recommended'by Physicians



Sick '



-- '~ '-'~~~"

Thousands Have Kidney . Trouble and Suspect it, Bow To ' Flnd Out. bollle or COlllll'UII ghHI$ with \- 1111 d 1 t'l 1 f h' wa er an ,C I Sl:llle t\\':~~~iD~~~t:r~~s~: llillgindicateson Fill a



A . lIt.

LelJuJlon J c.Ar 8 Shllkce Ce. 1

00 OY



I 7,


dil~:.~rlt,e 'k~d: MaJloe

lI"va: if it stSi!lR ,"our Iincn i i ~ c\'idencll of khl lI ev trollblp; t:>t fr~que ll t lid .... to pass It or p.. ln

;:~~~'H:.U;'O~o. roo

Lyll f;dRewood Yeoabl" K1tcbner



11 00 6


'!: ~~

P M. f,22 r. J8

'~, ~:,

7 (0 0 40 .. 09 7:ia .") 82 ~ &~ 7 2 7 ) 27 2 ' nil 2~ :7 ~o nl 2U 17 18 no 18


4 H

"4U 11K


II.' 16 • 36 LelnolJ _ UQ 06 '20 also con, illeing proof t~~t ~~ ~id~~~~ Lebanon-Lv . ,00 10 00 4 2U and blnd.ler ure out of order. . C 1:1 &. [) DS 7.. 'f H & 0 WbOot To Do. , 011.1 tOil 9 '0 lJ 30 1\ h6 There i,' comfort ill the kno\!\'ledj,r. b..~ 0 &. X,' D oil X T often eXl'ressed, thot Or. Kilmer'" 8 80 ' Swawp·\{ovl, thc Ifreat kidney remedy. . 0 00 fulfills 'even ' wish III cllring rheumatism , SOlJTHIli" U NO pain in the hnl'k, kidneys, liver, bladdel A. II . P , 1o1, P. M. lind "very part d the IItiunry 'paS5:lge. Leave No:)' No. · NO'll" It CQrrects inllhilit\· 10 hold waler Dllytoo : C H k P h or. ~1lD" wens 111ed b~ 'he 10110w.. Co. sending m8i8&ges.. . 25 "ud.scaJding paill i··,· · .. :ill& it. <!r bad Duyton : D oil X T 800 I no n .!In lD,; (,,'har1~1' ADD 8"lIfleld, Ildmin W. B. tit.8Dllae & Co., SliP' /!ffects followlllg u.: '!'ior, wlnc or LcbanDlI'Jn. 8 a, . II 60 r. Mi lstra&r1z"" ..... ,. ~"0 Icessily heer.l1nd . U& es .., 0 f Wlllla m fl· ,.,~.. pi ItlIl f orr An dit or ... ,,,.... ..0 of O\'crcomt:~ being eoul) . .. e 'l1l1leasant to go of ~ I·' I l Sbaker Crossing S .'13 .•' lir. ~ r,;, Geld. d~ied. and 110111 ac- W. H. 8&allage & 00., blllnk~ durillg tile day, and to ~et up 111'. " fRoelyn 'til 3'7 2 li ll "b r.tJ OOU&; .B:cIDa Morey; admlnls~ratrlz for Probate JudICe ."...... 7 25 times durill~ tlte uflight. f 'Slbe Dlild ," I Hem",,\.eQ(\ ~ U Uoa O'()!I the e:drnofQ1ParV e eet II wamp-io:, " . jCent..vllle 11 '11 1 II 0 \I of enate of Fred Morey ~ W. if. 8tanage & Co. blank 'Is 5001\ renl'7.ed: J~ stonus the high , I Manor '8 liT :) IU ." 6 11) inftDSory ~d appralaement; J. A. statements for treaBurer 16 flO foe It.s wonderful cures of tlte 1lI0st ~I ·" Lytle 9 01 .!I ~S 8 2~ cases. If yOIl need n Dledl~!nll () . d '-- 0 f estat0 0 f On ,lnotiOI1 of btr. K MVer it waB lre~slllit B UD11Ul cuar..... \'Olt shouJd buve the best. SoM bv dr'll>' Edg""'OO<\ I) 5 a ~6 6 ~u James Elllt Imbeotle, iDventory. moved th"t 'he following contraots giSts ill fifty-cent unu olle.dollar size.< Veo&ble I~ O. Ii 80 IB HO ' • BeIDa lI08ry adoUoltuawix of el. be wade and elltered IDto thll And- YOIt may ha\'e n sumple bottle !lnu B K1tcboer t9 Il la 3~ 16 32 . . ' b o o k that tells all . . Doddo f'OIt 1~ . .68 4 tate of .8'rederiek ltoery. deceaeed; ItoI' havlog glveD the reqoired aer· aboutit,botbsentfree • Leland I,U 2 3 :l 4~ fa 49 W . . Upon her . appltoaMon ordered t111catewith regard. to fundll. by lIIoil . AlldressDr. . Lebaoon'Anlve I) 80 a fiO 060 to ..nat 1lI'1vat. II&le the peNonat PIIlDB fpeolfio,tlonB and IIltlmate8 Kilmer & Co ., B,ing, "Dally ear.ep1 8uI'1., : S10P on alenol Id ,"edl th .• . bOll1ton. N. Y. Whe.n . Bo_of ..........- . ' SUNDA , . ~IlAII' 9 Roodf a nd '0b atte s eacr II n . e for a oonorete oulver~ near reSl· ",riting mention this pap'e'r aod dOIl't'; . . TraIns pa09 I. Vtl~ •• folio,, " : 1IlftDk>ry•.at not leBl thaD tbe apo ot Hamer Wilson Utica and GeDn. Dlllk e, OilY llIi~tl1k~ , hu t remember tbt · . . name. Dr. KIlmer's Swamp-Root. alld Nortbbound , ~Ia. m. I) 2 7p. 10 prtdled. value: town road In 01earoreek townah1P the oddrelltl, Biugll1lmton. N. Y. ' outbboUlld 0 04:1. m 7 23p. tD Appltca~Qn to admit thtl of were "pproved aDd c9ntraot let to . . ... E. MOORE. ~enera IP"" se nro' A,ept.Lebunoo. O. JOhD 'L ehr to probate. \9aa made, Chaa. Btlbbl'l a' the eatlmllte CJf .04 the bearing wal aet for ' Jone '9~,i5. . . . R. • . • . ATHAWAY, lIftb, 18O'1,at one o'olook p, ~. , .C ontract wall entered Into .wlth Wa.v'18sville'8 Leading ,DentlBt 8abBOriptl0l~B received bere fClr Jo the matt~r of tbe estate Qf OrOll Brbs. for aewer pipe at mar· Offioe 1n Keys B)()g. Main St alll!tlludtt.rd magazines . JobD W. Jaok,·deoeaeedj the edou- ,ke' prloell, va) d un'Il~" 24, 190~ • • Rober' J. 8bawhaD and Ueorg4! Oonmot was eneered Into wlth W, Cuey were ordered to ee11 E. J!I.. Gray for bridlre )umber door• •boDc1,a ~ She exten' of $801".05 a~d iDg 5.11:]2.' S per bundred. Ito ~ae sen water works boods Plana tor OODorete head wallB to \of Olev.Dd 0 :. ,floe value, 11000, sewer at o-dwallader bddge.ln I have a large ~upply of fresh water ice and will ',aDd ..,.lOhool dtaWiot bolldl, Lima, tleoreek township werellpproved. " Ohio.· t~ Talue ,11000, boUl traus·, ,Plans for ooD~~te arcb. . OD . t~ei k d)' • M d Wedne8daY~J and Saturdays eeUou befllg saDO~ODed, by '~e Morrow ~nd Zoor ,plllen~r .8pence ,rna e e Iverl~ on ays, • will. . f ', ' . -: aul1 Bakers In B'a mllton township . • . h d d ., '11 h' Tbefwlll of .JOhD Frederlok Hout were approved. ! , .' In ~ase my supply wIll ,not meet t e, eman . WI 8 IP ... ___~ , admitted &0 probate Plans fQr OOIIorete onlve&:t,' 011 ' . ' . ' ~-W1IU::" 'ppolntecl WaYDesvlUe IUldSpring Valley plk~ ice in 80 as to supply my customers. at all times. _ . .noDI "as a OIl Ohandler Hill 1n WaYDe town· . U8011tor. wRIl" ~d of 1'00. ~ 8hip :were approved, aDd ordered C M ROBITZER 8. \Vbikler aDd ·Albert Hook UllIr· poeted ID the Auditor I oiBoe. Seal • ...... . '. • ad prop!!A18 will be received and Phone 35. .... u oontrao\ let OD July 8, 1907. ~, J '. •• aorey W81'1 ~p. . ~.tecl . .rdlan of es..te of ~~ar. 8AtIt Medlotne i~ the World t<lr ; pente P More~, ~loor, at _ bon4 ' .' Co1l6 Ona Dii.rt'Qo~. ' of 18000.W. (I, Andel'l!~n' an~ ~, . , "I find Chamberiaiu's Oollc, Cb~l8. 'Col\over 8nretl.... . . er" lind Dlarrhoe" Remedw t" lil' "AR~'tAGIl LlUDIlIc ' 'the beet femelly In the "or!~j" . t4,'ysMr C L. u.llter or Sklrntp, ErDlIfI~ C. Malln,ln. 21, ClrellO(!IIl, Ala . I am 8nbl"ct lio oolio "no ' to ,,18.. I.... Oftvll', 17.' dillrrhol'lI.. LIIst, II .rlnK It ~ ~tDfIO Bev,. A ' K: HarMeDt, > " " ,hl,nlfh I ..... ·.nlt.l dlt', tt.nd, t,11h,k . .blord ChMrrvholm .. 1111, W I't .. t "nolrt If J ""flll't tillEI'll ' Oh"m~r . n..1 'B "1' lain'. 00110. Oh"lt,rll aad IIIa1'l'h M :.Qan'Olt.on. to .. ill8 &Ill S1 or~, . ' . Rlillled". I h ., veo't t)1,pn to,' 'Ol~ · JDnl.III11.. WIth it lIioOS'Dnttl tlilll 'III'~k ; ,,·lksl a-I':" J !MllIer JG. Da,tnn, O. I b~ '" very .s evere attllOlc IIIIt tou. tQ III- "_,, VII'I, 'I~ I'raulliin. hal' a hot.Me af the tWADt:v flVA ~t. , . , IUfIII . Ub..mbel')a',,'s Caito. Chul..~ , · I)ta",boea Beaaid" ud -thll ".:lr,'~(;""1O, Le~D. &0 ....Dlb.11ttel llb ,a lie. _D," Dodd .

? 16 '"I 06





Measure yonI' room· fi nd com t o

Hutc.bison OJ Gibn~y Wa were wille in or,loring this stook It~st fall . ill prices ha ve m .. terlally Rdvtlnoed. Lur ~t slL les IlLst year of IIny : tUI'1! yellr will 'a8 ' greater. Mattlnga frou \ Mle Orloot now iu lito k aHHnre.· beAutiful pdlo tern~, lowest prloes . . IngraIns . . . , .. ..... . ...... . .... . . .. . .. . . ...... .. 250 op !.-owell, Pork, ExtrJl ~OJl9r8. • Rugs-grou I ,-'" t stock yet .. .. . . , .. . . . . . ...... '10. 50 up l./lrge flnongh f6r 0. 1'00111. • L1noleUlJl , the grol~t kitchen lind hall oovering. LlLoe Cortains- II til. new effects. Window hade , aU cobrs, all 81zos, Wilde to order

. Ready To Wear Garments ~uits, Jaoketl .for Misses, Women and ChildreD. t:!1r·rts. Wal stt!, Un . derwear, '"fllntB 'ong cloaks.

See Your Dre~smaker 'fhen oome ,\I,,-I .\)ny your dress at B~tohinson & tJloney" , Xenia,Ohl'! No city has 11 IlIlt·ter 11880rtment o.t fabrics for the dress Itself and the trimmings. It 18 a. reaBonable , Btu,teml'nt IIn<1 fully I)fOVen In 'he past. We Ilrl' ~ DresR Goods Bouse aDd do not meddle r with t.lnware, hardware,lll'inll, shoos, eto. Theae have tihelr pluge. Juit look fIt our sllulves and show 08lI88 to see 110"; fresh and DBW and olean the stock. Bow eallily to trim from 'mr st-ook JOBt ~\n~'~'_ _ _-,--_ _::~~~!;I~Q~~

Voile 3, Bilk




nd WorBted Trimming".

Sei·ges, ·

~heer ~ft'eotll, Wngbllw, Plllid8.

Hut, I ison & Gibney,

Xenia, .









I'W"'" .

1.11. 1•

.,. -



Means Monareh of perfection.

that aro distlllJ:uiMhcd bl)lY~i,~oo<l=~:I~~1

Uniwh , Tho beet c. very r(l8llonn ble price...


denler to show tho



..-,=-=-===;;;::;=='=? PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS




GRADE OF Type -PraliB Rule In Strlp8 aras. Laber Savin&' RIde 8raS8 Column Rules BraBs Circles BraBB Leadl'rs Bra8B Round CornerB BraBI .Lead8 and Sluga . Old Column Rules

Brass GalleYB Metal &rders

L. S; Metal Furniture Leads a~d Slu,. . Metal Leaden Spaee8 a.n d 6 to 48 point Meta.l Quoins; etC. "


r~f~ced and made as Rood aa' De,"

at:_ amlin

OOl'lt. ' . PIBMe remember that w~ are not In any Truat or:Combinalioia • ~nd are SDre that .w e can make It g~tly to your ~vanta«e ·to deal with us . A ~Ol,>Y of our Catalogue will be ohee~fully furD,t ahed ~D (Ioppll· Olltlon. ' .

Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co• Manufac'urers of Type and·High Grade Printih&, Material 39 North Ninth Street. Proprietors PhDade1pbla PENN TYPE FOUNI)RY




~hl! P ilnd E Ing \

Eventful. Career of James McPadan. W e U Call~d Greates t of Detectives.

,Plan 0

bi'-Il In. t he l ()b~t an "~oOoIi~~ -.

~befar l3i ,>rrl. b" II~ ng Ilc,tlng . ud cold . T ile b ll \l(f Igllt teet • b uild ing .g~ ~ 1 (lplng glal 'niDI tQet ut 01.1 the fro)

-;r.7.'e""'s" 'i feet


h Ollld be

lWod. durab I or tar p rbl'OUCb

a ' he four fe (n lihes high t the bulle b elgbt and t bull leavllll! Ne~r' the b plaeed, 001 fitove, q nlte the \01 otorlng th ure all t. r(\ win k

heatl.'d. The ill us Furm and ~ent ;


c c 1M

ibencbes nn , bouse ~ tt;laterrll) ~' ~ ftUe to run

'!:Iazod. can • ,ooonc1·hand ,1"ery expeR!, b e glwss, ~ b uilding of • 'ilK well b ' t nee. radish MICE ... ow

They .'

I'b nl are sm all brut t il t' pofso buds. 1'b I'1\bblta wi 'l\lllr anlri qncll ' db , I , Mlr.e m nlDo. pow Wh eltt or ·hours In ' " .' bDll lnt 1,&18 III tw' when dr" baal'S or t

FI Cn expe • htnd It we I D~ o f fru h il t tbft I ' l lll.e all tIl " nllle ' i n All II , pdng I)

" n d 1,lan nlimat .. " ffLr ' dl rrNI ' •• hl In ' . ·I ateij W :(lid bu v

Th lrty. Four Years ' After H i s Won der· h,l Ac hi evemen t In Pe ('nsylv;an la , He ,s the Center of Interest for H IS W ork That W as Respons ible ro r the P r ese n t Sensation al T ri a ls a t B oi s e. Ida h o - LIve d ror Years A mo ng t h e " Moll ies ," Whe re H is Life Lite r al ly " HU~9 by a T hr ead:: l'h ll!lIl, 'll'lIlil - Wil li, ' t hN,' 18 b II lich t 1f':.t'I\J hlfllH'l' 1I.<'1 \\ ,I n l hn h o rri· lilt. 1'1'1 1111" O'"nlllllllo'(t ill the minln): n'"ltlll" III Illa hll lind ( .lllllnelll (\ lId I h \.) ItIl,,1e 111'1111 ,,;; lh'.· d~ 1"'111('11'111,'<1 In ti ll' t1 ,ll1ln~ l(, ~lI ' n~ tlf l' l' lIl1 :-.rl \' Ull ifl n )!.,,' n· •,t:tlh.\n ilt:,tl th t'rt\ i!ol Ihl~ l' xttll nrdh' ,t r y lil, h IWI\,,'u ,lll11l1. Illin tilt' ~H nh.· tu au W U' I n ~ IIIII1l,' u l al i ll I' I'U I ' II I' l n ~ t h

..r (he 1I1nl· '111,-11, Th ('n 1.1 sll\rl pd bn k.I'nnl;ratu· 0 (1111 1]1('rn· lullllg 111111 . fill luaL hI! 11<111 ~n"!'d (In· OU1o'1' IIf,', hl' on rt"sl:hlll~ Inwil h bpl', hl l' (lnd lo 111 ,,11' ('Il1lllth' llC , It hnrt. bnl\' v,' r , 10 h.: 11I il lll lPrt 11Vflr , l " ul" I ~( 1 Ill/lt Ill£' ntl~ alul"'rlnl,'II'),l nL

a J:: nll1 , })f'\'~HltH" I n, ~n l'I''i·.''' u f Ul\i l

ln t!!T.f'

nr tl"'I~ l n n , C'n llld \ln l h,' utl lllltle(\ to Ilw r1,' l l h (' rnll" l1 ~ tlf "III,' r l"llg l' ~ ilr dl \' I ~ l n ll ~ Prominen t In the Order. To nll l1 ln h \~ "Illi. ~11·ra l'l all f Olln cl th ~ t h.· II' Iliitl h " ." In 11 111 ~1 1I 1I)' III ~\('JII (' ~ , II " I lI h'n~ ll1 i'll I h dW I'a,'\er II.. h[,1:8I11l' 1\ he h url Ilr~ 1 n ~~ I III II' d IlIll\i 111'1 1\11,'1. II" hnll ~Il' c! tl f hay l n~ r"llI l1i1ILc'(1 all t'l"lt u,'~ , r"l11 peU )' lar· t'{' I\): 10 ' 1111111101', \I \\ n ~ I'('n tl )l ' lO drlll k , .. In)!, ri lllll'e, e0 1l1'1 <l r:il'l or lI ~ h[, II I' Ilr [ !' ndl'll 1I)' lIlIllIlh y wllh 11\1' P(' I'pI' l r aI Ol'II (l r U (,,1'l nll' tlfl (l l' lis 1'l)llI l11l ~~l nll. which h e ha,l her'n IIna ble II' PI'I'\' 'III /llI d Ih e ful l dc lnil s nfwhkh hI) Wa ~ 1I1I\lolln I II \tl Hcm '['r, 11 he· (,IHI' " ~"I'I'(' a n l' ~' nr hi tlh' lslou , At IlI l1t' llll gti I1 f 1It · n n lp l' h,· wa t; 1hQ lo u,l· ('~ t t all.,' r lind th o) hl ,::!;,C' s\ ;\I nll)' or I helll all. nut h u l'v{: r Ilsk ' d a I1Ifln In JOlin lh.· nr,l l'r, ano! he n '\,pr hy word or lie ·d slI gl'!;l'S II'd or t' lIr'oUI'Il J,;orl 1\ ('rIm " ' i l' I' UIIl ~t :tnl' I'H ('0 111 \1" 11 ('(1 him In ,j r lnk It ~r !'n·. " nl o f 11<1'1 wh lsk ,I '. 11!' h calli sl C'k In ('UIlRI' \lIl " IU'I', It i ~ hll lt· f(' 1\ nil I. , II, los I hi: " ) ('b row s, I lls I'lY(ls l,::lIt 11 ~ll l1l' Im llll lr"l\. I l l' lonk !!cl Ilk\] H fr u k whh hl>l ~\'(' ''II HI' Cl uC'1 R, IJIIIt! pnl(' , rouJ;h ~ hirl nile! ,d,\ IIn"11 f ont IlWU/-:p; rl ll ~ Ih ro ll ~ h th " st n '!'1 , ~o nn ~ II R P ell' cl .lIm ,\I r K C' llnn , IiI' \lro8 1T1(,(\ IllIlt II(' W RS ilL wQI'k IIlght 311 I 11:1), ~ulh ('r ln ", t'\'ltlt~llr (, thai ,1":1 S to IlI'ltig to " cl ose hc uwful l'I' Is-n Ilr \(,ITor. ~: vcry IIlhht his r eports ' W(, lI l to th l' Pink I'lOn ollie In .Phlilld Iphio. Thut Is th st rungest IlIIrt of th wh ol slrtLnge xpcl'l II p , 11 (1 w a In c n· Slunl c01l1ll1 lloicllllon with h is e III 1110,1" e1'8 . :llIrl for m ore than 1','0 years h wa~ IllI\' l' mi ce SII S P C lod of h£' lng n dlHe til·e. l i e Wa l' ll d many llIen who

h tt rl fl~,".Jl



II .-! ,'(tP H"(t.

",,,lh('I',',I. nnd " "\III' '" Ih" l'I 'co\:III ;-.,'ct Md'u r llill I, II Mill'" h' ael r , 'I'III'Y RI:\I'It'11 I 1 ~ 1I f' 1l him, hilt be ~h u wI'd his UKIIIII 1I'·l' ve. 1111.1, tlrn' In£: 11"11 I'(' VIII """1'8. I'nl lllly wulk,·,1 Ihn U ~ h IhCl rmwd , ' 1\l\lIou Fl h h. hud f".II ed III ~ fI"ln':; til" ~ llll" I' lnl .. nt( ot'N IIf(', he Ilt'I ,'I' llIlneri Ihllr he wOlllrt al Il'lh; t Itt· I II I () ,'nlll urI' I h ~ nllll'lI r f',I'S. UlIlng Inlo n Il otel. h '\'rot \ II f"w \\ ul'lis nil SC 1',1 I'll I sllllK of pa p!! I' nl1d dn1f)(h'd lh en. In Ihe ,;l reel wlw l'elh y c' oulll h ' I'ca,II 1y f ouull. Th l')' \ 11'(' 1' plck('d "11 I1l1d a IIIM~l' . HI'lIng on Ihe hlol . w n~ '"'J,;alll'l'ri nllli Wl' lI t IIft c r Iho rnu r d I' r~. 'I'h oy WNe 8ubsL'1111 nlly hallgl'd. A



" The Air 18 Polluted ." FInally. 611f11l '(,l l'dl h~' i hr, ~loill es , I:ull'll nll,l ft"Hed hy I' ·s llI' ut ahl " rltl .. Zl' IIS who ,Ilel nOt k nnw hi s 1',·,,1 char. nCler. and hllif si d; frolll Ill , Hlm l n of Ihe wol'le. he hC'Sgl',1 to b,' !'l'nl'I"'I!. " I al1l HIc k IIlHI lin'" "I' t hi s w", k ." h(' WI'OI In n nc tlf h iH r"I" II'ls, " I hl'lIr o f IIl l1rlll'\' 111111 hhllld she.1 111 0 11 t1lr ',' . Ilnlls. ' 'fbl' fl l ., I. rIllI1U I " '1. r (' III1 ' t 61111111 It IlI lICh I U II ~I' I' ," Inrl n.. ;!, ht' wOllld RII I'pl y hil I' " h 1'1\ It llll' cI If he hnd rl' IIIIIiil ' '' , fnl' lhL' t('('li llJ.; si I'Oll ft agnlll Hl It I III . SO, tow a I'd I ho I'nd of I 7[, hI' rO ll\rned 10 IJh lH /I11t1 \\, ,' :< I\'ll r lll l~' w 11'llm'd b y Ill'

Autb'or of "Bat O'Connor'. Helper," '4Casbier 184," etc.

rt was aD 110. omf rlnblo momcn t Jlloy('~ ' 6lall'll'uy , pl' ~s !' nU )' 15, r rl urn, f or Mr, W ells w hc n Miss ~'Illmlng asl,· 10J; from lunch Oil, cum a slo wly d hl1ll t o expl ain wh y Iho \lCWCOm r, down I ho sI OIlN, "15," Ih ure 'W 8S a note of gen Miss '1'lIy l ol', "'1\8 stili In har~ of UIO notion s, Miss FlemIn g had \DIIIIY tIe pluhoH In ~1! ~8 Taylm's voice. " I cllBllllS f or Ihe lIom· walk r . lIlr. wanL III know If )' 011 lhlnk you r coli W ells displayed Ih 1I 11ll" ~ t so- !lu t I s I1l1ll\) hunl)ruhl ~ . 'You fouhd lIcllUtl c tor , hi s flLvorlt eSlwclally OIl' cnunlcr IIlmost 1\ rf(l('t- l oofl ul It si nce he hne! rail ed to ti 'Cll r c fnr hoI' to·(\ay," ;'J s Il In" fllillt '! Gp o. bU l llH' y gave· tb flosilion she cOI·Ncr!. nul I t WU S 1I0l ijo lel y onr. !I ~a 1·'1 \ll in g' s :lcrount in C II I'tl i~I" nn" --III1)' III\II' , it dUI1' L bllrl' th lll M1·. \\' lit; SlIff(,I'L'(1 Ih 'lCIrll1l'tl ot tbcm tn ~Ot I ral1 ~ rcl'I'c, I -" "No. It only Ill'" 5 111 (, ," wO lllld o,1 fll'ltl e. 110 hnd ;'ccnmllH'nr! cd f' h Inlel h Oi' ,b lind noW 0 0 the 1I1l1. r.11 ~s ~'I mill!; hl ~ hly, untl . wllh ol1t a w01'<1 10 him t h o IIl'nl bl'ou ' ht In Ii wrllllllC'r IInll spul. e MOlltly :' " Th,·1'1' I ~ II "ayl ng In lIt!. hllllsn Ih ll t ll'll n!; 'I' Rud II\SIIlIl d lH1r ut Ihe 00, wh , '11 \\' I'li ll l ,IT I :; slny . III a COll1l10r I l on ~. 'j'h!' flOor·\\·lIlk I' ('" n sld or ,I Ih 1l1'III'S eO lllhwt Cluil'lIl nl t il II pro ' Ia· til I h ml·uf,SI OI· tc rr slg lls, 'lIrcly, )" , n m at lo n of hi s llnll1lllClrlllnc , and ht' (Il ' do lInt Int ' ur! Ihl1t su r"'.; La h(l ld :;001\ I 1'111111 1)<1 to show thL' ~l d eSfl('''11 1 (' I hal ft,lrt ' v(' r - I s 1I1t're ony I'mi MOn who tho h , 1I0 t (t' l) fl r lll. wa ~ IlII1 ~ t C I' 0 11 lho wrll I'Il'l'r nna I iH' h lid (If I h e 1I 01 l lnl!s : hou)d Jlo t 1'1111 tu'::I'lh ' r ~ 15. I'll sl,1 ni si", ntl all tho while, lIerch ee! li t hl'r Il'a,'(' II to )' tJII Wi l h" sl!gh t IIrl!: ~lIr ' do,\c Ull Ol' er th e slot'k SII!'I\'<:!R. ,,'rfll" nr h l'l" htln c! :\l i ~ ti Ta y l or p l tisc d do wn \11'1' I ;', [l lI e ll .In hnnt!. Wit S wo rk in g Ih r 51:\11'5, \\' r 1I1IIL' I' I ii S10011 wh('re ~II A S 'r ay dlll gC' lIlIy on an Cllnt'mOllS fih l' I of II' rllllllllll; pU[ler snl'clIll nu t hcforo h pr. Inl' I" fl h('l', 111111 shl' wus not aWr. I·(, 11 ! W ru l l pc l' Hj pul In al l h I' SIIII I'e mo· th fiU H i ns:: t l i lli e 1111111 Mr, W ells DI nt~-nnd 1110111 nts ~ h hOllll' t t o ca ll~d \le!' l \'O m III ' al!ll~ , "'1 5. 1-. Wh llt aro you ,\olll!: spar_In milkin g- ,·orloons. Sho enll· cd th em "1! f1elllJinders ." Th e caTlcs· lhel' e ~ Y OII ' I'C bl' 'n UII'uy rrom your lure ill band W ill; 'Ih h a,l·ot·storl,. desll more thon u n hour." Hi mild no I'Pll l ), u s she ca m down Th saleswomen were at) IIbolll1d III· de II. They wer o Il r('llIll'ed (or l{j's to ?Ir, \\'e!lH. "' Wh nt 's th c matt!'r? Are )'01\ Ill ?" auda clly In lill Y rorm -but th b ead·ot· " I h ll ve II b earlu(:he." 15 guzl'd al st(ll'l;'s II Dutiful Ilroftlo clone In n 611 IIblnder! T hey 10011 d laqul r lngl y th e floor, " Oh, lhnl'M tno blld. \ ' 11 gil' )'0 11 a ot ;\1 r . ,,"pll s. They roullll lIu\\ he lind M I ~s F l eming wero nJ so- h y pnotlzod, day 01'1 : bu t. berot" )'011 f;U I WBhl YO Il MI', \\. l i s was the II r st t o brenl; to sign thi s lIaper lind l alt e It to Lb o th e lS ll(' I\, ' 1-1 walk d so l emnly do wn olllee." " W hnl's It nll about1" 15 put torth lh e a i sl e. Ho hal ted bon('Hlb tho desk at Wrapp er 10, and : wi th d adly serl - her bes t !'I'1'f)r t t o 1(111) ar naturnl. "A l l tll o girl!! n th NotioD8 have ousn eS6, shool, h is fl st up III b el'. !)Igncd Il."' h hllnd ed her (he P(\IICI·. "'olll e ,dowu be rc, ~on!" " So," 111 r. Well s rogard d h r with " It's II pellOon for Ih r cmovlll or the asn rlly. "l'on IIrl! (\ t sour old h 'tel S h ad·or·stock. who Is IItto!'ly luo,:olUll lignin, Dldn'l I 1ell )'ou whon I put t Ill. t 5 l ooked tiL th e Ilaper; 8be did you at Ihl counlor that Illls wos your n ot truHt bcrs(ll [ to slleak. "And by IRSl hancc? Go 0" r on th 111· 1I10yos' ~ tllir s nnel walt tor me--J'I I S CI· li e YOUI' case In a momen l. 1\1 i~s Taylor h llUlOI'ousl y tooll In the dimin utive ligure. th e Ilurl.. Iflsh fn e , th pert 111111111 r. " \\'hUL on \I'th hal'e you done? " "Don e T ' 15 fix d h l' sn:mclous y s on MI s TU~' lor, " 1'1'0 I fL nothln' lin · Ijon e-Ilo t that 1 kno w ur. Y u k now why l'Lll g"I II ' to g:el th e O. fl." " I wl sb I could do ~ Olll thing- for Vall ." snld Miss Taylor, re fl~'e tll'cly , , "Go , he's cahln' l1lo l" 15 slIrllng to hN feel. " !J ere's wb ol'e l \) 1l~ S I n my ch ecks! " the flc) o r·w(llkOl·· ~ " I ~, " was l ow, but It hacl a fl'l/ity flavor, •... " e bl'ell I hinkillg over your ase,' nnli l ' vc come to th o conclu sion tha t r ou arc a I' I'y 1 I'el' IIlqe 'Irl. too cl el'ol' 10 l o: e," 1-10 lIans Ii, nn d , ' I'all' pee 15 felt th 11001' glvlog wa y uu· der b r , " I fcel tba t we-lhat I s. l ile sa.l 5W0ll1 nand bends·of·stock ha"e be en unjll><l to you . I have noUced wh en yo u t ry ter <10 belter ,you r ecolye no nco lirOgem Ill ," ) 11', W ells IlfiusCl1. 15 was 11 ~]I eeehless: Sh e wouucred li'hlll was , ~ oml n g nexl- \ he climax call1e bon 1Il1fully, " 1'111 going to glvc )'OU nnoth r ,"15, 1'\1 Leave It to You."

taur 1'\'1111'111'1' rnr l h l ' AOYt) nt h nl sp~. .llInll's ~ I I ' I' Il lall , (·a:lly t he ~I' " t ·~t IIvl ll ~ lit 11'('(1 1'''5, di rt 111M lbl\lI un y " l llI'r 11 11 " IIlfl n I bl'eu k 1111 lhul lp n~ · hi .. 1J1';':lInl"I 1011 ku oII'n u ~ th M Olly I'll\kN l\l n ~ , ~ llIj!'"h": ' ,lnm'lI McParlllfl , :It Yc.'III'l! III lh,' f"l1uwin !; spdn!; caoll' I h, lu l r" ', \I I , ' 1\ f ro m Ilu rf~' Q" cIHlrll In tll' l r lnl s of HboilL :;0 1/\ II a r ns d ,I t Illu r· 'I duhn !,pnit"n l illry a "con fess loo" of fiN (It' of Oll\ [l lll:lt y In nUII·der. In 1I1 /1110 1''' I/ w rlll rimes than lb M III's ron rse o( hl ~ rlpl' nlng ror Lbe 1.; (1\' I'D' P H'I' lia r tl t o conI ' 1I1\1lat . ment l he <ll strl I 81Inrn c~' 81~l'll e d lhe For IIl Il'P cban 20 y ars the 1.1 nl/cU.- ne In lh~ ' o c, rlroorn by 11>1 nOli 1\' flourl shl'r! In til anthraclle mining rl" cin g Ih1l t . IIIllllg tll e "'ltll(,ll,S H \\'110 lon ~ of Penns I vu llia. Tb organlzn· w Ollld h l' lIi'fert'ti h l' th e slnl e wn s a tlon wo s stdrled b fOl'o tb o Ivll wnr. mUll who rill' )' ear::r had IIveel In Ih It look It nnll\(\ (rom th e anclenl count)', ha ll a HS(/ i:,lt(~11 wl l h I he :'101· bon d of 11'l sh RlhbOlllll lJn. wh o. ails, II ~ . hilt! be 11 n member of I h ord er, !!:lIl~l'd as wom'lI. made 'orays. They were uamed from Corn lIus Mngulre, baron of E nnlsklll n. w ho In 1641 took Jlarl 10 Ih ) r l ~ h r belllon. The !llll r lt w h ich alii mat ct Iho P nnsylvnnl:\ so· c'lIny was. howover, nlh' Iy dlrreren l from thnt ot It II ,prototYlle. ?I1 emb rshlp In ' .th . I\1n\1les wns no t roo fin d to mlnel'8. Th r e were saloo ukeeper\;. tradeSlle Ji~ • arLlsuns, o mce· bolders and men of no occupallon I'n lhe cm;anlzation, TIy whom It was started, and for w~ut lIi'rJlose, ha"e r e· malned 8 or ts. I~s motto wns "Frlencl!;hlll, nlty and Tl'lle hrlsllau ChaI'Jtr," /l nd Ihe m ecLi ngs of th o , ladg s an~ of Ibe county co nv l'nllon ~ 'were O() n d wltj} p l'ny r, T hen , art er pra ye~. the bllslness of making pl a n ~ r r tts as Inatlon' wQlIld .b tak en up. 1l was uo t, ' howe ver, 1111111 In th e early 60~ th ~ t Inurd rs b (.Iume fr . quen t. Some bOS8 of a mlnl'. so me oh· nOIlIDUf! POlIc,eman' wlJ(l had luil bed II l \ruoken 'Mplly. ',sam min l' wh o h ild iueun-ed some dJspl ;! SlI r o oC a 11 em· 1) r oC t b e order : or sOlll a Ili ze n I\'ho had spok u or tt dlar ' sil ctfl/lly woulrl b tlh r h aten 'Vit hin an hi h of his life: 01' ' m ll[d ~red oecosi'onlilly. nlll t he crllll s woro Sf/oradII'. Du rin' th ClivI! 'I\' ar Ihey hl'I'l1a8ed rapi dly III nimiber. II lI d b y 1 7 1 th rC' "'u.s tl r el!;n o r terl'Ol' In lhe whol e II nlhrll('lIe I'L ' sia n, xt ndlng OVI'r fh ' o un Ll~. Durlog, lhat yea,r nud th o y ear f ollo wI ng there wore" IIlllrcters anti In· nUll] r uble aS81l1/Itll and c rim es a gain st prall ' I'll' , McParlan Becomes a Molly. GI'adnallY,tb e enmit y ()f th ~I ulll s was dh' etell towllrd the mln o lI\\'oer8 and th railroad, corporations, On boilS art r anotber. who bui.l OIl1 do bl m· self Unl,ol)tJlar wltb tb e min r s. \V:I! murdere d, Mlues w ere b lO wn UI or fiji d with water. Rail road Ilrollcrly .....'as b urned Or d estroyed , Filla II)' Presi den t Gowan, of tbe Phil ad Iphl9 & Reading Coal and " run compa llY. Ing t hBt the city and SLate authorl· were dooIltPt! to d nIh by Ihe Mum B wns to III I 11111' with Its crimes anc! IV8iI mt'elings IIf hi s pre llared lo Identify lile murd I"el"s. lies were l'owerless. determined to J.I at~ nll 'd nil th ca ll on t be Plnkertonll for old. Tbey division. He kept fill t he b l! ~ t of ThIs ' witness was known t o t he flea· eent'1>l eParlnn to the acen e. 'I'hat was tel'ms with ev erybod)', IIle of tlte coa l r egions o s James M e. In 1 7 ~ • .when McParian WIlS '29 yell rs Suspected at Last. K enna. bUl his I'eal name \Vns James Old. , Wh enevol' h e was detu lled \.)y t hc McPnl"lal), alld be was a detectiVe. said MeParlun came tram ' th e Plnk er - M olll es to commit , so m e crlm o or to lhe dlslrl ct attorll ey, I When MuPurlan tons: h.l cago oRlce. 'He ' ~'a8 ' born In ' participate In lbe CO lli mi ssion ,he 0 I· , 'wos call ed to lb e wiln e,ss stand the all' lrehmd .. had come to tbls country ways found so me pluuslble xc usc. \Iut dlen e co ulc( scarcely believe lhat the when a young mon and had had can· events mov ed Sll' lfll~', Th e evid en ce l1ulet. genl1 l'lIlunly, l 'el cool and reso· IlIc1erable cX'Ierlence with tbe world, which h e was furnishing graLll/nlly lule delec tiv o wns the wild and reck· Short and slJghtly built. but mu!cular, tightened lhe calls oround the Mollles. less Jim McKenna th ey bad known, of fa ll' comploxlon, wltb ' dark b ull'. One arl'est 'o!lowc(1 aoo l her. And by Eleven" Moillea Hanged .. b road foreh ead and gray eyes and nnd by It lIecam e appare nt lhat BOnte wearing g ln sses, he presented a gen- ail e was giving 10 th e govcrnm enl all 1I1eParian was 'on the slnnd lour tl emanl y . allpearanee. l·l e liad been the secr Ns or th organization, Ooe He laid h is story simply and coachm ab , pOliceman, clerk In a liquor morning ull the 61gp8 and pnas words dlays, amBzed everyone by his r evelations, store and hnd flnnlly gone Illto busl· or the MolIl s were pI/hUshed In e very searching cross·enmlnn· ~1e311 '(or b Imsel f, Tbe Ohlcugo fire n ewBpaper , 'Then th ere wa s no doubl The 1lI0st lien failed to find a itaw In hl~ lest!· willed h i m out. ~hen be went to work that they ha el a t raitor amon g th em , mou y. Wben he leld tbo sto'ry of {or the Plnkertolls. _ Suspicion rell upon McPulan. He his being ' suspected or being a de· , Falla .lllg his Inst~'llctions to learn had accIdentally drallped a l etter on t ectiv e. Int 'nso silence prevailed In all he co uld ahout tbe MOlil es. McPar' the street. Tbe Mol!\es uccused him Illn Wl'1ll to Pottsville. Pa, H e ebang ed of treaeber>'. He becam e Indignant lhe court room. For tbe ftrst time the prison ers manifested un easiness, his nil me 10 McKenna. H e;>. got ac· and brazeneil It out. H e per Hunded Tbere w er e many Moilles presenl. and Qualnl ed with ev61")'body. He WUI! them that he was a terFllIly abus ed they listened with blanched chenkll to looklng (or work In the mines, He man. " ' bey begged bls forgiveness, lho recital. , . co uld sing n gOOd song. dance a jig. At least'they all did exc ept two of his At th e close ot t he trials Pres Oow· pass a rt;l1Igh Joke; b '\lOllle and at· brotber Officers In th e ord er , The evl· tenlive 10 ,t lt o girls, dr lilk h is share' or dence. against M c Parlan wnll too 10 palrl a fine tribute to MePnrlan. wbl Sky and pay Cpr It. anll was alw'aya ,strong to be doubted. So th ey deter· Arter wa r nlr.g t h e publi c that If there r eady for a row or shlnd y or any kind , mined \0 kill him. not ,tbe next week. WI\8 another murder 10 thll,t co unty b), t hat socI ety th ere would be "an III' li e was jllHt a rolllcklog , ImpulsIve, ' or 'the next day. but rlgbt ott. generou s, ca r eleKs. unrcuHonable, Quar• nut M c Porlan gave them ,the slip, qnlslUon for blood wltb whIch noth· relsome, dll"\I'maY' care Irishman. escl\ping only by tbe skin of hili teetb . tng that had been known tn the 0 0· H e got 11 job II) n mIne, He tnslsted Sixtellp men lay In walt to murder nals or criminal Jurlsprudeoce could 00 workIng In hlK lIesl; elotbes. Soon him. but 'ht!. was warned Just In tbo eomllore," he added: " And to \\'bbm are we In f ebtel! for Ills ('oat .was th ro wn aside. then hI,S nick of lime. Still he kept at his work, . v ost. und flnnlly hlij shirt. He. per.· although .he had anotbel' enem): to t he seourlty we now have? To whom 61111' d and BUI! r ed under the un wont· face. Outraged ' cltlzenll had formed do w e o we all this? Under the divine ' d t.oll. He 8000. learned. however: vigilance committee>! to retaliate on provld enco or God, to wllom be ali tho tbal It waB nQt all the 'skillful miner or· tb e Molllea. McParlan was known as honor and glory, we owe thll safety t" lis the Industrious laborer that admls· an active 'l eader or the organization, .rrUTI e~ lI1cParlan.·and It ever tbere was slon to or Inlluence In the Mollies wus and bls lICe was In danger , not only a mon to whom tbe people or t hIs 10 ilO obtained.> . (rom the Moilles, but also from other cOllnty should erect a· monument, It'l .rames M c Parlan. t be detective." , . So he. gave tUat up and cajoled a cltlzeni, , halr·drunken saloonk~e Jle r Inlo dlvulg· McParian had b lJen ordered to tur· ,As a re~lllt ot the trials 11 meo Ing Bome or tI\e lIecrets of the organl· nlllh a man to, kill a mIne superlntenrt· w'lre hanged. and llbout 40 others lent ItI'~fon . H e got a few of tbe signs Ilnd ent who had Incurred tbe enmIty at a 'MIat WDII a death ',J888words. With tbeBe he was Elnabled Molly. In order to .galn time IIfcParlan to state prjson. Tbey bave not to I ahn blmself air as a Molly, sa,ylQg promised tn obey. but k ept delaying blow to tbe MOtlll~8. been heard troin since th.en, And Oat ht' baa been a member ~ tbe or· on Ode pretext Or another At last he now. after a genera t ion, McParla~ Ii _bwllion else"here, and Iiad been took two meo an" 80111& whlsky ' and one of the central character. In the . obll«ed to leave the place oft aooount pretcnd~ to start. He got tbe 1t181I 01 • crime ~ , had mmmlt.te4. Thl. drunk and kept tbem drunk tor two creat drama, one of the -- . . DC whloh II belnl enaoted Ia i4aJaII. I ljI.~ 1 11111 "" '1II II}«ul



Nothing I Ate Agreed With Me.

rl\l~l'd 111m I n III "1I1" " III 1I!'~ nnd hl w" ~ n,III1I\I"(\

In lbe fl\llII'C 1 ~vlll not be' by cODlp l aints of YOIlI' can· J I~ c l: Y?U ca n wnt'k, and If YOIl pl euso lUll 'd~1 see to It tbat you are fal SC M ias Taylor l oached th o boltom step and Int rrUl'tod tho tloor·wallmr·lt m~.r\·clou ~ dlscollr!:lc. . Mr. \\ ells, m ay 1,:.?QUlre wby you remo ved mr "~rnJl"er. d Ilhockl~ ' reco I'e a scao n . tb ls was th e new Hcad "of N~tlons. IS e.~lle t ed to see n 8 'rnp, bue We!ll\ was llI~SL ~ou!'teous. , " My dell l" Miss rD ~ lor, I believe we disagree about. Borne t hings. but 1 am lure you know you buve tbe larsest counter- tbe grealest space on the aisl e. ' il takes an experienced hand _ ' to ruo It and I \\ anl to helJl you to su ccec ,l. l,tran sf cl'r ed your wrapper Just no w because 1 wllnt to JIve yo'u the best WrDl:p er w~ have In tbe house, He~e she Is-Wrap~r 16--an , expert.. ,;'TbaniC you, Mr, W ell s;' and. with. out a 'word or look at 15. she turnod abruptly and walked down tbe aisle t th U a Whee~oM~~sTaYlOr reacbed her coun. t er her cheek s blirned 'Wllh Indlgna. · Uon ber teaI'll ' were ready to Blart. " ' " I underatand. sh e sold. In an even 't'olce, " we have lost our wrapper." "Y '" "Wh t t ?" "Wh t es . to do?" , a w ere or .t he mllnya ques. are 'lye goIng tlOIlS thrown at h or , Already a "state of thlnss" prevail ed, " Ne\'er mind, we'lI have a wrapper directly-a very good onc. ,too, 1 am tOld-an expert-Wrapper 15." " Wrapper 15?" the cry went 'up SImultaneously, A chorus of wild protesta followed , MIss Taylor sa1ll that ber counter was on the verge 'of slipping back loto the st ate she had found It ' two weeks ' ago. , The saleswomen tougb,t l 15 over ev. ery parcel ; and 6b~. knowing her wf)rk wlls wIthout error, fought them back In overllow!ng mea.a ure, The battle faged !Ql' two days, and on BB~~'lay evening' Miss Taylol' 11.11' the IBelt of her old helperl tran8~rred. , The beadoOf'atock could not ' Bay Mr. Weill Willi unjust In rqmovlng them. Tbe "roul la)' In the fact tb,at the Ooor.walker the power to brlnS about the 81tuatiOD that JaaUlti4.Jala chance.

I u lnoy ed

A .toe..

~Ir. Wells


n de. 'I'illtio,n of my s), llI ptnns, 1 \lulU ",rot to Or. l-llIrtnlon for advice. Be anid I IUlLl calal"l'h of th, stoll, li·h. ( t ook Perlltlll ntHl MUIIDlin aud t.~O\,.ed ' hill d lr '1 \olliS "ncl ca n n ow IIl\y LljaL 1 fJ)clu's WI! II O. I ever diQ, ,,] h nllc Lhat. It who nro ailll te d witb ~h sl1m SYllq,( illS ' ill tu ko Perun", .. it has certlllo lv cured me. " The u\Jove ilioll1\' 0 11 0 of hUD~red8 who hlH'1) writt n 61inlhlr leLters to Dr. H artmun , Jllst o no 6uch ~ as thl. cnLitl 'S 1'I'fllll1L to the ca ndid cou~lder­ Btion of every QIIO similal'll' a.fllh;tcd, It th i. b, trUl! or Lho t ',;Li IIl OUy or one pe .... 60 11 \\'l lIl t ought to bo tb t\'sthuonyor hUlldl' (\s. y~8 th()II ~llllds. o f hOlle t. lIlnc"ropeopl~. W o h a • .,.l n our fit os a gr_' 1llllllY othOL' tesl:molliala. -=~~~~~~

W~ cannot unjlorstand a charaCtel srea t r tllan our OW11 until lomethlnl cOllgenlnl lO Ii. 11118 grown up wlou. ourselv 1I , ~ l flP_le_._ _ _

Benefactor• you dO ~omethlng tOi nnd orr?" "I hlll'e d one ~

"Why d on't

IItern t ur sam thing for t hom.'· answ r ed I\{r. Dustin Stale. "My orporntlons etnlve h l[)od mBgazloe writers IlIld !llul' lru a I'S mort< I h.~ n nnythln, else thai lIVer bappened." , , ,~ , A DIg at Her. -"t . "O! d C!llr," slgber M18~ M ud d. "J do w illh 1 kn'e w of an effectlvo wa, to pTese n 'e my complexion ," "I[ y,>u kp,ep Lb~ ~9lt In 1\ \1001 plact It will bo ' all rJIl.n l. won' t Itt" , !


In tetrut,llld by air emergency ' call tor his ~ervlces, The n oxt mornin g t he heu d fl oor. w&lker iapped Mr. W ells on the shoul. der, , MIss Flemin g bad Just had II painful Interview wlth , tbe head fioorwalker , "0 y ou know. b egan tho head Iloor.walker ' a petition was sent to tbe omce y~ste rday ?" "I do, Indeed." Interrupted Mr. W 11 1111 I " I e ~ It self e S, punc ous y, 5 n my by Wropper 15. Il demanded the re' moval of MI8S Tay lor-we can stand bel' no IQnser!" Tb . h I n w Ik smiled ddl. e cal oar- ~ or a y "I ~bl~k you had better come wlt.1i me, " When. Mr, Wells and hIli lupe.rlor reached the Notions the day'. work had not yet begun, but all Ihe lalell' women were behind the eounler., and Wrapper 15 wa~ Bented at ber des1-. Tbe head lIoor·walker addrelsed her: "16, the petition )'ou br?Ught.~o the aRlee c,ailed for the removal 0.( Mr. Weils, tbe f1oor·wal ker; but It appears that, when this petltlon was put In h~nd8 It called tor the reDoval your ,. . ot Miss Toylor, the beadoof·8tock. How d 0 rou accpun t' tor the change'" . "Dead easy!" 16 stood uP: "You see, It was thIs way: 1 am veT? handy wIth my pencil, and, If tbere sa , forgery, I gUCS$ I dId It. rou can dll' charge me, or ,'send ,me to 3ajl., but II it wa~, all to be done oVer-Id do it again. ' ,, ' , " ' Tbeo Wrapper 15 s~ke a ploe13. Sh~ ploturesQuely descrIbed her woek ~t the illations, ~er "quick raIse," aJld the proDilse of /I. fine job wltb a bIg mane)' at!'.a\lbment." In conclusion she saldl "You k~'w 1 have tbe name of betng the bOilS mischIef maker of .thll ahack. hut"--stralgbtenlng up and glv. hig .Mr. Wells a mJlIlary, salute-"J take oft my tiat to hli nllN!" , . And so ,I t eame to pass. th'a t tbla .oral "spellbinder" ~all the means 01 brInging about ~a!lY cbanges. It ,gained ~Oll 'M In !faylDr her l oat lIres, tile. It reduced Mlu F1.emlnc to a atat. of chronic dlsappolntmlnt. t. aclyancecl WraJiper 16 at tile NOUcna. aoon OIl lI~nd~ the heacloO(. Some .. one &lOt tile "0. ........t ".. was ..tUn. 'alone GIl the em. "Ia1I nib...



n o ),t'utlcl. .. 1 101llld In 011 \1 o f yo tlr Perunll boole.

th e w a~-. 15, I've 1\ floe ponl tlo n tor YOU - big mon ey In It. too ; bu t you won'L get Il till Ibo beull.or.sloCK r e.

I~Igns, \Vld-"


MRS. LENORA lJODUlIAJIEll 1111'S. LCllom [l od~ ::lllllrn 'r, It 1", D. 1. DOl( 1)0. K ill' lie 1'. l'il lo, N . ' " II'l'ilC R: " I " lIf1',·.'o. 1 wHit siomllcll trouble 0 od IlH1ilr"~ 1 i 1II f ol' st,me t i llie, anel n u~h lull t.1I11 L I ILlD 1I1l"1'ccd w ith IU C' . 1 II'n ". v cr .y f/en'OIJS nnd llxpul'iunccc! n coultllllal f Cl'linll' o f //111'lI ,. llIeS./llld (car. I 100 ], m ,.liI·lno fl'om t.1I _ dot:~or, but iL dhl


MADE S ..lONG AND ENERGtTIO BY OR, WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Gonoral ....kdown Ci.uaecl by Deflolent Blood Quickly Corrected til' '' Tl:Il. Tonlo Remedy.

A feeling of goneral wuknetl8, poor sppetlte, 10IIII of breath afthr the BlIght- , ,-"ad uerclse and broken Ileep are IIOIU of lbe IYJDptoma of I!Onezal dsbility. Y O\J may think tJUlt they, ha't'e DO nilatIQII to each other and that you. will ~ along, hoping all the tIme to feel better , Thla Is II ml.ltalr.e for eveq one of the eymptolM l!I·oau;;a by bIId blood, whloh JDuat 'be 'made pare and 118W before health will be I'eIItored &DIn. . ~ tonlo treatment 'ls neOOuary ancHor tbll 'purpoee th~ Is no better remedy ~ Dr. 'WIUlaDiII' Plnlc PiIlII. Mr. J. G, Havey. of 95',WlJ!,ow st..



Ohelsea, Xua.• Bayw I "I 'f'&IBlck for .. number. of 'from gea~ debility and Indi8OB'lon. I was never' tree froJia llt0Jn80b tronble and my nonesw,e re ~ shattered thllt the lenst exeltoment 'nnfitted me 'for any eerious work. . , Bloop WIllI rest~ on ~t,()f terrible ~Ins iu the llmall of my lfook. Th_ wow.d IIOmetlmes liI8t10r a montb or two. lItlyslght grew weak. t~ore"lD­ Ing to be '. blur oomtantly befOJe my eyes. I oollldn'. oonoentrate my inil\ll on my work. and the .ttftI~ to do _ completely emausted me.



- "I


finally fotoed


gift uP.

poaltion I had held ferr >twenty,oelght ' yean. After t.ryIng ee~em1med1e\D811 without help, I read of Dr,. WiUlamI' Pink Pillifanel gave them a·trIal. ' Thq ' made me feel 110 muob bettIel' and 10 , mllCh etro~ tllAt I IItartIed 1niaIn.,. ' , for mysel f here in Ohelsea. · I ha't'e neTer had a retnm of JI1Y tdmier DIlBII an,d cheertnlly riIOonlmend Dr. WIl. ' linms'PInk PIllI. M aD ~tDV't'8



and blood t'onio. ',' , Dr. Willtama' PInlI: Pi1f.I haft 10,. boon recognized as an exooUent tonlo reniedy in tlBIIeI of ind\geltlon ~ pDera! debility, where ~he stomach iIII4 other orsana of lbe body are, Wt!Iobne4 and dlIIOrd9red sbb1llY 'tllrontrh Iaok <it proper I1l'nrislameA't. - They have . . .

been espnclally BUooeMIful In ,~ anmmiaJ rheumal;!IDJ, afte1:-etr_of tbi Irl'lP aDel tS"I'I. ' '• ::"A Jllwnphlet on '/ "DIIeu8I tltJ'


~., ."~4!1i1 OOJIT at our cllet bOok".,qJ fre8·ou. .nq1leI& .to aDJOIIIJia_u .; .....



UNABLE TO SEE OllR-aELVEI. No Man Thoroughly Familiar wit" HII Own Llnea.ncnt • .

"Ho w eu rl li N Il I... " saltl th o philO!' 0ltbl"·. ' Uti li lite tr ' I'~O n fllt· wllt)!U you na l o Jn o~t (111 f!u l'lh. t ho OIl' YCl U see OhllO" I lind who r llC'eil' eB YUill' most CUIlHtall~ attfllltltlll 1$ 1I.f' Ollt~ whl lHe '1IunIWlfUIf't' l ij I IIllt n'Ollfiu. to yo u." . Wltu I.S Ibat?" at,I{Cd Ihl' vlijliu,' " YlllI" splf:" ~l\ ld 111(' I l hll fl~IJI. IH'r. " It Is n rdC' I tltlll .t I~O I 'If' (,llul ,1 hI' 11 1'1111 . cU r d and ('Ollid 011'1' 1 • hems ,1\' . In I hi' tdl'f.t:" v ' l'y W would Jecog n l~t Ih enl,,·IIf'S. \V(' 1001, :It ourse h "s 1I11111)' Ur,It's tlllrlllJ; lhl' ;jliG lill Y 01 th ) PU t " ""f Htlr 4'l Ur c.\· C'~ £\1 t ltl uC"'- -or l

"I Ca n See Vou Lookln' Wise an' Measurln' tb' Thracks In th' Mud with II Fut· Rulc."

l'o h r. ~lOa n B~rn ey Flynn w as '(lu" I~' trouble!1 by a youth of th

lHOW" , or \\ hlll p \tor "1l\l ~ 1 {'o lnt' Uw y Hay tw- olII hai r trla( ' I,. "Ill' (' hln pl~lI kl'n , IIU' r,I'l- 1"'011 hl All \o\'t, kuu w " 'I' r.l · 111I1)I1I1I1'llt flf our fu,e from cun ' ~ lll n t MIlII I ~' 11 11 11 Ittlpntlon . "vl "hl'lI II" 1I1,n Ilwily f"IlIl' 'I\p mll'tfll' IV Cilll'lOL roojlll " li p a " ICIII 'I' of ,'II ,· .H· lv ('~. 'W Il no\\ j ll " 1 how 'Jill ft'l f'lld~. Innd O\"'n a CfJ lJ !dllllfn' ·('~. louk 1'1 f:.ln c~: , Wi! rB n H"f' thetll ijl lli ng SfI Or 6I an,lI nL-; tiO, Rn ll t h[' 11' \ ' /11 )' 1 11~ ex "rosslo'''1 c nrlct (lil\'e, nt C Il'I' IIItl ~; 1I11 .~!\ Is cl r ll" to US Ill'en tiwtl,:;h '" mil,\' not hltl'o sern the m (0 1' ~' ·n.·s : !Jut when Il come~ to OUTRI:I\'t'H. \l' lJ cnnnot fill In el'on the Otttllll K ur til pi ·(u." We tUlty l au!;h. \\ lJ may cry . \I' mny f.own . hut " 0 do nnt Imow holV we l oo k whllo n re doing I t. PItOloglallh ~ do nol h el p \18. " ' 0 lUH'O n eve.' S('('II ourso I vcs In th e ?ol It" 'ors lind plr.ltl r s Or lIoor Il cs h altls wh ell we sit dowll nnd I,·y t o s " OIlI'S I ves \\ II h the mlnd's '.ro . " Thllt Is wh y l lcultl e nre 80 d eply Int I' sInd In nllybocly who Is sul,l l () r e8emll l ' Ih cm. .JuRI tiay to a m an : ' 1 k ilOW MllllleiJo d~' \\ ho IH the d('ad Iln u~C' o f ~O tt. alld h wil l n cv r r es t t ill he sees thn t Jler so n. Th eil I f t he lIk ellt:'s8 Is r ca lly tl'ue. ho will owo I'lnt li P to th :1t rtlll l' ho had nu concep' tlon of hoI\' hI' I' nll y l ooh II : ' Th I'lsIIU" smi l ed watll ) . " J w,sh YO ll woulCln't ta lk Il kt:' thnt." she Raid " It l11 uk('s lII e ( IJ I poslU " .. l y


eAr lin" Immpc!Iately ~ ••1'11 the Mc!e,. J.!sl U~ tbW' W",rl' (oIlven . Rrcordp . I1I1Y he l'prl"ntf' t1 liS "nl'n a~ d,."I.·oCl . "lit Oil POilU 118 Ihl"'(> Is nl) MIL!;:! OF RAILROAD LAID ALONG rurlh~.· 1lL" 'fl III k l'('p Iht'lII th;o, mil ho "Ipf\d 1111 1 I,~ l1a8slnl:; Il sl. n il !'; tlIl1g· UPPfR CONGO . n('1 1'\,'1' II. \\It" , tllll M IIIUltllI1; I' "'lIdy ftjJ' II ~I' 1I~r1111 Renu r ka ble Progress M ade Consider· III Ihl 8 WI!, Iht' p""" lhIJi IY In II'~111 <t!"plll ehlllf\ (!J'd"rll i ng the i)lstal1ce from 1r..11 Sources J;,(ll tll~' ,. <llIt"·oI . 't'hf're IN DO 1l1'I' d (I. of Suppll ... and th~' PrIm;· lllTSI l I) IIIl' melho1'\. li N I hl-' fli d e l H u rf' t .ve L ab or. Ih '(' IIPIIII tl1o' wlr " all,1 en. 1 ilco ,(1' r"I"I',,(1 to al 11111' I I nil' . T ht· 1 ~Cf.1'·lh\ ) 1 r ' t bllil 1000 I:: !:lrk m pn. In l'U I1 ltc' 1I" UI HIl'lr tI rl'" fu tll'" r h'I' l' h ul'~P II r 1';lItollea., (·n " III l'pn. hflV 'Ill'" 11\ (!llIlIh'I 'IItIl; Ill,· I'N·t·lv!'.· or Ibe IIPcn ngllt;etl fUl' I\1f)I'(' Ih ll ll a ~' ~'ur In I mll('hltll' III Ilalll' 11 <1' with Illp 11'11 11 K' It'-,llIJn:; thl' to .•lIlll'd , hi yl lll; Ih Irncll , Ulll tl ' r 01' II hll~" sllll'lIgl' ,,,I IJhnne ~l n Ll lini n A:' all lh Juu g h \\'I~I' I( n it lhe 1'~~hClll lrt .t ll.\ 111I h l. l k p OCC'UI", th t- le!-iI)UIl ~ n .•' l"ulI\\',o) Ihal Ita . jllsl h '/'II "p c' lIed . Ihllill I ,ll' IlUtl)",lhllf'l\ ho' lo(':.\('d 1I101l.r; ,Ill' IIl l p('r (I'lIl g'(J • 'I'h l~ lOad Iro· I It I' 10'11 ',·, lit .. ttl tI,, · ,. ·N)!'II. tHI : he ~ ~'('''tl Stll n 1(\1' I i II" II nd POll I hi", \'11 1' ~; rol'.' '' , ' .lI1II1'IIhll'. an ItHlIt'''1rJl' show " 11111.'". r.lrC' lffl\·l'tlt~ Iht:' ~ll',"('h of 1 11111 '\II jllHI' ",1111 1 Ilu"Uun t)f tit .. wi .." , " pltl, Ihu t fl 'nt~ Ih ~· fit' I 111.1' dl· l1l1l )I"rlll'lIb ,· ""I'urll h.l ~ h"C'n Ilmd ... II lt°n! lu Il n \ l~n ( loll Ull th~ 1 III'IH ' I' Ih' )I', f Th, + 1.-('1)] 11 w1]1 J::.hp Sn 11(olf('(', U ' I't'+ '1'110 ' 11111' \\,I~ ul "med 11 1'\,1\ 1\I' ck s a;;o 11 n Iii III lhlll .11 I hI' ~t5 ",tlC'lll'I"'K vole\>. nil It Ihe IIIuD~" " 1:llIwl1) In I I'U pit'Il I l 'I','n III to'.· I1l1l nll.s liavl' 'h,". I'Ii . thnl I'en Afl'll·:1. III "lral':;hl 1I111' ~. lI S I ii I:all III lll,,·t· I,, · IP CIIg'I I I~('11. !\(.II t 1\(" '11 "1 ttl I n li S II I I l l\' h '/111 of I h r,lpld . Is IIbllU I OJ\) mlillM from 7.ll n· CAR BUILT OF SOLID STEEL. zlhn, and 9ill IIIlles ('UIII t h e {'OIl!:O _ _ _ _ ulouth. Type That Ult ima t ely Will Supersede



It hll' IW" 11 Int('r!'." In" to W"It'lI tbe lI.o)o\r(' "~ at thl H 1· 1l1"'· IIII ~o. F II' • all WU )" hn I E' lweI! bn .lt. \\ I tll Ilrl ml· ll l'E~ lalJor. so ra, fl om 111,· "11 I1,'I't'S of nil Sltl)pll s. 'I'he nl 91 ~ 1£'Jl \\ a. I he build l nl; (H tWII 11111:(' Hlo,l'Ilou'cs a t ~"" 'lf ll unl l Stanl \'YIIIl<' . 1. 2.!~ 11111 S ;lIH1l't , f ollow in g tho ('011(;0 t'iln nncl,

A ll Othe r Kinds.

rlll ll;nn ~ I'll ,. 1," 111 a lll 'O ~I II holl y I o f MII·t' l hIt " ''''e n IU!I' od Oil' 'J( It. shop " III Hllc'"111 11111 hy Ihe . t,,:l hern ParllJco ,'ulllOu' ), II I" mndl' .. r sheotH rrf HI" o' l 1'11'1'\('\1 S/JII IIII tO~"IIlf'l'. as ure Ihe ~t"1' 1 I'I:Ll I ' ~ ullOn a wa. s hlp. II I\,


At l ast af tpr neA riv hr~ e ,l"I'IIr!l of !lforr P,nf WaltJoI .. ln h" s ~f'('llr d rhe op portll ll ll". o f rnnlln u l n ~ Ih,' wo,k of eX('[lI·,ltllln "r I l t'r ulunN l m. which hAS befill all"nlpH',1 111'011 .0\' "'nl rllft' r ent ON! UHIlJn s All I tht'll abandllll ed . lind 1I0W th .. hOl w' n nll C'XllPt' lll Io ns of ,II l! h u"oIO~I"tq Is to 1I~ reuIlZl'<I. ror I t Is ron fid elll l) A'.prINI IhUl 11( ' ancien t I'ill' co ulrl \'1!'ld so ri ch 1111 Ill',lsur 8 U ~ Ih(JE of II ercttlun t'lInl.

grlev- th ' 01' rule . bllt noll' '1 Ik. ' 1·'\t'Rt nrrlst Darn y e-el' lIla -nn . 1111 ' thin lind It b o'S th ' ClI' Uorat l o Mann Horatto WUS ., w ell - wall. or If IIc knowH th WRn YII ru~ulllug young fellow, hUl he h ud er- \l'1l · alll.' Iv coo r se · Ih~y 's cl:I'I[lllo08, roneolls Id liS. He IUlIt r ead dlmo bu t th l~ I ~ lb ' r eg' It" WII -IlY.'· nov(!I,", wlUl b h nt! become Imbued "A nd wbul would be th o next tbln g 1i" rrT'l a neUlll' I. M UI' IJO~Utl to have with tho ItJCtl tnat a detective Is the for lIlU to do ?", 11111: d (h youlh. sOlllehN'" FOllnd",1 hy H .. , cull'S \\ bell . on greutcst oC crealed beings, and I L was whllt dls treRGPtl by hovlll!: hlH Ideals hi s lI' t l," to I be l'l il . he Illll ci od on the 111" n lDbltlon to be Due. Jlen e hl8 utl - thun ruthl pssl y shu tt el·ed . 11I,. st ell 'ollllrnnio. some :100 years h . rulrall ou f or I, I> nn H e h ad h oard " Y e sh 'u'd Ihl'o W out Y\"·cr hl st,l)Urr was born. It bei ng A f() r t' ( 'hrl~t RlIIrlr;; of the Ilollce mnn's pro wess. and on II bi g Ree·!;n r . un' RIlY . " T wr.s 8 I{IJlIIIIIl ('II Y. wi t h ,tll tht) right s and b e hlluul ed him li e w ~ lll o d to kno w ita-ani job. bu t I dOlle IL' " III!:nlll < II Inching t h r £'lInto . :rll rollottt hI s methods and his exploi ts, "I~ thnt nil '!" a ~Itecl 1-I0raUo. uutl more thn n nil el se hll wanUld t be In ,\ O. 0:1 d"NItI VI'HIII'hl S /lal'e evl" Oh01 I s th ut ti ll '!" I'epcat tJ Poli ceJ,ollt t'mlln to gel him a position on the man Fl y nn . " I t y o (" u'd ~ee l h ', time (l"nr~ of .trtll Itl·. P.l HI lind gone wns J'OI'(' u r with som e delc:ctlve IIgoncy. I h e p, n In whlcb !lIt! Struho d e~c rlbe d Ro me Iv" thO dlly-lIrtll' B pllta ! n din' " I · Iw ow I'm j ust made tor a deter- II, yo'd 811 - 0y '1 Is enongh ." Ihe " lu sh uWUl lowg" thu , III the dn ys uncanny " t h 'p. " he said fr q·t1ently. "A ll my Intlr AIlp;U :i tu s sllrcall thl'It gr en ve ll'et nut lhe. o was nt:'lhlng tor I t bu to Policelllltn F l yn u, I t I s hnrd ly necesRailroad Car of SlIlId Steel Plates ,'1III ollun8 110 In UtUt dl retllo o, lind 1 sary to 8/1Y, l ookl< with RO nle contemnt In Il c vC"Y cralU l It s I f II t lte 111101 un cove r t he IURt sec tion or thc bea." Acted the Part. re \'~1 In 1Il)·ster y ." • . day o f th' calac lysm th whole wOI'ld ru l lit ater. PI01I up thb fouodatJ~... , on th e nvel'8g /)0111:0 det clive. be· Y OItIll; Slrmrns. h~llI/l In Dl)stoll . tIl h'''U5 tlte malerla l aL Its l and ing I .. f? xpecl ,I thaI ,hi s CHI will be al· s emed to be shalt n with arl hl1l1l1k e, oC I he houses of modeI'll Resilla, uel It will be set'n frOID this that '-10m tlo Iiev lng IhIlt he Is It mUll who gets m os t · spol,o r(!Usonl\bl), IlOncct En !; II Y ~ In- of th !ll ory, wblle Ihe pnt r ol man ,Ioe,~ 100kE'd up II.olln hi s 0111 . oolll mate p13ca In Africa and n L 11Ie Rlu rllng musl I ml "~lIuct llJlf' In n collision or who so ll'llCes n re seon to cl ay III Ihe bl ock III' nil exi sting tUl\ oe ls, for d eed, hll b ad b nd n f air educallon. th rtl Oijt or til w"rk , bUl thut J1 rhuJ1s 15 ILl Pl'in celo ll . II · foun 1 him . Rnd " fle~ Tlol n t of Ihe r ailway. J..OCOIllOUV s. ot her Ilind of Ilccldl' nt, lind II ca nnot C,'o I,ed ruuanlos aod vlll(l, wall s 01 Qf r0!:~~r~. $\I(lh as loot th e dll l;' UP Pnmpfl ll. til Libyan des er ts' for th ~ hRIIPIU-ftI'. only troubl E heln!: thal It h ud not Ilaltl fll l In 11 m un whu Is u putrOlmllD an Imilro lll /Ji u I' union, til e l atte. 1;ore cal' alld h,·Idg.,s w re cll l'I'I ' (I up I he bill II . the f Ortn • hom e to dill ner, ha\"l llg ongo III III C 5 and pu l t ogeth r 111('1 Hal ng (a vo!' Is aceo , ded t hll nil"'wurl,ed In.'' HOlVel'er. as Po licem an fronl ch olte • All a,I'chaeulogl l!i ts are agreed th!.1t to\l rista. ".._ .... Flynn once r emnrked, "a m n-nn ra n "Stili , n mun Illay do w l)rk In L I~ n rs~ nutlflce] M.@. Dl'own ihu t he wh el e 'h e)' !1'tIre need d on Ihe lin e. sl eel naSHl' n ~ r co nr h and th e Il. c dlc. the hOll s S !Lnd "~lI as of H erculan tI .t. 111 th Ight c nl h cen l ury, get book- \'arn!.' · aony time Iv his lICe, Stpnrns. attt:'!· hl~ III rl'l Som e l'f tIl e gl\ns~ or !liIuo'·('r. were Il i on Is mad ' In "UIlI'OMI clrcl s t haI lI'el'e rill' mor e magnificen t l h an lhose Quonlltl s or Ilr clous would do 80 bu ~ 't hi not wi th s,nse. t'r slnse d" vol nl tbe Brown hom . :, .. d havin g kUI,el'lnlendllti by you ng natives, who thl . t)'lle Of car 1I11 11llntcl) will ijllP r· of Pompei\. Thi s hilS be n prov d by round; alld I;roken statues, b e n n.l ch ·rIll girt" H orntlo h nd the I tree n I~ roducod to his bOSL ss aod tlle Ih ad been !I'uln d ror yeor N In t he In· ~e d al l nIh I' Il lnus 01 pl1 ssenger t ho House of t he Pnpy rl. whic h was ma sales, fOIlDtulns an d other \ _ book- l earning, b'lt he l ucked the two Drown Y()' Ill,gS\(' 'q, agptl '/lVA and du st r i al schools of t he gIll 01nlllent cr cO ll oh c>s. ' Imllal'll), I s "iI'lln to t h e dug ou l In 1i 54, bu t ,,' as afterward 01 art II' 1'0 p i ced together fonr, l'e~ l) ·ctl ve .y . begg'd [bat Ihe Ih e 1l11 ss 10n8r~ socloUes. exterior apl)oai'ance of Ih e wooden I e·covered wllh debr is trom olher ex. fini te Cllre and deposillid Il k , li nd thI s It wns thut made him 'I so annoy i ng lo tht poll e man . He chlldt n be allowed fo h al' dlnrl r Th e extent of nn l' lgalioh UVIlllllhic l'lftij enll t' coach by covering prncllca\. IIl'allone. This famous villa I s RUP' Naili es mu seum. Th e could uot lie p rsua led thut t he life with Ih n C!l llIII ),. MI·s. ill'own con· to,' MteUmlJl'S on th e 'ongo Is now well Iy all til rivets Oil th e outHlde oC l he L u c I li S CaI · nbl were worle most ofj ealou s l est any ~;~~~);:1~~~ posod to h nve. belonged t o art should gO out' of II detective was n t one 10ng 'l ()~e nt ed. but look 0 c~s lon to whi sller know n , and t he ]1u l'pn se Is to carry cal' body wi t h sp ecia l ctJt\\\"n moldings purulus Pl so H ere wa s round n m ance , fi lled with i! 1 8gu l~ s. thrilling some ~ords of WArning au d counse l r all wtll"s al'ouod t he f e w part s of th lind by graining 1111 thl' ~teel )1a. ts . trea sure In the f(nm of a Hbrat'Y of country : ml"eni ll r es anti tnbul ous r ewards. H e 10 her olTsl)rlng rognrdl:lg t b \t. con · rIver ;vh lch 11. e nhstrllct d by rnnld ~, KU h a" (lOStS anll "on 18. 10 cO ll fo r m nearl y 2.000 rolls of po.nyrU S, which IL was not un t il abol!t 'Wolllel m RI 0 hlm ~ e lf up 10 th e mo st du t III ! lIh ie so a s to ext ltd unhro k en st am . lrans· to tlto ol'dirlal'Y wouel IInl8h: guvo promlso of far groater rl c1los to work wo s agai n begun halr~~r~dJj~~ 'Won derful and ollt l nndl sil way . nnd "No\\'. chllure::1 ." sh e sa id. " " c are Ilnrlation to Ih nd of tlt e faIt h st Th e allrornla tYIl uf cnr I s one come. on unfor tunate H or culaneum I tben drop In on F lynn Ul Rsk It thnt going to hOI'1' ~ce cpn m f or desse rt. navlgnble r each of the SlI Cllm. By prtlctlcall y ntlapt d 10 the climatiC Th e history of HerculaneUm showil yeol'S l ater a bi g ptl1~hase of " 'ou]d n ot fool the I "crest "crook ." ond YOU mu st not noUce It or llUlldl ng thi s new rall\\ay lhp Congo con,W lon s or thaL co unt,). and con · 1\ so •• cs of spllsmodlc .errorts on lhe made !lnd ~ tOl'ce omen Lalll r lie amu s d blmselt by shadowan yth ing wh n II 16 aerv d . A ct State ttlld "dLled 26 1 miles of stllum 91sts uf upen section s al euch end of work Unltillc rgirotlnd .~ ~·1I1""1lI. Ing people In the nel gbl,lorhood, 8n (1 j u st (ts I f )' 011 h a,1 It cI'ery day ." transportation to the 1.:126 miles 01· th cal', with lased acclioll S In t h e part of palrlot s and sci entists to un. n llmo W II ways ue aatlIXllar:e;o writing out reJlorts oC his " wu. k ." (l\f ster :. vet It s hurl ed wealth.. Toward the t h "Ol t . Th e you n g Brown s s 0111 d 10 gl'asn read~ In Oil ratio n h t\\' e~~ n the Congo middle, thl H rOt'm l ng a sat\sfncto l' Y e Yl ° lr dY a y ,,'bleb h e submitted to Flynn f or n.p" th e Idl!u. und tho dln n ,. Qrogressml mouth and Slnnley Fall s. Nal'lgutlpn COIlSlI uotlon for lbe y eul' atound. The cl ose or the fifteenth century som e ac· E mmaDue . e el'ves prol'llJ or 'rltlclsm. Inau u rutln sun. brtber lJeoullfull y un ti l .the Ico crea m, \Va8 Is lignin Imll d ,I at Klntlll , I G mil s l en gt h <if the car ove r all I s 40 feet, cldenlally round fragm en t s of mosaic f and staluary le<J tho archaeol ogist s of or g g .... I "Ye{WIl-ant me f 'r t o h elp ye to lie a brouj\ht on Ihe f llbte. , d.en. with an ahu \'e thc rermlnns o f t he new rnll· six Inches the day to thin k t hat the long.lost city He contributed s6methlng liaS. d nyUull ve?" said Policeman Flynn to accoltlpan)'llIg raUlpll\n of fo rk and Wtl~· . and th{'\ gOI'llrnm eD,l In te nds 10 Th undel f , allie, . Id e sh eers. Ollt· 111m one du y. '·M -m -m. ~"Il"-draw­ siloon. ~II'O burst ' Into a concet· t ed begi n 01 onl'e the hlllldlnj: or tb e t hird" sid n nlsh til' eav S o( cl osed section . IllY beneath the soli nt lhat spot. I1lI t OOOf. to t ho funds. and, bege.Jl}Ihew not for !Inother 200 y enrs was any. cavat!olt s with a state and Ing bls h aud O\llr h h. chin In l he ol d slaceato chllnt : "Oh. " 'e ha ve It and last stretch of railway alollg l h aud fir platform \l0 ~ t.s . 10 the open t hin mlld e oorlnln . In 1705 the P r i nce gavo lIOW Inl)lelu8 to the Jamlllur \\,a Y-"I'1I tell ye whut I'll do Wo ha\' o It ev'r y dayl rl\'e r from {(Indu 10 Dull . ntiout 180 s c lOllS ar made of ~tee l In the form ev 'ry dny! :f'.' ,~ . l'1I she yo th ' po· lIs lxamlna - I We bave It el"l')' da y!" , Ol l l e~, above \\'hl 11 tl t'1'i(' Is II nl nlel" of plates. 1'011 !<I 01 I'" ssed to Bu lt reo d'Elbonf or L orrnlne -.:am c to Italy l han this, tbe wi t h Phili p V. and settl ed III the ci ty conducted In selenUfic t Ion I.D' ce how ye corue out. 'T Is not ---- ,. -~ I·upled . navigation for snl all stco mc r s qulremen LK. or Naples, after marrylug the Pri nce lunotely, 00 Nl!v. 16. ye-n )lIn-au f ' r to atar·art In os i\ I .. King's Edict Quickly Obeyed. f or 372 m iles. where lilt! Importune: In order 10 carry the l oad and of Sol sa's tfB'J;~h leJi. S oPlled Jleremf)torlly. 'l!he IJo tllrolmo.n, I v coor se ?" "Yo Sh'u'd Throw Out Ve'er Ch l.t, In all th e Gel'lnnn pa(ll' t·s of August , of the •. " , I' for l arge comm ercial pur· weigh t of the CRt enllrely on t\:le .Ide I • the IlU" ebnsed land w.ere_ rol,c~ltcll~'':']~ "Oh. no," IlIlGwered th o youth "1 Puff an a B.g Seegar an' Say, \ ·Twa. I ~ ~ , appent'ed ' nn ordfnlin e Ri gned puses pructlcnll y onds . · con sLru ctl on . car hud to be Ink 11 In A fvw years Iut r h e built a bcaut!· provoilingly enough, just 1eel th ~l m y t nlfnts nre obl),'e th at." a Ha·ard Job But I Done It ... • b~' the kIng or Onvnl'ln. for biddi ng. The lotal l ength of steam trn nsllor· pruvldlng olll' n i ngs ror 8teps next to rul pnillce n ear Portlcl . nnd Its most Roman public lIath was I "'1' Is whnt L sup-posed." snld Po- o wn way. I SUPJlOso." " uggcs ted 110' 1I'l\lnn 8, on any pretext whatever. 10 U1t1on along the Congo ,\ h en the la s~ tho clo ed s ctlon ht' t I\' en th e t rllcl, s pre 10118 ornaments were ce ' IAIn an· view before tile entranced ' ~~!~~~~:~~~ lie man Flynn. "Th' woods Is (ull Iv rulio. after II mom en t of thought. II' ur moustaches, anCl com ll1811dlng mil e of milA Is la i d will b 2. 144 mil s, without wPlIl,enlng th e car at these clent marhl es solt1 to him b y peasant.. Had the work gone furt her, who h ad lound th em whll' diggin g a undou bte dly tbe of In-ods li ke you. Some Iv thlm wa·ants " F 'r sure." nuswered Poll emun the pollco II lIlhorltles to an 5t the of whi ch 1.548 miles will by water and parti cular points. well. Now . t he Princ e d'~J lb e uf was a neslou nbove would to be prl sl dlnt Iv n r-rallrond, 1I0me Iv Jo' ly no, " but 't ' H II ha-a rd or wa·ny," orrl'nders Dntl sha vc th em b y fdr cc. 595 miles by laod ; and tbe end' of this - -- - -- thlm' wu -anLS to b(l editor iv n n ew." Ao ' I t he cloes n r eR ll y good lI, ece .-\pparcntil' I hls wns not nccessnr}·. lon g ro ut c will b e In lOlllch with th u connolsncll r of no Illean 111 r1t. Amazot.! very mllcb as Is th e Last Stage Coach Gone. )la-apeI', somc Iv. thlm wll-au ts to be of wo. K h e get!! his r ewal'd ?" ""h Lh(' extension of th North· li t the IJ\lOlItity nnd IIcv.ut" of th e r<orth wl ch. In OhtillUt,e. f or. Ilccordln l; t o II French n count C:l' at mlnln;; r egi on of K lll tnu ga. which " it-right yo nre" g ln'ral m unngor Iv onny 01' huslD~SH to him 80 whlcb lies over Ilr th e lime. " moustnches dlonp l)elll'ed Is sai d to be as ri ch as U hml esl a In w es t ern ruIlWR) f rolll Cusper wOKt· I1ntlQullies that cnme that '~ , ).Ilg GlIottgh, lIut mosl Iv them " Wh at I s It 'J su nll y?" Itr.m dlotel)" Ilk l oa ves f rom Ibe gold whllo I he lI'OS\1~ lS or COPl'OI ward t ow8 1'd Lund er. \Vyo. will ror- slrangely, h h 'ga n to IlI g on hi s own In 1 81 feeb le ....·a-a·n ls to be rlay· tl atl ves: An oy wuy "M-tU -D), well ," rCl urned Poll ce mao trees In ul\tunm ;' vel'y body DlUII< 'Irod'uetion are pe h Olls IIn ~ lI rJla ss d III ver , unl sh tho l ast I'es tlge or tll O o ld accou nt, with unexil c t'd &UCCI!SY. 1118 to I'e air' lIic yo put It , lbey e:tIl 110 beuher than tho }' I y nn . thotlghtfully. "th al nil t!3~'­ hnsle to obey the r oyal order . nnu ~nY oth er . part of lhe wo r ld . Th 1m coRch days. ex c.~ptlUg 9 8 at- 1V0rl(ln en turned III' SU I'I'II" 1r\'llIlItrul an d . aP f ew ' I n s Ig 0 I f01llp8 thnt's dol II' th' wor · r\ 110W . 1,1I1 ds. Som times 't Is w ll n tbln g. n n' nol onp person w n~ at rested" The po~tan c of extOl , fll n g tra nsport a'tlon t ellh g roll' "stur rOlltes for short dis· stalu s bl·rUlc hi M eveR and R~m of wel'e Jllclled p. ThatBut 't ,If! n sh ro nge thin g to me Ihat sometimcs' t I. anoth er. SOlllcll,mes't an ci en t .o\)lglo·SUXOII 'HtB not so ob tt l f l bat to lit is reg ion Is 111 mullulng t he of· 1 tall ces thl'lltlgholl ~ th t' m Ott nllll 1l8 from t hem h e' pl'e elll d to Ptln ct' LII~ no nd t em I;, li n I I romm th' min tbat's m nkln ' nR-ames f'r thlm- Is p.OIOOllol,. IIU' so m e tlnt e~ 'l I s n ot dlent : h" 1I'0.e l oog hnJr lind 11 mous fOI·t s of the Congo !;OV 1'11111 ,'11 It rallwuy r ermlnals to mlool' lloat oUlct's of Saxon y and othe.·s to l .ouls XIV . hnB uy H c rCl1 an en 8 1h' . at th' tOil I!I nlver th' wan8 that 0' ye r ay-mint be l' th' lime 1 wlnt do wn lache. tlHHt!;h n lr a" d, nnd wlHln rema ins In he seen \\ h tht:'. the COllgo o. Int '1llJOlllltaln . eso ~ s • SOOIl the 1II11/llclpnl nllthorltl S a t I Ih r I mO'IJ'EII)t; s n e aw u flta-nrl ed In tiD t h r eo Did ye i~' er lh' chute an' ar rl ~ted a gan g In th' he was ('onqll r eel b y th clean-shll wJIl !'nil n nd ",uter rOllte w ill rench t his Of th e old sta~e conch !lUl·S. Ih e :-.I nlrll'~ II 'ga ll 10 objo t It) Ihl" free-- dwa es tru lion came II tblnl< Iv th at.? " I cell ar? . Norrnllu h e wore hi s h uh' l on g I' t h an soulh easl 01 ner of the stille b fore line h t ween Atkinson. K uo.. and bootln~, allll sLOppud all fn nlll' " wo rk . bu r led with Its fair a'.+_.~' , "No-o. I can·t say th n.t I did," replied "Yos, Indeed . Olrl YOll gel II ~wa l'd vel'. t o ('xn;;!; I'Ilte the dlITer e nce be-- t he IIr.l11('h of th e Ollpe to nlro rail· PIIlI:o,·vlllf'. Cal.. which rnn dally Th Illlttcp's 11I,uctor h ad be n Glu· BDd Stohlll!!. wal' UI'I'IVI'S at tht:' SAm e de Iinotlon. co nches for abolll nvo yearll'-I 60·/)- sepPI} St.'lIdll.dL "ho w roto n book on the youlh . for th at!" tween t he two races. . wa s Jlrohltbly tbo fln oHl ever kn ow n fn the 10\,.,11 hjccts b' hlld fou1\ l\. Ho"I I' COOl·SO not ," 8nld Polleemu ll "I did" Flyun, " on' )'e w'u 'd n 't think thO " Wh at w as It?" Show. Evolutionary Proce... MAKES RECORD OF ORDERS. Lho stag ' ooach bltf"lneijR DurIng III I'd In Ft Jr n aB, whl 11 1)1' he h ad to 1\I0s1 clil'lotls of all living blr tls II. I hllse doy!! It cost more for mo-al s be- II), for (1011110111 't"usons " Fath er. yo u went r-rule WI1S f'1' yef If ye did. 'T Is not "I was do ked th ' price II Ih' C(\~t ! twe n Alkln son and 0 nver than th ool entlflc CQ urse at nlclsR!l1Y. In ye-er (lU -use. Y 're too rooncd goln' down !h' chul a," Aftl'r this 1I1'I'C'ultlnettDi wus let li e Ih t'II' WII), . oro Lho " hoHtzi n n" IIf Tclcgraphone Will Go Far Toward railroad fare coa ls wllh Ihe III smn·art. 'Veil, meblle BO. '\,'11 t hry I ·op\' rlghl. J9tJ6. bl' JOfICp h B. Dow lea ~ fo . sl'v.. r11 1 III H. Tit N nllolltanB you ?" Inquired II Sou th AllI c,·lca. whl(·b . as ne8t11n~ B , ' PreventIng Railroad ~'ccldents. It on. I very l l\.-ue thnl wun u< t o bo n ( Co~l"·I~fl l . b y tho 'I\IUI') ('".) "Yes. m y "!JI' ; 1 uN'Iulllll'tI ( 'hlll Ifl ~ III. of Sllaln as ar e mOl" like qlladl'upeds l han ~eoth. IIddcIl. . rln)·-tlclil'e hns to be ixamlned. an ' I'll . Originator of Meer.t h .. .sm Pipes. heir Iclll!-:. :1IIt! t he Yl'a r 1737 fount! .. Tears on solence." If e xperiments which nre . bolng I',ell c .eRlnrc. In their modo or get· One :'fraln • Day. P II I Cl I "Well. " 'hen you Kllvol K O\\'lttes. fl Pr.1!lth shoem al;cr. tlnl{ abont. . Jlut n f ew qulstlona to yeo SUP-JlOse ye They ! Iav(l hand ·llke made wi th a n w d"I·lce. kn own as the Within a f~hv ml Los of th,' #; "rR't'st r o) al jlllllll'P built al or Q. • lu r os . w us In chll~Drj;O Iv . th' . dny - lI ·ti ve Invent ed t ho 1111301'501,,1111)] lllJle . He claws on th II' wlngM nod climb I1110ut te l ~g' rnl,hn!l(\. suce'I' d. nnOlher long W a R g"ellll) Intf', ost,' d to know that t he left side of your 'WO\'-rlt nn' fl hll; burglar9 w ns COIll- nlerl In 17tH. and Ih'l' Is lalk Rmo'lll' In th£' trees by IoIle aid ot th e~1l slep LowII I'1 1 t he 11I'C\' entio n o f rullroad Irlclusll'Ial ceo~er or t\le M.d IIlIltI H, h plIPlI,h his fee l thc "e wa s a mnrvel. b {h e r igh t side. mltl ed. wb at \V'u 'd ye do?:' Peslh S m!lltel~ of er ecti n g a stal ue lU appenda ges and tneir strong lillie acc ld nl s \\111 h nv ht'en tOk en The England. there Is a ~mnl1 IILllway linK' " li N Il O\lll\1l cit) lyi ng Intact. H e be. seemB t o bo (be Ing tQgethcr two t rllnk IIn"K. Il .1 "flJ . l'x('uI'atlon . nnd at a (\ plh ot glan l'evo.~e8 It, 'TeI l oo k for 0 clue," nnswered hl H memor~' benkl'. adl' anUt~('g wh ich Ihe t elegraphone whlclJ oul ~ ono Irllin I Is rllll /I rill). III !It) f I lJ .Iow th SIII'fIlC CD me " Ycs: J-IoJ'ullo. promptly nnll.conndelltly. A In rg I'IflC or IllPcrschnllm \fas L ut" r In lite lhe claw8. r c nlllrknhil' affords In I ra in dl sll.\tchltlg h ny a t· und oc('uslon nlly wi th'"u I nIl' I" ' $80' n· Ullnn th~ l ong'burled cit)· of H pl'Cul,.· . "'I'hon. ,If lbat III "I enn see ye d oln 'It," asserted Po- brollght to P()!lth by Count Andrassv enougb, dlsnppcnr. nnd l h e bOIl11. ln s t rllctel l rh !' M'rltlU8 attention of 1'011 The set vlcf' IR 1\ p,ll 'rl or ""11111 u nder t ho ml ~c rabl (; uWde rn clo 'sn'l It r ever se ]Iceman Flyon wll!1 n chuckle. '" can In J723 . It had been given to th e become much IIkll ordl nary bi r d s. RlIt r oad ()mr.IIII ~. Ilnd It Is e xpected thnt ger~ 1 dltlUOlV " nne . cnnll lllt ,I <lfIl,,1I In or-- vlll"g'~ u f Ilc, lulI and Por iII"'\, of yo u,' fnce In ·the ",ce ye goln' throi\gh th' pill-n ce. nn' cOlmL In TU l' ll e~' H felch NI It homO t h eil' i1c\'elnnnt('n l , to lbo ey e of tho be fnr long I hr now 0111Ial'I\lU8 will "del' that th e runnlllg 1"1\\',. ,., rr f I he "Why-e~ah ." and looklnt ' wise. nn' Ill'tlln' dow n 011 ye·o J' bccause. u s 11 vl ece of \\ hlle c i llY ot naWl'llllst , t ells a ,most Int !! I'I!SIII1'? b In II ~I' 011 sen"'ul of l be big ral!· MldlaDlt COmpII II )' IlIn y not t~ (II. ' 1'he follOlvlng y ar 1"0.11 WflS b"~un d 'nly r'memb ered . . lmees f'r to fxnnilne n bl ~ Iv mild exll'lIordlnul'Y ligh t specUl c gra l·lt), Htory, sh o"ln;; a s, It does how th e mod· ·oall srS I t'ms. felted throu gh non lIsugP a ~'Lln III Llt w II out IIf whi ch d·F.lbeur ' hums. ' througb a mugnlfyln '-gluss. nn' thin It pleased him. __ " _ _ ___ hnd ta); en hi s III nn 7.Cs. lI1 arbl ~ ood I'rn bird has bel'n evoll d In Ih e Th' 1£:1r.I!.nphone mc ke s n I'ellna goln' out un' mClIsur ln' thO throl'll s I • K .wol Kuwal e;; was noted In Pesth SI,aC!! of 11 few brie f '" ('k~ It r· nent r eco .d r)r all lrn in dlt"I,nlchlng or· Sobriety R lg ,dly Enforced. term. cottns , and 0 th e dl'lIl:hl f th Good Young th ' mud with n ftt ~· l"ltle 1 con hear ror his ski ll Itt cn r\'llIg Count An· sent s tho pnNAnge of 1I111110n " of rea rs. de," scnl by t he te legl'nl)h ticker or Into)(lcati on \\'hil l.' all dill y Is a mle· kln!:;l~ a,' ·hnelogl st th e wUIKmen IIll 0111 ' I<:nnsas ye Haying, 'Thi s g " -reul crim e W Il;J dJ'a s~)' took hl ~ c hunk o( ligh t white {or th o udult hoo tzln I s In .all r esper!s O\'er th e l ei phun o wire. Tbe sonnd d emollllor ro r .. rall loa,l "IIlI,loye In lII ed lately t·u mt.! 11 11011 the rragm ents committed be II Dt lHltI with n lal'ge fut cloy to him lind sa id an UII t o·da(o rOIYI. wlrerl'M .the nest- WU\' eR Silt up by lhe tl c ~le l' n t upon II lirOt uln. lind I f dealh . oslIlIli '1 of th e fll" ram ' II I3ron~ p Horae, now In union lIlI t! lit an' a nnll shtlck)1t' out Iv wun shoe. " . tnk e. rello \\. Nomet hlng pretty out lin bellI'S a close resom\)llInce t o rhe Ih,' diaphragm of l he tl'ansmllter at· felon) 111f' :<;npl s mUSt'lIlII Th ere fo llowed solves " not to 'T Is only nlclNsu ry now f'r to find tb' of this" l OlJ8·pxtll1cl Ilrl:haeopl on x- th e most tach \I 10 t he t el egrllphone It nd are slotcly MaptE' S "f t illac R ODlan con· n ot faiUlfully DI'olltlhilll'! shoe an' arrl st Ih ' o> n-lIn,' O~o' ye'~ The In~ent ou s Koval. a grent smo. primiti ve and r er lilion of kn OwlI bird... thence conveyed to a thin steol .... Ire. Use WIreless Telegraphy . . Sill . to r;~t h l!1 wllh an IU 8crlr)l\on Ing tobtlcco," k el. t hought that th e porou ~ n eN~ of IDII-Ilke Ii gr-rellt dlly-tl c! " 'e. f I' sure. Wit c l os~ t .. llIgrlll,hy Is eUII,Ioyed on ShllW11l g tllll .1 n c('rlnln spot wos t ho c h w /l nti II he ll' th ey lire o l oc trlcall y slored. All l'lI'ere S)'mpathy. "I 'not that whal you'd doT" nsJ;ed Ihe \I' hlt t' el'IY adapted It well ror 50011 llS a r ecord of (h e Iilrder\l hll ~ th ' Hal' ''' Illn stll1l1 mllw!l Ys tor send· grnnd en tl'llll l" ' I' till' th ater of H r· pretty close Augu slus ( after t he OId eRI) - :>/ow beeu n\adl' UI)On the wire, tbe train In!: l'l!; tr llc llt)n s, 1I'1I1 111n g8. elc .. f rom cu' nn clllU Horatio. Ill pes, anrl . accordingly he madc IWo 'I'lll ,; ~ lt pc. b structure. by where t h oy co me " I'm not to-nlkln' Iv whnt l 'd dO." f.t·om II on for hhnselt allll one ror thnt we ere engaged. I wan t to asl, dlspnt c h r plnces the re<:elvel' to hi s ,. t flll n n ~ . 10 IIVl'r nochlng tr'lIlns: t h wu~. was (' 11th ely excavated un· aId Teturnetl pollllemnn Flynn. "I'm Connt Andrassy you a Question. Why dlel YOIl ru sh ' to-alkll1' Iv whut t ho gr-re~t day-tlcTh e plJl p.~ wer e charming Rnd th ey out or th e room when ( b cgan t o 111'0~ tlve d08s. If ye wnll a r -r on l day-tlt·- sn101,ed '8ullerllly. 1'he. falUo of- them pose? 1,lvlrlt- lI- lt mnde lIIe feel Rorry ~Ive nn' ltad lhls wC\I-rk f 'r to do, yo'd 5PI·eacJ. In cours p f time m orecbaum w , go 10 th' pill -lice au' lui, wise. an' thin rtllnlng and mecrJjchnllm pipe making for the two girls down In th El kl lchen - -- y o \1 go b ack nn Qrdher tb' dhrllg-net lIecame I \\'0 "I the recOgnl 2E'd Indus. Wb080 10ver R nre 100 bashful !lncl too whI ch Perhnl1f .. IhOllgh, I t Is on the Itwl<wa"-I to propose. so I hUI'I'l'oll down put ouL I vQry mil- Ull t hat c'u 'd hn-Iwe tI~ C)R of the world . ' How the Agent for an Engine Worked drrne It an' 10~S ~~l\ r "u'(1 n't \Y'u'd be, . The o.lglnal Knvo. Kowatell pIpe, nnd luvlted the t wo couples Ill' Into W,fe '. "Explici t Dlrectlo.' ... · For DI. toll shelf Itl the c!ose t In our room Up a Big Bu.inen. covery of Pattern. I nhal1d Nlrl e. i ~ r rem em It ' I' 'or r ' clly . brought In nn the world 's fil st meersehaum. Is still tJoe back ra~lor wh er e th o m en could But look on the o t bor slele. t oo. hear bow the thing Is (\on e. "At'rested?" Interrupt c!l Horatio. preS8l'1' d In the Pestb mUJeum. "F'r sure." rellliAd Polir-cmlln I!'lynn. _..,-.-"-_ _ _ __ "Eh '/ Then they mu ' t have heard H I~ 1I111tlO Is Barnes. U n l ll rece ntly Bo[ol'o l\l re Salle left her borne for " If not t hel'o. It Is In lito bottom every word ?" "Bul what ri ght \Vl.luld >'011 htwc to Rlv.ll, her Rnh ual summel' vi sit at ber moth- drawer of Ih e hl/o:h·bo y In tbe u(1per he WII S II m echani c. ~ ow h o Is a truv" That doosn't matter, dear. TherA el" s sh e [(lId h er hll!!hnlld thul H he hall. That IS wbere I k eel' my pa t· QlIng sal smDn or dlstluctly novel vaarrcsl people DgnlnHL whom you had no Gunner-Why nro those shillS act· Is no danger of any breaoh of promise wnm ed anyl hlnl; that wasll:t III t)luln lern s, and don' t untie a\l ~he bundles. M M~ ,evliltmco?" Ing 80 Queerly out t here 10 the bay~ . He 'lives In t he I,ralrle sec lion of "Who's ta-alkio' Iv rights ?" rlllol'toll Guyer-I -don't know. They ure Ills· suit betweoll us, you know."- N . y, Sight, to wrlto to he.' for dlreetlons. It I s alllong the m somewh er e. (am Weekl,Y. ;1>ollcelplln Flynn. "I'm In-nlkln' \I' th ' tet· sblps. thol1gh. "Don't turn Ihe hou"e upside dOWD. not Bllre but It Is In the second draw. the mlil!!le weill and when l;1l801lne " ·U -f.YII Iv po·lI~ day-t1ollves. nn' I Gunner-Well, that aecollnts for you g n OI'ol1y dO." sbe sold. with er flom 1hIJ bottom. It Is somewhere engines began to approach th eir·Lcwing India".. , don'~ Wllftt ye f'r to bo bothorln' me It unhappy recOllec~lon. "I , will 1l1l8wer uJlstalrs. ~n ~ way, 10 don't rum/Dage ent llractieablllt'y decided that tbe, were bound to replace wlod mills for ·witll ye-er fool Qulst1:lns. Y~'rl bD-lIve Guyer-A ccounts for what? An Aroostc;ok farmer 'receDtly a()o hy r e t lit n mall and tell you jllst where clownstah·s. tblm nil brought fR. nn' yo'd IlI:amlno Gunner-\\o'by. I bet they are nltt· proached two' Indiana from the Passa· It Is." "P. S. - ollle to think of 1t.' 1 mlY farm purpolles. In tbls belief he IKltblm an' mn-uke thim prove they WIliI log 'With that big manoa··wu oyer maquoddy relervaUon desiring to hire Mr. ge found everS·tblng lo his hm'e lent I t to Mr8 Hall Write me cured ao agency for tbe OD e hft con· n't,iIl' wnns, OD' jll.Ct It dowu til", ye'd TAI~er"'.-- Chicago Dally News. them to plek potatoe., olrerll\jl ,2.60 hand, "fint ijI)Qn after his wife's de- If you find It."-Sprlngfield Re~ubll· IIr\ered best. procured a IlIlmpl~ and gO("'lt bechune a few tv thlm. Din set It up on an ordinal')' farm wagOll, a day and board One "of the Indians partme a nel~bbor catl)o In 10 borrow caD. mebbe ye'd ,la-and ye'el' QUI-an throup H.r Prerogatlv•• rrom Which he removed the pole_ ask~ the farJl1fO\' It he bact ao organ 1l patteru whlcb abe was Buro his wife 110Il10 ~ tellln' oD. hlm 8!1'S to keep "N•• I 11'111 never be a pllbllc speat, Ay a fcw slml)le CODnectlO\lll be arWorkld It LOCIm E;lghty had beeo In tho oon8e and hlnc anlwered In bad. Mr. Bage wrote, BII with ,... or JIlebbll some fell,. er.' Josel)h Jerome, who hal died at ranged In bls wqun ) Nltb ateerwas al the neaaUve told the farmer the,. reQuetlted, Hia wlfe'a ",'n'd tip It oft to ye IO'S "It la ealY eJ)1J1llb." Kldde rmlnater In bI, nlnet)'-thrcs ,.ear. Ing cear, accordIng to Spare 1110: would Dot work tor blai, III tber loUows: lIWe more llaWlng, "I Wiall would tell me bpw." One abaft wltb some .procket was tbe uldqat carpet weaver In hi' wuted to worle ror IIOI8lOlIe bavltll "Y 011 will I" 1" Itt" prac;tice ~atI"l aCtct chain made the Jeod. bavln, worked at lite loom for the, "all b,. thfl lUi8H.~" wife 7UIIId'I'II1rI ·:: "ecl!tlUaal7 in for tban 80 h"









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CI " lIl ij 111111" 11 ~\l l fl" 'I h' ,' \ld f' !l (,p l qlll {) I , g'IIII ' llwn l l' 1" 1 (001 ,'lid I~. O whit h h \\ ~ S fll"" ~hlll " !;r,III 11 all) l illI!' Ill' II'II II " II ns lilt" \I' lld BIHI reck · Ug hl c lI .. d I h" loll~ nll"" l1 l I h > ~ 1 1!1I1 / ' li , Ie.s Ji m ~ l cI<ell lll1 III,,) lIarl kno wn 0111' nl n·.t I n ll n \\ pr! 1111111\1 1'1 '\ !l .1 III IIlld 10\' It I)c'( ,I m f' "l' lh'" III 11t .1l " tllll " 0 11 (' w a~ ~ 1I111~ t o lh" gO\l'''IIII1' lIt Hil Ihc ~ " [II' I H ,tr th" III /:UIIIZ<lllulI C)II ll1 o ln lll l< " II I h f' RI ~I'" .," ,1 1""s \I " ' II. or til!' ~1 (tl lI "~ \I "Il' l'uhll slll'r1 In l 'I,.., y n \l SI'Hj1 ' 1 Th"11 t h'" 1I',I s II . Ii o ll to l 11\111 Ih f'~ had a Ira" ' " IIllllln ~ Ih l'1I1 ~u~ "i cln ll l ell 111""1 )l cl'; : I,, " li e hne! lI~c lrt Hlllall" d ro p pi'll ,} 1('1\"1' 1)11 the st l a I 1 li e 1\1 0111"5 ,Ii " II RNt 11111' o( t lcoc h el)' H e 1"'lolI"" hllllgnllll l and b" lz eue d It oul I I .· IJ"fiIlIHI rI th m tltal h e wa s a 1,.." lbl )' ,II]IlSF'rt man Tlt c ~' \)p.gge!l his [n rr:h p n" s~ '\ l l ea s t"lhl'~ all dl ,l eX( t' pl 1\10 "f hIS hro th er 01111' ('1 III the Old r 'I'hp P,'I' (l en e :I/olai ll st M " Parl,lI\ wa s 100


Eleven Moll ica Han ed.



i ~I I f'l11l nn lia s 1111 Ih e ,; I n lld rOll r , 1i.II S II ' told III" *II" " ~I II I\") and i "1'(1 1I' 0I1l' Io~ I1IH r m ' l l a tl () n ~ \'l,, ' 1II0Rt ~p al e "lll g CIO~S .. x ·~1{I 11I 1I I lion f,III I'(1 10 fill!! B tlaI' ill 1 1l~ l!'!lII m illil \\ h ' n he l o ld l u e st OI) o f h l~ h elllg ~ II S I1 c tNI or b 'llI/,: 0 ,'" i"OIl 0""1~ il l~ III ~ tl'Il ('1I0118 to l eal ll I p(til' l' IlI l "lI sc sllen cp 1" 'rll, I I{lf1 In all he I olllo! .Ihltll l lI) e M 0111 1'5, M c Par· th (llli l r oom ~'or th e fi rst tim .. Ih ~ l a ll "' ''lit I" Poits\l lle I're 1/1' c h,lng('d PI I ~ ')II (, I S mBnlfes l cu IIIl Pu~l n " s3 h i, 11,1 111" tn ~I I' I{olllln fI <' F. I a c· Th!'l /) IIt' I (' mall) ~ 1 " lh R JI " , H1'1' 1. allri IllI alll ,,<I wll h I' 1'1 hollv II \\ Us 111,,\ h SI PIiNI \\Illt blan c h ed cil p.!' k s IU I nl'k l n ~ (0 1 II n lk In 'thc J!llll "~ ti ll 1t l' l r ('11AI ,'oul, l .In~ " >:nort AOII~ 01 " " (,,, n jig At Iho ('I"~e o r Ihl' tl l a l ~ [> ,"9 Gow I"' SS ,I Cll tll! ll J"k .. , I", 11 0111 " alld nt · 1111 IMI') II lin e l rllJlII l' til ~II'I'aII A Il l " nlll " I" 11\1' gills IilllIH hI!; 9hMI> OC r \ 1"1 \\ II I'IIII'!; Ih (> p u bli C' Ih .l t II th l'''' ,' II " \\' . ,, \ ""11 jI,l \ f,lI It "1,,1 \\ ,I s alIVlII S Sl r Oll g to \)e dt1l1bl Ii So 'hl'y ci CHlr W 'l :l lIo,h"1 mllrd c l i n 11'111 1"' 111111\ 1)\ II~A d \ 1111 ., I Ill\' •' )I' " hi nd o f UII I' k l ll" 1 1I1111 E'(I t 0 k 11m II II n o t t lle nl'xt \\ e k , I hnl SOl I "l~ Ih l'rp. " Ollid I" . an III 11,· \\ Us j ll"l:.l lul ll .. k l n'· 1I1111lllsl vc. 01 t il A I,,,vt 11 (1)' 11'I L 11 " 11 1 olf ~ " " " I'jlll silion 101 111011,/ willi \\ hI! h 1I0 lh ~{' IH'IO U S (·IIc/·"·"s. "n "·".'Jllall l!), q ll a r Jlll t ;'Il (' l'ollan gave thE' m Iht' Sill', IlIg tha t had 10( ,, " ~ nu lln In lh all I('t-nllll>, U, " lIl1lf' ) ta , Il lA h lllll 1l escaping o n ly III t h e skIn o f hlK l e(! 11I n" ls of ~ llrnln,11 Jll lig)lCllllcnc (! ('oulrl Il l ' gilt a Job III ,I mi ll/' H ,.. In ~ 18i cd 8i)(tc'l\ III n In)' III \\11 11. to OlU l ri(, 1 (O n l\luI(' '' II(' add '<I 011 "'oll\lnl: III h is he {'Ifll h ll ~ Soon him. hul h e wao Ynrlll'll JII ~l III Lh.· h l~ ('011 1 II' II~ lil lo "n ,l si rt f', Ihen hla ni ck of time, Sti li h e kept at his wOlk - Inll to II"h ol1l uro w p in1 e ht AII for 1'('St. Hnd linall) III sl ll il H \lcr ullholl!;h hI' h,Jd nTl OlIWI (, lI em) 10 Il he sO'I' lIrH " \\c now hav ,,· To whom hlJli p<1 nn d ~ lIrr""l' tl unri nr til un\vont lac,., QUlInH Il r.ltlz ... ns hnd fOlmcri do \\ (1 nll'e ,III I hi,. 'I lin d '" t h <I t \' l nt! "d fo il . H e ,"'<Ill leu r n er!, how e ve r, vlgllonr.e ')mlllitl S t o 1'('11111111 on provld li re o f l: C1I1 , to WUOIII lo p. nlilh a Ihnl if IIa' liM liS t h e s klllflllmi nar or th o M (l lI l es Md',IIIAn \I ii klll1\\n ns honllr aliI! ;.: Inry, We'O W this ~a f(, 11 t o li S th !- InduRlrkllll< lohor!'1 Ih tll !ll1mls an active II'0d l)I" (/1 II... I)rc:ulli ~ lltl lJ n 1 1•1111 .... ~IcPullan , 81\11 If eve l' Ihel'(> \\'a~ hlf'A I" u r IIl llllell('C In lh(' MollI 's .. a lind his IIrl' was In Il all);er, n ut only I a rnllll In whom Ih •• [leol'l(' fir I hla III 111' nlJlillu~d from U; e M n ll l"a , hu t <rl~t) !com nLh r ('Illlllt} hUlil d !'ree l", mO nUII11'IlI , It I. SIt III> sa l' Ihnl LIP and raj I, d c i t i zen., JOllleB ~1' Pal't ,III , the delect l v e," hai r (illlllk c ll Kaloollk l" ' I)1'r Inl ,d l v ll i/-: ~ 'Pallull harl b ",," Ilrll red to fll r .\ 5 II 1 ~ . lIlt of the l rllll s II m ilD Ill); Nil Ill,· o[ I he ~eC"' l s 111 Ih o (lr~utll nl sh .. Ulan 10 kill II I11l1ll' ""j1(' I 1111 ('11(1 wer" h "ngcri, alld aU!>1I1 ~O oth ol s sellt ~,a 111\11 H" ,got n fe w 01 I h C slg ll ~ lind "lit" h" hurl I n<"1t rI I' d thl' """1111 l' of a 10 YlU{I ' I" 11;011 . Tit" I WliS a d r llt h l, as.' II",'r tl s ' Wi lli Ih H" hn wa s I':lIahl/,d .M o Il Y In ,)lol"I' t o ~ alll t im .! lIlc Palilln blow I" 1\", Moili ps Th,' \' hlll'c 1I0t .\1I 1l 10 \lR l m hIIllS"lf ott' as It ?ll oll,', ~a \' lo g prom!. ad tn ll he~, IlIlt k l:p t d elaylll g beo n h " llrtl from ,,-Inec th eil , t h ai h I' had h ,.n a membe r II! Ihe or Oil Oll e p rell'xt ur llul)l hc r AI last l,e now, Rnel II genera~lon, I\!cPlllla:t Is J:a"1 7~'\tlNI e\s('wherr. lind r' d,1 bepn took t,..o men RIIII ~OIlH whis ky ami one flt th e c: nlro.) characters In the ohllj!.(l\ to II':lV' Ihp Jlla('<1 on a('cou nt p~'endp.d ttl ~ Iall Hp got t he men grcat drama, une or th(l tKJenca ~r 01 a l' l l me ,b p had wwmltte tl Tbll drunk and keLJt Lbem druoll tor two which 15 b" lng 8oactl!d III lclllWl.








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" d . I II ~ I"O J) r""" I.L t l! '" f u r " llc h IlII ll enc 1 " 0 fc \t . 'lU il t: 1 1 \,Ula u tho l ur ~ t1 b 1 t h" . e..U' LL' :i lll.u t r. fl t I Itt:

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.. , • • rh r ,lr., I .. t lk,. n 11\ \1 r o _. '( a n I ~~ , n ltlt' ", 1. 1 n I 'n 1 l l~ " I. "' 1: " 1at oJ! 1.)0 S ~ I .1 r " 1" . 1(11 ·,lit., 1f I ' . ~ . I ~ ltL 1. \ ('t; • , ',l e.1 J, 'l to -I I !If , ' I tlr ' I.., .. !~, ' • f I It

1 ..h ....• 11.6 , t 1 b lU l. ) l'1.H' (,Jr


Uut-tI ;'!l l t.IU

A Ben efaclor, " W h v d n" ~ " " \10 boro N Ing t91 U' "r:t' UT<' :1n rl ""'" 'I b" \' 0 rl OII II S O lll l'l h l ll ~ f t ll h p lII BUS WC't)!1 :'Itr. ' ~II ' " l tllll a ti n havII I h lf,l lIl t-;I , x 111'1)1",/ 1I111/:.1111l1' "Ift"~ n n'ft IliIlS' tI.1 n~~ 1I11 m' Ih lll on)lhla, else b Oll ql cr bll l' l i IJ d," ,' ,

/ - - - .----- . ~TJ -~ -<- -~~..~ ....::..::--:,,:: _ _



- -'"' 5/ I 'll Leave It to You,"

lit., wa'~ 1. , 1'\1'


lli ~I r I



" 1111 11 " ;; It I ,,1I ~1

fine 1>0511io n ' ( 01 II , It'<I , bil l YOl l h t',IO 0 1 st ~ k n '

g n ~, il.ll' ~l bS Tudor ) (,lIrhf't1 Iho hl ,tlf)m \\'ells II ns In lPr I·U;t ll·d hy an Sf"I' 1111<1 1lItl' lmplI'd th fl oor II all. r 's 1) 1\~~rg()n('> ('!til f l" hi s .el\ II·PH lII Ar,, 'lnll s rtl~," ,," s I II n 'xl IIlUt nin~ th h 'lI11 fI "o r ' .\I r \\" ~II , lilaI' I IIIqulre why you IIo.lkC'1 tup p (~ ~1 1. \\ li s o n th l Rh olll r l'moled III~ \lIII PI"" ,'" d C'1 iIIls. 1'1 min!: hall JII t hat! II 1;, I ~ ,' II 'd ,\ ~ (lolHl ~!lOok- paIn (ul Intc f\'1 II " II h I hl! h (>,lIl I\ uor lb b \\'a.~ I h" 11 IV 11 ('1111 (11 Notion s Wlilk I I :; c'Jt('(tCIl III S(" ,I ' " r,'~," I) ' J' D o l on k n Oll. bf'J;n n t h e h f' ncl Mt \ \ e ll~ \l a, 1Il t),t ("'UI' II'POS Oool',"alk r a j1 1IIIon 1I1ll! sont 10 ., \11 i"' ,II' ~ lI s5 'Lil l o!. I bello ve we th o oflke y t'" 1COlli n) 0" d l ~ "I; I "" ub out S0 111 1l' things, bilL I am ' r do, 111<1 (' cl " 111 1 IlllfJtl'rl M r SUI lOll I, no w )\111 h.I\'o t he lal~os t W ell s, plln cli lloll ~ l l , I Hr-nl I t llly sc l! co 1I11CI - lho /=le,Ilf'.l ~ I Hlce '00 th e b y \\, upp er 15 It (11'IlI,III(1 ' d th e r e al sl. " I tBk~s an eXll el i 1l C' tI h and mO\al o r ~\I ~s 'I:a~ lor- li e c an stand 10 I' lln II u lld- I w an L to IH' I" J " u 10 h CI no 10n g(:I!" s u r p~ ",1 I tran " f " 11 1'<1 ,VO lil' wlallll(,1 The lI eod 11 001' " ' IIII« ' r ~llIll c rl o dd l y, jll ,l ",) \\ " "ta Il Sc I wan t t o give \OU " I Ihlo k ) DU had bellor oom c wlth t h e b SI w r ul IJI'r lI t; have In th e m e " hOlJse, H ere bh' I ~-\\' lapper 15-0.0 Wh en Mr W ells and hIs superIor OXIWll • r ac h ed l h c !'\1)lIon s lbe dny' s WOl k " "hanl, yn ll \I r \\' (' lI s," on!! , with h ad not yct bp!\,1 1II bul n il the slll es Otl a \I I)rd 01' look at I ii Ah e tUlo l'd "om en w c r e b ~ h l nd til e counter. and ahlilpU I' .)[Id \\ !ilk"l dU\\1I t h c RI~le WI 8)111 01' 15 was sated at ber desk lo Ihe 1In1lnn . Tb e h Clul lIoOl"·wulk e r addre ssed h er , \';h n ~T1 • • T ay l or r UHl' ht'r! h er I 'oun . ' IS , I h e 11 titlon you brml !\' ht to the b "'f'k~ bill nc d II I l h Inrl lg nll' ofl\ee c "lI e<l fur th O" remO\ o l 01 M r t r r h"r tl OII b el lCRIS w c r e rtl.ld y l o stor t , W ell s tb e floor· w alk el: but It Oj1Jl al s 'I Illld orslan d, Hhl' Sa ld , In an evoo lhat w he n this pctltlon w us pu t In vole, ' w e hav e 10SI nllr wrllp)1er" ;ollr b ,lnd s It called for Ih r ooovHI " Y es ' " \\ II,l t fill"" What nre nf Mi ss Ta y l or, the h oa d·of stock. H ow o.. e g oin g 10 <10 " ,,' (m) I hl' lIlany quos do you account foc tho chanl;e?" lion s throwlI ,II h"r !\t l ('ad; a " slale • DeiJd e asyl" l 6 slood UI), "Y on of Ihlllg 5 ' 111 ('\1111 ('(1. see, It waH this wa~ , 1 am \ o ry h andy ' :\ P. I ' I mln,I, 1\'1' II hal ~ n llrapper with my p c n c ll, and, If there's a tor dll'Prl l) - a \ \'1)' ~n."1 (l n t' 100, 1 aID j;CI Y. 1 gucss I dId It, You c an di s, 101 ,I- all , xp ert - \\' I u PI, el I", ' cbarg lIle, \lr se nd mc lo jail. but II " \\' IIIIlP'! I' 15 J th e CI y went liP It "as all to be (\ on o ovO\--l d d o It slmlllt a nl'fJURh A ' ho rus ot wild I Rgalll. " PI Ol,.. ~ t s rollowed -rh!) n Wrapl, or l!j "sllol<a a pl oGc " Mbs Tay ~o r Kaw 111111 h or counter Shl' Jll clul osql\cly dcscrlbed h er. w oek "'as olllh e vergc ' 01 K II \l J)ln ~ bac k Into at tho ll;ollon • h er "quick lal sc," ane! tho Mate shc ha cl (ollnd It two w ec k s th e promi so of 'a fino joh \\!th a big lIIonc; at'.a,·bment." In coo()llI . lon ag o T ho sa lesw om en fought 15 over ev· sho salt! I " You 1,l\?W I havo tho nam e of bo ery parel' l : allli s he. IlI10lVlng her w '"'lt w" s wlthollt oj'rOt , foug ht \ll em In g tha bnss ml s{' hlet m allCr of this ba<'l, In ,He, flow i ng m easure, Tho " hack Iim" -'ll! algbto nln'g up and gl ". battle rage" !o,' t W(I days, aoll on Ill g Mr, W oli. a milit Ary sulute- " J Ea~-;\ . Iny c c uing MI ss Taylor saw tho tnke ort my hill to bls ol!),,' " And fiO It am o to pnij(; Ihllt thi s III ~I ot h er old h elp e' s 1I ans(orrell, The b"lld-or·sto'~k could n ol say 1\1 1", OIul "Sllellblndet " "'u s th means 01 lt '0 ~\ ' ,,1I6 \\' a !! unju st In removing lllom, ullnglng abonl l\l l\lIY changos, Th l! wrong lay In tho facl thlll tha galnod for Mi ss Taylor l,cl' lost ple b Uoo r·walker bad the power to bring ll!;c, It reduoed Mt Rs Fleming to 8 allout t.l1e sltullt!on that JUHtlDed bl s &I[Ue of eh ronlc dl sallpolntmenl. it advanced WraplJer 15 ot the NoUllns coo!411ct A~ Doon on Monrlay the headoO(, Soml3 ooe cot the "0, a"-it wa. IWCIt; was allllDc alcne GIl the em- "bla nlba.· IU I:o..' 41 - "':"

, was I


\' 1111 l u n III" I" ,lIlli tr )' (111 pi 1\ 0 \\1 11 _')C t o It Lh.ll )UlI nrc

e;,.. Tit .1 ' I I;':'~" \ I:,'

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\,' ,Ui I I!m nx (, Hllh' \)(11 l/t I 1f'11 \\

W ,' '1I11n o IIndt'rslnnd a charaet.,1 1;"'"I ,' r t hllll Ollf' nll'l\ IInlll 811m thi n. e ll '1\1'111 ,11 to I I .. ,s t;row o up wlll1i1 ours '1"8 - \ \' lti llllltJ,

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UlllU Y I, t.hel· l lu;t :nlnnhtls.

I It , .\\ ,J (U r ::r"7 , •• 'rn t 1 1'er r" nt " 1\ 11 " .Ulo .. rl " .t til m ) ~' l"th~ a.I; ' I 'ur ur h.'j om ,! r \ L' h .. /i

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hUll" l·, 1." .'


0 11 ~I b, T , ,~""' I ", II'll IIIoI h l ll' "'" dllll e - Uill t biJ ( I l~ I'o" .. r \ ,H I k nu w " 1\ ,, 1 111 ""I n IIt ;!1' Ih t' li It' ' 1 \l h h I 1011 111 .1" ~(! n"'l hlll~ (nr \ (lU" , a II I \1, sa 1",I ) llII . , .. III'l l\l' l ~ . r; .. 1' h " t n illn ' I)J(I:' I i ~p rall l.; 10 , I" I" H· .. I "II ~I 's II h 'Te' I " ,I" , III lilY r hE'l l l"f, ' ' 1"', lhr· f i ll \\,l lld" l s " .i eu \\ , , 11111 h il ' It hili! ,ll'l " II' 11,11 \11, ' 1\ (" IU" n rhtu l\ill g "\vt :.: u,u c'asl.." j P lI , l I I" <," ' lIe II I ' (''' lhlll ~ l o n Ih 11 ~fllt D I P a ' (lI~ Cit ' \ C'1 l lil io girl tlln d, \ <' 1 t tl 10 -"" 11<, Imll ~1 II and \\ I liP' I I' I I :' " I lit ' 11 11111 ,,11'1 11"; 11'01)' 1111' 1,' r hc r " I f · I I h:. IIP- Ihat i-, Ih e .... lIl" ·\\Otl1PI1 .unt! 1H' .1l1 ·ur s tuple 1111\8 lit' n II n Jn~ t to I hAIII Iloilo ' d " h II \"11 II)' I n .11: 1,,'l l l' r yo u r l" IVIJ ! I

nt lt l ll n f C' t.: t \' \!lH ' ~lr ll ila l h ntHI' t d It t.11I", h.' t nu' n( tlll1 h ' ''lllt1l1[ty n( t H1(,' p r ... f.,OIl \\ 1' ,lL 11J{lIt til \ 'tl t ht o t "h l lt, IHll\' o f



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Perun", _ aa

1 hMS t' 4'l" tll i n l \, (; f1reu nl ~ •• • '1'11(' al ll)\ 1-' l-\Oll . \ u l1 ~o { hourlr ('d !\who tu" " nt-l ,' lI ~hll it nr hHh'l ~ to Dr. l l ll i tlll UIi .1 11 "it 1111 '-' s Ul'h {' n ~e BS t lu l Plltl \ " ... I" ,tunu t o !t t' ('u n di d cOII ~l d {' r·


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.. J f Jl ltl .1 III (l ll l) o f \' ''1.-11' 1"1"1 utllu h ooic i n Ch'~t..'l l ptH ' 1l o( IHy h Vl1ipt . · U lti. J "IL,.. n

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" Ilont'-:'


1llt 'I,li t 11\\1 Ilt llul ' ! \ Jlo g-UI tl l


d,ll' <'I'f : h ut. Iw rpl(' \ "II ~" I \,," ,1 ~ 1111 10 ~ I ~I\ th is P:lJ'!'!' II n.1 t.Il, It t u lhe n nh," ' \1 ha l '. II n il nh " "t '" I n 111lt f m lh h" "I I . : "iT,"II".",!" ',1I nnlllla l O ll"" llt 'fO S , t."h tll l), 111~ 1bl up Itt h(' 1 \ 1) lil t' ~I I I!( n t1F' ~lH l n n" h.n£' "C' OIlI<' rlII\I II h(', ,' Yl1II" j 'I " II " (\ II ' h,· h,II" h ',1 h,., I h,.. \1'1'1"1, I "~' ~ I I \\ II ~ " '1=11 ,," ' 11 h,' " \Illh ' 11,.1 II( 11 10" [.,' lilt' " ' IIIO lltl III n .... pC'l'll) , ~ nll 11I t' ; \ l \t H Il n ld ' t "'h ~ I I JI " Hlllr H lo t k \\Uo I .. 1I 11r>,ly Itl, ' ttIHI H' au:!l n 1)"ln I I t l' ll "'" "hl" l1 I 1' 111 I ,"n, I:; Inok('.1 II I l h" "_' I'l' r -1'1' did ' ''''' 31 Ihi ~ l 01111 11'1' llli ~ IIUI> )""1' noL t rll:;t Ill' I ,I'll 10 ' I' l'nl, " ,'o tl by f LU;! t hanc' ('" l;u , )\ t' l nu thl' (111 pl(l~('. ' ~ l:I iI' 1111<1 fllr n ' - 1'11 hl'l Ut' ' l') l1 r ( . :t ~(" in .\ 1l1t 1 1l 1('tl f --'~1 _ __ -~ J-~ ~I "s Tn\ 1111' II IIIII""IlI , I\' I I Hl t. In lit,. d llt ll1ttl t l \ t ' Il ell! P ! 1 iJ(I (Jill ·Uh.h 1: 11 P , h I' PPI l 1I1(ltlll' \\ h . 11 ti ll ' t l lh ; l llt\ ,. \ "C'" d nrlt'."


l' e lllll ... ,II: I\

,,,n,,,.. 01 lIit l , sWlIllld, rNJUbh' u n d

i lld l ~·' · " 10111 { JI ",1111 1(\ t lilt' , un,l Jl u tl I U'~ t.h ' ll l atu.I ·.!'I'I'{ W i th 11\,' J \\U .... \'· I :/ " ~f ~ O Il:; II ll d l l \ IH'!· h.Jl ll.t , t! n (.' OU l illl.l nl

ttlt~ fh H)r

' Oh. tlllll " \Cl" Im d,





!\I( Ptlrl,lll t am f'OIll 1111' 1'1IIk .. , l'hlul!ll) fl fliI'c \I , was bor n In ], ,,llIn(\ had ("O int' t o th l . cuuntry wh en n ~ o lln~ JIlfl tI aud had had (on sl d('lIlble (' lI ~ (' rI Ill" with t hc wo rlrt ~h o l lind , lr g htl~ built. lIul rn,, ~ iliaI', t'o l\1~1 ' XIOIl , wllh ual'k balr " I fall h lflH tI 101 (' hl'ad n n rl ~I,l~ C~' S and 11'(' 11 1'1111< !;I ,' ~::! S h e 11I CAI' lltl'cl a ge l1 t lr, ,,, ,tn l \' IlPI IPRI:lII Ce \I ' h" d bce n l it '. h lll" n 1I<,lI ce rn all, (' 1 I k In IL liqu o r KlIlI' l' Hn d h,1.1 \111 11 111 /,:one III 0 b URt 'I/' ~~ (01 hllll ~c l r. Th,.. C' h icllgo lire " ' 1",.1 II I Ill 0 11 1 Th e o b e "'e nt to w Ol' k fill I I", I'l nkerl (III Y

th e' liltl on

I II" \\ 1''' IJ I J H1 ~ u n pL' 1 ~l1 lt'lll! oul hi Ill! I ' h t' l Jm " fl hi ':. ,' fI,l , 1,,' \ \ ,'1 I HI \ ,,\\ , 1,' . ,f In I II' I IIH ','\I1\~ !;fil fl1 ~ 1\11\ " \ \ 1111' 1'1' 1 1-, put In ,111 h 'l Slltl ll' I1l fl th, ' ",ts 411 ' or l tll. II Ul,i1 :\1 1 \\ l' lI~ co t n ln..:.tll lt l l p Sl'Ihpd \\llIl l l l r l l l l f I l lnl .. t\ r J.l "II III !',n llh ' llnl t ' H ~ l d p ' nIHt n H ' n s - lUti Illf)IlH'I I I !'o. 0.:1\(' II:I dlll lll l ( II1 . tl ll t l l l'jl l llllt' nn; lt l I 01 , I "I 1"' 111' 111 11\ III ''' "1.1 r I II Ih' t- l llllt III I1I ..l Il ine Ci1 ltnnll~ ,1., 111"""'I : IH' l , II I II -I· 1I \\ li e \11t1 L\ t' n Jll c.h l 111:-\ 1"1''' 1 t "" W , 11 I n ! h, ' l n\1 1 .. ,' t II il L-, "I" 11 111 ;': till t hlt :.:;o \. 'I n fit! h(" IIl ' 5 I1rll1,)l llI l(' t s ' '1'1 ., ("I,'k. 1 I , h t'l t'~' Y (tt l l'" Iii, It a \\ ,\y 11" IIll .\ t Hl1' P", k"Iil111 nlll.',' 111 J'h l l.lrI. 1,,11 1 I ' Ihm i In nl II,,· " '~III I ,11I '" I1' 611\11 1,,11 I ltl' III'''' In 11111 111 \I Is 'Ih(' h"II11ll r ~I"(' lt I rI(I " I' 1lI '" l' 11.:11' In hOlll ' b tll' 1S:II.lIl t:.t'S ( II.ur uf IIH \\ IIU ({' , lllldltlll o 'llI t h t Clll ll tH lItI h .\ ,1I 11\ IH I! l "l hl ' S.t l{'~ \\ n m(,Il\\t,'I " s t"l l holll1t1 in 1-,111 , 1,11 Ut) l l 'p h ,h ::;h - ctllHl"!lpwn Il auA' f ~J1I \I I('I H 'I ' 11 ,0 \\ :I ~ in l lll\ l l1 l~ ttld' ,I IIIUII /-: til" "'ltn" !';~1 \\ I Hl r.('\' tl. Th p \ " . 1(' )lII ' )1i11C'd lPl \ ~d' i tn ) 11 "·t ll !-; "'" t . tl l ('t')llllltlIU I(' ltlhH \ \\ 1111 11I !-i t' l lt ph,\ \\ tI H l d I" , ,"1" ,·t'd 11\ 111 (1 "' 11l11' \\ n c:; :l. nll cl .wil\ It l iHI\' r Ulll1 - hUl I lh' hea il pf " \\h ,H '~ Ih, . ilia 1 f lJ" . \ 1 " \(.u Ill ,' rl l :o:l ,llld lo r II IUII' thull ( 'On ~ ·', t r .. lli l l lt Hl lI \\hllI OI .' 1':'\1 ", l1 u l Ihtd I II (11t"FilO 'I\ ~ l'(',lUI I'ful !'I POI,.. "lin In n " I ILl\C ,\ h l'Rd,tt )'c 1-, gul. d a t

,11111 liu\

\lI l h "a t('1 hltll1 d Or d <:'M I't r,..!1 l'IIt,1I1I l' I!, ~ I(If'nl ( ; "'1'.111, of th' 1'1 1I 1Il d, 'I\lhl~ & Itc ,ldlng Coal Hnd I ro n ' o lllJlltn J '('In", lhlll Lll\' ('\1\ alld Kl n tE' :tllth"rl I' l'n lI't'rl" 1'l)werll'::!H, l\('\I'rnl! [w(\ to r ail 1111 I h ,.. f' l ltk rl()l1 ~ fcol' nit.! The v ti"I1 L l\l l" l':lI la n tn lh .. sc III' Thll.l \\'a ~ In I ~ :! , \l h(, 11 ~"'Pallnll \lU li 2!) ~"UI S ol d


it I1nl \· 11\11 ~ 111. h " 1 l dLll ti B tl\\'


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\\ IIlk

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" 1' ul(, \ Ulld l d lli} 1.. 11, rI


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R IIt~f 11.-. hud tuilt' d tn H(llI\' (PI h .. r IU,' pn .... illnl\ S ill ,n'l~tf \d Hut it Wl\s

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tl l~ hot!! 1,1,1\\ ... tl 1!~

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~ I \ IPIII 11' I II I h i h . !.. ~ f'rI l o h i l,' lI ~ ' \ t d 1 n ll l .....t1\: ,I n d 11 1,'11 III , li b \\ 1 k hl l

~ I IIII .1 111 1 I d d hll l'lI 1111 " Il'!1 Ill., "ll , p l ~ '



I I or t tH ' \\ Il l h

1 ' \'(~J ..: hl hl',llr.I' " up.Hl ,'d I I, l'\uh "d Il kp. lt l l,tI, \\lhl d"'~II'11 Ih f t h k \ol Itlld


... Ii I " , ·r l"l p l ' I , I UII

I II!. \I!\' "'11"11' t' I" ,) 11 \ I ,ll( (I Hnd It .\I ,·tt J1\ " /. "II~ \\ 1111 did I1fl l h. 1\1 1'\ II( 1 1 till I II I I 1 I t ,



\ \ l lItt

"The A Ir 16 P ollu t ed,"

l Il h II1 I1) III 'III" tll '

Il lit

lhl ' I l\ lI ' flp \, ,, !~

h ,'

hUr\';.: id

·t,'d ' 11 \ 'H !l l lt,I .! ,l , 1

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I U 11

" I PP I ' I 'tllh l ' llt t n l h l '~'r,J('1\\th'r c'l h I1 ~ tlluid hi ' I' H+I 'h ! IIIIII II .Th l'~ \ \\ I" ' t" I rn ck l-' lI up 11 111 l l ' ~ 111l~ n \h

h i \\ ,I r- lit, ' JI' lId



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l~ ., ill~

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h il l' III (' .!PHIlI'


I I"

1111\ II 1(1 \\"' I f' 4~ 111111 11, ' " ,II)t! III 1.t1"H'lnblc- ,u; ~ all l r~ nnti C' llI lI""" n!:.HIIl

t)\.' J(

' Jl h ' UI'-'d

h I' :-1'0 \\,'11


Nothil1g J Ate Agreed With Ate.



Author of "Bat O'Connor' s Helper," "Cashier 184," etc. .

~ 1101' I n ItH~ whul ll :1I"h t'l l( 11(1 I I' ~I{) II ' ('Xlp n"ln!;" (II PI II,,· I "'lid ",' J)lIdn ,g- th ul yen1' tl.lld tht \ ,' 11 101"1"

~ml l

oth f'll a nln

to .\ 4 111 \\ " Il h~ ' I 41 d , ~IIHI h l) II If" or Il\,\ !lr ' Ill i n " 1\11 ... 1111 ' tI )'It I'lll lHl1 ~I~ a :\ t llth ' It 'lId " 1 'I h .. ~ ~ Inl h od 0 h l1 (' h hll1\,

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l hl ' tj)(1r.lf( <\ nn l h t'r f1nll~ l'" Il po ~ 0 1 SL


11 "

(;l'1l1ll1all)" th (l l1m ll.1 (I [ Ilt' ~I .. III," \1.'0 011 { ('I tt lnwal'd 111(' luhlll 11\' lItIS 0..:: on ll i ll il 1!lIlI l/n.1 ' 11111111 .11 1011 .' (J1l' b ' !ill aftl'l' .'""I h I . "h o LlU i! 11" ,, 1... hllll

h ll li ,,( 0 1\ w l"l ~ " Irll 1111>' Ill" I s 11I0u i hr t\ II 'Il fr.'r1h 1 111.11 31'(' I .;mall bl"ll ' til ,· l,olHCl h l lllM 1'h, r;<.hlJu w i



'n " ~i j< l 0 I

O-ud i



"1,n k pll of It dl e;rr'''lll'l lIlI liI \loulll ['I' il ll " l itCRt n wililln :t tt 1,,<'11 " r h i !I[ ,III 11It1 l'l el'l '" " C [1 :;1" " 1111 1 nwc IIIlH' ~ were sl.fu lIfh e 1111f PL~ th t.' d II \l nl III,'\, 1111 I (lH!;" ,1 1111,," 11 III

Hcm/ T hey

~Ill p. 0


h . I qll d, l!lI ! ....


P" Il II~~ h:ll lla Thf' n n~, ' IIIZ:1 .ts :!ott 1 rlt"'d ht l hll t' I h (' t I vII W (lI I I 10,, 1; It , IInllW frol1\ thr 1111 1' 11'11 \\1\ :-1 n t"II' (' lI t bit 11 ,1 "r IIi-h H lhholl llll'lI. \lh n, <i i , .1t' 1,·, 111' ,· II .. l~ llt~t d II ' \ \ Onll' l l 111.11 11- r Ol . l )~ TIII ' \ 1\'1'1 " uA'"I' d fro lll ',lrll ' 1I11 ~ M n~ull" , 1',l lon o( 1:1I1115111 11(' n , I\'hn III I lt ll t ouk jilt I I In t ill' I rl~ h I"helll "" 111(' " pilit "h lrh Il nlllla I rI Ilt l' 1''' "I1 H~ 11'",,1 . s" ('I"t ) 1\,,,, hOIl ' I:"1 c' llIi "I) <lIff" I UII ( r' "lt th:!l o f It s J1I"'tol~ IH' ~il' lII i1l'r ~lIlp In lilt! :\I oll,,'~ \I II~ 1101 r\lll .ll1t"d ttl I l1f n rs )Th ' 1(' \\ ('Il) S l l lllt)lI 1«('l' l' el ~ trut!l' RII nN" 1I1' l lslH' . 11 111(" , h old clR und llIf'n Or'11\I orcull,"lo n 'II til o ll;alli~~tlon , Il\' \\'holl1 I I w u~ In~t e d , nl\d (0 1 1\ lUI jllIlt"J.l' hnl" I I ' 11 Ia\ll(], 1 ~ 'I ' I'<' ts II ~ 010 In \\ 11 " • I,', len(l ~ hli' , \ ulty Hilt! ' 1111 ' l ·hd. II;1I1 (,hlltl l~ ' lin d til!' 1I 1I' ''lIngs or III l' 10( l g ,'" lind tlf th, ' (Olln l \ (''''11''11111'" ' wt',· \ \lIII' lwd 11'11 h I" n \" ' 1' Th l'n " II ., 111"8 ) tol. t I", b "~hll'~ , ,1 1I 1. l k lll~ 1,1, n ~ flH .1, odl s inHtin n wnliid h p tak (l ll u p Il 11 11- npt, hOll , " ' I , IIt1111 III th ,' "Hrly ,tJ& t h,l l 11111111" , a qll ent Sonl bl)s :{ nl 'I 1'1 II {' .. ~)rpjl fl tt 1l 0XllltiS polle I1Il1n wh" h Irl I li d ,! , ' d " ,I runk ' n M !," )', HII III I' II1frl'I' wit ' II,tll t ll(· tH'llll t ~ UJ1le "I ~ )lh :l-tlll C' q f ~\ 11 (" m ~ '(4111' ,, '



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1,. 1,

" " I I Glnve, Ill ite Ih 1<" p nlt'rln g lh ,"'ur a ll t fir ' will II hplltt'U ' I'h ll III IIS 1<'11 "111 and I "'I'nl: C C b ~' ('rll'ht~S an d Ill' lIOll ~ ,

ruw ~ .


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(1.0 1 A ch evc l" ent 111 Pe"n~ ylv .. n l ~ , He , s ! hc Ce t c r of I rHe re\:t l fo r H i li W Olf." T h,l t W a s R e bp Of 'ble • r

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C a reer of James • II l n\\ I II't: ' " ,,'' \"h" I~ ",dIUI\ I\:l lk, .. 1 I T n, " llotiO h t ... , h " ( I' , II 'tll r,un r! r h'llIu': ,1 l hr 1 1I)\HI \ l thf Hll'h hI' h.l i t ~~~..o"'.#'.#'~...rJ"~""".#'~~.h"...rACC MCPc"\r l a n. Well C {\ II e d I h" I,,, \" 11111 I , \" " "II \\ ,,11\ , h, ' ~ 1 \1 '1:It,~ II . IH,t n"' IIi,d ,II" ,h.Hlt if , . l.lI h 'li HI . n ln' t h t' rHl lt' l lll1t ' nlh'Il:"'l , Greale _ I f D e lee,tlv s. I hi h, ld rl ':-. I 1 .. 11111 I I II 1II'C ..l l1l, ,\ 11 f t ' II,' d j'I ' l lIllu" d Ih.ll hi w llul tl Il t

T h i r t y F our V. M6 Aft. r H , . W onder


,Itj, ,' Ill' 1

rfh l ,u lI 11'111

I' 111 ,

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t1 lu'l UW'll

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'twl l1fh' ,


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A 0 19 at Her, "0' " t'ar," ~ Ibh r ~lI~s Mlldd, " do II ,",h I knr v "f nn .. rf 'C'lI , \\ lo I'rI'Rl'1 \ IllY IImpl 'xl on ' "If ) fit! Ii" I' I h ~ QOx In 1\ CO piau It w ill IHl a ll r lshl, wou' t It?"




Gt'lneral B'8llkdowO Clluaeel by Deficient Blood QuicklY Corrected by ' Thlif Tonlo Remedy. A fOl'li ug of gonornl wea.kncS6, poor !lil)XttIOO, loss of breath nftM the slight. Il8G cxcrtase OlltI broken sloop W 'O !!Ome ot tho symptoms of gcuoml d ebility. yO'.] may tIll uk tlmt thoy have no rola t lOIl to eac h othor and that you " 'ill worry alollg, boplUg nU tho time to f ocl bettor soon. This is a mistake, for every on. ot tho symptoms is canscd by bad blood, whloh mnst bn DIode puro Rill! n ew boforo honllh " ' Ill be restol'Oll RglLLD. A tonio troa t m on t is n eCCllllary aod f or thi!. pnI']Xl80 thero Is no b etter remedy than Wilham.~' Pink: Pills. Mr. J. Q. HaToy, of 91i Willow St" Oholsea, Mass,. soys: "1 \VIIS '!lelr for a number of y IU1I from gcbernl d billty and Indigestlon. I was nover free from 8tonmoh trouble RDd my norves "',e ro 110 ~h(\l,tcrcd tlmt tho loost excitomollt unfitted DIe tor Ilny !!Orions work, My


Bh'op WM re5tles.~ Oil IIcooUUt of terrlble pains in the amnll of my bank. Thll8& pRltIlI won.ld 8()metiml'.8 lus t for II month or two, Mysight greW'weak, thore sellming to be a blur con.tnlltly befole my e} cs. I couldn" CQncen t rate my Dund on my work, and tho attcnnpt to do 110 completoly exhonsted me. "I wa.~ fiL1~Uy f orced to give up a position I had helll fcrr ~vclltY~lgh' YCIlJ'S, After trying 80veml medloill(llJ Wlthont help I read of Dr. Wlllilml8' Pink Pilla Rn~ gave them II triRI. TheT mnde me foel 80 mnob bettor and 80 mnch stronger that 1 started in btUl~tl8III for myself hero ill OholsM. I have nover 11M a rotlU'tl of my former lipkn SII and oh eerfully rOco=end Dr. WUlitmlll' Pink Pills, lIS an exoeUeut ner:va and blood towc," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have long be n rocogTli7,od a.~ au excellent tonlo r emetly in ')MeS of indlgestion and genernl debilIty, where tho stomnch and othor organs ot the botly nro weakened Blld didorrl'3red simply through lack ot proper D(\Dl't ~hm nt. They have a.lso been esJlllfl lnUy sUCOOSIIful in curing sn(llmin, I'heumatiHw, aftor-etYeots ot the grip RUll f veNl, A pnmphlet on .. Diseases of the

Blood" ,\Ud a copy at our diet book wtIJ be 80llt f1'OO 011 J'()qnest to anyollO intu. eSted. Dr. Williams' Pink PJlm ve IOld b,. all~. 01' sent. postpAid. Oil receil* of price, lIO centa per boj••1x boxea for

~ the - Dr.


WWfama 1Ie.JIo!...

SIlll8Dectad.7. B. '1:.

UNABLE TO SE[; OlJRSEl:VE8, No Man Thorou g h l~F' .. mlllar wlt~ HII OWh L onearn en ts


' 1 )11\\

I III ion~

11 1...

:J LII " RCIl, a rkabl. P rogre •• f:ons'der 'ng the O'staM ee f rom A.II Sour c es of Suppil"


thl' Pr lrn,

I I Itt Labor

11 t i l




Type T hat Ult ll1a te ly W il l Supe r sede \, t

I , J Ca n See You Loo l<in

W ,se an Mea surln Fut Rule"

til Thracke In t h

1'., 1, "m tl n H~ II !) Ph nn " II R /:rI ,' , (II " IIIII.I,I" tl Iii ." II t,r ,,111 ~IIlIIII

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Ilel hoo~ I " nl, 111(1) limp 1\ bill ' I l R onl 'flh ~I n s I r l1p ' nuhrll If! H Oru ll u /)')(lk I,'n r n ll j:, b Il h e IIP k eti tlt r ","',, 11111 Ihl s IL "n~ III 11 m ade hl1l1 H.) 1111111 ' I" ~ 10 lll~ 1)011 , 1ll1l1 Il r ( (l \ll ll lll'l be P~ I ~ UI\ Icd tUll t lh~' We (,r I .1('11 r l II (1 \\ ~~ n. t on lon~ 10 IlI U H(' tHird IIIlII 1~J,;ul"rs Ihl llll ll l; .1(1\ p ni u ros 111f1 t IIlItl I' \I ~ r r ll II, I ~ II I' w fl l1l rl 111 11 hll11 s< lf "I' In Ih " m ClK







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MAKES RE COIW OF ORDERS llt! HW d 1\ Fo if ( O~t


Ui o l l

fU I


Ih. h n 11? ln IIr Tel egr'phon" W ,II Go \\ hit h us 111'sI1l1l ~~ Prevent ing Ra droa d ""cc , d~nts


11 Al klllslln 11111 lJ.II\f'r Ihlln 11111 . 11 1(1 fU I( t!1I1 ~ \\ Ith I hl

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\l J


f II I' 11 11 1t .1 1 ( hl ~

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______ Rivals GI1l1n.'r- \\ I" III Ihose shll'S ael l lIg.n 'In(erh IInl Ih llC III lhl' ba" Gm, I - L dUll 1 know The) lira als I AI s hlps \ Ih ol1g h GUllner- \\ e ll tha t nC0014n ts for

it (';1I1('1'- o\ ('('O llnl s f OI \\l\nt ' l.ulln "r- \~h v t h<' t 11)(11 ICC' flIrl lu g 'Wlt.h (hnt big nlnn" "II~ ov r

the re -


Chlc;ngo U" II~ N ~" s

Her Prerogative. No I IA 111 nevel be a llubllc


It la easv n<:lI,;'h' I "Ish YOII would leU 1lII> bo'l'l' ' YOII



·"'111"'"1'''' "

pracUrc maktr>g 'W1(0 ~ hE1b ) au ara




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I h Ir .- \l - If 1llII,II' me fill til( t\l O );lrI~ d lll\n fn 11 11 Id, dlt n

gil 10 t il

111. ' " I lJ!1I11 ' " Plit PIII 1\ (' 1 V ",Il 111 Iii II d ll ll e it ," In .. Ih .1 11 ,I bl o llgh t III 111 ' A ll ~sl",t? intcrtnjllPd IInrlllo "lr I SHILl r epl h~ ,l PO l " e mnll 1' 1\ nn • Bill" hilt I I~ h l ' l,"ltl " " 1 Il l\ I' 10 In l's' lI 'ol. l e "",lIll1st \I ho m lOll h II I no e, e J I ' \ho s 1<1. al liin Iv rl ghl ~? . t'I'''tuI 1>IIlIc(' mall FIlnn I tl1 In ll kl n h Ih I \ \(1 ~ '" h pl1 li s <I,) -t1c lll u~ nil I ' d Oll t Wll l\ t ye I r III 1; bU1h~1111 me " 1I 1t)1! r flln l 'III stl ,n " )r ,I hn lI\ e th,rn n il bloll !(lll PI\ \ 11 ' 0 tI I II tll lllC' thln\ an m ll:1 1 e tillm prtl\ C Ih~y WIl:; 11 t ~ wnn~ .111 slCt It do", II I Ill... Y" ~ sot It bechlllto ) few Iv !hlm Thin mehlJe ~ e'lI I. and ~e Ell tua - Rn Ihroll~b somo wnn tellln OD him so s to I,eup r-Tlght with ye, or m ahbe !lome telly on tb ouLsld w'u'll tip 11 olr to J8 !lo'ij ye'd give him 1'1 little more sh'l'l'tng Oho. Utoy s lots I v wn-a' 8 Iv get· ~ID' at th' 'Be'S without tra-aclu' a TIa.'1t used to be lb,'

i llha t

of fO l

tlld n h wh llt I d TClll1111'ri Pu l l< ~Illn ll Fl l ll1l ta- til In 1\ \\ h II III gor rc II d,,~ ,


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Flurl 11 6.: l(!"

Sobrie ty R ,!) ' dly Enf o rc eCl 1111 Ul II h i " 1/ '1 1 b It d " lIH \1\11' a '111 1 'n I 101'1'1 "

" (I I ,I



In ln~1t

t h 11 lhro

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:0. 1 r IOn " u t f 1\( h 1' 11 11 or \\ 1111 lirlS((1 ",' r 1(1 11 ' In I ll"




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I(h HO: 1'1'1'" lIIld 1,11 11/' 1" ol d llHII\

hH M hl

{If I h.

1IIIIIh \I ll S bll " Its Ift <' llVllt.! IC to \( I( I \I IIh tI.tllls f rom utile I x '11 ' I I lu n ' 1 h is ' 11010 11 3 \111\ IR ~ IIP I" ' ~ ' (/ 10 hOI( h0 10rll;('tI 10 I II 1I1 ~ II I' llllllu s I'ISt! II" \\ H fOllnd II . USllrl' I II thl' form fJf II l11Jrn.v o f 11 (1 1111 ~nn\l l oll s o f 1'11 1'\1111< \\hl eh It 1I 1I~ not 1111111 llbo u t 1830 t \l!lt, ~ UI" Jll ll l1ll h' III far greulci rl (' lli s to l\Cllh '\ Oh nl;ll ll h gu o halthetl'llldt



, . II'


\ \. I

unll 11I1I1 " Dtlb ll \\ ,11 'D'II .11 1 II .Irl l' 10 (1 n J h lin II' n pk It Ih It \l oul ri II III flit I (Il! Ir lPrrsl rrool, 1 111"1 III' IlmIJ p. 1 h lm sel r hl sll nd u\\ In); 1)('111'1(1 III Ih t II l;;hllo l 1t (lI,.1 l1HI ' H Ill l1;:: out I Pll Oll s of hi s " h ll h h o Rllbnlltl e!1 III n' li I1r ~ I It Ill ' ln I \r{ lI u lilt ni P fr 10 he l p H to he n d1\ t HI"] Po l i ceman FlIlI l1 10

I C,IO t S.I ) lh n l I (lIti


f ll PHI I1 I ' il

" (111(\ 111 r1l 1

~o , .

11 ("hl n;;- l o r It but t o (( III)Il o f th heaut!plllil Ill' I he ftlUlltilltiOns 1)1 Ih. 1""IM!' of mllrt"n ReMllla and hil)I I "l ,II f'~ls tl1l~ IlIn n ' I ~ fOi fear (, r I I hf". ~ \luh I H 10llt til e I,'ruhs Ill, I h, 1 Ii" nu 11, Sf l is fllr I h!' h!J llf'11 ot

II I. ~ I

a ( OIlISI()1I


1I1 ~l ll lc ll l ~


R ailroad Car of Solid Stee l P la te .


tll (' \ nll th 1\ 'PlYl1n I ru le


111 1

"hoSI1 I q \ l1 ~ 'If too 1o ",lIf, I \n\l I'" 1\\ 111311110 jlldl'o« fi n I 1I11ll lull .l(ml1 "n l! 11I\I Uti 1111 (11 11 ((llllll'~ Ill' Inl" I h e h [l(' I, no rlor 'I h . 1 P 11" tIl (' 11 cOl1ld h (>81 lu m III ... Ihln" IR rlo," Eh " I h.n Ih'" ml1 ' t 111\\e hcart! £1' \ ( I \ ,, (jrd) 'fhal IIOtsn l 1I11lltl'r rtl'fll 1 h e r" Is no tl,1111::1 I of n n y b r!lR ( h IIr p ro mi se sllit bill 'I ('( 11 tl R TOil }m(l IV , - :-; Weekh

Was W,fes


Easy to Find \Vh ,I!, I" I II/IP to p SlH 11 ill flIP

E x pl, c, t Directi ons" For 01. covery of Patte rn

1II0llgoh JI Is on t t l'S\ I 111


Drummer Had lngeni h!)

111011 1 ,..

I,flhl1l ,1 ~I"r ,rt l1l'I]II" " '1 tlil nu t look u n ria 01hf'! S Hit t HJ i' <' it)rC ~ )' 6 SUL:I leI! hl'r home ror ' II '"11 I h. II I I I ~ I n I I" I)ottc,," lIl'r l111ltl . 1 , lInl1l1 " , IRIt L1 h" ll10lh tln'I" PI Ill' hl.:rh Ill" 111 t h 1'\ n h loll 11. I 1111 , 111111 11 .h,lt II h,_ lu,U '\1\111 ,I .n\\ ' lln t; t ll il II ' ~ n l 111 1111I1n , si g h. III II 1111 In h pi f t ll lit , ,I Io n8 I I t I ~ l l lllPlIj t h('\ 111 Sf 111~\' h(" D'l11 t I II I n Iltp h OI1 KP \lj ,,,t I, ,I'J\vn IlI ll t..:.1I1 ' bUI II Is 111 111 '\ ~w(lI nd (IIn\\: II I ~Olll ( lIh~ ' (I 1S \1)11 ~llInal1) 11 0 s ll' '"111 "It II '" I ltlill 1111 IIIl!u m MU51C Loving Indlanl mh 1)'1' ~("l kcl l oH I" III ' "11;\1 r r UJ1 ~l l ll~ IU \\a\ 80 dnn t n ,\ 00\11.0« Cnlltl t' l rec(llllh nf,. III "'III U m allllntl t e ll y ~ tI l"'" "he re dll llll ~ l.dl s p"", c hed t \\U ln lll~lIs trolll 1111' I' nfis lI II Is .. I' S (OllIe to thh, k of It I III 8) llmCltlllddl I e lrlallol1 rlefllrln ~ tf) 11110 ~I I ~g fotlnd over' (111111), 10 his hall 1,"1 I I 10 MIS II Lil li, l ie Ille lhom to p i k polltloos ) 00' Ilnl; $2 -0 h wrt 1lt1t ~ou u ano l hl~ I' III' H do It ,," flnt! II - SI)rln gfl, l<I Hr< l1 ,bll II ,la, ant.! hoarel One or lhe: India na parI " " l 1 . 1 IJho r (!lIlW can ask~(1 th f a ll""" If he had QIl orl(lIn a l':ltt"' 11 IIh lch sit!' \V,IS In the hOIl ~e and .otns ans" ",I III Imel M r ~1tL:e " rula Worked at Loom EIghty Ye a rs tho nesalha told the fll1'mer Ihey reQl1e~t ell 11111 wife 5 108' ph It I lI111e \I hu ha~ dlr f1 at would not "'ork f.,f hl111 n" thr" fo \1o" ~ Klt!d t ttl l n'!l. I In blS nllll'l) thhd year. wanted 10 wnrk for lomeone hll~ I Ill! " ... ('U "III find It Ing Oil the \\118 Ih. "ltlUHI carllrl 1I('RVer III bng. a musical In"lrumont so thal thOy wall hJ tltl' altlc &Ial rail lhe 101 land, ha\ Int: \I orlic d al ,I'e 10(lm for coUld practfce ClYeIllDCL ' or. '(If III lit€! box or llf" lIe'l'l' U1llre Ihnn SI) )I'ars la.' wltneeaed 'DI mac'hfne In roOIn lhe thu t rllIlII" \'lD ." tbe 0.(1 !laud to tilt I forle &lealU "ower 1001Dt ~tMlD bOx. or Ihe ~






How the Agen t for an En gi ne Worked Up a B'9 Busine ss

II I, I1H I1J h p \\ clftll; 111 t)





1 11 111 JfIPll1lv 111 114 li lrU\ ot dfHt!m !l 1 nUHI 18


b.1l "~ 1I1UIl

~ (J\\

/l1111 5 li e 11\1'8 In Ihr praille Ifl tlo l1 tl f ,.,ll11w tl1I' Ill lddl!l \I \ ~ I IIl1rl "h Ull ,!Il"ollne \\b<1.l pngitlls bt' j.;Y Il I, lIpprcHd . lh. lr pr..".. "Il l 111a'l/t.;dhlhl) lit Idul Ihlll Ih e) \l e l f! lr.)\ln ti 10 I <.\lhl<<" IIlutl nllll .: ror rarm 1'1Iq'osP~ In this III 111 I I,.. S(!clll' Ii 1\11 U~ tin for I he on. li< cun sll1 'I t.! b, at IJlOOll r< f1 a B IIl' and 1l(>t tt 01' lOll 1111 'Jltlillary r011l1 "ugull troll' \\ ble h h e I ' lUo,ed lh, Iiole ltv nt,,, s lml. lu (Onn N U illS h e af I Ingell 111 h is wugOLl wltb !! tQ t' f ItI ~ ,,!'1l1 II " ' OI,()lng to ~",arc Momen1s On' shaft with Burne Ilpcockel wheel' Rnll chilin marie all the llIel'lI "UIlIDI ,('eMan In 01 tier fOf the en gin () drive lila corublnatloll It tile




wll. ap bow,


s pent

Augultt bl (lllr ( \., t Lt Inle




rUUt<m, will be mo ved to t.h~ c. I

• nil floor o( our preltt',llt locallon. In Mle fll . re 11ur lot.h ing will III II '~xhrlJlted in the D ~v tfiodern cloth ing &a h Betll . Every !lultwill be prP88 Ii nicely, II nIl wi II be ,IllClWD tOQllr 11,,1.0 " " ers in fir st Oltl~ ~hu pe wlt,b out wrinkl68,Ii!l fOr merly Willi the (,~I!\e, wben all el6tlllng 'Wit . ~ pt 0 0 tbe old Ht.vlll ootlntllrs. ]0 order,to ra lilt . I'ur .took I·u toh" IOW681. not.oh be(nr 't!liR llig baD~e r.. IIltlde we bav iDa\l~n"lI r ed IL





'Expan~ion "

Clearance Sale


l;~~~~~:a:~~~~;! re'urnlng .. ~hort ~

dMtb. Mr. Ubtlnd ." ....... ~WD ip Ulany r a~"ra of theG. . . . aDd til • man who will be peaUl, ml8.ed.

B~'ber r~t





"h e !lit!" will C nUn ue oaring .ful y, Il.n<loWn IIll vl8'l yoa Investi liMe ·th wonderfnl , Money Savinlr" appro !'lDI ~.Y wbich we hll ve ~rt'PIUft!l for you .


::~~~:t ::o;ir:S::·:~:\:::r t':


illb80riptiOlia . r ecelted tor all newipapel'lll\nll lIUlgBzlnell, lit the Gaze'te omce, ,

Herbert S. Bigelow , ~t ' Waynesvme Deatinruished

Minlsier, Author ~nd 'Retormer BpeakB at M. E. Church.

, Bev; Berbert S . Bigelo"'~', Plistor of· tbe Vine Street Oongregatlonal Churoh ofCi noionati Ind who ad· dressed ~he Gr~nge at theli meeting Saturday,remained over In Wayne.ville Sunday and spoke~t thelM. E. Churcb both morniDg aDd . evening. In tbb mornln, Mr: Biglow, , poke . on t·he topio "18 Life wortq ravtD .. This sermon was addreased primarily ~ the yoong. people aDd was une of the. ti!lst sermons ever delivered In a 'IOcal puqllt. . " In the evening the speake; ~M f01lllcl Uiat hi. name greettid by an aD~ienoe that ta.xed ;!!'IIMI_m ~lth and 'hla ~ome the capaoity of the churoh'ftDd who I'lfth "ree~, lJayton. luitened 'wltt) 'keell int.erest to bill ~...~_. beeD to the .Reform', ad.d~l. on "The pow8n of an Idea." .. x.-te.. for lillmrigibiJ. Rev; Berbert ~ . .Bigelow . ill a hla lenel number was QJllque putillo life. Palltor the lellding ohurolies or 11I,'("lnn,.+A be . blls ·been IL power in a8'alrs, both in the .oity ~nd




# Spe,Cl.a'·1 Sale

~'f $~ any measure c ui of t he . hands ~ ofrepreseDtativellllnd enaot or ra jectit by, dlreot vote. ,. ReferendulD Optional not Obligll· "C eel P tory. Goods, dekIniative lind Referelldum hil S age Goods, small lots been inoorporat.ed in the Oonstitu. at prices tba~ you tiona of South Dllkota', Utah, NeVilcan't help but buy. do, Oregon, Oltlilhomn, lowa Moo. ' . tiLn.... Ne'" Goodl thl. week The LegislatUl:8S of Maine, Mie. __ . sonrl and North Dilkotll- have pall88d Fancy W.ter Melons r68olutlons to submit $n IDlaelve ~ Fancy.,Kalama&oo Celery .and referendum amendmen~' to ~ TJle ftr"t of the SeaSOD OD popular vQte. " $IIIIP'" 'Iale Saturday , After. finishing the r eA ular LU8i _ Faney Plneapples-Lemona DesS Grange'olOled . ' 1ieX't regullir mee ti ng a& IJebanon New pOltatoejl-N;W abbap AUgDllt 31,. . Cucuntber8 add OnIODI ' • _ • __ "Tan.lefoot F,y" Paper 4 dou~l,e .heet. for 5e ' . _ The New Metbodlst Epi800plll Paril Gr'eell 35c.. .


~ Odds and Ends ann



~ pOund packli.e .'

$ ZI'mm'ermuD.S·; ~


. Old' School Association.' Memberll of nbC' Old School .\s~ o olAtion 'a rle reqaested to meet lit the home of Miss. 1 Heorgla Blldd pn 0,0 Wedni!8day ~venll1g Julr ·il.



for Piles, Eczema, open sores, nasal catarrh, an,d all the diseases ot he skin, bUtQS, etC..

~ndo':'ed by phytielans, leadJni druggists, and thousands.of grateful patientS who have been' 'cur~d by its marvelous healing power. . In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it obviafes, the nec:essitr of 1\ surgical opera~on, lind tli~ d~nger ' and ~cnlcia~ng pallt. It c\ll'es , qUIcker, and JS entirely safe and painless. ' Send, for circulars of hun. ~eds of thQ~sapas of testimonIals and professional' endorsements. . If r onr druggiSt does not handle It send 'direct to MAlt8MAtL "E.QRL~NI .00"


~~~~ . 'J

$ .~· KILBON'S S #.

That n _ ... bareof and bond aa r"'l.ulred bV la" waa d illy !lIven l1li4 1111<1 qoiln~y Com· Dils810nero . oll ~be bt 4a,. of Jill,. 1907. by appoInted ,1A"er. and the CountY Surveyor to ,·Iew. l ur",.,. an4 layoul

oraer of



and ... tj'!) II~ b >loch roaa.

\ ou


Jurtber nOUd.,..

a'lld Survey.or ",III meeL al

farm on


tot Itay o f


!!Ubi Vle"eMl {''''/lipton's H07 . tAt 10


AUR)lft L'

o' olock u. m : l Or- the purpoieM Itt t (ort.h In $810 order. .; ADO the'INI day of AUiu~t I (NJ7 1.1 Ibe by .. blob clalll1Ji for . !Ompen~atfo,, · mll. t b~ lIIed ..· . .


, bau.d Ihl.

between ' the

....... 'Id"'.


Jam.. Mo. earl Ha"ke,

Qeol:l!re Wat8rh~, Sml*ll, ~"_r~i..-.t.rUe' Dakin. '

ht.d ll~ "r .ruly luur. S. A. . Stilwell, County' Audltot:

J:l-f t


i .



i ~

about it, ()nee uaed alwaYIl used, al80 Parla Green and Bordeaux Mixtures just the thing to exterminate Pota- ~ to Bd... . . ~

Speoiab,J for Saturday ' •

Hoods Sfl'8apariUa ' 7ge ~ Lydia NnJhamll Veget8ble . ComMun" . 14c t 01,,'8\lIii.dney '.Cure 7k Fole,'8 Orino Laxative F~itSn'Up .. Beet Wine and Iron , 50e size 27c Lightning. Ca.torl. 191: Lightnlnli Hot drops 19c

Fancy Crea~ chffte Dried beel, crackers

and cakH ' A ne" lot ot premium j.oat In, call and lee them G'nphophone concert • urelay afternoon aDd ~f!~IJiIlI•• ~" We pay tlaelbaJt for 'Pro. . da~~veoa.





...,~.p~ ,


and other poi... on one Ticket Go oae RClllte-a~tumaAn~Lon.,

• Atlantic Ci~



,_,"""I, I!- , '

Ri ke '. SlS-...Ill!!J!III!~~rill ; ... .


. JametitowR .~itlon Lol'f )i'~ TQun Pittsburg ) D~ily " I New Yor HarrisbUrg .~ With Boston Ph StopB.a It·' I~ore ' I ' 'Overs ' " , j i" _lJ)bja Wa.s bmgton ) at · . 1IHiereoud-lt




Pen.I1sY1van .a LIN'lEa .


~he world·famed treabnent


. ~n8~

c.~ May

$16,00 Round Trip .frolL WayneIVIlle. Ot, Aupet ~ ~XCUR810N TO NIAGIlA' FALUI '7.00 Round Trip trom W.....lOe, 0 • . BOSTON, Jol~ 25 to 2.8 -New BDIJ,I(lDd llid H~mfl W"~k ..;.stop oV 'r& lit BltH,lI1\.\rll" WllablnlJ1oa, Ph Ild,1&pht;~nd New York. " . . ' PRILA,QIi!LPSI~ .•Iul.y .", '016:"':'8: p, 0 :' il..-dlrWi Oil via WR8hlng~n, wl~b I\top C1 178f-1 at BttUtmore aDd' W••hID ... . tod . ' ~ .. . SUMMERT( lJRl~T 1!'ARES to ~n, Lafe.M "ouu. taln re80rt", an,lt t.q ~oll)f' tlo IIDd Pacific (JO'IIIL ., • , , For fuJI pllrt,iolllllrlloODliult Ii, a hth ' ' ~OkM . AleD. ' ,W .. yn68v\lle, Oblo. . '.",' . • . ,'

!!IIlIi"~ ...YI........._ _. . .

i ' ll




.. ,

Bike's' ·Summer Sale ,



, ~ow

Dayton, 0 ..








15c .

Tb~ most esSential ~",ulsite In tbe building of an estat~ is to form the habit ot sa~ing a cer. iaiB percentage of yonr eamings. AnJ o~e m~t earn money but It is the pa~n with' shrewd foreaia'ht 'and business in.tind dlat , ") I , can,saVe.'it: ' .!to ~equiJe t~: Ilibifaceept t.he .opport:o'tiity extend~ ~. tb.· Ci~8 Bank, throul'h the ....ediu·m of '~eir sa,,{ap Department '1Vlim tW IImallest depoSit '- ~pted alatt interest' .t . the rat~ of 3' per'i~ and' ('om~u ...ded 'se'mtannually.



in !leep sympathy for their douhle bereavement. •

o'cJook, al80 sea:vloes ID the ' - -. noon (oDd evening. The 'pUbliC' are . We are utili ~ying . oord~ally Invited to attend. per doz.en f()regp . Ur. W. D. Parr will lll''fe·.oharge olll!.Isted by the Pastor W. M. Pilt ' D ' ... nd ot.bbr mniistel'll. • ,. . .







10 ~


!4ahlon Ridge receh' 'l'bnreday Ilnnoun~t u/C Db!! delith oe, ber ~rotber In 1.llw. C;lftils· topJier Illark. ot . WllllhiDgton, Helghta Wednesda.y, Jun~ 21l lit;: Clark ' bad been In robust be~1th uotil. ·few q ,I ,before hili dlllltb, wllen he wal tRrloken with palalyal8. lind Mnlt rapidly to the en~ . .~ , . Tbe ~UDer!l1 WIlS' held at MIlln,l. vOle B:Btnrd.y,. JUlle »11, aud Inter. mont W88 made a& Mtlfnrd . 1'he deoealied waa father of '&lIss Li.zaie. Clark ' .WbO II ' well know~ in Waynetvllle, ~vlnl frequently visited her aUD$, !Ill'll . "Idle. and bel' ,fatber's deMh .ooourre!l j.s~ two weeka atter tha' of iJill wife; The friondl ot MI .. Clark lind tbe' other membttrs of ,be fumlly unite


$ $







ChulC~~ted,t MUnday SprlDg V Illey will Joly ' 7tb at

ed the day'slk'rvloe.

Subsorlptionll rPO ' for aU lhe lead ' J~g mngAzhll88. aod newspapers, 'at the Huzatte ('mee ' Nota -We will .lJun8.tlpation. Non-ae.utent 01 tbe " Count" ot Fe-r olitlpatlon is not hing TUpet tbe prlce!l ndve~ti~ by IIny . Time and ~Iaee ot Meetin.. of qolte 80 oloe 1111 ChAmborlllln '~ reputll bl!' I!ublooriptlon Ittfenoy. , Vlewel'll aad 8u~yey.orr /::Itomaoh aDd Liver Tliblets. ']'b ilY alwav's prodo06 II ' plPRI<IlUf move o}'o laaac Complor. a na Jillla 0. flalnes ynu ment of the bo\vplll w"!thOllt IiUy are bere by Ilotlllod Ihal a ' paLi llon !!la ne<! A \Vonderhll Buppenlng. dllll\~tliellble eff,'ct I'rioe, 25 CMts F ....ok SGallley aDd Qthers. "'"K presenl:ed P ort Byro·o t N. ~ 1:1811 witnessed tbe COUDty Comml!l8lon';r. 8amplea free. Snhl hy J E County. Oblo. a t tbelr ",ec1.\ng beld on JaDuey. " " on,' of 'tnOlt remarkable OU~RH IIrat day 01 J~ly. "100.7. pra ylr', ' {or !lie of bell ling e~rer . recorded. Ahna F , la yl8, .out . nnO enabllablnll of a Coun If Kin K, ofthll.t" ptllce 8ays: "Buok road , ol1'\IIe .lollo·"lnll IIn ~ 1011' 11. • . ~ lnoJn, at· ;I polnl 10 Cll nby town and len's Arni04 SuI'f8'onred a sore (;n Sprtoli'VaU"y pllU: nnll in tbo dlvl810n lin e my 'Iell: wlt h whlob I bad 8n1fared, between L 'Com llu>n a'lId .;, o. aUlD".' over. 80 :\tt!a"I<. ; I am now aiRbtv In SUr,..YIl !!:IK:l., ' and ' " .. !} fi ve." ~u€iranteed tu oure ' ttll Wltb-Cll" lrIflOM lines aloo wll/l Frank StaDk!)' ~nd J • • 1. Cook 'a th e sortl", by li'. 0. dohwlirtz, Uruggist' ... me-i>!" .llhe .uutb Hn\lll or Sun'.y 688 260 . In a norlll.enerl, 4l~eollon and In tbe . ..m" course until 1l.IDtArROCtli tbU .propollOd a lter· In . WI! WIIJIOrI rOlul In J. M. UOOk's Will 'be ' .headquartera for , and . tb6re liDding It IHl ln/L" II d lHl a nce ....-.. ~ J " . " t:w • of 2:,W rod. aiore or leu. the Famous' Paris

Lanll . Owners,



, . $





Gig~riti~ .

. W.,nea~Ue relatives hllve re oel'f.e4 word 01 the d811th of Elwood Oba&!\er, wbich. OOOiuTed >ltlverlll . . . . qO in K:ansu Oity . Mr . ~dJ' Illwl ,b een In falllug boolt>l.l ~ IIOiD8 .nd r808ntly went to . ~uma III the hope of bene,fin·


I'or rent- iWlll1tl .. I C. M. Robltler have O. L. Rtcke. . . _ -.- - - - I'IltturdllY June ~, 1907 ' 0 ti l' of tbe oommuDity In . Little Mi .. HtdeD Ma.,I.U I. mak. '1 Bllporteil for Ihe aa.._ b, Obar· 10\\ Ihtlmllenc or I,bl! Wurnn l'o. tl ... litllltb "t' ttwlr JUfant daug!lter 'l'be local ohapter of tne EuterD Inll " vil lt witb · 141'11. A, E Weller lea E . MJoh!De... Oblerve.. for U. P()tllODIl Urnn" mot, with I1rllllgtl 111 ( W tlneulllY . 8lar beld an hnpl'88lllve Memorial near CenterVille ' /8 . Weatbctr Bureau: , 111 '. 13 I\t their roouis Iu the 1, O. 'l'be folll\\\t.llg t-rit.ute \VIUI read sl!rvlce at ItI! lodge rOOIDI! tlllnday l'bd . : The weatber rel1lDiued very C!OOl . O. .I!'. huihllng. Eaob gra nge in by Rev. PhtJlp Tront Ilt t ho -funer. 1o.ft~moon. . MI. NlIva Haywo of Dllyton durlDg the flnt half of tbe mon*ll, Thi. waB . the first tlervloe of tbe III h : r', fnand MIs8 BWI8n b ' I nR sever.. I d agrees 'below tb • th oouoty b(.tug rejlrtls nted. He. III .I!'mday m orning. WrtvlslttDY ht W rt I:!howtld 11 guod InoreclijO ttl MILl·Y. Louise Robitzer , the little ki nd h e Id by ~hls ordtlr IIlnoe it g normlll, bot the Jllllt balf baa beaD mllulberllbljl iu tJJtI oo unt., . daugbter of 'harles M. nnd Pearl was IQlItituted and for thllt, rea llon &rnhart 'l! t:thoe Store will llfI muoh warmer, more . lUte June 'J'hlll Imnaidltt.all wl!re iUlltruor.ed " r Rohit;, Wil t! born In Waynes. 1111 tbe more Impresllve . olosed all day libll Foorth Ilf ,July. ,01lgM to be. Tbo wflrmes' temper. , iu t.lle lessQl11l llud mytltlJri'8 01 ttl vii Ip., 'Ohl o, April 22, H106, aud At the s llme bour the servioe WI\! Prizee as advertised for W~vnell. atore for the month wu 86° wblch FIfth Degr .. e IIfler whloh II regul"r pu!!!!ed from this Iii!;! .Inne ;l6, 11l07, being held here every ot'b er Chap . ville's Fourth of .Iuly will bl;! "wart!. wall recordell 01, 'be 22DlI Tbe Warren l,;o Grllnge dinner wus at the briet of 1 yellr. 2.months. tElr ID Ohio Was holding similar ed o.l the Ball Park 't'lJnrsdllY coldest w" s 4.. on the 3rd "nid 6th. served . .. dllYs. services. . noon . The r.lnf.lI amoDuted to i\ t. 1.:10 %ll,e k the meeting · wus ~ho wus oousoora t d In Holy In .. ddUiOll to the members of Ihe Grover Meredith , representing Incbe8 whioh Is a Ifttle below 'be agllin ca lled urder lIy tbe Wor. BIl"ti~m, MondllY evtlnlng June 2". I\:Il~terD Star the m~jorlty of the the AmerioaD Tobaooo Co. 18 enjoy. Ilverlille for June whlob. ill •.115 thy MUllter '1l<ter Duubuw . . Tll\l~ ou tile eve of her depllrture memberB of the Mallonio lodge were ing a vaolLtlon lit tlis heme bere. Inohes. Duriog t b I tare Ill)Ur. Iwhioh lib Willi lovi ngly given by ber pltr presen t . Fltrmers': Sllve YOI11: nllIDP lind •• >VU II open tn \J rllODtI nut memberll nts tI!l t o the Lord In Sliored 1'rURt. A quvtet consi8tlng of Mellllra. rural route print.ed on YOOT stutlon Resolution by • . I U ' '" ad B " F ' 8 Fa e ry . The GllzeU will do it for • of tUh.rll llgtl,ml\ny of tbe l epre. How shor t ber ably amld the rr eUueraob,.. rr, F. B. y . 1i neatly and obeaply. I WyomlnK Loella Bentut!V!;! busine~>I veopl" ,of the soenes of ellrtb . Sherwood ADd Prof. Wilson. fur· town lIud comlllQ.l'1lty were pr68ent. I,ittlo \:In:ry WIl.8 II most delight. Diabed musio.. Resolved ,bat WyoDi1D1J ·Lodle I'RO GRAM ful ohlld . i,weet of disposition aud T.hroo memba,. of 'tbe order, Dr. A Memora,ble Dfty' Nt) . 1021. O . O. F. enend thetr lin· Waynesville GrUDge spirit ber flilce Wll8 like a beautiful S. J . .Way, Wmiam Jones Ilnd U. One of Ihe days we rem be oere sympathr to Rtluitlltioll Luoiie ~meli t\ower lIis peDsl ng fl'llgranoe IIDd D. Rader blive p,,~ed aWQY and with pleaHure, .88 well all wit.b.e~Ofl~ H. Farr 0 aooount of the death of MUlde Ednll ~uook good obeer 1~1l around Irlbutes to() t.helr memory were read to our ~ealtb, IS t~ one o~ whioh bill fatber. Allure:!1I 'olre:t Legililltiou A brlgb t Iiit i le light 'b llS gone out Dt Way by Mrs J 'I.' Ellis !~ KWf ' b,eoaNme L" cqua nted with Dr. Ree,olved: That we send .. OOPY , tl ro b tb I t "I d D . ' M ' ... , ug B ew Ifb PUle. the palDt-s f thl t'o b tb pe ' d 1.0 "b I ug . U n Il . Vtl ~ n . ... iar. of th bO.IIEI, to ahine in that bright. .r . Jonrs by Warren Keys and to purifler& tbllt oore helld80he ~d a 1\ c ~ u, o , plio .D an " olld ulIl· Re,· . ~. . Bige low er lIud better Home Ilbove. She Mr. Rader by H. E Booth, blllot18ness, and keJP the bowels family of 'he deoeaeed. ' • 'lUuiuDlltl , lellves!Jeslde berparents and grand· J. E. JaDney 81so read a wemor. rijlbt. 260 at F. C. I:!ohwllrtz, Drug SlImuell!lmlth ! Commltt41 Wm. P . Zell Mr. Bi~elow uelivorod 11 gr~a.t Jlortlntll ouo Uttle brjtber Frederick lal · of he Palt Grllnd Patron, af Store . lectllre w lolt WIIS Willi rtluUlved W . who will great,ly ml8s her morn· the order, tbe late John Blythe, • - • by his audience. ' Amo n!: oruer iug t;reettng anl ber evenln~ ki88. one of the most aotna workers tbe VIsit the l'taUonal • Prlze8 a8 adver&h,ed for Wayo .... tbingtl lui Iluld : BJlt.wbile we 1.I1oorn her 10811 we East-ern.8ta.r has ever bad , a jlroot Cash Register Co. ·vllle ·s Foortb of Joly Celebhltioa "In Ii representlltivtl republi c, hll vt! the l:le«Sed assurance 'that and a good man. A wl\l he awarded at Oalldale P.rk · . all b lls "one to be with him 'wbo The altar WIlS approprlfltely Pftrty of Waynet!vllle people during tbe afternNm . I1l\V8 lire DO t PlIsll8ll lJy ~l reC t vote .. 00 ti f M of tbe, JHlOpl~, bot ipdireut.1y t.hrough till Id, .. t;uffer t he little'oDes to'oome ortlted wltb fiowt\nI . nll18 Dg 0 n . W. tf. AllIIn, . • - • .' raprelleut.~Uvtill elect,eel by t,IIU piM. unto me fat' of IlUO" 18 the . klngdom After roll oili t he m emberll unit. Mra. E. V . Ba~nhlitt. Mrs. Geor~e Take the POlltmaBter 's WOld for ". ' pie. 'If HeaVeD". ed in repeating the Lord's Prayer. I W. Hawke, MIIII Mav Wr.lght, Min Mr, F. M, Hilmllto~, pQMtmll.tA!r , Mra J W Wi d I Emma B eighwhy lind Milllel! Dora. at Cheuyvale. Ind, keeps al.o Il • Modern oondltlou" hll"'e rllvcl\led . . . o.r reo ted ID a 'thy Cath n . dR .took ot gllneral merohandl8lt _nd Borne dangerous WllllkIlH""H>I or Ibe . most :lmpr88sive manner. BrYIlu's In ~nd ;tssn~ I\n o!!amond Ill4k. patent m'ldlolDea liIeuYII: "()hlm· repr esentative8Yfltelll. ~~""" ~ ThllnatuPilis. 119 DoDna IlDd Emm. lj'MlaiV'8 00110, l."boleffl anll D1~r, Direet legl lllRtion '11 urgad Oli fl, Rev. J, F. cadwallader delivered 'Baw~e H.p ent Jall~ Tbursday In .oilY· rboea Jlemeclv 18 "tan' lard lillre tn prot.ootion to reprl'lSentatlve .. ovthe Memorial addrelili In hill mllll~l ton Vl81tIDg t·be NtAtlonll\ CaRb Ri)g. itl'line It never flltlll to 'Rive 11Il" , ~ I I Ister Co. tbe 'Soldiers Bome Rnd b,fllot.lon Iintl Wl\ MJllrt h"MI, 1«0", erl'lIDBut. 'l'be ordtnt\ry wor k of lIMM~RMANS.... mprells ve manner. otber point'l! nf int.or8llt to bn withnut. It, " .,·'flr 11.. 1", by J. legisllJ.l.ion sbould be d~ne a>l . t . ~ MUldc /l.Dd oloslnR elCflrcl~e8 .e ut!, . . .,E . "anney. .. '

Pomona Orange.

/ ,


' . . '



-. ~igger.~·an(l'. · Bett~r


Dayto~/O, . . , . . .

The B.e st SUlIlm.e·r ISa!e ·We .. Evef.-:A.n,noti~p~d .' .' Tbl\ reaSODS folr it a~ 1:~!!1181 . OUr 'f!owtll Is~~tisknt :an'd II.llbl!tall'I~I. neOe~lt, ttlng biRger ~toou

, aDd · . larger acaonmeutlt. Nevel' ib our lung hlatory have we had 80 lal'le. 8tooll of merohaDdJae • .; SUIt tiow. 011 ac~unt of .be deotded ,ad vance tha pri08l Of. ..11. klD~ ot o.ri ·Gopds, this morohaodl~ 18 ,wor'b tDpre ~.Y whell t~ ~B bQqarht • . 11'b~ lellinR prlo~ Is b.aaI)4 only on the Ootlt of the arttole. tiot 'he prlOll &Od6,., 'Thla sale olren the olpp8rtllDit7, to boy from oar whole 8*\IQ1I M leu 'baD rePlar pri",: aud .of ttemll reo duoed WITBOUT RBGARD 1'0 COST. . ' . ~s .. onr 01Ultom, .e. . .•~,~ I~ . . ~ .1I~DI a.n~ ":'..tno&, . .



. ·E~ery'hing is ·Reduced .






Pennsylvania R. R. Not PERsnNAl AND LOCAL Promising Investment Opposing Township Interesting Local People






8 a~:;~~ e County Fair August 6, 7,

Th e Bllnel Concert IUld socii ilL giv- Misse Edith Ilnd Ettll Browning Miss Lana Myers Wa& in Dllyton 1\ Waynesville Dusincss Men Make en by the Lytle Clistle No. 122 K. and Miss Lydia Hedger "nd Mr. few days last week. . , Trip to Oakley Park, . indnG. E. Thnrsdsy evening, WIlS a suo· Co88ins Brownlni, of Dry Ridge, Ky. Earl Thompllon llpent Sunday. . FOR SALE _ Guod fllmily mare SuperlDtendent of Road SaYI Ile witb two m'onths old Purcell oolt. naU's Newest Subdivision . oeBi! both sociall, an(i fiJ1lLno\Illly. are visiting at the home of Mr. Ilnd With his mother here . Over four hundred people were on Mrs. J. N . Lemmon ." .. Miss COrti. Kerlley &ntertlllu~d . Knew Nothlns bf Injunction , S"it. at lier side. lnqulre at Gazette offloe , Mr. A. Lane ollme down from A nUUlbe~' of 100111 peo ple Ilre the grounal8, all tohe neig:hboring Mr. and Mrs. Roy Abbey, of IJhi- Mi88 Louise Probasco .laRa,· ,week. The Buperntenden,' of ~he Little Columbus Friday and spsnt a few very muoh inter~U\d at the pres towns were well represented. cago nr~ ' visiting their. Il~nt Mrs. Mrs. Russell Spencer and Mil . Clunles Spenoer 011.1100 on frlendll ' Mliunl Dhillon of the .t'ennsylvlI· days'wlth Mrs. Lane. who haR been ellt t ime In th e '))Jenjn~ of the The night WIlS an thll.t could be MaryWllterbouse and fllmlly . nla railroad at t.'it.Olnnll.tIID oonve~. tIle gqest of Mrs. James Kerriok . Oakley Piuk sub.div1ll10D on the desired . MlI.ny oompliments were Mr. Wm . .NeC1r~ of Harveysburg and relatives Ilere on, ThumlltY Let ever Methodist IImUe and edge uf t,he oity of Cincinnati. heard ~n the mUBlo furlilshed by s~nt Thur~day With his nleoo Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wiebkl~g have (I,. sation wltb a wellllnown Waynesville b1lllines8 man last Thursday y 'l11f.l lots u£ on the site 6f the the SprlDg Valley Band . About 35 ,AlIoe Mo K1D8ey. turned to Clnoinnatl after spendiu K' lltated thilt the Company ~~9h/~r ~n:v~~nt ~IlY, August !I\mou.s Ollkiev Park lind rnce track glil\ons of oream wall sold, toge'ther Mrs. BJpe Stiles ent.erta.lned Mrs. a few day8 with Dr. and Mrs. E . .P. abllolutely not4lng, of 1\ lIult having n, a Ie , ' Inr~~ Trout lilld thiti Is the only reason the land with oth er good' things in propor- Mrs. Maud Smith of ~enia. and Krleghotf. . . ' been bronght In the name of 'the v. . t b 'It' Th tlon, the tot!l.l receipt. being abont Misses BeBi!le,. Mary, Edna and Kiz. Mr, Charlee HOllingsworth, of La. M Cb I Ed rd f was no UI over years ago. e . • 1 company to preveDt the trustees of rs, fl.r .e s wa 8, 0 nellr Pllrk lIli8 revently been abandoned sev enty fiV(3 dqlla'rs . zte Elam of t:!~r1Dg Valley 'Ihars /:Jalle, lUnois, Is vislth'grelativ68 in WaynetowDlhlpfrom IssulnabCJnds franklin, VISited hel' parents. Mr. fOr limnsement putposes and tht' Mr. Harri,son ' M0 t1 nrd yo'f ",0 ,. Ium- dll,y . . this violnity . .. to ' build a town8hip houlle. Be and Mrs. Chllrles H, tlberwood, oDe ('.Iian .Brown ReiLl Estate Co. of Oin. bus, Obio, iis visiting Mrs. Kate Mrs. B . E. Booth spent last week. l4ills Edna. tlpenoer entert.alned a turther s'tated that U Wild not the day last week. . olnnati. secured tbe lllnd and at Johns and relatives of thi8 plnce. ' with relatives In MUDCill, Ind. number of hel,' friends at a danoR • policy of the' Company to oppose Mr, Clyde Coleman and familY1 of once arranged to offer it to the Mr. Everlltt Early and lady friend ( .Mi881dyrtle Bil!hop s~nt Sunday , ~aturday !,'venlng. Those presen~ publlo Improvements and that they Ciuolnnll.ti, are enjoying a week of publio for residence and manufaot. of this plaoe spent Sunday evening wlt·h Mia!! Relen and Ethel Baines. from $ distance were the Miuel EIwould Dot oppose this. the heate d term with their parents, tiring ur oses. at Uhl\ut8.u( aa. Mr8 ~ennle MarBhalhnd little son 1& Simpson, of Foster. Alice al!d PleeeDt indicatioDB ure thut the • P P . I of Cinolnnatl v.lslted Mr. and Mrs. Nina Neumann of Mlamlabnl'g, rs . Cbas. Hough lind W. Biggs, Sunday. 6gbt to prevent WaYDe townahlp Mr. /lnd Mrs, .J. B. tJolemaD. th M~ltl . ~. HOPkg:,s ~epre::an$l~g Mr. and ;MM · Helen Ulum, Katherine VI' .11. from bnilding a tOYinllhlp lionse Stanley M. Sellars, of Colnmbus, WIi en' r~wn . d liB n n son visited r. R-nd Mrs. J . W· Mrs. Cooper and little d'lughter Margtl.erlte Monfort 'and .A I 11110 will fOQn oome to an end, the was In Waynesville one day IRst lIynesVl 11e or some liys and llist Wlird, ':lun~lay. . of Kings Mills Visited Miu Kathryn TbompeoD' of Lebano~ and M'lItill~1I l'8DQ8ylvaDia railroad Uompany week and Will! aooompauled home bv Thursday Wli8 llC~ompanled to, Mr. and Mra. Albert StliOY and and Laura Werntz Sunrlay. Earl Thompson at· Da;ton Morri~ h.vtnc annonDced that It will not hla little niece, MI88 Helen Haw- Oa.kley by the follOWlnl gentlemen, fa.mily visit;ed lierfather Mr. Ohlls .1 Mr., Robert Shidaker was 80 BtIr- Monroe aDd Lee Bone of Lebanon oppoee tta. Improvement. kiDS. who 88 gueste of the ~mpany Illarnha·rt of! Pekin. ' veysburg visitor 'I'hunday evening. ' . viewed t ll'l new ,sub diviSIOn and M u_ · k . The speed ring will be &great . The hi.tury of the CODtest to pre. Aa ullnal, the raoos wiJ1 be & prom I tl n te tao d r . ..... rlllD tJlar returned home Sp,rlng . boro. at~ractlon at the UreeDe cOnnly . inent feature of the Greene County wl;l re p l~b!!lln tYlet r IDe ID every from tbe world'lI Fair at James. vent tbill iblprovement being con· wily . eve ore were : Meurs. Fair Ltber I par-- to.. e .. _'umaMd ia famtliar'k)1'eadel'l! of the Fair, aDd 12800 In panel! have been, E J N L B II L town giving li very good report. . u ~...,.v.-o 't u. . "nney. . . eroy offered,. and great Interest will oen · a ...ttelUld it II no' D80IIIIIIary to go offered in the dUJ"rent entries. lIe IronB, Ed Maoy ond Israel Wright. Mlu Lelil1 ·Brown of Dayton is 'Mrs. Adams, of Kentuoky, Iii here ter In that pal t of the Fair pound•. over tbe des-UII bere. 'air begiDB AUgUBt 6 and continues rhe party WUH entertained Ilt din. spendl~g a few day s with her . folks Visiting ~er aunts Mrs. Georgia •• i A lult I. DO~ peDdlng,ln ~e oU'- untU th~ 9th. InolDBlve. ner at, the BUS\Dl'SS Mtm'8 C1nb and here. HlilneB and Mrs. Sallle Pence.- . Pleasant · Ridge. ' coon brougM by Attorney Mr. and ·Mrs. BomphrllY, of Rut· then' taken out tu. Otlkley. Invery Ka~ler Unbam hilS giviln up his The Woman's Home. Missionary DarlinltDD. of Xenia, olatmiDg to land~ Melge oounty. have belln for courte8Y wauhown the visitors &Dd job Ilt the' ~law mill 'on account of &lclety gave a.tblmble bee at the Mil!: Sallie Bllthaway from InrepreaeD' 'he, PeDnsylvania raU, a week the guests of' their friends. they were gl veo every opportunity poor health. Inquire or write for home of Mrs B. D. Kelllaon .TuBlJ· diana Is visiting her alaterl llri. road oOJDpany. varlou8 oitlzenll of Rev. and Mrs. Willi. O'NetllI, of to iDvestigate the facts oonnectod further ordflrs, BODle pbone num . w.y afternoon. Quite ~ number of Barry Stokes and MIB Amoe MenLySle and other pam;of the town. Eaat Wayne township. with the llind. bel' 25. members and several visitors ~ere denhall. , ahip, reqoeetlog tlie Oourt to eItjoln Mr. and Mrs, Louis Vinceut reo All. of the members of the WIl'y· M~. and , Mrs. J. B. Jonea, Mr. present. 100 cl'tl8m ana oaks were Mr. ~nd Mn!. Ch&li. qray lind. ' t/ 'be'rnsteea of the towDBhlP 'from turned to their home In Hayton nesvlUe party who were seen by the and Mrs. AllIeu Emrlok atid Mra, ,0 . ser~OO M refr8lJhlDllnts. . daogbttlrs ·were IIhopDlng 1n ~t.. •• t..oing 118000 wortb of bonds to the first of thiB week after Mvlng Uazette were entb1llliastic over the E. Johns atteu'ded Quater meeting Airs. Barl"i~~n i.e entertaining her DOD Sa&urday. build a k)wn8hlp·house. ' apent several weeki! at. their oountry treatment Ilcoorded them ,b y the at Ridgeville, tlunday. , sisler from' Mr. Ernes& Butterworth, wlfeaad Many ol~ of tbe towntlhip reeldence here with Mr. anll Mrs. oomPany. Mr , and Mrs. Barry MCGinn,sl Willi_pI I Allen'. loat a valnable lion attended t.he Bnrnett ReunioD SODday. fela'bM&bef1anaylvania railroad James Kel'rlok . Mr. J. E. JaDney spOKe of the and daoghter Len", visited Mr. ldrlvinghorsetbe 'putweek. CODaPU17 dlc(,:DO' understand 't be Dr. andMia . T. 1. WilY. of Oinoln- way in whfoh the lllnd USB, almost CIIft'MaxwoU, SUDday. · Charles . Wright .and famUy who Mr. Qeorge 8m"b .pen$ lalis at,utloD .. It t.i bue and so the F ida With Wa perfectly level. making It extremely , have '-n vi.Bltlng ·t heir parente' Mr. urday Dlghtaad ~oDd.:r with Ow. Dlltl, spent laet r y y'. . jll.nd Mra Jeese Wright returned Gray an.d fa~ny. . fa. ooDDeouci- wlab tbe oue were oesv1lle friend~ and from bere went deslra ble for bUllding·,pnrpoees. He . • ' . . loHan k)K9thl!r and BiPed by a l i M d M. A,l was also impreseed by the number Mount ~olly home WednPBday aflernoon. ' ir tdbes rei at ves, R~'J 11~' II re' D - of mUftufaoturlng establlshmpnts Millll dHazel Penoe of near .Leba· New Burlington. IDem ...... of reputable OltizeDII aDd f re wa D, near ,age.1 e. r. .... h . MI Do B linel Wrilht .w ent to Oi.noiDDati and Mra. Way have recent,ly beiJun within a Ilbort di8tanoe, In addi. Mr. Chal'ley Myers and famtly no~ an er con.81D Sll ra ~r. 'olllk!rvtew ·the SuperD~DdeDt of keeping houae on WalDut: HtI~sl&fter tlon. work Is now under way on spent· ~undny i~ Oenterville. ton neal' Sarrlson, O.,caU,d OD "rtl.. , EIDIer JODes of 'XenIa: i. ~ltltlng tber0a4. 'having boarded for ' several years sev~ral ne", faotorie. whioh will Mr. Fran lll: VaDlban and wlteand Will Earley. Tuesday eveninK·· at .the home of . 'btl -aDdfalber. u W Mtu E1Ble and Frl1uC88 Bml&h and ... _r. rilh, w.. moat oonrleoUII- and are enjoying themselves acoord. employ a luge Dumber of persoDa sister Anna. of Centerville,. spent Rlohard Jon89. , U reoe1'ft1d ~d &he ~ope1'iD&aDden' Ingly. IUld there w~ll naturally be a ht'avy Wednll8day wit,h their ' br~ther Mr. ~rother Loult! gave a party at their MIM P'loraBarlan Is vlliUna ~&h . .~ that Atk)rney Darlington . , , delDand for lots. Joseph Vaughnn, Mr. and ~rs. uncle Bltrry Smith west of ~wn, frieDtillinCeDtervi1JeaDdPlalDleJd, ad no' OODlulted them ID brlD~ Mrs. John Fromm and Interest· Leroy Irons who Ms hlld cOD sid- Vaughan rElturrred home bu' MI88 Monday I1venlng In honor of MiA Ind. . ' .' Quarlerly ..eetlng at ,be K. Il. e uta and 'bey would ma~e an' Ing ·lU.tle da~ghter, Margaret, ' of £rable exp ' rie~ce' in the real estate Anna remaIned here for ~ few daYB. Edna Morgan. iDuDecUate invNtlptloU;of ,be caae Dayton, arrived Friday morning business aDd Is therefor ID a .posI- M I Ba .d f Be11 Samuel Bangbam 'made a bnsi- ohurob on Sonday WU aHended by Be .Ued Mr WrI'"b". atsentlo~ for a visit of a few days, .with her ,&ion t.o J'udge of land valul"8 was b ~. BlAt frner d 0 nlaeatr ~ D888 trill 'to Spring Vaney Wednes· '" . t 'M nd Mrs J C Hawke ' rco.. spen a ew ays s ' wee. d a larie:lludienoe. to abe Dumerons expen.lve tillpro. paren ,8, r. II. . .. • very optomlstic regardiog the with her mother. Mrs. Ellen Mar. ay. . . Misl88 Elizabeth and 10jl8pblne .emeo••he I!ompany is n,)w male. The Literary Boolety which was fQ~ure of tbe sub-division, when latt. . . Mi88 l~ene BOylet! ea!lt of tow~ Reeves Nel.lie Muiner:are attending ill. at CorWin aDd lIaid It was not to bave beeD held ID July hall been seen by the Gazette Mr [rons . . , . entertalDed MI1I8 Hazel Penoe ..nd Miami Valley Cha~tauqua. and woul" · Dot 'hel~ poUny ·t o postponed until Augnst, un acooopt ' 'atten~lon to the ' fact :hat t'he Mr. Tom Di~1 and family enter. Dora BurtqD several days lilst wee.k. ~ . " to Th 1 ddt ,. • .t8.lned Mrs. Dill's sister aDd hns· bI Er t A bd d . t 'l'he engagement of MI .. Sara Mo ataiODlze pobho Improve~ente. o . Chao uqloll. ;p ae:; ~ 11 ~ Oakley Park land is the only avail· band ' Mr . aDd Mrs. Laoy Craig of Eth r ~es . rO ty e:o~a~ 81S er Kay to Barley H. Smith of Dayton WI&bout th ... aill of the ~llroad It will appear ..ter. ern · n er,sec. building land . iu that Deigh- DeAr XeDiatiuDday If led ~:: ~r . I e r ~oung has buen annouDoed. ' 11 baldly probable' tlrOBe who are ,. lfreeDe CoODty Fair. AUi1lllt 6, 7, borhood. Th$t the monufaoturiDg . r en s at! &yeven ng. ames Will Reeves IB speDdiDg a few op~ to the f.ownahtp building 8 and 9. Everybody Ihould go, elltabUshments whloh are now 10 The Sabbath ach001 cla88 No.2 will and dancing, were indulged In untU weeb with his pa~entl A. W. ' will ooDUDue tbe fiKb' I\nd I' way whether they have attended any of eating there woold employ a num. give a. s00la1 in front of the ohurch a late hour and Ice oream. oake and Reeves and wife. be poaalble '0 II1&ke a lIt&rt aD the the ()hautauquaB or nO," It wlll be ber of persons and that in hi!! opln ~tnrday evening June 27, let every lemonade were served all rl!tresh-. Trevor·O. Haydock filled aD en. butldlq before .cold weather Meta a rest w body and mind, and you the demand for the lots wonld body atte~d thlB social and h!3lp the me.ta. gagement wUh the ~prtng Valley ill, will ",110 have aD opportUDIty them to double in value with girls all they osn . Mr. t,'iok started to thl,'eah with baDd at Lytle on 'l'huradAy ennlng. mlK\tlng old aoquaintanoes. betld~ In a year, . Mrs. Jusiah Davia !tp8l;lt Friday hia Dew mac~IDe this week. ,Rev: O. M. Sellarll and t,.mll, of farmlni new ones.' . The Oakley Park sub divil!lon Is with he,r ~iElter, ~. A. Ga,lte, of near Qnt&a 'a goqd ma~~. ,vent ~br!lugh Daywn SlH!D't ""~ortton ;),f iut weet·.· • - • Prof. H. j t th f H d P k ' " Xenia.. here thli week to the', Miami Valley ~ith relaUvea here. ' '. . MrB Whitier Burnettt and ,Obi us Dor o. y e Ilr, one 0 I · '. Cb.II.·titauqua , ~ . to be Married. of V"Ddalia came 'd own to Waynes the most beaotfful of Cinolnl1uti's Mr•. Fr~IlIk Dill, of near Xenia, . The D6U.a Alp.~&.~la.i. was · pleaa· .' , Mr. and ·Mr~. Arthur Easton are antly en&artalned at " b"hpme 0,• ·,· ville '..WedDeedI\y and were joined soburl!s. It is just east of tbe pro- s~~ut..,"'uu'd ay w Ith hi a , d aug. b.... ...r . eDtertalniDg their aOD Ernest from... (~ U'_ P . wm ,wed Ilater of Prof. C. 'E. 8att1rday evening by, M~.' ~i ve 0 Ity 0 f N OI,':W()()(1 an d. near MI'tI. Ora Marlatt . CleVllland. . ....., hereon ~eeda1 atBra~t~D 'J~IY 31. .. att.endiDi tb& family reunion Snn the. gigaDtio plant of ,t b e , famoos LstittaV:augbaD ,spent Sunl;1ay Mrs. A. P . Groby - east of WW11 &arnoon of la!lt 'w~k ) . ' day. On her way 'downfrom D~yton Onlte!1' Statell ~hi';,:ing Card Co. ' witbElla Maud Da~ls. 'ha~'tieeD ' rea) sick. with e'r ysipelaa .: Waynenille 'frlendl,hf\ve reoelv. allUl' 0It!6 of MraBurne"'/J-' w~icb One section o~ .the .sob·divlsion The Wednesday. night . prayer. tbe" P88t 't~') weeks. . e man • . ell In9ltatlQnl to tbe weddlDg" of was placed by 'a I!ondnot,o.r ~n the has bee~ (let B8lde exoluslvely for meeting W8'l led by ·Mrl.Tom Dill, 'U r . and Mrll .. B'oward "'.rly"'1II: ,..~ establi8hment.t the . ..... -. Mr8. Slime Hathavray' of Indiana Prof• . Cbar1es B . Carey. of ~~ew platform of the 9!lr tell off .~d waB . , . ' . t~e atten!lanoe wall Dot'as large as Ited'. ~enla. ~tld Clift~)n Falla 111. ' , . Vienna, PJllnoipal;of tho Way nee- 108t The Oase ooDtained a Dumber of power for,all of them to be supplied oon:amon. bEling only about twenty ~belr auto the pas. ~ wee , k. . and ·M...·• Mollfe Stot,at! of WayoN· ~m. Blah BohOol, anll MIM ~lllrenoe valuable artiol", aDd Mr O. J. Bur. from ~ne oentr~l .ele,otrIo stll.t.ion. present.. ' , . ' " , ." .vil1~ S~Dt Frid~y and .I:Iatu~,y ' Bn'leII~ of Betbel, ~o, . a IIlaterof nett went- 'to DaytOD Frldl!oy and ~OIDg ,a.way 8nth'ely w,lthth,e Ella Maulil Da~ls haB returned' .. ~s; EI~~rl ,Grtaham:p.l~h~lndterl'&hllna· ~I~h re)ativl!8 here.. , : . (.' , II' B "t.. S n4 i &a d ilt f -"'ed,l ' I It th ... tl Dulsance whloh la suob a . se'" _ , ". lUg , er ooos n rom ' .. a e p . Mrs. Mllud Cleaver and d.Dlb$8r ; 0 80008".. n rt'o~ver Dg , ,e !l.r . .' . . from a tw weekI! ' visit with 'bJr 'Ui' a . . . . . ;.rtha .....ence Is uite ' rl . , 0 .... .~. _n, u~r n n .e oor toc.l achool•. ~ :rhe marriage 'ole baving been found and left rioUB problem in our l~rge.clt.Ie8 ; . M '" R .: ' , ... a . r ., _q poo . y . AubreY w.ere D~y.ton · visltorl'from ~11 ""e lice Jol; lilBt. police st.atlon for idonttftoation. o..kle, Park oaD be J:eaol1ed fro~ oo,ua~n, illl! , u~1i . ~g~1 of Dear . Rev,•. ~t1De prl;laobed at 'he U. .8. Friday .uDtll ,S,n nday . .: . ' ..... _ p " . ...__ . , . .' (,'inolnnati by ' three "dltfelent 'oar ,Xenia.. Sbe repo~ts havlDg a fine, churo\! ~unday morning al,t er If :va· 'F . A. Hartsook aDd ,family J. , A. ' , ...... yoong q8up.e ....., aD , Mr 'nnd 'Mrs. Carl .Dnke had · r time 'f ' . ' " .; -. ' ., . f h -'"' ' ·th II' IiDeS at dve cents Ii trip, and two . oa.tion 0 . ~oQr· wee"s. .' BurneU and ,wlfe a~teltd8\l &he ' BUr., q .wnted whill! "iltqdents , ut the I ' w:':''';';;. 'u i ·' It ' ' dth ' fi d p~IUIIlI'eO _Y~ngall ~ mo;ellne8areUlider oonslderation'. ~-' ' Samuel 'HaiDes ·andwlf~~islt~ · nett. reunioo' DearWaYDesvU1eaon- ·" n v~~ ~ an I Ie :..w~\ . , lut Sunday a' ~.--.~ ed Purchniers of .16tll have the privi· rTellry" 'W-hl'~e Bl~t''r',' oc ' " u ' te'.d · • tlieirllon Gn\Uamil" In,Dayton.Sun'. ~ay. " . ' . , .' - , _p -,l'urm lol1'e 00 m nal""" n, trY home on the upper . r ' · n ~ da ' .. , . .,. . , eD . .gem~tl~ . .~ . ., Ite ' rt of ~Jiel1' lege o~ ret.a luiDi 'tOO ' of "the pur ' . ' : .. . ~ . . y,;,. , ' .. ,' . , ll.ey. and ~rs. f>'N~1 ~ve . beoeD \ ___ 01 ma' Ire th'e ir home a' t ' p "pa. Y. . . . delia,", price ot the lots as lIurety . Henry White the negro elayer of '. Rev . ~romm 18 &till Im.provmg: eDlertaining their (rltInda. M1', and ,:w ., . fdondl. TheJCueetawe~: <&D • , ' '" , ' . V 'I ' fU . tH .." , Iil 'd lot · t~e Oaklev Park Company:wUl Marsbal , l3uor~, of ~nkliD. ~all ..M~.ADna ~ ker a. ncl,nna • Mrs.. Bum~hr.~!1 ol,Atb.elll; Ceun.' y - ~ • Wa)'llellvll1ednrlDg the.ohool'term. lot Fl 'll A 'd I ' ," , . . '. I' r:~.. ;;'Yr ~.: on'd.' ~ aD Be rs. p~t in itreet, ' 8ewer . and· sldew~11i electrooute~1 In' the- Oldo 'priion a~. vl,~IMng MIB8 ,Irene Bovlee ~s' of f~rll8veral days. . ; ':', ' " ,. ,.,' . \ ' " S' ~ r !D, r · aD . wrsl' rillde hnp'ro:veme~tB. .' .. . E'" ' . ; , ' nex Friday 'm ornIng J~IY ' ,19 ibort.' to.wn. ",' \., ., Mr. anci'Mn. ·Gao. ' Da,m aPd Mr :~ ...:. .a tti' M KI bl~er _IMee Lo nlae - i IOD an . -' , ' . , , " '. , ·'....i D __ I D __ A ' • C te ' III '. .' .' ..,, __ ~ ., , r , • e . n,·ne c nlleY' - . ' .' ., 'Oie 'taotorlee in ,.thesubdivislon Iy' arter mhlnigb' 'Be ' w" '"'veD _M .........e~er ~. :. en n .e aDdMra. £IDee' 1IIIUUI000 ..we,elbe L . H II'1'.... DaillyJAveoy M.-r. ClydeLeveoy . "_ . e' .... . . . ... . Will E -I ' " ' , "". '. ' Entertains. , " employ 6000 people aDd repre. three Bbooke but waB -unQOnaclQUf VISl!ed. -~. aDd ~rs. , . ., 'Y gtUItIH, ~UDdaY,Ot Mn; ' ~ Da~ " ~i ' tH·I~ ~W~D.~ 4Th.}lW&8 L . sent'an Inve.$m.entof three [JIiIliona after~the drBt, .'.' .' Sun!lay and Monday. ot Wayn,eevll~. · ,,' . t " !~ n 1111•••0 ..r., an ' BlfS. D , Jl&8 '.'" A~ effort waamade by ·Whi&a·s • Mr ....dYrL W.HerTlb~~' , ..... itelineSta xO Klntey ea&ar. ,thel, preeen,t h~me and ~y , of ~lla~. . . ' '; . , .' aeonre ·~oolhmuta.. . ·Marrled. , . ~'un1aY:,aD"Suncta1 ·;n. abe 1•• _ .....___ " del btlal tea Taeeda.v dellghW with , ahe ", Al~OIether, Oakley Park lote ~oo~ but G~venior Bar· ,. ..,. . . , . ... te ~v_ .....:. ..... r i l. ...... __ _ \ _ a. a W " . , Uk' i\1ly good 0PP ~Qnlt1 rt 'i .' th' " , ' I&4!I" , IIID I' • .- - - 'UI..-.-....... tbe foJlo"lDg y,oDng f~t.. and ,tbe ~t waa a great p1euure e an IIODIU . . 0':, ' any. . pa , n .e VerDon ~m~p an~ .~~ ChArlo'. aDd famii:i of, .........a 01'.7. , .~, \0 II'" Stella Lem all. " ,' . ' '. ' fOl' aD ID't'~eD,'. man rem_iDad.ln. Ney{oomer" ·w ere; ,quletly '.matri~ . JIiI8 Ollie JloKIGDQ" or uUOa. p"', .II~JIl~IoD4.IldIUl GreeDe OouDty ia knOwn to •• k),'he ~,~ at. .8undaY '~\lrDiDKa'~~fDoOlboka' '~tedbJ.~'II.... qaIWl""'~, ~'.Il101ns· I. . . . J11i11!11..ycl.. U~, one or the rlob. . . . . .K.ID ~veniOD '0 the h~e.of &he brlcle 8 ~Uun-JD~ 8nDda1. I IIIIi I.JlIl ~ ol\i Jiurike,...... ' " , ~ llaw., .~~r and Mr....dlln. J"'aa ~ , . .. i , '-an , "KiDee, di,p,. of :~be.. · ~, of~!be t~ .8&u,D.lp'1M&r~le. ~)eft lien.; , ,Ev~~ .fOaI_~. Ba.ra. lUll Cerol;Fb nllU be OIl ohlblt.a.1be "lilob tJie ' ooaniJ; :ID 1o",~ da, e~.lDI for their hItIIte h~ ron. ,~ - ............ 0.11. . _ 'WUlba . .14., WIa' ..... '1. . oel1, Uat II8DODd ODe to DOrlberD IDellan.. We all jaba 10 &be at Ole .. . . of ........ ' wl.tDa ·Ol. . tbebellolftClOelLr.tD~apa• .' . Building







c.- Carey




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Till's mOHllng ., h EI Rllld left tb. hOllS a messeogor h llO COOle nnnll.lnc Ing tho coming o( Sam uel. I.h 1),1'1)(\11. ot or Isrllel,. to 11011i u snel'lflc nud BROWN &. McKAY, Publishers (ellst at B tII1 etwm. 1-1'~ mol her 11 "d OHIO. wBut t! him to ' remain. to the foast, bu t hLs older brolll J'S I\[ld oblected d c larlng that It was UJure IoIl JlOI-t,ant Al aa kl\'. Grow.lng Importance. STORY BY THE "HIGHWAY By Benjarn'i n F. Naph'e ys t.ltnl t he sh el) be l>ut out to Jln ~ tul·" . AND BYWAY" PR£o\\CHER' Wflb lb arrival at the lIeM n whon ond tbat any WilY . hI) was oot, o)~ traffic wIth that Quarter IS most 1l0il~b to , aha'l'o In B.uch 00cllslo1)S aCti\"o, tbe world ' Ie remInded tiuit ']'h ~rst tillS pt dlsll!)/lolutmelll \ 'oJ)yrllll'I, 1Y IlIti ly Slj"'~' ~'\lI}. co.) Alaska Is , 0 lIpylng .a \lrotty large ,,:hlch' e bnd felt had given lila e to The new day wi16 but a n hbu f old; bofor..,hnnd. Only let me got out 01 Ipace on tbe nUIl1 Bnd I's growing In Scripture Au;thorlty: - 1 Samuel, Il fMII g or 1.lgh l·bolll·tml glnd(l ss. a~ outs ide tbe' nigh t Will at Its bhlckcBt. h I'e. a nd g tout YOllrself. before It commercial Importahce. Within a few chapter 16. be l' 11 mberet! tbat ble was more at acd the elty was asleep.' 1'b sound or Is tOO lut ." '. days (ollr largo steamers have saJled hom e with . tbe Lord In t.h e fi elds aud water failing. drop ' by drOll" from . l.'nr '101llS time the burg lar made M (,mliJ's t ' bls sbeep thanl he was. upon liomewh r~)n an upper room. sound ed renly: then h uak d : (ranI Se!llUe, Wosh., for ·orno. carry· SERMONETTE. th e tormal occasion or worsl, lp; like t he bent of II ha mmer on all am'lI "How's' a .tbo\lSnnd, fe r de price Ing 1.667 11.1HBllngers and 7,600 tODS of As he itld b ls sbeep. chootll n g tb" through th 'dark and oth rwlse s ilent "AII right." , t relghL BlIt thl8 represents only part smootbest and cnslest palhs. aud nouse, 'fha tiny e lectric globes at the "I'm gain' to make a IIsht now. an of the buslneslI. Alaska ee rus to " How long wilt thqu moum wotc/lfng for the , eoole~l ••r.reenest' head and l)ottom of the Btalrs .hlld been unti e yer 1I1' IllS; but If' )'e b glvo Ille for Saul, leelng I ha ve rejected havo become a sort of outlying suburb Bpots to'r tbe sheep UI,J lIas t III·e . he e:<UnJ;'ulshed. und t be ba ll way wile. de doubl e CI'I}BS I'll gel yeh, If It's him from reigning over' ls rael ?" to our hustling western Paciflc coast thought at the Lord as his great shop· Inky IIlack. rueilist act. ndel's tand ?" -The prophet Samuel needed cW B. Th .Seottle Post· In telligenceI' ~erd I adioS' him, and Icarl og for him, In the arch at U clll'tainell dOO rway, . "Yes." to be arouled from hi' perlonal rePorts that tbe town and Its hotels And wIth the thou ght had como os w e UB thol gb choosing the 'darkest corner When l he man's hu nd~ grief and dleappo lntmellt to an a ro crowded with o\'ery class or men bllve !laid. a n hl'OX llrEllIsl ble t .!ne<' of of the glllom, two ligures we re stand. he got upon his teet. burglal appreC I;i'tlon of the larger pur. · and women who illim Alaska as thei r 'joy and gladness whlob be ' 1111 not lng, The rllce aut! !lauds of t he man gu thered UII a bag or tools aud hllntlea paIn and pla"a "of Go!!. Thele bome Or plactl of bUSiness. How ,the understalld hlruself.. He. knew ~hat ahow ed gray against U,e blaok evening It to him: arc never lim ited to the meaa. tide Is sweeping towllrd tbllt once un· the 'lIutnre abou.t blm s:lmk a {ull.ll1ar dress tllnt he wore. bu t the woman's . "Stick It und er ye l' cOll t; 1'1/ rnanng~ ure ' of ;a human life. One per:. la nguage to bls heart ollld tolt! him ot white gorme'u ts "ltUlned her l orto wliat IIttle .s wng I' ve got myself, Ii's known and ulIllppreclattld region Is .on to whom a work hall been the God wblah Israel worshl[l'i!d. l1e more plaln l)' agoln ·t tbe backgro und Lbo ba k wuy ou~, tbro ugh l he ' basil' thus Indlcoted : . "The array ' ranges mly fall , but there I. knew t bat he loved hi s sheep au d t'.o t if the curtain.' lUeut ",:Indow:' trom- the governor of tb e territory to alwaYI another to t.a~e up the as he ca l'ed for them he rounti lIe· "r, dure stay 'no longer," the mau 'ols I ssly the two SIlPP l;\d out 01 tuk and carry It to aucce ..ful the promot~r. thl) min er. th6 I rl\\lper IIgbt III thluk lug of GOd.'s·co re for hi m. whIspered. d r8wln~ . her to his 'm. (htl hall and ncrosll th e wid e dining· conclullon. There' II little profit ond even ihe 'm[ner poet: ProsperuuB He wondered now, as hll walked alon~. brace. 'O h. Clarice, dea r licn rt or ruo 1. When til y we re 10 the ·mld· In lingering over the anlp. members, ot the Wall street throng die of It. th Ililloe ivns lIudde nly fl ood· whelll r be was os w illing to trullt mine, good.lly-farew~II !" life. Rather, there ,II wrecked are among-lbe large assemblage going "Ob. Edwllrd, do not. go yet ." ~d, wi th li ght. and a low command God as bls sheep were wiling to 'trust need to lift the eye. ,In hope to 10 the far norUl to' io v stigale copper "You mllst not tempt me. d ar ; there I'ling Oll t: him, nnd whelher be W!18 lis willing to the future, that the one to whom and galt! properties, to start the coo' be obedIent to tbe Divine ,vtll as th ey Ie too much at s tuk e. Think what It "Hands Up:' God hal assigned the unfinished structlon ot rallrollds to tbe ('oal wou ld .meun to Y0 tl It. he sbould return They wh led, to conrl'ont two unl. were to obey his voice. task or tile vacant place may "No." be laid, suddenly rousing and I ' s hould be di scovere d hElre." form ed Olen. wbo bad oovered thl)lU fields, or to confer with commercial · be' dlacovered. Samu el wa. per· himself as his watch l'u l eye not ed The WOIllAn laugbed lightly Rnd with revol"er.9. . compltnies und er their control. Trap· · mlttlng the grief 'of hi. own tbat one of tbe yo un ~ El heel) had I' ok 'uuggled closer to blm. .. ow," Mltl oue office r to th~ otb r, pel's, miners and toll rs have com'e Ileart to hinder hll leelng and .. \\ hat of It ?" she d ronuded. "He "you coni wllb us as tar us Lhe cor· lessly wnndered fur li P the hlll sld~, feeling In harmony with God's from all parts ot tbe o ltcd States to ould yo u not n~r, and w 'II walt for th,e rounds man. nnd was even then dlso!)!) arlns In ta has never s ' n YOII . will. Tilo laraer vision I. need· get st amers that wlJl eany them the dMse growt h ot u md rbrusll. "No, bave some plausible rellso n for ' you r Tben YOll come /lnck hero and woke ed to break. tile power of the back for anotber senson ' or llrofltable I 11111 just li ke that sItl'llylng she p, presence? You ore ' n Ilhy"lclnn. YOll Ull th , house und hav e t hem see natural Impulsel of the heart 'Work [n tbe gOld Delds and In the flsb 1 wand er 50 orten In fo r bidden Ilntbs kno.w; you might liaYe been c:alle d In wlu\l's mlsslllg. 1 kn e w lhls' YOllng and life. It II ~ ard to give up and Cox Islands. Tbere are scientists. But," be a(lded, che rru lly. as he hilI' to mtnlsll' r to me-to my poor heart." mun was here, but 1 dldn't count on frlendl In whom have c en ter~d au thors, explorern and tlunters among rled 011 after tb e trunnt . " tll .Lord H e caught bel' 1D0re Ughtly I.n Ills two bll'ds, and one ot them n kin g our Ideala ' and hope., but It goes oul atter me amI brIngs me arms, aod tben seized ber . bulldll and crooi;t. by lb looks 'or him. Yel;n; the cr.o wd dally g",therlag In tbe city. muat be done when the Divine buck, e ven liB r must go and b rlllg !:~ nll y forced b .r from biOI until lIe man. what ar YOu doing he re, tr~' lng 'bnylng outftts alld ananglng ' for .pos· will 10 IndlcAtea. Samuel must blm baok." could lOO K Inlo' ber race. to pull ort a hOllse job? ' What's your sage to the nortb. The note book, ' cease to look backward• . Ho Dllt Da,'ld had covered scarcely bs!1 "Dear little. woman," he whi spered, ' name?" must look to the promise of the tb e pen. the gun and the va letto are of tbe distance to tb'e I~olnt wh re be "If yo u should sutrer becouse of my "Bart Syler; yo u know we ll enough. future. now as muoh a part of an Alaska out· . had , seen tbe lomb dlsIlPIIC'J r when h e nre sence bere 1 n ve l' auld (orgl \'e dllm~ you." "Fof the Lord leeth not a. fi t 68 l he pick aDd the knaPsack once " Exactly; Dar t Syler. alias Salty. hellrd the most pileous bl~atl n g Q$ liiyselt. If tbls vis it 'Worl< d 11Ihru to man leeth' ; for man looketh on were.;' At the pres'e nt rate oC devel. thoilgb. he had fa llen Inl\o some snare you, 'dear, I WOuld, g ive tw nty ). ars III1BS tile t.~bdel . WhQ's your llal1" ,the outward opcarance, bul the op~ent Ahiska is Ukelr wI UII.n a fe w ",Ask him yourselr." or bad lleen seized b)1 some wild of my ' ute raUler than ha.v e "COme to Lord looketh on tile heallt.'·-A :vea'r a' to becomll one of tlie most popWithout thqUl~ht or dange r yo u to'lIlg~t , a ltbough fOI' weeks' 1 "1 thfn.k r don·t need to. Be looke benat. .tatement full of, comfort to the ulous-at least' durlhg tbe snmhlerto hlmseH. DIlYld broke Into a run and have been boplng nnd Ilraying tor t his 1.0 me like Harry :Moore. also known one whale heart II open to· all it already Is ODe of the rlcbcst sec. plunged Into tb~ !.blc)k jungle·llke· chunce to be with yon onc 'Dlor lie- at! G nUe Ha r~y. ATen't YOll, my wardl God and th, currentl of growth , from wbl ch cOlme the sowld fore 1 went away." Dllln?" tlonll of Amerlc;an terri,tory. whoae life are tunnlng parallel of the bleat!ng. . "I mll~t go now," h whispered. ':Ln For a moment Lbe mnll did no reto the Divine wll,. but · one full In the seml·dal'knell8 of the (Iensel) a tew hOlll's l ' shaU be on my 'wayply. , J-f,ls face. WIlS f1eatbl y White, lind . AJ1 excellent l!Iustration of th e of disconcerting thought to the shaded Illace . DaVid co,uld . not see ou r.: ot YOlll" li te. All of illY associates he'seemed to hove stopped breat hl ns. 'c ompllcat'edraclal ancest ry wblcb person whose heart ' Ilarbor. clearlY, Iillt with no otMr, thought IIIIPpose' tbat r be san my jouvney last Suddenly he burst out: . goeii to' ,t~e making of an ,AmerIcan ' Is wrong thought. and deslrel and than' t hat of reach ing:, hIs precIous e vening ; no one 'wlU ever .know , J hat , "Yes," covel'l up the hidden ImpUII." g1v~nl 1;iy a correspondent;>f the New sheep. h e .continued blls rapi d 'llI'gbt J returned tor ' a last sight ot you. ' ", ' OIl'!! get 20 years this tllI1e •. of life, ,.0 .that the outward can· York I)un Iii a I~ lter whlm~lcally as: towllrd" the place tralm whl'ch tbt: There, there. de~l1: 10~tI. we both np-eed Harry. Come nlons . both of )'o u." duct I. bul the , ~Ilo\('Jy veneer ' Betting that ,the new S'panlsh belr Is ·sounds . of dl~t~ess came, a nd beraTe tba t · tb!:re sbould be no toars at part· . The Dill 'ers and . tbelr ' prlsonere pu' t on for appearance'. , .ake. iogl(lJOlly on Aml)rlc~ n . Tli\! corr):"· be reallz~':: it be Qudd.eWl" stumbled " glllctly went oul or · tbe bouse, a nd r,1.n~~· vi"-!Il ~ ~ut _.kln, deep, 8Ponden~, wlio II a dUlleD 'Of . tb~s nud almost fell over a. soft·ylel(lI ng . Th ere was n sound or sUDed sobs.- dow n th e Silent s1.Teet. and tlte m.n He leo.', ia not the , country,. s ays tbat', he was 1I0r~ In .1l0methlng; ' whioh turn.el\ nnd: 'faced and the swish of d.rape ry, as tbe ' wom· man God see. Ii. hi' all.aeelng . him with a florce. m uffl ed ' grow l. .i'n . wein t h rough the cllrtoln;ell ·doo r. 'SpaiD or. an English motber and a eye penetrate. the veneer 'arid David took In. tb e sllLlllltion Ill. a way. Tbe man's (orm sbowed (111rk Spantsb fath er ~blle' bls parents' were THE CHILD ~IND, AT WORK. uncoverl the relll man ··wJthln.· glance, aod with a . QuJckneas, which agaJnst' the starllt' wlndow, ns he pass. vlsltlng that country; one or hIs God looketh upon the 'heart, betook tli e beast by surl~rl se, be dealt ~d It nnd hegan to dltscend the stafra. Rei ults ' of. an Investlgatlon Into In· grandparents was ~rman , another caule out of 'the heart are t~e It a ' stunnIn g blow between the eyes _Ii J\.ent dOWq il9.w.l:.Jm rY: lllow. fant Me~, Proce.. ca. . hilues bf life. A. a man think· . t Auatl'lan, 'a Ulird F'renclii and · the, with' his heavy stP,I1" at tb e' same tlDl~ Iy. panslng at eac h' atep to liste n. etl) ' 10 ,. h'lI; that I ~, at a man ~Oll1·tl; SpaQIsb. ·· The blood dt the eelzlng t be lamb and pl"elng It behhld .H took one step Into t be ha ll , and Ot 48 chlld hm. SIlYS Stnnj ey Hall, Is In flie hellrt 10 II hi. life prin~~ otthe Asturias Is' almost ot the ,biro. '.Then with · a ]H'a'y'er that God Uien waited', listenIng. There could Ill! 20 believe lhe sun. moon and "t.urs to to · be and ultlmately· th!lt bouli!i Bame strai~ as hIB.· The queen . of would belp blm, lie wati t.ed the ottack no mistake; SODle one took a step to. live, ~6 tboilgh t' Dowers co uld' teel."nn\l life will .tand revealed b-efore 'Spnln Is English willi a ' Ge'rman , o.t toe creature, which ,was /lOW In.iu. .' . him .i n tbe}ila,rkn~8s, He ,slll'ang 1.5 that dolls ' wo uld teel IInj n If hurned. men, no ml~lIr 'how cleverly tlte rlated at thle 'foslt' o( 1t~1 meal . . the the ' souad and , In ' an ' histallt The s ky. was. fo und !.b!, chlli( field , In fath~r. • Mose of . 'the ancestors of the veneer -of pretense ' II . applied. grappli ng' trllh some one In the 'which tbe ' cbUdren·· exercised tbe lr creatu re 'sprang Into, Ithe nil" at bl! k.!ng ··pt Spain werll Sranlsh 'for s.e v. To: the hYpocrite, tile ·. pretender, 'thrbat:' h ll bent lils lItbie body to .one . '., ..,., , eraI , generatlolls, bllt his . mother was pbllosophlc mlbde . . Ab~lIt three·Quar· the pera!)n of ,the.;. doub,e life" s ide anll then with thle ' Qulcimess oC It was. a 1I,Ilent struggle, back and lar/! of tliem thougbt. the ,orl4,a plain an Ausblan. at course AQ1erlcan the thought that God · *ee • .,bea" cat be was upon tho beas t aldloat (orth tram one wdl' to the 'o thel'. He ,wIth the sky lik e a ,bo:wl turned OVOI' Illnd the m.. k Ihould make o!1e clUZeneblp not a matter· of blo'~d; heCore clt bad (ouched tile ground. F.o r· would 1I0t , cry out, 'and he c'o nstantly It. s'ometltnes bellev\ng tbat'. it was o,f paule and take ~riowledge of. \but of ' allegiance" It. the IItUEl prince, t nnately It landed ' bot ween two J 'e udeavored to' keepbls grIp OJI tlle aUllh · thin t~ture that o¥e could ell!' hi. wa"..j .liould lead film to r;-' '111 :hls matute yeara, should g!;ow t'1~e d ling 'P,leces 01 rock .1%1 lueh a way ' al! thtoat .ot hlB OIlI;lOne D't; t o . pr~vent an lIy IIreak tbrougb" thol,igh BO large pent and to get tile heltr·p'rlght of Spain', he : could Quallfy ,as, an to illnion It s body 89 'thai' with th~ 'outcry from ' ·hlm. He' would Choke tbat ·mubll' 11001' I!weepln ~ ~a8 pece. -with God. ' , . Am~ncan Q!tlzll~ 'by living he re 'an'd w.Eilght of. Da\·Jd's . body u{lon It, It ",as l)fn( lnto 'IneenslJ>llIty~ 'and escape, ' sary In.·beave n. Tbe sun may ' e nter There" I. comfort In ' t4liing :, be 'proper, o.atbll.:. . unable ~i) extricate ' Ulleit, nnd , !,he . ,,' 1n an unlucky moment he trlplll'd the ·,groun~ when I~ sets, ' but ha,lf .tbe " t~ought ·. of God JI'oklng o~ t.')6 more dEi/lpe'rate,ly It< titrU j;gled, we anc,l , fell '! antI In I.nstant his n ~m! ohlldren thought tbat at night It rolls heart a'nd .k nowlng what II more 'tlglltlY did It . b,eeome ·wedged were . pinioned . to his 'sIdes, and a or' fil as away, or II blow n. or walks. or " Courtsb"'IP"'· la· llke'.·'. th9re to the persall, who, mla. be't waeh til l) edges of the ::~~l eJdlns IJ!lwe rful hand chitcbed his own throat. God pUlis It, hlgb er uP ,. !lut or Sight. J'y to be attended with PB~lIs. A man underatood .nd misJudged ' by rock. It wlls the work or ,but a mo· One ot blll .captor's arms wns tree •. and taklng It UI) I~to bea ven , according (0 thoae about him, haa tried wit" out In Des Molpes, '1 a., wblle a. patl(mt menl (or David to Ilntllsten ~he sling' presently tbe blaze of a match ilium. so me. putting I ~ to bed, and even tak· the pureet motive. to do hi. In a - hospital. tell In .love with the of IIlron-g thongs WhjC~1 be cai'rle(~ Ina ted the ball. .He looke d Ull at bla Ing 01T Its clothes .nd puUlng tbem be.t,' ev.n thoullh he has blun. womU/l physfclan who · attender,\ him. ljle Hide, and to bring It .taut obout o» Jl a h en ~'B featurea, but only the. eyes on agllin In the morning. or ngaln; 'Iered' and fallen Ihort of per7" After tio lett ilie hospita l ' be malle tile nec k of the anIma;l !,Jen.edtb him. ~v l slbl e;· t be re,t ()~ tbe face WI8 III believed to be under the tr~el! feet . • tandar:ct., 'yet he knowl I T ben with ever tlgh tonlpg coliI' he benellth a ma·s k.· . freque!!t call~ upon the lady and ,In·. nnd the angels mind It. God, that God un,de'r.atands . 'and' .c~ . , He sav'e l\ gasp ot r~lIer. slowly cboked ' tbe atilnGa l to .'d eatb. . Docellqy suppos ed that s he knew he chntli'en al\val's hear so : cept~ tile ~ IIt~ .and · .~he ; !er~lce .. '·.Tbe Lord; m y 8bell,h ~rd, ,lId help '''oiHy a burglar; thank' Ood, only' I piaYIl a very llirge ·palrt, In t bese ,)~; Vf~s' th~re,:a~ 'a sulto:r: Wheqtl)r sbe ". ncit for what ' It haa· ·been, but · .:ma. to ·' saye !,my: 8he~p:'·, I1e: e l(clalole d, bU;'~IU':;" .•: _.... ': . . ... con~epU onB . ~and . Iii m ~il e dlr,e"tly reo ···Idld·> knmv ' or' Whetlier·. she ._ for W'h-..t It -hii. I'n ten'lied to o,be. ,Ii,a1efully, as be IlI tedl t he lalli ~ h ~ Hla' capt or cried 0l!~ In sqrp rlse: 'Spons[ ble for illJ cOllmlc phenoIi)ena, :,itbQuSl\t-' it tllli,\! to get rid or"~lm Is '. God 'Ial(i In ·t.he boy , DavieI' ·thll .lind Just rescu.ed t rom -'t1ie grou nd .\ W·y· :(e're not~'" ' . Th\18 lblint,ler. fa tliese .A.merlcan chll· future ,man,. ·f'after.:. hi • . ' .own '.' not mad e clear; bllt at a\1 events ' ~Is wh ore It had lalb in: -abje.ct fear, rin d . "No,'; ·m., not." 1i~ lrit~r:ru.pted: "ir!lk'e . dren W;as ' God groaqlnl: or 'klcklng or :heart." · and '!i.e .Iee' } ri ; ¥oira'nd Ilov.e suddenly ·-cooled whe n" sbe sent :·ex!l m~ned I ~ to see' lt !!'t had ,been ,In: away YOllr . band -/rom my tlrroa tj I roll/ng liarr~1 8 about; ~.Q r tl)rnlllg a m~ not a~ nI,:,ch what .'!'II{: are, Ibi ~ ap Itemized I,lCboun't of ~I s c~lIs jilred. "I am , g lad now t bu lJ did n,ot ~bal1 not cry. o'ut:: " . , bl ~ handle , 01' rattling. a . klg' hammer, but what we can beCOme by his . , with ablJl ~or, $562.12, The court has /ltoY. to . the (east ,and s ac'rlftce. ·· · . Be was ' llermi tted to breathe ",Ith a 'wljll~ 'the, Lng was due, to.. Go~ grace. . wa's' bett~r that .l -shpUld ·be. he r·e. Sure" little more tl'eedom. bo t . tbe. mui~le ot IJlll.t1ng his. finger out ; or turning tbe ' J usJ uplield h~r Clh l';ll, h nd In .tbe '111. Iy, 1 hllve bee n ot mOl'S' service Ile rll a revolver 'w as. ,1 ~'I. ligalhst ' bl s ·cMell'. ' gll~' on Q\llcl!. , or Bt rlkln~ matches, or tur~ Wh~na Des " ¥oll1es 'man, nnl. than I. could bave bee·n there and I ':'l:Oll d Mtter not pipe 'liP;' qld. man:' ' settlQg paper on. fire, AIlc:.ordlng · to 'mated ' ~nl)' by sentbnent . .calls up'on TH E 8'T'ORY. '. g lless , tbe Lord qas neall'er· to .mc he~e said tbe burglar, ,, "1 t'ough t . yer. !was 'Doston God ,!s !l big, per. , he~ or . I\. woman ·of ber .professlpn, he HEhl1l s 'a~outB etb l eh em"tl'eell 'Uian pe'.could ,bove been bad I ·re •. 'de 'old 'blokle, ' gat. bome . . A,II ', tile .'laps .il. .l1lne mun, ' to be seen III tb.e . '"IlI·' aDl!0tince th.e D:lture of his visit and beQ uUflll tbllt .fl"esh sprfnl; malned to, s,e e 't be prollhet. · Dut I ' ·. ~eSt ·)lei-,o. ·Is' a'b ~~ all' al!leep. "'bo,-a ro alty, on ,tlie cloudlJ !n churoh ; or, 'evCn atAhe, door.. . , morning.. fi(lre an'd t11e l'B amld8t ".tl.l·~ "wonder . what . mission h'e had, to thl' yo,ll? ,Spea/! ' uJl :J1v~ly . . now." , In tbe street: They del,llare' tliat God rolling carpet · of ·green.' brlgbt·tllc!!'d hou~!l of ·je~se: · my, .'tatber. pe':b~lJs," . !'Wba~ are' YOU goIng 'I:;<> do : wmi comes 'j.bem · 89meUlnes, : and " .Wafnlngii ,are 'boglnnlo'g to cotha of tfo~ei"S:': all glistening with tlie dew he' continued' lllus in g ly, 8S h ~ hu~rled i;ner~ 'i t . " ~...; . , ' . , Jpey ,have , ,seen I\lm .ellter (he gate. , -tb.e·" danger of the '~ranSQ1ISSI0ri ot ells- turned , to, greet th e s lln as" lt ' burs.t ' I!ack td the rest ot .Ills sheep \vhlch " ;." l'd ' OUg~t ~o ' !mock ,the bandle" at He' makes "lainp~; ' bal) dogs,: u'eea" .,' ease by h~\J8e ftles. The ave rage man above Uu~ tree·sklr·fe d b1ll~op . .··'r;b~ , 'be. fCHind g razing quletl)(, "j;Jerb~ps I~ lie: lqlUe . Agf\lnilt '''fer rl b~," . ":. ' . ' money, etc:', and' the ange ls ·work iJs m'o re :qoncernod ab~ut 'b'nvlng them. &laq Ilon§s 'of .t h", bJrds . flol\ted 61!~ on . t o ,c~1I B Uab;. t h'e !eldesr, t~ , 80mtl ·.~en' trf1~. bu(.,....·' " ,. bini. He joo,ks :' like "'a lIrlest or a ' walk over Mm and bite bim, eSPeCIIiI. !.be gentle.:lireezes ' .as· -thror s kl1l\me(j' .spe.c la! work. Surely h~ Is .a 1Tne fel· .. 'r.b;e tJg~tenl~g Of. t~e , hand J.I.!l.C:1Il 'tellcher, d,r .'papa" and t.tie cbUd ren: lI'ke' lJy : the" I.ald·h.eaded ',man',' remarka .li-e th'e 'surface the meadows or t'1S~d low a~d deserving of such ' good for· . "thMat' ,,,lopped , !tl~ ,'S!I,erc)l'; ,H b to look a t him ; Ii ;,fe'V would " thenl. JI .... leafy blr'~ sWing te'mpU,n gly tune." · And seating ~ll mself aga!n ,In .c?U~qIO~B· tJiat on. the ' HL~eet t~~ s!ll\'es Ifke , to · 1l1)··Go~. 'Hls' 1I0uee, In lildltllJaPejJls Sb(r. · ft· iii said. tbllt a · ,by the friendly trees. . , ,,' ·tbe sbade or the ,tree. b e to~k' up"hlil.. foo~!Stellt! ·~",.erf' echoing. . ;rile, tho ' iiky . may 'be' made !)f stonl! :of mOllt e llec!;lve . fiy trap ca n 'be made Dllt'u're seemed to" be r e j6lcing, :barp 81!d · b~gnn .to ~Iay softly, ;W~lle, IblliJ~r, tlie~ ,c ame,~be . brlcJt.; ' birds, chll~ren .'and Santa: Clau'; bi tAk.10g Ii ·giobular ",hlte gas ' ~ bildi tbe heart or YOUng ·,'Ijav'l({:'· re. !Jill'. tb9ugbti! bUl\led ~bemselve8· wl¢. seemed t~ ~esttat.e: tor ,a ' I1,lOment, lIye' wltb' God. ' ,:.. " to (bo 'ghi(f-' noto -MF'tie led 'plc~utlng. th.e tor' h~8' bi'o.thez:.. passed ) on :ntlcl" fat\~d a,wa~ ,0f.glaBB, and Past.!ng,some hali· on ~he .. 'illr,qs: nnd~ beaste: their f051d , eldeB ~and' false face ' In fron t; " The' , sh,eep 'out t~ tbe ,' gfeen:, PBlitt\reA.n~ :. t~lEin~e got td w.'ond.e~lng: ~bat , . slI~~~a;,·, .... "'_ ' . . .' '. . their furniture. as f3u ~nha,m ('JOints, exposed 'portlo'Ii ,tbe g lass 'Is then .n·d bel!!de the itiJl ~Ilters. 'l'h~· kllow he was ',g<?!ng, to '.d,~ wb~3n he got to be / '\\Iy: .Goil, ..spo~t:' 1~ld tl)e bUr«lar, talk ' clllldren'\ ,wl!.en 'qUi de", Is smeared wltb ·the varnish or: gum"uaed ' and "Ioved' 'tile IIghtsom!!" . cbelll'Y'; r~ng a .!Pail ,g:own, ',- ." ';.', '. . : , "ye~:~e aJl ' 6v~r , Q6I,d, sw.e~t. ~' ,. . : Ith,e gras~ '. 18 ', crying," on ftYP.~~;.' Fllel' will COllie. mU~s :t~ of· tb at strong 'Young, voice, ·and. gln,clly, "'My., l wo.uld ·llke. to be a ·great lead· ..A 'We(l~ ,s mile twltchap tbe · candle,' 01' ·,I!lm·p,B., p~rhlll1a , Iblt'e It, ~peclaliy If p1~utlted' '00 . a fo~lowed Wbere, he 'l ed; and tben I?ra~1!d er ll\te ,M9se,!I o.r Josb,Ula;~~ be .ex~~alm:.. , IIP~ , an.lI. be , slgbe~ ·Wlth . l'elle~ cinders ri~Dm GOd's , 'tove. butter'fll es s tQ , .r(~ . fo'nn,',,' and Be.. t In . ,a. . ro<ikf~Dg'..cqlltentedlY .whlle , he ·- sat· un~er , !.be e,d, en~ullla,s4cally:, ~~I~ ' then .as ' .1ifil .: I ~r.~e .old ,_blok~e. II:. be ,he ro ,,': 1I?!In, 'are ti,Ylijg,. (1illj8.e~ .1.cICles ,VElf Oh'Ma,t. .. . pf sodle" oJ\ve. ,or ftg tree. " and _e yes 'reslell .pn: hl~ ,Alileep, bringing thougb,I., said . I,M mlln ' ln tbe masl-. mas cand,y. . Oh!ldren,:·have ' lnia~lnal'Y cbalr" ~' all .mlude f!.f sleep. , on his ' iiar~, tbe .wlld" .'#eet h~Ili ' to ili1! ' ,p \'e8en~ ,rllll ponlJ\oliHY'{' bll . ·~.l-te won·t BtaV .down: at that office of pla~.~ roth~rli a.nd sldters alid ,frlendll , :~(t I wUJ \lfY .and . do my !lIs all nlgbt." , 'rhe dls(I!lI!,ulshed nI,lveUst', Mal'lo~ music .be had 'te.a~neil (rO,m·;·UuJ' ··rlp·. addcd " wlthlt whom they . tidk. SometJme~ p!1Jj'g' waters ' and .troin tPe 'blr!ls 'that be8~ llere.: ': :yea, I a!pl always .8'oill '-"'You're right. .my trlen'd." lr God talks with tlhim. Even the' proll. (!~awtQr!l, . appear. tOf h! speilt a i. "MigbtYI. tlbUln~y,:eh1" .. .. ' B_st tlilngs ' a*e vivlfle,d ; the " traQks 'Ii' ('oullle ·, of dayS' :~'Ith bl~ relativeJi In . cam'" . to. a~~e~t his. challenge 9t BOltg. to try. 'and ! do ~y . besl., '. I · a·!D' R!lI'e nd pour oU,t ' t~~lr. ,\~t~rtl, squls' In,.. 1'& . God Will , IIk~ r to bavE~' m~ . do~ that,. ';Wbot wlll , yqu . tar~ tp le,~ lD.e · iO;! , ..Dosto~ . t~e pa.1It; week; and to Have IlI to the vflirail~ .nlltEls of bls :whatever mllY : b~ ih~ ta~II." . -, .. ,:rou na'lDe al.Il!(Ult III\Y' su~:,· , :feet~cnalr .0Q "tbe, DQQl' cr~,aK1IDg ~11riI; ··thA ·gs.,,,y,",ua'A,,, 'e scaped WIthout beJUR' Jlubilcly' Iden~ and 't he clear, full ton:ell ot 'I bls " . ~ sbarp' lla110 · Jnt~prl\Pte!l.. h1. ·' tu~" ";Y J ~~ ,Jui:p1e ;!lIIliOllt anY' IIUID, . ebll~re.~ Wb9m' :I}t) . .' " tilted: , 'J:~8 'Is luioq;·e l'. ,token '~f ~II volce. · . . . ," .. , ' ther . thought\ aud aoqn ' 'Er~b; hi. but the "f!nge rll\' 'o~ ' lt mlgh( sch09I.-Nlneteeiltb Century. ,entul.' , , t.,hIB parU'cll!~r .~ mqmJng David brollier, wall ~tl\ltdlng: before hIm, ' ·bI\.r djl .: ·, ~af. :"hat'/, w!ls, i~nusu.alJy. gltid Just. w"bY':lle ·.C)(I1I1~ ,.' :~What ~Id UIIJ piopllet "give 70U '~) . ' '. . Vanderbm, .! duche'l ."ot nO.t tell, laye . .... . ~bll ' to .. - Co.naut'To . thatt·the' mornIng ~ . I wal .do?". ,ho uked, ea,~., ~Jy. ,> ' J('i'lliOr ~llgb. · h~ ' ~ken · u~'. 'reacbe 80 tt'~" . a1!~ eW~J ;t6e. air ro1nU of ., ,j~or ~Ia" ·balf lui. me, " fnll~B1!Ce. ami n-~~ur~'1 rare ' m~lc I limIT. uketh tOr 'will. , work aJ~ ~"woDleil 'o.f. 'tbll' pOor, the shee.p and 1llmi1l. IIQ ,uU 'Of, Uf. ·'thll8. and fe~t 't(J rec:I!J.Ye . • iI~ I,t .. aililoDn~.d that iibe wJl~euf a.nei glad 'to leave tbi! Corral nil' ~ Cq~unue _I ~Jl .tolJatereat New York .OClell~ 1 tt... flM~m blllJJde R..t-unp., -.t1rltb tile Il~•• " ~ il»~~w cluui.• , . - , .... -,- .", , .. ' .

The Miami Gazette.

For the 'Sake.of Clarice



l" .

Mts.Emma Stolt, ·of


Appletoo, WiSCOD~iu.


~t,;!ud .... tQ US" .P~ru ,ua.


at once.


Mrs; Emma Stolt, 1069.0neida.St.. Appi cton, Wis., writ.eij: "r"l"ulla hns dOllt! me n gr ILt deal of good si ll ~1l 1 bogall tuking It .>.id 1 a lII 1l1 wn.yB glnd to speak It ,:/o<ld word f r it. " 'l 'h rce yoars ago 1 wus in a ",rot h od cOT)llitlon wltlt InIokllches, bt'llr/ngdown p./ns, a nd at "hnl's \ValiSO !lore U)ld hun(l Ihn L I could not mo" o ah9u t. 1 bnd III· . t\uwcuntloll lllld irritation, anclnllhQugh I \lsed dl.lfCl·ClIt rCloedlcs tu .v did ~u no good. "A ncil1h\lol' who lind beon \,~ill!l' 1'0run", adnseclmo til try it, ~lH' 111.111 glad Lh;.t 1 did. I l)('gnil to improV<l os !iOoo us i tooll It nud r (!lIt mn ch betler, . " 1 t huulc you1or you r fine t'Ol m.,,\.\'. It Is certllin ly a 6Odseod to If/elf women. Catarrh of the 'nternal Organl. MI ~ 'l'heresa BertleR, White hurcb, 1.1<... Wl·i!.CS: "[ s u t{('r~tI with caulITh of the I'Ito.o(lcll, bowc lslL,idlnt.,..ualorgun . ll1v .l'Y' · thing I 1l.tC.S ollll'Cl. t o hlll't.IJ:1!l' . I n ':'01' h~d a 1)1 soge of the bowels w l~holl.t tal}· Ing m lie in . ] WUB 8,0 t ired mornlnlClJ und 'lched all ovel'. I had n pain In my IcJtslcl e, nod tho Icostexllrllon or exclt.e· wellt made 1I1e ho.·tofbr('lltb .• "Now, aft r takin g I\ :runn fo r , I ~ months, I Bill 8S w oll .lS I ovor WIlS. Pc· rllna lUIS worked wO'n d rs 101' m . I beli e~c l'eruua is the beRt Ul 'diclnc \n tna world.and I rec:oU)1Jlclld it. lo1Jl.Y!rlclIda.·

Tone Up With

Good 'Paint Tt is ,gC?Cld . hu~ inen


keC'p p rop. ~rly'

"toned ...

up. " A' cont of P ureWbhe-,

Lead Paint·

n o t only .m Il It e a ~:!f=:z=~:t::1 thi nCI look '" be.t1er and clves them a higher seiling wIde, it makes t/llngs wur better a"d ',glwes, th ~ m a hieher value for long ",ear.,1 Pure White Lead give51ln opaque, du r~blc coM thllt ,protects. lind pre. lerves from the ~VIlgcs of tim i . " and w~a thcr. Pro, JlC live burel'll of"Pure White Leaa bave heretofore , beell .~!;j~t 'to mu ch,atl.empied , fnud 1Il adult<;nitiQn Ilnd sub.stitution: )' ou "re now pro.. tetted by the Dutch lloy lradt: mark which ,Is ,found On the ~ I~e 0' .kegl cont&ining only Pure Wbite , Lead, maaeby \be Old Dutch 1' ~


. - - _._

Lookfot the boy. '


' ;






to sec





arl)\~;~,;~~~'~;'; 'I :'l.~~~~~~~~~~~t!:~~~:






"" .





Rela·t lon.hlp of Re.lden!. of Rurat Communlt ie. to the Home To~n .




Mark Twain Rellret. V.nlahed Joy. et Otl:er · DaYI,

A Valuable Eleme nt to H~ve In tt,. 6011,

Thl! Untold Agoole. of Neglected Kllf· ney Troublel.

lIfu . .lames French, 66 Weir Street. D caycd and deca)1n..: vpgelable "1.lve nnd I t 1I\'e," IR II [lollc), that Where now Is .Dilly Rice? He Will .cAN BE MADE IMPOflTANT FAC. · maLler In til soli greatl y Inc rcasys Taunwn. nss .. sny!!': - "Wtnm 1 begall has come dow n thrrlll!;h tho nges and a joy to me, and 60 were tho othe r TORS IN TOWN BUILDJNG. using Dean's KIdIh power ur the soli 00 hold waleI'. Is an cX llresslo:t of Lho Gblden nule star'S of th e nlgser·Rhow-lll lly Birch, ney Pills ( was so This Is a rnr t of sueh larll'o conseonly In dIrt I'!l nt words. There Is I - _David Wambold. Back ..s and a. a~ run d<TWn and mIsqu ence thllt our agricultural scientists boru In Olan a. d sIre fur B IC'llreaerve- lIghtrul do:;en or tb elr breth ren wbo erablo th at 1· couleS are pU}'lng more an ti more all ' udon A SMOKE HIOL..E. BEsT FIELD FOR THEIR ·WORK (l~lD . It Is .!L law of life, and to. thIs ~ad e Itte a 1l1pap ul'o to me (0 y al'l h&r'dly endure It. to It . One of tb profoSllors ,ut Co,.. desire call be attributed that wblch Ie ago and later. lIIrcb. W'lmbold aad Terrible pains In considered seillshllesl within us. Sav· 'Backus are gone ycare ago; an d wltb Easily Co'n. tructcd alnd Witt Cun n 11 unl\' ralty ' und !'look to prove the Ilaclli a',tacked t1ie great va lue o[ humu8 a 8 a holder Their Efforta 'Should Be Put Forth to age mlln has little r ega rd tor t'bo ~eru departed til return no more torMeat Perfe,ctly. me trcqueI11t~ anel or waler. He took l,.·o sample>; of rights and propertles at othcI'8.- He ever, '. suppose. tbe real nlgge r·sho'w K ~" p th" Dollar. In the Home . th e k:d ney 8Oer .. A wrllQr In the fllkota Farmet· gives soli trom places aM~ 10 rleet apart. lueks the Bense of Qultl' and !USllCCl -tllf. genLllne nlgger·sbow. the exTown-Protecting BUll· tlonM wct'e mucll Everything abouL the ."ocatlon BUSand Is gullied soleI>: by tit brutal In· this a count ot hll sI lmple (lilln (or trs\'ag"o1nt nlgge r·showthe show n... Int.reate. disordered. r -;vas II j{csted that the two 8uTal'Ics s hould IitlnctS. In te llige nt mon realizes that whlch 00 me bad no peer and whose smoking meal: nervous wreetb and all hIs tellow creatures are e ntllled peer has not yet arrl vetl. In my ex"Arter the mut hns been In the s how th e same watr on tent. But In Dur!n;; tha past tew years lhere bas to the sante rl gh!B he would enjoy perience. We have th e gtand opera; brine sbout two weeks 1 talt It Ollt. one o[ th e location. tb re s uccellslvo tbere oeemet! no bope. Doanls mId. :been more than ordlpary BcUv1ly In blmsolF. The re fore where the ChrIs· and 1 have wItnessed, aud ,greatly en- put It In a tub of cold ,,,aler on day crops of crimson olo\'er hatl been ney PII13 brougbt Ill)' Orst rellel &Gel l(.be organlzatlon of so-called cammer· tlun s[llrlt Is found, lhere can be look· 'oyed, the first act or everythIng and night, anti it 18 tben read)' te, tumed under. The samllie or Boll sIx boxes lIa ve ~o tborou8hly curecl -clal club~ , busln's8 men's I agucl\ and ed for such eQully as gIves. all an .whlch Wagner o rea '~ d. but tbe e /rect smoke. Tal,e a box about four feet t t'o m the place wber no clo ver bad and regulated [!I)' 1(ldneys that thet'e almil3.r assoclatlous In tbe IIgrlcullural equal chance to gul n a liveli hood and 011 mo has alwaYB been so powerful blgh .and two at· three feet wide, and been turned unci I' anal)'zed &.75 per has been no r tu rn of myoId trouble." <soetioris of the country . :';ome had to enjoy the protJucts o[ theIr labor. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents abo" cent. moisture ; 1.9 1 per cenL. h'l.Dlul that one act was quite sulllci 'nt; mushroom growlil. and like 80m ft.ownnd .12 nitroge n. Tb Humple trom Foster-l\1flburn Co., Butralo, N. Y. Thel'o should be the gr Illost bar· wbeneve r I have witnessed two acts ers, bloomed and blossomed, withered mony among the citizens of e\' I'y I have s one away physically exbaust· the soll wher th e crimson olo\'or ha.d .and Q(O cnyed In au bour. OUlera slr·ug. BAT~ .ING IN THE DEAD 8EA\ been 'lurned und er ana lyz(!cl 15 per ommullily. Th e Interest or nil lhe ed , aud whenever I have ventured , aD glad alung'" IndllTerenUy and succeedetl classes comprl3i'lIg a city or a dls trjct entire opera the resu lt bas been the cent. moI st ure; 2.94 PCI' cent. IttlJlJltl!. III lIP 'ndlng muoh of the p (lPle's s hould b considered Ide ntical. 1L has Aod .2 1 nitrogen. This was a g[ll\1 01 By No Mean. II Pleasure, Accordln. nl''/it thlDg to sulclcle. But It I could Ulonp.y Wllhot)t asslstlng lho town to IJcen noted Ihat the most prosperous }Iave th e nlgger·sbow back again, In . to On'8 Traveler. 6.25 In molslUre can t nl ; 1.03 hUnlUS .gr' IllUCSll, while' a 'o'er)' rOw s ucceed\ld tow ns · ha ve b en built UII by hal" Its pristine purity and . pE(:fectlon. 1 conte nt lind .09 nltroge"l l.out enL In doin g lhlngs thal were o[ bonetlt monious aud unlled el\'ort or all the ubould have but little turlber usc for "Uo Booner has one plunr;ed luto · Th.e ro arc very' few )leoplo th at slop to tbe community. to onslde r wbul tb~ mea ns oa aD th" water thon ono Is whlJIPed olf , peo ple Ont llOslng It. III tb ose days opera. It seems to m~ that to tho 'I'h<: r Is little use In trying to make wuen th ere Ilre evils 00 combat. when ele\'ated mind And the sensitive spirit acr of land. Taking the '011 00 11 ono's teet and goes bobbing helple68l, .a Hult of I'lo~h s (or a man OUl o[ a oJlp ros ~ l vo trus~s exist thal are tac· the hand·organ and tho nlgger·sbow depth oC s ix Inches It IUcau!J that tll!a about like a wretcbed cork:' says ReT• iJallcl'II Or CIOlh thal ' bas on,ly s lJllI · tot·s 10 unoqual dls tribullon of wealth. a re a llla'n dartl and a summit to whose 6.25 PCI' c nt. Increased O1ol,)turo Haskett SmIth of bathIng In the De&d ci r,nl goo"8 for a chlld's s uit. There 11; Is all InlPorlaul that lho musses In rarefied altitUde the other forms of kneelt both entls ont o Dig a holo nbout would equa l 93,760 pounds or HI% sea. "In the Ifort to regaIn one'. 2 ih reN det:'ll and two fe et s qullre; tons or Wiler. ThI s amoullt or ud.H· loollng aod to get back to 'Bhore, one', ~8 lillie use In rryLn g ~o build Ull a eacll and eve ry cOOlmunlty unlto and . musical art lDay not hope 00 r each.grl!:ll t wn In 11 loc;allty wbere there Is worl( In harmony for tlte Ilt'otectl on Mark Twa1.n. In N o~th American R& thell dIg a I r nch the lenGth of a stov tlon al waleI' woul'd moau Il grcll t It<!'dl leet and sh! ns are ba rked by th.· plpll anti ell;l.l t Inch 5 tleep. Dig a In a dry seaMon . The turning 1(1111 1) r jagged stones and pe bbles. and WheD 1l0l lbe mai.erlal to sustain H. anI:! an.d betl rment of local conditi pns. It .Iew. . mall hoi at oppO$ I ~<! nd from the of an occa sional crop of sorn green at length one doos emerge from It. wbere there url3 only resourc ~ tor the It to bo t'ea,;rclted thllt In mnny ogrj INSURANCE INVESTMENTS. large hol o, put In an old joint or slove st ulT means mucb, tr I~ do 8 nothing treacherous bosom. ",Ith,,' the lower aUPPOrl of n hamleL Towns of 1m· cultu ral communit ies there Is a lac'" pille and cover 01' r 'wllh dirt. t hen else (han hold up th e water cant nt of limbs bleeding .and lorn. one become. portance exist only where lber or harmony between what Is call ed ce r\nln nalural udvantll;;oR. resources th e business In'tereals and the produc· How One Company'a Aasetl A(" Dis- puL box over the smail hole and hank Ib soil. 1t would tako a I:reut d 1'1 aware of a borrlble tingllng pnd buru· tr ibuted In the South and Weat. up with dIrt. Put a tln over large of s prlnkJlng [rom a hos LO pUl on Ing sensation In eyes, ears. ' nostrlll, ,that 'IIn bo utiilzed In JDllnuracturlug, ers or oro lIS. DIll' t' nt I' asons may hole: an old jnln t ot pIpe, uncoupled 46 taus of wate t·. Many or the Bolla mouth and almost every pore 01 the territory 8ulllciently large to commend bo advanced for this cond illo n. bu t thl? In conn cctlon with its wltht!ra'VI:al alld nallened .ill. will do. Make a tire ~xtensl\' trade, or some other rUVOt·· mO)lt common cause Is a mlsunde r· lhut are now unprotluctlve wou ld. Ikln. from the brine aod bltumea .able condI tlo·n. In tbe west Dl(lnuf~ . standing on tbe )lart of the citizens from Texus, along with many otber out or coroco!!iI and )IOU hav a smoke says Parmers' R vIew. be productive WhIch bave pe netrated everywhere • "Unless great care Is taken the <luring must by the economy of th ing ' as to tho relotionhl)l that should ex· compani es. rothe r than io suhmlt to box Ilual t.o "'n), smoke llOuse." It Uler had enough waleI' to carry bather In the Dead sea Is liable to _ . ilIe couOned 10 suell lines 118 can b 1st between th em. It Is wrong for the ne w law which requires that 75% them over the dry Il peli of lIumroer. eruption. wblch breaks out all 0 . . . - 'I~t'! 'antageously produced. In maoufac· the teachings tbat go for tb t,bat th" or lho roserves on Texas pOlicies shall MAKE Hli.STE IN HAVING. But by had tarmln g methods th" hu· In securIties oC that Slate. hIs body, and whIch Is ~ommonlF. be Invesled . <luri ng the re ure !tIany factors. Tllere farmers' Interests are dltr · rent trom mus has b e n exhaust d imd lItls hal mu.t be consIdered the cost of luel. those ot the Olerchant. or that the which aecnrlties shall be de posited In Try and Have Cuttlog Done In Firat reduced the capacllY or ~he soli for .known as the 'Dead sea rash.' Th. belt anUdote to this Is to hurry aero.. the ro.w mllterlul. tbe labor and hIghly merchanls' Interellts . dlrter trom the slate and s ubjected to beavy taxa· Bloom. carrying erops through tho dry sesas quickly as posslhle to tbe river Jor'mllorttult nre tbe transgortatfon (lIcll· farmers' of the commu ni ty. ' It tion In addltlon to th e large tax now Tb e cropi start well In the son. Imposed on lI(e Insurance premIums. 4Ues. The n ear I' bal' approach 8 grasl s pring and seem to be doIng nlcell dan and take a second plunge th.relll. Is also an e~roneous Idea that tbe tl1e Equitable Life Assurance Society One of the noticeable things about town Is alone for tbe townspeople the belter teed it mU.keK. To accom- till tbe summer dry spell begins, Th~ BOtt and muddy waters ot that made )Iubllc t he d· l strlbut.lon of Its .has plish this. It Is n cel!sar), to cut the when they at once droop as If some sacred but dIrty stream '11'111 effectual-commercial clubs 11 ~ e optimistic and the country dlst~lcts for the farm· (endeMles or their' members, Business cr. ls It not true tbat tbe merchant assels, at the end of tbe second ' year oro II arl), to secure It In good condi- III sect were a6slllllDg them. ,]'he ly remove the ult that b&l lucrustM' me n ot n strictly agrleultu ral' town will Is delleDJIent IIpon the farmer for hI s or the new msnagement. The Equit- tion. III thl'! Orat blossom 18 the Ideal trouble really Is that tbe moistUre the body." able now has $10.958.000 Invested In time. Farmers used 10 think It neces· torm on 0880clllllon. Perll.apli tb sU)lply wnll so ~lI gltt thllt I~ was soon supporl? And It Is ef\uallr true that TOO YOUNG FOR A 8TICK. 1 aileI'll are Inter s teel ID tbe lCII] es· the town Is an Im)lortant thln g to the Texas, which I.s twice as much as the B.a ry to dry hay excessively b fore cxhausted and th Boll could not sup· tale busIness. They went the LOwn I. farmer. It Is a conve.nlenee to hlnl new law requIres, but the manage· slorlng. Advanced Idleas have proved ply more. Thl8 loss of water holding Ibckm. Some of lhem muy have a. (ew and h Is as deeply Interested In all ment decided that to FuboUt to the litis method e ntirely wrong. The nat- capecll'l' b~ really boen at the hot, Why BOy Would Have Hothl"!l1 ~ De, additional 'taxatlon would be an Injus· with HI. ilqres o( Innd wort bless' Uliles! tor a tha~ p l'ta'ins to It. to Its ndva ncement ural Ju ices of lbe hEty should be reo tom of numerous crop ta llures In dlf· "'fa tory". site. ~l etl llngs are beld, nnd' the betterm enL ot ItB public InaU· tlCe . to Its policyholders In other tnln ed OS (ar us pos slhle. Excessive ferellt 10caHUes. The humus supply states, which Imposo no sitch pl'.l.alty · dr ' Illg mu lles tbe bar dt·y IInel wootly, "It wae It a chJldren·. treat III the, plnns are made (or tbe bringing In or UliODS. Its ·streets. Its parl(s and ' nil. or tbe 5011 can be kept uI;I hy grow· lIountry." eald the Settlement work.' · the thrift ot their citizens. on aud r emoves a largo part of Its natsome manufacturIng plant thnt per- as are the )leovle who resIde within Ing deep rootln r; crops and by forUl I.. . with pInk cbeeks and unbounded e.. Tbe Equltable's report sbo'l's thnt 1uopa muy gh'(! emp loyment to hall a the town. The merchants should real· .' :lral' juI ces. Ing them so beo\' Il ~' tbat they will d()o thuslasm, "and lemon ad!! and edibl_ more then 37% or Its total reser·tes . ozen or a dOZen hands . . Correspond- Ize ho'w Important the farmer Is to I comme nce hayIn g ulually the las t The were being supplied to a collection 01 are now In vested In the southem and wee I; lu JUlie, Sa)'11 n " 'rite III FarUl \'elop g reot masses of roots. nee Is stllrte4 willi a vIew ot get ling them. and the rarmer s hould be western states. while only a5'i'o ot Its and home, and , wea.ther permltllng. plowing und r ot. crops crown for the small children who looked. for the 'fIome outsider iuterested. The rlsht brought lO a rooll~lIl lon that tbe town tolal Insurance Is carried In t.hese purpos , of course much humus mpst ·part. like babies and were . . my bay 15 stored dnrlng July. I'flnd It man. apparently. mllkes 'h ls app or· Is tor him as well as for those wtio restalOS . .Its Inveutments are distributed n good Illnn to lIut the 1D0wer on late to Lhe soli, but most rarm ers do not sophisticated ·as J don't kno"" what to ancc. He w nts a \lonus of a row side within Its li mits. and. thut the as (ollows: Ala., $3,099.000; Ariz., like to' lose th e us e or the land for aay. As 1 walked around to see thu thousand dollars. HIs llroposillon Is less ant~gonlsm betw en the resl· $974 ,000; ' Ark., ,4.038,000; Cal., $5 .. In th nrt moon. Th is leaves It for even a 5 ason. This may be aVOided he firs t s un' In ·the momins and It by growIng some lel!:umluous c rop In everyone was settlng enougll to eu s81'Iously considered. ']'bo Bubscrllllion d nts 011 tbe farms tuld lho resIdents 142,000; Col., '5.2~2,OOO; Fla., $t ,924, and drInk I came to one II)[ant Wbo.. llsper III passed around. tho amouot of the town th e' better Il will be fo 000; Ga .• ,4,048,000; Idaho. $5,197.000 ; W.~t5 a gpod deal durIng the nlgbt. the cornOeld late In the season and mug 01 lomonade had not been tOllcbe4 ld i> tbo dt')'lbg next da>·. It which a lecured. nnd tbe r al estate mon seUs ·the wbole commuhlty. Th r. Is a Ill.. $12.617.•000; Ind. Ter.. $443,000; turning under the soil late In the fall apparently. 1 observed that tbere w. .· . Itl' "fll lory" SilO at a good prlcc. The UOllY or Int rests that <:allnot \10 Ind .• $6.836.000; Iowa, $3.690.000; Kan· out In Ihe IIlQI'nlng h' avy 'wlth de\y. It or early In the sprlug. RotnU ous 01 a little twig from one of the tree.a H'''lL'~n '.hl started. It runs about a Igllo red. and there 19 a common fi eld sas. $11,637,000; Ky .• $2.631.000; I.,a .• t.ok es hnlf tb e rorenoon ~o g t the wu- crops J1elp to keep Ull the hUlDus sup· . floating on tbe lop, but they are no' rand Ulere Is a vacant ra t.orw ~t'(lln 1111 can \Vbrll for mutual bene· $3,054,000; Md .• $2.201,000; Mich .. S6.· r I' Ott of It. Som ctlillit llte dew wlll ply. If there Is a grass sod to turo (asUd ous as a rule anOlrara not QOoi rolnr hay uL In ilio afternoon. but It lIuHtl!ng {or ren t.. or ror 811le. How, ilt. 009,000; MInn .• $~.065.000; MIss .. $167 .. will not do so ulIle~s cut ea rly enougb und er occailionally. cur to me that he objected to the monY· lowns In lhe soutbwcst bave hud 000; Mo., '8,1 97.000; Mont.• St. 90,000; to dry consl(] rab ly. proof tha.t be WBI playlnK uude~ real GET-RICH-QUICK GAMES. this cxgerlence? A .BARBED WIRE REEL. Neb., $7.526,000; Nev., $640.000; New trees. "h mld,ll or tbe forenoon the EV<!ll had the- enterprlso been a suc~ 1>1elC .• $1 .376.000; N. C.• $1.(;49.000; N. "Why don't you drInk the' lamoDo ceS8, It rema.lns · that there 'Is afielu Government Inveatlgatlng the Opera· D .• $677.000; Ohio, $11.634.000; Oklll., teilde r shottlrl b put on and worhed Ha.ndy O"vlc" Which Make. HandlIng ad e. little brothe r?" said I. "Isn't" tor. of Bucket Shopi That Do until noon. Tho ted.der Is the most of Wire Easy. more prodoctlve of gOO(\ lor tho town sweet and nIce? Don't you like It1" $1.006.000; Ore., $1.15 .000; S. C., vlllunble hay tool that; we ha"e. WIth· BU81nes8 Through the r,1all •. t hat Ule "club" overlooked. Say that 8 $975,000; S . D., $1 ,305,000; Ten n .. $1.· out Il much hllY wQuld get wet, that He wrIggled a bIt and rubbed hI. faotol'Y be started I.n a small town. Jt A very handy devi ce to be used III ear on bls shoulder In a . dellgbtful !l09.000 ; Utah . $2.134.000: Va" M.59:! .. plh t'wl se Is safely stored In seml·dull may give em plo)' mtult to a uozen m n. . In llmes of prospe rlt)' there are al· OOOr" nsh .. $1.202.000; W. \ II .. $5.523. bandllng barbed w!re Is shown here- atate of embarrassment, and then ""Itll Tho IIG)' roll aDlounts to $30 a day. The wa)'s chances lor llte grafter. Durlns 000; Wis., $2.:142,000; Wyo .• $l.36'.000. weathe r. Hoy ·elrles very fast when wi th. Tak two strips 2'h Inc hel a knowIng tw!nkle be laId : " 1 guel" co'nstnntlr slll'fed. ThIs Is only possl· wIde and 30 In ches long nnd bore UUt\lut or the concern may rcach II t.ho past tim years ba!! been the. era teacher. I'm too little to drink lemou. Ille with a t dder. tolal ot trom $25.000 tn '35.000 a )'ellr, ' of the Gel.rlcb-qulek Ulan. No sooner holes throu gh. each end . Through these, ade wid a In It.''-N. Y. Tlm!!L . HAPPEfIlED AT BAD TIME. D,· 0 11 0 o'clock the hay Is' ready to dOes one scheme I~y out l.han an· "EverY little hellls." &lUl all othor snys 'F llrm and Home, l)ltl old broQm thlngtl III harmooy this adds to ' tho otlic r takes Its place. Thanks to tbe Mlnllter'. Fall Significant In View of rak~ and cart. unlesel It Is very early bandies or· any round stick. and fasteD New Automatic Rifle. In lhe seasoll 01' vcry itea.vy hay. I'n parlance ot the place: But let us ever diligent postal inspcctors. nnd, an Tbe Belf·loadlng or automntlc mU11lo PrevlOUI Wordl. tbul clIse It s hould be put up In good unrel¢.ntl ng gov I'nment. the schemers ~o a little "estlmatlng." Suppose that at Is now helng serIously considered sized cool(s and left trolll tl\e nex.t day. tt here Is ahout the Iown a territory of are not so )llentlful as a few yeaI'M agu. . as the Infsntry arm of the future. Thl In a small church In one ot the min· when It s hould lle opened a IItlle to For eome years a number of 5UPllOserl '1IiO SQUire: miles. Supvose that each equIpment of the great armIes of thl Ins town" of Pennsylvania was a pul· ,sQuaro mile represents four' tomllles- logltlmate g raIn and stock brokers pit both antiQue and unique. It W$" sir, th n cllrted to the barn. Most of world with an Improved rifle' Is hardl, , the nee BHary drying has been accom·tarmers· families. 'rhls would mako I hrlved Iu both !lastsrn and wl!1ltern. about lbe size and sbape of a nOlo.' completed when the mecbanlcs beste ks. . .600 famili es who should do their trad- <:,lUes. These were actl ve In Boll citing barrel, was elevated tram the fl aur pll~h ed In th work on a new weapon. At the recent 'I'be r Is lillie dllnger ot. hay mowIng In lhe town. The rOllorts' <!( the through the malls. and tb rougb local about tour feet and was. tastened tu eX'Omlnations o[ tbe German WU bureau of statistics of thtl United oltlces the. bUQlness o( small Investors. tb e wall. Tbe ascer..t was by oarrow burnIng from tho natura l ·julces; It 1~====Gftjt:~~emy tbe (I.'ttOlDlitiC-TJOU was OD.. I ~ cans d by Illtrodu<:ing bo y thst hilS 'rho millIons ot ' mon~y galned (rorr. ~ of the themes for ' dIscussIon. The ;Stsl.Ps department of labor and com'!WIlldlllg steps. bel'lI weL For this rea~on It 19 eas n·t11erce, aSllures uB that the average ex- the unsuspecting people will never bl. pIece now on t.rlal hss a ma~lD8 A minIster from a nelgbborlng town. p ndltute 'of Ule farmer each year for known. In Ne w York, . Ohlcago, St • man ef great ,'Igor and vel1emence. tlal that ha y that bas bElen wet should holding tcn cartrIdges; tbe recall II A Fen~l"g Convenience. utilized to' load and cock. Consequent. .all tho lIupplles ~e requIres 'In ,the way , LouIs and otbel" cltleB 1I1rge and ell' llreachQd the re otio Sunday.. 'Wh lie lIe Ihoroughl y drIed. ' ~rore storing. drivIng a 01111 through the sq uare Iy the soldier can remain quietly I. -Of agricultural machlnory, 0\lrrlaltell• pensively ' conducted omeea w.e re main: preaching be bent forward ,!lnd shoul' Tho qulokcr hn y Is cured after .c utUJ)g • agonll, clothing, end fooil, II $627. talmid. Once the government got 01 • (ld out wIth great force the warda of file heller It Is. Swale hay requIres Leave' one loose so that It poslUon, never rCIDe)vlag his eye tl'Of'll lIlore drying than lit[tothy or clover to tlareful e!tlmatea ot tho amount ot the tbe- rigHt trail, there were Irregularl · bls texl: c ut'e It from mow.burnlng. Swale can be 'put through th I' el of wlrc as the target, and . lire hIs' teu abota.fIlrmers' trade that goes to the mall· ties dIscovered tbat resulted in frauu "Tho rIghteous shall Itand. but the se shoWO In tlte cut. The spool of wIre New York Sun. should he cut early; It Is practlcally may be linrolled by dru.wlng It ovel order house and la In ' othor . ways di- orders ;bel ng Issued against .. numbel' wlc'ked ~ ha" fall." • the ground wI th this simple device. verted trom bls bome to",n. ahowa tbat at t be concerns. The end Is not yet, Just aa tbese words escaped Irom \\'Ortbl ess cut late. COFFEE COMPLEXION. It II .more than 26 per eont. of all he and the 'work of extermination will btl his lips. tbe pulpit brokejftlom Its kept up till (Ir,ere Is none In operation . spends. Tbull we ·find tha.t trom the fastening. and be fell oul \.nd rolled Managl119 the Worken. Ma~y Ladles Have Poo~ Complexion • . HINTS FOR FARMERS. territory of tbe town there II annually Buylng stocks In a tall' m'n rket Is " over on the ftoor before his congrsManaging tbe workers on a fl!rm Is from Coffee. 4lvor(ed In trade ·th.e nille auni of more rlaky business. but whe.n there ar& entlon. In an Inlltant he ·wa.s -Oil hll' ~ science.In Itself . . It Is a science that Don't let any clouds get between schemers to stack' the cards a8alnst (llan $79,000. ThIs amount goo. (rom .teet agaIn and said: ' . ro,,· havc studIed sufllcle'nUy. Plan- you and tbe s unsblne. ,"Cotree caused dark colored·blotch.. the town. ceases to be a taclor 'In Its , lhq ·ln:veslor. there js not a ghost or a . • "Brethren. I am not hurt , and I 'jlng out the work 80 tbat IL may' be The . fnrmlir's road to 8~CC CSS Ie on ml' (nce and bofly. I had beeQ and bus!. show. Many a blink clerk upbulldlng. It means that every day don't mind tbo fall much, 'bilt 1 do done In tbe best manne r and In t h e drinking It for B long while and thea. paved with good resolutions. the town loses about1132 I~ trsde. , neSs mnn can trnc~ his downfall to hate the cunneclloD," least tlme Is equivalent to !\ savIng blotche~ gradually appeared. untll Lie down nnd stretch out a tew B1lCculatlng , l n ~he buck~t .shOll~. : • Now wQuld' lt not be m)lch better, If . In dollllrs and 'cents, Not only. should Onally they became permanent aDd ' minutes eyer)' day.. ihut your eyes the work be llrOpe rly done and at th e New Au.trlan Railway. /the comlJlercla~ club took. up the matwere about as dark as coffee ltself•. De.dly Common Planb. . Hitherto tourll.ta Irom . the United rIght time, but the ' lime between dlt· nnll let the world go. It will do you Iter of (iI)vlslng means of protecting the "I formerly bnd as fine a complexThe things that give the moat plea .. States who chose ~e southern trip to fnrent pIeces ot work ahould be, as mor~ good than anything else. ,buslnesll I~terests of tbe enterprises 10. Ion as une could ask for. uro In life frequently can ,also cause Europe left the ateam"r ' at GIbraltar small as possIble. Here Is a point TryIng to be a successful fnrmlll the mercantile linea ' already estab- the greatest pain. Among flowers, for "When I became convlnced that cotIIs1\(ld, than t o brIng In a new euter· Inatance. tbe beaui.Uul Bnowdrop. the or Naples. but mu)', cbleOy tbos8 at whIch great wallte ' occurs. It Is " 'Ithout Industry, economy and mod- fee was the calise of my troub., t · e rn methods. Is In the samc Ilne with who had ' already been In Italy, no~ like a man fo rgetting some thing a t prise o~' uncertaIn succellB? III ndt the hyacinth, jpnqull and narclssu8 are cbanged nnd ' took to using Poatwa motlon ~ h na not be"n Food Colfee. and a-s I made It we1\. to Trieste and rontlnue from the store. and bavlng ' to 'drlve ,back perpetual bade of the farmers and the people of' a1\ poisonous, and to eat the smallest here their voyage by ' ~he now Au. n!lIes to get It. No man can prollf.rly solved. the town equall1 ·a l beneficial aa th.o part ot ' the root of eltJier of them cording to dIrections. I IIk.e d It ve". Sill tbe .cold wa tcr you dTlnk theu much, and have II~ce that 'time WiM wages pa~d to the few . mell that the would .produce fatal results, while the, trlan. railway. There can hardly 118 manage t1 sel of worker;J without put'factory mtgh!. e!l1ploy? Does ' nC!t. $79,· Julcea of the leave. will cause violent a m,ore beautiful country than. the t!ng som t hougbt on It. Thinking days. A- lot of cold water gulped It ln pIa ce f.\! coffee. regions whlcb a~ made acoesslble by Is not so' asv liS It seelUS. '1:0 thlnlc down wlll be apt to brln!: on colle. DOO In trade 'more than equal the out"1 am thanktul to say I am not lUI,. You haven't tho time nor strcngth tc ,vbue any more, as I was when I w. . · thIs new Transalpine railroad. The In a logical ~a~lDer requJres etrort. .lI ut and tbe general uccrnhi'g lei. the vomiting. Tl\CJ berries of tho yew. tree' 'have Dew railway Is owned : by the state. . _ . _ _ _ waste In" that way. . ' wealth of . the town bY. ' tbe factory? , klUc<I :many peoll)e,a',!d . the opIum d~lnk1ng colfee. and my ' co'inplexlGll III . Is no miles long. Therf a re 49 When beavy wInds como UP. ahul now as faIr Ilnd good as It was year. .n Is ' evJdenf that there is a wide . obtaIned " from poppIes , has lI\ao · and Sow Cowpeall In Drilla. totlll length ,of teu lIeld. fol' co'i nnierclal club elfdrt In t.he chllmed Its vlptims: :r:ad,~s slipper ' tunnela. with After IIbout 18 YOUrS; ~x"erlence the doorl at .the barn and at the ago. It la very platn tlia.t coffee UoII.IN kOOlllDg In the town the ·dQllars tha.t anu', Illy of tho '"aUey .are both danger· miles. Th!!re are ' 60 bridges. Qne ot' With cow peas a11d SOl' ~eans. J would lIouse. ' It you (Jon't. yon may Ond the trouble." . are earned and devIsIng means .ot pto· OUIl, ond It t he' blossoms of crocus areo w.illch·. across tbe river jzoh~o, bal not ·thlnk of ht'OI/odcnstlng them, says your roof a way ovel' In the baoK lot, Most bad complexIons ' lU'e cauae4 the longest Boone Bllan In tbe) world . a~ that would not be lUuch lun '. ' " ..teetl ng , trade. chew(jd thoy cause vO.m ltlns. Tbere are, besIde!!, al many ' as 67~ a writer In P"ill\ aud J;iom!l .. I ule " 1If9re . ~han ono b rlldlrig has beell un· by some disturbance or the atomacla Flowers from ' bulbous roots. ' however, Imaller brldg!!s aDd yla4ucta.-COD' nlu ~ho" ~\"1l , oloslng 11.11 but the cen· roofed by leaving the doors open In a Bnd eolree Is the gMatest disturber ot dlgesllon known. Almost any WQIDAIl Lar aTAI two outside hoell. This makes Couragi In Dilly Llfl, Reem ~q the· most dangerous, and It ,ular Ruperta. can have 8. fair complexIon 11 she 'Will rows two fcot apart. 1 set this to sow storm.-FatUl .10urnal. Bravery helps to make a nallon might not be out ot place to 'dealerl leave off coffee aDd use Paatum Food , .""fe. A na~lon of -cowards, however 1n t~ese to label them wIth a croll' . p' Nltnle- W,ltel fa', Papers. about onQ·lialC b~s'bel seed ).er acre. . The F,a rmer'. Living. ,. eollee and nutrltlous. healtby food la. of I then cultivate twO! t 0 foilr II mes ac\ PJ'OJperoua. eamlot be a great nat'lon. bonea and mark them PO~.OIl. PremIer Camp"all.Bannermnn, ~ dl th -' Thl III glv· The f"rmer. with 1\ little labor. eall prol\8r quantlty. · Poatnm furulsh.., Men lind women 'Who dare IIlng tbemIa the e A~""'" act on· of bli :lOr ng to 1 " Id . ~ a:"'sl"nd. U h B W live like... a prlace, yet ofttimes h' certain elements trom the natural 8elv~ agalnlt creal.oddl fill' the lake Cigarittea' and Oon~l!nce. . decellOr, ' Balfour, iu on~ ' thIng. ' greMer 3 e 'II' en Deas are pre , I b oadcasted ,;nd --d bAved will ,uorks the hardest and Ilves the POOl' . gralnl from the field that Nature UMie of their con.. l~tioQs; who do not ne Irian who IlIDUs hlar.aelf· to clll' The latter laSt\. thll~ 'Wblle he .WlIlI D f .. -~ ., .. read til It.wapa_No pay for the They are elt. lif ,.ny because he will not accepl to . rebUild the nervous l111tem and _hrlnk 'from cmos out .,BlUlt aDr arottell 1Ih0wII a IImalllleu ot mInd .. toe never . • , ' :~--. a):'o' eaaler tft only when the coodl provided. More properly when th&t Ia In sood Condltlon,' 011. evil that lliar menace the ,1Ir1t7 of flo ~eeml Imltten wttli lome hJd~'JI omo.eIIfM8Dt mlldlter not onIJ D ,.... III I th nn.._1 ' Ule . 'Who 'W11I, If . 'eolUlClence ' that leelll It Ia liot rlcht _AA.'" ,.prime t "trit~ for UlOID the lroundl ll 11"ulually .pesklng. w not ra Ie em. .~- can de\)lllld· UpOn a IQOd colllplestOIl o.I,t after OOrD We ofteD ·111 better 'than a !usclbull m~on, Jet u well u a IOOd hMlU11 body• .h1l1lo1alJ to but he .mot'be,. {t. _II - - ...em ..,..u • Is _ ..., a . . . of doUII . bYe . , 1lO-~ Cro8 bIIclk ~eaa aftW. how UWlY _ ral.. 0,0. but ... "TIme'1 II l\e;IIon." ac... "'rh. . brando ·to 10 WelkUl.... ID pap. .atq at \111 rlI'IIt dM Rea" .. _tal w 0U1 oat DOW . . . UleD'














. :..





l- u bl l>h~o1 ""


Clipped from

phs ja.zotes.

ou r Exchn nge s

I Bild Burn ~Iliokly JieuIQc1. County . 1 11m () d 11gb teO wit,1I wUllt )lair Aug'. 6 to 9.. ( 1lJ1lmber.lllio'll ,lIlve blUI lI'm .. fhr

N o I~ ,til' \1\ Obio oquu h i n ,,11 11 _ . t · 'Jf Intl'relltin" Hemll t A arlO) • ~ I"1I1 ml lIIorit , till' (~.·ml l1 a nn y ~Iu ~~~~',~'~"r ~h" .,·1 ~:01 1 \1" " " d M II ,,,,'1'. l.uth('rl'd fronl the Nt'w papl'rs F" tr III ')< 11111... ;, ., '1'. J . IIH'>"" . .·.~"O' 1,,'1', ~: "11" .t. (If the tat l:' In nil rallr/t!ot!l till' ( 'lrlJ~m ( 'on nt.,Y rll'




\I" ".



tllnt I feel bouoJ to writ.e IIDII


tul] yon eo ... !lll,'1I !fril. R n he r t, Myt.



I nt i

( "lilt('


. Hutcbison &

t.nll .j!i, .I ohn, t ,l::Inmilt ou . ()utllri n.





"My 11M Ie dtln!{bt,e r h~IJ II bll.Ihnrn o n ner kn . 1 nppli (1 'hlllllhlll' . T h' !o\!-l~g~ r 'oueh Fnir i!l ;li~h Ittll~. Itt< pxhibitilll l'e IIdn'/j SII1 VO UDd it, h Ol\l cd (lenn,lfnl . \V W l'e wlrltl III ,1 .1,u·illl( fl ll>4 " f",' I, ItC~ 1 r III , i ll I dmH III.VI1 ' " . I) , " Thi s lI'Ilvo II hvny" ·.t h e »lIln of I I illt I',. (,Ill' I ' .-" I t IVIIt - -1\ ho v6 t.h e n v rtl ~6 IInti ilrs progrum of II hllrn ·nlnt o!'t. Instnlltl ,~ .· Tt . 111 terlnlly IHlvlLlJ ooti 1,111' '1,..1. •tIll ... I" "t . ,V'." lf I I " The oitl "tllg ('Oil 'h .In.1 foul' ,hut i!lI: I\vIII'~ e nto rlllinin g nnd prl\ otl c III. fnr /jnl oy.1 h . .T!loone.v . . I' to Ie 1 1 .... llre~ iI" ,uft 11 p ' l, grtltlt.p.I·. Mllttln!:~ f" UI" !.lIt' Orhmt. W,IV II ~ lh rl ~"rv iefl fo~ VI'lI r~, ",ni! rl u g up ~'lIls :vonr $.;1.. 00 in ' )Jrb:!cl will ha tel' 11 fl, In\Vellt p1'i C811 . from th Cl 111l1llP, vcrhll llied lind giv lil1 .. n th rn ell nlnne . , . . . .. '.' Ingraln ~ ., . Land Owner.s iltlll t·ed out ;111 II n l' IV 1111 ;01;101\ tlli In Aver y rlepllrtm fltl t t.lle Jis p\lI,V Notice to '~;'~V;"I : I~n I'; ~t1I I,..r~ Ilftornonn . 1{l'nn rl.,-'" "ill \V FI t wi ll Illi In r ~l'. portrtl ying til SUI!· NOll- HeElidcnt of tile County. of ' Ill ~ Il ''1' II! on III Cnll e~' '11111 I1lt, IIIHIIII gp t I'~~ un~ flll\'~ nc' 1.11 0nt of thi ~, >IeC'· ' . I ,,1111 Ii ~·I' t . "Time und Place of Meeting of me nt wllnts II ~ 11t )! 0111'11 !lolo l1 jJ I tio ll . j ho Flltr WIll be belJ In !l r",l\.r l,lo I'nol\l:h f r ,! I Viewers and Surveyor, ano it n In(:iun mn~ HII r ony, IVedn ~dn .v, 'rll.1l!' dllY ,wd . ; 1.:1 .. l nrllli" "-- ,,i l lit . '. LIIl 01 6:l III , t h fl grillit. k llo he n "mlll,,11 ouverm Whpn tbe Id r e llc r'J lled down Friduy. An g""t II, •• • Hn(1 11 'lit . I <lo' ''' CUDlJlllII' .lUll F! lI a ' Hal ueK \' ''\1 t-bro nl\h tbe vl11."ge s tr I. I,he e n new I'fl'l~ot.s 'V intl l IV t;holl ~, 1111 0111 I r ~ , /III ,It ',11 11 111 .. tn 11"1.,, un: lWI'd'», III I II tl cd Ihut I ~ Pl-'llllo n f'O lgn N I h~' Lon -; LI ve !.he K i nil' ! Frllu k ="'Lnlllt,\~· :lnd otller~ , wa,. l) re~euU't1 t u tin' pOI)nlllce WII S o ut t o a th ----_._--,-the «'Oll ll lY . j '() lUml ~H l o nl'r,. u f \V nrrcl1 n e\v sight., ·1'he old m on loo kerl is the popnlllr'ry thrnngho nl E. II · I'",,,IIY, Qhl,'. al .tlt Ir meetlllg he).1 O il tit,. roplllln . Duntri et! : wbile 1111 Am 1'1011 ·lIr. 1 ,I" i' (If .Iuly. 11107. ,lI'ay (nK fllr Ihe on norl ~lglll'lI .. "Thllt ollrrt me t.l ' r y o f III P" slInt dllY i "Long Iny lng nu , antI <stabIl8hf ll>( (If a ('(I\lu ty I , . ., D. ' v r ronrl. on th ' Il)lIowln~ line 10W\I . hlln k 1.<1 rlllY!'I of y ore ." live Dr. Kin g s ew ISOO e y 1l ."ln llllll: ':ll a 11O(UI In 'a ullylOw lI anll , . 8,·.tl,el Jonrn .. l. Kin!; of Throlll lind Lung H m '. prlll g Va li'V Illk. ' 1I1ll1 11I tlu' 11I 1'\M lon lin.' ed les!" of wllioh Mrs . •JUlill R.yd e r hOl wC"n I. UII1I1I OI1 u '"I.~~. . lIulll~~ fa rm ' uits, .Ju o k p t~ f l l' MI!I!lS", W 0111(,1'1 N'-'YR ' " 1t, III ::ur vt.'>'1'f :! :l~ !.:. unO ' IJit ~ rU llll ln j.t tht!n oo '1~ U 0 .61888 P t u, R t ) 11 nc . r r , ., . f wllh 11",10' <111.1 lill'" (11,0 " -lilt l it lI n•• "f IT ar un 11 S n e,'er fllils tu gi ve IUllnedltlt~ roH~. 1 """* "111111"), ulI,1 .1. M. 1'••,1,'" 1:11111 • • lit " nnd C hildren. ~~" I· "I . \\IU"lt l< . U u t o quio kly oure ll oou 'II or cold " "I1·hel nglb· "ulIlltlltll·."r ~'Ir " e)' of(o~tI de rwe nT,It ,flllll ... 'lnll' ('I onks. . Ftl l'lIlel~, !HnL~1I Ule~obant::l lIUu" aud M PlIine's opinion is tihllreu hy II III .1"ortllw". ll·rly ,lI r~"II"n (1 1111 111 (hl" ",n •• householde rll in fllct ever vone, \\111 rtlj t ttl ' 1lllllbitlin ts of t blM ,'!)U r8e ulltil Il hll·......c"" h,· PI'01'050,1 :llll'~: lUll Orl yo , \Ij I . IILlolI '" 1111' WII-on ro,lIl In .1. M. t;ook. I . be illt.eI'6st.ed In ·Ule WHr !.hat th e country . Now I)' peovery n r OI:l laOlI" an.1 11... I·c .·".fllI" It IJ'IIII; II t11~IaIl CC f l I t • • i wllg wellk lun "s lind >lollr thron.k! utte r " I 'J~(I rolls IIIlIrc I" Ie •. to d ' ' b \' f uiled ' lind 'I'hat no'h'c , hen'or \l lId hUII'1 " " rl'llul n'(1 d elllll'tme nt a ngr c u 1rt '; Ing agtliruct, rols nntl m i('e 'rh e ' 8 11 olh t1r r1'1ll 0 11 e~ Idl\ ' t ' th '" 0 Ily bv lillY w u d il ly i!1 "~n "1111 Haiti 'utl n'I\'~'lllU' • for' ol) l ' (! l l . u. n c 00 M 1 IS ) 0 t ; ml loCf4 1011f\r,,,, on Lth' J~l "hl~! n f .I UI.r . 11 0., \jy department hA S jll!!t IBF1Wdll s mull su ni lIr , GtlIU'llntflt1(ll b~' F, (.; 'ml~r "I'puluI Cd three "It'w~rM ","1 Ih., Pllmphle t for fre 6 IIlstrtlllll .. n l!iV' 1" o h"'"r! 1r. l>rll~!:l ll t.. ~o 111111 00. , '\lUIl I )' 'U I" ' ('~'ltr L/I ,'lew, d Uf\·C.,·, "ltd lay\'ul • . , . \11 11 u« u,lJll b r'ul! h r\lQ.LI . in~ the lotest. Rnd best orl\'11'1l of It~ :lrlul bnt tl f' fr ue. ' ou ar" h"'h r nt.I!tIc,ltha l dill" 1'1'"" 'r~ 'rlleo COntolllJ .1 bn." y our tlrl'I'R HI l exp rts on t·rapping uUO " lijQn. \ -:- , - - - ~-:-n ~~';II1~~~\~~.orl;~f:lla~nQ~r '~lu:;:'~~clI~~(l~~II',;:"r~ Bnt.chllUlQIl i ' H'blle.\"~ , X' tUIIl ,t!lti l' ing, rat proof bllilding con tru ro All .tuntlll l il ~l'lglt~1 e_ .. '. pe nuIOCKU, Ill . 1M thn pU rJ)(»'r.,,· t (''':1I1 ,11t • oC)it, ' IIlt S n 1 ••1t r O '~'lI'trll(jnt "f r ) It v I '1,,1 prieR' I't tb GIl~ Ite llltH,e . <lIht onler. . b t t· tion, t e 111'0 .eo Ion, i' l 'Ill .r AOII II", I~I ,1:1)' or Au gUSt 11111. I~ III" ' h i )' , I ~ • b ouses, corn orl' 11!! II nt·1 til t' . tikp'' j ._L _ I ., hylVl'kh "l •llm.r"r, ""I1 I'~ I1":\lI"" ,~", t h. fBbrlo!' fo r t I r1ro.1I If ~olfnnrl th o Itis RI~id thRI· the dllm,,~ .. hv rn lP : BA~t Pt){'(11 It ~;~h'l 111 1, I~I ,HIY",r ,lu I ' 1111) ';'. t rimming'" It. I~ II rl'" "" II II b it' in thi", cOllntry is hnrd t o Unl Clll ,tt e, I G[1Jia IIncl Oin.r'·!I,CII:lt .. , ,A, S tilwell, Count~. Auditor, st.tltellll'nt IIlId rnll .1" 1" '11"1"11 ill t,l'It' bt;'t it. IlDlOuntll t.') morp ('u nll yt'lIr I " I IIn(ll'~lnm berhlln" olie, h ol . .I:I·H pU8t. \Vfl lll'I' t Dre~~ 1'""11,, II l ltl~ .. thnn from 1111 II niru .. I I' >It>l eOt Il · I e r lt II ntl [)lIlrrlt oflll Re m eely t,) h.~ j .. I I t be \~ orld ---~-___ and do nq "11I1,lh Willt 1111v 'u .•.. blned . 'I'be IlluJlphlet 1111 rltt ki ll· ' ~I,I ::II I~t;~t (:~II1~1 Y(]u~tel" of Sklr1ll~1, J lOtdwdl'l', d " " n. !<hll ', pl.' 'l'I I•. t' ingonghtt.o b 11 populI... !'lIhlll'"· / A i.!. I 'HII f' tlon, IHld 18 oertumly II V" ':." IJrn tlinrrh ' I It ohj ao t t.n ('olie ,111(1 U ~h"t' ~ t' h ~~. h'lve Ih ni .. 1'1:0 ." , tlotll' o ne. - Wilmingt.o n Ittl lltlbli 11.11 It !! tho"r·u. LII I s " l'itt~ it. ~f,p nHlrl .. ) i H Ub.~ ~ i1~ ': ' In,,'' I·, ·i , t wnl1 n ~h I '\" ,nl ll d Ip. "nll I I.blnk c,.) . . . ~ Inin'.lcl if I hlltln '! tll keu bumhe r · , ~~~ ", ,'. :;,,- / .<",) 1.u 'Sl'~ t,t\ !-Ut-l t ., t I , .. II 11 ' " I I tt t " li d Money in HOgfl Rml) (loti o. t h lI> m nurl DlllrrhoOll 'J ~ ~ "";,~'...~ ,'"/ / t;" ~,,,,-j oltll!ll lutl -I... n ~ · · I .w ,. " ,I., WI ttlv-II.v . I hll " e n' t h nn tr Juhlftli Q' • ' " ':> ,.~ " trim fnml ",r ., 1",, 1. J U'" 111 Horu e SprllY 80lei 10:! nin e 1 hn It ~il\( e nn til t.hls week . when "~: ~IA " 'jj ";"f':l- ''''Jj :-~ l I "I I I tf'" :t «. months old pigs to Samuill UlIlR, be If(} Il very se vl1 re nt.tQc~k /lII c1 took ~.1i1, 'v ", ~~~~ II i ~ lo , and Fr"nlr Pemiry lust Thnrsd •• .v ~17Je II hoUle of th e t,weo l;y five M il t Hlltistc:' , ~i Ik~, h o!flr. .>,!,~. 'l-m;.p·,~~ ~I'~ whloh averaged itOIi 1 5 l)(lund@ pel' uotl lbltllt berIRill '~ 'olilo, lilll DI<\.rl'1loell R e ll'l I.v , Mid this ~ - o.,,:.~~ '" ,...--....., Silit , ud \Y head and for whloh li p re e lvecl ,li'ornll1ll'i feel liko 11· Illew mlln " 'I" 'hn Ill in/l~, - -,\ t (-.\\-. -ll-"-l;"-N-'-If-t-II-I~"'-'r-II-"r-I)-'-,,-'1-11-1-,,. 1 'per huodr"d , or n total of ''1.255.80. Fnr'Rnle by ,1 . E .J/lnlley. j It WIlS au extra line bun 11 of pIgs ""rillhl,, l' lII'~ 'til onllullry :UlJtc lc tlf I ' f'\ !'IIIH. (1IItr1·hu'a . for whicb Mr. Sprn.y rec ived t I,e u ul"·I1." ~ hit r1 ep~DtIHI " POll , I"!!~~~,""!!~,!!!!!!!!~!!!",!!!"!!~~~~~~!!,!,!!,!!!-...~~!!,,,,,~~~~~_ top prioe.• Wilmington Dl'llloorilt.. evHII. (:lt III fli p 111 111' ~t"· .. r tl "IInC'llll "t ,:: -: ~.., crclI" I' " "lie IIlId ,·hull·!,,, U1or h u~ . hal'l ,' W. wurtz of Lebanon, 111 it it< "'1 11.,. ~1I1 · .. " ,~rlll fur 11111111,'1' I DL wis hes the public io know t lat ". t1lIlrl'II" '/I ....1\ "h " leUI Illrall lll ill III y-·ly.~ Kentucky Go·Ing"D" ry. Bouton is not on t h t' road for tum chilll,·,·". 11, .. 1iN lit .. (lr t • . . ',J l". selling monumen t;;. the Ii ...·s ur lII all \' chihl ..., 11 11'I <'h Y,"/II' ~ .3l ___ ~ . TbepreBldent of Ihe Keotucky See Charlie lind snve an agent's Wh "11 ".·'l ll,,~.l with wnl t' l' ,,1111 Anti·Saloon League repo rts that tit commi ssion. s w,'"I,./It,,1 il j ~ III n~Jllltto t .. k~ . . t56 z LI N ES. . .. .......~_ -=the prese nt time 91 out of 11\1 ooun· E"tll'~' IIlIIU "fll r: llllily Bh ..nltllt~etJ Jamestown Exposition Low Fare Tours thlRI'.-IIl .·,lr ill hj ~ l' (1 l1l tl. BI1~' it III.W , ties in · the state nn "dry" 32 ,M A Memorllbl.e Oru.~ .' PI!I 1: , :!;;C. LAROE ' w:. fil JC Pittsburg-I , D~ily York them havlD8 voted si~oe t,h e utlop OUE' of lIte days wo remem'b er H .b WIth D tlon of the County U u'it Locol Opo with plenlmre. II!! wellnl! with profit E ____ _ _ ~ . arrlS urg St _ \ pO ton tion Law · !Lnlt olo.sed 2:10 slI.looos to our blllllth , is tbe one on whlob Baltimore OvoePrs _ Philadelphia f • t' I \V booUIllO aCtlnnlnted with ·Dr. W h I I Of the .remalDing 29 coun lt~s . on y King'!'! N. w Life PilfR, tbe · pninlEl8s, . • as ington J . at l Ricmoud h four ure largely 88loon terrItory. puriflflr~ thllt c ure headaClhe and , . , an~ other point.s on one Excur~lon Ticket. and there are now only. fifty towns l bilioUSI\A!I!\, illHl keel) tltll bowels Go one. Route-- Return Another- Long Limit Bnrt oities in tbe state In wlll b tbe r,igl~t . 2r,c\ lit F. C . ,'0Ilw8rt ~, Drug sale of liqnor 'Is legll!. The tln, 8tore . ANNUAL SEASHORE ..~X (iRSION


11 1 .00 U )' tlar .. • • • • • . lu + "h,,,tlJ4.' 'fi I. !!h U YCI\r If II O'L pajt.S ~ fI IIflvaut1e

1I/1' F1CE' IN AI~1.EN

111 0

I ,Do


rr. :JEPy.JONC eJlLL • .:.."~?~


'rake tlle P08tmasl~r's W o ~ II f()r it Mr. F. M. Hamilton, po~ t.m ~A t tlr at Ubeuyvale, Ind. keep" . III~ o II !!took of gpn e ral mer o h6D1h ~e end patent tn'lliioines . ti e ilIlY~ : " hom berltlin'lI COlic, 'bol rll lIud DluT· rhoea Remed.v is "tilOllnrd bere in its line Jt. uever rllllll t o j!lva flllt.· Isfnotlon lind we oould harell.\> Ii It'ord to Po .wlthout It. " ~ 'o r !lule by ;r . E. Janney.




. Ready' To Wear G Irment5

SubscriptionR r eo ' fo r nil th e leud log magllzlneR Rod news pllpe rs, ut t be UHzeUe ntll e. Nute - We will nleet the prioell Rd ver titiled by "nl r epu tllbl" subsoription " gPnoy.






-.;-.;ti --



~ l1hj('ot. to colio lln!lclill



PI_ilL \0 "'ke. n I. nnL Decel&arr th dleto'!l.Y ~r,. M!v~r~ CUe».


HAttl~r~'I' lI' ;o

U -... .,. . .

R_.laded br Physioians

>. _:


'I'b...c.omacb .. III O(IOU be III lDeb a lIe.IUt,. ..,,,dlllon Iha. UD~ CI&D eat tw1 kind or food,


Two alz••,



.00. aid SI.OO ptr bOL



!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~~!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!~ I


It is a seriolll-> mi. f;nke to neglect a wedk ht'Hl't" I~ is such a S1101't ,' tt"P to chronic heart· . 1i.·otll:le. When you .l1oti e i!.'t' gu- . Iarity of action , o('rasioll-' .ing short bx:~ath, pa~pit~­ tion, fluttermg, 11:1111 III chest or difficul ty j 11 I.dng on. left ~ide, your ~eart needs help-a rthcning tonic. rrhel'ci no bctte}:'remedy than HI,', 1 files , Heart CUI'e. Its, t nlllgthening influence .i. -Edt aJmost at once. "1 bave uHed 10

1·,,111 ·· • •


I ,'.' Miles'

Heart Cure H illt CUll ,, ' u ' h fll ll ~' ~U~' It haa~done me more r.;~'l ,d t lla II II n)· t li ln~'


I Penns . '



~LW .LAN G,M.D; C. M. Rll)u~.VILLII:, OUI()

a hlllf dO'len.-George" to wn Hil u ze too ,


' I'KClAVII ICS: Chi.cke!1

DIIIKASKt! 011' womlN


.,. ! ... a'

~.l·~l ·

I y. " COt Atl an t Ie

:111. 1:' 8TREE'1' WAYNESVII" DIlI, O. In room n ext door to 'ross Bros. Hn.rdwRI e St,)re.


" 0. I 1M ville's Leuding 'DeIltist '. OfflO(i hI K eys Bldg. Moin St·

Water-wo.rks. , .,


. The ' little vllillge Leesburg soon Il de~truct:iv!! fire two yeBr~ ago beld all eleotlon lind voted not .91n....... t p ..... 0 I IL I' : UI\' ~"1l. 1. h u t It tbut· wnterworkll sbotild be built did " I hf\V C ' n r'l l ', I~ , " :' 11 - {.. r a yt.'IL'· now; find "~ hfl l" 1111' ,'" I ~ I, '11~i lllla lly M. Ilnd tbiil Willi the Qnd of it . TUf'sd",v, eU"ht 8),mp toOi 01' t ~ t' "Id U·Yllhl ,'. It a second disIlstrou8 fire IItrllck I h", . s not· eno ugh ( t il' !rh" 1, 1 •·.. II U n llt' tIlt, u se 1)[ tl lo fllt: d lf'h H', I I I :l hnu1tl E;'et lll!'oe lind destro'ye ~l $20, uOO wurtQ ",,'orfl'e 1 would kun w Wh itt til 11 0. THkt: Dr MII(1~· J Icur t U I ',· U H t ti l e! bl' forf:. of pl'opert.y. on whlob .w,. i( li t tle l con ~Idp r my",'lr !"·,, .'Ll r~tll y eured or my hCHI 't tt /'''I'')''.' i08"IltIlee . It WIIS firmly buli\'l ved· S. H. DI;N ::<<\ )1 . 1.I,'III,,"lon. 'l 'eXllll, anti nssorted lbll t. t.he prevIous oon Or. Mil •• ' He - rt C,ure . · 11 a.til by )fOU' <lr"(I "I IO'I . wh~ ... 111 Buarantee tl... t flagH tiOll S wIlra ctlnsed by 110 inee n · th • .ffr~ t b , t tlo ,·, 111 benellt. If I,t f~1I1 he wlil re'"nd your monoy, . dinry llud many bel;evo thnt. the Miles·MediCal CO •• El~art, Il)d last nno WtUI alllo ' work of tl fire · bug ,.and oondemnation. nf otH OItll8 for fltilllre to a~Qortliin ti,e ract·8 and. negligence in the oun· 1 I 11 !I-O' j P' ions reoel veri . her... fill' 8trnct.ion of, the water works . 1I11s l cansed (lil!!ll1tlsfl1ol.lon Itnd deu"lludS I all IItlludiud map.zlDes, arlj being 'mllde fur . the ,r elligllatlun y:z:=:: of tbe offioers. It 1" ellsy . to con· I J. ,n""patlon, F l' r conllt.lpII Uon I.hp-ra Itl not ~ing demu pnblio il6rvllnts, hut not eusy qnlte 1'10 nlOfi nil llhomlil.rllllq·8 to fmd th08e who will pleuse 1111. tllomll'Oh aDd Liver Tablet,. They -Wilmington J~qrnlll" . .t"av8 pro!lIlC8' Il pIFo.~mr move "., ' maD' uf tile 1)(J "'tlllI \Vitho~t .any BrlDg yOUl' p' rlnth:ig of dilajp'8eable eifec&. I'fioe. 25 cent.. all de· Bampl. .Sold by .J . E, IItlriptlODS to the Gazet&e Oft,!08. Good work lit rlg~t priOM.



Cape May


EXI"URSION 'l'olepbon:e io house IlDU oruce ,... T' TOI. ~I AGnA FAU.s $7.00 Round rip .,rom Wa~ ne8vill~1 O. \vJiere I ca.n b e culled day or night"BdSTON, July 25 to,28-New Englnnd Old !:i( m 1 . VlIlIey Pbone U-2. -fitop ov~rs lit. Baltimore, WlIshinglon, Ph hldBlphln Week New York, . . I1IHI PBILADErJPBIA • •luly 12 to Lil-B P. O. E _ direct Or i viII Wftshlngtno, wlt.h stop overs Ilt B tlHm nre anti WaMhing A Wonderful Rappeu nS, . trin . Byron, N, y, bu witnessed onPort of the most remarkable 0886S i SUMMER 'f(IUlU "r ~'AREH U to O(lfllln, LIlka a ond Mfln n . .. F i tfl. n resort". IInll t.o Uol'lrlltIo lin Pll oi HIl (.;" IHt of hanling ever recorded. , For fUlr pltrtio nlll I'll I I. 'l'iokul Agellt, Ki~g, or th",t ploce says. Buok W:tynesvUle, Oblo. len s Arn!o(\ Salve onred a sore 0 n ~~_-_----~"'!""_:'------


to build .

Ocean and 8Resorts other

$J6.00 Round 'rrip from Waynesville. 0 .. Augullt 8.

,A~":>8 'J.


I New


Carried Away by CrowlI ANIl ORJLDRl!:N 'l:he Dooto'r Away froUl Home We hllve bel1rd ' of t be injory When Most Nee6ed. . done by in the tion of . Peol)le Qre often very muob dis 'corn and otherwise, but neve r bl3' 1I1>110inted" to find tbnt their f&nlily . . physioi Iln is away f rom b ome w ..••en fore hlld we b ellrd of the carrymg h· k but we tb",y most n !led bis 8el'\' ioes, DI· away of young q 10 en!!. . sea8u like orllmp oolio and cholem have it voucbed for by two gent.le- morbus l'equire prompt t.roatme nt. men of undonbted veracity tbllt lind bave ID mllny in's tanoes proven wnhin the PIlSf, ten days th!lir bam~ . flltl~1 beforo medio.ioe coul..1 he pro · ~:a~e~oW~~ar~h\~h lJ.!nh~~\Vsufl~:~~ ~ yards bave been visited lind young olued or II p h r(l10l uu sl1w mon ed, five" Uunranteed tv OIire ' Itll W'II 'fbe right way Is to keep elt b an d a . ' , ' . I) . t .t 1 oblcks taken · .b y' t I.e pes 'I . 1 . 1:ottle of ChllUll.Jerlnin's Colic C hol. sore9. by F . (.;. dohwllrtz, rng!! ls , Doan and George Sllk .. r. ,farml!1'8 em nnd Olllrrhoell Remedy . No 250. ~t of town, tbe gentlemen who pll ysiciuo 08n presc ribe u 'better have suffered, ,t be ' form e r havlDg: . ll1elljoin~ for these diseases. By . ad d oompeled no to cIroll h~ vlng It In the b ouse yon esoope punu an . . milch )Jllin · llnd. BufferIng Ilnd all The Cause of Many it ohloken whlob It WaR oll.rrYI~g risk . Bu y it now i It may tlu,'e Sudden Deaths. away. We hllve heard of lI.nd WIt· life . For sale by J. E. Jann ey. nessed bluejays kUling young 'b irds ' ~~~'!!!!'~!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!! There is a llisease pre\':liling in this ! llIostoau.gerous because so decep. I Bnd cbioken!l, but n e ver. befm'e D~l.lf.E. RA'fBA WAY coumry " i I . ti ve. 1\1 all y sudrlen j Or('W8 -WIUUNGTON .JOllRN .-I.L ~ deaths are ca\lsed



& E BA }{ER

doctor .... II) utlftlH.h tI h t . ' 1I ..r!<.,' d IU U what· '1 'waJS t l1itlhg n ll d , ,t" I' 1 11 1111 Dr. Miles. Herr!'t 1.:'1.. ·. 1.<, p ill ";1M

. 1.,.-"


on & G.ibney,


lengue is to bllve every oounty in Kentuoky dry by t-'bristmlls. 1908. exoept pOBsi'bly

I ha've C\'fW It:it:tll IIflll I ' hll \ I' t r l"d . nearl ,YI e \'fol'\·t.hiu g' 111:! l I h 11" \',' ( .( , ''I'hlt


.... tt""


FUN ERA·l · 0IRE CTOR, Telepbone Day or Night. Loe,! No.1 .. Llul oialincl. No. ' 69-3r ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Br.le' OffiCI, HafYIYsbur" O. nounoed polioy of'the

.If -.


IH u to

IIIIlIIU~ "'I\'h,~




~, BII/,Ilt,


TO PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS ' WE M~UFACTURE THE VERY HIGHEST GRADE OF . Type 'Bra88 Rule in Strip8 Brass Labor Saving' Rule Brass Column Rules Brass (:ircles Brass Leaders Brass Round Corners Br~ss Leads .ond Slugs

, PraS8 Gall"YIl Metal.&rders L. S. Metal Furnitare Leads and Slu... - . Metal J.,.eaders Space8 and Quads, 6 to 48 point, Metal Quoins, etc!,

b,' it-heart diS' 1 pJI CUDIOn in, heart failu re or upoplexy (Ire oflen, , the result of kit.l. ! ·lley di scase, Jf [ kidllc\' 'trouble is .• . The wO'rld-lamed trc;ltment . I allowctl to.udVlln ce I .~ "':" . thck idn cy.poisoll. ! for Piles, Eczema. open sores. . . ... cd ' blood will nt· I nasal catarrh, and t he .dis . . tack tbe vit,::rorgaris causi ll g clltarrh of . eases 01 the skin,. burns, etc, Old Colnmn Rille" refllllPd und marle tiM 11;00(11111 ill;W al (\ sID"1I lhe blndder, or lhe .kidil!!),s lhenlselves f break clown ann waste uway ce ll by-cell. r COMt . . Blruldei trollbles UIUlost a l~\' ays result frolll II tleral!gement of till:! kllineys amI . Plell./!e rlllJlembor t,hllt \Ve are' n(>t In lI.n .v 'I'ru!!t, or;CnUlbinAtioo " 1\ cute is obtained quickest.\Jy a proper lind lIre ,Sllre that. )Va ~lIn make it groutly t.o your' iuhllntllile to treatment of the kiducys, If vou nrc feel· Endorsed by physicians, leadiUK bntlly you can make ItO 'mi stake by clelll wlt.1I Il~ . tRkillg Dr. ~ihllcr'ij Swamp-Root. the , in, druggists, lind thousands, of grellt kidll!!" , liver und bladder ren\edy. t\ 0!lPY .I~ f ollr 'ell tnl\lgua will ha Oheerfnl i.v fllrllitlhedt>n gra teful palients who h ave b~en· It corrects' inability to holo llrine and OlltlOU, , cured by its marvelous healmg scalding pain in passi ng it,. Rnd. o,:"r. COllies th at un pleRsallt necesslly of bClIIg power. '. con\pel1cd to go often lhrough the lillY. I In the trelltment of h emor. lo get up muny lillie~ durill~ the 1 Pbilftdelp~ia Pril1ters'i!Sup~1Y :CO. rhoids it obviates. the n ecess .... 'fhe mild (11111 tlle extrnordinar\' JI ity of :\ s urgica l operation.. ~nd of Swumv,Root is soon reali ze,f. Mlt.nnfltotnrflr8 of . the danger and excruclatmg It slands tlle . high ~st .for. its wonderful and Hil'~ Grade P~ntinl' .Material curell of the UlO!o1. du;trcssllIg cases.. . pain. It cllres . quick e r. and Swamp-Root Is plellSllllt 10 {Ii"!! Rutl i. , JS entirely sale ;.Ind painless. Prnprlfltorll 39 North ~Inih St.rAet all druggists ill ' fifty-cent 311,1 Send for circillars of h"n~ I~oloe-nollur size bottles . . \"011 llIuy llavc .t J'ENN TYPE FOlTN'~R~ PhiladelPhia dreds of thousands of t(;stimon6umple bottle of this wonderful new fl!~. covery und 1I '.book that tel1K nil abol~t It, -_...., :z: -4 Ms am;! prores~ipnal ~~ndo,sebolb eelltfrec by mail, AddrC!l/l, Dr, Kilments, If your . doC!! . mer ;. lit Co:, BllIgbunltoll, .N, V, \Vb~1I not handle it send to I . Writing mention readiJig tbls gem:.r onl Descriptions offer In thle paper. Don'l make allY Printing of .AR8HALL "~.,u", mll~lr.e, but remelllber Ule name. Swamp........1, ••• Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,aud tbe add,... Binghamton. N. V.. oa
















.Gl,:en Pro~pt Attention at the GaHtte OIl

'. '

~~C~o~u~n~t-y~C~~~~N~~~~VV~o~m~a~n~'~8~D~8~n~g~e~r~P~e~rl~o~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~-~-;~..~~'~G~'~~~~~~~~~~~ oun . ews.

ZOR·Phora Brings R.,lIef and Permane nt B nefit to 1'01n8 anrt Back chc It is a Ctu-tain l'b N\lW YII,.k 'i'l'Il I, ( :" . VI; th .. Ut'gulator lind Safe ,Rem. D . L , Ilnu c. Kill! NUY Uu 'l'h.· • IJ~O edy in the Danger Peri ods of Woman's !.ife. COl mB tor' 1111 ol'lIlll' filCiut( th., cow . ptlU8Il tlOD of I, b ~ rt'llfll v"r II n«l hi. 1'1 th.· til' ...· Il 'Ol'I{t'r pt'rlt"1 i,' 0011l18ol, Ilad fur hi '" d lRt"1 Hl tlUll IJI' Womltn 'lI liffl tl1l' ,vnnnjt, /,ti rl ',. pel' prooeechl of IIII}r., OiHtl'lbli tiom mndp Iud . mnth AI bood lind QhoDgP of life. Z'lll Phorll, I~ Ihe remedy 1bB t NEW SUitll hilS brnllllht l,rmnp t relief and pro a. Wilds Gllobrillt, lIo llliolsli ntor vpnt.rrl I'Pl'iuup tronhlllB ltl, pr In VII Harah M. Itnd ~lIl'd ll A, .Iumo tb e ut,t enrlllnt. ml~Al':V of su pprf'~lIo(l mensp.p. fnllin g or dlepluoemelltll. in lion , Money lind eq Ultilbltl roll "f. A le llOol't'h ", flOOding,' or the I.lril ve '. note for ,,1;000 \Vllil Iit; \,en bv the rlp.. dUDller t.o 1I deliQllt e WOUlIHl in pr pg, fenriants to .1 , P . GohrlMt in J 9::1 nan(lS r ohongo ( f Hte, or for th e In January, 1903, t he exeoutor 11 0' y oung girl jllfOt, Doming Int .) ...... om /In hQoll. ZOIl-PhOrli r AIl)ivll8 Jlain oel)ted up to t,bat. time un IntereJit and distress Itlmost Instant-Iy , builds lind principal 1! ,62'i.2fi ond Sur ron· np uDd IItrengthens rapidly aDd der~d the Dote. The IllaintilT ollllDlS surel y every tltne. Tho best medithe note should bo surreDdere d to en J an.thoritiesHpellk In the bighe!!t term s of the med·l oines oontalned him aDd that there Is yet dne the In ZOIt-Phorll. MDltit ude8 of wo estate ,1,05!1.14. men in every state in the U nion Mary A. Martin vs Frlink Mllrtin prluse ZOIl·Pharll. for the great good (lI\lor08, neglect : fail ure to provide, it haR done : 0 wide · bas became the fame of this gr eat medioine PROBATE OURt thltt nearly 1111 r eliable druggist,1I In the matter ot the wm ()f Dud· now bllve it on 6I\le. · You need ley ~ . HaiDes, decellsell. Wi\j alTer. mako no elCl)lIlDlltion to tlle drug gist. .Just usk for ZOIl.Phorll, anrl ed for plobllte. receive t he mediOlne nlreudy lire IllIItate of Ruth ' A . CheDewortb, \lared, cODlJ,ounded , in jnst, tbl' J deoellllcU. I nventory lind Itppruise right propor tions. IIDd put up in • U Y NO. 1 seEl ler!. 8tp.rill~ed . one Ilollar bot.t,lrs • llIent tiled. ' Full IDBtrnotions wi 1\ lIe fonnd In ABOUT 75 two Il!ld three piece .Estate of WlllillDl 'J ollel!, lIecestitld eaoh paCkllgl>, nlRo a copy of " Dr. Aocount !lull v oohers flI d for flnr.! Pen~elly'M Ad vice t.o Women. " can 8I1its-.ruo ny prlcod lit ' 1 5~nonetllinirig intercstiDIl ond iDstructiv e lietUeDlent. les9 thllfl ~ 1 2, .July inform~\.tloD for women, whloh will 10 t,he mllttef of tbe astu te of l1uable you to treat YOlluself in prl s&le .................. '.~ .... . tI\lory Stoutenborollgh, d cAused. VIlO;V cf your own hom e Ilnd you . 0lstr1bution ordered. ~::~ not tell your troubles to Any --IIOt SO Esblte of Riohard p , EVIUI . de· oellllllll. EiOCI)l\ous to IIC(lOunt rof ex. Regular -Delivery (l(lutor sustl1lned to t.ll ' tlwount of Frt'fJuen tly \~e ' fh: d tllUt, IlUb"cril·- H ('con n a se n. on ,1,71>6.50, Ex ( pti OIlI! 1111 to Interfl~t t1rs ot!l distance 111"'e flliled to "II i verrlliell to whi h b'irmllo R. Ev IIIT1v ed '" pr&08'-()'XOO P ted. " WIIJlilltn E. !-Iohellok, ceive thllir pU)lers fot' a perio'lo.f Heverlll weeks. ()Cca!!~ioun1Jy t.ld" ,\ exeoutor, gl VOl'! uoti ce or 1\)J1'tll1\. i hec/tllE! thn pfl r'f! have mOI·",.l E~\.llte of M. ;;1. 1I1!~l g n u r, 'Indnegl ~ ted t v 110lifyul<u( tb"ir ia InveuLory Iltul IIVprnlswaot tlleel 'l w uddre!'!" At III her tinH~" . where ' ~EA Ht.Y lIHl ( ~ H()lCE PA'l'TERN8 and II 'Ue<1llltl of de 1.1 t!l lind lInhllltles I,here nr e two persons of thfl "11111 0 IIllld" t'"r 1\ , t,;, ~" II JI t IIILS and.18 filed . 110me ut 1\ " OAt offie it. may IW tl) " "Hit. olt . ,. \, \\"II·:<t(' I, elfflct. &0, IWtd G. Wil80n. e. ecutor, ~'S the wrong p\lrt.y . 'rbere Itre rnllf\S Mary Curry et Ill . Not,lce to nOli I as .vl1Ys in whlcll IU" II IlIny L(O II· ,\ 11 MIH. \1 "I"'~ 111'1 ' 1' , ~11 llnl'k4 ~ nid nUl by Imblloo f.i on . ~tl ny. For t.hi!. r enson we (le_irf! t,o ' U""'L 'lre .1 11 1,1' ~ 11 ~ til' • Ellt.,&e or Sara!1 J . Lasblsy , deoelt. uk aU Buh rib r to t o l10Ufy u ~ voi(~e or ¥d. .HepO! t of !I~1e of PersoM I prop. promptly If Ibey m i llS 11.11 i!!lIUC o. ing the GaZette and we will inve. t lgllte ert.y flled . , lIlI!'ate of A. M. Brown, deoell!led~ the cause. , , WillIllm B. ~oook Ilppolnte<l admin lilt ra tor. Hond $7000, M. J. Hutcb· Unique Musical Features de. ~I'(led 'iullon, J. B. Frenoh ; nd w. or - ..., Shllrt.a appointed apprall8rs. Planed to entertain the vast throng · lu &be matter of the will of Bnn. nf Buckeye Home Comers in hargain~ 1mb B.a~fteld, deoelUled. Will offer.. Columbus. September ' ell for probate. 2.3,4,5,6 Next. • lD' the matter of the ~tIlte of 'l'be comrnltte In charge of the '1'hls iDolud 38 our finllHt Ita. Oodley L, aaines, d8Ctllliled ; will tnu~lool feat.ures Qf the .Joyous of now gray ' autl- brnWD wn~tecU. ,a dl itted to PJ'Obate. Myrtle M. BDQkeYIl Borne (Jomiug, to bs bellI 1 tweeds ~Ild ' c&ssirnerea, O.luesllppoID&ed exeoutrlx. ' fn ColURlbu~, SeptemJ,>er 2,3,,1.5,6, APP1'1lIseI;'S' Jonas Eltzrotb. Will. next" Is prepllrlng a progr 11m of . blaok and blqe serges Ilnd BanDele, fam D6vls alld E, ". Adams. unullual merit for tbe opening btly . We have more of these 'han ". tlnllin t\dditlon to the regrilar bllud" Aloazo Stilel ve.\Thomas J!. Brad· ooncerts and pil1no I'ecltals blls ar. want, good as they are, ley. Jury selected to try tbe canse ranged with Profe8!l0r JUri BoeDig Allgnet 12. for the appetorance of Il mllS8 meetElktt'l of Wilson Kirby, imbecile ; ing of five hundred trained voices IDventory ft'led. ' composed of the orellw 'of tbe va· Estate of Marllarat Whitacre. de· call1lts of the oapit~1 city: , i oeued.~. E. Whitltore Rppolnted The ohorus i ~ now in active reo • , administrator. Bond $8QO Appr"is- beanal, and Ita rendition of p~triot. '".) L'. M, ",Y8 '"' . t,elU "'u '" It s, I n ...T u 1y sa Ie .. ................ :............. '17.60 , 30 E M. yeteD) tluits, In .July tla.le ................... .............. $:&4 .. "-~ .,.. era, Chllrles Vanderwort" l:\cott Os- ic aln and medleys of those n'e'er · born alid MU~n tlpencer, ' to be for~ott.en days of youtb should , $25' EM, tlyswm Bults, In July s8,le ..,... ; ......... ) ......... .. . :.. '20 .~ :W E. M. System tluits. ID July ·Bale .. ................,.. .. : .... ...... 8116.00 prove One of the most Interesting Il1I:AL ESTATE TRANSYI!lR8 features of this joyfDI OOO8s!on , ~rge W. ijnook "nd wife to Bam At a reoont muetlng of this com · Del M. Snook, lot tn South Lebanon, '$1 ud other volullble oonsiderllo. mittee also decided to adopt an ofChoioe OilY suit in tbls department, formerly prl~d We have h fln all the cheaper . ones, nODO worth less fiolai 80me Coming song, and to , ."on.. priced at $l5, '16 and 18, . than , .. --many 1B12-About of them to sell. In • Jennie J. Chamberlin to M.ugeret stlmulata Obio song writers to.thelr . I n JDly Sale ................................. ..... .. ... ,........... , July :::!n I J .................................. ' ........ .... .. .. . .......... .. ··IfoDlt. lIIb~ J. Irons !lnd Ella M,. If . I lroDll, 80 .ori{! In Turtlecreek town. heat ·efforts wfll 0 er a cash prize IIhlp, .llln~ o~h~~ vol~llble consId, of fifty dol/ars for th" bes' musical' ,. :.,.,. selootl"o offdred., fQr thls 'pnrpo,s e. .era\lons. • Cb&rleB J!:..· -Wltiillms aDd wife to l.'hecontest \\>lll olose August 7th'. "Left·overs !~ 'George M. Wihfill.;lI~, lotin llranklln, . ParUe~ deslr~ng to enter should ,'6,000. , ·1eDd tbelr oomposl~loD8 to T. L . lilmely "1'..: Murrsy to Tbe Little Oalvert, Secretary. Colulnbus. ID Miami Light, Beat .& Power Uo., ..Igbt of way In Q,amllton township, addlt\on to the SODg contest fifty ~l ,. ~ ,lo111ars wlll a,ISo be .offeredb,olrtted .'h e Amanda L1Do1t"to Mary M ~rdle. most. appropr ate poem su m t , email tmoUn Wayne townahlp, $~ havinl{ for Its subjeot "The JOYOD. · aDd ot.ber ' '~aluable conl\lderatlonl!/ Bookeye Rome 'Coming." This William M, MH\er and others,. to ooJi.'t est wl\l also cloBe August 7th Eat B. ' Rogers, 17~ aO,rel1 ID Cloo.r. , '" ' hi Ph 11 ' ' n. ext. Less tl1,8.n ten days ago 'lne creektuwus , ., . , hundreci. thou~Dd Invatatioq8 were Comm~sslone,r~ . , mailed to Ohioans who had strayed ,. . ' : ' . P.rocdings:$ ,f rom · their' native beath, and the . ,: D. Shultz, bridge repairs 8 00 reSpon8e to ' theso hall been far be . Bar, ~ed, bridge r:epaira ... 0&" 00 yond the expeotat,ions of the cOm . Uhal'lel ~tlb~, brldae work 7 60., . " ' V. J. zent-mrer, bridle ..... ;.. 188,00 ~'tee •. Every O1all . no\" ,brings; J:lmer Howell. bridle ooat ct 89,00 bUDdroos of aooepta.Does and latters ~nd OreIollla Bridge Co.,. bridge . of inquiry. and the enthusiasm dill I , Dear Damp Huttery II .... , ... 3115 QO played' Is suob that the ' maDag8r~ , Same brtdgeln Wltlll1ln~on , ' . boys~ t,~e to~DsliIP",,,,,,, .••.• :... ...... 169 00 Ilre Ilonfident that the ovent will be '., '. _mt bridge Ir Deerfield the grandest and m08t. joyous .10· the . towlll!blP. .. \ ........ , ....... ; .. ;. 195 o~ IIt~ k.shisto"y . In the f~r western '. SaP,lo. ,bridge ~'ear Skinner s stlltes m8.ny Ohio Societies are plan , ~ Deerfield tqwnshlp ...... . 1,9~ 00 ning to attend In Il bodr., 'while .the ;"''''',enve)opeefortreasurer 1.00 Ilame 111 trueofseveralOhtoB6cle· ,Brown & MoDr, publishlug ties of tbe south. From the east IQI 'll' notloe of couDtry road...... 6 IIG el'n and' middle states t,hoU88ndll ' 8Ime ................ - ............... ' 6 os wlJl ntDrD an~ Ihe grandest and ..ram... O. 1ilJ$ilbell. lIervlQ68 granded ;orowd of Ohlo'8 Sl)ns and . " , .. lnfiI'llU}r1 ' dlreotor ...... . 4385 daughters evor ll8I!embled will be CUIDI' IN 1'1 IilA~


We'Ve Ma(Je a Move that· You Will Appreciate

J n clothing J

ci rcles





marks t.he end of th e

aoti ve buying' season



thi year, on



whi('h · ne vel"



cl"'mp; whi c h dis-







to thp


----- -

cold business I'eason, Ilav.n. ,,'e t.o '




h neVf1l' before sown

. NO.3

n any s tOl'e d nring"

the month of July.

KStraight DiScount of20 Per Cent---1-5 Off.




' r




A Few Youth's' and some Men's thing good in, nearly ' every size.

$ 7.liO


J uiy , Salfl



Clearance' in "THE' BOYS' SHOP" ',


We ·can 'commend thee" savings possible to the c<msideration of aU ' parents.

'$ 5.00

$6.00 "All Wool ,S uits, . from the .most noted makers of c-Iothes in Country, . $3,50 20 per cent reduction on aU finer gr~des

20 . pel"cent ·Reduction. on

1 ,;"" ... ~\,;' ............... lO... ,..........rUol ..........t ..P LebaDon- 1 . c) Goal Co 'l ioe . tember. Columbus cltjzens. ever -10.. ooort b

5 e.' :-2


$6, '$7 atnd Q8 Men's Trous.ers

R 'S K+Ingsbulty


. ' ....... ........... 380 hospltahle, are. plaDDiDI( elaborate Ba.tI .1e Co., .tatlonary . arrangement. to entert ,ID the vu' " for probate judge· ........ ·.. 2 115 ~brOnlf, And al] Buokey. are .B·, y 8DredUo alwelllOmea,tbeClliPtJal oIt ........... dJwl.Warcl,oa.U l n l 7· ,~.

. ~:....~!:~:~~~.~~~~.~,~~: 1G~1I

0)), 05,






• •



., .






,. .


m(', bescecblnlr me to take care of OF NEW YORK CITY IIIYll6lf, and of til albln ' L ,pRpers, public and prlvl1l , J havo sluce rc· "I r:ollmlted Sevlral Physicians, buJ <'clved two dlslJatches t"om him, w.I'IL· tluy Did Afe No GMt!, Pt-ru-"" l Oll wllh pall 11: tb losl Is nlarmlng. b 1180 h desires that I' sholiid lle DIIII Jlfan-a-/ill Helped /lfll' r pll.rt ' at 'n monHiut's warning to en· I HI' my carriage and hlav i be clly: By Geo. T. Pardy hIlL th enemy BcoDllid strollg r than llHd been r ported. and that It might 'Il}J ~ i)ltdl St~t«e l)' ~i:S1Cll'll!:ai ~ill!!,§. happen th y ' wollid ~i'nch tbe city. wltli IntenLioll lo destr<»' It, "')' h~n," asked t b e girl, nppeallng· She croBsed to lhe sldeboRrd , nn d , ft ll· W bite lHlou:r;e ~ «dtll\O V Cl I1' "I 'am Ilcco rdlngly r'e ady; I hav Iy, "you will at leaet give me bac!< i n g a gl1l8K wlUI b randy fro l'n II dcprcss d as mallY cubl not \'lape l's Into my letl ra, when J furnish YOU wltb 'antor that Mood tbe re. drain d It to n fth ~B')!~ (Jore ~ov !L.i\fiO! • Ute dregs. An Inatant IntoI' lh door· trunks as to flll one currlnge: OUT the money yo u require?" prlvnto properly mtlst be snt;:rlfi d. Gerald ,Raymond Illulled and s book he ll jangled s l)lIrlll y, aod gll(ling' to Lho window she pc red o8utlou~ ly The Jlasslng at Mrs. \\'llll:lI11 Me· and make It so by tt'ylng to see what as It Is I mll0891 bl to secure wagons his head. for Its tmnsilortatlon, J am detor· ' ''Not ltucLly. Iris," bo 're»11 d. from behind a protecting curtul n Inlo Klnl t'y appreclah ly rll' l.1 tCd th ' li ~ t or p I·f l ilr tid I c:an 1111lk l' "It tie m d like all In plra lon. /lnd mlnod 1I0t to go myself IIntil J sen "'rho bUlldlo ot little love missives tile night. Through tho whil e veil IIlIr\'I\'lng White 1·lolls Il\dll.'~ , 10 Lhe point th nt thoy havp hccol11u ulmost lho whol of life grew bright ' 1', T be Mr. Mndlson sate Ilnd h enn accmD' Involving your Indiscretion - lind ot fa iling snowflake8 8be Clad out 1I~ rew as living );' I)J' ('nld('l\t ~ -;-nnd or very sllu~hllle se 01 d tlowln: dowu pnny me-as 1 hear .of much bostility mlne-ror 1 am gallnnt I1nOugll to th figute or a man , standing ered, Into tbe wh ite to 110' (lI'd s him. ' Dlsllffectlon stalks s hould I' ,m y ~ hnre of responsl blllt.y hnt s way ing froin s id e to Hide. While thl~ IlItt!'r there I~ Clnly ono, While lbrollgh lilY . s pirit ble Is aroul\cl us . My frlen(ls nnd acquaint- In lhe mattOI'- bns bocome Rltoget-ll- sh o wat hed, ho re ll fo rward and lay 1\1 rS, lrKlnl£'y, hl' r~l\~oil or thp ('DII ' Jllaves, and now I bellevo 1\1)' nnces uro all gone, evon Col. .. wltb er too preolous In my eyes' lo 10HO race downwllrd without moving, tinning Illness whldl hlltl for nIIlilY ( l\rIil~ h fI with better brcnd !\ pproachl ng th tablo. 8he ex· )'('Ufi;\ bese t her. (100 1t! N(,UI'l't'ly he b [ore ; aurl this trutb. old as hi s hundr d moho who w r stationed PO~8csHlon of lightly. It Is a rile ro looked U\lOI\ as nn 6c'll\'e fl !;lIl ~ In scems lu~t now to bav become na a gilaI'd In lhls Inclo£lIr . French mallOI' of aenUment, my cl oar. Yeu tracted the hypod eflI\lc needl fl'o m John (a ralth'Cul domestic) with his k no\v I wn's al\\:a)'s sott·bearted nlld~ ,Ie" cnse nnl! charI; d It with a beavy 811rlol lif at th e cxe ull\'e man nio n, mine- that I need 1I0t be tbe dose or morphine. Sho open41d tho IIU1ml acll \' lt y and resolution. off rs hllill' 8slonllhle." h r Innuence on the )\ merican natlu n, Ins blavo or toll. but Ile "You coward!" br ath d tbe girl ~I reel door und benl over tho bo!ly to s lllk the can nOli nt tho gale and through th!' t.horoughly sympathe tic lrl'~s. making whatever I do Ml'II, Aline DoPasso, 176 E. 16Mb 8~, of Ih o atnlnger, He WAS IIOU1-1)' Now York, N. Y .• writes: 111)' a train or powder whIch wOllld rrom bet weim clloched teeth, relall ons s hl.' e njoyc'd with bN hus· Its be~t l (ru lt~ , You ha\'e b en k ci l'eas('d, IJnshuvo[l. a fairly good Bpe',I, "It glvCA III pICilllUI'O to t.9sU fy to ths R lIYlDo nd , laugh d a gai n. your work ijO Inll!; that muyhe blow Ull th Drilish should lhey enle r band. wns not sli!!11I , Don't bo so nuilodr ul\)all, !rls," men of the Ilomel 8\1 wllndorer :n ourutive qualities of Peru na Bud Mau.. tho houso , '1'0 th last proposition 1 Ther!! ha\' , In thp o llr~e 01 our If\Ugh at DIe 'ror havlllS lived 110 Sh Ilush'"fl Un , posltlvol)' obj ct. wltb/mt beIng able, h ndvlg d, mockingly. "Tbat sort of 8 arch ot a ssls tullc . complIruli\'ely ve ry hrlpf hll< lo r),. been without my crown. but I am too ". \Vas am ll'ted for over 80'l'On yonl'll "'I~b howevcr. to mllko him uudersto nd Lhln!; bas sane out or tlute alont: with bll k til e rnggcII sloeve, barIng bls ClJtarrh ~my Whil e Honses and Qulpt White to ha vn (o lilld 11 Ilt all of the bead, throat IIlld dillea,. why all ucl\'antugos In war may not the thr c \'ohm; nove l and Otll I' In· al'm to the e lbow. and Insortod tho Houses, T(l tll p. Inlter InSR be l ng dl~cotlle nt cd . e "e li by your orgalls. 1 ousilltod many l,hY81olan81 nocent I'OCI' uUons of 1\ bygo no ago. shal'p point or the noedlo undor ' th but th ey tlill mo no good. be tak f! Il." t he admini strations of William M c· ment." I,OUO day 1 lluPtl0lled to rend Bomo to3o' " 11' to look nt th'ls mnuer In It Imr I), s kin. Mary Lincoln ',. Ambi t ions, Klnl ey anrl Theoc\oro Hoosey It nlld or On Iho Colfowlng day, s he wrot J I wall not u heavy mUll , aod with· thuoulul ~ In yOll r 1:' ruuo. nhnuunc.. I "WIlI YOII b 11 v Il, illY slst i'; businesslike way. You Ilr no Inngcr Mary 'l'odd Lincolll , wife of Ollt. much dlmqu lt y sho Imlf drugg II. dC<lldod to try Perllna ond MIl':lullo, I We h uve had a ~'llll e or s kil'ml sh l7, ih ago wh en ono vi ws the 'ot hol' American III'esid ~1lt to bought.- 1\ bl)ttlo of euch, lIud ulLor tllklng , n ar Lllud oll ,' burg, a nd I lun sli\! h 1'0 world th rough roso colorell gll.lSBCS, bulf nr rlcd him Into th · roonl o.ra tholll rOI' U \VO 1 uotlcod u, ohonge fo. deatb by aSflass lrliltloll, he ltl Ix ye llr s ha vo passed Rlnc you <1 IlImlted I h limp t)orly In an ' orIn· tile bolter. ISo I kOllt It up, nnil nltor Mr, early YUIlLh lb~ II mbltion Lo mllrry within ~o ulld qf LIlli cannon. elllng to me In tho posslon of Inve's 'halt· racing that In whl h r poilerl t"e \I~itlg 'twelvo bottles r willi per/eolly , adl 'on (Ollle~ not, mal' Gud pro· Il man wlto SIlOll!c1 1'111 th ~ na llon. ln rt mass which had oneo b .n curr:d. n rst e SlllSY aud swnre eternal devo· him ! 'rwo mossongera. cover d Sbe [lIck d alit as b I' c hoice AbraG raid Hnymond. ••r ulsn gave ~he modl'lne to my obll· dllst, como to bid Ole fl y: but 1 tlnn ~nd oil thnt Eo rt of thins. Wh n ham LinCol n, and this at a Sho plac <I tho de<;autor ot bran .\y dr ·o null til 'j' bR~ Lbe slime beoeJlclrcl for him, ' At th is la t bOllr a )'OU 1\1'0 mnrrl ed to I'c hl o tralford and wlten her Bolection se Illed to two glusses on tbe table aUlI Sill' 1'OIIult. 1 would n v r be without theM hilS b en procured, I have 1.l1d nobody wllJ ho a hi t th e wiso r IlS to edl~; In Lito hoW! , li tt le of recOmmendation In It. Sho \'oy d til 841g seUleg ot th e trag fly rom your eurll r romance. Tbat will r "I hlllhly recommend Poru"oa ane! with plate and mnst vllluahlo r efused llle olfer of mn l'l'lage of with a sa tisfied air. Iris' next turned Manulln to nil DIy tr lou,)s, and In faca secret between us two--as mnln a arUc les bolonglng to th Ste()lle n A, lJouglas, and wedded the hel' attention to lhe bundle or letters whoUler It will reach Its 10llg 118 ynu ure reao nahl e ennugh not which . Raymond had fiaunted In her to e\'cl'ybouy.u man s he wns Bure was to go to Wash· Mles lIUhlrod Grey, 110 Weimar St., , the Jlank o;>f Mary land. or to I' bel against the IIttio claims of Cuee. Sho lhrus t them Into ttle stO\'O, ApI,loton. \VII " writes: Ington as til e chleC of America. She YOUI' first !over." , the hands or British 8n ldlery, realized he r ambition and ,",'cut to tbe '' It gives ruo plcl1l!lIro to rooommellil Iris Da lmage cias iled b er h nnds to- wh~re a bright flre was burning. and Pernnfl tor 01llnrrb of ~b8 stomnch. I . Our kind must dete rmin e. capital. holding he r first rec\l[ltiou watchod them turn to gray ashcs In g etber In a spasm ot Impotent rage. had this dlsouse , for 11 number of yeare, MI'. Carroll, h us come b;> March 9, 181i1. Tlils Is bow lion old· ' nod conld oot onjoy Il mbuthful or (..oil "What a Devil you are, Gerald," tho fia010$, ' n my departure, lind Is In a very time,· recalls that occalllon : The tranlp IInored dlBcOJ'lll1l1Uy wltb Ole heeause I Insist she said. slowt)'. "How could 1 ever As I ris closed tho ,slren t door behind thllt 1 lito. I t wu~ Indeed a gTell~ reUef " Mrs. Lincoln stood a few paces when I hit 1I110n Perlin., and oblaluecl ' h a"e been BO blind as to , mls tak t.he until th e Ilarge Illcture of from bor husbanll. assisted by hoI' h I' and set torth on her bome joul' dOilldod ro..ullAl from \lIe lint, • took ,II trauJIports or phys ical flrst 'awakened Is t!ocured. and It bottles bo(oro • rot~ entirely ured of mJ slsterB , IIfrs. EdwardB and ,Mrs. Ba· ney. be unscrewed trom tbe \ls5810n for. love-love of such a c r ea, ke r, togelher with two of her nieces, The 1I1I1I'I;ler ot Oerald Raymond oc- l(I'oub10, bllt 1 bod un aggravated CU8. ~ , tu re ns you?" process was fo und to be and . was nttlred in a rich pink mol recupied n leading plao' In tho columns "Doll't talk nons nSe," snol.ped Ray· o f the hlc.ogo pallers th e folluwlog lous for tbese perilous mo· antique, peurl ornaments and ftow"r9 I l!ave ordered tb frame to mond, silortly. ..[ have just as much afternoon. fJ o had been slabbed to Sbe III a 4u he r ball' and hond!!. PureWhite Lead nnd the Cllnvas taken out pow r over YOU' a s ever. I rls, and yo u death, apparentl y. by a tmmll whn pleasant looking, elegantly appea :1.:tg is the Natural ' can't deny It. H ere-kiss me-" and tbe precious portrait Martha .Washlngton. Indy of porhaps 40. somewbat Inclined was found fast as leep boslde th e body Ho caught ber bead be- of his victim. In a drunk on stupor. tbe hands oft two gentlemen Paint Pigment ork for sa~E' keepin g, And t ween his hands and IJressed bls lips "h murder I' gavo his name as Jerry Num e rous somll eor Uel: execulfves. . o.f Ule for· lear sister, ] musl leave t hlll to herll. She submitted, ,allboug h the BJ'ewster, an ex-convlet recently recompol!nds m er, Dolly Madison Is gen rally lhe retreating army , \1'111 color , cam and wen t in crimson lensed from Joliet, where he I:\ad are being looked UliOIl 811 the ruost notablt'l ox· prisoner in it by ftllln~ up wnves unde r ber while, tl'anSllarent !!erved a three·years' sentence tor ofTe~ to talie n,mple, with the p' rlod of Grover skIn , lint ber eyel! Il hono li ke two m t;!lreoled, to take, ' When burglnry. ' the place of Cleyellllld's occullllncy ot th throne I write ttl YOll, or wh el'e a ngry t ....ln slars In tbe fP\s llght aod wblte le...d as It was su rmised tbat. bavlng gained roa med nround tbe room wUh pene- lIt1mlttanco to tho house and worked 8 a close second by r aoon of the ,mnrrolV. t cannot toll." iI. paint, hutno trating glnllecs a s tbough In searnh uJlon n 'aymOnd'S Bympathlell 'Vlth a grea public In Lerel.l t which att('nded reaJ substitute eks ~n 'l Sad H I.tory, far It has ye t ot sometbl ng. Pres ently her gaze hard luck 6tory." h had first Blaln his nip.rrlage wlt\,l Miss Francc!I )"01·. story was that of hi been found. rested upon a sharll g leaming daggor som . Puro W hite ,f President Andr w at Ol'tellUl I workmanship, th lll lay ,his b nofo()tol', with the Inten t:lo n ot The Roolevelt Regime. 1 )lunderl ng th.e plnce at' bJa ClIlle, and Lead bas a ' in li t s he bad ca n· with sev~1'II 1 other I!)leclmens of artJs· Ilnally drank himself Into uncon' e.rUll nl~'. of recent year, tho ' peculiar which had re sult· lIo Ilrlc·a·brae on a small \,abll). . sclousness. A decanter nf brandy property Clov land regime tullst sUilld out 118 iris rose I\,nd stood facing nor tor· antalgamating Counll on lbo tnbl'e with tbe greater tbe most socially Importan t, In liay montor. She' was a tnll girl o.r su, .il.'lj·t of It's - contents goue, conllrme(l with tb e wood. conslderaUnn of the actlvltlos lit U)O upon which it Is !lIed-added to thll perb figure, every li ne or Which detbls hy()oUlesls. . ladles at tbe Wllite House. MI'S. M e· it has an ehulicily which permits tI,e nowd power and a tlvlt~. J{a.ymond, An'd as Jerry B'rewater was hanged ..Klnley. practically ' an Invalid, hud Ullt point to follow tbe natllral tllOpamlon ' ' ,~ on tho' contrary , was rath r undor· - hanged high' anf,! dry 'on Ihegallows • strength nl!jlessary to tbe 1l1'U!..... !1I· and conlr:tction of tile wood. Pure and IIl1gbt of ft'amo. HIli In· slzol\, the Cqo k county Jail as a warning nf tlon of a vigorous ' lIoclal C!llllltJo'lign. White Lead (wltb Its full natural te, tense pallnr and nervous, r sU ess to mal efact<;>rs great nnll small .. ao d II nacity and elulicity, unimpamd b, . Mrs. Roosevelt hils nnt the In"Unutiun. eyes we re Indicative ot anything but 6hlnlng example of lho ave nging adulleranu), alone ful fill s aU the ~, Sbo has bee n ever a retl nn g wornall. Dolly Madison. goo(I, PQyslcal condition. A ()hysl· (lowe I" of ]l\stice. Being II bardoned '1uirements af tbe Ideal paint. Every content with her family nnrl hor hOlll8 clan's eye would bave detected a s lg· brute, nnd having rejected the ad· Ii gwhich be.n the DuCcb 1Ioy trade II f • caring notblns at 11,11 for he l'O IllI; awlt u posill,cly gur.rantccd to be abo nlfloant can necUon betwoen his ap' vice of , Ihe chaplain to collfess and and olrou mst.anee tl18t go ",Ill) hig h to "loutno~R, bnt. withal, fine looking lIO\uld, Pure Ilcaranoe and tbo sight of a little s ll· seek forglvenejlS frOID One , above, he ,ntirl s elt·posllesscd." ofllee. ' White Lead ver case, obviously a roc ptacle for a di ed cursing his execution 1'8 and It Willl the Ilrollliest dAY of Mrs . made by tbe 014 Whatever gaiety or the ~ort Wll ~ h · hypodermic needle, that lay at a lit· maintain ing that h was tho vic tim DutctiP~ ., Inglnll eXllec ts frnm the f'}«('cl" h ' I) Lincoln'\; life, Lallra v. Holloway. In tie di s tance from hiS" hand, of . whnl he :vulgarly termed "a vu~up fa mily ha8 \,leon. In th-e mllln, rim! to II IJ"aklng DC the Influence of MNl. Lln'The g ll'l Willi woll aware tbn t the job," ' SEND FOR l\1 ra. Nicholas Longworlh , tonne l'ly ~o ln ~)r omnlal Ame rlclI. I~ luellnod to man who held I!er In biB JlQwer was On the day when 11k DrnW8~er wu BOOK 'AI,lcc Hoose,v elt. , TIlat yO\ln~ woman tbe bollef tlHlt mnch , of unfortunate a confirmed morpblhe fl e nd, Bnd like translated tn snotho,r. spbore, the af~~ " e njoyed a national , po!,ndarll), whlc:h ertcci walj duo to Mrs. Llncoln'lI lac k •• A. Tal' oe Patel,· ll Mbltun l lIsers of t ho drug, totala er noon pApers containing 8n account ~ fow I(ldles Qrlhe Wbflo trnu ,;u huve 'o r Wilt. Z!::ro~~~·r~~ ly t:esLitute of moral consciousness, of his 11ornlse, also dwelt nt conBlder, ..iIloct. _ ':'\':& Ine Plucky Dolly Mad ison. e ver exceeded. H er Inflltuallon for him had been nble length on tho mu rrlace of Iris The wlte ot PI' all\en! Ilnn'jnmln Of a happie r tone was the short IIv , but nev rtbeles8 of sum· Ualmage to Arehlbuld Stratford, lhe Harrison was never partlou larl y (lrom· House oX llorl ollCI1 of Dol'olh~' Payne lent dura.tlon to place sn Illerraeable gr~at railway magnate. AI) , agreed NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY lncout In Wasilington tallhloll. ~radlNon, wife of the presi dent nf bra nd of shame and remorBO upon that t be society function W8lI a brll· ,,, U"'t~ Q/ U. JbU.owr. ' President Art bUl" s adllllnlso 'alion that nam e. Her family camc from her soul. I<'lve years ago a roport lian t s ucce8S. tao ~/U.. t• ...,.., ",,*1 Wit: unr elieved by the pl'ElSenCe of a Vlrglnln. and ~hq, h cr~Q l r, deSI)lte the bad reached bel' that he had died 2' .... York. IIooIoa. Bu!!.lo. CII...~ When t be carriage or the bride and Ol ••I. .....I. Oqt....,. 8 •• Local.. PbU.. wlte. fact ot hcr OI'th ' arollna birth, a l· while on a tour In India. 'g rnom rolled a way on tho ft rst stage dol phl.• l.ruh. ;T. Lawl •• n...... oot!!..~ An Everyday Hero.lne. ways took prldo In roferri ng to her· . an d phe had rejolcedJn lhe belief thnt of tbe honoYmoon, an pfficlous frt,end 1>tuP'UiotJoaall.-l • OU a' merclful Fate bad .drll\\'n II veil over tbrust a n ews paper througb tbe,. ope.n L\Ir) retia. Rudo llll \ Garfie lrl w~s es· self as a dUligh~cr ot t he Old n0the ludlsoretIon of ' he r tru stI ng girl· window luto Stralford's ' hnnd. 'He s nUally a . bpmebody. Sho II ad been mini on" Who n hel' fam ily removed to Rachel 'Jac'klon, 100d. ' ,. schoo l teacher In Ohio IJernrc s he Phlla delphhi and Jolncd tbe Quaker Ollened It with a smile o.f anUolpatlon, Now, wi th tbe date of he r mar· and his wl~e bent' t~rward t o " vie w and .lam s A, .G ar fleld wer mal'l'l ed. !;cet , IIflstresR Dol'Ol hy was brought She took no highfalutin nolton R La III) lu that severe doct rine. She :nar· tlon ·whleh had glv'en ' her , muoh t inge to Archibald StraUord onlY . -II the conte nt!'.... Strafford gll'nced at tew weeks away. II. phantom of the the ftrst page and hurrIedly folded It Washlng)on, whe n she , went itS rled, vel'y ),o uu.g, ,Iohn 'I'odd, a Phil:!.· troub le. ' .}.., t ho <fit'st lally I n the lAnd. ' Sh(! was a 'r lle lpblll lawyer, and waR a widow at 'rhe fa-::t that a Bllcond oer emony dark past had 'arisen to confront her, over. farmer's daughter, -aud her wo)'s Wr,tll 22. He r SCCO\l rl marrla~e-to the poslllVely unlled Jac kBon ant I tb!, HaY"lond had written a ' s hort note, "You don't "ant to llee t11a:t part, 'b e Illnln . The Han. A, lI<I. Pratt. of rIlIYQ'), t be n Co ngl'es~ man , Mad iso n- took daughter o~ Co l. John'. Done lsoq , wal cOl\lllJandlng be l' to vIsit him alo~,e In ellplalned, In reapon8e to he,r look nt '0 .. tn111 ns of the lives IInU 100'c~ oC the lJlnM IORIl, than Ll yaal' after the dentb Ignored In the gosslll attenda nt,: upon the bunsalo\\' which be had rented surprise. " Tbat fellow. Brewster, wbo Ca rficlds some yenrll n~o, ~\,:i d : or Mr. Todd . , ' the II Vf!1I of tho lIarlles" and i" \ tlJe In tlle outsklr s ,or tbe city. And she murdered &loor RaYmond, suffered tbo "M rs, Garfield sought' a nd taught MrR, Manlson'A disposition was ot cam paig n for the p,esldency mall e hy . had nbeyed. ~Jnahie to resist; knowlnc penalty ot bls crime thJs morning, flc holars In IJlll ntlng and flrawlog In the Bnnnl eR t. Shp, prnved nn In"lal· Jnc k~oo . his e~elDleH made rr mob the Implacable nature of tbe man and and ' thero's Il couple of columns d& voted t~ the ellecutloD, aDd IItory . of m~' . tb,1U 'very loslgnlfleant', villAge. uable a lly wholl hoI" hushand was capltlll of tho 'situati on. Just as she dreading bis ability to ,d Isgrace ber, II a mild cured aad perfectl,. She did not get very largo c lasses ancl ,' elected preslrlent and moved to Wash· w'os proparlng to leave for Wasb' Ing· , "I am to undorstand tben," abe Bl'ld,. the murder. The details are . Dot cooked corned Bee', and carefully lived 10_ my I'o.ise, th c guest and Ingto~ . At that ellrly day ot 0111' his· tnn to rule as mla trells nf the ext 'Cu· ," that It Isyuur Intention 'to use thos'! p,oaaant. 1 read , tbem ' before and paeked in Libby's Great White f!'l('nd of iny, tll ' n wife. The fulure lUry, wa!l~lngton was lI~tl e l e~s , than tl ve mansion. Mrs. Ja,cl{lIon overlie, lrd letters as a means pf ,blaokmall, both they wonld only shock you, dear." Kitchel)s. It la prepared a1careIris ' gave , veo,t' to a little ' sigh ' . now and In the fl\ture1" presldc nt was frl';'qu ontl y e ntertalo.!!d a wl1dernesl!. S tea mboats wero i U6t a gathering or wOll1en In a room I \dfully . . 1011 would make 1t J.a ,.our owa kit!)beD. . HaYl)lond nodded cheerful a.llent. contont ment, and rested her ' '~llraollfull ' l at my table: )Ie a yo ung. Rtrong. gr('at· oomlng , In ...Jll~ lrolu:ls WOl'O Hnkno,,:n. 'Joining hers I" a hote l dlaell811itlg h er "Your, pebjlration doea you 'credlt, h'end on her husband'lI broad shaul. 'It haa the 'c hai:acterlltlqa aad I)l'n!'tcd , large·beaded youth , bLII,' two FIVe ' hundred mile , tl'/ps on horse· with a freedom 'ilnd . malice thal: I 0. . , dellcl'o ua tlafOr Of tbc r1Irbt klud yell1'8 from college, hop fill, 'full of life lJao~ woro frequ en tly tRken , CVCll 11Y suited In lior compl.etc prostraUo n my dear Iris." he responded. "Arcble de r" ' of corned beef. , "It's awful ,to thtnk that aueh 'terri· Stratrord poslesses · much ftlthy lucr'e 1111(1 TI1I~h: 'sbe graceful, RWCflt, :t OIl. 'womon. The limes were rough . Mrs. and subsequont d o~th . s.m...-I,IbbJ'l Caned lind an· oocaelonal ' modeat eentrlbu· ble things can happeb III the :W;Oi'ld, IIblo. retiring wll h n disposlllnll as' Mllrll ~on, bo w~v~r; with the softening either Ladlea of the White HOUle. IIMI, cut laiD thlD aile.., arr&llJed oa ' a , tlon w1ll satisfy .my needs. He wUl 'Archie," she .sald, latl8uldl~. IU l'cly as a star·1It Aky- both t,oor. Influences whloh were ,hers trom platter aDd lunllli~' 'I!Itb · Llbb, '~ Chow Olher women vlllo have graced lh~ <,Oopy rllrht, by ..P ,;\lIy Story· Pub. Co,) not millS eUber tbe moqe, nor tbe Theil' lo rtune W:1S, th eir, youth. health, bl made 01 th ~ pl'e!lld!!nt'M home ,.. Chow aii~.,.tetDpt. Inr dt,b 'orlul\Chco. i Ilea l'l s. Intellects:hope and,"glnd a m 1 a court of poUtenes!!. fll1lhlon . and White !iouRe hav o, elich, their Illacee lIttle token II of ~ftectlon tbat 'you w1l1 Centlnarlan. Book Agent • . • dIIIaer orlupper. to say. 10\' C." . cha rm, Sho mad o for her IJll s ha n~ In histor y'. Martha Washlngtnn, L1U1Yl bast.ow UI,un me at 'Intervals," . , Capt: Ooddard E. Diamond, 0/ lrlB . was, silent · for a moment. ' A Berkeley, Ca!." II a ' buatllng ."book Mrs. Gorllold hetoro her levnlin n rrien ds by the hundrell ant;! was nllvllr Webb Hayes, Julia Dent Grant, ·Mar"'~-p-" u..7..... .-. was very orten 'omp lIod 'to 110 much hap(ller qmo ' when pre,,,j'd lh g ,a t th,!?' tba Patterson, who a,lded ' her .fatber, torrent or furious ' thoughta ,v.;ere agent aged 107 years and he makes a .-. ...... u..n of bel' own housework . T en yea rs be- parlor ca binet. That Will] be r hi story President ' Johuso,n; , Mrs. Andre w whirling through her 'b rain. Iv mist good living. For over' 80 eyars be hlle fore she wen.t Into tht' \\ hllo House for II'I\'IIII &- the rnalnslll'lng In tbe ,~ohnson'" Harriet Lllne. tho beloved of. red swam before he\; eyeB and her !bs,taluctl from eating !neat and 'be E!b<;! wrote her husband, from th eir ,scheme 01 harlplness. Then oame the niece of Prflsldent Buchanan, 'Abigail '\ llopd ileel!led to turn to moltlln lead' UBea lloUber t,ea '. nor cQffee-. He nev er ~nr m hom e , R letter whic h' s hQYo's the da r~er 1I1(le of tblngll. wurs And F'lIImore. M rs . •~ame. K. I'olk, Lethia t, , ber veins, ,Her hand graapeti, the used tObacco or liquor. Capt. Dla. it agger on tb, tallle behind, an(l tbe IIr,,,s tlf' he r charaqter , and Which, In rU~lor,\ of wars. ~be bayonets or' t.l]e C\lrlstlan Tyler. AngElllea Van mond' ~ollowed the ' ioa for many years, British g leaming' ·In the Washington MrR. M(lrtln Van lluren, Louisa Catb· to ueb of the cold steel nerved her to In biB rounda looklhg r tor cU8tomerli I,art Is as fQ l1o ws: de s perate action', ' orlne Adam!! und Ma rtha .relterson, ," 1 om ~ llId 't o te ll th nt ou t. of aloth e lIuushlne-antl Amorlca n omc lnls In be generally r1(les a bicycle. whleb he . ,!&01CT.IL'• Their Impression on t belr country', . With a ' Bingle, supple Sprln& she handlel. Skillfully. Tb., wonderful 'old toi l au(1 dlsanpolntrnen~s of th e slim· danger or ,slldden dllath, .lust how ru or just e nded I 'ha\'\! ~18en \'p to a ' lhe -.volatile lady bore Ijel'jlclt t:nfler future has been Bcarcely less deftned wa s l,>esl~e him and ~e sharp: un. man 18 a elovel' boxe,,' and even .now "Ictory: tllat sll nce of thought slncc these changed Co ndition!!, Is well tban was tbe mark made' by the dis· err. blade. drlven furiously dowll' can lut througb tour or !lve fait It-ni.olI, ...••tI'I) ca.... you hav beell a~py bas won ror, my Nllown. In a. ' leLler she l\\'fole to hor tlnguished men whose na!Del they wal e!, was ~ burled to tbe bllt In his rounds. Only once ID 87 years haa be , IOIIIlIu enft aDit, bore. For the Boclal Influence la every brei 18t. Raymond littere d a hoarse. Buffered from lIlneslI-a .cold contract. reUneatbe "'h~ •• d · "1,It'lt n ~rl uruJlb . 1 read sOIl1ethlng sl!ltcr at Mount Vernon : bit as Important u the political. In,Bu· gUll :!ing Cl.ry. his limbs writhed In an ed tlirough expoaure and" privation IiiII' Ibis t ho ott,er day: 'Thcre Is no "TlleIlClny. Allgu~t 2~. 1814. :::,~rl'r; ,al... CIt, '" health,\' . thought wlt/lollt labor, 'and "Dear S18tor - l\Iy hll~band l cft me ence, lind Ita vtctol'l s. t/lougb UDOm. iD'l~ ,tent attempt to rise anil thea w~ll~ the fire wal! ra~DI iii BILD Frab. .......... ' .. d • ."nlr\a No bad stilt, med .a.u t In ~ . last convulllYe cisco ' after the earthqua~e: .!rode. 1Oc,:asc IUIIl II1II t;JQVID.' tboultllt mo,k es ~1ie labo~er halIPY.' yesterday m"rnlng -to Join Oen. cla:t. lq*t 11@ pro~OIUl(;I!C\. , ailen y. ' His bead fell baclt".rd, and P rh'o118 tb iS 18 the way I huve b~n . Winder. Ho Illqufred anxiollllly bo 'a1' inert, WIth e!ilated ' ey.biila s hit: to climb liP hlgber. It oo me to wbctlillr I bad collrage or ftrmnellll ng ~orrlblY lIndor the I'87l1 of the lYle ODE' mornin g whIm i W~I making to reml;lln In the ptllslde nt'. b\luse T'-e ...lIlh t. " b n!llct, I aaid tn mYlelr;--Ha"re"'f a , • hIs rel:Ul'IIlJn- tin! morrow or ~~I.. of n. tI 1nI1DUI 1tJao had. dOD. eOQlpellcd by an InE'ntilble necesalty' Bncceedlnl day, and on my UIIur'l eyery 1ear. .L~_n~~,_ M ~~ ~ .~~~I~• . to DUllea ~lur broad thll Bummer. Wb,. IUIce tbat I bad DO fear but for btm. , li,'I'1I2,000 .V4!rr "0' It a .»lCJUIIDt OCC~paUOD aDd the M'ecen ~r our arm,.. he left ODe ~ ~d. ·

W ([)) mm ~ rrn W fhl ((]) l1-i1 em

The Justice of the Gods

, ~tUlll~(dl @~ ~em




M,11' •







... oa.c-










styl, of Slructure Which Will Allow of Ea.), Hllndllno of' HIlY. When a consldllrabl\l QUBtitity or hay ,Is to be stored, t.he style of bam , 3i!ould be such &It wlll permit easy bandllng both In unlO,tldlng and reloading. To storl! GO tons ,ot hay, wltb a H·fOot driveway between 'each bay apd wllb ~2.root bay\! 18 feet deep, would rClllIJre a length of 64 reet, the 11001' apace wou ld ' then be 38x64 teet. divided Into two bays 12 teet wide, at four HI·root benls l!lich. 'fhe HllIng ' can be expeditiously handled with the horse (ork In two ways, ,explalno C ntral Herald- lIrs t, filling eacli, beDt by Itsolt from a car. rle r' . runnlng lengthWi se II10ng lhe ridge, of the ,heltnr; dl'opulng the hay In, tbe cellter or tile 14'fout apace or ' ' that bent and ftllin g this b Ilt with olle klud or bUY; the secolld aud third bents ,wQuld be Oiled In the same maolle r, alld I he ho·rae fork eould be worked Crom Itller 'Olle or both ends as dealr d. Jr th e tlrs l unloading Is to be dono ' by hnnd, th hay clln be unloaded 'b>" driving Cl'Oss wlse. s top .. Illug I he Wagoll Ollilosite el{h ~lI' or \he 12·toot spaces or th e J Hoot Apnee. It th nter d rlv "'.y Is to II(! j{~I)t free (o~ mOl'e e xp dltloull I'emo\' nl a t

Plan of earn, the hay~ the simplest and mOlt can· venJent lnethod . of handling the f\lrk I, represented in the cut, where ibe bay fork Is represent,c d as worklns on a track ,Stl.SPllnded undel' the rltlge 01 lho roof, aM ruilnlng tho full length of ibe ba.rn. Beneath the forkful ot bay Is reprosellted Il tilt· Ing plaUorm wblch, when Inclined as represonted In the cui, throws' the bay on the right side; U tilted In the oPP081te dll'e<:Uon, the lIay would (all on tbe lett IIlde at tb e driveway : but If the tilting plattol1m Is not un· der the forkrul ot' hay the hay would '11111 In tho center. 'With suell an ar· rangement aB th1a,. tbe hay ' cun . be deIlvered on one' tilde or the olher of the driveway, or It may he' dropped "'1ft ipe .tnlddle, · at the will of tbe. op· erator oa tbe bay, and hence .the ar· rangement cim 'be . us d equally W illi: tor en~rely ftJUDg eaC;h bent at the shelter at once, and thus dlmlnlsb the labor of dl8trlbutlng the hay, over ,,:ha~ ,",ould he t l! It eacb fork ful of liay was droPDed at one place. Tbls tutlng platlot.m· cali 'be made In various ways-most 'slmply In the form of a 'lerles of 'slats made of inoli boards and carried' on a central WI j)n W;blch It turns:' The 'length of tbe.·afants would be determined hy the -wIdth of the driveway, and must be long enougb so t.b at the hay falls OD. the bay atter slIding from It T,he width or the plattorm .hould be In the nelghbdrhood of 12 feet, nnd It IIhould 'be Clarrled on J)alallel tracks, lis rep· relented IIj, the tlguNS. A baT shOUld: connect eacb pall' of roll rs Ctlrrylng thiJ platform ear, 'just below the ,rolF er., 80 that ns the plntrorm Is tUt. cd It s~ops; When strll(Jng Lilli! bar: causlpg It to d.e l!ver Its l~.nd 'at the proper plJlco. ,









Directions for BlJilj:llnli It ., 80 Tha' It Will Shed Water.

They Could Be Transferred to the Rival Company. '

A Vivid Dellcrlpt(on of th iS Most In· sidioul of DI.ellsu,

, Setting a s tack of lIay allPcan slm· 010 elloug h to thoBe Who have hlu1 no tl x\Jerlenc wllh Il, hut thosn' who huvo hUd .Qultc a little )Jay " 61lOII" by tho ruin 8 oakln ~ Into an IlIIpropel'ly set stuck know It Is ea s ier s.Illd tlll'.n done. 1 don't ' re m ~ober wha tller th~ tll·~t few bny Sill 'ks I set shed rains Ilrol1erly 01' not, but t11080 1 maK nowadays never " raIn In'' morll thnn· a re w Inchos' on top, . J lIu ve, a sYllte m In htly slncklnr;- DM I like to have III e\'erytblng e lse-alta) thll stack 1s a re\\; teet high, writ es b successful Wisconsin tariner In l."arm· era' Revi ew. We ftr&t carry the n<mrest hay COllks by hand wllh' 'twOJ Jight pole s between the af4ck ' round:.· tlon. . A cock I'll set on ePllh cornel', ond as m~IIY between arid 111 the cen tel' li S we have. room. Arl r lhese han )Jeen O\lldo even, my s ystt)matic stack Illg begIns. Some more hay hn vlng bec:!u carrhid to the IllclJ.oh!n t stack or hauled down with a wbt{tm. as Is mos t conVenient. one man pltohes it onto the ' stnck, whl1~ I, comUlence at Oll\) comer to In'y , a .llIyer of' . hny around t he outside or' the sll\ck, 1 nl!U to Ittay away for sO\/IlI':li feet. fr pnl the o~t'l.ld e 80 th ey will stay lo('!se lind th u!l....ll We DlOI' ll.(lln tho oentral pordon.'· . Wh en the tlrs t layer ,urollnd lhe Qut elde has 'been ftnl shed. r start .a n· lit her one 8 vera) reet nearer , tile CCD ' t r. but nou gh OlllO th fil' at one 80 It will hold tllls ,one well. Thill j:I cond O ll ~ must be thicker than thE! out· Aide one. After this each Bucce din g lay I' Is mad e' thick I' u~t11 the centor of th e Htack Is teach ed. Art r lhe cen· l I' hns b cr:' well /llIed aull vamlletl 1I0wn, Ul e IItack will ' declin e {awards lhe outside on all four · sides, (j' make my Btncks oblong, not round WI 80m " one might unde rs tand . from the nbo\·e. ) The great I' thc slant the 'belter. Thla ' dellend s some what on wbnt kind. of bny ill being s lacked. ' With prairie and marsh ho)' the decline frll m lhe cent r 10 the outsld~ cannot b ' 80 stee p ' WI ~' Itb taui e, hay wltbout tile tlrst layer sllpplnJ!: out Acter the tlrst coune another onc Is started on the outside aud this Is conUnued until the stack Is flnlsbed , I like to' start my stack.s CODllider, ably nm'row er than they are to be. nnd 'afterwards keep on wldeninll them, till Ilear where th y mnst bf narrowed altaiD. 'rbe "drawing In" snould be gradua~ 110 tbat water wllJ not have a chanct to soak In anywhere on tbe side There .Is perhaps not much trouble! h re, though, for I think tbe rains seu'erailly sQak , In ,fl'Qm th e taJ? ot an Improperly made stllck. This comcs ahout by the center not havIng ' b u' kept high enougb .nor tlght enough.

"YOll IllRY hnve r elld,:' snlll th tl'3V' ollng a geut or an a ll C(ltnIJlUl ), 10 tho Roeh ster Democrat, "YOIi ma y have I' 'all that lit an In \'(lstlguUon by In· t rlStnte'corillnerce commiss ioners ~vlt· neSRes 9alll (Jvell m.lnl ste rs of th gos· pel we l:e brlb d to he lp III 011 of a certain com\lauy along. ' T ha t llIay be pretty s tl'ung, but , let me t('11 YElII about a certain dencon In a certain tow'n 'on my route. Att'e r l h ud taken orders in tbe town for n tim e 1 tound hlni' OPl>osl;l1i ~o me. H'e was getting ·a gallllll or keros ene fre e each week; lind th e wny he did talk up the other company " iUS blis sful to hear. My huyel's fouTld t hnt he was hurting tM eale of illY all and wantell me to·strug· gle with him. 1 was delaying the mntter ancl wonderin g how b e~t to ap· I>rOIlC)1 th e deacon, wh e n )' ro.n ac ross him at he depot one du y on my ar· riva l. J kll ew )I e did ll ot drh'k and did not 'sm'o ke and it was embarrass· Ing to le ll Jus t how to approach him . While I was hallglng aronnd a frh:md whl s pe re ll to me thnt the other com· pouy had gon back on th e deacon nnd WIUI no longer s I1Ppl ylllg him tree. With lhl B Imowledgo III my poasesslon I brRced up to him. and said : ., ' Well, deacon, T hope lo r.onvlnce yob yet tbat my kerosene will gh'o more TI g ht ~han any oth er mad e.' . " 'l)m I' he replletl, ns be LwtddTtld hi s thumbs. .. 'I s ho uld lLIee to give f'e rklll l1, the grocer , orders to leave n gallon nt your house very week tree of cost to you .' , i ·W oll- l- d.Q n· t -mlnd,' b q s lowly

MIs8 Emma Shirley, Klllhu:k, N. Y., A cl!rt:\ln lady, noted for her kjnd "Kidney dI sease lIu's tut'lous ly bearl lind open hund. wns approached fu st;ened l lLaclf up(ln not long ago by a, Dlan who, with ' me two yea rs a go tragio alrl hegan,: and brought awful "A man, !Dadam, 18 otten forced by \tl'adaches null dlziy the wh ip of hunger to many thlngl , SD lis . I ' was all un· from whi ch his ve ry S01l1 Bhrlnksstrung, wea l, and and so It Is with m e at this time. Un. n rVOIIS, cOllld scar<;e·· les 8, madam, In the name of pity, you ,Iy tolle r about Pulns give me Ilssistpuce, I will be com· In 't he s ide ana back pelled to do something which I neTer cotUplet Iy IInnen'ed before ' have . done, whlcn I ' would ' , me. M'y food dill· greatly di s like to do." tressed me, 1 looked badl y and the Much Impressed, tlt e Indy 'made Iddneys were noticeably delranged. I haRre to place In his hand a IIve.dol. sank lower and lower untlll gl vell un lar bill, Ail the mun pockete,d tt and at this critical tim e began with With profuse thanks, she Inquired: DOan's Kidney Pills. P etails' are un· .. And wbat Is the drell(lful tbln8 necessnn·. Twelve boxes cured me I have ke pt you from doing, my PQor and l. weig h Six pounds mOl'e tban e ver ilion?" before. They saved illY \He!." ' ''Work,'' wal the bri ef and moW'll' , Solrt by all deal e,"!!, 60 C\lI1ts Ii box. tul reply.-Harper·& Weekly, Foster·Mllburn Co., BulTa lo. N. y, SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. , MAN AND HIS WA'VS. 1",-' Doctor. and ReMedl .. Frultle._Suf. F,rth, Brain H.. Evolved a New fered 10 .years - Com'p lelely Style of Cradle,' Curod by Cut/cura.


01l \X1.

"'You can' see how It c ompol'Ps with the other company's: YOIl know. I ha\'e hurd YO\l SlIY that tho Ilresldent of the other c;onc rll dellervpd a nge ls' wings.' "'Yes, I b llexe 'l have snld some· thin g to ~hat effect.' . .. 'And his kerosene HtIll continues to S'!ye the best at satlsfactlon, does It l'


'Well"-er- I couldn't say lba... 1 am not- burning any of It now .' .. 'Ind el1d! And ll'\lllble l ' , .. '. a particular troubl e. except; t.hat Preside nt m)ink se 0) d to g t Ured of W OJ'lng the angel Wings J fo s tened on to him , and . n,ow If you wllnt the m YOII can tell P r"ln s to send around the gallon weekly !' " .


Family ReunIon In ChIna. No people on arth obse rve family ties so ' closely alld hold so many famil y I' liulons 0.11 th o Chinese, The Scottish clnns have ,no closer bonds of unlo D than the ramllles In China, In America It Is tb e Individual, bllt In China It Is the family. No Impo rtant s t p Is token ,,'Ithout a famIy oaucus, If ,one m mber goea wron g, th e disgrace rests upon the G?OD WEED ' CUTT-ER, whol f:unlly to the remot at degree of relaUonshl p. ,The disgrace otten 18 Sled witH «uttlng 'Blades to Run Down fe lt so keenly In case of a heinous Between ~J'!~-----I,.lil..w:''''. Utat the offender Is taken away by pe rmission of tjie courts and the For sled use t wo ' pieces 218 by G dealh pellll'lty In/l.lcted by 'meJ;llbers feeL , Fasten a wagon Ure to bottom at th family. That's the w,a y the of runners and have runners six to (nmJly f)urges ItSelf. elgbt Inches apart on InSide. Use ..ny The feature In the family llte In heavy Iron. as , a buggy axle, ror all China Is the big reunIon once arch to hold - the. ~unners ln, position. two years. One member or, tbe fam· Bol: on Inside of runne rs. 'a little In Ily acts as secretary and e nters In front ot wh re ktHves are attacbed. 8 big book the nei, additions 10 ~he T'wo bQlts through rllnners and tires (amlly • . Tn -this ' way Is kept 11 com· hold the. lm.l ves In place. K'U.I:ve~ plete blograllby of every person In ~hould be three feet long, and set at ·Chlnn.- Kansas OIty Star. an lingle that will keep ' tbem fronl



more :Be



Woman', Ascl,tance Meant Muc.h to Thl, Tramp,



A lIew cradle hos beefl In\'e nto~and by a ma n. Wbleb IMter statement I. a dedund nncy- ror no, up·todate womao would rea lly IY r think . ot Inventln'g anylhlng 80 perlllcious to her Intaat's welfare. , Has she not be· come enlightened to the dl',elldCul Ills of that llme·bonored Insurl~ lI on of ollr ancestors ? Dare she Impe "11 tbe Intellect tbat Ie to sway tbe tw en· tl e th cel\tury by ulltlmely "juggling" In' ltir emb ryo stage ? Pllor modern ba be! When call 's grllJ 51 assall, It may not Imow th e luxury of a s teady tramp swung across (at belT's shaul· t1e\'~trange to lIay, men d,o not jeer at th1s I dic tum of the new mollie I" hood-much les8 will It exporlell 0 Uhf bliss or being lulled 10 r est In a wooden·slatted cradle or tl lulYy basslnet, swayed by the toot CDf a wondrous being who swings aud croone, swIngs and crooOll, till bab)' woes are me rged In blessed sleep.' Its maker claims that slde.waYII rockllng Is, 1ndecit, Injllrlous to babyklns, but to his eyes, not his brain. .T herefo re has be constructed a cradle th al t swlnge l en~lhwl se. and 1s shaped like a boat!

"Small sores appeared on ench 01 my lowe r limbs and shortly anerwards th e y became BO sore tllat I could scurcely walk. ' The sores began to bcal. but small scaly 'erlJPtlons all' peared. The Itching ,..3S so severe t~at 1 would scra tch the sores,until the hlood bCJ;f1n to /low. Atter I su1!ered, tbus about ten years 1 made a renewed etrort t o effect a cure. 'rhe eruptions by this time had appeared on every part of my body ' e XCe pt my taoe and bands. The 'best eloctor In my naUve coun Ly an,d many r emedies ga·ve no relie f. All this was fruitl ess. Finally ,my hair began to fall out and 1 WIlS rapidly' becoming bald. A few months aft e r, bal'lng used almost every thing eille. I thought I would try CUUCllr:tl Ointment snd Cutlcura Soap. Aftel: us ing three 'boxes 1 was completely cured, and my hair was restored, after fOtlrteen years or s utrerlng and an ex. pendltllre of at least $50 or 160 In vainIy endeavoring to 'flnd a cllre. B. Hlrllm MnLUngly, Vermillion, S. Dak., AlIS. l8, 1906." _ _ _ _ _ __ SOMEWHAT OF A REFLECTION.

Quite Desirable. The nold·up Man (as he i:akes large watch. . tram victim's POCkElt)-[ illlp, pose YOII're ' ~blDkln' I'm a real unde.Irahle rltl r.eri. eh ? Tbe Victim-Nothing at the 80rt, old man! Tbat wa.tch you've lust reo lle ved me of wns In my wl;re's family for 76 yenrs flnd she forced me to lug it around.-Puck.

Naive Comment of Debutante That Amuaed Hoet ....


t. bave

Ext~Me Or ttl, OthctJ . ~en more than lucky In

tlle womeo 1 lIave m t; a womall 18 a1. 1\'I1Ys bcaven or h II to Ii mao- Ino,tly henven; she don·t spend ml1l!h of her time 00 the bordpr·llnes.- Wa lt Whit· , mIlA lD the American MaJ:azIQIl. Ladl~1 Oan Wear Shoe. One e i ~e .,nnller after ,u,iog Allen's Foot-, Ease. A ccr\\l in' cure for "",·ollerr,Kweating.. hot, nehinl! feet, ' At 1111 J)m il<i. ts, ~,-"" Accept no' ~ub~ tilule. Trial pa c~~11 FREE.. Addreu A. . Oll1llted, I.e Roy, N. Y.

.Artificial, Ella-=-WlIllt would you give to h .. ~ haJr i1k'e mIne? . StAllla-I have somo at home just like It. No Headache In the Morning, Krause's He:nd:lch, Capsule_ fnr


dlligene ' in food or dl·ink. DMIg~ iRl., 25c: NO,rwan Liohty Mfl!. Co" Des Moi ne. , 1... There Is lomethlng bad In the beet "r us, oud something good In the worst at liS, but, goat'! or liad, the worst and best of UB Is not all of UII. !\tn. 'VIQa)ow'. S .... thlDtr


For ,,"bfl dre B taetblQJr I IIpf-Le.DI tbe gunll , muee. tfto. tla.mmaUQo . 011"11 patu , cure_ Wish! COUo, _ . \)OLUe.

Th e gr at r,epubUc shall Ih-. as long 8$ the poores t citizen (reel, tJt· presses bl, nersonal and polJJJ.cIIl opinion, and DO 10llSer.


cured by theae tittle Pill,.



Tbt7 &'80 r e lle.e Pl.&Ire ... rre", DyopepKlu.ln· dill.~8LloQ""'dTo"B~.. rtT ' EM In" A perleuc"nD> edy luI' Dlu lue88, . N"u.u• sea. ,Drow.fIlne t D4,4: " , T....le In theUolllh, CO.. te d TODgu~, PaIn In \11 .. ~====--=-~ Slde, TORPID Ll.VER. Th.1 flIll:UlMe tile :{Iowels. Fur.))' Veg.,alll ...



" I !l'ER







GenlJine !Wust . Bear

Fac-S;m!', S~nat.", d_ . -z;~.



Three Years Ago Worth Orlly $2,000; To·Cay Is Worth' 13;,000.

The follo wing Is ,a co~'! c,t a letter, of whi ch the Agents of tho Conadluu Government titl'oughout tine Unit ~ States r ecel\'e ' similar Otles mor:y times during tb)l year: Cayley, A-Itn .. Dec. 7, 1906, Agent Canadian Governmenl!, Wat ertowll, S. D. Dear Sir: Your letter doted ~ov. 27t:b at hand and was very glad to hear trortl you. I see tpat you are stin at work persuading people to move In~ the 'Cana· dian ' Northwest. I must tell you that ' lowe, you Dlan y thllAks for II'e r8uading me , to come out here, am IDnly sorry Down on the ' Farm , that J wasn't persuaded ~~'oner, and The unsophisticated chap Crom t.he there IR sUII IIlonty of good chances cUy had passed, bls first nlgbt In the fOT mallY more. r ight ,at thle presept old (lirmhouse. time. 1 hOlle that you wlll be able to "Wall, neighbor," drawl ed the Induce more to make a st.lIrt out to farnte~ at bl'eakfAst, "how did you this part or the country, aleep last night 1" Now r must lell you what I have "Sleep?" blurted the city hap In accompllshe,d ' slnoe 1 came ou~ , here disgust. "Why. 1Uan, 1 was turning an4 It won'~ be tbree yeaTs '1tl11 the '1st ----!.~[~=:!!J_:tt-;----;1"'1J11~:m~~~~I~ nlght." , of.' July. I B,hall shortly rl3eelve TIle old /linn laughed U{lroarlollsly. pateht ror my hom estead, tbe 40mc· "Kept turning, did )'OU,' 'neighbor'? stead cost ine $10.0'0 iil 1\11, !.o·day it Is ologglng and yet wlll let lbllmreaol, Wall I tQld you that 'au would Illeep worth $30.00 per alJ{o, but It Is not fllr nearly, acrOas the ridge hetween r~wa. like a fop.'" , ' , I;'ale ., TIWn ' a yea r ago Illst May I Attach them betweell the runners and "Funny; eh 1" Well, do you . know boucht ~20 acres a t '7.00 pelr acre and ' THE - FARM GARDEN, Ures, slipping in between the two there was SQ mucb loose straw In the sold t,hls tllll , fqr $20.00 per' acre· and ~I J : • A niche, tn ihe rorward end 01 mattress It kept' geWng 1n my, ears cleared n profit of ,4,160.00. Hqw Is By, Laying Out In Long Row. It . Can 'catches In tbe ~orward and nOlle all night 1" that tor the NQlrthweat? I. now bave 110 the knh'es can be taken . 0\1t ." "Just so, Gtranger. When ,YOII 320 s ores of land and all Pilid 'for, 15 'Be 'Cultlvat.~ With Horae. wbe,n deslrell. Drawln~ IIh6ws weeder . nsked, about the bed,' didn't I say It head at borses, 30 l)ead of cattle, 22 COntl)lete and.. one knlCe detacl1e<\, wouhl tlcide yo'u to death 1" pigs, 2 sheep and about 150 chickens showing the niche tha:t catches over ' And t hen the , old ,farmer passed nnd other Iloultr)', and nil new mathe ' front boll. ,These ' weeders an ' oyer the lett,over' pie , I'.lld blacl~ , Chinery aud everything Is ,p aid ror. hand y In case · the weeds ge~ a big c'olIee, We also bought 8 lots In Clilgary anil start ' ln listed st,urr: The knives rUn 7 In High River. W,e ~\!I~ U70 for under Qle groulld an In,cb or two, and Indian Prlnce l , Jewell. the 15 lots ' and thoy are , pa!ld ror. At when the weed" are large tills 18 When the steamship Arabia ,arrlve,d 'presenf I consider m):sell worth $13, the ,only way 'to r;et them. at Tilbury, 'Englari!l, ' recenth-, four "000.00, and whim '1 lett Wisconsin 1esB .cas8·s of undistinguished oppe,a rance than tbrlle yearS · ago I 'bad nb,o ut , NUBBINS. were handed I 'ove~ 'to tour men ell1' $2,000.00. rhls year I t~resbed a little , ploy'ed by to>urilit 118ent.l:i: Eaell: lllllA '(lver, 4.000 bushels of grain, have A new file Is a good friend to ':carl') gual'~ed, lils case w~th ~pa.rttcular care, about OUO tl)ollsan;! lIushelll Qf Hne Along',ln the garden' 01' lleld w.hen h.O~ never t:eleaslng bl8 hold ' ullon It dar- p,6tllto<!s aild about f!ve hundred bUsh· Ing tlm~ pome!!" . "~ Ing the train jOllrney to 1.0~·n. . els ot' turnips. Mrs. Beili'lege1 Bold When ,you sell , wheat and buy 'b rat. ·· On ahl val · at Liverpool .S heet sta· about $200 wort.h of garden truck and s~ tJiat l:0u . get more tlian . tlon the' four men,' eacli , hugging ilb pouJ.!:ry thlll fall. No'w tber'e re lots' exchange , wltb time and ' ciJl:uge, ~ntered h' yan, sat on ;tholr of olbers I~ tbls community wbo dId tlu'o~i1 'In, , , " . ca8~s, al).d were dilven. tQ LU,ilgate clr· as " 'eU all I did in the 'samEl t'engtll of , , ., Squashes, and ~bboge rCilUlre:,1 ous, where .the CWl~5 ' were Ipllnedlat!!' ~m~ I .D'.. U .... ,· mnnure and ' a generous quan. 1y:' c'OIl,Slgned ;to the. safes. ' T1.e family nOtI myself"alre' 1'111 well' tlty of, tt:.;.: 'I'liey are ', reeder;;. 'l'~e m~9terJ9Us. box~S' .t ;dntalved' ·the at this ",rltlng , and hope' thil letter They nlso "UBe UP" :8 ' good; deal 01 h ~redltnl'Y 'je,welll' or tile Maharajah of will IIDII. yoil the same. moisture, , " ',' '. - . nlknjiee'r, \vho ar~"ed , i ln LOndon " Yours very truly,. The , thll\g, malt hicklng 10 . fllr)1l short thue ngoe., Tile j wels, whlcb (Signed) PHILTP DEISIJ~~EL" bOuses Ii .goi)d ventl.latlon', piutlculal' are valulld at' about If: 25.doo,; were . Cayley, Alta., ('~adn. I~ In the sleel,>ln. r~ms, A Wlndo,y ' ~a~e_d 1ti If61a 'by a/l Ilrmea escort . . Bhould a1aw)s h8' opeq at nlgbt, · If !t . ' mflk,es' a drari' 9D, the lied put tlli ," TalCl"g No Chane... " . !\Cr8&JI covered ..... ~ , c()n~sQ clotH. old woman was III In a ' tene-' ~ goi'i\:l -.(ray to Inorealle t'he tert.llltJ and ~ . jc.lnOly n~lc~~or took f: Of th~ .11, to raise ohovor., o! wblbky to ~et. 'l'bo nelgb· feed the bay t.9 the BtOC., and retuhI laId ahe would ~vo ~c 0111 ·'\Vom· the ~an:Ure. to 'the 11UI\I1. lure to an a glasscot the Whllky (bell.' an; A lta1)d on Ute Wlntel\ Wb'!'-t jiell,l other In the' morning, The old woman, ~d OD ."•• ",c~vec'l tbe irtlt glai" About leD . Ie . ~UDd. , l!lap~, &lld ,thQ ahe R4· lt 01!ll11De4 <

Kin ..

The Renon. A southern' 'Kanaa!! edItor lilts n,o- , tic d i tbat men swear to ' ~el\P from' crying, and that women cry to keep fro~ swearln~.·-~ansas Olty Star. ImporWnt to Moth.,.. lI¥.m!ae cuernll~ en". botlte or CAS'I'ORtA. e .»d remcd1 for IlI.lula &Ild chlw.....




B=:~eOr~ III UIIO Fo(


y .....

Tloll IUDd Yoa

Succe"s a~ll' de reiit re$t side by side In 'the bosom of Motber Earth, and the r~(l'eshlng 'raJn and sllnshlDe tall lI'te upOn thetr mounds, " '

Do you want an engine?

. . . We have , one you can We have 'been building ndthing but engines 'for

afford to bu ~. years, We ~arantee tbe Olds Engines will 'run properly: ' The' price is right. The enR"in~ is relial?le and simpl\!. ' We , tteat YOIl right. There is an agent near by to see everything is ' right: an kept so, . ' .'

', 25

\Va bave ma,lle.


IIMm' nrgP9"lIion tn makf! In


belldes ftlrn itlbiDI

Let us toJlyuu a bol,u it, bit4:auae it will ~¥r .l' hue~e&l10u.


tb. bellt '. qine



, Yo can turnisl; YOU oor 1':'00 Aenrine. let up on .k:idaJ, desired . , to 8 h. p . read, to r un wboo/.otl ~." It-does not-b."e to b, I bt ' UI)11;0 J4pfnR 10 connect. 'n o foun .Iion to buil4-. imp,lY 511 with &:I$olino loe ~1 ..1tI,... J on Ih~ .witch. 'urn lb. "heel an~ II, ••~.


winter or .ummer. Tbe cheapest of .n .",Ine, for larw and . tatlon ary Pow~ r. ' Ha. renio,t.bJe water jn,e ket . al1latelt improvem!'ol • . a:Jld baa been adop ted by tbe' \ . £4\$1" to Itart

" United SUite. Government. Send tor our catalog "0, ' 3 to 50 h, p , ed be lur. you ,take ad".nl&l~ ot our ~roPOlhi,otl and "ve WODO,.. . , ,

'OLDM. GAS POW.R .la~I"""'. '10,


riG., Ir,


"1t\8-III ...... M.,t.....I" .' Ch~,lIo._l. .



'lV. 1110_'" 8t.


.,ERSONAL ANU LOCAL ITEMS Former ~~siihmts

~, I.~crning

Mrl< I!:. Lnno IIml daught.e r MIIY. Ittl d, Ill! A 11111 11 Ii II uA880ne to Il1l1bo 10 Join" of . I!mlbuH. wIll} hll ve he n !I~nll o"mplng p"rty 11.1 w hloh htlr hruth· log II few w6ok~ with Mr. tlllc1 Mr'H. ef,l lenator Van I ron8. !lOU (tllltHy Jl1lllllrl Kerriok. relurned b,)llle tbe first of tllil' week , grlllltly. TofreMh ed are Il.lelOoor8, by MIEllr vi II 10 tbe (Jountry, Ex ILinK fll Clltl, cboi e fruit, fin e Kent P. B~o",ning, I.\OD of :' N. Browning, Editor yf the .\,l1ruing veget'l1hle&, nil .killdl.!·'of Intm ubo ton BellubliCl8n, and who was Itt one Lured PI'Qlluctoll-somethin g to OIt! er tiW3 employed on tb e Mll1Dli 011 to tho last of \'orybO<.fy ·who mll y zette, hal! received a oODimi8l\Ion wish to dtenll tile G rtl4jne 'onnt y wi'h ihe Panama Canal Commiss. Peir Augnst 6, 'i'. /oj lind II. ion lUIil len for the oanal zone la81. The mem ber of the Orthotlox · w~k. Friends Churoh have plan~1\d Ii unique sooitl\ t·o tllke pl!lce at the Fro.n Ransa" City. oonlos I\. oord h,'mo or tbeir pastor. Rev. Benj trom Mr' Prank Key". the w&ll. I:fllwkin!!, tbls, Wednesdllyevenlng. known and 8uc088sfnl tncll:num of Invlt-utloDS .IA featber In ,'cur Chicago. '. Mr. Keys bas beu n Ilttend CliP" hl1ve b~enl!ent nu t sDli lin IDg the ' aonolll oonventloll uf t,he enjoy Ible time III aMlciptited. National Stockman'lt Assooilltion In The ~und&~ Uom m eroh,1 Tribune Ka .. 'Clty, tiS delegate. . now !JontHlns ' lI. pll ttero ellob !:lun. day Ilnd 111so II 'speOIIlI iUustrated Mr. and Mrs, Abbey, of Chicago mtlgazioe orders left with Web lU'e visiting M.'H. Abbey's g raud Meeks will be promvtly fill d ellob faiher, tbe veneri\ble George S!lle, Sumlay. of Corwin, and ot,ber relatlv88 h er e Dr. H. E. Hlithawll.y Iii lItttmding Alt. Abbey III 1\ da ughter of 1I4.r. t\1e Miami VaHey Cbaotnllquo and and Mra. M. J. BIlle of Ohicago. will bave his offic opeu fur h ll8i. and tbl8 II their tl~, vlllit to .1.~ nes8 August B. old home for aome time . . Mrtl , C 'lItr

IrODIi .

~ - --

Prof. Whinier Bornett . who bas been Moperlntendeot- of the Vaodal' Ua &lbool t he Pl!1I', year. hila aooept. t d Il pol'\1,ioo In tilA UDlvenl~y . of (''1oolnnlltl. Mr. ' Bornett besides thllllohing will take lome lpeata) work ftt· the Uolvel'llity. . Prof, BOf· u,ett Is onll of tbe brlght8llt men ev· er IJndnated from the WaYD8'lville IOhool,', aod hal made a dlstloct 10C· 08118 In ednoatlooal wllrk.

Social Events of the week In Honor of Her Gue.sts:

anners' Ass ~ ation Electa Waynesvi Ie Man.

"80ys'~ of th~

Quarterly meeting , of M. E ..Chureh

Burllett Reunion

Gallant Seventy·Nint h '

l'he "evon~h IlnDu!t1 rtlunl'm willi hol d ~t t,h~ bellutltlll UOlllltry huUl., o( Mr. and Mrl!. Ell Burmjt.t,. July 21 Return of Rev, Phtllp Tro.t .bk~ l'h9 bo!\t Hlid h ... "t" 11I1 IlAAillt.1lI1 by eel for. Lay Deleeatea Appointed. • tlI e Ir fatU II y h a d ~P" I' d li D pa Inil I n The Quarterl" Meetlnu of .be u . kl b 1 j bl "" • .mn, ng t e (I~Y II very en OY8 e E; Churoh held la.t FriJay to 8un. one .A bountlous dlnl.lllr WIlS 8erv· day was of more than 'o rdinary tn. ed ou th e In\\'n. aftur , wbrob \Ce ~ ter~t. • . ... er~~iII \ 1\8 1I1'I!r ooiu.ttld by oil , (J. M. Robltzer /Iond Mrs. PhIlip 1 bu rulluwlng WUl'!l prtltleDt: Ow · 'frout were tlelec'·ed lUI delegaWlIl tQ en 8urn tltt IIn'l . tlllllllllter ~lIrtl.h, the AnnDal Confe;euoe 01' lbllt M.llton KtlYl!, Wife tlml .l aughter (Jburch distrlot whloh nioetM lit 0.· ElIt1 lind Bon Wllrren. ~Il'JlDel Bnt fo d B t '1 .. r, ep tltU ler " , . terworth lind Wife. Frank Uoleman A pproprll\te 'rosolnt Onl ( h' h tlD(l wlfl'. WllIitlm Pine Il,nd wife, "p"" lse h i tlhl I W IC Roono,V uliughter Ne lhe and son th ...;~r ere 0 r I pt e ",Il!le. e we're d rll ted in mE m . BLIlI urehnce, !:ld' l)LYOhe , Wlre,d1lUgRhtle rh8 ory of tlle lute A. L , B'urr. tlverne sl}ns a p 1'1 ' Ilno e an W'llI 1 AI I 01 B . tt ' Ie memberilhlll at tile ohurob 1 am IlU( v II . em urne unIte · clln III t II wife IIno duu gbter , .J O nt~thau Bur , e " oWlog re~o lu~ion nett and ~Ire. Frank Hartsock aDd ~qne!ltl?g tbe rllturn qf Rev. ,"Imlly Benjim an Mills wife Ilnd bilip rl'out to I,hls ohalge the . en8ulng" yellr : . daughter Carrie. Marlon Uordon Wuynll8vllle Ohio J I 19 1901 wife nnd 1100 Bllrl Harvey wife Ilnd . . u y. . y our purpose t o attenU, . llon, Staoy B~rnett and wife. Mrs. To Bey D ~etl Aultman, E . D. Yours ill F. ', ,~ I, Mabel Dinwiddie and ohlldren, Mr. Presiding ~lllel' uf the HlIltibor o Senry . Corblo and Mrs. Stephen Burnet.t Dod fam . Distriot. Inlllllllutl Conference: Gen. loJorbio . w nt luto the 79th i1y, MillS Trena Cornell , William Believlug tbl1t the pitst year b'lll regiment., as n private. finlll1y \)e Phillips and family. Ernest Butt-er. been one of OOllt (if not Lhe Uell&) oomlng Commander-io-Uhier of t be worth and faullly, (lharley Fry ODd In the hl~t()ry i)f our ob urob In th~ entire IIrmY'. but at. tb .. se anuoa,l, rll.mily, Whittier Burnett and fam. place, llIId bellevll1l( l,blHIII , 1"'gllly reuuions h e Is jo t, "on e of the l'oY8 ily, Har vey Bnroett wife and dang. due to II,Ie untlrln/,( u~o rt8 of onr nmong his old comrlldes . h ter MI88es Raohel and Martba -belo\'811 P'II<tor. RI!\'. pUllip 'hont, _ - -Bnr~E!U lind ~ollil. Phillip! wife we olTllr thoi rul1"~illg reMolol,ion ;nntl daughter. Ell Burnett, wife Hesolvad ,thnt,lt 1/1 the Wl8h of Ihe Young Ladies Take tlnd 81)n8 Walter. ClllT and Ubarle,. Qoarterly (,IIlI ferulIOIl oJ. t.b e W~y. Nurses' Tr~ining Tbey ail departed II.fter having a nellvllle M. ~. Churc h, nuw lu tll:'!'. good time. 8100, tbl~t Uro , .'I'rout I.., ret,orn~ III Mls8 [,elll1 'mlth. retnrn 111,0 t he Tbe next reonlon will be held at this obnrgu fo r IlII"Ih" r y .. tlr, \lnd Cbildren'iI Hospital , llU A h\lrn , t h e ho~e of Mr. and MrtI. Beoja. be It fllrlh ar ,( . Cm oinnatl , WedDe~dllY, wh re ~he man MtI1s near New BllrllnRtOo.· Resolvtl~, thtlt tlli'! QllllrtQrly.pun . bad St'rved ber u.Pllrentlcel!bip , ferenoe Clxpru.. M t.o blm tlud to our of u mont,b, uUll now eoterl fiS II Presilli ng £ ll1f'I' Or. ADIIIUIl" (lur I1 regulnr studen~ for 1\ te rm of II slpcf\rtl.npPI,.,olulllln for til " II' \Vorit: yelif and a h alf. MIs8 I3mlth \ViiS II of th e p ~"I, Yllllr , noooUl)Jtloied by Mi A AntI Kelly , of TO BOlu1 .. .v ovtlllilll( Dr , n. \ul r.,,,a'n, Uarveysburg who will >lpel\d 0 ttll Prf'lIidul)( Elli er I".. ltl htl,1 " month In thllt H spltlll all ,t rillias Telephone IItrulllf IIl)rmon , !t,w 'l'I'"ut IIr the ourae . Miss Chris$ine Ke! ' ex loca' No. 7 oburcil \\'11" .:rttllf(1I1 " well t>l1l:Ued peet . to go Inter Ilnd enter on II three long olstanca No.• 69-3r two we~ kiI VIIOllllull. yAllr!! courtle of tralniul( In lIu8 UID A t££j clnullti Hospitu!. 'fhe lllal1y'rlenril' . W YNESVILtE; OHIO

JUDleil toops Js made President ofOhlo annel'fj' AI8ociation Will be entertained by Gen eral __ ~_. . Corbin at their Annual Reunion ""'lneM St<lops .•1. B. Caskey a nd In Middlet-own ,I . F . Dook ot tile WI~ynellvllle (JQn· ulng '0, t1ttendro a meeting of the 'l'lle melubers of tlle gll lltlD t oli! fru,it lind M nnerl! of Ohio. Seventy Ni n th Regiment whioh did huld ut (JoluUlbp8 Illst week Ilnd as. Buch splendid 8ervio~ during the I ted In orglmiziDIl: th~ Ohio 8t1\te C~vLl Wllr have reoel ved luv itntiont; ClIlllled Goods PII ~ters A ..oolntlon. to til a,nDun] reunion of 'the rtl~i Mr , Htoops being eilloted S~cretl\ry ment whloh will he held li t Middle. Treal!urer at the new organlt.&tlon. town. TlleHdllY, Aug nst lIlth . u About ninety dllferent, factories Aooolppanying t,bia luvita,t ion i~ Wtl e d d ' II otlrd whio:" rfllH11I liB follow~ : r r epreBtlllt" IlD (JllnnlDg IDtln were present f rolll all parts of t h e Ubqvy Chase hid , July II>, il/Oi tate ' Dllal' Comrades : , The Obio U.lDued Uood" PlIokerB [ desire t he pleRsure of your pres Allsoclation \\IllS organiz 11 by BOD. ence at dl uner . lit! wy guest on the ~ , f th I f th 79th F rll~ k E . G arrel of Be l A:I' MHrylaud uvCIl~l on 0 e reon on , a e t::!eoretary of the NatlOnol Ct1nuers O. V. 1. ASBOCititioll. to be held at hlo, on . 1'nesdl~y, Assoolatlon, 1I0d much credit il! due Mldd letowD, hiu.! lor hi effective efforts. August l :i,' 1907 and I request thnt Ge rge B . Bally. PresIdent of the you notify Secretary C. A. Harris of National Organaza tion, was alBo present at Columbue. The Ohiu ('AlnIle~" Assoolatlon llims to Improve the qunllty Ilnd qUlwityof cano ed goods produced in 0/110, ~nd to IISIIIst genern lly in pr omoting the 118S1, intere8ts of its membertl. 'rho election of office .." resnlted ~8 1'01l0wlol : PNs'ldent. Joseph C. WtJrvel, Wauseon Oblo, Vloe Presi· dllnt, William B 11. (Jircleville, Seo., 11Ot! '1'rell IJrAr .IRDIOR Stoops, Way. 069\'ille. Mr . Stoops ill president of tbe WUYDesvllle Canning (Jo ., baving fuoto rles at 'WIlYl!le8vllle Ilnd Vel· low prlngs lind also President Ilnd genera l mllnager of the Van Wert UIIIl lling ")" Van Wert·. Ohio. 1'he uffiQe of Secretllry.TreRsurer will bring WllyneElvllle into oonllid. arable prominence as all business for t h e State Will be tran8lioted at th l ' pOint Mr" St oops Ill . widely ocqul1inted with oanning lOen In Illi PlutH of the ",tate and this ooupled witll bis bUl!lne S Ilbillt·y wlJl uSllillt


f'. , )\\'

MiS8 Htelltl Lemon is entertaining the MI88B8 Etta I;lnd Edith Br.lwolng and Miss Lydia Redger lind Mr Oas81u8 Browning of Dry Kidge. ,Kentncitey and on !frid I )' tlveDlng entertllioed ilt Il delighUIII IIlUcheoll In 'tbelr honor, the following guestll MI88es Martha U'Nea l, Kn.tbryn 1I:rllme, DonDlA Hllwke, Bertha E1. Mra. Stephen PhllUpe, who spent bon, Heorlettl!. McKinsey, nod Uu· ollne and Edith Mceher. a Ihort time reCaot1;,. with ' ber rela.· Measrs Edward Ricks, Wllrren tivea bere, extended her viliL to Keys, Stoka Silver, Fred Elbon Fred Bagera\Own, J041aoa, beforl! return· Oaskey. Gt'Orge St.roud, lind Fred IOIr to her hoo>e to WlUlbington C. B lin. PbUlIPS' bro*ber, AaroQ, HartllOC'k . of Waynesville, and of materially io making t he uew As" IIf thelle young ladlf'8 unU e I'll WiRh ,!!B!!!r,!",!8,!",!nC,!",!h!!!O!!!",!",!i,!",!C!!!I',!",!!!!!!! H!!!ar!!!'!!!II!!!S!!!bU!!!r!!! .w!!!I,!",!!!!!!!O, ing them flbnnd~nt ~uooeH" i~ t,bis ~ Woollard, aDd wire, had j\l8t. returo· HarVeysburg, Me88rs: Row.a rd ana sooitltloD Ii sucoes!iI. . Arnold Collett ab!l H orllce Burge8ll, laodable nnd A rtllking. . . eel from aD extended vi." through Surprise party.for 811bscr Ipt! Ollfl r f'lJ ' forull t,be lead . ' 'the Wilt, wheD tbey ItOpped Ilt .DOh pl,aoM IU Loll Aoge)ea, BaD Mrs. James Kerrick ReosJutions Passed by . ing IllRIf'lzi nAl' 111111 newspapers,. Ilt ~XCURSION TO t he G'lzett om e. Nottl '-We .wlll In Society. II'raootllOO, &sa Lake City, Portland, • M. E. Quarterly Conference Dlf'st the prloeM n.hert-hled by Iluy .D4 Other 01&188 ' along the ooalt, be· Mr. and 1\1rs. E . V . Barnbart en. Mr . •Iumes Kerriok planned a sor· rellutllblr I!ubllorlptioll IlgAIlOy. lIldea -toPPing a week In Mootana tertalned lit six o'cloJ~ dinner Fri. priso for his wife )lUJt Monday even· The follOWing r6eo1utlnllil were wlUlalliaterof Iln. Woollam. They • 'l'rlp day evening: Mr ~. Gecrtte W . In~, whlun proved to be 1\ cbarmlng plUl!l8d by the Qnorterly onference aleo apen' 80me time 10 Ohloago, Hawke, MI811 Emola BelgbwllY. nlTa Ir. ot t he M. E . LJhurob with respeot /Uld OODIldered the entire trip a de. Alles MayWrigbt"and ' l!iss Mira While Mrs. Kenick WIlS making to Brotber A. L. Farr. Wherea8,- au SIl_Y Jab' 28 liab",. ontlni· :. . .~:~ Baud. '!'be affair WIlR In compli. a 01111 on Il nelghlbor, I\. few of her ODr Rellvonly Father in hI8'wh!(iom Ih. aDd Woollard are bappy ment to Min . Em!nll Moody, of ne...r neighbol'f! . ft\I~d Into her house has seen fit to remoye from onr Leave Wa10ftvlUe 8.28 a. III. .ID a typIoal Rc;xleevelt family; lix uaytoo, who was a guest of Mr. lin d were in quie t hidin g wheo ehe midst our' beloved brother and co of *belr· ohlldrep are married, aDd and Mr!! . Barnhart Frida y lind :;at· rencb~ bo~e = 8he WIUI gt'Mt.• wot"er A. L. Farr who spe~ 80 • everal of them laave followed the urddY . TIME C ~RD Iy a~ to'nll!lhed l1\xi'l' "~lIlng tbem, but many yearll of quiet usefuln8llll io avooaUon of 'belr fdber-tbat. . of EFFECT I" . l MA ••CH :11 . lWo. 800D (I/ltained oomma nd of berself onr midst where his advloe and •. Y,'nlllt mell tltld Hlrl.. "' 1hl'l NO\(.1·H III UNO. farmtDi-aod If theymake a. iret.1 P,'ler:l l'III'lrI112' I)oml~n . ii .ln,,,, lind gil ve ber gne~t~ a hearty weI· oonn881 were frequently sougbt Bud Church SOCial a .oOOe.e floanoia.lIy and -ollierwille Stat Ions NO. 1 N". tit No. ~. l« lll " W,.rk II/fl,l. 111111 ollVlII U..lljl heeded. Tbere will be an ice cream anel come. II , A. M. 18 be, 'bey maT bave reaaon 10 be . W"II"II it IIlI "Inr"rllt hie hl.,I ..1 ~)' Ice ore ,Ill .iDd CIlke were seneci, Reso ved : tbat du.ring his maoy Lebanon Jc. A r 8 00 1'1 00 ".; M ·tt.: melon sooial at tbe Ferry ' ( Jbncll. _ti"fled. ~e Ion and one dangh· oO ltlUllld"ltUII'I ",f'l'ti II> tbe tltulllry . • Tho e who 118r. t 1oipated in ,thta f yearll co.nneotlon with our offilclal Sbaker r , 1 ;;8 t, Itl I . ~8 ter .re &Mohere, one IIOD Is .todylog Thuraday eve.niDg Augost firat" to A,hh.HJOM AllIIl",,1tIU I'd. lilt.,.". were Mr, nod Mrs. A. A. Lane. of board we IIlwaye foond him jnlt, Ro.l,u 17 ')\ I ' t h l 1& \:J olvll engineering, aod one daughter whloh .be pobllo Is oordlally ' llivit~ Ki 11K' nil 118. Ohio. (.I 17.,) ColumbulI : MisfI Mllry Leah Cook, and generous and thougbtful '0 the 1 !~Iqll.'ll~nd r 4~ 10 ~ 8 !J ~I ed. GOlld musio will be fnrnlsbed . ., I~ .tm •• home wltb ber parents I ~O o OL • _ • of Chlcaao :', r,ymllD Eyler, of Day. totereati of onr cburch and IOY6110 Ce nl~rvili. 7 .. 0 ) nl! ~l h~ &.It MfII110lntl III the Woo h\ tt'" Snbsol'lptlona recelv.e d bere for t,m: Ilnd Mrl! Benjamin Haw,t . What he believed to be right., ~ILyLl~ anor t 1 a:) I u" ~H 7 ~7 c, (Julio "'Id Ulur .. btlft; " J.rael I;latter'bwllite "rites tbe all @t~nd"rd magazines. . ins Mr . ,and Mrs. Frank ElpoD, Mr. Resolved : althougb hl8 words ~~IIKewond .: ~ I ~ • .' 2" H H , Glze1.t.e from Sao "018, Oallforlltll, and Mrs. C. C, Eyler, Mr. and Iln. were few they sbowed a deolllion . 'If "Yenabl< r. :!o ; ,. .,u .~ ~II, I ..) find Cbaolbltrlltill '!lUollo' 0 1)III , eJt~ anti D1arrhOtlIl RMlllooy t" ~ ;~ fill in which he aHurM til th"Uheyarv U. A, Brown, M:r. and 141'11. Frt!d character that carried grent, IOT<:e Hitcbntlr Ii I '*10 18 f ~he be,,1 "'Dltil1.V In tbtl " V I Id ,,' UII 110 HI an weiland 8IIJOyIDI theIr share of ~ . . . ....,.....,.. Sherwood.: Eyler Brown. Mr. Fred with them. . OUlld. 7 Itl t , 011 ~yl1 114,.. C . L u..l&er of M'lIlr\l~ ~ t!tl pr08pel'lty. Eldon', Misses 8l~rtle Elbon, and Resolved: tbe ohuroh and his fll TlI. ~~I:,~~I'ID_ I" . ~,~ I I 011 Al!t . I 11111 "U"J " II~ III O\ll\u Itud 011.' .. !W I dtarrb ' I 11m 11IbJeut tu 00110 all4Be bal \'taited Seattle. ·Wa8hing· Ada Eyler. lIy have beeD strloken by the band H /tD 1)1 '1' G UO HI' tholl.. a. Ln"L M"rllljf II. "tlemed t~ · , ;.r,G ton, 'Iooe living on t,be 008st. aod a~ of death In deep grief, 1\nd altho hill o.y tnn I I wonlll(b 1 :>v (,"II.I "lid I 'blllk U~ )('1' D, A X.T mOOR other old friend .. , vlllte!1 tbe ~ Printiog of all de80rtptioDI given voice was seldOm. beard In public Illln '..Id If I hadn't .. keD l.'bambel'. BOO It ao family of Joho James, wbo formar· prompt attention at ,the Gar.ette prayer or te8t(mony 1l1l felt ~hat bill Bam (Jolla. Obolera and C"lIjarrhoea ' S()U'l'Hb UNO wltbedy. I bueD', been 'r'Jnbled ly u';ea ., Eerry, ' .od who 'IIere ~ offioe. modest, simple, manner of, life was ... P.M. P.M. 1 ha I, .Inoe until 'bl. wee'k. wheQ oloeely "oolated with Mr. Satter· Specials For 'This more eloquent tJlan vain words. 1'108' Leave No 2' halfd a. very levare aUaoit: and took thwalte wheo . he flrilt went Weat ' ResQlved :the th!mght of Brother D ay lon : () H .\ D . 6 06 .1118 a bottle of ta.e 'w~'1\ 6~e 080' " , week. ' . 130 Davton : ·0 k x T B O!) mao,. yean'ago, . ,a ....... . ~ . Furr's entrance Into a fnlle~ deeper a04 · OhamberlatD', Uollq'.! Oboltlra . 8 :.10 160 · lIr. Satterlliwaite Hayl tbat· Cal· 40 Dozen Menll' Sox at cost . ' ...................~... " 'I,U e Is n sorce of con8<,llation to hlR Lebanon JO. mo Diarrhoea Bemed,. IUlll .hl. Hornlnll :r feel like a Dew man. ' •. • Itornt. baa eDjoylMi a boom since ' and les8, Blaeks, Tans, and, friends . ' SUlter 01'0•• '0 1 8 33 ! un (, riD For aa~e by J , E Janney. , 'he IlIIrtbquake-u far high , " 13. P .. prlcel are ooo08rned,- but ev8l'Y 15c kind only lOe a pair . ' CommlUee Ceoterville 8 i9 I 1\ e 11 thl.n g Is Kettlng back to 11 normal ~ 25e kind Qnly 11k: a .pair Manor '8 G'7 :1 IV -0 19 118118 again. . ~ Ladle's 15c H08e 13c a pair ~ LyLle II O. ~ 23 e 23 L • . . . 25e n se Bu a a d La ... 1'lc!II"woocl to Oli a ~o '821 .' . t • W , hi 1f. tbe grea.t qn1t.&tI was a sad , 0 rson n. . ce Fancy Wate ~Jnelone. Ven(lble , "09 :130 16 30 experience for thooBlinds, yet be ' . 19c KalamazclIo Celery. !Cltohner til 11 III 31! 10 32 would not bavs ml88ed It for "oy. 50c H08e 39c a pair Crlellm Cheese. DcddR 19 " ~ Ie U4 ', thing. , One peouiiaf fe"~\1r8 is the'. Mens' Underwear Raisins __ Pruncs ~'lI"~"I~THE : LelanU IV !Is ta 4~' ... 411 "be Lebanon ... ,.I.e 11 no 360 0 60 M"'I~8T~&T , ~.alVI"DJi, o. Illct t b IL t no t,WI) perllOlH1 ~, t' orl ,,,._ k·lnd ~oo Drl'eeI ...:P.each' ., SLOP 0'1 81BOlli u v o ; . ~. . · oall~ p~ 8uno,", In 'r~m next dClor to (Jr:0I8 BI'OI. tbe oocurreDCI'l .tlxllctly tbEl 6u~e. . ' SSe kind 25c Canned G'Jodel of all kinds 8D1m.n' .1lA11dll . B~rdw,,,,e Sl.,re". ~, . . I D common WIt h ot·bers . W~o.,x 25c kind ' 19c Every thing lI'ood for a IIlee Tralrui pa!l'l, Lvlle .. follow. , ' ohange the vorlt,ble ('hmate OL Oluo ' " .' • Th h' O· fJortllbounir 7 Qu. Dl . iI :! 7p. m 'l)tlepboD8 ·10 honia 'aod oflloe f.>r tLe .Olore cong.enlnl weath~r of 'Suspenders ' i~' ':-:o~~g a~~ne~anana •• \ 8,outbbound ' II 04a DI " 23p. III where I can ·be caJl~ day or ojifJ •• the eJolden !:ltate, Mr. Satter· 50c kind , 39c Pine Apple Chuncks Q. Villley.. Phone 1'-~. , , ' ~bw"ite I. delighted wltb t~., 2~ kind · , '. I9c Eggosee Com Flakes . . : obaDge, aDd re~o.rks tbat one Iii ~ot Ladles Oxfords . " roalt~ Corn Elakea obllltflCi to catry Il f~n t.l bed wIth . Shr~citd 'Wheat BisCuit !!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~ him there. at Cost ' S wee ' t an d So'ur Pi c~ "I es ~~ , .For t.he firltt t,lme in wony yearll" ; Blue and White €anvas snow feU in thtU va.lIey Il\st.wU1,te~" Oxfords , . 9~ , . B~ing us :yollir Butter and "--·-1004, Ull poor feed , . ' , wilioh 10 e1feOl tld tht! f.ult crop 118 . Ch'am,ion Tobacco Sprayers ' .' Dr ,gs . . , 10 (,~U1lt! ,,10>'8 heretoflJrA alm08t $750 ",e are payanll' 160 a dOlen . ~" ' . ' ' . for Eggs, and 18 to 20e per '. i' uoKnown. " WI! eoold Qat ref rain fro m itivlog . Ligiett. Pu~ rana . poond for BuUe!:. \ ' •• , the above extnotM froua J....el'. ' . Green ~ a pound Plenty of Pa,ria Green ."d Staple , aod ~·IlUOY .' Orooeriee, ~irul"


fUN ERA l 0'1REC R,


0; Night.'


Pennsy. Ivanla LJNE.S .

D'"D" LWHOI "I _.\I ·t.JCIIIATI, 11.



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t~cnerIlIPll8He~~. ~·,,~~·n~.~~~G~·cin,

$ $ ·. . 'FARM',ERS',

THE · 0.0' H N '·fiJ R,,.' ~,.It" 0 ,O·IS Jt y .'





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Vegat"blea abd OttDned Goode.

that valle, and ltll prOduots 1000. ·... oea



8pe. •





C fI • rll an~ :t'obaooo,



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FIF'l'Y SmVE~'l'I:i YFJ AR.

~~~~~~~~~~~_ e PERs n NAI AND LOCA L Sudden Summ ons , Ne.w _MI;l80~ic d Ivins. Comes to ,Alfre 'l'etUple Dedicated --

Moun t ·Holly .


Wellm an.

W. '1' J .ml11n nml brother s hank, Mrs. ' John Mor1.l em , and llt,tle '!be 'o ld elevato r whioh wns unlit d El1wllrd IIn\l 'Iem F.oley IlttetJlled, t . . ' ~ ', er Mildred of Da.ytGn vlsi e --Mitlt! 'Ilro)y n und Edith }d Ol1hur Well Known Retlidcn t of Wayne in] -C" tbe flRme Yd lr thl~t the rll11 · daoght "PIIl v nt Cinoinnlltl !:!und~.\ · ... ' , v 1'1, 111 .. " re vl'slting ' I' U'cilinutl' rfilRtlvefi. w.1' . UJl d M re. ' L ew I'8 ,'b'· . .... parents b her I • f II h , I ere 1 d r ' II II visiting throug t l1 1 h many liS Eill ', n and M 1'OUt ·OWl t... Grand Ollleera Wart'e and hl'p 'rOWIIB um y Cl "a . 8 "'pruy R,n r. ~ 'I I'''tle ' ohild 01 Mr. fl,nd ""'rs. ' J " s, nturuay lind uuday, ,t.ephen C,?, U .RlI.ilroo the tllelr by nt uowu Isltorg .tofn lilY iug Order 1'Ilrticipl1te ' lle "'un ' MembeTS Ut' ly. / u . dies Sudden V . ~ ,. ... IQ/I w re" l Mr. lI!lrJes Mv er wns in Duyton Fra .' a 'anClorso n is aaDgero ill. in "Ce..:emomcs .. ' t o mll" 6 room for the l oading aDd WUI. Rloh~, pnrent, , busines on ! uU ~tllrda .Johu Wolf an el wife entert.n lned A1rrl!olIvin~, Itr6!\ld ontot Warren union iug frelight , Greene (Jounty·Au gust II, 7, h - -f d gave II. soolal Sat,udn y i No. (;Inss · oonlieUl pany com railroad 9 d 'l'he 8 0 Olll€' one an or tbe new . ollnty for rulLny years .The dedtcIltlon • 11II · nlgbt !l.nd It Wll~ I\. 8\1CCe !I hoth !l0. q llite fI, lot of people SonOay Of tbe WaynellviUe Ma~01l8 wblch IIn(lwlI rlll'merS in tl,itl vi · plll\;e . ma~ing extensi ve improv best. tho visited al'e ~ m f/llllil, fuwl)y \.and Good Bnrt~oo A, ALE F. Olt :;. F $l gO will oleuring uy, lly clll11 y and Ihll.l.noin took plAce la" t lJ.'hurl!d . 0\>11· oloit.y, (liRrl vel'::r sudden ly 00 hil! ment , In (lnr ljttle toViU. E,llrt, BflnTRY "nd wlfe·SundIlY Mr. 12 fron' ls gir ' .;. toc d go "au t. "'h dOwn III histor y liS OUtl of t he most with two months olel Purcell family., Mrs , Aurdn. .Jordan en(er~,alned li t ,ph Mills itlst Mr J, .,0 l1ns .d R ynohl:s nnd 'l'elegr. 11I),;r fllron 110 ~, ~ onlce ~ Gazette 'at luqulre 8ide. her at 1 f I wOl'k d . I. ~. 1 l' . spent! oatur uy and ~und~y with, ,.014 years of age. 'l'bey nll . Bll u 000118 ODS - enjoyub le QndoftlueC Mr. Win, lloblett bUll been on t,bE' UI'. I' IJ~' a vE' ]Jng. :. he. lIinn cr h r 1110tl,1,er Mrs. Sarah: Rloh , wea,thet • the order. the Dd t a lt' D iD tbe history I ' 1 togetlu ' f well d ~n. ay II ' n i . y M IIml 10!\ 1 rs.'Ln' I !' e M \Veeus no: . r , u WII S oottlng n~ v r. the to , due of lInd Ml ,s 'orlnne Wyson g, Mrs . A numbe r 01 ' t he State ofUoerti siok list tho VU!t week Mr J . N. Lemmo n and son Lee I'D" fine ndded to the plens\lr • f lU' f1'01»)lls tlom~ wilen llt II llelu . ,T . J orultD was lin afterno on caller. h,en.t. , . u. .. oocllsio the were. pr~ent us well as ",hlltin" intnnS8 ,1 ll ~J hnuta.uqua , Mondav . Rttenve , . t IIf ' f n eI (·/lU W . l:1ic'll tbe OD Mr . ILod,:Mrs. AJbert, amy ot Otlo... WU8 k " Kenrlo E t P. M C va Bnr the of . . me.ftberl 'rum w llny ly nlH~~' ed u_' . I.. y dl IL G or d on WIlS t·a k en se· 1,e l.'M 0 f tl10 flllli tlIe f orlDer 's p II'rent8 au 111 I ern a WII S !II ' Myel Bella in the Mrs to y . r'l ' pll . lil!t. 'liitit ,,,aok, clue .... t rdn Olltil w ere on ng on f . , . ,ll .ed to retut'll JlOme rlous ~ -III ,Jundny bnt IS gI . ~n improv . on. ' . afterno . 8\lDdny . here I y .. fU hIm whet! btl ' .roundl ns town". v,llle VlBltOl' r ,m ! ",a 0 at thu UtlUnl time Itnd when II senroh tt.lpid y. r '!'ibbws llre Wilite MTs. and Mr, bellto ~en8o wero os oXlIrol y ory 'luesd'n 'l'be dedicat " , d 1ymg ' , . l jonlLtl ClnO of va hit! g ~il.I1ms enjoyin ' ,Nellie , Is Mi White Fl'oll a; OD fO . Wtl,f; ins tit.oteu be wa III the ufteruoon. bela , the l'n~ertnlnin g r(llative a from Dayton . I~ttellded dlly' B eJon Al' o\.lluro I... Mlsg "II aont Mrs. BO'lO ~'lIe meulh6TS lIIet lit tho olel hl\ll lou t . 8ber flleO down on the g rollnd . ~t is was gue t of hot. Charle,s nnd lakes the at . n o ollU llO ttoquu .."u ey Il iarni .. . I l' . th Fon up posed t hnt elollth WIlS in tn tau. tltiJe , tlevoral daYE recenl,Jy . I at tbo Ma.eon" in the.tow nship hou@t! wo od I13 f I'lll ng 11 I S P nce IU . , 0 Vfl,ugh llnare enter. Mrs. llnd . !\Ifr 1 Mr. visited Miller ApphllL . MI . New Burli ngton . eoq8 alldGraudLod g6.'!IILSOpeulldl ud ~e lind Whtteg rocery. 1tllinlng bis daugllt er Ilod hOflband, Rnd Irs. e, E. Booth Monday . henrted lurge u wus lvens Mr. have Kerrick Jumes . Mr. nnd Mrs Mr8. Ra.lbel Smith of Dnyt" YI iOl'm by the Grali~ -ltliocrs, ' a t th e Mr. lind Mrs, Hc.rris l of Da.Yton is Mt , Arthur hill IntlD, de \' oted to inded h brolldm week thitl ylsrt n. brether relative s bere. tlng .. ~ andulSvis t'1j VUH MemOO paran been other ' U11U t.heh· \'Ilth .John LemlDon' l Mr , Elmer .l!ratt and family vis hn.q been visiting Ker· fumily lind n mtl.n who ih eld t e I'e h OIll of hill friend RoiJElrt ' Becker al l1 Mrs. , . o mONlcr his n.nd trom Rev. hllr· neVi \ th~ to Dixon d Mrs: , warche then mother pblillal ia ~! L tRr Go rdon WII S iu , Cin elu. Ited.hls . m b knew who Illl of pact. Chttuta u , Valley Ohio. m, MllIlmi IlUendi ng ton 'uuduy . ball, heaaed by Wayne8 ville blind rl ok, of ArollOu s were held Dllti n hnsin s Th orseltLy , servloe fLmerll,l " The . ' nnd Rioks n Winsto M d M were y At ·be now hull t'·,o exerolsell m ornln !lnd were ver Fridrt MISS Ethel MtLrlatt , of Dayton , qnll. r. an . r B. M'" g • y g Il Mrs A W. Reeves Is '8ufferill~ hR, been ~pending the past in " 9bari 6 of ~b e Grand OlJiocrll, 'Sllb of Clnolnn ati are enjoyin who . Lytle h f t' . IItteDded ~.v e IlIrgb of home ty 'ooun ~ bl1'dly !I~"lded IlTIll. tbe at 'from re Ic~tlon l v' now hos . JioI:ace pllrents Mtulter, her week with Grand WtlrAhtpful -, ' . ," T e foll owing ,kete 0 U~ lite Dnyton to their sister. Mra!. Annie Thorpe. turned hf\ye rlok ~ Em Allen I'.i. M and Mr lrv1n', of. lJayton , prl81dlng, the MIllI! 'of New PIlTIS, Jrene WIlS ren(l, at d Mis decellse • 11(1 t of . ~ . . ' d I been eute rtrunln g for severnl dn,ys Buy oor dress gingbl\ ms at 100\ Ohio. Is visiting with relative s here. !fo this service tbtl w VOl! an viIM l8S Mrs ' rllh Wh ite, Allen'lI aunt BI'II.' 9 sou [vina. B1nok f Oe, l and 8 iu at ' rs . E lmer Swlt.h IIDd 800 of shlrtbig 2Xo; 1 1e M j ' ,Q dauahii lrs of memoo rs o'-the 100111 worth lind aod tl lso Ou, zilla lIod l.N(lin hins wa o llrn In ber I!0u Harlun White l tlnd 7 6, ln dillno , visft«l with Lawns, . . 12:{0 and 10 . EIlsieru " ,hti ot . fll , 10d'p aDd wemoo J e hn Lilogba rt, 1111 of Belle Myers hel' New tOn BurliQg You week , cents. 20 laH a.!ld her ,Iii . r eliltives admitte d. The dedlott· worth· ,1 0, 12% tltar l ' he entir e party enjoyed . · 111 8 No, lIS tl~lklng of Ilflvlng 11 Sid~ey, 31 1 ao. JlloulLry you money e tb d ~f Wilmln g. preben Hllyle~s com II ILUI L cllnoot Miss slve t.lon 1el'Y.uee wet;e very Imjlres aftern jon a41 d evetiing ' on wllto rlDeloD and ice ore'lUl HOOIIII hrother t ill ' At tbe a~e of 1 h E! QalUO to Ohio Monauy ber during guost, ,call the YOIl Is it ton save can tt nd. lUI ,lng odvatte intere8 everyb Uy 10, August .Dd WBfO uapjlOla SIX years the ~bltut.aopu", gr9unds . of 1 xo e ' the with lind . 1110n Funkily A~ John GfooeJ'Y Ohllrley and wife . wI&jorlty "r tb06e preaene bad not great:aa Je. Myers d opened Mr. IIDd M.I:S. Alberb b Mr.Th In Montgo mery Couuty . t,he t tlnd allught r "pen,t .... Wrl Aanes Mrs. cere· a 'i' 'luoh ed "Uneu Mr; and Mrs. Whltt,e n Rantlol ph . tly . , . prevloiu ura ay . : enjoyed 6re wony, '1'I1e Gland Oratpr of the s in remaini ng time h&s lived in Ilnd I ohildre n, of Dlly'ton rellltive vlljited 1:)08!Lp, Dayton , were guests of MiFs M'lss of , Mrs Frlt.nk. of a~d wif? Mlllllr. D. lind . J Dill HOD, - order, Snn~uy ,,,I th \;he latter's plLrents , Mr. Tow . Warren tbe ' \lut·it Fridayf~om Ona Marlat t ,ver e ShoPPID g In Day. IAoa Blnlr ltLSt we 'k. liD, ~t) tho aeldre!8 of the after. Morrow the ed no!1tion al /ld, Mr. , nd .M rs. E1alU~el Eoulks. only had He week. the of first and Mrs. S, D. Ftlrq(]hl~r find 8()n8, o.f " nooll. Mr. Mtller i8 a roody M . l11\rion ' lMk had soarcel y ton, Sato,~day. in hislten eratlon n opmmo s v8ntllge frow iDg reoover is ti! , Oklaho ma,. were oalling on Clemen C. L&wtOD Mrs. W111 orueH Vias IU Dayton pleulD1& IIlM1Blter and hetd the 01088 were very _dlllere nt from got!. , h'Jrne ft:O!ll his to~r of the whlcb 000. has which illness heru la8t w,.eek:, liIevere friends . very & treated btlfrom eyes e her' audienc "~Oll of hill but 1IJ E~.p ,until ho .'lwIS o~ for In· last week blLV1Dg J. Icenho ur died at Nano fined him to his h,ome for m orethRn ' those qf the rm!set tlme, Miss , ' 'T': slDDi~ tu en.!. . lty dl,ariti, wMre be VISited re latives pport·un his of · use good y made ' . bo ' S The Grand Wontii pful Muter 11 week. Ly' of thls week. the .home of her prather Marlon ttnil added much to his store of nntil Moo~ • prmg roo ulte a party of lkdlea 'from our school his e wi with n ay , She had been · In ~oor (:olema B. I:hlt,:,rd IWd Mn. . v"cated . dinner Honio. ' ,allo'l'htnae I} vi ii go n'O ~Id for several months bnel her health g II no .edg Cln· rtalnln of ent n, Ullpen Colema Alfred Etben lon, Mrs, their , .. I lWJua .... ~ fi ' J Y ft.nli Hpring ,were over. .Mrs. Edith 0a.shm ere aDd 'death wat! no t unexpe cted. Stitt ~r (,I1l.lra Ilnd . Uloir plaoee were Ol'nnat,1 vl8iting lln.yton , was mn. ~ried III~ II oe time ,genera lly on the h er alster Ii 1 U, y . Janunr On the of pllrt. . !tLtter the h· frl'ends s Tnesdll,Y of dllug ter an d 1ler lLOUt. •• rom W es· was lugbly tls teemoo In ' the com. ,.tonnd 11 1.11 membel '8 of the looallo dge field '. E up h ras ia "ura h 11m, w hi, 0 b b y Ch tauqlla . . ' . . to Oh' 11 . . t pnrty the weelt In ~rh08e , monlty and besides . her relatlv~ of 0 er las week. aDd &h~ oIOl\JlS ceremo ny wal Rone i b h 10. ' d . e, ervi Johns et. Mnt. l ' Mesdlul 'I w~ , v -iriwD , .... ro b i due l arm. Mrs. M. J . !:launderll and nieoe hill eat a llPPV nu on M:r N&te HunLo tTllsk.e gee.Ga ., shelen- ves"ala rgeatro leh-ot ... 88 :wILh n r"""'"-r; -":'"' ~-~ - . - r . -11 _ ' Id " ... aan-lwl ..-been. ~ly . I ' and aworth · Of :Alliin BolUng "'lJlllre Moses rimtL visiting 89 IS . . ..... UlDl8, ,,&ar. n e MCG .Raater were Battle s the c, of service fi.OnnclJ lnd1el Fnnera '" 'J.'he •• _ ' rupted '1'0 t.hiS nnion ten ohildre n LLe' ftlu. .. d lr La b NIl' ' '. r ' . . ' J I Wood Lydhl. Pre-red Bupper iD the loog Ohio were vlsit.ors MillS . Ie of were born !leven ilf whioh IU6' lIvlDg. I.Z e onee " ennle m, e ,Frlend .",huro on ... 00 .Y &'. _u . .- SklOps' buUdfn '" and ,be. · Will , . at tho, bomo , ' Co eII Alii Cl k \l 'he of GJendal\e )ms o'oloek ,oonduo ted by Bev. Je.te rd S11nma Chlifles . a~. ~ their cousin Mr!' Jonatba n B./Unl's ay , r s . II e , rf Ris dellth Mused by heut·fa ilure . beep ~islting his many friends a· Hawkin s. with good th}ngs tbe ast 'we~lr · .' ' . July 23t 19~, aged '(l Year. Bon, l ead.ora Wa~d. Leona McGin nis bout town the )lIIst week . ocoured . _ _ _ ......__•_ _ _ ' " ; ' . p .. ~t aDd B faatidioU *be mOle Be uuited Mra. William , Col~ mnn and Glenn. days; 23 ,alld monthB 5 weeks two tor 8., . ~Fuhk!ly .A. John , t 1IDDI!(~'Ii&J~ to lilY th.\ 'be f ... Mrs. WIlUnnl Murray has beeD ~ohurbh Ilt Joll 8 . Orego nia'. ' Will bl'! a ,mon~y aa.ver to all who go with tbe , Univer salist Jua'ice &0. poorly and her daoght er Mrs. real Itl! -l' drllwln! I u(1u.l 'lhe Chauta Ridgev ille In 18~ under the pafltor, ,'~~e . • nll ,Ba~gsl the secure aud her T0a8' ... Durse to reat~ ollme Ir·,,~p . . .. "" r ....··, 'I;..... from this Ch!lrlell Kelsey Mrs. Henry Kersey ts enjoyi ng. Will ate Ilr Rev. W. B. Baoon, Bls' re' tlBUt\! qoota o,~ .~sltor . uDd took ye~y sick III!1o. 'Iial(a&l~l' followi ng the banque t .nd ,Hamilt on Brown 8 shoe stOO/l . vicllnlty and villllge t-o eoough hrot.ld was t though visit from her slater, :\Ilu Finch . • for the IIgions tile GrtUld Qrator J. D. MUler, be KllOrU\oed to Illllke rO~!ll dA "qulte '" numbe r ' Miss MIU;th.a Pence III iWllrov lng "week the During family buman .,.hole the J . K. Spence r spent ',rdll.Y and e embruc f~r . m.a 0 some . . .I_Ie Stanley , ot Lebano n, Dr. T. 1. flny 0lI.~ now being cast t'lle have visited tbe :Asllembly. to eDough ble with his family here. ' obarlti and 1D .Sunday f\rrlve will wbloll !lnd A. W.y, of Olnciu~lltt, Rev. J . f , C.d. 110hn l Hain a oume \Ill from Williall qu\te be would a~it b !i faot in ny mn over 10"e and Mrs. Ed. ~l1erwood, who baa been m l\nde of o.Jmpll8lo1on . ' wa1Jader. GeorgI) H . Bellcl~ und ten d"ys. ' Norwoo d to Vi8it his parents overthe !l0 sllrio'ul\ly , ill, is somew hat 1m· , . .e~ p t. ~ll~ e en\lfll\, to task a of s oomiog short all.d es of tlie m1stak _ OUl8nl oontrlb nloo ' to t·be "feast of Mr . Wilbur Shields Bnd-faUlily 'l'ho J obn ' fami ly held th e ir re \Ell1bbath. proved at thll! writing . . ot.bers, Be WIUI a f'lrmer by nocu with Fnday last spent atl' Olnolnn d wbo hilS been 8001.", of !:llegfl'e . WIll , Mrs' teiaon and flow em e th In Park 'fi~w .Fair ,in unlOtl He Prof. Bnd Mrs. L c.. Wllken on ohoice and enjoym ent, Ilt the Minmi Vall ey Hospita l for left Monday for their new home in V18it~1 DI.ambe rilwere pre6~nt bill roll1.~lves Mrs. eu8ari Eberl~ , ~illl pa.tipn, " : t:)lllnda.Y Illst on City " ~ retent.I ttly onU8Ut g a poSseSsed an 1I0me from .n.)'ton , ' FrR/lkli n. Lel}nnon, family, Mr,' Shields I.. enjoyin " l'hh'ty-one ''Were present ltad every a-hiiost three w~ekB returne d ' Carlisle . y aud Was well informed OP' Di,l!mor .. ' . n Vl\Mtio ween two. ()tber lind ille ed aarvey .burg, Centerv l~st week greatly improv in Meilsrs. James Mallon, will Terr" hugely . ¥68 t~emsel enjoyed dne oo~: in this time, his ot bitit~ry lthe' aTe ' flIr lind Mrs. B. S. Howell , polDta. nod F..arl Tbomp son spent 8unilay Alr. lind Mt:s. C, E . Johns and Bon health. nnaa. enjo 'hi Ilfl outing in the wily of neotion wltb his plain and Pence of Mt. Bolley visited wi th relnti ves here. John B. James. Mrs. and 1>h. Ilnd Glenn t ~lell8ao hlma au ~s~rn trip, where they will ' sumln~ manner made Penoe, FrldllY. Driattken Ma The rotit!ses Rotbe KerJley and Ed; n.tioonllst. Johns Rnd fnmily were tbe .repre· his !Lunt Miss Marthll i it J mestow n ~flton an(l oth er &nd Instruc ttve eonvers 'lIfe His visited bls nil. t:)llenoor 'anUM on Miss 8a~a Wife tens V Threa Earl . vi llte iwmeJl this ' from e look grellpn tere t in mutters , BentatlY . They wlll be , metrier ~ nd sister in Mlamls borg, teddom Sundu,y. lho;rRoter ttn~ was ~troDg I oinIJY " publlO'\ a of days ~n eO$e~ ·n0'V nu~ Nelkhltodn~ !Jas , an' abRent hus lfrid~:v:. Clellver watcb,is Wlilter A ImOljt ove~y dllY J.f ~n6 Luolt a't Joun·'l1 onke 's Fl\'e Ba • In-hill.CQnvlottons ,)f.rigb t ~ut gtln. Will Eilrly . IL,ild wife villi ted A r. npon his duties ul! t!.rel,lIan on UJ:e . .Ibettin&' Esperle nce. Sunday < be rallY 81ae dlft'llreot on~~ stll'r t· I\, ellsl~. 'he who'!)'! :with th08e to erODs ;IA RII,,,ilYpn , tho r Vlluder vQort and · ,fllnll,ly of l?eI)ns\y lvllDlaTR llroad : B e loved ius hOllie, ~ud truly tn ont frOIll our vl,1l!'Ke With little . . " who . Beglile. Sunday Mr g, bur thl1t rted Apawis repo . u{ It ". enjoyed i!nd lived t,hflre, few m en 1: .pttUS i~ their hllnqs. her htlB cha.rge of the oroame ry·,tbeTe, . vlsitmg 18 Githens Cassle :· 8Mrs ber~te bj, g ho~tll:1 ura l hQY ; tlcivdlDOln!LI were more rndulge nt than b , und . Mrs. Wolter Fitts. t iD~lng wlllle!l ve this ' week to tilke ' oharge appreoi ated ~belr friends more. Be Il . Iqr!ber more they 'are 'If y formerl Greggs )n Bllrri!!( ~rs. bave of the ODe at Bethel. rains . 8 lin Ideal maD In hOUle life, a de· them, for t be reoent tI. residen t q! nOw bot ' pla.oc .this be Mr. n,n~ · ~r8 . Oharles BJadbu ry to crop erry blll~~b : '~h6 vc;>tecl' . f.II.t11er a~1i p.le~8ant bast., 0l\~ged and bed her to d cODfine iii n Frankli tire now , enjoyin g t..hem~elv8ll . as IlnN.jl~:lreut"" ~ .' 'B18 -love of home and tamily \VIIS qUIte lJrollf1l'l... , . , health q\:Jl). With them are Mr. 'poor very Obautllu In Is s'~ B~ronR that.he .~alrli~l?pf.~r wben In g.o~D~)ddwn Cl~r B~reet th~.othe~ M,!6!! I reoe 'Bbyl(1s east of town Bradbll r'y's lliatal', Mi ~ s l!illitl, ' and . . e nt In Chicago ID surrouri de<t by them inan ullbrok en d llY, the ' oorre8p ondent heard 1\ Muore illat ,pt' l!6 , • ~~t us rILt Br ·,peoqlla.r ·olrouwsttfnQe . . 'It 'gave a. pllr~y 'l'h)lrsdu.y night in Miss Bes8 Ltnes. vestl((ILtlng, ' fol! .the . a~)'~e~nm~nt, olrole 'of ' tbe living. ' Theil Vol Anoa 'Mis!! friend of 'be her of Phs hpnbr m, ;:;t~riIY Welbl\u this: Rev, like ll~g ~Oy ,Willi some~li ~~8 1i11'~~rB· o~. t~Q lum~r t~u~t, , g~~'e ,him ,joy "ln8tead o. t6qrs, were i n , U. B , Choroh 'llreaoli ed hie iar~yren Gllmes oUJinol ker .fol' caring y tenderl beE!n bll8 lo~ger 1.!Uni> PrOf. C. E. .Brllt,ten and~famny go that Bueb ' teaTS. hI!! ej6S nO ments oonsist· sermtin on I:!\lllday- ';no~a, ,'.' throiJ a. nioo , flook of Belgian hltTes tl,lls dulged i n UJlel refresh Beth!'l. QhIO, ,t?dIlYl' 'where tbey dim, JOY Chil,t bis hoart shll-ll candy: ,:,?ore lI.11el s banana tJf MT. and Mrs. ~~fteJ,reY bave . ubout l~lIt II.n~ 'Mr. no DlOle wlthfea rti, joy for'·the h9pe spring and lI.u·m mu iIlr.I~ttand_ ~heru&rrlllge sooso/la ble hour. lL tit' served roed hom!", ' ttfter ,a Yllry 'pl~I8 ' price reto tbe ba.t t feeling IIgCOj wee~ a. that we shalt go to him . I,Il'ftt.teu·s iater ~ to', Prof. through the Wee, trip, ant ~II ' \'09", tast they g",th,e r'on tbit ra for (!Dob oOUll ntodi~ie s ~as liS hlgb OareY" f' l')ley :wlll r8f!8ttr 1.\.' r , of Oi"ionl la numbe thew df A lposed ! di. be, ,Morrow Fai'r dlent , lIhore. ~The friends w1l0 it ever , wO~lld wtt~ Mr. Bratten '8.p'!lrenl ; , ~ ·a ~ttead people re ~1'!I ~e n. i g, : ~a, t~e ut 11 hliii'd~~ "Y' . Mra. ()hRl'l_, ~lirl!, of JI~~~;V ~. waiked with uB 'but yeater9 II. oat- oient &turda Y d lar$e recl-eve three lItI'" or two to GII7.Utte '1)l1e Vlritt,ell oontty' shall we ;thllt blls Had ,the plea.,..e the,.,., '. . .11JiIi holy 'hands 'Olo Bttse. S.U 810gue of tile Morrow, F . whioh gle",ll!n g w'holsl\le houses ' to . ploourE! week Of e'nt~'Il~lJiIt l!ijll8 ~.~~Ig, for "luI? .' no ~flie, White, ' betwee n' thllitl~llOlllta .• andf" torQo'on '14-, Allgust , ,lny wU1 Morrow t he a Id 11 doubt be no wlil and ~rcticB on' "way. " that lieokQn i\ iillptbe r ~ yel\r.. 11. , ..ohe;"' 11I<o the ' teams r8lltlUecl', au ·.lh W.UO Briall Qree~ in ~ supply aqon: \5 II nu ) 6 . . publio "9hop1a ;ot Gel'1Ua~town .and fo~m~ . the' for .tory I),n~ 's MorrOW of fifth le b Is and ' 'l'his Duke The itine:rllata" Grange Picnic nal!7 DOd .bll~:91ID.~ a UlOtit chat~IDg l nd tale!1te<l I_ay. Ex~pUo 1'.. Fairs, 'anel the, m&Dllgement, S to e G a~ e'r s .ElmO!! Oa1' UlIo..ny retorne d from their ullI , tIte "ePl~' all by done was' and Gom; : I ~he '· ·'Ir6ft.t<l/lt ·' J in Wubln gton and olaims tbllt It ~ ill 00 bigger ,~g ILt two wee,k s' Id~y 9 f th Thennn uat plonlo will · I • ted " ) .... ' ' .,. team. hell os 1)u victorio ' County WarTen ever. han t n Ueo~litO .... le evdr 9.pera evening , better . 0.\ t:I.ltul ~~.Y ~orfolk all LebonoD ~~IIG_ u"'lln 0 1 .1.' WII1l8·.l Belen Kis@ .y of Hve stoQk 'and JotUl'oA . I!'un~ei 1I0ti· th8 A tlpleDdid·dlspla . oertollinly enjoyed , Each near ll . . 7 ",round Sunday Fttlr1 AllRuat visitor . the da ed. promle il /! l'II, tural prodoot ceD"",r cqun.... III IIlVIII trill ,and were much bMIefltted in agrloul . '. .' ' , y, ---=-~Iii"!'I--..':"" ons, two , tUI~~ll .ClODtiDue ' There will be baloonI ~socnsl t.hereby uotion I' I of w~y • I tHe €J' of BI'61ow 8. t Herber wm nl\\l will deliver an addr6/111 abel in " . ~~ , 'lIh , ., ~ Slme. and races every day w__ . ~ , It ~8I'e '~lll be' mURlc ond Qn l:iuli ,. a ,' a~, Mr .. an~ ~"""1'.\".. <", and Ilmuse aU. . lIeJ'1I"i Mrs, a tl. 8*. Jobo, .l1u8b~~ d1/lorlA ~'her .,exAM I.. LeaD wen'1O !AI• • polillo II Invited, espec l. Belea ..nd ~4 r~D~ ' to ~"'Dn",wla"bor, melDbora .·iLi' OIl " I."~"'i-lui UDtU 6II1D1~ OJ aot. , " O





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;b~nt; ~f Intere.~t.












The Miami Ga~tte.


BROWN .. McKAY, Publlahera. I



The ea.. of C,ntral Amerlc •• Aa tbe prolervaUon ot peace by tbe Central American r !pubJlc~ see me 1m· po. sible, It bas baem suggestcd that the United Stltetl and MexIllo unite In a protectotate over them after they bave been combined Into a single fed· eratlon, Mexico and tbe nlte4 State8 already exerdae an Informal' o,'erslgb t over aftall'll In Central Amer· tca. A little more than a year ago this country jlrllctlcally forced two of the warrlog republlce to come to terms, Tbls spring AmerlcRu war· Iblps patrolled ~e coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua lind Sall'odo r, prolectJug th e properly of foreign ers so errectlvelY that they seriously Interfered with the activity ot the contending armies. The Mexlcun govel'nment bas la tely struck 0. hard blow at revolutions by demnJldiDg that Ouatemala surrender the Guatemalaus r aponslble tor the murder In Meldco of a former Gunte· malan liresldont, If Mexico Insists' that murder IS murder even when don e In the name of CeJltral American r evolution. the r evolutlonlsts will take thonght before tll ey rise In arms, There Is a growing determlnatlou In th e minds ot Mexicans ' and Amerl· cam, oys Youth's Companion, that tf th e ntral Amerlcnns wUl not can· duct tbemselves properly, fone must be used. Whether the oute<lme III be a federation and a torrilCll protec· t orate It Ie useless to prophesy, Several pre IOU8 attempts at federationbave tailed. All the republics have agreed l .hat arllltratJon ' Is the pro.Der 'wny to seLUe disputes, and a formal treaty providing tor arbitratIon baa beell concluded, But wben a dispute arises, tbe rejlubllcs disregard t be treaty and rush to arms. As the business of tho world draws more closely to .. tbe Oarlbbean ,sea eome ;way will be tound to 'm ake the coun· ules horderlng It sa(e for tbe real· dence of buslDee. men. 'Ptlnce Loull of Orleana, regarded Ill' the mOIlarcblste of BrazlJ all belr to

Dom Pedro's throne, wa'll not allowed to land In Rio do , Janel~o, w\len I&e, Iblp on wblcb be was saUlng to Para· guay entered the ha~bor, The Brsz/,i· Ian authorities regard &II lUll In forc-a the decree of banisbment against Dom Pedro's !nmlly, passed by the provisIonal government Immediately arter tbe overthrow of the empire In 188 9. PrInce Lows 18 the second son or tbb tor mer crown prlnccss of Brazil and the Frencb prince, Oaston of Orlean.. He was born In Brazil and tbe man· Bl'cbllts rally round blm rather thalt rtlUnd bls orlppled elder brother. Pedro. Tbe visit 01 the prince to Soutb America baa roUled the royal· IBts to a new Interest In tbolr cause, aud II .not wlthont In~~Bt to s~t_ men In Nortb America. But the prospect of a I'oyallst rising In Brazll, still more of Ita lucceaa, 1110 remote Indelld. I RalIl"ay a.lcldenta have bailn usually ascribed to Insumcleot equlpment. Prof. F. H. Dixon, to an art1c1e In tbe AUant1c Monthly, concludes that the ' real dlmculty Is not mechanical ' but i\tuman: It Is nqt the failure o'!' tbe ~k of the block IJgnal tha.! cause~ jIle trouble, nor would tbe Inetallatlon r:I/. automatic stops and other derlce. eure tbe e.,O. ''The fundamootal IWeaknel8 of American raUroadlng ,' rom the etandpolnt ot safety la tbe i",ideBDreai1 and almost universal lack • d~sclpUne:' Thla conclusion ac· COrdB wlth··the eXJ)e~lence ot tbe race. '1Nllclplllled a.r mies poorly equipped Jlave ,triumphed oV,e~ armies , wOll nco ilQutered and pnivilloned, but laoklnl 1ft dJsclpline. It la likely, bowever, .Glat railroad employes, will point out at once that the lack of discipline beBlna In the )loor generalship of the managers who demand Impoeelble «hines of,their soldiers:

Tbe wide Interest In American cenealogy Is responsible Cor tbe publl· ca~lon' by the governl;l\eot of tho cen· eua relurns of 1790' In the etates in ex· btenee at that Ume. This cenaus con· ai,lted of an ~aumeraUon of the popu~atlo'n and was toe original documentS • s pr(lseryed In tbe census office In a eoJlectJon of oddly llSso~ted voluninll, the marshnls havLng been obliged to furnish tb.elr own blllnks. BeCBUSO tbe IUlmes of heads or families were In' clU!1ed I.n ~ia compilation the bouks have been In great demand by, people ,traclng tnelr anceslry, nnil Ii Is f(lr I~e bCaellt of these that publl cnllon ~s being .made. Wben completed tbe lIla mpblets will ,be fo~ sale, , Dr." Tborrias J: lIee, the astronomer ' Who Ie vialttng b). bome, llt MontgOm: ery Olty, Mo., BsYII In DO' Interview that the lcakage Of the ' Ocean ' bed causes eartbq\laliee, Perhaps Dr. See can SUSgest a mettio~ io~' patchin, up the holes in the aeL






QeeI Joke ptay... · In 0111

How the Mall Order Blain... InJlU'tr the Agricultural 8actlon ..

Would-Ie 'alhloll.It.a.

We must atllml~ that the mall order Old camdeD, la ~ "RemaInl," tett. • system Is a legitimate bUlilneu It It I ~ a coocl ltorY of a trick played b, • cRrrled on hll!:IUmately. It Is a grest I!lillht UPOD a would·be fl4hloO'bl. American privilege to carry on trado sboemaker, , Blr Ph1J)p Clllt~ In thlll WilY. Yet the principle from pU1'led Jolm Dralle&. the IhCMmak~ GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR lin Amertcan standpoint or any other of Norwich In the Um. of Kln.·'JIeDrt standpoint tlllit Is oonslstent wltb (Copyright, by Do.lly Story p¥b. 00.) VIII., of the proud humor -which our "There are IIOme things that nion!IY Iy 1010 the set face opposite. Jacksoa people have to be of the IIDOem..'. The p,.lce M~y 8e I",all, But the equal rights for all Is entlrel, w..."\ng. Through the mall order ayslam th~ , Good. Ar, Expen.lve Even at ·can't buy," Mr. BlackV(ell began se- 'Was th e worle tor two lost night. out. thla kill,ht boulht u much be merohants BUlfter a direct loss. To ve. r ely, tben atx:p.ed, baited by the and' much uncouth lblnldng, He spoke Frencll tawny oloth aa Ihould make That and Net Big them It IS an unfair competl(lon, II hIm a IOWlI, and lent It to the ~Ior'. Pro"t.. diverts trade from established ohan. untelgned amu ent In young Jack· like an automaton, " Yes, sir ; I ftnd to be made. Jqhn Dr~ee, a Ihoeson's eyea. "Well, sir, there Is one tbat the splckerty's greatest need la You may know aomethlnc about th e' nels. The loss of the merchanls In the thing It can't buy, and that II Porto a coll\n. H your company can see Ils maker, cOlIJIDg to thla tal10r:s and .... local town ine,ans a loss to the tow II In. the IInllht'l IOW~ cldtll 1)1n. moduB operandi of tbe traveling gro- Itself, to every res ident of the. town labor, wben the Porto RiC!ln way to guaranlee ~ comn to all wbo tiler., bid the tallor buy cloth of ~ cer, and how (be bouBe after plll'lng and the 'surrounding con:munlty. It does not ~eel ' 1ncllned tei labor. It di e In Its 'emPloy-" lime price 'and pattern and make blm 26 per cent. commisslOl1 sUll . Isn't the wage. nalBlng tho only , "See here. yo ung manl" makes a princely prollt. Tbere may Is the busl nCl!8 at tbe c~\.y or town makea matters worse. . AI' soon 4S he "1 am not jesting. Mr. Blackwell. of the ..rile (uhion u the' ku,llht.'L be some things, Inside allalrs that It Is that makes It a live plncts or a dead geta enough to stave oft IItll,rvaUon be They don't need clothes; grub grow. Nllt lonc after the knight, comlDC Ia Depondllnt upon the acUvl~y 01 to the tatlor tb be menaured, for hi. wol1 that the people In general may one, a town Is to .. great extent the vahlE qliJta work. If It takes him tbree daYI on the hushes; they can't k eep money; IOWlI, and peraelnnl tho . lito alotla ' know. It will be found on closo Inves· to 'make a dollar that he needs, be but a comn"-Jackson's fa ce Idn~lt'd Ugatlo n thalr· the average Mercantile of all furm lands 1110 Its trade territory, w\ll work three daYIl, but If he call for nn Instant with th e IIgbt of genlllt Iylol there, ~ked wbole It wu. Thus II the i'armer, allecttJd by allY Supply company, B uyers' association - "oht t.he Idea Is all right. By guar· "John Drakea', the ahoemaker, wbo ulllke Ii dollar hi one day-" The owner of sugar plantatiQns anteelng decent burial to their deal' will have It made of the aelf-l8me or whatever name II used to gull the system that Clluses a deter I· ratlo,\ 10 his bome ·town. Yet tbe fa rmera ar~ unsuspecting farmer, consists 'of o1[e th e main Bupportcrs of the ,~ntalogu e d.rummed moodily ou the desk. He bad I could have worked liP 0. good thing faBhlon ~bat ;yourl 1. made of." "Thea or two scbemers, who blL\'s a amaH houses. They' a8slst In 'teedlnK the put halt a l million Into the Haclendo out here In Ume. 1 could have bound malte mine aa full of cuts u tli. oIDce room In 80me large city. and 0. anake thnt Is stealing ' their eggn alld of Santa ' Maria and another halt a 't hese splcke\'Ucs to me so absolutel, sbears 11'111 make Itl", Job.n Drake8 back room In tbe ~near n.alghborhood they little realize It. Tbey atl) liS vi. mUllon Into Improvements, and now - and the prleat, t.Qo-a lift ot my fin had no time to 10 for bls 10"'11 tiD, ~ wbere tbe "stores" nre stored and the t/llly In terested In the npbulhllng 01 found himself confronted with the ger would have laid olf your wbole Cbrlstmas day, wben he meant to wear It. Perceiving tbe lame to be • re-I)acklng aDd the mixing dono. The their hOme town as the merchllD\- ' It hOllelcss' problom ot · Bplckerty lallor. forca " flilt of cuta. he be;:an to swear at £he re-pacltlng and the mixing are two Is .tor their benefit a8 well as fOl' alllil From Wei burn Jackson, the most en· D1ack'Well wns look i'ng at blm ",Ith linportlUlt parts ot tbe 'work of the the community tbat the town Is Ihere. terprlslng of his j.bung civil engineers, darkening eye~. He trleil to speak t ..Uor. "I have dOlle naugbt bqt ~hat "company:' When tbe "representa· Tbere Is a more vital phase at the he bad hoped to get a practical eug· lightly. "And mnf I ask wPy you you bid me," Quoth the tailor, "tor tive" 'soHs John Jones 100 pounds of question that few farmers realh:o geaUoo. taUed to seize such a golden oppor as Sir. Philip Galthron'l garment ia, · , even so 'h a.,e 1 made yours:' " By lIugar tor $4 .GO; five cases of canned That ' ls the evils res ulting from tbe "See bere, ?tir. Jackson, you just· tunlty 1" latchet!" QUo~ John DralLet, "1 WID goods at $2.40 a case; tllree boxes of I'ast capital thAt Is concontrnt ell In take hold of this labor problem and 'l'm going back to the states," ' wear lentlemen 8 ' tasblou dried fruits at ten cents a pound, n the large floaDlclal centers. It Is thl! , _.,80..,I;"Oolng back?" v." e,~I,.t."ft Find Ollt what will make a,alnl"-London T. ·P.'s Weeki,.. tew gallons 'ot e.-,:tract at n bargain surplus of mOlle)' tbat makes Il US) . Rican work and keep him "Yes sir." and ten or 15 pounds (If spices at a working." . "l\1ay I 10Quire wby you go? t am The Plychologlcal Moment. to build up tr·usls and combinations "Ver v well, sir. Wben do 1 begln1" profit of 200 per cen't., the order Is These willing to make It well worth your tTUsts lIiIt ct- the affairs and th£ ' The fact tllat Priam ".. olol eted sont to tbe "bome omce." Tliere It Is prosperit)' ot llite tarmer. He d06S not willie-" "Now! I'll' put Gallons on your with tbe adjuster did not prevent C. . recorded, The boy Is seut down to the stop to thin k I:/lnt when he sends hb drainage job, Take your own wayJackso~ 8hook pis bead. "I am golnl sandra from dropping ID to ..,. that wbolesale grocery house wblch gen· money to the 1, lstont concern tbat he get out among these IJeople-les'I'n home to try to collect trom our multi, Ih.e had told hIm Just bow It wpuld be. eral1y standa In' wltb the concern. \s dolug just JiO muoh to help alonl their ungodly gibberish. BrlOg , ~lIem millionaire 30 pieces of silver," be "l3he was all I .. vecl," murmilretJ brlnl!S back a lot , of ordinary bulk the trusts, In and keep them In untll thla crop Is sa . the .bul'llt.out ~onlU'cb. Jerkl", blJI .cut., and I'll double your salary," dried (rul t8, the caSOIl ot seponds or 'Welburn, ' are you sure you are thumb at the retiring propbetess. thirds, In canned gooda, and the aveJackson wanted money, Wanted it Bober?" ' "Say no wore," rejoined tbe' other. HELPS FOR: TOWN BUILDERS, rage run of poor spice.. ]n the pack· In a burry. He was an amblliouB mlln. Jackson lind rencbed the door. "TrY ''We'll qall the 1088 total, and If I coulel At present tie was on a salory of a the COffin Id!)a," be answered, meehan, Ing room the dried ' fruits are over· Some years IlgO on bill boards &nO hundred a month, with a chance for IqaJly. "Try tbe comil Idea: It wLll Plake It auT more thau that. old man. dauled, wasbed up If po!slble as 111 l'd do It, under .tbe c1rcumttancea," the case of prunes: anll packed In street cars nnd In the pasea of the 'slow promotion. ..' , work all rlgbt." And as he went out TliJe Incident allow. the value of • Jackson deportl\d and began to walk Blackwell -tboug1lt be heard him mul· werd spoken at the rlgbt ttme.-Pilck. boxes, " supposed to (lo)n!.aJn t)lll 25 magazlnell wern run a l!e,leR ot adver· pounds, bot only TUn from 18 to 22; Using cards the prominent feature 01 fast as the posBlbjlltieti be bad ter again, "Tblrty 'pieces of sliver," branded with some BcUtlous mark whloh waa "Spotless Town." There glimpsed In the office began to talie ,Welburn Jaokso'; ho. not yet .re8ad DI.appolntment. Rnd ahlpped out W1tb the .other sup· can be IlLUe tloubt as to tbe ""holo- tangible slialle. HlB attention was dl· turned from the states wJth tbe A .,erdant·looklng old (eUow recent. pileI. ,Tbe Iplces are dumped out, some les90ns ta'uglJt by this unique verte.d by the action of a man com· wherewtthal ~UY a potter's leld. Iy entered tho oillce of a dOWD·t.QWD and again _run through a mill with a advertisement. The town tbat Is not Ing toward him, who suddenly ·bared Somewh!lre IInder the wings of , the woman's elEchaose, and after a molot of ground nut·shells, bark or othet kel!t In good (lClDdlUon, Its walka 10 bis head and mllde tbe sign Qf the eagle ' be still starts from grisly ment'a belltatlon Inquired of the lad, matter, and perhaIJ" some bran or good Tepalr, Ita streets well graded, Jackson looked aro~d for a dreams ot human booes roWng un· III cbarge: "I, thla bere the Woman'. other cbeap material Is added. The and all neat and clelUJ, Is a refloctlon cburob, but there was no cl.urcb, Down bUned In the sun; but Mr. Blackwell , E1Echanger' extrRcts are of the oheapest clns8, upon the resldlBnte 0' the place. and the middle ot the village stre t came baa prollted by , the Ideo. be so un· "n IS," replied the laily. synthotic, and tbe pure fruit flavors Is e.vldence th8.t tile t..:>wn fa alrdadY' 60me men bearing bet",'een them a naturally fell belr to. ,'On one great "Well," eonUnued the countryman, ar products of coal·tar, doc~ored up dead or fast dying. Sh"uld you make hammock slung from poles. . BOOlnd Hl\c[endo splckertles work steadily to, .omewhat sbeeplshly, "I'd like to Iwap with coloring matte r to look good. a ' good , hl'lpres~lon upon strallgers, the meh 'straggled a meager proces· tbe company thlt w.1Il bury them 10 oft myoid woman for "mOlt anybody The labe l Is the only pure tblng 'about keep atreeta cle'an, buslntlls pla~a at. sian. AU who lDot It b,a rod the lIea4 comnll wbeo they come to die. you happen to have on hand."-LlpIt 8slde frolD the Allass In the botUe tractive, and d,on' t -forget that tht and made , the algn of the cross. ~lncott\ a }f1lP.lne. fr ont yards and the general condltioDl contalDln'g It. "Some sort of reUglous procession. Roa. In the Or~ma of Human Llf,. )11 fnct, tbe trlckl of the box:car of the resldenc4~8 Indicate the charaa I guesH, Now tbat's the kind of thing Accounted 'or. There la \to otbe~ lIower so com. olltfits are'legion. The teal sold are ter of the people wbo reSide III them. 've got to get at." ' pletely woven into the blstory of the , Among tbe many storlea totd at the ~ never up to ' 'the samples ,shown. In Some time later st the omcial bllll hllman race as, tbe rose. In tr,u tb, It Is ScotUsb judge, Lord Young, Is ,olie ~ Reslden ts of, agricultural aectlonl Jackson stood before a beautHul well·nlgh ImJlO8~lble' even to Imagine loclated with an election In Edt... one case a schemer traveled ·over the ~ars ago lookell UPlln tbe wbo a few ,..ountry carn>lng With him samples pf .woman. a- time wben there were no roses; tOr burgb, wben It wal aonouncecl thai Ceylon teas that ,were worth 45 cents 'o.utomobll6 as Il nuisance, Ire bugln, "Will tbe gracious senora grant me the real orfgln of th e rose, like that Lord Wolmer had been returned by,. a pound wholesale. He agreed ' to IIUP' 'nlng to realize that It is a great fnctor the bonor of t hla dance?" of we wheet of I1r:11Dgth, Jlea majority ot th reo .,otOB. Late~ a ~~~ ply tills 'tea at 50 cents. He received In ronll Improvement, and bas brought " You must aak my hUllbanil," abe beyond tbe nllsts which veU the dawn rectlon made the maJoritY' 3OQ. IUICI about renewed . Interest In country large orden!. Every order was Oiled of the Aryan race, . Aa Ilie rose I, a pTe the namel or two lordl ot .. him, ' with teas that COlt only 20 cents 0. roads and th.e1r b'otterment. with a COl' Jac}[son sought the busband Bnd his factor In hUIDIIl1 historY, ' 80, h8S It alan who bad voted for the eU£08lsflll responding beo,ellt to the farmers. ~lUnd, and the funny thing been given ilpe'ecb significant In the candidate. LOrd Young, thereilpon , . It 18 a8 mucb to tbe Interest ot the plea was haugbtily granted. They recorded flower' lnnguage. The' musk· marked: ' "That a.ceOll1lU-fo~e two danced, ,and she danced diVinely. Tbe ;a-:aeth~e th:,I'm~: n:n~;ldnn~thl~t people of a to'llrn that tbere be 'cood music and the motlqn made bls blood rose whispers, ':Oome to me at even. clpbers:' '..L ~. about teal, and 'Weni 8aUslled as long roads leadln, to It, 8S It Is In the surge. Alter 'a time he saw his hostesi Ing," and meana lcaprlclous .Iove." farme' r s wbo mlust uae them III baul. Flow of Art'llan as tbey thought that they bad a line once more unolalmed. This Ume abe ll'he' maiden'B·bluah role, well hid In Ceyloo article. The same way ,with In~ their 'goodl to market. To calculate tbe , rate of flow of_an did not silnd btm" to her husband. green:, 8ays, :'U you love me, yOU '11'111 correes, U there II anything tbat ev.en They were barel)' on tbe floor before IIwl It out." ,The mOIiST.osebud mur- artesian "ell a almple plan II to lnwer corree experta now little about it 1s Tbere III a vallt dlfterenC8 In the her bus band cal!le to t bem. ' lD curt mura, "I must confe8l." Tbe lonl' a bottle of anUine lIuld to a depth 0/1 collee. It II a wise merchant Who farmers of to-d..,. ,a nd the farmers Spanish ' the wlte WIIB ordllred to her tborned Oarollntan bloslO.m cries &&1' 600 feet and tben .lectrlcall7 a;. knows the cla8l1es .' of ""lfees be Is a Quartet of a · cl~ntury 8&0. It 'I. won, room and Jackson was le(t standing "Dangerous la, 10.,0." The cluatered plode a cap to lIurat the ,bottle. TIl. handllnl. :rhe bolE-car man generally derful bow the fimprovements broUCht thunderstruck:, A merry laugb, all the white blldal role , brenthel, "Happy time required ,f or the, fluId to appear" shows up Jl ebeap big-berry, tella 0.11 Into exilltence Ila a Iincle- pneratloo merrier for being discreetly ·subdu4ld, love." 'the eglantine, rose of sorrow, at the IUrface gllel aD; a.ceurate p~ It being a great mountain Mocba wl11 chanse comdltLons. Every Inno- brougbt Him" aroUnd upon Senorita hen4l1lll to the W1n~ and drooplog Ita al to the .,eloclt7 of CIow. It II cl"m4MI and sells tbree pounda for a dollar, vation that maltes life In the toWOI Eloise Arden, one' of the few girla to leaves like ~etr.!.o 1!!!lsJle~ "~ wound that tbll methOd resultl . . 100 and buys It' at 16 or 11 cents a pound. more 4es~rable, also ftnda a waf 01 'whom he had been Introduced, to beal,l¥,and U~ coldon Peralan roae 6urate u a weir. ' Tbe diameter 0/1 • Sbould 'tbe local grocer try to 8e11 the conferring a benefit upon the farmera. tbe pipe beh;g 1nlo~, tho rat. of 11011 . • " ]Ij that ODe of the customs o( this of ~vll scent lI~y calls, · "~eware mY' same grade to hIs customel'll at sucb a No loncer need I~or the resident of the readily foUowl. l j.alousy."-Tbe ,.Clrcle. lovely' land of ;yours '" he demanded. price, there would ,go up '110 roa~ tbat farm district to not have all the up' a nce with another "May not a man d' would raise the roof of the store. stln to-date things that can be found In the man's Wife?'" If a man ta 'I noompelent be OIua1l" - French Fpe of Race 8ulclde. the farmer continues to bite at eucb flneet city homeo. The telephone and "Not unless the busband flnt grants lD the Frencb senate there Is a man ' cbaflea It to bat! luck. tbe rural dellvE,ry baa brougbt him baiti, and doesn't squeal. who bllS forced. the general govern. ment to begin aublldlzlng large lam. permllslon," sbe murmuretl. , wlthla II.. "stone throw" of the.clt,r. "Ahl But you lee 1 lInew 10 little. lUes. Tbls I. Senator Jqdme Plot. Son W/1ere the Money I•• Now to·day 1 met a proceselon In ,the of a BUl:gundlan family 80 poor that Living fOI' th, Chlld~n . \\fore 'than "'0 per cent. ot the popu· street All who met It 'bared tbelr latlon of tbe United ,States proper. lies Froebel's IBntlment "Come, let UI 'leads and croBsed tbemselves, 'but 1- he WaB. kept trom schOOl to .w ork <ln In less than a dozen eastern states, live for our chlldren"' rota O.D a Bound '[ did not know JVhat It meant." tbe Ie Ids, he broke etone on th.e hlgb· These states' lire known aa manutac· ,ptillosopblc basls. To live for them It "Was It not a luoerlll, Senor?" ways and worked ov~r all France as taring states. In ' the banks of one; to call out the noblest I.mpuisea 01 , I' N - tb t navvy; but ,as' ea.rly 118 1864. h .. waa ,Nell' York state: Ie contained nearly parenthood. Aud we cannot live for fI~.'~ ,tunera . 0; , ere was .no cC)' ta~[ng small contraj:ts on hi. ' o~ 'ac40 per cent. of tbe' money of the coun· them In the truBet sonse un til we be "1'be vety pQOr, Senor, ' ~ear tbelr' count and he ' lnally became the great· try. ,New YOI'k city alone has In ItS come famlllar with their noeds. It 1£ dead to the va ults In hammocks. ellt of all Elrench ntllway , banks 25 per cent, of the money in cir- In the endeavor to meet 'those ne~dl ' When they can allord 1t· tbey rent a Becoming very rich, Senator culation. This hal been made p088I· ' In the I,\rgeat ""a), possible that we made himself famous through aU .gunily DY a a~clal kind' of IlberalJty ble by, tbe conditions that enable tbe find our own oha,ractera richly recom' comn for the tuoeral p~oce~810n: ' JackSon gasped. A comn. ' Hete WII -the ftnanclal authorlt.y on iteJlOP~a. large cities to draw tr&de from all sec· pensed In stronl~ and ,'WelJ:de ... el~ped trons of the country. In fact, great parenthood. ' Wei pracUcall)' become' at least one thing 'tba~, (b,e ~plckerty tloD; president of thll ' senate commit. prize. t I tI clUe. must bave support of a ' large what we are by what we have doti'e o~ must Wben 1ui escort claimed the aenorlta eo fe a VEi_ to eubsldlea ~hicb the territory. But one of tbe great evils lott undon~, wh!~t we Bre wllliliS at Jackson lay b!lck In the sottl, IJgh~ed law already permitB to' be granted -to ~nd wblcb Injures the masses ,w h9. are ' unw.lillng to do for our cblldren. The coriler and gave tree rein to bls, flnan: c;olnmunea for, distribUtion to faml· residents of sgrlcultural district Is the principle f~ unlver/lal, and Ibou!!1 lind . lies o! live or more, and author and system ot drawing support from local Its extenBlon .and application amona cler faculty, A. , comn, ~ecent burial ' unl/rlng advocate of 'a blll (or the subtheir. dead, colllns and candl~a- ventlonlng of ~very tb townl ,an'd communities to the 'cities. cblldren at all times and In all placea tbat the This system takes from the rural dlli· Hall not ,t he churcb 10Bt:' ground 1m that would appeal to , the prle"ts. ,t me an addltion 'Ia 'mr: e 0 e .poputricts the surplus .'wealth that shOUld falllbg to recognbe tbe ptllnary anc! Wouldn't thl s wiD' the splckertyT latlon. , be ,~talned to build ~em up. fundamental ' plac,e or tbe child In' S()o Jackson eat up aU nlgbt , wltb bl. L~~~~5~~~~~;~~~~~,~ • Antl ,Tena!lloua of· Llf.. . I, clety? 'I f' so, It I.s obvious how ' that scheme. " He sougbt a priest. , ", , Ants are relUy '/I!JIY :Iong Jived. cpn. , lost gr.ound may be recovtired,-Homi' , The 'Drinking ,Orchid. r "Yes, m~ son, the 88d , ,stOry you IIU!lerlng ~~e!r mlnu~,! ne681 A natoral . ,, ' . . One of tbe most remarkable plants ..Ie tic Review. have been told Is onlf too but!. There 1st had t"!'o: QUeeilS ,u nder obeervatlon known to hClrUculturllltq I.s ~be drink· lire .case.s wh lln they GIln give ~belr fl)r te~ years, snd on'e or' Slr John' Ing orcbld, which Is lound In So.uth Antlclpiatlng ~ge. , Lullbock's an~ Ilets lived Into ber If, Ameri/:a.. this orcbld takell 'a drlok Why do peo,Ple allow theinaelvea tl) dead neither collins no~ :va\ijta~a've v - .'0.. '" ' A nt I are. I'.yerY' , ,'. wlienever It feels thirsty, by menns ot fret nbout getllnlt· old? . There ,are ,(or a shorl U'me: 'Often the bod, bas t ee,,"u ~ear" tebacioul a ,tube wbich It- lets down ' Into the those wbo anticipate It ane) fear It ac to be re~oved because;'th,e" lease all of life after severe Injury. ' FolloWing ',' loss ' Of the eQUte abdo~en they' Bomewatet'. The t.\Ibe wllen not In, USll II If It were tho most me lancholy fatc tbe vault Is not- r~n~wed." , "Remove\t!" What/s . done i.1me8 I,VE! two w$eks .and, In one caue coUed upon thc top of'tbe plant. that could befall one, a nd many tbem 1" • • , " ~ 'l'he formation of the orchid II dlf· them bave never been \:eally young In ..'they put qUlokllme, on tbem ,,,hen , ~eadlesll aut, caretu\ly' decallltated ferent rrom otbers of .Its species, hav- , aJllrlt. , \ asellUc , sur~~'fY, lived fo~' U da;Y8~ they are removed, ,WOUld YOU Ing sharp leave", lancebeo.d·sh'aped, j~t\d youth II more a ' lDntter of see the place?" · cl\rpenter ant .Cter be.l ng lub~erged wl!!1: round the root and rad~~tlng splrlt, than It Is of ,body. EnthuBla~m, " ll'he priest mounted d~ys Iii distilled 'Water came to It. Froio the center of the ' plant Interes t In evel"yt'hlng" warmth ot JacksOn strode st his 'sldo. beln,!{ dde!l. ao tti~,t lbey a~e ~\aD f;8 t he ~4be, abou t' one·elghth of an bea~~ and breadth of feeling, W'e lh' I,Irooflong agalnlt · drownlng.I"]ii~~~'=;;~~li~9:!!~ sucll a thing really beT Human ~ey can JI!e, pe~lodB without I Inch thick and one-fourth of an Inch 1I\ialltlee tlI&t' Itand for yo.ath. - , foo~; In one case t~e f\\llt lasted near, throwo to, tlie lultu",a:. But they wide:,. When touched It gradually. ~ulctJ!m& and , "I aiD ~ ~man elU' Iy ulDe month a. ' contracts and rolls Itselt up In a zen." · .... , . '. ' IIplral·llke call. Aa a rule ,those 01""If you wIll climb up look"over Wo'r.ld .. Coal 'Con*umptlon. nhld. are to be fonnd growlng .lU~ that wan, Diy 8On-" \be checked The tOtal consumJlllon of ~ In over lhe wnter, ,or where ·wW:. lat. polnttD8' wotld ~ COll&ldetalSly 'o ver 5~,Ooo toD~ b~~ Bnd III th.e latter cue' It, II ... :••bil.III~"'r:~'~~:~ Jaclill9n .an Of thla quanUt7 abqd'l ~t patheUc to ale hOW the tube "Ill ..4 loud loot-IaOld 18,100 ~.. requJreil to heat tile work It. W1\7 0ger the gro.und to a bOIlers of ....Uopa1'1. and ~I or rI,er. TRICK8 OF THE TRAVELING RE· TAIL GROCERY ·AGENT&.







, . .


iI. ...... ;







Where the 1'1101 Irrltat••, , TIle mOlt In'fJAUDf thlill abollt a reoJ Ie that h. . .... to lie IDJoJIiii

"JI!Itlf J!, -






Groll ped n,' Ilnri thElln nre 'll'oml'n I ucter ls llrs IlS lJe kn :lW8 tlle lr Inn, Ri;e;uts fl'om tho varlO J~ ' cliarily Cll'- I guut;es, J;llllJ7.uti ns, 00 tlto lookout 1'01' bome· What III tL Fin n would not (!xnlto I f.'s~ lInd UlIll CCO Dllll1 nl II Sl1"l 8 ,'oJnJ y t h I "Pit S UIiI~lol o n 011 l he 1"''''[. of the XIl'ctiug lov I't; who novol' come, ,Iooto,,- would. i1 ~v" 11 In llll Itall II , AL .13.s t the word I~ given, Tho qUll r· c a""1! him to mnk ... n elm'fal 'xullluo· t l' llIalllers \\' ho have \Jee n ' holding .tbe tlOll , TY Iles alld nllt ll"ol chu !'II.ulcrls, hmnlg l'oll ts lJu ck ' till tho steRmOl" S tI ~ rnMn lIIuch. deo ks step aside, and With:!. ,'usb ana Man y Tr icks P layed. In lhc COll" S 01' h ili wo rk Dr , Snr, gl'f.'a Sh,O)ltiUS til crowd b t!;:,i Il B lo p \/!' Into th nal'l'ow!l lslo, 'r he SlolI · ford ,'uns Into hU!IIl' II"/lll lo' , I:II:a(', lUll !) 8,'e tlrst. 'fl). y press fOl'wllrd tOI'S, Imm igran ts will (;OUl ~ ' jaunlily hUII /;rJly , ami he oUt l'S fall bac k ho· hind th(lm, Up tbe His ill th oy COIll I), Thdr l ugga!;e bus been I fl 1)1i d and chec ked a ll t lt e , decks, but almost 0 " I'Y mall ton(l e rly ca"rl os a I'al d C It s illllS from h is shouhl r, II con· ta ins hom ' mad olivo ' all, the renl k Ind, nnl! he hOIJ!l8 to hav tb~ dell· cacy r,,1' a r emind I' of old clays a t bonle whc n be selt! s In t he now C unt ry, ' Task Not Always PI~ asa"t , It I~n't a plea ga nt task t he head qUlIl'lerm!lgl"r hUB he fM e hIm, PI" clllluco be Is s tout a nd porlly, He the n suITors ' sorn'o . Inco nvo nle nce. to put It mllrll y, nnd hili occas looal re' '\lark,. unenl Imnllg mnts III genol'a l and SOIllO In pa"ticu la r are nol Intend. ed olwuYR for senUo ears. , Dr, Snl'fo'rd stnl)ds reud)'. penoil In hand, Be rore hIm Is n \ vhll e nom I d slood Wi t h 111t.cher Il.nd basi n ,of medl· A T,est of 'Strength, cated wator. This, fO l' tho brn otl l of .t hose wily newcom ers who IlltOnlpt to down t he ai s le, carelessly sw in ging a cancelli natu ra l de tects or wound3 bo. d ~' rb)' hal over wh a t Is apJlur ntly 11 nenlh a genero us po rtioil of dirt. hund. The doctor Is sus l,lelons , rc, Thf' rfl Is the /lois' or proal glo1l9 moves th hat und tlud s tth nl lhe r Is sau mln ' ouls ldo th e door In Uw pUS· 110 bund, sage wa y nud t he nein moment nrountl Overcouts and wrap" \II' art II car, th corn r appea rs the bread, bll xom 1'1 d ,0\'01' artlJ l:I tu concDal der rmltl es form llod s miling face or n wnmUll, It lind \vound s , Hlall collnrs al' WO I'll Is e vi dent that the DI n. enS" I' ttll they to hide dl!leased neells, Immi grants a re. bo w d to courtesy, 'rh \\,0, will · come lIw>t In t he b at I)f 8l1 ll\rl\er DIan comes dOW ll th e aiSle s l owJ~'; rejoici ng In t he 'llollsesslon of th iek witll a hewildered expressl6n, un til woo lle ll gloves unde r wh ich the \lac, Dr, Sal'l'ord urlmon ls hes h I' s harp ly In tOrs lind t rr lble sk In disea ses , OftOJl· he r OIV.D dia lect. and slle ~(Op8 lo ward IJnlos SOIllO POOl' Immlgra nl will \'un him, H stops lie \' for a momen!. hastily d!lw n t be ulsle. pain ,n llte n turns h 'r eyeli ds !Jack nn d t\\' llIts be l' on e\'ery feature. und whon th doc, ear. The n he tUtllS her In lo t he out. tors stop him nnd mallo hllll walk t hey ..... ard alsl leaalng to the mai n s hed, find that h Is hopele ssly Imrie, wh ere s he w IlL a wa it the. e xnml naUon B si des the e xallllnnllnull to dOler, of th e Imllllgrn t:on Inspectors, mi n th e soundn 5S of tb hod y, th ero Deal ing with the Throng. , are tes lS or strength fol' , t1ws e whn T he buxnm woman Is the bar llinger luok J1ar~lcl!l nrly s llsplolons, Cu .... ylng or the throng, ~gh t at her heels ap' a h eavy bag or· sand Is olle or th crl, pears all J ln broken 1111 , a nd soon t hey te .. lons or bOdil y \'I gor, are passing lit the rUle at 18 a ml n ut , "They try all sorts or tri cks," s aid Some a re a llow d to go wlthnut n Dr. Afford, " I remember tb e first pa use. OU, I'll are held ror a mom9nt cat;' oC one kin d I rail into, I ha\' e and UtOIl {lossed, Stili olhe,'s are held spotl II scores si nce, An eld I:IY IUOD up and , l)aB~e d over to Dr, Riem er for a cullle 1'1 behind a !lttI, boy, There was more min ute examhlaUon, Notes of nOlhlng s Uf'plclO1 IR about c l he r of this rtlUde, Some of lite newcomers the m, a nd [ wtlS aI/alit to PIISS t be m tu rn 'd aside In to t bo d le utlon wh n I not/cea tba t tbe ma ll had Lllo

"or Aim. A. mall who }'lIns a truck tnI'm fll

Virginia cells or l h e Gad prc l< ~ n t In which n 'olorod· man DU:lIed !;om Moor", wllo III In 111:t em ploy, " c.I' Ilf,l y tound hflll S('Ir, !),Jr.1 h u.d Ita con ~ ld, erabl dlfll<- u!t y lu 'vadlnt; til on· sluught s 0 1' U IloC\' f l'l)m a n ' Ighborlng b rill, Fi nnlly lhe doer got b fm , a l P HYSIOIANS OF EXPERI. Snm kl C' k..d I'll him. ENCE MEET IMMIGRANTS Sam's wlr", hearlnl; a tre m UdOllS yell , rllsbed to tb r r,'scue of h",r h usAT LANDING PORTS. band, Wh n S ltA cume liP tbe dog had raRte ll ~d his \ th In the calf of ,Sam', leg and wall bold il}g on for dcar lire, Splzl ng 0 stono In the road. Sam', Th is nn he used at church affair wire \\11" al/olJt to hilI'! It wh en Sam, ~l' r\'lns "(1 ln ClIl'l e," cba rgl ug 0 smoll wltb won derrul prpsence ot ' mind., s lim fOr (,Ilch artic le, Bbout d : ,LONG PRACTICE HAS ENABLED " Mandy! Mandy! Don't trow dat FEW FRILLS ON CHILDREN 'S GAR, DOCTORS TO NOTE D!SEASE. POSition of t he Ho ate es, s ton at dp da\\'g ! P row It at maMENTS THIS SEASON , When llliling g uests IIllslnlrs shnllid SYM PTOMS AI A. GLANCE. hIandy ! "- Youth's ' C.ompanlon. 111 0 hos tt'Hs pI' cd ' 0/' follow l bem 1 Whell /J I"SC ndln g who tal< s tlte lead? Pa rty O'r esaca May Be Or na menta l. On sI!ndln g out ILlvltnUoll ti Is Il proller WEST E RN MEN IN NEW YORK. IFew "U ndealra bl es" Gai n Adm le:sl on Iiu t Absol ute Simpli city Is the to li S th o 1V0nl , "city" or "town" tu t o t he Prom ised La n\!, Tho~gh Ru le for All tho Other Bra ins of Mou ntain 2111d Pra ir ie In D. dcs lsnn te thll place whe re you reside ? ~tt emp t s to Deceive tho Inspectors CostumC8, m 3nd in t he F ln,anc ia l Center. \' hen s ls tels splld regrots should Are Made-Routine at the Port of Ut e'" cIlI'ds l,'i! e nclosed s !Hu'ate ly or B05t.on- Or. S affon! 'T ell a of All Plnln !' .. lhnn vel' arc (lifO 511'Ies for In one ellv Inpe? SUOSORI BER. Ev('r sInce tll al'l." days, when 0 , Sorts of Tricks I'l a yod- U Fa ko Cit· hlld rl;l n,lll!s SNIStln . and It'!s tho 0 , Mills. J , U, J:! a ggill und Jam s R. IzenG" a ll ;i Genel'al Thing Aro En· In repl y to yo u,' Ors t ques tion, the ICc no " migrated" rrom California to dress (hat Is lVell cut an (I mnue of nl co Ily Spotte d-Some Pathetic Sto ries .\ ew York , tb e mOlro poll s has bell:I lIInt ri a l th a l coulll s ruthN thun the hos tcss shOUld proc de her gues ts , Told. showing th em t it way ups Ul.l rs; III draw ing lurg I)' n th e woSt anu sO ,~ lh a ile eillbora t Iy trlmm e(!. Of course th ere Is the dalnlY ba, "oing down t he guosls llIay go fl rst. 101' Its sUI>llly of "men wllo do things," illite dross ror t he part y thal eVlJry h I writing nil ;nylClLtlon the /1am e ot Doston .- \\ hen l:llclc Sum lea r ns '1 heodor' p , Sh o n l.~ , both a sou ther:,..,r 1 hat a rrosh batch (;1 would·be iU~ e n s a lld western r, who has un(l ertak ml to child lov S, bllt on Ih wh olp th e s lm· the place s hould be writte n Oll t a nd solve New York's groa t trunslt IIl'0b, l11e frock , with stl'a Igh t lilies, Is wbat nelLh er th wo rd "~I ty" unr " town" .a.r head d rOr 1:I0slon frOI1l foreign lem, Is tb e la tesl Impor{atlon i n re, .1Ihol' s, he s ends 0" , M, V, Saffo'rd and used, Th CO rdIS ot two alsters may s ponse to t he call 01' tbe ' east . .' Dr, H ugo l:l, ,Relm I' down lo meet h enclosed In Gill! en velope a n d lid· The promptD ss wH h wh ich Tbos, F, ,t b em wh n they arrlvo, d re8sed to the hostess o~ 'sent' sep' R yan, of Virgi nia. turned l lle Eqult· The two pbyslchws 0 ro keen men nrlltely, 'l'o be In sl rlctly good forn, able · Lite ASBul'allc Socle ty ov I' to <Df IOIlf; exp lienee, They can 51> l "(lgl'elll or not !lent on cllrds, Us policyliold rs, who now e le ct a mao odl l!eu~ > ay mlltollls at a Slnnc, When jor lty of Its Donn\ Ilf Direc tors , a nd .an lU'my at Immigra nts ruurch all l he dlvCHt6d hlm selr o( tb e control a t t he Regr ets f or OJ Wedding. nlled Statea tll roug h th is port. lhe)' slack whltlh he boq; ht from Jas, H , am In vlled La a rll shlonu ble wed· weod th In Ollt with tho most ml nllle l-tyde, and t he StlC(' 5S of th new (illig th e last o C t be mont h, r do n ot management of th e Society uod e r '(be ,cure, In matters oC moans. ab ility to know the bride pel'solv.lll y. bllt ha ve dl recilon of Pr(ls lde nt P a ul Mor ton . /bo 6 If.kUJlPorllng a nd bllslness Inten· had In ti mate b ll ~ l he8 B re lations with ave crea te d .1 demand for t he s t rong , b tio na. the! must satisry hel' fal he r, Distance will Ilfevent my men ot t he sou lh alfl tl wes t tbat IB (lUI I' ngents of ncle Sam, Oll t flrllt attend lug, What form ot reg re t Is grenter than eve r b[!tore, Un der the .and ror mOllt th y m ust r un lhe gaunl· I)rOller to 80nd a nd Is a prssent neces· Morton mllllage mOli l the Eq\litab le has Jet ot (ho 1; en. ull prcj udlc d eye8 a t made !\ bette r showlntg than a ny other BACHELOR. 'ary'! b t wo doctors, insurance comp.\ ny I Il t he way ot 1m, D,', Sal'l'ord' and b!s ass!stant, Dr, proved , methods, econom ies a nd In· If lhe ce remony Is at th'e hJ use yo u .Rel m 1'. Ila ss 00 e'lory ono of t he crea.sed returns to p.ollcybolders, must write It note eX I)resslng )'our reo 'housnnds of Immlgrants t hnt enle l' E, H, Gnry, 'head t ho gre atest cor· gret Ilt I) ol ~ ing tl hl e to wi tness ' the po ration In the· world-the U, ,S, Rteel .the port of Floljton, T he )' ru~et v: : Cn c remon), nod th ank t hem for being d o,-John W , GO ll's, Henry C. Fr Ick, .strang l/p\!rlenc a. tll y [lte ever Ih Bak d, Ad dress to the mother of the Nor man B, Ream , W'm, H. Moore dnd -objects, r cunnellg s ubterruge and bride, or yolt may word y our regrets Dani el O. Reid al 9 Olh('J' weste rl\\ll's 111100UIJ sllPpllcnllori, a nd they make III exaotl y t he same for m a s t.he In yj . who a re amo n:; t he biggest ruen In ffW errors, New York, lalion, In t he tblrd pe rson , No reply WOl'd com to th Imml grlltioll om· is re Cjul r d for a huroh cflre mon y, o<:el'8 at Long wh nrf t hat Il g1' lit shiV nor Is a l)resen t eve r necessa ry, Do ENTICED BY THE BAR. ""'It h bund reds of l:llIu lgrnnts on board 8S YOII fill'll laclined, j a \1 \10 at gUII I'an ti ne lit !!ucb·and·auch Stranuou. Actions Mildly EICplalned 3 Uni , The dOclors k.n ow by tbe 10by the M,lnl.1er,' For a Junior Endeavor So.l lety. '<laUan of the Ilort of em barkntlon . Woul d yo u k indly give us lin Idea :abo lit what!lll ot Immigran t til ). ~I ony s torl f)S are told or the" ec, t't>r II. reception to he given ne:rt month will bo\' ~ to deal ' vllh. an d they cent ri c ' doings and slly lnS'\i of an lJy t he Junior Society dt Chris tian En. (Ilnre for him, old c l rgymu n who li ved In Mai ne denvor ? Somet hing In 'ny of decora, Boarded .. t Quarantine, llC1me ,years Ilg0, At one ti me thore tion , programme and re treshmen ts, " Wh n th ship ~aches quarn ntine, had been [l fig ht a llllong sonlll men, J UJlhon, 'he phys l 'ln ns lite wai ling to hoard one or whom was s eriously hurt, A 'bel'. Th)' begin at once with the B c· U'loJ took place, and the old minister Your req uost is r~ther vague, At 4M ('allin passengors IH~er " looking wbn had s eon the alIray was Bum· s uch . fin attnlr a social com mi ttee Is -oyer," surreptltlously. tho IIUBS ngorB moned as a witness, . gen erll ll y OPlloi /l ted to lo'o k out tor Jill th Ilu loon. 'I'he lI'e copd cabi n pas, "What was Salso'n dolngt" wu Coat with Only Shoulder and Under- t he details, Palms,' flo wers an!! fl ags 11 uge rs nre submitted lo 11 rigid exam· arm Seams. tbe tl rst ques tion, nre Ul e \18ua l deco\'Blio us a s t he affair l nntlon. tor lonr, experlenoe' has "Ob , he was s lashl,ng a round," Is a lmost al wllYs gtvcn In a h a ll or :tntig;ht tbe medical nuUlorlties t hat a " We ll, s ir. Just what do you mea.n t he s hops are selllng, T his particul ar th e ch urcb pB.rlorlS a nd such places Dlodel h ilS OI(l y the s houl der an d un· 1St' alel' IJrOportion of d e fec tlv~B Is to by 'l bal?" !Ire hlud to decornte or Simple occ a~ , obe Coulld 1n tho sec nd cablll Ullin 10' "Why, h e wus knocking about him derarlll 'seams" s lons. A Herlel! of ,t.ab)eaux. cha ra des, It hIlS larg pockets wi th broad l ops .the ale rllSe, be l'e ·a nd th oro," . Inlerspersed with music Is on eujo)'. U t he 6bll1 docks just b fo re dus k "l\'ow, Sir, kind ly tell us J)laln, a nd t he fro nts or faoe d to fo,'m Ilb le I)togramme, Light rofreljhme nts ' IlIl,els, a lld It bn ~ t h regul atio n coat o r VQI'Y Illte III the afte rnooll, t h ~, Iy what Sulson di d to th is mon," li re gflnerall y In ord e r; fr appo con. .:omlnatlon III Il kely to be \lefcr red un· , ' "Why, hc--lJe nillced hi m," said Illeeves, To make tb ill dill m size of v n len tl y Illaeed, Ice oream wUb a this coat It would ta ke t hl'ee and one· til morning, I n tb ot . vent. lh Are Is tb e old mln lstor slowly. "He enU ced sa uco of pecan nuts cilollped In maple f;reu te r lCcltem nl on board t hao hi m Wllh a crow ba r. H e used the (1lIl\r ler Yllrds of materi a l 27 Illch es syrujl or a J a panese soey which Is a wId ; two yard s o f Goods H Inches, ever, . The Immlgranls, lIlost ot the m crow bar to pers uad e the man-to en· rich rrult dressing poured ove r vllnllla 19uol'ant luld illiterate, know onlv that tI e, h im ; a nd by a s Q r l e~ or pokea and a bout 1 and th ree-quarters Yllrds I'enm. small ' fr~at ed cak es and bon. . J'tber ha v at lost reache d the ·1)Tom. nnd blows he succeeded In doinG tt." In 52·lnch width, Thi s model ma kea liP very well l.n bons, ~8ed la lld, toward ' whi Ch tlley ho ve suld the mi ni ster, m ildly, lolADAME IIIERRt, th e small checked c he\'lot. 'and black -heen journ yln g COl' dol'S; they teel ' alld ,\"'iIllo sh ~ llherd 's pla id ' ~'I th a lit· o nly L\lat the tfme h ili! come ror tbe m Vaeatl,on. CASE FOR O~ERA GLASSE8. tie red cloth co ll nr . and a rell and go ld to' IDeet tbelr f~lend a, to look IDtO th e ,A Bit o~ the Oeck. Th e Becret of rest. Is to ~e.t· rid ot e m blem on the a rm gives It a good '.1\ w worlil, . detail for a ' lime, W hv Is It t hat a das h or color nnd s t yle. The boys' Don Away with Da"ger of Forgettln{ ~ h e di lly cba fes the m, Tboy c rowd room to a wa lL n s pecial examlnal lon ti p of biG fl nger on the h ~, ·s sh oulaer the ' best ot coats are Indced ma kl,n s ."lIt tle men" s en voyuge Is regarded , the Artlole., , a nd Ilept I ~ there, 1 stopped bl m a nd' .and crush a bout the decks. qua r rel· a tter ' ih whole lis t has pnss d, Th DlOlnent an Immlgrtlnl a fl peors took tile han d away. a nd, h ra il Into t nnl cs? Si m ply becll u8e the e ntire of th oDl,· They 1II'Il of the tan covort ..sam aDd can tan kerous . Few. of the m chan ge of s ur roundl n,gs wipes out the F ew thlllgs nrc more difficult te 'slOIlP, 'r bey wai t. !!Ullen and s ilent. ,In th 'l door. Dl'. Sattord:s eyes s ize up th " railin g, He' was s lono hllnd, a i, mass of com plication,s a ttendant upon cldlh, a nd tbe 1II0del 18 exactly like ca rl'y III t ile ha nd t han Olle ra glnsses , hili whol e appearance, Then: liS h e that his fathe r wea rs , A regular little his eyes dl du't betray It. t hou gh th rouc h th o lon g dark ' lIours. their th e , dally routine 'o f the ordlna..,. spring ove rcoat, Some of t hem are even when they a re pro vldlld wi t h a ~yes fastened 8n the rQOfs of the low appl'ollcbes, the physiCia n s weeps a "Fake CItizens." worker, W e all need oeculonal free- lined with. twille d lining, but most of le!llhe r case, as t hey aFe otten laid ..sheds and th e shadowy outlines or t.he glance (~om teet to b end. taking In. , "Some yeaT~ a go we usod to have a dom from the bond:llge or the tiny . tbem sre not Boys from 4 years liP ,down or le ft heb!nd at th e theater, A tall bulldlllgs at lbe wato r fron t, They,h , el' pcrlencod ,rapidity, We whole Bt~ ln g8 that bind us' tQ weartr,g taska, cllse which one an BlIl>POIld by a rib'<lhatter at" tlmeB, Sometimes there Is (leta'll. ~e nOtes every obarllctel'lstlc, grea t:· mnn y cases or 'rake Citi ze ns '.' The man wbo rea liz. B tbls and I)lana to ,Y,o ung me n all wea r t hese. and the , .. figbt. Ie crying ,of babies. 'Tt: the s li ghtest suspicion a ttncb es to , We hllve no j urlsdlctlon OVE)r a Uni ted his \'Bcatlon accordingly maketl no little tellow with s lIcb a coat Is proud bon frolll th e wri s t Is tb ~ '.sutest of all a ~d th e m0 8~ c omfortable to ca rry, Indeed, any featitre or movement 'he holds the S ta tel! citizen , IUId we hav e to be verY -Occasionally t he 'sh'a rp voice i ~lmlgrant up. U his first sus picion .ca reful how we t reat them, [I' got to m rs take, .g Uard rlngs . out from above, . HINT.S FOR THE HOSTESS. be quite common the reforc f6r Im ml' Is confirmed. lie ' turns bllD as ide, , , . eo~e Who May Not Land. A SMALL IS ECRET. It 18 evident t ram their mimn e r t hot grants 'already residen t he re to take ' They -look ~ery eage l:' lind h ealtby ' Flowerl for Brldlle Whlet Prize. II , .and robust as they stand ' In tbe light many of tbe 1m nil grants are alive to out citize n l)a'p or8 and sblp the m tn a New Idea. ,\()f- carly dawn on the steamer decka. the al\rolflcance, of tlie . e'x aminatlon, frie nd s lit home for th e ir IIS O In pass. Couldn't Understand the Taste of HI, Cu.t' ~mere. !But the re are 1I0me In that tbr ong who They have ' passed 81mlla r ordeals In In g \/s, But when s eve ral .cases had No Prize. for' Brldlle, t heir aatlve I"nd 'and ' on sblpboard, been detocted and the parties se ve r p.A poplllar hos tes8, aoted for charm· Some ot J hem opon their eyes wl~e. Iy prosocuted. the tblng dropped o If. Two men were' dl scuslilng the 1'ar· and gla.n~e straight at the doctor. erl· and we ha ve lellil of It now; ' loull food products nll W be ing supplied Ing and Ilnlque affairs, has bee n giving a 8e rl e~ at bridge parties with tbe dently knl; that tbat wUl a88lst "Some .o f the Immlg ranta. of course. In sucb "arlety and abundance, ' him, . Others, are QbvloUBly nervous, are hopelessly Ignorant, Ma ny of the m One, a. grocer, said" 'If rreqU~ntl1 try prize [ea ture e liminated, hi stead. sbe and t heY'Qulver In every 10lnt as they have the h!\nd.lcap of tear and retl, a package o.r 60 at any ce rtaIn article had two vases filled wltb' beautiful tall figure at tho apex Th h berore offering It to mt trade. a'nd In flowers on the refrellhme nt table, At oapproacb ,t tbe V; tbe , cenco, . ey &V,O been thorougbly th , coaelled by letter by friend s h.e re, and at wsy sometimes form a dllferent the close of tbe rellast the iadles hav· , Ing 'the two hlgbest IIcores ' we re . ~x,8oldlcir.s E•• lly. Told. they w/II BUck to t he s ot- ot rules IJnd Idea than my clIstom,ers liave. tbe flow ers, The same 811m ,awarded Once III a while '.n ex·soldler ' Will regulations prescribed. whether tboy "For Ins~nee, 1 tb'o ugbt I would try appear, It Is 'more 'than eas y to' I POt apply I!r not,. You can never get the'lII some Postum Food Colfee. to see wliat was expe!lded for the bOUQuets, 08 . him. He swlnga "around the door with to admit anything. aM oftent l!llel4the 'reason there 'Wall tor such a. call for It. otherwise would have been spent fo r th e precision of . long practice. and developm~nts 'at e tilgh ond ludlc\'ous, At breakfast 1 dldn·t like It and'supper prizes aild everyone was l)Qrfectly ",Il h',chest extended and head t brown . Tbey will never tell -you anything that pr~ved the same, 80' 1 naturally con· 'delighted with ' the' plan, 1t ,eemed Bnd we gl ve a sketch llluatratlaJ; .a , back he ,marches toward 'Uie doctor ·all will help' the mseives and you to eluded 1bo1t my ·tallite was different far les8 commercia l and was alto- caNe . or this , dll!lcrlptlon w,hleh can ' b e would toward aJ;llnspec 'lng olDcer, haslen the examination, ' With th~ m: from th",tot the cuatpmers 'whp bought gether a . Yo'e lcome change to botb eas ily b ma'de oilt of any odd ' relll- ' nants of brocM e, silk' or nUll. 'while. guestll ~nd hostess, fnvarlably be hi allowed ' tl! pasll wltb . the~e are only two classos of disease It rl g!:t aleng. In 80ft leath er It might also be very a Sl!1111i 'o r .apPI·obation. 'a nd occasion· . tliose colltractqd on board sblp and , "A day or two after, I '~mlted on a Fo'r a Conundr\.lm Tea. IIseful. , ally he bringS hl~ band ,sharply ~o the tbolle .prellent , slncf;l birth, " locly wbo was buylDlg a '25c. package Some time a go a correspondent This case would look pretty , if the s alute a's lie tum a the corne r, .,[ onl;e was sure that I had a n ew and told l:\I!r 1 couldn't ull'dll rstan bo'w 8sked wha t to serve at a "conundrum oute r s ide COUld, b e made of flOi'll I bm-' It Is .,on Interesting · sight. Now t I one coul~ fancy tbe t:aat.o pf Postum , Ul e re COme8 a . little. underalzed' C I ca!;e C1 ' Oil nal disease; w)l en ) spotted " '1 ,know just wbl1t Is the matter: tea," Th"ls li st !lIay yet be of time ly cnd.e, bordered \~ Itb stlicbing. and tbe . 0 a· a little te llow who IItood 6 1falght aB a asslsta nco : itnlng ' ot pale gree n satin. w.hite ,t lie hrlan : who looks as though he com, rule, and couldn't be nd hl 3 back, But : ahe lIald. 'YOU put ,th,e colfee boiler on ' 1, A sllr ~ 1 vor of [ h e flood '? ( Ham,) ,ribbon migh t be, either green or pink, b.l ned tbe burden. , . ~nd woes of .'Atlas .. on' Btrliling him I foulI.1 t h d th the ''Stove for just lItl!e~n minut es and 2, Wom en of gri t !! ( SandwJches,) a ccording t n fancy, . I1nd .•1ob, Tbe 1I.00tor Is attracted ,to ,a • . ,e a e ien IIllnutee of that IlIme .It 8lmni'e red. ' Brought HIB , bar,c l of ' a shotgun · s tl apped to his b 3, A nleat tba t Is not wet '/ (DrIed pee,nllaFlty hi 1)19 color, H e stops him ' bac k to escape tbe cu'lI(oms liS he and Ile r aI'S tl,'e minutes It \lolled; beef,) NOTES ON FASHION. . now It YQJJ will have ·tt left to bpll ttlll can never ent.e r the ' colintry. some and Dr. Reime r ta~eB hl ~ temper" thought. 4, Impertlt'teM e? (A llllle sauce.) fifteen mi nu tes a.fter' It commences to who have m"de the long .Journer fnr ture, . r~ I ~ 110 less J.}lo.n 104·, G. ~ f'l rl ng's p trerln gll? n Va t!!r ,) Gray lizard skin elaborately cut tnto "Must p ave malaria," sa Y3 t hc doc. "IDlfu l grnn,~a \lDde,r U ' yea rs o f A.g e boll. you will find a delicious J ava·liko Do~~lng . who ,mullt bid good·by to tbell 6, FOI" old and brach elorB T open·work '.e mlll'olde,y Is oae of the luckier frl endll ·and re turn to tbe,' pe,r· to j'. and tbe IIlt1p fellov,: , Is t ur ned get s pacla li rates, It Is 'qlll .l! common beve rage. rich. In food value Ilf ~I,uten (PI\l IUcs,) m'!-n y little extra~'agallces In the ' shoe to BOG anAlent 'U,year-olrls,' with fllle , nnd pbospbotes. so ebolcl' tbat YOll baps. lonely land from wblch they aside, 7, 'l'al)by's ,party ? (Catsull,) Une, Tbelll) IIboes are . high. !>llt' ex; COl~tlnuous'y, .;Wltbout pnllse. , the gtom:hll C1f , W;hlskers. meandering ·wl1l 'n ever a ban'dim It, pll rtloulorl y atarte4. ' -It Is for Uloee, the two physl· 8, ~oston's ,ove rthrow? (Tea,) quls ~tely .s upple. while the openwork . line pa ss es, Tile groUp In the doten. down thl! plank, , " wben you seo the g n !at ga In in h ealth.' olan!! aro ww""ng, . 9, Wbat all need ? (Drea.d and but· displays t he embroidered , stacklnp "WO '81\llt~.d ,a man once on rate ,WJ3I1, I toole anothel~ trial and a~re tel',) At seyen u'clpck everytblnB Is bloll room '8\\'ells, The unfortunates , underneatb. . .' read)'. Tbe IBDgplank, ca~lifnll1 rO&Jed si t wHh resigned racejl and watcb clllzcnshl~ galle rB, 'JiY the aid of an enough I 'J olned the Postum arm)" tor 10. New EnglJlnd:s brains? ~naked Square Bunshade s are an tnnovatloll' and lifo !;eeDlS living slnoe beans,) . oft ancl ,uarded. at,retcbea from ltbe lIhelr healtl1ler 'fellows ,wal'm to\vard EngliShman, Tbe latter . aniII-: 'The ' ot the ae&.aon. WII1,. blaarre ellecla ' blowke I\ays aa ,e'. been 'I!re l~ yeara I bave gotten rid of time atom· deck to a ,door In the elde of tho abed, (r01!dom. , 11. A yOUDg man's SWeetheart? ne" e ~ cease? The examination which, to tho an' ' 0 down't kIIo'l\' ~t a peanut Ia. 'R ach IUld kidney. ~rci:~blle3,' This door lI;~ta to a narrow paaaale (Honey.) , GraSS-green 'or rolle-red IIhoea are to ... Po,tum IB no :wblch · wind. aro1lnc!' mylte, and man, leoma 80 ol11'sorr IB, III realltJ. aln't no American I' Alld he wasll't. :'2. An unntly member? (Tongue.) b e faShionable with tblD white trocu. .uddeDI, swlns. IIlto • widei' ~onderfullY ..,..r. and ael1rcl1lnll. Dr, "We rUll IIlto no end of . bareMus , pare liquId food, 13. Sahara? tDl\s8ert.) The vatleti of bowa tot' ".... ...tIl. ....l'._n lroJi i'al11nJa tonplni e:&lrorcl baa had . ,ears ~r ClxperteD"" rln, anel lOme of them are tQa1b' ~UJ a .relltt t~m 14. What printers hate.? (Pie.) b10uaes III Iablte, &114 IIldl!ecl the 1IutII. . puae4 of th9U1allU of IDUDI. ve l')' llatheUo. · 'Bitt we han t4t fb ohaJlae. "There a a]~ll. .1OD. '11. ' What I do Whllil hurt T (Ice terS, bow bU' • .DIOIt p~:~::.~ ._ .........;, JI'&Iltf and DO.... Qa~ ~OriDal oJiu. our lIutf .. It' Reed "TIle _MlllOU ueam.) , amonc thIa ieUQll'. ~ " tIrp.






--'- ---



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phs (j a.zstes~ I' "bll.lj~d

w.,,,., " \\ "ynenille. Obi"

~I " . IiH";'~


\ :-,1

- - :, - - .-.

AO" ' ,1t ",II M. Al lJ""" \ v.1 t Ol" AtlU \'t \(,a t'r~ ~H~.

1'. J . .I1HOWtw .

As..~Ot:~~' ·I ' " It' :U l 'I''' • •

.. .00 ~ yoor . , . . . " In '"lvlIn ..• • I.!!~ • year H no~ plll,1 .n ",Ivan ..



TruflP}lo)'le ~Jlt.L .. )'l0. 6· 31 . ,


I ~O;

Fraternal Orders The d dlcetlon of tbe new lIlli OD 10 Temple last 'tbprsday ca liI'd tit, t4!nt.ion to frMernlt1 ordar ll in geo er~1 and SOUle one com me nt eol on

the number of OmerA in ,\ lIyn tl8. vme and spoke rlll.h er i!lightingly of the work tbey d" . The fao& is Fraterl'al order ,. aTe 1\ · good deal like ohuTohes, it, II' iIllJIUS. sible , ~e have too many IIlt.I.IIIUgh it it! not III wl\ys wise ( lJeCtl l18e nf fl nanclll) reallou!!!) for .. . mOll to nt· tll: (, P' to belODg t o a ll of them . 'l'he crltloltlm of the lodge lind the ordel'8 oomes mOMtly (rom per · fon8 who are not. tllulllillr with their work , E vary lodge a ooom pllt!he8 II great de,,1 ot good In a qull't way . A Ide frolll tbe benefits 10 lime of siokness or C1611 th tbe fr"t~rnlll spirit. of tbe ordflrll ex. tendll to the bmlDe (I nnd /loolal

life. There are and


will be

.ollie Ullin In every orde'r, as there

·.. ,e In rv ry oboroh, who ate .not worthy members, but tbe Order ahonld IIndly be blamea for tbat. Frl\tl',nlll ordera are "ood for a &own aDd IIhonld have t·he t'ncour. _Remeu' of tbe oltlzells of every 11 ,. ~ oommunl~y.


Farmers as Advertisers, The pas' Irty years have wltnesl· ed .. revolo'ioo In methods of f.rUl· Ing .nd yet the majority of farm· en ..,(11 l\ave opportunity to 1m· prove tbeir' methods of oondl1oting boaln8l8, Aa yet farmlog Is not a bOllne.1 In the strlot Ian88 of t·be word : . Take for iDlt&nce the ad\rertl >llng end of the profeuloD . Most farm. ere woDld wODder If a maD were 011UI, ahollld he go to tbem to talk · of adver&tBiDg. Bot yet why · IboaldD't 'he farmer advertise. . A farmer h ... a yOODg colt, or a f.mlly, winter 18 oomlDg aD, be 18 I~or' ~n f~ 'n ot mooh work In 'be winter. 'J'o 'keep 'hat hol'tl8 il ..D8....11I8. Now wbynot adver . \ .&lIe It ~ ,~elooal paper. A oelgb·

borbo',(.ra~''fb ... toomoohfeed, w.nt . .... mooh Itook III poIllble all _hll laqd, be 1!8811 the advenllement aDd boy" th~ horse. Both are be. n8fl,ted by the tranuotloD . . A mao hall lOme good .seed coro' aeecl. potat08l or something of the kind. BeadvArtl888 It In bf8liJoai paper. The readen of ihe paper know tbat seed from their own 10. callty 1ftll d.> better as .. rule than II88d obtained from a dlataDoe. Beaon the seed I~ BOld wbere It mi,ht bave remained on band and beeo a 10118. Tbe same appbes to' pot.&o plante, etc. . ReceDtly a farmer . living On one of tbe roral routes out of WaY088ville bonght a Dew bog"y. He bad an older veh'lo1e iD lair oondltion aDd advertlll9 it for ' sale . In the Gazette. Before evening, Wednes . day, the buggy was s.>ld, How mlLoY 14,,~er~ have wagons, bURglM or other vehloles whloh tbey never 088 talring up valtlll.ble apace In tbeir barnll or sheds, wheD by inlertlDg a few IIDes'of advertll. IDg In tb~lr home paper tbey cDuld eafltly I1IS.>088 of tohem . N~ kino! of I\dvertlslog I;rlnl:!> bet t.tIr returus: th"n U, IISO IIUlo 1'1'''.1: Illg notice tl.nd I&lm" >lt, 'e very fl~r1Jl e r could IOV8l1t. 'teo, fiftepT! ~ r t,wenty Ov.e oentil ,lCoallllionally t tl !:,ood ud · .vantage tn 'hili WIlV . • - • 'l'be Doctor AWIlY from H(JDlo wh"n Moat Needed . ·1'..0.1'16 arB 0(11'11 very muoh ells aPIJ4'lfItt'd til till/I t.belt 'heir f".hlil~ · pbYiliotHU III aWIIY 'r:um h'lme' when 'b",v UlClrot uo.... hll4 lIAr "IC6111. 01. SIlIUIIlIi like crdmp ul.1l0 lind cholera morl/ul! requlrl1 Ilrompt trl'l\ln'lent, IIDd 10" V8 10 lIiltllY im.tan0614 proven fatlll.befo,e Ul llllloillO l~oulJ Ito .prD OUI1I,t or a phr:.loluu . spmm ,med. i1'be right way 18 tn kt'8p at ·w.ud a "oUle of Obamoerlaln'l Uolio, Ohol· era aDd Diarrhoea &med y · tteNor pbyaldan can pretlCrlbe a be medlolne for ihe~ dlll8ll8es. .8ybl-vlng It In th.e houl\O JIIIU e8C6J)e mUDh ~Iu and IIutl'!!rlng IUld aU rlak. Bo~ It DOW: It mB-y ' lIave life. For sale by d. E. Janney. IhablorlpttoDa noelved


m . . . . .DitII.

Clipped from

1 5

I -

in t ho flAr ly hl"tory of ,)tlr country BMI Burn \Jnlckly H ,a led. while. Ih pt' Cll1\1 11PII wero illvolved " J 11111 BO dfllightcd wit.h ",ltnt ill lil'l"'" 111111 hl "oll.v Wlll'~ wit'll In l hnmborilliu'f! . Ivo hll " (luDO for 1110 t·hllt 1 f 01 hound to \\Tite lind M 111\ ore yonr r""I1I' II nd. (\omfl tI t1illn~ , WlIl . I f'n n , Ihol!fMt (~l1l1k I' tell ~' I1U so. I I !\ll~!I.Ml'fI. R o l'"rt, M.v t. A Varlely 'of Interesting llem!! ( ;11 I hcr'ed rrom the Ne Wl-lpnilCrS nf hit! 11"y , Illnintnllwtl Il)l ring IllS t on . ·1;;7 .Iohn ,"t.., Sumilton, Ontll l'i l, whol lIf,·tim t hl' IIlU,, 1 f1'iellllly rt' .. l\[y I1tt.! dltngbt r hnd I' bnd hom of I he' Stilt" II~tloos wit.h t.llfl tl'lhE', n bont bim, OD bel' knee. 1 upplied humber. hlln 'tt ,' n lve/1uc\ it bell ied bonn.lfnl · . . On~ on tbe Ell iSl'OI)ulian;; IIn(1 th AlIllglll n wo n W u!<k whet,ber Iy." Tbls slI l\'e alwttys tho )'Jilin of \\Til we I'e wil'l ill II.-.Iorll1 l-( this stl1l1 k III Mt· full. In l'rio~~ hltv e !!, • 011 ' 0110 oOCllslon, while It Bj~hop IlD"lll1t.itm llf. : V r (I Lo v roel II of"u 1\ ' terill ll y IHIVIIIIO (I . r"ll' ",\, 1\1~ 1 (j~ 11' ¥t yalll' . ,of uny: ... 0'1 J >l rll It Imo!' t . inst 11II t'l'y . It IS 1 d yelif . w III I, u Ifl I)y 'r .,. J, e w"" , Hlin g in IL "t41"t! oouoh 0 11 11 mol' tlC'llI lIlIU iclIl 1I11' Illou f r \ira· fnr ~It , .0;. • • 1 u n y . grtutal'. Mllttlnl:s 1'1'010: I,\to O rl ol1~ nnw III IttO( II Il,,!mretl Ileno~lful p ,e ~\lllclIlY morlling t.o \'i~it. u ruml 1;'!'nLIU&; .0riIll B~, r lot~, hloodshed ~~~~~~~!""!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ l)- ~ - 11 1'111<, II1WIIl!t Ill'iI'lll< . IUI~~lnn, h o ob~er\,(I(l IlIOll hu"lly IIlId wllr thnll IJlllt prtlc l' ls d b ' Ul e 'l[ W d i). \~T' l lI f;rl\IiM I .... . .... . .. . ... . ... .... ...... . .. . .. , . 250 lip W,lfkill 'g In til e hll)' fi (,II1, " Why, <~'' k It1· tl l· l'. I' 11 r,' · l ,rllt.c. ovl lli\IIIi HI • • AN (,:l- ,l' , 1.J.,)woll, PtI,rk , ~xt. ru· HU])6I'M HII'CiY.YII.L!t ( Ill" ·Pllt., " !<uill Il R t o Iltn ,I ri\'I'r , ""1'6 Plllln, "n.1 in,lof~erl hy 0 111' own thar n O 'b r i tlll,oll hi !hil< P Irt· Clf n (>\~ pl''''~illent il1 t h e. . 111 e lion of t:\1't';C IAI: I"IEl" : UI ~: AIIKt! I!' wO ,\II£N Ru gtl -~ru"loJ" 1 Ht ou k yet ... .... . " . . .. .... ~1O. 50 up rh(' CClUOf)'., .. ~" "N t IL on('. Bish (-.Jullk!'rs ItS Inliillu IIgonts til t'lIl1 e A!'ir, f RIUJ1!Ii:N r.llrg e Allong h for tI "')"1 11. "p." WIIS Ille re"p(, "Thtlfl' ~ fe cblt r ~e of ollr \\'1'. t,erD t.r\ hes As I'egll r11~ t he nRcall, it.y erf wllr !!') Illi' ' Pl!lcoloplull ~ down ill th e Liu,)lmlln , tht [It'llllt k If hili utHI IIn.11' Il',verlng. 1.oI~ M (1I I'tIlI IlS- 1I 11 til I h 1)\1 0\\' hnt clivi! II f; hrl stlllll ~ ., it IS not Illy pnrpo~ to ~ pl'nk , ill DO YOU ~ET UP 1)(1\\0 etT':I\I ~ . Wirl(kw ~IiIl'I"15 ull o(llJ r ~ , 0,\1 fl iY-\')l, mild/) 1.0 O.dtlr tht! pnsent. courittion of !JIlin}!:! wnr WITH A .L AME BACK? m(\y he nt tillles llIl1lvolduble. But in Killed on the Itllilrollds EI~ Ilf,y , .\\,o p rSOUll w ll r n kilh cl 'ollsldering its cODHPq ltenc and Kidney Trouble Make YOu Miserable. Allll ost 1!\·cry l> \\'ho rentl s lile ne ws· by !!tell lll 111:'1 electrio roal1~ In Oh l.) llw IW!lsib le m BllDS of . pi·tl ventiull, of the wonclcrful' dul'ing Ih e ,nou tll of .JUU l', s ixty wlliltJ \\'\1 remem.b er I.h e Ro ld.e r!' p"I'"rs is ~u r" to kucow ures Ul uclc by Dr. I who d iad fo r t,b ir Il llntl·.\' fo nd the ono of w h w r o trosllallBi llg nnd hilmer's WRII'P' !iniltl , .Jll ck ol ¥ fn, ' MI I:II:I ~, Women 1< uot , th" greAt k i<l· twent.y.two employes. 1n th Min ve~ wh n died fQr fr eedom, T c'm. u ~)', H\'Clr 0 111 hlat!· tllH1 (;IIi1.1I'ell. ~n ' rlt! , " lllisl!', Un · Ullit.ed 8t.litl'~, 011 fur liS r eported, l1 (lt forgt!t tho gre If, Ulultitude of ,Icr rcmcil \' . 1\ 1$ th t:~rent med· II rWOltr, h ' fllDh. "lIg cll1l1ks . fllt'r!! werli ~I x ty. nill e I'ArtlOI1i1 who UIlIIIU orcolures orentod hy the k nl triu Ulph of the 10 t tbolr 1i\'0!4 tho Fonrt·h nf J Uly !jllllle I n finit,e Fllt.hc r w ho w,tb o ut ufl1 c icc l1th \~cl1htr": t.h r:ougb th li oar eie!411 nSI' · .. t fire ~ Ilrgoon , h(l~p' t ,III or lI tt o It.n ry com· .lis!' \" r,,<1 nftcr yen"" "I' sci IIlilie n' ~"urt' h workl\ . .. . lIIi ~~i(m . fnJlurg b.v t be wllysitloll, Or b y Or, Kifllle r, the 11 111 n gl0l1 h !<h .. t Dr shell , W r I f t __----... ,illilll"ul ki chlC\' ural on til .· 11IItf.lllfl a l,i" OJ' io t.he willer hlll ,I,"'r . ~I'e ' iuH~l, untl i ~ wOll<lc'rrulls Don't Find !-' nult. s u~ tc"firul i u prompll y 'uh!l~ III lIIe had:., 'l'lle faut ill. ooue of ll ' btl VI a IH'H:< . uri' llciol , 'niu rrh vI' Ill' . h1lu1.1 ~ r ,,",1 Hri 'h t '~ Ilisens .lo, which IS th · \l'or!otl patent a ll fllult Hnding, h · ill IU - -. .- 'l' b e ll como '"1 ,1 hn.\' you I' d rl'AS nt fo rm Qf k id" 'y tr<.)n\)lc. . 011 free all thallir (l.od jU8~ 1I1'Ollt a~ LQug Live the King! ]) r . I':ihne r' ~ Swnmp,Roof IS lIol, 'c, lill t OhitltVm,~ 1 ~' lIllAY'~, X,.,n lll ,O hl o empty . What III Ihe use. ' I'imtll! III Iho popnlllr or y thrO)ll~lIollt .Ell. unllncmh·,1 for '\'l'ryU,iIl Hhntif ~·"n .lou,· e • 1\ Cit.". h ilS II I II I till' nMSUI·tlllent o t are ulwnys good if we lire ~ood C 'OpI'II" (' n uut-I'i e~: wl1it iD Am ri CI~ ki.III "Y, Ih'cr u r bl nd rl r tra nblc Il w,1I he fonll d jnsl Lhe r(' me I~' y"n n e~,1. 11 !I n~ oprselvell 1 m elln !'to.od In hest III" "n' "t t.b,,. prnlte ut ll'IY ill .. Long lu.!l'u l~"",lt:( l in :;0 n U"I)' wny~ , 111 11 ()~ lntl\l fl\hrlc~ . fn r dreHI< IL!lElIf lIud tbe seD I e. Ouod for olomethir,!!; good Ih',' 0\' Killg'~ New Dillc()vt!ry wo \.; nrut ill privnl t; prh( lk 4.::, mil l hnl:t trlll11ni Il I:S .. It il! II rj'ltflOIlO III tl Kill/-( "r 'J liront Rnd .L ung Rellle prt1\'cd ~o 8 \1' C ·' :isftllll1 c , ' ry Cil. c Lhat 1\ at our occuplltlon; good It~ men edio!! !""f whioh Mr . ,luJiu [vder ~I "l h it'lIJ l"nt "n,1 fllily Jlronn ill the . ·jo.1 urrllllj{em ' lIl I!,," he II mu.l" h)' and oltlzens, WhllP 0. mltn hOl:lns P"lut! . Trnftl. Mus .. SII\' K : • ,.It. 'which nil renrlers of lI"s p"p" r," ho hl\\'e !""t. WI-' 111'1' , Drl1~" Ciu(ttls fJon~" to g rumble and growl it j,; II ,.ore no\'A!' fllil~ til ~I"e lIomeclitit.e r()liof nol IIlre.. <I)' tried it. nl?), Itll" " n slimp\!' 'lIgn tbat his beJl.rt is WI' ''''!; 1:\0. 1111 ,1 1.11 qu i. kly 'onro Ii (l1Igh lI r Ollld" hl1ttlc . e nl fr 'c by Hl u li. [llso II l)(lQk tcll- 111101 do n. jt 111((1\116 wi t h till WIl I'll , MI' ~ Prllnp ' ll upininn ill ilhlll'lld Ity Il in!! , ,ori' Ilbont SWII."'I'. Ronl 1111<1 huw tll 'l'h(o~fl let us lank DUt. Theullnut., wlifeel m:ljr)flty (It rh llll! lIllhitllnt.,. of t ill Illlcl ,'nti f ,mlouve klllu '· yorhl u(lIl. ,· tml! h" t' ,l\v ~lr("~ I ' t " fln , hl<.. \\,1 ',," wri ti ng m"" U,,n r n,ltlig t1116 like saying me an thlugs hlt'l! jast coun t.r,V N w n' ~C()"or .\' onretl h'I" thl '; 1' Illri"" stop ILnlllls k If we are not onrsolves ",,,"k \lUi/-(>4 111111 S')lIr t.ilrnll t >4 utt«r ~e m. ruuSl) lTc r ill th Is puper ,,"<1 He ml you. .J Ill'lt t" -k ' 11 on,' ~III' I . .... II . Hl ~ho v ·ss lo.\)r. Kilmer . .~. .,.,. .. . . !lettIng a little off. (!omplalDg ill IL all .()thor rHIIl CJi<l" II/wil ~lIi l lld; IIncl arlolr & 0. , lhl1 g \Ul111t0 t1. :'" tU lil''; tt' ~lItI 'I' \' fl' Ul'" h HIIII U8 \.V " t i t) dlseilse like the 8evell YOllr itChaDd l fm ('01 fo/ h '" lind 0 1<1" It. ,. tbe 1l 1.\' '. \' . 'I'lle r ·).,'1I\tlr ,.. , . !'Inro nre . 6uurll l1 ttled by F . ' nity -cent Illh\ nIH'!· (,It'vn tilt' -I,~d , · 11 · w """Ill' It) other miserRble things. IIn<l II ftootl .l:\cbwnrl.Y-, Drug -I t . .,0 11 1:111 !H.OD (lo ll> .. s\" bottleR [\1" 110m. 01"""'P-a-· rl ' 111 fnlln " u , ,. lll(*h .1tlt't In deal harder to get rid of. !'rlul oou ·le free , "01,1 hy ull good .Irnl-:l!isls. n lI 't IUnkl:


our Exchanges

~ (jibn~y

Hu't cbison

L -- \\1.




:, C.';,,1.

Ready To Wear ~ , \rments


See Your Drc:,sn1aker

tll1\' mislllktl', hut rCllIel11hcr

The Last of the Shakers . ( From the Ohio S,?11 ) In the Uhlo Mllgl&zlne 101' .July, G,v,,'. Berry gives aD Inter"lItllJg Qhapter of Ohio hl~tory In an II.rtiole OD the past and pre~ent of the Sho,k. er sett1e~entat Union VilIllge neur LebanJn, thi88tate, A strange doo trine of. this most uni<)oe religious , eoonomiosoot and the one whiob is aJone misunderstand able WU8 itl! theory of ~ulver8a1 celibaoy II. ll t-Iief whloh io would melill the gr&duai depopulation of the world. In later tlme8however this hllli lloon modUied to ILpply to • 'only thG~8

Uhrls~ao people who from physloal, ~ychloal

Help Wanted "v. oUl.lg Po te r~

whicb YOI1 are famIliar; lIOt to IIPBak of Ita seotarilln bellef, for thls.soolety is the advooate of no. ' sect o.r party, boy, I would 0&11 your attent.ioD to the faot that tbe tlooi· ety to whloh I refer. knowo lUI the Friends or Quaker8, has been eml Dently destlngl1lsbed for ' the hu mao eduOl.. t.lon of Its ohlldren, and then would Ilsk bo.W muoh it lias ever oost thll Commonwealth or tbll nation .to punllh orlmes or pro techoolety from crimM commited

beN! for' by Quaken? And I woald again call yoor atfAlntlon too the fao' tha


MtIls. Work light unLl. olo'LlI. Good I:lA'I'HAWAY w •• ges 1\ Dl1 '0 mforl/1 bls bot.el 1I.(l. no comm o<iutlonR I 86 trl tho fnotory. , \ 1\ •• 'Josv-i ll e's Lelluillg Dontlst Adelr ess A!lsilltllllt Manager, OfIice ill K y!;\ BId". Mldu 'I Kings mills. Ohio. (.J . l ?·6t) A Memorable Day OD of I be clays we r omember with pi IlRurll, ILB w ell 1118 wltb profit to onr bRult,h , it! the one 'on whioh wo becam e u q uai nte d ' wi~h Dr, K:ing's New LIfe PillS, the painlel!s, purifie rs th llt oure headaohe Ilnd biliousness, IInll keep the bowela right. 2;;0 lit. F. ' . :SchWartz. Drag ~tore .


FUN EHAL 0IRE CTO H, TID NI h eephOne ay or Ig t, local No. 7 Long Distanoe No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE" OHIO 8ranch Office, Hanevsbura' .


Bubsoriptiol1 l1 rec ' f or ull tho. leud. ing magllY-lnes aUlI new )Jllpllrs, Ilt t b e GuY-etta office. NtltO - We will 1lI1let the )>riges Ild ve r tiserl hy lI.l1y rll \lutll blo lIubsoription. .'Lgelloy. f; UDS I,ipntiolll. F I' r cODstipllti on thElre ill nothing quite ' 1.\0 Olce as Uhambe rlain'l.\ I:itllDIIlOb alld Li ver 'l'ablets, They IIlwlI VS prolluce a plE'-IlBant move· ment. uf the bOlveJs ' without IIny dl.s uc roouble effect. I!rioe. il5 oe nts. Slimplell free, Sold 'by J , E. JnDney.

Bring ydur l>rintlnll~ 1111 de· scriptioDH to the O·ny-!!t·to amce. (jond w.~rk 0 t right Ilriic 31:1.

-====r . . -. __

Can't Miss It

I t · ' ~I II ~""" in I~

is \"llIally ~~l 'vt'l'ilrlll fol' slIIum r r t'\wl€J'/\ intlin LIIIII III c'hIl11.'<.I' II, 1111,1 ia t.he IDell l U. of K",·r"ll

dllll'l'hlllil 111111

tho !'V~K of IIUIII)' .,,11I,11'09U e;lI'h ~'roll l'.

\\ 11"'1 I'ulltwllcl

\\'I ~I\

Rwe 'Irlll'\l it iKIll enH"n ~

W/lt!'f lind

J':very 11I,\n of" '"m Ill' Rhnutrl keep thl 1"'lIIl'dy III htft b<lme.1 nil)' l ~ 110'1'. 25c. .



Pennsyl.van,ia ... ...... ......... ........ LINES Jamest.own Exposition Low Fare Tours Pittsburg - I . D~ily ( New York Rar~isburg ( :;~~ ..\ Boston -;-.0Baltimore \ Ove~s . }Philadelphia at ~ Ricmoud h . Washington J



and other points on one Excursion Ticket Go 011e Route- Return Anothcr-- Long Limit



Atlantic City

Cape May


$16.00 Uound Trip frDm Waynesville, 0., August 8: EXCURSION TO NI AGRA FAI.LS $7.00 Round Trip from Wa. nesville, O. . BOSTON, .Iuly 25 tl) !!/:!-New En~llIild OIJ 1:101111\ \Vel1k -StOll nv ,rs 1.l t, Bu\t.lnwre. Wn"hIDj(lon , Pililtldl111lhla II lilt New York. PHILADEf..PElIA, ,Jnl.v I:! to 1I;-B. p, n. E.- ,lIr"ot IIr .viII Wn l:!hiug t.u!I, wi t h Ktoll oW'sr!! Itt B oIthnnrfl 8nrl Wllllhln j( ton. ' nn.1 MOIlIl· , SUMMER Tt IU (WiT j!'ARE to OOf'tln. lA\k A t/lin re~o rt~. Ilml t.D Uolorudo lind PU llifJO (J"'I~t, Fur full pnrtioa\t.rK ooolluin H . E. Booth, "l'loket Ag. tlnt. W ynesvllle, Oblo.





ANNA n. PAI.AH~R , J. wl ~ town . Pn. D • . Mile, ' N ervlne I. lol d by you. drugpl , \. whO wI/I ouar" n t •• that tile flrat bottle will b . neflt.

It I~ faili. he

will re'uncl your mone)/. Miles Medical CD" Elkhart,lnd

The \vo rld-fa med treatm ent for Piles, Eczema, open sores, nasal catarrh, and all the dis· eases of the skin, burns,· etc.

LAROE SIZE, 1l0c •

" IWII.\'8 ue .1ppuDlI,,<1 UP"".

I"" III <.),-e H': \'~'~e ntt"l'kij ot crUll,!' "" lie IIn.1 c:hOlttrlL 1J)Q r'uIl~.





~t i:t ~'!'lI nm .



I belllln Inkln;:- PI'. ~III "~' 11 0111'( 'uro 3nd now r etHl \\'tlrk IH1(l g o out . und 111lve told tHan " th e hp!lflfl l I llH\'O f t!:ceh'oo tl'om tiu-"ro n ' mN11 £'H u nd RC\'eroJ ot tll HI hl1 w' hN' 1l c1I r ed by It 8lnce. J "II\ tI (I," nloe rc;"'" (lId ond . p r e tty gnat) ~.f1t ": .

to tllkll.

A fl'w .li)HPR of th is I'I' meoly will in. h, I 'I~' "UI c illl onlililuy Ilftlll'1l: li t


"Dr. fIlli cs' Nervlne Is worth !til . w eight In ,,"old to m e . 1 dIll not know what nlled m e. I hnd a good physician but «lit . no relief. I could not omt. s leep, work, Hit or 81'1nt!. J. WAS n rll" orazy. One d llY J "I ~ k(,(\ up " [1:1p r 'and tbe tlr~t thin&:' thu t ml't, tHy P~'ll~ w t.:oJ an adve.·tI.cinent rot I'l" . "",,,,' N er v. tile, I co nclud",1 t~ try It "n,1 lel tto doctor /1'0. ,md I' t) ld ~". A rl~ r I ,lid lilt t",o boWl'S J c Oll ld ,1r"~~ 1Il ," " e l~ '.I·hen

Endorsed by physicians; lead· in~ druggists, and thousands of' grateful patients who have been c.ured by its marvelous' healing powcr. . In . the tr.eatnient of hemorrhoids, it"obviates, the necess· ity .of a surgical operation, and the danger and excruciating pain. It cures qulc~er, alld 1S entirely safe and pallUess. . Scnd for circulars 01 hundreds of thousands of testimonialS and profellsional endorsements. If your druggist does not hand'l e It 'send direot to


x ,

l:-Ihllor Ell'erl~. Hll'I~h"lIl. I' I II"'~ '

So lDallY nillli nt , are purely n ervou s affections, that you can hllwlly miss it if vim h'Y Jk Miles' Ncrvine. It l'CstOl'es nervous eJlerg - and 'thr ugh its invigorating influence · . UPOll. the nervoll, ,ystem, the organs are tl'ongthened. '1'ho h.e art a -tion ~ beiter; digestion impl'oved, the sluggish oudition overcome, and healthy activity rc-establisbed.


Pr.! ~ ",

Ha.ti. t.:..

Dlen and 1~l rl" III. the ' Ca'r t rid go Company. Rings !!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~!!..~~ ~-!'"-~~ -

or flo~nolal o"oses ara on, fit for parentage. They believe in Il t!!C!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,""!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

oommonlty of all worldly "nd sprit aal things; no w"ges ; DO strite Ilfter Individual gains; d,epeudenoe upon a oomm'J n storehouse to the support of whioh Illl oontribute . But here a gain time l1\\s wrought" oh/4nge in the order uf things ,aDd to.dl~Y noue olthe Shakers take pllrt 'lo ~he milD nal III "or (If the. oummunlty lell vlng all to their employees. ID 18:!9 tIle. oummuoity hIld a populatloll o. wore than GOO, to 1 u8 there were 275, at the oJole of 1867 there were 152. and now there '&re but 33 left , of whICh the l"l'ges number lIre p IBt ?O ~ears o f Ilge. Few pe ople rllllhze ~hat. it was this queer seot of peOllltl w~o guve the world suoh usMn I th.lDg~ as the buzz s"w ,the planing mill, cut nails the one horse Ctlr· riage, the bOIse car. lUotal Pt!u .• , the Ill..t broom II.nd the clotbes pill . Th~ few o.ld people who 'sit about t.b e l~ wnl! and bea.utiful bnil,liogs of UnioD VilIllge today 1m, tile reUl· naut of a wonderfully Interesting seCt i lind oDe whiob hitS 1l1ways st~ for 'Indeperidanoe iD lubor, porlty Df heart E+nd 'deligbtful Uhristlltu feIJDwshil) · - - - - , --- Quakerism Commended by Editor of "Our Dumb Adimal!' In t·be ourrent "Our Unm.b Ani . mals" the editor, GeDrge '1'. AnKle, replipt81Nlrt or lin andress mude by blql In 1 8~ 9, ln whloh ~e s~YII: .11 would here. 01111 yDl1r attention for oDe moment to the history of B reJi'gilOus soot or denomination wil,h

the no nie,

.'wnlul'-RI)Ut, Dr. Kilmer 's SWI1t1Ip-Root, all,1 the ,,"dress, Bi ll l!luunl<.)n, N. V .• 011 every holllt!.


Bra811 GaJle)'~ Metal Sorderl L. S. Metal Fumitu'r e Leads and Slql . Mf,\tnl Leaderl Spaces aRlt QlJadl, 6 to' 48 point . ~Ietnl QuoinsJ etc.

Type Brass Rule in Strips Bras8 Labor Saving Rule Bras8 Column Rules Bra88 Cirelel Brosl Leo'Clt·rs Brass Rounil Corner8~ 8rosl Lends and Slug'S

(11)~t •


PlfllIlIA r l1 l11 omhor t,h"t. w. Bra' lint III tt.1l)' 'r, n"t or ()".ulololttjull 'lnrlnr .. ilur.e I/h ut. we onll mllk n it grlllll,'y :to ~' onr 8d\'lI ~ t!lIl'~ ,1O d01l1 with Ui'. A ClOI)Y of our '/; t.a-illJ;:llll wil' lto:oheerfnll .\' fllrni<llflltlnn tlli llli, on (,Iutt ,

Philadelphia 'Printers~:SuP~IY:Co, Mu lIuf"ot.nrn'·!I or Type and High Grade Printing Material 39 North fIllnlh 8t.r~t

Prn\lrietorll PENN 'fYPE FOl1NI)RY



of All Descriptions Given Prompt Attention. at the Guette 'O lIN ._,., ... ,




..... !1__ _

County Court Neww. NIlW SUIT8.


Charles Wedder strllncl VII tb Villilge of ll'rll.nlclin ; lltltitlon-In or ror. . 'l't~lI\intlfl 8e ' ~H tu have the jodgeuuin t qf the nll~vor or Frank -1;0 reversed in II . 1\1'10 lD whioh ha WIlS filled $100 find COR tH of ' 1 aG tor alleged unlawful RlJlling Intoxl. 'CIltlog liq~ori!. He ntlrnes IlU grounds of enurslu the prooeeJlogl! of biB former trlll i. Chllrles Un~lflsby VB the ViJlflge of I!'rn.nklln : petitlon-Io error, 'l'be pllinllft' WIl S lined . ,liO Imll '1:l.5000l!~sln F ran k lin on thll ohluge ofpermittiDg IlD Intoxiou.ted parson to btl In his plaoe. Be mantlons nine errortl In tba lower court and wllnts · the judgment reversed. .t:barlaa Wedderstrand vs the VII. lage of FrankJln; petition In.arror. Weddentraud WIlS fined ,GO R·nd '26 . 7G OUllts on the ohllrge of permtt ting lin IntoxlC1lted person to be In hili 88100n ; three groundll of error: PROBATII:

'V .•1.

Zenl,meyer, .con l,rllot


r)L .. ...·......... ... . ....... ..

+Ii 00

Home Treatment for Women

Ohio orrugateu Uulv rtoull . lirldge '"' Imey, llrillge 'l'ho Peril ription of a Great t ubell ............... ... ' ......... .. \1 1 'i' ·PhYllician LlLw & Wil'ln tJl'. lutluno on pllinting 'ollrt BOIJ a .... .. 2~1l Up Vnlue Proven During Twenty J. F. Rlnvle . JlIt!n t n,nd Yenrs of ;to. ·tuBI Practice. merQhun~l se .. ..... : ........... . 1()tJ. 90 \V. F . Eltzrotb. lumher....... . 1-1200 RoiJert Uhu:ke COJUJlIUIY, pro. ull.te re llorts .... .. ... ........... . U &0 Mlisou SlIW Mill , Imuh r .. ... . . II! 70 ~takn l te Pen OODIPIIDY ;" rohandl!!e for Recorder .... .. W. H. ·Ant.rll.m, Stl~U1)l B: ... .. T, N . Wilkerson, bridge r eo va irs ........ ... ..... : ... ...... ... .. W. '.1 . Corwin. oare of sol. piers' lots IInel g rll " ell fo r two yeurs ....... ..... .. .. ;.. .... .. 6000 Contraot wns entered wit h W . B




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"f"'" 3;:~'11I !IIII.' '",/," tl '•. : :1',',' \\, ,1t"';1;"

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ReCCp.Hn1ltied by ! ~lysicians flit- '''' .. ,'

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~'I0 11 Ill' ill

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1\ t:l.l l

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Two S izos,

n tHO

50c. and ~ I,~ O fler box. rr ) 'Ulir

fl rlwl:' J 1 1 1J'~'l ntl t

hn \ '\..1


A for ItrAlI!!. A hu Fllfillcr nnl l!"ll kltH\f\,

F'. l . SHIPJ KlE.

' At omvlng to It. h4ft dou bltl


IIlftJII)tLh. 0'11\'" ('I!lU this wltll t ).le man)' worthlCi18 (!ttx'k (noels 00 tho markeL Oua ...

Munu fnt.t url n&; Phil rmn o lat.

II l1 l Ut,..:>f1 a,. rCI,rcsdll led. 01\' 0 ii a trial. I n.ill'i O l~ h l t\' (nl{ F.,.mor.· "ooIrFood. TBk e


00 (lllli~ r.

'/'c-r H' rJ()ninIH 'f"n l

n/Jl ,licwiml,

M ild


1f your dcnll!f do ua notbal1dJe i t t.ilr(..oct to

D. S. RACON STOCK FOO'D CO. Evanlvllle, Ind.


'fhe will of Uodley L. Haines, de· oealitld, of Hl\llIiltOu township, WIlS IIdulIbled t,u probate. Myrtia M. jb,lu"1I . wa~ 'wllde executrix, Sbe JUlUes Montgomery ligreed to de· wall n/llDed liB liuob In ~he will Ilnd li ver lamber for $2 . . 1'0 bond WIUI :.nenti olled. Jonllil The Oregoniu Bl'luge (JO IllPUUY Eltr~utb, WIIliIlI)) Du.yi~ and E . Z. proposed to furni h st.eel joist..~ lind Adaln were alJpolnted opprolserl$. rlllserSll.n<l i 5· foot line fit * ::137; II lso A jury Wtlll impll.1Ielled to try the Q, bridge near t:lpriogboro Cemetery oalM! of Alonza /stUes' oP1>oo1 froul lI·t '21t. The oo ntraot WltllltWllrdeti tbtl deoislou of tbe Harlan lown to t bom, sblp trus~e us In regard to II. ditoh ~wig & Henderson were engllge.] petitioned tor by ThowlIs Bodley . to ereot 0. oonorete oul ver t on t1H' 'l'be dltoh 'I9I\S l~ r\)villioned lor by Waynesville lind Mt. Hollv rondo i ~ tbe h'UlltOOtl, a'be oaMe will probu, Wa.yne township. t. ~r. . no II oubi ' bly btl ooruprowised, though It 18 y urd. set for he~ ring A uguilt 1. 1'10011 for fI. bldKer nnd m il o.nry ul luvllnt.ory was flled in the ll1It.ate Mtlth er '!4 Mill l,or0811 the Littlt. of Wilson Kirby,' tlhowing a per. Mlllmi Uiver, wertl IIPllrLlved .md 10bal 88tatu of 199.75 Bnd real es. ordered advertl s cl in 'I'be \-Veste r tllte wortb .2,000, It WIlS filed by ' till' ana tbe [..olmuon ))I~tri (.. t . Jobn W. Linder, his guardlno. . E . E . Whi\aore waa appointed !td. A Wonderrul H'tpponlng. wtnls'rll tor of tbe Il1Itllte of Mar~ar · Port Byron , N. Y. hal:! wltne<! ed et Wbltaore, de~8aed, nnder bond o. n~ of ~he mo~t remllrklll, le cll~e~ of f800 lIt!olU'ed by the American of beallng ever recorded, An .. II F King, of th8-t plnoe 8I1YS: "Book ~W'lIty Company of New York lou 'a Arnica SIl!ve ourell a soro on Tbe apprllieers- of the e&tat.e DIy leg with wbiob I Illid s uffered L'harlllll Vaudervort, Soott Osborn over 0 ytlars. I am now eigbtv five ." Guaranteed tv c ure ull and NUa.n.Spenoer.....~ sores, by F . C. c:!ohwar";: Urnggist ~J'r;.':. Stj!o~,: adoiIMetrator;o.f 2~. . thf eetat-o of Oharles Lewis Young, deOeUed, Wed his tlDal)ooouDt. Beth Furnae, executors of tbe es• tate of David ll'a~, filed hla dis· irlbntlv" AOOOnnt. '-;;---It,-""'~TD~FJ1{TAKER 8 l1ary B . Meier, iuardillD ~of Ber. lip EMBAL~ ,rER tha B. Meier, minor. dl~ ber drat,,~ iU aoooont. MArlI STREET W"Y NE VI LDE. o. .. Proof of publioatlon of DOti.oe of In room next cloor to Ur osl! Bros. appointment In the estat-e of John Hardware St.Jre. i'rederlok Bonk, deceased, was died ~lephone in houti8 lind offioe by William Fnnz, executor. where I OIUI be OI~led day or night. lIIAllRIA.O£ LI £"BII:8 V"Uey Phone 14-2. Gale E . Eyler,23. street oar oondu(). (;ireene ~ou n ty i known to be . tor, Cinolnn&tl and Veda L.. K~rby, one of tbe ·rlollest cou nties Iu the lit, Lel",no.n i Rev. W . A. COO I)er CharleeJC, Bradbury, 24, bridge wor1~er, . LebanoD. and Jull" A . 8berwo.od, 23. OreKo.nla ; 1t4lv. I:hYlCll of Uermantown. Leonard Mounts, 311.:pbyslui"n, 01 Morrow ed Edith WOodward. 32. Morrow i Dr. E· '1\ ~""'18gert, of Morro.w.

'OW", Hop. 8het11l B.tU!

Saves Hay, Corn and Oats.


HOod tlln:t'L hi

('; ~''''",n ttfl"


'PJIJiJ 1 ~O \.1)



The 1110 t es en tial requi 'ite in the building ,, of an estate is to form the habit of saving a certain percentage of yon r earning. Anyone may earn money but it is the person with shrewd fore ight and business instinct that can save it. To acqu ire the habit accept the opportunity extended by the Citizens Bank, througti the medium of t heir Saving Department where the mallest deposit is accepted and intE'f t'.st at the rate. of 3 per cent is paid and compounded semiannually. F. C. HA1~rSOCK, Cash.








t.n ilIa lind f n noy G r ooerlell,,:F roi t s VogobLlll c~ !l oel

';/.;. 11'8

'L\onml Goods . and 'l'ol)noco.

C. M. BROWN. Proprietor.

Phone 79.


WtlItam M. AlUler CIt III of Olear. oreek tOWJl~b Ip . to Ell H. Rogerll, 17.68 Iloree In Olenroreek township,

'I.Amanda . Lynoll, Dayton, to

Mllry M. Ardle, of 8Jleober Olt,y. Jl1iDoi~, 12 80ree In West WaYDe township,

'I. &Cbrl.,tuplaoktord:\lDc\


(;ireene Oounty Fair. A l11:l1Bt II, 7,

O~arles 8 nud .9. EverybOdy tlbould go, 8b~ta 48 lIo~el! wbetber ~hey haye llttended an:\:, of

Blaokfoi'd to.M.Bry In C1earan.k tQWDship; 11. ElioabMb E .Oa"seddy, of Mnllon to Millie Oll,,~r QqlDby,62 aorea 11;1 Clear~k town!lhlp" '35,67 . NewtoD L, ,.~d' Bow!'rd B. Miller t.l l,i', aDd 'Stioit E . Almer, 46 aONI, 10 c..'.arorl!ek to-,vnllitlP.

tbe lJhllUtaUqUIIB or not. It . wilt be " rest to bOlly · lind mind. and yon will , 8 ,180 h"ve an opportuDlty of mellting old acquaintances . beSides





· Denni" S~r8JIey to. Jobn C. Shot well lol 13 In Morrow *500. O~rollDe 'I:!rnltb or" ,'~lHJ\ohtlJlter to 8aJ.tbiel JnululOu ,.."i Bllluohcl4tt I' 2172. acrell In it~tl'"1, ttlwliMhip,

. · Mary E.. BICJllhtll6r;



t>f M9rrow to, p. t\. Day Itn.i BeUer ,E;-. Dllr of M,Il.

lard, '411.70 nares In ,&Itllll town . ebip, .9800. • Emily P. Mur-ray of ClIl.m ilt"n towOIIblp hll gn\ntetl the Llttl/! )II am'l Llgbt, Hllllt and Powllr ~'u, pany 'be rigbt, or wily 0.11 her ·Innd, ~ aoretI.

._. .

Comm'ssloners' Pro.a ltngs· 'BlLLa ALLOwKD.


II.' 01ll1_b7&80ulO, 'lDdae for jUl ••••••••: .......................... ,.,

A " mJ)" le~ut

Ce nlervllie

7 40 U': 7 27


Manor [.yU~


.U l! I

. i7



"' ) U'l ) ~~ n~'

0 0 11t1 .


t, or; t"1 on

I_cballoll- I",·. ; OU

Gongress Playi~g

Card$. ~

Cards of quallty'In beauty, style ~ndflnlsh. no others compare.with·tI\em~ t Found where'ler society pla~s c~d~. Cold edges:l ~ to.

'il 1.


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~ ~

24 *111 :l1t

17 I ~ i lO 1 g ? 111 11 0 1 II

1i1\.C~II .I·

t I rl'o! 4 4. I 1'1 1 U




KEMP'S No. 10




4 1111

10 .01) l'





U &. q'


A ao

to· 00


N /' , A . ~ , P. M.·

All kinds :llld sizes, . !l'anl """ Ilors(' PUWCT: ' \ b~ lId . t ~nSi\};'. J.ow crossing. ";0 5tal,~'~ toJ dri,'e: in :11'11; " ". ,\\1 IIIIJPlclC With Itlllng )"ck. J?o not have to use

a wrUl\ ch ill upt·r:ttin g tll"'1t · I! ~i(Jn .. l·." ..'ry ":Cti~ w:, ~anlcd. l (: lIin ~ yuu nil auoul Ih e"" Wllh Itr!"HS nnd d, coutll, . .


~end (or catalogue

I(ankakee, Ill.·

-_.-.._...._ - ------THE FAMOUS

Bilhorn ,Taleseopa Organ i. the onlr folding organ _~o-:::!e~m~. worthy 0 co.nsideration, ~u arante('d

to be as repr •

Bell(ed or mo.ney refunded,

is u · 'd by th usancls for multitude purposes and is of ;.• unt?ld v;llue to missionaries, . e ':J.nge hsts, stngers, the home, the •.• . ' . ~rhoot. the children. tcnchch! and wherever portability IS re9ulred. . . Send (or" full dt!:!Crlptlvo catalogue free • . BILHORN BROS., 166 Lake Street~ Chlcaao, III.


T'-'II'h~e¥-Re~bf'lo-el~lio~n~o~f"'-Ja~ck~ie~·" ~~~'~NEAF~!.~:~~~~~R~ IN ENRICH MENT OF NATION.

By Susie Bouchelle Wight


m!)ney sent tram dIstrIcts to tile Ilf'II CIt!08 means tile con'oenl ratlon at '\'f~lth In these cltle6 ami gr ater ,SUIl)lOrt tor the truet builders , T'he,. tfhould also und rsland th llt their (Ilrr.u va lu 8 to a gr at extent d J)en Ilpon the aotlvl ty and Impol'tullc 01 til bOlll town, Sllou ld th rurm r 1'0II{'vo hlmsel r of tile bllrden thl~t Is plllC d Upoll blm by lpe trllsts IInu combln,a tlons, b e an '10 It, by Il sslstlug to th flreatest extent tho !fulld· Ing up eC lu h,\1 OWU town, his coun ty nn!l uLale, 'rh' qu slioll Is worLb')' of th mua t cur ful cOllsl dcratlon ot evel'y resldeat ,) t a rurul dlstt' I 't, T h gr alest \llIlI zatlon ,or 1111 bOUl r sourceil C&D only b& brought nbout by a cooperntl on of lh a 1lcople. Illv ry Inad owne r nud eve ry IIor 80U employed In the Ullin!> nt the soli, ~hollid give greater stud y to ecolloml c qu estions and disco ve r, H posslbl , bow muc h better a ll t~on­ dltlons und er which ho labors ca ll be IUllde by a prac llce of the old·llme bome lIutrona ge rule, D, M , CARR,

(e pyrl"ht. b,' J ael>h B , Dowl ,''',) I Annual Valul' of Farm Product . In " Wha t a porfecUy cxq,ulsll o hlld!" '~ollllli ot n nltlmod Ir.I k and howl the United State. Gre ater Than exolalm ed a IJnasel'-by to bol' am' nOlO tronl Jllm ~' rOQ m, the Output of the World'l jlcmlon after a gla nce at lillie ,Incl; , Ja k'~ mnt hcl' ~ too d a 01 m 'nt In Ja "'s mother fid g ttou with cOlllpla' thougb t, then s'nhl : Mines. "Jaclde, dar, cency, and 1001 ad admirl ngl)' al l h SUllpose you SO back nnd tallt to )'our ,' Ialon at bel' teet-a vlSlou of go ldon lIttio cou III, and t.h Slati stl cs ga tbered by tbe nlted II you c'lII'ls, ' 1'1 h, crea my com plex ion, aud him dr SN , lOo, Ilnd COIllO Cli U h Ip Stllteij CenS1lE1 bureau a.ITord Int reston to the tb e most lemlllin g brlar·ros e che ltsIn& studl e~ to thoso who CUl'o lo delve pl1,'lIlon with him, If rou p I's ulldo iI Kl11 ulI bOy, clad from top to too II! .Jam es to g't Ull nnd CO Ill O rlghl o n, Inlo ,ecollomlc lIubjects , Accordl ug lo SllOtlt'SS wblt e. He was a prott)' boy, mothe r will bu)· you be goverum ent rellorts ISHU d cove r· 1\ bea.uUtu l uew Sh Im('w tb{'re ' wa~ no d nylng that 1.1001(.'1 Ing the year,8 liP to 1905 th e total " fncl. and S 8 \1 did not tarry lo lis k Jllck fuced obcdlen tly about, and amount or c&I)lIal Inv steel lu manu, he roelf Ihe mORning thal Insc ru la, wll n his back was we ll turoed, be !acturhl g In tbe United Stlltcs Is $1.2" ble Jook Ulat was dawolog In the reat made a wry fa co whl 6 ' 6 ,265,673 , Durin, lbe ycnr 1906 browll CYGS, A look now and strang, ' urdled tbe blood at b would bave there was' protlue d a Goop, tor be of manufac tured' It wo uld bave seelUed to her, fat she had overh nrc! his Aunt J e nni e sal', proclucts $14. 02.H7,OS7. 'was a ll a·fllltter with mate rnal "anity, ad mi ringly: Tbe same aulborlt y gives the In· ' DEVELOPING THE COUNTRY. Mrs, Pel'bam slgllcd. "Now, Isn't J ael,le tbe sweetes t formnllo n thal lhe fu r m values ot the "How fort unate you are 'Mottl e," she thin g ! 1 dOll't s e how It ,vIII be pas' United StaleSI I'ench d the enormou s Progreu of Agr icultural Ol.trlct . nnd said, "Jack Is such a perfect gentle· s ible for James to perslst lu ' bls' 8um lit $20,5 14 ,001 , 36, and to t hi s, Cities and Towns Go Hand In Hand, LITTLE ALBER T'S WISH. man, and takes all ~he lovely dressing lIau ghlln ess atte r lie The Vlllage''Gollllps. wlllt!h Is the land vulue, Illust b add· sees him." you ca n tblnk up for him, hut my Silas H a rdncrc- Y s, overy Til day J acl, fe lt very doubtfu l ahout bls ed $13,ll4,49:! ,05G, wht'oh rellresen ts Pn wl1lhcs I", cI>uld be ... bo~' . The building Jl p proce8s of a COdn· .I a III CII-" She s ig hed agalll, and miss ion, for he knew that James IUIO 'J' hu r~tln ~' nl gh\ Is " 1'111111111>'1111 did farUl Iml,rovc mOllts, It Is needl 6S t ry CODllDen !\tu "l F~ \ W'w ) I! Il k,· to, ho Il gi rt : Ja ck's mothe r laugb d, for tho mere 1I0t apDro~e 'ot hlmselt ni ght" Wllh lhe ladj08' se win g sodal or'hls mot.ber. to give tbe v'al ue of mlsc lIaneous ot lhe 80il ces wi th tho cultl\'atl on 1 gU(l8~ Au", n Od would IIkt' II hC'8 l meution at Jl\mes, lho unspeuk ablo, Qut l hc unusuully smart genorally , nrst ~ho plo· Jr Mht" wn~ IIlllrri ed t IU\ ,'uri ; In thi s town. ralm eat with atocks, elc., but It Is sumclen t to say 110 rs, th e B ltI crll on tho land , beglu M Ql$l W "R lth~' rn l k'n, It S('f' ln s ti) "-" •. IIs ually Ilrovol,ed smiles In Oldtoll. , ""hleh he had been ' decl , It)' DI'llnunor- lnde df And ",hnt ad out made thlll durin g tb e y ars 1905 atlll 1906 the building Ar(\ ~ Ihl bt'l"llUHC th e y hU\'N I' t lu o re ; "You n eedn't laugb, Ma tic. r '11.9- 'n!~lJ' wildly reckless , and of homes, and close ly 13 BUI ( '(I be KuUstll'll do they rill up? lbat Ihe UIIIWIl I producti on of t b he longed tor 10 hi' , the wake at tile agricult urists folloW su re you It Is anyi:hlng buL funny to somethi ng to break t-be SlIall Hal'rlncl 'Q- 'arlt l nlgs, ppdl· T tl' mnn who r un8 th crtn U)' 810re. mooolon y ot fnrms or the United Stlltes am ouuted tbe .towns. be t be mother ot a freokled 1I111 0 his perfect prop riety. S'I' CO and Hit, absent mernbul 'B,-Cbl· and ' even telt to $6,500,000,000, It will be' Ilccn tough, thlll ,will not slay clean two equnl lo t" e ftsUculf Town building II an Intoresti nlf T II ~ OUM Ihnt live In foroll;'o Itmde cngo Dally N()\\'s , wblch be hnll t~om lhls tblll while lhe valuo ot A r I 1\ ~l n ' 10 1; t o \' or Itt\ r f' • minutes atter be Is dressed ," . xp eled. It Jam es should gol lhe f0 1'1ll1l and Im))roV (lmcnIS Is v ry ,near- study, it Is Ule hlgh e5 ~ de,'e lol>' " ' lir r" '-' \'t'r)' fIlun'8 f\ klllJ: 'Lnd whrre Jack's HARD LINES. mellt of commnn lsm. As fnr back mother' laugbed N u f!l''''Pf1l ~ mak o lUI, 'Tln go In rl!ar : again , bost of him, Ins he was a1toge l hel' like- ly three llmell' th amollnt Investod In as we CRn reach In BUl nil l it . MnK rtf IIh.. rl y "011, JII.nUlS Is all right, on ly It IS II. Iy ~o do, still ther the hi story ot tbe would be tbe satls ntanutnc t ures, that the producti on of .pIty that' be looked like tlH) Perhanl s faetlon of wearing tumbled world \\' flnd tb e spirit at commun ity r 'V t)u hl Uhf' 10 ~Ol·k MOU U- f nn'lgn gho r : \Vou ltl n' l frt'l If I ( ~Q uld be cloUles In th o furDls allnually Is only about oneI n ~tE! ad of like our tamlly.- tba t ls a.lll of loteresta , ' Vhen oillmblls reach· consequ enoe, ,and ob, sweet bopI', per- bale 01 tho villue of tbe m nmiraclu red Tlw mnn wuo r u n~ Ih,L' cu.n dy tilor • T do belicv!!. tho~b t J enni e dea r, tbllt hops In lhe melee tbe cd Am rica be found tho Indians bud blue Ilbbon products ; but whe D It Is tak en Into Most \\~()U1r1i w l~ h that til .. ), w"'rj ~ ml'n I[ you would pursue a dl!fere nt course wOll ld be looscned and [all from his conslcler atlon tbat lhe tarm sUPll11 s th ei l' villages , Elv n nOlong tbe most Sn t h l'Y cou1d put 01' trou8onc , t oo: WIth bl~ t you could mold , him as hair ! more thlln ijO per cenl. at lbe nr llclea barbn roul races the commun lal spirit Frw f ol k" n r l' C\'(' r 8tUIHHt"d much to your liking as Jacl~ Is to T u c;10 Ihe I hlliSIi I he y tUl\'C t o tto ; Jam es la y sp;awled out In the mid, lhut e nter Inl.o the manutac tur('s . It Is found. In our state ot civilizat ion mine, Now, no matter If he does r& dIe or the bed, with hls elll('8 ol1d towns r present most per· 1'110 mnrrl ," p pI wu nl th ~ fr e An (\ PIl8)' tltn " lit Y hILd II fo r : bel st blouses lind frill s and olber ,up on the pillows, a neat teet prollped sl)ows how Importa nt Is tbe Amer· teet commun lal dev lopme tjt. array of boll, Icnn tllrmer. ( "'luld.\'t ~A rq It I could b thlngB tbat he ougbt to wear ns a mat- day garmen ts lying On, Where lhere al'o people engaged In Tho \linn who run" lbe ciulldl' .tore, a chlar by the Last yoar the wealth produce d by tor of course, yoU ougbt to make blm bed. America n farms was flv times groat: any Indu8stry , It Is necessar y th at .Mnst e \'\' r>'bo.l),·8 80rr), tlt lngK understa nd that your will Is to b bls ther9 be tradesm n "They sent me back," s aid Jl/oCk, "to er tban tbe vallie of gold 'i nv{' Itot L ~ n tlxClt 80m e and silver sary wonlB, Tbese to aupply Deece, er wny: law about bIB dress for a good ' many bE?11I you put on your tradesm en gen· '''II(.'n It'" f.) ,'wnhpr t'\' ~r }' on oth lillie clotb,!s," produce . d In lbe Unitf)d S tales for the years to come yet," rally seek the most conveni e nt loea· Woull like It It It 'oulll b ~f~y. . I "Sboo!" cried James. "I gue~5 PI\' year. It Is e8~'mate d lhot tho gold '''1 10 01\1\8 thllt RpC!ll d '-h olr lt VP14 al tso:. "How can I? I told him only last pa'lI see me through this thing !" pro(\lIced in tbe world shlce tbe dis· tlon In tbe settl e ment alld forlll the ~· f.t lW n )'s longt,,' f r lIh· Kho r e.: week that If bo would ' weul' n,lcle1l8 of tbe town and olty. With 11.1At'not sweet With a 'bounce he landed on the fioor, covery ot Am.erlca I'o m plaln It 1 coull' I", by olumblls up lIle sellling llttl!! brown lin en eaUor s uit ~() tbe a nd snatche d from the up of th Th e ~ mlln \\'lIn r u ns "\ ' ~.. an'ly· IUOr<t. can tigul)us tel" wall II. long· to the present tim e Is allproxl mately Fourth of July cele bration t would discarde d Astrnkb an cap, -S o E, l~t8"r, In 'hlcago Ret'ord-H .. r(\ld. $11.368,000,000, During the same )le·, rltor)', new Industri es are brought Into give hIm a dollar-n ow what do yon exls tenco and graduall y there Is a "COme on, lillie gal·boy! " be called rlod tbe prodlllclloLl 01 th o sllvor of 8Ullpose Jim said to t!Jat ? Wby, ho ''I'll take , care of you, Got Him There! aud we'll gO 'the world was $l2 ,4DO,OOO,OOO. Thus grow th or tbe hamlet to the propol' "Got anyth ing you want sbarp Dell. simply looked up from bls paper and rtgbt on to the Lla'Vllton tlons at a village. The vl\1age soon and bear it the can be se n! tha t about every tour genls?" ' In'qulred tho said, 'Take her up on It; sal}, and g t baud IIlay." years Ame rIcan farm~ bri ng \ve lltth becomee' a s mall city. and Its Impor· with th e razor pos to, aged peddl er )'our dollar, and then lalber w\l1 glve tance Is gllllged e ntirely bY' tho trado "Oh, Jamie, you wouldn' t ever?" lnto tho world gTellter than all the "Yes," replied the sma rt youtb at YOU anotber to go out and roll in a vant~d Jack, 08 he T aelter-Toe tilo lin boys, Now, rac;ed along at gold and allver that bas boen pro· that It can comman d to gtv omploy· mud-pud dle with Utnt suit on," door. "You Clln " ' 11110111 znllll, whnt nrc you ment to the peopl e resld!n g within It:. the des k' nea r til James' heels, lind watched the pink duced since Columb us' sland, limo. The shnrpen OUI' willi It you want to, old Ing bnel, th "Jenni e Perbam ! You don't mean nights hirt flooplng. or (o,r ? ')'0 tb !llIe In' wealtb of th e l ]nlt d Statcs Is now es, Geograll hlcal location Is always an man:" to say tbat Jim Perham s'e t your au· Importa nt (actor In town anef cit)' stanll),. "Oh, you como on, little trill- tlmated al $J111,OOO,OOO,OOO, Amerlco.n building , 'nlll average ':thorlty 'at naugbt In that :way?" " Got to have somethi ng lo work on, breec hes!" was all the answe r be r& farm rs arc addin g to ng rlcultura l Willia m Smith- Please. s ir, I tbla \'i'ealth :it gents," tllo "Oh, be didn't mean to sct It at elved, and then Jock mode old man s'ald ns he look -r! to eing th(! lin , to'wo hns a limited ter ritory lor Its only I'm wCllrlng r a grab for tho rate or be l'ween $6000,00 0,000 and naught -but he Is always ' saying that .James, Ju st ,as the gate SIIPport. From tbls te rl'ltory mllst rOllnd tb Toom, sl:ook bls head Illty· thor'l! boota to·da,. whllo mlno's lIeln ' c lange~ beblnd 7,OOO.000.UOO yearly, Tho totnl we~ l rb logl)'. lie cannot bear to see country poolile Ule m. an ti walked away,-R oyal come Map. t he trade to malntnln Lt. Tbe llI entlcd, He planted trying to" put on city alrs-" Mrs, plump In the bllck ot one small fist 'Jf Gr -at Orltlll:o, and tre land Is pluced large cit! 8 are small lowns "S~owh ,IDe. his cousln's neclt at $60,200,000,1)00. At tbe present Perham stopped suddenl y and ' blt her and then they botb stoppod A Plctorla l Deluge, While the sOlal1 lawn OIny reo and SqUil l" welllUl )II'oducln g callaclty of lhe 1111." A POLITE REFUSA L. lip at II. r~olledlop of tbe eonneetlo~ ed olt, ,James gave "Mov-Iug?" IlIquil' dan I(;hhnr a ~ II Jack, anothe r ot Ame rlcnn farnler" In less than ' ten celve Its support fr\lm tbfl Immedia te In whlcll' he had 'said this, but Jack's those puzzled looks , and rurnlture \'I\n titoppcd In fron t of Ker· then dropped years tbe he produce s would te rritory 9!J rroundln g It lhe mother did not aeom to feel bk so his fl ats_ "J COUldn't lect's hOll , maintain ed y lhe trade gliie~ ~Iit~r.:i--;:=::..,,---==--""':'bear to -,;r; hurt a aSG'I'oga te 'more thuD tte total wealt h she eontlnu ed: "He Is give n lo abet- littl e thln g like you!" "~(!. Illdeed," I' IIl10d Kerl cL "A be said, and ot lIle gTeat klngdmo of Groat Brit· multltul \o of s mall lowna, and by ce r· tlng James In all of his shl.nes, any· then he had to doilge rl'ic ll d wan ts lo bJ!P'ow out collectio n lRlti cQndltions that perhaps ma, .Jack's lIst aln and Ireland., The total wealth of make way, a,nd 1 simply haven't tbe baclt· agnto, "Say '.Iack!" he at souve nir IJOstcRrds."-Jud ge. It a placo wh re monufM turlng said, as a sud· all of Hilly Is e!lthnllt ed at $13,000,900,bone to underta ke the queUIng of the de u lhought struck him, and jobbing may be carried on a.1van· "I dare you 000, Every t \\'O years the Defining Terms. Ame rican two or thein." tageousl y. While th e geograp hical farmers llroduc:e enoug h to buy 'the "f1oll, ,what are convulsi ve InuShs?" "l'bere '~ ,wb oro you and 1 dllfe r!~ position 1& Importa nt to the small klugd,Om of I aly, and every year " I s llppose Ibey ar o the klnu pl'q' sc.ld ber sister, "Now listen to me. Anle rl ea n tal'ms IIroduce wealtb But- town " It Is m~re Importa nt to toe du e d by what the III'CBS age nts call 00 r.lght on and make tbat linen suit lorge city, us the re are Ilumerous con· Delent to llurchas e all of Belgium , S(lOij IllS of mlrth."- Baltimo re Amerl· tor the Fourth, and when tbe lime dl~ lon 9 to be milt, ood sllch tblngs, Cllll. ,Outside or tho 13 original slates us tranSllOrtatlon comes let him choose betweeD weartaclllties and freight In addinG' to Its, possessi ons e.' tpended rates Me highly 1ng It and Btnylng a t. l)ome all day, Importa nt. Auto Trills, $87,039,708, Tb,ls Includes lhe Louis· ''''' a nd you '11'111 ~ee tbat be will come to It may be said that the majority 01 "Tompk ins Is !tavlng an awtul time Isoa pure base, tbe Mexican putohas'e, America terms; tben, when ne bas worn It n cities and wllh towns his new aro Ruto," I!eAla~ka, the Pblllppi nes and all Un'lted there ",III be' nO more trouble. Don't "In wbat way?" Btates possessi ons, covering 2,03'7,613 peudent to a great extent upon tbe s ay a word to Jim obout It, and above agrIcult ural sections of the country "Every lillie ho rellal r8 It be bas a square miles ol~ territory . The cnrn Tho farms supply tbe major portion all, dQ riot tTy to blre James- just corp of the Amorlca n farmers each at the Kitty Malpqe -Su're )'ou'ro a man lot or lIar!.!! letl OVOr that he cau't find be Orm and positive and you will Me 'artlcles of commer ce and man, Il plnc for ,"-Mllwaukec Bentlnel. year IB valued at 104 Umes tbe amount ufocture atther me own heart, Terence. th!J.t you will 'earry your point readily. that was nece,s sary ' tor tbe United SUPPOrt , ond as well tbe trade that ·Teronce -Darlln t! He really would be a slrlkLngly handFlilina Of!. l tbe tOJVns and cIties. ' States to pal' ft)r all Its great pOBlles· KILl)' MalOne -Dut ye won't gel It! ~ ome boy It he were well dressed, and Mrs, Dcarbo rn-·l 8ce tho !lecond· The commun ity ahould take pride elons. The eotl:on oro~ alone for 1906 'class trnIHc of Ibe !!JngUsb roilroad s ""bethe r you will belll!ve me or not. In the progress ot the town 'whlcb It Dlfforen t Now. WI1S se\'en timel! enougb to reimbur se his freckles and ble enaggled teetb alloWB a material failing olf, has been Instrum ental In building up, The PIlr80D -(t tbe must United , be some Btatt~8 can· for Itl expendi tures Thc look a great deal worse to you lhan .-' ~ Mrs, Wabasl\ --Gtaclo lls! Wby don't town Is all lm~rtant to the rosl- lolation lO know tl!at on aCCouDt )'ou mnde your th oy tie 'am In?-Yo nkers of tIIte IlCQUlrement of tbo dent:! tbey do to anyone else,~ Statelm an. - " of rurill districts as It olfordl late husband l\appy_ vast t~rrltorles purchas ed, It Is need· They left the room and Jackie,' aged I educatio nal and social advanta ges YOUDg Wldow len -Qb, to further yes, EXPER Poor make T compariS OPINt1 OnS, m; the Be fen, looked out of tbe windoW' America n tarmClr , II the great ' wealth tbat wnuld otherwl so ,not exlBt. ,In George was In' beaven till be dled.acrOSe tbe etre t at his cousin James many localitie s 'tbere Is au erroneo us Chlongo D!lily News, produce r of tbe union. Upon 'bts work turning a handsllr lng In tbe dust ot Is based nearly ,till tbo manutac turlnlf, Impress ion tbat tbe Interest s of the .a .vacant lot, and then dOWn at bls Color Scheme ., and 1t may be silid nearly aU ,tbe com- '~sldent8 ot towns are dllferen t 'froln -own Immacu lateiles8 . with envy Imd tILe Interest s at the people of tbe Bena-D o you think Billo Points are merce, Tebolllo " In his sou\.' , 19uoua territQry , A little" thought appropr iate ~or tho , menu? Wblle 'the farnler la a great weallli will ahow The Fourth cam,e. It Wall In the "Oh, You bow the Interest s of botb DeUa-O h, yell; they'll go so beau· PTolluce r and Is one of the moet In ' (:Iasaes, tbe 'reslden ts of , .soutb, where tbe .ound of flroworl(s tlfully with a pink tea,-Ba ltlmore the country depe ndent ot America n laborers , he and the -dld not smite the, morning air. Earl" cltlzena of the town, are Atnerlca n. ' h~8 perbaplI jus't reason for complal n't i n tbe morning thl! 'people began to -I double·d are you-to equal; bDw the towD depends upon stomp In your 8S to compen8 ation receiVed tor bill the country for Its IIUpport , aDd the glll>her from all the country 'round, , sundow n!" , Unappr&c:latlve. elfort8. , Wblle the results of bll cOlin for Oldtop '!faa ~ d,o Itself p'roud thll "Art," cried tbe young aspirant , "I trY looks to the town Ill" a mar· In a tWll}kllng the lovely whl~e 8&11 labor has given dol', and was keeping opel! bOUle. or bl\t was trample d In tbe dust, and army of mllllollll employm ent tp an ket place Bnd as a conveni ence In gen· could die for It." of workers , the e ral, 'ThuB we liave plalni¥ Jack's mother, ftWlbed and cbarm- a blue rl1?bon lay bellde "Oon't do It," replied lbe Sage, "A~ lIlu. It. America n 'farmer hall tng In wblte IlI1d laveud ar-tbe first "Jlmlny ! But won't Aunt Mat skla lect to tbe operatio alao been sub- trated bow inuch to tb.e Interest of wf)\lldn't apllreela te your sacrlftce , 80 ns of comblna - ' 'appeari ng h~ anythin g else tban, wid- you ' for that? Dare what's the use?"-M llwauke e Sentinel . you to roll over tloDa that dlrecUy oppoee his ,beat In- all resident s or rurll dIstricts ow's weedB for a long ttme-ca me In the road! ;' the bome town be a progress iVe place ' terests. Theile are tbe great trusts , and P;;;Qf of ' It. ' down the street, leading ber loveiy that all Jts Interest s be pr"9teoted. Tbe 'Words were scarcely out of bll .that , control the, marketi "00 ydu bellove that love Is bIlDd:''' ng of wbat ' ~\tlld by ,tbe band :' He was all In mouth before 'a little white flgure was the farmll llroduce. ' None wUl deny "I klJoW It." ""hlte. except for a tiny 'bow of biue ittcklng and tumb-IIng Try for Fao~orle., ' In the mIddle 'Of but tbat dI8trl\iJutin~ agencle . ' are "'now do you Imow IU" l'lbbon, wblch peeped out froUl under Ule street and Jack was Small manufac tUring ,plants are de"F,'om looldng at tbe ktnd of men the brood'ro lllng brim ' of 'a handlom e ..«itvely a.s ~IIl, legs were think Ing as necesllary, , but '.... hen these agenolell sirable' fllCtorl In the buslnesl l of any • i ' , Mrs. De 8tyle-I , ",pnder . bo1\' 10DI white sailor-t be bow of which (led ,w al rellevJn g the pent·upworking . 'He bf:come oppresal ve and make extol'- tOWD, - There. mu.t be emJ;loym ent some women marrY." , feellnp o. .Llonate chargea ' ,tor the hand'lIDIf of a e bathing bac\( the long frout locke, w.blch were all the "eelis that ba'd Butta to be worn for this sWn' tbe , r4ll81den tl of a city or ~l"1l. gODe by, 'Blnce tbe llrodl!ce of ta,rms, they become InA"iR SCHOOL. mer? . 88\o,l ng ', {or a,llbsequen,t , use. and any. m~anll of Bu'p plylng tbll need His , biB , flret realizat ion of the fact that stitution s that are oppressi ve, But - 1,tr,' De Style-v liu .call wear them lltlle shoes were wblte, too, so he had'" he was not lUI otber boiB of bll tbe America n fariDer to a griult extent 18 commen dable. ' But ,there t. one 111 day It you don't 1:0 Into the 'water. . to 'walk etrcumsp ecUT, to avoid mud 'He had thlrlted for thing tb'lt many citizen, do not take a fight, but tbla appears to be res,,"onslble , for' tile arid dusty spots. Into consider ation, aDd that II, It Iii WaB even better, . and be gave 'a hal bUlldlDg up of· luoh , Affordln " 'Anothe r Chlnce, ' combina tion.. In They paused a moment at tbe gate roll as he BaW a team drlvella bl. prosperi ty, ho has Ignoted , llmpl!! !lettor f~r lhe eltlzell' of a town to st. Gwendo \eD-A . noted aCIentl8t' over for Mrs. 'Pe rham, wbo came dowa the ' "You're II. Blg~t! .. Jamel build' up Indlllltrl e,' already elltab\l.~­ principl es rilcognlzed In business a~d " In Berlin says UghU1lng 18 good 'or walk, d,awlng on her long wblte aUk ooolly, wben J,ack stralgbte remarke d, ed, thap. to strive , to gain new InduI· tbe complex ion, nli,d up. ' wblch 'are Imllortiant to hili).. Presimitts. ' , . ' "Want to dare m ••ome mo~e?" . dent McKinle y In one of his add relies tries. A manufac t\lrlng plant Is ben· Esmera lda-Hav e IOU tried evel')" eflcldl "Why; Jennie; where 10 James?" . :'No, thank you-no t 1(, a placeIn accorda nce wltb any more for ma<!e the statemeD t tbat to tocate tbe ,tblng else, dCl!or?:-Chlcago 'llrl"une . 3Hkl)d Jack's mothe r, It~ lIaYTo)) and Ita' output ' of gooda to·day- but 'w hat' Aunt.. Mat wlll db 'to factory near tbel farm mean. the that bring a revcnu\! to the town. "JI~mes Is In bod," reilll ~d Mrs. Per- you when abe Klndn... to ,G hlldren. Beel you '11'111 be a (roatest eCtlOOm y alJd the highest Some Bma)) , conoernB tbat ",m emham, Ormly. "( havt "lol]ke(1 up' all . [llent'~:," , Dc you think ' chlld·lab or Is Ill! ·PfeY. IIrloos ',?r ranD produce i In otber his otber ciotheB, and laI~ out the lin-I alent as It was'?" warde, tho t!lc~qz:y make!! the home Illoy a dozen, bonds will have a ' payen sult ' and the tan shoeA , and he can ":No, Indeed. Not halt ' aB man, market. b'or years farmers In tbe ag- roll or perhaps '36 fir 140 a doy. The Perman ent Afftlctlon_ value' of Its product s may amount to eUber weDr them or speu.JI the day I. children take mUBlc leslona as for' Ere-Tb at bandsom e girl over there ricultura l '~()ctlons or the United bed," merly." -Judge. " , " Stntes have not '~Ione con:tr)bute,d to- ,,16,ODO or UO,OOO anpual\y , . all demade a fool of me two l-ears ago. pundtmt "That's right-b e firm and posmve . Bhe-l felt lIure' that lIo,m e,t hlng bal>' ward tbo support or tbe Btock ga1D- " b}llillells upon the ~h.rllotor of the The Genuine, Article, , . But What II mOlt conBld: aDd Yilu will eaTry ybur Jlolnt, as I lIened In your past lire that )'OU had biers and tbe manage r. of tbe trustl, eref ,18 the 'payrpll. From .ABklttWby do 'au conside r Smll., hove always told l'o u-but what about never got over. tbe ayer, bu~ have Il~Blste~ In making poulble ' a philosop her? Jim?" tbo b.,lId\ng ap ot mlmmo th a'ggrogll- ' age Imal,l town It.ll elltimate d lbat lIToltt-13ecauae Df bl. ability to "Ob, JII):)! I' ll tell you laW about tlO.1l' .,t capital Irl areat ll1180clal c~n- trllde lo.t, aDd wblob 1008 to Jarle cttDifferen t. 14111 \broulh tbe mall., II more than bear 'o ther ))BOple'. trouble, "'ltb forti. him. Ho had 19 sally oilt Immedia tete1'1l, and tbl. 'ball used Tbe ,JUdge- Anel hl '100 a dar, If "IUsens tude.-C hlca!lo n.U, NeW8. of a COIllDlnly .Uer breakfu t-you kllow be II you bod II)' harm! did nlll' would retaill tIltl 'lOG a GIlY and 'chalnna n ot the' commrtt\ljl on tables. Firat ~oolma ater-l bad a Itrlur" ,t o do Ulelr ,ttadlu ID The VlIiUm -Naw. yer aDner, -He the '" womln call neye, Underat and how tbat '~ home town, It 4....m IBlt nIght. Cicero W&I reoltlu 110 be doesn't lmow a thlDg about tbe lmasbed It .. poaalble for allJDart man'Uke hw take •• eYi4ellt tIi&t It WOuld bie me ra.u.. Clevelan d G:DJIleaaanU1••••OJ _ LaUn to me, AlIt I marked btm GAIl b to set til, ilion CODClu4ei1 .. tile Leader. ad of ., .. . tlndala l .. t114 ala",.u lt. , .... _tIQtOIJ of




I '

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"But dill DOt the Ileopl. tall! of t1I1 WHERE DOCTORS' FAILED . eno Point of VIIYI• make alfAriDI to tbe YIn!, The Royal Roaf. It '''011 the desire of a teacher 10 a and .urel, the briDling of Agag bMl Strullli ng Autllor- Wh)" De PoelT. An Intere.t lng ell•.e frem S,lem, the Dearo lobool to Impress upon the bow pro8perou s you look I W811 JOUI' "al but tbe rlgbtful trophy of a can· Oapltal o"Orego n, mind. of the youths the benellta d"; last book or poe ms a aucceBII? querer." ••clalmil4 anotber 01 the .T~'CT RULES GOVERN 'N THE rived at Tuskegee and other seat" of group, .' De Posey ~No·o. can.'t s& WESTE RN DESER T, , t It _ __ _ F. A. Button, R , F. D. No.4, Solem. learning for the 'amblUoua ne&rO. One "as. I~--'!.l,ut BaulUel dId not ."'11 .." - .,,.-,,,,1,1 Oregon, Bays: "Acute aUacks of kid· 'day, in ,closing a brilliant discours e on deDtly, for In ,re",t anger he slew "Publish ed a popular nOTe.I, per. ney disease and jthls subject, In wblcb Booker STORY BY THE -HICHWAY T . Wash· baps?" .\gag, and would take no ' part In thE 't II Not Con.lde red Polite to Alk rheumat ism laid me .AND Ington WaB set forth as PREACHER fiNo." oftorlngB whlcb Klnl' Baul · had'caus ed Where Any Man'. Clalml or , BYWAY '". np air and on for sbe said to one little boy a criterion , who had oyl· "Ab, tben YOll have mitten a pIa,. to be made to the Lord," Secret Water Holea Are ten years. Aw[ul denUy neard not a word of ber talk: ., Various exclama tlons follow ed tble I have always held that play wrltlnll. Located • pains started from "Now 'Rastus, give tbe na me of the wblle not the hlghost form of art, , -I piece of new8, and the Jpeaker " .. the kldneys and greatest negro?" neverth eless-" Scrlbtur e Au borlty·: -l. Bam.• chap. 00 to allY; ',' Never Bsk a man an)'thitl'g about cours ed down The answer was s\lrprlsl ngl)' forth· "l'bove written no pia),." teU, "10 fact Samuel bath returned to hi" mllie; he won't tell you It you do. tbrough my limbs. comlpg -"Joe Gans!" "You haven't? Where did theBe line hJs abode ,at Ramah In high dudgeon, lt Isn't etiquett e to ask suob Ques· I Bougbt tbe best clotbes come from 1 How itld you pay refuslnl to' 110ld convers e with nnJ' lions on the desert." medical treatme nt Much Money Redecmed. 8ERMO NETTE . 'Tbus spoke J . Heinem an, late or upon the way, and It 18 said by thoae The amount of money whleb tbe for that handsom e turnout 1" but In vain, an.d "I have abandon ed literatur e an4 who bave' reason to ~I\OW that slnoe Belltty, au old timer In' Death valley governm wben ent Is called upon to redeem I began using There Ie peril In dell ring peddling clam s."-N. Y. Weekl),. his return home the prophet bal)' .nd tbe desert. In tbe Doan'a course Kidney of the PHis year reacbes an what God h.. told UI utterly to ()eMed not to mourn day nOT nlgltl "YOII see: wben one miner meetB I was walking wltb two canes and suf. almost fabulous amount. In 1904, for dellroy. Be modeBt about your lIucceS8e•. . over thle matter." another on tbe desert they atop. talk ferlng continua l pillns, beadacb es and Inatance , It totaled '912 ,000,000. ' This . 'au I'. war order. were to de· "Well. we11; to wbat a POliS we ba,,' and pus pleasan tries. One 'VIII ask sleeples s nlgbts. I Improved quickly redempt ion Is e'ther for tbe purposo They are only Dledgea of better at· ~roy utterly the Amalek lt.. come." exclaJm ed one of tbe gl'Ou'P the other bow be's getting along and and after taltlng tJiJree boxes ('lIt bet· of 8ecurlng clean. fresh notes or to talnmen ts. and all they had. but In the pre· up to tbls tlmo had remRlne d s\' be will say 'good' or 'hard luck,' but ter thon I had tor 15 years. rhe ef· get chan'ge of some olher demnomlna,. Iumptlo n and pride of hll will· lent and wbo was known IS a close that's about all, Neither asks fOr de- fecta have. been lasting." tlon. ful heart he mcrdlfled the.. or· trlllnd of the king. "Our king :Je- tails or where tbe other bas his claims Sold by all deal ers. 50 cents a bOI. It Curea While You Walk. d.... to meet the de •.lre of hill). 8palrs because 'or tb relluke of {he located. , It any man' wants' you to 1I'0ster·Mllburn Co.• Burralo, N. Y. Allen's Foot·Eas e b s n cure for .e" and the people with him. ' prophjlt ." know be'll tell yoU wltbout being , hot, sweating, cnlloue, and 8woll. lI. ncbiD' Th vlotorloua king. pf the "a· Collierle a Under tho 8ea. ~'Thou wouldst not BP I1,k li ghtly ot nsked. 11 JlO' be won't tell you It you r..,t. &lId by ..U Drugsi.t. , Pr ite 25c. Don't ' tiona about brought baok tl1elr accept any l ubsLitu \e. Triall!nckllge FREE. At Cope Breton .tbere are Immens e I " do ask. captlve l of war token oUhelr the word of the prophet Saroue. Addreu Allen S. Olmsted, J..e R oy , N . Y. coll erlc8 being worked under "The the va/or. and why Ihould not he? tact Is tliat It a man has a came a reprovin g voice (rom flit oceno , Th Bille ot the group, followed by tbe s e" e rtll great body of low grade ore that be !I. thousande~e sUQlDarlne min es cover It Isn't diffi cult to size the average . They took of tho Ipoll of the ncres, and are being In· approvi ng nods 'and oxcl;tlIIOUon8. must bave II. forc e of men to work and mnn up, but woriJ en are built so quee~ enomy and made votive offer. ,INay," Quickly respond ed tbe otber. ahlp to the smelter s he must record creased stendlly. Tbe wines are en· Iy It la .Impossi ble to get tbeir actual Ingl to their godl; why Ihould. " tILl' IJe It from me KO to do, Hilt should It. Dut It he has a dcll spot with te red at tbe s bore, and tbe operator s measure . _ _ __ _ __ not he? rollow the "eln beneath tbe water tor we ,not Beck to cb ar our Itlng In lIle free gold easily handled It Is not nBC' Why should not he? Behour of ,his trouble? Surely be bfltb essary, and man y times one doesn't In"re tban a mil e. It mlgbt ,be CJ:. I-ITS, St. , itu. Vance and nil N.,,'oua caule God'i order. were plain wrougb t valiantly tor hIs p ople In care to have tbe world know about pected that tbe w.~lght of tbe water DiseascM perma nently cured by D r Klill e'. Orea L Non'e R 'I ~rcr. :<cnd for F~e~ t.! ,OO and explicit, and to dllob.y the utter destrllct ion of the Am"l& It and hnve everybo dy coming to dig \\'ould (orce Its w,ay Into tbe mine, trlol wa. loul mad nell. 'rho bed ot the ocean Is as Ugh t as Ld., lxltLI. a nd Lrenti"'! . Or. H. H . l( llne. all around. It orten kites;' lesds 031 Arcb Stu Philodelp illo. Po. to troubles . "The loul that doeth aught a cement cistern. A sort of fireclay ,!'bere waa lnsfanl r es)1bnse to till! and lIt1gaUon, jumping and all tbat Unea prelump tuoully (or, with an the submari ne roof or the mine. n take!) almost as many tailOrs to suggesti on nnd stens wero at onCE sort or tiling. high hind, I. the mlrgln hll make. man 8 8 It takeS collecto r. to taken to bring an ott rlog to the klnl! "If n. property 18 In the ' mountaI ns and the sedimen t above la beld In Ith the lame reproach eth th~ antI to assure blm ot tb Ir oon ti nued It Is more n ecessnry to r ecord It tor place and packed Clown by tbe water Induce him to pay tor \be Job. Lord; and that IOU I .hall bo pressure untU tIler,e Is not a cTe vl ce loyalty, It lB' eas ier found. A man can · be Mn. WlllJllo ... •• 8oot.blnll ' syrup. cut off from .mong hi. peo· Tbu8 It was -that n rew days later (allOwed In the mounlau ls but never- nor a drop or water from overbeod. ?or clltldreD. tAleLhIDN . l ofto nl lbe iflJru l . r e-duOM fD,. GammaUOl1.anar l pam. cU.I'e' wtad colJu. ~.bottJe.. pI~." a deputati on ot tbe people of ,GlbeM out on tbe desert. I .would like to see David orled, hiving In mind come to Saul wbo received tb em gra. the man who could follow me on tbe perhlp, the .hlpwre ck which clOualy anil see ml'd g reatly re'f res hed desert If I don't wnnt blm to. I'll Siul ha'd made of hll life, "Keep by their kindly words nnd by th alr give him a cbuse that will make blm baok thy .ervlnt allo from preglfls, but !.he sting and smart of Sam. ck of his Job. Of course In .umptuo ul Iini. let them not uel's words stili remaine d. and after such cases a claim Is neve r left un· have dominion over me!' they bad gone he lapsed Inlctt.hls au!. . .arded J[ anyone s hould "tumble UJl' There II a tendenc y to-day, len demean or. on It by accide nt. In such case po&and- a f.tal one, too. of qualify. 8el1slon w111 be nine points of the law. Ing ,God'i Word to the lever of Oue day Saul conftded ~o ono or hlB "Tbls Is 80 not only about mlnel human allndard a, It-II no long. fri ends that be was twubled becau~e but al ao about private secret water er. "thUI salth die L.o rd," and I Samillli came . not to see him. "Wbat ",m tbe nation 'Ullnk If the boles, · You know. some of these give r-----..:,:] muat need. obey, nay, I da,.. not so IJttJe dllobey. It I. a getting away prophei. come no more ·to see me as generRI water tllat once known to the pl,lbUc they would be, of no from the Iplrlt and the lette,. For Infan ts and Chlldren. tormerly 1" asked Snul with troubl ed use to those wbo went to ' big trouble look. . of the I.w and the perform · "Why do you not send nn earn est flndlng tbem, or to anyone e1so very ance lueh. portIon of the DI. entreaty to him that 'he come?" Ques. soon, eo they nevllr t ell. _Let one who vln. Word a. II c;onvenlent and ba! s uch a place hidden Ond one con.l,i. nt WIth the other deUoned his friend." need he " '11l share lIfs wnter. undo II mlndl of ' the life and heart. co:!U~ob~: ~ra;::. ~I:h:~ncno h:o::~:~ n ece ssa ~y, lie will go and bring back Peter, In , the tenth verle tram me In anger th ro. at Ollg nl?" a supply, but the other tellow doesn·t the aecond chapter of hll .ee· ;'Let me go, and 1 will l'ntrent fCir know wllere It comes trom. That'. cnd eplatl. drlw. the picture thce," reallond ed his fri end. ' nrn. tbe flnder'a secret. of the preaump tl'ou, man of eslly. "01 coucse tbere are pllbllc water· the Siul Itrlpe. He .aYI ho · Ing plaoes, espeQlal ly along the stage walkl "after the. fleah 'In the "Go, then, . and mny thy way be rontes. Some wells have been dug b, "Soap Bubble Hanging from a Reed." proBpe red." lull unctelnl lne.., and de· Ind\'vlduals . or c:ompanlea wbo Hell Our me Is but 11 Bonp bubble hoog· .pI.., governm ent" other thin A we k later ~nul w:\s alttln!; alone water. Lots of that of hll own .. If Will. In bl8 dwellin g. 'rhe messe nge r to 'pended In this money bas been eI' Ing from a reed; It Is fo~ ed , expands way. The water prob to , Its fuJI size. clothes Itself with tbe ,"I hive perform ed . the com. tbe proJ\bet bad not yet re t'u rn ect lem Is Indeed II. serIous one on tbe loveliest colors of tboe prism, and even ",andme nt the Lord."- '" for tbe pro() hod re rused to re· desert, escapes at moment s from the law ot . have .Inned." It II hard to ,..c. celve 111m or to aend am' word back "At Borne at ttie camps water I, grll,1tat lon; but ~001l the blacll speck oneHe theae two Itlteme nU of ~o Sail!' Anxious ly day after day Saul hauled by team and sella tor as hlgb Ilppears In It and tbe globe of emerald Saul. In the bllndn ..1 hli had and, waited, In thj! seclu· ns nin e dollars a barrel. People wbo and gold vanls bes I,nto space. leaving willful heart he wIl LJII.01:..J1~...,jH-::.:.:;ii:::-~7~·-: bOl\le. • don't ' know think tbat Ii! a terrible behind It nothlug but II. simple drop hll wrong-dolnjl. He belong. to IImall Dlatler 10 make sucb ado prlce, but It really' lea.ves a very ,mall ot turNd wate r. All tbe poets ha V6 that cia.. who "having lye. over." he muttere d to himself. profit tor the long baul anll the time- lIJlde this conlparl son, It Is so strlk· .... not, .nd havIng eare, hear' "What 18 'that you 90Y. (atller,?" Ing an~ 80 true. To appear. -to sbine, riot." The unrepen tant Iinner IIpoke up bls &pn Jonatba n. who at foat and feed ot teams. OttC!n much to disappe ar; to be blorn. to sulfer and ev.r til JUltify hlm.elf. that moment entered the room. He of the water with lWIiob one starta Is used by the borSl!s." -Los Ang'i!lel to die; I~ It not the wbole 8um of But ai elmuel pruN' "om. hnd Jelt the deJeotlo n of hlB fatber, lite, tor a butterfly , (or a nation, for a Times. hi. accuHtl on, and ul!cove,.. th. !In<1 bad . "O\lE~t by Ue[ y . PlI!!ill,8 ~ star?-B enry Frederl,c .AmJel. .normlt y of hi••In by throwlnl l hla po,I'er to cheel hliii. He did not the bright light of God'. Word HE TOOK A REST. bave a clea~ undersla nd.lng of bIs fa· Ch.ncI Not to 8. Mllaed. ~ u~on It 8.u' hea,• •nd trem. ther's trouble, not bavlng been al One day the olllce boy went to t"" " d I But Cot I It ' " In a Differen Gllgll at the time of the meeting t Way Than editor of tbG. .. "; an fll tlrlngly adm til Boanng Eqle and BaI... : with tb'e prophet snd the tommon HII Neighbo r. ' h.vo .I"ned." It Ie a confelli on "Tbere Is a tramp at the door, and of lIullt which bring. with It no talk throngh out tbe kIngdom did not A! It Is undoubt edly true . that one he says he his bad nothing to eat for ' .In" of repentan ce. It II' thlt reacb hili earll for the reaBon that t he man's conf_l on of 'guilt Which com.. ' meat may-- be another man's six daY8." people feared to talk, freell' wIth b1m "Fetcb. him In," Bald ,the editor. "If from a d_nlng aenM of 10.. of polson. SO \It bll11Pens B0!De'tlmes that "e on accoum, of hili raUier. And. tur· can find out what hUlllan frlendlh lp and mlterla l BeemB like work to one person run the paper 110" be doe! It we can tbermor e; bl8 rather dttl not show any for an~)ther week I" I. regarded glln. It WII not eo much a as recreati 'ln by another . desire to ellJlgbte n hi'm, oud henoe , , "Had a good lect\lre on Alasky, concom with •• ul a. to how he he was mltch puzzled, aUlI 8carcely THE MILK PAIL Is kept free from kile'" bow ' La .IlProao b his father. dldn't we, Eb?" allked one of Mr. .tale,Qess, slimines s a:nd stickine ss lilt Ilood In tho .Ight «1' God I. H.-.wever. he "ad IIn"ered nenr him, Dodd's nelgbbo rs, meeting him the Is washed It wa. how h' alood with with Borax and water In the tlfe '" .... prophlt .amljel. HII cry II with anllious, loving IIOlIcltul;le. and day after the . lecture. "To sit thertl following proportlon8--1 tablespo onfUl M .ple tor two bOUfS, hearing to a quart of water. foeglv. n.... he l1IId board "honor mo now ,I pray 1,121. beI""tr be had ,entered the room an~ him reel oft the Informa tion and see· 66 VlGf ory In Che ml.t ry II " Ing thoBe pIctures ca8t on .the screen •fore · t,!le. e'!!e ... of 'm( +people, Theatric ally speaking , the heroine ', DOW stoo<l at ble fatber'i side waiting Culor 0111. Pillal For ""~r ro... hundred 7car. Chcm1a18 have wall a grand rest tor me. beat out death Bcene Is usually les8 U'I.a 10 II ..~ a "I,y ... 'and.' before I.rael. .and . 'turn ' for bll!' to re~IY. teall'lItlc I,r<althe n ot _ .... t ..t. C.. tor oil. " ag.ln with me, that J may wor. than' ber balr dyelnl~. , "1 snld," respond ed 'blll 'atb( ~, petn. wlt!J cr8nberrYI~g al I be." CoOkId C.Slor 011 In cambla.t lo. "lIll ~"Ip the Lord~'" "It was a good enougb talk," ad· lanUy rising and shaklllg hIs great tbe puroat or par. Sulphur. CalCar.. 010Lit Ul" be watchfu l tlfat _ Doe. Your tnlad .Achef pr, elc., mo.".. a a... eet IItlio pili that (orm os ' tbough he' was 'casting ' from mitted Mr. Dd'dd, In a grudgin g tone, f.U n(lt Into p.:e.urioJptuoua !lln, "'7 on. can talce and "lItt the o"",t w;et s ' box at Krause'. him some Irksome \Jurden and woultt "but it dldn t telt me .ny to .peak or your Druggist. ZOO. anc( let· u. not be blind. ,to .In wllllout 'be ~'U~ have no more Of It. "I anld, It . Is a of. Between bavlng to Bet BtocK·sUlI ~icllty Mig. Co., De, Moin"", la. Tr.,u Af.rAl'of "@la'" a/'ld flf•• but let ill fr.&Ilma11 matter to lDake stich ado over:' without a chance to get In a 'word tor IS do... , 100; 4S d _ . 1sc. ,two I, .. mortal holi our .In, ' fo," he I. .. and crane my neck and tben moved by some strllnge 1m· All Druwata IOU tbem. 'Tls the course makes"a ll; degrade a faltllful and Juat ' to forgive u. For Fre~ Sample, add...... 'Puls~, be told the whole story to , hi. looking at those vIew!, ~ w~ pretty OT h'I~W8 courage III It~ faU.-B1 roD. F. Deol. The VI~'o" ,ollp .," and· clelnee from ~II Co" Wiln. 0. lion', -ending by repeatin g the word a well wqre when I «at h"me. . unrll.i.t ... "But I took the lantern out Into thl> ' wb:lob I).e bftd sJ1O'ken- ~t the l!eglp. i,t"'- -' . ning, o~ly puttlng tl1em In the form 'Woodshed and by the time I'd split :: up a " 'eck's kindling . I felt kind 0' of a ,quelltion: , .' . -'Do YOl1 not think' It a IImoll mlltter, reeted an' calmed down.u- 'Youth's Compan ion. ,.' "'u:\llke 110 mucb ado ~o"er?" '. 'Ii. trol\bled. pained l<ipk crept Ol'er 'the noble ' teaJuft!s ' o( the .handsom e "Man may work from SOD to 81ID • Oru.hlll g H II )'outh, and It wa ,Plain to see that' be: .• Tbey ~ere Jleated Ardor. tiut womap's \vork la neve~ done," Oil,' a .bench In In ON01:to keep .~ne bome neat hesItate d' 1'o Bpeak 'what was 'In hll Cent),'at park the- otber nigbt. ' , and Pr:ettl, the chLidriln well dreued bellrt. ' ,. . ' I' SUJ)Pose: I Margue rite," ' said the and . tldy; women overdo and often -"\Vell, boy, ,s peak" saVagel y orle,l yourig _man. In ' 'low - but Buffer in alienee, 4irlftlng alongfr oni , pall~lon"tQ tbe rilWer, Iud den),. 10.ln~ control 'o~ tones, to the IIweet young bad to , worse, &mOlTIng well tbat. lilmielf, ilS: though some evil spirit liaii s ltle, ': ,t'iPllose I f.6·ld you thing bY bit they oUJrht to havel help t6o"e~mo every Hme I IIplzet\ him, tbe pll.ln8 and i.lilhel which daUy • , ! looked at :YQu 1111' bea~ swlmt; . upJonatha n wal, Ilartillil b the , Bud. ~08e 1 told',yo u youI' eyes make' life a ' burdc,!l. are 'deep 1t Is to t.helle . romeD t1i!lt Lydia den ~outbuttt. ' but ~CCI~erliJg DltDSEll.r. bro"lll wells; Bu'l,ll~a eI tola : you the E. Pl.likham·B · Vegl~t&ble CQmpound. {-U1'UM aPIle&lIngrX to, his ' Bcent or , )'llu ~alT tlltriy Intoxica tes . ma.d~ from native roota aud herb&, Ing i' • " . 11\0; Buii,(l~8e (~dgtDg closer) I told COlnes as .. bleaslnR~' When tbe" 8P~ M ' RON ratber, fi,it " ''!laW matter you you ani /.be Bweetest, deaT.eBt \ tI are depresse d, bl{e head lind bacle IItt,Ie, , Ollollbey,. God? " Bur~y., I[ th!l~ , aches, there' are dl~agglilg-down pain. DeI'VOUsne.s, 'tJleeple uness' au,e1 In aU 'tll~ ·world. _ ~'Mt woUld reluctan ce to go ,B nywhdre , " tbeB<' are .0Dly Sympt,QJDB whlob , aDd "r'~~~:~!;~I~ t;ord will 'forg"IVo.'· ~ ' )'011 f'b'~1;: ., ; . ' unlCK . I h~d~d, are BOOn followed by the worst forms of Female Comp.1alnta. _ReJ)entl l • ReJ)erlt!! " An anaw~r cam.e out o,f the darkneHII e/ mi. papar de- , hl~n"""' 1 now ,falrl)' vnraged IbllD, , =.;:;;';.;;:;.;:;;;;;;:;. .lrinR ~o bIly an,ii.oo 0001: "I would hln~ you lhln, .d .. rtiSeCI In v,olce. "\.'(bdt baye i to hnd a b~ln 'storm," •• coIumlll Ihould Inol.1I Upon haYln, wbal they ask lor. reI..1Ina ~I ...bIII· keepe tbe ,f eminine orrtmllm Ilia ,troDg a'n d' healthy condItio n, Have not I f~ced danger 'r~CI BlIeuce that foUO-wed " •• o~ tile ttoure" or ilIIllalJotIl. InfiamlD atkin. Ulc,.rall~, dlap!8C!4Ilhents, ' and o~le troubles In battlt! cJo\hg. · th'e, com- delnltty cilInmcnuy de.arlbe d as ' capa', . lD l.OrIH DJd I In ....Inl ble 01 b8&Djr cut with a knlle. . ' ili~~~ille1\a~:;~\~"Dd to carry women wely ibfOugh tlleCbU p UUI...... ,...IU .poi! do rpo ... Earl, Pa.. wrltea: - Deal" Mrs. Pblk· tduI a cObsnltf8ll'lld from female trolIble81lnd h. a.nldud l ,,,---- ,,-.-,,-JII. Pblkham ·. le back and I could noto raftaldea. me I fM1 lllI.e a IOU l-uGla etoo


• poll








.The Kind You Have Always BouShl


Bears the



. of





For Over

Thirty YBars


on. 0'







Lydia,IE. -~;nkbain's ~egetable Compound




1D1lte4 01












'·OId Me.. ' llt'at 'I he 'Kids"


' Corwin Grain



Ele~'ator Sold


at State



0' Tax COI1'mlulon 0' Ohio W.. MOlt PrOfitable.


F. F. ReJlerke & ons, ~f Napoleon Extcnllive Arrangcments Plnnn(ld The m.eUDg or till.' 'l'1I ('nIlIlIlIR~lnll A IIrd fl'.lll1 nie IoIt 1. Ills I'().t I Lots of Fun and LotR of I'}rrors Ohio. nre the New Owner. ot hlu, beld n.1 \1111) :t lrl ~ l, "'08 Oil to Accommoda te the uffioa a'nnouu ell II fllllJ'gll of 011 on bolh sld('R mllrk of the moat III~e,'eM Ing s~Rl\l ollK lwtd vuat throngll 011 tllllallo think It 18 a '\1'81101 from t·be {Jnlted tl\tc~ C'0111 Gal1l~=MI' . n , W . ~bt'll hill' so ld hIs '_ _ by tb Commission. Ml' n whu nl'e ruIng to r duC'O th s~a tlllC Tellt,lng Phmt II' St, Lout\! t tue I Durlu !!. the Jj"H1rll, of ,J uly 'el\J It rllin -lovutCir 'l~ Corwin to f, it' , '.t'he Oblo Stlltll Bonr I of Agri "\ Irad ra Sn t h u):,,'lrnl1l11'nl wnlk!l lel'Y "'Ithuut lfn~lmly I'(l/llovl~g It, It 'aroegie 'l'eohuioo! Sohool lit, Pit,r • ~bratlon on of the IDost Interestiu t!; B oe ke uud Bon, frl'l)\ Ntlpoloon , turd hi lIxp oting, tlud r\"l~OUIL \)l ~' 'lll ::slate IIJlII0111' t'U herol'\' the oDllllls· Is u C!U!\tl Or UOJ Quid nlllll.s, burg, fllr F. M :;t(t.lIton. t Ilt,llres WII .11 ~1I'OI\ of hiltlobllll b. Hf' nry 'OU\lty , Ohlcl, ~." WiIllum so t.1mt the lurl,! !If, l'r'lw,l~ lwe i' Il?1l ulld dlsc ll ~s<'ll Ih \l, 1IllllllrtulIt !lub· MCD llol eXj)O\'lll, who IIILV rl'l\l C;1!'d I Dnut I t" I n il. I:lno nf 11\1 'InM m h IIl1 d A. B II r kt) will IIlllntl jlf i,he . bllS! all miliell In . olOUltmtl will h\: ' jll kct or t1l.Xnlloll "l OKI t h 01'U\I ·1I1 y, 1' h on tllls 1l\lOlltiun Iull g~Rt' II /;"r e wl{h Mr\! . ,Albert Bb pherd IIDd I t (InEl 0{ b oys" . ness onll ill now In obtlr' of 1Ilflllrd, tit npit,'1 1 Clt,y t111rh~g tho wC('k III fl\Tl\\f'r~ lind o'lIc1 ~nl'l' rl;1 " r~lln,'(lLlon til exp rhl. Th'Oy who olilUllJr tor 0 Woollllrd II.ltonde(\ the lunertl Frldoy Ilftel'nll 11 n I\imllnr ~lIm(\ Tho ' rwi u' ~levll t(Il' WII'; hullt 'flvtelllhAl' ~ :1, I, :. IImt Ii t'I'wl\ ~ II lind Ch e,. lnld h to fll "I' thc' ('lJmrnlSIlII,lD tlr'o abolitIon ot th e ~(' n I' I' al stnl tax their sillter·in Ilt.w. ?tJr8. I.. oul wa.-; plrlyetl lIud whlla t,1l lin ull uy !Jonrl"' J(lY tlll'oo or four veti':8 h'I]IVY NIllugh l wll n til l< (lill~II,~. "i'guOll'n ls nnd I'lc W ~ fbn l \\' 'N' glVI'u and ~ltl'f' IIUPII.lrl t gOVCl'1l,n,ent llr clal IlIlUl ij Ill'C lthOr b g trrn ll"S, WoolJllrd, ILt· Lee~burg, SunullY Oil bath tlhies WIll! ohunged so III " 1t ~0 "IHI iH quip d with ull tlul lilt. provo d tbut III .r(lyou~ . BUllkIlY " (',urefnl . ttelltlon , n(\ II l'l'~"h lnll""~ ot 811 elute 1\g11cnllllrn l so I 11 Il, ;IS w It 118 po llttoluhs who xplolt a ,popullll' ,111,\11 MrS. WOI1Ullrd had heen III all nt WhUI, the two tl:! lW were IIhno!lt tl~tlllU hlnery Ir . ' Bf" bop iJollg ht B UUlo_UulIllng to beheld ill CO\lt1l1 IndivIduals , were nOiolli! CIl(llle wllo wl lhout rl'gll rll 10 thu IIUUU C Int er!!!!t, two weeks wltb ,ypbold fever'f . ill unte thllt pl",yllti the FOllrlb, th .. I VIII r from Mr , ,JIlS 10 t, full hll Illlrlug t,lIe l,Iont,ln\1l\ll L!!' ni till' oddreHs!ld the , omllll ~~ l lj u . hi los t or 1110 ,i tB or Ill'lvl1eged c1aBB1l1l who Sb~ wu fort,' one yellr!l °d Il~ .I,t WIl cOlt tl,deilt, y expeoted tbul Mr . Bi':lbop unLl Illmily ,vill r e· hio tllt.S F iliI', l\tlll to UCl tlUllII ll every 111\a8 ot l he IIIXllll o!' 'Question wlsb to d P(Nl,t IIUY tIlx lCI,'isllltlou aUd ia 8urvivild hy hllr hUBh Int 0IlnIy til', ' kl"u l>_ "' bo I'r 1'1 flO llstant. prul'- rilll in in WUY . n Olwi, lIa. Ilrobubly n 'dn t~ IIlld ~nt,ertuln . ' t,,1 I ' VA., • '1'0 'u, ., wnl! d\ijoussed aod "II'I rI 111t'1I>I "'111'0 by (lark uln g (loungel. ~. . 'l'he concluslOIl ot rllUooll1 theory Is fouf obthlren, the youn goll n. til'., wonlcl h\Jllt, th e old r fellow!', month lon ger whlle h n !lAt,tleR up a xil o t ~el Oolumhu" olt,i'l.llll!! III' lid vane fl. Th tiu tl ,'mnlnPllt 1\ !.,,.Icl/I. approve d by eXIl rl lice, Still 8 II r d tbree years ,o ld ," bo t thl' ) (.'vo rsa proYf'd trit e , ]n nllilirs Mr, Blshup will JlrOblLbl.v filII kin g; , lJl.b rut~ IIr'r\lllgEltnOllto!'. lurallsll spok : alwnys IIP t)rollohlng ' dlsilluISllllon I)~ I A DeafeUhl\~r Ballil ir e slJit,e of lIo me ' of j.lJ e ,u- \lilt huving Incnto in Kun9u or t,be 80nthlle. t.1 Eve ry llo llle!n t,he Uu.p!MI ()ity wil l ' F. A. D I·t hl ele, "Illst r Ohio Stille the ",hoh" gtm rul tax ~ llhQlIt eVM':' Oran ;;o, Mnn tull ; ,,'. 1. l.lllRrn\lol'luln. Oh~O ~1'8Ited ihe (om1ly of '1' .1. 1.lluy ecl boll for ten or Bfteeu Y AII!''' bu.vo tho worn "Wolcome" uhOyt Editor o'i....ohto FIII'Ill"'", Cleveillud,: C. reaohlng It. New Yorl,< rnlll1)8 almos( Its wbol I' ov ~ nlle fr!llll el'clse ancl , t of th~ waek. Mr . tl\l~ boslno/!, nl 1\ pnt lip ~ 'ootl M B 's 11" vorhlls ; 'olt,I'Ioen I 11 'f'lf'l\>point ~1. Free'mon, ecrlltlll'Y th t' Nutlonal special tClX S, hil t a (I'actlon of 11 mill B ro~ theflrs tll I rs. rown ed Ueafenbllugh WIUI emplClY 011 e y"me nncltho youngi!ter8 wertl l l-\· CO'ndition Unchanged ed cOUlUllttee 0, on e t o look Ilft~' !' Orouge, Tlp lleCU1l0 \l IlY; 'I'. , T.ay· remains, M III'Il' ~ulu hilS got Lbe &I..ate GazeUe from I 90 to 93 lind during fented hy (l scor a of 21 to J;!: t.llo wQlfur of IIUt' r eturumg Bu ok, ,lin, Prostden t Board ot 'l,Illt,~ol ot Oblo revenue IEl \ ' ~ ' d C 'I~1l 1.11 1\ mill, but ca!! eyes, IInu 1\ rO'Ylll well10nl I: Will!!:' Agricultural Exp rIm nl SttiUOI\. Nor- not get II III Wtll', Th oonstltllltonni tlJllt time WIl8 a. membor of Mr. 8 owns Mrs, '1' , .1. Brown A s~oointe \CII\, IYBlle; N(ary E. Lee, hal rmna Ohio IOl<\es fO l' ~,'h'~JI~ llnd oharltJ 8 re o Brown's b0I18I'hol<1 " e nuW Old Men Will try it .Again. t Ot of tho (~oz bte. whoso hip WII Y\lllllt, Pbio's OIlP l tll1 State Orange 1il(hwntloDlll ommllten, mQln b HId" K, IIl1d ilwro ts sIIIull 1\opa \ ith th E! oo,uplot,I t' i,( t he nr· \\restentllc : B. p , Swlnl(le, ex-Stale ot dl8lleuelnf; wit II thea. Probnbly lind m"uugllll II )lrmtlOl; plllDt nt, Injured by II filII IIlmost, three Bellllire . _ - ._ _ ..--..Tho 'Old Me n ' l wer( !II I w 11 fU)lgement, now ,"lnllin g, 'Ollllll Represelltatlvo, ?olin svltl ; n. T. wo shull alw,lY hll\' u lllat lUll, . • 11l')UUItI IIgO, remUIIlS In prnct.lcully Smltl., Past Mdsler ot tbo State This HI 11 11£ wholl ' dill' to Increlhle "'"ny ot tb 'older real.lor~ of the ,.1 tlsed wlt,h tbelr S\lCCI1~!' r .ritln ." .tlie IlnJe oonillt.ion slil ce the oooi. bns will en~ily lice mmodut Grang , D 'Iawn,- ; O. S, Bl'l\druto, of apj)r,IIII'\i IIlllIs 101' ]lubllc oxpell,lI. v become IlUlbiti oul< li e' " " ... th t tbtl ' oro"'tls, U ,in al.lllition t') I,b , forty XenIa; C, P. Dyal', Mllrloll,a; ;Prof.. lutes . II II; (ltlll I II 1.1 ,t '10 ul ~ lru8t or wil) rem~mbe1' Mll'tou B1',lI.d . 1I, ' ~,' II , ' . . c1 t1n t, " G mnetrn ~ ' ' ~tre' .~, \9bo m OYII , <1 tra m Wllynl!sville 1\ ft' e1' h Igger gnme n e x •. If ,. III 11.1' , 'Il Ii> contino!l to 'bor b ed nnd first' .clrl.s h tels ll11d - rn omln" PrIce of Ohto Staie t nlvllrs lty; Jolin the tlltJlll 'Y or eX"1UIIII'\! ~j'I8 cllll , tu s ~ " ber of yellrll ngo o,nd ,w ill re 'l'h e.v ,w 111 h C'\\8e. s the privllto clw \liu ~B will b Dun!iam, Lebllnon ; John SI ppy, Ml\dl, by pror()~ o l c)\ln I ~ , II l'lh IIlId pruetl ai , ' , mee t tll' e regu IlOr W 1\ ,\' b lill f' llffIl T!l II g rent(lel).:1 of pllio, & nuul n aville team nt 0 lkll Ie Pllrk FI'I thrown ' npen t,l) the re l'o p tioJl of 801l; J, J. Smltll, Franklin 'olmty, alld admlnl sh'.11 I)111' : ll ,l ,~"! 'I' he state levy 00· I 11 " Mlloy I'oodertl of the Gaz~tte lit n H , P. Miller. Sunbury. g rot to lellrn of hl~ death Iwhich II a It au~'I " 'l alld hulunelng Inftu, I) tillY Ilfterooon , visitor:!. From time to -timo 10 til se columns ence, a lll'oh'c-lInu K!.I.dulI! 1088 of rov'rbe proooeds wl1l be gi\'ell to di~~lInoo bnve sent inqlllrlQS and '1'he hio 8 tntA Fulr lufurtuoth 1) ollred fit Clilton, 'reXIl-8, In y 1 .. , tlie addresses or excerpts th rerrom Mr Bradstreet 'R lion S, () . Brad m es Ilg ot ymp~\l.lJ~ to the tam Bnrenu Willll ..""l!n b eSlllbllshed on will be urrled tor Ibe beneftt of Ollr ooue In hllrl \Iu\I.' Rrld IlltlrllvUgUUOs cood th,wl; Qtreet !\finds thft Ga'l.ette the follow· cllllrity Th publio III oorillnlly in· i1y. Owing to t,he strain under at only t h grest a grlcul· tn Excise ~ vit oo . , tbeen I lge Stllte Ulll,lt,,1 g ro lllltL, Illll1 will relld .S. lIud 1111 1.1 1' SI1" 'Iul tnxes clI.n "rk.l.n frnm the Clif , which the ' !Jllve laborin' . it . tl tural Interests. bllt urban r esidents I ng ."r , CIl I11"" (, ., .~ n ~ olll.V he eql1i!,pp(l 110 IH\ t ~h'l ' not be u,ljuIIl,1d 1'1 I hI' I1C Ihl of f~ Y' IlS welt will be r!'aU y Intllrcsted 10 enull Itb I' WII )' wll\ll,lu \ Il'glslllllv too muterpris : till Mon IllIp. siblb to anRlVer these I' f ti l' i ' , \' ()U Iluy de te4 In o rDl~ 00 n r the vlevrll lIdvanced. ac tloD. If Ill!'>' yh'ld loa lll uch, profll· Mllt..n Brl\~ltltr .·et., wbodied at b 1\ Put the money Itll)ulrh>s personnlly, bnt all hnve " . t h e cit. or Ful'r, bllt i"~ R llre.eDtntlv s or the InI\\lronee III 1111 . Il I"A:IlI',I. It I hl'y yield too huans ~rly Illltt ·Frldll.Y morDing, I, «II lippeoilltetl tlnd the fnmily gard ro Y II b II t ot tllo stilt nsked tor i& assoclaUons •. Ohl on the R, oads 'lending feLltlll'6 WI e u t reo ory .lLlly 1:1, WIUI boro 10 i,nolnna'.1 0, t"illl t\l l~ IrIPRllJ;! of nn werlng th m, ' d ' II' b ' -tnr~ hearing on the ~ llln e clII Y. und thoy little, tile III,btlu n ds ur not IIlItiS' fied . Th ,y III lllll\P nOl' rno llN I~ wtLh , f J b " llf prjvllte we Ings. \Y ero VISI ,.. . were aCIODUllodnl cd, Folb Ii 18M. ' HI! \'IIlB a80n a 0 D Mr. Jf)nes~ sug-fell'ion as to wny to' -'- . Ollrl ot,tulo m en ls nne\ lodging Itt, expa/lRI(;1l 111111 'I1nt rucllull (lr hl/slue!l8. T~e Il"',\' . rnt fh p general ( " ,3 [' II be Mlltnu Brltdst,reel wbo foo nded end controversy ' d ' MoBlleuger boy • )Jr, ' Hy, IIlJ'ured rot)' rllte 111'loe8. TlitIlN1ED TAX "aTION adjust -rt ' (I utlildM ('very yeur b: an Bl1Idstrl"'t's MerOllnt ile agenoy, 'first , of 'ollllu<, C In 18"\l WIll d.lre t y o u to Illy "~, a41l1lnl. lrllllv /lOt. It enll eJ'i'd lelld pobli!lhed in New York ify d I· thO ~r. Nllth!)D ,Tones s uggests the Hor8e Bp.comes Friglhtened, and pille&! .)' U Dlay ,Fele t" .lId no 11 tbe I' I' IHlil rrom I\P" lal tux s Be wal at one tiro!! n8llOOi"te w following 'plan -to end pre8AnL d Terrible Texan Tries to Tax Type, Inl' rouses II lId I al~lId "'buo It tulia ott, froln nug... y 01111 rI,:o of Iln;v natl1ro will be mil P 'Tympan and T~rnlp., H e is T"rown hIli father in the pubtloation 0 f th e contr.oversy ov~r the new townahit ) Il _ ' I! .. . h t fol' tlifl tler\'loe of th !l) ,e~~e n}:l\r or That the wldl1S tlrt'od agltntlon for p re l' cl~1I 1l1; u/tb,' r IIOY flY 0" S !l\lll In. MeroanlUe Agenoy. The firm t a bl1ilding. Dr, .J ohn Hyatt, t'be veterlnnr y tit" Infonulltoion 811rMII 'rbl~ tax rerorm hilS r1wu lw nlJd nnw brand tlie slnt tr Illlll')'. 'J'he "I w ot thus who ulld ratan ll time .vru IItyled J. M: Bral1atreet.and Bis Idea 18 to tbp t.own8hip s nrg Oil WtlS thr ow n from hl!l bn~g.V "lIdqilor t rs wfll be !lnpplll'd whb of humor 15 pvld II d by tbe follow, th ll 81.1b11.'CI best I tbat 8p,'clal t~ ~ B Sonll. , Bradatreet's Mero;ntil~ \sst\e bon<1s 101120,000.00 to be u~· Rn(\ seV8r~ly injured \list Slltorduy olt.y dil'ectorie:<. lImllS I)' th i' olt~.. In dlspa h. from the col limns ot tbo shOll ld l;Ie 81,1 fixed 811 to auvply t liE) Alenoy, pobU.bed under di eren ed aD the roods a.1II1 str~l'ts in tlJr morning, He i8 1I0'\y r eooverlng sIr et dir tor I f)." etc" 1\1]11 ~hollD FIoIIslon (T x,) Post: bull, oj r I'enu s. perhaps loanl lUI from Ills injurie" Ilnd prospoots nre you de>llr Imy iU fo rlllll tit)J1 Tegllrd , Austill. T lC. -R til' ~ IIllItive Ray of welt 1111 SlIlt , but never 'o,n exce.lIS. nam8fl, a' presentalmilly Bradstreets township. repntation Corw In a.venue woold. come In f or thllt be will be nbl~ to he 'out Ilg"in Ing ba8 IL worId ' -Ida TO .. • ' oll1lullll!l do not, be,lIat 10 Denton will ofter tilt.' rollllwiag for t~e aDd that ~he mUf/;' ln Or ftllotuotl CIil l Deo8aeed oWIUI maraied to' MiB8 a shate of this nnd tha.t . tborongh shortly. -. our~eJf pr til e lIervio!!!! "f l,he proPos.e4 'amendm til hy Mears t&llog sholiid b rul d out by a vn,rylng stato tax levy. minute wh n the 1i~1 (11111 re . newspapers: Mary E Kell18Y 0 f Ce n te r rill e, Ohi.> fnre eoulll ,be put in first 011188, -per mbe Onntor w ' n' s Otl hlo ,,,o_y to Bureall. d tb I t 'J. .. _ " '... - "!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!l!~=!!:!!!~~~~~!",,!!,~. SecUO/Q -. Eneh alld every Indlvtd· ol\lIeij are III II rnn IllIum. but pevoi'" ~ov. 6, 1858, Ble wife Iln maoent oondition. Mr, Jonfftl a eaya Allen R ole Oll. the I ' dV"IIII .. -der far'u !! v ual, company, carl,orntlo., or IISS0C Ia- dl sappearlnll' onlll'oly.-l'be 1dllllle' d8 rt ·wot cbildren, a, C. andF. K , Bra B ree ho bas talked with a. uomOOr o[tax ond whan nen,rlng the entranoe to EXCURSION TO . ·tlon pullUsblng a newHval' r "r rlUlga. apolls Tl'lbllne. ----~ iurvtve him, . plLyers aud who have approved of the f,.rm Ill!! hor e blaClln10 fright: J:lne wlt'- circulation t)r 100 or wore,






# 0





Yr. Bradatreet moved hi8 family ·th.e id8ll. tlued und up the lJoggy , Tbe Dr. from Ohio, 1877, stopping at ()Ufton. 8u9tllined 1/ It DI;n ber of severe bruises Two YMrs later "0 m ,)ved to the . 't 1 ~_ .... ~ 8l1d injnr1clI. The bug~y wu8 bad· 'arm wbare he oo~ . tinued. to live til . ......... , ~ Iy broken but the h o r~ e escaped un'be ttme of hil death. ' . injure!!. '. •

1~:~R:.!~~:;~n:!!~e ~~~~~: ~ Guette the following ,ooncerning ,


COLUMBUS To pringfie

ZIMMfRMAN', s~ EV~:~ N,~~~:~ n~,~;t~; nl~~~e ~~~:\'~;

S $ S





$.~,no :u2n ..5 ml'I,-) l

ld ~ 00 R d T • '1'1, oun rip

Augu~t 1107



excbauges nnd d ndll Cl\(I!I lucluded. T'Ht f"Htlts'Tlolnt"O·f",t""" .. Nil sball Oil or befl,lre' the Ol'8l lIa)r of Septeluber , J!lOi, nnt! (ulOualll' tl1erentt er("'provld II IIIIlY 111' not torced to t .. It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II l i t • , . . SlltlPNul pilbtlolltlon In Ilro III aatltr.e. Some olla who clln _nnd allll tolJ the ' make a report ti) th 'l COIllI,LI'oUer of trut.h 'Without twJstlng It.tor tbQ' pur.

~~~~~ni.,~~~:::~,:~~d:':I\:~I~~)'~·f8~~:r::: :i~t~otl~~~!:rH~:ior~t!/ T~l:~~:~

Sunday the IIcoi<1f1l1t i\ ud Mr. Illvllos bronght Lcayes W'ayne ville at_ 8.50 11 . m. teodent, foreman , cl.>nillosltpr or onlce 'rtle hook wonld bo ' lhO' _\ory of thl' "be' dea'bof a member of t,lio Bome ~ . I,he Or to :1 ll1 hOlllC whore 1118 In. "devil" "f such cOOlJ)a ll~, corporaUon worst tolly n,d crlm In lho'poll,tlCll ot • i I .... . ] d ___ -'--- - - . or aB8001atlon, showIn g rhe amount. ot the world si llce the belllnning of clyjurIes Wf're l l'e88e . III-ation. rt 1\;"']1" 1'0' Jl' sort of aUt. • and a former reshlent ottijls v c. n· Watermelons ~ ' ........................ ,circlIlaUon ot s uch pnpel' lind t h e . ~' \4 , tllk,n from a L'\fa.ette paper: . ~ grol!S 't ee Ipts derived f!'Olll 1111bIl8hlll,.. ernry nU ll COJlnmic n!ght!)rur\', but It • The death of JOlhna Haines occur· Receiving Fresh "Rattle Johns £'amily . a4ver~lng or' a h rwtsl!. III Irldlng lhe 18 btidl y nelJlle.l II I Jell'erson Olty, at reel at five miD,llteit ILfter 9 o,olook ~nake Melone" now, l' _ , _ number of bushels ot 110lntoes, tOlnn· ev ty- OUI r tltl\le (lallltal alld at Wllsh. Thin Rind Cut Fine Holds Reumon toes. Cllhbllgot IQ,R(I OT othf'r vega- Ingtolt. tal•• nlgh,'lLt the ind'aDa State Sol. tablell,turnips. ehe 1I1l11l\ler lit wood , It woulCt lIbow. 1I11101lj; other things, dier8' Bome. Hla del\th wos C?8uSld Pruits The llnnu(~1 reunionl of the mel!, wbetllel' for Iho 1110\'0 91' Clonl ·t(1~h, th~~ we stilt tlllYa tqrms of taxatl911 by nephritis, He W48 bDrQ in War· . , hers of the Johns flllnily was h elel ~ the nllrnbe)' or YR"de or Calico, lIomes· based on tbe amlah.le til ory Ibat I; County ObloonOotober 24,184.8 • Bemes, Bananas, Lemons, at Fllirvlew Pc~rk in J;h,yton Sunday .... tlo or o ther clot h PU~CbflS(> ' til ex· man "ollght to pay a tax on 11111 heud to the Rome with Apl!lee a,nd . T 'he members ofthe family !>r9 u g ht KHbon's Specials wi hil wu~ fl'OUl Miami ,C ounty, De ,.cheese , their dlnners and alf ate together 4 Dozen Walnut Pictu(c president. if !IslIreq oft at once, proy,ltllng It 6holllc1 I1I",aYII oember 27,1908. He lIerve,d I,durl~g taney full Cream Cheese, on tbe ~ronnda In plonio style. 'l'be : Frames cQmplete with gla!!,; edltnr, foreman, cumpo,~ttor 'or offlce be U80~ for ,the p\Irposb of oarnlng .be.olril Wr.1' as a ~mebr of Com, , "Can't be 'Beat" afternoon w,'a devoted t 'l. t111l vllri· lizes 10 by 12 nnd l~ by 14 de.vll" of 1l11c,h corni on)': lhe n..nber t$.:tes, ' It would Show alllO t,hai we I f nt t. ts I th P k of fontl of trilla rl!(\elved 011 patent bllv\! I/rlnchlles ot taxing earnlne. anll dl paDY I, '(hirtleth I Dana nary M ts OU8 eD er..dnmen . III e a.r \ ' at 19c each . . medicine ads Illld the eijttrnn\ ld value property In genl"oll. basol] on the tbl" enUatlo, at Warsaw, 'ltbls Ie ODe .of ea Here ofore t.he reullions b~vll ~ Your choice of 10 different thereot td be l!Worn to hy tIl e editor ory that both I'ho Clll'utlr aM his prop. • ~e regiments with whloh the late PICKLED PORK - l2U c been helll at the bow'e of Ilom~ ..lI. piotures with-each frame, or foreman ot 8110h newsplll'ler- or erty hal'e bOl.'n at somo lim., In ~he Genel'61 u.wWn served dut~D~ the Per Pound, member or the f Imily, Thill time ... Also with each 10e purdtllse mllWl zlno : tbe rimuller (It IlflOiJ at past 'oaptnr~d" and ol1o'Ned to CO:I' prlnter'l Ink recely d on ollvertlslng; tlnue to ex.lst- only (01' the. purpofle (,f _..:1 n:.._ the number or loads Of old llhlle haul· paying taxes. or In the IIl1cle\! fOl'm Sh " a Dumber of 0, l<lr8n, who lI"e at P ii, " ouIder8, D r 1_ ocel,' waf. IlJHI ' t heir elltertain]ll6.nt, :.t, tbe 10 by 12•.. frec. ed by 10CIlI draymon \Jl payment for " t d Ueed.... ' lUll , n famlfla", ulli!:'· \."trlbu e 10 I'U NQrth M.~pobester, South" ~n er 8 . . Salmon. 10 and 15... P.lrk was very pleasant . , - Shoes ' I tbeir sOhscrlptlon, and '1111 otber re(11168a", All for "Olesl1'." ,wheD Ite ~n~ lIfah"walm·, Tb,e. 'ifraDgem~~~. cente, ,Co~ned Beef, ,~~I.. Among tlJOse, in 'lltena!lnce from I' ., 4\ celpts p( wbll:tsoever ·cbarUc.ler of cap l llf,f)j1 DII81blo c.Xpay~~ who, re" the foneral h'a ve ~ot be en m~~ d . Lo~ f .an d S "r . d'tnll:l!t. _ l. .... /. ~ h nlj La dl e~ O"'for s Sllcb pRllereu.or Inllg¥zino for ,tlle . tor " " ~ tui !:' vicinity were': I011arla.' ,,0 ..... , preeedhig cb rel!ort. ': SaId Indl'yadu- slated too long or , ret"s~~ 0 cOD"en~ Mr. Anderaon "d~a tbat the d.l, ' . -, - - - , ---.... aucl f"mlly 1m" J.a~lelii .JobnB aud at Cost ~ '~ ' aI, company, . corp,Ql'ut;1011 !II' RIISocla. to , beco~e p~rpetllal , ?rp",al.'8, , he Ie Ch un k I, ~ film I Iy. qf L yt Ie; I".. r. nn d , _0' hlmsstt. tbatmeahf he 'anlmAd~o :ted" · P aneapp oeaaed lived (,nIy two d oafS!l bo ve .... Mrs. . '. tlo~ at -tbe llme at making sRld report on tbem.8!-ld ThIs e lAve . thom him tn the HOUlIl aod Il&YB"h.e wall 6,' large can8 in syrup IGc ~ &rry 'Johns ,~nd little oblld, of _ Barg:un8 m U~cler.wear and sball baTe Pliid to tllem by 'tbe h·~as· tll hi B dedI h b .... W I ' t... J h d HOSiery urer t.tle atate of Texas. tor tbe bls special attention. en e a' i nepbew of AileD B "nes r,. aD Will '.' grat Jor s er ert JOC ~ ILynesvl Ie i ,'Mrs, .n:llte 0 DS an • , . ' • year' beglJ;mlng on ' saId dale, ,a ' slim \Qrr o( luaUon ,hi !r,llte t wtll ebow In hl! roo'm freqaeDtly bu~uot until ._ _ _ _ .... ,1I0sellh Thomas, of Manor and Mrs. LIggett s Pare.Parls elluol to 5\.!i per ceut ot Silld groSR ra. thut thIs "special a~nt. on" fe.lulted after bla deatb dil1 'h e leluD hit! Ident · ~ Sweet Potatoe8 ~ E .T . Smith , imu soo, of Wllm!pg. . Green , ce\~ts. ftS aho,.,'n by solei r~port. , In sel1lng"80me ' i18 slavee anll ktl\tnc ity, Be bad eigM ohlldr~n , all UVlng. I'd k ' ton . .' .If :. tbe re8t. . " . , .' Large cane, .80 1 pac l,k ' ~ ·35e a ,POUDy, , With thlH antique theilry oC t.&Utlofl 8 111 relD"-lna ....tlre taken to Peru.. ... " , Rat I P D d !I').VORS 'EXEMPTION LAW._ I b b 'l b I A 01 lndlRDII, for burill.l.' , Ii l1a, ' runes, . rle M d M H kl We pay top prices for Egg,s work ng out t r01,l1 ,[ e- MI .... ~u e I -"':_ _ _ ~_--'-" "-, ". ' l,»e,a che8: ',. _,'.. r. an rs... e.n e~ ... and Butter.. . . . ' and ,dowp Into mollern: tlmes" colpmO,l E t , .... Oounty Treasurer Matt B'.' GormloY' ~enslr an~ commqn j\lllUc'e ·reach; Hisey Williamson , Reu~l1on ~ -, - . - - -.,', . '. n er aln. Seo onr 'premiurr,8 they are Is enUr,el,' ln llal'mony: wlth the \egle· ed on~ ploJn prhiclp~. or tJltionaL tax. ,The IAn,nUIll-1l0d, rellD\brJ 'plcnic 'of ~nned Peache8 arl1 ~carce,. ' , Mr. fl 'u d Mr!! , Gao, W. Henkle of ' not cheap, traahy artlcl~s, I~tlon' br · whlch It Is Ilr!lPQ.sell , to ' aUonTat laa~, ".. I', ~ ,;. '" lbe Hi~ev nnd WlI\lilWIlIO.1I r.lIlll1liS" . J»ut w~ have a full fine a t 1 the Wo.ynellvllle lind Ferry p~~e. but pseful articleH that ' are em}lt an¥ ~lIrtller as!lesament~ ::, It 18 tb-.t tll tl\xllUPo.,III a u~~!111"1 will be' h\il,( n.t t.lI a usunl !,IIl()ll' fn ' ~Id price•• pie peaches lOe , e'ntei,tllined at dhine,r SUDdaY, l y r. apprecia~d. · :~neIYIn~..and credlts Int,tlJ~ thBtate .~!~1· ,when Decoef8Slnr~eaen.daryth..t J·' aJ\t~~Jle d rt I 1" ' 2') 25c ,," I ,• . . n as I e_Qn on accoun ,0, e _ ~ l&lI IV JOlIeph HiRey's g rove In ~aat e88e pac. le8 ,." ,- ' . , anti Mrs, .Ed Ketterm'an, Mrs. Joh~ , ' I tlce ' or presellt eondltlOnli. by be Impo8ed on actlYI\:f, !In pro. " ",---,-,,' -, - , • . . Bergdllll. Mrs. Lou ~itboDB , ~I!,d the m01leys and cr~edlt8 ot the duclIon, bURlnell. ,on tr~e, on lsi"· W'a yoe,. t.own!\blp. 1'hllr~d.ty' .Jnly · .' 16tb ,P ari8 Green ,,35e a po~nd, ohildelUl, Mrs. Peter' ~nYlier anC! , ' D!.ent rolla artllarf;;ely riven In trtbuUon, '!In prodfictlYe aarnln.. ; , qb' -'--.,.....•• TAngle foot fly paper 4. (4)' their aon Mr. Samuel Ben.kle, ' . '. , pOSles801'. of s)l1l1.11 means. who tbe ability ,and dlelXlsltlon to do WJllt ' Re . 5 ta " 7 ~ " . ' - ....:. .',' ~ savell .. tCIV huncll'e!'. dollars, ouiht to be cloneJ-:;~n. ~U18 Pqllt- bls. W. , E • M ~re signs . , cen • , -. ,. '. . ~ -., • ' ~ ,' t1!ose, "ho baya large auOla or ' pl.tclj, • " . , , from D. L. « : C. Fllncy. Rio Coft'~ ~X ,cents. Old Lan~ ·Mark ". " - . . . '.' . a~d ,credits m1lke~, ll~cth;e of , . , 1 ' , , ' , ~~ want,your B~tter and. ~ at Cfilrwln. Gone. ~~~-. h1l141n~ any apcou~~, ot tbC)m , W E · Muurn wh,) fillil "6.lwell 118 Egg~ liu~r ttl to :zoe .... •'. , aUae8or. As the la.,., , ., ' , .' ~ & ' ',I 1i'_'"'& '" il:....... '.,,A, familiar , I.~nd tno.rk ' , .wl11 \bo.v~' B r.yan " a t rh u'" at'\:!, I~, pll~ an unjU8t. n ijl~J)erlottt))Eltlll L 01 v.lle D, lJ, U .' ~. " 'l, ,., au uq a. i~e:'hoIle8t inan of'sIJJ~t1 'moans , ~n R 1Ilrolitl ' for sevlll'Il,1 yett,l'tj, JUIS re ' - -'- - - - . .:. alliappeare~ tf~f)m' Corwin with' tb'e ~ •. ' " y " . 'cu,ilq 'tliC) . mattun, Tre~\lror algnM Clnd Nr- L. W, Ollw~lrl who ' Special fQI',&'turday,Aul'. 3 oompletlQD tJr-the ' telu'ing i\wb , of ' Bon. J, Bryan twl~ De~qO!at, ,t~ , B~14; , " ? " ' .. ,,' ,~ 'b as been wltb bll .. Ot}u'plLny fur some GUlt-o-tbe new cereal onlll the old ware boose p-opert';' J'ust 16 , fc..r Pr,ealdent of the .'Fro~.tbe 'ltl\lldPOlnt of the coUoc· , ~ ", • ~ Mf . to, or publiC money" It wOllld . , ... ' , ' ti~e. willllucC8~d ~Il}'. lM:, toy I 'every" p'ackaga. sontb nf the Pennliy!vanill Dep,at. States !:'polte, II.t the IUlIt muob more equItable to exempt aU Compuny'& hl'ndql1arters ~VlU! , '~ 'rbe elev!l~Qr was, fir8t ollM by Ylllley <Jhau,t auqna :rne~d"y to onll moneya and '!lr~dlt8 tban to alisen Jlenulll\ to Leilallon; ' the PennllyfvQ,Dla- rD.U ' toad' a8 a of the ~rell.t-e8t tbrDnll'l,, ' " ' tJlem In the maUDer tbat II no., em' Mr . Moare wbo ,ba.i doue good -warehollse 8nd t'.ter to 111ft W[hether . pno &grile8 with ~ pl078Jl, ~ I notice by the booH ':1li obr wor,k In building up the rOlld will t 't' " Bryan 'or not; bls abi Uy '08 OD8 oIIce that there Is very I\tUe of thll . . OF COlTRtlE eren pa,rt e. B-B ·a • aort or taxable Jlroper~1 that Is eDlBee In private b~ine@8 In Gin ~ ' . ~ The (lom~ny; the w,o rl(l:8 I,eateat orllton 1lIl~()t . .4 til. 10 1Ilited a,re glve~ oinnati, , '" , . groond wbere the' .tood be qll~tI.ned. • bJ poor meu




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Mr. I~,ntl Mrll. ,].obu Finn [I(jIJ- Mlijl! M ig LlJlie edry is II. guest of Dr. und Mrs . .T. W . Ward were M W Edna UPI!, tirri vad In Xenh, Hltrveysburg rel"tives thl' s week . .., d h . ' e88rs. ill 'L'erry and Jameii 's '11 K t k d ill ~ ",un l\y os.s L o Mr . and Mrs . Olin· Mason entert,ained f I d8 f . .'D. &; X. willlBulld'from 'White'I' f rom J~.Otl l VI e, ' en u.c y, l\n W MI'IIS Evely" Mnrtin , of Dflyton , t on Ne Ison, 0f L ordsville, Co.lifol'n la, D ' t r lin ron. I k (~om~rt~ndl<2~liifJ!ltJi!"c(ni! b tue guel:lts of }Irs. FlDn 1:1 purant-s~ Is visiting her nncle, Wm. Frame. MI'. and Mrs. Walter Nelson, of ay on URt wee . Mr. lllld Mrs (.ieorge Upp, for a . Miss Belen Bo:-.lIn and Mhl8 May clnnet. Lebanon 'I Line Here, fortnight hefor(j gOlDg to Cllm !llr.. Leonard , of Cincinnati, Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Joh.n Hart , Brol1l1ey, of Kings Mills, called 'o~ _ _ _ bridge MIlsl:!uchnsett-l!, ",b er e they ~Isltod his many friends htlre Mun. sook and Mr. Mr . U. M. Hongh R.nd friends hllre &tnrday. Tlie traoUon line situation hos will reside ln fu turo. ' • !\!'. son Kenneth Mr. and Mrs Cha.rIes Villars and Hken Ii chaDge; the past, week oon· ",~I8S Bertha I:!pruy, Indiana, is Mrs. Kate J ohns nnd her duugh. 80n Herllid !lnd Miss Be88 ' Gill are oeotl.o g Way nes.v lIIe with both Glllvllrt ' t BIUne r died In nhos· viBiti 11Jl: her reilltives, Mr. and Mrs. ter , Mrs . Berthll. 'rhoml1s,' also Mi s visiting ld~s Gilland Mrs. Myers. Day tun and~Leba.non looks brlght-er }litlll tit Huntl ngton, , Babur. Benj . Mills. Blanohe Cornell spent Mr. JOh.n 'engle, whe now has than ever before. ' d'l.V. A\1gust 3. lind was burled the Mr . and Mrl!. H. E. Booth attend· noon with Mr. tmd Mrs .•rRm el! cbar geo ftheBetllelor~mery,spent 1teader8 of tbe Huette will recall followlII/o: MOUlIn.,', pged 75 years, ed the funeral of their little nepbew Johns a nd family . tla.turdllY and SuIidll.Y bere. thas about two weeks ..,0 Mr. Fer· 7 mouth ". nt Lebanon Thursdl\Y. Mr. und Mrs. Sumuel Baines, of ; 'J'he Misses Belen and Elizabetb . nendlg of the D & X trllotion 1.lqe Mr . raulDar lived in the Middle· Mr . F~ank ~ims. of I:)prlng Valley. Springboro, and sons James and Hozlln viSIted friends and relatives In oompan7 with an .englneer· of 'he run nfligbborhol>d in his early mun wall a visitor at the home of Mrs. W ill enjoyed !:iundlty ",ith Mr . Wal . !:lat,orday 110d tlnnday. road went over She proposell route h ood, but emigrated to the theo Hope 8tilesl;)und8.Y . ter Ke nriok und wife. Mr. Bruoe Steddom hud as .bls from Sbelr Il'ne at WbUe·s corber ne\v oountr.v 10 R~ndolph County Mr . and Mrs. N. MoKinsey were M d "1 ERDA d I h visitor for Sunday Mr. Il'-rl Moore · id d Oh t . . r an u rs . . . n ..n 0 p . ,"'I' , above BelbrooJt ~to WuyDeavllle, 1n dl were h h e h ~ 81noe res e 1111 ",uqua. VIl!1tO f 'S !:lunday. I' < . loclllle t 0 th I' VIII age 8 un d ay t oe n· of Lebanon . . . HaneY,lbilrit 1Io1ld WtJmltigton. llllL k ID ~ occaSSlonuJ v lUi to hiS old MISS Kathryn. Wern tz'. is visiting J. Y a 1;1 b or t II ta.'1 WI' th Mr . aud Mrs.Ed ' • th eIl' pa,r entle. ' SberwOOd will Af&at viewing thl! route, It 18 \In· Ilome, t.he IIllit one being made last her fri end MISS Je Ie Anso n, at M d .. 0 S J b entertain IL few friends at II. dance ' r . an .urs . . . . . I' dentood the eocineer II.dvlsed tht! Miss Eva B:unkey, of Jaoksonvllll), BUmmel' . Xelllu t· lIS week. . , . Wednesd"y mght, 10 honor of MIs8 ellpMll8 of 0r088ing'tbe river here, Illinol8. arrived at the horne of her Out ufn, iruKe fuwily of brothers . Misses Jl1ne IlJld Florllnoe q lark, I Mr . Jesse Thomus plIssod.l:iuoduy Graoe Merritt. IIlttttng over ,he hllla &long the river parents, Mr. and Mr!1. J. A. Fnnkey, and, but two rem uin, Mrs . of Xeula, vi,lted their puents Mr. \Il WI1 Y at the .home of Mr . and Mrs, 'rom Kelly of Wilmin-.nn called and at Oaeaarll Creek would be very Monaay, for bel' vfloatlon period. ' e!! "1 ~ , Lester .Kenrick. ' .. - KerleY, , A mun<1" I:! ml' th an d Mi 9S ,;. u,e beocll. anI1 Mrs . J aro v Ill' k , Sunllay on hl\l grllndmother, M~. heavy. . Fred B. Sherwood and family Oreamer , of Middlerun . Mr . and Mrs. Allen Emeriok cal1· one day last week, while on his way h w... then 4eolded not to at. went to Olncinnat l, Tuesday and ex. Frilnkllo Paoker aQd bis most Springboro. ed on M~: /l~d Mr . King, wbo Jt~e to his annt'a, Mrs . Sylvan Lewill. w.upt for the pratelJ~ at lellst, to go peat to a trip on tbe Ohio river _ _ _ ____ on Mr. oldes farm. Miss 001'11. Kersey 18 ' vllll~lna her ""$her than Waynesvf))e. Whtle from there to Loul8ville. I!XcelJellt fllnilly. who moved from D Wayoe3vil'le to Georo"e Sohool, Penn. Mr . John K~ lin~ east of fown Mr. aod Mrs. B. B. Wheatoo l\nd sister, of near l:.ebanon, thlll week. - of OOUr'lle 8'leryone would like II.n l.'he fllm}ly of C. B. Clements is 10llt a good farm horse th e past two daughters, Carrie a.nd Estellu Verne Armitage bsd the millfor· wtlst to Barveysburg and WII. h'a ving . more than Its share of sylvanlu., will r turn to WaynesvllJe week. WheatoD, of Lena , are enjoying Il tone tp failll.nd break his cullar bone mlnRton, l es weoan't bat. be thank· troobles of lll.te a.lm08t the entire next week to It ttenci the Yearlf Miss lurn Weblll, and MI.88 Mary week's visit with Mr. and Mr8.lW: on SlI.turd~y night: It is honaft ...... ful If '~e rOIl(1 oomes even thi8 far, family ha ve been slolt the past week . J.leetl ng of Fritmd- . aud It is nBed L,iOoney tfl1nsaot d busin ess tn Leb. H . Oa.rmony o.n(l 01 her. rellltives in tha,t he will sp8Adlly roopver from whloh wtll gl ve as dlrec\ odnneotlon "r and J U ' It less to pay they will be cordially tl I I8 1oon I't anon Tnesday . afterno on. I y . his Injury. with Dayton. ," ' . .. .... a.mes ~errlo by their Ill /my f riend. •i d' • __ .. h t th CI I spout Sunday In Xenln. with the welcomed Mrs. . Elizll. Myers. of l llevelrlnd. R. H . St. John and son Leon were MI8S Lola 'l'booll'l! /lnd MI&s lilmhllre. I • I un ers ....... , n. e no n· I tte' IteM P I d 18 WIIS calling on re,Jativll8 and old 10 the Gem City Saturduy. . meHne Jeffery Sllfl1;lt Sunday afterfit d Leb dill b ' Id a r 8 8 S r, rs , r oe an " 0 Da all anon roll. w . U1 her mother. . . Mis Ma.rlanna, Chandler is in friends about to",n. S; verul from our villnge attended noon with the Misses UJadYII and I. from .... banon and oonnoot at Wa.y. DelvllIe wUb the D & X. ma.Jrlng II. MlilIl Jeanette l'nrpln of Dayton, 1fV,Lyne8ville visiting hl)r relatives There .are ~eve, rlll from h.e rs the ice oream Iloei\ll Ilt lierry IlllI' Thelrna Sherwood. g Mr. Jllmell Braokney soeWned theroqh ronte from ClDoinaatl to is spendin~ II. month's vaootlon "t aod ulany friends . Miss Chllndler oamping at . Chaut.auquu-, .amon 'rhursduy evening. The night WilS ykm: the Friends BOII.rdlng Home. Her is en route to Denver1rum Philadel. them are: ~b8S Mllr~lLnn(l, tlorfllco idel~1 In every relilJoot except that It serious injuries one \1ay lut weeJr, brotber and his Wife, M'r . and Mrs. phia Ilnd New Town, where she hRd nnd . nieoll, Rut~ WlttemlLn, Ev~ 'was a" trille too cool for ~uolliln from falling uif tbo roof of M.r. '1 t ' Harry '.turpin; ~pent SUlldoy at the the pleaHure ' of II6elng Mrs, A nna Robinson and Miss Nellie Fitts" 0001l.810n, howllver il fairly JlI.rge Douglass BollngswDrth's barn. As Aeeident EDdi Ufe Ganlle JonllS and family also Fra.nk. 1I}1I0 Jobn 'rlly)or and family and orowd attended, .a nd before they the prll8ent time, be Is Improving. BOUIe. MI88. Eva" DavIs who hilS been at lin Packer and famll~, and Miss the Rcsnagle 8Ister I ~8t_ of town. left rhllY hud spent some thirty· five ~rs. J. K. Sll8noer aDd Mrs. 011· of Boltaref McKay , ...... . tending oollege Ilt Oxfoad thlll sum. (jeorgia Frame, whioh savored. oon. Samuel Witteman s photograph dollars, much to tbe gr"tlficntion of born 8pent l'hnrlKlay with Ledanno iad Death of Senn Year Old Son mer, la h,)me for the bill noe of tbe 8lderab]yof Waynesvllle even while gl\J1ery was toro down and moved those in whose hands the Ulanage· relatives. . West Carrol ton ' lIIonday. Q nlte II. number from bere . ai&aDd· of Mrs. Will S. McKay. MISS Chll.ndler'. to M'lto N , . men t r~ ted . "floatIon per i ()(1 i !'b ~ Wl'11 te ach Ilt 8Q' far away. ODe of the !!add.!s' tlootdents New Burlln~ton the ooming win · headqnarters are at the Friends Ibn ~71~.rt EI wife s ~emll.lOlI . The making of oement blooks has ad Obau~uqna 8uucWy. Amoull &bd hall oooured to Warren COUl)ty ter. Boarding Bome while here, and ~er: rou~ f ' IlEe I trom . ontana. been in progrese during the PlI.8t them 'were John Sherwood, Jack ' in time, &oat p~oe at Leban. ex~UI to remllln until her 8oho~1 hUDId a Y lLo uuneiro. sel~vlceC~b weollre weak, in what we 11.11 know as the 8egll.le and Mlsl! Grace Kibler. aDd Mr. and M. r s. Oharle8 A. Brown d e . t n th. e n VElrBa 1St ur. 00 Iu~ WedD~y, I'tIIInItlng In the uti~ demand her attention in Den,. . old tile shed . The blook machine, u~r. WI" II .... yers and friend. ~ of Boward. tbe leven year old and Mr. Barry St~~es recently l\t· ver; the olty of ner adoption. I ln:~m:t It~ Spprlnl!:~ro ceuI~:r~ of whloh Walter Kenrlok Is tbe A new night operator hu oometo .0. of IIrs: W'1I1 B. McKay. \ teoOed ~ Mle. of Imported Jersey . lSI ar · a .enclo. s ~ow II. ~ owner; ,1'1 Indeod II. nice one and take tbe place of Mr. KiDai for. 'ftte IlUle feU ow was riding With Ibred oattle /It. Rushville, Indiana. Miss HE'igbway Entertains sit up In her olialr f~r a little w~lle worb to perfection. There are flve time. Be Is boardlDg at'Mr. "amae 1l1l1&1l wbo wu laaaUnl aIIbes. Be.v enw seven head of oottle O,lune ' . · Mrs.. Mart~ l!:[nllen .w as 10 of tbe,m working nt it IllId theJ turn .Bobeuok's. TIie 'WagOD wu over turned aDd to tbe 8um of '60,000. Miss Emma BelghwlLY hlld.a.s )ler Day~n tlhopplDg Th nrsday ., ont two hundred and sOlne.lmes . MI'. Emerson StepheJ,lB, our popa • • . . ma ud boy oaught beneath Ml·. and Mrs . Stanley Sellers and guests the past ~eek the Misles . ' M1&R ~bbt\ Joh~sdm, of Urbll.nll, IOOEe per d'l\Y . For one wbo b08 lar telegraph operator, i8 m09tnc ' 1-. • The man , eaoaped w"h severe 4aughterll, Misses 8l1.rllll, C&thrlU~ Emma and AIIQe Jaoo1il!, of Love· IS spending her vaoa ll~n "'Itb ho rne n&ver seen this kind of work done his fllml)y Into the hOOl6 ieoeDlly t¥aah Do,,.1 injuriea. . and Llna, of C.JlulIlbnsl VISiting IlllId, and Mondll.Y evening enter· folks during ber vaGatlOn. it will be iIlterestlng foO take a·l1~)f vacated by Prof. Wilkerson. . '.'B oward waa th~ eldest of Mrs. their r~)Btlve8, tbe ,Keys famUies tainea In ' oompliment to them at. a Mr. Otto Alexandler, ,of Indian~, hourand go and watch tbem . . Qnite Two 88111!Io08 of the 8...da)' ~J's , . , ohlld%en Bnll tbe only nnd Benja.mln Bllwkinli. Mr. Bel. dAlightful six o'olook dioner the visited ~r. and Mrs. Beber Tbr.ook· a number of the Indies trom tew~ Bohool Rally were beld .t the U. B. boJ. B!, btlght. ulllJlly little lnrll Willi with thenl &turdliY and following: Mi88e8 Kathryn and morton, Saturday. have been down to wntch the opera· Church, Sunday afterDoon ad . fello*, ~d $hll hell.~ ' brokJ3n moth , !:lundllY al~.o . Ros"mon~ !Jakin, Mls8es Carolyn Barry Pence and tamily, o,f Min. tlon. . · eveDlng . Muslo nnder tlie 8tlrrlllli Bod Edyt~ Mosher, Misses S1liIIln ne lp'OlMi~, MlMn.nBllobta.~,canedTohn thdelr W leaderllhip of Prof. V. S, Loat. ad· _ ... the alnoere sYUlJllltlly of IL ' Baulo8 n.kin, of' near HaT- Wrl bt 1> H k t7Atb I nunt 188 II.rt a..: ence urs ay m. B. Carmony unloaded a .oar .. uw g , ' onna awe, nA er ne 'I'l" i f hl'ld f'" d Mr . 10lLd of fine four inch tile laat week. dresses by Profs. Loer, Wright, aDa wide olrole,ot friends III IIl'r dllrk , Mrs. hoaroftroabJe. veyebnrg,whohas suffl"redfromn. Alblranderand AnuleU . BrowDnnd 1e nantc 0 w.r.ll,n s. . Rev.lnvJor and II. Sun<l&ySohool severe affiiotion of the eyes for more Mrs .Geo. W. Ba" ie. Will 'l'ulli!!, eut of town, 18 ~mprov-I Field threshing has heen In pro· Quiz fO~~ed the Pr am BIl$b 'I "ilt 'Il' _ I ' than '\ yell.J', bll.S been At Whee,liug. . iug nfter n. severe at ·taok of oho16ra,. gress 'near here for two weeks past. tI I t.en . ... au .DC)'! n. WeBt Virglnll\, for lome days under New Burlington Infuntnm . Wheat iii turning off well in this 88 n Nltlq. jured by RUBty Nail the ollre of aspecla1l8t, and whefllit • Mrs . W~lter WUkt~rson is getting locallty tb,S yeo.r . Although thIs an muo enjoy by t OlIO pretl8ot. II! hoped sbe mllY recelv.e the benefit Rebec~ C!o~d, of Thorntown, J Illong nicely an.i WIlEI able to attend never was nor likely never will be Mount Holly · Mr. J. Mtl~ KeY8 met with a 8e- wlsbed for . Indlanl', 18 Vllutlng her aunt. Re . . Ohautauqua 8R.tnrda,y and !:lunday. what might be termed a wheat sec· riO'Qll aoold81lt fl(onda.y I'ftePioon. beooa Mllle, and other relll~lves. The Arcbdeacon rElunion W08 heJel tlon, yet the yield this year Is ex· Be ' had lone down to lee George Pa8~eJlgor ,rain No.20 wblob pass· TJie W. F. 1.1 8. met at the home at the llome of Mr. and Mrs. John ceptionrUy: heavy for this locality. BoberUlOD wbo Uves beloW' the T"I ' ell Corwin station about Q In the of Mrs . B. F. Corupton on f3atnrday Guger. 'west of Lr,balDon, SlI.turday. Very little litis fallen beluw twenty Misses Kate II.nd E~ma Daug~ters ,pallh MIlIB ' IQi1 fo~nd ~. ~~. evening will stop at thi~ point Aug. H. B. Reeves Rnd family of ' Rich. Se.(o~ .•1 of t.~e family attended from hn , hels per 1I0re lind from that np I'spent the .pll8t ~eek lD Da.yton . to thirty· fiRe lind In extreme olUles/ Mrs. Geo. M.a·rlatt III on the ,lIok . ,rliioOn rep.frltig a bridle near hil .16th IL'n~r 16th to allow passengers, mond Indinna, cl\me Sunda.y for a here . bume. " attending ~e Morrow FBlr, to dill· two weeks visit with friends here. '.l'lu) htt-le son · of Mr. and Mrs. even. more. Oats, however, will lIB~. . , .. IIr. I[ey. 8toPped nhf the bridge embark. ,~nvnesvme people 08n Tbere iYllI be no servloe8at the Clydu Moun€ bas been seriously ill not be so he!l.VY The most of the Mr. ..nd Mrs. Dxlon WartoD .. Mr. RobUtllOn rloked op a heliVY therefore go do~n at nl0e and fe· Friends Churoh next Sonday on the p 1St week. . olit orop i8 out but l.IOt threshed. so' entertainod Sunday Mr. ,Da.kln and ~Dk. ' ODe end of tbe p\ank m~in ~t the ·Fair until five. account of the two da.ys me!lting at .Mrs . , Murra.y and·. Mn Charies it is not kno\vn j)lst how they ",ill "'Ife of neRr Oro8&'i'\' . IW1ID1I'ronDd towa rd 'Mr. Keys aJ;ld M E Ba ' Croilllrll oreek. . Kelsey,&re both muoh improved in tnrn o!f; . Rev .. Patton received Into f~l , uth.plakoamed()wn~'lar"e'l>lke rs. va rg~r Is ma.king" 11be many friendll of Louisa henltll. · .All 'over this "eotion the tobacco cou~eotlon with the churob here on "hlob wu projeoting from It struok protr~oted .vislt with ber stater, CO.zppton Ilre glad to lea.rn that the R ~tine of tbo u. B. ohuroh .is several weeks behind tn oompad . Snnday evening tbe following : Mrll; ~_ lIP d eo......... ' .a....:A his foot. Mra op erBtlon s h e' ·pa8IIed th rough ln e v. , Woo . Daughters, Mr.Mildred and, MI'I!., J. H. a&" ~ep an I . Yrank B,. ormell ID Indlo.napo-. preaohed bl'J last Is ermon be fore son w·ith 0 't h er ssasons II. t "th e, saDle Bolland.' and Millses Simm., '_~'" y ' . -' 1~ _ _ _ an" k was veryauo. Conference Sunday. He is doing tl me. Th 18, no d., Is 'd ne Iargey I Bl .,. W,'• J Sherwood .111; and expeote to 'partl~pllte in .tho 0 0Ium b UII iast W!!8, h C J bel} Sit))' d ' .... a t" e tl me an " d dedication of the, elegant anc opny, 81\ . m , II.n . . . .D_" ... ...e lI08u8 .' ' . Dew buUd. , . ces"" f n I. good work here aUd. 'Is loved by his t 0 the I0.t eness 0 f th e season",hi 0h 8h"i~' br01l"' " p. Key. to In@,ofK', ofPII., in tha~ ..oity,f ",Ero8l\tHu'r'leywasklokedbetween . Vliughn . . , u_. ~" A t12 h th people an<1'it Is to be.' h 0ped h e wi11 It will be noticed is about two weeks Leo.teMII. "'''A Be· ssie ""-rlatt of Dayton Is 4 't d ' ugu8 , 'i'\' en e oocnpan .... 0 ' '-Ahi d th M tob ... "'" ... ~ .. , I I ~W1l w~. a n,ury Will a. en •. . • eyes by. a horse last week, and be returned to them . for l\tlotb~r "" , .n e Il\'\lrage . . any 11.000 . . ....._. ' ', ! . the ele,!en story 8truotnre wlJl .k eep . . . , field8 are .very uneven, in fao' , tbe ,spending the .week with her, parent. _... 'h laid up for 11.. few days yellr. .. • lir . and Mrs. "Geo. Marlatt. , 8e . . ._~g a~Q~g I!-II well. liS o~n oqse to their friendll. count of it . , . M.r. and Mrl1. Hu~!h Kesling en· majoritY Is fouud thu8 . . However .... r · '·nd "ra Ch-rlle ~Yle • • _,0 in the last .e lgllteen or twenty days ... . ~ ..... .. ooQJd be espec __ , Mrs, Ann Fllrquha.r bad 'as her tertalnod Bunby Joseph Boger and . • entertained Sunday ~r, aad M"" guests 'oli I:!qnday,' BOD. and Mrs. fainl\y and ClentOn autt an~ fo'mlly tobacco has .baen growing rapIdlY. Frank Bartsoo)(, Mr. Wm. K~lBline~ .r,. N. OrenJ ' of ~ell.r Wilmington; Mi88 Bazo)l Penoe, o,f near ~bll~; Mr . al!-d Mrs. R. B. St. John f!.~.d of CentervUle. .. ' . Arthnr Oren, of. L8.w ton , Oklaho~a, on, vi. ted Mr. an~ ~rs. Will Early oh1ldreu, Helen and ~on, n.nd 14rs. ' Don't forget th/LtollUlll No 11. gQ. Ilnd 80n LesJle who la a speolalll'u· Sundny.·. . St.' Joll1l's mother; Mrs. Rioh, all Ing to hold soolal in front of 'be ' dent d the deaf mute 80hool at (10. Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Mlltenbarger we)) as Mi8s Ve'dll. Spray, enjoyed ohuroh nerl Sa.~urday evenln,. Let l~mbns. Leiilte was deprived of south,IIf tow~ visited In 'Red ~Ion Sunday on t.he Ohll.nlauqull. grounds. 'U8 I'll go. aDd ahow them how maoh lIight find hearing by bra-In fever Sund~iY. . l!!undll.Y attern.oon at ' a o'cl90'k ioe o1'8l\m, cake aud wa&ermel,on we • wj.len ollly three year8 ' old He Is Ramuel Bo.ughlDlW and .son Cha •. Rev. Maddox wi1i raoot ve thOllO de· oan eat. 1lI\1' now foullteen a~ii 18 far and. Abe Cook transaoted busln8As '8lmng' ,full membersblp into ' the :Mr. aud Mra. M. M. ~. m· 11.& otber ' oblldren of his age, In DILYtou the paIIt ~eek. church aDd adminIster 'the I!Mra· tertained.Sunday iU. ,aDd lin. B..... .eD1DI,OVIBd,1uses the type writer ·r eadll.,. Altho ' Mrs Mabet , Robln8()n was In ·Cin· ment of baptllUJ.. . 'on . Earnbar~ .and •.famll, of n..Of ~ '1DU,7 .Ia"'. lbat ha~e beeD, In tbe al'o.s\ OtHoe of hl8 nat.lve he m~~ his relattv08 C?niy onoe or c~nnatl lal!t week. . •• WlI.yn8jJvlUe, Mr. and lin. Olurol'd ~ .abaoe ·~v.tnl .t, ~Dy 01 olty, .nd ' is apending h18 Vaoa.t101l ~wt08 a Yflar, he .pever fai~ to know Mrs: CII.88le The Julv 'Weathet: ~rnhart and aalh_ of ".... . ibiipa ba4 bean pretl8~Hd by 'he In bectoming aoqaai.-ted ",ith bla them 11.8 loon u he touohes them. Franklin after a RidpvllIe &Jld Mr. 'and 'l in: ..., ., . . . . 1u4p LaDelleY.. &be 1i~lti,.. gr&IIdmothera relatt'V8II t ' D,r . T. Hbi ins'rno~ . y 'hat tn some her da.nghter, 6(11. The.raiDfall dllring July amo~t. Rouah and elangh.r of near Doddl, ', " aatborit7 OD oIavealle COa.... SberWood, ·s. P. Kenclie IUld Paull. linea. Gf work ~ eurpuaea Helen Several around . &'old their ell to 8 :10 Inoh08 whioh Is a (Utle Se~enl · from ' heft> to UIjI . "."eD:l1e n.. .",terworth, ·or: W:a1nertllle, ", Be hu 'I_med to lu.· )'~r.8 orop ~f she put above a,.eralttof 2 :58100h08 for M.lami'VaUey Oh& .aqu TaeeCIa" .•••_.,_.__ or~· Jou$ha1l8l1rn'-t, r,ank A.. Bart. and rea4tly life In spUe week. We are July -lbere baa Dot been extreme· Mr. IUld lira. Laoe 111'. ilIad 01 hie ~' ~u1en bave It 17 bot w••her In Jaly, the Warm Frank DiU. or DIIU XeaIa "tII~,1!I~m."~· ieO"Y4ICl.·~ otreriDl _, <1&,. balD,:'. dep18 on ~e 1l11lcJ, and J, 81• llO=n=_:.~~:==:J A. P. the ~"Ii jJill!61l IlDders t~Uld

that Dr. W . Ogle hge expects soon to move to ~prlngf\eld where h e will prliotloe medlolne. • •• Ma ster Stuart Allen of Ulnolnoati. is milking bis annual VII clition visit to bIB !trll.ndnlotber; Mrs. 1:). C. AlIen Mr How.a rd Tront, of Ada Uni verslty, Is home for tile snmmer VII· cution. Mr. Ilnd Mrs . W. D. Chandler nnd Miss Uho·r lotte Tyeon, of Dllyton sPOJlt Sunday wlth their Waynes· ville reltttives. Josepb Mu.rsbal1 hns found a pook. et book whioh he will deliver to the owner if he will QlllJ cluim l\nd pl'ove property . ' We









m~1! ng~were ~


~~ ~






en .......a._a,. ...


The Miami Gazette.


Departmeotary Commlulonerll. The most 8 nllble and businesslike plan Is that ot ' the Interstato commerce ' oommleslon providing Cor deparlmentary corllmlas loners at placel remote fropl WashJngton. Undel' the old regime; In which the commlslllon· er8 tbems'elv B traveled all over the country to bear complalntll-mallY or them or'comparatl\'CI~' amall conaequen e-the sblllping Interests lIuf. fered Intolerable delaYI. Many monlhl often Interv ned between heorln&s 0 11 the same oomplolnt. Inqulrills were Interrupted by 'lbe multifarious demands on the time at tbe commissIon· ers, and business luttered cOl'l'espond· lngly. Wblle all . the plans for the lIew regime have not b\len completed, :t Is expected, 80ye System ·Maga2.lne, that the departm entary commlsslonerll wlll be assigned to grOUPII of states remote from Washington, "nd that of. 1Iees will be opened In such clUes as Chicago, St. lAul!!, San Fra}lclJico and St, Paul. The de puty commissioners will keep In tou ch with railroad mat· tere anll ,will bave autborlty to con· duct bearIngs on complalnlll and to adjust minor dlIDculUcs. The depu· ties, at CO\lrse, will have no rnte·nxlng power, but will report teatlmon), to tbe commIssion It I It, somewhat as a master In cbancery conducts court bearings. The Interstate r.ommerce commission Is fairly ' burled In com Illalntll tbat have been plllng up to .' months, alld although It has been actively at work, the task atl1! abead at It appeared bopeless.

~el\':1Jr.~O for ' Prn\aent I)I.lI. With a simple but Impressive ce'" mOli7 Pr sldent Dhl", WM orcsenteCI with th e military painting portraylns tbe acllon of his command In the battle of Puebla [lgalnst the French forces In tho W4r of the Invasion. The lIallitlng, wh'~h waS the work of ortlijt Francisco de P . Mendoza, a profossor In th~ national acbool or IIno i.rts nnd of lhe mJlltl1ry ClQ,llege, "I\'OS cltec ut ed at the request of tho gov· 4jrnors of 12 Mexican s~ate8, and 'w'" • presented 1\1 a personal 'gift to the chief magistrate, Tbe painting repr.. sents den. Diu In action In the r;10.rloull battle whloh won fame for U!& Mexican forces, and at the momcmt when the forces under thll dtrect command ot Oen. Dlaz BIlved the d&)'_ -Mexican Herald, .,

Mra. Jobn Mansell , (l14 So. Jerterson 8t., N~w allpo, Po., says: "For yearH I WIIS running down With kidney trou· ble wlt4 0ut know· Ing wbat It was, lind lInolly got so bad I was given up. Tbe urinary pas· sages were paInful, sometimes scanty and ago,ln very profuae. My limbs, feet nnd ankles blonted dren~fully , and sometimes my wbole bod~. My heart palpitated and , had amotherlng spells. A week's treatment with Donn's Kidney Pilla Not to Be 80 Judged, belped me.nnd a few boxes cured me. Mr. Watt Maonen-filee that old At 68 I am lit rang nnd well." Sold by all dealers. ,50 Fents a bOl, man ahead of UB? Tbat'll Oashburn. HO'Il worth • million, and just look at Foater·Mllburn Co., Eutral0, N. Y. bIB Ilmbtella: Mrs. Wlltt Manners-Qh, but )'00 WON ! FURLOUGH FOR JEEMS, mus tn't judge him by tbat, dear; It Artie.. APPell That Touched the may not be hfs OWn, you kIl.o w,-Towlt and Country. Heart of Jefferson Dayla.




",. Happy Ellperlence of a New Ca. tie. Pa" Woma·n.

BROWN &. McKAY, Publillhers.


. Humor lightens ev rytblnK, even grim war, Jefferson Davis, wltb all the weight ot a losIng CllU8e 00 bls Iboulders, could yet spare time to apprectate and respont1 to an artless ap· pe-al. The IlIcldent Is I'elated by Capt. Sutherland . Among the oumBrous papera received by the confederate pres· Ident, the following turned up one day: . "Dear Mr. Pre!lldo'lt-1 want you to let Jeems C. of Co. ontb, ' 6th South Carolina Regiment" come home and get married. . Jeems Iii wlllin', but Jeoma Capt'ln he ain't wlllin'. Now wben we all are w1111 II' 'eept Jeoms Capt'ln, I think you mIght let up and let Jeems come" . )'11 make blm go Itrntght bnclt when h '8 done go~ married nnd fight hnrd as ever. "Yonr alfectlona~e friend," and 10 forth, . Mra. Dav1l, telling the stol")', addl that I\Jr. Davis wroto his directions In regard to the malter on the back of the letter. Tbey were: " Let Jeem. I:o:'-Youth'. Compall' Ion. WOULD GATHER THEM ALL IN. ...

Improved Farms Within 60 M ile! o( i't. 1'1\111. Cheap lind !Ie.irable Co.

hOllleM. lJO'iI, protlc (lIr invet<t.ment. \Vrite Danvllle, 1lI.-Splns ters and bach· shot was turned loose upon the ene· Danvllle 'l will say thol. there art! some U~. J,; \' ~n8 R al Eeto.te 0., ~. Pllul, Mino. of Ul! who will Burr nde r gl'lIcctullr elor mnlds at this, " Uncle Joe" Can· my's camp: an(1 gladl Y It w have tll l'lll ht OIlPor"We lHlve I' ad the re pl~' of tho Dan· non's home town, lIave joined hando A broad.mlnded inan nover laBel vlll hoch e lor~ to ou:r 01)1) nl to the tunlty. This would be a beller Illnn In a common caus , any sleep because another mon'l opln· They want th e town bnoheloro taxed, city colin '1.1 , In \Vhlc:h lh 'y mak e a than to try to bulldoz \IS by lIn\'lng Ion s tall to wltb \lIs ow •. Furthermore, they wnnt the tax grad· counte r l)rOposltlon I,D tax us $60 fOl' lin ordinanCe llass d la~lng li S. 1'llu( would only make 118 mol' stubborn ." older every Umo we turn :hem. JI.!U'lll, - \ V .uoted according to age. 'I'll And 80 It Is stili " \\ oiling at t h 01011, til bigger the tax, de mand are willing to agree to thi s provided burcb" In more "'II),S than oue 'In the unwedded women of Danville. they will agree thn,t. t he following And, what's more, this Is no Idle proposition Is a correlCL pORI lion for us Danville, Ill. dr nm;· th y bay drafted lh Ir de- to take: A NERVOUS SUFFERER CURED IRISH HOPEFULNESS. In black and white, and It Is " Objectll" That Are Barred. BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. the common council of the . " ' We do not !)rOllOS!! to till'll down Sure. Thlngl Are Never 10 Bad but In- th e torm of a propose.d ordl· any of th m becalls they ' are IIgly of The MedicIne Th.~ M."es Rich. Rell They Might Be Wor.e, Blood and Pel'fO'lIIe Wonde,e . . . nance fn ce, but when one oC th m coml18 Tonlo for the Norvoa. 'LItera lly, It Is a cnso of pl'elt:{ much around to seo us, fa s tened to the end Why are nenana poople iJinriabl1 the Wll010 \Imnorrt'e d temale pOllula. of a big c1gnr. having not th slightest The I rlebmnn sces 'ev rythlng p.!e People? tlon at tile town wailing nt th e semlJlonce to 1\ mlln, nnd who has the Urrough rose colored g lnsses, Suy!' 8 writer In the a !lldon. He IS' sIlJlport· The aDllwer t~ that qneatlon eJtlllalnt church! Rppearance or, not biling lillie to sup' The' Trlumph of' 8weetl. wby a. remedy ~t acta · ou t.he blood In Danville t hey hnv n dollcate lin e port hlmselt, much IIass a wife-then, ed, too, by a sImple, sturdy fnllh, a nervODJ tronbl\l8. Old noUonl must give way before drawn between 81)lnsters and lJache lor alit be gocs,' . s illrlt Of resignation and Ull"lorldll· It eJtplains "hy Dr. WIllJains' P1n11 modern. Ideas, If the contentIon of cer· maids. A s plnstcr. according to Dan· "One would thin k 'oy the comments lIess worthy of the saints of old. Pilla for Pale People are also for nervou. The dread blight had tal en n th e tain physlclans Is BOund. For gener'll' ville d Hnillon, Is one who 18 a malcl n In re lntlon to tbls lIIat ter that th re Is people. tJons parents and o t.qer guardlanll ot becnnse she can't h II) It. A bachelor such a thing RS a matrimonial trOEl, fields In moot of the <lIstrIc where we It it because of the 'lntimate matJoD have warned the little ones riu.lld Is a malden because she wan ts ancl all that any girl wanting a hus. wore vlslUng In lr I(IDd, and the po. betw\l!lIl the'red 901')Jtlftclea In the blood to be. band must do'it to shake lhe tree Ilnd tato vines bung limp and brown. 'No B,alnst ~e evils of too great and freand the bealth of tho nenet. The In b I word at complaint was slloken, and Bnt be that as It may, nil dlstlnc· d quent jndulgence In IIweets. Yet here wbon t.he Ilkellhood of. famine was nervollS 'Ystem receiv\l8 Its no11riahmenc tlons hllve been cast to 1.he winds. own co es a e pmeet. "Laying ns lae tne r.bought of sllch. a mentioned tbe ans,.el· came: wmes a London doctor who 8ays that Those that can't and those that won't tb.rongh the blood. Let ""e blood be. rldlculbll8 proposition we deslr t o "Dangcr, ma' am ? Yes. lb r Is, In. Mlnllter'. Metl)odl Likely to Attract come thin, weak and oo10rl0ll8 and tlle candy Is a good thIng, and everybody aUke demand Ihat lJachelors be taxed, present the facts. We wish to say Large CDngregatlon, nerves ars starved-the victim is atartq,d IIhould eat not leu thsn quar~er of and th e longer tbe e llgil!,e one redecd, but God js good. He'll Hnd Ii that we feel rebellious agnlnst way." on the road that leadtto nervoDl wreel_ a poun!! evel'7 day, wlilJe larger. ClUan· mains a bach lor the bigger his tax (rankly A resIdent of Hudson, WII .. waa d&. tile fa.te that torces liS In~o the com· NI)n'01l!l people are pale JlI')Ojll&-bllt tlle Utles 'Wo\lld 110 no harm. And the mounts III), year after year. plorlng the resign aU on of Senator lIIel'olal wor ld, whero~ we must go of So, too, ahout . the hay. The sum· Jl8l10r oomc~ lIrst. EnriCh -the ,bibod . and tb e nones are 1ltim1lil\ted aud to. ell Ther Is no anonymity about tbe necessIty In order tbat we may earn mer had been terribly wet, uilil for Spooner. dootor mU811 his argument favorahle "Tbe seoate can't nttord to Idle .. up to do their .PIU't of th,e work of tbll utilitarian purpose. BEl assortl lllJng, eltber,. Old maids and buddIng a living. Not a day passes that we dars the new mown hay had lain on that nothIng Is more IItrengthenlng debutantes hnve signed their names do not teel Lbnt nameless looglng- lhe ground. Jt WIIS nn nnxlous Ume, mind like that," he said. "I know the )lady. D.r. Williams' PiD.k Pilla mat. "Wbat will you do," I said to ~nke, man well. Ho practiced law In this red blood and tnws!onn 'nervoll8, irrita yenrnl ng for prole-etlan, fo.r shelter, than supr, and , adds: "It Ls possible In blankj and white to 'the petlUon. able, ailing l109ple into strong. 8IIel'ptio, 8tl,.. Up · Clt'y Officera. for a good \;Iusband'fl tender care and "If thJs weather keeps up? Your hay towo for 15 ),ears or tllereabout•. to work for hoars aUer eating tou.r forceful men aud women. won every caae ho set hil band to. soliCitude, wlll surely be ruined." Of course, the petition upset the Mrs. Harriet E. Porter, of 2() L\bertJ ouucel at chocOlate without feeling "It WIUI no lurprl8e to ua Rudaontt" .venue, South Medford, Yass., says: city o/llcers, A meeting was hurried· "How we hate tbe nOise, bustle nnd "Oh, 11lease God; It won't keep us," the Bllgbtest tatlsue. If x' ha!1 my way ly called by Mayor John H. Lewtnlln, worry of the commercial lIfe! How he answered. "He'll send us a bright to 1Ind that John 0, Spooner was the "I had Dever been well from child. I!\tery soldier In the Brltlah army City Clerk John Torraoce, Fire ChIef we bale the comDetltlon, the clamor, da), soon, just to see how well we'll ftneat legal mind In 'the sonate. When hood aud a lew 181U'1 .ago I betran ta uhould be allowed a quarter of a G. W. Bridges and Coullcllmen Clar· the drudgery, Incumjbent upon us who. use It." . be' had a case on, we u8ed to co In haTe dizzy spelll. At Inoh tim\l8 r tonld . not walk etraight. I was afraid o( pound of aweet8 every day:' Aa to the .ence T. BrIttingham, John H . Har· must go' tbrougb life alone, baUUng "What a glorious night, Mfkey!" 1 drovel to hear hIm plead . . '" remember to this day a ltol')' JlIIl1'ly&i!J and WM on the.erre ot danger of toothache, the doctor aaya rison, . Josepb Mles, Samuel , StraulIS, e,!,ery day agnlnst u ' cold and heart- sald to the, boy, as he and 1 and the nervona pro&tration, Then ne~ aU jle , c~n recomme!ld Is that , people Michael 8. Plant. Dr. C, ii: - Evan , ess wor . n'l ule'ltort to earn-ouf donkey drove home under the August that he once told In cOurt In a case IIElt in and a1rE!cted tlte Bide or IIl7 faCe. "bere he '-Wu Ihowln« bow. with a clean therr teeth .oftener. Whatever Clarence Baun} and lIeveral other dally bread! moon. . Th. PaInt in my roreh~ were acrn· lood motive, oDe mlcht eUll do a lot elating and my heart pained me eo tha. may be tbe general view of the doc· prominent cltlzenll attended. Speaker· ,lEvery liner Instulct In us crIes out "A fine nIght , Indeed, ma'am. of harm. . my doctor feared Denralgia-ef the'1i~ of the Thanks be·to Ood tor giving It to us!" t.ol"l teaohJngl remarks Troy Times, Oannon was Invited : but blo Wasb· agatntt the coarse, rude . "He aald that two . .ed Bcotcb mIn- I tried teVeral di1rerent kiIlda or Qea~ business world. ,,vomen, and only They showed us; on the road to litare sat talklnc one day over their ment bnt they did me no good. there, Ie DO doubt thecandymakert will Ington 'd utles kept 111m away. The mnUer was carefuily gone over. women. possess .W 8,rm hearts whIch town, a gentlem~n'B place where, In 0 live hJm a Tote , of thanks. .. One clay JIlf eon brought me lIOPIe·ot The pros and cons were pnt forward, have 'dopths and heights of feeling stretch of wbat not long since had church 'Warden pI pea. Dr. Williams' PInk PUli and I (ound "'Laat Bawbath,' laid tbe younger Marrllttl men and bachelorl and one that a man can never hope to under· evidently ' been thIckly wooded land, of the two old mell, 'only three folk that they Itrengthened my ~et. J 8moothlng the W~rker'. W.y. dIvorced man gave tbelr opln1pnll. took teveral boltee and filii b\ltter ill staud and which mnoy of our gender Btood Btump after stump ot ginnt ~ my kirk! and, Iince It WIUI an The up-to-date employer. haa eame "Remember, J;llntlemen," couooeled ore t oo senslUve to admit." trees. Four or nYe years ago, wben awtu' cauld, Inawy, ltormy mOl'llln', I eTflD'way. There:were DO'lllOM diu, .u&Ilks.• the nenraJlla left lIIe awll baTt to reall&>e tha~ It I. quite al Important, the mayor, "It ' ll a very serious Illllt· ThUll dId the spln.s ter Boule of Dan- the winter wall eltcepUonally long iul8t took them over to tb,e manlle, ' from a .buln.ea~ 1I0lnt of view, to have ter and a very delicate one. wblch de· ville's maidenhood lay themselves cold. the peasants sulfered tram 8Cal' read a chapter, gled them .... pray.,r, been. wau woman ever lince, .. nt. WWiamI' Pink Pm. are iJrtalnabl, a wel)-presoned workma~ as a well· manda our most patient a'ttentlon. I bare to all tbe world. . city at peat. 'l1hey begged this land· aud then, to ward off ' the rheumatism, in amem1a, rhenmat.iw, after-e1recta 0. oiled machine, and he' carrlell an tli· dread to think what might happen Results ' have already followed. ed proprietor to sell tbem wood. of· a .cutd Itlrt glasa of the heist wbllk}'.' the grip and feyen and in aick heed., ach\l8, nerv01lll1881, ne~a, and eTeo< aurance fund for hIs people, just, al should we talle a wrong stand I,n tbe Bachelors who golfed wl,th otber fljrlllg not orlly to pay hIs pl'lce, but ~o "The otluir minister smiled. pa1tlalJ'llU'alYBia and looomotor atuta. bachelora lust y'ear are gplfing . ,fell the trees .and I;arry Utem ott. ~e be, maintains a fund ' tor hrealcaM and, premIses," " 'Aweel,' he laid, 'ye wlI\ hae a lIJ1e Our booklet '.' NerVOllS D,laorden, ~ In . mixed foursomes this season' . refused. . . ~ommltt •• Chq.en, congr~gatlon, my ' tirltlier; the ·next· Method of Home Treatmen~" will .,.. repalri .on hla. englnell. Thls"liisurance aacbelors who went to dinners and AgaIn and again they begged. for ltorlll)' day.''' Finally ~he whole proposltlon. was IIElnt free on reqneat to AIl1QD1 interested. fund 'for tbe bodies and minds of ·em'Write for it today" . ploye8 I, now omclltlly known as wel- left to a committee, at whleh all wore dsnces and teao ' ourlng the winter the sutterlng grew Intense, hut be The BUllne.. Inttlnct, montbs wltb no furtber Idea lbnt would not let his 10l\d lie marred. One Dr,.' WilUama' Pink Pilla are BOld by> fare ,,",ork, says Gircle Magazine. It to be bachelora and a mojo!;lty law· theIr fair frIends tbtlught o( anything night th ~re came a 'WInd 80 frightful A party of tourlllts were visIting ).be all cl.runilta, or will be BIlDt. ~d~ meant', 1Ir8t and foremostr a provIsion yers, ThIs commlttce of experts was more serlou9 than the latest mode In that It seemed for a time as If the ancIent landmark I of England, ac;;.!JYrd. on recer~ of price, 60 cents ]ler bolt. tIis, carefully choeen from among the mos.t bo:rea for P.IiO, by the Dr. Williami. for the physical comfort of the lIlan llOpular baohelora at the towo; In or· dresses or the dnlnUest confection In "big wind" ,.,.ere blowing again . . In Ing tt. a wrIter In the New Orlealll Illd ~man who worllll In the sbop, der that everybody' mlgltt be Bure of headgear have had tbelr eyes opened, the , morning the highway along this Ttmea·Democrat, an\l' their guIde wal Medicine ColIIpan,y, Soh6neotad,y, N. Y and thll means plenty of light and air, having a fair abow, 'n conslBted of C~Pld Will ~., !<ept Buay, proprletor!s .,omnln ",all Impassable, IlIpplylnc the-m with valuabfe blatoJic . . . ' Huge tr.ees, blowo to the ground ~ lay facti, .· coo~ draInage and a pure water II~P- Court Stenographer Harry Brlttlng· , Within a sbort time many. sweet se- I\cros8 ~e road for a distance of'. two "Tbll t01l'er," he remarked, "gO" ply, ,Jt .means, further, elevl\torll and ham, Circuit Olel'k Jobn W. Blirger cr'!ta mny ,be confeSsed. It .18 freely mUl/s, and 'the "10~e8t h"~lIty was 8 " teati f(lr women workers;. bathll for and AttorneyS' Thomas A, Graham, M. predicted that If the spclal upheaval ·thlng of t he past. The town autborl .. bar.k to 'William th'e 'Conquerol'," , "Wby, wpat'll the matt\!r?" Inqulre4 the cUrt)' and luncbes for the hungry, F. ' Keegan, William H, Dwyer and cry8tallzos Into an ordlnanc~ proVtd· tics, ordered tbe ollstruotion ole!lted on~ of hil 1Il1lenera. "lIn'l I~ tatllfaoRay F, Barnett: Arter car9ful <' con· , It m~,. ' mellO, iater, picnIcs and ' balls, Ing tor It bachelor, t~x, the crop ot a~- aWIlY, snd the peasants , gl\~ for no h. to'1'1" , . public ' lectures. clubhouses' and cook· slderatlon they' decided to ' Issue a tll~n lind winter blldell will beat all tng more' lhan they hnd been re(used stateri\ent to the expectant unmarried records, 'Rev, Andrtw '"'ur ....y Honored. . . ,. for pay. .\ . Jng Ich901,,; but for the ' preaen,t mlJmbers of the gentler sex. . At Its craduation ceremony In March Things baYe gone 00 far now that "'Twos : hand ' of :OOd was In demanda of the body are paramount. Tber took th\l hull b~be horns, In CIty 'Clerk John Torrance, dean th'e .Qnlverslty ot Cape of OoOd Hop\!. il word, they demanded tbat before Danville bachelordom, hn.s been tbreat. that. ma'am," 1 wns told, '·to\" With all Bobth 4frlca, conferred the degree of' SecrecY. In the transinlsslon of tele- action be taken they b ilve the prlv· tbe wind, nof a poor man's cot Willi 1lL.. D. upo~ R~T, Alldrew Murray. craph dlBDatcbel In China Is to be In· liege of meeting tbe petitioners, Here ened with social and political astra- harmed, nor another tree on the ' lured In the future by a ptovl810n tor Is the bach.l liors' Qmclal reply to ~he clam unless b e take8 a wife, aut he tryslde, only those, God always looks has escaped from both by large mao lifter His, poor," the <lecapltatIon of all ortendert re- proposition for an ordinance pr6vld. Jorltles, mnch to the joy' of hIs cronies _.:;....._ _ _ __ vellling the c'o ntentll 'of Important me. Ing 't or a graduated bacbelor lax for of the clubs. Now 'be' has come out 80 FatiguIng. sage~ jn traollt. ' 111 the' case ' of or- the un wedded adu'l t male population. with ,what Is hoth la suggestion and a "'So young Rltchtey Kadd DanvlJle: dInary message. o'f commerce thul J'& oballenge, marry Ooldle Stiles 'after all"?" . '·We, . tbe sIngle men . of Danville, , "Tbl!_ 'old maIds h_ave taken ' us by ,. "No.; ' qe gO,t scared," naled the penalty la to be ten years ' tn ~r.80n. . pive years' ImprIsonment woul4 like, to make the. acquaIntance 8urprlse," said 'he, " We were of the I • "Well, ,well! -:And I beard , they Ie provided for those wbo. know, "f of the unmarried women of ·tbls com· opInIon tbey were IIn ·more · t.h~n lIaUs· . gone~ ,,0 far as to rehearse ~e ' wed· . tile revelation or sucll secrets and m~nlty ,..,ho 'are so '~uch Interest~d In fleeL ·wlth their cotidlltlon. "In fQct, sev· ding." U8, ' We would like the prlvl~ege. ot "~es. tbat ,waa the tr\luble. They. neglect to report the matter ·to the petlt!9ning 't he clty cOllncll, ,8.s a mat· eral at the .boys halt'e complaIned that they have been adopted' lUI 'brothers' had rehearsed five t1melt, ·aod Rlchley proper authorities, ter of lelf-defense wbl'e awaiting fur- by our faIrest spinsters, 1n lieu of a said the preparations f9r mntrllnony ===~ ther moves of the enemy, to en.a~'t lin A Pittsburg ml1\1on'\Jre baa elta~ ordlnancJ) taxhig tb~se unmarried closeI' alllance,' . We haye bombarded wer.e Bucb hard 'work tlmt he wns Jlaheil a . chIcken farm .on a tr~ct of women 9f Danville S50 ror each time tbem for years wUb candy, flowers, &trald that 'be couldn't sland the theater tickets, dances. ' moonllg~t Na' thtil,, ' lit all.','-Gathollc Stand'a rd DIne acre. ot land In the residence dIs· they turn one. of us ?o,!,n,. not because rIdes and proposals of ' mar~age, lIut and 2tlmes. ' trlct of' that city, hJI ptirpo8e being to we feel aggrieved or wlsb to .get ,mar· not one of us' has succeeded hi getting .. ' -' . provide . his family wlth fresh elgs rloed, hut as a ~atter of pfotectionl theI'D, .1ntereeted - llIl matrimonial, matTo' RemoYi' F;lnger Mark •. and tender , chlckenl: The land II . , tel's. Now that·tbeIY· h~ve confeaied a The,. lIntels of doors of .a room Retalf.tor)'.~ 'Propolltlon, . I "alued a~ ,4.6 0,000. ",Wcb seems to be "The abov~ appeaf l 't~ ~,; a' fali' deSire to obtal~ 9cI'JD88\ and h)1Sband~, and the wood,,'ofk around the when enamele'd white or In ·~ ..ther an utravacani outlay ' lor ella, JlOPosltlon. if the u!1lnal'J;led "women I don't b~lIeve' tbEI 6ac1l,e'joq- wIll be c~lort frequently become marked eveli for a Plttabur~r, DC this city wbo ar,e behind ,thIs: move: found slow by allY meanl, 8uggelta "Club f~'r Girl., the .Impresslon of finger tips, ' A ment against our Pilacs' of 'IIilnd; 'are pIece of ftann ClI dipped In kerosene Bome one· with. a . ....te '~r lieure. In enrne8t and bave a grain of 'human "My cltperlence :bas shown me tbat baa .dlscoverell that the aVll/'ap earn, sympatby, they ''11'111 meet our propo· .we :who bilve our clubs are more at . will ettectually remove all traces, but InCII In 'Chlca&o are oilJ7 el&ht dollarl sltlonl fal!'))' abd, squarely. It la up home In tbem tbun In the drawhig· 'f~er rublbnl the wooFlwork the lur. a week, anll the . ave,..e eltpenlea' to them tp do 80, and we doalt' think rooms of these girls, ' who have ap- flice hould .be wa8hed wllh a" chiao cloth dipped In very bpt wat\!'r, thl, '7.&8, With the other U centa the they, wlll evade tbe self·lmposed reo peared human ' Icl.ples .. notwlthstand· be,lng . t~e only method, o( remo'~QI .poltalblllty:' ' average Chicagoan muat nud It baTd Ing our most arlijent , campaigns. I the small , of the oil. . Thll 'dldo't pour 011 upoo tbe would I\lggest' tbat ·the bachelor girls \ t:o be a' true aport. troubled "I\'atera or Danville'. ' splnater- also form Ii and that their rooms ROlt&ery'. Vet ••tlltty. ' IJI' billing aDd COO-' contain a Lorl\ Rosebery seems .. to bd as , One ·of ·the ~Ientllta predict I that hood ' at all, theIr friend a cab. tlngulshed In stock ~eedJDg .~ ill "There lan't a lJ9g on whIch to hang Ing room ' the ' ailtomllbll& will. have been c:u1 bOUf occaSionally. !tICI!. IIteratfire and hONe addu for the ainlhlp ten yearl from a single romance; e~red on,e elderly . spend a hecomloc with those who Tberl! was muCH lntel'E.t · 1&t.~<~ malden, "let alone hundred. of roWe mil' be llire. how.,.er, Ula't reply to themJ gI ~lIi! " dHlre tb sale of 44 of autoIDOM1·..-pIl~~:~~ \\el!era at . chorused Iplnltert aDd highest l.lacbeJor maIds. all,ln one breath.




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..... attet a weell t.hlI YOUe¥ 01 lao'



ANTIDOTE TO SEA POWER "LAN OF ATTACK IN EIGHT.OARED GALLEYS 01 F,FERS LITTLE FROM MODERN TACTICS. Before the Age of 8team, the Great Inventor Asked the President and National , Legislature to Organlu Oefense with Great Flotilla of T Cor· pedo Boat&-Ancrted That Sueh Engin e. Wculd Meli n " Liberty of the SeU"-Dsmonltartlon of Their Power.

Mr, Fulton , "a strong bunt Donlsh brlA', tho Dorotbea, burlh n 200 lonl!, wos anoborod lu Walmer road, uoa't Deal, aud ~Ithlu a' mlle oC Walmor casllo, the th en I'oslilenco of Mr, Pllt, ']'11'0 boats, eacil wi Lh el bt mim, oomnron\loa b "Iaut. 110b nsoii, iV'ro put under my dlrecllon, r PI' Ilureu two emilly torpedoos I~ sucb a man· nor tbat ollcb 'vas only fl'om two to three pounds spocillcu ll y hOll l'ler than suit wate r and so 51,\8)) nd ed t1lom thal they hung 16 fe e t under wate r. , "']'11 y were then lied onc lo ach end of a small rope 80 toet long, Tbull arranged and 1I1 ' . bri g drawing 12 feet ot waler, iht> Hlb day or 0 ' lob r was Silent In practice. Each boat 11U1" In!; a torpcdo In the stel'll, lh y slal'tod frolll the shol'e abollt u milo above the brIg and rowed d01l'1l lawar!! Il r; th a IInlLlng IIno of tho tor· pedoes beIng sl retched to It fil II ex te nt,' tbe two boats we re dlHtullt from eneh othe r about 70 feet; ~h liS til y alllll'oltcbed Jll auch n mallll I' ~lI at pne bO{lt k lit tbe larboard , lho otbel' th e slnrboard aide or the bl'l,; In .vI w. Direct Ing the Torpedoes, "So ' Iong n~ lbe ct>nnectlng linD at the tOI'IH!do paBsed the buoy or th brig they were , th row n Inlo fhe water nnd car ried 011 by the Ud e until tbe connecting IIl1e showed tho brllt's cable; the tldo tbeu drove til III Ull·

naval expeJ1s o.f that <fay llell<1l"ed tbll' powder Qould axp lod n u nd',r waler The Idoa lIlnt Ihe sbock of such an ex ploslon ulI<\or tlla bottom r a V\!8SC would bnve allY rrect IIpon II I\'al 100ke.1 u'lon us w,lId an,l cblmel'lcal. r>,rodlcted Nation '. Gro wth. Sluguiurly cllollgh, Mr. Flllton. nOI only COI'psalV tho extension of subma rlno '~lIrrare and th o growth or till lilted Sl.ntcH U8 II nuval power, but h( Ilredloted wllh remal'kalJlo aecumo) ' the growth or popUlation, H'I ~ fl III' ! cOllld not of COli roe tak Into I\CCOIl:lI Ihe aovelopme nt or railway s, til exIst or whIch h could not rorer II n nor or Ihe nCQ\ll sillon of thousa nd! or sq uare 1011 a of nddiliollal terri' lOr)', "Tbe United Stat D," he writ s, "I! douhll ng hoI' POliu la ,Ion In 25 yenrs 01', with probable corrcctness, say 3C ye ars. " ' Ills tabl of estlmntes IR as follows:

Careful IP ubllc Guardian, On e of the pillars of the city ordt. n afl~ e6 Is a Jirntnc poli ceman 5latroned at F OUl'lh nvenue and Twentr·lhlrd Il,tre t. He 101le8 no oPllorlllnlty at making wllr Oil pel'sons who dro p "anana lIeels In the street. He pounces u[)On fLn ortender and oqlers biro to pIck up the s \llipery menn<;e to Ii!'"' au d 11mb Ilnd to carry It to a rece ptacle ror wasle on the sidewalks. . -Ne w York HIlrald ,

1 ~O, 10,420,602; 1 S0 0, 20, 511,~IH ; 1 90, 40,71 ,~OS; 1920, 8 l,013 (;, 16. lt haJ)pens, ow ln~ 10 ('Xt()llll onal

growth, lbllt the populallon Is now as 1I1lIch as It sbou ld be 12 y Bra rrom now, H e quot s fl'om Arnau ld to Gl1tl W that In 17DO England lI'a8 the' Grea t naval power elld Ihat France and SlIollI wer holding tlia lr own. HI' (IUoles lhe Incressln,; cost of arms ' menls In EuroPE; as all urgum ll nt fOI

'ew fork ,- Prophecy rests In ever)' li ne of a , bool( yelJowM by a oe ntury In whi ch III 8 1 rorth lhe vi wa of Rob I't Fullon on the 8ubmnrln wa.r· "(are at th [ulUre. Atlentlo n has b n culle d to tile t>ld vol umo Just. at the lim , I\'hon t sts of under·sca craCt are In Jlmgr SS, und I' t he dl reeUi)ll of th nlled States navy. Hardly n eloment exlsls of the art of nttsck lA nd deren a now uHed In that warraro b Ileath the wa lerH but was recog· nlzed by th e g nlull to whom tho nohlo l' ments of sten nlnuvlgation are due, Colncloen t ' wi th the celobmUon ot the centenary of lho day on which Robert Fulton's II rst IIteamsblp tnw· ersed lhe walers oC 'ell' York harbo r h Is almQsl clairvoyant InSigh t Is v erl~ fled, The vt>lume In whIch he out· 'lines hIs plans Is en UlIod "Torpedo War and Submarine EI'ploalons, by Robe rt Fulton F ilaII' at the J\merlean Philosophical Society and of the nit· ed States Military and ·Phllosophlcal. Society." ,It was print d In 18tO In this Qlty by William Elliott., of No. IH Water der her bod)'. The experiment being devising somo mllans of destroying elre t. On t be Utle page , servi ng as repeated s vernl limes taught the them and thus J)romo tLng peace, " 1 will also s how." he continues, fJ. tC)-xt are the words '''rbe LIberty of In n bow to act, a nd I1rt>ved Lo my sal· lhe eBS Will Be t he Happll\eS8 ot th e I sCactl~ n tllat ,,,hen properly placed on "the IOCI'Duslng I'esou rces which, If Earth." Long b fore stealD and el~c· the tide the torpedO'8 would Inva rlQ' sclenct> doos not check It, will enable trlolty were uscd as maUve I)t>we~ Illy go und er the bottt>m of the veasel," Englan d h re,a ft e r to BUPllOrl n lllarlne As far as the eNllerts arc concern 'd or 1,500 armored sh illS ' with as much lor cran tlleso worlla were writte n. I Not Only dId tho inven tor forea 0 I\' bo witness d tile J)re llmillal'y titag()S ease sh 110 11' dOCB the 760," In conseCluencc or 01 In l'enUon of 1)rDctlcally at1 that wOllld come to pass ot this xpe l'lment, the wht>I e lira· in wal'rnre. but by a bund rerl years he coedlng was merely tbe humorin g of gunpowder, ~Ir. FuJtt>n d elared thnt Among shl ps at \\'IIr hlld Increased to th'eli' nnticlpate d b arguments wblch are a crack-brained Inventor. now b lug made by the ad \'ocates oC those tt> wht>m Mr. Fulton explained .enormous s l:te, }[e ct>Dclud ea Ily say· peace again at the lise or tho· slIlIma· his torpedo Idea and what lie Inlemlcx1 Ing tbat not until science shall poin t to do wltll the poroth U WII S Earl St. out the wily to d stroy shIps of war ;rlne v s8e18. Wer h h re to·day face to fa ce Vincent. The nobl man, aft r h arlng will It gtye to lh sens th IIber'ty with th , m mbors at The Ha gue pea e o\'erylhlllg tile Am rlclln geni us lIad whi ch sha ll ob ta in p 1'J}ctu al peaco h . cOllferenc he would be In a poslllon to say, rellec te'd dee Illy Cor s veral til' i!n nnUolls separated by the ocean. Use of Torpedoes Defend ed. ,to meet e\'ery O,n;llment whl cb they minutes. "'Pltl Is certaInly tho g reatest tool "In numerous discussIon ," con· mi ght [balte , against e m ploying ,craft 'whl ch, by sendIn g out torpedoes, d a) thnt ever ,exis ted," he remarked at clud es Mr, F ull oll, "w hlcb i hal'e had lengl h, "to encourage a mod e of war on this s ubjec t lind Its COll Gcquences, ~ ul death Imscen. Which tllOse who command tbo seas Inst nd ot g Ivi ng II bm·ty to the soas, To Prealdent Madison, do not want 11nd whIch , If successful, Il.s tendency would bt> to encollragD His 110ml)hlot Is In tho rorm o( an would deJlrlve l hem o~ It." . pIracy alld buc ~R n orlng, by enablln~ unofficial report dIrected to In.mes This Inventor contl nlled to the IInnl a rew men In 1\ boat to Intimld atl! and Madlsoll, I)rosld nt or tb lilt d s tage of his experiment alld 1111 d Olle plundor ul('rchant vesselij, thereby States, and "to the menib ra of both or tbe torJledoes with 180 l1t>und s of producing greater vII than th o e xist· housBs or congress." In Its openin g powder a nd set its olockwork to, 18 pages Mr, Fulton Im' ltes th m to fol · mluutes. The experimen t Ilegan au Ing mlll tlll'y mur.lnes, "it'hls idea Is slmll nl' to the one. It>w the orlgLn nnd progress of torpedo October 15, 1806, at five o'clock in Ibe which might ayo al'lse ll on lhe Inv n· warflj.!'o In order lllllt they might "form afternoon. . UOII of mU SK' IS, whi ch, gh' lng 10 j\n a cor rect judgmont of the proprIety of "My dear fe llow:; said Oapt. J(Jn g· Inill ....ldunl tho pO"'e r of certtl ln de ath adoJltln g It as a means of our na Uonal s ton, one or the experts, Just all th at a dIstance ut 60 or 1QO yards, rob· de fe nse," oa~ed lorpedo Iloat was put ulld er W'a y, heu might In feS l Ule hlghwaYll, and He speaks frankl y or t he difficulties "If tbat thIng were place d und er my from ambus h s hoot L!le traveler, Qnd and emblirl'assmentll whI ch he had cabIn I sht>uld feel no conce rn tor tbe takc his Dloney, Yet there Is IlQt so unde rgone and gives the Impression consequent;es," much robbery now a s beror the In· that he reall7;es that the camllalgn ror "U rgent business," writes Mr. Fnl· ventlon of gunpowd er: SocIety Is the adolrtlon of such a method or war' ton, "hali called Mr. Pitt and Lord mora el\·lIIzed. All civilIzed soolety fare will be beset willI obstaoles at Melville to London. ' Admlt'al H\lllo· will In Its own InteresL combine every kind . way, Sir Sidney Smith, Capt. Owen, against the robbe.r, who has no chance Although he does not mention It In Capt. Kingston , Col. Congreve and tho of escape. ' thIs wo~k , lie never was able to put major part of the oftlcers ot tb e lleat "But men without rellccUns, or from Into practice the far·'t eaohlng schemea unde r the coUlman(l ot Lord Keatb, attachment to establi s hed and (smlltur for the building of submarine boats were presen to tyrailDY, exclaim that It Is barbaro us which he had In mind. His protoAnnihilated Ship, ' to hlow up a ship wIth all he r crew, type of the cratt which a~e now be"At 40 minutes paul tour the boats Thla I admit" and lamt>nt that It ing tested was oalled tbe Nautllul. It rode toward the brig Bod the torpedoe/l IIhould be necessary; but all wal's a re 'Was refused ;In turn b)l the govern· werl thown Into the water, the tide barbarous, and particularly wars of 0(' -ments or the United States. of Oreat carrylol the m, a. b<Jtore described, foneo, It Is barbarous for a ship of Brttaln and of Franco. : undor the bottom of tbe brig, where. war to fire Into a merchant vessel. "I believe that It II senerall)l known at til ellplraUon of 18 mlnutea. the Idll jlart of hor J)el)ple, take her und tbat I endeavored tor many )loar' to '411 111011-; .. "" ....'\red to ralio her bodily the property and reduce the llroprloget torpedool Introduced Into llrt.IIUoe .bnUt t hl" t. Sbo loparated In the tor from affluence . to penury. 'lD: France and EnKland," b. writ I, "It wall barbarous tt> bombard Camldl',I., allel the ends went dt>wn. ·"Which. though unlucoe.. Cul. PVI m" ";n 10 .ecolldl IIOthlug wu," to be penhaaon, set lire to tbe city and the opportunlt)l of making n!1l!!"·::,ul or h r. except ftoaUng fragments; destroY Innocent women and Children, rery 'Interesting ~lper1mIlDtl on • lhe PUIU,I aDeI foremut were bloWn It .wo~ld be barbarou fdr ship8 of l1arge IIcale. by wlalch ' I dlloovereel , er- out O~ II r, tbe foro-toplatl )'aril ,1 'Wail war 'to' enter the harbor !If New York, '1'Orll ' In tbe comblnatJonl of tbo ' ma, ,chlnery and methodl of IIxJng the tor· :peeloel to shlP, which error8 In the lIDachllier,y have been correoted, and I IlelJeve 1 havo found meant of attach· tDg the' torp8does to a veaset which will I16ldom fall of IUCCOtis, It III the result of my experlen~e which I now IQbmit. ' to your conllideratlon. and, hoping )IOU will fa,l Intere8t In lilY In· ,ventlon. I beg for your deliberate po. . tru8al, and rellectlon." nesnltory effort. to ule torJl6e1oes In 'Daval warfare had been made a8 early .as the sixteenth' century, but no mlU· tary or' naval autho:rltles even a hundred years alO bellev~d It would be pollible tt> Introduce 80 Irregular a plan at sea f)gbtlng, til. Flrlt Experlmlnt. . Robert Fultcn wall working In 'Eng· lInd under the patrt>nage of two no·' blemen when, after mUllh negotiation, ~e Induced aome 'o f the authorities to thl't'Jwn up to the cross tr~l. 't he fOUl! lire on the cIty, destroy proJlerty apd wltne/ls hIs 'torpedo experlmentl. The chain plates 'with their boats were murder many of the peacl;'ilhle Inhab· first of these was made on October 16, torn from hen sldel, the mll'llf!n chain Itatits, Yilt we bave great reast>n to 1806; upon the hrllJ DoroUiea, and It 18 I,)lates an .. , ahroiu18, WIng stronger elpect ~uch a 80eno ot barbarl8m and 4011crlbed In full ' In thll remarkable than ,bOse of the foremaat. or the dlBtreta unlells ' moan8 are taken to pamphlet. . ' shelt belog more forward than aft, vrevent It" Therefore, If tor.pedool Ita tnt lIIuatration repreaontl .t he the mluen mast WU broken 01[ In shOUld preveDt Buch actB of violence, ~ brlg being cnt literally In. two by the tWG Places: thele dllcoY8rles were tb..e IDUDUOD mUlt be l,Iumane" tremeDeloul exploaloo Whleb proceed·, made by meaDI of the pleqes ''Which o8Il from. ~e torpedo whleb had bnIl wer. founel aGoat." SlIlC. the foundation of the gOKem· <4mlSd for tJ1e 'lqIIIrtment. ' , Th'- I, • hlatorr Of ,.Dt, 111 , 1189, three .tata have ful' "To , .r. Pitt that • IUClMl8lful tcil'P84o '-':lei'l"'Jl~_ ullbtd' lO of'th....U attomep leneraa. be IIJ dae IDJtAI ,111e reuarob. bIeIl Pn..,l'l&1llaauppJfIq. etabt, M.... '. ...... .mad. ~ earBer . . c1l~ tM!Y~ aD4 ...rr~







, - -- --

80 Common , "Was no one In jured in the rallwa, coll ision, couat '?" "No, bu t nevc,rt be less It was a most palnrul situation. FIrst, second, thIrd snd rourth·clnss passetller!j all mIn· glod togeth er! Simply unbeard of !" -Translated fClr Trans atlantic Talel from FJlegende Blatter. LIFE INSURANCE A SACRED TRUST, Relponllbllltici of Officers and 01 , ,'eetora, Evidently PresI dent Kingsley t>t the New York LlfEl Ins urance ' comliauy has Icar ned th~, great lesson or tbe times with respect to the respl'n s lbll· IlY' and duty of dlrcctors or corpora· t lo,ns. Speak in g, tt> tho new board of trnstees, on the occaSion or h Is olec· tlon to tbe presIdency, be empha sized the tact tha ~ "lifo In surance Is more than a prlve.le busin ess, that lire In· s uran ce lruslees are public servants, chaq;p.d a t once with the obligations t>t public service nnd wl t b tho respon· slbllltle3 lhat attacb to a goi ng busl· n eSR whIch at the same time must be adm inistered as a t rllst." He also realizes tho t sImilar respon· s lblll tles rest 1I1)t>n tb'l t>mce rs o r the company. "I unuers tand," be saYlI, "yoll r auxlety In selecting the men who are day by day to carry this bur, den for you. who are to discharge lbls trust In your h.~hult, who all , mInister for the be neOt of the people Involved the mu'IU tudlnous and exact· Ing d etails to ....h lch It Is Impossible for you to give personal a~tenUon. My long conneotion wlt.14 the New York LUe-coverlng nearly twenty yearsmy service In abollt every Ilranch of the company. working organIzation, gIves me, n.s 1 believe, a. protound ap· preclatlon, not meroly of the h ea.". burden you have placed on my sboul· dors, but of the standards of e ftlclency. the standardk of ,faith, the standards ot Integrity, wblcb muat e ' main· talnod at all times by tb'e mau who serves you anli tbe policyholders In this blgh office." Best of all, p'~rhap8, be feels that '\II'ords a re cheap, and that the public " '111 be aatisOell 'w ith nothlnA' abort of \.Ierformance. "My tbanks, tbereforo," he contlnnes, "fo:r an honor whlcb out· ranlls any d lstinctlon wIthin th e reach or my nmbltlon , ' cnnllot be exp ressed tn words: they m lls t be read Ollt of the rAcord I mak,e day by day."


, INCIDJ;NT OF THE Brave Soldier Who Defied His Colonel After the War Wa. Oller, The war was over" f" o had l UI''rendered . 'Johll so n had given In, even KI rby Smith hud fo lded his Qun· nera, and tbe regime nt thut had n, rebellion listed to put dowu · th thoug ht the tllll had come wll nth y mlgllt we ll "tum l helr hUPJlY fo et toward their long·d sBrted barnes," Ther was Ii dlfferenc at op inion u tw en lh officers and the en'Jlst d mono The men snmo holV or ot her t It lllllt" the war belns ove r, discipline should be measurably rclltxctl, ' The offi cers felt, the war helng al an end, our fo r nl r enomles bplng now our fri e nds, tit most stri nge nt dlsolpllne should be malntnlner!. lest. Jl rchance the tend er sensl hllllles of the peopla am ongst whom we were quurlcred rulght be disturbed. The habIt of foragIng Is one ' thnt Is elll.llr acquired, and, like all bad habIts, dlincult a discard, ivrltes Willia m A, Ketcham In IndIanapolis Star, nnd occasIonally complaInts w re recolv d that corn III the car or melons In the II Id dl satllJear Ou hy nIght wllhout a (1'.Ild pro quo beIn g ler t wltb th e former own I', nnd vigilance to preve nl Buch Improper conduct was· r doubled. Finally one of the old boy a was ca light 11'1 til th e goods on hI s person and, DB II wnrnlng to vII· doers, was tlOd UII by lhe thumbs In front t>t th commandant's Quart rs, lhe commandunt being the colonel t>t the regIment " Wpen the word come to tlle regiment t ha t one of th e boys ths.t had served foUl' and one·halr years Will) subject to th e humili ation of beIng lied u ~ by the thumbs In rront of



How the SoldIer Who Ran from the


WHY 8HE WAS THANKFUL. Littl. On. Had Reason to 'Approlll Father '. Cholc •• Of the sisters of It. woll·known New York famil y one ts married, She ba8 aile 11tlle Sil'l greally petted by all tha aunls and s .. bj,~ct to much advice from all of tb em. Ot lbls last the lit· tie Indy sometimes wea ries, wblch wear lne,,!> on a certain occasion made Itselr sbown In the tollowlnl reply from her small ladyship : SaId one aunt: "If you were my child I shou ld have you do thu~ and lhus." Snld ·aoother aunt: "Were you my child I would do 60 and so," The remainIng aunt mada a .Imllar remark. The little lady tbought It hllh tim .. to express her own feelings. "But I have," she saM. "always been so thnkrul that palla marrIed the Ilater he dldl" .

colonel' s unlrorm !I'I\S t allcrol'l Il.a tt>rll and the men ra.ll ~d 1(; h()o.1 Itl~ co mm and to "lire,'" 'rhe ~c.~.,nnt look to the \\'uods. were dally me, p cUng orders to rotul'tL. l ilJ ,r.rbody In th rflJ!hnf'lll, Incllld J'ng tb • • mcel's. with tho l'xcepliOll or IhA r.olonel, kn ow whe re he was, but 80m how or other the colone l cOll ld not tlnd ou t , IIn ti t.hen th e ordel's came to march home, On th" line o r ~he r6ad betwe n Irg lnln null the Old TUr H el etate wh e re WI' hall been stationed the regl· mont del/ouched rrolU the Irnln tor dlnn r. 'rile t!ololle l had round In the IIll'ontime that the sergean was wltlt hIs comlliU1Y. He culled (01' Ii ,;utln~ and sent the.n to Co mpan y - - wllll InstrllcUons to al'l'est th e sergeant lind bring hIm to heurlQu arters, Tho g llllrd cnru e and with them the ser' I'\'('ant, npJ}aronlly In no apologetIc or hllmhle humor. 1l1oth lng' PUSH d between th sergeaH and the colonel, but the colonel , dlru,~t d the guard to load their gUliS, 'rhl'Y loaded, He onl ered Ihem to 1l1\D1~, They primed, "Now," he said. " lie Illat man, and," with ,11 11 oath, " If he reSIsts, kill him," I IIhall remomll r to my d yIng day how one root went up on tbe log In frt>nt of hIm, Ills PSI! tUot the 6010nel'1I and It II('VBr Quail ed , and he sllld, "Colonel - - , fo ul' ye"rs and a lIalf ago I e llilsted to tlght au'l, If 1I0ed be. to die tor liberty, I might as we ll die h ere for II bel't)' IlS anywh~re else, and hv th eterou' (b used a s horter \vord) r will di e beCpre t will gO to Iodllllla tied." He shonk orr the grasp of the gilaI'd Dnd started for th e t imber, The colonel ol'derOd the m1ln to "Oro," but the ordOI' was unheeded. The sel'geant r ached the free safety or obscurity In t he North Oarollna pines, The I'eglm en t came home and WIlS mustered 011t, ct>lonel and prlv'ate alike, Th sergeant came home and WB,S mustered Ollt with an honorable discharge, despIte tbe colo'n el's elforts to prevellt It. The colouel h as long since been gathered to hIs fathers, Tho sergeant many nn~l many years ago answered th e IInal roll call, llut I sball never, while lite l a~ts, rorget th e sentiment "I'll dIe berore I'll go to Indiana tied: ,:

". MIght as Well Ole Here for Uberty ai ' Anywhere Elle."

Enemy Became Bralle Fighter. Col. Mosby, wbo commande d the Mosby guerrillas during the civil war, was so admired and belovod by hi!! men, writes t he n.lltllor of "Remlnl s. cence. of a Mosby Guerrilla." tha t hIs commands W I'e ne ver Questioned. They wou ld und e rtak e the seemln,;ly. Imposslblo at a word of suggestion from him . In tbe busiest Pllrt or the BerryvJlle arta lr, when teanls we re runnlng wild In eve ry dlrec Uon and th e. confusIon was at tts worst, Col. Mosby saw a splendId four-In·band team of 1I1g ba ys atta hed to a h avy portable army forge which had become upset on the pike, and (rom whloh the horses were s truggling 111 vain to tree themselves. Turning to me, he ordered me to tal,e a mun a,n d extri cate tho team :' rrom the tangle they were In, and bring tbem Ollt slIfely. That sounded jusl ns ea sy lUI If"he hnd said, "Take a clga,r," hut I did not find It so. I tool(' wlt.h m e Ii young rellow ",ho ~ad jOined t be command only a ' tew days. Wh en we galloped u p to lhe strug. gllng tea m alld bega n to un tang le th'em we were fired upon by a lot of Inrnntr)'tIl en hidd en hehlnd a ,stone fen ce, When the ruln l or bullets lIat· tened agaln sl the metal of the torge It BOunded as It there were a tbousand of them, and my young companloo. thls being his Orst enll1lgement, toppled over In a dead taint. , It was no time Just then to look after a sick ma n, for our borses were frantlo with fea( and excItement. and 1 hnd to hold botli of ' the m \'fben the boy rell. I let hIm II i! where be was, 'and In limo got my team untangled and tied securely. I wa. just read,. to lead t.bem out when my youngster re vived , Oetting up In a surprised way, he Jumped on hIs horse and gal· loped olr, leaving me to mount my halt·mad charger and get my team out as hest I could. That boy developed Into one of the best soldiers in the ,command, ,nd until the end of the Wllr was up nllar the tront in every engagement. Tills was ODe ot ~he ways a beginner had be InItiated Into o,ur service. .

lh e colonel's quart ors for a fow mi ser· able ears of corn, elcltemen t ran hIgh an'd In a rew momenls a rescu!) party " 'a s organized, et lh head or wh.lch was the orderly sorsant of Company - - , a nephew of Tbadd liS Stevens, the grand old commoner and devotee tt> liberty, The parly moved dt>wn to the colonel's qua rters In broad day· light withou t asking leave or Ilcenat> ot the colonel, cut tb el r comrade's bonds and brought him back to the regi ment In trIumph , 'IIhe colt>nel waa outraged. He was a gallant offl· Th. Tsrrlbt. Mlrla. Neither tbe zilavleH ' Camorra, tbe cer; had begun all 8 lad In April , 1861, Paris Aplchos, nor the Black Hand 01 88 sergeant of Company - -; had as· America III tbe '1Ino~t powerful and te ... cended through every grade-second, rlble secret socIety In the whole first lieutenant, captain. major, lie u· world, In spite of the harrowing d. tenant colonel-and finally Pllt the tallB of their ,bastly work. The palm eagl e IlIItrlde of hi", IIhoulders while he mUlt go to the ,Mlalla. which lIourlabetl was yet In the eye ot the law an In· In Italy. and hl,B done 10 for mOn! fant , lncompetent to make a contract, tbaa 800 yean, . Thll 1000lety....htclt but competent to commnnd a regi: works 10· Bwltlly Ind Inently, yet SCI ,ment of 800 men In the Oeld. H e had lurel)l,W&s founded In Sicily for pro been twice mentioned In general or· tectlon against the Injustice of forelp ders for conspicuous gallantry un.der lire, but he 1\'as wit hal n. rigid dis· rUler •.-London "P. '1'.0." clpllnarian and a good deal or a mar· tlnet, apd .when he learned or'the out· COULDN'T KEEP IT. rage that ,bad been perp'elraled npon military discipline It took but little It Hid "1'0"1 the Clllldr•.". HII Introduction te 'Point. time for him to get' a guard together, I waa asslgned , to a tent on· the 1eft , ''We cannot te!!p Orape-Nuta foOd 'ID come to thli regimen t Bnd arrest the tbo bouae, It ICIlII 10 fa~t 1 lIa ve , to rfngleader, the orllerly sergeant aroro- of the ' street, occupied by UlO'tb\lr ' hlde It, because tbe children love It 10, 8ald, a,d ba~e him taken to the 'We8t Point plebe and a , yearling. a candle . It Is just the foocll I bave beeD loolliDI !\Iafdhoule, y.ohere be gave the com· Night finally came, ) had for ever so long: .omethlDI that I do mand, "Tie him:", The guard '\II'as and, with my locker for a table, was noC: have to "top to prepare aDd s111l II comparatively new, but they knew wrlUng a letter to my mother-I dareIgmet!)1ng of his character as a aol· say It 'w as gloomy enough-wheu Do,Irlshln,." , • dl er, and h e was a splendid Holdle r, someone struck the bock of tbe t\lnt Grape,Nut, II tlile mOlt Icientillcallp: mad" food on tbl) market, It la , per: He ought to bave had a cal.taln's title with a broom, not only extinguIshlqg fectly and completely cooked at tbe to bla name, and doubtless' would the condie, but spilling the Ink all factory and can tie" .erv~~"at an In· bave had bllt for. a tatal Impediment ove r tb e le tter and on to the tent floor. Btant'S DoUce, eltber· wit'll rich cold In his speecl1 as ' the , rea ult of ,which I had bare ly lit t1i0geandle again and cr~am. or with hot milk If a bo~ dish It \'fas reared that In ' the tIme or IlC' tak en account of tile slluatlon when la desIred. When milk or water 18 tlon when It would become necessary bang! went the broom, blowing It out used, a little suga~ sht>uld be added. for him to gIve t he command that again, Thereupon I sat down' In the but' when cold cream ia used alontl would 'open the ball he would be darkness and let the hours wear away. tbe 'natural grape·lIugn.r, wblch can be Atandlng until 'a(t el' tbe ' battle "\'(311 Laler on In tbo night Farley and Been glistening on the granules, Is sll· ,o ve r wIth th e command·, ·'F·,·r:(·'·f· Noyes, "GImlet" 'Lee and Watts and OclenUy sweet to saUsfy the l>.1Iate. lire," stilI baiting on hla unready III'S others, 'yank ed ti S out of bed several ·'rhls grape·sugar Is not poured over until after the emergency had Pissed, times, Fl'lendl ells, uJlknown, and wltb' the gran Illes, as Bome peoille tolDk, and 80 he had bee n kept all th~ time a natural reluctance to open my I\l\art but exudes from the graDll!es In tbe In ~be ranks, These mell,' howe ve r, to anyone,' 1 don't t.hlnk [' e ver pa8'setl pracess of man'ufac;:turr., when the knew ,the IIturt of whIch ,he was, mad e, a more dismal IIlght, writes Gen, Mol'stal'c!1 of the grains II ~lianged Cl'Om and wben he , In answer to the rls Behalf, In Atlanllo. Tb6 IIweetest Itarch to- grape'Bugar bt the I1rocess, colonel's command, aalli that he would note ~bat could have reaohll.d' my ear ' of manufacture, ~rbl., I. elrect, III 'he kill any man that und el'took to tie would ha·v~ been th e bark, aarou the lint act of dlgestIlDD': tbwe(ore, Grape- him ' t"hey knew tha t Il was nt>~ an Ireltls, of the old !;loDle dog , that I had Nuts food Is J)re'(lIgeste~ aDd II mOlt Idle. threat Rnd they hesitated. The hunted and played with' al a boy. perfectly 881lmllated oy the very colonel took the matter In hIs own What Niagara Fanl Ccm. weakel~ a~mach. "'rhere's aRe. handl, but he was a BlI\all man ,wblle To an electrical en.lneer the beaut)' the orderly l~rge8nt weighed 60 per lODe" food factortH 01' -ceut.' more and 111'81 a powerful mall, of the fall a II IOmewhat dimme d as Made at tile Qreek, Blcll. and u a result of a few momenta' h. rellee... tJiat the 3,&00.000 horletile Poatum Co•• c)_lao '''rial mutual oImbra'clng the orderly Hr- power II worth mont than ,lOO.OOO.JlwI the JlWe clIIypc&red froIa &Ile Wile. Uw 000 a year. ~t,





.. ,Jr...


phs (Ja.zstes. Pllbll.h.1I WC'II Y 'to

\\ , 1n~~ ..,llle. ()~I"

~It~~:"~~. M'K:':-t ~'III;;;-:-~-;;;;',;::,,':r.


H .OO .. yCllr . , . . . .. In ,ldvanot' 'I . ~r. II 'yur If no\ I,alel .11 I"'van..,





-~ IPOl


Please, be Prompt


' (l V." t.Il '~ '; \111 ~hinol:l

for nu nlgWlftlIy ..uliey guhlol! HIO I.IlDlI in thilj r C. our ~xchanges "veal li nd it. (]oell not Hoek to keep -- -A ariety of Interesting ltemK IIlth"r II.ll heu ofl Il C~ IW ' Is Illl ty til, Gathered from the Nt'wl.lpapers \1 0111 . Neur flll\f }tnlltlre.l tholls. III1Il t1o\lllrf' IIro 1\1/\,11(>(\ t& 'l~nt\(]11 of the Sta te everv yll<Lr. oight.,v,lIix tll uund ttl 13ermllli ". sfl venty thoul!.md to IreOhio Kiver Bed Belongll to hind IInrl lE'sser stim!:! to evo-,"y oouu'. Kentudky. try InEuropo to Jndill, ~ laul. AustmlUmler" reoent ne 1!I\(ln the ourt ItI , 'lIhlll, Arrlca. I>uth Amerioll, of Appl1alll bolllll I,h81, no ~ r~nt t,() ill (IIOt, to II It tbe onntrles o f t,)lls tlis b;ed of tbe Ohio Rivt<f. mllY be Illl r tb und tho itlleR of the lien , Antl r or<1ed, 811 Ibe tIlt.e b as nover provided for the llOO1l1)"tlon of tbe think of It I hm ' t, it IL J e~on o f how r lvor bed 1111 Publio Utud , 'fbe tlll1 nlHlons uro drnwing t,(lgethor~ it'orty y~tirl! on ly gone by and thoeo oourt Stiys that the Genoral Assem , Quit. c1 in the s tronl1;sst oom rac\shlp bly mllY provide for oooupMion of tltllt in war. Rre sca ttered ' wherethe lond , It It 1188 fit, ILOd Dilly grant ever oilln finds hie WilY, hlt Ilr~, the rl l;ht. to t,b e lltind lind minorllls stili fon!! ,in rooollOl: tious, tll~t mllY he f()und lJetwoon the

Clippt.'CI from

We do not believe the publlo real · lUll! wbat Il dlfl'orenoe It milkeR to UII if tliey ,are prompt in hondlr.g t~elr neWR and advertiRomontotl to tb\~ omoe. centor or the strell nl Imd low wntllr Many perllOU8 walt until jll8t be- mArk , The ollse 0 0 whioh. tllill do fa re tbe paper ill ready for preas and clillon waR l"'lIed WAS thllt or Mrs, then 8end IIOmetblDg In. MU81ng Fllnuy War~ , of Newpo'rt, wbo muoh Inoonvenlen!ie aDd Ilel&y at olalu\ed thai ber laud bordering on tbe lut, . the Ohio river extended to low 1'lellse send In what. you wllnt In water IIIl1rk on the Ohi.o aide. Th e t he JlfIper eady; the eorll .. r the \!et ooart d~lded tbat tho lanlt lying in ter, the bed of the rlvor belong" I"xoln slv~lY to Kentaoky,-WNll ll ni on Johns- Parlett Defendor.

Decline of the Mid Week

15 Men Are Madel . Miserable by KidRey: and

Women as Well

Bladder Trouble.


Ki(\ne r t<ollbl . prcy~ UPOII the lIIiml, disc umgl!~n lllll csse ll ri:l nihit ioll : lJeulll',




Carpets I

MplliO UI' e

~'ol1r 1'110 111'





, Hutcbison 6t


\'il;t0r ,1IIJ cheerfulIICsg SWII Jisappeat \'1 we rt! wi ll ' In ... . Iering' thitl ~took IH III. rlln , ill 1lI' i "l\~ IIllvI! · If . ,M,"-.. wllcil til . kidll\! '~ILre Ullt of order or d is- terlully IIclv~1I0611. L'lr t4t I:II~' !:! II~tlt YOI~r of nu,V i Hli lt ,v clir will , • ~ff!!~:... easel! Kioillcvlrouhl - has grlllltar. Mlltthlgtl (1'lI1' ! 1,1111 Orhmt now III Mtook IIM;l uro~ \,utlltut If111 ,: 'I b 0111:' i:o pr~\·I.iellt , tern~, It) W t ))rIOI'R , tb nl Itl ~ IIOt IIII CO I1I ., " " , " , ., ' •• " ,., . " ., , . ,' :, ::!lio 1111 ~..::l~Il~S~ \11011 for " <:hi hlln he Ingrllln" , '" I ru affiietcrt wilh 1~Il \\'eli , Pnrk, Extr'l HupI' rM weak k iclnc>·s. 1£ the Rll!l~-groIlItJ"' ll!touk yot,. , . , .. , , . . ".,." . , 10.r.O 1111 ch illll\ r i ll llte ~ tooof I C II , if the IIfllI C sculels the fle$h, or 1[ . whell tile child rellclle tlU Lt~rge "no ugh fOT d 1' . !l I1Il . !LX" wll!!11 it shollid be ahle to eontrolthrpas -1I~e, il is yet ".mi ' te,1 wi~h l>c< 1 - \~e~­ I.lI ue OurllllulI- 1I1I lit t i II ~, depelltl UPOII ,II. lhe CA Use of the \I}ffi- Llnol UIII , tll A!lrOnl· ~1'ohelJ tind hl\ll (J(Jverin ~ cult\· is k idl1l'\' troulJl!!. III1tI the first n w trems , Wln.l •. w 'hlld es , till Qu!Jr .... IIl1llizUl!, ulluh, to ortler ~ tep- should be't \\'IIrt.lS lhe .trcntlllenl of these i lll l'0rllllltpr~II~ls , ThIS\I11~I ~us .. nt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - trouble is du ' to a .lIscasctl cOlllhuon of thl! .I:.idll c ' S ","I bl:l<J,\cr ".'" ' nol to II haln! U~ 1II0st 'V'ople slIpl'ose. . U ,

Rea d y To Wear r'' ,rlnents

,VOUle n us well

Prayer Meeting


tllell nrc lJl IUle 111 U;cr..


ahl' with k.i<h lc\· IIml ui:III.lcr troublc . 11",1 boll I IIced ti,.., stlllle grelll rC lIl\il ~" I 'A writer under the hel1d of "Notes 'l'he lII il,1 alld the illllllc.h!Lte effecl of I:luits, .. '"okeb ( 0 ' 1\1it!l!es, Women is sold !lull CommentoS" in the Clnoiontltl issQl)II r""lizc.\' by tlrngl,(isls, iu fi ftyanll Childron. ~H · I'I I!. Wlllats, Uu· (Jommeroilll. 'trlbnne, writing of tho cellI ami olle-<lollur del' wellr, I),funt .. 'lU g ot.)lIks. <l p ~lIne In ohurch IIlttendtlnoe :'RJ! Si1.e botl1 e~. YOIl IllIlY hlwc II 1I11»le bolt Ie the following to tI.lY of the mid b\' lllOil free. also n 110m. or wo"k prn.\'o,' Ilieoting ; pillnphlel tcll in~ rLII nbout Swalllp-Root. 'l'b 1'e WII~ II time, hlilf a ('entury Including lIIuny of th" lhol\!\t11lds of testiILgO, porbt'p , when the \'V edn~dl\Y ' lIIol1illl leUers reech·ed fro lll sufferers , Cll r d. I II writi llg Dr. Kilmer & ~o. , S. anda-, July 28, WAS Ihe occasion 01 I,; h t, pmyer nieetlng of MIll old 1Ii.",holllton, N. Y., be sure I\ml ",.eutlon .. A Unique Vacation. ... ,of a happy farotly Reunion ~t Falrru shioutld ohurches Wli8 Ii IDO!<t es, this pH»er. Don' t lIlok e li ll y nllsto.:e, Vlttw ParI/:, . In the August number o f til e sellt.illl plirt of. the 8erVlO~8 of the bllt r~lIIe\llber the IHime , Swamp-Root Then (lOrn A ,"' ,1 bny yn ur tlrellll at 's Bome Com panion. Ur. kif t 'f ember of the' Dr. Kilmer's wlltllp-Rool, Dud th e adAU gathe~ 8t an larly hour and WOllUln wee . u 110 . I a m dress, Bin ghamton. N. \", on every B UI()l1iI1 80Jl & H ' bot li 'I:! , X'llllll.0hl n 1 hd I'd no •. a t-, enjoyed tbe oomf(lrtll of tbe Park Evere·tBalede!ICribeeiuhisO,IIKht. " 0 lUro "",n d prayer mee.• bottle. I olt.v hilt! II I· Iter AR!lOrtment ot unUll noon when 1\ bbunte9us din ful wey a unlqae vsoation t ri p t.. ken lo g with BOUIe degree8 of regulllrity "!'!!~~~!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ til bric.~ for th rlro~!l ItMelf lind the "asare ner w.. s 8t'1... ved to t,he thirty pres , by a party of four women and thoir I18 Wil li I00'k t1 upon WI' th , a 11luu \ it. HA'l'HAW A ~~ trimmlnl{,l!. It, Ii! 8 Tetisona,bltt . . h k eo&, who were lUI foUo'ila, - Mr. and husbA ..uda, that many &ooa))le woullt, 0 lIusp'Olon as one W 0 was, wea . ' ~ ,I le8ville's Lending Dentist Attn . a.rry JohD!! and 8On. Leroy, enjoy. Securing eight easy riding ii.I the f,·ith , N owtidlllYs t he pray or stilteUll'ut .. nIl fully proven In the Ihin SI ,01 WaYDellvllle. Mr. and M~8. James hor81!@, and ti oamp eqalpml'n t of mef\ting htUI been Itl bandoned In a Offioe In Keya BId!!. p"s.t, W"brl" DresH Huods Boutle ' ' In . th e sma II er oIohDI'. Hr aDd Mrs. Oharley Johns fou r "A" t ents and one WillI tont, tew UI't IBtI. lin t1 even and dn n'lt 1\1 .'ld!e wil,\I tinware, "nd ROn, Glen, of Lytle, Mr , and from the looal reg~ ment. t.he PIIrl Y town~ lind vi\1llgea 'It docs n.:lt 00hurdwarf', 1\ \' "1", ~ h "Il. lito, 'l'he:le Mri! . .Toe Thoma., Mr . Earl Thomal atarted out from thelr home on a , oupy the plu ol~ it hB,ld , e&rs Ilgo. h" ve the1 r 1' 1:1<'1'. and !trl!. Kate John8, of Manor, Monday morn~ng In August. They , An Old-fti~hloned Ulinlster III a M'II. E. J ', ~lDltb and Walter Lew!. rode by ea8Y st&ges tra~eUug just K .tn8IlS town bitely made thi8 lin · .r'1 1 I.. ,Ic "' lour , 1",lv"~ IInrlllb rl W of WUmlngton i Mr, and Mr!:! . Amos through 'be Dearby OOUDt108, camp lIouuoelDent at the ~ undll>y morn · ClIIIOt! to I",,, ',a .,' fr .. ~ h 1I/1l1 new allli Beynw aDd M~ Katie Beynard, IDg at nigbt w~erever' they ml~ht ing !lervioes: "Brothren. the janitor Short br ath, fluttering, oleun til" ~ !tl()k , H .. w elllllly t of Xenia, Mr. and Mr•. Charley Par. be, aud dlaoovermg the nelghbor1.DII Dnd 1 will bold our weekly pra,v er palpitation iuldng spells trim frmll ,,,.r . Iotllt JU"I, In, lett, Barry and Charley Koran8; tuwn8 and vllla!re8. they ,Ypllled meeting Wednesday evening al! us al'e nnptom. E a. wea k Mn. Leah Carey, the Mls888 Mabel away for eleven daya.. Evttry looal. nu.l at i o'olook." 'fhat te lla tbo heart, stru gliug t o do 'its, <Jarey. Rhea.parleu aDd Nelite Ker. Ity baBI", spot or interest" and such whOle story 81 ' ,a Irellgons dnl1ne88 ,aOl, Mr. Emerlon 'and ' Forres' Par- a trip iii poIIBlble In almost any ~t whiob Is not to t1lo credit of' the . wOlk It . utu t k 'cp the Si\1r , ,HI WOrl!tp(\ 'I·rinllninj(f;. blood in ir nlatiolJ to . 'leU, Bal~ Karan8' all of Dayton. 9f our broad laDd. Why olln t 01ll1rohe8 . carry , l10uri bm nt to and IIi.. RuUl Wills, of DOdds, dozeDs of poop Ie who have no eltib· - -Xonia. · . . • _ • . ate vacation plaD8, ape.n d a happy Endorsed ~.f 1:bt. Country. make fl h, bone and IOU ~ Rut Heal'th .18· Woman's Wealth week 'or teD daya In thlll sawe way ? 'Tho moa t popul,u remedy in Ot.· cle, and l' D.I y th "01'nlIego County, aull tbe best (rl!'nd of out p urti cle. When it Trlf1e wit)l it. Don't Neclect Blino Do:y EIectroeuted 10Y flimill'." writM Wm , Y . Dietz, cann t do thi, it must It,' As Your nearest A sad InoldeDt oooured at Ohilioo. editor and Pllbhaher or t he Otsego have help. Dr. Miles' Treaa the recently wblob illiJtrAtee the Jonrnftl . GlJbertl'Vme, N, Y.. " Is Dr. o" are. . d f t riD IIh I t I Klng'8 New Disoovery. It bas Heart ur gh e trength ,Dear ~uchter, lliater wife or . anger 0 ampe g '. w e eo r o· proved to be an In:falltble oure for to the hear.t nerves and WE MANU,FACTURE THE VERY HI~8EST t;Dother, do you 'realize tb~t h.Uh lty aa well ~ tbe wrong of praot\. coughll and oold!!, making IIbm Ii .. more &o7wand your family t!ian oal Joking, Tbe WilmtngtoD Repub., work 01 the WOUlt of them, Wff muscles, nnd increases the GRADE OF --i-r- _ all oth81Mnbl:r bJe8!IiD~' Qo ~ou Uoau Rives the Inoldent ti8 followlI ~ ahvll.Ys keep a ~I;tle lu tbe house. heart a(,tion. , now . .t to perfeet bulth Tony lIIorrlson 17: years old l !>alteve it liO be the mOlt valaa· 'fype Brass Galltt)'" 'I[ 11'\1 gl.a t o ~1I1' thot J 11 m 80 mucll and keep U .bowd be your greateit , . I ' ble pret'orlptlon known for Lung Impro ve<l III h<'o llh, Ur . ....llIcs· Heart Braas Rule ill Stripa Metal Borders ' dMlrel' Why? BeoaIl88' bealtb... bUud and aD aooompliabed.Dlu8 ClaD aud Throat disell~E'S," Guaranteed Cure oured m '~ wh en :iC'w rn l doctors I thlllk 110 olh e r IIIl'<1lcl ne Bras8 Labor Saving Rille L_ S. Metal Furnit ure woman'. normal health-w1l1 enable WIlli electrooated at Ohillioothe on to ne ver rllRlI.ppol1l1t ·the taker, by f&lled. could dO for .ne W'"lt Ht<lrt Cure hR. done . )ty c .. He "'lUi b lld; \md 88 It Braaa Column Rulea Leads and Siup you t;o be and &0 do and ~ feel jOlt Wedn~ay evening of laat w'e ek. F~ed O. ~WllTt z, Price SOC aud '1 ,00 could be tit Urnes. [had dlmculty In .. a W9man Ihould, That'., wbat An arc lIgM bad , been removed rrltlJ boltle .f ree, .,ettJnc my hren(h, my hentl bent 80 Braas Clnles Metal Leaders i f ut at ti me.• I hut l Ihoucht It Im,I ' you want, laD" Itl' flow lleten I from a oornel. and 'm lsoblevou8 Brass Leadn8 Spacel and Quads, polIslble to lI \'e wlIlIOu \ r.llel: the Jlllln ,.U ~ v~')1 He\ "'r\! In my lett 4 111"t 1.0& Phon" made for womeD1 1t boys bad lowered the Ii ve wires by Braaa Round Cornen 6to 4S point and m y Ilf'fn"R: \\':tJ1 on uns trunj{. fa adDurab1y Adapted to autet nahad 8lm o. l .:" ',In 1111 n il h ope ot belne BraaB Leads and SIug8 \letal QUOillB, etc. ture iD bllildiDl ap ber deboa&8 and meaD8 of a rope uaed to lower the oured . olld I " m ~\I re 1 ,.,.ould not, It r had not 1,, 1.1''' lIa, .B~nrt Cure. I beau"faUy OOOlh'UOted ooDatlt1l- "ro liRbt. Young Morri80n, while take . I'reflt !Jl ,. . .,tc UI'"O I" r(!Qommendlnc ERA ~II R »~. Mil",,' f(' II1 ..,II" H to all who But'iou. I'or the well ~d IUahtJ;J ail· feeling bis way bome, placed bia ter witb h t!'I' ,.~ fU 'iei." e. , 1111 it; tl a·nerve. tonlo and &l,aatl8- arm arouud the pod aDd- racel ved MRS, ~I ... n~ Q• .BAHLER, Old Oolnmn Rnled rIJfallfld lind O1II<\6 ."1; /(OOtlI\M nelY Ill' II. 8 1hlt11 In .NICht. 8\1lUvlln, Mo. builder. 'It oontalUl no opl&te 'or . 1I&.ootio ~Ulr CO IDjure "· the IIYIWm • ahoplt tbat Insttiutly killed blm, cost. Pro Mil..' Hurt cu,e ' i. lold by you, druo" l,t , w ~o wIll quarante. that and .. WI8d , with parfee' safety by Be bid beeD edu~ted al· t,he the fl,.t bottle wIll benent. If It f.1l0 ' Pl8ftse remember th .. t .we lire not In "ny 'l'I'utlt, o~ Oo n~ blni"ftm he will refund your monay. \he YO\1Dl daqh'«. wlfe or mother. 8tate Alylum for the Blind It t Colnnd are IInre that we can make It grOlltl:\, to your advftn~."1! to . 1'01'. $he more ierloD81y a1IUoted- umbua . Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Mile8 WAYNESVIILLE. OHIO womanly W_liD'" or dleeue-Zoa· ' deal wltb us, 8rlncb Onici. HarYlysburf ' Pbon. ia wollth , .. weigbt ID laid, cOpy of our Cata logue will ~ olloorfnlly (urUl bedlon a}JpUA .... seetUle4 by women every"here. WOUldn't be bad. Buadrecla of these womeD Bve iD ' oatlou , Chamberlain'a Co1io, Cholera and yoor own 8tate-eome of Ulem' right The MaDob8llter. SigDa) says; I'A 'Bring your prluf.ln~ of till . de Dlarrboea aemedi. Better iD yoor OWO DelghbOrbood. Ask few or tbe Paators In tbe l~rger 8OrlptioD8 to the Gezette office, ThaD Threl9 Dootors them aboD' Zcw.-Pbora. On .March 'oitl811 have made anDoanoe· Philadelphia Printers'':SUppJy:Co. H'fhree years ago we had three Good work ut J'jgbt prlc311, , 7, 1~, MiIIa.Re".. Grimth of Col· ment tbat ' the male mambe .... o( the , A("nufaot.urer8 of uootQrs with our )lIttle boy and ev. ' DQ1~vllle, .., Micb.. w.rote ,.'!I wm " - .~1IIiIDcl ~y.. teIItlmonal for ZQa- dongregatlon may attend the ohnroh erythlng tbat they' .c oald do lleemed Type and Blllh Grade Printing MaterialFor An l~paired Appetite, , .~., ,~ .. "~e ·1..e.teIIt,: moet l!ervt088 iD thtllr sbirt sleeves dur- iD vain. At lasl; when all bope 39 Nortb NI.u th 8~ree~ Proprletora ~nlDg tonio I hav~\ ever iDg the b~tt.d aea80:, '1'he BA,ne Illiomed t()· be .NDe we began ulling To Improve the appetite and _ .~ihQa~o,t womeD. ,I .utfe~ . wi~ might hold goOd bere and may be Ubamberlain '8 00.110, Cholera IUld Itrengtben tbe (ilgostlon try a few PENN TYPE FOITNI)RY Pht,ladelphla DllI.rrhoea Remedy and In a few dOlles of ChamberlalD's ~tomllob .' , leocbo..rbi14 '~d palaful m8DIM!IJ for . neatly lix' yean. ' I took dltJerent the meant ()f getting more men and houra he began to improve. Today' aud Liver TAblet!!. Mr. J , n, t!eitz, klndl ' of medioiDeII and 'dpotored bOya to attend worllhlp . You can be a8 healthy 8' ohlld all Pll!reDtat 'of Detroit, Mlob" saya I "'llhey re With tb~e dIft'erent i dool~a, bot take anyone wbo la In t~e bablt of oould wiah for . "-Mrll. B, J. Jobn. Itored lPY Ilppetite wben impaired, tbey did me DO !rood. ',J aald J going or "tlrking in thefr shirt aton. Linton, ~181j', For sale by J , relieved me of a b}o&ted fee}lng ;.nd E. JtinDey. . caused a pleallllnt and Atisfaotory would ' have to have aD operation, k d but thanD to Zoa-Pbora ' it bae aleeves lIixdays In tbe wee .an to movement of , the boweI8." ·i'rloe . ••• nearly !Stopped·the . pain and hal eD- eJ:peot tbem to attend ohuroh on a 26 oents, I3llmplee fre~ a t J , E Subsoriptlo,"a retC ' for all tbe. ~ead · 'JiLuney·s. . 'Irely oUled the dlaciharg!3.v I wall Bunday morning wben tbe ther. 10 weak wben 1 ~au t&.lr.lng -yoar momdter reglaterll tiny where from Ing. magllzlne8 and new8papera, at . me4loine ..that (oould DO~ t'lt up a 86 to 115 detereel dressed ID tholr tbe (iRzette office. Note ,-We will' whnle ~aY ,,' It. time, 1!ut DQW 1 atu ' entirely well" . On April 18. 11107. best with" blgh ool1ar, ~ulfs, eta. aleet the prloe8 ad vertlsed by any • .. t r MltIII.GriJllth writes! "Yoa IDIlY ,:oefer and the result III they don t attend. reputable 8ubacrip'lon agenoy. ' The world-famed, treatment \ anyone to me.and will 8till gladly IDvite tbe . meD- aDd lJOy8, aud 1"t for Piles, Eczema, Qpe,n .8Or«;s, ,I't!ocomend Zoa Phl!.ro.. II D.oea thia tbem attend lu tbelr sblrt slev8ll80 nasal catarrh, and ali the d,sDot pro Vii thll.t the rell .Its from tbe eases of the skin, hurns, e.te. 118e of Zua. Phora are permaneDt? they are olean and l'88peota.ble, 18 'l'be bellt wliy to becpma a8snred all tbat ia D808888ry- God is I1fter . that Zoa· Pbora "1'111 belp you ill to 80ula and not fiDery . II go to YOQr druggist. aDd obtain '· a bottlo and beg,ln the trea~ment at Good 01 B k onoe aooording to 'pl~ln , dlreo~uns The . d ue eye Endorsed by phySi&ns, leadfonnd in tbe ,pllotllgl'l,. Jast aak for State in, ;druggists, ana thousan4s of Zoft Phora-no or,ber expliiu"tiou You caD't bead old Ohio. at!. Sbe ~atelul pati~nts who have'~n 119m be needed aud no tillateJlo 119111 -cured by its. II\arveious healing be mtide. You 119111 'roc;.ive tbe dra~8 more pension money than power. " . ' 'medlolne already prep"r8d, oom· 8DY other stilts lD tbe Union. Ber . In thetJ:eatment of hemorpounded In just.. 'be .r lght propor', sbare Is fifteen mUllon out of rhoids, it obviates, the necesstionA; lInd pu~ Il~ In t'08led\8terlllzed 'the t.>t lone hundred aud tblrty . A few d081'P of thiA r medy 119111 inODe dollar bottlt!8, a . ity of a surgical operation., ~nd ,nlDe mllhonl distributed annually. "ILI'i" lI '~' ouro 1\0 orlliollry attack of the danger and excructatmg ' . Sbe seDt more meD to the war than lIiUl'flJllllI, pain. It cures qu.icker, and It CiIl1 III\\'ft)'8 t I! depended upon. Help Wanted any other state, proportionately t,o "veil 111 t it e Wllftl 81'vere att8clt>4 tit IS entirely safe and J):ainless. . " YoQnlJ men aDd glrl8 at. the her popalatloD, aud thl8 IIhowlI she Ilrl\\Ull culic alld cholera morullft. ~. Send for circulars of hunIt Ig ~rt"Kl1y 811cl'eR~fnl for 8ullliul'r Pews Ollrtrldge Oompany, K.lnp deserves all ehe getll. The penllon dlurrhlbll Il11l\ chi lle ra Infantntn In , dreds of thousand,s of testimon'ials and professtonat 'e ndorseMUla, Wprk llgbt aDd ole"u. GOod rolll tell a mOt\' Interesting atory of ..11iI,I~e ll : alllll" mean, of B8VI,,!: ellch yl'ltr. ments. If your druggist doee . . . ... aDd o')mforta·ble . bokll. a~ Ule dlatJ'lbntton of UDale Sam'lI tbll.Jivt;M of WIII'II ",.hlr and Dot handle 1t send direct to commodation. 01088 to lhe f&4)tor,. boUlity to tbOfe aDd their depen4- ~\veel to tl\ke. Every man IlbOlilt\ liMp IARIIIALL HElOR...M. CO., Manager, anu, wbo rfo ll\ed to bls ,.t&nclllrd Addl811 ~ltItant it DOW. KIDP mtu.,Oldo. (J. 17.8t) when he needed meD ftlth heartl tblftl'emedrlu ........1, ... ProCK, 230. • Il00. ___ brave an~ trae. PeDIIODI go wbere-

Se e Your Drc ':,smaker



\ \

Difficult Breathing



isou & Gibney,

Obic, ,









fUN l TalephOnt 01,

EC'T0 H,


loca' No. 7 long Dlstlnos No; 69·3r





County Court NeWii.




'. M. BI'lIt)bUI'Y, of J. lmu un Hn,l Fill' 1,111' g 'locl of ~h olle IIllll'erlng NI'JW II U1'1'1:1 . I with eO;('OIlIll or utl,er such t r<luble, MiN!! .'uJiu 1'l11Ill' WlIuli, flJ' OrogoUlIl. . levelu,lId 'l'l'UKL 'u. VII W11 · I WI sh to BIlY my WIfe llnd ~omo·



HornltlllllJwn. t 1:1I. 11 ~ or tllllt. kinti Anti arter using 'ur Muno,,", IIml t bo lIontor'R rmncdle!l fOJ' !lOlne tiUle aetendllut lIid un AUl;\u1:lt Hlth, 11I1~ - Mls!j Edy t ll W,~uw'~nI L o f iIlorrow. ('onolurl atl t o try Oh d.Dlberlll.lD'M Iy, w1Iltully, IlJllhOlolltlly uutl wlok "~)Y(l, lind it Proved to b better edly, write, COIl.lljU~tl una ' l'ulJhHIl It Comml '0 e " thun unytbtug sbe hud tri ed. For oerwin fll.~f.lO nulllibehlutl I~ LWl' OOu8S1 n rs ~I). l by .1. E . •I/lnney . OtIrUlug t.htl trtlntlllcLlou in tlltl l·tl Procdings .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~tI!!!!!~ oenL II/Uti 01 tUtI U . L . & ' . K J:t . --- - --. ·J.'he It>'tor In q uetitiOll wut! Wl'ltteu UlI.Ul Ll.OW~JI). DAYT~NI LEDAN~N to Lh o bondholder!! IIl1d ~ lJtt u tliut. \Vultel' oM \ un , Ilurlul ol .I u I t.he property lUlI1 beeu IJluulln.1l lit Iuith ............... .. . .... .. .... .. ~ 50 110 AND CfNtlNNATl1 &1 tuu 1:I~le by the l'rlJlndollt 01. llUb '. W . I:lt'llltUll, cOllLru(;t ... .. ... 111il 25 Ulevolll.ud '.1'rn8t U,.J.IlDU tUut 1.1 bOliO . Utilo lientil!rtlor., coutruCt.... .. 1 i 50 18t1UO of $SOO.OOo l:IiluUrlJU by firt!L W. B . 'ruylor, contruot ...... ... H 1;0 TIME o.uw Illortgogo on Iho prolJurty wus '. U. 'lel1v::lr . r(j~l!lIrll..... .. .. .. . oJ. 00 E I " ~ ' h; "I'I I ' E MAL '11 :u. H OT. IllJout LO be mudo lI.ud thtl uouJII l'hllip Nlckel,relJui rl\ .. .... .. ... ;S 5U NO WI'HIIO! N U. '. Ilula to IInid 'l'rusl UO~llJU.IlY I1t nlotl- ,Jut!. Montgomery, iluulllll'l . 1.:t tt nt1 fo; .~4 ., ·1 No. r,Cl ~ o . :\. tiy centl:l on thu dulliu' i tilut tbe olu IUluller.. .... .. .... ..... ............... i 00 p M. IL ;, !!:.! IJoou holder!! wero to lJe ~i ven BUl'ruugbt! AU(l',ng Mllcblu II Oil , h oi i;~ r. I ~ IItook In the lI~ W cOfpurat\(}t& to tbe Utl., :I"'lnd........................ 10 Oil 1 7 '1 1 1 " ' . :; 1 Jr. l :t "Illoant vf '1,000,UO(I, thut tbe ap. Brown & McKllY , pub\lflhill~ ;, 0 11 j 4 l'1 10 4 prlllllBrII did .not properly inspect Ilotioe to l~lId ow oelS......... .. 11 (Jf) I ~o T ~u 5 Ul. \be road and tbll. t tbtu:le termln,d U. 6 . Mounts, fee from JUD.l ) U~ I ; :t·~ ~ &'1 ) ~ 'j 4 47 7 ~1 properties Were alone worth i2bO, . tu July 211 .. ....... . ... .. ... . .. .. . 126 a:.l , : '.! I !l ..J :1 .' ~ ...... uOOj "ilut the IJoudl..tolderll . sllould 'l'rus!-IleB of .Pl1bllC II ftu ir!:! , t7 ::0 nu ::tl ~4 '10 oW{lIUY couut!ellluu in vCl!t)~atll . wlI.ter·rent .... .. ... "''' ...'' ...... :1 00 r~ :I ~ IT 18 ; 10 1 $ Trustees ut Publio Illl'uirs, : III 11 0. III 4 :111 JUllon ~In<l o r vs Walter G . Kin· i!lJrlnkHng .. . ..... , .................. ;.1'00 t; 0 11 J" ) AU , I ~!C der, \0\ Ilbu~ Kinder. Mllbel Kindol', .Ju!:!. Fullen,lIalur.y .. .. ... ..... .. ... 4000 10 Otl -l :!u t:lIUford Kind er, Louille Ki nder IlDd, Ii. DUI'shoorger ", ' .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. . '"'000 U II , IJ O&. T. 'I' c: II & 1) Samuel fox their t;uardlun i peti. Un mution the bond of DI1I1 p. Urty lQI1 " 411 II 31J .-, I,f, Il &. X '1' D " x ~' tlOn I1l1ks for partitIOn of fo ur traots BUlle'; olerk 0 1 til" court of COIDIllon uf h~ud. P . 1:i. R ile attorney. UIlW.Il:. Moortl; lklltluu l'UUIL,'I:I thU G

ttuv. .

t:)WIlD, (Jr'

L unru'U MuulJt~




,R. S. 16rand Mid·Summer . Kingsbury I · Mark·Down Sale bury

R: S.. Klngs~ .'

In the



of our connection with the clothing busi-

ness at this stand, we can honestly state that never before have we offered such 'a magnifi('~nt al'l'ay of fine merchandi~e as now goes Into this mark-down sal ut almost. acrifice prioes.



Men's Suit Sale , SElVlllN [' ·!t -EIGH'r ~UITS, llll finest E. M ta\lormg, in grey !!, browns. blues nnd black. NothinK reserved. Tbe ohoice of all $22, '25, ~2 und , 30 l:Iuittl, all new this season. Mid· pum mer sale only ... ......... ..... .. .. •

IXTY-FIVE MENS FINE HUlTS, Grey Wor· steds. OIub Obeo1J:a, blues and blaokll. $ 14, $i5, $16 ILnd $18 vlllues, Q now In Mid Summer Sale llt 9 •

II 50

$17 25

FOR1.'Y-TWO Splendid Vlllue Suits, &8sor~ pattern s llnd many extra good thIng_ In small sizes, but something in every Rlze. $12, $14 Ilnd $15 valUes, now In Mid· Summer Bale at only

E IOH'l'Y MEN 'I:! FINE I-! ITS, many tail. u ay ton :

_n ,

lillY 'on : II . ' X'1' 11 0 :10 L olJa llfJh til' . Sha k I ! 'rn )<l I n g Ii :13 t 37 )l o~1 Y II H 1lIP/f,o:.l l\ .'\ H Ili



.1 7

II 11! • II tl;i.

: ao :! (,tJ ? :'til

A 8MALL LOT of tbil fbllowlDi size 8U1t833, 84, 35 Ilnd 36. Values 98 worth IUIlDuoh a8 $10, now .: . .,



:t ua III :1 til i :.!a II ~I I ,

' u O"





ored by tbe famons E . M. System. Sootoh f n.brics, · utings, Blue SerRes and blac k ,'l'hlbets. All tbls s6&8on 's style Illld mnke. $18. $20. $21', and If ~2S values, choice during sale -:If • . a




~ , ~lh

A b'ltlt f'll'ty fluits . nil wool nnd first closs

in every reHpClct. $10 and 12 values, Mill Hommer Ulearance Price ........... . Br('lk 'n lines and odd suits, 14 to 17 years, $10 vllines. now priced to go !It ....... :..



Boys' College Btyles in IItrlcUy Dlasee IUId and patterns. a choice .18l10rtUlent, '11i, 16 and 1 vaJu(18, no w ..... ....... ..



Knee Pants suits Q198 !Chi 'il'. . 0 oe 0 t a nUID be r 0 f pre .. ••y s tvl . es, BI'oomer and regular pants to coats, $5, $6 and $4 1 $7. values, now.. .. ....... ......... ...... ......... •

A 1>lg line of $2.50, 3. RDd$3.5081lits, now


Choloe of All finest SUits, H .•& C. Co. Ulllke. $i./iO, 8 nnd 9 vlIlnes, now .. ... .... .......... ..


$1.50 and $1.75 val nl1s, now ... ................... ..



:ifi . reD, nsyI vania

This vahtRhl. , e"' I)<I, I. " cnre

for DYSIt';ll" hl. l"'IIK".U~n8 BM'!"

~l~-:o:~ e~t\rm~f, n'~a~~II~e. t~~~=1 or

~er"() u *'D'..hltit.)'

or Prot'lrRUOD

~~:e:: '~£'i~~~~ ~::~~t,~::":.'ct.dllO'"

Racommended by Physicians

PI_nL 1<> take. II. III no ~ " ene.... ar)' to dl.~ In very sever .....1'1'0 The . lomBoll "JII 000 0 be In 800h a

hCa!U,y c:ondlti ... 11 th M oue caD eat

moat IIUY klod or food.

rrwo Slze.~ .

60e. anil SI.OO p.r bOI~ Jf yon , rl'U&Il,.t docs DoL have It, Mnd d lrecllo .

F'. L. SHINKLE, .anufocturlnlf Pha,maclet. MUNOI., 'NDIANA• . G'ln"J!a",


~nd '1lIoHMoIlf~

Hftt -






Daily Elleursi~ns to Norfolk , Torir of &"t with Stop oven'


J • B'nohaDaD ' t 0 F ...... ... For PartteuJara call 0-.. B.· E. CUD'alll .... ; In J'rankltn; • •1.,QOT • •B.,.Ttck •• et. . Ap.D.L• • •




~ · lD~



Shirts and Fancy . Hosiery

Choice ot ail $a anll $8.50 MaD. Choice of all Boy 's wlillb euits, 11.00 All Union Underwear, lon~ and hatton shirts now ............$1. 98 11.25, and 11 .6·0 values, now 800 short sIeves, Cooper Spring Oholae of all $1.50 and $2 Man· IJbolce of all 12.90, '2.60 and . ta.OO needle brand $a.oo qnaUty .. $l,98 hattan shirts. · now ......... $1.311 .. values noy.' .. .. ....... .. ........ ,1,48 Choioe of all fanoy $1 and . $1.25 Union Underwear. ' same Wilson Bros. and GiUlln Discount on Bprlng Over, make 1112 and $2 .60 grade, $1.48 shirts, now .... ... 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890 COlltS snd on 'R aln Coats . Union Underwear $1 and $1.25 quality, now ............ , •• 890 Choioe of all 750 shirts now ...... lleo Mercerized silk Rnlah UnAil 50 and 7110 men's fanoy x, Hat Department. imported goods, DoW ........... 311o derwear, Wilson Brothers, Oholce of all 6n.~lit Straws, $2.50, All 25 and 350 tanoy Box now. . ,.lUc 13.50; 00 and $~.. OO values, .. $1.98 . blu~, white and tan, $1, All fanoy Box that were-1rio _ _ --" Choioe of all '1.50, 11 75, and 12.00 $1.26 and $1.50, now at ..... : 890 now ..... " ............................. 110 Straws now .................... $1.24 750 . impofted Bon Bon shirts . Cbnice of all $1,00 and $1.50 and Drawers, now ... ... ......... 480 !::ltraws, now .................. ... 800 This Sale will close Ch .. loe of all riOo and 760 Straws GOo Underwear, aU styles, long Furnishings Aug. 15th.' now ........ .. "....... ..... _........ 390 ~nd short sleeves and with Chuice of llll 250 nnd some 500 Suits and Straw . stouts, now .... .... :............... 390 ! S ~ra W8, now ................... .. . 190 Hats while 25c and 35c Underwear, now in A lot of odds and ends ·in boys They La8t . Strt\w8, now .................. ... .... 50 midsummer olearance .... ..... 190






50 & 52 East Main






a .... E8T~Tm '1'RA~SJ!'Elt!j

9c! Boy 's Wash 'Pante, 25 and 35 oent valu88 no~

. !




W. H. BoiJping to ·P . B. Dunhllill j • lot In Lebinon; ,J . Frederiok ' G olT, 8heldoD B : Tolles Jolln E. },lJrley, Cill~il . B. Gale, Ourles iI. BuSl! ftPd '\9lv~ to DaY,on,. Lebauon and < BatlrOMd and Terminal Co j D J. & O. B. R, ; 'I . B: ~UDham to Mltr.\' K Brown. lot 10 LelNmOD I . BUR Bldp .nd U.'O. II1!1gll iu I:ora' . ) ' Ward i lot in It'ort An(llent· ~ .

$1 19! Boys ' Wash Panta, bloomer and replar styl88. 500 value now,; ....................... .. '8

Boy's Wa$h Suits.


44c 39c

Men 's Moltl8kln Hnrvest Pants, alleizee. $1 and $1.25 valnes, now .. ... ....... .......... ..






tIOO. . ThOlD~



lIla~te of J. K. Clark, deoea86d i proof publication filed .. • ~te of 8~ldah A. Decker i proof ot pubUcation filed. • ~te of J . K. Olark, deceased : lnvenklry and apllraleement filed. j\J A fro STRBlICT W A YNESV £LUK. O. Margaret Morey , guardian of In ' room noxt. door to 'rOll8 Bros. Marguerite Moery tit III : aduitionll.l bond of ,020 r equlrl'd i appraise· Bar<lwllro St,)ro. ment 61ed, guardian orlleroo to sell '!'eleIJho'n18 in houso and ollloe laDd at private sale. wbere I can be called day or night. VlI.lley Phone 14-2. Goo. W. ~I\Y. admlnlst·rator of Gee. B. OIborn, deoeas8d vs MOBes OIbom at al j sale confJrmoo and Remedy for Diarrhoea. diatrlbut!oa ordered. Known to Fall . In the matter of the wll\ of Ellen " I want to say a ' few words for Rtley, dooea.sed; will admitted to Chamllerlaln '& Colio, Cholera ond proba'e. Dillrrhoe Remedy. I ba ve ueed In the ma'ter of the w\ll of 8 lin· r~i8 preP!lrotion in my fllUllly for nah 8atfleld, deceased j ' wi~l admit _ the past five y'ea~s ond ha ve never known I$' to fall to effeot Ii cure In &eel klprobate. III the matter or the eptAlte of S . any Instanoe. J feel that I ' cnnnot SIlY wo m noh . for ' the best remedy A. Ohamberlln, lunatlo; 8 . A. of tbe kind in the w,)rJd·. "-8. ·Jem .(,Jha.mberlln tUedno.tloe that he de.. i[lon, Spring (:irove. York County, lired to be rostored Co the munuge· Pa .. This re medy Is for sale by J. E . Janney . men' Qf hil property. Estate of J. W. Ellis, deoelL8£<l j Inventory aDd p.p pralsemimlont I1led In th, matter . of tbq estate. of Jobn D. Barner, deoea\IIIL>d . execu· tor orde\ed' to oollect allsets , ot ... LINES~-"""·-ela'eaDd ~y. widow . .' From WAYNESVILLE . ( Esate . . UanM~- 8a.t field i Alton TO '1'. Brown I:'p.JlOtn~ e,xeont\?r /ln~ glV88 bQnd of $1000. , \ Estate of A. M. Brow~: deCeased ': I Invenlory and appraltlsweut lile.d In the matter of the Trust noted And other Sellshore Resorts by tbe of W\llill~ .JllcksoD, uti I $I~.OO . Round Trip oeued ~ E. Allee .ll\cks~u appointed . . August 8. , .$rultee aDd glvl!II i600' bonll .


"Eve rybody I::ihCtuld K now" • G o. Hays, 9. prominent bus lDlln of Bluff, Mo.,tbat Buok. len 's Arnica Sa lve i.s the q ulokest and lIur e!!t: hea.Jing so lve ever up· Men 'R ~l'rooseJ8 . ~woot,Orr & Crown peg top $4.98 Men 's ~oleeldn Harvest P anta, no values plied to a Bore, hurn or wound, or now: ............. .... ........ ......... .. ....... .. ..... . mako, $0 . 7.50 und $M vlllues, now .... , .. .. to a case of piles. I've u sed it aud Boys ' Knee PIlnta, $1. 50 villues; now ...... :.... t' know what I'm taking ",bout." $3.50 and oJ. 'v~lu6ll, Olearunoe price ........... . GUllrll.nteed by Fred O. I:!chwartm. Boys' Knee Panta, $1.2.5 and 1.50 vaJUBe,noW Druggist 25c $2 .50 and $.3 valuesl, now ......... .............. : .. . $1.9 8 Boys' Knee Pants, 50 a~d 650 valU88,. now ... ... . 86 YS ine 8

Ge9. H. Wilkerson a8 n'd mlnlstrator of the eatate of Harrv Fllmallan, deoeued va Jas. FlIIonag'an and oaher heirtl of Geo. H. Wllkerllon i plaintiff desires to know what dis. tribution 'Is to be made of $44017 in h1a pou8I!sion , . ~

$3 50


, BEDS ', .' Means Monarch of perfectloo. CoodJ

Bop, Bh_p ....d

S.., ••a,...... and Oa'.. ."Iua to u.e wW!\us.. 1& ....Utb. Doa't 111 worth"" 0_ .......... ~te4.~ .. ~ ..... A.

fbi' Ift& A. ~ Pwmer ...d 81oo1lmU. bu doab). ~

CIa. thIe ..... the _ , IboCIe OIl the 1IW'

:~I,.~ __ """,,to



-'nevHIe,.nd •.



'FARMERS" STOCK ·FOOD eo..., ClItI.tl8. . a\MI for




th at nro d l tilll:ufshed by good de.fgIlM. I good filli ~h. :rho b e~ con»truclion amI vl'ry r,;uson~hle prices. A sic you.· ' <1 ,,:11 c r

10 " how iU.,!N~~f:Uyou t1, (l

',IIWI"" ~.....J "

'Ut~llf)ts~~~ olh ...... Evei'y





·line. lJit · , leret, from






l.'he Limit of ~fe. The most emineo' medical IIOlen'. iata are una.nimoQl in tJle oonol'll8· Ion that 'be generaU,. aooepted !lJmlta'ion of human life te QlaQ7 :Y86n below the aftalnmen' pcalble Iwith tbe advanced ~owl~1J8 or Iwhloh the nee il now ~_Id. · I The critical ponoo, that deter· . mlnes 1&1 dnra"on, I88IDIIG be be· tween 50 aDcl eo; 'he proPR aue 0' tbe ·body during lhla decade OUIDOt bfl &00 ItroDII,. uqe4; ou~..... · then belDg faWIG l . . .ntJ. Natul'e'l1Miet helper:after 110 Ie IIIIeokIo B1He'n, the lOIentmo . . . . me4loln. "-' rentaUen 8!U1 ~ or tb.

boV. ·Guuutee4 ..,. J'N4 C. iohwana DragtR. IOD.




by J""eph B , Bowie... )

It was a month sInce Debora b had said "y<'s" to Pllrson Farr II, Debo, rah npv llr found 'Lhe rulnl~t 1"8 W olng dlstaste lul. lila culth'atcd ace nts and unvarying courllln,e!ls Iml1l' saed lle r as did his QuotatIons Irom Holy Wi'll ; ' she consld red hIm a s uperior b lng , who yet felt It s privilege that she allowed herse ll to bolong to him, aud she knew tbat the neIghborhood I;lrls e avled her the Ilosltlon sit would hold 8 S his wlCo, Sho lelt uo shrluk· Ing Irom a IIfe·Journey wltb this youug ('cci!lslaslic; the Cuture looked all green past.ures and stili waters, Dehorah was hummin g a love tune ss she sst spinning under the arhor us her betrothcd came quie tly and aat down besi de ber, "Ar rOll spinni ng becaule thore Is no more cooki ng to be doae?" " You wouldn·t ask that, If you could ~o ul\1 s e the dough nu 15 tbat Aunt Lydia Is fryIng. and Aunt blgal Is !ltlll making spIce cuk s, , he hegan so earl y this mornIng tha t Aunt Lydia won6ered she badn 't sat up all night," "To,morrow brIngs the rull 01 the barvest moon," 8ald Parson Farrell thoughtfully. " ''1\rmst barvest moon I was Illlckln~ for tbe start to tWa \lastorate, And when I bad tI nlsbed r Bilt by the window of my lodgings. 'wondering whaL the futur he ld for me, I dldn't know Ulat IL II Id you tor me." Debllrah resllonded to his mood: "And I-what was I doIng last hal" vest moon ? 011, yes-thore was a frolic at Judge P rclvul's, and I wen t. We dsn ced-" "A mlnlster'l wlfo cannot. dance, Deborah." ' "I don't 1(18h to dance. I ' Dever Wish to dance again ," , She s\loke with the posl tlvenes8 of )touth tl)at does not , know . itselt, lay· Ing a convincIng hand on his arm; and he looke d at her with bis ,face melt· Ing to Buch rare telldel'lIess tbat It was like a caress. Ii se ldom kissed her : be 1I'as more apt to take I\er, aa 1t were, Into the depths of hi s heart by one of those swlft taGS softenlngs. Dehorah wondered If he would ,ever kiss her wben they' were ma rri ed, Or dIdn't marrIed people kiss eaoh other?

but It's nearly table hour, an d 1 can wall." " Y OII shnn' t ~'alt. eltc I't 10 walt h 1'0 whIle I f t'ch a glnss," he said , He was gone betore abe could prO test ; !lnd s he 6nt aa he had bld \1 nwat hlng th e meny orowd b e~lde lhe barn wllh a urlous senso oC detach· lDent, She was only 20, Wou'ld Il go on ' Ilk thIs unUI s he was an Old, old WOOl an- the hallpy pulso oC Illimsully and sbe so drearily al(lor? The n h r IsolaUon fulled luto a fr lgllton d. del!· cious acnse of ueurness to wbat made like best. while, as a voice entreated s ortly from uoblnd the wild grallc vln s that, reachln!,: up , to th e maplo branches, forlll ed a s cre n , ut hcr back : "Deborah-darling!" "Go awny!" s b Implored rulntlyand turned slok at thou gh t or his go' lng, She heard a sigh-long, quivering, aa from tho de pthS or a mnn's heart""': the rustle of vine leaves: a dragging step; she sa'" tho minister I' turning through the moonlit ,.space bot.ween .

I m~~~~~;-1q;jT---"""-'


" 1 henr Judge Percival's son Tehlrns borne 800n. His Ijhlp Is ancbored I.n 130ston harbor, ' Wbat 11\ peoplo here 8eem fo nd of te lling about 'WID-and never an y good, Yet I remember blm at college as betag mnst klndly. We roomed together until ,Borne prank sent him awol', and 08 h e dreJlded meeting hIs Cather ,he went to sea. ~He nursed t;Ile tbrough a th ree weeka' IIInesl and as- tenderly-as~-womaa . lea1'n· cd : to love 111m lIke a brotber, and Ihall no t tQrget ,tbe debt lowe blmboing as poor tbell It. frl mis as In money." The re wss s!le\lce - Dehorah lookIng Into be l' lall, Parson Far· rell lookIng ou t ncrOS8 the green meadowB 'a t the baze blue bills, "And a t th busklng to·morrow eveni ng YOllr fatfler na nQlInceK our botrothal. Elverybody will know then that we belong to eaoh otber." When' be had gone the SPin ni ng whee; turned a gain; but tbere was upon her face a shade not cast hy fl ickering grape leaves, " I've taken th at aweet Image everywhere," saId some oae close behind h er, ThIs time the voice at a rtled J)&. borah. She rOlle ao halltll y that she atepped ullOn tbe hem of her gown, and was kept from tailing by arms wblch held be l' foal "You baven't altered a bIt since wo danced th e VirgInia Reel, e xcept to , grow lovelier, Won't you tell me tflat yon're glad to see me, Won't you, 8weet heart ?" ",You mustn't! Oh, Ephraim, I've promised to matry the mlnls tor!" , "He.' came here alnce you left home, ,His name Is Enoch Farrell. He' saya he kne\1/' you at , college; and he Bpoke so kIndly of YJ3U tbal. I liked him more tban ever.''' "[ remember EDoell Farrell, He's a tine fellow. But J've been trying to make myself' a gllod man for you, Deborah. I thought yoU knew I lov.ed you. And you love me. You may marry the mlnhiter-hut you love mol Deborah, you love me!"

The crowd ha/l begun to come the hUlking bee, and 118 there was to be no danchig, 'tables bad been .Bet In the long barn, and lanternl were upon a bountiful repast. ' The com to be husked was plied In shockll out. sIde t be barn, and soon guests" to t he number 01 a '4uodred or more were s trlppln a the yellow grains with laugh and jest and slIatch of song-an occa· alona l scram ble or IIIay fu l slap bear· tug testimony of tbe finding of tbe red ear. , Deborah, sta nding with Parllon Far· rell In the soft dark or an applo' t ree a li ttle dl s tanee frbm ~he huskers,' wad consolous at weal'lnes s, She wished that she might be by he rsel l for II moment's gathering nt 8trepgib to meE't tbtl aun<)uncement tbat wal to come at tablo, Ye t o ue was not thtHe, to h'e ar. as she had draa'dOd; and s he relt relieved at h l ~ ausencealth'lu gh he l' eyee couU.nlla ll ~ sea rch. c d the spaces ',a bout b el' 10 unwilling ' d~,81 re COl' a look tor hi m, "You ar.o tired." th!, minister lIald, teade rl)" . " Yes, , Illn tired," ah& conreslled, "A.nd I'm thli'lIty, too, A drInk 01 Aunt LrdJa'• ....colJi CQrre. "ClII~.te-sood~or

MUltn't! Oh, EphraIm, I've to Mar:-y the Mlnllterl"


the bBr~ and tbe allplo tree dark wltl" a glnss In bls band. T hen there wat the crash of breaklng wood- It 8eem, ed all about bet'-flome one leaped the wall-she was pushed aside with II violence thst sent her staggering to. ward th e g rou p of huskers, who rush· ed In her dlrectlon, A glas8 lay empty at her feet ; Parson Farrell's com' mand raug above tbe,5loofuae d hnm 0 ' va ces: " Stand away, all of YIlta-iltand away! He needs air!" She kne w now what' It was, A beavy appie bran,ch, wbl ch, he r Cathel had said must. SOO/1 be cut, bad yie ld, cd to an ancient fissure, and bad fall· e n wbe re but a n Instant before she was sitting ; and that prostrnte figure Sbe pushed her way Into the clr' cle; s he threw herself on bel' knees hesl de bim. Green pastures and stili wate rs w,e re Corgotten now- The De, borah who hod girded herself tor a placid lICe of duty was only an Impet· uoua 1V0man. "'Ob, Ephraim! Epbralm! You've gtven your ' \lte for mine!" "I'm not burt, D eborah dear. Were yo U frightened, 8weethea rt?" and t he whole litan y oC love was III ,those t1fo eenteacea, Sho arose and he ld out her hand to bllD; hll own tlgbtened 6bollt 'Il In such a clasp as only lovel'l glvtr-and hand In hand they stoo4 before the lDan to whom she Was pll,.bted, hand In hand tbey stood befottl all their Ifttle world. Through Uit· minister's brain these words beat ' a,;alnat war· ring Impulses: "What greater love hath a man than this. tlo.t he lay down his me tor Wa frloall.,,, Hla face was white In the mO;'Ilitght; hut all the people watched. It ""eow In Ita hIgh rellolve like the face or ft wnland the two frontlna him laoked Into It 'unafrald, ' HI8 voIce, ead, BOlemn. sweet, reached to the fartheDt lIaten· 61'8:

''Ephra!~ PercIval, do YOIl wl~h to take thl. woman to be your wedded wlte!" , "1 do," said Ephraim, "Deborab Estes," ' he falterf)d, ftxed upon, her the farewell of lucb look" 88 could not be told In word.; then ' went on steadily, ' "do 'yolt wi8h to take thll man to be your wedded h,u 8band 1" ' ' ''1 ' do," said Deborah. "Tben I ' pronaunGS yOU husband and wife. Whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder, Dear, Iy beloved. peaco abide with you botb." . Through the hush followIng the ben. e dlctlon of thlB strange brIdal. Simeon Estes ,spoke with a tremulousness which he could not hide: "JoJnough huskIng for to'nlght, good friends', Chee r awnlts ~s on yonder tahles," ( l-lie le,d tile way toward the glowIng allen barD, and It he felt dlsa\lpolpted at tllO nlght'!! outcome,' he showell nOlhlng,o( It; the c rOWd troopl)d after him, The minister stood where ,tbey had lort him-bIll face upr~lse d-and It seomed to ' her that the light oC the hnrveat moon wovo a halo ahout hlB head, She ' did nol know that It a ll ~tc hed raYB, like heavenward lid. der.., down toward hIm through WAI'I tbat IDJlW1l1tb- none the I. . " maa.





Amateur G rdener Could Not Untl.... .tand Why Seed. Old Not Sprout.

A Word About • F. vorlte Theory al

Tbe woes oC thte nl!;oteur ga rd en et aI''' very amu slnp; to others, but d&clded ly real t.O tbe. mlln who hili spoiled a suit at (:Ioth S . bllsterod hll hantls anti lost h is tempor In bla at· fortll to ,make thtngs grow, A 'yo nng man, recently married, early In the sp ring secured a Bub· urba n plncQ, mainly Wlth' l he Idea of "rr sh, horue'grow'n vegetnhles,' Evory e\' nlng he wou ldl h urry througb hll RU ppel' aod rus h out ' to bls garden, wh ero he cllS\llayed more energy i.haD skill. Dut, alas! Whe n many UtUe groe n thIngs began to br'eak tbe I!:round In his neigbbors' gardens, his ow n I' mslned as bare as the Sahara. " It certainly hB,S got me beat," h. eonftded to a trl e:nd at ' bll omce ODe' day , " I can't und e rstand why not a bll'ssl'd thing bas come UI)· 1 plan,tea pellS and co,rn and tomatoes." " Pe rhaps , tho s oed wcra rofec tlve," th fri end Buggested. " 1 hardly think It Wall that," the gardener re plied, "Cor I got tho ver, b08t-P!lld I ii centa a CIUl for them"

E, P. Sandstcn, while assoolate hal' Tn the b(ll tom f Its beart a' good lIcul t urls t ,nt. the M~ryland statio part 01 the finn ncial c01l\m unlty che r. In a commnnlcnli on to fruIt g row ere, Ishes tb 'Sll8111cloll Lhat flllallcial said : ·' i'h o in'actlce Ilf thl/lu lng (ruit 111'1801;, especIall y wh n caus d or a o. has loug bee u Imown to the trult companied by bnd harvests. havo growers or EurollO, and orr·years In somet hing to do with "sun sPOtM," , KILLING MEI.ON APHIS. tru lt with them aro almo~t. uakno.?u. 111)'11 th New York Post. ,'b argu. to Ame rica, where the desi re Ie UI ment 16 that these "cars of Intense Bolar aoUvlty omo '~ome\\'hore near It Ca n Be Done by Fumlg.tlng with \lrodue quantity father than quality, tho vracttce Is gen rally lookcd upon once In ten yeurs and so dn panlc8; Tobacco Smoke, with dillfavo r, or lat.e years, how, tbat "sun spots" very probabl y cause Tbe melon aphis has done grent ever, tho 11I'I\Ctl ce haa been taken liP nbnol'lllal seasons on our ow n plan et ' Injury to me lon plants In various sec· by most oC our su. lo~srul trult glow. and that abnorma l lIeilso na. on use crop fail ures and t roublo In the stook ex. ' Uons 4! tho cOllnti')', particularly ers, and th conCellS'IlS of opl1tlons ,'1'oxas that thlnDlug )1uys well. chang. Nohody would need to tak e Texns, !n a hull etln or t1l The mos t s uccessf ul grower now· this s'e rlously but for the fact t hat, :12 eXpl! rlnlent staLlon It Is reoommended ycars ago, a Cry eminent "'ngllsh to pilln t a few rows oC \'/lpe at both adays Is not. th e or..8 tllal' ral sos th. or nt tho sldo of the , m elon field ends economlMt frank ly asserted IJls hetl eC largest quantity of ' l)f\ach S 0\' alJplell, In the theory, Prot, J e vous WIlS s o h for planting the molons, Ral'e Is but th e one tbllt p .-oouces lhe flnes t conftde nt of Its I\ppllcabillty that In nllturnl food plllnt fo r an aphis which aud hl ghellt Quality III fruit. Superior 1875 he predicted a European pR'nlc In has univorsill dilltributlon. This In· Crult cannol be obtr\hll,ld Crom a treo 1879, hecllilse tho "s un,spOl" activi ty that Is over·loaded .,.Ilb fru l t, Tho woulel then be agalu alllll'ol\ol1lng a OIlpaclty of a tree I. i\1llIted, and L'lIlt maxlm ulll , ' capacity cannot be "",oe ded, no u\at, Rut how uOO ut the fa cls? ThE\, rear ter bow many frulh> may be aet. If 1837 WIIS ono ot sun,sllot maxImum many fruits are set and' are aJlowo'!d and 'also 1\ yel\l' or commercial paniC. to remaia, t.ho cnerg\01I of the tree Sun HPOtS were ,. 1')' netlve In 1 71, are s pread ont over lhe lIuge ' num· SmokIng Out thp Bugl, ber, alld lew, If any wI\! reucb the 1812 and 1 73 nnd wo know What hal>pened In lh murk Is. In 1 3 R \'10' s t Is the host for -tbe ml\]orlLy of IIIDI t o[ t belr possltlle (\fOWth. Ir. lent lUlLdmulll was reach ed; Eurolle Insocts whl cb deslro), olher nphldos. on til ' otbe r band, one·ha.l l or two· had a sloek·exchange \lanlo In I 3 (n his wny, ladybugs ' and olher In· tblrds oC the fl'ults ars removed, the and the Unit d tate's ono In ] 4. aects wlli become so numero us that remalniag ones will hl-ve all OPIIOl" Thero owns a famo us "sun.s pot ycor" th )' will ordinarily toka care of the tunl ty to deve lop to a no,"mal size. In 1 !l3 a nd, what Is more to Lh o point, me lon uphl8. 'l'he mpe'shou ld be leCt Moreover, th vitality of I.ho tree we are still In a period of solar actl vi. to g l'Dw until t.he cantalou'ps ure bar· Ie greatly PI' se rved by SUCh 1\ reduc· ty Bud dl sor d!!I'ed lllark ets. vested, tion, sInce It Is not tbe slZII of tbe The a ph is can bo killed on the vines fTOit that Iml,ulrs the Vitality of the a far, this ls all \, e ry w II; but le t us be thorough. Th pnnlc of 1 67 by fuml gaUng with tobacco smoke, tree, hut t.he numb,e r of seeds tlint sre was one of th e worst on Ule list. and For vInes two or threo ' f et long, allowed to mature. By removl llg one18 67 came In a porlod of sun,sJlot make n light frame tour leet. wide and hall or more ot tho youn g frul tll, we minimum, In 1866. when ono of tbo s\'x r et long, to which nttnch eight- do not only make It pOllslble fnt the wo rst ,of En!':land's finnncial crises oc. Inch legs. , Cover this wltb a good tree to , pl'Oduce a 'larger , and finer curred, solnr ac tlylty was at tho low. grado oC mus lin, cut two feet longer fruIt. but we also preserve the Tigor est level In a docude, A p rlod at a nd two fll t wIde r than the Crame, so and lon gev ity of the tree. sun·spot minimum hegnn In 1889 and ,that It wUl cover the sides and la)1 on JudicIous thlnn lng makes It po .. con tinued Into tho "Baring yesr," t.he grouud. Eartb may be placed on s lhle In: Inuny cases to produce a c rop 1 90. Evld utly s un spots do not al. the lal' to keep the Bmoke and gas of fru It eyery year and sUlI keep t\le wayS hav o the sanle off cL Cram escaping: troe In a good state of health. ThIn· Prol. J evons thought that tbe effec t At.tor the clotl:\ haa been sewed and nlng also t nds 1.0 prod lice bette ~ col, was brough t nbout thl'ough c rop tull- cut to tbo sIze deelred, It sbould be ored fruit ;' as 'It permits the 811n t o ures. The a stronom ers t ell us, how. saturated wltb lIaseed all, then reach many places that othetwile e ver, that so far as there Is any corre- wrung out, slightly dried and nBlled would ,not be r eached. it also pel' spond enco, "cold years, rains and In. to the lrome. For fteld work, make mlta a freer clrcu lstlon or tbe elr. undatlons apllca r to correspond to up at least ten frames, wbleh one man Thinning will In Ii large measurO 10s'7 tbose when the sun Is Quiet; dry and can attend to, sen the heavy lossea occasioned by Place tb!) frame over tho Infested rotting of the fruit. The [rult '1'111 be wnrm years to epochs , at great solar activity." Now a dry year may ruin plant. T~ke some fuml gntl ng tobacco further apart, a nd there will he litcrops aa well as a cold year; but as a paper made for the purpose and put tle or no cbance for the frultll to matte r oC record among I>anle , yoars, a piece In a tin can, which has per- touoh eReh otber, ThinnIng prevfmt8 1857 produced abundant Europeall forntioDs nt the bottom 'edge, made by tbe breakI ng down at the trees and harvest, 1873 Yie lded a "bumper crol>" drlvlug a Inr60 .nail throug')l the sJ,d e, ten ds to kee p the shape of the trees In th nlted States, wltb 1872 n good and IIlnce eaeb cnn In opposite corners In orchard,8 more unlCorm, second, nnd 1884 ,",'ss a year of uu. of the framo, bu t not on tho vine: SAVE THE OLD TREES. pal'alleled wh a( produotlon a ll ove r light accor.d lng to dlrcctlo nl. By this t he world. .t\ nd wbal Is to be salel of tlmo Dlany of the beneflolal IA1Iects Effortl Which Are Being Put Forth 1879 nnd 1897, when the world raised have escaped from under tha cover. Pennl ylvanla to Prelerve, Hand.ome "bumper c rops" In the western hemlW Illi 1\ trowlll or other convenI ent Patrlarchl. sphere and los~ mORt of the harve~ t In small tool place ,a little di rt on the th e easte rn. border of the cloth ,,'bl eh lIee on th e ODe ot t.he unique Cads that baa cn· g roun d to prevent the escape of gas. The frame should remain In position gaged the attention ot Pennsylvania WARNING IN SHOE SOLE. long enongh to s uffocate alt apbls horticulturists and lanilscnpe ga rden· ers Is found In tho modem doctorIng Lookout Man Wea'" Copper Plate to under It, whlcb III usually from, throe of beautlrul old trees, whicb deeorlte to SO, minutes, One man ~bo uld bave 8tart EI~c~~ uzzcr. '8nougll..1rnme to bandle 80 that each Ivell·known couatry scats alODg the moln line. Handsome patrlarcha Or Some of ' the dIves about town that one In succell8lon mal' r emaIn on • th e orlglunl forest now stalld eUttely are und er th e hnn at III police have vIne during ' the above time, nnd seoure liPon mnny lawns (pr~ Ingenl01l8 contdvances tor warnin g served b>' wlso thoug h curloqll treat· RENTED GARDEN A WINNER. occupants nnd patrons of the' ap· me nt) · that would have been .acrl· proacb oC Il "hull" 'Or any otber sus' flc ed, had not stringent measur 8 heen p ected Ilerson. By the way, these How the Town Rn ldent May "e Able resorted to, Tbe amputation of dead to Engage In Profitable Gardening. TI13ce8 are never re terred to 10 the or dis eased limbs is no longe r loft tor vornacul ar as "dives" or ;'jlllats," for. the wound to InvIte furth er decay For t bose "'ho h ave not a slii tablo the ,v ocahulary oC t he Inventors ot from l he acUon of the elements , 0.. s lang ehan-gea e.s QUickly as a word bac k yard It Is frequently possible ' to cllylng caylt.le8 In ha ndsome old tre!' comes Into general use, S() a suspocted rent a vacant lo t cloae hy, ",hlob can trunks are as systemaUcally e1eanect place Is now always referred to as a be very profltab l~' tended jlnd made to and fill ed as are the cantiea tbat reo give an excellent supply ot'Vegetahles "dump." r.elve attontlon under the care of Warning of the approach at a police- througll the <Intire summer, A lot 50x n. mod e~n dentisl Where ' the uppor man or detective Is given hy means of 60 feet was ted by one of our con- surfaces of wlde.lljireadlng branehe. all electric huzzer. Formerly the \lush· tributors tor three dollars for the have the bark worn and decayIng all button connected with the' huzze r was summer, sayS Orange Judd Farmer. alonlJ the 11mb with little hollow. concenled under the edge of the har ,Buildings shade d a portion of the here and thero that- hold the dsmpIn tront of 'or heblnd a wate~ pipe. ground, where cucumbers, 8Quash and nelll of dew and rain, Ictual tin roof' This devIce, however. was dlscovere d pumpkIns were planted., The season are now applied along the' enUre II~ by the police, who the reafte r on en, was wet and late, but on March 17 Der surface of the b'" IImbl. tering a suspected place kept a cloi e ftrst planting was made of one-half watch on tb e barkeeper 'and gave him peck of early potatoes, beda of rad· THE MELON LOUSE • no chance to presll the button, Ishes, lettuce and onions. The reTben came the prong deylce, ThIs maInder '1'88 planted about-May-l,+tI~Ir'Vf-elmlYlrr-W1btoll WIII ' RIICt! c0ll81sted of 'two IImall metal prongs and ns ' the ground 'was In 8 very dry HIm Under thl projecting from tbe edge of the wah. location It was necessary to Irrigate When a man suspected to be a 11mb 01 It twice ,with a garden hose an ex· The "melon~ lOUie" or apw~ often Ihe law entered the dOj)r the' barkeep' penae of $1,50 lor 'Water and rent of does conBlderable damage to tile er careless,ly placed a coin aor0l8 the a hoae. ' leaves and vlnea 01 cucumbers, water> two prpngll, thus making a elreult and The eulUvation WII lhallow and cau81ng the buzzer to BOund In the ftat; frequent hoelnga stirred the rear, , , Ki'ound. Aa soon as vlqes hegan to TIlle device was dillcovered, too. so ~'" \ beana and cucumberl were '!lOW a lookout ta IItat loned outllide tbe mulched with Ian mowlngs, which ' In. door of a dive. He apparently II a lured clean prottuct,i. On Mlly 26 let, lounger, hut he' scana clolety by a 't uce, z;adllhes and ' ~en ~nlonl were quick glance the face of e1'el'1 perllQn on the tAhle from thll ,.rden. on June who enterl , If a man lIoesn:t ,100' 15' potatoell ,a nd green' peal. "all right" , the look9ut prell84l1 hll 'rile products of tbJe little al1a were foot, wWch baa a copper plate nalled IB , follow~: Six bushels potatOel, , to the lole, to another email, plate at· three bushels sw~t potatoea, ' two ' fixed to the surface' oC a ceIJar dool" bURhel1 tomatoes. 34 cabbagee, ' to way outalde. ThIs mak81 the cIrcuit d01.en green com, seven pounds : let- melone, muskmelon.. , eta., and .. • anci. causell t!le hUller to get 'bulY" 10 tuce, nine dOlen radllbeii, three bo.h· dllllcllit pelt to combat becaule of Ita that by tl\e ' time the ' "bull'" throws el8 tumlpl, fil'e IInlllell bean I, , two habit ot htdlng on the under side 01 open the door tbe ' occupantl wllo :are gallonl :onlo'Ol, leren pumpkins,' three the leavel. Benja!Jl!n H. Gochmau.r, wanted ,by the police' haYe had time sq"asb~, Bix mUBkmf)loDa. ,two ' p$Ckl one of O\lr Pennlylvan\a 'folll;8, lends to 'make ·thelr ellcape and th08e who peas. ' :At, market values these would 1n the accompllnytng rough Iketcb, ~f remain are aeated at 'tables harmles& have cost '26. But irown In thepr· a' device he ' has, made and which h. Iy drinking beer, or engaged In ,. den t he actua! COlt WII five dona~ successfully uses for IpraYing the under 8\de of ylnetl, eto. Of CoUrse friendly game ' of plnoohle or whist. 'plUS, the labpr eltJlended. the 1I0le ehown' 18 attaChed to the EverytbJng (8 apparently ','on the IIpray pump. and a regulation nozzle level" ' and the "bull" Is forced t(\ Sun.hlne ,and Growth of PI.nt.. ftnlshes 'off 'tlie spra,' end. Kerosene withdraw' without having heen ablo to Many people have the Idea that emulsIon, or the tobacco 101utlon, recobtain imy evidence:' plante grow most In moist ' wllatber. ommends Farm ,Journ~l .. II an ,~zce~ , ThIs 18 contrary to the tact. The lent Ipray to ua.e f~r thele lice. ' Mllunderatood. mo,e sunshine ,there. 18. the more 'II "Your eeahince ,Is to' be Buspended," the ' plant supplied with ,plant toQa 1n 'The HIgh , and l,C!w began tbo mercl(ul court. eolutlon In the ' water drawn In I,t A: ",ell·known fruit expert eaYI tIIa. "Great s cott: jedge," exclBlmed tbe the root8. The falter the e.vapora- thll COlt ot .plcklng a heTrel of applea prisoner, "ef I'd kn(lwed chicken tlon, the taster the plant ' ll built up. upon very: \&rge, high tteoa ,18 2~ stealing was a hanging otreDse t The sunshine do_ • I!:rest 1for\t In ' ceI\tl\ per ,harrel. while on' low·head~ ..'o~ldil't liavo stole."-Phtladelpbl", hastening, the' work of plant·bulldlng, trees ' the ' cost 40ell n,o t exceed seven Ledger. 1\ hIgh temperatnre bas the lame af· cents per barre l, a l'ery great , dIffer(eel all 8unslllne, tor It pulll the moill. ence ,In favor ' of low.headetl , treel. \1J'e out of the leayes of the plants and Milled Voeatlon. , Seve,. . Prunlng Nece.... ry. Client-Didn't yoU , make a mlstak. createl circulation, Sometimes In, 014 orew'd. U1e In going Into law Instead ' ot the Com , and Colt Meal. srowth becomel Itnnted and 1OV8I'CI army? Co rn and cob me~ wID be found pmnlng will be nec.Hal')'. Cut baclr Lawyer-Wh,? OllenL-By the wa, 7011 ahar.. IIltl.~aetol'1 ror '!laSl'7 feeding, 'IUUl II the 'branchetl ' an4 tben do.oll.~'" th_ would be Uttle I~ DI &be.. :eeom.mended whenever It .. JIOI!IIlhla OUi culUvatlq. A liberal q;Jtcauoa IIIII.-TU,.BU.. ' to /leCure It at IIOt too aNat aqaae of lOme ClOmplllte fertIUav WU1 . . . pocI tbIq. , --. ' ' " p1adlDlo



The Medl ca l T lnnes Explains Wh)' Doetors Oppos e Patent Medicines. The lIlcdlcal Tim es Cor Apr il In a m om nt of (rnnltnees xplalns the wholo oppOSition or Ilh ys iciuns to "pat· ent" m cdlcln 8 whIch are taken with· proscrlfltlon, In the roUowlng 'o u t words: I "We ' will ha rd ly r epeat bere the speci fic statement to th e errect tbat In one year $6.,000,000 bus b en ex· pended on Iml~nl. me dicines In tha United StlltOS, E nough to give eVflry practitione r In t hl~ country a real'Iy Income oC $2,000. In t.he lace ot such facts as tiles , all talk oC love of hu· lIlanltl'. IlltrUls lU, Belt·abnegatlon and the like becomes ,ehen D and nauseat· ing. It appoars to us that s uch bun· combe should glv'B place to homoly common sense." , Reliable authority IItates tbat the gross amount of 'the "pMent." medl· clno busl uess Is albout ,40,000.000 In· I tea d or $62,000,000 but t~kln g tho Medical Tl mea' ligures as correct they represent an outlay of considerably less than $1 per capita for homo medl. cation. The cost I)f doctors' fe~s es· elus Ive or m..;dlclnes a,s eept such as, are dis pe ns ed for the sal\le perIod, probably was ap proximately $230,000,· 000, This 1$ reached by allowing an average Income at $2,000 to each of the 1L5,000 pbyslclans In lbe U olted States . Even ,nil owIng that a gross hus lness of $62,000,000 Is to be dlvld· ed l1etween 115.000 pbyslclnns th e 'In. come of eaoh woul d not b~, Incroased more than $5'4 0. :.... PRIVIl:EGES OF A GENTLEM~N, Youngster Proliably Will Change Ide.. In Couree ot Tlme._ There Is a sma ll boy In tbls town, says the Baltlm ol'e American, the 80n or. a rathe r d l 8, tln gu l ~b ed lawyer, who hns decided opinions On Wllllt c'onstltutes true arllllocrucy, One day roce ntly a Crie nd oalled upon hi s moth,e r, and, whUe walllDj; ' for tJUI hostess, WIlS entortalned by the amall boy. "What. are you going to do whea ~'ou gro w Ul) 1" was the stereotyPfld question she propoundlld In the elrorl to start the aODversatlon, "Oh , 1 am going to smoke." UYea?"

"And chew." "Oh !" ' "And ~amhl ..• "Indeed!" "And s wear."Really! " "And drink corn ,.,blsky.- ' .. And why are you going to ~o lucla things 1" asked the v'I81tor qh8lt. "Oh. sl1 .outhern esnUemen , do them." REHEAR8AL IN A C;AR. Prot... lonll Enteruln.r W.I AlmoJt Too 8I1cc:e 'lful. "Tbe other' night, coming hom. til tbe car," 981d the pfofeaslonal entertainer:. "I begon to 'Wonder If I could brlO'g teara to my own eyeH &1\ I do t!o the eye I! of the othor people. I tried. I Uiought of all the wronp I had committed, and I[ elt lIorry for peopIa I had wfoonged. i thoucht cif all the mlatab. I had malle that other people had profited by and p~ett' lOOn the 'tears bogan to I!::atbor In my eye. and roll down my cbeeKa. ':1 forl!:ot Uier" were other people In the car who might notice me. Soon a woman got up frolm acrosl , the ,car and eama to me. "'1 aee, ell': sard a,h'e, 'that you are In !lome trouble. C~ I do an)'tbln, to belp you?' " ' Lord bleal you, 110, madam,' I told ber, l!uUly wll>Ing a,way my tears, 'I am a professIonal epterta\ner 'a nd WU practicing on myselt. 'rhat's all'" He II Bird. With an ugly sneer bo tossed asIde the bread wblch sha had ma~e wl~ her own hauda. "If I were only an ustrlch-" be bepn. But the Y!lung Wtlman cut him abort, "Vos. If you only wore," she snapped "th AII I ml lght, get Ilt leasl a tew de'cent feathen for !hl\~ old bat I've worn si.nce my ,veddlna dlll'," Prealdent dorc!an to L.cture. Prealdent .Jordan, ~If Btanford una. .eralty, Cal., lIon till war to ,,"u. tralla and ~e" where lie wUI leotul'8 before ' of 111. AnUpoI!ee oa tU



Value or the PrDctlce Fully ,- fJllr. elated by Europea n FruIt Grower.. ,






to Short Crops.






qul ·.k g lnnce look In. reVe!1lecf to SAm \I I the situation. "Comnllt no sucb tally!" be shoutoO. "Only dh'aater can come (rom such ancrll so." "A~t fho u tllo blgb priest or the Ion at the hl ~b priest lhnt ibolL shoule! dlolnle to us?" ntlsrlly Jomanded. Borax Is ftrst. a cleanser tbat reA STOIY or TU PElIOO (IF,Il'UltJUDOr;S IN ISlAt L I:lollhnl. moves air an greaso with s urpriSing "ijut consld I' what Ul011 do ost: tat ealle; second. 'It Is a sWeetener that lh J.otd cannot b wlLlt, Ib eA In tilla, makes fragrant any 8urface that .110.9 thin g." lruplorel\ B8mu~I, standing .hIs grown musty or stalo from neglect; . , The Xln4 Toq Bav~ AlwaJ8 Bought, au.d which has been I ' CoP,rlC'b".U01,b,)' lb."ut.bu W.1t. K4.IOu., "round. tblrd. It Is nn antise ptic or destroyer Ia 1I8e for over 30 yean, has borne the ' a flPl&tnre of Hopbnl and Pblnellas hellta~"d tor of germs. ~t preve nts tbe development Scripture Authorlt)': - 1 Snmuel . and has beeDmadeunde~ hI8 per011 lu ~ tnnt. aud tben eneouragrd by of bacteria. or mouldy growths. With chnptel:s 4, II aud 6. , . . IIOnalaope:rviBion alnce Jt8intallQT• tbe eontln ued shouting of I.he '\leolile. aU this It Is pertectly tree from harm • Allow no one todecelve)'ouintbilJ. • . they again mOved tal 'ard, pushing In Its resnltlng ettecls, All Counterfeits, Imitations au,d "Just-as-goodl f are .,ut 8ERMONETTE. SaOluel to ono si de as tbey 1'lllled • THE F.ARM CHURN III k ept free EIperlments that tri1le with and endaoger the 'beBlth of A corMlpt prleathood, a low nnd 8Bylng with a sneer: from that stale odor If It Is wasbed atate of Iplrltual life In the na· .. Art t~IOU a propb t and j1l01:"l. In· with Borax In tbe follow ing propo'r . JutantIJ WId <Jhildren-Experience against Experiment. tlon, which encourage'd a luper. deed" ln· Tsrael? Hath God s pokm bl' tlons-1 tablespoonful at .Borax to Ii ItitioUI reg~ rd for the outwud thy mrluth ? We s hull see.' quart at water. Ilgnl anli ,ymboll 0' religion, And Sallluel was I~ tt tstnndJn\f al':De THE PAIRY ROOM bas nothing led the children Ilrael" Into fn the temple cOll rtwny wblle l'hlue- about It but .the pleasant aro1p1l ot is mu,nte88 , 8ubstltute tor Castor on, Parehas lind Hoplllll and tbe ,. vltes be.., · fresb milk and cream an d sweet butter fortlJ 'rom th e holy of hollee OInd Ing Lbo nrk nlld the s huutlng multitude If It Is kept clean with Borax. Tbere goric. Drops and Syrups. It iB Pleasant.' . It ullng It as a fetlah to gl,ve nus sed out all th ei r Way to tb e place will be no soapy smell and no lurking Clontalns neither Opium, MorphlDo Dor other NarootiB them vlotory ove r their enemies. whoro \ h army of IHue l was s tr tell, hInt at something gone wron&. . ' substance. Its age is its guarantee. It d estroys Worms They had eeen the heat hen na. ('(I ()L1t In I:attl • n ~n: y bcfore tb e n 'ny THE CREAM CROCKS take on on and . a1l~J8 FeTerlshne8s. It cures Dlarrhma IUld Wind tlonl about their gods of t he Phili s tines. l.}) the Ho un,1 01 extra fresbness when washed wltb Volle. It reUeves TeethlDg Troubles, cures Conlltipatlon Into baUle. Why Ihould they LbO mul llilide g~ ,, ';7 r:!t nL Ih til . Jis Borax and wate r In t~6 following proand Flatulency. It as8.lmUatea the Food, regulates tho I ' lun ce Snm\lel •• 1'011". 1' .'.1 lllm un~r a'l d • no t fl n d In t h e Ir religion ,Imi!ar ., ~"I portlons-1 tnblespoonCul or Borax to Stomach and ,Bow-cia, glviog healthy and naturallleep. encouragement and help ? And wltfl hea vy he rll1. Huu;tht o u t the :, ~ : tl ·a qunrt of water. This preserves the The CbUdren's Panacea-The Mot her's Friend. ao tha army of I.. ~ael, defeated J,)IJ and told him :111 Illal hall co .. (. If fresb no.,'or of tile crcam. I In the \>rellm lnary ·sklrmllh with puso. 'rhe old p rI 2 ~: b:n',l etl hi s'\",' THEl FAR~l CREAM SEPARATOR the Phlllltinel/ takes up the cry, In so rrow. nnd arl('r H brl r ,)!:.~ :!, . can be l(Opt" t horoughly sweet and laying: "Let UI fetch the ark of he ,lifted bls fllce to 1!:O )';'\I:la l\lJI cl ean by a wash at Borax and water the covenant of the Lord out 0' wbo altJod befote 111::: ll ~" .:~\ .!, w:l : In the following pro11orllona-l table· Ithe Slsn.t ... of 8hlloh uf1tb U., It ~IIY save us an eifor t to be hlljlC'!:lI: apoonful ot Borax to iL Qunrt at waler. out of the hand of our enemle.... " If. 'Cannol be thll t diF~ stc.:· ,.lUI I'!l .;l J3e s ure that you get pure Borax. To Thll they did. the corrupt lind to tne ark of Ule Lord. an d r CO U:·U·; be sure, yoU mus t get "20 M ULE bale lona of Ell giving ready comes to lhe 11 nrts at lhE' 1)001)1 II. TE4M BORAX." It you ore unable to C!lnlent and going with the -ark l~s presence It m llY · IlIl thul "l<'(lH'~ get "20 Mule Tea m" brand send us Into baTtle. . And what follows will come lo fre arm y or Lsra I. \\\ your dealer's name and we will or· II but the Inevitable fruitage of must lValt." range to SUP11ly you. Booklet tree. th la long lerles of ah,'ul actl. And lbefeellle old man. wllb t ll , Pacille Coast Borax Company, Chi· h II) or Samuel IVent to his· seat lu till c~go. Ill. De fea t an d d ea·t ruet Ion 'or t ..L. e IIrmy of Ilrael. loas of tile lacred place at tbe entrance to tlte city. ant' .mblem of God'l presencll In UI 1'e ~ept vigil all tho day OIn t bt Corpo,..tlonl OUlt Mine,... their mldlt. and bitter .ervltude mlgbt receive th e fln!t tidings wbl('b The Klondike proper-tbat la. tbat 2zact Copy of Wrapper• . to thel~ victorioul foe. would come to the city. and Salll1lc: portion of the YI\KO n territory In t be What leseon, may be drawn returlled to his dull s. ylclnlly of Dawson- as tar a s the In· In the meantime the ark bnd reach· dlTldual miner Ie concerned. Is on a frQm thll dark period, from PAT 8ET ONLY ONE LIMIT. these tragfc. even". Flr.t of all, eel t·he cam p or Isrnel lind had been re rapid decline owing to tbe Immense ~~ II we mltllt recognize the Imml. celvcd wi th tumultuou s anal! B of Joy, area 01 ground bel ns acquired by Afty . ymptom or d l _ the ...... It of Conal1l'atlon-,o ....,. an-.. III yell4 nadll,.lo .be New courage and hope urose In th e dredging companlel, One company Would QuIt When He Win Dona With!Jle med lclDe. ""alllaetl l " Blackbllra • V \clot)" Castor-OIl·PIlIe, nenee of God In all the ~f'ral... . • 'one bas purcbased nearly all the All Thlngl Earthly. f IIf Th h h f t h ea r ts or tbe, Israelites. nnd tbelr lead· ... eo.nlpatloe firs •• Ib.n 1'I .,. oe~, Biliousplacer '"'ound on the ' three principal a e. oug e WII orgo· ue... .R. •• enoUI A pprtilr. w tt b Weakue.A. ten and dl.honored he waa crR co uld scarce rostraln the m trllln ... Backache. Lan&uor. lI alad _, JJead&cbe. A rich man out In tbe suburbs who mov'ng In human e~entl to tho rushing Into uat.tlo und e ngaging the creeks. namely : Bonanza, Eldorado Kldue, and 1,\.e. Disorder.. Womanl)' ~ne.nlY. Phinehnfl and Hophnl contem. and Hunker, and has bonde d consld· owns a large place ball among tbe Derance-m_e nls, Doil., P lmplel, 'M elllat Vl!'ld lc~tlon of his name a.,d the 81uG'atabaes.., Nen'01lt OU. and Slee ple.upluted th e situation wllb nn Intensc srably more on Dominion and other many 'p eople employed to keep If In D,e .5I. • pun Iah ment a f I In. W e h ere 11 n d creeks tor various reasons. ' Where sbape an 1rl8hmnn of whom be IS par· Oet Wen, You '!rill If ,00 ' t ~lte lb• .., but the fulflilment of what God r ling ot gratification nnd trlumpb. fo rmerly bundreds ot miners were t lcularl), fond on accowlt at bls un· ..... t. IIltle pille. Id Id G d' rol' of Inte th Ir stnndlng with th e a.. wou All Druulit l-IOc: :zsc .. ad 'HIO. I h dcome to pa... tli h 0 ..I II0ol)Ie had, seemed to be Impalre 1 working fo -• wage. or working their consolous wit. sa ys Harper's Weekly. P01' Free Sample, ,addle •• , ..... arn ng a com!! to e OUI" U~rougb the words which Samu I hnrl own ground. thUll, creaUns a demand This [rJshm Bn Is 80meth'Ing of a .hard It F. Out .. The Vloto" Aemedr Co •• Oal1on. O. All ·Dru••Ista, 100. _ricS '250. , 'If Ell, but regardieal of the mea· tor ppov1-\.ons. cloth Ing, machinery. ttrlnker. and. as his l11colne Is limited, spoke u. A. bitter hat r d had grown • th e lon~ a f Ell an d th. nil·, eta., and tbe tranBportatlon he Is , more particular R.l1 regards the n I f I I I up In til It' bear t s against Lhls uBurper, bardfl'are. Whole Outfit In H3rmony. t on a Irae plunge to the r [rom Dawson to '110 118 tIIey styled hIm. Hnd each fresb • different minIng qllllntlty thau lbe. quallty ot bls "You've seen that nf'W dreS B of f orget G0 d , we ru In. b 'WIIe l may i ope'raUons. now dred"es ure either 0"liquids, Tbe other day ·'fbe employer. d uttorance whi ch he hud made Ugaitis t .... mloe:' saId MillS Dowdey. "now thllt I ",ay e n lin an yet ' eratlng or In course at COllstrucllon.. . P0I1U",I,. wbo had· been awaiting I~ gQod oppo,.. Itrille to ma intain ~n outward tbelr corrullt met hods In tbe dIs· . want to Itee /I. bill ·to :;JOt"'";} 'l'lLlIA' tunlt~, remarked In a Id nd tone. al 'or", of religioul oblervance. unchurge of tllClr I,rlestly funcUons had Consular R.;..e_p_o_r_ta_._ _ __ you !luggest?" the closing sentence of n trlendly 18()' would onJr Intens Ified lhls f eline. But tbi! til a t Iaat th e "lere ceremon I" I " Why Dot ~et a sloucb?" remarked foro Fat Men. · h h h d mand for the al'k nnd Ihelr bringing lure : t b ecom81 th e f e.l. t e c arm, One at tbe narrow arcbes In tbe "NoW. Pat. how long do you think Miss Knox, the tlliliman which we think I,t fortll Into the midst of tbe camp JOU can Ileep on drinking thl8 cbeap edytorDln:t-.~ will give ua !lelp and delilierance hud w,on ihe popular approval . on,1 gallery of tbe chapel at Columbia unJ· Krause'a Cold Cure. they felt that tb e bour of tbel r trl' nrslty Is not exactly Bymmetl'lcal , al· whiskey?·" In the ,dark hllur. In that fatal , For cold in be~d. throAt, "hest or bmck. a . ~oa:' umph ove r this m.lln Samue l bad come. though the detect Is not noticeable to To wblcb Pat Instantly replleel: Delt rewedy for La Grippe. Druiiistl, 250. I 'l'oQ1Ie. Pmn In tbe 8tde" hour of battle Ilrael dllCovered tbe casllal obse rver. says tbe New "AU my life. It It do esn'~ k~1l me." After fM victory which la rael would II I Id h I t ,h at th • Ir. e . TORPID uvu. ~ . . p I d f not e nd wIll th rougb thei r ell'or~ they would York Globe, The reaa'on ", tor the·~ -Id· " He tbat hall tbe ,energy alid wm to nwuIaIe t.tie BonIa. 1'IIreltVeptatlle. ECZEMA COVEREI) BAIiV. tnat. mere creat pn 0 . wood an be revenged upon blm. . enlng of the arch atter Ita original con'uproot a fault bal alIa th. energy. SUII. 1I01il~ that Ill. prelence with ' structlon bad rise In a somewbat ..· f I' b At I&st the battle was jOined. nn rvancet humorou8 occurrence. . One ot, tbe Woret Caae Oocto·... Ever Sa_8uf· and ought to will to plant a virtue Inl ';~;-. t h em, an d t "e clre u a"I ..did with eager confidence PblnebBs ItII place.-Lacon. I fered Untold Mleer)r-Perfect , a f t h aI.. f,orml a f war." p no . Hophnl prOPHet! forward with thj! ark, early visitors was a remar~bly fat Inaure them victory. And '10 I. 1 man. who found blmself wedged Into Cure by Cut!c:ura Remedlet. ~~;;-. ;:.:rin~e~bry~tb~er.Leii5villfe~s'ffitrfHrn°itiT;i1·idife:::IIP;era-r:finliteB1'+~Hltt'db- when he tried to squeeze Il eller true. Religion II .th'n!:1Wbij0 ., apart f,.om thing. Ind oiltwar'd throult'b and was extrlAnted wltb dl .... "My son. who Is no', twenty-two taught. Forward. evel' torws.rd. moved.. ~ '" II Ae· f onnl an d cere~on I tlie ark. while the . shouts of . the peo- culty. Tbe builders. reco~lzlng the years of age. wben tour months 0111 glon II a thing of the heart, and · Illty of other fat people belDr began to bave eczema ou: bls face, th pIe IMlcated to tbe e nemy th.' point po.slb g • th e hea rt cllnnot become e wbere the ark rested. nllmbered among the futuNl vlaltors, spreading quite rapld)1 until be was Tbull It was tbat the PbJUstinee decldeel to willen tbo arcb. lacrlflcln, nearly covered. The eozl!ma wal Bomeholy of "oil .. In which God will take up hll dwelling place ex· were led to concentrate tbelr forcea IJlDmetry and barmony to practlcal tbJlIJ; terrible. and the d:oct9rs said It cept .. lIn la repented of and n-d. as tha~ pier was 110 co·nstructed was the worst case the1 ever~ law. At upon that one pOint, reatlonlng wisely.... Thl I II th e .. con d t eal t ou. , ' Israel could be a. to bear no lOll of ~Idth on one ·ot tlmcs bls wbole body and tace were tnat it the forces or (SllIty.l"n<! Pouqda to thought, then, which we wOllld , at. lid ell. ~_. _ _ _" __ covered. all bnt his teet. I .u sed many tbe BUl bel). ·Are _II'" ernphuille. That ellen though brn ken and · scattered at tbat poInt the klndlj of patent medicines, i o no avail. I,ed tn 'be Caaadl•• God ' I. Imminent alwaYI In the rest of the army would gi ve way and Cheapenl and Improvel Coal. Well where Ho_ A trl ~nd teased me tp tllY Outlcura. I of J60 acre! "•• w.lfar,e of, "lan, he II far, very flee. So It came to pas lI that e re Consu1 General ,W, R. Holloway. of t.e obtained f,ee by At last. I decided to try Cutlcura. whea. far, from the IndIvidual heart 10llg the two priestly sons at· EU HaUfax. says tbat the CaDadlan com· my hoy was t1trt!e yeurs nnd ~our nory RUler .. nUn, and .ble 10 ClOlIIply that I. glv.n up to It_ own IUltl themselves the cenler· of a mIghty and merclal agent at lIfaDchester. England. wltb lbe ....... Iud and dellr... ,And let UI not for! des.perate struggle. Orallually at first. reports an InvenUon It,· that place for months old. having had eczema all that Ret!UlatlOD.. Dsrl., time and sutterlng untold misery. 1 Ibe pRlCal ,.ar a larae portio..:.Clf· . get that while aln II In ' the anel tben with precipitate haste tbu 801, ,depriving soft Coal of Its most obJec· bega n to use all three at tbe Cutlcu~a heart and the life, the prelenc. d~ers or lsrael began to give way and lion able· feature by abstracting the and fallor of Ged cannot ba won tben to flee, In vain did Pblnebaf oils said to produce s molee, and call· Rem edi es . He was better In two and Hopbnl seek to rally the forc et! Ing tbe NlBulUnc artlole "coallte." montb s ; In 81x months be . was weU. by zoa, In religioul fo,.ma and HAS BEEN MADE ACC ~SSI Bl.lI TO KARcere man lee. It I. ,the heart which by Ihoutln, that the ark was wltb wblch Is eometblnl like coke In ap- Mrs. R. I.. Risley. Plel'mont, N. H ., . KBTS BV THe .RAtJ.WAV CONSTltul.!TJON , repentl and turnl from .In thlt tbem. In vafn IJld the)' 'raise far pearance and which can b. furnlsbed Oct. ~ " . 1905." Ib l l ha. been 1>DSb.d for ...rd 110 .I,Clrou.!7 by I:l can .hope for the Dlvln. pra~ nbove th elf heads gleatulng gold· at one-third the prolent cost at CQ!l.J. 'be throe .....t ~I ...' cpmpanieJ, Wonderful Engineering Work, • ence. en ark on wblch tile two cher· Five acres at land near Manch~s\er . The admirable accuralW of the work , af!d lar,e. ",Ior kl God whose p.rescnce wat ,,!,III . be erected for Its productlon.- of clyll,e nclneerll of thel best clall II Capad" Dr lbe foll.owlo, . sbown In the , wonilerfuUy aUght de.rtGo:wernment AJI'eat : . . ;:. , THE 8rOR,V, . to rest· between the ' ch~r: United Slates ,Conlul Repotts, ' atlon of tbe great Slmpllln tllnnel from K. M. W1LUAMS, 'l'HE news of the, de tent' of the· army lipan the ark. ' . .La,. WdIq. ToIt4O,ow..· I.the calculations ot,· tb,,, men who · ;;-M~rrj. )(.e'llloll'bl. paper. or ,JsMie} In tbe prellmlnal'y sklr. Tbe horror ,of fea r 'and apprebenslo" ."1t used to worry me when .the bar. planned It and execut.ed the "ork~ , deepened upon theIr faces as . t\ley IIllah wIth. the Pblllstlnes. had reach!l!1 looked ·at each other. Over their ber Informed me that, my halr was The.l1Unnel Is 121At lonlr. It Shiloh where the Tabernacle or T m: proved 31 Inchel lonuer than It wae pIll of the Lord, as It was called. lhere swept . he melUory of the words getting a little tbln on top." , expected to be. When the two beacl"But .,ou got used to' It, eb 1" stood. tong b,efore tbe ine8Qeng~rs who ' of judgment ' ""blcb the Lord bad "No. Now It worries me because b. Ings came , together .III tbe depths of had been sent after tb e nr)c 'nrrlvea. so spoken by . Samu~l . anel whlcb ~p to AND RET-URN ' Mak. ,.0.11 com(orn.ble t. "aoomro,table doesn't menUon It. I muat be cettln, the mountain their I.. ell were Ie.. tbat when they came WIth breathless this time they had received wltb scoff· , ... alber. Our Bllcel.lorC,ack·Proo'Dr&ll4 th&ll alA. lache. apart: ' ... '. , ': , . t h I ng words of rIdicule lIud cont!:'mpt. old! ' Portland, Tacoma, Seatlle. Bellinglllim. ' ' PoUce Coal b a .,r•• t '"orl~, now the forces about tho ark ar ft baBte to the cl y t ef ·wero rome · Cln. 0' our .peelaltl.. . ' ~ E\'ereli. 'Vaocouver. Victoria, (or ceDcr,,1 ust!. , D.ale .. ~i! a>hould 110 everytblng we ('.an tor -(liately ' s'!1rround~ I1Y , an ,. excited anI} ,falilag backward ·before HQw'~ ' Tb~Ii? ', ' aDd New We. tminster. e.cty"here carry tbe , olhers. It only to dissipate tbe tbought Qiro.rig . vJbo were eager. to bear the. .. BaW'Ye,," COlli. _04 :1~~,~:t1. ~~:r~:"~:~I~~ ::::~1JfOU~~'latest report. But Without milking whlQh III flercely preBlllnr of . wbat lhey oml.t to ,do tor ua,_· Slicker ..- 11 Dot "",Ilia ~ ,ours... rile for catal.,. , Calortb Cu",. F . J . oui NllY": Tol... , 0 . : battle.'; 'Everywbere the dead are .}UeJame S wetcblne. :te Iy to the Qood of Ques\lon~, 81lY\) ~tll'rlc... · / .~ , We, lb. ond.nt,DIO bO· . kll,.,D 1". J . 'Cbl.', to .ay that Israel WIIS prepo\11ng lyIng. 110 tiiat the L~vltea bearlrfg .tbe J lor lb. I"II~ ,tln ...4 belle .. biOI· perr•• n, bon·. · orabl l ID an bUIIDI .. lraDuctiDD._ GaMmllll, . . ','i" ~ ""1 ~ , renow the conflict, they p~e~sed on 'ark wltb · dlfftculty lT1 a,tntaln their fe et. AN OLD EDITOR .blI' IO ~Itry gU\""1e,::.~.~, rm. , townrd the temple: ' '. And now ·Uie J>4111sUnes are full For Iha round trip. Wbol_la Drug1.ta, Tol.~•. O. . , .'We' wqu)d se,e Hop.llnl and P,bliae- t hem. wild wltb JOY tbat the ar k ot . Found ~ Worth of Food. nail', Calarrb .C.'" I. tall."" ""1SaI T ick ... on •• 1. June GO '0 luI, I.. lD07. 'ha.... they demanded ImpaUerttJy of Israel Is lust within their grasp. 'In .All o iiclcnu one way tbrol1lb CaUl V:~,!n~~~~::: f~.:~.o'P·A:.~r.:Il~ loraJa on Iille l amft dllet Jt . tlle I.Ilvltes· In. ~tenaaDce. and In the fre~zy ' ot desp,alr Phlnehas and The editor of & paper ,out tn 'O kla.• :~::~~ ,,,"'Tak. Ie. Boll'. Sold b:t 0\1 Dr..... IO. . , , ali,btl, bllber ra.... Fa",11I' pm. for to.oIl""~" thefr eagernesll preaied on within the Hophnl tbrow (hemlleh'ell upon the 1III.l d: "~el!, It 19 true wl1e.n ,I got bold . ~\ I ~ l. . I '" I ...... IIIlcred emblem, wblle a dolte n spears f G VIA entrance o .t h e eour.t w hi c b "'aa...,. at once pierce '·thelr bodlei aDel tbey 0 rape·Nuts food. It was worth . Figurel of Lumbe Cutting. IL.,~"".' Ill" fore ' the temple. . more than a '2000 doctor bllJ to me. betC••IIrI.......... SInce 1880 more tban,OOO.oot , 'Jm~rea_il by'tbe evhlent .~rteney are cast allide willie ~be a rk I" borne for It ' made me II> wen~ mall. ,1 bav. feet at timber hAlo. been cut ,ID th. , the ~se: the Levltes turnl!d and Quick. olr·ln. triumph to tbo, camll of ~e Phil· ~Ined · 26 pound. In wel~bt. · my United Statell for lun:I,b er alolle. la· , strength b..... . returned teritold, my cludlne 80.000,000.000 I'eet of ~onlfel' Iy dl.appea~ wlthlD the doors o! the latlnell. '. \ , :; OURIE '0R ' temple, . while tbe throng '\¥ltbou~ the Tea . Smoking. C',ntu,.!:.. Old. brainpower 11&1 been gIven back to OUB '~'Impa,e eaUmate, of the · cWlII . t.elll,ple COUtt'lf:IIY: by' tbat qlllck \ntul· "WIth your .lea 'cll:al'ettest" said th •• ,I"m... and that 18 an a~sQ'tite esse ntial. In U!~o. ' ... . , ~.. 1 ·BIIl an editor and have ,beeD for , ' Uon 10. mar)led In a b.rowd at· Um9l, antiquary' IIt~ruly" "YOU yount ladles It Cur•• While Yoli Walk. , . lufml.ed, tho er-rand ot'the meBsengera think yOUTllelves yery moder_ and' de' 35 years. . AileD'. Foot·Eaee i, • certain cllt@' for . aDd J1epn to or:v: . cadent. But look heNl," '", COMy pen 1Iht&1I al"a,l, be · really to ..... a.u .. It OIMlL IOc. .' "the arlt ,of U..' LordI The ark of He took from a portfolio a French apeak ~ a good word tor iblll pOT;'erful hot; ",'eating, callou., and! PlolIl!..'!.r achhl,l! 111, 11-.. IIIWI",," 81., IC. Y feet. Sold by all Drlluistt. Price me.· Don.t th. Lonl! Let It go forth, to pve vIC, print of the seventeenth century that Dutrltlve food. 'I had .of courle accept .ny ,ub~illite. Trial jlaokage F.REE. tor)' Ui llriel." . ' IXIrtrayed two men, with cumbersome rea4 the. adverttaementB regarding Addreaa Allen, S. QllII.Ited, Le· BOy, N. y, , The .bout.tnlf" IN~ 19\1de~ &lid loud· IIlIver pll}OB, curcln, the sam,e from ~ Ghlpe-Nut ••. bnt never thought to apo. No crea't excellence III an,. depart· "" anel reached ~t lallt tbe plaoo Dolt of ChiDa tea. ply the food to my own U8e. unLII. In Ther. are ,pDJitlona" opeD ila the when! Samu.l ".. eaPied In , hie "rrhla .bowa 10U," the old man Rid, ' IIlItremity and ItcknesB tile thougbt ment of Ufe la achleTeel w'thout etrort ~avy for hllDdre4aof y_g mea 1IIOTII11IS dutla ' $t,artlec1 and pUllled " Ule antlQully,ot tea amoJdnc. It wu to me th&t Ii mllht fit my case. and tralnln,; ' attalnmeJIlt oomea noi b, · between 17 _Del 25 year. of aPo accldant. ... Br.m.r. ' to know the m8lPlIDf( of tbe ' tumult, '. co'mmon thlnl In Fi'~ce aoo yean Tlie Itetem8nll!. tll leprd to the food at,id for mechanllli "P to 35ye.... rUDnin' tOfUa ' and OD~ 080. Blept mentlona. It. alld Gl'IUlel .... ablG'utely correct. u] bave pro.ven o( age, Good pay. an~ good food the temple JOBt .. Pblne- d'AuaUY.\ lu bll ·~.tolro de ]a Vie III ml' on c..... ·ODe":very '.rortunate furDiab~ the Gov.nuIl4~ , ~p&nlet4 );y J>rivee Aee Fruca1..' del~bed U. III ~Ialr about·tlle II tbat wbtle I~ I.' .J!or f~11 . acJ4Na 1II. . .~ttl! ' .PI*,~. aIId ju~ behind detall.· . , : made and bl,b· 'Of IAYitel bear"AII old' YlQ8j • dead' vice-for roocfl b1a" , Na., _~.~IIII'QI'~b::~~~i,~~~ '~1 . OIllce-BlllldIDIr; C perfecUqa ~Ia!!:. TIle 1'Nach. JollaG that • caat.





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Leaf Cook.ili1g <':'Iub Entertained.

To ihree of \Vaynesvllle's Noble dllYII Womell. :Pages from the

Put Recalled. bleag" Aug . 1 , lt107. To tbe Edhor.. ot the MiAmi (ilillett,e: In re3dlng of tbe Ilooident tbllt ontor-lonately befell 1\lrs. T .•1. Brown some weeks ago, l oould l.l\1t recall tbree !ndle8 ot WuynesvlJle wbo In other days left a' potent Imprell8, ~peoiallv on yonng men llf m'V'own time Ilnd tho8e a f w yel,lrs older , I refer to Mrll. Brown, Mrs , Rebeooa nl\ndall Hnd Miss Isabell/\. Brown , tbe last nRmed bavmg III rea,ly passed on into thEl" light Be yood. The~ threll Illdtea ellch In hew own way and In her partloQ111r pbere of Influenoe orossed the life Untltl at the OOYII and young men of the perIod referred t.o. 'l'hey did 'heir share In fashioning the Ob8~IIC . ter of manY who now 8rlsEl toO bleBS tbem . Radiating frum them was thllt power, wblob 111 given but to few as eacb ).I08selltled tbat OUIlrm th'''t attracted tbose of tenderer years, Mrs. &ndaU'(I partloular forte wall in t,he Infan' ola. of tbe Methodillt Bnnday Scbool. and wh . n her bo,1I went ont from her tntelage she stili olalmed 'em all her OWII. J have often wondered whllth8r Way.,esvitle bas ever pJ'Olluclld ,,"y more 8uooel!8'ul tMOher of "n Infant CIIlBS. Mrs.. Randall al,r"YlIlleemedpar&ioularly adapted W Ibis work •.. Her temper· ament was ever Iweet, and ber po jienoe lIev"r exhau8ted. Dnring tbe8e earl.v yeaH I)f life when im· prel81011S were readily all8lmilated, elle left, ,,11 tbe tendetne88 of her spirit In tbtl left rooUl 'of the old Mi~roti a. yon en'er she beld sway. ,OIl, tct II we marohell eacb I:!nuday trum ' tbe • ADlen" oorner on the b lett, with our wblte "w.blte h"'.... and ~8J'I. OJ olrrylDg onr pennies. 1 entered Un. Randall 'II 0laS8 at tbe "Ie of 'wo y6UfL I doubt wbether many oao excel &bllt r800rd al &0 ADd · whUe I do not . recall maoh $bat _be ,ood teacher told us a' ,bat &lme yet ber Infiuenoe WIUI 'here aDd baa 'ever IIv8jl with me. W.' eaoIi recited a ve~ U oor namee were oaJled and 80 far u I oa. reoolleo' the favorite Ooripture qllOtatlOoa were " eod t. love" and "The Lord iJ' my Shepberd." I lmqioe lllre.. •'Randall heard thOll8 ftIln We were 'WO pulajJee very o . 110tet or card for 00' wbloh was some .• red oa'rcJ,aodacerta~ DUm"r of tbe recU "',"lid UI to a piotnre oard podnyinlf a Blb1e e'or,.. I ,ran OIL· croaa oDe of &hll8 ptotar88 the other , ia the archives where 1 h a~e da7 r .. . . ,Qa "'enll s\Ond • .away th_ p eUloll8 of the put aDd the' memory 0 f my ' h iOh II h e r supe . ' old 'tlme I'teao er w v ' a ".ea 0 f h Il!'r t eame to me In rior qua .,-

In8 ·~raonalitY



~~;:;"":"--'7-~Hin""'iil1lmile gBl':::~:,~I:~,:!e:':~t!d:

Th,1t WIlt! II ohll,rliol,erl tic 'l'w uut:v (our Vltltt's Wt) 1'1l lRid at Il ri\Ve ltl tlull (\ 1 ber mjpcl-e ver rend .v f ur I)ourse lliDl18r · OT] I:;ntul'dn.y t,O enter in", the blingln ~ !leutiullm t even iug I\t I,be Uakh u r st b ol,el at " of Ihe h unr, Wbllt ver reourring MilLml VqlJ 'hnutnu'ltlll. I)\ellsnre It WfI.S to) go up lut () ~hfl t I t WII S ~n ndORvor t,o s h o w the ALABAST1NE .HAMMOCK qUllio t, roo III whllr e "he h"d her Ii\lpreclllt l n Of t he rut 11 f r the III $1.110 keelllilk _ und . u1'io , Iell of d'~Y!l 1II\ln y gtl rctl' u ",n tie:; tLllU d 1111 oolorA uu kll " wll to nlll:" t uf II ". '1" ,11 1, hlrj(Q given by t he Clov r. I...ellf old fll !!biol)ed doll W IL"! Cll i)Ht. 1111,01' lub esHu.~, IIke \\'ls Ille 'h inu 11IIt! utb r \\ n lt,or . B.Vl'o . fl.ctud II~ toast di"be... 'Anyhow our flllJui()M wuro ' 1I1lIl!ttlr III~d !loveI'll! tou , t ~ we re reo ---~--------------~---. Il'Rui'r JAR IIWtlk tlned by I'l'l6in j( tbo!!e Jlorcup~n e tlpolltl -tl t.o in u Itmgbable manner HEA VY PLA'l'I<JO ] RINGS • q uill,; kept, In Il hOlu~l:Vtl thlolll Vllil. A sil\'ll l' spoon WBS giv. n to alloh TEA SPOONS 5. dozen 'rh' !le quills were pnll".l out of lad \'. the pr6lje uttt tion s peech gl vep . u tor 100 the !lIllie of Ii dO'g tbut hod uttu o k~d by UHrl Miller. tbe bullst dow n by 1m 1)1d apl'lnl( In 'fht) 01 rry bllllquetter tl tb en pro. plon(ler days, a t th e hom e of ber ceecletl t.o tbe' nuditowiuUl oud SlL\V ~rllndfll ther. As one goneration Ibe ~ltlB'loiILn Lllurllnt. . t.h'! Great, passed out inlo tbe , 1V0r i d 's work t hou repuire 1 t() the I nn ILlld mtlde and many ot the boys lett fO,r d ill tllgh t hid~ous uo tll taps !Iounued. tant tlehb, she took IIp ogu lU the 'rh 8e present w.ere t he' Misses Id~ I'}ve ItlI~irs and souletl d010gS of the Bytlr!', MiuUllsburg; AnUIL Miller, y'Jun!(er set. So h er h ellort wu s Ann n Boml, Florence, Mil lry, JeBSie ever youthful nnd ber garden 1\1. und ll:\lll. ~heets, Frankllu ; Flora. ways fragrllnt. und Mory TibbalS, Wlilyoeeville i I Mrs . 1'. J . Browu ocoupi ed ' Blanche and Perle RIlE'Y, Lebanon i a more publio pos ltlon thuu Mr . li nd. Mr!t . GrtlhlllD, 8prlng boro; either, yet It was In the more qn let, Mr. II lId 'IIr l lU\l1 8eIlkle, Ltlbll. rece88es of ber horne or. III he r lion : Me !I rs . W, B Byre,l Miamis. MILK LARGE . "It\'tt t.·,l. vonng . Ulen 's Bible 0 10.118 in ~t . burg : W'll ter IIl1d CbaT'ley Allen, CKOCKS ENAMEL DIPPER LUN H BASKE.''J'S MarY '1I lJhnrcb that she reflected prilJ~h'lrtl; Ua,r ] Mille r, Franklin i !l tor 251 specilll , I U" "'H,1t her finest attributes , Mrs. Brown ' b EH le' Auslin Imd Warren 'Keys, pD';'8 ~S!le8 t.b at ,Son'hern flow t,bllt WILy nss vllltl, Mr . UsbJrne, Dayton i 1l1WlLY appealed to me. it Is 5el- And AowlLrd Collett, WIlmington . dam In one of her public pilles, tlIut the trae mother oho.racteristiCl ENVELOPES Buy YOUI' Buy,Vour ill so ~l}lendidly exhIbited, Wf\ fe lt ~ rren COU nty Teachers SPJiJ ' I _\I~ . DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES we could go to Mrs. Brown for 11 83 PIlei, 'lj ' f"r 10 here Receive Deplomas. bere sis lance and be re~i ved with g "I)' erouS symplltby. I ples"uile she , Course of Reading Ci.rc1e Work haR helped many 1\ one wl t. h Il ls Completed by a number graduating e88ay or Born e oth er of Teachers lltera'r y assignment . And with a _ .__ gracious hllnd, she gave t he touoh of, 1'ho l~nllUu! g rttdua,lug ex ~~oilles refl~ement to these sophomorlo abn. of thu hi D'l'eocher 's readuup; Cirole lIltions. Mra, Brown in her edi toriul wlllIllelu Bt Mlul1l1 VlIlIey Ohllutau. expreallon ne ver ttlimlDfl.tetl the ql1l\ Jolflt 1"ridILY · Wttrrelll ounty , I.'rhomp.olI. hI la, WUlh"'UOI,. , Trolll" 0, moml~ lesson , .Her volee In tbe 0 following 1:I11~ • .J . Fll'hn Q,II1'!10 l h• •n 011 bftU'.I)y Obituary. wlldernel!:l WRS strong on tbe side tel\obers reoelved. dlplorno8 : J!'our· 1 11" ,,1 011; by l·r"lt ~. Slru k out by Davl. Milry S Rogen4 dll>ulfh t", r oJ( Rub j '·1 ng yel1r oo~r8e ;... 10 lies " I'E 't'mg Gam e at OYkd~le Prlrk Ii; Ill' I.. Fran aj,1I 5. till b y pl~ch llJ'. Ouoter, of right. 'rhere WILlI never IIIC. u . "'llompsoD 1 'XCI g.. plre. Killian . 8<\Or.kM ptir, OmEd- ert 14. and Uynthl .. A R 'g.trl!, WIU th&' home· loving' treatment of her Oregonia ; Frl'd Pllul;r, Lebanon i I Lest ~rid~y. ward •. Time ~ hon... , born near RIIO~fI, AdHmi 01111"'), lIubject . Her mind was endohed W . P. Vaudervoor~, Morrow; Paul Score another for the Waynes Much credit for, the SU~Cess of Ohio, May 21), 18GO 1n obllalh.1Od by .ber exonrslons into tbe thouKht· H, Wright,. Hllrv~Y8bur8: ; Bomee :11 M' . LKs.t Frlda.f a fter- thiS entllrpris;J beloll",!! to Messrs. "be wl~h her pttrtt,.t!\ !D',Ved t., Clio of the 'ages and ber pen revealed all E. Wilson, ' Corwin. Eight· year VI ,e ~~ltllS. d . k i t . I 't w. O. Raper amI Je t e Vol . Lewis, tOb oonnt,,: wh,m. lib.. jfrllW ,,, her womanly inlltincta. In the oounle: 1. 'F . McFarlaud, Oregonl,,; :::~st t:: ~~;:~oual~r:ot :O,IC :I~' the ori/otinalors. Saturday lDorn- wODlllnbood, Oo'ober 7, 1888 Ibe WII8 oonfiues of ber home Mri. Brown J. M. BlHuil ton , Lebanon i Lorett d' t ated the , "Old Men" bv a ing Mr. Raper had the sHlisrao- lJlIl'r ried W Lew "I WOllllar.l. Four wu an inspiration and ,'twas there MoFarland, Carlisle, 'rwelv~ year e e , \. f d' I C. t Oblldren W'ero born to tbhs UU1<,U tbat ber personal atmosphere '10'11 course : o. M. Soule, Frauklt,n; L. score of 10 to 7 III a filII nllle·ln- ~"n 0 seu In g 10, t I~O lOomna I Fred 0, G.ertrude, MtAtllbtlD C. lIod beat seen. To thevounp; men with C. Wilker on, Oregonia: J . U. Jor· DIUK game. ' ~!lt a uta f t, ,for 12. , the re- Robert J . All Ilrll Jiving lAud wltb whom she was brougbt In oontaot, dati, PlellosGnt PItUD. Taken a\l in all, the ' band con- celpts for Ibe game. Sunda v their flllther mOrn tbe _~Iy dOl*rt Ihe polDted In lier gentle way to the cert and base ball game for the ~otnitlg he received tbe fo.lI~lw. ture ot tbelr'darlln" motber! ana be higher plane of living and 'hintinK, • • beneht of the Little MOlher:s As- Ing letter from Mr. Brown, F,dltor ' a t.oe and devo&ecJ wlfl! Mellowed by her varl.x:i exper· "Re~ular as tbe Sun" soclation was a deCided suecesfl. of ine POllt. : All a!JeIl father hllf Plllt'; .. , lI.v 180088, 8be looked on her environ · Is all expressillo'u old liS thp rising Pr'lmptly 2 -O'daek--lhe Way. My Dear Sir.;--. Inll dlea foul' '''';• .lLgv. "ill"" .• and 8etting of tt!e sun is the moat . "I b 1 kId' ment with eye of a CIIlm phllos. regular perf(lrmanee in the nnl ne8ville C"det a,and assembled e/{ 0 ac pnw e "e and two brooGhlir. will ' v 'l UlU opher and Kave &0 us the of verse, nnlAtI!I it Is the 1Io0tion of the uuder , the efficient . leadership of cellll of fot $12.90 to be lI(>- ) th!t vanillbed ,,)flO and vvlO<I LU" ber . own obaervattoo8. Over the liver I}nd bo wels wben regulated Mr. Wilbur Killian, of Bellbrook. phed to :Ule "Little Mother'!l', loved 'to dell' Ki 8 youthful impulse/! of tbe younger Ur. t U two sel('ctions onl fund. On behalf of lhe very 1'0' IL dnlifnlliHUJlhtt'r Bud hft'ec 1l8Ople ehe held a steadying ~:~ i;>ru:;~:t~ ::0 . y . Main st;e~t, the,)' marcbed to many little gIrls wbo bue beeo, · tlont&ttt IltitAtr btWi gllDIt '-l &bet :ny Allde from my mother to o Oakdale Park to the iDsplriOK'1 and will continue to' be benefitted tileau&lful t" reoelVIl bllr .'lItry I give onstlnted P;:!8~ ~or, !lel'd ::; - . strains of "Marching Througbl by tbe money so generollsly sub- , orowD. S"'Dtly d the Geore-ia .. Inrihed by you and otbers. I wisb ' Mollie, all abe f"mlliarly qUiet, un&e.... evo knowD, ..nlled by Itlller with tb.. "aldance of my, boyhood da.ys. I After .mo~e IIIlISic QY the band to t IIan k yo~ lUoet IleRr t I' Iy."




SCHWARTZ'S'. wayne.sVille" OhIO





"Old Men' " Beaten







UP\llf!~nhe, U~:'~:



:f i!!~ L~h:~!!~ Aft~r plavin~



•feel that this trio of noble wortleD should reoelve 110 IIlIght tribute of appreelatlon. from &he youug men


"'~r !I.~I

$ KILBON'S ~ ArK rOR IT $ $ a . $ $ ~ IIIIP"'ASK FOR IT; $ $Q~ $ $ $ ASK FOR'I'r $ ;

and the phOlo~r'lIJlhing of the . MIll mis and the ir rnanaKer and umpire, lhcz battle 'royal beaan. . The young tello'wl! took first '"bal!l

• Iy vours, l.,.e0ll bnrg M E , Cburcb durlllif ~be' ,S'In<;ert' Harrv W. B rowlI, . I1I6l1tOl'"le of &v. Brlnl. Htlr'a . n,",' of " Editor The Post'. , Wd8 I I I lovlDgev.,r . d .poeltlo ; lar tboulCh,."When Wa'y,lesv;lIe does (l1Iy- we're for the. IIoumfort aud !'liP

oonjJ.llI~nt ~'blI8111u,

~" In whom ' they took 80 mnch Inter· IIIIP' of inflnenoe est In the .. M. C. anll 8eored oue run in ot. the thinli, they do il liP righl." plDeu of otbel'll, 8llpeolally hllr Oltllot. ,.,.. o~er UI yoath.when we arrived . , first second and , fourth Inmngs I Iren whom IIhe lovtld fcu better UIIID ,,' the &Ie that entmed uS W have - • ancl up to the last half ot the he, own life. Tben it wutihat she be- Soldiers'Monument We have about every1bing sixth it looked very much as OrdlnaneeNo.46· Arteralon\{lleeeoUypholdfe"ilr oame &he 8OO1a1 mentor. eliciting our Will Soon be In Place that i8 !lood and reliable in though the ol.t men were doomed borDe patiently, she ....Uud she almple oonfiden088 and giving In Cannon and Shell Obtained ~ the way 0.1 food pro~uets, to rece . ve a coat of. w~ite wasli, . A,mendinlr O~lnan\:e No Ii ,En- mat · lOOn .",e Up Ibe ' 'lr'oggltl" ,Oro her ooUDoll. Yoong people .lta etc., don t see but .Cla/ence Hale" and bls. bi~ ' (rom. Government Will ... h and If you t .. titled an Ordinance to deAne and ~,lUnl " ••• her Ion to ber bedl,.lda, fQ" , ",be~ 'hey begin,to feel tbe 8ubtle Soon be in position w at you wan stick prevented this clltastrophe punlah certain mitldeNeanore' 'fie ...~ elIDe &0 make flual arrange . OoplttoytngwUhthebeart "trlngs --.. by scorll'garulI ·iu tbe last haUl/therein named • . ' .' meow,.beuld, ·"reddle. I amuot are oonfronted with divers prob Commlttie8 from the Grand Army afraid to die, OJ follo"lllI ber klhd Jem•. ' It· jU8t here that the and Sons of Veterans met wit,b the An old friend of ours 'w alk.of the Sixth. . De It orClISne<1 by tbe Coundl'<lt Ibe Villale larewell. w all loved 'oaes , alie . . StOril tlte In the last half ' of the . sevenlh ot Wal'DcsYlIIo. Warren Couoty. Oblo. tbat d 1.,' 11·.~d ..... Ulnelll, .,000y'. frlend 'll8pped In to dlll6ntan· ,Boar" of ' Dlreotor!! 0 f MI ilm i (]~enie· ed through thIS , I!eCUon.6 of Ordloanoe'No II p&88e1l loIa),12S, '" · Into 118mI.ooa"".O. gle'·,'hi'm· .' Wi~h ma·"" otber8 I~ was try last Saturday morning to ar· · 'h r day and be"au -e he tbe old fnE.'d fell 00 DaVIS, curves IflOO 'be IlmendC4 all foll.,..: .. An, pe....0'l plili8ln" at'otl .. •• .,... a' her home In l Nil who Hh"U "Solmte any fIIlCtlOD or ,an, of Ibe ,. .. iI" ." often illY privtJedge to enjoy those!(e for the plf\Ol,n gand mounting. did enot see a stack ...of '.wa~h' With a vengallce and be (ore the provtalona ot any secUonof tbll or~loanee ~sborl Jllly 26, ltor, aged .. 1 f8lttye 'oocaaious at "Belle" Brown 'Ii of ,t be common recently secored tubll. he went elsewhere and smoke of battle had cleared /I way yea ... 1 mODth and, 27 days. . hom ". Hlie wal the life of ,th~ gatb from 'the government. . now he is sorry he didn't they had taken lhe lead bV scor- ~hall be Hned not more tllaD 11ft)' dollalS ' A Fal~n_ . • Ih I td Id ed t 0 p lacE.' tbis man • '.lUg four rullS. nor 1_ Iban ooe dollar aDd ehan pay tbe • berself Vi t 68S. e was eo cools or prOll(!CutloD aDd upoo lbe fuiure 1>0 ,• eriDg, Ildaptlnl v anddelio.o to68ch, aldlledlnthe ument of peace, for Buoh it IS on ,]'hen In the tint hal ' of lhe paY8UClltloeandcooUl 'lOaflctIUIe4aballbe' ~. " .. nta of 09o~6r8Rtion the eminence to tbe • rig ht 0 f th e " ' blood commUted I. the vlUage or 10 Iueb tt , aooompJisbm )f we have not. got what eighth. th e Millllllil wilh I/rl800 or work bouse .1UIprSIOO tile CouDcll ma,. . , r b hnw orth entranoe to the Uemetery. . . . ' . ., , cootract wlth lor thal purpoee. ' uotll uld , (l Ii ' It I00 i"• w 111 readil y be IIIIP'" you •want we ·... will try and 10 their c ve!l, took a .bllC revange. lIoe and COSl'. ar/S paId or .. acaord- Veterinary.Sorgeon alld Dentl!!t" . and flulble Belle w~ In her ,Ipirlt.. she n In t h is pos I ' f d In( 1:0 tb. 18w, lind reruJa"oOI IlUt IO rolal ' ve . ' b on one , ·enlerlng. from ..... get It . or you .... e us your: , On a combltllltlOtI 0 errors all neb prlaulI . O r; work hOUle, W88 my ' ,first girl" aod my fll.t~er eeen y y ', IIIIP'" wa ts' . hit th d 'l'bl. ordlnaace . hall lak" err"",", a0,4 be , " _ l: I tell me' llhel\ctellln the 8a~e oapi\.Q. either of the three entraDoes to tbe, n SIX S ey . ~core. sevell r~n~. In fone, from and I\f_ tbe: e"'II~8t ,'perIOd . At Home o~ ~tarday After1l~n " '., . ~ ASK FOR IT . aDtllher~by secur~d a lead whlcb allowed .by law, TbowBH Sberwood. or. : . ~, Uy with hlnl, Will tboi!8 of us who Cemetery. wereat dh'ner' one eveningattbe A conoretebaae will be ~'qll& for ~ When you can" get Itrood tbeold mencould 'not overcome. Oh38. D,Reecl, Clerk., . , .1110.•• ", Brown bome even forget ,t he up the cannoD and tb~ work of mount· butter in Wayn~svme, you • The old men scored ~W9 mor~, fn . ' . ' . • rouroo~ I..ugllter OII.11ed t9rth by Ing oompleted as soon iii! po~"lble. . ' come over nnd lee USI we ..Jt. the ,last balf of tlJe mnth. Belle endeavoring '0 extricate a ooln I . It Is p'.lanned to boh} sntable ,ded, have it Iresh and good, on~'" .. The two teams Hned up as fol. tbat, bllc1 illlilped do\vn In Will AI· I IMtory exeroises wben the work Is 20e a' pound) . 111w8: . le" ;11 "olliery? .And In a. moment oomp.lcted. ~ . ASK FOR IT .. MIAMIS. OLD MEN.


yea~s thllo~are gon~





SPECIA.l:.. · '- .A~L T~~'S WEEK AT .





B••y P'-:;: ;~;::;~;;:.:n;~~~~~""

$ ~

~I~:~';~,~:~ !:=~::ro"f ~~:tJ!:.elr;:O~~

f f

.' $ ~

W'm8~)h, c.,· ) bG. Tb~pson. c., 21) Cook, ss. ' Hilell, 2 b. c. Custer, d ....l b. p. J. Th'psonl b. If. c., Marshall I b. Trollt , 3 b. Hawke, rf.


Smltb, 2 b.

SATURDAY'.3S~ECIAL ' 25·lb. Sq·

Be8t ,Gran~lated

nr $1.30, 1 8aek to a CUlltomer, spot cash. . '

I ~~". ~n. I "





~, A •, If., rr . . Sh~rwood, If. Schwar.tll, 3 b.


80"~ . ~ Waller Ji Killion $:~;£~':.,. b, I••;."'';::~; ~: ~

'I 1 0 0 0 ~IO \,."IITIIIH~E_TIIII!IW_0IllJl!lP~I.E~C~,E.·.~S•.•F_O.R_'.1.·2~elJlelJln.ts__.1 ~. . . . . . . . ~I BI~" ~:~,;::~O;oOl~ ~:n Q.,t;.: :;:., "



Dr. J ()'h n Hya ,"





',' .








0 '1


Telephone No 12-";" W ' "II '0'1;,.. " ,ayneS.l ,e,





,SOliW:&RTZ'S •





Beavy Preued. ,UI... Cream PltAlhel' A~d (Joyered BUKitr .~"'(t.


. A~~'(~ORDiNABY :'AROAlN,.· .


TW:() PIECES' FOa .lj, ce~ts.



r-~EWs.. _ !2!E! ...

. ..

' . .1

~eady ~ERSONAL AND Meetin~ at_ W~yne8v"le l LOCAL ITEM5


" .&' ul:nf t::'l'. 11· I ~07,


U MB:ER ~9:13

'------~~-----'~~'~~~~~~·~.~ -~ ~ --~ c ~~~~~~~~~~~ Lytle.

Mount Holly

ilr - urull\lrt< .1. B .run )\ Ollj'IYIl<] ~lJ·" . Luul flllrtsook alld H')U y lit "lll' bom of M.r a ny Rlilph ~ peut !:lUt.nt'(ltlY ILml t:!und" \' 1\11 l rw Wil[ 'jll,' IH:ltJ-iokllr,' of Lioll wl lb Clr'l1\~l U1'HnlJ1\l Mllt·hltt. - - -..,. ~fl ~ IJ A ZhnnlPflnhn II Ofol ht'pn Utt(]() k ~U~A ,r rllH!A' ufCOt" Mi!'R'[VY Al'thllr l{~l?hner is visiting Bttr· l'b~ Itl(liabll Y('IIrl , ' 'Mt''' Ihll( 01 vni'v ~(>llnn!lly 111 th r pn ~ t, wp,tlk, llut !:l\(lo~ Irlok!',:, I~ \'ll\iting with them [1,,,rl l'Il,v rA'I \'hls week .. ' ' . . Blok,ile FrleJl!)8 will OQll vone ' hll, I" nnw Rl1nr!H'I hllt IrnprttVAl lit this tint !lnll \~' \11 110 for n \~~ok ;\~r . (f n l'~e l\InrllLt,t I~ qUI~.(j sick. W!ltJ'nlHlvllJe"til I. WI!j k, til; M.t\/\tlllt& 01' flO to ('Om . ' . li:h sool lll WII . w 1I ·,attended Slit· ,0 r .. rnt .. • I EI" hi I MlilEl [(nt.lIrYII On viI', of J)lIyt.on; . '\ll'(lny ni gllt nou evory hody seeOl · "',. ".era ~11l "ttl',, ' Vf fJ I 1,1'0. l\ll ~s Bhmoho 'urn II ~lltlnt ~"v l' " I f '. ue',"n' --_.. I Y ' I ' h"R h I' n 1'1l 1 o,,,lnJ( A "V(lol\tlon with . Y ttl "j 'fU lun~ry or wu..·er .........el leO elu' y Mf:etl ng PI'(')IAr, • e1'111 pl CMltnt dft YS t,lH~ lit! te r [11I1·t of i ' . I k 01 . N ,.. , j .... t d Wn~' nl'll!vll1 e r IfltivA!\ . . . e I'('llm UU( C'-lI e, tI.~s 0 1 boldlo..rl It41188 . II on ..,Ii l\~ ny, Ills t wl,ek \\'\l h Mr, lind MI'I:I. HurI'Y "'liS V Y h 'l Id l:i ' tl .' ~Ilpday, or Il'lr.t DII.' " 11 11 the M rR. ,I. 0 Clements I 81rlnUR ly Co ' I d ' , .. r. mq' J.l tl.Lse W OU ley 'Friend8 espr ~II iI, I.hore will lIn t1I with Ilnenfll oll in l\.lId l!UIrlUler l.nel nu uo ,aTOulII . 'I hey 1\11 cU\loteu tI.eir m\luey ~nd touna . cume t o r..yfl~ Hunrlny "nel M:lOk. 11 1 u J f il!18 60 ·,Il.... meetiDgs for W, Qrllhlp. w)lloh "rll) ' . ' ,. ey la ear 0 tlXpenOeB 'I' • , 'be gener ..l 'PUblici Is Invited to at, .. M;II!1 Corrie Grothe I", ~1)endiDg n ;l,1Dl~erLl\t tit home I)f Mr . nn(1 Ml' 'evoml. f~OUl bere Ilttendod the ' O&n". Tb,....... m66tlDgil ~""" u-e 1I'.bh.1. fortnight with lIer r,arents at. <":1l1I- 'l 'hu lilTg Mt IJ luotriu !:!Igu ill tl\O I1l!PJ'l1 tlJltIl 1\ l1JihJ thstunt UJ,I ho v . , aWl" . Greime Count" fldr I~t Xonla Tilurs. .. .. ~...., ol , Ill", lor 10 ID tbe tn.orDtng. 3 In th~ nll.O,hlo. worirl 111l1) j'U"t ljOdll orootud vY thu 1bllllk 'uf Lho ' t ..)\)se ph Rivor 11Ild 11 111st~r. h a:rh!s·j)ul( wlmt to liAY· , _ .. 7 :30 '10 t b e evening V las t !:lllturallY lIud .enjoy ·d Mr. J o lull DI,vi8 lUlU 80'" Lloyd • f.... ... rUOOD a. flU ;.,. G F I. f Obl' nngo 18 OIl~el' hill ed I'I,} \V Work<i ILt ~ollLh I u~1!iK ne(1 Jlw huri1'V to furultSh pow l' .... ern Vlt. . ~ Wll D ' tl dl "' I' .' ",.r. e.lrge anlley, \I ~', . . himself th rein until Monday even. report un unq8uI ex;perll\noe :' with Ion .oon, a n l\IlUpO '~, one . "I f w 'ek~' vncatloD Bend , 11l~lillnll . lind the lIIustmtton for t)leir r,;rollt f 'Hlt ry. . of tbe be.~ loown Friends lil the ~Pielnul n g tI.. e.w M. e d<" 1 J A ' a.t tllo '/.Ieud of this tutiole giv~" It All illullllnllti n of this extallslye Ing . B e wns lWi siti ug witb .Mr. Rnd Il bunoh of rnttlesna.kee Iaet tilltor , i "(] ted w t 1 1 8 })aren,iII, r , n·n "rs" , • " Mrs. lI.. , oolley of that oity. dllY mornIng. While worlnng in . nt dt wlll spa uk ' tl.t tile Fnnk~Y'· lW ery fulr ldan of its uppou runca. oburll t el' lll ltU'tIllly oonsu!Iles . thoir h"'" field t'hey ca ' me u.p on tOllr ' .. 1'llls sign tmrmoauts t h e plow 11Io:"'or om1 l (lli of nha :.120 hor'e II \V Mr. unll Mrs, AlJle Holo IlDd litUtI UJ evenlnIC meetlul. The Yearly J\l.eetlng will ' probllb10 order to oomplete our file of oomIlnuy 's 11 W fl va tor y wcl rehOIl er gent'l'ut Il l)y IL Single one of the oblJd ' of WIL!nesvllle were tbe ]:3nu· h~rge and twenty nine yOlIng 01le8 . ly 1'8Q,lain in 161810n until 'l'hursda.y l~po!8 t,he Gazotte would like cople!' e~teud ill~ {he 011 tire lenl,:th of the l~ furblDo whools !It tbeir elect rio duy guests of Mr . und ~rs, .~lI>mel! They killed tbe eDlIr~ lot, and this or 11411:11 weel!:. 'l'be meetings will or tbe pa.per of May ,Juoe 12, and bulldin g, 11 dl ttLUoe of :!50 feet. The pi \~ I ra<totl't~(\ to keep tit,! ;;! "Pi! .Tohns und !Ion Hu.lph. Clirl retnrn is snid to be the llngest lot o.r r"ttlers convene a' 10.ea.oh morning. Wed, J ono 19th , . hlghe t point In tho letters in tht. lin' f rlrll. by nlg lit" brigh I,b' burn ed. hom', I:)ondt~y nft ~r huYing Apeot found in this vicinity In /:l number neadal 'hate wiU 'be.\ . publlo meor.. Don't, OIls!! rolldlng KUbon'", ads hadoml\rk I)Ort1 un of,' the. igll is n.t lng, 111 killg ib.· light ,,18\1jlo for ulmost. ull the time S tllCO soltool wnl! o'r.Jldeanrollr· '" MoDlI>nil1l, of )tenia, is fog for W'oribip at 10 a. m, tbere Itro nqw bar~lllns ,ellob weelr. the een~ r, ·1 2 feet abo ve,the ulI.!'e ; n'an.v miluH I,hrough the dllrkn II" ou t WItb M1' . !lod M r. H 010. sponC:li!lg "' week witb Ella. Maud l'1le Indiana Y«W.'rl, Meetluf in ' Mia8 Ann& Tjlomlon, of Dllytop line, ~1t\1 t\HI I tter9 in the- words [!lnu t:u plain tb.\1 t;h ~ unme' 'Oliv r Mr, and Mrs. h(U'lo.~ 'Inrk J)jl8sed Davis, l'be bl.rn On the farrn oooopl~ by olQdH 'b.e ~Iqblt~ Sootb woatel1l Ie spending several w~eks with her 'Oliver" Iln<l " Works " nre elloh 1 I Works" .~n~ be tnullonso Lmda Sunday noar Be~lbroolt with Mr . ~blOaa4~" ~ter part of Indl~nij pllrenta. Mr. IlDd Mrs. John Thorn. filet hig llu.n~ ~.,J. fee t wi~e, . . , (] I tll:~ whloh ~~(JIUd~S llh)w 5\1 fe~t II.nd Mr . ~ nmk DlUwiddie, ! Bld 1:3&1U'II caught fire &tu~day and .. ue Y_rJ,t J1ee~ing. lire beld alter \lOll, soutb of town , . ' A totnI of 3,21101.llll1 PS Itbir q UltO ItoI e Iltlb IO lDg: . !-.O:ll~ bfe Ol 0t1/l~IY dl (~Ilite tL goodly number wero oat WIL9 burned to the ground, T"~ ...1817 a' q,fohmond and Pendleton, " )j t.o prop~r\y i)loulIntt t ~, a mum , I1gu s " t !lilt, relth. or n Istllllce nt !:lulldny sohool last 'un'dtlY nftee fnollly wils aWIi.\' fraU! home and 1.41aoa &IUlJlt WllynefIVllle. Sun(}ny ~ourBlon to t:-noinnatl moth Sign und tlJe light seut out o( /jOV ral miles. . noon,' owing porbups to the 'fnot tho Muse of tho tll'o is n ot known. Del • elfp&oted from ' 1l11 ,~O round trip from Waynesville. oa t.a Jt pr.otective · l·lIlY';. oVl\r the LOCIl~ .. d liS tll lH Il ign Is-liO.t n. ~btlt obutollary membol's were ' par. at yea-rly Meeting and Exourslou ~ain lea.ves· :28 A. M entirt"l quarter Of th e Olty In the slll.lrtdi t ILnee f1'01n the Illt~l? lIu es to be received into full mewbershlp . Oregonia. • the 1IIIil0ll8 are belnll looKed for Angnat 1 ,1907 . neigbborhood of the Olival' 'f llotory. t~t th Lake bure & MI chigan uod on acoount of its being tho day -.-~-w6l'd to wbo muoh U1~ro.t , both by . Wa,y ne vHle frit'nd(J of Miss Rhea I:)uoh n lIg~t w utd ordiot~rjly be , 80u hern and (i r~<1 Trunk RaJI for tbe Holy: romQlunlo~. Some • Jo~n Segal~ paid bie weekly vtslt" m_bere of the Meatln" IIntl the ROgers.of,Lebanon, will regret to oonsldered . very expensive !lild (I. wtl.ys-truvelers WIll ltnve a fine tbingmore ~hlln el~htywere pr6llent 'to frlend8here 8nnduy. mee~. aJU1 tbe publio gnn r,,\ly. · KnoVi that 8he h'ls \l8en 8erlously 111 luxury, but in tblA ~ase the cost \ 8 , op.p ortullity to ee for thoQlsolvo IlOCOrdlng to the roll book , and . Mi8S 'EdIIA SI'J&noer ,toOK IIUPpe JJ •_• with typhoid fever:. wioimlzed by 1'0" on or the eleotrio t\tl~ llJodern womtler or the world, seVel'lll canle ju~t uS SUllday !lohool WIth Miss Rusho Ker8ey Wedn8!"l"Y. Miss Mary Prater,.of Franltlin ity used being ge?eratM n.t the , wllloill , ut d~oe u'. t.riUUlVh of !the 010 ed. 'I'he 1\88i tunt superintend ' Tbe ladies' Ilid 800Ie&.\' hi arra1'lg: nliliD~on y ~r '1 ' rOlld, Is spending a week' with her po~ or pla,nt owned I and o[tcrntod enteJ'priS9 of It. · plroJootQrS illld uwn ent Samuel ' Willillm/ion stated t1ll\ !~g for ' an foe Orellnl ooialln ~be Meeting .. Will CbnVene' Sl8tOr, Mril. Riley, Clevenger, at' by tbe Ol1 ve r S"l()()llted. sOV1ething ers , bis ambitioll Wa.1I to rllise the It.ttenl;i nOll.r · f~t,ure. ~prtng V a l l e y . . ~ . a.noe <!t"tho schooi to 100. In ori'er Mrs, L. H . ':l\)~lIn II.nd t.~o yOU~B' , (or a Walter J . KUbon was .1I. vi8itor i~ LOCAL AN D W~yneSVlne IiJrmMakes thnt hjs ambition Ulf\,y be fulflJIed, 8r ohlldren VIsited r:eldlves b4ll~e Xenia a.ndDayton SnndllY. PERSON~L MENTION Fine Show-inl{_ let everyone oome and bring some Friday and SatnrC!-II>Y . . --..,-....,-. ---:one e1 e ulong. It will be infintltely .Mi8s Bes81e Gill has returned to. Tbe WUmlDpn Y8IL~IY Meeting Miss Kathryn GIlbert. and Mr. roon Co.tlnty Fall'Three l',ust better for you to Ilt.t.and Sun~y l:3outh Leba.ngn~ ~bere.e1ie 18 vlllltJ9K or OrtbOOJ~ ·...I""dR, • wlUOh In , VlI1lCl8' H~1'8YB, ' of~Clarkjjvllle, . •T, Mll~ Keys, of t.he Lo.OOnOJ+Pi ke, .' rem1um,s ' Captured: Sohool thou to uw>nd thing8 fMendB and T8!a'l ves. · . . ol..s. the rriendll Sooietl61 In were guests of Miss AOD~ TholDson, ,VbOllO foot was injured by I\. ~~'Jtry rill~dairy firm of f:)tokes & Brown that you do . . Dr.. and Mrs. Krleghofr, Mr. IUItl 01ln. ' Wa,ren' lind Billhltl.n~ of the ~b6uon pike Snb~Y, ::~ll!~~! ::;:~t!:t ~:~~:: ::1'10:: It \lory oredi1la.ble shC!wing at Miss Lo;s BI~bb, of Xenlu., M.l8S M~8. Wi(lblg, Mr aDd II.... Walter ootlDUee, Otdo, a.d In QD8I18oUon of ,,'or Sllle - Six mille Illmbs . In· ti I t " . tbe Ureen Oounty Ii' la8t",weAk o ·U 'll 'Dln,w1dd ' Ie I'~d ".Iss B'o.oche Underwood, and II. few 0\herfrleD9 . - ~.. j" resulta are I~n 0 PII. eu.. . .; ' .' : ' ~~ • , ., .... JU. ~~ f Ci l1 _,;..w oonv8o. Ilt WI quirf oC Allen D. Hole, Rural R oute Mr. J. A . <i. RoberliB of Peoria, where theY' hl1<\ [lin.,e~. thA,l r flne -Colnell jjnjoy~tl a. very pleas nt, rom nolunat!, .' mballoD. TburSday, Augu8t 16tb", 1, 'Phone \16-2". Waynesville. IIIinciill I spending this :week with Jersay on.ttle on 8Jchlbltion . v'i~lt with their .frleod ~S3 Hi:llim . Mr. and Ml'a. Thomas 8peDoer oil for .. week'il "'IQn, and a , number An U - 2t , _ his brother E, D. B<'oorts, ~r Way . Mes8rs, Btoke~ ~r; ~town . sooured Jones Monday. l ' two younger 'ohUdre~, of Lebe.DoDj 01 ~bel'll QI t;oolOly from Mrs. B. M. Prugb of Pltt8burg neavi11e and bis sister Mrs Sutton t.hree first ptenlllun ,lod two sllcond Mr und W F 01 uk enter and Mrs. Roy Fisher and dalllh&e, &lata 'fiGlDlty expeot-to ftttel'd , The Pennsylvania, w1l1 arrive . .' . , tb18 week, of U8U' 'Harveysburg. ,Mr. "Robprts ... 'n • . !Sunday, " , ·B. Edna" of Tiffin , 8pent' 8unda,. rem i UDl8, itO d tbl s I. n ool,np,e tltl pn' tllmad Mr. " and Mrs. B. _ . .I mee&lug of 'he Miniatry ant for" visit with ber parente, Mr. Is jnat reooverlng froni ' nn mne@s l w'tl1 an old bownulu who hili; mlLde Whcllton and two gmnlldil.ugbters Mrs, J'. K. 8penoeJ". 0Mndib' W1U COnvene on WedDell md Mrll. W. W. Arnold, of which termintlted in blood ~Oi on. a l)uaines of 8howing (attle at, the Oarrie and &s~RlIIL of Lena" Mr' ~t Is Toported tbat Will Myen,~bo pieoeedtag Yearlv M84)tin8 " I S.ut d t f ·' f .u, , , . bllS been employ.ed by , ~pen~r aDd , . MIs8 Catherine Keever 'of Ferry ing and wbioh left hJfu In II vory low I .... e ILll 00 n y 1l,ITS or yeau. and Mrs. Wm. WhOILtcn of Yankee • ,'.' ....... IIIIIIlonB 1.'ilI be held ,. h . , Monroe, for 8, f~w, .will lea... .~ II' 10 a. m . Preaohlqg wHl go to Michigan this, week 8t1\to of hoolth . . Howeve~, e seem ! Wayn~vme JBoy's Success' 8,tteet" . aM .Mr. 'Ilnd Mrs, Wm. H. Monday to take oharge or "miU at .• ~'tcp"i*b. &at I t 9 ' , 1 whore tlho wlll remain nnt~l 0001 to be gu.inlng around rapIdly and 1S ' " . .• ' Oar.m ony !l,nd son, . Ne to l1J " 7; t A Ita Will ,,. H;"", :' j. ... ";'11;,7.10 d:ll~.ace ," a . n'I. \ wealher.. .', .nn w· ufmost completely 'reo,?vercd . ! 'rh.~,,Jul~ pumbar 'O,f, :1'he J~Qrn Mr. Ilnd M.fS .. I't. B . ,S t . .Jolin, tllk:.h~8;]B:. .'Il n . rm ~ _anelat will be devoted entirely rr~e M. E . Sund"y 8ohoo will , J . Mllt .Etlrnbart \:lne of ,~u.~ren ul of tbe ~merlOlUI Obe~!\ ~I .)ooi •. Qltildren, HeloQ Ilnd LooD', pussed ' Mr, a.lId Mrs, Fred Gove ' oon~• .. ~ W' or.hlp, ....r"l....... being held . ' d ' t· oonnty's formo ~ ttt.rmers, !lnd bll~I . , ety, ooutllln81t pa, p~r on ~h Il IiO, ' ullda.y with 1111'S l:)t John's parents . , ' '. ' '" ... "" v.,.,.. Its annual picnto an on mg, , t ' , Of-TI n IIS ' I~ lJathode for the J:<apill ' .. plato moving to But"ueL In .t he n8jlr tornOITO'W. ThQrsd~y. All memb"r8 ,nll88 Ulen, spent Monduy of .q\t~ weeg ; . '' . . of nelir We\lmlln . ' future. Mr. Gove hav!) 0""-8 • miJrninllP,' aUemoo,u Ilnd evening. • • . with 0 G Wjllltlmson reOODl· IQualltltatlve Eleotlrolytiio o eposlti.on . . -. of the School are requested to meet .' ' ot Zino <.;oIl II Sllve ' 0t d ' Me srs. Everl!tt Enrly lind .ti. ttl.Oy at the Creamer.~ there. mendmg Texas Mr Earnhart " P .1', 1', l mlnm L b I f M ' d I I ~ib " . "t tlie obnrch ot 8 o'olook. . ' . . tlnd NiOktll by LlIurel;lo '1' buer lUll (! t on lLy oven ng V 11." e Armitage, wbo broke hi, N,U", to Post A Dumber of tbe plember8 of the 8P,6nt part of IU8t Mtl.Y tn Texns, wood lind Dr Gellert ~lIowa~ Penp.8ylvanla Lines for Wll.shington oollar bone a week allo, 18 rapidly , Offh:e Patrons. H(oltstte Friena8 . with other Warren County Fllml' l . " . ' , t to N f Ik d tl T ' • rMeeting ..ttended P of of Ohemts"r.y at SWIt tb en ron e or. a Iln le "ames Improvmg. ,. ers, Ilnd purohased In.nd.. there. \ r .. " , r • more t E iti • W viii tbe Quarterly . Mee~lng at 8e1~" Ifa and other Wanen Oounty pea. College. The paper Is a repor ~ of own ~1)OS oU ' . _ __ __ J.. BOll: bolden 0' tbe aynN e, . ,nil Sunday, li!apeolill pi 2000 f 1 d 'h ~n inveaetgntion · made at the MJ;s, "MIllion DU.kQtlDd daughter, New Burllngtori. .. ftl.... III l ' II , " e owo' acrCS' 0 lin nenr nuS' ,. 'T" • . " , ' Ohlo. poll,. 0 U<J W P ~.e ClA atttU)hed to this ml)etlng 1\5 ' !re..~IIS : Ilnu oonnot BO.y t o Swarthmore C,hell:lionl LIlbo1'~tory " MII!~ Mlnnu~; . left ,j{ \lesday for an ,b. , Dew' q .. ~rte...~ io th~ 'pteOeiles ~h~ yearly · meeting. h J t' th' ,t .... ' . by (1 ) Ilutilors, R~ld 'WllS the sob., extended trip .along tb~ Lakes '(l.n~ ),MIdi." J'rtdllvOIl ~'Qrdii.Y " • " no . n.v9r 0 , 1\, oQun.,,.. . ' , ' . . C " . h' • D k t to ~~ II' " Ra'y~o~d WUli"m80~, wbi19play. C. M. cartwright, Editb~ , of tbO ] 6?t,' e Mr. 8her.vv!Jou II th 1118 for ID an.IlUlL. , IUrs,. ., !l e axpeo S . ,wllllll ~ reo.nve 'hal.r newad!u.t. g·,.... I.. m-t-day fnren ...... n roool' w,,:, U "" 't " f 0'" the " " I'ee of MU/lter ' of Al'tl;l reo remain during the hay fever soa.son , fhn ,', IJD I '," - ..., . "'" ' . • ,68...,~n ' nuerwJ'l er" .Q ' uloa g o , ' " . ' , ' . " , mel:!}l "",1:811. ' " " broken t~timb; whioh ' wlll pre. ono.tho b~st known of ''Vaynes' oend! oouforred 1l:pon blm: in Bay V~ow" Mlohigan, b,ut Miss J!1R&In: '8. hKR.' , ' . , ' . ' , . .~ , Minnie . will . return In time to take p' t tar vent blm from takl.o g part in the former r~ulents, !\pent Mon · t • -;• h ' ". , .M m~. Rames now at band, ' in wblcb dny. bere. .Mr. Cartwright's vi,8it: As ~clatlon Org:a. up er sohObl dntles in September. -"-',"'"= . "".........-...,,...... . be w':>Jlld hav." ,t aken a ve~'f aeti wll13 for tlie 111~rpose of1iuking home DIZeS 'Insurance Branch. I'farnell. . pRrt. . ' . him Monday 6veuip', ht.:' son, JUlII08 .. Stoops iUid. Leroy Irons '~. T. ·J. Br~w;n S~ld ".'4e Ml8eet! ~ LUellA and . .,Lev!lrlng, wbo ,hils .' .bee~ atWri(1eu the ru eetlng of the !Jhio . Expre's ses Tha:nk$; ~ Jamiey a'rrlv~ ~a · .Fl'iday even . spen·4 \ng the $t,Immer \\lt~ bie Vunners' ASBOoi~tiQn at (JOIUUlQU9 "Q8I,nl~!, I " t ·i k ' grnnd[!&r611ts, Mr . and S. Lev,,.. ,nh ' . "' I . f h'ch'" 'S"" . ' i" . ,. ng 'a(te,rRde~t~hru ~loVee 1"Vl8' ' , .' . 1 urSlny, 0 'VV I . 1ll~ •• uvOPfl.~~ 'Mr8. ",' '1',J . . "Bro.wn, who tw.olve tllZ 'wit thei~' unolf, Dr; ,C~ rles Otll'b~~,lgb~. , " , ~ , . I:!flcre~nry, Il.n el u~I~~t11~: ortm· w~ek8 ILg'O todliif (6111)0<1 f~notuJ'ed ,ElIle.. st. Louia . . ' r,' ~ev: und' Mr~\ ~ . ". CndWIIH~(le! 'I?lr '1Jhe :Oh~o pnunerB l,1u~ual , her hlp, -wlshe9 ' to'-;extin~dher hellr~ Hpn :_,Me'intt., f Mil: M~s ,Jllmes "sW~P.B. p-lld sQn IURursnoe <:0. " . j J ' feU th~/l.k's to he~ nUD\ero~s frien~lg f'fr,IIJ., '"1\il"l".i'. ertley, arriVed in Way. . m6fJ I\t~r~d Ilr ~leh~g!\U ~~n. l~surtl~ee r~tes ., 0!l QILnnlng fne; for the ,mlin'y l'-~~nt~'on8 8he is , coli. '-'~'--''''~!'l'.ldIiYevel)l'nlJ (or 1\ W3eb' day nfternoun . Mr. au? ~rs. Uud. torles h.Lye ~een y llIgh.and ~.y '1\ stantly repei'Ving i .r om tbem. ~Q',"'"j"'u.t '~~Qng ' ..hl~ bo,: hOOd hft,u uts, 1i14.e~ w·lll r~mllin ,aQout two syst.emof mutU!1I . ln9ura~(le !telB ex: . ,Kind, nlesstlges o~ syfuplI.thy ' 1-. h "'-at · B!I,y VIew. - Mrs. ~toops P uted tue COS.t can be ~lIterlnlly fl' tl' . J. . ~- h f 0 tb A" 8001 Ohar1sa, W~Q 115 ......0 , ' . • Id Ie ~e rled . .. .. . , . II. eo ou ~9!f\e lOU er r m . e ... 8pj!D(lIng t~9 ' summer here, . will WIll reml\in. until . 06 M.r. ' ' tooPSISJl dU'eotor 01 tll0 new llUltie to'the Paolfio, nnd 'frOlll .·New "!lC'bbtp~~ny hle 'fll1ner home. JUo,. , cbUd bOlng II ~rellt Company . " . . , Etigllul'd io the 'Oulf,,,besides dow.ers ' L. " . , fr~~ ' hn.y , (eve~. , Mr. •. , ~ '., '!lDd othel' 'tok~~8 of ' remembranoe Oti!o I~ npoo~ pani.ed hi.~ ~Iffl plntl .Reunion ~f ~li,e .. :, . 'l"ronqlevnt.ed' f~ienct9 l}eu.rer ho~!? , . way, ~~I,l r~Om, tblS tl~I1,e nu ., :Gallant 'l9th. . , ne~ ' llelll·t Qve~flOws with !!"fllti. filII :~1I1 .lIpeu4 most; of his .tMD~. , '' '. ' " df) .forthesl}. attentions. and 1~1!I cano)ilp.;' fll.cto~y in :Van Wert. ' ' ,.' . . ' , : : " , . " nove ' '; t-hat . me loving . h.earts H~ldD'ait ~ldb,dle(jt?~it'Cy:e8bt.e'r~a~. . promphid :theHe ' de~slu$ ,rioher nner ..L'e. n ••. or m." trne ' 1I~6 rfQ~'~ b~"IJt" . oheered Basel~a" Friday. the g~nll.nt hQurs,of flUfferPlg, ,. held at. - -'' -:-~.......~ t;be ' bqY8'" lIat1r· tol~etli1er fr,1Im-AIII pIl'ne o( th~,t Annual Si!8sion pi Hlrkllite Fpends Cony," s He'rl! Ihill Y cek.

n "" ll

Hilt,. n'II III1, it 11111.\' id r l!!< r.

' 111 111








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W.oolley ,' •. .'


. SVlep


t~e ~89001&'

tried meA'8 ,. •.



'" ' , Reguto.r eommundlll"on



memo Det!nlle Lodge . B~n, ry '1-hu~u ..,."~nltlg Hr,vfoo 1007. ' ,':Work 1n . M. . ~ , IISr'ee. 'bec:lOniink Oom· 8pjo.nnUDI . bretlleni .untecC

. -'W'ana B. Jtole. W. -':'......~ .Jobb~jUMlret. Seo~. ' 'A1NIM'i' ''~

I worlt ' to Ino"!SIIe





,By J. R. BUCK

bu.lne.. · In tbe faot


at :;trang compeLiUon. nut the busl· ness III tboro. and so mebody ..,JII .et It Ooubtn.· of Sailor Who SaYI He Knllwa



- you or YOllr neighbor, or perhapi your cottlpeUtor In ,tbe nex t town. Which shall It be! .. )of Ip your ,employes Inorease bU.s lnos8. ~

Be BUlin". Throughout.,

A. jok Is ' a jQkl', I;m t ;hllllin 8S I, nD

80methlng About the Big Flah.


Yon Pllbll&hod In YOI;r ' papor on gat. urORY a vorl' c urious' 'tItory about a IIhar ~ jumping SOt ot blgh lil the air, wrlt,(lll a cprl'oS llonderit ot t.hc SO\ltb Chinn POijt. . Th wrher or author or this sLory, " caplaln of a DrlUsh voss I bound ,tor LondoD, sarti lhat ho fired 1\ rifle Bho.t a t a shark and badly ~ollnded It. 'rhe shark In que8tion jumped 80 1\1I!b out or tit wat ' I' Ihut he '01 RI'Cd the mainsail With th e ABO or A 8Qa· ' gu ll. . Now, dea r sir. this la ralher a trlOe strong. Th capt al u alatell IbRt Lhey thre w' some meRJ overboard to I;et the shllrks ol\1sel' La tbe 's htll. At tbe momoht that the shark maile a grab ' fo r the JPeat tho 'captaln tl reil hIs ' shot: whleh s hot made the sha rk jump. IiO teet' DIll ot l he wate r. V 0 thnt ha ve bElon at sea all know that th I'e la one kln(1 ot shark wbl ch h ilS to IllY au its s ldo boCore It clln grn~ Rnythlng botween Its Ja w~ , aud IInoUler kind which bnll to lay on Its back to do 110, The onlltructloll ot tb elr mo ut.hs compels Ulem to ' ta ka tho!!!! attltud 8, As 11 conRll(,lu nce. the shark In qu 1111011 w81\ e lthor lying' on his buck 01' on lila si de. A' fisb JUDl1>lng out of th e , wo \.er· makes the follO Wing movemcnt ;, ~'he fi"h II.t~ toll. 8 hi s back ~ud be nds him, soH In Ule form at a cresccnt" I)t bringing bls b rid and tnll /l loSBr to· g tlJer. ~ At the Dlom nt ile wllnls Jump llll straig ht ns bll! lI a ik a golu and hits t he wotor. ,vllb tbe lull e ad or bls body. This fore p~oducc8 the 'power wblch euables hllll to jumJi a certain h Ight. As ubovq s tded, the sllnrk. wbou fired at. \\,'a s grabl>llI ~ for th e meat, IIlid lying either on h ili sldo or back, In . this p Ullit loa ho' WIlS not. able to )umll out of the sea. HI'S, mov eme nts In tbls llo~ltlo n wer ilmlted 10 thl e ; he could eUbel' rnove ah ead, slae",n)" or dowJlward., , I will nqt deny thnt a sbark Is ohle to jUDlll, r ha ve acen abarkll junllll ng five [e l nnd six feot blgb, but that only whe n they we re 'buntlng aome victim. Tbe first move numt o( a shll rk When, wounded Is to dlv.! dO\9O' wa rd Into the elements whloh Is ' hla natura l abo lIe, and not to go and mlUle 'an airship performance urounl! ' lhe ,mllst or ,a BIiUlng vellsel. r know n little about sJiarks ru v$eJf bu t little 'a s thls'" is It quallfles ru t~ wrlt,e . 1 know wba t· they can do, aod I kn o~v al,so bow sharks "l.4ste," bav· Ing ea ten them, tor wanl ot 1I0melb\ng better. ' I heard once ot an old s allor hIlli ng au ~cqualn la.n ee of a s hark whic h, when caugbt nnd out open. had an· olher ahark Inside; this s bark, e'u t opea, J)rQdticed ~notber ' sbark; and tho las I sllark had In hi s atomacb 'a c~nva8 bag wltb '25 sovereigns. J tblnk that both slorhill are about of lIame vl!lue ' concerning h'uUl·

Ie Pl·tl."III, by Dally Slor.. rul!, 0 .) Let the PU,bl ie Know , Wh,a t You ....V. joke. and fL III ml gllty hurd to mnkt the' two milt, • to Sill-Nevel" Stop Puahlnll1I'In Harp r and I had always becn d~llll 10l;s, BO common In tho mOUlI' A mllll , once said; "It, ps,.., ta 'adve!' th!! ~eate I o( triend's, Froiu our Orst talns , su~do.uly arose, and or course J\ Hint for ttl, tlse m\,gt businesses, but mine Is dU· DI~tlng peOple had ca lled us "Danlon our palb was Imme lli ntely beset wltb Clerk.. Jerenl." The sh ri ll . sold him' out, anel and Pytblas," and the Illore we !;IlW ot 110rlls, It was Int nsely cold . I could now hll works f'll' hJa SU;:C6I1'sor. who oaoh otb~r the slronger did thlll mu- (001 my eal's tingle. a nd r('l\lh:cd that . Pluc\C. , d,oea ad yerU8e, . 11,Ial allacbment, thai love ot nilln ro~ IIx posul'e [or any length of time meant How otte n ;YOll bear one bustlleslI mall groW, all bough 0 111' 11\ t s. dl.spo- oorlaln dealh. Slowly we ploked 'o ur mllll say at .. no ther ,,:ho has been ~ u c· 8uccc..:slUQns IIn'd Incllnlltlonll we l'C ' at varl· "Jay. the stoen wall~ of tb moun tai n c 8srul: " Ain't he lUCky?" l,uck has The lIecret or most HUC e8ses lie, In alice. W(' met as 8tu(lents at X--, o~n otie side and the deep canyo n aD noth ing to do wltlr, anyoDe's IInccess. t.ho man tathel' than In the mettlod . where 1 , as the hamillon, alhl to, tile, otb r, with n ru sh.l ng torrent, It Is pluck. ' Making pooplo ,,'an t · th_ goo <!1il ,Is, str/lug. far a1!o\'e tbe average, while ,plainly Rudlble, boneath. SomeUllng Pluck an,1 enthusiasm arEl ' tho I)OW' II wa eh siudent, tall, slender lind In .my brain k pt throbbin g. "No'\\' Is ers which make tho winDer. WIth ' aner ' nil. a bo llt II n ear th,.. eocrot 01 "llle, with 11 greal soul ahlnlng [rom , tbe Ume! H 1'0 Is lhe piac ,' , vetee· , heN,) two Quall lles, whtch are In· , It s s 'thore 'Comog to b~lng 8.'11 .eerel. th haz!l.l·gray ey08, I liked him 1rol'n tlon Is , ImpOS8,lbl o! " I n~ell myself 'varlnbly rOllnd togetber, a man will Make the ' pu1,ll.le wam wbat :/o u Have lo sell a nd the s nlo. Is ha!f made, til!! tlrst because or his Intolleotual over a ad OV IlI' again, ",\\ hat?" but surce d, • Epltnph of a ralluro: '~He 'workecl qualities Bnd. becaus be admired my only th~ myst nous throbbing grew Business ' men who bl.IVO ach ieved "hysical Ilbllhles aud leanod ul10n me, stronger. "Now Is the time! Here Is grelltnes8 10 the ir line aro tbose who overlline dodging wprk." 11 8 so often Buch ItRtures do. . tbo PlaCq . Detecllon Is llUllos6lble'" IIOsseS5 an abundaoce ot ealbus· That Man wIth the Overall •• There was one tudy In ' which we , Aa)\'o neared the narrowest part et IIlQD1. A 11085e6111 0n tbat Iii better than Bill' were botb very mucb Int r s tod. the ' path,' the moat dsngo roua part of ·Wben the mall ,..I\b lhe 0/ rail. . which furn1shed mncb speculallon and lhc pass, StephcII s udd nly co mm en~ lhlne els to a man Is 'th.llt detormlna- comes Into your slore don't lIirn 1I0~ a feW eXllerlments. 'l'bts. wa'1i d to cry, and, coming nearor to mo. lion of cha raoter known 8S pluck, :lnd llrol\nd aDd tako your billa to wl\lt on 11, ycOlogy, Ilnd 'we ucv!lr tired o[ In· suld: "Ob, Alvh\, pleaso do nol let 118 dn enthusiastic confldilDcl~ tbat h\\ will him. Don't an lib the llIlln wl(J1 Ole oYt1l'nlls In order to wah UIIOII 80me qul rl ng Into tbe pllenomenR of d rea ms. t y ,t o nlak It. 1 alii ufl'l\ld ' at tho succeed. som nambnll OJ nnd bypnollsDl. Alvin Jutth. a nd oh, I Dll\ afl'llid of you! \'ou , '1'0 lIers vere agai nst A'rent odde, lito' of your' town-Oinl Is. tr thl1 Oyel' and to mnkl' a ' vlOll1rloU!1 tight In th e nil mlln Camo Lnlo )'Ollr otoro' first. wns ne\' I' ablo 'tb ncq ulr lho pnwor \\on't So III uatul'll1l" r hypnotising,' bllt he made Ill' e,x, ' "Wb~, Slel)hlo," )' MRld, as 1 (lui />ne face of almost hn(losslhl.llt1ea, It I'e , Y ur overall lODD usually stulld's by H e. works In , the cellent s,!bject and le nt hlmsol( wtll · arm about him and Ilaltcd "the dIlUlII', UUi l'tls, pluck whlcb Is- nolt gove rned by the home t9IYn. ' sbo(ls, In Lb e sto II ;rotd's, ,Ill the ,fne, Ingl~ to ~I xperlmonls. 'We were blUe lnce which was rostin g agllinst IIll Purs . '1'0 oultl va to 11111ck one mus t eneonr· lOl'l s and In the mi lls. IK R dollar Is successf ul . in prevLng-U1Rl souls ot my Q080m, " ar ~YOII , looi losi ng your men caD, In 9ur presout condition, nerve?" Then sud d nly, ~Itho\ll wnrn' age steadfastness or purpose. Wb \I just liS good as III dollar giVE Il Lo communicate or ~ct upen each olher lng, without lho slightest \'olltlon on n thing Is b gUn it should bo fin· ' )'Ou by Uto man who Wos to Illl t on 'nil kinds ot alI'S In rOil I' town. The hy melUl8 oritlrely Ind II nd Ilf o( ttl!) n,y .paTt, I f1nug the mtle fellow from laMd, The troublo wllh mosl. of UII Is not old Alner.lcan eagle on tho s liver dolllU" human body. l .' bad a8 mucb pbW8r me, saw h im lItagger 1\ Dloment on the o cr Alvin when awa)' trom him as precipice and Ihen fnll. There was no 10 much thal we have a ha rd I'OW rrlven lO, yoll by the 'man ~lllr ed LD · when near; often Bummonlng blm to ry , Only IICler (I seemi llgly In(erml n· ....:-------------;-------~------~....... 111# or dlreoting hlB acllons. Some· able time thore was a dull thud and tlnies be \\'S ll I\ware at It aud some· n splash. times n,ol,. Our grr.ntOl!t ah11 wa s 'to I n a tWIQkltns my brain c hansed I( IIBjI this Inftuence or communlent In' tune. " Il's don! n 's yo urs! Trnvel, sleep, and by ellob ot us concol1traUng enjoy yohl'selt! Alvin can only li ve a . hlB mlnd, upon the. otber before 8lee p· short time now!" Ing'll'e had been somewhat successful Slowly tho fOg lifted, and more slow· tn mingling In our' <\reams. alit wblle Iy my feet turned to th e d9wnward. our dreams Were almllar and we, ac· path. J came to a lillie white cdttage, tnal)' ~perlen ced being In the same went In, call ed wildly, and when a I)lace6. tbe recoliecUon8 wore not very mLddle age(l, m dlum·stout man and vivId upon awakening", his wlr n.ppe\lred J te ld them Staph n . A.lvln wila quite wealthy. H!s par- had . fallen from the pass Inlo the entll I!ad died 80me yea ta before, leav· canyon nnd- l tslnted. ing a large estato to be eq ually dl· • •• vldod bet wen himself and 4 brother. Suddenly 1 was aroused (rolll my Stepbe n• . wbo wns n.ow about tell s leep by n loud I'Ilppln~ al my door yearS 'of age. . , ' nnd m)' landJady handed m II lelo· , We ba d given ,up our experi ment., g rolD , saying It d UI!,nlled an Imme,d.l· , and AIVI \l, wh.ose health had been ;ite reply. 1 draw ' my curtal.n\!. The steadily tal llng, together with alellO. s un ' wall shilling brlghtl >', lind opcnlng , e n/ was In the mountains In Ule 'WoBt lhe me8811ge' l read: try~g 't o I' cuperate. L~tte~s, howev, . "Stophon was killed last night. er, were cons tantly exohanged be- Come to me at on1:e. Alvin Harper:' t ween us and r ain sure our alfectlon 1 staggored Lo B ohair. My God! if'a s ne \'er at ranger tban durlnl; this' Was Jll Y' dreani true? Was r to blame 8Oparatlon, for thl ij? \Vas a slee ping man, one One evening upon oomlng to my .wlthout the lise at bls will or reason room 1 {ound a ~etler from Alvin lying to blame ror such a d renm. tor such a II1)0n 'iIly table, It ~as alwa ys R l)lel1s' orl me? . . ' urq to re/\d bls le ttors, so, adjus ting [wired t he on wOTd, "COming," m y light. I ,seated myself In the most and In 1\ dazed way· ~et about making comfortable chair, and !legan lui' pe· , preparations, A fe", 'days la ts~ 1 ~a.6 rusal, Tb11i 18 what It eald: w,lth my f"lehd, He WitS 'yery III, but 810E OF L1NOOt.;,N. San -L.:--, Cal., ~larch 23. 19-, to my re llet knew nothlns o~ tho acMy ' Dear Phllll~Yol\ . kn!>w there tulll oceurre nces. He had golie uP t.he 'Hla Con.t.ilt Intereat· In the MlI1tal'y are no letters to mo like 'you~S, none mOl,Ultoln wltb S tephen In flpite ot r& . Telellrap!! s),.iem • . whfcb I answer wltb more plellsure ; monstrances, and while watchlng the Turn ta and bury the cmllil-order houae monopoly under the aod of 100111 JllIt J bave ~eeD delay ed In IInswerlng sun had 10llt consciousness and knew ' prnporlty, Yo." can d'o It by .pendlng your money, with t'he merchanta your last, for hi Btead ot gaining my nothing more .untll be awoke In hIs 11 you give them an opportunity they will treat yoII' fairly. and thoy, like your' strength , as ] boped, 1 am ~rowln g room In the cottage of l\1r. Ha sldn' lI, aelf, represent the Intere.ts or the home town. . . , ""enker, and I did not like to tell YOIl. where he etopped, Wbtln questione :! II 18 not Illness, Phliltli, but a slow by I\t r. Haskins he (lid Dot romemb or ~ Illirting of sou! and body. r he Budden te lilug ot Stepben's fall. ~l'b ey found to hon bllt· tbat we dlslilke hoeing, ove raJI ~ counta (or and fitful anlmaUon ' YO\l 60 orten no· and b'urled the lI~tlo body 11;1 ' tbe 'vn· OPllortu nl ty knQe\ts o'nce~and, often scr.eams just' as hard ,a s lIIe ~Iced In IDe ' durIng the ' pas t year haa Inge, cburchya,d. '1,'wo weeKs IlI,ter ' a (1pzen ti mes-'at every _door, but " thA dollar t!1rned oVf1 r ; by tlie 'slOWly given .place lo n serene Indllfer· \ve laid Alvin beside blm and 1 bid, a YOU have no klo!t ogalnst tbe fates It who Iielongs J O the "upper ·tens." e nce: Y' dou/l t: wbether I co'lIld drllw I!l st farewell ,to, the ono person In til.l' Oppo rtunity knocks, tlDld ~ YQ!I In~t. In s ides. -It ,the' manln th 'o yerails mySelf, the' task' of wrl tlrtg ' you .world 1 had tl oved, yes; 'Iovod truly and a 'plpo dream and tur.ns/ away never tq dreillt lIuUl Saturday nlgbt , or , . what I must, had] not felt YOUr In, . slncorel~, for In all th~6e IIlRve relur n. ' '1'.' ~he ftrst ~r the month"you'll atanil Ie ftu en,ce. a few moments ago, a nd fou nd no Onc lo !ill Alvln'l! place In Bacon s31i! : "The mold of a lIIan', win to get -'tlisi cssh fl'C!m him ·. whall something or your strength. my hearL a nd I a m an 01(1 man 110'11', fort une Is In bl s own hands," . be sa ys b e'll pay you. Don't give llll.t P hiUlp, J am not gOing to got well. Alvin's spblt never roturned to te ll All milD canu9t be CliI~taJns ot Indus· th e marble heart. You want hll 1 know tbls will palo YOII, my dear me of the next lite, and I never de. try, All men can not aucceed pbenom, trade . • H e Mods dry goods and gro olrt friend , although , Imp.glno you sired It. J had dabbled too Uluch al. e nally . All men. It seelDs, cannot 9UC' cerlos, and be wtU Sl!ond his mone, have expecled s uch word. But It Is rendy In the mys torills be~'Qn(.\ the coed even mod~rately. but aLI men can with you Jr you tr at him right. ' bel!t tbllt 1 lon )'ou now. How Btrangc vlow at common and wished make an effort to. succeed. Bu.lne.. Slckn ... ' . Common' Com W~ must not IItop 8t1rlvlng \0 rcac~ , It aoems , ttia ~ I.' am about · to pass' to (p know "notlllng. more. What Is that ,myslerlous lierea~ter 'a t ",blc'll we o~pla.llatlon of th~ dream? " Veil.. . hlgh!)r a.nd beller 'llla,ee. UII~I,\ i;~e lire " . .' ·:'plalnt. ,'. have, so. oft!!n' 8peQula~ed ... · 1f 'I ~an ,re. haps 'It was the ' dev!i's , work. ,He: and wJII.lng I.!> ,sink, to t he I~ottom. ,. If w. ': 'Stuck 10_'a ~ut::, ilre .y,o u! ".t.llr ll , 10 t.ell 'r ou ~' ~8 Jlke; you l, hI8;·rul~IOn'8' are eV~I"near. eve I' ready B'imply' e~pect 'to tloa't''.,iuid :.not' try to ,rut,., bOs.,,doesn't', appreciate "your ' maY rest a88ur!ld .l'wIlL"dll so., B ut I to 11elp tlie ~urlol1s. n wiia not really Iwhil. ·:we might lus'f /\( wel1; (,Iul(. ! It' torls. Interest 'In' ynnr b"slne811 · wl"b fo nC(,IlIaln t:. yliu with my alfalrs. [ ..who did the helliab deed 1 sBw ' ln ,,*ould bO., \,\'ell for us to keep .as ·a Ing thin at, tlie .edge"~ Eb? ''I'~'Olllrl\lr, 1 You know the estate III e l)tnlled;' my dream, but 'oOd In his wisdom and Iliottq betore UII : ""Per'severance ' aild 8O ~ Well, what a~e y'ou w~lttng ror 7 whlehevfi!r brotber surviving the other metey permitted ' me to' WltneS8 : one pluck conquer ,all things~" (or It lIear. You liliow notblng really comea tt In~,e rltin~ eV-erythlng. 1 have ' lI\ade' ,crfrne ot ·the devil In order to teach CI~BO , relaU9Dsbip tl;\e " BU6]ec~ the feUow who waits, . except. thf a WIll : 1f1a~.lng, YOU my library,' and .mll It was not ,wlll~Ol~ , It was not cholll'n. ·, It .we regarill!d - tb~ little .qp- ...... usb!' . Som!lP\ople never~ , .1lerSl)nal, property and appoll?t!ng y~U kn~wledge thnt 'moll displayed .In try. portunlUee I.n ,life more s~rlousl.yJ and there'" unless they're pushed. . IiItepbsn s guardian and sale executo.r, Ing t9 delve Into or learn Uilngs .whlcb mado' the most· ule ot'tbem we would • If ;you're 8Icll"of 'Ionr ,job 'you'~ I,nd have' added a codicil 'tIlaklng you. lie ha.s seen bes~ to hide trom mortal be bl!Lter able .to mllster' the· golden Oil" In, ,0Urselt and 'IOl1r bOilS a bad' · :;,to~.e~,I~;no:~e T~8 Slt:~,:r~~ .~!~,. ey_e8. ," ,. ,., p'oll,unltlel. , ': ~ ,: " : ' )y, hanglng ' on, 'StArt looking a{()jJtld ,1 _ .. '" -'---~-~,--'-' ~.,' .. for:,another Jo/l""':that;1I keep " '1lJlo~'lde~'~ ablll, ' howevel·. I ..~aye no othe r rei ~I. 8ympathe.tlc Friend. 'i Lei It· Be Krlo~. - , P\1'nd ·ltqnfd. . WODdertut'> . • .' YUu m.ay know tbBt.:'YOQ have 'the ,me-up' Job·huntlng ·I.Ii (0 aome ' Uv(',' , thit, . ~: k,no", IIt~l.e Stepben ' wlll , Frlend'-Got 1\ cold,. r see. find a ~l1cond brotber II~ YOIl',' Phil,· for ,.Jlnks-Y!ls, 1\ lI.ttle ODe. '" ", beet ' ae8orted ,stock In town" hut . ," , my I ~~ke_,.:' ,.; . :" :,. ,0' , ':v.ou oughpo~ be njlgbty" carefi'Il, J)u.,1!I,lc w\li' not ,know 'It \I,Qleiu! YOU!' ten... ~.!eqsU '!O~"I'I't~~!eud}oO"'tbPI·n"ktwwOb':aOtr J hate. to wrlte · tbfll, knowing as I That' ~lIgh needs attention; ,' '. tbe~r about I~,' : they are not' 'clalrvoy. ' pbtato!,!s C" ' y o:ea', '" , ..... n ·' 1 ••>- Se6".t.a:ry,:.sta'nltolil~' · ,.,' , "Thl ' "' yeu ' .r eally are aU"r all. do how 1'( will grieve YQU, .but remebl·· " nk , so?~ , .> • , a~ts. First' ulle tl\ii ne·wspapera,' Uber." .,. ber, P.liliUp" that It is <ioil's Will, and '''l( 11.118' ~ graveyard aou~d"; ' . ,; . . aily, .. then ., .p,~rs6naf lettnl'l!. that: a r;ood tohl'o for buliinells alckneu aillo that whatever ha ppens Y.OI!-· wlli ' "Good ~raclous!,1 ' . tall, te them wlien you ,can catch'tliem Trthe Drat sign of recove'rY. In faot, . ,always liaye tbe love ot you r old com., . "Awful dangerous tllile for .. people In yo'u r ,store; '!it 'theli' homes-any- ~ ~o(Jr present lOp Will, .. Ith Id j qUt~e a 'r8llh .Interest ' to ' ;roul; and pll!ll. " w ~I . k' co' a-grip, 'a nd wbere, Tbe first ·and a!lt tblng .to yeu'll como aJ 1t'.ar;aln·,lIke ;. twO-yeaI'. .. o~./ !.tlend B41d,. bl\') ~hl'r. ., ti ' 'ppeumonla, , ," . . . " , ", '" ' .Alvln HartJer, . Q.u c consqmp on e verywbere. " bear In mind about' ad~'ertJ8Ing la tba' For Jong time r lIat tbll\klng .r ::Eb?" • ' It Is as wide buman. ,In' ita JIO'm with • over th, I",.':' "P. Uloul": ' . " 4,lvl'n: my', ' ldYes, .hAItfriendb a t mlpe : tOOK ' a appeal. " .• and the normal , amounJ., ot m<;lr~. /.hIm brothtlr, 'r-flally dle.? ,COUld co ,not a as ad . as YOUI'8. I~t ' Advertllll1)r; la ·the mighty .ellr;l'ne ot ier YQU'IJ' probably' want CHII' souls blend if hl.s ' was (reed from . woek, nn~ In three ,days be was dead, I!lIccess, 8,Dd . Wlt,bo'u t I:t tbe busll\ess Ilf. the' .proee,.- 810,n" ' . Therll. , " • • or ,. "M La I" Ihtl. 'b, ad"? ". W .,be te dl. a tbe , 6,nut,/go~ ' ,F t a 1rs,h ' , world' would . minus' its dynamo of ~ tbat- Is ". . .,. " id " " , 811re way, and · W,h at d ( Stephen • . too: sbould . die? '- ~e. 0 loctor sl.... my, frIend ell epgy. · ': ' f II ith k .. , W ,to 'be ., w.cnlt,.h",?' ", '," e I)W wIn ' ~bta '~ np,w . ...uowwould, It, aeeoi'. , ,'mlgh,t . have . pIIUled thrall. gb If '" .h.e Interest ' Job. '.h9Re"" -'~"''''"''~ '1'0 t ravel a l1d be· lndependp.nt, the' tw.o Jladn t worried 60 muoh. Tnkfl I}1Y ad· ,tbe ' ''know how," 1(, be d~. tl\ll\SB I had alway, 'lonlNd tor? How "'c~ and try' not to t~lnk about. It.:' . I,t', marveloua bow' 'InterotlUn& bus', ISt'ge .wn the estate? , Shange ' r. did "held M ' Ret' urn, to . 'nesa 'hi ;vh, en YOII "'et. .tI1", proner 81)- I.Tlt. not feel nuy grief: What was the reaay Amerlc:1, a " ., 6011 1 . r ma(;e several Inetreetnal et. Tbere .Is a rumor In , luner circles .S omo men obf:aln more aenuftle .pIe... · for ts \0 get In 'colJU)1unlcaUon with that Whitelaw R Id .If! to s90n resign ure ,1rom bqllln. J tba the,. 'd o frolll AlMn 'snd fiually ' retJred, ' IIUII .thlnk. his office 8S umbaHslIdor to' E~I!',and play, l~ yo~ wa~t ~o (1\110;, bplllnelll-o IlI g heavilY, and return to Amerlcn. becau8U 01 study It_oalt ~ouraelt In It, and ·lm. , business reason!! '11ls Ilrglne It's play. : ' . ~ ner ~ ti me 1 fell Into " ,heayy sleep ence here. ?!Jr. Reid. It will be rem em· 'You won't-hue to' fma&tne '!J~'.""U," . t ~d dreamed. ~~y soul had taken pOS- bered, married II. 'daui;llter d( ,D. 0 , when you've lOt the 'sPlrlt of laMetil sslon ()~ Alvin s body, St~ pben n,nd , .Mills. ' WDO has Immense bllslne88 In' 'you Couldn't be. kept-ollt of.Jt ~ttt... 1. (or, a Slcl)llen supposed. Alvin)., ~I!lkax, ,. . , resla In America and '1'119 Is gettlnl! bad b.~ n up In !l mountain. I ,t wajl to ' !Je an old man. not very blgb, but ·ovorb.nng a deep • ~,.-_~_ _..,.cany~n and commanded i11U8gblftce~ " Wom"n Will $t'" Rao'l nj VaohL Tlo", at the snrroundlng country, W. )(1'1, Alfred O. Vanilerbllt la to n .... had watched the suD, set an4 - were ,pte the SO-foot crack raeliag )'IlCht ID a!lout to deacend. when ODe of thOle the ~ at Newport thla HUOD.





a·' .








~Ol~t YO~· ~er~



Sptlll, CIII.rrfI I • .• "ell delined 58r/". dls"..e. Tho u,ua' .ymptofIJa ",.. .J¥"iI



'Bottlo 01 Pe-N-;'.

ta/um In time will promptlr

arre.t the l:Oune 01 IIJtI dl."... "nown a. 5prl,ng Ca'a,.,b. .

A Cure '. for.l)yspepsi~ By M. 'J anet Hay


·(COPy,lght. ~y 30.epll B.-.Bowl ti. ) a nd reply ing only In monosyllable. to . qls wlfo's occaslpnal qu estious. He ate hustlly and In a preeccupl d way 11 hearty dinn er, and drank a tum bler of water and tben bls cotree In the same manner. At lengtb be noticed the und er· current ot xellem ilL p.mong the chll· dren: "Doll. what are you ndgeUn ~ aboll t so for?" be .demnnded, sharply. ,... olblng, sll·... nll3W rod Bob. stnrllM Into Pl' · ternolura l ' gravllY . . "I Wish, Alice. you could "leoell them better table mann Elrs," oomplalned bls tat-her, 118 be llUshlld his chah' back and rose. • '1'ho blldre n followed him meek y Into lllo slttlng,roolll, \Vh r . each be· gall upon his n.' her usual e vening oc· cupatld'n-eJlher l e~ so n 8. II book, or tl game. Mr. Armstrong took up hlB nowspaper and bls wire he r needle·

"1/11'. F letcher's eXlle~lment8 wllh food bav '"Proved these tblngs tor hi m: "I. He can lIve on one-tblrd the amOll llt of tood usually eaten and . ba 11 81thy and vlgo\'l)us. "2. On ly fire hourI' BleDp are nece.· 88.ry. , "3. When food I.' thorolll;\1ly cbew· · ~d the' waste of dlgesUon 18 reduced '1IIm'H enth8. . , ..... Appotlte 'Jndlca/1l1I tb ueeos of the body IIn~ wants 's imple 'food. ."5. Slnc.e o,n Imliol,'tn nt ))art of al· lJE/I>Uon Is pone In the mouth, thor· 'ough ob"wlng is ilecessury." Mrs. Armstrong read th se conclud· Ing pal'lIgrapllS aUd Il\ld down the magazine with a Sigh. Tll.o ' III't1cle-. ·"P rfect feedin g of tbe Hum811 Bod)I" , -was the most seD sible nn~ cOllVlnc· illS . sbe bnd selin' In a 10llg ~lmo on tba t Ilnr([Olllur tOlllc. Alid sb was a dl li ~ont" reader, ellPCcla ll y 9f . nil )11'0 re&slve. II I ra~ur e IIkoly to ome UlHler her hlls band's eyo; fo r sbe de· sire(( ~ Incerely' ·~o be a help/Unle )Jy enterIng Into all hI. interests. Here WII9 one. how over. IIlle' dared "llot 1!roach 'to blm ; iihe cOUld on!y )Iolle Ihat be would IE/e tile article anll read It. but sbe reared no lo He wu growing Inltable and moroseunlike hIs original self ; and tbe ails she knew full well, was the time whll:Ji bnd brought and was brlngrng troubll) tnto so many Amer· \can horues-d)'1lI}Qpsla! AI! s he sat thInking, tbe cblldren · b\lunced In trom ' school. "Ob, mother," cried Bob, "I'm bun· ' gry .as a bearl" "'t.{otber." annollnced Fred: ' "we'ye organIzed a I:lub to reacue and protect bomeleso cats anCS doga-a aort (It an annex to the S. P. C. . A.. you 11 now.. " "What ·a ehib-Tldden worljJl"lbought :Mrs. ArmlltrOnC i ·"even the .chitaren must be orianlzed." Tben an Idea nc· (lurred to ber. Why not turn the !propensIty to account? She was too ..18e a wlte and. mother to atteml)t to introduce a r form iuto thO h1)U8&> ~old 1I!ltbout s ugar.c:oatJng It ,wel!'j bere was .the coating at Ijand..-\yby tlot use It? . "W II. chlckll." what do . YOIl Bay to ~ ttl!!g up a bome "Club, too?" Ibe saId uloud. "ph. do! do!" s hrIeked the ChOPU8. "Le,\ me be' pr-ealclel!tJ-no, mel-no,


.. .


J thInk Bob Ibould be. tb


preJlldenl. becnuse he's oldest.·, .' Then .1'1\. be seeretsry, and write out the conStitution and by·laWa." de· elared Illlsle, In'lpoDtanUy. " "And can we ask others to JoIn and have a badge; ¢nd' a mo(tQ, and am" Jnqulred Fred, an~ousIY. "u you. mnke "s success of Itj but ) think you bad better try nr~t wllh those nt home, and seo how It works." "Will ;you aull " rath er Join ?" "t will; and yoU ruay ask YOllr fa. ~her after we have drawn. qp our rcs. 'Olutlo~ e. 0 t yOUl' penell nnd paper. 'IJllsje. T,h e y s!JOI.1Itl rend sometWng like Lhis: ' : I

\\'01'1\ ,


Dllt El sIe, ol.rse rvillt; close ly, Boon !lUW he r fnthcr Pill down .h1,8 pnper nnel I an back wearil y In his cllnll'. D em· lug ' th e hour TlI'OplUous, ehe crept over 'to blm and cllmlllJd on bls Imee. "Falher," she began UmJdly, "do please Join our 0, A, club, won't -y'ou ?, "What kind ot a club, PUBS')'?" "Why, that's my olllb name," snld Elsie, laugblng; "I ani the Cat. Here ure the resollltlons-" drawing /.hem tro~ her [loc ket-" won't yOU please sign t bllm, tatberT ' "Do-please do !" Illeadlld the J)oys, nOW hanging one on elt.ber arm· of his cbalr, , " III thl8 & bold·up-your inoney or . your lite?" lal)ghed : fatber. '''How ·mucb does It coet? A tortune, 1'Ifbe bound-" ':Oh,. no-no, only five cente alld ftlles, Reali It, faUler. qlllck," 1011'. Arms trong , put .on hIs IIpecta, c1es .and read tb e resolutiOna carllfu ll y., ~ "W.II\ YOU sign now, ratber?" asked Eliste anllioualy. "Motber says If we lIoat Dlak'e a s ut:CI'SS of It at home ftrst/ . we had,. better not, 88,k any' olb' ers to jo[n," . . "Sbe doel, (lh.?" said 1t(r. ·· Arm. strong. wIth 11 qulz~lcal glance at bla wife. "Well, 1 "w\ll joIn. We are all more or Ie 8 plgll, ' £0' you better call me tb~' pig of t~e compMY; 1 see. you enell buve n .name:' .. "Oh, ' nol we couldn't," cTled Fred: " for we Bit on tbe pig, you know," . "Sit oIl tbe plZOI W hat do .y.o u mean ?" They ahowed hi m Fi'ed's sketch or II I b iJ hl 'b h .. \ Ie r. Ilym o . at w c e limlled. :.,Thll.O · j 'U be the Oat~I Qh ," he ' decHu-ed, ' !'for I begin . to realize tbat J

· \ .. , .~' , "tho m cmbf.'rJJ or th~( eq"mfJ.lon .. " nllt). Ent1ng "1 \",,: 'Ul! 'her<lby f)1~aS \>ur. .. o l\' ~s to " h\lw ' l,'OI! "41 r)' mbu~ilrul of

I t ..... not b It It 'a s 0180,' LO ' h\lJiI I'll 011;' ,,,oU ~I~" to 1)'11)111 II~ " 011 tlrlnk of 1111111(1, Ur tON! 8l 1l110wl\1/r It-not-l'ulp It /lown us w u (f to tic): ...Id 0180/ to ent 'lot more. .




wil 118(!(\ .to do.;

th.nll we hQIIC31ly WOllt.

.. 'We h ~ r~b.y nll"r~ to 1m)" ono 00111 nne Int(l ou r lull (I\n<l ach thn w e forget 10 dli tll.I "-UH) Ju nd t be II ~c<l to pro·


· (\1,)0\'0



ft ,




When John Wallted the Rin:;! It W.. In Hi.. Sock ..

"Como eurly lo·nlorrnw evening and we will 81t In lhe jlllrk." Hhe hud coyly sold n8 Waltor bl1tle h r a lov. In s ' good·,i·lght and went down tbe steps . . He had r plied· \VII h a smile and a nOd. He WIIM a young und g u\l al088 man, and thla was hi s fI rs t loye, ex· plalu8 the New Orleans Picayune, He bad ntlver been buncoed. The nexl day seomed nevor ending to him, but finally tho Bun went 10 bed and . Wal ler found a girl hllnglng on his arm and beaded ror a P81·k. Uu· der the budding Ir as IIWY Sill dowu lo hear th Isst-so ullS o[ the robins be. tore rdosUllg hi gh. H s a,t With bor hand In bl&, aud for te n minutes uel t.her spok. 'fllen Heleu sortly breat hed ' 11Ito his .ur: · ': 'fhllt. must 1)e an leo cream JIBrlor nCI'IISS I b s treet." " I think It's a beer salool1," he rapll d.• as 11 cblll I\' nt lIJl his uaal>. "Uut ladlcs a re goin g In thore." "Yes, but It Is fsshlo nu))I(' now tor ladi es to gO Into bee r slIloo ns,' Srle sought 10 pull he r 'halld a way, nnd there WIIS !lUencc for a 1I10lU III, 1'he u ~Il snld I "r cun alruo.. t lasle ClI 0Co lf1 ~e Ico

John Jenki nson wo;I1d nol hAve ex. r.!1Ullgcd I'IllliaLions with the Ilrlme min· Ister, lhe pl'llIce ot Wille!! or the drulll I.OI\jor of n brass band. Felicia Wllkln\3 hlad a~swered "Ye8" Il~ a JlB 601t and gentle as til slg)1 oC musl.c In a d reamless sleep or tho murmuring w:all oC a caressing bree·7.e from lethealll walers soothingly fBunlog the whlskElrs ot Father Time, "J,' licit Wilkins'" 4e exclaimed rap· turousl)', 88 bls . lett .hand an d arm disappeared trom sight with a rllpld yet sneaking motion toward tile buck of, the sota on wlilch they sa t, and tile flngers ' of hi' right hand appenr. ed to be feeling for some thlllg In hie vest pock t, "you ' have made me tbe IHlIlliles l lI\an In the world." The timid, up tll'rned ~Iance of her liQuid dal'k Cyos, so.yS Tlt·Blts, and the warm bluHh I.bllt ov rspr ad the baIlI)Y fa ce of lho lovely girl replied more loquontly tban words co uld have done." "And yOU will forgive my presump. 11<111, c1a rlln g," be continued, "It. In an· IIclllnllon of your answe r. I have veil" t ill'cd LO provid . myself wlth- wltba - wllh 0.-" J nlllnsOIl paused In some ellparent exc ite ment. and hlfl flns e r' and thumb nurvou sly ex plored hla v st pocket wltltollt se nllng to flnrl anything. "1- 1 musl have lost It! " be gasp d. " Fell In, II. was a 'r lng! Ho I Perbaps It Is In some othel" pocket." nisi ng to his feel he tr mbllllg hand luto his trous ers pocket. Thflre waM a bole In tha t pocket. "Job 11 ," suld F lIcla, as sbe noted wltb concern his ghEISUy race. on whlcb lho light of a desperate rosolve wus brea kJng, "don't grIeve over It. Jt w1ll tu rn up. YOII' are el:clted. III tbe re any· thing I can do-'" "Yell," exclaimed John, In a bollOw voice. "Felicia. I tltllnk r know wbere t.hat ring Is. It 'YOU would do me a lavor I aball never forget until tbe last hOllr of my ,lire, get me a shoe. born and leave me to myselt for a few momen ts." .

cream." "11. Is onIons you SO'I II ," he 1'0 1)1\ d.

" Some oua Is cooking. th e m for' , suV' )ler." She moved a lew Inches a way f!'Om blm, and IIndel' the lactrla ligllt he saw bel' eyebrows com [ogethel' and hor nose 1>oInt Btralght IOtO the iiiI'. "It seems to me that It I had a dish ot Ice cream-" sbe Bollly began, but as she pUllsed he broke in: " YOII mlgbt have Jilllous co lic Uefore mornIng," . ·'Mr. D'puy. w!ll you have the kind· ness to escort ufe ho me 1" . "Gertqlnh , my dear, but why .tbls burry? ' perhaps the hand-" ' "Now-at once, slrl" ,"Eiut Helen-" "Miss Taylor. It you please." "But I thougbt we came out-" "So we did, 81r. and we huve come In. sir, and good·nlgh t, sir. I sball not be at home to-morrow cvenlng." Goethe's Old House, A YOllng AmerIcan on his, first tTlp to Europe writes from FraIlk(urt·on· the·Maln:· "'YOII know "·all about Heidel. "berg. with Its dllellng place, where' tbe yleltor 'a lyo'OY6 comes. 'just too latc' to see an encounter; Romuerg. thQ Ger· man 'Saratoga ; NalllieJm and all Ule otbor beallUful plac'cs nellr lbls CIIY wblcb every tourist tblnks he must vIsit. . You ~ay know also'. the old Goethe bouse In tbts clty, whlcb will nlway. huve an additional charDl tor rue bit· cause of my aIIvellture there. 1 hap· pened to go through-cost oDe marll ':"ll t thu sume time with a lot of ti er, I!Onally conduoted young girls frolll England. 'W]jen WO- reached tbe room ' wbere a .ll.ttle old spinet Slood tile 10I)ua()lo'us guide told thO ' girls t hat It had, been played upon by Frau Ruth Go. the anr! by tbe poet hlmselr, ~u d lbat as a special fnyor-he kn w It would bring an uddi llonni UII-be ~1 01l ;d a llow ou~ of the party to l)lay a ' tew notea on lh. lo s~rum nt, '1'h ' .. IrIs cOllld no~ decide Which elle sllould. hove the honor nor whn t ~hO\Jld bc (llaied. 'Fallst.> 'Eg-tIIQnl' an!! 'Mignon ' were und!!r t1i s() 1I6SI II , \I'll u I !Jutted In aud '1,1 ~i ~ :11 re w . ·trol1\ 'T.I1e Slar-$Jlangl " d nunner: T hO girls \lIdll't scem to recogn'l~e lho 'Cllne, nn~ I hal'e wo.n<leretl e"er luce '),'nll I ~ ,their IgLOranoe. Ihe Qual /b'. or the Ins~rument or l1css!bly my pIny· lug:'

"w,llat a· tllnny ' club! " giggled li,llsle. &S hi\~ pellcll recorded 'the lost word.· . . .I "Wbitt motto lib all we have?" asked h8 ve trea t.ed my .11001' .tomaeb .as if. Fred: "' .. i It yrere nn oatrlcb'8~putt!ng Into ·It "J tblnk , 'l.Itt1e .by J;ltUe' wOllld be all \lorts of things It COUldn't mana~ a .Qed one; i donlt YOll?" I properl),!' "Yes . mothel'-iwd ' what. trade: mark ?'! , ..! . sile . m~nths after" Ittl organlzatioD "8 y O::bol I. ' a b!ltter ;tt'ord," '; laid the Commonse nse Animal club wu 1~ ]llr8. Armtltronc: "How ~ollid a b\>y' ho\d1ng ' a buslnes,! moeUng. The Bear altUns on a · pig dO!-he, I. keeping . . hl.B piesldlnc chair :to. tlae . wbo had rel)ue"l~d tlie pri.,. J1ie pi" In ~Im tind~i'. 1'0n se~," , . , ··9l. add~elll~ng till! '. eom""ny: .. · , "$p!~ndldl'\ :Anll Frea, who could draw qlltte cleY!l..l~, lIlade a a1ietc\1l 01 ~'MY , J;:ellow '. COmlqOnlhse . tUe tluge.ted ftgurei at whiCh they all mals," began tbe Oetrlch. " 1 "d e.lre· ,to ' Iaugbed liearUljr .· .,. , . re~r,t that I 'have or'anlzed .a branch each b~ ',~n ~nlmal . tn the! of tlifi m~t useful asSociation In Wall Btreet, wbtch send. It • . relpeetlve ' . club. t• propbled Bob: "Very You .. ~houl!i,. be the. ~ellng' to the parent 'fel~ti, . Ani! r , ~He BleW ':the VIoloncello, bear, ' tben"';"all"iQ'8 hungry," uld now -I ha.,e 'a petlonal word to .., • ,"Qef\tleme!l." recentJY '. ~td · a Ocr , mother. '. . . , ' you., I wish to expre.. m,' man · profellsor, who was ahowlni to . "And' E1ale . the cat, . 'cause sbellk.. ! tor . tpe beneftt I h~ve . , hlil the patientll In the' 8,S)" 'mfllc."'.aI~ Fl:~d, .-" - .' I ' .' . " . becomlng .one of · 'r0u. '.Sixmo,ntl~ • .1 lUan sullora "from delirium 1· was a . • laye .,tO d,spepsla; and 18 a .muSician. It Is · • Tben ' you're the tlali:l tOil you ,drlnk ' my physician . warnl!d; me that " 1 blowing a ,brass In· ., ;110 much . water," retorted the Qat. th~ lungll. and th~1\1 , ·...ADd ·~o~her. ' whAL ~JJ.I 1,O.u lie'" ,",o\lld ~ lIerl9uaf~ , \II It I ' dld;,up! .&ailed the Flsh. , \ '!l; " ' give ·uP .bu8Ine8i 'for ' .whlle ,and tak£ a, way . al , to .cre!lte a grent " '~M9tber · w~t. 116 ' the '\Iuo).' C!f a reB!, Jtilt ~t' that 'tlme ,my little thirllt, w~-'Clll baa Ito' be allaye« by .unse;"· ~t\~ Bob; 1,'IIi!!'" 110 IIlc~ d~u8htet ~ed : mt! to 'be,-a Com· peralstent Indulge!1oe In atrong drink o1~d ~enderl" If1Tlna hit- a. 1M!&r'. hutr. mOlUlen.c8 ·..AnlmaL ':8Ince tlien; .., Hence, 'In tbe eourae~ of time, 'I be dla" "I. tbl,.1t we ' lboula call It the Com. slmpl:!' 'fol\oWlng )'Our ruletl-;Ulat I.. ellllo'-you bave betore yl;>u." ··JDOnMn. ADim~l · clUb, t~en," ...d by eatla~' .Iowly and ' chewlnR ,m,; ' Tuml"g, to tbe patient. tho ' prates. the Duc~ who !lite bad f4!OOYered her tood thoroug~Jy-r haV& become • IO~ a.ked: . breaU" " cheertuh and, I hope, useful membel "What Inltrument do JOu ' blow?" "We'll uk ·rather ~ J9lD lhl,..,. of aoclet)'. ' MY doctor , cOulcl not an. and tho &D.W41r' Will:. , 4eC1areil !I'rt4. , the cliaDp, WlUI i D~' him "The ~Ioloncellq."-Cleveland .Lead. -', . • -. our reaolutlon. td .tN4. 'llberr' be d .. \ dbm....~I. clareel, wIth a tWiat1e lD ble eye, tld.t =~;I~~;~~~'Comm::unJquoai nn_ thN club, If It "11:..Nt .1Ii. .PM4lb ' II. 'WOuld d",r1.,. ' of aU


well, :

".eIliU," .


iii• .




I-Ie Cuts Out the Treat a nd She Cuts Him Out In " Return.

Time In European Na tions. The 0 rDlUtl eDlplre bas a unlforn l LIme, adopt .(1 Aprfl 1.. 100~, Ute centl'ol il:l1 rOI)ean time. 80 cal\ol1. which Is 011(' bQur taster tban tbe time .of thtl .Greenwlch meridian, TI~e "arne stnn l! ard· 18 In U80 In' Allstrla. H unga ry, l!.aly. S\vltzerland.· Denmnr\(, . N;~r way and, ~weden,. ! . . . The wcet E uropean tlmo I" the time of the Grecnwjcll merIdian . and Is uaed In ' Engllmd, Holland, Belglul11, LUlCeml!01lrg ' !lnd Spain. . France, out ot natlonul vanity, holds" to 't'ne Ume at ParIs. botb tor herself and tor ber colonies In Algiers and Tlillitl, onlY' nine mInutes fas ter iblln Greenwich Ume. . The !lIIlt EuroPf!an t1[!le Is the sarn6 a8 the Utne" of 'St. J;'etereburg ..' which II 2 hpurs I minute and 1.3' seconds taster than' Greenwich ' time. . This .i tandard 18 ,lise<!' In Eu.ropean Rus,!lll, ,Turkey In Europe, RomanIa ·and Bill· prill: I .;, .

one<) a )' ar tor poor chll<lrCII. or t~ r 8turv ln!!' lInhll1lle. "'IUell""",. l ho lub may uetcrmhl . " ·t;:n h m '1'ber 8ha.1I n.y nve eenl.lJ 11ll· tlaUojl, tcc. . · . " , .. '1\I coU ni:'- ',,' 111 b~ h~1d \\'e~kly ' lll .Mr. :.•\ '. Arn\_\rong'JII. Ilou~e, ~ trL-8hm ntlt w ill ,be l)r~a<I nnd ',mll", ·to ··b Ollten · i&c;~ord lnlf to' vl!l p a 1I1n/\


Talked Them Into Prl.on. "About 30 yearll ago Henry CIa, DeaD, the ecce~trJ. c' MI.ssourl lawyer and orator. was (ll.tendIng a term of court at wblcb J was derendlng a man on a pretty s~Ir:lou s charge," said 'J udge Risdon of )l:trksvllle tbe other day to a Kan ~aa CUy, Btar writer. ' Two borse tblevell tbat were In Jail sen't tor Dean. H e took t belr case, and after Jooking lilt It all sides .ooncludcd the best thIng tor tbem to do was to plead gllilty and take two yeurs eacb. "His ' men balked at the Iden 01 pleudlng gil lI t-y , H e told th,e[!l that the pel1ltr.ntlary w2lsn·t a bad sort of place ; he had been all tbrough It an\l Imew. 'Tb o warden-o-.a personal friend of mine-Is o~~ of' the · kindest. [!len tbat ever )Ived,' saId Dean; 'be never makes you work .wlllen you are tired ; anc1 wben you are 81ck. be aly;ays look. after you like a mother. YOII get roast beef and brown brend every doy, and pie nnd turkey on Sunday. Wby, when Dill Jenklns~:"you tioys ' know BIII-\1sed to rU II n IIUle sawmill over in the corner of P~tnam county. they sent him liP fOl'-llr-borrowlng oorn. WbOD h "'Mt tbp,lre be didn't w Igh over a hundrei,t oull thIrty J)ounds. reg· ular HkJrlllll d bones,. 'a nd In six months bq woigbell 30 0 po,unds . avoirdu polll, a,n.d was rnlHle .- captJaln ot the gllardjust getting along: On: sul d be 'wouldn 't ·s wa p his . Joo for nn'y oUI<lr In Mlssollrl and .wrote · bl s folks . to come down nn d live with &fm. Tbe prIson enn'l burt IInythlng but your repu tation and ,,'Ilat doee a tello", who's been sltiallng care about repu· ·tations, anyway?' "The two borse thleve8 by thIs time were de na anxious 1;0 ' plead gllllty und begin life III the ')len, ,More thlln I hilt, all lila otl\or' fellow8 In th e Jail wM had heard Dean's talk ' Insisted OD vle.a dlng g umy and going' alonl!i'"


Her Money Ralalng 8c~eme. . "Now, ilear," said tbe red·cb eeked man to his wlfe. ... t am gOing to have a little poker gam\! WMnesday nlgbt. My rl'lcnd and Ws wlte are expert IJlnrcrs. 1 don"l want you to dlatract me." "r won·t," aald abe. "I'll sIt by' a little table 'way utr yonder and trim my bal." . "That·s wbat yoU, can do," he aBsent. ed; "sit 'way otr yonder and trim your hat. Don't come .and stand back of me and ..y: 'Ob, ,What a lovely band . you~ ve got! Wbere dId you get all those ace~T' Or: 'My, but all YOllr cards are . red, dIamonds, only tbat spade! ' Don't do that. You hear! But, above all" please, If I .sbould bliPpen to win a plle ' ot money, don't reach out ana grllb ~ ha!ldtul and run ot! laughing about It. Don' t do that wUl .you?··. 'l:b~t Illl't fUDny: It ian't [lInny at all." "I'll tn:. not to,!' lib, promised, "'but )'OU know, .dear, .tbllt 'ta the only, way 1 .c an get aD~' m!'nelV out ot you, "Make yO}! let lite have III betore ' company. . And ~ben,' alte.r ~ ~aome"t of thollght, "ypu borrow ,~, bi!.c:k the 'mlnute they h!ave." . C


Look ing for Unmarred Fun, "Say. !law ...• " y 8 . Son /' " O'rl'u mind lakin' thi s swltoh an' glvln' rno a nrst ·class IIckln'?" "" "b y.' my son, hnv YOli done Bornethlllg for which you shOU ld \le . pun· IlIhed?" "No. but I'm goill' t' rUIi Qrt from lo·morrow an' go flshlu', an' I thou ght 1'd come t ' you first lin' have th' IIckln' over wi th, Then r won·t huve an}' 0' my flln spoiled wben I'm sltlln' on tb' bank by thlnkin' 0' what I'll get al nlght."-Oblcago Journal.



A Sympathetic Employer. Old G e nt~ And so that Is )'o ur em· ploye r gO ing to I be ~lInel'lll of one of his clerlt a? loung Olel'k-Not a cler'k, bu~ u dis· tant re lative ef o'ne of the cl rks." "My! DIY! I'm sure that Is very thollghtful." "Yes. mos t too thOUghtful. Whenev' er any of U B l08e~ a relative. and tella bim (lbout It. be a lways goes to the fun ral, consarn hhn I" "Eh ? ' And do you object to Bueb klndn Sll of heart 1" .. ' T\sn't kindness at heart. all'. He goes to muke sure that the funeral Isn't an ex«;use for a duy' olf.- . Y. Weekly. ' Where He Met Him. He wae one of lbose 8mart men wbo Ilke to show their cleverness. "Watch me ta1<e a rlBe out of him," he sai d, as the tramp approached. 'tben he listened IIOhimnly to the tale of hard luok, . "That's lhe same old lltory you told me the last time YO Il accosted me," be saId, when the vagrant had ftn~ Ished. ','It Is?" was t he answering questlon. "Wben did I tell It you T" "Lalit week.!' "Mebbe I did, mebbe 1 did," admit- • ter the tramp. ""d torgotl.4!n meet· Ing yo II. I ' was ' In, prltiot\ aU lut week."

Weeks-That man Clever 18 a sbrewd tellow. Sweet-Why? Weej(s-He gave a Inwll mower parts yesterday lind had the gueste cut tbe gl'ass.-ClnclnnotJ Trlbllne . .


Exorol.e Aesured. PbysJclalt- Y s, madam, I have ex· amlned yo ur hllsb8n6, AU be needs Is [resh nIl' anti ' exercise. ", . . Oaller-Oh.' denl' !, He \levilr . will exercIse, and 1 know there 1.5 no use urging him to. W,lat shall I do? Plrys lclan~Move !Jut ot · ttle cIty Into. the suburbs. Get sOme house ad· ,'ertlsed as .' Flv mInutes from the lJ~atlon.' :['ben he'll ha ve to tramp about five miles :twlce a day, or stnrve • deat'h,- '. ".Y. Weekly. No Help fo~ Him, "Now, tIi re's Dunkley. wllo thi nks lQ Is sick, .th 9Ugb ho certainl y looks big nn!~ ' strong. Do )'ou thInk ' you ~oulil opcrl\te, on him with your faltb ~lIre 80 that It wou ldn't bo necessary tOI' hIs wife .to go on taking In wasb· ng to slIpport him?" . Geralli-Marriages are made In "No," I' plied Ule bealeI'. "o ne p8- heaven, .3ullarlty about fallh c ures Is that YOII Geruldlne-Out tQ make 811re of me, con't go~ them 10 work on mere mil· dl;)O't YOIl tblnk you had better take mals,"-Chloagu Reoord·Herold. me here on eorlh1 NOT JU.ST WHAT HE MEANT. AMI ... Old . Gent (evidently under 8l'eat i.nental strain-See here, sIr. ! waul to speuk to you, si r: You we re at mr house until , 'cry latB last nIght, and ,. atter my <Iaughtel" ' went to her room J ·he.urd b'e r Bobbing for 'an hour. • YOII're a villain, all', and I've a great . / mlndYOllng Man-SobbIng! 0 .' G.-Yes. sir, How dare·d . you ~ . Inslllt- . •• . I . • • l Y. 111.-1 wouldn't ' tb.1nk of suoh a . tblng. Believe 'me. O. G. (tempestuousIYI-Wbal "did you 'say to ber, sir! : . Y. M.-I merely remarked that . 1 was too poor ·to marry.-N. Y.· ~eeklY,

HOW IT. 'H~~P~"'ED, ..

Ownel'-Are you lada aware that no one 18 allOWed to Osh he re ? , Boy-Wby we saw yer Oebln' 'ere youell t 'otber day! AfraId of Revival • . First Small Boy-There comes tbe prc:lcber' to our iloljse, nnd 1' m ' goIng to tell him ' none o· tbe folks ain't ' bome. . Second Small Slly-What fer! . "'Cause every time he comes he ,storts a rev/Yal 0" religion at 'our bouse, and that sel.a pop t9 prayln' ~ dozen t1bles ,a \lay:' ",HIli praying don't hlJrt you:' "Ye8, It does, too, He wearB the nees bls pants so ,thin tbat when they Is made Qver fer me they don·t lut a week,i'-N. Y. Weekly.


Would Tal,<e It Anyway, • . : .. Little. llithel ' ( wLth ,an eye to bual· nesll-Suppose. Tommy, you w~re to the choIce of thOIle two ' .lapplea, of' youre, you :would tell me to t&ate thl! blner, wouldn't 70u? .Tomll17-No• • UtUe IltJieI-Whr not!

me _

~-'QIe ...,. ,

"1hMIJ4a't Iw"al;-7"

'beeo given .t he theme, " Beyond ihe I; ,lIrl , votu whenever a rep. Clipped from Aipi Llotl 1t~ly. " l)romoIKat'ed tbe r,·slmtlltlvu bt.ody 81anl18 1n iho WBoy our Bxehanges following : of popular m88i1UrOll or persllltB In "J don't ca re a ceJlt w.b ethe r If,(lly l'u llllabe4 "'cu" . II \\ : ynr. , lIl e • .O~ I" tb!> II Uppo~ t of uopopular aolll . Had 'Em Bad. Meullure your ~' \IO UI ' lind oome to M T .. IIMu." ~ 1':41\01 , . lId M "" l!flr~ Now the peopitl o f CID(Jln~"t,1 1 Ed Bllr~r, of Cartb. age, on hee beyond tbe Alp!! or In Mls8()Qrl. ADIIL 8Il1l'1' M . M o l( AT I d f d I do outexpeot ~ set the r iver on 6!H8.... J . 8110"~ . Al'flOtIlA-';' .~D' 'l'.. a . fllv or the'iDltlllot.l ve an re eren um his way t o ow,lrk ea.d y yflst-erday beonuse hy tbis principle of legls la. morning when h, lAW a Itrllnge ob. fire witb my fut~re career. I am 11 .00 a ' ....r .. . . . . .. In l14~an oe Wt! wer e WUlt! In oderlng 'h18 stock 1!l.lIt f ilII, In prllllllt. bave 1f1 I Ion they , once prev e n~o8\l t,be sale Joot btLllklDg in tbe SO, I on glad tbat 1 have a good edl;lQl\tlon. II.Z5 . ,~ar · If nOl pllid .0 ""UDIIe of t be Cinulnnat tloothorn of Milloreek. Jpves$ip;atlon dill· but I am Dot going to inlsu8e It by terlally ftdvanoed : Ll1r Ollt ~ IN 'l&8t yOl\r of liDY i thlll year will ., h was 10 1896 that th ' City Ooun olOfied tbe ftatoallb.nlg faot that It writing poetry. or discoursing on greater. Maf,ting8 frot .. Ule Orient now In stook ~ lilI ure8 beftlltlful P.: tl. ('FFlOE IN ALLEN BUILDING 011 vot~ to 8ell tnls railroad. 'l"be W88 an. ailigatOr over two feel in tbe fut ore WOmao. It will eoable tl'ufl'J{OJH: 'eRLla •• ~O. 6- road oust t~e olty tblrty million length,. Bllr aapt ured the viall or .- me to correot t he .p.ammar of 80y terns, lowellt prioe8 . I'ogralne . .. . .. .... . . . . . . ..... , ...... .. . ... .... .. 250 up lover I m"y ha ve should h e speak C'f ;RON£ftl AV. AUG ST 14, •. , . . IPO; dollars. The Connoll voted to. se)1 Ex ohan ge , Lowell, Park, Extra ~uperl4 . ' dorg' in my pretlenC6 or 'seeu a It for nln ml\1loDs on on e hun: man. " It will also come handy dred years' time. .Bu t t he enabling Rugl:l-gr O Il l'tJ-; 1 8took ·yet . . . , . .. . , . I •• • • •• • • • 110. 50 up Atte mpt to Wreck ThriahlD&' Oetting Results wben I waot to fig.ure, out how rna· lIot of t he Legi slature hAd pro'vlded Ma4h'e. Large Aoougb for" room. From BI8 Adverti8ing t hat the railroad. could nolt be s~ ld While Stephen 8u_y, of Bowers- ny puunds of soapa woman ca~ get without Il refereDdam vot.a of t he Ville, waa threshlng 'on the f &r1D of for three dozen eggs at the grocery. LSnoleum, tlie great, kitoben and ball ouverln g. !.noe Cnrtalns_1I 'II . So I flo not begrudge the time 1 n~w enoots. Wlnclc.. w Shades, ~ 11 .ool :lrs, all slzell, IllI\do til order. A Local· Merdaant who is Making oltlzeutl. Clem 11 llB8y , a r_tlrOBd IIpl ke oonTile refe rendum was htld a nd the oetLled In oDe ot the ehellVes of 8pent In Ilcquiring It. Bui my alJlbl. JDteU~l PIIblicity Pay. .', road WtlS saved , Subseq uent JY it wheat badly damaged the IQAohlnA tions do not fly so high . I jan waot W . •1. KUbon, of Corwin. is onll 0 1 was leu lied , The' reault Is this : That and stopped the work" for a tloie tu mllrry a man who can liok ",oy. the meroj;llnta of tobie uommunity nODe handred years ' time einoin nnm repairs could be lJ\ade. The body of hl8 weight In tbe town8hlp. I . . who II managing bie adverU,lng In nllti wili be t wo hundred and twen- mlloblne again stal'&ed aD4 a BeOoDd wbo can run an eighty Ilore farm aud a wa,. ibat brings hIm good results ,y t wo mllllol) donars better ot!' for sm88h.ap followed. Ano'ber spike who hll8 no female relaUvllS to come ~nl t& • •Jaoket., fOl MlsBes, Wome n aDd ner,. merchant. in 'bill nel!Jh. bavin jt olrcumvented her politlolanB of tbe IItLme Id'n d oautled it . Mr . around and try' i<l boss tbe ranoh. and Ohildren. Bln rts. W o18t11 Un. I will a~ree tu cook dinners for bor.b OOd can profi~ by hla exper, by defea tlnp; t he !fale tlnd rAtifying HU8sey began to think 'hat him that won ·t 8end him to an derwear, lufllutl!l long oloaks. lence:' Mr. KUbon h~ B b38n runolng tbe letUle . might be others con00l\1ed In the aOv~Hmentl lu the GazeUe <'On· '1'he ot her experle.n ce of CiDoin. wheat, and 00 inves'l,ation over a early grave a ot»iayi8h upon him a tiollOUlly .for several montha. oliti Wall 'Dot 80 . pl88s",nt, but was dozen epikes werl' f~oond . - X enill wholesome affection and to see 'bat hili razor haa not bet!n a 8ed to out WhUe he baa not used 11 laTge 6qtullly Inst ruotlve . Gezot·to· broom wire when be wtlnt8 to shllve. al*'8, yet he baa pr816ntad a new '11he Rogers bUl W/U! pll~tiOIl in [u view of I~ll thiB 1 do not oare if aDnOOlk'8lDsn' almOlltevery week. 1896. Bouthorizing oity oounoll to Ohio il SeCond in Hural Man 1 Ket a little r us ty ' 011 the rnle of IIbd baa aiwaYIL bad something In' grap t fifty· year franoblB88 to atreet Routes. i ......"~ tJ offer. He hili atated railroad 'oompani ·a. The next LeIC. The rnpld develop,ment of the tbree tlnd kindred thin gs " " t 'l'hen come IUI\\ hny y our d ress " t to b(. adveltiamentll what be baa to iBlature repea.led this law. Bnt It rur,,1 mail service la Imown by IIta· years go oy . "- Esoltange. Butchlnsoll & U!bneY'Il, Xflnla,Ohlo ~ cODoiBely and olearly . h'aB wal In force tor 'wo yean behre &illtiClK oomplled in ",0 office of 'be No oity bas A \Iolter assor tmont of qllOt8!l inioee and frequently m"' ~11 tbe people Md any cbance t .) rElpeal Fonrth Auilt. Poetmaater General for t h e dress It8elf oDd the fl\brl08 a _paolal prtoe on lOme ar ticle to at· I'. ': Doring tbl. time a Conncil in up to July 1. Five8tateasnow have \ b'~ trade. Finally be bu exao"y OIn_olnnatl WOk advantage ot this more thaD 2,000 rDutea eacb. Illi trlmmlng8. It_ Ii! a re_sonable wb , . h" advertiBee Ind the p~bho State lAw Ilod p8B800 a fifty year DOlI! lead" with 2772. Then fO llow atat e ml'nt "nil full y prov en In tbe Pre.,aleD c r ., Elher DI ..... knj>wa I.t will receive lUI' what III fUDohlae. Ohio. 2493 : Iowt\,SS18 ;Indlaot&, 21l3, Most people do not rea.lit e the alarm· ·pal!t. We "I'l' ~ Drellil 6U0I18 BOotie )ll'omlled wbtln they Iro to hI8:a~re . though tbe law ball been r epeuled Bnd PtlDSYIVII nl., 21060. MlldOurl inc increase and remarknble prevalency o( kidney disease. and do not lIIelldle with tinware, iI'bere IlIo't a mercbant In .Way- 'he franohlH Itanda. The .0ltizen8 oo'fJ lessixth with 1944 and MloblRan While kidney dis· nNt lll.. Ot .urroundillg commuDlty; h.,;d tbe satlafaotlon of locking the hl1l4 been given par'lo'olllr Iltt.entlon orden are th e hllrdwjlre, nl'h'H . ,8ho('IiI, e\.o. Tbe8e most common ha ve t hei r "III Ol', blllf What could ltIOure 'he same huo door afler the, bone wall as the "country servicl8" 4urtDg tbe diseases that pre· It ,bey would make the tlf· atolen . p&st fllIodl year. ' Wltlr county Berv : vai l, th e y ar~ J Ullt 101111 ,,,. our 8 h ll l v,,~ nnd flilow tl.lmost tl.e bst fort. OJl6nge yonr advertlllemenu If In 1898 this referendnm provlll. 100 prilotlolllly every retlldt!nt of Ii to !!t't' hO-V ir/l~h lIoLl lIe w Ilnd lliz cd by recog freqa8lltl,. ;b8 bon..' in yonr lltate. Ion had been ill &he oODI'''utlon of connly II Hued. plltient and phy' 01811 D f·he "lcok. 8 01'" elUllly to me,u~I.""1 ; preaentan attractive 'b.e t;tat6, thlB fifty .year · franohiH In coooty aerv,toe Indiana leads. sicians, 'cho eOII ' trlm .frolD ,/ur II loo k j U1j1 in. t .ll t th ' "j llt" t~ ' .. ~ aDd tbe people wll1 come In. ad could not have beoome opera. havlog It in eigbty'hree oountles. dodoring t1a~ "t~tI, while the origW, talk a pea' deal ~bont boom· ttve for Dlnety day.. During that I11lnol.IB next wltb 66 ; Obio tblrd i llal diataa~ undermmes the s ystem. 'What To 1)0. iDS .h~ towo, abuu' maldng 1& Rfow, Ume a peti&lon Ilped by . flft,. with 54, and tbe,otbelr States follow · There is comfort ill t he kno..... le.lge .. brlqIDg maDufao&uril'g eetabltah· 'boaaand ' voters could ' have held it ln~ In thil order: MllIllODrl 46 I Kan· orten expressed, t b ut Dr. Kilmer'.. \ 'meD. here,.. The truth bf the up Until the next regular election. au 47 • . MIl!lloUri wan'ta 11,OaddltlOD. Swamp-Root, tbe ~rell~ k idney remedy. .SIlIt ~ lid Worsted 'rrlmrulnll'. , ~heo r Effect-tl. Wngbllm, P lblt1 .. . falalla every wish III c uring rh!lUllIlltiB II1, . matser iI,.lDWJJgantpubUoi,y- live 'l'hD8" could hav~ been brought ~ al route8.-Lebanon Patriot . paitiin the bacl.:, k hll1e),s .. 1i\'er, bladder ~.yertlalDR ill the 10011 newlp8pers a vote of '1;Ie people and ' def".ted and every purt of the lIr1u llry passage. It corrects iuabili ty to bold wa ter would do lhia old town and tbe beforeacqatriJllf any 181al foree. ,: Tan Caucht In al Mlichine. and scalding pain ill pas~iu g it, <!r b rul !!!!!!II!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!11!!!!!!!!~1II!! ' ~iII more aood than aoy .The olty of {,'tnoIDDa,t saved ber A valnable borse belonginll to etfects followm g use of liquor. wille or Ibaa~ effort poutbly ClaD. 1IloJ)road beoaUlle IIbe bad the rllbt Samuel Beal, of Bowersville, wlille beer and O\'eJ'comcs HllIl ulIvlcasll n t lie· .1&'•• matter ever,. merohanc o/a popular vote 00 'he qUllIItion of S&aDd.i Ilg oloae ~ a thrllllhing ma o cessi'ty or beillg compellerj to go o ften duriug the d ay. 1lI.,d to .g el u ~ w llny to oonaider aertonilly . . ~ sale. Sbe 1000t · oontrol of her ohlne Wedneada,., lOt ita tail caught times (luring the ,li ght. f h e IJIIld Ilud ... . •• Itreet!! tor half a oentu.., beoa1ll8 between a belt and I pony and it the extraordin ary elfe ·t of SwalD~Root WE MANUFACTURE THE VE.R Y IOOD reillized. It smuds the Ingh est People Inter- Ihe was' denlel a referendum vote wu brok~ o. at ,:he body. • rile i. for ita wonderful cures of the DlO t di s. GRADE OF ....·ID New Movement , ou·t.b a tfrcanohtse,grant. anim ..l had to be killed. SJ\gM trel8ing cases. If yp u n eed n lIIedici ue . l ' . 4arnage Wall a~lo d~)ne to tbe ma. you ilbould have ~he best. Sold b~ drug· Brue .Gan.)'11 gists in fifty-cent Ilud . ,zes. Type . ; _ _Ll a_a.. B W ohiDe. ' . . You may bnve a 68Juple und a Braaa Rule in Stripe Metal 8ordea:a .~ a _ _ p Veten to elp :anted Another aool4flnt 0,' tbe same na. boOk thllt t ells ..11 . . , Bnaa Labor Savl ... Rille L S. Metal Furl\tture . . ~ ~ lJ~.u.o..I~ iaPayor , ' " Young men and glrll at the tore happened to V~IUlam Garrlo. about it, both sent fr ee Brase Colamn Ruleli and SIug8 by mlli!. Address Dr. Of ~••, aM Ref.......... 'Peterll cartrldge Oompany, IUngl gar's horae at ,r.mEI8~wD. While Kilmer & Co., BingBraaa Cirelea Metal Leaders I_ ~01 ahl Que\&. win recall KUla., Work light anll olean. Good thl8llhing 'he ~DDlinal camjl too hamton , N . ~ . Whe n .~oII' BraBI Lead...n Spaces and Quads, *hU a fe. waeb &10 the Rev. Ser. 'W1ltJ8I Bond oomfortable ho&61 ao- elOlie to the maohidery, and a por. writing mention tUis , pllp er aud don'\ make a ny mistake. bllt [ ememher Ule • .Braaa Round Comen 6to 48 point ben if. of Oinoinoati,ld. oommodatloDl 01018 to the facto..,. ttor. of it'll taU tLlme. Dr. Kilmer's S Wlllllp-lloot, and Braaa Leade and SlugB Met.J Quoins, ete. .~adcbeu, Bin,ghamtou, N. Y. cl*-cI the ~18 here on the .. Addre.a AMistant Mailapr, Gazette, ' Iabjeot of ..... Oblo Direct LePla. Kinp mille. Ohio. (J. 17. 6t) --&tOIl LiIepe. Naturallau Cure. Old Column Rulild refaOP.d .and made a8 Rood Illt no\v ,," a smltll ~. J;IIplow .crea~ a areat ~ . HA'D AN ' AWrUL. ~ME '. The wa&en of p,()\ter ~pflnll at ])1t.H.E~ HATHAWAY ;' ,V!I,)'!1e8VtJle'Jj .Leadlnlr DeDtilt ooat. of l~"" In thla I1Ibjeo& thl'OUfrh. But Chamberlain '8 .Collo, Cbi>lJra 'Mlngo Junotion atliElr rU.D~'lDjf free ' f lIaln S~ oaUbla 'doilJlty; IUld Diarrhoea Remedy Oured Him'. 'more ,han a 08ntulry and having Offioe: In JteYI Bldp;. . Pleft18 remember tb~.' we At:8 nop it .ny' '1'1 Ull t or.Conl~IUI\tlob . ;1 ~)y_ . ID IIua1e 'l'oWDIblp Mr. C I& III with pleuure tba' I give yoa oUred a ram thin' IDf an Iol1li tlnd are sure tba·t we OlIn mftlle It gr8lltly &9. your lid vllntal!'e to . ~,.~_ took the ma'ter up liul "this unllollolted _&lmoniat. 'Abou~ 'oondltlolUl of meD Itrcm Mingo In de,,1 with' Ul!. • . _ •••".l"fo,,~ Dam.. &0 a petition. 'ca18·of a ,ear BolO wheD I had • severe: 'diaD warrllll'l and' !!'renob o.Dadlan meallee 1 10' caullh, out 10: . A copy of our Catali)jfue will be ohlMlrfplly fnrnl8hedlon appli . . . . . . ~ work of th.e Lealue, IUl awfnl .rain aud tbe meulee eec. voyapra to common pJaoe modern ,'f cation. ' . wblab lie _ , to Kr. Bigelow with Ubi! ill my .'omaob aDd bowela. I hoboM, no"," wi~l bottled and sold, flight. ,lie foUowSall Ie&&er: bad IUl awful time IUld had it n~' ln "d,,- toWDlI. " . ' Mr. lIH~r_ B. BIpIow, Sec. been for tbe 1118 Qt UbamberlalD I The spring III to be walled up by Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co• . ~_Ml~~ Obl Collo. Choler. and Diarrhoea Bam· .. ~~~~!'" . O. \ eelj-. 1 could no' hne poulbly o~der of tht' vUlage OOtlDoil and in MAJlufao~,Qrer.ll of' ~~ :~') Uved bu.t . few , hoon 1001t1r, bul , t~at 10118 will be, pIlrbApI,. the 001,. "WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Type 'a nd lila. Gnde 'P rinUne Material JCn,csl~'~~'IVnltiatlve aDd refer· thanb to ~bllremedy, 1 am now '! muniopally owned j.I'oure In AmerleDdaiD ·pnlti01l IIgnei1 wi'h names, lItronl "Dd well , 1 ha~e writ~ ioa , For more thatl • oentu.., the , . Proprletora . of: Olen ill" ,. el hbo hood J: 'he aboYS throqb Ilmple gra&ltuue ' , . PENN TYPE fOUNDRY , "Y . " I myn I r • v •. • tia I Iban atwaY1l apea.k a gOOd. ,w ater of Potter III[)rlng haa been Bring yoor prlnCing of all d e ·WJ.oae to "hom I prel8D~ ~e ord ' for tlita remedy . t:lam It~" oredlted with· polJlfllliQi qaalltl811 ~tttlOD lligoed It. 1 believe ever; awtm, Conoord. ~.. For sale b~tWhloh dea'roy she . Itaa~ for IIqoor. 'IIOrJPtlbna to the Gaze'i., · offioe. ..... iIl uu. SOwnablp II ID '.vor ot· 'by .1. E.• Ianoey. : (It ':8 said 'hat the powe, of the wa- GOod work at right prloea . tt wbeD uplalned to him. . ' • ter to ellmlnato sbu taat. for fire . . Ve.., .'ruly youn, . SubscriptlonB ~ec ' for.ll.1 'be lead: wa&ur wlill drst dlllOOv!lred by to. o. L . Olfleebee: ' -; Ing magazln.. and neWllpApen, a~ gan, famed qIllef of 'he Mingo In. , • .. • tbe thzeUe oalee. Nota.-We wJ,~ dilnl and by hla people imparted to ,VeterlDa~y Surgeon and ' Dentist. ~About Inltlative ., ,meet 'he prlcea adver&leed by any tbe early wbite aetMen.-Exohange. l~l ,.. 'and Referendum' 'reputable lubaol:ip&lon agenoy. . _ __ . ' ,I." A Cure for tihe BluN. At Home on t!atorday AfternQOD. " Chamberlain', Colle, Cholera' and ' . ~ Blir 8ouncli" , Dlarrboea Remedy, lWter .A dootor who haa made 'a ~pe.. ay.iu~sviUe, W . . . · Mean, by One Who Know. l'ban Tlaree DooSOrs. ' j otalty of DervoWl ~I~hal found I ~~~, Re'", B. S. Bilrel~~: : It' ~ "fhree yearl' alO we .bad ' 'hre~ \& '.lew rewed~ for ''''he blues." .AI . . " " . ' . ~_ \ ...dcotera with our little boy Bond ' ev'- ,,0 dl'DIII are ad~Dlatered, he ba~ ''J1Ie tni~lve ,meanl the rl,h'·Uf erythlng that they 001Jld dO,aeemed felt ..te in esperlmimttDI' witb at ,~the JI84Iple, ~;1. PetitiOD o. a , ~ In' "Vain. .M I.., when all bope leu, balfa bundred pa. :' ~~" of . • b8 '.voten, to h.~~; 'seemed to be,~\)ne we. begAn UaWl' "~ntl; and now ' deolaiee . l11li- qa.tloo pilloed on the'. oftloi:al C~mberlalD I Collo,' Ohole~ a~d ,iloronoh1 'i .... · ·.. l'h ~b . " . , . . ~rrhnea Bemecly and In a few _ y sa ....... w • e BOOII '\ballD' ·a •• JeI'\1Jar eleotl.· aDel .,bi hours be betan to improve. Todf.;' I'8lllilk •of hla ·'.'meni. . Sl. -ro:4"'," ; \1Dl~ ~' .• direct i vote ~' t~e ~; he .. bealth~,:, . ohUd .. pare"~ · p~lOription . ~ IIOm~hln,U~e Un· "Ieolurate. , , ". . •..• ;, conl!! wlab for. -lIrs. B. J.John· t'hla: "If 10U keelP the..oornen ..·Tbe refere'odam ~eaD'.· tliai ~y stoD. Lintoa, Mle.. For .ll&le b~ ~J .. mouth 'nmEMlup ' you of"th~ ~te LegltllB~Urlt m~t,,~ E. J~l)ey. .. feel blue. ".~ the d.~r.eoitQDI .abmltted to ·popu.l or.VOI4J at ~ N' , • ,. , lD' are: ."S.. 11., ,'klil8p 'o n . .11I11IR,': ': alueleo'~oD. if, w~tlliJi "fd~lPIa~.. ' ~M' ~'" It ,iJunda rldlmillOna, ·d08ln. :·~e after the pa~ge of ttift .,*:>~ ,. . ', . I ,:, ~ Well' JUII' WI'.. tunlng np "~pie"&lon. or a omalo per,oe,nta~ .l «troers of 1Qar .M01l'h ~gilrdl... , .• •- yoten tl flied .oth . the ~ . . A . . . 01· ,.DU~ m~.' ( ~DIl aee how tJ, 1&9 of8tate .demandh1Iluoh a.,..¥- . . & IIJBoUa lOU feel; 'h • .d~w tile OQr. "":. . ... Den of __01Itila and ~OU'?8 'hla: ,It 1.1 not pro~ . M4I!I ·ITaUT W,4n.aYILD•• ~... tbe .effect, and' ,.oia be 'WIIJJ~IIHII~lll1ln!III'IW~'"

-;::.. '!..



. uurl



'Y ou


H·utcbjsQn Sf


(jibn~y ·

'Ready To Wear Garments

See Your , Dressmaker

nOllllds Hate KldDey


. 1111"e Ind Reter SII,ect It.








Hutchison . & Gibney,




. Xenia. Obi,












Tlllp.oal.ol, or 'local... 1 " Long Diatanci 10. 69·3r



Bianc' OffiCI. .Har,"ablrr .

Dr. John;

'Xelephone No.


Ohio . .

'·C1J~~·~~4~ HM.JlERLAIKSr' ~L!!~~~~~:: D~i(<P";4

i pw


'A ' .







do~ will

o r.a.e 'tJeOlal eleo,&tooa. Nel~ ..~ room ned !loor to 1.'rOae Broa. to deollre"tbere'. '@~De&JWJI" 1• . lW.,~ ;to ~atte ~ ~,feno" Hardware S",re.· '1'l .2.Exohanp. ' 4II1II 'Oft. 'a,,)" q ....tloaa. Bat l& d . , Te1eP,hoae ia hOnae and oftloe · . Of-.+,---.~~-"-' _ _ 1ba, lb. w&'/ .laoaIcJ be . . .. :wh'ere ,I O&D be oalle4 da,; 01' nlaht• .; ', - - '~"".',_"", f(1/I . . :~ bJ ",~~, -.,.'. . Valley PhOlle 1"-'. . ~ Kanaaa pt•.p!~d. .~t8


1 -




i i Brown & McKay, printing for Eozema "ndltor I1nd lI11erlft' ........... ~ 00 l!'ur till! Ifood of thoso tluffering COIiIiON 1'~A tI UOUIt·I'. .1 J. :.rhomptlon, Mill ry Illi • in· with eozema. or other suoh trouble, tlrrnllry dirCictor .. .. ......... .: H 4& I wish to say, my wife had IlOme· Silu Drake. admtnilltrat r of tile tb iut.C of tho,t kind and ul!ling ."'e of Jolin D. Fox, vs I::llnlOn C. 8. Mounts, olerk feell to the (Iootor 's remedies for some t,lme .. ..... 109 58 Jflnuary 1.1907 ........... Foxet al. Notloe to non reKldent8 conoluded to try ChamberllllD's C. 8. Mounts, teu! from Jiln. to be made by pablloutlou. . Sldve, Ilnci it. proved to be better ul\ry to August 1I!t ...... .. ... ,.. .. 92 S6 tllan Ilnytblug abe had tried . For Georp' WU~(\rson., administrator . tlille by J. III .Jannoy. ' of tlie 81tate-'of' Henry InllnIlKII.n, vs SlIwuel D. H.ipkle, tees and Jamee F._nagan et al. Or4ered th'a t· expences ....... :....... . :...... .. .. 13535 be II!lven to 1l0n·resldenhl by C. I::l. Mounts. costs, Woodwllrd vs Wheaton ............ ... 177 publloatlonCharles Fitzgerald, damages 6000 N&W IiUITS. 1.. N. A8\vul(l lCe c<-h' er. S Contract )e~ to the Oregonia Juon Klnd.e r VB. Walter G. Kin Bridge 00. for steel joist for the cler et. at. Partition of real cstat.e. Valltly school bridge o.t tholr bid of l'lME O.I.RD Beor,. Be1u va, George W , Bar· 147.4. ~~"' I' I';O'l'J\' J:: M )" 'U a l . lltll • . . Oonti'.act let to Clint W. t:!tanton :-IOH1'IIUOUNn. ril. A'&acbmen$. we can , 811u Drake, administrator, va. for repaIr of Kinder IIroh on Penny. :' Ltl tt "nN No. I · No. a" No, r,. . /I . M: tI . I'M. Blmon J1'ox, e$·al. , To 'a soertaln dill. 'roYIII road In Frl1nklln township at [ .elJuuou J ,; Ar ~ DO 11 ao f. 2 ~ e8 t.ima~ of (139. flO. $ribuMletl, eta. i :}:'4 \I :!K h I The report of olerk of court of . hakH ( 'r. Georp W1Ute~on. administrator, . 1!1 Bo. ly n 1 7 j l I 11 : 1 ,r .L JamesFlanagan·et al. To a80er· flnes asBel!sed and oollected from H e mplt l eU t~ 7 -41$ 1\ 18 .; O ~ S~pt6mber. 1906, to first Monday in Ce nlc r vilic '; ~o J I lU Ii O~ $ain di8trlbDteel, etc. t 7 ;, :! " II \l ~ U r;~ ~Iallor 'Eouilit,S, DoDDell va. Jo~n B . Uon , August , filed. I , [" t .: i 4 H RellOrts Of. the aUditor and trells· Lyll" Dell. ·Injnnotlon. 1: ; :! ~ ; 1 ) 5 ~ ~.:dJ!ew"W !H . Ennll DonD~l1 va, John Donnell urer at reoeipts and' ·dlsbursements Y~nu blc ..;-; :!o Uli oO H 4U for thl! month of July flled. . .n dCbarlea N. 1'1gar. Injunotlon, J\~lc bll r Ii III ti D 48 H U~ The accounts of the two depo9i. 1l0,I~ H 16 110 4 0 4 3rt eta. .. ~ 011 UU J tl 4 26 tories, The Le$1flnon National Bank L.lunll BEVEN'l'Y-ElGBT , SUITS, all ' finest E. M ,aOB1TJI: COURT 20 ond The Oltiz!'Ins' Nl\tJional Blink L ella n o ll- I_~ . ~ UII 10 30 tl\ilorlillg. In. grey!!, browns, blu8il and H &O oJ. X T O HkD EUatll of Riohard Fairfax, de· audited and found oorreo •. blaok. Notblng reserved . Tbe oboice UaY l o.1 .~ rlu l ' fj~ " 4U J. W. Stewart appointed ad Vont·roonet to Oharles Henderson O .&. So 'J.\ D &..'( T of all '22, '25•. '28 and lao Hulte. all II ao II 00 mlDlIlLrator. Bonds '600. FrllDlr for 11 :o~ncrete oulvert- on the Leba', new t'his season. Mld- !!um.$ SI)U'I'H H:' UND Barrla. Jobn Tockel' aDd Alt>ert non Ilnd ' WilmlDgton rOlld in Tor. Iller sale .only ... ... ,..... ......... • II . tI P.I\I . P . M, 1l8r~ltt. appointed appraise". tlecreek townllhll) at 1l8timate of Lt:av ~ NOUG No In lobe miltlet' of the estate ot '$126,;3h. DaYWD' C II & I) 6 ' Ob EIGHTY MEN'a; FINE t!UITB, ' many tall. John n. Fox. deceased . Beptem. The Iludttor. was directed to wrIte Duy lo" : I) X 'I' HOD l :10 .ored !by the famona E. M. System. I.ebanoll .1(', ao 5 [,6 26U bel' 1I '0sN for bearinl! olanp8 again t,h e tl.ttornoy for the petitioners 8e· Scotoh fabriOl! , Outings, Blne Berges aDd l (,t. Sbaker ('rMAlng II :13 :i r.,) a' the ..Sa$e in tbe sam of t110. curing a road nortb of Lvtle to ooin Ros ly n .. U7 2 :i ll blaok Tblbets. All this BMIIon's style IllltaHi 01 Ethel alld McKinley JlI1 with section "816. Reviljld ~lat •. HcmPSlcu,1 H 3 001 0 10 :1 and Illtillre, $18, $20, $2~, and@ Brow.-. minort. Lnlu D. Brown ~'p uteR hi maltlDg a bonlt, when tbe ~ nt" Ylll p IH II IJI 9 11 $23 valiues. choloo during saleO •• .~ a'7 " 0 ,10 3 I U. polD~ guardian. BoDd' '1,200. "ruver of tbe petition will be oom · M anor LYlie i ~;l \I OJ · JCatate,of J . J. VaqBlper. dllOt', aa. .. l'liE'd with . .~ dge wood ', 0 Oil :J 20 6 ~o ed. AoOoanh and vouohers flIed =: ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! " Ve n~ble II 011 :1 ao 10 UO tor aDallettlement. For An Impaired Appetite. 1,lt obner til 11 ':I :\~ 10 31 lllltab of ,.lames Allen. deoeal!ed Dodds' 10 It ~ a~ co ~~ Aoooooti Ind voucberS filed for fl. Tn Improve the appetite and Leland au ~ 3 .a I ~ III 4~ Aboat for y Bults, all wool'Rnd firBt ola88 $ In every reap8ot. $10 and 12 values. Dal ae'Uemen,: trengthen tbe digestion, try a few. Lebanon An 1\'8 1) 80 a T•.n · 0 ,,0 rdo..etI of, Chamberlain s Htomaeb 0Ually Uflept SUlIlla, ; ' l OP on .Iw nal Mid Summer Ulear&noe Price.. .... ...... • lllltate of Ja~e8 D. Lewl", deeells lind Liver Tablets. Mr. J;.B . t!eltz, IlITl'lDAW r !tA IMa, Brniren IInee and odd Aultl, 14 to 17 years , ed. Aoooote and vouchers flIed for of Detroit, Mloh. . MYS: . They re 'l'rahlll pllJUl I_VUe .. folio".: $10 valuee. now priced to go at.... ...... • tluaheUiement. 8tored my appetite ",hen lmpaired, Nortbbound 7 /ita m 5 !!7p. III "'_ •••_ of Ba"nDah Print" deceas. relieved me of a bloated feeling and ~utbboulld 0 Of a' m ' ~ ~3p W --... caused a pleu&nt and , Mtlsfactory J 'N 'ASW~~ . el. AooonL\u .and vouchers filed movement of the bowels." l'rlce ., . . for flnAllettlement. ~~ cents. ~amples free at J. E , oe neralPlll rapr A~ent. Lebunon, Ct. ~"&e of William Stanfield, de. Jllnney·s. No doubt many persons will be In. A big line of $2.60, :i. and $3.50 suite. now oeued. AOOOllntB and vouohen 'fil- !!_"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ terpst.ed In knowing just what tbe Id tor ftaall8~lemetlt. . OnUnanee Xfo. 46 Initatlve lind .Referen'dulll really Oboloe of all fiDeet Bnlts, R . & O. Co. make. ",' means: The following e.x plilnation • $7.50, Band 9 va_uee, ·now ................... .. 1III"&e ot "'amea W . Ellill, Imbe furnlsbed by !!ofr, Blgelo for the 011. AooaI1Il. and vouobllre filed Amending Ordinance No 5 En- Xenia Uazette will therefore 'be of for flDal .$UemeDt. titled an Ordinanee to define and Inte t 1IIata&e 'ot !'heodore Cauden, de. puni8h certain misdemeanol'8 ~ : oeued. Aooolint. and vouobel'8 fil. therein named. "EverybOdy I::lhould Know' : Men's Trouser'.~w8E't,Orr & Crown peg top says C. G. Hays, 11 prominent bus. ed 'for final aettle!Dent. make, $6. 7.50 atld $8 values, now ....... .. Ue It ordaIned by tbe OOuncll o r Ibe VlIIage 1Ilna&e of.Elizabetb Mootler. de nr ·WayneKvlUe. Warren COunty. Oblo, tbat iDI!88 man of Bluff, Mo.,that Buok. $3.60 and .. valuee, Clearanoe praoe ........... . len's Arnica l:ialve I, the quickest oeuecJ. AOooUntii Ind vo~oher8. fil ~~Clhlll ~ 6 ot OrdInanCe No r. passed Ma), 28, and . lluNst healing, salve ever ap· 11100 bC! l.Dlended Bs rOIlIl1"R;" Anr penon . e4 for hal settlement. wbO sban ' 10Iau. DDJ &ej: tlon or ..n., of t.h e pUed to a aore, burn or wound. or prov lllloo. of any lIe~tloD of tblll or41nanoe .to a OIlBe ' of plies. I've used tt and $2.,50 and $a valueB, now ................. ~ ........ . .i' .....te of WUson Barv~y ,-deceas' upon coo,' loUon \beroof or Ililon tbo IIlea of taking abol1 t ... ed. Aoooun&ll and vouohen .~Ied guilty upon"oy cbarge Of violation tbereof. know fihat Ji hall be Hned not more tb an tlfty dolla ... Guartanteed by 'Fred C. 80hwar tz. $1.50 and $1.75 Va'Ul'!, now .................. .... .. fow floal aeWement. . I~ Iban one dollar antI ~ba\l par t)I~ Druggist 260 • or prosecutIon and upon tbe rallure to In the utter of tbe eatate of coste pur suob nne Anll COIiI& 10 :assestioo sball be Men'a Molll8ltln Barveet Panta. all, $1 tlamue1 A. (''bamb6rlain. (inardian commllUld to tbe vl\llllre prlenn or to s ucb , a~d $1.26 valuMI, now ...................... .. prlJlon or work. bouae lUI tb~ Cou noll may DO tonher 1UI0888lty. and ' luardlan ~onLraC\ wltb for tbll~ purpotoe. uoLJI laId Hoe and COSt8 are pall1,or worked out IIOOOrd· 10 da,. to file hi. aoooqnt.

=COunty Court News.

s. R. s. Grand Mid-Summer In s

R.K' g



bu ry


Mark-Down Sale


In the. 31 yauI's of out' connection , with the clothing business at this stand, honestly state that never before' we oifere(rSllCh a magnifh'ent al'l'ay of line merchandiEe a's now goes into this mark-down sale at almost sacrifice prioes. Do.N'T DELAY, BUT GE1' HERE EARLY. ·

Men's Suit Sale


SIXTY-FIVE MENS fiNE SUITS, Grey Wor: 8teds. Club Ohecks, blues aud blaoki, $14, $15, $16Ilnd$18valuea. now In Mld·Summer Sale at • . •


cAllI 50

1 7 25

FOR1'Y-TWO Splendid Valae Suite, aslOried . patterns Ilnd many extra good thinge tn small sizes, but something in every 11118. $12. $Ill aud$15 Vltluea,now In Mld.Su~mer Sale at only


14 75






A t)MALL LOT of .t he fQUOWlnl size 8uI&ll33, 84. 35 and S&. Values '. '$3 98 worth BI muoh. as $10, now .. ,

",.' ' '. ' The Boy's Shop 7 50 13 98

' Bo,.s' Oollege styles In etrictly,date mak.,. uul and patterns, a ohoioe <lSlOrtment, SUi. Ifl and 18 va1u oe • now ....... ,..... :.

Knee pants snits

separate 'frousers 84.98 Men~Bo!~~~~~~ .. ~~~~.~~~ ..~~.~~~,.. ~~,.~~~



LO tbe la ... and relJUlaUon~ gover ning prl_VA or ..orllt hOUIe. ordlnaDce 8ball talle effeot aad be In force. from and otter tbe ellrU e~ 1 ~IOd


.Bo>:s Wa &h $Uits.


'L. · C, Wilkerson to F. ,j. and Vlula allowed' b, law. B&4iel, S'X' .ores tn . W'I~hllil!:tol~1 . Paned at Council CbaDloor tblS. th~ IIfLb ~;''''I ... .00 . da, of Aug\lot, II.~, 11107. . to.'I"!'_p, 1., ' . ' TbowlLII Sherwood, Mayor. He... W. BOIs, Ilt ai, to S. 1lI1.. Ob ll8. 1>. ,Reed, C1erlt. IJetb GriU, 10" MAson. 'I aDd ~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!' oUter OODIIderi.tlon", ::: a.le Doqhman and Oharlee Remedy lor Diarrhoea. DoqhmaD to , Mary Yooo,. lot In ' KnOWD to Fall. P~t PlaIu,,750. "I wa.u I&y a , few words . for . &. J. ~'YIa iO Tfle LIt&le Illaml Cham\l8rlalJl'1 ,Collo. Cholera and ,. Dlarrboe ~m8dy. I have uaed LI,h.. Beat aJid .P.o~er ,O~mpanYl. t.bla preparation In, my f"oi',y for '3815 IIOftle in ~fl~ld townibip fl the P!'8t five 'years and have Dever .Ia~: o&be.r oona[de,ratlon8. , " I ,'\r., .....,·.. It to fall to eft'eot Ii' oll~e In I teel that I cannot . . WIlUam ,(f~ nalds' to 'J'be , Llt~le any ' ~. I Ll"1.& H '· d P . Co Bay. ·too mucb for the best remedy .--am _ , ower m· of the klad'in the world. "-S. Jem paDY. real"8liate,in Ba1,litlton town: lion, Spring ,( irove. Y~rk OIlOOtj, abip.11 and'otlier OooBideratlon.. Pa .. Tble r medy Ie for sale by J . ~Gnber wTbe ',.m!e Miami E. Jaun'e y, . \ . • Ucbt, and P,o"er Company r_l ....~ ill Deerfield towna~IV; tl aDd. oUier . , . . oonaldeQ.tlonB, .f,.;










RlIOIIImud" bJ Ph,sicians 1'l_nLto lake. IHe not

ary to diet oilly t ~ .CIY lICI.ere Clu-. Tho It(ImllCh .;m;..,o

b.i ID tI1ICh •

bealthy ",,"<llttoo tbat ODD call eM mOlt- aD)' kind !,r food. " . . .'


Two Blul.

. 1100. an. SI.OO pe' bOL ... L. SHINKLE, , ""ufaoturlni: Pti_1m_alat. . . MUNCi., I .DIA~A.


Boya' Knee Plln!-,$l.IiO valuea, now .......... , ..

J9c ,,1.13

Boya' Knee Pante. $1.25 aDd 1.60 valll8l,now


82.9,5 $1.98 81.19

Boys' Knee PantS. 50 and &60 valuel, DO~ ..... ~


Boye' Wash Pante, bloomer and l'8Itular s'yles. 600 value now: ............. ............ .

, ,396


Bo,.'s W..h Pante, 25 and Slicent valDell now



I Shirts and Faney' HOlle".


~ Choice of al~ ~latl· $3.60 MaD. . I (;'holoe of all Boy', waah su"a;·'l.00 All Union ~nderwear, long and balten ahir.. now •••• ~ ........1.~8 I' '1.25, and '1.50 yaluel, now 890' ahort' eteves, Cooper Spring .' (JJloloe of aU $1.60'and $2 MaD· tboloe 'If all'2.00• . '2.6~ ~nd 13.00 . n88!llebrand',3, OO qoality..$l,98 batten ablrY. DO~ , ....:: ...1.811 ·. ChoiCe of al1 'fanoy ,I and ,1.aIi ~ I, val~ea DOW ..................... '1.48 Union. Underwear. same Wilaon Bro•. ' and Grillo 96% Dt6OOUD' on 8prlng Over. ~alte $2 .. nd $2.50 grade, $1. 48 ,blrt.a. now ....................... ,8110 coate and on Rain Coate. Union Underwear $1 and . Itt y, now ............. .. 890 Choice of all 760 Ihtr&. DOW ...... ~Io $1 ....,,£., qua AIUiO apd 700 men'. fanOJ'" I:Icm, , Mercerized allk,b Un. Hat Department. Imported gooda, DOW .. ; .... ; . . . .. .~ • derwear. WI.. . on B rothera. . '. ., . All 25 and 1I5c faDOY 80* ~ ..Jie · , blne, white Ilnd t!ln, ~1, All fanoy ; Sox ~bat we.. lie ' . $1.25 ancl $l.GO, now d ,... ,. 890 no~ .;.;.......... : .~~ :......... ,~ .. ;·; .~UO\!

Bon ehir\8

This Sale Win d_ '~4)D <~ ·FUrnishings AUI',15tb. Suits and Straw .· Bats while They Last


• •J




'OO.....O·i tM 8 PRoOalIDlRqa. , ..


.,:. ':..

C. L. .

r:.'~: ~


~ ~~ \.'~

Ro~t., ~, "npp}lea



, J"'W... :.:.. ,' H .. ~:.: ~t,•. :. .' ......\ ,

'1'; C. 'P ahenoll, ah~ltr, lJo!I.rd IDI, pa18oner8 ...... ,.~ ...." ...... . 14020

'l'. O. PatMrtOri, keeplnl hQrll6ll' , , aDd ftbiolea .... ,.,,,.. :............ 2000 Woldl, brll1.g~ reIJalrs .. ; 14\ 10 , ~~a'OD \ ~~mbln'~ (}o , . mer· :. . GJaaDdlie ~o~ j,II:..,~ .....; ....... .2,3 50 BnWD..,IloKay,: rin&lng tor oie,It •• ;••.. ::,.... :.. :; ~ :;~ ..... ...... '700 ~. II: II. 8b.",~/ bridie' ~Il. ) •. . {f '- .'l: i • ~ ..... wor."i ..... ' ..... .... :.;. 16 oem8dt 'aDd


~ATlANTIC~ CITY' &n'd other. 8euh~re R~~

' $.6. 00 ~ 'R'~njpd 'Trlp; . August '8~ -' -'::''':


'. :0...". ...;o.:t. ,.

• . . 1»1lJ" .• ~ .~ ...... : ........... .

~, ~.



• ..,....... ,~...................,. '-'-" Gaa ~., ~" fur jaiJ . a..r;.I ' ~ OOD'",,' ~t.

. .f.......~ .~ ... .""....... ..... of18'

R. ,. . . . ·" Co., blankl,

" ... ···--·"l'· ........... .....

' . ~1,r~~~~~~;~' ' l'lJiHII, .~ ,~ ··OO

• •~;~.:. uOJI:;~~=;;;;


~' ~ 'Xenia, ehi~. · ..

.. . .,





wben they ordered croCo!lrf~, then til. En«llsb languago II' not ' undorataud, abl . By Belling tbe ItUI! tbat h .. , boon put under tho ban becaulle .:If Itt Impurity, the mall ordcr COncero. have b en able to undersell tbe local merohantB IInng h\lndredll of mil ~ away (rom the great ceators o[ BUp, ply. In oarrylng ,o n thlB trade tn Impure Good a, tbe mall orde r hO}lses have done the greatest Injury to th o con, Rum r, While the local merohant hili lost some trad\l, he blis had at least a part ot the . buslnes8 of the ranch man and miner In his vicinity. but th e conSUUlor" who bas been caught by tho "elleap" prices olrc red, hse not got What he hilS been paying tOt by a long ~' D Y , and tbere II r..l way tor hlDl to get eveu. , As It has pl'Oved wIth the «rocede. sent out' by the easte rn mall ord"r hOllses, so It Is wltb tbe other 11n.1S tb ey work off In Mont,a na. The sad· di es and harness offe red at ph enom· e nally low pri ces, Lhe buggi es and wngons . at prlc S whic h seem almost 11k giving th e veblcl es away, th e kltcben utensllB whl h are priced In th c volumino us catalog ues at ligures t hat Indlcnte the local merc hnnts IIr hl gbw y robbe rs, the dry gootls I hat u ro olf r d at s uch. Infinlteslrnul oollt a s to omp I the ortllnary womao. to bellev.e th e Dlall o rde r DIan Is a pu blI c benefador. nil of theso eastern lOaH ord Qr hou se orr rings are on a pa r with th o pro ved Qllu)lty of tb e gro· corles they. ha ve beeJl Bc lllll g-fra ~ ,du · I nt a nd put OU l to sell and not rol' servi ce. Th e confeSB,I0n on the ~n·

'Careful Attlntlon N;"ded to ProdliOl .• Strong, Profltabll Co.if,


On the moat delicate o\)Ora'ttoM, and olle that requires the Cl0801t moot car e(ul at tention on !h,e ·"rt (1/ tho dairyman or the' breeder of d&1ry By Emmett Campbell Hall A NEW l'EN C9MMANDMENTS cattl e, IB the feedll\Jt of the datn' calf. I hat; been.' we ll said that on. the 'first A CONCRETE MILK. HOUSE. 1 monlhs or two years of the calf'. Carefully Revlaed by the Catalogue \CO P)' rillht, by D all)' S~ory Pub. 0.) lire does Its tllture usefulness ctepe~d( . Hou ... a-'''all-Order HOue'l and Any Farmer May Make One at Sm,1I s ays lhe ,..armet'l GuIde: 'We w~r~ "The public," ~ohn .Kennedy, ot tbe let you soe. But you-ta It real 'Co Pura Food_The Lecal Expenae, go Just a little forlher tliBn tllil Illlt Indopcndent Th utrlcal o mp a ny. you ?" Dealer. s ay to all wlio aro raising CalV84 for It Wit S hie cuo In tbe lliRt !lot · 01 Limited, annotln ad l)Ompously to the A bOliso for keeping' milk cool In the the dairy buslnesl, whether it b to Qe wspaper men. " Is growing ti red of "The CO\lO!; Rnd tho Studio" thaI Bummer and Btorlng fruit antI veget· The t on C!Onlmandmenta as revised mllke bu~ter, choe~e, selling whole J)OOr s hows by peo ple who hll ve noth· s he had unknowingly s poken, bllt In to fi l the Illiail order catalogue house nbles III the win ter mil' b con struct· milk or cream, or Bupplylng a C9n' ing but n' repu tatlon- got t n al most tbe ' s tress of his omo l!\)1\ he did not plan : ed out t.e concre te from f10Qr to roof. den Bing factory or c~'1f.mery; 'raise consolo usly, howev.o r, MY' old wa.y. Wbat they want Is a noti ce It. A man In a littl e Ml 9~ouri town built calves from ,s trictly dal~y br004 First- Yoll shall lIell yoqr farm good sllow, a Good play wit h goo(1 ae- he took It u p, ona In~o tollowlng mann er, \la ys tbe oattle. If you have not tbe pur . bred prodilCl8 fa I.' cash when ver l' QU can, " 18 It real ? How can you ask that. torQ, and the namo of l be aolol' or lCans us 'ItY' Star. An cxcnvlttlon WII cows , get y'u urse'l t at least 11 pure br d but not to us; we do not buy from n t rl'BS does!)'t have the value of a Bwe theart 1" he crIed. and vr eS8 d you. . mad o In the ground four teet deep the s ire of good br edlng and the belter t be band b h Id to hl ~ lips. "Oan'l last ye a r' , door-eh eok." deslr d lengtb 'nnd brelldlh of tbe r ecord h lB darn has the better be Is ; Second- YOtl s ball bell ove our It WIlS In rollowlng a nt tbls plan, yoU see, . feel, how g r a t Is my lov6 building. Two pos't a we re th n set In that Is the hette r WIll his calv611 be. Btatements and ' bllY all you need th,e refore, that Renned)' lilek d oul fO'r YOU, how grea t m y n cd ? Ob, (rom us because we waot to be good lbe ground at elloh corn 1', leavin g 11 . 'ow, whlcbe ver breed you ,cboose; sweetheart J lovo YOll" lov you! Wil l MlIl'Il hull Madde n A S his leadin g man s pac . be t we n the m the tbl ckness of s li ck to you, allhough we are not person· It and don't go to ttY11;li: • for "Tne Oottage and the Studio: a you not man y me. darling ?" th o wa lls. Tnch boards 1\ foot wide c rollses, or you lose money. If )'ou , a lly acquainte d with you. }lIs arms W!'Te abou t hor, lind he ~ Im ple little ta le ot tltruggl and were pl aoel:! on tbe Insld o of theso !I lect a J erseY' s ire ilt fir st: sUok to Tbl rd- You 8hall send tbe money h ea rlnch~, of st r ngth and ·tba per- dr w he r g nU y toward hIm. pos ts lIext tbe ground. 'rho fll'st lay- I he ..Jerl! )'S. nnd YDtI will Boon have a In nd\'ance to gIve U8 the hallce to " [f , could but know-allly kilo ,,-" I; t lhe gooda from th e fac tory with fo rmance ot liard dllty. or ot concre te which wns utllil trom pro fltabl , woll·bred and nl c ·Iooklng she w'ed, an d Ihey were tb o "Dut say. 1 don't kuow a tblng c ment a.nd tolerably ' cQlu se g t'uv ol hord. 'The snme 19 true '. wltb' tho your mon ey; meanwhil e you will of IIneB that " J ss le" s ho ulrl s pea k. about Ihls arUstlc at mos Ll hcr was pul b tw en them. Afler thi s Guern sOYB lind Hol s~el.llB. ha l'e to wall t patl lilly a rew w eka "Prove me a B you will. my rlnr!!ng," PIIJ'l a. lind a ll l hat. yo u know:' !\lad· wna fl nlsbed ano the r ro und of boards . 'I'll co w shoul ~ be well fcd when b ecall se thnt III o ur business m ethod. don ob1ecle d w!len his selection was pe urged, anil l rl tI t o draw hoI' C;los 8;, Fo urt h- You shall npply to yo ur was ·pu t just a bove lhe firs t oneB and ~he Is OHrl'YIII'g Ibe' calf. Thllt \:s, beann oun ed ' to hIm. HIB strong D\llnt bu t the girl '\-renc bed h rll If frc lind nea rest cllY to aId you tn building these w re fill e d b ween with COD. fore til nit Is l'QTD, 10 that tbe r~f spra nK to h r fect. was "a tmosphere" and. "local color ," c rete also. Th n nno the r coqrso of mllY bu IV II nQ\lrlshed and tbe cnw good road s 110 you may convenl ntl y The re is no need ' to prove you hu· get th e gOOd ·from tho depot wh ic h IUId h hud beeD playing fOr years In concre te was put nbov' lilts anrl' 8 0 on I' t urn a good margIn cye.r the, ex· dMunas ' of tile west. "I lIave beel) 1I1 1' ; you are a good aotor." ,b e s aid. you bu'y (I'Otll US, . tor we do not build un til th e desl r d height Wlltl renched . pe ns ar feed nr.d cQ,re. W\len the wr -(oollng wtth guns and spul'!! 90 long," ·bltte rly. counlry roaCts . As the concrete bardened t.he bonrlls Is !lot'n, plnce It anti Ita dam In _ For a mom nt he g a zed at her un · be conUnu d, "that: J am pretty noar Fifth- you s hnll btI y church b!'lls wer e r moved. The door frllme ''''!1 8 clenn, dl'Y, well·bedd ed place and In a comprehendlngly, «l en the truth real cow·punche r. H ot 'art stud e lit s et bet.weell the b9ards In one end ot comfortable 1 mperatut 'not below G_ burst u pon him lhat he had b eu go· '1'11 make." . the buildIn g whe n the wnlls had been degrees F. It III II good plnn to let :'Tbal's all right," Kennel,iy said, IlIg tlirouglJrthe sce ne. word tor "",ord. bUilt up to a leve l with the lop of tbe tb o cal! slay with Its dam for tb. lint s oothingly. "You'll make gOOd, nil Of lhe par Ung In . "The Cottage and ground , nnd It was made s ecure by .8 bours. The firBt milk, or coloBtrum, • right. As to lh!, at[Uosphere, I'm go· tho Studio ... · IB very neccesary tor the calf &Ii It "But. hOWhow Illd you-" h() b . ~ns to ha,'e you ·'I'un over to Paris and • acls aII ,a Ilhyslc anl,i cleans Its bowell. aC9111re ft. You'll start at once, and gnn, bewild ere d, but tho girl walked Afte r the lIrst .8 !lours the calf ~l' 'll:h n you get. there, you . fix up ~ to tbe othe r end ot 'the room. be removed and fe!! by band (after It ".'Please go away," she 'sald, coldly, stUdio and 'loln some clasa-Just live has been taught to drink) and this, the thing; you know." . , and he rose unsteadily to his feet. "( with some calves, 'Is no smaH unde" "All right," !adden agreed~ "How hope your rehersal bas been benotaking. It takes patience and ,pel'll&' about the' leadJng ' lady' She ' Ia IUP- . fit," abe added, mockIngly, '88, with verance. for It Is v.ery neco.eary thai JI01Ied to be an art Itudent alia, you downcast eyes he Itumbled f,rom her the oalt has the regular amount 01 know." ' . pre.ence:' milk twIce a day, hence the. starvlnc' "f{aven'.t decided on one just 'Yet, What could It mean! He asked It·to-lt ;JlroposlUon don't go" allhough thougb. I have one In mind," Kennedy himself the QuesUi:m a tbotlsand times. one may be tempted to let It 10 till replied. ' . ~ and ·arrlved at no answer. Only one It will drln1:t, Th.ree [IOunda of mlbr. ' 'the reiult of all of which was that thing' Blood out clear'ly, and that WSR twice Q, day, II enougb for the firet some tour weeks later. Marshall Mad· that he had losl her, the only girl he . week or even two, Care niust be den "as etltabllsbed t humb!y, all be- bad ever loved-that sb.e . regArded taken to Jleo tbat the mUk Is warm Mt.ed his puree and ' tb.e part he W88 ' him as on~ who would take ad van· Dnd th e buc.kets IIwaY8 cl~n Ind to play In the next wlnter'lI produc· tage or a .pretended lQve to use a girl t1~, as a full.lledged art Itudent In us ' a latligure on which to bang the long boltl extending trom the aldeB of ewc t. If YOIl see to lblB and bave ' a Parll under the name .ot Weldon tinsel raga of the stage. frame Into the concrete walls. The tlry, clean, woll-llgbted and ~ded Hampton. ' Upon bls arrl.val.. 1n New YOTk he roof was made an oval sba.,a by s emi, pillce for tho calt 'YOU will ne'er be , It was juat a month after his aI'- tound a call . ~r a meeting of tho new Circle I"llf~erB, the ends at wblch reat- troubled With ·cal.t 8CO~. Afte.r' the riyal In PaPl! that Madcl,en Qtet Elsie company, to take place ~n 'a week. He ed oll tbe top of the side walll_ t-Cte.r col( Is two weeks· 'old It can. take four 'Proctor at a little students' gathering, ,t hrew the sbeet trom him w.l th a being covered oyer with ~oardl a lay· pounds· of milk tWice' a dllv. Thli and from that Instant the days to .troan. . er of concrete was spread on, leaving milk should be welgbed ' eve~y time Madden were golden. . '" can't do It!" be cried, b!lt· tho In· a plaoo for a cement cblmney at ·the and they will never drin'll: too much. A In the frank, easy air of tbe studios stlnct ot the actor ~II strong In Mad· c llnter or tbe roof. The rafters and pair, of spring balancell hung _n a con· tbey ' aoon beCal;De far more l1itlrrtate deu, and promptly a t the bour named sheeting were left to give strengtb to v~ ni ent place will 801ve thle problem. All ' soon as the calf '11'111 eat It , In a short time than would have In. the ca.1I he enterO(! the theater. . the conorele; 'The floor WiLe also mnde been the oase under auy ·oUlell olr- . KepnMy, coatlesll, ~ot, and beaID' of cement and tncUiied . Bllghtly toward sbould bavil BlI the oats aud bran It cumatnnces but at aU ' times there Ing. seized upon him . one corner where 'an elgbt·gallQn Jar will ea t 118 well 8S brlgbt clover bay. was about'tbe girl a certalo sby ro"Hello, old man!" lje exclaimed. had been Bunk, I\lto whloh any wu ter There Is nothlog that will take tbe lJeM'e that checked ~ rapid an ad· joyously. " Oo ~e on and meet the might dt:aln. The doors of the house place of oats tor young c,IV08' raised vance. To l\{adden. ebe appeared as bunch. Say. I ve got the greatest werll made double, one opentng In- for tbe dairy, ~Vatei sbonld al80 be the oue girl or his life, and s.h e was ever, and no pa~er. hous~ In t~t. ward 'and tho other outwar.d. When provided tor the calvell at all tl1llea. It evidently not Indllfei'ent to .the . big. eIthe r. It we don t make em sit U!: ahut ey kept out the heat In Bum· Is a good plan to have a largo bucket . bandaome cbap, though she could not come on-bere's our leading .lady. mer a~d thll"cold In the winter. . to. set before them all th e time BlId Madden turnel!, nnd looked Into the the, will DeVIlI' drlnk too ml,loh at one rOlllsl ,tli", temptation to t ease. That waB one of her most charming e)'eB ot Els ie Proctor. time. After lhe calf Is sl.x wilek); old WHERt HOLSTEINS ORIGINATED. It Dlar be cbanlled to warm, sweet traits, altbougb at times It drove Him "Ml ss Bntes, this Is Mr; "Marshall to the brink of de spair. Madden-exouse me, please.. be said, .. aklm U1Uk. H you liave a band a~. of Thla Type of Dairy rlltor, tbl s Ie tbe Ideal wny to ralBe a ' "Why won't you ,' be dJrect with ·me. and rus becl away. Animal, . calf. It should not fall olf In f1csh or The girl \teld Ollt her hand, and , girl?" '. he pleaded. " You mU2t s ee • bo"" much I. cure-don't. I?lay wl tb s n~.lIed. . T,be I;attle known In Al;I1er.l cn 8S stop growing' at nit, nor will It, If you How ure yoU, Mr. Hampton," sbe e " but the girl would ouly smile Holstein-Friesians belong to tho short gll'e It good care. It 19 well to add a 1,lI . bi " said, IUJd laughed an utl(;~rtala little I born, low-land race, native to the lo.w- IItp e pll menl to the skim milk when nSIlru , . y. . laugh .. Send thie lifeline of home trade to your ocal .merchant.. When you 40 "You- vou kne w all th e time?" he 10 ' you are not only hetplng him, but you help your community lind yourself. IlI'lng. fertile lands of Europe border· the ' hnn ~e Is ma.d e. ~be cbaogo "'You . are very large tor n piny· If 'you permlit the competition of the mall·order houses to engulf him, hla de· Ing on the North Sea, of wblch raco, shotlld als o 'be mnde gradually. aft balf ' thing, Iro you riot ?" she would aay, gasped . . ;'Kenncdy $ent you to melan, the ' deat'ruetlon of your town and your Intereetl, Kllp yeur trom t.he dairy slandpolnt, the Hoi· II pound or s kim milk replaces so atruc:tlen laugbln:::ly, Il1ld ho would go ~wa~ loo-why, Oh , why dIdn't yOU tell me, · . aleln·Frleslan famJly Is tile most hl gb· much wholo milk, till Ule change I.s . railing ' Inwa~dly, and ocoaslonall, gi rl1'; She cnuld not but see the paln dollars at hume. . I Iy devoloped, These cnLtie might hllvo co~pl e t d , ~ol1lng ove r, to the hu ~t of hIs 8t,IldiO In his cyeB, ,an'd he r own s ottened. . In feeding 011 monl one should not fU,n,>ttur,e. . , ' "It-did It matte rl mucb?" she nd Interior fixtur es from us and for' 'cerieB Bhould make th e eas ern mati been' b duer named Friesian, s lace fe d too much' at IIl'Ilt. ;Just a lillie 'By and by she grew more gentl , a ' k d . ward the money In ad vance, for ~hat order house patrons tblnk be foTe they Fri esland, and the nelgbbOrlng Ilrov· pinch nnd Incr ease to a small .handful. and .co.llfidlld to him aome ot the de· s" ~I~, not to you. BU.L to me~l t bas Is 'our busln.c Bs method, and you sbnll send ' air anoth e r .orde~ · for "cheap loces of Holland, ·111 the centrlll bome ·The skim m.llk can be Increased sa tbo this breed of cattlc hilS from which tails \It her life-how. as '" child In tnken all th e gladness out or 1IC0 tOt . collect tram tbe business mcn In goods."-Helena Record. been so widely dJssemlnated over the cnl! grows olde r, BO that a Sill-monthS. .her poor, crampecl nnd bare New me or course I will resllP\ my flal't your vlclnlly as much money as you old w\l~ld , and trom w~ch' lIomolO,OOO old Clltr may seven or eight rlnglund h~e' Rhe had louged for In 'this company-{ know what YOUI can tor . the benefit ot your churches. Your Jocl11 dealer stands ready to head of (oundatlon stock has been pounds at a feed. Silage ma)' be added SOIl1O at the heautlful things ot lire ; teeilog~ must be at the bare sl l!lbt 01 Altbough WEI get morll money from The Frlesla'n to tb e rallon at six montha old and how In that hard soli her art:lBllo lal· me but I despise mys!!1t much more you tlian they do, stili It Is against duplicate every otter so seduotlvely brought to America. set forth In the catalogues of mall or, people are among the most cons~rva. bran take tbe place of oals en urel" ent had struggled toward bl08som, th~n YOIl' can I)Osslbly,' ho s aid, slow our rules to' donate money for build· d.,r houses' and m'ore, Says an ex· tlve of tlie Germanlo race, stili hold. becatlil(l or liB beliag cheaper It la Lhe and bow nt last she blld ~tlcceeded In' Iy and turned away. . Illg country' churches. gOOd, II beral feeder that mokeB money obtainIng n ·pt)Bltlon I . . New York :8he came nearer to him, and laid 8 Sixth-You shall buy. your tools change. He will trulll,p the b~Bt trick Ing tQ and speaking a,mong lbemsf))vea In the dairy buslncSB. It III well, boW'. · mall order hnuse ever played If the old F.rleslan language, ' allh'ougl1 ,tile closeJlt hand gently upon h1s arm. " ,from liS a,nd be your 0'11'\1 mechanIc, the 'which' enablcd ber b yoU will put down the apot cash and In order to drive i~e mechanics from accllpt trom hIm a claall I\f «oods de- also able to 'speak DI,I~cb, tho omclal eyer, to figure 10 III to feed all cheap ;economy to flnally come"t? Paris and . "Please don't," she said, 80m)': a ration as Posilible as long ..··It' II "I ,T bey have been take the course tnr wblch she bad "YOU-you want me to sta,!" he v~ur vicinity. for we WIBh It BO. void ot respectable ancestry, and upon language ot Ro~land. , . go~d. . longed . It would have ' to be sllort, stammered while a light of joy Seventh~you · . aha.ll Induce yo.uJ:' which no reput~!>le ' m\\nufacturer will oqually conBervatlve , In ' boldlng to 'however, sbe told him; she would II d In his eyes. '" neighbor to buy e'l'erYthlng trom ua. place hlB name. He cau Bell cbeOI) tbelr anCient Indu8try of cattle r!lar· HOW RECORDa HELP, lng, an occupation for . which tbelr Ihave to go bome early In tbe coming a.~~s" she answered' so softly that as we bave room for ~ore mon.e y- . goodB, too, If YOIl wUl buy them 11(,1m low.lylng lan!1s are especlally ' Jltted, fall, to again sec;:ure her· po.s ltlon. ~ he couid har~ly catch' the words. "I ~be le9S money there- la left. In your· him with your eye. shut. He can meet wIdowed. mother and two smaller tblnk we could act that parUng . 10 community the eooner we can put the l>est prIce ever made by ~ mall OJ' and, ,as the Roman blBtorlan Tacltu~ Farmer Can Mor.· lntetllgently Dete... mini From 'ftIhleh C,oW- ' to ereld, children required he~ sup~rt. well. on tlte stage, dearesl." )'our local mlerehanta .out of bUllnell . der' house If you will plan~ dowi,1 tbe speaks of them' nearly 1,900 yearl ago 'I' ' ' -,"Why, tljat might .!lQve been Jes· .And Inasmuch 8S they happened' to lind c;harge Y'OIl any price we .please. money and accept what be' glv., )'ou al cattle ' breed!lfa, paying a trllil!te if a dairy farmer hal ~t hll com. • be' standing behind an opportune piece Eighth-You shall loolt often' u'(; without question and without 'recoune In cattle and bIde" to the Roman ein· ale'8 story!" be exclaimed aloud. mand carefull'y Itept etaUitlcl. IcOn.' ( ~but you muit· not . e xpect· blm to plre, ao "e , tln~ them to-day . matklng "Then . sb~ h'a a my .. symp~thY, IIf scenery, 8.nd the other me!DberB or ~be beautiful i P~U~~II ~U1o~~or~e huabandrY their' main Induatry. cefnlng ~be ' yle~~a of his Clpwa.'.he' '11 though l 'do not '\(no,w. ber, mlsle said. the Com y were gathered about °lgthle. sho you s 8 I I dlate' tn bll ' place of .bUllne.. eTel:1 day til dalll)' Holding mainly to cine occupation In a much bet.ter pOilitlon to decide h th Id f th ' a t oug you are no t n mme •• h ' 1" ~ho Is 8 e , Kennedy· at. teo . er 8 e 0 e d f tb I dl oth r'll'llIo yoa the year ready and 'II'lIl1n, to furnlah 'dowO: ' thrqugb the coli'tulllea, and from which cOlVa It II ' adYiAble ,that ' Re fluBhed Ii mUe, thinking bow stage, :,~o on.e saw what happened ~~e ht ?havee ls o:e ~ODey e to buy expert ~elp 'w~en you are In troubleI In. tbe bu.-Iue's from father to. aon, he abould rear than ·the farmer who lert read)' and 'II"III~ to atand back of e'l" P ,. near be :bad come to 'glvlng away his then ellCt!pt tbe old janitor, and he ne!e8sar oods \If your local mer. erytblq he nlll! wltb bls own, reJ/ut.. It would be Itrange Indeed, ....,. blS not 'tbat dellnlte Informatinn at secret. .. will nevcr tell. ohants. .Y " . .: Farmeri' , Re'l'lew, .It: tbelr breed of hand. . Fat. assuming that~ a lIelrer. "Ob, just a charactor In a play, ~e Nlnth-Yotl Ihan haye the mecb __• tif.lll·. and the. 'II'armt,. of. a •.reipen.... cattle caU la' broUCbi. up 'In 'an' orthodox man. ble company; " " did 'n ot reach , . ' II. very hleb de- ner, . two lactol'll contrql Itl e'l'entu&1 said. . ". To t.r'I.a k' 8tudy of Indian" . tea wbo repair tbe loodl you buy Honeat, no",. dOll't you really pat . of de';elo,p ment .. 10 I~: Is In no "And, "'the . play's th,e tblng,: Iln't Tbe Peabody Museum of Arcbaeol· trom U8 book tbe bill 80 you oan lend uaefulneie ~ a dal17 cow, hamel,., ' on the haclt wben )'ou IIpend way .surprlalng ,t hat , we al10uld the quantity and the quality of the I~"" .· she mu~urfild, ber eyes filled ogy and Ethnology .o f · Harvard II the mODe, for hi' labor to UI tor ~ew ',ourself your ·money In lucb a tba~ In IUP- theee Frlellan dairymen pollelaed ;. uPon a ,dlat~~ point. . making arrangemenlli to Hnd a party KoodB, otheT1.. 18.e .be will not ljoUce plyIng )lour own wanlll you ·belp build a breed of cattle whlcb, aa an all. mill' procfuced Jl1.11II anceat!ll'll, ' ,-he , Madden startled. . Had she thIs summer. to Btudy the Nez Perce3 lUI' Innuence.. • . up the . nellhborbOod . In . 'II'blcb .yoU ' around illI,lry 'breed, II luperlor , to an)' fact that a g~. , (qll~Uijo) milker II 'Penetrated his 'make,belleve? Almost Indians In Idaho. Tbe elfort will ~e to Tenth~Yoll lhall, In cue of Ilqcl. lI'1'e? Of cocrse you, do, and' you act 'her breed·,knq~. , but rarely ,bred , from a wOr. milker, . at OlJ,ee; however, slro changed the learn somethIng ot tbe language and tont, slckoe,1I or need, apply to yonr nD that Idea' yourself, but the trouble " ahd .t hat , a· Ilea", m,ljkrD~ d~m -II 111l. subject, and be gradually grew reas· customs of the tribe, about Which' lit· local. dealers fnr aW and. credit. .. II ' that yOU, don't talk It enou,11 to iy ~ produce a cood . mllltlg off•. ' DAtRY, NOTEe,. aprlng, hal long baeD 1'eaI"~, ~ut tb • . aured ." tie 1a known, as tbey are & . secretive lYe do not know you. ' . your frlenda.-Streator (111.) Presl, ___ . , J(s the time fo~ his .retur·n to New people. H. ' J. Splnden, an Instructor ., . " fact-, t\lat a , i!bor QP!illq ,prOducln« Never uae mUlty II' dirtY utter. . cow': Invariably .liPPIl be. York dM·W nearer, Madl!en presled in Ule department of anthropology, Home Trlda Hlnte: We are Qr"en Inclined to mistake progeny the aatne tfafUq Is • Point Iils' suit with 'more, alld more ard\lur, will be til charge cif the work, aDd A dollar spent at home lltan tac.k 'of "«umptlon~' ~or "bal'!l Jack," Qlat la otten oYe'tlOo~" TIle .truth only ~ be kept g~ntly at a 8!lfe haye aa '''hIs R. Hehman, bome and may' return to you after . Keep the ..itable aUd «tali,. roOm In. or . b"Oth theae-, ,rulH _Dot, '. be 'too . 8. student In the 'm eillcal sChoO.1. They 1anJlll. , ( I few d.YII. goo\l condition, ftesh aIr/ drT and ,Itroqly emphutled, Tb'8J' hol4 ttlle. • . -At last the ~Igbt before the 'day on will , leave Oambrldge Immedla~IY . If you want to make four own ~'II'D clean, " .' , not onl". direct: from lem..e to remaJ8• -wblcb he "ui to leaYe:.arrlved. He atter the ', elolo of the oollege year' and tn:OlVeroua )'ou tWill' Ipend. rour mone,. The' Imlta~on liVea 1uI~ u good ..t. but allO (rOm teiDale ~ ~e to lIad called to ' liee bel', and foun'd her wtll .spend about ' 11.x weeka In tbe In Tour OWD town In preference to tlf1aotllon .a • .the gennlne lui lone aa 11\ temale. . There are qUl~ .. ~)"",_ 'WIth lusplcloUIIly bright ey,ea. Her 'York, afier wblcb Mr. Spin den '11'111 go lOme blIPr bura a 10DI ~ qIL I.CUllel:enc:e II ndt Down IODII wby record Of. QUalltJ '.QUId",", lIand1rerchte~ wq crUllll1led 4,!lto a ~ WashIngton . . .The 'to start a 'II'~ oat \If Uti Good ' juctaPnent 'ot,·,~ore ''I'IIla. kept, . • there: .... ,for . . ,~Iq' Of '!tUe damp ball l'b her hand" apd her' ..:--...;----ml,. II aU ~. hOl1l8l to P1IIl to- thanel\~.r kno~l~ or IklU, . aJ. recordl of ,.a~ttt)o, ~ .UlIN I. , . , .tendt\r torm drooped wearily. ' Rapid RI" of American· Boy: pth.. .' to ,smtl toptller. iii . , nob fa ' ll..rrable. .• ~ fot, kMP,iDJ ~ , ¥"adden I~atedblmaelf upon. the Ranlford D. Buckman, of Worcea~•• ~~~IY ·~~: ~dftmh~bGD.~" 'Whfn are .~ ~ m,DIc ~t :COucb "bealde her, and took her ~and8 tel', Mall., recently apjlol.uted naval tbqqId be ~ecl ,to blood b_t,'" In hIs. • . advller to lbe·lultan of Turkey, II now tQte 1l1lDl ~ I~ . . , ~aH .,......: "I am l lollig to-morro", ' dear," he In command 0; the nest whlob: ruardi wb(a,perecl. ' "WUJ )'OU nol ..y yOU the Bospborns ,and the ~daneU", If to elIre ,. uttle !Dr me--that )'ou mIght, with thl ",nk of adml~1. HI, tnt .ome dB)'T'" esperJence u a ..lIor "'.11 'lalDed On "1-1 do ' car*; Weldon," tbe girl tIrI sreat J,akea, 'II'ben be w.. ~ . . ,~, 110'11'11; "._ 'more lhaa t ha.,." b


0' .'











alfa)rs of state on acCOUllt or tbe baby, nnd at tlmes when he should be sit. t lng In c\luncll CIIIl be rouud playing " '., on the nursorY Iloor wltb bls little son. Tbe otlle r day there was a hue and cry. The klng's sceptre conld not ~dmirotion Qe round, and It was wonted at onco. 'rhey round It In the nursery, the prl nclI or the AStlu'I(lS hod It. Old they tuke It a'w ay? )I/o! BuL Lhe king told oil tbe councillors about It, lind de· clared tbat It was tbe cutest thing tbat tile little !'fiscal hod yet done. The young ,k lng's assumption ot the role of M.r. Newlywe(t took place on tbe day of the baby's birth, when, we ~Grents read, be' appear\lcl Iletore the waiting party ot noblea wi th tbe little altaver ~re on a sliver tra,y, his U1aJCI!ty'a race wearing an e.'(l)r 8610n of "limillng pride' nnd fatb erly JOY." "I:he kltlg '~ (OUPIe was gone, and tho tlokled daddY had taken hla plano. Since tllen tllO pa· pors lIave bee n filled wltb stories showing how closelY,. the royal I)arent resembles. the amusing creation of Mr. Tbe Newlyweds' baby hill! been dis· Ndla.nul. ~Overcd In real, IIC • . 110 Is no figmout First or all.' tbo king showed great of Oeorgo ?'lcManus' Imaglnatlou, 1'\0 concern over possible k.ldnaDlng or bls \:reallon of tbe comlo al'l161, bllt II young aon. So did Mr. Newlywed, as relll, b"l!athln~, ·' Da·cla·lng" Infant, tbe will be relllembered, ami once wben be thou gbt the- baby lIud been stolc,!II, ,pride lind r uler or' th e house hold. And hili J)arenl.8 ? Wh, Mr, be madc lite tO,wn hldeou8 with his Mrs. N'ewlywlld. of conrse. Their mO·Rna. Alfonso llUd guards Illaoed • tual nallles? Willi, Mr. Nowlywed's all abolll the palace. and none coulel r RI..itame II AJronso, Hilil hlB pretty come or go wlLhout bavlng very , IIttJ wlte ' Is c:a:lrcll Vlotprla. 'rh~ ,bundle searol1ed tl) lIec It It 1l11aht ba~y'S na'll Is Alf(Joso PIc) O"laUno contllLn the little prince, Eduardo Frll1l.OIaco OUI'II rmo Carlos ' 900d Omen at ClIrlltenlng. F;nrllJue Jo'ernnndo Antonio. And he Is At the chrlstenlu"', wben the ' baby the prince or , tbe .Asturias, ' belr al)' " pa rent to tbe throne of Spain! ' W/l8 Inde n wllb ' lho handlcRp oJ nD.llI ll s AU ~he world lovel a lovor, an" all that it must carry lhrougb lit&, tbe In· ... tont. hold'.In the klng1s arms, crlod as the world lau8hB at Ihll pretty pranks the walet was placed 00 Its forehcad. or a YOluig couple with tbel! , tbst Porr. Newlywod-th~t Is, King Alfonso baby. 'X'h y do IUoh rldlculou8 tblngs, -smiled so widely that the assembled they talk ' such foolish baby talk, and ultitudo burst Into cheers, soom so oblivIous of wbat others mol' "Jt's good Juck," said he to the think of tbel11. Evel'y one recogni zes Queen, who stood by blm ; " 'the little the to;ewlywede as drawo by l\fo~lauu8 darling c~I6I. That means good for. In T.he Wol'lll, on,4 that Is U,le reason tuno." And the baby said, "Da.da! , . of their gr at success as a comiC da.da-da-da!" f!'lllluJ'e. ~ut, altbougb It Is' generally ~ MrR. Ne wlywed, Queen VJctorla, kMlwn !.bat their prototypes m,u st ex· wanted to nurse th\! ' baby herselC. lIt In· real lite, It ",as hardlY to bc ex· :)'hls shocked ill q natives. No ,quoen Tlec ted that 80 dlgl\.lfted a ceuple liS , Spain hod evor don e such a thing tho king lind quean of Spain 'would beroro, ' But this Queen Insisted. " I fnml.h so I\otablc an example, Yet \\'ouldn't havo auyone else nursing my tbe pallers are ringing with stories ot little ,If 019 118," , s ho Raid. Dut at ' their antics 48 proud, silly I)arol~ts, le ngth Il wus round Impractica ble, II,I,d and It v' r Ulere w' re 1\ lltr. and tIIrs, a wet lIllrse was brollgbt In frem ~be ]licWII'Wed they are tbe ones. . peasant, ,,'strlcta, The queen Inspect. Not only all Mlldl'ld, wblch h's l! tho ell til e cnndldlltas ror thlB Imllortantc he nqr of being' t~e Ilursery of Iho [lost he"aelt, and the final selection "01111" "-'-ce, bu!·- nIl 'lie world Is Ill.' Wll!! mude by h er, w hlle "'I r . ". J ., " ,'UJ • "aw Iy. terell ed In the daily events In the w~d , down In tile parlor, told a sei'ect this seJon of ro"nl'''' . palaAe "'bere ~ u " , ~, Is gathering or grnn'd eell some new beln'" nurtUred through bls early In· , ' I I t I I th N Y k W Id s.orleg of tho exp 0 (S 0 t Ie 111' nce. .. , or . Nur.e'a Gorgeoul Uniform. fancy, says e ew or Curloalty I, Unlveraal. According to roports, th~ nurlle Is a " What Is he dolog? How III I,e to- "splendid brunella of 23, Sbe well'li a da:ll 1 Has he a good nurse! CRn he uniform or red vel vel trimmed wltb ; put bls' too In his mouth Y(lt?" Theue gold Ilrald r a necklace of small gold arc dally qllestions encountered I"t t'he coln~, ('.arrlng8 to match, a large silk Madrid brldge parLles al.~!L!~~~~;t;baA4Itoi=.tal:....cDlUWiIlg...thaJlulIl·, wlltle ping hour. Curiosity II a silk IItocklogll and low patent·leather plethor~ ,or details which-are allowed shoes wlt;1t sliver buqklos.'; .' to creep out ·of . the palnc "wltbout Tile kJng, It III Bald. haa started a . much re8t~alnt. Tft(l popnlace, and tbe "Baby Book." lu th,ls lI'i.tle volume, royal tamlly Beem nearer togethe~ bound In white parcbment and em· tbao over before. It Is all the work bolllahlld with gold mountings, be nnd of that baby. " From all that can b(1 'learned, the ):oung king and his brlele are a most human ']lnir. Tho king Is Just .a fa· ther, p~oud of. hie b~by. an4 taklnK more In~ertlit In 111m tban ~

How the "Lavish Ois-' plav of Love and , Which the Lustv Young Heir 'to the Throne of

Spoln Is tleCeiVing from Hi,s Adoring Sh()ws Thot ,

11 Just like ,all otber bllblel. Tbe taOl Ihut there IB stili fear arQlmd tbl! pal· ace that ho may . bo kldnapod Bnd a eh:rngellr.$ put In bls Illnee J).J'oyce LIlat tile s'OYIII flllrents arc afl'ald tbat they couldn't tel\' him f,'om one of their InCa ue p ~nRl\Jl t subjects, 1f he looks lUre other babies. then he un: doubt dly bebaves like th m. fie will, ot course, go tllrough the II rlod oC teetblng, nnd ,probabl)' will not hesl· tato to howl bls I'oyol bead ot! when he becomes mixed up wt'th the colic. On sucb QccoBlori's the kin g will, of course, walk the floor with hJm at nlgll t, whlie the queen h eotll the pare· gorlc. The prince of t.he Asturias w,lIl soon reacb the "brlgbt Buying" age . . Wben tllat !hall bave cOllie they will be parlous tim es [01' the Sponlsb grandee. When th klng comes Into the council chnmbel' , with a smile on 1Iis ,· tnce, some day, tlley will be able to' tell by 'all the signs that he Is jUl!t about to spring "th e very latesl thing the lItt1e fellow cas just said," Then thoy will bave to Ilsten while he te lls them all Jlbout It. Ther wtll be no escape, Ilny Illor tbnn tb re Is from th averllge proud fa t.her who reta ils th remark! or 1,ls youn g hbpet ul to II bo red crowd on a street corner, Hlo Firat Achievement. There will be fUll about t be palace .;hen lhe 'llrlnce of the Asturills first 'cre 1J1I over to n table and pulls him· selt 1111 o n bls wllbbly le/:8 by mcane ot the table clo th. Then clln you Imagine th excitement on tbe part I>f 111'1'. nod Mra. Newlywed? The enUre entourage or courtlel1l will be broughl 111 to 8 the wOIld'erful ballpenill!;, and, of coursol Ule court Photographer

They Just the Serine GsevervOther


After ,All! '


lIaually' For In.tanee. we leam thatahow8.' ~he ot\ler, day he' went hi tile ' ,nurslln" arid happened to see llama plcture,books'lbat ha4 'been ,glv, en ~be" l,mby. The yo,,~ prlnco II bar~b old enough ' yet., to enjoy pIC., tnre-bookil~ but people don' t tlilnk of thOle 'tblng'e 'wben thllY liCIt IJrl'.lIents, for a bah1. S!;i tbe, plckt~lJc?o~B were , there. , Tbe kJug picked pne up aod' lht,hced thl1lugb It, o~e eye' ~ed ad!lJil-lnllly' ,Il'lhe prince, who ~as trying to ,Pllt '~· ~III iI!~ th' ~I,! foYal , ~ye. Tbe kl~g gave Utile. exolamaUolI as .r~e' t1lrned , tlie' pagel: 'I • 'J'wIiy,';' ,II\Jd l:Ie, "'ltla, .Is. not, good meat (In, w~ch to !e,~ ,~ ,prince of ' Spain; IIlsten to,thll." Thereupon be rrL"'i'i-_ _';':""~""'~"!""":.,-t.~_I-~"" .reid aloud to the qUM~: .. '~c~ \Udale diddle. the Cl\t nnel ~hC nd· dIe. . 'l'1l" cow 1Uf11pe'" ptler, th ml>()n, . 'l'hll 11\11, tiloA' 11l41r1\cd tn rille! "'Iuh ~ I'l~rt, Al'la the Wah tIi/l :a1"aY . wltl, the spoon.' " . "And tho plcturel!" he "Tbey are .'Il~~ -the ' .thlnlll ' tlj)l\ to be bX!bIit up OD. ; uliun awa oUi~ ' Jet the ~~Ue baT~ PlotOre- iI."U\1 fI.Iled " Ith ~dlers a,..... he can ~ee. brlcht. ..e 'bla mUe beart'tllled .·1fllth:~~tlrrlil:e· or 'War "lOry'. Wbll~


The Magnificent Cradle In Whlct the , Royal BabYi' Alfonao Plo Crlltlnt Eduardo Fra!1claco Guillermo Carlol En~lque Fernande.,An,t onlo, PrInce 'ot the Aaturl .., Takot Hla Aftern,oon Napa" . wnl be call d to ' take a picture or hIE royal hJgbness Btandlng u p. Un lfo rm~ will be ordered fQr lIlm, for tben h E will have become old e nollgb to be ~ gooarai In tbe 'army ' (axt parte) tlud troops w.l1l be reviewed or blm. 'Nothing In th ese accoun ts of the family lire of the king and Queen wll' aBtoulll h young- rlarents wbo 1'. ad tbem. But It 18 surprising that I'oyalt) can so far forg et Itsclf as to act I1kE ordinary humanlt)' , The fact of thE matter must be tha~ King Alfonso and Queen Victoria ar-e /I. very lovlpg, lov, able pall., filled with buman nature, democratic ' and good·natured. Th, Iiaby, then". mUSl Inbarlt these 'gooli t~alt!l, au.d his development will b, watched a good deal more ~o)'rully bI tbe world' than If' Iils dally doing.' we re hedged about with mystery. Doubtless, be·tore long the tr:lng and glleen Dnd the royal strlplh1~ will f1ave turnls~ed the Newlywed , artist with ,80me good .material tor comic pl,ctures. ' .' FIR"T PA..TENT iN ' AMEAIC1,., .. n .~ "rall .... to' 'Joaaph 'Jenka, Who Eata'" .... · t'.... ... lIah,d Iron Wllrka In New EnDI~nd. :filet flrst patent In. Amerld. was granted to Joseph Jeq:ka, a foUnder an. m.acblniBt who had emlg..atee! frolR Hamme emitD, England, wbere ,he ' ,wILS born In ~,802. ." was ~ Ter,' I~ge~ou. man ; and was !n«luced by OOV.' WIllthroP ' the to come to 'Lynn. Ma8~. , about as ma8ter mecbanlc, to elltabUllb Iron ~nd 8teet" worktl" I ttie acknowledged head 01 sll\elUng and (ounding 'busl. nesR Jlnd tbe ,ftrst b~ilder ~f ' mac'hln· ery .In this country, and IIrst'. patentee of IlIveDtlon' in Anlerllla,hl!.vlllg, In. ' 1 tl'Oduced the Idea",'(.Orlt grante d' by act, at pa~lIamt!nt In ie'S). of , proten; tion ' for the ml\Jluf!lcture of im Inentjl . by petlUon ~p he governmo!nt r '" h 't BaY" 0 , ',.. asSOC,.US(h I "' - 11\ lilt6 he tOO,I [ pllotente to'r .ml!1 1m· pro,.em\!1l 11\ and In 1656 tie patented the ' present form ot Ilie gra.1II scythe, rOi wl\lCh shonld j)e held III gratein ' 1811& )1e ~ae!e coInage of IlUJney, In 1651 tbe order




...!!PQ~ .

PAlLED rN SMALL·THINQS. Congrellman Evidently Waa No Here to Hla Wife. Tbere II a 'certain congress mllu who. v,'batever authority' he, may hole! In the councils ot state, Is of compara. lively minor ImJ)Ortancc' til hlB own househotd. ' Indeed, 'It has been unklnrllY ,lntImatlld tl\at his wife Is "the WHOLE REGIMENT CAPTURED. 'l\'JJole thin g" .In their est.ahilishmenl Representative and 1\11·S. , Blank bad been to Baltimore one ' atternoon, Judge Allen Relate. Story or a Blood· ' less Victory. Wben tbey left tbe train a t Washing· ton, on tbelr return, Mrs. Blank dla· , Judge H I1 ry Clay All en, or ci rcuit covered that her umbrella, wblcb Jiaa court, parllclllnted In tbe, capture of been Intrusted to tb e care or 'her hurta regiment oC confedcrnte 1!0I dle1's. bone!, was- missing. ' "Wberc'B my umbrella!" sbe de- and there wns bal'dly a s hot fired III tbe whole i'erforllllLnce. manded. "It It hnd happened during the Span· "rm afraid rve forgotten It, my the people of lbe coun· Is h·Amerlcan dalf," meekly answered ,thIS congreB. try would never ba ve got t-brough man. "It muet sllll be In the traln." "In tpe train!" snorted tbe lady. talking about It, and yet Il was not "And to think tbat the alttitrs of tbe so common In tho days of th e cLvll notion are Intrust.ed to a man who war for one rogiment to capture nn· doesn't know e nough to take care of a other wlLbont tile Ol'lug II single shot. woman's umbrellal"-S\lccess Maga· But In thoBe days there we 1'0 too many things fo r t he n W811llpe rs to Elne. talk abo ut, nnd the Incident wa s 11111'0 ' Iy m ntloned," sa id Judge Allen. PURIFIED LIFE INSUIRANCE, "Tt was near Alexandria, La" III Benefits from New Law, Which R.. 18G4. A lot ot us rellows, all Infantry· men, hnd be n mounted on old nngs mi!lns Substantllllly Unclhanged. w picked UI] 'awny down Soulh liter. Througb tbo InfluenclI of Gov. We W ,. advllnclllg ' cauUously aud Hughes, the New York Legislature de- so rt of b aUng tlle conrederates out cided to malce no rlldlcal cbonges III ot t he hus heR, wheu suddenly we cum lbe new Ins ul'llnce law. It was poInted UJlOll II ballery In the roael ahead of out by Cov. Hughes tbat tbEI Ne w York liS. And Ulore we stoPII(ul. " Tllllt ni gh t we mounte d thpse old law has ,already accomplished wl~. spread reforms, with proportionate horses, 30 of us all told. with nptolll benefits to policyholders" Ilnd that It J ake Smith In command, and mndo 1\ s hould be given 0. thoroull:h trial be· lonl!' de tour by which we were to fore any amt;ndments were serIously come 'Ull to the rear of Ule battery, conslderold. It Js estimated that the We wer (ollowed at a distance bY' a cost of the mismanagement df the past r eglmeut o( Infantrymen on root, ond did not nvel'llge morc than 20 cents to we had o1'd~ r.B to surround any sentry each pollc)'bolder, while tihe bene1Us we might meet I\nd to hold him as a to present and futura p(lllcybolders prisoner, So tbe 30 of us rode along will amount to many tlmell more and In a row, ten feet apart. t 't was so be cumulative besides. ' The speed dark lha t We could not see th e horses craze o.f the big companIes and the ex. next til UB. "On we rodo without ellco'u nterlng cesslve cost of securing new business was the most extravagant evil of the OilY one until we heard wbat sound ed old managements. Under the -new like a. whole regiment of mounted men regime the cost of new blllllness has coming down tbe road ahead ot us. already been greatly r educed, along We baIte d and waited. Wben tbey with other economies. The showing made by the J~qultable Llfe Assurance SOCiety In Its report tor 190Q was a strong argument ngaln.~t meddling with the new law. In the Equitable alone tllNe was a saving of over $2,000,000 In el!penses, besides an Increase in the Income from ' the SocIety's a8sets amounting ' to as much more. The r~lt.l08 of tlIe Equitable's total enellses ~ Its total Income was 19.42% In 190t, 17.38% In 1905, and only 1.... 8% In 11106. 'rbs dlvldendll paid to Equitable poUey. 1I0iders In 1906 amounted to $7,289,734, Which was an incrl!ase of more than J% over 1905:' , While the Equitable maile Il. better Ihowlng tban any other bl]!:' company, lit' reported radical economies and un· ler such condltJons the :Leg16Iature wIsely decided to leave th,e law BubYou Move and I'll Blow Your Brain. , ltaatlally a 8, It stands. Out, SYMPATHY FOR -"HE "IS~, were close e nQugh Jake called a hol t. Upton 8In::IIlI,o. Amazln" Parable, on "'Advance and give tbe countp,r· Charity of the "bh', . slg'n : he comIDuncle d. . "Well, s ir, It was the most Coollllh U~ton Sinclair, In on address t.efore tblng J ever heard 'o f an offiter dOing, • body of ChJcago SoclaUsts, Ia.ld of but the captain In cbarge of tbat charity: squad of confedel'~te B obeyed that or· , "The average cbarlty, th'e charity of del', W e learned after9,1ard that tbe the rIch, seems ' rathe r fUltile to me. men In chal'ge ot tb calltsl n were on Tbe rich oppress tbe poor 'snormollsly, tb elr way to an outside vlcket line, "As the cOI/tllln IIpproached he S liP ' !.ben iliey belp them' sllgbtly. It Is like ilie young lady angle,r., ' posed, ot course, that we were confed· .. 'Wily,' said a man to this yoang erate soldiers, Jake got the ml\glc lady, 'do you always carry • bottle of word, lbon the confede,'ate captain lInlmen~ with yoti on youI' flslllllg ex· telt a revolver pressed close IIgalnst lIls Win l)le. , curslons?' " "'You move and 1'1) blow XQur Sbe sIghed. , .. '1 am BOrry.' Ihe mid plaintively, brains oull' Jake suld . "The man surre ndored. bls com, '[or the Door IIlUe 6sb. A.nd 110, whlfD I take ooe ot! tho hook, I alwaYII rub mond, We approscbed and s ur round· ed hls men, The re Wllre ao of tbemI~ cut mouth with 80me Unlment.'· os many 08 there were of U8. And they were the maddest lot of men you On the Honeymoon. , "So you were well pleae.e d with tbe ,ever saw In-your lire I1uL tl19 cDptaln tralil on which' you took your wed- surrendered Ihem. They called him a IIlng trip?" said the bOlsom frlond'. coward. I hav~ often wondered !llnce that time what ever Iiecamo or him. "Was It an accommodation tl'aln?" ';We ,ordered them to give ,il] thei r The. young man's tace beamed with .mls, and for a little bit there seemed dellghl "I should say It was an accommoda- to be trOUble ahead, for when lhe men Uon tralo," be confideJ!: "Wby, ,t he reached tor their carbines , we heard porter put the light Qut overy Ume we tbe guns cocking. It was sleeting and raining, and 1 SUPIIose none or tbe reacbed a tunne!." guns wOl\ld have gone ot! If we had trilld to do any shoollng, tbough one A Poke at ,Hi,I', MIIII Knox-I dqn't like, ber. Sbe'. of our dlon, a boy of 17, dId level bls gun at one. or' tbem who refllsed to forever talldn.c abont berself. Misl Wile (polntedIY)-WoJl, that', Burrender, end be p'u lled tbe trigger, tietter than talking about ICIme ODe but the gun railed , to go ot!. .But they finally dropped their guns In tbe mild elH.~Pblladelphla Ledlor. 'or handed them over and six or eight WENT TO TEA of UB marched the SO back to the regl· Dlenl The regiment formed a Bort of At;'d It Wound Her BObbin, hollow square-Ltbe ' bull pen,' we cail· Ild It-and we marched tbe' 30 In to th«:l Tea drinking frequentlyatfeeul .,eo. pen. ' . Regiment Falla In, pie as badly as colfee. JJ.. la'dy In Sail. '''Then all or liS marcbed on Into the bury, Md., says ~:J.t abE' wall ,compelled to abandon the uso ' of cotree a camp. Jake had the counteril lgo,' Oet· good mnny 100rl ago~ l1eeause ' It ~ng ,t )V~8 eaB)',. And when Wll ,got · threatened to ruin her hel~th .\lnd tHat Into camp It was all too ellsy to be ahe ""e~ ,over. to tea drlnkirlg, but called war, We simply orderml the Onolly, abe bad dyspepsia 110 bad thilt meu to 'fall In' and they did. I ahall sbo bad lost twenty·1lve pounds and never' Jorget how ono of those fe llQws ncted. I ·told ' hilp to ·ta l) In; and he no food seemed to 'agrlle with her: ' She furtber' lays: "!WI thll tlme ' I stllrtj!d to obey, bll t he Insia ted on was lnduce~ to take UP, ' Ute famous, lending B bony old bO~8 e .. wltb him• food arlnk, POlltum, !lnd 1ltall 80 mucb FlnnHy 1 turn ed to him alld , said: pfesl~d 'WIth 't he' rellultll ' that. I have , .. 'Fall In \le re! .!i\1 rry! Dgn't . you " Dever been without It Illooe. I com. know YOIl are a prI8Qiler?' "He looked ot me like he bad owak· m.encect to Imp.roTe at oQlce, 'regallled my twenty·llve pounds of Be9b and ened from a dream. He bad ll!;ked .no ~csqon s'. He sup po!; d we were' c!ln· ',we~t 8Ome'. beyond my uII1al welaht. ' "I ; Icno" PoiIt\lm t9 ' be - good, pure, i6derRte officel'lt and that · th ~aJllP hd lIealtHul. and there t,eVer W.I an wall to be move d, [ au 11IlQ~ e, , <\11 IrtlCle, and Dever wDi he. I believe, tbl'Ough that ])erformance there was that daea 8Q aurely talc. the place of hardly a shot fired and there was 8\1 Il9lfee, .. PoRum.FoOd ' The \I ttle noise tbat ROp!e of the, conte~er. beaut, alit aD iii ..Uafy,lq atea 'Who h\\d,1>een lett on nlcket , d.~ty dida;t know tbat the l'egJment they bI!longed to had been captured. UI BOt a1q too 10Qll" 1.1 .. Jb4 to II . . "We marched the wholo regiment "-ck to our. reaiment and put ~


~li&i3ilan~di1rot~derfa1JJ ........


lUen In th e 'bull pen' olong with tho cenre dl)ra,te captalu and hl ~ ao 1Il011llled picked men. "When we were tbrough with thelle tellows we preceeded to copture the , ba tlel'y, a,"d ~h el'e we hnd some real t1ghth\ g tor a II ltle bi t, but It didn' t last long. Ono or two of them bod to be convinced with bayonets and there was some firing. But we got the bat· tery, men , guns olid all. "Thu t firing at til e ba tlery awak· elled the officers wbo were ~ I eep ln g 1)1 a. big bouse a sbort dlsumce away, and one of lhom, I think he was a col· onel, cnme I'~nnlng out toward th ballery. Som cllstonee nwa)' bl: call· ed: "'What's all tbls shootIng about? ' "But he did not wolt for a re illy. He saw whitt bad happened and he hurried ba k to the ,house, He hu come OUl there 10 his nl ght , clothea. and r su ppose 'that be must have grab· bed his clothes as be wont t1irou gb tile houso agal'n, but wl1ether he gnt them or not be' took to a denlle woods on Ule otber side ot tho bouse a nd we never saw 111m agai n. Out we got the rest ot the officers, "And whell all the men were In the 'bu ll Ilcn'-tll re must hovo bfi!o ll 5,00 or GOO of them nil tO ld-we marched them back ucross a little cree k 0 short dl s tonce awn y an d established n cnmll th I' so that we wo uld have Ildvanl. age of tbe br idge In defending our cantp In cas I) I' In[orcements hall I) U· ad to be on Ih way to this !loint. But we ha(l no sllch trouble. \>, e gill nway with those Ilr lsoners una It was all he· calise t ha t confederate captain ~d · I:anced to give th ~ counte rsign InstOtA" ot ol·tl erlng liB to send a DIan te 111m. as lie sbould havo (lone. I )" all!/: would IIlce to know w'hll te er b'lcalJ'le at that cllplaln," HOWARD ON GRANT. Former General Gives Characterlstic& and ' I ncldents In Life of tho Qreat Commander. G n. Charles H, Howard, In his talk at tbe Appomottox celebration of Colum bia post, ' told of many trults and cha rncterlstl S ot Oen . o rant, with whom tbe 8peal,er served in the army of the Teimessee: Wllile testifying to the well·known reser v In speech of Gen. Grant, his fO rlnel' assoclnte said ttll1t Lbe g reat general ' was by no moalls on unsocial mnn_ "Oen, Crant was thoughtful ot tbe comfort and the feelings or Ule om· cElrs !lnd men wH b wbom ,he was In contact," said Gen, Howarcj. "He wa~ , not. of course, loqunt:lous, nor was he silent and uncommunlcntlve. He talked well nnd Int IJIgently, and look bls as· soclates tn to his conlldence' as muob as WIlS 'desirable or Wise, tor one In his poslUon, In battle be-was a study In Ule cool and sane conduct at tb e sltulltlon, ' ' "At tile battle of Lookou t mountain r wns carrying orders bet ween blm IIh~ my divisio n, and r was struel, with tbe perfect ajlllreclation he 'bad of tbe real state of nt!fllrs In every Ilart of the field, a field which etretched, remem· ber, over miles of country. He never forgot, whell 1 gave him' news, JU8t bolY the port of the mov ements Ire· ported had stood an bour, 01' two hours, before. "The whole Drogress of the engage· ment IYOS clearly In his mind, from Its bCi'gl nnlng to the moment, ond YO UJllay b 8U I'0 It was well o~tll"e(1 also as to ' lbe s lIcceedlng bOllrs and events of lhe battle, "Grant wns never prof/me ' In hI s speech. In a ll of my assoclnting with him- and I was closely assoclt:ited with hllll- [ liever beard blm URe an outh, or swenr at all. H la repugnan,c to vulgarity In 1I1ng liage Is well known. fie would not end urll It III his lues· nc. His rel;llrd fo'r other/! was strollg; lind h was a uotlent man, but Ih ra wos a limi t to his llOUll nce. Tba t limit was reacbed, Rn~ he quickly showed It, when any Olle began wag, glng a, loose or llroCAue tongue In his presence. "Althougb Orant was of direct, SilO' IIle speech lind manners, careleSS in bls dl'ess and ne ve r a slickler for etl· quette, be had a nnlural and Quiet illg· nlty wblch was felt b)' all with whom he came In contact. He ne ver hnd to assert hlmselr. What, ho was sbowed too well." As ' I lislened, dellgllted, to tbe r em· Inlscenc~s ot the gollont Howard, In his earnest, unassn mlng IIltle talk. writes Ada O. Sweet, In Obloogo Jour· 11111, 1 was reminded of 1\ story of Gruut, a happening atter he bad lert the presidential cbalr. He was always . the same man, wherever be ' was. . At the titile of which I , speak. a dIn· n er had been gll'en In Grant's bonor, alld while the afte r·dlnne r cigars were smoked, story telling was going on. A s tory teller, toward th!! end o'f the ses· slon, wltb a 'lee r around tIlE; room; 8ald, ' as a J,lrerace to his contribution to tbe entertainment: "There are no ladles jlrescnl, I believe; aud 80 I may tell tbls little"story,'" ' "Out there nre gentlemen bere! ' protested Orant, and tbfl abashed Btory teller withdrew from tbe arena. ' To Europe Via Huci~on Bay, The ' Mnnltobo.' govel'Dmeut Is pr epurlng (0 finance a 'ral1roac\ LIne rr'Qm Winnipeg to a port oil Hudson bay,. molting 11 aport route to E\lropean markets. Some ot tbe , pc:ople' ot. I\Iiln· ltobn ass r t tbat the line would mean a suvlng' of ' 8e~eraJ million dollllrs an'· nually, tbe ",(ater route being a.:mucb cbenllol' 'Iv\ y to ship to Eut;Opo tban ~he 'Iqpg .. traln houlacroaa. t.h\3 COnU· nent. ,R.,portll from ex plorers who bave spont, lUuch>time In Hudson bay sal" there IB opell- wat~ r ror at .Ioaat ' six mllnthB In ~e 'yoor. The S!allroad from Wlnnlpe,g "ould be 6410 or TOIl mllell long, through a countrY dllllcult for railroad bulldlllR, owing to mall1 IloUlhl anel rlTen•

aL__ _

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j ' ,llt!1 w" "I; ,II' lilY II'h'II~' 1I III l , " ' 1I 1l h Iii : t'll r j u,, 1. p :\I;~L' , I , lI ll>! , Alldl'''\\' ' .1 , "1111111, L"WI" 'I\l II. I",./ll n hll ~~Y 0I1!l, 1 1111 " (' nfl,) u !/11; t1Il ("hur l "I-"'UI~ , 'I IH~IJlIlIg r 'l\jt\eTlq KIIII!!~~ 11"'ll & 11 ilf, III~' II I 11\ PM , 11\1' 1I1IH' In I11 III It l~f I II k in ,1 I\ "~n of 1\ h 1' " 11 1'1\' tHl' lliill h I. h') m ll n .. Ilfl ~ 1 '"l illl\l'~~ ut' t(\nt' lIlLY" (Inl w lI s " lilt n f !lit' [d 1111 , o f lil Y, I hll l ]liI\ (,l' 'J'hU I'llI111 ~' 111'\',,111 1(, Mr Ori ffio III h Ili, yo\ln gllr (111) ' 1m.\' 111).>1 Oil Y in Wn Y Il,,;iv lll~, ' h , . ' (1111'11 l1l\1.1 he " ill , fllil in g Hvt\d "I, !illl'v (lY!lbul' ~ II I (1 Ulll n 'l d 1 hl\ \'I j 'l~ I1Ul il' I" tl'enllIlJ Il (J M. h nn l\lll ,11ll'U tb o , fir!!!. 01 I hl ytlll r Mt!\~ M,,~ y IlI'I O\1 of WlI yn ,' lilli, t'url\\'ril( l\1 '~ " I'r y III I l' r ~ti\l !; (pU tii' lm l lllltl un l .v), 11 uritHlilly III f ill' H II WIl>! Il bro t h e r tu ItIW uf A , 1I '1 111 Y"I1I' I,," 1 1~~11I' I t \I'''~ t'll1 uf n ~ll(\k PI'\' ("Ilint; his d nt h. Oh a nnlllr on d M i , ' l. i7,ZI ',.no ll . l ll" "' I'~ l In Ihu, ,<'HIlC' j ull y l~h U Il hl~ MI' ::;,'u l'~ it< "'" II ,jf ;\11":1, Mury '- -' f1' I 'I r ell'I'/< In ~ht) g'i rl~ t)I' uu r b<)\' rILl d lIpp, I llI'll1,1I'ly If W hly h Hyille, 111\« Mrs , lIfH l' gle M i ll. I G .'n 10r g rl'f' 1111I,'., fil l' I rIJ IlWlUIl I'1' rh" t, IH" II IHI 1 I'; "1I 1" \\'bo.1 It.\' uu 111I'I. b. l ,if ~) , rtf , YOlulll" . Oh iO jl:l 1.111' g,h' t " l'• U11 [< 1'11 I ~1' I'\"(' j .. , lWfh ""'11 1' t o ~o" 1,111' "IU1\ ,' /{I l'i, \I'l:I l' ~ ", ,'1'0 lI ul6 f r m MIH~'~ Itn 111< 1' 11 1111 Mur l h .l Ulll'lll" tI 'l ,uhh' II I dl l1'or" l1 I. 11 111,... 111 1I1l 1' hl' I' >, hi" t.;1,1;!1111l111 1'\1\\ ,,\ ,,:> IH' H'Il I Ug IIIILl M 1''' P ff .~ n h p ' <lr ~]l'1l1 I HI r 1 t , 0 '" 'J1 '11111 h \\' 111 I 11 11' 111 111 I II II ~ 1 tll! I W,'I'" \ . , ~y I \I'g\'h' l\l t ,11Il ( y nungtl r dll.)'11 , In II,Y I:'l' 1' 1 ,~ lin t r,"', l't' IIH'ntilm' !ll " r h' lhodlllt 'un '1'Ill! 1"lIoII' l ng IIh1tllIlC ,\ ' \\' II S ro'l,.1 tlltl f!lIlJl ly Of "Lt', 11" \ . , I'S , _, no I ' I ' d ll\' "l'lW "\ \I IlU Ilk ~Ir ,· <':lIr~,Y l'i g ht, u ! III., 1'11111'1'11 1 : Mill .. lI ud 1II0V"ct 11 "' '1 )' fro ln II/ r. . ' , , , I I · t ' • I bll ,l II ('lll ltl -h no.1 ~ \\' ~tll lt l' u\' t I n 'h'lI l t'~ ,I , . \111'- ' "' /1>1 " \\\'11 n tIt' Iblrt tlvn yl'l\ l '~ II ~I! , 11'.1' IIi; I' I ~I" .. I " d n llthl l' ~r.hlJ{) 1 ~ h "" l ~ III tf':I h ~ I' , \ .. l lItllI II , ;\1" >in 'I't ,wns hi p. (llll", bem g t rt fl n v ,' urN ~1 1l (' " , , M l~s I." IH ZI~ II, un \I ' I' \,I'1I no\\' , I I' ll ri,,,' l.ilh , lrllillll lll l clio d,1I1 hI.; 1111111 '" - - - -d ' /l H'm h r fl U I' III' Y" \' "' 1, tl l'll ll !1'1II , I II 1I:II've,v ~lm rg, )h lo, ' AIl )'{ll!<i. ' . Co ilrt "urrnv e n S , i\ k h pt'>r ed \\'v rlllllJ , t o t' ~lI t' hul l II ellI S" .. r l\I Cli, lI gl'll 10 ~'tl!II' ~. \I lIl "nl hs II lid , r lln ~ n , c a e cs bl \' ~ III ::5 n nt\lI v ::;c'l",n l lll ! hlll 11111 2~ ,lu y~ H tl \\'u,; th o ~ tlll "f .loseph Mr . Iln el Mrs, 'on r !' !\1urrIlY, WhO I ~h ;'~ w Bu M h .I'vl' trif'll t h l' " utd i lie n ll,l ~j l\ry ~t!llr~, ) l )l his wu .s Ul OII d In , R og~r~. ' A rlull\ KII ~, 11 .I ou" , 1I 11cl th o wt' c ni t! 1:(11 o n In ',·tI i n Ih" .,IIl1\ /l IIl I,.It ,v Wlil' I'U II few wt'ek 01;(\ IlIl v 1; '" II t l. Ir l ttltl\ ,,~t, I n ti fin •• Lol y I'urn ll iuj,\ !hu Wtl)' nesvil1e fr wDdR I' n\l!1tll llt illl ev j . ~ • • Il t l S IIlh l i ll('l<l e n h~ III '; \11' lJOY, " Icl "r "I"tlll' (tllII II IllI'l b e r j,o Il hlllrn d1lO~6 of th 'iT 1 "l'lIl t',r to fh um b;V l h IlO(1. Btll, th of.. t. t., W I\ \' 1\ (':,I\,11\' hlH IIl~. lind II h o t of frimld., ~elldl l\t< II, "nxnf 1lI11 t,l lliti c',' n t 111l1l ( l\' l will III I' IIY. f l'lIIlti n a h ll il \~ull Il ot . 'It ,I1'lL'.I"H li fe wU ' LIS lin 0 vou Ill! (0 b dl trllJUI c1 11 m n ~~ 1 t.he lll ~ I t l) tim' ~('ll~ Iln tl lln\lg ht l'S Whl"'ll vo r tl' , ole A ll w ho Iwow hi lll. k ll , .illd Al iberul l\ hC\t'e ro ll r~) Ihe lo t uf t,h l \. IIl Il Y n, lIull lU t lJ JllIC!"t " I II h bu t ,) b' Itldll> l dlltl~, h o u .~s t, kii1d, Mr unli Mrs, T , ,I, .6rowlI , ut' Ihll i vet y nl~:;\,\1 Ii{( 1 0lln 11 11"U), !llld uml 11I111trlll. 1I111 ),i titlll to b tl inde

Death of ChnrllesSenrs.

1" II h



Hnme~ Seekers'. EXGu[s,ion, to

Texas, ·August·20 and Sapt.··. I. \+' 1'I H e llil C III l .... 'l\!'X ;\ ~ . II 1IIt!;tIlR III nOl,- BIG' MONEY - (0 VOU if ~ (I~ Il ':~ a wa c til l \' v~l u t i l 1I-a.griqll lll r a l. , li ll ll,UI ial, s(Icitlir-inall!:,lI,rat ult bl" thuUi!I\Ildli elf lh r \'e l I't',' p it' II',JIII Ih ... 0 1,1 ' I' H_lIl l'~ , I" 'opl wilh 1I11II C \' ar ' goi l1 ~ into 0111h rn l'l!x lI l'l. Ill' ill no, n llt (' r JlII 't' 1 (Ii' ih .· ,,' 01'111 l od " .I' V al1 ....l\ il l'" g' ro wll1 g' 01 11 (\ cl c \'~' lo PUle l :t Hi makin g I'll pHI It ' a"W;ty , Il'

Th ' l'


i,: ,

Gnze t.te ', II Ul U fo O th iuk nf , tll!) I,hl l ' I\\' U, 'Ir '111rrol' ," r il os Ihll! b i~ l'OII!!" , " , " , wlw r e 1 1\11 ut Ill y 1)() h out!. will'/' e l u, \\l t h w h ont h 11I1I!>!'!! h l H h a lli e 1 w n t ttl;; hoo l llna wlLol'I W n~l'tJ luHl WIW lll lit! i!l ll~"isti llg ill curi nj{ l t ogo o' ' ~ \I ,It Ir, U . {\ rl er '\ { \1r I;: t .1' r11J fo r hi ll ilu m pn!!11 f rn it orops p u l l . . , " b 11 11 1 u uly w i~ll w blltl n U JI\ " $ ~ OOO (Or h ill fnrl i l in Bil to n ,'O Il UI,.\' cowin g Il " tory yelll' Ilud wI~h ut A I' ku ll l<n!l,n l IV y ""r~ II g0 , o n\I.~ ow l l'b i S t im o t xtllnll III V k inuest I'll , h e wo u ld \llll I nlet! lhut SU Ul fo r hi,. " , gflrd~ bo m y a Ids It \l tJ llJllltll~ . 1I I1Il IIII c r" 1 II IIII If-' HilS ye ll' , , I ~ 111 " I d ' lU Y f Tl e nd At W II,y n \' 11 , , Ir~ , u rlllY" fr 1\ R W i ll be W il:Jllill l-\' y o u l:ull tI Il Ut' J 8 IW I't'.... Io(I . n 1:0 k ll. w t,b ll! II r lJell lth is, r IlI lIin Iflllch ImllroVrcl "i rll'e Nh o r fl t u l'nC'd II y ,llll':\ YOI'Y t r u Iy, tn Ih e Frn u k 0 , AII~l1 n ,


w.,.. "

r l'Oltl t hl ll i ll

'I' h l s (. 11 111 ; l ies 11 11 il(l LIi ,' l d c'S ur ti ll' I r;t~ "S !'i n !", "lid i s III Ih e 'i~t O llcl \1 P- /' II I' '1!\lltl1l i .; tI Il ltrth 11'~'1I1 : 11.' , :ls l el'll h OI1 I1'I.,,' \' i ~ 1,1 llIt1l'S IVl',, 1 I£Ull <; I UI1 , ,!lId "l,,"II 5U luil l's frulIl ~ht' : HosclIiJcrg- is lIl'ar t lo t! C" IIL" r , UII ti ll' W 'S I l1 an k ::l1J 1' t h e B r nl('Is , J I lias II hu i.ll ]OOU




IIIl ':Oll ti l1 l; 'l1 u lIl r l' - .:: li uI Hli',;a ll.l p er 1'", 1, n \;II. f(, rt ll " II ' I',cs~ i blc ' lI nd I,' ort flc lit! \ ,11 II l I ,c ad s" r,," c a,il l1 ol kllo )w - ' . HI I 1111 11tH i m .l g ill ll wh .. 1 lIli..; rl'gi ll " I~ li ll ie ';;; \ 1,1I pcl'~Oll ulll' IllV ' -{ lIt'lI t ll, ' I'h e l' , I tl III · r~ a'''' o"~r 2.l){)11 "CI'I' -; " I' I h l s flJ r l i l~ la ndl wnc il U\' W aIT II CO IlI'~Y IlIrtll.!r !O, an.1 IIlOh! ( lIallll ,,")'1 tl Lal of aiIlOIl ,1I 11 11' 11 'd b y Olt io }J ' u,p il: . w Hi ,It IIl ak.:s ,11 11 1" II ': \lICl,I lY ill l it is .1'l lIl : fr.) 111 Uh io. Bcll uIV li, "1 full I!t:"l rilJ lI C>1I or Ii" ,rt H ~ II.I. ' l) U II I.\' . ' l t' 'i!'\

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1-" 'l'lIl lI l ill n 111 I ') ~1 ,,1(! . ·3 Pro p c rt y :t ~'~ c~S ll le ll t I'J(),~ , $;:' , S:!~ , 7 :l0. '.1'1 ;~ sl1rl'lI n' t Il' v I, g- rat\ lI nl ~ Iup Iu tlt e >lout h, a nd tI .e I'ui l i s I','cog lll ze (\ II ~ ti ll! ric l" ' l III lite worlel , 1l 11ll(tl S bohoullttlrl ys l c r r".' k h ll li ~ aru "q u ll l 111 fc rl i ll tl' t il th " l a nrl ~ II f Ill e l'li l ' . ' l'hi s v a ll. v :" " .. .,,; ,':1 tl 10 \0 mllO:1:I in wi,l l lt, ;11111 c ross .. " tlil' CO llll t y f r c llI Ho rt lt lVCSI 10 !lOIl,lh C' II HI. 11 w a s orig iunll r •·... '·l' r dl willt clell ~ I nl' ::; 1. bUl n o w it. g' r "w~ CO I'Il , ' OllOIl , ~I\ g llr " IIIl C, 1 1'1 ' 11 a lltl !\ II' Cll t potalocS, lIIl,lu u • I' ULlJH g C UII\! Ill! !;i ntl s I' \·I!)..' ' Ia hl e:; by carload . ', '.I.' h c w id', 0 111' 11 p,l'II i ri CR 0 11 e llh e r , Hi e of t ill' lIr : I')I"~ ' wh icl in forwc r t i lll ' : Wl! r ' ov e r e cl willt IOtl g , \) \l IC g rll S, a r. nOw bc iu g' ol1 vl'rt cd inlo f ljrttl>l , 11/!1I !anil, Ihal were I h o ll g h l to b \Vonltl e s , ); ct' pt fo r g raz lIl g', tlrc fl O W p r o r~tn hl y c lIll'IV II lCd. '> \, ~ c i ll lly II I ri The prtl1 rics arc c rt) s' d by nUl" ro u s <; 1O [t li 2 tl'(, I1I111', \) o rd~ red uy foresl s;, The pr lf l ' 11':11 .r ,"' s " ,~ \' Itv-~ oak', IllI c k oll k, w ai llul , hurl' 011 1(, pi ll o al( ; p ec lI l1, el m , 'y pr' SM " lid ce d ar, (llld ,U II' I I: a l'l' :. bu lll iiO .. th e r vari ulic s ind ig cnou s to th e s oil. T he lI11de r·g-I'(Il 11l(l walln' uppl ' is a s ablllll la). (' a IhnL \I t' Ih. ~ ur' A I :!Il feet tI e p 011 th e p rni'n e~ II ii n ~ t l'<Ihlln of wate r i ll fou nd , and othc '" I n il 1 <:.I ;ltinu l! aho ut (' V l~"y _0 01' f) fce lll lill l "t ' I -I O fe d I u J ,inch wdl will a lIonl e llOlll{lt ,w aleI' 10 i ll i/(<ll l ' IUU tI I'tl tl ot ri ~(' , Il UlllpccI h \' "lc alll o r !;a Il li ll c bl'l g inc . A t a Kr ate r d eVth artesian wal " .. I p ru ·" r.·,1. , 'fIll',:" i l11 l11e USe Irl'i g a~io ll COlllp iL n ius bui lt ' lIoa l8, i1l IY03. '['h e :S I'i\ ~O, . ~ tulles uorth uf l~ [ ' 1I1l," 111 1111 Ihca s t sit! o f t h · ri ve r , Irrig-i, tc cl h 00 c\(' r e:; o f r,i 'c , Illlll .(, th er g re at plaut ha y I... 11 Im. l lL llc cl, )II ~ n;' 111 Irri g n l e.l hUU ut: r es with tou r WI'lI :, aud lIl auy oth e rs ar irrigating- f ro m I,\) 10 1 0 a lII H, 'fILIl y i el rl f ri 'C i 1 to 1U bll gs per nc r ' j co rn 11 11 tI,o prllirie 20 40 bu s he ls ; in 111' illll O lll ~ . II 10 ()O;~ CO l t Oll I .. III I bale : lI ){ al' , 120 p O\1I1 /1 s ; lIIol a ss es . lIlU gh ll o ll ~ ; lri sh polalocs UJU b ll~ h d ' ~ \Y .' ,' l pu t,,l oc" :!oo; m i1 l \l l , ~ lOll S: ' orghUfII. ~ l o n, Th e lIIanulllc lurc of SIII!!lr i s ex t" Il: iI·... , 'fh e ~l1 l(a l l " 1 1l1 1'" 11 11 'r.)' , l il t! l arg('sl IIi ti ll:: :onllt i s \0 m iles CIl i' t o f ' I~ i · hm o o(1. Th er e arc nll ll~ II ( ' alla l' lia, I:IlIol l l null Ar col :l, :I n(\ otile r l1dl l ~ an' ' i ( \l al ell i n ol iiTe rt; llt pa rt s of the Bra )lo:; va lley. I,t' Ilks 1" lIlIe l"" " ",r up lI1 ills, I'el rol elllll oil ,I:! lJe li V ' (\ t .j ' XI t ill la r fYC lI\1ulllit te · I\! Damonu" ,,'u'"ltl 11 1111 BIt . l· r iot !:: \'. 1\ "l ib ar ' h l Ug- )j l1 re d Itl l hc Re I \;l !.I r ic k lav IS i n '1lIu udan e. Landt; lI uv' a.I \, II II '; 'el III pri c,' WiLhiu LL) yca r ~ to tl o u\.) le t hc lr p rol' i 1I ~ valli e .

jJl'll d " llt IIIIlI " tiC'I ,(,t<~ fll, 1 In Iii , l:1 10il, tI I hr ough hrn t 1lll(1 collI , rnin 1111.1 " t u l'lll wi t h \I ~ 10 01'1\1\11' or t;om IJ lullIt; 11\'\" .' )''' cllonrl'll l nlwuy, , rt· "tl ~' til ti c) wlIIHt' V I' t h I' \\'11 , l O t' hill t'ro iln, H wntl e ~.lrt'JJlel y ki n d UlIl11:t, l' f 111 "Itlt hl ~ tenlll ~u(l 10 ' 11 1,1 ,111m b Ilnl lllllls tlln t fell Il u tler ' !il fl I Il r ll , I'rudy t o ~II Flfice b ts u w" L'I lI t'nr t for l h fl i l's UIlY t ime, 1JM '\'O'!: Iful r d ,1 to L izzi IJ llkoo s ~ n IH!I'!; wh o . n f(lw Y ,Ir lifter th" lt' ull i\' n bce'lUl It ()onlln u d IIn(l


!lI m st hflllJl lJ~" ~ ll n\mll' fl'O IIl 1'l1 ulfll llti!jlll ' Ih I.h ili "I\\\(t.lo u 'lIl1l'1 e.l' n l" l' fllll,uetl ; h e tlCC1ept ,I ttl in Crt ',l <letl ClII' I' ,Wi t h til lun ch eer , fu l ,\l A I "'~itI OU Ih n t ,£lo m ed to he It lIll n of h i,; li ftt, l:Ie WI\i' p'l llont nn ll I o hom la nd ~ se ll ;l l *20 10 ' 4 PI' '' a I' 'i p ra ir ie IU IIII. II' 11\ $10 tl' $2 ; illlprov ·tt l;tud s ,, "0 III 1l!1t kin d in h ili 1'11 1'11 fur h i~ nll:lit:totl w lh •. lo" ill ~ n nd f o r gn 'in g to o tl lf.lI'~ h illlt c r , All t lt ~ , c it ol lltll(l lI,e lti I y Lhe ' ~a~1! lIllV\! b c ' /1 e ltied within Ih c pas t H y ears, MallY la rg" pa.ll t'U .. . Hl ill ' XI t. a nti C(lIl laill fro lll ,!OOO to' IU.oO a ·r.:~ " a c h. Th s' h o la s ll POPIlI ,.lIoll IIf lilt: nOli pen it ent ftlr h i;; " \'I'll Rhor t ~'Olll lo gs, COl1 ul v I ') I) 1I 1111 Lh ' I'e a I" (,(, s ' ho, hi, 'I' wo i nti 'tJ ~ llci III <Ii tri e l s vot o u 100111 I;ll( o f -1 ve ' "1 th e JIll) W II h Mle IIltLU)" ·irOIlIll tnnces vH llI u t io n I ~ \1l.'pl e \u O: ll t l it ' l a l e IIc h ool 1' 111111 , N ' nrl y QIl l! ' halr lh e ~e h o ol <II (Ii el !; Ylli e a !:ipeclul lllK ontl utlUction u t c f th QTlliullry o f 3 0e , T he O"h'(!, t On , lIa r r i burl{ ' r\ a ll Ant nl1 lo, a ll d Ne w Yo rk, '1' xns and ,\I l'Xi illl r . il'wII ' h or t li fe', 20 ' , t ha t t~wftll tI l' d f nelm g, t oo !link thnt CRm ~ h im I n h i. ltDcl fnin t t o \ ork, t oo well 10 go t o 'I t rav er c l it' COl lu l y l' f'I)l u cas l to \\' ~ . t; ' l' h e (;lIlf, '0 101' 01 11 0 •. , Santa Ife froUl \lorlhwe~ t to ~outhdllil: ,1 1" 1 I _I ' , ,1 An elaborate omenu W1I8 S r ved, hed , lot n hu ve Ii t l 'kn owlodge of ".'. t w on , . ~IH to I I , I unrllilo llIlu th e ~i1 U Anlo nio l " r\f a ll :m ll Pas's, ill th \! IIl' rih er ll pur L "r lh e co unty. Frolll'eaH ~ tu wes ~; the Iul l;! rllumueq more so th,," printerfl llre n o, t lLll suffer i ng t h ei r WOI;I\tlU go ' dl. hea d flu JllnJ , by /I II rl'e nE:th vf 1l0 ll a i " , G rent I 'o rt!ic fII 111 th l' clI s t el"U par t 0 1 tI, COllnt \, frou ;-northe a s l to slluthwcst, allli Lh e SU!:'llrcostomed ,to pllrtakeu o f, aorl Il ' sn, thro ng h dny af ter dllY, luny tiUlcS oh ra I ~r !l Jd(\1lI li t. pi llS 11111 OIllD, ries ' or t on t s wer.e llrEl!lentnd lu l'Muoh llIuess HI attributed to hilion ' lie hatt lerl !o (~ vlOI,nr y . IpfI,ving t o hilld r ail road 11<1<; e ' lh rollg'" lh ' ylltur Cree k n lll,1 Ura zo :; botlom lanlls . The miJuDJ(t! ul lhusc road 1 f 1 ' I ' nes ~r t il e nfter effec t, of IL cold th o P. wh t) ~ n \V h im 0 well ond in lh CII Ull tl' ap lHox i111al "s Jilli. l~ i ' hIllO tld, lit 0 11111 .1' S lit. is 011 lhc WIl f .ballk of th Ura7. ull r i ver' t liP ' en. tee 8nt el\!;Iy I'1ty " f wbe n It,'! r oally 1\ dernngem e n t of ' y ~e m ollused by lo vu,] b h o ScI , muc h , !l. hea uti fu \ WI \ \'r O pll lll)r a ri ~~ Otl tl lIl , IIlh une! W (,S I. 'l'h e plll'ulaliOIl is J5oo, Otll ll r lOW I)S Ilre Simonlon: I<'ul• " Deacon " Cr/.\ne, U8 h IS I!! ,kll own J tb Il er vons Rmong his typogrnpbiCllI brethre o w ellku s or lI [ e~e of t he 'e ni tll l mt> m orv f ,. life lilled with kind s h t! a r l Fo ~ lt' r. Ct\.d i n , i ~l ' , o nn 'it y,.s4nrrord. Duke . Ar' la " N e dl'llI. 1I~" Kelllletou, l:ie lt s le ' and Is a m ember of the Bual/less ' om- orgilll s, I t seelU , II s hnlllfl t.hat, flOt" , Hill life \\IlL ft llu l with kind o lh e r s el i. Lri b nl l! d o v~ r lip: count y. Th or \va R a s ~ ss 11 for lax aUolI III Ihe ·,)11\11 )' la:i l 'ye .. ~ 37,60:" . 1w om en llOultl su O'e r 0 Wll ' 0 t-II I'e 0 til , Hi!:! lIohle elf norifi a , his c alli c . DO" Itor s(' s and IUlll e and Il 04 h o-gs,- --', -...~.. ' - unttee of the OnIOn , aDd was grEl/Lt , Is tl Slife, hllroLulesll r e m edy t h o t w i II ly instrull1R1lt,ltl In mukiog the cele , r estora to tlle m t,btl plou ulll h O'I1th hj" kind . plltien t II n.l loving curo C. G. WILLIAMSON, brstlon Ihe great success itwo ~ . I tblltmnkes )lerfec t "', 1\I1l11l1oo fl , , fa r hi~ \vife i ll h oI' II nle *100, nnel onr R l!al H ' latt; tll.d IUllu igr.l.lI II At{cllt. Zooa, Ph 0 1'11. dil!llells n er\' o ll~ d i ' ~r , I\ ~ lov f,lr h im , 111 11 kos u s ftl I , orders of w om en becll n e It r egu t ha t w 1\ rll ~ t him wi th i~ lovi,n g From Mr , E E , EbrIg ht OotUes llttes th e m eo(J6\l IlI,d relie ves Ihem ,. , I annOnUC(!Ul tlnt, of the B bme Com 10 L' p' lll' n , ' It I' S '~ood rCI111y -"'entl v mnrd fn\ H OIl ve nl y 'Filth r, 1~ ,' , , --, .. Wl ... Farmer is Instant1y " ,......,~ ...., ...,........--....,..,iJ..,;,J.~iJ1''''''"',.J..,...,..........,,~.., lug nt Albion. IllinoIs, o f th e form , III the o1.u e of p rolup ue because i t er residents of Edwnrels County, to strengthe u th ~ mn cles upport io g Killed ~~~~ghtnin~ be beld August 21 2i1 dnd 2:1 the part!! und ~eo ,ws the n e r ve Grange Pi(~nie Ilurry Denrth I' U Struck Whl'le 'at " , , force It t:eru o'V es Imd pre vents to - -- -- - , ~ Mr. Ebrlgbt lind lUI! fli mlly wer e 11t1l1l1l t ioD, O!>ugbs tion !lnd Ilnntlt , 'l'b o I~nnun l pioulc I1 m1 r e llnio n o r Work in n Tobncco Patch Neur 10 enthu~ed with the B OUIe Go ming urn I dlBoharg fr om t,\Je ge nitul tho melllber s of tbe Wnrren ( Jou n , ' ned Lil)n. We are C\ ntident ' I at Waynesville lllst y ellr t bllt they orgn o ~-t11 e e rUsetl e t,hn t. II P t,be ty ( run go WIlS h e ld Ilt th e L (lbll ll()n 01 0 1\1' 1I111liW, t.0 lit.! fltol,orily ol1re t,)r set the movement Oil f o~ t lit onoe very life , destror the tISSll /'R 'Lud l1!Lrry DUll l'l h, ~ (l1l uf 1-l,1lI11 .... 1 finlllly hutter the n QrvOu s . ~y~telll, ~'Il i l' Grounds Ills t Wed n esdllY lind D e..rth . IV" " Mt r ll' It " lII,i i n:lt.llI t ly upon then returD bOOl A, ILod the ' I t is wllrv 10uH 1D its M nl o tfeo t~ Wilt:' n ttbnded py' fa,r mers frolll ull killed by IIg hlllil1g . (I \lrin ~ ~h \l r " n ,~ blls in, .," S, Intrn!l te'" ~ Q 1II'''rlil' I'm-" . , II l O llS nll(\llr8 ,." llId , t ll 8,v ,~ lelld a~ ~ • eonaequen de is,' a. RpJendid l)rogrnm and women wb o h~ve boon tired, p rr.s of the Coun ty , h pll VY t buIHtc /'!;t o rn' Ih ll t 1 11 1';;4I'fl t.o (ou r llus Lom nr R " Are con81 ~tent ~ilh Sltf" blUl~hl l{ metborts . has been arraDIl!d for "he tbree 'lIaMes!!, lvitb hllllo.1lLohes IInC! ba ck 4 over "th ' . Ii ,c tlo n , u hOI1 t.:J 'ul c l. days, lit whloh Gov, Deneen will , Ilobei! 1:!1Ilfriog the ir e v I'Y pleasure Mond1.lY nfternoou . Whil e nt, WOrk SCI" illte~,es t p/llfliln ~n Vlll'~ )\('"ouutA! ' t h8ve in" single w eek heell ohan ~ed ~....................... ~ In t h e tollncco IJlltc h fit hIli h onlf k dd 1 tl mR e an 1.R- rellS, nne 0 , 101 no;a., fr"Ol s offering , moro, e, Irr i tnhl e ...... -- . . . . .' .... . TheI. . Cl·"-lzens Banko Y nenr .Red Lio n. , 'I'h .. ligbtning .. bl e8 wIII un present , b eing s to hrlght , haj)PY obeerful I I 1J a II , Among otber literature Mr, wOll1en who flod pl sll tne In their • st ruok ~iUl sqlubs y ,,!o t I~ l ' ~s DlRI!l 'TORS

D, r" Ili'IUW, (I f , ' pl'ingflel\l. wllo l - -I IIroeli Ih .. prlnt.ers trade in thelNervolis Women Mioml Guz t.t.e om ee 1\ qUlLr te l' of u Suffer No More century Il g n , and bus IlIlIm 11 SI1('.()e8, • fnland s kiTlfld Ollerlltor of 0 lIu t Yl)e i1enUyand Alone You Bear with f or II uumhllr of yoars , enlls us n I Patience, Burdens lhnt Would II copy of 'J1he' Rprin g fiol(l DIlIIY; Crush trong ,Men. f II h I' 1...- ,ry 0 f ~I " g Iving " N eWD. 1\ 11 I' I I 1 I' t I cl th works of the 'rypogrllphi Cll I Uni o~ rh o~ I~~ds ~;1 0 \~~rn:n u ~' h Ot!~~ d~~s No, 117, the t wenty fifth nnn iv r llll , Ilr~ fill'd with on Mot ' ufl'el'io'g, Tyof who!!(! o rgl11llUl tion w.~ eele , Th er e it! , th e dull bea lIobe, tll bra~ din fit tlll g ,st y l fl Mouday, ,fnly drll~gi u ~ bao.k AOb , tt~e h ot fill 10 ,






1 L

, , '










'E bright send8 0. hanc\!!olll b ook, let of sixty {mges beautifully iIIIlS, tl ' ' , tra te , gl yjng IL sliol'tl sketob <If, the UODle coming idell, ill whieli Mr , Ebright r \l6ives full cr edit for the suggostion Rnd hltl efforts In miLk i It .. cees!:! ug a .,u ' Be, sldll!!,tllere ore l etters f rO ID for_ ' mer l ol81deDts,skel,ohe ll' of promloent, eltizeu~, business wri.t,o,uP8, et o" tua.klnf( II very Il t trllotive' lind in " " tere8t piece of hter :l t,uro" BI'sldes tlle hOll o ~ of boiu g I,h l) Instigu tor o f th e Idp.lI, Mr. E:lm ght is II /U emb'l "f t,\J't;! E, ' II(lllti \' 0 ContI , ell, Is olUlh:mllll o f IIIIl flnllo cfl (' 011 1,



miLteu, 1\11<1 lIis dllug htec, Mrs An, ' ' , nil StII.' ll I III I' IIIl11'nlnn 0 f II Ie mllSIC ~ornmitl e(', nnrl hi ll "UII i ll ,law, Dr, , S. B, Rtnbl, Jj!ltlid t'i!i " " ing ~ " retmy of Ib t) Association. if< It I" e mber o f severn.! 'o mmitlee ; Oln l! of whioh ill to h8t;/ ~ e hnrgll I)f 1.11': rEllie 1'00111 i ' I !lnl our O~ , ~

B \1'11 'Il I Q ,t II ~

, ~' l1 r oess

() f

fi~dwnl'Ll ou'.,n t.,r .t c\ lII fl' ~~om i ri~,


----~Fr"nk' [) l\ 11:'rln In I'C 'J(lwi ug hi s subsol'ltltl (m I') Ih e (,I ll "-!! ! t e' wl'ile!! " 118 f ol ln 'YI<' , J \\,I .. h t o lI oK ll l) wl >'uge illt (,f y o nI' no " , of r ecenl, '11' ll e , rece


bouseb old rln t-IIlS beotluse t,h ey hfl \'c 11 ne w nn (l n oturul st,r e,l lglh hl per " form t h e m wi t h out. htl!!ne, 'lin ply by u se of tbe w onderful Z ))I , Pl1fl rn, ZJ" ft hora hUll h elped l111Dclrerl!' and t h oll RILnd <i Ilf w om en to heli lth , s ngtll IIn(1 the jny ot,1t vi ng, 'l'lI e only wn,y In whl 1\ YOl1l11l1 5' r , elli,·e t h e -~lllI1 e bon -nfit 1;0 t o (In "~.~ ti l'"v did , Go t o y onr rlrug .. ist /I nrI 111'0 cure a doHal' b ottl e Zon Ph orll , Begin u ing It t 'once II c('lIl'(\ in g t o I . d' (' f d i ll ' I II tlln Ireo lOD ~ oun 1\ 10 'pa c (. " ge, If llny fur ther rm ~ t1i) o ( , pr!" ll t e 'udvice Is lI e~h'ed , I,lte Z(>ll PhoTll COOlpnoy , Knlo.l.\.lU 'l.ou , Mi h , ,' wl]l gl" d ly unHWCI' nil q uesti ons if h , J u st Ils k Ih e l\rug y 1\1 wi'ite tern ~tlltt, f or Z()/ll' Pbb O~ - n o otldle r explll 'I ' nn.lonn eel eglveo- un you \\'11 rt'ce\ve I,he m dlo.ine ulreudy pre d ' t, t,I 10 l' I g IIt (lit r e ,COllljJOllO d 0 d I n lUll Ilr Opol'l,illn!;t, IInrl pu c t1L> in' . ul\!d , s t rili:l. d , oTi e lI ollUl" llo ttle~, Will Y0l1l1 0t now ~hllo t.lH o ppn l·t,\1 T1lty i~ bof l l' you " _ _ _ ___ c

Baby Pulled _




Down Hot Jelly "

$ ILBON'S $~;:~tr:~v 1~~:~nJ n~) t~~~!~Oll o~ ~1:~ $ $ Speci~lsWeek.For This $ w~r~'be~rth~~ f~lthe;~\~~IIO ~~~v=~ $ $ K'

, ~ ....




sh'Ir t s,

M' I en s The Gem.

D ozen

mo~ tl )',


, 0, h' I en II uress S Ir S, 1.01\ kind, ,


$ $ $

75c kind ' !iOe kind,



50c , ·IOe

to 450, size!;! front

1 1 ' 17Y.',1


I ' ~ k h . " ne ,.. ,' c ",wor irts. Blze J - ,." tl c kmd, now 35c 'fhi I S the be, s t opportunity to lay in your supply of shirts you have ever had,




call and loee thelll. " ~ ' W~ carry a fuji line of the,



em o.venlls, c,o ats,, Jack· etB, hlrts, etc, Th,e best line made, , When you need SHOES see ,G

I £a (' Cb'\'d C H J h n •n I a arry () n s Oadly Uurned ':I' be - -, , US, ', ' u iJI)~~lDt ~bdild of .Mr. (11\1l Mrli. E u.ury . oun s ull lI ' Ullrrow esollJ1tl lttra' nice' Calicoes if ," I ' h" .!'OUI, seri ous oJury last Pridu y gmg aOlS, ,

und you will ple>t!'l,e find the ,'Ieces 1\, el',~~lD~lt I ry ,,1.00 ill t,hi" IlJt,tllr, tLoo theryp,lu~8' Ie t e pne lllanaged t il g,e t. llu lJ8Crl lltlou to the d~11T old ~":I.';!tto: bold of u v essel of freshly Ulndl' :rhls brings to a m no tl flo I.g/lln jelJy wl1 ich it pu\lf'd dow"" bndly th" flight of time, Olle' year 11:;:0 n,t bnvnjng his fllee lind head, It wus lor a " tim e fea r 9(1 ,the Sight thia time ~ Willi ill WI'Ylle8\'i)ltl, I,n y , old hom", m\' hirt,u pIllo!! Rnd Ihai o~ It~ , eye9, bllt I,t hilS gottiJn lunng ab~rt we k WIl!"lIlwIIYs be r mern,' nlooly since the IIccldent lind very, ..... red tb ' haPple'y, and t I pl'obably not e,'en n Bcar wll\ be "'" as a DU In08 en· left on the fn'l)e,






I)ring us )'our Produce nex,t

,Saturday us we

will p,a y 17c

fOT Eggs.

IIrri.~,)ea.rt d. I I" f 11 W dd',I ng BeUs Mr, I W IL!l1l re 1I.~\1e 0 Jr;o, , e A, B, Ides, ot' W lly nes v ll1 e , l'Lte fun e r II will tlLke phic ' Itt h is Will Rin~ AgaJn lilt. horu e ' nt. 2o'oloc l{ Thn1'f'.l1r v ' "~te ruo tl ~" T be, f.,Uowillg ' uotice··blls ,been .. , ' tO t '. ", sent t I Ie "",a~e: • - - -- ' '1'lle engagemont hilS heeo lin Warren County Teach~rs' 1l0UllCed of Miss .Ft~n,ceM 'yn o1t]s I t't tc to ~Lr. Y urvin i B lo,ntoll, Qf ,'wUY'OOH I no . '" ' ville. . '1 ' 'l'he Il'if!y sixth annual sellsion' of , "l'be , wollli!ng wtll tllke pilloe th.e WILrreu Uounty teaoher 'l!! Iu , " ,

$ $ $



$ S'

t!ti~ute wHI b,e beld in LebHlIonl lit tJ nlve~sity Bail Aug 26-30, ' '1"wo. very fine in!ltructors hav!l baen seour.ed, D~: , T. , S, Lowden of Clark Univerelty, Worcl'ster Mnl18' und Dr. !, Car'olyn Geisel, known to Ch~tlluquan&. ' 811e gives' a speoial'lIddrp.88 to par t PM eu s Weanesd~y t ' ,Allg. 2 , Every p.lrent 1D he oa.nnty sbould hea~ lror. Dr, _ Lowden leotures Tnelldny .Eve, _ on Ve,8~vh1!r I\nd ~ompel]. A~Grand .H.sumon ' lit Unl verslty HAll Mo~day night,

$ $


t..A............... ' ,






---. ' , ......... ,-- •' , "Reuular lis ' tbe uo"·'



$W aIter J K'llI bon$ w!'J)~"~I~~~ •

~ lltha ....Te oes

!:I 1I',V

"n '

Men' s wurk shirtli, Gem and _ FI orence rna kea, II II "iJ 0C ones reduc I" i

Charle« , O~rnell

C " A ., HlnBoll

" W , :\ , Merrit, J , N ,-Lemmon , him full . Be, had' , J' us t Btllrted f Ol' t,he house, seehlP W. T , Frame " the opproo ': hl ng !ItOI'm. Bls wlfo 1 lI,nel li t tle ehHel we re In L A )lllIon jlt, the ti m e of the ucoidao,t, 'l'bey I] ~ were Sli mmooec1 b~' te I eph one liD( I rns h ed h om e lu 11:Il automobil e , 01' , .; J , "\ 1 'vn g I' f R d L" , i ' \o , ' 0 e ' 100., wlIs l ""'~ I"'f.... t"'t .... r-'~t"'t ............ t"'t_....~--...~.... rc~~ cllll ed , hut t,I1\I /lIan Will:! dead b e fo ro ' . : ' , , til e bouse,


R. F; MOllhe r

skllli. '1'110 bolt pass et! cl wnwurd, 'seurin !l' die Denk lIu d. b lol! Hnny Burt,lO, wbo W/IS wltb him , <I I h ' k d b ' II



B~gh~~e ~~~~~ ~et,her ,



'or Family





and', !leUlnlt! .ofthesnnj8 tlitlmlhlt regul.r per(orlnl~n06 jn tJl.1l !Jnl ' verse, unlfl8s, It Iii the II tlou 1)f ' tile liver anet 'bowels , wben regulated ' with IIr: King's New, 'Llf(l , 1'1118. ~ullrllriteed by ~'t:.,ol· lJ, I:klhWllf1Z', ' Or'ollgillt, 250 .' ,

Angu~t In, R,t ~the h,ome of, Mr. lIud Sears ' Fam.o,ty Reunion Mrs , Ed Bogan,.. ' , , ' , " ), ' " The yoong cOupl~ D,r e from ,Ktln Atten4ed ' b,v Thr ' ee Hun. tnok, . MillS RoynolJ}s' ,Olune eight. J ' yenrllllg(') to (Jorwln ,nnd nnd' Mr , dted ' members c' Bliui.toq OlllUe fopr ' ye!lrs ' ago to . . ' . ' Sa"ttlrdav " CinoinnaU and \ltllt November Mr, D,alton QClme -to ' Wav 'oeavi11e, " '''t'e annu"l renolon of tbe 'UMMra " ~ .. . " gThey will q1ake tbel~ hOlne 'RUh, fainllv held n._r CentervUle &tur, ' 'Mr, lind Mra BoglLn for a time and ' ,.' ,• then eJfpeet to 110 Cinolnnati . Tbelr , ,d~! WIUI atten~ed, by abont, &bl'tl!" tnjlDY frlend8 regret to , 'iItlO , \hem hundred memoora of tbe OOnD89t.lon lene WllynesvlJllt, but IIll will One ,f.,ture 'ot tb~ dey wbich wtab thelli a lUnK and bappy:' lite attracted ,peelal 'Inter;"~ was ' a

' . ' -~-.lDUtIt l18Y" tor loatltnt(t a'ttendlLnoe a , ' " fn114~t,~dant,le ill expected ' Brln. pllintlng of ft~,1 ae ~e wee~ f01l0W~ . tba- Inslltnte 8Odp6toIU to the Glzet&8 , oftioe, pl9B' of ~e 8olloQ18 in the couuty IlJool1 wcprk at right prlo3ll, ' "

:1JtiDI' werk.

_." ..,.... , Is expre8sr(;n Uil oid .11 tbe rlll(oit .



tn ' mo~l pa~, ~d b)' ic:8,... B; J'. '-_ V..nR~D, of ","II"'. and wblch ilt",8 rcqf&lll!l~ of Iilem\Jen ot &be ' tamlly. wUl be smb'Iab'" 11,l":II:t,

~~, ......., . -

8 "!-






w " YN'If,R,vn,I.Ill. OHIO . WEP-N1i:8I1 AY , A'dGUll,'l'.l!L 11107.

Death of Cicero.Zen,




. Jioero ·Zell. u ~ ,'Il ~II " WII "",1 dent nr '~Iot OOlUmUlI' \ , oj It ·" " . hUIIl,; I,f '11~ tii~l'l!r ,\\1'- . li " ~\' ,. I.ooh.lll IIlllll tW"vnlj'i', wlI. llu1'hur,. · dll~ tiI./rulllg }l'u,w,"1 '" I VU"I ... " ",... h~lll f::IUtUrd~)' 1 wll I. '1h" r, II" " III " vbnqnr.v wit" ,"'HI '!cflro, dOh of Georj:O M 1\ 011 ~ II Ille .. !!lIlIy' Zell. w,,~ " " ,.,, "II U I'll ,'" n ,'~ r I htrkilvllle, (lhlo, 'H, I' ·.

UMBh1R 2!l:N

Corwin ~I"H

Vh<l~ t"n ll l~' Itt

McKinsey utilI flllnghter

1',1 Mr'. .10 MoKlrljI".v linn

Mr. and Mrs. H . E. Boot,b ;:tslted Morrow ~"vl!rul du,,' III!I! we k , rela.tlves In Lebanon. a. few day s Mr. lIud M .." . Bltrdan 01 It 011 last we ek. moml tlllll Mi"" Muud e WIII"rlJlJ'"I" Miss Martha Hunt. of Clnoinnlltl of Ull,vtC1u ur" gu a.tll of :\lr" Mnl'Y was a guest of ber .nepbew, Mr W"t e rhutltie uud I'ttllIlly thi", W li It RloD BOI'l III, the Frlenelll BoltrdlJl lr i Mr . uuel Mrli 8\)",,,,·u 8""111 ",,,1'1; Home II ffl W (Itt\'~ the pltllt weI'\; . (:i neinnnli v\~i l o ",' l-ituuluy . . 1.1r 00,1 Mrs ( H . Wbitl\.k r III M,' H Url Mr!!. M Qql'.n uno " ttl .. f) " V" ' rt . 11ll\' ~ 10" " 11 -",' "(l in ~' ~" " o h"rllllln uri' vhllr.m ~ Mr Itnll 11""'1 W" " 4 w i ' ''W ' vlIl''''' III '' fl'ltlllfl .. Mrs .Iu,u,,~ MIlI'!{IIn . ~ I.· ~ 11:1 ' 1.·,1\,\," H ()~II '· ll \\ · ",,(I 1<"1 ' r.f'''H MillDi " MI' li.ln~II.\1 I.. HVSnd.)II III '·~ wl Jll pllr n t ·,1.. ,· fo r ~\\''' rr1t 10 .; r,hi " ""I' k With hur p'tI't-1l1 -Mr. ' w un. Ptll' II ": \" v" ,,11I \,·h.. I·, ~r~ B · ·,,,,1 Mr~.,. N NM uKin~ey . I ' 1 f I" btl' ry 0.. " r·~rv6 II~ fi'ld .. 1'"'HUl . .. (l~, "", 'IILn f:t lJrllt e K Il' it llll1" will IIIII~" h, 'r h" lIil' wl,II ., 11 111~11 r"1 III .I o m '· 'l!' " ·~ Ih,·"n', 1, _0 " 01 ,,1 wert! /tU " st,Kur All ",. M u l(lIl~"Y \Yed .1 :>I :"i'llC"" 11(\ 1 ! ·""iI.,· \\'h n .\"",1 . "" ", j"y. ' .,. 1 1\ " .• , 1'11 11, 11. '" 1," '11 ' ''''I I'' I ~" " •• ).'p M,·. J"ok ( 'u lllll~ a III I Kl'ulldllCln I I. .' I fut IVll BI~t:!t WOI' " Murl'o lV vjbHo1'll l-l il l ",.11 III"I~. ' r,, '·".·\· ·' I·1( yl l .. ~ . '~611n eRdu~. lIn d.l'hl1r Iluy . It"" will' '"IJVl't} fr o lll the, ,, t .. I>II,V 'V . J Ki IIJOIl' Wtl~ III Uayton ou " " hlln b·lIl1 . 1!llVe l.l e/l HIII'lllli llt! II bUill ness s verul IltLYs l[lfI~' \Yeek. . "'"e k 'I' t.wo Leb~I'uo . Mr. Nixon I ~ The imprl)v ement. (1\\ (lUI: d epo ~ ' . ' II oomm J1UII. l'eolJverlng froUl It severA I Tile enoed infnntMono,w sun of. .Mr . Imd Mr ... lie tI with typhoid fever. . I Jnm es M , c OC'nllld died tl.DndllV e~a . Mi8~ Alioe ehenoweth and Miss nlnl[ . rile funerllJ will be bt.ld


1 IlII

• • " . . .. I AI '11,,. " lit<. (I f --'Y " I'~ ,,"i ll,,, .. ftllf'I Hh' 1-" " li nt'lit .0 .\ . -' dft "'li b , " . or :. , AI 1111 1j'; "I~ 111:\' hH b.... "" ~.n .. lru ~l" I ,' , " tll,",.lf . ., " ' I,'", I'" tI Y.. UII" ,. ~"u 1111 ~1I~hriKl" ''', I I' ,,,.\·1.·., .. , r'""em'ld " I"" ,. " ,. , .. ,. " a~ r till' UUII . ,'I.· It ., . ,' .' 1 .I".,' " 10' P'I" ~~~ Ioull, oou,.II,I l! 'f iIe Jl tl l"' .Ill' Priem1s. MecLing House. ~lolulI_ tbl!. 'plualll r u lIf III'HI' I-: " fli '''I~ .• - - . - -- • - - _ ...: " -"''' - ~ - -- " . , tbol\8 IQ wbolD bt Willi bvulIll hy Ih. ne.. of 'aul\lv rehlt.luul'b'". " ...1 " f i'tIl'lI Ar th ur ". AII Il lin d y lllltll'llil. Yearly Meeting Uregoni,a . t 'lu iUUflt.!, n :! hF\Ol!rll vl sUIIIH Ii r I . I'lw..,ylJ from oblldhoo(\ clun!; III hl~ ,lIolher, Mrs . Lucy P,uM und fUUJlly of Hicksite Friends. j\I.!'Ij: (j~bu;~ ' Ilnjoy~~ Visit from Be~lbll ~mitb ar~ visiting frlende lit Tu:~~:{,~~~e~~:I~:' visited ber reI. iI~ler, DOW MriI.· Lluboln, und" f Wllter s treet. Mr. Ao'lou UUU - -- - - - - - 1 th 1 L k Umoe CIty. Indmoll . ative nt Morrow Tbureday. w_. aD ezpl'8lllMlCl ' dlUllrf) tbllt lll' 11ls fill her. Mr. Ueorge A~II!O~ I of !:icstlionll Being Held in White Brick 1 1 1!~1:.I.l~ 1°·1' ~lpS u":llr ;11110 w.. home' Mr. and Mrs. Alvlo Sener~, of MIs8 Florence and 'Clark of 'I k '11 ra 10 1 0 WII enJuYlo" It M t' H \.. U . ' ..., puatromtbl8 8tIrth oofu,e Dr !lVI "' .Il . 0 celng oWie. , fUI· 'iOIl Y.' hl1 8 l'llt,urned to his rail, Dl\.yton were KUlllitS of W. W. Xenlaare speodlng tlleir vaoallob tbll belo~ed Ilatttr, wbOlle hltud@ fllnl1ly reuoloo . rout! wu'r k Ilt (JU1I1I6Ilout A Id d C"rwio Saturday lind with their parentll. Prof. And Mrs. CbllS. W. Uttrey, l'lJo IIII!lUlll Kllthtll'1UJ,; uf tho ' Mr and AIrIl . Willi~r;I Klansme. ru o " •• 118".... too tirel' to admlni811lr fo rme rly Miss Flor~uce Brotten .of Iodlona YUllrl y MUtltlll' uf Frienull j er lind two obihlrun buve return:d ,Bund~y. Mr . Seller8 sold his furm *4P btl pb,~iOllI wllntll, nor ber heart ~8the~. Oiermont .couoty, havo u~ : ill lJeing 111'10 hI, thtl b' riuDds . Whit~ Uinoiullllti, .Ilfttlr lI"IJlell.811nt vlalt near Dayton several month~ Itgo Springboro, sao GqJcl to give to hllD lill the Rym rlv ..d III '~IlYl1~SVlnO and wIl.l beglD B.rlck .MeoLl l'lg Hou!l1:I ut " :lIyne8. with !Jr . uod Ml'l! . Kl'ieghof}' nd he and hili son Lqther are both I ti 1 t houHek(ltll'Ing ID Mrli . . EhvB beth VIlle thlll w Ok. MI (:f t u K . ' \ned ll9' , IUId oon.o a ou tIlt WI\8 B'o~rdn.. , cottllge on Fonrtn 8treet. .1lhe meeting of Illinillwrll Itnu l ~l! ' r rn e Ilrsey en~rtll. living In 1>ayton. Mrs.; J o,eph Bauley has been vis. The MllI8es~Delllf Ilnd Adl~ Down · Itlng her parents lit Sablnu 0, tbe pbMlbl.. Mrs. Ellen Sides wos hostes8 on eluers whloh prccooll<! tbe Yellrly 'I htl~v~~I~" y l!{Jhu~J ~a88,~n ruest~~· 01081'0 a lover of bODie, whioh Ilist Sabblith to one of her deliolous Me,eting proper. Willi lulld Klltunloy. mi~1 ut N~~r::;n~vl~le~:;e::K:~ndll; i'll( of Xenw, are anlonK tho Year., past week. iD later Jean be I.ldow luft, ex dmnefll .. ~ebeool\. J . Sides Wll8 one . 8unda:r. or F:r8t.. Duy throe pub· with hi" pttrtmts. Jy me«!ting visitors . Mr . and Mrs. Mr . aud Mrs . Elm!\r Sheet!! ellter. O8p. on lpeclalerMlndli. Be alwayl' of the In VIted gut'llts. hI' meetlDRs were held und uU of . Mr . lind Mrtl. George Mote, of Joseph Downing cawe down from talned to BUDd~y t llinner, ,Job FOJ: thpD\ ware lnrgely Ilttended . Uolnmbul! Ilre visitio[p relativee.x. . h' 8" d d t and Herbert Weld III and their faul . Ibo\Jed 1lDu16ul ol&re and att-entlou . The meeti»,,!!, Ilooordio-" to the Iler e. ' ," Iln~ In t e.1f auto on I\Y an a ,. llies . w.'.r v U",·..• $bio8.tloouHbe f"rlll. Death Summons " " tended seules C D I ht B 1h t k pleas 'l'hA Milisell Lenll Myortl. G l a d y s ' wg Dnne 1i8 Ii en Il . " oUlltom of the Frientls ooo~lsted of ..p.qaall., if belpltlllll, and oue of Mie Comes .to Lee Haines. uddresses 11Y vurlous members of uod Edna. t;pencer spent 'fhurB4ay Baled t:;traw for ""Ie Mrs Avu Iute trip tu.Nlaga.rll Foils and other 'ralte of llll! obll rnotur Wll~ he 800iety uod io th e interlude the wi th ~he Mi88es H91z1ln at Klng8 Ebright. ' points of interst In the eaRt. bit tODciaelif tor qlllldrtlll 1\1111 SlnCIl Loag ~utrering and Remarkable impfl:stllve qolet whioh ohluaoter, MiIllI. . MiBR MagtiaJlne Sontherll return · ""IMb' thaI UI"I.. · Illl~el~ lire Endurance Come" to an End. h'.es 8uoh glltherings. I Misli LT!oiJe Ma80n Is vllllting ~t Mr, Walter Zell , of Indl~nup llll!', ad to her home near I..e1!lI.nOD aUer fti!....-d the "atb"r, we OUII hut bit ---" . The eveoiog wat! of It dift'erent·i',';outh Lebunon this week, III spending II. tllW dflY with Way IIpendlog mOlltof the 's ummer wUh -. l)ei!tb ooded the Muft'erlnll8 of Lee ollurooter, two prominent mewbers . M.r, und Mrs. Chllrlllli Villars and I' lte~vi1l e veil. her sis tor Mra. Ralph t.iheeu. . lle".1Jw'tadl Willi tl 111/111'11. (\\v\ue H ~ lUesllll!~ Thursday evening after oJ the :;ooiety dividing the t.ilna ·soo (:fe rold lire visiting relatives at • '!'IWD blB 1I0ui. tI p~riod of eXlendeo sntIering. bet weeo thew . Kings Mills lind South J.eoooon I . M. Brown who ball heell eou· Prof. Kemson and family have , Wblle lilt DeVllr O1IUlu ull open io' or nilloy mont,hs Lee Rltines hns W\l~on Doun, Ull uttorlluy ot l\1CI:!H!I J . Wllrrell. Wood ~d l dl1 Qtillg II grOt:ery In t,he old Miami retnrned from a three weeks vllit praI_11 or .~y 1'1;11111011, yel, III ,..ull'torUlI from wbnt hi!! friendll r elll I IndillolllJOli'l, wude a mOlll iO Hre~t , Juhn Mulforu , of Le blllHIO trlln8110& , lfllUilU propetty the past oonple of with relatives In Columb\lll, r t 1~1l11 YOU IlD lDonrllblu dl~elll!~, but iug addrcSII the Rullienceooly r grot I tlU but:line!!s here l!'rldlt'y, ' yOIf!!, ha.8 oloeed oat bill 8tock and 'd bll ClaIM 'alkaat bOIIl" Ittl 1·t!4\1t1U w.lh r"warkllblo dut erullnutloll he tlug thut I,h ere Wilt! not Il grtmter ' Mr 'Enniti A1I311llnd fUUlily tlptlnt ' ' Sl ed f th b In Mr. aud Mrs. Harry 8oyl88 an .lY aprlll6t'd. hi. belillJ lu UltllllUcl IItll't up UOlI WIlS frf'q[lIl11lly !leen (1 0 amolln t of tillle for hlO1 t o l!1)~k H d' II 1\1 u M 1:1 ' ttl r ~m e UI 1lI!8. etater, Mlaa 'Edna, rulted thetr. par. $4elJbrtaLhul rell~luu Uillt Uti II" 1lI1,\ 1.,lI' "~rllot!!llhIlO>lt lIutil th" t,hulJ or He coutllucled tllltt 1.00 lher .. I tI~ . ' 011 "Y WI I [ . Itn fi! . Imeon WIlUam Blrpn wbo ha., been In ente eut of WWD S1lDday. 'iU! tl~. IpprclllubwlI wlll'1I I", IIIU~1 his, dedh . . ·IIlI,er llrtlt.ut.ion II lIo ulc.' not btl pur Po' or! . &11.,'11 meat mara" for a Dumber MIM MaUle Weloh mlted her L I ' . ·IIII"rltl "llrV'C',(J1I wer e he hi [rilUl . U~'"l1 eVHr." I,hiog. ill the Bible th"t '. Mr . Eli Kill" has ",e~urned W hll of . n, I. miued from hili aocUl. &be .n.,11 or uurl "UI pU ll> I h,' III.'" hOlllo iSUllllu .v It't rUllou lit Hrnm. III trllllHlutlllll. IIIllti t hI' un ' 1'o"ltlon as night opera,t or here, ud tot!: piaoe IIoDd bll numeroU8 mter Mrs. 'O!lrl Bnt'rol1~h .~, of IIUItI' lllk! 'b~ III!" unlu.t.lwu lto; Wil o Ott III. .llI' II 1111) k. . ~I<tt\l'"d liS wal l 'II" t.ll e f!tlll Ibllt It 111 Mr. Reveal has been traoaferred k! frlendl wUl regret to learn lihat; be Olftrkllv\lle. th!\ Pll8t wee k ' ad p8&0811l1, alill Ii.•VOIU .. 1I,)tlI1l~d 1" B I b t· 1111 IUl'lt I fur !.he E,.stern nation8 to Fort Anoien$: l~ famug in h88Uh. Mrt!. Emma J'oelln who Is matron IIPJllk frofU Uill lItJyu"d-,.t1 ,. '\I \I irth ay e e • a Ion. "IMllk .lItl ·.... r,t" large', in metaphor, A aUJ'fe.,iDg party, beaded b., Mr. MlsR. 'Mllry COml)t~lll, of Dayton. of the Soldior.!! Ilnd &l1ort! Orphauli ~b C" THANK'; , Thu hOUl1l Ilf Mr , .wd IIlrl'! ~ll till Inlltauoed the awry of Jonab and Mc Douald of l>lttel UI'g Is sorvey Is . tbR KU6IIt of . ber Waynesville Home, of Xenia., Is visiting her ' UI ii'.i WIHII Holamd Wul'! ' th" ,,',mu uf u. wu whale saying tbat whe&ber in InR . the country ' . qUl1rters h len~ IInll with bead· "'rlt. H .. r riIt L mOo 1u uU,'I ... betweuo, thltl 1I1I.oe Wit~relatIves. ber grRondmothor Mrs. f r Iend8 h ere. dellla'u 10 .&pI'etllI !UrUllK" 11I I!HtI Iltll· "lW.\< pllla!l11lt 11t1'.tlr htllt Friday IIOme miracnloU8 way this event lind Lebftnou. They are doing tbl. Mary Batter&bwal&e, Betweeo the bours of 10 and 11 1iUU', Lb. II' Rineer" ~Iluukl! lu thulr wblu l,hI; ' nH!mberl of the youug really ooonrred as It 18 writtAu or work for the Paosnlvania ~~l1ro.ld Mr . George Folt Ilrrlvad T/lar8day 'l'ueadllY night the north end of onr lIdl~hlJ\).·:t and Irl"udt:! fur tbl1lf kllIll ,Ieople 'lI clulII:I of the Ferry S~da1 whether It WII8 lJi~PIY 11 pttrable, compllny, w)dob III contemplatlag from Atlantlo City. New Jersey, for vlllnge was aroulled by 8boo&log. ~lt..1JUo .. ..0 their "ro~htll' lIul1 oneill lIohool came in to help Miss Abbill fhl! lellion of Oed II overslgbt and the building of u· new· railr~. • for&nlgbt's villft witb old .f rlends hllll oing and ra~tlme oitlllio. We i1 \br",u"iI hltllllllt plokue~8 D_t--d oel.bra~ft b er bl'rthd'IY u'nnl ollre wal! Impressed upoo him jU8t Walter Uleaver made, II. trip ,h'ro ' a~d relatives, wltb headquarters wonld like to know where our may. or -...... .. ,." h ' . . WIth bls nephew and niece. Mr. and .u~ a"".II. verury. The snrllrlse, which WalS t ~ IJIlUle. thi8 town Sunday for t;he drst time Mrs . Barry Mu~ray. ' ?r, eODatuble Bn~ marshal are. Is ;~-t 0.. Us. n oomplele sllcceslI ,wu8 planned by Uhlirles Underhill, of New York In ~01ll8 weeks. Miss Jes8ie Cle,,"er, of Mlnnel\.po. It because all these dIBgraoeful pro. ' u....., ~. &'",ul!. , Mrf! . Rolllnd,101ho aJIIO pr8J11tred I\no ~upled the lat~~.pol'.,on of the QUitl'.a ~umberattended tbe Band lis ISl!pending two weeks ' with hoI' oeedln~s are omo.lng the ItrllltooralS bountltnl dinner . It wus a evening, deliverIng a number of Conoe I tat Lebanoo Stlturday night, graudmother Mrs. Ellen Sides . It or don t tue officers of tb~ town re o " b .' .. livID_ Schools WIll open alou h,vt.aDallerli 11107 Examlnlttiou. b~ppy lIAY tor ne:.ryon.e l)fesent . aelectlons, all of a vlifled natnre I' h81 been seven years IIlnca MIBB speot Il1w lind order any more, tlcalUfll .. " ,.". 81.t 8.:1,0 to 1~ A. At. The gntllilts were : MIII8e8 Alma BnllneBB sessions are being held Oleaver left WaynBllvllla and In tbtlt We though~ It aRainllt tbe 111.'" to All " ·vlll .Q1' lbe dUrere~t Irad~ I !tfaxwell, ,JeBSle wOKey l Mary Hun. dally and todtly, Wednesd 'y, Q, Lytle, time IIhe 'has developed Into quite Il sboot In the oorporatlou of a village "I'll 010 ."te •• Yr. Janney II. , ter, Nellie Smeade, Bertha OaU!lhan, meeting for Worsbip, opan to the i Mr. a~d MI:s, Allen Em!lrlok !lnd Y01lDg lady. and thearistroorab woald thihk .0 PUlil11l are urged . t9 ge' tbelr Lulli Wright , Lola Cir»ell, Annie publlq•. will tllke pll\ce ~t 10 o'olock. daoghter, Blanche Cor'nell and Mr. Among the vl.ltors at. the' yearly &00 If It all happened.among the lo~. bvu•• oj~rlJ, ~·'Iut'· l' t_ la necoa· Nutt Messrs . Rov Hartsook Everett The business coming beforl) the and .Mrs Harry Cornell and son Oar. mb set,in g uonle are . r808 IVln g Ii m r e er 0la88 buL lIinoo It 18 a.mong tbem th lr1l I suppose they think It 18 all right . F r;'ftnmiloy illl"y u mre they be Laokey Raymond Hart8ock, E,nest lUoetidg Is mosti y of a routine ' nl\..· man lJCl8Sed tiunFday' PklOaCl!antlY with' peaaorkeYr ' wnde cohmille exoeallUent Rogers 'lind ~rthur Greatbouse. . Mr. and Mrs ran armaD an d ~.. b dl ut u,;rt-d III 'iUll' or '!""t~ , ~":-rd • .. ture . dan;! hter Grace. o! Ueorge Bobool, PennsylvaDla. But the Chrlstain \lnd Illw a I nK . By Order of 'De U<JO • Benevolent Day An ajourumElnt will prob8hly tako M,' nnd Mrs. Allie Hole and Uttle ;'~:~s will remalo here for~e'~ erltl lleople do 1l0t l'asSllre tbem. 'To Spn'ogfleld . at M. E, Chl,l1'ch. \a08 'f hurllday. " ohilll dnjoyed Sunday ~vltb Mr, and ' . c...lujta a nlllnber of our youog Mrtl. Lester genrlot. MIII8 Anlll1 1'homllon entortained people pickoloked nt the Ohllntal1 ' ! . The services , nt the At. E. churoh . . 'rhe hillt we heard of our eastern alllix u'olock dinner ij~ndl\.Y eV8n· quI!. Ilrounds I:'uturduy. , tour!. t.s, Mr8. t:!taoy Lamb' andMra. Inll, Miss Olga Schab of Frl\.nklln Mrs. Ann Glil'oer ~tert&loed tbe . " ltxllllr.i~ jll:ket8 will be sold to Sanday. An gust 25. will be of more Friends Boarding Home ,'.~~nlltM4 " i·lld'IY·. Au&u~t 25,over than ordinary Int"rest and prodt. Mecca for Visitors, IEveTtr Early, they were enjoJlng and Mr. J. E., O.f Dalton. enohre olub of Fru.nklln &turday . . At ~he morDing service at 10 :30 thll ., . . . tbewllelves hngely lind .were se6lng !.qol. W. Pr~nt:t tbe effiolent olerk The Ban8.Pariel Club met at the • 'bi 'Ptlup• .,hil llll\ railroad I tor $1. --.-- • uew members will be reoelved into Many of tho villitoril attandipg great Bights. ". lin J. A. runke.,'11 Iwre 18 enjoylo'g home of tbe MI88es Grllce and Olive h'.... I'J~Uectl'on of .Do·" Tax. the ohuroh . At llo'clock' the offer Yoarly Meetlug. are IItGpplng at the Mr8. S. L. WlIlillmson.8pentllever·,a well earued . ""ostion whioh be IS 8eok . t da fta . . Tf"'!'?' '-'V • . beantifal Frleuds Boarding Home, III rlllYS last .wee~hln thl I~ Gem OI t1 ' tJpendl"g Oil tbe·farm w:l~h hi8 lis; ""r'III:1~C~rlesY a St~!~!~d 80n of d h US-I tar Atre Weller near Cent-erville U ... •.... I4'1'8;. • f .r Aug. 19011 were ings will be rtloelved. rbe address . . Sh e was vjal~lnR IIr s 81,er an, IU , • ..... , by the pa8tor wtll be ~t 11 :10. At a~d t.hat I.nlltltutlon II' Ii oenter of bIIod JIlr. lind Mrs. Herbel't Ulm I\mi ' . . Day ton, are here . vlaltl~g Mr~. Jan , 2 o'oloo~ tn tbe atternoon there will interest to all. Itleals are being 1Jldo called on ' Mr. IIond ' Mrs. Frank. Mr; and .M rs Murr"y are euSer· ney and daugbter8 Q,nd Mrs. Leila . '" (ollun,: . ""1 ad C.I.,$~7\l7 Dog8281l be ,a: llervloe for ohildren' and b&p. sc'rved ID the Inrge hasement dining 811aalao 88wUlloleTom'IUabio por, ~~:~g &~:I!0:e3:~'i':0:~fG~~ t:;towe . for AliI(. llK)~ , . tlsm. · In \he evenl!)g at. 70'01ock hall . trayed Ilt .the National, all a wh,ole Landing New Jereey. James Weidner and Mrs, Emmll All ot the visitors exprel!8 Ih(>m she reports the trip a tlpe one. Me88r~ lr E Mills and JeBSe J OBlln were at ' t;anduskey Friday " Ktlltl ~nd 01!"" ..,1- $4778 Dogs 17.. Epwort·h League ; 7 :(JO Evangeli8tlo . Tbe olOR I ~~1cuL". I on dog8 III dua lIef-vl\.'t!8. ... • 8elves itS dell ')'b ted with the [fome . td~'O::pdbM~~;~8p'l~n~:dw:~:i:~ Romine, iwo' of H~rVeY8bru:g 'S well to see their father who 1$ In poor to,tb" idlort:t'" ..I, ,\"'lIto~ S. ~. BtU' ,All t.he members .!,hould try and aud the efficient. manner In whloh i~ ~:nday ' , known oltlzen• . were :vISitors' In bealth. . WIIII." I.Qdj111' . 1 1,.,·111 i," • ?he d~ (a~ be present at thetlt! llervices. l80onduoted . \Vaynesvll1e . a ' sholt time Friday Mrs . Hl\.rvey (iustln and chlldren ,~10 8 ~... plll· .... 1 I tI t· Ie name 0 Cl . Ri h R 'I . Mr . und Mrs . JOB. Jonl!~ en~r"'tu. afterooon !lnd the Ua'~'3~t~ noknow. visited In Waynesville Saturd&y. "wner fll ,1 \,. ...." ,,'nd If l~ft un . eaver- c . , fun,~ ,. d -E - "'---~ ,. . . ed Mr . lind Mrs. Jell8e IhUandltttle ledge & plea.8llnt emil .from them. Mis8 ,MRrthll Peooo 18 stllllil ver.v "" tb~ . 1.1, "1'", ' ". payn:tent ot Saturday Augua, ~"" tbe Oh;l1ver, Sun ay XCUr810n, • . A 'nomber of members of·the 10001 poor helll"h. . ,..-Au " , ,,I' ... " tHed the .ow»- carr "nd Rlcli f,mlllea hold their t .r\ ti oh' ild op 8und~y, rt_ I U . tbe . Vi . ,." W'IIere, the dOl annn'ai lonlo In BArclay Rloh'a ' 0 ~IOClnna Mr. and ,\ ira W F. 'C lark .and Sdua of Ve!-era.~I!N \.JtjUlIJ ~e n at Quite II ' number from hare at. I ,~, I' IIOt paid be Ilro"e. Ihe BarveyshurJfband wlll . Eqourllion tlokets will be 80ld to fllmilyspent Sunaay with Mr . .lnd :~~~:~~~~t8 ~eve~r~~~ In ~:!~ci~ tttnded tUtl Kesliag reUnton Satur' _ .......' •.U5''''' .. ; . It,,], I ' All but 170 tu~11b music . Vlnclnn!ltl Sllnday. August 211, over Mrs. Wm. H. carmo~y. at Day tun' thlll week. 'Prominent day . . • . . .. y Audtk!r Let ,friends for $1.25. . As usual quite a,numoorfroJDkhere Dlembenl . of the ordlir from 1\.11 parts Mi"s. been ..,.t_a'ill~.,IDI,~l".1~ 1'1"" I II'I,,he · for tbta . , and ·r elattves of these the.Penoa lvanlll..L.ln88 -" Mlriunoa Surtaee haa , . were in IJliyton' the p~st wee , a· of till,! United Htat8S will partiolpate . siok tbil week. " . , forw"I·Ii .. " I he MUle tn families oome ':ilth well filled OOS '·iC=::I1~·· Mrs, Matfltt.,makes· mong whomMwere MTI.J. B. Jon' l, lu ahe g·otherlu. g. . . ae... Frolllm wbo. hu been .~ it" ",' II,,,· .,t t hike>· e rea -. '-It.... We F ' , ,,10k • . t .I ' Cel b · Mrs ,Lamb, ra. Cona n, ",rI! . . • I EM " f 'w hi ' > lor 110 long is DOW ImIJrov1Dg. ril'.'::... ·!"I:Il. ~ttJf,.h'" .. ,,"uo OnY F--- Sherwooc:iEnterJOint e ratIon. ClauBndsevera.lothefll. ., ("'hll.re8. ome,u "as DK_OO llarrTDe'lll"h, Wblleboe~lto~ !!i~:lt.~I"III~'!" "h ' til .tUl .~, . . D.C. spent ~undllY 1!Vlth ·Mrs. Moore ' k • r ..1I1 ..,I" II' "IUh 15% talns Young Friends. 1'Alt WedDellday was lira. A. Mfttr It luurDl'l8lng 'how fatsttobll."?O ill who II ilpendluK the sumIDer at thEl 00 Monday 110 week, wu atrno aq . '1'1 .. ,n ,' lOa., .'ot IUs blrt'bdayandtnorderlooelebrate growing in tbe pal' few da.,s. BI~ . home of her fa~er E. .0 Roberts. IDI&antly kUled by Usbtning. a. i.~ 0"11-,'" "'I " '\".' tax ~ I h ' I tbe nice little shower we, had Sasur. rdi Moor" haa been loo"ted at lived ~hont three milel iIouth w..' , .1 ' n"II'n~'1 11"r "' llen tbe ' A~ODg . tbe delightful events ,thellay In a way ~ g ve II'PP n.elll day"one O4U ~lul08,.eeU grow. . . f .. I I .,of . towo. Fun",al IfIrvioee were .., • I to her lIelt as well as otbers, prepared, • . . Chicago .or some I.nvellt gat ng held Frida" af~rJIOOD . Intera _6 rtr 1110/1 ' ,11110 I tll,']. Tbe whloh bave bJien held In OODnect 9D !lud . 88l'ved.a dinner whloll' Will In . .Mr. aDd Mill. (..'hlts. OlI~k BIIj9.,ed for the Governmew;at the atl'lI.lre of i . FrankU': cemete• ., .• ~. """I'I.luII III ... "" I IX not wllb the Yearly Meetil'I, wu a . Bllndayint.iprinRboro wtth lIr. and the lumoor trnat. He will now n • . . .... I. "'I,It' tlnd t"r .,' .rdlnll 800lal the home of Mr. and llrs. everY 'W!-y equal ~ the mealll w,hlch Mrs, Tbacker. be In Clnoiutl for levera) weeki Wtll ! Sari., and . en~, . "'_01 B Bb' J ood ..... _.1-. . .".Dlnl> already oelebrat her, and lIerved . .....i k Wnl.... 'belr lIouin _ilia 'Gr-"" ......IW·.." " ,• .,.1.• ' ,h. 'llll, ' . I ~,HII'lItate '11""" • d'W ...e_.. . D'.~. all pa..... ofber'fl'illlde' with ~e D. L. &C. R. R. ha'jUlhreqt.le~g&.uu inthe , lIame wor . , Grob-.,· ofDa'1ton. ' ~ lO!.1TIt·l ulll ill ~ar· wJleu .. nllmber of "laiting Meade, "" a m . ie 41 r Den~er aa ed stock penll along Ita riCht wa'1 MI88 c.rollna l!'lOWll'll, of Bt. • II1ttemau ' lui 1D.... !O'.I~'l') 88 well .. Wa7Deeville people, ~ere Mili M"m e . an .r 0 '~WeeD tbe tobaooO war'tiboaee and 'Partl, Ohio and M..lIarY (JuDd. Boben oamo· me ,'u .... :. Itl , li~titd In entertaiDecilu a ()harmln~ ~ner. : : : . ~t::~~~: :~~~ the .'a'ion. . ell, of'Da~1l were . . . of 1Ir. ::~~r:m~~-:: "'lAl" 0\\ 1'''1' Ten· .Both lb. and lin. Bbfll'W are IIlIIee Jeiet ClatJr ' 1 Mr, aDd lin. C. and eon aDd lin. P . II. K8orIOt Tbarrdaf. Ion with him. We uti11a4 to"~ h Itll ·llv.Dt'rl 'bll Ideal . .tarsaIDe... , and an ."eDlDc .! ..V. Ba~r:~. . u_. £.....t.t, · Glen 100& wiDIir :t1ie Itr.&aer two nmalDbItr 0ftI' for a : . . ' '~'&7 ooDpatQla~ •. '. IJ!8Ilt at thetr ~"'blo home tl"h _uma 1&_..... , .'11 . . . . . a.n,4f.. . weeb.. ~ , .. , _lU1ICllllOO8ll. Kame BrowD, .

"Ii . . ...

















SundaY '&eurinoo

I . '















...... ' "



r~ .... ~

Beaten at His


rA ."""", ..~ •

owit 'Game


By Camilla J. Knight


( opy r lgh l, b y J o. p h B , Bo w·led.)

"I s(,"

ou'l\ go In to·dll)' and sulci Frank Rrlght , akru:; l tallie . " SHre," an, 'C I III tl , lre " Do YOU t.hl nk y ou swr'red h ili w l (r, ('Itn be Iher e '/" " .\ Rh all make a deSlloro te try at It. The re's goin g t o b fUn aL that 8ta' lion this aft ernoon ," t hil you think done1"] " N o \\', ,~'rank, "DolIn' n ' b)' wba sh ou ld l' you ' " hA\'1' dOnl' nn ythlug 7" Vou I Imow you. " Innocence! h av!'n 't tbat wiele d g l el11ll In your yes f(lr ng: be ' " "ou 'd nothi be.tter there , early'," he ' r Cl1lo rk ed, culmly, "Her traIn ('omeN In from Hock ville at ·one, and t h e fun mllY begin a n)te," a: nt lo gntminu I hc rn a".' ",0011 as she "] w d c • ... ,ol d hi' 'Istt I' Alice, , " I t's MIOh q ~ ~ ~ Ion"" tllue slnoe I've se Il ;\1 11.1' I'\I an. (\0"... no w Mh e's going 'way o rr to a·

~I::~::~:e ('I~:'




rornla." " h eer


encour aged


" Isn't It worki ng ju st beaIl LJr,uly ?" he wh ispered, " 1'110 old f ellow rles o ff th aco ld euml aCL w ell , doeaB t h 1 You would nc ,' or suspect he ,had r ec h 'ed a h elp!UI letter" Oh, he 8 a de II one !" " That' s what be Is," assenled T ed, 'Til bank on him evory time," " S ee." warned Frank, '-' M ariJlIl Is lookl n!: rellrollc bfully at li S. Oh ' \'ve . thought ot so m ilthlng, I'll he back i n n minute," and he dRrted out of the eL.allon, Wh n ' 'he returned , he I'llmark ed. IndllTE'I'entl y: " I wonder It the trll i n tKn't DlJldfl up hy Ihl s II m c _ I Ihlnk It lIlust ,he, L et m e tak c your bolt, i\larlon ." But the doctor I nt el'\,osc d , aud h aCl hi s way, t h o confll slo11 0 f J,((l ICing



~'rnnl" ci1rrrln~



~nl ng



"Wht'n ?" " Right after we 'got ber I tie l' >lIlYIDg whot trllin sh 'd lake:' ' ''Who Is D r, Ston e ~" a~k !fl A il eI', "He's a' chap tbat was c\ a d lIt l'U 'k nn her wh en th oy lived III Cblc!llgo, aud she wouldn't havo anyLlllu J: to ·do wit h h i m , H e's awful Ol fl . I hcll mucb ILS 50." "Oh, no," objertcd h l~ \\'I f(', " lI c' s 1I0t milch oldl'r thnn , Hhl'. ,Is, Pmnl;, did yo u r eally ",rlto htm 1" "] I;ave ' ou my word of honor. madnm , I \\OJla bound I 'd got veil wi t b Murlnn someway_ Rem embcr t hllt Umt' she sent Lbe hook agent to my oftlc~, t elli ng him " he lenew I wanted h is books? I've lIev r setll ed thll t ' Beore yet. Then you Il now sb roused us up to ca.ll on u ~ a t m id· night just becausC' 1 sent h I' your ca rd 'With 'Tuesdays, midni ght ' nn IL 01\, lowe Marian m ore than a. fo w ." " What did YOIl !lay to th is Dr, Slolle? " usl, ed Alice, " 0 you I; now h Im?"


"No, 1 n vel' m et him, hu t I 1()lrI hlnl " Ahl MI •• Mariani - Oh r to ld hlm all th e fnet s. und sa id Exclaimed tne Doctor," "her frIend s hoped t h ere wOlnd be ' a l arge delegation to sec her off," , 1:181' d sh ould uot \lm1 room . for "Sh '\1 nel'er , forgl1'e you, do· th III a[1. ~' ralll{ ominousl y rlls l ed clareet hi s wlfo, " B ut then . p ro bably I he 118 110 1' bag In hls " pocket, ancl T ed. I", ;~on ' t com e," who' had h eard his remll1'k t o 'M arl nn. "If he doe>;u'l., Ihen I dU1l' 1 know II'led to uI'g hlll1 on by eXllr sslve h'o\\' to lise l,Ier s'u a,slvo "~ n g ll s h , Oh, g0 9tUl' e~ and (aelal contonlon s, BUl Ted Nel\'ell -thu.t' ~ h cr bl'nth cr- In\\toria n's su dden access of digni ty, law, i\lIee- \\' 11I be t1lflre, ' jUijt An (I' lhe fact thut. t he doctor was a II he to tell him abou t It! An d wh n tOla l stra nger to hlOl, mod e him h 9S l, IJI'. Slone appc- ars-Oh , I w ul dn 't laft'. . miss It for a. farm! " Hn ll fo"rnnk A s Ih e- train m oved off, th e Ira,"el · ~ hucltl !C1 all t hc IVay l p hlH t l'atn , e l's llt oOet on th real' platform , and . He conllnued In th l1t fra mc of m ind We d octo r l ossccl a n;;e lo Ii'ruu Ie. all till' mortll ns, arid II I th fl Htnll(\n, he Mel' one g l ance at Il, he to I' Ihe bag and T et! w I'C ~o rull 01' rep l' "1500 I'f rice alit or hi s pnek ,t and lh rew It in r i' lmt'l1 l 'tho t M urlau lI ,' kN I : "W.\tnt's up, Fran I; 1 \Vh y 111'(' )' 011 wi ld '" lo wa r d I'h e Illli r In thl' door· way , " 'I'll ," \\' ·i'e no t tOIl (:hcd 0)' t he ~ gl ful o l 'e r my tl op nr tu l'c ~" ~ howor , and IVIll'ed I r llllllflhnn t fare· " I ' n) flI 'se1llbllng my g r lC'f. If .I II' lis till t h }' w er e oul (of sig h! . ~llJ II sm i llu g I shall W<l!'11. \\' hy clo Th eil F r aul; handecl t hc IlBckugl' to vou wal ch I ), doul' ~ o 10a,"I,I', 'I ll.!" h i s l !I1plul en l wl fo, ia n'l Al'e you expcct ln ·' SOIlIC I'''CI', IlIlt "Il' on Ill"!," he sol d, ru efull y. !:waln ?" On ' t he oUl lllele o f th e pacKa>:f' was " SwHln '! ,<\t, my !l1':! I gu oss t h i!! l one r. 011 which Mll r lun had writ· ~ ltollid take It out In ex·pectlng, lI ut I l cn : ~:()nld like to I. now Wh ll t ml ~c hl ,(" Within. are . our annOUIICCIl1C!Dt Oh , 1'01' \lil y ',; sul,e !" and sh e turn ed c:u rd s. ' Thll ll k y ou for glvlllS us such to lhe OUI ' r~ ns If In sudllen fright. a v;oorl seml ·nIT." ' . " Wha l'S t h t' mu tter ?" nsl,f!d F r ank, " Th ey wer e lIIurrled two Mlys n go~' I.n 1:1' at cOllcern . " S\I,·al<lnl-\· of gJls p e d T ed, I\'rllh Ing In ,OCSltltlu t<;)11I0' ,"vllll1 ~ , tb (U'H a nl c l ool,i ng 1111111 lltJII. ' , {lomlng Ih lu way, An ),I'''II ,\' you "O h wha t ~ bin!!'!" groaned FI"lnk. know? '· " I I\'l sh I'd thro~n t hat rice sooner, Ted co llaJl ed Into n ucat. "OIl. l et m e hldel" el:clalmcd MarCompelled by Con.elenee, l an . "Tha t 's Dr.! HolY (li tl he Dr, ' hnll1\1l1n, som c years ago s know '! M ay be Ite dldn·t. though , \II"aetlclng pbyslclan In Tuwan.da. who Frau\; prlghl, you 1001, guIII )'! ADd Is now located In .Bloomsburg. was thc T ed: too, I s that \\'ha L- Dlll )'OU oth er eta)' suqJl'lsed hy receiving a let, wrill' . to him? You dec larcd YO U ter accom\lanylng soveral flve,dollar would bu l - Olt, I can ' L m C- ~ L hlml hlllR from II man In . 'New Yorl, Slate, '1....,t rde (;"et aWIlY! I don', believe he 'rh o letter eXJllalJled ' that the mou ey , was In parm enl of R debt (or m edical .:e" 8 m e ret." "Olt· ~'es, h e does," ~alr! Franll . g lc e· nttendance given by Qr. Chumplln 16 full)' . " He's corning ri ght t hl ~ way. years Rgo, wh en the pbyslclnn Hnd SCI' h i m' beu m! Heully, Marlun. r ou wrller hOlh lived In Towandll , The ~ hnl1ld on coura;gc him . You lire get- se nder or tlt e Dlnney explained t hat lil1 ~ o!en g In 'y eu rs, yo u lID OW, and r ec.e ntly h e had' hecomo cOl1verled 1,0 YOll ollghl to l eavo no Hlone lin' r eligion. anclthllt he had also am[l,s~ed I tll'n ' rl - " , con sld erahl e hlrl.unO and 'was n ow abl o " Hush: " commanded Marian. " He' lI to pay ofT 'all his old deblR, anrl tlmr h elll' you. , ' . hi s consci'l oll co compelledd him \0 ljO · " /lh! M ls~ MtlrlRnl" ex cla l m erl t he tbl._~Phllatl e li'hla Recor , ct rlCtol', e~o U)lnl: fo rward w.l ~h hnth ~'.!i' . -. ---d ' han tl s 0 1Jt~ tJ'otc h ed , "I am so , [Ic· . After Kn071e ,g:, \vb t '" ' ' C ' OI) !lgnln, I \VaS he ro Y ast- A man 8'!l( OU8 0 Ree a Lo s [or my l1'aln " - it I\'ould do to him dmnk 110 I fI IhEl SI.OII On .. ,.. " . 'f It ' I II day ' " ee l n , r·'ru1)l · Ilrl rk E'rl lilt hl s ear,,- and sa w 0. Crlm8.';lIIbeak-:-f 1I1IPP.OSO: ~ou would . . ' , Id' hardly bell ew' my eyes," y ou, h s T tI was Il.ImosL In con· call .tbllt thlrsUug for knowled l;o? ,n ), Il • tim d g:tUng behlLid Illo don. " "Rath'e r say ,quenching' for knowl'/ LJl~ OJJ~. nn ' . d " Y nkers Statesman ' 101', hc' ,vent tbr()ugh sllch lIalltOm lmlc lege, 0 , ' <'l1(1IC1rt,lon s as to render Marlon penr, Perils of TO-Morrow; .1 1' s fl. echl ess, She shlmblod throu.~ h I · lIubby- Qu l.ckl tbe 'nlght glasses, I hI;' introdu(' t 1011 ~ somehow, and was . ,\iinther , or thosc Infernal fi ying ma' cHl;l a l\llr poll'Le to ,the volUble do tori " blnes 11as knock d "rr nur chimney' :i e d id )1 01 ~ee11l to n otl o(' h oI' cool lILock , and I "'ant to take the nuruuer, l111lnnel', howel 'el', bu t beamed on -Taller, ' \' fI'.,.\C and wlJon he round Hbo "'as un' t il train with hill delight and apl la r en l, ~ ltl'III'lse A hfi'tty wn. L to h" "\'(,11 \Vhll~ It .1,)pl, 1- (>;~ 110 lx'uod .. , Ho WD.S goI ng to, An'l. wnklnJ{, ml~"~d I .... mOlher'8 'Irll1l , , II . d d 11 t ke '.ntl "'['pt. . . Sprhl"ltl'~d', he sal ,an \\'011 a TI\"s~' ungel tcll1tdro~ 'tallln,; earthlVutd 'I ~ ()al In the Pl\lIman, SCI the) could LllroU,lth " lJIto ' hlH'1! a nlel vIsit toge!.her, ,'hc u he I Oo<l'e re-:,~r.. 1IIt1 • • , the tur"u olM 'be;m {' ~ s,:!. n, Fruit drel!r Ted aside, J \\'h "" I<'r Wlleo,"






co u tl nually wrl'l'I; d by In lerna l tur' JU otl , snch as and Ihl' .C nlral Amcr lcan l'f'p ubli('s. will dl sc",'" r th h om s n re fIll' from Itl 31 hOlll s, and Ihut lIw r o IR Rll Rh sP II'o ot Ih . 101'11 of thot should b e found In ihe h ' arts of its Illzcn s, 'I'h l'e Is a dut)' th at Irll'oll'es \lllOII ..." II , allel whic h Is' due to tb e gen £'l'lIlions growing and lQ co me, Th e clut.)' I s to sutround th h ome whb such n vlro nmell tH as \\' 111


make It attracll \'e and (\ e\' olop In th e grOwing youlh tb e highes t Qualiti es 01 manhood nnd w'omanh ood, Where th e [l eO I)l e ore opp'ressori b )' monurchy and f eudali sm HIre Is no IneenUI' t o develop lh ... b lghes t state of hOlO e lire, In Am erica , wh or e 811 are upon an eq ual plan 1\J~d ol1Portunlli 8 are open t,o every ()Itlzen . and where the ~ ciople arc se 'llre In tbc:>lr ri ght s to h01\1 es. th er I s every reason wh ), each one shou l d make the grcllt ·t endeavor to fou~d for him self and bl s progell Y a r osldence place that will he sure tro m Inltru'slon alltl.' be an Incentive to blgher m en tal and SOCial developmenL EducRUon II all Important and no otb er country I'll the world offers to all 8uch glprloua advantageR to r e, celve enlightenment as does the U nited Slates , It :Is Important that the home be l ocatrld n ear &ood 8chool5. Good schools nre generally found where there are good homes and good lown., Th e QU 8111ty of citizenship or a community can generally b gaged by tbe standard or· Its ed ucation InsUlutlons, It Is hlriporlallt to t he OfllB builder that th e t owll wh r In ~e Is l ocated 01' which he m ity r eSid e n ea r, be a progresHln place, And the better that thIs to'l\'n be. the b lter will be Its educational facilities tor the youth, It I~ esnential 10 th e gr eatest good .of a community tba t It' be r onlIzod hy all r esl dllog within It that · the more wealthy lit can,. be. mad e. tbe grente r will b IIts advantagc s both as to ed ucation and otherwise, By supp.ort to hom e Institutions the hom e I s mnd o bettflr In every way, Patriotic Citizens will maHee I t their first aim to be loyal to th eir own hom e Interests and then th I r El t ntc and nnlion_ One who Is loy al to h onle Is generall y faithful In th per formance of all the duties tha t good eltlzel1 l1hl\l Impllcs,

~ ~ou

b~m ,





People Who Aro Eithe~ Too Bu.y til Too Indolent fe~ Self-Improvement. That person "'ho takes n.o Inleres' In affairs ot h is f ell w m en. ho fll !ls to k e p hIm self Informed liS to whM I s tra nsplrln" around him, I s for r rotn SUGGESTION • beIng eltller .. pragr s81ve or well, In' HENRY'S FOOLISH formed , Tbese days ,\"hen I>DJle~8 Ilnd or II 11 HIP thin . . IIIH ~ .whn or run. "YOII 'S 1IIell to enjoy tho \llay tbornl ogB? l nel are so plentiful ' and 50 .M.h.1I It.'u tat I n PflSY pa(l'; I1l1 ghh' ," sa lll MI'. H enpec k . choap, tbere Is little excuse for the II" Kiv,'s bll( Odd" 10 tin nnd fur, " 01;, It " ' US II wfully I'llnny ," 1'{lJl lIl\~ Ilverage ' p raon not k ee pin g clnse ly In All I \\'111 1$ In ~vory r lU'c, to uc;tI with eventR; nnll pllrU '1I1arly hi s wl ro , " I luughed 80 Dl llch thut ll ~ h ~p~ I'n l n III. OUlo ellr _ k eeping en lighLened as tn wh lll, II rull'l\" octwd 111\ Cl\'~I', A till hnlUlh ' fl JlS th ~ h OI1'o : Ih(' " [; (11111 ), Ilart lhat Wl1ij ~I' h r t ranspiring that may affc ct his own 01' tHh ('-t( Iht" ,.::'l·t.~.\' h o \; n d f')r • I ry. mllll foo l it his w ife unci IYRS out Individual interests, 1\ wi IIl1lttl hhl' Q\' e n \\'~.rKe, with anoth er WOlllan wh ll ... t he 1l10thl'J' One of the great beautlell. a'llt1 an or hi child !' 11 was nt homl' 11'1IInl; eXlraordlnary \lrlvllege or our AmarP~" ""Pli ' h ~ wh a le or 51:..-" get Ir.Po,. ..\rHI WUllt IL lillie go. leBn f orm of governm ent, la the> right til III whlll tI 1I0bl f 11 0 1" h W Jl K, lle1-l u ll ,l h 'c i'C tnto hh~ s ulHluUOt u o t ever citizen .0 tak e a part In \lub- ca li SI' ~ h e l bou ght he Wll ti wurk ln g AIH.I ~lfh'H tlu' lIl down below. IIc affairs and parti cul arly In gov- UV(1J'1Itn tor Ihelt'· benefit, " I lIlou gh t I'd d ie lit th e rl dlC11lol1s' I' I'n m e nt~1 transactio ns, H ow D1uny ."nt1 no w tho e ll 4'.IHY rCltlhe r~\.C ' .:hap I novel' su w Jl n Y lhln ~ In foHow pllrty l eaders, llerhap s blindly, nCRH o f II 1\1 UAl (' IOfl t! hlB J.;lly b r l~ n v . a nd too la t lind that th ey made er- 1l1~; 'llf lh~t IYaR half sq f unn y , How F r lI \1U1 pntK Oil li b. O)' lng g'Ctu A n,l " ',lIlol'.· IIlrdle. too, rors thro llg h not having und er stood ('1~' I' e l'ly h )lull ed t h wnol ov or her I11Ut! of the sllu atlon? How mlll1Y who are ('Y S, and whllt a roo l It n ell I' m c. [ hovo tn laugh o.u t negll gen In the s lud~' of nH1I1SUJ' S h(1r, NEED FOR SPEED, that ara brought tI\l ror cOl1 sldl1rll tl on 10111 1, e ven nu w, WhCll 1'1'1' I t h l ll k of h ot h by stat R,nd nat lonnl l <lg l~IDtive It." " Y os. It wa s- great. I'm ~ C1 g lad )'I) U bodies, and 100 Jail! find lhat vn,v l so 1 suppos II' I I~' e r f' 10 law9 w er e enacted that dl l' ell), OP: nnjoyed It. presRe(1 certai n cln sses 10 tlta nrl, do tb o t hings that IlIlln did YOII d hnve vantng· of othr1'S '! H ow mR.D), pt!op lo a good l au gh . ov r m y clolwl'u(lss. ar ga he l'ed In by alllll'ln g p 1'oml se e Rnd - " , " H nn' : H ow dar )'01.1 sllgv;cs t madA . In UI A firiel y prlnled IIl el'BlnrO sent h rond cast throngh the count1'Y such !\ tiling'! IlNlIOUlb 111' tha ', CHI l' In, ro r th e p).l qlose or flxploltallon o r nocent ohlld ren IIrp I1 sl ef'1' h('nt' l1lh fra'udulcnt sleck compaples, jllst thi s roof," :- bl cago R cord-llc l'llld , tLJrough not k eepin g In for med as to lhe m elJO H and m eLhods elJ1lll oyed h)! An Important Dlscovcry, sc hem crs t o entrol) IlIA unwal'y7 It "M,· ~' f(e . " h e remark rl , " htls made Is co nijon'a tlv,Pl y t'8 1I1IIII od tha I e(1 eh a v hllllOl'tanl r1lsGclVOI'Y." . YOar mOl' than $ 50, OOQ , ~OO, a1'P la1< c n "ll1d e<:d," sat d h is CO l1Jlmnl (III, " whut fro m th arnln gs of t.)le peopll' j~ s t Is II, ~ It, ·!" t hrongh the 'oPllrnllons or fr aurl uh' nt " " lIOW snbstanc o Ihlll I;; OI'II111'('n l , minIng, oil , InsUl'Rnre Rnd IIk(' Im ll ' I)' Ind "stJ'u ctl ltl ' ," cer na, [t wo ul!l be ImLloRRlbl1' for t ho HI t! eO lUlHllllcoll r el'all ar\ tbe t ac l promotel'$ or 8 11 h frn uds \.0 exi st IYCI' that thr wife hu d hell n II J)ro f0 8s0r or t he peoili c carofnl raail(,I'R, f'r tb e . nutll l'a} sci nCOH \ll'lol' 10 hoI' marnewspape rs and lhe m nga7.i n08, t.he ri ll g , snd - InQlIlred It she b ll d be!'n pages o [ which nl'e fill ed with ae- long at work lIpan t ho Invention , cOlin Is of the doln s s ot "gel-rich , ' " No;' h r epli er!, " f1l1d It came about Quick" sch m OB, quit l:,ty aecld\, nL She , wns trying to ' These days th re II every OOPOI' mak e a sponge cak ,': -'I'ho Royal. tunlt.y for self·lmprovement. ~nral d ellverl s carry papers t o the mo!!t LltlI(' ,Jim- Ik ~" e sneak ed a 'Weed, EVIDENTL.Y NOT NEEDED, r emote farms. and t elephont's cOllncct OO ITIC J\nd s e '1m Ilurr--oaiy 'urr, ' the rarmnouses In ttle average com, 1Ill,- Tho Sketob, I, munlty, If the people werc only to uUlIze tile m eans so close nt band, Seemed to Prove It, . and to lake the time to rrnd , and ex "no )"ou t1l'1I \Ie t ha r tgnoMlnce amin e Into su h propositions as l uter' I s bll ",, ~ " CIIlcn IUIk cd 11 !tupple, es t them . there would bo l es cause TIl\' l(irll,' 8111d, 'wllb ~ ro rnCul glc,nee, for complaint on the part of those " \\' II, you .ee m 10 lie IlnI'P)':' ~ who p er<'lla:lce get their "fl!Jgers blls' tered," It I ~ evident from lhe 311CCea! Wh,.t He Feared, tbat eltplOiters or schemes m eet wltl: , The dishon est gardener, jush dill. lbat th e majority ot people Illck good ehnrg d. eypd hi s late mBst r gloombusiness juc!gment. or that. they are Il y, and shook bls hea d at him , blind ed by Acme Inherent gambll,ng de·. " YOII will miss m e, 111'." he sale!, sire, It Is always a nfe pilln 10 avoid wi t h sad r elish, " You will miss me any Investm ent that offers mor than befor e 1 be gon o 'Illf all 'our," l egitimate r c turns on I'n Investmont. " That." r eplied hili master. nastily, Any proposition ' that will pa y even " l shall bear wllh forUtude. so 10nR II t en per cent. a yeat, and ,,,' here the I don't. mlM~ anything el se,"-GhlcagQ prinCipal Is lIecured. can find all the . JeuI'ual. capllal that may be required for Its operatloll. without calling upon the . By tne Porter, gene ral pu bile., It Is only t h e uncer, "Train h Oldups," sold the old tray, taln kind of Investments. the oneil l er. " al'l' nothing lIew for mc. I've. lbat are a "gambl e," such as mining, uc n In lOis of tliem ," , nnd the like. tbot are most prominent " How doe8 It seem to be co,"ered In the advertl~lng columns or t he paPat-I s Casc y. Illllrri ed or ~ Iugle ? wi t h n I'e volvor ?" asked the llste."er, pers, The basis 011 which thl1 pr omot"Can' t 80Y," r IlUed ·the old traveler. MI,ke-Slnlile. I think, I OW him ers work, Is the Inelluatlon or t h e peo, " '\'l' e al\\,ays b e >n held till wit1\,. a pie to seek grent ret urns for little 3() con I S. li nd h e hns n ev,e r asked m whi sk bro o 1lJ . "-lIf1lwa~lkee S ntlnel ·money, It I ~ the 3ame sentiment tbat f or Il,- h !cago N ew ..,


allow!! numerous estnbll shmellts 10' CIHed In differ ent parts of t he country to di spose of eh ap goods nt 'enorm Qus profi t!! Ihrnugh holding ou t to, th e Ileo,. Ille the promi se (lxtraoJ'Cttn ary values , Th e w ~ II -lnfol' lIle (1 mlln will avoi d nil kinds or Investm ent II h ow es t h at are d slsned to dra '" mon ey from the poeke;s o( Lho lleo ple, Rnd will also r efu se to buy any " pigs In hngs," . It mattcrs not wh eth er th e mn tter of barter be stocks >lnd bonda or tilO n ecessaries of life,


Who Ma:kea the Town? The edi tor 01' the pap I' at Coyl e. Okla .. ask s [n iarge l etto r s. " Contrary to Homc Building, ' makes the 10W[I?" To m ake a town Trade Is t he' .lIfe of Ute IlgrlculLlIrnl requires the wOlrk of many peopl e, . It hi , surely not tbe man who earns hi s town : Any syst"m . that diverts ~b16 wage's In the tl~w n and then spends trade Is Injurlollb to tho communlt.y , his earnings elso90'l\cre; not the [arm- H ero lies the evils or the mall ord~I' er who sells his, produce to t~e home system, . By dJ'llwlng the trade rrom merchant and thell takes ~he mon ey thc towns. the prl nelpal sUPport goes. to th e express or post office and sends and wltb Its gOing- disappears tbe em· It to ' the Chlcilgo nuill order house ploymcn t for lhe Ileople, the. school tor tbe goods he' n eeds; nor the minis' syslem, and tbe chlll:ches and all lbe ter who 18 paid ror Jlreachlng by the advantil'ges that tho town affords to business Interellts of the .place, and the people of tho . cQDI.D\unlty, Not spends bls spare time In w~rklng up alone lhls but home markets , are de: grocery clubs for an outside cQncern, stroyed and the .farmer finds the vnlue. No• . brother, tbclse men do ' not make' of his land reduced" Have the Importance or borne trading Rnd . borne sup, towaa, port Instilled Into the minds .of the farmers In gel\eral. aod there will he Gov, Folk on Home Trade. "We are proudl of o~r splendid, cltle~ a rapid falling y tl. of tbe catalogue and we want them to Increase lro house patronage, wealtb and population and we also want' our country town to grow, We, wish the city merchant~ to buill! up but · we also dellire the country merchants to ' prospEI~, ' I do n9t belleve.J n tbe mall order citizen , Ir a place Is !Jood enough .for' a man. to live in and. make his mon·ey· In, It la good enou"h for blm to spend hls·. money in,"

Importance of Good ROI"., The towll that has good roads leadhig to It 1M hlessed, Surely , there . Is no more !llsagreeabl g thing, nor anT. thing more adverse to the business . Interests of a plar;e thlln Impassable boggy roads, There Is a IftUe excus,!!. In the well sellied co~tt\unltY for poor roads, ' It may [n t;le begll\nlng be

M I.flb hi 80ng., "I'm going : to scf e , a new Amerlca~ play to-night," lihe ·WIl8 saying, Ult's an English author, All tbe best Amcrlcan plays Itlies'e days are written by Engllsb .a Ut!tloTS,' , .. , . "I hope th ey sIre more apropo1' thau the 80ngs · they write;; ' remarked her friend . " Have YQU forgotten thtl' Eng. 'lIslt 80ng thal hlld a cborus about the , 'Colton f,lelds way down 1n Old New

somew·hat eXllenslve !o put the roads In order, but III the end It will prove tbat the saving, In wear and lllar oli wagons and ho,rses will well rel,ay all tbe· addJtlcihal ex1'ensc, . And ,t o tbe town good roads are almost ·vltal. Tbo average tarmer would rather d.r lve ' three or. fout miles for~h e r to a town o'ver good r01\ds than do his ' trnlling whon It Is necessary lo go 'hub deep In mull to the nearer place,

~Iasses b,.




Greatn e8S, and In Am erican cltl ze ll' ship 18 found l \he bulwark of our rEl . publican gO I'c J'Jllmpnl. . \ 'here th(' Iw m life Is I don l . th r e Is f ound genuine I h which t l e CIIIs ulways COmm ell8J1rJ1te w t 1 ' IIgll(enment IInC! tbe dOIll sUe hnplll . ness of Ihe peo \llf' . Hnw Importaut Il Is tb l'n thaL C I'r l'y saf eg uard be I

I'hfl n~ccl rO~:I~lo~t~ld:~\lnWh~nu::IIIII':II~~;;t I~~~

'l01 I n 11lI1'[lOSI'," Th on she hel' 10nCl tn plendln g, "0 pleas£! don' I, .' Th at is t h e j ol;e lno (a I', ,lllSI lh n Ih doctor lumed back. " Wh oro Is Hh ?" he ailed , ·' 11 1" ,' " ou r car, A I'l' all III gPI. ill ll rid dt'C UR o ff? I su 't thi R a lurk? 1'01 1;0 glae! I IlIl l1I,o no cl to me t ),o n," ;\s M ada n sett l ed 'h er bl' Ion;: I In h c-r soc tlon , t h('y show('l'cc\ h .r with Rnd boxe s of ca ndy ti ll she dc.

mll'lb , l oll "Fran k Orl gh t. got 10 me whA t you' ve done," co mm an ded hill wife , " I should think ,1'011 might let 1\Iarlun 810n at t he InHt mlnule, w ltbou t IllRyl ng 11 joko on h ... I'." '"I hal'en't don e a .thin g t o h oI': on \, n' " rote to Dr " Ston o " "To Dr , Stonl'! Ynn d l dn' t!" " W ell, Ihon , I d ldn ~t, I lhou,~ h t did , [ '1111l 501\1 Ibin; In to t h mall, ltOX , "


Where II found the &'teatest ad I'anco m nt and civilization Ihere I s al so found among thEl peopl e til hi g h, est type of feo :lty nnd 10l'e of home, The America n hain es are the most unb sl.anllnl pillara of th ualloll'~

'\ a r I an m an II g ed to Ihrown abou t th e hom e. whi ch Is t hrou gh th o gal , .. d tI Ie lDurmur to ~'I'a nk : bo t hed wb el'e ar9 produced (or O\'(l , hi t II l h ' sl "th that is l1 e.ces' " "\1 get eve n with ,I'OU ( 01' t 8, YoU opm en 1\ e I r n., , ' 1 1'", ror t ho p ll etl lftllQu ot a gov ern, ace Ir I don't, you Rca mp," 5 ' er I"ranll:, .. , h a·vl' · so me r lre In m y JlO(:I; t," menl and the mai ntenan ce o[ a nu, h e >laid , 8011'1\101)" " I wellt OUl and tlon's g reatness,

~'~I~~,~:~dC~~~:::I~~~O;:t~II~~~l~I" ~::~

lI~ht ccl

Two Vital Thln'I' to Be Conaidored by ThOle Whc, Would. See the G~atea.l Pregre •• al'\d Adv'lne.ment_


'Jersey' .?"



t h(ttlghl IU l fl fl lU l~P d <m Ht',

And lh ~ n h u round t.ho l rOll!)I' ' To


II' I~

t he SO oe nt!!!.

- Mllwl1l1k.,o SCIIII .. 'I,

A New Idea, " I t Is Ii wnnder t hege Hoel ty Ilo(\p!e Wh o ure al ' ays I f :" lng ,for a u ew son, BaUnn In t il II' flll1oUoua don' t give dried aJlt>I ~ parties. " """hilt I'll: bucb all Idea Inle h ellr! ?" '. "Th ev wonld be ~ur: h ewell affairs," -Bnltl~n o~e Ame rican , Account8 For It, "How Mr, Gushlt doos wrlle'! His fiowlnJ; sty le fu lrl y gushes rorth," "That's because bo uses a fountain I~n," - Daltlmore American : . GETTING IT 'OVER WITH,

She-What Is Tonr idea ot t~e bes' , \\'oy to I,reserve f\OD!41stic \le~c ! H e-Well , there are lots of IJoople try to [.rotlerve It, [11 ramily jars. ' Up • • nd Down •• 1,11110 Miss Peu rl I. a tunny' IflrlThe quoor Nt tn tho town: , . ,One cllw ~h o took her w!ltch l1p8taJrs, Then she le t It run dllwl\, . ....Chlc'lR'o NewL

------He Took It Badly,

" You a1'e quite rllO down," sold' fhl!' faCe tlOIlS , cy~ltst to the ' man he had knoeked over; ' "you ought • to taka 80meth'lnfli," '. " . will. " sold the victim. jumplna: UIl ; "I'll take It out or. your bide," And he did,


Too Mueh E:xertIOI). ·ChOIlY-Why don't you w,eo.r II tcp . hat all ·the urilet , You look- 80 muc,b bette I' : in on e, .'. , , . Fweddy":'Deah boy;. to' be always cOhsclOlll1 . that one's looking , ont·. 'best III too mllch ' a strain, 7bu know,-Ghlcagq. Tribune,. "


'. , wlU youglye Die a A. Lalt 8tlnd. . cood , sount! licking? "DOI)'t yotl thlnk ~I!.e . Newrlohea .Pa-Wb!lt for, Johnny? RoceQ,tly . a ' number of 'Bampletl of hav'l leo muob' BUYer at tbQlr t\lnc.'ohnnl'~Wel\, I'm going 'to aneak cOrree, extract.s and canned good" tlons?" oll 'and In swimming. and I dOD't sent out by a premium giving ('onoern "00 let tbem show tbere's 110m. were examined by . cbemlsts Ill ., Mis, wt!.nt to be hothered with a tuture.- , about t1!em ",hleh tia. poUsb,,,_ N. , 0 , PI()ayune, , souri 'and In ' aouth Dakota and found' Damouire ~merl~an, • to be greatly adulterated, These g.ooda A Slight V.':IMlon, .were BOld at prices al ' high aa tHe F.orbldd'"11 the •• rintl, local grocer8- ebal7le tor the belt A!laa. On sultry day. our ' ';"0:11 ohOOM, "»0 yoU think it Is r.,bt 'for a WOlD- ' In much lh<l "a), wo did ot old ; of arUcles, Those who are careful of ~I! I04m'l nerce .plthet. we'll UM, U io marry a mu oqt of pIli?" ~beaIt1l lbOIl14 Dot buy foodltut! that But wc'lI BaY ''JIot'' Inst ead ot "0014." "OeManlT not: pltf alid lov'! are ltD . (lome. frQID, ~ mall order ho_, .or -Wuhbhrton, Star. DAr a·kln."-DaItl. . . . AiDerl~ ' Adulterated Fooi!atutra,

Killing thc. 8,mal,1 Town . .. , If Is Impossible to build up lawns wltbout tbere fjelng business , to employ t~e peop,le who reside. In th.eru, The mall order snlem of doIng busl, ness Is killing the 8~all town, and U Cl reault the residing near them ' surrer b,. a poor market, Qnd poor ather ~Jes.lilgs of the kind tbe live toW'1l, Not 'aJODe tIlII Yalil.....



The Way of It, 1hI Mhldl &CI I nl(, hurn 'd mll llll,;lIl all, Del ' rrnln i!d Um t · he'd sock A Wil Y t h,n h ~ mlgh l 110 ( h r o ugh nrG On 80 c (~ n t tl u w cd c. , , H e solved llw prnhl.l.' 111 Hrt f,r ycarH



rro!ia'ua. ,"IUD IIlYlD& .COIl.... _. .





with Pain, Day and NIIIIlt, fO,r V•• ,...

Wm, H, Walter, enciDeer, of Chatl' .orth, ilia., wrltea: ':Kldney dllea.e waB lurking tn J!lY . Bystem for years. I . had torturing paln In the ' side and back aDd the urine was dllrlc and full of sediment, I W'IlB racked with pain day ' and nlgbt. could not sleep or eat weH, and tlnally became crippled Uld bent over with rheumatism. Doan's Kidney PI'lls brougbt quick retlef, and In time , cured me. Though 1 lost 40 pounds. I now weigh 2()O, more than ever before !' Sold by all dealers, 60 cents a box, Foster·I\UlllUrn Co" Buaalo. N, Y.

Clevelalld Artist Came Back with Counter Propolltlon • .




'A local newspaper arUet sot a let.. ~Iver In In· diana who sald be was maldnc a col· leoUon of sketchell, lIaYII th(, Cleveland Plain DenIer. "I have drawlngll trom 'Wen koown newepaper arUlits In near· ly every 8tate It) the UnIOl~,n tbe, In· diana man wrote, "but I have none from Oblo. I blwe seen IIOlne of your work and I lblnk It Is goC/d. If you will Bend me some little sketcb tor ID7 collection I shall have It" The artist noticed tram the letterbead that the Indiana matI was can· nected with a bank In one of the small towns In the atate ot llteMlLture. TbAt cave him a hunch. and he 1wrote baek as follows: "1 anI making .a collection at tell dollllr hills, I hav en't secured epecl· mens tram ever}' . state In the union, GOOD IDEA FOR MATCHES. but J havo s overDI tens Ilnd a few Women for the most part spend Mrs, Pree lIJcKitl'ick, of La Farg~ tweaties , and I am particularly anx· th eir lives at home, and it Is these Double Ender. Popular Among Smok· lous to baye a ten dollar'. bill from wOlDen who arl( wllliog and ambItion • Wis." writes: .... In Mulco, Indiana. ·1 noU ce that you are em· that their homes shall be kept neat Dear MI'II. Pinkham: "For .111% I wlfereil from rtemale played In n place where ten dollar and pretty. their children we ll drellSed was 80 Irregular tbAt ·1 wOllJ4 "MQxlco may be behind us In some bills are kept. and It you sllnd me and tidy. who do their own, weakness. go froth lhree .~ manthe, 10 I sweeping, dust. I ng nud often washing. things. but she has us lashed 1.0 the , one. tor my collection I sb.a ll be glad ironiog and sewing tor the entire thougbt 1 would give Lyd14,E, PInkham.. wbe el whe n It comes to making to have It tramed." Vegetable Compound a trfal. family, who call for our sympathy. "No.. 1 am ooce more well and can do my matches," 8ald a man just In tram the Truly the work of slich a woman without a psln. Any 00" who wilbei, land at the MontezlImas aa be handed BLACK, ITCHING SPOTS ON FACE. is "never done" nnd Is it any wonder work CIIn wrl~ to Die IIlId 1 wllllUlllwer all letten out a wax lucifer with a head on each that sbe breales down at the end of & &ladIy," end. Physician Called It Eczema In Worat fe 'v yeaTS, tbe back be~ ins to ache • there is a displacement, InllnmmaUon "I saw nothing but doubl e ended Womenshonld remember that Lydia Form-Pationt Despaired of Cureor ulceration ot the nbdomlnal organs, E, Pinkham's Vegeta.ble Compound matches wblle I was away, and I can Cutlcura Remed le. Cured Her. a female weakness Is bronght, on, and holds the record for the Irl'' te ll you that they slI'Ve one's record the struggle of tbat. wi re and mother number of o.ctllll\ cures of female IllJi, wltb tbe Recording Angel. U you dig "About raul' years ago 1 "'as amlct· to continue her .duties Is pitiful. Every Im1\'ering woman I n t h e down In your pocket and Hnd one ed wl Lh black s plotc bes all over my Lydia B. Plnkham'5 'Ve,.table United St.ntes IlIlISked to accept the match the chances are tbat you are fnce nn!! a few cove ring my body, Compound, made from native roots following In vlta.~ion. is free. will sure or a light. becnuse If one end whi ch produced a severe Ilcblng. Irrl· and herbs, is the exact modlclue a bring you health and may s a v. goes alit the' olber Is left. These old tatlon, .and wblch cai,sed me a great woman needs whose atrcngth Is over· your life, time match es. lust re vived, tbat splut denl oC Gutterill g. to sllcb a n extent talo:ed, It keeps the feminine organs ter brllilunt s parks may be all right that I was forced to ell Ii 10 two o( the' in 0. strong and bealthy condition. In preparing for childbirth, and reo IIIrs. Plall'.m's ID~ltatloll to WO.CI. when It comes to pleasing the baby, !eadlng phYSician s o( - - - . After a cupe ratlng ther!lfrom It is most effibut tb e tellow who puts on tbe mar· thorough examination or the Ilr.end ed cient. It car ries a womlln safely WOlDen suffering from any ·formof ket a dOllbl e ended .match '11'111 lind cOWlllalnt they annour.c eil It to be through the cbange at lire and in female weakness are Invited to a ready demand," skin eczema In the wors t torm. Their mllldng her strong and well 8.8SUlts promptly communicate with )Ira. to be a good wife and mother. ' treatment did me no good. Finally I hllr Mrs, Sadie Abbott, of Jeannl!tte, Pinkham, at Lyn.n , Mass, ' From t.b. HII Idea of a Good Time. became despond en t and decided to d·ls. Pa .• writc : symptoms given, the' trouble may be The rell red contractor slgbed 81 be conllnue the ir se rvices. My husband ar M .... P.lnkbllm. locllted lind the quickcst. and sures' got Into his dress suit and thought at purchased 11 single Re t at tb e Cuttcura D "I suffered 1III0001'01y witb pain every ,the elaborate dinner and the opera Rem edlel\, which entirely stopped Lbe month Bod aloot!nin In my left .ide. My wily of recovery advised. Out. of her that 'were to come. a ~::::dl ..dv~ L;.':u~~, d~~nkb~~ vast. volume of experiencc In treJl.tlD, breaking out. I continued! tbe use of "Some day," he snld. "I'll gtt real the Cutlcura Remedi es ror six mouths, Vegetable Compound aDd l wrote you In fcma.le Ills Mrs, Pinkha.m probably desll·rlt. an' then do you know , wbat and afte r tbat every splotch wall en· regllrd to my condition. 1 (ollowoo your hIlS the very knowledge tha.t will nnd am 1\ pertootly well woman. Tho help your coso. Bel' advice is free. I'll do 1" tlrely gone, 1 bave not felt a symptom M"ice pains bsvo 811 dlAappeared a.nd r cannot "Something terrible. no doubt," ~ or the eczemn s ince, which was th ree recommend your medlolne too highly." ,alld always h e lptol. plied bls ambitious wtte. years ago. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, 640 Lyf1la E. PIQ!I&..·s l'c,ctablc SaCtCcds Wbcrc OtJJcrs fall. "I suppose It wouldn't look well 1n Jones Ave., Salma, .\In., Oct. 28,1905." print," h admitted. "but I can't help tbat. What I'll do wtll be to tbrow Whew! ~·Be awa y these hlgh·prlccd cigars. put on ''Reolly-or-I'm atrald you overDo.clvillzed I Recov:alae tb. trvlb ond Ihe truth make you Free-from the 111. nel some old cloth s. go out an' come In heard whnt I-er- sald about you." horrors" due to Con.Up.lIon 1'01"0 illl . by the baek way un' smoke a quarter stammere d the gossip who blld beeD , )'ON::l.:i:~·e s,~~e:~f!:: !~~ blC;;~:':ie,. pound at cut· up che wln' tobacco In a caught redlt nud ed. "Perbaps 1-01'cfse tbe bowel mU l clea-they' li do tbe relt. ] ~ b i, W()U ' t strat n, frrltatel! n Of drain t he cob pipe while I'm talkin' thln~s over was a bi t too se ve re-" l!I y ~l e m of its 31bum;nous ,lid., Puri(inl' with the coachman In tbe barn,"-The ..... k.n.. by laking Ibeac .flu ids from olb.r "Oh. no." replied the' other woman, patU of tb. body 10 liquify tb. bow.I,' Bobemilin. "you we ren't nearly as se vere as you contents, !'hy. I_ mildly, by nOD,llblnl the 1>0....1· ""ould have been If you kooW wbat 1 eer".. wit-h lUaekburu', Victor,. C astor. Text Somewhat Apropo., think of you." Oil' i'ill • . All. Drurglltl sell lOe, lS< and The Re.v. J . B. Hammill, tbe elo$1 .00 padr:asru. liar Pree Sample, addre... K, F, Dlpl.. The Vleta" Romld, Co., Darton. O. Will Pale. Quent prellche r ot the Hanson Place He-Why are you wearHng that ell' Methodi s t Episcopal church, Brooklyn, was preachlllg at Say ville, L. I., tram pensh' gown at that dinner to·olgbt? PATENTS ~1~J.ft~,e!.~~~~l,'; AI.. I!X4lVPF.B & bOW ELf.., P.r.., "'.,_..... lite. te xt " Look we ll to your (ounda· It Isn·t such a 8we ll aaalr. (t:.c..bUahed ' AT.' 1071lh tU... N. 'W., W&8UUHltCJN,D.g. Sh~J know It. but I don't teel BoOk.A otlaJormeU OD HD' RI:~ lIQDS." After repealing the text he lenn cd henvlly on the pulpit de.s k. talking much and with tills gOWO on 1 AND RETURN which gave way and plunged. over the WOD't be entirely lost sil~ht ot,-De' trait Free Press. lDakalauallrl "ork & pleasure. IG OL pk,. IDa. Portland, Tacoma. Seattie, Bellingham, altar rail, n early bitting the laymen In Everett. Vaacouver. Vicloria, . the tr',nt seat and scattering lbe .Blble .and New Westminster. lnd the preacher's notes among lbe holders or tbe pews. Tbe aged preach. er barely escaped la tumble over the tJtar with tbe heavy desk. I

. (CoP)'rlcht, by .1o"eph B . Bowl~8.) On one side of the street, In a little looks more Ilke a bone than anything white cottage, lived Prot. Mason and we've trle\!? Anyway, tbe time's al· Ills auburn·halred daugbter Emily. mQst up, and I'm just certain that OIlPoSlte,' hi t be square, ugly, brIck this horse Is aU ' right." bouse, where ,ever)'tblng In the gur· The nelgl)borhood waa certain, too. den was planted In palr8, lived old Only Jo'arrell was . dllsaUsHed. HIli Jacob Porter. Although Emily was disappointment at Emlly'lI latest almost 26, hera was the distinction choice was pitiful to see, Even Elmlly of being the yOllngest Ilerson In the was prcsenlly tOllohed by It, block; and tbe block 'Wall Emily's "I. had hoped,'" complained Fllrrell . world., gloomilY, .. that you'd take the white All the nelgbbors loved her. but If borse. Now it's all over 1 don't !Dlnd crabbed old Jacob Porter felt any ar· eOI)fe6slllg that 1 promised that mlln tectlon for bel'. be k,ept It well con· $50 e xtra It h e'd sell YOIl that bcaat cealed, He assured me that he'd sell YOl& One other person also loved her. A a white horse I( he had to let It lIerlOIlI\·mlnded, straightforward youag go ror $19.98, and I was roollsh enough lawyer named John .\i'arrell, whom to believe him ." Emily bad known In her school days. By the end or the week Emily, who had returned , atter his udmlss lon to had taken all her elderly neighbors , the bar, to hong alit his shingle In a one at a tim , to drive. paid with the ne lgltlJorlng town IUId to court Emily. utmos t chee rfulness tor her horse, who, however, refused' to take his (or she stili loved him. wild attentions with a proper serl· . One bright mOJ'lltng, tbree week!l later. tlte enllre nelghborbood turnell .ousne ss. Contented Emily,. whose Ume was . out to Inspect th 1I01·se. There was pretty well Occul,led with he r bouse· c(' rlalnly some thing very mUch amiss, keellillg. had just one ungrutltJ tl and the tl'ouble, wllate ver It was. was longtng ; but thnl. Mter all , consider· visible from th e outSide. Ing EJmlly's envll'onm nt, was rath er "l\ly eyes." qunvered ohl MI'. JC.Illler. an omhlUous one. Elbe wallied not a "aIn't ' good. but 8ure's I' m a·lIvID'. bushand, bllt u horse. She had no that horse's cout looks green: elll' cUltton at' owning one-no Clne In "I had him out ' In th e rain ycs ter' tlte block except Mr. Port I' had ever dnL" explained Emily, who had Just owned on add ed h e rself to the group. " When my ship comeB In.'' Emlly Inspecting Emily's horse soon bewould 8UY, 8S Ijh Bat 80clnbly on ol} e snn to be Ih e chief occupation at the or anotber ot the hlock'" doursteps, "r nelgl, borhood, tor a gradual but de· sbnll have a bauuurlll horse with a cld ed change at color was surel y tak· ftowlng black tull- rve OIW,ys loved Ing p'acc In tb onlmul. His tor mer bor~ II. " owner, who mIg ht have enlightened When Mr. died sudde nly In April, the nelghborbooli learned. with considerable ostol\lsbment. that the abubby ol~ mun WUII possessed ot can· "Ide rable property, nnd relatives 10 Inb rlt It. There was on claua In . his somewhnt remurkable will that was ot IIspeclul Inter lit to the block. lie had left '42G and UII unclent buggy to a s tounded Flmlly. Sh was. how. ve l', to have no nholc In tbe sp nd· ~n!¥,iit this legacy; with one dollar ho WDS to I,urehase a trustwortby cuok·book; wlO, two hundrOd sbe was t\) procut'e hoy and oat s : with the rflmalnd er she was to pu rohase a g ood bars. lind t bat without dillY. nl ess tbe anll\,lal was selected within 11 fo'rtnlgbt, sbo was to fore It e very· i bl ol; but the cook-book. This WIIS eccentric ~acob POl·te r's way oC mnk, Ing It cerlaln tbat Emlly's ship should r oaCh port. . Mr. Brown, who had once poss ossed 11 cow and sUII own d a barn. ad· viII d EmUy to advcrtlse In th o week· ly paper tor 1\ like ly young horse, Thfs Beemed sensible advlDe. and ns "Col.d· Reception," 80cn as tbe ~11I was \lrobated and tbe legacy turned over. Emily adverUs >d . Emily; had qul elly vanls bed and could ' The J)ape r was Issued Saturday not be tound. The chestnut borse morning. and tlte Ink was not dry be- had been purcbused In I\lay; by tbe tore answers to the' advertisement end of June he wa. und ealllbly a ,,1legBn to anlve. Emily WIIS clllled ' dlngy botU ·I;1'eell . .By July he had from ' the breakfast table to examhlO tad d to mustllrd color, aDd Jobn th first candldo:te . but one glance at Farrell eyed him thouglltrully, A $100 Reward, $100. tbe pron:ere d ste d wos nough.rainstorm early In August washed all Tbe "aden of lbll paper wtn be pleued to lean ~h.t tboro hat leaat ono droldc4 dl"aHI tbat talOuM ."No,'· sold EmUy. to tbe man that exposed portions at the chanl"cable b.. be~n able to cure 10 all h. naael , IDd lba' it 9tood on ber doorstep. "I can't Ilossi. hOl's e to a cream Is h hue. Bud flnally Oawrb. Uall'l Catarrb Our. II lbe Ob i, pollUve c.are utJw toowD to tbo madlcal fratornitJ. Catarrb , bly buy a . white borse." the truth da wned upon Emily- a bOI" The Dlan glanced (rom Emlly's rlble trlltb, because It shaLle red more ~l::l ~rr.:.~'!~~~url~lll~~~:·rr~~~ ::.'~I;:: ~~:!l:~ ~:ID t:I~~~m~~ge~~~;Ia::.:o~tr:::C;g: g10wlng. helld t(l bls spotlessly white than, one Idol . . . roulld.lIob or tbo dl l oue. aud al.IDI lb. pllleDt prop rty, grlnDP.d sheepishly nnd . de. EI"e had, afte r :::11, purchascd the ',lreDlllb bl bUlld_ID, up CO o ltitutlvG aad UII",. nature 10 dulDa Itt " ork:. Tbe proprleLort baTe J)arte ci. Ho uJlderslood, to~ ' his own white horlle. The rallcally borse- 10osluucb t.ttb ID Itl curatb. pow Crt tba, tbe1 offer b ead WIlS as red as Emily's, ~ealcr, determined to earn the xtra One l1uDdred DOli'''' for ao, CUI till' It I&JII w Sc.lu1 ror 1111\ ot lelltmooill• . ,'ohn understbod. too, $60 otre~ed, by Jobn, which. however. cure. Addreu Y.,J, OWl!iE'I'.to CO., '1'ole40, O. 80ld bJ: III Dl'lllIIhll. 7S.. • "You sl:!e." Emily hau explnlned to tb~ culprit had not yet collected. had Take Uall'l Famll, PUll ror co.. llpaUoD. Jolln the Sunday before. "I'd as soon U'led halr·dye, QI' soml/thlng eQ II 1111)' t hln.k of .etUng· inon' d I1S to buy. IlOtcnt, to success (l!lIy disguise his Had eeen tlJ whlt.!1 h01lle:" colQrl 88 horse. . Hewltt-I hear that thnt crazy r& "'1I'b.; thlnlt nhb~t It I, ' John had "Dless me. illY dear," exclaimed t1ui Cormer Is to open a 6chool to teach urged, 'selzlng the oJ,porLunlty tbaL professor, wbo was drlvlug with Em· bls doctrines. ' Emily !tad Inadve rtently provIded: IlYlllon~ a~try rood wll his JeweU-[ don't believe] care to at· "I'm doing so II10ely now tbat tbll re dlstrelslng knowledge. with all Its tend, . _ ;. 1sn't any rellsoD why ' we ' shouldn 't dh'c consequences, finally burst In Hewltt-I suppose you got Ured of be m8rrled~next October. (a" In. lipan her, " 1 wouldn 't. cry abollt It. ~etoroi school wben ·you were a bUl. stance. I've been waiting an winter child. There Isu't a borse with a bet· for you to glwi me a ILttle encourage. ter' galt or a sweeter disposition In Ladlol Can Wear ShOe! ment." .. all Mnnsfleld; If be e\'er gets thor· One ~ize smaller after using Allen'R FootEase. A certain curc for swollt'n,8weating, "I'll give 'You a Utile now," demure oughly bl~ached . .he·I1-" hot, aohing feeL At 1111 Druggis t •• 2.'Ic. Ac· Emll.y had return.ed, suddenly dll' "It-It Isn't the horse," Bobbed, cept no ~ubMit.ut c. 'frial pn ~knge FREE. playlng 'the rare \Ilmple tbat Jobn 90 Emily against her tather's sboulder; l\ddre88 A. , . Olmsted, Le Roy, N. y, loved to see. :'Wlien I buy a whltll "It-It·s John Farrell. I'll never sPcllk • horse I'll ~egln to think about matri, to him agAin as long as I live. Oh. I A generoull mind does not feel AI many:' , cQuldn't have believed It at him." belonging to Itself' alone, but to ' the ,' Apparently all th'1I borBes In Mane. The next day was Sunday . John ap· whole human ·race. We Bre born to field were for lIale. Before the ' first peal'ed, 'a s usual, and was genuinely Berve our . tellow·creatnres.-S, S. day w!ls. ove~. Emily bad Inspected 32 8urp~lsecl at . tbe cold , reception 'ac· Smile •. alleged likely young horses-rour of corded him. It took him eo me time ·to , Don't Sneezo Your Head Oft'. whlcb, however, rlvlll horse denIers convince the Icy ~'oung ... 0010.0' who declared ' to be on the brink' or'dying sat on the duor~tep, with her chin held Kr:luJ!O's Cold ·ap8ul~. will cure you al· ot old age, NIneteen times that day unnecessarily high and with a scnrlet m~st tnstnntl)'. At nil DruuiaL•• 25e , Jilmlly and the professor drove ' or s'pot blazIng Indignantly In. each pale' , were drIven, ' arou.n d the block. \ut cheek. that he, had hail no hand In deB,! your l)wn taskmaster, your baSI ce lvlng' her, beyond , maldng th e lioU: bas 9 lher responslbllltiel thall look. ',nlgbt [flnrid tbem sUII horseless. . . tory, unpr~medltat..,d olfer at wlllctl Inll after you, . '.' Th" :ortnlght, as w,e ll .ns tbe legacy; bo had alrendy apoken , and tor which ' . . . h h d II ... WI .... o .. •• BoothlDlr 8ynp. was growing '~ealltltully less: Horses' pIece 0 f . cllre IessneS8 e a . supposed I'Of ebUd,e. lee"'IDtI, lollul "'..... "" . , con~lnued tq nssemble at Emlly's ,\llmsel! [orglveu. The halr·dy·e, he' lUI. , a-au"",al'&J'lpaIA,C~~.Ul4"""", '2IcalloWe, : . ,. IJI\~~jil!· .. ""ndll but · the kInd .Bhe ·!jur.e d. her, wQa a COmIJlete .· HUr),rlse: . " '. . " _,wanle!Y' :~, ~. ". 'Emily, guln, searchingly Into Far. WI~I)' ,a nd IIlow; they Ihlmble The ' last day at ,the fortn.l gh·t ; rell's boneat, Indtgn~ut "blue .!Jyes; run fUl-Sbakespeare, . '. daWnell, 'The .!i\\rner at ·the whit,, ' fGund It possIble to believe. him. bOfll~ bad .neve\, fa.Uf.'d to' appear. at· Once ' convlnced of 'bjs tru8two·rthl· ,', least once 'n dilY. bu~ was .119 r.e gularly n!l8~, :mmll~; WOII 80 relJev~d (hot lllie turnlld, away. ' g llard:ld lY' admitted that Bhe watl glad . Just ' at lIun~own of that Iut day ,;b.I\.I.' she Ifad bOllgh~ tho Wh.lte :, horse. . . 'IIne a q)1eltDllt· bOrle as Emily hod ··When:' . Ilsked 'John, embol.d ened ever 'i~D ..a. tied to the fence bealde. ~'y ' Jlle liap)i1nos8 In' Emlly's, ~tlBned tlie 'taIrY:~lIed 'liN,; Em,i ly, .contrilBUng 1,&,Ye8, "are )'OU gOIDg,to begin 19, think the "'1'0. telt a 'JlaD.~ dl.iIIay. " 'a~out that othor .matter?" . . "Ob, you bealltyl" ·. she crIed, 'ru'D'1 "lIve been thinking about It all day" ,IIlng ~o. the &a~e, .. .. you're ~he pretti. , conf.essed' Elqll.Il', bluab.Jng an. uninl~. _l thIng •. bJlt at C!,UI'SO I clin't blltve. ta1caJ,lle »ln1c..'thut told Its· own story )'ou, You're prpbably a ,'~O(l honle, ·to .eveJ:: -oblu!le Johu. " and IllaveD't-how much Is ho'" ~'By tht! v.:ay," IIlIked J I hp, aD hour "One huodrecl • . sevenfy·llve." ilium· later,. "\f . thllt raacally horae-deaIer bled the, JII&II. ' ,. :" ever turns up for: Ihut ftl\3, What had' "OM" cdea JilinUY. '~do Ie!: . me ', try t .I!~t.e~ do about IU': ' . , lima • •ael tJae IIloct. Mr., Btowu, "Make It a hundred," breathed ilJD. wlaatdil':ou tblb), ot hhD' Mr. Miller' 1Iy', BOWr: but .Tohn . . . not ~o far ~Uii~'t ~ ', ~ tIIIDk . . awu ~o. caleb Ule wonla. ' .

tel' one day trom a man





DE FiliCE Cold Water Starch


The Kind You Hava Always Bou'Sht Bears the





.r ielld

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.C ivilized ""



1&1.60 FROI ST. LOUIS For the round trip, Ticket. on sala 'June

20 to july n. 19D7. lick ... one ".y jbroutb Call· Jornia en sale aame datta. at ; 11Iituly bllber r .....



'UNION PACIFIC , The Short Line to Portland, W. H. CONNOR, G. A.,

aa a.a. Fourth .t., Clnolnnatl, Ohio.





OOUVll1o. womaa that Pu;. UDeAntlAepUo ",W Improve be. . bealtll



. anil do IIlJ we otaIJD lor IS, W" .. Ill MIld ber &bsoilltelr free • larlll &rial bolt 01 Puttne wllb book of IIIlirt1otlons and genuine t.eathllonl~I~, 8 ell4

in piltiim.~ Use

For O'yer

teotions, sucb IS nll881 eaWrh ~"Io I!IllJlrrh and lnftatnmatlon oauJed InI tmI~ olno Uls; aor" eyes BON! throa\ IIi1Cl'i moulh, by direct loeal tteutment Ita C!1\I'o aLl~6 power over tbeae troublCl Is eztra. ordtnary and IIvea Immediate . 'IbouSAtlds of "omen ue tIAlng IIIId reoomll!ondlDI It e,erl day, ' 110 cenu a' drulltrlHt.orhJ mall. Remember,how.ftf,


1T CbST8 YUU NOTIltNOTO 1I'D.B n. l'.AXTOK ClO.. ~~

·Thirty Ye.ars

~CISTORIA •••uu•••• ~' . . . Nn


A. N, K.-Il

No friend in need could be more wekome to a- sick woman. than a medicine ' that will r~lieve her suffering. build up her strength find bring back to h,er. cheeks their lost bloom. Car.dui has done this. fot thousands of sick •.miserable women • Composed of ingredients with special. t:urative ac~ion on the womanly organs. ,.'

Wine , 01 Cardui . '

goes'to the seat of ,Your trouble ~nc( is.'sure to do., you: good • . J. F. Stone~ of ,Lawrence. Kas .• wntes: " ~',My Wife suffered fOF 10 years. flom female troubles' and was givell'Up to die, but took Cardul. and now she is In gOOCJ'JleaJth." .fl.



for;:=T_ .::-.~..~


. ..--.. .--~g~~~=:.,~:"J .'vn".~·:'. ~~n.: ., ,b.

of Tree .

The .,udl8tl on whioh they were baaed were made elpeq,laUY for . the l;>eneflt of farme1'8 Ind other land ---~- ':" I Pet,erB t;ortrldge (.JompIUJY. Kln~1.I ownerll, and to prevent the wute of ~lJ:~:'I~~'::. N IiA~" tiilll()I' and M nu t>< Mms. Work light. aDd olel&n.' Good tbousands of dollars annl10lIy 10llt ~l liS. ,'. J: IIROW!'I • •\ ~OW~T ~1)lT" . . wllges and oom(ortllble . hotul a.;. lteporl8 fr om all partd of the bY .l>luntini the wrong forest trees oQmmodatlontl ulo&e to the faot.ory . country show Ihat the PIIst season or by Improper care of plantations, '1 .00 u year ' . . . . . (II ndvllnCt' Addretl8 Assil!lttlnt 'Manager, .I . ~h. Jr_, I f 1I0~ I>l\l\t ,n u<1Y:lnte h",; undoubtellly be n ohnrnoterlzec} From the lIlanner In wbicb our Kings ro!JIs.Ohlo. (,I . Ii' ~t.) by n m ore e:tten iv~ pllL.ntmg of I naturl\! timber has b en out , it dll',,'lOE IN ALLEN BUILDING O:: ~ iiii.iii ;-_-_iiiiiii_________ fore"t t r t.llitn any prevloull YOOI: ' I tl t h i 111 h . IS 0 ellr Hl e~o Te~ on w nve r r yElPyiO]'le ~JlLIa .. ~O, 6." RuffJilo Bill's Wild West. In thA history of the U Dlted tates. to be ruade as neAt Iy self. Tbo work III progressing very fn· In timber ~rowtll ~9 po sible, The '1' . ~ I. . . " IPOl Will exhibit At Dayton, Ohio, YOfllbly io every Rtllte, in tho Unioo. lesson of the PMlt I~ that the right It hUll be eo most exteosive in foro!lt t.rees gro\vn in-the rl gllt wuy Thur. Aug. 29tl1. 'ulil'ornla , lu the grellt· Middle West., will bring IL bilf profit. Herocic Struggles His nnnouncen t lmt Buff&lo Bill nud iu th e New Elb@rlund StaLes, ~_~!"!II!~!!!''!!'-~~~!''!II!~!''''''~'"''!! - - - - --- - -. of a Negro Slave. hilS prepared on e!\ti r el~" n ow ex- But ev n In tho '~outb, wbere '1 ae 1~11ll itot Life. hihltlon tor h is b ome· omi ug tour, plllnting haa b 011 more or Ie s 11m · ited bectluRe of exi tin, g naturl11 for. Story of a , Pioneer of East Wayne !tfter foul' yellrt! ubrofld. Wbile, 'l' h UlO t eminent, Uledicnl solent Town~hip. of C\l ors8, t,be trel:Je ral !l tyle of t,he est tbo ~oope of the work hRl! grellt . istll tire 'ununlmous in the oonolu .. Ion thllt the generally accepted exhibi t ion will be t.he ume. there ly br oudene(\. limitation of hUIDlln life IS man y will be n, cbllnge of !lcen ic felltures, 'rhe t ree!! plllnteu hll \' 6 b au Wllin. yetUS b low the IIttulliwent p ssible EX PI.ASATION. difforing from allY tbll.t htL ve been Iy hard wo6t!s, t1e\' oml Iltrge nUl'. wah the nlivllll c d knO\vltldg or Tbe enolo ed, orlglnftl1.v WIl!" i n . Is now POStlll 00 . seen with tbe s how during the twen 8 rymeu, however, report gr ou ter whioh t ho 1':1 t~Dded 8S a sort of hi !.Oric prefao 'rbe orltlon l pnrioo. thut deter. ty ·five V.Ilt's It htl!! been before Ihl' I!nles of conUerll for felre t. plllntlntr t-o &D ' old rello of bygon .\'~ar~ i Il UlinoH itl< duration, sf'I8m s to be be pubJlc. 'o\. Wm . F .... od)', the tb they hnve twer flIllde before. tween (, 0 lind 60; the proper onre of Methodist BYUln Sook pllblis l.Hld in la9~ of t he g root scoul s, wiU nppllltr t'ln the Middle W estctlt IIpa, blnok the body during I·hls dOOlule cannot the Y!'li\, 1 0 , and oo1DPIlec1 und er In the !!ad(lle lit eve ry performancfl, IllOllet, ~uge orange, nnd RussillD bl'! tod I!t rongly urged; ollr\ o!\sn e~' the di.r eotion, of Blllhip A bury, and leadi ll~ hiij 'ont:ress of Rough mulberry w re the I'a ,"ort trees; t·ben beiug flltlll to long vlt,.v. :'01'14· pnbllsbed hy J (lhn Wilson Aud Dan ture 's best h elper after 50 is EI ott 10 Riders in some remlirkllble exh lbi in the Norlh null northllli st profer . Bitt rl:!, tbe' s(lienti fic tonlo medicine iel Bitt Nftw York tionl! of expert horsemanshill . Tbe ence wlLsgivell to whl't e pin , chest tbllt revit~lhers eyery orga n of th It is a wonder ohlef sC'enic [el\tore wiil he The nut, luroh, nn d sprnc ; In tbe ' outb body . GUn ranteed hy ~ro (1 ' t-o Yoors 'l'rul.v thllt. tllili s tory of Battle of ' ';l, lIm it. ~prings . " rupro th Ilntlve cnnlferl! held lenu i Sohwurtz Drugg lit 61'0. the IItrujtgles of ti. maD , wbo WIll! ~ dnotion of one of the deollh"g nn Iin(l In I 'tllIfurniu, wbllre the 1m . 8lave llutUl he WAil at leallt 21 yellrll fliot.s in Indian wlu:fllre; n bnr.t1 i n m El u e IInnll:l) planting'lI roo ha Ue n of years of age, And whoes lIucoesswhioh Co!. ody pllrtlolpMed lind In rellsl'd to li t least fiv e time/! lUi MI\~LURE In life depended almost entirely up, in wblch be Rhot lind klJl ed bier fo rlll t<r . 11.1;'1, IlOtllvptllS htld prllcti. UJ 'on his ex~rUons, IIbnold not bave Tall Bull. Another llllnt-umio mel. ollll .YIl 1Il(lllopoly . ,FUN ERA 0 C long ago, been given ·to the publto odrama will be 'l'be Grent T rllin A few Ii gure8 r Blid i ly show the I 0 h t)y all Ilbler pen tJUID mine. Hold. Up, in ' wbioh will 00 dejllcted \' 1.11 110 off or esL plltDtiug fro .1I a com . ephOne or g t, G S . SALI!! the r obbery of Il trllin ; a prllctionl mel" ilil ~ tnJld llojnt . Id Puwnee , local No, .Thill BYMN B OK ~8S pre engine, urs and a relliisti un .I·lm U.)nnty, Nehr , Il It! yelllr lcl utalp" 1 long Distance No, 69-3r ftented, t.1'I ~rlllgdaltne ale, by Ned. to·life r OI)re8entll tion o'f 0 11 1} f)f 'be plun tllllil o ~"ve II net return ot • forme.r !II" v of tier father, (J ames mllny !!~ne8 of lawlesso!'!'. wbl h $1 ;;:1. 17 pe, , lI ore lit th ti me th . 8 h'Off H b If' tlmtth) , In the yellr 1 26, aud Will' tbe West ha~ known . In A H nh plltlltlltl on \VII~ !lut. 'I~his llI elln. t 11'1 ! 1GB. brought by him rrom Kentuoky that dllY lit T-FJ Rll.nob will bp ploture« MIl!!,,1 prottt IIf 24 per tlcre . A - - .- - - - - - 'l ame y",,,r. It hlld been pnroba.sed, the plell!mres lind 1'1I8ti lll l'I' o f r.he 10,y~1\r olu pltmtntion of the StUne lOften The Are tn powhatan 00. Va., tbenoeca.rried (liainsmen, ~ow boy flport.~ IIl1d . a SpeOlfl8 lu Kllnso.s howecl II n et . Over-Work. • bv the original ow~er to Wood . dance upon the gL·een . .Tbe OBn Vtl lue of '197 Ptl 1' fHlre . :-lU ll Uti · tr&st. " Il ve . bard Co. ·K y ... .,tz'rom tb e re to Natob. ' to tbis scene of peoceflll . r evel ' othe r' plant.nll'JIl, In NEll' rlosku, ... Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Bloo4. N. Mi88I@Rlppi. from Natohes baok ry will be Rhown in II sudden uttook II net Inoome of fo l70 50 per 0 re Il It ~(!d lO be c,," s irl ll rc~t lhfll only to Kentucky ~ to Warren 00 . by Indians. The Ruugh !(iu ~r8 wben I ~ yeurs o ld , whioh .amounts Itrillar), nml "lflIllIer trullhlel' w~re to Ile [ru<'e,llo lh · Idrllle,. .. O . and then P'renanted to hiM former contingent will dis play themselves t !In IInnual Inoome of "I:I .IH) per YOUR MiBtreas as' above stated, in difficult rents of horsemanllhlp, acre. !:Sevorul equn lI y l:It-ri klng ~=~~~~~ ~bul .jell eII \I' provesIII lern t bBt . , Ned had come west with the lam· hazardous exbiblt,ions of skill and C~l!ell onuld be oi teel throughout the I near!\' ull dlse..hRI'\: . th. eirrl i~loe>;illllinll ny, and Uyed wtth ~bem for fonr 11 tllvert;ng a.n exhUarat.l ng ~ontine entire Middle West, Itlld It. Is known . ill tit rtlcr of or flve yean bll' wiBhing to marry of equestrian expertn~ and dtLrlng, thllot wbere the on till 1>11. will s uooeod I thl!Se III l Importa ut aDd flDdlns no one of hiB 00101' to In short there is DO other entertain no other tree will n)Il'y so well. or!f.~~" kidne,'~ filler till' blm, reeolvedto'retnrn w Pow. ment like BnffaJo 8111 's Wild West Good 8011 and moisttlra conditions 31111 Jlurif,' thehloOObatan, Herebefo ..nd a female slave and !liter twenty. live yea rs before are, bowever. essential for success _ lhut is th"it work .. Therefore. when YOllr kitllltoysllre wea\: W.!' married and purobaBed for the pnbUo it Is more popular thl\n with t.liis tree, U or out of onler vott lind rsl'lIId how ~ '600, Be lived un~l1 ' abe bore ever, and i8 in every way better • OAage orango 11& bElen known to quickly your e~tlre body is fI,fTected u!ld blm one ootid, a dallahter, and .tben equipped than it has ever beeu be· produoe 118 hlgb tiS ~.1).l0 flr8t.ola8s· how every or~1I 11 fiCeltl~ to f:111 to clo IU died, Be then pl11'Oha18d I Baddle fore. posts and 2,272 seoolld·olltl!s posts .1lYl'you are l'ick r '.1 feel b.luly." bone Ilkewile a paok animal. and per note, Ilnd It Is WEIll under8tood tnking the ~rent 1",lttey remedy, ., hild t • f J1' h b t t h Kilmer's SW(lIl1p.RoOl. bIlCRU St: as SOOlI with bl, In an' 0 • 18 Otlo BAD AN AWFUL TIME t lit no .po~ts Are et er uan t· OSO as your kidn )'5 nre well lhe ' will ue1p 1C..n~uckey, via \he Woodford and But Chamberlaln's Cplic 'Cbol Jra of 08llge orunge Land producing all lhe olh"r 6rl:"I1S to hetllth. A trilll Oambilrlandgap route. It WIUI at the ' l I u o h Il forest all this could hardly wiIJ cOllvillce IlIlYOIlt:. · W .ki I lind Diarrhoea Rsme<J,y Oured Blm. If you are si ·k you can nmk e 110 m. t B I plaDtation 0 81 a. nB, n It is with pleasure that I give you be put to a use, since timber take by first ,1oc[Oring your ki.lneya. Woodford, that he l1Iet and fell in thi8 nnsolloited testimonilil. About Is' the ellfliest of all crops to raise ( rhe mild "'''\ lhe extraordinary flect of love witb Roee, a young halfblood, a ·.year a<>o when I had a lIovere and from now on will never go D.r . Kilmer's Sw~mp.Root" the Igrcllr t kidney rcwcdy, Is ~oon renit' t aDd manled, case of measles I got caught 'out In begging for a mllrket. ' stands the highd t for li S ,,"onderfu! cures ... , hi' • ot · Watkins sold an awful rain anll the me&SI08 set· , Red cedar In plantllMons 25 years of Ute.most dislressing Cllses, amI ISsold .. t 8 Jun ure, .tlild in my st.:lUlaob and bowel8. 1 ld ! on its merits by 11 11 r Bciee to .. trader who carried her ,to hail an awful time and had it not 0 hOIl rellohed a n ,lue of '200.6~ tlruggistsi ll fifly.cent . x' lfaklblil' Ned embarked on the same been ror'the use at CJbamberJaiD's per aoro. European II:Lroh nled for .md oue-dollar size ~l ... ~n ..Bi.taD~ and helped to Colic, Oholer~ and Diarrhoea Rem· fence posts or t-elephone post!!:1hoUles. Vou limy ed- I Id t h Ibl 1111\'e Il Stll1Iph' boUle JromeoU_pollooC. 'D&vtaate the oraft to Natoh88 and J. Call no ,va JlO8II Y reao,bes an average vlIlue of $200 to by mail frce, ul:;o " pamphlel le)lilll,( YOQ h haled 'hi d ' ite lived but a few hours longer, but $300. Whitfl pine plantl1tions 40' bow to find out if you ~(I\'e I".d tley 01' t ere pure I! Beoon W 'thanks to this remedy, I a-ID now blfldtlcr troll hi!! .M~ntloll litiS p,!,pcr lWae, . paying $1,000 for her. strong lind well. I bave written ,Yellrs old have exoeeded a value of wben writillgto·Dr. Kil11ler & Co,! BmgMany persOnB wUl wODder how the above through simple gratitude $300 'per aore, and it is known that hfl11ltoll, N. Y . Don't make uny lIl\stake, the money wal aooumulated to pay and ,I slJaU alwavs speak !J gco<l tbe eucalyptus. even when grown but r~nte lll~e r the lIame, s"'nllll~.Roo} word for this retredy tll\m B t l Dr. ~Illl1 cr s Swalllp.Root, nIh tIt! 11....• . Iuch a larJ(e prioe for ROI~. But G:wlm. Concord. Ga For 8u1A . by for ue al~ne, call oompete liS to dress,B!"glllulIlOtl, N.Y. O!leverybotUo. their arrival a~ N~tohes bapponed by .1, E, '.' anney. profiUl with orangel1. iiiiii_ _ _iii'________iiiii


Meuure your rllOl1l' I\od bome to












H. E.

ai jnlt the time that Jaokson's It doell not take a lireti~e to get u. RA'l'H.A,1l7 A" . Te.D~ Bllntinglkirt ·men were re8ultl! . CMalplL oftEln reaches a "' ,,. .. reD4.JOnei'ng there to fiRht the In· PORt S17.(\ in from elgbt. to ten yell1'8. '~'1 .v')~esvi1le's Leading .Dentist diana,1ivhioh tbey afterward. did a t . • Ilnd will gI ve service a8 Il post for Office , In Keys Bid/(. ~ St BOraeellOe:Bend in the Tallapoolll!o.. from fifteen t,o forty yel\rs, OsageNed :m~e-btl wagee dfll.ylng In th , orange, whioh reaohes poet size in daytime and. I~nilbt·, assisted Rosl> .' EMBAL~fER from twelve tofltte.en yen,TS, U8naU, . in bakIng pl911 and ca.kes. wbioh she llists longer than Cd,taipil . Blaok wonld 1811 the next dAY to the sol· 11"I!'o STREET . WAVNJC8VII, D&. o . loou8t, thougb badly affocte4 by the dierB. · . . . In room ~ext door to ,Ur os!! Bro/:!. boror in some regtoM, grows' about In tbls way they mllnag~d to get HardwR-re St,ne. as (/Jilt a8 the 81lme 1I1;leit value, wbile enough to Pay for Rolltl And to .buy Telophone . in . house Ilnd office it hIlS the 'grellt IIdvallltuge over ca· , an outfit for overland travel OOok to where I CCLIl 'be called day or night., tllipli of being able to j;hrive ou poor and thORn sharp, S1toOtiH~, Kentuokey. , I am not .sure at wbat ' VI411ey Phone 14.-2. land. European IInoh rOllohes II. agonizing pains drive yon time they retnrnBd to· Kentuokey size suitllble for teleJ,bone poles in alm o, t 'l':l '".~r, talre , Dr. SnbsorllltlOll1! reo ' for Itll the lead · t wen t y 11 vo yelutl. Wh en treat· ~r'l ' was 1826 t·hltt they arrived in \ - " . p' ~. p , ,ng magllzlnes and new8pllpers, tit ed Ith I It '11 1 .il. l eS . nti- am ills, Oblo, o~e YOIlr atter tbe Ileath o.f w preserva,;. ye WI t. len his Miatress. the GazCltte office. Note ,- We will l!lIIt from fifteen to t\ ve and get ~ 'c]j cf. 'rhcy (ll'iva After his arrlVl\l'ln 011' 0 be' then meet tbe prices adverti8ed by Itny years. ' Encalyptu'I makes n heavy out t il pain b y their tioughtand 0leare,1 .a -f",rm on the reputable subsoription agenoy . yield offnelln seven years, and the soot.1ling e!tect upori tho lIouth !!Ide of CeaI!IIr1lOreek. below oroll sil Il'd nearly always be out nel'\ l' , "JWll take n as djFla·ttork. where b ~ \&licl ROHe liverl Cbl\mberlaln's Colic. Cholera . and peh~'" I II I yeara. On fllvortlble l'octed the,\' nre harmless, iDfllirly good oironm!!tl1nollR unt.lll Diarrboea Remedy. Better eitl " " " td !)Ine will make IIIl-W tim. and leave 11 0 bad after-cfTban. Three 'Dootors b f .I.' theirdeatb . ~~'bey 'Lrehorled ' ln the 81' " IrC,lUl orty to sixty years. : fcc.t s, ,'hat's, the r eason "Throe years ago we hlld three Ah'elluy the uemand for tbe · tim . • I - . d . · 0 d Smith grltveYlir squth of "octilrs with Pllr H.t tle boy nnel ev they arc 80 popular with OaesareOreek wbere Il tlW1l1l matblo erythlng tbllot tlley oould. do seerued ber of this tree shows oonclusiv.ely all \,,110 use thom. YonI' IIlab polnlll out t!Je place wbore in vllln~ 'At last, whon' Ilil bope th!'t the Investment· will llrove im · d r ' 1 · rest·s t.he remaln!l 0; Ned Ilnd Rose seemed to, be RJne we began nttillg menllely profitable. . UgglSt can tel you what . Chamberlain'8 Collo, Cbolem Ilnd In every region of the United others . in your locality Diarrhoea Remedy and in ~ few States there ' i8 at leaat 'one torefjt think of thcm~ . "r do J)(isltlvell' th ink thnt Dr. Miles' !!'!!'!'!!"""!!~~_ _'!"!!!'!!!'!!~'!!'!'!!~!!!!!.lbour8 be begun to' improve. TodllY he . as healt,hy u ohlld 88 pllreuttl tr~e. and generally tbere are sevor· Antl'PAln l'lIIs 1" '0 the be"' ml'dlclno . w 110 I b oan. b8 p 1an ..... e"er .upon · lh'\! mnrk ~~ ' 1 find . b f01' ." .- M 1'8 . B . ' J . John· ' a(fo·res t t reell. fo'ur An Im'lIIirll<1 Appetite. OOUId Wl8 ." d th orn put 80 re.. ltul nlld "oothln &,. "n.1 ston. Linton. Miss. For sale by J . with a complete IUISUlI'llnCe of ' com wlth(fut flnv 1,),,,I .o.fLer·ctruoIH. I hill''' To Improvfl thA Iqlpetite IUld E J . . .. urremd .wl t h miuralgliL tiO lhllt nlY mer.olalsu()o·e ss if t4e plantlltlon is Jly~tom .,..oulll JU Ht ache nOll l'Iul\'('r, stl'englhllll Ihe dlj!P1Itioli tr.t> a '·few . anuey. und, r cu nnot t..'lkq oD.lnle~ · but 11 ('1111 · dOli"" ot" .uhntllh .. r..JIIIII ·~ ' Sf,\llIlROh .properly eRtabltsbeq, and given . t" k" , IhcHO l"lJh' I ~. "",I t" PI' "1\\'l\Y~ rcll l:'\'(" rot·, No une thil t l4utT(\rR with . and J"lver "Ht)I;'!.II, ~J'. J ., Ii /:leltz. proper 001'6 . 'fhe·Gov'ernment has n~III'h l lfll\ nCf-1l trll r tn l"k e them "K J()hn ~bf. Dalruit .. Mloh,..: lillY" : "'I'hoy re , will IIIlt torm " I;,\hll tM 1e It very ' oare f·a l . study of ]It kn.,w mtl( lIwrc "'~ wn ~ (j(t~ . q·I "." III Cit m I c'Ullid eti1red. lI\Y' II ppctlt e ,,·t\Oll itll pu Ited; Veterlnl\ry Surgeon a,nd Dentist. most of t.he foreAt plnntatlon81n the not Ink" Ow m ""e In 1\" mornoelle:vlld rne of "' ',Ioatl;'tl feeJlng :and InS' Whl'n 1 fc'" bllQ. n'"J 1 c" n do my United Sta.tes. Ittt publlotltlons on work nil tillY," ranBed a plelL~llnt lind salillfaot.ory , :MR ~. W . H. BURKETT, Macon, Qa. movement ' of the bowals" t'rice' tree J.llantlng mAy be had f.ree of Dr. M·lIe.· Antl·Paln PIli, ve .old by . !Samples frll8 at. •J . E . At Bome on tlaturday Afternoon , ohar"e upon Ilpplloatl' on to the For. )'our druggl.t, wha will guiorltntH that .. the flrot package ",III ben.flt. I' It rset Servlc.e; U , "'. DElpnrt~ent at fall .., he will return.. your. '!'oney,' ' w 25 do •••• 25 cent.. N",er lold n!lull<. 1AgrIOUlt~re. WlUlhington, D. C'. Miles ,Medical Co., Elkhart,Ind


If It's Neura ' I. ma '.e..,

' , 1




Telepholle' No. 121 Wa)rnesville, <;lhio.

1,~_ 'If I

Large Anough tor ,\

!'1.h 'lII.

Llnole:u}\, 'h ll grolLt. kitohen /lUU bllll cuvering U I l' 1I 'nrtalns-Illl 'Ut , Dew ofieot&t. Wlnck w !o;b1ldBR,1I1l oolJr~,1I 11 HizUll, tmLlle to ord r. ~----------.-

Ready. To. W'ear ~Ilits,

,llocket!l fo'

Illln ( 'h ilc1ren .

~'litll!e~ ,

:-I~" rl~,




WU 1"t8. On , o l cUlk~ .

dorwlltlr, '.. ,'nUb flng

See Your Dressmaker 'l'h('u ('om III ,I lillY .vo nr 11rMII nt ll.tchhlRolI (~H'lIn y ' ~, . Xnllill,tlhl n ~ n olty hll8 1\ l'''ltor IlN~llrl. llI uut "I



\,, \

fnbric.q fo r t he .\rO!l1l II,solf unll tb e I t il! n rOllllOllnbl e trimming>!. stll l,ement 1111i1 fllily I'roV1l11 lu thA Plltlt. Wil 111'1' I DrosH (:1.)01111 HOI1R 1111(1 ~I o rllt lit t1111 wilh tlOwere, hA rd W ,l rl'. I'l d IIIL . sh "", It l (' 'h lO"A hn \'6 thei r "IIIOf·.


. 1

.J ust Inok

00 ( o nr .;1\,,1 VII~ 1111,1 ~ hu w til frn.h HlI,l tlll W tI,lI\ ol"'ln lit(· - loook . II " ", l'I\"ll y I ') tri m froo lll " 01" . I,l/·k JIlI"I til .

,'n.• l'-~

"1',' ,.. , ,.


~ ilk~

Hutchi on &



Sbl'llr Elfe"!.,, .

(~ini: hl\lII.

. .

Pill I,,,

..Xelua. Obit



BraBS Rule in Strips Brau Labor Saving Rule Bras8 Column Rule8 Brass CirclesBra.. Leadl'rs BrlUll Round Corners Brau Leads and Slugs

Bra88 Gallt'ys Metal 'Oorden L. S. Metal Io'urnlture Leads and Slugs Metal Leadtlrs ' Spaces and Quads, 6 to 48 pOtiit"" \tetal Quoins, etc,

Old Colnmn Rulel5 refllcp.d I1nd mud" Ilt! goollaM 11~IV al a IIIUAII cost. Pletl8e remember tbbt we are not III any Trn~t or~ Co OibinaUon and \\te !ture t,bllt we CIIn Oll1ke it greatly t,() your advHotaRe to delll with liS . ~ oOpy nf our C'cital.,~ue wllr1le'oblleltnlly turultlhed,Qn IlW Ii. CiUOO '




t.ornll, 10W8"lt priceR. Ingrlllns .... . .. . . . . ......... .. . . . .. . .... . . . , . . ,260 up I~o \"ell, Plwk, Extl'\1 I;upers: Rng!l-greH t 'I- I ij tOt k yet .... .. ... . . . .... . . .'fIO,60 U\)'


Kidneys Weakened by

Oibn~y .


arvns ur


Mnt.tlngR froll: t,ho Orient n ow In IItQOk .IlI<MUrea ..-~. u





WI) were w'i!!!) in nr.lllring tbill !.<tock last fall, In prlce8 moo terlallyad,,"noecl. ••/lr st Rales Inst year of any; tbis year will I.,





Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co. Mflnuflloturfll's or Type and High Grade Printing Mate!,~aJ Proprietors 39 North ~i nth t:4t.reet PENN TYPE FOlTNORY , Philadel~



Is the onl,' foldi~g or~n worthy 0 cOlISlderatlon, guaranteed to be as repre. Bented or moiley refunded, i. used by thousands for multitude purposes and is of untold va lue to missionaries, ewngeUsts, . ........;,:"" singers, the. home, the school, the. children, teachers and wherever p.or~bi1ity is req~ired, .

Send for a full descrlpUve catalol:Ue free,


1118 La~e Stre~t,

. .,

ehlea.o, Iii.

n.... .- eased Members

III the watter of the alterlnlr tbe



W.. •. IOh ono!, movtl dJ In ollr m Id it n I W b tltul J be :n B

s~hee~8~lenoe g::~~. n~~;o:e ~m ye~



WlllIOn 1'0Ild and the Stan: of the Family ley ,"oad, bof·h in WaYDe towDBh,p, the viewer!! havlog reportec.lagalnst deep In the ohamber of the hea rts I'eported agalost ' both, thB aodltor And th'e ir Connections, Since the o~ many who are lIere to dlly there wall direoted to,wrlte persoos glv I ng Origination of the8ears Reunion in fII heard tbe voloes of ahsBnt ' . loved bond for (oats and expenf:l6s, 1886.-Paper read by Rev, B· F. while all IS paOBA1IC COOR1 RlDoont and requBsting lIame to bB Vaughan at Sears Family Reunion With sweet and ten'd er mem or le In tbB matter of the estate :If PIlld lotu the Worrell county trell!lu· Au .... 10. 1097. of those who havtl passed to the JOhD· D, Fox; oonles . of nntft"e ry. Furthe'r aotlon relll.tlve to.the '" ' Home beyon d . . walled ·t Donresiden til . . They ore still our!!, t'hBY 11 ve 10 roadl! WIlS dismissed . In . the ~lIltter of the Bllt ate of Contraot·s WBre made with Frank '.cbe lU\sslng ye8S . have bl'ougt h ea r tl.l. 1hey dwell inl our memo • they abide with us in t~olr Harriet Donneil, deoeased; Emmll Wallio'" for oleanio&, Ilod painting many ohnnges ill t he familiBEI repre· DODDellillefi II. motion to revoh the caD"l bddgB '" t d ' t . , A I tl F t fl n apI rl' t s power t 0 upl'ft ut Frl1nklin for *as; sen e 1D ,hIS BSOC 11 on . or VI I . r.m d en n obJ e. I letter8 of Ildml~18tra.tlon to John H. wlt.h OrBgonili BridgB oomllRny for ty oDa yellrll 0 w this. Reuo\on h.USo~r lives. They iovl~. \18 . t O the D'Jooell, ~xoontor 'If ellt.te of Bar· variou!! repulrs uod new mllterml beld Its aonunl irllth t: rl'l.Igs . The 1.l st hi g he r Ilnu bBtter. thtn,~s 11\ I~fe. rlet Uuonell. . for $ 17t1.6~ ; with the Oregonill> of decBllflBd ones who hit ve l)~S8eG \D. aot! to the fel~owshl [l 01: thllt, . 111.1· lu' the ml1ttBr of t.hB gUllr~illn8hip oompany tor the remova.l anel dellv. t o t,h s'U nseell Bunle bey nd IS Illang Ulortu l life willoh Is forev 'I' bright. . I1 tie J •go I ry of B. A. Chamberlin; gUlllcliRnship erlbg io Lebanun ot thB Milt IlArs one, Ilnd includes seve ral \V110 were ened lIllU glllddeoell Wit Ml:w eplTM UDlleaby vs th~ vlllll~o of J'raokllp; Brror froul tile M~yor'8 ooun ,,$ Jl'rank)ln.



of W. F. EltZrotb term\OlI.ted . Estate of aarr.v F. Kibbey minor W. F. Kibbey flIes tln~1 aooonnt. Estate of ,John M. 'ocbran ond GrllOf!J M. Ooohran, IDlnors ; JOB . M. Ooo~rlln allPolnted gnurtlian aod g Ives $L200bond with U. '1'. Ludlulll and Albert. Snell Buretles. . In t.hB of thB ,will of Auguflt Auuker; docellsed; Wilt or dered filed. Iu the matter of thB estate of John V. Jaoll, deooliRed. Geo. W . Jllok a leg~tee. hll~ reqllired Robert J . I:!h"whan and Geo. W. ()uioy to UlllkB payment upon their trust ,,~ exeouturs 10 part: of his' dliltrl butl ve Sb'UB or a ' part. of the t.r URt, fnnd within two YOllrs after entering ul)l)n 'heIr trust. Estate of JIIS . F . Dilly, decella 'd; JaB. Uoctor appointed I1dmluil!trlltol' and givllII .600 bom\. rn tbe mlltter of tho gt1llfllltlO!Ohip 01 Elw&rd Daly. Jr., Allno E. Dilly, Margaret U. 1Ja1~~ , .ltll!. DIlI.v, und Martba M. Daly, U1ino rR; E 0 Du . Iy appolntec} gUllrdln 0 lIod g l ves $800 bond. Wm. H. LlI.llhley, VII ltebecou 'ox et III; petition to' sell rOil I estlLoo filed; Hearing will be held on Sept



Estate ot ,'88. F. Bllrvey. mlu Ir: Dor. Flemming filed fioa.1 IlCOOllOt .Dd .. me III ordeled 8ullpended . W . H. Soook, IIdmlntlitrlt.tor of the_tllteor A. M Brown, dooollsod ; VI Lulu D. Brown ·et II; appralSB ment of premilles completed . . She wAlvea. rlRhts of dower; W. Ii SDook ordered t c, sell 'I'raot No.1 at prlv.te lillie MARRUilll J.lOII:NSJClj .

Wm. Hood of Hamilton . and Ly. dl. OIboro, of Boutb Lebanoo ." C. J. Worley of BlanohOll~er lIod Blanobe WbUacre.. of 8lanohetlter. C. A Bruner, of Butler, Ky., and Leola EddlDiflBld of Malloll: nev . W. il. Putt.


th~ l~st

These Women Personally l{now the Health.Restoring Illfluence of This WonderfUl Medicine.- Are Now Glad to Give Others Benifit of Their

'l'biH .1i t, ma,y r.illt be o(l m\.llote lind ! Mltll. Y-Ar. ANDA BEAK:!. som o tjf yo n UlIlY be able to It~ai8t I . t d . . I In memoria I!ervl(!e a ILy we me io uddlng nllUies WID " u e oa lled UpO/l to espeCla lly r eo shonld hu ve m entlOn . membor Ilnd fittiugly memorullll Mrp!. ElJlt.l::ieol's ' toke, duu g h tor who w ltbi n the las t yellr was on,lIeu of R obort l::iellrs. diBd 1 H9. 0 e to Zeltndll Rea rs wl(l . .M r r; Kn tie .::leurs. dnugbter of It \l ow of 'Iunle!:! W, a ll the night Robert Senrt;t, died 1 . fo Jun o 17th Ptl8!C U from h er bOllle Mrs All en Elliott daug hter of in Uen terviJte to the H om e on h lgb . LBwlK SBUr!!, died 1 7. !:lhe hllll II autre r r for muny Hermlln Hears. so n of LewiR S ea.r a year, f r om th'lt distressing uih.n I1t, dieu I '00 broochltis un d list h lUll. Mrs. Elmer !:lEmrs died t Itt. 0 ft tillles it soemed t o 11 e r Irl6nutl ' .' Mu.ry .·oll r )l di ad 1 112 . thlltshecould lIot live, i o her Bf. Mr.". o~oJiet, t, duughter of forls to "et he r breath. " R 'IXI' {,, """

" 1 took 7.on·Phora for pr>lnful m'o olitruutioD,lBucurrhea, pr>i'ns In thflovoriesllndotbllrtroubles . It IS Ule first tlmo I have ever bpell with out Jlllin lit time of my' Mrp!. Lllia,n Hurrl , Uermfa8k, Mloh . ' I ullod Zoa..Phon~ dnrlng thu !lprlng and 11m now strong und hutllthY . I thillk It is the bBl:ltru ed loine lor w umen who IUB in poor hBlllth . " -tdrs. Ludwlokaon . Gro ton, "'. D . '" :'Ouriog obangB of life. I usell ZOIi Phora and It hBll>od mB greatly . h I Ollll ruoomOl end it to anyone for I lit purpose . " - M' r s. Julio.. Fontal'n ,

ro~t. Mr~. b~"1J

.. 'Yet throuj.(b nil th e yelll'!! 0 f <l u!t·. . d u· t I tl' l1 kIt erIDg 110 III reSH ·1 a 0 I tbllt brIght IIml . ImoYlilIt spirit wife of enI vin whloh!lo ch/ll'llc t .. izell b'Jr life .

Be nj . ::i( til'S, tI ied 1 93 . Ml\f.V 'aiger. i t·er. o f t:!clIlrs dind I

\la .


Mrs . EmLllII

Seur~, dIed


u e r bright, /l Il U ' Iw r v disjlosi . ti on call tid UI\ tu forget tbut !jIL L< bll,l II.ny fllult" ur fuiling, so C)Ofll Ul OIl to

1 \) .1.

ElI1.lIbe th Sellr!!. m oth r of 811 m uell::iellrR, dieu 1 \) .1. \V illinn:ll::!eflrs dlsll lR\l5. ()blls. W . Sellr!! died 18\15 Mrs. (lBO. W . ~ars, KIl~: diBd







prf)fel'ence I wbl<:b Is fl'Pfl ucntly glv{'n to unimproved. proJH'rly, h III for apeCulll.t1ve nurll0~"s. h)' la m1 coru. Indlnt'll,;hi!ol'h" vldllalll, fortll!Iheilll l.i llrOV(" ' 0 ,tlIs apanlos rIsIng and fr()ln m eots nnd ~row Ii . In I 1II111 1Y com . muolUes th is ~In~s or 11l'"(ll' l.ty Is h Id for years . a nll !In.<< nOI 1101)' IWI 'II 0 11. seseed at nom Inal 1i j;1I\'(,8. hut OWM rs have fr qllnssl'ss (m tly menta. df' faulwith ~t! tInhe hoPI'. th II' tax es nnd





eti~~.w,.~~~.*fi~ ~'VjslJ

01i. Mary :3ears died 181Hi. William Murray died IH9ri



, rs.

u s Illl, nnd surrou nded her life with an atmo phe r e ot s unshine. Not· . I .- dl h t I h' h WIt Js""n n g t e s rugg e w 10 80 often seemed to imperlll her life and on used her friends to fee l s he Id I' h I' d u cou not Ive. yet s e 1VI on, un when the MClS!lenger did finally comB it WIlS In t h e still hCl'nr of the night, when her si!!ter mt;le oxpe t . ed thu.t she would be ca.JIEld so tlOOO, lind ere conld r Blwh he r bed.

,Johonle MnrrllY , son 0 Jenettll 8ears Murray, died 1 96 Ueorge Bears, 1st President o'f tbe Assooilltion, diBd 18011. Mrs . LlI ura Elliott, wife. of 'Viii . . lam Elliott, dIed 1 116. side the 81Jirit hOld taken its tlightl Mr. Beory UpP. 'husband of Mrs. 1'h~ llallllBBllleJ so 8uddou to thu Mary Sears, died 1 96. IstBr that s ho could sOOlrcely realille Alleo Murray d.l ed 1897. t hllt Zlllidll was gone. Mrs . Deboroh &lII.1's, wife of







kl~dS ~I


llou~(l 1I1~1I('1' asti(>~8/'d.









)I ,~(J

~v~ I.I~

<iutt~rys , do"u"t~aoy


, I~ SE.I~



P\ct~re ~PIlOl! llve~ to~etber oonsid·eri1ble\~f .l\ ule~s"ge.


~nD1bBr ~ollRhtfu


hll~ i'~


~ok. Wn:vne~ville J.lOpnln.t'i.o~ tl,OU~llIId IIlln~.

nULhorltJe~. regllll\lln~




III'{)Cl"'lI~ 1l1"i!lli; ' ll'~1 U llnr~ ral"~


s~n t~e

therelo .~'

It 18 tbe experlcnr.e


1'h(~ "nlllnh l~

nJ' '''twl~i'' , I hllr" . Aci C' it nr, tUck or Nen " UH II or Nr fvml t'l- Ol' t)ili l y ('I r l'rOt4t Rucl n i l Ilhwuo'h,lM n n lol in.,; frf'1II IL d erod CoulUt ro u Of I ho Stomncu.

Recommended by Physici~ns Pll'luu\Ot tn Inlet.'. 1t ifa 1I"t 11 (lCf!ft.M.. Ary lH l li l' l u n 1y 111 'Il' ''), h('Vtjrb OILH(!Il,

The ti(o lllnoh


be in suoh a

11 dUl Y "'\l l1 (lIUO II tfWl o n~ CAD lll ()f$t u ny Lltul (Ir (nod I


F. L. SHINKLE, Manufa c turing Phnrmacl.t;

MUNCIE, INDIANA. Citt'IIln'8 m ill TuUmcmfa.l.. fll 'JI'lcnt.(o'l .

_em Oft




~If\tf)' ~lIch.l.



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an~ II~C s~al'l' Inv~Alm ,


lialeNflt : .






~' tho~a .who'~1

4'~ ~ ~U'I' ,I~II







patr work .. .. ........ ; ... : . ...... .. .. 15 \10 just right prollortlous. lind Jlut ful /lud vunlsh ed SUllIes are seBn nin He rnld bOllsts ,)fll doy-on lIutoLUo . l lI We IIlffe rcnc ' blliwe It an Ind ivlrlual more in man y uf bil lls In UUtt arty of 10,000. T h e or a fi rm Bnd II co r jlol'llIlou . fill' ClfD' W. Bbllton, lirldgework 39 60 bottles . your homes . IItt,le Ityof Wilmillgton wit.h it,!I /1l 8 Inta ngtbll' \l nl ll' Is ""n Ctll'U ' rl . But W You greatly millS thesB loved ,,0 () 'Po puillti on lI O\\' hus fifte en IJ.Od 11)' Ihe const rll ·tluu .ur "I RlI Ic porlluns , B. Stallage ImdCo., prlntiog · . . g' be for l-robae Jlidge .. , .............. I1. 50 N'e w Post Cards ones , ill tho fllmily ond !It, stIllmo re oonun W. " tI.r B ,"lwIlYS of lawthe to constflll lux thl' llnn inttLnItf\lhlhat'R\'11':llIn 1111' otto('Ill" W. B. IlDd Uo., print. . Allow ,Extra Space II.nnutll roeBtlng!l, unci thiK loss mlly ut the he!ld of Ule "push " with te n 'nnd allow tlJ e fntnllglhle . lDg forOJerk .......................... 24 ·60 bello.' koonly · felt by 'somll {)f you 'autoN t rt 'ller POJluiOltlb n . ' PI.IR vshln ot a .fl rlll to ur' IIl1laxed. It .lt l ;;. Ii. Crall, bridge repatrs ...... 278 6L.' Front of Card. 'thllt 1\. llBBp seose Qf ,lonelinesN 1t.IIlY of t,h ese hnN r eoe ntly been pur.' appeRr that a I'illll'ond 1M "'II'uln!; dlvl ., 0 For Writing o'n . . dends which ' 8 0 I!T(,R( tha l th8Y V.lIey Tel Co. , l)hoo88 .... ,...... . 5 IJroodoVBr you evell Ilmiu tllfI ohusell lJy , I?r . l_y mon Wutkln!'l; II: a glva .to It. sttlck 1\ vn llll' 'In ,.x 'ess ot XeDI. Wort House. ohlirRes Uuzettu blls this week Il!l:Iued glilety of your socllll pastimes . rumor It otllers , \VIII be pur. th" true ' nL In 'for prtIODer .......................... . 7'75 of new Post ViBWI! - And it, Ro,uoely 8eems likB Il Re ollu sed by our h e forll tho l ,plant. then lhe (aull 1& with th e state J. V. Biankinl!on, lumber ...... 47 :11 of Waynesville whlcih lire tor 1.!/l,le uulon t n some. while thl:lY rClIll OIU snmmer o ver. . I "'hleb hav 1I 1I(\t>l'lll.k n to 780 , " . . .. r egulate I'allroud 8 11,1 · il . .R. Grimm, , lit this 1 ,. b er they loved rh e fll Ot, Is , Wuyn Ol;vll1B bns the m ' them r8880!Jablo. chul'g!'l' The. or mal, loe lind Coll.I Vo., Ice, "90 Ulle ler\ture whioh the IlUbl.o .wlll l!lng iii lice lind ,'while. f lIJi beat It. IWel . gan. tor l'!xumpl,'. Is In the l)osltlon or P. P. MuweJ), (lement .......... IiO .no' do,;!bt Rrelltl.v uppreclate IS 11.,1 Yet, tUe fumUy of God In hell.ven Corwin . ",ltll'11 of ' IL I'RIII:Ollrl rnr pur. tr....qklln NewlI, .tllx Dl4tioe .... .. 8P\'OO 011 thB ,tront of tile oILrds fqr lIod on' enrth it! onB flimllv if the hilS eight 'l.Iutt'TrIoblies !lull pose 0' makIn g thJIl. , cLI"on abl . bllt. . k :"'1"103 OS .corre'.s ponde.loe. ". Th ' f!J8 InU t I1/\ ' whioh Uilit"d these . ..' , lIod . m ore 0 . t hl'snm c tim ". , It IIpon\l) II\yor . • hen,rts .. :. at th 'ory O( t'uxa li ol1 1l dollar8 Willi · recleved frOID tion of the aod offords W'lS bouoll. by tile ' Id 'a thl\t the I';dI I'IIa',1 111'U gl'OSM' of brtdge stutT oft' of brl!lgB for ', t'tl'UII!{ ollrdM of love, t.he,l dea.tlt' •. - " .... Iy unreaaonalll '" 'Aud, won, )'ot. It , We bavB a ·llI.rge of view!! oauoot "ever the bond whiob eter ..' "' Reg ulnr ns the Sun '" proj)OIl s to llonlllL11l' a lour: lin , · De-r Delila. ' , .. d b t W ynesville and tltese . I 1 tb I acLuall y allov.:iug lh,' noilrO:Ld!:l o( th No". persons wHI be 10· 10 an II tl.. , I nu ly I them to 1 0 er is /Ill "presSioll os olilll!! :tilB..rising , stnte to extort mOll y f)'om s hlpperll .and to the grBat hellrt of the · Etern Ilml ' lIe ttlnl( o( t he is. the most and pA8S!!ngprs. so thlll ttLe s tal CAll " Clir(ls fUl'JlIElh BII8Y a?ll tereat.ecllD kDOwiDg jus" wlta, the pleans of remell!berlng ooell frlenlil!. It! ·Flltber. . r ei ullir Jl6rformlt.noe \D. t,h o unl tax It away rrmll till) railroad , usi ng lolta"•• and Referendom really An "lIIlOrtment of a dozen oords Altbough the voices .wbloh ODoe Unll'88 It Is aotlou of the It for r ev nil S . r ' lIe"ln!; Inx. meaDe: The followiog 'explanatlon, ill 00 I16nt anywhere In thB United I . h rd I m ry laughter orl hVBr anti bowBl1I when regalated payerR who may Imy bill llttlo. If . I , of twenty.flve were eo. n BE'" 1\ t with Dr . King's New LIfe Pll1s. any. transportation t;:bal'ges.- Weber'l · funlabed by ' lIb, Bigelow for tbe w te ' .........:·- .UueUe .UI therefore be of I!t~ 8 OpOD reoo ,p glad song have eoomB 8 en Guarantf'ed by Fred U. E'ohwartz, Weekly. . . ......... 08Dt8. . br.oogb deatb, aDd the loved forme 2rlO ,


~ r.~


CX""~L~" '"''' '

W, A. <irabllm, bridge work 'il5 2b lip In selllBd, storlliY-od, (\ltc·(iollur tlnd ' bellrd no









I': ':~


expl~nll- .





medIOlne,tOg~th' I Charles

!>I "

.. It :111 r, .!~ II .:~ :, I ~ 1 II \I ~I~I Jr. la II IU ij lllli ,lt • ' 11 ".: ~ I :,.! I I ;,; I .17 :1 I ;" .~ , 4 ~' IO I II .-,lh1, ; 14I:I~ 4\1

l'r,'.'III~ ~


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'rh~ ~Dmber

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~nd ~y !lYS~ Inl~~er;O~d d!e:P!~i ~"e I

ner.vo~s· 1


C. I.I


the un earn \1 111 '1 '1'11\1'111 [rUin the ,." . 11",101 , 7 I,; LU II , .1 :1\1 lorprJ se ot olhc·rs. whilp In lho nwall· 1..-11111 ' I', Ill: :1 " ,,: '. ' "ti tIm the IllI hll '·"r 'l\' cd hut "111:, 11 ; II" II' a" 4 I' v nuo rro m 1I;('SP pr'l pel'U('s. Dut. .... [I II" 'I , . IJ '\\'heu a lot Is Ro ld 10 !l prl\' at o 1" ll" 1'1\,1.<", ',I III lI f,;, ;; r,', ehaRe,' and n Is hli llt IlllOn It . 11 .\ X 'I' II , X , ' irnll! dI nt Iy !ht' uss.,sHPd .vaillalion Is , .1" ,1 1111 plar d III u ttgu l'l' lhtl ll U whol I' acre 0' th e l'emllln lll~ PH'·I. of the ,\ II I'. ,\I 1'. M . tract Is 'l'lI ls Is a I\P l1 nHy 1.•.. 11<. 1'1 .. .1' N" II " on Im provements 'I'\'lI i 'h hI' 11.1\'1" " (. II II shcd. Ih.\ ""I : .1' ,\ X 'I' ' " U ) .11' • ;. all . The prIncIpal CUIIHt' t)f low vu lunl lol\ 1.,'1 "'''011 .10' . " .10 r. (", In sulllirbon I,lac's Is rOUII(\ In the "1I,, 1<"r .1;1 .,:, ;, Idea of local properly own ' I'M lha~ they ., 41 .! ;.[1 n attra t buyers an d I'l'S Id IIt s. " ' Ith .. "H"'IYII ""' IISle,"1 , U III" '1 .'1:1 ce rtain DD10unL to he cull ecled. Iho ('c,". r\,l lIe II' I II II II Jowcr , lhe vnluaUoli . the hI IJ r Lhe ~1 'lIlor 'c '. 7 '1 II' "II It. t~.xdorate. local Lil wh r fore. II '!!I It sn'tFor make nn flylll'llIjRl'S. dHf ' rellce th. .. Ly. le . \I ';.1 IIr the tax lu 1)',lld ' ['1 u 11 1p h r ate on 0. ,1(",,1 · 1' .):, .1 :,11 . n ::11 I " I \'ellll l,le ' lI lW ' :<.1II ~II .IU low ,'alnallon . or II I a ow m o on 0. , '" "I "~ 111:1 2 hl gb valuation ; HI nm olln t of la x Is l\l lI'IIIlel .;, II ., :t I 111':1 1 th o sam In ·Itll er ea:e. An oth e r ('on 'j n ",I , I I. sldern.llon whll!ll Is al so h ld Is th 1,,,1 ...,,1' I " '! 3 ';1 I'! 1" munl Ipnll ty 's sllal'u or th O\JII ly x. 1.•0), .111 " 0 Art ht. " ao .1 :,11 1\ ., 1' pj'nscs. The lowcr Lhe ass 's8 'd va)ua. II i. " ' <'11 1.. 10, ;'" tlol! Ule less tho llIunlcl pallLy ba s to r .t",:" . . h t l' I . ij I )" Ie a. ,,,11,,,,. PRY oach Yl'ar to III count.v. l ' u "a "" I',' . , b as "l'n ctl r:a ll v th pl'ln 11)11.1 '"rl ll\)nUIIII ; :.0.'. 'u r. on .. , I 01 7 ":11 . hi. coul'Be In the ounU es. wl lh r egnrd to ;""' 1111011111 " .' III vnluationK. lux "11 0 11 I'enl I.. S . \:-W ,\ I.I ' es tate are not )lalll te t h '1'he " euCI3I I',L" Hi:n r ,\eclI' ,I" 'hunt>n. 0 opportuuity which III atTord cu as· ____ sessors to dls ' rimlnat. us II Iween L property oWllers. Is e vlllentl y gl'cnt, and possIbly It Is SOlD tlmos g rossly abused. " Everybody ::ibo'ulll K IlOw" . The defeat or the abolltloll of dIs. 1:!IIYtl U. u . au ys, 01 proml oout bUil . crlmlnatlons and es pecIally on uclm. in ' i:I lUun of Bluff, M ,thl~t Buo k . proved property IDlI Kt be Iv reduce tax bIll s, s Ince a large al1lount of prop rty leo"s Arniol! .' 11 v I,; the fjtlic ke~t whlob Is not DOW aHsess d at II. fIgure IIOlI SOt-est. hea.1ing !!Rlve eVBI' ILl' Dear Its real worth will ue odded to pliod to II ~ t) re. hurn o r wound, nr to It case of piles, I'vB used It. 011(1 tbo vnluatlons. Th II , 100. a flllr and know whut I'm til king a.bou L.·' just rate of valuation and maUon UU(l rllntefll by Fred C . 8ohwllrtz. will do much to IJreak lin s J)t'oulative holdln"'s .. or unlmPI'ov .'U lands, Inlend. Oru"gis t :lfic ed for anle In rcs ldcultnl lots. an d the un earned tn erem ent wIll adv ert to thoe who 111 Imth pro\'f' to 8tbos~ who eetand e wayaud or 1I0t p!'osns an d "ubltc Improyc mcl)ts.- 'l'be ,. York, Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ul.



ru r~;





John P . Sears , dloo 1 97. I ~ . B '1'1 ' t Mabel Wlt.l wiok • grll.udaughter Endor8Bd:l le a ll!! ry. "I am ' now in perfect hoolth . of Wlllill.m UJeaver, died 1897. . "rhe wast popu , eUledy. III U;.. Your mBdiome hilS done tUB a hun · Peter Sellrs died 18 9 . . sego C O~!l t ~i Iln.Ii til e b 3 8 t f fl f J.d a f "red clollar!! good 1 rl'st Mrs died 1 98. fllUllly, writes r Wm. M . Ot'legu Olet;l REAL J:8'J'ATI!! TIIANSI!'I!!RlI. well I\t nightworth aud ofCIlO not. prllise b . M'ddl t ' b 'n Ison ot tlUy uitor and publishe of tlae Owen J. BilroBt.t to Mabel B Hin, Zoa.PlIorll too hIghly, for It hll8 () .as, I eEL op Br, grll . c Jour~al, GllbBrtsvil lo, N . y. " .. ,; Dr. -'ddle',undivldoo one third Inter restor6d me to"-Lioesa BeoJ . SBIUS died 189 . KIngs New Dh.lL: u v.ery . I t I~a~ WI Hllrrlsoo, Kingl:lton, N . C . Joslllh Koots dIed 189 . proved to be lin Inf!llhble oure tor . , ID W"yne townHltlp; '.1233.3:1 "M . la sixty Six aDd my John P ., President of ABSO. oougbs lind ooIds. Illllk·lng short INTANGIBLf PROPfRTY. Wi: a . J.ouon "lid wife to ADou y adZ Pho · . work of the WOISt of them. We heilitb. wall run own. all . ra I OIation, dIed 1 \19. III wilys kuep 11 bottle in the hou'le •• , ......... i t ++ •• t • t Kle1nu&; 10& In Mason; $1. . blUl glveo me s\rength MbUilt UPI J. WIlliam Sell.rII, Welltnlln (), [ bflliBve it to be the m ost valufl : I First consIder th e Inlollglble nltlo . Wm. Vanzant fl.Dd wife to !:illUon I 8o died 1900. , l.Illl presoription Irnowo for Ll" lg wh Ich inheres 10 lin ind ustrious car. Tolme; 10' in Franklin; tit\!, s h r\ ii- Mrs . EJizabBth GBorge I.'orne ll , husband of Luoy tlUU 'I'b'rollt. dlsellses ." GUlirant 3d p e,o ter'a outfi t of tools . Would Mlobael Wait to Mltrtha A, Wait; KIlo 8e d ' ed 1900 to· OAve r r\tsILppolnt the takBr, b y any that tho hard.wOI'klng carp nLer 8 $ L oo.ns" . , a,rs I . , . Frrj C. bottle HWllrtz, Price 500 and,:1il .OO theIr tools vntue s hOUldforb thet,ax 'u "11<lCor[llnK to lpt tD Morrow; . ' IM.y wife sulferecl with lirs. Emily 8earlll, Wife of MosBs Trial free. I1 S I'S to w1t h. they Lulu Brown' to J. ·F . SmIth; Illnd ID DeBS and patuful P <rIods. She tr!ed Bears . ni'G beln;; pul"-hP('IlU8.0 tho lc lndits. B .. mflton towWlhip; $1 . . wILny dlffBrBnt Mrs. RltOllll, widow of Benj . - - trlous oarpenle,' us K th em to b tter nnt m:dlolDe . Ida O. MaDnon to Earnest C. Mall· ' but found no 1'"lIe Ph Seara died 190<' advantage than 1\ lI y s Imilar tools ........ t I d I T rtleorllek menoed tu.klng ZO!l ora - ... lIr es . 'G W y Back arG Il~ d by au Illdolell clLrpeDter ! DOD; 11 0 an n 11 L . Cromwell, Brighton' Ah\. William ()lellvBr, husbaud of, 0 a 'rhe answer to lhls Qllestion is obvious. towQllh1p; Do you desIre to receive the Mary J . Sears died 1902. and Sit Down." At-aln, would Ilnyon Ray that a mer. OOMMWllOMIIIR 'S PROOICICDINOS. II\IDB resoJts Bxperienoed by these MrR. Norll. wife of Samuel chant, 01' manufaclurel', or turmer, friend I! who have willingly given Sears dlBd 1906. Waynesville Beats the World Whell 'I'\'ho, by earn es t ndeuvol'. lnllkcs bJs C.p· ... )'s PrInt tlltop, 4 ad vel'· their testimony for ~he -beoefit of Edward 8f!llrs !Ion of .fohn P . It Comes to Automobiles. tanglblo prol' rty yield lUoro In reo .... others? Just go at onoe tq your . . , ' tllrtJS tIlan 81U1lhLl' prope rty In the tt81Dg oomplltorB.. ....... ....... 1 00 dl'ogglst and gt t a bottle .of ZOll Bears, dIed 11106. hn nds of the ldlo lind unthrIfty, s houlll Or8goDla Bridge Co " con· . Phor... . c'ull nnd complete mst·rno· Mrs. Boors. wlclow of .'Tlle Xenill B erllld, t he Wilmiug . h mnde to IlILS' cxcesslvl t.11:tea? It 18 ·' ract8 ......... ..... ............. ... 90917 tlond for usIng the W. SBar@, (Ued 1907. ton and the B:t,uioites tili' plaus Ible. on th of humant. Jobn A. ThomsoD, window Br · with", COp! of our book\,' Dr. Mra .Ohorles SeurB, ' dnughter of tal'RopUbliclln hllve Illl beon Ilt . t8rlanl am. to c!e f ' lId th e proposltloo t?, 11 00 Pengelly's AdVIce to WomBn, '~111 "(8X success ra thor Ullin IIO Buer-oel;. awuIDp......... ............ ...... ... 1>0 found in ellOh pllokage. Juet l1t1k Mary Upp, dlBd 190.. . t o show the world h ow Dill , th llt ' tho s lnle 1113 •• • Ilud s hould. 'Barl.n Fudge; fire work on for Zoa·Phora--Do other 'rhus thB ra.nks have. booll deple. rloh nn ti up to dllte their cOl.nlllllui . conflscale t he profil S o[ honellt SUII' eou'rt Bouse ....................... 3061 tll,)n "'iIl be nBedBd-and no mistakb too a,n j · vllonnt chairs nre foulld; ties were by the nnmbor of autollloamounls to' lllaclnr; Ii J1enally Lewil BrOl., drayaKe ... .. .... ........ 6\1 will 10 giving you thB rIght whlle·a.bsent forms. olloe noble, bil es Ilround , In wituess whe re of upon proper ambItion Mnd ('nd a\'or, rB be lI pr>ratlon, as Zoa. Ph,ol'!1 oomes . d It.D d j fly. we s ubunt . Ule follo wmg . :" , fbr s uccess Is Ili e roly lhe rI.'M ulL of ,. & W . Domford bridge re o n.lrOlldy pre pilred, compounded in sllent voices , onoe SO k' . 1D I ho Xf! fort.. 'rb re I e IU S . to 01(' 10 ho buL



onoe the joy Iluc;l pride of t h e livin!:: of our presence unu our Jl rhapR. t hat f llt url' hill' 'I'K wO llld pay "'L •• lInll ' und wbo we r e intiUllltely II!!SOOilltod Futher'l' love. th ese public ('lta rg(,8 III tho pllrcbRse '\ . ~I with r·h e acoin-land but! Ilffulrs OOltth come:! nn<llJrellkf! tim olo~e of tbe tracls 80 ,h('ld. Lettllllllil .11' M ' Oil of this Etaunion. I huveballnll8sist ed un loll of dallr on as 'lod lellves onr It hill! becll t he expnrf(' npl' In SOll1Q ! " II. k,.rr'r . ; c." d . ot our growlnl; elr".~I''''lIl1'l l I!'". th ul l Inrl;O iu /Dllkin!!: out Il lil:!t of lhe deceuse ' Uvoalo nely IlDd out hl'lIr'tB Slid It.o d of unlnlnrov~d hlil d tnu·ts mill" I( ." IIll . I ~ ·'.l d ' 1I1p :' lt ' ac, . "', meml.itlrH lI f th e fumlliea oonneote bleeding. bu t love Ilathers up Its ped ou t ''' In ~-101!! 111 ';fI(,i.I 111'11',.,. . Ill'" I ,Ih•.'nl.n"... ..j 01IV with. ImlllhoSIl heurlng the ~eur8 l torn teudrils Ilnd binds thulII for. owned by land "olll pnll ll'R nl1<1 nre n ~ 'I~I ;III"" ' ;:1 . _ .. _ I1llme wh u hll v lliell s in ce thl' first eve l' IIround the rrnOlIB work of sessed as fUrtli lan'I ~. nt 1l01l1h",1 ratpH. I .~,"' org/lni~.'It.lon of the AssociatIon Ih eltvell 's gate which openB into o ur somellhll os ',llll'!:!' t r:'~'ls CJf l~"~; Ii,; 1~~: ~: I~"w"'K: ; .: . . (IClll th g 'iven . I F ilth r .s H OUSCl !lbove. I (Ju r ts 0 OW'I ou r I'ri.I'll wnllitlj; p s : III . t,~ ':"In w,th the .veill.' Ilf their s p ts)[ culatlve 10 Me'C Uit. 1'l'II.lhl,' !II' tlllt'l

Many Friends' Has Zoa-Phora

A 101l ny . Mo. • " Hllving used fOr fe · IllIlI B trouble. 1 will gladly say thut it.lltd IIIB good, !lndl think will be nl fl t 1I11.Y - one needlu" s uoh m edioin e If t,hay will only try.,it.-AlicB Blln IlBr. Ark. "My wus d elll.yed mBOSel! . I Your feel tUediolne bBtter tllbas hell>od /nB. 1I.0d "n I fo r two yeurs. "-Mr". U. R Buddlestoo, BI '" 1 d Uu t o u, n "I thlok Zoa Phora Is /I. grlUid m edloloe for every woman expeot· mg tJ beoome it mother, as I had to ~uffBr from tBn to thirty. six honrs uotil my !lSst baby, born Ang 13, 1906. I was only In plI.ln ISO honr. lind then nothing to the palo 1 suffered before. "-Mrs. R081L A b bott. Dllile, Okla. "y,;nr medioine is grand . I t wllJ always be my romedy when I lim weak and have headaobB. "-Ka tlB E . Cramer, St. Mary's, O. "I was troublec.l with falling . and inft't111utloo of the utBru8 but after h. o;ve h II d b 0" tte uslog Zoa-Phora. health than before In foor years. - r Lammtt. E·l li i, Ro8e, G t1.' .


hallow~ ~~.~.1;1.~e;;.~""~. 1


MIll bridge for $300.21i .

]£(:/,e,,11I FIlr bite [tOIl/l (It thr)Re tn lwit,h OC;lf1ln, 'If ot.hOl' !iuoh I!Oll't'f t,ro\1 hln r .to !'In)" my wlt'o hurl I'n'lIft t.hlll g 0 1 thlll Idml nn I uf/ llr WIIn' VALUATION . th l dno:ol" S r uwclif ' for 011 111 t' "". , AND T'AXATION , c'Fh nc111(I lv E'. Uad III t It tl JlIIro.\'vod('hlllllltl'rIiLL'/I to hc' IlnllIl" 'H tJ"l u uUyLlJll' !£ -. hr\ hllil tri Ad , 1<', . 1' ~lI lo hy .1 . K .J Rnn a y . It I~ prohRble. tbat on ot the wors t :.... . ~ __ practIces. In onn otlon wI th th e us. fl BRed valuation (real Rlat . Is th


the \llIst tlat

"m 'u b~ • ""o'UJ_ I• •~ couaty to keep Its valuatlonl 1'0" order t~lIurctll1 ~. Ihl 11»0_ til. ~.ut. aliter OOUI·t! r .. I~





. _


!lOod IInil poo r (tiell

Duy tile oo.t

FARMERS' STOCK FOOD Bloo for CO"'", !:tog., Sheep'and Ca.l.tI...

Saves Hay, Corn and Oat.. 1fT....

A ~l1hltllt.ito for A Breat ...vIOB to tho Farm., An<l Blockm'<D. It boa double

.'ronKlh. Uon't oIao" tbis witb tbe ~"'7 wnrth leM ''''''It food. on tbo martel. u ...... nllt",'" WI r.!!}Jrc""ni.ed. Give It. trial. 1n,1II", qll b,.vlhK ~.,._•• . ,.... ,..-. Take 00 otb. r. If 10ur d.a1ur doeoo Dot handle I~ M od dlrt:Ct t.o ' , D. S. RACON STOCK FOOD CO.

Iv.nlvllle, ' .n d. .




bad dooe with the rU8ult JUlt let fortll In the op olng ot our story. SODle years before when Samuel'l BROWN & MeKAY, Publl.herl, Incl'easlng yean mnde It more alid moro a burden to go about and dll· OHIQ cbarge tbe duties ott judge, h had appolnted .hls lWO cons, Joel and Ablah. lo aid him la tbls work. and had el' tepa to Fortune. A STOlt or Tar: 'ElrqD or TU JUDOU ·l/Ibllshed (heir heallqua rters nt · Beer· t. u.ouaumJl1J young bUI'; ISIUL shoba, ivhl1e be conltlnuod to dW E/1I Ilt fu&n. \0 bill great 8urprllle, wali a. lI>. "Hlah.all ..... a, ..." Pt.uw Rl\mah. This arrangelMnt lit first D. ~m ted tl) a poelUon very seenled to 1;-lve entllr slItlsfncUnn . but flDueh 1n . ~h...n oC the one be then th<l' lleollje or lsrael loved ond honor d lK'Cupl . He dill not understand when, Samuel, whom tiley' rccognlz d us the SCrll)tlJ re Au lhorlty: 1 arou el, iDr ~h re, or b01l'\ he had prepared one cltosesn ot Ood to be Jud ge and cha pte r . 111m, U tor ftueh un erpect d promoprophet Ofer Ih nation, lI nd Ih ~y wll. friends, how over, and those ~~~~~~~~~. IIngly ac l,nowl 'dglldl hIe i(ght t ... name 110n. his sons 01\, judges In hi s ste.d . £lilt ",ha had ~n watching hIs career SERMONETTE. be" that, uo mns lousl)', be had be on . "Make us a king to judge u. ~ as tim e ltassed and It WIIR rOllRt! Ihat lireparlng Cor his' promollon el'er s lnp like all the natlon,."-Thls de · • J oel and Ablah werE~ nolm,m litte r the alre to be like tho.e about UI II l!I Integrlt)' and upris tu ness ot th eir Co· . ~ e took n job lUI an errand boy In an tber, but that they let 1110n y Inllnence a mark of the worldling. Juat Cllftce. Indeed, It be had h d the Dosl· In proportion aa I'll rile I turneU ItI • their jndgmonts, th e dlsB utt sfuc tion tIon to wh lcb be bas bee o advanced In ~rew, untH nr last the murm urin g llild eye. from the God whOle pe· ,mInd from th e outset. and If . everY bpcbme eo bitt rand Ih prot estH NO . eullar people they were, jUlt 10 etep' he took had b n directed tOTard far did they have a hankering . loud thul Ille eld el's weI' rortel! to it; he cou ld not ha\"e ado,'ted (\ more lake aclton. . They wore 100111 tl) go to to be like the natlona about jetreotlve means for the atlalnment ot Samnel with Ihe matter ond II lid , at them, It proved a Inare to thalr ibis end . As a boy, thll young em· lost decid ed tbllt they wonld go /0 tht! feet jUlt .. the world and the accused Jud ges th msell'es. Jo I "nd IItlore did not waH to be told things, or l;t thlngl of the world entice the Ablnh receive d th(lDl wllh s emlng do this or tbat whe n It was bbvloua • chlld"'n of God to·day. 'T he co rdlnlll y lIud IIs t t~n ed with felgH d tbat It should be doae. He found out · Chrlltlan atarta out with the s urprise while th e cbargc N or oonUII' vlalon of· God and the longing he could tor blmselt b y observation, lion w I' b!!lng mnde. Thc)' at hrs l II)Y keeping hi s eyes and ears open, and IndIgnantly denied tllnt they hnd b on y being constontly on the alert to , neglect to meditate on God', word and forgotten prayer o\).' 1) guilty ot wrong·aol,ng. bUl wilen the ncrene his knowledge; and he al· .• cures the vision and vltlatel the • ludl slJu tab le ))roors wel'e show n. 11t"lr ",'ayn did · ,,'hatever be saw neede d to hunger for rlghteausnela, and l!I mann r had chont;tld 10 hll'u~hty di s· dllin. What righ t IlIld ony one La be done, wl!.hout wailing for orde ra, before It la Icarcely realized 'lie did everything that 'was t\ven Mm the eyes are turned upon thll • cull In Quesllon thE' ondu l at a 1000 or Samuel'! Had ..O ~ he bce n ca lle,l of o do tis "'ell B8 he possl bly could do • world and there aprlngl up a de· God Lo jlldg Ismel. und had he I.ot t. He did not walt ror big opportunl· n a[re to be like thc world'a peo· appoint d lbem to t he ir ornc'1 Were pie, to have the things thry es, but found .blll chance In every lit· th oy lIOt cnLlUe d to th Ir JIvin g ? nnll leem to enjoy, and to engage In Ie thing th,at came ,bls way. In e'Very the actlvltlea whIch so enthral l. : . had lh y done mOl" e thon receive re. act be pe rforme(l he fOl!ad a chance mune ratl on for Ih tllr sel·"lces? DId Such condition of heart II dan· to be prompt, businesslike and polite. nOl bo tb IJorlies to n controve rsy have gerauI, al1d well may one medl · n every letter he wrote he found an tate upon th, admonition of . to bring their olfl'l'lngs before the case would be considered, and wilY s\10lllil pportunlty . Or self-culture, fO. I' learn· John when he aaYI: "Love not not Ih e ono In whose 'favor the judg·, nc bow to be conolBe and bow to ex· the world nor the thlngl of the me n~ W/lfl Iven. mak sPllclal ' dll'erlng ress himself In the c1ellrest a,nd purworld." In dellrl ng a king al ; st ljlngllsb. He tound an opportunity ot gr,' aUludc? they d id, Ilrael was pining that In s uch manuel' did ,Joel and Ablal\ dealre flnt and putting God In . or neamess and order In fillDI away make on 8~e r Lo the elders or' Israt'i jpapers and In keeping tbe oftlce clean l;t lecond place, a condition of lind th en a~rupUy dismiss ' them. d tidy. These, remarks the' New • heart which II perlloua and cer· "" by," exclnln:led Joel. after til y ark Weekly. are a few of the steps ~ taln to bring It II tr;i ln of trou· had gon<l, "one would thlllk that tho ~ ble and woe. . . hloh Jed to hIS ' rapid promotion, al· elders of JstQel and 'Dot our tatbe r were Sut though It WiIB to their! lhe . head over, Israel." OUgh wben tie was taking the m he • hurt, God mUlt give them theIr as not conlclous that' he WIIS loylng "Yes," replied Abla'b, ' "It la well La desire, for th,e y were too willful ' be toundl'tJon ot his career broad and to be turned from their purpole . • ·hove It underatOO4 who ar\l In .aullior. eep. It II often ao. ' God 'will remon. l;\ Ity. Our ratber II 'growIng old and It will oat be loag belqre the 101e respon· It rate with hla children up to Our ImmIgrant., · the point where he 8eell that • slblUly of judgIng Jlrael wlll rest they will not IIlten to hll warn · ~. lipan our ehoulders. rt therefore · be, No mlgrallon In hl810ry II comjlara. ing and then will give the loul ' ~oovee us to look well 10, our place Ible 10 the great hordes tbat ba\'e It I dei lre that In the gratlflca . . ~ and uutl\orlty." i rossed tho Atlantio during the past "And what think ):ou, will our' fa t her tlon of that desire may be found o years td enter our territor y, Says the discipline which · IB needed, .. soy when tbe el{lers go. to blm With at/onal Oeogt'llpblc 'M£/gllzlne. In lhe lr tale ?" asked .Ioel. When wc 'choose for ourlelvea 905, 1.026,199 Immig rants were ad· g we are more than apt to make a i' "I tbl~k It ,,'ero well If woo too. ,m1Ue4; In 190a, 1,100,736, and In the • ellolce which will turn. like a ' wen Lo our father and llre80nted our lI"e1etit y e ar the totol wm exceed the ~ boomerang upon ' UI and prove a slcle at the cas \l. ' He , will be slow LO be lieve e\'11 coilcemlng bls BOns," Abl· ecor4 of 190G by many thous llnds. ~ cune IIl,tead of a blessing. The Ince. Jllne 30, ' 1900, 6,000,000 have • 'thir g we thln~ we want most ¢ ah replied, co nlld en tly. "'l'he n le t us go a t once:' u;ged his een admitted, ot . whom probably 6.· '{l I. more than II kely to be the • broLh .... mOlt undesIrable for us. There 1600,000 have 8",ttJed permanently In rl only one lafe ground on ~h lch . The next dny Snmuel W(IS vlaltod by ithe United States. The r eport of 11[1'. to IItand, and that la where God the cld rs or I,rnlll. but not unti l a(ter lSargent tor 1906, recently Issued, COt;lla ,PlaC,ed flrst and p~rmltled ·.to his two sons h.nd seen and talked "lnB much Interesting. ' Info rmatlon choalle. for , us. Tile thing whIch • w£tll him, g iving hi m their version o t 'about the cha.",cter snd quallflcat!ons' God dealres to give u. never oat'Ihe nfIIl-lr, nnd \lI'ei)arlns him for the 1'lel with It any element which fOt the Immlgranta. Perhaps tbe' most coming of I he Id ,rs. . will prove dlaa,tr:oul to the lOul. atdklnc tact Is that less tban five' per " Whll t tbe n cun we bope for?" said [h e e lders one to anolber afte r th ey cent. ot the newcome rs bave reacbe4 " HII bleillngi never cbntaln ' a ling. We .hauld "deaire the Ilad talked wllh Samuel ' and found or p8BSOO the atie of 45. Of the nrrlv· belt glfta," "FQr If we belnil . him t1nre~ flOn s lve to theIr " I ,ll. ..ill Ill ' i1f~55 ranged In age evil know how to give good glfta "WhlUler sholl we loaf( ' fOI' jUtlgment from . , Tt.I'13 were less than unto our children, how much wh en Samuel. · wbo III old, Is go n!!?" 11" yean of age, a ' . Illy 50,601 had more will our Heavenly Father .<~\ auld that we bad a kIng like tbl' reaehed or passed the a of 46. More , glve the Holy Spl r lt (thll all-ln. nations abollt us," exclnlmed one of thlUl two-thirds of the mlg'rants • !=l'I ".lve gift) . them that ask 'l;t the · numb er. . . • 'Were males. ~e figures bel~ 7G4;4G3 n .,lm." . "A 'k lng l :, A klhgl " exclllimed !.he Aocordlng to the IntImation of ~ 9.tliers with , one voice. "Thls Is , our mel\ and boys OlId· 936.272 ~o~n and tho, Scripture .:It wa.• the ·corrup. • hope." ~ , i!rls, ,. About 28 Qer cent. of the total tl otl "of the ·.ona of Samuel, who i!! "~llt U8 return. the n. at once nntl de· Ilumber were' Illiterate: whlcp ' . .. h,ad been' ap'polnteif judgea over mal,ul tbal ' Samuel gIve us 0 king In 'V Cry Inrge proportion wben we Con. Ilrallll.and who perv·erted judg· Ltla stend, so tllat when he Is gone we . Iide r thot only G,2 per cent. ot tlie ment by the takl ng of brl bea, . shall hav e on e to judge 1-Is." urged total ·whlte popuJation of the "Unlted which waa the 'Immedlate caule ~ nle one wbo hod first suggested' a Sta~es and only '-6 pef cent. of tbe of the people desiring • k lng • .~ king. Ilatlv.t-oorn wbltes In 1900 ' were illitThl1 fact emphaslzea one ,l mpor· Tbo answer to tlltls proposition was erate. tant thing, and that II the pe~. . lin enthus iastic lacqulescenr.'e. and petuating power of .In, One soon they were ilgilin In I ho· p.rcsence Q wrong ripenl Into another: ·one of the o&,ed judge. . 'rb,e Chln,e se minIster to the United . ' lin leada to another. The , mi.· ' "What ! a kIQg?·' exclllimed Samuel) states, SIr Cbentung Llnneheng, Is a I:. deed of onll man encourages '!lr . In distress and sadness. " Why, God lTaduate of 'Ando,v er and ¥aJe .. He Is ~ .Ioclte,a tranagreaahm on the part ~ . Is yo ur king. Would you desOlt blm?'.' 'a devotee or ball'eball, often :at· • i of another, .and so 'on, ~o that "Nay, 'butwe willi bo\·c a kln (;' ln our ~ends tbe ~me8, A good pluypr him· n the ~ad tra in 'of developmentl 1:1 mlds~ to rul e OVer us like the naUons from a Bin committed may be self. he often Is the ehl et figure In n IIIIOUI. for th,o u art old. and when tlij)u appalling In Its final conlumma . • art gone, to 'whom Bhall we go'l" 1D0st unIque picture, wbe n playing, tlon, Man cannot sin alone, but Q IhJs skirts . tucked Ul), wIth hIe two But· the thIn g displeased Samue l I,! hla lin he exerts an Influence, an d the dlsoppolntment which he ' ha ri small boys and. !.heir little friends. ovef' other Ilfe or IIvea which I. P (elt whll n the complaint was mode T ennIs, tOo, has been a t;fE\llt favorite dl.aatraus. ~ agains t bls SODS gOlve plIlC~' 10 a deepwl tb the mlnlsl()r, while h e Is al80 ~n~~~.~n~n. er sadness as 'he r'eallzt,ld tba t the na·· very much devote4 to horsctnclc rid. tlOD was rejectills God who alone was ling and bicycle rldJng. These last two THE STORY, l he lr king. Alid .Somnel IIrayedunlo laccompU's hments are ra ther rare Hl': two men rose with haughty· dis- tho Lord concerning t ble thing, and .al11oag orlE;ntals.' , doln and Indi cated that the Inter. tl1e Lord said : ·'Hearken unto the .vlew 'wae at an en.d, and the 'elders at I'olce oJ Lhe Ii tlO ll10 !lnd make tbem "a . Sables are becomlt;lg very rare, 8.lI,jJ, rsrael reallz!ng that fUT- ther apl,enl kln g.'· On account of the great demand rvr and rem(lnstran ce were useless. took itbem, bave risen COIl8!derably In pl'll"C their. dllpal'ture. At the door the Spent Shot Kllla Duck. Idurlng the last few years. A coat that, spokesman of the company turn ed , an" TIle wild ducks In this vldnlty aM! IILbout two yean ago, would 'have coat 4ald, wlLh aogry rIsing hlfiectlon In hlB nll'ecled with a cew and fatal dlsens8 ' whlcb Is kllllllg tb e m ort by scores. ,20,OOQ would now be worth at leut voice: "Samuel, l~ Y tather, ' altail htlll~ of ·Dead duckll , lire drlfllhg ashore, III " 30,000. The empress ot Russia po.. aesses one or' the most beautiful sable thIs, for stlrely he 'd Id not appoint thee numbers, wlJ";h slhows that th e ' dis· " eo~ e Is e pidemic among the ·fowls. An coals In 'elllatence; It la made ' from lo ",enert judgment In 'arae!'! ": 'And vl'ltbout pauslog to hear wheth. olt! trappe r allcl .duck hunter of thlD tbe m08\ sDI~ndld eables p~ocurable er any reply were made 't he cIderI' vicinity who hils practically spent his and Ie valued at anything betweell )las se d down along t.he. l1ath~ay and ,life at t.hosp v.ocatlons gives a thliO ry $26(,,000 nlid 1400.000. Queeu' Maud, Loon dl su ppea rcd around lhe turn In for the epidemic which sounds' ration· of ~orway, II ano!.her queen C(08Ort the road which led back to the north. t\l. ' He silys:, "Put Ii ahot . of , the Who 18 lucky enough j.o ,possess ' erl\ country. They had come In . re- limnllest klnillri il kernel or' grain and alfic.e nt sables. aponse to the many com plaints which feed It Lo any kind ot a fowl nnd' the ,"'=:7~=:::::::;~ the pCOI)le · were constantiy makIng first .thlng you know the fowl will dIe. Oen. Kurokl Is suc~ .a ,little, tm- against Joe l and Ahlah,Oie two sons Now, I'f you will I>rlng UI) saDd fr'olll prelenllous looldng man, 8~ndlng of Samuel, wh.olD th e hitter hod. ap. the bottom of a rtver or hike 'you will only ' rour feet six: IIi · hili footwear.. Ilolnted ae judgel ove r the . nation at be IIUr,prl8ed ' at the number 9f shot see a ' gre... Beersheba. It wal only· too ' evident you will lind , whlC;h .' haa, Ileen Ored -that people QltPecting '!t'a~rlor are said lv be expressing that the cause of justloe 'wAs being ·away by duck and' gOOIe hunters'. fn dl saPllolntmeot ' wlren t bey II~ hlm. flerv rted· b)l the uae or money. Tbe the ,sprIng the dtlcks .re ravenoua tor H~ doesn' t oOllle up to the ir ;:;Ieal. elders had - been rl1lUctaat tram" tbe gravel or sti.nd,aDltdIYe to t'.le, bottom 'It Is frequ ntiy so with distinguished first to believe Ille report!! brougbt to to ' secure them , getting ahot Into their heroes. Wheu Alexa nder tbe Great :hel I' ears. but al tlllle went on anil gizzards lVlth the sand or J1:rav.el au'd entered SaUylon, Inlendlng to malte the complaints grew louder an,d more: dying In ' conlloquenee. 'If' you don't tl> at cl1 y tli ' CIlJlltal ' of th., vast em. llutnjlrOIlR "they were Corced to g1ve betfev.e ,. It e.x!iru1iw ~ maul' '' or ~itt · 1,/1' It had c(Jn'luel ed. the people 'he nl8tter con8lderatlon, ' and hal! ' at de~d : duclf s aB lOU . pleaie, Rnd It you' imore IIhc! In each so w a mlln of c\'oII Ihll:t.lIer' I,byrlque flIIt deelded to 10 ' In ' a body to Beer- don·t find dne 1:1,., 1I!"t of Gon. Kllr.'ltI, ~n" .beb~ nnl! place the charges dl:Tectly ot their liizards ,jti.t tift m. dowil ai ' Ilerore tbe accUIe4 JUdles, tn ' effort a nl,mslrull. That·".u \luI1'8 a.-of It tLuJ l!lu~h3rl t..l . tn b rine about a reform. TIIla the,. -Winneconne . . '

The Miami Gazette.





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Th. On....... 'ntlmat. ' ~.Iatlon .. • orax apray a laf. Preventlv.the Other, limp Ie, Chlap, Harmle.., to Fowl. Our eXllerlence has I/roven that en. me!.hod of conserving 11011 fel'tllltr II by a proper rotation of crops. 01 COllrse wo are D,ot decryIng the use ot commercIal (erUlh:ers, for tbey no doubt bene.flclal ·ln tho majority at In· siaoces. They bave beiln ll'l.ed and If I. Eaay Wor~"When ·the Knack H.. proven, 'btll tber are a gr at nUlllller of fO I·rhers who have not used th .. m, Seen Learn.d. and yet by carerul, and cons Lant croQ It II surprising how fast one may ·rotatlon hlll'e been al1le to keep Ull tbe ' mak e Ule when once th", knllc~ Is Cerllll'ty of their land. Arter 26 years of Inte nse tarrlun& learn ed.. Make a halt dozen lillIe troughs two teet long Inliide nnd t hree Ihe 160·acre tarm where 1 WIIS born Inches de ep It yliu are to make a lind reared Is as fe rtile 11 8 In the be !.hree-Inch .tlle, and tour InoiAes dee p ginning. Thle Is due more to a Benel· ~or Cour·lncb tile. These oro quiCkly ble crop rotation than anytbl~~ else. nailed tugt;lthe r an~ are 'beg un like No. or course the manure thllt u..:umu· lal ed "bollt t.he barn and old straw 'rtcks \\'IIS sClittered over t he thin land ov ' ry yeul', bllt tlfo s upply of fertlUzer of till!> nat lire was very 1I... lted on the pluce , not HumCrent to ..nrlcb over three or rour acres any yllar. Then, too, aliI' graIn was olwa ys te d on tbe pillee, bul Il .wae soon discove red tbat Ilind could IIOt bear .. ..,rn ,· wbeat. oat8 or IIn y uno crop yea.,. arter year with . the IIl:ht r r llllzlll g It would J; t, wlLb· onL Its str ength bing cx.housted, whlr. b, of course, mus t hlt!vltably m ean lighter CrOI)!!' So we took cllre of our land by \'ary· Ing the 1'0118, says II writ r In FI\.. m· er's Vo ice. After" 40·acre fl ld had beeR In tlmolhy ')f clover two or three y 111'8. 'It would be broken up and Illllll t.ed In corn. The firs t crop was always good, but the locond crop wae genel'lllly Imlllen ~e. SOOl times 'We plant d com tlie lhh'd , yenr, but very seillom. ' ,More 'o rte n the ground WaR PilL In on t8: This was done by break· Form. for Making Cement Tile. Ing Ihe slalk fields In tho sllrlng with c ultlvalors, then sowing the oota Ilnd 1 In th e llJustratlons,' ond completed harrowing th Dl In. Til oal 01'01.1 would to look Ilk No. 3. No. 2 shows Il off en yield 0 8 hlg b ' as 40 or SO bllsbe ls trough or mold that bus a hall Inch to th nCI·e. When th e ollte we re hal'of cement lond sand IlI.ld ov r ItS In· ve8ted lind threshed, Ihe Iorro~nd wa. side and tbe tin form In place re ady ImmedIately plowed and l'l'epared for to cO\-er with the eaqle material. wheot. The wheat wne sown eorly . After the six are filled, the tl.rat ero ug h to get a. good growLb an~ be· one may be set ba!'1\ enough to lurn oome well ~o ote!1 by winte r. Some, out on lIonle straw to flU again . 88Y8 Urnes ';ve sowed 1\ mixture ot timothy Farm and Home. But tb!) tin lining ond c love r s ed wllh th Wheal, but mUllt . not ,he withdrawn until It III e xp erl\lllce finally prov d Ihat clover hard. One needs a '·lopge numh er ot dId not g t sumclen tl y rOOL d to stand Ute tins, wldeh . can be mada out of the rigorou s wlo tqrs, so thenceforth tleeoncJ·\land tin roor or nn y Un or w sowed c lover and tlmolh y On stov epille. Th y must. be j ust two lh wllent Ilelde, In tbe eliI'll' spring, feet 10llg so Ihey will fit In to Ibe about Lhe ' fi rst at :'.farch. troughs. Wbe n the wbeat was barvesled Ihere To mak thorn I·ollldl)'., select a would gen rally be n goad stand or sound pole a/ld saw olf silt reet of It c lo\' I· and timothy, und the {lexli y a r wh re It -Is tbree Inoh'es thloJc. Theil there would bl! ·n Ileavy crOll Or good nail leSB to one nud anil at 0 polnl m eadow to reap. Thill field WIIS lett tWO and ono-hal[ feet from th other In melldow ror two or,lhree years; was end. This J l\ve~ a horse thll t hilS 1\ then a ga in h l'oJle;1 oud put through a I orn I)rojeoti Ill; on \\'hlQh the. lin lIIa y f; 11JI1l1lr )'oj.allon oC crops, on,d Ihese be readil y Ulllll eted. Shnve the hors e rOta lions s eme!1 to ' bulld up TtIther nut on tOll b tw n the I ~8, to work tban d stray the fe rtility or, the soH. on. First c ut Ib ~ h eet I wo .feet Anybow, y or Ilfier yeoI' our tolJ was long IIIltI pUlting Ihe edg s toge ther, reworded with goad crOllS, 'ond the ml\lI ~t It togetber Ihrollgb lhe middle la.nd s tned to be ns rich and mellow I nsthwlse. Tit n s prlng It open on at 'th e close of eucb rotation R9 nt It,s th e hom aud round It ov r so It wlJl 'beglnn lng. . , ' the top. It niU~ 1 not bll. lop well nt c~ a lm that rqtnllon ot Now ; J do ri veted because. It III to tie s prun g to laKe It out wben the tile Is bll rd. Th e crops olone will I' nder so li Inexlul\let· tin Is s hown cQmpletcd at No.4 and Iblo. for ' sc ie nce nnd eXI)erleneo If,!llches that an y soli will become the horse at No. 5. poverlshed nnd Unl)roduotlve with con· The new .tlle must , dry and sell8011 s lowl y 80 It w ill not check. To 'ac- tln uous crop.,lng unless the Illanl food oompllsh thJ e sl!rhi kle ' ocaslonall y taken tti l'e(rOm , be ,replaced . by the wllh waler. T pr!!rer lII ' .. I.hat' II! ' tri- IlIf.'D IlS of some te rtl1l zer. Bu t th e re on IIll1r In s hape IlIslde oe It r une II. Is no doubt noug h plllnt 100d In good d el) ourr nt of wate r wh en I'ald edge 'ri ch laud to yield ab undant harvests /lawn aad Is less IIk!!ly 10 clog an d fill . ror many years 1I the c rOIlS are prop. " IC IIsed In.lioll Ihot' works Into the til e erly ..o~t d. 11 little forl11 may lie cost to place ove r POTA TO- C-H-U-.T"""E-,-I'N""T-O -.,-.C~'LLA,~ • . e~ch join t or lint stones l11a y be ' used. .~onvenlent Device . for Puttln'g CORN ROO," APHIS. 'Tuber. In Storag~.



Treatment Wh ich WIII' Secure ProtecBere Is a bandy · devIce tor storing . t lon Against n ..; Pelt, potatues In a (leIJaI'. , It Is a kina of t,\ chute , ns lIlu lltru,ted In lIu; occom· As a means of rep lying to very pallylng ut. which ex~nd s (rom t.l!9 man y J'eques la received tor full ancl wa gon box. down Into the cellar precise directions ' for th e treatment or ,sced corn liS a protection agnlnst InJ)lry by th e corp mo t aphis, Llie £111n.<!ls , state ntornolog ls t, . ,DI·. S . . 'A . FOI'bes, hos prepared I ho - following careful dlreoll,ons, The qUantities mentioned ' are sumchint lo trellt theseed corn necessliTy to )llnnL a bout 45 acres. . If a lorger or smaller acreage I, to "9 planled, eacb can eaSil y fltiure ' . .lhe necessary amoun t ror hhnselt. """'_""'0....." 1. Mbe, one llint or pure 011 or lempn with oue gallon of denatured alcohol Pota~o Unllladln'a Chute. or wood , aJcollOi. : 2. Put onc bushel oLseed corn Into t hrough nn open\.ng. Tile bottom ot Il. lub or' halt a barrel, or similar vesllel chllLe ' ls mad e 'of four' or fiv e carroW largl! enor!gh to al/ow VlgO!'OIlIl ' stir. boards with spoce 'between 'to let the ring of th e corn. dlrl nnd BmaIJ ,potatoc~ filII thr.()ugll. 'if the opening luto t.he cellar'ls very 3. t easure out one on,d' a half pInts 'the ;Inl~tul'e of 011 oC"lemQn ond ·alco. narrow" ~BY.S .Pt.nJrle , F'arme., · t:wo hoi. . boal'ds can: be ' 1;laceli at trle lo'wer 4. Slo)"ly sprinkl e this mixt ure on ' ' e n~l, lis" Hbown, to form a tUllnel at thf.! COl'lI , at Lhe some tim e sUrrlng tbe bottom of Ghur e . latter vigorously with · a stout 'pllddle - -- - - - or slick. Do tlot let the 011 collect at THINGS, TO THINK ABOUT. , the bottom of the vesse,1 for ItlGle of Don :t let til .' wee!!!! set tll e ' whip stl r l'lng Ilnll 'tljorough mlxl'lg. Stir .". . .. , vigo rou sly unW tbe all Iii well dlstrlb· h911~ over you. ft',! 1\ wise " man n's well tiS a good ut 'd. It shoul (l not lake fiVe mlnules rorm~r who figbts weeds when they .\0 prella ro a bushel of seed. , 6. Pu t th e corn tbu s' tll'<;pol'ed Into ore smnll. Farm Implements ,. In operation a groIn ·sack and It Is read" to take ·to the Ilcli\ t(lf rllo,n.tlng. : K!!~ll lbls sllck' ~holtld be' examIned In evor)" \Iart a; Iti LIlli ahode. ...' ie.lli1t - once . [( day . an(1 the .nuts 'th~t . ,6. D'o not pr ~Jlare more limn clln be ongltl;.' tightened \Vltil II .wrench. ' Attnch tho wroncll to the . Plow JOT planted In a half a ,day. ttnle3~ ' It Is conveni ent to return t6 the crib 'a t othor Imp,lemont , wl~ n good stral' o\- wire. Ml\ny wre nches arc' lost benoo n. causa \hcy ~re not prollerll' 'a tto·chet.l or. not ' ti von. fas tened ut 011. ' C,e rt'lfred' ,Mil k. 'Certified ,milk fa ,ns clell~ as It II! >How llhout 8o\}'!ng sOnle ' rap e? It p<Jl\sl bl tc!, make 'It,' Jt ,is tree ' rl·ou, wJII C!0I1\Cl III prettY-bandy alon ~.lIbbu l objectionable' bacteria ' Tn quacUties July· anrl August: }o'ive pounds of 'sellil lIuPicle nt to · do any barm ' and It Is to tl19 acre sOWn about COI'D Illan tlng' of uniform ciuailty: To' produce c!!r,U. tIme .wllJ make :good' s hoel) pasture. .' iled milk the alllmals milsli be, heal toy .Eve.ry farm er s lt'o uld',haye, ten.lo ot Bad CleBn, tbe ,premlses lI'l uat be dean. Dol o. , Dress 'd own Ii pIece of pine or !.he utensIl. ··must he ' EterllJzcd , aarl .1>awIlWOOQ one .a'nd ·· one.f~~rlh ' lrich!!ll ev,Ilry .one who 'works with tho mil\( s~ual'e lind BOW It t?f( exact!y I n teet IDUBt hay!! clean .bandB . and clean !ong. MlLrk It. o,tr ~v (JJ'y fOot and with t!lo ehcs. ' 'All , Mill coI~a extra mouey, Indcllblr pencil mark tha feet. SO:ltC! and the product mUlt ' brl.D~ a hlab,r fin 12 la.,t 0. n:O!'e u8eful leilcth pr:lce to ~o It paJ'. ' Keep H \1ry and Itralpc. .




"20 Mllie " ... a thing to rill. poultry of lice. I had uM4 10 mllcn Inllammable Llc!! kllIera that my Poultry HOUBel wel'O 'regula ..- ffiiii trapa. 1 ga.y. my S. O. W . ~elhorn 'l1uuae guod BpI'aylog jllst two month,,: ago. - Sllice I bove caught' several, hen l and I touad no' lice. I' am rid or lice aad shllll continue to use "30 Mule Team" Sorax os a s'p ray, also a8 ~ wash. (Signed) MRS. B. R. BUFFllAM, Ruswell, New Mexlcp,


AT A WAYSIDE HOSTELRV.. Dlrky Servitor MOlt Obliging Under the Clreum.tlnetl, A trave ling man' stopped reccotly at a little eountl·y h ~lil let sODle miles . from n Te xus city to se1l a merlihant a bllJ oC goods. Tbere WU8 ooly one hotel In the place, and !.hIs had ati ua· sllvory I' putatlon, He had 'Oply one nlr;bt to sLay, howev er, 80 he eon· luded to nlake the best· of a bad 1,1111' rlaln. He we nt to his room early, lInd. feeling Ihe need of eome hot water 11111 journ ey, to remove tbe staIns cast bls eye about the wa ll to r oa electrlo button, whlcl1, of course, w.. conspicuous by Its abs~nce. , He hnppened to thlnlt ', tbnt he bd aMIl a negro POrl r below, alld, Ht1ok· Ing his helld out or the door, he ye lled lustily: . "Hey, you black rascal, come ' up hero l " "Y~8'r, rns',r, I's comln..... waR the qui ck response, and a momept later the old darkllY appear.e d 118'0 .lhe drumm er, bowlug obsequious])'. cap Iq hand. "I want !lOme bot 'Water, and I want It quick," said tho drumm er . "l'ti pow' CuI eorry, boss, pow'fu) "!lrfY," rell"ed tbe n~gro, bl. voice trembling. "We aln·t got no bot waLah, but J kin hot yuh Bome."


Slre •• m. The batchet·faced female suneyecl the tramp at her back· dOQr. then 8h. In(lI'ed th e air tiu8plclou8ly. . "You want somethIng to eaU" ah. lliefl red. "I ame li liquorI" '·Holn't got uny on me." "Strange. I detect a distinct odor of WlJllor ." "Ai n't got a drop," the tramp p~ tesled. "A re l'.o u sure you hav en't a bo'tUe concelll d tn yo uI' pocket 1" '·A",', · take m word for ·It. If l , bad I'd oblige yer nn' produce. I n \'\lr WUl stingy at s llll,rlri' rle bO\1ze." , ThereullOn he fad ed away gra.c& fully. '

-....:,..----Quaker Wit:

A Quaker riding 'n a carrlag with a fa s hionable woman dec ked wHh ~ profusion at jewelry, as a '/ lubstltnle, p'e rhaps, Cor be r scantt'ness of olothl's, henrd her . complaining . ot tbe ' old; Sblverlng In her ia e bonnet allll lI~wl: she exclaimed, ' "Wbat shall I ' do to get warm?" 1;.__ . _ "J rally d()n't know," replied tbe Quaker solemnly, " unle88 lbou put on IInother bre~tpln:'-Sanda7. Map. &Ine.


-1Ie~. Sadly 'Offended 'by 'Her Hmbmd, Has Placed. 'tlim Three Konth,' Pro.balion by ~calls of ihe Strangest Aareem'ent. Two Married

How 1'1.... ,Louls C. Meyer,


'eople -l.ver-Signed:", '


I" w York.- After nil Is said and d one-when gOH" lpn, hlwyfII's ' and ' couds ure finlsltcd- J,c!rhnptl It has be II .Iert for Mrs. I,ouls G. ~l c.,' e r to 1101\' Lhe great IJroblem. , 'he l,roblOlll Is : " How' Ulay an a kcep a hu slJaud llOme'!" 1\1I-s. Meyor's eolu t/on hI: ' , "Make him sign I1U IIgree'llI cnt to be'bavc," Tllat Is whu!; Mr. i\!('ye r has dtinp. F ro m Lhls timo fOl·th Il I'cally H('C JlI S lIij It th~re will be ,iertcll IIi tho Moyel' I11nn8111n, It th ero hl't, It will b" beoBuse th ol'e ISl1't a ny e mcl e n y in ICl1;al 00011111 nts. Mr, Mo),cl' hall sign d one-he has wl'lltcn his namo oown to "I'taln I,romls !) I\n I s tlp ula. tlonl>. It he dOlls n't kee p th m', th el'o ,.,,111 be trouble 6ul'ely. LOllis . :\1 ,y I' Is a ri ch man . His "dre Is -,in Xlre l11 Iy lIandsullIO wo0 man , 'rh 'r were married so me YOlirs 11&'0 . I-~\' rYlhlllg went pe rfectly 5 III ('\1th I), II l1111 hero com IntO t.helr IIv :; 11 " 01 Illtrnc~1 va 'lind a ltogelhe r guorl·IIJ(');ing youn g WOlllllll - i\! rs. KII Lhl'YII . '"n rat! Fuller 1I11l' kne sa"jhri,C'~ married , 'I'ho ,..,xt of Il Is Qultc Il long stor~', but lho 11I'psent ~ tl\tu 8 or Iho whol th ing Is linn MI'. Mcye r hU $ s igned (lie fo regoin g stat ement. Document I. Unique, Was (he re ever anothel' agreemcnt bctwecn mnn rind wire IIk o It? The Meyers havo been married' for J8 yenrs, Mrs. MOYCI' 11\ hand Gome , ~O years old nnd devoted to hOI' ilus. bnnd. 'rhey Jive at Uroad \Vay nutl ]l;lneIY'slst h street. Mrs, Jlu rllneHs do sn't own up to nellTJy all many years ns 40, and s he hos mu ch to C'Jmme nd h l' In tbe WilY of 1001111 RUt! IIg· UI'C. She m t Mr. Meyer somethiug ,over a y nr ngo . . : Now Mr. lit yer. If court reco rd s may b believed, wns somewhat BUI;· , c optlble. So' was Jllrs,. Hnr\t,.nr.s9 . . At any rate, Mrs, Mj!ycr cRlle(). up her hUl1!Julld on Lho telephono at hi s offl('r. one fin aft rnoon. For n rep!.y ho asked bls wHe to como lo tho office. Sh CAme. Th re she mol ror tu o first tim Mrs: HarknesB, The police court ' records tell tho rcst at th story, Mrs, Harkness and ' , 1\11'8, l\{e)'er ca me to what secmnrt real blows, There was occas ion to call a Ilol\ceman, ,and IIfrs . Harkness was 'al-1'estod lilIan Mrs. Meyer'B OOillPI81~t: Tbel'o bits ot flneryandupon tbe floor of W thore!\feyer office n 'flj\\" hah'p,lns nnd feat he rs , If It bad been 110l'l'y lillI Instead at Fifth A\'enU It ""'ould hnva gone down on the .Tender ..

loIn stallon hou lle records as just a "lain fI"hl I\{r Me" I ,. . " " " ' ler "as on y .

sl,leoln t'o r to t~he atrray'.


Predatory Beauty li'lned, 1\11'6 ~1e\" r see 1 d to hnv 11 ' . " n .. , Ie lll,l- . IUU' hllnrl. bocauij!l Mrs, Hn.rkneas,.who ~av ' her nallle . ns· Mi ss .T ennett 'y ynn cj 01 NO, )19 Rile de In Palx, o



fill e d .

"Brea lh and del,l th-thoy ~"vor or rhyme-th'ey s how hut one IItli letter dllfe rence between us. I n01 - 1 reo maln, yours, ' IGGER: " "My bushand," continued MrM. Me y· e r. "met Mrs. H al' knpss at lb(' Vir· ~orjn holel nnd 'b came Infu l1I8 l"tl with her. When I flrs l knew or Ihl \< my h(l lr was dark bro wn, \\'Itholl l :I streak at 1:T::IY In' It, l"ow It Is white, " Wh en I wcnl to Ih moth p.,. of Ihl ~ 1'41'11. HarkocHS and pi nd ed wllh hcl', she asked me wh y l did nOl get a divorce, 1 told h r that I never WOlIffl ge l a divorce, and I never will. I am gol il!\ to stay by my h'usband now n.nd nurKe blm thro)!gh hIs trou· ble. I 00 not care what happens to the other woman, 1 am glad she wa ~ Injured as she was In the a~to accllleht. She deserved 'It. ' Spent Money on Charmer. "t'fl' husban'd Is It rich man, bllt I ' never nBllcd hIm to spend money on me the \\'ay he did 0 11 Mrs, Hllrkness, Why, he allowed b",r to 81>enrt $140 n weok Just tor holel bills. And hero Is a sher:L of an expense IIC'COII:{t I rOllnd among my husband 's papers, " '$200 received . "'$153.90 hotol, .. '$10 lert with mnmma, ." 'Philadelphia ' expense: " '$200 l'ccelvcd. .. 'I Gown ' $100, .. 'I Gown ,65, .. '1' Waist $28. ~ 'I MatisBe $15. .. 'Pair corsets "Out I love my htlsband Dnd he IOVl!8 nl e. 'hnd dl v!>rce pa)iera Pft!' pared, bu~ be begged fOl' nnoth('r chance. 1 am gOIDg 10 give It to ' hlm,



n llt ill: hU H now .;'Ol to live IIIJ lO .ihls Opt! (.l l)l CIII : ;

1'\ 011' JII ~ I <lIllie mom en t IIl r. !lI e)'· fir our! MI' H, Il ~ .. klw S ill' reall)' In It IJa l1 WU ,I', The "~l'eC I1)e l : ( b'LW en th e ,Me ),!! rs \\'0 ,,1<1 i)Ut hu v~ oeen made Illlllll t: 1111 /1 It not bee n for ' the ac· c.:ld" nt whl ell Iw ~ laid 1111 \)01 h 11(' aud ~ I r s . H ' fll<n" ~" , IlS wcll 1 1K Willia m A.. Fr:. t l,w l ~I(I{;); ,

IIII', I~ l;;elS lor k t"(111 nllt MI'. ~I I'Y' nud M J S . !l urkll li S In hlR alltomohil o a fe w 'da ys a go. They W!lre run· nln g 00"'11 11111 III Il l'ollxvil lc, n ur th l' rHlI hl on illJle hullli (;I'Umatllll, wh e n til< cIH1U.tltHlI' IIII Ktl1oI1 t it roao, and, In, stead of c'lrvillS oft to Ihe rlghl, he took u stone wall , \\11t h dillURl rQIIS ro· til'

II n Ii..;,


FC l s(! l ~t orl (

wit S

badl\' Injured .

1\1 r. ' Meye r had hi s leg rTtLct.ured and Mrs Il urkn II, ' hlp wu s broll.e n. A II tlll'ce were tuk en to th o holel; Ule ac~lo ollt WIIS 'revol'l d to liH!


IIcll and prln ltlll 10 lh" Newspupers. I\lrij. Moyer, (b n al Atlant.l' City, rend th e oewH-llc r husband wall bad· Iy hurt nml so was " MI'S, Loul G. Mcyer." Now, .Mrs, 'Mey ' r wosn: t hu rt at nil, and sll tho Indlgnlltll wife !ltartetl uul to find ' unl '~\'ho was. ')'0 Iter anger s he dlsoove red that It WII6 tho ~nme wollinn who I:a ll tl'i ed to n rrog,llc '11~1 ngil' to herscH In th e Moyer ofl\cc. 1'Ie llce 'this ubv'3 l agree· meut, MrR, Mf!ye r k pt at h I' husl)and's s ide: KIlO luuno '1[111 sulTe rll'g grlev. ously, She hud hIm lukclI hum e, Mrs. Harkness wu~ lJ'uns[errert to Dr. Bul':s ' !Junllarlu.m 10 l£ast' Thlrty·thlrd slreet. Mrs, J\Hly t!r tUd the rest and' urranged rol' the agree ment, It sllll holds SQod.


-----~-II!I --------------~


Agrument Signed by and Wife, "WhrreOl!,C Ada K M~y.'.r. of Iha Dorou~h or MBnhltll nn, New Vorl! 'tty, Im:4 . cQrn l ! l ~ n ~etJ un ~c lh1 n w.hlch he nnw pendlnc hi t"" S\ IIJI'l'm~ uourt I:v·:fl1mn h r hUSband. Lqulr! ~,. M yer. tor an nhsol ute dh'orf'o. III wh lp h H.(·t!on til ..., dou m .. mooR n'HI It r.(JI)Y ot tl w complaIn t ",!!r.' uUly ,,,,,.nnllily .,·I·yut! · fI" tllU . ~ .. " I LIlUIA 0 , , M o ~'e r within Ih e _ tiw'~ of N e w York On I" ' tr'lh .duy of I), (';,mlle r, ' 1900, wgelher wIth IL COpy or ,, 111<111,,1\8, nnll ""II ~e of "",lll'n for . l1n allo w n n c" ot -?-.lirnouy lind oo unst'l t ncB In .tli t' n.ctlon, rl·turnuu)c I')C(,(Hnl;nr :!" , 1!t()41: tint! ,

\Vh cn.·t\tt. Th t'uld LOllis Q . ~tfl yc r (c~Hn&; rcpe lllllnt . 114 IhHll.lrIOU 8 tl f '.",' . Ing for!:I" Ii ' by th e plalntll1' Rnd o f haying' 1l1'I",rtunll,· rot 1·"".tllltllshl"li hit". S·l e In his w lro's ufl' O(: ti (\U an') (Il\' or • •w tll. H \' Iow o f i1 i('rcurter run wt ll- fh "'l r mnrhlll relullon s. ,.ui~ .uhJ f;oul M(,i . Mel'" r c)uw "d'''IJ)' pl'~I"I ~l! a lld u~r ~ · with

hIs suld wlfl!. Ailo . Me y",·, U" ro ll o \\'~ : ' "\. TIII'I he \\'111 In a U thllll:H I, cr "after trenl hi. wire kindly Hnd I .. ti prop· ' '. " II. 1'ha t he will h~r~nrlr nbSl/un (rom nil r Inll lln'. !it ,,,'on ":tm< ·'.1I1o,1

"-·('r nlnnntw.


nnturo. hoU,· R,OC llll Jln(1 other\\,U;(4, with Mr~ . h e r~llfl c r hnv (lr mlJlnlnln: a n )" Imflrol' r. 01'

~VllllHm .... nrkul:uK. "n il wlll nf)t ~OC 1111 rf: l u.t\tH1M w1th u uy othflr






u.r. ...



Remedy Glv,n In H()Clplt;,1 Tent Mult Hilve Been Ple;,s OInt. The coplaln t lis a story wblcb run ~ "au\ethlng IIlre tbl s: In camp one II ornlng \htl f rr~t f,:e rg ea nt reIIOl'llld that Prlnlto 11-- haC! a chilI. "Is It a 6 rlolls 00.01" asked th a caplal n. "Well; Sll', I don't Itnow Ju~t how sct!, OilS ' It I ~ , Otll 1t'~ tl !>Ig- on ' , for It se mR to be 1111 o1(er him, and b e weIghs 2'O~' pounds, On aeelng blm tb e Ca l) I.t~:\ (otlad ·bl.m looking rat hoI' -....--"!""----------....;.,,-7""~------..,...--.;..,..----, A a v r fai lin g SOtlrcp of amusemeut bill e, utld In st rljc ted th e fi rst xe rgea nt to selld him to th e 'IIlr~con In tor youn g chl ldl'en IK a good·s lzed· of a cor pora l. I\'oah 's Ilr)c. Te ll ii,e s t\ll'Y or lite. Hood Soun a fle r breakfast the captain !lnd /..r)y a little hI story at t he ani· Then "~\V tbe c,orporal and h im hpw SEASON'S HATS A BOON TO AMA, mal Q, Ut elr homes lind hul)lt ll, TEUR MILLINERS. , th e m a n was getticlS oa. "Ob, be's at the "nd 1m II' the animals nnd put ull rlshl now," was the reply,' ''1 look them n.way In the ar.k . him ~IP [0 lbe h06plt:al te nL, nnd when )t Is the exceptional hlld who does I sa w wl1 al I(hld of medicine the doc· Fashionable H.e adge;,r C'an Be Made not enjoy mus ic, nno' the earlier the and Trimmed at Home and Look e r gave him I bad a chili too,"~A ..m1 s lng liig h abit Is clIlU vated lhe better. B!ld I\'OV )· 1~lfo, ;,a Well ;,a the High PrIced T eac h t l," good old h ymn~ wblch will never bo rorgotten, The melodle8 Productions, fHE RE.ORGANIZEC) NEW YORK 'Ieam ed on Suaday It rternoon '~III echo LI FE INSUP.~NCE COMPANY, So many a~d ~ ur tbe shapes through thll busiest cluy [(lid soothe the lind styles of tho fa shionable beadg a r darkest hour In the ,years to come. Tit" II W Ounrel of' TrURlllp.s Of . the of ,th e season that It Is oCten ,n per· So ·te w paronts s top to ,think that It r\ r: w \ o rk Lifo IUliura os" Ctlmp8 uy, plexlng problem to determine which Is In t be earliest ycara that the memo ~ h() g A n hy th e I,oll(! yholder~ lI0rl ' I' the Is most becoming, and, although most orles lire b(!ln g mild which will be Ar mstro ng laws, has t :i1il1 n cbarge or at the model hats on vle w at the' ex· mOKt vIvid 111 the laler ' days ol their th e (;O Il1I IUI1 ;"s Utl'llit' S ami blls besun clus lve milliners are elltreme ly hI gh cb lld rlln' s lives. Lho WI>I'II or r ol';;ulll:m 101\, I In price, a gl'eat meny at th e smartest On 'm otb el' ot sound sense and far' In c ho(J~lng the Jlr ~ 1l ~ 1[l31 officers c! shapes could be easily copied at borne slghtedness In bringing up her chU· tlt e c llmllUll Y, tlt e lIo;~r tl has a tlh erec If one hos any s ldll as itn amateur dren mak es It a rule to permIt each til ih (~ illen Lh at a lifc IlI surUllce ('om · milline r child a turn III planning· tbe Sund~y P:"t)' shollio be mBota;; d hy life Ie· . For Instance, on e or th most desir, nl g b ~ IUllcheon, giving ~he order on s lIran U lI1 en, Tho uew pres ident t.; Ilble shapes Is all th wid e·brlmmed Saturday so nmple preparations may Ulu' wln 4'. Kingsley, a college breo be mod. IIIUII of b OO r! , ' ew 1~ llgland slock, wto ANSWER TO CORR~SPONDENT8, hus bc.,~ III lite COIlJ IJany 's se rYlce In a vU'r ll)lr ot call1lcllles ' ror a period of For the Brlde,Elect, nearly t\\ nty yeal's, In inc I)a rlunce t am soo n to b~ \ married and the i>l life Insuruuce, he "begon With the senltlg ot rerresbinerits Is ono thing rate book" and has ladv::.nced stl:P b)' that bothers me. ThIs Is a 8mall town ' stell up 1.0 his Ill'esenL position, , alld too tar a WDY (l'om 'the clUes to The first vice pres ident ot Ihe com· obtain any eXll'l1B. pany Is Thomlls A , Bucltnen\ who has I !Jboullt I,rerer Il morning "!Veddlng, served tb o company for more tllnn a but there Is not room enough to .seat quartor of a cent'~ry,-Indeed has aU th e guosts fQl' Il "breakfast," Is ' never had any other busIness connec· tlon, there any othel' form of aervln'g eult· able for a mornIng alralr? If so, what Assoc\ale(\ with these 'men are would It be called, what served and otb rs long traIned In the compan y'l!. · bow? ":;UNN.Y· scrOTH,'" service, each an eXpElrt In his o.wn de· "8r l m l~nt at work. Wm. E. Ingersoll, Certalnl1 you ~ave the morn In. who bas for many ~rea' r5 had charge ceremoDY and refreshments all , J'lg~t, of the company's great bu.s lne8S In too~ Do not try to seat the guestll at Mu.hroom Hat for General Weal', Europe, Is one of the ser.ond vice pres· the table, Have colree, sandwlobes, Id e ll t~, and will conl:hlue at the head .allor order, ercept tbat the brim at olives, salted nllts', chiCKen pat~lea or of the company's office In Paris. Rufus ' W, Weeks. who bas b'eed In thIs new model Is not even all .rotind, c roquettes, a salad. Ice ' cream and ' tho company's servlc,e for nearly' forty but Is Quite short In front and rather weddl!!.;; cake, years, ranks next t~. Mr, Buckner a e wIder at the left side than on' the • Giving, a Dinner. vice llI'esldent, and continuous as cblet . .-ight, tht;! brim tbull being' 'q ulte broad When giving a dinner for about ten acrol!s tbe front, but shorter from ' Bct uary of tbe compla ny. ·g uests, should the menu be served cin The policyholders have expres,led front, to back, This sbape has a wide, Individual dishes or on the larJe dIn· rather low erown and presents very theI r bellet In tbls oompany · ln no Un· ner plate? Should platter8 be ulled' certaIn lerms. The upheaval In lite In· few dlmcultles to the home milliner, for meats and carving ,.done at the 18 the trimming Isyer)' simple. Most I! ul'ance within tbe lElst ·two years has ~able, or 8bo,uld all be, served 'from the resulted In n great deal or mlsunder· DC the model bats In t/lls sbape were kitchen? Is the _l\lad a sepa·r;:ate. In rough \ltraw, either ' I n black, natural .tandlng and pollcybolders, alermed on course? ABBIE. matte rs which were not very clear to Btraw color or the darker "burnt" or "onl. o n" shades, . end were generally' The correct way to 'Berye a dinner II the m, have bcen dls,posed to give up tllelr contracts at a heavy sacrifice, ' smoothly fnced to within a half inch to l1egln' wlth 0: soup, then if an hitor· Dr so of the edge with taffe ta Bilk, mal .. n~8Ir, tbe host may carve" the Th Is has not been t r uEllu tlte New York Few women realize how last aea- roast, chIcken or turkey. The piltatoOl Life to any great e:ttent, The com· pany h.a d $2,,001).000,1)00 Insurance on son'!! hats can be brought, up to dale and other vegetabje~ tiriil passed, eaqb Its books whe'n tbe IIlfe Insurance In. by being reblocked and resbaped. one serving himself, The plates',are vestlsation begnn, air.d while the laws Very orten expensive straw hatll be· removed and the salad J8 a separate ot tbe State of New 'Y or\( now ' do not ,=ome very ' limp and 8hapeless atter 'course with 'wafers or cheese 's traws, a few weeks' wear, The dessert tolloWII with colree, Salad Ilernflt any compan)i to write over being subjected ,160,QOO,OOO a 'y ear (whIch Is ' about and are' then discarded. as quite ulle· Is orten servjld at evening parUliS ac· . one,halr the Ne~ Yo,rk Life formerly ' less, .'However, If sent to an ,.estab, companied by sandwiches, ' . MADAME MERRI, did), the company's. outstanding busi. IIshment where sucb work 1/1 done, these dIscarded b ats .can be stllrened l eijS stili exceeds ,2,000,000,000, Care of HC!u.e PI"nt., PollcyllolCle rs genelrally wlf) be etlll nnd . reshaped to look like new at an oxpendltute of 76 cents or a doll ar. A simple way to , pre.Dare fertilizer further reassured by thIs action ' of tlie' As . U1e majority; at the new hats Is to " erCorate the bottoin of, an Ol'd ' Board, as It. t>iaces all the head of the show n '8ho,rt brim In trant, sOllle of two quart pall; put III droPJllng8 tram ~ompa ny to Ilroteot .th,c lr ,l nterest8'm en th ese mode·ovec sbapes are sl,mply lie n roost or barnyard and cover ·wltli a [ t horough I raining' and uDe,x<:eptlo!l; , turned blnd·part belore,. as It were, wat ~ r. Place pfill on ; blo'c k In larger ab le 'cbaracter: . nnd the Ijhort·bacl, suflQr or a s\!B8on pall, and wben percolnted dilute wIth ' I or so ' ngo Is now r eblocked to ' shoW two.t,hlrds " 'liter . .It a Inn!:er quantlt~ The Mule. U"der.tood, A atory Is told o,t Senator Knut. the drooping or 11lus broon\ brIm, with III des Ire.d prepare the saDIe 1)8 an old Nelson,. wbo spent 80me of bls 'Ilarly .the wIde part acr\lss' tbe bacie and the lime ash bar rel for leacblng In mak. · ' Ing soft soap. A ·dresslng twice,. a yearB In a logging , camp, He there short brim In fronl. The \11l1strallon shows \lne of thes e week will Inerease the size and depth dis cove red the ncclls!!lty of certain emphatic language In order make mushl'oom bats , llllij model being of colol' of the Jlowe~s both In · window mul es move. "All varIeties" ot ratbe r small and designed ror street imd garden culture, ,t9ngucs were In dem~nd In that camp: wear: 1't was In "onlon" color, wblcb ; Skirt Border•• Scandinavian, . Germbn, UaHan-but Is' '11, ~ell\lwlii/l shade of light brown, nn e JInes moat none or tlle words tilled ' BCI)Dled' to The hislde of .tbe brl/ii showed ' an ha\'e 'the explosive force , to adjust Inch.wlde hand facing ,o r hlack moire, lasls tet1. u'pon ·. are skirt borders, alld tbe !.empo of the mUlle. to the desired Tbe crown aJ!lo helng ,folded about ' those varyIng tram t\le narrow . hem8 Along came n ' strapping Irish. wlll1 'black ribbon.. wblch lo sk Irt facings Ibat extend up over ' man, who used sop:le popular exple- ,crossed In the back and w,a s slipped one-th1td tbe dfstance from hem 'tei ' tives, usUally Indlc81ted In ' prInt by through slits In tlle straw tying In .a belt, arll,' havlng an Im..,ense "vogue. ' blank, bla.nk, or - - --" 'T~ c mlJles bow 'Qver t!te hair. Two large gilt P~LI8SE IN SI~PLE DESIGN. moved! "There'a ':a language all ball hilt ,pins were thrust through the mules understand," !laid ' (he Irlshman black ribbon Iii front, and on eac:h -"and It's . not me, mdther tongu" side . WaH placed 'a large whl te coque Garment fo~ Baby, air' ,to Be' tdiuf. ~I!.hlng Milterlal. rlyther."- -Jo~ ltUtciteU Chap"le, .iIl Ceather ' backed b'y a black wing, 'Natl\>nal Maca~lne: ' Such a bat would be smart·looklng wIth almost 'a ny kind of a st,reet gown The peHase Illustrated in this ~UID. ' . , Hom., HO.."I. or suit, arid would be mucb more duro bel' Is Intended to~ making · up . "111 The wlte of .• na.vIll oOleer .ttacbed able for general wear than' a ' Dower· washing ' materi'til8 snch as ,cotton., to the RCade'i:DY at :AnJiapolll has JD '(rhnmed bat. . . . .plque, mu!!lIns and allk, but , tl~e · pat· hllr employ an Irleh .ervant. who · re'tetn Is equally 6ultable for wooleo8, 'it FOR THE SUNDAY AFTERNOON, pr.eferred , Our model la ' in pfque; 'a nd, cently, gave' evldencel of no&ta1&,la, "You, ouglit 'to be .contented . • nd :~f COUl'l!e, 'is unlined l .pe.!lsse '.It. not pine ,or' your, oll~ bome, Bridget," Eny to Make' Day' the Children WIll self bas ' aleeves, abd fa.s \enll dowll ' Look Forward To Bald. the lad1 of 'the house.. '~YDU .re . the cen ter.t fl'Qn t,'. 'the capes' .re•made ' • . earning good wageEI" your ""ark Is light, eve~yono 18 .•[Ind to you,' 'and Much i1epentls. Dpon how Sunday III )'ou have, lo"t,a 'oC 'fri,~nda here,"", . , obB9rved 'wirether a. child looks forwal'l! "Yla, mum," ', BadlY' replied BrIdget'; ,with pleasure or' dread to the /leventb ' ~:but , it S' not the plaee where I be that ·day . . It should be ~'ucll a dear, happy' makes mo' '. 60 " bomeslck; It la the time that the ' Iltlhi ono's welcome 'Its place ",hero I don't be;" . . a·dv.e nt wltb delight; ~Jn the first , place. atter the uS\lal . ' ', . Ration. for 1'roQ,p. I" 'Alnka. dutlel' are aUend ed to and churCh·serv· On the recon1men~latlon' cir the com. ' lceH over, lbere should be an hour in 11118sary ge.!~r~1 of tl~e arqiy, the fteld , th.e artern?OD-mOre, If the tlm,e cab ratione 'o f ·the tl'OOPS serving In. Alliska be glven- thllt belQngs to tbe clllldreb, . 11'111 be 16, ounees oIl bacon or' when . alone. ILmay mean giving up II nap,' . desn'ad, ,16 ' ounce. o,f salt pork or ' :':2 walk, or a call, but .do It tallb'tully ounces of Stilt beet; 24 OUDCOS' ot Thel)' l)se' a part of this tllllO 'l or ho·id· fre,b vegcito.bles.1118ll ead otlG \ouncell' , tng a little "court o( aPI)oals;" encour·· ,t hree an,I " bwo-filtbsl ounces ot \1e;. age each child' to tell all tile ti·oubles. Bleated Yerotablo," in.tead of two and and, grle"ances of the , \\' ~e k, eondohi two'~fthl\ ounco•• · al~d ·1;·26 OUDce of .... h,en ne<;essar)' and smooth out k,riotty proble~s In tile ., ma~rier pos81, canell;." 'I/Ultead cic G.. 2/i ~uril:e, ' "'-.~;" "-~ ._. ble, After t~lngs have been saU8~ac· up separately from the PtiJI~le ; th. ,' " . " 'TtWlperoitura land W..ter. . torlly allj\lsted, have 'a chDpterln spme edg~1I are. plp~'d , and trImmed' wtt\l .. ' At aea level a,t, 212 de- ID~ere8Ung bo'.,\{ known as the "Sun· frill of embroIdery; the' two cap~8' a~' . IP'I!"., at ~ !3f, 10,9~O ' feet at :la), book" and never used on any other jolnlld a,t the ,neck and fa's ten In froDt 193 ' d.,gr~ClI, DarwIn oro ailed . 'jay. . '!Ylth a .hook ani,! eye, ' tbe .Aud!)1 In 'boiled po~toe. ~o I~duce Bible· reading, let each Donnet: of white silk, trimmed wltI, tor· Ib=- haul'S ma"I~1 them child spell his nable with \'er8e8 Cram lace, ribbon, antI a Imall ollirieb' 'U p; IOn. thla holy book, making acrostics and If liked', tbe might be 111. pili'" memorizing thOle especial \'eral'S, to match the pellallo, . illumInating fa:vorlte textll witb a ilOz MaterIa) requireel: Three 'y ar41 II '01 .waler colorl II bother BUDd.,. bicbea WIde, aDd &IIout .'e"ul'lI. ' U'ldnr


But let Mrs, J\'! eyor t ell the !ltory as W(1I11"n or . wo men, ' tout wl,1I .tt "II Ihnes .:ondud 1\lm" ~lt ·In " 1(1)'111. 11OnC1 ,'"bll ~ I1<1"" r()p(\\: m~nll y , "" would, 1>0 IIt.lln& Ih,, -hutihnnrl or lh u &0.1<1 All" I~, Me),l'r, 6,he te.llii'lt qow, trlumllhanU)' ahowln,g 111. 'l hut 110 will Itf: r~a fl ~ I'. rmn lllC' u f l ' thlt4 dl\)' , I'U Iq ld l'S sidl1 wU'u t.he. agrf'em nl whlOh mnk e~ her the ':LslI!n .Or.fin)' doillus (s.'\O~ Oil I'Tldlly or oOt,h w;t'K on /L(:coll nt of her ~ up· vlotol' In this !!Lrnnge connl c\; between '1"n nn(1 wff ' , ' .'tt> til tllt l h e t" m\lt\ln l1~~ 1In c1cr~lo".1 anL1 lucr'N,'d hr',tw eon !;calf] Adn J.!!. ]'1 ~ r r 1 ~ on(l 140 (1115 ( • • M eyc t Ihut t o r 111r t: IHOll lhl't (rOni th l!1 ,Int o Ht;roo(. \vhtu h Is ' It was on the nft rnoon of Ii' bruary lho p('rlud or tlrn o Mn lcm plnt d ,Ill Ihly I.ll.\r~':!)1""r lIy rh I )Urt{c~ " e-rel .. a ~ Ii p1obnt~()n~I' Y p.~ rlod ~\' Ithln Wh'f1h t.lnl d A,In. ".4 . l\t '+)TO r ,,1il y d 'It,t'mtn v w1Wlh c r . 9," said Mrs. !i1eyer, "My htlsband or , nol sho; ORn h "r~lI rtr'r Irn!Jo8n !J'USl lind. " .. fld.""", In Iwr ~lIld 11U ~b"l\d unu Wko hIm hU"k Ullool1(lIt Ill' lUi hor h". lm,,!! : •• ' . lhul ':1" h Khllll IIvu ltad noL been hom ,foj' lcn dnys, [, hfts OWII IICo Jo hi " OW" ".. .. • "nli ' .h ut· til Ow c",.-- nt Hun the u cLio nM oallil!! hIm up and al;ked hi reason ot ann nf thu 5i\1{I t •. 111 ohll ll III lillY thno durin" ~Iitd p ~ 'r lod ltls absence, If le"~'~ ' Oi1U~ldiCc~olm:re~t-~~tt;-:~lil'r.';hii~~;;U;n;t~~~~~~~~I~I~'r~eo~c~'~Ii,or (' u"sn,tl~f"clory ·t th " ffi' HI e saId . Id lh n ~Ilhl :r.oul ~toc llh. : 1<H'Hl\.11l y~ t' o a C(I Ie ",,'ou C,IUX. or iiellnn "t»r 'II Vbr<!~. . ,,'at; rcvenUi:n l, h e said, aud. wall . "LOUl,SG. · ~",:y'TiI;R, 'b e forglvl;m. r went to uic office, a~l(i ",,0,\ \:: , M ~~Vl::R." . while 've wer.e 'talklng thIs ,,'oman IN GRIP OF · ~ONSCIENCE. OV~!· so honest 'In his d,esirea, over ito came liP, ---,earllcllt and ,e ver so sincere: tiut con· "She came. In and asked me what b'laln'e ss I had with 'my hllsband'" She Retribution that Follow. Lap •• Froryt scl~nctJ tells hIm t.but ot)lcrll ~n!Jw of . eVIln haq the elrrontery lo ordf,1 r 'm e Virtue'. Path, ,,18 , ~hortcomlng8, and Ibua h~ Is too 'Gut. of the omce. . , ' , cowaroly to do;' t'hat w,blQ.h he would "Aft~r tho trouble . I went to the , "Thull dntb ,conllclence malu;l . cow- like to do.-Knul\,v llle Journal and borne or Mrs, Harkness, There I mel itrd8 or UB Illl," wrote ShakeBp~aro. T~lbulJc, ller '!!lother, Mrs, KeQgh, Ilnd. lIer sll· It ca~not he known how many lhere . ter, Mr~: Ball." be who' would feign ' tear tbemselves W.1.dom of MethueelAh, . M.d. PI •• , ~Iva', ' a W8~' from the gnll\\'lngs of ' con· My SQD, ' woUldst thou ' flatte r ' wom· ":L 'w ent down before tllem on II)Y science and go . hen'c e who ' are beld' en 'I, I counsel thee, avoid ge!lOI'alttles, bended knees," sa.ld Mrll. Meyer, "and as In a viae by their . comicleuce, say !lot , tlDtu ber, Thou art faIr, 1 beg(ed. {hem to prevC)nt thIs "WQmaD How 'many men .who are ' struggling , lov~, thou ' rejolcest lilY, Iie"rt with from. ruIning· my life.' But they were In tbe qUlckilandll' or vice wbo would comcllnelss, ", ",' , -deaf tD . 'm y pleas, and, thIs ,woman 'extricate themseives If they (:ould ', 2... Out lo('thy words tie de~lIt'tQ ' " mUlt have laughed Bt mr humlllatipn. without having, .tbe world know or go ' thouln~o' ~1It'B;III1, a~d It .wlll caus~ ))lit~~-arid' 'the' "\fe drew Qut a bunale their Inner lives? " CompanloDs In VIce., ,her much joy, crumpled ' documents .rid · shook . -aye .. there'. the rub ; If a man kn'o ws 3. '. I3ny ,111110" her,- La, /.lty " noslrll~ thetii' emphatically-hI havo 'at ,Iallt and no Qther , dOes, . then mIght are . proud, tlley' ahow' thy "caste,: aDd prevailed, .'J'he,Be le~ters and paper. flettle ' the matter' hlmeel(. but ' ah"ollld" thine ear Is' like unto !l seasl\eil, It Is· -were' found In the 'hotel whero that , be determine" to , do right bow mallY far , to:o !Itll~, , How cqnnlng': ",re the ",.-oman waa. :wl~ my husband:' Tbe,re lire tliera with whom · he bas ,Bl80' tips of rlJlgers/ and; ·the . line of J. quite" little gueh aDd, weIrd poetry- dllterl w'!'to, would -poInt .the firll(~r, of thl.n~ ..ey~brow.s, . naugh~ 'earl excet', . '1 n th~ni. " , . " : ',: ,scurn ·ftt ' him ' aiid uk: When 'dlci~t 4; '; For she Imoweth ' her ' poInt.; ·~Mrll. Meyer Bho",e'd Wh~t ahe Ji!ld thou get ·to be betlllr, than" 11 How gqod and ,bad knowelh 8.he them ' .11, 'found,: 'Here wae. one.: ' ' ,', 1s: a pu~'lc omciar, who, bY. 80me hOQk ' fro.m·· til!! ' gr.e~tesi imlO !,be .mallest, , ,' :A: Daw-n Letter, 6 A. -M, '. , or crook, haR been eley.ted to a po~I" . T.hou canet not teach bel', ' . "Da.rllng: Whell,- I meet YOII fate. fot.l on In ·whlch. be Is Ol:pected .0 , bl'irig.' 5, ' Her \m!tro'r' Inatructeth her., 10, .. " &110, ,kno'weth ' her fame. Asl! ber .nd face,I'elther act like one dumb ,vr talk ' crlnilnal!l to . ~natlce" ., gol'llg to dill" sll h ' ". . too milch. In your absellce, ,r "!llIIze charla the Clntles' ot hili' 'Q'l nce Ivhen' c. 8, alt ·tell thee, that thou l11ayeet Illy self, nothrngn~Hs, In· do,ng "\', . ' he Ilno'fai (h\lt diVers cl'lUllnnlll ,kaow , contra,dlct,-~ma~t . Se~, . ~now t,bat all yo~ give Die I." sW,eet, Ula~ he has been a pa~tn\lr ,!Jth aome '" 'Mikado F~,;d o~· \IIi ht R bl , " . "1 ba.v e !lever ukl!d you , for ur thl! ·very crlmlnJlIB who may be ' ');he \lmperor' ot Ja g ham o. ( ,-tb'~ng ~lIt ImPQ88IbIUdell- lttlpo.,KIIJI 'arrutlD oid lor ~ .YlohtUbn of the IlIw,? Iy celebrated , bll' flft.:'::~r; bl::::r: tlell brelt.b e no ,deCeat, Ye,t ~.d~ : t~ . . Wltb hili own .l Ife of sl,n all" shame Is foM .o f . nllht ~amblllll, '. He 18 (a. . t~e c!l~d!leae 9C. the dawn, ,I call ~a~ to, , y Ilt.rlng h,l m In tho rll.ce, mOll,! for his ~pttvJty, an~ he la ~lIold >:.o~ tha.t defellt I. Dot o.Ulll, .: : h!lw ~ I,re mustel' !lOu~ge 8 l lrilcdent t!J. be the bUllleat .mall at his emilh'o. COnvey, Imp~.~, 1m,1,a,rt all lhllt, ~o fUe hold of· otber• . and 88lt r~t !.be 'At nfgbt, whe,b e"erybody Is · aa,eep,10,~' .wJslt t() ~arry-;-you~sel', . jJl('JKmell~ Q' . the law a"d of JUBtice and " n the eollJttrt of the 'obrYBanLU, "Df81'4!'~' de,1ar, (U,~guHt-jUI!t m~; . ugalrlllt the ulr~nder!J7 Tl)eman, who mum.' they' go to rest ~rl~-the mlka' Play-tJ 8 y-;-pnfJlle:: )NIOG:fJR. · 81,1811 ~DtO Iu..cli ~ -posItion wltb auc~ ,~o , often leaves' hll PIllace. and, with , Milch • GUlh" R.vealed, a reoord II IIIJo iI. ' m~ engql~K In hi. h.ndl! In hlB 'p-ockeu and,. cigar Tbor.e JII It,ll more poetry, alao Ii contest thlU r-.qulrea .lrel\gtb and In bill mouth, .anders· tbroulb thl "Ipad with the pet Dame "Nllier." It Iklll WI!h, both ~arld. and (eet 'tied, auaetl of 'Tokio In order ,t o make lure run. ,. tbll way: . ' ' aDd a1lIO bUndfold.a, Fear ot, .....,- that eYel'7th\Dg,11 qlliet In the eapltal .....UlI ~maJb.ID ),our I ,came. may be told that be .anla lIopt 18O\'8l anel tIIat' "" ,JOrai ..ubjecta .l.ep thl It-uat aa~ 110 'moN. . . II wba' .. va him paUle, He mar... ,o f ~. 11IIt. .











Ill ', b

~e · Runf,

for I16rl .". \\1 IIm1 III I,tll'




f..allt Frld~y t.htl lount noll." nnd


fi' io DII "

"fl~ll~l' IlItltt




~· l1r · (lunv (I '!l . I II wq n ., ' suoooill'Ive gnm . .\~I f,hflqt 1\ ~I\) tde Late Trait.l on D. L. C. d afeu t. lind IHlViD~ rllplllr c\ 01)tI ', . after Buffalo JBill' ShoW' g .. ; 'il fl'O '1l 1,lIli ~J hllllill b~rurLi ' Ill \ -.... - _ .


memb6Z:Eid her rOllte. .



Miamis Victorious Arain.

.{..ytl•• 1 ...... " . ~ ro .ocnintr1.·· ,,01' toWII ar~ abe b.. '" ,hot In .~in~il\ll fI(lhOOl ill, A.r\lK)D*, aDd ~urinl1. tbe "ammel' vaoaU,* h,..ta.eb" \Oor illODI.! I.h Paolflc ~,BtI jn evidellGIl by poet cards witb whl oh ~b\l ' hilI!

A tlillllQ(\I' of 1 Ila ' ~ooiety qt u . \II 11ll1lC 1! t l l1nHIi kro in I1ttendnuco Ill< III~I 'Mrly Mcet;ul,t or tllllt brllll ~ or tho 1<l'ieuI18 III Wi\JII\ugtu u , 'there. WAll n v(l ry lnrge I~M ri(l,tn " ~oDdllY 1\ 110 tl} o hntliol!s. , slhria !lorln'g til wot>knrA bf<ing-v.' Jlllt;telld~(L


..,I(l Il !!: til


to t rIo it 11/:" \ 11 ('''ltl 0 (111WU' wilh Ih,' . . . . !\lIn . hil t. I.h tl h 'lll \l~


r\' , '['\

' I'IH'V Int " ,;






Irll in frum




l ,

The B1llnoh tlliter Htllr It ))l1hIH'1I11 pnrf'lllOr nit' !\!! ht 111111 hflllag Oil I " , t Ollr 1'ltvlIIl{ llnyLUO nt II p. m ' Ift pl" ' brul tbl!! Item ouDce rllill g II Iptlll~r tll t'l r O\VII g rOI1DI1>" 1" \\' Ii'l' h, t If\V th .... IIUW - w ill. lUll k l' 1·.)Il I"·\ ·l ltm III \Vay·o esvllle girl whlell WIll h" 01 111'11 " 1· Il~towtlil . I h.,,· !lollll ~111) ·" d • . '. I . . . • 1111 ke r L. r \)" ~1 n' \ ' I'tli 11'11 111 "'1' 1>1 I interlt;jt t.o lll:!r toll'," Iri " ni\" ,wlOut; I tl'" Irtr Ji!t! o r ow,1 I II ~, H(lt", . r~ \\l hl' i ' \ I" . , ' , ,. !1I111 11111" " ll 1111; I I. "" l ' H. H Ullzette relid , 1'. . 1\\'1\('" Ih.'l IV1l111"r~ I I" ... UI"III' , , _ .-T ' • fll!~ GI'~Ofl. dH n g hl Ar o f It,,,·. 111111 \\"l~ 1111 " " "11 ~," 1 w, 1I,I1.d III III \' ''"" ' ; Po t Office Moving Mrs' A '}. O.)wgill IIt'rlv"t! III HI 'III I pl.' W' · '·1\ "U '111111 1 ' " ... ... IIi,· 1111.1 I.· i 1 t N Q t . . '1' 1 1 I f 1 11 0 e\V ual' cr ob tar MoudllY V Aultl /{. ";h,~ hll II' "(1111 ',· II I 1 1\' .' 11 1 ., til' i!.\lI"· 1 ___ _ jll t reluJ:ull\l tro '~l B~ r1in . U')"IIII\l1Y ' ~ t"'1I1 \1 ~ III fH \' U,·"f W ! I .\'''''~\'I II '·· 1 'I'i ,., W III' l1('~ Vlllu 1'1,Ii' 1. Otlin, 11'11 1 11 )£l I 1 I r , I I t ' 't . wbar8trll .VA!11'!l hohlt~h f'11 0 1~ ,j ' \I 1 0 I I 1\ '''' .... ~'''\I gal"" ·),' tl£' Ii ' "1 ' " 1,11 III l ,.1.I",v'4ullrhll· 1111.l,,· dent,lo'heUUl ve rsitv uf B.~ rlln , MI ...~ I III()\lut Ii ll il y Ilt;lUlll" Il ll llli.l (;/111011 1111 1'1;" 1· , ,1111 III tllt! ti l u"I'~ lin lll l l '" . f " ,. " \' 1 ' II I. Cowgill wa~ l1'tRlIOII ~ r i n rll" lll IIl Oi" l: / I" 10 .'tI ~ II~I ". II' 1111).1 ~HIIHII I1 I II1 I Iii W>lf' " . Womt!n'~ '.)lle.i(H lit ,j '" l kHon,ri ll,' . 1l11) Inv III' th " \( K'I'" IVII. I< Unklll ·" \. 1''''"J1 1 11' 11 w, Ii.)' I 111' hi hilI' 11"1 ' 11 II IClI e lill II " oj h l ll i 1ft f " lll' >lI><11I II h~ I /1111 I \\ <1 1' 11".,,111 \\, 111 I'· , It. i hf'f lilt nr lufl .111 I' IUll ill , 1",,~ I i IU H1R bOl1lll of h 1' . iHlh ~ r f o r 1.)llSe~. !o\lr llOlt"U I. bv lIill O. hI' 1,1,,\ "111' h" " .· /I .... ' ''1 ()ttl,·" f w h Ich H a ye~r ttl kiu g Il lUu uh ntlelll...l l',,~t bi3 r " '1 iil· nt~~1! nil H" I hI "If I · 1I 'I. ,'tl' (. 111 II., I Ii'. til I furel!he !Again tllkes lip ber s bOul l. U lrl o ll 0, "lUplr' LeW IS, '1'1"' " I 111' • •



I' \ '


, Illid 3i1 ll1lllut


I W IJmmgton



• . Tell Tax Commlsslon Wh~t Tax· I ation Reform They Want.

t.o lt tHln 1



:!!1tll, 1\\()7 fhn·.. lo Bill '!, W lhl We"r

1" ,\\, ,' DIIV ,.II11 I . '


Entertain House hriY•

the Sears Family


' [·hurl'/ lll .v. l\ngn ~t

In lnO 'mil ll

W:Il; tll'lI


1 re 111 Yt\I!l

-Ib8eilt ~ember O( Mr. and ~. J. ,A.

I From an


l' e ~ollowlng letter lIent: tp tbe Mr . and :MH. ~. A. " enr lI'l1mily R~\ln\'on will be /If Gently remOdeled ADd rei""" I' · roe iut(lrll~t, to t.he rllllllert' 01 Ibl.'Gaaette hall ~ ,be De....... 01· .. b"ppy I"m .' . us \\'.011 1t.!1 lIIt1l1lber" o~ the ta'!plly": Uy ga.t"erlng, amuuotlng to, a hO~1I lAM AnI; Itl..

Tu th e \)(l1oer:.i

11IIt! '011 1':1 l!'lIlllil y • 1I111uu II H ' ( AIIIMill :_


Metubers of -

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pal·t.y. Misa 'E vli Funltey·11

enJuybae b4lr

vtl cnt.!on aft,ljr alrb t • .r~r·1I ~bo lIeneo 'IIot litH' ctlltillfl .In tbe oIty LI . IlI'llry III ,Jaok.. nuvllht, Ulhl/~ill. /Iud

1'>11' 1\

'\11'. (~ellrKIl ~·ullk ...v Is 81Hu auJ Yllllf th A o IlUl{.lrtl' of hU1Il1' 1I~~~r t,rllovt' i . Most .of the R"presental·l·ves of Agr',1111( QVtlI' thtl-oouutry Ij~ " kllle'" ur .. ' . Ih' ( the grip. • \Ura 1'IIl [ ' , t f . • 8ellitletl t,btl"!', for 8 ",.,..11 III' m 1r" stl'l"ll ' onal Amendment ., .. ~ £ lIu\\'slllJl flil(j'rhur . tlll'Y hli~ I'hu '\Jll!Jllmrtl Ilf Ibtl ' iii .. , T Ilt! "",,,,, .. t I h .. dun III 1\1 ,Ulut Z • • tlll ,~ ur M" tlllli Mr... .... 1'1'.\' ••• t .111,1' 'I'he J\lue 111 "tl lI ~ uf tbo Tnx Com· \l1I'1\1t wu,; q'u lle 1\ ~lI •.ok W Il:lll i d r .. do rlP'·II1Il". furltlb"lv Mi .... a~ .y ml KIOu ur h lo w,;s eom thing Qt a • I. f I I j ()l I ., "[urn! I'll' UIl.)'." 'JIl'H) rr'l)ruSa',uIllvos Hlh.Wtl U K ~llUl ~hol!O wo wulllcJ II, . 11 1111., y ' .tl II" C. I I " ". or III .' Ill' III 11/~ 1· . f'lIl tul'ul 1ul 'I" sts of vuot~" " ' I til'l:! t IUt> nul l\IWIIYlI tlJe P Ar.·y p . ,~ , . .... ' "ll'tlr'olul Uti ~ .. II · Iha ~ l (\,Lil "' ,'rl ' 1ll\I1l1 d 10 n" III'Ur ue, It I ..,..( 1:\.. I'al,,, ••.. n.'f ,I [01"111 ' Olllllllf ,: i , IIU IlU d lijc uSd (II lC , lir"t ,ll t be h""vi'tlullut IllStubtltrll 0 Vl'h '.' 'I lion.. 'l'lIi' 'IIt·,' lI lI t! WlIs th· nn) L8 I1C· IU'",IIHIlU. KW"t1tllll~I!.llfjtll"l'lilat l't'r "1~lth""1' 0 """(111 u( all lit t h,' good ULl\' t; h Id 80 d I I \ I .. b ' r (III'. I,ntl I ll e I'llrnh' l'lI s llowc<i Ilint lite,. ...Q lllm "", II .llId I'lIj O.\'IIlt,; thiS luult 0 Ig II.S( " ". IIIHII.... Y ,rI:944 I-I' t und '!'Hlllo., lhl! hl g 1I 1I.1JJ' ~ I . ' vI'ulil 0 1 . ulI~hIU " lIud /luw .. , .. , tI, tl "tI rtlu· litll1u. 1,1 " .... I"I("lm.. l, t,l y lint,· II) linl \lto t1 ls c U8 ~ t.HJ~ lho \' " h4 rh'lIhlll'ls ls \d ll lro ' rim Iu UUl ijO "u "IUIIV wOI1I1".'.!illu" to llIe. 1l1' 1i '~du .... I · , ' '''' ' Ll ' " I.. ~T OluIlIUS . " " utd " "utl l'l',\' trtlll~ .Hm IIIOht!" I" .. .. l u mp',n' .. , .. , . II I I .. QI, !tl\) ~'~ p. A . fl (',lh lt' l, "r ~1Ulltl1~. ~tus ter of I b.. hlp ~tlli l' ; " ••O;:<l. sn IfI : 11\ '1Il111! I' In II"i L. un II. Illld I be I ')~j( w"r .. ,III I,· . Itt lllt«j I)V ~ I · \ll·I·,III .. \J'll Il Is ·ont·ll.lo d Ihat lI ~rl cultll1;" ueurs lu u k lIt! l.llll n~ h Ihtlr would IJ.. It l IOLI ~~ ()jJi" ,,'1'11'11 '" ~ II"" ' Y Wh .V lJ011a 11 ron\i~ ~ iI. 1 tH'rSUIIIII IY lUX. b '


e 'e

avor a on-

\VII .V ",,, I " .. Iu hlu I .. I' " ,ulLh "0" J ' " ... wl'ittltu lil t yuu Imu w ] 11 111 t.hlnk iu" of ".' On <> •• 1 pru.v .Y~IU IUIIY hUVl! It "ood Ilnd to " 1'11LL11 r llllH 'u ' \U trllu obl'i t.itln




YearJy CIIII " l h,' ... nd :11111 I' "solllllly IIl1 nil bll >1h u luf tmrJ'le.. tI l O llt, tr" ll. . 1\ 1'111'0 1 .. " ,, 1 ',. Meetin _g of _ Fr.l'cnd,. "~ j;ollulJ. wh l! .. Ill" Ity IIlX hi 11I·ln· 'l'ho IUr"o Ih'o 01." trtltl IUOk murtl ' . . 1!111 1\lIy a t nlly lUX . ., Hi Will" Nt' t r t t ' II a ' lI1l' N w Yorl; pion. ElII b ·liko lIll 0111 IIPple !r Utl ill HtllIo}JO lUlU seyI "11.,,01) 0 Ice o .... on ra::' ors tU.~IIII~"· 1' Is Ill\' ' 11 II IJUml)}ll e l ontalnF I". I U I lug Ille VUlllllllun 111111 uss HSIII n t or nev or 10"0 thlir fohll.ijtl the yell I' ami y ~~unioll and ea ers ~\'el'Y 0111<'1' Ill S I'll)," " III Ills zon • . rOODI} tliitl tbel e art! JUIlUY othel'!!1 !, -' r a It ·t l.r" 1'rolU he dlr6cLul'y It hi ' I 'Ilm d U' Ul IIO""I. II III 1m . .....·h ,e.I 1t.1 U... Jobn Jon es 1I\' u~ ' Il t 1110. - Sixte otb t.hli.t green Ute y r round ; XhUfSdll.9. A'll(ll ~t 15, Willi tbt! da y



1'11f' c( r A 'I 1 2 3 4 5 Ij i ti \! Mr. "uil Mrl<. I!:dllluncl R e t/Illi k M' IItteuded tb . TeUlllOO of ' th e 79th u. 1I011\' 0 4 2 e 0 1 I n /) \v ..y. 0 .{ 1 1 0 0 () ::I .. ReglmeDlo ) At's · 010 tinn Ilt Mi llllle· • t OWD lind frllUllbtl re wellt to Huml! " I"rk "r ,I", \'111 ~. or IV tl)· n~ , \' I II". nhl " , ,,,,,11 "",,,. AlI~"" :11 1\10, . 1M Ibo IlirulAh. ~tr t. No QUI' )!\lCd lhCl:e to ti a John whi b give!! tbl country tbtlnpP6llr. ap}JOiDtet\ rur" rtmuloll 'J' tbe al ~I'Y till) aod IIp..nt, the ttl!(M with M .r . W . ')1 III II r Inhor alill "'1'1'11." """' 00111'" H: '~" .I011 ·s, Or l'llll~ him up. Ills IIs9u ruod f ' I d h f II J 1 .. ~ iand M" Elijah ClJlJlpt on\ MI'. aynesvl e and r ' p'lI,hlll l rl'''''\ 1 hi! Oil ~1,, 11l ~\r.'ct III Lhtlt Ir he IIv,'s III th ot e nvIron- tiuo.\ . o pr ng lin t;nnID1el' t e lun y. A~ 'U) tll&t Y ,,1111' 11,I6tn.""r" • ' , • " ,I vlllo". · . ~:"'t "ltllll' 3 ru ntlnll.i'''11I IIr lUout with uti th a . prhol\elles h15 yenr \ brougb. and friends ' flf. I,bu ' fli.l~II':{ beluu • mptoD 1M jn t reoover(ng froUi It XenIa NatJona1 S' I ' II ~.'I ,Ir,·.\ h .11~ ,,,"r,, ..r Ill r "l' 1rUII~I'/"\ llClI(I Is worth a t I 'lIs t $50.001), 'rbay . him lhl niJI lce: "De" , Sir It oo ositi lllirlie has never tQl!l gRtherl!l!; Ilt tilli Ilcoll~h)Ill'Hl plliDe, very ljhrlO U JIIlle8!1 . . lItli~S8~ M"rt h il :t"" .mnl~ u.. ,r,· ",. I,,,,•. ft. (/'"1/"'. ' - Yon lire l\I!~es slld on ii TIIII\I1' . , ond Mallrol ,'Upton butb Ilave good ~______ Bit" '1'11 11>1' ,.·.· ..." ·.·'1 ,ur ;;"11 Y,nl. fli '·x, t lOlI ,or S,t (Q.O~ an ,1 y-our RtiSOll 91I!W uf. ll1 '1 t,rip west, got him to tell of It. ~fter IL frh:lIIl1t..v bAnd "h"ke "11(1 a ,"II . R ' It d d ol •. ' ~:.~~I r.~:' II " 11111\01 .,1. tlr ..•• ,.1•• '.'1.. 18 So ru,~ . lC II t slIlJllractOl'Jj: con 1 b';ve Ule~!!e veml ' earll famllfOl1 cordial weh,ol1ltl to I'vtlryulltt. KOI1\~ • .. MI onl' HI Ilml on an nB ' • , . an d Bee l.I~." Ir lIoUllng Is heard from !1 rOll d f j I I \J6 l 1 woll . Tbis proved to b '!11 ., .. r t.l1 Ifr ~·:~r.:"yil'~h l n " :lIlll .1;·IlV,·rllI~ lUl l v .. rd.llr 11lw they move lip Ull t he valuallon till erl', BO~ r m ~ 0 ·1I.l\ ome rom one SIll (ell y remOIl) ret III Wil li bes t ployed by the Miami!! thi~ sum, P ur I UO 11""1>1... ", t "'II.' III , . b\l IlrOlf' II S, 'rh IIlX' rale 11'1 N w otb r lIuit.ea, hun gry I\n(l (lon)d not b .• 1l,IIioltl8d m, er. W I1Y. Detlvllle dOetl no, t Iikli to I 'or JlI~'I<lu" a 1111 'urnl.ltlll~ 811f110.·, l ~1I.11I~ York clly I~ 1.'17 tl!\lIlJ.\s t a per llut III My 11 i "' uud tlleir famlll..,s are ubfll hf! o"ult\ " " tI wlutt .1'0' '- I U th~. I'r otc", 01!IUJl!lI8 Rnd ~ . I - In ll)volaOll. •• . l.tlkelnWD. lr$ah, AUK, 14. 1907. pIny with Xenia. I\S thllY Hro n illlt. elf vor 1I 11 1n~ Mer 1\ nd ....,n 'lIl <OW I' 'il I i 10 JIWl ht ,'lulIUI llilColion In '!10r;t. \Vl1l1 , .' 1\B1l\ny h",,\(o"" htlt ,,','rA I " .. rt·. and ';r "I"mt Ha te. Way ' nesfli lle. plaYl'T who Ilfe ",I wo:ys ·(I\iOrr~lInu 1:1111 l\t Ilg • own 1j11111 ~. gUiles Mlnn SOUl nil IN I a mortgllge I have hurt ieUur.. reoen~lu frum oh IIIlOJI ... I It i r llillller I It the Edl" ... M... " ' . ... ~'or n len (Ill / Y." I·... /'I 'IIl' rv\,. hell ll\":!U 'ol'd tall, 1 hlrh weill Into eJrect ''''fl,>, . . '"3 ." , • • '. t'. Dear Frl8ods: Ji oVElr the umpire!!! (1A(\18Iot1~. Bn t I"w~r e'"\. 1: 1906. ~'h ll Ill'l;l IIny bQ\lt $10.000 m y Sltlter~ lIDO lmi&b rll l\nd tht:y IN 1([ iKflltlll dllljlu,' 11\ t h"~t1 'IIttllle,' rQm "olte In.-rested 10 sbort they re olved 1:6 try th ellJ ' ugnlll bA ,\utl ror allI ",,111/ •• \\'o~" IH'Oe." rv. 111 Ilr" 'rIo. o.ollccl ed 't II or 1 hp or regl s~tatln!l wJlfoh tb"y I" ,rolill U""U Ill" "11'le, I ..,AII ,..... ...... . P rlr C OlQPI~ ~al" \\·ork. aas 0. oDe·tollr f!eDt Jn on\! l~rlJ nlimlt K'; utluld ' .., ,II-tch published in ,t·be 11181> ISlIue of fortl the · 8a\1 ""lying ~eitSOl I lime I'oullell r,'''<n'l'~ U'" rluli. t il <CJ<ol :U,," or couu ty nlQoe. wh II > r.,~ 1he nlil'e llre- 1 I wish it 'VtlrE; llosKlhl~ for nll of hot oolfitl! hav,lnl( been prtl.,:sred, e T , oJ. bill" Vi us Y ar 10M thOl1 ' 0.0 0 W08 01. tha Gilzette beaded " 'I'be I{ood ,)Id to no eml. Waynesville hu tJeeD " ". ll. II r,"I. ,' kl' k. l acled und r th(' IIl1ltorn, rnt\). Afl"'r ~ ou to o\lnUl ,)ut h re IIDd ,hold" bl.IClll (linllee fl.t for n IIjll~, Buokeye StatA" reCorrinEr to ber v ry . uoo sful tn fiB. ,tla.. 'I h Ob' " !-hel~ fI(". X u ·'Ir. Pllylllg • r glslIutI\1n f tile mort- lWuuiotl , After dhlD6r ,he m66t1og "'"" gage . WfiS 110 (111' 1"al' til x . 1, {bu s . . ' . 10yaUyeto, in II- t,lma of trouble, of glim s t.\lis ~nm!llar 1111(1 blls j.\Ilmetl IivOl!llog ilOllbl~ 11:\'l:o (lon 80 rar hs I'h!!re II! qUIte a Illrgtl biD SoOle. 0111100 to or.d er by .btl pre.ldeDt. ~hic.Ii fj')me the Bnoloyes .• reltut.nnlonol1 over'hesnrro unllill K mortgagee' Ilre con rIllld. '1110 ' tate 111)1: elf whic h IV ' lite til m!>o'r/l, (aeu rgefUtlSt!. ·llbll 'oiinlltllll .ut thb OTonge bUB , ful' y al'll 'r1'r (ln(l un~ed <. •. ' 8,,111' rememher . . ,.(0 lookin~ !,lv'sr c (mnt-ry. 'l'hey · w flri't til XHnli l tq II,ltIIlnsl dO\I!Jle Illx nud (IlVa r" '·IlI(loaSo. u.1l1i lilY uil · V"lttw 101 unit uf tbe lilli' lIIueting rtlllll by . tb •• Orllll.,)'. . ,-"ull - k 1 fi t1 d iI Is o..lin I,!l'e "fll'h 1 .• tJ ley 011 Id (1() WI. ' " I .tl I . orWhile tllX Oilr 11IQrlg:W Do IIr. d W ' 1\ II II j u.v II1 mali.,., .., Uril' u t "'I .. '''.. Al_ ~ my 0 111 8O~1' ' \'011111 f' ~Il. l lh ,,1' 8el': l( It coulll ~ . ... a. rgurt! '" IU ...... " LUI! I) ... ~t" In~restlog. (loJ:obl'lt'ation 1:11 your Niltionlll". ,ynn. villo . to Ie' litt, hf; hr9ughl .n\l[>·II. nil prlvale 1)\'O~l'ty wb oli nrQ btlltl IInc .. tnontll.. 'were 'eleot"d tor IIl1o(~r ,v _r, aJtMr y!'t I . It 1MIfrq h ot\(' lll feasible Ilr II"II.~· 'l'here "r"" . .. ,i!1l· ... b lli- of m .COlli!- 'w hloh a sooIal t.I,dti Wd oertaio)y • tate " ' ment. Iou' t I~ uu·, of so me ~H'S , ,ui.d . Ollklo t'Al n, t h.Y II . ;lloe ' r wcu!d ' IIgaln t 1I1r ... .. . I Ohio paper ..bQu~ forty ytl"r". IigO., b/l"'\ h tt ~o 'toll 1 ni-nil ·Id. ::I1·r ong. . out cll l' lalll fl'I'm ,of Intau!;"lb k I(J~ hvlng lJellr ll"ro tit' J.ulIg Beacli £tlJv~od by all prllllflDt. ". " I 1 :1 b f th proll Tty to)' 8Xf'DlIIIlQu. I II'IIS; tloll e .· u . .• ~~ ., ' "'11 ' I I " II t. o)t .bortly arr r tbA Wllr: I h r ",."ttllrEl . 10 l ower IlD . A or. e ID tile case of IUllllh' lp. I ,bOlld s. If I m.r lurovl'~ lI.uu I:U"I1.,"1l11 ttQtl Wtl " iI ",,, y ..... Ih'·,ftdrd t e I on <! f 'WltlllJend ~t to you for pllliliolltwo NIH-jOllnl,,' rM·li v. d wh itt. hlld h ll.p . ou c las lI of 11It'ltIl:l hlt.\ Is e x IUl)~e d. I eKoh ol,ll,u fr6qllllmly .llut! DaVtl" MO ulIlny or their WttUlboi1'8 ~IIJOII • ,. ., let • 11 elas!! 8 lilt e l(NrI\lI III!Q I lJe- • . > · ID the azette if rou ~elJ lIt.: . I Pfl lIll.l '!,lA hllm I\.il oro!\.'4 II ~hl! E odo{sgQ ·by physician. leiidHave tll,a t Do corportlllt1l\ mit! may I' tjbud MUle but 1 ~V~!I!t'l you would tbH)' h" l!l thHI~ Unit " .. 1l11l0n .,~... 00(0 IN TR.Ill \V Alt . plilte . Everyborly was iu!'pirr-d I'Y inl:' drug-g ists , ~nd th I\,tsands o~ l:te ~r(l\I (jrl: ~Vll1llt l.hon n mu" ktl.)w thll.t Wit wuulti be IIllre tp t8Iln yelull Ilgo. I:!Ome. !'ave Irh"" ~ 't r I . - h I· b .whol'he, r.oq'f! l" Ilun lion~. 8Uy . ' . . •. " More tb4f1 half .of the Ildult mole tllllt ·",nll 0\1' wor\(AU 'Illl'fl . . t 'WAi< " grate u patllwts W 0 ll\Ve eeq.. . [Iwur "X dml,ll oll . or all()1a 1 1m,! ~, ll.:gUO$l tiIUQ •. Ilshhlg,. to. ty '''htl~ tll~tljlJ' 10 rlltlld"~ 11"111" Itli \II! popdt.SlOO of Mo as In tlie ob·e gR.JOo ull tb hJU~,'1. WIt11 cure d by its ·.marvelous li:ealinl!'tiS ' 81m ply II d ' II. 1,Vhy tllX It.' l'hlJ COtl~lnH IUlllt.!onlli.l ,,'r e 011 been UII I1.,,1 ,r-I) IUdOl· tlltHr r"w!Ard lu " ~I(a , rO:,1II ; ~1I ;),t> lB· ~/lo fl n nerly. ·· .. , . ,. " . UDio~ !ler.Vic~ durinll that. per,oll Gat.oh in Ute Qo~ lind 'L'h!)rnpsqn , In the t~eatm ent o f , h e mof1 tux 1.11 1)(111,\ nnd lll:C: lh {on.1 my motber 8 ·'IIlde, til . W.lbl.l rH. II." !:Jill... , not tiJqllOl \\ II" 1I·~1" . t 'l'be total numbth of '~en in the behind th bllt the~ mallo. til Ir op , . , hl l> Ua~nl,I~)II\ .l •...1!l'1l $ e :, 1 ",ill olOl!tl \Vilt1l1 'g ybU .110 lar~tI Ab m~ luul' u 'Orlluk -.N .. trda;t.. ' ~il'y ' , rhoids, it.obviat 5\ . II Ht.. " l,l..lI " lIIunlcl- . I ' , • , . INIr\li9tt 0; 'be ooQIl.t1'y tl~· tb\'t time pou lm~ hit the air. ThoU'l! ~bn did • I . 1 lhl wid l' .lt r pr nta \lUl hllPJIY rOIlU,IOb IIoad Lhllt you I I~" l$U!jdllytl t., ,ty 0 a - urglCll I ",as 2;tlIiP;'13~ or .w. lnol\ . Ohl,O' fur fl e work , Itl! he. ~llI'ght. " . pllot,fel' th a , dal1gcr and ' (~1It1 .1!t·I'·10~Clldl')" 11150. mflY all ijfllill V, jl,llu IU tlllH KrHltd ;\.,lIn "~I(I W lit .~ .. r,l, Ior' U.hflll'IJ"'~ " cII rellce -.' " , '~I nillbed .aboot- ooe~eigbth In 1111.. who htl" It wide repnlll.Mull ItU .ovar .pain. It cur~s quicker, ill th~ price of bonds, J'e~"iou of Ib 1'00 e,\lud Itt G\~'rI W,f1 .." .. l"IIurl; ; .\11 • ,1' ( a ....r .. ~j)~ a l " s:ue' and. painless. :na 1 0 Ohio• nl8n; rellponded to the t:iJltltbern Obio . By ·DnkiD .tI W(If'k is c ntir"'f ha s rJro'~1 II h arwlsa. ti~bt hand 'ill tl.iY~fllybr . I( itAl he'li of .,rIIl1(61:111 l-o M'II. ese". J W I'e eav ~l In t h fIfe, t' ' , , ' ....... · ten call8 of Pro81i}e~t LtDcolD. The on sbort and Bergan.s floe II ldlllle Scnd for cit blurs of hun. ~l\llde lilt In Ille I'ute. .\ . . Yoar <Iou II, Hamlll.on. tit K1uKb ~IIIIII air· , G~I) . ' 0.1,1 r ttl'n 1on·. n'$I)n~ Ilrr,. ex, I . "Iunnel ' .. " J " ,k e ""d ... r · reoo rd II 8b ow t b "t ··~ bis gran d 0 Id i n •• ven t er. tb ey k ep t tl1e N II. t lonlt 1" ""reI's ' 0 r th 00!;"11 d s· QC a g (1{)11 , .. I ,m6f11 thi nk. or' Vlth ' e"l's.. HI , U.IC" Iln~J IIIr.. ow I(e .0 r ..... a.t4te put Into the 'flAld In ~xoeIl8. of from getting filT IIoheod ,G'Ltch , ,ials and I prores~ional j ·endorse . uti li iut ' l' I\t or ~ i' r'-(! Dt roY\'; Mttril",.1 Terry. of . , I ts If d g' t' ·d oe.J Is not glilng to JIst al~ dem.tndll. r,:tllde upon 1J1$t. la,8,37 sOl}n found t\leir weak pOiDI:! nod men, 'your tl~g IS i1 . In. r.,tl' Veruon . Job prmtmg neatly done c.aD,Ie 1...0 gr~et tb,e!r ., ~ . eorl tlf1d ,, ' b . . h th n ot handle It send duecUo .,. men; \J, "2D~ ',Otito men never re pnt t 11m.. ·..... ere ey. 000111 1I,'t .. . the Interest I 'a t the '?azt'tte Office' , . ,~eljjtlvl!jI • , b 'N,ARSHAlt "EMOR. L!INt arll:t1ne ,lollar cbl) tor ~ . . ., ' ,. ' ,.. ( iurlied·; .cI;Iib ..llwe.-ekUledI ·ln blLttle', tollOI ·t am. lD t,I)8 Ig h tb Hlning !L!S!_ - 4% {,674' dl8i:1 from wound. 1;J,·S82 died ,,~eb hlld -I rUD8 apleoe "nil' jl !It,,, ~ed .arahalt,' 110 '. t he ta x Ie.,.. . . , . - . .......< • _, _ , _ ... , , ' } c' 11 1'(, p ilI' gOIIli; lp get : ...,~ >J, , ~ .....~...,..,...,....... ~~, ' -_ . from d~~ ib ~bo,t41~ta]/I " The_only I'bls WilY ths fiot@h , 'tbey .....- _ _ "'_.;;.;._~ on Ih . dllllil 'ale Tbe ihree area~ commander. of the pl~yed the eight'J, nioth Ilnd tneth . .~~""'~ Je Irooclad , If It· Is - reo ! . • pDton arml".. who attained the foil, innlng8 witbont 1\ obaoRe in the ... it 16 stl'IICk, \vlth LlI I) 1111 .form ' 1'&1111 01 Geheral-Grant. Sherman, . score. ThegamewllsOlllledpromp~ ~


:t, ,.










., "







. _ ____._




BheridaD-were iIons of Ohio." ly at·/i o'olock as the W"ynesville The above ~~e'batim, bnt I d~n ~t boys had toTeaoh the eveni·n& traIn, . . .~ ~member what paper 1 took it It wall the tirrit ,balt of the e l e v e n t b , , :.I,o et 411 ., ! B . "O i. ~l~y ( lim .' InR with .t he MI,Lmis at, tUe .bat· "...,

'liIlnr mr, ~5th


vu bl[thd~y ),.;, I distinct: when tbe .. game was

I, ~~l~~t tJ1~~ .C!>•. 8 , C!f ~he 70th V.,V. 'j.',:~f.l!e.r pa'r~klnlr o~ lit .picnio ... I h ( f f __ A_ h' I' 1 " d I~n"r w t , r."'!...... neld - t e Itt e litatton >9t 'corwin. pullelU O\lt ffor • I } .' ·,the 'froot. If .l qlJi~ake not· ~er(j





'W · 'p,ek.



~f~~"f::.tJ~~~Y8~:~~:~hunrf~~~~8~~! tea of bookk.eeplngfOl· each depart,


lIome tlD/e 10 tlle future: ThlS ~'. '4 • " . ' . ' me~\, .,w./tli annual aIlIlWn .e; by . expert ood d' hi$. ~ aCOO\lotaD~Bi WIt h thl~ system bon, W»S rl ~ , glllile an SilO · " I? ose 25' DozeQ Men's &hil'ts m08l4t.Uy . anti . elll'llesUv nforced .thera' sCore tho t eVElrybody Is nnxiollK tQ ' ly the' :Gem. ,~' . , "'t0uld ~ot'bo ueea' of' Ii. frallchlse talL ' , .,. IL ·!!uch a .ystom Is not provided se~ thO' next game: Watob. ti~r 'tti~ Men's.Jd·re8/i 8hirts . wfluld ' favor a frnnchj's e tax. ' . vd}f'gO ~• •o~t. A~ar~f, 4~D· 6f' ADn? in t~18 ·pltper. . " , ' .- I ~.1'4;" It llt~:~· e~~I:~e~~ out ~1iA't . C9tn~~Y, . wh~ .71~t p~.e , .on ~opt!er. pltt'hed tor . Xeola w~h(l .' . 75e Jdn.d " . .BBunles to , da1;~'" .free);; ·ol!er~uglbelr Uvea ( twtrl.ed .~l,lr the. Miamis. , ~ . \JOe kind~. . ' to ~--.~ . .-,--, ' t~l&t' *bl~ )~~. ,nla,~?~ '. !ni~bt ~1l~. G~n~e~.• ~r.~~k o~t. seven ~n,d (Jfl,~h Mep'~ work 8Ji~rtR, r ... "".....J.. ,1.II1s.'11:8 elp ,, ;tl,t!tt thl~R8 's~"l!led I1U;teen "UO.n her walked !I, f~tL!6h 1, Flol'ence makes"all )n8t.' ~ ff~le . ., . ~ey~,~Rout-' t.h~n.; I't ,u~i>IJ~ ~yq ~e~. Le;rvill,~ ~fme ' ~':$ rechiecd tQ ~)sizelll " "being lS,li~,~T a1t,el' our»ppo.retlt.' ,houTI!'1Ilmtna~'. :J ,. 1. " ' J4to11X. ' ,' , < · 'b · D . [. '" I'" , I ~ • de t ea~ Ilt .u\1I ,~nD ·. .,·" ~. ' ' r " · , •. , '1lbe.acoro:' .;l·,' .. .. ," ~ I Ifr. .,.~ne li,t ,')f wCl~rk).aifbt,; Ij.~·o~~~\ '~~~~~:~ ~1~, !ljld. to·\<n.ow ·, :I~. '. .'~_ 1,1' ~2 '3" 4 6' 6' 7.': 10 ~:,: .' l;.~c IK~. J;lC!I;,JIO~W':~ bo~ lU~~y\ or ..t,h~: ~r(~Inn.l . ~Ol.ull· X.erilu Nltt.. . 00 1 0 ' 0 2 ·0 '1 0 '. O. ;~"\ '1. 1.1 ~I tbll'ibtllAt oppi~~~iP~:;·' ••:r\:8Il:an' teers ()f ( >0 ' [:t. A.~"' !ltl~lH n: g. Clln Wil.YOl;syllle 0 i' 00 0 1 2 ci. 0 ." 0" ·,. ~ to . eom\j ~mll. ~!1II ,lt o.~t nJJII'!R)nrl . ~Q · the ,. .. ".,' '. , shi.rts; ,)I()U liave "·A•. ft.:. '." _~:~:~~." .. ,. GIlZ~tte . , ,. ,(. " ; ... !.,. • ,. . ' :- . . '.. . ' .' '•.; c!,lhln~ .se~ tlll!m. I ~~I:~~~~~:~~.~rlt





:We 'lIr8 , tl~I)!I~)::ri/lg >, \le~e'

In ,



8;0 II. : .


t~e Rra'nk Elbon ' .,


. W~ ca~ a,fulHi~e .~f . th~ ~

." ...:

vaI1 Ay .. ., f t;tle., mQllnt.t~8. More , , "" K .' \ . . .Gem overallli , cOllt8 : jack- '!.!:'I~iOi)iti~:rij · .sno,~' Ilnll .mln ' J~/t w~nter, ·Bnd. ' ' ~~ps. Open ~ous~. ',' : et~,'/J~irt's 'etc: Tli~ biist Jiit~ -:tlrd~~~:rR ~prlnl(t\lll:J .for .11~".ny. . yea~!'I, t~e .re· . _ .;...: . , ..., m8dCl,., .. .' '.. " tr · slll.t lWI'Ul: ' H 'll'lOd'L'n~ .!l~,Cl:ill', for ' :roe ~tierwootl family baa been ~: When you ~ant :SHOES see ..w~i~lJ , WA arp.llrf'iltl 011.0 ,:tll e', glv~r ~nQul. lizlng a~ Wllyn~svme tbe . 'lust " . US. . . . '. . nlL f OIl. . ." '. . < .f,ew Ylmrll, Itnd ~hl8year thei)' I\J1· ~ Ex~ra ~' n1~e ·Calicoeef J w . " ...ojvl· ~IlTrtWAlT.E nu~l reanion ~nl be b~ld at Unjou , Ginghams. r .. . • ; '. . Plaoe. t~~ h08pitlil home of Mr.· and Freill!. CoUntry .Btitt60 ' al. ~-- ~ Mrs. Frank B lb'pn. OU Thursday. ' waY8 on hanlJ. ' We I Wllnt Reme'dy .lor ·Di.arrhQA~, Never Auglls} 29,.und oq, l:!aturrla.y; AUKost your pJ;CKIuc:e we are pay- ' Knowllto Ftlll , :It, t~1I Gr~~Lln fam~I! ' lwl1l hOld: · lIng 17e'for 'E~Gs. : Bringt t sroy Il f ew ' worlIs for . their ,8nnnol gatJloring. at. the ~Iune . u·s You nio JIll " • , ';1' wan:o " " ro ,·




Coiic, Cl~olAra ~nd plaoe: Dll&rrhqe -Re!Dedy. · J have : used. . , . thit! p;epllra·t~on In my fl\~i1y' for . Frank hq(,o ing ·to mllke extensive the .-st . five ,;veCl>rl! and hllve never prepllrllt\ons for,. these two great koo'Wn It fall to elfect a 9u~e In ev~nt8. Imu ' .III1Y· ·tllat · eVllry"""d eoy tnstalJ08, ~ ·1 (eel that I oannot ' , , pol y. . .a'l t.oo muoh for the . beII~ remedy Will be matle weloome. . of tbe1llnd iD lb. w.uJd ... ~ ..J e m . ' l~D, BprlDIr UJoQ.,., York Uo~i'OR SAL~-'.I). wood famtlyrmar_ Pa. Thla~" fOr ..Ie by } I wltJ! S. old Poroell oolt. ID

Cbamlter.lain '.II

t '

• quire ofT J,Br.oWJl,.



en. ,

chickens) 'butter etc'. We pay toppric~for' eve"", thi . . . ~. , " ' " '

!WI'8t'er. J


,.."'1DDl9. - - , .'


Question of 1t11*lhll t lon Ie Quite all 1mpOltant, as .coll ecllon or iuuds:









. , .' "U-1WIl.


. .J J i







Of oor Ilbillty to

!Ia~8faDtorllY . .

e for

b~isi,~•1I8trhlttllsted to ue·a~tl. are "lad , '.· to ute~d. ii, 1ih6 . .. 'r .1 ''fIDll ,' ~ ., .. . . , e " . 'ur cu~tQoi~r8 as ar$'.ooWtlel.i!II/..:wlt.h Illte bIIplilug' nlethods. , 3l1\i )'Iltere/lt'p!\ld




,We are Confident

:-e. ' : Specials ' FOr .. This

,~a,IDed " . tle' ~blo'll : ~11l be plll.y~,. ~


. ' ..., accounttl .

on Rllvlngs



,,'. Th" Cit'z n .Bank :


.I e 8

,DIREOTOllS R. F. MoSher

:Levl S. LUkeDS

C. A. Hinsch '

, Cbar!88 U.o rnell FraDk Elbou

J . N . '~mmon W.T, i'ralDe





, .

'ft,Ut,t" Sarah Holla nd ·is Dead



Orego nia. ---~

I Mi ~H C. ,,'/1 KM S'-.r "I'j".V~.rl II ,' ,"It Wal Myear s or' All~ and a Life MI. ~ ... 14'11 11 8i~h" I '. (if Xlmia . irl f r ol .. 1 Ml" .. 1..1 if .. WhlH1 ~ . u\ • ·"Ill... · LoII~ Rellde nt of t~lt! Commu nity th" IoI tltlRt lI t MI ~~ ~ybll lillwke . ! l,"~, l'~1 wt·a k . Mr~ ~r"h tlo'l .. r,d , wldll w or I Mis ~ t<.1><i e BI'U, I u nh' j',. .1'1iOIl·l.v Mr 1I 0~'tc,' AII~nll . ot KAlliO .,0 U the! Ilttl Rl:!r VtlS Uolhuld, IJrt ~~tI' l " gn,·~t lOr h~ t! "i ~ lIl1' , MrM 111111 t il.· h.'IIn- IIf M,'". Hu . :Sll r l' ,}I 'In'," wav .' ll ltilw WIIHlltH I alier Hlle'J u h n · , 'I \\'\ ...,\ .. o'olook Th ~I i,.~" ::-I1I, rlt" :4t" I\i1",1l ,,11 .1 Mouday at Ibt! IIdVIIIIU l d . MI~" . AIIII" 'l'lI nm.nn h "" IIll' I II~ , rl;'lulI !-"IJI'II0A r I .1111(1. IIU MI .. ~ HLlth k \" J) age 0; iI~.v&.rll I ber gll!!~t, t he IJII>l t WtlH • • I~" 'I'" ~' u · tlI'rll ,,,,,·VIO.,.I will tili., held K o r~flY Tour ~cla y IllttlrUll.lD ' Po1un,v . .~r Ua;Vloll ... t)'lltlr liol ll llgRw" rlh ";"" in Octy . ' flOW 'bit ·rel'ldl!nOtl un lblu IItrue ~ at ' MillS, Ruth .Wl1iobtlt, Ii ohllrmil1~ tOil /I fa'.\' dllYIi hUlL wriltk. olle ,!'olook 'l'I!urada", afterno on. yllnug Illd y . of l>tlyton, I~ n g UOl~t of Mr. I\url M.rtl, Frank .1. Sblwwo od T~ereluuarOtllya readero f the MIHR ·MartbI lO '.Neal , co.Jl ed on Mr~. t;ue Sherwo od and PLAN t OJt~ THE WAYNES VILLE ' CANNING <!'='MPANY, CORWI N OHlO . Q.&6l~t;e but hi,. k~ow ~~. t!oarab .11l8.on .Redfer n . of KenliL. was Ii rllmilY,'1'burlld/lY . 'fhe factory will begin canning corn for th Sl!a '~m of ]g07, today, BolI\lD(t, or "~ul\ty" at IIbe wtU! reCent, gUl'st, of bl.1I lIunt, Miss Abuut 100 people are emp, l oyed lind Mrs. F.d. Sberwo od and Cwo diU . Ann I ' 11 k " . k I moe' UDlYlln about 25.000 cans of corn j:8n be packed a .1 nowp. . "hterll have returne d bome after a Pbllllp!!. day, The aeason lasts a bout SIX wee s. " fean aD!! yeara she h ... .. been KI88 LOll Zell and Mr. UalvinZeIl 1I1oal!Unt vialt with Xenia rela«v~8 , ' a f~"lII· r 6,ore tn &tilloo Erven HollinIC8worth, of Martina . A .. amber ot 1l1_a ndmblonlt Depbewy.iI !Of t he 8ame 0 y w h 0 wer e oalled Death's' Work. Lytle . Sprin gboro . vtll e. SllOut a fow day' 8 with his fa. U ' B . Ita d '''h '--d I I here by lhe deatbo f Cicero. ZelJ Iun ve _no 0 n. ... II.... no I I b " An unusua lly sad death occurre d ther Mr. Charles Holllng aworth. of childre n of ber own. . Uoo !:)cott Calltlell rUllcelluu . are visiting re a& Villi, ere. The VlLn Dever reUDlon will bo Ill at Centerv ille Jast ,week when Ed tlitlve' to th'eLyMe ' h I I ItI b Urand Castle K. u. ,' heJd at the Miami VllileY Ohant" u- I nOls, w 0 8 V I ag , ere . .For flale-N ioe smooth , ripe to- Barris lion of Frank Htlrrls pa88ed E's, who are in t)Onventeon now lit qua ground '1'hursd ay;Aug , 29. All matoea , Will have 'bern from a"",y. MIs8 Edna . dece~ sed was a young '!'roy, went np Tuesdliy mornin g 118 1delKJOndants Corwin Avenue Now of the 01l1D are invited Prot. Fred Paoly and Mils Ro~rta . tblll tlmeon during tbe sea~n. Ntlw mauled 'I'be man and haj been In did also Elmo~ V!\rmuny. to I1I.ttlnd. ' , Belon p to County. IItone ya.rlety. Mllroh , of Lehan.Ja, Tbu1'lday even· businlllltl in Dayt on until last 8prh;lg ... . M LlLI I "I k t ML8 DOf' Ellis visited· ~I 1:1 Mar- Ing. - - - - -' Mn. Ava Ebrigh t, who b&@ been when bls bealth broke doWll (!oDd .llU.r. aull r~ . "a ter v ar en er· . . • be talned 'unday Mrs Ularll Lewll:l tbll Penoe 'fhat'rou bI8llOl lle bU of r~w!,y lerloUAly III 'for aaambe~ of monthe lI8vr.rll days the pllet Prot. and Rufoll Kerl8Y enteroame out to hili father's farDi . Be . . _ . week OOlU\fOtlnl WA'Ynlllvl.l le and Oorw.n w•• able to ta~ea IIbort ride t,1lned Mr. Charlee Bolllng .worth Mon_ was a nephew of the lete Israel Mra. "Ilne Uyohe Mr. F : M. Vlllr.. MI~ LuOlla GlJpln hill! been And ~Down II Uorwln Avenue \It day for the flrIIt time 8ince ber·Hlok visit. and hiS 80n at .upper, trulay e"8n. Barrill of Waynes ville. Mr. lind MrH ..Uha,rlel:l J o~n8 an? eoa Ing fripnds at Wester ville ~ aowa part of WaynB lvllle no 10Dp~ nellll. . the put Ing. ' HIeD and Mr. aud Mn, U. F, Uhnk. two weeks. ' , A,' a fBOBn' meetln l of t~e Cou~ty .• . Mr . Manba ll ~tout aad flUllil,., Attn. J . W . Edward s ..nd .grandThe three montbl! old oblld of Mr. Mr. lind Mrs. J. B. Jon68 enter- Bowurd Early and wife were Comml liloDen th~ atrlp Of, &Brrl· d.u~bter. MIlS Busanm ; of III of Bllrvey .barg. have moved lnto Dayton , and Mrs. William Gibbs, of Dayton , 1OIlinOO on t3undl~y Mr. ' and MrR. Miamis burg Tburadlt.Y. tOl', w'!aIOb ... Inoillded wiab Uorwin have been villtlni f at Omllr Bollln pworth ·. hilUliB. , bome of wa.s brouKb t to Miami Cemete ry ,)onllll. the forwel~1: ! Illuentil and Mrll. Mrs. Bomer Campb ell Ilnd ohil AV8D~, eut of tbe mill noe w.. U. J . Edward s tbe peat Mr. Jonatha n Low, and . alltel', week. ' Monliay for budal. Mr . It.nd ISldeul:ltrioker, of BellbrOOk . dren of Fr8'nkll n visited herpllf ebte a.taobe d from ~~e oorporatl~ or are vl81&lng Mr. Henry Kersey _ud . Gibbs are former rel:lidente of the Mills Eva Murfor d, of wayned · IMI'. lind Mrs. Charles WaYDBlvllie. Prof. . C:. B. Olrey, ,Prinolp al ot vio'nitv of Ly,le. Thelr prl!!l8nt Th.omptlon fllJDily : vUle; hllJl been tllilendmg a week or &turda y Ilnd Sundlt.v. N~w 'hilt tbe Oollnty b __ aken tile .Way nelVtIle , Blah tlcbo?l and . Little Arnold Stepben l, wbo .mloUo n·!a I'speoi~ny sad ~s with. mOrt! ~Ith Willwr Kenrlo k And Tbe'Un iversali st Sabbl.i h tlchool broke bil arm laat bOld of 'hit A911Due, it i. hoped a ' hll bride, are now -' home week., .111 proII,the in only a few montb. they l08t two wI!e I\nd alll.9 at tbe bOlUe uf Air. held tbe,l.r plonlo along ' Wllker8 0ns gre88lng nlcel,. loodj 8llblka .lal roadwa y wUl aooa 'OOIY_ propert-y (If .M1'I. .Ellsabe tb otber obildre n. lind Mrll Lester Kenrlok . oreek 'l'u88da y. Qultll a number Miu Lucile Maaoa hall retanae repl,oe ,be mud l»llddI8. of Uorwl~ Bopi'd as ou Four.h Itreet. d &av. Geo. W. Hali; of LtlbanO ll,atten ded !lnd a fioe time WI\S AV . .DB. had bomea fter a pleUan t vilIlt iD t5/;1uih MifI8 ' AAab AnIOn, and brother , Death s'Work wbo fillil the pulpit at the Ferry by all. 'Abano n. Alp~' ha~e reCorDed &0 their home , ;, ohuroh on 081· ...'lu SuudaYIl w1l1 '.rhe MllI8ell Rello /lud Bettie Nnll sehoola OpeD, Next in L1aoianatl after leven w.eeka Mr. and M.... Will Mooney enterMr C. M. Bobltz er waa oa.Hed too have oharge ot 'tbe II8rvioe a't tbe enterts ined Th~!!,y t.vening ' in taiaed a aambe r of their' , ' vaoatio n With their "randm a HI1I. Terre Bunte, Indlaaa , Wedae 'frienda at fday ~y.le M. E, ohuroh on neits BundliY honor uf Cincinn ati frleDde. .A~lDIIjorltJ of ,the aohoola In 'hll Pratt. . a dlUlce ~turday evealag . · , , evl'niag by n ewl of tbedea th of hi,' afterno on . . dunday ijqbool will be Mr. aad Mrll. W!II Earlyea $Br- !:!chool wl1J oommei Ylo1~", ~m ' OOtrlu the yeu's work ~IJt8.a W. BalDea and faml),v, of father, who tor the , Jl88~ l.oe here on tbree' at ·(.wu o'olock · followed by prllHoh· talned Snnday : Charl811 , aut 'Monday inll pareal•• teao~~n, Xenia. spent adtty o~ two V1\ndeveer tbe fi1'lt Moaday in ijeptem ber wltb J81' week' montha bltB, been Inalling his bome lng' lIervice at th~·t:e. Come every and family I\nd Clareoc e Vandev eer, Prof. Pan) Wright &lid popi" VB maklDI . hOlY prepa- with Mr. B,lnee ' Ii'''ndp area''. 81 duperiate~the with a daught er In tbat olty.· one Ilud enjoy a g~ood sermon . of Miamis burg arid M.iss Urat'8 6ro· dent ..nd M'_ May Bromle mUo.I *'lward _b.t end. veDerable l!r. ..nd Mrs, Allen . For lOme time Mr. Robltze , ·. u r had Mr. and Mrs. iU. IS . ~mb were by of Dayton . - -- _ _-' __ , . aaalata a'. Riai_Va, of Tblrd Itreet. made hia bome ~ltb h~e 80n here vllli$lng ·la.Beli broot 00: ~undilY a' ne · Uatven~Jt.t ~b~rcb Is dOing Tlie railroad sorve:rt WalDeiville Ho~me\l Mr. and Mn. Jam81 Kearlok ea- and ,aU wbo oame in OOnaot DK .panl, with the bome of Mr. aDd Mrs. 6eorl!e quite a lot, of oeml'n' wark laperln . wbloh haa been lu 'lUa . .,lolDlty for ~rsalaed Sunday at dinner, IIi him were IIDp,re8s8d· by hIs gentle dtouteenbllr'get'. ' tended by Bev.<;Jarrier. Do Well at Xenia. honor of Mr. ilia Vloe. of MI..mll...nd ,lOme "me. Jeft; Friday. , diaJlOlll tlon. II h Itb Mra ' Viola Duke Ilnd all 'thb Mrt! . lfar y dBFl'1IIIOridauP baDd famlll Y . . . K " F ' EI While be Leorn BalIIton Is allain lD , jail. had been in frll ..., ...... .. Captu red', C. bnrg, y.: Mr. and ,l Inia ran:. , ea' , werf> lIarpr l1M! 1 Y seven 0 t 'for sOme time tbe end oame ralher onildre tent . 'all )Ir u eojoyed 8uoda~ Ill, the their friend. B;' 8udMe . . . ·W. O. G.ltln. boll. III~ Beriha illbcn, 1l1li dl e droppiiJ g In un be· tblatlm e for threate : ' ~had had ' . . t book to Earn ban reunion on the Lebano n tn ? • to thew' ISherw ood, ',red £Iboa . and Frank Mr. Qleav8l'. aI, r t ey , Vloe, lIod~enly and Will! a ~ ~ 'Dd WaG Fair Ground s. Tb<ey report 0. large ..~wn J . . H . O B o_rf ' ". . . bia ohildre n. " i ' ''~ b. d' 80me trouble about Creame ry tiok. . -- loe a : lII!'in,. J. N . Lemmo n .. former Cuhler _rll. e88e arr I, .... ag ... ' 1' aa tbe ,.lllll:a owD Wayn.. attendll nce Ilnd It. dne tlwe. ~me bol'lle' ... - Oi I son ex D _ _ 't to' 0 t-o Columb al tbiB etl!: .' '., , ,• ..., t zell8 uaua. and uow &1-'' . , pea men. w.... .,.rl II100eu 'ol "In oa"y- oflaaao' g , ' Mr. aad lIrll. Wlebkl og Mr." aad , Carl Zimme rman t 1 'reu and wife I th and Ke week for a two week. ', ok ~O vlaft among log d &be -pri_ ai tbe 6reene I ,_ " , urer 0 e a 11 y . Mrs. Underw ood. lUId .;._ l" £!!O. , _... ...ura Mr. Eastma n ot Centerv ille took reil'tive s aod al80 to at~nd (}o. lit I'll the Krlegbo ft were la W.ynea ville, Ba'. ' Coal MinI... 00" la aerloUAly ~U a' , ' si1PIMlr on /:!..udalr evening , witb state filir. . :n..~_ :be Xenia Glsette 'pub- blabom~ near~oz:Wtb wltba 'brealda ' ' v_, Mr. Ilnd Mra. LeeteII' Kenrlol i. . , lened at&aqk of fever. Betbue l Mullen has been quIte ur ;-Vhar lelllye rl6lld Ion , " '" l~ a Illot or ' premlo~ wluoen Olar. ' . . M poorly of lIte , . It wont be eare for "ny w()man froiD Whlob' ,b.t Mr. . , . ' M"' Ch"ndl er Whll haa . ence spent Son~y wltb wm , - ' -OF- M,rM or .cihlld to start out alon!l with a The K. of 1'. lodge had Initiatio wo~ " tb" dDt p~1oB of '10.00 Ob~" lpendm g ' the paSt aeveral n at NewtoDlvilllt, 0.>' 'rHE WA,YNESVILLF< :horse nnd rig for 11 few .weeks to IlIJIt Tulll!dlly eventng Rnd 8er.,ed i~L ~ bor,e. i .....t loe, Mr. Cbarles Gill Ie vlsUlag hll "eelu wU~ W..y~tl8ytUe relatlv~ ' come If tbeir ro:Uta· takell them any· oream afterwa rd . . frOO:OD iu~" :I ,ean or ·,ounlo l·18U Satarda y for ~~41r, ColoradoB mother hJre. where In the violnity of Lytle. . "iIl"m .oI... Be .180 woa aeo. where abe· baa been teacbln Mrs . Jobn RobmlOn 18 visiting Mra. Osborn II llpeadla g .. g tbe few Beoo.use J. M. ~taoy just got a her daugbt er Mrs . Dr . Jamee ~0a4 Prtu of ' " ', oa IIm1ll0n 'lour put Iht ,~. Ln. days with her daught er, !Iii. ObarAt Wayne llville. In t!t o State of Dew auto from a Dayton man and burg. She is lIu1relinl with ma- ley &pencer. of LebauoD , ,.,,1ID I1 over dr ," hOnel. Urwhlre White, oarner on Burll . Ohio. at the 01088 of bUlllness, for a while. untll the novelty wtlarll lIuia abendtelsln f·hte°pellb·olf ..... e retlutnlt~I' Miss lAu1'I Kif-ho ff Yr. aDd III &lie roadQer ,,~~ he; oarned ronte Aognat 22, 190i: S, Ii. W. Prints, oarrler on home t r ng n ue olf, the road will bet kept busy. ~-" oa both lint and MIload 1!ri188 .roule " and 6eerge lilli', carrier rlodtor'8 oare. a r Mn. Walter Uaderw ood, .nd II,r. RESoUROF<S. It Is·uade rstood that 41a IOn ·AI · .~~ au .'G. " allO .wlanil l' oa rou~ 6,' attende d ' the 'auorml Ilnd Mrs. Wlebki ng b&~e Iooan, retarne d and ,It.count s , 'I~t1.~UII liN ber"I!! a partner in the deal. 11 OWl"r e 'b,~ '811~ ,a ad , , ~d.r- l ~nvel.'ion of, the State..Alllooll~loa Overdrart•. llecured • .. • , to t-'incinnatl after ,lIpeDdinl two T "h' S ' d and unsecure d. l,67;) ha I~ ' A .. "Jert, Ilnll family bad hoped It Qwn" IP un a)' , ~. 0 III • • " ' . . . U , g. Bonda to .ecbre clrculatton. /10.000 011 with Dr. and H1'I: Krilll1w tl. : .. of :Rural ~r~erl at Qayton' 1..8't Boutt .•• curll1es. elC. . 1~~ , 'Q7 00 woul d a.u Ive ea.r Iy S unday 10 t h ~y Sch00I Rally. weeki . , ~Ia uod. ,'be ~11114 of 8wee)l week. . , ' , Mi88 . Lena Y:yerB took IUp,. Bauklng bOUBC. · 0 ,000 00 conld go to tbe Ear,lha rt rennlol im . . . . . 110l'18li. heftoolr 8 - prize of· ~. ' .. 'H . ' ... ., ' 'B kl ' d Due ' ''<om appro,'ed reserve agt. a~,; . . . , ' with Mi88 :. Gladys Speneel ••• ' lian.d.y H~ 8'1 it, but tbey were d,llIlt.ppolnted III The Sunday Sohools ~. ~nu .... r • . ueorlCe en e aa Obeclul "od otber cash Items of Wayne '10, cMI hta ~ter , .aallloa ; : .' . ,. .' danght er la.ta'w villt;8d Mr. Henkle 's ~!:I~~::~~~"ra~::'r~!~~~~~~I<'I. H r, M . . d hi eveu Ing. ,J 'olO OU It did ~ot cowe t .•U Bunday eveDlng. Townsh ip will hoI a towns p VI. ,U. ~Qlatn w~ .~d prlae of brc)$bet ,.at New Carllale &&urday Millll Mary Conner Ie eajoJln . a'1a:. . " nil ce ~u ' H 2 70 From ta;-oa ~ppeara .... ncelt two la ,ear a good old one IC8ldia~ ratly. Sunday . &ptebl~r 8th. A Vllllt from her oouslo, MIU la,. . d' .•• ,u ,B ' ena "I thA . ' 1 MOlin R1I811RVI ui B6I1K. vn : " .. !:Iel,m a an !:SUO_Y and eo" between $1300 and $1500: nnmber uf oounty officers . _r. e eays l' t LA"IfI'UL Specle· .1 0 ,350 dr, will be W 'III ,.....- ....n PQrpoI,8 0"", '. • wa~ j~, forty.fQ ur y86l'1 Satura, .y • lams. t.egaHend,er oot"88,1II)0 60 la,I,I.;o 6a ' Mr. and , Mrs. R,. H . S Jobn b 0 presen. . . ~ ~e l'OIIater 01181 Il~ won tifl' aluo& h, bad lut apent a alght in RedempUon funll WILli • _ • U'. S. Itu~' 1DC!"el, JII.!JO OD tila S YMr 8!lldlng , New ~nille. . al)d ohildre n, Herbel lland Leon en· ·M .r . and M'e • Re'talll"ck ' '' .. , . uu r (ii p. c. or clrcula\lon) 2,600 ~O joyed SaturdllY . Ilt the reunion . JJa.1*» rs &9ok .,2 00la", I800nd money , New 8urlington~ . , ..., . ,__ old.-'d . by .., . .on ' ·Be . &h Coo~. wh!,> wu.lnJ nred 'W ' hi e tb sy SpeD t S UD d . . .' 1·O~I·A'. • .11 ibM .. 4111.0';0 Enter ~B tain ~t F' amily Dinne o.y r. w & ~8. • ,.' , kl"k from '. horllB montbe or d 'LIABI LITIES . StJobn 's• parents , wl!lere a reunl.on Born to Barrv H urIey, U" "1 ". ~oa ay, , ... ,e'. ' .. more 1110, h •• J!IOt'~ve~ed 81 rap. , • Mr. Ilnd Mn. of the · Edmon immedi d Retalllo k Aug . 18 a Bon . .14!1Ii;1"as boped..• nd'Sna'd~· wen~ ~:~tl~~'f~~ p~lil In ' : ' '~~'C:: ~g Tbey oertaln ate tamilv Waa held, . . , , , ly e.njoyed · tb~ even' I\nd grandd aughte r, . M.i!1I H'8lea _ Mr. " . ' l> peRSO~AL .MaNT ION $0 Oilloinnati where ' be John Everha rt, of Covlaa ton, III take Uodlvlded prollta, I~I' ""pen.e~ . , a" did all who were preaeat.~&okBII. ea~r'-Ilied . at II. faml.., Ky., . . , vi!llted relathe a bere and laxe. paid. Mr..•ad Ii.... .Oh'e.rlea.. 8atnw.Ir .. , 16,400 r.a , M IUld Mrs Allea Emerio k and dinner , n t · .peala! meat, and, wh re ,h~ National Baok Sunday tn honot of Mr. Mary Ohenow~th . l~ttl!l Jut; ootU ..., out.tanll r."-' ''' In d treat lng ToO.OOO 00 ,t: , daalb·h r , h f h' " ' Dtyl4eodR Retaillo unpaid k' I , .. h 80 loll 00 dau~hte of John Cheaow eth ill Ilok with ' "~;'91J. were JIQ88"· j)f,Mt-. Pa~lIna ' "ea ~ ope or : m r had' the plMllnr e of en. Y. re , 8 n ~ anu nep ew . .. . ~ue~ Olber NaUonal 14 000011, .' . . , tert&lUlng on Soudot.y Mr. and .. ~" Edith BdalJio k. and _,tu. onb 8undl, : " liIl'. · EldI:ed oover, . typho\d fev~r; -. ., , " IOa&,,14U:l.) cit!pO~I"" • Frank CarnIan ' and- 'daogbt er and Re'-lIio k , of Battle Creek. Miohlgan .Mfll. l' . , . , 'Bahle;. 1\$&1e ion . ..Mr. How~tI ra~11 fonner edlt?r ~,:!~";l\ t:e~:W:a tu: ~at ~\ r laa, of Cea~v1 1lt, ~;UH 9 ){lesTh elmll Wlldel'\Wa, .o f Day"'n , . who , tbelr &Ullllte this at·....mtrille of .her"r . of.,~be \f~\er.D ,Staun d Dr "ougb, of ~epo.l,l W~ i Obl~, waa ~~ .. ~\ of A. B. Har~ ' . . 15.1;; (7 2~S .• ~~ H wbo htU! been visiting Min G~ , . '. .., Mr: ' aiut Kri,·· S.-__ 1 pn"h. or,LebaD,op.W'ea'e,' W.~n8lv 'l'bOile l)retlent were : ille,. vi" IUld ~amtly iatili~eek:_ . ~ . . ~ ....-. ,' ,._ 'U_A_· fte lUI. MI1I Mary To·rAI., F Ittltallio k Il0l1'1 ' ,Mliae8Edall. i llCl ....eM&rt;tn of , iI~·of:Wa,aenUlII..tIP.O;O. W8 for'a fortnig ht, and Mr. and Mr.. ~n _ . ,~...y a .rn09a. · ~, : . " l ',' . ' . " . ., • , , ' ~ Cl de Mounttl ~ of ~ I'ln boro ' '" ' i ' al, .la Nflapo urlly Qat ' .of the STATI.. or.Oiu\). COU . ' rJ Maiule ,Retallio k, IIIII!! .Grace Reo :len.l&. visited' on -~1,lP' NT Y 0 .. .w"'IIRS~. 68: ""th" ~"r y , • BU41 '- Qile or ~wo O;'.....- - r bDIlDBIII, .bu" whatev er p, ~ . ' 'taUlok Mr. Ed ' Retalltok. wife aad Ilra~\i'pareDttI B10~ I. J O. CARI£WR JODee ' aDd' } Oaabl~r of ·tbe .... . ' aboye name4 banI<. lOH.T. lole'mnly swear Ibal' ' If '. ~.. Qr II,~, )1~II.p,. ..,."'-...-. , .:, " ' , , ' " fllmlly IUld Mr. Evan Re ta11lok . . . . . lni,o. b~~lIt'.nd oUriO. tbe abo"~ uatemendo and ' I ' V i . e . " ttllru~ . . ~tbebel ' ',' ". l qf 1Dq",.~, ~hl8 .ofIloe. ·wlfeof Oregon la.Mr; Bert Rellllllok, . are aa:)h tltat he I. saie ~ 100· m1 ~o,.lo~", and be!lef. · Mn. ~oma .... $a ~~ ' " • , ..... , • Wife and family aud Mr Clift Jam. laA; ' "tl6k from au ext. . .I ' , J ,' O . OABTWRIGH'I" OaRh1er. ~: 'n4lfn.~ ••• (Jadw.~'A"'" kIl' ,..tAlt I al~ , • • . . . .. ' .. ' Sul*crlbed aoda,,~nt!l'ber<)reme. lbl~ . ' . . , , t ~...o ".....a~ ~qiai~' ' tillea, wUe, and family of Lebano n, with 'her .....r Mn. K. ,~. Viae, who baa ~ "'lIItlD I 1I7tb clay of'AU/lU n. 11\01 ' • . .,' ~ .~ W. ._,, .,..~~ two .the' farm · of Frank )llbon M1'I. Sarlt.h B. ~mlth, Mr; .Char . of ~llm\ag'oD : 11aoe . 'r. E, l<EVS, NoTAIl':l"U81.1I1. ~ ~ ..... dell",".a lI1 · lad ....." tbfll~ ~ 01-1.. .Jal, lel$ Zimme rman' In~ ' lliaa Roth Zlm. · ~vot , C" Jhi".~~i4, T1iea4&, . , Warren CounlY, 01110. ' . " mertna a of WS7DN.l1Ie, . .".,......... Iad~ t~ •• " M kip tor hia hom~ at Jlab.e.~r., Ju, Bay:dook p~ a • . ,Ken- '~.8~~~teAl' .' ,. t. ~ , ::~~~=',d:'~Y:-=~ '" MonM1. Y_ ~el8D'. stair. and on ~nnday for}'_ . . . til .... '. wOf~ . Of Roocl•. *lIOlIy, wbe... be will n.eam. hta . ....., . s. Ion O.u~IQ. 't' ~ DI~to .. : H~wat e Store ' • ~ ,' 4..... ~ . ...4 ~ d'att~ aa .. *'aber fD the 'aoboola ' \hllir IUNt. ..,.Dt the da,..•• Day. whOle m~ to ~ of il. T. H4~. ~ · . " . • ~- ,,taD "..,.. ,..... ..... i,b a" p~oe. Mr. Vioe .zpra.... him. n.tUD« the point. o~ In• •t tlIere. Day&on. wU1 ODOUr ..... ~. . , ~ ,>t. " -r.lepho ne in hClIQ88 and o~ , They ~ toapen d My..... ~ MIDIUa ~11 part ..If .. DlUCh pleued 1 da,. .... aoae K . pl. • ~. ,. It .... : thta 1eaal. ~.':'II& ~ all dIIIIarIp hoa. liv.a ,where 1 ClaD be oalleIl d,ay or of with .t' ' . t~. · lat~. O. HOJ!le, of '" ..' ~...., . j prom'" 4't.~"OD :' .' • GaIltW : ,~ ' , . .~ PboDe 1.."~. OJ . ' .... ' LebaJaoD, al.o. at ~ ' , ' ~,





~pencer enterta~ed


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t' Raport.0t tbeCond'lion








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up from the bay Ind nUln bed LImAn ,ndJan" VlWf., an O""a".'" mert. He stlp clu ng to hili giddy A,[ter a 1I'blle cllrfollty 184 me bae. II rcll and at Inten' als ShOlll<>d fIll' to tbe sod hOURlI, and I u.w 'or lb. PR9WN ... McK,I\V. Publl.he .... I . Grat tIm. how the wblto woman pumps help. Seyeral l1atrolmeD Ilnd IIlght r wu(chl,nen beal'd his crlA6, but falnlly. COLORED 80L-DIERS IN A FIT OP 10 much air Into a bOll that wilen Ibe WAY~mSVlLL'Bl. OHIO .,~ £se8 on the top board It lIowl8 COil. ~nd, as they could not loeut lbe PENITENCE. sounda. lhey gll \- ULl tbe s arCh, 1)n~'· 'fuls l" I)I)" 1 forgot my bl8hfolness 1.0 far Ilil to IIslen openly' and enjoy t/le A Great, Good Charity. I)rel\k bl'ought fl' . s b hOD to I;AD1Ul rt. The latest charitable enterprlso ,'ot H1lDger. lIe suys, rel'h' d hIm und Severe Storm at 8ea Cauaed ImpromP. operation, .... ollaerln! milch Iiow ·tbe-' white man pute a pair of lunell Into a spun iI hIm on to rr sh IItletnfJL I> to l'!p!e n GO\lld III notable not only lu 'U. tu Revlyal Meet'lng In Earnest-=el1cap , bOll. wblcti III furnished' wltb". whole , No More Crap Shootlh'lI '1M, butfo~ Its 8uggestlon at ,a ;way HIli first IhOllg ht ",u ' lo slide down se~ Of. black ·o.nd' wblte ,teetb. ~d , During Th"l ' Voyall_. In which the city IIlums tnay be measthe, pI pe. bllt hI) fou lI(\ ~hat )t end d when 'he 81 n&,Il to It It 'appears io all' urnbly ch~ared ot a large class or per, tOU\' Atorl s L~lo w. npl)lll'cnttr in n Fh'o huudred ,-p-III-1'8' 0.· dlfl} nr lying .wer hIm. Thll III bow tbe wblte peolions who. hell,lle.. there, mIght In a hoi In,lhe wall Ir~ own slz He diM' on tho bottom o[ lbe Atlantl~ ocean ple t!!~. h th eir children to' do tbln«lI. dlfterenl environment become Indus· COVOf d. too, Olat It cnrrl d lelel)hone Bom I hCl'e Ihe enllt const ,f lhe I thought.-From the ' Outlo(>k- Dr. trlous Dod Ind~pondcnt. Miss GOUld Wires to th.> 11J111'1' 9tol'l s, Olll'lng nHet,! Stutl'S, unless the ftsht8 have Charles A, Eastman's "Schooldays of ba's purchased nenr Qrel,lley, In Colora· til morning h n t1eclrll;!l1 10 cull 10f awallowed th m and c8lTled them Iln Indian," d , a tmet of 100.000 aerea. She Is h Ip ev ry hal t haul', aud t~ok out hla UlI'a)', snys lh Kansas CllY lal'. Tbe The Inducem~nh to .dopt Noture'. ·per. ready to expend $tOO.OOO for Illlple· wal 11 101' thai PUrtlOS , I 0 h found Bponed cubes we re tbrown ovcl'\J oarti fect Luxatil'. Gnrfield Tca,_ or/! 10"",'1 he cOIlIt! Ill'e lI\,O wIndows of a b ' I \ " K I t Ihat ]t i~ 1;laLl~ , holtr of imple n crbs and'llI send ond (e ocln". Thft land Is ' Y I Ie negroes O. a unsua reg lUen m nl", a .,. .. c feet Crom Ihe window. ,hore It reo \)ulldlng acl'o~s lhe streel, 8J)purI;l1l1ly · ., I a 'I I I; • II Ih c to be sold In small tracl5. unit the I d uUI' ng Ion s .ol'm n" s , . a sa . gll'acDnt , II under the l'urll J.'ood :inti ma ne • wlnciows to WIl hrooms, frol11 th'e Ir.' rlflce having bee n' l)rOlllllted' \Jy ne nl: n"II"" 1..1'\\' : it 0\-("- om 9 con1flipUli~ I"t , bu y rs ~'bo prove ihemsel,.e~ worthy ,C rawled Jl.ft~r Paper. regulnrlty. 1-1' could not se' a.i ' of· tellce. Jl wa!; while th II gro regl. rCl,lullt\ '" th(l li"N' ,In d kid""y., (lurin • • lIIe blootl dnll bl'I Il~~ Goot! l;leullh, j""111 \) nllowod cusy t(!rm~ ot pay· No one ('Is(.' 11 '1' 11Ii ~, ncln!; yonll g f\Ctl windows, melll W!lS 011 lloll;'d tb 'e s hill VlgjJ au~1I llUenl They will have tllC 'Idvantage Bnd light, t '11II1Ul \ 1 deCld ' d. Ul nco . Vain Effort to Escape. e n I'Q uto to , ubo III S plflmber, i8~ , Thll truly excellent character I. • of ID&l.)'uctlon, wltb access' 10 a library. thnt h wOllld crUlI'1 out lind!; t tile ' Ihill U II torlll onverled " SCOI'O ' oJ made II)! of IIlrlctne~1I townra& 'o n. He was 1101 nfruld of tho hel"lll .. a ( 'rl' lit selt a'ntl mildness towards othera,and tbe sanitation at the trnct will be pnp I" Tho I dgl' run for -i;;ht f t ,., thut bols t rOils crill> games Inlo ~lll)erintended ,by skilled and Dract1~al Sll'1llght ilion' th" \\'1111, th(.'n thol'o was day. 1l11d lost his giddIness whl'll look· r llglous meeting. Schiller. II Jl ruj cllon. pflrh lJl~ 1. Inch 'll, nround Ing C10Wll. Ab 11[ no II h manog d to The regime nt wcut (I'om Topt'kn to 'd lt'ectors, 'Early In the operation the What do we )lv tor. If It Is not I w US 1l1l0 III I' st ond u]l, nnd d", III d 10 try t g t ' N W \ ' or'k city nnd C1'0111 I h e l'o BlI II e d ehH\ wllJ be weed d Ollt. No b t· 11' I1 I(" I1 L alUllI llr t ~IIIIPQ~£'!, '~ oround the nll !;1 ogui n nlld re llll'll IQ . Io Dr cbolc of 10caUon cOllld ba"e been I\' IIIdow, 'I'b I··d).: > wns f sl ollC' nno fo r Cuba. 'rh ere was no 91 II , on mnke ,lire les!I (jifilOQIL to eacb ,o tbe '1." mnde, The town of Gr ruey was set. nbo ut ton In (' lll~S will '. allil. ollhough. Lhe.> olll ce wi nllo "" II· em wI ,I ou l hODI'd Lh e Vlgllnnca t.lle tll'st night oul, -Georg!, Elliot. ov \' 100 f ' C'1 (rOllil lh ground, Lalli· uutli h could I 01< urolllld In wb I'e J ', Is ' 1\1d t hallll'oclica lly all ,of th e ne. lPn tl d nlany 'veare a b" coloniSts . rate d wllh J ,,-, lIle rt thoug hl he "lluld .\t'l Lho Imp r th WI11(lol" .llu'lu~ 11'llng', tIl II Ilh,. "1''''1' co ~ gl'o s who woro "Ot prosl (rom lhe east Inaplr db)' lhe advl e wlthoul u'oublt:', ' nrl'Dld to I t loust! ot I h 1111 no d seasickness w~ re shooting rll ll~. Tllo of Horace Greel y, From tbe begin' lus H'ad oC CIIIII I)g one of III (llh r IIl'(ow b:lcl{ Into h1~ .. rtf hl1rl)ol', II scellc Is doscI'lb d os o ne , or min gled I PhIl a I II Le d e It hna i l xc t em nt, "'I n ng, 611)'5 a e p Ia I:: r. ..... mt:'11 to' Ills Ollsls t:JIIC(o, h 1l10k LII . hud coDle n 01' (11111111: In III ctru!'l und sn If I' l ug RIll ,1 0 u"1 S, SUCCESSFUL,TONIC TR .......:rME.Nl een Conducted In as orderly a fo sb· window I)ole used (01' op 'nlng nnd WflH weak from th" ·)(III!!'I(·IlCtJ. ~r s~ed Illead II for quiet ond rest, GEST ~on as any New Hngland vlll!lge, No shllltlng lh h f\VY wlnclllws, anti 'I'h n a. brlllllln~ lch'lI tlnwlItld \ll)on bu~ ,wel'e unheeded by Ih' noisy tam, FOR INDI ,. " r(olIclled rol' Ih IlUl)e r:1 ,(tiling ou~ or hIm , H bl'gan Hou ndin g 011 th 111l) bI eri, Dr; WIlli ems' PInk Pili. Cured' T:t.le, , ,lqllOr bOB ever /Jean sold th re; no III wInd ow nnd tL'yl ng 10 draw It Lo- wllb "his · pElflrorrE'. but teNer nil IIOUI' Above the cries an d moons ot ,tfio Woman and Heve Cured Ma"f jrough characters e ver found !t ~on· , I III Iem)! t s h e ot of Othat Cuee \)f 'enla l' It bas don eloped loto a "ros' war II II ) 111 . ."'(leI' :lI6vern I Lhls he desi s l d. DUI'Ing tfl morn· Sllrr rln", '" sucll IlinguRge as tills Collili , HunClrCHIe Common Aliment. . o ng. lOa, he h'ad I,"t out a sl"'nal or be I leaI'd In differen t ports or th e v e~ , f ... II S lICCC d d In Iloklng It Inlo tho angle " Loss of 8Jlpettte, coated to~e, bad eroul and b:eauWullIttlo ell)' 0 we . mOde by III Pl'ojectloll e lgbt teet dlatr ss, flyln!; hl8 110 k t bannker· s I: tas. t~ in the Ulouth; hea"'Y dull beadaclla awn)', In his OD"j IY to I'e ov I' th PlI' chlor nncj wavIn g at at the peot11e be· " Irs 'Ie~'(!n an' I kno'" It:" "ShoOI IUId n doll; lIl0ggi8b feeliug-thos areept streets and neat. Ind luxurious omes, , It 1s In the midst ot a "aat per he Cor 'ot cuutlon lind, hooking the low. He spent I h sr atel' pnl't of Ihe de monE'Y; '. "' Dldn't i get a ~oon 1" the aymptoIll!l of lltoniaoh trouble. The,y tretch of terUle Jand adapted to '~Indow pole on tbe I dgo or tbe floor arteruooll writin g not es on envelopes "Llttle Dick," ' iadioat& that the 8tOmacl\ is.on II. strike.; . I. ate' lll n tght w Iille t h e gS Dles were tllJIt is 'aUqno no lonr:cotfumls~ totttho ra Ins an d rru It s, an d a b so Iu t e Iy , un· a~ve, he tested It ld se It It wou ld nud Pallers t'I'om Ills 1)0 ket and tryJng bloodittile u~,.;u ' 8nt .... ' Ihen s tarted to wfllk to d r(l)J them Into fhe /lI I'1l i. ome I'unll Iug h Igh ~ vI0 I Id ot Ie qu a Ie d ror the qua lity an d y bear weight, und eut t s arm b ro k e the body demandJi, .h8JlOO e~ery.~o~ t. potatoes" " along the ledge, stelldylng hlm~~ II' we re wl\tled blo ·s ollt. ot the way s llcldeu ly UI)On th seu, \Vhen tlJe win" Iden, , ' with tbe window ClOle hooked onlo (he and sClme fell "nnollc d, 'lI'ruck tile , Vlgllanca a fudtle r was Thl'.roare, two m tllods of treatment, I A temperance orusade In England upper ledg . If wns so W Ilk thut he dored not bl'oken anU ah' whirled round anti 'he old one by Wllich the, .JItomaoli ~ laf!ems to ,\lave biken on mU\lb the It was a rOolhalrdy aHernl)t, bll t h atteml)l another cllm h II ro llll<1 the round and 'then tllllDed down Into tb e hamo~ by the use of p1'\lCllgestod food. i,;ame aspeot as ' many famolls recent got along well IIDlUl he came to lhe led!;e, e"e~ If lIe hnl\ [lOSS as d the hollOlV ot a ' I1Il l;h l )' wave. The ~bo k aud artifiolal fel'lJl8Jlts, Bud the new ouo I ,corner and had to stoop down to get co llrag. was ulle:tp coled anti In a moment th e. by which the stOJII1W1t ill toned up to do fourt trIal!" Il)asmuc~ as It Is lo,rgQly . NIght tound him mllh art nell n;ld ao l"lers were eX"erlencln" 011 o·[tile tbe work wllicll uatlll'& in~ea of it• • ma'lter Qf export opinion, :rbe te.m· the . paper. To do lhis h WlIS (arced ~ u "oo A.recent cure bv the tonlo ~nt is to kneel on the ,hl!dge, l e ttlh~ go IIII! i1es paJl'lng, li p. was about r ady to horrol'll ot n storm at S a, Tb ne· that of Mrs. Mary Sta~le. of 81 ·,!france I.eaders 'P/ere somewhats,e t hoM all Ule pole. whJch swnug baCK lot loose anll fall Int th sIre t. Arl' sro s grabbed li P tb dl e und 10QS(1 Llbtlrtyat1'OOt., LoweU,Mui• . BIle.,. : perllaps a (oot \l'h II he lens d It. par Illly no ont'! hnd seen his s l onlll rn' ('hlln e and .1luddled logethc,' like Clll. "I suft'ored cOlllltalitly for yoors from :back by a manifesto pubJlllhed In Tbe ondon r.ancet, fiLIi gr at ' medical ancl lIulIg tllere. found hi s notcl!, Th night WIlS rllW !Je, some of tbern monn'lng au.1 othera etom,aob troul>l and terrlblo bQc~hes ubllcatlon ot ,Englund, In which 16 nnd S Id alld 1\ hll~l.\' \'IIltl ell' ncllptl too h1~hl(lne{J La utldr a BO"IDd., ' awl W&8 coutlned unnybe!ltho grW<)f In Awful Predicament, .. '" _-> f h I 'W88 U wiler tlIe mlnellt lu'o(easors !lnd praeULlonerl him to ill skin , lie AI' w !lUll. 1111(1 The s to r m rng; 11 for an bour ' tbo t-" 0 tl'roo y. ars" \1 I' I' COV l'lng th pR· hIs hody " ' 0" IIIIQ 1 \ 'Illl I'lllll" ~Inll" II' I k . , . ' care of our ram lly Ilhy$lolan mOISt of the T riumphant ' Stitt d, over their 'own names. that ~ ,!' o. ' s o I 1(, I'a Llln IlIg thaL every 1}IC?l1lcnl thno,but "ld not~,.. toratbet.n~. Ilel'. Lammer t storted to slan(\ 1111- time!> he sh irl d from I\·dge 10 I \dge , would b th I l. 1'0 i t ill U lC:1>h01 has 'v aluable qualities as food and dIscovered. to Itls horror. tha t an)' 11 b ' I f as ' r \Ina e y lCI'!! "1 wa.', oolllplot Iy rnD· own it,ld .W1Ioa nd mediCine, glv1l1g tliot ar~lcle a movement tow rdl strlllght nlng ' lIJ) an onc " y lIrnclng II II t II One wa~ ,~ negl'o ,IJreac l) r on ,b'IRl'd, ' ~Il e not'nbl totlolllywo rkabontthehoL4e.. ' ro,D"', recom.meiidatlon , ror. \i"'efuIIiesa Id 1 I" II lellg£' and· Ilt.lng till , tit other, wl lh Rev. Jub\) tl, ,,, nllel·. It l\'o'3 'for film Mybloodwll8 imllurea~(JmycomplO1:- ' , .. ~... WO\\ OVQrbn once 11m Ilnd throw' I. m his hand ' nI'OlIlI~ th 1)I"el ~I O d:ClY.fI!\ to' I'ls 0 th e 'u 01\ Ion: 11f,' -g'B the'nit! ion pille,' I su.1fcr~(l ~frODl fliisli'ea "f d J1) I'll: Now the temperance men (low n Into ' ih stl'e \'. Also he reaHzed 01T until a dl' um f 'allh'll,; "''''Ilk 1I d 1\ (.ro wd, o'r negto II arouil(1 him anil' hep.t" followl!(l f1i!cltlep)y by Obi.'lls. .. I - 'are ,trying lO get 'a ' tl)stll11Onla'l to tli e thllt tbe 1>oIe whl'l\ !lad inllured Ills ' hint, .spp)co thus: .' ' hllfl h(W\Q(llIClli' Which !astocl froljJ pposlto" 'effect tram the , same or' " balallce was behilld him , If h cOl!ld · "n J til T ' tl lfOO to~o\1J'dl\ys. oooldget bntdlttifl get hold ' oC 'ho' II could s trnlght II Decides to Jump loto Street. r(\1 1\ II, e .orc! senl thl l,! sWrlll test at nighb, as .my 81~ u.aa"broken . , at:ger n!1lIlber of equally ,p rominent • • tl j 'd r I f I I " , , up wllh sarety, H trlcd reachlllg up.. Dllyllght cam allaln-nnll \\' Itll on I 11,'1\ S S. 11 II cral) IS I, otc/s and fttful. , 4'1 a reliolt lost &O'P01'al rpfossioDilla. nllt would llOt 511<;11 a ward with his lefl hand. but could not hOII. , Lalllm.e rl · SIt)' S Ihn t dllrln g :ll If II' want tQ be SI\ \' d le I's Ill'SY ," ponnllain waigh .. DlId becamev&y .ner.,," prqceduro 'leave the matter, just about reaCh. ' mornlog . he de I 1'0(\ he ,,"auld end 'rhen Jill drop perl down on blR k,\ es vOu" ,. _• )o'or ten ollnut II, Le !lR." S, he ,k nelt hlB bllse!'), by jumplhn-- hnr tJ Ult he and, his " I ~e was heal d Jlr,~ying- abovQ I" ~ WIIa In a wre~ed' CO~tion Wp~:r.? whCl'e It WnB before, asks the Tl'.oy .. n .., the nols , of 'the at I'm. . hel1.ttl abont Dr, W~lU8 Pink ~ Imlls. wltb tbe public compelled to th re on the I dgo, dizzy wltb fr ight. was atl'ald h w 'ulll alight IJtl SOllIe The sol diers jolncd with Ihn preach. I startM tv take th~ piUs at once and imnk up its mind soleiy on Us ' own' lind wos forced to shut hIs eyea and 'one and kill him-so 1l0SI)lOned tile " . ... , began to gaill in weigllt and health: I ~oD8tructlo'n of testimony ' made aa'dl· hang on With lJOtlll banda to lhe ledge jLHnp un,tll nlghl. ' 'rh , b'l'hn j S1. k pt er In his pril);e.r. ,In a .Bhor~ -t1m'l WM'encouraged by ,tbjs to 'k eep OIl1Ul~U t!.on!'JlY, ~ont\lslng btloQaul!e doctors of New York,-Oeorge L, Laminert, a lo ' overcome IlJs d:esll'e to l bro'P( hIm. recUl'rlng 1lll lla.~'. li t'! Inughed ' l\t l he !aml)ntatlotls, moans Il,nll "rOIl1I~ S I~OlJiIlcL Myfrlenda and.neighbon olerk employed by a life Insurao e It I t tb t t PI II d Idea 0'£ 'waltlng untlt "tbel's \\'el'e ' aate ·could be, h:ea rd on ev ry li!l~II ; Jt: w,~s ofllin'l'Ilnl"rk wliali a 'e luuiged woman l ' ",uch, stIWdtng ~o ,. ;.\ltterl~ disagree . coml?any In New , York,' ,,;as reSCll!!d se 1\ 0 e s ree.' ' ,no Y•..JQa), befq' re Killing hlm a It. , a re.v lval 1lI , l)ting ,ln,. ril st. ' ,l!ntly , ama~~ lowe .i5 all to~. WilliaJwl~ e tn,d, ,w ber does ,moral ~u~819n -cqlIll' f~om n; . perllpu!I pO,slUo, n, ll1ilf.starved, clloler by th lIesllerlile lIaLlU'C of hrs . . " eyery Olle of , Ihe 09 801dlel'$ .was ~Dk ' BI~,I' " " ., " ".~ 'ID? " " almost dllad from exposure, at mId, \)osl(lon, he began 10" lhlilk. ' . , :Abo~t four o'wock Ibat ortel'nOO,n et'ther ~Inglni or "my-lng, The wbole :rheae,WQud4!f1Ul Pu. are~-m.a \ ' , day on Broadway. In 'ew '{ork city.' He remembered tb a t there was nn· Curtis Lqgan, an einplo)'c of II broker· reglml)lIt waa ·'converted" . ln a y~y wide~se uf ~~lIU'Oh ' '''~Dll&, Good Housekeeping. . WIlh 'ens ot tbou'sands of "ersons otbel' window just beyond the ledge, age firm 111 the bllllcltng nCI'oss tbe t ' ' I t ' ' r,hellllllltll;m,~t.lC8f UI,I~a, uenQIII , ... He cOllld cra'''1 [orn'ard eve I1 If he did street, went to tlle wU8brooru, IlII,d, e .... nil es. " " headachee eV8Jl ~tor atuiI There Is no. preservative of love ill -',t hin be arln'" of Ills ,Voice, and wl'b n n' • .. Butm the rotigh aea con .Jnued The IUId _"'I.~' ant{ 1",". . . 'OJ.. , t d b k 11 th I d H whlle:tber. hal)penpd to glance .out ot . " " . 1____ . . -.- ... " lIIarrled lire 80 sure aa good hOuse· uuin wor)dng withIn ten feet at where no are go ac . long e e ge. e the 'wlndo m • , 'colored, ])rfl, acher 'elt that some1h.lng 'lIbe-t ,~ue ·of,Dr. WI111ami , .01.... ~ . . . . . - . .!":'" ~ , keeping; ' and {bere Is no profesBlon 80 be Btood or sat, Lambert was flO hours steadied hlm/lell IlCI'OS~ . angle oC He' "a"" n Lanlmert alld sto ppe d to tuM-her must b done, ' An. 'InsJ)lra, tJon .~ .... __ in the ..."'i tbat ijley itlctDAJl~ the ledges and .. tlilt 'oround the pro0 • make blood d ••_.I~ .. _ I t . absorblDg. and demandIng, preparaUon as Isolated as , It be slood .on some , jectlon. 'to b'te delight Ct waa only look .••, bat fell ow Is a I ~ng time fiX" ,ca~e to hIm: lhe re must. be a 'aacrl· DeW lUI WUllI oarr_ " - ' iand sklllj as that 'of ' tbe hO\l8ev,'i!e. ledge In .' the Himalayas, Nobody , , . tlce o[ some kind and strength to .every portioa of ~~ l.. ... · e .. a ' youn~ woman marrles ,8be 08 heard hIm or llald allY att4lDUon to uoout a toot wide, ' and _011 the other , I~g tha t. ~')le." he t bougbt. FOI' on ' ;'Qur ' praYerll dn(l IIOngB' don't pre, body: Tile ltomach, is ttiWId·cup, tbe , 1"U U hI Tii b ' ,side h e [ound a bandhqld- a small the )!recedJng , day LOg'an had seen all" b . 'h 1 ~ .. . , llIlrVeear6 Stnllisthenedl:evv)' 0IpIl 11 lP II m. way'ouaands 101 and went 'L ammert, 'nollced Ills "e e a ou a, There to do Ita 'Wor~. .' ).ea Y., , e~ters upon th'e prao tI ce 0't a their wltboutsaw to kin" a seco'rid Iron pll)e.· ' .. rllous' poal. vthl .'.. B lh b til8 ''',ome. Itlm-'-'-:.i l"f"WU , e n , IIUe , professIon aB doea a yoilng ma'n look, His cries [or help bOOt'O,ugb' t' only His hand clllnch.l!d , around ' the pIpe tjon and 'watchlld him fOr a time, , nl .. t.... rto "'!.· . :.e , r , t e" ce m~8t , ~,Pr:...'!.!LUams' Pink PillS are IUld ,,~ . .' " . thinking he ~'as a daring 1V0~ki:l1an 1'0-' go 11 ,0 ' b Il sea" , " . '., ' ..... ~_ ...t8,0I'\'Jt , ben he)s a,d mJtted : to lhe Itar. or grins. And only by a 'chimce he final. gllve him fI,l1wwed ,. <;OlIrage, an4. al· '" . ~ , . ,.. "" Tbe 8uggeallon had ' onl,. to bfj ' of prloo. ,5O cents }:Ie[ bOi', a1X bOxe8.l£or ~ r;raduates a pbyslclan, ufter three or .iy ,~as' save4 f~m death by alarvall0l,l ~~~~ogrh odfr" lt~elns~t'~~~~ot~'o. nhlelbCeIU~glll·ioOl:~ . p,a~~n.~~~:h~~'~t.bla· time (or ':'se.Y(mu 'tii~de. The dice wer~ toss,e d' lnlO the. ~" };iy t't.~'!~ . ~kjI~ ,tour years spent' ln ' preparation. , Tbi. ,or' from B' fall on 'tl!e PIl,'ement, a bun, ' I nllnu''''s, T"~n he nol,lce(1 ,the a l.tltlld"" ,angry ·;w.ateI'8., obout 600 pair!!. SOD)O PIDY"---:--~.• ])I';,y,, ,~ ;.. , ,mall '18'(1\'lIlIng to ,equIp blms'llf tully Ilred teef below him, while. with infiultE! ettort and cautlQD. 1><' .... • ,. of the negro es also threw I tl\ tor hla part ot the pa,r tnerahlp, '/nOes Tllat sucb a thing c.ould "happen he edged hIs WILl~, Incii by Inch, out ot . exha~stloo an~ , del>pOII' .... alld t~e mone;' Which they hod ,,"'on WI~h tb: it · s.eetn businesallke and gOOd laith. lIeems ImllOsslbl~yet It. did. Nor was ulltll he Btood on the ledge' n foot haDdkerchl.of tied to the Ill~. dice. Tn blilt an hoUl' after the dice ' Buddenl~ thEl lhollglrt, stl uck him , wide. sheer ov r t h ati'eet. Wlt'h n allks New York Weekly • .for a woman It the Ileartll!\lsness of :New Yorkers were ..l I!i,ven ~o Lhe sea tbe Bto~m r-""--~-_~ s udden movemenl I) got I)()th 'hands Ulllt the n:lan could nQt get out or the abated . to take the place of the second ·part· thllt mode tbe crowds pass uncon· I b II f th I Udl ' cerDed u d 1 n hat I grlplled on to the pipe lind s wung biB creVAsse n I e 6 (e 0 e)u ng. The Rev Mr, Waller held reltgious. _af with a mOllt Indifferent traJuing, n er a n a w 0 Yo' S ae ng a body around to Lbe olher side ~r the He wRtched a whn longer, and then, ' "t ' U. terrible death. ,. llurryln' g tA tli " e e levato r. desc nded. Bervlces at frequent Intervals durin!: Clr IlOne a . , • .The story Is one that for 8t:1'ange. projection. nnd sat down on the ledge" U the rcst ot the voyoge, 'They were .\ ' nes.s excels anythl"g C"'er dreame~ by grlpiling tbe pi pe Ught with both crossed the · ~tre.e.t. and wen I up to,the al'll7ays ~eH attended.' At each meet • . ~1"1Dbla lln,lverslty" New Tol'~ t. a wrlfer of fiction. Lammert is em. hant!s and ~lm08l exhuusted by hIs life Ins,uranc!! campsny office, where ,Ina' he t.o ld hIs hearers tbat th e pray. , ,to .'have a mathemaUeal mueeu~ the PlaYed In tbe audIting department ,ell'orte, : " , lie' raal,e d thenlarm, . erB "of the rlghteou~ ,hnd, . .IIB,'ed " tbe '. Seemed L'lkt! Death Trap, ' Rucu'ed by ' It"indow W8Iher, , wlck,ed, ' Then he, urged them all .'tu ' jb~Cle~ !Jf ~hlch~lIIbe , ~. OOl1e,1> OIIe ot, the Ilro Insurance 'OOmlll1nleS · ltIoo · ot, mathematical ~odel. pUl' QUArterell In Qne ot the lmlDens~ ,Iiky, The (1111 horror '0' the situation did, The ' ~)lIployeB ,of' tlte a'\dl~lng de' romaln ~tendraat r , , :eh'a $M for the unlv~l'IIliJl 'by ··e;r:;Presl; scrapers 'Ileal' the city· hall ,In New not dOWn on him ror ' IMlI'haps' a tuln, I)a.rtment w re ' skeptical. bilt ].ogan Notlilng ' was ' said about, ,c rap lllioot. dent , Selh Low at tbe lrorld', ' coium.. York, ,TIle' busJest street In' America lite. He says he 'lbought h was with. Insisted Ibat a man was all the ledge, In;; during tho rost or the voyage, "blan exposition tn Chlcalllf) in ' 1893 and rUDJI aloug' one side 'of the blilldlng, In a le w. feet of n ' w(lIdow. i Then. Then Borne. \)D ,remembered I.ammert ,Shortly aCte r lhe aoldlers lauded In' Presented by him ,to ',. tho deJ!8rtment and on the ot.her 'sIde the ' ceaseless : 'atter recovering 11, bit from his )(er. and bls· odd .d lsa ppearaD<,e. Th~ win." Cuba there wa!' a pay, dn)', Then It was ot mathematics. Among Othef tblng~ ebb alld flow of money crazed inen tlop he suddenly realized thnt . ,In. dow was thrown open and some one . ~hat .a " backsllder" tried to borrow goes on, Nearby the IIplre ot Ttlnlty ateai! oC roundlug a IH'oject!on aUd, al" shouted L~IDm it's n~nle, The result ,some dIce. but 110t a .slugle' pair, could ~ 111 be a collectJon ot mOdel1l con· ~hurcb ri ses, and just around the cor· d"lng at a 'wlndow, he had rounded was II. feeble cry rot help. he found In tile regiment; tb.ey hid all I Illtnicted by Dr. ' Martin SchIlling o. ner Is the maelstrom ot money alld one PI'oJection und ' Sl!t In a space Ariel' , that' thE're were thlllg~ doing, cOllslgned to Ille' Ilea,c . ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Hall~, Perma~y, and al.o oae'. belong' mad.n ess that Is called the stock ex: three foot Wid!) uetween two Buch I)ro- Telll jlhone m~SSa!;e8 summoned men been , This 'was a condltloo that courd 1I0L " ng to ~rof . .,Welner of DarmstiuIt' aDd ch'ange. jeotions .. 11' was ·as Ie he were all a from the ' neal'est Hre station, A rope last. An Ingenious negro soldier alolc la . '"eL of mathematIcal ,In!ltrumente' Omea on Ten~h I':loor, , shelf In a chimney w.blcb bod one side was sWlillg from the window by ,.Lam· ,all Iyory billl,a rd ball ' from a :Cu&an , paIr or 'mert'a desk across to t,he 'wlndow >b'e· pool . hall' ond ",bitt,led ' out ,a Ifrom , tile "lilstltute 'of- Dr. G, Coradl 01 The auditing department la on ,· the OJle n; , 'one' of ,be 'tdIce. ,He sold, them for fl2, I_ammer t says !t I It n..... b our Jvound ,the projecllon and ~urlc~. .tenth tloor of the blilldlng, an" Lam. • ., u b t lIe ' was ', consc . Ious' . uga In, ' H 0 window• woshel'!:!, with his licit' I\Qok; . ' ' ; e ore mer t. froln ' bls desk. co'uld 10"ok down ' e'd over the ,:ope, s lipped burrledly I Tbe 'n ew post omc'e bulldlnr: In the upon thc' Atnlgglln,g, see. th,l ng masses "so t aa If' a aze d . hi . Be feot broce'd across 8' , " , 'Clty, of .1.1exlco I,s ,the first governlDent of men' d~rlng the atock exchaDge on the ollPoslte' . I,~dge, his hand8 aJopg tile ledge. Jl~ound the proJection; The~sUull~taanD~1I Raren"lgy~dauSgOgled8Itesr"a ' re"'" ' I I ond In an Instant reappeared support· , . I I lbulldlng In Moilco of any archltec· hours, and perhaps dream that the ·Og. c enc Ied 'uroun d tl Ie II tt e .p pe., pn· . I t i E ..... ' F ' ..., by borror. " Ing Lammert. Eage r bands stretched ~r coun ry C rI)U8 . ~' ve.... rlday one Itural design worthy ' of the name. 'It ures he was adding, were dO,l Iars and rained ' HI . d" ' I ' forth ana drew Lammert I'n to .tbe v.1n . . may see a , sample "ot I.hese , monkey. ' t h'" was 'g ambling wIt'" them In'. a nervc lIa tn led him completek ( L • 'lis ot Oreproof conatrucdon. Itll, frame t "a " '" .. ' He . dow-and In a .dazetl way he walked ' II ~ soldiers Il_ the parade of ,the Se' , lY beIng the f)rat 8teel. frame to co up the market tieiow. d. b [IjIlY ebXpee{ed to fAil aud b,e over to bla desk; put the papbr he bad, lamll~., which takes pla<l~ on tbe ,Kas'. He .... as a' work c'becklng up an ID, ' as ed, to deat . Later he commenced b t 11 b I ,in tbe city. Arcbltectnrally the 'lew III ng for hi a . R~uare 8 • e p.' 'I' w Ice ,be made ef· saved upou I>'" and toppled. over In a bt l. ' a. d m, bl A att~I .QD, Jpost o!!ice la unexcelle4 by allY build, trlcate table at ten o'clock In the morn. ca th ' J " dead faint. mo/c el, ~!l8 n ou , ~ collllJln ~d ' ' d r I e , pro eoUon, !!III utes ,Hie governo'r, who CO" from . ,Ing In the country. and a8 iL ,thing 01 lng" .T be day had bee.n un\leasonably orIs to c,raw aroun . hot for · ibe spring, and the windowl bllt hls ,streDgib and ..nerye. boUt bad . New Tire Material.' bls,.,»alace. tl> the ' mo.que, '. '. real beaU'ty sutpasses, ' In tbe o"inlon were thrown open for tbe firBt Ume, [ailed 111m and·,be sat ,~ltmb wltb ter· Fo; comfo~t. perhaps the: pneumatic .. All . tb~.e aolcYer,a , ate poo"y :ot mallY, even lbe congressional 'it, There were perbap8 50 men and 'glrls I'or and d~Bi>dlr. ellcept that at tllit ea ' lire can ne~er' be 'excelled; tiut. lts tend. equipped. , 'l'lielr unlformll .h'ave, lolll Ibrary, ot Wasblngton. It Is far ' su' at work In , the department. but they hs broke Into fraMie crying for help, eney to punctllre bas , lnduce4 many' '~tl)elr color and thelr "lrpus,e rs ,are tOd lIerlor to any office 1)illldlng owned b,. IIr&c·tl'call v w~r~ I' ~o')' ated "[·om eac' h ' " the office no,bod)' noticed that ,·at~~mp~ , '''-'t, ~, h ow Ing ·th ". J '" '" " to" " to Ond ,a s~t\sfactory ' lolld , lnUl ;, I! Ir '.Ie,CB, w11leA sllille . ~~:;~~~~:::~::=~;~~~ (be United States gpvernment, ' other by partitions, desks, ,c ablDets ADlJIlort Was noU,t his '(leRk for per· , " , Hard rpbbe," ....1.. ,no t 8Um· ' th ey b a d b een eov·ere d,' '"''' I'" al It .' ". II h oe , w.•,,·,..·· .....,", "b ' TI 't h ' . d \lubstance. h D len ey sUPllOse . cltmUy " .n·d · ftl~, No one W - pa'"Ying any' a t. aps 00 our. 1 realliellf. but a new compound. "poII II11 , , H. owever, I t wOU Id be a D!llIMr. Schwab'$ Ilro~r~m lm~ense), : te ;'Uon~Dto Lamme"rt, - He W"B "ear lbe' lie hod been ,called In.o soms other de- llalled , eIOtltoa. ba's I'eoently, lIGen' tried '''k . T8~«ed .. ,. .. .. .. e t ~ tlil Dk t h o,t tbl s gaDlfof almpllflcl Ihe situation. All we ,havtl compleUon N1ctiQn' ot th'e ta· partment, · aud uo attention was pal~ In Encl.Dd. ~ of bIB InB ,.~ and tbe l'ellults are 'report·' ru m ans couId no t IIt an dOh a g t. F ana{'; to do Is to husUe 'r lght bard and we'lI ble, when a gust o[ wind suddenly to bls absence. After bours the janl· ed to ' \)e good, ]t conDlliA of a Dilx- , Ictlm will' make he.roes o[ 'tliem. , til... te l ' d til 'I .. I CIllcb up wllh all that overcapItalize.' swe·...t the pa"""r on 1\'hlch he had 'hcen tor found bls locker. ,'nJocked and his II' J"U "deRk plied w'tth wOl'k and stralghteDed ture of ' gl l~ e. a;Jycerlntt . an~ ,cliromlc "',r con mp 0,: ea S auto ute,. tlon, aut, mC'antlme. 'baven't 80me 're- verifying. the results nn,d testing Uiem Ib,ln.gS up, ' ealta•. dissolved togetber at ~ blgh accorcUng to tbe omee rules, aDd blew ' lempe~ature. and rorced, ' while· silll . • 0ureerUI lInan~ler8 got ~'I'ay with Netural QUlr),. , ,.. It out' of tbe wlndo.,. • . Dllc"arlled for aelnll Ab..n~ liquId. IDfo tbe.IDI~er tllbe of .the ,Uri!. InODe),,? Bacon..:..>r)1e bee.mQrtlD, a bli'd round Lammert , made a grab for tbe preTh'e next morning hll absence ~B;8 It Is sold to slve I1bo.u~ the saine ~a'ie C10us paper. ' wbleh ~ej)resented lieI'· noticed, the fact 0" his ,dJllap"p'ceranee ot iuotlpn 8S" en alr·lllftaled tire. Tba In . ;Mexi'cp, hall a trick of fulJl'lD8, up The :a'ar 'department has ordered an hapa two bou"~ worlt. but It eluded tbe prevloui, d\lY reoalled. tho' jan· use of thll BU~Btauce IncNl&se.' tile the' feathel'll on Its "bead Into, a lem, , a'tlny omcor to 'ride bOrl1eba!)'k 'rroDl hIm and tJuttered over the silL The ltor save )Jla , 'IIQme ot ilIa 'IYe/gllt 'of Q 'jwbeel 'ffom ~:. to .0 ' bllUlce Qf a. tJo"er, ~ell a bee COmet! Por-lland. Ore" to New York. ' Perbap. "Ind cau&iat Jt; lI.fted It . . In a cblm· fellows were ud be WIUI pound., eC\eOrdlDg W ' tb~ Iile, , ~ut in _IODI to _1st bODey from ' tbe: 8UPPOSed dJl8 II • ClIQUe hint io 'the tra.'lICO,* ney, bf,ber IUId 111,IIer, aDd theD a marlled ilbBencle wfth·' olr~ ~l' lb18,t1 cl~med In ~e filet DQwer It Is InIiPped lip by the blrd. Elbert-And' ii_ the "" mart(D aenlaJ raUroad, wh!ob lend I. ' ·.aot current of all" droy. It do. . .ard DtI out ~D or, that u~..tIrea ~ DOt 'be carrled.eyer bY.- ' OCCIilIIOD to eJ&C1lIitI; Jt teU 8",11, 'Ga' aJitip or a h Nlctit came :o:'n- '".lr.:i--.t_ chW Yo~" ~9L . laaattuo UC1dent rt~. '


The Miami Gazette.





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U . I K•l











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The Cream Should S'e Cooled anll World Would Be BeUer For More Men Alred Immediately Aft.r Separating.' Like Ephr~lm Farlowe.

LITTLE CAU8E FaR WORRY. More or Len Glittering Held Out to Cow Puncherl.



Mod.rn Lover Provea Hlmaelf IlquII td Heron of the Put. .


18 OFTEN PREVENTE.D BY DR. Tile shortcom ings of hilt neighbors WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Great Intpl'ov m nt could be mode OYer In tbe Salmon rIver meadows There "as a moment at profounc2 In Lbe Qualily of cream If producers n' ver trouliled Enhl'nhll Ful'lowe. He country, 111 Idnbo, ranged a wild and Illence. He 'was the first to speak, xc u ~es for thom thllt woolly 1UWC more Ilk\l1ed In the l)rOC BII of found so man y bunc/l of lonl;·balred cow "Y QU are richer tball 1 am," be fal· Taken When the Firat Wa""I~1I Sym .. 10m. Are No\loed Much NeedC••e r aID sllpal'ullon, In nln cnSel! out It seem d In th e entl us if non but puncbers, wbose knowledge at the tered, wltb emotion. . Su"erlng Maya. Saved. at t n ImLII'Ovement co uld b made the mosl m ·natul· d I) 1'8011 would pre· world wal contl ned mo.!nly t~ trlpi Sbe bowed her head, r eplylnc Doth· Are rou troubled with pallor, lou at with vllry IItUe, It. any, extl'l1 work or sume to menUou th elll hI a SIIlrlt of a!'ter caWo Into surrounding counties: Ing: But now tbe true nobility of hll tpiritl!, wavel of beat paseing over the ' " DAIRY REFRl~ERATOR. expcndltllN!. . Tbe sImple tuct lhat crltlclsOl. Into this reckless but verdant com· cbaracter manlteltec1 Itaelt. body, Ihortnees 01 breath after alllh. On Ili li fnr m Mr. Fa r low eIU IJIO)'ed cooling and alrlns eream Immediately munlty tbere came tbe smoolb"Yet foJ' all tbat I am no better Plan of Con atructlon WhI ch Will In· Irter 8 pl1J'1ltlon and maintaining It at lhe some rose·colored glMStlS wllicb toneued representatlve of a . wild tban you are !" be cried, and folded ellertlon, .. poouliar skipping of ihe heart beat. poor digMtlon, oold 8lItreml. lure Good Reaulti. a low teOlperuture will I)reserve III made the views of life so 111 usunl to welt ahow, "bo blred lIeveral riders ber tp bill bresst. ties or a feeling of Wb;'I14t and fullnem, at a blgh salary to do a hall"raisIng And wben, her consclence acoualnr; Do not .make the mlBtti'h ~ ihlnkill8 qua11ty does not seem to be generall, h.11I gentle eyes. (n b\)lJdlug an Ice box far storIng understod among cream produce rs. "KInd of a rovlo g critter, she Is," he act, the chief t eature being that they bel', Ibe t~led to tell hIm that not that these are diliEll1l88 iu Jhemael",. buttor and Plllk the IIrst requ Ire ment The lack of nlea nllnes8 through ~n lold one day. referring to u cow wblch Ibould appear to be thrown from tbelr only ber rltber but four of her unclea and be IJati~ed. with temporary l'8lIef. Is proper Insulotlou. It a room Is to be tbe operations II anotb I' great draw- hud wand red from liasture and led borses .and dragged by tille foot. were PIttsburg millionaires, he lealed T.hla Is the way the nerves give warn. fitted up for · thIs fJurpose mllk& the back to Q.uallty. and thll Is one or We blm a chllse of Bevel'nl miles. "S em8 Atter Wey bad practlce~c2 In a corral lier Ups with lliSOl, aud would bear lng that they are breaklng doWll. It noorlug of ordinary Inch lumbel' with ba rdest things to correct, but by care- to like variety ; bilL 1 tell yeo Il beats for a while one of them loosened nothl~ .-Puck. limply meana that the blood baa become 2x2 strllJII nailed across 18 Inches ful grading and ,I'e wardlng for good all What an eye sh 's got fol' slghlly Wmael! and rising from the dirt, 111. impure and cannot carryenongh nouriah. apart, and on th m lay two thIck· Quality lDuc'h of the troubl e could be 91l0t.s to locnte. Wh ere I fouud her ,I(!\'eled IIond dazed. Inquired: . Wltll • ProvllO. ment to the nerves to keep them healthy 'twas so pl·etty. I declare I fe lt 10 -Wben unIversal peace 18 ftnan, e .. and able to do their work. 068se8 'of bes t odorleS8 buildIng pap r ove rcome. "Say , mister, aIn't this rulber dan· and on these Itrlpa nail the floorIng: tabllshed," laid Alfrec1 R. LoYO, tbe Rest, alone, will IIOmetimes give ,he . Jflrous? We mlgbt git. killed." The was hing ot lIatry utensils II one "raise her for leud lng m il III) Ihere." There 'was a he n whi ch would have "That'. all right," cblrped Ute prellc1ent of tbe Universal Peace un· needed rellet. The tonic troatmeui by ot the feat ures most neglected by the Williams' Pink Pilla, however, pre. representative cheertully . Ion. In an Interview In Phlladelpbla. Dr. I1verage cr,eam ·producer. There is a trle<1 the pallence of all Y o rdinary Ibow's venta the fI nal breakdown at the nervee strOllg te01"lllllolI on the pnrt of tbe .turrner b yond the enduran ce li mit, "Your aaillry will co on just the "tben mnny a mllu who now ridicule. and the more IKIrioDl diseaees whloh th. peace movement .,,'111 claim to foUow, becaw;e the pills act ~tly user 10 was h his micbln but one .. bUL MI'. Fnrlo\\'o fO llnd a !:ood d itl to aame.·'-Llppincott'l Ma~axlne. b&,e been Its Ilfeloog cbamplon. It npou the impure blood, m~Dg it floh, day. or evell less art n, Milk lIalle, admire In her. "She's got amblllo u b yond nny II alwaY8 eo. We thump and kick a red and pDJ'e. THOUGHT CHILD WOULD DIE. cans nnd stl'In Dent are not. lis II rule. 1I00r, 'I'\' ea!<, etrugglinK movement at Mre. E. O. Brad.l ey, ot 103 Panella properly , .. ushed and nil' d. The cow othcr ben I vel' Blt\\,.'· li p r"murke d Rochester, N. Y •• saY8: slal!l R lire ofteu dirty and ullsanltary, one da y, n~ he tllllnwc(l th he ll'S Whole Body Covered with Cuban Itch Its Incelltlon, and wbeo It bas ftuccced· avenoe, .. I W88 never very healthy and lOme ed and no longer needs our belp, we -Cut lcura Remed ies Cured at COlt ond t hrough the e ntl r o(,l 1.llon· at hasly exit fl'(JlIl Ihe \lRI'IOJ'; "!;lln nu H to give It the most solicitous support yeare ago, .when III Q ruu·down oondl· . of Seventy·F IV II Cente. produ cLJoJl tllere Is /.I lack 0% 'cl anll· 1·... Oslln IhI') ' "8 HO llllllhlng oul of lhe There .... as o?ce a young Indy whose tion. I Bnffered Q nervon8 shook, caull9d In a 11 n thal 'lI gIn n III to cOlllmon ness. 1'h reoshouill be much more by a ml!lfortuue to It friond. It wu au a very poor young man, great betrothed, IllY a n egg III my Sundl\), hal. Course "M y lilli e boy. when only an Infant that I was unfi tted tor work. corti tu ken In k ping tb l:t ens Us about to set out for South Amerl· wall I hud to K hoo Iw r 011 of· It , lJul I don 't of three months, caug ht tho Cu.ban .. J WIIB jOlt weak, low·aplrited and clean anll sweet. Washin g lIowde.ra oa to &eek his fortune In tbe rubber I' an y.' kllnw uq l blume h(! DBrvons. 1 could hardly walk and oould Il h . Sores blolle out from hl n bead could be us d 10 good ad vantage aud bear the least noise. My appetite the ir II S0 Nho\ll<1 be e ncouraged. rn . On day th e cow wh ich hull "lIch llll to tl,le botto m at hi s feet.- He would trade. .As he took his leave of ber tbs not wBB poor and I did not care for food. I nine uses out of tell th ere Is not eye fOi' si"hlly ' lIJ1llt fi kl(lk"d violt; ut· Ilch and claw himself and cry all the night betore bls doporture, be 801<1, couldn't aleep well and once tor two tremulously: 'And you swear to be I), whll M r. I"II J' lowe 'II" milking time . H ecould nol slee p day or night. enoug h cleanKl ng matt I' lise" . Some true to' me, Trene?' 'Yes, Heber,' cried , weeks Rot scarcely an hour's Bleep, I a gl'ut s hould b£! e mployed In tbe h4' r. sen t the Imll f1 ylug ~O thal ull the. and a Jlgbt dress Is all be could wear. the ,Irl; 'yes-It you're successful,''' had severe headaches most at the time ' d, and O\'erturned lhe milk was BJlIJl I callell One at our be:it doc tors to. and pains in the back and spine. pro ess or washing that will IIld the . lrt:ml him, but be seemed to get worse. .. I '1'0'88 trented by two doctol'l, bellll removing ot greaa . a nd at tbe s ame stool. Important to Mothe,.. nndel' the care of one of them for aia "L declare." said Mr. FaJ'lo~·e. arter He Rull'ered so t erribly tha t my bus· tim will sweetell and cleansc the EumCoo cuofuJJr e"1 botlle or OASTORlA. month.. I got no reliel and then de· ntemvlaUon of band so ld he belle \'e,1 h,~ would have ule uslls. For. this llurpose nothlnp; Is u mom nt·s Rilcnt a .. f .....d our. remed1 or llIfaolll u4 cblldr.... clded . to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I bI ter t han sal ~oda or conce ntral d tb~ I'uln hl H r~voJ'lte had wJ'ou ght, to die. J had almost given up hope aDd leO tb.~ IL soon began to feel better and the im. lye, IIl1d lIough of 61tb r. s llould . be "I dOIl 't know but thut I sball ha\' t il when 0. lady fri end told me to try tbe provement wu general. My appetite used to give the wllte l' a s ll,ll)ery feel· give In I hut IIhe Is lIiod at thought· Cutlcnra Remedies. 1 used tbe Cut!· became hearty and my aleep better. Section- of the Ice BolC. The headaches aU left and also the paIna lug: . I t may be ne dl 8S to say tbo.t less , 'now an' agnln," - You th's Oil" cum Soap and applied tbe Cuilcura ~ urn the 0001' 0\ r, eo nalred strIps all ut llnslls should have in my back . . A few more belles entirely Ointment and he at once fell Into 0. 1D U .. YOI' OYer 30 Yara. a previous llllJllun. will b upp rmost (the strl!)B al' s leep, and be s lept \\'Itb ease for tbe 'l'U &lDd 1'011 1ICIG,1IL cured me and I was able to go back to waslJ lng III nearly cold wat I' to reo work. I felt splendid and as though J three Inch II Bhortar all around thlln mo\'C all (races of milk or cream , tlrst time s ince two months. Arter Charlie Remembered Her, bad UBver been siok." ,he Jloorlng); now I)"t on two more I'hen a ba th In tb Illakllne wllter for Napoleon'. Famoul War Hore,. A youllg woman of BaCilli JJl'oml· tbree applications tbe sores began to Williams' Pink Pills are Invaluable tb lckueBs B ot paper, and III.y floorlug . sw~ te~llng alld (lurllylns, an" lastly nence nod I' !lp CLUblllty Wits to unlle dry lIP, and In fust two ..".·eeks from tbe Mare ngo, the famous -:ar cbarger of InDr. BUch dlllOllSell as rheumatism, after. tluBb ' with" strips; _ t nnolhl'r set of an Immersion III boiling waleI'. After III th the cllllrc h In II I' 11I\m lawn Dnd day 1 commenc(ld to use tbe Cutlcura Napoleon, 18 allld to bave been the etreet. of the RTip nnd fevera, uo~_~, lilrlll!l three Inches shorter than the Ih ~e processes. do not wipe dn', but ,I!'slred the ordinance of baptism by Remeelles my baby was entirely VI'ell. gre atest borse known to modern hi.. St. Vitna' aance and eYen pal'1iIIU t6ry. Tbe e mperor rode Marengo tor paraly8ts and locomotor Iltuia.' noor. LIly OU two lnore ·thlclt. bang or s l Where tbe alr an clrcu· ImmersIon In water, Ileal ring' lhe Tbe, treatmcnt only cost me 75c, nnd I Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla are 101d by nOS!I4!8 ot lInper and put on a last late fr ply; COy· r with a 10011 meshed primitive 'custo m at go ing to the river. would" have Gladly paId $100 If J c"!lld the last Ume In the battle of Mount all druggists or will be sent, ' postpaid, (lourlle of ll00rlpg. cioUI 10 exclude fli s and dust alld we Among l he number [hn L gulhered to not have got It cheaper. I feel safe In St. J·e an, wbere tbe borlle recelvec2 bll on receipt of prioo, 110 C8ut.a per box, sis There are now two perfect' dead all' hav all Mnrly so nltary care at diliry ' wltuess the baptl ~ m ~\' ns a IItlle 110,' ./laying that ihe Cutlcura R emedies IOventh 'IIIounc1. Tbe Iteec2 died at the bon!, for '2.00, by the Dr. Williama IPaces, which Is a b tte.r non-conduct· v ss 18 and utens ils as possible. ln fri e nd. Charlie. about fuur yel:rs oht saved hIs life. He Is no'l'\' a boy of five alO at 3& yearB. .Modiciue OompaDY,' Sobenec:tady, N. Y. or th an ony flIlIDg, and '1'\' 111 a lways this !InllecUon It may b wpll to eug· Th e Ilroc dings were entlrcly n.w io years. Mrs. Zona ]\111 IeI'. Union City, FITS. Sl. Villi. Vance Dnd nil 'Nen'ollo be Iweet. Inside th room, sides are g !!t the us ing . of brushes Instead of Ihe child. nnd htl 1001 ed on wIth R. F. D. No. 1, Bl'lUlch Co., Mich .: May 1~I.e• ..,! Tlermsllently curt!d br Dr, Kline's Ilut on ~hc same' all boltom, except at cloths In wnslling wbere 'It Is ImpoBsl· slrange nriuHI ty as the cnndldote 17. 1906." Grut Nerve ne.l~rer . S<:nd for Free ~ . OO , the corners, wher , a~ a matter Ilf pre· ble to reQch all with tbe lut· trlnl bottle a.n d treati ..,. Dr. It. H . Kline, !"niS I d 111.1.0 th e I'lv. r. T he Blll'lng JUlt tile 8Iz,e. J.d ., 031 Arc b S~.. Philadelphia , I'll. caUtl9D., an 'Ixtra thlckne'lls oe papol' ler. tr h Is bad made the river sdmewhllt "T understand dat d e\'l~ ",.JU be se'l'" II placed. In heIght of building leave Another Item which would lelld to turbulent. alld. It ;WUII wllh diffi culty eral bogus animals on dIS atago." 8.a ld . Old German Warahipi HI.d den. enough room overbead rOI' Ice cbam· better sa nitation, says 0lAm'an'8 Ther. are politionl opea in the Every time the kaller visIts ·Dant.. .,er (two (Ii! t, s ix luches 18 about Rural WOI'ld , ""ould b better ronms ' that the mlnlste\' maintained bls foot- the long and lanky tramp &II be read Du ri ng the following week the' Ing. Navy for huadred~of youagmen zig, says a · London Mall correllpond· rlgbt) . , . or hlilldings tor doing work. Th · 10· Yullng WOIllIID C!J lied nt (be home ot lb" sign ';Supes Wanted." "etween17 and 2S yean of Ige, "Yes," replied the s b(Jrt and ,Lout ent, aU tlie old 'wanblps In Ute bar· . ~ow come" the lirl ncl.vol fellture ot catloll of .the band separator III about and for mechanics up to 35 year. the .room , 'nam e ly, Lbe Ice racks. FOur tbl'ee .c as SOUL of 'follr Is' In the hi s family, nnd nnel' Lb,e us ual greet. wa)'farer, "l .am gOing to play !Ie head bor are towed to • PQlIUOD hi wlllch ' of age. ', Good pay,andgooc1.foocl inches belOW. where ' tbe 2 ft. G Inch kllchen. While thlB may b uec ssary. ' lugs Bold to th littl e bOy 'as she ex· of de !llephant and me fat pludner II be can them. furnlehed by the Govemmeut. eolng to. play de bind leE:s." line. 18 from ceiling 10 cooler, noll se. It IS ' not desIrabl e. and c rUllnly It t n(l ed It r hand : ' "Com ' b r, htl tlle, li nd see me, ·For fuJI iDformatioa adc1reaa THE HANDS at the bousewlfe win "Hml Tben 1 suppose dere la no e urely a 2 In. r 04 In. sCanUlng on long ~o II not Improve the quality of tbe elo not know '1'110 r am, do )'ou?" .chance for a taU, tbl n lupe like me 1" be kept lIOtt and whIte and free from NU'y Recruiting ~tation , Poet' You 'Way of ' cool r. both eld Balik I on ~am! The s,eparator shollidbe 10Office Building. Cincinna~I,Oblo. . "Ob, yes, ' pard, you c,ould play de ull chap. redness or I;ougbn'e ss' If Borax theae I' s ~ 2 III . X 04 In. pi Cf'S two . ~ted In a place wllere odors alld con· ,be continued. "Y S, lud e (t, I dO," sai d th b'y. neck of de ,Iraffe." Is 'used. _ _.. _ _ .~ nches apart. These are' the noor of laminating Intlueuces do not e:dst. A "You Is Ulnt woman tbat went · In Ice,.chamber. little dalry hOURe can ,be cl!eaply iDlide Care of Submarine Cabl ... AmblguoUI. The Ice pans. or ' dr ip catchers. are and, titted to accommodate all . the f>w lmruln' with the minister ali Suu· Fltty lIoe vessell are conltantly day."-Julig 's L11!ral'r. At the death of a mucb·lond pas· made of 2 In . x G·in. pine 'ot good Qual· ulenslls ' and work necessary In the employed In laylne and replllrln& tbe tor Bome years ago lbe Yestry ot a ~ubmarlne cables 'Of tha world. . , It,., UI II: Qouge ou t on . aide. like a production ai-cream . 'Th.l s tnu y be promInent New Yerk church re801"ed HII Turn; t.roUgh,' full 'width. of l! In . x 6 In., arid equipped according to the sIze ot the Dotl Your Heed , Achef Olp\'annl AlJessandro Gulseppe PIe- to place a tablet to blEl memory In 1% Inches d ei> In the middle, turn 2 d!llry, and wOIl1d .te.n d In a marked de. .If 80, get" bolli of 'Krause', IIelldaehe In. 1 .6 In. over and take art corners" gree to remove some of the dlsagreea. tro Tl!Il~gt \l nl bad bee ll comhig to the yesUbule at the oburcb, teUa and. llla'ne, sO the· 2 In. i 6 111. WI(j' be a ble teal urea of dllll'ylng, at ieast .to lbE 8chool all Wi nt er clad III ralruent Harper's Weekly . . In due time the Ca,'luletl of your Druuj.t. 250. Norman ,K1'8dual faU · from center to edge. wome~ who must be housekeelJe re a! which rai sed pe rpet uol wonder In bls 't ablet apPeared In Its place, wbere It Licbty MC,. Co., DH Moine-, I •. ,T heae troughs :ru'n same way B8 Ice wetl 3s helpers In Utel~ husband'l teacher'lI mind, both as to how O. A. Itlli remlllni. It bae c,a used Dot a It II euler to prevent 111 hahlti rack. getore placIng them, ba\'e tin· work, tor the kitchen would lben be G. 'P. TeJlegrenl mll.naged to keep ~I" 'few Imlles; for, atter r.eclUn& a lilt tban to break them.- .14otto on Plato'l ne~ make a strong zInc or galvanized much more easily k~pt clean: clrculatlou 'worklng and bow the varl· of the former pastor'lI 'Ylrtues and la- ~D&, . t~~Ih two . lnohea -:Ide, onll ~Ide OUII sections or bit; clothes succeeded ' bors, It clOle8 with the Q;uotation: "Now tbe neo»le of God bAn ruL" .. HOW. TO THR.OW A COW• . .trengthened· by wire turned In edge, In relalnln ~ dlBcreqt proximi ty to tr~l~~ . other aide straight: a t' !lne ~Dd havlI. each otber. Slit pow the warm w,e ath. But, They Had Not. It ~an E .. II)1 Done by Method Sug: ~ outlet pille solde red on, lonl el' had come, and on the lIrst really At a political meeting tbe .cblllr· gelted Selow. . ' hot day, 10 1 Giovanni appeared In Ii eDo~b ~o.· go tho.ugb cooler. and pro· Many a BweeUteart turnl out to be ~n Oklahoma farmer recommendl whole, heavy wInter suit. with . the man .aaked at the end lIl.t tite candl· a bitter dlsappol,ntmeat as a wife. -j~\ an Ineb Qr more; If . desIted, ' an. date'l speech wbeUter "'anny gIntl. alr trap Is put on end. , ThIs trough tbe met~od sh\?wu In 'the drawlnc, cuat butlone.t up to Ills chIn. After man bas anny queat!on to ask?" tuIIl len&tbwlllO of. room below Ice sundr,>" covert glnnces In bill direction, 80me one rolle and propounded an ,t'aOli, one ,end nailed two or th ree eacb oC wb!cb bad caused her to mop Inquiry mildly critlcat of the prevatl· Inchlll lower llIan olher to· secure her perspl Mng . forehead, she a sked : Inc political bellet. A politician b& quIck draInage. On opposite side of' ':Olovannl, why dou't you take olt hind raleed a club and . ,trucK blm to room from glitter, ,sfI(lure a 2 In"x • In. you~ coat? It makes me warm to look tbe ftoor. The cbafrman looked round to lar ftl'lt ~.ourse on .drlp boards, cop· at you." GIovanni looked nt ber op- and asked quletl)': "Anny otber liD' 'fox Ild,t Ul);" and [bree 1~0I1e8 : 811art: peallngly tor Ii mome nt · and tb '!n \leman a question to uk'" . th4!lle drip \lQard~ rest just ,over, draIn, burMt forlh: ' "Oil, teacher, dou't make a more potent remedy In ·the roote DIreCtly ~der the tllree. Incli sPlice; me tuke It off. ?fe brother has been Twenty-One ·Y.rde of Saulag•. aud herbs of the field than :was ever and t'll'o or tbree, Inclips lower down. \\:earlng It aU wInter, an; ' It's my tn the rivalry to makl~ tbe blggelt produced from' drugs. . . p~cecon~ve ' 2 In. x 6 'Iii:, one :end: turn DOW ~ 11 ' • lautiage IIOme wonderful Ipeclmenl In the good 0ld·1ushiooed dayl of reeling on drain, nnd other end a little our grandmothers tew druga were are being produced by Germans In blgher. The drJp .boardll are not fast: u~d in medIcines aDd Lydia E. Pennsylvania. The la,test record· 8ufficlent Realon, Pinkham. of Lynn, Maaa" in bel' f 'eDed, but can be taken down and Queer excuseH ore not IntreQuently breaker Ie the work at Jacob Ackerstudy of roota· and herbs and tbel~ wal!bed readily. The rack ' tor Ice 18 Bringing the Animal down. offered lo account for tbe laulDess of man, or Limeport. It II 6' feet ellbt . powcr over dl~aae di8COvered and not fastened, but can 'be removed a t Inches lone, ' gave to the women of the world a any time.: Make doors 011 samn 'plan wlilch he cons,l ders lIelf·ellplanato.,.. the trains 011 a cerUlin rllJlrond rUlI' reme!1y for their peculiar IlIa more ,a. Iide and bottom. This room, built Alter tbe rope Is brought around tWice nlng Into tbls city, but Ute limit Will TALK DOCTOR'S FOOD potent and elHca.clous thaD allY reacbed tbe. otber day. as above, Will hold tbe same degree of as sbuwn, just "pull." E. combination ot drug!l. .. 'fhe train was a IOQal from Yonkera. '~mper.ture at '11.11 times and ' J8 very aelectlon of Food One the Moat 1m· Bid Flavor. In Cream. stopping at every slotlon on the line , laexpenslve. . . , portant Actl In Life. MOllt o~ t1!e bad Havors o~ cream are 'and at nearly as many IJolnts where tb.ose acquired by absorption; takeg no station was to be seen. , FlnuU y. iii an honest, tried and true remedy of unquetllonable therapeutlo value. GOOD DA'IRY POINTS. A Mass, doctor says: "Our healt)l up from dirt and decaying vegetable, after. baying lost 32 mlnntes en route, . During itu'ecord of more 1.11an thlrty years. Its long list of actnal cur.. of those 8Orlonall1e peoullar to women·, entitles Lydia E .. PllIICham'• . kept .near llIe, crea/JI. There II! no rea· the traln rolled wIth much dellbel'll' and, physical and menIal happiness In buying ' cows don't take . tbe sell· IlOn why as goOd or better butter can· Vegetable CompouDd to the' HlpeCt aDd confidence of every fair tDinded tloa 111to New York-the stallo'n that · are 80 largely tinder. our .personal can· perso.n and eyery thinking ~omln. . . er'l pIck. . not be manufactured by the Individual ·Is, . As ' the va8sengers ' fil ed nut In trol thllt the proper selection of food Wpen w0!De~ are troub1ed with Irregular or palt;lful functlone~ It Is not 'yet ""arm enough to leaye dillrym&\n· on ·th. farm all In tbe ,conditions ot mInd varying. from thosll should be, and Is one of tbe most ImweakDess. displacements, ulceration 01' inUanimllotlon, backaehe, " . the,cowB out ot \loorH. . creamery. The s mall hand" separator, . of bopeleslI des'p alr nnd l'eslgnation portant acts In lICe• llatuleDey, general debility, ,IDiJ!gestioD or nervous p'roatrotloti, they 'Beware of the blrell man Utat ' Is If pt;Operely cared Cor,. wlll greallr f.. ':On ill18 subject. r mtlY say th\1t I should remember there Is oile tried and ' true .remedy, Lydia E. ·Plnk· to tbose or Impatience and eVen. we continually quarreling wltli the COWB. cllltate the wI;lrk. . ham's Vegetable Compound. . . relfl'lIt to say, cit lIJ'otanlty. a mild· know Of. no ,fQod e.Qual In dlgesUblll,fy.• Remember tliat a cow hi not a race and more powerful In point of nutrl· No other remelly In the C!ountry ball IlUch II. record' of cures 01 little m:ln venlurtld to as k lhe looklllg bone Qud' ahimld 1I0t be a playtb!ng Ualng the Skim Milk. lemale ills. ~nd thousands·at, women resIding In every pal'tofthe United ment, than the modern . Grape·Nuta, States bear willIng testimony to the wonderful vIrtue of Lydia E . PlukWhen a .:dl,liryman ijsks what 111 the conductor wilDt had cnused the delay . four henpln /t teaspoon's 01: wblcb 'lB. sut· for I\. tralne!1 dog. The conductor spat judiciously and 'ham's Vegetable com~uDd and what It. has 40ne for tbem. , Don't waft until the cream\)ry turns most ·.profitable ' WilY to dls'flOle .(It hI, Ilclent for the cereal part of a menl, vouchsnfed un explanation thot La hili Mrs: Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has out batch of bad butter betore he· skim milk, we woUld ~ay It can be guided thousandll to heJllih. For twenty·five yeats she has been advising mind was Ullllllrently emlll ntl y can· and experience d emonstrates tbat tbe ~n!llng to hanl the ~lIk 0.1' cream to used .for food ·f or.. man and beast use r Is perfectly nourished trom one sick \Yomen free of cih!lrge. Slie is the daugbter·in·law ol Lydia E. Pinkc1ush,e ' and satisfactory': the lactory every day . ' '. ~o .lv es, plga and poultry all thrIve aD meal to unolber. . ham and as,her aaslstant fall years before ber decellJO advlscd ,unc}erher· "We ·were running behind Ull e ~· Have patience ",Ith the cali. . Don't, !L "1 am convinced . that the extensive Immediate direction, Addrea8, Lynn, MIUI•. ' , , . , prells ' ti'aln," be : snld.-New Y"l'lt ftll)l/!Ct him ' to \mow , how to drink and general use of high class toads of TUnes. Fe~dlng the Dairy Cow. 'wben be Is only a day old. You ce1''thls character would Incrense the term The· common practice of feedlna talnl)' of hnman life, odd to the .sum total of , 'new les" at WIlli ,!ge. Guenlng at ti. t1r.lce 'Ji' day. once II: the mornlug and happIness and ' very conBfderably 1m· "ne lale In tbe artel'DOon, witb an' .,Id like. tu know," ~a.' d Dllmlq.l', prove socIety In gencral. 1 am free to 1;111 . Up the BuIlle-. . Swett .... Little, but Ihe they the bow.1I Io-Io-well; It', ....,. "n" ..;i..... arm.tul oC rougbage to pIck over ' at "wb.a t tbls quolatl.ou ml:ali!;l: 'Sl c mention . the food, ror I personally !yl,.: Y"t'i .. <\ Y<1II'" oay 10 )'l>urael'. "Wby, bow _nlbtlull 'ecl·I" ~ a ''-a-:.I~ We reclatr.n~ , a lIeld ~a~ ·bad gul· midday, QPpeare a reaBonable onei ' tl'anlilt .glorla D1undi: " ToOIa-one fcehn. c.reeps.n oYer you. A,.va-; ; lJRN~ . know of Its value.'.' lies fn It bIg epough ,1.6 hide a hQUBe: 11'. a foyau. prI"lIIP-ruJl,. to haft! • . .Li.n'-A'-D . "SEiareh me!" replied WiggIns. Grape·Nuts rood' ean be ueed by' 1Jylblllng wilh cedar ·brush. c.hen haul· ....d 'Ill" pCII 10 e ..erclH the bo",.I. .-i!i~~!iiiIt;~~~JIII!II" , "Th'1se ' first two wordl!, ,lbough. Main Plrt of Hel'd. :,~~~ot purclDC, ~pI~l •• od Itr~DI'l1 .ILlpT~I" . ~ng rollk1\, IItU~Pli .a p4 lima!! to~ and , The younl lIull 18 th e. 11I\1ID part 01 1I0lind a8 U (be~' mlgbt hllve Ilom~ babes In ' arms, or adulls.. It Is ready cooked, can , be . servEld Ins tantly, eo.U" ...... 40H Iota \If A .. oI,Ut throwing on tOp or· llIe 'brulh, 'Writes thc herd. He sbould. 'he (ed propor- thlOB= to 'do ~Ilb an umbulance!' ~ lakll1lr Dlo<lI'bu<D·. VI CIO~ Cutqr·Oil.. eltber cold cream, or with hot • correspondent- ot Farui ~d Home. tlo\lally all w.elJ P,II,I . Tbey, .u~ tbe Nenn. _ ... ,... ' the eow ginn I 'Water or hot milk pourl/d over. ,A 11 Other gullies' tbat were just swUng m.llk-the food should not be filtteu· IOe, 95Cl, and ,~,OO. All clrul.Is~. ·o~='Ca"'., A Future' 80n, aorts of puddings ~nd fCloy dlahe8 can ...,. 1i.clIlJl9d by . pttln& In alabe 'lui. but etrengtbenlng. . ~or Pftt! ~plq, Id4ft!o, "Tiggs' grel(t·grandfather fought In be made with Grape-Nuts. Tbe rood 'c l'08lwlae . and ataklng', to ~18If1OD. If. F. D.n;Yh. Viele., ......,Ct.• •- . O. ~he , revolution; ' hili grandtaLher tougllt II· concentrated an.d ve!')' ec:onomlcal, The:' .klm Milk. A rock ' <l~lIr was .fenced ,olr' and eet to The Iidm milk II really the IIIO.t lu (be 9Nl1' o! 1812~ . biB faLber [uught lor four hnpl.n, te:1 IPll1ml aTe sulll· ClNm ' tree iPl'Outa ~hlcb are arew· I!ftIW' 'l'IiII " . t .. lauel,. 'A aluk·Jiole w.. ~ 1IOlI!lI.hI~, ~~ou 01 the milk. It lD the "ar bat-WIleD the Itatea." dent ror tbe cereal pa~t or • meal. ______II' r:UU I -51----IfDp : "Row abOut T ..... ~· . Ia'!We PM' eent, 01 ~ ,ria . pllDlll 1»1'011'* wbleb · &hi . more eGII 1UIcI ' III~t of the.~ of ~ . _"'He f~~lA!!! peaoe.~~" ...rat.1IIaIi U1*1InII....-.

- - - --

s::~·or~~, Ba,.Alw"".







Lydi.a ·E•.Pinkham's Vegetabl'e Compound


wa,168/ad.1 Took One " " 8T.•










;'C::.ut.U.!.U::'k. "'l'IIe~: • ...:. ................. FIIL'CHr. ~.~



T"""t:'" -



, . .-

1 - DO.OT ACO.PT A 'e va.Tn "Til. "

-..." .... "

e -~-

Unh with wotuiurfulllkillllnd t!ll6od. Wh tl~ diving they a>ro tI(\1l1 like, the wcbbtld filet belnl( luid I1llt tog&th. I· UUII-be.1 \\>~u' r" \\ .,y ....., .l1t. OU I', .. r ILnrl OMIJ11 H·ke a rU(lder to make •. 1'. .. ~"w. \ ~:,IIl"' . ""dM~';:;;; quick t,urnH ur t.o hold their oourlle .""KI."K~" I M I,, \, • .. IItrllight. Wtum !lwluuniug !!Iowly ,'.H T . J . 11I'''W~ : .~Oi · I .\'I'. ~lI ....... II. _ ____ ._ _ , on the lIur rIloe t h ey Ii 8 ft 1\ t W Itb tile tI .1I0" Y""T ' ' • . , In 'Idvl"''''' BnJike wings submergod. No IJ1Qre II. :!h \I y ... r II no. 1,,,111 .. III~Y. nM> unbirdllk reaturll8 ver will be . itv New York Trlb - - - -.-- ~-- -- - - --- - , .~'Jo'J OE IN ALLEN HUILDING 80eu III O\lr ., . I UOIl. rl, ,,,cPf'!o~c ~JiLL

' . flo. 6·


,......,.-.:..,.....-----. ~~ .• ~.'\' II)ONES OAV . unus,' . ~. . . IPO:



'l'b so·oll1i8(i negro ' disfran 'ohi1'8m8n t bill Willi paslled by tile _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ Ueorgill l:ien'u t by II vo~e of 37 , to iI. The bill, whioh follows Clipped from 010 ely th e' Alnbllmll lIiw, Ilro\'ldos ,our Exchanges thflt in order .t o vot,e H man most own or pay Mxes on $500 worth of propert,y or be able to read Cannin&, Com in Glass. and writ,. H purngrtlph of the /State "A PI8I\88d R88der " SlIndti the or ~e(} rill oonstitution or he mUR l following aa ber method of c~nnlng lie deaend ed from 1\ man who hilS cor~ in gla88 : fougbt in Ilny wllr in whioh tile Have the oorn as freallly gatu. United ,tlitea or the OoDfedernte as p08~lble. Bnd in 8000 ooudi. Stat4jil havo been enKllged, or be h"D tor thelllble. Cut from tbecob must bave a proper conception of .., S t d N ti raw, 8CrBplng lightly over theoob 1' 18 duty to... tt,18 ta 0 aD a on to ge& lit\! ~t of the grllln, but dO jOf course tlus H! prnot,ioally a dis · not' get, the hMn . 'rake good, sound frllno,bll!emeot of the oolored peoplo dellf $6~IIDg jill's (MI;~on 'II preferred) !;If the Stilte. Ha.vln~ . ke p, t tbl!~1 -ith uew ru"'bers Ilnd well titting In ignortl.noe all their 11\ ell, the " .. jlds. The lids should bft tested by whites now tllKe advaot,l1ge of tha,t filling the jllra wltb bot wllter .nd conditl n to disfrlltioblse tbem. tKlre~Dg down tbe lid tigh~ly and And yet, at the same time t hey in 8Wn~g it bottom up toaae tbat It ",1st on ha"ing the~ .counte.d when dooe not f8llk. Tbose stlluding tbe it comes t,o dstel'mlDlng tllelr quota te,,~U8 thaD relldy to ,vaab, Nan of represontation in Congress and IItripH of wood together aDd IllY In in the Eleotoral Colleie By ~bi~ the boUow of 11 wasb boiler; with juggler, it will be lIIIen bow ell-dily orost! piea Ii down , PlaOll IIda aDd tbey can ftgO r.6 ont that one !South. jars oD tI..11I8nd pou .. over them to erner ill lUI good lUI two NorthernerI'. cover .. uool' lIuda 'made with a aood Wby bll8 not Oongre88, long IIgo. , d db I .~ pll88ed II- \I\W ma.\lnl them Mse 1!O1l'~ powoer au water IUl r ng I/V . a bolt>' . '{'beD l8~ 0001110 IllI $0 han. t.belr representation , in the .1I~ove die, and a\j ·aoen all the heat will al · mattei'll, on 'be ll{Jtual qurnber of low, empty 'hit luda out and 611 'v.>tell they allOW to be OIUIt? 'he ' jarl witb olear boiling witter, rIDI~R good and tUl'nlnJC bottom -


8i11 Nye's Long Wait.

aid~.up $0 dratD and dry .

They ·, drY,wbllD tilllnK begw. . Que the Dew rubbera ad. Bill Nye when a youni man once l·n.ted i then take yool: . made an engagement with a Illdy rtn d f hi to tak h d I I oorn and pack Into the jar, aUt'le en 0 s e e r rvng OD . a t!undlly afternoon Tho appoint "' a Mme, .. 8OUd1,1L11 poeaible, . . . poubtUDg,down with a tittle pes\Je tid da.y O!1me, but at tbe livery llta· tor Ule pu.rp\:lll6. or aS1D1l1J ble all the hor888 were taken ont, P re-red .... ed 1 b po'tato maaber " flll aU orevl088 aDd save one, Ib"lry, exce Ing y ony exolode all air. · Wlien It Is full all horae. the pna1DIJ ~own WIll admit, take Mr. Nye hired tbe nllg I1nd drove to hla friend', relidenoe. The lady th. corn up in yo nr ,. liaBdand'.nrowd ,. do~ ~rd, foondiDglt 'u p on wp. let him wait nearly lID 1I0ur before ",'.fhen plit OD. tbe lid aDd BOrew ahe \\'a8 ready, and 8be on . viewing r fUlled down tlrbt i 8et 10 the 'b<i~ler in tbe. "ll , e di , .reputable outfl' . flatly ,b _A" on ·"e bottom ' ,and "\1 'be ' v ' 'w a.ooompaDy M.r. Nye.· . • _a.... 1.1 ",.1-" 0001, oillaD w.·ar up to the "Wby,"" aueexolallQed.• sneeriug. WI.., Iboulder ,of tbe jar, oo"er the boller 1y, '·thd .horse . may die of ll8'e any , . ' t .. , Wttll a to".l the;n with the' Jld and moDlen. . brinK to . • ' boU, after: wb~o'b 'keep ' ••.Madam,.. 14r . }Ii ye replied, .. wbell bolliug for three or foor houre: I arrived that bOIse Will a pranolng 'llhl'in se' the boiler off tbelltove, -young steed.-:-Bl!>r~r.'a ·Weekly ,

mll~t be'perfectly







C~mi~g 8E!pt~mber

For the good of tllose duil'erlng with OClZOlnl1 or otbor lIuch trOu bl e 1 Wi8h to soy, my wife hRd sonle· thiug of that kind lind lifter uslna the doctor 's remedi8!l for 80m tlmB conolnded ' toO t,ry ' hamuerhuu'M Salve, and it proved to be better thl\n anything she blld tried . FeJ saleby J . E. Jl\nney.



J alllell R.. Hale, of the Bellbrook Home UOmilllg ASdooiation hilS been In that villRie for 1\ week or more aS8i Mog In propl)rll.tlODti for the grellt eveot whloh will take llla ce MODllay, 'eptember, 2. 4n unusufilly entert.alning pro · ~rnm i8 under construction, find nrrungements ha ve bleen matte to entertain 1\ large "ele!~tion ot vi~· ltors tbRn hQ.\' yet Httended tbe~e deleght·f~i IIDnual gntberiDgl!, on(l it i hO\J~ and hel levlld t1.lI~t tbe Bome·Comillg of 1I107 '\VIII exc..1 /111 its predoceasqrs .

I:II [.] 911:Ii ~


:Mile 7 ..L.:r 'l'vin' up n the sbattei'ed llel'VeS, baving r tOl'ed them to perle t altho

"I endurtd l\Cony thlLt .... orda cannot expre•• from $t. V IIU8' danee Whlah followed a very Bove,·., .pen of ~1't:i~~:a~'~Fth/m':.';:'!'~r::ol~~~I'ttI~ ~~: lelne U.e v Oi'8a I got. My mother'" de. "Ollon llAy,a '"Il. ,Atl"r "h" had becO'me he(.rt· broken ,a8 Will! ns phy,· Ie II), "huu ~ted from ~I)Mtnnt care. b r. the nlh'l"" of 0 neIghbor oh

grateful patients who have been cured by its marvelou' healing powe r. In the · trea~ment of hemorrhoids, it obviat<.'S, the n cessity o f a surgical operation.' ~ n the d anger and excruclatmg pain. It cures quicker, and IS entirely safe and painles.~ end for circulars 01 huudreds of th lIsands of testimonials and profess ional eodorse-m em;;. 11 vour druggist docs not hundl e it s nd direct to MARSHALL HEIIDRLlNE CO,. .arallall, ••.

I l:Iulta, ,racket!! rOl' Miolses, Women l ilurt ('bndr~u . H~ ' d!i, Wlllst!>, U n .

See· Your Drc.ssmaker '{'hen OOlll'" '''1.1 boy YOllr drpl!K tlf Bn tchlnt.oJl &, 1:A'Ouey 's. Xouill,lJbin No cir,y' ball I. I'ol.t..r nssortment fl t r"briC8 for th ;; dros8 It80lf IIlIIl the It ill a rell~onllblc .8t,lltelU l'nt. IIml roily proven in , tbe .past.. We lin' , Orlllj~ Ullods Boulle ,, and do put III cld lo With tlnwllre, hardware, .1'11111 . ilh'Wl!. eta 'l'btw! ha.e their ]lIIIoe. loo!r 1'\ I· ollr sbel V:88 and ~how nooN' fresh and new Ilnd el~n t,ha took. . Bow ea!llly ' to trim froUl "ur IItoOIr just in. ,f Ullt

caSBol to se~












B at"ISt e

. ,




Silir , ad Worsted TrlmUllng!; , Mheof EtTeol~, OiughllDJ , P!llidM. H utA,h)'son " & G.·boey, Xenia. Obi. "




Type_ Bra.. Ru e in Stripe Bra•• Labor Saving Ride BrallB Column' Rules Braa Circles Bra.. Leadl'l'II

}la" tIM beet<


AIr...... 'A Bloolr.mtID.

tho Parmer aDd .treD&&h. Don't.

Bra88 Gall.ys Metal Bordel'll . L, S. Metal Furniture Lead8 and Slup Metal Leaders . Spaces and Quadll, 6 to 48 point ~ietal Quoln8. etc. .

Old Colnmn Role.. refalled Itnd 'm""'e

as g~Od

811 ne\v a~ ~ IIm,,1I

cost. PIGl;lse remember tb'. t .we,.are riot i.1i any.(fr~t or.Com li,nlltl9I!.. Ilnd are lIure ·that we can. make It. gJ'8!itly '0. your ad,vantaR.e 'to deal wltb ns',




Br... Lead8 and SIUgB

aDd 0aUl0.

alIIo for Ooya, B ....


Braaa Round Corners

FARMERS' STOCKBheep FOOD . Sa"llIa,,·C.rn and Oats. aollom"", areat


01... thIA wi tha .......' wortbl_ '.t.ock rood. OD tbe IDOtket. , a .... IIDteed .. r~DlA!d. GIn It. a trial . .tDaW\ 00 hariDI "."". . . . . . . . . . . ,ee#/. Take ..0 othet. ' It)'011t dealtr d_ Dot buI4J. I"


.A oopy of onr Catal"gue wl11 be obeerfolly furolshed.oD appH. cation.


Evan·. y'lIe, Ind.




Hulin... , Neb.

g s ance o.



t):v~;ot~:~"'e~~dng'::8l~~j:"~ ~:


Ulilde to order


!;he~!ln~~a)'8 Teoommelld . r. YII~' MRS. BBLI..J!I:rd. "I'JNDALJ ..

fUN ERA L 0IRE C'TOR TeIephone 0 or II hi · . Local 110. 1-'

~Weote, Winll~ w ~hRdes, H 11 OOI),r s. till 8iZC~,


'l'he Limit of Life. 'J hI! mOMt, eminE\nt medicnl tlclelnt i~ttl I're ulUlnlmoua ill the OOnOI1I1· j pu tlillt tlle generally· 1l0cepte d mltation of hunilln life 1M lOan V IIr8 below the I\t.tllhiment (I:JIIsibl 'e wltb t.he advanced IlDowlcldge 'of whicll the r .. oe i8 . now 1)()8seS sed . Tb e crit Ical porir:ld, t.hllt d eter. minCH itll durotloo, 8pems to bl! bo tween 50 and 60; the proper carl' of the body during this decade oonuot bo=I too strongly t,lrged; carlessDeBiI t·heD beiug fatal to longevity . ~II.. ture '8 best hpJpel' atter GO Is Eleot. io Bitt~rs. the scientifio tonic mediolne that revitallers everyor..... n oftbe .,body . GUrirllllteed by Fred C. Schwartz Dr·u gglst. 5(10.

e hlln. . for I~~ , beUqr W'" " MtlCllble, and when I hnd Wk.n el " en boilies w.. W~II" andEI8,{r~WDl.g:*~I~~~. Nort·b ManChester, Indiana. boy Harry. had spasm. tot"Our threelIIt10 l' ellrtI. and ailltouirh We doc. tored with muny JlhY~luhlU•. Ite can· tlnued to I'row WO""6 unlll he had ten' spasmll In one week. A~",ut thll1 ti me our attention 'Wus coiled to D". Miles' Nervlne. W e ""lItlln rlvl n'f It 10 him. FlI8 Improv~ m ent 8eemel slow. hut when he hKII IInl.hed th~ teurth bot.



Ready 'T o Wear Garments


WALT n ' Eft

Waynesville? Oh-~.o·.


~ndors d .by physicia ns, lead- \ Jn~ druggl!its, :1lld thou$ands of I

..,.,..r· ~e'" :~fNI~::;e~';; ~:le,~~e~\·I~~nt1~~.

I'fImo"e she' Oove~• .,nd let booJ uo'il ~!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. Mllu' Narvlna .a 80ld by yolir ~ be h d' Jed ' . th druggla,., who will guarant.. that the $~e .ara can an , when ' ~ HAD AN AWFUL 'rIME 11 ..., bottl. will bene",. I' it 1'11101. ho . top mnat be IIllJ'8Wed down tightly; B t ' c'" be I i. ' Coli C..... I will ra'.. nd. your monoy. , • J ._ ,uam r a 0 II 0 . JUO Jrlt .....·Ie... ..... Ie0., " 'Elkha ... ... I n d and ,the • jan ." • len to Bland In the U' '_I 8 .u~lca wa&er UD$U:-OOld wbeu it i8 to be and Diarrhoea R8~~dy Cured Him r ' .' , It ia with pleasure that I give .you 'J ahteDed ' apin . . Tlien wrap the tbIB uuaol!olted .t estimonial. 'A'bout _ jan 'ln broWD,pllpl!r. ~oh to lbelt, a year ago WbeD , I ' had a I18ver~ and it poulbl., pUlk in boxe8 .and. OIllI8'of Dieallle8! got , caugbt out 1n I) . . oover $0 exolude' all light. Use no a~ awful rain aDd tlJe meaalell I18t, ~iiaJc or anytbin .. but the oorn when ,tlild iD my IItool.ob ~nd .' 1. ' . ,. • . D ' b a d an awful time aDd had It not a.nniDK.-,-LebaDon Patriot. heen for the UI8 ot l.'hamberlaillla I~ Co)lo, Oboler~ and Diarrhoea Rem· edy. I could no' have pClIIslbly Lli N 69 3 . lived but a few bOlln ' longer, bllt 0 01 I thankB to tbia remedy, 1 am now , strong lind well I have written B b Off' H bura' 0 A Ima,l ttock Of . penlnln.s is now the above through simple gra.titnde awimming end flllnK In their InoJo· and 1 8hall alwava speak a good ~-"!!'!!!o8l!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,! , aure intbe New York Zoological word for .tbi8 remedy. Sam B·.. Iror An Impllired Appetite. ." . Gwim. Conoord. Ga. For sale by Par~, havtngarrlved a ftl'" daya aao by.J. E, "aDDey·. Ofn-, Improve the ap:petit-e Ilnd from' LoDdon. What tbe llealll ale strengtheD the digestion try .a few to m,.mmalli .. pengolD8 lire' to the dOI!811 of Chamberlain '. tltomaob and Liver ',rIIblets, Mr. J. H . ~itz, bIrd worldi haVing . Ri"en up flight and aken ' to the water. A8 their . o ' ' • of Detroit, Miob. , 81lY8 : "They reo stored my IIppetite wben impllired, feathera have 100t a,l aOftnEIIIII 'hey cellevoo ·me of a bloated f~ellrlg ann have beoome IImall, horny, and In raosed a pleasant aDd eatisfl\Otory moveme.t of the' bOWEIIs." 1:'rice general I08le~lke: '1'be .wing8, ID rigidity, 'Ihape aDd mltloD have 2r. oenttl. tllllDples tree IIt.J. E. JIlDney'tI. . MAllo BTREmT w AYNBSVILDE. Q. a .. olDed ~e ,appe8raD08 of sba.rk's In 'rooUl next door to Croll8 Bros. 601, and i by' meanB ot thell8 the . penguinil ' l1y through the water B")TI;~ ' swiftly enough to overtake ADd 'Thlepho~e ' in ' 'bouse aDd office o,ptore'the flah 00 whloh $bey feed. where I .caD be called day or nlgbt. Their eye8 areftat and flsb IUr8. Valley Phone 14-2.. . tb UII enabUnR . them w 8t?1l th~ I!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more dilltlnotly under water. The ' · '. . bird. are found only ~uth of the' Ohamberlaln'8 Colio, Cholera. and eq~tor, lind the majonty .fnha~lt Diarrhoea. Rem",';ly., Better . tile frigid antllrtlo regions. : . . Than Three O.ootol'll . . ' . · Pengui'n8 of thl8 Bp6018ll 80u$b I"fhree yearll IIgo we bad three . . , . " COCCOri w[tb ,our little boy and ev, Afrlolln ~80kas8, nBlt In large ~lo .. erythlDg that they oould do seemed nIB!! on the OOlUlt of Boutb A fnoa, In .nln. A $ 'laat when R11 hope sometlmeB hundreda oloae tQgether' I188med to be' !NDe we began ollug on ODe Island. ' III appearanCe theyOha1pbe~laln 'a Collo... Oholera ftDd 1 k . - Dltlrrboea .Remedy and In a few OC , at a dlatanoe, like dlmio11~lve houl'II)se b!:ipn to improve, Today human belnRsl IUld their fearl~. he ' as healthy a ohlld .. . parenu DeM of. mllon makes " seem It oould w18b 'for, ··'-Mrll. B. 'J. John· Tbe llOmll<lh will 0000 be LD aocb • . healthy to.dltlon tbat ODe oa...., tbey consider him a.8 only a larpr ·8toD. Lint:an, Allee. ~or lillIe by'J,. moat any kind of rood. ..' . . . E JIUlDey . edition of tbemaelves. · "!lbe OIfIJS' : . Two 81ze8, • ' are laid in a bnrrow in tb,,' 8Ilnd~or !!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lao. ~nd SI.OO ........ 'amonl a few Ihreda oflleaweed. Itt drunlat d_ Dot ba... tt, ' voil» III a har.It, barklnl{ bray~ dlreOt."1 . heooe Its vulpr .• Veterinary Bnrgeon and Dentist. L. 8HINKLK, Iii ""pllvlty · pengoinl ar. 'be"'otil'I~. Ph.rm.ollit. T~le'phone . MUIIO' •• I"DIAII~" . moat am118lni of bli'd., waddllnl ImportaD'ly about in a comiCally I 'A t 80m. On tlaturday, ~Iternoon, . human mIlnner, ' or cllvtq "atter a l

No. 121 ,


I'! ~:;==;;;:===:::;;:;::~

' ~lany persons who suff ere d un t 0 11 ." ( a Ollie l.l'om epil 1 . "I, fits, pa 1118, and t. \ jtu ' Dance arc today well. 'rhe Btreugthening inflnence of Dr.






St. VI.tUS' 'Dan'ce

Meadure your rnom' Knrl oom8 til

DR. H.E.

Never .R emedy fllr Dif\rrhOi 11 . Known to Filil . "I WAnt t-o S!lY 11 few words for CQllUlll8rlaln 'g olio, holera. 'IUd Oitu' rhoo Remedy .' ] hlllle u88(1 this prepllrllti on iu m y family for tho Pllst five YOll rs Ilotl bave DBvor ~nown it to fn i I to eO'erlt It oure In IIn y instauoe . I feel t111l.t [ Oll onot lillY wo Dluoh for the bll~t rllmiJ y I of the kind in t,\]ew )rltl. "_ . J m- , i80n , pring Urov!l. Y ork ' onnty I Pit 'I'hil! r emoc1,v Ii' for ~,ddby J ; E .Junney ., , I


Need' Carpet

We we~e wl~1l in at'Jelling thillstoek Ill!lt filII, ill Ilril.l A~ have ::... . terlRny adftnoed. ,..~r ·ost till I811 last yeur or any; tbhl .year will lit HA'l'HA 'VA Y grell.ter. Ills ttlngR rroUl the Orient now in stook Ils~ureij beauttlol JI " l WIt 'le~ ville'" Leading entll\t !lIce! in KeYtI Bldg, MIl ID 8t terulI, loweet prineR . , Inlrl1inR . .. , . . . " ... . , ... , ... " ... .. . . ..•.. . ... 250 up LOWIIIl, Park, Ext,rll l:!uJI•• M. The world-famed treatment . R1I"sgroti I ' r~ I stook yot ....... . ... .. ...... $10, 50 uv for P I'Ies, E c?ema, open sores, to nasal catarrh, and all the di!!.. Large AnollKb Cor d !'.Jum. ea eil of the skin, burns, etc. . ' 0 , LlnultlUllI, tbe 8rellt kHoben lIud billl Ot.vermg. Laoe OI·taloll-a1l tl>

Printing or 1,\1 de80rl pnons given prOl1lpt tltt ut.i ou Kt t,he HIIY-elte , ottioe


Do ·You

Philadelphia Printers'· Supply Co. Man~otorer8 of

Subscriptions roo ' tor all the leud· IIg mag"~in88 aDd newspapers. ~t t~e Gazette office.. Note - Wfl ",Ill Ineet the prices advertised by any \-epnt~ble subs~rlptfon agenoy. . I

Type and H,i.h Grade P.rintihgMa~rial Proprlek>1'II PENN TYPE FOTTNDRV'

:3g North N"lo'h Stree't


,Philadelphia •

the Cause of Many Sudden .Deatlls.




There is n disease prevailing In this country most da nger'ous ,becl'uscso decep. ' I tive. i\lallysuddell , deatbs nre cavsed

~~~~~~~t by it-heart dis·


., I '. \ ..-:l1/J!!.....IMII I

.~ . ~. ~

ease, pneumonia, hellrt failure or apoplexv are'orten the result. of ·kid· 1 ncy disease. ' If J::idlleytroubJe is


aHo,vedloadvance l ~ ,,~ . . thek idn'¢y-poisOn- 1 . . ' ...;.. ~ cd uloOd· will Dt- 1 lack tbe "ital organs, causiu~. catarrh of I the blathler, or the kidneys themselves I Q~eak dowlI IlllCl wuste II way ctpI1 'hy cell. Blallder troubles ulmost always result frotJI a derangelllellt of the IddlleI~ ami l ' 11 cureis obinilled 'qll!cl;QIlt ·by a proper - - - .------;...-~_ _;.;...._;,,:,~~:..-.;;;;;:.;;;::::::.;=~ Irentmeut <;lethe kidnevs. Ih'OIl8re:feel· i tl g bad Iy. you ca n JIIoke II 0 • 1Ili stake hY.l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ I


tuldng Dr. Kilmer's .swamp-Root, the great kidney, li\'er :lnd bladder renle<ly. Il ci>rrects'innbility tu 1:101d urine lind


. . ·: KEMP'S '. No. ·10

scalding pain in passing it. ond over- . comes' ~ha~ unplensant n.ecesliity,of bleing 'I

compelled' to go orlen tbrough the day, and to get up lIIonv' titlles dnr:!~g the l n.igbt. The lIIild the extrao'rdittary . effed of Swalllp-Root is soon realized. . . .~ ~; , . It stands the higheSt for its wODdi:rfnl , cures ... r the 1II0st distrF8sing casu. , I 1 1· Swa!up-Root is pJeasant to toke Rbd ,is ' sola by nil druggists . in fifty-cent and one·doUsr size bottles. ,Von lIIay have R sample bottle o,f tbi~ wonderful Dew diacovery an<i a book thnt tells all allo"t .it, ootb senf free Ily mail. 'AddresII, Dr. Kil· .An .... 'and aileia.. . Steam arid Horae ~o,wer. A ba.nd· tenlian. Low .....~ mer & Co .. Bingbamton, N, Y. WheD . to drive In $ettlng; , All complete with lifting-jack. <'Do not hallltO·.!; writlo,ll mention reading"tbla generou. ::. .No"'ea In operating the tenllon. JF~ery Pre,ea warrautlid. ,: sna for . . . p'!er In tbis papei'. Dj)!I'~ , mace sny ; ateW"I,,,O\l ~I\ abput them, witiJ ~ and 4*ioIinti. . · ,


-..Ii~==.~M~~~fE:~.. p~'

mIstake, but rememberthe:l1allle,8wflmpo '

ltq..,t, ~r. Kilmer'.'Swampolloot.utl tile addre.. BloiharlitoD, N. Y., . - eftI1


,.. . :C:,4D 4

. .

.. '


K• • P·. MAilUPAOTuRI.a 00... · . ~k._, Ilia


;i~"'- .


'-- 7




T\'··" _ "


!~~~~!~~~::~:::::':: ' :~.p:?~::::~::ti:~ mEillDNLYiiI!~P~:'~~ti~~ O~~~b~:I~~

.., Coun ty Cour t News , SUITS.


Ele"no r 8 . ' Wllrwlok v ~ H . C. W Il rWlo k ; dl vW co ; • p l\l,ltiolt >It /I t.Ott iUI( Illnd belon g ing t o M·. E. Watllr · Never Did 'Contai n P6is llnouK Orwell C. Rldd Je T en. tho Tu cusses Ta x.ation Question. t " ll t wll r " llIur rl ..d A Ug.tlHt ~~, IllU7, . ho l1tle, aunu O.'Ell is, lIud &i.nh H oi· Ml s~ 'nrfl Bu r lle t,t, " " ~ hA" n ~Jl " ntl Drug8. Nor An y T hat Will Commle . 'on to Abo lish All ~ Lbllt t1llfaOllllnt ill g uilt V or g roqe IlInd , fr o m Wu y nAsvlli i ng !lIO!!1 o t II I' ~ llm l1l f1 " " llIml,i' ,1\ H roo Wll y n e l Cnu Re the Drug Habit Other Form. or T al(il t lon. ~ James A. Robinson of the Ohio \'lHitin g f r ie nrl;' II I (1iIfAr I' III. )lUI' I " ,I f ollll leot of duty Ilnd hilI! t llllOO to t owns b l p . :=. Con tnlet Wil l! mllde with Frank pro vide, tbl~t .lu.n , ~7, 1902, d"Cend 11w ('ountry . IIn i1 111II sh lll !! lIJl wil,j, M a d e r or Wo me ll I;le ~.~ 8-\Ieq.eJy\.~ ~. federation of Labor Makes t4ut le rt b OUle fo r. 10 w eekll "lid left W allin g to ole llll . pulnt und sorape No Highe r n. d pli l:( h t flll trip w\l.h It 1)lI l' t ,· "F or Hette r Proo f o f th e At the April me Ung or lh o Ta!t Timely Suggestions. btlr t o tl UIJJlClf Lhorttll·l f . .lInd t,hll t he th e Twi ll (Jr eek Br idge 0 11 t.he Post ~ pri l\ l!bo r O i'r le ll d ~ t.o N illl!lI f(1 r"l l.. M e rit of a Medicin e Ca n He . Comm lros lon ot Ohio, 01'",<,11 C. R I(l dll', dl.ll toliis aloC!llrl In 1906. FUllk C. To wn rOlld {'dltor or thc Columbl1 8 Pr('ss, PoA l nn tl L . tJll t fi olr1. w ho e n j n." R II 11,,0(\ fo r ,U,O. r. ive n Th a n F ound H e r e. Il II' own n I\'Sflllpl'r nlan, Raid III Ande rs on. "Uo rtle y fo r plaintif f. J~1ll s A. [l ohfttson or f'nnton, Oblo. cll nn er n hont II " \Ve il II~ Ittl~ f' nt' ­ 1' be Imditol" WIlS r eq u est ed t o di . part : 'l'hll s til ts of O h io VH H e nry. C, r eet tb e vlllllj.{e tlr~c I'lcf' ilI'''hldl'n l. Olf ~(' Dh l< Fcd· wit,1! II row n x c(wti nll ~- hll , 1 I'l l' '' of Leban on t~ \V be n 'or : Pen ge lly fi rst COUl · III ,11 .,·" .. 1111': tllx nt\"n It ohn"I,1 IIl wn y ~ I ol'ull oll of ,-, hUI',. 1'''lId CI\Ulpb ell ; b/letu rdy ; both plulutif t· cbange t.b e wule r Ili pe over t,b e po ~t. rllwh p l'ri eH for h iH tll hl \" IlI lIt Wl' rl · U I'Il·P"I:. lin undell Zoa . PhorR.. he WII S very be kept III IIlln(1 '11111. I" ~ oilly 1" Il'III'" ' l" "T axation III Lh !:itllli ' of Ohlll, bp· tI "'Mel il Y h lllll IIond d"t enUttDt live ill }j'rIlDklin, etul i n h l@ sele ct.ion of tbe 10 . purl""" or It hi f' o wn !!1Ir1le n . bridge on Mulber ry street a or088 el~ r d' tax I. trlhu l". A Inx ror foro lim Stat<. 'J'IIl> '\!IlImh;" I"" III th " d H " nny Oll,rr purpo " Is eS I" rllnrll' Eve relt PtlII rsoll v~ th e ~t!l t.e of norn) 'l'urt hlcreek 80 tha t I> foot lre le n t 'I t I or 0 lJe Ilse ·. T he u.vI l)g In punl'l"o, oM o\l«ht 10 bo ~ bnll "hlld. Ion 1\11 K~~ B u~/.( , of Oi n ' iunlt t l, Obl o i 'I'hi t! OA_a i8 cur ried f.·o lD t h e m ind Rt IlII es th e be~t gl)od of InOOlll tnx 10 Ihe onl y"" lIml "-lin he m O! ling uf Ap r il hrld ge oo nl d be fa l!t e ned to t.h a biH p[I.t ient R. tim Mr. n ohln on ti"1 1 It I ~ A (jtlJlIUl111, MJI nt 111 . 1, \\. e k li t, DiJ\ llI OlIlI H ili h e c1et e r mi ned to use 0PI,II.,1 .q ult_bly. oou r t, 'of Ibe J ullt·ice of tile PelltJ6 of . aSBu llllHlolI of mallY I' 0"'1' lI,aL la . Fll rm , th e II Ih:httn l h om !' of 1I 0 rth Rille of l'lIld briiJ~e. . no dr ug t,=,nt w onld be, in on y way Mr ndet OUt pr... nt o),s'"" Oh io ril l• .,. bUI' UOl'8 nO I " !!lIr It S "1011 HIIlllilt on lownlJh lp UPOD e rro r . 1'(' O[ th i njuri ou s t o 's deli ollt o r gllll funcls rrom II m1 M r ~. ,V. '1' . h' r IlT"", Im ..\ fr om d"'uct ''''y. on lalla. n,,,'1 eh"t : ISIll . HI S yellrs of x perie n ce in 1018. X,' I"e". IIcenseH, In' .".. ,\I, o.. .,n. lt bllnl (, lls of Slall', hUI h tllft lI(1t CII ...' t hnl'O went, to Dfl yt(ln , ",h Ar A Ib ey Charl es W. Schw artz For trell ting a ll form!! of rROIlA T IC COV R1 wom [l n l.v ot AlaI. runtlR. oil M Whl'h ""0 ...- r'JIlI: lo dl sc ll ~w (IIII'~II()" [rellli Ihllt will 1) t h p g llClIl Mof Mr . F I'IlIUI.l '1! In ~b ~ m tttter o r the estat e of High 'Grade Monu ments , weak ues!I lind di !leas ~ . e n llblell him In prlnolple ll nd Ill'll.,' tler, 'l'h" l'IlollolH point m vip",th...1110"'<, 11111 rnlh ~r o~ II. ~l. l er , MrH. Mrlrgul' l!t lIrittl'I,ln. t o d etermi n e ju st t h e [ em eliie!! n el. " '""', \\' 1111. a ll d Jul)o Chrillti lln Wille n burg d eooll8ed t·h ls r:"lft IAWft n eedllcl. lin y nu won tle r , t b e re for o Aik in w"'tlon In:t "re llO I mlld hy t llr nnrl !J lli-slin u or ju"lice IlC'LWP n a ll w t'Hk . will adolitte d to pro bllte; A Ug UMta 'l'he followI n g i8 " list of pe rs olls t hu t. ZolL Ph P Ol" chuls.,s . orn is ~o ::,uc e~~ ful ·.' aono dtr""'l' u.,,'~.e" . hul I,y Ilu ' ron . ,. ~ Willen bur!!. the willOW, Wit II 111' for wb om t :hln ltll W . 80hwIl rtz hitS D irlc t an<.1 tnd lrfO('t t tl , IS 011 mo un tn _ i\Ii 8~ I:ltlij.1ll W!"i g ht h ad t he plelt s . "U nd p r llH\ Pl', Nu nnrcotl C8, noi' /.lny dru g lure ~ Alld co m",e"lrtl prU I,,' rll •• b d l ·tllIl" 11I'nlslnt: I'elll IlI'III"-S; 01 Rytllf' tlI o r ap pointed e~ .. outor Ilutl eleota to tIIka ,vIRC()d wnrk 'n th e ' Mlnllli • 'e m e. :"1 y." conLinll II ~ II'. lire of .l vi~ lt fr om b er oo ll ~ i n , MIllS wil l c.-u e wbatisc l)JD UJ o n ly k n o wn It Ill" or ". oo t" .'hl AI'" "1 .." ·,,-,, lu tI' fl Roblll ijOIl, ·" It, HlUall hO\llp Is "11111 d Uu llllhe r , of ( !i uoi lllltlti . t'lccorcling 10 will . I r .v, fi t 'o rwin , d u rlu g tile S'!1180U IlS t h o " d r ug hll uit" ur e ' u~e d in cUl lom"r. wh o w a compou ndi n g 1,011' Pb orll . Forme r Indirect 1 "~A tI~ " hl'I"'""" II", ~U tlr<' high I' Ihan lilt' IJllildlll/l Tbe .ff,HlIwlllg elltatel! will be 11100 And 1907. ulso ill ut le n rlA ll Ofl nt, Frie nds Year- , ' sllu II l1d COIll ' Iy 11 ~ m d.1I omolln t of 111 00hol WilS burd<" or rll1'l\1.hl" l; H'.I1' · ru,,/, ~ UI"'II beard for IIIlUIi.m e nt on Sap . \I ; W . IJ' .\ [ eo t i n il' . Jacob Corno ll t h {l cOmll lm f8 or U(ft'fi lI (1f', MMltlns-, un 111 - 1Ill'I'CIIlI PI'UIII " 'L~' III 11.(' Piller of t.he I u~etl in ita pre para t ion , 1,u t no w ev. ~""'H I '. w " ), n( pllllt\; H Alleo. ilXllouto r of t he ellUIt,1l of II)". 'I'lis Is ' lie I" I wo ('BlI ses. Bai l'S of Chrlt<to piJa r (ln y , lier e n t hu.t bUMlie en eliml n at.ed Icnvin" th'l 11''''""r1 ". I... " IIIltIll' II,. "" ".ll't. "r :O;hin l'f le !! llre very hi~1 1. F nrwers , tl' I"" tl III 1'1 ",UM F lr~ t, l h,' n'''f'"ijo ,' ill a lII" 10 tl-li III·el· W [II J 011"11, doo6llile d ; Ii', .1. S t . Johu t b e v ~ lu ll bl e lU e Jical tng redi n t . i ll... oxn",,,IItll r•. "r~ r . "",I lun.. Amllndl l G ra y , r no f .·'1·" u r IlIliidin lYR with gal vEl.nized I), JI .l! IlI·ul"ly llie VI\III(' or n htlll~e an d th e n, l'eplnnt io n J' nst II C tile" 111\ \'e " Ildmllll tl t rll to r of tbe aHta t e of 'r ho P,,,,,,,.",I ".III"le Ail"lul de S . SlIewa lte r . " wOllhl h " Int 0 " flll:lIl, {'1.J wht}~~ vuluc p u n l t h f' La\': l liut \\' flu ld 'In Is frulIl ,"AP i o r os, r oofing. ~:;dwin S ''nil t o Ml lO IJl' l' (\ II lwn YH hee n . , . llbarf~ Lt! will Y o nol(, d ece&8t!u ; W . I" "d 'Mllnpnl)' 0 11 Ihe prlne! lln 'Iflm."n3I1 Milbe l Diuwid d le. r· . nne to lIlI'f'(' Iholl Rnn,1 tlollllrR, E Dr Ull ' fe r pTlc:e~. Th e m dl oiJl ell U"I,\I i ll llI !1 ki n ~ "1I'ftl or Ih.· IItI""I." E . Klb My ; VO ri JI' le llll n g, I(ullrllia o L. Roblul!o u Ilud .8 0ns . . I A" POlltl. ,II''' lhe "h.D o r val · Zoa . pnor lt. lire r ecng ul:&ed b,r t he Anot.h r E xour ld on to flrmt h A'ILn~. 1 "1'11,," III LU<1\th", I, Il Im.t,n"' l nlll g r(,RI {'n I1 I'(JI Nh' I'l' e.·y ten ya re o f I he "lIlllt" of J ill! F. Harvey . m etliC)1I 1 profe>il'i on "'ve r . wb r~ Illj !1~~ly~\:,1 ,," I rI,'fell t U , G. W bitzel . • 11~'01f lrl' ~1l>l!'le th A "mllil hom ' OWll " ,.·5 . prop· . h or t·u (JAn nc1 u, ~eptcmh er Srd . wlnur l Annll Dwire, e xec tltor or 14l1ry E, Wllkt'l1'Hot> . th e best kn O\vn r e medI es fo r t h All I""O'·/I '\I\('. IfI~ Is" tlll'~ 11",,111.1 , ('I'IV 1M 1< III tlll Ih" "IX dU lllIcnte aL I S I Ei no oPllor tu n it,y f or in vestme nt in tliHetl ~1.l1< and all m lmts o f wOll1 en . lh. ~ ." 'I .1111 , h. 11 \'1 III!\' "')11111'11., tbe e lltlllll of .la s, Dwire. .r . V. &. C. M. Burg It. ·,1 II), "'"[ fIlii or n1\ l1' Ihan li s fu ll vll illt) (rOI' lund II ~ $10 'rb U I d "'t t asta 1e In thp r:ul ",. n( ' aw IIH t rllP to t.Hi Jlllr a ore-Cr ops ' e DI e " I> es D'I pt' USli t.,j ry II n .1u 10 nU l w' I ., I Tile lI" tllte o r JII". Dwire, d tlCtJll lI J o hu Ze lL HIAtlllnry _I ellih'):. ' . . L "OCH Dot 'IHnl:' \'Cr y In II" II) \\' I. II o t h ~ r m edic llI booklj of equ ,I pr om Ullltllr eel. It nd hu i-vest begl nnlug'l'.x .. 011 1I10rl .. n " ~~ 1>r'l!l~ I'IY ;tI, d nn ed i firtH "ud Il COU UU!. filttd , tho "nlllahl~ hllllill ug Hit R, wort h H e irl! of Edw in F, Dak in, per In U CIl, !loy. ' in r egllrrl to tll e lll UII th~ m o ,·I onll; • . • "od'll ' • . " hl,· !~ 1.1, more I){'I' front foot limn th pntlre ' 0 W . If. ti nook, t4d m lo !8tralor , of the I' o ll ow~ : " I'eg nlnte~ t h e tIl6ns trllui . hnllAr tl1 'PO, WIth us MfI!. lieor ge B iI, II nrl see the sol\ aDd lo 'Ire ,1011101 " I,, ~ "' I,," . :0;11 ' \'alu l! of thf' ".llo ll h()lI le, w ill tlollltl, cr o ps, F'are r o nnd t ri p t5b fo r 2 m . rl"lll~ "' (1('('11\1 t axe" Rl'Q IJrd]llllJ d t h :n f un olion , ' • "I mpI oyed by p!Jyei 'ian 1 .est-llt8 of A M. 1Irown, dllC6l&lIe d ; W. Mrs . /:Iilall I:fawke • "-. f 1,,'@I'''"ICI 't)'It I I ort· Ime.!) Ireoh lf' In \,alll in ·t h e treat,m en t- of u t.e r ino lJ i 8eil~ S , S n uo k r e pOI'te "al e of I)ropel't y ;.trs: IA url1 I~ . He u k le, III "nnllMhln lf ~ir~" t I.. "~ 011 lll'nl"""Y ' n('xt 11 8~f'flSrnpnl hI Illltd ' !J ~ ore l Ie dll Ys , cOllI li t hll n d fo r f ue \. . ell ," " !,l'I!' lD ~t wi t h fll \'OI'l n t.I, J ' ""'11 1 ~ f.. ,·". nboll . hlll~ •• • ~. 1111 nil for $905 t o ,"r"uk L . Murphy i Dr, O lny t on , '''1 '0 l:ialU A . EIII" , Iw pxlvnt Ihal \lI P hthorlr' g t r ut m en t uf p e rIOdi c .. I sick h Cllel klntl. of prnO"rly. 1... ,.• \111, ,,," 1 1lllllno:l· mn n IS a hOllle own 'r lhel'efn re hI' t ~ , 22.Q,23 o rde r ed pa id SO Lulu JI, p. ,'.1\1 nnf1 Ch A. H l'l , ' ortlltl lr'tnl lI nd ,'DIU'" Will Barve y . Yello w tipr inl(8, a c h e . " "reooUl m end din debilit'll te(\ hl morrlnl. 0",1 I"" tl,p In,''' '''O" more h ()[OvlI~' IIIII',lpIINI lh'llI Rny oth· 8rown III lie n lIf d o we r ; 1ues of J 081.. h B. Mills . oon tlitiolls . utte nrl e(l wi tll los>! of 0011" "n ..a !! ~d I" oprr'"lI,,1C ,,( "II Ohio . lIiP"" p ..op· r cla ~5 on d 10 Ihe xlent lhat the uppetU e, " " hu," oxtr lh1r d inll ry po w t· "nl. . . W . C . P h ill ips n ow hlloDdles t be *[,,(12 0011 1 Qf $1)1' 52, county 008t l\ Vbtt.rles 1:1 . Cle ment s . ' \ t l\xu~ nald hy Ihe oW ' I<'r al'l' sh irt d to IoU oontrol oapiJI a r " i r e nln, ti o n n ull Tn m nk.· All It"n",~ 111~ '111" p~ttrt . him u~ a lcn:lllt he Is q\loll y heavil y L e bano n 170.2j1 attllrne )' tee of t 64, Ild ~llDIIl­ J oh u. F. Bnotb en . J I n1,1(\ Il Mhn"ld b~ 1t1l .'"k,...l ju~t br elld wh ioh C. M. ~rown 1) 11 , - \ ' (oI'Y II ·rrr,m o ve oon ges"ion . ' , ~ ecOlIlI ) enda.1 1 .on f , .n ~ 1 1\ 01' f nll l l ~. n,ill\! or IlIlllO;', who !J ul't l ,, "~d. I II Mra , J o hn I). le .f1ents . ".ttlr f6f;l tlf ao. nOl e of t a9M 10 ur m er Y SO ( , fo r p erv oas . h ysteriou l wom en, wit,h I pe ..t'url1l.' ."",,10"' ror l·IlIll!',·"" " I Itlll h' "A 1'()I'I'oc\lon elt th tJRO In(!!J llnIl U"8 Irreg ul ~ r Il plls m odio ptlin~ durin,! ro!",", .. Barrle t , Wr ll(bl, Jos & hn e lde r W . S. Us borne . Mr s, MI.rnnt! 1I WIIS taken III o~e -I"I unO 11I~ " . 1>1,,1 !.."· ",,tt~, nnrl ~ C PIl1Il ttl 1\1 10 lo p 1111 PUS ), :lI' hl llvc, It obildui rth ; IIlllnll i n t~e Ill,e ru s. " ~:I ;~ 8rewlu g 00 .$261.4.8. w.e re orde r Qd Owe n 8. Harue t t . ~n~~~~ I~Yl~;'I,~,~~~,',~I, :.~'''' "11 ~rals.,1 'I1I PUt. It I'llll I", fl(,t,()tll Vltij ll"d by the ui ght.llls twnek , bu t WlI glad tEl " T hi@ il! o ne of t h e m o"t uHe fu l Th,' I'"nllr,. "0111,1 lin, Mrs. Jamel! D. Lewil! . paid renl ooies we hllve fo r ~hu p r ov en tiOl~ 1.0 " In. QII Ihr rl'lIlt~ I' ",n"ohl y nhJool more fl'e'l ll cllt va lullll ttlt of I'elll nrop· sa y s h e is n ow bet,ter , 01' th,' .n ll If th~ I'd)' uud Dr. W. b~' ~om 8 , St (' oke8 III 'IIn~ ' tieil'!!. for gi ving EilI¥O of W . H . Ule 'Jleot, deoells of prr mahue labor in ohild bl r tli or tn.x 0 11 the ",.TI lI ~ plr Ire Ithollrlll'ti. pu blicity to Lh r ynlul1t!ollK as h ~y ar , Regula r a s the S oo " M ..... Jennie H earne . . ' II III I.h Irregu Ia r " fte r PIl Ius. Uln rln, 1 oud ed'; H , S, .lId .1, H. Clemen t, file t'fl mm~ro l :ll . . ~ el! pe IlL Y hrn,,,, h "~~ It JIlII I. re".'''' A hlu '" b,'I1" ,'" thnl fu:o tl by tlw M~UlI8or R lIilapred . It! fo nn 'AW r fll express ID 08 H , MHis . ll les wh o ILr e II flH c t B Illrll'or sum WOllltl b~ ohla h,., 1 lil' ft tllX ion 8S qld a s the risinlt IlOOOIJUt , Promote Labor, ed wi t h disease s o t t h e OVI ~rloA or ' on t "" "d. for ~~' ·V I ~" . nn d se ttin g ot tb e 8un is tbe m ost Wilham fJ llrflloe fro m h'A(lij nf 10 Jbe malte r of John Runyan ,ao /',T ""t as lh valnil hle ~1t"9 In uterul' I' eto et.o , tbe Mo u y r eg ulur perfo~anoe 10 the Ilol tht r ' Orms Slnel onrllol',, 'J!)" ••~.,,,,,, 10 11l~ IDW- cilies u.· ' " "d ~'l'v!l t 't Helrll .ot ~uavld Lall hley, ' IIl P d : ~ o thl1 mi ne. • f!I!It pu id .. m IJI(}y~ . t h~n Is d f'rlw'll l fH'hn" .111186<1 Inll&De pel'8uo ; upon tbe tes v e rse, unlps8 i t is the uotioo of th~ stl>\e.m e n t~ c f r eooomm e ndlt.h oll f o • • fro m I , L tlLl: o,i phl,.klll rrol,erllo . An;1 t he (>11 Ge a orge llli Ihe W . BtirlaQ . f;a ~ well •. Illld th e tlmony of Dr 'I'. E, K.wlor he III de Ulel'e rernQd ies appear in t he m Ollt In<\deIlU,lIe IIwll 'o ~s ' or li ver " nd bo we ls wheo rogul8t. 8d U'ylll!;' L O " ' . ',h "nlunlJl mill PruJ rlgb ls of the s ta te .wit.b Or . Kin g's New re liable physici un s ' h ooks . Belr~ of l aM n Michen er . ol.rtK1 eu&itilld to adwlul on 10 t,he I n ln n N l hl~ ,,~<et"., LIfe PiIltt. wh lr h moltllt IlP Into l he bll11lh'eda or [s not tbis prQof sll ffioie n t til ·uu li ua.rBnte etl by F r ed 0 , Schwar tz, Th,' Inl'mll e tall \YOIII ,I .. ~ " .per.lflc mil lion of d ollOJ's al'e Amos K . B ou g b . Ally1nw of IDslAne ,,' Dayton . O . t a~ . t h e Cull Omnlll1 t l\r 'w hlrh ",nuM 8aseased III hn Druggis vinoe y on t,bllt Zoo P b o r!1 I~ t h l.l knO'l"l1, It wOllld h" t1 '" t. 25c ' Murtln Uonll . r"tl r ~ l ~ In. many Illslan c II at th eir val ue IIAIlRIAO& LIOUlla . as nl Otlt d e lJendabl e aud tlbs o lu telv . tea t! of ewh 1 Il, II \' I ~ "\'1 h"lIrP<;liy IIM rfarms. EdwlD Furuas , 1'11(1), nl'o cnpltn ll z d by their genuine medioille for WODllln 'S u\I'e InJ!' th~ I... or tho • 8r ~k WllIlaw", of Hamilto o and thllt oan be found' When you adtl c10l"'.r. \l'rol'o r M It n), h\l;,IIh"r. hnko r, n,,'nOrB nt man y'· tim es I.helr ta rm Ueorae e. Bllrt8oo,k . 1".111 11 11011 n"'lIre. Now It Is to UIO ndva ntage or • Llloy. Heed uf Fr.Dkll u. . Jllll r I l l zc~. A.1t 1 t101;'oa ~lnlt'Olh"r h \l:!hl f'HH w o u ld 0 atr... .JItUlell H . l:lbute. to tb e s ta teme nts of tb ese tlmme n t Ontl Il. Wl Y ll l h~ 11O"". l8 or ,n ../ lhose who cons umc conI , ond 011 antI Oball. MoOlle oey of Clnolnn ati, m.e c1l oal anthOri ties, th e e.x perle nca employ" ', t''''11lImWlll1tn ~A'TftN U. A . WllJd: Ihi. ", ,,\0. would If gas an d ot her mlnnral s lhnt th ey be 8S M , II , of Dr . .Pengell y In h is w or.; tba n rlv. h'C"l'ASPlI TO rl ~ I .. a~d M"ry l'Qok, o. FraokJ i8\ An d fhl. tAX chenp as possi ble ra ther lhl1n as dea r. ~e tb ForDa8. t we nty years ' use of ZOIt.. P h,o ra i n 011111 110l be "han. a rrolt'l Th08. Htaofor of Frilnkll o, aod 10 81l01h ..... , Is to Ihe ntl vllll tugc ot nil classl's . lin ' II IL I ~ 0 ",,11 ), I""t try (me MordlOB B l.;ii1ls , ooll- rell ~ I Oll \ ", . ' pr l'Vpte praotice . and . II gAln aeltl tllt1 T. " ... !>" J .ttoJ '8blftled • .:If FrlUlItUri •. THII,. ·"y .. 1" ~e ru r "'A n that theeo vu l"ubll! r esollrces tel!t!mQ nv of t h e mulUtl ldell ,If Rncl .1 .""1 J . 0, (JIlrfll\l : thut l w"y" wOllld he ",ore I quH- coat tli ow il ers bllt IItLle , If an y. mo W •.8 , Roblnlo o, of Lebano n aDd re. wODlon in eve ry Ijt-llte IU tl.lP Uni llll Abl~ ulld,r '"' 111". !"O II1 B /lrry !:!toktlft, X tll"1I undor Iho " th nn ra rm VIlI" 8, shollid be tlse t! a nd' ' I ' :W1'8. 'Beau, Teary, Of Le bAnon . h "r.,~u I l "l'otolll. t W 0 v o un a rl y wrIte w o rtls 01 voc;;<l . d. 1'"Mr I ll1" '~< fr"Mllls . IA " eI · · , H ora ce B .. God·f rey . ' t h ad II I "yot In frn n. not m(\ n o po ll~e u.. . rt .Is to praIse ' for t his ~' onderful " \Vom en 's chl••M . hOIlI,1 bo O\IT · a ..... _ATIII T8ANsr .J , In ~".I. Hut O\lr ': .,oltl~ vnntl4;0 of all t.hQRe wbo labore that J,.lzzle K~ ber~o. fri end, .... I·he proof pos. ti ve of t h e O " i '~ rtl"" nr~ /COin, T IME O,.\RD !: .111 " ~l rto ll On for these r csource s 8110111 11 b worked W. tt· JaoksOo and Katberl Qe 8uperlo r D1 e~ it\ of ZOIl. Pho rn is lu: ...hlch 1h" ), w • ..., li n , nrl" ~bloa Gillllall d. III/,lIl' chn E~- N" C'I' ''' ~; III Allo n ai, 1\l01, rl ... d. ral her U, An held O llt ()t lise. ' tor They thIs """,teon· &0 Jaml!ll &!roll W i jpt tD d ls putn bIe. N 0 better, str onRllr ,or orshl"nre ~ohl){ · tn t;n out nf pl'lv.u tf) OW"n.. Mrs . W. T. Frame. Inl o ' llll llllc o\\' ''~ r~hl p . Wh'en will Inerensp til " [Icmond tor Inbor 'O I( 1'R HOUND. and . 3660 ," . a " irll of David W U ader wood, more 's rttlsfn c tory eV ltle n ce coul u popul arly owne,l, II In" llO f m ll~Il I ."e. on conSI!Qulllttl y the ""'011 'beIng , . uull"lns No. t o No. 8- No.6" of n.ll pO'lR\bly ~ produoo cl, Ilud n ftDOfrom ph)'"I!,_1 'P rOnr Tl }' /lnd on ~n l'lt ft ll ."lIon clMsca. Uoril!. Uoogb '0 Chaa. Apgar; It sho uld be th object of tbe ~r Cbllli : lJnd~rwood . Itny hl gber au~h l) ri ty r eao rdln .. /I will f.1I tn. "thor • • 1\ , ~I . (. M , . . If . .. r h ph\,," ' r(lu . . land iD Deerfie ld. ~wnlthlp ; $1. to e nooura ge nter prl.e nnd In· 'l.el.111non Jc..\r. ~ 00 II wne Ilrolltlc\t>1t' trIbute to th" n1lbll0 oof- stille Stim Mlll'tldlth. 30 . 5 22 . lIIadlo!n e eXl s~ any w h e r e.c o . . . . ; reI'. undor an 1'11r.(1rne I"~ , IIIIhll9 ow(\ r- dustry !lnd cheapen t h prlcp I tJ COD kilo to D, J , ~'nd Raub . ot 11 :!tJ You n eed not, send a wuy for /!loa ' 6 18 Mrll. Alex,.u de.r GII~n e r . •" P wou ld ,·r"f. ln 11'1 10"flllolI PJlrple". ra w tbnterl n,ls .. By wba t means cnnt it se Shaller ('r. fl O Iyn el A . Morrla ; ' lot lD . l..abano .. ;. $1, . 7 51 i:Jeiflll .of John W . Humpb re ys,per PhQr a . Your d, rn g~ist wiJl II U\lp1 :v Itl ~ .. A rl·on ehl." lal< wnuld .!'e. n Il Oh, state. wilhout d s ling a n InJu ~ tlee tbe t-o ue ml' fen.: you with .tli e m ed loine ulreud y pre ota~1 1\1 tI, WilY pI "lIhll 1 ~" • ~_ N"~D7 irI'Orl1l1i to 'Cb"lI: _A Pilar , . 0 1\' " ""hi D In nn l' ' d one d JlroinQt .• Hllrry Bumph rllya. till s end ? I wQllld Ceo. len llll' ' .. ftddlt IQn to th" olJs lncles III Ihe present I 7 40 11111 par ed ,.ao OOl.lOun dc (l 10 ' . JU;lt ',b o tn>: ~y.le'tt , • Qoe.Dd one elglith aor~ la' O8Or· .. 8 e m 1.0 me , ~h a n 1[l1V should b III1SS' Manor Lt>vi J right proport ions, put· up i n ~ealerl. • 7 !\ ~ " 11 O:! Give ". nn In~" "I<' nl n. horl ' Q \1 tnl \. ed by whlcli a l\ or Ih m inin g, 011. sas I.y'tle field iowD,h lp ; $1. .' 8terilizOO, ooe dolhu bo t tlel!. Ell oh rnt . It \\.,,~ 110 ""J\l~Inx Will S, Uraham , 7 !!7 I , tt ~ 1 10 lower tho I'II t nn d e ve ry olher mlnl' r<l l fl rO]l or ty In I::tlll; w,"'" Marsar e' L, Npab to A, W. Mar. e ol)ntaln s Cnll und oornJlle ta M the Inoom J.;Oox lI l:I . ns It 'ollld ;; l!1 U) ;,-1. 4H Mrs, Uoo . .Koorne r,per .T. ~ . Rim. Iptlokag hft In th e Ma to . \\' 0 11 1<1 t o. be \ vAIII ' tI by d d a ' IIta ' i te "coable u hw th ~ nlt ~ 11,8 t lt (l' 111(~(hmt hlc r p J\se8 . ' 1. ~7 ~ o lI U fi O H to ' n8 .uot onlt un dla i lot. 10 Lehno n .; $1. lrl!O t on s f or u~ in g r'rh d th It II d rr ClI Il h e no jll"lke I tlla t tb brongh , V" 110 e Kl!oChlter the medlcln a, 1t.180 u oopy of " Dr ated Dr ~lI ell llg oon l.. ror In oily grltel,,- "Qar ut e CUlJ It ~ I~ Iii no 4R ~~ as . 11 I!H' (lnl O tn ll. ) owner pla ced \I ~on iL hIm self. Marion OI"rk, Pongell y '8 Advice t o Wome n " Il WI,y .h"uld un l Ihe m o" . 1>01111. 7 1'\ II D. H '~II · . 001DlIIIIIOlfllR '8 IlROOUD IXG8, (,r 1:tl'l':e r op por· I Till( T hings State Glv'ea Away, !>uh, nll booklet contaio ing a lot 'of iDte~o~ t. IlInll y]llly In 1\1'O I'OI'lIon • 911 UU Jd A. B, .O ll.odle.r , , 26 '0 hili Ollt'l'r!u. ,ul'llhor a S Il why th..... · I.elmllnn - I,,'. ; 0" IV !III A 4' 20 ty 9 Mil ke 11 6 1111 l ft ll'lIll )' CrH 111l'OIIg:h I 'I'hero. rIs . 1111 . r'I ' 1 n T" 109 and in Ntrn otlve inforn} ution rO)' ,n) Id I Ii d Ilt ' Iho mNlh'", or IL dll'M l 111 (lI 1\O In" Rll d ~""~~~P~ U~I ~~';~t: IR~y ·C;~ 8S·~~~Ot"t) he .w,onl e n , ' " • 0 O&,r; 'f , . rl '" 0 BII/I AllOWed. \ .... e . will ull h.,·o,,," I\Ollvply CO il ern.t! Ill . a l ,ja"lnl lno l "~ oga'll~ . Ynu do not h a,v,e to take onr word lnst. It ohnll itl \Jo Iho.. Uay lon U411 II fir, Ihe ~ ~f> '0' ~Io" H-rruaa tett 0-.. (vert an:" I1I mnn wo l (.I'~. ~Ve will " II be· who fDr 0(.11 it, th ,Ask l" III r. 'ROY I~lJ tA r {If kh"l thelle Ill' " rop' n.....pla. \JO " ,,," X 'V · v u r" n "" X 'l' «Oma I' Uhlk ctl t' !l IZOllA. jOIlI( t iEiU'- ,-.TL An d for this r~t1 Aon' When ,,,,, x _± . Bridge CO.. bridge tUbel!, . $.·lIfi 48 "od' they wlll toll' you £ lfII ~r'll ng Ollr' "l'lrll ~"'" rljtht~ nYl{1 hltell'CSLN· ."orty. I1I UIl'M hOIt1~, III. (" "Ill , hi. toolo, ' In 'w here togo hi s Ht)· 6110 /lnd j ". lIy ,.~."' ."1I1\1I Iho rI!thts !lnd In- , n>nn hlnery, tit" tltl"X" 1I Ch II" n b Idtra l' 'get 6I'8t ·018s8 work ~t prices hA ' h09 In hi. ~t,,;,rnlt .. UN'D End o r~ B.f 'fb.e ·ouotry . _Dry r . ,.. . r . ·e · tercSlS ot olhels. hi h ' . . .hnuAc. we tllX wlln l hll 8 co..t him lohM. nal... " . . ' 28 1t1 w 0 Done oan tonob. ,\ . II , p, M. y . AI , ' , , 1'h ~y r pr.~ e lll hi. \/ WI.I ~flnr and . I) 1ft " " But whlln '1'he most popular r e m e " y I' n O ' t. N ". No ~ . No O. ~"" hl~~. 1',0w <vl,en wo. <nOlI) l(l th e ..ell' C . 00. oomll BE 'SU RE YUU G 3800 , U ET '1'U sego Couoty . ImrJ the best fri!'nd 0 lAwlli "nd o' 8uode...oo, OOD. , THE ~IUBT PLAC~. II my family . " . wtites Wm , M . Diet ! 30 '5 A k f dd In lh p ~ t "te . Ip ~h o •.nln ~ . n,IId Ihe . 1.<,uano11 ,If . editor lind })nbh8b er of the "' O tse&z 3 :\0 2 5U [, 5C, ;"rao• ....... _. , .. . ... . . ..• l'mUJ U r L'~!I , tl w r~ . iK n n fHh r \! n l u~ "that , 1\ ' or, o~:arl::s~V. B':hw~rtz . . ,;Journa l. Gi\bert 8v'llle, N . lI'i8 D~ ;It seeml hlo has li nd 11 Onger In tb a .t' ~t)~~~. nt\~~~:\I::rLl .D . .ADtra~ , 8tampa .or 'Z? I ~~~\'~~~~~: ~::I~'~ ; O"'H"ln g1: ~I: : ~;: . r,:" ,(The Old Jacob Bchwll rtz Stand ) KII!I\"8 New DIRco ve ry. I t 11AI!' mllkl n!; of ' the Oklnbmo a cOII~lItu tlon. ll\erk. ·.. .' .. . . , . " . , , I . . . . . . ·2 00 . Wh l",l' ror II'~'I <or ."m,' bruc.r rrnJ". mRY Horn ,,'...,11.1 proved tO,be an 'in fa llible c ure fo r whIch H U0:1 W, .. ' Autr~m •. lt8mpil fOr Il Oll . .' Mechan lo 1::"r88t . Leb.oo n, Ohio, cough!! anel coJds. lUllkiDg · short telllg'ellhns cOlll e .. \lolll t h rollGh the In· hI> N, lIc" (...II,whl.e "Rluoft, or worlh In Ce nlf t\' lI le 4"' I ( ~ IL , t s 1000 ' lIgt; sllnn or . '.' ~rr. All ell ." .. R. Ohio huwll·"I_ ' '. '. nf (l111I!nll" work or· of <I nllnr tbe ... WOISt' But tbem. 'fie 0 ; 7 Ii' ' !\ t W . I sl ' "II . ao4''''r .': . . .: .'... , . ..... , r fI 0 11 tat IMy I'''Y (I t) tMX ,,"h tr,t pv~r. The '1 '1, Grain ro ·t, no M.lIlOr Crop , ' . It..e p ' a bot~le In th e hou!\~, . ~:r~' ~~.I))~~ I~lInOl:.~~. 0'l.';). W, 8_ Jaobo ~i plClrIe. j . , . .. , 1 2p. r~l~o~ID: ;~~;;l t\~.•lIin~llt·;;n , 1\~~80!r~h :~oll~:i=,t~ro~~ r.S'~lc V I : d . 'Q" I" . alwI>Ys [ believe it t o be tll'e mOltva lull . :.ectlon In t ho fl "lIcl On revenn6 ' IJ D' ~ ~:I rt !1 W : J~ Kt)bQlu boellfo rlnlllloe and the Ihl ll1\1I fl lI,t IlIbor ('r~\,t~~. Ollj:'ht not I,:(lgc"',,,, d • . a l!e . 88 .to , ua Ity. hlA )lrepcr lptlon knQwn 'for • \11 11 & a ~I\ . ,&~ . . • . ..,; Lonf· taxation ",'n · dt'owll' by 1111' . Foote" t . ~hC 1 1\1"'11~ d 'rh IIl~ pt.·ileot ' . ·..•. ,_:. w . , • • • " • • , 2 00 • 'M ". Harry Sherwo I t t ll\1 di "ln lo, 1 ,\H"'f, " tllll.t nil Vell" . hl. ~I' ot 8 ~:1 3U 10 ~' , od who ht41 all UM orunte ,,,,il thlll ' hnv ... ,·".1 the ·own- 1{llcllDet r Oil HeuseR, ·' G no,ra'n tee '''O~PIO,D, a, Dd: ~.t.8oo, -'Letter . .- . ' "Section o.-·'r l\(! l e~lsl a ttl'r,e. " •shall .i· or tl/ ll J:' a~ ' IU32 6e ' OTS (lott,""". I . t ll~"[1 al 1"il ",1 n,; he{tv ll y ,. ue ve l ' llisnppo int t h e take r. by require nil :,:11101\ 'b . d Y -COli r.tcd ' en ' all .over,,1I ne.l gbborh ood ·t,o by taxa· . ... . tllu ·thlng.• lllnt til IlI dl" ldUII I hlmMlt no(\t1~ Freel C, !:iwII.rt \f" Price 500 flnd $ \ ,00 tlon or bv fees Hiles . Dl!ad. , .. ! . . ." .',' .. . .. ', ": . . . I 00 tbrellbl ng out the year '8 ;0 It ' , :\~ . f,B 3t. ," .d Jlubllc pro.lucp.11 tr \hl" w. ro done wOlll1l It 1.lantl CrOP of oor 'l'r illl bottle free. J .. a: Morr.'a, lnp'p lleil 1:1 4 ~ l U42 . '0.1' Pro ..- ~..., , .. 't . nnt ....., ~I, " Ill'''' or Ih. or"I.I. ry mo n Let)an;'n Ar' I,'", IIII, 23 ~18, .r!lp'Qft.e thatthe yield .w a8 uot ., :)0 :, r,o .cbarges of Y,I'Y kJ ntl . o· be accoun t, .Ily (roJ" 0 60 3In fiq Il~ r l'~11 1 rll Ol'" '/ ed tor \ly II. ~ysl em or acco unting .i hn t ' Dally ex,'.pL sl "i~ ":r ; SLO 0 I I · bate .Judge" . , " . .. ' .. , . . '. 47 25 Q~ to the aver" ge. In Promot e Owne r~h l p of Hom... aoyt,bln g, t~e ~ . -,-II n ijllUU • sball. he l1.nlfo l'lll ·1'O.· nob clll s~ ot· ae· J. a ",'Morrl8 1luppIlU 8 forlur · ' it I. hul A r,' w ,IIlYx MIII C" w,· to(>l, pride wh'llat aV.llrlJ>luD "O'S.5 bushel" to the N ' 'I'ralrl~ l>n!;~ I~~'~: ':'I~~I~ :~a, . • cO~tSI ... atat., 1I11t1 " local . wl, ICh otJce sba Li bil to Conti'ae-tor In I.ho (ad Ihn t tho A m o rl\'~I1 ' I'eol'l e . JeYo~,: . .. , ,: . .~ .. , .': '... 1 .. ) 10 .11 ,,e wtth the qnaltty mnglng ' 'rom . ' . w~ r" 0 J ""1,1., tl11l1 O\vlINI Ihelf hom••. . " 'iIh W ~ .. S't , . l hbnu n,l S , 'Ptbrescrlb l'd Dud audited by .~ulhor \ty at 7 "I u, Ill. j' 5 ~ 7 p. • ' . . Wei nil <t al1lll Ih/' t Lhe \\, r.II. h';I III': o f tI,,, ' Nor 7.: ' ,,. m 'Olll hl)nU ;llt ~Dva ,0))1111 'and lJeale " 043. m,. rs extra good tOflxtra 'ponr teatlDK G6lbs e slllte." 7 23\, • • • 1'''OI ,l ~ 1 • . ""'",,1)' ,1 _1"'11 (\,' : ," -'or Trt!aliD rtlr ......... . . , . .. 28 00 Oatil Is very 'p oor 6v'e ra '1;11lIl Is an hllllOl'\an t provlsl()iJ. It h o .nP.~ tlt" y n ~e In. 0",,1,1111 '"'' tl", SMl or .. ____ _ _._ a ln"g . 20 3.' ;S. "8: .Aoden 08 expreaa . ... : : ~ eo, , r.. N. ASIV ALD l)rlngs Ill to l'~lfo ( tho \ ·111181nes8 dQ l'yllt'n« It ~" tl 11\ ,,"1 Ut<, "tALe IQ ' ,. ~ _ " ., ." ',IIII<,J , lI,e Q~·". r. 0tlU " no....I.: .. , "OIOD' mel . Co, oAlel. 13 "'0 ~\l801!18. < Crn lJ'll S~I!"" . r A~e nt . t; t!ballon, o . '. ' . .hlp of ~I'm He ~1UI threl,he d. but 240 " ealed prO'P9""ls \\,11111 retch' oll ,".,,1 """".",! . It ""r" .... LI .~ ~ au<\ .mnkes It . lmde rsta ndnble. A !pea t ~6ori,. 10 CPlP c"th,"n .. ,.,· U b b Olerk of th" villagc or W'll"I""Vlllo.hl'Ohithe 11". worrlt' II,· helped "0!!! . ~... oteblo v. ·Cb~. 1)oogb . · o <!ea! or the corrll ption und ' recklo~8 "",iiirrii!l! l!ijjiiiiiiiiS"a " o~ els of ~ye howeve r ~bloh R.veag. ·uotll iiiiiiiii!!i=iiiII_ v 1')' \CI"'lI lly Ir th,· "Il.!es 1t,"1 d. rl \lht ..... nN'~ August :11 IlIlh. for tl,e (u·r\11811, .pUBlnM8 In .'the publi c 8e l·v l e~. I . L £ .-'" resul ts to eX. lI\~r hDII";" '''':' Iml'l'",'nr ed' 9 1·2 , ' , log nent" ma,.oo Of InbC)r :lUll """Uell ~n 0 "ooun'fIt" ",,,,'. " t"'" . . ,.. . . I:,.... , .. . . lS 35 , ' . l,Iuahelll . cr Tu nn lng troru a PoI"t 01\ Ma ll! . treet In' trom the 11'1" .' !!tlla, r ' a ud . bungl some from tllX" tlOtl .. I O.~I"l ) If ,,,'I nllng. th. ~ ()o t ' tAl ' . '&8 d i t.o E Itb I p" I d ~b 11 K f V-..i. u" ' k" or. ''' I I ilA t liP I" J2,UIJP. ~ald vl1ll\g ~ .:j\~. alnng :n, cnn tlnu 3Unn t>f 11'8)' of keeping " , ve.ry)O 11 ~~ : D 1'I~ 'Rere I'U .re 0 ( 10 I no'v' ~ l) t~. w T I1 l rOrmlty, . ro • .l'I'Allk Staffo rd to ·, Give COLl ntl . ...I.orc Con trol. HI8 h ~ \rC t II ,1tHulnce c\r tllree' bUllare,1 .ep001ll'1\I;'<I.1I care.ncco .." Reea, fo~ 24, l~ It oorrolro t·ed . b 'ctiml " ml $tltkes lIre be Marrl · ·ed Septem. beTn ,,,,,·.I,,,.ll>n. It .,.~~ , ~ In In" '~ '" cltI .:~ lill Y . G. " Hays. a' promlo eot bu,, , -'- ... .. ' .... B " · eaally dlsc(", red and cXll111nnUo n8 a'l'e Anll tho r 3" :1011 I'••ILn l. 111'm bnr~ or. I",... Ilk rOil O" ,A,. l4!9ten DMr .--t ..enoe , l)lInllr" 0111: II t hI 0' Cu.... III e mn r.. l ne8tl mllu of Bluff, Mo Ithat Book· ' . . ' . JIOwcr r.,~;,iri: In Ih ' <l e:,II \,!! WII\' (P' ''3IlIl\ ,c rc~elv"'l l or ~\)v , 'Hll. of rx· me,dll unne 11t) 1l. Th" . ~' iie.eli i 'W'th "'J I B I:bnlth 'ror • I'rIQiJd~ of Piof. El'IlDk ~a .I'Y:· Thel" Is . 9, best col\,lil rn,," I" "I II.• , tV·~ vcr.\' ,1I1T. rent le n's . .Arnlon SAlve I.s 't ne quloklll lt d, ' For InYlnK 100' yurll. of C;Ob er~ l c, way for neoounl !ng, : and til ,p oplt) ( ;'I, m Ih .. ')0",11I IDII8 In " , 8 'lumber all .folloWII: le·lt. or 'orml;lr lIunArl o\eoden l,,' of Stllft'Or Iho N,ulllry. <\Ie- &ncl !luros t healing 8/l.lve ever' ap· (JOr-WID For , hlrIlIH bln" .. "Il!l dQ II,.rlllg • 100 l'" rl~' V .f sI\Q\\ld ~, huv tbO' b\lll,e Ot ' 0'( t hnt heet trld. "" \Cravel. It l' lI,n" ~hA lI" 'n III vnl lle ~"JI)'. plied to II sorl' . buro or wOllnd, or . _8JoQ.76' Pel'h"ollntd· . for'Bjol ~t .oboolM ' areexte ' I I'II}" li nd' I Is nlel\8nn t to note that TllCr n·d ioRhlm - OQogra t 1\ tll ~u~~ I " 1 r~rnJ" of 1'1> Islbl.. \ , r. ForIOOb<>rn".' ot CtlTJlI!lIt.. ' Okl 'b 1 " th ' r . For Dlllklnll and lu rblolllll t ",•• l\h I1M'!ntl\l... tt"~~'l tl"t r)' ~npN ' no~ too B CIlRe of piles , .. ve U8ed 1& ' aod ~ lDU\be .. .18 It. lon, 0 $.3 pel' hUll- ,uo" 'IKtlt,nfi upou If . Il Qnla 8 open1 tl g e wa y ... bill Ilpproa whln,' ~enl~l'(1 . f '41 ge hnl" " If 'It "-e l'~ "olfljl b l ~ to nermll uch know what I'!p talllol( a1iou~, " • ' g u Icen ~ rl1.d il\J( that n(\vanla ge lhrou gh lhll. tho \l~btttll- (\ol\ nly to DlIlke 11M own rul~~ I\i.a plaM GUArllo teed ' 1II\I\rrll l g 9 ' to ' Mhlll Vlol~ , UllI, (If by: Fred C. Schwar tz. Eo r 111\)01< o ~er nnd 'arou ncl HO Wl' r and ne88 'ot an Ohl.o m8n.- Jilt!ltorln l : OhIo tor t UI\ \l Oll or u\U~ . .lhllll\MIt .urn. l~ Druggist 2~o " taa8ia8 (01' "0 .. rob OD the WaY.PM . L~b~non. . . 1.a~:~~lt!~"(~:;~~ril .on~"elA bcBl\"'all '" State Journal. 1\1.)' 9. I90r,. .• f~e B';;; ~~I~~~ ;:~~~ !;Teator IlrOlTe.. th8.J\ . -tll1uD d I'tlr,,. plkeoe er ' .. rolo, '~bll a .ve1lt will take i;lace 8eptllm . lo~rd··(!.fnd. II ' b . , ,' : . ~ n ~c"_ry . tn pr(). '1' . , n n or 11 ot c. WOr,," ,,'. An"u , 1,,"... Std. IIu4 Yalrl& ID W.yne ·towalll lip ber·S. ~,tl~a "Ol:lr purpOh II to malle"O hlo th. . n' "· 4• ..taod 'he .l,rtde alld IP'OQm ' "Ill' pedy COlll"Ie.le aald work. _ vtllnY! a l·nndtll!'· a l n·feltr . l.~nt d,\~.m V ' . ... . . rei --' aut 8tate In the Union 11 which to eten(lun. ' ted I I'" i Pal 0 I ft ll J h d~. It ... .~ems ' .to me th(\t .....r."ppro Couoon r ..... J'\'e8 v .... .aDu l be rlRbl 10 reJellt ;tn)' or 0 .!I...... pos D l'8II ..e 0 De,." O! W lire .. I'. a\l b140. IntA nll "lIould d!!YI.ed. 00 that . the &Qdttor l • ollloe, 8MIe4 pro~ Ht.froM will hay. .arll " ,IV'"D, operate a bueln,.. and BOme Ihe ,,'~ctore or evcrybe ""unty Bubeori ptiollll noel vec1 at tb. U.. oharge of &b. would be 0, n. RI!ed, .OIl'rlt. . -.a _ .. ":" i. ......,. It If ,_ . ~b1. by Pl>lIUon 'l'bomaanll 8IMrwoo! oIecllon l, " .yor/ brb. Ute z~ oftlae for , _.... awn ,,.... .¥ I' ..-V.... ~r·'" " n.w....pen .ud. -T...~'~n .. matter 01 tallatlon borne to tothe lOowu.. $ • OOIDwl )'ear· ,..,a. 1.... 0 ....... . lIN'" of ' ::~& ~ warIc olli &1Mb' owa ~ m. . . . . .


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The Miami Gazette~ BROWN" McKAY. Publlahers.

W A\, . ESVI LI.B,

Oll1 l.

A New Typhoid Tl!rror. AithouSh thl! dlscovcry of ne", .ou rces or danger to healtb, n ew carrl ra of di s 1188 g r1n8, sbould be ' an' en ourngemen~ to th e s le n tiDe worker &s t nding toward the more accurate al1[111 all on of prevenUnl meas urea, the knowledge that the t~' pbold Infection is being carried about In lI('orOll of supposedly ,healthy pereonl",m prove ratber alarming. To the medIcal pro tessl on It j. well known, ot course, that the typhoid bacillus sometimes p rslsts fOr y al'l In er taln portlonl of the human allatomy, and tbat It II all'.'ays to be found for a Hme during con\'oleScance, but the 'possibility tbat hl'althy ond ,pparentl)' robust Indl· vlduals may be carriers ot the deadly germs, and Ih'a t Ihe arrellt and ISOla· tlon of s uch "carrlar8" may come to be a port ot th e public cnmpalgu IIgalnst the di s nse, Is a co mparatively rece nt aspect of t he Ques tion, The di scovery of tb ls addcd da ngar sbould seT\'e to emphasIze the IUlporlance of scrupulous care In as ertalnlng tbe health and Ilntecedents ot household sel'\'ants, say ~ Philadelphia Led(ler. In a partIcular case thnt led to the dis· covery ot one aggrnvated Instance of typbold "carrier" sill: persons In a single tamlly developed Lbe dleelUle wIthin a few daye after Lbe arrival of a new cook. After every other possl· ,ble source of contamination bad bee.n lnVeatlgated and fOUlld guiltless, an InQuiry as to tbe cook revealed tbe Istartllng fact that . during ' tbe five Iyears prevIous at Jeast 2G cases of ItYl!hold were aieoclated with h er servo lice 1n seyen dUrerept tamllles. S,he lwas detained, and a baoterlologlcal ex· \am[natlon revealed her to ,be • chronic \tYphOid fever produCer,


Recreation for Working Peopl . .. , Turning from the more liubstnntlnl 'features of llldulltrtal betterment to ', What may be called Ita IIGbter. thougb not lf~s8 Important side, there nre aI, leorl!. of opportunities for recreatl0!l. A iarp lactory or depnrtment store baa ~ social lite all Ita o,wn; there are clubs, athletic, social, li terary and i ui\lslcal. Tlie sensl ble outdoo~ life of the .English leada to ' open·alr match gamel, te.nnIB, bowlJng, cricket and awimmlng Cor tbe men, croquet and t en nis for the ","omen, Compulsory gYDlDaSUc exercises are given In the company's time by pbyslcal dl~ectors. Wbere tbere Is a plano In tho recrea· 'tlon rooms a danct! or COno rt brlgbt· e.n s the noon hour, saYI Mary R. Oran· IIton, In tbe Reader, Plcnles and vaca· · ' Hon camping ' parties ill lummer take ' the 'placl! 01 donees and match ' ball games In Winter. The saloons lhave tound a !)Owerf,ul rival In the 'Jatter for pracUce at noon leaves Itttle time 'and lesa Inclination for beer or lother IItlmolants. ' Dublin, ' Ireland, Pittsburg and Ne", York may ooallt the distinction of roof gardens for em· Iployes. It III queer that roofs are not more frequently used In clUea wbere It Ja 80 dlmcult to make any kInd of ,Improve'm ent w1tho~t great expense. lFor ,very little tbe roof 'of the aVenll;e 'factory could IKI, made a JOY foreyer land '8" great safeguard by Reeplng ,young peopl~ from Idling In the street. ,at noon, A Hlndoo editor has gon!! to Jail (or ,printing a large secllon of Ills mind In Ihlll psper. It ,the British «overnment inslats on making a popular , bero ou1 of thrs editor doubt141SB )Ie can stolld 'I t. ' A Jail sen(enee Is nothing, says , Cblcago Dally News, If the IlQPulace outside Is', standing , ~r(llindB~out1ng ffor the plisoner ,ant1 durtng IU~IS W making faees it tho British gavens· ' ment, ' Tbat editor may get h1s name tn billtory long after the Impetuous of, flOial who caused bls arrest bas bcen 'forgotten. Tbls mar be' some consola, ' tlon to him'. 'l'hen again he may get better &Tub, In, jlUl ' than he was able ,to ! rustle outsIde. On the whole, the , Brltlsb government hIlS dono blm a ' great kindness" but t hat Isn't slIoYlng , ' tbat h e IIppreclates It.

THe " glass , eyo crop comes tram :rhllrlngla, ' As Newfoundlel's -.ire ilsh, rmen, or as Cubans Bre tobacco growers , so ' the typical Thurlnglaa iii a make r of gloss eyes. Almost every 'rh\lrlnglnn hOllso Is a IItUe eye la.c· torv , F our men sit at a table, each 'I\'lth a gns je t beforo blm, and Ule e~'es arc blown rrom plil,~08 and mold· ed Into shape by hand, 'The ,coloTl !lre 't;'Ocod In w.l tb sman needles, aod , a~ DO set' rule Is observed In th e col· orlng, no two eyes aro , eXrlcUy al\~e, I L bas be(lll dec reed by tllo manufacturers' of t hosc nrUc1cs' f'!mlnlne at· tire tbat next year ,sl!lrts shall be ' worn longe r a nd 80 1008e.tlltlng as to I ~tde 011 Ilugges tions of cllrV'o~. l\laybo 110. bu t history goes to prove tbat It tall depe\lds,


MI .. Robl1, ~b o haa . dled In J!:dJn. 'burgh at the age of 9., has been a Davsl penlloner for 93 yean, She wal '(.he po~thumous ,child of Capt: 'Robb of the ' rQynl nav)', and \l'SS put on Ib, I_tate O81l110D roll at 1II.rtU,

InJurr from MOlqulto ... New Jor.e, hall many placl\s Ideal In situation and accelBlbl\1ty, a'n d on. luch place developed rapIdly to a certain point ' and th ere It Btood, halted by the mO&Qultoea that br,o d In the lurroulldlng marsh landll, Coun~r, cl\)b, ,oIl, tennis and ~ lh e r attrac· tlon!! ceased to attraot when att.entlon rBy Alice Gay Judtl was IIcrCHsarlly focused on tbe biting Pf stinting pests thnt Intruded everY' where, and tho tendeDcy was to soli March 8,- 1 am ,not sllre that 1 ILlI:e , "W ' 1\ 'gO," T Bold. out. ' Otlt the owners were not ready We ' hud oUr dinn er at a little bomey to qUI~ wltbollt a tlgbt, and all 1m· b f'lng 0: companion: Dlary, I'm not tond ot pin pricks, And madulll trealll resl,llllrli nt ,vlth whi te curUllllod win· proYflment society form ed 'wblch rne with such cruCllous co udescensloll dows unll pott ed tull P8 on, the tabl II, consulled ""'ttb my olT\.ce and 10110wo4 that It pricks every tiny globule at rev. The doctor' nnd 1 Iloured th o cplfee. Jt my advice. ID ' onll year the blll~ at olutlonary blood In me toto line rebel· wa s truly delightful. Diary. .1 baled the br(!()dlng area wal drained. mOil' SERMONETTE. versaLion, SlellJllng to his ClUh. ,... 11011, He r gTanddaughter treats me to leave, side. Qultol'll have alnce been absent al· "A choice young man and a But the muslo! Wc sat wu~' back In most entirely; one r;entlcman, not • 'rlie fatber looked up at Ihe lo..-el' aM thougb aeona IIgo I might have been goodly."-TI\I. I. our fir.t Intro· Ing figur e at his ' aid ',whll a r t . b uman, "'hlle tbe srandllon Ilots 88 tbe blllCon)l, alld no one noticed thut large owoer, either, told m o bill prop, ductlon to the young m'a n who IlEwed look c hased a \'Vay the angry tboug~ 1 wel'e Quite human at Ih e I bad on, u working sklrl , and no erty had Increased $60,000 In vulile, afterward became king and tlu8h from hi s fil e. IIrese nt Ume, 1 think, Diary, I prefer whlt o glove", and n e w settlllrs began' to come In, around whom .omo of the mo.t the grandson. ' It WIlS soul InspirIng (til m\lslc, 1 Tbls )'ea r ono of tho worst brooding Quickly, 'illY san," KI~b Marcb 1' . , -1 forgot to tell YOll thnt "Go. tlten, tralillc and .ad Incident. of the mean), areas of th e olden day WIUI usod 88 l'E\lJlI (I ('ag rl y, <''ra~[1l th ~ n 'nnt there 18 one boarder !'ter who looks Bible center. How large he Wben " ' 0 got beme we (ollnd Mrs, a camping gorund. and 100 new resl· h e re wit h Ibee tbat h EI DIllY te ll theo as though wllh tho prop r lllllount or I3la kll /I,llllost I' ady to send fOl' Ihe d ODces Ilre plunned for nex t year,loom. up aa he .te.,. out Into prominence and power and how ~~~:I'~n ht~el~:al~~:,,,asses anr! UlUy a\d enoonra gemt'nt he might be COAxed pollee, P ro t. ,John 13. Smltb, In ' the Popular .maU he bec.)m.. aa the fatal Into cong nlallly. He Is 1\ young os· But my dear Diary. wasn't It lovely ScieDco 1\10nlhly. And th e E\yes of t he rAther followc" teopathlc phyc lclan, and I shou ld judee nt 'him to do Ihat jns t to make me weakne .. e. In hi. character are blm In loving prIde u he starLed oR trum ~,I ~ expression at tim II that he torg't my gene l'al Ion Bomen 8S? I revealed by the wlilfuinea. and H latorle for Sale, 1,1 r sponse to his Ul'gent wor!1s exp I'l ences seasonlj ot dhicollrago. do ~ope th e sclenoe 01 osteolulthy wll! pride that plunge him to fall· Rusay Island. ' In the Inner Heb' ,'l'here wa s not a nolh e r man In all m ent ure. After ilIlI one I. not big . pronper, rid es, whi ch li oB b twee n th e mala· the t ri bE' at Bl'lljulDln, lind aa tar 8" J\P~t1 l .-:\fad\lmlll fa Yorite hook Is gel' than the character which he .Iay 1 , - \ 00 Is mel I menno WIlS land .of Scotland and th e Isle of Sky'!:, 11I1'a el, who \~ns 39 "1\1 dlln tton ~." eSS8)'S all "Li fe ," b e kilt'\\' In ull pOllellee. It la not the exter· me. Yesterday. IlIl1dam 101d 1110 sbe b al! (ail ed to find a purchaser ut tb.,. lull us hI.'. und he hud prm'ed blmsel! "n ' alb," "Immorta lliy:" and flO forth, w()lIldn'l 11 ed lilY ser vi ces (tfter to, upsot llrlce of $225,000 placed upon It. nal appearance, but the Inner 10 be eVl'ry Inch a mall. H had written In RII old-ta~ hIOned, I! uthn ent. JIIor rOW, .1S s h Is ~olng to visit her Its nome III th Scandlnal'lrln tor "t h& qualltlu of heart 'a nd mind cOllie to be rIght h a nd h elp In mall· al s tyl e, I Ii hollhln't mind rell(:~g sis or ro r S vOl'ul monlhs. Sh e tolel place of tb o roe deer," and tha IIhoot, which determ ine one', fitness a~elllcnt of ull th e u!'1'al l'l! of tbe "8, lhcm to he r so Dluch, If [ t hou ght IIhC' mo In pI nty o f tim e. of course, so InCa, wltb th mansion house nnll' 'fOI' the place of prominence lat , alld "'h n be had proposed go ln ' med ltat II but s ha does n't lit ull, Wh y, that 1 mi ght flud alloth or lloslllon, J ground s at the southern end. COIi Stl, and power. a fto r t.he- uillabl(' henl of ns ~ s whi ch Dlu ry , 'dll~lng somo at Iho lII ust sol. Bu ld Itl my lortles t mann er that It lute the cblef va lue 'of the Island, Saul could not etand prosperhad stnU'ed lh'P. rnLh ,.. te lt a load of IUn lJlIssnges s he Is pu tt ing Iiome wouldn't make n,a y dllfe rencc to me, N 'ur the , nOrUl(l rU end are th o rul n& Ity ilInd promotion, It la ao with nux\( ty taken t ra m hi s lIl!nel . fo r he 1~ ln d or jrlisto on bel' fu ce to 1>1' I' nt us 1 had b on rhlnklng of lenv lng th!' of l:l rochel enstle, the reslrlence of lis millny a man. , They are choice kn ew t hat /lu i woulll ~earch lOll!: wr inkl es ol1llng! cit)' : wbile In reality my henrt went' 'lin lent lulrds, the Maid.eods. lu ilInd goodly In the .mall place" lind fnr 1111111 the>: were' found , I bud u long chat lust night wllh Dr, c1enr t.o my reet. but their moral qUilillt l.. do not ccltlc lore Raasay has a )llnce aod III ns tal' Salll, all day long 'hero Ste mns (that Is the 0 , O,:a 110m J.ond And elCpand with the enlarged The aI's were crowded, was England lite rature It Is meotlone d III h od becn nUllu rest within hlsbreast ,an nm I'C I'Y much Interested In th e 8cl. nfl'l\l <1 I wOuld b lut fOl' <1lnn r, an(1 ephere to which often fortune Samuel JohuDon's "Journey to t.b. eage r dcslro to go 80Dl " Iac, to do nce Of osteoPat hy, overy thing so lIIed to oo ns plre 10 Welt.rll bland. of Scotlaud." 01' favor bring. them, and as something, Ilnd he ",elco m d lhls opAp ril 10,-1 dlscov red my mission make troubl for me, a re.ult pride and the aenae of 1I0rtunity at getting Oll t and oway! II Is to \lut peolll to s leepl r rll u up tit s leps, twl ~1 d lilY nnkle, ST&T. or 0.,,,. O ~T" ... r TOL..OO. ~ t • • '1IIt·lmportance lead to the mi.· It had come as he had mlngl tl with A s I relld Ihls 'atternoon J though t I nmJ olln psed Vl'IY s uddcnl y, 'J man· FnAtta J~ uC'::w~~u~."e. onb thllt btl 1I .oo1Of atep which rllaulte In ultimate t he crowd alld had heal'd tho tull. ('on· henrd a g nUe s nore! Two 6hockl ng. aged some wa)! to rellch Lhe b 11. nnd plnnor ur we Drm ut ,\ J . CIIU&l' • Cu., dulu. failure, bu.tQotl LU tbo Cltl (.It T.,ledu, eUUQLJ' .ZUl State 'rlling the new king wh ich was 10 Iy ple h Ian to attribute to mada m. 80 1 Mrs , Dlak h erselt opeuod th e door. .ror.llaH1 and tblt laid rlrm w1\1 pa, th e t UIl) or "A band of men whoae heart. ONI\ u 'S UItP.Q DOLL lUI tur . .eb .D ~ .'err bo chosen. 1-1 wanted, to hear more read 0 '1. But I h eal'd It agilln , 10llder " hlld ," sh o cried, as 8000 as 1 UU' of ·",T",.". ~bal. c_au' b. ollred b, tbe "M ot God had touched."-A leader by bout th m~tter, And aA he slart d Ilnd tY)o re dcclded, T stopped re ading, a H"LL" U.'blllD Cu . ., , " ·.\NIt J, Cnl'SBV. ' could make ' her unde rstand It wos J, the favor of God and man, ' and olf h is mind was fill d 1U0re with these MaduDl lJ rOmllt)y woke, SWOrD to blfore m.1ll\4 ' ,u~ o rthec1 IA mrpre.DDc., " whaley r have yon dono to your, ~ow a fol/owh'g for that leader. thoughts than wi th the matter of the "DOlf i s top rendlug If J s hould go to so lf?" tlH'~" ur.Oe.~.lDtcr, A.: D.....U;~.OL iu~so", New ,relponalbilitle., lind new lost asses, ~ I et'p:' she said, "or 1 will wa1i:e NOT"." PiTa .... ". " Lost my plac and broken bolh reaourcea of .trength and power Little did h e renl\z e the mODI n' up! '· U, U', CaLlnb Cllre t. taken inurnall, aad l et. , legs;' I snld cnlml~', for their fulfillment. Although tous ' e ve uts which we r'o to transpire dire ll, UA lbe b\ouU ud mucQu. lur"cel o r . l_bl> God had not wanted to give b etor hE' again r turned hom , to , O! Di al'), dellr! Well. si nce I am , 1 don 't know bow ~I e got Ole Into .'IU~ID. Seall ,ar wll~~g~~~~J~~ CO., Toled.Y. 0.paid tor my serylc(JS, 1 SIl I)\l08e .J may he I' sltll ng·room, A s 80011 as sb got them a king, dealrlng to hold 10,14 b, aU DrunhtA . 7&c. . Olb ah. And while Saul aod the /.I. fI" T.lle U.Ia' ••·.ruU, PHI. r<J' COD.t~~tll)Q,. l' we ll rend to keqtl her uslel1 \l, as to 1110 on th e COllch s he silld : " No\v, lie that relationship ,to hi. people ant continued tbelr search ihronch as II mUBe her 11\ 'akl', . sU it lind I'll call Dr, Stemns. hlmaolf, he waa ready to en· tbe country, strange evonts were shop. Advanced, , April 14 ,- £ am a£rald-I m an Il ' "I won't," 1 SOld . Hlt .1 had tbree courage and help the newly Ing thems Ivcs In the c ity wh ere tho "HIram," wd Mrs. Kornlrob to II. mnst be tbut Dr, Sl effills Is really ankles brok II , he shouldn't mend one cholen king, anti 10 hll .plrlt proph t Sa wue l dw It . D\lrlng the Now yo u know, Dlnry, that, lIuBb&nd. wbo ",aa reading Lhe Week},. touched the heartl of aomll da ys which had passed sluce he bad building Ull a pracll e, H· goes In of thorn." und 6u~ more brlflkh' , with th air ot you wouldn't wllnt th mon - any man Screecb, "tbey lay tut Jonee min chOice men of the kingdom and dismissed the eld ers with 1.he prom. nOlan \Vhq has s omething to 1;1 0, that YOII Ilk d , 1 Ol(l(m- to see ;YOU ",ho hal talren the farm nex t to our. filled them with a de.ire to con. IBe that he would gl\'(! th Dl a king Mrs. 11- tol d me copildelltillll y thnl wIth your ('yes ,lIud nqse nil s wollen \a might,. IntellectUal," ncrete their ilvea aervlce to l),e b lid heen burdened' by the thought one ot 'hl$ JJll i l ~it tB III a very ri ch "I cue II he 18," ~eplled Farmer the newIY~,ho.en king.. Who a& to how the pronillle was, to be ful· mlln wbo III doing all be ClIU to en· anti red, nut !I'\I'S. .8. didn't walt to Kornkob. "He knowlI four differ nt henr 1lIi!, and ID a mQIlI nt lhe door can eatlmete what thll mint filled . Dnt one doS, while making larGe the doclor's ' practice, fl e w open, lind III walked 0,·, St mns, almanacs b, hI/art." -lUlwauke! have meant to Saul. Here were preparations for the sacrlflce and feast .A vrll ' 17,-1 met Dr. S, to,da~' as T " Which ankl e'!" he asked, a!! Ibougb Sentinel men In whom he could put hi' wblch WBS to be celebrated by the WIlS leaVing mAdam'lI, and h a s ked It l , nllght b ' a hi ck n Or anythin g trult, becaule Ood had touched people on tbe tollowlng dny .. the Lo~ I didn 't want to wal k bOllle Instend Ise. theIr heart.. Herll were men In slloke to him, SHying that on the mor- at riding. I had 011 a DeW s llrlng jnck, "1 don 't know," 1 !Jobbed, \Vhat .ympathy with him In the dlffl· row he would sen d him a mao 'out of t , and I wanled to kno.w how tll e was th e us olf h !ng a e1octor, if he cultlea and perplexltle. of hi!, the laud ot Benjamin whom b e s hould Cll1l8 ( osteopathy , W8 ij progrcss lng, COUldn't t 11 whl cb ankl e was sprained? exalted Office, be~auae God'e anplnt as captain ove r his pcople. HO I walked, "Don't cry," /Ie 801d. ''1'11 hove It all spirIt had breathed Into their "And tor whom Is tills choloe por"I havcn't. secu YOIl tor seye rnl rig ht In a jilT)" Tliere \Vo s a jerk aad apirlta a deep purpoae to .tand tion1" n Sked the servant thc aamo day s," I rl'marked a s we started, a antlp, nnd J seem d 10 be dyIng , for that which waa right, day ot Snmuel . as be prepored for " S(>\'e rn l day s!" he answered. " I IIgaln, _ ' To .. y of IIny man that God the feast which tbe propb et "tllB to tbollg ht It must have been a month, ''I' m Ilot crylng becaua It ' burts,:· .1 ha. touched his h'eart la a!'l ac. give oerta!.n of ' the chief of the peo- at las t." aold When I Cli mc to liCe again" "I'm ple, ., curate Index to hi. character. ~' Exnctly three days since our last crying be,cnlls I' ve lost my pOSition. God cannot touch thll hearte of "That Is for one wbo shal\ come a8 dl!lllllTeemen't ," [ told him. Ho put my ankle dowll ve~y gently II good many men, ftluch a. he special guest to the fE!asL" " Oh, do YOU collnl the dny s ?" II, nnd canle aud kn It besldo me and ,dlllirel to do ao, Bualne .., "BlIt' thore are obne Crth~rs In the nsked poHlely. beld my bands, worldly ambition, aelf·eeeklng, place Whom tholl cllnst Invite," • reNOW, Dillry, wasn 't that as mean "You pOor little girl!" b said, ,love of pleaaureJ .tc., prove 1m· 1)lIed tbe servant, wonderingly. as could be to catch me so? I ,l ust IlUt my ' head on his sboulder pregnablll barriers alilalnat the "But the lllace w11l be tll\ed:: woe "How Is )lour sick rich manr' r (It \\'a's yery convenIent, and, b Bides. touch of the finger of' God. ' the Quiet l' sllOlise of t he prophet aB a ~ ked, not notiCing his last 1'6- I didn't want blm to s ee , how red my God eeeka to touch the heart be turned sod went away, mnr k. :, nose ,.'a8) , lind the most comfortable of , every man, and ellcept the The sacrifice had been pertormed " Ve ry Dluch belter, thank YOII." lb rl118 ]'\'e ver known went through DivIne Impre .. la recelvlld qual. and lhe guests had aS8em bied tor , "Dun't, get hIm wei I too last:' 1 cau· me. Itle. lire lICking which can , beat the tesst and all are ,contemplating tlon ed, " Remember the goose tbat And then h o eald- but It Isn' t e,en fit one for the diachal'llll of the In wonder the vacant seat at ', tho ' lora th e go lden eggs." for )'OU ,to know wbilt he IIl1ld. But dutl .. of ' tlfe. In direct c'o n. rlgbt hand ot , the propbet: ~re they, He laughed. :" It's the .. otbor , way 0, DIary, ):ou 'can't blame me for con. traet to thl. band of ' men ' we ,.ot ail lll'esent that ,bave been bid. rOlln1 I hi s time, The sooner [ got hh'n seutlnino lie a compilnlon fdr tb~ rest" find the,re \!VIIre the children of den? ' Then who Is there to occupy we ll, th e: larger my fee w111 'be," And of my life. can you? ' Belial, ,o r neughty men, who rethe vacant seat ? , And Jbe propbet'! he loo ked Ilt me just as though be (Cop)'rll;lIl. by Dally Btory Pub. Co.) .' iriatlng the work of 'God In thllilr What csusetb hili delay? And wblle harl a sw etheart hopin g and wpltlng BOOK ' PLATES. h.artl' gevlI them.elvlIl up to they walt they talk <:oncernlng the for him somewbere, and I reminded wicked oppoeltlcin to the new matter, him of her, Their 'Inven~lon Came Half a Century king. It II always 10. The "One or the seT\'ante; says tha.t tbe A.IJrll 26,-Thls afternoon as 1 wa. fofter the P~lnt'ng Preas. force. of evil are alwaYI on propbet has this momont gone down loavln g, mndam:s grandson Invited me ha'nd to wlthatand the good. We to tbe gllte at' the clly," whIspered to ~o alltomoblll nlt with hlm, YOII, It was wltbln halt ,8 centl)ry from Itand wIth one or thll other. , one, ' DIa ry, r knuw 1. really s houldn't have Ille Inyentlon of prInting that : book , "Can It be that he bas Invited O,!!" l!cccpti!d. but' It was .. lIl1 ch 11 tf,!mllta' plates were ' Introduced os IdentifYing Uon. Du t: madam saw liS! trom abroad?" Queried another: ! ma'rl;~ to IndIcate the (lwnersl\lp 'at , THE STORY. Thus the huzz or cOllversatlon kept CRllght a s llmllse ot he l' tace !is we the volume, SRAE'L wa s to have 'a ,king: Sam- up IIntil at last footsle'llS we,re hilBr~ Rtarted, nnr! Its cxpresslon of pIous, Gern,i any, tbe fatberland ' of .p~hlt1nk uel the \lI'opbeL hOB ,yie lded ' to tbe und there entered the prophet 'allcom; li orror r",julced my 'heart, my bad, rov· demll'nds of th people and bsd' prom· Ilanled by a tal\ strang'et, U\lOIl w,hom QlhtiouR ~ )' ,heart. 8h(! mny ,discharge from movable type and of wQOd r;.\1t. tlng tor tuaklng' Iml)resslons' In '1I\k op Ised ', that In due I1me a rter he ,h ad all eyes centered wltb growIng Inter- m • ' (or It to·morrow, but she pan't 'paller, Is likew ise tbe home , land ot commllned with the l..ord the dealr est, ~a p. a"'oy Ibe joy o( the rldo. ' the book plate, ' , 'for II. klnr; would b o gMlnted, Tbus But iny bubble ' bill'S\' as I kn ew III "What a magnillcent , physique," The earliest dated wood cut oi ,ac· !lssured tho elders had returned bome, tbought one, "What a goodly face," my heal't Ir would, 'for wben I woe cep ted authen{Jolty 'III t lie well known and "reat rejoicing had followed, 'was th e thougl)t ot st11l another, handed' Ollt' st my own door. with al! "St. Christopher , ot 1423," which WBli In Glbeah. of the tribe of BenJa. "What a leader be ,would Dlake," ex· Illanne r IJf <:are, ond ran golly up the discovered tri' th'e CarthUSian monu. min . as In the othe r towns and cltles claimed nnotber under his breath. " tep~., who shC/uld ' be sUln<llog tbere' tery or Buxhelm In Suabla. )[ tho country, tbere wu ,greot jublla· And while thus lite COmpany was but Dr, Stemns! He opened the door n was to Insure the right' ot o:'fner. tlon. Even·thlng else was fo~'g<itten :busy with Its thoughtll. Samuel led bly for nil' 'with tbe air o~ Ii Cl)esterfteld ship ,In a book that the owner had It ru~ the moment. 08 the people ' gave guest to tbe ehlet'seat, and command· nnd 'tluch a ,reezlng manner tha( r act· marl, ed wlLh , the , coat-ot·arms of'tbe th~m sc lv ell "uP to the merrymaking, ed the cook, lsaylng : ' Itally ahlver'E'd, Sut I shollld never Il't ' family or some other' beraldlc, ,device, ,Tlie;;' we re like children , with a new ~ "Bring In the extra portion Which' t\lIit young man know t hat he cOllld Llbritrle~ were kept Intact ilDd' passed toy, They foun,d the prospect ot a 't gave thee, aUll whjcli ;1 t old thee, ..... ak c me shiver! ,,' , from ' genoratlon goner~t1on, I><tar. kIn g like unto the nalions about ftlll ' to set by , against the t.Im~ I should , MAl' O,-Grelll doings, Dla'r y! [ went log tho emblem of the family, , :If bl'ight. contemplali'on . The chlet call for 11:" to the opera. Inst nIght. Dnd talrly The tll'st hook plnte' In France \!len of the village galliered In th e In till .. IInusual way did Samuel In· 10st ' OIysei t In the music. r left madam dated, 1574 ; In Sweden, 1576: Switzercourt ot the a ssembly to tbe gate . troduce tb e young Saul to some of the II IIt,tlc' earlier than usuul. and was 80 , land, 1607; an~ IUlly, 1823, The earll· nt th<.'l' city Ilnd dl sCnssed the outlook, chl e ~ mcn ,of the nallon, - The feast mls ('ra ble 1 w~lIl O\'Cr In the park to e~ t English Iiook plate Is tound In n vlelng with ea h 'o tb "I' In plctllrtllg th o \ contlnu ed with a stran ge Sllh'lt of eX" have It o,it with my a It Twa big fOlio volum e once the property 'ot Car. fnulre ot' tIle lt1o gdom and spemllot· Ilectancy, pervading It. but no' man ten','s had just rolled down my chetlks dlilal Wolsey alld afterward belonging In g Qn who mlgbt b e chosen king 9s ked: "What 111 aooth tlte presence when somo on6 ,s at down beside 1110 to his I'o),nl master, from among th ~ 12 tribes, ' while the af this man,?" Dllt ail wero thll)klDg all tb e' benrih: ' .The earlles li meutlm. of tbe book r et of tbe peOlll ~ of th o village gath- deeply, nnd wbe n \.he cOlllpany broke Presen t1y t he person b 91 de me saId: plate In English li ter:. ', ure ' Is by llrcd rOllnd to listen to t.he conver. up and the eVe nts of th<3 l1ftcl'IlooO be- "A !<'\'ely alte rnoor., Isn't It?" It l.'ep)'s" July 16, ,}688. Ttl .. first kllQ\\'n satlon, came know!) nbroad. tbe Harne ot thl!' wws Dr. Stemn,,! book plnte In America belonged to 'fDld' )' OU k'i1ow thaI 't .ohengrln Is to Gov, ' Du~l or. So great wall, tile Interest and young ' lllun Sa,ul was u!pon .evc'ryone', Paul R'e vere, thEl' pa· be sung , t.o'nlght1-· 't lie doctor cQnt.ln.. trlot, was one of the first , Am ' rlcal\ Altclt me,lIt that s0t:vanls at work In , 11 fill , ' , u~d. ' ' .. ' Ille nelds ' and those watchIng th eir So the dol'S passed uni:1 1 the day engravlI~~ ot book p~ates and a ' deslgU. ftocks I rt their task8 and ,joined the appointed by Sormiel for Ihe '~rlbes to ""I,, ~t?,\ 1 ~~Id , er of greltt ablllly, " Le t's, Il:o.," 'he ~uggeste d, cOmllany at the gate, A.lIIong tb .. lat· come togetber to Mlzpeh. \-\llth feverte~ was one of til e senants ot Klsh , Is h interest ~e people wa tch the cast. "What 1'" I cried In amazB!llent, "Juat Skeleton for Hatrack, • ,,'eallhy IlInd owner Of the village. Ing o[ the lot!!. One after another you and me?" ' A New Yorl. physlc~nn has th e lIlost who had much' 8ubMtancc and floc ks th tribes IU" pa,,~ed over until the "or course." be answered unconcern·. greWS(\me piece ot furnIture, In tbe That morning !:te hod 'tribe of Bonjamlu Is taken, and 'tbell edly, "the-re will be plenty ,or 'otb<;lr United States, ~t 18 lhe skeleton of 0 and hord's, been lIent, ont with tbe herd of ass-ell rroni that tribe the lot at Illst tam ,people there." He took out bls watch. large mati , standing erect, ,\\'Ith tbe of KIRh, and !lttracted by the' commo. I\ll<ln Saul. And a~ Sall.\ llJl.peared be- "We caD get our dinner nt Bome res· right li~nd grasping 8 long spear, ,T bltl tlon til the v11Iagl', bad left the a8~e8 ' tore lbem. they all abouUid: "God taurant lind th eD gO directly lo tbe Is oC oak. with seycral' proJ~t\on8, gra zing In Ihe tleld , lind Slipped In saye the king," theater." ,,' nnd Is lIsed as a hatrack. In ,the oen. to leRrn v/llat It was al\ about. With "Out my dr!!BB," [objeoted. " And ~er of the stniu 1,1 " It a , clock, ILlIG the absorb d InLerea! Ife, lIatened to ' the rDl DOf, lUre, ,that U's quIte proper-" rlba form a oar;e In wllicb the pLy,l. , 011 Qonccrnlng tne prospcc' , "Aren't we tree·born "J),merlcan cltl· claD keeps, lila pet COIlie.too. Tbe bird IIYe king lind like man, another la tlley aI" lena, and can' t , we '«0 tOliether to III11U' tu beG tau,bt, t4 Ila,. ~'W,If. 'ODlJ Lbe crowd fQrco! hJs, du~lel. lad who. . rlylee.. Home line muBlc'" lie ",maDded, I mortal." &II Ite bad' IDtflndet! to Ternaln bllt •

momont and $et baol to hIs assell betore 'th y lInd wandere d n\Viny. every· thing but t he tllou,li\ of 1\ king wps drlYl'n rloD) his mlnll\ 'ond he reo moln II tl) share In the talk a nd tbe merry·maklng, ' Late IiI the afternoolll when at lR st STORY BY THE "HlcHWA Y he thOll gbt ot the 'assat' whl h 'h ll bud AND BYWAY" PREACHER b en Silt to " 'utch and bad )lastened out In II nrcll of them" ho ould, find no truoe of the anJmal!) ",balilver, und eham(',facedly Bought ollt Ills ell). Sorll>~lU'e 'Aulliorl\Y :- l Sam" ('bap- plo~'el' ,Ktsh, und told him th\\ a88"a w ere l o~t. t ers 9 aud 10. ' 'l Alt me go In Ilea rch of them,'\lTg d Sa'ul, who' overbeurd t he 'c o...


The Diary of a Companion





l.!,!!!: t








A Modern Pantheist By Harry Lilly ~aaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDaaaaDaDaDaaaaaaaaaaaaaDaDDDaDO ( OP111glll, I>y IlILlly


1'ul>, Co,)

, Gabl'l I Dante SwlCl wus era"y. 00/10 Ollt ot Ills ml nd ovor toni po try bouk~. cCJllI uwllted the v illage sage and hul'llel', Felix Todd. wift hau II en cnll~ht I' adl ng n po try bouk, n loony thing call d Itent a' Endymlon, whil e tile ullrolld 1lI00' n t n~ Im)le~ la y t1lsellrded. FII:< li ad MOlllled Inlo ' qal)l'''~ I' s l'f'a l ,' sta e orno(\. tu dl sCUHR tl! n W8 GbOUl til arllHIUakej GaUl'1 I salli h lIadn 't . bOlud IlnyUllllg IIUUUL uhadn't s(,en I he [lllper yet, Whcn L'- ' lIx B ltlrl'h II tor It he tound It In tIl WlIst bns k!'l, He po pe el over au hl'l ' I'a s houldor as h s tooped to . pic k It "1>, unit S ill\' a IOL slll l· :I bout hl8 Iuve rlulldog heCom the or 1\ IIl'lln , He look "noila']' II IJ ll l'Ose, an d l'rlHI wOl'lls thut ' t tlt rOl' a gO')l1 111 I'ul DUl1l to :I b01l1 IlI'ms, a nllk(>d wa ist nud

Profit by the Experience of On. Who Hal Found Relief.

An~'one CA n dYI" wilh PU'fNA'1!f Fe DFr LIi:l) Dr Ii: ; DO up~rll:n(:e rC(ll.. red;

(he Bright Side. "Oh , thla poverly! :' wept tbe belllltl· ful wife when b el' shlny,eye" bU8band Wh re 'might III master, Justi ce Is came home. "The gas a 011 electrlo compnnles have shut off lhelr service scn·unL-<:;ermsD. because you have nOl pliid their ~lIls," " Well, we con use candles," con' Urs. Wlaolo ..•• IIoothla(f 8pllp. 'or eblldrea tC<l'blD•• lOlleD' ,btu,ura •• redu ce. la. lIoled the h.usband, •• lQmaUon, alla1' p.lD,cu .... ~lllIdooUu , :»C& boUI&t ""'lid the t le pbone company hn s dis· Spenklnc of shade trees-molt (am· eoon ct dour I061rument beclluse we o,,'(j them two monlh~ ' rentol." Ily trees are more OJ' .less shlldy , "So mu ch t he beller, It an yone , Krauae'. Cold Cure. tri es to l'lng us up to spe nd the eve· or Jl cold ill 11.1<1. till oat, died o~ hll,'k, IIJng wI th us thE'Y will think 'we ara 13<,( I't!tlledy lUi' LII (:" ipl"" Druggi ~t ~, 25t!, DOt I1t ho me,"-Judge.



James R. Keeler. I' Ur Il tarmer, of Fenller SL, :azenovla, N. y " sa)'!!: "Abollt fifteen year ago 1 su ffered wltll my bnck and kidneys . J doctorell 11n11 lI~ell DlBny reme· dies without getti ng relief, Jll!glnnl ng with Doan's I(ldne~' Pills, I toun d relief Cram lhe tlr5t box, and t\\'O The spring 1)0 Biju olly WI'ltt'S bls boxes restored , m to gooll, sounll condl· 111l 1'1n~ 110t!n1 S !Jy Ih side or ny 'good tlon, )1 ), "'If and 11 Ill'c as he clln otTunl. alan y ot m)' friends ha ve usell Dunn's F IT:::, !'1. \ il ll" 1l,1n"'! nnd till :\"1'\'0'" Kidney Pills with goorl results and 1 1) I~ tll1l-11 V"IIJ IU IU.lnth· " lJn·tllw nr. l( linc ' .~ ~un NU'IH'Stl y I' com'm ond Ih m." 1;I,."t ~." \L' HL'" '1l'~ I·. ~ .' nd fill' FI'~e ~,O(\ Sold br all tl aiel'S, fl O cenls Il hOl(, lrial h" lI l., 'Jlhl Irrall , ,·, D,', B. II. Klillc, r.11., !Jj l .-\ r~ J, :-'1., I'h"ud~I " III", P.. . [o"06ter':IIIIIIurn Cu .. Du~alo. r-:. Y. Volume on Alp ine Tunnell, ADVICE FROM ONE WHO KNEW, An It:1l1an, O. B . Hin d go, hns writ· l e n II houk or "vel' 1,200 IJIIgell on 1116 Proof of Dire Re8 ults T hat F'ollow Alpin " tlll1n el~. . Change bf Occupat ion, Note the D i ~tlnc t i onl " ""II"" I W3S dlstrlrt :H tCO I'IH' )'," said A n ·trll Lnr"lun I1th" -l'tl ' 'nl<'lIt of· Jud ge . we n y , uf , hu sta cou nty , (:1111· f I"~ I :111:11 Ill~l, l K "!<l1l1n b l rUI' II Jou r· rOI'llia. " I ~(J CUI' d t ill' c;onVICllol1 01 na lis t aI' (' t.r1~I I ~n man :" MUl1tllDtI Ja ck, a h lghwn~' l\1nn , who ~ I / I ill),( " h~tI\" ... 1I1' ill v,., II IH) "lWl'iul fll\' Ur wu s sorn elhln g of a IIII000rI B(, \\'h pll nskell lJy (he Jlldge wh th er he huu ~ .' ltIlC · ~ h(u"t'l l HII1! lt· r. l ::U'I; -hl 'l't1U,. I t lc wl.. .II .. jJf I "',l ll , .. we.:; II -I 'l N . It nnn hlnl:' ICJ sur agulnst H n rlr' ue· II "HII1I1." die thp 1I1ullti. (h"Hl l"i ' ~ t lw ,Wt-tCHI . In g pU tiHl!t:I IIvon him J:wlc adr l\lt ' d c!CIH'/'j t lt r t o lll JJ h· 1\111. I' f'ol d Jl',I1 I'" cli')otn .:c tha( he hlld no pro pst 10 Illll k!'. bIll ~nlfl p i nt llf..jt l! " ' ~ l ~n d J )('..1]( Ii . ....0 1- J oll ng IhuL he would lik e 10 g h'p 11 fe w wur.1s lillU ul,1. oC u(h1cc to the YOl1n~ ml'n In 111(1 1'h pre neyer \I'as " du !,' Ihal \l Id oot ,roorn, P Tmlsslo n being grunt II. J:H'k brIn G Its o wn ollll Ul'l uull y fol' doing la id : good lba t never could 111\\'e !Jee n doue " Bors, m~' ad vice to ~'Oll I~ 10 tI 'll b (ore , alld ne\'er can bel ngaln,-WII· (0 ",hl1tel'er )'ou are dol n'. o on' ( liam fill 1'1 Igh, (:honge YOIli' OCCullll11 0n, or ~' oll ' lI How's Thilli' rWI' I' got a loDg In the world, Looi; W. otrer One Hundred lJollar.• Rc.,.. rd tor an, at ·me. I wus a SUCI)(,8s[ul burglar (or i::~~~ ~~;:~rb. Ib.t· ~nO l btl \:ll r <; tJ by Ba.l l'o Y III'S , ne\'er got ,;al1ghl , Slid collared lots of 110ugh, Then J lurned hi gh· We. llie nDdn'hl~O~: ~~!oS:~~:nCf!:'IO~~:D~Y for Ibe J.. t HI Jearll, Ind tJ.elle"f. !lltn perl bct l, b onwayman aOlI got caugh t In my first or iJlo 10 . all \)u.lo(l •• llou. and ObAucla 11 bold'lIl). Anll h re I urn, 011 tbe resul t able to "Il,r, Out AllY olll l"lllon l nn~o 1J1 bt , 6r m. W"'l.DI 1fU. ItI~NAW A lhRYJ :I , ot changing 111)' occ llpation . W h at, Wbuleule Dru"I' u , TOledO. O. n.1I', Catarrh ure I. l akeD tDlc rnan, • • rU OG 8\'cr yo u a re, boys, sli!'k to It,"- dlrUU, uptlJl Ih O 1I100d Ind mueu~ .u 'flr i 01 ' Ila Woman's Home omllanloD, ',llew, 'fci llmoulall IIf1DL t n.!!. 'l~rll~O ,0 coa ll per buule. Ro M by aU lJr-ulJ&I Fl f, Take HIli '. F allllJ}' Jl Ul. I Llr eo D. t!paU \'J D. SPECIAL TRAI NS.

Matador'1 Foolhardy D •• If. On e hlstorlo d ed ,of darlnl ln tile Spanish hull rlog III thAt ot the famoull matldor, QUI'rltll, who on stUll r.oed tbe maddpned nDlmll1.

dream. Who cOllld "tretch himself there. OD thnt flllt rock, 01' rlookln g _":'"' ..-l the wotel', und. looking down Into Its Ladles Oan Wear Shou cI'y~t III dept b ~, believe thaI Um nn, One f- i1. · ~n\ul l"'r urt"r upi u~ ' li en' s F.)ot· clent Ol'eekg wero en Urely IIIls tuk n ? En..-e. ,\ c I'lulo Clll~ for bW (jIi.n , s"'~nl i llg, No, It ou ld not be. Theil' fllith was "ot. ll c lun~ r,· ~j . i\~,,1I 1) rus~i .I ", 2.'ic , Ac, lhe Cull ll uf millions, liy that rllcr rrpL no ~llb ',l i tll(O . Trinl p"ekn gr VI~ E E , Adrl,'~ •.11 1\ . K 0 1111<10.1, I .., Ruy. _ . ~ , It \\lU:l uul a tmlle!, . 1 ollcentrnllo n ot th e will," hE: It l'eC]nll'p.s the su rne kind of pa· donlol 11 It he wos eplrltunl enOu gh:' tlenc tn Icor h a IJlg 0 wa ltz that Is hnt he wOlild h'y. II wOlild ~one.) n' oee d d by th e II sll I'runn wlJo CU D ll'nlq Ili a Will , mind , nnd aU Iho rOl'ceb' angl e 1111 du )' wllhout Il ttlng R bite, or hi s bing I,n his scen ",,111 II~ Heel'e t ~ hu"ld 1) I' " ,,1 .. ,1. II \~ould .. ': . .. ., . . . ~ - ..- . . ' . :" ':" . 1)(1hultl Ih IJ l·.·onllilty thut lent Ils Illvls lllle cha r m to Ih 1101 , " I will! I wilt! " h l' lIC'awd, I ' ns' I)", to lIinls It, U~ Iw IllY s tr .. lcheol UII 1111' rOCk , whll h is . )1I-'8rt Ihuhlllttd lIulI III Hig ht lI~C U1H' Ob ~Clll' d with 111 1111 !lac UllllJ1 Ctlll ull. II ltl " (' li S II, IIko n hl;(11 Ht l'l1tl /4' In ~ l r uDl e lll , c:lII/;'111 For Infants 'and Children. 11 NlI g\i l 1'11111 Ie. lie looked up ullt! lIPur, 1'3 S goll1g to J;!\'e Gaul'! I SOIllI! Iy ' Kwooned. pul\1 t d ndvl e, wil" " he notl prl ~ n1l1() ' 10',', m ' Ill'OJ~clll1g 101:Ic, not 11\' Olin~ wbl'h look d like n sr>L or res · ' pac . nway, ht"IJJJ d n r ulad, lIeanll · ul\llIol1s hllnglng on tho \\'ull lI\'el' the fill IU; "PIlUII nnu <'hl « o nl y hI h j, I'IV' d k . "J,el'a H e I\'hal ~OI'I or resolu· \l11,,~ hnll', Pul sel] deCl l)' on Il h'!lr 1\ons Onlk3'S II ' n makin g: ' be Halll IIlIum rged log, 51! plunged 1l1l0 lht' ,', to hlntHl'llf. nnd I'eatl ; luk, Gulll'l I wal ch II her II I IIm'l ug "M Y 'lu;mo." \Jody us s ll s hot UOI\'n in au oh)l'ltI " Thl'l'e If! Buu l In vel'ythlng that cnlll'se I1nllJ shu n arly tQllched the bottom ; ac;ul theu wl l h a wl!1 t l1l'll , b II life, " ,'h(l' Is SIIII'1t In lhe \I'a t rfalls. am e uguln to the 8l1rrsce. ('o m' " ~:ilo h lake and I'lver h' II l,erSQII' Illelely enll'lIue d, h walch d tbe alllY, benllt1(I!1 ('I'enture di sport hers It fO I' '''1'1l1l teae- blnge of .the Bl1cle n ts were sO llie mompU[s, 'fhen , 011 nt once, not myth. Tiley are facts, obsc ur d thl" ~ Igultlcance of It struck blm with by tbe BUlOk of our rscrod H, ov rwhe lmln g force, His theory hod "The !!hndow 01 the dollnl' has hIe!· prove n tI'ue. nnd h '11' 88 tb e flr Rt hu. deu lbe Bu n, iuau beIng, aft r II lapse of tb oll' " ConcenlrllUon on th material bas SlIud'l of yellr ~ . to gaze on a sene' 1'IIl r.h aR thl ~. A feeling or "~~ll( q· }11IP,l1. PI)'1'C:~!)lIi?n ,O f th e spiritual, "Tb~. lnlntl C! \}]an ill ali I>ol e ni. He don > 01' rC~lll l'el'Yth ing else, he D al1:;~r In 8 i9"al •• WllO will lOlly II In the roun tnlnR the rose to hi s feet tl te l'OI ln d to (']t, N ' I Ed' l I I A " r d "y was IJla~'lll g n garne or cards In b~a ll url1l Inhabiters nlcreor, nnd be, viol' th SQIll'C of th e nly stpry. atl~na I or a saocla IO~ an a mining caml) In l h rio kI P.lI," !laid hold til I)xqulsltc torms that dllnce In i'e l'erl shl~', It stroue to t il 1'0 k nntl Christian End~avor Conventions. Ul e mild·nUlnl rell mnn, " wben s ud· Ihe 1I'I1(el(01l8. pf>cro(1 0" 1' , Til I' - at It ~ bns Ill Y l'{'r80Ilull ... COlhhlCII' t1 tilH,r lal train s Il l'llly, my 11artn I', Ill' way of tl ~el1lle "Th MCrel la conce ntl'otlOIl or the Il Inmdlp. of (e mlnll1 (1111)111' I, a lIny vln the III a go, 1.: lIl on Pa ciHc 8: bln j, 11l;ld lip t wo nngt! ~ 8 to Ind icate Ap~rfer l Will." dl'flh vlllum wllh gold I (lCI'iug bp Itl Irly In Ihat It had D urd r. Qnlo'k ns n fln sb . 11011 •Sour , 1'(>lIx ~I I!I)(! d. nnll Vl1lls 11 1'11It to tell it, AI t hat 1lI01llf'Jlt 11 C'l\' or hor ror :'\orlh'\\'1:81 ' 1'1I 1.111 ' I Ill' luly tor th e Pacitll" 'onH. SpC1f'lnl 0111' oC fl lr 11l1nn or : wI1IPI)( 11 out his Worms ,C(lIMllsions.fl'\~rlslt· bls CI1I1(olliers llbotll It. Pl'lor f 1I0w. III'Ulle fl'om t he 10k - / l >v1u, b us a all,pxPBlI e tou r ' lit \'e rr Iv", r:lIPM dlt'li unci ~ IIRh ,l o fT Ih (l Hngers, ness lI1\d Loss or- SJl£EP. th n, ' liS 110 use In chilling hIm. He nnked lJody souJ.\ ht to hid JISl'l f tw · fol' I'ollno u 111, Indllul ng ,I f,ing 1 :11' " Awflll ! \\'I!II. It " Il S pretty hn~, wns dl)lt. It all came of "aolng nemh th ' Wtl( I'S, ;H:l"ommoclnllons, III lil ~, IC. All t ho . bil l W(l S II ' 1 hI' In IlIclr (hol ho didn't crazy IJoel ry boo k~, a d,'ullt ugl' s o f Ii ul! lIgl trill ond ca t · ho.\'c a full hunt! 1" GI\bl' I ~1 ,:Iolled Ih "0\1101 ', I1l sguSI' GO LONG WITHO'UT WATER. fully 1I1'1'un g('d lou r lu cong nlul tim· edly, liS bls visitor wlint (1111. BABV' S ECZEMA GREW WOR SE. I !l!) Y. " "I'lto 101' Itln rnrll's ll nd filII " Pig," he mll teredo " HIli gospel II Many Animaia eeem to Have 10:\1'Ii(:lIlar8. ', A, lI utchl60n. Mana l'''!, the Ulornlng pUller, He Is ot rh e age. Knowledge of Th irst, l'Cl ul'l s t Dc:pul't m 'nt, ~ }2 'Iark Sl re I, Hospita ls :lnd Doctors Could Not Re· Ho t111nkll 1001'0 of II monster lhot II'lIl lieve Him-Bul Cuticun Remed ies hi 0"0. {urn ollt hOl'scsllo S Ilt 9 1111 1\11 red 11 "'rolli our chlldhoou plttul'G bouk a Speedy. Permanent Cure. mlnlll , 01' grind 80'CIIII u nlualc, In a .()QYR n urly I'CI'y !lne of IlS hus cher, And He Was Not GerlTlan. brOkep voice, with a n91\1I1 tWl1ng-, I~ h d .h Idea tha t Ihe camel wos til On or our third /It'ade teach~rll no· "Ecz mil II1ll1 tll'O'l} wh U UIII' IJnb)' Rua Copy 01 Wrapper• . than b docs or a Bun r lse ·on t h W!I· 1; nRt a bove nil otbers !.hat ('oultl e);- Hced a little fello~,' the olher day dlH' Wll S th ree 1l10DLh s 01l1. W e aJJvllcd to tel'; 01' all the glOrlou8 harmonl S lha l J.t fu r eXI nded pCI'lqds wllllOllL rll'Illk · Ing u pelunflUs hlp less n who WDS evl · sewra l doo tCJI'H and hosl1ltul , eacl! of 1'!I'1l1} through tb e ' tal' st nav II. lIig. An 9 0 rew of us bU"e a llY Id Il dentlv ubao rb d In hi s work Bnd \lllt- whIch gUY li S so rn~tblng dltrel' nt Ilening his "Keals" again. his eye that tit i'e ar other twll s t s lIuhe li S Ung ill S whole soul Inio his efforts lo every time, but uolhlng IiIro ugllt r lief. ca\lgbt ' tbe [ollo'll'lng : cnvable II t b IJI1Dll1ed Quadl'Ullctl of mske his results look like tbe teach· At lalit, onl.' ot OUI' frl enlls I'll am mend, '''1101'Y' luul IQ\leUnf'M lU1 \·p pM!!ell n,wt\V : goi ng rOr' (rom 40 to (10 dny~. In WiD ' er's CdilY U\lon th e bla kbOBrd . tI to us ' utlcl1 ra oap and 1l1lcura J'· ur It _ 10 wnnd~1" clut In lu'ly morn," Thluklng such de ,'otlon ..... orthy of Olnime.nt. A few days afte rwards 1m· No wr'Plllhcd In (lnW ,10 \)'~ HO!<' llpl>or no ler, wllllOl1l drink, gl'azl ng on Ih lnu, lh., J~88t to In ~ t iho ,n"lIlnl:; d fly : green , s ucculent I'egctn'llon or lbl1t special rewal'd she passed up the aisle )II'O\'em en t could be noted. Sincl' th ' 11 No ~ ''O\y11 of n)' nl ph. ..urt-vull','1l lind 10 give him an encouraging vot upon yOung 111)11 11''')-, . season . . we hll" e used nothlll~ but CIIUcl1l'a In WIlV n b811k ls Urlnglng (lare of corn," Peccaries In the d sert of Sonorn th e head nnd the regulation s mile uf Soall and ntlcura Olnlmenr, and now she d'rew near she uo" aIlPro,·al. As '·.ncense!·· he r peat d, "Tlle only live In little dry bills, wb(,I'e Ih re Is the buby Is ~Ix munth8 old !lnd Is quite Incen8e 'II'hlch tbe modern man 'toler· no nll~nrll l water, (or long perluds. tlcell lhnt his lips were moving, nnd cured . AU that \I' IIsed WIlS one calle ates' rls II {mill a tobacco pipe; 'IInu They cannot possibly flnd wal eI'. In that with the completloo .01 each letter ot ' ull cul'a 0(11) and two box es CuU, lI)'n11>hl, If tbey appeored, would have fact. rOl' Illonthll at a lime. The only he conlJ)nred It with hili copy and mut· cura Olntml"nl , osi Ing In 011 $t ,25. AlI.bu ..' •••• 100. a.d 1'0. to'll' ar COI'seIB. ,Fancy a wood nymph , 1ll0lstllre Ihey oan obtain comes from tered Budlbl)", "damlt," "damlt; " tllen F, Kara, 34~ ."n st 651h Street, New scre w d up his coul'age and his IIpa wIth lin bour·glaslI wsls t; »ahl" l'OOtS and tb e fruita o( cacti, York, ~~lll'Ch 30, .J90G." He slammed the door of his omce But tbe most extraordinary case Is ror a new attempt, Th e teacher passed and wand red out In search of a wo" that ot tl!e vocket mouse, ne ot the on I\'ltho~t di stracting bl s mind from PAUL HAD HIS OWN IDEA. man wbo was young. fair. and dldu't oOlmon rode ntl of t be deaerl, This bls work,-Journal of Education, "NO •• HARD". WHEAT wear corllets. . lItlle CI' atme. by l he wa:, has a genFather'. Explanation of Lightning Not Ca'n non May Break Record. , " CQU~enlraIlQn of Ihe w1l1: ' he milt, ulne' (ur·lloed pocket on tile oUI~lde ot Sall.faelory to Him. Or (he congre8smen ,,'ho have ''~I!fl Ihe tS.l dy·three l to DUl b.ll. Pouud Are .Itlltered to ' bllllseU. "Concentration ' ot , Iht cbeek. When It Is hUll gry It' lake! !crvecl slf)ce tb e 10l1ndallou of Ihls 8,~a ill the' CaUiadin" 'the will." Aa be ciUlla to ' 1l bend In ropd CI'om this 110 ket .wllh Its PRW, ?;ov€l'nmmlt, OIore than 12,000 Indh·ld· \V6t where H0IJ1e: Lltlle Paul waH lour years old when and stead. of lW ftC'rc& can the pDtb from whe re cOuld be lleen a Just as II mnn would (lull a !;lIndwlch (1I1Is. only 1I4 hov e surved 20 yenrs or tile w este~1l ('It. In wbl c h be lived W8S be obtained free by One of the best leU... Is our Excelsior ~I! o-s luml>. cut level as a table. he from his pocket, C1tl-ry 'Ku ter wllUn. more. Thu longest sonlce was Ibat 8W Ilt one night by a terribl e atorm, Brand Ctack-Proot Pyfolonn~n's Coat, 41111 "hIe to compl!" thought or a day, two months ago, It III said that one ot th ee mice has :If .lohn U, Ketcham. of New York; Wind. thund r aud IIgbtlllng playod' adapted for generAlu le. Best quality . wilh the 1I01Ut'Slrud ~hen ~ h turned tbe bend wIth sll been kept for three years wllh no who sl'rved S3 l'ears, and was a memo . hal'Oc, and , whilE' otber members uf Regulations. OUl i "" ' Gua ...~nteedwaterp root. Your the presen t y tOr sa lorge portion of dealer should have iI; if not, hla lorce ot mind and spirit couctm- other food t ban I he mixed bird s eed IJeT whun he dIed. Mr, Cannon, who lhu famil y were huddled In dark cor. wrire lli. Loolt for the trated In a .tDgle resolve. to tiee one at commerce. oll1'htp; lhls Illl riod It ~ol1les next, 'hila served 52 yenrR, uers, Paul watcheq t he illumination 01 ~xccl.lor trade 1IIllf1t. cln the manY rorllls <It conscloull lire, had not. n tURta of (11th r wllter or Since ht) Is elected to the next ('on, th e sky with gr. at delight. '1'he n elt t w\11 b. was Cully p 1'8 uaded;-Htllll~- green food,. Olh ' I' eXllerlmeots In Ihls gress he will, It he \h'es to the end nf momlng aL break fas t . he asked his II .~S D1!EN ~I.~ 1m _\CCF.SSID1.~ TO MAK. ited the .woml; a wood nymph, slow. direction bo.l'e ; lIown. In tnct, Ihal his t r.m ,. luke t~e Hrst Illace In thc tutil el' what ca llsed Ihe streaks- ot fire K~ 'rb llV Till; R AII,WAY CONS'rRUCT10N '.Iy,· and ' gracefully, had glided 0111, 11I1e~e . mice In caplll'lty I' fURe ,ucli list af veterans. -Youth's COOlpaDloll. acroSs l.lle sky, Dnd hls fal her, wllh t h nt b at; been pUfol.h~,l forward 1\0,Iy:urouI1y b, " Irc,llfll .be~wc·eD the , lI'eflB and aeated . treats, ,not se mlng to ~now tbllt Wll· « reo I pains. p'ijsayed to c );pll1ln . Paul lbe thne ared\ nUwa)' comp3nlf8.. liers!!l! on that v ry Iltump. .Stealth, ·· IeI' .Is good -to drhlk , The bll'<\ seed listened artenllv Iy and apparentl y • Slll1 .Normandy'. Heroine; l'or lilt rnlnft 11.11,1 paflicu13fllarldrullt ~UPER. rNTENDp.N·r 01' I ~ DIII;R"T'ON, Ollaw a, .' Ill'. be hll~ IIPproached the s11Y, ·bllau. P\l~ before tbe mou se reterl'ed to coo· One \If lhe favorIte . postal carris acce pted ~'hat \VII S told' Iltlm. 'but, when CO I1,u ln , or the t u 1l0\"jtlg ' 1Il1lorin:d 'lIuldhu ·tlflll cl'eature as she Imt b'rll'l dlng hili' 1111l1fl.!1 not more thlln ten per cent. or offl!l'ed ror ~ole to tourlsls by shOll he found nltf'ntioll dlv!\r ted trom him· Go\'e, uUltnt A g ~u t ,: hall' In the morrtlng s unsblne •. enA wes 1II0ls tlll'e, wlllcb IR less t ban Is noces· kellpt>I's or . Rou n, Normand)'. shows s It, he It,anell o,'('r to hI s lIunt. wh o H. M. WilliAMS, Lawa.lIdiar. T.I.d., O'io. d elll\'lIled to ' lind thnt h ' had been ~ 8ry tOI' dlgesUon. Stulf 90 !lry as · ! mod rn fc mlnlne cOlllpatrlot or' Joan Pill hcsl<Je hI m, and whillpered: Mendon \1111:1 t)3llcr . mIstaken. . tllis cannot e l'en lJ~' ~wallowed until of Arc rlressed orid pOSl.'d to rellre· " It· wa so't thill, auntiE.>, It was God ':'Forgive DIe, 1 tbougbt you were a 1\ Is molslened by, yet this reo ~ nt the great. Freoch herolue "Iiln. scratching matchea on th" sky," " I!ymr)h," be enid, ' roollshly, as his Ulurkllille mouse gave nothing but his ning In lIel' thatched rooted collage .{eiII rQstllng .oUlong; the dry leavey. time to t he Jnt4ltellt ll at science: He at Donu'enlY, etartled her, . su1Tel'ed no( hlng In bealth or 1I11ldts CHANGE IN FOOl) :'011: ~:ndymlon! ,. 'sne sIghed. and dll rlng hili captl"It~ . • j;OPJlPd In confusion, "Pardon ~B. Saved the S Itt..tlon. Work. Wonder. In Health. There Are positlon8 open in the , i've lJeen. 'd l-eamlng oyer Keots," she Sbe raised her head fr'o m bll ahoul. Navy for hUlldrcdsof young-ruen' . • tnminered, taking a ' dl'ab voluDle, . . tier lor n mom,ent. . It III worth 'kuowlng lhat a change bel\,' et\1l 17 and ZS yeara of age" w lh Aold lett.edng, r~9n~ lier bosom. "Do you believe that t'T,'!~olse aOlI In food can <.Ure dyspep~IB, "I deem and for ll1cclian ica up to 3S years ' , '''Yoll a.nd J ' belong to the same fel, lotions and toJlet preparation" '1"111 1m. It my duty to let you know ho~ Grape. of ,a ge. Good PRY, and goOd food 'J'he, greate8~ well ace to ~omao'8 lowsblp. ',t,oo. 1!ave wandered ti-Ith provo woman's lOOk's?' she ask ri. Nuts tood has cU'r ed me ot IndIgestion, furni shed by the Government. perml1oeot liappln~ S8 In life; Ie t!le - 'llIndymlon," he I'Oplled, taking a book _ He pressed ber blond curis back up. "l hlld been troubled with it for .For filII information addre8. sutl'ering tbat come8 ' from some de,'. . on his eheJit. . years, untU last year my 'doclor rec. , from bla' pocket. Navy Recruiting Station; Post raogeme[; t of tbe lelnlqine organs, :"rhe}, .c ouldu't Im{lTove the look. ot ommerided OrB~'Nuts food t9 Le used " . .'r~e l'lv~l afump ' lq "a ~r~ak '111: the lItaoy thouAnd8 of women haTe Oftke Build;o"., Cincinnati,Ohlo. l'eallzed this too late to 'save their '. t ptJdl} b.::came .th·e lr · hYstln, p'lllce, Some WOmen I" he said. . ~very morlling. I rollowel! II\~truc· ~~Il:.1 th, barely 1~ \-une ~ save their, where they mingled love and,· PJn~,be • . "Whose?" s)Jll ·uked. ,'. 'U nn. snd 1I:000 .J'am entlrely·..wel). ' . live!!. . . . '. I.m~ Bitt to=day; .rio graceful . tlcuro "Well, your'l and Violet COChrane'a, ', "TIIIl 't'bo'te rnmOr like Grape:Nuta, .\ ;' a-o be a 8ncceilefull wife, t.9 re!.&l~ with ila 1I0wiDI dropery . !Del 'hls ' f6t' IDStAnce," he replied l~~u~ht~~~!:;.. ;v\j ~ use fOllr pack!lieB. " week • . YYIl' the love and admiral~oD of her Ilu's1 laze. ' It> W&l n~t tbe day or· lIour of . ' 'I dorn unders.taDct you," ahe said, d,re ",elcOIpe to use thla teaUmonl~1 0.11 band, should be • .woman's ·o ollstant. . ., 'tbeh: ' hysll ' Like the devotee cit ratllng. her blead tor tbe second time IOU lI.e e fI,l." . .6 tod 'IOm(l (CIOtlt,bt beaut,,' he ' beheld ftie and chilling blm wltb a look. "We TI\(I '.reaaon thla lady. wu belped b, r a ' woman findl!, that. ene~ gle8a~ flagging, tb~.hbe getaealjily ~mpty', lltale and It .was garlab, are nol at a1.1 allk.e ." .. . 1the ~8&- of Grape.Nu\.s ,ood. is tha:, It ,-:tIred, dark sbadowis appear ';Ylder ~ Ii . hi, a~:mood C1t ,depfeaI19n be c'llIled , "I mean/', he . replled. turnlnlr bert. " IIrlldtgeated by natural proce8le., )Ier eyes: she haa baclfache" bead, .to Uie ,wan! and Ilaased 'IDto 'tbe b.e~d' f~r: the ·sl!co.l1d time and thinking uterefl!Fe does not ~ the stomach ' ache, beann~Qwn lsensationa, ri'ei'P' wood by a path hl! Ii'ad never · tallen qUlelrly "tbat YOllr loOks 'coullla't be lli'tbe foOd abe bad been using;' It 0189 ",ousue/iS, irr'e guhlrltl'!s 01" the lkIfore • . , flnter.ed throUlh '. ' pt,. loilll'pved becat\8e Uley are perfect ail contalus tbe ,elemenls required rl)r "blueli," IIhe IIho.n ld Iita~L at once to . way and Ilnew not tb.t he was tI'tl': they are, and that he~'11 couldn't be olllldlDII u!) .tlie Jiervous aystem. I.t buUd up her ay.• tem 'by .. tonic !i'ltb • "liIShil': Elllergjng from. a thick plne ImprQved because no 1I'Di0UDt· of work . thlit part of tbe ,humaD bodr lim pet· !iP,llelftc pOw~rs, aueb as ...pod 1* a ~Ift formed ' II' the en" cOllld ,malle hel'Opret~ ," teet wOl'ktng, order, tbere CIIn ~e ' DO ' • , ,,,onln.,,, ~Ila, 1I1s1 r1!Ve~19 ~as brqlren . :A:pd t lie fti-ellaht Alckere'd knowlDg.·, (ly8P~PII&., for nervoua, energy repr&. Ii)' ,~he IOUDd. ol falling wat(lt'. · Look'ljr as , ahe slgbed a great slab or eon- sents the . It__ m that drlV!!s tbe 'en, for woman'a Ills, made'only of roots arid b'erbe. IDg \l~ he beheld the Mboon of a tiny 'tentment ,and relief, while be drew a gl\le. ,." .. , r~~:i~~~==:~'UCh . . Drarghll' Selllllt.lonll, Weak ".terral). Arter a moment , .of ad· deop breath.-Penoy Pictorial. When tbe net-voul "Item Is run o ,Ioilammatlon and U1ceratloll. alld an nalratlon, ' be · era~~ a p~eclplce and ' down, the machinery of the bodr Invaluable In tbe (JhaDp of Ule, It dl~lTt!s .t.oOd 011 tllemal1Jlnofamlnlatu...aan.n.BII.ln... Booming. worka badly. Orape-Nut.- tood eaJl be, . a\at'e; and'tonee I:I\1bdues FalntDeu, Nen-wa ""e, 10 ea~,u)Jy bldd~n a"a, tllat. It I. ollleJaUy atated that tile UDited 1I!ed , b, .mall children. well &I and .ningtbens the Stomaoh. Curea hicllgnt.loD, and ' In~tea tbe whole ri~:~~D=O:t:O~'D="~. Of the . ' l~'tuta Stalft la.t lear .purehued baballili. to adult.. It jl IteI1ec~ ooo\ecl aDd iI&oeUnat ICIIle4" tor ~nrement.l of tile " ...... , , - ~W....tbe"v.,ue o~ 'l1,IiOO,OOO~ aDII eqiorted' ready for Illitaat • • . •. ' ' "'''0'''' ••• nearl¥ .' UOO,. worth of JIM4,~, Boa4 to Welltl1l.," ..




The Kind You Have Always .Bought Bears the Signature





For Over



~CASTORIA' •• There'. Two W,a,y.,'"


Oiled Clothing Slickers

New 'Wheat Growing Territory











Lydia E. Piilkham's V~getabl~







"...... .. tr\IJt.

I i . "'11I...·i . . . . . ."


.. '

,, ~



:4trlll'k II!" t,mtlull!ll' ~"nMtprl\, whaTe tDeath }1Jnds Busy" . • . ' hlJ rosl'O I the Llt.tiu Mtt"lIIi l'ILilroali I' ~ifc of JI,,~on Evans . 1"1<' ~ U ('"ul( . I "l"lIltIr ly , ~.Ii:ut I wln ru t huy' I'Il\lOll II IOCOIl\otlvA off . 1;" ,( '.,11"'1\, 1·,'lurll" ,llulllf hOIll ' till trll k IIntl Itlluleo it ill II WhAII't Uno of the most s uccessful of 111 \I n!, ltllI'II)II II I : Itllli wt','k,tlfl r l ftlll(1 'WIIYU svilla', luge (\olony of form. HII "xl ... n,I,·11 \,1" with h. I' ,\' ,nrl'11 \\'f1 1' nhhf (I I1p ngain !! t, Morgfln1t, l nr rt'lIldent.ll, IJ1I880(1 from this e"r.t~, !l1,,1 (:111111\11 MU llt.\' trllllllll'lImll'\' 11l 1 11\1111 8 "-I'ml ~in1('!1 IIUar tllllt until wlt,h t,he doth of .llUiIOli Evans, &.t I I ,',... I linll ll bll oll!\hing 'Ioodar rlLD .up his hOUle in II I:!ulmrb of C:lnoIDlu~ti IIgll ill!\t· /I l IIi n hll1.1et 'It theenvil\tI. 'Itllrdui)" Ur Hl:'l l\~n. ,~ D li:v rly Ilud llAl!lt'J' un "u bout ,1\ yonr lifter JIO ,"ulon EVlUlti belunl~etl to II g roup ,~un Mr EIII'I ~,\ll:'d Ilro ,lIi th~ IWlld WII:! Illrnioit.lg 111 Ohio. of Wnynallvil\ men, who ill the "f tI j'l lL~ V,HI"t,.\' .. 1 tlllll'l~ t!l II',I!:) Will My f(II,hnr H 111'.1 [, Wngouer n 61!r.lY II"Y8 following tha opelling or ~p·nd t:'''VI'~'"1 Wfll1 k" \"illll II~ I.,ltllo, 'm ill rhy t.I·Il,1 Ill'. t ulll etu \ VI(YIIPl\. I,he Littl IIJlIlIni Rtull' went lUtO 1>.. II,,,It, !t1l.1 WlIl(;lll11~ ' l'lu(lt1!llll n ng vill e ill It'll; n r I :1 ILnd wurkodin un Ine~s 11\ Oinc innlltl Rnd enter ed til" Lllk"s ,rillllll i"a ·mllh 'I' II'Hlrin~ lIIil1-. Prtl- Oll IL!'\Icco!'ll'fnl bll~illetlll career. ~.l(l\\1 Il\'rl M YtllI iOlls to tllllt timA in 1, 33. when h 'fhe 'InciDnnl! l'i,mulHroIIlJ 1'l"i . . d 1 ' 1 t flr~1 lime to Ohl,' . 11ft bought 0 !ouue, .of SUDll lI" , IIl1id of hll'l, '. APlllllllte ""P"\' UI"LH 1"'11 ' J " ' :: Ao hool fnr lit' bllII fllit "luHrl.-r "el!liOIl (If laml inHntld il~t.e ly FUlleru! survi Iltl rivnr tho body bus eu:!1 n :' where Ihe oll,y of Kaol,o.n i ,f til Illte JIlSOD .FJvIlIlS, llged 7.1, All' VIlU l 'leve WI ll be rOlllfmho r6tl n nw. <IA11(1611 (1(1 1I Iqt of thtJ timber pioneer pork.pllcRer l\lul tlrn~gi9t, by wnu.y 611l'.e ll relltler!l Ill! the nUll while It \\'IIS ~8tting I'elldy to wh o rllod In hi i home In PlelUlont YOlluge~tl'louor R v • •1. F. VIIIlUloVil, ele'ar, 11" wa ut 10 \ Vnrren Co . nnll ' Hhl~e Sntn rd ,1Y morning, were II forlller plis tor of tit \VII:vnellville got, IUI1rrie 1 fo Anu Rhodes, llIoved hol l1 in th 1 Illte r ce y at.ercillY li : E . obul'oh .. .I>'o ,r · sever/II ' :vellrs to 1-1ul"(1\n Co . in Ml o )Iring ot 1 42 Ilftornoon . b e hilt! bald th e position II. snpt1rlu . IIIl(\oloarHlup his fnl'lII In fine shape : 'fha botly \ illlJEI ~hi l)ped ttl WIlY , l6Ddeut at the Steubenville 80hool8, Ue (lieel in I, 5» , Ilo~v ille, t> , this morning fnr burial I r ell ,1 1I0\' erlll IIgo t hllt When 'Inoillnll·ti was the grellt. thl'l'l\ Willi !t nllmbJ r of old settl r porK pu okiug ceutor of the Middle T he followtng inquiry OOllltll! living In Wllynesvllle "nd probllbly W e~ t · .lotlon EVllns enter ec1 thnt from JeS8e B. Biroh, Eclitor of the some or them mll.1 have know\J Illy fi III nnd oohi ved 0 Instlng 3U0OO8S. Oxford, indllmlt, Tribune, lind IIny, pllrent~. . After a moderate olle wbo can fnrnl~h the de!llred 1 bope to visit there Slon and find fort,nne /llill pucker Mr, EVlln!! oon . IlJforw l1tion will oonfer 1\ fll \' or by out anll nll'1o bope to be present nt· duoted II. drug store li t, WILde ILnd addressing either MI'. Bfroh or the th e next Borne Coming. FillUloy !ltl~et for 11 number of Gtlzette ottioe : WllIhun H. S. Waltner, years. Is there ItnY' ,lle Ii vl ug in or nt'ar H e l'"te r foundell tbe Eva.ns .nento,n, 01\10 your town by tbe nllmlt of Biroh . harnieal (JornpIlDY, whloh ia oon· 1 am bunting SQme one of the fnm· dll 'tect by !lis . on!!, Htlfry flml Seth ily with the family Bible to g t the Sunday at tbe M~ E. Church EVI,lDII, . record 80 my slater OILD join the Benevolent Day at the M. E . 'l'be bddy WIlS lIrnught t,o Woy. Daughters M the Revolntlon, Cburoh llU!t DDdllY brought large nl sville MonllllY mOI'Ding and the '1'he Birc h s IIvl\d nMr Waynell· ville .v,e llnt I\t(o lind moved to Fonn- congregl\tionll botU In the mo~niug fundral sel'vices were conducted by , R v . Phililll'rollt u't Mltlml 'eme. cain IudillUll, ome nlay re 110<1 evening . tery Chapel. . The I'ervlces Were of uoullual maluedlu 0IIlIJ. ,le8S0 8, Biroh interest. Mr, Evans' four !Ionl! !toted liS At the mOlning servioe tbe Saora. pllil heorerll. BI-. on ly dlUlghter Ed wllrf! Cooper and family, Qf Oblcago, who h lwe. besQ visiting B. m ,e nt pf Bflptlsm for ndnlt perllonR Willi II Iso prl!sout Oil were Il number E . Llpponoot~ and ot,her ' .relatlves WIl8 observed, atter tblll, tan perllons of otbor relal i v Ij. .\11'. Evau wnR a. brother of t,be In this vlolnlty ' fdr about tl ~eek, Were renel'f6111oto tho ohuroh . Six are uow visiting at Xenia, Spring· froUl probation and t'our by transfer v uernble .I oel EVlln!l, of Wuynes. Ville, Held and Dayton 'a nd from tbere from , otber ohurohes. 'l'he ofl'ering tor t b e Benevolent ",ill return to their home. Mr. Ooop6r Is employed In the ' great Sooliltiel! ot the ohuroh wall then Mrs. T. J. Brown's stookyards of (lhloo&o wh~re be taken , and the chnroh oame forward ComHtion Improving bolds 8. Inor.teive p08ltl0n . Mr . 8.nd plaoed on the aloor $52. 6, whieb ~IUI a. good 0'l'ferlng ,Rnd U w\l1 ' b.e 9 2.P6..!.. V1SI~ his ~t'I~ home to ,vu 1 "'r'g' ely Incre"sed b' y those- who It iii. with " f~lit1l!C of gr~tftude dnring the BOnie·Comlllg iii t Y"IU I .. .. w~re Il.>t able to be present, Aft~r tbat thl) fam ily of Mr18. T. J, Brown , after aD, ahs.,nce of twenty year~ con send (ortb the ' tldln""" thnt she &ad waa.o delights!} ~Ith .tbe viait a few remnrltll by · the pnl!tor, the .,elightly bettllt:. that he aDd his family came again servioe . olosed by sinahig "Prnise ~ .For fou te k t h God from whom ail blessings ·flow .. r en ~ef\:8 ler CAse . as ~h.111ear . '.' At two o'clock in the arte'rnoon a belln one that bas eX<!Ilted . the KrIlV. held ~~crament, est fears of lier family and friende. loll's. Eva BeDlns, of Santn Anna, se.r v 'ee .' WQ8 u .and ,the . '. of for children Wa!! admln. and Ilt time dllring that puiod her California, Is II guest of her Aunt, I I' f 0 seemad'.0 h ang on,a very 8I en· Isterad, Mrl. J, ~D. Oleme.ots. The eve'nin" service wus dttended der tl1resd, but witbill the past few loIrs, Bemus Is a daughter of the e ~ ~ d . by 1\ large congregation. ays a. oha~ge for 1Ibe . bette... has Ide ·.Tobn E , Taylor, wlio a numPer An by ' l'h ' e p'dstor ma ' S apparently oOlDe, IU 1I0me features The ,serm v of .y~~. ago owned and operated q.. ~be Telegrapb MUla , J E'rJDl . here ellrnest 'and[elistlo. at t,be olose of her il'n.e~s certainly on tile Ahe' 't'U d ' Ii.~e family moved to ~pringfield of whioh one person united with the mend ' althoagh . ,ill ,S '. , excee . cb, nroh. Th.e right hIln.(1 of fellowa}llp Ingly .weak. _ , . ' and later ,on to D,"yt-on. Mrs B own S C08 • I I . r , .. ~I IS cer.a n y a Mrs~ Bern 011 , iuotb~rls stili \lvlng, was extended, and the 8f\rviooa of tlie day were olosed by the Be~edic. very . remarka·bie on~' , andurlng aa her " ather' iiavlbg dIAd aome years she has 8u.oh exoruoilliting I!oft'erlrig t.lon·, . ago. so lonii in ~d()it1on to her already This 18 Mrs. Bemus '.fir8t vi8it to f rail condit j on for eight year8 past. t St · M ' · . Waynesville fn twenty years and Se l'Vlces a • ary 8 _____ _ _ _ Ibe fllldslDuoh to·lnterest' her . .




__ _ _ _

t 8 Peculiar. "Inseet Found Church S ep..

frb~ resldllnoe of Alfred WY80ng,

of Spilng


was totally 'de: early Sunday mor~· lng, together WI'ib priu!tioally ail Ita oontenta. Mr. Wyaong and son . were the oply ooonpantli of 'the bouaeat tbe time, Mrs, Wysong be· ing abeent vIsiting a' d!lugbter, .and ~he "fire oriBinated from tbe e:q)!o· . sloll of 1\ Il1mp that had been left burning ,: all night . . The 10s8 w~s partially ~avered, by IUllur.noe. · Mrs: Iilroy Iron8, of W:ilynesvllle, is a d&ognter of Mr. Wysong,IIDd a~ the timo af tbe tire >Mrs,. WY,l\ong 'YDe V.1,Biti~lg ber here. . stroyed '~y ' fire

EcbOes 'o f the Past ·

t;ervloe8 at St

Mlll'y 's Ohuroh

will be resuuied' the seoond I:uoda.y . Tliolua8 ' Lacy, '.' ,o·.f'. , tbe 'Sprin 'g . In September, t,be, 8~h. . Branoh peighborhocld brougbt ' to ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gazette office Slltqrdtty after ....... . ~........... ~ W"9'W"9' W"9' noon, It ooup Ie 0 f pelo ol'lar I00 ki ng ,nlleota whloh ~ttra.Of.ed II. great dl'lli f tte li d hi h I uo

$..'. The Dayligh,t St0t:e.• , ..


q~ane&t· and . : Best .,... 0:< • r..qulpped Store in ~own •. · ex. . in and see Uy. Ae enables me to p"rperien. . . . chase .the , very best goods

.:.A The

.$ $.


Comml .. lon How to ! ·R.form Lawl. Hel'. art some ot the pertlnenl . . presslonl 0/1 lbe .ubJect at ulxatlos made to tbe Tax 00mOlls810u o f Ow.. at Itl meeUng on June 3: , O. E. Brandtlll e, ot Xenlll, member of t.)le BOllrd of 1'rus(eell or Oblo SLUt university: 'l'be more thorougb Iy I 10011 Into ,n,e tax question the mora um I cunvlncell thal I wall pre IY lose tu 0110 side of It. T cun 8 e how ~'1IS)' )r ' ls r')I' me to IIgIII'O It " th e Iltb llr Cullow slloulll Slay lh e lax, nn.l I IlIlpk lbllt IN hu ' ,r (he troubles throu"h the Hlill . \I I~ l'lIMler to Ilgu 1"0 bow lit OUltll' ' :8U puy llUes without filldlng Ollt how you will I,a)' your sllore Bnd HCII!} If )'IIU CIIU . 'VU nr all n Jlllie noar·slght'll . Thero are nInny luetluallU es III III prlJlle"t system. If a llIan hail $10.000 III calli unll Is honest I&e will relurn It ul ~. .lual valliE!, $16.000. H hI! Invest>! It In .r al estute It will be ItlXod , lu 1ft)' county (Oreen) tor ubom $:1,000 ~ Ir ' 4,000. It In horses thllY would toe apprulsed at abouL $~O III OI'N'U COOII'I · ty, $27 In uyahoglL and UO In Hnllt1· ilIon countle$. Some one 18 lu lslukeD In tba value of horB8s . 1'lte \' ry belt borles we grow go to lbe elly . lC YO\lr '10,000 Is lu cURIl It III on th dllpltc~,e at fllll vallie, In hones nellrl y up 1,0 full Yalue, It In reul eat ale, lee s th.D hillf tbe I' alue. 1'he 118~eSllor gats ev erytbln,· the 'f anner hilS elolle Ill) to th e actual vallie. In mercbaIHlIse tllie litorek eep er places II valuo all his own atook Rnd li e 18 usually pI' tty libel'll on the sma ll sid, . Let a dollar be a dollllr no mat~r In whal luYestell, wh ether In baAk, telt)Pbone or railwa y stock, III la~, oasll, DIU les, horses . or cows, '1'lIe trollble has been thllt tbe tax bll8 lUll been Justly propot"!lcn'Ott. Preble COWl · ty, which If Illirely I\gl'loullurlll, - relurn8aore cred its, wllh debla dedu.t· e i UiaD Hamilton or Cuyahogs. Tbo deceonlal aPfrlllBomollt Is !In· wile and IInJIlst. Cal'or more ~I . queRt allpralB'emellts.

In length and of 0 peoilliar greenish oulor. ·' . . . . VII.rl~n9 a.lltl\Oritl'e,s · on " jmgol , ogy" pronounqeit ihellll ~ cro~s ,b~. ' twee . . n th e t 0 bIICOO ~Il d a 11It .WO~1:D8. IJIlt n6 on , OQuid recall haVlng ever $3en anything. of the kind ~-'fore.' ""

. $$ or '$'

WarreD Co,. waS ID the IInmmer of

aDd kJot " ,lyiDg hip &hroQlb tbe gr&•• ~''-ofOhlo, ItblDtweilr8t ·


~'!llter · KI·lboo u. . • .' . "


",,",~ ,,,,~

Oolden Wedding An"tversary


• • •

C. P. DYllr, Marietta: I have no plan to propose wher~ money, .tocks, bonds or cr,dUa can be pnt upon t he dupllcute. We hlllve tried 10Da ellousb .1I10ng thlt ltne to show It 000 "lIot be done. I favor slMIh lin am'8ndment to the conltltutioo as "!I'm oban ge the old IIlld Inelftolept melbod. I d'o ' nol kno\'( Ule det.Us, but I would like to aoe t he whole mat· tel' pla.ced In tbe bands of a pel'lllanent· tax commlselon , Let lI8 do away with tbe at·t "mpl to tax what can !lOt be pnt on the duplicate! The yo@g men 'buyln w hamel wbo have been mentioned Gere today will ,et tbe ben· ellt In recitl :'Ild Interest r.tea. Put ac· tual; ' tan,lble pI'opBrty on tbe dupll. cate, Tax the ,Iub\le service corpol'll' UOIIS lIIuoh 118 we II 1'0 doing, el.ber uPQn the croes I' turns or on tbe value of their IItock. Go litter tbe propel1y Itself. not th. reprcsentatlvl's of tMt property, '

• • •

C. M. Freeman,



Secretary National Grange: We find lIotblnr; par\! ularly wrmlg In lbe taxallon math"r If tb'll other low would oulv (Jay h18 taxes. We com'., lato tbe world wltl&out wr own volltlon, and we are protected by soolety, · There Is a nloral obllg'aUon resting [n on the eaell Individual to that eo· clety. maUer of taxation Is n Ilnimclal dnty to 80 !'ety. 'fbe assessor. asks more questlCJ\ls of the farmer than or .lbe mercbanl or manutacturer; & true Invent01'1 Is taken of &«1'lonl fllre, lIu t nol of .he other Industrle" 'There are 111,010,· OOf) less manufliclured roods In n06 than 1875. You ask the merchant ODe question; be mny luive $U)Oo.OOO worth on bls IIhelves : ~ou ask 'the manufacturer two quesl\onS j you uk tbe farm'er 15 pr 20• . It seems to me tbl, 'solves lhe forgettul!le/ls of llIe mercliant and ina Il"Ufactimir. . . In regard to cla811lft~tlon In the meajer Ume I have bild to spllre to it 1 have not been abbl to find oae wo'rd' tbat hll8 been Sl\ld to IIho"" It wal just and rlribt. , So, I bave'been convinced tbat there IB no juetlce or Cllulty In cluslflcatjQn, The ma,n wbo l,a)"8 one·tentb of 1 per cent enjoya Ind will enjoY'lIll the ben· ellte tbat the man who. pays tile ·:tull tax enjoys, He will the b!lneftt of t.h'e. roada, Bchool8, ltisane alllllUDl . and parks. Tn other wordll: be 18 'til b'e a oltlzen of this . country tin a :basil ot one-tentb' per ceut. and enjoy .. eyery ~~~V:!~&'8 . 01 tbe DlIlD wbo paYI bla rull We bellel In tbe taxutlou ' of traa· cbleea, pnbllo eervlce corporations and an Ln1aerltance tu, Tbls mlgbt be 4ou· ble tuatlen. I wOllld relieve dollble


---- -~-

MIs8 Martb{l O 'Neil l and 61188811 arol.1u and Edith Mosher entA:lr· tainl'd at t,he home of Mips O'Neil) Il'rldl\y" evening 1ll08t d~lIghtfully In cODlplinlent to tbe' MltI8es Marl. anull and Margaretta Plloker. of Newton .. Pennsylvanill, ami MI.I!F Huth Wnlobet. d Day tOil . t )lIrds ftlrni~ bf\d th ,,' nvtml ngR eu . t-ertnlnw ent. . Miss Donnu "owks lVom the Illdiell ' prize IIOll Mr , "~Iwllrtl Rlokll tbe g antlelllllll 's. .H elreshUlen ts 01 loe 01'f10111 IHld ouk\! were served . The gue~tll \Yel'a Mi ~IIt'" EVil Funkey, Klltlll'yn lIud ~amtlnll Uakin , E;(lith CrIm e, ,JeSsib (Jleh ver • I Lllell~ OOl"ue ll , Donnll Hn wke, Rutb antl EII:t~'lb8 th Chlllldl!1l', J{llthryo' AlelCIIlltler, Heilrillt.tll MeKID81lY, Jotl8ie Marl .. U,o. Ruth Wuloliet" Mllrillull "nd Mart\'lIr6ttll Plloker. and 1111'8. W 'I~ O'N6&I, Messrs Will O'Neal, Wnrren KeYII, George Fun. key, Fred f:Illrt!look, Fred CII8ke,Y. Earnest ROBnagla, George Rtroud Bllrry Eilrolmrt, Adelbert MoKay, Edward Rlob, Howard Gollett, Ronald Hawke, Harold (Jook, Sto.kes t:!llvers, lIarold Howlllllncl Warren Etlwllrds.

. Nfr: and Mrl, At , 1:1, 11'0118, of D~r. Lab tUOU, rtlaobed ~be fUtiet-h anni versary of tbilit marrlfd lI'e Mon Ja~, aud thp ooOlllilm) wu made OIemc:!~ft;bl" ~y II. oelebrllt,oll arrell~ . • ed I,y their ohlldrell ,."d rehltl vel"lu bon'Jr ,tit" "vont, At tbre(l o'(Jlouk JUBt (Illy y.a rl !lIU AIIKqllt !4llt,h, "r. lind Mn. 'Irun~ m lt.rQuP.d t , Ihe urldllillit.n, I,o/(et-ber ~od It WI\II jUlit Ihrtlll 0'010011 Mon dllY whl\lI .I,htllr Irl~Ddli oama tu t.helr .homll . '{'ue v'iN!lorll decordad ~b~ hOl;lse with 80lc\en rOlI '.nd other flowers IIn(\ .tt. :lOon t,u.. k UII a 8"la •• 1 ppearuu08. ktlfrtll!hUlftnt .. wllre lIerved and Ii nAPI'Y dl&,f enj ...vtttl, . '1'bose prtlllr'" i. "'.'re: p, V. Bone wHe, or Labttl") U ; .rll: Morrill::)~ , dam , daughl tt r Allrab and .onl Uenry and Ke lll, Orogoni".; !tIr. And Mra. Wm . V ts'lHfI, 1.. S : Dun . ham, of Lt!hotl1l1ll j ( :, .... Irons! Oint olnDlitl j Mr, .. lid Mt'p. I..&roy IroDIt lind sun ~ ...." j "III.. A,I;IIU Olla'Wlt:. ,Mrll, lrenl! 1111l1t~11 dlllttl hter Atu.' garet. Rutb .. nd L,\' It, Harnban, Oklaboma (;, t,v, OkltlhoQla



Mr , \V . E . Ogl sbee entertained Th'r ee FalJlilies Tuesday evening Ii large. oomaJaoy Meet in Reunion of young people In honor of HI88 Jessis Cleaver, of Miuneapolls; whQ 'I'be Rloq, CUI' aDd 4 leil yer fam. 189pendlng a two wee" ... vnoaUoD 1l.lea held th"ir toln'h illll,n ,I relln. he re. A mOlt delightful evening was iOD in A. , ~ RlolJ'iI grove, it miles south of h ,U'vdYllburlJ, OU tI,,\urdIlY enj',yed, . . MillS Clea ver expoot.s tQ ret4rn to ~ugnst 24 10 tbe ·Jurellotln 'btl 8iy. WlUj' &lIme MinDeapol1li! Saturday. w~a~ oVf\rplUl~ bat about !lOOd tb" olouda lIudlleoi.v vtAlillibM all,l tba MillS Maud Waterhouse, of Day. S.UD iboue t~rlb in all its ISlury; ton ,. ill t·he guest of MJ88 Alina with thl! re.uh that 10 tb" 'wo o Waterhonse. of Corwin. , ~or. hours . from slevlln till 00. !:!aturoay evening a hllY ride was boggle...Dd oarri.gilll Jo.ldeu dowD given in her bonor, twenty or " blrty "'ith~ ])UMnpl'll poared in ·10 a YOang ladies and gentlemen mat. I~,. Itream , By tbat 'hlle 911' lug up the party. A jolly trlp .from warcb of ODe bOlldr8d had arJ.ri~· Uorwln &0,, ' point DMr Harvey.• ' 011 'he II08n." . , burg wa!l~ad4[l . .. Thel ,Uleu' repdlred '0 to am '. ply ·. pr8tul &abl~ ~ ..ud a l . beluB KSTIBLlWD ted In praYllr by Rev , W. It. O ',N....1 «Ivery one prllOeedoo 10 euJoy .'be ~'''bl~, Duller tbe w,e iJb' uf whioh' tbe t.hles '"Irl, IIroaotlCi. Dinner over tbe ",ubly w •• oalled 10 orelar by Ihe pr6lild_,. N ', B, Rlob, auad abe folloWiDg odluer" . lor Ibe 8~ .UIDIr year dlU:f ~culhlrll eJected: N.· II .. RIOb, pr.ldeo,.; , AIID ~/'I'I'IIDL" nil! . .' !Ie". ,W: u. O 'N.,.U, Vloe ......l!leinl ~dll& !(J1cUltml JO~ of III WOtJi OhArl. OoJ1I"r, ' ....,.urer; "Del II . . EYU7 ~t ""'tleo by .peoIaIm.,.... O. IIoKIDIMIy. IIoiOre"ry., .. hI«bettt authorltiettll\ tIteIr reepocU"! 1 ' .' Wbell aU nOOtlMary buala. . bad No'ot)Ier Jl&II8I' pI'It8ada to wmpue .11b" baeD .'raoaao&ed ·. '. no'bG' , ..., 10 qualUlc&Uou of 8ctt1Orla11ltd. •• GI~ee tbe AIIrlcuItur&I NBWS wtth ,decree 'IDtereetiDIR PI'Op'lUll w~ , reude~. of \'Om~ DOt~lemptal by other&. . . lin: &.aura Varner Reed. del1v• . , 8d .. abort poem which .... . W . INDI •••" ...... T8 ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS oompoltlCl eepeot:.Uy lor &he oocs. WllQ WlSH.TO B~OD &Dd III wbloh ibe had worked . . . . liP ~~B ~ the, nalll~ti Ki9h; Carl' ~d Ole.vtlr /11.,1............., .1~1 i.n ,. ve.i ole.,er aud, at &flUelt .. ver";' tie ............ t •. M, . " , . a-I' tLlL , ~udrlooull maDUM. ,,... . " .PB(JIAL i ...i i i••"...... .....~v ,~. W.. WY,Db frqua K,iploq. .a. 0., ... 4IIQ_ ClLlIOIt. . Oblo, tbeo made, ' t,cae aoct ...ppl'O~ .lI'ou~Mont/W7Waln-ipJJO..-u. prla'" tallEwbiob wu ......, lISt: --. preo1a&ed by all. ' : SPECIMEN 'COPIEI ' ~l The mllJllO lbroUKboG& abe 0CJ9I,. ,..111_ matlecltreeo.o req.... I~ "III PI'7&aJ" . body I"tueatH 10 UI7 way 10 COUIIWJ ute to sloD' wei furllilhed bl the H_r:v"!teeAd (orthem. ~ the publlabenl, ' burlf blind wbo aoqui$tec1 ,hem. LUTH .... TUC.... ,& .011, tJelv811 Val'Y oredhabJg. ~, aboll' '. .a..tban;J!'o N. T_ fl.,e ·0010011: " h'. 8"1 tb~ .betaD I""IDI· ". :, . . . .'. " . 'Neat l'tlIlr ~be ".IlQII)~wJ1l t.lIAJd II ,at 'btl plaoe .abe ....... ERA TOR'r . tilU8 'be fourtb ~tQrda110 AU8d • .' . ' . i '. Oa,> .. •• .L





caloh the property somewbere. ale1lg the 1I0e, Mlln of great fortnnes ba,e been enjoying :prlvllege" tliat "'y 'should )lot \)e slow to pay for. All to the equi ty. mortl;lIgeil of taxing. fa,on ·" and property; paYing . on lands. Here Ie donble taxation " ~t oUlht to of be hom'ee, relieved' ,I lIke I encourale ne ~u1l41DI the India!.:

Celebrated by Mr. and Mr•. M, S. , Ironi.


. The ONLY,



,WALTER· ·.Moi1.)LURE '," FUN l 0IRE C ' Taleplton,' or Nllbl,' . I"nO; 1 oca . L'001 DIatanca N 69 3r-



law, .... hlcb eJ:empt8. to the amount .. f e1';en: "~O nn'every m0l1glll'e for eacb Indlvld\lill, 'A'ben the mOrtrilille doe. not exoj!ed bait tile property. 'Tbe ,.t 1 maD who 10llns the money 18 more SubeorlptlOD8 ..eo' .f orul ~e able to' pay tax tban the borrower, I III. maglUltnllll &Ild "'~~JMI"; ,':.., ' would ' make the morl'ogee pay bls WAYNESVILII OHIO UIe UIlZO'1e oflloe. Nole - .W e ,..m t~ 00 the mOl'tll"lIge, exempt the feal L , ..10-.•.• "0 prl"- ·".,0 ' _"-' b- aD'. estate to lhe amount'o(the mort&age; au ~- 01 .. and. maltl; the fax a lien on ,the pro... ranc.. C8. .",.. ",PO , ,,-bta ,u"riP~01l U 81lOJ.W . "!!'!'. erty~, .nn.d . l)tr8et tbe' !Iole ' by tb. reo • C'e11l[8 paid on tbe tex, . If ·the· cOIl8Ulution Iii to be cbaD,led ,.,.hIII....i...,~~ . ....~ I wlsb ·you would be kind enough aDd good enourl1 to' the penple to let ,~~ , liav. a eliance III .0ban&ID& It. We ma*nllllde of till.It. quUt10D Qurtll.e InAblUty to solv~ but we :·reall and. ze believe It 18 worth , while to retala a moral :lIlW. YQu can't a!rord to deWe are Confident· . 8\roy • '!Dora I law to e8tabllgb a ~I one. ' .

- - - -.,LINE,S--....

$_ . .., $


Social Happeninp of ' the


p " I · e ' . ~ns ' y vanlil . .

. ~btaiilab'e. . A .Bit of . Ancl~nt History . . ' EXTRA SPECIAL , M Q ' t J' ' d " On Sept. 14; .1~~O: the writer. of ~8o.n uar ara pe~ ·. oz· this paragraph first· opened bls only. , . ' 45c Sta l' . d 4neyes upon t\lls ~a. utUul world of . ' r . ~n cans, ,p . er oz. ."': . o.urs In the rl uklnt 0.1" . ~own of . '. 'Fo. r ... ~~t, ~r.d!ly, a m, we 'I" II h WayneSVille on tbe ' b~nks the'. WI ave ". . .' , b.l sto. rlo Little 'Mh~till ~lVer, '.Be· w·ft's Fa.,ney ~Iberta Peaches rooked in the regulntion . sugar ~ n~cky Ford Can~aJopt'8 . :3 ,. . ' Apples trougb antl. . lulleu to.sleep by.the 8". ring' notesoftbe oampalgn 80ng: '' Bananas'. ~ . ., "Hurrah! Hurrah' for ' HarrIson ' '. C bbage . : and Tyhtr, " Home grown to~at~8 " ," A nlos fog cabin imd~ barrel of hard, .. New Sweet P.otat.~8 cider, .. . " Home grown onions . .. " "nd I'Burrah f~r Tom Cor~1n Ule ~. G'~o~ Countr~ Butter. 2~ . lb .. wagoner boy ,~ ' Of course I bave no . .Dpn t foraret us when in reoolJeotion or ·t hat 'as 't ny ' parents ' . need of ShOes Lacli~ '~nci ' migrated to B:ar!lln cp.,berore.[ waa . ~ Gent", · o.veraill, . Jackets, two ,ears old" Hllfdl~ Co.1 at that ' " Shirts, Underwear, €81iool!a time was a vert..,ble forest prllDevaJ, and Notions. · ' . Bring UII your pr,Oduce we oDe of the f~vO,rite huntlnggrunnda . of tbe Wyan(}.o, rndlans. . are paying 18c,f.or Eggs: t The flrn reoolleotloll I h&ve of ' ,

!:~!nW~::D ~~:,:~:~ ~~a ~::: came 0"'" to our. aide of the river

L... dlnll Allrlculturl.t., Tell the 8tate

~ , so~~:~t~a . Bw:::::~~eO:08i~lal'nI80~hfi ~~::~;.·~~C:~;[~:~~1:~~!~ t~~clJh~ ,• KILBON'.r ,1 , . . .$




By Thomas tacy





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t. -



H ' bUr,..' ."/,0 ....w....

R , ", Mciaher fl,.A. BlnlCb ~.,b6U JOD88

.. ',






YI·:AH .




UMBER 2U:1il

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --~ --~~~ -T~ -~~~ ~~'~~~- ~ - ~~~ - ~~~~~~~~~ . ~-~~ I ~ER-soN'AL AND' Corwin Lytle. Springboro. " l'tev. H(ju~e or. Davtn/l, prellob~d Another 'School Year


_ _ at t ho Rl\forrnod ohuroh SUUlluy. Our '011 (1)1 ollelltld lust MOIlUl~y . Alt.. nlltlll1rd . •1. lB. Jonu IlLtO Il\1 1I ~11'::! ('Ir 10 0 ('h oby l'otllrneLl to Rov. Lowis of the M. E. Chul'olJ --:---=:--~-. Teachers and Pupils Begin a with l'l'uf. YOlln!!' Illl principul ilUu II. ~\l rllri " Oil th o II!ltter 's Ul.HJltl IIUU IJ r il l/Illo 10 D,wt on :;0 til r(lu.v nUllr Wi\a· t llo ill to preaob Bonday. . [;he Year's Work. ·'Mr. Herbert WILrwiok , or U"IUUl · MillS Pilillipl:! us 1'I'imury t un iler. "'uo(. Mr, lind Mr '. WUI. Bfllcldo~ k. "pon(\iul$ twu plt1U!!llIlt \Vl'('l;~ with Epwurth League Iwl(l I~ rllBy ' un "Aud OUCI) ugnin t.ho beU p'lUls forth lous, Is u ,Wllyn sville vi ltor tO~flY. Jo Mt: Kinsey, of Morrow, vIsited of Mouot !:lolly, 011 ' unduy . (luite MI'~ lind Mrs. Will IDlll'ly. · d.lY uvenin g : tlo~e· t.o soh')Ol, olin to "ohool.'· MillS EVil Dnvls lind Miss Murla bl!! I)lutbul' IU!lt ThnrsollY und .nt· Illurge t:l"owli W(I~ pres lit ancl thoy Chule ' /:i tl)W vj~ito(1 bel' eister· 'l'be Laelles Bruno Mi Blonllry Olellr anllmusiQ/lI the bflllS frlllll Stont are fltt-enlling 'l'encherR' InElU · tendod Iho fuuerEll of MI'!.'. 1:Jolltwcl. hud Il very illljOyu ul o tiUle. In .1uIV, MrR. Loli ll l:> t ow lind futHily '0' iet.)' of the M. E. ohuroh will be almo!lt ev ry N 'hool han e In this t ute n t.' Xeuitl tlli!! " e k. Mr:; B.oO lh, of Lob'lllon, i s",~ ueBt .Mr. 1111\1 Mrs, HOl'b rt 1m 1l1l0 Fric1IIY. held lit ~b ll bome of Mrs. Nlok Huy. vioinlty mng fort,h !t1:ontlIlY mOl'n· t "i we , 1;. of 1101' son Ii.E, llootb ~on, o f Duyton onjo:ved I:intUl'dlLY '1'hu EI) IVOl'tll Leu ..''''e Lo"t - II. gold bar brellstpin. u • " 'hulel 1\ U 0 1', tho s.e oonu 'l'hnrday In I:leptem· Inlf: I!IllUll.lliJning t:eliChel'B una ohi! 11lIl;Ud ut t ile h UUle of MillS ~1iU'inUIIII bUI·. Th Bnuer please r tUTn to Mi !!~ lind wife. night un ll t11l(wy ' with MJ·. Ilull dren togetner .after the long vllua.· Kuthryn Da kin. J . N , LUllllllUU who Illis been :;or· ] 'U Mrs. RedUllln is lying vor,y ill Itt 1'Ilr ', H. L . Will i HlU £I)Il aou dU\lghtor 'luEllUU , t"rid.IIY .0 \' 0 11111:; . tlon period. i ou~ l y III is imIJI·o"log. orUIlIll , IOIlHllllltll1. '11 ku I~nd fllLll::o tilt! !.tOUI of her son, Carl Albright. HOVII. For ~ol6-Good faUll ly mare with Tile ourolhnont in the school~ is four mouths old Pllrcell oolt l~t it,~ Prof. y . ung and fliUlily uo w ,weru ,,;ulLl II." rarruH hlll ll u t~. ~~llIto Dr. r~lIbllrgh Imel wife are enter· about 'Ull , to the n voruga, sOUle 1'e A f'u uu nUl untallu'inoi lilu ",!liell i Ii illrgu ,,"111 Wns l'tUllb:od IIlId II fuinlng reluti .vel\. oct:up,V Ch urle. R eyuolu!I propert.v . .. hIe. lnqulre at GU7.ette ol'lloe. pOrting slight gaills, willie oth(lrS Mr . Beu j. ~t,il el:l uod duugllt l' vis· l11i,mnd er~tuull au(1 on whioh mlloh guuu tlllI WilS bllli ill gunom!. hs . FA Decker Is mncb improvrd Mli"s ,Je • ie Ulllrke III enjoying II del ll'L1(ls in ttlgehm tlnll,goollletry ,is uote "Homowlll~t SUllln!)r uttendilUoe Itoll Mrs , I:\ol'e!:ltll"s I1ndllY MillS 'IIlI'lt WI I h WII~ II Dllyton in heulth, Praotlol:llly every ~ hoolill Wur. vit~it from'h et', friend, Mi tI Kilthryu \Ii,.s Henriotta MoKlnsey [~ttend · tudom oJle, . wh i 'h • " Thillgll visitor ~lltl1l'(la ' , \V ure g lad to know tobaooo 18 J'on county beglln Its sllssion!:! thi8 mi'th Qf Prioe HI)!, Uinclnnnti. ea ~hll .'r uohers lu stltll!< ut l!ebll· ' qnul t u t h e li me tbin~ Ilro oqunl MI'. alltl Mrt:!. 'ar! But'I'Ow iLlld boumiug. , Seve.rlll perllons In thte weok or will start ne ; t week. Mr. and Mrs. Ruymona Mtlrllltt nOli I",.t wetlk. to ell "ll Iltt l r ." Oil Ilccount uf" 1),,1)y, lIf Ulllrk vill u, lire vit!itlng ueiglll:orhooa llll ve soltl for Hi oents 'a me <lown trom Dllyton t:!aturduy , MI HI:I 1111111(1 Wllterh(Ju~ e h.1 1' reo lUisu llIl e l' ~tllll(li ng I'r om HOIII 'ollr' th II' IIHI'Ollt. Mr . ILnd Mrl! Jl,Ilm tho 1)11. t week. Rain Marred Bell· lind rewlllued wit.b t',llItive8 h en turned t o hor iluwe ill Duyton . . tile ul:respondlmt III "t wel'k ~tllt d 'NulMh . . 'I'lle soh ool oblldren r egistered brook Home Coming until Lapor lJtly. .\1\9S luil:! lJuv is pent lut;t w e k tb ll( :5uIIU IIY' ~c h otl) l w onld be IlOld l~llit . " nl1l1liJur fr OUl hUl'e I tteml , 1I0ndllY for · IIchool wbiob opened IIt:t 1>. Ill ., wh ich WI! II m il:l t,ake, it Great Thron&, of Visitors Present, Amung tb ~EI who nt·tended the iu Oil Y ton visiting fril:.nd . II tho Mille r ronnlon whioh Wlltl 'l'n e dill' mnrning. . 'Mi !! Juno nnel Flo ' lurk r eturn oJ being helLl in the f\lrenootl. N ow, but Program was Marred funer/11 of Mrs, S'lrll.h Holland 1101(1 nt· 'blllltll\1(} llA l'o llnll lilst ' by Wilt Weather Thursday WI1S Dr. T .. l. Wo,y, of to Xenill. this weok: lI{tor s llelldiot; 1.l1l~re is notldul-\' stran!!, IIbOIl the Oregonia. nomnnti aud Mr . o,nrl. M rl!. McUrtly , se\'urlll ~voekB with tbeir pa r ents . mutt r' lit nil ; Ir't nil prllC ad t,o BellurCiolt 'tj tlunUill Homo U,\Iuing Mrs . MMy hillphant. of Pitts. tiro\, It·. 'L'ool'l'i bllt hllllmn. 'l'he T he IIII\n.v fritJDel of Mrs. HUlri · 1't1oullay \\ 11K tll'ionllly ulurrCI} by of Oentarville. Mr. Lon Uonner, of Lebllnoo, burg, is visiting h e r lltlrents Mr . corrtJ!!)Iuud lit I.. IllHlllln . 'I' h l' • 6ll ll Uurel:g WI' 11 b e p 1euse d t 0 k DOW rain' whloh fell 1I1most couslnntly For St~le-N i ce Ilnlootb, ripe to· undoMr . PatriOK 'huk. fOJ'e. by the IIbu VIl tlitoll nIle, Lhu sho i IIh le ~It up KOIlIO in Il ohllir . !:Ip'But Sundav witb relatives here. durluKthH lluy, . matoes . Will have 'tbem from t.his COl'rellpo nll Ilt i~ tJuit.e IIko ly 1'0 orr. Til VllnDe rveer r eunion WIIS be ld Will '1'o'r ry and Jiltnes MaRon, vis· The l'rQgrniue Was IIll110st entire· t.ime on (luring thl' sell.son. New Manor W e l~fI 'lrry thl\t It cl\\l~ed in 0 11 . lit 'ballton(luli 'rllllrl\dny. '1'h rol Ited tbelr I)flrents here Sunday. ly aoondonOll lIud the featnres tone ya.rioty.-O. r~. Rink, 'l'ele· _ _ __ venieuoo to OlnO who lleoo6<l it . ntiv' beglln to nqive n t fin' enrly Mr. a,nd Mrs. Ch arles Allen, of whICh t"ok ]llllee conld not be car· pholle a-5. 1\"rs Bill e \r . d a f J h OIll' , .. ud 'I}y n oon II bout eighty D.. yton, Ilre visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1 (~uite (l.JlUmber of flll'lll" Ilre ox. .> . gt lin . n , o . IUlI llllrled ontlll:l orlginloLlly Vlanne(. . Mr. lInd Mr!:!. Joll'n ThOUlson of ohanging lmnds now . town , Itnvu qeen Visiting with Will \Vura present. 'rho lllfge dining Edwin Arrol t&g . In spil.e of !his, howtlVer, the ,VIS the Leb ,non l,like are huving the LIl . Clelnent.s hns bOll"ll' tl' t J' K enri ok lind wifo f'Il' ~ \'erul hlllt IVII S ront,ael tlml II boullt.iflll lUlll 1\1I101le Finch, wbo has been ItoI' "nd bome 1180"le spent (\, most . . 0 U • I t bl d . bl d d 1m ing pleasure of fI, VISit frolU thelrdllugh . Clmr1lls Wilson pillce , . duy Jlllst , l'Upus t IVIIM llprOlld ou t Ie 'II · ra lUi viSiting bel' sister, Mrs. Henry Kerenjoya e ay o,g e leJ' un , rr ttlr Mrs. J"mes ,E. 'Price Ilnd son ' llUj'lY lld by 1111 . h.lllllodillt.ely lIfter r DO nn II-on Illinois. Wm. Bergonll 1m!! so.hI hIs farm M.ts.' Ollio lJl'ktl, whu htl \) Ullll in {)ione r , bUSiness WIIS tmnsnuted lind BOY, ilKS r eturnlid to her'bolDe,l , t be rain tho atlilir WUIl an enlire J b' r Mr. Imd j] . Fred ' Uove have l! UOCildS·. ' a n,o , , .to a man ut Fllormel"svme, M.r .Berg. u pper MIchigll1J nOllr Puto8key , for n L'ro"rl~1Il \VI\S rendered . l~v . " Mr. IlDU Mrll. Hllrry \V [I hers; of d II bas nls bo g h t 1\ f l' f' 1 <I gone to ,thei r new home In Betbel. ' 0 11 m ron threo weeks ' pilat In uroh of n P"lInok opened·the meeti ng by 1)1'IIYPrope"ty · Og I~bee .. .. Sold I-Lebonon, were guests ot ~{r. an,cl J 11 Milt::;t 0 J M.iss Mary Conner entertained u y. clltllu.te to ,,11 villte the !!u,fforio!; of r. Mi ss r";\O wns the firl:!tto sp' Ilk. L . Oglellbee hilt! tlold tbtl pro. Mrs. J . H . I.'oleman Sondny, com · Not mucli t oblloCO Ollt yob in this bl~y fellel', !lends l:lllck 'Iowin' ce· 'b e gnve II 01 ction UII " My . t.tin' Miss , Bfldn Bady Satnrday and I:!nnner"y -. llbo r ' ''ood Moncl o· !.Jotl I· IIp in hous kC(JIJin'," (tud . Willi up. d,LY · r, on 'I 111'r(1 "trc"t " u wllioh bis SOD, ing up in their IlUtO. Mr. Walters n elg u. ay' s rn In "0 ... r t"~. TI' 1H.l Y fa Ve r tl l,IS u" "r. W. E. ( ,rl uboo bAS bOeD Ol)OU· is bn iness monugor of tho We tero b . d tli t ' b"'~ . .' 1" 6 f one I ' t \ e h LI .. rUlee e 0 11",,0 some. e re" 11 r o. III nn e a n 9 IIr plullLlell ~o he!lrMly tbu.t ilo return. }[~ . aud Mrs. ,Ueorge Mote ~ve . pyinK, toFrl'd herwoOd, Munagor l:itur. ., Mrs . Ruth Pine, who hilS been ill, IIrrivlll In thut region, I~ml in tUIJ 0\1 twd gllve ,nnot,ber seleotioo en , r eturneel to their bome In Columbull 11 BI'Os. O,r eamery . M1l1ses ·Mu.ry Tibball<, HII~uche au~ . . b lan "t" of tl' lllO sh e IlII " oen t.bor" of th n "ron ., " ettell. · . ~ U 0 tit.lotl "fbtl iltlin(,oll'flloe on tbtl floor. ' (\fler II prolonged ' visit wlt b r:e1a • Perle Riley, Lina Wrlgbt, .Celistin 18 gottlDg ' h. 0 •U d . ' Cook in a . . Mr. and ~Lr . Lewh Sears Dnd son . e hi gnin ' tell pOllnnS. 'ho '1'110 tl xt Y. Ollllg Illdy, whose nil me tiVOli bera. ' Seth Austln lind he~ guest., MI88 Mull, b bl I 1••_ • • , . .. , ' Serious Condition mlide up 0, merry party that At- opd Mr . Milton Howe /l,nd !Ion Sll nt. pre;> II Y WIU not return . nntl .all has beon forgott n, g uV() II. soleotiun . .M~. Ed ~h~rwood was In OaytolJ '1~' ''' tendoit Buffalo BiIl's 'ciron at Day. Sllnd"y' witb Welington ~uil'e!l danger of 11 11 · Illotll.ok III thIS ae Lton entitled "G rllDdwu 's old a~lll ohll ~r," t5atllrd"l' II.IId Sonday. , Seth Cook who ·was kicked by a luid fllmi ly. , III OV(!l· . to willcll 'Shu Ctll·tll.lnly did juStiC6, Mrs. Osborne vidlted lier daughter ton Thu.rsday. / 5idn Y 'oon Illld family wel'e the 'l'he 11t;8i~tnnt tlu}Jtll'intoudou ~ of Miss VrlUUerv or save n H81ection in Da,yton &, few a..YB last week . hol'l!e almost two months ago, is now inra very critical condition as a re- , For SlI.le-A jot of bee hives and guost!! of GeLrrct 'levenge'r , of OUI' l:illudny l:Ioh oo\. Mr. ~ . L. Wil. folluwe\! by NrulOY Monnt. 'l'bo Mr. L. H. Holzlln and BOn, or fU:tare in .."ood oonditlon. Inquire Springboro, l:lunduy. I h unu I'Itt I 0 .... u ' 8UIt 0 f t I le·aCCI'd en t . liullItlon, tn.rterl 1Weunellulty fol' MI !!/jet! W O!; ,uY Guy Kings :l4i1l8, c ..l1OO on rela.tivetl 800· H is condition-&,rew steadily WOl'8e Itt tl,lis offioe. Jam Mullen is up II xfol'd to Ilttend t,he Anllunl UlIJ. Vun0t\trnnd, rrom Clm t,tanoogu, day. . flom the time of the injury ~nd last Mr Hn1l'0rd anti children, of new house we t of FeJ'ry. olnnlltt Conference which is in l·OIl. '1' ,moil oe. I1ged about twu a'n d one The Militias .&mh· 8teddom ' and week he was taken" to a hospitill at Daytc~, . were · ~ue ts of MrR . Jobn Kllt.o John went to Duulin, ludi. ventjonntthtltllluce . . B illg eleot,od hAlf yoara, "poke bellut.1fnlly. Mr. Cincinnati for treatment. ft . WIl.<i Gibbon. of the UpjJ r Sprlng'\OrfO anll to utteo'tl II ' funeral' of a 1'0111. II!:! II del snte ' to the Luy ASBOoio,tion Dellrlok, of OilY ton , retld It lotter Edull t:lpencer hav~ returned to Lebl~nOtl , where they will take up tbe found that it would be ·necessary to pikll last ' week . f1iiS was Mrs. tive. atUl'(ltly. flUd 1\.13 nltel'oote to t,he Electoml from ,lucoh V~nUerveel' t o his fl1Ul!:;enio r work in the Higb 8Obool amputaUi the limb a nd this W!LS done Bufi'orl,l's Br t villit to Waynesville ~opfereuce which Iliso 9onvenos Ily utltud I iU, whioh WIiS very in. there. Frid~y . .As the 'Gazette goes to in twenty yelLrs. Caesars Creek !;here this week he I'USl)ooded to his tor sting. ,' evel'lll t'elllinisenocsund id.iss Basil Gill hIlS returoed W , press Mr. Cook's conditi.o n is r~po~tMIss Effie Moorp', af tlpring Vl\lley M J Co t 'd . f duty in l'bo prompt 111[1I100r whioh hiat ry of fllmUy were given by the _..J • . IliS . a h oro h 0'j wn. R ev . h1:"0II'ock "... .nlk un '" ·I::iouth Lebanon, !lfter vlBmnl here very 8 'fIOUS. M-is!' OJ;',Ta mlth lind Mi : Bruce D trs. essetmp l011d an son, 'th 0 I Il I WILy. 0 h ILrflctOrl7iell The sympa thy of the I)~ople of th~ · ~y ~n, spen severa ays Wl re. work . . choosing IIS80ciates, a nd wound tI..'few days. k Smith, of Dayton; oarue do wn !:illn atlves here. 111 community· goes out to Mr. Coo dlW. 't'venl ng eLml r~mn.lned until The Fore'lgn MI'ssl'ona"Y oc' l·et." MI'. t ul' by sayi ng he would choose II Miss Mabel Sherwood and 18 and the membcrR C)f his family ,ill • L., lInd Mrs. G;tlorge W bea Oil VnllDerveer fol,' a good IIssocitlte . Lilura. Kibler attended theTeacllen ' their affliction. . Monday eveDl o~ Ilt t.bll hl)1l1e ' of held its laat meeting at t he h()m~ of OIlme to t,he h OUle of Mr. lIud' Mrs . Rev. Winder . gnve Il tu lk ,lililtitt;lte at Lebanon lut week. __ T ; J'elf Smith. Mrs" Nannie ilawkins . . Wm·. H.' 'Ilrmony 6atur<lIlY ufte r Among the Sick Zimri Haines and family spent olle n on lind wero foll o wed by. Wnlter ou his recent trip to M.onmouth , N . Mr. Ilnd Mrs Cbarlee Bradbury, . Mr .. !l-nd Mr~. W . W . BlI.rnett a,n~ day last we~k at the in CincinhOtltoo, wife Il'Od IIM,le blLby so'n J " where q uUe II colony of Vn n · Miss ElsIe Brlldbury and IIi", ~her. J " W .Lell'lDOllwb oll"Bbtloovt'ry M'r ilndMrll . E.V. B"'rllha~tattend .r: f I I' d H I ' odtookdlonerwithMr an4Mn • nati. . ll:iunOtl y morning. '1' h~r~ they on. '£lrve,ert;; ' ?rmer y I.v e . e 11 so WO " sertously iJl ffir more ,ill\l1 II weok, '4iltl the fune ral of Mr. BaroWs hroth Lucian Wilson who prlJ'chased the j yeti the time until M.OlldBY IIbont !lpoke of, tha sterling qualIties and Oharlos Spenoer, of Lebanon, B.l- • 1, ·ronover.iIl'P slo \vly. e.r, F rank BBrDett at, · Wn PlIinltt.on obi hu aot s f 'bo f '1 urday .. Orville Compton )Iace on Buck Run noon, ·.vhen they roturued t;o their n e ,.r er 0 " ami y . , 0. B ., TbllrselllY , Mr , Barne t·t bAit EI tl f fH. lted f 1M B I d D f Pa 1 moved the flOu ' e l8l>t week and 'X- vll 'l'(lins dllti s ill tbl~ <:lem Oit.y : eo 01,0 o · cers resu us o· M Sll el y rom eyan ..,.ro. u Dr. 'l'hOD1aK SberwoO\l bn. been frequently visited hi s Waynesville . , lows : Be.n j . VIU~derveer, of Dayton, Wright arrived In town, and W1aer tit.. wedher more or leHI! for r elll tlvos and WHl' \\Ifill koown here pecl., to remod I it also, i'lLI' . tllld Mrs. Alleo I~Dloriok ,yet'e t 'llndllY gue to:! of Mr!:l Mutildll Enl . President, ~l'tllUr V auderveer, of are prepared to enter upon the r Zimri Hain~ ntel'tained Bome dAY" il! IlOW t;:onHiae rHbly im. . Til. Adam tOQPS WIIB tak! ) n . : l Mmmishurg, vioepresident ; Helen dntlo!! Monday m6rDJ[~g, " proved. iJl whllA Ilttentllnl( Prayer Mee.tlDIl ber o.f frien~s on. un",8Y· e.rlok in ,'Ilr villuge. Koontz; N.ew 'IIrlisle, seoretary and Mr. CliBrJes Spencer, Mrs. Tbomas -~""'.~ t'l .M E ' Ch I " rftrlne-d y :Mi~s Louisa Comptqn ' who 1111. ~·I'. ~In:tila Watkins (\lId l\ii"s \, h Mrs. C. M. ltobibe r who hqs been 11.\' Ie . . nro 1 '" ~ It • I b '" 0 ' tron/lur,e r; ~.I rs. ' arIes Mount., Oar· Sponoo.r 110.d da'Qgliter Dorothy caU~ . in failing, health for some time went. eVllnl~g, but ba~ since rfl?~,"o.r en . b~en in·.f hospit~1 at. um ~s lli ',1IIi. Wlltldns, tl f C!mt-ervill~', ·slle.nt li s le, 'lHSistllut !lccret,,;·y; Wlllh~m ed on Mrs. J .. K. I:!pencer BlUldily to Gincinnati Wednesday !lnd enterWllrren F.d,war~s who h(l 1S helm fI nO~~1:t. :~~:~: a~;l~~::;:~~:~r~~~~~~i Thur~c1uy "i~h Allen Emerick nnd 1'. VnnDel'v 61' ; Cll rlisle, oilai'rmlln uft(lrnoon. eli Chri.t Hospital wiu';re her ft'itmds Sll loRln~n a'· .l3n.rnbnrt,Sl;ne Stor ' }vas ~I'oken into by t)1i 'ves )iunday 1'1I111 i.y . of cou lUtitl:oe 011 6J1 tOl'tolllmellt; MIl! Mallei ::;herwOOd htl.s gonew . . hope she may', so~n recovel' , health the pnl'lt oonlill of year!', wtll leavo aftel'oon while ,they wel'e awav "lind Mr: lind MI'II , W. e ..Uol'uell wel'e ~n:!, Allu IlllukH'!:!on, of C:~1J'1i Ie, HarveyslJUrg to ta~e tip ber, ~eao~" and ' strength. . thl .. week for , Micllign.n wbpre hll .some money tail-en. .' I:!U I)l!UY hOi\ts to 'M 1'. lind Mrs. Steol . lIod. Mrij Eauti ~(OtJD Z, Jliow (Jilr. ing lignin, in tbu.t plaoe, will t r 'l vel rnr 11 well kn own . lOboll A;nos wilsoll has been quite sick, .lOd 1111 Uj.{ht er, of Spring Vulloy. \l slo, cornlllltte~.on program. There 'W,IIJ My or$ hill! returned ' from . ~'tieMI'B. T. J . .Brown, who seemi!d to bouse . .· . ' . ' < bllt I'S a 11' ,ttle' bet~er a't this wri.l. ing. '1'he youn " 1II" n 's oltl~" of 'tlle W61'e lire en t repres"ntutlves of the N t II d taken up hili "ld' gaiDin&' in health last week: slifli'l • b to" -~ family froDl tlurll IB, New CnrJjt'le, r aw onv.1 e Iln . d'" v o tered Ii relapse a few days later nnd MIR"'!''' : lIr lvn IIllfl .( til ",fiR e~ , • Wm. WiI~on and wife were called L.Y~16 M. '.I'~. undlty Ilohool gn \'e III> .I!~·I'un\llln, 8 I\r,i. n/:thor , l\1illfflisuurg, position ID 'tuo j:;l)encer an ....onr~ . lert. fflr Monol1l!a h oln', .PennsylvQlljll. ,to· Port Williarii' last week Lo attehd a sJl.'uial nlll:<:!lbnl1 ry coUeOMon, lust t' Mill her condition jij again qui te ~eriou!; · t j I h t f .-/, . " IJllytou , olool\)l1s,' Middletown, ' ,.. , t nn ' Frid.-:v 0 n n. II OURe pnr I:il1nuuy t11e :luni of $2.50, lI1ukiug Boll'f"v un'llln u' nd Ohuttau'OO'M j ' and ' the en d . is ... anticipated amos , .'!'I 0 thefuner'"a l of Mrs. n'i1son's niece. c \... gQ . . In . Jllok 1:Ie"[~ " . l~, of Newtousvllle" Ie , aby time, H itr nonrt gi rl !'. !t~ t.he hom" of t lAir ' h~un·y Bunn ell anrf wi~11 .spent 8\'ernge o[ IllHl\lt ll2 oen,t s IIcll . The Il11 ul)out ouo itllU~rtid wortl pres. I!pundlng tl,lhl week with , friends ~--r+--':"""olhlllA chnm I\n~ OII\RRwll te. ¥II<F 'Monllay i.n Dayton . . IenGire oolleotioll Wilt! sOUlewb~ro ent. 'l'be lUeotiu~ next YUllr wll1 bll ~e~tl. , Death's Work. arll Yoke . :ht'ly wereftCOO~pllnled ~nt GUY,Bai::iler h,as baen e~ltel'-1 ncur $UAO. .. . 11elel nt Uht\UhLl~qUIl' grounutl the llist . MI!:Is. LellU Myers entlertaln~ '~Ii The l~fl\l~t ohlld of Mr. IlIlll Mrs. 1111 fll; ~!I :1t,t,@btlr a l: b~ l'41~9 Mill'· t ailling cousi ns from Xenia. 'j ,Vllf vlllll~Il ' ''IlU 100IllUll1ulty ,OU1" 'i'hur!lduy i n' An~nllt : . followlUg young peop e psr.y Tbomas Rt ·il, of noor l ..,bullon WIIS g/lN.t n. tI~ er . . Mrs. J. ~: K~itel' and 'son, of. c.c'I'tlli;IIY contri\)uted more t hllO ihl ' . .. Sutluday night, in·. honol of Mtu ,brought to Millllli Cemetory for bnr M'r . I\,nd Mrll . E. JJ . ~\Ien . of Cin. ·Iu~bu , spent ~ few-days lasl w~ek USlllI1 qllotll to I!we,ll tbe orowu ut :~'46 Univtl~ ul\t~t, church blJld " Betll! Gill: tile Misses' M·...ry. Uonner" u-·\irday.. , ' w I t,her hSIS ' t cr, M1~'';' IIlU\C LY.t lO. IBu1Jul", Bill'~ show, in , . lal <;>DO olnnAt.i CRni~ up to ' Wilynesvillil' Dayton lust fe!!tivuJ on tlioohnroh lIlwnl:!li.~'Ur·'alicl tL Budy, ,Luelle NorwD,,':Pe.rl , ' M1'" an d M ' vg A. I b ILU(\ e vening. . ' ..' P. 0'to r f:, L 110II e MII.8<?n, . "' . ao d "" The ohlh1'8 f"the~ Is 1\ ,son Pt ' WIll, Elatnrtt!lvand reirhtlned o,!er ~nn. 1'8. M Orris es e~ Tllu rsdll Y. Almost forty 'persoDS dl~y . tlftOI'OUUII . . · lam Rloh o't thll WellulIln n eighhor. "(Iv nn j Moud ..Y nt. t111~ home of spl,!nt ' at t he home of rsaac 1I u l'cbllse\1, tiokettl [J'om , Ul' Stl~tion . 'i There . t~IIS IbOllllf II Uleldl\Clne Sbh ~wb' SP.enoor Anu Messrs. Verne Ar~i- ,' . ' , ' ' . ' ' 0 • "yt(e . . " . . ' 0 town ,10 Ill:lt ew n g It!.!, W 10 talPe Jobn 'Shel'wood WIll P(ltor(,' b oud·. " \ thAir motbAr. ' Mr~: "'. 0 , AllIIn ' ' J.) . . " . ' Mr. "nd Mrs. E.lwu,rd Longnortl h d I .. 1 .. , .', ,', .. .\ ' y ouug IIllln . by the II f1im e o~ , rl~oir ·. !lon; ~tew~."t, WIIO 11all belln A . f~w fal'mel's al'e not throu gh 1\ ud cbildrt'n )ms!l;~(\ uudity 'With Ill! rll ,w n · Ilrge. CI OWl 8. . Mllx . Ho~lingswQr~h, JIlCli: 8egale, &.\Iy .who \ lIetiILt t\ie 8tllte Hoaj)it: llpen(iinjr t,bellumni£l' bere,lIc(Jow· tIne htpg yet, . , tbe folks at home here. ' 'l'bere Willi lin lIu tor.lloblto pl1rll.\to Wfll M~ers, Grover Cleayer, .and tl i t · . . ~., '." .' ' in town l'mturdtLy afternOOn. EaTI Thompson. I d at I~ l>l\ytou,WI1" brought'.t.~ Miami pllll e . . I'em orne. ',. Nc,bce to Farmers,. Onlr II few more days Ilod w e of ' . . _ _.,..,-_ __ ' ()eme~ery· for burialln 8t' ~hur8,daYl . f . ' .the yo"u"'er generdlon wust ogaln . Mr. t~nd Mr\;!. J ol) n Boylel:l en te r · . . " ye~r~ Hev. W,. M. oftml\tJ . orll'\.O~ pl\~. A " yllll" \\'181 . I I,u g.. t Q b re~.c' t 0 MIII . " t· .., , h th e ,f 011 o~. Lytle' 'Co'uple ....I ' , • Be Willi. Ilhou'~ tw.enty ··two '\ . • w end our w&) to:.vIJ,J'u tlle.o lu school tUne d t 0 di nn or ",unw>y . . "Marr· . . .•'?'4 .' · ond h011)o had beoll lit ,.!rn .. sbn,II't! t:lf.alhon hOllSIl. 'Let uti ull 11.11 fn g: M;iI1er and family, WiJl Mrs . eUll Savage and Mr.' Will . .. ()J~rk8Yil1e. " '. Ant, At th~ funeral o~ Mrs, Sltrnh CliO do so, ILYter ~ept . l, 'for $10. SillY R.:el'llfutions i'n the few remllin IrwUl lma w~fo. Hlur.y BoY,l es a~d iani GrH.hIUl~, ' of near Lytle, wen · rv'ice · atS " t,' Mar. y "' · ' s ' a ' I I 1 Tb d ..... ' ··· 1.... . 1 .H.Mn'rshI111, '1 bllokwiLhu E wife, lind Will ?tUller o,ndslster mflrrl'ed I.' t"~bo. o "DC urs ' ay. s ""r. 'iVII nesvllIe O. I In'" " da.Y!l . amI cOUl~ . ~. n on , Tbu-.a .. , ....&y. ". Se y, j r es' llve to do Illore Ilnd. better work lin . Both ·a;re wel.1 knowo f08tdenhl of . " CoJ\'man'" third year'at ~hinft and Bundll)'" l\Ol[t, I:;eptbrnile.r 8, serv.. be t'xl)re8!letl' himseir ae well please<} , Notice . I thlln we haye horettlfore. (JIem DOllrth ·a-nd fu-mily, uf Ue1;l- thllt neighborbood and, .the . good' .C811 will be resumed Ilt · ~t" ,Mary's .wUb tb., wQrk. In · tbat onmmnnlty , . M:r~ and Mrs, ;Oh~rloll Clark spent ~elv\l1e, visited Ambrose Deal'tb wis~e. of 11)an1 frle,n dl wi)]. be ex. ohurcb. Morning Pray Elf nlil! ..or· I Marl()n' hllll (te,\!e\oped hito qnite 1\ rr,be, t:iepternber. Moet!ng of t,be BatunlllY night ~Illd 8nndayvery Sundav. tended to them: , mon l~ :30,:,,' rh" SnndliY IjObool yonng man ~n~ tt"WIIS bal'd to r~. W. o. 'r. ·u. will Il)oet ILl Ell 1'.1\ beth pleflsantly with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mrs. Oharles Ealry and BOO Ern· Friday a number of '~elr ., 9 :30. Everybody InvUed ~9 ognille In· him the boy o~ tbl!ee. B. 'M oore'" Sept 8th. , •. MlI.8on, of Kings Mms. est o~ near Middletown, visited ber neighbors unl'«l in giviol 'bem ~ . 'be.e lervlcell. yea~ al(O. ,~~portant b~ln~ II08Bioo. fll.&her, A,mbr088 Dearth Sunday. 80thWlia,UO IlBelUDg."

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The Miami Gazette. BROWN .. McKAY, Publlahera. OHIO.


Big Bird. on 8mall Wing .. In the a tte mpt to discover Bome un iversal law or bIrd fli ght. BclenUst!l b~v e dlscloaed concerning a number of spec! s a moat pun ling paradox. perha ps the most mysterious ot the enigmas the.t the subject prosents, says a w rltcr In .E"erybody·s Maga· aln e. It Is that In a nUQlber ot blrda And Inseots the size ot the wlnga decreas.e s In proporUon to th e Increase In slEe ot the body ot Ihe O)'lng cre"&ture. The "uatrallnn crane, tor In· .tance. weighs o,'el- 300 tI Ules morc than the sparrow, but In ProporUon bas only ooe-Ievenlb the wlag arl!a of ttie smaller bird. Tbl s curious tmct I. equally striking It we compare bird. with Insoots. It the gnat were In· creased In size unlit It WBS as large as the A ustraJlan crane a'nd It the winge of tho Insect we re enlargod t o maln· taln tb e proportion they now bear to 1ts body, they would be about 150 t!m es II!-rger thBn the cran e's. It re, quires 3.62 square feet of wing area per pound to float the bBnk·swallow, but to sustain the towny vult.ure, a monster bird In com pariso n, r equires only .6 or a sq uare fo ot at wing Bur· tae per pound ur body. The albatro'ss, 'W eigblng 18 pounds, bas n sp read of ... Ing of 11 teet· and 6 In'ches, wblle the tru!Dpetcr swan, weighing 28 Pou'ndS, lias a spread of Wlllg of only ' elgbt teet. Tbe stork ,Yelghs eight Umes more than the pigeon, but In propor· \Jon hus only bait BS' much wing sur· face, Theodore Sbonta rea::bea up Into 80llle mysterious store of unl'verllallnformation and, bavlng grabbed air a band(ul or more or , less canned wis· dom, lays down a few Qualities tbat a man should have before a gIrl sbould Itllink of marrying blm, says Chicago !News. Brlefty, the description 'ot the only man l1tted for wedlock Is tbls: He abould be perfect mentally. , mar· ~lIy and pbyslcally and also- be ' some pnmpkJn ftnanclally. Mr. Sbonts may be rlgbt, but as there are only a t<lW tor that kind of mlln ''Would first take llla.1 bargain eounter, the great major. tty of tbe girls will have to accept hu. band.' wIth a tell' Gall'S or go single, or COurte the girl w~o 'Was waiting to rthat \dnd of man would ftrst take the trouble to be p;,rte¢t berselr, but that mIght be a simI/Ie matter tor her. E?ven theo abe might b'e bapIIY ( 'Wltb a man ha'ling Imperfection'll proT1484;l she was too polite to noUce them. The lenslble girl ftgures It out that the beet Bhe can get Is the aver· age man and makes up her mInd to be happy with him, U he ""III let ber. ' , . The 11m pt. Life. WelUngton wu one ot' esrllest ellponenta or' the. IImPle life. HIli .aleeEline chamber 11'.. platnne.. ~ud IlmpUclty It.elr. alway. slept on a .m~ 11'. . ever temperate and earel_ in bl. dIet, and' fro. Quently stated that he believed hla ,1&004 health' was due to . the three yeara he all8nt under canvaa In India, :Whe.n l1e ate UtUe but ' ftce snd drauk .-carcely. any w,i ne, 88)'11 the New York Weekly. He continued to eat rice to ~" ~a1' ofhl~ 4eath.. · . He ate it wIth meat l!-II'd' al~otIt 1I'1th' everything, ~4 ,his InUmate trleuda took care always to place a drah cif rice 011 tbe table 'Wben be dined with them, He acarceIy knew . one wine. trom another, ane! eculd ' not dlacem bad butter from ~. HIli Indifference In the matter of 'food . ~aB ' prover;blal, a 'contrast to the prelent' day. When diet torms one of the principal aubJeeta of <lOllveraa. tlonl: ' . ' ' -



ShippIng men Or ' both II~ '" die , AalanUc have been mucb gratllled 'by the &unouncement 'tb¥ tbe treasury depai1bient 'Is ukJng tor. bids Sol' the dej-e\lct deitroyer which 'W1I8 aulbor'laed by , ~e late'at ,conVellli.. Thtli iHl. wb,l,c h II to be stationed on the North Atlantlo. will embody the lateac bDprovementa In crart of ber kind. . aljd .will be c,pabl~ 'of.\ crlllsins .tor 6.000 ml)es wltho~ reple,liablag her bunters. '. Slie wUJ be' furnlsbed. the SClentiflo American 88~iI, with power-ful searchllghtB and a" wlrele.. telegraph eQuIpment, the latter 'to: 'enable her to receive and give !UfOrmatJOD .. to the location of de relicti. I


A 54-loot residence lot In · New York Is described by a local paper ~s "tremend'o usly large." ~bat may. be a good sized trontage for little old N ew York, but It would be cromped qu artors 'In the west, wbere people real)y lh'e, An accommodating dclentis t hal ...olved a tBblet whlcb will enable everyone to be his own .b~e wcr, Bllt there Is one serious t rouble wIth this tablold beer. , It haa to be k",pt on tot', IlOd few peoplo Ilrc able to take their 1«1 wagon around with them. . Since It lias been cllaco\'ered tbat • lady burglar was dOing a very actlv. line of busin ess until ahe was halted b,. tho p,!lIce \vlll timid bllChel(.lTI feel obligee! to Illok und er tbe bed IHel7 ~t,bt before .turnlDg. In? ' ,

WHEN AND HOW• t4!mple or Ashtllrotll the 'Philistine .god; at tbese Ilud tbe thousund and TIme and Methoda of Farm Work D. one nthOl' II100py dehlllll of tbe tar: termlne the Meuur. ,of 8ucca ... rlblo battle lh 1I0ol'Ie tllilled, lIud wonl:ercd what furth er mlsrortune The work ot the fal'Dl er consls'" await ed th o lIation . . largely In sllrrlng lh soli In :vt\rloull With nul nud his 'thr~o sons dead. ways, hut It Is n e(les~a.ry to know wllo WitS t hero to lend lue no tlO ll 1 STORY BY THE "HICHW A Y \ II n and bow to stir I hst Boll to get ~onfu8lun and 1II11cQrtainty PI' \' nll 'u. AND BYWAY" PREACHER tbe most out ot It, Wh ell and bow to Eveu Aim I' tho l 'tl der of tb e do thin gs com l.rrs0 lhe II\sln bulk pt HAULING HAY. WIlS nppa rellll y h s ts ot Is ruel ollr wOl'k on the farm, T he dlrterence unall ie to rull)" his torces lind 81l!:!lt1sL 60me plan or ncUon, "hQ ,A Suggestion You' Can Try When betwee n the IlOor tnl'lII~ r and tho guod farme r Is re glllated~l' the dllter: Scrillture Authority: - 2 Satlluel P 'I/ple wore as lib' II \~lt bouL a sh'l] N,e xt Winter'. Snow Fllea, nco Of their oJlll\!l!Jcl liS t\, .... hen and 2 : 1·32, ' . herd. So tor da~f s und we IllS Ule dillhow to do tblngs. . order and conruslo n continued. ven ae I presume .e ,·ery farm or wbo ......-+-H-+-t-H ......++++++t+++++ fur south as In ,tbe land of Ju'dl\h, And much hay to haul La the ,,' In ter haR In tbe wesl, .wb e~1l the trostll ,trlke ther tho stirring r eports oC th Un to hud plenty of experl nce In tipping d \) In to th e plowed ground, \hat SERMONETTE. · tie with its III cC)Ilseq\l nc'! u to l aruel o,'er with the load "'he n the rOOds are ground should be lllo'''e~ If! the fall were rep ated over I1l1d over again, pot.r find the drlft8 deep, 8S~'8 a wrltElr that most II eus the action ot the David'. lucce.. brought with and th e sllwe qu s tlons sUrf d th~ In Tbe Farmer, At feast lhls was tl'ost to break It up, says Farmer'R It no bltterneaa of regret over R e view, ' There Brl) sODle 80lls In hea rts 01 the peOplo ns to who now our exp l'I ep e until we 1 arned ' the mea", by which that auc· wou ld lead them as troubled the the Idea ot putting 's lde runn rs ou th e which the work of the fro st seems cu. had been won, northe rn triIlCH. In th e spirit ot mucL: hay rack. 1-I11"e used tbls on our unllllJlortan~ this kind of soli beHad David p'urchaaed auece.. depression the 'Ide rs ot Judah came farm (or some time nnd {oulld It so .Ing malnly ' 8Bndy soil, Qn. the cloy at the comproml .. of pr1nclple. tog elhe r to cQnlll de r tbe situati on; useful tha t 1 will try to explnln tor sull lhe land that Is plowed deep In or the commla.lon of crime, It me ling seCret ly In one or tho little tbe be ueOt oC some who msy not hJ!.ve tlle toll Is Improved In some way by would have caat a cloud upon ,the cold. Varloll!! agricultural stuObscure towns lest It they R$Selll!J:e d heard ot the d evice be lore. . hla life whlcll would have over· at Hebron. th Ir chlet cit v, 'n(' ,,"s ot I 'rhls device may. be attache d to any dents ,have bad dllterent conceptionl .hadowed him to the very grave the me tlng mi ght r ench' th e ears ha y rack, but I will gtve meBs ure- of how tbls work ' goej! on. but the ltaelf, principal thing Is thBt It goes on. Take aucoeaa In the world to· oC lhe Phillstlnel! Ilnd sti r th cm to Tbe wh en and tb e how regtllate the day which la achieved ,by quea· Immediate attaCk, ~ I. roflts oC the ta.rUl to a very great ex· It was but DIIturol that th fir st ~ _ tlonable mean.. how certainly . Hmt, Muny ot' our readers will rethoug ht s houlu be 0.1 DaVid, ond so me ~ do the' mladeeds uncover thorn· lIIomber that about three yeMS ago ~~ selvea at lut, and rolentleilly :1 wero , tor an IlIl medlllt send ing oC tbe rains In th e spring In illinOis cllme Il nR'ssenge.r to hllll Invi ting hi s re. An Anti-Tip Hayrack, and peralatently follow the per. Just before th e land would naturally petrator. turn to Judah, but just as they were Ilbout to do so a runner brougbt tld - ' menta Just as I use 1qr minE', which be plowod for the ordinary fieh1 crops, Success won by any but fa ir Ings thll t Da.vld had join c\ his toroel! Is the fiat bottomed killd, e ight feet Th o necos!!lty fQr getting ill !) crops meane brings unrcst of loul, with those ot Ac hlsl. , the J' hlllstl n\l ' Wide and 16 teet lonl;, Tbe bed oC early I d ma ny fRrm ers to plow tbelr and merits th e contempt and king. and had shared III the recent bBt' l the rook, o( course, Is made of 2:' 's, fi elds whil e the soil was stili too wet acorn of the world, ~o be trlu bla. 1'he grou nd Was just What shall it profit a man .. U wb l h had r suited 80 <llsus [rously 16 teet long wllh tour . 2x6's eight to th army or JllrD CI. feet long set across to torm the Sli t> · In Ihut condltlQn III which It broiteu p If he gain the whole world at " Wbat. David fi ght against hlB port for bottom oC. rock. Now 1t)II to In hurd IUm \18. During all the SElDSOn the sacrifice of honor. or obedl· brNhron lu larat!l ?" tbe 'elders ex. I the onds Qf tll ese orOBS plec s that thft m n ~v re seeu In the fields trying fa ence to God's law, or service to I I,unuers al' attached in the following cultlvato thoso lllDl ns out of the aur· clllimc d, hla brother man ? "y S: I replied ,the' m s nge r. mann or. Take two \l ieces 2x6 eig h t fuc SOli , In proplU'lng those flplds Faith that can walt brl ngs "ThOll knowest Ilbw he hns heen I.nch 8 long and fas t n to th e end to I' small graln tl:\o, hBrrows were auccea, which will endure. The dw Illng III the land of the Pblllstinea cross pice s, le tllng th em Il-' (te nd down· SO llt over them again nnd agll1n. That road of present expediency doe. Cor now, thea mBny months, nnd how ward and give the Ill1I . lI l1ght outward llIuatrat 8 t he necessity fa I' knowing nof lead to thl! land of perfect ' King AI:hlsh gave him Zlklag In which s lant. For the two bet ween, the plec s when to do work, reallut lo n. The h ow to do farm wcrk Is a dwel l. An~ Achiah nllide lengue should be ahou.t 18 Incbes long nnd It waa a long time Irom the . Ight also slantotd. In the lowe r edge or t r or e ndless controversy, tbough In ,vith him and tmslted him as he m anointing at Bethlehem until the a !Jrotber, ao that when he gathered t be lS·lnch piece n Bre st the blick, most things lIome well·proven rules crowning at Hebron. But the bls armies 10 go out against tile arm . . bore a hole lind run an ~ron bruce nre bing c\'olved. One man on land God who promlae. at Bethle· I s at Israe l he took DavId and hil i tJ.lreJugh to the sid oC the rack·bed, tbnt dot's 'no t need to be plowed deep hem Ie the God. who can keep men along." " well up' Ilus t the of rllck u.nd Inslsls on very deep plOwing and dou· through the vlclalltude. of the A long palntul flllence 101l0wed tbl. fasten there securely. N xt take a six· bl es th amount oC work to be put on yeara lind can fulfill to tho min· disconcerting news. Wblther, now, Inch fe nce board. two teot lon ge r l\Jan, that ·fl eld. This means· dOllbllng the ~teat detail his Ipo!<en word, Indeed, would Judab t ilrn . UB\' ld had you r rac k and tasten to theae tout cost of the labor, wblch In tbese days . The ma,., Who la willing to ot hlgb-prlced labor Is a consideration .take only the .uce... which +. fl\lI ed them. Now that be hod taken rllnner bracell you hBve mad e, lotting oC Imparlance" During th e dull dayS of God glvea I. the man Into whoae -+- up arms agwnst .Il ls own countrymen It proj ect a little at each 81111 •. and fall and winter the tBl'mer bas the there could never more be Illnce tor yo ur runn er I. finished, the other side hand. God commit. hla mOlt 1m. him In .rudah, And with even great. of course being the s ame, 'ow, when best time In which to study out the portant trult., or de pression tbnn betore the e laore you have on a load o'f hill' and th'e whe n all(l the . how. D,vrd'a chief advlaer wa. the pnrted 10 theIr bomell, fll d tills ' to one s Ide, It will simply de Heavenly Friend whose wl.dom HOMEMADE . TREAD POWER. But the next da y strange Wngs bad s li de along on that runn r until you la above man'a wladom, and happened In Juda h. 1'he eld ers sent come to a pl ~ce where It will .rIght Deta1la ~f Co~.tructlon of' One WhIch J1l e~ senger.s to each othe,r with ' the Itself. ' . ena. Will Give Satlafilctor)l Service, quer)' : How often In the cj,ap~e,.. be. 8TORING SEED POTATOES. "Hath David !l!Dt aught to Ibee':' A trend power Ilermlts the use at fore u. we find the .tateml!nt Bebold, when J a.l'rlved home I found th.t David Inquired' 'of the Lord furm horses, bulls, et,c., for driving the ~e awaiting me a goodly portion ot How the T ubors May t Bo Kept In small ml\.Chlnes, . '.Phe accompnnylng .. to the courae he should purthe spoil whIch David had sent with . Splendid Condition, aue. Even thle man of affalra sketches sl10w how 11 tre ad can be loyal gl'eflU ngs, Wbllt· tblnkest thou bo v ry satlsfnctory . with the d llcl pllne of the year. 1C po~atoe8 intended for seed are made '~hlcb concerning It 1" This Is large upon 111m dare not tru.t to hla placed In [lits and properly covep d, In tills connection, It can b'e Imagined' what surprise ~nough tor a full·grown bull or a awn wladom. He mUlt aeek and astonishment I~ucb tidings brought they will come out In 'the spring with· heavy horse, the Divine guldanc'e, by Which oul Il SllrO.l lt; they wlll also be as to each or the eldors and hastily they In .Its construr.t1on l ' IIse'd ' h.e~YY li lene he eould walk In the renssemblell early on the rollowlng firm ns when placed In tbe pits, Iu.mlier and built It In a.n angle beItralght path Which would dellv· certainly indicates tbat no condition day to consider tbe matter. Then It tween two bulldLags 80 • IthBt1/ I bad er him from the .narea of the _ _ _ was that the tull ~Ietalls oC Davfd's re- ,'ltaJlty has been lost. enemy and e.talill.h him In the E"ery ' S.llrOUt tbat starts on a po. turn to Zlklag. hi li pursuit ot the en. ~, kingdom which long before emy which had burned bls city and tato and Is broken o~ removes just had been promla.d to him. 80 muctJ vitality from the s eed. I 1/~ , carried olf tbe wnmen 'Ilt~d children, In all of hla trlbulatlona and find that It, Is necessary to dig the 1/ ::: and or his recovery ot everything .dve,..ft'ea David' wa. 'the cheer. whlc}l hod been taken. were made pit more than six or eight Inches deep. .ful optlmlat whoae vl.19n waa That Is Just deep enough ' to get a known, from above even while hla feet " Then he did not ftght wIth tho flood, B\?lid bottom, so that the pota· walked the uncertain pathwaya PhlUlltin,e s against: t~raej 7" they ex· toes can be sbovelell liP ORslly with of the world, one to fhe other. their de- a potato ICOOP, Ffftl; to lOO busbel. claimed, We m.y not .11 be' called to pression giving phlce to ·the JOY of a may be' put Into one pit saCely, klngdoma, but WII may all h!lve ~hen the pit Is tull cover with new hope. the prlvll"gll of , ·the . Divine "~t us send g...eetlng~ at once to Bbout eight Inches ot s Lraw. then put guidance and the conaclou.nosa David, and Invite him to return," eag. on 'elght Inches at dirt. Tbe third IBy. that God·. ··,preaence I. with U'. e~ should bE! another layer of strow e rly suggested olle. Plan of Tread. be ' the plac. We fill ever '0 If "But who 'Is there who will dar. go and then anothet layer ot dirt. humble. the temperature tulls \)elow zero tor luto the land ot tile Philistines to onl~ " root to. Pllt ov,e r It to secure cnrry hIm wor4. 1f tbe 'coming of a iength at time, cover' t.he pit wltb shelter, About Illl .of the Iron 1 need. .By following this ed WIlS two pInt. with plates tor them Bucb mEfssenger rl30ches , the ears 'of stable manure. the Philistines, I ~'ear It will go hard method, says' a correspondent of Pral· , to work on to 8UJlpo~t the ends ,of t~e THE S:rORY. with David, .a nd mBy bring tbe Pbtl. rle Former, I ne ~e r have nny potatoes centrol shart. Then the sbaft with that s poil or bave bee n Injured In boxlngs was purcbas~ d at a. supply FTER the OCORn tempest come the Istlnn armies down upon us," spoke allY way. house rOl' alx dollars. The pulley Iiif. subdued winds [IDd the subsiding Ul1 anotber cautiOusly, der the floor or the tread wos made Then followed an earneat dlscusslo~ wave8; lhe beavens stretch blue and FARM WISDOM. of har~ ;wood racing with heavy clln. beautiful from borlzon to bor!zan, and whlcb was suddenly interrupted by vas which made It a good friction the golden Bunshlne fills all tbe balmy the entrance of a brelltbloss runner . A debt enriches tor a ' moment and 'plllle)'. air, ' But ' along the rock:bound shill'! who exclaimed as soon as he was to recover tbl' powe r or speecb; Impoverishes for a year, ' Tho clrculBr platform must be well the wreckllge lies In mad contUSion ' a able ':.David! Hebron!" '. 'Never explain-your frlende do not Buppo~ted and InClined sil1JJclenUy ICI sad reminder ot the 'storm at tbe night "Whl!~'s tba.t YOU say?" tBl rl)' shout require It and your enemies ~I\l Dot before, Tbere In mute .protellt to ed the elders, so . excited were lbey: believe )'qu Ilnyway. . Na,ture'~ frIendly moo~ are the tOrn . Y9 u can alwaY!3 toll a goo.d farm and shattered timbers ot tbe ,noble "David has come 'to · Hebron?" 1'he D)essenger tlodded his head ID' hand by tbe 'Vay lIe works wben tbe ship which has gon!! down Into the mer: • farmer has gone to town, cl1os, maw of thl) mlgbty waterl. assent. and added: "Yea, and he hath brought all bill Folks who never do any more tilBn There Btrewn ulollg the beach Is the water·soaked cargo, and tram be neath IDen and lill bls Ilubstance and 'bls they get' paid for, never ' get pBld tor any Dlore than they 'do. the -confusion or piled wreckage ap. wives and all wtlallsoever h~ . ilatb," "Then let U8 go up to H~bron ' Ilnd . There . must be more of .good than ' peara ;tbe band, the to.ot. the battered ,s tde View of Inclln,l d Tread, ~, tlead ot 80me lIapleas victim. Na.ture BO th~te anoint him (\s our king, Sure- ' evil In tho world" or the good would GOd. ha~ looked d'llwb upon .us In our have been overcome ages ago. Iy peaceful',and reassurlrig, and yet bring·. that tbe pull 'caused b,. the 'weIght of Nine times out of ten, the fellow lug \nit pQor comfort to the' beatt di stress, and hath lIent a aeilverti r.... And BO It was tbat the men of Ju. who Is Jet In on the ground flopr tails the a.nlmal Is con8lde~able says-Farm which cont~mplates ' the ruin befo.Nl a.n d Home. There Is' u~ual\y little ~ . .dah cam~ and the're they nnobted betweE n tbe . gh:d~rs and lands In tbe trouble' with the friction as the weight ~avld king OVer the! house ot Judah. cellar, . . .'. 80 was It In Israel. Tbe storm oC Let us not exaggerate 'n bout ~ur or tbe animal C(lmes' right. over the, means or wire, battle has passed; t~e clash ot !irma ,rai'nilug,' ror , the ' s~ke makl~g a pulley' wheel, ~. etillod, the thunder of rusblng war Novl!lty In Entertalnmentl. · spread. If ours Is the best farm abd rope or cable power can be transmit. . chariots' and the mad crIes of multi· · A Rarls paper IiIlYs thBt on every we the best ·farmer, everyone will tetr 200 o~ 300, reet, tll;del ot men joined In death stnlg· $undllY Mrs. Mackay receives hE.T know It, .and If not, all ' our talk about Corn' for Silage. 'gle have died away. and thos~ ' who Irl ends. In a secluded cqrner of thE ' It won't make It so, . The object or putting up corn al .1. hAve not rallen In battle haTe scatter· LaUn quarter's · most famolls ' park' In The. summer' has been tTyln g both 'ed tt! tholr' bOme s wItlie the vlctonous Paris. The retrellbm ents. at "theslf to the !lesh and ' to tbe spirit. Try nge Is f:o preserve tbe stalk and ·blad". army of the ' Philistines laden ' 'Wlth cntertainments are supplied by POBS ' letti ng go of tl.lngs tor a week or In os nellr lhelr green atago as possl, plunder bas _r eturned home again, Ing yen,d ors, ~uch as ,oid women who so, and Y,01l will be sUl'prised to find , ble, If corn Is a llowed fo become too The Ilky Is blue as before, the Slln sell tem lJUug rl1l sll1 cake ond other ' .wh!3n you', return from yohr vacation ' 1'lnO ond. the stalk s too dQ<: tho value ot the Silage Is milch retluced. The cheery .a nd warm; tb e breezes laden. JIIle daln (les. The popel' !Idds to this how much the atmospbere hns cl d best fe ed Is obtained 'If, the cor.n III al· with pertume trom tile flowerll)g fi elds, n~col1nt, ""blch, whethe r or not au· . it Is a .... ood thing to . eare .. · I . q elise uU on the , h)wed to become jtJ~ welHlented, and snd lbe birds, !IncQnsclous' ot .the trag· t. I lentl!!, s pleasant to h !Ieve, 'that collnr Il li LliI'. lben Cllt and Ilut 1111 liS quickly aB ,POB.edy or war~o! tile .Klng and his th ese 1I0ve i little Rltalra bave ,b~cn Lots ot times, when the weather Is sible. sane slain, and of the monrnl rig In most slIccessful Rnd oro a great relief warm ' we are n t t · t I ' t ' ' 1 ', I , p o,. ge n 0 a I!went mnny a hOlne In Iamel whither the a He r . mol' e fonna en.ertn nm ents, o\'er mil' worl<. All rig ht to IIweat Movln~ the' PI~w. Catlle r, nnd tbe 80n, t he 8weetheart outRide-does a man ~ood; lmt wh e n Wllel) YOII wan t to mO'l'e your plow ant! brother would neye r ' more return we get to s wea!:!ng Inside, we are npt or cultivator take 11, wrenoh and tu.l'n Natural SOlap Batl18, -'-I>Ollring o ut theIr littl e souls In SliiU Natural SOa l> baths are not on un. to hall O'l'er, and tbat I" where the Lbo wheel upside down In auch a way mflloa y, but In tho hearts ot the peo, 'rhe cllrlous Roap millchlef come!; In. Let's keep as cool that when YIlU LUl'n the plllw over the pIe n note ot (leep angui s h alld anlllou~ mixed I.Jlesslng. torcbodlrt&. Oh, the agony oC thoBe spring that forms a, wonller ot R vll. as we . can-Inside. 'I'hen we IIl1all wh eel Is' on the gro\mtl. Then turn days, weeping [o r the lost und fearing loge In Timor, East. India n Islanda' live 10z;tS,)r and be hallpler.-FaI'n1 tbe plow ove r, tnke up lhe handles, Bud YOll bave converted It Into a illvated . mud Journal. fOl' tbe living. With blanched cheeks consfsts 'oC Il small ,wb'e Ibarrow 'that will pns.ll or pull and trembling lips the peOljle t.allred cone, tram whlcb ibubbles up water Look Out for Bloat. en!!I!}" . together oC the trll!;lc end or King hellvlly charged ''''Ith a1~all and Cut thjl greon for the anlSBul and IlIII BOOl, at !'he m,uttllttlon at radium, the dlschnrge giVing the ap- cBls aftor the dew or rain. has Qrled have long had tbo balnncell ra. the ir . bodies, ot thel r "nnglng tram peara'nce or 0, mlnl ltture vl)lcano. A oli'o It sometimes ca1,tse. -bloat it fed ' Uon, aud recently a genius Invented a the walls of Beth-Sball., a ' gbastly disadvantage of such a. washIng place tropby ot the fortunE'S of wa~, or tbe Is that vegetation II ru.l ned for m1lea In large quall,t1Uel when we~ esp"olli' baJal1ced gate, The nen tbll\S III W If clover &I d IJ'Hn o.ta. 4er .. a 'ballUlce4 income. pl!clng (Of tb!.\ lUng'. arl:1or In the ..-ound.





Ill-A-LIN Is An Excellent Remed, for Constipation



f t


There are maDY ai lments direct ly d epe nde nt UpOD CODt; tipa li on. sucb as biliousness.

discolored and pimpled s kin. inacti ve liver, dyspeps iB, over· worked Iddneys and headache.


Remove cortstlpatlon and all of t.hes. aUments disappear. '. MAN·A·lIN can be reli ed upot) to pr oduce a g n li e action of the bawd s . makina p ills nnd drastic cathartics entirely Un-










. .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••





A dOle or two of Man-a·lln I, advisable In slight f.brlle attaoks, la ,rIppe, aold~ and Influenl••

TIlE MAN·A· tiN CO •• COlIJMBllS. OIUO. tl. S. 4. -


- ,_ .

Death. from )(.Raye, Tbe death ot Dr. Weigel, • lurgt1OD. of RochcBler, from a dlsrose duo t~ ', the cOD8t!lnt usc or tbe X · ra~ mllko .. 'he fourth wbo ball lost bls life trom thl. cause, 8BYB tbe Chl~tlaD .(d.,oeate. . 'rho othert were 1\0 "belslant of' TbOOlall 'I':dlsoll, a Bo~totl pbl'slclau. .nd' a womliU of San Frllnclsco namell' F1el~cbwaD. In tbe' CUBe of Dr, Will· l!Iel alnce 1904, when bls rlgbt bau4' .nd all but .U1e tbumb and • tl"ger ot tbe lett band were removed, tberO' bad been tour operations In ' trying'. to Ilue bla life. Tbe first r '010'41«1 a part at tbo Tight shoulder; theD 'a: part of tbe mUG.c lea covering the rlgbt . brl'a.t. ' Mystery complet~ly enveJe>p. ' the ca.ur.e <It deatb, thll dlBeoBe being un· know!' to medical SCience, thilligh It 18 ,be\lp'ed to Invoh e 80me .,reat prinCiple of lite. [lr. Weigel Will I,rell· deu l uf the Rochest e r AcadlmlY of Medlclno .nd tbu American Orth(ooo paedlc lIo':lety. ' ' BobbIn Boy,' Wage., John B, Lennon. trelUurer of th. AmerlcA,D, Federation. or Labor, dellv. erud recelllly' aU addrt'Ss on ~trlkee, TUrl\lng to tho BOlt!61ng featurel 01 the strike qu estion. Mr, l,ennon said: ''.1 . reineml1er a .trlke IIf IlOb"ID boys. Ii .jURt strike. ond one that eue. ,cetJded. These boys conducted their ftght well, eyon brilliantly. Thus the day they turned out thuy posted In the splnblng room or their employer.' . uilll a. r;rellt placard Inscribeoi wltb Ihe word!!: ' .. 'Tbe wagell (If 61n II, but the walles ,of tI!e bobbin boy'! Ie worae: '.

to see ' wbllt a good "staying" breakrllBt can be made without blgl&·prlced


"fRY ALlHle Fruit, ADish of Grape·Nuts Ind Cream, "A:Soft·Bolled Egg, , Some 'Nice, C'r.lsp Toast, Cup of Po'Sturil Fo~d Coffu. TbBt's uJl; nnd alI very eMy of dlgee .tJo\, 1\011 · fulI to tl.lC IIrllil wltll nourish mont and st rengtb, itEPEAT FOn LUNCHl!:O ~" On SUp. PElt. . ,


and have , a MP.Dt ,. and "egetable dinner I;lth.e r at ccpo ' III flvenlng. &II Y"u prl;ter, ,

We predIct for you ,nl1 Ineroase ID physical and mental pc-wer.

"TheN'. a R...oa."

..... u.. "Unle b.altII ai_I.... "'Mae '. . . . . " ..11111110" 11I'l/QB.




WI1ERE THE ME IR CHANT FAIL~ An Iowa Farmer Teili. H i m He Should Advertise, lind How.

An Ibwa ta ~m er ' ontrlbu tes to th e D es Moll)es Cllll l to l th fol l.ow ing very pertllleti t suggp.stlo l~ liS t o why lhe mull orr! r hOllses !llIccel'd in getlin g Ih e bllsi neas o t th r ura l eomlllunlUe~ FARM PRODUCE away f ro III loca l tn ~rc hal1t. ; . I "It th e mall order houses ~o t $1.000 (Copyright, by Joseph D, Dowl ee.) How Merchants an(l F:umers C:ln Co· out o( thi s c!Junty e ll c~ month t hal be. Aunt Hepsle Barger measured out I'll go UI) un d rOllt blm ouL Give me longs 10 t he home m e rc hllnt~ the t ault Op erate to Their Mutual Advan· 'tho ingredients 1'01' lhe .chlldren's ta· t he \luker." alld H fl rllce star t ed up th ft Is with t h e m erchanis,themsel ves. The t . ye in a Busl neaa . Way. vorlte cup cake. "Well , Marlon, lIero stalrll ' bu r l'i etlly, wltb his tormldablo ma'" order h ouses :ndvertl ~e nnd give you :n:e at last, !U1' right glad 1 am to weapon. . . Many ag rl r.ull llral towns cOllld be us priceR On evcrYl~ll n g th ey olf r for see )'ou, too." '''And too," Uncl e Drak e. a lolly va slly ImJlr(lvE'd I»)" a fford i ng f arm era sa le, Th ey t II us what tb y have "I xilecled you woult;l be, Allnt Hep· old t ellow of Immense avoirdupois, bottor nJa r k 2t 3 ror thl! prod uce tit al lind what th ey w ant. for I t. or co urse I rl , I ho ra . we get soaked one I In awhile 1ll!1l If 's l e nud I should have been h ere ear· cUlIght "I' t lie tb ngs. ' '1'11 pluch him I1le)' ~llVt' to d!. 1)o3e of. lie;, but conll1:ulY came last nlgbt, whllo H or ne ' belabors him." dillS nf eV'I'y oun(I'Y vlilag c Ih f! r e we do w (! ca n try liom B ol h er house. .and I cou ld' not got away." Th e hurglar nmBt ha\'e b een In a is sumcle n t bu ller and e;;~s anti OIhol' M o~ t or th e home nie rchanl s wh o ad· 'A bl'lght faced girl had entered sount! slumher lIot to h a vo h ear.d the rJl'oduc t s t o be lI1 arke l l'd. Ih e hand . v rli se at all don't Quote IlTl <;e8 . Th ey anJ was t aking off ber wrappings as con t uslou at wh l snerln g voi ces at tho ling o f Wllich wo uld nuke a pro lil abl e neg l 'Cl to l II us wh llt we want to know- t he Il ri~ e. O l~ r.ou r se we can go I t IIcrtceUy at llonie In the farm door, but tb ere was' no sound wlthlB bll s lne~s. bOll se. Marlon Aluslle was a charm· the Challlber unUI Bornee open ed the Th e IIslom thM h,,~ pr eva iled f or to th e stan'! and asl l l h e price or tbi s Ing gir l. with the faculty of attaching door nad p eered cauti ously In, the man y y lira ' o t »torok e l'Ilrs Indlsol im . article. an d t h at, but YO U kn o w how 'Warm frlendsbl!l to berseIC troUl yo uno; poker In hand In deten slve r eadiness. IlI lItel y handling protlll ('~ does not ap . It Is- oup do('sn' l kn ow 80 well exact· aud 'old, . " Jack Darhor, you vill ul u, If yo u ]ll'a\' to be t o th e b at intorests of Iy whnl be want" t o bu y wh en he gets " Uncl e JerrY's folks came and .stop· hav en't been l,IP t o YO llr old tri c ks at tOWItH (lr It lIIay b sa id, t o lh e m ' r. In 3 store as when h e ill at home. And IUI'I O\'er ,o n their " '·ay to Watertown climbing In nt th e wi ndow." Horace' s chanl S or the ra l'lll e l ' ~. In t ho firSt, ther Is wh ere t hp ntfill order h ouses mAk ~ t heir h i t. T hey send u s IQelr to , llllend Thanksgiving wltb gll ," she vOlco como fl oating do wn the st alrwlIY 11111co l he a verag storek eelwr hils explain ed. "1' bey wanted me to go, In a pea t' of Bur prlsed lallghter. no faril i tios Cor the Ill'Oper h andlinG' adverti sing matter Into homes and we Itoo, blit TlI.anksgtvln g Isn·t quite th e " Jack I M)' Jack! 'Veil, J n ever," of perishabl ll IJro durls, H e lIIay n (,t rend I l wh ell we h aven' tall ytlllng else .sam e t o m e anyw\jere else but h ero." cr ied Ann t H OD31e, pushing h er ·way roc Ive Nu tllci ent t o n:!hle h im 10 d13' t o do and every member of the f~mll y "No, 1.larlon, nobody can fill yo ur through tbo c r owd and ru shlog up th e 1I1)5 e . ot tho I)rodllot l o the grentest "'ho reads th eir sturt II sually Hod s -pl ace;' tb e bouy old hand, with ere d stairs. nMantage. Th erefor e ,I nstoad of mak. sOll\ethi ng llim h e 01' som e olher mem· and worn In service for others, Marton, at tho IIrst so und at Jacl:'s Ing any 'prollt li pan wlt at h e handles. ber at th e family wan t s and manyor· .smoothed t he sa~lny black ball' caress· nnme, Md divin ed In a monic nt Hat man\' tlmps he Is t he l o~er and look s. ders are made up an d sc ot ou t Just at .lngly, " U YOII WIIS r eall y my ow n wha t had occurred, tbat Jack had tor I~is COmllt'nsa ti on In th e lI":Jde thut auch times . . "l1Ight here i s \Vh f' r n th e h amEl mer · darter I couldn' t act more store by como· on the carly Dlomlng train, tUl d ni ay ho givll n hi m b y the furmen who chant tails do wn , I( he t aikl!!! 4P his .)'ou." nOL wis hing t o arollse lh e family, had bri ng In t b e prOduce. It is Imporl.lln t \0 a t o .... n wh ether bu siness t o us in a li i' h ome~ the ga me A cri mson lIullh overspread the soft crep l up to 1I 1g room window In !be ' brun Ue c heek. moonlight, and as sbe bad so obllg', n g. It Is rellllt e(l to he a bood produce as th e mnll order h o uses do I h e ll eO ll le "You baven' t beard an y tblng from mar ltP.l or ol hol'w lge. Wh er ' th e would be In l O see bi OI th e n xt ti me Ja k y et , bave you, Marlon ?" fa rmer can receive a ce n.t or tw o' they came to tOWI) ,Iud i n many ca~es .. ~ o, auntl e"n ot. 11 word," sbe sighed, lIIoro ro r his hU ll r an.d eggs he .I s extra t ri!)s w ould be mad to get tb e " Just II. year IIgo to·day, and it seems likely to turn hi,s a\l(O n tioll. III som e thing s at Ollce t b.Blt we dldn' t know wo wan l eel unLiI th ey were b ro ught IIkl3 t on." · town!! Ihere are regular bll)'ors ot "Wbllt W&8 It. cbUd, tbat set him ' I)rodllc(', but o'ften th ese m eth ods are to ou r allen tlon . " 1'be home mer cllant ca n save th e -olt 80 ?" Rstted . Mrs. Barll!lr, gently. SlIch as ;'0 be un satis f ac to ry an ll r eo oxp ense of gelling 1111 a cata l ogu e. W e "I've always wanted to know, but I sul t ' in loss ot lrad e 10 tbe place. "tbought when you wanted me ~o b ear Merchants senarally ex banga goods people read the hl~ m e paper s more It )'olt"d t ell me." ro l' whatever prod uce ma y b e brought curetully t han we do tlt e' catal ogue, "Why, Aunt Hepslo, didn' t you to t hem . In man y )Ila ces th ey will and It t he merc hant wan ts t o talk kaow ?" the girl raised h er head with nut puy cas h. ar.d It haR b een known business witb us l et him put his laiic ,a looll at aSlonlsll,ment. "1 supposed . wb er cas h has bee n Unld tllnt It Im- ill th e hom e papersi. and put tt In ijO ot coorse that he had told yo u th e medlutel y round lis way 10 sOllie Olher I ha t we kn ow he m Elans bu si ness . . Th e hom e m en 'hnnt IIk (:lr, nln limes out. ·, ,'bol e fOc;lJlsll atory, or 1 should have town where Ilood~ wa s Il urc basell . or l en, "e ll s hi s goods lUI cbea p as the Eaeb LOwn lb al has any r.o nsitl r · .spoken of It l ong ago." . mall ord r hailS s. Rnd I b elieve on " l\ot a word, dearie. He only camo nblt) patro nage fre m th e t artnlng COlli· m an lh ings tb ey ItTl! mll.eb oheap r, tn one day , his face nil wblte n.n d set, nt UlIl(y silrroundlrig It, sh ould h ave hil t hal\' ure w e t o Iknow If h.e d08S0' , to tell m e llInt h e wa s gOing. and thnt a IllDa ll col d storllge pl ant. One ilion t II liS aboll t It. nil women weTl~ {lfns nnd deceiver s, 1 tbat has bell'n found Ilracli cn ble in " A m erhaltt mnat 'lIot think · tbat .". th ~ It mouy town s is th e o rgan iza tion o f :l -tbolls b t for a \\'h tle at you . ID ' produce company In whIc h llIer cbants e\'en hi s bes t custo mers kn o \V hl:l t oned him, but I've put two 4 t wo 1;000. 110 ";'ell th al they an tell wbat toget ber sluce an' chang d my mind." of .th e t own as w II as l he rqrmers b hns wlthollt bing shown . " Wby, you Imow, !lunUe, 1 was In· ure stookhold ers. Th ese co ncerns pret· "It Is fl on e o f Ill )' uu sln~ss how the Umale wIth D,?Uy Jenklna about t bat . vide ' every racllity f or the pmller hom e m erchant r UIliS his busi ness, but . po cking and sl orag(' of eggs lin d but · ·tlme--" i don't ltke to see th ese roast,; i n the "There, I k no wed tbat tQ r m en ~ed l Or anti other I II~ i'ls habl PI'odIlC!!, anll papers All th e lime ab out 'us f ellow!! widder had aom th ing or other t o do ~o m eti lll ~s III l udp. tl butLer !'l'nOV:l I· whn gel '3 lilli e st urr shippI'd In once ~, Ins Innt. Wh~r 5ue ll co mpanies ·are 'wlth It," Inl~rI"upted M r • . Bar ber, en· In ~I \\'h ll e Hnd npve l' aoy l hi ll g "a ill on 'ergetlcall;-. . ~ of)erlli ed t be m e)'ch 3nl~ refuse t o th e ol her ship. ' There al' 'a lwllYs two "And sbe kept tiling m e a! the at · "Will My Marion Forgive and' Fo... h~l\tlle prod uc.. . r ef rrl u ~ :111 who h ave sid es or a qllt-sllon, nnd I ha ve give n get?" such 10 \I to til produce cant pan)' . YOII \lIin e. rr I t Is "'o rlll auythlng \0 ,t nUons ,,'bleh ;'a~k was paying Cpr th 'I'll ('oml~any 11;1 s t h I' hi g l J'e~1 mnron t he sl)", and Intimati ng more an Iy l eft It OPOII , Ilad found no trouble In ket lirlce ' fa': 'what It bu ys. I n~icncl ),011 )'011 Cil n t a k it." sbe r eally until at l know nat J. tax "II ng' an d of n'I\ Jack wl tb said, It, and-you howd (l'ot Ung In (III I t I y, nn d t l' m" , ,.·ln·'" _ cas h. d ue iJ" l~ are Issu cd BANKERS GE',rTING WIS~. blusblng she r efreate d to the kl tcben wh ich t\l'e :l Cr.CI)\ ccI til(' same as r ll ~ h quick Jack Is, auntie?" I I Ii It d h It at ni l til stOI'ns In I ' 0'\'11. I" .!lch w eeL . o\'e r, an compose el'se ~ " t o tIn "Yes, r eady to' go off tbe handle at Cor tllo m eeUn" wltb blm. the m rchnnls 11'11 0 racc l ve Ihese d uo They See ' Danger in the Mall ·Or(ler .. a mlnute's warnl n ' an' then too proud System of Business. ~, .to ·o.wn that. b e's In lhe wrong," . 'Th ey had parted in anger , an<l sbe bills In cxc h:1l1 !;e for I;ood~ have them scaroel y kn ew bo w to rece l vo h Im cushl'd at, th e onlet' of tb e produc It Is on l y l otel y · th al hnnkl'r!l of Lhe '.'ADd he w ouldn't g lyo m e a ' won l of 110 W. Sh e r esolved t hat n little at the cODlflany. " 'est lun ' UO) (;! 10 :t realization th ul satisfaction as to wh ether ' s.\l e had. concessIon at l east must come Jrom y 11')'i nn- fron·1 n ", cn t t o two CAn "" ~ ts told the t ruth or n t, on ly l.hllt If J J ac k ,s I nce ' .h e b a d I eit Iler' 80 cavu II er· .. ft dO?, (,11 11101' g"n . or I)er )lOllnfl. I he 1II11Ih.rd " r R), sl em of 11lI ~1 " ,-,s" hns ,,~ .i 'had commen ced dlstrllsting h I!' so Iy anll so ull ltindly wlthollt j ust canse. ro r Illl tt!' r th eMe I'rodlll: rompnnl l's 11C' 1'1I a ~erillil" inJI\I')" 10 th Ill. k i lli ng sOQn w e nl lght us w 11 pl\rt Br'st as he WIlS standing .thore stili, bal. have ~eon wondpl'ful racto rs In br ing. olT lltl' llll s ln~ ss ' of .lh c lr t owns. lllkins l alit, . w ith Other BPC'1(!chC's ",bl cn Cllt ancln'g the f ork with whl oh she hnd I Ig t r arle i o th p pl ace. Not alonl! do nllt oC ,circ lliallon ma URY ihal shOllld hell1 ~ w (l ll til Illril l uanl! dellosilS arid tieeper' sU Ii . Ob, I t wn", so baril, A uut just turn d ' the Llil'key, Idly 111 h er th '.':-- bt' ll efH til' 10 \':n by brill!\'ln r; ~d H OI1SI \ wl)~n 1 l oved h im so, He nco hmld, \Vh n an ' arm stol e around h er \lIti9 ual pll t l':mag!' to th e " ll'lrr l1ants. ntll erwlile 'in\ rforlug wILlI tow n 1Jr0, , -cused me of holllg jealous, but'l.t was wai st nnd Jack '!! voice, ,"ery humble bllt Ih o ' tiu si ness c~n b hl;:lI l)' profil. grpsL Dot 80. r onl)' tbought'it b es t I t h e t\n d 101' I n g, ·Whi spare d I n , b or em'; abl e ' If nlnll " ,"' 611 l'I"llll', I t rnqll "U "'~ ~ ,- ires , The t r(ll l \)ie hus h een with mall} r eally car d for h er. to ·havo th e ma t· "Will my 1I1arlon forgive and forget?" but lillie cUil!ta l t e) opor. I I' 511ch an bani(<'r~ I hal th l)~' fntl ed 10 co nslll r i he UII),""; good s·a w ay · rl ·o\11 · h t) lIIl~ .. ,.i1 A ll hor pr ide vlllilsheri at once un. osl nbllshm li t. ! t Is weil IV h n organ LeI' settl ed rlgblJy berore It was too late." . . der t b e . spell of t ho denr :' familiar Iz.atl<ln II! tall " n li P .10 . li mit t he a $ an), l hiup; nr IInr'(.IClIlnr ('(l ne rn t o \\' h 1\ I.'ann er Sm illt wou l rt "My poor IItUe glr'; and UI:11 wid· volco, and tu r nlug, sh e !lhed hnppy . 31l1 0Un of stocl! lh.~ t each shnrpholdel' Ihel1l huy ;\ drar! ror $,;;{J o r $ 11)0 10 sU 1I ,1 I r cel ,' u~s t o One 01' 1'"'0 -ll der," wlt b detestatiqn In every t~ne, tenrs at re j a I c I ng ·on 1IeI' I over .s sh all' . ~ llres or .'1 "sh e's beeu arLer ' him tbl,ek er'n mush ' pa'r va l ue at $L~ or $10 0. A n rrort to Chic- ago. I h e bJl,nker gilt hi s . tell ,ever since she t ook off her 1I10urnln', why baven't you written to should b mnde t o hl1ve a's Dlany mar. 1:(,lIts xcllan ge and th ou _t .he was an' all h er grleviln \!e Is t hat he would me, Jack ?" she asketl. r eproachfully. chanJs as po ssihl e shar hnlde r s. Al so that \lIlI ch ahellr\. wh ile 11Il! rnc t ~ re· aner a te w momenta of happy can. 10 seelll • as mun y sit ar hol ders am on;; main d thal If It e cO llld k (l jJ th ,havo not hing to say to h er ." lhe f arllH'rs as ('DO be had It sholli ll nion ey from hpinp; sent from borne " Yes, I know that, now ' that It's too vcne. late, Aun t H eJ)slo; but there's no use "1 did; Marlon, I wrote you a long be II nfhll', lond lba'l IDSlead at Iinyin g Ihal ioo of the farm er for the ' !J ank er erylng for spilt milk," a bright ·t ear l etter, askltlg your forgi veness for th e onall, far.m el·s [lay far th eh' ~ hal'e!l m ight makl'l a dollar or Lwo of profit tremliled oli UIB lohg eyelashes, "~d . miserabl e part I had taken In. that ot stOCk In prodlloe at prev aili ng mar, II, W3 ,;- only wh ~! n th a \:Rtalogue try ·und not spoil my 'l'h&nksg\v, . wretcbed qu'o rrel , bilL 1 u ever received k il t Tlrle!i, Wllh 'all th e Illerl' bants hou se. st art orl tn to solicit deposit s 01 I Ing with t ears." . . n .word In rep l y , Ilnd 'at course 1 sup. tn the . town Interes l ed In the slle · th e IleO I)I(I n t eounU'Y town s aod far m· done, posed you were angry nnd unforgiving c~ss of the company . an d t hl' farm e r ~ ing co'm ntllnltl es that the banker~ , At lengtb the cooking was tbo blg ,.'turkey dressed ·and ready for toward me." l !Iroll!:h out th e !'o llnlry al ~o sharf? ' to,?k a i umblel ' T1Hi ll lIgaln some bank er s haye 8uch stuffing, and the rows on rowlI of pies "How could 'l answ er ft, dear Jack, hol der~ and parti ("lpn nls In profits t hat and' rich , plummy cakes, the pan ot wben 1 never received It ; no; not one mny he lIlodp. It will be soon fOllntl nn exalt ed idea of Ihei r pos ition ID doughnuts lUI!! the h eaping platter of line f Tom you In all 'tlils w eary year." (h al th e produce cn mpony will Lie ilte tow" that the ~oods 10 b e har! oCup cakes and ..nother of jam tarts, "If 1 could only bave known It, but hancllln'g a. JI, th e pro,luac busin ess thaI from Ihe l ocn l l1I erl:honts are nOI goat! enough f or Iltems el xp.H An d ramlli es, fsuggested a large gatherIng on tlie nol hearing mnde me so angry th'a t ) orl g lnnlps In th e t:ommunily . morrow. determined ' that y'ou or 110 one , else In mMy 'I ocnlltles wh er e this plan tlllLl sel a haJI exam ~ I e before th e peo·There were tbe ohambers yet to 'put should know whe'fe t was; or &nytblng "has b en !IUf In!fln th e ttl-rlll e r ~ 1\l e by. sending nWiay Ih ll m sQlv e~ fOl In order ' for th,e gnests, and Marlon ' al!out me."" ha':e disfovcrer! Ihal they coul d re o wbllt th p.y dt'si re I n th e wa y or , taple. Banl(ers are conserva ' .touk tbat. Part of the work while Aunt . "You foolish, hot.tempered Jack," cpivo hpt t.e r urlces (or th ei r butt er nnd lu ~ uri t's lHep81e rubbed ,the silver aDd tidied· said Marlon; softly, "but \i()W did you nnrl ('rM III :lnd e:;gs t h~n · IInder th l' tlve : un!! ar o not f orward I'n maklr) /1 Itho klte!)en , , chahee to come. home, dear?" olll N),stel1l . n eln g. assoclot!'(j In a suggestions . to th eir patrons liS 10, Everything WI.II already spotlessly "I could not keep away," said Jack; WilY wi th t h t' bll siness Int rrosts of th e ' what Ihey 5ho.uld d o wllb th eir money 1l1ean ·for Aunt Hepele was an Immnc· sImply• ."As Thanksgiving drey.. near, '[lince Ih ry b ecOlll 8 more Int eres t pd In but In IhlR ma t t er It a'PfJenrs ~u ll\ c lent 'ufato' 1I0uselteoper, hut there were 'the attraction towar.d ihe old hpme' nil II ffalr5 oJ th e t9w n and are .more I y i mport:lItl to justi ry Ih e exer Cise 01 pitchers to flil, a little loopIng baek of becamo too' strong to be resisted, and inclin!'cl lo. work In harm ony wilh th e' what lrinuence the bank er can com curtains and p.rranglng at furniture now tbat I have · you again, I'm not mcn; h anl s to\\' al'fl ~ a 'n~' thlng .Ihat h RS mlln cl Ifl'hohalr or lioll1 o 11B tron age. n to do, and Ma'r lon attended to. It all, going to you go, and 1 propose .fh e hUll rov emenl of th e home lowlI I ~ In" h'Isi ness of Ih e 10 \Vn ~ nd sur bumming a song as ahe did so. , that we be married thIs very day. I'll in vl e,v. 011 11 <If Ih e desirabl e th lllgs ro unrll n;:;. co untry that aft'Clrrt s It orgfll In Jack's rOom alone, no preparatlop go' ror a, lIllnlster directly ,after dinner, about lb ls plan i 6 it. l endenc y to tfl t he han k . l'hp g;rea tfJ r Ibi s VO IIlIll P was to be made, for Aunt H epsle. and we'll mako It a Tbanksglvlng l ~s5(',J1 I he lll;actlce of . r cs lrlents 01 . of hlJ ~ lnf's~ ca n h., mad ' I Ill! . hell(>r would use lhe room tor no one but la wdrth remenlberlng." · rural co mmurll l i!'S trading with map for th e ba nk er and pv ery inl er es t 01 owner; but Mat lon went In therew~tb "Wall, as for . tbat,'_thero's DO use 0' ord er rt'oll s!-,s anll departm en t ~(ore~ Ihi> tn "" n. Rn tl Ih e rarm er.'! and· cil.h er In bnr\lrs us w ell , .n lonely t eellng In her ·beart., th~ song stlrrln' o'Ut at the 'house for n minis, In . tbe ·I ar ge 'cilles.. A no l h';lr ud mil" hflr~TS AS TO MAKING THE HeME


By Mrs.. F. M. Howard





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«,boiee of

~.e-n IT !:

of the

$tt lln,poriafll1ce .,G;o( ~~

T !l~ art of th ~ \'e ll Is In tbe draping, freshmen t s a l'e termed a br ellkfast; If doubt. and, Indeed, t t Is no nrter t bllt hour, ~b e word ret reshment$ beyo ud ~m llll accomplishment. lo hang the Is used. elCce,pt it the bour i s sile or mE'~h grnce full )' and co mfortabl y over sev n, wh en a r egular dinner IS'served, som e ot 1 he ' fn shio llabl e but decidedly bul this Is most un usual. Soatlng the hlzarr' hill brim s. guest s at sl1I all tllbles Is proper and F or lh o or dinary mushroom hat. now ver y nice, but It req uires Ulore worl!: I'n f ashion . a yartl anti a Quarter at nud more' walters. nlJln& 15 n eeded . . Alwa ys arrango the veil over tbe Attire for a Brldeg ..~-om. f ace uud frollt 'part of the hut first. 1 alll In doubt as t o the proper apSee Lbat, If t bero nr e dots. they do not par el for t he bridegr oom Bt a morn. Interfere wltb ,lhe line at "I slon, Tben In g (cburcb ) w edding. Would a PrlncB dr aw It' back carefully Ilnd evell l y, n ot A Ipert and gray t ro users be proper? too ti ghtly over lhe 1I0se. lmt drawn If not, kindly state what h e ali ght to UII a little so as to make It ,t ouch the wea r. BETSEY, chtn and just cover tb e curve. Then pili It ut tho back. A veil should be A Prince Alhert couto gray trousers, neltbor t oo tlgbt nor too l oose ov er whi te or light tauey wai stcoat, paten t either chin or n ose. lesth er shoes, four·ln·hand tie, light Th e choosing at a' Villi Is almost as· In color. and silk bat complotllJl th.s Im purt allt as (hat o! tbe bat Itselt, A corr ect attire for a groom at a morn. . largo op n III Hh r equires 11 fresh, clear ing C; burch wedding, compl ex ion ; with hall" turnin g gray white \"ells should be avolded . .as they Order of Bridal Proce.slon. make It appear ' gray r than ever . W ill you please tell me In whlAt orR ed hulr with a brown ve il takes a der th e bridal Il ar~y sbould en tel' the particularly pretty auburu tint, and II room Ilt n bome wedding ? The lIarty black mesh 1s even 1Il0re b eeomiug. A 'ConRi sling of tbree ushers, tbree ma1ds. J . A. P. r ed v el l should onl y be wor n over u and two little Oower girls. clear ca mpi xlon. otherwi se the IIlem · First the minister , groom and his i sh es will · be magnified. Th e blue veil Is u sually very becom· best man enter and nwnl t the bl'lde at ' In g to a blonde with a tal r skin ; It the altar, 1n tbls cas there b eing seems to give her color, So docs three ulhers, tho)' sbould each escort bro wn . Brown Is, 1n fact, tbe m ost a bridesmaid, tben the flowet girl. generally becoming color and tbe mo st followed by the bride alOne, 'or tLccom. p.anl ed by the pers on who 1e 'to slve Ball ~ fa c to ry tor e veryday w ear, .' It must be r em ember ed t bat veils her In marrIage. r esling against the skin absorb mol s· Care Plano. ture from Ihe tace and dust tram 'lhe Would y ou pl ease t ell me wbat Iii str eet and lire unsanitary, unless care. fully brusb ed and aired nnd cl eaned best to dust R plano with, so aa not to after w earing. Even th en It 16 never . scratch It In anYway, and also wbat well to wear one veil to l on~. It the cnn be done to always keep tlte fiDe pocketbook cannot stand a large out· poiluh .from f;etuog dul! looking ; al so lay, cb eaper meshes more orten 1'0. how lO k eep t he keys nice and wlilte 'li new ed ar e better both for the 8ake of 1.1. A. H. hygl ne and of appearance, tor a An old silk han(lkorchlet or soft stretched veil I s untidy. Be ~ lde~, a loose veil ts linc mforlable and Irri tat- cheeseol otb makes the best dU6ter and Ing und tile wearer cOllstantly fingers a chamois skin Is also good. Tbe keys may be washed with a cloth dampened It with ug ly and unsanitary elrect. The eYel asbes 1\'1'(\ apt to turn white In milk; alcoltol rimy be used It they at th e tillS It a veil Is worn too tIghtly are much solle.d ,. A ph~no sb'o nld n ever remain ·open o ver nlgbt, nor sbould It drawn agnln st t hem, r eJ1uiln closed for long 'p eriods liS tbe KEEPING LETTERS IN ORDER. keys will tum yellow. A protesslonat poli sh er sbon'ld be emplOyed to de tbe Neat Arrangement That Will Do Much caSe ove r when I t requires It. Never to Prevent Confusion,· liSe- an y liquid pollllh on tbe plano nn. l ess Indorsed by a reliable plano man. FOI' tbose r ad rli who like to keep ufacturer. Wltb care Ii plano should " tb el r l elters neatly arranged.~ t b e I)lan uot ba ve to b e douc over very oUen.



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Proper Placll1g ~f F'Ilrk., Kindly 6tate it th e lines at forks shollld he t urned over on the table and on t b e plate when oDe ba s flnlsb ed eat'In g. . MINNESOTA.

B '





d':ying upon h er lips as she illd ·so. ter." Allnt H eJ)sle 'had eome In tC' 'Suddenly a thought came to ' h er - ,look ' after her n eglerited dinner ,' and 'Jlhe- w'o udd prepare Jack's room too, stood regarding th ~m with Il beatI\hU;, .as It h e were 'comlng with tbe rest, tace. "Young Mr. Holland Is a minis. and with nimble 'flngers she \lusted ter, and i dOl)'t' doubt bUt tba~ he'd bfJ .and lU'ralUte~ ever.ytblng ' In the . bost g;tt,d to have 1\ cereJI)qny, to ,sorter Ift-t. vosalble o~d e r, , In practice oj!, YOII kno.w ... · The bouse b~gan to fill wll.hll ,m~rr.y "All the bettElr , we 'll be married be· ...crowd ,of r\llaljves !it nn early hour on fore dinner then , and have a wed.d ing the morrow, fpr a Thanksgiving din . . hlnner as well , as· 1\ Tha.nksglvlng ner at Altnt H epsi e's was a treat to tea st. Jllst l et me brURh ,up tuy hal'r young and old. .. 'u bit wblle Marloll takes off' her Tlie );o.ung minister was just el!- kl t cben apl"on." , ,. . plalnlnc the difference between a The greo,t brown turkey W811 an In· ' splrltual anc! a m erely Il\teljectual be- teresting wItn ess of ~ surprIsingly 1m· lIef In ~crjptllre, whe!! a frtghtene d promptu ceremony a ,half 'houl' later. . trlo or children came .crambllng down and never hnd a Jollter ThaD~Rglving the Bt&lrs. dinl/er been served ht,. the old farm. "Oh . Aunt HepIJle, the~'B a burglar' houBe than -uPQn this occasion. mad. In Ja.c'k'B room; there I.. and' be'a melllorable by tbe presoDce of a btl" .uleep on the bed..' liar 10 the hou.e, and SUb..qUIllt "A bw:aJar, l)oD't .Iet IrIpteald, Plqiq of weddtq 1IeUI. '



Dhle t ea tu re 16 th e addin g of an ad~illona! labor· avlng . Induatry to .t h e town Rnd th e k ~e» lti & 'of Jn e pa rn · Jn ss at th e TIf!OIl II! III circulartoD In lhu c0I11nltlullY. :-· ' Rel1abte Si,jn of Death. A Fran hllia n 'IBS r ecel veil a r;riz.e or tpl' dlscoverln!; a reli:lbl e' 51gn d!'lt h. T he t t?st cotislst~ ' o.f. Ih t' ~ u lJ . outaneolls In}ec\lon or a spluliO n or fll 'ul'os.o,elue, w\)lcl1, ' Ir thc hlootl Is stili ci rculating. I" tbo course ot a, f t w 'lIou \"s eaUiles the skin to turn y ei ' low . . W ise Parlon. "Parson. som~ o dy dur,ed UB to Ilet married, IInd,.we never take a dare. Here we are." "Well, . my YOUOIl frlendl. I dare you 10 bome eod",Yor to ~uIU · Yate IIOme eolXltaoD .en.....


' Th e .forl;: I s pl nced t ines UJl besIde ,the knife when t he u ser hns 'finIshed, In like manner til fork Is placed on th e tllbl e, n ~v er turn ed over. M Aj)AAf t~ I'tflllRRL

our a v ery use fill one. It conSi sts oC a pl eoe ot prt.lttlly colored rIbbon. with tbe words " AnH~' e r ed" or "Unanswer· ed," embroidered upon It, aud It. Is ·tl ed roflnd tho Jetiers and fastened with a smart little .bow on' one side. ,RIbbons embroidered with the words "Puld" Ilnel " 1 npald" are useful also tor .tylng up ou'r bills, nnd at once lu· forlll us which Ilack at ' r eQuires .our atteDtlon. Cure stlould be taken to em broider the word In the rlgll t place on the pleoo or rl bbon so tbat It will appllar III the ce uter on tb e front of the poc.k et·. of l elle r~ or bills after tbey have been tied up.

Making·Over Hint .. Skirts tri mmed with folds at silk Of' velvet r ibbon In tl\ck lIects 'can have flny necessary vleclng for l en gt,b enilig or freshenlllg tb ' dress at lower part, done benellth one or these bands, and . th e' sam" h oidsgoOd for waist s simIlarly ornam ented. "Frequently a waist Is ,fOllDd to be' hopel essly sbort·walst. ed, and for s uch Instances t h e oroslI' wi se folds seem eSl1eofillly to have beE\n Invented. Make lhe folds take & 1511gllt upward curve to the middle front rrort;! sides, anli th ere place 'l ittle 100]1 b9W8. A dress sent to b e eyed should haTe th e bom rlggeli out ' as the mark ordlnurlly at hem edge Is ettaced durlnc process.' ' . . J~CKET FOR BABV' GIRL'S.

Cool an" Smlirt · Made Either In 811'" Mu.lln or La""n.

This dainty little jackilt 'Is suitable to be made In silk, muslin or lawn. It will be found much cooler and smarter Hinta for Entertainment. and Other ror summer' w ear than ordInary Socl;ll M~tter •• PIlIIsse, . _ elli" m odel Is In"whtte Jap silk, edged Flowera for an Ootoller Wedding. Will ,you . kind l y I a tOfm Ole what with a tllJl frill or fln e lace sewn on over a I\ne 'plplng cord. Th,e deep col· flowers aro RIJj)I'Opl'late for an Octoller lar Is trlrnmClI to ma tch, aud IIj turther, wedding, for the lirltle, maid at honor ornamlluted wl l h luee or sllk·embr.o ld. , IUId, b~ldesl!lald ? MAXINE. ered tlPlllJflu o:!s , the silk o f the col~ ADVICE FROM MADAME MERRI.


A sters nre gen eruUy In their prime at tbl s sea son and are exee,e dlngly pretty mad .. Into shower bouQueta . '),hell' Instin g quulitles al so commend Ihem ·tor us .. lit \Vt!ddtng~. Late tn the inonUI cry~al1themums,- are ,In bloQl11, though strictl y speakin g they aro .lhg D_ M CARR. 'Nov{,J mbcl' flower. A LI1d e may aiway s What, tndeed ? . ch oose h er (lw n fllvo rll e fl ower for her. A ciuch es" rl'qllir-ing 3 Ind y's maltl . bridal bouqu ot, tllu a malting It Indlvld· In t"rv l ~ w wi lh one. 10 ' wh om ' ufil. Ot l ute wltlle vl()l e~s have !ieen hnd at l er hllvln g xn mln cd h r anpellran ce, very )JUIIUI " \,, 'b e sai d : "or co ur se, yO u will tIe ah" ---10 rlress m y hnlr f or m e?" "011. l'IlS.' ~efreahment8 for. 110l'T\e Wed(llng. rep lied tb e girl ;' "It 'never takes !liE At u hOlqe weddlll!;" Just r elatives of more, 'Ibno ' hair an hour to dress 8 the brid e !latl ' g rO<l1ll being present. ' Iad y's hair." "Ba!Jf lin hour, m.) w\lal Is jJrl"per tu serv e 1 'Is I~ n eeea· child ! " exc lAim ed Ilhe duchess. In 8e sary to ha \'0 the . g u e~L8 seut ed' a~ cen l~ of t error , " nnll whnl on earth tu'bl <i:K 0, ' can Ule lunch eun lie served . then . • hould. I be a bl " to rio wit h mj, Iiy WUI WI'S rrolll one table, the g·uests self all th e remall~der of the .moro bclu~ "I!ilted ahout the rooin ?, 109?'" , " . · M.A. H.


'T'he Renon . "In this scttlemE,nt," s,ald the Bill ville farmor. " we (:all all the lIterarJ (ellotrs we kIn 'Ieadln" autbors hecaule as 1\ r they're . Ilowerfu handy at Il!adln' to w.ter:·-At lanl.. Coll.Utut:loa..ll

Serve the rerreshment.$ from one large table tn the dlnlng·room, ~he guestll bel~g seated around tbe r!lom tr thl l IN the moat cocvenlont, You lpeak of a luncheon. If the ceremon,. II ·per[ormed lIefore or I&t DOOD, tile,..

being out aw..,. from I\ppllque .. Th e hol)net I" of wblte silk, tMmmeci with chiffon rosettes and atrlnp. Materials requIre; Two and on& fourlh yards 11Ik, aut Wds lace. tft appliQues,


iW .

Clipped from


:1l" U "" ••u\ .... \':." "'1' 1' \ '\. v.tUtnt - nlH1 M1~r:o' t\1k l "" . I~ t.: \ 1I> , a

-~-- -

. r our Exchanges

. arne Everywhere' , .' rOIl1 tbis it wo~ld !leem to i~. Cl\catll tbllt Ule j clltor of tbe WII· mlngton .Journal Iloelln't believe everythlug that h e hellrt! : " TIle vil1(lge of Wlimlng t.oll within the pnst- two week hl1 ~ d vel · oped . m al e !tennlne, 80lent.lflo r Otld bniJder tl tb.IID wonld SUI)ply Su uthern Obio fo r tbe next ten y ur.. It i n f&Dt that m dn. womell nnd obil d~e n ' wbo lin vo never ha d Rny xperl enoe, or beretefor e gi ven the Ilubjoct IL t,h ougb t , OR n dtllsortattl on the oonst.rnotl.Jn In the III oat IIrtls ti o

_ _ _ _ ___ H01\' to lleak Corredly

Ity Ih p ulphnbet, aloud Ilnd when ynu h.t V,1 fiD iMhed Ilsk yoursel f if e ve l' ~' latte r wou ld he perfec tly dis , tt dO n vllnr . It, ·"h' lUlk •_ 1.':.Jh tl )' ~ar .n _ l u l va_n_~ t luotltnd iul el\igiLle to IIny one w110 __ _H _no\. _ .'aliJ _ L _ _ r'll ight be 1I~ to o i ng. Here litis tbe I 1~'FlCE IN ALLEN BUILDlNO fUD clitUl entll l prinoiple of a ll peak . 1'r. 'JElPy.lorie eJ{LL .. flo. 6· in g. Eve ry lemen t of every spo k en word s hollill be d il:ltiuot, Ilnd In W~: U'NI!l ' I)A\" f\ ~a"1' ~:~I II.:n •.. . , 190; tolligibl a. In repeut ing Mle Illl11Ul· - - -bet ellnb Jetter ought to mllke Il pt\r · Wayne Township fe ~ oupe fr(llll t he 1I1l1I of , ~h e Must Make Repairs It paakHr . .Duet! it utllk.a.suoh IlD.AS· 'ca,pe whan yon SIl V It : Do yon flUl hl on nnd kn~~~~ ma~ner ." \ : " '"\1 '1'. J


H H I ) W~


.'." ·Wf


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": 11 1'1', .

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L.-. __

- '"7"

nuy Your Own fJapel'8.





•. -







A wlln wbo WRlI too economical to 9U bsorlbe for hili home Im)lpr Meatnlro your r (lOut· lind on,,", tn 8ent bill litHe boy to horrow the co. py tuke n by his nelghbol'. In hili ha ste the boy mn over II t ,1 stanll of bees lIull In ten minnt 1I look u ' Vo WOI'O WIM in orJerlng th io, stoak hlst filII , ill pri uEl~ have ::In· hke It war .v M nm~tl e r . rj UIl h. HI8 ' . orle r ellcheci his futher , wlto rlln to terially 1\~1vllt'oeU. r~llr Ollt !lilIes I" >lt ~,Ell\r of Iln y ; tbis yellr will Ill: his tlllslstllnoo lind fn-Ihng t o n oMco greater, l\IlI t till!;8 froll t IJlo Orillat nllW in stoo k tl ,,~nl' et! Uellutlful p~ j a Ilnrbed wir e fonce rail lu to ' It, torUli, loweat prioR . lugrIU!1 8 .. .. . .. .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. , ....... .. .. .... ~DO up h're.lking It down, and outting n hanuful of flo sh fr om hIs I}nntomy Lo well. }l1~rk , Exl.rll Hupflrll, "nd rniTlln ~ II 16 pllir o f pilu ts. The, R. I t k t 110 50 old oo w l.ook ad vllllto ge of tllO gap ugs-grelll ._"" ,s 0 0 yo . . , . . . . , , , . , . , , . , , , . . ul' in the r.. nco lind got in to tho corn. burg e enougb for 1\, rOlllll ,

H~tchis~n ~ (jibn~y

th;ld HIIlI k lileu ber self e~tjng greeD LInoleum , ~be grellt kHobon lind hl\lI (lIJverin g , l.8oe ()art&lns-all til \ oom . Ho.nio g the rat 'ket bill wife se nd It out, \' i~O roullly ~ Watch Glm . Corbin. neweffeot. . Wlnrlo w Shndes. 1\11 ool:>rt'l. a ll SIZOIl, wilde' to order. run . llpseting Il four-glllloll cburn yourself IlS yo u s poak elloh letter --------,- -- ---- ---~-aDd Mef! whll t hRppens to It. It It AlIuulng to the desire of th e oo m· of or eRT\l in to a bas ket of kl tten,, \ glY!!s y n th e sense of hangi ng II· rades of UeDer"ll'orbin, a8 ex press. drownm g Ule whol fl ook , In her bou t your lillS. or If it does , Dot Ied I~ a resoluti~n adop.t ed at, the hurry sbe droPlled Il 126 sot of tleoOl a bsolutely t o separat~ itself rennlOn of tbe {9th Ohi O, held at teetb . 'I.' he bllby left ilIon crllwlou fr'o m you. or If it drops into y.Dur I Middletown rece ntly, thnt hI! be through the rellm into tile pllrlor, , throat, say it again Bnd will it to go Inominated for Congress in the 6th rUIning ,I t :il20 cIlr)let . During t.he ! tiul ts, Saokett for Misses, Women boldy out. Try to tbink of 'It ,,8 district., Iln exObatlige 8ay8 :" General ex olt m eDt the old est g irl rlln oll' l and Chilli ron. Hlr ' rts, Wuist!:1 , Un being outside yourself a8 a . thing Corbin ODoe liyed in the dlstriot, with tbe hirerllD ulI th e dogbroke up def\vear, lnlant 'ong oloaks, part. When you suooeed in think. but has never 6()knowled ged It IlS eleven ~ et.tiD g heDs lind th e 0 1l1 ... e8 .,.1 ing of it In this way, if you don't . his home by casting hi s vote ther e. g ot out li nd ohe wed t h ('l tll ili\ nil' of four fi ne 8 hi r tll. -E x oh ~ u ge oare for words or If you have never since the oh' t\ war. w e thiDk. " thouKbt about them, you will have General Corbin was born nud taken the flut step toward the Irearod in one of t he oonDtiell of tbe mutery of ~o od epeeoll . To spollk Otb d illtrlct, IIlId h(]\s for ye~ r s own , well you lIIust love words !llltl ed proper ty and pI\i d tl1xes In Bitt", their elements, Yo u must love In· via. We ventnre to allY that he 'L'h , n COOl e II!! ,; bny y ouI' drell!! lit dlvldniLl letters .- Hllrper 's Bln.JIr. hilS never voted II D,v wh Ar e bot In Aut.c h i n ~o n & .W bo eY'e. Xouill,Obl .. The Mail Order House Obio. excep t whe n liS I\. , lldier In ' ~ o 0 \1,,'" I.lIl H \I 110 ft r 1111 ortnulDt nl r, he more t. b e .mill' I ordor"uouses tb o field he voteu . , 'tlR be did In l Oa , fallri Ii for th Iiro!!H ItH If IIDd Ih r. t tl t. ~ t ' f tb when be lind hll! comradell wlIlloped .ore brought 0 Ie a ""a toP a e ' I h t tl I t I Vullallclieham t.o tile tnne of 10a,OOO, trillln'lings . I t III \I ,rflllt(onlJhl .. peop e , t e greo er Ie YO ume 0 b i th rk \ t 1 Yllllr "fte r year Uenerul 'orblD s tilI nt f.'nt lin. ' rnll .v pr"voll in ' t,III' ro US nllllf S . elY °bes tiC 'fI OJ 'I °h' hllil come to Btltavill to vot", nDIl hil! way 1n w I 0 Th ere ore t Ie I po st. W e 11.1'" • Drel< . H IlOdH I::I Q II ~'" • . t .1 old n oi gb ~)(lrS there "re not only t 1Ie meroh IlDt,Ij m t h e ownl< IIonu . I.nnll d o .,lIt meli'd le wllh t'Il "'lIr . II I I ' fl ht th n g lad but, prnnd to htl ve h 'm do 80 ! 8~a . er 0 t et! can g e mo - Wilmington RepubliCH n, hor.lwilro, 1II ' ;'I~ , s ho.. ~, uto, 'P1I1l"!' order houses Is to advertise. They hA,v!) tltllIr I1 I:o ce. 'fbere is a strooltsentiment favor · kllow m.ost of their patrons perRon. Fine Cattle. beh,.e" sood and poor feed Buy tbe ~ ing a oonorete roadway built a8 the aUy, oan ehow them the goods .1 I1 Mt 1 .~lJ k "L OUf s hol VIIS II nil !l bo\\' before they buy them, hllve Frenoh Bros.:. sold ten 'young llol· atreet8 of \ oily are. CIIse~ to see no ,I' fre~ h aDd now 1U1Il We bope the trullteee will work many other advantagE's over the stein 00 ttl'" on IR81t !:;llturdllY tn t,h6 \ olean the !l Lnok , ,How ' cllsily to Idons ltnes Ilmllar to thill and that mail order hous;, and In almost stllte As.v lum Ilnthorities In Dllyton t rim fr ont " "f lito k jUflt in . ..110 for COM, Hop, Sheep IUId Catl1e. we may 1000 have!' oredltable road" 'every instanoe can sell just as oheap, for $l. CiOO, 'l'betle (I3tt,le were raised In,t heir work they Ihould haTS the ifnotobooper. Everyremonllt,ranoe on the f"rma of tbe compllny nellr • A 8Ubet l tu~ Ibr..... A .,.eat IIIIylnc to 00 operation of every oitlzen of the in tbe oontitry papers against Dioll Lebanon. The Frenoh Bros. Dairy lb. F ....ue r aDd lOCkman. I, b aa doubl. • tr. nnb. Dou ·t . 1_ thll with t he my ., townlhip, irreepeotive of 1008tion, order hou8611 is only an indirect ad. Company have some of thA finest Uilf.' ~es, "ortli'l_ .\<Iok. food. OD tbe market. Ouar· vertlsement for them and the ollttle In the world . They are rais anleed AI "';prt!lleD\ed, Glv. It a trl ..l . 1..111' • - • 011 bavlll. r _ _.. .,.."re04. Tate Rillr , lid Wors ted TrlmmlDgti. Sheor Eft't!(,t!l, Gi nghlllll , Phsldll , The Opening of School. managers of these oonoerns are ed in the Turtlecreek V"lIey, whlob :,oD~~.;cl~)'our d doeo not baud .. I' qulolr. and shrewd enough to reo has been pronounoed tbe most fer· D, S. RACON STOCK FO,C?D ,C O. 'E .v.r.J year when sChool openl. allze thia and make snre ' of ,the tile valley in this country. Tbeir Evan.vllle, Ind. benefit8 derived from it. The way farms In eV'ery way are model one the though .. of yonng and old turn to meet them 18 to advert-iae yo~r and the wonder and Ildmiratlon of Soward oor sohool IYltem, PRINT~RS Th~ averace YOUDI8&8r ' 1001(1 up own goods in your home papera. all who know them. - Lebanon it. HA'fHAW A Y on the begioning of sohool with reo If tlie home merohant will no~ Timet!. IV" .! \les ville's Lelidlng .D entht properly advertise hi8 gQods, why IP'8t. , . Pffioe . ill Key" ,B ldg. MaiD St WE MANUFActURE TR~ VERY RIG'HEST He Like8 Alaska. Tc;» *hOle old~r ~. yearl, the p~181. ebould the 'p ublisher exert himself GRADE OF blllUee of t\te IOhool loom large, to keep the trade at heme-for hlm ?We learn ,with satisfaotlon tbai DO YOU GJtT UP Who O&D tell bot what the moat WlUlhington C, H. Advertiser. Bra8s Galleys Morri8 Dally, who left In the 8prlng WITH A ~An BACK? ' Type ullpromtliog appearing of that Br088 Rule in Strips M.etaillorden Againlt Drinking for AIBska, is Utln.g the work and Klltney Trouble Makes You Miserable. .• r,!':l.p of boYI and girl II who trooped 'lJraal Labor..Sa.ring Rule L. S. Metal Furniture ' " ooantry very mnol!t, and that'be has up tbe hUl So the &lobool honee Bra88 Column Rules Leads and Slugs GeoeraJ Manager Fitzgerald, of been the reolplent of tWil' Bubstlln·· MoodaY mornin •• may ye~ devehp the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. has, thd raises iD nlary sinlle ,lune. 8e Bra88 Circles Metal Leaden *holllb tbe eduoahon afforded tn wued an order to the superintend. i8 now drawing ,ll,IOO a year and Braa Leadfl'8 Spacel and Quads, *he achool, lome latent energy or entll of the various divisions dlreot- getting his living be81des, Recently Braa Round Comers Gto 48 point ambUioo and nee So heights un. iog tbat the rule prohibiting the' he sent home 80me flowers that ,he Bra.. Leads ' and Sluga Metal QUoins, etc:. dreamed of now. . ' D8Il of ' intoxlca'ing liquors hy em· had gathered from tb~ mountain Our publio sobool ."Item ill foil of ployes while o~ duty be' .rlgidly sides. The gr.o nud from about a pcaiblUti8l. Old Column Rnltl!l refaced lind wade al! good aR' a 8mall etiforoed. The rule reade: "The toot only of tbe 8urfaoe is oonlltantOORt. The pqorelt boy or gl rl raokl oti 1188 of Intoxioantfl by. e~ployes Iy frozen to an un:lI:nown depth , Mr D8QQAIl$y there and eaoh hal an while on duty IS prohibited; their Daily i8 having Ilome Interestlo'g P18l\se remember that we are not In aoy.Trn8t or;Combination oppO~qi$y to mate of hlmeelf hablhlal UI8 or tue freqoenting of and roman~o experienoes , - New Ilnd are 80re tbat we eon Wilke It greatly , to yonr a,d'vant1l1(e to \\' '-t he wtll. pla08l where they are ' 80ld Ie suM· Vienna Reporter. deal with I'Is. U in the openiog week of ,lIOtlool olent cause for dismissal. .. copy of o.u r Catal08ue will be cbeertnily furnished .on ap\>li. oo1l1d In . /lOme , maDDer imprll88 Georgia Taking The Lead. How Much can You Lift oatioll . ' 00 ••e'1' boy and girl the advantage A IItringent law ,blls passed in Experimeots ~pon a- number of of tbe ~08' of every min. Georgia, ' prolbibitl,ng t.he sillo and u ... Ume/o IOhool, what could be men have shown that a man five Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co. fee' higb and weighing 126 poundl manufaoture of intoxicating Iiq, aooompllahed in a year, will un on au average 156 ponnd.'! nors. It la enoourllging to see ManufaoturefS of In thla oonneo&ioo, also the Ua. through a vertical dioltaooe of elg~t Georgill take advance st.ep along the Typ.e and High Grade Printing Matedal reqUeIIU every parent and every oitizso of the oommunity to inohel, or 217 pounds througb 81r?lld that leads to good ~t1rllls ,and. Proprietors 39 North Ninth Street dl8tanoe of, 1.2' ioohe8. Others 6. 1 rlgllt Iiv,ing. But the good leglsla, aae1et in every po8llible way PENN TYPE FOTJNDRY Philadelphia making 'hia year a suooeasfnl year feet higli ~nd weighiDg 18B poundfl tors of Georglll have not liS yd, so y oould lut the 150 ,p ounds to a height far lUI leorped, ~1Il!ed ,n-n pr<;lhibl. , ' in tbe achoo18 . ilnooaralre tbe ohildren to do their Df six inohes, or 217' p.Jund8 to a tive meas~re IlgalDst ohild lllbor in beet and don't s~.k everyopportun. height of three inohes . Other men the factones .a.~ wa.ges so low a8~ al­ ity t~ Oriti01l8 the .0hooJa and oon. six foot thrue inohes hlaha-nd weigh. moat to prOhIbit hVlDg, But there :r"E FAMOUS· ing 188 pounds oould lift 15~ pounds i8 another .prohlbhion law In that demo their engagement. to a height of sixteen inohes, or 217 state that IS no~ so oommendable 118 ponnds ' to a heiiht of nine inohes, that relating to I~he liquor t~amo Slid', Tetter for ,Thirty Yearl. is th~ onlr foldi?g or~an , ' , By a. great v!lriety of experiments IIond that is tht! one thRt problblt!! I have luiferod with tetter for consldemtlon, wortliy 0 it was shown tha.t the average the oolored man from voting un <nan and have tried almoet oount. gparanteed to be as rep"re,leBIIMlmedl811 witb lIUle, if ' any. re- human 8trength is equivalent to )~88 ' posses8ed ?f oertaln qualUica. , I sented or ', money refunded, lief. Three boxell of Ohamberlaln's raising 't hirty Pounde tbrough a , tlons which Will take , him mote is used by thousands for &lve onred me. It wae a tort'ure. distao08 of tw'o and one-half feet In years to acquire tlun there are pre multitude purposes and is of U breaks out 'alittle, somettmell; one i4econd, ' OlOOt8 In Georgia 13tate. It is hoped untold value to missionaries; , bllt Dothlog to what 1& ulled to <10. that sometime Georgia will be goou ey;.lD~U!lts, , singers, , the home, the D. H . Beach, Midlaorl City, Ala. , schoOl, the children, " teachers at:td wherever port;tbility is. required.. all over, inatea.d olf. only ill s!fots, liS The ~hool or'Experience' Chamberlain'lI Salve Is" for sale by now . - Clermont Colurier. J . E. Janney. . Send for a full deacrlptlve catalOgUe free. ' . , '£hIs ,Is the 8ooson '''hen perlodl. ~-. MAlh ST~IIlET WAYNESVILDE, O. BILHORN BROS., IHLak!8 Street, ChloaBo·, III. calli, magazlnee and newsp~pers a· Printing of &11 descrlptl~n8 given ,Grange lReunion. In room oe'!:t. door to Uroas Bros. ; bound, in advertisements of sohoolA, prompt ~ttentlon at the 'Gazette Hardware S"'" e. 8emlnllries and preparatory "8bops," The annnal reunions of the Pa.t. oMoe. everf where, but the great sch~1 rons of Hnsbandry will be held at Telephone ,in house Ilnd olllce t Bnd the,most renowned-the 80hool the State flur gronnds on Wednee. wbere I oa.n 9ft.lled day or night. I ----~~~~~--!"----~~~-.;;..---~A traok of Dlarrh03a Cured by One Val~oy Phone 14-2. Dale of Cbam'berlatn'li Collo, Chol. of experience is'no where advertised, day an~ , ThursdllY, :September " bllt it blUl the largest alumni of all and Ii. Ex·Governor Bell, of Ver· era and Diarrhoea Remedy. f~ame Back . I wae 80 weak from &n attack of the com bined !!(lhools ,of the ' world - mont, will be present and I\.ddrcSs the members of the Urange. Oth diarrhoea that L ooald so&rcely at. Washiniton C. B. Advertiser. 'rhis is a,n u.ihnent for whioh Cham· t.end to, my duties. when 'I took 1\ er representlltlve Pat.rons will be b.erlu.ln \s &.io Blllul-ltas proven es ! dOle of Chamberlain ~s Coho. ,Vbolera III Ilttendanoe andl a protitable pro. peoially vahloble In ulmost every I and Diarrhoea Remedy. , It oured It Il,ft'ordll prompt Ilnd j16r I graTU bas been prepared fnr eftllh instAnce me enSirely and I had been , $akinl!' m :ment rlllief , dllY· . other m~ioine fo~ nine day8 with. Mr , Luke LaGr"Dg~ (If Orllnge. ! Vete,rin~ry Snrgeon a.nd, Dentist. out leUef, I hearelly rooommend Mioll" say/! ot it.: 'Aftar ,n81ng a. thi. remedy lUI being the bel' to my Shingletl are very high. .FlI.rmers plalltAr a.nd othElr r8tnedie!l for three knowledl8 for bowel oomplalntt,-· weeks f,or a. hlld I,une haok, 1 pur. : An ~ !lnd size.. Steam and Ho~ Power. A band ten~lo". to", _ I ' At Home 00 tlatllrday Afternoon. roof ,your bulldlnllill wUb galvanlz. oha8e(1 II bottle of Ohll m berialn ' 8 'I . No afiIlea to drive 'ln ilettln~. !til complete With lI(t1n~ jack. Do not haft to ~,!.: R. G, Stewart, of the firm of ~tew. a ~h In operating the tensIon. Every Press warranted. Send for ~l~ ed steel or IUIphalti roofiog. , Ed,w in Pain Balm. Ilnd t'Vo applioatlons art&Bro" Greenville. Ala . For sale '!elUna 1.0u all about tbem, with prices and dllICOuntB. ' ' by J. E. Janney. 8. ~'nrnaa for prloell, ei!eotl!d a onre.' ,-For ' eale by J. E. \ ' 'Janney, KE ..P'S' MA"UFACTURIN.G · CO., .. Kankak_. III. " r. , Corwin Avenue is under- Supervis. ion of Township Officials , Instead of County. _ __ Count y Auditor 8 , A , St,i)we lllllOs called the atteation uf tbe Gazette t.o tbe f"ot tha t Corwin Avenue whlob was recently detaohed from Way nellville Is n ot. under the dlr t oontrol of the Cl>mmissloners of WaneD .County, but In obdrge of tbe t rustees of Wayne 'l'ownshlp WhateVEr repairs are mllde most be made by anu through the to wn· ship authorities , ' Everyone familiar with thA pecal. iuitles of, C.'orwin Avenue willilgree that It will be true econ.)my to bund a permanent , s ubstantial roadway that will withstllml the 600dll that sweep over t be Avenue eaoh spnng. 'l'he Ploney t hat hilS been spent on the Avenu~ for ~be pRill; would , If expended lit one time and in a proper manner, bav.e mallearoad way tun would be a Rouree of pride and oomf.lft t.o t,he oommunlty.


. Ready To Wear Garn1ents


See Your Dressmaker









51"1 HI" Corn Ind Oatl,




Hutchison & Gibney"


Xellia', Obit,



ete .





- - ------




Bilhorn,TIII.copI .Organ,.

,A ,. MAF'FIT.'






,r __



Dr. John Hyatt;


Telephone No. 121


Waynesville, Ohio.




, KEMP"S' NO. 10 , ' ,



j ~


Court News

Illv ll ~h llk·ln .. Vii BIII'VIIY . · irUklll~; ph,Int.11l' Il ~k~ jnlll-\l·IIlIJIII. fo r *7'111..7& for bUlird Knil wtlMh in.!!; . n B Wil 80n. IlI,tnrUtly. !tICAl. h~"A rrll1 ' ·I.tA N"lI'lC IUI . .

ellh E, ijli.y UI'I! t,o lrcrlu Fl. Hellhl luthl Lo'i.ltmou, $ 1. tl.unu uthu A .. (~lImbl (J t,) Auutl liObuol'. lot in 1!'l'II lIkllll , $l :itU. trrltllk A. Ruhnor to W . L, .t'illllr, lot III I!'rlluk Ii II , '1100. ' 'fh,'H '. Me Da rlJ.lot,t . to 1£1111 .WOQd i lot ill F..,. nklin, *001l, . 1111l1Jl.beth ~' . Bogllnll1l1 to .'iV. Oond ; IOU 1\ I'ell In Vir~lniu MIIi · tuy District. $2li:lfi . MIU'y E. UJIIl to Mury Elhf.nbetll Sear8, lot in liurv Yllburg, $LOIJ. ~illie t;hellllun to Uarrle /Slu\ whull lot. lu b'redtH·l o kl!lJur~. ,~o'O . Ii . B. I:\LOk~!1 till 10 th u Vulley Paoklog Uo. 1 u7 lIoros Inl U nion townsblp. $1. Gtlorge K H.ilq"y to \V .· A. Killg ; 168 aortls IU '1f·lIroroel,. tOWllllh lp, ,JO


$~,OOO .

W . Ii I1nd L . A . New)JOl't 1.0 Na lloy Ii . Btlll , IUtI! in ·I-;I'rl ug b oro,

1;1 UO. M AIIIILHII£ 1,1 'ENI:II!:~, M. H. RuI)iul:lou, ul Ltlhllllllll . und Ml'tI. H"lt Paory. uf LtllJltuUl1. O I~ultlUt M . 01 I<'l'Iu; khu , find Mi~ ~ 1).. \1" JJ: , Mntthe w". of !>' I' 1I11 k.111l .

1111.1.1:1 ALI.ull'f: lJ. Oregollllt HI'i,lgB ' ( " ' . flon · tl'IUlL Nil . tll ., .... , .............. *1 Il ti-1 Oregolll.. "1'1I1\.Iu '0 . . OU II · trllul Nu. U ....... .............. :190 :!f, 86rt I:I IlI1J, 101'1(11,;" r"pllll ·~ ...... (\3 7f, Hert ItlltiU, "'{lII II·.wt Nu . 7'0, .. 1 !1iI DuuK ItUt l:\ulbll~,;wOI·I. h. hl'iu~e, r"l't1lr~ III 'J 'ul' l.l"crtltlk \;o)\\' 11 SI.ll 1/ ................. ..... .... ...... .

. "'-~ .lStullto l\ , t'luntru ot . o. il:J •Jacob Hhuu\ukur, lorirlK" 1'(1· paIr!! .... ... , ..... ............... ' .. , ~tlt'U tlr & 1\1"111'0", IUllluer ... 1:1 0 wll r,. Mul ' UII", lUlU hill' .. .. .. Pdrlot, IIULlCIl .. ~ ... ... ........ . .. , ~Ull', Ulltlt!tl .............. \ ....... ..

J . E JUUlltiy. IJ.Ullt .... ....... . .. C. ,I. Miller, l etll'l .ttK vlewet; IUld III IricerHOll Sf,nllley lI11d \V I1sou rOlld ... ............. " . .. JOII . P"rrllll:>, files IlfI viewer and IlilIruII1II on Stanley and Wll~oll ~at!d .. ............ . a. M . /:)nooll . fl:lOti liH viewer and obulrr11l\n on gf,lilJley a.nd ·WII ou rottd ...... .. ...... . S. D. Benld .., retlStt8su t\'eYQr ou abovtl rOtld .............. ... . Valley '1'1:11. ('1.1., p llotle 1'01' UOwllllssilluerll ... : ............ .. S. A. I:itllwcJl, pOtttllgu ....... .. J OhDttOO l1ud Wa tAon , reoorel for ' Probate .1 udge .... ..... .. . W. 8 , !;tallttge & Uo., lIIdllO for Auditor .............. , ...... . W. 11 . I:!U nllile & '0 ., rn dRfI tor olerIL ................ . ....... .. W . U . I:,;tllnlll(e & 1:0 . • Uld!!e torJanltur......... ......... ...... VI(. B . Stnullgo & Co., mc1l1o for Rtioordllr ...... ". .. .. .. ..... Jal!. Foillm , ~alory ......... .,..... .it. J:larllhlltirger, SIlltll'Y ...... ...




H:I ·W

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20 III 1II H

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11 00

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6u OU -10 OU

WhetllOtI: 'rill! Mllt hers Mill bridl,{tI btliug wllilbed ItoWI1Y 'lJy tbe .pring HoUll.. in 11107 !lntl the levy to replaoe the 811 me WIll not be I ully COllllO,t ed until ' AuguMt" 11108 .. a~d Wber6lt8,1\ uontruqt Clmnot btl legnlly entere(flUtu .wlthout tbe money in t.btl trell.!!lIry or hI' the process ·)f . oollectiou lU t hll f~Ulrtrom whicb it 11:1 to be drllwn, to whloh the Andl.. t or WUl:lt. nJlllw il oortltlot\te I1nd the leotion of I~\V ' by whlob ~be levy wu rulld,t1 Klvoll lIu thority t o b~rrow OIOb81 in IIU tloiptl t~un of B.LILI I vy, lind it bjoill~ onr uOI:li re not to ill · oreilBe the uouuty debt !I" 1\1\ of it w,iU be. pil.lel io UotQbul', I \lOS . " l'her e forl1, bit It t 6HOlvet1.: In lie u ~f the prl v liege uf h)rruwing, ~hltt tStl95.5o! loti trullltlfu rxod t'lIIll,uI'llrily froUl the ~peullli lirltJ"e j'ulld 01' 10()7, $ 7DtlU. l:i fl'lIJ11 the lSuItlioI'll ·. MODUm!l!l t Fuull I1I1U $!H4. Or. (rol!. I:JptlOltil Brlt1~o Jo'llu!l of 111Uli, 1,0 the I:Ipeclu.l. bridllll fuuU uf 1007, Con trltot WUH 611 ter.lld t.n t o WI th ·Oeo . VetJt for hrill\!t1 n tll\f rettidonoe of Jj'r~Dk liiok8 .foJ' '1 U8 1.6 PI.nll lor 1111 tl b'utlllellt UII Uj.Il;\lLr t> c~e8k lu WIlYII,e t.owmlhlp WIlI' O ';IJ proved , Uo u: UI.\l1O of Mr . RngArtl Heoolld ...a bylllr . Kt!tlver thtl oUlItlllCt. 10\' t~e lIub .uruor.ul·/) lin d tl llb· tru t .I·t! , III tbtl Mnt.hortl Mill 11I'1 1i~<I ~II" lI\\'tl l'rj tid to tl... On'gllJlllI li .. . tlg!1 Uo, Jor tbt! tl llIJl u( 'lil&UOllillcourtlll,IlI!•• wltll Plan" 11 " .tH· tlU hml U t d by, t ll 6lU I" .L bId ur III, lliO 00 10 "ddILi(lU W tll6 altlll'liLlun of tIIIi!1 plan lui "greeu up.. On by tbe Board,81to1d aaern.tlon8

_ _ _ S!SS!-



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_ !¥2 _ -

-. t l;'

'L!j follllw~ : tUf' u.~t. IIIiUttll n t til be .o f (!OTll rute inst llnd ~f 01t! ~tolle nnd th{) wing wllll to be Jll ~ <1 e :4Mt. · h)llg illRtflud 01' III fro. ILIlfI the steel U lim hrltl~ H til ,\e :tn ft . Inn ;,;. n. ~; , OunhuJU "Illlellrell hefore the BOil r,l III t.111' interest. nf 1'01111 le!{i~I !\· tillf\ ' rh e foll o~lllg r a'! lut.ion WIlS \>:1 ~I'd: ltfl~nh'Oll tbllt Wll .. t ovM p ro po!;iI IOU for i lllprovidin~ Ill w. providing for thu buildin g Ilnd Ill •• illt~ti nullco 1" J)llbllo r OlidB nTe to 1,Je presented to t!Je legisll:\oturo, that, tJl e provision o f t,he rOlid IlIw ~et fortb in otlon ~ l , Vol. 97'. plige 5:t9, be nut chllnged up I ss the I\.Il10unt of tbe st/lte nld for ·mllln· tltinlllg Impr oved rOllu be increllsecl, 1'his co unty is willing to put, u)llln Itlliount ~ qllul t) thlit apJlortion ed by tbe stilt · for t h o IIIlliuf,enl\llce of im}lrovetl rOtlds. ih our r oad)! Ilr e nOllrly ILII hXlproved, wo Ufe Il ot in . teres letl in nll y lawHfor th e n ~ t,I' 1l0 tlOn of new ronds.

AU the Htln'or fill'


Five Yeartl.

Miss Ne1lie Wilkerson

TAX SYSTEM DECRIED Iwayn;a~~W~~~~ges· Hanas


'hange of Life Leucorrhell fu r Delill'htful

Sol~ ial

Gathering prin ghill


8 .

Uamel SurfuCtl hIlS .. old 'h ill fum hnlf a mi le south . ellst of CorwlU 10 .Iobn Whit/tker. who is at I,resent Use Zoa- Phora. MIMS Ne111e Wilkerson entertained living on the Utioo rond Houth of tt. oompllny of I~bout tllirt,y youn g After Phy icinns . I' ailed t.o Cur'. Waynesvil ie. That Was Fi c Yellrs Agp . till }>eop1e most dellgbU nlly last Wed· laK Commission of Ohio Asked to , 'l'he oblinge will t'Lke plnce ne~t nesday evening Itt her bealltiful Pr!lising Zon-Phora . Recommend it Constitu8pling. Mr. Surfuo! bllll lIot de home ill the l:lp~ lng Hill neighbor. tional Amendment. iued a", to wh ..t ho will (I,) wben be Womun' s best frlenll ill ooe thllt hood . ' . . l ea ve~ the fnrm. wi ll glva bel' the lIt!gree at bouynnt 'l'be evenin g . WUll spent In the !tallith : str n g II (mel tbut naturo 'l'h fllrm con ••liu !! tli! liore", I1nd i te nded fu r !Jer. ZO(l · [>b orn is enjoyment of fa' variety of gumes Onn o[ III IIlli~l sllcrl.~~ rl\l . meet· 801t1 for $,11'00. ot II " JIll te n t oure 1111." nnd veryune seomed to enter thor. rUltt f l'iend. lJllt jlls l I~ m etlioln, cien iflclllly oughly Into Mil' s piri t of the ocoa· fngs h Id bl' lh(' TIIJC CC1 11111l1~81on ot , pre»u "ml fot· wume n a ni y. <.llle sion ltOU tile time pf\ sse I Ill ost on· OhIo \l'U I! thal .. r May II. which w as d II Horse Sale voted 10 I.hl,! lIlf'.r '1 11' til .. a lld mallllrac· tbAt !lo t·s directly on the ui ellsed jOYlIlJly. tl;rlllg Inlarl'>Hti nr lhe Kla le'. Rl' pre· at Corw·in today Or~llnB Ihroug h the blood IIDU n er o o lioium! r e fro~ hm elltl:! were 6oulatJ" s rrol1l It Hcore of hUijlI1tlB~ I vou s ~y!.\te m . r l'llloing the old wom · out tiHSntl8 wit.h new. nnd r emo·v . · ~erved. organI7.a.ll o n ~ In Ohln W.. r<' [Ir eSCDI. / .1. I~. Ranuells of Clioluu Couuty , Ing cooj (' Htion, iuttllmTlllLt.lolI 1\ lid II u est!! wer pre8en t from 'W IIY ' Almost to n \lIUIl lit \! d IngulaH toltl w b o haR comluuted !lllvtirul Sl\led of uOlltural diA bftrge. n es vill e. Or gOlli'l, t)prllJ~ Bill aod the mClIIllers uf tlte commlslllnll Lhal WAstero h orses In t,hlR vioinity, will Zon · Plt urn. is tho w ell womun 's fl'lellll too, heollu~ it k l:lepl:! her n elLrhy Jllllces . 'rhe guests from only a con~ LlLutlonlil II III I' lid Illl'lIt bold a horse Bn·le ut the stock. y~rd!l Wayn esville were : Misses Jes8ie would ' !rh'e tax pay 1'6 r JI ~ f . Thus e in 'orwln today, Wednesjl\Y . 1"(> \1 . These Are Mont8.nll. borae8 and MrH. Ed win Loe. of Addi Ron. Mllrllltt. ~~ l ouI8e Smith and Laura who di 8C II ~S d t il e slIhj<'<'( of " Tn· Miolti gllll,HIl YH: " P"1I lIull 10k cun MoF'inlley , Masl. ra. \'V1I.rren h:eYiI, allon " Were: hUM . U. SIII 'y n e k IIf the wlll sell to t h e bigbest bidder . Zallesvhle IUllllb'r of Com lllc l'c ; ; lIever i e ll willi t ZOIl Pboru litiS llc lle SlLle commences a t 10 l'barp tbls '10k Hendaohe, fu r m e. it ill iudoml 1\ t,I'UO lIud J esse 'rlloma. Wolter Whltlior e, Will . . O. i\Iu ~ h \\' S. r e lJl'eS!lllllUI; Ihe Tit ill !l isenlltl is oll l1sod by II .le. tried fri end lintl ])11 8 n llyel' fldl ed Joe '1'h OUlP~OIl. Adelbert MoKay nnd ' leYulnnd ("hum ber o[ OItHn erC!! and morning an d one in .the after noon. rtlngolllent ot tllA stoml,oh. Take a, Ol e on e." Whether y ou lire , iele. Bnrold !:lo well. t I.e' Obit) Tax L ea,;\! .; W. H. ,lu~1l (If Cllulllhc rlll ln'l! Htdmn nh .Ind II ll1 n ~. IIf woll. k eo}! II !Jor.t.1e of ZOI\· I U;JI'III ,. of th e Cillcilluall lIu s I' 1Various Improvements BeIIncl Ijivtlr ']'lIb\ ~tA to cur rt\ot thi!! 1'1 1111'11 In the h om:u oIl th e tillie, Buffalo Bill's Famous nl'S!! Men'" 1·llIll. r~dwurd 1~. \juek . • Mad ' It will pruve a friend in n ued . di!ilurdel' UTIli th u !Ii ok ' I'IOIIUIIO\JO w,l ll walt ' I' of tI.·>! SIII'lngllc ld CUlIlItH'l'cl:r.1 Ing e.. 1\1l's . Alioe Brown,of VlIlley JUIl O· d ISIi}lpelll'. ~' Tlllli e by .1 . E. •!tlnDIlY. Wild West Show lut. : ~elg"u W . I~ ItUM of Lite PullS' A ~tr o ll ~bout town these dllya til) ll. Iu" ' wrote Uti Mu ." :.!7. 190:1,"1 Dloul h Unurd tit Trtld ; UP" . T . Spahr w i ~ h to t tl ll you ti'rtt Z\ln Phora hil S P E RSONAL AND '1'h e .Jld juke lihoul, taking the of Ibe Ool1l1ll11us BOllrft o f T rlld : C. ~how8 that varipus iml1rovemeut s h l1C II /I w mlll, rful 1J l m;~i u g tu lIle . LOCAL ITE M5 1 lin VII h ' ' \l fI ~ 1l1rel'e r for the Ill st chilelr II to t h l'il'( U~ does nol. np'l A. Mulone of lhe Chillicoth e BURl'd ut nre b~ing mllde in differ ent parts t"n .Vllu rR frolll len r.hor,m, IIlId fm' p ea l' 1,0 1\ll\'e mnoh foundati on in Tl'lld c': K. L . ,0blll'lL IIr Ihp DII 81 11(, 8& of tbe town. Asso luLion of S"lem ; I,. B. \\' IIIIII'd rn It ol\ r(\ t o tl) nR~ ~ LtQ uod er t.i1 A Ili s l fiv .yeur witu cllllnge 01 ,I . Will W hi te bas hud a very li fe IIn(1 (\11 it. horrors . 1 t o, .k tbl8 lUod ro dn Y '1 old and middl e of lhe Ironton BOltrd of Tl'Ude; E, M. ,llI tli ror AUt( ust 2 til, Ml's. Mur.y trElU\lll llut fr 01l11 0CIII phy Icilln~ ill 1l~,:(1 pe r sons wil It or wit h out cbll . Thresh r of th e' nu yton Itnmber at substantial and ftt,trootlve conorete ~~"wllrdH I::;lnrhuok , of Bi rlll ln -hIlDl , E lklll1rl , Inc\., !Jl1t re'tli Vl' n U lJ h ll u . dril l! ru 11y 10 t.ll ci r ous r Cl;:a flll eH~ . ammerce. nnd . W . Gllgen . I''. A . W(I,lI billoed a·t tbe foot of the oor· Alal)lInlll. m (lntlnn~ t,hlll h e r moth fit. FInally 1 Wilt; i'lt\lI ued t·o be Bnl1'lIl o BIII 'll fnmuu ll Wild W c~t liard nSleln ll11d Judge James U. Ken· rnco abont' his beautiful grounds sr .111<.1 "Ister Annll, wh., hllvo heen, gi n t ,kin!! Z 11 Plt orll, Il IlIl uf te l' ' how "'11M II t. Ullyto n Tjlur~IlIlY IInu n d)' of th e YOUligSlowll Chamber of l ut Fourtb nnu ~orth sheelos. Commerce. P ele,' WItt. city clerll o[ Philip BOllkioB hl18 oleared away vlRIt.lOl; h er w()uld 1,1 .... 0 t h A foll a w' tt\ kin~ t our bottl S lilY heultl, itl IQvrland, al RO mude an address . . r cs t or <1 . 1 cun 110 \-\' d o mv wn II lit!'!;: lP r cunt n£ tbe populll tit.m ing lillY for WIlHhin~ton D. C, to wo rk . •tou Clln nUV c.l r thlln'k YOll h OUl thi vioinity nttend lld . J\a rewllh b"fer~ of ijo me of 1h ad. UHIOh of the thick growth und nn· vi ~ tt. MrH , Er\wltrll!j ' ll'lIIghter, Mrs .. en ollgh for Ih" be n elit~ d I'IV 11 All wbo we re pre en t 1\ t th e per. d resscft al' glv/~II and f!'Om time to tlerbl'ush wbioh filled the premilles I •. '1'. GreiRt. 'rh t'y nlM n Ilx»eot tn from y uur wond rful r Olll ed .v ." Il forlLlflnce Ill(ree th.Lt il WII S we ll tlJll t> eXU'sclll [rom all of the P1lo110'8 ubout the home of his late 81soore, t (1 lw in t il Jllu H's l own Ex' o. iti n April 2:1, 11107, n a ll y flv yenfs ll.t.- w,)!:tb II tt.!louiug . . will bl! ca rried .In ;h~se columns. t h e Misses Lizzie and Kate Bopkln •. . • Ier Mrs. Bro wlI wr ites . "You mil), _ _ ._ .JoSt?l,h Baine ' property, at Main ou t,he trtp stl1\ refer n-n y wom" n t,o lit . t F 110 pal,er by E . M . Thresher of M, ... Nllr Hoines I1ml ohildren w :lI glllclly r e'(,")IIl,lIWI)(l Z lJlI Pho rtl " Van Wert. the Dayton Chamber of 'CoDlDlrct!: lind North streets , often oalled tbe vi it !'!(l r ailltiv at IJincino llti from Doos .I bl s \lot provo Ibal th e l)ell Ther. I. n ju.t a nd .... Id •• p'·"ud dl ••• t- old Natlon~l blmk building , ba a Ist,II",IOII wllt\ 'h~ .y.t. m oc' liuKt\O ') I.. b een repainted and Unproved. \Vmlne!lclllV Ulltll ·undn :\'. fi t \VItS p elll1llll nt ~ ."ev TIll Wayn, ville poo}>le Itore f orce U1HJ ' r nh! nrt:'fI~ Ul COJ1lHltu Uon, •• . _ ..., _. _ . 'l'hi f! lAtter is tltrong proof o t th ln~j ll J; IlilidtHlUu l e u 'm} In,.n'~ l e nt. Lost und Fonnd . Ille rit of ZOIl · Pllorll.. '1~ l1e ollly wily II ~i8till~ J'lIllel! ,"IOO0P 9 in th s work H owe-ve l' W~ I\ It mAY Il1lVt 1J«en ad"J.ttA Humane Allpeal L os t. between 9 :;10 p. UI • vester. f.lll~tvon cun 1)ecllln e oouvin 'etl, in hi s £llmniug fl~otory lit VIIIl W ert, ed t o t"x l.lhag onltltlolld W~l e ll Jl WIt.S lldo illcd, It hU14 lIll f'I'ly h ,ll t' d to meet th e. A bumane oitil'Aln of Riohmond , tlllY Illltl nOOLl tOcl.IY, a biliou lit , Z (I. Phllrn will d9 us mu b for yon tlli ~e f\SOll. ohallll'11l1I' cQnIlILI .. ". "hloh tim Iliu Illd . Mr . U. D , Willia mll, 107 West I,ac k. with nuusen Gnd Riok h elld I to t ry tbe,1lI dl 'ine you rse lf. (To Mr . toop ' br a lher .\J,.lliw. Fran k brought. and It hUM DeI!Oflll!!l LhonJUlhly !bln St., saYII : " 1 appeal to all per · dIH c r . dlt ~\J . _oht!. 'l'hi" 109S \VIIS oCCIIsion ed by t o your drnggl t Ilud It k him for j-\II tttlO ml)1 to I1ntt h It up by "nT son s with weak IllDll8 t-o tate. 1)r. tlrtding lit l::iohwllrll!'A dr ug 8tor e fI ZOIl· Phorfl; n o t,her Ax plll.lliltion !:lolmos, will he lLt Vtl lI W'ert during l' tha n TltrHc a.1 ('hit IlgtoN wilt b& only Kl n g's New Disoovery . tbe only box: of Dr. King ' N e w Life Pills. will be ue lied . Yo u .vill receivo the entire l!eI\80n . George Zell Is Olho t o Invite rl\nure 111111 n :tul'd the r UtDedy that ba8 helped me and fill· l'.Illo r Duteed for hllionsnes , IlIU lurin tl;le m o,.1icine 'I) r Iidy prellll.rerl, ILiso I1sSi8tinff in the work a nd Bert or progTcI'Cl'i . oou lpounlled in 'jut!t t·lle righ t pro· ha.rtsook, Il brother of F . O. Hurt· No rH'!IXO Il w N I Inrq rmcd al t o ~.IAtlnl' Iy oomes up to the proprietor's 1'60 · nnd jllunc}ice. \jortion~, aud put ull .in /I SOli 1 d, c"ndl,I",," wilt Clo l". that tho Inv •• t- omlJlendation ." It eavee more lives sock the 'Iti.-.pns Bank 'nshier, meili fl III rent £'8ta t owned hy th e c lU- thlln all throat and lun8 .remedies _ _ ~ ______ ~ _ _ _ tlte ril\.-.ed. ou <1 ~ Il11r bottle. .ens or Oh Io nrc taxed by l\ u"Uo"m rule »ot togetber. U8ed 8S a 000811 and rn \:uloh packl1ge will be fOund il will keep bouk8 f " r the fir m . nt full vlllue In mon ey. OilY of " Dr . Pengelly ' Advice t o Aa fo. 'heIr Inve!tment~ In personlll oold oore the world over. CurN " S· p.ope,·ly. \h y arQ. fo. th e most p(l.rl, nol lohma, bronohltis, oroup, whoop'lng W omen," II. mediOll I book , I(lving taxed all. b ecause th ey are not pro .. oough , qoinsey. boa.rsene88, and ph· Interestlllg anC! Instrncllveinform'L. Pennsylvania 'Extensions A duce(l.' at o.nd "'hM laxea . at all. It lS by a tloti nbout 0,11 disell8e8 of women very dllteren t rul from thlll which ob- t hillio, slop! hemorrbages of the Certainty. nnd the wily to succe. stully treat till ". III Ihe case or real utate. Taken Inngll and builds t bem up. Guaran· to.etlle{; they fnll to !'ICCUre the r"lU.". ~ed at Fred C . Sobwart'/I draj( store them. You cun now trellt yourself which Ih~y ought 10 yield. and t811d to (jOC. and $1. 00. Tria) ba"le free. iu the vrivlI cy of your own home Uailroad 'will be Built Next Summer oppresl the honest mall ... ho tries to obey from Here to Lebanon. IUlcl need Ilot tell your trouble t o , the Inw. while grontlllg tmn,unlly to the auy ono. 1 ' d llllioneat m D11 who tries t,o , It. For yeurs Itond yeltr!! tllert; hu v,O Moreover. the otuto-:bY' lUI Indirect Use . . of lhu taxing \'Ower- ullder the form ot ueen rumors t h at t b e Penoyelvanm f.os a nd IIcens'R I. ..HI.lng Inr.o ".um. ot R!1ilro!ld Co. w ou ld bUIld an exton . mOlley In " w" y not cOll tocnplatcd Wh'lD . . . ! the cOIl.LI utlon '11' ''. adopted. 'rh t. II · of II,s hne trum 11 pOint n eD l' I d ncy or wh k h I. t o brlnl the co nltltuIlion The Touch '1'bM Hen Is. Waynel:lville to Lebl\uon conlleotioK lion It •• lt Into dI8(·redlt. ' It is tlll~ tonoh of Buoklen' Arnica 'rhe l*HJ!le ncD of the dtOic lilty ~ .e e..m. to t , $ber e wltll the U. L . & N . for Chi· II. In 111 0 1I~ 1.InJl t to l1I"k" ·tho eo"slltl\' live . 'It's the liappi t .0ombln!J,· oin~ll,ti lind h l"'lng a t hrough routu \lOll 11 ..1 ~lth dc1"lIs r~t.her thlln with don of ArniOll f1 ower8 IUld llellling TIM$ o..lRD p"lnelples, llltisoll\s ever OOIll}lolluded. No abuve high wl1ter. . ·rh. Jlrop r remc6y. In IllY jud.m nt. ~:t~ FF.CTIVE MAa ClI 31. 1907 . nllltter how old t,he ore or ulcer \8, ' 18 only to hu fopnd In Itn PI mondtnent ,r It seem8 oertltoin now thllt t Ii IS U;o cOII"tlh.iJon which .hn]1 glv. to the . ;0;0 R1'H»OUNl>. this Sa lve will oure It. For burn s, s(.m ldR. onrij, wounds or piles. It hus work will be built nex t I:)ummer. :~~~~~I .~~j~'::I~lyra~.o~O'~UI:~n o,I~ 8:I'~~h.~ Stall"" No. I · N~. S· No. ~· no efll\l\l. . GlIlLrllnr.~ed by Fred '0 'rh u junction point will be some· mBnner thatA , M, • • P 101. i:Ioh w urtz, drnggist., 25c . where Boutb of Waynesville, ' fol. No subject .hu ll .scope Its proper l.ebQUOIl J c. Ar.~ 00 U 30 I> 2~ 'I'lII" vRlunhio T.... IIL'(ly t. " oure altare ot tlt8 bur(l ~n . ' 7 loB 11 ~ 8 ~ 18 for DYfiP 1jfl'llu. In,HUI,'. Uon H"'IIr~ lowing t h e .rurtleoreek Ylllley to No lubJ ct of the ft" lIl~ al"~H ahlill baker r. 17 5 1 I II ~l 15 I :J burn . A ldil\' of, o r A(lU r • lomn" h Lebllnon. be l"sed ",oro thK" oncc. )loslYI\ Sick Or N n :out' n "lulud IC, ficntJrni ESTABLISHED Tho I'" . hllll III "11 "a."" be unlUempstea': ~ 4~ 1\ IA ;, 09 o r 'Nc.r\'ol1rc. Df.:hill ,,· (l r I' rfls lrution and tlll ni ..e:.1 l'li tlrlilitltf Irom Ll d lsClr-. (orlll to subj ect" 1 th. ""'fi G 013.. Ce n l .nUl. 7 40 II 10 6 O~ de t ed condit,oD Mi lle Slulun h. n .(d jUttt to th ~ HubJt,'pt tlt,.~\'d. t 7 : l ~ ''ll 0 2 ;.4 52 Services at St. Mary's r' l Ill)' I I\'mbl~ jUtlg",ijllt It I. OI,ty III Ma llor

'ren Years. .

\lome on


uSiness Men of the State Want Radical Changes.









fUN ERA l D,I RECTOR, Telephone Day or Night, local No. 7

long Distance No. 69-3r

WAYNESVillE. OHIO Branch DHlce. HarVeYsburG',


An IUClDA!!. LI.


COUNTRY 1831 G.ENTLEMlN -,- -The ONLY AgriDult~ral NEWSpaper, - .... D



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- _.- -

Recommended by Physicians

Pl eAA,fult to tnke. T- f8 fl nt 11('1'('81'0 arJ' tt) rlil' t. (lUly h. " llry iU~ \' crc ". ca.

The stomnch ",iJJ !loon h e In !!Inch a

het'l\.hy corulillon .h ill ono can eat




killd or faod.


. Two Sizes.

600. and'SI.OO per bOI. If your

drllggi l~

!KIIId dlrL'<!~ 1.0



bave It,

F • . L. SHINKLE , .

Mllnufncturlna; Ph",mllclet, MUNCllit INDIANA. Clrcu/" .. and 7WUmOlll4l.r op}llicolio ll.









AI.,I, IillNorIpUOl, 11.60 I Two 8allaerlptloa.. 12.60 I ),he Sabecrlpt!o.1t ".Go.


Fou·r MonUul TrlJ.,IJ(J relltl/. SPECIMEN COPIES ",III bemailedtrooonrequellt. . l i1\·1\1 llAyan,.·

loody InLeretlted In lilY WI'Y I., COli" ,":)' lICe lo A<kIreoB tbe publlAben< : LUTHER TUCKER .t. ION,

....,\1 for ~bem .

.....blLll::V. N. y-

- -:!It'bT lh'h e Cllnal Zo:le . 'l'l,1e high w~ges plLi(i it It llI.i /:h IY temptation t o O U~ y .. ung Ilr tI~niJ .. to ' jnln, the foroe of skl il Ad w\l r" m lm 1l0~tlotJ t,o OOllstruot tht: P 11lI1.I.!1I C Inll\" MI\ny nr~ rllriU'lIiuod bowevor I,y I.h e fau r of ft!vors lIlld III n.lnrlll It 1" the k ,lowing on .. _ Ilit '14" ..... I! p h,t VI! IlSE'11 EI, BI t. "'e r ~, \\Ill g\l there w\t·h,)ut th ll! t'Pllr , . WI-II klll)wmg t,bey IIr Sli fe 1'10111 m ~ltlrl ,l\ll\ i!lf}llonce with tJ:11l()t\r ic BI Hl'rM ou hllnrl. O nre~ nil Ho(.\1 pl1j,.i, n t.Oll, hililullI;IJ.) /:It!, \\'llllkIlU"!I u'ld 1\11 !It,OIn''Ob. liver, lIud \chloey troubletl. ,~'\ranteell by I Freel 0, ·80hwatt:cl, drllggillt. 600'. I

The world-famed treatmcnt for Piles, Eczema, open sores, nasal catarrh, a nd all the diseases of t he ~klll, burns, etc.

nl!~[.]311:li E ndors'ed by physicians, leadill!,!' druggists , and thousa nds of grat eful patients .who have be()n cured .by its marvelous healing p'ow ' fI In the t reatment 'of h emorrhoids, It obviates, 'the n ecessity of a surgical operation, a mI the danger and excruciating pain. It cures quicker, and IS entirely safe and' painless. Send fo r circul!mi of hundreds of'thousands.ol testimon-

ials and profcssional endorsem ents. If rour druggist dOes not h andle It send direct to MARSHALL HEMORLINE. CO.. .....ball•. M••

C:hurch Sept. 8.

·.orno s u ch way


thl 8 lhllt the



7 !!. 7

II &7

... 7

In.quoUtles alld 'nJ ... ,lce o[ aur p,·e.ent 1.:dl\eWOod :1:14 U I r.4 H U ayotem or lI.. ullOIl rnn nnd a proper , Venable ~7 to ~ IO liO ; 6 40 remedy Dnd o,'der be rC8tor.d out of th o !:jel'vlceS Itt til· Mllry '8 Uburch exlstill ••Ilaos. ' . . 1\I~Chn er ' 7 18 ;& 04S U 8~ will be r esumed the second i:'unday • • • J)odd~ 7 I.U 110 40 4 36 " . Lei/md t~ 00 U tl 36 ,. 26 in t:leptember, the 8 th. Ii'rom th ~ address of Fj. B. Willard , r.e\)anon-L.. ; 00 10 ~O 4 ~O . of the . Ironton Board or Trade: ' H & o · 011; J: 'f C BellO "The prlnci\ial gro uud of compla.lnt . _ 11 ~; 5 M, that I hll~r Is t h e IIiXlltiOIl of cO,rpora. Dayton ~ ' .U. . D 6< lC ''1' .. I tiona under the Willis law. U.Io X U 00 " Another Berlons com plaint I. i! 110 • IIgalnst t he tax on . the InterceU 111 ,'t>UTHB"U NO foreign corporatlolls." A. II . p . M. P . III .


. Nervo~us .


'rile !lC'tion (if digt.;stion iR l'ontl'ollccl by l1Cl'V(\. · lead i ng to tile • tomurh . '''hen 1'11('\' al'C we'a k thc stomaelt {g dopril' (1 (It ·jts CII 'l'g~'. ' It . hag \10 \10"'(' 1'. tl) (Lo it ::; ,,'I)I'k. 1 I: ~ on wan t pm'lfl:ll1l.'11t 1'\.'RtOl'e

j\J i leg

reli(-f, ~' () l\ .must 11til'i en('l'g.\'. Dr. }; cI'\' i rll 1'. ' . tor s

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I qlm \r'I"Y tIluC!h 1,,\1" "0\'1"(1 it l p (!{' r >' WI1 \·; in tkJt l)t. mimI I 1Uu ki' 11 Mp h~ l ,,,'\1 ~HI l'II~~ , 11'1 ~' f·. ,nltu ~ ll J 'tI,"Jt ' "uN',l \ ll ll\ tllt "fll (, lrtl' . ' J\ no \ ~I*I II ,.. 11'\0. <, , .!nH, lH 'l ~ 111 ltU'-twlng

:n~c\ :1:i,t::';~ ~'1:- " :~~:II,~tt\!~,':l~',l:n~'~;~~ 11~;II!~t';

1). . S. .'U;L·l·ON .. \YIl\' III~. N. C. ' Dr. Mlle. ' !'IervlnlJ I...old by youI' drug"l.t. wh" will ~ uarentoe that the flrlt bottle will benefit. It It fa"., h. will r.'und ~our money.

Miles Medical CCl~, Elkhart. IDd




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. 191 1 1U



.11:!S I,ebanoll Arr I\'c II 30 GD;\Uy (!",:t!pl. S\II,'laJ Su'JrfOAW

tl1e rnet thtll th.l"" I. tho only tliu( I. 'lIlYln!; (holr full prr.ollul tu.



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0 Ola. m .

Ii 27p . ..

1 28p, •

I•. N. ASW ALD t.leneraIPusse ru.- r "lIienl.LebtonOD. O·

they IHld the wldowtf I1l1d arplulHII tn the

probate courl.

New HampshIre will probably ' he added to t he IIl1t o.f stlltee bavlng a comml8sloiJ appointed for the Inve.Ugatlon ot the tlubject ,of tuatlon. 1'l&XaUon WAH. lllrrely dw.elt UpOD III the campaig n tbere 1 'l8~ fall. and one ot the pIa Ilks In the Republican Plat· form related to tbe questlou. Gonr· nor Flo)fd t'ecolDmellded a tllx COlD· m18l10n. aDd Hili II embodied 'ID a bill

av: .1 nw ~() mn" " 'nl t (" ;l1t h lm\t1 LII. fU nllc·It,,· 11 ''' 11 I I ad I n 'CI '" lhan

S 05




IA no,," ('1, , '.' ),1111(' un thnh1i'h tho foI t.te. "ho rarrnel'R arc Itt hl!'lt wh klllC up to



No 6-

r thlc,k we ".ed ,he r"'rI1I>!lhrn of eduo.. TmlllRpno~ l.V tl. u rollo ... : tl on tllat th Stato D l\n! or Commerce NortlihOUnI! ~ iila. 10 .

h1 ui(, ' UIIL' 111'1 ; 1:' t 1"1·1 1 w hldl I did In ti l IJl II'('hh."" I,r 1\114- 1,Ol l " " or NI ' I ' \~ III" I1J_J f)lW IIf I f ·j l·. ,oll f ", In:l r r \...· ,I u)'g 1 IH'«III1 t l') J hdl. ' I'. w hkh \',U)t"lIIt' -

1 ·,'·I ,~ h"" j l

liHeh ner De dd:.

No. ·

! ~O 'l ,~[)

8"ltJ.<l1 lOllS'. " IUlld lax VO llllble

In the en() O llt't land [\lId p.'I"lIelfIlH .hould b~nr nil Ollr I,.ltX~ , Thu.r no lux e! or n. pennllleij ""UlIlt,i ,,~ plR" 'd Oil th o produot of t nd uHtr'y or tlu~ In lere~ l of cu pltal ; bllt trlnt all lux •• • ho\111I b e plllc.d . UPOIO the \hlllJ;fi th a t m81t {-lOCH not c re ~te . t t l i nk th e n ppeDI (for" COII.'t ttutfonaJ ameudnl o llt) It1 l1lJ l OOllle r. 'Om th e people.




1lebanon .TC.

repr,,~rmtltth.· .~ o r th ~ Hmull or TI'Ild. , t. Sha.ker CrOfu41ng ~ repr.~rn l (h \·I.w. 01 (h,, 1 ontlre bod,.; noslYIl . t1! tor w u found. u t It tM xu , Ion mc;titln .. w e J1tnn U8c.eud h eld , that We: lnu k oo n l th(\ HubJ. q t .f tRJC 8.ltoli (ruOi fi ll puh ll~ Qf tile compals, Cenltr"lIIe For m)'xel(. I think nUl" oilly lIurety hi Milnor tn I!Ih :lp lllg nllltt ~r8 "0 t.hat we rn llY Have Lytle II 8ubJoCLH r ln ~~ ltl .\l 10r olu ll'K UOII . ,M,. Idlllli ~: dge1\'ood ISJ 1 t hink. Ihe 1(l e lil of mmll @\,ery on0

~'~~~,m',:~ ~lf~,~·:~.litl;..\'sl\I~.;,thN t.r,~!~::,~ !~~

11 ;tr't ( 'UI'I' ."trl·,'tl ':'! ", "


1 .~UV 4:

. , DaylOn : e ft&. 0 From t.he address of Gl)o. T . SpRhr i 0 . ' nit. x 'I' tWO of the CO IUlll bll~ . Board or Trade : ayton . . . g :10

wllieh bu been repo.rted to tbe hoale ·of reJl'IIotatln• •-Nuhua (N. IL)

'h1. . .,~

Chum berlai n '8 Oougb Remedy One of the Be!;t on the Marie'. For mllny· Yflar8 Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy has oonstantly pin . eclln favor and popUlarity ~'11 It 18 n ,o w one of th8 most I!tap,le medi. oines In 1Ise and bas an enol'lDdUl' 8I\le. It Is Ibt&ndecl especially 101' aoute throat and I~D8 dlaea8e., .nob Ito8 ooughs. coldl! aDd oroup, and oao "lways be depended u~. It .. pleasant /Uld safe to .ke aDd .. JUl. dOllbsedly tbe beat In tbe ......luIt tor tbe purpoaea lor wblch It i, in&eoded. tk>14 by J, £. ,Jaullef.






'low 'the Hunchakist, the Tong, the Mafia, the Black Hand, the Vendetta, the Athenian Blood Pact, and Other Complications, Have Been Imported Into the Metropolis to Breed Violence. New York.-Th

time was. nnd not very long ago. wh n any munJer In I'ew York which hlld In It (lny IlmoutH or 111)' ';1<',·), and which cou ld nul be at· tr ibut ed to ' one of lho cullses whi ch ommonl)' I)l'lng on munJe jea lousy or te mper or robbery-was a pL to bo laid II t til doors of one or another of the Ilungs thut Intested th city. I':Ith· er It was ~uJlJlo~e d thnt th .f.,"llng hau D grull/te ngulasl tho vlcUm lind 90 IIrranged 10 " s tray him, or that the gang had be~n hl~d to remove blm !lad had IlluulI d ·the job aud done IL according to cuntl'DCI. l~vt within tho laSt fe w YOnTS an clement rnaI'll dlLllgtlro UB, moro slnls· ter ~nd far IIlor lI ubtle haa crellt into ~o

York's crime recorrls_ Old World 1('lIl1 s and vcnrlcl tlls hn Vfl h tj"l1 trans-

plumeit here, lind, Reemlngly, tbe SQil of III new f'OUlllry hUB proved ama7.· Inl;ly tarUl to t heI r growth. E very tew rllly~.or we ks hr lngR an as~.ass ln· aUnn o r an Outbr a k which can be lrRCf'it In a . way to Old wadI! Innu. ances. V ry , otten tbe police arll ~hlp to show thll.t th th Ing was Illotted In some \lut·of·the,wIlY elbow of Jo~uroJl e or A~ia. althoug h wh.nt the moUves IIn.l whnt the hnmed latc Innuenee!! whl('l) prOmlllel1 t h(\ 111'1010 ai'c thlns~ th!!.1 t h .. kp.'mesr or t l10 .111I.ectiv 9 .nOlI' thfl ('Jm'ere'st of lim new s pape r ca n !,evcr ox'nct Iy IInll out .


hln(Hown the old Dowager EmJll'o s serv d notie un th men wh III s he knew to be r sJlon~lbl e (ur the gUll fightlag In the nll,' ro\\', sm Ill' lillie ~treots tha.t unl ess the)' 5t 1'llUd thel ,· fooli shness In New York sh would tlnd It Incumb Ilt upon' hers Ir to Jlut to deat h their relatlv('s :ll home In 1111111. 010,. jlnrU"ulurlr, parents and g randpar nl s. Had Or igi n in. Home Quarrel. The police had ne \'e r b en ubI to make any ot th Ir a ccusations of mur· der slick against tho susJlects wbo tra!led at the sllpperless heels of con· SUmptlve, oily littl e Mock Duck. Out t h e old EmJ)ress Itnew tbe wa~' . The police know and 80 rloes the rest of the Low n that In 0. genera l way ot Btl aklng the hosllJe factions w re dl· vldod til n . aud arc stili divided, for that matter, IQto the Hlp Sing Tong and th On Ceo ng Tong, Dut It wasn't unti l .months a fl r the acll\'o warfure ceased that the truth arne on t tb'~l behl/ld th who le !.bI ng lay tho rlvul· ry betw en tho Reform parly In hltll~ nnd tho party which Is faithtul to the r 19a[ng dynusty. Complications g row· In" out of the stru gg le for th e Jll e gn w anel fan tun concessions-gambling IIrl vll ge9 to put II In plain Engllshh ud Infium d tho belligerents. but ul lho back of It Ill Y II 50·yellr-old fluar· .rel on tbe other side of t h earth . Frp.Quently In one 01' another of Ih c !Jlree lnrg und well·defined Itnllall settl rnpuLS lhere occurs a m ~lrd I' whic h cnnnot be attributed merely' to ., row OVf'r c hia nti In some base· me nt drinking \llnce. The police s upl· cn tly say "Blaok Hun d." arrest 1\ few suspects, mh;spell tb names of tbe prlsonerA, !lcap the m awhlle and tUI'D th e m loO!!e tor ,lack of ev luence ' on wh ich to hold them lonl;er. ' I.. ast (aU tbree s uch murders oc· c ur,' d In rtlpld S U Cl'p.~slo n on th e low·

OrlO1lnl\to I)OIlPlng of pistols and s houting and runnlnlg around , lInd th en t wo or lhroe Orlentuls go to tho hO B· !l lta!' batll)' !Jun ge •• 11\1. T he cause'/ :\1"1'('1)' 11 lo.'nl b looming ou t of <I QUill" rei that hn.~ Its rO()ls nt th bollom oC th Sf/clul st rnot llre ot Syria; th . hroRo h hotw n the; two bl'llul'beM ot Ihe Syrlnn Ch ur h ha s bef'n roopell d In tlUIl Corm h ro In Nt'w Yllrk. Nino lim 5 out of Il'n onE! Ill' a nuther of tbo hoslile bls holts or bolh ot Ih 'Ill , mOil' "1\ to II I t!Ingl d up In t h · poHee COUt·t enel of .ho 1It1·m y. Traced Many Murder •. . A few da)'s ugo I he sen sat 10ll nl lI nlon flullrc murd e r serv d 1.0 dlr ct uUentiun 1.0 the fi g ht bet w(1clI the 'rUI'I\~ lind th e Arm e nians and be. twOoln th Arme nla.ns Ih('mgeIYes. Tho 1'1 h es t Arme ni an In Anwrlca, n mil· lIonaire \,lIg me '·chant. wus s hot 10 death Crom behind as ho ClI me oul ot th r:\' relt Ho use, wh re h hnd been for hi s lllllc h . lu\'ostlgatlnlt tlto ·aasus. s lnntlon the di s trict attorney's offlce ~ tumhl II uJlon n doo,' whl uh . ,b ein g ope n ' d, s howed 1\ verilabl 13ll1e Beard's cl(IS t of horrors. Mr. ,I " rome's YOl1n~ ilion ,\' ('1'0 alJle to tra f' Ihe mill" d .. r of th rug merchant. the bu lch ery ot Ibo Arm nlan ' Ilr lest, o lel Fntbo r Ka spar. thre . mon ths beforo, aud hnlf a doz e n other IInexplalned murders here an d In oth"r par ts of the globe to a com mon cUlIse. They lenrn d, to their verY great ~ urpr l sf' . th al for mon th s 1\"(\ )' oa rs mos t of th wO'llthy Arm nlans In Amorlca hn d boen Ilvln g In fCIII' of th iI' lives beenu e or t ho threa ts and th ucls of 1\ mY.!l!erlou5 Arme nian solely forlUed o ~ tenslbly for the )lUI" pos o f !lldlng lh moribund t'ovoi ll' tlon agalnsl Turl« r. bul In reDllty uolng II lurg ruall -ord r business In lilli I'd 1', blnckmall a nd Inllmldalio lla soci ety wll fc h has lis headquarters ' In ),IJress lind which. tbrough Its chosen ag nlS. lit rlk es dead ly blows at will In Now y o ,'k or Lo ndo n o r on· stanllnop le or Ne w Eng land. "he slnyer of t he rug d ea ler camo, 80 the I}olice bell ve. a ll t he wny across the ocea n fro m G re ce to s hoot one of bls countrymen wbom lite hlld n evo r seen. He /;ot bls o rd rs nDd he came. Trouble Brought from Sparta, One nigh t last week a deSI'erDtc fight broke out among the Greek J1ed· d le rs who sell frllit . and Ilea uu ts arou nd the lIianllluton ntrn.oce o f Drooklyn brld e. p a nd down Park no'\\, I.he figh t raged. F ifteen or tw n· Iy Or ItB. · arrayed In eQ ual strength'. on el~he r side, deserled th eir !Jus h· cnrts to "us"! kn ives und fi sls a nd cl ubs on one anoth r. 'rh ~y o\,e rllow r ed t he fi rat of thll pollc.mleu who · came agai n st them a n ti kept rJi:ht on. It took the reserves from two sud Io n· hous es to mow the gla diators down and ch'ag thorn away 10 tho slatlo n· house . . In lhe l,ollce court lhe n' - - '~lrnle saId h supposed thoy weI" , riVa l groups of p udl 1'8 who hari fall n out ovo,· the. dlstrlbntlon of th fruitfu l torrltot·y about ··th e bridge entnince. "Oh , 110," elC lll"laeli the Inte)"preter, q uite ,as a nmttQF nrc-tire : ru1"'l b -s me n ··come from SJlar lD and thero has bp.en a hitter qunrrel betwoen th el'!' families In Spurla ror ma ny years. '1'hey happenod to meet In toroe here In N w York." He add ed Lhat from what h e o:o,<hl gntlter th r would prob:lbly b \\'ol'k fo r au und ertaker wh n tbe I alle.·s o( th e two lans cam e oul oC tbe worl,· hou s . And the re you are. Thl~l'.II the 'wuy It goes In l' 'IV· York, lh e world m e lropolls. ' . Pollco omllli usioner TIlngb!l m re nllz R hot t;, police · r rce a s , It Is ' cons litutCd. at PI' !le n Is not. comp e· tnt to copo with ahe fO" elg ll ers Who lll'l l\l) th II' aiel ((lud s and cons plrnclee O\'er , here With t ho 01 . He has .lisked for a 811ecl1l appropriation or. $25,00() with ' whl c~ to hi re a secret,servlc9 st uff of C\ Inamlln" Italians nnd AI'

Me.TltOD IN HIS 80LfoiTUDI!. Wlllle'a Deep Intoreal In Playmate" He;;lth E)Cplaln.d, Thll.\ s tory Is w Il In keeping wltb the BfJlrll or Ih e age , SIIYS the New YO"k 1'rlbllne. A Bronx man tells It ' ubo llt hi s little boy. The nelghbo 'a youn!! hOl' Orul WDlI v T)' III, and Willie and t ho other yonng'lNN In th o blo c:lf b ud beo ll 8Hked ni, t U) mllk e any nolso In th o atTo ts. ' rho n eig hbo r's bell ran/; uno day and i/he Ollel! 'd It to find Willie Htanll ing bn ~ htully on her tront at '[1S • " lIow Is h e to·day 1" h o Inquired In a s hy wbl s per. "He's bcll('r, thank you, denr, aud \Vhu t u thoullhlful oh lld you oro to .C0ll10 lind IIsk ." Willi slood a momont o n one foot und the ll burst rort h a gai n, "l'/U ortul 60"ry JllIlIl1Y'S sick." The motho r wa s [lrofoundly t ouched. Sbe cou ld "nd no furth e r words to tiUY. bli t sllllilly ki sse d 11 1m. Made s tili lIolrlc r by tho CllreHS. Wil lie I>I:&ao: to bac k do\ II lb o KtOPS, r ' IJoatl ns ut In· t orva 1'1 1I1g al) rro w fur ilia plnymate'9 ll1 n!'NN. At the hott om s top he ha lt ed und lonked III', " If Ji mmy s bouiu die," he asked, " kill I h ave hh; drum?" FOR



The Efforts Being Milde by the Amerl, can Med ica l A..oclat lon, Th e Political activ ity or th e Amerl· cau Med ical. Assoclatloo ha ~ beco me so pronou nced as to cuu s" cr lll Ulen t In l'OIIt~ca l c ir cles especia lly atl the t he uvowed Illl rllP8e ot the Uo~19r9 of the "R egu lar" or AlIopnthl c 8c hDoI, of wbl('h tbe Assoclatlon Is chie fl y (10m' p o~ed, Is to secure tbe passage of s uc h la ws as will nut only prevent t)le 6alo of so·call ed "Puteut" med ici nes, but will res trict the Jlra ctl ce oC •.ned l· cine and heh llug to t be "ochools" now recognized. T his In many ti tutes would prevent the .grow! ng prnc llc e ot Os· tco pathy, and In nearly livery state would prevent Ih e heulerll of Iho Christian Science and me ntal science belle t trom p racUcl n g thoso sCIences In wblcb the tal th of so · many Inlelll· s e nt people Is eo Il r ml y root ed. The American Medi ca) Assoola tlon hilS a "Committee ua L ogls llltlon," and the co mmittee hus r orrespo nd· ents In practically eve ry townshlpaCome 16,000 oorreaponde nts In all . T his committee at the lust se8Rloa of tb e Ame rlcall lI'1 edlcal ' Asspclallon beld in June of th is year exp ressed a hope that a lar ger nllmbe r of phy~l · cla ns than ho rototore will offe r tllomso lves as ca ndldaLes for . Conl>rcsl! lit the fi rst oJlPortunlty. In Ii~ annunl report this Co mmittee said: . '''1'0 meel the growing demand" of tbe move· ment, bpwever. parll~ulurly It tho work o f acti ve partlclpntloo In Stllll! logls latlon Is undertaken, , a 10 q;er cieri cal force must be employ d." T hi s Is almost lhe first time In tbo hi story of t h e nit d' Stoles thllt a ny orga nlted 'class has . frankly avow ed th e PU!lli!so of c:a pturln g legislatures and dominating legislatio n In tllelr o\. u selfis h In tereata. Tho! Amerlcnn .)'>l edl cill AS80clation has about G5.000 membe rs ut whom 27,000 nro ".t!llly 'constl t utod mc m · lJ al'!I': a nd the reot nre me mbers ~e· ca use ot th eir affiliatio n with stote or local socletl S. 'rhe Assocbllon owns r oal esto le In Cblcaso vurued ai. $111.781.9 1 and Its total as sets arc $29 1.667.89. Its liabilities, nt the tlmo uf th o a nnual report which .... as made nt th e June m cetin g, al}lou nted to o nly $2 1.900., . The oxc S5 of assets o ve r lIabfllties Is ' Increasing at t he rOle or u\)ou t $:lO,OOD a year, nod th e purpose o r ' th e orsanl 1.~tlon Is t o doml nato th e fi e ld of' medicine, nnd by Ctuslllot( all com petit ions by scouring the pas· Bagll of proqlbltive loglsla tlon, compe' .nll of the PQople of the Uulted Statee to pny ' a !Ioctor's fee 'ev<lry time the mos t simple remedy Is needed.

Feuds Hard to Underatand , Rpfnr(' t hnm rlsl1!! the barriers fo r h:n s('q r(\ tl vjmp'~8 . · rear a mi s\ruo~t'lnl'~S or hlllh'1lal;o- harr[ers ,\-h le h ~irec tllfdl Y pU!I,llIde th o IJl in lsh· moul fnr fh l.! sh""U n g or stAbbing or ch'nn 11\ It In\t. ,,'s t h e ('nso may' bo,. al: ~~.ough ~(\oll' lhnp~ t h,, ;lool wbo IH! lIed the trlgg.w or ~(tII k th,o hlad a Is mndo to 811ff,'I'. 'Till't pnnllnco wblch Nn w York J>IIY~ fo,' hnln): fi n Ilsylum a nll a . 1'l1fuga fl)r AII 1"'IlI,fo uf I.ho wor ld I wrlttan In rpel il, j t p. rR. Fnr with the nt'w hl ooel and lhe ~nod bluo<l wo ge~ o r ea st slrlo, one In Chrys tle street, In nea.rly ov"ry immigrant sblp Lhat ono In Forsyth street. one In First PUT IT IN GOOD LIGHT. I'hore" tlOm" o[ the ~l r e et, 6 , fe w doOl's olr the Dowery. In t oucbes th .. ---- . sel'ds of II t"GullY of hatA wh":h 'I.a ws cac: h In ~tll.llCO t he victim ,,'as ahot Ono Comforting Thought In the Death baCk (l el'hDII~ a blllirlrtffl )'"ar,; tll nn til ro ugh n wlntlo l\' a:l d Ii l<ew lse of the Chlck,n" anC'l e n t ' p'lllll (,A I "1' ,.nlJ):lu il:; 'Iuarrei lh rouS-h t he I;cad. · All three Jobs bore ~ Lh ot .Wfl can'nlll rnt hUll! lIr IIn" tlr~tll n~'1, til l,! worillnuns hip of t.ho sulne practlc. ladY wlio bad recently moved to In th 'l old day~ " wtih:h hUI) ed hanrl, or got of h a nd s. Said the JlO· tbe auburl's Was very food of .her first ' lIhout It ihe s!gn ~ lIf Pf!lmcdltlltlnn Ill'".' " m ack H a nd ." whIc h Is II. bla'nl< et brood at chickens. Golog out, anD af· bAil al so, l: i!ll'~ l'ally "I",akln", Ihl! c ar e~ IJ~t\~Sl o'I, covering for the m 8. multi· temoon sbe lett tbe househOld In 1I1Arl<" ", "om" 1:" "1; It'lldor anel ht s tude or Sin s. charge of bel' elgbt·year·old boy. Bem flr ry m e n. Th ol'f' WPre f10llCllme n fore her' return a thund erstorm toml! Not Work of ·"Black Hand." who ('ould toll at n I; lanr:o wht'll1 e r Lh o up. Tb e youngstor ·torgot the chicks ('redl t fn \' a "OI'ellcI .. Ium tr~" fl)' l,rOII ' It dld ll 't look In the least like during' the storm, and was dlsma~ed f',.ly Iwloll"t'rl . "IIY, 111 .thA fnlhIWp.",; I,lf work "t Ih e Il!ack Hand, for the Black a[ter It passed to find that bait of Humpy .In l'l<snll . that lulf'nltld gun Hnnrlo l " ~ In . the ma in are a. lot of cr udo them bar! bee n. drowned. Thou gh fI ~ht er whu t nl"c l hl ~ horrlwaro In hi s Coarse IlIIl'formers who cuslQmarlly, :t ea rlng the wratb to come, he thought b a.t nr \\'h e th Ar It I; hll"l<I h~· ",I/h'(\ 10 e Dfnrcf! th olr demand s Cor t rl h ute by best fa make a clean breast of the th e' i"IJ~' of tho (' Iall "r tllII lunbi,lux· lIlowln!: In t!, e front of a gror.e ry with . calamity, rathel" tban leave It ,to be t roll ~ and /lmbitloll ~ Nlnc.F.yml On II II I· dynamite .or stubbing SOllie stubborn dlscol(ered , ,;nn . Oll t ~ ItIC:O 1':lIt ·[o;m·(lI" ..lac k Me· . lrados llI an het ween th e s hould e r s. "Mamma ... . hi! aold, contritely, wb e n Monu s s tar red. o1nIYIl Ihe [It'lwery MIll bill mother had returned, "mamma, six Even Luall y It came ou t · ln a ro und. nli;ht · ovpr t.wo )l1'1If'N " g n find .'u ml' ot the ohlc~eDS' are dead ." u Imut fashion that the t hree dead mon b~rl< fn ~ n nmhlllnllrc ,vllh hll. ~ kllll ~!Dea d!" cried his motber. "Six! caved In hy n ~n ~ Ill l''' I.h'ln ' hll,~ n(11 hacl 1111 h. e n mom hers or lho genuln'e How did th ey ill.e1" bel)u a gO ll g mnrr10r \vhlrh ~ h" WNl e \·I·. article. lhe High lIIafia. In the Old The boy Haw his cllance. ('on n tr~', and allhough they have nev. 011' 11 ('(' of havi ng 1I (,l' n wnrlrrLl "'.If h(1' . "I thlnk-r think tbey died happy," e r boi n nb le to p.'ove It t he (Ietec t! ves foreha n d. be sald,-Harp'er's 'Weekly. Qr t ll li! It alian burea u are momlly cor. Ended Chini'ltown Trouble. tal n that two c hosen In strum en ts of I.m p!ldence of Hoi Polloi, Th e:e tl m e~ that'~ all r.h:ln f';f'.lI nllfl th e moth j. OI·ga nl zaUon-brol he r s. as .A noted artist was Btandlng donp "''' ~l: with , It III Ih o Intrlr.nlu It ha ppe ned, a nd both of th e m clend at the ·edge of the road, waiting tor his rell el ~ 0: lh e forelj:n: hofl) j h nt "f" R hot ~-wen' se nt all th e way h ore lIIenlun ~~ ·men who can speak tha coo}(C'd :: 1; on Illllhprs wi t h wh k " Lhlll fl'OUl Sielly to kill 011' the l(lel,l aBs tong ues of t hese cOtlsplrators Ilnd w)to borse, and be WIlB dressed in ~Is "olllitr~' I,ns no I1MI ('I' .Jlll '<'!'I ""hl<'h line!' fOl' th e ullfo rglm hio el'iDl e of be. wUl Join their socIe ties. s hare their uBual peculiar style-mustard·colored hl1gel I)", hil i,\< o f Ih f1 nnp ~ I'I ,.l nf'rJ :111,1 t rRyln g tho SOciety to I hI) lI uthorlll es In l rlp;ues; .help Lh ~ m Jllot Ul el r black· rldln'g suit; vivid wnlstcol\t and brlgbt tJn llunlslic'd r.l'ime~ nf t,hp ,I f'1I 11m ('II t hefore they took themsel \,os out (If tbe 'nlRllln gn undo tnUI'dc)rln gs and th en at ted tie. A ' man, w110 h nd ~ vld e ntly d lst,'lcl.s· nnd th., \1 n "l't .·r~ wlUll't' Ihe pro vlnea. S imilar ly some blol)d \' nd el. the [ll'o[lo r time bCltrllY them to the bee n revelin g, hap pened to lurch rOllnd ' tho' corne r of the street. He aliens (If 1'1,,:0 ronlllllmi t y lI .... k"· Ih nlr III which hud ltB bo!'(lil11in g 50 or 7ft !lolicO. s ta ted at the Camous lI'rUst for a min· bam s . Fo,· 1 h rr e )'('~1'l' :l ,I"",1('r" " ' years ago III Pule rmo or Culabrl" Is u'te In slience, the n he touched hi s cap fl'I;l.rr e l rlillmi III Chlnnto",n. It en. t t.i l(\ IIn l" to prove fnta l to R prosperous Electricity f'or Bananas~ lind as.ked In a tone o( deep comml ser· li ves of bel\\·I'.,n In nn.1 20 l"hln:"'fH'~ . 1)lId ,·,'h (l 11\ l\Iu lh erry Rend tomorrow . llDn ~llla~ arc now .rlpe ned hy elec· Thr 0 wprl' k lllod III pn" 1I1!!"t at ,t fe W hat lui" been known a'! Ih e Orlonl. trlclty wi t h gr eat pr~cl9 1 0n tor ao}, ation, "13eg' pardon, guv'nor, WIIS yoU Chluese thl'atE'r In n ov r r ,,11'I' I't . S;IOI . IlI .Qtlltrtor. whe re th e Arnhs and Syrl . ' t";)'lui!'ed daltl. An a lr·tit. . t case fitted In Il\ournll!' for ' aoybod~?" de nl y It (,!Hlrd SllI,,·t olr nnd th ('rp IIn s live-down on Was hington street, wllh el ectt'l~ lumps . c ontains tbe Of t'ne Cabbage Patch, were no more kin in;.!'6, In " t"lfy ol.l·tilll e IIClu 8es that Sfluat al. bllndWE, nnd ripening Is hastened un· OlgaI' Maker-Hero's a new cigar T b" IlolI(" tOlll< lhl' ('rcdlt rnr mak. Illtjst In the s hadow of the t~lI es: 0' der the comblneel Innuence o( the arU· Ing blll a~O \\' n O'H'P morn Mff' for t he' t hE' sl'l"scrap.!rs-furni lihos 1111 O\1t. tle/al ligh t and hOI;\ l. . The process I've Just beeD putting up and [ have n't any name ~or It. Suppose you suggest t6url!JL of til rnhhpr nf'ck h1lr.k and t.I w br('a k for no alllJarent reason 0 caslon. \'D rle~ according t.o tbe , number. ot one. e urlo buyer. As 11 matt e r nf facl 1\10:>)1 oily. Gen e ra lly no Ilve~ are lost.. for l!imps turned on, e:Kperlence . enabllDI Fr1eild (after smotlng It)-They're hnd nCJ tbltlli\ to do ",lIh It. ' MovA.1 h.v cbe Syrlnn 18 notoriously a had sh(Jt, thO! fruite rer to lUI 11.111 Ol'dCld at IU\1 lIamlDg D loocl maD), aftel" cbaracter. the. pra)"l.'rl of the Chlneae morcbaat.q but t~ re Is always 11 hen, or' Inrll s,pocIO"!d time, 'In flCtiOD 110w. WII, 4oll't~ou oau




W. "lira. WI...,..



Her Visit Spoiled,

She rnl sod ber blonu b nd trom his sh ou lder fill' 0 mo mllll L " Do you believe that exerci se and lotions nnd toilet prepa ration s ' will Improve a 'Volllan's looka ?" s h e nsked. H e I,rossed bel' blonde curls back Ullon hi s chosl. "Thoy cilllldn 't Im prove the looks or 80me womon," he sai d. " Whqse." s he a sked. " \vo ll , yours and Vlole l Coohran e's. Cor In slance," he replied tboughtlessly. " I don't undorsland you," she sold, rai s ing her hend for tho second t llue a nd ohll llng him wi th a look . "We are not at all alike." "[ mean, " be roplled. turnin g her hoad for 'th e s econd time lind think· Ing quickly. "thnt your look8 couldn't he Impro ved because t hey are perfect 8S 'they ar , nnd thal hers COU ldn' t be Improve d b cnlisil no amount of work could make hoI' pretty." She slg hlld a great sigh of content· mont and rell e r, ""hlle he drew a deep brea th.

Th e Amiable Woman- Old yon en-

JOY )'our .vlslt to Str.atford-on·Avoll! Th e Perfect Lady- It wns I' rfcoU)' horrid, th'ot's J\lst what It wus! Wby • . Sbnfl espenro's t om h wn8 g uarded so mennly that 1 didn' t geL a D ollllortUDIty to hill olf a Single SOIlVenlr, or even to write my name on It! - Lite. EXPURGATION.

In the Current. o ily hn. a "thing suit " ery .hor t and very ~ Ule-

Show~ n lot ' "r ~to~klng! Qu t\er 80rt ot mlllcriu1" Electric Allk.' · .h" MOl'S th~y CI'oIi

It- boCIlU80 Il's shClokl n g . -Ctov tn.nG Lead er . A~CEPTED


" Th oro are s(l mo IIIClUres a t 8 salon, chlldr n, wh ic h [ don t wis h yo u t~ see." "Which ones. mam ma?" ''1'11 show you ! " - La Bo nrlre. Installm enta Pill Around. Patl nt (gloom ily - [ do n't seem to be gDln lng v ry fnst., do tor. Doctor (c h erfull y)-You ca.n't QI. IIEfot to get woll a t one jlllllp. You I\'JII bave · to reguln yo ur health gradually aay by day':"-'surt of on t be 10stall ment pln n, a8 It were. PaU 01 (brl ' !J leQIIl& uP) - W\lIl, d()(ltor, If !.bls thing keep8 on mu oh loog. -'.!r I'm nfrnld that )·ou w ill have to collect you r bill In tho samB wny,Jud ge. . HID Chief Re II a n'ce, P rofessor (tp -gnid'uallUg ' class In collosel-YOUD/; m en, · the re is . ono more qUI!&tion I wallie! like 10 a s k. and thDt is, whnt !looks have helped )tou mOlit In your struggles for an ed uca.



Young Scndda (promJ)t1y speaking up trom tho Coot of the elnss)-bad'. ch eck·hook haa he lped· mo about 811 tnuch 118 nny of 'e m so far,-Judge. ';JOhOIlY, doosn 't your conscience tell you tbat you are d, ·lng ~rOlig? " "Yes, m ll th er, bU l ta lhe r said ~ wa s n't to biliteve everyLhlng 1 heard." -P unch.

HE · 010 . .

How H~ Catchca Them. " How does It bapPr;!n that you are retain ed In 80. many di vo rce casesr "Well," re plletl the lawy er, "seelnl: that .:f ou aro not In my IIn o, Jill tell you. I look ove r th e mllrrlage IIcense~ every morning and s end .·my oard around tei the contracting partles."~ · Judge. " .



A Harrowing Retult, .. "This agitation abo",t Sunday s h.av. In g certainly makell one asbamed to look a stranger In the tal)o." "A good mDny natives certainly wll~ change counte nan ce over It If they have to shave the mselves."-Daltl. more American . - -- Strained Relatlona. ..J. Edgar-:-D1dn't tho cook like ' us? ' Euphemla-Ob, y~she ' said that He-And now, darling, Jill ODt she liked us all right. but that we more kiss anti then tear ' myself away. , ht1ve to economize 80 that sbe couldll't . The Mothor (Inter'ruptlng.)-Sorry, respect u~.-Puck.· Mr. Deoton, but do. yoU attach greae' Importance .t o · th e o'r der of 'your pr.,.' .BLOODLESS,. . gramme?-Plok·Me-Up. . 'Dog Sav,lI HI, Life, "Yell," said the young man, penlll".. Iy, " a dog I once had saved mt lito.... . ''''rell me. about It," 'sald ~ho young ludy, }\'Ith. e uger ln~re8t. "l sold blm for lIye dollars," Bald the young mnll, "when· J was nearll' s{a rvlng."-Chlcago .Journal.. . Unkind. ~'Ge prgo, .d ear, do ,''Ou care for e1lothe r bUcult? " ask ed ~be . \lrlde.

"No, ,dear:' replie d the hus band, qui, etl y. '''r haven't digested the flnt one ye t:'~Detrplt Free ·Press.


Bill Skeete;-Say, old you're looking' awfully wan and peaked. .Deen ~~ t


Peaked OAe-Nope; been b'anllDg round one of tb_ all-the-comforUoof. home rUTal resorta all 'l ummGr-aod but It' ",sa awful poor plcklns!-' Oblcago Dall,. New••


Done 'by Rooaevelt, OlJice Boy-Tbel-e'j; a man dO':l"D st8.lra wanta to ' sce you . • Publlslier-Sbow 111m Ui,l. Offlc:e Boy-He's already been: to'. a D.a ture reflIl8t.-Oblollgo Jou~n,,1. Hsd Sampled It. Van Antler-Doell the new ' bUUM know wbete to keep the wlneT )Ire, Vo A,.-:..Judalng fl"om hla .al) I),aranc •• be tbloh he ought'to e&nJ It arounlf blmlelr,-Lite.



Onas Gray,' 8 Fiddle . . BY GEORGE BINGHAM

Author of • HogwaJlow Kenh~ckfan "

8elf. Forgetfulne~ .. Bolf.forgetfuln6sll In love for othora Familiar Sound r.aule of Young Man'l h as a foremo~t placo In . tbo Ideal char· Slid Break. acter and repl'os n la Ihe true end ot humaliltY,-Peabody. . Jllhn C. Risley of Petrolt. at thli It Cures Wh ite You W a lk. New York convelltion of tbe I ntt'rna· Allen'8 l?ool·£lI.., is A eel lai n cure for tlonal Society of Hotel aOid RestlluranL llJmployes-1I. conve ntion, notable for hot. IH\·r.alin g 1 {' l\ n otUI, and 8wOll t.l'n~ Ro ll inR feat. Sold hI' " It ] rUllsistx. Pricc 2.'ic , Don '\ Its cOlldemnllt!on of the Upping system "cccpt Any Imbsti'lulc. 'I'rin l pnCKA 'c J' HEE. - auld to 0. reporter; Addl'C88 Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. "The public ,think's lba,t ' we walters Mlllioni Practice Thrift. get rlcb ott our lips, The publlo Is T en million p eople have lopene d acve ry: Ignorant In tbls matter. W hen I th ink of Its dense Ignoraace I am counts wi t h th e Ilost olllco savings remlnd cd of a political ID lle tlng I at· bank of En gland. tende d last Apr il , rh e r~1 was a chap No Headache In the MornIng. nt, Oils meeting who knew nothing of B c"dnchc Cf\p su l e~ for over·in· parltome nto 'ry proccilure. onrl. besIdes dulKrousc's "ence in food or drink, DruIl1!181ft. 250. that. be was halt tulI. Well . In the Normall Liuhly Mfg. Co.• Des Moinel, fa: course of the meeting there was a jo~ of e:rclteJ;lleut and It grew The situation tbot has not Ita duty. worse and worse. The chairman . In Its Ideal. was n ever yet oocupled by ' th e e nd. bad to hammer on tho table man,-Corlyle. and yell: .. 'Order! Order!' " 'Beer for me; s aid ' t:be Ignorant Joung man," Who builds on tbe mob builds on Patron Saint of La,wyera. sond.- Itall au. This 6tory Is told at thie oxpense of FranCis H. T. Maxwell. tl well·keown lawyer, Tbe mll mbers of tbe' Taunton, Mass. . Da r aSSOCiation thought th ey ought to h avc Ii palron 9111nt. but aftor muoh wl'ang llng th ey co uld not hit up-on any particular s aint. Finally a ,co~mJttee. o<f which Mr. Mox well was a member. 'Was nppolnt· ed to mak e 0. selecti on. They made a trip to 'e w York. on d the re vi s ited Il ,galle ry wber!i\ .uo st ot the saints were carved In rnnrble. It was decid ed to lea ve tb e selection to Mr. Ma xwell. e.nd nfte r maltln !; tbe rou lltds he placed his IUlnd on one In Il ' group ot two. "This alit! wi ll do," be s!lId, He had his band on I,he de Vil , whom St, MI· · chael was driving bere;'!! blm. THIRST WAS FIR8T THOUGHT.

Of CourlO the Story Tellar DIdn't Really Mean JUl t Thlt. A genllemn.u rocently returned trom tb at QuIet little Maryland resort. Oceao City, bas 8 tale to tell of COD' dltloos tbat are really , se nsational. And Ule , worst of it was that he did "bot know they were seesatloliQ I a.t all, He was out caJUng the other evenin g. and the conversaUon stnrted with the shirtwais t man. who. .the retllrned wanderer SliM. wss to be tound In great Quantities at the summer resort. Then be told about the habit every· body down tbere bad contracted of going without bats. This Is the, way he tolii It to 'an Interested company: ' "You Bee everybody down there going about jus t tbe same. Th e men neye r wesr coa ts; they go about In just their shlrt8 snd trousers, and tbe women are just like them."




They ILI 81' r oll ••• DLeo





Irea81roJU DYH s)ep. I" , J.. dlgc.s.tlon n.ud Too Den.n" E nting-. A perfect rem" .~)'

l or DI.211,.....



w Ml n~



T081c. l a the ~to uLb, f'MoaIr e.(\

T on gne. P a iD tn tbe

L:::;====__.J e ld e . 'ronPID LIVEn. ( ' 01-1),,'1"1\1,·» " Dal ly St ory p ub. (';0 ,) ~, Tbe1 rogul .. t., Lb. lJOwol. . 'Purely VOiO l6 ble. Tho onnt1'Y tel IlhQn flY t.em hnel Wond ered o,t tho deep mys t ry of hlb SMAll PILL. SMAll DOSE. SMALL ~RICE. been xtond ',1 In lbe wlld eH t and most death. B ut lu h l' mimi she co uld obscure port of th e coun ty. And one flud no one to whom tlle crim e colllJ Genuine Must Bear nI gh t just ntter sll llper th "(lentrnl" tlo laid. Fac.Simill~ Signature nt, ,lh coullly seat ans we r d Ii. rhl!; A few months 'S ometimes \·!lnlsh\.'t from that IIno. to a great e"t nt th e sorrow from g /2'_ PILLS. /~~ "Rello. hello. Yell. thl ll ia the connty h9JI rt. but wllh the gIrl Um e lind bul S4ilal. SII ak UI). pl ungc. Now wbo Is 11I1I cftect. Sho' Bllt In tltll doorwa ~ , , REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. It you Want? 'l'he sheri II ? All rlgbt. of her home one ofternOOb und saw l 'lI caIl you." ell\rlt clouds In the weHt. SlIe Irne y/ To OODTtno. uy 'r h office r looked up towards his It WIlH to be a heavy rain and would . woman tbac P"ashotgun when lold that Shulllake rUII Into the grove. as the mound had &IDe :AntllepUo will Imprpv8 her benllh Ridge wonted to talk to him , " 1 WOIl' BUn!! below tlle surfuce of the groun d, and do all we Claim VERY BAD FORM OF ECZEMA. 'der now Whlll on eurt.h th ey wnnt this lind she 6aw the crevices the last tlmn , f or It. Wo will !leod her absolutely I r<!o III large trIal time, Guess Slime rellow haH got She ' was th e re, As nig ht drew neare r, box of Pullno wllb book 01 iDstru,," drun'k and broke up a elonce," her mind was taken more and morn Sutrered Three Year_Phyal'c l."" Old tlons and nulne tc~tlmonlnl!. 8 e b d No Good-;Perlcctly Woll After Soon the hig h omce r was In connec. with thla' fellr. and at la st silo Ilros". Ulling C'u tlcura Remedfol. JpourAnamOxlUldyaddl fOllII N onEa ·tl on With , Shumake Rid ge. bl'ldl ed a nd sadd led . h e r horse. 'unit and beals "W ell. this Is the sberlff. Wbat roIling, np an 011 cloth , galloped towllrtl mu cous "1 tako great pleasnre In Info rmlo g m ., DlIs II?" the gl'llve yard In th el18tsnce. , brano af)'OU that 1 was a Bulterer 01 eczema In Darkness found h er ' at the gra \'e, tcctions. such as n a.~al utarrh, pelvlo "Come \lowlI bere, Mr. Sh eriff, a cAlI>rr ll ADd lntlalnll\aUon caused oy feml· . a very bad form for the post three nino Itls; soro (:)'cs aoro throat &lid dead mllo's b en fOllnd . .H e, ulo'( been ' a nti It WUII ' protected from the sll:;ht years, I coneulted and treated with nooulb, by dlrcctlocnlltclIlmont Its cur· \lend long. ' hen )' OU gil h ere, como s(lrlnlde at rain by the oil c loth. IlUvd power o,er these tToubles Is ellra.. The rain sblrt el arOund to lhe soutb a number at pbyslclans 10 Chlcogo. but ordinary an4 rtves Immcdlnto relicf. to my house. This Is P rlt chn l'el Cui· Ilud the girl {lot Oil h r horEe oud to no avail. I commenced using \he ThOU5!ll1ds of w"men are usIng and' reopellfler talking, SU)', sc nd the co rone l'. ommendlDIl It enr:r. day. ro oonu at sla rt d town rds home. Wbll e pussln g CuUc ura Remedies, consisting ot Cut!· drul'gtst& orby malt. Remember, too." IT (lOSTS YOU NOTRL'IG TO TRY IT. a ca bin about two mll cs h \)m h!!r c Ufa Soap. Oi ntment an d 'Pill s. three By ~ e n 0' loci; thDl night Ihe sheriff, holtl Bbe notic ed a dunce WL a about month8 ngo. and to·d ny I am perrectly TUlD It. PAXTON 00•• Do.l.oa, lIlua. one ot hi s d putl B RIIiI th e co roner to begin, She Ball' the y oul,I : mon well, th e disease having left me en· were on th e rodd to 111lma lw Rid ge. chOOS in g th II' danc Ing lla rtllerB. She tl rely. 1 cannot recommend the Cull· ]ylng In the ror sonth west ca rll er of COLORADO ~~ '~'I~ogrft:~lt~'l~~ ',~~~n~o9,:~~ saw une of th e Cul lle Pllcr boys take cura Hemedles too highly to an yone the oOlln ty. Down ~h ero t he [leopl his cca t on II. box !II UIO coruar, \Vlt r. suIJerlng wi th the disease tbat I b ave . ~'~l~ ::'lJ~~I~~~~~ :~~~~~ ;~~ ~ ¥f''Otl UCt!- d uIILU·. wOI'f1 un educa ted. They II \'ed am ollg I. Ildd le In his hand , And \Vh n aho hil~, Mrs, Florenco El. Atwood. ] 8 We Men land "llIn ntn ' or Cu.Ua ~o return hi .. Intf' rrh t 00 tlle hne8 1Went; laud tbat wlU thems Ives. T hei r houses wore ot h al'd him tune It. he rod e ~ Io se r to CrIlly Place. Cbl~ago. m,. October Z, doulJlc 10 ,·"Iue 6OOn. ColorQ<io I, boomln". logs a nel rough lumbet·. locat tI on 11001' th ca bill., Burore the flrst piece blLd 1905. Witness : L. S, Berger." ~~\fnd'~: d~COW~l::rt80~ dU.~~f:tl~~e"l:r~ aoh. 1' l1e g rounil III s vera l tll nees III been comillet ed the glrl's face WIlS lurl·. LOca l and X.Hleru r·e.tereac ca J ~ dCMire.cS. p;".ident Castro'. Conceit. tbot com muni ty hnd \) 0011 soak 'el with whi te Dud h er hea rt UJumped hard. O. •1. J OIJNl roll . · t. K. MULFORD Punctured H I. Eloquence. Many stories have been told of hUlll ll n blooel. "or. l'anu 1JeoL Colora4p llldll .. 1Jeo,""eo'o. "SO helll ' mo Oawd! T I:Ilt·s h ie A II\w'rer In Johnstown. N. V .. while BICKS· 'rh e ,Bb r llt and his party tra\'eled II ddl e ! Thllt'o hla fldUle! 'Yond er It Cipriano Castro. presiden t ot Ve U<lluetoward the JUdge III a steady trot, and 18. Joe Ollipepper h as It! On. how la. and of hlB monume ntal coocelt, de r ndlng a IItlle boy wllto had beeo making n j ust ns tbe gray nC89 ot a new day ro nn y times hOI'e I hard Onas pluy During the Russo·JapllDese war lbo apprehe nll ed In Uie act Bliread 0 r the I{ent ucky hurs they thulllddl e and even tbat ssmo piece! " tll ll of Port Art\lur wal belDg ex· sur re ptltlous entrunee und er tbe fair of thl. paper " .. grounds fe oce. drew for the jury a pilltneel to ,him. CUIlES , approllch ed tllclr t1c8tlnll\lon. ']' be ot· The girl, afte r IIs tulling to tbe lie!!· "Pshaw!" he exclaimed. "With 500 most pathetic picture or tile, prlsoner's IIce rs s lllelled ment [rylng as th ey onel selection, hitch ed h er horse IIn~ Its c:olulIUllI should Insist upon ha~ ALL ACHES VenC2 ueians I could have tak en It 10 "poor old WIdowed motbe r wltb the ~~:! ~~e~~ ra/uslns all I u • passed the cabins . Ulld saw the Ilink. cre pt ,ull to the rear of the ca bi n. . Aad: Nervo ••ae_ tears st reamin g dOWD h e r {ace and tour days." 1tWlIoIIIol" au,....... rough·looklng mco go ing toward th e Joe Oulpepper sat the r!) a nd . as he "With a thousa nd. In one day; your he r gray hend bowed III sorroW at th e bOr\lll·lol" 1:0 f cd, " sawed oft th e mus ic and called for tho f~~J",~:f?~:.',t:~ Th e cu bln home of Pritch ard Cui· setS. the gll'l Illaced 11 l' face to a large excelle n~y." so ld the diplomatic r ep· tb ougbt of ber little boy being Incor· IJi flIl n l . t!:Ilev~D cerat41d." The youihful offender cut rea illative of a European power. ,peppe r was rounel. locat.eel 011 the sIde BC huul. til ono. CC>I· crock In th ll wall. wilhln ha lf a foot Castro was 80 pleasod at wha twos In lit this point with "PI~~aoe. si r. IIlr. Ana. Nonual . ., IJpaBtory s'n.I'::::IDa.~ l;,.~~ ~~~ ot a 1)1\1 behind a hLrgo wl\ lnut tree. ot his eo'r. Ilnd said In 0. roug h " olce: tDc:rC!!,. )lu.t~. I1t n~ AM &. Onutu r . I't" ,m'aCT. U. tI. Inteedeel to be sa.rC8sm tbat. It Is said. Lawyer. my mothor a ln't a whlow," )Jll1tt.rt il'e, 'aral men s topll In ~ U e ll ce In front Dep'L. 8 tuden ll lrOIU 81 ~lAt .. tn J;uC'c"uful "You killed Ooas Gray. That's hla tbe dlplomat .Bucceeded next rl ay In se· " Shut uP. darn you." suld Ih e law yer . 1""'" Cvu rae a LhorooJlh. v.xpe1JRl luw. CataJIJI(, vf4b la house. oth 1'8 leaned l1 galnst the fiddl e." OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY. • Ada. A. N. K.-E (1907-35) 2193. Tm trying this case, ,not you."-J, ' curleg satisfaction of a c laim tbat hi s [ nce, wblttllng, Til moan of a girl 'I'hen "Bhe rnn through the bushe s . governmeDt b ad heen ' v olDly pressleg Notes. ----------~--~--~--~ cam frum the house, mounted he r horse nUll rode Ilome In tor years. "Wbo IB the deaa ' man 1" the sberlff a lope, NEW HOMES IN THE WEST. askl'd''1'he Dluslc stoJ)ped wi th a Budden, An Inl1erlted Tendency. " \VY. hlts Ona8 Gray." Se nd for free cdpy of pllmphlet con· A Cleveland' socIety woman gave a ness that brought confusion to the "'\Vbe rc 's th e body ?" talnlng SYUOlls ls or the United States dallcers. Joe Oulpepp 1'. deathly lillie, party 10 nlD e frleud;! of bC) r young son, "HlL's up yomler In tbe woods, arose. pu t '· the tlddl In Its flow ered aged stx, To aeld to tho plea~ure or bomes tead la \\'$ aud Info.·Dlutlun how Baln't no on teched It.. My two boys "Bf;ST BY EVERJ TEST~ tbe ,oCclulion sile bod the Ices frnzeD to secure a qUinter Rection ot splendid has lie n gyal'dln' It all night to keep cloth cllll. nnd walk ed OUl the door. . In (be form of Il ben and ten cbtckebs. rarmlng or grazing In nd tree aloog the U.S.OOVT REPORT. Wh n aiJout to leave tbe ),orel lIe tbe haw,gs a.wny." ' . ye lled bnck: "10m sick. , boys. Can 'l Eaob c hild was allowed to select his new 1'II1\lvay lineN or the Chtcago &; Th h orses were fed nnd atter t~ o play no more. GOl to go." cblckoo os It was served. (,'Ina lly s he Nortb·Western Ry. In South Dakota. This engine is ready to officora had sWnllowe d a Clll1 of tb e coma to the 80n of a promleent poll· Wyoming Ilod otbe r StOt08. 8peol iul • run when you get it, fill it sloPI))" cotte III tho kitch en, they rol· excursion rotes to homeseekers. Full Tn three days the sh eriff came and tlclan. with gasoli'ne, t lirow on the lowed Culp pper .ull a pa m throu gb th o "Which cblcky will you hllve, Ber. tatormutlon on requcs t, to W. B. busheB. A crowd come along behind. tool' .Joe Cul l/epper to the county seat. switch, turn th~ wheel-that's all. I~nlsl( ern. Passenger l'r:1tl~c ManlOGer. 'I' he trlnl poss'ed and after the deatb tiEl?" sbe as ked. Up In tbe stunted woods on a ridge "If )'ou please. Mrs. R .• I tllink I'll C. & N, W, Ry,. ChicaGO, tb ey found th body. ' The tivo Culpep' sentence hnd been PrQnollnced on him, No pipe to connect, nothing Write us tell you about take tbo mamma beD." WIIS tile polite the. sheriff visited the jail, . Tile Motor Face. Jllier, sons sat. one at tbe head an d the to set up 'no foundation fo our liberal proposition that rep I)' .-Llpplncotrs . . "Joe. why did ' ),OU do that awtu) A fow daJs ago a well·:known per· other at the reet. eacb with n lonte rn, make, no experience required. will save vou money. sonage was motoring 10 DerbyshIre A g irl. whos ta ce showeU lIIarks of thl ng~" The Revised Pilim. '''] jest wnnted his ftddle and knowed when a policeman sto~ved blm. rt'latea It is the most practical en · 'vVe guarantee every Old's wceplng. follow d tho Officers. and Tbe father's peroratloD was superb. no other way to sit 1 1." , gine for the farmer, bec,a u se Engine to run properly. You . wben abe halt ' d ncar tbe body she .. 'Anrt deptlrtlnll'. leave beblod tb" L..ondon TaUler. "You'll bave to toile ott ·that musk," threw h er a rms around a ~maJ l tree it is always ready. compact, take no risk in buying it. you:" hn cOl)cluded •• : 'footprlDtl on said the oOiter. "Jt'a frlgbte Dlug evsry· 8J1d Crilld, and tho tenderness Df bel' PRECEPT ~ND PRACTICE. adjusted and can be moved 'Th ere is an a«ent near by to the sanda of-'" on'e ",hb seE'S It." ' . w'leplns tol" tlle ct9 wd thnt tbese But hllr!! tbe Ion rudel, Interrupt· anywhere. see that everything is all right. "Dut I'm not tVl!Rrlng, one." es· toli'1l ~ore coming s tralgbt from lIer Prof...or·. Illultration of Theory T".t ed. The price is right-the qualS end for catalog showing 3 plaln41d tho uofortuoate 'oftcoder. : henrt. The coroner ,examined the Mind I. Marveioul T"I/1g. "FootprInts?" he sneered. "V\'ho ity is the standard of the U. to' 50 h. p. engines and body. Two pistol shots had gone WaDta to lene footprints?" to Mottle,.. S. Government, who use it. our in~e~esting offer . through the breas~, 'J'here was no evl· . "The mind Is a · mar~elous thing." "Tben what would you lea~e. my BamIlMI unluJl, e.. ". boillo 011 CAII'!'ORIA. dence ot s uicide,' No vls tol w,o s found. sold Prot. Zocbarlah TerwliUnger to bo)'?" the old man Inquired, OLD8 GAS POWER CO. • ut. arl4 ,ore .~mrdl '0" 10lan1l1 aDl1 chlJdleo, ·Well." sPO~iI the sheriff•• go abead 1>.18 psycbology cla8s. according to the ..Trsck .... eeld the youth. hallghtlly . IUId. ..e Ibaa 1\ _ • ' " .Ia OtDoe-_ 81.• La.ft'ID~. Ilirb. now. Prichard. IIlid tell me all you New 'Y ork Sun. "Let liS consider," "Tra~ks of my 90·borse pO\ll'or racer. "IDD~POlla-tlJ 10.. ~.t IL Kaoau Cit,. , Mo.-11K VI. Et ... e1!tb IL 0eUa.-1ttI rana. It. De.,.Ibe - ~,,~ , know df t'hls case: ' , . went on 010 wortby sage. "the procoae ', to be IlIre, Am I a dog or a worklog· "\voll. " "borUr. Onns Gray la the el(pressed In tho. good old homely man tbat J should leaTe mero foot- Slpatntc ilf Ia VIC Fo~ 0 .., 110 Y..... man's name. He- has be n IImollgst us phraso. lmllklng up ono's mind: I am IIrlnts!" ~ .IUIt4 y"" H.... AIIw.,. Ooo,b&. about nine weeks. He ca me trom over on the t hreshold at an Important decl· Horrible Example. on Asb creek to lourn t he poople of sian. What 1 determine to. do may ' ''My dea~." .a.ld MfI!. Strongmlnd, "I Group of ·St. Mary'l Churchea. Shumake Rld go 'to pillY Uw fiddle and ha\-o a brrave bearing on my future. The re are In London 8 rouod dozen ling. He ' seemed a gpod. teller. and ~Irst I Ilonder oyer tho molter care· want you to accoDlllany me to the churches pemed after St. Mary. noar· was thought, 11 right -amort oJ by ever'· fully. I look at It In eve~y aspect. ex· town ball to·morl'ow evening," " Whlit forT" ,Queried tbe meek aDd Iy all ot them belonging to a IIlegle body. , Bero he had been he re a week omlnlng It sca,rchlngly In· all light. group closely paaked together. show· nlm and the g irl thero by the tree took from all ongles: By the Indeftnable Jowly other balf ot the combine, "I aw to lecture on tbe 'Dark Side leg tbat tbey ·011 (,Bme from the one IIIdng to ouo ·totbor. lind h llve b e ~n [ll'ocellses of reasonlug I arrive at a gaIn' , tpgether 011 tbe time. Sho Ih'e/! 'c ertain conclusion. But "thnt Is not of MarrIed IJlfe,''' explained Mra. S., great paris h of , Aldermary. "and I waot you to lilt OU tbe Illa t· ' over 'yoneler nCI'oss ~he fleld wltb h er all. . daddy. and" Onas went thore nil the "As a man of dlsoretlon. It behoo\'el form all!! pose as one. of the 1I,lustra. . me to sccuro counsol. 1 listen car& tlons." time. "Onas Gray had ' Bome h abits that fully to judgments. noUng zealous ly BAD DREAMS IOnietlmes U8 folks couldn't under· eaoh person's 'Indlvld uaJ bias. Then • tand. but hIt was Just because we I assort and cot'aloguo these outside Frequently Du. to Cotree Drinking• . , bil.d n·t be.en '111·01\114 hi li class of lleople opinions. befol'!), Last rilght ho got ,u'P. from the . "I ne;tl step asid e psychically and One of the ,common Iymptoml of supper ' ·table. tllel( his t1ddle and view Ule 'array. ' Having. as I modest· coffee pols oulng Is the bad dream I that walked up' tb~ path. , We ill'd ln know Iy, beg tp claim, a lliostic ' although spoil what should be restful 8leep. A whore be was gOln'. DS It' was a dltter· notably Individual mind. I am able milo who fouod the reason says: ent r,oute ' from the way to t he glrl's thus to pt'oject mysetr Into the person· "Formerly J Was ,ft alave to torree. I bOllst!. The last wo Heen ot hIm he nllUes of othe,rll. and view my own I~· was like Ii morpblno nend, could not was gohi' lrito these woods. presslons and 'my o~' n status as they IIleep at night. would roll an(1 toss tn "'Sometlme otte l' darl~ I heerd ,two might view them: This. young ,gentle- mY' l!ed and wben, ~ did flet to Bleep pistol s botli. ,nbout '8 second apllrt. Bnd men. Is an especially valuajlle elter· 'was dll.tul'bed by dreanl. and' bobgot>then: 1 heerd n noIse that so.u nded Ilko else, I urge ' you to cuillva~e ' the fac· lIns. would wake up willi headaches ' IIOmebody ninnln' oit tbrough tho UllY. , ,. and feel bad ' all day. so nerVous 1 wooda-haerd bresh breakln; and "Jo"nntly. I give. one last. sweeping could nqt attend to bU9lnes8. My writ. l~a'Ve8 r'tlttlln·., Me and the family , sunay to· ,the whole Bubject. ' Then ling looked IIko bIrd tracka, I had sour Today the great opportu.nities in ~arming, in cattle raising;', burrle d' u p ' here. anti Ouns 'vaS layln' deCided; my milld Is 'm ade , " p , Irre- beieblngs from tbe .toinacb. lodlge •. , lIere, dead. \jut stili warin,' We looked voclibly, No " 6tr~8s. no · thr:eats could lion. heartburn and J)lIlpitation of ' the . ,jl) tim ber and in commercial lines ,are in the country and (or. the ftddi e b,ut It WBs ,gone. ,I put atter thnt. deCision; nO,'.cajOlerYt 'no ' bea rt. constiPlltiOO. Ir'r eguhirity oi tlie in the towns along ~he Pacific Coast extensi'on, of ~4~ , my two boys here to gyan\ ' the' body. , urging, cOlllel mOdify It: \.1;;~r there Is , kidneys, etc. ,, and, wen; t o the 's tol'e dO\v';1' the. f<lad nbthln g so valuable as ,firmn ess. " Iedeed '.1 began 't o feel J had al i the a d telyplJonetl you," , "This !lIu st~a,~on' hl\8 been tak~ tro\!bles that Ifuman 11esh could suiter. A . p~int . Tn!) &lrl' knelt by the body and took from nct,IIIlI,lty , Lha ve come to an ul.. b'u t wben a frtend atl vised me to lea.e lIlianufadur.i: huud 8J.1d wept Ol'et; It .. mQantn\>,' and , dlfernb le .'d eclslon," '. ' , . ott coffeo"l telt as' If be bad' ins'uhed e r aiways ' from I~~ walls "cam 0 these words. all pll'efo'" to 'rho t ud n,t'ij ' departo(1 much . Im .. ille:' i could not bear the Idea. It bad tbe wlilre~ "Oll. he' a gon ! Be's gon'e prossed. rrh~ Tlro feaB~r. wlth ,, ~ glow such 11 hold on me . and '1 refused to ' ' k,~ep ~Cr<!t (orevet! ['II never soe blm anY more. ' or, seH,s;lUsfactIQn. 'Sough t h,l s ' home. ll!llieve It the enu,e. ' tbe{~cttb at [ don't Ite!!I' tp' Ilve ' lIdw '<lo use 'ho's Mrs. Te~'wll1inger IlIet him at the , ':But It,turned' out ,thnt no ad Vice Wal be b!l.l substituted _tblng else (or , CODal ,t . , ' . dofo r. " ,, " , e ver ,gIven Qt a more 'needed time for white lead In hil paint, but When the , The /Oh\lrlft nnd his mell splmt a 'day I t' is worth your while ~o hlVestigate these openings. T4isr 'Zllch~rlBh . , 'she ~~~, !javo ' )~~ I /loally, consented to try PqstuUl aDd lubstitutlon II disroverwd be (JcfimdJ nnfi ulgl t. looking for clo..\\'s, butJVf!nt .madQ up ~our J.lIItJ.d on, 'that matte.rl with Uie golo'g ot coltee aod tbe com. ibc: ,adultentlon al an i,!~''''nnnrI. can best be done by 11: personal, visit: Such a trip is made , t>ael~ to t'he cQunty , S n.t wltb none. ·'Ye's . my denl', 1 bave. th~~ghl.. It log', of Poahjm all my troubles haya There IS no myttelJl , !loon! good inexpensIve by the low rates via this railway to ,North ' The body of ,Gray Wll9 drosSed In It ov.~r, ttn~ ~~cld~d to say DO. gon and health ball returned, feat palnt. Send'fol' oW' handlOme booklet. lalt 'o f cheap sta r clothes and b'urIQd, , Reall~ f Daketa. South Dal{ota, Montana I Idaho ~nd Washington. Thore 'IV.?SI a tOll~ ~ ot nnd, sle,e p 'well now. ne rves steadied ,It will' t~1I you .~b1 our p,,,", White Iii a walr:lIIt. box 'ovor I,It Ced;lr Hn'!. Irtlny in the good ladJ B tone. . Well, down and I write a fnlr hand '(lis you Le~d (look 10. th~ ,Dulob Be,y Palnter If you are interested, v;;rite for ' information, asking spe· The ' girl was the chlet mou~nerl ' for I've thought Jt ove r. too. and I've de- cpn ,see). clln atleQd to bUllners agatn on tM kCl:) malt"" the ~t palnt, and cific questions. A letter and a desc~ip~ive b.ook and; map the poop man had no Irnown rellltlve clded ,YOIl mu~t. accept. , Jt would be n.ud r !lJolc!l tbat 1 am Iree from thl! "ill also gio:c you a numbe,r, of prac. will be sent by r.eturn mail.. ' , til :that section. ' , .. ll~nsen8e to- , , '. [[lI)elter co'a~'" . tiCl,I palnting hints, , , • ' Th, Itt-ong. pure 19"": of til's &ir! for .lirs. Terwllliliger II IlspMt WilD oru- '. Ten d~"8' trial of Postum In place 1'01 ,.,. bT ",.., . . . . . . . Ora; Willi I!vt.dent, In mMY, '111'110),8. Eaeb In~.n.. F •. A. MILLER coffea wUl brJq BOund, reBtful~ reda7 atter the burllU ahe strolled Ovo.r Very . ,veil, my , cJ6~r, InterJecteti mahlnl aleep. "There's a ReaaqD." N!~~N:;!I!!LEA~ , ~,,:;~O~~ .ENERAL PASSENGER AQEN? tile pa~ to ' ,Cedar ud there tIJo ~rllll8ot ~ulcJdy and meekly. "All Read "l'be Road W.uYUle:' In,pll... Cl'1:r:l1 C 0 .~ CHICAGO W01IJcl 11\ b.T tile !P'ave ulltil the BUD right: do Dol ,let UI b.Y;8 AllY worda. 801118 pbfall'lUI oaU " ... "WI ualUa ~~. ;5t1"liS' . .t AJlcl aU the ,time .be Of COIU'le, I.baD acceJ&: of co!lra ..•• ' 1JauIa," ' I


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Ptt· '\I·t"l(ll'l ' ll ,nt" l f1 lll u nnlh (I n' ~HI\


Family: Reunions Held Much Grain LolSt by Heavy Ral.

.1 "

~ '''''1 " I,' ''' tI" I'~ 1""1 11" "' 1<. With I ~I'" 1;11\, \I I .\ lr II \11 Mra 1 '1 hll ll .11)1111". , ( 'h""'II "'" "I· I . . )!11t'. ti " I ,\1.Mr . AlulI' P tlllill i ~'irl" o f Ilu.I' lon. w l .... I;. ('"lchrllt"d tb.· 1i1'~1 1II ,IlI \'( r,,"n' u f :\11'. itlUh'1 h",' 1I111rrilll{(o \II /I UOVl,11I1Hlll11t r (il-. ;,t ('hl('11 A~ ltll g lllunnM n lll'tllI Y In t w ('(Ok 11l1'1l,,'"t J )~ 'I'h n 0('.('11;1\" 11 WII" IIlsl1 t h"IlIlIlII'(\I' :l lr~ II II • IllIryofIlAt r \l t\1\,1l to, Anw ri r" 1 wltoll .1· .. • ,[,,"\' 111\ \ a ' •• It [' 10 :\1" ~ III [lIlHy 111' y"uLlK 1I" 1 ,,.~ WIth Jl:llIgll I' r J rail' ami whom @h toured Enropi In,;1 H\1 Itl . )\1 ,\1,'nl1:I\' l" Itr' I. i ,II l .,,1 molr. who IT r e h or gllf'!j I ~ ti t fllll c>l\ u, hl'l I~.\""I I .. " 111,11 'II !.l:lI :or Il, \11,1,,1: .\ III ',";; hllr~ III I• I ' 1 "I II ~."t l t~ . I ,I U,',\. I l' e I.J , tlOlertliillmont. Au Ilh"'llll"U /1IWI'i'I'IIIII'.ll" " ' " ,\, II,.. 1',,11 \.>,. \":" I 1 'i'\'1I1! arv.,u IIUJ. III Ittterut,()n WIll; • u ".,11 '1 h II' ,'". ~ II tlo, 1 .:. hllol di~·(!;>t.' her hu llll' !Ill 11'1. iu I lIing trip!; nnd rU IlIII' . .'11 ~,! ,i: ~lnl'l. \\·,'Y II ., ·, ill,' , , . lit lit· 1I11 ~ rO ,t in g iuoidonts I)f tlilit IlICIII,1 1'11 bh1 . nfl',1 'I I O lliv. < I';!, ~I,tlt" 1<.11),

I ,.Iu· •• wt! I ', \\' lU, ('( IT· ,t 1,':1 1'1 al. ""r PiL,l r. ;Ill!' \,'..1 "lll'llI!. cI h\' a larV" lIum10, " \ I'r'h'"cl" a llli r<tI:lt,,· : •. [: . ' H" lbn ci wi ll I,.. gTl' atl.l' I 1III( ' 1 lI IIS-, II .1 111 1 al l lOlIgu, s h l'






HI''' Ill, L,,' .. 1m >.t ,I l- ,·lI l<:' lI an .lll. !H· r t,.,·ltllI ... ~ WCrt' '1~11,".t11\' n'· I. ll ~ I 'uu k 1'\'11"11 I I11::11_ . up 1l'J.~I' :.lud ddt"/.(" >iI' lung .l~ >; l "<Jtl j.!11t \\a"l'l '(", 1 h~." 1 'l'lw h('d' W;I 1,,' ,1 tll rl'~ l i ll hl'IlII' o[ ~I,. I IIHI.I' ~ It r.,·II,l "1'" .It ' ., L'ar () l!loln h~ :lud l \1i.I\J\lI·,·IIII'!,'I\'lO ' \'Io,llh' call 1\1 ' (0; ,1\' ",~I \"':[',,·,.h" \ l\lIn I!. / \ ,a:,( !,!r.·al il .l \· . . . . I lli .L!I·. .. ,I 'I ~ltlt'r. MI-' (' .. l'I I;' ' 11 . rri.,,1 I, \ ItCl. 1,'.1 it ·il;;! ... I\, III V (' l'l ud '.r II ~.i:1I11'1. of )' I~ ; ,II. "j 'h ' " p.u,·nl" :1 Ohi o all d !'d· .rJotice to Contractors ~ t f,'" r ,.',··m·l; 'lI1 "ill'I' • tI, d 1;";1:' ,'.' y 1(. , \ ' I', 1\ til!' and Dealers lI'l e' ' ' ' " ril l [fill, I',.,." I", ',\11 Il th ' ---11 "'0)" lI'l" , I'Tl' fUl'UV'"III' " " () . [I ,)' ."" 1III 11lu'" "", 1,'.1 l, r .•\, ..;:I, wlll r",· dl ... lh~ Ih r [!J .j bl t.l WII . ,., I·rt',l·n 'II ' 1"1' 1' '' ',f \," '· II"~. "r \\'.1)'"",'11 11'. " It n . " •. ,'IUllf ul uu '11 nl' ,, 11'11, ,I"tO I'lltl :-..,h \ \'a~ "1' (\'. ii J:11l1.,)' (i f t ' U \lfltl'j.· t., M,'u\\n;r :-;\'IH1~1Ilh'·r\!. 111(1 : (or V " " 1 th e /.! r ll, 'm. \\111'0 [u ,' '~ l1a\ lila lr 'll1hlr'Il·. all :Ir~ 1 1,,,, "d>,, '" ' \.ljH ttl' 1'lrl, .. ,riH·~lr ll" Kl r.l:hl"'Ulll\l'·"4111:1~·UII . ott \ ~istert '11l1 ·f l I 1\~)~',\.11"', 011""'; 't,.'\\t'l' r'lIu.lln~ tl.-tllII :', {to l liL I. IIl ~I. l t. Rulwrl /I nil 1I 'llll"r 1.\ nmiuJ',( IIc·ted 'I' ,.• LI. ",101 ,.1, .• .;" 1.",1 .,h, "u ., '~IIItIl'"i1 1'\..:1'" II !,., r ihbnn ht',lrf'l's IIllII J nth lItI,l lI al·'·l'\- "bl1r~. l hi'" .. '~·. d., ""'JII'" III r,.u.,· 1111 0 " H l1"Il , ' !i l nlfuln'~ lIrl l..Olli,() ' \Il it h ~h .. wa~ Ill .ll·Il,·d 1,1\:, ',· IL i ' 1111.11,1." """""'1' 1· .... ·r..I1"". 'If< 1; , r \!i r hl ~1L~~ l!'loroIJ~" lalld , .Ii1I1 . ~l'I, l ",;~I. ,,",i " '.1 t i, ) III. 1'1 r, .. I' I ' , ~1I11 10','1 tOr" E ,I ~Lill " \'11 11 ,1. of OI .\, lnll uug" lh Proll1i." !tOilS -k "pIlii;!' in d ~ llnll liUlI',' I'" ~"" • hll "'-Ir. ,,' '''n •. ''..... M "amI r<' nl,' r d th ' f'(lc1ln too' . Jl :\lalll ~'tn~(:tt ,\' 111' 1' .1 th~r 11V~'\1 .. rtJI il~ld g-.l.!\~rt\·l"· I ·rf lj '~ ll'" ." \:d<of,,t M lI r h. T Ilt' fllmH ro,n:; fll111 (()f.'It,pl' I'pnt~ \\,!'r , hut, sl h'nt t..' k (l n~ ul for a fl' w WL'cks Oil i r Oo ' wlt C II ;11 r. I , r'" I'.. . . Ih . f h . t flU liI() \IlITI"l~or n,'111,'Ul. (l I til Il"o IIU, ('st Wlilbl' 0 II u:1 Il t,lIafltl " llrt;\)a~', 1 Ih .. 1II'l:Wltt . ·'rtn."''''~1I0. 11 '' """'""b"llI,I" lIt .. :"I" ~ r f fr~ :l(l~ . :.:IU ·t" w~rG I~:eilenl 1t01l1 ' ( in nll'lIl1lini ... hcll t: mli- <qll.r rO t " nr\·(\y s, nr~. l)t'ng 1\ 'J. . ~ \ ' I J I)J lI:ltH~ IHt" \1lH '11U l h1 I'''~r UII.1 n n rtou , rUlillo, Wilm l ugt-o u >lnll tlllll.) 1 1tC'\' IUlll\<',lIal~ . IlIo\'cd . . ' , I' J Bl ' .. '1' 1 . l.~' .,ltlr, ,1"\\11 ~,Ulh.:



()lItH SuO:er •. from Two Muoh Moisture,

•I • • • 111" lIIOII III I ' ~;ud, tl '11 \. Plqlip '!'t'LlIII


tl'1II .

t Ihe Momc of Frank Elbo., 1881 ck. Wheat lind


,1 !t1i1. h t!H

S h er wood RuunioJl j'h n rsd uy, un It Htmtll' illl\ltuk ~l\'(:,1 1 ol; lug tho bllllutiflll r.J mll ll Vnlll r . with It,!! til ~e lO!I OOrll pi \ll\l e~ al·t! :':1·l.llm hilltlitltl~ Itt till' PUilltill1 bOll}o of F rtlllk Ell un neur ,VU.Y II ~ v lll il. t h .Jr., j,fllthllrell ill tUll1i[ tl'Un\oll , tltu 'rwon(\' fl1 1111 Iy IIlId thel f1'i ml~ almONt two bundred 10 1111. 'l·b1.' un ." WU H Weul. 'rho UJOIJI b()r >l of til \ f Ulllil y tlIIILl tbey caw hriul>lng \Vil.o tl.1 In t.btl Bhtlrwo\'ld .. uppet,itfl, till; ~1'Utlt of whicll WIIS fu ll y prcw oll 1\ th e wol1 flll e(l dln nOl' t.llbll'H vi ii 'h. lifter we hull t I I I . U'I 0 11.. !ILl LUI rellllLllllog- mOre t.ItUll hnd UOll 0 nsuw U. IInel ~w t.ll u.o~ht. of Ibe llllliuu wit,) wi"h(l(l t.hnt h it" 1I0ok (\' llt! a tilile h)tl ~ !;o !hnt ho 1I\1,::ht onjoy 101l g-nrl.hcwu if<I(.I' flKl t. I'un .l oWII hi!' t itl'ntlt.. s, we " Icier Ulleil 011 I ll~t

Mrll , ,1. D 'leJll Pot xpe ts t o \ eli 9'0 t udny for 1\ vi~lt. w; til hoI' un· ly si!ltor In !Oolltnarn New Ml"xi r, For BIll" - It cotlnge o f four r oom and SUUlUler kit hon lIod good w('li ' wi "ht II tU ILt "'0 hllct . yet Ihe Uex· lIod olstern . Good 1 Ollti 0 o n rrhirll ' ul t t. f 1 '- 6..X pUll :Uon S O lllnOu~ 0 Olll' sLreet. Jo!}ulr of Wil li01ll (' hil(\hood thnt wo might. t Ile longet· or Mrs . Dean ' hnollilun . en lll, au I' l\I ell I . Miss Klllhryn Alexlinuer p Ilt!l '£1110 oO lltiuull hU!lI of cODve r~n few days IIi " \nciunati tile b gin ning Iw n find ringl ug Inug:btor durill!! of the w ek, ond wbile til ro uttollrl thu lIE• .\' incljCllt\lll thllt t he h or ed the wedding of It frle ncll1t de wontilll'll tite \vu j utl t uB VtLI'fl ioi l ~ Park Ilncilli:m vi"l tert tho grellt fl h IV roc t,lt" ot h ~ r gond t llingR of life Il~ ot BuITlIlo Bill fo r t bl) toothsome vin nd ~ of thEl Mr& . •loe EVllns has be n attend Inlile. ing Bapt.lst A latlon in Illdinnn Aft ( l' llio t Ul'llllll . x e roi~e of 10r 0 ",ellk past . IIn(\ xpoot 1-1 rllll tlillg t h e millllte!' n 11\1 tbo e loo QOrtle to . 'rroy, bio, this wee k . 0 11111 . f Uti. Ulr anti \vlf a? rt ,\'ol~ tlltt) ,t HUti It Ita:, L\'I..·11 h er 1I0 fU' '\" t ttf\ ltl '''n 'It t'I\I1· n'lf! hf,H!\, .lll at li o n (If o1l]rer-i for Ille oomlng yo"r , wb re sbe will b joined by Mr U · IB.tlydr OkltllUjll wllr!'unrl~ll' B Ik fro ll1 IIt"t ti ll \, u n lil lilt::' dil l' or '. ",,: I ulll I pliO. . - " Ii: It ns, IllltI toget her t.bey will 11 ttonu II')'hV\llll h tlr Jlpy COuple UPJlttr l chtn ll,l l lt(' r 111.'111h . n JIt' ri cI 01 lIlor,' Ilta n :,.'11 III' ,,0\<,,1,,'" " I I~~ 'w.·.·,,·\I, <I'11IU I' Mi ?s lllbel ,'her wood. \n 1\ win , •• , ,.h'''''~ SUIll UlUDoel·. r end long hOll1oroll\l the ASkooilltieD of he BRptlst slJ.oworA of rt . e In IL 0111, (\ l ' ·omte.JI se ('CIl (.-t W " \'c':H , ,,110(1 \\' I th he r , \, ··l1n,"11nl " h'.1 'II" I1n'l 'I"~ 111 ...1 Wl ·l! whit rl lJon IIlId 01 <1 Hbne,' \\ I I b tl r ' frol1lll\>stlnt momber of till! churoh. 'rtley will 1Jl[\ ko thoir hom /, I I ,kill It lite "lr1C' .. t IlIlIl I ' I 1 ".\"t ~- u, :'. Oil I',' 1 'I tv.1\' - .1lI ,. I'll U1 i1 y . nlHl t h O!l1l w re follow tI by o 16wll1'o, Ohio. w hore 111' . t;l nit li "i lle b I, r" '(' II liP· . ';~ ';:II ,."',,',, lI'~' II~I" t·, "J"'I "'~' " .. !!h 01l .' r iDgi ng s peeohes from 1I1em. Labor Day '1 0 Mr. 1111' :'t I ro;;. lJ ollun,1 tlll:n.:" ,,~ "." ':.· .. 1 I'II.I~ \)I1i: of thll fnmilynn~l vlijltor frOlD l"iI\t.ltntly fur til lIIini 11'1'.\'. rho rlt!lI t h 1) ( nn YllI llnlll•. Lu ck y " I C I tlr I t '0 ) 11' I "I 0 'e( h 'r '1'1 .,, ', - "'PI,""I ~I." ."· l' t 'h f II f It Mondil.Y was Labor DIlY, tbe dl1Y wh o h ll~ heon /L grOIl t su tfu)' [from II ~ ' I IV L.I; t; II f 18 /lO CO, u eso w 1'0 u 0 W • 116' apart and tledlCllt.e1l to 1111>01'. calle r on III f!l (t(l f tlr Ih lu"t threl' tlte' III Ullrtll'd the lu." 01 their --hum ur r e OlIUlSOllt.lO nnd sentiment Where t,h e labJr u1lIons Ill' :voor l!. co nr dill, lliH hUIllc in tIl' lir. t bur n ~al\ILt,' 1 Ho.... man . WhO / Public. ale. ~Q llltr Ulon it'u Iy blen(led thllt be. 'I U hi atrong tbe occa8ion, but in tho p I,n oeon .Uotll), . .... 0 WI\Sllno (1'1 .',1 10 l , ~,-, ,·t 11111 .. I '" thall ior W IYr re lIwnre. the long II d I v II wil) ~ ." ~ !maller towns and country HUle nll10 , 1'' -1 'Illy es, 1 '. II )1 I '!."w,! d!1 ,lYe' lit l"ubl 1 .1 ' knew him . b'110 ()fllI • rVJce w t"' e .l~ !ttc~1I 1I10'rt b . 0 III. T IIC 'Ir ' "JIIlIOW" (' re oreep ill g OILS t \vnroJ atten"on ie paid to it,. h e ld 00 ' \' 110 c1nv.-'1l11' Mn ~on lc ""coucl . 0 11 JI)~I ~I IL rsliall lil'cu to ~lll'I" IU \ on b t~ tll !~\1 ,t\\ ( l oj, lo ll w.. wero romioLi 1 that uootber MOlt people bere IIl·bored on n . 10 ' e in chll r g . . . 1.• '1 m l t· ~ we~ qt, !'IlI g \ '" .,; , j JY l.~ ll.y bud gone to join th cOllliorl thrill <t ill! hOllor hl1lt Sd l It.' t.'(t'1t r piltl! tOllld,. of Ihe PIIst Iloml we hnd been nlu ..1. The bank8 were olosed 011 day, the post office tran noted · 'Retu rned Home. uy all uprr~h t ~ Ut!l'111IJ · c a re r (I 1\ \ t'~ll ~E I)A Y, ,: 1'.1' l'E :\l H • It I' fr ' ;,hetl uud t-roogthe n d for the ---------nea rh' lwellt · tin: Venf, wilen . ' ne88 pllrt of .tho day Illltl the 1'urlll FnmkJio Pn cker , wlf IInc111ul1glt . lile "r'\ 'lt ,r tANI <I,·;.. C:" II III I JU uf b .'j r.:\ e~ , ~1t1 r n (l r d u tle ( l ife . he l UI) liuss 'cl to ~ ~ olt.rJ;ien had a hoJldl\.y. te l', Miss Mnflllllll, r c tnrn d to th6lr .)11 1111 ' uud j. '1;", II . icl .$ III n t ... Th OR present from 1\ ui!llianoe A nUlnber of visitors " nlostly b tNt l' I 1 Beyon d," ome 1\ e \V Ow n 81111ily van I~. u" Ill!", !OUL.t.\ UII1\ \\,1 11 'qUI ' t ('d IYfII'e: 8uI'r r ' herwood, Plttllburg, former ' reaidentEi \vere her J from uuday nlt)rn ill~ ~fter' 11 Illel\snn~ TI' h e lI e'a tlt'o f thl SVII ill hI.. 2& l'1,UU; Fruuk\in .l:'U ker, wlfo and three week!!' fisit IIllI ong tboir 01<1 [Hime or IIl!:iluUl1hood was a ...·f,!llL/ , ! other points. neighbors lind nll111 erOOB frlend~ '" dll.ughl ol'!'. [row PhiJlldelphln; Miss in this vioini ty. t~1 s M r ga l' ttn amiclio H, ulIl :il wa' 'unr ue, wi lli 'otic (';~(h J efl'or y, WII!!hlngton D . U. ; '' 'l'hus it i~ our lett Tbur.tIIIY · gra ce autl pallc n-:,' . ! 'fh Ir r 11'. ' I t it~LJ wll: l-)olct 1\ I Mr . nn d Mr"l. 'Rn ell ,Jofl'ry l\I1d Mtlri nn n lL hltl' he n 1\ l'tuilellt I Ultll"hter from [)rillnfiAld, lllinois ; Children Leave us." at Miss tbe Bo ton ~ohoo l Il f O.lIDlIlt, ti c!! Si:;t ul H olland \l illie, witli th e I I' Cl .'1111 ',(,1,11 I ~ ( f 10 ()Ql<l ,~r [ < ' . " ., a.ntI wiIJ oompl le h r oou r!.'u Ihere W"Y "t: ~v l lIe:'<l tholli t El'i-cop:il , A. DI t:T . :(, ~))b' r l:!rb . All ure Mr:l. Ollie Ltlckey lind dnughter At thllllleallon of the yeur" num· the comiog yell r lUlU lifter lhf\ t x · t rom Inllinnn , Mi~s Ohl Jeff ry nnd Cl n:r .:h ill lh' e,lr ,.16 lIlH 'r ,lu l'ilt:l1 . ber of tbe yonnger gene ra.tlon of peots to beco lll e li teucher of phy"j s'Bter. b: I linn Obio, Mrs . F, B the l)t(s t o ra f~ of l~ "'" \0\ Ill. It· ' F ,' t l niu r ~I'()\' I 1 the community leave t h e town for 011 ou tnro. Un rri!! II ntl tl t U 'hter , W est ~Ihon. tQe various sobools ond oolleges pi MI II Mnrgllrottlt is n tt ~utI lo g 1.h e l Oll, and h,, 5 uce ll 0111. of it mO'it Ohi o. pi'o f. '''" 'e ooe .Sf\l'ris I1nd Univorsity of P eu n .~lvulliu 11lIel i ~ fU ILltr tI au d I,u llor d IUl' \I1h c l ::- l .1 o. i31 Events , .the country. ,and durIn g tbe next Illso I1s!lIRt.fiUt in!\truoto \' in Bio logy Ivifa. Wilmiogtoo. Obio;, PrOf. few week8 there will be a genera l at George 'ch 01. 'f uitl SUll llU!:!' the ,ti l11 e 11 ! hcr c1 C:ltll. U ·iug lIlt. \ roo Nlil ():;:l111j ~l llf o U 11e LfI ~ I" RubIns on ; wife ~nd daugbter migration. she hill! b on t \l forim. II. QOUP e of chu r ' ilu ' ul(lc I u l c lll l>~r. had" .• ,.!' .11 L\ II ' lit el' 00 'fue ' uI' Y the fr UOl MOllD1911th . Oregon. Earl Mula Anna. Merllditb tlnd MISS J apanese student-d. ' a <.:t) lllill" "d n:relll I\'rllhip fOI 1lI9r..-' I. !l ',: , \l~ "U '~t~. thu hl !~ s". 1I.I ', rJII- ' herwood, wife and son . I\nd Mr. Helen Oglesbee wi~1 uttond· th all SC I'CJl t . F i rs.. J;' r lIlatl) l o,l \.lIlU :\ ,Irgll l'ettil .Pflok el·. UurQl y ll Ilnd Mrtl. Albert i:imlth nnu son. of Oont,tge, Mlis ~telle. Lemmon will Sunday School Rally. Jellr~ Ihe prll}'e, I 'e liu g 1)'1 III "l llId t:: J ItIl I,POl' I"" lin n li nd WI:} Duyton, David H , GI~rtI nnd wl(e return to Granville. Of the YOUllg A grnnd rl,lI y of all tlr " ~n\1daJ SOCi l; l } lVen~ It~,\,. i I her hOUl e ; l.t trpd .to rul lt1l, l~l1t h \V o l het. nnd J.ohn B. G"rd , of Monrovlll, men, Boward Trout go to Adll Schools of \ nyne t,ow\1shl p willl! ,t!." , lh e cia s . tU cl lll g~, and ollc .11 L., udln 'om eli : ~I ILl' hll U ·N oull. OI11iforni(Lj W . H . lillrd, l:<llng Univertllt.y, Fred <.:aakey tp t·be held at the M . Jt,. 'hnroj" in \ Vn ., ,•• , , I '[ (') I "'II Bonch, <':uliforn la ', Mrs. BI''ndbury, til' I·S.J. IS. ~ l hc)..lilrterJ _v · . ) . )[e r ~ Ie' o! the JI.uHu . l .l llU lin "r,. 9b10 State Untver8l~y. Will lind nesvllle, nuc l,:\,. HI' ptPll lto!lT Ih . of Englund I1nd Mrs. 13ert Hnrvey, WalterMoKaytoBerelt. CoJ jege. beginning flt. 2o'·:lr e k . •0\1\ '~1l c1>l9 C1TCUlt was I lt~ld ill h (: r hUln " - - - . --~-'-Ir~. EI II Mlolt.'!.'·r '~'ILl!l'''liln (ld on MOllOI:'.' Iu(lInn,' MilllJeB . Kathryn and 'Rosuruond 80hdoo-l ' II w' ol'l, r 1 ill Ihe '.!.'uy,'n bip I It I 1I n~1! 'l~~ Iy Il a ~ t IIe 0 ",,1I11rle l' I r ~_ _ _- _ _ 001' III. Y Il \ Yl t ('( Mom fly to" ' ,llulp l noo\l dill 11 6 1', .Dakin wlll leave for their h ome at Mt!. tillg lo r "D hl I ell . 11.1 WOIIIl!n t il" Graham Reunion 1 MI ssour, I Ttl UI'S d uy lin d ~....... ,. :,,~ I, .· . 1·Lr f.llllltl /lLitl M.ltr"". B ADn 1..... ..,.., b,- l ite bCOrl! [ r Ill ' a d i- lul1 e III '" fb i ' b ' 1'~' lra <>c .. r. 1.·lI r ol t ll II flU J<Jdit,h Lnrge 0 el1rt, urgo III nnm ers, l4il!lle8 Dorotby and K&tbryn attend Foreat Glen Seminary at bc l:!l.' J I'llI illC'd o· I, \1 dlly~ or 1M ,'1h r II llli Ktllhl'Yu LJukiu tbe rennions of the Gra htl.r n fllmily WilMington D. 0. 111\1 I. Ihr 110111" was 1'1!1I ll' nll; Ill' always events that stunll ont Mls8e& Leab Smith, Ohrlsti ne nnd h'H h"~!) llahl y I( 11 .\\' \10 bOil l' '01. II i '" K:.t tLry n untl R O!lfl lll(, U!l frow yea.r to year ns one ,o f tbe most Ann Kelley and upon Winifred have e.llllntered the .Meredith l!tudy ot . \ ;l '1 ,\ 'w~ ' " II. a IL W(·!t.:o ~lle iWll [)I' k'11\ I'n l (0)' t ,1\' n,' d vtlry (i 11 I'Ig I1t f n II y' h"p"y eventu in the lives of tholle . "ISS S m1' th lin d t ra Ined · nursing. ... t it ·t t: ~,-,. t i Il'~ "he ll as Ill llily \'I·c1 rt,'~(111 .v ovenlngll ~.llI fllJ OOUlI·lIt . who lire prlvl! .. ge(] t o H.ttellu. a nd Mis. Ann Kelley a·re at tIle Ohiljl. ny of fr o'nel.. in COm llliw&nt t o t ho the tenth nnnuni r eunion of this ren'l Hospital a~Mt. Auburn.Oip . The Day ight lore, "ltlll'ly Ilr lbir!Y-Ji l'c pt;r Oll~ ;\It!\~f'~ Pudkp \', of l ., '" '1\ )\t:J) P 1111 fa'mily whiob .wus hcld_l1,t ,tho bom" · ' t Ot . , I l' . I 'j I. , Mi 8S Ob r III t,Ine a lrlst ....... ' ' \\'. 'rt' "P lw,' r I. :". I£. II ~ IO'U! I\v l vlI'Ilill. . of ' Frnnk Elbon lI?nr We.yneeviJle abepltal in the 8Itme oity, R,nd Miss ..... The. ,Clcuner:t a.~ld . Ht'st c t 1\ d ,; 1' . ,1'. Ia rg'~ l ; ( I" 'Ll i l~ 1'I1t!t1 i __ __._"..!:.__ . ____ .,.___ _ t\nt1ll:du,y , August 31, wus one of t he Meredith at the M . i01D1 Vnlley Bos· EqUlPP.·1l Storc HI , O\~ ll. • '. , ~ ............ .. AfIIl ... . ..... ~ .' ll.IosteDjOYlluleuV\lrheld . pitaJ ,. DII.Yt9n'. ' Comc ln ulld sce .. My ex- . ti ll! p rca.· IH I' \\'d' ; wa}' {rO IlI hl!l _.......... " perienccenable me i ~ pur. I hul lI l,! tll uc h cti t lteLil;tlc , Il ·~ .dw a)'s Illcludiug l.ho Invited g npst8 The August Weather ' chain: the ve ry bent gouds iU lIlld w l 'O lll{' at hel' hOUle, anc! abont two huntlred pertlons were



. .

I"r .


I .'





Uharles·E. Michener snbmit~ ·~be followlug report of the welltb e rfur t' th e mon th 0 f 'A ugue: Thema.ximom tempei'nt,urecluring the month CAUl6 on the 12th whf'1i the th.e pmometer ' reglBttlr~" 8""e • "" u" gree8. ,'l'he ,ooluestwoath er of the IllJl1t.h oame on tbe 3rd when tbe t.empera · . tu're d:opped to ,Ill. degrees. 'J'he ruinfall WI1.B con,ide.r nbl.v In exoes8 of that 'of tbe averuge All gilllt, 4,84 m ohes of .rllin fallin g. Thenverngerlunfallmll62inob e .






obtain nblc:

EXTRA " p .'.e rA!. per doz. I 45 on y . .e Si n!' tin can , pcr doz. <tOe For S:1 tul' c1ny's lllllrk t we wiI , h nv .' ! nsfm

uror t Jar.


fo r nH.w J 'C':lrs lt er .l1 ulll ' WIlS tlte!r hOlll c 'or It .. r p flsta r. .\ Iall)' 0 I I [lreac I.. ~;r· ; (/1. .uellOI " I I'ISIIl, l 1it:: a r}' who all ol'warel U'~': lllln: ral1loll ~


lor lheir < bil lty al,l vrcaclung IJo lrcl'1 wert:: 'lIL~ rlil il ~l" by h I', ' he lill~ 'held , a la.rg.u {,lace ill


;'''' ''' ; 1 ~ultlllol:l llnd

L11 t'1 r

11 11 1111 . I'


ytiu 1' • •

This 1I1 •••V IlItI'l' lIdly hn ' l1ooount. cl fol' lIy I ., . 11I01·,It,,.I · Itt III~ 1I111J1'1>er of h!lnlt'. I" II", '·"IIIl II·Y lI ud by tht! tll ·t thu l ;' ~ ' Ill " I, ilp. II'Y Ul\ij up nnd fr.rtn 4 ... · 1111,," ' · I\ '~lI l.\· OI!ILI\llltod thero !tlH" I " , ~I I\I''' II lUI wuodfund in wbloh 81,) h 1I1t1 .· l'lln ILL Itlrl!e . .N owclnys It r ~ l' ''' 11 v.· tlll'guly lin IHtifl 1t11.1l1t · itl , I'llth :M 1\ lit tl]WIlYII ' woll Tonti I ,I .'d IIIIlI liN th refure 16::19 hurtl:v 1I1t1 / 111111'" " I! .,:. ptli\iltl to tl isllulle th 'II ' II I hoy 1••11 I· IllrKe. As LID i fl"I "I . I~· li t II ,, · ,,,orIJlOu!:! lot! to ; ".\',W I'., I/.y I,hll tI , .d .h of Mt, ok (Ill ' b"" 'Ialy to IJIlI,11 111 \' Willi· ohl:! of 1110 I:J, I \'"ys lJul'l( f'·,·, Ii tl\'.er '0. w hloJ h ,: "lit J ""1.11 J.'! .. " t,l) ",n every J.,)' In 1/1" \1· ••t1k, . " " I1 IU'!!!! m~kiu~ II \,er.11 tl'il';; lilt' , . 1U!<lb


n eighbol'h od. .Jllson .1:'. ~hfJo.bllll of (,llt' ll Pluee, WtlS 0 unfortnllllLel1t1~olo~Ofl hpI'PlIl I1nd "Jnnle within I~ month'" t untf, ... • nnd 11180 hllli II line colt illjuretl Oil 11 disc buuow, 1l1JC Il~ tIl IIlune tiQJe, Joseph 80ru1oIl. t he IIi! !lIlln blis boen Illlr Mou lttrl." IIn fo rtnul\tely' of .J lute bll.vln'" IOHt (HIe tit hi Un ... h ol'~ S 11IIel h,L\'ill g nnoLh r q\ill siok.


~ , ,


. '.


present. Tbe ~ooil! l (Illl.,ture, the getting to


N"~' car salt ... "

will not grt

gOIJIAr. the meetings ILnd greeti nA8 . of frientls I1IlU rolutivtls, is uf oonrse 1\1 \\', U)~II tho, prl1!0ipiLi ]Jart of these .1 II rnootingll ILpu tiS .. ne WUH , no ex., ct.iption :. ,"

$' $.

T h\! ILnUrtll,1 CO llll ty UU1I 9&Dtloil 'of the \V IUlILlI .; Uh rilltiun 'l'tlmllilr . It.(I~O U uion of WII rrllil Coun ty will be held at t:lprlnl!b.,ro, Thursday, t:leptomber 12. 1901. 'L'bo Speakt!1: fo r the evon lng 8e881011 , ('l'hurlltlu y even tng) w.111 be Mr8, Mtullltttl A. V . ISmlth, of Colunlbna, tuto ::luper! n tp,lldelJt of Sclmitltio 'rem per. IUlce Instruction. No admlsilioll WIll be ohurged but on offering , will be tllken tor tbe bonofit onue Uouu. ty work. Mrs. Bmit!> will speak: I1lso ut BllrveY/3burg ~n t he follow . Ing o venlng, Frltlny, 8.Jl)lorubel- 13, 11107. . M l!SilU. Conover, Prell, . Emma Lukens. I:!eo.

Third Street Property Sold.

Pbll'IP B op 1..' .. 1118 h Oil 80 I'd thb rea I. tIerllle or. Third Rtroot; M .1 M B ::z ooou,pied F hy r . !I Ou rs . Loll or.on to ranle Ilh e rwood of t,ho SI>ribg Bill nelgbhood for", oonslderntl!.l n ,<lr $1750. Mr,' ,a.nd Mrs, S lIerwood .. wlll OOOl1\lY t bo l1roperty hi Il shun tl" me:


-----LINtI:'S----__ ... ,. ---,-.



'l'bo . 'li~oor I t! rmother ' very 'lin • . porto lit fellturo linU IInyono who Dail)' Exe~rliion8t9 Norfolk. ' I t> d d th I f 'tllr Tin Cnn!l _ titlc II doz. lit!! ever II ~on e I~ gil er lIg 0 . V~, Tour ,Of E8atWith .S~op­ G!ll\hODIR know!:! wh MJl; tuble they OVer8 'at ' I' 'd'" V ine'l1r ur~ I .. r~ . ~et. · '..?h eJ;e Wll everything to. , ent' Pittsburg N~w York Fresh g~ound spIces thllt · coultl be doslred J~lIlf then 'Harrisburg ' Boston . Quart jar pickle 15c. !!ome 08 a na AutJinsi!l!ltio visitor pot Bnl~imor.e Ph'l1adel,Iii~· Paney Indiana Wn l~rmclolls it. .:: Rlch~ond ', Sweet s picy Nut Meg. Charle A . Graham ' WIlS elected . Washington and other ,pc),iiits : : New sweet Illltatoes Pres\(Jent for the ensuing yeur, Jon- . . nthull , Gn~bl\m, V . Pres. u,ud J. ~t . Go one Route-Return· Anoth«ll' F ull CrCll?1 Cheese ,'. Elt.rnblirt, r::Iec.r eto,ry ; ~'t'I1nk, IDJl].,OD, Frcl:lh Crackers J."f~ Grl~h!l1tl; Henry Gra'b am, ana. ,. NORT,H,WEST~ . ' d 6ert ~tllCY wtlro elected member8 . .' SOUTHWEST . Hrlllg us Yf,ur 'HuUer an . .. .. ' of t]le Ex:eounve comlttee . ' E"'gs we 'I)uy 20c for Eggs. ' 'l'he ' [bllowin g "foorJ,me ,wnli rell ' S'p~ial Redu~4!d F~~~i, .... . . A l' . ' y , ... • dered: . . , Sunday~E StlUr8lon .to ()lndnShe hatl 0111 I\" ou ' he'r gcnera.Muslo, Olitrtl tlUd t:lt!1nley .!!larn. IUltl, $.90 roun~ . trip, '.traln .. I tiuII alld wa S reiul y anti i ngo ~ hurt, !:lUllil, Mrll Po!=o Ilewl8( 'MU8.iC, . leaves Waynesvj tlel 8, of ' , . . . J ~ Mi"~ Nettitl1!Jarnhart antI ·Ml1I8 ~rtll oCOlllllig oel bttrlOl to,' tlJa:Elbon .Mfl8!!rtlFl:udElbon'HIlI'I'Y · atS.28A. ·M . 'luk e h t! r ~pirit Ij(Hu(~, aud lI0W l ' uh(ll'~ro' ~t. Eunhlirt. Parijc,w an call on' H, ~ that she \) :1)\ l!01l rro HI Ils we Ca,n . I), C' l.R 'JJl . Adure(l!<, W. B:. GartI. . . bu l Sa)" "'l'lt e Lord ga VI! and til ~ . . ~ Reclt llt llln~ wor~ made by EIther BOO'l1HH, Tlek~ ·. \Ieat.· . '. : Lo rd ha s tllkeu awaY I. ble sed Graham, 8ernard Beal, Eline. [lenoe II . I tl ' tJ >t .. w . . ... ..... Geneva Rogers. MAUd 1{8IIrnf/ and 1 lJilllI 0 Ie "or. () 'L ee EIUJ1bart •

$ $' $ Iter J K'Itbon $ $W U · .

Au~tin wall t"ken completolY by Bring us your l>roducc w. are paying 20c f(,r Egg. lIorprll18, but quiokly rooovered, l1)ld with ber brother Mr. U. ~1. Austin and her parents en tertained the ' Bunts In a most chltrming mllnner. !) . Musio, games Ilnd 80cin.1 ioter· 00\11'116 made the evening pass li\1 too 1IOf;iD. ~ ~ Refreshments of ice' oreum tlUd . . . oakew.ereserved. ""'~......


just received I . hatl.




Fan cy J\ lbeT[a Pt'a cJw thi s ( III III II for ' man" cars• Rock y Ford lInblop c' ,' he wa~ it l1 l!I" hhor uf .. l li t! ulll '" Al>plcs tYI,e. ever rllady Lt, hal p til visit Balla na s lllld care In r th e icl"a u d itll will.' ablmge we l'l! ill (li Slr Cb . h e Wa~ g'oorl Birthday' Surprise Home li ro\\"n lomlltoclI mllcll ' 0 . to lIl ' po r. <Iu d g"HV ' , , a Delightful Affair' New 'wc et Potatoes th e ir reJi\! 1. . Home grow n otii(H1!1 . A n~mber of. the friends of 'Miss Good Cl)unlry Hntter 20c lb. A lO ll /{ lI lI d noble II f(Don't fOI'lIct us when in ...lIt. c1 0s d. H l!r fal l hi' lI lil >~ Lo Oelestle. AU8~in gll~htlred at ~ or bome MondlloY evenmg to remlDU ' . . . c hurch 1\ ' r ' arll for lli e Shlk l"It! her that In spite of Its being ' the . . necd uf Shoc', LadiC) lIt1d . ' , first dllY of sobool with the do nll~ ' .lIJl"'" Gcnt&, Overalls, Jackets, h Br Jove lor he r I (' !IO WS . lS som e· quen.t burry and .e ffort.. h~ should Shirts, U RlI~r\\'eur, ':t1icnes lhlll g 10 at! rClH c miJ r~d <Llld ulso remember It Wlill her blrtbdllY . . and Notion s, c h llrl:l hcll 1)\' till whO leu w /Ier. . Wben the I1rrived. Mitis "

$ $ $

I., .

un VfltUl'IlI lil'j BI1I'gOUU>\ Ll I" I'I' ,, 1·i .illlI· t,o llo Illora d Utlths 11m",,\.: II" " ' f' ~ I,hlll! In ftlr· In flplttl m ol' 11!4lng

County Convention



Among Horses




Many Deaths



will..... $ KILS N'


'lIanll y Bunn 11 brought Ii h rse to town F r luny. to btl IIhod n.nrlluul jllllt (IrivolJ . up t o Ra l"h :\tillf\ r '" bhlclll\rnllh IIh op when the aullllnl drupped duu(\.



Th e hOKv y rulnl! wltit It hU'!fl fallilll in I.b .. ,r\oliJityo r WUYIIOI:IVlllfl for I!llvsrI,1 wo kt! 11I1Rt 1111 va prov II II l(rellt inoou v n iuIJotl 11I,,'1 coiUil 6 1' trblo l il~l:\ tho rllrl) ~t\ r" lIt this set·t.llIlI . r l.i'llrvctlt WO\' k hllli' bu.,n g rOl.I,I.V illtorl'or ecl wi t h unIt whellt 1I11t! on t" th rOl!hin/.! Itll~ ha n t1 Il1yo.1 \,1) 1\ cunsluo l'IIllJe oxtent. til WUIlY i ll . s tll1l0ClS un t S 1111 " a tll,rou t (l in tile t! h OOBS itnu iII une I'''/\S I\. flirlUor I . po rt~ HlIl t tho 'lOlltl llllllU 1'I~ll.ItI mnde til!! whent HOllr 'ely wur t ll threshing. In !!pit.e of theHe (lia ()tlrlijAeUlell ll! the orop oontIl l.luUM II ~ a wloulf:! Itl'6 onoon rugi Ilil'.


... . ,


$ $I $






Z.Immerman', I$





. i

........ a. ..... . . ' ...




E7? '

FIb"l.'Y SEVEN'l'lf


Rifle Shot

Ends Hermit' Life.


O\ [{ .

t~t tb II.Duuul moe.illij \n '. luue, 1:107, 1 PqRSONAL A~D to fo rr>lull1l e I'ultls for tbo I1Ccep tuuoa I LOCAL ITEMS uuu dIsposition uf dunilti)Us II.n(1-lJ<1



I hi homo (or u bri f II

, ti " e~ I~nd friends.

visit wilh reltt..

Mr un~""'HBBo tl left. . 0 1 Dr gllisoll blLS II " Ill ' 11;;1 .'" sign .Inke f:l llokins(}h1eil), now of' 'fo., Atlantio td keu on .on hi h a n n. hut, we are r,' nto, f rn.l I'riy .)f tb o lI uburbs, h. Tragic End of Lifeot Waller Pugh. I; \' h pr a~lUt IllIti nn"'t> Mr , (>rovisions for the PerpetullI jCIt.y. flncl ,other !Ioint of intol'f.Ht. Inforlllcd it \\,111 tl non ('om e !lowu. bei/lg old li gMfu ll.l" I;lntflrtltln '1\ ut, Body not DiSCQver,e d 'Until . Huel ! 11"" ll,·. t:lo well C (Lot Bclforo retnrniug thoy will visit una some OtbCI' un( ortllullhl oan tbo ho pir·uble homo of .l do Ole[)pu MDnday Evening. ~rc 0 s wi th irs- Boo-11 's slRt,er In N~~v h llVO t he uso of Fa me d U~' ing " >!ioge t enchlmer, 1111,1 renewing ' !I'lll:! \l. Eilil £Il"llIill , of I;ilJ.1cm , N ew u . old aO. Y o de , I,; II '~ue"t "f hel' bl·uth tlr. Mr. t,r~~~t: ;;:~: ·~~~~~~~:(.i:i~f (?e~li:t~;; York Ci 't:y . 'l'IJey xpeot ' to be Itk eu Ullto w hat rhe Doot, I' n'ud qnu.lntnn()os ',t hose \9110 Il l'e left ,' l\t< I,ytn~ on tLJe flo. l' In t ~n I1I .. t "ir~ W"~l'lIlI B!~I·uel·t. lo ts Ili ltll ri tlllllfl o f the flS.qociuliOO gall IIbOllb tbrtJ[ wOffl(i'!. fllOl'lly h lLv ll oxperiellcru , leust). I hu t! been for ty yellrN r"o~n (If hi ~ hOIll, , ,.t) tl l1 l UJlII(~ ' ·, ol' Da'utolJ, WUI! Aom s of IUoney , in 110 cose IOMS rlltl~ Mr. Vbrules Ittly uold ~s r ecovor . li nd s'lUoe ·1!I"" e ItJ ft to I11lh.e ". his f or t"u n.' 8 0'1 rs. Auc1I' o L.;u" OJ. " " Tobacoo j in ti ' Hl s hnpo so ffif. Hllr,lllgbnrl pllw, t,h l-l bod .v W,dler II g uebt of Millil Anntl. 'l'hl,lmSOOl IURL $100.00, lind will invest the !'; IlOle u 1iug fllter 11~ sBriou!! IIlnesa. tl·,n. yo'r \. II" Y coru k nl' fe I'R dOI'ug IlDtler otb er f;l ki A His et}\orts bllVII b r-rpilJ provided . and 1.IJ,lply t he Ill. , . . . " u Pugh WII~ I'm\Ur1 ~nl1 (lflY. eVAllinr.:, cOlli e lIeI'll tllldly for the Cnre of ' lUr~ . N . MoKlutley WIlS vlSlllOg In omu eut work in tIlllD . He lds g'lrner. bAfm orowned with lu,oreJs. A gUll lIiIol. wOllurl t hrough .. he' week . Mrtf. LeWIS Kirby or Rhl~evlIIB is I:!III.U IClt,~ illcludiu'g monument nnd ' LellH oon : 'uturdIlY , ing T.b e weell fol' futuro COw fort to ' Time IIl1d I'pllca forbid fnrth er h ",) (\ 101(1 the. t."I'Y tlf th G trllgAd.I'. Ulllking Il 1J1'otmcted vh<it. with rlJl , IIll1rk M!!. : ' Mrt!. BlmulI ll Willtamson 111lS bean the UlIII1 who chuws n nd t he womrm rooo rd of other en tertllio el's I\nd Tbo yntlll\! nlnn '~ ruther • .' e~"e ()tllll ) All moneys so gl en 01' Do 11ll1dr.r the dootor'!! t,hi;, week wbo SW llbs nnd sl l'" tbe uelightful entert.niooo . !:lnffioo It,. tboro I\~e in 'nqrtbtlrll IlJdiuDa. Pllgh, die.l lthont, Mix weeks ago. tltlves Mr . "nd ' Mrg , Robtut Crew ure queat,h, d, shull oolleotively ue kept , . . . f tl d . f h' h , , by tho Trusl,ees DS a 8BI'u,mte Trul!t M.I ~!! Lllho l"eur y IS Itl:Uelit of hel' ooetur from tbt1 .. fllthy weed ." mlLn~' 0 ' IIj lll I!o notIce 0 w 10 Fllther aDtlsonhl1d hved prnotloully il ilerwlt Iltn for y.,eilrs; soldom Ii,'lng spenulog this week With relatll1es F'und , lind the Sflme iu\'ested and nephow , .Too McKlllsey, noll family' "l'wlI8 the de vi l Howed the seed " will uppotlr in sOlUe other Issue. kept illvelOt.,d in !lueh lutereJ:!t bOil,\" 1 1t~ Morrow. (We M n oot vo ucll fOr the origl~.) Now wltb goo'd will to ,,11 reader!! out ..Dd ll~sooi lLting very little wi tb nt I:lou th Cllllrlet<t.on . Miss K .. tle Prenderga st Is s pend. InR aeouritlel! uS are uuthorized by . . . Mr . Bert Bllrve" l'eturned to her antI Avery one be,lde. lind hoping 109 this week \\it,b Ulnoinnati tbe luwlI of t,he SUite of Ohio for the Mr , ~I~ hum edry, ,)f H a r v e l ' s . , b Ilnyone. ~nve!ltmeot. uf 'l'rust FUUdS and tho burg. vlsllted his nieces heH) Just borne In Marlon , lildi8on , Snturdl\Y. we ' may ' 1111 get through t e "p. The young man of oourse felt his relllt\lIe!!. Interest IInsing trow suoh funds W dne day. Fred Dakin, who did Buffalo Bill prOll;ohing with little or no father"s 'death keenly. and this. to Mrs. Jesse Burton, fvrlnerly Mtss shall be perpetually used in Ollre of 1 M at Duytc.n. exte nd ed tile tri l) to Oen . frost bitten toea. ~e are hoping to ' . · gether with bIB mlLnner of life, harlotte Antram. of lItlddleto,wn, suld Lots alld U[lpurtenanOO6. , .,rs. Slunh Vea Ch, n. nd Sister, of mee t ,!ou soon Itgrun · . probnbly ledl to his taking hil! awn has been !lpen d~ ng ' several days (3rJ) ~Id sum is not r equired to M a~IOD. I.n d lima , .... ete guest,s of tb,] Illinois . We undorstand.Fred with Wuynesvilla friends . be tnvestell separately from otller thOlr Tl>la hves, h'[rs. Alice McKln ey W!LS in sell r oll of 0 uerLa in piece of life. • Lytle. , . like t unds of said Cemetery, but and ullughter . cll ii goods that had found h er way It Is thonght that the rllsh deed Mrs. P . R. Surface recently bad shall be lnve ted in ooonection there .' , , . to 'Ill' some\" hat, r eln ote pnrt of the ' J 'm. waH oommitted ;FrtdlLY night. I\nd te r, Oh u., • Mr, o.ndMrs.oe',u.1omasandson the plelisure ?f a Vi81t from her flS · witll, and ooy inoomo therefrom . Mr."- " Vll bff vofWlUche ' . , 10, the body WIlS Dot . f ' nnd nntil MOD· ter ~irs R L. Peel son Samnel IIond not need for th e purpOie abo ve 18 Vldltlug ber Bler,er, Mr . C, E . country Enrl were t:;undllY hosts to Mr. aDd du.y njght.. dllnghter'Benluh of Ciuolnnati.O. stated in ooy yellr, sh llll out be uo· Smith , ' Will W . VI elch lind son 'l'om lire :\Irll Allen Emeriok and daugbter MOl!8rlj. Carl SmUh, Barry Sher· l:) 1 AI d f th Middle oumuluted, but. shall 4e pas!led to Miss Duisy' Downell of Riohmond in 10wi Lnttel1 dlng the IUlirrillge nup Blanohe Oornell , Mr. Amos Hough amue exan er, a e t.he credit uf the genewl expen ~e " • • " I l D d' family. C11I\rl88 E. Johns, wife wood aDd Mark Davis disoo'v ored tOWD Dnily News, enjoyed a week's fund of said C melery. indIana, IS n gue t of the Mi 8es tiul of a neph ew of V. ill 's . Ho reo the body. They hl1d heard neigh.· vacat,lon with his grun(lmotl1er, Mrs. (4th) 'rhe sum paid for the care of Kutd nnd P~l1 oe Clark. ported to U8 , I\t l en t . and , soo Ulann, lind Mr . and Mrs. bors mention not having'seen Wal· Alethla Alexander , any Ilot, .and a prOf r'ita part of thte 'Mr . and, Mrs. E. Em ley vi ited 0 'l\1uny new ILnd oomwodloUB C. M. Hough I\-nd Bon Aenn~th. , tl'r for se\'erul day"" und this, to .,\ t:l t d n' db th year y Inoowe a 81Ud uggregu. e f . I veru ndU8 hn vo 'b een ereoted during Mr, and Mrs J . B. JaDes had the .... se ",er rQ e awes an ro er fnnd s uall be credited to suoh lot. rlenus n Dayton IO!lt week. d dR Wi ill gether with the appearllnoe of the of Spring Valley, spent t:;undav tlDd ~spec\n,1 Ilooonnt of Mid tratitthe pit t yell\', und are kept ILt white pleasure of, spen, ing l3un y t IItook in the bur nyatd,- led tbeQl to wUh their oousln. Margaret , Lewis. fund be kept by ,the Trl,asnrer. Oregonia. h eut from oon KtlLllt employment. Mr. and Mrs; Tlioa~1Io8 Dill, of Mount make an iove f.lgatlon. WjIl the person that found an (5th) The Super'ntendent Bhall Yet Ih e conorete 11uor will insure Bolly. The young man left I~ note uskl'Dg umbrella on the Publio Highway plaoe a llUitable marker on the lot at Mrs. Annie Bradbury, of Waynes. from spontaneous ocmbnstion . They Mr. and Mrs. CI W. CoX; Bldney that a suttable monnnleDt tie ereoted be so lind as to leave it at f.he each Contrlbotorto the .speolal jlD· ville. spent Snnday with Miss Elsie are II. joy toreve r, and will not bear Lahib, wife and son Stanley, Mre. dowment fnnd,ta notIfy the employ· d"i E I '17' ... , on hl8 parents' lot in Millmi ceme t:iazette omoe. 00II of the Cemetery that- said lot Bradbary, '" ho Is visiting here. IlU oontrary to the trnth Clara Stacy an JD 18 I a n.enrioa, tery, aDd a curtain !lum be set aside Mrs, J '. 1... Fnnkey nnd Mrs. Phil· requires speoial attention . Quite a Dumber frow tllls violnity ot tbe assertion. both of Dayton, and Mr. aDd Mre, tor its OIIre. Be also spoke in a Ip , Trout attended -the Cinolnnati (6th) A list of all suoh lots shall attendtld the Sta te Fall' last \\ eek By tile time this goes to pre88 , .1 oBeph ChampioD apent SUDday with l'IIombllng manner of certain trouh· Conference of the M E . Churoh at lie kept by tbe l5uperlnt-endent, Ilnd :R.o Sh 2 d ' I . d Miss O ra LaEetfil and sister-In. la.w, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. CarmoDY· ' ' . , It shall be hIs dnty elLoh year to y erwoo IS now emp oye . , . '11'' M l'8 Chas E Johns aDd Albert lell he .hod hnd wlth 'relntirel, 0 xfordl Ohio. IRSt week. make a eneral ins.Jeo"on of them. by Mr. Stokes, of near Waynesville. lor Ch Icago. , WI . ue olronlating ess : .. . · Be leaves 1\ furn, of 170 lIores, OD W. H . Gard /fnd brother ·J ohn B. liud re~rl' to the '!'rWlteeil IIond lot H W D '" among relfltlves utld . friends of Staoy enJ9yed 110 few days la,t weak , wltloh he lived, I!toolr, eto The UlLrd IAave here t-odoy to rptn~n to owners in writing at t.h elr meetfng ev. , ewelr, of ayton. Is now the 'Burg. Miss 01'11 was a tormer nt t,be Btaie Fair. , t!l!tut.6 i'" worth severlLl t.boUland their home~ In California. Albert tn Jane, annnally the oondltioll of tbe Jll'>·.tor of t,h'l U. B. ohuroh here. resident but for mnny yeurs has, Hoertainly Is a, very pnUluaUh1DR dollllr~ ,, /CliC\ ,,'Ill IJU llill\(\t'r1,l1lDong ~lUhb" 8 eon, Bllroll1, Of ()I\.yton, wtll eaol! lot, ~nd aD eetlwul,e of the ex J Mrs WIl vi sited her daughter at ntllde ChiCugo h er home. ' for liS smll)) an amonDt at t:obaooo ' '1 t" J' f . pendltnre 1l6oeSt;l~ry rJr Its IH'optlrI KiDR's Mil ls a few dllYlllnst week to be out Ilt thisdllteas ~18..a b.eetJ 1\ 1Il1l11 ' .... r or r· .. ,,~ill !! ' h 1l000~ptIDY IS uno all iO v~ 1 ornllL. care ' . . ' A IItl;Jt; fr ost t,hlLt will do no ot,her thUII fR!'. There are 'a great many Jr,,,,, r,,'I' w,, ~ h'lltI Tue~li .• y l.fte~· . Ber 'HIBter, Mi .. Nina Autrllom, ~igllIid-JI'IU. F. e ... UWALL ...P&B M,:' ~~r~j~ S~ddOj'Kf ~'urt,le dlllURg t-hlln destroy I,be hllY fever who have not commenced or bave II ",ll IVho·hus.beenemployen IIttheUhll· ' . w. ALL/':\f F~f~u~C& E' on I r. , . , p ncer ger ms will bell ,\lelOomo uCDeSllory just made Il start toward ~tt1Dg d • B' t L ba ' ill I GICO. E RILEY ' " . IIlnoe . the first of tile weeK'. '~ No 'II reu s olUe IL (\ non, It eo 1(o8ItKT(JOLLII."TT I Mi"s Myr t le Kibler took dinner to liupjeots who are " .n uuall y diS. doubt It will all be out 800ner o~ W, Rev. Trout Remain herennd will make tbill ~er parma, J . M. STAOY' wit.h Miss lLuolle Moiion, Snnduy. · tn~s~ed with ·theCOOlpllunt. "An III ioter, but wh~ther man "'lll oat 1& ~ Dent h~me having ftOO6pted a posi. Committee. l4£ . Rufns Kersey is visiting reI. w lud thllt blows nobody good." or Jaok Froet wil) out it ' ll ' yet Cincinnati ,Conference of ·M. E- tioq at .the Friends Bollrding Rowe. It'orm of Bequest atlveS in OhlOllgJ W h II I j i ith W to be lICeD. . . . , , ' . e 8 II snre y re a oe w , IIY· Q iOO a number from thl8 violDl" , Chul'Ch 'Makes Man) Ohanges Mr. !'oDd Mre. W m. Boblet e!lter.. . 'l'o persons who may d8\lire to, I,>ro. Mr, and Mrs , I~ran.k Dedriok lind nesville if the O!>ntemplated uU. spe:t a day at the DaytoD Fatr lut Among Puto~. tained at a bountifnl d~nner SUDday nde by wtll for th" ollre of their lot Mr. . lind lIllrs . t rank ~ftn8t are reo roud pnts them In direct line with week .. A.moDg them were Mr. aDd Mr; and \lrll . E· ~. Baily and Mrs under the trnst abovede80rlbed,Bnd joiomg ov~r the arrlvlIl of baby L b t Id I 0 Mrs C S IAmb and SODS Stacy aDd The ClDolnDati Conference of tbe ' to enable them to make their mean· girls tn the:ir hornet! e I\llon, as 1 WOI! P lice OR peo: • , '" G . , ,..Inll Dl!vitt-, Mr and . Mra. J. C. "Ing olOg the f II f f b . M ' . pie somethtng like thlrt" miles Stanley. Charles Dute. Barry ra· M. E. Cburch ' oloeOO' its !I6l!8lon H t Mr M d M ~r.. 0 oWIng orm q e· Mr. and rs" Edward WiebklDg .J . ' ham Iln'd Herman Lewis. . awe, " Bawke, r . an .I'S qnest 18 8ngg~ted :" are again with Ud for a time. ' . more . or leBs, nearer the capl tal of R '" t ti f tb ee en Monday at Oxford with the ~p·polnt. Bany, M~rray a~d Mr. aDd Mrs. I Klve I\nd beqneath to the Miami ' ) Warren, , elPresen e. ves rom "'t ,r hg . h e ome t ment · ot ' miDlatel'll to the varlons S...e Va t rl ht Cemet-ery Association In Warren r_ C k • erat OQS were prOBen.. ohargee in th, eConference. ' . v. r .,w g " , . 00.. Ohio 'he ' sum of __ dollars ,"""esars ree • No dearth' of !'RID; water i& the of Mr : an.d Mrs. W. B. Carmony on , •...An automobile party (){)nSIStlDg of (~) to'be I ted b h Ih IRst Thnrsday . They were Mre. , ...-nves y t em w t , Mi88 Cor'a Kersey, of Orego~ia, oheapest ovmmodlty In thlBmarket. Pbrobe 6oOOle. Miss AnDle\KeDrlok ' , Rev, Philip Trou' WIUI retnrned "' &0 Wayneevl11e ' " for . the 'third MIllS Laura Weaoyer, MII18 D<?rothy o~e:hfODda Klve n for ~~ke,p:rph08~s. hilI! been, employed t-o teaoh at Har. The poor oomplolnlng farmer is and Mis9 Bertha 'Kenrlok . . ' __ ' f t ' te ' . ' Wright. Mr. Arthur Garfield and an e p~oport l onate part u t, e tn· many Grove and began on his work fe (ul the corn will not mature ' ' " y ...r 0 S ptUI 0\'& . M Ro& N Id d fro'm oome thereof to be apphed to the 'M it ' , ur . . '. , <)thor appoin~meDt8 ot ministers r. . s, e~ oome own . care of my lot in eald.(Jemetery. ~n 110;. .'., ,s im)ly keel! on g~owing-whUe ihe Springboro. ' or ha'fe been lOOIlted In Xenia Sunday afternooll and ~ere Any tncome therefrom not need. Joe I Isbro and Wife spent FrIday [lloter (noor fellow) hll-s J'ust aooom . ' wb 0 are t f 'MI I T t ' " III Dayton . . IL I . 'D---"-1.1 .... 'Jilanolntty are iRS follolVs: gues,'11 a 118 rene. ron . • ed for the purpollO above sta.t~\1 lu . , . pUshed the feat, tbrough dint of 0.1 ull.bor ay WBH very qu e.1, Ou· ~ "'-"d' . Ce t \Lle IUld Mr and Mrs. Philip Surface aDd ILDY year shall be tl8ed 118 dll'octed Mrs F .. ~nte MoKee Is viSIting her I d st g"le to ""In tbe sUlnmit !I~rved here. Ttro sohool · ohU~ A . D . ....... ox, n erv . by the TrUlteell of said Cemelery. sister in St Paul, MinDellota , Jllr ra.. , ~~ regiKt,er cd . We have two DIlW Lytle i V. F., Brown, Raper ,church, .Yr, and ~rs. Lester I3nrface, all of Certifi te f Tru t 'rhe ~pl'l"'y famaly rennlon WIlB of ;yon six story olllmollY. when the teachers for thts year. Day&On i J , S. DRlby;, Red LioD and WaynesVille, 0 .• were moet roY~llY . ca 0 S held at tbe ,home of John Bpruy and gentle patter of the ruio is dlstinotly Rev. Boldl,m , of ~hIlUanooga, 1:5 riDgboro; A. T. Cowgill. Blan enterttlined by Mr. and Mrs. 811a8 No ......... sleter on Btlok HOD SundRy. Quite felt from above !lnd he is foroed t,o Tennells8e. preRoh~d at · the U. B. 11 . W N' Coifman Jamb8 Snrfaoe, of Pekln 1 01l Sabbath Illst Waynesville, Ohl~ .... ............. 10 ... a large number of relatives WIlS in 'a1»ndon the artl~f8 brUlh, ollmb ohnroh Wednesday evening.. Be obeettu ,I . , . • .' > And many ~uo~ dlnn~rs as were Received of .............. ",:" tbo 80m attendanoe. , down from hislufty summit, w.reuoh prellohed for the Unlt' d , Brethre~ town; B H. Compton. New Bur, served-at their home Bundtt.y, would oL ........ ... , ., ................. Uollars. thu 'rh y ' p C E b Id . I tbe w~t nQd slimy rags from hi'S In IjS72 in Langdon's BI\Il ', (old nng~n " W. , t\l. Patton, Un~o!I', O. surely han a ·tendenoy t .j Inerease frll~ol.Pa1 of whloh ·Is t.o })8 forever lLT)t :001111 ' ot"tbe ebO!:a~r IJ:::~ 'pArson lind ble~9 the ~a~e that mad,~ timnge HillJ)., tUid in ibe ·t1a+rte year L Con get, WtlmiugtGn i ' E Burd, the "n,t lfat ,lnd\l8try. ' Teh !~i tr~ct by tthe 'nndersllI'';Ied, Btt.wklnfl 'W'ed n68dllY evening , him wllo.'t h iH , . the U. B . .ohurob " woe ' built. -Be . Qatavja, O. M. . "86UerB, Tlppe , '1lh ... lunl ery Bnd AssoolutlOn ' ' Will W ' 0 ' D"' " '. ·IIIIoU, . EIre h nve , be e~ mor.e, 11res th. e ande tha same erne tnvested xe tin: ' The Compton Mills families. held . , a I0 h lLnu.1 Ell J~u'k ens I19 va pre j ICh ed 1\ vel's" for (J°lbl I.l,serm n a . 'J ' , onn60 City. Rev. c. L Conger was past spring and summ~r than for'l,veated In sucllinterest boari:> • ~I:JOI1' t,hOlr annoai plcnio on. the ohurch ellch uUllt IlIrge .tOb~OCO sheds and seemed overjoyed to meet his peqple Inted dele to the Anti lUa~y yoal's lind an eepeolall1 la~g,o as oreanthoriz'd by th: Laws grollnds Otl Satnrday. About lIlO hope to he ill relldtnc. ~ to tnke p.rop. onoe oglun .. . appo , ~". " Dumper of buildings ~av8 been ef the State of Ohio for the inve~t- relllot.ives lu:ul frien~s 'were prescnt er cura o,f We oomodl~Y \Vh.e~ It IS Mrs. Alf Gil'pin is still eDtertain·. &\oon Le!'gue National (lOnvention struok by lightniDg. rt'hls oalle, .at j ment ,of trnst funda ; ond the ·I nter. at!d ~pent 1\ very pleaHrint day. sev'l aU ,~tl rnered . Elloh of the gent,le· In g ber /Lnot from , W:este~vUle, At Norfolk. , tl~nhtloni to thdo neOlJ8Siltf of hlLVI.DIgl l est R!'lslng from ,uch' fuods sh"ll be em I wero plresent from Indlanu . wbeln hi lUI II flntell!ro~peottlvfetohro)J'd 'a,nd Re v Lewis 111\8 baen attendl'ng II ' > .g tn ng ro s preper y pat on a I 11 . _'" ' T ' ' II ~ S B some ling Oil 0 e or 10· " . . ' . • buildIDgt!. George Smitb bllS tbe , per~tna ,.1 ns~ in oare of the lots nnie ,",onklt,n and ~ife, }JlJlerson IIry thl" season so {ILl' as thiS seotlon E., (Jonference at Oxford.' . . 'Ho~e ,Again~ 'lgenQY for the best makes .o f rods liD eaid· Ce~etel'Y standmg In t.he Van.d er~o.rt , Ilud.fam~IY, Ilnd M:rs~ of oount,ry .h os been traversed. ' Mrs . Murray IS' lmp.rovln~ 8lo,wly. . "" 't Le . 1.0US \name of ...................... .... . ...... ... , .. AlVin Coo.khn. of Xemu, spent t:;un· .' M R dmond 18' 'lI'tlll very 'Ii ;, an d can '!" ,saen a . roy ,~ Ihid b,e ing Jot& Noe , .. , ............. . ' ... day with '!sUllO Lyt1!l and: flllll~ly. S?ll1e tlDle ,!I:(P of onr Cltlzens re. e , ' . " ;. 1 • .' lIIr.and AI,s. Clarenoe BerryhUhnd om~e : .. in seotlon., ...... : .. ., .. .. ' .. .. ..... on "Hid Miss Beroico l:Iawkios ex ots ,to whIle oTit hunting feroOious boafjtB Several f.rom bere attended t)l~ .~ l1ttle daughter" w~o moved from . ' ' . Uemetery pJII.I,.. Includ\DA mouu. anter Collage at Wilmln~ion tbls (the ground sqllirr.el) f1.nd birds of Fair at· Duyton thl! past ,w:~k: the l'err.:I' noilhbdrhoOO 1\ year IIgo ArrangementsCompleted D:10nt.llr.nd mark,ersnow OU StUd lots vear . . ., prey ahe pee wee) on what is famll· ,Mra. Barris' Ilnd ohlldren', vtatted;' ~ rl ed ' I ,,f D. ., B or wl,ltob mny hereafter be pluood . . '' , i!l-rly k.nown liS the happy hun t\Dg frieuds lind atten~ed ~be F ..rr at 1a~ ~ay,ar ~ liome 1lP' n . .,..tur· . or , ~~eivmg equ~8~ therein. , Sl~ htt,l~ chlltl .of· l'etat Coy Is very grounds of the depur~, yet som ~ 1Colum~a9 the paat' woo.t . '" ;1! · dlloY, after bavtng trllve~ed , ex~en . . . Baid sum i8 not· required to htl 10 . . wlllLt ' renowned, Block, hiS M.i s Luella Gllpl~ i has .larDed !lIvely .througb Cana.d~ . !lnd the Miami Cemetery MlIOCiation ~ay vt-sted separately. from other lixe Mount Ho'lly Iltten tion WIIS . ~rll:wn to an !lpple bOlne nfter spending ' Bevora) ' PleIi", _ . west, ~outhweet and 'no~thw08~:' SOOn Have a Perma.n cnt End~wment ,fU'lds of st!ld Cilmetery. lmt IIhllll t~ee that ,blld ~I ved out. It!! allotted ant weeki! with relll,tives at Wesler-. Mr. and ·Mre. 'Ber.ryill bllve soon ' . '. .be invested \herewith, lind ILny \no ,t ime and now hes cold tn ~eath on ville , . , ... ' " , I " ,' ' t ' . I ' oume therefrom bot needed for thE! Mr. Tom 0 II nnd ,flLmlly enter. the dall)p nod i'!lippery bIll !llde.' l'I Bi d wif s th.~ 'beet of ~e co,n ntry, ~ut fee, ,unriDg the past few yeaftl Mi Lmi pnrpo868 above 's tated In IIny ' yeur tRined ~undo,y Mr: Dlok Mooro alld After gazing in deep me~itn,tion for I\t ~~~e hi: Pt're:ta a~:l:'~w that, OhiO.. Itt , eq~al . '!> I&ny ,other. <.J~metery has -!ecelved a number of shall not be aooumnla.ted, but shill! family and brother, Mrs ;.JoLn Zim. a. ' few mOlDents On ehe de~rted. his father ' in llis totiaoOo. . -' g I.te, aDd ,w hile they have not 4e, offers of , df)nations for keeping In be plaoed to the.oredlt of tho jleutlr· . merml\-ll and da~g'htcr Muud,ot Da,y. he nO,t ieed It movement of rWlgS~nd M C ' lIsle Gjtbena . f E ' 'lttl ' otded ' ~flnf~ly '"' to th~ir future, 'ord~r tlie lot.s ot the donen, eto 01 !X' pe~iS8. fn:!~s of sliid Cemete~y. · ton, ' Mr Illl,d lIls. J .. ' B .' Jones, of ,bt.u shea growing bthe8eidseotht eta tlgbt tnU~ vlsi{ed h:r dangbter 'Mrs , rWAlt:ei! I h f Tb ' be ~. h e ... ami 0.,lDet-ery AssoollttlOIJ Lytle'. ' . , 10USl Y nearln' jl 0 a ~ .. - I " ; ' 'Ill ' , ,..... ' 1 ' $ey w p r 9.l1!'b Y rema n ere or· ese ql1eats ,w ill furnish" per ' ' beUer view. he WIIS br(lUght faoe to Fitts, one,UJt3" ast '\Vee~ . . ' . . a ,tbite, at IM8t. ,mllnElDt endowment fnnd for the A.' ., .. " ... &;0'" By .... ~.. .. ...... .. . ...... Mr. Joel MarlAtt,. former rellident flloe with on oousul~lly hnge blaok BRmuel WlttelDfln "teadad ' tbe . " . ' tl~iiltton whl!lh ' ls 'now depend~nt . re ~Iry ,. President ~o~~~;.~ V~J)ey moved to this place s.nnke. rho two be!Dgs so very nn· 1Fail' at Colqnibtia t .......' ,week. , · PERS' lNAi'..AND LOCAL upon' its earnings fQr(lupport, whloh Re80lut.on Trustees . ' ,. hke ,11l1d tl.n aver~lOtI one for tbe Mrs. Merritt retnrned to bel' bb:JD~ . .; , " . . wl,llle lunple lit pl'CI6nt, lUay not. .al . . ',ReIlOJved t.bllL the, board of 'rrus. In dPeDc::::,g . ' " . ,.,".. ." W!lYs . be so : tee~ of Mlnuli (~rne~ry unanbnoui! Mr.' and MrEI. MArt ROUSh Of Dodds in' range With. Mr:' ,DBkeship and R:biUl~n Ijr . aug 1', • . l' ior Bale--A pot~g~ of ,f our rooms A.i tbe 'lust m8t'tlng of the ,lot Iy ad?p f 8 W9rk .of the cOlllmlttce St-atioD. , cllspat,ohed him. UpOD measure . . • .' and suttlmer kitchen IUld good well ' Itt ' ' I t ' d ' on Bequest.s, 8)lpolDtod at the lust Loyd Davis SI)(Ont tbe fOl'eptl.rt of 11I"nt he wile found to be aeeven Gartin MerrlU bad a very ',." . d' £be hOurd. fnr tht! .w~k with his 'ooustn . A,lvin footer. " .. informant says he . WBS b aAunt d a t"hi a h -- th~ put · aDd olstel'n;'. .Gop<! lOOIlUo~ un .1'hlrd 'owners , " a ollrum , ee was appo ' . , n e ''IDna~ I m"eh'OK."n Onr ...o kith w , .treat. Inqnil'e of Willtam BergaD'I~o , report on tb,e Bubjeot ,of b~~ee~, ther ,desl~el t,o compliment the! Earnhll,rt of n ellr Wayu6l\ville. baok at t\1e Same spot some tiUie weak, bnt is muo.h be~ter ·ap~. M1'8 Dean sh · 8ban : . ' " etc.' This wUb a form of beqnflllt. o.),m mittee on th ex061lenoe of theil' , Ella Mabe:L Davis lost her poeket after nnd killed a ,supposed ma.te. Bethuel 'Mnllen Is oonfined ,to bill or .: an ., . ' Ii' rC'Jolntton by tbe , tniateee and ':Vorll .nd tender thlloks for the ID· book In or aroua'd the ohuroh Finder . D 1 fit' bl home wltb tllniIBe. ". " , , Mila Datay. DOWDS of Rloh~ond " . , ' . t8 r esUhey have shown in. thed I ' , ,. "evera a oure Izensprelluma Y M d M W 1It__ " , ' lDdl'~ ill ~ttl~ "alI_"K 'te and' .ot~~r, mrwttez, ?s . p~b\llIbed . In' ftlJl all8lpe(). to them I\nit 'the Ir~mu ( ~,Iesse return to Mr. Lne StepheD. . attended the I3tate Falr,llJJiI ,b y some r. an ' r8. W _Iy. IP8nl .' • &11 k" a , :" herewith for tbe ~neflt of lute..." nfta in m.aktng their r~porJ.. p . Mrs. Minnie Marlatt ,a nd danghter meaDS got Into th\l pen, but after Sd~Y ' w~~ Mn.-r~ ' l~' .~l, ' . ~oe . a~. . " , , edpartt8ll: . , . ' !J'la~J.o fiuther resolv8d thata LenaspeDtI3ODdayw.lthMrs. Joelah <thorough inveetlgatlon weretound an r .•n ra. r e lam, lin. ~Iay Iif~.~ri ot'~~o..b.. . . ". -, . to ~Yof Ib_ reSolutiona and of the Davia. . .' to ba Inoffellslve, and iD doe time MrB. Ntmrod ~oP.II '~~iai~" ~ · tet,Ohto, II ~t1nl bent~r ,JI~. ,. 8eport o~Co.ttee }" :'omplGte w .o rll of thq,' CoquniUee' Mlaa EIII,. ¥aud IAvla SPEDt from :were released, were LebanOD ahoppen ., e,.1t lWlUl ' .To the ' 'l'ru'l~ Of 1Iwb" . H)D beClaeaaa be f11l'Dllhed &he 16oa, ,til Friday ~tb her Will Bowland and wife, of '''In· 'nae UDlv_lItt,ab";'~::'~~;:~2~ · •• ~ : YQ1I1' CcmimI&tee • 'pnee for pIlblt~UOD,. fl:leod Mo. Dulal of XeD~", oIDD&til are weloomed baot to the 1088 Bunda,. motDiq . . . qae~t,. for Mitt pOI'}JOtuul care of lots, " ' I , r.~ . . , ~i t41:1 Don't Dllllis (If Walnut Bills uegtOl,t:lulllllit the f ll owing:l uel:iulIY for .1I1lll' town,












i.. ·..


Sl!~' ~:rOI':!;\'~ ' ~'n(~~n!r:~ ~~ho~~II~n~~~~::~ ~~r:;;~~~:~:c:~








- ---.~~.

The Miami Gazette. Publ'sh e rs. lit ).

Is. of COUTS ' , exasperatin g almost ba· r a nd ndunmce to bave the bome despoUed by a conscienceless ,monsle r wbo b ars the gui se or man, but courtll sbould deal wllb him In a cl vlllzed , community and gl"o blm his des n ed punlshm e n~. Wbell A DIan .tak es the law Into ' bls own bllcds aud puts lin e nd, with malice afore thou ght, to ono of bls f 1I0w beings, h" Is simply a barbarian, no ,matter " 'bat ca.u se be bas tor bloody deed . Tho young man who slew tb e supposed wronger at bl. sister In this city, says the ~oston Budget, r celved a Ju ~ t sen· tence, though the re 11; sorrow that he sbould ba\'e thrown away his youns manhOOd to become a per])etual prls· oner:. but bls IlUnlsbmeilt, tbou gh He"ere. wns deservCd, and It will BCt as a deterrent on other Impulsive young men of f1ury south rn blood , who mtght be tempted to follow In hla un· 'ortunatll foots teps. The caae at Judge Lovins of Virginia, who WI\S aCQuit· ted by a Jury of 'the crime r,t murd er parUa.!ly, apparently, On th ground Budden Insanity. a rid garth', no doubt.. tbrougb a reverence or rega rd lor tbl' nnwrltte n law. I. ono In wblch It II. wIdely believed 's trJct Justice WIUI not meted out. , In all probability, the ,oung man who waH shot to deatb by an Irate lather did not commIt the deed of whleb he was at first suspect· ed, but eve n If be dId. bJs slnyer. It Beems to U8. should bave palq somo penalty l,or bls etrence, and not have gone enUrely ullwlJlpl at justice. Then we' ba"e the story of a motber and son wbo co'n fessed that they killed a young man because he rerused to wed the 'dllugbter of 0110 and tbe' slster Of the .other, thereby breaking a Bolemn promise lbat be hail made. This was. no doubt. mnddenlng, but tbe provo· cation was no excuse tor the bomlcldal act or a good moral reasoa for tbelr acquittal. When brutes walk on two legs the lawaI the land, as haa been wall sald, does not allow. us to butcher tbem, and tho sooner this Is realized by tboeo w.ho claIm tbe unwrltte.n law as a' defense tho sooner shnll we ba ve • r t rIt to lIanlty In the treatment of "sMsln8.



Phlladell>hfa.-Wblle New Yorkers were jubilating ove r th cent nnlal of the hlslOl'lc Journey of Rob rl' ~'III · ton's steamboat lermont, whic h mnde tbe trlp trom"New lark ci ty to Al bany under her own 8t nm, all Au g-un 7, 1897. Pe nnsylvanIans have u more than ordJ nary Inl e res t In the honors to be paid to the In ventor, lor h was a Bon of this com mODwealth, and It was borc tha t he obtalo d 1118 first Ideas et, a .m thad of propelling bon ts by tbe use of steam. III some q uartor ll Fulton, rath er In· correctly, hus been Inuded us the InYeDtor of the steamboal. As hilS bocn well · sold. n either the s tC8m engi ne Bar the steam boat was, In the ' slrlct sellse of tb e word. Inven ted. Fullou was not th e Inven to r or t.he at 11m· bont but ne ithe r can any otller pel'S!> n be 110 characterized. Tho s teamboat was a good many yenrs beIng Inve ntecl and th ere were mnoy bnnds nt tbe work. This rnct , howe ver. daBS not lessen the brightness of 'Fulton's a c~levement, for, had he neve r been connected with tbe Inauguration 01 steam navlgntlon. h showed so many otber evidences of mechanical Invent.iveness and of arUaUc e llort tbat it II ntremely probu,ble that bls nallle would not be torgotten. Project. Before F"lton'•.


later to l!'ralletl. "Robert R. Llrlnglltoll. 10l'Dlerly olJancellol' of the atate of New York. Livingston had hecome lpoter sted In steam. and bad bullt ave.. s I and mad ex t rlments au t:he HUll, son. rn 17 9 tbe Nc \\' Yor k l e gl 8 latu~e g llve blm n mo nop Iy of lIavlgnting .the waters of Ne w Yo rk lIy at nDl, Ilrov ld d 'Ihitt with In ene ye nr he "hollid prop I by steam a voss I of 20 lOllS foul' miles IlD bour. This hn fll lleel to dC). IJIlt his Iut \'l'S In tho Ilr blem n vcr lIagged, Tb e two ITl eJl lormed' n partners hi p and mutl o UtI :to II rlnl li t on tb e SeiDe. wbl ()h, how· v r, Ilrf)vod (~ (allur , Th e n th y cl cl de d to Dlukc e xperlm nts on I ho Hud ~o n , a nd th e :-< w " a rk I l's l ~ l a · ture grant d I1nol11Or pot nllnl OIonol" oly similar to tbnt grll nted to Ltv· fDgStOD, Anotbttr nls8el was buill HI a ship· yard on th Eas t rlvor. aocordl ng> to plnns carefully workod 0111 by Fulllln. Tho , Clermon t, ns s ho was ca llcd. w a~ J 60 tODS bUI'dt'n, 1.:10 feel lOll!;. I G (eel "' Id und four feet dee I>. H ' r en,::lno bud a s tt.'OUl cylinder 24 Inchea III dl· amete r. h('l' wheels were 16 (<1 ' 1 In dl. am ter and uncov ered. as a Civil engineer In tbo south astern Description of tha VoyaDc. P [\rt of Pe nns )' l\'nnla . lu~ came InlO . Here Is [o"lIl ton'3 d scrip tion or contact \vllh " ' llIla lll II nry. and II he tbo voy n,:: whi ch re \'olllt ltlll izoll na vl · dlrl not s ee tb e la llor 's inventi on he ga Uou. lu the form of a I· ttllr Ii) tho nt lens t met h im and h a rd of It. ~ t ""1U ' rl all 'I Uzen : any ra te, In 17 i F ilch d,ld co nstruct "I lert N w York on Mo nd o\' nt one a stea mboat wh ich hc set III mutlOD o'cl ck, a nd arrl\'cd a t "I(,TllI'O ll t, th on th e Dela ware riv er. sent of han c 1101' 1.lvl ngs ton, at one Fitch's Scheme Lan~lulahed, o'clock Oil Tuesc!uy- t1m , 24 hOlll'fl , Two years befOre Pllc'h bad ap- distan ce 110 mlh!!!, On " . 'dn sda)' 1 penred before the Amel'lcllD Pbllo- depnrt d from th e chllllcellol"s at nine sophlcn l socIety nod sho w d a medal In the mornlDg 'a11l1 nrrlv ed a t Al blln\' o f a st anlboat wh lcb b In te nd ed to nt five In th nfte rn oon- d ill tnn cc 40 constru ct, and 'in 1790 11 1I11\d a s team· mil s, Ume eight hours..' Th e ~ lll n 19 boat 011 the rh' pr th at (:ould uUlke 150 miles In 32 honrs . equal to near elg bt mllc ~ no hour, alld , w a ~ adve r· five miles nn hour. On Th llrs t1a), at tisod t!> mak e regula r r UIlS b t wee n nine o'clock In U1 lIlornlng I Icrt AI· th ld city lIud T ronton til ree days 0. IJn'uy, und arrlvell at tho ollnnc,' lIor!! a t sIx In th e evenin g. l startell (ro m wcck. A 'Irglnlan. James RUlIlsc)'. at tbtl th ollce at seven nnll arrived at 1\ w time Fltc.b was requestin g vllrlous YDrk at tour In tbe afte rn oon-ti me s tate I g1s latures to g rant him assiSt· 30 hours, s pnce run 150 miles . e qu al to ance, claimed to bnve In\' nted Ii five mU s nn hour, Tb rollghou L my steamboat prior to that of Fitch. wbole way b o ~b gOing anti re tu rn ing. ' Rumsey's claim, however, was d!scred· the wind was ahead: no ad vants ' e Iled, even by Wa own s tille. Fitch's coulll b derh'ed from my snllij; the Isck or support and lho coolnes8 wi th whole bas th e refor e been performed wWcb th e country vie wed th e project, by the powe r of the s team nglnc: ' alth\lugh one small hoat had made no Memorial to Fultor. fewer than 21 adve rtised trillS wIthout The t.nsk 'of erecting an a(l e q\l~le accldont', 'Permitted Fltcb's Bcheme to mQnument . to commcmoraL the gre nl become quiescent. Fulton nev I' disclaimed ~he obllgo.· Inventor Is In tb e hands of an M socl· tlOn be owed to Fitch 's steamboat. At the tilDe the first Fltcb bont was shown he re Fulton was n apprentice to Edwnrd' Dullleld, a sIlV~!rsmlth , who was In business on Second s treet below Cbestnut. The old frame build· Ing.lntely num!>ered 121. vms ataDdlng unUI 25' years ago, It Is o nly nntural to Inter that the acti ve 'Y oung appren' tlce sbould bave enough ourloslty to sea tbe Invention. es peclaJRy as bo was lIomelhJng at an Ingenlo\lll mechanic himself.


"TV THe POOR MILLIONAIRK. , He Sigh. for the Breakfast, ana the Appetlto of HI,' Youth. .

Unable to Do. Even Hou.'loI(orl< •• caule of Kldne), Trouble ..

"ToTrAp ln ts aU ri ght. a1\/I," said the sa lad m llllonal ro, "I like lobstur /lnd ~ln \' a s b:Jck lIuck, bIll stili 1 don't be· lI evo I S'ct hnlr th ploasure'ou t ur Cho fine lhlng6 I eat nuwoda)'s thllt J used to nnd In tll Illnln r od tlltlt w hnd )' n ra ngo. III th e · dayS Whe n wo cOII1(\n't arro rd anything Ise, . I'd give II, million doll nrs r, ercl'-bll(Um- ha, haH a milli on nnyw ay, It I co uld have now s uch n brl!aktllst as I used' to llu vo whoa I was a boy, If I could have now tbe slime allj)ellte 10 li t It wltb. "lV6 used to IIvo In a bOllse without any heal above tho r.roulld 11001', nnd 1 slept In a room that 'was c,older tbnn GreenlAnd, In a feathe r bed under about seven mll,1lon patchwork b d quilts. and I'd slee p ten hours In a bed , like thllt, 8 .S soug aud warm and com· fo rtable 81 aJlybody ever did under swansdown co\' rlets In n wormed room, and tben I'd get I1P In the morn· Ing Ilnd go out nnd cho]) II few ('.ords of wood before breaklaet, and then como In 'feeling ablo to tear the world Ilpart nnd wltb nn appetlto tbat noth, InS I ss tllBn good . substantial (ood aDd Illenty at It would saUs fy: all ap· pellte the sal!sfactlon 01 which WIl8 a grand and stirring joy. "For breukfast on winter mornings we we re likely to ba\'e pork ohops and buckwhent cak 8. nnd SII 'h chop!! and s uch cakes! Not IItlle, thin , dri ed up, lean, bal[·cold. ta6tnless chops fr om a kltcben half a m!lo away, bllt big, thick, fat chop. at bome·fed pork, fresh·coked and sizzling, ot balf· hellvy. "ADd the cakes! paste·colored Inside, tbln, dull. lifeless and' tastelcl s cakes, jU8t warm. but buckwheat cnkes light and flu!!y and brown and geDeroUs In dimenilions. nnd '811 erlnkly nnd crispy ntound the edges and good all through, and so bot and at ellmlng wben they came on tbe table t1ln~ you hnd to look out nnlt not burn your moutb when you began to ellt them, "And those chops Rnd those buck. wh eat cakell we ulled to at, with ths' pork gravy on the cakes! A brea \o:fast dt for the "cry god s. tbough one must be a god. ,to be BUTe: he mllst be well and strong and fit to enjoy It. "Grateful am 1 that I caD bring back even In re~olleotlon the 'uys or an old. time breakfast of pork cheps nnd buck· lJ eat cakes." ~

Mrs. Margaret Em.merleh, of 0111) ton St.. Napoleon, 0 .• says: "For ftfteeq ycar1l'" Wl18 a grent sutrersr from kidney trbU: bles. My back pained me , t erribly. Every turn or Dlove caused 8 h a. r p, s h a a tin I pains. My: eyeslgbt was poor, dar~ Ipet.• appeared before me,. and I bad dizzy 8polls, For ten year. I could not do housework, a;d for tWG Y08I'5 did not get out of the bOllse. The kldDey secretions wore irreguJar. tlnd doctors were not hl'lplng me. Doan'e Kidney Pills brougbt me qlllelC relle ri nnd flnnlly cured me. 'fher saved my lite." • '. Sold by all dealers. 60 cent8 'a bo.. Co., Dultalo, N. Y.

More thnn 100 years berore Fulton began his experlmonts the Id a bad LOyolll to Columbu •. PQssessel\ Inventors 'In o'r uor Pllrts of "The mest popular man In New the world. 1n 1690 Papin proposed York. IIvlDg or dead, s eme to be tbe use of a steam engine tor the pur· Christopher Columbus," remarked tIJI! pos,a of propelUna boats through the mo.n from the south: "I baso my COil' water, and exactly a cculury betore cl uslons on the Q,uautlty of flowe I'll the C1e rn.. Qnt mad\! Its fnmoua run the fhat are alTe red up to h,ls memorf. Inventor uclually constructed ' sucb a No matter wbnt time of the clay, weok bont. wblcb he used on tbe RIver Ful· or month you happe n to pass a Colum. da, at Cassel. The boat was of rude blJS s tatue YOU see bouq li ts lind constru~Uon. and Lbo method of prowreaths plied u]) at It!! base and pulalon consisted of raising water by Robert Fulton'. Career, twined uround Columbus' feet and means of a steam pump, wblcb water legs. Exccpt qn epectal bolldays, was then applied to a water wheel Robed Fulton was born In .L!tUe No depaTtment of government, cer· an\! drove a set of paddlell on tbe same ,Britain townsblp. Laneaster counW. '4~_, Fo.w:ih ot July, Decorat\o'n • talnly none represented In tbe presl· sbaft. Wbat Influence tWs Invention' Novemb,er H, 17G~, his fa tber being a da.y and notable IIlrtMay,';- ~obl)dY eve r thinks of' smothering tbe effigies dent'lI cabinet, Is leu open to partizan might bave had upon tbe comme rce of native of Kilkenny, lreland. The Ful· of Was hlnlftbn, Lincoln and other na· political crlUclsm tban tbe department tbe world will never be known for It tODS moved to Lancaster city wben Uonnl beroo8 In 110ral tributes, For a , of agr19ulture. Sometime, there Is a was not allowed to prosper. being de. Robert was an Inrant. and It was l!l long Ume I eould not understand tbls the schools of that city that tbe In· ,l1ub~ub about fNle seeds, tor wblcb stroyed by some Ignorant fanatics. . strlktng parlJaJlty to ttie discoverer of In the century which Intervened genlous young Inventor received b.l s ·£ongrea.s and not tbe department Is our country. Upon Inquiry 1 learned reaponslblo· Beyond that tbe com. there was considerable talk of apply. education. He Is said to have known that there 'are sllver al socl etle&Ing the siteam eoglne to the use of William Henry. and to bave vlillted plaints are tew and th,e blesslnga are, American and Italian--which donate boats, ~oCblng ClIme of It In a ,prac. bls home to see some of ,t he earliest \m&rlY. Sepret4ry W11aon sayS tbat Ucal way until an American blazed efforts of Benjamin West., of wbose a certain 8um of money ' each year fOI ~T fllLTOiV' 4urlng ,the llscal 'year Just ended the the way. The first of these ploneerll palntlng be was, as were 8L lI artlstlcal· ation of pubJlc-splrltad lOen. Itlcorpol' tbe decoration ot Columbus I";mu· deplUltment lias mado dlscoverle8 -Wall ' also a Pennsylvanian-William Iy Inclined Americans In tbose days ated under the law;! at ew York, ments, and, It J8 the treasurers' duty ,wblch will benefit .the American pea- Henry, a native of Cbester county. but enamored. knQwn as the Rob ert , I'ulton, Manu, to see. tbat the prescribed QuanUty, or. pie 'to tbe extent, at mllllons of dollars at ,tho time of his experiment a resl. At the age at 17 Robert was brougb£ ment asli'oclatloo. The allBociat iOn ·flowers Ie provIded." _ sum ~oo 'vast to calculnte. Some dent or Lancaster ,county. ' About 1763 to Phlladel-phIa and put B8L 'an ~ppreri· baa determhled that the monumeDI Rare Pilgrim FIsh Caught. of theae, dl~cove.rl!i8 'patentable, Henry, wbo bad just retutned from a tice with Duffield, There .h e flnlsbed ~hall, take the form of. a water ,gat!' Another Breton flablng to'1V1l-COIland If ~be patents werB; held by tbe visit to England, took up ' the subject ble trade. but his artistic LnlUncll! ,and mausoleum to be erected at 0 dillcoverers would make them rlcb. of, a steamboat. He constructed a getting the b,etter of blm, he lIeClded Ii~tidred and Sixtellnth street a!ld tho caraeau-has had a novel experIence But all. such pateMli. 'a fter being taken amall boat, or rather attacbed an en· to abandon his trade and ILBke up art. Hudson river. A bill has been passed of Us own. O/le of Its tra'wl boat:, out Ib tbe name of tbe Inventors, are gfne to an old bateau. This consisted Altheugb he bad a widowed motber by the leglslnture making the nec s, the Sal nt Louis • .has JUllt retutned to of a 'pair of paddles, and wltb thll to support, be managed In, some ~an'l aary grant or land. It Is Intended lO port. not with ,the heavy cargo of sar-. , dedicated to tbe United Statel for the ',prl!lllt,l ve contrivance be boldly es· r:,r to save enough to take him t9 provide a place where distinguished dlnea' that all tile geod folk 80 much common good. sa~ed to , Bteam down ilie Conestoga ndon, here .he placed himself at foreign visitors to our shores' may bE< desired, btlt ",ith a catch ot an entlrel1 river. From what can b~ learned of tbe feet of bls , master in painting, fittingly received by !he lUun~clpal unwonted and unwelcome kind. 'fhla took the form ot a mCIII!)ter 118' Congress ~hh.ving provided for an In. tile attempt, It '/Vas tar from being nn· Benjamln West. ".,' lstale or fed eral nuthorHles ; In a word: c~s,e In: the arimer)" ·force of the successful, , bilt by nn accident the , As a ,youth he 8how~ tnl,!nta In to ' gfve ~ew York a front' door, It I~ measuring not le8s than 26 feet ID , army, 27 new companies of .' coast b.oat was SUlik. and the steamhont ~acl ,many dlrecllons. and was ,' undoubtedly expected tbat ground' for ' the cO'n atruc, leni;th. Tbe fish I. one at Ute "pll, ~'rtiller>, are to be formed" These wl1\ to walt another quarter at a century sometblng er a genius. It Is told of , tloD wlU: be : broken on the, nex't nn grim" kind, aOd Is asspclated -wltb' th. before It was to be given prL\ctlcal , him tbat at the age , of ten years, be nlVersary at Fulton's ' birthday, No. sbark family, tbough said to be leas Ia,JIe .ta,t,loned' at varioul pol'ntl along sbape. bad m~de for blmself bla . own lead :.vembor H. . roc'olls than the 'Ordhiary sbark'. ' A' ~e Atlantic; tbe ,gulf an'd tbe Pacific. pencHs. Tbey were crude aRalrs: of . tte monster I, yery 'rarely lleen, bul • DI.tI~ctlon Due ' Fitch. Experience has shown that more men course, but at that time they were little t,h at Is denelte Is known of ,blm, Demon of Unreat. .' ' Wer.e needed to properly for tbe Thl. time It was a relililent of Phil: nearly as good as could be Ilurchnsed. The Incident bas no parallel wltbln l\y We Bra having the gosl)Ol, ot , " IIIJ gun a I~ our forul. The addlUonal adelphia, John Fltcb, who from all ap· At 14 be devised a skyrocket. and, had p,r eacbed to UB on every hand. we aro Ing Breton melllory.-London «;llobe. companies, '!Vlth the nauoo'al guard pearances lacked only ' support to be Invented an aIrgun. His biographer galloping to destruction at our pre~ent organillatlons,' which bave had vel'1 known "for alf time aa the man to say. that It wall at this time tbat tbe rate, ,and yet we constantly accelerato Head \Valter LOlli Out. auccesstul ,tours ol ' duty at th«:l fortll whom modern stenm navigation .. Idea of stelllli propulsion ,for vessele tbe pace. ~t Is useles8 to preaeh, use"About tbe meanest man rve seell les8 to struggle agal n~t tbe tendency yet." ao'4 a head walter y~s~orday, wtllllerve to 'obviate danger In case 01 at the age. ,Ve afe possessed for the "W&ll a little cl)ap that' blew In here an emergency. ' The' country 'will have tIme being by the demOn of unrest, Saturday. He looked to' be from loms .both the guns and tbe men 'neA'ded. It bas us In Its power.-Lady's PIc- IItpe town, and I guess his' trip to torial, London. ' .' Clevo)and W~8 allout th~ biggest thing be hild 'ever d\lne. I hadn't more tnnn Electricity contlnuell to extend Itl It Fooled Him. eented him, until' he pulled out two or Usefulness. New Jt>rsey has :found 1\ "Your ' wlto tells me she finally In' thr~e coins and bnllded me a ,quarter .. the most expeditious and bumane duo,!d ) ;OU to btly ,he r ,Ule ,pet de!;! she "I Slles6' It made blm mac! wheu he means o~ putting an end to stray and . , wan Uld." fOllud out that 1 wlLlln't the man that useless dogs, UJth~rt~ the dogs "Yes. but 'I'm dlsuppoln~ed In tho 1Valted on .hlm. Before he gave ony· ben asphyxiated In a big gas tank brute." thing to the man , woo took: his order, But tbe society wblcb 1001t~ nfter sucb "Whai, [s the matte.r? Isn't n a he chile,d me over, and sold 1 would good. healthy nnlmaI1", tbln'g s ' 'finds this la cruel and by no 'bavq to gh'O him bA ck thn~ quarter. "It's too healtb)·. I expected It means Infallible. So PlalnHeld leads ~on · t you think ,Uu.t wne 'a shabbY ,die Ipng !lgo," oil by Bubstltutlng tbe electrle kennel trjcl! (01' II I1IUl,l to do?"-O~ev1lland Plalu Dealer. ". , !for tbo gaS r.eceptaele. By ,this menns Then' She'd Say It. , ·the canlnes,.,IIl'e ,se nt I1ainlessly and dlle. Fitch bad an adventurous cn· first took possession at blm, and that ,"1 assure rou,'1 sold Che pOrylls tc n.\ swiftly to denth and the , bow·wows reel': He was barD In Connecticut. be lIctually made , 1\ mode l or a boat suiter, "018t 1 wlli not ake 'no' fOI Method. "He occIIsi001l1ly saYII things t~ac cease from .spreadlng f~nr at Tnbles. At tbe U'me at the revDi,itlon ho' was that could be propelled b)' means of no Rnsw~r: ' ' a watcbmaker ' at Trenton, ,but: , th" paddl es. ''You need n't," rcplled Miss' Bright arc'. wonde rfUlly alll'opolI," suld one A MethOd Ist mInIster bas protested B,ltlsb destroy ed his stock and lI e Is stalesmon. ' "Z;'U say 'yes" JPon ODe condition." Experiments on ' the, HUd'D~' agn\ns t' t tle uSe of tbe Sunday service next ' fonnel as an officer In tbe Can· · "Yos,'· ' Qliswercd the oll)er; "ho's "AII! Name tbe condition." After 'h e went to Eng.landi, wbere be , "Jus t ask me If 1 am d termlncd nOI like our parrQt at home. 11 doeen 't as a pract ice bour for students In tlnental nrmy. Tbe rndluns took him ./lOrtllaDd, who go to ,church .merely prisoner, and be WDS remove d in to studied painting, In which art the nu· to mnrry you " under nny CIrcum· Itnow much, but' whllt It docs Icnow it the NQrtbwellt te rrll,ory, He modu a merous examples of his work extant stan,ces.'" keeps ,r,epeatlng Until. SOllle circum· , to talco , down the sormon, It does map of ths ' then IItlle known counb'y .tance 'arlses that'makes tl1e l'ema1-11 aeem a doubl e offense ~o bl'o.'k the waHt of tbe Alleghenloa. an d 8ubsC'- show 111m 10 have bcen proflc!l3 nt, he Called, , .eem lnarvelous!y ap,t. u ' went to France. There ' he became lilabbnth In churcb. (juonUy Cl.I(Ile to Phlladelphla. ., He ro bus,y ~. a plan for steam nnvlgnUoll. Jimmy .Jeuldns (to new boy In nelg~ A Maxim ~ContradlC)ted. Tbe presentation o~ tbe cross at UIO at ODe tlmo he JIved on S,e ctond street. w):Jlcb be 8uooe<;de~ jn r,;ei1t1ng pr!). borllood)-Whnt's yer Old mall dol neur Vine, but began hIs InQuiry Into sO.n ted to the first conaul: but tbe Wbat·s l~e worlt o.t? uY.ou can't get somethlnlt for notb Leg[~n of HOD or to Ille composer of stallm navigation hla plnce at :--'0' Fren h government was (00 OII;Cl] pre. Harold Jiarrlngton (loftIlY)-Hll', Ing In lhll world," said the read,.· "Salome," tbe opera whlcb shocked shamlny , m'ade llrover.blalltit. occullied ~o pay much aUCh dOll to the on the benc.'n, iJoiew YOI'k. wlll em{;haslze an Impres , "Can't eb?" 'rejoined tbe man wbe Wltb Fitch the Idca .. was not orlg· young American's reprctentatlons. A .Tlmmy JenklOli-Den he's wit SOlD' .Ion tbat the lesion IJI l:'ettlng In be , Inal any more tlmn It wall wltb any or frtelldl!hlp. bowever, most Important bush league, kid. fer dere ain't 110 1I1c:1 had bevD to Monts Carlo. ''Ynu oll,ht ,.oinl.lWhat ~Ixed compan)~ bls Jlrcd ecesso~s, or wllh tbose who for tbe future -of steam navlgaUon. player In de. Nal ional 01' Aw\iri"nn I .. to _ ,_..rilat tbe dealer taksa In on tlIl followed hh". Wbll.. ' he Was ~ngllled sprang up between Fulton aDd'var mig. Puck, ,all&~t.& ~'! . ~eu. tabl ....



- - ----





ftule Cornl~h Chapel,. In Corglsh (Eng.) chapehi the [nvarlnble Tulo Is for the men to sit on one Side of the building and the WOOl n on the other. ' ' A visitor nud bls fiancee. who are staylnc In the district, weut to chnpel. and jus t b tore the service' began tbe young mun was greatly as to'nlShed when tbe chapel sleward, observlnc tbnt the couple were sented III tbe same pow. came over to hIm and, III an nudlble voice, said: "Come 011 out f { hot, me eon:' wa don't 'ave no Iweetbenrtin' 'ere." ' The Three Milkmen. A man In a smaJl westera to_ bought n (luart of mille and on srrlv· llig borne , fonnd It WBS adulterated with wnter. The next day he posted hills la dille rent sectlou8 of tho tow A reading : . "I bought a quart at mJlk yesterdq wb[ch 1 found to be adulterated. It the scoundrel will 'bring me ano tber Qunrt I'll not denounce blm." :rbe next dny he found tbree quart cans on bls doorstep, There were threl! dnlrymen In tbe town.-Judge'. Wbrary. _::-_ _ _ _ __ Lat. Already. Five mlnutos atter th'.! tardy gong bad stn~ck, tbe prlnclpnl at the s hool was walkJng through the lower ball wilen be saw a pudgy lttUe lelloW' sCllmpej'lng toward the first grade room as fn st as his Cat legs could carry him. "Sea bere. young man, I want to i;l lk to you," called thl! ,principal to the late comer. "J bnln' L got timo to tnJlc to .yOU; j'lll lat already," re plied tbe breathleu b\lglnnor as th. door (~ 1118 classroom c:losed.-Tlie Irole. Punlal)ment by Ineheil. A Berpcu (Genesee counly justice . ~f tbe p ac hos ndopted aD orlglDal Johe/lle for tho dlspo!lsatlon or justice. ,Henry Me>:or, 27' years old nOll sevell !ee t a IDcbes tall. wus Ii l,rlsOD"r I" nls ' court for IIteallng ' four bags ot 13tS. He .,..aa sentenced' to 90 dnys 1111 Inll, one ,day for encb Inch' of 8tatll~. md ODe for each bag.-:--N,uncia ( N. Y.) News,


Chance for Collector•. An all I)ortral~ of J. Pleri'Ont Morgan III among the unclalIDocl ,d lltlable gOOafl In tb' governme nt stores a. N(lw York. [t wlll be altered at pubtla sale. Notblng ' bring you peace liut yourself; notblng can 'bring yoU peace but the triumph ef ,prlnc:lliles.-R. W. ~mer.on. ' ". , Let 'thy dlsoontelltS be thy lecretL -Fraukllll.


GrapeJ~uts FO"OD A

Body Balance

Peol>le ,b esltate at the statement tbat tbe ,fnmous food :,Gtape-Nuts. yields a. alUcli nourlflbmeht from one pout\d •• ctln be nl>sorbed by the system from \t.n (lolinds •.of meat. , brelld, WUeat 'or on 1'1. Ten ()ou~dl ot meat mlglit eon· taln more nourlsbment than olui pound of Orape·/I{uts; but not In shape toot the systi!DI will \lbsor~ as large "a (lro- ' portldn of, as tbe body can · take , up from one pound of Chape·Nuts. . • ' !J'hls food contains' the selected lIartll 'at wbent ' and barley wbloh are pre'pared "and biY ,naturru means , precil, 1;C"lItcd, , tra.nsfOrlJjCd ' Into 0. fornl bt sll~ar, 'reMy for Immedll\le ·assl1nlla· . tlon. ' l'oople .n all porta at tbe' ""0 tid tostlfy to the valull of Orap'e-:Nuts, .. , .\ lito. DIan /lays : "t' h!ive' gal\le~ teo; p'ocmds on. ,Q.ape.N.uts .foQd . • 1 can trllly 'rl)commeQd It ' to thin ' peop)e:.' ,l Ic h:ul been eating mcht. bread; eic., 'rll;ht . alon~, but Ul(il'e was no ' len poun\)s ot added flesh until Grave-Nut,1t rooil \VllS used, " ' . . , ' Ono l'lIrIOll~ tc-atllre' re[;lItdlng true , henlth food Is that' Its UBe '1\'111 re<)uoe . Lile v,'olght ot a obrpu~,e!lt Iler~0'1- With unhealthy flesb, and will aod to , th~ WC.11Q1~ ot 0. fbln PC,SOll [:ot ' vrl)p~~ly nOllrl ~hell. Thero Is abundl1oll,Ce or o,.ll1cnce to prove tbls. -. Gr~IIe-Nutil balancos tho body In & condition of true ' health', Scientific lieIcc lion I>f food ele'nenla mllltes Oriope. Nl1ts good Rnd yal q~blo, Its dell"I'Ou~ flavnr and pOlYertui nuurla~1u1J prlJp-, ert!es bavo wado triends -that In turn l1ave Ula<!e Grape-Nuta tam!!ulI'Tile...', a ReUOD." '''I'u l\oadI

to WellYllIf'." III pq..





Two Vltlll Thing. for the Welfare ". the Ma •• el,

norance or [or 'mercenary r eal!Qnll ar. opposing tbli sale ot all 1I0usehoid r emetl les, whll is ~t not eqilallll nllcelsary ( or potlt'nlB to 1.1'10111 tile compoSit/Oil o( til e rcntC(Z y JIlrcscribcd b!J '1 plly" l clcmf Docs any salle pcr on b lIe" e lhaL lho ullium In a \lh),sloIOn'g prl!SCrlllllon I f! l ess Ilotont or loss IIko· Iy t o crc3tc .. <lrug hnblt tban the opl· um :0 n. proprl btnry m ed i cin e? AS a m attcr Of t I l t, more' Op11/71t-(/d l/iCf8 (llld coco1I1 '{1clI(/,y ~a'ue belm " reula !lrra lloh tlw ,I1,dlla l carel ess ll ess of lanorant 1JI,y8!c iuII3 th!JfI btl a1l1l oilIer III 011 8. 111111 fltiOll llbly, there lir e a ni lmlter of prallI'I tary l'cmetll f'8 on tile market t ~e sui s of whi ch should be Ilrohlblt. C(' , und no duubl t hey will b whe ll th e rCl]ulrements o[ th e Food an d Drul:s Act are rigidly entorcod: many ure fra u ds, pure and slmplo, and somo nre dod derJly , harmlul. O,f the av r · ugo pr onr letar)' 1'0111 , dy, h owe,' 1', It may trllthfully be suld tb llt It Is ~I !I' ' lincll}, hellel' thnn I ho 9verllge physl clli ns' pr.(I~cr lp tlon; l or n ot onl y Is its comllo~lllo n l oss secrct, but It Is pr . pnl' d rl ll' lho proprietor by repula~ll e Illanu fac turl ng' llhu rmac\slll In mugnlfi· cl'nlly cqulppp.d In bora t ori s ond u n· dil l' til IIIIIIer v l81011 and advlco o f ab le chell1l s l ~ , comllOlent ph ,'sle IRns and ~ klilr,,1 phnrmnclsts. It shollid nOl be cOII ~l d . I'Cr! sl ranGe. th ol'c C"re. lho l so tn, Il l' jlh )'~I ~lall s prefpr t, I1re~crlbe t hesn rNldY' l1r"pfired propl'lb,n ry r em· l'lll(>~ rnlh I' lhnn Irust lhoso of lhc lr oll'n dc \' lsln~, JUST TH-E- S-A- M - E- P',S ' CU RRe.iII\,. Y

To one Dot QualiHed, IUld f&w layalllll r.r~, to discrimInate 1I.telilgenlly Ther 11\ wlsll om In tbe old 1I10~l1 n , bctween physlclllns ' 1'1' Gcrlptlons, llI'o' " A soll(lol on ov ry hil i t al) I Id II Ilrletary medicInes aud n ostl'Um s, It OPERATIONS OF TRUSTS, chul'ch hI ,ev ry vall oy." Olllzen s of mny £ 0 ' m' little short of n crime to Lbo Unft ClI I'HnteM mol' 11'011 tool proud hint O\'en I hut ph yslc ll!.ns' pre scrlp· o [ t ho gr a:~ dUllllll onll 1 Mystem whl'lI PRI~CIPLES ml\kr'~ It II0S~ lilIC fOl' all cia sea t.o ac· tion s are In any m lum 'r ,r eltH d to nOJll rOnl SI never theless, an Imlll1,rUal Qulro lile 1"'01101' mental cu l clvall on, elCamln ation of 1111 tho facts In the • "'bey may al so Ceel proud ' or the r &- case l uads I rl'oslsLlbl y to the conCIIlNECKWEAR OF THE MOMENT. 'sYlteml That Oppose the A dvance- , I1glouR I1l1erty that oach anI' sian that ev ry m edicinal JlI'eparatlon ment of Rural Town. and Agrl. - clUzen enjoys, T ill!)'\) Is no slall compounded lind dlijfl ns 'd by a phy siSilk T lea Generally Bes t w it h the Em oultural Commun ltle., IIsh d 'burch to ' int rrere wIth tb cian Is, In tb e slrl cl ~o n ~ of th o word, broidered Cl)liar., __ tree xerci"se of CO bHCI nee, nei ther iu a n'lslrum, nnd tbat th e n vernge, FANCY WORK THAT WILL BE· tbore any Illw that Int I'for 9 wIlli thl! readY' llrcpared Il rol)l'l'lIIry r elll edy II! :Nc\' I' betor have thc p OI)le ,of the GUILE VACATION PERIOD, Ther e Ill' lIl ~ n )' varl ti es o f jl1unl, eXQn:iso of I' ' lIgloul! btlllef. BupcrlOl" t o tbo avol'll!;o spcclally'pr&counlry beon so uwaken d lo th e 1m· !lUt e silk 1I H all' ' I'od r ill' '" ar wilt Tb e Unltl:d States oan be Illok d Pllred ph ysician s' prescription. portanco of home prolecllun a8 lhey th emi>rold r>red oll nl's, but tb4 III)On as a ' lIl1t-loll wh re srhoqle and What Is a nostl'lIOI ? A ccording to are at prosent. The wl"e Imowledge ch ul'cbes nourish to the ruliesL 'ril e Any Material, from L i nen to Brocade, Rlllal'!( st Lhlng to u se with such II col 8prelld by m enns of t he ptlhll OI'ell8 ' public scbool lIyst em Is aile o r Ille· the Stund ard lJ!Cllon ul'Y a 1I0strum Is lar la som fonn of IIngpl'ie 1I or bow, Suitable for the Wor k- Make. a dl(:l n tho COlT11I081110n a! \I'h lcb as ~q the operations ot the g r ut tl'llsLa most porfect that cl vlllznUon hall yol " a 'l'h se, w h clI nne enoul;h t o, 1) 0 desl l;' n accrot." .t'0w, wholl a ph;l slIs \(ellt Very Pretty and Useful and how tho ntaQseB aro mllde, lo ser ve evolve<1, or co urso Ihere 1\l'e com· ' able, nl'e luo expen slvo 10 becomo co m: clan co ml lound ij 111111 dl ~ \lm:Ge~ wllh Affair, 1,11 more favored l allses I s huvlng Its munltles where local condition ') al'O m Oil, lInd the COlu'se IlIllt al!otl s 01 e ffect. Tho r esld nls o,r agri cultural n OL 80 favoralll tor B hools as oth r his own hands Il relO edy Cflr tho trent.. Ih em nr 1t0PCl cijSl y IIgl), and t awdry, Whil st mak ln!> prellarntlons ror VII· com mun ities are begi nning io rellllze plnces .... It wIll be o llserved thlLt UJa m ont oC II d l ~caso-nllll I t Is lIuthorita. If on o cannot II f[ol'd a reaIll' dalnt' ClltiOll one lIl il ~ t no t fOl'l';cl to hn ve III1 ;;crle tic 01' bllw or ,raba t It Is ra l lhe dllll gel's of ~luslne68 concentl'UUon mOre Important I ~ th e city 01' Ow' tlvcly stalcd tb. ~t protmbly GO p er ccnt. at 1111 IIhyslc lnn ' prescrlptlous co ot needl work UII oc· r 'all), 0 (II In s Uon s of the ountry domlnat d town, tho more advanced are the odll: b eltel' 10 hold to a sllll tI , ClllllltlLllI [or \Vet day s, sol' S a cO l'res· by th cnpltallstlc: ' Iassea, Th ey n re oallaunl raclllU s offel'ed the IIC JIll, In this country arc f: d l sponsed-tho A shorl ~ lI'lp of lin IInscrl stulr, n amcs oud quonti Urs ' ot th e In!:rc. l1ollrlc ut. I wou l r! 6 1l ~1: st lhat n v ' ry ",!.I enlnl': 10wIlrd Ihe elld s and heuull, 'fast b coming arous d to fh tr ut h Tb¢ r esiden ts or rural eommuJlllloy prclty and userul pI c Ilf work \\'oulll that thi s conoen t ratlon Is a mensc to bave tbell' stat e 01' dlstl'lcL school , the dleuts whi ch con~ t lt ul (J th c r emcdy fu ll}' emb l'Olti r ed 01 th08 nds. Is OOE be Uti embroidered nliws paper m ck, or Ihe POllulur urrangem nts for Weat the ()I'OSlIerItY of th e nation, uDd dl· curriculums v '( whi ch ore I' Ii I': '(eel. nro not 1I111(l e knoll'lI to lh e IIIlUenl, Hcnce slilco li s O nlllosHlon Is kl) pt a The mat('l'lals al'O nol cost I)'. IIlI d th a 1'e Uy /If[ Cl6 ev I'Y producer, overy it II! to the ncarby town tba t th c hil · with t h e li n en collar. It Is doulli ed wOl'k Is n ot bulk y, so It cOIIIII be ca r· so tha t Oil l abor I' aud every clllzen or the co un· dren wh o aro r ElsldontR or tho. far tn S(lcrol'bY lite pb yslc la n, tho I'em.!dy or rubl'old el' d end fall s jusl pres rlllLlon Is IIl1l1UI"5tlonobl )" III tho r lN I abo ut wit haul au>, dllllc"llY, A,;y below th e otb !'I', nnd th e fold d middle h 'y, who dell nds UIlOll his work Cor dlstriCls mllIit look for th II' hi!:h er tl'U O nH!anlllg of th e wo rd, a Simon. pl'etly l11nlcrhll , rrom lin n to hr ocnd , support. Is slipped up 111111 I' the collnr, hidinG education, Whl Qh Is a necessary IJr 9\l' IlIIre noslrum. F'Ul'lh ormore. th o preIs I)ol'f cll y suitable fo r Iho purp ose, 'l'h lIulldlng up of gr ellt tl'IIs1s cQnl· arallon for entry· Into college, amI Cor he two co llHI' bUl lons nnd cllh er butscription ContllOund cl1 Ily th e avcrage " choI ce belns reg ulnt d by. Ll1e m enead I(lS6 lIlnn a score of yeora ago, husines8 I!f, H ow hnllortant It IK, lonln g Invi sibly Lo lh e upper co llal Al lhe s1l.01 lim e til 1'e w ero olbel' th en, to tl,l e r esident of the f;:trm ,lis· Ilhysirl an Is morc than ti llely 1.0 110 Il. buHoo or h eld In ,,10 e by Ule pin Hy~tcmll laauJ;IJI'lIled Ulnt lond d to' which Is art II aS80 l ilted wltll tho em , trlcl Ihal his h(lIllCl town be au ae' ll'e perfc ct JlIlIIbl ~rep l clc with til ra.ward s robbin g t h e hom towns of plac and of sufficlenl bUSiness 1m· 110U tl (', ph yglOl oglc IItHI chemicn l In· T hi r d Son Felt lie l-tad N othing t" brold I'cII lin n co lin I', Reproach H imlielf w ith, bu sllles6 aOlI conc ntrllling tbl $ bu sl· Ilortnnce to jusllf)' tho lII:llntena'n 'o f cOl1lpall lJllilics and bearln l; all Iho flar· A hOrs cshoe or ell' 'I tlln, calcblng llellK In lh l al'ge lUee. On e of th eso a hi'gb class sch oQI! It can IN seell m arlls oC l l hu)'ru:lccllli('al in !llII[le· 1I 0 IWO si d -'8 or Lho c Itar Dnd 'b oldlng syst III , most 1I0tabi e In Its InJurious. how eac h r esldenl of a farmtng UOlJJ' t ency : ror IL Is nlJw /l n I'ully ntlUlltted '.\:c m lind rh e lin eri e cravat firmly III \\'11110111 KnoC(l fot. of SI. L Oll ln, Iw . 011 mUons ond Ita t I'ce to (iraw omnlt)' ehoulll be Inlereated In tb e lim IInless a phl' slcln n hns Illude a Inv\! ll t d and ho nes ~o patonl II lIecrul Illnc , 18 afton S n, nnd orn amen tal w eallh fr om communltlus where It Is boma town and all lIlal p rlalu s :0 I ts sp ' rl 'l l stlldy of JI"nrm:lcy Ilnd pass ed Illowl llg methOd for t he cure 01 bald· co lInr nina of the Itlntl so llIuch uned produced, III the mall·ord er s)" stem r IJpbulldln g. If on no ot hor Ilcl') lIn t, so m ~ lim e In n dru g' 611lre ro,' tb e Inlr- n ess . " A S lIuln cure ror ba ldlless:' for coltur and ou ff Si R are al so used, htllllncs!!. NOll wilt ~lIr t lta hl A Sy~· 1>111:1'1)' on a count "f ih ducat/rlUsl PO SA of b'Tllnl ng n Il ro"lI P:!1 Imowledgo sai d 1\11', KnoPpCel t hc oth'r day • Short Sashes. oC m od'lrn ph J l' Ill IlC~'IIt1f'lI l m el huds, sho uld make II mnn " c ry rich, \Vh y, .,om I ~ III gillmllte, Ilut no OCO,ll mI st rncilitl s, F or ' WOI'll n Inclined tpwl\rd grenler IlIlDJllng pa/'all I In Iml'Ol't'9I1ce ~'Ith 110 Is nol t1 tteli to COIIlP<lII II.1 'r dnl)dlcs IIlell "row rI ch on Cake cur cs. I t II 'an shOW \\'11 r!lln Ils IIrlllell'l B arc charming shott sl lll plIclty Ihere [1I' Cnr bl ~ pUI I ntt , 1\1\1/'('0 l'l', a 111I)'sl· n1l1flzll1/l, It r eally Is, 'Wha t fuk II some OiOU!HI. By tho sys t em c()nllliuullleH the schOOls nre lh o ollUr;:b s. 'I'h "nR h e~ whI ch l ook E'sJlccllllll' w elt wlUJ Ill' Impov I.'lah· d aull .IICllt fr III prohat! I' lh bam tOWI! the beUer clall wlw ('ompulln,1 h \ ~ 0 \ n IIr'Mcl'lp' or these cures are, Y,et 0 1 I' ' s Ilio n y lhE' rl'ocks made slig htl y short wa l sl· g r llsslng, He who will /(1 ye sl udy .t o Ibe hu rch bulldl n s, ,1:'11 til greut' l: tlonH tlol oul y .1 <' )l rI\' 1I5 th o "hllrllln els t III lIlC' IU ," Mr. 1,noeprel, ga\'c II loud, d at tile lin k. Ot.horll eOl"slst 01 tbe blt sls of countn' devC!OIIJllent will 18 til e t al cnt th al Oil s tb e pu l plL Rotb of hi s Jusl (,llIoluumlllS. lIut h e c l\(lan· 1lr.')1'Ili'ul Inul:b , " Iu t he ir ro okedn t' s ~ _ J Inch on \l 1\ hnlC gold 01' sliver rlbhon , ducat!on· g ' rs tb li ves or pull nl a: for It Is Ih(\l' I'cmlnd m e," h e said, "or thll see thnt I t Is l be labor OIl1loycd thilt schools and ohur h a hn v weigh t ed wltli tn ssel s. but a v'e r y not nlooe nhnnces th valuo or thc III QuallU s Illat should {lo t li e II ghLly onl y by th e det ('[I')n nnd ellmln Dtlon thl I'd so n or Ule 011'1 eccllnll'lc. 1'0 1" ~ ' I'~ '. good qllallly of r l h!Jon IlIUSt lie used farm Inuds, Illlt builds 111' tbo lowns. vulued. 1'iI(.,,), 10 un l ho Illgl>esl HI n: of errors In Prcscrillti on s by clover , haps yOU hnve henrd t:h e stOl')' ! W ell. Ir It Is not to Inrnl sh, anf.! tIll s Is only When Ihere Is littl e to emilloy Ihls In· IJl I Ilnd III or:) I dev I \1m nl, nnd n)loll COlllllot('nt J)r e~ll rlt>tlonil; ls thnt the illl old eccentric; dl d and l ett h is for· another way or sll~' lng ~hat sucb . 8 ellW 10ll lll D~ d I> ' lId A th : goo(l finr t y of the puilllc ~lI n bo effectua ll y lun e fllHllI~' to hi s t hree sons, Uut hOI', lh resull 18 d preSSIon. stnglUl· sll shes, e,' en tllOlI );11 nmong' the nar· It I ZllnMhlp aud the 1\\1"I!llceruent u d slll hle,l tl'om t.ho rlml'nal blunder!! til wIll con till ned ' a strallge provi so. t 1011 lind 1\0 n 'llrogl'e s~ , 'I' h grcM \'11 row cs t or th e smul'l waist t rimmIng!!, ' of Ignorant I1hytlklans, o f \ he mall,order systom will b has 11 'rt1ctllliUon of he nlltroD, Ponch h ell' was to pl ace SlOO In aro easil y the llIost Xll 'uQlve. Aver )' Nor rnn It h ~lIlrJ that th c a"eroge cO lllu Immedl nt I), lJ. for grown liP, is Its toklng uwny t.h e til Inter· OVERLOOKED OPPORTUNITIES, I1hyslclon Is OilY 111 0" olllllelent to ment. f\ f e w dill'S after (he Interm ent and t aste of the worker. The goOl!' quality of gol l l or sliver ribbon mans tbat smaH lown s hnve or m· flJl'll'llln te a' pruHc'rl ption than he Is to t he I hree youn g 'men mel Ilnd di scuss· buck o f th e rack should conlilst of a will cost from two and a ~ha lf dollllr~ pl(J),ln g labOr, aud the cl'I1lwIO!; from pat.1I ".,mm'unll~; tho l)rol1t6 In COIl1: Cha nc~ s 11\ Average ~mall Town for r. OIllPOlll1,1 It. Wh II Ulemorlz II 'o r dl· c {! th e l'Ju et'r pl'Ovl s() and iUl ltecu· stron g ploce or cardboard , abou l 20 [), yart! upwllrd, whll th e tnssel s and P ~ o fita bly E ngagi ng in Buslne • • , Itlndl'cd trimmIngs 01' 0 corres pondlng· In ralll i Iransacll'on s [,bat I'epreson ls r(' ~liY ('01.11'11 f roUi a book or "fa"orlte lion. 'W ' II,' enid lh ) olil csl SOil, 'm y Inch es long by 12 wide, ThI s must b Iy hIgh. the w nllll . Iba '1)1 prpeuretl , I t Is neall I ,rc~crll'tl nlls by ramou s (lhy1! lclan!l ," y covered wIllI th o malerlal cbo. · AC oril lng to 'til nil II SUit H cell' ' 11' from " ,,'m o t('xl,hool( n'r m edlcn l ell n ~c l nrfl Is clel1r, Ii put DIY Imlldred eb, which I l woulrl bo useltlss lo elllFichu ecrectti ore l:1'6 wlug mOl'!' and sOJlhl try to claIm tilllt til r IIld .;Il of sus ot 1900 tlll!l'fo! \V S 1!r<I\llIced In tb e j nllrnnl, thf; lirescrl lJtlrln may bo nil In lhl! f:ollln In clelln, n ew II OtOS.' 'My broid er, a8 the work would h com· more In [lopll la,' rUVOl', Flounced \l COlllll1Ulllty whp t; nd3 hi s money to con sr. lflIl cO II< olear , too ; sllid the sec· {Jnltod Stal 1,293,062,433 dozen gs:~, th llt It Sl llll/ttl \le. It IR ooly wh en the II rol' ' Igll ~9 wn lind 1I0V s th t en II I' plel Iy hidden wh [\ t he pap ' ra were skirts oro IInothtlr VlctOrlll 1l fashI on 0 1111 snn, I PUt In uiy bun arod In gold.' The samo s tatl ~ tlca g l" Ul unDunl ph,lan I S rcqnlrc(L to orl glnale 1\ n':hnlmlll y adapted to Bumm I' fabrics, cent, lha ma~' .. IIreli nt lhe 110m ' I, ((II), Ilnvn Ilot blllg to rcprol),ch my· PUt In. Th front, h owe" 1', can be fils , Is nol It rnelor hI Il,'oducLlon of poultry Ilt 260,623,1 1<\. flll'lllllilL 011 Iha S\II/r of the mom 'nt self with: 611111 tha third SO il , 'j bad j ust DS beouUflllly nnd c labo rately em· Dlerchau 's The Newelt Belts, , mlpo\' rl&h lng tllo c mll1\ltllt)' , While 1'h bUI,ter mad a ll f arms elLch 'j' r thnt bls Inf:all lllet cIICY Is dl stil,.:llr 'lvlnu c8~ h lIl , th e lIme, tllough ; 80 I Ill'older ed 118 lbe workc r plell ses. Wben The newesl b I t Is made of l eather the :la.vlng ma), I' main lu lhe com- Is tn exc S8 of I,OQO,OOO,OOO pounds, dent S l ,mlllsly, how 'v l1 r, th o ph}'slt.he wvrk. Is mount d. on II finI shed wrolo o ll l a cher:k Cor $300 III, p oor, of on e color and slrlp tI with l ealb'er munity Ille em rlloymont of l abor eft!; n · Th e cllec e madc on fnrms av erages ('Inn!! IIr Iho tlnllell Slatos ore little pice oC cordbollrd similar 10 I II back, abpul 20,000,000 pOllull s annuall)'. "'urSf I lin II .th o avurul:0 UrlU sh ~ vhrsl' dC!II' futh I" S nlllT)C, placed It In Ull! but mtller shorter, aorl SbUTjll y round · of nnotb el' col or, and thlll l ook !! best Ual tn eyrir)' bllslll e~s hi given to th rom ll n nD l ook In change the $20 0' 10 wIth a whIte foundaUon and striped for I;;n place, and I It home t.own Is Th cso statistics nro Inler(lsllup:, nnd nlan : luI' WI! fi nd Or, Jnlll llR B unll'tt, ed 01I on on si d. Til two Dl eces curre ncy IlI:lt I rflunl1 ther .''' In \)Iack. Aut el nslle 'h I ts conUnue \Vlih each 'flll'm I' ",'T(llVln gpoultr y nUd ro\)bed or this ' empl o)' lIJoot I!Ilvln ~ al'e tlIen Bew n tog th e)', tlnd lhe join· ler.1nr()r (IO l>rnrl 1('11 I Mulerln. Mo(II('a popular, 110 doulit hy reason of their 1r1;S Ilnd making butter and eh eso, It nnd l ' lmrll1l1cy, -1':I), Illmenll n!; I)OWOr, Ing co nceal ed \)y II thIck cord sewn PU6H IO O THE a,EAR ASIDE, adalltablUty, nnd b lis of rIbbon elth· hlll'd l y s em s (loGslble th at such com· In Ih n M odl cal Mnl;fl7. lno th,l l lIosslug all 'a1·0\\n d. A smart bow of ribbon at Every dollnr Ihat Is soqt ' \Lway troOl el' buckl ed or ' bel d wllb embroidered blllallollB a~ daIry lI'usl s an d cgg u~ld of Ihu pn!fl('riJJllt1Il alld b mOlloln!; Ihe 11 community wh re It Is llreduced Surv«yor Tell s Of E)(I~e rlence He Doe. lhe ,H)Il, by whIch to hong tlto Ilock t, buttotls 01' hoo ks are PllrUcu l arly, be· poul try t rusts could xl~t, bu't 'thllt and n slmllal' bow at tbo side. wOll ld :lIct 11m b solclnlll ""l'K 110 (lull n. "lIna l ().(UJ 'r b y t\l e lUling Qt ,thc soU: by the Not Care to Repeat, comIng t o lho smnll waIst. Mucb fa:· they do 'Is n eveftb l esH a foct . , Iltly 11nl sb a very Ilrelly and 118eCui , grQwlog of live sto k, by the W()I'" of nUlu" nbl a If) d('vl!;., a p ro~c rll)lI l1n vor Is sU II b e ll1 ~ shown to the r i bbon Evel'Y s~mnll tQwn In a farmIng dis th,e dllY Illboror, or by (h e sLor l(eCfler, affaIr, ,oven In " !:ood COnll'D ted Latin ," '1'0 walk rl gh l up to a m on Rt er bel1r bel t wh l h Is mn<;l e In one with ovor· tT lct commnnd sufficient butler, 1m 110" rillbes llle cotljmunlty to that AIIiI l\'hO-I , I lTl:iY h a ~ l(m l, I!I tbe nnd try 10 sh('lvc It out of th e way and sl vcs and \)ra ce8 or ribbon, th ese egg Dnd poultry trade 10 support Ii~ PRETTY IDEAS IN TRIMMING, ltt!l ll~, and .1MB <lohur ,ceascs to bo ~t:l l J~ of lho wrltl.·' 11 Jl rc~crl llllon- tI!O tlJ('!n eS(,(lpe wlthollt: so milch as a braces beIng ellh er rrllled- or plain. prosp rOI/S cxclu's l ve produce es~b any faotpr In lhe advan em lit of th II:eRCrljlllon ltwt Is CnmpfJl lllllerl ,nnd ~c l'nl o h I ~ un p.xlleri enco ot a lIfellme, IllUd o or lhe dbbon, lrentod simply' 01' commuolly, P ros\lmlng I hat thero aro Jls)un nt, Th e 1ll'netl('o hns generally d iRpcn sprl by I ho pha nm\cl ~t- I ~ It. 1l:l1'I'y l IO: n gelbrigh t found It so 0 f ew Narrow Frills of Mousse line and Lace made of pl ec silk adorned wltb a \rl ed 10 uJ>Tic\l l ~ lIraJ (llstrlcls at obta Are Much Uled. In a com1UulIlLy ll,OI)Q lIeopl e, 8uppose 1.1)0, a nostl'lllll? I t lI1a y I,., 'olll .n(11'd da y!! Ul';fI I II DlulllOlltl canYOn, above lrQllls of s ilk , th e best If et beIng that enoh cine ot th ese 2,000 f> ople slarek ellers 1\1 varIous lines l alt t haI Iho 'JT.'IlIenl, wil h Iho wrlll hn W,, " hll1):ton, Hays a Nt:,'all;l 'City COl" (arlll c~8' pl'odueo III exch aoge [ or A trImmIn g Id a xplolted lIpon golnl'd by so me dllrk \'l b1>on wblch send nwa)' to Motne foreign pili e $5P formll in. In his III'RseRsi on, II1n)' it'llm I' C'~ 1l0Ufl l' lIt or tbe SacraDlQnto Dce, lIlatch s Ihe skJrl, while thoblou8e 11er yeoI', 'fhl s ' In. _Ute agg1' gate. Is goods. The IWO!,lUCIl IllU ~ r oc I "ed by til e chnrlletf'r of tho ni lnl'Cly 'l lrO' Thl! YIlIIIlA man, son o [ Congl'osSnulU some of l h prettl esl f roclls In sllll m erc hantll I s fOl'\vl!r~e d to lhc COllI· m ouss olinc and 8111111111' sheer SLUffs with whi ch tit se- ar e warn Is at fine , $100,000 per YCllr lllat goes la I ~ 1;1111' 1';IIJ;elb rl"ht, ,hus jUl,t remm ed trom IIncl e xpressing lhe lendc~cy toward whllO 80ft In w n, Ipill ICIl MilS s In tile "h\l'1;1I ell)', lind Rnr lbofl. So, p(is"l bl l', h( ml);ht if ' h j10rl r()~f.n' for I ~n town, SUI1POS thDl tb ~c hoilsoS'tHO ractor.s t hnt IIlake 'lt IIn'lIQrsloort Latin II nll \V('rn 'l (1hy~lrlau Iho 1I1l11 I' coutltr)" where h e hilS \)een frllfs /l nd furb el OWS wn5 a f 'lltUI'O of~ ~nc:h oa sending bIll mon oy aWRy POPULAR PARISIAN, MODEL, or n Ilharmad sL 11111 II ~ h o "'H" 'U )' Ill)'" clolll g soow snrvc,'IUI!;, and r",lates his s,,\,cs te'll pe~~ eEl-tit. ; t)Je f/llvln lll! lOr n , pos~lhle to malnlll'llI lrusts In' tbe nro· s eRMOS nr;> Il rn rol\~ifl,,"1 trnlllllll; ' ;lnd th r lllill/o: expe,rlen(le, It wa s coming one of tbe s ilk coalS and mousa line duce hUlllheS8" It aplletlrs thnt It eacb skirt {rocks wbl ch figure amoll g lhe yenl' WQuld 'be ,$5, and In' ten )' ear S $60, 10WII "h ad I t~ t);<c lu sl ve Ilrod\loo o~ta b· c:lnnot r eud Lotin, ,Iho Ill'r.~crl l l l i~o IS I1n dll~t<'lIt th e close cif the day' s work, cuts, Allernnle 1I Q)'row ' frlll s' of villen.' Look at tbe other sldfl-$lOO,()OO busl· practtcal ly a IIond Ilocret III him. 10 I hc brush·llued trail he saw proIIshlll en ~ to buy wbllt th e farmer bas cl annes l ace IIml mousseline cover Il ss lIer yonI' would SUl1port In the to sell Inst ad of the I)roduce ,goLng Furlhermore, 11m II v,~ rn).;., preserll1([oll Il'uellu!; whllt h e t1110ughl w ere UJe the 8"lrtlo a line abo"e th kn ees and home lown fi ve good stores. El1cb Oll Is RO badly wrllten :11111 Sf'> ,grellily hInd qua I'tor~ of sam stray bovine. of tbese stor s would give oOlploy· t luolIgh the local stores, tha.t botter nhbrE'vlaL('C\ Ihot uv"n th 11hllrmo I At, tl o \\'811((1\1 up and gnve Ihe brute a t he slee" es, which ue l ert vl slllio by ment to a number of bn.nds, Tbe small IIrlcQs could be I)nl<l llle fal'mers and slillJorl os hn IIHun tl y IS.ill d"clllheJ'lng ~ 1I 0Ve., II came ' to Us bsunchell wltb the sl eevel ess CBSIIQue, are also comlh~ busIness made a most profitllble Ilercentuge of profll thllt would be m cd ll'(11 bI Ul'oj,;IYllh ~ , . III \10n~ t "lltly a snort th ut made Ihls lIalr ri se and posed c! nlternatlng trllll of mous· otl ~ l[ rl ~ h tJy conduc t ed, seline and of l ace. mllde would be retained , In , the COlli' i\u,I{;:-dlog to t he nnt ural laW8 01 obllgml 10 Inlervlew I" (!Hcrlb ors to clIll sed him to heal a hasty retreat. Tiny rrllls of sort ribbon trIm man), nlllnit y an" he IIlYested In new en l eI" IIn ll out whllt nctlJully Ims bntll! I"e· The big brute 100ke~1 orouud and then \)lIslnelj8 Industry succeeds best where )lrl stls. Year after year, th er \, would scr"lbnd. It muy ul8n b e contond ed, shuOled off Into lh" woods , It was sheer (rocks, the ribbon b eIng u sed 'In proru slon, and coun!.l osB narrow bando bo <a contlnunl Increase In ' the pr08' I\dvlin ~age8 ore most o\)ull,dant, Thuti lhlll illasmu ~ h as :th •• fllJ'mllllll s known eIther' oHl eep or else so bu sy eati ng of ribbon laid on lint are also a popu· It seem.; ~hll t th.o · produce o~ers a perlty ,ot the town, and th o ' bllUdlng to hath ' l;h)'51(\lnn ilnfl pllfll'jnaci st the ants 'from an old 10i; thut It fail ed to lor trImming tor UJ e summer frock, mo~t 'e xcellent field In the lIlaj o ~lty ' 01 up process would add to tiio' value of ' pro s(\~IJllloJl cunnot ihel'urore he n ~tl , hellr th e yo ung 8unreybr, whoso toot. nil (be ' town properly , nqd : to the ogrlclIltural ' t01~ns .. · creL Dill with eqlllll truth IllII (ghl b.1I sle lls W ~ l'e dea,lellcd by the lllick car- One ' se08, too, as In the case of th e ruch ed silk casaque all(1 mou~­ tal'ms within the trading rndl(l s of the contElndnd thlll Iho formula oC any Sf)' Ilel or [lIn e ueedle,;. Later It WOl ~ GOOD ROADS MOVE~ENT.. sllllne skirt m p dcl. wIde rull ruohes of town , While by sending away lhe COiled nORtrum 16 not II. lillerot IIlnco It, IUlIrnod thllt th e iln nJe bear, n monster farmer ' would In ten years' time 8av6 Is Imown In bOlh proprIetor tmll rnunu · cln llnmoll, IHid kill ed a dog earlier In sbeer mnterlal edged with narrow rib· but 'SO, whereas,. by patroniZing the Million. of Dollar. Annually Save~ to fac'turer ; Itlr It m IJst 1I0t be fm'gollcn tile ,Iny, The' dog ventured 100 close bon In sstl n or v el vel, usod as lbe hotthe Farmer. ef the Unltld Statea, tom trimming for skIrts or tb e sheer 1I0me town the prollts ' that would Ihal. according to 1'011111110 aulhorlty. IIlul wilh on o blow or Its paw the big fahrlc. In this parUcular Illstnnce the come to him . In ·subalanllal Increase' ~ Ono of tho most Important move' 95 per cent, ,o f Ihe proprietors lit !o· b ea~ t sent It hurtlln~ ya rds away, skIrt '\\'as of ' mousseline anil t il narIn rel\l estate values would bl) ten c:lI.led palent fIlcdlclntlli prep"re.I In dead Iia 1\ dool'nall. ' tlmos thi s amount, The building liP meu~s that has b een Inaug urlltod 'of row edge was 01 Sllll, match ing tho or to",n would Ittlllrove the home . rec~nt yellrs, and wbleb bas resulJ.ed tbls country 'h ave tbelr remeli les marltl little bolero, Magnifying Choir Leader'. Voice. " loch " of "Taupe" straw with market, affordJng ,e Very producer all., 'In wonderful benellt to the , fI!lO.llle 1M for them 'IY large. reputable IDtll'lnlne' 'c- h-In-a-T-ea-P-a-r-t-Ie-., In Ib e old village of· Brl1)'bl'ook In bUll ch of " La. France" rO S8S and a long tbe tar,ms better I)rlces for all 11.18 pro. tbe gocd rOILII~ movcment. Wltbl]l tb e .turing phnrnlllcillti!, Rut oven should . , , United Statc$ i here \Lr~,.al)(>ro"lmat,e ll' a . pallent ho el110 to r ocognlze th e Northu1I1J)tol1shlre: Elngland, Is tl JU OII: On e of the latest nttrilctione of the veil qf " Tau pc" 1101 111 el'esl!rlt. IIucl!. ' nbout S,OOO,()OO fl\rln er s. - If during Ii nRmell of I·he In&r dl ent ~ mc ull<lru,'fl III sler t rllmpel. live sb, In ch('s In l ongth, afl ernoon tea J1l1rty Is QXllressed Ip the Drcss for Young Girl. t here, hI ' ano~~er thing, ~he .tent IlftCh 'ot thqs,e f ariuflrs can ' ,b , n 19rmula ,he ' wfluld mill' k'now Imlf lIod hn"hl!; n belJ';shnped en d Iwo raot In vltallou senl out by tli .. ho sless, A prelty dress for Il yciung girl Is town supports the, churobo.s, tile 'sa ved $10 In time, 01' hi welLr and tear 1110' Gl ory. , It , Iii seillom" for 'n !ll :lnco. uno Inc h hi dlam et.el·, The trumpet 18 " Urlng with you uny' 1)l ece ot', chlna IIchools and oth er publlo In8t1~ut{on8, ullo,n bOrses and wagons by m ean s 01 .tha't at ~h o l Is gpocIllclI lly Ul,,"llon ud ma de lIf1 or len 1'101;8, whl~h In turll about l he origi n or wllicb )'OU ree l du· of pole hluc n~\\11 wltli a )(oke and The 6t11c;l ency,of these InaUtut ?,L'IS lire . !ml)l'oveil . roa(ls; It 'means a saving 01 10 .n preRcrlptl on , ror It Is 11 511l\lI y are mnUc liP of sma ller 11ll1'1s. The bl ou s," Th e g ues ts arrive )lcnl'lng In 1I0d r slf)e l' S o[ very sheer white d eppndent UllolI ' t be lifo and , a oUvlty · ,80rOOO,000 onnuull y; ).lilt lhe t ruth Is I'llflsked In tho f elTln \If tln Clures Dnd use or I hlij trlll1lpel ·- only COlli' or lbe t.h el,. arm s SOUle pet pioce or potter y handkerc J: lof III1 ~ n formed of tiny . 'of the town, Whero poor towns QxlSl, th.!lt (he Improved I'oafls -tbat hn fI,uld eXlrac t s, :ui :lrll u g'rea t mnny- '1<11Id arc ImowII tn pxlst at L1)e 11I'cscnl l hot th y ha ,' e I?ng IISO Imllglned to tu c k~ an" hulf·ln h vnlenclennes Inser' th ; lIohoolll. do not I'ecelve t,h e' suPllor t been built til' l he (last IlalC d.ozell yeal-s oth er 1I1lh~toncQs. II Is (' vidcut , I hero- rlay-was til 1lI3gnJr"y the voice ' of 'tJle ' bo o[ vol lie, tholl!lh without , an ,- defi· lIOII, I t Is mad by hand, The blous& tbat 'll! neCeSSA ry to make t h em goad ,' thtoul;b ngltntlon' of the gooll road~ t01'~; t hat ,I li e ol'<lina.rr formulated (Ire- l oa der III the choir and sumLllOll tbe olto r enson ror Ih elr bell er, or sOlli e nnd sl coves 0.1'0 cu t in one ploee, trim· nollher (Ire ~I' churcbos ot tbe .hl~h mo\,ellient sllves aah fnrnui l' In'- tbe 6cl'iptlon I ~ , 10 t it!' 1\\' ol'(\l;l\ pllllont. Itt· POOIII(' t o tbo cbllrch servi ce, A l Iho lnte r e~ Upg trill thllt .hay Ot' may not m ed with th e l ace In sertion nnd edgIng-, wh ile a hand·ombroldered motl.r IItnndard they sboUld ,,:be, Barno [,al· land frain' , 50 'to $]()'O. Thus It eon lie till 11'8s th rin a SIll:l'llt 1't.'lUedy (It' !JOS' l' re~c nt time n elthie r Ill(! cnolr nor be of. great wort h , l:Qnnge ~ean S' g!lod ' ScllOl:!ls, good so n Itl\lt the ' §a'\'logll . brou ght Ilbout trum. th e Ron' l cc Is In n"'3d 01 t hll< eXlraor· -. ' , An xpcrt In china Is bl clll en to th e In [ront gives a. very French touch. cllllrcMs !\lId n11 conveniences , th!lt thl'ough ,tbls movem en t ngS"egnrc hUll' On Iho other ham!. ' tllO 1.)rm\llao, of .dl nar), "muslCIl I, lnstrulll nt. " but tU() PI\I't y Dud lbe po sn S9 0,. or ('8 h ,piece Th e gored skId Is plalu aud full, ' ~lm­ add' to the 'l )l asure ~lId enllgblenmeQt' di'eds of nilllioll s at lion ars aQh year, Ilonri)' nil tho IIl'oljrl el :Wy IIINJI".lnes "Irn)' or lhe church lak 8 caro of LiJe Is t old exacLIy -of wh at Ill IlItC Ihe c urio Il l y fi ltl sh d wlth a nln ·llIcb h ena, Tbe deop r Qse' tUn'1t ~lJb ertv ' ) '"', '; , ," ," G(>Od . rOllds tli'e linll ortallt to the J.I~~t nrQ ('*ploll od .'~clm:rv ely [ \1 fI."i nncl en t 1'I~1\r. .; nd IH fOl\d of 'N ~owlng , 1'1 I ~ Il nd or whnt \'aillc, 0)' at. dl sap· gll'~ l e l a ' ,or 1\ 11eopl o, A\I th 'rosl den ts ot '"1\ cOmmtll)lty Jlro~re~!\I" ~ town , ' Thls fact IIUS' h e. iil!,dIC:1 1 I1rof(' 1;6Iu,1I os , "'1' 11 ns, th,1Re 10 , all vl ~ lt or s,. (lollltm nl: 811d, 011 ' t he olh o)' hllQd, sali n. ThIs rrock Is ver y ' llI!y tomlike;' common ".'Int"l\rest~ In "Jt-lhe como Sd 'd'C,CO ' nlzeit that' where ve l or n 101'1:; 11 rr,olll,il;O -o f ti llS l1.rol,,·le· exC'eedl ug j oy nre met ed Ollt by , t.he ,but , lt$ styl e ' depends ou Ita oplor 2cb eme, Wllh Il should , be worn ~ a P"I",futly 'EX:lct, , llnnkel', Ul " )R\VYO,', the doctor ,fil e Urc,l'll "ex i sts Ii live n~rlouIlJI'n l towll tnry tcrnelili oN 'lh:rL urc liLl vHI'I I:;ell to , ju<1!:I.n ents u tto),ed In each case. legll orn hat wl t b br/nyn tlllle drapery A Ntl W 1":11 1;1111111 lila n I Cl II ~ lit It pros· merchan t, tiLe tal'mel', t~e day I llborer Its ciUzlills .)\'1\1 bo fOlllld to bo Blauileh' lho' Pllhl tc ( lhe 'S c,lIlIod Il:,t ,,"t n)(\dl· a/'ollnd tb e C/'(lIl'O nnd two deep 'pink ' , ,B13. Band Trimming, - all havc cuual Interests. 1'111111 we ad vocatea ~ ot I'oad Im()rov m n\, p.nll Ch\ ('s) nrn publi sh",1 I II Cull, U rl(l~ r PCI'OUM COnltOnl I<:ut , fnrlll el" paillfully I'OS 8 08 trl~lmlng, and a I?luk paraA rte~ the slrlp's ore cut li nd jQlned nlld t!tnt eQmmuil1ty Is In rellllty ' a , the re Is a ch 'lc )lrlde and rrlen9/y Com' ,lho Pnn(J and DrUJ;'M Acl, \Ivory molll· oxact III lIIonn.\' mlli!lor-s, who llIal'.llcd " large cool,crnll've assombly, What 1.8 jl Htion in tbe maUer Of bayh;~ gop" elunl proll:l rallon \'1116rllll; , llIll'rsLHto a whlnw \If Gr('.(,lI w lc h pos seRs llI );" In exchan go tb e pressor [ ol of !.II 9 w· sol should be carried, Ing mll~ IUll e for tb e slI1u ll h emmer , (It Inter est to one Ie 9~ naatol'lal Inter· roada 1110dlng to tbe towlIS, 'rh e worlr commorl'O Is now r l1QulrQd 'tn huvo t'!ttl Iler olVn rlsht thn sum or $ I Lingerie Bolt I. Artlltic, \lilt 10 the e~hel', .nu~ more Imporl\ln~ of road Improyeme nt has '\lnly (alfJy prllllortinn or qU:lll'tll Y (lr nlt'nbol, ~hOI't1y IIfI('.r tho wPlldlng a friend \\lot Rp.movo t he ullper tbrelld nnd the A la to arrival froUl ParIs Is' a belt tban aU 18 tb at' by 1\ pracUce of lhe belli~n. A D,umoo',' of IItate IClfl~l ~tul'ef tll1lt\m, cocaln ' 811d olh\~r 'b",hlt.form· I hll f:u 'ill\!1': to wbnm he offered ~()n­ bobbin, rlln Lhe Rtrlps tllroul;h the 110mo patronage Ilnnclple lIIe po8slbUf· Iia,ve taken up the 'Work and during Iblt ' or llrlrinful ' lrlgrc c,\l~n\R ,lIl eb It gnltUhlUol1a.. at the. same limo obsBrv· h nune,., ,holding t ho gOQds ,li ghtl y 90 of bord erl e 'AlIglalsa tbat fastens With t101r of building ul'! tru ~tll tor ~be eOI\' tho ned docer. ,,.ean- grent changes 1I1ay 'contaln l'lnjnry Ilritll.',l " \l' R· It Ilond thing for you, that I t foldl!, bu l docs not t urn under !n. plain' linen buckle, Tbat the"e are tho Ing ! smart and of .0~lglnal aspect there can , I trol I'lt In!iulltrlcs ot the eO~'ltry a~, -w:J11 'wrought a. ~o tbe building and Inbel. As llllyslcl:ioa' l'r(1RCI'lllt~n. Mo.lnchl, Q ml\rrlag,o thaI mollnll $10,· the ollge. U se tllis ,met'hod In ,p ulling be. n(l' de/lYing, and the)" prbmlBe a cbambray bllntls on a n et Houolle, and :reduced to ':the minimum; In ta()~ ' a' maintenance cif public hlgbwQYs, 000 to you." "Not quite Ihat. 11111," "1'14om or ne,er enl('r' InlWIII.lLhl etlln, dslnly waIst flnlah to sImple lawn by shlfllnj! tb o' ~ p9ce mnrker the deatrtct adherence to lh\a IIIq1ple prln!)!: , " Hid tho far-mer, "not qultll that." lUerco tllev are p,r aeUcally ollem"t UDi , shl rts an'ii !loen or aerge 8k1~ Hail4, sjretl dlstnnce belween the btlllds It • 01" of butld,lng up and pniteoflns home 0.". ~ch ' Work to ·Woman. " "Why," oxclllimed tl~ e rrlond, '''I ullderdll1' the Ill"'. ADd Ir I~ lie nl'Ct'.t4l111r), IndtJlltrletl precludes tile bulldJQI up TIle. IDVIIIIUOD of the typewriter b.. 'tor ' tbe pbbllc, to kD~W the OOull)O.l· Btood thlO/'n was ey,e!,), Cllllt of '10,000 III not n ecossary to bllslo tbem on tbe Gifpli" Unen_,agaIn Is a notable :If 1uIrmfill fTUaU ell comblllaU!II!l, ' ' ,StYell work to liaon UWa 1,00II.000 UOIl of proprtetart remedies".. la 10 It fur YO\l!" '" bad to JlILI S2 101 Det as tho edges arQ Qrmly pre". fancy, 'tlI affor4Jq &IIIple IKX\ptI IIIgenloWl tlldJvl4Ul 'rQI\aleot. do\V1\, J).JI, . ~ ....... cbDttlleJl.'d "'1 thoae .Iao throucb II- • marrbllo lIc:eue." "l~ lIalachl ON~







~,~, ~2U

~ ~ rj~~ JJ













Carpet Mel\llore yoor r ooUl' lind CIlIll(o t(. C'lrI~. II nu IU tlHlir ~tr ol~~ box the.y An Address by Hon. Allee Pomerene ~O,O OO In \J'JUIl . Th WhOllt. 1 ' . ' :It r Il teulpoTlLrily iu t itle ch nroh, \ Before the (anlon Board uUII I ha t hilln d un t C!lrIgregllti n' of Trade. ' I "I) " Y"ilr I I b,' " Ill l' ' ()I1l) lICIII1 puuhs hr!' h Id s it 11\0 illg'tI i u alia of th outVVo wor: e \V1~1l in 1, ,11 dllg thill , tOJlk In:lt filii, in I,rl ' jl hu.\ltl 1 1. U 1\ , Lh ll !,lllol\ lll'! l!'>l1I'II rlllug Ih,' 1m· In !!t~ . .. wll llll g ).l marketingoft.he terllllly ttdvllnoet1. Lllr ' o~L tlll lu~ lu s t y ur of 1I 11.\' i t hl !l (JILT will It At the a 11 110 1 banqllcI or lh Can· .I I, l"l lE IN ,\1 •.1 .&:. ' I1lll .. I)[ 1'\(' , Iol t.I" , ~ .. I E. 1· .. Il[{I'l.... If .u n ' hHI,jOlf!g ruln . 'Phus illb!lt \\ly pIli il1l:;'u.wuy ton Doal'.1 of '1'J'IHh' h l d '\1)1'11 10, 1907. g rollter. MII' ~tl ngH frOIl , t,ha n ll w til ~ t.o"k Ill'l<nrotl lIen 11 I Jl!' : ElFr40 " :: lir"L ]'I ' I( ~ U1 1, iulr'II' Ull o fth e illd 'l't. r oiigl n ui'~tlnlza. ...:." •....:...__ __ T,.,· I I ,(" f,· 1I. lt h I .. ud,u ~U (' l' l llou:! l U tho 'tllt e, th R r snit of }-ion. ALI!1\" l'i;Jn ~ r\ln~, ,\ m Omlh! I' ct Ilto . t rD H, 10\Vlillt prices , Tux l'OInlll i9sl01l of Ohlv. ,1 ~ lI\' O I' d a IOIlr!\·l ns . . . . .. . , . . • . . . . . . , . .. .. ., .. . . . . ,. ~Ii<l UII WI'~ lINC ~ llA~' , . 1. l' n .. IIIl ; 1l I " '() " 'III". '{' t~ .!." ~ l fll'\t " it'll III (l VI · · /I ,," (,lIrl (J l\I (1 , plouding xkt nco co 1)1' '11 ,,"In:: addrcsa on the s ubject t..owoll, Pnrk li:xl,m I:! u(lnr!l 111' tlt In lilll IIrt lell', bllt wllloll 11 0 wh Il hal:! for It . euu t1nd Illw the of " 'l·n. allan In Ohio," . Newstlt) u h r r... f "l l ..... I.ho oppouout" of Ingle purp ::Ie o f upholding or. rtu.ln of Mr, 10111 ren discuss d the lImlta· . R\l~R-;; retl l .~", t stook yot ..... . ... . . .... ... : . i l O.IiO op As to Criiici m 111'. Jj Illl .. l)t II lIt ,lVe r Ille ' ixtll 'on . r oligio u~ ob. ervuuces, which ,le· Uon~ ot tbe conslltutlon n~ til y a.(. LI~rgo AOQogh for ,\ I' ,'10 , papers, !l:r/l!'~luuul Ll!~ t ri o t" mllni.1 wi thi.1rllwlI I from the 1V0rhl teot tuxution, Pl'obll hl,v n grEl I t lI~ t\DY Republi and tha I luge ['osponslbilhiol! of life. "Whell tile eonsltlutlon of 1 51 was LlDole~m, aha s reut kltohen IIDd 11l\1I ClJvering 1.•1100 CurtainS-I'll tit 1n this it!sue tIll' Gnz 'lte pllhll,.11 Ctlu.s ho~r \' el·. wuuld be ~ Iad to s 0 though th exumple of towpeillnoo, IIdo pt d. It p'r ov ldod like that of I 02 neweffeot. , Window Shadtl!' .1111 col r ~. 1111 ~h~! ' s , !nlldll to ortler . . ' that 110 11011 tax tor county or atate ·.. ·d artl. CIe on ,. '1'11 I I"JI U Mr. Hiltlolmm t Ket. tho Vlum PI:O vlrt,o . o tI "III eo,,1 e. I O(I ustry am1 corroot JIVIOg en 0 of Modern .l, urnulisllI ., videcl it wOlllrl resu lt Iu Ull ond til Het· by tbese peo ple is of t !18 higbost pur l)C8 B shou ld be hJVled, 1'b I' cnn, thl'rllrore. be no taX ElB now upon TIlIH paper WIIS renu li t the rece nt uio 100 " feud t,hn! hil A di~l'upt d the valli - ·Iorwon~. 'ourlo'r , persons, and I do not believe . - -- . th 1'0 shoul d be, But 8 cllon a. gllt-heniug of tb E' . IllIlilllJa YellTly pArty In t hi s dliltri t :. Meeling of Frl!c'ud~ held io ,,"uyae. The two lerm~ whiott wore given I The Only Woman Bhllcksmlth Arllol 12, o~ ' tbe constitution ' ot viii IlUd IlppoIlls to UK Ill! one of the to '. Q. Hildebrant ill 'ongress by Deshler, 0 .• tbe, only wow . 1851 prov ided 'la wlI sball be t:)ni ts •• '!Whet!! fo r Mil.'ses, Womon IllOSt II bl e IIrtiol w huv ,'rr read th Il cop le of the ' sixt.h cli triot 110 bltlcks mitb aucl wqoo\\W rkel'in passed . taxing by ullito rm rul c. nil lind Child ren, t;~ ·rts. W IIl s~, Ul\ . on thl subjeot !leem to hn ve so turn d the gontlo~ th s~ t, Mrs . 'iVilh11W ' hom 111. ' mall ys, credits, Invllstm cnts In bonds, derwenT, \lIfllllt !! 'ong clonk!!. We very ohee rfully giv SPA Ci'tO Illlln'!; b el\d towtL l'd tbo dome f tue 8ho lonrned Ihe trnde III ) 96 whoo stock~. jolut stock COUllllulles, or alb · erwla : nud also real and pel'boutll thJs ur tlcle for t,w.o rell 00 . ' Sir t , apitol thut h Olin look iUllO o~hElr . her IlII blind wa 10k . At first she propcrty Ilccordln{ to Its vnlu In because we f e I tbat 'v r~T render dir ollon . Bot tboro ure }\efl.uti Il wl p £'Cl hllll with little thiog. lind money." 'I'hls w»s Ilmended Nov. 7. of. uoy. newspap r shonld be intor t<bvul the"'bllildiug t h l1tr!\. cinute lind thon took up w ood workio g t1nd 1905, so us to uc III trom tu xllllon, estec1ln thj~ snhjoct, IIml ReOOll~ly itlf .. tUJI. t nlmo>! t. beyolld th'l1 powor b o~lng \Vh o . h stJlr t.ed be w~ ~ bonds - stu te. municIpal . c9unty. t own· bf>CII\l!lelt g ive!! us 1111 oPllortuUlty of hUUlnll r sill tunc . Th o roomy t~ !'hght. wOll1nn. but now weigh 1, ., shill and school. 'l'he leglalntur. for a hllllrt,· t,..) hE'nrt t,dk with onr oOlrirlo l,tI . ulDJo!lt wide enough f~r lJ(lu llll". ::-ill ill:i yllll'r R .Jl(1 Ilod tb I'cfor • Is limit d more ·thlln 1\ was db ' . b 0 f tl 'IJ by th e constitution at 1802. rou er" t n we htl ve lon g lind iu 11 ball field, lire floor d witb iot,ri 1.11111 \' Q I lit \l \I I r cool·, (l 1· 1 s "[ t 15 w \I In tbcory to say thlll all The n OOOle) 11" ,1 IllY :v'mr d1'('~!1 'It, IlIind. 'IIte puttll rD Il of bri gHtest m o. lIlc, f W U Il1Cnl I~re Ilue to /1 Illok of classes ot prop rtl' ot whatsoever , 'fhe pnp r Tl'lI d ' ut tb e Yeilrly the "roin!'d cli lin/;\' Il rll fraMMed In ' he.dlh ,v xel'(' l ~e 'h ,' klnil. shull be tllX ollllccordlug 10 Itll B ntobin on & H 'I)Jle:v ·~. :X nill,l)llin , M ting den.IR wi th tbe.llubjectil olll designs ot dllz:t.lir~ beant.y , uud Ih i n 1l,·~lJ l er , - Exo\)flnl,l t rue vRlll e In money, bill the eXiled· Nn oit,y hil i! H I <lt tor liS urtll1t1nt nt !'fl C ot flfty·slx years sluce Ih udov' \I ",'.ri 1,ly mornl stl\.Ddpoint, wbiOh upport lll pilInr of cholc ~f ru ll r· The Dimi nis hing Ro .1. 1I0u ot Lb COMlli llllon 0 t . 1 iii, \vllros fA hrics fnr lit •• lire~s II nlf lind IhH iR in v T V wny proper. 11Ilti IIlso bl e rl'fleot tb li g h t from the NtHin I '1'11 I )1 l it) . , us that lu p ru cUce ,his rule III !n. P n SlOn III 'en y triDJm inl~t! It, i~ " ""11 "OIlIlblt· ()tm~ide r!l prlnclplllly the Daily .ed glus w,n dow!! lil II bowII \l r ing ' \ 1 ., II If Qllitabi lind uujll st. 1 mll ll t I I" r e p Ort "\\' h ' tl I 1 ~ \1 2 "tlll c':l1 pn t / fill fnlly 11/'" vlm 11\ tl1I' N ow pIIpAr. bllt what applies to the rull 'l.ll of Ilblluod bllt. anlran ing -"OE', . II I 1. I I en "I' C ' -, ee on . • "'aa d ' ., !;l\)0 1' 1'!! \'01'1) Ill, \ \. 1I;r I w" 11 ndolll d, a regullltion WIIS prescrlb d lIll.v is applionble to the weekl y . to C?lor . 'Io ngnlD t r ell(l tho~ e hlby II p,l d OT\ll~~ ' for t,b mnn t ll of nOl. olll y for aliI' fol hcrs , bill tor sue. (Hl t. 'V f;1 'U'I' I n" nll" H ourl~ l;ltHltl.· a oon!llder/lblt! extent. Nn th!! ..1' uOtlnty not indep.d, .ns II .irovtm ty \I ll €! 'I'he total nr ollmont e di n"' " ".. ' nel'a~i olls . I d nol lhlllit 1I0d d o I'll! l'leddl e wlt,1I t lll",' ol'r , The llIajority of people nppear to Hepr e e ntllt,ive of the sixth Ollio JUli a 3t WII !1;;.7r)~ IIgl1im;~ 0:;, 29 t hey wrQU 'ht ~\' 11 for !.herosel s, anll hn ~d\vilr (',I]I ' i'lI\ . Nil I ' ~, fi t! Titf-. forget tbl1t n new paper 18 Il bUS'j dis riO. t" ht.t In tue les influellt,ial d \ lher cOl'tn lnly have not for liS. In tbls .1u1.r 1. l 'her e we re :NO ea t I S day ot corporatlollS, prlmt and qUD~1 h!~Vfl th ei r pili J~ess in8titntll)[1 jost 88 ~uoh 118 IL 08pnOlty of pnstml\st,e r of the Low duri ng the rh l1Dt!I. but: r n wnl~.. public. WbCll Il I'ent ,trauohl es are b . lIr !i1l t VII IIml ho \\' atore, a· Dllinnfaotorhig establish er BouAe, now rendered vacant by roi!' ue!! lind new ol.\im ~ !{CIlnt d lug glven away tor the nsld ng. It Is meot or 11 bank, OOQasionaJly I~ t,he deu t h of Its form r ooonpllllt . kept the a tU1I1 10 ' frum t,he r oll well rol' us to pause and tako a ea 6:' to .' I,'P fl O" frellh /lml Of.W ntH} . rnnn Ing a newspaper for: The du tie!! of the position contom tbought tor the morrow. as well 'I S' for olilllU ~h -I, ok, m an . 8tar..., fi t'''' E'1I . lIy to Q" ~ '''n to the .'mo unt given. 10. It · h , J . the pres nl. We are belter able to tri m trOIU ' 1I1r "toOI! ' jURt in , the honor or .glory, but It d '}6sn't p a e 1.10 trAin on t, e DJnso e,.; . no oreutlos to 2, 475 pElilsioners wore determine, and tbe generlll assembly require !lny grea.t length of Hme to wenr on the nerves, no tax o n the granted under the n lV .olas~ifiol\ti on Is b tter lIule to d",lermlne, wbat .Is teaoh him better. mind al.ld b,ut little on the timo lu w enaoted by oongress ]nst winter, n ec · slIry and suitable to our pres· Wiitl thi8 in mind tbe conduot of 'l'he offioe is nbout the size Itnll 0110· ent condlLion than were 'our tathers -Exohange. f I the avera"e editor onn be f!lirly pacit,y of an ordlnllry oountryofflce, - ---cc--- -a two generat Iltls sgo. .. - '"We must rememher tbat In tbe Sill' "id Worsted· Trimming/;. t:)heor Effeots" Glngh.ull, PIt<It1I1, lJ&lfued. bllt finl hed lind ornalUonted in sil· Waynesville ' Merchanlts Should administration of our tax laws real Tberflareh, undred80fpeoplowho ver,plate gloss und o08~ly woods. ' thinkoflhis,. estntedocs not and cnnnotescnpethe Xeni~. Ohi~ , expeot & new8paper. to ohampion The salary )s probably 1500 per If y'1l1 were g~ing to investigate ,a attention of the officer. Some tllnglble U C lSOn 1 ne their. pet opinions, be tbey riabt or :vear with , not to exoeed !levan location, wouldD'~ your first step be personQ,1 [lrOllcrty does and can cs· ... u. d . d ' f h I I cape and most ot 'It doe9 escape, wrong, no matter what the oonse- moola.S uty In nny yeaT . to eeu for ooples 0 ~ e OCII. papers Mr. Pomerene showed how monies quenoe to the paper c>r its publisber. Ttlroe bosky Ohio patrlo~s are and tody their advertlaments P In nnd credits escaped taxation, Afte People will ask an . editor to as. nnxlons t) seonre this plnce left ! no other way oould: yon put YOl1r summing IIp th InconSistencies of tbe 8Ume rellpons.lbillty fo~t schemes open by the death of Joseph C. finger!lo quiokly nnd stlrely on the coosltut!olll\l rcstrlction s. be said : 110EI roy. w h 0 h IlS h eId 1t ' f 1ft. d Y Id t n "What should be done? I speak for WE MANUFACTURE THE VERY HIGIIEST or per80nal difl'ereB~es nd tben or 110 pu se 0 ,ra ~ . on 000 e no oDe aave myseir. First, In my . oalmly, .staDd aaide and join in oon nnmbe r of years . In adelltion to muoh more easily than by walking Judgment the consUtution shoutd be GRADE OF demnation of the paper and the Mr, HIldebrant are Jobn D, Urlffith. through the street·s whetber it wns I!O ameoded as to untie the Ilan.d!! ,.- ......; 0 -- ~itof. · of Delaw"re, and A. D. AldeTmnn, alive town or a dead oIlle, aod jU9t the leglsllllllJ' entirely. or to 60 amend Type Bra8s GalleY8 't'-. Article 12 that It Bub. will B ra~s ... ' St" 'Metal Dorders . A oeigbbori.n g Editor tella of 1. 0 f ,MlArle ...... A s Obi 0 000 h. b u t wb a t f orms 0f bosi ness were wos t Section permit of2 aofclassltlcatloo of thl) ItU Ie an rips L. S. Metal Furniture man who came into his offioe wH,h one candidate the stru gle 18 fbr the aotive . Jeets of tuatlon. It Is urged that If Brasa Labor Saving Rule Ohio delegation in Congross. Mr And if you jodge another town in .thls section ot the constitution be Brass Column Rules ' . , Leads snd Slugs ll80orrnloU8 IU'tiole he wanted · pnb Braaa Circles Metal Leaders llshed, refleoting on the ohBrllchter Blldebro.nt may bal:le his olalm on th's way- how aboot your own? wiped out entirely, and the leglsla· Past greatness and preseot reqnir, -Exobunge. ture lert tree to do ·wbat to It seems Brasa Leack>rs Spaces and Quads, . of another. m&D a.nd whioh oertainly meuts. The other two nppllolitioDS - - - - -- meet, there wonld be no end of lobby· Brass Round Corners 6to 48 point would hllve Involvod the papor In n have some strenath as p<illt.ioallelld Tin Can Almost Se~ers Man's Nose Ing and corruption. . BraSIl Lead8 and Slug's ~etBI Quoins, etc. .., "But It Is not necessary to go to bberal suit, "All right, Mr, B. " A tin oan, tOBsed at, him by II tbat extent, It the people wlt'l but perers. said the editor, "Yon sign yoor fello\v 'Workman, almost eevered mit a clasllttlcaUon ·of property so that name tothataud we wUlpublltlh It," the nOlle of Harley EUokman, of real estale rna)' be put upou oue tootOld Co~umn Rol&! ref80~tlllnd mllCle ILS gqotl;IlI! lIew,,,t ft.:~ml\.ll "What, nle sign that paper? No !n. Clipped from Home avenue. 1\ forelnan at the Inl; tangible persoaal property upon oost, deed j .. exolaimed the anthor, Rnd nnd Intangible upon stili anour Exchanges plant ,o f Miami Powder Com . another, other. then la WB may bQ pnssed whIch Pl8A8ll remember that we are.not In a.ny.Tr\Jst or;CombiDstion yet he WIl8 perfeotly wllling that p'any ; u. few day& ago , Mr. H\ok. )Vould be perttnent 'and allpllcllble to the edlto.r should be 'responslble imd ale '8 ure tha,t wo can mlLke it grootly to your advantage to The Passil.1g of The Shakers man~s ' oompanioft wore gloves eaob subject. Would It not be N eedleillf to say the nrtiole wlUln't deal with 08, that were oovered witih oil. nnd talrer then to adopt aome sfatute published, Passing of a CUriously Constructed whIle pllLyfully threateoiDg to taxing personal Ilroperty, and pa.... A oopy!of our Catalogue will be obeerfnlly fUTuishod~on appli. -.1 tleularly Int».nglble personal propIt every ....... er. wou.I d put' blmself Col Iection of People, near throw the oan. it sUpped from erty. OatloD. at a lesser rote? Would It not in the edUor's place there wonld be Lebanon_ his fbig ers and the sharp edgo he more likely to bo returned for tanfewer crltloill1Ds of Dewllpapers. out entiraly throngh Hiokman's tlon? And certainly We don't want to Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co. ;People who know absolotely . Those who hllve pll8sed along the nose, .Mr, BlckmIAn is reoovering be put In an atUtude where we IIr. hi . t 11 k h torclng money and tho bolders of so. not ng "bout the making of n smoo 11 we. ept turnpikest /Iot rapidly frqm tho inj1lr.v .- Xenia On· curlUes to move wltbout the IItata, Mllnufll.o~urers of newspaper !ire the quiokest to plok pass through Union village, nen,r zette .. . When the rule Is once adopted, It will Type 8i\d High Grade Printing Material out flaws, poini out mitlt,akes and Lobanon, ha va been ImprHssed wiih apply wIth equal and exact justice to , Prol>rletors S9 North Ninth 8treet in'drilge.ln . unwarranted orltio1sms, the ][irge Llud' roomy dwellings thllt Notice To Farlners !til, because each will have the same PENN TYPE FQUNORY " ' Philadelphia and not on!,! In a hondred of th ese constitute ' tile villt1ge. their uoi . opportunities to acquIre personal f . . t . b ild did I Anyone wishing to breed Mllr property, tangible or IntangIble, that oriti08 oou Id d 0 h aU IB \ ell as the OrtDJ1 Y lD 0 an s ~(l, a.n t 10 he now baa to acquire real estate. It . edi tor 15 . d 0 Ing, n o DJl1tter sorupu Ious 0Ieun II nea"... t.b at mar k-e d s hllll's black Peroberon ::;ta.1lI0n 08n Is not trlle ·that a rule of . this kind nverage how 100g they tried , every fca ture of Yllrcl, garden .md 00 so, I~tter l:5eptem her I, for $10. wbuld work an Injustice upon the own. most new8pllpers are hODJq . Butlhoooullnunitybas'seen J . ll . Mlushall, era ot real estate. It IlIlIatd that the - Finally its lJest d h b tI e ' t Waynesville, O. tarmlng communities pay proporLioD' , muah better thflll they ure given \ . . uy, IJ.B B owo 'Y . I 111 er · ately more taxes than the· residents .. ;T HE ·FAMOUS oredit for, Dnrlng the PAst ten el:ltlllg !loooulltl)f 11 recent VISit thorcl of cities, This. [believe, la true, but , y,ears think how many 10cCIIsions by Judge Chllrles F . Malsbarry, who ' Priu tiug of 1\11 de~erlphons given It Is nO' more true of real estate thau tbere have been when the Wayoes. st. ates that tb ~. se.t tlemont 00', con· proulpt Llttrntion n.t the Oazette It Is of pefsooallty. b office . . "Seconi!. Franchises should be taxt f b t th t th IS the on1r foldmg organ . ville new8. papers. Uligh~ have laid SUI ~ 0 n , II; .y . ree mem erH,II8 ed. I do not mean by tliis that exworthy 0 consideration, bara tamUy trage<Jies and stories of ·tlgl\~ 08 t GOO some yell rs ago . Tho cesslve burdens sball be pla'ced' UPOIl guaranteed to . be as represhame and dishoi,lor .' 'i'bey oould fo.lhn g, oII Ill llcoounted fOl'lO the Henlth lt1 'rbe Canal Zone . .corporations ot ' any kind. I believe sented or mb~ey refunded, have sold papers by 1;0 dolog and fllct t.llat 0~1l<lren of t h ese p,e ople do The high \V'\ges pt1id it II. they have· ~scaped their talr portion is used by thousands for. not tnke kmdly to tbt! seclusio a d mighty temptntlon to our Y('Iungar · , ot this burden la the past, but that multitude purposes and is of woald have b~n justified in doiug , . . n II . tlsans to jo~n the force 'of ' ski lied ougllt not to be a reason wby the, so by f.he faot that it was " news';, monot-ony?f b ":ke~ ltfe '- Its a h· workmen needed to oonstruct the should be punl!j~led now or In tbe fu, untold value to missionaries, senoe of exolte~ ent, Its allUn~l~nce P • Cand. Mai)y are restrained ture, because ~be holders ot these Ilnd made money by it, ~vun~ iets, .' singers" :the home, the , h of hard work. Its Inok of ambltlOU~ however ,by tbe fear of feverli lind franchises ot yesterday are not the ~c:hoOt the children, teachers and whereve r. portability is required" Bot th e I ""nl VIM pu.pers ave never" I . · ]t I ·h k 1 . . -.lI ·th t ~ f t If A 1 motJ\'e /Iud Its dearth of amoso · rna IUI!~ . s. e now ng ones - holdefs thereot today or to morro",. 'Send for Ii full'descriptive catalogue' free, ' .'. bl! h Pu 8 au a. 80r. ;) . s u , _~ nr ' d those wbo bave used Elpotrio Bit· '·Thlrd. All state tiues should be BILItORN BROS., 1156 Lake Street,. Chicago, III. yet· thle is· taken a8 f\. matter t~lent. A~o.o r ~nglY ~The80 yopng tere , wh.o g there w ithout this abolished. ' All burdell8 ' or thl. · char. Ule home feot, well knowing t,hE'y nre Mfe aeter should be as nearly local oourse, or elae the imperII are \lOp . l::lht\ker bIrds '"h'Lke demned for n·o t · publishing some ne.$~, so to spsllk, " !lOon us t\fe)' from ml1hLriJU8 inllu.en,oe " with . possible. thi 8 tl ' l have strength to fly , seekingelUploy. Elllctrio Btt.tera ,on hlLDd.. Cures all Fourtb, So'me system sliould be deng· eolla ona '. Ol eu t tlnd 6t;1gnglng in bU!.'ine s~ io' hio()u p oiNlon · too. lbi1lionsness, vleed, Sucb lie a state board ot taxa· In every pubho mov, ament the wider fields, where Ulen IlgIiH(:lr tbe weaknes.s nod II.!'! stOlnllOh, liver, tlon, permanent In hs nature, com· und ldclney troubles . G'9 ranteed by ' posed · of men know their bUsI· n~w8pBper~ Ilre expected to nnel do mastery, for fUllle glor.v, wS;llth , Ad, ' h'r~tl '. Soll\vtlrtz, dql,g gis.t , 500 . ness. Tbere sbould also be . county 1;1 ve the~r Inlluellcll, tbe~r Hmo and \ll1ooement. 1'he departnr,e' of the boards made respoll8fble to the state theIr llpace in ,support of whAtever yoong people leuvea ouly the ilged i(. HA'I']IA WAY boards aod there should be appointed township or ward assessors wbo aro Is undertaken, whIch Is right, but to till the soil, som~ .J..OOOaores uf the how httle Is that appre,oiuted . richest l,pld In the t;tute laying us ". I\) '.leav.ille's Leading Dentist tltted by experleooe' to do that 'wblcb 'l'he faot of the matter tll, the mooth and level the 'floor of " Office in Keys Bldl-(. MaiD !:!~ tbe law requires at them . "" ~ "Flt~h . Let tbe. state and eoullt;)' new8papers are for the most part, bowlioA' alley, i'n the M'i8lDi Valley, . Slok Headaobl~. lIud towoshlp, ' and municipal ' and worklng 'constllutly far the welfure d h ' IIcbatll olftclals give one·halt as much' ' tl d Ull t esp ones "re qmto un " l'qi~ rlillease i8 oaus(m by IL de. IIttentlon' to the ' c'lrtallment ot p.u"lle I o r th e i r commuDI ee '10 the bet~ tlCJ.uIII to the !lnd the work flllis rangement or the stomsloh. Take a " ~1l.~lh and sl.z08,. Steam lind HoniG .Power. A ~nd tenlioJl; Low «Ift)!IIln . terme·nt . of mankind and this it! Into the hands of pe "'Ie Wred' for 110ae of Cbambel'hlln'@Stomaohl,Ol\el:penlJesastheYdotoflndlngnew/' l",~ d.nve!n setting. AU complele with lifting j~cli:; Do noi lui .. to ~ i 11 t r th e papera of the, the purpose . " d LI '1' bl .8ourCejI or revenues for expenditure. n wreuch 10 operating tho tension. Evcry PrC!81 warranted. Send for latalbgue eapeo a y rue 0 Last yellr the cow . lin ver a ats to this aud we will then be as lI('ar II 1)toplao • I, III~ yeu all about tbem, \Vith priccl and dilCOtanJII. email tO~08a.ndvillaKes. .ID!ln itli.d.11) nnd the slok tom of lovernment IlII we can hope to yrea y.e ...., OQOt r~'m~"heSIl I e Idisorder dIsappear. KEMP'S MA~UFACT"RINQ ' CO.". kankak., III. be before we reach Ule mJ1lillualll11J," /U

h., \"/

Hutcbison .~



._- - _ ._.


Ready To Wear Garments


See Your










H t b·



& G-b








~ilhorn ralascop. Organ



D H.E.




• OMMtlN I'L1O: I!

N E'.V


'Paper r eu,l at

t,on t.o JOS"IIII T~ J:i eflt nl1 , 0 norOil In Cleororeek t nw nllll ij1, $ 11 un(l 111,1Ier valnl1ble 0011 iderlltlllntl, LateUa .lIlOe HOllton too .l oseilh L Hoston, 2 ncres in. Olell,rofeok town ship, Ida M. Rud Ueorgo H , Gard to J ohn P.· Cumrnl~~, ", Heres io Wltyne t,ownsh !I), '1.200 J A . RnnYllo at III to B F , Carna . ' . . han and wife. 101 no~es in Barlan township, t3 000. .JeKal:' 4 . Ruffner to Sndie B , Ruff· ner, ill X' nore!llll 'l'urtl(>creek town Ilhlp ~4.000 , MollY A , BI1Dcett to irllnois T. AI(lrIl1ge, 74 nore ~ In 1'urtlporeek town~hlp, *1 lind lither ' Vll 'UII blf' conslderil tllloi!.


'0 1('1

Es llll e uf ,Johll F'redoriok Houk drOFuBl'fl 'Jnv,' nl! l1'Y IIU" tiPproiHO' m Ollt 01 .. 11 'rl ll' n H (\t~url', ·litlll,HI. , " ': llrl\ \II~. $a,:l I O; fl' "l tIS

tut . M,17fi Wilii,l lll 1'. Vlln D vpor, gUllrdilln. fU .1 pelillUll fr, r l~ t TlD I~~ i !Ol 1 to inVllllt b iH W Il I'!I ' .. m n n y ill

r C nlh~hll

p .... mhl·r 7 E . lul o " t .'\ ' i ' B, \\U ' lIn , fle l.' n~t'(] Exeonl.dx fi led IlC:O') \lt11 1i und vouoh

:-;ot, f


Ilt'u l'1rI •

orM for 8ltven tll -"U 'I'rn, lit . Etlt·.. lo 'I I Mut 'y I;. pellC'fl l , de· COII@ d. Jl'rfJu k li l l h O I' lI})pnilll,' U ftllminifltrn tor ppJ'''i Hn- . \ Hilum Dill, R G. E1nfJor(l "nil Hmue l Bowyer. Est"l~ of A Ul!lll'1 ,o. I1 J' I,ff. dl C( 1111. ed, l.oventory and II Pll ralsemell1 filed, Chatl·l, 8 oro valullli at $1,"112. 2,D; 1ll00)ey. 1j!264. 26; rl'ol efl. att', '[;,333 34 i tottll apprl1lsement

flO" .·94



Estate ot, Robert n Leak, de .ceased. ,\' \11 offered for probtitc, Bet for hcarilll,;: ' aptember O•• Estate of (;hll.rl08 Wind, a88ignor . J , M . Sherbet nppointed assil(oee, Bood, $l,IiOO, coodhionell with the Fldcli tY' and Deposit Uo., of Mary. IllDd. J!:state of Wt~ldon Rue, decea8ed . Will otJered 'fnr pro~~. OOIiMISSIONKlI'S P RO ItICDJNfle, B . Stallllge & Co., DlerobILndi8e f, 'r snrveyor aDd audUOT ......... ! ...... .. ......... . . 2310 Hmlth Premier Typewriter Co., .typewriter for CQU~t stenograpber .. " ,.... ...... ..... 102 60 George Vetat, repllirs ill Hllr·


Illn townshIp ....... .............. . 22 411

Lennie Whitllcre. bridge reo ' palra in Hnrlon town8hip .. . ' 15 liD Lennie Wbitaorl', lumber..... . 43 63 Cont.rsot let to Fred , Hilyner for repair of Iln Brob in Uuion to~n 8hip near Hayner farm, at tlie esrlm&te ' ,14' SS. " 'rhe Oregonia Bridge Co., present· ed • contraot with bond 'f or tbe OODSRnO"On of tbe Mat,hers Mill , Bridge at t,h elr bid of $16,500. The bond of Sam D, Binli)e, cOnn .ty survey~r, in t.he~n~ oU2,OOO. ap· proved. Ilnd filed. . The aqconnta of t he two deposito riee, the Lebanon Nat,lonal Bank and the dtti'zens' N8f,IOnt' ) Dault for th~ month of August. were andit.ed and fonnd oorreot. The tin&noisl 8tatements d the au~ttol' and trellsnrer, 8bowlng bal· anoe in each fund and Rcoonnt at the ' begion.1n8 of ,the mouth. were preeBllte,d and plsced on file, ...

Att~& of' tihirrbo ~a Cnred bY' One ,

D086.>f Uiulmberlfttn'lI 00110. 'Cbol era a~d D\"rrbol1'~ R!lmedY .

' I WIlS 80 weak . from an ilttook of di"rrhoe& thot I ('ould soorcelyat , tend to my dutiFs. when 1 took R . 'd086 of Cham ber'laln 's Co hC'. (Jb olera and piarrboe,,· Remedy . It oured , me en\irely and 1 had been tllkih~· other medicine fer lilne days with ' ont 'lelief. I h earMly recommend tl1is remedy as belDg' tbe beet to my kllowle<lKe for bowel.nomplt~lnta­ R. 'G. StewHrt·, of t;he' firm of t)tew art&Bro .. Greenville, AI ... For ~ale by J, E J"nlley . '. .'


. f,ItN EAAt ,0I RE'C T0 A.,.

Talepnon, 'Oa, or N!ght.

Loe... No.1 LIng OlsllUt No. 69-3r


Ir_eb OffICI.' 'Hlr"nburr ,


~he Indi n oll

Yetirly Meet,io "o r Frienlls h III t Vill.yuesville Ohi . Au~u"t 19tb 10 2~rd .

To consid er all th influences that are acting directly and in~i.rect!y upOh a nat ion throu g h the avenues of ~o~l'I1al,ulm , and to estimate l he part. J ou rnalism plays III shllpm g lhe minds and charactel's of ind ividualfl or in moulding, the liveS of coming g nerfl t.ions is beyond th· power of reas n, We may trac J OUl'l1alixnl from its SOUI'C through its various stages 01; d evelopml:! nl and until at last i is tra nsformed into the indiv idual and becom s a part of that individual life . then our imaginations mu st' complete the picture and we must be convinced .that J ournalism is a greal, if not the greatest p~w er that is acting upon Qumanity in general, by the mInd 01' hand of man . J o urnalism in its broadest ~en se pertains to the ~aily newspaper and must be interpreted as such, as it IS the daily newspaper that reaches the masses and forms 'a large part of their edu'catlon and development, or degeneration, according to the character of Journalism t hey patronize. The peridicals have their influ ences, but in a much less degree and uJlon onl y a vel'y sm\lll part of humanity in comparison with the daily newspaper. It has been said : r th a~ "3 man should be judged by t he company he keeps," but rather let it be said that "a man sho\lld be judged by the cha racter o.f Journalism he patronizes." The newspapers of today ·have no more dili gent read er s than the young . The thousands of school children whose minds are in a formati ve state are g reatly infl uenced by the newspap rs th y read in their homes. It also takes m n, when their reason ing has not yet. been worked out, whcn their opinions are not yet fixed . and it s ugg est.'l and intimates anc\ insinuates an opinion and judgement, which often times the man, unl ~ he is a man of great in telligence and force of character, adopts as something eslabli h d and concluded. , We may have a little conception of t he far-reaching mfluence of Joumulisnl in comparitmn with th e influ ence of an rator or a ministe r of the Gospel, when we conider for a moment such a paper as the New York Tribune, with a direct influ ence upon half a million of people speak ing to them 365 days in the year, and holding t heir attention year after year, 1t is this sil ent power that the people of today under estimate, and the average individual seldom stops to consider that he. in a sense, is determining the standard , of Journalism ; putting his stamp of approval upon .the character of Journalism he patronizes and supports. The influence of a newspaper upon its community depends entirely upon the character and motive of the man who produces it. In all parts of the world we will find many kinds of newspapp.rg with 'a s many influences, and I am sorry to say that a considerable number exert a degenerating rather t han an uplifting ,influence, t heir contents appealing to the worst rather than the better instincts of humanity . The publishers are so egraded that their only aim is to place their paper upon a high financial basis, and to this .end they are willing to sacrifice the souls of humanity for personal gain, which is the goal of their ambition. To accomplish this end, their paper is filled with matter that is supposed to be news, but which in reality is the out put of lhe fertile mind of the unscrupulous reporters. Their' paper is made attractive by scare headlines which appeal to the sensational instincts. The real offerise of t he sensational Jou'rnalism is that its pervading spirit is that of vulgarit,., indecency and ' reckless sensationalism, that it steadily violates the canons alike of good taste and sound morals, and that it cultivates false standards of life and ' demoralizes its readers. ' Not only do the vulgar read,nothing but vulgari ty ; so sacrificing the chances for improvement, but the man with better capabilities reads so constantly below the tevel of his taste and intellect, that his ideals are gradually and unconsciously debased. Editors of this character will tell you that they must fUTllish ~hat the people demand or their paper will not be supported , and as they desire elaborate and exagger~ . ated accounts of crime and disaster in general , that is what they must furni~h. ' . Ii is a great pleasure to say that this country has produced and .is producing journalists who have the ' fortitude and stren~th of character to make'their ~wn standard of 'Journalism a~d do . not cater t o ~he vulgar demands of the masses, The journalist of this type . fighl:$ fierc~r batt~es, has as much strength and fortitude as any soldie r who. trod tile battle .fields, and ,yet his praises are unsung and vfctories untold "


RIIlAL I£81'ATIt 'rnAN !\ I'1!:1 ~ S\JallD .1. B e~t.h n und A lI;" rt Hc~ .

$62G. lU, i




Miserable hy Kidney and BladdlJr Trouble,


b~llha~L achie vcml!.n Ls that luI'

d Q J1'~

Tho Rudolph W llrlilzer Cll GC'orlle Thomjlson. r j.lltvlu ,

l ~elllcn L

fi nancial center;;; lhis hou l' of U !) on tu s t ill ll'l'cattlr v l ~tOI'l s, culls for editors who a l'e LrUL () the 'cure :lh tOl·g who wll! conc! ' mn wr011~ itl fr iend 01' fO l'. cdiLUI'~ In ~vho m the Current. uf li fe 1'\1118 rI 'ell anr! strong; editOIS who at' not for sale tln d haie greed and gl'3ft. . In cunel,u "ioll per mit me t ') ~a that. ev 1'Y orgllniza~ I o n _ hoult~ Im~re~l:l upon the ind ividu ·\1 [h, l'e ' llons ilJi!lLy he hus In ttll S ma l t 1'. unci as ~\11 org!lI1i'l.alioll it I'hou ltl l;upporl ;tntl .ncou l'agE: the euitlil' wh i" hn lrli n~ hi ll ~landar~ of J otll'ntllism aLove th e COIIIIllIII\ ch'rnnn\l:;. and If . po · s l bl~. C -o pera l\, with uther urgl\lli~lIli()n s and mal c the l11t1 u .e nc ~ o f J ourn alism upliftin ,,,,dI\Clll ill~ tv the masses , which in tu rn will cr l>wu out lhe vices wh ich are sapping the vitallty of OUI' natio n, an d CHU!l€ th • sa loon , the gambling house. and othe r e vils to fa ll by t he hand tha t created them . W e shall eek to educale: the world to a hig her standard of living, we hfd l s timu , late mcn t o seek wisdom and goodncss rather Ihan gold . amI we shall learn . th e lesson taug h t so many centul'icH ago that he is the greatest who sel've>; the best. ' "Finally , brethren. whatsoever things ar U 'U ~vhatsocvel' things al'e honest , whatsoevel' things 111' • Just , wha tsoev ~1I' t.hings nre pure, whatsoever th in!;,,..; al' • lovely, w~atsoc v e r things al' of good I' port; if th ra be any Virtue , and if th er be any p raise think upon these things." ' 'x

01 1t'1'

WilllHm G 'l'h otnp!<lIl1 "R Hllfflll Bell HUI . M IO MY i 11111 unt oluil11oil . ISOO with luter lIL

»nou.\ 1' K

-.~ - ~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~ Women as WeI! as Men Are Made J' o' con viction..,. . ' ThiS -l).~~-O f com merciali m. with its Lr mtl~do u ~ fJl' ~5SUJ'C uJl 11 cver y one; thiH day of Hercl::

The. Influence f Modern urnalt'sm-

.; .

County Court News


It is t he dut)' of. every good citizen to carefully consider the charactcl' of Journalisll'! he. patro.nizes. and supports', which in turn lends a helping hand to the editor who is struggling to place Journaiism upon a higher plane 'and make ;t a monument of intellectual PQwer and literary style, that the masses who depend . upon the newspaper for their education and enlightment shall be lifted from the beaten paths of low ideals to a . standard of right living. ' The edito.r of today who seeks to lead 'm en in the right direction must deal with f~cts, He mu'st be practical and in earnest . . He must keep in touch with the world. His heart as'well as \:lis head must be right and hi!) spirit in tune with the infinite. ' He must realize his respollsibility in 'the matter of publie~orals and exercise great care in the selection of every article. 'Picture, advertisement 'or e.d itorial that finds place iJl his publication, '.and pr~ on to higher and better things, both material and spirit~al. How much better it would be to teach "love for humani~, faith in the power, ",isdo.m and goodnestl of the All-wise Father .. hope f~r. a life imlT\Qrtal, and a belief in unseen forces which must be cultivated and strengthened if man would come into poasession of the real life.'" , There is .a great demand at the present time for editors who bave the fortitude and strength, opinions and a will. courage to lead ·.and . ~t to etand by their

Public Sale. Iho Mllorl' will ntlc-.r li t llllh\lo lIuotlon o n b l" I'ur lll t,,;·o lind Ol, e h (l lf lOll ~ Wf!A t nf ,,' tlri og V lll1ev im I h e C, otervill .. \.I l k ,' \VEO l-l'E.'DAY . t:l 8 P'I'li:MREH I ' ILt t n 0 'clook, il fllI ll 1'1t uf b o nU\.~ , OIl ttlt\ .. nil I I og,; , 1,,',I(I .. ~ i mpialJl nt., IIsllIllly tUUll d ou II Wi ll I'limplI" cI l a rm,

!:llld T,·I,lel' t OI' 'l' hl r t ~~ Y .. n l ·~ J hnv , olf,' r.;!! w ith I"HElr 1" , .\-' II r~ Hod h n \' 1] I .-it'll IIln l l'l ~ O'HlJI I I " <I~ rClUerlif1:1 ,\· jllI I·II!., If 11 1' , . 1('· I., f . 'rh rpi> 1I0X QH ,· \ ;h~ rn l,p.ri,:I" ·1! !:i,L! \'0 .. r Ni mil. Lt w,,~ /I to"( !l ll'l Itbr Ilk t " little "n ul"tlln"~ but uot b HI ~ 0 \\' h u t It n~ (I! 1 I 'j ,I". n 8 . B"noh. Mid lull,1 CltV . a l" Ubambe r l ~lfI'" l-hllVlJ 1M fur 'slI l hy J . E..l nun!'.I'

Dr. John Hyatt ;

The wo rl d- lam -d trealment for Piles, E cl. ma; open sorcs, nasal catilrrh, and all ·the diseases of the skin, burns, etc.

Telephone No. 121 WaynesviiJe, Ohio.

What Would

Subsoriptions r oo ' for all the IOtid

You Do

Thl. 'VIIlaable remedy Ia a core

lbr D,o...,,18I&. ,lndllle.UODL Hoart, b urn . Acidity of. or 80llr "tom""b Slol< or NervoDs Rent'""be. Genoral

or Norvoa ..DebllIly or Prostmtlon

lind . 11 D1fMlIUI.8 arlaing

(rom & dloorv oted CODdJUOD oflbe SlAlw""b,

Recommended by Physioians

PI .....nito tu:e. n 10 not nec.....

ary I<) diet oDly (n .. ory ""ver"


otom.cb will ~D l)o In each a ....~'eaILb! condlUOI. IhM ODe can eat

moet an)'

kind of food. Two Size.,


600. Ind SI.OO plr till. dIrec~~ggl~L

docs not bave It,

F. L. SHINKLE, • ".nufacturlns Pharmaclllt", MUNOJ~, INDIANA.


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ord -r o r ,1itJ-

1\ lo! Uc \· trfllll,lellll$

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\\ cnlt 1:1"1ll.· \ ~ . If the ' hd.t tlnn, lit··d " tl 'J(tcll, If the ti l rn~ scn lds lit' ~ht {Ir ii I \\ },,'u t lit' t"h ihl n ::l dll."i a n age wh"l1 h Flw"l.J be " bl 1(' CIJIIII'O\ lhc



IJc. l ·w~ l-

it is ye t Hil1 i"l l!ll wi lit

1I11).( , d:JlC I~dul' (} lIlt.lll cea u sl·{)f

lll: tlini CUllY IS 1,,(I lIe y ro "lok, lIu,1 lll" li rSl ..,t~p s!l(J u h i be lo ward ~ thl-' lrea t U lt.!llt C) f thl:. e 1I11.porLull t or~l\." s. 'I' h i " "plea'Hllt lrtlllble ,~due to " ,Ii (Ot,s,',l e lIi1iti (m of the .khilleys UII''! Iola<l!I<:r a ncl 1101 lO It h Hh lt as m osl pl:ople Sl\]l"o~c, \\'Oll tc n as well n:. 1UCll nrc nl , d c 1u ise r · fible Wilh ki 1m' ), a nd h lUlillcr lr uh l!! lIlitl both l1l.'cl1 tlu' salllt! grea t rClllcch: Th e willI aurl the illll llc,lIntc effecl Swamp -Root is 61 II renli.ed . It is solll hy .int Ig is t s. ill fift v;o ce llt u lI,1 olle·,lo1!ar slle hOLli es. You IIIU )' lI ave a samp le bOltl e b y . pmil free. alst) a Oom. of ew.",p-RooL p Amphl e t telli llg ull About Swnmp,Rool IlI c l,,!d il!K Ill AII )' o f the thouSR lIlls o f tesli: m Olllal l etter s received £rol1\ su lTere rs e ,!rcd . JII wri lih g Dr. Ki lmer & Co .• BI!'gl lllll1tOI1 , N. Y" be s u re BrlU m e ntion .tllI !> pnp~I" DOII 't luuke Ull Y lJIistnkc, hut r.<:IlICIIIl'cr the nallle, S wamp , Root . Dr. KIl mer 's SW3 u p.R oot , a nd til e nuuress , BIII!(llluntn", N. "'., 011 e very bolll e . .


/\. MAFFIT . Endorsed by physicians , leading druggists , and thousands of grateful patients who have been cured by its marvelous healing powe r. I n th e tl' atm nt o f hemorrhoids, it obviates, th e n ecess~ ity of a surg ical operation, and the anger a nd excruciating pain. ] t cures qui kcr and is e m irely safe and painl~ . Send for circulars of hundrcds of thousand s o f t estimonials a nd 'prof $Sional endorsements. If your druggist does not handle it scnd direct to MARSHALL HEMORLINE CO•• Marshall, Mo.

At BomB on ::;nturdllY Aof terllO n ,

Dle8t the prioes advertised by I1ny repu ta hie subsorlption 1I.~:enoy.



( IUl '"I t ~ t~cd,


Vet.'rioll ry !:lurgeon nnd Dent ist,.

DC mBgR zines and news papers , lit the U!I~ett,e office , Note -We will

: ~,itllll·Y t r',u},1l" prt·.'·... UpllJl he tid Jld di S ' (HI't'tll!C!SH ' hl h ... ..:U II.., \ wlulltlll ; " Halt : ! ~u=...1 '': SI<OI :lUll' j lIt'c l lui· ~"f ) 'H· "'~ .~(f4111 d lo;.n p pl1llr 11 11 II III,· kj,hll:),s rue

If three gooll physicians should pronounce y UI' case hopeI If they should de Id that you c?uld not Iiv 1 IIg r than SIX weck . '..ntl if you should get well, after using only ,'1.;.(. werth of Dr. MUc 'IT art Curc Ulld Nervin , what would you advise a frienu condit ion to do ~ or Ifl l11nTO to tlltlnk YOll tor saving

my w lfo'H lifo tw o

W u hud \IInli tho third d oct o r, 11k " pl't)vl ous oneM, 81Lh1 lhnt nnt h l ng ('l1uld h· d one f o r her ; lh n l s h p I1tHI hl'Ut:! 1' h~ t u k e n homo trom t he h o~t lll I to tlu lotly w'llt h r tlm ~. whl c.' fa WflU U! n UL ,,~ ov~r 6 weeks Itt th O n lf1R I. t lll'o u g ht hf)r . homo. nlll;\ I M n I IIHl ll/l llt !)I'olw \bly Y(·!l.f S IIgtl.

contlnuoo with thl.!

(J ntl { I,,' tlw t WII

Dr. Mil PM' H 1III' l f"lI r .... an d N c rvine tnJsht }u . . lp h c." ~Q I · kil t n 1.IO lUe o f Mob and Ii - rn o N t· r\'!'t I' litl Li ve r pm. ,Dntl cOlllm 'n cd t o "'1\'CO: t he m to h e r. W o 800 n H \ f~n ,., n lI n l'l'O\'~ mc nt. and cn coH mgc,l I I)' till s We j'nnllrlUcd glv .. Jng tho m cd lC' lu£'. , ' Vll .....1H·f' h e r e le ve n

bOllIcs In .. n. of Ih e .nedl 'lno. She It oCl''' Klo lln ll1' nnw I( . h o fcru. noed. I 1In'l III lI,n m lll lK lry and hn.vo been (or IU yea I'a." • tnk~"

t ho

UN D ~at'r \'K ER & , E MBAL~lER ~I


)'''tHll Ih', t ill"

11., tl wl\I e

A Iiuuulo e Appelll A h UllIlI lle c \t.i; or Richmond IOf\. 1\11' , U. D, Wi1lium~, 1 7 Wesi Mllin t ., aaYI! : .. lllppelli t o 11,11 per

with wenk Innj{s to tllke Dr Klng's New Oiaoo ver y, t b on lv rlml olly tllll t bas h elped me II r4d rui I.v c m ae up to t,he proprIetor's reo · om ll l ndlltion ," It save more lives tlilUl 1111 throat und lung r eme<iie put, togethor. Used U8 II cough and ooW oure the world over. Cures /lS · tblJla, brooohit,is, croup. whooping cougb, quinsey. honrseness, and ph . tbi!lio, stops hemorrhuge!:! of the lungB lind builds the~ up. Gnu.rlLn· teed at Frell C. Soh'Wtirt'R drul( store [;00, II.nd $1. 0(1. Trial bottle free , AOll !'

DAYTON. LEBAN~~ Atm cu{CINNATI, 11.' TIME O_lRD ",.' 1" " :'1.'1 VI; MAI.OIt :11 , 1~ U 7. t-;Oll'I'1I UO ON D.

ui tl nns



No.3" No. r.u P M. r, ~~ 6 111 I ~ J:J '

M, \l au L eUllnon Jc . Ar ~ OU II 1 :. ~ Shall c r Cr , 1 1 51 I \ l ~ I Rosly n 1\ 11j .. ·18 li ump l e 3'~ '7 ~o I t HI enlen lll ' " II 0 2 ~ 7 al ! Mano r ' "I I .,,,;, ~ :.!7 I.yll .\ . M ,


" O~ U 01, h2 ~1



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17 III 7 hi tj Oil



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110 I :!U t1 u JII ; ~ Il uu 10 all L.el>anOI1-t.t{ , U U.k -.: 't: C1I I< I) ' N aO 'r,(, i, rat; \I III I) ")" U II II", _, 'I.' D . X T

l,Iochl s L I Un,1



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:" 'l' Ei IJ"UNU A . iI .


Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind

lin d office nigbt.

hnl1 H,


un cullod Uil'Y o r

V illI! y P nUl) 1>1-2,

Gnnl1 n 9,)101 111;8, Knns.

s old' by your dru ggl-t .. who will guara nteo that the flrat bottle will benellt, If It fanl he will refund your morl ey.

' t , "'I'

'l\ h ,plto'\O wh r 1 CUll

n EV. P. MILLlGAN. Dr. Mlle. ' Heart ClI re

WAYNll:tlV lI ,nE, O . ,r to 'I'll. Bros.

'1:- 1;1' Ur: H:T

P . M.

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LehanOll .' e. ~ ao baker Cr oB. ln g H :\;\ H o~ lyn

1M J7

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No 2-

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() r-lJ :. 63 "6 roo

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Found That They Keep Better I" Shl., ment When 80 Treat.d. (I(lllng Bummer rl"llits borore IIhl p. Ilk Iy lO become th e "norn I prncUre toJ' II good 11I((l1y for· wartl lng a,:cllta havo discove r d l hat It Is the prop r capt' r. Withi n a f w years all 11I1ilortolll h·uH·shl ppII1K sta· IjOllS will III'obnb ly b eQI\l lwed wIth ('O(>lInS' Rllpnl'lltus nnd tbe cal's will "Iso be ' hill 'u down bl"fore Inking, on Ih('lr lou(h!. Two or t hre'e yeaTS' experience s~eTll s to show gO~lIl prolll III coollllg the trult b for e stnd Ing on Its JO,uro y In hot w alher for lho pe rc(lntngo of d cay 18 Jan;e1\" \'elllle (\ by lhls pro(' ss. J::. perlOle r,li !hll ll !.r cnrrl tI o n go to· show thnt :r ull tho," OUShl )' cool tl b forll It Is 8Ia~ ted, Bud with tb!) Int rlor of t h car thOI'clug hly coole d before .If Is Icetl, show a marked I ssenlllg In lhe Quantit y ot Ice requlr d tor lh car to ~O ll\lll etfl the journ y. AI. th e sa In . time. ~aYK FI Id aud Farm. lh trult Is kopt In much l) otte r co udltion lban wh en 1>laced on 1J0ard wh n Wlll'm aud til {\ cooled aftel' th e cnr has h t c loseli Ul), a condlttou thnt lO a corl" ln 1'". te llt Clluses s W(lut1ng or. the frll ll. III ' duclng d ';:11)" . If lbe trult Is thor· ou ghly dried aud cooled and th" cnf Is also chill ed, tbc rl e ca ~' Is, rodll cc,I to alm osl a mInImum a nd t he co~t or leln g Is practically one·ha lt.

Ilum t 11.,\\' 6"01D5

BUDDING, T he Operations Whleh Are to Suc:c ....


Huddln)t (\)nslslo; In t king a bu4 f rom nt' tl',,<, a nd lus<' rt lnt: It unde r th ba rk of anOlh 'r trce, It I~ lIS d to IlIke tbe pitH" of 1;1' (Il ng, and Is III'act! NI In n cumm relnl \I'll)' In I'ropaglltlng pea be. , 1'luIllS, chllrrl08, rosE'S and cl'rt:jln \'1I 1'1etlc8 of orna· nt lI!al tre s and shrubs. It Is esea n· tlal thllt l bl" .liml and ijtook unite tr e· I)" , To have th Is occur tb coll ~ of tpe smblum In)' r of til stock lUust bo, III a IItute ot "cUyO divis io n, Indicated

By .REBECCA HARDING DAVIS (Copyrtghl. by Jose.ob Ellzaboth wu e ngaged to be mDt'· rl d next mont h, Johll Me hi u did not Ilk sitting undell' bushes. or 10 the moonllght- ho b lid enough ot out·of· doors on tbe CarOl, be said . Ll tzy was paring peaches by tho kit he n ta ble wIth her mother the morn lug tbe mattt'T was definitely setlle(l. Mrs. Woolls lllld hoped for tbl s tor a long time. Job n Melvin was BJI Blead), aa a rock, and IUs farm was bls own, a nd unillumbere d. Tbero was a great 'Wnlght lIttell from h.r heart about Lluy's (uluro. Aa for Jobn, he, too, bad b eco aux· lous abo III tbo matter for ,ears. IDllzR· belh ' \Vas ve ry dear to him ; yet he wOllld n eve r bav'o marri ed her If she hnd been a ahrElw, or wasteful. But' sh ha d lIO fallits that he could discover. He bad sueMenly eome Into full daylight tWe mOl' nlng. Peoplo In tb e (lOuntI'Y, bowevo r, IIS U' all y s moth r emotion under tbe com· monpluces u eare~ t Ilt baud,


'D .


meqt sbe heard his horae's booC. «aI. lov Ing down tbe creek rOlld. About t ell o'clock be r (lltiler came In. "The ere k bridge h' down." be ~ald , " J told ' lho commlsslonere 'twun't sofe weeks ago." "Did not John take tbe cree k roal! going hom o, L.lzzy7" said Mrs. Woods. But Lb.. zy co uld not answer Cor the s lI dden t orrlble chokin g In' h e r throat. It was on Tuesday nlgbt that tlIlI bridge Cell. Thursday: Friday passed wIthout tIdings of Jobn Molvlo . In the vlllago lbertl was no hope. The ' men ba d b e n ilragclnc tbe creek. alld tiring a canoon ove r the .... ater, In the hOllO of r ecove ring the body. Lnte In the afternoo n, the wome n about U git, s aw a s udden contusIon In the cro-'d of mon and bOYB down on tbe ba!lk. T IHl t'e ·WIlS a running and hurrying togE't hor. ~ , "They bnvo found It," the y whls· j)cred, sbudderlng, to each other, But It was only a bat which bad beoll dragged out of tbe wale r-a brown telt hat, wb lcb lhe)' IIIl knew at ooco..: Sudd en ly Lilera was a Quick matlon In the crow d about h or. nn oath or 'two, and n loud, cheerful voice exolalmlng: "Whero? Why. to lee about BHlok'1

Any farmor who has beeD anno,e4 by Illes which get at his cure,1 meals will do well to make use of Borax. By Coilo\Vlng dlrectioDs given below be will easily rid hImself ot nil botber trom skippers or other Insec ts. Directions: Whelt tb e meat Is taken from tbe salt preparnlory to smoklog, thoroughly sprlnklo 011 the cut aides with \:Joral(. Ruh tho 'D ornx Into tbe c revices. A Iter doing Ul ls a fly will n ever toucb It and yeu will hnve no trouble with bugs or sklpl)Ors. Meat trealed In tbls way need not bo can· vassed or SAcked. Mossrs. Goo. W. Hili &: 'Compan" of Co ving ton , I{enluc lty, have ' 1IItrodu~ed ' this met bod amoog hundreds of farmElrs in north eni Ke ntucky wltb uoi. torm success. 'l'hey wrlto liS that th ey bave some three year old ham!! In th eir warerooms tbat were trea ted as above and lbat th ey oro ns bright and n lceto,day as when tlrst cllred. , Wbe n you wls b to use your meats It Is only necessary 'to wasb them olf. The Dorox Is perfectly harml ess. Tills was establi shed 10 tbe puro rood b ea rIn gs befo re SenOltO!; Wm. E, Mason · ln 1899,

It III Quite e ssential' tbat 'yoO get pure Borax. Tbe re are d:lOgerOu8 odu Jlemllons on tb A mnrket. To be sare you. must get "20 MULE TEAM BORAX.'" It ypu r deale r (!oos n·t cnrry It send us hi s name and we will ar· mo ga lO supply you. Free honk let of PaclOc OQP3t norn~ Company, OWcl\gO. " - - -- CAME PRETTY' FAST FOR PAT.


Good Realor: for C;.pt. BalOomb', I . tormlttent ,Hlarlng. Wben Capt. Ba8comb bad left ilia old frl enrl, 'Capt. Somers, If/.d the new school teacher sitting . o~ ~he BOUth porch, and had disappeared down th, road, tbo young woman .pok. ot 111m ' wltb 80me curiosity, ' "I uoderstnod (rom Mra. Ba.c.omll that her husba nd Willi very deat, ·al· most slone-de'n t: sbe lold me, rm 8ure," said the sc,hool t eachfl r. "But be Reemod t.o hear all, wo Bllid wIth perfect eoso." Capt. Somera lean ed town.rd he~ aod spoke In a low, cautious tono. al· lhough tbere was no envesdl'opper w b ear him: • "Q'ln't let I\tIB~ ~a9comb ,know 11," he said, burrledly. "l-\e doe8 seem to bear prctty \YeU wben she ain't round, bllt none of UB folks ' ever iet on to ber. Sbe's a good woman at eve r IIvod, but a most trem~ndou. bosser nnd li n' evorllLlltllt' talker. An' we all' thInk that GDrsb Baseomb b&gllo t o rellllze t e n ycars ago that 'I f he dldo·t want to bo harried rl ght 'oa·. Ihe tl1ce 0" the earth, tbe Ullng .for him to. ,10 was to grow deet, gradual, . bllt steady-on' he'A done It, to aU Intent /i ItO' purposes, wa'w:" - ' Youth's Cotnpa~lon .. Never To'uched Him. "1 'hal'O brous ht 'baek. the laWD mow e r I bought of you .last week," aald tbo man wllh the side whisker., "You sai d YOIl wonld rcturn my mone,. If !! V(a ~l)l 91\ \I ~ ra tOry." "YdS, that's wh at I 8Uld," repllcd the doDier, '\bllt r 1189111 e you tbe .noney waR fl.rfeo tly &IItlsfactory In everr, res llect."


" Will you corne out and sho w mo you: "' ull flow rEI?" It ' was the strange r fro in Now ·York, wh om Mrn. Morrill bad brougb t o vo r (or tea , who ' spoko. Ellzabetb \Vh n a bra nch Is c ut ort, Lh e e~ posed wo (I hali 111) )lower ' to h en 1 was so usod to st range rs tbat she h ad At That, He Had Had Only What tho Ilself a s th o wood cells are IIfl~ 1 s.'. oot Iloticed bl m before. Sbo went baDoctor. Ordered, lIO W , 8;I:1d to gct away frem' roro lum l bill It the contlll!ons llre ri gh t. U ml1 ~s them 1111, dow n lhrough tbe duslty gar· ~~~~;;:;:=:::;;;;~mI~q;po~s!'.i~ "f lIssuo pUHI\l' ~ ou ! rmlll tho cu mForeign Waterwa y •• A Phlllldclphla physicIan soya that illunt luyer ~ th e ' UvlnJ; lay ' r bet well de n·palhs to UIO wnllflowers. Sinco wo ' btlgan tho neglect auc! oot long ago lIe was c l1l1ed to see nil C!uccr·look lllg Iltlle mnn, Li zzy A Ollll'r bark au d ":0(111) ;IntI CO \'er s Ihu (l'I5Iu1I811. nod , among oth er d Irections a ba.odunmllot ot canals, FratJce haa Budd ing Operalio nl IlIuslrated. Wl)lI nl\. 'l lt co ,· ·' rlll g' Is n Ill'ulec lOll, thougbt . turnIng to look at him sharptolel hIm to tak o an ounco ot whisky quodrupl ed h er waterways . AccordIy; wlth a bIIlOU,-yollow complexlo o, Ibl'ee tim es n day. A day or 80 Inter In t:: io fi gures tu rnlsbod hy t:OmlOer'" the r u,Iy fleplI r:U 100 of U\e bn rl, Th~ WU ' llld tl ll ttl ~ . ,\l(' r ld. ~s CXI)ose11 dcad black eyes, an d lank balr put be1\ ' 'atll ~ l·. IUlIt;! nntl I'n s tg. be mado (.\Dotb er vIsit an~ fOllnd . the clal nssocloU0t;ts l tho Brltlsu Isle. f'-11 m Ut e \\,Otui. Thp. 1IIIIIIll or lh' In Ih hInd his eal'S, draGscd In a coarse mAn, while not 80 siCk, uode nlably have 8.000 rulles of cannl ond It doea t,vn, the hud a.nd t ho ~LO 'k. 10k'S Tho greull!:lt fill. l:tku h; II bllfilly lIlUtI. brown SUllO! 'c lly cut, the galling not all antedate tbo railroad, drunk. " la " Q III th A clIl':o " 01 l it o bill I.. "r 111 0 111 l' ulllll' ulT thl' brllll"" lou far rrom PQckel& stuffed with letters aud "How did tbls happen!" th pbyslfnSE'rte,1 but! : ,for I I " ~ ...! " ~n" lh" 1"",1 It s orll,\ lII. If It Iil rr.;u ~t ll b It left, 8 , olga 1'8. ,ollln d manlle d ot Pars wlte, who was ~ 1I .. ultl he III ~e rto. 1 as ' S.'O U as It. Is 'L can nOV"I' h()11 1 tll' e .. , ltM 111) rood The stlllnger WIiS very trlenilly. He (laSses OUl tu Ih ls [lulnl. boverlng o.botlt s olicitously. t'1I1 1'1 '01ll th twig s o 11 5 l(,~ YUill "ry· to\(J ber ho was a lIewspaper mil n. The ul slHJllhJ hi, Illud e n r l oij~ "Sur~, doobter, an' 'tis jnst what 111 ~ t)[lt. Til , IImn tl:s ha\'11l1( ~ . vero I... bzy was dumb. Nobody 'who bad you orderltd . an' no more. that be whlll1r" blllldi ng Is most Iltl~r1t"lt)I'Y nS lIosslblo tu tlll llk' or trctls, 1J:. l rn 01 not Uvc.tI lu a counlry village, al)d bad," she protested . wh('fI IIE'r fprmerl n('ar the ('n il nr tile knowo tbe nwe- nppronohl ng d read e x· " I 8ald 000 ounce ot wblsky three g1'Ou'I ng S"'3 ~o n . Th!' burls 8h",,:11 hll cited by a lOan who has "written for timos a do y : that could not make him phlll1 tl a nd maturo when toKe D f ,'u m tho llr cfi6," can comp rehend her emo!runk," th e physl('lan said. "He baa t ho ~h o'OlR or tbo Cl1rrE'nt l'"ar' tion. 'fh y sat th ero until dark lad much more I han that." . Itl "'th o 'fho "burl stocks" shou ld hI! came. '" e Dlllst go In, or we "OIvll a drop more, d ochler, dear,'" ('111 tb e da)' tlto .bud!! lire 10 hp In· will hav o your knight do wn to reck, sh!! d oo] \lre ~. "Sure an' 01 · dldn't f;m'tnd, t'rlltllll Eld and Wl'llptHl'\ Ht nllC'(> on wi th llIe. You ougbt not to put know just bow milch an ollnce Willi 80 In n clamll r.lotb to pr vont ,irylng 0 11 . the yoke about your oeck, by·tbe·bye, 01 'wlnt to the Ilrng storo an' a sk od, ' '['rimmIng consis ts In cuHllI!; nil' l he until you had SE~n more of tho. world, ln' the lad-bo'lI a broth of a b(l)', 1 i)ave~. "nvlllg n bit of I\) O IIlIlnJ lo lIllss LI7.2Y. It you woro a boy, how too-lold me ~hat on ounce was 1& \lse :t ~ n handl!' In Inserting. 'In Cll t· I 'should like yo u fo! compagnon out drnms and Pat bas had thLm r ogular, lI ug lh A huds. , use ~b()r[l 1(Dl ves ; Ill' yonder eX [1lorl ng the Wlltlt! " In' no more!"-Harper's 'Weekly, ~ sert blRrle ot knit.. one-fourt h Inoh he· Lizzy did not answ.c r. It John came It) w bud, cut u\lwnr(l just behind, hut!. down. he unclo.u'btedly bad tbe right to The Manchester canal was built at "Johnl r e moving but IltU ot wootl. comin g break up tbl B deliolous dream whlcb a cost of $7(j,000,00Q to reduce freight ollt aboul one-fourtb of a n loch ab ov l.he last bour bad brougbt. Why did Alderny helter, to be aure. Tben v;e rIltes for a distance or 36 miles. and, 4111cI. (Se fl g. a.) The Prop~r Cut. uhe gIve bllD tile right? Tho " yoke" went ove)' to tbe .couoty (air. Vel. whil e It did not prove a good InlerTo Inse rt hurl. make T·llll aped In~S Po.III".1 y liar"" b. c ision 10 stock abouL two Illch es aho~ e wblcb It orlgl nat d. SII),5 Fnr m and j:all ed he r. If lhere bad been nny ap- Olat·s myoid bo,t; It blew Into the est bearlog Investme nt on s\lch a rga...expendlture, Its Indirect alld . thue tlttl. PIUs. ~ounrl . (Seo Fig. b.) With tho Home. The wound nt l ht R point will IlrOaQIl to Oirtatlotl- U!" Hanlon's mllll- creek as r crossed tbe ford . WlIo spat ula or bu~dlog l<nltc loollen t he be large r bllt wil l bua l '0 vel' BOOneI'; nor, h er purity. would ltave take,! thli Lizzy. child!" and h'e pIcked her u~ more permanent ' belleOta are said to , no, ..teo ."Ue.e "01. " I~LE Ire•• (rolD D,.pepsl •• I... . lip" of hRl'k Jo nngle or th o T c ut and tho foorl 10 pusRlng Iluwn th "II In· !llRr~. But thlEl In te llecl.ual sy,mpnlby anll carried h e r like a hoby loto the ba ve warranted It. <11~.. 'tDU.odTOO' • • ,,", lhls wlsb tb a.t sbe we re a boy and bouse, holding bor close to his breast, Germany has 3,000 miles of canal, lI\fp In the bud. (See Fig. b.' The hlum la),or Is constantly p08slu g the BIlllu!J, ' A. _ree' ~ h url must bo held firmly In placp by a wound Olltl. IJ ushlm: ou t, ('allu s fiver It. bls compagnon ; there was ~ greeting and ,.hen they were InsIde, kissed carefl.\lIy mlllnta~ned: besides 7,000 !!<If (or Dhis lo ~" H.", han doge wound aboye and helow. be- LargQ w(, unds r<'QulrE' suve rll] yuars t bere of so ul 1.<11 Boul, whlcb s he had t he wet, pale faco passionately . enough miles of other wnterwny. ' Frnnce, • ""'" Dfoo".1 De~... B •• Tn t.eIDibdtouth.eo.. ' .' wi th an aren loss than we would coning caretul to len v th e eye of t he heiliovel·. During Ihls lim' the wOllOd never receIved rronl John- Melvin, aud to sallsry cven h er. ed · 'l'o~lt"'" P,.b, 10 th. "But you were angry wllh me, Jobn! sider a' large atate, bas 3.600 nllles tof l)ud unCO t'fl red. Ra Ola fibre (wetl. IIhollld II coverml wlt.h somel hln g In which was no dl sloynlty to 111m, Bltle. TOIlPU) L1V11R. "Mus t you go, now?" sli . said. t thou ght you had gtlne to tbo hrldge, cannl; and I,n t,he northern part: .t'be.,y ~lrltl.t. ,be JIo.~I ., Pu .... I' Velr"t.bI .. bast. candl wl.;:k 01' wax ed cloth may which will sllllt. out Ihe ralll lind dis· "Ves) I havC! an engngement wltb, "!leaning to dI e thore I" be . used for ~ylng. Ra ffia Is us uall y easos. AllY good IJll tnl. mnl:!!s by ra l where the ennals' lire m08t numerous, SMAll Pill, SMAll DOSE. SMAlL PRICE. "Bless my soul. Lizzy ! Do you take the rallwaYIl are 'more pros perous. e mployed. It th e bud "takes," r eo Ihe best coverin g . T a l'. wux. wh Ite- wllh- Tbese IItupld duti es are the cbaln wh ere wIth we're darkly bound, me tor a t ool? What \vonld 1 die for' England, Germany, France, Holland move th e bR nQage In about te ll (\ Il Y~ wash. etc .. ar,! ROl\1 e UIUI'~ IIsod i,ut Genuine Must Bea'r by ult Ing loos on baclt s ide ot sloel, a ro poor Sllbs tlt lit.... for pnln t. The afrer all , I thlti'k." LIe h eld h er h and, No; I wan ted to see Drooks about tbe ana Belgium are all contemplati!lt: Fae-Simile Signature pressed It slightly, and hurri ed away. helter, and wen t" to tell you: bu t you to prevent Ib e hind erIng or groWlh or picture sbo ws a co mm on way of .:ul.furtb er extenSion nud Improve ment ' of rrTLE Tb e truth was, It "al Mrs' . Merrill'. wero out of sorls Utst ev~ru ng, and] IVER their canal systemg,-Contury I\lagn. . 1md. I'll Ih l' e or rour wpeks cuI off Un ~ whlc hlea veH a IUD); ~ tll b . also the 'Blipper hour, nnd he had A. keen ra- lot my te mper get the best of me. So zInc: PILLa. tile Btock ,j ust abovo bUd to sH ruulo Ul rI ght wu y to cut' clllse. ' mombrnnce of h er fried chicken and I thoug ht I' d better stay away Q dny o.r th e wowtb of new bud. , REF~SE SUISTiTu1EL Tho, Crack In HI. Armor. two unUJ we bad botb cooled oa. i warn os. • Peoch es or blidclcd 'In th e HORTICULTURAL NOTES. "It's a good tblng for a man to be As for Lizzy, she sat atlll, to think. neve r would bave known bow you yenr t hot the pits are plam ed. As a little bald," eal(l the girl as they 800U as the !ll1o(\lIng ~ or lor((o Sprny grape vines with nor, ll'nl;x to Sbo had learnel1 from he r tavorlte hIs- lo\,e m e, It you had Dot tbought me walked along 111 the rear ot 0110 beonough to hold a bud they arp ready proveot I'ol, e tel. We tolll you a b{Jut torl es tbat In e very he roIc life comoa dead." the crisis, the Imrnlnent moment when "No, neither am I SOrTY," said. Eliza· neath wbose hat 8howe~ a small bare for hucldlng, thla betore. half moon. "Jt takes the ..coucelt out Fato must be lnet and grappled with. beth, Q~l e tly. Afler budding. oxa mln e lbo stoclc Boware of t he re.1 rllst in Ihe bIl1<:1\· or them. Now ther.e'll John. He haa Bhe thought It ' bad come now;, John It; day or two arter, John laid: fr p.qllE'nti r a nd re mo ve an y SlIe llerll cap or blaokbClrl'Y patch. \Vh n It ap· "Wb,ere Is that IItUo scribbling chap 11 bald 8pbt . that he bas spent abont a lllat mny start at baae of .eadlln&. peal'S, a t. il llC(> dig Ollt :Iud l)urn the In- Mel"'o, sbe acknowledged , wos one ot hundred dollars on to ~o ortect. When the r .oblest ot m,e n. gene ro u's, bonor- who was at 1\1'lrrlll'M" fected plant. ' hEl g" ts too smart all 1 have to do IB to Water Pumpeit Through Plantl. .bie to a faul~, and loved her dearly. "I don't know. I had quite , forgot. Remove the old raspb erry 'Call11l B. F ew reallzo how continuall y the Boon 'as th ey bave frnll,ed : .Blso reHanlon sho knew nothing. Ho was ton him," IDswered Llzzy .... whlch wal glance carelessly towarj:! that vulne",'e, spot alld he ' Buball.lea ' Immedl· Illoutl' thot grow on the e art b are move wenk, superfluous npw onoB. tbe acquaIntance 0( a day. He mlgbt QlIlte true. . " pnnlplng ,wot er from tbe 11011 In to the Burn all such cutllngs nt onro. be weak. cruGI" a gambler, or a roue; That evening, 'however. abe 'recelTed ateiy." all'. Flve ry normol plant Is engaged Pronounce The •• RapIdly. Conllnuo to cultlvnh~ !lilt! hoe the but be pleased her l'allBion or her a large ;yeIlQW envelope. with two or In this ,,·ork. and tb e surtaco ot the strawberry IIIa.nts eet this s pring, wblm. To be sure, Hanlon dld not tllfe~ columns of Dew'paper cuttings The vicar of Dwygyt,.lchl~um·,Pen­ earth Is coverer! with them exce pt In When eno ugh runner!! 1\1'0 80c ured In love bel', there ,ru no chaDce .that be Inclosed. She read It, growing anerll)' lXIaenmaur tord tbe royal commlsBlou ...old. . . . .0 ·. . . . . . . . . '~'''rth(' . region s of etllrnal froBt and tbo each row, ('ut oft' all others, Just al II ever would. red. · , , ' , ... REIr. ' >f tbe churcb' In Walle recently. that grE'nt. dese rts. Experiments mnde In tboy we re weeclR, PACIPIC COAST JOIAI CO~ , CRICAGO, Night galbered.tround Lizzy aa .h. "Wnat I. It, Llzzyt" ..ked 'J ohn. 18 had' b~n at PIBtyleCum,Carngu,wch, Utab flh o\\'od that through June , July :'Iangoful-cum·Tregalan, Llandyfuan~ ' Bewaro ot eX\losin g, bllickherrlell to .at alono. Her 'blood 'grew chilled, her who W8S watcblng her. ,and A liguRt ot ol)e yea'r .each fqot of tho Bun attll r th uy nre plr.ked, Sun· bead pained her. 'Che o.utcry and per· II .1111010<1 WfUo "Do~s ~hat m~an ml!?" the tears of .um-J.laotalr and. Arleecbwedd. 1<011 lost by evapora tion or moJllture light soon turns the black. shiny fruit 86'Cutlon would be terrible It sbe broke mortlftc!ltlon standIng ID bel' eyel. . through plnnts OVAr nine pounds of to u rusty, dull. ' unplcasnnt·looklng her betrothal; she was not a atrona "By George! here'a the whole storyl WilIer. Wh en thj8 Is tnulllll \l ed by the rod. Ge t the berrl eR Into .pncklng shed girl, aild 8h~ began to cry. "But ~ Pathotlc Incident-Idyl of Innocent lo\'e, nllmbe r or feet In an acre It gives or crate as snon as l,os9Ible. and th!'n cannot marry hIm wIth tbe feeUng. broken In upon by 'Deatb's mOUrnful ovel' l{lO 10118 or water for a IIlngle Int.o a cool cellar unlll shillping tIme. that 1" hilVe!" sbe Bobbed. "I will go to 8I1m~ona.. VllIage dllmsel-falr, Ie3(1rl'. V. hf'll Is extended to tho Ji:xtra·flne grapCfi nrc ~c)c l1 r cd ' by John and tell him aU," sbe cried, eet- ~orant. uncultured, t:lave In the art 0(, plnnl ·covprpcl sll rCuce of th e wOI'ld It cutt.fng oft love-tbe manly Strephon tor 'tb'la th e weake r. InferlOt t1ug up. h.dleA.I!'!! tho ract that a , Sood"slzecl bunches. or where hUll ch es are too ,Perhaps If sbn bad bad time to reach dhloe. It's certnlnly yoU, Lizzy for FIrat, that alm08icyery operatIon >l c(Ono Sf water Is by the plnnts clo,e ~ogeth er, and then enclosln tl the 'bouse, the !ltory might never have b e re Is your nllme ID full. But 'your In . our bospltn Is. performed npon 11llmpcd up Into th e air each real' ancl each remai ning bunch 10 a l!Rpcr bag, been told. But a band was laid Oil fri end mllst bave teft before the end. women, b ecomes necessary because that for e~ch ,lay a gooc!'Hlzpc\ flea Is Chea l), ordina ry paper bags . pinned 01 her ·s bould er all she spoke. or .neglect .of Bueh $.vmp~ms as for bore' ls a full aecoultt of tbe find. BaCKache, Irregularities. , DIsplace>II) r~t u tll l.'(1 h:tck to th e e le ment rrom "What's the "a ll' you Ilave to toll me, Ing oJ my body, alld a descriptiOn ot tied lato pin e, w ill do, Bagged rntlt ments, Pain In the Side, Dragging <l'hl" h It came-thE' aIr. you Insensible upon tbo sands ·beslde ' escapes 'In sect r"vagc~ . ripens belLel Elizabeth?" Sensatlona, Di~Dell8 and 13Itieple_ " and earlier, . lind I~ choi cllr In quollty "Ob, John !" (Tbere was no need to .It. I ,!onder be left you alive. Here DeS8. C'hance to Incrc,<lse Income . Second.• that,L ydla E. Plnlcham'8 Se iling: Ilr(l(1ared fmlt lIu (1 gnrden nnrl flo er In ' ~P IJ ea r l!o ce.- F'arm Jour: t/illl all; halt would do.) "r meant to Is a note-did you see?" Vegctable Compound, mado from .ay to you," pole and desporate. ·~tbat . LIzzy read It: st utT. s urh D.S mu ~ tn rd. finn ed kraut, nal. native roots and b ll l'he, bas cnred It must all st:op. I cannot be your "i\ly Denr MIss WOOdS-Y~u will p er('onoe!! ' Mnll OPS. h ll r~f\ ra llisll. canned more cases of, fcmnlc ills thnn any . Walnut Forests Not Common. ,wife. J obn." oalvo Ibnl ) htLl'O exorted tho descrlpUve rr ul • prl'Nl' n 'es nnrl th e III"" will be otbor one ' medlaino known. rt TQg, " "Wb " not, l ,I1.zy ?'" He laugbed, a powers. whiCh . YO\I wore 80 kInd ns to The .walnut Is uowhere n , gl'f'gorl· J ' 1IJ)))rOVe, In your belloU. The story post it ~ O UI' CI'. c.r, :t I!rl?a l d ,n I (If Income ulates, strengthens arid' rostores , .. omen's health IUld Is1til'1\lu~ble In ~us trl'e. !.Iut usually ' nC'cur~ In ~C 3t· bt ~oas ed fin o elemen ts tor IL 8GIlSlIllon,,! wild dlqcordnnt laugh fibe th to lhe .ra r m.. r. ,To lhp ('a s~ or .rr\llt, preparing womcn for child· birth, a~d dllriqg t be period of Obange , , oug. 8ketcll. nnll 1 wltll ngly exerted mysel.' ' of Lifo. , ' p~ Ifill y, 1\ , will rurnlsh Ii prolltable tared grollps nr, 98 Iso l31od Incll vlcJ ua l& "We are not ·allke. 'rhere 18 not tbat to .", It as cOUlplele ns p09slblo tor II mong th!! assoc', aled spcde~ . WltblD Id d d I tl t th t tb· b ' )"0(/. focllng only too happy thtlt r "'lUI Tblrd. tbe great voll1me of .unl1OUclted onll grateful ob 0l0 r\! 1.'1 ror :t. jrr,c::tt dp:tl IhAl wou ld n re ns nc:, a syrupa Y' eable to retur n tho plea sure whl alt th. tile a~ tho Pinkham Lo.bor atQl'y at Lynn, Mass .• many or orl. tl1'Wl ll' ~o 10 wAsl". It Is 11 . \'ery tho IIml ls of Its ran ge Ih l>r(1' are re tween UIOSO ·b orn under ' one star," houra paased tn you r 801:Ioty gnve me tIme to ~Ime being published by specIal pcrmillRion, give ab~lu~ l'OUI'8 to,llhfuliy, " anl ull town ~lId 'n I'.oor mark et i.nd('ed gl01'l8 wh (Ore It Is ul lllOSI unknown , trying to talk tbo dIalect of all "'oun.. deni:o or the valuo of Ly41a E. I!lnkham'.,VegetableOompouDd and !lira. J BElN.TAltON ' HANLON. thul will n ell <!llIIft u m" ti ll the stillY while wi thi n a few 1011 ~ It may he women In hor situation. .'". 8.-~occssn rlty tbo ekelcb Is. nol J'lukham's adv~. ' " .. .. th at can ,,~ ~old from th o fa l'lIl In thla comtrop , nlthough cO II(lIt1o ns in \)oth "Whnt 'clo yoU meao, EUzabeth?" he qUite Ut!lrnl. 1 ~OOI( lh. lib rty of brln8'rogN)I\S seem Id e nti cal. In the ri\'er RId. .In.r Mr. MelvIn a body (0 tlh(lre IIlBtl1a .1 WB) . ot Itte bat. _Wo arUsle havo ' our prJvvalleys of OhIo, Indlalla. I\Ilnols and The man waa capable, of pas810n, IfeSCH, YO(I know. 1 a\ll moat ho.ppy. teir 'Fur more than 30 y~1'8 naa been Gurlng P~lUe ColDplaiDte. _ell .. Pinching Back. .Keotnck)' It I~ fouud lI:<soclated wltll • "er all, 'Ilnd Ilhe bad pusbed him too your 88ko. ·that It WIUI th .. ba~ only WhICh .. tho W<l.lors <lrn.nk down to muddy d~nth . Dragging 8enllatioDs. Weak Back, Failing and Diaplacementa, ID" Pi nch Ing buck th n ... w growth Is the ma ples, hi ckori es. oaks, uo,,"wood far. MY wife, tr. whom r 10111 tho story, ot. fta)llmatlOD and Ulceration, and Orgulo 'D IBeue.. and 1t. cUuolTeII' l e rt ,Ier good wlahel wi th mlno to both annth r \\'8>:. of RavIng It grear, II nal c)herry ancl ntll ' r hardw(lOds' ot· th ~ and expela Tumors at aD ' earlT a~. , • "I 1Jj ~lln tho,t you must · go on your 111m nnd yoU. D: H.') ot ~nl' t',r (lie rormaf:loll of fl'llit. l l'eglon, 111thollgh not alwuys Inter J,ohn laughed heartll)'. ./Ibmlt th e time th!) P 'Iches or Oth'I' mingling closely wIth tho:m. West or ~.,.n 1'0011. ] cllnnot marry' yo~," In~l~tlo" "I! ·YO\I don't marry · me, Elizabeth ' ''Not a bad fellow, I take It: but R!OIl~ (1'1:1 S a re halt fO \'fll l' rI. lake a ' the MlsslslllPIl1 the 9!IInut ' 18 conllned WOD1I!11 tnd'eMng female weaJm_'" "hllrtl pa Ir (I f sl!fl:trs alld c lip ott o'bou t ~ to river va!leys and moldt slttlat10r.s Woods, illY borse may break m.; Deck. balf-wltted, I . ~Upp!lBe, LllzyT" 1ft'tte''Mra. Plnkbam, Lyn... -tho Mrs. "One ot the vainest, wealteBt UleD I:a!! or this ~'('a r ' s g;rowl h or wood on i.ln tbls welltern regIon It· Is found .. to-Illght, for alDght I care!'" &Dd h. baa been ad"'slDIf alalr . 1\ong her from hIm, that ever lived." erl~ Elizabeth, V80 -"-:--'-:"-=-......,;-'-'_ _ _ _ _ _~'Ul~1 3-t .. or We t we.. .Tlilli retard. tho f aociated wltLt.b collee tree..sre "Jol1o: JbhD.!!!..she cried, feebly. I hemently. "Tbe iery thoqht at Lb. jean,111and be,ore tba~abe i~;;:~!i.~:!~~~! bam &drilllll', ~u I:ro ~'lh t'! 8boQt ami leat ao,I tbe snp ·aab, hackberry ,~811l1004 &Del "'lIllt But Iolln ,w u acme. Tile aut . . . I ID.U cl1'&111~ met' . . to hMlt.L _1M1i II aavp.d. tor the de,elopmBllt 01 fruit. I .... . "

Don't Leave a Long Piece of I:lrllr. c), StIcking From Tree.









20 Team

BORAX·~ . ..,...,...... I



Lydia E•.Pinkham"s Vegetable COrQp,o,und ,


Mrs. Plnkham'$ .5ta.lJdlng


to Women

' ~ornlnlf light be wall . . ftln Jh III eYe!




III tbe dluk as to the cours to IJUraul', and RO he did the only th ing lin, On. Way for ' an Allyulnlan Youth to Oklahom. City 8urprlled N.lrrow.. man collid do undul' the circ um, Win a ' Bride. Minded New Yorke/\. s tuncea, call d hlB me n togethe r lind ,Ill' J)Ul'~d thom to go forward wllh "In AbYBSlnia the natives 11'111 kill Oklahoma amaz s on eas te rn er, The Ac hl ah niH," his m n, whUe men In order to pleas!! th eir wid , osphalted stre tB, tb e plate glass "BlIt II' will I aV,e some of t he men ~wreth ear ts," declared Frank Mowre r, truutq or d e pll~tm e nt stores, the le nn • STORY BY THE "HICHWAY tb g l,l ar d Zlkln g dU l'ln g out ahsencc.:" 101'mc I'ly consul g II ral to 'Addla Abe- slde.mlks, th e wel l·dr'.!9sc(I, nnhurrte ~ AND BYWAY" PREACHER \Ill aUoned Oll e of Ule IEwIe rs under lIa, li nd jus t uppo lnted Censu l at Lqg. Hhopp e rs, Iho fini s h, the [J) IroPQlltan bllyld , htJl'n, ' IIlr YOll lind 1n Oklnhomn Cit y, t,or e x· " No," tOS!lllDded' David, "wo sha!. " It Is ne v r dangerous for a while all)pl e, se m rn:ltv Is 10 find lu a t e r· havo 1I00d of Illl o llr mllu tbl s day." nl a n (0 Irave l In AbYBs 1n111 pro vl d d rlto ry only 1.7 yea rS o ld. Hut do' Dot ',Bcrlpture Au lborlty:-I. Samuel, ,Aud S (I, in obedi ence to th e com, he hi Ilccolllllllnied by a nullve el- ariy so, mllud or th eir I Ild er, David's me n cort, becaus e those who compo'~\l sucb eballtera. 21·80. A N e w York er wbo went there on mlll'ch cd fonh, And DUI'ld old with, a,n i cort are- elway, trustwort hy , but b usln e8~ complnillecl . that fate waB •••• +e+ •• e ••• e ••• e.e •••••• In hi s beart, IlS he g rimly mnrohed OD n man takes bls lite In hi s hands It thrus ting him Int o a wilde rness, aod and on towards his ow n beloved be goes abroad alon8: Not that tbe his Oklnhoma aSSOciates could not reo : 8ERMONETTE, land: Datives are feroclou8, but that ho ass ure blm , .But coming down to :. "And Da vid Wll, oreatly dl'. "God will provide a way of escape, cou ld not be sure tbat one of tbem brea\ttoBt ,(be Orst morning , at bls : tre ..ed; ' for the people .pake Slir Iy, he 11'111 1I0t Furre r my hand to bod not made a ,Plct with hlB sweet· botel In Oklaho ma City, he s:tared • of .tonlng hlm."-A dark day • be IIfled Ilgllills t L1 Y breLhren and beart to kill a man of while &kIn In around In wonder a8 he ente r ed the f~r David. Troublea aeemed to ! nilln th a Lord's anoillt ed. Surely o{de r to 'I\'ln her tor hi s bride, 'rbe, dining· room. + be de.candlng upon him In sllen • \lg whe n my blind iaas been Hllly.ed from Dallve who wins Buc:h a dis tinction "This," 110 exclnlmed, "tbls 18 Okla· : a II.o od ail to utterly annihilate : tuklng Ihe lire or illY e nomy h e re to- Wl'aT9 a wblte featber In the back or boma!! 'Why , do you know?" conB . .:. hl"\,, But the distress a nd dan· :- fo re, It will 110l filII now us lbu ally hi, hul l', (j elltia lly, "f even found a porcelain • !',er of tnat day was to drive • of th oso ungotl ly Phi ll stl nos." "Among all tbe ~,OOO,OOO ot 110pula· batbtub In my room." him to God arid to keep him Th e do)' wore on Ilud al All1le k th o tion anti In tb e en tire ureu equal 10 "W II ," said an OI<lohoman, drily, + from the aoene of the terrible + ormll' s of th o P hlllsUn es weilt 1111.0 :>" Il W Yor k, Pe nnsylvania. Virginia nod 'don't you have thoso In New York?" • tragedy which waa being enact· • cllrnp, whil e In th e dl s hlilce could be Ne w England, lhere arc but two e~ In larael In the defeat and ; sce n tho hosls or IHloel I,r ' pUrlng Ih e while women In Abyssinia. The y are BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING, + drath of I(lng Saul and h i. Ion., • ~a:lli ll fl'olll. Il ow Davlu's boart th e wives of two consular OffiCials. :. Thl! day before at the earn eat :- smote hlJl1 as he loo ked uJlon the Strange 10 any, the natlonnl gam e Is ' Rash Covered Face and Feet-Would :. .olloltatlon of Achlsh, th e Phil· : sce ne, (Il I,1 llo w li n agony vf jlroye: I hec key, bllt Caucaelans cannot plllY Cry Until T ired Out-Speedy 1.~lne king to whom ' Davld had • rOao 10 Gud 101' help, His lU edhatlon It ve ry much b ec au~e ot Ihe climalp. Cure by Cutlcura, • worn alleglalloe, he and his ! wa s Int I'r llillell lIy Iho co mins of Th e nallves wor'k but litt le and ellt , men had gone. forth with the • A<: hl s h, wh o a pII(!1Il'Il U g r ally trou , l'a lY ')lcat. They kill IlIl olk, peel olf ":'1)' c ally wa s Ilhout nine month s : army or the philistine. to wage : l)l cd, Ulld wit h Ina ny wonl s of ullology Ihe s kin as you would p'(.el a bllll" nil, old wh e n She IHld r as h on be r rllc 'e and ... wa;' upon th e nation of Is ra al. ' . nlHl a$s urnn \:es li S ' to li ls fa ith In dl'Oln oil th e Illood 111111 proceed with feet. llcr feel 8 e med to Irrltat'e h er Imagin e ' the prc dl ~a ment Into : DI1 I'I(l's Int gl'lty, be toi(l Duvld or the the rene t Every AIJY s »loftul Is a most. es peci a ll y nl gbls, They wo uld + which David was ptunge d, He + II lss n'Us f:lI!Uon of Ih o Phi ll s thlo 101'1111 good bu t~ h l'r , cause her to be hroke n In h e r r sIt, Ilnd : . dare not re'fu's e to go, and yet : III th prOBe n 'e or Ua'vld alltl hi ll mell. "Tc;> th e ' lovor of nllttIre AhYBsln la som etimes s he wonltl c ry IIntll al<l wu s • with what awful mlsg lv lng G he • lin d usk d thaL th ey dCllIll'l a'nd r e turn Is 1\ pal':1dll!e. In m y journ ey thro ugh tired out. I had hea rd of 50 many 'mult have gone forth, undoubt· : to Zlklag, thl! land I salV thousllnds nllo n thou· curllS by the Cutlcura n medle a th a t edly praying to God every elep : Da vid was too wily to re v '01 hly sands or dlfft!l'e nt speci es or birds lhllt 1 tbou ght 1 wou ld gl\'o th em a tri al. • of the way that he woul d savo ... tru o -Iato of mind to Adil HII, li nd Ill' wel'e heaul.lflll In Ih el r p ill mng" ' and Tb e Improve ment wos ootlceo ble In n .:. him from his predicament. And .: I ft t il latte r 10 1J0IJ e ve Ih ut bo r II s we t In thei r soogs, Occasi onally I fe w bours, and before I hnd usell o ne • ao the Lord did, for t he su spl. • d 0 1 I)' g r ie ved th (tl hc WI,s no t (Jcr· II 0 rd Ul e faraway roar of 1I0 1lS, Ihose box of lho Cutl cllrn Olnlme nt ll e r feet :- clan. ~f the P hilistine lords ! mi lled to ser vo with the I'hll lH lIu u mighl)' beasts that pronulUud e tho we re we U and ha ve nOI'e r troubl e d he r '+ wal .rou.ed and they Insis ted ... 'lI'ni y, but ns he and h lH Ill un took nl) fores ls o nd s eldom mu l,est humnn be· sin ce, I o:lso used I t to remo\'O what Enc:t 'Copy of Wrapper" , : th a t Dav id a nd hll men be sent ' : t he I' Lurn marc h th u ne xt morning It 11I llll IInl es 8 th e y arc attllck'd , The Is known as 'cradle cnp' from h e r • back, And that morning t hey • was wilh li g hte r h uarL Ihun he hnd Aby slllnlu ns nov el' use n li ght at head , nnll It worked like a churm " a s Il had departed .for Zikillg, Ih o : ha d WI he hud cumc t hith e r. Li ghler nlllln, no Olllt ter whero the y Ilre, anti 'clean sed nnd healed the scalp Il.l the Her Secret Sorrow, city where the w6men an d th e + he nrt? Y H, UUl Ih e re was thfl dllep 8ft In u le dark and conv .. rsa, There· same time: Mrs, ' Haltle CU.rrler, "That woman Oye r ' l here 1:31 some :. 'chlldren a nd all, the .ubstilnce :- 1l 1l)(lclY he r ' lt UK to t he ru le of hi s fore th cy hnve good eyes. And thcy Thomaston, Me, June 9, 1906," h idde n' SOI'l'OW," d eclar d the sym· • which belonged ' to David aa d • hl'c tl.Jren In ISI'lI ul. How wou ld lbe have wo nd e rfu lly while teeth, matlo p Olhe tie one, liS ehe came In and (ook He W:a. Not to Blame, hi. men, had been left. But! ba ilie go'! Hc W U H ullllust te mptlld to so by c lea ning them with the spreull, LIttle Bartholom e w'S mother o ver· her s at a t Il tabl e not tar awny. "I ~ imagine the aWfol anguiSh with + yl Itl to t h' muttered slIllsostion or e d e uds 0 1 a smnll ~tl c k , " h eard blm swearing like a mule ha vc oft 0 n ot ked ber, Seo, Her .:. which they came upon the :. some of his Dl II Ihut the y l'e tuI'n ' nl)d .drlve r, says th e Clc ve lanll L ead e r, He compani on ol'de l'B everything sho • blilckened ruin. of their city, :- ca s t th .. lr lot wllh lh e army or I ~ru o l How a Hero Died, ' di s played a flu eoey tbat overwbEl lm ed conld poss llJly want, and ye t she sits and found th:lt every living loul '. Dut the \I' lsdolU of s uc h II cours dl~ Victor Iiugo t ells t his story ot hero· her. Sbe took him to task, ex"I:ll nlng Ib ore s ll ellt wllh a face like 'a mask. and all the ~lJbltanc. had bee" ! no t sc'm Irllr to him and t!O he con Ism In lh e rece ntly publis hed book of the wickedness of profanlty as well I am o",[ully sorry fo~ be r." • ti n uOl1 lho ma rch 10ll'anlll Zl klu!:', • curled ott, "DolI 't you wOI'ry," advi sed ber pes· :. No'!W It wa.. that the army : The e:.:r:!nmallon of olle or his w e.~\ hl~ lite rary re mains. "Vic tor Hugo's as Its vulgarity. S he a s ked him wh e l'c Inlell ectual Autoblograpby : " "Anatole be bad lea rned all tbose dr adtol s lmls tic fri end, " Th a t's h e r h us band' • turned upon David w ith all 0 cau s d 111111 to luok up. I.eray SIlt ou t fOr Brusse ls, passell words, BartholomolV announ ced th a t w) t It bcl', She's bored, tbaes all.," manner • acculallona. Here! "Sr"o ka In th e dh. tll nr e !" .. waa the c qr.e whl oh had fallen • Whll t could Il IU cnu? Wltb Cl'l 's lhrous h England and lbe n embarked Cavert, one of hl ~ plaYlliates, bad Left Army for Pork Trade, Cnv(,l't 's m othe r was :. upon 'them for presuming to go : fir il ppr he nsioll l he men prcs sed (or, ro r Austrnlh!., 1'ho day the steumor taught hIm. AI(ldul' Sioll nckl, an arl slocrntlc • out and flght against Ihel r • ward wiTh Q()lc kcned s te ps WId soon nrrlved hI s ight or land a storm arORO. BtrolJ!:ht:ovny In lormel! Dnd 3ve rl~ wos brathren I" Ilrllel. He re Wll. ! cn lll 1I110 n th e smo ulde ring ruin s 0 1 The ve ssel c a llel~eil. ~'h e pas, (' n!l e rs broug ht to hOOk, He vlgorons ly de· lie ut e nant or n Hungnrlllil IiU ijsar r'e g. + the Judgmo!lt of God for mak Ing • th o ell y wh ic h tl\o)' hud ;",fL III sllc b ami cre w nearly oil succeeded In nled lta\'l ng In s truc tnd Ba rlholom ew,. Iment, has resig ned Ids commiss ion 10 reu h lng land by m ean s of tb e lICe- antI n e ith e r thr('a t s nor tears could become nn a ppre nti co to a pork butc h· : alilanco w ith a P hIlistine ki ng , H , nll ng 'ccu rll y the till Y t)llrure. e r In Budallost . li e says be con Dot • And they wou ld have stan cd : Artor th e Ihsl o ulburs t of an g uish, boat s o r hy sw'\ mmlu g. Anatole L e ray . make ht s confllss. At last he burst David, but In hi. d lstreu ~e • fo r ev I'y mnn muurn 'd th loss 0 1 1"09 umong t be SOlOed , M ' an while In out: " I didn 't t ell nartholom e w any live on bl s par- $400 n year-and that + turns to hi. God, ;ind there he .. IOl'utl on ~ B, Ihey turn ed UI)OIl DaVid lh o tumull 'of shipwreck , wh e n the cuss word ~ . Wh y s hould I Imow' ho w be co nsiders a Ul Il II of Intellig ence and :. lind. the oraee an d str cnet h to ; IV ilh 8a I'ugo rcprOD hc&, • e what ll of the fl'lg ht oed \netcbes t o cuss any tlo llpr than he does? eo e rgy caD do w ell 10 the Dork trade, chaos of th e WQves and Hns n't hts fath e r got a n autow.oblle. : wlth.tand the angry fo~eea of he hnll Il roul; ht upon thl1m, Had the y l'l"uls tll Shake In to Your '6 h oea ' • his men. And the lord dlrected • nOl counslJ l 'd I hat purL or Lh e Ul e n bo (!a ch tbhlks' only of hlmsolr, a balf· lOo ?" .~i1en ' l I'oot·£::n . it CurU8 pain ful ,swollen, that the pur ~ u it of the maraud· ! lid!. beh ind 'f This WaR th ' judgme nl wreckell ' boat had r e muio ed In Ihe Fresh Fuel, oUlR rting"Mweatinll rect, l\1 al:c. lI ell' 8ho~ + Ing band be taken up. ... of God :"; ,,ln51 tl,mn rur hUl'ing pre- surge aol wus nlllllJarlng and dl sa p· Tbe !lcrnp b U oe n Ihe mon'led cou· I'n ~)', ~) d h)' nil 1),·UIII-,'1. t5 nnll , hoo S t o r'~' , rlng In th e wavell; t h rce warne ll pea ~hu'iI wal. David t:lken away .:. SUllied to go Ollt IlJ;ulnet Ihelr bre UI' pie bod 111",\ !lown ttl a f e w Ihltl ess Dun' t ncccpl nny "u b, t i lul ~ , 'a llllllc PR E I~ clung lO It <\e spalrln gly, • ' fr(lm the Icene of the c on.rIIet . ' r ~ u . Inlltlerillgs. nnll Iho r. ~ nDry hlrd lID the Adtlre •• A . " Olm l . <) , J. o R y, ~" Y . "The Ilea was nL lh e helgbt o r IlS :- , wHloh wa. being at Ihat very : Anti was not Dnvltl rcsllOnslbl e fa , cD se \Vil a bC'glliolng to think Ilbo;lt Large Su rl! for Paste ur ' In.mute, rllry; no swimmer. e ven omong th e ' . mom.."t waged 'bctwe'e n the .. It ull? Th e :UIl;I'Y Hlnr m IlrIJW , until singing ogal n, wh" n lIhlt remarkel1, as Dunlel Osiri s, the J ewis h bonk er lind : ,Ph \lI.tlne. 'and th e laraellte., : ~o me of th e more vlolcllt I)c Luolly too ~ h3rdiest ot lIIO snll ors, dared to ri s k a sort of nrl e rt,lll; nsht: phllnnlhroplst, of Paris, wbo recently hlllltieir. They kept thllir eycs fi xed • ' Who know. but whllt If th l. • III) s to neS ' lO hll l'l at Lh elr leatl e r. "At DIU' rate, eve ry body In my fam· died , le rt a will In whloh he dlsposod on their dripping gorments, An a tolo c alan,lty had not fallen upon ! It wlla the n Ulat I he Rpl ondld and Il y IhlnkR I 11m ve ry Intelligent" Of U3,OOO,OOO, gt vlng $Ii,OOO,OOO to the + him h. would have been tempt· .... h · 1'010 hal'ucte r of Davi d stood forth , Leroy Hun!: Ilimael f Into tha surt, He "Y e~, hy t1I P shle ' of tbenl )'ou are," Pasteur Inslllul'e , ' strugg led bard, and bud the lInllarac· .:. edto have p,lunged Into tha : "SIOl1e me If YO II milst," ha cl'lell, he r eplie r! with a blllnr snort. • batll. In defense of Iill country. • fa olul; thelll without a tremol'. "Ood 1100 or brlllging one of lhe wom en to Artpr this Ihe s cr a p was renewed 1'1TS, St, Vi lli! llnnce nnd 1I11 Nervoua dushed tn a second time men' And . 1O during t!t a t try. : knows lhat tile Inte lltlon of my hearl ~bo .. e. jubllan tlr, ' Di ea8CS p'crrTllll1cnU)' cured by Dr, Kline'. lIud rescued another, Ing .,.rlod, God provided a t as k " ' Ull r l yht. I hn"e s lI lTll rt!d with you, Urea l, Nerve H . '''rer. , end for Frell $2,00 " He was worn out with fatigue, torn, Irinl botUc Bnd trenti!lC, Dr. k. II. Kline. '+ for hi. hand. which took him + In II Is '/lour oC neul!. IPo t U8 not f\j;hi bloody. 'A Country Marvel. Tbey erled o ut \0 him, LeI" 031 Arch St.. l'pilndelpbio, Pa. • away from the Icerie of the eon. :- ('uch IIt hur, Ril t her Ic t liS lunk to God The IiUlA (re Rh all' hoy Whs com· 'Enough, ugh'!' 'Whal?' sal4 he. fllet. God 'gaVlf" hlm victory and • li e 11 11 1 ll ll ide liS," All Burled by GC!vernment, 'T h,m~ Is stili another: And he flunK fortably Quartere d In n farm bOilS" :- r"tored tei hla hands and the ' : The ha lids which held th e illoneR ,so n ear the fil!olt wat e r for bls s umme r'8 I 'n some Ilarls of SWitzerland all tbe h lnlselr " third. time Into tbo sea, He , • , h.nd, of h!,1 men all . that hold + m '1laolng'ly I)boye h is IH'ad Ivere low, ou ting, The Orst day he sirollod down d(mll nre Imrled by t b e' governme nt, never rea f)peared," .:. been ~aken" IQcludlng the woo :. ore,1 and Ahilltbar, 'tho fldes t , ftel~nl! tbe road to the ,ma rsh(Js and be stared wit bout respoct to wealtb or position . • • Iften and children, 'Arld now, • the, opporiUl i\y camo forward with In ' as loolshme qt at fh" cat·t alls g row· . + Inltead of ·...avlng aWkward ex. ! Iha' ('JIhad and InQllh'y WillS Illodo of Ing ther!', Tb An ' (urnlng aronnd to a DOel Your Head Ache? Absent.Mlnded ' Compoler. .: planatlo",1 to ma\ce to his b'rcth. .. Ihe LOI'd, alld thu Lord nllswarell " po, I1ct n box or KrnuSl!'. He.docha The Prencb composer I\ftlll bllo on (latlve or t hfl J1la(,fl who was a ·com· : ren in Judah a. to why he hold : Onvl r1 ollt1 t\lld him I hUL he sllo uld the occasion of the fl rst Ill'eaenluUon panylng blm ho said: "Gosh: ' I didn't C'I'IUles of ),our J)rugglst, %e, • not come to the l1elp of 'hi. • jJurKOO urtt!r the Awalekll cs alld rOo of one of ' his operall enteTed a rasbJo n. know tbat sausages grow on IIUcks." lI/orl1lan J.ichty Mfa, c;o., Des Moin e8. la, : eou;,t;ymen, or why he , had In : "uve r 01 1. . IIble resta.urRnt and threw himself True wl Bdom la to know what 10 The Reason Why, ~h. belllnning gone forth to aId -: Thu lliking 1111 of the pu rsllit 01 down at a table, thinking earnestly "How dill )'ou cn me h ere'?" Bald one beat wo'rth knowing, and to 110 wbat '+, the Phlllppinea, he Is able .. Ib ose who hlll1 tl1lrllcd ? Iktns obrllllt, abou't the event ot the e ,'e nlng. A MexlNID hull In an 01<1 ncqualntnnee, Is he~ t wor lh doln'g.-H umphrey, . :. tp ,lOnd of the .poll unto the : Iy c n(] lld nil talk of gnln!: Ill' 1.0 tho. a id Ivuller brought him a ,me nn , • .Idere ~ of Jud!lh, and thus ceo • IIr the ' nrml,,~ or IMOlol. llnet ' 0111'111 ' Mellllllo abstractedly Indicat ed the as tIley met In Ih e arona. Beautiful 18 the activity that workll "How?" r(lpllcd lhe olliar, " 'll.b ' a me!l~' more cl08ely tho t lee ,b ind. r~lllld a welcowo rall!!r from bls aux' !lrai. dish OU the bill tha t bls eyes bnd .. 11'11 them ' t~ . h!m. Thus , the .. 101l ~, troubled \b(lul$hts II) th~ IIWHt, strllck, ' It chancod that this was the glri~ce arour'd. "1, may say I waa for good lood th e s tilln ess tbat walta for goud ,-t.:ollyer. . :: dark ..t day In David's life :. hal'lI juurlley, In IlCCOrdllllce with Ihe most elabOrate and 'costly dIsh 00 th(! , rOiled In," I • proved the openh,g doo~ to thl • IVOI',t of the Lord, tbelr ClIllcdltll:m bill, and wben tbe wnlter went to tbe MrI. wln.'o .. ·• 8ootblnll' lI1"'p. WHAT'S THE USE? 'or cblldr-ea tGe,bIDJ . ,url.e.D' 1l1e t"llm. ; redut.M IDt r.alrutlo" of the ,hop~. of 'the -: 11'.19 fal'or d with complete SllcceSB. kltcben with the orde r tb ere was great l&mma\lOD.a1I.J' p&1Il. c.urc. Wlbd ",,,llu. ~.boW .. • year., and ,10 It I. often with .. and ibe next tillY found the w ull bUc k oOlllmoU'on ,there, The proprie tor was + '-+• lit Zlklng- " ves. c hlldreu nl)d IlOS s ummoned. and he and tbe chet de· To Pour In Coffe,e When It Acta al 8 To rorm devices ,quick la womoD's • you In d nle, ' \ ' Vicious Enemy. se.llSlollS, together wjib mud! 81)011 voted themselvos to tbo preparation wlt.-Illurlpldes, ' ·.·+·~·t·+·+·.·+·.·.·.·+· wblch lb~y had take n from tllcl r ell\!' of the famoul! dlsb. Meanwhile, Mell· Faste r s bave gone without food for hac waited, absorbed, 'At III1<t the dish THE STORY. mles, m a ny days 01 a time but no "De cUn go was brought with a great flourish, and EVER bero:rQ ~o d David mct sucb As David sat before bl. tent dool without sleep, "For a long timo I 'lui va a e trying 8Itu8t1on. His SOIlI was tha t nlglll he could not helll bill co n, the proprietor, with a proud smile, n ot been slel'fllng well, orte'n Irl11g ve.lIed wltbln hl'lll unll! It ulmost t rast hili fee lings '''Ith th nse' wh ic h waited 10 ohservo tbe result. ' Mell· awake (ur t\\'o or tbr('e tours during 8ocmed ' oa though , he would g il mad, had flll e,l ' hl~ b ~o rt only 1\ rew ul gh t! hac r egarded I he dish Wllb nl) ' exprea· tho nlglit but now J cl('c p ~o und every HerJ bAd conle the uppen l. or mtb c r cbt! rlll'e Whl'lI 'he hpct gtve ll bls pl'4 l1l1l se slon of mela ncholy Inte re&t. night and wake up refreshed aDd vlg' "Old I order tbat 1" he as,ked , order from ' Aciliali, tilt! Phili stin e king, i.o ' go Ollt and Hght wIth the nl'ml e~ 01 orous," says, a nallt, womnn. "(;orluln, Monsie ur IIfe llhac." Wbo ' ball btlrrle,ndpd him In /ll ~ hour tbe Philistines agalnSl Israel , "Do you kn(lw why? It's because ~ "D.II you like IL?" , , of need and had given hl,1lI Zlklag I\S a "Aild now, lustead, I bave l'lcb 8poll nsed to drink colfee bllt ) fioally cn t It "Yes-yes, 1lJunslcllr, but-" posseSSion, al'klng that David and hIs with whi ch to se nd my brethl'lln an '''('htl n ' I:lndly tulto It. owny and ea~ out eod beg;an using Poslum, Twice men 'Join him In' aD tlltp dltlon I\galnst ' orr!.'rl ng," he exclaimed, " How won' It ),llul'seH," ord re tl Me llhae, " and llnce th en I havo dranlt coffee and Ilra(ll: ' And whst coul!' he do ! lie de rrnlly God has wrought good ou i ..ft\J/£Il'.. /1 lirln!: ule two r~leli eggs ."-'I'he Dell· Doth tim es 1 pH ssed a slee Jlless ni gh t, dare ' not r:eru~e-Ho !lore not fl l;bt or seo mln g evi l. How 1Y0nde l'ruily he and so I 11m doubly convinced coffee rnall , 'agalnst his own c;ountr),llIc n, Out h3S ,le llvCI'ed h.IB servant from • cnus ed the trouble and Posillm re,/ H~whst , (,~lIld hI.! do? :\lht he II fl!'d ' hlR snare thal wo uld have S·"'IIt!owed him moved It, , e:res 10 the heaven s, brlgh! with Ih l'lr up uttt'r iy. Bnt I wonder how we nl M'Od. fOI" aU ~naa Wasn't Asking Much. "My hrolher ws s In th e hnblt of of wwt work .port ", m),rloll Itar)!, and " a - gronn escaped the bnltle ?" au d be 'oroso a otl called A no rlst <>r I'hllatlelllhlU WAS ona drlnldng co" (' thrno limes 11 day , He 'rom , hll IIQg\lllIh\!it solli. ' He \\'a8 sl~· Ill!' se rv(lll t and seu t him 10 .seelt dar, matllng ,t~ e ronn ,ls or his prop, was troll bled w,~.h SOll r stomlloh I\ u d I SOL!> EVERYWHERE tI~g 8Jone ,In tho darknlls ~ stl'i"I~~ to, tldlng;t·. But J.l \\'aM n9t until the erll es 1I0ar Illal city whe n be WI\S up: would orlen noti·o him GeW og soda find Ilome ~ay out or hi s L1i1 e mma, On Se.COlld tiM' afte r Ihat be hold a man prool'hcd ll)' II youn g mun, who np· from' the can 1.0 r l!;jeve the IIlslr~'li s In the Iller ",'e rn' lei GO lo.rlh, and (1ame ollt of Ih e camp rl'onl Saul, with plied 10 btlO fQr lVorlc. ' hI s s tomach ; la lt Iy Ilnrd ly a duy ' be' bll.d r;1vcu bt. ' Jirolllls'O ' t-o A'ch lsh hts clOlhes re nt nnd earlh upo n hill " I nin ~'o.rry, " 8Rld Ihe no rl 9 ~, "bu t pa ~sed wlthont a dose of ..oda tor re' ,'t hat be woulll 8t bnd ' wltb , him, but bead, a nd suld: , .. , hnve n)l th,t;' Il (l lp I nceel, I bllv e nelrh. lIe t. , be bad nOI dared 10 te ll' 'bl ~ lII en as "SOul DIId his 1;008 are dead, See In c rur ~\ o li to 1111." , "Ii'l'nu!ly he tri ed a cup or P os(llm ),at. tor " 9, fe3rlld tbat th ey \valdd not he re I; I he ol'o\\,n a l.ld bracelet (1'010 " Sir,: ' ~il ld tlt e youn mon., with 0 a nd JlI<e'j :L so w II he gnlle Ull c:offee receIve Ihl) c;omm{1'8100 kindlY, orr tho kln!';'s head, and 8rm ," po lit e bow. "11 YOII only kn e l" how nntl ~ In : e then !las he n drllll<lng H(> recalle d "'Itll Iro ul) lcd con' Th e n David tauk hold or his clOl1l I vcry IflU" I\'orll It wo uld take to oc, Postum In Its pItca nnd says IHl has sclenco bOW ' 11 few month s bofore, and rent them, Bod like wise all tile CllU~' me! "-SucCCSS. not ~qoe be!ln t rouble d witll sour I3tom· wlien" h,e. b~d gone [\ut. and (t\ls troyC<l, mon 'thlH lYere with blul, aM they acb." the Oel burltell 'IIDd ' the Am;tlekltel to- mourned , nnd WCIIl, and (ast,ed ulltll The Re,lur E\CSn atter thi s lady's ' experlcnce tco ~outb .of Iudah. nlll~ he h;td dt')· cveo, ror Sil ul, a nd for Joulltbao, bl ~ "I Buppose," said tbe dross 8ult. en. with colf o her 'brotller dl d 'not Ifnspeet 'cel,ed ' Aobl lib o~klng hltll beUe \'e BO D, and (Or lho people o( Lb e I.ord , Viriualv, ' to the ' llat, "tloat -YOl1 nre for a tin: e Ulat colfee 'was causl~n 'g bill tb~t It wae agalast .hl ~ o\\ln ~ollnl rr ' . ~o d ro'r thl1 bouse of. lsrao!, becau.e 9mB' le r tban the' relit of us clOthes, sour sto,nllob , but easily proved 111men he ' bad 'oulllt lIod Lhat be bad Lbey were (alle n by tbe aword: b cause you a're 80 con_tantly 113 ()o Cotree Is, not ouspeoted In tbou l rilla (bul forever 't oparated ' blmselr : fr Q>\I'1 " ~ c~tad wllh our mllSter" bead." S of eases jllSt lik e ~hlS \Jut It's ~iARlly tbem. ADd now Acblsh wu gOln~ 10 The P"lIy' Way to ,Stop her" " y"," reJ)lIed th"" 11"~, "ODd, of proved,,, . A te? day a trllll .""orks pro~. ' hi. loyalt)' ,to blm. All Dlght WheD a \V omaD "18 abe lVlII .b. There II a Reo Bon, loa, naVld . truilled ,,!th tile 1/(01).1 will, unless (be mall mall.. ILIe\e I,t" fours&, ,WI ~ve, JUG 'a lood mazq t derl. Read the famoull lIt.!.le book, Je~ ~D! -_wiUUII., .!,omlDI larel ...I!JIII", ' . • RoaCl to' :woUVW.... Ie pkll.


! ! !



For Infants and ChUdren •

The ' Kind,'You· Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature of




i t

For Over


Thirty 'Years







t t. t








! t







, U you pu rc.hnse a {nnv DOW, wbile Ihe land iA cbe~. you will 600n se., grow up around yo u a community of prOS' perous, eoer/lctic men. who. like yourself,' have seen . the possib il ities of the Soulbl western (armer, and have taken advantage' of Ibem. Th is very coDd1I'io~. which ;. rapid ly forming nil over tbe Squthwll!t, make. the value of land increase rapidly, to the certain profit of those who own iI. Th .. Southwest will be as well setUed in a f~w short yen rs as the older SIOles are too ay, and tbose who see lhis condition now wll1 'have cause 10 r ejoice Ihen. ,

VERY LOW RATES "Ill be In efl ect Irom lbe North, on tbo finl .nel Ihird "Cu eaday! or e ac h ruonth. ,io 1"nl.• , ," Oklahowl and I nd ian (e rr hol")'. vl;a M.. K. " T . Ry. \Vb, not InvesllRa te (be l>o!lisibilhies o f th is "onder't ul la nd 7 Go and see t he couiltf)' for yourself. Wril'



W, S. ST, GEORGE, alner,,1 Passense. Asent, 004 Wl!lowrl&,ht8Icl&, •• 81. Loul., Mo.





I"~.....---~."I' . or

I .

oc -u.e

tI». "

.. ,

for particu lars, add tell'

GO TO SEA!' There are positioDS OpeD in the Navy for hundre<1s of youag men between 17 and 25 years of as'",. aad for mechan ics up to 35 years of age, qoo4 pay, and goo4 food furnlahed by tl!e Government. For full information addreaa ~",vy Rccru: t1ng StatiOn, Post Office Building. Cincinnati,Ohlo,



d .l eau". tolo't'e D &,' 110015 ID one. Col~ Il'j,[C!I of LI beraa!

Arl .. Nom ln1.I'repnrAkll'Y ~nj( l fl uurl "ll'. LA". CoIII Dl'."CO. lli1 tuM. ,,'I no &rtL orul or , . 1'lturmaCr. U. 8 AHlltur,. r-" ' I,' t . M 1.ud ~ nl. f rulll 81 .14 t('~ . 8T INtlct'ufa 1 It'nr,,, C'L .urMl. thOroulih . Jo: .kV,i!:l..&4Jalow. C&l &llCo



N. K,-E



Ohl ..



ARf TO Bf UELD IN WARREN COUNTY lUIS rAL[. Ist. The Warren C oy air w'ch will 'be he d at · .Lebanon, Sept. 24, 25, 261 21, and which ~will e t Grea e lfair ever held in Warren County. ,I

On the Great Maiestic A'·Malleable and Charcoal .Iron Range, at J. WLingo' Sture, . -. October ,2: st., 22, 23, 24, 25, 26I

.Seventy-five Majestic Ranges "ill b) old during thi Gr~at Bake. \V c have a Great Surprise in ,store fu,. all persons who nttend this Bake. 1'he lll'emiums we 'will give t p l'son, \yho pU l'cha e :Maj cstic Ranges at this ~'ake will be th{~ greatpst ever given in Amal'i~a by any ., tovt' deal '1'. ' DuI'ing this Bak ,va are going to ' hoW O1}e of the Greate, t Maryel of the 20th Centul'y_ Free refreshments will be sef\'ed llJ'i ng thi Bak. The Best llusic that enn be had, will b~ turnished each aftOl:1l6on and evening, during this Great Bak , The Great Majestic Range is warranted to last, on an average, ten times as long 8S any other ra~ge , ma,nufactul'ed America. In fact, th Maje tic ha no ompetitoj'.' , ' , puring this ,Bake; we will Bake BiccUlt" in three minutes. "e will bake BiSCUits on the Street in five minutes, with'out anr fire in the Range. We wilJ Bake Bi ~uit , on the . treet, without fire , in t4e Ra.nge, and the oV,en door open in' six minutes.

DON''".r FORGE'!'"

·~rHESEr-.r,WO .




_ ____ ==-:s:


L. & C. ,Railroad

A Big Tomato.

, May Carry Mails.

____ .1_

Notice to Farmers. I I ave in stoo~r all brands of

Sunday School r Lester Kenrick Surprised. I ' Contract Awarded • . ' Workers' Rally I ,~ " We often h~r tho expression, COl1uoll .... held ~ speollf.l m~t1nl Township Meeting is Held at M. "How oasy it is to be mi8taken !" Mondlf.Y evening to II.wal'd, the 0011-

Mrs . Frank Hawell, of Crosswick, Unn. h h n te ffi B t tnn Fertilizers for Ilf.n trade and A mo~entent i8 now underway brollg t to t e 1-'azet 0 oe II. by which the United States ~ails llrday, 11. , specimen of what they would urge f!lll'mers to get my E. Church Sunday. But hI the lastfew ilays Lester 'Ken- tr.act tor the S9Wf.f whloh is to be, , be ' ned tb D L & oan rai8e in tha.t looaiity in the prices. Q,nd cornpare with State b may 800n oar on u . A riok has seen fit to Olltl.nge tUe ex ' nUt from Main ~trOOt to tbe toot o ' Railroad . At present the r Jad way of tomatoes. nllJysiS of other brands. You Two I::Innday School mee.tln '8 presolon Illittle . SometbiolY like of High 8tree t. i ' This one weighed a pou nd and will be oonvinoed at once thtl.t I :~an ~., does Dot carry 8ny ma 1. . ' were held lit tbe M, Ill. Churoh Mnn. tWa seems to fit his case: "now 0mar Lewis WIlo8 ,awarded t)1e Poet blastor Antro.m, of Lehanon, five, onnce8 and the edItor of tbe 8a;e ~ou ~oney ~ d f day afternoon IIDd evening, and eaSy it Is to be sUl'prlsed I" oontmot,' Ia working fol' the ohange so mail Gazette will bear testimony . nl:! t , Il 80. ave ,wo oar .100. II 0 ",bile the ILt,t" ndanoe WIIS not lar e ' . ma be sent from tbat place to its excellent ,quality. . Dou ble Stt:eDgtb Drai~ Tile made eltber session, yet then'! wasGa 'l'honglt gUllrdQd. oonversutlons 'th'. t Is there auyone who has a \}Iggar by the M.i ddletown Tile Co., situat· goo'd I' t t ' tb d mll.<ie by the oonspintors were wllf~,y . I towns a ong e IOU e. . " , ' D eres lD e pr.ogfonl on " . h Lame Baol: ' At,~e pr8!l.eut' 'hme · a1\ ~a.U for one? ed t\ ~ Ollkland, Oblo. They range the glltht;rln~s will no doubt , result ad Ilbout o~r village laSt week a 'llhisls an ol1~9Dt for whlohC::Jbabl. ' Lytle pusea throus)l the Waynes. in size from 3, 4, (l and 8 inohes. - in D,lucb bcmefit to the Sundlf.Y fa~led to boor them. Tbougb. herl&in'e Pain Blf.lm b,a s proven ,. ' ville post oftloe. , ~~""'" ~ Also bave 0 ca. r. of No. 1 lar~e /:klhools of the to\vnsbip. Conuty ' preplf.ratioDe weN mlUle . ,t his home peolally valuable. hi ..Imoet evefY Centerville is s'u pplled from ' , ·Whlte Cedal' PO!ltS. . PreSident, Pllul Iii. Wright, of Har. &t,urday he failed to s~ them. !:::'~Oteri:lre~Ord" prompt and per the Dayton Poet 011108. Seed Wheat. veysburg, S-o. M. A. JII.mO@OD, of Thougb a.bout tWrty pel'8ODS kept Mr. Luke LaGrllDge Of OraDge. ~ I bave about 160 b'\lshels of Red Lebl1noD , A t. ' eo. S. Loer, 01 themselves Jow In hts house until Mloh,., says ot U : ',kfter using a . Juvenile Grange Will ~ Wond r 'ed Whent, Tbls I u. So utb I.ab.lnon and Treneurer Fred "bout 11 o'olook Munday f"renoon plaat-er aud otber remedl6'.l for three :.l 'Box Soc.·al. ' II nrd <l Wh ellt ILnd lone amon o L. 'P tluly of Lebllnon were pre~ent he fniled to see.tbem until-t:'b,yes-, weeki! fol' a ba'd I~me back,l par· HolU the efl rhest vuriotie!l, Inyhig flat. to nlld deli;ereQ I1dUress~s .' until he entered his domafn and 0phaeedDA"1 ,bottle .pl L"h~~belirl 81n'. i UIO mo" anll two app oa t IOns , I"Ig h tore. St . ' (~ nrtn~ . fu.1J and wlnt,er. 'J' he m o t iOlllortatit' uction of' they commenced " . ban Th e 0 ay The' JuvenUe 6ul18e will hold a , tb~ groulI,d to, pou~ fort from effected a oure. ',-Fol' sale ,by.J. E, Box B.lolal at the Gr..nge a 'u.II, Sat- ~ ',I'he Cleanest 'and Best !t 18 free , t.ron rye, choat, cockle or, the Conven,tion WIIS to Ildopt a res . tbelr plaoes of concealment. , J~ney,. .. nrday september 21. Equipped Store ' in toWn. any ~pllri o l1~, :seed, Recleaned olution '8t1tborizing the exeou ~tve!ed? Well, I gue8slie WIlS j All ~euibe1'8 of ' the Gr..nge nad Com(! in aJld see us. ,My ex' r elld;y for I!! OW 1IlQ:, 00 per bu~heJ. oomlllit-tee of th Wayne, I'ownehip he admit\llt aDd some of the, guesf.s ~~~,~,!!!,!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.. ~ their fdends are invited. perience enables me to pur· ~ \\ lll '~ B. , lir rnony , Lytl,e, .Oh lO, Snnday Sohool AS900ln tlon ' to n.p. say he looked it. . . cha llc the very best gooes ~ Homo r hone 27. CeuterVllle Ex , I point committeos to make II. h ouse ' lbose pre,s ent were: Mri Rn,d Mrll. v~ma , Seth Cook Recovering ' . ' obta inable. ~bllllgU to house oanvass of the towns111\) Ol1mpbsll, Mr . Charles Kenriok, Mr. I 'EXTUA SPECIAL " lind in,vHtl aU to attend Sunday Warren Kenr!ok, Mr .. an~ Mrs, E1. 1.'he many friends of Setb Cook, M ' Q' t J d Miami Chapter Eastern ~oh ool, find out their reasons for mer Montgomery, Mr . If.nd Mrs. ' who is in B hOBllital at lJinO~nnat,i, :, on~!ion uar ars per· ::~ ' $ Star Picn' sat Morr w Dot llttendlng, eto. , 'l'hiswork ,will BnrryKenriolinndson, of,'Oent-er --~ will be pleased to learn .t hat he If.' St Y t. -d 40 Ie 0 • probublv be undertllken within a ville; Mr. Bnd Mrs. Samuel Halnel JAMESTOWN reooverlngnlcely from ,~he eftact8 of ' Far SlRtcadns, .per OZk: c - . ~--month .' o'nd sou Ja.mes, Mrs. Evans, I or a ur ay s mar et we ' Eiglt ruembeu i of ~1iulDl Uhap ter , . m ' , , .. 'E XPOSIT ' ION. 'bQ operation performed IIbout ten , '11 h ' Ettlit ern ' tllr nnd fou rteen, members ' ISprtngboroj Mr. Hill Haines, of daye ago. 8nd it ts boped he may w~ nV~be t B P cIi ~f ~b ,Har voysburg CM pter went Form . er Residents o.inolnriatl; Mr, aud Mrs. Alfree) Daily l!ix'c:ursions' to N~riolk, ' es . 800D be able to return hOllle. I, R·a~kC:YF dtC an 'teal opes E' " " W ' Bnjnos and dan"'hterl an,d, M~8, 00 Y or a to Morrow ,lhl:lt Sn tnrdl1Y.' ,a nd joilrsd E E·'b Igh' e to ne" .. Va. ~our of East with Ston.. • , • • ' 'I , " ', . ~ r , , Uj oam . , ,,y ., GO,odle,' ot , Dtl.yton ·, lIr. ,and Mrs. F e A I the Cbupter I\t tbat place in a plonio II '" t d f AI" 1111 I overs at ' ' Le ' 'R . 1$ ' pp es , VI e 01\ ur ay ronl vlon, ' no s, P K i k " d d hi Mi ' Mr g " mmon eeoverlOg Bananas . in cOl;upliinen t to the' Inspeotor cif wbere ,he hilS been making hitt hoin~i 'D~rtrbaY endr °Ula.n E an efr .. SB Pittsburg New York : >1'i t·' .. , ...,r , ' an . .w. 9B va Mor or... " '0 f . ' , , " . , Cabbage .... fl, th 6 'I' won tl e tb ' DI 8t ,r i 0 " lUlu tI. for Il numbt1r of years , ¥r . mId Harrisburg , Bollton , J. N. Lemmon wbo bOB been ser~ 1 " " most roynl tiUleWIlB enjoyed by a Jl Mr!l' Ebrl bt 'and tbeir 80n In ,law lWaynellvllle, MI', and Mrtl. Walter Baltimore Philade,lp'bia' Home grown tomatoes , '. g "" : , .Kenriok and Mr. and Mrs, James tonsly ill for some weeks, is reoov, ' , ' !I New Sweet Potatoes pr!,sent, Or. and Mrs. , I:ltahl, J 'h WaBhi"gton ._RI~mond erIng BIt)w Iy, eve ing retl1r~mg h ome in t ile and .daughter, . . \) nB an d /lonl,or L y tl e . n , _ h ave deolded to move I)aok to good ' and. other points ' ' . Home grown onions , Christian Endeavor , 1$ Good Country Butter 20c lb. . Tho, Chnpt,er lLt, Morrow bus be~n old Warren Cpunty and ' wIH tii"ake • , 'Goone.Ro ..te-Return Another , C f ,Don ' t forget us l,Vhen in ,~ orgn Dl zed but six ~ont~s, and bas tllelrbomeu,t Frankltn, where Mr. " ,Church Notice NORTHWEST~ ' WEST , ' i . , onven Ion I need of Shoes, Ladies and ..lit. sixty;five tnembElrs, besldos having 'and. Mrs: Ebright' will care for ' aD ,, , SOytmHW' ST' . W 'C Ch ti G t , Ove aUs J ckets ... sex-ernl on t,he w!I,ltlng lillt. • Invalid relative . , f!.ev JeBse Hawkins, Superintend. U.l The . arren,', oun~ o1d rlsoon un S~~:; iJ I r " en I' ' 'fhoso from WI~YDeSVi.ue w110 lit·· ' M:r Ebright' i'e~tll tb~t the ent \Qf Evongelistlo ,W.ork In, the "SpeeiaLRedueed End,oovor uE,Plqakl'iwilolh"i ;, a t , '$ Id~ N' t'.:!(serwear, a ICOCS t,ended were Mr. Madison .MoKln8ey~, Boui~ Uoming' recently' heid at ;At ',Miamt Quarterly meeting Of " , ", , ventlon a t ,Ian D 0 oep em · an .o un ' . , " ' ' ; " , ., , ,'. ~jll ' b' tl U lhod F I d Sunday Ex;c:u~lo~, 'tp ~lulD' . , ' ," , . , d , Masdtlmes Mai'y Caskoy Amanda blon w!le a. tremondous IIqooe8s and .,.. prellO at 16 r~ ox reo,,, :bU8 and Sprinpeld. sept, Ii. ber 29, 1{)07, o.t.2 :30 p m , ' I Brmg ~8 y;ourf pr~ uce we Muffitt JulIna Ridge, Ru'th Jlf.nney lie nu.tnrlLlly fee1.S prpud of it I1S 'he Ohurcb 'nex. t Sunday, Beptember 16. 'J.OO,to Spdngfield.iand ,1.52 Rev. Hubbell, Fillid SllCremry, of are pnymg c or ggs. , 'f:lituu'uh Boot!!. I"ne Ha.wke, and Wtl.8 the Ol:lginator of the 1,18n" ~e'l' . -,- -" '. ,to Colum'bUi. roand' ,trip. '""-', Uolambus, Rev. J. F .. Young, Mis A 'hill Mlllor .. " . oowlng, at: lee Social ' , r.x President of the Oounty UmoD, and l$ pp . Home· ComlDg Inst year. . , , cursloli:,trahl leaves WalDe.· others will address ~he Uonven. • " , . , I There will be an loe Uream sooi&1 ville foJ' 'Colaaabu' a~ :8.50, ons rsu ' fora.U the lead,t I . Prln tlng' , of ' .all de80rlptlODB . th e Rid gev ille Oh uro, ' h Ba.ur .... d ay Train 0leave. ' for ' Spriu.aeld ' " S llbscrlptl ventlon, . j " . . " d ' given' at Il1g mngnzmes an newspaper,s, If. ". " ; ' , ' at 11).1 • All Ohristian workers are oor· 1 ~ .. ~ the 611r-ette office.. Note -We will prompt at.teDtion at the Gazette evening September 21, to whleh , 4lallv Invited to attend. ,' , ' , Uleet tbe prices advertiBed by any 1I10e. ' tbe pubJtQ ts oordialJy Javtted. , ~!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!,!~~ , ' ~~~ reputlf.ble agenoy. '



; . . .-. '

$ I$' I 1$ '$ $.




P I ' • .. ennsy


LINES,.·- -....-






$$ $



$ $ I.- WaIter JK'Ilbon $






FIFTY SEVmNTtf YEAR. Final Summons Comes



to Joel Evan8.

Pioneer Citizen ~n~ One of WarreD Coun~y'.. Oldest Resident. Pal!HS Away. •Toel EvonH. 'ODe cf WanOD ~oun . ty's o!dl'st'lind )Jeat known ~ltl~n8, dIed at his bj)llIe 01;1 Main 8treet In WfI,yneRvllle. about 4 ;80 o'olook . 'l'iI BI!(It~y .1lI' /I·lIlng .

• 19 0 7. !-

Y~a~of "Married- iif;'-:-- -

Lytle .

Harveysbu rg. Springboro. LOCAL ITEMS I Esquirt' J. G. and Mrs. Keys Puss· Mr . IlI1t1' Mrs. J. M. tl tllCY ullli . MiSl Lulu Wrlgbt!, of near Ferry, eel Fiftieth l\hlestone hou~ehold wel'e Ilnday hosts to WuHpl' (~J'uy LUll I; hi~ h ,)J's !:i to .\11' . Dora HuhI'. OJ! Nl'w York wa. D 'he gue.t of her cousin, MIIIlI L8St Evemng. . ' . Itl 'l ' Bulcer of, Ida . Mr . IInti Mrs, \V1lI tacy uOlI th 'Vill1l lu g ton Fuir Tn J uu J 11 I '" Ili~tcr. MI a, tew day. week . - -- • . 'uaughter Irma lli dM Am ng those wh u lI,tt,'Uti ou the Chllt,t.ttnoog'l, ']'lllllleH!lllo, . N. L. Bunnell woa on the aiok list Lilat evening Dlllrked the .Ilftiotb 'W olie of Dttyton The' an d · rs. Fllir 'l 'hnrsdu.y wore Bern Kh. ,I,. ker thl}i I' unoll lIuLl II nnt. Mr "nd Mr:! . a few ' days recently, due to I\n Ilnniverllllry of the married life or :in lin ~uto; . y clime own MI' . .) es~e Rllllllu a Ion(l tw o grllnrl: UbllrlA~ ·t'hIlIllIL·<t1Jl , F'l'il1ny lind But· IIOUt.e attllok ' of 8tomaoh trouble. M~. aud MI·s . .Jos e l,h G. Keys. Mr . u~d Mr' Jame B I 1 HOt1~, Mr. Amos ~:;l\iil. 1\11'. Clyllt' n rdu y , . J .. . vwing to ill heliith u.mon" mem o . . s . , 0 lU i; LeYlcy Mr" Wnlt U d J • • ' • r •. ' aOa Dodd8, of Cleveland, Is bers of 'I r II " elltel'tulIlod ouSuu(lu,y ~Ir. IWU fill'''. .. ". ,. or ",rny lilt :"1'8. MI>lS l .•!I1.I ·l:IlIt,IUIIYIIV rellu'nod to M ague t f b ... .Ie 11m y. the event WIlS I ' 1 'I') UhllN. l\! cMiIlIUl . 'I I . • ' II 0 er purent8, Inr. and not mark d I . . I ' 0 up I 101118S, Mlr. 1~11l1 ltlrs. JUUl es nc nnllt.! ~1t,llf'(ltlY urt Clrnoon . . Mrll. E . V . Robe'~ e Iy llny s[loola celebm, 111CL' lll'uy .1 Dr . .. E~t.ol\ tlon Ilnd Mrtl. Funnie 80ugh. ' " . II I' C"lUOIUlH1I"I. I~ Mpenll. '1'be \Jaunt W • T U " . . r ... t h \a week . Mia Je HI MI ' ,\ iug tlll~ weo k Ilel'll. . y , . ' . l:u nV8lj. tlon S. e ar att-, aealstant 10 On t,he sevoDt.e enth do.)" of \:Iep rho !!urpri~e Oil J oe 'l'hOIllIlS on MM ' . . wutl h eltl ill the nlvel' Illiat the ~t offioe, hilS been contlned to tember flft.y year~ ngo tn the yeur ' IlIsl. IIturuuy everri ng WIIS indeed II I ur. , ~ I'k Hllinl'fI , f ltioh moud, ehul'ch l'hlll'sdu l' (v,mill!, Rnd FI'i her home tllill week by R lIevere at. 1 Gi, M'r. and Mr.. Wl're ;lIllr in t1vl)l'y pllrtioll\;u Th o ' lun.ll, l!l her ' l'h uldnl\' h lmel!' wit'b dll.V It II .II\Y. 8mlth gllv(j $ .ok of rhE'omatillm, . ried In the stllte Cf' New .Jersey. . levellt r tlally Cllme on Earl 's ' birth - ' I;; UlUll~ fr s . IIl Il!lt. excellnn r, till k 00 Scientific Mr. and Mn, ',laml'R Kerrlok j The g renter }.Iurt of their Illl~rrieu : dl1~ hu U ti Mr. Tbomus' CI101e only .Ml's. ~ runk 8f[lIire~ I 'Iulte ill , 'nd.~ f 'l'olllpo'rllnco In th" Public h~I~A returned hom e f'Ollln visit M. Ufllha!' bllell "1"'lI tllt Wuy'netlv lJle, II dn .v '~r 110 Iuter Uti UJlllltter of hl l ' , ,"nl1 Mrs . Chll" IAtI ShitluM er s h'. I).!~'l'hu)' .. (lllY .vening. ~'ridIlY '" \or,,1 oJtlV~ with :\1,' Kerrlok'!! where they have " lwAYs boen COUrS\;Il tlolHlwereu forbotb . Abont. I'IpuJlL lue~ulIY nf In!!t week ill WilY ' mmll1ug MbA UIIU ~lIss DeuulI Bru!!. rel'ltlve.. Kt 8unrlee. Kentncky . . I1IDong th t! com Illuoil y '!! most bon . ,seventy U ve were present tmd every . . n e;!\' ilie I,h e g umitl! p f ~1.1'. lind Mrli. ~up Villiteu thtl public tlOhOll[ . Prlz llt~a Emma Gruub hili! returlled l ored Rnd rellpttotcd oitizentl . , ?lIa .. xpre~sed tb ll IJ,selves " hu\'. A. Mut\iLt . , .0'; wore oftto r 'c1 l'burl!dllyevelllng ~ her IwmA III. VRyton after Il }.Iro. , All Ilur readH's, hllloll. lit h roul e lilt:: hllc1 nn g , MI A M,lry t;t. n~r, o f B!/lnc!tellte r, to olll~l;l of Ijev~n gjrll:\ whp ~ook t a ot8li visit With her mother \1ra. tlnd uhrOtld, who lire aC(IUllinte(l Ir. lWei Mr. Anth Ill' (;l I IeI' i~ vl sitin~, h er ~i~t,'r, hlrH. Outfy the bellt lI otel.! du rlDg leotura. MIS\! j Elhm MurrllY. at 'rosswlok . with MI'. !Inti MrH, KIlYS, will join and dlllllrbt r Nolli e uud Mr. Will. I f" I' 1\ fel\' Lla.\'1! .' , l:)Luw I.eonivetl lovely book I .. lid Ra.v I:;mlt,b had nil with Ule (1011; tt.e in sincerely con · I Mc(;i ue . of Oil Yton , cumtl dOlvn 011 MI'. uod Mr ' . Will . l::t.llrry 111 6 for .ftl'!!t prlll;e i .Tell\IIe Sehneider Mlnlt.b's , them u)lon tbe occasion 'uturd llY 111111 III tilll u nl il ' t"killg .. trill to tllld rec6lVeiln yenr 's suusoription to a t 1(,1f KII1l8 lallt "eale, o liUJin, John H MIIIMlllllnf:'. or Ox" of tllill IIDLl iu wishing' umluy v lIill g lit, th Ilotll o of nl h llr p oint!! iu t ho Ii'; ,,,,t temp I'lln ee plllHlr. a nd Florence fllr,I , Kllns.ltl !for'm fIlIII»)' yenrtl uf heuitil 1111', .lon AlI's . Will. U . Uur m my. i\I ' CI " f . Urobs . EVil Roblnl!on Dorothy Mrll. ElIII;~ Mnrl)hy. the grand. hft,PI)ilHJ!I~ 'i'h H 'I I ) Id II 1 r~. 1.\8 ur II e Illld ~ou lifO .l ohu801l 1l1ld Li llll '1'1I01llp80n receiv· mol h er of Mr . Wlllter MoClure I , 0, 0 I IH 11. hOIl. (\ uf ,spolJ (lIng t he w ok wllh Mrl!. Rolin ad rneilnls . 1O('f' lIlt1erlo 1 ill' ' I .nl ~ - Mr. ItllIl Mrll. Frnuk 1,1I111Il" 0 11 K llyhlr. y C ' 'film'II d uy eVlllI \ ll~ n>l'IIVUU 1l1\ tlllJuy · 1'\III U lpverlluh~t ' . but ill nowUIIIu'p . or I!averal dllYI! ' . OrWln I\ln t r UlitY" rd BUal' \ , 1'0 I ' cburoh held Il • I bl UOCU~I' O. I'll e ul"ht, t.llOugh hlle ll /l oWerin g ",it,h n broken u lIl'i I!II Ci 1\ I II t t I10 home of Mr. llud Mrs. lud G W• r olvmg . 'Ve IIro 'I u II IlI'lll




















i I

i l1t eJ'e~rlll£!





g:tll~ley,' ::a:l!:'v :::! 8::~~:

m!~1 ~~'I:::;~'

N.;~;~I~::IU'~ u~~ '::'l l8bl~:II1~n~n~~~1 ':t<



~;~~~, o!I!:~~~er no~th ur


Leonmou :\ir J. for I!av.mtl Will! !l0 n;J rOl'tl1 to wn, Sat· tl r R M M B ' .. 1 1lJlt(l ll~ to!Jl'O~kltu~lIiui nthAA1I1l11j e ' . • .... A r) . . ~W rm. o · onyao & , rs. llr)' arlllIl "wllrtz lind t\l\:o r 6!; nllu 111 0 ·tlnl;ti u l tho orguu !;\uLl lIn eA Ttlt! d.. . , 'l'hc Pr '. . . ¥r . I!:vllUS WIlS in bill nlooty.1IOO StHnley, were In WaynesVille Tue@. bright HUle bOYR of 1Illnol!! IR l:Ioulnl It OllUllO () to ()(Im o 011 Mi I . Y h e11 ogr.eI!Slv6' Brethren ehuroh ood year, and delltb Willi due to the day. . Ing her mothar. Mrs Nuoml' Bl1rllln. E'orrl ' slxtom r l bil.tbIlIlY. A Mr 111,d Mrs 'harleR nnd it ,c II If 01111 at Mitohell'lI CraIB infirmltiel of Il,e. Be ball been Mn. Lillie Cook Dyer and brlgbt Mra. Aobslloh Mullen , of Ulncinna- !but vory IJrUl:l'OI1l WII son II few dllYH 0 Ids SllhudllY evaning . Kradually tor' 88veml,ears little 80n have arrlvErd from l.'btca. tl, is a for II few days of .E. enjoyod by ull ; lifter whi ch 1111 In nnd wbile there Mr . M.ra. Cbllrlea. Mullen aro Mr, EvalUl, to younger go !lnd Me ,aeste at the pllreQtlll Emley anll Wife . . : prBl:iout indulged in ice crellm lind DI'. VunaervOtlrt "Dd fllmily entertaining . Mr . Ilnd · Mra, Barry was very aotlve ID the affaire of of Mr. and Mrs. Seth QOOk. Mrll. Mary An80n , of X.eniu, il! cllke. A hlrgo orowu Wll in attend- of P ll.r lett , of MlGml@burg. Wayu\l8vllle and WarreD county, Mt.. £Ioulee8mlth who haa been bert' visiting friends. I' uncll i iiI! III fuot tlld could bandity Mrs. Seel'l! returneoJ 'rues· Hnrry Mullen and niece Ada cccupying qlany poSitions of _rus!, ,an employee of tbe G'lZette Miss Henrietta MoKinsey who Is ill thu house. . d,LY fTOnt MidLil etown where a,h e at Soldiers' Home at AJld hooor. ' the six .months, hae 110. teaching the lio'unt Bolly school I ,)rl,'. b'rank L1uko, wlfo Ilud ohiJ .1 bns uoen trcliltment,. In 1\. Sniorday. o:!Z;aa:';0vunty CommlalOoer and O8pled a poeltion In hDkey's dry and Bunday home. uroll lIud, tile uf entort"ln , prlvllto !illnltJlrl nlll . Bethuel Mallen it! ve.,y \Jl tl at y hI' eyor. Be wu .t.o the 1l0000s dore. . Mrs J.. ydlli Uordon Is II goest of iug ou hilit l::luturullY ; ?tIr und Mrs Mrll. Mary Uppls spend illg R few Mrll. Redmond Ie no better. r ti CABI :_r ••Of the WaYDllllvjlle JIlr. A. L. Piper, Qf Prloae&oo, III" noar Wa.yn08vllle. J J Itt. Eluuh,Irt, Atl'. IInU Mrs. RIlY" dll.Y9 with Mrs. Merc r I4l1d other Mrt!. Allte Early ' J ' dt. . a ona u.U.. tl vla1tln. Jon.tbu otl bee d ' dII' frllmdR gllve a aero S Mr. Evans wu a .uoceUful b lami! lID ell an 14r, 8trliild Is bosy filling bill to· I UlO~l Ilr~hul4rger Ilnd Mr . F i. t c h,' ohlet shower \:I!ltorday .fternuon 10 D6811 waD aod I ' . , usl B t. Y htd otber relatives here. baeoo shed with fine tobaooo . f !:it. LOUIS. Mr. Ilod Mr s. Ellrn· Mr . ILnel MI·s .•l e9~e lark returned honor of Misa Bell8ie &leder'slSSh wortb obab :"v.. aD etltr.te e .00 s way to ~be Jameltowo . ~,~rt Illllvo for Texas tbi s week . .W:edne~dIlY IlHer Il lew rlllYs vlllit birthday. It wal! a oomplete 81Uttt prir 11 d$5 ,000 . upoeltlon Wublnlton aD4 Atlanttc - -- rbey oertalnly w.k,e With them the WIth her sl~t.o r in 'M1~l!on. 1,r1se Cultt) lemolfllde d dl • w e, or one aUlhter Mn Setb City Mount Holly '. . . .served . IIIl 1 !!tD can e. W: BroWD 1.oballoo _~40o~ 10 ~ . W IdI 1611f 0 mllny frtends . ,Mrs. ~lIrah liiu:lnntl.nd sh,tar MrR. were refresbment~. Thoee .


";Iln Lobuon I









\~e~1! (~\uol1lnu.tI vISI~ed. L;ovln~tou.





8~nt ~liturday





blll1cco/llu~utod Jllelu!l~re



w~l·e· D.y~n






.J."h~ I! ~}ent






.o.,ld 01 ' W.;n...U1e, "t.lted Le ...... aod ohildren antI Alrtl. M . M, Ellrnhart en Out;! did not 11IIva. to 1Ju ve.r y Lydia Bn" ey have returned froUlI\, present were: Ha:llel of Dellr vive him. • ' .' Natbu B apa_Jy of her bro'her,tertalned I:!uuday Mr . Jucoh Curey oUservlwt to lIotlee (Luito '" number v.Islt of ,~eVOrRl wAekR wi1h reI 11.. Lebanon i I_oellu Gilpin, Irelle a.nd Il'tlnerallervlO8l wUl be beld Iro . a' I:!pnu/l Valley • .,r Bellhrook Ilnd Mr. Burton Enrn. of 116u11le iu tbllir tUUllCCO Colum liuR. EdDLI Boyles,"ETilOra Molle.n, , bowe tomorrow,. e' turday. Ml'; Barris hart lind fUltlily of nellr WII.ynes, on Sunday.. 'I'h!! latellt!ss of tbe MillS Etta Arnqhl WItH KhOJ.lpiug in nnd . Reb .. 111 Ills, Flora, tltella aDd ,afternoon at two o'olQok ltp80h h to move &0 Ced&rvllle ville. Ilnd llClircit,y of h elp Is 110 I W"ynesville FrielllY. Fisher Ilnd Vella Hathaway w.n e will leam for tbe l)a""r f or the ooourreu oe . . Bess l0 R et! d er, of nMr Center,' " , All frlBD.u tovl&ecl. mill. .. 'l'! lJ\Jl hll8 grllllily lmprov . uc • , u bt tlltl Mr . uncI Mr . .follnt Moni!! weut nnd · .' .' . • I I. VI 0 Bleb b h d. b ed the I!(.'f'norl' I)f the t,OWIl by tbe lbero certlllllly III \II graut deul to (Jut to 'illoinullti FriLlay CO II few day 'vIlle . J,B Chapman op welentor 0 • 0foruge of b UI'Id Ing?f u. cement walk around yet., . at the ' tbe Corwin palo about . . . Mary JlIcksOli wbo 11tlB been. ,r .be , Puriel 'lu b llIet Re(!oyerln& from Injuries a year left wt&b hi. ta It Wed hill btJllutlful lit,t\e home. 1bo Old . schOOl. olell unoa more VI Iting h er ister Mjlls AnD Ward !hOme of' MillS Bertha I:)teveoloo .Roo:t, , Arbn. nOlI. . 'l'be Ie . ' " day , m for Little Mr. Ora Ml1rlot,t Ilnd fllnilly . en. tllrlllt! out I t e. commlin dl ng MUIIl. , f 0 1' weeks, retulned to her urd tty Ii ft ernoon. . Quite .1l number peep of WaYDenUle and IU Tb6y effect to IDA'" .b I ltertalned l'\uDdllY Air Lacy Ureag mo nl! I1crOll8 blJ1llnd vale. A week bOUle \0 'Oayton Su.I,lIrday ,wera present anel /I. line time wu rwlo were atilnled Thul'llda'" . .e· • e r : n ot the l!oboOI y 11 .1 f • .. . I db 11 Co moralo.. by " ob .' b J "howe IOmewbere 18 'he I:!onthweat land. wife of neRr Xenili. b t . eO.r us }lIltiSeu nto , Mrll. Emma Ellis went to t llA city In .v a . _ J , ' » e npor~ t .t. , B . '. . , .. III ory; 1.lI.rentil do you know it f . . .' ,• " Cbapmao a well koown J lb. and .Mr• . Uurtts Keleey of Mrs. 'tom DIU WIIIl In !:il)ring al o. u k ' th or u I!hort· VIsit wltb her Sister, lho \Vomun II liome MIs810nary farmer Roi,kman ' had' tbeir .t.ter Mlllllivalley on buslnesl!. uOdW .b llt scbool Mis Lister who xpeot8 to IN Sout h I:)ociet.v m'a t n.t rthe 1I0llie or ' • . ..awn B-'-- K " , . At Ch 1 M ' "" ..Ilre y I1ny IDtort!~t Iu I few d • . . . N tt' ~ 11 d 'l'h urlldllY ilfll8t· fopnd Dear .th, rail. _ . elsey, from Friaayafter r , · ar ey yan! Ilud Wife IIl\d wbicb you' m y tilli·t I " I (1).6. e Ie c nel e .tatlon at Corwin In 110 uncon . · nOOD un"l SundA,. eventDg. Mr. IBOn .Ralph !;llndllY hi Bell- YOIIU6Vtlr Vhli::des:h: Mrs. Al vin Uonkli n. of Xenia \VU lu11 oon. 'li ke Il-nt! flOlit, were aerved IIOIOWi oondltion. Kelsey hu been IIIAU camer In brook. in past times mako I't ll u· t t d in t·own !:511t.urdfly Illorning cllillng 1. r fr tl hments . tlO thlt! term,' not onee on fr le udA. Ca rl Crnne, ellllt of tOWIl, 10llt • Mr. Chllpmr.n WY t4ken to tbe Cinolnoa'i for many yean, aod en. M Mr. ,108illh Ull-vls llnd flllJlily of bt. fatber .tD law Mr E 8 joys the advan_ee of a rl108lltl r. lluLl Mr8. M. M. E Ifn)1art spent times 1t will in b 1·1' 'l'be liltrvey" 'Irg Rtl nd gave 0 ,goat! cow lhe Illltlt. w.eek. Y &'orda1 wltb M. . cue ,tend . tu oncor t In . . , . he. II• adv an oed • Iary. Bally, tD Wa1D.vWe, when d f 11 r . R!lllllel Ollvis both telloher IIond popillind Will the 11\001 I \\'n SlInc1ay .Rev . I..e witlllnd fllUi lly loft Friday 'betn~ oared for aDd wbere be I Mr. and Mrs. S.·, Lev. CartwriRbt a.n IlDl y of near Xenill . Lowl~rd · II better under tanding' evenin g . morning fOr luclil~nlllioHB. II rapldl, IroDDd. U t. eav~ 'omonow for a t.rlp to wallb.1 Rev, Plitton ~r~ohe(l his lirst Letwpen 1111 concerued HUl'ry WiI"OI) nnti 1m H'1l't·llook ' M ' .. that h.e wtll .lOOn be btm. tnpn, tbe Ixpoel$ion.,serD1on for the fifth year, Sunday . , . , uf Da y ton. II pant t-Su n(\11 ut h OUlC' , r . t)tlmmle Blllnell 111.1 tam Iy IW!IltLllglLip. ' . . . aDd pointl throolb the EIlet..I.eveolni. and, verybody WIUl glHd Mellsrll. Early . Y . ,oxpect tJ soon mcve to Norwood for Up to the 1081 IIr. 14rs, J. O. Cartwrlghl're tohim blliJk. Lamh und lind I .. the wIllter . to no 4,etatled aooooD' of the turh"a tram tht'lr vaoa. M.r. Joahua HoUand llnu family Misses. OIlIrk, Lurili. Burnett New rlington. I . Li)lzie Fox; I)f Hermantown, aoclldeQ' baa 'beeD obtr.lned',rom IIr. tloD trip, whiob " ill needle81:1 to lillY apent BUDdllY with friends nBllr Viola. Ohlrk wOre seen wending. -ill . visitlng her sister, Mrs. EllIm& ChapmaD, Be bad b8en to Oolum. tbe7 \borougbly enjoyed. Xenia. . thl:nr wily towa rcl historic Ft. Au . , . MillS Bernice a Iwkin It; utteuLl· H,ohilll!on . bUI tbe previous day and' " Is snp. I alrr.. Aletbla Alexander and MfIlB olent on SundllY morning. l'lley , lUg Wilmirigton ~olJlJ"e. . " Mt Ubll Ie UI · th f poi8a . tbat ' wlllhing to D"et home ' KatherlDe qntte ... bOMe Oregonia. r eport" nioe Wm. Bllrlnn of the , tOWIl' JIiPmunll'I e' pun dO , $ t theDtertalned i h 111 • tr.iJl 'Ind Il fino time. Miurnisb rg HI il!I 11 Itltuclent I ' . , wentrto'f!,w uYDel!v ay ea~lIe~ ~blW ~ (IIllhlen. . eniD would. par ya e r . olDe on ~lid skeet r~ ..Matlldl~ Emerick enoort111necl . U' g I . 0100.. Ito see his ilon,' lInd re'port!! him reo pe~Wt&, be oamll dowo 00 one 01 tbe la~ week. Mo . ~leDoder'. niece, ltfi.- 6ra08 Merritt wbo IIllil lJeen on ~ rlduy ; Mrs. Perry Watkiu!!, ~ome of the hulle!! of our town glliuing cousoiou8uea8 but not out aD4 in II,.. . Baucb aDd a friend! IIi's. with Ed !locI family for Lllurll I!i,ne anu Mrs. LVtiiu l "ro orgllDill;ing II· eirouill ting boolc ' y un bls foot OIlal\bt aod he Willi throlfl< BalDea from l.ogaDiport, Indians some time, hal\ returned to her Wilson all of Ceutery 11 0, lind Il lso olal.l. · . IIrI B .I d 'f vtolently on the!groond • .. ep)oyed home. in tbeafternoo n Mrll. Illlnnoh Wl 'se house expect to . , " , ~ ., ftheB week. aDd Mill. . . " 1BenjllwlIl I:lll.wkin!l, of WUYDOS I move IU 0 °W U\es, MllrrllY . . " , .TloA 0 y", Park,. IIr. Bel'8Cbel Steddom entertain. Mrs : ISneStoutensb'Irjl;or IInti Miss VI Ie, filletl tho \llllbit of the Friends ' • C()Ok at Home Altain ·wu al.1) a member of house DeWitt V.a ot Brooklyn, 1Il0nroe cltlled Ilt the honle of :'llr. n ,·uuclllY. i Dolby ptellohell.l,t tbe M. E, . .. . ' P!'rty. ' " . a few dllYlllut .week. . . . , tlud Mrll . C. !:i. LUlUb 01.1 l::\.ltunlay 1:'hllil' Filr.quhllr, . of /,Ilwton, Ok Sunull Y lind even · Ia Galaintr Steadlb, in Stre_!l'tla •• Mrs. J . K. 8penC8.r and ,Iougbters IIftel'noou . Miss Monroe h.lUvlDg w.ho bUll beon 1\ ing . SllhUlloth .schonl will Seth.<Cook,. ,wbose limb Wal am;, M,.E, Cbuie.h. .pent l:hmda,. witb C. E. Monroe tbe. 811me evening !lnd Mrs. Stoutsell . 1l1!l0llg r ell. (i veel here for tlevllral be . beld li t 2 ) m. , lind \IUtr.tecl 88 tbe ruult of a kiok by. Quinerl, _ U q SePMmber iO. •·Dd 1.mrger rellllliJling until' l::\unday ev· 'bus star ted h ome. He will , u.t :.I p. Ill , . • bol'88, 8Uttalned .evlII'lll ' monthl .Frida,. eyenlq at r 'I lln. Osborne vlalted ber daogli. enlng. . stop 011' lit Duyton /lud ut Winehe,j HlllneH.llud wife uelebl"llted .-SQ, ...,j".. retufn home Sun. mon b, Dr. 0 , L . Anltman. ter LelJ!lnon. a lut 'Mr . lind Mr,.. Lellter Kenrick en . te r, their ,10th wet.ldmg anniverBRry by d'"y artAlr,ooo :, SUDda,. week. . . joyed at the bome of Mr. Our people will extend II h enrty having ILII their ohlldron liome ijun· CoaalderhHf' tbe severe ' ordeal . Sonday ":30 Mr. J"mBfl !lnd Mrs . A11Ie Boltl. wolcome to tho now }.Iustor of tliil day week , Wllilom l)l'd:lllllted bill 10:80 wlab hi • . .. ' . . M. E. ObUfOh, R !l v. Compton, "bo n lovely un,brel1ll i tl1rriugh whioh ' be haa .rone, Mt. .8,01, CommDnlon Cocia lookll well and Paille IJeirvt08 11 :00 Mn. Emm. Br.11nl'!er, of \ Lll\nois, Livery Horse Runs Away COUles froll1 the Clark!!ville cirouit. i Letitia Kenrick, n 10\' , Iy, hetnatilob· late bleud'il tbiu bis Impllov,,", JCpw_ . . e :30 vllited , ber brothel'tl, B.ol . ' 'l'he l'ell-r old sun of Gllrfielu Pet ,. ed table cloth, auu Alfred II dozen mebt mllY ,Dr,'.\al&aaaD 7 :0 ' and friends here A horse be'longiug to W . O . Uus orllon wus ",el'iOu8ly slok Friday . I Dapk1U8 to D1atab tho,oloth, .. The pu~1I0 Is kindly inVited to'all WHit. tin's \Ivery stnble I~ook fright I\bout It wal! .t hought t,bnt lie .hlld been r.~r8. Kleinhen Is quite aiok. . ~k't " bHe . ,erViOAll. ' Mise Franoes Sherwood spent noon TJlUrsdoy Ilnd rlln from tile poisoned by eating I~ piece of Mrs . . Urace Lob . ur" '~ eleter. and 11'\00 "d 80n"-y Ith I tl . 1 Gustin Bouse,' up MIlI' n .. D ....e.-- 1811 01 $be . K. 11 UblU'Oh Philip Trout, Pta.tor till w ro Il ves lere. ~ to t a b IIc09· family returned to tbelr bome -f·-r -all b 14 .. 'ft_ M,. &b k d M' M tbe bauk. coroel: before it was E t th f -d wu • .. mar..e$ to the.'.LowlUlbip ' . .. 1 . , . . . . , au Hill , rnes " e our year .lId' lion \If bavlng spent I!everlll Bou. oeK.", SatUrday mornlna. Bej,. Property for S8Ie Bron\I., oaUed on Mr8 . •T. x, /Spen. stopped. . Jobu. Ohenoweth IInll ,wife, dif.d .ot wit·b ber sister Ilnd ay. It.em~r Si,' ope 8 .t t o'oloak ' AD el.b$ roo......., wUb ood .per 8Q~d~y evening, . . The buggy WIlf! tllrne<1 o~ er Il~d tYl'old fever on WeelnOl!dllY morn . ntn Subtlorlpttoob rao ' for all 'b.I~. Mr. aua Ml'8. Edwa~d W?lbklDg I tbe top bII.~l~dam~Red. _ lng, Fonerlll nnd interment tcok '&v.y'blnl 'lCo.xl . ~ . ~e ••, 01 ,well .Dd "'Itern, ' pr4en ~ out bOlo.e I*ltlna. and 0:00a • &baa,d l InUIdiDp, OD I'tf~ nn., .Kaown 1pII~' Bnoday with Prof. a~d Mrs. \ Prlotlng of aU a.8j\Orlptlonll given plaoo at C.nesllrR reek, TborlldllY IlIg magaaines and newI..peN, .al' IIIe ,m_ fulhUoum IN.. wU, u", AD" 8aP'lJtOperQ ' , 1.. C. Wllkenon, of Oarltale. , prompt Rttt>ntion lit too ' Gal'.ette 1)· Ul. MlLry, another olllld of the the Ga~tte otllce. Now be foQDd. _$. &bl'...rk... . , . ~. ~ 3("•• L'bart.,. lIyel'8 &lnd IOD (JJ~r· omoe. · 8ame family \t. recovorlng from meet' the prlqel adve"'tled ~ .. '. . . . .' . . . epee are vtalttq In Indt~apolls. . the disease. repu'-b1e .n~rip"OD .,114'7.,




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The Miami Gazette. Co M;KA Y, Publ she.,...


om orl an ersillu. rl 11 pea 1<' I\r \, sking sert·

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Wbllt kJud of stude nts AmerlC'lUl unh' l.lJ'Slu s' at dll 1t\C'y do while tb llre ! Wllat llid of mt-n C'O'lne aWIlY ! Is th unl· 1''er Ity a "place wbere pobbles are I ~b ~d and diamonds are blurr d 1" III a rt'al man hindered more than he Is benefited by bla four year_s of un· dergraduate study T , The first' slgnlll. un t lact to be obsf}rved In ' certai n large unlverslUes la t hat outside In· tereats are primary aud uU,lverslty '\fork proper I. secondary-from the .tan~pol nt of the student. AthleUcs 'and social a1falrs , of dltrerent lUnda d emand so mu h ti~e, and the s tu· 'dents Keep such late hours. tbat they 'are unable to do good work, even .who.n they have any desire to do BO. 'One Instance cited , by the Ind pend· e,n t will Illustrate: A professor ot na· ,tlonal reputation gives a I;ourse duro Ing the year to SMlo,'s, A Hugo num. bOr ot the class bavo bee n absent u much as one-third of t be Ume. i



, I b~


Authority:- - I

5:6· 10.

\.) SERMONETTE. (, come perlodl In the IIvee of rnen when further prog· real In the moral a. "Veil Ole the , material realm Ie entirely de· , pendent upon tho conquering of the difficulty which lIel athwart , the pathway. To turn \. aside and leek to flnd a way around the difficulty would be a .Ign of weakness. To .tand • atlll or to turn back would mean abeolute failure. There I, but one way ahead, and that II by , 'way of victory over the dltll· culty, by a determined, cour· ~. ageoul grappling with the foe that bal'S ,the patl-jway, and de· "raying him. , So It was w ith Klng Dav id , much larger number bave, fallcd to, do He was now king over a united kingdom. It would seem that lth e assIgned readJng and to take the work seriOusly. A stude nt who now he might rest content and his Interest either by Bskl ng Ques· take his ease. But Just at that 'tlons or aD!!werlng tbem Is Inughed ' moment when the t emptatIon at. The otudent promine nt In unl. WII upon him to enjoy the lux· , 'verslty life Is not orten t.)ie one dolDg ul')' which was at hi. command, &,oed olnsswork tram dny to day, but ., there rose up a fe e to trouble Is a- member p1 one of the muny ath· • him. The' Jebus ltea who ' In· • hablted a strenghold , of Zion, and controllcd all the rich coun. 'letlo teams, debatlllg teams, or I. try about, lIad become specially 'promlnent In fraternity circles for 'Isome reason enti rely at,art from good aggre.llve ancr 's ought by every Icholarsh lp. The professor mentioned • mean. In the ir power to annoy above remarks that be does not object • him. If the confidence of the Ito play aa such, but does object to ' people and the mO e n I" hi. army 'making play the primary object of colwaa to be retained he mUlt con· 'lege life. ' quer the JebUl ltee and capture ' theIr stronghold. Conicioul of Now York can never hope to catch • all thll, he entered resolutely mp with Ohlcago In Bome things, bllt ' upon the campaign, and In the Imust be ' content to trail boh lDd, Il fIe. of leemlngly Inlurmount. opelees secon'd. In the matte r at : able obltaclee and dang era he won a victory which crowned lelllDg ilullllc buildings to porfe(~ t : I him with glory and gave to hll • slrangera the weste rn amateur hilS n.-tlon the mountaIn he ight on Ibeen content to take a small amoun t . - which Jerusalem wae built, that of the purcbaae money to bind tbe fa maul city of ncred and pre. fane hl.tory. ibar.gaJn and slide away Into obsourlty, Whe'n the s uoker came bacle wltb ' ex. Progre .. meanl effort, and ef· , ,pect.o.nt eyes and $700 mar\! to com. fort Involvet varying degree. of plete the 'pnrchase at tbe Maso nic , ' hardlhlp., privations, dangel'S, conflict.. The man who would ' Temple or tbo street car pO\\'er bouse reach the heights must climb,' ' be was unable to find his former and to ollmb mean. hard work, : hard knockl, and untold dan. , ,frIend In order to thrust th,e money upon him. The New Yo ric sbark ' ger., but how glorloue Is the <loes,n 't go aft er aDy suoh sDi..lI game, , reward as the heights are gain. says the ChicagO' News, R. sells a ed and the grandeur of the likely 190klng building to any, IDe wbo ' vilion break. In upon the eye. comes alonl; and, hy 'p assin, over a It Is worth all It COlt. forged deed, gets the wholo amount' How true It II that he who and the real owner doesn't know any. strlvel not, aUalnl not; that he thing about It u,nUl h e ~eads In the who letl the d ifficulties eon· , , quer him Is never abl.e to. m3ke reliJ estate transfer!, that spmebody , progrel' onward and upward. bas parted wIth one of his tall apart· How Im portant then that one ~ myent buildings. Some day tho New , Shoul~ let hl"...elf to the taak ark confldeuce man will sell to a ,whIch Ilea jUlt ahead, and gulllble slranger for a pleasure yacht should reaol~tetly grapple ~Ith one of the choicest v6llsels In the the foe whrch I, offering him 'United StAtes navy. ' , baUle. Yea, the from , the Itronghold may Cllt rldleulo I On tbe Question of large f~mllle, , and contempt upen him, he may., Gov. FIQyd of New Hampsh ire and , defy him, he may deciare that , the 'tronghold I, Impregnable, 'Prot. Edward A. Ro88, head at tbe sobut let cou rage and patl ence ciology department of the ' University mark the conflIct, victory Ihall ' of Wisconsin, are paired. Gov, Floyd come and bleiling flow not , ~Iames a shortage In 'the oradle tor only to the victor hlmlelf, but ~he falllng. olf In oumbers ot New to thole about, ;J;Iampshlre farmers and the ncces,lty , "To h im that overcomet/! will • War continually IncreaSing state expen. I grant to ,It with me In my '1~ltures for roads and schools ID the throne, even a, I alao overcame, 'rArmJng district., Prof. Ross de- , and am act down with my Fa· • ther In hll throne." clarea that large families have a ten. deney to stimulate olasa antagoDlsm, lamlne, war, aaber·toqthed competl. tlon, the dwarfing of women anl1 THE STORY. clleapenlns ' of men, And ' tb~r~ y,ou T ' WAS wltb ',a feeling of content· are!, ' ment and satisfacUon which DaYld I' That MissourI 'c lubwoman'lI suggell' viewed tbe 'atralrs of his kingdom tol· 10wlDg his aDolnHn'g aa king over Is· tlon 01' a ' husbanda' bour Is new evl. rael. The desire aDd ambition of his dence' that women underswnd the art hea~t had bee n gratified. He had ob· of getUng anything they want. "I talned tbe prom I.e of God and was have always liked Longfe llow's Idea now Indeed !dng over all tbe tribes at chlldre~'s hour," abe says, " but a ot Isra el, even as Samuel bad de· husband's hour Is an absolute neces. c1ared so many years before he should alty. Have your husband's sllppe'ri be. How pleassnt It WlIS after the ~~ady whe'n he getll bome, give blm a long years of connlct and vicissitudes to ,he able to feel tbat now he could .,ood dlDner and then take your .rohe take his ease and enjoy , tbe honors to one side for a cozy chat, t ell hint and riches which had come to crown just wbat you want politically' and you his errorts. ' There was np toe ' within can g et anything. A husband's hour or without to dIspute his authority, la as good ras equal 8ulferage and yoa It had bcen maDY years since the don't have to walt a IIfeUme to g el Pbllllltlnes had troubled him, Rnd rellults." And th~ lady Isn'f mal' Hurely It there were any In 15roel wbo were his enemlee, they did not show fled! their . bands. Everything Ileamed Commfssloner Bingham, of' , Ne\'! Ileaceful and prosperous. To be 'sure the people who Jived 'In YO'rk. SIlYS that pOlicemen should (lOt be' held responsible for the crIme the country adjoltllng the strongbold waves any more than II.remen are re- at the Jebusltes., Zion, or ,Jerusalem. sponsible ' for the fire wayes that oc- as It was called, complained ot the cur now and then. It 1.<1 Just aa well occasional depradatlool of tbls small tribe, But what ,did that aUlount to admit, whUe we ar~ about It, that to! David had them bemmed In on a ' swell Is not always l·eBpen.lble tor all, sides, and tiU!y dared oat come out the oceaD wavee.' and meet him In tbe open. It was conceded by all Who knew about It Inhabitants ot the an~mal , kingdom that Jerusalem was ImprelDllble. Had cert(llnly are, possessed of good rea. not the natlonll aOOut. before lerael Boning (acII IUe.l. At TOlI)ahawk, wi~., had possessed the land, trf,ed time and tha other day a pint beer botUe wa. time again to conquer the pia~ ani,. fouDd In tbe stomacb of a fish, but the to roll, and tbls not becaulle of the cork had been extracted and the bot,. strength , at the tribe which dwelt witbln, hut becaulI8 the ' 1'O(:lty tie ,w as j!mllfy, ' belghte wblch Burrounded tbe plll4!e = = = = W')m en have discovered tbat wa.t: .eemed to be absolutely Impreg. Inlr tbelr strength and tim!! OD 1111810.. . .Dable. ta.k, Is tooll ~ h " lIaYII • Wallhlngton , But ' of what consequence IB ItT , paper, Tbere are sU II II number a: DavId had ulled hlmSeI( many timet. .bould he oovern.hlln.elt about rwomen wbo try to re form ,l&8U b, the matter? Wu lie not eat8.bllshed .DIal'l7IA,' them, however. .. lUll, at lJebroD? .-Whal wete UuiH








raw Jebullitea that be ebollid trou!)11 FEEDING RACKS, hlmlleif con omlng' tbem? nnd ",lInl was the Ify whfr h tbl))' he ld tb at llf A ~;nvanlent and Cheap Arr,nmem,"' should des ire It 1 S() hc reason d, for HlIndling Largo Flock. and 80llght (or dlU I!!f1\ tlon In Ibt things which 111. hud ,lllain ed. :As feed rs will Boon begin 8t1l'1j1nll llut wltllln' the Innc'' '- c hnmb ctl! 01 aronnd tho country In search of fee!1' Illg stock a few bin tll cone ro lug the his hcurt th re w r 'vol a whl ~1 r In;; worda at COUll !Dilation. ,\\,hll o teedlng rucks may be found helpful ut lbls time, Racks onn be built unl IIH' re r mnlned a S [l l t withIn hI e WASTE AND WANT. r aim whl II Ij Iw d no t conqu ro d le ngth up to flO feet that will IIUllWOf wae be 1('al1), kin\: '! \ bit tiler was for eltber bay, folld e r, or grain 'fo ed· a pcoopl who' Ilurcd to cusl d fia nce Ea.y for Farmer to Loae Much Feed Ing. The Ooor of tile rnclt ijhould, be In his fae aod r 11 al,. d ly annoy and by Poor Feod Box .. 18)(20 Inches wide with sldo bOM,lls (aI' , th floor fro m 2'Ao to 4 Inches lllgh, 'dls trcB N tile !J()opl Wb 'llll h li S king Recently I was Bt the home of a F,or YOllrllngs or older sheep the \lot hall 5WOl'n to IlI'Ilt ct nod lIcl'lsh wns h I' rfQrrnln g hI s dut y'l COUld he re, fri end wbo. although a bard,wol:ldng. , to'm ot the racle sbould 11 about III tlli n th e r eSllec t Ilnd cClIIl1d n(" ot -hIs and In, many resPects a good farmer, Inchcs from the grouml anll 3 fe ot Is Jl oplo nud his UP ll Y If tI rulle.1 toJ does not Beem to be getting rich v r 'J ubout the right h Ight tor the rack master lh~ J e buQlt -s and ,guln p Obl,es, fast. We wore at the baru, and I went For alats. old bar rel staves serve thlt slon at the ir s tronghold! Such ,':or!) In tbe stables, He hna thOIlO olll·fllsb· PIII'JlOSIl very well and If plaoed aDout the QllcsUonluge wllllcb lrouuled loned V·s hapl!'d manlers, open at tbe 7 Inohes apllrt the s ides of ~e rack blm (rom within; and Cro m wlmo\ ,t toP. aIid tbe horses had pulled tbelr clln be bu ilt perpendIcular so lilat the there Clim E' Ole f,'csh II'0tesIS, or Ihe hay Ollt. scattered It ail over We sbeell can ent with tbelr h eat1s IDslde ' peoill e or JuUah whose poss ssl'lnt stalls and tramped I ~ Into the mlUlure. til e racl, bet weeD th e sla ts, In filling- thc rucks It Is well to ro, At th o prosout excessively hlg\l prices wcr n ar to J nr u ~ l\l o m , " \\'b lll lise (or liS to IIlunt o ur vl nl' for feed of all kluds It would not take member that It tho ha-y ts pu' In loose· ynrd s I1 ml ( a SU W a lii' 0 Ids If Il:c:!1l them lon g at the rate lhey were golor: Iy. tbe shec p will soon hav e It all out .I1'blls ltc8 [lI'C 10 dcsclllld II(lOU lIS In to waste II good nlllny dollars. saYB a und er their teet, and If too much bay the n l\:hl and tnke away th · r r u lr~ wrIter In Farm and Ho mo. It I were Is put In at OliO tim thet will Hat a t OUI' ; 0111 Anll wh (> li W' [l urs! .o losing hay 11)10 tbat I don't believe I ouly a portion Of It 1\It tl1e7 SOOIl b& corne <\Isgusted wlLh auy kind 01 u, 111 Ih ey tlnd ,'erug.· wit h in i hl'lr could s leep nights, It Buggested the folly ot [ceding roughage thnt they have breathed on ' tron ghohl Ilnll US\ rill <l ulo Ull iI oJe rou ghn ess of any kind so t1mt stock fa,' a,whll e. The finer parts of th e hay,. fl' OI11 th ' Willi s." , Suc h WIl S l tl InBt bllt r cornl,I" ln t, can pull It down and waste It. T he such li S clover heads lind le",'es 1'1'111 nnd Dav id fall II (I lllms If IIsklng th" open manger Is an abomlnaUou, T he not be found by the s_eep If Ille y Ilre Wllb given more th a n t.)ley will ea~ 1111 o\')lIn q uC'sllon wit tlie r ho o lll rl tU'11 n d 'u t old·Ume rack Is no beller. nr to tllI'l ,· Illl?adlllgs? a uld he I'U' ellher the slock are tree to waste as at aile limo, Good IItrong ra Itw <;fln fu so to pul fort h I' tron to It Ip? 1',1 mucb aa they feel like, alld th re are be made ot Inch planKing: 'l' be rack should be cleaned ,ljl'r. lIo s IIre It ~ I11N I Ilk a (Ii mel1l t 1.!1Sk. Borne borses lind catlle which seom h ut oll ghl ho not try '/ n ut Iho fllil ur 9 to lake a Joy ' ln [lulling or t hrowing oughly ODce every day. H ear CMn is at the n ntlons u IJI) l to onq ul? r 11 ll' out t belr fe ed, The best feedJug con· t d the cobs sholild always be thrown place gH " O him lillie ('o.nnll nce Ihn t trl vanc e for hay that I have Elver out hefore oach meal and \lllll r U J he would pro l'O morl' S Il Ccl'~s ru l 10 Bee n was made as shown In Ul e II· ' 'c udill on!! sbould clJlckcll8 be allow. lustration. , There Is nev r I\IIY d to roost on tb o rucks over thel uny Illl'm pl h e rn lall t PUI, fo rth, " Uut )' OU cttn try," I'UI1I (> the c l e M waste bere, Tbe g reatest objection trougbs, It tb e sheep refUSe to cal (rom anyone secllon o f the rack 01 ,'olce of on cienco fl'ol11 wlthill . " Vic· I had (0 It was t hut III feedIng tory belongs to (he Lord. :lnd he will trough th e renson should be fou nd out nOI tall Ihe onc who IHltt et h hh; I r us l at once aud tho racks cleunell a pd In hi m," he ndded half a lo ud to h i m' even scr ubb cd - It neccs!>ary. Shc"11 s el!. (eedel's who use co ~ n Instead of scr een, "Ye s." conLinued Dn,"ld to hi mself, Ings claim that very good results can as th e roused confide nc e within Illude be had by feeding thOOl twice ada,), him see 11JOre clearly his duty In lhe with plenty of good cQrn·fodder and matt~ r, " Y s, It Is n reproach upou alralfa bay. In the northern di stric ts,· David fhat slic h stronghold shou ld re, bowever, wb en sh ep are hrought IlIto main uncouqllerl.'d, Whnt all Ideal tbo feed yards. screenings and clovor place tha t would be tor t.he placing hay .torm practically the whol e diet. of ilie tnberM,c le of th o Lo,'d , tlmt We undorstand tbat a .;reat Dlany God ml;;hl bave his dwelllu g Illaco farmers are expecting to make a start the rel It God has ,.1V(!U liS lhe 1<\1111 A Good Mang.r. f · edina sbeell this yea r nud tbose who did be not wish and expect thal we have Dot bad any previous experlenc4i the stalkll -would pile up Bnd have to would !.nke this place , 111'8 well ?" In 'thla ,lIne wo uld do well to have the 'One noble thing abOtllt Davi d was be carried out. Tbe other thing sugges tcd was racks and troughs In shalle before the tha I as soon as bo !law his duty lear· the folly of a man's worklD&; hard and active [cedi ng aeason OlleDi. ly b e did /lot delay nctJo/l . For him sllvlng and sorlmplng generally while VAT FOR ' SCALDING HOGS. to come face to face wit h an I p ~n e Rnd rellllzc I bat It IlJll s t be met If he re- he allowlI a few eztrll\'agances and carelessness to rob him of a large mained trne to Gael and Lo h is natIon, Convenience at Hog-Killing Time Whic h Can Be Msde at Home. wus 011 tbat WIIS necessn ry to bring part of the fruJts of his labors. Three .Io'or 't his renso n or four hours' work aDd a tew feet ot him Into n lion, that very ni ght orde rs w nt out to lumber would ha"e fix ed tbose Dlon· A very good vat for heaU ng water , lhe army to be prepar2d for an enl'ly gel'S s o the borses could not waste or scaldlng hogs can be made In the their hay, and the whole COlt at the 's lart upon the morrow, whe u tlley following mann er: Take two 2x12 Job would bave been paid baok In plllDks and cut them so they are .Ix would go up a galos t Jeru sa lem. Tb e orde r created Bome little dis, two or three weob. Most of UB have teet on ono odge and five feet two s atis faction. but tills Wills Quickl y lIis· some cheri shod folly like this whlcb Inches on the otber edge, 'I'bese form (lelled whehn David himself nppellred we clillg to, 'and which. perhaps, 'we tbe sides of the vat. For the ends take clad' lu hili a rmor and declar d h is are ' so used to tbat we are unoon· two pieces 2x12, each plank three' purpose to lend the army In th e dim· 'IIcloul of I t If a man works faUhtul. cult and dangerous tas k whlcll 10)' be- Iy he should get absad In the world, fore it. Out lis tb ey came be neath not very rapidly, perbap8, but percepthe 8t e p. lort)· prcc lplc "8 \1lth whi ch tibly. It b e does not, It may be the nalure bad su rroun ded Ih o piece they fault ot clreumstances, but more otten It III hIs own, sought by every device to scnlr. sam point and ga lll admittance to ' the APPLES AS HPG FOOD. plnce. they realized mloro forclblr than ever what a task. lay before tbcm, And to add to their dlscom. Wlndfalll C.n Be Profitably Hsrve.ted fort . the lame and the bli nd of the by the Pigl. J eb usltes were gsth ered upon tbe 1 have bad considerable experience WIllis nnd mi.lled upon th em, soylng: , "Exceot ye take th e lame and the In feeding windfallll from the apple orchard to bogs. writes a farmer 'ID blind yo. cannot come In hlth C!r." "Tlle n we wlll take_ t he ,lame and Farm &Dd Borne, I allow my hogll to Vat. the blind." David mutte ,red unele r his run \n . the orchard lin UI the apples begin to drop heavily, If tblll ever oc. breath. "The seeming itillloss ible shall feet long, About three Inohes troftl bp'cOme possible with God's help. The curs. Tb~n wben I begtn ,to pick up eacb end of (he two side. cut a groove wastl! trult for " cl~er, drying, or app)e enemy Itself has told ns tbe wny we across two Inebea wld,~ and threebu~ter , I teed to tbe hogs the parlnga shall ente r th e city. quarters IDches deep tor tbe end of Anef wl tb that detcrm fi nntlon take n. and all the fruit that I cannot use. the Bldlll to Ilt. Boleti 8!to\lld be bored David ceased tbe eftortl! at scaling the The fallenlnl( Qualities of applea seem at top and botlom tor halt'lnoh balta walls and directed his n~en to searoh to be quite hlgb, for my animal. thrtYe . acro8s the enda, to baht the Iidee In ' lhe sec ret undergrou nd aqueduct and do well. poBltion. In addlUon to consuming wute which supplied the city with water, The bottom of the vat Is made of fr1llt and a great many InJurioul In • 'Qaylng unto them: sheet Iron nailed to tbe bottom lind "Whosoever getteth up to t.he gnt· oocts. the hogs root ove" the ground on to the vat. Tbe vat sbould be ter and smltetb the ' J ebusltes and ' Rnd keep It well stirred: Thl. la very long, enough to come arollnd ' both the la~e and tbe blind . that are hate d benellcliU to trees and Is about the eDds and tasten at tep and, " aillo, of Davld's soul, shall !be chi ef aud only methcid Of cultivation I prac- ,should be wide enough to co~e tice. When waste apples are not captain. the Bldea tor two or three Inchea. And thus encouraged. the asoe nt of equally available the bogll are In good Three Irons, 1% Inches thick and one tbe precil)\ce was mllde , nnd the g'l)te condition fo, flDlsblng on corn. oats, Inch wide are passed under the tank ,of the city quickly opened , so tbat peae or buokwheat meal. Because of and used to support the bottom. They Duvld . enter ed In trluml~h t'be Illaco their thrltty condition Induced by this ,are shown at AAA. Tbeso sbould succulent teed, tbey put on rat very whoch bad deftell him , COJlJe up at least four Incht's at tbe And David dwelt In Ihe fort and rapIdly,' and are ready tor butchering side. ' ca lle d 'It the c ity pt DIl~ld. anc! as' at almolt any Ume . .. A trench eight teet long, 20 Inchet he sat contemplating the vlct,ory fro m wide , 16 Incbes deep, sh'o uld be dug BLEATS AND SQUEALS. the he lghlhs of the city, he ex. and the vat plsced over It ·The c laim ed: trench should be dug 10 tbat the wind fat hog II not always healthy . A "I ne ver l(I)e w ' before thllt Judab A lIupply' of root8 Is nec/lllary to IIUC' hilS a straight draught under ,the vat. and the land of Israel wllre so fair. cess with sbeep. _ ' ,FIll the vat two·thlrds full at water. What would the kingdom bave been The motto of the shepherd should The , scraping bench IIbould ' be Bet without this s(llendld place?" against- the III de of the Vat. b,e dip, dip, dip, LIght chains each «bout eight teet SwIne a~ all ages approacb more Strangely Marked Squl rreil., nenrly to a cash prodUct than any ,long are ueed to lower and raise tb,e Thel'le clIllins !Jog Into the water. A.mong the In lerestln g things shown otber stock on the tarm. at a recent mee ting of the Zoological Take a BmaU ,buoket ot, tar and should be tastened lit the edle at ',tbe society were two young Bpeclmens of smear the sheep's DOSOS occasionally, scraplDg bench', and SbQuld 'be about two teet IIlx Inohes ' apart. ' the English squirre l, ", hll;h had al. Tbls will discourage th e gadfly. ' ' most entirely changed In color trom Sow ,Oat turnips now: Part of the placing thJlse <;\1a1p~, aliqve,tbe vat, the usual ohestnut·brown to a IIgbt crop can be ted on tbe ground. and says Prairie Farmer, the hog can be drah, only the cars and feet IIhowlng' will be a great belp When the gr8811 Is lowered· Into 'tlie water aiii! whe'1I' scalded can -be re~glly removed. traces of the original colo r. .' It wa. trost·bltten. stated that the anlm,a ls had bean Wat<:h the nock carefully and lee p,.turlng Hog. of!. Rape" taken from a nest when very YO)Jng, 'that no- wounds get nyblown. and put In charge of II. cat, which act· It any IUch wound, are,tound. apply , Now Is the time t!> turn on to , ~he e d as fo ste r' motber, and successfully kero sene or turpeDtine. See that every rape aDd pea. , mixture whlcb YOll rel'rcd them. It was BUI;gestcd , that maggot I. destroyed, and tben apply 80wed last month. Don't overdo It by this fact might have . callsed the color tar. keeping them on It t.he tLme, but cl!ange,-St, James' Gazette. Have lOme way of marking your alternate two 01' t~e days at. a Uml' sheep, Mali~ neighbors have been on good Pllstu~e and ,the!l 'on r!,pe 'and City Remembers Founder. made enemies for lI,fe by' their IIbeep clover. Sel1arate the ewes &lid lambs In Melbourne a 'movement has beeD, getting' IqIxed In tbe p~ture.-F'al'm Into dltrerent locks even t~ough ui'o WeeDing 4aa been !lompleted: ' started to erect a ltatue ~,t John nat, Journal. ' ' man, t!Je fouDder of tbat cjty , Seven'. Wstch the' lilock. , . Old , Rellabl.., ty-two yeara have passed since Bat, Watc:b tho lock 'olOlely during late 'WhIle WjI are walUng for the adip. man. aftc r tying hilt boat to a tree close to where the Melbourne custom tatlon ot the automobile to farm work; 's ummer. Thl8, III the time wlien dl.,. house now stands, wrote hI' his diary: old Bl(( and Jerry cal! be depe..,ded 8&sel,.rid IDtICC,t IlOff'II cain a 1ooth,tld. "Tbls will be the iliaCI! fOI' • vllJl&ge." on to· pull tho pl\l1'l' and . JJ~w. T~e ' Dol}'t let the ~oet remaIn In that bact The village Is no1\' a olty, wIth a p(ipu. beat of It .. th~ m&llure th~ Bill 1Uld. piUlt1\re Withou~ Inspection mpre th_n latJon or more tban 600.000. Balman Jerry make I. good for the lanl!, 24- houl'll 0" the time. A c:.u,r cfog IlllI)' Ai ,OU .... did not IIve.,to Bee more thlln thll .:naU ,w hile the retu.. from &II automobile destroy rour oholoe.t 'IW.l Rot I19Deflt careleea, ' .....DJWI~ Qt &he .11 lie fau.n4e4 -.


?II s !\fary O'Brien, 300 Myrtle Ave" Drooldyn, N. Y:, ,vrites.

"Perumt cured me In live week. of CIItarrh of the Itomach, Bllffc~ I'W for four years nnd doctori"g witliout o./fo ·t. In CIJUlmon wltb oLhor grateful ol1es who hovo b een bone6ted b y your dilicpvel'y, I sa.y.

All hall to PerulItI."

IIh·. H. J. He nnemo n. Oliltland, N b" writ s: " I waited bc.rcire wri ling toO YOll auout my sickn ess, clLlnl'l'h o f th 4l stow· noh, which I bad O\1f"r Ii YC'l\' ago. " 'rbore were people who told IDe It lVould not stny cllred, buL 1 11m su rO11M I am cU" cd, fo r I do riot 1e I liD.' more III u/Tea ts, huvenguodupp tltea.nd :un ~HIDg fut. So I nrn:"and will 8&y 1il1l1l, l um cu,'ed tor good. II f thank you for yotlr klndnolls,

"Pcrllna 11'111 be our huuse httrealter."

Ca tlt rrho[ i h stomach Is a lso knoWIlI In co mmon pnl'lnnoo o.S tIl' papsla, gtr.!\' tl'itls ~ud inillR"tlstlon. N 9 metllclllo w11).. be of fLD.\' per mnnent b 'neRt except It. ! removes-tho e~til.rrhal coudltlon . a-taed S •.r(lI(th and Flesh. , 'MIss Julia DIlt.!OI', R. n. 4, Applot.<lItr Wis., writes' sho h nll . ca!.nl'rb of the sto)'llacll, causluR" \ ' of IIlc p and appoUt. , with frequent 's Vero (loins after eating, ::Ibo took Perllull, h"r oppetlte returned.flhe gained strength, !leah and perfeot heal tli. A PardonabtiJ Fault. Dr. Edward Everett Hale. dlscuse· Ing a rath er II.nlcky attack that bad been , made 011 certaln rece nt stalOl mentll. smiled anli lIald:' "But who or what Is blamele88s t It Is like t be onse of tbe S ottlsb ben. An old Scottlsb ,,'oman wlsbed to lell n hen to 1\ neIghbor. Ii "'But tell me.' the n eighbor lIaM . 'Is she a'th egllher a gllld bird' Haa s he got nae tauts, nae faut,a at all?' " 'Awell, Margot: the otber .0hJ woman admitted, 'sbe has got on& fault. Bhe will lay on tile Lord'" day.' ,American Money for Canada. ..... The value of Bettlers' ell'ecta ta\ell Into CaiJ~da hy America n Immigrants In 1906 fiscal year WIlH $1;168,933,' agalDst onl)' ,11,223 , b), B,rltls~ Imml.. grants, I

From ' "he ten dlfterent Wi·Dcbe'-ter'repe.ten







c'a n ' lurely lelect, a rifto adaptecl Cor'buDtln, . JOW' favorite 'pme. be it or crifzly .)'0\1

boa~l. :,'No 'matt~r

whicb moclel you 'leleCt' you , can 'c ount" On Ita--' bein,' well ~cle, ae. "- ·' ' curate anel r.llabl.~ , IIOOT W."ClUfll lit


POOR SHADE OF ROYALTY Baroness Harden. Hickey O~r:e Ruled in . Royal State' on the Illiand Trinidad, Now with Mind HOFelessly Gone. Is in Sanitorium with Delusions of Former Greatll8sa Her Only Comfort. New York.-!'Almost ,1\ Queen!" Fit title for a modern melod rama. this phrase wh ich, In· Invisible characters, (e written over the door of a prIvate room In a sanitarium at Stamford, COlin. Al mosl Il might be called an epltapb, for be blnd that door sits the mental wreck at a New York woman who ruled HgumUvcly by her beauty and cha!'m, aud literally by tbe t1L1e conterred Ullon her by ber own hus· band, hl ij hi ghness. Jacques I.. prince of Trin idad. . Harden· Tn·day 'Daroness Anne Hll:key bss for ber subjects on ly de"l'oted alt ~n(] ants and tellow·deluslonlsts. each' or whom In bls or her 'way .1'ule8 Ol'or 11 little kLngdom ' which Done olh I' may cnter. For the Once beautiful a nd girted daughter at J. H . Flagle r, cousiu at Henry M. Flagler, >the StuDdard 011 magnate, bas lost her reuslln. The (lea th ot ber daredevil hus band. whom sbo worshiped. nnd drugs, taken to forget her 108s Md g rl o1, have doae their ·wo~k . The

culUvatlO'n crops might be raIsed. IlOlIed on the 'Iueen or I East ntty· There wel'e fie lds of guano ano :'RSturo fourth streot. enougb tor ah ell I'slstng Aod, tlest of Map of Trinidad. all, the Islalld was unclaimed Ill' an)" nower. Some day he would be Wag 0'1 Sometimes. v,'hen th e IIl0r/ll had Lhls Islalld'. beel} less deurlenlnJ; chuu usu al, Aun On h ~ 8 return to Enrone ,h e mel -Barolle~ s Anne- would cntah fray· Anne Flngler, nod In less lhan a year ments o.! some nelghb9rly sorrow. bOIl WO/l IlOcI marr ied lIe r by a speclnl Then Indeed did the queenly uu turp dls ponsatloll of the pope, wbo also CODIO to the s ur fac e. With a ll tho created blm a Ij,arou. ':I'bls was In grae.lollaness which a Victoria ml g h~ 1889. In 1893 ' he realized his ambl' show to tbe fa mily o( a 'he ro, to which lion. Financed largely by his wife Anne added t.he de mocratic porsonal and hor relaqves, lhough ib'e re were sympothy Whlc)l a r al queen mllY not rumors of a '100,000 loan, he landed dlsplllY. s he· would go to th e strl ck(.o his colonl ~ ts on the forlorn IItlle OIlC and mlnls to r fi nancially a nd' slllr· Island at Trlnldnd, and t11el'o he 'set Itually. Tile Child ren of th e neighbor· lip hla courL. His overseers were houd built ralry tnles Ilbout lbe my£· white. bllt tbe IBnd was cultivated by lerioLls woman who sa t af! duy IOD!! poons. Hla palace was a lIIero hut, ,In hor apa rLm ent In quecl1ly stuto. but It stood apart trom the rcst, nnd wal.tlllg rOI' Ule king who bad passerl his court was held as ,punctilious ly as out or' ber li fe forever. Or, ngaln , sh t, lhat of St. James. To be sure, there came slowl y Into their midst and \vall· W0 8 a.great shortage In court Indies. ed for an open carriage-a victoria bllt tho benuty anel e nthusias m of his pref rred- In wh ic h ah e mi ght lea n devoted wlfc, who entered Inlo a ll his bn\! k an d bow gl'ac l o u ~iy from sid e to plnns, made his peculiar kingdom • side as the women an d cIJll dron of th neighborhood Illllu lcu bel'. 'rhe call ()nrlldlse. Dut on e fatnl mistake had bee n bles oil kn ew he r a nd slood at aLLen mado. The foreign ' powers had been lion as she cn tcroLl her vohlcle. Tho rormally noU(led that tbo l sln.nd of motorm clI all th e ~ h l rd uve nu e nOlI Trinidad had been colOlllzed liS an In· Lexington ave uu e Clll'o kn e w bor, t09. dependent stato or prlncl pailly und er amI wa tohed fo r tho quai nt figu re Prlnco 'J acques 1., and two years Intel', wh ic h s to]))led not fo r tr olleys II U)' In 1895. Gr a t Britain decided th at she truc ks nor qm h\llu.ncos, bu t swept. se· needcd j ust lbat Is land (or a fu ture ronely all It s WilY nOI'OSS crOWded coa.tlng statlot]. 'l'llelr moveme nt" ac· thorou ghfa res. scour In 'Iho belief celeratcd by a DrlUsh gunboat, tho tba t llO man would run dow n a queen . colonis ts fl ed from th e Island In lhe Sudden Disappearance. yacht or their prince and princess . a ut th ero clln;'e a day wh n h cr wan· For years Jacques I. of Trlnlddd fou ght for the rccog nlU on of hIs derlllgs I d .LOO f IL l' f!'Om th e graysLOIltl rig hts and nlmos t mad e Trinidad an apnrtmcnt·bouse. whe n her Irldy·ln· Inte rnotl on))1 Issue. But a[te r . bolng wallins coul d no longer cont ro l Ihe ml xcd up In a (lilbustering Bclleme · hOlls bold ex'pen tllLul'ct! and th e chaL·l· nlmed nt one of the HawaIIan Islands lIos or ilie woman who wus al mos t a not yet annexed to lhe United Stotes. qu een drain ed upon th e ]Ju rses even 01 the Har!lcn·Hlckey s tar wnned. AI· her mllllonalro I' latil'es. Tllen Baro n· ways accompanied by ·hls devoted Wife, he led a more or less ndven· turous career, and finally wound up In EI Paso. Tex., wbere a pIstol shot ended his disappointments, In Fe!), ruary, 1898'. Advcntllrcr though he wall, Harden· ·Hlckey wus a mall o.r honor and flnan· clal problty~the typO of ~n wbo commands tbe respect ot lIis wlteand Anne, prluees8 of Trinidad. never ceased to grieve for him.

MUSLIN W,INDOWS NOW HERE. Their Use In Dairy Barns Ma)' H.lp to Prevc!ht Tl1berculosls. rbe extle rlmcllt (1( using 1lI11RHIl cur· taills In place of wIndow gla)jll. whi ob hns proved se) slIcr.essful In poultry hous s nil ov'e r Ibn eo unlry. Is nnw being ex tend ed to clalry ba rns. 'rhe problem of v'!nlll'lIlol1 has long beell ono whlcm daIrym en have found dlffi cull to 801\'.0. sa),s Subu rban Lito. The ne w plan Is ~he acme of slm· pllclt y. Se\'er;al windows are renwved a nd replaced' 'wIth fr a mes ove r whlcb common mus Un cloth blls been sllJ: hL· Iy strelcbed. EXIlOl'lmelltsl have shown that o\'en In tbe coldest wea I he r lbe Lem pe ro' l uro of lIIe Illlllble Is lowe red only two or th rce deg rEleS by thc uBo of th ese cUTlaln wlndo"'s while the llarns Belu· aily have l\ee ~l] e d \'ery mu cli wa rmer. This r s ul l Is duo to the fact that the air Is kel)L dry. Whe re Ihls plan has bee n ado pted t.h ~ ca ltle ha ve shown less evide nce r sul'ferlng from lhe cold and 01 .a t· Iendll ll Is hll ve admlttod IhD t the bR rns have b e n mO Ire comfortab le places In which to wor:k Ihall when th glass wi ndows wOI'e' III u ~o. II Is th e excess o{ Illolstur In .th e aIr whl b couses t he f ellllg 01: dU Dl lllleMs lind cbill ":hl ch pre vllll ll In ma ny dairy barns. Allhougb the outsjde 011' Is . ahle to pass tlll'ou gh lho mU511n It Is almost Im possIble for anyone s ta ndin g three ! e t Ii way to detect It s e nt rance. . It Is poss ible that lhe In troduclloll of a system of th is kind will do much to pre v 111. tho sp read or tuh rculusls IImong caLli e. PoulLry men have found that whe r a ~ 'Unde r th e old system of lIs lng glass wfl nd ows a nd kee ping tbe hous a5 warm !La possible fowll! w e r~ rreQuenti y' affil cted wi th colds lind slm ilar troubl es. where th e muslin cur· lain sys te m b as been adopt d ilie bIrds are 1OU(lh mOTe fr ee from such complaints. and It Is ex pected by advo· cales or th e new syslem that there will be slmll ~lr benefi cent r esults In t)le case o( dairy cattle.

rHE SLEEVE STYLES BEWILDERING VARIETV OF 'T HE SEASON'S ·FANCIES. General Adoption of the Gulmpe' Oren I. Largely Re.ponelble-Polnt to Remember In OrdInary Fall COltume.. Fashion seems to have gODe mad In lhe IIlUOY dm'elopmenls of tanc y alecves that are s en on the up·to-date fro ck. N ~'~ r were Ute re 60 many be· wllderln g vllrl etle~ ; the gcne ral adop. tlon of tt..s gul DIne dress is largely raspon§lblJ ror th le. To·dn:l. almos t without exeepllon. dresses and s parllte iJlou2CB nrc made with t~le gulmre and the morn ela bo· rate tbe sleeve th e smarter the gOWn,

Th o fulln l)ss of the up-ta-date sleeVI!I hila been transferred {roin the shaul·

der to th e elbow, lind now sleeves soem to droo('t from th e sboulder, be· Ing exceedingly full Ilt the culr: For outer gal ~tentll almost all sleoves are Ihree·QlI.ll.tor length, savII in th e extl'eme tallor' made gowns call· Ing for tbe full·leng(h slceve. The fro ck proper has a suggestion of an ove rlileeve, mal)Y of tbem beln, slas hed un the outside to show the beauties of the und crsleove wblch Is ntLached to tho I'lulmpe. Another· pret· ly Idea Is to turn back tile cornerl of thl8 ouler ' sleeve and hold them In place wltb Uny bows of rlbb01l or handsome bu ttons. . The'n again, tllese points are bialded or emb roide red. P erba ps thll most J)opuln r form of lIndersleevo Is that made of row upOn row of lace rumes. As tor trimmin gs, buttons. tiny NIVS of rlbboll. embroidery oud braiding IlI'e at prese nt at the top of POIlt)lqrlty's wave.

1'he blo use wI th lhe ehen:.S;:"U.- ef· feet Is exce c\lugly s mu n l lllldo at dark silk, trimmed wlLh s Uk bultous alld edged wllh a plvlng. A fancy blouse with dCb!) Illoe Yilke glvee OI)portunl1y for the very Dewest style of trimming, and Han )Je devel· oped In heavier goods. ,uch' 'oil light· welgb\ cloth or heavy sIlk, Tt.ts mod·el Is nartlcularly bec;ollling to a stout Ogll1'e. . Tbe over blouse, or modiliod form of jumper. Is most attractive made up In !)Otter silks slIch 118 10llsine. mes· · s~lIne. etc., trimmed with tiny bows, ' a few velvet bpttons and tbe lace gulmpe. Make your sleeves 1n every Instance just lUI .elabor;lte as you please, the more so ilie .better. CRShmere, as a material for beuse goWn8, Is agiln greatly ·In demand, and for suoh purposes nothing Is mme attractive ilian the shirred' princess DIode\. . Put all your work OD tbe Ideel'\'), Insert them wIth medallion, JOIn tbem together wllh faney stitches, IntI'(). I duce cordllll$s. shl~rlngs. What you wl,1 and as milch as y,ou wlll, and YOII!' Sleeve will give yo ur whole dress a dis tinct style. Tn milking your fa./I clotbes. do not neglect th e s leeves •. for It Is the ' fCl\ • tUI'e par excellence ot the smart trook - It tells plainer tban anything alae lIIat your dress Is ot this season's Inake, and tbe woman .never lived that didn't want to be, well dressed.

Oeeertel· Bec'arne Famoul. Observa tory bouse. Slougb. wbero Prot A. S. He~ rscb ~ 1. FRS, haa just. ·d.led, might 11\ \'er lillve exlBtec1 It not been for t.he unmnrUal spirit of a A Parlor Her Throne Room. cerlaln band sman In the H'anoverlan guards a cenlury and 'a halt ago, wbo She came no rth, and lhough her per· appreciated his colllng so little that eonnl fortUne had been di ssipated he dese rted and came tn England. through her loyaity to har husbnnd The Slashed Sleev.e. At Both he obtained nn appoIntment and his mnny Bchemes she w~ amply as organlsl, a pOSL whl~b lett him .so provldod tor by ber r elati ves. Soclcty Indeed, shops are showing dresses much spare thine iliat he made .hlmselt l1;Iade up on long straight lines, · 01· no lo~er ' charmed her. To ease her a tQlescolle. and wltb It. In 1781, dis- mOil void oC trimming, ye t with aching heart and find comfort In sleep covered Uranus. she took to chloral, and tb en began sl ~ ves so IntrIcate and elaborate thaL George trl. al \lnce made him hl8 no one but an a rtist could develop hel' new lIfe-:-Ule II fe In which .ahe private 8s tronomer and bullt. tbo th em. . wl\s, to her ' own dls41ased mind at Slou gh oblror'valory, In return of leas t, a ver.ltRble quceu. Now we are told that wHh which th e astlronomer named the new wen tlle r tbe long s leeve will invade The comfortable front room or par· planet Georgel's slar. a lIame never the Ghops. Howev!!r, for certain. lor of her small apartincnt a( No. 147 accepted outside Elngland and long tracks the short sleeve wlll alwnys be Esst Flcty·fourlh street .became her since dlscnrd ed. " worn. thronjl·room. Here sbe graciously reo At Slough the klns's astronomer celved /lnd min gled with her relatives, made many ntolabie discoveries, was who ne\'er e.e nsed to humor ber In ber ADVICE FROM MME. MERRI. thJng Is removed except the bonbon. desl~es and whims. Here, on rare oc· ess Anne Harden·Hlckey disappeared crettted Sir WlIlIanl Herschel fl1 1816, caslons and with due form, she reo 'from her little kin gdom on East Filly· anli di ed four years later. -Westmln· · Answer. to Correspondent. on Varl· and nuts that Is If there Iii no salillt course. _ If tbere Is the o\lves are left. stel' Ga~ette. 'Woman wbo was almo,s t a que\ln will cel\'ed such neighbors as she felt were fourth street. Her nclghbors s poke OUt SU.bjtcts of EtIquette. It Is not neoe'ssrllY' to ring tor tb. llever mingle wlLh thQ world agaln. worthy at adml~slon . And her~ slJe her regretfully. The cabll! es anll th' maId atter the last collrse. Tbe boatOn East Fltty·fourili street; be- lived with a single lady·ln.walllng, motormen looked for her In vaill I. Love IIBfiuenoed by .Ore•• ? To Accept Invitations. ~ss rises and the guesls go Lnto the 'tween Third ' and Lezhigton Bvenues, who never failed to bring ollt the royal 'rhelr erstwhile Qll cen was In t he care One wouid hardly tblnk tbat sucb • Will M,adame Merrl kindly state th.e y 8t111 talk at tbe s~ately woman robes when they were dell1anded, wbo . of· relntlves wli.o had spIrited he r beautiful pass'lon as love could be In. how Invllallons should be acce pted to draWing-room. Somellmes 'the wen Iwho walkod a~ong ' ~em. unseelngly, served' meuls to ber sovereign wlili all nway, far from pr:yi'n g r yes aud gos· fiuene ed by sucb a ijordld affair as teas, rcceptiOJlS, etc., also color and main a halt hour to smoke over ·t helr coffee. Then the latter III served to ' avo wh n she pertormed solJl e , regal the glittering formality the apart- .slnlng tongucs, For alin o~t a year she .dress ; yet the fact remains that Is so size 'of paper to USB• • the ladles by the host08s ID the drawact of kludn ess or cbaflty.. There, In ment's 81nll11e 't ltlIngs would permit; lived thus In I'Btirem li t ; wh ere. nene In mnny cases. SWElET MARIEl. Ing·room. . & commonplace apartment house: she and from Ole humble door of the gray· bu t her family knew. Then ca me llw The neat tidily dressed woman 18 MADAIIlE MElRHL kept up her lItUo court olrole !lnd foI'- ston e apartme nt-house 'BIlI'ones8 AnllO Illtbllo announ cemen t th at HarMes. admired' by' nil mell who know her; A cream.colored unruled note ]Japer DESIGN FOR JABOT. got all elSe. A ,tew of her itumedlate passed out, when so IncfineC'l, to drive Anne Harden·Hlckey had IIcen rn they are 'atlra,cted tel her by ·reason of of good quality, plain or adorne<! wl t.h or ~alk he r trlumphaut· way through ' m'o\'cd to th e 'S tamrord sanlt.arlu m. her artistic skill In drcsslrlf . A young monogram, cres t or stree't and home family' sbo received as her equa)s: others were glvon a regal audience, the nelgbborhood. 'lhere to reign' over h ~r Imnglnar'y 8ubo m'Ja Is deli ghted to bo seen jn her number with cllvelOlll)S to fit exactly And yet' an audience wlis oagerly Ahvays statelY imd 'g entle, gracIous jects·· and to await the 'call of he r OOmpany, tal' It enbances bls ,,'w a r ep- Is always In gaol! torm. The wordin g of all acceptance doBougbt by., htlr nelgbbors. for u""· ... ·"' ·1lind ' espeC lally kindly to children', she pi-ll1oely consort from th a t d ~ rk nnrt u.tatiO~. Does It not d·emonstrat.e that certain eccentrlcltlos:whU:h come with neV!!r becamr;! lin object of [llty or ullcerlAl1I shore, whither he ha d pre· he bas ' good ' taste In the choice of, say. pends much upon the' 'way nn Invlta. tion Is fram ed. 11 very . tormal and In frullng mentality, Baroness Harden· ecorn In' the llUmlile nelgllbol'hood. cCll ed her' on adventures will h he a swe theart? Hickey was Ii woman of marveious Slle' never mumbled to berselt, ns had nlways yearued to share wl Lh 'A young feUow [\oes 'lIke to ace his tbe tb~rd ]le rson. Ole rcply. eithe r nn I charm. '}[er nei ghbors never laughed those who l1,e In a }Vorld of their own him. sweetheart tUI'll up to meel blm on an accentance 01' a I'egrat. Is wri tten In at ber. Tboughtless children never o{tUmes do, She carried hersell like e vening rica~IY garbcd; it not only in· the same m.a uller. Ie Informal, the reo pointed the finger ot youthful Bcorn at a. princess' and never beca·mo gro. BRET HART'E'S GRAY HAIR. creases respec:t, but love for hill', and turn reply la wrllten In all Informal her Wavering · figure. Tradespeople tes'que. . If young wome n will ·take a word 01 manner. and policemen on !.he beat rose. ali. ODe Poet A.or l bl1s It fo Fear ef Atto:ck by advice thliY willi always .see to It that man to I?ro{ect her coming and her .' Wall<!ld In Regal State. \ ROlld Agtnt ~. they are Ilerfect In every detail, 's o far When to Use -Finger Bowl •. going-put few, Indeed. knew the tru.e To be suro, ber c~stumes wOTe not . · Once. Indeed, on my rellllil'!I !ng Ihe 'as dressIng gOes. betQre seLting out to Kindly l)uhllah In YOlir valu able·, ool· history of their almost qUeen.' . - . always '· 'Of ~Iiat tailor-made brand ' af. '&-ra Ying or hlQ hnlr. HA r Le tel,1 In O II kee,p Jiiwointments wlili. love~~. umn Your oillnlon of the use of .tlnge r .... Wo:ed ' while Bel~g , Educ~ted: WIIS dI!C ',tO tile co,nUnll~d lufills nce 01 - -- - - - - -bowls IUId whon they should ·be passed. . .. . fear while a rider .wlth Yllba Dill Larboill'd and Starboard. ·M ATTIE . . " Baronees Harden.Hlckey, • born Sev<lral of . hls predecessors In ('h31'"E "Larboard;' was formerly used to Anile Flagler, recerved eve'r y advi\nt· of tho sllocl" casket haYing bee n s hoL designate, the left sIde of a ship, Just , Finger bowls are sometimes' passell age, and her educatfQn ·Wa& completed he never mounted the 'slllge. as lie de. 'al "starboard" Is llsed ta-day for tbo' Immediately aner the first course of by seve'ral trip!!; abroai\. , pn" one' of c:lared, wlt.hout some apprelHlII s lon 01 rlgbt side. 111 1845 . lhe . BrlUs'h ad. grape fruit, bul the bostess usually theae ahe met : and -Was wooed by a dark glen, a flasb thel'efi'om ; II reo mlralt'y challg,ed ' ''larboarc\'' to "po~t," bas the fruit 80 prepared by loosening Jacque. or jaoi'es· ~8{den·lilekey. as port•. and a tilmble trom th o s at.; In order tbat the word shOUld not be It that It Is scarcely ' neoos's ary to 'd ashing a elfaraQter as the ntneteenth and, 'although be nerved hlmsplf to confused wltb "starboard." "Stnr' touch the· fingers even' ~o the outside. ~entury eYer kD~,,!, ou~.Bld,! ">-o1 .. book . his. new duties as best: he could, .t\ley board" Is commonly exvlalnlld" RS Th\l most genoral use of these bowl" leol/ers. "'1;1' i:la1~ed, 1.9" ,be, a) !rench. gl'ew more ' uncongenial with every' '"'eteerboard,''' since In the old ' Norse Is when fruit Is. served "au natural" at man by birth,., but .•ru ll1o r hae It th!lt repetition. ' :fhen It was he had .no. days, when tile ' steering was ' done 't be' end of a dinner or IUllcbeon; wben n . ln Bali Francisco In 1864 ·lbe· was ticed that be was growing sray · aboul ' wlth im oar, It waR 'on tbe rlglit side corn ·Is serveA on the cob, and .. (or :And' rem 'ed (c;'FranGe at a very ten· tho temples . . I . remlnded him of his that the ateerellnan stood 9n' hls eleval, tried ' chicken. They are moro orten .own lrnllltary career-of his ha vlag en.' cd plaUerm. " 'LaT" Is · supposed to used at !amlly' artalrs .than for slrlcUy , ·' der age: owerer thl!l .i nay h~ve b~eD, Fine '",hILI! ' nll·over embroider, bCl he'glew 'p.a .pronounced royal1st, 'and lIste{l' as a volunteer .ln tlle war . to. repiesen~ " lo'lVer." tbe nonsteerlnll. formal ' dinners . Val. lace . . .r ' :Atter tb" ~ 'tilJ)(ls~ment of the 'repubUe tweElu tbe Eel river' and Scott river side 'belng the, lower. or ' bumbleI'. Bnt · , ' 'WAS ~ dl~~lng poUtica . l ·~gure, .Atter lndlans; ' To which allusion he ra- 'tile ltallana . expialn the' word as For a Birthday Pa'rty. . . Finding a Satllfactory Hat. ·lIelng gr . @.ted ifrom'.:the fn!lDCh mltl· plied: " "Yes, tl)at was after thc Hum. "questa borda" and ."quella borda," Dear Ma:.ialne Merri:-I would like The woman wbo weara nn unbeC·Olli. uri 1ieh ~t. , Cyr;:~~re be lert .lioldt boy nlB8SlIcre . . l was escorled . ".thIs Ilde" anl~ ''fhat'slde.'' "Port" II to celebrate my birthday which comes Ing hnt. has only ber'~e"]f to ':Wame,. fo~ & brlllt!,n!. 1ecord,¥ a ~uell.~ at )east, the. rec.~ultfl!g omcer by .hidlgnotloll connected wltl~ "port: : .to . c.~rry. · : 'the lattet pa'rt of October. Would It so mucli latftude Is there In tb4se daYI lIe ·eatablfll1le'd...a new"aper of his own 'and hunger! But although ' thc hard. . •.. , bo proper to In'lite the boys . .Wbat thal tho pretLlest of women o~ten .bave " ailed the ,TrJtmlllet: .:~-Aa 'hA was hi ·'d '1' tf . d d' h, I f shall I hBYe ' for amusement Jipd re· trouble I~ fI"dlng a satisfactory hat;, } " ';< . ,. e, 'pI a,n .Dr:. va on8.~en LU'6 . t on e I ...... 'Need flor ~aper Money: . ' freslim'c nt? LITTLEl' MElLVA~A. r ., 2a, his , c~ !lt~~, ~~d, to~ and pull" D:\B'" a :~b~" stomacb,' nd IrrltabI O _ ; thous'amd dollars Ie needed to. ,. . '.' 'rhere are, however, sev(:l'1l\ rules to' Illher waiJ - Ilrll'ei, by .a 8uccesslon of . nerv~s . .rcal1;le to no other ,harm'. Hav· ~" rty , I be toliowcd. Devote pleuty ot time to duel. flnes" for. damageif,' assessed by I"bl d . r h dJ pay ' cer~aln ' ·glwernme.nt eX\jenBeli n This correspondent doesn't s~y how the seleGUon of a. sblll)e, lilt wl:lle hav. . ng no. 00' to spare, s "Cd. my . Guam, and ,thet request bas ~een !Dade . the: F1'enc~;.~!"bl!~L an.d ani· gejlt:lon fo~ freedunt, You I;ee.~· lit that the mone'.Y Il!l '. senl In pRl?er fo~m, olrt· abe 'Is. but ovld,enUy .the boy ques·· Ing It tried on to .YQur 1Iliad Gd tben mo'.· 1'- among ' the Republlcan poll· . d' "1 never. h .... any sy.mpnt)l h n'ot fn' .coln; .. ~rlto .nat"'~8, It ~s beel.1 tlttn Is on her mind. Now I' think It survey It from ·every .posslble angl •. "~Ioooi~ ~",,,,, ~'"':"_ ~1 con tt nue; t1cl~lIS' ratber tl!aJi ·Iul,l.!crlberll. 'and, • . .. :, ' .' ' ';. With those mesB·pork heroes. aliliough . . I . I I I. 'a lwaY8 proper to ask the " boY8 If A dlp·brlm · wlll make a long nose iook ilnunelal ·re.tiirn~.\ ,. It C)ld~4 . In . hIs by ·New !~rlt's well·gropD:\ell· ~lielr woy.s,' and,' above all, tbeir poln·t found, 'on ' rec:elv ng ml>ll.ey n co n Ihey . are 'lI hle gen.L\emen, . At that longer. !l round hat lenda wldtJi to • .lIeelng,to"LoDtI9n • .where· he found. , Scimetimes. s~e decided that of ~I!w: w~re to ~e . an Inexbaustlble ... bury ' It' .an,d . i~o without the necessl·. season "of tbe year It :w\l\lld be nice round face and brilliant trImming addi· -altollethCJ;_tame,. io' he. 'took;,~!UI.. t.1Illnn,'nt"U IlrOgreSB ·' through. ,t~e, Bourell .'1f amusement snd Interest. I lies ot :lIfe: ~:blle bavlng, "I", some In· to have' an outdoor nut· party witb yelll's to II. faded complex.lon. . lot "Ogrt o~:dalllire.. moib~t to s!lrVl) just th.e right: kl nd . ·lI8e · on ";tJt8'~rltrah li~rk Altorra to 1"',.I,,_~a b> illlJ ' oared' ' l\t~le ' whether they wore thel) stancee'b'; a Ib'OdOdiIY tlb ' . ~rely They . .... e --world Off • "he Tea Gow'ns Are Fitting. own sca1PB qn th e Ir h ea d s or wore · thur '~ ,..II· Co e e monAy. ~nd' It 1)[ refr shment·s. not forgettln ..w a blrUI. ....:......- -e.' "B TOr; . 11 , ..... ,- ' th ... .. Ips .0 f us tVELth ...e I,all r will .,~.'now ex. da y cak e'·· and a prize or two ............ - ~ Soli'" .~ ' AL"' .....". ""~, s"a 'ot ,b ers toi tr m t'he Ir· b. ueJo:.. , do not d th ailves • •'or those A negligee In whloh one .may enjO) tile' boa~ was · ~ro;.,ro ,'I)ut . . skJoo."-Clilcago Dally News. tll hopl! .a eD " . ' wbo HlId tbe mosl nuts. ' perfect relaxation and a~ tbe same· ~. .' . ' peJld their w~ges, keep money' In cll' COline, bY a · Btol'~. alld a b,qst'. crew, tlDle uphOld the aci':epted ,cnnonsi' or' , .D~iI.l~g their p....~nler k~n tor ,ad. eulntltm· and :at the salJ\e time 1m· . artistic appearance, 18 of .Rbaded pink ~or.rect Table Servicl. ~eDtUnt. went ohcire ' on . ·.preelpltoll8 ; prO\\e ' thel&: ' ~Od,e ot JlvIJlR, When: the tilble Is cle'a red atter the asphodel s!Jk. the upper par.t ot · the tilan~ named Trinfdad tor' "ater and meat .Course, 'Ybloh dishes are remov· garment Is sbell pink shading to", deep .' t .,~h ' fn\8h .ptoY{116.D8 ..~t be ed tbBt? Wbat remalns .. on the table? rOBe tlt tile hem: The ullual , loo'sa ef",lcked up. " , ' _ "' .- r Mter tile la~t .course. sbould 'hosteSs "tect of a tea gown Is entirely doil. ,The crew (bund IlD abaJidone4 ring for the' m'a td' to clea'r the ,t.lIble or away. with, the IIQft ·folda. are drawn CUea, ;."ttIemeD~ baildiUs f~'lq to . . loei he party reUre to tbe parlo~)m· Into a fltted lIqlero of 9penwork '4!Dl4ecq, aU lIP" of ,C!ul~~OJl hJdd'!l: I!lUCIbu~ b,.• mere J)O~d8 broidery wblch open': o.vel' a ch. re.celv,:·' .' -O1edla~'y' HOU8I!lWlFlll.. til 'wIld 'fin..,' Imd ''PIauta. . ' quam, . She 0'4'IIei.ecl .. ror • rora! PRj . ".,011, ~ , mleette of DalgbaIl crep.!. . LoBI dol. ....&-tmQDi -·.J_"lr~.- ~liollf.III"'tl8 '~~In".. mBa IIIee'le8 of allk.·are edp4 ,,1tII.1of\. . '~_ _ . . . . INCI, .. ., .... . 'flu. ·AoaIII ..•. .t. No Llt--l'lallalt'll,1ll1a Pr... · or c~......or.i. . '.l r .. '). '\1 '














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Good Roads Meeting at L banon. " Ill

Bu. Io n , Stu\ "

Hi ~ h\\' "y ('0 111

m l~sl r) Il I'I', will Iid (lrm~!I Ibl!

II ,'pl,' of Warren M un h · 011 th t! s nl.j f'C' t 01 .. Pr u!llCJ nl M.llillt lluuC'e of Rou ,I~'" III I h A ('OIU111(111 PlplI CU llt't H I 0111 lit I he 'ourt B O I1 ~ iu L ebliullD. Sulllrrloy pt, ~ I , tit:! o 'o look , 'L'bo UtizeUe hilS !loon r qu t! tflU to spe ill ll:v urge II~ ' f1I!lny l' r . ons froUl this viciolty aR Jl ~~1 l!1 '1 W attenn .


Clipped from . o r Exchanges U , --;--:-r-~-'-'.A Young Man's Credit. 'l'b ~r i I)robllhly n o II Aet with whl h n .VIIUlI "" IIIIIn .C lI ,,"s tllrt, out In blsllct,jvdu 'u u in!', lifu. II/ddll from a strOll!!\" 110illlby I oJy, Il c l,llIr bOAd It Dd Il e l.. ,,). h "rt, I hnt will in I,ll

10 ll K rUII IlT0170 of 1l10t O lieuf'fit to biD) l11 un t\! rl 110 bit h e moy IIcqnlrp of p rclllll'I,ly pllyl ng t,h 11001101111 oLlIgllllOll!! whi Ch oirontus tftncl'S mlly cotupel Ili~ t o 10 ur , It Is.~ ttl ct. J)orbtlps 1l0t ~en rllll y k n o wn tbo t the hl\~lnes, "g m en of mOil" nl1 tow n of any 817,6 hltve boo k!! oon · tllinlng ' tho fl nnriolnl ratin j\' of all .,aoplO youn g or old, ~ho ho ve l,JIlS IJ .t inli8s dealings witb them, ence I ' and oomlUend '~ble \ gg a mo t 86nslble tbiDg for the young man just !t'llrt iog o ut to see his lllHoe is entered iu t he pro~r column, n ot


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HutcbisQn 6t

ill ' jail,


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Mea. . re your rooOl' Ilod enOle to ,


('un'lInl!! ~ llIlL-ntl . " ]lerne IlIi,\ + (lhuis fo r " R oloiu~on ( 'r u"ll .. duro ILl Il lorlll lIf t·u nfiuem L'llt illl P O' Hl Amendm ~nt ~commended·.-·Pertinent IU hilll OJ' th o wrlt,illl! uf II plIl1I · Il c!\lIu "Th ~Il o rt e t. , IIY wltll ,th o Ui , Llllttll" " LlI i ~ h Hunt er \\'r ll ttl ·H.lltlilil " III jill!. \V'lIltl'r t '.'.,'. " It'll 'ig ll (lullllJ,;hi fllurl, ' U yell r s' . . . . . . . . . . . +.................. , ............ ,............ . ' llI pti ~ O Il"l III lil th e "rUWfW or I"ou ' Th e IAlI commlssloll 01 :'lIuourl, In calh , vallie! ' il kI'll ns a hasls of ' 't lle I UIi wl' oll1 his f'X t:'1It' 1i1 'l:IlQlOryof Hlln w\ lh 01 11 r J1r()gl' ~i8"' . lax8110~ or· aaaesM{'d \'a ll1i', ~'lll'" COUIHl llll val ue t ll b \' Ol' l(l ' ' I ,\'W l-'f'lI i 0 IIud gaul~ 1110U~ r.,,·omruell(\s IlII ameud· real ('s' lIle, 8U rltr as UUI' rPIlort8 show. . lId ')'",,"so both 11111 I h Ull' h~ ~t wnrli OIe nl to til e I)1i Illullon Ihllt wUl JM!r· as lo w AS :10 11~ 1' Cl'lll or ita sel1lnlt It Jil il _ h:xo, ln n \iil , I loll of I he elasslfknllon or IlrOlle~-ty .for prl >!. v. hilI' GLhel'S hn v a 90 per cellt IIUntltm li nd will slve locnl o lltlou In hllllili. omt' lUtsen I'~nl Ulal at 3S~ I per celi t. all,1 la)I~lhl" ll"1'8uul1l prol>' J> r' - A d 'I h tanlllln . The rel'ilrt folow;; : ert y at 50 pe r ce nt. Th e commll810n I-\~:~ Jutr II I cd ~~t ~~ : :e:;he r . I WI) hav t' hlleli gl' all y IIS~IShld by cOllcl lid"d IIlat Ihlll'll WRS all IIbsolute ' II .. ng ~ I ~ l1'a ... In t; mn. \ thl' rllt)ort c/f tlie ('o ll\IUI Uloil appol ut. wnnt ot tlQllat'lty In taxation 'n ' the ollille 'W ill' II hij(h ~.rIiL10 ol','lIHl ng , ' ed IInder llil' Act of Apl'lI 1-" 19Q1. Ital l!. neur \V II::thl ngto u 1f,,8,,111 :\ 11 011 ' \V I' COliCUI' In llie concliltilclll of that '''rhI8 In l'(IIIallly can not be 1'8011!. hillin' It Uaer "xpe r iallce , In ,:. Oing cOlUl'lil s l~OIl , thal u~ chulige ' c:a ll be died hy t hfO Slate Ruard of Eqllallza· ovel' the c rQ t!~ lll g t b ll hell vy Ollgi ne made III our r l' e U Il SYSI m correct· t1on, for th (" ulJ\'\UIIS l'eaBOIl that the • me 11 .. 1' ul ~ t litlg', getti ug ill lu g Ihe xlsllng In ~'lualltle s ,... Itllout high rate o f a88e8l1menl In ce rtain ~lIolt 1\ 1I000Itio n t,but, it ould ~o i u l aUl IIdlng th cOlIstltullon CIt the cO tl lltles. Indudln g Ihe elly of St. odlller lli reotto n u'Hll,h e flrO l~tld to I t at e. LouIs. III tlnrorc d by thtl prclIslng de· mand Illr revenue for local requIre· l! llrti. Wli nt Ollce, T he IIll ln e WIIS In the ISII8u8gtl of that r!'porl.: "Tile mellta. Thl! hoard can n ot raise Ihe st ill Jlartl y ~)n th tl ruilrolHl t.rtl k IOl:'lsl a lure Is ij(j hedged llbout and as. '8~lH l)nl s or the count I II whl oh Ilnd f I I Id tt l llem mttd In oy til e limitations In thll mak e Il low valuation , [18 lhat would I' g I S 'on 11 0 go lY , fillldam.. n t~1 law 01 Ih dlate, t hat as be Iml '()~lng lin unntlCPssa ry blll'd II After three o r fOllr b ( urll !lur!l till' ('l)llijt ltlitl()U stand. no sintuIO~)' IIPOII Ih Q~ ' cumillunlth's, .. ud Oil the wo r k h WUti p u t Iu 1\ pOllitioll wh er e elillu ' cuu be '.ul1de In tllll 'I!t II rill olht-f lIand . It ClIn not I' d\lce llie us· it WII S IJllIl d nt of th e rOllll Ily 1,l le tax lllg lI}'RtelU 110'" Iu IMC ," filotlie r seSSl nont o r ! h Q~ e cbn nllf's which grll!ldbo pp r trllin , lifte r fo ur or live wurd~ , the g lIe ral 1)1'011 rLy tax lUI: OInk ' a ' hl lth yalulIllon withoul du· ' . I:.-!"Inll Ihl'/II or Ibe metlnA required f rr.ight" hil a beo n b olt! IIp Ii few ile~~t'd br both Ihe stole and cou nties . ' for 11I (llr "WII .pre 8 ~l nv; lluhllc Willits, hourf\ - \Vost' rll till . and JlI lllltcll)alllles nl)on lhe 11.11SeSll" '\" 1 ~p II U rl'medy rQr this exlsllnl! --- - -roen.1 nl'ad by local A sse~(Jj'8 UI'on rell! Ineq ulilily IIlld res ul ti ng In Justice. ex· Reg a.ins Relic After 20 Years. alld ,, ' reona.l propeJ'ty Is MO gen~r811y celli III lht' ~t'IJlII'at Inn of tllo BUIII'cea recognized In t he sillte conl ilt uUon or ~ lId l' .ind IOCIII revellu . W e re,la m p. towII Jotll'Dnl- Afte r belug tha t nOl hln g ~ hor l or a c nBtltutlonal S'ard Ihls It I'"l'alton or slat" alld local oul ,. , r hi k eping .fb r ~O yeurs, ('hango, el t h~r b~' a new couStitutiOD re Vf'n u.. ~ a lt ,. bo~18 ul au y fllndillue n· Jt\lIles n. "mne t h[l l< ag lliu cODle in· or II, constltllUonal Rm endmelll. call IIlI r lorm of t ho IlIxlng BY814,'m 01 to {>01l80 slon ~h g un ho (larrifl(l .open l ht> duor to tbe ellablllbme llt o t 'MI NOIll'I, 4:. :V,e ars ngo. when the .. quirrel In y ot hl!r SYSlem. " 1' lId I' Ill e 1,Inll I,roli ~ed, the state Bnn'terf< " wore cllll ed out to S IIV O "\\'e are Miltisfied frolll cal'oruII study wuuld r('(n lll 11 11 1l>J Illhel'tlut (IOwen of tnxat\IIn • •!XC III 1\8 to tb J:;8uc;! I'al Inol' nUllti frOll1 the t,llr "-telle"U liS, of, OUI' re l'ellue S)'tODl Ihat a chau"" Is prollel·j )· In . "I"IU r0111 alld lIe rsonal ' " sault of Ki rby ' mitll,the co nfederate r qu lred 10" I'eIllEld y oliClsllug dll,tects "rojlill't )', \\ hl ch would he IIsResscd generol. It iii of En glish mllke /lnd and to secUl' . Quality to our 131Uzeul nud COIll'l'\I'd l)y U. e Cl(JlInlle~ And oyer 100 year old . In h a l'lng the public bur4enl , of the ollh·s ror lucal \lun'O~l'3. The dUrer· II ale. T llu commlsshm of 1993 report· ent flll'l1l8 III whICh lhl ~ J.:;('lIoral txlng e4 IIlat the alselime lill were IIO~ uul. ""wer ••f th e IIla ~ IlI U.V be eXl'rclsl',d A Ca se 0 f " Lemon8. It I'~ WI'II knu"'n. to0,· Ijl" te no", lel'lel form In th e dltre rent coUntl"'l.• and are A wJ:ook ooourred on ' the Pehu. thl'l dlscrlmlnatlonll were made even a tnx ,,'llOn InA II I'll Ilea COI!'IJanl II , 8ylvo,nlt~ rail rood ntll~r 'incinnati a In t ile lame county b tween dllferent drl\lilsh" I'iI. f'X I"" 'Hi C(lIU JTonr.. s. illn· day or two ngo, in whloh tl'n cllrs klndll of l>Topsrly , rf' IllXI'S ~ .. rl'l'ratlm18 l' ~l'1i8" InNJl NJ' n8Qua I t axa Uou I d1'1011 lIud n c ,,' HI,-I I ""d Inh f. rlton ; ,\'I' ll I

U Ji '



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A t 1M .nr W I' \'



Makes Comprehensive Rrporl lil Which a Constitutional Is R .' to Ohio


WI1 wore WISll In 01' loring t his 8took last filII, in pl'lcllll bave tH.. Lilri"e8t salll8 llUIt Y8&r of IlUY; , thi8 year will b g reater. liattlngll frol l! tho Orient n ow in 8toolt IUI8111'es Wautlrul Jl'~ terns, low8It pl'lOe8 . terl&lJy adftuced .

IDl1'aln8 . , .. , , .. , , . . , , . , , . .. , , .... , . , . , . , . . , . , . . 250 up !..Owell, Park, Extra ~uperll. R~~-groll I ' .~ I stook yet . . , . . , . .. , . , ." . ... . tl0, 1)0 up Large "!lough tor a r u,)m . LlnoleulII, .he !!r~t klt.oheu an" hall coverinK. Lace larfAtD8-AU neweffeote, Window ~hadeR, III oo1:lra. all slzetl, (lliide to order.





Ready To Wea.r G.arments ~ults.

Jacket.s for Mls8es, Women

".nd Children. I:!Jr 'rts, Waists, Un derwel1r, llllllnts 'ong oloaks.



See Your Drfssmaker 'T hen oome .11 ..1 buy YO\lr drtll!R "t, ButchinlioJ) &; \.J!bne,V' , Xonl".Ublo No city ball" hItter 8!Ulortmf'ut o f fabrlQA for ~h e dre811 it8elf ond the




trimmlngll. It il! a rellllonable stllteDIt'nt anel fully proven III tbe past. We.~ ~ Dr,lI811 000118 80nlle and do lIot, liIerldle with tinware, hardware,olt\llll, '!lhm'II, et,o. have 'thelr plllC8, Just 10\11e lit our shelves and show to flee hoI frolh and Dew and cleen th8 I! look,. Bow euUy to trim from mil' IItook jU8l In. 0Il89il

~ oiles,





II !~njuBl taxation. ; n)(. \\' \1,;, .)Ih " .. (()I'IIIII' of IUI/ llun , SllJr ,od WOr8ted TrlmmlDgR. I:!beor Elfaota, GiD~bllm, J'laid'it. . We All ag reed that the nqt ItllP In "'!II' tv, od . \,1 d w'n IIP ' \l" the G.. li· any ~ax ,reform Is Uie IIl1paration of (' raj " ~'''' lIl i,' : . In I' ·, , I'II<:I'(·llnl1 . 10 d th.e sou~ce8 of .ta~e and local l'E\venue. " ·n ull.. ·.. Til" " : " ;1\ , 11ro I· , " d rl' Till. Chlaulte would uot requ,l re the I·tl!" . '· Ii d (''', . '' . 1 .h~ , ' '-: ' 111; Irl011 exempl on or any cla81 of property II . ' Ii " I , II ' .1X I" I ~ ". If tbe mero!lanc, when he can plllce J(ence olll\fled the wrec k wus' hand- j from t aXlitlou, 'l'be l)ropo.e4 change C" " :I ~ ' ' . ,,'II· ~ 1\' , I , ,,h..., I d.:' . 16 • hili customer In thl8 clli . A fel· ad" 1\ lemou, may be etrect d by the 8ubmillslon , 111<' s ' , ' r~, . low's finaD cial rating bear ubout BJld adojltion of a lingle coulllt utlouaJ I "T Il ' 'I H r ,", . r " ,U1 e:,,\t·d r 1111l' , tbe relation to him liS eloes A SuggeStion to Farmer8!, amendment. no ill .d·l l : " II I' • m ho I ' .1 ~ . bis IhlHlow, bel,Dg 1\ tblng that ha(a I . f h h . h "The. general features of this lep· ~l .· s ',n " : , . •" , , f t ~ II" I I b WE ~ANUFACTUBE"THE VERY HIGIIEST n view 0 t e 8 ol'ta~e ID t e sratlon ot the sources of BUlte an4 oU ,, ;' I" ,J ' ,. • :" ,. . .' r ' . •, ~ , GRAPE OF faculty of following him around hllY orop t h e oountry over graat local revenues ma y 'be bl'lefty lutn. Ih . : ttl· " , , f L I:.II. " .~ I \I T' from plll()e to plllce anel ~t times attention will h l\Y(\ to bo pilid to marl zed. The Slate would discontinue ·S\ ij l 1.1 ~ y 8.111 I; ~ ,," ,ll' going before him, and it is a good other substItute orops Bnd the more th!l levy .ot a general property tlU 11111'" II r hll I',:.'" '''Ii .~ ~ .IJJect· td Type" Bran 0 ....'. Metal 80....... ' idea to k eep it in. the best- of-l'ep arerul seou.r ing of oorn.fodder in IIPOD. the r eal and, personl1l ~Iroperty ~ n' l Ill . ""' rbl ~ I. ' 8...tripa . . , of the stat , leavIng the , a81(ltIiJmenl Sh"" I(I P iI ' ",.,'~ ' It S "~ ' I. II (' Ii: ' BI'UI ' La '. 001' CI..:"......... R ' -Ie . L. S. Metal ." ",,itue Be 8bould oontroot no obliglltlon localit.ies .where It blls heret-ofore aild collection or UIls tax to tbe conn. lI. d . "' h, h\' !, ' '\ ~" ' <: ' d \'.,1 11, :1 ", .". ...III Lead. alUl ~l"" "" whioh h6 hlUl re&!!on t~ believe he been l,ttlndleq in B' ()j~reless man· tlea alld mUlllclpalitiel for 1041AI pur. III "tl.. hy t h ~ ~I" ",'1I11'd Is 811" ,,, Bra.. Column Rille. Metal Leaden cannot meet. Baving contracte!lll 'ner or not secured at ' all, The ne· poseli, This would make a lavlnlr of iluiI{ d I ' ' hi' ", .ltlll B. ~h (! 11 ('1'11'. Bra.. Cirelet debt, be sboull!. see tbat It is pRtd cassity of greater care in this mat- the lal'lIo e.xpense Incident "to the A,"~ .. nihl y I'lioll lll " .. nllll Ih IU' SPill Braaa Lead"n Spacea aDd 'I...., promptl,Y.- Edohange . ter may, after all. prove B .blessllJg preHl'ut dUll ayatem. , It "Would allo I ijlll lt! llilt UI" " !f't< 1I I'a l la< on IIllO B ..... Bood CorDen Ito ......t 411\1e1181' with the work of the state Ilrbvld..- lu,' I ' d' ,. ot jl:lyn I!ut hlto Metal QIIOID., etc. lu disgulse,-Exchllnge. Board of Equalization connect.ed wllh, tli l: stale Irca 'li'~I.'· Bra.. Leada andSlup t.he ,,\teOll'ted equalization of a.uesl· Bilbel' Prices tor New.papers. ments of real and " nonal p,roperty Heol tb In 'rbe Oanlll Zone , Nebr Islra Is Jl()t ttie only stR.t.e to am ong the cOlmtl es of the state. I". ~ " ~~~ 1': ~,.~~~Q~ 014 Golnmn Rolee refaced jlnd made a. Rood ... DeW at:a:-mau The higb w'lge ptlld make it Ii "1'h' AtRte would the reaft er der1ye whlo~ t~e subjoined p'lrllgrBJ'lh mllY mi~hty temptlltlon to 001' y ~iUng or COlt . Us rl!V _II lie !li n " .)!h li s Inhe,.",nr gen· btl appJted ; "Several of thn weekly, til!ons to join tbe foroe of s leiJ\ed II I'n \ powe,. or I Il~lilln il Ur.Oli : n(' ral Pl~ remember that we are not hi aDJp'rnlt or~(JombtnaiioD newspapers of the atllto .1ulVe lu · workmen needed to construct tb" HuhJ" C'R of I U ~; lltln n " n~ loy l!(l n ll8 8, ilnd ... sure tha' we caD make i'greatly 'k ) your advaDtaae to oreased their suh80riptioo from $1 P.lUllnlll Canal. Maoy are restrnined ('OI'I 'O I'!l l IOIl "ix 'II. In HIIIl('tillri, f ep~ An ll to '~.50 per year and many more however hy. tho felir of fe ~ers lind ~I"'h " I h "I' · fU!'IilS I,r I IIlIa! luu ' as I hI! ' deal witb 08. " , molaria" ItIS the koowlng oneB :- ;';\>11' 1'111 u ~~" ll1i'I Y III IIY: rr(lIll Ilml' 10 will hAve to do ~ before the end of those who hlive used Eleotl'ic BIt· 11111(', <lI'I PI'IIIII1 (" A oopY.of our CataJotJU8 will be obeerfully fllrWlh~ ~ appU. anotb~l' year. This Ildvllnoe bas t e r8, who go there wlthont this caUo.. " '1'1". !IIfT.·1''' nI ruWs or .. H ... ·SHlllent tn ilecome necol!lI8ry on tlOOOUllt of the fen,r. we ll knowi ng they are slife t Ii" dl -IM"u l CO "llll l' ~. "lItOI'{,..d 1> \' llit. Til. neolullon to amend lb. MIalIOul1 conlUlullon contJ\ln. th ... lnoreased oast of everything thM, from malllrlJus , influence wltb ,l' fi I'. li l rt p n illu d ~ (UI' IfIr'1I 1 I'e v~' uu .. , lIOurl parB IfJ'II ph.: ElllOtrlo Bitters on blilld. Cnre8 all ",,,,,hI un IIIlIg e~ Jli'l,d'.cl' InflQIUtll t.v III 'fhe .-eneral u8~mbly ohan •• pagoes into the milking of Il news· hlood p oisioll too, billiousne8s. h '( \ll l l1 u w ith , ' p f' \I"I' II PP t n II H~ !il utf) rale IP" 80U....U of ~ llI l e and local pa.per . ' Paper bas advancod full y weaknoss Dnd 1\11 stoml\ob, liver, !all . T Ilt' 1'l'lIIl'C,," III'"pnspd Is, III oilr Manufacture", of that I., eQunty••ohool R.lIl muul cl· pal) nvellue ...lId .slabllil" ,local op50 per oimt, witbin the past tweh~ tloel kiQney troubles . Ga-ranteed by npllli iI . 1\1(' 11111 ): , .' r(I'(,llve I'pn/l'd )',' Type .ad Blah G*e PrintlDl Material lion tor ti,e counllel lllid and munfonths, while type, ink Bnd ot.1}(~r Fred V. Sollwart1;, drug,glst. 1i0e. 011 Ihl' olh '1' hUllrt . 11. (\ Pf(lllhlied S)'S' nlclpalltl.1 of the atale In the .~- ' " Prllprleton 311' Nor.t b' NIDth Street t"l11 wnul ~ I\' c th e peo pl e of I,he Iclcllon or' the ,subJecl. or ·taxatlon. niaterlal 'bas gone up fully ;l5 per , Th·. ' arijlarllllon of th .. ~ourc". ur counti es I1nd C ttl l1 ~ nr th e Rtat·} th e PENlI TYPE FOTTNI)R~ PWladel..... , Cflnt, 'WIthin' ·the ,. PO,lIt twelve .l><te lI.nd lo~al reVeilUel, and Ih. , it. . . A'fHA WAY Illr,,1I8t nl f1l18111'e of hom e' rule ' n till' est"bll.hrnenl ,of ,IOQIII ,option anll months; whit., type, Ink . and other mllU er ot IRxnUon. Each t:ommllnUy . hom!> rille In tn>ratlo" .• hull be lIf· " "' ) :JeR v'm e's Leuding Dentist m~terial bas gone up fully 25 lfur Olliee in KeY8 B](}~, 1!!Cled by the dlllContlnu .... v.. ··of the I Ma in St. could Ill( Its Ilwn rate of valulltltm all levy of fi gellomt 'prolJllrly lax llpon Its 10CRI ne de may req\llre, without ceilt, MO!it of the weeklies in tbe the r e Al unl' lwrlunnl Itf'(}lIerty 01 suhJecllllg Its cttlzon8 to, the InJustlc'e th o .tale by th o! 1I"""ral .... mbl, Itate utO publillhell uDd sold at 'L II Sick Headaoh e, of belug CQmlle lled 1.0 pay lin undue (I'Olll ond lifter the I1rt1\ (h.y 01 Jun· year.whlcb is equal to le~s than t\~O " ,ul')'. 1909, and th e re venue re· 'fIJls (1\se08e is oausod by I. share or s tllte laxation. Fllylli el'more, , THE 'AMOUS lIulred -(or nil 8t .. te ..,. .. 11 Cents pOI' 'copy. The blank paper rnngement ot the stolDtloh . Take a each localit y could adopt, subject to th.reRfler be 8""ured ~tlh er by Ihe QOllt more thaD onl'.hlllf this s um . dose of Ohomberhtlu'a StoUlRflh IIQd the con ~ ttl\l tlonill requIrem ent o( unl· I n"rcl~u lJy the lI'''nera • . u ."mhly or Ill ,""wer o( t!lxllllon UPo" the 80 that it cn.n readily be seen tho I ond Liver 'l'abhts' to corrt'ct this formlty, ~llcb liioMncations ot thl' . "IIJe I. of tuxaUOil olher titan lJy' is the ' on1r :~OJOIlIlg dter paying , office rent, slilarles. disorder and the ·slck helldocbe will , louel'al "rollel'l}' tOll upon I~elll nnd ' I.h~ gClIlIru.l Dropert" tax .'!pon Ihe dlsllPPCllr. For 8[11e by .T. E , Jann ey peraonal prOllllrty 116 wlIuld be found w()rt~y 0, relll Imd per,o'lal p!opcr(,y of ,h. l)Ostl~ge nnd otber e'x penses, 1\ news most e trect.\\'e lind bes t suited to t.he ' 8Iute, ' of by 8J1porllollrn ~ nl 10 Ih~ guarant~!i t~ ,be' pupar wi t h R oirculatlon of 1,000 or n eeds of tit at loculliy. We would thus " 0111111.. pI the , 'at .. te and the sented mfitey " . cIty or St. l.oul8. of NO much o( 'Ihe ~ hl\ve home '1 'lIle In Ihls ' t.uDdume ntal lalls @ub8criberll at U 'ellch ,per year, rl'vbnuM r'!'lulrell for . 111.(" Pl,r. is used by tho\ls'ands for fun cUnn or gC) \'ernm ent, Qnd we pORell ae nlay be In e xceJJ!J or th._ . is not RII' gocil I~ p~ylDg ploo" of multi~l!ie P~!!e8" an~ is o~ ,lIove tllBt this de velolHnent of ll()me : re\'t:liue of the 8ttll ~ ' del'lveci trom property a8 Il divide nd pa-ylng g Olel lJn,t ?ld vnlue\omissioaarit!a, ' oth~r sources of reve nue, Rueh up;,rill e In tax-allon would be In aC(lord! llOrUoumeilt 10 bc; IlIBde .by tile mine. "-~tanton, ,.Neb ,) .Piokett. .Ills, t"""AH"~ smgers, the home, the ,with the blghest dlctatcg ot public ,.late board of clluulhwtlon In the policy. . I . ~r"N,," the children, " teachers a~d wherever portability is re<iIUU'~ munn.r prol' lded by Ihe gelloral ue· gc.lUbh~. · . Send for a full deac:riptiYe CataJorue free. ' , The Six Oldest Countie8, E~tHAL~{ER bome "Tbere I~ now a certain kind ot I'QII ttl. discolltllluanee 01 the I'lIle In tuxatlon , wht cb conslate 0 ..... ~ .... , B ROS., Lake Itreet, '. ,lel'Y by ltoe lIener,,1 o88embly of th e 'flle r e are six counties· in Ohio ihnl 1I[A.1r< SntltleT WA"NK8VII,D1Il. o . 10 the variation or the ratcs or aS8esa· genel'Ul prorlerty tux for. etal. pur· ",ill ,lJe 100 years old in 1II0S" Ilnd it In room next d oor to Ur OHS Bros ment upon prolJert y' nCj!ordlng to the l>u~e. upon th e rl:,,1 .. "d per"""al I,roperl)" ,of the 8tllt", UII'~ I. to .... y, hUf;\ lIeeu , Buggested that ~ hesc Bl1rdware!). local ncej!8 or ,th e cOIl'lUlimlty, 1I0ma, IIfler Junultry I, U09, Ih~ counllea counti08 get together !lntl , lJu'v e II cOlin ties pn ylng taxee on 70 OI.. t{O per 811d IIIe8 or' lilt, IIlala III l.)' subJoct rand J' ubilee ID hono .. ('If. t.he e vent; 'l~leph ona in IJa usa find otnce ceut of tile I'elll VAhll! or ptope'rly, and to tu'. lllion ror local pllrpoaco the g . . where 1 'Clin. '1)43 called dlLY or nil{llt,. others olily 20 or 30 per cent. Tile reul · ('wd l,er.olll\I prOPUrlY within their JU".ilt uUOII, alii! mKY eX~lnpt one of th oounties StartlDg trill b,ill Valley Phone U -!!. re llort of the Tnx CommlHltlon of 1903 ','!"Y clRS" cf Ilr9per,ly wlthlll "ueh going on Mondny 'of- some , futute , 8a y~ thnt th e 'rqports from th,~ dlfter· Jurl.dl c tion troni t":l:8tlou', t!1t1lc r week, go it a.1I day an ll finish up lit - - - . - - - - -,- - - 'ent counti es In thIs mat!;er w(lUld be ",holly or by reductic" (.t Ihe rale of tllliaUor) ther',.,II : Pro"ljled. ~llI\t night with a big time, lind th.ell o1le Bad Tetter for 'l',l lirty 'iel~r8 . Indeed starlllng, If Mome of the laots ally tSJllttlOIl or e.xeml,lIoli troln of the otller GOuuties t,nke Ul) tbe' I l1n:,~e snffered with tetter for stilted therein hot! lIOt ,been prt~Ylol\sly ' IKXatloll 'IJIade In , nllY couilly or v",'Irsll:ld bave t ';e£1 almOt:'t count known, and th, at they showed Il cbudL· blty 8h"n be uniform UI><III the celebrfttlou and 80 on unt,1I tbe 'le~'1 reme<ilf!s ~Hh Httlo, I'f OLY, re Ll on 0f all If Ire tlla t S h \111 Id no I(mger .ame 01 aul,Ject. within such lerI1101·Y. '1'he lallation ror ""hool I week 111111 have heen Ilh!\orloecl. Jief. TIl:-ee boxel! of Oh'll Dlberlil: u,'s lie Ilcrmllteit to continue, adding: 'ft purpoMPIf ,.Uhln "uch COU"IY or ma.klng np the six., !::Illl va cnred me. 1-t Willi. Il torture, III within the boullds of truth to lay ,·tly, by "halev"r utllhorlly lev let!, 'rb~ cOllntiell t,htlt will ohungo ou · It brn)ls ont 1\ little sometlDles ' thnl uo two countlcs of the "tate hare ahall he ",',.lIe IIccor.d ln, 10 lhe' plan . . but Dothlog to wbB't It u@e£1 to (\0 . the flame rulc (or the asSellBmel)t , of at tautl,," adopted 1" ' llie couIII, "herelll .ucb 8chool dlatrlct Ie 10' tbe eelnlt~riY llUKe In I 90 bl" re ':~I\l.k' I D B . Bnoll. Mlellanrl City. Ai". al\ claB8es of liI'opertby; and, "1~neraIlY \;Ated "hoily In an In orpol'lted ware, ' ,Oa ng. uox, p re e ........ r Ohllmberllitn'J4 SI~lve Is for sale by I"Peakln,. the re II ,a , lolulely nf) Ilal- , cUp. ,' aDd TU80arnWRllj'- Warren ,CountY,T. E. J~nney. , ' tQrmhy u ~ tbe proportion of the with the all·around deadbeats. but rather, in tbat wblcb Is beaded, " S ure pay for any amount. II 1, is not only profitable for t h e young miln: but a 80nroe of satiSfoctlon t o

loaded with lemonl! were wren\l:ecl: A ' 11 res ult everyone' In that vlolnity is now having lemon(lde sooil.lls BDll we understond that 't he t .,legrapIJ operators whose , negll

HutchisOn , & Gibney, .


'Xenia, Obi..,








Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co.






Bilho", T.lacap. or



be· I







County Court New.

Commiultmers Proceedings.

(J()JnlOlil P.LIIIA 8 llOUltT.

B nggln Uale Co , lIuppllt!!!

Nliw tluaT's

Plans lIu(l tlJ,leOlmOn8 for repain 00 Twin Creek Bridge approved IlQd ordere~ &8vertised acoordlng to Illw.

Special Train

on D. L. & C.

~ubsorlpt\olUl received for all the ~AnDNI loading newspapers Dnd IDllgazlnes. at the U/lYAltt.e office.

-- ---- -



A special train will be rnn on the A liumane ApI,eal for olerk 'I od oommll8lon A bnm&ne oltlYAln of Riohmolld The State of Obloex rpl MUl Pnm. erll jOul'oal ........................ $ 22.1i0 Chllmberlnln'" <.lough Remedy One D. L. &I lJ. raUr08Ld Thur~day . Sept, 26, on aooount of til" Warren Iod. Mr. U. D WillIIlm~ to;- West mill VI, Rudin Frel din . Q.l~tal'llJ:' T . C. Pattenon, maintaining of the BeFt on the Market. l'IMI~ <- l Rl> Main St., 8I1ys : .. I lIppelll tonH par PROIlATIIl CODRT . borS88 and veblolet! ......... " .. 20.00 I For rnlluy Chamberlain's County Fair. w1111e&VEI Lebanon at P. son8 wit·h wenk lungs to tllke Dr. TrIlln T (' ,p Cough Remedy has oonstantly galu. StlWI'tJllv ! '.' I, Tbe State of Ohio V(I. Henry L. . " atterflon, boarding ed ID favor and pODulal'lty uotll It M.. and will make all Rt~PS 116 far King's New ·Disoovery, tbe only remedy that hilS helJltld me /tlld fol. SLa U no . Fry. Defendant oommltted to the prleloners ........... ................ 1'71.. 0 Is DOW one ot tbe most staple medl. I ' :iu. , " Nu 1I,v oomes ull to the l)rOprletor'lI rec. ,\ , M I' .11 Boy.' Illdu8trlaillObool. . Bert Reed. bridge rep&lrs in 0lne8 In use and bas an enormOll1l 118 Cen terville. n datI OD." It 8lIves more lives I. ' l.tanun .1 . Ar H ()t> II :1\1 ., .. .£ease uf Rohert K. LeIlK, deoeas. Deerfield township ............ 311.75 8I\,le. [t 'S Intended espeolally for Printing of all (ieSOrlptlon8 given omwe. thlin all tbrOllt. tlnd lung rem edle~ ~ . . V J Ze t I'd aoute throat and lung dlsease8, suoh " I 'I lid, Wlll admitted to probate. ' . n myer, br ge reo 1l8ooughs. oold8 and oroup, aud can. prompt attention at the uaze~w , put together. U8ed lUI Il congh and 1 7 :'1 I I ~ I ,;, ,.1 ffioe. cold onre the world ov~ r, ures RIl Widow eleota \ under the will. ' p&irs In DeerfiEld \ownshlp ... 25.00 alwa.ys be depE\Jlded upon . 1t i8 ~ ~d 11 .' uv ~hl\1n. bronohitis, oroup, whooping ; ~u 11 III r, "I. Est.te or Epbrllhil Kiddy. decels. A. Wblt&ore, . bridge repllir8 pleasant Ilnd sde to take and III un· oough, '10In8ey. h081'8e n e!<~, Ilud ph. Mallul"' ; 7 :I '! ' 1\ u:: :. 5! ed. I'In' and final aooonM ot ad. In WJlyne township ........... 7.60 doubtedly the beat In the market Lost anil Found. 7 :.! "i I • u . ~ iT \ lilt tot- filed !:!am,D. BlUkl", fee8 and extor tbe purpoeetl for wbtoh It Is In. Lost, be,w66n 9 :30 p. m ., ye8ter. thisio, stOP8 hemorJ:hllgc s of the Lytlt' m n ra , .' tended. ~Id by J . E . Janney. day flnll noon today a. bilious at· lungs and bnllds them ul" (,jul~ran ..':l1Ke"'l)Ol\ • I B , . ' ! & ; I I :"d ' IilItate of Mary E. tlmlth, doo68!1o pen.ell .. .......... .................,' ... 95.85 taok, with nausea ",'nd slok bead· t-eed Ilt Fred C. SchwlOrt'" dr\l~ li tO\'0 Y~uabl~ :7 ::U 1 1 ~I ;.u H <U , < Hi I ~ ; IU 1~ ed.,· , J. B . Smith, I~mber ............ 137.36 Notice to Farmers. 80he. This 1088 WI'S 0008s\oned by !lOa. lind $1. 00. l'rlttl hot,tlft (rfle. l~ lLChUt!t '; 1)0<11.1. ~i J ( · l'I~t and floal aocouut of admln. George Veldt, oontraot No.7~ 198.18 finding at Bchwar,t z's drug store a ,. UIIIII III tUlI III · 1:1'1~d "'r"tor flied Uhlo Corrugatf!d Uulvert and box of Dr. King ,I!. New Life PIII~. ....IIIII11.1I!1IlI1III l... ch a n OIl - L-V'. ; 011 HI :111 4 ~O • 8rldge Co • hrldgo tube a ........8.UiO [ .. ~ve In 810011 all brand a of Uan· GUllr.antee~ lor blhou8neB8, mltlurll~ .. L' 1J ..\:. 11 11.- . 'I' •. 11 .\ J) ...taw of ¥blnBIUI ~. Bradley, de· l' N Wllk' b 'd • tIlo Fertilizer8 for fall 'r&de and and .Jaundloe. .; (,:, \I { U ceaeecl - Firat aoooont of &drulnl.. " er8~n , II gt' r ('p8 ' rll ' I :,ft tra'rix flied In Watlhlngton townshIV ...... . 8 .00 woulu urge f~rnlers to get my!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!! I) ,\tX T 11 .~ X'I' ~ all ,I ou , Oregouia. bridge <':0 work on prluM and oompare with State ~\&.M or EUzabetb Kibbey, de. Mulberry 8treenridge ....... ,, 1110 00 An&lysls of other br!lnds. You I) !; Il '1' 11.1' . U NO o.,.~. trlnt bnd fioal aocount of B E W will be oonvlnced at onoe that II1&n p , M. alcutor tiled, . '. arwlok, merobandlae FUN EHAL DI HE C H, for Jail and oourt houae .. .. .. 2.80 s8,ve you money. p:.~te ot Ida M. JackllOO, beoefi. W. B, Jaokson and Son, mer~ I /1180 have 'wo car 101ld" of Day Night. X,' HlIO l :to ola". Final report of filed. ob&ndl.e for courthouHe And ~onble Strengtb Dr&ln Tile made local No.1 ' ThIs valnable remedy la 1\ Cure Lt' llanan .ll'. (or DY'V-plla, ID.lliju.tlon R .~r ... bak,er ('rn lC~ l n B g :l:t .lI:IItAWof R . K. Leak. Ileoell8tld. JIIII ......... ...... ......... ............ 6.S& .by the Middletown Tile Co" sit-ullt· long Distance No. 69-3r burn, Acidity C\f, or :;Ou r 8 t OlUtlcb S ick or Ner\'nu lt I1 tolulac hf . OenerAI KOHlyn tH U7 '! f lU "0 611 w. ~. Baker IIppointed exeoutor. M. B. Hyman. olothing ' for ed &t Oakland, Ohio. They range or Nervoll .. D. bllllY or f'malratlon a \1:1 II oa ~ u and I\U Dl ti{' tL.leli .rlllull I'WIU n diJ;O .... N~ boud;, Apprallars, Ed ~mlth, 11rlsl l'lnan ............... . ............ . ; .64 .in size {ruIII 3, -I, (} nlld in·o hei. WAYNESVilLE. OHIO dered coDdltloll oflbtl jHOlllllOb. 'cnter\' l llt II II ' 11 WIlllam vhaoey &od Wiliter .1 oneil. Lebanon Ico lIod C \81'00. , loe ... " .20 AIMo have a oar of No. 1 InrJe :e EitAt.e of Ch!Lrles Wlmi, ullllignor. Lebanon GIlP Co., glls for jail ... 6.00 White Cod!l,r Posts. I ~;I I' 01 Pl ..... nl to tAlte. Il I. "CIt nece... · 11 0:, ()rder t.-keo to Mell goodlllllld obut. Xenia workhouse, bounting Seed Wheat. Thu Touoh 'I'hat B nls. &ry lo diet only tu 'Jery iI~Vtl rc cue., :tell I h ave &bou t HiD 1JtlS he I8 o f R ed ' It1 Is the 's Aruioli Vt.·nuule I .0 ' t' 0 11 ' :1 :)0 It'touch th of'- Buoklen ' b' · ,. pri80nera ..... ................ .... ..... 360 The 1114>1" ",,11 w\ 1I ~0I 11\ bO ID luch • l(l l ch uer til II F.ltAtAI of Charles Ward, atl8lgnor. D. Trotten & Co" Inmber ...... 450.13 Wooder Seed Wbeat. This is 8. !l ve , " e ullppl est dom Ina bellol lliy ~o."lIl io" Ibut one CDQ u~ • filed ' toion of Arnie" l1r>wers lind heltling 1J 001a~ . 111 14 Wooat & .. ~ kln<l of (00<1. ' 1 :I~ bVIlDtary lind IIpprai semoo. . D. Tr.ltten & Co" lumber .... .. -I51i.iio beardllll wheat and III one among b.!I180tlls ever oompounued. No II' ~ 3 Two 8Ixe_, J:atat'e of Milry C.llpeo08r, ~eceall' 'rbe Wastero Star, supplies the ellrliest vllrie~le!'. loylng Hat: to nllllter how old t hl !lore or uloer 1\1, I___t!h anon A \"t h"" !I :1 0 :J r.l' ,&00. Ind 11.00 per bo~ 'ed. . ~Dvllntory and aplJfll.ll\meut f, for olerk. auultor and COD!. the ground dnrln[<t fl\lI and winter . tbis Salve will cure it. For burnl!. ' uaU y elC"Cl)t. SHn,lu,J -61~. Order '-ken \0 lIell feal estate. )' ml'sIII'oners ...... ...... ...... .......... 12 ." 7~ It ia frell from rye' Cbllllt cockle or 1scald!!, cnt!!, wound s or plle~, It hus I'IUS UA' t' IIAI N:., . no eqnl<1 GUltrtlnt"eu by Fr ' d ' I't'alhs I,a",,., LYll c- •• f() n o ,, ~ : &1' of re.1 edate Ilpprovod. Westero i3t&r paperlt tor UOIII. 1i0Y, spurious seed, Recleaned ~:lh wn rt.;', d rnggl st, :,jao. a . NOI' l hbf)un d 7 :-, . \ . Itl. F. L. SHINKLI!, l~ t,b.e of the Ilpplloatlon of ' roil8loners......... ......... ......... .7& relldy for 'Jowlng, *1.00 per bushel. _ " .lI l blJound II Oh II. M.nufact .. ,lnl Ph",m.clat, Fr,ok ~penoer. IIdminllltrator. Val\ey 1'eiepbone Co.. reuts . WUl. H. l,;urrll~ny, Lytle, Ohio. MUNCII, INDIANA • 064lred Ulat n tloe be I18nt to lobe Bod tolls ...... ............... ...... 14. 60 lioUle Phone 27. Centerville EJ[. • U •or"""/,,.. ~ttd -;;U-u.u ..... _ I*,,".ID Intere8t. Bearing I18t for A~ I ' . ed ohanKe ' Vet.crinary i:!urgeon Imd Deniist. (lppUoaduu, *-pt.e be SO rill a UtlOn , W88 pass necessary '. BataU:e:f EJizabetb Du~baul. de. to "eoure the State aid aplJOrtlooed La;':Back 0 ~. Inentor,- and appl'alse. to thll coonty for publlo blgbways. This IlIlloailment for whicb Cham . i At Borne 00 t:iatnrdlLY Afternoon. _ , ated. '!'he petition of C. M. Bopklns and ,berlaln'lI Pain' Bilim blt8 proven es ! r • ~J WllilmT. Van Derveer,gu;udlao, othen for II. road waa plaoed on file pealally vahJllble . In !llmost every ,j . a) neSVb e, 10. aud Glh80n Low Bert Reed and lUlltanoo I~ affords prompt and per beall I RV .... 811.10 , aD lJerveer, m e. • m'lnent rellef. e.-IIjIti•• ,ranted lene to IDV~st Jobn Keater were appointed U Mr. buke LaGr. ge of Onnge, ... . , .. IIMI6oltaW. Vlewen. &id road being in 8urvay MIOb .. ll&y8 ot it-: 'After uaing a 0.1•• I dl No;. 1248,.ID liltmlilon townabip. ~= f~~d :\~:: rt~rue:. . . . . UTATK TaANBrEB8. Con'raot ~e' to Lennie Wbltaore obased a bottle of . <.lbllmberlaln 's \ P.. yaleD~r of K ......r A. Bennett to i'1'8noll ' ~. for new .&one abutment and l'epaln Palo Balm, and two IIpplioatlonR I M~st people do not realize the alarm· "'eak, Vonl-out., AlArldp. 7,. I,orea tn l'urt1eoreek to bridge aD Balem \ownsblp at el· J etJ~to>da n core. prev:,lency 'aJlllOt :;lcep; .., . '' -For sale by J , E . inr mercaae and. remarkabl.e of kIdney disease. nervOllS, '",,,ubl,I,.1 !&Dd o'.ber good and &I~.te $48.311. . nney. While kidney dis· lta\'c iJJ<lige ·tiun, ltcadvaluibliloimlldtlr... t,oo.. . Con'raot le& \0 J ')bll ,WOlfe for a orders are th e a e.lIe llclIraloria ot· pcri. Sadl B. '~ , • most common ,)_Ie A. .R uIfDer to e CODoret~ abutm8llt w brldp on diseases that pre· odi· paill :, it is be 'anse alutrper, 111 .or8ol iD--- townllblp. CaNaraUreel[ ROIW in Maille t~wn vail, tl.ey are . yQl1l' 1]CI'\' eS arc weak It :.~ ' AMp at·the eaUmate I. •60 per oublo almost .the last ...000, r ecognued by The world.famed treatment ~. .L . OIIMb, \0 t~ E. tiber· yard. patient aud phy. if:) the luck or llervc force for Piles, Eczema, open sorel, that llHtkCf:l the t:itolUtlcb, and !,lana, apeolfloatlona "ud 6IItimate :!~:~'1~ilt~:"~e[~~; ',wopel, 10' ID W.yneavllla, nasal catarrh, and all the dishCal·t, hili!;.' , et '., wOl'k eases of the skin, burns, etc. ,ol~ "aluatll.. OOIUIIlleraUonli. for ••'one abutment 00 WIlliam. vall. doohlring t~~ ~I'at., while tJle "riD' impel'fed I~r_ uccomc sick. ...elkllA W. RoM to Lou E. Van 80n road In Deerfield \ownshlp aF' ilia'. di.eau undermllll:s the system. )1 - . !&DIS Wbat T ,o Do. 1>.1'. Mile" Ncnille cures 1 I .....ltnleD • . 0& U aBOn,., proyed and oonlraot let to Ikllt There i9 COlllfort ill Ihe knowledge !If ~.. "aluable ooo.ldoratloD. Reed a' t,he eatlmate 11178 .• 0. of teo expressed, that Dr. Kihller '" the ISlek Wh () l1 it I' 'stores ,;..,." Va BarJiD"en to Melse"a Swamp-Root; the ~reat .kidlley • ........- ... o. Plaol, apeolfloa"on and eltlmlw fulfills every wish 111 c:llrillg rheullllltl sl;l. nerve ISh 'Ilgtll, aml puts EndorSed by physicians, lead· 1I'.' IIoQee, lot I.n "uoo, II ~~d ocber for a oonoret.e and ltone oulver' ~'D plLin in the back, kidneys, liver, bl"dder the]> wcr bclJiil(llte 01'ill&, druggists. and thousands of y Tf"'W"OODItdera,IODw. Bnoter pike and Mal8le townshlP. l lind ",'ery part of the Uriullr .. It correct, illability to bol. !"ssage. water gau to rIo theiL' work. grateful patients who have been IA 8. Van Bal'llugen to Barry .Jlpr.~ved aDd cont.raot let to .Johu i alld scalding paill ill passing It, or b~. 1 cured by its mal'\'elous healin& "AlntOHt thrl! l~ )'t'l1~ T ~lIrr red from ......anD 10' in Mapol' 1\11 . eflecta fo11owlIIg use f lihuor. wille or n r\', 1\I t4 I1,·"'H. h IHi";"tH :"" , a.lul Vlth,lta.power. 8 . •Tb--,--" • ad I "I t \1 W.. lre .. t thu eatlnlatlltn -1(1. .. or Utt ' h.... ll·l. I ··j" . . d IIftl cnt or .. beer, aud overe"lIles t,hat ""pleasalll II '. 11011 ",1 e.f'1} Ilh (" JIlII';!!'I . 'it' WIllie tlr tulk In the treatment of hemor. . DoUe II. JloklODa' PI U • rtl: or, ~OPtrilOt entered into wlt.h ft~r. ' I*w..a pod u4 POOlllled B., UMliIi' cruity, of beiug cOlllpel1~d to KO uftcn wltlt,lItt HIIR", 'fllll; . . \ IllIJ;'cl hf' " I wn.• , rhoids, it obviates, the necess' 'mnlltlun . My .Jfl('ltJr tlltJ not ' · &0'..... JacUon, lall allrtMI i~l ~Dr. 1"" \\" bltllore, for hridge lumber, I during tbe uay, and to get up 1II""y ~,trl" 'curn lJ,u. till' I~ II~' ":'lit:'tl, I !Iud tried ity of a surgical operation, and .. IIs>WDlbl", IS13a. , , go'-" (In"11 "'flpt.. rober 2"I" . durin~ the effe(:t night.of The mild "IIlI tW nll\IItvY do f t,.l- lIIl ·dh'H tI,.LI I d Id lIut have I _ .. r " r ".. • "'''' Itimes the extraordinary Swamp-Root', . 'n ln tll'h h"If,· l ir 1I1l ~' I I ( Ifwm cJotl1~ me the danger and excruciating IUI Jlolllun t.o Dc,llIt1M .•J.OklOD . , d iJ is 10011 realizet1, It MluIIls the hiKhe~t , nu~' JfO(~, Ol't • • 11 ,·.. • N ur\'lu C' W"8 I pain. ,It cures quicker, and jo( u~ I-f{ ' j.lft j l1 " .v H ft'li'u d. J ~flt I'oll or "orllll iu Harlem towtlllblP, (i!outr"ot. ltlt. to LeWIS aD fln ,. ' . for ~tlI wonderful cure!1 of the "It)Nt ili ~. ' .. ' I " 't't IU til e Uri'll. 11 1,,1 Il r t f" r ;1 r.~ w tlllytl dod and vilhm .... ' oon•• I.. I'IIIIU r~r ,11 OODcrott" lareb ull t he I aim for eo.... B.... Sheep aad o.w... tr~9siDg cases. If you !locd It IIIcdid Ill' IS entirely safe and painless. , 1" tt,1t 111\ lt U IHlW JlIlJ'''''" , It Hot uuly .• • ot. rR W.y08llvtlle Ind F"uy road 8. yousbould1lavetbeb,!st. Solllby dru!:. r eltf·\,,,,. ) tn~' ' lI'a I" ill lfl 11 r\" 'H, but Send for circulars of hunhus h l\' I~\)rl,*I 'd til}, \\ ",,10 MYHlem, I 1.I~eraalo"" . , W 'yoe IOwnabl"", $4.511 l)(Ir oublo Ki", in fifty..:"nt ulHl aile·do)h.r sizes. dreds of thousands of testimon11m v 1'30' gra t l·r u . 1.f'('JH Il'If, ttlnf*e J M t I· ... • A ..betltate tor..- A. creat _YlDI to \'011 fIIay have a SlImple bottle DUJ a 8(0)1'1,".1 ""ilL " Il. I I",,· hA,1 ,,1)80Iutel)' ials and professional endorse-X!~Q Sulder to ttarab J . b01 1l yard. . .' ,. "'- Parmer ud SIookIllDD. n haa cIouhl_ book t1lllt tells an ' , no return of In \' ftlll I r .. ., I.!t..... .. ~, _ Il'A-' 'D Barlan WWDl! P,. .veDdh. DoD't cJe. tide wllb \.he 1IIDD7 ', ,,boutit,bothsentfree Mit ,. JIOW 11:> ~'OnD ments. 11 your druggist does _w, ... I worthl_ otocI< I\)oda OD " ' . market. 0 ..... 10 8urumlt .'\."e.. Wurc"sl e r. ~I.Ua. , ~o&ber "aluablll MulderatioD.. IPlan~ and lpeolmuul for a .tet? ~teed aa 7C:1ed. 01 •• Il. trial. IDeIat by mail. Addre •• Dr. not handle It send direct to D •. Mlle.' Ne.vlne II .old by your ''nm B. DM.. Oo!_I.b lo Agoel tllultb, beem bridle ou Mason and Kings OIl~'IIiaa Jr=::·~'~TaIt. Killller &N. Co Biug. druon'at, who will gu;arilntee that the _ h ::Dd~rdealer MIl Dot Ie" hllmton, V... Wlllm .ARSHALL ME.ORLINE CO•• lI .. t bOltle will benellt. If It falll, he will your money. oODAlderatloQ. )hU • . pike In Deetfield to~nll i ·., wtiting lllclltion this paper alld don't .~IIIJ1. I., IN u EVaD. to "Ille U. ",efilllopproved i oontraol to be le&.. D. e. RAOON eTOCK 'OOD 00. make IIny lIIistuke. bllt remember the Miles Medical Co., Elkhart.lnd I ",.rlDaD . .... , , \._ 23 1107 Evan_ville. Ind. !:IlDle . Dr. , K~ll11er s i)WBlllp,RCIOt, ulld &ftDa. lot..'ID Fl'!'nldlo,~~OO. 8epwm ....r , 1 ." -.eaddr,.,II&. BIIIghamtoD, N;';. ,











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.~' ·'~:f~_·E We receive subs iptions for all the leading magazines and newspapers 'an get almost all of them 'at "specia, ',!11)~ prices. ' Write hone 'orean at the Gazette office. NOTE: .,.



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~e8 a~vertised bo any "r~i)utabte ,suhsc~iption ag~ncy. -, .-...... .



~ ' '''

. . . .r"."".......".,".. . . .r~~,.,I;"""..._r~"'..."""...~~ .

~_40 ....~"",.,.........r~."".

IN A SAILBOA T By M. A. Keeler 1!!1"-~"'-"""''''''-~,,",,-.-I'''--''''~-ooJill'o--~''''-''''I1I\I'1~1 ( op),rlcht,



Shelter i81nnd III a feast for the 8\'OS lit 0\1 seasont of the yellr. bllt 111 th e mon!.h of May tt I, tbe fairest allot on Long Is land j tben It Is In the Orsl glol7 of Ita' brtlllanl ve rdure. and !.he eort blue sky above and It s blue refleCtion In the wate r belo"" presents II plctll.l'o of sucb eXQuisite beatlty lind "('pose thnt fe w brusbes could do It justice on ('.nDVtuI. 4-t Prollpect. tae· i n ' tbe bay, si-ands a Queen Anne cotlI\~e ,,'Ith mnny hangIng· balconl s, I ltd standin g on the most ee ri e one sl'e two l"llung women of the uIne· techt b century ultra.fasb lonable type; the smnrt cu t of their clolh frocks 8118lrests Redfc rn and their flne b arlDg and co~sc lol.le worth tbe thoroughbred. It Is nbout tell o·cloc k. " It's a1\ \'e ry lovely and peacetul and sert'ne, Lily ," says th youll ge r of the tw o gIrls, willi a II ltle wear)' sigh "{lut I like It b.etter In August 'whe n the hllY Is thick wltb yachts rowboHts; In foct. to be s Incere wi lh ),011. It hus about as restive an a r)pelll'lInCe now as lhe ' Dese rt of Sa· ha 'a an I r think we wer down right Ihl~t 'lO ; town so early t his sea-


Dowl ••.)

1I0rt on~ tbe IIhot rattles through the busb es like hall. Without a cry Lily sinks to the ground. and Bortha lies at hal' side In 8. dead faint . A ta ll. brood-ehouldered. florid -faced )'oung mnn dnsheB tb rougb the IInder· tJrush , wi Lh. a n eoger, huntsmnn·llk look on his handsome roc , b~t hi s ex· pression changes In a flas h to Qnc 01 borror wh en he sees tbe kInd ot ~am e he has brougbt !lown, He takch In th ~ sltuaUon 'at a glanco. nnd with a now ashen face he rushes do.wn !.he em bankment. "Effingham! " he cnlls. In a h.~Sk) VOi ce. as he aears t he bont ThtBerkleys," he stops short Blld chokes "For beave n's AaKe, my lord, what has happened 1 You are shskln g like a I a f." "Tho B rk leys; YO:lr lriend. haol, Oo~.. help me. 1 hay them bolh , H burled hIs fac In hIS bands whil e 111 ... Effingbam gazes III bewll d rJ?eul Bt l he Pixie and than al hi m. "You see," ho conti nued, raiSing hb head. "llIey were on tb e other side





On. Remedy Appearance. Indlcatad Nobleman Had Never Tried:

Follow The.e Rlrcct lon. and You Will Lighten La bor.

The carl of Surrey. afterward eleyonth duke of Norfolk. wbo was a notorloua gourmuod and bard drinker and n leading membo r of tbll Beef. Bteak cl ub waSI 80 rar from clea nly In bls per80~ tbal blli servants used to avoll tb c mselycis of his Ols of drunken· . nees-wh lch were pretty frequent, by the wBy-for tbe purp080 of waBb•• Ing blm, On tbese occasions tbey 81rlpJled hi m a,s tbey ""auld a oorps, Dnd performed tbo noeMul ablutions. He WIIS eq ually noto rIOUS for bla horror of cloaD I1nen. One day. on Ills eomplnlnln« to Dudley Nortb at. bls club tbat be bad become a lIertect martyr to rh eumatism and tried e very possible remedy wltbout aucces,s ,tho lalter wltllly replied: "Pray. my l\lrd, did YOU, ever try _ clean IIhIrl1"

YOII Clln do a mornlng's work In one .hour a nd a half by fo llowlo g the so dl rElCl Ions : Put eight ceutll' worl h of bor(UC. Ove cents' worth (lr GaIts turtn ... nv ~ cents' worth of (loWdl'r d ammonia. nod one packuge of notasb Into 'five quarts ot bOiling water. T urn ' 006 11111l1'!. of wat e r onto th o po\asb tl rst nnel let It sta na un lll cool. til n alld the r ~t. Let the mixture sland 24 hours. and It Is ready to use. Thla makes enollgh for 20 was hes. When rendy to uso. take one colTeo cUI)Cul of the "Quiok and Ensy," shave haH a cake of soall. aud ndd llIcm to YOll r bollerful of clotbes, Boll hl\lt an hOllr. A gooel rln Nlng In Your bluing . wate r Is a ll thllt hi necessary. unl ess somc collar or wristband Is very mucb solled,....!.Harper·s Dozur.

BRUTALITY (){: '- M -E -, -D-IC-A- L ~rHICS.



A Great 8urgl:on Barrc:d from Mem·

berahlp In Medical Alloclatlon, (From


When the Palate Becomes Tired of the Old Preparation • •

lho Nntlonnl Dru&'8'lat tor .June.

hertl. r "tllY and haf aebel an~ paID .. fl)1' 14 yeaI'll! "It la too long! 1 did not t'lnk Jt. vl\l be so long! But I lr, to make de

'pas t


It, und do' Vllt little goot .1 can, Yea. 1 L'luk ao. Bllt 6(lIllf! UmeO 1I0t. Ja de olt co un lry "e vns all rll l~ ,'d I.utherl'n. And veil 1 (' to dis cou.ntrY. my reUslon van firat 1 Wlis gettin g httD m y vOl·k. aad don It vus val', ~nd 'val' Is ~ii religion. And den I rea\l,. and 1 Ond bow mony religions are In dis coull· Iry. anrl more In de vorld, ond I say. I hM not CII.(lttol to 'Invest In all. alld I do nO L like to rlsk' vat little I ha f In allY \'on! So I say, ']'ly r IIglon Is ~ moral! pl'lnclple-dat Is my r IIgloo.' "A mI It BOllnlt vell . And J h,ear mUIIY III n say It!· And I uotice de sa· loons ' o utslde de gate tb rlve 4e more as Inen suy dat Is nil de religion dllY hof. Anti ( rlrlk de religlQn whlc!l bar only mO~1\1 I)rlllciplo 80me 'VIlY do s 1I0t mnke men 80 moral a8 (Ie re llglOJis dut but . more. And I \'oudor .vat Is do reUglon dat begl.ns so mevore eIse. but makes moral' 'prln: cll)1 , . ';Vell . I stop r ending ven s pTl ng ames, and I come ,out nud ent ertoIn de birds. Oh, ye8, It Is ~o! You h ear m vhtsl1? Dllt Is de rouln. No w heBI' de lnrk! ' I Interest de birds; day t'lllk 1 om voo of dem, and dey vondel' \'Y I do 1I0t fl y! And de more I \If IIlDOlIg de birds, anll de more I look up a t de t r es Ilnd d sky, T say, •A h. God I. goal! ' And It do es we goot dBt I do 1I0t ·get . ven I say. 'My r IIglon Is mornl prluclple.' And I flnd d 1ll0rl\1 principle comes easl r, "Den 1 remembe r de olt churcb In do olt co un try. und vat my modder tnught me. a nd I 81lY. 'Y s. mornl prIncipIa II goot, but dis 18 be.lter,' AnA ven I 's ulfer r find atr ength. and J say. 'Fourt en )' aI's Is long" too long ; [ ,vonder vii I 110m bl e~ sed mit so Dlllch slllTerlng? But God Is goot ; and' If H Is best, I ,vIII .s tay .,.. yonrs mort!.' " . ;· It IIgton?

, . The Army Mule. l'(l l ' ~

QII"rt~rm n"l .r ·"

d~pllrlm ent


WMhlll(lton htu! ...·c Innl ' nd d the sul/gli· (\111011 ot l rl\nspo l·l.A lIon BUlotnobl l ~lI Cor 111'rny nlul e-!I.I . ) • W e 1l"rforlllM our d oeu s hur ol e tor I It bhlfl Dud t or th (- grll)': " · O· \, O ,0\[,,'(' (1 lhe boy s In Cubn , n nel wo"rc "n v 'n~ '('IIfl to· fln.y \" h ~" e lht'y 're h\Rrlltn '

Of t he ir I S80UII tn

th . 19nrrOll,'1I uchool- ' • lI ut lit W""h lngt oll t h y 'va ftgurcd t l'1Q\ It's bes t to .helve Ibo mul . \Ve lu\\'e Olug..rcd n long the d -'8('rl with nur tongue .. n n'r! carR ullrul1p. !lUI wo n uvor let n r ellBk ln CR l Ch u s l ag· gill' CI'nn' our t r o op; \\' 0 hll\'u trozf1in In M ontnna, whor u w o chl.lscd th e blulds of SIoux. .

Hut we took ou r do.c. prop er. tor u. ormy folks ·nn· t oho .e, SCI let ' 0 01 d o their bl um,,' with Ih Ir AutO"" on pnrlld ~: R nnl 1111111111'8 '8 1I ~ ",\ r pull M orr 011 luuo,nll rond" uud le\, el S1"aOe: It W h ~(>t 8 1111 ever Innk e It Ih !! )' eo n I""'k mq 1111 1 "run ~' I\ n my gOllo ll n o s ue ~gHo r ever do thnl

Ther aro a good mallY arUcl es at 1901. ) Dr, A'lgusttlEl Charles Uernays , who toad wblch afe di ges t d na lly. but lIltle Blu nt dIed a few daya ago In Sl Louis, WIIS, wblcb lack navor tlncl the pala ta eas· JUSI wR.ll unUl Ih. 1,111. nl'fl BrItti n 1980 prob~bly. the toremost 8urgeon In the lIy Ures or t1I CIU. OUS of thelle Is " pon YOu (onUJ ~ , gga, and th o (1101 lilt)' can be ov"'· And wnlt unUl l h w ago ns on1): Rhow up nlted States. His fawe was colr Iholr s pok". ; e)Ctc nslve wlLb .tho civil /zed world, He come by servlug th eill wi th BOnte de· Il's lln thclI )'Qu' lIlhlo r llie wlt lpllUl h II.- rad'-ions uo t only IIln operator of the hl gh· cld tI . fl n vor. Toma\o souce. an. In' so m et hlng ,'rll<)l. est order, but a tl rolllsB and exhaus· ch o"r toas t, sto wed cel"lry, and mallY And . t\ Il I'ul nin' In l he \rr\c::cs. thal sarno other things wi ll B u ~"e8t the mscl\'cs old Il I' m y mule! t! vo worke r In the fl eld of orlglnal . Th e I,'re IIInn_ to tho 1IIJnll of tho hOllsekeoller who Burgo ry, H e 1> rCormed the firs t lIUC' 6011. " . Is s eeki ng to mako th is easily di g st· cess rul Caesarian s ee lion In 1889 In IN THE SOt:DIERS' HOME. ed n utrltlve tood accepthble to some " I am really sorry (or you, Berlha," St. I. ouls, IInrl also the firs t successful member DC he r fomlly, SC'llIe tlmes It rClllles HIe otber. with un amus d coellotODlY for gunshot wOllnd of the can be flavored wll h a Slll lnklt ng of One Old ' Veteran Who Had Discovered lllok In he r fin e eyes. "Le t us give abd omen and th e first gallstone opera· cheese, sam Umos worke d lu to the What True Religion Wa •. th ' PixIe' her II rst sail tbls seoson; , tl ~n In Mlssollrl, A record held by dIet In some othe r form as c usta rds. she will he lp to liven UI) lh bar fo r Dr, Derna)'s hilS never been equaled: 'rho principle In d ealing wltb UIO simTh e leetrlc ears bearing . t1.IC I gend you." Out of els btl'·one s,uccesslve ple foods tor Invalids or peoplo whl) "S. <Ii: S. Home" run along I!treets lib· The grle \' d look IIi Derlha's eyes of allpoodlcilis whIch necessitated havo 80n1e dlm c ul ty tn nu trlUon Is to emlty suppllod wlth blll·boardB which gives way to mdlant de llgbt at h er operotlons . seventy·one In succesalon use flavors In dllTerent torms wit h dls- ll rocl.alm that young men bet\\' n th o slst r's proposition. and In gay 8111r· wero willi perfectly satisfactory re- ('re Uon to avuld tll'lng 1h taste' and ages of 11 and 36 are wanted fo r tbe Its th ey lea.vo the balcony and are SHERIDAN AIDED HIM, lulte, the sovE, nty·secor;ad ,patlon.t fall· yet gIve the amount of nutrition t nlted States navy and army, Those soon on the· pIer In their wblte flonIng ot recovery, but the subseQllent necessary ' unc!.er cover ot , dlirllrent seeking recrult8 for the navy pre· ne l yachting s uits and larpaulln bat.s dOlUlnate, beoause a ' large portion 'of General Helped Young Comml •• 'onect nine cases were successfully treBted, llllvore, of 'the jaunty SIlllor cut, . Officer 8elec:t HI. $wllrd, . the reorul ts 'for lbe ~a vy comes from And yet, wit h such a record. match· Lill y Is tbe skipper, nnd Be rtha I b~ less oa WIlG b Is skill, varied and ex· Inland. They are Inviting fouf-aheet Reg~nerate Salu. deck hsnd-as her s ister calls herGeorge Dunham 01: Boslon bell ve8' t~nslve II'S wnls his learn Inc, wODderSmeIH ng eaita CIIn he anaae ~Q last polltem. with a spruce-lookIng young her duty aboard Shill be ing to tend ful a.s were bls nccompllsh ment8, he (or years tJ fresh spirits are .poured sailor In the foreground and a .l battle- himself to be tbe younges!io COmmlathe center· board, hold the sbeet rope was not conside red. by lhe American over tb e balls oC slli t from tI me to ' shi p lYing In the omng. overarcbed s lone d 'officer who tougbt In a l\Jassa· wben occoslon domanus. shift tbe bal· Medical Assodatlon. 8S 'Worthy of lime, so 8S to ko,ep u p the oai gl nol with the legllnd. "An oliportunlty to chusetts regtment III tbe olvll Wllr. last. lind make be rself g~neral1Y useHo was a oeoond lieutenant at 17 and "trength of the mixture, Many pea. see tbe world." me mbership In that organization, ful. To look on thlll plotlll'O, tllen ,on the a fll'1Il lIeuteuant at 18. There Is sCBrcely a ripple on the No charge81 were ever brougbt pIe usa s l)lrl ls ot ammonIa In this Mr. .Dunham WIlS' born ' In 'Falrhaven bay, and lbe half dozen filmy clouds agaJnst him '7o'hlch, In tbe remotest connection , bu~ a still more powcrfu l plctu're of the .wrec kage made b)' bove now ' lost 1lI mselvea I.n tbe bille degree, r eflect'e d on biB Quallfioatlons Bpecl~c may l)a found In a comblna. war, at the end of the ctJ:-Une. aeems III 1846, and at tho outbreak of tile ethe r. as a BUrge on: Ills moral character wa.s tlon at thl s s pl ~lt Wollq oU of larendor. hardlY to constitute an attractive ,In. war was attending hIgh school, In ugust. · 1 62. tho (ederal mustering The ,breoze II .teady and gentle; never the sllb,!ect of attack; 'he Will In the · pr(lllorUOn 'of .two psrts ·of·the m~r, In loa kla over tho 'lblrd Mas, the girls ke p up a rattling chatter at never accusedl of having done any- (orm j3r ~o one 'ot lhe .Iatter. In pro: 8a<lhusetta regi me nt, snw a mlld' manflrat, bllt th utte.r peace and quiet thing unbecoming a man 01' a -gentle- curing the aaumonla. 'howev'3r, care nered. rosy·cheeked boy. whom he 6tlemS to have a subdued elfect. nnd man, "The 1I,ead and ·front of his of· mus t be tak en to avoid choosing orogreeted a)l ruptly ' with, "How' old are soon the only sound benrd Is that of fendlng bad II.hls extent-no 1Jlore!" mnUe spi ri ts of ammonia In error, you. kid ?" the woter [IS tho " Plx,e's" s harp bow He dared to think ! He refuse d to tho ,villar ' which It 'contall1ll prevellt·· "Eig hteen." was th~ re plr, lag sortly cUls through It. It t rom amalgamating wltb the mold his opinIons and to gove rn bls . "You're a ~" we ll. It amounted \0 Ttiey ljall on, bllt It Is not 10nIJ be- Look ~th Blanched Fac•• In the 01, actions by the arbitrary rules which 011. a deliberate fa lSifier. But he enrolled fore (he soil trembles a nd the eddy rectlon of the 8o~nd, thoae whom he knew to be his InferPotato Fritter,. I6·year·old G Qrge Dunbam as Il ,~ru~­ that 'closes behind the boat Is hardly lors hod set up for hIs guidance! In Tak e one pint of bo iled ond mash. mcl'. p rcepUhle. "Bertbo," says Lily. at o! the brllsb; I heard a rustling, other words, be could not regard the ed potatoes. one-haH cup of hQt milk. . Tho. young tI,rumme,r'.11 1m p tUOlI1 I n~t. " we are going to be beca lmed; tbought It a rabbll., YOIl know. 8.nd- Code of ElJillm of the Ame rican Medi- threo 't ablespoonfuls of butter. tbree na ture did, 1I0t IIgree wltb the .Inac· tb.ere Is scarcely Ii brenth ot jlIl'." Orad, When I saw wbat I had ,done cal Associati on ae belug Inspired, or tablesJ) of, liuFllr. ~O _ eggB. a t1ve lite . ot a lIIuslolan. He was aI" Don't m'entlon an ything sp mon- I 10llt my bead. 1 never was a1 bavlng any binding Ilulhor.lty on him .little nutmeg, on e tea.spoonful slllt. waYII playln'g, Instead of t.~o-rour, twos trous !" crIed ' Bertha. dt'opplng lhe knocked out beCore In my life ; In· where hili jndlgl1lent· told hilA 1t waa Add. th o ' mllk, _butter. Bllgar and s ea. forly time. l1e be calile a private 10 book slle had been reading and now s tead of waHlng to see what damoge wrong. And so, twenty years agu son log to the mnsbod potatoes. tben the ranks. Beelng acUve s ervIce under (lilly oli ve to the sltllatlon. " We shall I bad caused 1 rusbed to yoU; bllt 01' more, 00 ac:count of some lrlvlal!n- add the eggs, well beaten'. SUr until Burnside In North Carolina. and ,par· slmll!}' brOil s landln g stili In this hot t bey a re badly hit ; they got the wl;loh! tracUon of tbls sacred "Code," , a smoot h Ilnd light, lipread about one. t1cllla(ln~ III three e nga&e m!l~ bt;!' sun. Why. there's RollI ns Island; charge at short range." movement was started tu expel him half Ine l1 deep o'n a bulleY'ed dish fore the OJ[plration 01 his nlntl. li;t0nthl l eannot we make It before tbe wind "They may not be dead; cbec r liP. from the loeal assocIation, which was a nd. set (Jslde "to cool. When cold cut enlts lmen t period. One of these', ' "at go S IItlogetber?" the Drst thing to do Is to go back only defeated by his hastily se nding Into SQD.a res, dip Into beaten...eggs and PlymolllJ1. N , C., was partlcularly' _ " ' ol unless we row; and even then an d see. t ot some water In your In his resignation, As membersblp In l'ii bread crumbs. try brown In boiling ver , 17 ' of DuDbam's company beI am sure you wHl not care to land ha L" the A. M, A. Is depend ent upon me·ro· Cat and Iterve Immediately, Ing killed In a. many minutes, the re." Bertlla had recovered conscious· bershl p tb\) local and State BocleThe 16·year-old Boldler had been "We mny as well row to th e Island. ness. aM as the two me'n .d as h up tho Ues, his name 'VIIS dropped by tho . Fig ' Jelly, baok In sohool at Falrhuve n . but a . aCter· all," says lillY. presently. look- blink 'she Is sobbIng over Llly's pros. ,naUonal organlfotlon. Pick ove r, wasil and soak over nlgbl month whe n lio reenlisted as lergeani ,lu g wistfully' at tho t re S. "Tbe re, oro trate form . An'd so. tho 11gb he .. hod saved thClu· III colil water on~ pou nd or cboillng In lJ10 'Flfty·elghth Mn8sachus Ha reg~ l)roba1l1y no men there as early as It will take th e doctor many hours , sands of JIves; though ,other 'lIhysl. figs. Cook In tbe water In whlc'l\ they l!lIe nt, 1l1ude \Ill entirely Qf 'iete~anl : th ill, a nd we Clln rest In the sl1l1de to . pick tbe shot out of Bertha' s clans had pr-ofi ted by hIs nit; this wore sO!lked over, a very slow' 1l\'e un· who had seenacrvlce, In the prevl,o ps until tha wind comen UIl." sboulder, bllt she does nq! heed the brilliant surgeon; this great ond a'lle til tender,. Drain oft the liquid and to nlue mon lhs' call; Sevon days trom So tbey took lhe bra~s: Upped oars ~tlng 'and Emart; he r ogony a t Lll y's Il\an, bas. du ri ng all tb eso years; beeD each pInt of It add tli :3 juice of t wo thO tim ' tbe Flrty-eighth'e Qt)ota waa alld rowed toward the s bore. It looks badl y woun ded hand and wrist mak es an outcast-n medIcal "scab;" not lemoas. a h alt cup of sugnr and a h'llt 90lUplllte In Septemb r. l 63. It wal' qn very cool rind IlIvltlng' her oblivIous to h~r own pai n. Th,. . recognIzed as "eLblenl" or worthy or ounce of gelatlno. soat ad \;:!tor\1 band the nrln r; line In tbe WIIdernel1 uader Robins Is land Is owoed by a club shot. f.ortllnately. did not tonch oltber felJowshlp by tbat body of phys lclano In three tnbJ ospoonfula of cold water. o · New York me n. lind Is a bunting of the gt rls' fac es, but It wtll be many banded togefher In the AmerIcan Med. Strain througb 1\ jelly bag Into molds "I Com. Out and Entertain de Bird.," Gen. Grant. ,From thla Ume nnW t~e l,'l'ollnd. tbore bellig on It One pre- weeks .before Lily can again soli llIc Ical Associallon! wet wllh cold water. and set aSide un. vltatlon; yet 'perhaps the COlD tort o( e nd of the war. younll Dunham Wil.l the home provide d by the government. not out of hearing of whis tling bulleta_ serve8 of Qun.ll. etc. Plxey. And this Is the assoclaUon whlc)!, til cold ; t hen Pllt In the 100 oheH t unUi [or' Its disabled veterans adds Hs own In November, 1864. at the a~Q 0(-1,7. "Tbls III almost aa advenlLM'e," When Bertha· sees ~fr. Effingham undeJ preteDlle of working tor ~'he firm, Eat · with arflam . The jeUy suggestion of attraotiveneBs to a mill· be was commial loned..Jecond Ileuten-, ,)I\nts Bertha, as s he removes her hat sbe jumlls up and rllns to hIm. tryin g publlo good, Iii. hi re ality, only seeklng 8houlll bo 0 rlcb amber color. an t, and Boon overcame ' the , i _'t ..oi _ aud brush es her damp bang off her hYllterlcall y to explain th e!r prese,;,c(, to control Congress and the State tary lite. . . The Baby'. BIb, Within the gates are ample grollnds mellt ot Ulen under him ,who "!'0r.e. <1111 fo rehead . tbe Island, Legislatures tn the Inte re's t of their DDnlsh an gora ' cloth Is splendId a ri d commodious bllllding's. Old ' sol. enough to b~ ht'll father, ~y hls - .1lJ1I "Hus h!" suddenly crl ea Bert ha, onLord ,Bertie Dur\1 ey k.O\Iels boslde own ' selOsh s(:he/lles; which Is trying mate rial (or Infants" bibs on acoount holdin g up a warlllng ' fin ger to he r th e IInconsclous Lily. and wltb trem· to create a CabInet Ilosltlon ond , to of Its weight, and It launders beauU' dlers bask on benches In the sunshine, In' handling 'tbnnl an\! hIe C<H1Jlllge; In . IIlster, wllo sIt s some distance from bllng hllnd nervously spattol'a hel place one at :Its members In that po- tully, . , . or IIsh In a 1Itt10 lake with an a ppar. battle. . With the rest ot the 'Ji'lftyent, aatis[action Which lIeeme to be no e lghth....:",hle h III glv,~n a blgh .l'at\nC her, with bOI' h ad leaning agalnat the swee t fnce with salt 'waler. Hf sltlon' which Ie erdeavorlng by laW' Tho embrOidery should be dono wltll whit lessened by the lack of' tlsh; or In. Cox's " 300 flg/ltlng .reglm'onta"tn:llk o'r a tree. She listens Intently, wrls~ with his haJidke r to ex~lude from the use of the malle, II. ' falrly ' .heavy cottol\ and !.he stltchee. thoy limp or I'Ibuffie along the w~lks, J,..1e,ut: Dllnham w.. '}n ~e thick oOlle , .bhlds her . turning he r head pe rtly on one side cblef. he II . def_ and gontle. and. II all manufacturers of medicines who should be close and even, or do light work abouthe grounds, war Itom the W.Udernell8 to tbe, t.a.k· like a bll'd, and tben Bays. In a slag!! If dais ies are IIsed In embrolCterlng , • Each manha. his o~n story, Here Ing at l'>eterllburg. At ' Spots)'l,anla Is pathetic a ,watcb his Quive ring IIp do not comply with tbe Ilb'lUrd rewblsper : " Would not .It be too un· and the greal elTort be puts forth to I t tl t th h ' to BAt, , . QU remen s I 11\ ey c ooso ~ I' the bib they sbould be wOl'ked In sat, afe 2.000 separate.' tragedles of the. he ba4 hllJ onlY..severe wound'. ·a thatutte rably terrible. It the re should be appear calm. med bapil wWch cOli1!ned ,bl~ ~r a _ "1 feel BS If' l could shoot myself for up; which •. In ahort, Is . trying to put In·atltched,!.he le!lvea voided • . or. It long aft!lrmath of ~r. any lIIen he re. Lily? I am sure 1 ' One 'old loldler.• who saluted with llhort while In the West Philadelphia heard so melhlng like tootsteps way tbl!', E ffingh am,'; he saya, bltte riy. upon tbe statute books of State ~nd . ,pther words. worked from m_ld,,\:eln ,tt when Lily bas been taken to the boal nation laws that will, In effect, es~b- .. aD both sides. Frencb knots ,ma) - military grace, t~e v1l1ltor stopped: Iios~ltalt be, had a dll~~UD back In tbe woods." and hie cheerful ·.tOry, with Ita bllman 'Probably, llev~r befcn:e r Of • • lIlee en· "Your Imag ination Is too actlve tor IIoIld lUade as comfortable as possible. \Ish a kind ot medical priesthood, to be usel\ to fill tbe centeno The sou th wind bas sprung UP. and wblch only their own members will be A linge rie . button and a IIttle,' IooJ Interellt. lltands out ~rom among thl1 ~oye,~ by ,a. ' boy' of 17. He 'Yote~ tor comfo rt. Bert.lla; If yoil did hear anydozen or 20 othera of'the da,·. c¥ual President Lincoln. ' , , . ",. . . thing, It was probably a rabbit ; tbeso the PIxie Is once more under sail. but eligIble with power and contrOI . Or et close the bib at the back, a. cqua.lntanceshIPl, : Inys the youth',s 1. I\It\(; . ~~bam fareg m\I<:'b ~=r *: fall blishes are an e lTecttve screen for Mr. Effingham " ls the skipper. and tbe health and lives of the pOQple. ~ -" -jIan hI. comr"deilln HIlWo. ' H. Ood help the druggists, tbe druc Ice 'C'ream Cake. us. a ve n It any genus homo shollld Bertha supports Lily'S drooping heod Comp,anlon. " . ,. toW:, •'I' TO the yolk of one , egg and ' th. one at the F1ftY-«!lgh~b'l two' cp~rilllt' be abroad, which Is unlikely.. Now on her shoulde r. Poor LOrd Dudley manufacturers, phYSicians not memo "Hpw tong 'ban )'ou . been to e,en" . ~eath ' W'lI!" plea se do not speak to me tor ten watcbes the bont out at sight trolll bars of their guild, and the lIeople W'hlfes .',of three add one cuptnl 01 . leeDfed the natural question for 'alll, ~ .petera)lUrg w.. .. minutes ; I am too ' tired to even the ·shore. and the il flings 'hls gun as generally, If thIs assoclaUon .ever suo- sugar. ODe and three·fourtul capfuls 0' .openlllg of eonveraatlbl\; an(a. :. up: ' The unM~n trOOpa 'ha,4 .1111think ;" she closes her eyes and Ber· !ar out Into Peconic bay p~ hili strong ceeds In Its undertakIng, If It do.ea, ftQur, one-half ~upfu,1 ot sweet milk Questioner bad thought mIght be tlul dermlned ~e ooi\ledertte JIDe~t" 1i It..~ , tha .creePIl over to her nnd rests ber arm can send It. With !lowncast head It ,wlll, atter the fasblon ot the, labo~ . one·holf ()lJpful~ ~f 1;Jlltter. one:holftea he walk. moodily 'back to the - club unions. dictate a "closed ·abop." and , IIpoonful of cream o( ~rtar, Bake II ~~\ It a1ror~8d' a · polot of. ~ep!,rturs Iltelllllture blut le~' &llv~;O~l ~~ 1h8D bead In .her Iap,' ", ' , " , :. In the t:e~ment. .:fle'lIJl4 aao)hii11·1I,lU. bouse. .. eay to ' doctors wbo prefer to be Inde-' loat. ' , ' . " tor a narrative. "I am ashame.d ·t~ ',t eU JOU," . an' row ellcape whll n bl. comp~y. ~ .. About tbree weeks atte·r . the fo)'·e·. pendent. "You must Join our union ·, '. Icing-Beat the yblks ot two eggs Is a t he crashing In !.he ' the ."eteran, I8lect.IIl'l!4g'~k" lhlllllfn rald,l ng the'1l18D~~OB-or, tbe: ~f. ~I_e ..., notThere' far from gtrls. who havebushea been . going e l>lso de there are half a dozen or. fa II 1Dg' to d 0 so, CQmpel!.h em ta to which add elgbt tables poonfuls 01 8wered wordll with p'reclsloa, ' blft BI ~'!' --. I" , . . ate leadeF.; ' Mc~pId~1!. • On 0"" oeca· rlldeiy startl ed from their s hort nap, or ao ,\)eople IIlttl~g on the Yeranda get out of the, It II'~II s,a y powde~~d sugar and flayor to taste. with a strong German acce. n t. .slon' 'whell be weut 'lli~o the 'eo~pll" '. alld thc \' look w.lth blanched toces in i Of the . Berkley cottage at Shelter Is. what medicInes Bhall be .taken, and Boston Ginger Brelld. been here 14 yearS, ' . ' ~ .'a ary ot 'Alexandria to procUr,8 a" .new the' dlr~ct'lon ' of tho sound. Then a land. .Among them are Lord Bertle, how they shaH be ~ade, It will hedg9 Place togetller. one cup of molas8el . ",I did .. not t'ln'll: .,en.. ftmt I' came ,aYford, ,on " JlDco~t~ .lnalvliltUil ; ~ho dee p voice su<ldenly calls out : D.udley a nd Mr. mffipgham, and .1:.111 the people about with , a lot of petty . one.balt cup ot butter softened, one liat r~·.hould be ' blessed mIt so · mucb aided , him In lel8lltlq l~ !Ul'.lled ,out. " Hello ! E mngbam; oh, I say. come Is as b~au!ltul and daInty as ever; reIgUlnUonsblUli !dher prhetelns. e flof proteedctl·~ haltcUl), ot sugar, two eggs. ono CUI sarro,.. a& to lIt .., long, . An'd JIIBY'bD to, be'" Oen: Pbil Sherld,"" . , <t1 .. to be lure her wr.lst Is lUll ban. ng tbe pu Ic" ealt, nne. a m , . [n lune, 1865, he ""air bre.veted,,:tllit here! . daged ' cal will be established to thick BOur milk, .cine teaspoonful eool If nature hat ,not joint CUi' greot , pusl. Th re Is Ano ther ::rash . In , tbe . tyrannize over the people. ' ot ginger and cinnamon. one and one neBS Interestll, oppoaed to mh~e. I coult t11e l\ ,only : J8 ~yea..ra · bllshes, then another voice e.x clalml Let no mo.n Call tbls a talse alarm. half teaspoonfuls soda Bitted wit! , baf been out part or de Umo, ~tter the muaterlnp; o"t ~r lh'II tJp01IS In tones of a stonishme nt : • It Is now two 'monlhB Inler, and the II there are those wbo are Inclined three CUPII ot flour; ' beat; bake In' I · ·It Is hard ~Ol' one 'man In small "n 1865,. )le lived In OlnclnnlU II'nei "By Jove ! It's the 'PIxie; ' It must bny Is as thick ,With yachts anll row to do so, let them read the Journal ot . Ioaf; ser·ve . warm, sarnlBbecI "m, puslne......and nof 'atrong to compete Bu1falo lor .eYetal ' yeara. In Dultalo hD\'S drlrted down. It lip-longs to ~e bQata as Bertba likes to Bee It. and the A, M, A, Let t,h em Icnll the whipped cream. mit great tortun811 and nature. too. ,': he Wat command!!.r 01 0, ., R.; fOIIt UfJrkle" girls. YO II ; they have Lord BorUe Dudley'A steam )'ocht 18 _ _ _ _ _ __ "I made candles: ana de .011 and de 208. Dn ' returlllq to if....cliuatt. al Shell r Isl:\Jd ~ , Up·top, a Illlture In tb e Inlet between Man, proceedings of the association, held Dainty Puddln~ y\r alld "1!J1 diseases and all put me be was appointed a ~t.a.te 'Pl1~oe 011- , sWllggel' 1I80111e; but how In the name hansett and' Prospeot, Lily has lately always behlndl closed doorll. and careCut an ",ngel fOOC\ calle aroUllel tho out cJf pualn8ll1l. ADd 1 baf moch p,a ln,. car, a poelUon lie held for lIa/ y~a;" . or all t hnt'~-whY. Il's c.ncbored! ,. be promised to be Lady D\ldley In OoW. lully edited, l iS they are, before thSY center; put on ·a thlqk 01 .weet It Is for me to v&lk abo!1t; ThoUlb now 80. h, la 1OU~'" ~." . concludes. with a long WhIstle, .and bar, nnd they are going to England on are published In Ita o"",,al org_n. .I' ened whipped cream, aad .{In top , 01 ' a~!I dere I. no PUlllnelS for 1Q,8. For !!JOlt ot hll ~nu'ad... of U.-1far. a.ftli starts dGwn Ihe bank on a run to ,bill yacbt. they wlll do this they will lee tbat ,W. .i.hll place mansbmallow. ct08e topth "Ibo Bhall buy eandl811 any more 'from eX1Jecta to u:y, mat yeari. ,tit• .,' f the boat. . She hu 't old Bertba Ulany time. are net ' to create 'a blllabol? loar. TIIen put 011 a thlD 1811tr 01 me? And bow ilhall I gO Into de oU ., . . i'" • • I At th e sound of the first voice the that'she had a llrcsentlnltlnt whenlhe frighten tImid lIGula. ' whipped cream; p,lace on the iIt... New Vorkia IIrl8 bad seemed paral,rod; and,,£ould stelUl.ed.. on bond-the PIKl.. ~tbat rate "What to .. the HUe ", .• half of an(el cake.. th811 wblp.,.. p\lllloeaa! So J aet • Uttle more anll ,I little mo" YeU, anel a Utt,l. , Ne" York bU '''i,QOlt,OQO,~D!I o~IY Blar'J hOpel81111y at l'acb otiler. bad lometblnl In 8tore ' for ber 011 .ew -book.. , GOmi)aDlDJa ",olum. . . cnalllt ..4 ..... tilt man1laaJ more lIOhe &84. pal.... anll I II' It .p, of water ltorecl At tWa Inftant there Is • lharp reo that Mill D1orn.lDjJ. Utlecl "How Pronn U" WCNI4 . . . ' ~~!l~, "It .I!. IDr JoIIl'i aacI reterl,olr, .




.. '1 1";0








MELONS IN STORAGE " HOW PEAOE JUSTICE DECIDED • COMPLICATED OASE. SQth SIdes Seemed to Have the Law on :Their Side. and the JudAe Arole SlIbJlmely to th .. Occasion. Problema worthy or Solumon'lI aCII. men are of tell submilled 10 these ru. rAI arbitrators •. justlc II or th e p \.lce. In the Macon counly (Mo.j arclJlve'l \s a ca~e of UII. Bart: TlntoUIY Kalil, & farmor of Easley township, set out '80me wuterm laD vInes ,hlc;h thrived so lu xurl usly UJat they trespallsed \I pan tho fil.'ld of bls neJg bbor, Felix HOPJ",r, Wher. garnering time came' Kaln's altern VI to, harvell~ bJ II runaway prolllllit WUt rebuked by HOPller. linll his IIhotgun The coakovorsy' got Into court nnd Squire William Easley. for whom tho township WO ij nDmed. WAS ask ed to d clde Ule ownership or ten walermelon s worth 15 c nls apiece. Tho lawy ers for Knln read boolts to s how thoL bla rights or .Ilroporty followod the vines clear Into the nc):t county should Ih c ~' travel 80 far. Hopper's la wyers pr~ duced equally sound reall ing LO provo that Hoppe r waH elllitleel by law 10 any tbl ag that camped on bls promls s. It wasn·t Hopper's fault. they Bliid. If th e vines wanlod' to spread ont anll go ' Ivlsltlng; hIJ had tho sam right 10 tbom tbllt he would l\}lv to a colony or honcy beos thnt might get lI r d at Ibelng wlUI Koill aud cOllcl\lllOtl to wove ove r and mako hOlley ror Hop· per. S C!lI~ro Eosloy I t lh III wyers spont until tb y had r ad lh rough 011 lhel r booll s. then aroso to his sis reel and ' said : . "Mltcbell bas read books that make It absolutely certoln lbem molons be.long to Kaln. I hadil't uny doubt In ,the world' obout Ih nl till Gulhrle be ro got up and tur~1 d IIIltehell's law bot· tom aide Up. There's no question but wbat·s \h re .enough law In th e boob '101' both KaJn I\Ild H.olliler. and tbat ougbt to make 'om bappy. The court 'decides. under the circumstances lhal wltb the law decidIng both ways, there's nothtng to do but to hand out JUlllce as ho secs It. The judgment of the court Is lhat tbose a re Kaln's melona-It 'Thank you, )'our honor," said Milchell, arising and bowing. "but thft~ ho's Indebted lo HoPP'!r 20 cenls aJllece ·ror s torage," finished t.he jllsli6e. ''But, your honor," Bald Mitchell . In· dlgnantly, "you Q.Iln·t do tlUlt. Ther baven·t m.,d any claim ror slorag • be sides, you'",. allowing thom more fOI tbelr molona than they're worth on lbe ma.rket." I . "Tbe court will take Judlclnl noUce of the 11 rendonl's rt,h\.a. olrae t or no." IUlld Squire Ensley, with Ilome naper· ny. "And your own evld nce s hows HOPl/Or was dlllg nUy guarding l{nln'R prOllGrt:y for bJm. That's wortb SOlo th log." . "GuardIng It?" . "Yea. Kaln hhns Ir tesUfied 1;I0pper 'Was tbere with a sbolgun wh II 1\11 climbed over llIe tence."-Kausas ~ty St. .





A Wonderful' Reatoratlon Clu,ed • Onl ThIng, at ,LeISt; the Mother W .. 80n •• tlon In a Ponn.ylv.nla Po,ltlve About. TOwn. The late Senator PlaIt at COl)necMra. Cbarles N. Preston. or Elkland. tlcut enjo)'cd funny 8torl08 lind could Pa., says: "Three yoau ago I fouod tell a good many hlln801(. Notwltb· that my housewo rk standing his long J)ubllc life. he al· WIUI becomIng a bur· ways remembered a yorn tbat be car· den. 1 tired eaally, rled from bls scbnol daYIl. bod DO ambition and One year when tbe district schools was falllog tast. My opened In biB town one or tbe teaoh· coliJlllexlon got yel· ers. In making a record oC the ag1lS low. aDd [ lost over of her PUpllll, as reCl ulred by law. 60 pounds. My tblrst found tbat 0110 little girl, who como WIUI terri ble, and [rom a ramlly not noted fQr being there WIUI Bugar in especially brlgbt, wall unablo to say llIe kidney secre,tlons. when her 'birthday came. My doctor kept me on a strlct 'dlet, but .so In order to complete ber records. aa bis medicine was not helJllng me, tbe teacher walked two miles to aee I began nsing . Donn's Kidney Pills. tbe girl's molber one arternoon after Tbey holped me at once, and soon all school. Asked Ir sbe could remem· traces at 8uga~ disappeared. I bave bel' Just wben hor daugbter wo. born, regilined my tormer welgbt 'and am the 'woman thought for some llttle perfectly wcU," time. and then with a sort of puz· Sold by all denIers. 60 cents a box. zled look, said: . . "Well. the gal was born In 'taler F08ter;MUbllrn Co.• Dulfolo. N. Y. time. tbat's sure. but I can·t 'membe r TOLD HIM THE TRUTH. whether they was u,planlln' on 'om or a·dlggln· 011 ·cm." Dad'. Indignation Got the Beher of Hie Judgment. . CASE OF ECZEMA IN SOUTH.



SOlid for free copy of )'llllllplJ let con· , Little Son'. Explanation Seemed to tal.nlllg synopsis at the UJ:I Uted tat 8 Cover the Ca.e. , bomestentl laws ond In!orlllaUon how to Becur a quarter sec lion IJ r BI,I 'ndlll Utllc Bon. aged seven. ",hOEO train· farming or grazing land rl' () nlcIDg lhe Ing hilS been of the most 1IIIIn iitaking ne w railway lin s of the 1C111 cago & and conscientious. rathe r took aWRY Norlh·'" atofll Ry. In Soulih Dakota. his moth r's brenLh In descl'llJlng tho Wyomin g nnd othel' Illateel. Sf/eclol doS's gllllle ot ball. He end . d " 'Ith: exourslon ra~ 8 to 110mcseelkcrB. Full " And. moth er. Top" y cau ght the ball Info nnallon till r equest to ' W. D. tn her mouth. noll tbon just rnn lIko i{nl sltern l PaHsenger 'rrnffic Ma nager. h- ! " C. & N. W . ny., Cblcago. " Lllte wbllt 1" cried lho sturlled mothe r. A I-iopeleal Call!. "W'y, lik e h-. doo't you know, "Yes," sal'l tb e. bu sln esli mlln. "1 mothe.r ?" Innocently . hnve glvcn u, tr)'lot; to collect Ihat Ilt· "No, I doo 't bell el'o I do. Jus t bow tie bill from Bllkln 8. You see. he Is Ie tbat . dear?" sh e askod faintly. a bIg, mU SC Ula r fellow, a od he u$('d to "Well. I don't kn ow jus' what It thro w my collectors out." means. myselt." be contessed. "but !l's "Then w1.y dldn ' t you employ a • whole lot faster tban 'lI ckety ·spll l!· " womnn collector?" InQulr d a writer In Spare Moments. " H e could n't do that to a worn a ll." "T hat's what I tb ougbt, so I got one and Eent ber rou od. but sbe never calDe bacl!." "Wby not?" "He married het

An old German farmor, who resided Suffered Three Year8-Hand. :and Eye 10 one at tbe rural districts at the Mo.t Affected-Now Well and I, s ta te of Iowa. was tbe fatber of a Grateful to Cutlcura. balt·wllted boy. whose lack at Intel· "My wife was tak en badly with eczohict was tbe couse ot no little anxiety and SOlicitude on th O part ot tbe pa· rna for three years. and she employed ternal parent. a doctor with no effect at all un t il ~h e "Dot poy Sbon." he was heard to reo eUtpl oyed Cutlcura Soap an d Olnlme nt. mark In the course or a conversatlou One a t her ballds and her I rt eye with a neighbor of IIkc Teutonic were badly Ilttected. and when she origin . hhe Iss not forry brlgbt, ' aber would sto p using ,9ulIcura Soap and I Lon't vant you to tell him becauso Ointment th e eczema came bncle, but 1 ton't vnnl him to koow ft." very s llgb tly. but It did her a sigh t of Mcanwhlle tbe young bopoful was good. 'Cb en we used tbe e ntire set of drlvlllg through the barnyard wllh a Gutlcura Remedies and my wire Is en· load of hay. whlr.h In ottempting t~ tlrely recovered. Sho tbauks Cutlcura ty,rn a sharp corner ho unfortunately very Dlucb and will recommead It upset. blghly In our locallly and In every Tbe old Immediately became nook and come r a t our llarl 8h. I. M . highly lodlgnant. "Sho·nl'· be bellow· Rob ert, Hydropolls, Ln., Jan. 6 ond ed In a voice of tbunder. "you ills 1\ :;ept. 1. 1906," plame tool , you always Tass a fool. 1 _ _ _ __ __ )'ou olways vIII lie . a [001, you Dot Tom Oehlltree'. Moon. Atter Tom Ocblltree. that able con· . know ooddlngB."-Judge·s Library. gress · rsconteur and laugh generalor Why Advertising P,y•• tor tbe afflicted rlcb, selOed In New "You will be pressed for monoy Yorle as the amuser Qt tbe John W. oftener because you bave no advertl~· Mackay famlly, )Ie e1ferveeced In a Ing bills to pay than because you thousand dlrrerent dlrecllons. and was htlve," observes tbe Bulfalo News. as good In 89me ways as Sam War~. "Big ad vertlslng bills and big bank One night he escorted Jobn Mackay s bnlsnces grow, togetber. out of the friend, the count de Biscout. down to same publicity campaigns." The mer· the Battery to sb'ow the slgbt oC New cbant who balds down bls expense ac· Yorle. Tbe 01000 was gra.nd, a.n d Lhe count by cuJtlng out adverllsin~ saves count went Into raptures as "h!lr money Juet the way the " rollroads malden reOect(on rippled over lhe would If tbey should stop buying coal pearly waters." He cried: "Eet Iss tor thei r looomotives. - Without coal grand! Eet Is grand! Dalr Iss no the wheels won' t turn; without pub· such moon In all Haly!" "COll'Dt." IIclty trade comes to a standstill. It ly as befitted I Id Ochllt ]lays to throw stiver out of the window ~~e occasIO~~e:,y~~ efu~t ~ught to Bee that gOld may come In at the door., lbe moon.ln Texas!"

Had a Cheer Coming. Yea r s ngo, whe n the O. A. R. annuol department enCOmlID1tm t W IlS beld In Doston, as tb e vet el'uos we rE' march ing along one; at lb e avelluos a lady, who had securpd an le1'D ted position on a wa gon In a side str et. became can· splcuol1s by th e enthusi as m she dis· played. an.d wo s dlsslltl s fled with tho lack Of It In lhe by·staoders. "Cheer!" snld she. " Wby don't you 0I1eer1 I guess you'd cheer It you'd los t two busbanda lu the war S8 [ dld ."-Llfe.


Posit! \'el)· cured by· these Lltlle Pili ••


Tht1 ..1110 relieve Dlao-Lre,,~ rrolU DY8pf' pM'R, J.o-



dl~ e.lIOb "ndToo H."'rtr

ea , DI"Owli ueAIt. Dad' TnMte In lhe. lto Ulh . Cuat -


E allnsr.

edy ror I:!d


A perfect rem.

DI ..ln .....


N~,, ·

Pain In lb.

SId. . '1'O.n PID UV E ll. rt"gulate the Buwele. Purely Veaetable..




Genuine Mltst Bear Fac:Simll(! Signature

A_ ~­

TTl . ,



A . ·N.




CASTORIA For Infants and Children,

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature

How's ThIs?


rl n WeddIng Cuatoms. She-Do all places bave the snme custom as we bave In New Yor)c ot throwin g rice at lhe newly married couple? H e-No; In Boston' I believe they throw benns, and In Mllwaullee 1 have heard they throw beer! No Headache In the Mor ning. . 1<1'3USO'8 Hendu he '1\llsuleR I'or over·in· dulg~llL-e in f or! (II' ,Iri nk. Drll ggist~, 200. Norman Liebly lI[(g. Cu., De. ,Iioines, In. In this world every mountaIn· lop of privilege Is gIrdled by tbe vales of simple duty.-H . Von Dyke. ~ll'll.

Wlnllo ..•• Iloo.blnrt IIpnp_



For Over Thirty Years

~CASTORIA nt. o...,..u" . . . "''"••ur.......rI'Y_

If time Is moncy l'OU can 'tt accuse a 0. Little Faith. Givel Body to Science. laz)' ma'n ot being stingy . At tho Pine Grove camp ground In Edward F. Gilpatrick, an bS61ded Canaan. Oonn., a little girl was r eo man. bas made all arrangements for $3.00 53.50 SHOES T~i'~d:LO ~;,\'('d by ber motber for disobedience tbe girt of bls body at death to the -=--eHoE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF ~ . and belng naughty to ber playmates. Harvard MedIcal school for dissection. 'IO convlnoe an, THE FAMILY. AT ALL PRIOES• • ~ womlln thllt "ax. Tbe cblld waS told that when slie said study and research. He fears he t.ino AnU." ptlo will .211,DDD~Y1:"=:':::"-&w~ her prayers at night aho should seek may not live long. He was stricken impro\'o her henUb and do o.U wO clt.lm forgiveness and I1IIk the IJord to help at 30 years abd was found In a poor· for It. Wo will 'l'HE ltKAJ!ON W. 1.. Doagl...1,..... ani her ho a better slrl . Here Is the hou se 'near Portland. He gives bis 8e.n4 ber ab80lutely freo lit In'''b'C trl,,1 In all walk. of life 'hw any oll,or box 01 Putine with book 0.1 lostrucprayer wllich' the youngster made un· body wJthout expe~se. osClOlI" nt .tyle1 .... y.ftltlng. ,u,,1 tlODS and 1I"oulno t sltmonl~llI. S e nd Tho lellocUon or tho loathe.. an.! der protest: of th o lihue. and avery detaJl Ald. Engll.h Govornment. 'pOUfADIlIllOx8ndy8dtlrle'Non· 8 ZlIltl Ileals "Oh. Lord. I want you to help me to tbe 111011lboelrulll8U. ""IDPI.... organl ~. ~Io~:n. ~or~~:~~i~:~n~f.~ .,mod who... rectClV6 A Mohammedau army schoolmlUlter mind my mamma, to belil mo to be a mu c ous aboo lnd and [O ,e m· has addressed a loyal appeal to tbe better girl. to help me to be good to Ifl . tlrane a'· And thow you A Definition of ·Succe ••. my playmates. to-but. pshaw. Lord. native army In India !lolntlng out that fectlonl. Imob as nasal catarrh pohlo would tbon un~!.""ta".d How have tho hYllothe tical 6cleo· what's the use! I 'spcct you doa·t as soon as common aenso Is exer· CIlt.arrh anti Inllamm:.\.lon cauoetl Ily feml· nine mo i 80re C)'U eore tiu:oat and t18~ and the expononta at unbelief believe 'half I'm saying," clsed the .accusaUons against tho In· mQutb. by dlrect local treatment It.! curbeneftted them Bel veil or bumanlty at atly", power over these troubles Is extra.. dian government taU to the groun,d. crdlnnry and ttlvca Immed lnte relict. A Folnl Bird. largo by sowing the seeds of doubt ThoUIlUDlIs of "omen are u.slag and to... All IrlBhman who wa,n't mnch of II ommcndlug It everf. day. 110 e,,.,t. at 8hakl Into Your Shoes broadcast in the world? The real sol· drull&lsl8 or by maiL &lml·mber. b01\·evor. bunter went out to hunt one day. and 41len'8 Foot-En.... H curel painful,swollen, enUat. do not fall In this category. tor IT 008TS TIlU NOTRVW TO TRY IT. 'lUDIL n. PAXTON CO., Bo.t.on, H .... they are bellevel'1l In the real sense of tbe first tblDg he saw ' to ,sboot at wati fitnBrting. sweatinll fcct. :Make. new .hoes y. Sold b~' nil Drull{isto and hoe tore• . the word; they kn9w too mucb, ,they. • blue Jay alttlng saucily on tbe top .... Don' t accept IIny ~ub8btute. Snmpl~FREE. bave seen too many mysterlous . manl. of a tence: He blazed away at the Addre&s A. . Olmsted, ;Le Roy, N. Y. ' teatatlona pf the Divine creoUve pow· bird and then walked over to pick It er. Now, those who have dlslJOsed ot , uP. ' What he happened to find there the Dible and all evidences of Insplra· was a dead frog. '\1'nlch be ralsod caretlon, bave wrltteo a great maltY books tully, at arm's length, looklDI at It with and lOme of tbom bave won .whot tbe a puszled air. FInally he remarked: ~ ell, belobs, but ye was a devll of world at large lightly calls tome. According to the or!1ll1ary m ~lIsures tbat • fome lOOKIng burd be rur 01 1I1ew Today the great opportunities in farming, in cattle raising, are applied In luch coses, thoy have ther ntbers olr o'yers! "-Judee's LI· ~Iln ,extremely Bucce.sstul, but real brar:v. in timber and in commer,c iallines are in the country and .ucceas meaus tbe beneOt ot bumllll' FAMILY FOOD. ,"lEST BY E'ERY TES'r :' in the towns along the Pacific · Cqast . extension of the It)' in ' lOme form pr OthOI·., If no s uch . • ~.~.GOV'r REPORT. beneAta can be sbown os the result or Crl.PI Toothsome and Requlrll No thllir labors, tbelr success I,s nol equal CO,oklng. to that achieved by tho direst povert, and "the deepest Ignorance. - Joel A little bo). doWD In N. C. asked hie Do you want an en g ine ? Clll.nDdlerj III Unele Remus' Magazine mother to write an account or bow We have one you can " ', Grope·Nuts tood bad belped tbelr fam· afford to buy. We have The Goe.rt shoufd Go. I Uy. been building nothing but engines for The 'goeart fa kllllDg, says 11 Wrltel She ,naYii Grape-Nuts wal first ~5 yeats. We guarantee the Olds Engines will run properly. In the New' y:ork Pross. No mlln 01 !lro.ught to ber atteDUon on a visIt to The price is right. The engine is r eliable and simple • . W,e It is worth your while to investigate these openings. This ~man could lleep In one; and It II II Charlotte. whe~e she vIsited tbe Mayor treat you, Ji·g ht. There is lin agent nearby to see everythmg lSi can best be done by a personal visit. Such a trip is made ~lim3 to make' lnrants sit up ten bours ,of that clty ,wbo was using the food b~ dk a day In luch contraptions. ' The In· the advice of :hls ~b)'slclan. She right a~ ept so •. inexpensive by the lbw rates via this railway to North r ,'ant ~ho~d be allowed' to lie down Oat layS: . We h . . . . llherel prop9'i'l~n 'n make tn TOil, besldo. furnishlnc ,OU the tniin. , Dakota, So~th Dakota, Montana , Idaho and Wa shington. "Tbey derIve .10 much good trom It mad .. . LeI UI .ollrol. aboulit. bocau •• it .. i11lurely .. you. . "'on Itl. and blwe a 'good snooze. If ,} ou are interested, write for information, asking spe.J. d Ithout We can "arnilb 10U our Type A enrine. le i up on 'kid, it desired. ,.. Whenev r i feel a little stupid on 'o that tJ~6Y neve, ~ass a ay ! w ! to 8 h p read, to run when yOIl Qe' It-does no. "a". 10 be.•• 1 UPcific questions. A l e~ter, and a descriptive book and ma p hot "flernoon and allow nwself to , alt usln; It. Wblle '. l was there I used the 110 plpl~1 io <:o. . oc•• no louaqatlon 10 boild-.lmply fillwilh casalln. ' · Iy, ' I g alned about 15 (cr dbclUat D) throw on ChI! IwitclJ. cu'rn the wheel and it 80~1. , "lli a' ..chaIr and nod I teel a sor t 0 f tug· Fooll r ..guIar -. r d I' will be 'sent by return mail. \ h I Eu, to', tart wincer or .ummer~ The cheapest ot aU en tine. for arm aD Ita ' anaf1 , '-nc at 'my heart and . am dazed on pouQdll and ,felt 80 weI1 th at w en rll"".... r. H. remov.ble .. aler jaekel. a\l tal •• t improv.,",a... and ·h.. b •• n adopled by tho .. -I. l ". It 18 not healthtul. The ' tume,1 home 1 began using Grapo-Nuts Unl,.d 5,al" Covernmanl. Send lor O)lf ealal,. oIl to SO b. p. and b. Iur. yo. laW. a ;1'"aiJen oD F. A. MILLER -, I " achaataae oto\lr propOIillon and I&.e mone7· · . ale8~ of " the equatorIal ' regions ,Is tn our fomtly regular, Y· ' . . GENERAL PA8SENGER AGENT luner ellJoyed .BIttlng. '1.'he sl\nqrlta , "My.lItUe 18 month. old baby ~hort· OLDS.·GAS POWER CO. CHICAGO ID4 the ee'po,r.a ..reoUne. Tbey alllO re- 11 after ' !ielng wea!led was very \II MaiD Olle:....... 8i.. Laa.IDC, Mleb. ~la...pou.....stl'o. ..M, ... Xu... 9ft1t Mo.-I. W', .i....Dtb 8L -Iu. TheIr IItUe lI\eep . Iast~ ~bout two with dyspellsla !lnd teotb.!Dg; S~'e waS hour.: a nd It II alilleep. ' tbe child sick nIne weeks and . we<trled' every· lie down:' l~ Is better for, It to. Ita thing, She b~me 80 emaCIated that 'e(it' abOve" ltI ho!lld , than' its , head It wa .. palDful ·to handle ber and '11'0 " ,'Ilove Its feet. (Jet till . of, the gocart ,fhoUght , w~ were~olug , to I,OS9 ' ber. .• t ODe day a hap»)' ,tbol1p;ht urged me to IUl.tD~late l(. ,_, ttY Orav.o-Nuts sOaked In a llttle warm be m{lk; " .. . gtv~ <~ Ito DI,tlnctlon. "Well, . it worked like. charm and . "Qentl4!men:' ....d tbe prl.oner. aft~!\ Ibe bepu takIng It regularly imd I~· ~ul,tW. "J tbank 'YOU for my 'I1ndlca· provement I~ 'In at once. She 'I, now tiIHL'" , ,. I(ettlnlf well and l'Oull,d and fat at talt . ,l'Youl feller." reviled tbe foreman .. po8slble on Grape;N~t'. or' the Jllry, ":vou t!on't B~J11 to ki,low , "Bometlme.:so .ev~ral ot t~e famll1 the dltrerenoe b4i~",een a ' ·vJndlcaUoD were .trlcken Wll4 LaGrlllPCI at the ~k .o J.IIOO4.1Ue.... . ame time, and durlnl the worat ltacel baa he~.. sick women. "BetON takSJI'& Cardut." wrltea Mrs. M. A. ·Akers. 01 Bubam. VL. 01. had d...... coUld not -relish &n7thlnc III tb" for 12 yUrs.,from headache, biackacbo. and pain ~ m)' ebouIder, a1d~ and 11m"., ,At last I took Cardul Ito Get'Rltih.QlIllDk 8chlm.. IbQe 01 food · but OthP8:'NUti aud anclllOY I am ID apleDdld blilalth." Sold b7 &II druglata In $1 bottlea wltb full dINctIou IDatcle the wrapper. , KDlokel'--t au8 10 nntl 81'err tim. QI'UPI, e.ar1thlDg elae Masted 1UI. > WII"~fer.""tclPJelwI""""'~\II"""8aallfarW"". ........... Me4Ica1Mv_ { lila.. UlJlitlt· "We all Ip~te wbat 10ur ~ & 1IoInItoI_.,.....~_ wllye _1. . . . . . . . .1r,.... .____ , ..... ~'I'Il. wll1 dou't ,.,11· JlO1II' IOod hat douel tor our ramll,.." , ~ ~""";'PI~ .a.tbL .......... , . .. . . a ~ .~ .... "TlIere'l a Ret.I01I." a-4 "'l'be Roeof



Reward 1.h_ =::.:::. :,:!;?.,-:=.

· E




0 ·I .D,5








. 'Ladies who suffe~r from 'the aliments peculiar to their sex will ' fi~~ in Cardui. a , remedy that over a million other ladies have.found to a good medicm.e for all. the [lis of wonlE!ri. It. relieves unnecessary pain. regulates disordered funjtions and rest to the weary. worn-out woman-worker. For over SO years

a.a ..


·Wine 01 Cardnl


-.f.' - 'It -


tnrrE S

w.llYWe." .. , , _ ..




tlllllk llIy ' wo r k w\11 l:) VAr y-t A ' nirthday "llJrpri (' l>art Former ll~sidents plt'II"II11t 1'\1 b.l~1O work lit \1 :ll) \ . • Eil~"""~ 1',·.. r.l/. \ F'III' Il",flll llll'rI'iIlIJl r 1111t1lJ ' th""t;l ;.:h l lt :?::~O. 'l'hj;, ·t\1Il6 . jl,·,. h'rtln\;li . ~IUI'h \\'11. th~\'l . in l tJIult'lIt IIf \\',, \' 11' l'\lI I I~. ~ch oo l~. w1l1l th .. 'X ' pll!)" <IF 1\ hull' h O\\I' t int If 1\ very pI6111~tl t1t nl'lll'h' ·ulI. 1 , '11'111 ttldl1:V t' nt .. ,· till' ~I' ll h/l' IIII~ ill f ,,\' 111111'11 :111,1 lilt l'IIIIH<IlVTl~ ,I[ !lv,' el .. ·, :-;"pt . ~Ih : h"r fOfty tlilrhth I tIM lit 'Il'lll ,'II"":;" 1)[ I ht! Olt l/) IIlillnt ~ h'lt wcI II olll~"o", I ~ .lh' IdE'd bil'lhdll ~' h I ill ~ tUB lill Y u(.fQ r G, W .. "I",VulI lll1 \' .. r~ IIJ lit 1l"lflwu r p. illt ll l'Iix 11111'1 (11 1- of for t ,\' fh' 11111\· 1l1'1' two ~OIl S l1utl 1\ !troth 1', Of · 1l11 . 11 ~ 'Ul IIOI)llltlill{ 1\ V1111l t'II nt yOll r '" ntplI II rh I t /I h 1\\'6 (I f Ih "e II ml 1 fl yLc n. tultl hI r Ihll.'· \\'(1 ulll b W d l· k. with \I h'IJ)P." 0011. 111Ull1l1 ti r ,lI htl \'A thtl otllAr fo t' g r papl'lr;, lIo\\'1.I 1.1\111 clay. ~o shl' I viteliu few at II Is Itt !tnr" II t ru 1III 1111' l1('UII 1,1 " ~ nex I " , tlw t It will nllt II , 110 c l~l!'lry t 0\ 11 1\1 rQ 1'0111 t I Vl'~ . not ·l; n l)w i llr~. j Jllne . , tllk(> till ' wllrk ltulll('-- thnt I Lit ,;,) \1 ·!OI' . l!t ut tlwy 111,,1 ul r elllll' l en ~. Illt enthl ll, W t)g l'lltiulILH t,WI' clnl!:!r~ I:l\ i '11 Il l' IliQ "Ill tbink It . ~1r'" R ot h Ill,,! . of EItOlldll!tI.. )/ .. 1\ YOll r , ~u tlltlt IIIn ko i ' ht 111\'\' iUlls ~'t l" ~!,;\' \\'II,' n l1 u, )ther hrlliltl'!' /Iud Vlt k ,/!Il, Iillil hren ItI n~tll~ II \'IHit of pnplls All 111 )' \\' \l l'k nuti! 'Ul'll! t fll1U · I~·. ,) II 111 I'/< 'l'racy. wHe Ilntl • UI~lUg hor 1)111 fl'iem[,. In Ih l~ IlILr t I1II1I! will b in t,bl ~' r :;hlllIl O 110(\ M ,ud ,' Poe ttlII I{"'" CUIlII . 'Ph ' (lub' of UIlI\) for t1w t1r~ t tuue ill thirty "'uphOlllordil. 1\1)' t\o;O clll"I't's In t.ll ing t hllt wq n iod her wn ' .He ~u live ye4 rl! a nd bll s hl-Im tl. MUllS! of t,he li lt rJltI ()U \ ill ho " l' II titi ull 11 f WhI1Ihl' " he hllll tllHln",h Illnn l' . P. Ki r,rdl e, Mr~ U rll.!t 'l'hoJntl s. tlH' WI1Tl.; In. ~II'U uf th tl fol' )jr. ' IItH d f.)c nil Flll \\'" 1' , btlfur'l' and 0" vld W 'f'b o tnn~ II t I"~YO I!S 0111 '",e ' Sill I will hll" but. 111m: :<0 11110 ' lIlore (111 111 111111 hi' kll\l\\' sit wou !(1 n ot IIn l'(> In get. ville sn~ ,J T Brown I\~ (.lent r · lesson to prell/ITe 1'\1 IIIIV , vme, orge N . 8 1'0 wlI. I)f Ferr v, my elll ~t'tI to IllO k of Ie I' . d illll r fUl' ltl !. . and ,.helr f"milles . ] go t, 'Ily cl! rtl H .t ll l hi Ilfwrnuon . A ll ca ll\ ' with II. -sullply n f ~O lll , BOal'l MI'!!. Eo~ t Il dllughter' or Elder AliI hut! till Il l) WIL~ 1,(1 plunk d own II th l,," I,(olld. to uul . .!11.1\1 lit. th~ uu~n W . D. Moore, wbo wl\.ny yeMs qgo dolillr Ilnel I was g rllont,ed II cert.lft II UI' II 10llg tn Ilk: WII!! H t 11I1U el' th WI'" pastor ot New Salem 'hristian cu te good for on . Y III' After 1 111.11· shlllltl IT I':' IInll l:l \·C'r.\'olh' onjoy'u 1\ Oburoh neMor FerrYr bu t hilS found here u ycar I c!~n ge t II IlIt.e c rt lti "'\llllptn"u~ ffOlI"r h both pi llSlIot. ontl protlt"ble to OlIt by pfl~sill g pXlliCllnl\tlon on In! . 8 111i th I'Cl'l,iv,d SOVl'l'ltl Wilke ber home In the Northwe~t ~obool III w . \ PI"' r! Y \IO U n '(jtnl IH'I!!l nt.s. Lt III ~. ellr ft:OIll yon IIU.rllt ~ \~ 'ro wa rd v nlllg nil retu rne,i t o Prof, Heil Pleased With Spokane tb ,' school IS IUlng on aOllll, WII til . il' II o mo~, fill li ng thllt th ey hll11 D. B. l:Iell, forwerir P rinei plIl of hI> (' ugerl.Y f llllU l·.y . hl\ oI II 1ll0~ t. 'I t'li!;h tfnl tum' . tlle Wllynes vilie ::;011001, D B. \i1':11. 'l' lwl; Jll' >!HUll. W r' : writea to Superlqteudent Bratten , 'hll l'l1pl 11 1I1ll1 wi! , Alpl l'l oonoernlng !.he thriving' Il y of 1\1 1l\ wifu, Mr,.. Mu y P,if'ltim;nr' lin d SpokaDe whero he is \l OW leu bin g Warren County l<'air Next Week fnu r ('hii<lroll lIull \\'lI l1hll1 ~ n it.h , in tbe pn bUo , sch ools . 1111 o f IJll yto n. H !\t.y ( 'iJ lllllpIOll. E l.rde Millor ; forlll er ly Super I'ro mi se. to UrPO !l 1111 Pre"'ious has been Sl!t ilpart as WIfe Ilud I·hr 0 ~u n ~, of Sprin gfl "I,l ; intendent of I!oh ool!! at Corwin has Fairs. - --.)nll l ~ Tl'{1 v II lid wif , III' Fllirlil Ill, been tellohlng 111 t,hut city the JlII Rt '1'h611I1nu!11 WArrell Couoty !illir M ~·~ . Llllilu~ Hot t ('llllnU tiOU , ~'rtl ll it *wo YAllr~ . Wash . 8ept . i . which tltke pillee Ded we k, be· Wrlg hl, wif" IllHl two ('llllclrell li nd My Delu' Mr. Brlltten: lllU1 now 11 j!in ning Toe t111~' IIml con ti nning H Ullf.V B ol tn", 1111 of fo rry; .Jos pl. n nW FrhlllY prolJ1i~l\!! t,Q ·lle t he best HI. ,,)' 11 1111 " II , of ElL t :Wlly nt~: . oll·IUln fulltilldgoo ; of th\! olty of 10 lI10ny ylll r~ . Mi . ~ 1'llIl:l)' BU1Ti ~j , ,)f W "I, 'IIrl'lJ lI . ~pok'Ane, the' power oity, the oity of Tu Mrtay , th '- tlrHt, dny will 11 tllll , Mr,,", tiusnn' 1:;1111 It IIn(l f U1l1' ~ IDlIgnlficelit b (lmes, the homo of th e 'ltildreu 's \Ja y nnd eTeTY ohild in chiltlnn, (I 'rel 11 J uy II l1d wiftl, ~ gre.. ~ mlnlllg bftroDs, tho grAlitost W.n rren U u llty undo" fonrt-eell (j llt'UOll ,J LlY unu wifQ, Ml' Coil . oily of the ftre'!it inlllnrJ ompfre . 1 yenrs of nge \vill b l1umitted to th. own. ~Ir _ J,J!izllh (,11 Yellzl!l 1I1t (\ ~IIV8 been b re two weeks now so gl'ouods And grllodstollod free. ' Mrs . F l'link l:J ecnl'hnrll 1111(\ 011. 11 11 . am quito I\n old resldentsr ; aft!lr Wed~esdny Will b so)dier 'to (lny J r ll Pillt l'I\On , une hall bel)n here six months he i8 aD old setller, aDd Ilfter one yoor, 111111 r very vetetnll of tlt ' ivil War "Wi t' un u nl 1,1, l lf tl n I' . !;l.'ntor\'il1"·' wljI be admltt-ed to thegr onnds ,md 'om ~l1llLh, wife 1I0d -t wo ohildr II , be becomt18 ODe of the llioneer8, BO il the influx of tlll kinds of grnnrllltl\nd free on thtlt tiny. Fl'On\; El odgors lL(1(1 wif , Ell Bn r The Wa):nesvi lle b'tllu will fur, n ett, wifo IIUri t hl'l' on!! 1\nn people from all kinds of ('limes frml tbe four winds of. tbe 8a-rth. nl It m uslo 00 Wedoll8dllY· J 111 111111 'hor.o wotll, wir nnd r had a splendid trip over here . 1 Illlugb ter, a1\ of [lImr !~ytlo, Jllm II ItOPped ' a day In the Windy City Moved in New Quarters Reder luul ~\'i!a, of Y'~ilkoo ~ ~_root, lind' .. day· 'I n twia oitle of the Mis (jrnoe Lincoln Is m oving her M\ ' / UI~~ ~Ullth null F rlll'lK lSulIt'h ~ortb. I hllve nevflr seeD two' millinery ~tore front the Nathan au( IlTIlI y 'o ... _f I I . I • Nit WW) T RF:RE . ~uo h ...... utl .n a.ties as t . PII·al and Jones bulldingoo ppe.r MaIO street llinneapolla. Broad, 018l1n, WtlU· to the room formerly oooupied q,y -----lighted IItreets, mtlgnlftoent build. the Post Offioe in tlle toop8 build· SpeC ial Train ,iug8, and loyely trees, Minnesota. ing . . baa undoubtedly tbe linest state Mill!! Liocoln 's new room pa8 l,eeu on D, L. & C, c::apltAl in theoonntry. The lila ria! fitt,ed up very oonvenlently for h er - -_____ paioUngll do not oonlpare at a\1 un· buslneslI and will a]80 put her in t he A spe Inl train will he ron on the favora.bly to . tbose of the Congres. I\lIIlrt of t'h e bu~ nesll distriot. D. L. & '. rtti lroud 'l'hurHdllY, Rapt, .• Ional library aud tbe ,libl'1lry I\.t . 2tl, on II OOOUUt, of t.b" Wnllr Il BoitoD. both of wbloh I saw while Notice to Farmers. County'Fllir. J. C. Hawke Hale and Hearty ' . Eaat. The 'rip through Dakota and 'i'rllin will I I1VO L ha,non lit P. Appo)'nt"'d Administrator \1 at Eighty-four Montana was repleSe .with interest; I 1-ave in stoolr all brands of Van. M Rull will mnko Ill! !'tOJl~ fi R fllr '" '-h f h fl tt>n Fertilizers for fllll trllcle and " t e '11 ' IonlJ s t,re..., .,. a w eat elds, ran , IU\ ~ en rYI e. Of the Estate of Walter l'ugh. "U nole" Alleo SnlDes llilid the alu'" I Dto th ouean". . .. would ' urge farme~8 to get my ______. D .... 0 f aore~ In ____ Gllze.te offico , 8. visit Saturday ,._- t ri h d prices aDd campus with St.ate a I 1 field , b u...... owe nr up ' ere ltD ,J. '. "wko btl beell IIP\lO nte( m or.nmg lind in iJonvorBlltion men. ~ .~t Analysis of other hraDd8. you ~..................... . ~ h reaIIDdi IlD'.a t eve." s ... lon. ....... . . . . . . . .. aclmini!itTatl)r of thfl elltllte Of t 0 tioned tbllt he was In Ills eighty. . 1 am' no' dlaappolnted in the lell8t will be convinced Ilt oncll that 1 r:1~!1 Into \ Po~h, wh 13 committed four th yelll'. .









SEPTEMBER 24-2·5-26-27.

The F .. il' have spared neithe.l' time 1101' expense in providing attraotions fo'r THE FAIR this :year, and it 'you fail t o a ttentl you will miss some rare treats ..

Every Minute

- --. - --


There will be no let-up -in interesting feature t3. evel'y minute there will be something of interest,


i i

Tuesday" Se.ptembe-r 24th


A drove of twenty Shetland Ponies, fully eqllil) E:d 'oJ,' use . of chlldTen who desire to ride.

rlusit by Lebanon H. S. Baild .

6000' RAGING








Come bring· your family and enjoy the good time provided.


~ A. O. SMITH.

Pres. . GEO. W. CAREY, ~. Wi"",,,,,,~~~~""'~~~~m -

$ . KILHON'S $ I $ $

1 •

in th~ 'oit.y of Spokane. H i8 a very slIve YOll money . 01" loads of I ulso hll,ve .two I t te ment · to say the D~uble OODI6J1Vat Ive I!Il I:ltrength Drain Tile fIll\de oitt bas a Population of 90,000, 'to J.>y the Mlddlet.owD Tile Co., sit·nll t· say ' DO tbl nK 0 f th e great fl oating ed at Ollklond, Ohio. 'They range papn.Ia tl on . It b al 80me 0 r t h e·fi n· Til e.t realdenoe di.triota 1 hlLve ever in sl1.e from a, 4, IIl\ncl 8 inohlll'. e Daylight Store. AIAo have a' ol1r of No . 1 lar~e ~ SPEC:'" T C 11880, exoe II en t oar serv Ice, unequa1I. ~ • -' .itl WhHo CedRr Posts. au w~ ... r power, magn . ceat publio !'tfllson Qt. J81'H per doz. 4-5c: bnildlnp, beautiful lawns and trees Seed Wheat, Star tin Cnns per doz . .iOc. and splendid sobooill. Listen, If you I have lIb'Uut 160 busbels of Red Jell Gl " . y asses. do Dot believe tbls las~ stateolent. Wonder !:leed Wheat. This Is a ParntTine Wns per lb. ]Oe. We have twenty. two flue Imbllo oourded wheat lInd Is one nmong W h J y school buildings, well equipped w,!th the earliest vllrletiel'. ' loying flnt to ' S ~ t nvep L' t!lnc ners y . tl d d . f l ' \\ eo ()L~L oes. . ome apparatu8 RD d teacbers . YOIl would 1~ gronn ur1Uf,l nn~ . , Grown tomatoes. _ be surprised at the number of 001 It 111 free from rye, c eAt, cockJ!! or <::! ' d I f ,",en us your on or ·or cnn· , . ' lege !lud Normal school grildul\tes any spurious seed. Reoleaned . I't I f .. . I . nlng, lettcr. · d tQ be found In tbe grlldes in the rI',/1 y or ,owing, ",1.IJO per IH1f1h e . C t IQua I yAnever -I n Spokane IIOhools. Oar Hlgli school Wm . H. 'IIrmony, Lytle Ohi o. !In e flPOS, pp es, annn· , I nR and Cabbage ..' II,op to dltte in every respeot-Com . HOUle Phone 827, Centerville Ex. . ' . merolal, ClaS810, solentifio. mllnuR,1 ohllnge. '. . Frc!'.h Country Butter, we h 't training departments, all oomplete. • ave I . Tbere are two busineSB scbools; ODe ~ ""~""~ . SH. Of;S . of whlob is jUl!t moving iutol\..hand We Will receI ve Ihls week a '. I arge consignment of the 81)me new b U Iidl ng. · TJlen there Is ' R Ctltholio intitltu .famous ElkAkin shoes for llOD wltb a four year course and ~ ~ mcn !lnd boys, without one' 400 st~deDts-llRjd· to b'e t·he gre'ltest doubt' 'the bes t wearing 1n the l'i0rtb · West, Spokane 001· hoe on earth. If you . want leg J have not heard muah about, NEW (WODS EVBRY DAY . a schol;ll s hoe for you r boy only I kI)ow tbAY Ilre going to have ~ soo·us. A lot of la&ies' IIh~es a lllw d'!pllrtment, comlllenoing this' . ~ th.e latest sty le, right ,prices. . yen . I expect to Investigllteillittle New H~ney People who buy shoes at ........ later on \\oith a view of taking sume , . N ew R0 lied a t 8. work. There Is also a Bohool for New Cream Cheese !!~~~'S ~et thoir mone!'s Oatholic girls and tl preparatory Watermelons 1 lot of Ladl'elS' and 1\11'ss"s' sohool Celery - Sweet Potatoes ~ 'bad our Ins. ' ltllte this week, A . ·full line of . ,. . . Sandl1l . ovel'Shoes . Whilc · We thu last . , • S hiT bl ' fout ' days, whioh count!! as tbe fir8t . . c 00 8 etll 't , . Pencils, Pens etc. 1 lot of DO)'l! ~ s hoes sizes week ot IIOhooL 'rhe city has its '




$ $' I.$ '$ # Z 'IMMfRMAN'S I $ $ $

$. $. $ $ . $ $ ~~nneml · $








own Institute and Il good part of th~ Ilring us yOUI' . B~tter and t,lmewe wereIU~lded _ into,ectillns.1 Efg\tsE' We are paYlllg· · 2Bc Supt. Tormey lDslllt8d on "ntting or ggs. me on .the program to t-eU sev· AT ' entb and elgbth gr.adea how to teaoh


$ $ Z"

$ $ $




Mr8. Emeline Ureg)( ba8' I6n' to tb e GU1.ettO ollloe R IIllmlUer qu".h whloh she rai.sed on ber farm qllar Spring V .. lIey, lust sellllOn; "pd it la atlll 1\.8 tlrm ond IImootb a8 iC it wore of ~blH yelll'8 growtb. Rev. Phlllll'1'rout hl'8 it humber of 'pumpklna' u.ud squa8bea wbloh ' wero grolVn ' lust veur and they hllye been tln~oytng pumpkin .p\".. flll t~r n ugb tbe Rummer.

I .

Il .








'~RUagS"tUeOCrkeJrll.'," K~I:IPbo S'

Eogllib. I reluctnDtly consented. Immerman 1 ruu a blu1f aud it I188med to takt' pretty well. Many or the ' young girl. oame np after we were dis, ~ mlued and ~ted me qoeatlons. I ... OF OOUR8E looked wiSe, run my flngen throllgh ~ . . ~ my hait and gavo generally 1\ Bel· phi In anawar. . ." " " '. . . .~

. A Year Old Squash.

s uioi(ie ",hou t t.on claYB ago. De~pite his yel"", Mr.l:.Il\.ioe8ls Ao ' Ilppruiselilollt of . t hc eRtllt·e (ulliele from 11 BlIgbt deafnoslI) still will be lIIR.dt, toUIl . 1l1lle nnd h elli.ty ,md 10l;lk!l aD life I It is ellt.iwl\ted the f!.lrDI flU( ohnt· witb R. bbe rtul ' phllollOpby ttu~t teli! Il1l10U11t, to n hont . W,OOO , m nkeR one giRd to m eet 1\0(1 greet 'l'bure lire thirty or 1.11 01'6 1'011\· him. Mve!:l among wll 111 tho (\, t l ~t ll 1!iI to , Ice Cream Social h dlvlcle d. H H f, H'll T _ _ :ose OUSC or I . o~ .. 'l'hert\twill be I\n lee CreaQl sool&l A s mRII buildinll for Ibe storing Ilt th Ridgeville Churob, &turday MEl' rs. Iza Macy a.f I~ hORe (l"r' nntl ?ther lice ,fight. evening, September ;.ILl to whioh the €alled to Her Rewardl l ug o. quiplIlent, bn b orlll bUIlt ou publio 18 oordh~J1y invltorl _ til lot (lwn ed by the cit y QIl }v hioh _ \ , Mrs . E\ir-IL l\{noy , 1111 II 0 t· h(lr h ome the 8t~\Dd)llpe Is looate d. ' . Notice' of Appointm~nt, in BIll'voyshnrg ll1JO nt. ni,ne () '()Ic k Thill is an Improvemont ' whkh, W' . Ii stnte (If Illter 'l Pauh dacen l\l oll df~Y Il\ orlli ng. . lirls b een grulltly ue/i'deu, lUI I~ flro' ' ~ .' D, ' . b 0. ed. 'Fhe undersigned btlH MI'!;! .Mnoy' WUR 1111))' 0 1-111111 eig4ty 'lI11 g'I It d 0 cons tder",bel !tamage • been,ap. for loso 00 ld be I rouaht from pOinted And qllRhHect Il8 Idmiuls'ra· yellrs of ago 11011 hMl hOI n , III flilli n!;'1 0 I · U '" t ' f h t t f W It T P h hellit h fo'r 50 111 Mm l' 1-)116 WII 1' 1 the lo wer !lnglne boulte or 0 t. A 11I1.I. ;0 0 R or , ug , ' . ' late of Wllrren GoUD ty, Ohio, de · womllD flf fioo mind lLUd !!plEmd.d -.- ·ceased . h t Death's Work. :::so ~~y Willi iilt S lIIoth r of Dr. D"tOd this llt~ da, ef September, .J. U,'Mnc"', . of l:J/\f\l ' Yl!b urg , lIull Is/-.!/1h W eloh , of Morrow, c1ldd:llt A D . 1907. ,J. ,0 . ' B4WIt1t: J Brown lid Sbawba, n, .Attorney.: Mr. Eu Mlloy, Of WIlYU RVlllf. 11ill h OlDh ill thnt plnoo Suuday even "e n 'ices w il l he 11 (' 111 frl)ll\ Inl{. Mr. Weioh 'Wit S IIbout yeat'l the Inte h ome lit n 0 ' luol( \Vetlnell. of nge 'tod 'Well 'kllowJI over the rillY TI\orlling . 001l11 t.y . ,.. _. _ _ ~_ . Fnnernl servi'ces wi\l he lrold from Program for Town. hip thA }Il.~e home 'Il t 2 o'olock Wednes · dllY a fternooJl, . r.olldnctpll . by the Trustees Asso£.iation. Rev ,' .r. b'. CnClwllllntler,-of Wllynes .. , JAMEST6W~ --.c--~ -ville.. EXPOSITIQN. ~, .... 0 b II H 0 Id'In Le banon, Oh'to, ....Scpo tomber 21, 1907. . Daily Ex-cuRions to N~rfolk, More ' Big Tomatoes Va.Tour · EaRl with StOp9 rI' b ' " 'I I ' ('Ill ---.,-. , I IL. III : owns 1)1 or ( R '1 e. .• .,vera a~ . La8t week tlle Our-ette mentioned 1. 'rho New " ntH1 LllW. . Pittsburg 'N ,,, Yorl{ It Dutle!! of 'l'ownllhlp Tl'ustee!! .Il, t :)mato weighing I} pound and' 11 I)lltt~c' of' ROll'l AUIIOI'l nt"n. ' ~ vo OUllOe!!, grown ~)y Mrs . .Frdbk Hariillburlr ,Boaton "~'''' .SIlwes, cf Or!l8swlok, lIm1 tire ques, Balt.i more . Phlladel,hl.. ~~~e2, t~:~ Ilast . they :r~ ~ rle nt; . DlltiCls of ' )l~rrj(JTls I!nbj ilot io tlo~d Wl18 t~~ed wbether ",~yone Washington ~eQlond cheap. Don'tlforgetwe buy IIIl"" Rood tnxlD In,hor . ' cou eqon. t iS. . and other point. . Produce and pay the limit. 2:." Election I;If njfioer~ IIntl Mis. Monclllil". Mrs. OOll.n llr!'okney Go one Route-Return Another 1J B I brought to the (.f!lze~te offioe some ~ORTHWEST, WEST ' A new lot of' premiums in, ee 9 aneous Oil!' ntos.;' ,fioe tomlltJe8, two of whioh when


~onzaga o~liege,




:~b~n :Pla;t~;1I1 ~~:~I.eIlOIl(Je

of l"' bll R ' d .. 1 H t u 0 OR II, IV tlW us 1)11, State Highway (Jo~ltl'1lsF.lloner·. I!lverybo<ll invltod to aUona. ,~ ~eo. Oron; Pres.: J . £. Rolliulon Beo. ,




0I1oh t.ipped t he RCIIlea at a poumllU1d '" Ilullrt,er. Special a.dllced Fares 8 ltD I ' rs. rao fly It so repurts "' I\I~ or • .:. gle toDUJto whioh thsy gre~ billtl For -Pal'tleulan Inqllire Of' " allfl80n ~hiDh,h "'~igb~ . tw~ . fl. E. BOOm, ..... ponn d a. ..wo Qt. ~~ eaoh. wetghed ' ~rwtD\ OIalo. It. pound and .. half., . . . .--IIlII!I--~ ~,.:




J• .


FJF'£Y tlEVE1II'i'l:I YEAH .

J.>EUSONAL AND ' Splendid Lecture ' . Willing Patriots LOCAL ITEMS ' . Course is Arranged. Will Have Opportunity I

. To S ·ft Th cmS!e IvCS. M nny Miss Sl.IfIl,h Bevitt. of . 8prin "tiol"1I , S.·x RI'"h ClUBS Nunlbe r "a ' acrltce , .. u hi li gu ~t of her cousin, Miss Irene ' . f or $100 Offices are to be Filled glven . . thi8 Fall. l'rout.

'''1' Y 11 be


a '1' BER 2.

\ 1l07.


Mount Holly,.


__ _ _ _ _ Mr . und Mrtl. Abner' Dill enter. tllineul::iuudu y u~h. lind Mr~. " N ed · le8,' r)f l'inoin nlLti. Ilnd Mr. ILnd Mrs. Sims o f S pring Vo1\ey. . Mrll . 'l'bonlll!! Dill i!l on the slok list Mr , 'l'homus '1i>i\l SIlent. HundllY wit.b hip Ilr other Bernl' e of 'ente r.



HIli Arn olll s ~y~"t, hi!l hUlltHlI1I the

I pllceS h ever kn 'w fQr visiturtl.

~\j 4 0

Rev . Mr. 'ohn preaoh(J{1 to ~ !lil'j,{€' Ilnd uppre iativll lUdi nell S nLlltnv 11

ft ernOOlJ .


Mt>ll:! Mluy I:ltout starteu Monday afternoon for Randolpb, MI~!:!oul'i , where s he expects to r emai n for 11[/ i" definlte period with the flllllll .V of h er re lt~tivo, Mr. ASB Chflul' ler. ,. , I

Bill knows. tlnu ra r thur s t1l4'HS llO!:!i, tively, " Th orp. lire' IlCI!litively nut At t h IIIl;t ",,""11'1, of the t<l n Mr. Illld Mrs. •1. ' . Hllwke viEliteti WlIyutll! ville,B Leuture Uourse fOI' I ~ " t1l1ll1 IWJ d pl. IJ I\ l'Iiv/ll ~ o/loh' fri AlldMli t Ttlulllllond, [ucliunn , fr om t.I1 8 aBUU of 11107 Imd 190M giveM weck. The lirs t I'n t,lllltl Q}... ·hl. S uo·, Lure II IlIw ""l! IJu blSeu <v. , ohlln ~i llg I,ho b' r hl" y nnW .luul]",.v Ilv"nilll-{ promiso of l)'ling on e of the bes t in tllken ·llol' r "o Julrt.ur u ,,111,fo ' ru til"" time 01' holdin g e leotloUl; ~o t lll,t thl! Ih e his tory of thi s 'ommunity . ~ " u" u , u Oregonia. stllte IIUti county eleot.i utls aUIllE 0 11 (1 Mr . .Iue Burgett. of Bne llll ViMtll N . vi tie . next co nillgllllient CODle~ i ll . ,. Nul\' "'. . '. ' Ilt only hav o we on e Illore nnllt tl . ,. . , Mr. IInu Mrs Ernest Hnndolph IIlL I~ all rll,(lt t, BIll . It Is III] \,\. - - - - - - - -.Vtlllr. lind t he town nn u tn wnsbip " Oltn, IS l'onvuluslUg f"om II long ! a nd HerioU!; Riege of tYllhohl fever . I bur on tbe conrse , thnn In ~rElvioU8 culltlu un Mr. Iloci Mrs Tim Mllrlutt lIenco uf gOlld h u~pitIlJity . Mil! ' UrRou Merritt spen t Thurs· e leOLlotl8 another. It hap)) nH, t her efore, tl1llt ulmost tylish millinery of won uroUI\ IYllel' 1I rs' Cbl ut t.he euotlre °toburso bl8 vE" ry Ii:!Unday Ilfternoon . . 'l'h I ' II ro 801 11 0 goou horl!UM ill tillY night with Mrs. Ed ~herwood . , ' g 1I 118~ lin All e 5 OWIl1 II II , . ' ad ' El ' " every offioe ill t he tow nsb illll Imd oh lum Rnd volne lit MItiS Urace Lin . would SIlY, tbe j lrioo remain the Mr aud Mrs . Weeley Brown, of MII~8I e, illS proof at th e UtiSertlOn, 1111:\ ,ne Brtl<1bnry Will lel\ve towU8 IlIUllt be filled this Novem be l' ooln 's i:!nturdu y Oat 5 IsaUi a ani '"I 00 r II t " ~ Portsw utb Kentuc ky are "isiti ng se,vern l prulIl lnUl rt bbon lire worn ! Wednesda y for her home io Englllnrt . " . . '" y .. . or ' Ie en Ire l ' , Ib I l k . ft t d d . . . bnd tbore 11:\ omple ovportun\t,y for . . . loo urse. j Mrs. Br own'll ~i8ter. Mrs. Marion y t liS () II~S til eu on upen orrue rit II er lin e~ eu tl VISIt In thIS ooun· tb~ w\llln~ ptlt.rlotll who so u tlire 1.0 For I:lII le-A l~!D , unrlo!'l, (hilt A tb'h. . l:lend er ;OIl. III DU DO gmft in it. I tr~ . 'l'bl!! obanninll: and acoom· BE"I~tlllg f)t.ove. Uood (18 u ew In. ! no er C /luge thllt WIll llI eet . I pHebe<! . I u f . . ofter thema.a lveH Olt 8110rlfiof8 on t h ll. quire lit. Guzette office. . with g(1D ertl I upprobution i8 the l Born, to Mr. and Mrs . Ubllrley I Fru~k 'hillilk r 11De! wife w ill s tllrt ' ing hor ;~ 1:11 e m~n~ r~nd8 ~Dl. bltar of tb ElIT oountry, or, to be m ore Mi ' B Ih K . k u fll ot thut the old method of secu r . Hendor son. Wednesd!lY, II. fine boy. ' soun fur Cilli fornlu, to be ~one pussi· will h . y tl ero, an e; epar nre S8 d el~ hllt f til nrll~ ulsbreftur nod ling I'eserved sou ts wi ll be done It WilY Fmnees Murlon . hi ." for n yuur, d opendi ng lurge ly un N e groll . y r grett 51 . explioit, on ~he alt'lIr of t·h Ir tOW~1 f or township. rom R e Ig u v It w t rlends " , . . ' tl I' fl ' I ' I I ! aurly every on from this 'town .t D . Tr with . Ihu; year thero Will be t hr!;" Mr . J oe '11~rlut.t itl iwproving hit! 10 )Oll 0 11\ r lilt lUlled to be In w~lyne t Own8hlp tile te rUls of 1\ Iiyton, und oy. I' drllwiD~8 for !louts. ooou druwiug h onSEl by \~oather boarding It lIud IIttliin od hy tbe obllugo in ali n;llttl lIt1 0nuetl til Ifllir III. Lebc~non IllI!t J. H. UIISltey ond Jirlmk Elbou ox · Peter O. Batfield and .J ubn V. H. to r eserve seatll for two entert.ain ttl . da 'h f t of Mrl! 'hldak er't! heult.h wue k, ph,J Ill! trustees. Both gentl lllllen LewiS were gUOl'ts on Monuuy lit ment,s, II a th 11 t' t lJOlle w h o do \l01 IIUM IlgOtt U VlrllO ' the lost w8(l k fnrTllers . Mi ~!! Rutll K ert!ey left. 'fuesilllY hill I , a r OI!S " e0 roo .Wlt,lllll have WIll be cllnclidate!\ for re elE'.ot.lon . t hd bome of'E. D. Jtoberts . d t t' '111 r. 0 ·r IItt went to uy ton forg •..·' Ithelld [Ino SO III O OOll" I'de r" " Ie to r Cinci nnllti for" tlh ort, atn y. 1:10 fllr n tl d' u t b secure goo ",ell tl one Iwe WI III \'e Hllturdl\y to ~tteud sohool. « U ~ ,.V 00 VI!! clln I Il O!! aye Notloe J ohn A . FuukeY'8 0dvtJrtl B opportunity anoth er. Fnll Inlltruc. , . wll ent hu ~ belln driller\. CtlTII 111 1 Willter ' Iell v r SI)ent 8u1,urdIlY devolopou aglllntlt eith er. ments. It is wo nderful , tbe l ow tions as to seourio~ Rellts will be Mr . utltl E. A. RaW!lOIl IIUU little tuking cm thllt slllt.e to ,wb eJ'ob.v It l With hi s purents beret A lowntlhlp treaeurt31' mu s t also pr i 00", g Iv en on Ii nes of goods worth founll on t \Jo I,iek ets now bOlllg I duug h ters' E8ther 'IInd Ruth ' Mrs . enn be IIfoly Illlt III) in hnlf !!liOOKS , Mr. OHvor'i'ownSen(l ,of Murt·l ns· , be elected. It is IIlIlu tbll t R. A . :!!:i to :10,. mor,e tbls flln ~ offered for Ba le. Tho li8t of IIttruo Lou UII ' wson lind Mrs . A nu R BWSOD, 1 \t loust. ville, Mrs. J<}d Smith , of Wllmlng . Cross, the prllsf'ut treBs nrer, tioes i of Duy to n, were the guest~ of Mr. Mill!! ClaTll W . Kirby of Kitohn er ' t on ~ and u llte8 for SH me lire us J h L . df II U d It would bu IL gl}(Jll tilll to drll'" t,un , and Mr. lind Mrs. George Scott Dot a.!lslre unothe.r term, howeyer, J ' f II I o.. n eV I lin 1m) y ",atur I\y and '" I ::lund,uy . out th o old !!leigh H, tILke t If t,ue run 11I1( grll~de!ullgbte r, Mi~~ Maxine .\lr. Oross is extremely populllr st.ation 0 , who Is visiting (Jolnmt>lls 0 o ws : aUlong the fllrll,lers, and it mn y he frie nds, IIttendlld tbe fllir nt ROllle, B~nry Ulllrk, Lecturer, Novelli ner uncl "rell s tbe huru !l8 . S no\ll L. Uti, of UI~mdell. N. J ., VIsited Mrs , bhl frlenas will insist upon b ls rUll. OellLwllre (Jo. last week . ber 1. II11 I1.Y fl y, at 1Il00It ILtly ller ic llllnu It Is J ohn 'Ilonoerund dlltlghters und&y Miss Ourrl e Groth~ jOined ber Tbe P ierce!!. Ent.arlalnurij. No· Lytle. I wall to b" Il r e rlll l'eu tu meet it WHIl I' Mr. une! Mrs. 'l'honllltll::ipenCet' anel u lng lignin. Ollkley M. Rille;e bus beeu s trongly till ked of for t he m ' .,b-er, from I:!a 11 nil, In Dayt.on, vember 2 . : "t ile IJ lis ." two younger ohildren .Tohn and plLloe. Fred C. Hartsook, CLlsblQJ' of Saturday afternoon Bnd enjoyed a Dr. W . S. Culp, Lllotllrer , Uecem.! Un lust !'llturdIl Y, Allen Emerick .I!' r ol1l tho vust IlIllOUnL of oU1I1 be· Dor othy, IIpttllt wltb MrR . helped R H t. J oh n finish cu t,ting iug gll r.n erocllt itl pretty eviden t our I:!uu i:!h er wood. t.ue Gltlwn Blink, lind F"ed B. Sher Visit with uther rel~ti ve8 until the be~ 10, . Lyceum Ladles Conoert toilu('oo, (tnd S1001l . . ' • wood, of the National Bonk , ure ruII owmg dllY. C Cblcn.go J 9 to do 80 requlreel peop Ie lire prepurlDg 10 h loornnte Mr!l . Uhu!! . Brllubury enwr$ .. lned &.1110 menloned for the plllce. William Eyer, of Ohiollgo, II COUI!. 00" nn~ary . .' tl lon g hllrd da·y's work when be ' for I\nother nine lJIol\th ~, t hun ' print; tllu follOWing persons lit a muslollle . r. Fhonnld DWIght \.:iront Leo. . , I I I I h d II b f Ii ' . C. H. Cloments will be II CII.n Iidllt.t\ III of Mrs. A. B. Sides onu h ur 80n, t b ' ' returned hOUle In the evening b e IIgl1 n w t l r e g ,t ul n ow ur,' p!lrty E rldllY evening 10 honor of , . urer. e urary 2 . d I . . . I .1 ' t fl kl ' M' E . for re.electlon liE! towD8hlp Clerk , Mr. Ullle Eyer untl wife of Cl ncin. A II ' . eo a ired thut ho WIlIj too tired to Irlell, 101C Oil Itll" (l U ower!! mil ng llOS ISle Brudbury : Mrs. Flue~her . " , . . , ppo a QUlOtette oncert Co. . ' ' . ,. ,. Ilnll so far no one else bas Ilppear ed I natl, ....,ere guest.f! \l.t her h OlDA , Illst 1 B I R" M t,lIke t he butter llP to wn to hili OllstO ey et! Ilt Uti t rvUl , the m slde WlllrlOW wood , Dr. and Mrs. Shaolu~1ford , tor the oll\oe. ' I week. , lint el IDgurs . oreh til . U1ers But bi WIfe WllS of "dill'"r at south em I}oint Df the oompuslO. Ur. Krieghoff, Mr . and Mrs. Wleb · For 'A1!!lestior it is gtlntlrlllly oun . ent opini on Imd Insisted [Ullt it must fruly. !;uoh 8QU8l1D hilt! ItII delightb. klu~, Mr. I~nd Mrs. Ed 8herwood For R ent-An eigb t rooUl house, ! N ew B ' tb llt avenlng t:leelng notwitht!ttwdiJlg tbe obtlly prollolll Ilnd . two daughtel's, the Mll:I8es Viola eeeueu NlIbenllllh MoKlnsey , Ihe ur. 'Ing t .on. be uellvereu with good water, garden lind ant present Incumbent, will no ' no other way out of it Allen s ubmit inntel!. lrlnll. Uer~rndll and Ruth Kersey, bUilclings . Inquire of Miss Helen If C. M Bentlev OJlIJOiI I t.ion . Relsey , Wllynosvllle. . I~~ 810k with t YI IhOI' d t edt lind IlS a rellult of h \s subrui ssiflO 'l'hurl:!clllV 1,1 grellt ml~uy of the MIIry Sh erwoo d ; Mable Sherwood 'l'here will be two m embers of f.he ever . and obedlenoe 80llle carefnlly Illid villngers und adjnoent bolldl\Ylld lit lind Ednll Spenoer, Ilnd Messrs. Will t.ownl:!blp IiOhool board to eleot. 'J'be MI·s . •Inck Dodds , at n ea r Cleve. Mttey Chen oweth has suffered II plans were badly upset, for when 'I th Lebllnon Fllir. 'urday viewed Kersey, Omar Bolhngsworth Rud nfter a r elnpse Ilnd I~ ID . a serious oonditlou. be crMOhed the ohuroh corner be I the bllll Irdme between our Ilrtists •I 010 1 Sh erwood. ,boIIrd at prel!6nt Oonslsta of 8uDlu ... 1 lllnd, I ' t hall " h b r eturned home M Mer odlth B t Ea IN V SI WI,' er parents, r. lind Mrs d B " nr on rnblll't, . E E O. Rol:;erts. !lnd'slster. Mr!l.' hlltl. Mr. Fred StubbS!, of West Elkton. saw several. buggies stationed tbere Illn II nine fr om piling VllllllY· At - -- - - Uhlo, Is ~he gnest at Wrn . Menden. lIud bellrd their ooonpants tl1lkwg t bi s writing Ilm unable to state Springboro. Cornell. Clulrlea Smith emo ,J obn 8 . Moore. Willlon. Mr. Coruel! 's and Mr. . , hall ond fllmllv. aooul; how they were going to sur which pllrty is ta king the treatment ,Meredlth 'l! terD18 expire. --'Mr . flnd Mr8. ,I. E. Jtmney left prise him So be went on up to'the of clofe~t. ' Betheul Mullen paSsed from this OJ FAwards aod M Von Ous~r, Sunday on LI three weeks trip Mr8. J . B, Dakin and ohUdren. of grocery lind showed no dispositIOn tile "LI~'4tte . It i~ life Ill8t 'l'uesday eveni'ng and was h J P throug h t he ER8t . l'bey will vI !.!it Xeni~, spent Wednesday of last, Suusol'ibo f ) \' v au ~ b .Jame8town, New week ot the horne of Miss Lnvin8 to g9 hOllle until finlllly severttl lull of ge uurlll 1001,1 und jntlt t he urle<l from his home Thursday t e two u8tioea of tue eliCH , will Wl1shln ton, a probably bllve n o OliPO iti on to " So t came and took hiUl home Howuvcr, Itinll of 11 W8 to StI lt the nlost fastld. afternoon. Rev. Stlne, $he U: B. ih e Ir r'l e Ieotlon ' York Otl , Ladle>! Ald Soeillty met at the Ifh e d Id ' find it out ot the last mill ious taste. We Ilro gilid to soe, too, m i nlster. preaohed the .funeral aero \Jlt,or , lit.B08toD and otberpolntsof l The lu Wayu~sville, there will hEl R home of Mrs. E. W. Brarlstre('t on ute. Mrs Emeriokllnd Bhtnch e kne w the ee!ition fr om Il new and. regnlar mon . lnterment In Springboro UlII.Yo", olerk. treasurer, Ularllllal WllDted-A girl for general Thlirsdtly. nothi?g of It Bnd were oompletely oorrespondent from t his plaoe, and oemetery. Burprlsed Watermelons oontltituted to keeHln touch with tbe 1I0me news Mr. and Mre. Fltt8 entertained And entire oounoll, be lues dobool boa. r d t t. b ou~ework. understancl ooolr Miss Nellie Turner has lIoceptecl fl t h e rll f res h mentl! About sixty were it IS neoe881lry ... . . a eo fng , Famil.y Must of three, good wa"UB. to beoome II r E.gnlllr . 1141 ' 8S Cora H a til e Id ,of Mlaml bnrg, 0i Dr. 'fb{)mBS 8~erwood ncoepted .. pOllition lit the O. I:!. & S. (,). Howe present nnd every olle wus nblo to " ' Ito B .11 I 'd . ' Ml e PIlSt week. Referenoe r eq uired . Mose Oohen, •• ut X en Ia, an d WI' 11 b eg i n wor k on say t.hat ,.t,hey ho d IlnJoyed . ",I. nh au ey ds S~I to th~TU Ok be l our. ..," pr In g b oro WI\.f4 well rel)resen~ tb Ii 0 In ce a f mo.yor when he did, Jurgely f~om a sense l.f ciuty lind It 101 S . Boulevard, Dayton. O. Monday. , ' selves ~eYlng OllleWllr fro~1 lahowa. tit the Wnrr~n unty Fair'last week hl known thllt he feels that he lllll! Mrll . A. L'. ~rur1street: and MillS Wbile Will Chenowetb u,nd fomny , Mr nntl Mrs ' Wellingtull UUI'nell '~()frge Htalrl/\n Ilm1 wife lue eXp80h t· l;Jjde Mount81~ndfamny re'urned Ul 1Ie KlllUe ooun try , no t tile t Ime to RIve to tbH work '....,I .. · lbeltllinu~ p' n"h .. , of Day t on , dro ye wer e ret,urnlng frolll Xenitl on Sat- buv l't~turued home from Petoslley' , eu h ra th f' I f b 'to I,I eir h olUe Mon d 6.1 evening of la!lt' week luvolved, Imtl w ould prefer not t o down ' bllturday evening Ilud r eo urdny, thl'iI' hortle ran away, d1111111g. Miohlguu , " be re Mr Cornell \~lnl. ume at uy 0 I ~!!U ng I) t 1!:!1l leet. lifter spending several days wUh run IIgllin. O1Rlnell with Ava Ebrlgbt'lInd ing f,h" hu~gy blldly i the oounpuut ~ 1,0 seek relief from bLlY fever It. frientls itl Richmond, Indiana. WalWlr MoClure will be a ollndl . MI8s MIlY Woollllrd until SnU(iny were unhurt,. wa~ IllmJ8t II week lifter he Arrived . (FroUl IlDotber t.:orrtlSpondon t .) Our' popular grooeryman, Btlrt dRte for re eleotlon Ill! trell.surer and afternoon. \ . The M, E. cburoh gave a reoeption hef\ll'e he fonnd relief, presumllbly 'l'be Lebtlnon Fair WIIS the IIttrllO' Rtlst:lell'!! brot her EII,waH very bRdly will probably have no oppositll>n' :ITbe Labor AdvOcate " Is' a new J for the new plIstor, Rev . Ii . B. beollllse he wulted su long b eforo tion lust, wflek. Quite 11 number burt by flllling out of & tobllooo shEld O. D. Reed wil1 IIgain he u Olllllli Weekly p .l)>er just IItllrt-e~ Ilb Mid · Compton, lind family Monday m ght gain!, fr om h re ILttended 'fhunldny II.nel the PIISt weelr date for oorporlltlon clerk. '. l11etown, of Whlob Mr. Sam Alexan of ,.tllst week. . 'L'b er e will be 1m Bpworth Lellgue Friul~y . Mrs , Luella Del~rth, soUtl1 of town, '1'~~ BOllrdof Poblio Affairs, wbiC1h d r, 11, lion of Mr8 .. Alethh~ Alexlln. While Mrs . Moreman lind two I ocill l at lib e home of Ml' !lnd Mra Mr. Hth ry Cli ne e ujoyeu II visit hllll beeu , entllrtllinln~ her lIis'er, hlltl oharge of the water w,orks nnd cler., und wol1 known in Wllynes. friends were ret~rnlng to their jJ B .Ioneil FriullY ev \lIn g All from hill futh er , of Now Viennu Mrs . ireturllb Riokqrd, wbose ,hollle elect rio IIgbt plant, oonsists of ,J. E ville,!B editor and mllnRgE"r , 'rhe home in Xenia Wedne8da.y their ! Lellgue member8 1Ilells~ tllko notloe Thllrt!dny IIn~ u· rlday . ' i8 north uf UI~.vton the J)~Rt week. J!'noey• ,J. Will Wblte anu P . E new publication 18 devoted to 11l1l0r borse ra,n away'and one ludy'~ lillUd Mr Il~d Mrs Lester Kenrlok were Mr. ,l out MorrIll 801t1 h ili liutOUlO' Mr, &ulluel Webb. of IllinoiA, WIUI Kenrlek. W,h ether opposition de. Ilnd genenl Dewll,and glveil promise was buQl.r laceilltou i tbe ot,h en , ent,et:llI.lIld lit t:he hO Il~e of Ml' IlOd bile in Ci noinniLti 'l'hursd,lY · 'oulling on o ld tune friends In town velope8 wllJ .be deterwlDed IIhOrf.lY of milking II complete SU9008S. esoapod with slight Injllriei. . Mrs P E Kenrtok In Waynesvillo, Misses Annn' Btoops . nnd Addie Friday . ' It III thouRbt that all , tbe membdr8 '£hree fourths of our IlIrge stock bQndllY M!1dden were oulling on fri ends in Mrs. M"rritt lind dllughter Maude are wl\1lng to serve Ilgab~: WIIS bougbt 118 low 118 \list yellr. Corwin Mr tlnd Mrll.I 8 Jones were Sun Wayn esville Baturd~y lIiternoon . i visited Mrs. Etlfl Robinson lallt There is", " ohllnce for t~ grand U r d ers were pIa.,.,.. __ " WIt b manufllO. . day hosts t o t be. followJng : Will II week . Mr. Fred Dakin Ilnd his cousin" 1 soramble for Counoll. . J nnnary ' ' d F flb rURry . E L /I F etm lin d Miss Urll LIl· ,' Le8~io Pence Ilnd' family, of Mid· , ' rhe present t urers . I.lSI· II.n Mr . Ed. Edwards ancl Wif e, of lJornell, wife nnd two daughters, M rs .~, mem be rs are J . C. Bllwke. W. 1:1,. 'l'h · hid 'd i I HIlrr y 'o rnell Wi fe. anu !lOll , Ullr F t I'b ' I A1\en Jt:d ;.taoy B. S. H'o well and esa\l')e as ar ve .nr nit the near Fra·n klin. Apent ~nndll.V \~i th l m/lu nnd Morris Co rnell wife Illld etra, o v , IORgO. spent i:!llturdllY Itlletown. olllled un Milton Bllrper . Illstmontbllnd durin" thtsnl0nth' N M KI dfil ' wlthMr Rober,t Shidnker.nt 'or'" lIndsiflt rSunday. , . ' 0 .. J. Burnutt. A COlllplete new . " . ' • 0 nsey nn am y. dllughtor , body will btl, elected. ' we wlll.offer the gr~n.t.eilt burgnlO!l 1 Mr. nnd Mrs', H , E, Booth returnec}'I, Will . Will Early and wife visited Ar· The tim!l of C. B. Clementi! and In our I(l.rgtl .shoe stock, whloh , oon·1 ~turdll.Y ofter spending tl1ree w eks : Mr lind Mr~ Al Co ru ull lind lIllU thur Vnuderveer and family, ~r Cb&rles Cornell members of thl! slst.s o,r m~n s fino R,Bd work ShOeS'jin the Ellst. , Ightell''', Lolli IIml Irma, Mr uud ,Mrs . Mr .' lIull Mrtl . Amuf:! El\i~ l:!peut I l\lIl1wls hurg , .8unday. Arthur ex . , , l l I d les fine, to the best calf shoes, ' Web Squires lind Uharley Cornell i:!ODday io New Bnrling ton wHh bis peottl t o start for Florida 'I' needllY v ilia It" I!~hool1 board, th tl ' In te S t 1D ' fl ne d ress 8h oes f or ' Mrs , Joe ~oKin8ey and IitMe ~on ' lin d M r anti Mrs U. M. ·Boug h.. lind aunt, ~r8 , Jane White . Anotber !' ou 1\ vi sit. Walso explrell. . ' W hat app1 8\1 to aynesvI\lllllml mISH"" 0 d " b th '-_ , of Morrow were guestl! several dIlY l:! " ' t f Mil d' 1 Wayne towuf!hil> "l>phes as well to n oys, e ..... t 80hool Illst week of Mr8. Alioe MeKinlie . t!on h .ennet,b." wer e Sundll~ guests aun rom uno e, u 111011, wile n 0 I There were two services eaob at ' t tl t hi ., . th IIboe", suoh a8, the BIIUlilton Brownll' l y of Mr nnd Mrs AlIen Emerlok a.nd there. tile U . 8 . II.n(1 Methodist eburohe.s owns p i n e tb e B rown "'h Wliiter Kilbon Willi a Clnoillnlltl d,lUgb ter, BlI\Ool1e county. own RD' ~ oe ,n .0., t h e, Menz E Ilse Mr. In l:illrtBook, of OilY ton, ClIme ] i:!unuuy . .,every Elk I:lhoe nnd' the American Boy VISitor one do.y I~st week. Mr F M Clurk !lnel sons Wilbur home to IIttend the Le\J('lllon l!'llir. ' , ' Citizen8 B~~k Change. SbOA, over one thousand pairs ,o f the Mias )rene Stroud bus galle to (tud Walter IIttended tbe fnoeral of M \.:i Ed d ,d hl l Rev , Fromm, minister of the Re. . R!l<l &11 Band rubb6r,aDd felt boots, IFalUlonth ,. Kentuoky . to , vlBlt rela their' nc:phew lind <lousin on Sun!1I1.Y e~rge \~II~ 8 III; 8 l.'l~ formed oburoh, is ,improving and Is Mr . Hcrllce Wilson,whl) hus betn rubber and oloth 'overshoel:l. Re,! ttves. · IItternoon Ill, Winohester Indianll re~hsls:.Itln. t sev: a Fays k ~t wee now , able to wlllk on lhe streetll in' the lower' wfl I 8 sl8 er, r8. ,\rl1u 'darvey, \ assilltlng In the work at t,h e Oltizens Iliember your oboice out of II. four I Mr Lemmon of Clnolnnati spont The 'ceUlent Sa It f . I th I 1 ' i ' " ' " 0 nellr, La b an on , lint atten ed the Samuel H ' " u f \I n or severo, mon a, 1llS re ' t. lOU81lnd IItook made by the Illrg':!st SlIturdav 'a nd SundllY with his story of the new town hll11 WIl8 F . l: ..aIDes an 1101 yexpeot slgoocUbat .posltlon and expeots to ~nd beat .faotorles in the Dnlted I brofuer'- Mr. J. N. Lemmon. ' complet.ed 'last week 'rhe masons . ,ur. , fto move to Nor~ood I\bout Wednes leave tbl8 week, aUho~gh he blls not, Btollte8, Every pair gnarllnteed. ! 'Mr .' Robert Shldaker hU8 belln on will comlllence tbe building itlleif in Mr. Robert yu11ett ret nrlled froUi day of t.hls week. decided ~l!flnltelY ~II to hi!! future Uver forty (tyles of lloor' oll oloth the siok Jist, bnt Is able to be ont tbe near future Oiuoinnllti Fllidl~y. A. L. Comstook whe was former a~ present, 008t 2lijl a yd., tbe be8t Ia.l"l In ' N €'IX t' Sun d ay W''11 be R Il.II Y 0 l1y at Muster John MIl dd en , vas ba dl y Quinlly,~prftln8 -Dd "wellings "ored ~ Iy conne0ted wltb the bllDIt, ' hnt .of LlnJleum, only 11, worth 11.26, II 'o·M ' B H Mill ' "he ].4Y tl e M E 0 b~urc 1.1 so It .. . .1901, " I oaught v oohl dR' e us' a ll hurt whil e olimbingatree at sohool. "In November, late hall been at O rv\l1e, Ohio, Will lllrge line of outing at 7, 8 and 10" rs. . . 86n 80n "y were . ' II,nd bad the qulntjy My, throat waa , return and r."ke Mr. WUson's place worth 8, 10 and 12~ ; all' our dreBB Ullyton shopper8 Monday. · IIttend Ilnd help to s,ven thll r~ks, Messrs . Frank 8hidllker, Frank swollen so I could hardly b~the Mr. Oomstook.'8 ,many frll'nda will Klngha.Uls at ~O" 'Wor:tb 12" the M. 1/. Slms,of Indillnapolls, 18 the Mt· a~d Mrs R H St J ohn and Barris, OIyde Levioy Ilnd Rolla. I applied ChamberlaIn's Paln Balm 1ge1oome blm back to WaynpnU!e beat shirting 8 and 10f, worth 10 ' gueat of his Aister, Mrs. Bope Stiles: family had the plell.8ore ofentertain Kaylor went to the city on the ex- and It Rave me reUef io a _hort time In two days I WfIB all ri,ht," I&Y_ Oboe more, 'aDd 'l~~', 081100, ~t presen\ whole lug Mr and Mrs Lester Snrfaoe last oorslon Snnday . . Mrs L 0008ins, O''''rbul'D, MlobipD sale prioe.. We are aelllq ootton Dr TholDll.8 Sherwood attended Sunday Mr. "nd Mrs. Cl!8& Cleaver enter· Chamberlain's Pain Balm ill • U~ • _ • I.::r.~~~::!.v:'~~~,:~::!e battlnR at lOll', OoDie IlDd eee oU' lDeeting &he Warren Connty B.~ve yoor Pri~~g tertained Mrs. John Wolfe' and men' and Ie eepeolally valuable lui . a' ~C:Juette IDIlDY t>arpIDa. Jolm. A. hnker. Medloal 800tety,a' Lebanon. TUM G. .)tt~omae done at the 1Il0thet, Mrs. Cleaver, and Mr. and apraiDB aDd IwelllDp J'or M1e bl day Mra, Levi Wolfe ,to SUDday dinDer. J EJanDeY






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The Miami Gazette.

our going forth and bow aad b&l beeD OIL STOVE S IN HOTBE DS. HERITA GE OF ~IVIL \YAR. ' our row ru. It may be I bat the &I'k BROWN &; McKAY, Pu blishers . can cOllie hlthpr. for wbo Is tb re A 8uggeat lo n Which Will Prove Valu Thoulan dl of Soldiers Contr,:u:ted ' that dam bring It. IT''zll~ but toucbed a blo Next 8prlng. Chronic Kidney Trouble While OIL\). IL /lnd Is deu(l, ant! I r memhtlr hear· In .ll1e SO llvlce. , IUJ:; my (ulh r te ll of th< aweul thin's For yare, 811YS a writer In nur,,1 \Vhl h be r I U, Phlli nlill('s when ttlVY le Immlgra ntl. N w Yorker, 1 had a hotbsd 1(; Or 18 The experien ce of Capt, John L. ElY', had the II rk , a011 tlft!)r tbal how Ib teel long to start tomato \'Iaut.. It o! Co. E, 17th OhiO, itow IIvlllll at GOO It seema strauge to look bact on STORY BY . THE MHIGHW A Y II n ur Bothsll lLIo'sh W()ru 81 dcle n was hented by two one· ... lck oil I!latit econd stroet, 'ewtoo, Kall~u8 tbe days when we Imported fruit and AND BVWAY " PREAC HER , with a g rievous plullue wh on they 8tol'es, [lnd was a perfect 8UC\,l'1I11 will Int r'es t tb e t!lOLl· ~egotab l es , wltb tho wbole Illnnt lUng· lookcu wHllln tbe urk. A lid uow tills sands of "e lermlS 11'1\0 PRACTI CAL BUDDING METHO DS, ' aftcr I found llOW to lllauR t:e It. 'I ~m ready to be conqudr ed for our tra~~ dl' Itll~ rnll .. n "]lun us al a tim will try to t ell how one onn I)av~ .n IGoprriaht .l"U. 1 LheA.uthor , W. I. ~ . o u , ) CRmo back trom tb e farm ers. We IImlle when we re all \\'1 ea w ~ would brln /; up til' ark oad 011 slov hotbed to 'grow ('''PI' r. to· Ivll Will' Buffering lor· 'Scriptu re Authori ty : ~ 2 Samue l, wlt o Is Ih<>rc da ru aPIII'Ollrh unlo It Some Advice Wh ich May Be Kept for nHlto Illants, tbe days "beforo tho war," wh eu the gg plants and the like tures " ,It h k Idn y COlli· Next Year'. Ule, mo re 1' 10 bring It up OV4 r lh dlfllclIlL t omato wa's a curio frorn Peru- a challter 6. lO 11 rfccUon. I)'he hotbed l\lIrst lie plaint. Capt. EIYSHYS: I ot this cll~' ?" And be bow d "pols!>n apllle" used to frighten the clo\,uled on blocks ot wood hl>;h ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .........• .. .. .. .• I,Rlhway " I coutract ed l,lIllIey Tbel'e are numeru us s tyles bud· his h at.! lu his IHludK, .Iaves Into obedlen c. Yct last year llough so tbat a persou cau get \lnder troubl e 4lu, lng lhe ~ SERMO NETTE . • Th king SILt sll ntl\' .a nd dlsconllO' ding, but only tbe onc In tbe . most It to care for th lumps; we grew It on 600,000 aeres of land. ~ It should be Civil 'W ar, and Ihe oc· commou use lar far luto th night, and whl'n at 11'111 s helt red from the ~ The Francisc an tathers were early ~ winds , but not caslonal attacks \lnnl· In pro.perl ty David forgot not be d scribed here. nOllr cnolls last he soug ht his couc h It was ooly h t() any bullllll.lg to cnlleo workers In this respect. The altalfa ~ God. There II forcible .uggel • Iy develop ed into B Budding Is oue ot daDge!" . . to tint.! hill troubled thought s merg· It the hotbed should gel ou chronlo cnse, At one tlmo 1 bnd to U 8~ tbey In trodliced 111 the '50s-wh ich ~ tlon in the fact that the chap· : Ing Into tlJe the most economl · lire. In Ute ' most di stressin g dreams, nccOlIlpanylng dlugram A a orutch and 'cane to get about. ?lty tound 11.8 way here from Asia Minor, ~ ter wh ich tell. of David'. suc· • so that Illtl(J rest or r'r',· cal [orOla ot artlll· I' preseu ~hlng carn" ts the glasij area, ]) Is 11 talse back was lame and wcak, nnd besld !t , by way ot Chile-b as turned t,OOO,OOO ce •• n Is followed ~y a chapter . • to him. ' And Ule days which foll owed clal reprodu ction, bottom mado ot sheet·lro n aDd rest.- Lbo ac hing, tb ere wns a dl stres lug and each ac res Into an Imm neely profitab le .. tell ing of his sincere and hum; • brought Ilttle rellcf, ror th e uo t>xplnl n· yea.r Ing on lron rods run crosllwa ys of the retentio n of tbo kidney sec r lions. I .. ble devot wltu esses Its more ion to God. Thll I. • >d rnyster)' does nut I;ontrlbu te to farm area. Tbelr sprigs or ollve, too, wns In a bad way wbon 1 h gnn U"! tI!; g .neral use. SOIDe now cover 1,000 orchard s. And a tew ~ ;'ot the ulual order, We are •~ oue's ppuco ef Dllud. D,IlY arLe r day. Ooan's Kidney Pills 'In 1901, hut tbe ... prone nurscry to men forget go yea, God so . In night times after of ;: nll:ht .A er SlulIlbl' r <lrange cuttings from the DrazlIIa n rem dy cured me, nud 1 have been tar as to use It as a Bub tltutc ror all ... prosperi ty, while our perlodl of • camo to bls w ar y. tlrod brnln , h'" east coast, due to the foresigh t of an .. rellg \Veil "ar since:' • loua fervor are encoura ged • w · nt o\ler and O\'er agnlc t~e sud In I modes or !>rdtlng , save wblp grafting " America n ,,"'oman, to·day repreg nt ~ and Inlplred Sold by a ll denIers, 50 cents a box, by Idverllt lea. • de nls ot z7.Uh's deuth. He ttled to In tbe propaga tion of the dwarf Ilear. Fo rer·Mllb urn Co., tiuaulo. N . Y. ' 8,000,000 a year tor the Calltorn la .. Dudding la econom ical III tho amount The deceltfu lnell of riches t!- nualyze his owo pUrpQSe ii nn d crop alone. A8 one of the smaller ... and and the prIde of life are pit· • In bringing up th e a rk. He desires or wood used from wblch to take buds. aearche ll T"e Peacefu l Joy of the River. tblngs, take the horserad ish of Malin, .. fall. wh ic h David seeml to have • his hea rt for nnsw r to lhe UlIIIlY rn this method, a single bUd does the An In genious millinI'd suys that work or two or thre e a IIUle village near Vienna -tho best .. successf ully avoided. or qllcs morn Uons UllOn whl • II arose. "riv ers and the Inhnblll lnl S of the wn· the scion .. God'i used In blesling grartlug He . followed But did wblle not douht God, . He did not by. of Its ' klnd In the world. Then behold tery lemen t were mud for wise m(,D Di agram or th& Hotbed, roots secured on the IlIot, a.nd In due ~ man 'l devotfon I. the Divine or· • reol rebelliou s a gainst him. Dut he It Is cconoml cal of wood, It Is ex· to con tom plate anrl fools to (111 89 by pensive In the use of stocks, a so dllng h tbed. ~ der. "We love him because he • tlld want to uMorela nd It all. It seem· ' time handed over ·to New Jersey ~ C Is til e Iru ottom, mado wlthnut conslrter lltlon." Arid thOUGh .. ftr.t loved us." We give t o . ed as ttrough he nev r agalu ould being reqllired tor I1ch tree, wIllie , or wOotl. nlld di s tance' about six Inches I will not ranl< myself In tbe numb r growers . . Tbe r "Slllt was surprisi ng. .. him because he first gives t6 • orn e Illto close and 101' lrlg touoh with with the piece· roots sY8tem ot gl'Brt· from the shee t Iron bottom; D ond ill of tbe 1I rs t, yet gh'e m lea v to tr It Not only did . It yield a ton more per .. us. We find the Incentiv e f or • him ogaln. HI. longlog WI~ S IIftor God . lng, two, three or 1U0ro sto ks can bo are sruall boxes, ach big enough to mYSll1t !'rom tb e IllS!. by olTerhl!; to acre, but the cllsb 'reSUlt waG $100 au .. service In the fact that he sen made from a single seedllu alld ~. ~' CL llow dare . he o\Jproll h I,Inlo • holel n on ·wlck 011 stOI· . A two· )'OU n s hort contemllJat!on, tlrst of rlv· &ere ove.r and above the ordlnllry .. his only begotten son to minis· • him 0" c.orufj near to th e sacre41 The op~rntlon ot budding Is 9lml)le, em· wick a ll s tove will mak lUC soli luo ers, and th n of -nRh; co nc~ rulng J'1 ~l d. And in a sin gle county .o r that .. ter unto us. • . ble ms ot Israel's ,,'ors hlp, or brln;; and can be done \vltb great spoed by hot jus t above tho namo. Each box which r doubt not but to gl V VOl Uzzah's death t rOUbled David • th m to tb Ir I,roper p~ aoe In th o eXIl rt budders . Tbe · expense or the IImall stale the pro;!uctl on ot borse- .. Is tllt od with door In which ore D1IlIlY obscT\'nllons thut will apl) ar r adish ' grew from a te w hundred ~ and cau ~ed him to fear God with Ii- roya l It.\' It such fale as came to ope ration Is, tbere for , not mo re lhlln bored a few boles to Mmlt air. The \'er)' cons lde rablo; r nm 8uro th ey ba vo lJzzuh awaited bhll or olbers In Is· 'POunds a year to mor than ],000,000 : a supersti tious fe ar. The bless. : dirt Is ' plaoet! on tir o shee t Ir n bot· Dil l/Oar' tJ 80 to lIIe, nnd lu nda mnny nn .. Ing up ra on 1? the hou le of Obedom • pounds, 8ay. Appleto n's MagazIne. It tom to a tl ep th r si x Incb ~s, U,e lVarm h'o ur flU IlS aWIl)' more pleasan tl y, I\S [ ~ where the H tbought that the presenc e of the air clrculalo s between U,e woodon bot· hov sat Qulc lly on n nOwCry buuk by h M b en tbe same with the polato .. heart with ark rClted filled hie • a Godly fear. There . a rk In J erusalem would bring the torn and the sh et Iron ono, but no a cnlm rlver.-l saac Walton. from the .hl ghlands of Colomb ia and .. Is a va It differen ce In the two • hle~slug and ravor or Ood, but how film strom Ul all stovo ever rench Peru; the rhubarb from central Asia; ~ kinds of fear. One I. grounde d • could he now hOllO for s llcb t hlDg the Inte rior of tbe hoi bed proper. THREE ' BOYS HAD ECZEMA. the asparag us lrom Englund : tbe cel· ~ In lusplclo n and dlltrust , the • wh e n on the very Journ ey thither ll1 'rhe woodwo rk at tbo under side 01 ery of south Europe; the Deldl and ~ ether In love. The one repell, • ark brings death to tJlOSO In whos lbe holbed sbo~ld not be tno Ught; a Were Treated at Dispens ary-Did Not TelU barleys tram Algeria, wblch have : . the other attrac tl, For perfect cnre It " ' IlS Illaccd? .few small cracks should be I Ct, or Improve -Suffere d Five Monthl love casteth out fear. HolY all Israel had rllng wltb the ~ given luch wondert ul resultll In our thoro wlll be uo clrculnl! on or air for -Perfect Cure by CutlOt;'r.,. God's hand of Judgmen t fell : JOY of bringing up tlla ark, and nOlv lIOuthW!>st; IIkewlle the Ivanov rye ~ the lamps, and lhey will smoke. i ~ upon Uzzah, 'whlle hla hand of • In what re'proncb must he be be ld be· from. RUSSia, now lrown In Man:lan d once 8howod botb ds made like this "My tbree cblldren bad ecz ma for: . .. ble .. lng rested upon the houle • cause his plans hud .ended lu sucb to an Englishm an, tbe prlv'illo gard· flvo months. A Httle sore would apX a nd Kansas; and the Abruzze . rye j of I. Obedom , Why the d'lfferenc lI? dlsappo lnlll1 nt and trag.)(ly. Tbus ener to a rich man. Thill gardene r peor on the llend aod seemed very from the italian hIghland s. .. Just th is : One knew God, the po th dill'S pas8ed In trouble d thought . makes bls hotbe ds by the help of rna· Itcby, Increasi ng day attor duy. Theother did not. One W31 sen.ltlv e Tbe weeks grew to be a month anf! nure. I told him aft r I got t/>e hang" baby bad had It about a we k when. to the Divine prelene e; the po thell the mont.b str tch d to two and Half Houra with HUlban dl. ot my 011 ·slove hotbeds In " r had a the second boy took the tllijoase and ~ other waa not. One stili had no due rellet • came te poor KI'nl> Tbe Bugge.U on recently made that fDllure. He salll: "You al'e, tllen, a few !lares de velop d, i.h n the Ullrd "vomen adopt an arbitrar y sY8tem of ~ reverenc e for holy things; the ..'• David. ahead of m , ror with all my oare my boy took It. }o'or tbo first tbree months. .. other was of that profane nature • . So It waS ""h n the third month ..octal intercou rse with their bus· ~ that dares manure beds ure not alwa ys n suc- I took them to tbe N- Dispens ary • violate the aanctlty • was drai'log to a close. W eary with OOSS, aud It Is some work to make but they did nl>t seem 'to Ibanda and set aside a certain propor- .. 01 holy thIng I and Improve . disobey the • the struggle and the qu sllqnlng s Preparin g 8tock for Bud. thew." ~Ion ot tbe day for tlJll purpolle, has ., plainly Ipoken comma ndl of. which filled hIs heart David resolved Tben ] used OuUcura Soap and Cull· ' ~\lra Ointmen t and In 0. fow weeks. met with varloUI fOflU8 of orlUclsm ~ God, • that he would send for tllle Prollh t that ot whip grafting. '!'be usual plan, TOMATO BLIGHT. tbey bad Improve d, and wh en Ihel r accordin g to the experien ce of tbe • DavId did not let any f:.lle • Nathan, who In the cou rse ot bls 811.YS Orange J lldd }<urmer, 18 tor a . minis try through lsrael bUld come to man to set the huds with a boy (01· II Fungus Growth That Beglr.8 Attack hends were well you could s nothing critic. On tbe whole, It may be said ~.' Id eas of hi s own dignity and 1m.-. -.~ or the Borlle . . Mrs. Kate Keirn, 5 ~ a. 10",lng close ly to do the tying. that It II wltb husband l al It II with ~ portanc e al king come betw,en !!" J erusalem. In the Seed Be~ . W Bt 29th St., New York, N. y" Nov. "\Vhat think you concern ing this The bud should be taken trom wood 'authors . Halt houl'll with the best ~ him and hi. God. In bringing 1, 5 lUId 7, 1906." up the ark matte he laid r!" qucsUon a:.lde ot tbe hll pd prese . David nt seasoD's wb en Tomnlo blight Is due to a fungus, th e growth. Since autbors are frequen tly unsallsf ylng, : royal robes, hll crown and seep. : lOan of qod bad come lot.o bls pres· the work of budding Is done during wblob attack8 the plunta tor the most becau8e If the author Is to one'. taste .. ter, Dlllll uslon, and attired In the garmen t ... ence. "I fear to b,r lng Jlal th e a rk, the season of active growth, the bud part In the seed bed. This being tbe 'a half hour Iii all too Ibort a Ume to .. which betoken ed complet The America n contro'c tor stood lit e con· • and yet I cannot bo cont I~t whlle It sticks are pr pared so that the petiole CIlSC, tbere 'can be no remedy for the the bas ot tbe great pyraLl'rld a ncil llpend wltb hIm: wblle tr be proves un· ... lecr.tlo n to God, he danced be· t!- abides not In the tub m ade wb,ore or atem .or eacb leat 18 left attacbed plant atter It 18 once attacked . Thls looked Ilt lbe venerab le ulon'um ent III lultable , a moment IIpent In commun · .. fore the Lord. Thl, wa. 31 It • the word oC the Lord whlcb cam un to to serve M 0. handle to Is t rue, tor the res son Lhat the fungus disgust. ald In pushing Ion with him II tedious. General ly . . .:. Ihould be, for the heart which .. Moses declared It IIhould be placed. the bud bome when Insertin g It be- grows on !bo Inside ot'tlrlrT llants and "It's n big pll~ , all rIght," he said; would truly worship God must .. Ipeakln g, ~y arbitrar y torm of hu!!". But since the Lord smote Uzzab .811 neath the bark of the stock. Tbls evldenUy e nte rs ouly the rooUe\s of "and It may do well enough for Egypt, come Into hi' preaenee tbe· nallon with that fears the a rk as sooe tel" Is what II usually called a sble ld bud. young plants. Dy examini ng tbe Hit man· Intercou rse I. Un88t1 ~fYl ng, laYS but It a mun In the United <It atE's Cbleego Tribune . .W omen wbo have : Sincere hur:nlllty whIch strip. It !!" rlb lo thing wblch will bring tbem It II cut eo that a small portion ot sues ,of a YOllng plan t wltb ~ mi cro-" tlhould tum out a job ' at stone work ... everythi ng human and that : hurt." the woody tissue of the ' branch Is re- scope, the tbrimds ot the fungus may regular daYI "at home" have been ., of llke thnt the papers would roast him. gen'u lne reveren ce whl'c h exalte • "But tblnkest tbou moved tbat t he with Judg· tbe bud. The bud stick be seen clogging the cells wbere they trom Hoboken known to con len that the day some- ., and glorlfle. to Hcg wlscb." God and abalet • ment ot the Lord rest6 upon any wbo and method of cuUlng Is sbown tn ' Interfe re with the passage at food matlme8 become s a burden, and those ., lelf, Turning away dltluppolntlld, he conIf to-day lucli a .plrlt • deserve It not 1" replied Nathan. the accomp anying figure by Lerlat. At Prot. the present Cor· time, then, we tloled blmself by taking a ride! on a. ambItio us readere wbo bave set aalde ... could prevail among the wor· • "Knowe st thou not that God must bett. . see no hope of ever beIng able to com· camel, whlcb animal c'eTtaln hours eacb day tor tbe perusal ... Ihlpers who alsembl e In the IlUllish a violation of ·the comman d The stock for 'budding !ShOUld be at bat thIs blight successf ully In the field. to all the descrIpt he found fully liP ions be bad r elld or ol upllfUn g bookl baYe tailed at ... churche e of the land what a dlf· ~ concern.lng tbe touching or the ark? least aa thick as an ordinary lend But we do bOIHl to !lnd a method of It. times to feel tbe upttrt. Of couree, .. ferent atmolph era would perme- t!- rr plague came to tb e Phlllstin ee be- pencil. With appl e and pear, a second preventl ou by ImprovI ng tlJe sa nitary bellig "at home" to a busband II a lela : ate the lerylce. Neither by: cnuse they kept tbe ark a trophy to season'• .growth will be neCessary What . thl! Poet SIYI. to condlUon ot tbe seed -beds. With this ...... dr, e 'l their nor gods, by pompou knowing l, forbid· • Artor thei r honey moon to Niagara not God neith er develop tbls size, wblle with peach, a end In view, we belleve It will pay to formal and less formida ble atralr than ding dignity cCl!,ld the rich and • bls law, how mucb more shlOuld Judg· single being at home tp frie.nds, and the season will suffice; benC!!, tboroug bly clean and dlslnfoc t the FrIlls they came back and settled OD ~ the dlltlngu readJng ot a ma.n alwal'B offere a ., the worship llhed be told from • ment be on a Levlte who, Instruct ed peach stooks can be budded the 8ame [rames or flats In whIch the seeds are tbe old farm. ers . of m'ore humble • lIS he Is concern ing the thIngs ot the Benson the pits "Gracl,?u s, SlIe!" sold Oyntilla , ''WhY Bre planted. Conse- planted. ThIs may btl , done by wash· pIquanc y unknow n to boo~s, but just ., Itatlon. There WOUld, be· a Joy. t!- tabernac le, Pllt8 torth the [lreimm p- qllenUy tbe peach Is lett until as ' Iate Ing or spraying all ot the par1.8 aflel' are YOU In such a bad humor?" because the maller II one of. greater ... ful abandon to the lervlc e. tuou~ hand and thlnketh "Making butter Is blamed bard . to save thE< the dirt and 60\1 have been removed , delicacy and spIrItua lity It should be which would 'make Onl forget t!- emblem ot Divine presenc e trom dis with a strong 80lutlon of copper au). work," grumble d SlIe, removin g tbe removed trom the drawbac lla of for- ... everythi ng but the Lord and hll !!" asterT' phate. Then treab soli and mlUlur. beads from his \J ro IV • .. glory and maJelty and power, : mality. "But tbere seemed danger' tbat the "Oh, cheer up, SlIe. Don't the poet sbould be procured , wblch shOUld also ark would tall, tor the oxen shook It, be sterlllze d, This can be best done by Bay that ff Is 'love that makes the and zzah thought lessly put forth bls steam. Tbls may lie done at small world go rOllnd'?" lItr. Schwab , -wbo may know bow to THE 8TORY. hand to stay It," David respond ed cost by fltlIng up a small system of , " Yes, bllt, by gosh, It don't mnke the. make ateel a.n d .all about Bucb heayy HARP Indeed the contras t betw~en quickly. two·lnch Iron pipes wblch are to ba cburn go round." 'Work, bas plunged Into the woman the departu re trom and tbe return " Yen.," .' .solemol y. said t h\! prophl't, ' placed In the bottom of a bed made questlun and .solved It wkhout waiting to. Jerusale m of King David. "but thou must not . forget tha,t -thoee . The 'Truth, for the ·purpose . Three ' ten or 12 foot But a few days before be bad gone to whom God commits . hili sac . to draw a second breatb. Wben a Gobsa O.olde descend ed palnfull l re:! lengths ot 1)lpe ' wllr be ample, and man who irabs off a tew millions In out of tbo royul cIty wltb great reo trust must heed the comman ds of th '! small. holes must be drilled In them from bls 9~borse power 1I01Ouslno. " I wish to [lurcilasfj," he said, "al!r on~ 11IIe begIns to contemp late bla jotclng follow ed by 30,000 of tbe Lord conceru lng them." about six Incbes allart to allow stenm chosen men ot Israel to bring up the "The n thou thlnkest that thore tn engngem ent rin g." money he tblnks tbat he mUBt neces· to fl,sca pe. :rhe pi pea are now placed ark of the Lord and that evenIng as nothing to fear In tb e presen'Ce ot tbo 'IYes, sir," said th e eager c le rk. "WeB,rlly know all about everythi ng. Mr, the ahadows parallel to each other and connecl ed were gatberln g he had ark?" David asked ·.eagerly . IZ at bolb cnds, so t bat they are about ' have just Importe d a superb rill!;, IIlrSchwab saya tbat housewo rk Ia the gloom'll y and silently returned i\athan opened his mouth to reply , follow· two ruby hearts surround ed-" 18 Incbes apart. ElJldcjlng, Tying and Cutting Top. The apparat us noblest ocCUpat l01l tQr women and ed only by bls body guard and hla when the entrance "No," said tbe aged milliona ire, In a of a s ervant an may be connecl ed to a traotion e ngi ne dlsillusioned ' voke; tbat tbey sbouldn 't · do anythin g e lde . tew attenda nts and without the arR. nouncln g th e arrival of 8 d.alegall on In tbe ' senson as Is ' praCticab l~, to ob- or other availabl e source of steam "DO, that won't SlIPTbe girl who must e8rn he r II Vlug, In· That had been left at the plnce where to sec tbt! klllg cut shOl't hi s .words tain 8tock~ ot suitable size. The he ight ·ply. Soli s bould be filled Into the bed do. 1'h re Is onl y one heart conce rned stead at studying stenogra phy or be- , the a~ful judgmen t had tallen 'I[lon us they cried. l"yfull y. ILIl11o~t before a t which buds are Inse rted varies over the plpe8 to the depth of abollt In . U11~ affair. Tho gi rl Is marrYl!lg me lor my money." coming understu dy to a bucj(et shOD Uzzah; king and peollle with a SUllOI" they had made their ohclsan ce: with the operator . ' In 'general , the one toot, t.hen the surface COVlVloW '!VI th " I.Alt the 'kln g'a hea rt reJ!llc , to.r neurer the' ground the better. man, sho\lld kllock ' at th~ baCK dOOr IttUouS fear sh unning it and retus· gunny sacks or some similar material . !ng to bring It further . . blessing has come to .the ' hOllse of FOUND' 6UT, To bud a plant, make a cut for the It steam Is turoed on tor aD hour, the and see It the family doesn't want a The represon tath'e men whom Obeol edom since the ark cam( Into his receptio n of t~e bud In tbe s hape of low organism s will hired girL Work· like tbis, ' says th'e be kill ed, and DavId had summoa cd' trom the vari· ' cnre. a ' letter, T as sbown at a. USll.a lly plants which wilt be practica lly tree A Tral[led NU~le Made DI.cove ry. Bteel mao, will . dev elop an y girl and ous tribes "Thall I. Rst thy answer and who bad com~ . bring be r out as a ' perfect woman. Iy and In such high spirits so glad· . tlon ," Nathan exclaime to tby queR· the crosscu t Is not quite at rIght trom blight should be raised ' In . soli hud reo d, t,ill'nlng to No one Is In bolter POsition to knowBut wbere Is abe to 'g et the job ? The turned home again dlsnpllo lnted and tbe king. "00 thou and bring tho angles wi tb the body o( the ~ree and wh!ch has been 'trea t ~d 111 this mall· ~Ire stem to. the T starts at tho or08s, ner.-W . Paddock . the value ot 'Cood and , drink than • . wom en of the househo ld will have read troubled In heart. AM tbe>' had ark thither." traine d nUl·s,e. cut and extends toward the root tor • Mr. Schwall 's advIce a.lso and tbey wilt taken the word everywh ere of the So DllYld went and />rOl\ghj: up the nn tnch or more. The ' Farmer 'l V.e getable Garden, Loo~en the fiap. Speakin g of colTee, n UI!rse of Wilkes, failure of UHlir ark of Ood rrom the hOllse or Obededorn oe bilrk caused , by mlselon, of how U,zznh be keen to do their own work~ Mr The tarmer's Vegetab le g&ult:n la Barre, Po., wrl.tea: "I .the Intersec tion or used to drhlk .schwab can see that the Bcheme wlll ba4 heen suddenl y stricken before the uoto tbe ci ty o~ David \vltb gladnes s. the two cuts as seen at ~, wltb the growing In populari ty wltb the farm. stroDg colTee myself, alld suttered ! ark and the expediti on abruptly ended. ers that wlsb deteat Its o,,"'n purpose . ]~ fact, many .tbelr families to' have greatly {rom headach es and Indlgellrvory beel ot tbe budding knife. Thus It .was Ulat 8S' the king en. Charact er In Reading . women now employi ng help would ,dll' tered bl!, house Grasp the bnd by the lenf stem as the greatest amount ot comtort s In tlon. Wblle on Ii Visit to my brothers. that · night ullon A man teveals his cha'ract er by the>. a hhndle, Insert:1 their farm life: A half acre devoted to cbarge the girls If they believed wbu return to !,erusale m not only he his but way he holds his newspap er. Tht pusb It firmly t under the !lap's and . this work can be made 'a , cpnstan ] had a good chance to try ' Postum l Food Go tree, for they drank It altuIn place unW Ita cut he says, ami there -would be nothing the whole na.t lon as . well \vere ' trou. methodi cal, oxact sourc~ ~f pleaSUre, not .o nly on account .gethcr I.n place of ordinary collee. In lefl ·for' tb e girls but to drift duwn. bled by the' strange and untowar d per very evcnly man fO,lds hIs pll.. surface Is e ntirely In' contact with the In 0. small square: p~eled bod y Of. the stooks as shown ot, the vegetables It will produce Iiul two we~k.s atter using Postum I tound at town and rlln the lJnnks and the In. thin gs wblch h.nd come to pass. De. Th e mau who make~ an also o il a ccount ot tbe Inrg(t amount J was mUch. bene'fited and 'finally my 'Jeotedfy KIng David loolted about blm across tbe page, letting untidy fold a. Tie tightly above and below the bud, lIurance offices. of Informa tion It will yield up relative hqadach~s disappe ared half ot the all, lndl,cate d at Ii, to hold It' In· as he sought the leolus lon of hIs prl. pages hl!ng olit and alao tbe nnd. prob!\bly tcarlng until a , union sball be formed , place to what treatme nt ot the 8011 ' will give Indlg s tion. . Tercent ennial. blcentennhll, centeno wate apartme nts. All Raffia the heauty ot one or two sheets In tbe llrocllss Is ·ar wrappIn tbe best r csults. Sucb a gal'den should g ootton (ordJnar y 'c otton 1I1aJ ' lInd other minor celeb rations are (he cedar pilI ace which "i\otura lly' I buvo since used Postlll'n b.e bad built careless and r;ood naturcd~ bllt pdBsl. string) about ten to 12 Inches long', bo ,v ery hea1llly manure d, 80 tbat II among my Ilati nls, and have noticed coming thick and fast lhese days " eeemed to bave passed away and ' In bly hot tempere d. -w1l1 be alwa)fs at Its best for I)roduc. a !!larked beucllt where cotree . makes a most .c onvenle nt tying mao Prolld, au d ba I'IlY the ' peOPle Who~ place ot the JOY and bils been satlsfuc tiop he He who c1utohes paper Illl l.~ In terlat. As SOOD as the buds have lng crops. We woul4 put on manure left 00: and Posltun. used. annal. dute back 80 f . T b~d found In the new surroun dings mortal fear tbat &<Ime both tall and one spring Is ,nnlted gOing and a to 'iv.Jtb e Ihat the tho ar. I~ock "lobs hey al')! . ttiere was now only dl sappol utment take It frOID tho hIm Is certainl y bad should tie cut, to prevent ' ligature Dlanni4l geta Into the 1011. SUeh 11 gar. Postnm ned rr, curious fa t about more .Insplrln g tbun genealOgical trees and anxIous forebodi w hen \lsed nlllong moU,era. It girdling the ngs. temper4!d. dim If . properly and quite as ennoblin g, worked stock. This done, the.operatio n Is com· can but b( greally botps tbo -liow of milk In cllsea "Why Is this thing oome to pIISII ?" The DIan 'w bo holds his papelr close ,plete profltah le and be a constan t SOurce 01 whero colTee Is Incllnod tp dry It up until tbe followin g Iprlng. Trees' A New York ma n succeed ed In ac- hlY asked himself, deJect6d ly. "Dill to Ills face, appearin g almost Ito bide In wblcb . and whe re toa callses nervous nes8 ihe budl have taken should delight. ' cumulat ing , 23,OOO,O()0 without lettiJiC I e rr In my deSire to bring up tbe behind It, III watchtu l and prullent to bll,e tbe top cut oft . "I find trouble In getting sorvani s to JUIlt: above the bud ark? Huw beautifu l Is the situation an extre me and apt to be IUSI)loloUI- as Hen at C. Hog. Better Than Cllicken l, anybOdy know that hit wail rich , Still, In make Postum prClllcrly . 'l'hey mOilt tbla cIty and boW fitting It seemed Watch the .way people fold theIr Hop In tbo orchard ' to d"stro, alway, serve It before tbat wasn't wondert ul. In /lrew York that the ark of tbe It ha~ been Lord IIhould reet bapd8. Those wbo tolef the rlg~t' wlndCal l, are more effectJ\"e than bo\to~ lon g enough. It sbo.;ld be balled they Dever DoUce a mall :wbo I. worth within the taberoac te whlcb. hal beeD thumb over tlJe lett are s\rooge r . In many ot our tarmena ' gardens , cblcken s. The latter pIck out onl' 15 to 20 minuteR atter Do.lln" beclnl lhe ground II Dot tertlUze d as hIghly reared upon the rocty eminenc e over. wllled than thoBe wbo '". thaD $25,000,000 :old the 11ft @J!. look!n, the Ked ron, yow Joyiul wu ' over' the rIght. sbould be to lit the beet reaulta the 80ft fruIt around the core leavinG and served wIth cream, when It lB eel'the peet thereIn, whtJe bop eat th' !,-Inly a "olleloull benrage ." .1r1t.!.~!7..!~~bl... Read IDUn upte, GO.... '"'rill &lid au. The Road 10 WtllI9lUe" ra pkp,: . '!'Tbere'li a Reasoo. "













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But 80me OO Q c ut th o Hiring. On Aamj)l ed b avlly I\'e:e nct gOIlIl: .., 1be v nlng of Doc. 1, 1002. Pollee In· ~aruLOgB. specto r 13rooI18, aldell and dlr c ted It, Glor le. Oep al'te6. by I I ~lrlct Altom y Jerome, sm ash d Can-:il'ld opun lJd Iho cl ubhouse dlnl n! In III dours Ilnd window s, most o f Ihe roolll this s e a~ oll, bnt :1. WD.S :'I p~ :Jb, OlllOl' \\'0 (' nllll gl ~s s alld sontP. of th {' ra lll' na tl'O nl7.ll d; t he P~O ll l o wbo KIOlle lind brlcll ot thll tront ot Can· ea ra d to dltH Ih l're wl), lIted the fun of :lr ld 'H Jll or e III search of o ,ld cnce u pon I" ic i ng I hrough Ul e o"en d doors at which ' nnn hI could bo co nvic ted of -thu g amh"! rs. But the onl), gam bling b eln l~ a common gambl er , f;ulllJ; 0 1l - 1",,'aIl8e or Ih o quc t1o ~l a!l" ~'h ' eu t co lll WIlS , as mo~t r ade rs - wu ~ 10 /l retI red room 0 11 a ll uppar wil l recall , thnt the court Raid that fl oo r , flanker I~<lwl~ohn mu st ' be nice to It wns nil QU ll ll Y, 1\ lie In com o, ('nn' 1\1r, ,I er om .. , null , an s w er h1 s ' 4110S l h lU3 , fiel d cuu! r! w ell r ep":Lt hi s to ~ t w it, und, If Heg l na ld Vllndorb1tt wan l eu tlc lgm : " I lose mol' mOlwy!u Wul; ever IIgaln t o elljoy the !;ro rl s of New l! t rnf\l than I can liU :' ", at illY leb1t York, he, too, must suhml t to a can· lIIate bus lueus," ver6atloD, oot sll qu esti ons, with 1111', Cann elll t h e ~amb l 'r wns (lussl n g, J orom e. Th en Canneld show d that. he It wu s 1I0t In hi s nlHur" to hll llk at bad th e prlll 'l(ll es r oma nce aso rlb es the fu el. Th HT(' w as sl)methlng op to th e Slllllhl cr of th e flr st clnss; h e re' j llOSinG' h im ho could DI t flght, coultl t u rn d to J';'ew York, pl aced h i ms elf not corru pt. cou ld not call orr. .DId he within the focu s ot Mr, J erorn 's yeo know wh al It wus ? PosHl bl r It was gla sHes and Bald, "Stop botb erlng my 1I0t In bl a uature to li S.! lJu ~ s tlon a as pal rOilS; I'll pl ead gUilty," And ho did. to wha t dlr I' L<J rate. But !)n(' moru , e:: :! IHlld a tin e of $1,000 tor boln! a In s r ecl'lI l l y IhN " ,','a s a 'JI:lCk lind c ommon gnmlJler ," y ell o w ~ l l:n naill'" o n I he ;;u r 81 0::" to Saratooa. cI UlJ ho U ~(1, tI" , l u ~ l """ l1 h llll<; pI",,,,, N ew Y o!'" - Mohllnre lind st at S Ol n T h at wa R tbe passino; o f anfl Id Oll' lI t,d l,y I~I 'Iw ,'d ' !lIll1c ltl , a:l d It (Ie Intem;t l l Ull ul f u m e thi s cou n t r y ha s from Now York elty, But ho Wfi S the roa ll: protlll CCl\ In ""l11 hor s'; llrll sl S, I;\, nt. proprietor or the S:lrul oga Chlb, tbe ... . .. ...... ......... . : .. .. ... .. . .. . ors, I n. w)' e r ~ , nlhl<, t 3 aml-Il.'t It not g r eot CR t r esQrt gumbllllg place III thEo: "T hla (, lot or r rfl lllld an 1111 bo overlooh U! --iiolf plu yer ~ h""e cOllntr)". 1'hl ~ clubh o uso I s a suo s an· aprnng f rom t lt i8 countl'), lutb w o r ld· tlal build i nG' of brIck and st OI.1 hUII I ', : the hll lltli l ),; s I h(, I'('o wide nllne I~l! b gl'ull fy l llG' f r equcn y . In 18GO by J ohn Mort'IS y, who h nd : FOn S ,\ LE." lIut or that cl an, In di stinction we been n priz e lI~hter, II. m mlJ er of cun· have prod uced eul y one StlmlJler , !;r ess, Iiolltl '!tm alld gaOlbl"r, The •••• , ., .•. , , ., .. , . , . . , .. . , ••. • . , , . • ;Rlohard A. CII II O Id. Ho Is p ass lug, cl ub Morri sey co nduct od luh r lled roo NO ROOM FO R Q U ESTION , Last w k hll " I-'or SlLl e" slsn WUH lnolltl ' trudlUons, (or ' IL hud beell 1111 d UllOn bls Saratoga placo, nnd fo un d od In th o' early dIll'S of Sara· the own er h ns ll unouncod that ho has tOgl~'K SJlI ndor , Even before Morrisey He W as Tau gh t by a Young Lady From Massachu ~ ettG W ho Knew. "turn d hl8 laGt artl." Imln d fo r his first ring lig hts, b ol les Beurlng In m i nd that th lonte and gallants from tbe fllrther st oo r. Th !> mer drl l" ln J; o f I h !' o l d Hl aGE Carlo' g,amlJl lng stal>lIs bm eot Is on· ner s or the country g:tthe re<l at Snrll' dueled by U sto ' le cOlllvany, It I, per· t oga to · '·tn lt th waters," to dri ve, to f rom H a \\'l e ~' R " <l t nh t o C dnrvllle WI ~i mlsslble to Blly that ror Ule pas t dozeo pn••ll ennde, to filrt a little-aDd bet a a light m a tt er to HI !'Um Loc k; It wa f th e Qu (; ~ tl o n s and co ntentions of h iE IltU , passollserR wltldl 'callHoll h i m nor]· On Iy a llttlo ti me Derore J erome was lIleuls of anxi ety, anll nlll<1o him dra w mov d bl' a great wi sh tn ' lnspect the lon g hl'oath s o r rell er wl,l n th e tr11: Inllide of the h o use next to Dehuon· was safely over , leo's , I1nft III di sc losed his Saratosa " Wh oll was thllt ho us buill '! " deplann, At that ti me Richard T , WIl· mand d 8 bri sk young woman who ha r son , Jr., h ad newl;, taken a n In terest secur d lhe sent bos ld e him O IlO d ay In h orse racing, To him an d WilHam "( nt ~ au tha l SI'Il:lIl y ' llow one OVtH 0, Wbltney Ilntlel d suggested the tb ere," rc\'lval of Saratoga In all Its an lent "I 1'0 ItO o about RP\'cnteen bun dre d g lor y . !\'ature had done more tball and ninety·two or thr e," sa III H lraw h er share; 'It r emaIned only for art, ca utlousl)·. ''It-'' back ed by a gooG·n atur ed check book 110. ' no," fiLl ld the Y011Ug wonlnn to mak Saratoga a eecon d Monte promptly. " I t o uldn' t h al'o been! thul Carlo plus Ascot, Mr, Cantlel.. I s II strl of r oor nev r wa s built on 11'11 con vlnolng lalk er, and he htld eager .lollg aftor t hat, 1 thoullllt yo u mlgb l listen r s. OUler m en prominen t In knuw." turf nu.tler" came Into th venture; a :' Ycs: m, " sul d l\'tr, L Qcke m Cllltly, majorIty or lhe stock of the old Sara- " or rnth r, no'm, as yo u Ray ." t oga Hnclng aSBocJat!on w as bought, "1'ho s are IlIn gn !fie nt ak s," sa!d the old place rejuvenated and made the yo ung WOlllan , a few mOIlJ nlS lilt splendid und er th o fosterIng finances cr. " I SUll POS you b a ve no Id a hoW of t,h new " Sarnto!;a As soci ation (or ol d th er arc' " l h e I mprovement n f the Breed or "Y os ma 'am I h n \'e " and Mr, Horses." T.iOc;.ke 'turn Cl ~ calm g~zP. "ll 00 ber, , M ad e PI .. ce Beauti ful. ' ''rhey are 507 y ars old ," " D IIr llIe!" and h Is pa s en ger l ook nnfl Id en larged th e clubboulle, redecora t"d and refurnished It; bou'gltt eel nt 111m wi t h ulld l sglli s rl amaze, adjoi ning land unll! be bad a Pllrk ot m ent. "H o w do yo u kno w 80 aCc ur:lLe'11 norell, where tper o w ete paths, Iy ?" "Becau se there W:lS a yoong woman bordered b), t!\Ousand s of plants, wind· ),9arll Richard A. Cllnllold has b(>en Ing about Oel,ds and f or SUI beauUfled of nbout your heft and gen erl1l gel , the bi ggest' gambler In the world, says by rountalns /lnd statues, There was liP r od e beside n,l seve n yeurs ago," promise of nil thllt Monte Carl o of· 811111 Mr. L ocke, "and she was choc k'· the N ew York 'I'lm os. anfield's fu ll of Im owledce, And IIf er she'd It WIlS lne \ilab l e that r omllnce t er ed, Loading off from sbould hllve mi x d maoy of the colors vast glUIlbllng Ralon was Il magnlll· set Ole rlJ;ht 00 a number 0 ' p'lntS, 1n whi ch CRllll eld blls been paint d: cent dlnlng·r oom "atTon l ~e d b)' those we cOlli e along"to Ihcse trees, an tl she he bas been pi lured as a scholar or whn won-to cel eb rate-by th080 who menti on ed. , without an)' I fs, or buts, more t hau ord i nary Intelleclual abll· lost - for consolation , The great park ' that RltO knew by the si gnll th y we r o ity; as a j ud g of l1rt who would be a WIl8 k ept up at a c08t or $26,000 a 51)0 y anrs old , That 's se ,' en yenrs "!i0, val uab le aid to 0. ParI s Salon .hnnj!lng year; the chlb house WM made attract· and I 'm cap:4bi e of nddl ng a si m ple " commill ee ; liB a convcrsntlonallst f ,I ve by t he ministering care of an 1m· S UIll III, e th ut even If I bav n't mu cb brilli ant JlurlS ; as John Ollkhul'st and ported ch er Bud ~63 assistants an d bonk kuowl edg . " h e was from i\!ns snchu set I s, so Dominating all, watchin g, a Hamlin , denr to r ead ers o( sorl'"llu ts, Brot Hnrte, Well, he I s n ot all o( cR rlng ror, dlrecUng wi, was R lollllrd I rcck oll t here Illu' t mu c'h ' usc tr}' : n ~ nofleld. There ~'e ro a f o w brilliant to go hn ok 0' what 5h" stUltltl , A IIti t hese, but he Is something 01 each , and profitabl e sensons; seasons so now It yo u'll PXC lI 9 m e, \'\'(> got I e Can field's Early Ca re er, pro fit'lble to Caufield that he (lid Do t t end Rt l"l clly 0 bUMI\lC"S g oi ng down Fl otlon h ilS al so becn busy with r egr et the $800,000 he hntl Invested In thIs hlll."-\'olllh' s COlli 110 ilion, eanfi Id In Ibe mlltt I' ot hIs early th v nlure, -career . It mul' be Buld that ho nover !J'h n came tho J rom activIty In Inches of ;r Ime, did (or stully for the ob II rob , ,th III w, N w York ; clime Queatlollings hy the JleWl\re or losing e r wll stl ng ~nclllls o r w dlclne ; nor did h e begin a )J r om· Saratoga lIu t h orl Uell, came appealg to 01 t im Ill!' aro t h e little fOXC IJ I hat I sin g career 10 bRnk.lng , As a malter the s t ate l eglslu.t uro; ques tlooinga, run, awa)' ·w t il many days, Su mucll .of fnct, 11e WRS a Y(llIng m an wuen, In 18~9, he open d a gamblin g bou se In P rovIdence, ThIs h e s em s to , h avo ·conlluet 'd with mueb skill In , scaplng public it y for Iwl.: n dozen y ear s, IJut In July, 18S5, CanD el d wa s arrested tn ProvldCli cc II.nd ~hnr"ed w ith blling :a common gll.mbler. ros~lb l y a lose r at bl s gllmo experienced a chanl;o Qf h earl as to UI w lckednes's of pillying for gain t8 nd losing) Ilnd complained to the authorJU es, Catl DcI'd pl eaded guilty to tb o ch arge. Ho ha a III way s .. ~serted tbat h e enter ed the' pl ea on :an agreemen t that he would be sen · :tenced onl y to pay ,a fine, IJllt he wall .enteoced to, a'n d served, oh: montha' tmp,rlsorimlnt In tho Cranston Jail, Arter tbat Cllnfleld' came to New York, lind wIthin a' abort tline tbe v en· tllresome b e,:;'a n to bear or a safe, 4lulet place wh ere undivided surplusel\ ~ould be inve ~ted at I'oulette or poker, A suave and r esponsible inan was In cbar'g o; be preferred ' to play at a I'ea· eooable limit, but could he perBulld· ed to raIse the limi t , or, It one came 'Panting to part with ,his surplus, ,a -private gam e c ould be arranged un· 'hampered . by any limIt wht.tev er , Along these agreeable lines tbe fame aDd fortune of ' !Dlck" Ca,nlleld grew In Ootham, ' "'blaUer, tbe famoua ertiet, was palntlne the famous gambler'lI por· C;:anfiold'i Eitablllhm.nt at alratoga. trait; lIelect upper Bohemlalil cIrcles iD London aod Paris delighted to en· tertaln the modero comblnatloll of \11Iliaslne..-and a droppln, off of 'can be done In them, and wltb ' tbemproOts. often the v ery thlogs for which we Johll Oakhurlt and Jack HaillJln, 80metblns was alrecUn, Oanft~ld'l Ileh hopelessly, Fill them, eveIT ono, I:ntry Int, New York. bUlluoss, though the fouDtalnl III hll Keop some't h'ng halldY-Bometbl.n ll AI~: In Ne~ York, flnt In th e park murmured and sparkled, the tbat ,fits the Interv al. R em ember. s alUbl, then alonl' Broadway, .torlel moon ahone soft on the curvee of 'famoua hl w book was written because were beard of almost. (abulou. lIums 8culptured marble, mUlllo warted a lord Qhancellor Choae not to be Id Ie won and lo,~ at Canfteld" aam.., dreamily over the gambling and dIn- throughout the 16 mlnutel hIs wife At ftrllt there wall nothing lCalidal· Ins 1&I1l1)-but there wu an opprea· made bim walt oacb day 'for dlnlier, oul_othilla cOII.ld,ered 10, at l l u t - slve IIOmethiJl8 hurUnl 01l10eld'. Recall, too, all the men, noble and eminent, who h . .e cllmbod to th\! iD thelle Itorl.l. They were told and bUllneSll, re-told limply u lllustraUon. of tbe POlIslbly, be1q a ,ambler, he called height. by savlne Inchel of dme, All There of ua caaart bope to become Hkewlle wa1, life w~ lI.,ed III 1~tt1e old Nev.' \.hla lIomethlll&: "bad luck," York. It • )'OlInl man collid allor!! to was bad luck el•• "h'4l"l, Canft.ld bad emillent-but WI can reallollabl, nd GIIlebrate .w.llty·ftn~ birtbdAy b)\ mad. a fortllDe III Wall Itreet as a .all, ' make ollnel ... ' bappy willi 10000DI '10,000 ., ,C adeld'., why what member of the .Halled badin. pool, thlnp 1fr011C~ fa tbe frqmlllltAI'J JIIeIl yo.. Din he IIIlIIt be, but late operaUoDI I. the atNet 1lad mODieDta which . . lIIIebt IlDtIlIUIWJ bee. alll~ Tbe . . . wbO 1...,. ftCaIIt... -TIle DeUlleatol .... ~ ~ CM1Iel41

1nteresti ng Perso nality of the "Bigges t ,Gambler in th e World" -M an Who Provided Palaces and 'luxuries fo r Devotees of the Goddess of Chancc-- Like Others of Prominence,. He Had His Day, and It Is Over.


• "err


DE!!.~ MAK~.


lioney t he L,.e al'f of t he Profits from BU ill' Insect., H,111 C'y prodllc lrll; Is onl y 0 11(1 o f the ()f th e blJl', Ind eed , for ac tu nl prul1t, t 1 1101lC>' 1ft out a mlll o\' Ite m , ' 0 111 0 y<'arH ill~o I III uvea 10 a Km.tli Illa,'!! III) the J~Il<.l s() n rlv 1', I wI\ll t ed • b 0 I'artll \l.nd .. elecll! 11 ror thai IIur, P OM ' \1 Sil O tlm o ag ailpl n, ('h ' n 'Y alld nlum lrot's, SO Irl O of whkLt hlld IIP\" Cf b(\I'n e fruit, olh er s 1I0lle fOI' r c ar .. Pllst: My InnIHO'1'l1 told lUll 1 mi ght cut down cOl'taJn t" Ct)B, as th ' )' \\' e~e worlhless, and he Inte nd ' d pullin!; Ollt som fine JII' r Ror), slock. Belnlt' busy 1 dId not Cllt the trefll dow n . 'J'h ' )' hlnsHolllcd frce l y nnd or co urso w e Jlaid n funher h (!('d to them than to hreak blooms by th e arm f lll when WA \tlUlted tloral d eco· mUons, ' Th e (' he iTY tr.' o& we r e, mu ch t o the ol~n r 's lislonl t h ll1Cllt, l oaded wllh very Inrg , IH' rfl'ct rrult. He could not und r .. lall d I t; such a tilIng hnd not ' hnpJI 'n d for yelll's. Ear l y In th Olllllln n whll c wlllthig for n S WOI'IIl of Il.) 5 to s' ttJ rob· 8e" r v d a Ilu m llcr of fin e npp ll's upon une o f lh e sl lla ll" r 1;0ndc IlIn d t reos, \\,L en t.ho lan d lo rd ' ~ attention was ('ail ed t o t h III h wns comvl et Iy mys· tl ft ' d amI cnll d in bls u eishbors to Bee th e w o ud ' r , L al r we glll hc!' d fr om lhl s tr 9 D .a rly a barr 'I ur Ihe flll at fall pip· pin s e \"{~ r ~e(> n In that "I IlIlly, :--;0 arg lllllent wOllld cOll\'ln'ce the mall that "th ent l' sk-y bpcs" hat! an y· lillllg to lio w l lh th yl III of rrnlt un lh e pillce , H ' llll sl"t d tbal sont e sw,t of rerlilizo l' IlIUI U have b en u sed , Since thnt ti me I have d emonstrated hy S CVI"I~8 ur (~ xp e l'lru c nls lhln trees wh l 'I. h ad ror ruallY season s borne li t , 1I gool! fruit, 01' possihlY none at all, hav' b en brought up to II high ·standII rd of ,produ ctl 'ven eKs by t h pres enr.e or bees, Til e y carrl d Ihe 11011 n, tel' lI Uzed th e IJIOBSOJll S lind II. bountiful ba.n'est was til. result. Regard l oss oe lh e hon ey crop, ever)' fruit gro,,:er shou ld hav e a few col· onlell o r bces, 1t when lh bloom sea· son Is past th c re Is so littl e n ' ctnr In mlds aso n 1l0wora lhllt tbe be s nlUst be' red It ts a decided eco nomy to teed th em, n il In ca ses wh ere a strIct ar.. coun t ha s b en k eJlt the cash "al ue of 01' har d produ c ts alone has been doubled b y th Ir asslslanc8.-Subll1' an Life, OlI ~:; l fJ n H

No Fences In Belg i um. Tn b amlrul BelgIum t h re are no nt: s, N ilh'r IIr there h edges, liS In ElIgland , 'l'h boundarIes or tho fi elds nr rn ls, tI liP by talrl y high earth banks, and lhe roadB are, cut on t ot l hem, a,! It we r e, 110 t hat when ~' ou ar walking In th e co untry you Bre down I n a SOl't or valley, with l ow green hanks on eltber 81de ot you, The thIngs tbat are chiefl y cultlvat· ed In BelglulD are t b e beet root, for m akin g th e cheaper kInd of sugar, yo~ know, and you can , see fl Id upon fi eld of th Ir r eddy·g r en , Ieavo s strotchlng on either side ot you as you-- walk along. F lax Is I\lso much gro wn over ther e, and In summ l~ r time th e fl I ds ar BIICh n 'pr tty 8,lght wh en Ihe pnle blu e flax bl osso ll1s are Ollt lu fil II bloom. Del glan nS[lll.rngus Is also r enown ed nil 0 \ " 1' E u ro pe. It bas white Instead o f pllrtJle·gre n lips, like ou r hom ~ g r ow n aSparllg us. Women Who WrIte at Home, . Abont. ou e wOman In 100 ke cils u p h er llIl1sic after marrlaJ;e, althou gh th ey lIIay hav!' III1SS d y ears of tit Ir own lillie and sllenl many dollll!'!! b . longing to tll elr fath ers I n stlldy. The IIl1mh r (bet d r ps ort III art Is even g!'eal er , hut wrlLlng has n f ascination d lRlclll t 10 r os l st. A great dea l of t h e wrillng d on hy WOIU n com 8 t rom Ilomes, llIor e QI' l o ~s comfortable lind happ y , Mil h or i t Is th e kt'nd l \Ot ea sily du pllcat d and I t wOllld b'o DIlD· sc nse to comp el such wOlllen t o (orget t,h('\r lal nts. MallY a son has becn 'fi tt 1I f or hi s IIf work by l he abI li t y or his mutber to ettl'Jl [II oney at. II steady rule,


F Ir eproof, ' '' y'nu Sll ~' ynnl' hn s IJand r l' '1!l eoU, " Do I IV ll n ~ a ' party li ne ?' " Sn 81l l) II !!NIi o verlt il t -d ?" I nterrogated the 110 Mrs, lIar l<l' r , wit h mil h "mph as l s, III ell' l' k III lite hllht'rd as h" r )'. " Tlwn " " u. h lllel"l ! Why , til 'Ill ell ! I w oul d n' t tJ l'rh tlps yo u had uct l r g., t him a cel· thin k or havin g oll e," lulu ld culla r." 'IOo n 't blain " YOll , 1'lI llllfllll ," r c"lIt'd " 1'0 ," r el'lI!?(1 th e wife of Ih It'I'I· t h t r io 'ph c,n Holl el t 1', with ;\ sl y I n bl " nl rrchlln t, " I think Ou O o f li sbt's' wink UI th l' IIll1kmall, " PIII'l Y lin ~ are tos wOllld suit him b Lt er ," very emhllrra ss lng, ,,'11('11 YO Il go to " A ~ IJ ' tos ," th e phOlll' tn call liP 801ll!! on e YOII ure " \, ps,; YO II H P , bl s rl ... rk ~ Ray h e likel y to hea r ~ lrH , A , t elling Mrs, n, Is fllwlI~' S getting 'hot IInd t' l' th e col, n il Ih(' l nll'~ t gn~8 111 of lhe II Ighool" lar.' " -C hlro !(o News, hood. 1' h n YOII will hellr tho butc h r AN ENTER·"PRISING" MAN . owes l eillng ~ I r ~, Z , ho w IIIlIch ~ h him lIll,l whit t b I s goi ng to do If she dO('5 l1't lla~' hltll ." ' " Grnl'lous ! " " Not unl y that. bul YO II Cflll h £'a r JII Ht wh at ~I h!ij K , snys 10 h I' ll~11I1 .Inrillp; lunch hOllr /lnd w llat 0111 mon • IIll1h Is t elling thl' III'ally w i dow duwn III th o apartment hOIl ~e aud - hllt ",h il t I " lilt' li S of wn s llng lIme ? Y II II don't wan t ,a party 111\1 ., Th oy lire tno e m ba l' rasKIup;. (,Ioorl ·da y, Illutlnm, 1- " Uut ~I r ~ , H ll rk \' r had him 1))" th' a r m. , " 'o ut e rI ght back ," sh £' gnhl. n1'111 I.'" . "and tnl! ' IllY Ql'd I' fol' It purt y lill , Wllllt If It IH cmbalTn SSI'n g'! " e all bal' to Nltllill mba rra ss ru li t>! tI m es. " hlcalio Dall y )J w s. The N at ural RCRult, "Wheat I s gOing up nliw, Is n't r emarked tho asua l r ead e\' ,of I,upel's. " Yes, " r p\llIed th e young 81' cula, tor with a c huckle, " I t' s tit wheat jll st n o w that's b ' bind the dough." - Baltimore Ican,

J;ood,for.nothlng cousi n or yo urs, whut Is h e doIng DOW? He- Oh , he h as gon e I<lto a bauk, She-Broke In at ni ght, I suppose! In. and Outa, eeem stra nge, without ... doubt, In thl. grest race for lin, A rna n wtll n ev" r be "li lt out" Un l!! he ts "nil In !"





hl'l\1;O Uulty News.,

Nice' of Tom,

" Yes," she said, "I lll""aya like to go Oll t with T om." "a"t," her rrlen d repli ed, "he seems so stupid, He hardly ae ~' 1i any· thIng," "I know , Still 1 can sIt and teU hIm my troubles by tbe hour aed he ne,'er leth m e kllow by word or elma tbat he Is being bored."-Chlcago Rec· ord·l{f:t ald. When YOIl Don't Need It. "E,' r Dotlce It 1" Queried the Int e<.ll· Dl lit qu sUoner . "Old I e\'el' notice whal1" asked tbe ,, \ -'C".... , mun at th e ot her end of tbe dlaY l og-u , "Thll t as l ong as you don't want t:' I borrow IInythln g you lire alwnys bumvIng loto people who want to l end yuu Lola-Tben you don't even rretend so m et.bln g?" continued lhe party of t o underst and 1V0m n 1 th o Ill'el !)de,-Chlcago New s. Jack- N o, Indeed, T kn ow Uleln too w II ! . FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Too Dangerou. to Be True, H zeklah- I won't den)' th nt I sent a rtoot when 1 W\1Z {!rll.rted dllr· I n' th e wnr: - fnct Is, !'m proud IlV It! That th ere subslertoot told me hlescl f th at h e kill ed more'n a hundr ed u.n' flft y r eh IF: Obndlall (d r y l y)-I ' v h ee rd thnt sllbslortoots wuz dungerous but yo u can 't Inuk e m e swuller t ha t yarn!Puck . Affronted, ' ''You d not hav e much success 'I n making social distinctions over h ere," said Ihe F... ur op, an. " 'fhn t 's a fa t," Answe r ed M r. OUtllJ n SlIll', " Wh en I t hink of tbe way a lIlon who rec Ives only the pultry slllary or 11 Judg 18 p rl11ltted tl) t ltlk t o 11 man with lIll' Income, It n ,nkl's 1110 hllrtl wit h IlIdl l;; naUon ." \ \ ' ushl ng ton tal', Put Him Out, " Marl'l!'d him just 1t8 be was I;et , tln!': ov r II l onJ: 80use, dldu ' t she?" " Yep-cnugh t hlro rlgllt olr tb o bat." HER SIMPLE REQUEST,

Holland'. Qoeen Domineering, Holland's Queell , Wllh Il1Ilnll, h as ele, al t er! notioJls of !tel' royn l authority, Sh Is said to In t erfe l'e In a most \IeI" son al WilY \vlLh th e ('o nduct or Dutch foreIgn r ela llnns, 'She 10011 8 upon t ho D utch colo n l os as, In some so rt, th e priv ate nppanases o,! lhe house or Orallg , H r \)l'odlglou s' p rsona l POf!' '1Iaril y with every ,:I:tss of h er sub· j ect s SIWOS h r from SO l\}0 oC the con· sequences of ber unconslitutlonal ten , doucJes.

lUman - AI' /I't I

t he

.m os(wltoe,

1]1' Ltr thick ? Lallll l o l'll Soak em- No, m Ulor t hin, ~ b l) u ld suy, but they' ll falten up 80mo when wc get a f ew IIIOl'e 1J01l.rd· r a, I !;1Il!SS, Money In It, He noUccrl the purse ot her li p., And hiM 10\'0 !lured up 11kft n ro ck et: Sn lel . th Q brok en -(Io wn spo r l. "Thl~ m·n l r. 1 ~hnll rd urt f' rlm rm th r c's n llurH(: In h er pocket:' -C hlt·US;o D a lly N ~ w~ .

Mount Mc:Klnley'. Dilflcultlea, In m ountain cllmjllng the world over the climber usually arrIv es, tres h and un fatigued at the baso o f th e a rule peak h e wi shes to storm, and begins his ascent at a hig h al Ututl.e.' On Mount MeKlnley, aa described by a writer In Outing, It Is ~he opposite, Th ere are 25 mil es qf ru gged foothills and g lacler s to be crossed- with h eavy p~ c ks--I,e ro re the base or the moun tain Is r each ed, anti Ihen the' "I am goIng to ask a great fllvor of cllmbor Is con fronted by 18,000 feet of ,0U," she sa id, hesitatingl y. rock and Ice. "I t Is alreadY granted," b e all· 8wered , devotedl y. 811rely Heated. ' , "A ' vcry great ,favor," slle relleated, Blobbs-He's a hot·headed Indlvld· U If doubliul ot the Jlroprle ty of stat· '101, Isn't h e? . Ing I t. "You 'r e sur you w n't thInk Siobbs-Ho.t·head d1 Wby, that t I· , It pr esumptllous o r forward ' lll me ?" "N ever," he answerod. " I glory In lOW III BO hot·b eaded that he bas to this eviden ce of your trust and conti· ....!ar a stove.. plpe hat In midsummer d ence. On Iy tell rue what i can do tor you," And Yot, They Make Fun of Them. "Well," sbe replied, with evIdent reo Mr, FOllY London-What callie. the delightfully clear weatber )'ou Illctance, "would you mInd getting up air that rustic bench 1 Papa painted have III ' New YorkT Mr. Man ij~lttalll-Skl,.rap.n. 4lii0i , It this afternoon. and he will be awrul· Iy provoked If he hu to do It over bo,.-I.IIa. • aln,"



Real Mean , " The m ea n Ih lng!" " Wh at now, Jeanette ?" "Why , I l old hInt I w as going to ho ve n blrlh day c ak e with a 'and Ie for eneh year," "A nd whnt did he sny. ?' " Wh at; did 'h say ? W h y, t he horrid man sn ld he t hought I should lise a duzen or so e l e trlc lig hts, {IS r mlgbt o'x hau st the candle SUJlllly,"-obl cago News. ' Aalted and Answered, , "How l ong h ave you been marrIed?" nsked l h e fr lelld who had j ust ret urned frCtm , II trip abroad . "Six JIlonth s," was the r eilly, "And how does matrimo ny strIke )"O UT ' Qu eried tb e oth er. " Ob, like Il :good Illlln)" of my .acQualnta nces-for money," ans wered lhe ex-bacb 'Ior. -Chlcago N ews. Miss Sue Bretie-T/lQY say ),0111 l)e rrOrrnance WQS a r al treat, F oole Llght e-So It was. My au, dlen ce was made up , entirely of dead. heads, It Willi my treat.-Yollkllll Statesman . Leg Pulled, "What makea Bjenks walll . , lame?" , "He Ipent bla vacation at tbe . . lhore,"-PJllwauae Sentlnel



Coh(\u ',' ~l:llll- Corwin lIIoth Clothing'


~ ,eed

l ' h o ( ltl ~ I.te> h tl~ I' l) ii I' (j 11Il ih' " I1l1 m bnr of in' llli r i"" of Intc r"gu rl~ ' ing \) r wlll A VllUU li n d Whlll dl . Now Occupi s the E ntir [1ol!li tillll would 1)0 m Ad e of It 1111\1' 111'1( "1\11 ',· I tHl n \"' I\r . thlltlhfl Ave lllh "' VI ll ntl r'tli , 1 '!," u' \,"IH' \I 1\1.-11. \' .I I' i l I.l\' nn r Second rloor. r Oti OIl n l \\' ny n l'l l'o \\:u!!hip iUll taALi &IF'Fl 'E l ' ,,\ I.Ll<~N filll.llI.NU Onc Hundrl'd I1IHI Thirty-}'uur f t.L1Il I·illng. f WlI y u c!l vllio Th o (1 111.01." , Il n dOl's tnllc1 ~ thut. 111\' EFr!O]'J8 CJl:LL )'10: ' '..1 Clut l,i ng Cl1 hiljt'l ~ 1{(''Iu'i red 1I'1l!::lt o · " xprL'l, In hp~i n wl1 l'k ,m ------- --- ".- . In E-.: h ibit Thi s MngnifiW~: "~ E "'Di\ \', Ii . '1'111 11': 11 .. IP'" cent N('w Rtock. tim AI' ' 11 11(1 lit II U PIIJ'ly 1III Il' .lno1

Mfl Ul1lrll ,VOnr roofll'

Th e lUIIII'I'. i;';Jlt'fl will 0 11'0 1' nl, p llb II<' Huh' lit. h Ir ~to (J lt fll "111 :) mlli'N w o~ 1 o f W n)' Il t'~vl ll (l. Ohill , Ilf' ·ill llI ug lit 10 'ao ll . 11\.


111,,1 (l1l 1ll0



\\'1' were wille in o ".il1r lng tbis ~t,o()k III !lt fu ll, 10) (lf h I~~ hu vtJ !) I.I terinns I\lll"lnoell , Lllr -ost RlI l08 iiillt .voi\1· of ,'fl Y i t.ll iR .V'lIf will b . ;; ,..E. I) OF .I.~ H . BY 'NI'TLE, ~ r ut,1', Mn tiu g!i fl'OI!! ll1 e O"i! Li t nll W ill ~ I '\~k 11 11 11 " " hall u l,\ful pl,1 nil ri chly b; ed, ill ollle1iIl' :!ll reg i" , tu rn ll, low.Mlt prl(), s , I l' d '(l wt< fr 11\ 2 til ~ .v l)n r~ ".1 11 : ' , : :111(1 1111 11lIJrui Il H. , • • l O high gru ll tl 11 \\'1' fl' UlIl :! to 7 .velll''' old ; (trl of Ih ('o \\' ~ 111'( dIHu:hl.m·F\ l.nwol1, Pnr k Foxl'I'll HIlI'Il I·... " h O,I~ to cOl11 plol e lllC' w Ol'k t b , [0 11, 0 1' Le ttl u' 't" L ll1 Ub 1'1 tioy ( ll2 lf ') Ru~"-greH 1._, I took' yet .. . , , . . . , .. . . '. , IlH' AH.~} WELC 'OMI<: 1 W , 1 h o ti UI.OU U !' uggo t>! thu t the 11 11111' 't Lll lllb,ul ~ll n of th ,.'1' Ilt T he Early Physidans. nSlT . T. ' I [ h 1 f tll to l X!:\PE "1" ...'HE;)l'EW uEPAR Lllrge Anon gh ((lr ,I 1'1)"111 . o l .l.o n 0 t IGWtlS ),'(I CU I1 l'r WI I ,ottl' e' ( 'ole ' :!ull ) ·. 1-1 r!l"i ,ttl1'ed ,l I L\1 ,V. , 'I' AI' A H 1 ' 'l'r·II·~, \ , ' " ') 1,," 1\ l.ion . ,J os luhMol'rlI W.lD ltllllrt iol ". Itle ' trn"tet's r t')!III'tl lD g tl lll ue>! tl lei " ft! r!::l .J~ y o11 1·,. ,)11" 1(1 , Ir·I . . g Llnolo·.1U1, *ho grollt kilcilOn lind holl C~ IIVI rin !! 1.11 1'. ( '111'1,11 i II£I- n II t II . ----.• lIl !' t hod o f IIIl1kin;.: repl III'S. Fr o m ," ) ' 1.1 h 1 .\ , in the \ e~ lel'u 6 1t1l' I n ~1 WI' k. 11111,. T il t' (~ " "l1 d IltLJlhl ~ f-liJ o w cll~e l' . d Krnde 11 ()lfer !>. - ,1' Pllrs 1I u. r eI ; . IIl~W AITnota , Wh),lc. w ' lIlHlo>l, !11 1 oo l.)!'". fill >lll'.c". III1UIA t f) tlnlor . I ' ~ . " I I ' IlIq n il'i,·" unl l ~1tIl l' 1IJ I\ t~ r oom 'll) I 'f of til e fi r>! t ph y" i ULli N I II \\'Ill'r('n , oll' pnn." 1I1 \, 0 J n~ , (,O Il1P te ' UIO'I tl i 11 . r tI t tl I'.'glste l'ell y 0 1l1' 111 1{ In I I' S ;:J r " IS· - -r - _ _ county . us foll u ws : contrll(·t fO I' !lila j :\.J n ow 'Iothhw II 1 ~ 111 e,1. w ill or III ' .1 I('rell ,Votlrl\J) 1,; Ullll J:;; 2 l'l'g i~t e r Eld 'fhe first prof ossiunll l C'Jl nl o f !I (',chinN!' . 1'" Ihll fn tn rt' ull YUllt.h",": ' pcoplt, II) gmll'ntlll i' n n xio n. I hnt n h eifer cIIII-e.; film r f'gi. t r ell bull ~ C lolhing Wil l IJe nx hi blt_ P' Tlnlllh' ll t TIIHll\\, lI \, bo huilt t> l1f · I ' " I II ~ 0llrs ... \j IJh ysiol!lll llu<1 I-\urg on of Wurron 1l1H.!l\·" U f tI ' I I ' I' . (' II v 's i J 1' t'I! I~te rI\U JII , • .v roUl If'. [l lie" s .y e (/I lin, tR. ti ci"" lt mom y hn. 11 I'll d ribblo 1 0 01 Cl1l1uty 1 hnve COInO Hor OSS \\"11 (0 th ll t e 0 11 our ;<el1oll ll floo r , Tbo ~ n (lll ll ' l' 't . , II • t I ot.!. 1nl r IU II I)U ~ . 0 111YO IIIJpe"r /'1001' b III'' b een on Iurgou, .1 • of Dr . •Jobn "v . \ l' llllns , "vllo • " IInll '" n o w , ,'1'. I ~ r ('l . Oll( PHFSJo' T sa .llt VICE II II S to h8ve been t.he first to of!tllblish Iho Inrgos t Clothin l5 Dopllrt 1Ilf'll t 111 1lIl1I lt Iho hI'. 1 1'\1 " ,1 'IU t.hl' ('oonty. , . ,' " .- -:- . ::; uits . •IIlOklJ t.8 fOI l\Ii~~Al', ~V()m,..n him elf ill the violnity of Lebtl non , the Stu t . Mnny now UllIkl'l~ of l' l' II P fooli ng III I'f n~ell l seolll s t o b N llwLl " \,o11 l.. n 1...,,1 [IIHI Riot I' S E.-:t, 111\\1 Ch ill1ren , H~" I'I S , \~lIi ~ t ", l Tu. lli" card Wli S printed in soveu !mo. ' Iotbing ho vo IlIl el), 110 n uddtltl t.o t.l lUt Ili a A\'I' IIlI 11<111111 ul) pr porly LUlIl be rt Kill !!, rt1 \lr c~ li t rO"lIe t.. r fl gu l~ r li,r.C'.. A bO '1 ~r .r\1l II o f lJ\\I lt. 11 11 ('0 lind for 11 11 tilllt (>\'I'n il' l .v 1.11' t W(l 1ll Ht. II o toll ~ tl'lIln !l of tl e r w 111' . h.runt-t! I 111:: IlIlIkf4 . ce. I 1'0 is~u os of t lJ r l,. la rl! • p,l' . Ol o t,lIlD~ C1111 n uw UOCII rrh ·tlill s too k , . ' I U I I "II I I or ' incilllJlI II. I Wf) yetlrll bAfora tho g\' ory suit. wrll \J(l \ll'f'~so(l Ollt lIiColl' t h.1 II r, I C" fI t IJo hl·."·Il· I' Ihll ll II l'OIor t '" .I er,,"'y Dr(l(I(, I H , n O , 1" 11 .iIlt OI·gIlOiy.uti o;,1II' \'\ II rrOIl oO llnty , lind IInu b Ull g up ~(1 \lIlI' tlf "l y , Thel'f) "'iii I'o,al wuuld 1'1''1 II i 1' '' , ~ l l'I\ln. now I' r .\' 1l011ll lllr , \lUll t\ln fh,o .y elll·;! be foro I,ho I1rs L now""plljJOI' be no TllOro wriuj;:\t,s . nO l\lIlfO hro · ::;t j ..lll.llltor t, WUI> s tnrt ed ill 1,0 0 1111 0 11 , II r flu II k en shnuhlor>!. nn ~t1 it" clll 11111 I;lP( \ by , •• - - -: • ~1\ hlU '8 .\l ldon Lil li ( 1;.,1~;,) is oll e dust., mV( r~ g 'll' w li t will 1)0 li S Admm Is tra t or s Pubhc Sale o\' I Itt, lJ llbt flll\ h il l1llllt l." urud Imlls funow!' : n w I\n.1 f r es ,. u Il S I t W QI' O il tlI f! '11 1 -~-, " I" " Job n C . \v i nlln '. llItely Ilrrlved it lett Ih o Inilor' ~ h unelt<. It will be . . I thl. unntry. 1I11\' 1ll g' 11 lIH 11'1', I Will n il el' 11 t. pn hI ll! ~1I1(l II t t UE' 'l !lI)U o f (,; Itlt' ll ~', I' ll '" T , .,,111. Ilnll II~ • II (llell!lU r t l Ilick ou t ," ')\\1' now f- II frnm .Eli7.nlllollht.o wn . 'N . •1. w i~h II snit lit th is "In l'!' 1I 0W ' T lu b:xu ..ln I I I1l f1 I'("~III 1'1\(', of \\' nll nr 'l', Pugb hi!; rllll1l . u c1nu!(ht ul of H oltl"11 (di d . gen al'lll IIA~ o rlm .'n L o ( m e iioilles, siv ' IMh ing ,DC'plI I'lm flllt. cm 0 111' Ilt·('t'II ~1JIl. 'l'w o Inill'lI wfl~ 1 of Wil Y, T he t WIl on W I', IlInl; tuppOtl tb l' l'c''',,111 Thl'n CO al" IW.! hu.v y onr 11i'I1111< nt l·tl~lWClfull y l e ouul'~ hiM IIarvloe!! to rOO t '\tl fl olo)' IIVI " ho tll ~ ' U10 . t Ct.lIn ·j l1o.- villl , HI the W .~ .v lloi!\'i Il ~ 1111,1 \\'nlk l' . Ille ((Hill IJringi n~ :t- atl o o , 1.11 H 01 'lli n ~on I/: H ' tlll fl Y '!I, :.: I'n 111 , I )\11 0 the publio In Ih 1111(' ,'f hi~ p rof 8- o r ~ I lI' ~ If.' I))l n~ plo l:'o In Ih o (·It.y , !:\p rin uhm'O pik l', SATI nOA Y . h ' i' Will yl n plouRo rn vo r us IIn,l lieI' I ., .., • ot hQr, ":{:'Ol n IlIl1t jn"t I Iw~ I\\' O N n IItt.y hilS 'I l'nll.ljI· II , ~ol't m ont "I , !!IOU _,8 P .vIIII:' IIU .111 11 >lllrJJ'elln ou r lI ew s t,oo]. f Full ~uitl\ he f llTll nt;1. fl. J!lOi, III ~ o ·('\ oc·l. 1111 fo llo w. g 1'lllld iro:l. S o hll:\ WOU lil' ·t h OIl fnhri('~ for l Ilt! ,11'0 , >I It elf oll,l Iho ' illg 11I·l)pI'rl .I' Cf n Ri!< tiu~ of, -111 ad 0 1' iu hi ~ III l' wlHlr ovtl r ~ ho\\'l\. l ' lJose who bll l 'O oecaHioll IIlld lire ,gOing oIHew!J o \'Cl I t it< n rc' lI ~n n n hie dl Rpolled tll (1ull on him , J:llilY Hutl I)f \\:nr1c b or~o~, I, h ' IIO/Hlof cnt Ri ol r ' ~ ~t , LllIl\h 1'1. I, ill~ (i,H{\ ~ I) I,ri nll nillf.:ll . hhn 1\ L rtf V , Mr . K tllllpor'!I on Tur · Needed . ti n, ;I stOHr!', L fl ' II'. I l' UW II ou "U corne, fr oll1 lho ' I . 1..l1mhel't. fllmil." , ~ II\ t IIIl'lIt \lnel Fully pro v ," III tho tie 'rflAk. wh em h ~ hilS ope noll hill Rrpair h,\' hIl I' :mit) , A I~o :)uO hll. of old C'll n"irlor II th e ~ r ()11 tr - t pro III in g pust. \\' I'" I Dro !l~ l~lloJli l:I OIIRI1 hop uu.! i~ 1I0W' in Il CII-P U ity to 'I'be (;lololett.e hfiR henn nsked to 00 1'1.1 . ,I i l)n nr 'l'il1l th~'. two t on Rl l'tlin of .1 1· r~ " y coll.l t,his couu t,r ,I' 1111(1 d o nut I" p.l.tle \\'i\.h IlnwlIl'I' . culllltten ti on t o thn ondition of' ' 10 \" 1' ~"y. u ri l' \; ~) l RI1,nw. I " or os has n vol' KI1I, \\,n His hrl'f' lin~ iii urve them . " hfll',1w,\I' • ul d "I<. shoe'H,l1t o. '1'1In."" , II v. J .,llIe Kampe r her I'll for r od Fr~nkll 1 " I '1'hi r d of OlJ rll III Ih fl.' hl. h llrdl.Y fiX 'e ll ",l lll' lilly li vi ng mell1 · U r OIH. Jtl8 " 0 JU VO , 111\\' 0 I.hl,ir lllucf . t o W'I" pIll'tor of tbe 'l'nrtl eoreek street and OPPU!lit;[> UIO ' prop rt.y of. FIl~'lItin fi . IIIIpl oUl Ilt.,;, ;I 'X foot h'Il' of t his fllmit ,I·. H will ho Ill · Pr sbytorian ohurc h and r el:!id od r~t. Nn..hdn Ion ')'1 d ,. . .. 0 rlllg hluue r n 1\', g llllg flll<o cl ud il 11\ thl :l oll'Nill1-: . I' n CQ. to r It uu e \ VH 8 1,J." • .Jnst lonk " ,. our~ho l v eA l.lOel s b ow t hitl timo four miles ellst of tho site eu badly !Iud hOll\cy l eillns tin ll It, " llr t'ltl km g plow JI ~ \\• • ,lI~ 0 (' orn oulti . cased to !'ee 1I0 ,V fre h nnd IIRW lind of Lebanon. Dr. Winans f lind It. hard pull at tbllt point. v.. t o:> r no I...'. D rlllg m OW1l r 1411110,,1. 1'IIE r~:MALE lelln the II I n k. 11 ow c lI!<lIy to necessar y til pnbllslJ Iils cart! In 11 no w , oorn pla nte r, llilic hn l'T() \V , gUild Th oow~ \)n·('r ~o.I III t.hi~ or m" JIlr NI,o ok jnRt in . , nElWllpll'IJer llubll h8(l n ellrly thi rty Ont f ' ight f!luning mill. f rlil i)'. r ' h e drill. bred t .. I li e IIUOVClllllll oel hull~ . 'l'h miles fr om the p lllce wbere h open. thre b uo Lll'ill, Bro wn colth'ntor, y oung cn ttl n 111'0 n I ~ rl y u.1I s ire el hy "Out of sight,. out or' mind, " is nn ed his "shop." Be fore this, 'Iu.o ill. o ld 's flyi!lg whioh Ul)plios with spe.:: II pike t oot.b bllrro w. o lu 'bnmpicrn Nlliol1.1 ·~ (l !c1on Lael , 111111 will !iho\\' ~l'ges nl1ti physloians hl\U donbtles8 been illl foro t o 1\ sllre, bm'n or WOlllHl biuder . fur-Ill wugon. top s priDg fo r tit lII ~olvo Oil lillY of 81110. No cnl\ed to m'lke profeSMlouu.1 visit,s thut's b ell t l'OlltO(1 wi lh Buckloo' 'wngon, hu ggy, CIIrt, I ts of w ,w k ' ohl, w orn out. o ws ar on' r d: nny Sill... ad Worllted TrimmingI', 'hoor ~:Ireot!l. HID~IIIlI11 , PIJl.ids . into I,b e 80nthweRt ern part of War nrnien slfh'e U'S Cllt of ight. 01)t bllrn s, 2 !jet of ingle h lll'n 'liS . ~ ti f d , of II n y I1l1imlll wlll be mild ofmi ud llnti o lliof xistence Plies r en county,lI. distance of twenty o ver too /lud ohiJ blniu!l (hSnppellr under bnggy whip '. 2 anti Ie whi lM, hinder kn own on dn y f sa I MII IIY f tho II 1 (~ 1J CIUa., mIles Ilnd som etimea el'fln to tho It.~ b en tin g intluence Gunrllnteed wbip, d o u blo tl'1~e!l. swi n g le tJ· ell. OOW!1 will h e nonrly dry. in IIppOilr. oentral pIlrt of the oonnty . by Fr d C Scihwllrlz . druggist 2 (;0 pole of s pring wngoll. d ouble Rhov . nnce n ot doillg jl13ti to thei r Iller · , el plo w. :! Bnrsilllre li luw!!-, rollor, o ld itA lind w orth , but tb ey lue n hll.-<ly. 'rbe ploneer physiolans of the Miami valley were of neoessity A Smith Affair. mOlVOI'. sloig b , r el'lelltel' rifle 32, uRefollot of t h e oll oio at hl'o ding. country prllot,lone r s, wbether they - - - -donble bllrrel s hot glln _ Tbis I . probnbly , tho In-I'gest .l er . estabttsbeil thflD1$e lves in the new Ther o Ilr e enough SlllI tbs in thi!! '£9015. cros!! out sn\'p, one UlIlJl sri"" soy .t.t lo slI lf! e\'er beld iu W'\1Ten t OWDS or on IlIrms. For !!overal o lu w orld to )ll'l'tty noul'iy oontrol meal grinder. :-1 banll sawB, ohlHel!l. county , nnd the outUe we lire ,)Il'er~E-MANVFACTUIlE THE VERY HIGHEST years some of t.lle to wn b ips hnd atTain, bnt it is n o~ -orton wo find lingers. bro06 & bit;., shovels, hoell, ing lir e It Fair r e p!' senf4ltloo of I!J O GRAUE OF only one r esident pbYSlClnn nnd them exd u ii-e ly in chnrge of IIf. UX13!1, Uiliul & weu~ell'. g rnlll SIIoks, il blood lin!< lIInlntllill1.c1 ut \Vllj' n e sometimes uone, A ride of two-lI'13 fnirs I\S was ~tho caso ut the P enn : stock kn ives. 2 log l~hldn H & 14 bar. Furlll. Type Bras!! Galleys or fifteen miles at nlj!bt ",lIS' not sylvania stllti on in Corwin thu Pllilt r ow ohnln. work bench . ' farm b,, 11 'l'hoso of Y(l ll wllo IIrQ lookin r Metal {lok-dors Brass Rule in Stripf! mmsual. Sometimes rides of tw nty (loople of week!! whil e, H . E. Boot.h . ditching spndo, llolring IIlllchlne, II, tlrst olll ~!I tomii,v cow Clln lIurely Brass Labor Saving RIlle L. S. Metal Furniture 'aeldler' sowin g 1I0rlSl'I, grmtlston • sutisfy yonr wllnt,s in this (fe rinl!:. or e ven thirty miles were made'on tbe ticket agent WII!!, AWAy . Lends and Slugs BraSil Column Hulell horsebaok on rondH o ver whioh no ,ThO supply ugeut .WII S 1:1. M . gmi n orl\ dle, 2 ll1 0wlng scythes, j ullirYlUon w\lllting to Inorellso t b ir Brass Circles Metal Leaders kind of a carriugo CQuld be dmwn, blllith. the 1 l'Ig ulnr R!lS I"t.Il Ut III Mr, wheol barrow,' goQd bllrrel spray Il rds w 1l1 find t.hiR!l 1l oxcellont. Bruss Leadl'rs, . Spaces and Quads, 1'be pioneer ph ysioilm who be'came RIIY Smith hud t.he !llgbt IIgent Is pnmp. III.rd prell~ , uro w bill', post opport.ullity. 'I'h ost! who Ill'e look . Bruss Uoand Corners 6 to 4$ point uoted In his pr ofesSion in Warren C. E. Rl1lith . digger, l1itc h olelln e ,. , r ell l of barbed ing for II. 'Foundllthn Uerd will do Bran Leads and Slugs !\Ictal Quoins, etc. ccmnty, WaS calleu on t o JUliks )ourA Cri1llilllli At.t.llck wire. 11 lot of goou Y. ill. rOlle. sngllr well t.o il\~pp'ot. tIllS b ortl. neys in the sllddle to distantipl1rts on un inoffensive cit\)r.en is fr equent orocks'and Sill 101'1., Yo barrel of ;lIllt.. We wi sh to en,pb" ize In parllon- , ~ lld Uolnlllll Rnle:! rofnOlld IInu mlldo 11M good DR new Il* n. smaU of the county and to ndjoining conn· Iy maue In t,hat npJlArently useless n lot. of barrel!!, piokets. I/, lot of Inr thA t t.lti Is strictly [\ cut loose cost, ties i!l tho J:nOllt inolement 900llons; lit tle tobo cn lled tIm "appendix" olap hOllrd!!, OAk pOElta GOO t ol)RCCO 1!nle , Every IInllll£ll otfor ed will bo to endanger his Ii fe In oros.'1ing the It 's gen~I'allY t.h e r esult of ' protraot sMoks. llnd pine 'luU1 ber . sold to thE! hig hest blrlde r without Pleue remember t.Il1~t we are not In ft.ny 'fro tor Uoulblnatton floocled MIami when It \vaol l,ridNe eu oonstlll~tlOn. following liver tor Blu c k smi t h tool~ ' one "oCKl iron reserve Yonr 111'iObiR ours. As tb9 IlBd ale ure tho t we can lnllko It grent.IY to your . nel vnutl4{e to '" por Dr Ktng's New Life Pills re~u . ' .' t> .. • 101111, lind In tlmo of epic1emi C!! t.o pass Illte the liver, provent IIPllOnuleitis, VIse. a forge, urlll , IUIII :l pnlrs of sn-Ie will b o h old 11I1cle r n, t e ut, no cIelll wIth liS , suocessive days .md nights wit b out aOll estllhlil!h regular hll,bits of the tongs po!'ponetrn ent "Ill he IlIlLu e all 1\0 A ooPY of our Ca talogue will be cheerfully furnished on applisleep. h o wel8 21i0llt Scharl.:,,'!' drug stor e Househ old goocls: Mnjestio rIlnge, count of weatlle r . Dr. Daniel, the mOllt dis_ _ '-- __ 2 b eflt.i ng s toves. II sflwing I1In chln e . Cl\t,alogues giving d escrll,tion and 'J'll

H~DA'( ,

IJU'l'OBJJ;R 10. 1110 ••

rr ...

Read.y To . Wear


















Dati te,

H tc h' on




X .

,,- G'l ney ,

Obk •





tingulehed of the enrly Ilhysic illu tl of CIncinnati, Sl\y~ tho ordioary ohnrf;:e of tbe pbysician for 'his 101lg rit1fls walt twenty . five ceuts POI' l1I\l e, " Ol\ ~ half boing d eduotod , Imd tllo otber holf in proylnde r o f hi A hnrse or llroduce for hta famil y." . These pioneers ill t.h oir profe~Blon w era not only I)h ysi oilln~' uml Hur · geontl, but bleeders, ollppe r!'. loenh era, bone setterR, lind t,o utb pull e r~ . 'l~hey sometimes plngged toeth t1~lng t:in , foil instead of gold hillf. For . extracti n g 'll !:lingle tooth the chnrge wns twenty five ccnt.lI, II d edu otion b eing .ll1l1de If two or more wel'e drllwn lit the snme time. For ordinary professional !lervioes the 'nhllrges !!eem to os low ; for bleeding .. :!5 cents i for sitti ng up nil Iligp t , $L i for nn urdinllry vis it. frOI~l 2& to 50 cent.~, Ilcoordln g t;o ,tile oll'CUIII · ,stanoes of th p,~tient , These ar o the tigu,r es given by J?r Drllko, Jt should be 'bo rne in mind thllt tho purobasing vll lul! ' of II doll1lr WAil far g r ellt,e r theu thl\n n pw.

Five Points Reunion. 'rh e oint,h u.nUUtt! lDeeting of t·be Flye P oints Reltlnion 1'1'11\ be 1Ie.l<1 11 t. the rosidence. 01 Mr, lind rtfrs . "' rlln . C!I! ROl!nngle . on e lind onn. haH miles eust of Springporo on ~ t, nr , day. Octo her 5, LIJ07. Thero will he the USUA I hll~ket , dinner and lIuch cthor ontert.ain · ment as O1ay CGllIe np . Th o oOJnmlttee in oharge IIOpOS over Yf)Jle who wishes to attenu this m eeting WlU oonslder this a 8uflloiont invlta· 1lon.

Order your perIO"d I'cal ,

t llbles, a Ollp\.Jollrtl, 2 buroanA, :I fOllt!Jor !Jeds, trunk, 2 stands. 2 clookN, 1 ~ ellllirs. n nllmber of good dish es, g lasslls, s(' vorlll s tone jlus. \I of cn llned frlllt" g bl~rrel of g ood cldor vin egar quite R nUIll · her o f books. lantern, Joo king g ln~ ~, nloth es b orAo. now oroq l1ot I16t, -1~ II, but hel'!! .. 01110. qual 111!1I1 b ox, l ).{ CIO"-811 of oh lOk enH. 1:10UlO p otlltoe~. ILU ,l nHlIlY, other nr,tieleg,





Gazette Office


- -


!iu hsoript iOlls rE'cei vod for 'all the len r!lng nows paper s 1It nd IIIl1gll)'.lnfl!l. 1 1 lit the l'llll' ntrice.


FUN E'RAl 0IRE CTOR, Telephonq Oar or N!ght. local No. 7 Long Distance No, 69 ·ar WAYNESVILLE, OHIO





Bilhorn T,18scop8 Organ

is ,the onlr folding organ worthy 0 consideration, guaranteed to be as represented or Inoney 'refund ed, is used by thousand s fpr multitude purposes and is of untold value to missionaries, ~vunplists. , tnllvc'linl!' singers, thc home, the schoOl. ,the children, teach.ers and whoreve r r9r~lbility is required. Send (or a full d escriptive catalogue (rt!e,

Daily Excursions to Norfolk. ' Va. Tour of East with Sto~ ' overs at \

Pittsburg New York Harrisburg Boston B " ltimor,c Philad.elphia Washington RIchmond and ot.her point!! 'G o one Ronte-Return Another




.. "



Vet.erlnnry Sllrgeou Ilml Dent~st . .

At Borne on I:!aturdllY Afternoon. ,


.JJ8E8~~.ii~~~0~.~~~,.~.NI~:/~(j~j=:d;~.~fil§ ~

---- ---, Dr, Johu; 'relephone No. 121

18!_ 'L_a...k_o_S_t_r_oo_t..;.,__C_h_IC_8.:;II:.;;O":".;.II;;.;.I.;.J

KEMP'S, No. 10'"

,For Particulars Inquire of H. E; BOOTH. Agent. Corwin, Ohio.

Branch Office, . HarY8VSb1ffO'~0 i WayncsviHe, Ohio.

:19 North Nint,h St.reet



All-lic tod wil II folnre l<J,YOR for a:J Yrs . ~ 1 hl\ vo wit,1l soreo.vBS ' fol' thirty . lhl'f'o .ve ul's . Th irteen ,I'ol1rs ago I bccI<rnr t ntn lly hhlllinnu WIIS hlinll for flix yl~lIrf< . My :!Iyes warp, bll,lly IIIII'lIIH1fl One of my ll ei~ blJo rfl inHistm1 I'IJ1on 'IlIY t ryin g l:hllltl be r lfl lll'l-\ Aal vC'I luul ' gnvo mo hul E n box of II;. -eo Ill y !mJ'pr.lse it haul ed my eYOR nn\l Illy sigh t CIlIllEl bllok tn mo , P C t<;nrl~ , l:ynthinuu, Kontuoky. Ch lllt1.bol'lllin's sn.Jve 'is for slll e by J E .Jflnn ey

- ,




at tho '

Type and High Grade P r inting Material Prllprietors PENN TYPIi: FOllNf)RY



Il:. 'i' . BAWKI': , Anotion eer. .1. 0 , ' ,\ n'I'w ltHl n 'p" ' Ie rk. _~ _ _ _ -- . _ _

Manllfl!otnrers of

. p,enn'syIvania •

' -'

Philadelphia Printers' Supply Co.


.1. ',H A WKE, ~dm.



pedigrees will Ile furnished by ap· plying to tho owners. • STOKES & BROWN. Col. D. L , Perry, Auc tioneor. 'I'om . Domp8ey , Wosterville. Mnna. ger.




AII ....t.und _s. Steam and Horse Powcr. A band tensio.... LowelQea/ No . . .ee to drive in sctting. All complete with'liftlng jack. no Rot haft to~:'; ~h In operating the teRRlon. Every Preas wMrnnied. Sand for cataloeue teiUn, you all about them, with prices and dlecount., ~





County Court News



lI~tl1:;~ l llItlllt ;

~'rtlllk \~Idt.ur.n'


- •• 1

u! I,ill u" 10 for E'lum 'i'huqJIl, Kiugl'l Milit. . Ill' pi pO IItHI 0 nH'nt; to 'V . U. 'fur. ,I Nltw d ['ft! Ftnnce,. ~. ROtlHb. IIf MU RI Jtl lind ton f ill' HR WOI' pille uud C llIellli, lind to A . B. Hid e .. , R . B. Smith , nnd I Nonh Hnlmnn, IIlnllltlff, Vlil r~nhO Edith Pun eo of. 'tlllth I,elm noll . .'.J Cecil B 1ll101rldge . LlHllllllOpllA, ro~~ B~o!l .. for "BW I pipe. Oebhurt. dofendllnt. Plulntllf il VOTII ~l)nt,J' .ct I . t t,o the f o llowing p e r· ho h08 be en Ilamf}!lell in tho um.of lnrl.,ltn I urollne Curtlt! Dont·h . '403 by CI),rtnhlllctiollll of defendlmt Rev. r...:. J. McOmken. SOnl'l for urirl,. repoirs nnd lumbar Constitutional Arnendm~nt Will ut ,burke t, J)rice~,' vu lid until Sep. not in ot fur rentlll nf farm Il~J "L ES1''''r l£ TII ,\Nelflllltl:l. To b e held ut Wuync Form, 2 miles West nf Wayn.e s \' illtJ. l'enn Relieve Tal(pa ye'rs, to !:lIIme, Phi1111 ·! iOllki ulI. unll ' Phllip Hall' te~ber 2;J, JIIOH : Frlluk Kinde l', It. It., find 2 miles Eas t of Vena bill. D. L. & C. It It. 'I'mins on both Bowul'd ~t,ltlter, pJuint.itf In er. kiml, .Ir., t,CI Fmllk Hherwood. lot, Frunk D. Mill I', Lloyd t:!tooktn~lI . roads will be met · evell ing herore a nd morning of the III1 Jc-. SaJe Will •J. B TnyloJ·. E. H o we ll und Henry ror, v/J village o[ Frnuklln dofe nd In Fl'tlnkhn , $1. ' l!Iusine .. Men Make Con vinci nil Argu. be h eld urid e r n te nt regllrdle!ts or Ihe weather . Illlt. PItLintill' Illel! pe titlou ill errol' George A R OI:I et 01 t o l!:lmore Dec ker , ments to the T;I)( C.ommlsslon of Gont,raot IItBrfld inlO ~,·lth Ule oll\lming thllt defantln.n t rAC()V r eclll E. Hillltnd t:!!IlIIe Hill. Porti on of Ohlo-Thoy Favor Clallification of Ohio Corrll l:! lltBd ·UIVBI't. ulIllllridge jm1gTll6l1t by tho oonslderl\t.i on of lIeotion 25. $t ~ 110. Bcginning' al 10::.10 u. m. Property. MIt yOI' George MoLlm whic h wns. Wultur Foley lind Willlfllll F oley '0. for glllvnnized Ol'lrrng ntecl HO \\' · in orror. , When re))l'fJae nt ntlv(,s or board s or to t-/eo rge B. Ellis, trtl ot in MIHlllie er pi II S, 1111 lillieI:' : uL nlll.r kct pl'i wben orderl:ld . Villid until So pl,om. trllde of Ohto rlill'R mad " com bin ed 'OUIlT PIta 1CH:I!INlIl:I to'wns hip, GIlO. . I.ouls PriJtz to N eJlie l£. Weller, bel' :!2. 1 \10k. Will. B. 8pence 'et nl vs Philip Just IIlu nlll, fllr rcllc!' from InJu&tJc of AI.L REGISTERED Con tract ItIt to phe Duyton Li m e Spenoe. uumiulstrlltor. On motion lot in Wuynesvllle. $1000. 'ows and 2 Heifers. tIJC'IlI"splll tll.t 1~1Y8 , they Ednu Mor ey to. I~l'IInk D. Miller. stone Co . fol' I)lIe JUlin s ton e at 11. (lfj of attorQeys for 'Pll1lnt.llf nllrne of lied with 81'KIlIlIf'1lIa that were prac· Maggie ltltnkio WUII ohu.rgetl to trel OI. in t!Elotioll :3 I, t l) wllship 2, "HO~ n ud f or Lw n lIIun !!tones II t $2 75 I\ntl ttcally IlIIallBWCrahll'. ( I., (It Ihr so 111'0 (lullg ht o r!< of Lu l;l te'A St, Lulll ber B oy ( O:J. ~I '). Ii ZOOIl/:! (~ Vj~ull o ren t.Cl Anntl Mny !ji l. ~,to ho <i e live l'eu between quarry Maggie Gowdy in petition ns 1Iume Below ILre I;I\'on ilXC rots from \h )I.nrc 't Lllmli 'rt SOil of tb u g l'u:l t L I t iu Coles ::! ntl ). Vunrloren . two tnlCt>I, $1 0 0 'qnit an rl J.ebtlolJ n : VII lid until Septem · ot party had bee n ohungou. 1l1'IlUIUO lI ls nll,,1 to Ihe C(llUmlsalon : bel' 22, lll O . !StRte of Ohio vs Churle~ White . .0Iu\l11 . Edwll rt! 1,. nil ·low I.l lt er or the Spring. Heif~rs, Annn lIIay Vandoren t o Zenlltl Ij . PI IJn~ for st1J Utl oul ve rt 00 UIO Rod ntJ.ok !Lod JOhn l'oynter. Motion to fi eld COfl1 m reln l club : 10 of th e ul :t .\,elll'!\ uld !lnd hreu . qUllllh imllctweu\ ngilinst Ciliules VI~ollorell. · t~o trllc h, ,'l on q01t Li o1l rou d in 'l'urtleol'l;,ek towllship, ThlM 1:1 :t il hl ll llJr htlll aUI)Jec t . uH 1 nppr vI~d aud contra t le t t o '(lI1rles rcull •• hOI\' ,lI nk ult I. I'; to IUII J:' at Whltellllck ov rrulod nn'Ll rlefendllllt oluim . La~bert Hen:ierRo n Ilt the eSMlnllt·e $~! . 20 . ChnllKft8 u l Hh' r Wl r PI' ('~lt t "t.oto eon ~ tl ~ m es exceptions . i' 'eIlTR olel, Riote r'" l:lt,. ·1.111111)t'rt Kin g ( .1 ,SH ). Lutton t ha t wq uld ur" If~ K:;tI. that w ould ()M~1I 1:1 IONJIlRS' . PltO\ ' RIWINII~ . Co u t ru ct le t to 'hu rl el! H e ndersoo rf'mo\{" I II.: IIHtuy UlIjl lMt t ~" tu r.R o t' our M. Co rw.ln Druke VB Mury E . fol' Ii s tono . arc h 0 0 the Reel Lio n p r"I C' n l t llx I ~ wt' :\11.1 t lt ll l would mik e Jt Bowker et al. On motion of John Frunkllu Uhronicl ~ . nv el s,olis l"'~ t or t n x IIlIY t! r s II' o!'u bl1l1t ta.x: rotI 00 R (I/lc! n t t.ltA esl inlllte $ l:n . l 5. R. Drtlke. guurtliltn , who oluims on 'opes for Itnditor .... ... ....... • NI'lIlI'I.v n.1l I)f tl,lI heif r B Illtd y outlg UUI1H I1re si r ed hy Nltiud's t urn~ tl lat w llll I,l h i ' 1 ~'uJooll') lu\bl y Iilccurt\tft inter\'st in this Itotion , III' hAS lel1 ve M. W. MilOn & ~u n , JlIl)l!ll'lng fl nd JU!'lI. \V 4' It U no l x r,p(' t t o slic e 1$ 8 G olll (Jn Lnd . (117475. to g Tllnd ~o n o f (~ tl lll n Forn ' II IAIl, hy n tpl'tt,d f ilII,\' r cvl .. ~ n ud Jl r r t j" ' l 0 \11' lhX IUW8 un to become Il hefondnnt h e r In utili III c ourt h ouse .. .. ..... .. . "" .. 17 OD 'til ~. ,. um~ rHl ou t' lr\t . ~ cIJll r; IJlu tl nn , 'l~ h o II ur,:htor of ljul,IC' 1I I...ud . The two co ws t b llt· t.oI)\I (1 tbe reoent \V/llkl 1' . die un nnswer Instanter. Notice to Contractors. ..: ~'nRU t 1l 1 IoI\AI p r ov ! l'In" ( u r l wxll1 Jt })I'opLe htln ou Patriot. priuting Te · (1" ''- u ll nt l!rll IJ lOff" thun rlQ Y"'~I'I'J 8. CO nrt· 1:'11 1 • uno bl'l lt~ill g i1;J 00 /llltI th oth e l' ;F:i'j()O. hail t il !!lIll1e grl'll11di re" . t:!tltW of Ohio vs Otto Gnlling d port of t,r ellllUr e r ...... .. , ...... lIul Ilf lu JIl t'tl til IJ II ' ~"llt "'H l lllqr)lItt , \V\t No v iet Wc1l'OOUt oo w,; '11'e offer e d. Any defe ·t of lilly floilllAI Will fenrlllnt. De fendnnt grllnted Inew Oonrge H . Ander Oil . buriul of S ·u tfll) I' rnptii"u l:- will lie rc -,'h '.'t.i al t.l.u: . lloul.l AIII"I HI U II' t>tHI ~tlltJtlon nu,! .:1 \' & h n Ulllll kno w n on 'I .\ ' .If till I . If y ou wunl n fu mil y oo w or to in re ll~e rJ'm"n ~ htll Clerk ' to. (lnlt." , \Va ynl >;S \' lI le , (lillv. 10 OUI' 1"RIYluU ,' IJo(ly th J) o \\' ~ r 10 'lUI t trlnl tI application un ground tbut Theodore Me l :ruy .. ... ..... . r.0 00 unti l 7 h',·.I(p k II. In • (\' Iltral Slalld"r<i 'J'l m" t UlI: l lwa. yo ur 10 1'[1 , " I' Lu l5~t II FOUNDATION HERD, her i. yonI' opportunity . verdlot WUII n ot blllled on evidenoe. 8tn kaltll. P (' n ' 0 . ,. meroban · ~IO/llIlA Y . (I - I'UJI"IC 7. I IIO~ . ThL i,; "Ll'iotly It 011 1, Illn.;e !'1I1 t:!. YO UI' prioe I onrs ; no re8erVt:! . Dowltrd Bunter vs village of 2 20 fQr a ll lol ll' lulJo r II 'CCH"IUfV In (U I,. cluwn Ute dise fo ·· probuto judge ..... . elias. U. Shrruck or. t h\' Zltllcs vllle Fu r " ltnlogutl Illldl'e s th o ')w nc 1' 0 . . STOKES & BROWN, h ilI omi w 'llll' 1I th.-' emlllHl km ' Ill II I L-llc Sh.h,!l'I . Franklin. Motion to fill\ peti tioll l:itu klllt,u Pon Co .. snpplies lor ClJalllb T of 0111111 rc : .. M II UUl hili fill the \.V ' I)' " ij\' Uh!;tllIl F. ·! · WayneSVille, Ohio. In error gl'ltnwcl . It Is W€l1I ll lh l t h h.. f' ulIllt1 l,.tllt;m "hulll, t IInditor .................. . ....... .. l; .to P l . 11:4 rlml KI)c t llicalil o ll '" . u l1 Ilk a L l.h e 11 ilr lUI CXIH\\l s tl\'fl I/lIs" u~ ~ltUl I t ho ~~~~~~!'...~_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1'uwn.hlp O lerk ' ~ IInl ce:. Row!trll B untor \,H vi IIltge of Ynle & 'i'owu M&nllfaot, urln ~ mUll~r· . ant.! Ir-l lIw ll r, 't;U JIlIlI O UlhtUum, 'J'b c 'l'u w fl s hl Jl 'J !f'U~ l 't" I·l·~ · · r'\· c Lhe r l ~IIL Frllpkllu . l!:l(O ' IIUon nf shlltonce I" 'A Certodn 'u r e for Croup-Usod tJ tclwh ..... wtll 11(111('#11 l O I lIt! COlll lIHl n Uo·., olfHlnlng cloc k In trOM to rllJc"L an" or " II bh'~ "UlI " e ot the VO, PI', wh" IIl U" 1 ot "o<·~". lI y I '6 ['fi n Years withont a Fuilure 1\)' urllcr ,;1 th r ·I ·ru. t eo~ of w avn,' '\'/0\1' 11 ' lIu~peDlletl until detorlllln,.tloll of 1' 1 Ill.I (o w hat ahn ll PO d IIe' . If our r o u s tl 'urer's otnce ............. .... . . .. to 00 . hll'. ,'. II ("J . I:lM 10: :-;'1 S . prooeedlngH. tUl lo ll II! t\l Ii~ t·lIull); I'd . lI"t do,,' t proMr. W U Bott. u 8tnr 'ity. Ind . • 10 'I'm'"81111' Clerk . r.... F. ColemulJ. eXllroSqllge .. . \'> "3 ' · I ~ s tl l'l t)' . 1••• , til" 11 11 ~x hI' Hlm h,h t. II II \I II ~ hllrdwnre fl-IOlchllnt, IS enthUsiastic F. S . Mnybee VIl vilh. '0 of Frnnk W . B . AOt.rIlIll. postmAster, tl", n iles I'lgld. ,",,1 110 • 101 o ( "I."m Unhealthy KJdncys Make Impure Blood. lu his pruise of Challlberlilin 's congh lin . Motion tn Ille IIa titll'1I In errCol' (Ju •• IIIIII" ·I n h., tl oc1,lo<'i or II"\\' '" t11f)(ls r Ulouy . Hit;ohildl'eu 11"ve Ilil been !ltllmp~ for auditor .. ... " ... . 10 00 1 "(1 for "a "Ii IpS-I.I" IIII·" tn JUl! tflc Wllh, II used to be! cOII.itlcrc,1 lhal only Notice to Farme.'s. . granted. Olld 111,' r nlll'IM10 IJII MB 111'011. uTiliury aud bluddcr lroll hles were lo ho ttubjeot to crou p und he has u8ed Au(lItor ' s fee fund, instrl1ct,ing F. 's.. Mayhee Vfl vUllIl!e of FrRnk "' hll e ,pp,, " III~ .1 \l~ l ldI Y , I ( "I"(ff tmeed 10 tbe killneys, thiH reme.dy for Lh past ton years. IIUll fnrnlshlng supplies to 1 hive i n look all Lrllnd,. o t ·lIn. 1I '·lIy. rr .. t!l.ched to nU l' 11I·t'~"" ' lax !Jl~l lI O W ul O!.lern und though they flinch f I~red cr.o np. lin . Exeoutlon of l\elll8DeeSos~utl It 8e8sors .... ........... . ".. ...... (;!j 00 ton Fert.ilblUr~ for fllll· trlld !l nd 1:.\\N w~ " n prol' lololI for Ih,· p"bl1~"lIon SCICIl.:e provcs. tbat hill wife !In.d ho alwl'YS felt !jate np. of ~"I'rr t ux ' '4''1111 '11. t.h'· rl' Wf)u il.J bp If' t:I. I.! 1 II I easee ed until d tOI'llIlniutloll of proo et! , Amlltor 's fee fnnd n pprl1 hdJ1 1t would urge fllrn} e rs to g e t, my cnll.~ of COIll I,I" III I. 1'10 " 1110"1 ~ucc"~"(ul . lI ·t~r. y .~' I " !S' ou retiring whon II. b ott.le of eham. Ings. !IU \ (: th II'. JCXllllilng b rillin 's • u ..h Remed" was In the rRilro.ds .. ---- .... .. .. . -- ... .. .. -- 9U:l0 prhl Blind coruPdre with Sta to cllUroh.. .'" th " wl ,... h publl . h n lI~t '" (loe 11H;nrt\ ~ r of . n " • F. M . Maybee, plalutlffln errorv ~ """trlbutnr:> : 8ud 11,,'y uro oil ly VOIIlIl' th!!se IIlOSI i1ill,ort.ant hou e HIS ol.d Bllt ohild WIlS HubJeot Auditor'" fijA fuucl, nppraiRlng Anlll.v 8i~ of other brauds. Yon of tnry IIKsodullol1111:. H o w mud) m ore Itn.. t . . tt k f b t till village .,t Franklin. dArOndl\Dt urgnll ~ . . ·0 I! 'ven' Il IIC 1\ 0 oroup, u, 8 tfll0t.10U rOlllla........ . ......... . 4.9110 will be convlnoed nr. once thut I ': ILn pOr!:,," Is 1111' " mml lll .. h l ~ h "VPI'Y prol'erlY OW"er ""'"' l'OIlII'lhul towurd th e 'nte kill ll!!)'!! filter reDledy never tailed to effeot II Plaintiff files pe tition in error on IQqu6Bt,l1ver body of J o hn I,,\t. 8U vo you Dlonoy. cOst of gove l·lImenl. lI u.l JJurify lh t: 1>1000- 811fludy oure; htl hn8 recommenderl same grooneis . • • th at iHtheir work. it to friends !lnd neIghbors and 1111 tJer, oosts ...... ·.... ,... .... ...... . 1610 I III 0 hllve two car IOItUS of '1'h ·reron·. \ h 'n Ytlll rki t! lIcys nrewca1c who hnve uSed it SIIY tblt' It Ie un . PllonATJ!: ClOUR...Frank Kinder. bridge repulrs Double Strength Drain l'ilo rnndt' C. A. Maiulle or (h e Chillicothe or .oUl uf lIrcler, y'lIlI ' 1111 " ./IlIl!TSIUlJd bow e qualed for oroup nnd whooping qUlcldy )' IIr clllire 1)O<.\l· I ~ ~fTccLed 3110 h Fib TE J in Frllvklln township. .. ...... 1677 by tho MldJletown Tile Co ., sit,ulI t DOliI'd of Trado: ~tate of Angust Aunker. decoo 1.11 ." I'UI'I' ~o III Inlflll or rr l "~S nt- h.,1Y cvcry or~all ~C C JIIS ' 10 fa il to do its coug or !ill e y. • Ilnney · 'VIlI, 'fhoDlas Harmon. bridge re ed It t O'lk lund. Ohio. 'l'hflY range ed . oO!lrt orderll elect\.ln of ·Inten Ing AJIIII tully U !oZ J)o!Oi~ l b1 c t h e ,-Ie " '" An" Jutr' pllirs In Turt,leoreek town · in sl7.e from :1. -I, li n.l'd · inohes. . ~ nlh t1 c lI l~ f Ihe m 1'''' ''lI l t ~ Allcl mnnu J '0 11 urc s ick. or "fcel iJu,l\y ...·uegill - - -tloD of Mllry Aookar tu take 'under IIhi1l......... .. ..... .. ..... .... .... .. Hi 50 AI 0 hllve a Clil' . of No. 1 lnr~e ta e LI II'H~ o f our 1\"." llI y, I "d(lI·e••~d n: takill i: th e ,.,'Teat ki,rn 'y remcdy, Dr. ''''TONI the will of ber con(torL racorded cornrnunJ(Oa l! Ort to 9"' \' nil A"~ll tl f\ l1l~n RlJ k- KillJJ er 's S wa mp-Rout, because as SOO Ii wa. Miia.1 1M James M. Croig, rllpnlrs In White Cedar Postll . . Ina:: 10 h~ n.I>'I.,,<I of nny thnul<hls or a ~ you r ki fLllcy II r w ·11 tbey will lll:lp Est.te ot Elcla Brown. minor, .u.l'o"lIon . I" r.I " t1~," 10 t "'UtlO Ii . nil th . olher orgall~ to h ealth. A tnal .\fIII ... ft. Barlan township ... ...... . .... ' 10 05 Seed Wheat. Uoardian J. C. Rodgers Illes third It If'; uftAnlmoufoIly ngre"d B Ul ong them .will c01lvince! an yu n e. "',,, "'" 6.,"11 " B. 8. Uonover, spikes, noil . I have Ilb ut 160 lJUshels of Red tllot th ~ la.hlg .y~tern Qf hln I. n m ont If l'on Ilre sick )'on call lU llk e '110 mlstbird Rccount, deptu rahl u (ullur(':, wh ~ n It con""':t. to R ... • ' c.l eto ...... .... .......... ...... , 1\1 01 . Wonller t:!eed Wheat. This ill It com pi lo In,; th~ Ptll'PO"U for whl r h IL I. 'take hy lirst rl oC lor "l ~ your 1:1 lIeys. EIItllte of Frank ~herwood, lle. oollrded wheat nnd is one fnuong llllelllied- tho '''' I~1111t' '" sUO\" I'lIl ,.• ,,"_ The lIIild olld tbe ' x traClrclillBr 'elIect of Oea86(1. Admlnl8tra~or .J. L. Sber Ohio Corrugated Culvert and nue ((lr lhe II~,·,I. of lho RIIII~ III "JUflt Dr. I.;,illller·s Swamp.J{oot,. III teat. l' IME O.~RD Bridge Co., hridge" tube!! ... .liO 2G tqe enrliest vl1rfetle~, lo y illg IIftt. to and eqlll\l 1"'IJ)Klrll oli /'ro on I 10 nll4 811 I: id uey rctll ,,".l y, i~ SOOIl r('u llied, It wo~ 11198 second Ilnd flnalaooonnt, ";~' ~'~:('I" vt: MAl. ' It . UI . lUU 7 or h . c1 f1~,'~~ . sta nds I he hi g hest for its wOllderful cures Elttate of Muttle Axmlln. lle. Bert Reed, contrnct. ';'9 .... ..... ; .40 th o ground during fall and win tor . XOIt1'HUO U NO. W o nre rl'f ri ll' wll llllll' 111111 1.. 1 saCo of lh . 1II0st "i SlrC$si n ~ CIIS ·s, nllfl ig soll1 oe,sed. A. E. Axman tiles Invent/) E'rlmk WIlll!Ug, contraot 71... l6000 His freA froln rye, cheat, cockle o r In su uru lU lng lhe whole lIl"t",,· to tho on i LK lIIerit ;! loy UI I " , :"'0. 1drU "Kista in fifty.cent Charles Henderson,'oontmrt any puri ous seed. Reolean ed 1:00<1 JII(ll:rnon t of )'ou!r COU1'"I .. I~II. · ry and apI)rniI!Ul6n'. Ir III 70UI' wIF ~ OJll , nfler behl/:' flill y lid- allfl OIIC.,loll llr sizc 64 .............. , .......... .... ..... 106 25 rel'dy for ~owlog, 11. 00 per bnt!hel . vleo<\ III Ch. I'r"ml "~ .. YO\I sholl lI"d tlllll hulll .. You m "v Eatate of George T. O'Neall, de. k\ . M , M. I'M. .. ur Ill\le 0"". 1111111011 .houloJ b ~o , Wm , Ii . 'urmony, Lytle, Ohi o . oeaee<l. Fil'8t aDd ·fioal aoooont flIed V. J . 7.entmeyer, bridge reo "mend ..1 ,,~ 10 ' xc mlll ~el'l" h l khld~ 0 1 hnve I.l mllllple bottle Domootew&lDpoRooC. Lclmlloll ,I e..\r ~ OCt \1 ~I O II lllrsln Deerfield town~hlp ,24 00 80me Phone r. II! "; F• • II "I! 2; .. Ce nt ervil1 E,,: property from t~xn./I(l n 10 ~n" .,ur"t;a ftll~ by lUull frec, also It puulphlet t ' lIill~You Shake r Cr. by Sarriet E. O'Neall, exeCutrix. In or~nsp "u~I,,~." anll ror the g~n~rnJ ho \\' to find out if )' OU hllve I:illlley or BarlRn WhitllOl·e. lumber .... 5(1 23 cbl\n~e , I I ' ~ I I r. I :1 In the matter of the will of Joel gnod. I am h,ll y co" fl~ cn t you r Rolloll ' ula \tIc r lroll !,I ·. l\le ntioll this paper Contract let to F . W . Hothawoy ; ~ ri 1\ 11'1 :, 011 .... 111 b o .. ppro,·ed li nd tha rnMmm cllcla - whe n wrilill ~ to Dt. KilllIcf & Co .• Ding. El umps t eall Evancl, deceased. will produoed and t I 10 for 24. incli sewel on Wuynesville 601' Uon ch I'fully An" hea rtily .u t'pOl'lcd by ballllllil. N. Y . !)on'tlllllkctlIlY mistake, 'cDlen-Ill e appllOl\tion made to admit MaIllO to ihfJ8P whom I r PIW,.HOII1, provid e d corlnln but r e nlCl11bc.r th e UUlUC, SwanJpaRoot. Manor 1 -;- !l'! It U ~ i .. rJ~ . Ilucl MI;. Bolly road in Wnyne town. Notice of Appointment propPrI), "" ~J'e. t" III ollr .ta lc ...·hl oh nre Dr. K ihll cr's Swalllp.Root, :tilt.! the ad. I.yllcl probate. Bearing (lilt tor Oot. 2, l ) r,7 -: :!7 ship Rt the estima.te of 124. . not 1I0W InreK .1 nil a rc drc~~ , BiIl .." \o :ulJlOII ,N. Y . ouc\,c rybolU.. I,dl(""'''ocl .:; ,! ' I I :.4 1907, at 9 A. M. lC~t./\te f.lf Wolter T. Pngh. decen . mad. 10 b pnylnJ; '1.1' lhel r nlt~· j U8 1 proportion Or th e . Tenable C .ntroct lilt to the Oregonia ed . Tile u.nderslgned has boell ap. fl~~~ ; i ~O .111 :,0 rnlllrll I 1I t exp n ~o" b Y prO,ler .( ..11<,,In the m!Ltter of the will of A . L . ';" IN ~ IO ~ H 1\:lLcluler • • Farr, d8C8Rsed. W1l1 admitted to Brlc111;6 Co . for,. IItec.1 beam bridge, pointed an<lqunhlied as adllliniiltrn . 'j 11\ 110 ~!l lJod'l ~ oak door, to be erected on tbe Mil.. probate. tor or the estnt.e of Walter '1'. fngb , K. L . Coburn of thl Sl<lf.lW UlIslnell Loillud 17 011 tI u " I ~ I 2 ,1 Est!Lte of Daniel Weidner. imbe· lion and King's MiliA rO'\Q in Deer- Illte ot W nrren ()oun ty. Obiu. l1e Association : t..~IJ a.II " U-I " . ; 00 10 :111 : ~ ~U Am.nt! the 'OMlltllllon so Ihut prop. • 11 N. U 0 & >: T O il, Q olle. On application Ida Early III field township Itt their bid of 1262. ceRsed . erly mny b IUd. lft d for InxnClon pur· IJUy t1l11 !1 .4U Plans and speodloa.tionl'l for Boon· appointed IUIlrdilln at $1000 bond Dilted thi 11th day of September, po,.~. 11."- X '1' D & X 1.' orete onlvel t In East Wayne town· A . D. 1911';. J . C . BAWg~. i PUI mom·y.. not"~ . .morlg"!: ••. bonds. L---~~--:~Ml-!~I\:-:6-MH1}jItL___.......,rIt_:-----~1HlO Eiltate of Up8ve Bollond, de· etc.. whi ch "r~ lIaled n t. l.hel r nomIna l or -1 • • hlp. appro'ged . Brown & BhnwbuD , At,torneys. !~ C. vnlun on n "lit rntf) of not (0 ex SOL" I'JlII . usn ceased. Inventory and .appr"tse· Contracts: were let to the follow. ~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!_!!!.!!!.!!!.'!!.!!!..!"'!!--'!'!...'!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!= I co cl(lp~O"'llllle ll ~·I .ot on ?n'. dIOO~.IA·lr· I"_." ~I J\I:. . a'l'ltI!: I!:T WAYNH:I.iVILIJIi:. O. 1'. M . p , M. ~ent ~Ied by Mollison MoKinsey ad " "~" .. Iu 1'00111 next d ooi· to C ;r O~8 A. W ing Persons for the Repair of bridges = No ~ . N ) ·I d No fl " mlnistrator. . err:OI;;~"~I~;P ~u;~~; . ~,O,~',~~,!~ :~'~,:'~n~~o~~ HIII'tl WRro t.)r\) . . ~ 0:. U aylOU : l ' B &. IJ Estate of W . M. Jones. deoeased, wh'eo tbe oost At ony time does not r('l I' J1 0 r~lrO n , 0,'", 01' Indll'ldua l. rail 'l)}lophvnt') In hous o lIud o l1lce IJ ny lon : J) " X 1.' HOO ,i ai' , Tm uJ SII'N' l cn r o 011H4ny or JII tf"lItn hlp DI~trlbutlve account filed by W, B- exoeed $10. ·Prlc£s as follows :TeIlID (, fir, ' :10 IIn~ , (11,·1' Ih r m su nt 'Iont olllll ol'lly 10 whor(l I Clm I,u oull l)d c1u,y o r nigh~. I."llall u .J". and hllond, $:1 per day; oommon I",· Allen, execntor. Shaker Cr', •• IIIg K !la fi Ii:i In ~urt u ,,' 1I! llng of n~l prQllorty tn en II Vulloy Ph one U-:!. C'ounlY, h,,\'C\ It lI ~ ted 1.11 a UlIlfur' Rl mJln ' Ifj fi n fWoly u 1" aT 10 matter of the will Riokle 001', $1.60 l!er day; sk\lled la.bor,. ner In Nwh counl y. alld a.holis h the otII U "l\ll!tcllll . U :J ua /I 0 :1 Eli, deceased. Will prodnoed in; valid until Septembor :32, noes of ft!lllc••or anti hOArd or oquu llza,. 'e llen v lll e . K ~!) I 11 II II tlol1. court lind hel\ring set for 8ept. 21 11l0M. H . U . Prater, Juke Bnroll, , Iluru Times in l\:lltI)!UII Mall OI' '~ :,7 ' :3 1t' ··u . f.lmll II.,· rolr thol loral olft '1 & 1. c.~ Charles Clellver, Will Cox , Ohftrlos t"x 11. lell ,,,·,,p,,rt y 10 (l brllil o",, -hlt lf Iho at 1 P. M. Th o old ullY~ of I{rtlsshoppel's IIlltI f_.v~le OJ 03 ; 2:1 1/ .! ~ Dr. n-Iiles' .Anti-Pain pn-sent st u ttltory nutllorlty- nn,' wh en drouth I\I'U nlmoi!t fOl'l; ot.te'n in the 't':,I NcWUUlt ' 11 0'; a ~tI ~(; Estate of Ruth A. Chenowlth, A . ' Dug~n, E. W. Dumford. F. W. y ou art' 110 t loo hU ~.r C()1I1 ovp.r to Slillcn'l B,lthaw"y, Obb.o Benderson, Joseph PiUs r liove pain-not fill h~ ~n t~ rll\I IICil by Ih ~ DlI.ln~"8 Asso- llrOllII{JrOl1!1 Knnsiul of t OclllY; nltho VUlIlIble ' I' 011 ' :t ~II IU ~o deceased : So!e bill filed by W. U. cluW, n Of Soloon, 0 . , Ilnd wo will nil bo IL olt,i7.oU of Codell. Enrl Shnlllburg KIlcb ller . Sisey, ' Wnlter T. Wilson, John til tl j ' I:t~ .r. 3~ only oncc, but as Jnany eon Allen eX80ator. t ent. hilS n ot .y<'t forgot.te n fl hurd tlUle /Jodd. t il I. ' j :1 4 III :14 t:imes as it is l1ecessa~'y to In the matter of tlie will 'of Mary WoJfe, ' Lennie Whitllore, Ueorge • he eu ·OtlOter.ei1 ll e ""Y!! : "I Wtl!:lll .clallci IU ~ 3 /:\ ~ 2 16 ~!i Veldt· William G. Sohultz, V. J . take .them. Many 'persons F. A. Hart ns teln, YOllUGStowo worn out Ilnd 'di aco \l'l'ilg d hy cou~h Lehan ,on AI·I I,·" 11"0 Kentel', dt!!c6llse(l. Will, admitted :J r.II '1 fiO Z.,ut~eyer.'l'. N. Wl\ke~son, John who suffcr n;om chl'oriic Cba Jub('r of COllimorce : to proi)Bte. Ing night Ilnd UILY,llutl cOlllcl Hnd no ' Da ll y e Xl'~(l~Su"'I", ~ SLOI' On .Iffll" It 11'1 ";f~ lWr lt lf y IjU IJI)U;i.C'd thAt th e oun · r ell f till 1 trie<l Dr King '~ New Dis Irous, A. D . SobuJt,z, S. L. Irons, " III'IDAI' 'HA I1<1'1 . EatAte of Mary Kenter, deoealled. ailme.nts· :find 'irr them a Q~ulc:rp( or hl.)cf'...~ D,n ' th e orIlOJ·wUoruc. 1 oo ver " It 'took l' sl:I thlLD II bottlo John I;:;nider. Jacob Sbumtiker, 'l' raiIi N p:t.o1Ji l.... y lle .1 fo llO\fA: WA.l1t lo s ]' t o you that in Muhonlng John Keoter apuointed eX80ntor SOUl' 0 of gl' "at relief from cO un1Y t hq C(lf'J'tll'u.lI tI!". 8 S IL rul e, tln not to oODlpl otely 0 \11'0 l11e" 'rhe @/\fest N or tbboun ~ 7 .1t a. m . r. :.!7 P: 11\ Eitner Sheets, Bert L'teed, W!llill.m Bamcel Wone~, Thomas Coughlin n"ea l Ih. 'I," t" XCI'. '1 I. th e III'f"lIlo n 11(1 1II0~t I'oliu ble congh r e m(llly uuu !loli l bloou ni t thc snfi:cl'illg which they eo I) 04a Ul . 7 231'. " Sparks . liaorge Robert~on, Dong. l. 'I'lle CMPOI·Hllo" .. III Mnhon- throllt held er ever discoverll1.1 Guar au.1i Lewis NallH allpoirited n.pprlll" r•. N. ,\ SWALI) woulU 1.h l'wise be com- t"dl,·1I\u<l In« (JOllilty ) think .. ,!furn th e ir t~ red lt. f.lnttiell by Fred (; IinlJillgeworth, 8 K . ~ t"Jpben'son , oh WtLrtl'i drug U c.neratP4SRCrtoV-,. A ~er:it.l,e l.H\l1on , O. 'tor t. 'x all cm nt . It. nre1ly (air. f"clultllb Ju erl. H . CI I t' pelled to·e. 'l'hcir !!tore 50c und it Trilll blilttle free I matter of will of Riokle Eli, .Frell ~lmp80n, enry 1r 8 Ian. ynlt10 thIn wilt ~n m pl\"'e. v.·ry fa vorably soothing jnfincn, upo~ wllh Il"ybody e ' w~ hi tl1 ft co unly ; buI prld n 18d. Will ' admittelt to ro 'l'homlls Barmon lind C. Baywood. Bow to Oure a Cold yatf" 'frhllvltlmti R ,,~ A . r'\l I(' dO noL re turn eoea P Contruct WIlS tlrot.ered into wlth the n l·ve . sll'cl1gthe:n Ihelr " ..'" YK IIn~ ·r. ~l ts Il. thoy 8holll('I . HATHAWAY ' l'he q uetltioll of how to (lure a cohl Whllo there I~ A I;'OOU bhr 8 1111111",,1 ~te, . . the following persons to 'furnish rather tba t1 weaken t hem. abrond without onnecessllry los!! of time is 'VIII"-h ""."8 thle( ' Rlul.... nd loca l Eltll.te of Rlokle Ell; deoeaaecl. 'lumber on or before September 22; .1 , fI .\ " 113:; vi lle 's L 11 ding Deutlst FOl' this l'eason they ' sel- levlo' • • laould bp dtv"rcoi~ . YP~ 11 ..~ m8 to OfT1ce ill K oys Bldg. Milin 8' one in whloh \Ve ., re more or loss 01 aU ... M . Poug~man a ppoln te4 . ex llllll,l :' Fra.nk Duke •. W niter Bo~n. 111 ' It IS. Il 4:.. ,,.'1'1'0(00 thlllg t" do (11"11. interested, for the <Iuioker 11 ~otcl is dom 10 e the)r ·tivc- 'rh WlI118 luw 1a1'InilS 1'lOny h\lIldl·olJ. or .' 6Oa'rtx ..nd Jl\Clob' Bahr and Barry BeDj .· Mill!!, Boward McCuUl:!, .Mad gotten r'id of the Ie!!!:! the lunger at Iholl""n<l8 of dolh.r. very y~"r Into ' lho pp pnouUloninnnd other seriol1s disonses ' of whloh 110. 011 II b' kilO"'" noth· doyno a raitl6tll,' . . den &; ()o . , .T. B. . ISmlth, .S. K . n~~~;" 62 ~•••rt .... old ~n<t ilnvo Auft'cred shlle filS Dear Old Mother lll'~ . 'Ve don't, know how , mU c h II 001Mr B W L £;tn II , of Waverly. Va .. 'E 8tllte of .lohn (JorJiss. heontor 't I "ohn K . Spencer ''1r 42 y.~"." (,'om ",·I'V,,'" lroubles. Ie tftd, W. ('l1 n ' t IIlul (l~lt bow mu t' h ._ tl 1 ;:; epleven~on. " . 'rio Ulllnll"m 'UlI) '''' rllII:III. Ilnlp'tnllnn "My d eM~ olullloth 1', wtlo Itt l10W hns tl!100 Ch"mborlain's Cough Rem M. C. D,rake fl1 ~s tItIIt 11n d nl\ 1l()' MRllon [,umbel' Uo.. l:ilmebn WH. or Ihe h~"rt. ~horl"""H of h",,"lh. collected.' And tlllli wllh the propoHN'I oigh tythroe y'ar ol d , thrives on edy. for :vellrs fLnd 8UVS: "I firmly frnll c lit~~ tAX luw. which n (! .. .'ty f"'very .. t Rleel~)C18A ' U..'»~, una Im", UI't1tlll d the ooon, . 11 IlW ",. jr, uml WllIll\m EVIlnll.!lt heu.,.!. , 'I' h~ (>1'. ~IJI R AlIlI -l'nln Pilla body /IIII' Cft we Rr< go lll" to hn" • nnd "~Iectrle Bit.tor~," writu . W B Brnn belleve~(jhltm berl .. ln 's Cough Reme "'-t t Or Is ftO Btr80hwitz WIn h ll\' O b.-pn Jl hlp~ l'I lhg to in C. I don't un<loulJl cdly .. "reat "!lIllY or 118 thlrlk !Ion, of Dublin, UII 't:!ha hilS tuken liy to be IIbsolutely the be~t prepllrll. .,... a e It . •. mu I'kot' IJrjOtl!:l whell orclerec1 by know whuL 1 ~hou l<.l dO) with out th6m. B WUUam"lon an4 t; Fred Ille ..nd Lhey hi" 1h!> nnll: remedy I hllY .. .. 0 OUtfltl to hu "e. . ..-111 produ II "0 I. rt: p tl1eul for ·ltboul ·two;vellrSllD(lllnjoy" tion on the market for cold8. I have LL r~ venlJ" that In tlt a GlrinloH ot' II. ,;rftl\t .,·cr URM! Ihnt (·lIhor did not WolRr . . 0 IIlnlll!sionerll distributive I\ecount ' r & 0 .ut In lo"l! 'l1m Ih"" r MV hcp.n UIl' n lBn)" 1)f!"' 1~1(! It nllght to~ tcr nu exoellent IlPvet.ite, feels stroog recomulIlDded it to my frlllnds and . Conl,rllot ]E;t to D .. I'otter o. Ing Ihrm. or cI.~ the InJ\lrlou~ r,,"ulll! I:ane. In th o h'l(hllw.tUr~ " We know thero ILOd !l1t>I'Jls well" Thut's the wuy they all ugrtle wi tb me" For .ale JoIABRIAOIn LI R~SDl, tor brillife floorillg nnd joist ... ut Nr,:~~\r t1;:~k ·wol·ltl bo obliged to btl\·., heen IrglMtnlur-R In Che past whlph Eleotrio Bitters nl1eot the aged, and by J E ~a.nuey hllve beell .""·\lVMannt: U,cre mlglet the I1lIlI1e hn'PllY results follow. in IlI1 Irven W. Taylor, of Oregonia and price~ I!tltted In Qontrllot f. O. b J7 CllI'I,'r s~~.It~. f'Ji'tIf.ill~;'O~~~.!'\~';n. anln be ... l.orl ~luturt· In the tutnro Ih"t callel of felliBle w6Aliness and gener , 8ub!1crlptlon8 T6C ' for .the IlIIId · mllrht be ex. ,'''''11,"1111 . If IIrcr. Is no Mvrtle Grey, of WeJmll.n. '01l1'8 Ilt, points 1D ooonty . Dr. MIl •• ' Antl·Paln P1111 are lold by Wetlk, 1lony ohildren IDg mas"zlo98 aDd newspapel'll,' at " your druggl .•t, who will (Juarantee that I'heok upol1 It b)' . IOCJu.lIy I ho peo- al debility Mtcah.,1 (Uoh, of MOlitlII Ford lIud Contrllot· lilt to Fa.rr & WbitA, the ftrat paCKeaa will benefiL If It ple CIIn and I)ut' lIIol1cy ·l> ...r~ tOil. Ill'e greatly stJengthened by A~" I d 'aliI, h. will retllrn .your monay. la III Ih" KIllto It will fOlller tbem Guarllllteed Illso for stomaoh, the Guette ollice. Note -We w!l1 'Mary (Jbda'inl\ Noubaum, Wuuu Lewis Br08, Port and cement, an II do_, 21 oent.. Nev... aold In bulk. extra".... nce. liver abd kidney ·trooblee, by Fred meet the prioel_ advertiaed by lWy Tille. 'u P. P. Max well for 8e~er a~d 08. lIil. Medical Co., Blkbart, Ind J 1 tblnk wa .re IlII repotable lu~p'loD agelloy, C Schwart~, droggist 50 oents COIIDQo tile .... hould






JFJN' ~]1J



( ; A~P~I'J.J


Thursday, Oct. 10, 1907,

58 Head of Richly Bred Jersey Cattle


36 Co'Ws

except 10 from 2 to 8

Years Old


Our Pure St.

Herd 'Bull,

6 Young Bulls.



Often Th e K'd neys A Woakonod by Ovor Wort.



' 'flHtD''

lfC""U'I1· I.

'7 ,I







W ear OU t



U .




-- - -- ---



. I











HER SECOND LOVE By Mary Wilson (Ccp),rISbt. b)' Jc.epb

The house bad b 9!1 tnls rably dark !lnd cold to me alnoe Unci D ' nnl! dI ed. The three little childre n clung to me In th e most pltICul ",'a r, and my b~ art almost broke for th e m when the lawyer told mo thliL thoy would lIal' nothlog In th e ,,'arId aCte r eo\' ryllling was setti d up. Tlloy camo ttl me wile n the lawye r was gono, " ,'('c t littl e lIIary, and Bess nnd Ben, f'l jolly tIVlns. I couldn 'l to ll tbcm , lon, t./:l elr grl oC was too new , and be· Iq les how could they understand ? It \\'115 00 the third day tbat a JottN 'ame Crom Charlie, aui:l ,my bearl IIgbtened e"en betor the e nvelope was ope ned . The lette r was like lUI of his bright and che ry, only lhls , ot courae, was tinged with n I!tUe _8ad· n ~ R8 on accouat of my recent be rcavll' ment. In tbe lettor he urged u sDoedy marriage, and 1 was so sarI'" to bo obliged to t oll blm tblll Lhe ,;bUlfr n were le tt wi thout 1\ peony. Rnd that I could no t len v o tho rn . 1 (ell 8ure of Charli e's sympa thy, for 1 nele ' Dennis bnd been so good to u~ botb. He had tnken me, a lilllo orIlhMed girl, and ared fo r me as Ibou gb T bad be n a daugbter. And, bllvtng koowo bllrlle's fa the r , h e so· c ured for the boy a pos ition that ball bee n or great advantago t o him, or ('ourse 1 expected btm to feel ror tb p 1It1le onea or hIs old fri e nd. In stead or writing, Oharlle came, I snw blIP lUI ho walklld qutckly up to tho dool·. aJld foyself ran to lot him In. How handsome be look ed In the styllsb city clothes! I telt so proud a.nd sate as he Itlssed me. Then we we nt In the parlor, and It nil happen ed. roven now, after 80 many YeArs, J enl" not think ot It qulte composedly . He had a plao and at once unfolded It 'l'he children could go to an asylum, and we oould be married at oncp Wben he had said It all, the' room Beemod to be wbfrllng round wltb rnA I pressed both my hllnds 10 my ead be fore I could anllwe r. "Uncle Dennis didn't put me m &r l\8ylull1, Ohnrlle; 1 ca!tnot se nd tbcblldren to one. 1 wtll not." harlle loughed, hla handsome eyes on my [ace, "The n what are they to 'do!" be Qs ked. " They wlI.1 go wbere I 110," Ire· plied. aln he laughed. "Now. AJlle. wouldn't we cut a pret· t y figure In a New York hoarding Douse with three children? No, tbank ~' Ol\, my dear, I CRnnot SUbmit to 11 .. "1 can work for them, Charlle,~' 1 .old, a ' strange pain In my h eart: "I ~an take Clare 'of tbem until they a re older ; I can't leave them, 1 am n good nurse: 1 can make enough .lll~l ey , and wl!.1 liv e wltb Ib ro m: she couldn' t lea ve the m an1 !IIore ' lhnn I cnn." ' borll made a little gesture of 1m' DnUeuc . "Allie, all that Is she r nonsense. I <1on't wan &:\ old maid for my wlte, QII II c\o rou think my mothe r would rl!. <:(' Ive It girl who had be n a COUlman

II. Bowl •.)

brour;ht fiow ers to Miss l!:llIngton, and to the cblldrcn lit home. Ono day the doctor said to me: "Mi ss Ellington is mucb worse; be ca.roful not 10 leavo her alone: but don't lot bc r know you are watcblnl: any closer than usual. 1 do not want to disturb be r : there Is 110 need, all ber preparallons are made ; I myself wltOI' SS d bc r will a year ago, and no ono wa s (n' r more fit to die. Elvery coni. or b el' man y Is to go to her l'llUrch, a s s he 00 doubt told you. So now th most we call do Is bri ghten b c r los t days, and J u m glad you are b or , for no ooe could care tor ber aD tenderly." " I lov Miss Ellington ve r y lI earl,. ... I said; "I can bardly beur to tblnk at losi ng h e r," I allllcd, r nHzlng so mll' thing ot whut illY lon elln 85 would b wbe n illY Irl c nd. and tU lHtress was no more. "I IIUPPOSl'," the doctor suld, quiet· Iy. "lhat thi s Is bardl y Ih e tlmo o r tho vla c for love maltlnr;: bu t I want to tell you, AJlIc. that I love you, :lnd 1 want you to bo my wife." I look d liP won II rln g ly Into h is rn(, e. Il ls kind y s wero smiling at me. " Why, Dr. Murray, I nev or ~hoUllhl bt s uch n thing! " , "Tben think o.bout It now. I bQ'I't thought of IItLle else si nce the

One Man Who ' Saves Mone)! Firm,



Thl' I'1' 0111'1' WI1. U llIun \\,;.0 dill no t ,1.<1 thlugs. II w a.. rUllllluJ.: a n' I'l aln ~('c:lloll Ilf a " 1'111111 lal'!{ ' 111'111' 8 IWHI· I,,:> ' , [l ncl 1"'''111" bp~ l\l, I" tali! III hInt. " \\' ha!'" \1", Ul>1I 1· ... \\' lI h Ihllt 1('\· low ~" ~IIIrI Ow;\, . " 110 \'ou 111)111',' h .. w h dO(,K nUlh ln );? .\11 hI' !l ('</I\ 1<11 ri ll), le - uothill g, at·. 1I0t 1U1I1'1I. tiL 1111 C\" ' lltS. It .. " , II 0 8 he lI'IoII1i1l; e to h UllS on ?" T he o lll t' r fl'1I0 w Illilde r., p}y In tho e(fl' t th llt " II I' do's not hlll l!'; 0 11 . Il l"s an l'horpc1 h NP. I I 1110 \\,;\ 511'1. ho." t1 be let out. !lilt h(" 11 ne\' I' g ' l 111\ " !'urther lip. \\' tc ll hIm ," nIl ('I'l' rybod y wI.r'ohl'eI , Olle !lay I hl~ c(, l'tlllll finn II l1llPt'n ... d to 1111\' (' n I)ert aln so nll,t hln J,; all lIR hun!l. Ihu l. stirn' lI eV l'r yl'n,ly IIJl. It Wl IS a hlg conl rlll'l . IlIHI I bp I'!' wus 8 m ' thln~ w J'()n~ wIt h th r. \\'orc!II1$; , ~ o th o fi rm h al\ lO \\'In II bl~ 1'II\\'-,' lIlt o r lelSO n 101 of money. Ali(I 1111 till' 111'0' pIp In the firm. (' I'I' I'r Io11!1y wh" elld tlllu!>; s', 1H'!>;uu to l'U ll aroun 'l 0 111 1 ay : "Wh ll l nr c w, golug 10 do! \\' II :ll ltl'e Wl' I';oln>; 10 .11) ?'" Anll II, m:l n who 11Irl not do th ln 'l en t a t h 1:! II .s k /III I ~ lI ll1k(li' . 1' llI all), e " pryhorly h :1I1 llll'n t'li lI'Ah' SIl);~i'HLlo nR nn(1 1\1(' fl l'llI w a>! )((1. In l': to bl'g lh to fI,, 11I. I h CIIR ', for ny.lo of th RUgg Sll llll R s,ugJ,':l'sl<!l1 Illl y lhln " !lIse. A nel lh n I he llIun \\'bo Illd d .... tblngs s po ke. "Suppos ' I ~;o "V i'l' aod "('II olhor flrm II l1d Iry 1\1 frOI11 up u (' m· pro llllsc." s:lld II I'. " W l,'11 hlli ll Illse . 111 lI,l Y If 1\ g o ti into lh r ourtS. Th e~" 11 Josc ; w ' 11 h1"C. SlIlll'OSe \\'0 R If w{) can't Illak them seo II III th o same lig ht." 'Til h l1ld o r IIII' fi r m th rcw up hie hallds alld collapsed. "Good h ,tll' n s." · he !;IlHperl , "wh, didn 't am borl y think ot Ih at b ro~ 7" And th mati 11'110 did thlngd l~alJe r p ly: "We' " o b 11 too bus)' "Iau. !lIng th e fl Ght to hav e time 10 think abollt It" Alld th It nrl tUI'll d to th I)n man ane: Sill : " How In tho 1111111 C of all tbut Is pro lllnbi clld ~'(l1I hapil 'U to hav s u,:11 un In '[lll'8llon?" Anll th e mun Inugh d . "Th,ll'S 00 Inspln,tI n ," he snld; "thilL's common ui se. I 1:lm plr hilI' !;1I1 ba"k h erfr-no d ing thln gs~ thlnil iDg. And I know toe can squ are It lip." . And Ihey dlel . Mornl : DOIl 't do lhlhgs-o.ll ,he ltme. Think n !t Wo,

New In Natural H1atDry. Not a\1 l!lngllsb obilOr n Me wen posted on 11,' 0 Btock, Tho followlns "howlers" oro fn.',n OS88)'8 cxhlblted at 0. recent snow: "The young borsel ha"e long I sa, so that It tulght keep I1P to Its moth r whoo wild !tons IIkll tllO lion aod tige r lire ~tter tbem to de vour ' th ' !D." "The fow l," declarea sUII IInotber, "whe n alll' e Is usod ror coc k-fightlns nnd when dend rot' Ita b o.utlCul t e nthors." "'rhe pig gets Its wool coat olr In' summer. Then "" e g t t,h e wool of It. The pig Is r. garlled liS 11 bad orea ture." MEDICAL FAILURES, An AuthorIty ~ay. Three·Fourth, lit Graduate. Are Unfllled to Practlce.


'ro lIuy a head ha r; m!'an s , 11ulte an 0111 lin' or 1II0 nl'Y, !lnd to mok:c nne tuk a' II 1:1' 'II I d ' olaf tllllt' , In Ilddlltnn to which th u work I ~ tl'ylng o n th e),I!R. nllt heud b.1gS Il l" HO Illv ly thlll It 1M 1.l11l11) ~ t ItI1\losslbh:> 10 I' sl8t Ih tl' lUlltn\to n lO try whut til l' rnlll:y \vol'kaholl cons ld'rs I.' ""my sll11 p lo 11lI ll crn ," Snm ll bags Ill" \'(' ry Itl t 18 II!'I t<'I' lhnn 110 hng a l nil . To be 1I ~ 1'111 I h .j' s hould have a CIIIlIIol01l8 In ierlor. Thn lu\'o r ltc shullO Is rllih r lon g ' I' 'thun wId , nnll un th bottolll of I hl) hUH Ig lill ll'n 1\ " ry close IIn{l w('11 f1 hIlPNI fl'lu r;r t llnt hlll'ln o lll z·1t willi th l' no we rl'd pnll<'rn of ' th e bnlt 1)1' (' Il LrnSlR wltll it " ory dl' Id"llt y. On liilie III tll t.'He ba!-\s IH wur:'< 'od II'l t h It lIoml cI I!S 1).;11 In 11J1ll1m l (:0101''' "'hll e Ih o r()V1l 1'8e Mlol !Jn ~ (lIl O ' ~ nll1ll gram donc In go l,1 0 11 a wll llo bll ' k ~ rouud . 'rh e Ill onlltlil gs 111'1) VI'!'y I! lnbol';)ttJ, .,Ilhnr of guhl with jew lti 0 1' nf (,Irhed sllr 1', allli tll y Br Illl 'd wllb lont; 1' !J lll n hu.u IIi . , l'\l'XI 10 th e bend bu g "OIl\ I' S tho retl t', i1 , a chlll'rnl nj: 'urll It', 11I'cf'l' ld '(I \VII h II mpl roo lll lor H II of Otl(J' 1j IIlti t) lJ elllllgll1 j1;B, n 11III'S '. curd casu Ilml vnnlty ho x, If Ihl s II! not ·Ql'rI .. d S" llIIl'nte ly. Th r ticulell d rll'N to· I! HI r III tht' lO ll fJ n til' 118 \II I! old fnH hl o ll(,11 kind . Th l'Y nre v(' r), eas il y 11111tl O and whf'1I C0l11111 ll'd IH e Ilult as el'r" ctl,·p, and ornllll('nial as th tl mar costlr li r ad and 1/;0111 IltI'nlrs. 1111;\(1801111' nllwel't'd rlbboll mak e8 lbll dulnU etil no Llt-ul 8. nlbbollB 'omo In Sll h xQul sll ro lur lngs lind rl . ~I!in s lhal the y aro a lllJosL lov oly enough nn UI y lITe tl)r I'ot!culos. It 80 happcns, how ' " 'r. that tnshlon likes 10 Ilalnt th e Ill y, as It wer t', and to tnrth r PlI1b elllsh th 8e ribbons and brocad s wit h bead work . A pnttern IR sel toel showing, lle rbllllR. a richly col I' d ros - or a clust I' of fi owen; on B Illnlll background , nnd th en with h('r nImbi !lng I'll th o YO llng wo mAn !lets to work lo mbr()ld r tho fi ow r~ In b ads, The I'Ihuon colorin g at thlll II orall 1\ Is (ollo well (\bHollltely. A elust r ot !lowe ry of nvern"e ,lizo or 0110 lurgo 1I 0w r lo ok~ IIIl1 c h. b It r thtm tiny nowers wh e n tn'ated In Ihla wall. A gold 'n Yl)l1ow roso s hlullng to r dellHh brow:n on a Croam back· {!roluid III v r·y dainty \Vh n wo r k d out In gold o.nd .r eddl,s ll browd bCllda.

That 3,000 out of tbe 4,060 gradu· Daln ly Bag for the Carriage of Smail Trlflo. Is Now an Acknowledged ates 'turned out by the 1edloal Co!Essontlal for the Woman leges ench yenr are wbollly unfitted to of Fashion. ' p ractlco medlclno Ilnd ore t:lenaC08 to lIlo communities In Which they set· It yo u dQ not P()~8 SR a bauc\ some tle wnll I\tllted by Dr. Ch ster Mayer, I;old 01' s ilv ol' pu rse lhe n yo u mll st ot the Stato BOllrd of Medical EXllm· lu ors at Ke L1tucky at a mee ting of tbll b ' 'omo th ow'I1PI' o( I' 1IIII IIIy I'e ll c ul • Am eri can Modlelll Association's·' Com· ( OJ' It I ~ lit) luuAl' l' co n ~ I" I' " rns hlon· ablp 10 cnn)' 1\ I 1I1 111'r \lUTRa or hllg. 'nlt teo on MedIcal ElIltcntlon, beld 10 110 ura t (Or holY cosily rlnrl b tllltl!ul hlcago not long ago. Dr. Mnyer saId II IUIlY he, nIl I' I he nuundll), baliI'. 1\)' that only 25 to 28 pe r cent at tho way of t h g() ltl b ll g \I'll hav e P;0 1l (, gradua tes are qua lifi ed. Ftrty-t!,~ht bU'k to lh ISIl <llIul m lill Ie I'c ~ ol' tll cl os \le r cent of the gradua les oxnmln ed In lhu l II' rl' (, cll ll Hlilered U purL o( ollr 2 s tates w ro r 'Iusod IIce u8cs. With ~l'U IHI111 0 Ih e r' s COSIUIIl : lh ey ure no t e ll' exce ptions t1.1ello tallures took & second ox ami nation In a tow weeks and o nl y flO ver ce ul or th em pusllel!. "Thls does not mean tbat defielen· los In tbelr trainin g were corrected In those fe w w eeks," Dr. Maye r said, "It probably shows thal expe rience showed the m wbat the t est would probllbly be and they 'crammod' for tbe ellBmlnalion. Dr, W , T . Gatt, Secretory o[ tbe Indiana Bonrd enid: "Tbe majority at our sobools n<lw teach thei r student s hal" to pASS ex· amlnatlons, not how to be good phy· slclans." A t the session or the American MedlcJll Association held In Atlantlo City in Juno, Dr. lit. Clayton Tbrush, a professor In the Medico Chirurglcal College In Phllade ll)blll said: "Many doctorll turned . out at the MedIcal Scbools are ap Ignorant In malters perlalnlng to pharmacy tllat they know notblng about the properties ot tbe drugs they I)reacrlbe for their patients t" Dr. Henry B atB, Jr., Pr8ll' Ide nt or the Penns ylvanln State Board of Medical Examiners, a(ter scrutlnlz· Ing the papers of a class .ot candl· dates for licensure sald: . "About one quorter ot tbe papers show a degree It'ss on ,' nl e nt IInci nttroeti'v c o ow of illiteracy that . renders thll candi- Ulan tllt'y wcr In Ih l! doys at poke dates tor lice nsure Ineapablo of u.n· bonn IS nnll hig h wlllslS. Atmoapherlc Ch.nges, A hnnd work 'd head hOI; Is tbe ne xt derstandlng medicine." . Pror. Milne, th. groat OrlUs h seisA great many more physicIans and bes t Lhlll ~ to a' g III and j e we led on . mo logIst, ba s dOlllol1strn ed th nl a t chemists mlght he quoted In sUllport lea sl 11III'l a t tlIC weathe r anrl chang :r at tbe astounding charge tbat 3,000 inIn th - alllll)S I,h re' M tC1lI1l raluro competents are Ilelng dumped onto ~NSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Will YOII sugg s t Born book or perl·· odlcal thaL will b of nsslslnncll In eoema to COln EI from blow Inst ad or an unsuspecting public each year. dtr('('til' fl'om tb s un . lie has be 1\ What the damage done amounts to Advice and Suggestion. Cantrlbuted ·Illuklng lIle l)!'t)g rnm ? by Madame Merrl, O:-.lE OF 'rl1E O. !t\I1TTEE. In lbt" bablt or leaving an In genious can ne,'er be estimated tor these In· pbptoA:raphlo a r rnuJ{em nt In QUlll'rtes competents enjoy tbe ' prlvJlege o[ di· Ktn4ly explain, Ilear Madame Merrl, 1 cannot glvo nnm es at publisher, at night. 'rilE photographic paper. agnoslng, prescribing or dispensing When examine d late r, was fo und to be drugs regurdlng tbe properties of th'e most g nernJly ace pted form of or th Intormlilion )'OU Wllllt In thlll mark(>11 from lime 10 ~illIo by dark whlcb th ey know notblng and then wrltlng a Iioli to 1I0te on n s hee t at dellllrlDlCllt, but If ~'Oll will writ mo personally. I will he glad to give you Sometimes for ' a Drivi In the Coun· hands , black s noll! uull what ar cnlled of signing deatb certificates that are ord ina ry not paller , A NEW RElADER tho nllnl e of, a youllg womtlll wht' try, s ing lolga . SOome of thGH lllarklll~9 not passed upon by anyone unless the promnkllH out ve ry d II gbttul OCCUrl' d at tho t lll1e ' or eRl'lhqllukes, Begin with "1\I y Denr M rS. Blo.nk:" grnmm 8. Her chnrs II nl' ace rdlng Ing I first saw you. Do )'011 thInk you but b), DO IIlCllnS all . ScI ntls ts sill' coroner ' Is called In. Probably there Is not a grave yard from one 'e nd of cOllllnu o n th firsl pRge. skip to tbe to th e number at meelln gs to bal" could be haPI1Y wltb me?" Ihlll mos t ruin m ls becom e lumillous I remem bered bow his presence a1· at rreque nt hIt rvals. Th c llrt ot the country to the othe~ that d es not third llOg ; writ crossways on tlle ranged ro r. and tho time It tak s to wa:ls r st d and comforted me: bow Dovcr hllv e b een seon s udd enly 10 contaIn tbe burled evldElDces or tbe second nnd on th e fourth . At th e bot· g l Ul/ the subjects wltll re[cre nce safe nnd happ)' I tclt wbe n he wa. gl ~lI rn and hillt op h' ome vHllhl !n mistakes or criminal carelessness at tOIll ot tlto last Hill' t IlUt the town, books. " Incompet nt physicians. month and chit. Thla Is lhe uSlIal MADAME: M1:: l1m. wllh me. ' th dnrkn e5S. 'rh e conclllsio n. Is thM During the last year tbere hUe ConTI , ultllough th re Is no lIot rule, " VOIl wouldn'\1 11k to marry any: t he 'illst urblL1g forc!:I wh ic h go nn New Idea In Gown, on& else, would you?" he ask ed, bo- even a t the ,ref)' C n t I' oC t h' al'lh been perhaps, hult B dozen known each Indil' lrlllni ha vlu g SOIllIl peclillar A ncw gowlI worn at a l' cenl' gar rare I co uld think or anything to Bal'. ar ' :oliv rLe d b lora lh l: I' ' 8ch (he cases where surgeons, atte r porform· me tho{\ or. wrHlng au th !luges, b,it· den rot wa s of mOll s~eltne d sOle In ','No. Ind e d, I would not." I relllled, s urta a Into h at olld li ght !lncl make Ing operations have sewod up the In· tile above tOl'ln Ie carr ct. uu rs 'r' .. clslons wltbout Urat removing the III c luimpng lle 'tflne. 'J'h skil'l \Vns Till' plim In my heart had ~rown "And you wouldn't lik e to haye me all munno\, (l,f '(lUful'enco In clilnute gauze sponges used to absorb tbe II III II \VB II 0. g l'aduntod n01l1l e of nCI For a GIrls' Club, morry some olbel' slrl, would YOII ?" aud \\,oathcl· .. In a I rl'lb le agony, but all th e tim e blood, and In some cases [orceps and Irlmmln What I'" lerusll ng gam II can you !l nel lacl!, and this s uni I fr ll'lh p wild joy a't th e thou ght that ho wont on , the sUlll o dee pening In even surgeon's scissors havo b eeo s\lggos t for II c illb or 12 glrls1 ld~Q fo nu d I he sort or boll'l'O, 10ng.Kho lll, I dOIl'l tblnk I sai d any· I ,''us not ohllg d to lis ten to Charlle '~ bls eyes. Another Kin d of Infant. d I' II dl'IIP<': I'Y 01' r n shallo w glllolpC left In the ,,'ound. How many of 'i)'bat kind of r treshm ellls to se rve '! ('1' ,101 pln ns . I don' t know Just what th ing, but i re member he s eo mpd S~e hael be,' n luoKlog arou lld Ihe tb eae cases the re hll ve boen, where lIl1ll flowin g 81 ~ R Of mbr Illciry nel AVl . I rould. lll)' head wn s 50 hot, Ilnrl my C)ulte Ilatlsf\ed, and thon I tbought 0/ drug and toli eL $;ood~ t1 IlPUrLl1l n l ot lIle patie nt di ed, tbere Is no means The gown wu s mAelc 1111 over a d l! lI· I he ohlldren. "I love you, Dr . Mu rre ' . Illtn ds w pr so Colli, but [ kno w he on p- of t bo Ilig shops for som' time O[ knowing and comparntlvely Ce w Ask I) b gu Bt to come w nrlng cat€' shlllle of "Iolc l 1>11'I'0t:1 , un l] th ~ ~ too d befor ru e; his oruel, handSOlllll but-" "If you do, til n YOIl lJelo ng wileI' I.l clerk a l)III'oacheel b el'. at the cases where the discovery 15 some unlclo Indlcallve of her purtlcu· s Uf(·llolll'd g,ll'dl has n fold of nrc-hid " dce wu s 011 1 co uld sec, and 1 longed lo me, so 'buL mo no bllts,' my IItt! " lInv e n't YOII anylhlng Il arder thnn made In time to sa,'e life bccome gen· la r rael or bobby' or I\ome thlng to llltf\.le Yelv e t. Th o pipIngs wor 0 1 girl. You must bo very 8ubmlssl,·(' to go a WilY from him. these?" s he ns k ed, hold Ing 1111 a rnb· orally public. Reports (rom Sanlta· s how wllal Rb ~ \\'ould IIki) to b, A BI rill ed s ilk In-t"'o tOIlt'S ot nlll'pl "Cho,'sc b t ween me and lh e chI!, now. nnd whe n your duti es here .are be l' tce thlng I'lnl'. rlums tor tbe ,treatment at the Drug Pll t ty o( I bls kind 18 a 611CC085. For The hftt WOl'll wltll thl a ;;01\'1\ was II finished, we'll find a · pI'elly bome rl r n, Alit ," be salr!, and ror nn ~ w r "Nolle," rellPOlHle d thl' clel'k, '''t hos8' Hab'l t sbow that m embers at the medl· In lunce), nt s uch an all'ulr 1 wa~ laid round sa llol' s hape. trlmmod with 8 l ' to"l! IIJ)' prett y e ngage lll l! ut ri ng off ~o ll1 o wberc and surprlso the ch Ild re n, aro th e hal'llesl tll a\. come." col proresslon: tire more orten treated Ilr one girl who' cnr rled a' toy plano. wrenth f s hade d paslel roa ·a. · ~ .( Iltl laid it on the table lles ld u hll1.l : I hope they wIll love me ; I thhk tb )' "Oh, rl cal'," sa Id th womnn; "be, (lalette and pal'asol was or viol et tulfNlI wltb t tr~n . for fl'ar h e mlgbt Il now sn me. will. wh ' n tbey come to lIve with ha ~ , che wed u p three of thoso nl· In these Institutions than ' members anoth er on artist's of any other IHotess lon, und that a bnlHhoR; on e wbr a small tree and It lIl ollnllll)llS 01111 all ' odge or 8ppllllU. r hlng o( ,,'hat It cost m e. T rai sed illY' m .... And Ihen I cl'letl and to ld him really ." maj ority at tho patients, excluding the took som e II me to discove r that "go ne , and net. nilout Clla l' II11. and he said so me very " urt :lnd brave ly left t ho room. "Chewed {bem li p?" exclaimed the Ilhysiclan8 themselves, c~n trace alogy" and h raldry" wore (>sllCclal I [ow I rl ed and sobbed wh e n I IJlclIsa nt tblngs to me, so I was com· cl rk. "1 .clon't sec hnw a bahy-" tliel r downfall directly to a carelel!8 de li ghts. Awol'd u couple at prizes to PINCUSHION FOR THE POCKET I:.n , w he was ·gone! Aft"l' Ih llt tb ere fortcd. "Oh, It Is n 't a bnhy," sh explaJned pbl'slelan. gi ve zest to tho (lceniilon . Serve grape \\ han the sun rose a fcw mornlngp wasn 't much ti me (or srleving .(lI'e r "I wsut It tal- !DY little 1I0g." ' How many criminal operations are Juice, sherh t and 6l11all tancy cakes, Acceptable GIft That Will Be Foune I rJ~ 1 lovers. 1 k new how Impos Ihl e -lt latpr our d ea r friend was 110 more. Ea ~y ' to Make. performed by phYSicians Is also a nuts and bonhous. 'rhoy He nt [or me, In a fe w days, w fO lllcI h flnll wo'rk In our de nr, s lee py Errors of Lawmakers. matter o[ conjecture, Operations of tl) go to the Quiet, lon oly houae. little towu . so we took tho cillldren, Ir only by l'eaSOIl or It s III'ctty senti Som absurd cluua shave , {ollnd this class are, unfortunately, very A Weddino Brcakfaat, M : I t'~ al'(' t and I, and we nl to a large r, l3nroh me~ me at tbe door, and cried \\ III Madame Mrl'l'l kindly 'give me III nl, tblll pocltet pincushion shollir hll's h!r lown . \V o renled rooms and <orlly as she showed me .Into the dim ttrelr way luto cer tain aels or the frequent In large cities. Some gradu· old parlor. Se veral gi"ntl emen were British Pllrllame nl. One s talute cu· atad and \lcensed physicians, many a correct lDenu for a we dding break· specially allileal to a eertllill section O. h '~ fne long 1 secur d a position as nurs tl) ~I1 ss Ellington, 0. wealthy In· tn th e 'room, and on e o r them came acted pnnlshmcnt of 14 years' trans· of them of supposed respectability, (ust to ho se rved the last week 10 our renders. Made In the ror.m of I CorwllrrI to welcome me, I , nev", portotion ror ' a ce rtain oll'e nse, " und' o.n excluBI~e pracUee at crlm· Septemb r, nothing elaborllte, please. henrt, wit h a s pray ' of (orget'Ole'lIott \'ali e!. work ed 00 Its silk en sides, no prettlel Uflon cOllvlction '·lullr thereot Inal medJcal and surslcal treatment. BARBARA, So ml' new life began. t trlect In coulll re memhe r j!IS~ how It happene d, or more slgnlficnnt little lll'esent couU hut 1 was m;lde to understand that shou ld gO to · th e king, {lUd the other Dr: Henry G. W. Rhein-hart, Coroner's pvery wa y to brIghten tb e life of the 'MIss Ellington had change el her will, half to tbe Informer." Then there 19 physician of Chicago, eeUmatca tbe This month cantelou pe are' In their be . give n by a girl 'to her Oanc~ . 'l'ht 1'0)0 1' lnd r, and at last. trom dolog 80 and that she had lett everything to lin act of plll'lIaruent for Ille re blltld· number o[ criminal operatiOous, annu- prime , so hllVe them tor tbe first III ll(:h 101' b 1', I began to love ber denr" Allcc Wlldcr, ' the dear frlebd wbo log of Chelmnford prison which sllpu· allly ' In Cbicago alone at 38,000. .How course wltll natUral leat doIlIes on the I )'; ih,' n my work was IIg bt Indeed . made lIto tolerable to the laat." 'rhere late d In one dause I.hai the [lrlsonerlJ man), r esulted fatally are unknown, plates . Tb en either creamed swelllMa ny were lh e presents s he s e nt tile was n roquest that I would live In tho should be conlln~d In the old prison as when death results, the real cause bread patties or cbicken croquettell ('h ilrll'pn, and hod tbem somel! at 8 to grand old house, all {I keep the [aith· until the new ' one was built and In Is disguised In the death eer.llfieate, with ' potatocs, tiny bot' rollil, green ' I'UI1IO for tea wltb her. 'rul tiervants. After awhile we were onother- an amending-c lause, thlll flllt In spite of It all, my lHe was all qpttled tbere, t he happI est II ttJ~ tho new prlsclII should be. constructed whlcb tile physician slg08, and wblch pelLs In ' paper casea, cucumber and no one but hlmselt and " clerk aees. tomato lIalad In nests at white head nnl 'v('ry bright, and I ml~s ed t.he gay· (amll y In,he world, rl)r tbo old Iious . out of the mater-Ial of the old 00P-. Probably not one case of malprac- lettuce bearts, fancy cream e ither In <'I ,. YOllng )leople love, One eve ning tiC6 In 1,900 ever .becomes ' tbe subject Individual torms or fancy holders, Money In Small Invention •• Ilr. M IIna)" wbo was treating her, was rresbGned and brightened ' In The mall who ' invented the cOll1mou of a law suit but In the last year ap- wedding cake, eottea, cordial and the Hllcl with whom I had becomfl good many ways. Then one tt~ Cbarlle, camo.,. • f.-ictlds. ca me In with a .great basket ' Ho 1!:lssed the childre n, and was so and necessary s boelace rellllztld .2" proxlmlltely 15~ cases wherein ' thll us!'1Il1 accessories or DIlts, olives and l)lalntlll! blls alleged malpractice have bonlJon's . This menll 'may be c labo· of ro!<ps. ' 600.000 troll) that alone. The DIan who "!'lee, MIss . Ellington, wh,a t I've bright and merry that I was ' qUItE obtained the first 'patent on the unl ' been reported In the newspaperll, and ra't ed Ily having birds all toast and to see hIm; wben thtj little onee brella reailze;~ $2,000,000, and dlll'eret;1t owing to the lIoclal prominence Bnd anothe~ ent'ree, InollJlht you. N,Ow, will you do lIome· glad were gone, he turned tQ me, hll handthe ' favored posltlona of many physiI hln~ f(lr me?" 80me face tender and amillng. . umbrella patEmls or othe r poople have pincushion eb ollld be fiat CbOUKh, too cians not more tban half . the new For a Noon WeddIng. "'1'1'11 11IC' , 1 would be Indeed hard "Allie," he said, "1 Clltl't live with. hrought $tO.OOO,OOO altogether. The InWill you kindly te ll me at your ear· to go Into a manls vellL I)ocket, ani h,,:\I·tCOlI 10 I'",fuse," sbo said, ' bending out you; ther~'s DO nse trylng; b'a ven 'l ventor of the metal heelplate maele suits stated, probably, reeult In any I' \' l\r t h tJ l'OS PS . YOII missed me?" ,t,500,OOO annually na royalty on bl' newspaper publicity. but It would lIest convenience ho w Il weddIng Invl· should there(ore be Bcarcely thlcke probably not be an exalJgeratlon to tatlon should be worded, as to lIle than halr·a-d.ollar when Onlshed. Tb. " W .. II, Pnttl ,ls to sing to-nlgb l , an,1 "Only at first," 1 re plied. "1 bave slmplt. Invention. ,lItate that lIle total cases of malprao- Umo, wben the bour III set for hlgb two sides should be of cardboard, co, '1 walll ell ' )''' 111' Ilel'mlsslon to ask Miss been too · busy for a long lime now.'" .- - - - - ered with silk, upon which the \ltth ' B. T. tlce, not Involving criminal operatlona 1I00n? Wild I' 10 1':0 wllh m e to h. ar ber." The door bell rang. "Ah, Is Dr'. Preparing for ,the Future, flowers bave first been embrolderet or criminal medical practice, would Thc words 'falrly took my breat h Murray, Charlte; 1 shall be 'glad to "So you wa,lIt moro wage!!?" ~ald th e amollnt to 160,000 or more than oue . Tho words "twelve, noon," lire used, In bllle silk with gl tlen leaves. Sam. 1\\\,11)' , I was .so slIfprlsf!d that I Introduce you. and I know YOU will b e warden o( lilt! penitentiary. cue to each pllyalolan In the country, otherwise It Ie exactly like any other small 1)leees of tla'. mel, al80 heart· (ail et! to bear Miss Ellington 's raJ'lly. glad that I am to marry so noble a "Tbat'll wblat I dn," answered tbll 8haped, should be III aced ttelween tho IJllt In II momenl Dr. Mnrray tllrnr.(\ man." . Dr. Murray came In th9n, and cook. "This talk ot 11unls hlng trust This 'eltlmate III, of coul'lle, more or weddIng .Invltatlon, two piece. of cardboard, th\! I id es be to rna with his rare. sweet smllt), and In his grave kindly way he talkod magnates 18 I~ettlng me more nervou. .less CQDJecture. Untimely deathll and Ing ftnally ' beld togetber hy a pleco 0 For a Woman'a Club. JlMlDanenl dlll1lblllUea frequent. IIRked mo to go wllb hhCl. wHb Charlie, wblle 1 sat QuIetly com. every !Jay. IIr t'~ot to IlIllrn to cook Our womao'll oluh aska your all',1- China IIllk. ribbon, Into whlcb the pIn: Arter that I went OUI otlenei-, amlle, . !Jllrlng the two men, and I 'ifoadere4 terrapfn and loblter a la N_berg, I and 0001lr wlUll1l tbe knowledp of ale Umea tor a dd". In tbe country. as I t I hatt ffI&Il,. lond Cha!U. 10 Ule 'Want more ' pay, And what'. ~ore, I mOlt eve" ona, wbell IIle could haft anoe, We as a club do not bolonll to are Oiled. This ribbon llliould be leam beell ..",d, or bealtb restored ball tbe Federation. Programme, for the ed doWll lIecurely on either sIde befoft the IprillS ol.ene4, wben we alw&l. old daYI, want to he cJallocl a 'ohlll.''' Ui. pbrllalan II.- IkWfIJJ, canfld ),par are ' arraolled by a . commlttH, the plos are put In tbelr placea

ad OOIllDNDt.



Wall.Jd hold b er own In any "tat stoct Ihow." Sbe has Dever ~ad A drop oC m~lk since sbe was tour monlhs oLd I aUd bas never bad a mouthfu l a t graIn . A genllem o n who s aw ber mnde the a pretty face, a good t1~re. but remark, "lIe bet that holter bad eate n AN ILLINO IS MAN WRITE S RE· SOODer or Inter learn thnt the her bead air with ,grain." but would heal t hy, hn.ppy, canteD ted woma.u e('OllY 1'1 11111 , " 1 GARDING His SUCCES S IN burdly believe sbe had Deve r had a ny Delli)' Slul'Y Pu~ , ;0,; Is most of all to be admired . WESTE RN CANADA. g rai n. 'Women troubled with falntiD G' spells , irregul&ri tlcs. nervous irrlt~· , Thi s Is • great country ~or growin g bllity, 'J'he ('OnRLU n t 8101l1ling and sllll'lJlIQ backach e, tho "blues ," aDd all kinds ct ·v getnbles Bnll wo !Ire t hose draadfo llll'aggi ng ,seDsatioDs, ,r Lhe locol b glUI tu til' SllinlulI, whll the wull, ulII ~ I o "p ed quickly; he Change In Homest ead Regul at ion. cer,tnlnl y cnjoylng our garden, Tbe ( ulIl d h oauDot .. ," , I hc hope to be b appy or popular , ral nt , >lorL I'uhhln g at M ~ke8 Entry Ealily droppod th e a" culn' I,uJle r tn hIs lin vor o r tb green peas III especiallY iwd ndvaollc mcn t in either home, Accomplis hed. kn ells nnd Josed hl ~ <'YPB, which IVtlre HlI j;(e,.~ ,u n Iho wnl! I tille r; It wu~ tine. tllBl sellson Mrs. 0, e,aolled 0. lot business or socilllli fe is Impossi ble. lI al'k! 'I'h ro It wns d ry nou sllIurtllll-( from t he sll'U ln or Ilt ItiN IllIC 'k! of til rh oand we ho ve enjoy d tbem up 'rhe CIloUS of these troubl es, how· "N othing s llcceeds like succ ess" Is .to the rresh crop, n!lIdlllS' Iype that rOnijlllllll~' vlbrll\lld lIguln! <J C'!Jllle Crum buc:k neal' lite ever , yields quickly to Lydia. E. Pink' fl'olll Lhe motion oC tile ('UI', I\ls ,,-alch ~lIllrH , Wllh hoth ~ulldij ull tstr tc lt · so old lind true soylng bavlng many halD's Vcgetah le Compo und made I am sorry 1 did no t ho\'e tLme this au, h ('l'ept rO!'lvunl , and C It UIOIl " appli cations iD Western Canada. T he past seaso t oid blm lhe lUI n RS of Ih h(lu rfrom ve roots and herbs. It aets n to aUend to trnlnsplllllLlng th e ~ t alrc lI se . Ilnd Lbcn 1I10llg the mnll ' tollowln g IcUer Is 1111 illustrat ion. The t rees, but will keep the at ODce UPOD tbe orgaD uOlicted aDd '10: ao II. m,- und b wOlill cr d lr his Illnd 1 hud pre· the Derve centers, dispelli ng effec· He 8toOI)ed unu tlearcbe d writer, :Mr. Oerts, leCt Chicago a. s hort pared worl( ed up \V lre WIlS s it ling nil fl)l' hi m. ' Sho II c III ceo tor nex t s oasoo's tually all tbo.~ d istressin g syrop. . hod not bee n well thal IIIQrnlllg, ellh· In I htl tI r"plllCIl for t he frail !lg uro. Ume ago and tbe succoss bo bllil planting . 1 received a numb er ot s mnll toms. No' other m ed ici ne in t\,C COIlDtry h asl'CCel ved suoh unqualif Ilchleved may we ll be gai ne d by any· trees (ash an d maple) r. Pe r)ln l18, at this mument , she lle lllUBL find l,Ierl ied [rom th Indorsem e Gov· ent or hIlS sncb a r ecord of cur86 o f female 1118 as hllB At lhnL In slllnt th('rc cam" qui k one havin g pluck and energy by local· e rnment wa s ImlTel'ln g. EXlJel'lmeDtal l~llrm a t Indian I!ls del uy hnd beim Ilnlly olllalJ)('; Il Sltl jlR. thl! KIa", of ihe twnt doo r, nnd lo g OD the free homestc ad lauds In H ead. I put th em Ilround tbe ed!;e o f bcslnesB mallor of cOlIsl,le ra!Jl.. lUI· Ih l;' (lu tlel' of fe t hllrrl Ill y crossing Western Canada. A chnn ge recen lly the garde n and tbey a re doing fin e. I Miss Emma RnDb.ler, of 6 31 State St" ScheDec tady, N. Y .• writes: Ihe IIPI' .b; ht\ s lll'aug thl'o ugh the door, mllde Ln th e CUDallinn Lllnd Reg ula. po rlnr-co IUlll bee!! adJ "Bted, al so received Quite a lot a t other seeds, "For r. 10nR time I w ns trouble d wIth 0. wenkoc ss wbi ch see med to A sllll'L1l ng blo s L rrom Ihe honrHe Impelled LO pr v at any (Iam ug lbu l lions concern ing homes teads m akes It oa ts. wheat, potntoes an d rhubarb drain all my stren gth nWIlY. 1 h od d ull h &dachaa W Ils ~ ervou8, whis tl e ad vls d him ot lho 01'1',,'111 or tho fl eeing wO ll1ao 's mulll(\Y mi ght lea,: poss ible Cor aDY mem be r o[ a tam ll y to r oots wh ich were acceptn ble. Irritable , a nd all worn Ol1t. ChnDelD g to r ad olle rOllr. ach'ertllr emcDi.s wake entry for any other m ember at the train lit th stati on lhat WIlS his 1\ I' lu hrl ng Oil hl· '·t!('lt. of n cnse similar to m ine eurell b y I,pH .... E. ofl'lIlkbam It Is usoless tor us LO botb e r wltb 's Vegctab le A H well nll Khl Oli O have jluruue ll " the family entltl d to a bomeste ad . Compou nd. (decided to try it a nd J ca nn ot ex prl'Sb my gt'ati.tud d efltl notluu , I!:ven I bo proxindl yor garden fl owers -as wild ones grow ID e tor tho ben efit receivod. I am entirely wc11 nnd f E'elli ke n new perllon," hOlile could nol dls pol Iho atrn08pl ". .." wllI·o '·l he· wl sp. 'I'll(' e lllsive Ilg un' For Ins tance. a man may now lllnl;e proCuslon. \Ve are locnted neA r a fine Lydl. E. Pinkha m'. Veget.a ble Compou nd ia the most succossf ut un r ~t, or for eboding, Ibut over· ue roro him leu on til rou gh paths b', entry before the local agent for his crl!ek, th e water of wbl ch Is sott nnd ul remedy for aU forms o f Female Co mplnlnl s, Weale Dack , F alliD ~N wllh dlffi c ultl ·s; tile C1 uagm lr. lalber or fo r bls b rother or brolhers . fine for' bathing and wns hln!:. 8ho(,lo\O 'd his mind, g o.nd We have Displace meDt,,>, JDllammn.tioD aDd Ulcerati oD, and is invalua uog, IInli Ihlcki! t ~II ntly. su for ll ble ! n Il' his In 01 preBon 1 · or sons , or tor a sister 0. we ll of water ncor lhe bouse, Galnlug bl u gate at lUst, he swan' pn.ring f or childbir th a n d tlleCl lNlgc of f.i fe. 32 up tho ~l(lPS, hul ball d ot"uIJtly ul )lased Lh el11s(>I\'e!l lo progl'ps s. Hllr ~ lI ?r duugh tcr who mny be the haud at fee t deep and 21 feet or w!IIter all the winds s tru Mrs. nk sudd Pinkh am's Stand ing Invit ation to Wom en n blows, UII SCC'lI tb e fnmlly having m Inor Children de· t ime, though It th e ijhor p, J;rllIy ' l'I'IIIlCIl ot brokllu Is harder than the rutl,s Irlpllt:d til husu' nlng feeC }j l~ pending u pon h er for support. A sis· WomeD lui!erin g from a DY f orm of female wenkne ss are invited to glllss uneler roo t ' creelt wotc r. The T,,:bnr dhn p romptly commnD lcllt.C witll Mrs . l'inkham , at Lynn, Mnss. IIghL at Iho bllil ~ llowc)(1 thnt th o Illut . qUUI'I'Y I' onll llu"d he l' e l'rallc cu ursE', tcr, dnugbte r or molher are also on· Hcr udl'lcc Land wblch could be bOUl:ht fo r 11 va Is fr e and always h elpflli. glass In th l' door wus ~h 8tl ·I'cd. Wh en alltl he cried oul In an "lIlsh us he be tltlcd to) lllllku ntry upon a home· dollars per acre tliree years ago Is ('nmo aWll r" frum lil e BOllUd Ileod. or 'rh the e ou ly fee required Is $10.00 DOW wo rth $14 per a cre and stead th C?YI'B bl'calUo 1ll01'C Ul'CIIs tnlllcd to ily br~'uk " rij . lh~L s he wat! II1pklng tor lor each enl ry, A grellt savLng in ra il· advanci ng each year. tile gl 0111, th e r hnlltl 'ondliiol l (If th I h" SCII. Dutch at Home and Abro:ld. WOIIJ(! lIe oV E>:'[nke ' h e~ In \Y ay e xp enijes Is tbu!! malle. Inl 'rlor WII S vlslbll' Ihl'oll&h III rog· HICK S· All kinds at Improve menl s arB going 11m " WId I.elp him! Hc llun d bas a populall on oC only 6,· RClld what ~lr. Ge rls has to d racks. say: on. hail'S \\'10'1'1' O\' Ol'llIl'Ilod , Steam plows and Illrg tbreshln g 000,000, but Lbere are 40.000,0 00 of pelr H bl'ok [rolll the wou ds. close t o Baltl eCord. Suslc, Aug. 4. 1907, r ugs Iwl Kt tI 111111 ('11111118101,\, punl,,!"; " Oll llllS a re already In, R oads are b . pIe In th e Dutch East and West In· hun In 8h roclal 11'0111 the dourll or tlw "h(lI' , hoI' slender fi g ure, ng Dear 811"Ing graded. bl'ldges bCloj; built across dlea. Tho Dutch nre not at prescnt TllInklu g 0. letter Irom us Nortbwo o t riv ers and creeks. Last we n! lyl!lg unl oll!: he l'UgH lill IlIt' ugalll ~ 1 Lhe hlnsts, hall' und t;llrl1l nl s CURES ya ar }' lool: much addicted to emigrat ion , II'hlllllllll; In the gusts, Slm cruelly 1.1 0- selllers might Inlerest you. nnd In lbe llour, \\ II h \I ~ hlll!dsCllll C, color d I write my fa mil y. nlso wngon , across the Sas· ALL ACH E8 )'n nd UnlLed ehlln'e StnLes, of his \lverUl klng her! a t ew lin 8 an ti let you know we nre lmtchew at tbo time oC the Inst !lbudo 1'1I8h('el nml b,·ok<'ll . It WAS an riv er In a row !J ont, 8wam only.n mlrllcl . that 1I!1l Ulll lam l1. all '1 'lIuIIl; h hal , Illlnlln!,; br eRlh~ scorch d progreSS ing fin ely aod well pleased my leum across nnd DOW the contrac t cel1SUS, tb ere were only 105,000 )ler· sons at Dutch bl rtb, Tb e number of 111 "In o.l nt lhtl fuo l of the ;ua ll's, RlIIl hi s 1h I'O:!1 anll nus ll'lIs, though h I~ with our new bOUle, ~ \ has been let for $200,000 bridge attbat Netberln nders 1n the Dutch Ellst In· Whe n 1 thInk of the many bard place. th l' \I' Its ligh t a ll Ihe dc brl6 bl'lo\. h art Ilenl aJ:ll.lnlil Its walls '1111 b Hlln g ve h mouce, Ills 1IllllU IsB dies Is barely 12.000. to working. Lnduslrl ous men east with Wid Y ' li lind brenlhl 'SS, hl' "nler· fores The C. N. R. have run their fi nnl ell tj llickly, 'ullln1; his wl(,"s ' nom ; \\'UI'rj l ull t h t ragcdy ta.rl'lccl him for· !amllles who are stru ggling [or a II v· survey [rom BaltleCord to Calgary , Product of the Lowly Hen. swif tl y, IDg nnd dolog the atrentlOns. laying up ru nning west nbout one "H elen! H leD!" Wasb lngton's monume nt Is 555 feet mil e north of Uut more Quick ly s he ' galned the prnctlca lly nothing for old A I'llslJlng In Ihe Ullil I' hnll ' IBsed age aDd the us , The C. P . R. have run a s ur vey. high. Tbe eggs s hipped from ou t rmnst at the jagged rooks. Aronnd thous aDds ot acres oC 50 coun· Innd here yet to wblch runs northwe st passes about 600 ti es In tbl s stnte, lenvln suddl' nly II th 10Ulld or hl a ' · 0 1' • g 64 ye t to her' burst tlw ponde rolls waves; ov I' be plowed and cultlvnl ed capable of feet tram tbe northeas SlIen a-('x.c ·ll t for ' 'Jle ru shlllg or t corne r of our bear from. If placed end on end would b<lr hend lie" , tit era kllng spray; the raising Sixty to elgbty and bushels ()f oats, farm. The COUDtry will soon bo co y· build a monume Dt 221,882 blood In th e ea rs- IIc!\! t. I'Y Iy~ u ed Our Plretnm n '. Coat t. m daady i lufted hl 89111g foam II ked at her f l. Umes bl gber thirty to torty uus)lels at wbeat. It ce r· ered with a net work (I' m dr)', ohl lIp ~, .:&150 for gca c of raUroad s and thaD tbe WaBhl.ngton · shatt.-K aDsas h I' came no knowh:d ge of th ag I' talnl y seems a plt.y thc two cannot be It p llan " .cc~p t any waterpro of coot (rnyU Q "HeleD !" tbom bus y hauling tbe out· City JourDal. 4ea1cr\Ul. lcu U bebn ourtrudc wRrk .ho'W'-D hllnti d, th h UI'ryln g reel. th ' bl' alb· brought togetber. But I wUl repellt. put of gra in. It Is cerUllnl y e ncoura g· A raillt Boun d rench II the ~ l ow . "SAWYY.:M S arebet.l. loss rl es so rllpldl y nenr lng her. this country Jl you r d~Q.IC!~ du r a Dot cnrK from til( blll i 1I1Iove. li nd to ~ e Is only Import ant to Mother s. Wllh s l e)' sa nd !,ut Blr tched nrms and thrifty; also tor th e Indu striOU S In g to us settlers. cnrry the " SAW l ' JUt lo rrlle ! rom Lh Imnen'lng su pense. he r might add, It reTwo yeors ago, Harry, my SOD. and Eamloe carerullT an..,. bolll. or CASTOlUA, ,OlledClo Ch.. Dod Slick. S11 stopped forwal'd In to the dark \lui res some era ,.,rHe U j ror cataloe I IlJl dUll lh SIQII' WIlY , lhe last turn capital to start. 1 as you know unloaded our car ' at a ..Ie aDd .uro remed, " or lurillta IWd cblldreo, hollow at l he neXI g r at wll,"e; the .ad prl .... A man s bould ba'·e at least a teom Sask atoon and drove 130 ot which was sll l'oud d In gloom. miles to cur cl utc h. oj th lurl;Jng und rtow snutell· of tbreo good horses; ,· lIty God! He l n ! WhoI' til' rou! better to bave claim. Lllst fall we had only 18 miles ed h I' Cram Sigh ; 1\ sob of nn g llish ma res 50 as to bave some colts com· to baul our wbeat to r allrolld and " ' hnl ball b com!! or you I" IlS burst frol1l th lips at thc hassard . Ing nlong each Ii s truck n 111111 Itlo e nnule hi m 10 yellr . I t Is best to bring you see, tbe prospec ts a re WEI will bave rlesll rat mno, wh,)' Slooti kne ·deep th em with 111 tlee For 0 ... so Yean, him as, worlt horses are a rail road at our ve ry door and 0. II ghl the h\[nl> In Hs brackot, lIod b ad lO"'11 Tho KJnd You Ilavo AI ...,. Bo\llbt. jusl tl1k D ihe blml\QY In his blind , In tho Oood, 'yes strained 1.0 cnlch II high. lie should be able to purchas e near·by. Th is district caD s upport tl g lltnps oC the her lshed fo rm. flut plow. di sc and d,rag, barrow. drill. good tOWD aDd It wlll be WElll wh n 0. SOUI\t;: thllt hilI 1:1 him thro ugh Coal of Interate llar Space. patron' and through s lru k his car. Ii turn· t~ winds beat a bOUL hi s bend a liI)' binder and hay rak e, or course sev· Ized. "Quite rece ntly," BOYS a n English th e hnrder : Ihe wnves Lossed, a nd eral Inkhlg up cl nlms or buying la nd ed his b IIcf and s aw. by lhe r " hI Harry arrived home at 12 p. m. In ~t journal. "the beat of tbe Illln bas been rays of the ma tch In bin nngers, a rcn red tll Ir cr BIS. and broke onl)' near togethe r Clln divIde up the pur· n lgbt after going fourteen miles f O reprodu ced In nn electric furnace. and . lhe mol' 2ulIon ly.; I II • moon sholle chasing ot tbe ahQ\'e mllchlne woman' . fi gure crouchin g nenr bl m : ry and hl ncks mlth sbop to get plowsba res Sir Jamll8 Dp.wor bas obta ined the coal New and Llber down through t he rifts In tb cl utls .l Ham •• tea. exc bange work. This plOD will work beat out. The shop an(1 fro m t b.. 111'8 ca me I he hi ssing. Regul ation. h~ was tull of ""ark of Interste llar space:' onh lhe mora coldly. well ·for a tew years or UDtlI cropa will ' nnd It was elgbt p. m. pra t Lllng gi bber oe a man lll . wben H arry lett wnrrant each Ind l vidual to purcbllg e a t or bomo ~d parties The match Ce ll. th e chlmn py crlsh· FITfl, ' 1. V illls Ddnce .nd ' nl!· Ne!"'."n". stili tD Un ~ to ')"CdPO" He st umbl p',1 permllne nll y cured by Dr, K. line" c d on th arll t. Whnt huu h seen hall : be BOllgbt Into bl s dlsmu.nt led rull outfit. ha\'o work dODe. We will nlled sLoros n his bed room feat , " '\'e R e8lor~r , Sen,) for F ree ~l .()(. to eJt · We bave 480 acres of as good farm n ellrer and good mechan tn the di m lIgbt ? No, no! It could chu.nge his dre n<:h ed g a rments ror ics, rill I h,.tllc nllrl trent i.e, PI', Ft. H, Kline, la nd as lies Ln the tamo us cut KnlIe not be, must 1I0t! Hel n's Illne!tS albers, As he )lOUS d at th LOll We are a\l e nJoy Lng tbe best of L.t .. 031 Arch SL Phil.delilbin. I'll. 01 district. Every toot caD be plowed. tbnl morning- It could L1 Dt lIrlng her tb e ijtnll's, health whIch Is 0. great bless ing, Ihe lalll)! In bls hand tilT W Last year Control your t emper, rOT. If It does New District. Now Opened lor Seilleme nt our Ollts run GO bushels per Whe n we le tt Chicago over a. year to th is! Out nl as! The da inty ten· welcom e rays ovel' t ago not obey he scen of tb acre, I sold them for you. It will govern you.86wn ab a lways woro wh cn ~h e wild All' ul:gle 50c per bushel my younges t son's (four yean of ag ' the c hoice, " In the upp I' ball. On on tbe plnce, tho ara.i n 1 ..0"· A, (' ted ·hlm a ll hi li I' 'turn at nlgbt, ' the bealth was s o poor that I a.lmost de· Horace, Iloor lay In s ud contusi on many a t es or Sultal oh.. Tbe Indlcntio ns are for a' good erop spnLred or raising him, th ri Ch. di\rk hllir th ut brushed his hl a wlf 's , dresses. wan and Albtna bay. . Ill.... WI ...lo..•• 8ootbJDII : 8yTQ~, bnt he Is cer· . the dool' at tho tbls year. thougll r eceDtly b a III: n opened \'Por cbUdrCD teatblDI', lM'f\.e D' tbe Kunu, red ucel fA. cbeek ana te mples In th e morning w:ll'droL e In we were very late talnly a hearty. bealthy little fellow OammalJoD for sGulemtm t und e f whlcb they shuuld hang, In seed lDg ,a11."pa1A,CU relwladC::O lw. ~ .bc"tU.. during the caress thal suld good· by. Blu ndlng wide open. owing to the late spring, now. Tbe pure !resb air has done tllt! R evi!lt!d HOmll!lla ad. him . Rf!llu tauons of Can ada.. ' Last wlDter was the coldest knOWD ID worlds of good. t.ho ugh now di sheveled, loose an d be1'ou do DOt lenrn tbat you' may Ilve T hou aa od s of hom er As soon aB bls bund tOllclie d tne this country, by the oldest settlers draggled. u881frcd him thlll't he wre tch· knob, !t was ste ad! of I lSoaeres eac. So to sum up the whole. W,hy -you live that you may learn" evld nt' thll t the door are DOW ."aUable. The D e w f e.ul.lIuns. make it ~ woman berore him n tho dark Wat ooslible for en t.r , to be made b,. p rol),. dut opp.o r" before him wa s locked. but he sbook (some who have been here 35 years), should we DOt be glad we 'm ad e the tunily tbat m llny in tb o United Statel have b ee o but' with n comfort able' house aDd brea k? A good rorm. ble wife. once ereCL ond lovely, DOW It to make SlIre, st ock Increasi ng, .... ilinl fo r. AnI membe r of a tamil, ml, m ilk. plenty of firewo od, ,,'blch we bauled health and an Indepen a Blinking , grov ling anlmnl. A groat eDt r" for an, otber member or tb e bOlli" ~ ho ruat dent lIIfe. Wbat Standin be entilled 10 ma ko entry tor him!lell or horae" wave of unuttera ble pity drowned th e tllnately gco Ulere und ecl"~tl. he tor· rOll! miles, we pused the winter quite more can we expect? ug hed - fort un ately - beEntry may no" bo mad e bldore, th ~ Atent or Sub-. 1I0r ror In the breast. Alont ot th e District by proxy. (on' cerlain cond"' Did we have to make an ca use It to ld (he WomaD o~ th o ot be r pl ~asantly. Tho air Is clear and dry. r-------::~-, Poeltlv ely cured by Iionl' by th e t. th er. mOlbor. Ion. dau.bler, 'brolb.," Some of the , da)'s I cnme from work I can bet we did and busUe, effort? You " Ah, dearest, give me your handl. side of Ihe too. dool' at SlIould Illto r or iOICudin,. bomC5tead er. tha t he r ul gh t at theae Lltlle Pilb. This 18 Jack. Don't yOIl know me'?" horror had ended, The d oo l~key t urn· was surpris ed to fiDd tbe thermom eter you PIISS this way wLth your shotgun The, .180 . ~~~"D C;::j~::.m~~ ~::I~~\·':~ I~::,a::,~:::, ell .. e DI .. The s londer hands hI! sough L In th e e d quickl re,glst erlng 40· below zero. Thongb this rail, we should be pleal!ed y, th e door wall torn swiftly InLE trUI from DY8pep la., Tn· ::=1.!-' to lei darkne ~s wa neve r keep fir e at night. we bad YOll sb(lOt prairie chlcken t:/.:n~"n!':~,~!'::i~e:.;.'3~1 :-t:~'n;: " e r evnded III Ill ; nor did op('n. a trombllng', dlgeltloD and Too Heun1 n, air ollr or mai DOye r l.r_rturat fft, l(lI nut 6SI •• t of ou. Bobbl!)!: wife clung the gent/e, soothing mllrmllr 'at he r hun gl'll (lu.ar1 e r lleeUOD, ot 110 &.erel. mo re 01' 1...... EAtlnr. Ii per fee .. rem' grain slooks. y. closely. In he'r beN llde red Duthlng freeze In our cellar. edt Jor Dlulne..... ,. Nau· nllme [rom his lips brinG pny s poken bus bond's Our stock and chicke ns winte red The feo in ench eale .tII be '1 0.00. Ch urohlli. R e8pecttu lly yours, al'm8. • ~a.., Drowsine ss. B Ii d achoofs an d ularketseo n\'enl enl. H ell hhy clim etft. res ponse. At IlISt, by a ,s udde n move- , " 0 Jack! OHAS. M. GERTS AND FAMILY. 10 lb. MOUlh, Ooal' s plendid crop, and ~0Qd l !twl. G..roi n·"rowiD, and .lack ! t tbpllghl yon would fin e. I baye a yearllDg heifer. wbo ment, .prompt ed by a scumln g foot· novel' come! ed Toav.ue. FAln in the cattl e ul , hlll principal indus triel. 1 sbould hove gune mad !lor fu rt her particul.r a AS 10 racel. routes. be., • ~~~----New t, ---Him. -----.------A---=-~~ Sld • • TORPID LIVER ste p qui te neilI'. he was ab le t" g ras p m y~elt If Faithful FrIend. , t lwe to eo anI! where to loca te . "'1) " ly to I had DOt fainte d wh en t Tbey r egulate the Bowel.. The Purely "eieIAlIle . lending lady Jlf a road compan y th e s mull wrists, an d. 1101d ln" ti ghtly, h ellrd her In "Johnny can't come to WOI:)[ to4ar. the hall am ong my d I' S8· playing I.n one at t'~o smaller H. M. WILUA MS. to (h'i! w ,ller lo'Vat'd him. a g\'l!al lell· cB-nnd lben clUes ID elr," SMAll PilL.. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Law Bulldln" t rying my door,-WheD I Oblo conclud e d tt At she Toledo. OhIo. would der nesB co ming OV9r ·blm, press "Why not?" cnme to myself. a ll was so qui t,some of her lace collars one mornlDg. Genuine Must But. as th o wol t s lIddenl y lJ ILC!S de p Until 1 heard Bear "H e's t rouhled somethl n' awful with rour hnnd on the door, She a ccording ly rang Fae.Simile Signature the hell . nnd hea t exhaustl oD, sir." ibto tb ' hand tliat f,'cds' It, 60 the - 1 s uppcsed , Ul en, that they ha~1 wben the brul hoy d Bald: 'w retclw d hus band f It clll wing hands rome to take "Ab, yes , It's chronlo. fsn'lt IU" he r back to the as ylum, "Br in g me up a hot Iron." a~ hls.illCe lind tbroat. an d wa Hlhrow n - Promise "Ya-ye s. sir." me. IiWeetbe art. no\'or. • In eOllrse of time 'he returne\ i empty uharplY bnckwl\l'd,' Wlt l, he:t rt·chlll· nc ,'er II) !~il\ 'lIle "But didn't I sce blm playing ball ID aguln." hand ed, ond ",heD the lady ans we red tbe vacan t lot thIs mo REFUSE SUBSrITUTES • Ing screa ms ot tej·oell)' . with , the r ning?" Tier sott che k wa!) Ill' ssed ngaln sl bis knOck be tald: There are position . open in the "Ya-ye s, sIr . You see. when be InaI'I and s lavcr at t b beas ls, tile de· his own ; he silently Navy for huudred sof youog men urtod to hIs lips "I couldn'( «et It ror YOtl, lady," plays ball , sIr. he forgetB title pain, m ent d womlln sprun g nt him. 'rhe ti1~ little hllnd that between 17 and 25 years of age. I'esl ed,. In bls, "And why not?" she asked. mystl· sir," toot ,he t hre w 'backwD. l'd to sa,'e him· and for mechaD ics up to 35 years fled . lIelf bOU'RYOcJ him, and. sU II struggling. A' Fellcltou e A5ide. of age. Good pay, and good food Had Menure d IL "Tbe bar\.eod mE''WE er saId T ~THE he didn't R . k now Scnator BeverIdge, descrIbing" a cam· the t wo rOl'DlS tOPlllecl In a bl'lllslng, "Hnw tar:' asked tbe first automofurnishe d by the GoverD ment. COMFOIt I AND wrenchi ng tAli, down the durk. wind· palg n wbereln be had outgene rale d a bow to mIx It." bili st a s tboy met at a turn In the F or full informa tion addreae PROTE CTION Ing stairway , . Madness urged one ri va l. 's ald ; road, "Is It Cram be're to tllo next town N a vy R ec rnitill ~ StatioD , Poat offorde d by 0 to lellr, to destroy; t end ern ess for· "When It b a~ ome Jllaln that victory . Office Buildin g. Ciucinn ati.Ohlo. 'wh'i!re Lbe re 's Jl. re pair shop?'" bade the other. tp do aughl In de· was min e, when my opponen t's 1:lIce "Eleven hills , three bad brl~geB, one .rense that mi ght Injure the wom an b gun to grow da!'ker nnd more for· long s tretch or deep san4, nn d two ar'I;U,.~ bl<Ldlng, I SUl lied tb myself; 1 could be loved. rests," answere d'tbe secoDd automoSo th e stf!lUge, Dr alhl ess combat hav muttere d to myself some s uch .blllst. eonUnu ed III tll e ' darkn ess. 'fhe tlllon· fella ltous IIslde as that wblch came Clean- Light Waa Built to Laat. like griD at hl a thront WRS rrlgbUul ; from the 8111all boy who W!lS being . purabl' e . The 'gre. a t mllltllry thoroug hfare ' ller tangl ed hrur W IIS 111 his eyes nnd spo Dked, . of . " , . Oullranteed the RomaD world known as tho ApplnD "In the course of biB s panking the the grltllng of clellahe d t eUI sounded Way, reacblng from Rome to Brundls . 1~~~M~~~Waterproof elOS!! to the ear; he sobbed cJicSklng ly boy's mother IlIlused to sa)' In slncel'e fum , was but 16 feet wide, yet 70 years at tbe rOUgbDe s8 he was cQlllllell ed to 't ones: elapsed between Its commen cement .UBe, No", Ite had hQr two hands lu "'Tomm y, thll t,l1Tta me far more and Its comp.l etlon, hlB; hel; struggle R and n ttncks were than It does you,' A. N. K .-E , 21,96, No Grace. ""Dd. thereupo n, In hIs od1. race· Ine ffectiv e. Slowly he fo rced her F'our·ye ar-old Anna was fnvlted to ,book, COmbllt1Jng each s upe rhuman, dow·n·w ard jlQllIt1on, the boy winked take luncheo n wltli the tamlly ,ot one d e lllolllatAl Ililsault with hea.rlrbr eak· Ilpd muttere d to himself ! ' . of ber 'little f riends, Berore tbey par· " '1 was afraid that hard ho::o rd 1 toolt of theIr ' meal, the 101 e rrort. until be wedged th Rl ende r . h ead or the T:~8~C::1.D body Into a comer. All. the '1fu e ltl' )lut In ' the seat at my t ro usen might bouse asked a 'blesslng , UPOD the ,.,.;;s.8H OE8 FOR EVERY M!MB!R OF ~ . foocl, TH6 In.jure ber ' dellcate hiuid,' " FAMILY. AT ALL of It all! PRIO£8. . durlDg Which tlme 'Anna chattere d can· But ugnln I hI) nervoul enorgy or the .2.,ODO~£::'3"'::=:==-.W':' stantly. Not wishing to reprove the To th~ ~ .1Igh t torm ove rcame bl ~ Ulore Qulel -"UIr ......... r. . ~_ " I rs su long since YOll called upOn 'chlld, hal' hostess said, "I IUPPose you de ren s lv oPlloHltl on, und ' almost bo· don't. hav e grace at your bouse." b,more mo," said th fair girl. a~ sho C~1Il0 fore he know It, tbey had stnmble d. "Oh. DO." the little girl repll~. "we lIad 11I11911d to tbe bottom, 1'he .tall down to lhe young man In the parlor. hllve Bessle:'-:!:!~per's Magazlnll. lamp. al the ImPllct at Ihc ll' bodies, "that 1 was beginnin g La thInk you ... er forgetUl lK me," Her ' Sad fell wIth 1\ el1lsh to til e Hoor, nnd, like Break• " I am (or getting YOU," relllled ' tho "Nere II a prett)' Kood coat, If you a Aerpent'~ tongue. a greonlsh . 10m, ardent youUI. "and that's why l'vlI want It," Bald the rarmer' l Wltll, with bent 'llame licked above ' th<\ trag. callad to·nl~bt. can l ' have you?" a generoUli . smile. 'lDenU, HlokerlDg, and faded ou~. Youns HUIll')' WearIDt'.8IIO. the The 1I0und oC the tall brought • No Perjury for HIm. paUle to tbe:l!xba uBtlng slrU~; a Bud· '",wifer (to wltne,s )-Mr, Cbalk· tramp. IIpoke poll~ely. Tet with lOme .1Igbt bautenr . den movellu (ut on the part or bll all- loy, If I mistake not, you , B&ld a rtw "Yer \lndne.., ma'am." he laid. _onllt . lLa,d Stanton 'Itood alone In montbs ago that you IOld milt tor 8 "1h01ll4 lie a lullleJen t escule tor 7Ir I' tile Imok), darkne .. 0' tbe ball, His living! lDOr&Dae; but 7e oqbter DOW 'J QUIck breathl n. alone penatrat ed the WlttlelB •(l\Jarde dly)-No . .Iri DaD't wear 110 . . . . eoat wlUa \IllS .... -.slenoe, He Jroped bla way toward Aid I wu a mllkmu . 1 IIDl 1t


Lydia E.Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound




- - --


Oiled Clothing Slick ers

--- --- -


:;.~;:: l~cZ#.I~




I'r.~~ GO TO SEA! \,,~.t?:'I DO YOU KNOW






'3.0 0 a $3.8 0 SHO ES


. Rew ard ,,,_



Conce rning

Former Resident s 'l'h ~ I:I OUl IJ l ' min I( I/ltll, :V~II I ' It:! tll.11 1 1I 1>II'It IiIlUI. IIw lIl Clry II) "II w h o lI.u1 t h e 80ud for t,nne t o II Hend It" aud \\088 ' b,e IIl Qllll iol of rentllYi ng I,he intp rotlt of m ltn y wb o h •• il illog sin leh Iho o ld foof tree Itll(l btl ollle Idenl,lIled w ith Iltbtlr IOCIIIi till!'. i ll t lltl people 11110 ~I' entl~ 1I [IOUt W IIY Jl e~. vi llo W e lire (\flNI remind d of this by Ih 'rtloo' p t of jU!lt !mob le Uers All tbo to l1 bw in ~ f r om &lr . I. V. GII USO, f R loh lllon<l , IntlillnIL : "1 expeot I wIll UI"'IIY!! ta ke tbe ,Gaz !.te, lUI t b e I:l om e 'o ming III,t ytlll r br ough t 1111 olu milluor l b llC k olen I y t o m y mInd . .,

Mr . Lizzie Ll o.V d Btill y nnd benu tUul little uangil t e r, of 'J'o pE'l ka. warp guesta of the ir rel"ti ves; Mrs , M.lry Comp ton IIml r,tInily , neu Ne w Bnrlington, f rom F riday uu til Mon. day . Mrs. Bllily wns 8 t one ti me a PIlI)iI in t h e Wlty ulllj\,i li e High t:)ob ool, nOlI hn N IIlllny plells llnt reo o li eoti nnll of h I' h 'IpP.v li fe sp nt· h er e, and rllgl'et,ted I II~ r intl bility to come h ' till S v\llll ~e o n t h is oC0ll8ion Mrs . Bllil.V hil I! Il sc n in college In Denve r , w he r e the f"mlly hlld · lIved pre vlou to t b Ol r r t''1id eu co in T opeka.

Rev. Cadwalladt>r Attending Convention. Re v , ,t .

- -- -F. 'uc1 wlIl1 l1 I ft Th~rHday murolflg fOI' t he ER st wh ere h e will athHII1 tbe Dbtioulli m eetln ~ of III Brotllllrh ood o f t:!t. Antlrew . t!...1\ famoull Men 's

orgaulmt.ion of the EpisooplIl ahoroh, In ~el!91. 00 ui Wal'hiugtoll. He eIpeotR to give a day or two to Lbe ,Jamestown EXllOslt ioo lind will devote the balFlnce of hil! t ime t o the Trlennllli Generul Uonv( ntion of the Episooplil Church which m eets a.t Rlohmond, Vlrgf niB . This oonvention IS of speolAI In tereat aalt marks the three han·' dredth annlversluy of ~ho estll bllsll· ment of \he Ghristian r"lIgion In America , the first ohurcb having been founded at Jamostown, Vir. ginla; iu ~ 607.


M. l' U l ' lltllg • llf l 'ul uUI[JIltl,


~ 'l,·"t

of r, I r~ L /I. Zi llllll Al'1I11t1l Uur.H" Mny r ~. of Dny t ou, I ~ \'I~iting hl~ Ullolp-' 8 11 (1 ,111111" Mr . u lltl Mr p. J sop h H l1iuo!l u nd o t her r 1'lth' Oll 1101'1.' " Tho >\1l1li!lJ u '~ .he t st.y let! fo r fnll .lUd wlntor Ill illillflr y . wl1\ be full y rl'IHU~el!to<l , ~t MI"!! l.ill' In '>\, ' II t tlTlIIIY , Oel" r" l !l()';'. M i ~~ l~ rll C" M u r r n y, \,. hI) Is lIt1si!!t In!C i n Mrti l M White's lIlill inll r y "lor e tllll! sen'-all, l' J1on t Su nda y ,u, h m' hOI)l e 11\ .P el ph o~ , Ohl M r ~ . ~~rll n k 'l'bylo r , of Clif!\HI, In in ntl tt i, 1l 1l~ 111'1' 1 ve rt ill \Vu .v ll e.. \'11 10 lind 18 t h e g n es t of l1 er m othe r ,· Mrs !Ccl!tb Hll r r l III1lI f.un il .\ ' . Mr .

Mr!! G orgo ~ Blli ly lIull flull lly nt, S uul;lny with h i,. si~ l,e l·". M 1..8 Eliza hot,h Bn ll y nml l\Irs Th o lll ~s ~h o rwooc1 , li t th e h oUlo or . Doet,llr ' h or wootI Bp

l\I r , l1 "nr~ '(\ n o~ t l ll, apAn t Hu ndn .v wll b h ill gru n,hll oth er , M rll . Ale · t1 ' 1IL Al llxan rlel· . He ' W II S o n h i!' Wil Y to :inC'llInllti,. wh pr he hll l:1 Ilooept.etl II Jl osi !.l o ~1 wiUI th W fit . ern ilIon '1 ' legrllpb eo. Mr . Fred 8 h e rw ond b Il!l tn 1c 1\ l.r · h ii:l ue wl ." lIC'q uire (l pI'operty on 'l' hird s treQt, lin d h e nOll his til LII i1y 1\ re n o", . ' 11 t bOllle" t o tbel r f ri~ u cl~ i n t h e 0 '1 f';Ilwe prup ert y. p o~~es8io n

. h '!'. ,\lIrnes S t oO))!< an rl 1I0U Ho lmes h llve IIrr lval! h ome lift er all ex tenl1ed stll Y in Northal'D Michignn . Holmfl!l, for wlloHo he u. eflt the t r ip WIIS tftk en, is can irler. IIbl y improved iu h tltllth I t will be I\. gr en t s ll ving to bll Y I,ll Mle goorls yo o n eed thi m ont.h while .Iohn A. FU11lcey .is selling lit las t fl\lI '/:! prices . See the btlrgAin ll in hi B Inrge i:lbol\ lI,ud l'ubbAr t.!i. k. outi n g flann els, g lngbllm!! , s hlrti lIg~ , 1II1l!.lIlJIR; Hoar . 0 11 oloth, Iinol um , oti 1I000s lIud oot ton Dill tinc,

Miss Mary 'ook, . who hilS b eo n s pending the sumlller' nt th o .h orn e of h er fllttl or, th ook , hlill r e o turned t o h er home in hi oag o wh ere she ' expoots t o en t er on 11 p ost gr.aduate oourso in m e llicin e .

Mrs. Ano Wake ly widbe~ t he vnb. lio t o know that !lhe hlls r egained A Communication h el' forDlor h ealth and 8trength lind is . now r6!ldy t o nune in confine EDITOR OAZE'M'B; :ment . Ioquire ab ovo L A. ZilU 1 noticed the fol· m erman 's grocery. Oct , 2-:i t lowing Bllrveysbulg Ite,m In GIl'f .ette '1'be Illuies at the ~1. 11:. Churoh la8t week :"Dr . 'MIlOY 18' oat again WIll hold (I ·market on Satllrdny Ilfter a severe lUoess from apendloi m orning. Oot . 12, tIlt the Township ti8. " 1'he Apendloltis pllrt of the Item was doubUe88 tnten!led a8 a BouRe. '1'hey hope to have a Vllrle· ty of good hOUle coo king t o supply joke. or lata yonrs I . have \Ike uther people boen sick 1\ few times the domand, The oommlttee will be with oold8, a little fever, with the really to rooei ve donlltions at eight usual headaobe8 and a few · bad o 'olock and tbe sale will b gin at ta8tus i but my oomplalnts have 100'clook. '[he committee wtll be n8ver a8samed that dl8gnOlitio dig. glad to fill special orders. nlty of the more fa8hionablo fads ot l..ost-Bolllewhere between t be the day, IInoh 118 apendi.o ltls, hay horne of Tbomlls Crew on the pl'lng aod rose fever , gout from high roll· Valley Pike and Mrs. Rnobel Crew, log Ilnd that 80rt of thing . of East. Wnyne Townsliip, 1\ hltnd. J. U . Maoy . slltobel contl,i nlng II Ilooket. book oontalning a little over $6,00 . \j'ind · er please leuve Ilt Uuzott.o offioo . "-

Personal Mention

!tobert Shute, who has been 0001l pylng the Sarah Hollao(l place el\l!t of town Is .sowing wheat on Qr P D .Clllgett '! plaoe, oear Wellm/ln, preparltory~o moving there in the Iprlng Mr~ Lydia Aon Uordon , of ~r'wln , has beeD spending a row .... eeka with her niece lind family, Mrs F A Hartsook, but expeots to retllro home this woek . Mrs, John Shoelllltker, of Sprlog· field, returned to her bo.'lIe Munday eveolng "fter Q visit Ilt the home of h or f " th er· 1n '1laW, Ab e 8boema k er, LJ-d a f th e ... ., 0 a k ,no Ig hbor'Il0 ad . .. _ra . Abe Shoemaker IloooiDpanied her , t S · I fl 'Id f or a da ught er·m· Iaw 0 , I)r ng 0 brief visit,

C. M. Brown wishell bls frl onds to know thnt he If! located in the KUbon Store Ilt Corwin , Iln<l wll\ ' be glad to bflve ' th oU! call where they will reoel vo. the Sllme trelltm9nt ItS before, IlDd "Iso havo II. lArge olean stOck to cl1008e fr olll, . 'L'he largo lots of, full goods e· ollred before t be gro!,t Ad VIUloes will ,be sold on smllH margins 80 you cun 81lve mouey , to buy now. If you don't improve tbls opport onity, y,0u will wish YOIl had within thlr , t,y or forti' dILYs hence , J . A . Fllnkey,

Mr . and Mrs. Olin Kipp and bl\by, Ru.t h, of Day tau, were ..' tho welcome guosts of t,helr . F aunts, .Mrs . . Lillian Bo~top, of erry (lnu Mrs . Frunk B. Srmth, of near Lyt,le, . luat week. '.l1hey Biso spent F!ntur dBY and t3undllY In Waynesville Mrl!' . Jtll~e" Kerriok visited her with their 00ualn8, Mr . !\nd Mr/! . alster, Mrs . ,fohn Priae, at Xeola, Frank Heoathorno, from &torday until Manday II.nd assisted in oaring ror her mother, while Mrs, Prloe WIlS away on a short vEiOlltian . Mrs . Beaoh, dospite her adv,:,noed yen'rs,ls in' falrly .good ,-,OJ"""'" now health. arriving Every Day


Mr and Mr8 Clem Burnett enter tained in hooor' of Mrs Burnett's father, Gilmore Bill, of Miami, Florl<la, 00 Sunday The guests were : Mr and Mrs lieo Davis, Mr Mrs A B Til.IDllIge·llod BOO, Lee, Mr and Mrs J G Bnroet, Mr and lira S M Barnet, Mr and Mrs H C Harvey aod son Alvis, Mrs John Unroer danghter J8Ilsle, ItIr and 'Mr8 F HarilODk and. family, and LycUs , Ann Gordon


We have the goods, Giv:e us your Orders





your money's

worth. Paying 2?c for Eggs

~ W.


Cham berlal n- F a vors a J _"

Ta xat ion Am e n dme nt. At tb June 3 1Il 'l'Clug of Ill!! Tax







~(~H" ~\.J{'']~Z'S


M .l\ .l-tJ( DO'/' N

~e~~e~\e '.'e~~ ~etl- .~1 e

In all the YA rlouS KUj;gesilolll:l Ilf 1• •of Ohlu, 1 r. \\'. !. h UIll' bti rl alu, ed itor of lill' OhI o I,'armo", diN' rererend um In r pilltioll to s( ' h"ll1l' ~ !lr xp,'urJl· ,:o\'ernmen t In volv In g large c'~ssed tbe s ubj",'L ot tuxutlon u!! tul· t urt's of public lUont'y. noth ln): Is Hol ef lows: as to t.he righ ts or lIw tll:olpnY ""R ;. , Of ruu n y 1 .. ofnl Ar ti ol ll~ Neect(l!] i n th", Hot1~ bo ltl. The,o nrt iolllll 'w ill 'I'll" farm ers IlIlvo felt thlll the old PMslrlll' jud"nluut "11I1ll tlill I"' Jj .. rI~. IlO l lll ~n l o It II t, h i~ W.1() k ',It, t .1113. rt'1II11 r k h II I,lW 11I'I 1I(!1l !li on ti, Ullelt hu OIOW : ., ('o.UKtILUlIon , lining ti ll IJr(Jpcrt)' 0 11 _ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ Iu b1l slneas nrr(Lfr~. all h 1IInll r~ nrt' II unlforlll vUHh;. Is £;~ cllllnily j usI, and (h ul til" qll" sllon or doubl t,,),a· referred to tbe SIO,' khUhll!I'l! .ot till' cor· lion migh t be ad}....';«(.'ll by lln:! n!; Iho poratlons tn (' r os lpd . •IIltl only ~to~"-· \ H a mm e r s 7 c ent cit f arm . 1< S~ It~ I n(l .. hl·,,, lll l'>;S. Uut tile hold ra mn )' 11t1~ ~ lIpon Ihl'lII. III Ii. hl~lttr.l' or 5tl y(' ars hs pro,'en t hut munlcljml (\111111 II II It \'. thl' ~Iocl{· doz. T urki h Wash Rags, 3c ach lhe lillng wil l Ilot nnd tha t thl! [arDi 1'9 Ilr e'" Selv ' IIr the s utT ra rs. bold rs a re ' llIl:' taxi/,, ;'ors . A,,11 III al! P 'uri Hat B u c kles , 7(' each All on ot Ih " dltM>; or t he Ohio matters I n " QI \' l n ~ til" ('x" .. ",lI l1lr£' I/t Farme r, I 1\ 111'<' 111' l)\' (ol' .l'OU to !;Ive their mO Il"Y whIc h It 11111" ho co n~ I(l f' r· II 5c . Putty Knh es, oCeach th views o f ItH o ,,·n" 1'8. ita busln ss manage ment. Its 'edlturla l storr and u ed odvisullie to submIt I f; Ih le6t of n 3c each hak e l , 3 ' nch \ Fl'tiit Jar F unn I, public ballot th ell' tul('rCll :s lihulIhl Oil IDajol·lty o( ltd ~ll ll NCI· l b e rH. 'I'u lie sllc<'t'a~ [111 u· till( mlls t not ,considered III Ih voll u/:. To permi t rakers . 3c ea h "'t icky Fl y Pape r G Doubl ollly lio ju st II lId I'llasona\J le; It lU ust 1\ great nrm), or 1l0n·hlXlmyprs til Ilur· , . ' be 'Illl"claili . It mus t be ijO reuson· tl cl pate I n Ihls p X(lrIJR~lolI o f Opllllol1 . ' over e d Lunch Bas k ts, e ... h t.s fo1' 5c ublll 1I1nt e r ll u the 10u~1.! sl ol1scl 'u('e will not dU l'e e\,u.le IL F'or xUDI ple, a nd posslbl)' to lllitwe lgh , hy Ch ell' E name l ' o ffe e Pot, IDe E xt n s i o n 'ul'ta in Rods , 5e III levelall cl th t' suvln~s bunks pay 4 voies , th e de llllllrntp Judgnl nt of tht)se I ~lIgl . 'h· o'\I"u ~" 'I' I h B . PilI' c nt and lh tax rnt'll ill II nrl y a . . . fMate xe , 3c each 11er ceot, but bll~ () on II valu ntlon of who bavo t ho ~ 1'1'lllest InlPresl at I stake-tb e ta xpa yerscutlllot be louk· I L ad les WhI te EmbrOIde r d . t T' M'lk P 8 h r AI cstato of about onc-thlrd of Ils valu'e lI ud of ptrsulllIl prop rty co nsld· ed upon os nn oct of jusUe . Bells 7 ce n t s each CJ I n I a n s! c eac erably I as thlln I hat. If 8a" lu ~ bUII I( In a COIllI1Il1I1 I(), wll l'l' SII IT rnge Is ' 1 uart hna m fl l Dippe l' 8e dell081ts w.·e [lIxed at fu ll \'ai lle (hilt 110 oheap, where (lill Irrcsl'llnslb l , un· Carpet Tac k s, 2 cts. a ,b ox I th P' 1 d would leave 1 I) PI' CO llt In te rest for d • t' d T ck 0 ElR 1115, cozen . 1>os1\ors. Such n tax Js unr easonable Inl erested vote Is lorge, u rererendum 1\1 a g ne Iz e a ILlld CUll IIOt b ' eollec t d. I repeut syste m Whic h eXiJoses th e Int.e l·eats of that any tax ttl ht· wise U1 l1et b 01 t he tUli payers to t be vot';s of those leClllblt:l a ud IlIUS ' [lI'OdUllll reasonahl o -------- - - - - - , . fI.-venuC, must II UI be proh lhltl\'e, If who have n bsol u t el y no flnnnc ial In.. Oll ' t for ~e t t bnt ,\' o on 1'1'.1' II om lljllc ,'l' ilt . wk of frcHh drugs an d NO blgh a9 to dl'lr!' IIi IIO( only fa .·· tor at lu gov rnment Is absolutely In· olgn captto l . bUl hOlll o cupltal nls,', derenslble. And )'et. wI! n these pa·t e n t Illetl loi nos lind iIl O~ I' corl\i"l\y !twl t.e .\ Illl t il , 'c lll A b lir li whell YOI , tb'ey nOI on ly IlI'O\lu ' no revenue, bUt flr e .under conHldern tion. th re / Wllll t allvt.hl ng fr om f\ liru l:t!to r We wOlll l\ 111:0 t n h tlv o y o u feel per. 1;1' nlly InJ ur our blllhlt n ~. lIlun ufac· amrealleI'!! . . . f w to ralse ' lhelr \'olces In tavor t uri ng anll (lth!:'r I n lOres l~ as well . AII of thoso Who make gu erum lit pos· f otJy lit hfllll e In o nr IIl or.o. M .,t. ~' n llr fI'wnll" III' f (rr brin g y onr will admit th at lil is Is lIot wIse. A majurlty (It th' ij aitelllpt ed und r . fbl e by provid ing lite money for It~ frl onds wit h ,YOll; You will I\lwaY>l b wt' I(',"w tbe I'o nstltntlon of I 5l 011 InvIsible m alntena noe. an d InLan 'lbl forms or property Is '''l'uatlon without represen tAtion" 1I0t apd Clltl not be call l d, lin d It s rns 10 me 11 11 wl e to try longer tn was olle nf the vIIs nnd oppressions du It. that · led to th e America n revolution I I Kllgges t til follow ing prl uol ples : and tb e t re dom of l h Amari lin '!'ax all I' rOllOi'll' ann ually , wb ere lulln d, onoe. and nud nl y once. at a cololli es frolll the rul of th mOlher WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. Just anU fair ratE'. Avoid double tax· country. T URtio n Imposl!d by tb e utl un by not Iltternp Li ll1'l to tax mort· overw helmln! vole of Ib "u ln ed ~uge~ and ot he r ' rep resell tll tl Ve8' of would be an evil j llst ns gT nt.-\ II· vnlue, at UElllal I'ates, as act nal p rop· m lngton (Del.) Every l~ve nID g. rty. In caEI . ot mOI·lgl1.ges Ih matter Prominent Official I ~~~"''''' ~ will ad just ilsell between borrower lind lehd er In lowe l' lilt rcat rules. Tbe TAXING CREDITS. of W. C, T, U. _ ~ history of 61, years J)rove~ th e Imprac· Ilcl1bllltyof try ing to tax th e prope rty In hls rem arks 'tbtlOerth 8lul/Jlck, tax( com· ~ li ng. lit Mr. Mas· Vis its the Schools of this Vicinity " , ' ~ 1088 the debt, and lUX th'e lender. I_et m issIon Ul Uij a bandon til a u m PL and tn'X the t el' of lh e Ohio Slat Grnul(, 1\11 11 1.1 d and Delivers .i\ddress , ~ p ullerty 1Ill)ne, I would fllvo r sucll t o tb tact. lImt at M t. Ve "lIo u and 11 11 IIl1lendm e nt to I h constitu tio n liS MrR ,I Fronk I:Inuth, uf ColulIlbus , wil l permi t a lust olnBs ltlcation of aU Bellefontaine th savlu(;s bu nk d p roperty of va rious kinds i I wonld posits earn d II pe r ct'ut autl tbe til. S tll te 'upo rlntendoot of Sciontllio • The Onyligh t 1tore. baYe all e\"lclences of d bt recorde d rate was 4. A tax ' system tb at reo with th'll count y recorder or tbe town· quires 8 U b a IlR)' llI lmt Is grl vousl )' 'f emllOrllu oe Instruotion , vlait,ed SPECIAIl Sblp t rensu rer to b legally collect· unjust. A gr at delll of this busl n S8 Wuyuo.... ville Monday Imd in the . a ble. with l\ record tax of one-fou r lll Ludi s' und Misses ' Sandal or une·half of 1 pe r c at. This be· Is not so bod , bllt It Is bud enuu!;b ' w IIftorn o')Jl IIddres cd tbe pupils f cause t ile evlrl ences of debt rests rln turn tb e stut hito n comllluni ty Qf tue I:lh: b 'ch ' 01 00 I.blll subjoot Overshoes . Sizes I to 4~ prop~ rty lIlll t hus alread y bee n tllxed. law vlolntors nnd tulso I\ wourc l·s. 'st a fe W left • B~itl S these, a, Dumber of vi ~1 ' o r8 on Iy 35 c: t 8 , JU . n u(1 t Wa reco rd la x ts simply to pay It Is 1\ calam ll)' lhut thl!! ahuse , I ADIES SHOES tor th olr rl ~rht of aOCess to Ollr courts 6bould rllmaln anottJ r YO I'. The hal'w WAf 0 prlls8 ut 1I1111 the ,'lsII,or 'lI 10 , . ~ , aud protection by ou r mllltllry and Muy Fair,:. Marcuerite a~d civil oftlcem. Tax aU ' valuable fran· dO\le In one yen I' wtll ollLwolgh nil Ihe IIIBfkll we r e f u\l owtlcl with ch tiO chlses and publlo utilities wliose vallte benefil of l h Inxntlon tor' u centlll·Y. u t toutri Oll College GJrl, THE JUST resis wholly or mainly IIpon tbe can· s ~b nt do not conduce to honor RIG HT R'nd Ask to set' centratlon ()t population , on the true Law and justice are II ncl\' illzEtl\ and U11' F ollowing tho m eeting . at I,be 1 , market val L1e of t belr Slacks. but not chrlsllun. ~ch oo l hOUIIl', n pBrlor m e ling waa them. . of Ulelr bonds. Tbe Btocks r epresent wbat tb e companies own , the bonds Mr: Chamberlain, of The OhIo Far· h eld tit tho hom e of t hl) MIIIIC6lj ADlI~ , MI..N'S SHO&S, ' what they ()we. I would r ecommenll The a r easonable tax, say one·half or oue· mer, s poke to some erre t on Ihe ta x IIUll BUllonh 1(1'11; lIn Fourth " tr ot . . The Greatest ever. Tue dfl Y Aft S mith visited tbe ~ famous Elk Skin for Men fourth of 1 per cent on savings da- propOSition. ,H mud~ 1\ nll mber of posits . collllct!ng the ta x from tbe ::~~~n!o~u(;~:~~~~~~, ~~~ ~~onsa~~ Is abools lIt Corwin I~nd Ilt 8/1rveya ~ and boys, without doubt the bonks on heJr published and sWOrn state ment of totat d posits. The :;lo- "Amend the constltll tio n to pe rmi t burg best work or Ichool shoe cl ely for Sa.vlngs, Cleveland, has over made. ~lllo the Armlld., ,$51.000,000 of de posits. It pays 4 per levyin g a tux of on e·qllu rlll r or one· c ent. If tbls small tax were collected half of 1 per cent a ll Ih \'/Il ue of all Signet, All America ad the bnnk w'~\Il d pay 118 deposllol1l 3Y.l evidences of Ind btedll 'ss and I'C' Will Pendergast S' I Sh r per cent or 3 ~ per cellt. tbus making quire all s uch ~vld encP8 to be listed mmona oes or mea, lbe ,owners of the pro(l'llrty pay tor its Suffers from Fall. They. are worth looking ' at. . protection . This J8 s imply one bank to be legaL" 'I,' her e .Is a sells lble slIg. JUST RECFJVED . or many similar on es In t he state. I gestlon, Ifnd It has belln tri ed In olh· doubt tbe a dvisability at nttempt to er stntes ~I t.h s uccess. Will Pendergu ~t m et wit.h · un A N,4)W Lot Calicos, Gin&,. tax commer olal deposita. Thes e arC) usually Of s hort duration, the bank m~:e m~~:; t\~a~U[:~ :~r ~1I~t ~:I~:: a"ciuent ~unda.) m o rning froUl '-he hama, Flannel" FI.nnelpays no In terest on them and the de· does, and It will s ave tbe !fta te from en'eotll of whioh h 18 tuking " VbOIl ' ettes, Dres8 GoOd8, Etc:. posltors caD not be reaobed through red uolng the rate of Interest. Savin gs disgracing Itself. Th e Jl llopl e nre not tion . A dressmaker of your town bank d,eposlts , are largely Invested In aware of t be enormity of the offenso While riding " bioyolo down '.h e on looking the a880rtment mortgage loan s on real eslal'e: since ogalns~ true pl'lnclJ1I\1R of taxatLon hill on tbe Bnrln"' Ylllley piko nellT 'thls realty pays taxes, to a ttempt to and leglslatt on now beIn g Ilerpetrnted ' . . " . I over, stld the seled,i on waR tax these d epOsits at regular city the best she had' ever ltt.'en rates ",onld not only be doubl e taxa· under the preH n l syslem. Ot all de- J ed l:)mith's s lllllghter h Ollsn, t hp tion , but q,uadruple, und utterly 1m· vices planned II galn st the prosperity front wb eelg[lvo \\,I~', pitohlng lIim in Waynesville. , Com~ and . possible of · collection. , Ree for yourself. Dr. Cbamberlaln ' Illso favo red In· of a people. t hat which Illms at their on his 'fllce in the grllvel, re ndering Integrity Is the most rntal ...:.ohlo Btate 11Iin uncoll8cl0Ua 'for some time. M t J d ' ~"'~ come and I,nh'erltauce taxes. a80n q, ars, per OZ,...,., To secu. e refo rms recommended Journal. While In thll t, uaze.(] c on(]1 tion, Star tin can8.:per dozen, 4Oc: requires tbe propose" amendment to tbe constitution, or a similar one. and ' he got up and wundorpd WE HAVE THI I tberefore favor some such ameDlt· PLAN TO G\JARD PUBLIC CASH. b owever, SChWREK m'ent because the present cons tttution C. B. Kegl y, master of the Wash. IIb o"t town Ilwhl' le IIn(l WIIS I1nlllly F C do 'S not fa,trly or equitably apportion Ington State GranJ;e, Is calling' espe- tak'm h OUlt' wbero hIt! woondou aney ream eese tbe burdeDtl of tnxatlon Bnd tbe farm· clnt attention to . II lIIovement starLed helld n,ntJ fllco r60ui vcd proper a.tten Fancy Swi88 Cheese ers have suffered the most. In tbe ad· B o has no reoolleotlon (Jf Faney Brick Cheeae justment or details. the fnrm el'!! , own· at the Ilist session of the grange to tion . Ing about IIlne-half th o t nnglbl e prop· secure a unlrorm and accurate acFancy Llmbul'l' Cheese erty of the sta te will claim Lbe r Ight counting of tile coll eotlon and ~xpend. whllt hLlI)pe netJ fr om tho time ·he · . to be henrd, and also r epresllntation ,It'J re of all public money. strLlok the ground untl.1 he renohed ~~e' St~~e for the cheese on tllX commissions. The cnmpalgn Is deslPled to be home., Be III stili stiff amI aore as a " Vander Fresh Oyst~rs generdl, nnd it Is expeoted tbat the resuit of the ~evere jolt he ~eoelvo~J ' ElnRA9AGANCE question will become a leading Issue ' . bnt 'feela t,hllnkfnl hE) eROII p.ed IlS The First Of the Season. , .' but Pauper Be"e- a II Qver th e U n Ite d St a t es I0 t h e next Taxpay er_ 'Compl.'n' . ' two yellrs. Its object Is to ,reduce welln!! h e dhl . .Price high, but ~. very · fine. Iliclar)ea. Do Not. pubJlc busIness to t he sallie basis of London.--Althou~h nearly all clas8' careful conduct liS private enterprise. N C -Sh ' os of Englishm en would, appear to lJe An amendment to the sla te constltu. The September Weather. ew ~pe ore Mackerel I'C V ling In th e grievances that are tioo will be necessary. Tbe resolu. . Very Fine ' dall y b eln l~ vOIced, throughout tbe tion follows: The rllinfall In September IImuunt ' -' lun d It ell _n ot be said tbat there Is "Wbereas, All money collected from ed t,o 2.22 InoheR, whlob Is bel o.w Fancy Country (lutter, . ou y lack 01: soltcltude for the welfare the people by th e 10clIl, state and no· , th~ .11. voru~o Sfip te mbcr, r.dnrail of Better than Creamery-We' of the BrH!sh pauper, whose lot would tlonal governments by taxat Ion and 2 7a 1D0bell. , There was rlltn on oul ,V . have it. seem to lie far from unhappy, other means should be expended and Tbls fact has b'e en strikingly evi. accounted, tor wlt.h liS much care and SiX. dll.Vs of the elltire lliontb . The Oranllea, Bananas, Lemon., tbrlft as All good citizens el[pend nnd wll,r mllst t e rnpe l'lltllre of the mont-h Apples, Sweet Potatoes, denced In recent months . as 11 result aecollnt for tllolr prlvnte Incomes', 8 ,"0 hi I I d I P ic kl es,,.0 I iVes, Etc. ~ Willi " , w e i WUII rel10 Ie ' on t Ie . ' of the Invelltlgattons conducted by tbe "Be ' It resolved, That the. followlu', local government. board IR lhe matter provision on tbe subject' of unlfuTDI 17, 19 nml 20th, Tbe .OWB!J t . WIlR We pay 24c for Eggs ~ of the p~lr:law ' eXIJeniUtures, but to· publlo accounting be made a Dart at aso on tile :roth . , . CRAS. E. MIOIlJllN ItIt·. We Give Tradinl' ~tampe dny It reached a poin t at sbeer amaze· the ' constitutlon of the state of Wash. ment during on inquiry .. at th e In· .Ington, and tbat the members of all with produce. A nice lot of stancil of t he Rate Payers' assocln· local «rances and all ,ood citizens Fast Train wi .•fStop Here ' .~remium8. juat in. Brin« tlon Into the cost of the lIew. work· ,enerally throughout the Btate be and . 10 your tickets. , bouse and Infirmary til th e IJondon are bereby request,ed and urged to In. borough of Hammers mith . It develop· terest themselves I) securing this The tnMt PenllllylvRnlh, trntn tram ~~alter J'.Klllbo~ ed that this workho\l6e In lUan y de· Bult: . .... Cinoinnatl whioh .pa8Se8 · Corwiu tails was equal. If oot l! nperlur. to any "The le!\slature shall require all 8mtlon at 6 o 'olock eaob evening, nobleman'S man sion. und t hllt It could vie wllll tb e most exuenHlv l! hotel. money collected by tnallon o~ by fees, will her6llfter stop at · thlH point to The entrance lo th e ·b.llldlng Is be. fines an~ publl~ charges of eve~y kind rBCfllve and diMollluge pasaeogers , ~ . ' '~ ' for by a system or ' , • tw een handsom e l!creellS filled ,w ith to be ,!lccounted . 6. , ' " ..wrw ...... 6. .... ."' , pltcb ptno nud plate glass', olle of the acc0 untlDg tl , n•, s,hall be IIDIfo~ f or The trnvellng p. ubllo wlJl greatly ...... wrY. - .' Coors Is ol~ tiled mosulc wOFk, every each olass of acco'I~.ts, slate 01 local. apprecIate tiila '.acoollimodllth>n' '!!!!!~~'!!!!!~~!!!!!~!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ part of tbe blilldlng 18 brlllnntly light· which sllall be p,r escrlbed nnd audited whloh h~s been' greatly de,lre<l, Thtly Milke You tf'sel 600d ed wllh el,ectrlc~ty alld a II Ystem of by autbortty or the state.-Spokaue rhe plensant · purgati~e eJ)'eot ex. duplicate \Vlrlng ha s heen. ln~tall ed. (Washington) Press, June 12, 1907. M. E. C'h urch Se..... ces .. ))erll\noed by Rll wbo tU!e Obamber. COllnsel ror the Rate PllyerH' U!!Bocl· • •• lain's "'tom' aoh ftnd Lt-r ""'blate aUolI said tbls lIyStem hlld b en sur;· INEQUALITV UNDER It. ~NIFORM' and th":, health; oondiiionf'~, tb~ . «ested recentl y for Buc kln ghalD pal· TAX RULE, ' Ootober 6, 1907: Sunday Sohool at body Ilnd mlod whloh the,Ol'8llte ace, but wa,s ' rejected on Ib e , ground Money, bonds, mort~ages and otber 3 C B ri k fa I joyf 1 Prl 21i of eXjlellst'. securities, If assesled at all, must be 9:,0 (In,rey, tlllpe nt.endflJ]t mn es ooe e a , 01'". Tho dining hall is ulmost baronial aBsessed at tbelr full value. Real es. 8ermon at 10 :30 hy Paator IDp Samples fre~ at Janney'. drug ltore In styl e. 'T he 81le and the blllldlng tate Is assessed at oot more tbaD 89 worth f..aagne Notice. cost' over ~~1,3OQ,c)00 . whlcb 18 equlva· per cent Ot'fllll value, Wben the rate At 7 ::10 Anli Saloon Leagoe leo lent, 80 fal' as has 1.11' 0 11 ascerla.lned, to fll 2~ per oent tbts means tbat evefJ. b R ,\ WEI" Id e f "I ... S" 1'> IIl'l' IIed. ' ,1000 1D money. e t c., mua t pay a •• _ .ure y ,ev.... ..r 8 , 0 '" n The nextmeetlngoUhe'W.O,T,U • . ,1.,, • .... Ule rot e Other fpntll ~e8 Included of '22,50, and ever,. $1,000 In real . . olnnati Tltla 18 Il Union Service will \)! held at tbe bOQUt of BenJa. the' coal he COllklll1:; am'lj.rntua, ,15 tate"HI pay a tax ot only '15, tbUl apd all 'he CIUl6enll of the town aod min Ba wkins, 00t..... a* lJ p. m. 8objec~. Unfermeated WiDe, W1mll the all ll l1al COIl 01 81&1dq the burden on money, eto..,COUD,ry are arled tq atteDd . dome A fall atteadaiiOllta '15 Iler IndlviduaJ,-.\Io 10 per ceat more tban OD rRl .tate. Ad ·bear tbe 8~ Dews B1 dfreo&tOD of PretIcleaL telgraD!. ftfa .. wllJ' tu la... are eftdecL · . Conlllil ~s l on




1 · 1~ 1 . 1. ' · 1.41 1








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, , at Corwin. ! ,



: Dr, and Mrs. Ellis'



Harveysburg '

Wedding 'Anniversary.

Mrs , ]j;hI"JI Maoy died Monduy,


Mr. lmd Mrs, UIlII!! I!: .l obnll aud

MiM8 L,mra Kibler l'ptlut


Mrl'. Aun Brelsford and do,U ghter. ' 1'wenl,y five yenr~ II ~ Fridny! l:>epLomher Hi, Hod was burled We(I' 1 on (~Ieuu we ro I:>unduy hosts 10 Ilnd I:)unday With her pllrent.R llere. on EnUre Pennsylvania System. Mrs. HlLrry Murruy .pent severQI eptember 20, Dr. ,f . T. Ellis lind needilY tlt Millmi oemetery. fill' . und Mr!'l . E. J ' mit,11 IIml 80n Mr , Benry Zeoker, of ' Monroe, i8 days lust week visiting relatives Miss Antlu C. 'l'IIY lor were mllrried, 'M r. lind Mr . Heorse ~llrJlln stt,rt' l Wlllter Lewi!!, of Wi, hnill ~t,nn , und visiting Ed. berwood tblB week, The Pennllylvlluill Rullrolld Com. aud friend ,at Miamillburg, I:)pring. tlud for 'I qUlIrtar-of 1\ oentury tbey ed 'l'UIl~UIlY for Oklahoma, twhl're Mr. ami Mrs. U. M, Bungh lind lion Mi . tlnd Mrs. Elwood Ault flnter . tained /I few of their friends lit u pony has receutly hnd oompleted bol'o and Frullklln, returnin g h ame , have ~ boT ed 6IIob other's joys ond th tly \\ili villi t their three ohildren Kenneth, of Wuynotlvillo. tt.t Corwin a devloe tor outohlng t,he Sundl~y , sllI'rowlI, Ule former fllr overbllllUlo lind IJHln y othel' friends tlnd rein· I Mr. IlUd 'Mrs. Lest(;r Kenriok an don06 WednesdllY evening. mllll 8Il0kll1l8 they nre th.rown troUl Miilll ,ltboo Rogery, of Lellaltou, Ing the luttet' in their'case. livo~ . ' joyed I:)UnUllY lit th e hOllle of Mr. Mr . J. K . I:!I>encllr, of Coon6llut, the fast through traln~, whICh It! who hus been ill with typhoid fuver Lill( ILII oth ers, Innny cbunl:os Mr , lind M~iI. William Kersey, !Ilnd Mrs . J ohn BUl'tlluck, I~f Middl e· spent ~ few days with his ftt.tully s"ld to be tbe only tblng of the kind for ninll weeks has made cousider. bllve CODle luto their lives, Gut form erly M18~ Florenoe 'l'uoker, are jrun , ,here . on thll entiro l'onnsylvaDI~ IIYlltem. I\ble of pro~re88 In regllinlug bllllPY oontentment bll~ uniformly l' joicln~ ver tbe arrival of a flne . Jllm es .1 0hulI, wlfo and tiuns lIull Me88r8, J 'lI.mes Sohenok Ilnd ,1aok Oorwln uooupleH 0. unique position slrength, bilt she Is stili confined been thOll'S, . hoy lit their home near Oregonia. :,the pleu!!ur u of entel·tllin ing tLt din Segale were home Sunday. on tile rllJlrOild. Few of the fllst to her bed . .Btlr nnmerous friends Un Ih e morning 'of th eir aoniver. 'I u' d '" Wb <. l iner SundlLv, Mr. and Mril. Ed. Bart· , ,,' I "~ ",tnlllU u n ",ue e..,e are . ' , MI88 EJt:de Bradbury vlsittld II f d t B tl ' 11 sook lind Mr . lind Mrs . CIlIlS, Rye, moll trains mllke regular stops there are Doping for a speedy recovery to sl~rv . it ocourred to thew to in vito . ~p III n il' U ow Ilys a u ervi e. , ' friends In r ...banon tbe hlotter part but all of til em ot~rry 1\ grent deal liealth and strengtb. " few of their kindred to tt melll !' M F Mill 1 ft "'" d botll of Mlddleron , lind IIlsu Mr. -. ' ~ ' rl!. I'/lok B e .LUurs I l Y , . of Illst week 01 wl1ii (or t,hll, tltlltion. 118 lDail Is that e vening ' limi consequently, II f B . I h • to Frlink Ilroy Bnd famIly of Yankee ' Mrs. Ed~th .Bllrris Is visiting her . ' , or uHII'IU , W lere " e eXI>eo,·s ' M d" Ed d W' hi b ~brown olf for Wilynesvllle, Corwin, d h<n M ,. k 'I' I f tenst' was serve/} to ~h ~ t'ollowlDg I ,d Irk ith I St,reet. In the 'Ift,ernobn Mr. and r. Itn .urs. war Ie gave uug "",r, rl!. " ran ayor, a , , spon II UO up a wee s . w ler ~1 U J h I f W r.eturned home after a "Ieasant vlait B arveys b urg an d L yt Ie, be s IIles the CII t 01 ' t' guest8 : MISS Sorab Brown, Mrs. S. d h M B Ba 1 ... rs . ... arry 0 ns Ilnl 180n, 0 ay · " 'on ' ' UOIDIlIl I. ' oug ter re . IIrry r lellU . , , ith f ' d I l' Ii I Iarge territory Ijnpplierl by rurul' H. Ellis, Mr . and 'drs, 'V. E .O'Nellll , . . . nesviJIu, IlDd Mrs , Berth" I homlls w rlen II n ,ill'S e. Mrs. Robert Bmlges (colored) 1'lIId mother. Mr!l. Kuttl Johns , culled Mr . 'lind Mr!!. Uhllrltlll Spenoer rout.ell. Mr. unll Mrs , Will Mercer alld Mr tt.nd Mrs . Uhtlil. EIliH, Mr. Sid Mtt.ny, of the tral~s rush through rr;r . !lnd Mrs . .'r:h~mas Var.,es. of Ellis, Mr. J . E . •Jo.nney and fnm!ly, dlod ItonllllY, IIlfter u long il\n~ss . /lnd /III pH ssed tL very "Iellsant 11ft r· SpOilt 'llnl1f1Y with Mr, und Mrs, at tbe rate of a mile 110 minute, and Chloolto, Ilre VISltlDg Elias Ogles· Ilnd MIHd Dorll. Ellul. Miss Winona McDonald III ont r;oon tugetl1er. Ollboru. often thftre ,are a I~rge number of bee ",nd fa.mily lind other , r elatives u"uln lifter bflln" oonfined to the I M' I t ' t' K . k M 1' , IIDl1 Mrs , Will K, ersey Illl d ~ 1 " " " rll. ..e I Iii enriU w II! III heavy Ylloks to be thrown off. As /I bere . 'Ihel ar~ on their way for a bou!le fur nllll.r ly tw o ,m onths WIth I:)pringburo one dllY lust :'vtltlk. Mr . lind Mr~. Ar~llnT Elsey aro roo t I tl h th 1: t Miss Alma Water~ v v result, In the ""se It frequently r P }faug e. IlS. ' . tYllhold fever . u . b I ' <n f h J'uiolng ovel' tbe blrtll of bab'." boy'" .~ house Entertains. ",urllrl"eltl~ro uoom ng qUI..., III! • " a bl\PI>enoo thllt the mtt.ilsaok! would Mrs. LIZZIe Eliott, who WIlS Mr~. Dr, I!:II I un a,ud ohildren reo iouuble. On Suturd(lY Mternoon IUto their homes. . .. d th t ' d be noUn.> . hAre hy the d':l"tb ot Joel h .., d f d I' ht ro II b ae .. un sr e rRlnll an u<o tIU ..,.. turned ome oun u.y 1\ ter Ii e I~ ol1refully plunned It!nrprlse was Miss Lllnrll Krlegboff, of lJlnoln EVtlns last week, returned to her Mill!! AI'1I/1 Wllterholllle WitS host· rul two weoks visit with rsillti vet' g round to pieces. U"t d I to I ' ililrungon ourminilltllr, Rev. A. D. ntt.ti, sponll:;undaywlthherparente. Con8tant oOlDlllalnt was mndtl by bome In Cinolnnatl, Monllay . ells.,.. or a1 even ng a arge com· In Adams count,y. ' h Mllddolt, of Con~rvllIl.l' '1'he ooca· Mr8 Eugen~ Ua,rd is entertaining 'be 1008'1 post cIDOlols Ilnd nn.-rons 'I'be Mi880a D~che\ ' ond M"rtha pany 0 f 1IeI' cIIlSS mat·es In tb , e tJ 1& .."... ~ <Wi .. .... MlstleH Nettie Evunl! Ilnd Ruth sian Ilroved II very enjoyuble one, her nlooe thl8 week . . ort,be omba ,hllolluse of t.bls trouble Burnett enter'tainoo at dinner Sun. sohool nnd !l few other invited d 11 h f I King slleut se~C3rul dllYs in the oity /lnd WIIS lll,rgely ntt,ended . • nd there IIppellfod'to be no way to day: Mr. and Mrs. Na.than Jones, frieullp, /lnd Il most e g t u even· Mr. ond Mrs: ' Bert Alvis Bnd . _.> IlY TAll • Illst week , On 'ILturdllY evening 8nothur , BeUle t.lle problem but t.o.ftither stop Mr , Ilnd )ll'l!.'" 'Frank Zeu Mr. and In g wus enJoy",-, v clouglttor, of Dayton, are vls1&ing or illow down the trains aM tbey Mrs . Ell Burnett and Mrs. Eva The Ilffalr was called It "fudgo" Mr. HopkillS, the reul estatll /Dlin, surprise rellched development. This Mr. lind Mra. &muel Mole. went through Corwin. Jones and daughter, Etbelyn , 'pII,rty, tt.nd deliulous tllffy nud fudge returned to Uln,olnnuti WednesdllY· one WUH on Mr . t5ldnoy (Joon, In Mr. Lon Conner pllid II vlMlt to This would, of OOUT..6, 86rlon8ly wer!! done ful\ just·ioe to by the M\~s Alii Young, of Waynesville, relllity it would hlwe 1:106n II surprise friendd here Aunduy,. in~rfere ' with 8O~edulel', 'and the Mrs. Mary Oathedne DaVis. nell guests . ' It.ttended t he Ellstern ::;tnr LOIl$e on the eutire fllmlly had not ciroum. Albert Wilkerson pail8ed tbrougb M1l&lo Ilun numerous gal11e~ mllde bere FridllY ni~ht . ' tltuncell !lltereli ' caIlU~, Mrs. Coon Ctlmpany Datnrlilly b68itated. Red :Oak Scbool hODse, has been When tbe Dew , t,ro,'kR were. put. very happy recently in htlving a eveniug pass 1111 to.) quiokly. Dr. Mooy is ont IIgain ufter I' lllld thoir Illlul(btett! wer!! starting our town t$llnd~y . down I\t Oorwln rccl'lItly the Com. villit from her dtt.u~hter, Mrs. Matte Miss Wtt.torhouse proved a. IllOst, severe illness f r ow apendloitls . IIW!ly ' In the tlvtming when t.hey • pany fixed ullon tbe simple device Linder. of Hume. Il1Inois. "r.:d nlso obarming hostess and the guests Mr, lind Mrll. Bernlln1 8bidliker wore sto'lped Itnd Informed of wbllt Springboto· mentioned Ilbove ami which IA provo ber grnnd.daQghter, Mrs. Znla unitlld In deolllring ~t one of t·he ontertllined Mir . Hllrry Bhlda,ker WU8 about to tllke pilloe, Ilnd were I r inl{ very BIltisfaotory. Clapp and be~utlfullittio dllnghter, most enjoy tble I!vomnj/:I! they bRd and family ' turdny evening to mllde to solemnly not toO tIlll l (Jlyde Mount and family are I(lelt. To the eut of t,be tl'ookll a short of Orand Vlew, IIlluols. While sp=t. dltlner. Mr. COlln. 80, being wise the sbock fng friends in Rlohmond, lDdlana. , distance below the depot', .'spuce )tere the ladies &lso visited with Mr. l.Ue guests were: W W d T WIIS n f) t q aite liS great to tbem liS to Samuel Baugham and wife enier. " ~ "0 0 8 F ' D.. Mr, W : . eloll un son om , hnndroo and fifty feet long and eorge avis a.t arveysburg and reel Bawke, Emru'l l:iuwke, DoUy· k Mr, (Joon. However, he was able talned the Farmers Oluo tbelr abont tweuti feet w,hle was dug out other relatl ves and friends In this mond Olivia, I:)ybll Hllwke. Ray. returDe~ ~ndllY fro~ 80 three wee eS to en t bis shIUe of the watermelon. beautiful home, Thurllday. Qnltea and the mall orone set in tbe center. violnity. mood WlIlIllmson l Jennie Cook, visit wlt,h relfltlves In Ft, Dodg 'Tho td,tendtt.nce was estlmRtoo Rt number were present. , Oa __ pb llide et tbe orane tor leven : !4r. ~nd. ~I'I!, A. A. Linton with Terrel Maoy. Mary Dllvls , Seth Fur· fowa, ., being between seventY·five IUld u. Mrs. Redmond died a,' tbe bome ty.five feet, a frame work of wire th~lr t-wo ohlldren of Wilmington, nlltl, Luolle Olfruell, Lyman l:;ilver. Mr, and Mrs, JaC')b !:;elirs return · bundred . of her son Car) AI,'right, Tu8lday nettlnR blis been bnllt. 'ThI8'com. and Mrs. Preclll& Bu'tIlr:W0rt~,were LouiM ~tokB8, Gltrl Bllwke, JUII· ect from Dayro.n, :wl1ere they h~ld l Mrs. lTvin Mont,g omery !lnd Mrs. night at lui advanced age. 8be pletely snrroundl! the spllce, while gnes~1! .of their brother and sister· tinll l:hrtsook, Johu La mmon, been thalr son Elmer. Wbl?e Benry Bailey were the guestl! of leaves·two sana and two daulfhtere at tbe rear 18a Mra88Y embankment., Mr . and \III'I!, !:Iamuel But· ffithel '. Bosler, CJartt. Hawlle, there M~s . Bear,s was takeu quite III Mrs , Ma,~llda Emerick on·Tu6Ilday. to monro h6r 1088. 8er daughters Muoh ,oare Wlil glveD to building terworth , from Friday nntll Su~day Emma HaUy, Ruth Mil ler, Henrietta und Is stili oonti'ned to her ~ . Mr . and Mrs. Frunk Sqnlres SI)6nt lire Mrl!. Murpby, of near Lebanon. th_ mati catcb"'. A bed severo l evening.. MoKinsey, Lilurll MoKinsey, Lan. La8t TbnrsdllY morning while 81111dllY lI,t tho bo",e of Dr. and Mrs . Mra. 'filII!! Penoe, Qf lliamlsburg, teet.ln depth was flret built, then a Mr. &nd Mra. ' A,. B . Murphy, of renoe FnrORS, Mllry BIl,wll!!, Albert returning bomiB fro III town, Mrs. ,J . W , "Wllrd . Ilnd Ilona: John AlbrlrM, of near drain pipe pu' In /lnd over this a St. Ptt.ul, Mlnnesot-a, and MIEII Clara MoKa.y, .losle Oglesbee. Juhn Jobe met with quitll aD llooi M d M S L Will' Uermftntown, and Oarl, Ofthll place. 'bed of oi'nderllwa8llpread to a depth Murphy, of Dayton, called on their - -- . - dent , While goi ng down tho S Bill r . I I O t S . • ': . !omson Funllrolservlcea were held Friday of six Inohell. In this way a bed Bleak HotiEte relat-!vell Boturda,y at · In Loving Rememthe seat of tbe spring wagon beo/iulle i Obur~h lit Wllynellville SnndtlY ufternoon. at 2.0'01001£, from 'he U. 0, ' • will be dry .at /Ill t ernoon w h"I.e enrou..., <n to B tt.rveYII· wall fO~ed whloh brance of Eliza Mary I'l'o~e ~yn'"I' In try.'l ng to fix,. it be drOll . evening. oburch , Intllrment at Springboro, tim. and 'whioh II soffiolently buri!. where they ute supper wlth ped one of the lines, Qnd just then Mrli. E. It. Randolph enjoyed tpe ollmetery , ' "d' M sHE H ttA .' , the big wagon tIImllrll1\& fell' over on timll f"om Satul"day until 'Sunday '''pringy'' to allow thft mall to be D r. Il... r. . , • .,n. We oil do fllde aA Ii leaf, some . ' . bf h Mrs. Lot Uephart. of Mlllmlsburlf. I d th I t I Ilf A the hOl'l!e frightening it and OIlUS evening at the home er pllrenta, Uarown off ' w, Ithont- br'ellklDg Bny Dr. an'" "ra,. S, S. S."bl who re U AD un eUT y ...n a , ers tt. er n e.. n " , Mr. Illld Mrs. C. ~. LlIomb, oulled on hl'r 81ster Mrs . Lelia BtJwe, :~:.te anloles ,~t may be tn t~e oen~ly moved. frum Albil:>n, Illinois, unexpeoted billst otten cllrrit's nWIiY Ing It to jump I ~e fence . . Mr. ,Jobe . Thurlld~y u.ft6rooon ,. Tbe Dew device II! working very t.o Franklin. spent SundllY wltb the younK in bellutyand llrime wlIs ,thrown out mto the pike, breok · ,Smith Bradstreet is oonfln8d to aatl.fllotorlly: nnd tbe rallroRd. 'he , their old fl'lends, Mr. Rnd Mrs . W , of lI'fll, but some ~o slowly and the Ing .h ls right arlll In two 1I OOS lind Mount Holly • his room tlgalo by 8icknes8. PQIIt oftlolallllincl t.he .puhllo lire grat. /I H , Allen . glow of thll suoset rllV8 linger ' long brull1lng him aU over. Mr. Ed Dos · I Mrs. ~nrthA Pt'noe enteltalulid Ifled a' the ontOOlnft of tL vexing ForSllJe. N I general purpo ' 8e fta th h ~ t f ' ht ttlrluIIlI>ened along 'soon and brought I Mr. Tom 0111 lilll! completed the problem I o. a r ey live PIIS ou a 81g . E" m I ' celDent walk . nround his house . Frank Penoe Ilnd tt.unt. Mrs. MILI'y . ~ horae, oomlng 5 years old. Will to Rluld tbe plltbway, for lov ed uned 111m "'0 Dr , hlson s a oe. w lere ' Birthday D,lnner " Iwork 8n.v wllere. Down puller, ID 'who afe "olimhing billow" . ; t,he b IUtl8 were !Iet ,Ind he was made I:!everalore taKmg pIlttllrn after him , OlingboOl, of Mt. Holly. Thllrsllny . qolre of 0 , L Rioks. Phone 8~ 5. Help us Lord t.o tonch the spring Ilo:! oomfortllb1.e .lIs po~lble Ilnti ta~en Mr. Tim MRrlatt IInu Joe Mur . Misl! 1lltl Mullen, of Glendale. . OeUahtful .f\ffa,ir. Proal"ent ' W, BAIle ., , 'I d I t ' I' f IBttueputtlngcementwalksaround villitud bill' pllrents Sa,tnrdllyand • = u . n. 0f th , E' thII t r.,v' n e ler rue I Il Iln d Iellrn , hon )'II, At this writing he III domg tl I h d L !:lto 11 • III . d a the bltthd nl Wayne8vlJ1e Nlltlonal Bank, til at' the seoret " whom huvin" not seen l 11L8 well as oould be expocted. 1'he le r ousell Iln au . p en IS I:lnnday . ....on ,ay w .. . ay an , .. .. h tit h' putting II celllent wllik In front of veriaryof MUll! L~ella Cornell. Bn!i t,f ndlng the meeting of the Amerl love. LowliulI88 of heurt WIIS not 11 orlle WIlS no IIlr moo , . " , Mr , IlUU Mr~ . Arthur VlIlIctlvl'ler In the ev'e nlng' sbe entertalnoo at Il 10l\n Bank,ers Assoolatlon lit Atlan . posture she IlllSuiDed for u "m", but ' 0' hiS gnooory. lIud 80n, CIArenoe, of MilllnishurJ(, dell,btru. I dinner patt~ In h onor of tio CitV " th'e Vtlr.v IIpiril, of her life, whioh N, ew Burlington. Mr , uOU Mrs. WlU . Hmddock (I,ud visited Mr. nnd Mrll. Will ElIl'ly tbe eveut., . . . WitS' continuously manifesting it ' Miss 'Iurll Da,ughts!'!1 spent SundllY B j . ' 'lbe' dlpn.,r was served In three,. Mrs , Ann Wakely wlslllls the pub· self In her b~al ing to\vards others . I ' , • I un ny , MislI 'illro Welsh gave up being ooursea .!lnd .n who have been lie '0 know tha" she hilS regllinoo In health 1"lIe W/IS aotlve in amI, ont , Rllymond I:;o('oggy, of Dayton, with Mr. I~nlt Mrs. J08b . Bolllnd. p,r ivllegoo to" partake of a meal at, her f " rmer health and strenl(tlt and of the lioulle, I\nn with threa.ds )f 1.8 P1l0 t Sunday IIot bome. ' tievertLl from here IltteQ,(led Mr. teJepllOne opera lor' and MI88 Orl406 tbe Cornell home Olin ',Il Pp reoltt.te Is now retldy to nurse in confine t,ende.r love she w~s unconsOiously l Mrs, Murgaret Everhart, of MI. rutho Moore's811le, Wednesduy . M'lrch is IJUIY in tilt; exohan~e. bow delloloua It· wal!.whtletot)loll,e l . , wel\vtng ,h er worth II.round our I ' tl Ith l M' dM 1\1 MEn. b t pO t , ' " . , w"ho have not had thllt prlvUegeallY ruen~. Inquire above L A . Zimmer sou lb. Oh t.bls lovcjy , lovely WOOl tlmlll~nrg, OhlC', IS V!ll ng w. I . 1. ltn . rt!. " .' rn ar ~ ' n Oburles Pence I,nll wife have re y d6llOription ~~ might. uorl".rt.oke to lDiln 8 groreTy . IILU, gene I au!! aDd 1I!fllble Ilnd ber reo , relar,I yes here , , Il:;Ulldu With t,hmr tllm ,Mr. . H., I I urned to t.!Jelr hOUle bere for the give wonld fall &0 do It justloe. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Butterworrh flnehlent 'Ind sweetness of Ulllnner l Mr . IIno Mrs. , Irll Uren, of i'rot· ,.m'l,rnhart. of neur RI(\ge,:VIIIEl. I winter from tile Chautauqu•. LU(,u le Oornell lind Miss ,10. . . ' distilled like the dew. Ber kind d h I I 'd ' h I tt MI B I M 01 re entllrtllinell ' Y8 e en c, u " , Betllllel Mnllen Is laying at the aephlne O~18IIa- I18r.,ed the gll8llt,1I of the 10\\ e l' Spnngboro 111116 e~ter Ilota And cbeerfnl, helpfnl worllll, , IV OO , ,0 10 , Y S ,te WI~ re II ves io lI 'c~rm(ng and dignified ,sty le: tillne(l tl.t dinner Sunday, Alon;r,o will never be forgotten, E'B peoltilly here Illst weck . ? £r.llud Mrs. Herbert I:)I00S IInll I'o/nt of dtlllth nt this wrUing . Af&er dlnDer, , ~ever8l ' hOurs wl'r,e Linton Rnd faID'l.h ond Preem. by her ohildren. She often broke Mr . 11ml Mrs, .l oho J!'Jeming very l' httle dllu~hf.e r Oatberlne. Willi SlIlnell vl~ltBd hlB parent8 spent very pleall6nily wl~.h' mnai(\ Butterwort·h, of Wilmington , Mrs. the aillbllste~ bux of lov,llllnd pour plemlttutly entertll.ined the Uhristian Mrs. Minnie Mnrlatt lind duoghtor, over'l:illbboth , aDd Blmll"r diverSions. ~lie Messrs Lizzie Elhott ' of Clncilina'tI d ad It on their. hetids . ,. .[t WIlS tile E d B 't ' d ening. I Lena pent t;undllY with Mrs, ollkin·. 8ar.r.v and il:Mest F.arnhart clBlltlrve ,' " IlU perf.oUlII of sacrifice ond Ihrough 11 eavor on n Itr IIY ev I' . Wllihnn Bllnt'li villlted hODie folks speolal mention for their playing Mr . and ,Mrs. Samuel Butterworth their beings spread ." . Mrs , Mllry Compton entertained 10f Mlddlerun . llaturdl\Y and I:)unday. whlo~ WOIt very fine. ' and 'Oharles Fry and family . '. ~heli har life's work wus clrllw t.wo ' of her nieces, from the west, The LMditll! Aid ~ooiety IUtlt fI~ '1'hOlie who wllre prlV111'lfeel t,o be u lroy frons, of Wa,ynesyllle, lind IIlg to ~ ,ol08e the IIweetly lIul'mlt~(} Itl",t week , . !tbe home of Mr~ . Will. Daughters" We are glad to know the drunken prl!llent ,onthl8.~lIlonwar~ : MIM John A. ' 'l'houlpson 'of Lebanon to Goos will and \V~tohed Ilnd , ' 'w ' d f ' d i d me118undtt.ywerereportedandthllt , I!fJ Irene Trout, Ktt.~llfyn AlelC~nder, ' , .' , woited' ,fur tbe call "Uome 11(1 MllIses Denh und l:itlzel M. Dill, oone@ uy It te.rnooll tt.n Il "'Ilne one wllSlI.rresied, but sorry the other Luella Vornell, ~:arolYD, ... nd F..dlth spent a couple of days with Jawes I1ltcher." " of College (Jorner, OhIO, Ilre gne~t8 to hold tt. box sOOlal, Baturdl\Y even , was Illlowell to e<;!cape. I MOBher" DOD"" Hllwke. ,1la R6bi~ Bt~op8. lit Vlln Wert lut w~ek. Her name ~nd rueTnI,.r r ls·n 0001· of their . all/ter Mrs. JIlB . MClntll1e. !in g , ~ept, 28. , l!lverybodr oome Ilnd Mi88 CIRrll Nlftbel entertained son l' Bert-ll" Elbtln . u.n6 Martba."O. They repurt , Ml·. Stoops all t.he bus\· fort and will long be t.rellllurr.d by IIIIdie8 !lOll, girl!! bring boxell. loe Neall. 1Ifl8l1rl!. B"rry Il'rld Ernflllt fill' mao In t.hat hustling oity. ' 8111 her flimlly neighbors Ilnd friends. Mrs. A, W . Reeves and danghter, r Tn und oulle wllJ be lIervlld . . C llmrllll! Davill, wife' and little • .1'D,hallt., WRrren KeYII, Barold t I 11 • • Deatb 18 tbe . gateway t,hrougb Miss ,losephine left SundllY A. M, ~ o CII . . daughter ,Ina, ~unday . Ooot, Fred Bl\rtsoo~, Hen , Rtrouri, Rotory ~ r~,~ulng Il day Rnd fre. wlilab IlIl1ny of our 'Iov ~d onel! huve fOT Il two weeks . visit with H . B, Mr . l:Jbnrley Myrell,18 enlll.rgl,ug Edward Idolr, Fret! Eibon lind A:del· quently , welliuto thtl nIght ollnning PIlllll00 to their glorified huhltl\t.lon R I RI I d 1 dl nil I his house by bulldinK fl/ur 1'0011\14 to , Mrs, Charles Smith hllM boon eo · tertalning ber brothl'r IIUl1 faOlily 'be .... <Y • t · d h h b · th I B A F eeve~ n Ollllon, nil , ' , n mOAIIY .oml' 06.. liP II. 118 ROO. ree. n ellovan. RII'lI! P ' f WII ' the sOllbll end of bil! houlle. the past week. - - • brtndroo hllDdil employed • Mr. Ilnd E. D Harlan, 0 , . John I:lln(llair aud ftt.mlly are hOW MI88 Eugenia . The SI' l Ok. mington lind Mrs. Thomas .Buydook •• a MrM. Mllry 8 , MoA voy . dau .. ,h~er .. . I~t" Los Angejell, California. . Roster' Mar-rled. of &be late M~rrltt BunDell, of Way. tlnd danghtllr, tiarll attended tobe ,reo Notice to Contractors. .lohn 1!/ldrlgll, oolorlld, 18 away ' ~ nellVllle, Illed at her home in Indbln M L Zi ) h UDlon of Mr, Hllrlan '", regiment in ' attjln<lIog II convenalon . r~ . : A. mmerm/ln, W 10 tt.8 Xeola, on Friday, , Tbs ' W4iyDI!8Vil\lI trle.n~. of ,lItl88 'apolls. Indlalla, 'F rIday' morning, Soul'u I'rQIJO""ls will be rcc.IYe" a~ tbe Pbl\lpp Gajne8, oolored, ha .. pI" r 1,..,lIla . 'I,.t8r, o~ Gltmdl\le,.wlll be /September 20; after an lIJrle88 of been ,11 for II long' time,I811t present Clerk'. ont.,.,. Wayn""vlll•. OhLo. olUised 1\ farm near. Franklin . bi6lr8lt.ed In her mlLrrhlge to !Jr. s"veral weeks. , In" very 8erlous oondltion Josepb bas purohtllled tbe '·own.btp until 7 o' clnck p~ m. • ce ll tra l S tandard 1't 1l1~ Rev. D',lhy,' tlf the M E ohnrob, . Leroy J{ gbe'phllrtl· of thllt city. . Throngh ... halli), re'Iding of proof Seth Cook II' getting along ail well properiy f(.lrmer·ly owned by ti dO. MONUAY . OO"l'OIHJK • • 190? for all 1)10 1,,1>0, necessary to cu~ dO\\'Jl tbe preached a forolble ~erD:ton, Sundl&y ·~Tb'tDrdb:i:Y~nlnl. ' d d bt f last Wflak tt. ",thei" seriout ,lJut..lon 88 oould be expected IUld lIIs frlendll flowl 'nd e .. ,II a Irlln aug ero occnrred .in the adver\1~ent 01 llra. , Kelly )d[endena.)1 and cbll. hili aad ...Iden ~bo embanklllelll lOt tbe SIlII!II. evenlug on" Ood III In our 'mldllt.," ' II.... 8. B • .lJj11l. and hatt f.r~uentl!. W. J. Kllbon,. Mr. Kilbon boogh' hope lOOn he may be able ~II be out dren vlsi&tlu in Da"toD,I.., wee1l at MamU bill OD tbe Watne•• llle and ~'..rrJlPl1te to )"rlEe II udlen08. PlanB and IIJMIcllicaUon. 011 IIle .. t tbe bltre. a epeolal lot of higb Clllll ladl.' agllin. .MIt18 Skllla FiBher Ia a.lIubltUuae relatlveB from tlhill ovel'lboee which hilia ofteriDg at the home oUheir lmOla.J. A. Wlnk'r. Townsblp Clerk's omc... TIle TowDIlblp Trullees re.erYe Ibe rlgbt klacbar for Ilia'! Della .t'1Ile. of DflU ~~"II~' a.*:I1~~ 'be\ftddtll: Mr. lonl;, 85 08Dta. patr wblle tbeyl.." J , B, L'bapwan 18110180 Kaininl Centervnte, for levlral Weeb. 10 reject ali" or all blo. By !lrder of tbe Trl1lt_ of Wayne 'l'o_n· 1b8l' Dora I Tbe7 are Ilrio&l7 !dlb Pa4e Iud at lfI'o1lDd , aa.e your , p~IDliU:11 dODe at the u.\harlne BarrllOD iI eD&ertiliu. ahfp. C. H , OLEItlEN'l8, IIlg ber mo\ber from KeDtu'*.r. BI.~8II"'~ AllDil·ra.DII:r ,eb... J~ ·pdoe wUl11Ot"" 10118. th.. J .. N. J..mmoil wbo baa beeu III Quatte omoe townlblp Clerlli. ~'j~...',!:r.-;:!~c'''~ tON thII It the tbDe to baT. ' with fever .. alIo tDlpzoWllr. UUlte Catc- h- is- O - n-ly on'\! uf its Kind













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Th e Miami Gazette.

How She M a ll a g e d

BROWN &. McKA V , Pub lis her •. WAY :-.lE S

l1~ LE .


0111 0.

DOI !I YOU R BACK AC Hl' Prof it by the ExplrJeno~ of One Who H.. Fou nd Relief.

Jam el R, Kee lor. reilr ed , farm e r, or Feu. ner st., Caxeno\1a, N. Y.• ..... hou t 11[te6n year a ago I s says : ulfer ed with my back and kldn eYI, I doct ored and used man y reinedlel with out gott fng relle r. Beg inni ng '!'lth DoAn's Kidn ey Pilla, I foun d relle t fr om tbe first box. aDd tw o boxe s rest ored mo to good. dound cond l· tIon . 'My wire and man y at my frien d. ba., . used noa n'a Kidn ey Pills wltb COOd resu lts and I can earn eatly rec· omm end them," Sold by all deal ers. 60 cents a boll. Foet er·M llbu rn Co .• Bulfalo, N, y,


The lIrst requ lalle of a good Llte rar), Crltl cl.m _ mot her Is good beal th, and experi euce ot mat eruiL y shou ldthe Mr. Sha n F . Bull ock oomJllaln8 By M. Va ug hn not be thai appr oach cd with out cal'e tnl ph,Ysical liter ary criti cism II beco ming ). nam by· prc~arMion, as a wom who iii in pam b),. "Con slde rate noss " Is the . ~ pb,r slca l condItionan transmit p Jjrey allln g fa sblo n In It. One her eh lid ron the bleasJnga 01 0. a to ( opyr llllll . by J OA pb IJ. English g60d B o wl •• ,) cons tl tu tion . jour nal. note d for lie tren chan ' , The HOI klnM II wer e holdi ng an t rePrep arat ion anxl for olls. 'Vle,,'s of books, wal r ebuk ed hC)81 und thy mat er\\,ollderll - " H el'e the for 118 digou l Ion mt'nllng , nity is acco mpli old shed mall by mad Lydlo.""E, e u dush al the o)'gt e r 'hal'1!hnes8 tbe otbe r day by a "All tbe (arubly." Mot her Hop PInk ham 's Veg etable Com brot her poun d. said . but all the "fam bly" were kins buck et. whic h In his n ' 1'\, OU8116SS he !l!dltor, who InnoCently obse rved whic h is mad e from natl vero otaa oot had oDarly kll'k ed Ol'er . that r.. pres .. bD woo ' ente d, herb s. mor e suce easf ully ~ban by nd Ilhe publ lsbe rs wou ld soon ceas any del'l If ye're u·bavlll· to bo~ r)' mon e s end· The re WDS ey." jng volu mes for notic e, It nice r oLller med icine !Jeca ue It gin a "No , fath er. l've bor rowe d thln p Bha and Melt Tom and bill wire Jeru · tone and stre ngth to th e enti re fem ~~~§§§~§§i 'i~§§~!~~ nd ),. and Sop hl ~ and thei r Dlon ""er e not said abou t them . ey. for , to tell tbe I ruth . I've no orga nism, ouri ng dlsp lace ~ CrltlCI bu,b anda . But John te, ulnot alld John 's IDlUs t be "con side rate ." Tbls 1s cera tion and intla mma tionmcn a nrl· larlbe l. wb erl' were they~ Ab. wife p&ld tor wha t I've got. " a us wered . and \he the re- JOhn., whil e be look ed resu lt Is leu aulf erin lr and mor lant ot the old phra se to the e lrect aw'a y to hide e clall dren beal thy a' birth . For that on DIY alor y blns es. .b,lloD thir ty year s more tbe mer rlmc nt that danc 'ed 'they mus t be ·'con stru ctlve." Tbls Indl In hla Hon est· goat lon mee ting w a~ all on eye • . Iy Inte. -pre ted, tbat mea nt that acco unt of John '. Wife and John 'b the au· ex· " I WOUldn't a·U'leeved It!" cried thor mus t be codd led. not told the of his trav agan ce. has been the eta» dby of Ame rlea old mlln agha at. " I b'lee ve III >faulta ; and that tbe publ ic mus o mot hers In pre~rinr for chll know cbur lty. ed It," wall ed Mother I{op· but 'cbn rlty Note \vha tMn I . .JamesChestel',of~27 t be APP EAL THA T WAS HEE DED ih. begl lls to hOUl e: Ug the klns . "I know ed It all t be time W, a6th St., New Yor k sayadblr ted on 6uga r.plu ms. not 'l'arn . lett er:- Dea r Mrs. Pfnkh am:~"I ln thw , jest ' sayl n' Is, and If )'OU aln ed of a8 wish ever y ezpe 't liI' IJU)'l n' fl,/ etan well &II I do now . J erus ha alwa t mot Lyd 1mp ure or Indi gest ible food . Con berl cncw lbou t ia E, PfnkblUL'8 Veg etab Com Jud g. MUlt AI.o Hav e Been Foll ys 'em " J ohn, why. som ebod y side r' sed so au ' I poun d. A neighbo r who had of Its grea t villue at ihls tryile haa got til owe r lear ned told Jobn so afor e he los ·em aten ess, as Mr. Bull ock rem arks ng peri od of Ito wom an'l lIfe .... of the Gen tl, Art. , Is a was mar r l'd." urge It. d me to try and I did eo, an.d. I cann ot say enou mos t exce llen t thin g. We oug gh In rega rd to ":';0, the I gOo 'liob reoo d ody bt all It vere dld me. IIhall lo· d quic kly and am tn the ~st of " Upla nd farm s don· t yield se Clar lldll . John heal tb n )",." to be a8 kind lUI ""e can. But ther e profi h big pays for ' them sers clf. s e. Quin cy Allama. or ,,J.fa ssac hu· Lyd la E. Pink ham 's Veg etab O, .n't worr y, ts that a man can alfo rd hang le Com poun d \a certa .lnly • auCDeli&fnl re~edy for the tPCtIu1lar wea ln' fatb er , It's all righ t." an d are high er vlrLuew. 8te~ner Betls, third ot tbat nam e, who kneaaea and alim ent!! of wom the obll ga· lamp s and chln y dish es and the like. en, It haa DUred arm pst eveQ ' form " mlln 's bone st blue eyes smil youn g abnu t t en yea tl alO, was very died tion a. One of them 18 to be of Fem ale sugg Com ed este fon dow u of plaiUtB. Dl'&IlirIn lf'Se nss. s ince re. d d Sop hia. tion s. Wea k D,ack. Fall ing and f\.sbl Into ng. I.h and And Il a erlU e . feels that he old DI~p not man lace espe 's ment dim Cial s "Joh . ly onEIS . III such 1nfl amm atfo "Ulo era· fond ot n's wife Blgned $30 to th e min· tlon s and Orga nic Dise ases of Wom Is set his lega l professio n. n stra ight forw ard WBY , that en and is IDva luab le ID pron. for the d rens e of tbe tJ'\lth . and later '. sala ry fe~ nC!'t year ," said Ohll dblrt h and duri ng the ChCU bls hear t pari ng lor bas lg8 J er· WIIS Be l at rest : of Life , One ·day . the s tory runs . a case lu a IIter a r)' stan dard to main tain . In· usha . 'Wbl ch he . "I "'ns told mu th cr I was sure It wa~, counllel WOI doi' n for "We ll , no'l\' ," rem arke d ~'ather stea d of mer ely mak ing blm selt Wom en sulf erln g from any form Hop · a bait kln s. of fenl ale wea knes "It's my I)rlv ate 'pini on, publ ic· OUl- w II- som e of lhe rest hud got trIal In a Mas sach usct ts cour t. Mr, for adve rtise men ts. he wlll ofte writ e Mrs. Plul lham . at. Lyn bcr skee red. and gbe was boun Ada m8 did not mak e . bis app enro n dis· Iy expr ess d. that n, Mas s. R er advice) is frees, are Invi ted to d te r but nce. you' re all a-me d· know ." cov r tbat tbe true st klnd neas sont a lette r to the judg e. Tha Is to dlln ' with wha t t don' t cons arn ye." be seve re.· The olde r Rnd IT wor thy s entl ema n read ft, and " Yes, J er usha gn a abou t uglt re sav " Aln' tben t ~ )E HAD TO HAV E FRU we, ull n, as a famb ly, cons arne d th mat ler mol' e ge erltl cl8m may hal'e som IT. post pooe d Why He Wal Jolty , the case " ' Ith lbo o,nno unce thun ally oue . ' Is o. eti mes In sctto ns tbat 's t hrea tenl n' r wlna · men been unfa ir, but at an y rat e t : Bidd er mel Kidd er. and Kidd er he don' t wan t to do Clar ibe l uny It waa tlon to one of Its mem bers ?" dem and· Gra pn wu Bey ond H I. Purl e, Boy Too k Just In. "lIfr. Ada ms Is deta in ed on jury . but s h Clln' t keep b r n ever Ins ipid or dull , This , says bubb ling with good lIu ll1or. toug ue portant lium ble Sub .tltu te. tbo .!d mot ber. . bus "W lnes8 hat slill ." . .New York Post.. cann ot be said are Sbc' you d be feeli a prel ly goo d wom an ng so unco m· " I dou' t sec no rewLnatton a·tbr of tbe eat· It sbe d ld n't taik SO muc I ~ was afte rwa rd lear ned mon jully over ?" said Uld!lcr. new style of "con s ider ate" crltl by a col· . Jam es Wils on. the secr etar y b, an d do clsm . euln ' or anY body," repl led fath er. or l agrl eagu " so · Wh e muc ot y. Ada lilY h look ms Ihat tbe lette r read 'cuU ure. was disc best girl ,,·en t .. 1Id got ing atte r ot her' peop lc's " We ll, If It keep s on. J oh u'n It may crea te new geni uses ussing In Was hlnb -ton mar ried be alfa lrs." ' over y as follow a: yest erda y." s'a ld Ridd en. alaI)bank rupt or 8uth lll·. and we' d jest ' the aid wblc b bl s dep artm ent wee k. out ot t be m08 t unpr het· omi sIng ter give " "Ior lbel ' pays fer 'ern! " Elxcla Dea r Judg e: For tbe soke of s tak e the lmed Isaa old the Ame rica n farm er. He, poin ted Illng llilld e r on tho back . mate rial. and mny note the k Wal "See ms to me t hat's abou t the appe ar· 'em a warn mat te r In hand and give J er usha , "jes t a Iloor mln lst e r's ootl n119 my out the bene fit' that bnd las t dar. case un ton, plea se In' word ator e It's fore ver t ance of 20 mas ter piec e. In a been deri ved thin g (ur a chnp to 1'; she bUdn 't no ru oney ot Frid ay. single too late. Meb be The .me lls are from the Inlro duct feel j ully over ,:' her o .... n. he's lon a·bo rrow ln· How . does sbe mak of l>u~lIsblng seas on. daru m blUn who g. at. an Bald e l I but It cert ainly mon ey fer all can' Bidd t or. leav e," e it? Hlrl n' h er of tbe wbe at·te stlng machine , t.hls, " lugg este d Jer· wor k do" does c.loy one. It make~ man aDd of "Wb at! '.' Bold Kidd e r. " It was , ?" with a scor nful laug h, y or .08 uaha. the meth od of extr actin g pota sb me from aoolc hack , wltb Mr. Bull ock. sbe She Exp erim ente d. wen t and got mur rled t u!" "H's like 1" 'e hear d o· folk s a·lIv And the n th ey lItsc usse d tbe gran ite, "lon ging ' ln· olf matA littl e girl '?~ five 'YJlB take th Inte rest ot lhe ir debt s ." And 110 the ciga rs wer e 011 Dldd ly" to th e old "ram ping days "In fact ." said Mr. Wils on. smll of Hen · ter. all to wbo John had prob ably bor· ' er. chur ch one fl unday. nnd listo ned n to l og. Brow ning 's 1\Ial,; a:.:lo o. Dur ing the n xt six wee ks Jeru ley." the "roa ring Nlpe tles, " with "I belie ve that even tual ly sha uneI Poct whe n ro"'e d mon ey of, a od how muc h, and "fou nd out" our , IInea ed t atte ntio aod n to the serm on, prod ucts will be repo ··thjl a rtist s or t be npler and whe th. I' he wou ld be likely to thl1 rost cbea p enou gh to bo to slve or the "(am bly" bowrted the A' S ..e Insin uatio n, Clor ll> Ili ad wble b grop hlca lly told the stor y of WIthIn tbe r each of all. & " mor tgag e" or not, blullgeon had thei r way ." the The n the "t bear the New ed" have still decl ing ared of the t emp est on tbe Sea ator y of tho that 10m etbJ ng mus t be 'Bllt as all thin gs , mos t com e hBd a bby aud tbe ·hot· hous e drea dful qll arre to l and that thll brid e end. so did tbls Indi gnat ion mee an ,don e to brin g 10 the man y c hlld r4!n ot Gali lee. and how Cbrl st walk ed on g rape a will be as deael and The com mon cUDlom at that anti ting ts the 'l'av es. In tbo aft ernoon he talk tng of gol ng h mo to her mOl quat ed . of Ihe vlllllge. who claim ed Suu part r mOl as tbo thea ter hat Itor les of the bday as er of the worl d wblc h callll Itsel miss ed her nnd boga o an anlti b· past . er. Wba t's th,e mat te r?" t clvl!· a lega l holi day, an d neve r drea olJs "Th is boy -be b ed Is to secl ude Ita choi cest art WIUI med II. boot blac ltaear "I belie eb ve of the uno hous even of ente.rlng tbe dull Sun dall' prod · e, As she nea red ente red a groc er's ing 6~e ot lb." scho ol the bath room ucts 10 mus eum s and gallerlell she hoa rd soun ds ot poLuting to so me stor e one day. and. s uppe r trorn her cook ing s choo l that tb e one llttl e chur ch In , whe ro supe tb rb e grap vII· es, tbey are seen only by the smll 81lla said reci abln, pes.. : g , and hurr ied to the door to and whe n . the boys In the lage alfor ded. ' l! pro· " 'Wo t·s the ' prIc e o· tbem tber e, n'CIc bbor hood lost thei r ba tt In beho ld a .mal l. excl led face port lon of peop le wHlIng to Acti ng on this. she had pllrc a hole mist er?' peer go out ing haM d over tbe rim ot the big whit e tub. unde l' the fe~, Mr. New ed ' of thei r WIly and to spen d lime n juvenile II bral'Y of 50 Ilook and SIlve .. 'Ono doll ar a poun d. my lad" '· ~nd s. rur· to bear a sma ll. tbe tbem (lne ut ber blso ults to fi ulsh the nls hed Scri pture text card s and mon ey In vllll ting them , Japa exci ted , 'olce ox· clerk rC!pll ed, ' n and PB' , lIam o: claim ' : " Say, mam pcrs , besi des. on seve ral occa ma. t his walk ing . Borne othe r coun tries . wblc h, "A 1"..11 of angulBh lIass ed over sion s , on the wate r 18 (luit acco rd· the e a tri ck." mee ting t he exou ses of som E' Ing to prev aUln g Ang lo-S axon boy' s fll oe. nnd he saill. haat lly of tb e Not Wha : Idea s, t She Wan ted, mOBt unw lllng oneil by furn is hing "'Th en give us a cent's wort bave not yet tull), eme rge d hat, lAw yer- Yes . my dear youn g Not Enti re, h o' from a IIboes or mittens (as tb e case lady. ('.Srr ols. I 'm dead et.ate of harb arlsm j bave mad The ~ I ght nuts )'ou a eron on ha ve a perf ec t case . If YO U wish frulL '," aut, aftc r pain fully ex· e art a requ ire), amo ngst thos e she foun d J hi catln part of the com mon life. 80 t hnt can secu re Y;;;i II. divo rce wltb . &' hhna elr from tbe wrec ked be r sear chlu gs amo ngs t tllo "hi even out ghwayS pullU Iloon olly In six mon ths. ,t he hum blewt oItiz en 18 fam iliar , IImp od to the near est farm ' and bedg es. John had kept 1Il1~ with use. (lW II You ng Lady beau Uf~1 hand wor k. It bas ocou rred -Bu t. Uly doar s ir, YOO cou.n sel. but a Bba rp look out shc e "Ma dam ." he said to the wom dor: t und erst aoel at all. [ am ~o Bome lead ers of his conv ersa tion with bls fath on an thou ght In Den · er. actr ho answ ess. ered bl8 knoc k. "can )'OU ac· mar k that acqu aint ance wltb IIUl i rrIP last ,S unda y. larlb el. artis tic e mmo abo date with a ni ght' s lodg i ng a sorber! In b er wor k, bad not aehi evel llent s . sbou ld belon~ Rlch·e. Cau la Trou ble, 1markt'd lloon fst ",bo has ·.come to grl e f to the th e Il\'or ted look s and omin ous ~" gene ral ·e duca tlon. and to that Crel lt rich es oro eyet nccolUlln IlI lonc es "I'd be glad end to," she besl tatet !, "but In her dire ctio n. alth ougb i.b by grf!D t anxi eties , aud on Incrnled> a plan ·l. beLug deve lope d tor' .~ y had u .are an e nUre 8tra nger to--" ease disp lay· , been a ppar ent to ber husb a nd: of oUr II08s essio ne Is 'ii'UL 'Iln IIlet Lug the . 'ork ot Dan ish railr oad "No t an enti re one. " he Inte rrup to sta· But on tbat day. the little wom ted. new dl squl etud es,-- Oold s mllb .. tlon s. I( the Bcbeme mate riali an with SOUle ace rbity . " For I wen t hom e filled wltb dism al! zes It bave left and my left ear, th ree teetl l: ant! cert will . be Inte rest. ing to watc h . sore iy wou uded In bear t. ain resu lt•. port ions of my nose bock the At leas t the publ ic will lear n t At hurc h Soph ia aud Mell re with o know ndy hall the ruin ~d car." Neg ro'e Valu able Hea d. ,.ha t artts ts are dolo g. and paBscd her by with a cool nod. . If It Is Jeru · A Keu tllck y negr o earn l doub real ly. true t bat art, hun g on the sha had beon blin d, 80 to spea k. le ,.all a. 'Wages 8S a hodc a:rte r. beca use Crea t DllC over y Ann ounc ed. " none are so blind a" thos e whosinc e he la ta educ ativ e and up)l ftlng . then 'Tilll ablo peo· Sir ' to do Ihe wor k of two men . He Will iam Cruok~s , n8 n resu lt of not aee.'· pie will deri ve a they ca rries . frOID 40 to 50 brIc ks at bl8 own r eftCla reh eR nnd tbe do not " Now. IIt!le wom an." said John a time. expe rl. set from mus eum s. th ey drov e hom ewa rd. " your see , U men ts ot Professo rs K rown l ~kl aud He Illnc C!& tb. MIocks lI\1on a boar d ret II Mlls clckl.· ot Frel burg ' whIc h he bala ncel l upon hi s heat! .. ,bOUlld to com e out. I ",III haVE unh,erlli ty. hal Berl in has rece ntly been asto nish all com e to ' our hOlls e Tlle sday . ~hem disc overed a proc ess of ex trac ting he clim bs to the top~ of hlab build· ed "No thin g New l" 8ho uted ~eruah.. eve Dby the .~ppearance ot m esse nger Ings . nitri lng, c ~ .cld from tho atmo sphe re. Tbe and you shal l tell It your self. . _ _ ~_ ' boys and , the " proc es8 " cbll dren " depa rted one by .n the ~merlcan .ityJ e. to lake Is avai lable for com merc ial, ' So 'ruea day nigh t . found tile "Th e Carthag~ nlan mcr cena rle the one. unU r Cath .... he I " Cam· Indu stria l Rnd agri cult ural er and mot her we re bly" on plac e In som e res pect s ot the J1urposes. lalll , "enc&IIed lliel r priso ner. In thei r wa y to "Joh n's." red· left alol) e. a r.e. . and Is eIPe capp ed Dlen stma nne r wbo bave cted to revo Altb ough hosp i tably rece ived so "Fat her. " saId mot her. "It whe n nitr ate Indu stry and ·tbe llltlo nfze tho men t thllt . as It bard onel l. cont racte d, long done the erro .nds of that city. Jobn t hey arriv ed' , at ··Joh n·s." wor You ld's can' tood t Imll gine how uuco mfo rtab le con'v ersa · prQblem. At com es over here to-m orro w. YOIl this ,. ..... Il IOS8 for a word to desc ribe thes e ask him If be's been n-ow jelt tlon seem ed boun d to Ing. John sug· ln' of gest ed that If Clar ibel The App ropr new arriv al I. the Berl in publ iate Loca tion . "Ob . )'01. I can, " Ihe anllw ered would "lIay her ic has any mon ey. and whe re. and bow mocb. ssy, . ". Cau stic Crit ic-W hy dId YOIl " they mig ht all " feel belteU'." had to UCIO the Eng lish ",ord Pllt once had on " tigh t batb ln, eult whe n s, afte r and bow Rnd whe n he ever ex pect s to that jok!! It r bea& So a1 the .!l In to a V6l'Y shri few en nk." tryi ng all sort 8 ot subs titut es. word d of PRY. the a Clar ibel ex· bers num It back . at tbe rate tbey 've been s ucb In your ente rtnln mon t prog ram · pl&lned bow as ? Ellb ubea (Ho rry·boys )-w b!ch a·ca rryln ' on. If you don· t, I'll dQ It once boen a It was . Tba t she hnd Mem ber L.adl i\1 Cen Wea r Sho el of Com corr mltt espo ee-W asn' nden t mys elf tbe very first time I soe IPlalply doea not 'app ly ; -and him, mag azin es, but bad e xpec to s ever al all rlgb t? I tbou ght a wag t that One .i ... am.ller .. ftrr ll"ing ,AlIcn'~ Berl iner and I Foot.ted 'w hen oug bt EnMe . A cert nin sban 't be ' 'mea ly. mou tbed · Bllt zhas en (lIgb tnln g hare s)-o CU'1! for ~ ","lI I!atu rally to com e at tbe tall end. she took bvlo us. abou t It. nuth er; ho t. Behin l! r""t. A L n It J)rullgi~('n.,.wen li np:. you know tbat ." ' lay as ide cbar ge ot Ilc.r own how e. to 1)' , sarc astic , But "Me ssen I ~. ~r." Ac. her lILero ry work . But: lov. ger boys " cept nn .",," titul o. 'J'rial pnokn Ye's. fatii er, knew that . And If Qc FRE E. Alw ays aay a . kin'll word whe o 'III a pret ty ,bard cOlllblnation John Ing th e work, and bein g yon Ad"'r ... A. S, Olm e l~d, Le n oy. N. Y., for the real ly was elec ted to be , ques Impr esse d by can. tion ed. ' If only Herl lnen l to mae ter. and It II rapi d· he felt that the bett er ""ay was td , ..Ut'i...~ovc rty In and abou t t he villa ge. Iinli nlnr oPPothRt It moy com e In wlUl RI~ the .Iack of Inte rest on l'tun eo\!8 s.-H clp8 , Iy heco mln s Mee slns ·boy s, wblc Whe re RUl lla I. Sehl nd. tbe parI h. lit· ques tion him hims elf. of th e child ren In . scho ol, Englan.1 baa I" chur cbea ror eral ly , tran slate d. mea ns "boy Sun Acco , d rdin ay " gly, Tb.....,orabool.UJ, .. whe n John cam e by school, or; s of FEE T OUT , . 100.000; 1I001lIe. ' '' In (luu la ' Cbereye..,. /, In foct, ,a ny • ~ . prouf CIOlbl"a 'Ot .u -,o .. bra ss"- by no mea ns .an 1II·l e ... ou,," II) Itting tb e next day on his way to town . Fa. had reso lved to agai thlp g good . s he . Inrn -aluc kluen .'"ru ,only 65 cllu rche l for a IIUlJlllr . If n take ull ber : 1 .... :~J._DI.t ther Hop kins , wen t out a'nd aske desi gnat ion It tbe 'Ber lin .youn nullllm \ nfltt, eiG. 8he Ha~ Cur lou. Hab it.. ~~ gBte rl. be take d to pen , and by care ful man liJ . JA)n ~bUY ."'b U!1It ")lb· agem e nt s he n RS a "pas seng er." are like tbel r New Yor k conf ,.," _ .. lI&w, ..... aa_ coul d , put out a part of her 'Yor rerel l. li't'i'F:. I)l. Vit" . llanoe ono1 ,,11 Nerv John gave a B'aDd.. k. and .. Whe n a pers on haa to, kel'l l tbe At first the sene ral publ ic . nllS mist ook and they drov 'n,os t will ing asse nt ma.k e mucll more tban she coul d san feet Di~.tU,t' M p~rmnnrntly cur J tou r . d .... ", D~' ...., h\· 'O r. KJinf(,c oUt trom ul~der' cove r duri ng e olf b ••• 1............·' ..dON toge ther . them for Engtl~ na':81 .cad etl ntl Grr,a to 'by u.a L Nerv tryin the " n g cnld •• to do It all hers elf. torer . 1l~ 1l.1 ror F,."" $:1.00 · or . a est nigh ts In wint e r hl!CnURe aD4 ~IINO. II th 'rial new divi sion of the 88lv atlo n "ntll h : ~ th nnd tr".t "I Id hllve iM. 01 boug nr , the R. bt U. som I{lib Ab e ~. good Arm y, , e wtahy book . I.d and e bto .. 031 Arch S t.. Phil.ol .... ~[•. Pa. t mtban wasl aunt· a fe w pret ty thin heat and pric kly 8on~atlon. It e d y , be Now tbel r miss ion II Peeo gnlz oug I. lime 0 gs e unp easa n t for my '1'~ ;.J boul : ~. ed, and t k le," I that colfe e. wblc b caus es the d 8 h e. "th all se t be (ore hi m. An trou hlo. . You mUl t BO far as the ezpe rlme do al ough 1 h. ave gott en . . J h , on so thl ,- ~;;,J.i.u. . lnY8 you r worlc anr nnt nt 'has gone . hi be left ' d ell h t . off, t0 d n hi f " no ng they bid tatr' to beco mo a 'perm s part . won er new TIi · I ' he cilwa)'~, lnoklilg over tllA f!dKP ~_ wear . wa lDa e s a· "f d t ' anen t ere "No . R no en of tl)ln it g new" 0 tile " nerv shou ous ted can· th~ J e u ha diU Inst ituti on, SOh fidgety hand aJs~nt.m::de d. wan ting yonr play 1'" hegl t tree will l GElo d "Wh r&e I at did It • you I .... '., . l;avc , . on In tow~ n t e way ome 0 n 8a 8ho~:sln C:e ~~y In one P~~~O:~:~d In Ello l. j ~ wee k~ And wha t did you wea r' ~Bsi "I h'a vo som e oyst ers In that: 11)e Kok omo mov eme nt for ,. last anot ~.'~' her way In anot her. In thl~ r,ase :' "" pape r Sund ay 1" ~ I , Doee IP& pal'l, fath You r Hea d Ach e? 1. ' er; be care ful nO,t to uple t tbe lady, lived In S. DlIk . She R8YS cia! feo from love nl wbo use tbe· N, . , U," III 61Of1. Tf 110. ~ct • 1K\'x of' K11l u.r'. ijqd "In town : tel& It. Tbe) ' are acbe tor poor ' old Gran ny ding dres I wore my lave nder ",ed· "I bave had to lie awa ke half pbon e lines will mee t gene ral ~ap. " ... h'. 'C of ..... your ..... nrdl\lIi.l" 2[,,,, .- . s. colo red a dark blue ; ~nd nIgh tbe Norcnno 'a pprOv, Phe lps; and tbos I.ic hly Mfll. Co.. De. Moill~ •• Ia. e orlln ges you SIlW on Sun day, t ,with my feet anel IImh s ,out a l. rem arks the [ndi anap ollll ,Sta of a white Flem ish trico t , the hed r. On me buyi ng are tor little on the bunc cold est nlgh t8, a illl felt ' HA part y line s It baa beco me an InalJ h·ba ck (the dres s 1 grllduatC . ~OK'. " alon e I. floor who wutf !8 Ilil d In ). colo 'red afra id to slcc ll'er- Sand y. Clar ibel was down ther e yes· p for fear of calc hlDg Ume blac k," was the qulo t an swer , able nuis ance . It they ever laid t erda y, and IIhe was BO stru and n·e&/ ' " .I!ct. tlat· his cold allpo , I bad ' been tn.u hlel l for year rtunltlel. ~ ck by ter mys elf thnt 1 have tbln g wor th whil e It ' wou ld s thei r pove rty that sbe rbar ged two be ... 'get , to s pect uhle suits, from them very reo' with twl~hlng anr! jerl( lng of the _ Whj llln. ·. lIno\ blnir lIyra r. Home thln g gOOd for thos e me fere nl, but to k~p a doze n . II '."0 '" lb. Wha t • lowe r limb s. and ,for mos For Clbt\d~hD tAMlt blu. , _ofl e.n. poor h i ... 'P.8OiIIe th o .,IIP). , ,tjdl1e w ... 800t e DtI • • "caa t 'of the time ... . Aada AIID_\.IOIa , alla," .,.... ou,... "LDd av e g ven ' awa y cos t lU E! n~ t hang ing to rece iver s It. bope e tollu. . . . "I.u\kt, rttm ellb . aeb.. and. over ., >li... peop le,' " J bave been unab le to go to cbllr cb or to a hUn dred doll ars. and I have sa...·ed lectu rell beca Fath er Hop kins felt that now ful Inro rma~lon and give tbem wal liB muc b mor e for ~urselve use of tbat aw' ~ All man "an t to lie Ibl,. t.n feeli ng !~~..I'ta tbe time to hroa ch the hate d s: 1-" , "sw eet noth ings " II an lmp tbat t DlUsl keClP on the movt ul cur an lI'ubj ect, .... ..11_ RDd n •• ral.1& but all men du nol w.n t to workwO,rlr. ollU . ,and whil "J know ed It." yelle d Fath er e. also. 1<0 bait , Hop , e Inw ardl y he wrlt hei! utlde r .ao.. .. IOc,:UC nil !bat c&lls for redr e8l. "Wh en It was !CIt _ete brou .. ght (LIQau>.' klns to my ." unab le to rest rain hlm s'ell alte o' the task , yet puU lng on a brav tlon that ccff ee' caus ed 80 man e race, long er. "I know ed It y ner' all the lime. VOUII dise ases . he said In a mee k tone : A wom an In Lon don. Enl:,. haa J conc lude d to drop Rnd r, t\lld .oo you . · all "An s o. . Bllt." .tlll'n· calf ee and take d t' heer d dOWn to town tbat .cn~ to pris on tor five year POlt,u m Food Cortee to Ing to Clar s for. obo Clar lbei had clot hed tliem two youn g. stili abou t ibel. "wb llt mad e ynu .0 a,e If my trou ble' was cabl ed lIy UlhUlg mon ey un~er flllse Ptet ItT" eolr n, ense L une 20 0 ME~ of drin Wid king der . Nels . on's , and star ted She .epr esen ted hers elf to be . "Bec lluse I tbou ght you would a Illte r 'em to 'scho ol, ·.Ide thin k "I only dran k one cup of colfe s buyl n' tbel r me Billy to of J . Pier pon t Mor gan . One touc I lSlIp lemh er a,s we will e for 8upp ose I coul d writ e any· , brea ~~Dt ."" men 10 piCk b of boo k. (,or 'em, " kfas t but {hat was enou gh to oatu re dOlls n't alwa ys m.k e the leed curu uo our lar~ :It "-bDks GtO thin g wor th publ lsbln g; wha t do who le ,'•• 111, John adm itted tbat luch WRI I wro te the bUll ness for me. worl d kin. the lIecl ¥d 80 InSi gnif ican t to Whe n I quit It calle. me tbat I DlY trou bles dlsapJleu H:ll lhest Wades red In Dn almo et , did not wan t .a nyon e I "Joh n." aald tbe old man , a A Cblc ago 'pro fess or bas decl little tb e wret ched 'yam s' I knew to Tesld mira culo us way , Now I bave no mor e Go od 'Bo ard ared nerv ous quav spun ." e r In of tbe Jerk ing and twlt ebln g and that In a few thou sand year s The n aras e a babe l of expo ein womell :ve be'n 't a·go ln' In his voic e. '.'Job o, McL ean Coun ty is nOleoJ lor lis c"ra stul ., alee p with any amo nnt or a trifl too deep , tlono , expl anat .... 111 be wea ring bear ds. bed dlol oye r ioni . apol ogie s aud COI1' me and Cum . prep ared 10 slay fqr the ahl.c cro~ Perb all .. bo ye? Ye'r e doln ' a poweerfu klDl .ea. l II,h t grat ulatl oDs . ' Bleep all ,ugb t. hlIOUDd. pelc e: AYI the 'Wa shln gton PlJsl. .00. Tbla k II aDd aoJdr_1I11 iDe u'ria lO by Lhat of good . hut It mlli t C06t a beap luI rest . o· Ume tbe) ' will have lear ned And Clar ibel' s gues ts left tbM bow to mODey fer plai n farm era. J a·po le. "Pot Itum Fooel Colf ee II ablOlu nl~t belieVing tbat lbro llgb ~wp IllJl JOD~ enou gb' to g,' FUNK BRO~ SEED CO . t~ Jobn . y., kDOW yer own blzn Clar lbt,I' war th Ita. Y.'e llbt IhlU otd lll. of ~hc nam e of Hop kin In IOleI to m.... w .. COd "", but mot her' . a'!lt tln' BLOOMINGTON. ILL oert aln '1J "TlI 4IP ". RIa ou.H Rea a mit . ~e Imm orta lized. d the littl e lleaJ a. ~a. "'J'II. R0&4 to W.u .

10' 1


Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable CoQlPouad


Mrs. Pin kh am 's Sta nd ing Inv lta tlq n to



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tbtllr toes before 11 bright l"ood tire, "Who would );ave thought. or lucb a thing?" sold mamma, "1'he 8.y wos perfoctly cleal' when I weut to bed." ' Is the- wornt thund erstorm l" WHAT 'THEY MEAN TO THE. PEO· hn'le had tot' y :'1'5," sold lIapn. "I PLE OF , THE COMMUNITY. hlldn 'l It doubt that the lont ,,'as suf un that soutlleast slope." . "What dId you think WIIS ' hOJlpen' AND HOW THEY ARE BUILT to YOu, Bllt y 1" ask ed Don. CAMPING 9UT. " I don' t lIn<.lw," onBW,,, d B illy'. A , Night'. Olltlng rWhlch Hlld a Thrill. "TOWII!! I' \lulled me beta.." I hud lime It I. the Money That Stay. ,at Home to catc h lIlY think." , lng ' Termination. Which Make. Good Otte. Possible "1 don'l oro, , like cUuljllng out," -A Simple System That Bald Don , 'tIle elder bOYB- Irvlne, Ralllh and Work., So do ' !." SB. i d Dilly. .. But," he " P<trcy-hud gOD camlling out. When they drov awn 'I with the add d, nos lling b, clc a)!,rllns t hlR Your 6choolhouse ~ . Those of tbe -tent. th ookl ng dlshll8 and the I:!ox mother's breoB t ... , like to /)a res eueci, town and Ihose 01 Ihe ounlr)' dis· too."-ElllzlI b th Hill. trlcts. You know whal they menn to A GOOD TRICK.. yon lind ' 10 YOllr child I' n. . 'rIl e.y re lH . SO nt Ihe dlrt.erene b· Swloglng a Glasa of Water Held by twee n Ig noru nce und enllgh le nm ent. Flat Piece of Cardboard. They meall lu you r childre n ,ha dllTe r. ence bel wee n s ignin g Ihei r nam es We li lt Imuw lh at wh e n we cover 0 willI " mark o r in wrl l ing. The y drlnldng g lass Qui te (ull of walel' Wllh r ~ JJ rcse nl rhe diller uce bc t ween lhe a 8h . t of s tn ul pape r In s itch a man, clvtll UlIlOII or I he Iw(' nllolh ce ntu ry, ner lhnt nOl a s in Ie hltublo or oi l' re· UII Ihl ~ ounll'y kno w., It , and Ih e bar· mll\ns lJ etw e n the liqUid' uud thE bu rlNnl 01 Ile llig hietl Asl n or Africa. Yo u wunt th e schoolhouse. do you she t, lh l)allOr will Cling to the rlill . ot the tum bIe r, on accounl of l h pr03' nOI '! You would wlillngl )' make s a c rlfl ('l'~ aure of tll atmosphere, C;10801 y e nou gh to nabl o us lo lum the I; luss Il llSldf to kc II It, would you not '! You glory hi the fr ee oclllcn ll onnl down wl lh otlt lhe wate r beln s a bl e tu e~ ca(l . Tbe full owlng Is one avpll ca · sylli eltl 01 this country. do YOll nnl '! BUl, Mr. CItize n. di d ) ' 011 "vcr sit lion of Illis prlnclllle : Attn ch II s tring 1.0 the center of 9 dOWll nod con sider carefull), whal Square of cn.rdlloul'() cov rIng II glas~ it Is lhal mak es possible the school · by mealls of It Rlfllpl Imot oU . the In· llO U S t' ~ of Ihl ~ , country; tbe ~choo l , sid , nnrl s ecure ly S III the ap ertlire hOUS(18 lhul s iand as beacon lights on with Will( RO thllt uo ulr mal' gatn an 'the lOllS of II LlIOUSDlld hills; ' tb e schoolhouses th ai carry cbeer lind eu · entranc . Now susl1end the glas s by means 01 light t)ment to thl) hearthslones or this SIring to n hook fixed to tbe ,cell· t'he homes of n thollsand valle)'s? It is the lues that you .and your lng, aud you will hnve a lIendulllm Ihat The Canv.. Blew Away, and Away you mal' snrRly swing wllhout lbe dan· n eigh bor, and your neighbor's ne igh, , They Went Whirling Cown HIli . ger of t he g las s' falling, tbe whole day ~r~yi~I~~~~fu~y~a~r year, Is It cot? ,tlt provisIons, th small brothers: Don, If deBlred, And why d o you pay It~ The ~x(lerltneoter will rio well to Denny and Billy, telt very down· Because you own properly-real ea· grease Ithe rim at the glass, so that no b,ear ed Inde tI , late, bonds and mortgages-and be, "N ,,'er mind," said mamma , try. cau6~ tbat 1'rapeny \s nluable. Ing to comfort them. "YOlt 'shall go Wbat makes your real estate vs l· 1.0 the Sunday school picniC next uable? "1I'eek." It Is Ihe prosperity of tbe commu· But.. Don and Denny mournl~ilY nlty .. AI the commllnlty .growl' and :IIhook lhelr hcads. What was a SlIn· proapers the value of your property ,day 8cbool picnic compare\! wttb increases .• As .your property Increas es ,camping ont In the woods? " You 10 valu e and .yon write your ' wlllltli can' t IIh 01 bears at a Sunlla.y school in thousands InMead of hundreds, tbe (II nlc." I'\1 pl18(\ Don, amount you pay Into the school fund "Nor sleep olltdoors at ni ght. nor i ncreaRes When the scbool [und 'in· . ook )'our dinner OVOI' a camp fire," 'creases the old Ilulldlng ~ives place to . ' .sald Denny, B new Bod more mod er n structure . In , "Now. b.ClYs," said papa, ·'betwee.n which yo~r cllildren and your oelgh. )'011 ,Inti me, J 'don't believe Jrvl,llg (lr bor's chlldreo secure lhelr In! frllc , Ralph Or Prey will rell" )' shoot any tlon . An~. again, tbo erection o( lb p, ,bearll. Th e~' Just think ho)' will. new bulldlllg bUl adds more to l!te Bul 1 don't see why you can'l have value or your IIrO,)erly. ,a g od tJme c/tmpfng Ollt, too, II Is . An end less chain system that " '\'ou hllv the old tenl liP' In the build! villages out 01 cross, roads, DoIn g the Trick, 'ott! , Dnd I~ cnn b pitched In t.he or· Bnd cllills out of Yilt ages chard, I lI'ilI sCl It up aM lay a board Who are you, lIfr: Citizen, and wbo floor to·morrow, You cnn bnve Dilly's n lr will g tin . An olber precaution I" I ~ your neighbor a nd YOllr DClghllor"6 ne igbbor, wbose oo nlrlbutlonp to th e trund le,hed . and lie crosswise, 80 thal to Lry lhe experiment for the first lim It 1\'111 bo wid e nOllgh tor three. You on some unbre'a knble bOWl or drlnk ltlg school rund make t he 6cboo lhouscs possibl e ? Yo 11, and you r n eighbor, , mil)' 1111.\' the , old w~Bb.benoh for ' a cup •.-Ma's!cnl. Experlment~. ta~l e, and three camp·chalrs. or courl\e nnd your nelghbor's neigh bor, ore the ' THIS FOR YOUR FISHING TRIP. -you cnullol. cook there, but now and farnl el's , the mer banls. fhe doctors. lhen we will have a fire and get a rea l Ihe b"'- ~ ksn1iths . Y(\U are each and -ca.\tp meal, just as the other boys 'You Can Make Your Bait Box Out every man who go to mak,e U\1 lhe . of Lath, "vIII. How witt lbot dO?" cODlIDunlt)' in which you live. and Il Is "Splel)tlid !" cried Don and Denny. lldly wh 0 you wQrk colt e~tlve ly Ihat To make this useful bait box for Billy jumped Ull and down In delight. rOil accomplish res ul ls-Iha t you build xcurslon select two rOUr fishlug "I~ct th m sleep -out lbere!" x· up now 6choolbouses . pieces of lu mber aboll t I" ht Inch€J olalm jJ nlll.mmtl. Ann bow s hall ~'ou work collec· "Whlll harm auld COtp to them?" squnr~ . . Saw 1G pice s of lat h abl;)Ul n Ilyel , ? foot long , alll!' nail theru around you\' said papa. "Towser will be WIUI them; IJy a si mple s~s\pm of boosting onll eil;ht.ln h pIece of' uqllrd, lellvln g one· IInoth r " they wIll be quite sate," I You, we wilt say, have QU!trl er Incb space, bf;l we n tbe Illlhs, So tbe I nt was (lilched, und tho OBIS 10 sell-your nelgh 'llor buys them , 'IUIIIJ)' 11\01' boys beson ~h h' cnntp. the door or t wo of th e laths: the of )'ou He , ),011 ~vlll say, b:l dry life.· Til orohard was on a s lOp~ of hinges being India rubber, and Il l.HIt· M od ~ to ~~II - you 'buy Ihe m of him lIanll, (Relng.' th soulheaSt. It wall t<)l\ of 'll ple'e <If lUI h 'lind Il screw II i8 lhl s sys le m or mulua.! help thnt ' nMI(cs I h(' lown grow Into lhe d i ~ y . only a 81ior~ distance (rQm tlte house, lik E! b"lg. 1. But In milking Ihls bolt b oal'eful i hal inc r as es I ha l\fiee of I'('al estate ' but tbe' foliage \VUB so thick that you 'COUI!<1 not ee tile l!-0use from the or· how YOll h umm er lh nnrls, cautIon In Ih · lown nnd In lhe ,omm unlty sur· Phllndelphla L dger . Look at the loundlllg Il. lhat lluilda nelY sc hool ·. "chord. All dar th boys lllaycd , as usual, llolnl and Illnc It just tbe way YOII hon nes . 1'he dollar Ihat Is nnn ecess,lU'il y son t ";lUt tbe tllln81l th y did seomod differ· awav from hom e nev e r bOllsht 60 ent trow u~ual. They did not hnv lo ll\II C~ :I S i\ nnll f'lr a sohoo lhouse. neve r Ikee)! d r:Cl!sed up, but went barefoot ali pul :t 8bln&le 00 Its 1'091. tbe Ume. Bnd WOfe old clothes and nu! th E' dollars th'at are unn eces· ball!; and mamma did not bother sarliI' lien t ,'a way rrom homo 9.!nd bock wben they got BoUed and torn. On~ 10 Ihe com munity 'whlch ' Ihey lefr wben tb y met her, and a lady caller onlv ruin I r Is 'these dnllar~ fliRt -on the Il'atden -walk,' ahe on I)' said! I're.... enr tile replat'ln, of .lhe leaking ''' Tbe~ e boya are \ not at. borne now; , rOOf. ' ln~ ' broken dQor' binge or (h oi ~lJ.ey arA aW8Y Qn a camping trip." worn OUI desk Their m,eals tasted ,dl/ferent from ' If is Ih~ dollars lbat Are untleces· u811al, also, althougb tbey had ' the sa rill' sen l 1I"'R r from, hqmt: by YIIII, I_me fare !bat papa and DUamma ate ·antl YOllr nelghtlor . .• nd your neig h· ·at borne, Once, h'owever, papa came The Bait Box. bar's n eig bbor thaI de crease th i' "aiuE' out and built a fire In tbe or'lhard, !,nd , , they brOiled ateak, rO.R lted eggs and . think It ought nOl to go. The poInt I! of YOllr, lind your neighbor',. snd tOllBleiJ 'orackers, 'Some way or ot~er broad One way and 'not lhe other; your nl>lshbor'a, 'nelghbor 'g renl es· the ~ bro.,d way across tbe .grain Illte. 'rh3! makes the &cbool fund 'heir dlBh~ got cl~ed awa)', a~d w~d Ilke FIg, 2, otherwl8e the grow le ~B year Ilf~r year That for ces thelr' bedl ,made ' rlght along, altltotjglt torms a wedge and splits your lhe IIIIChQr!!\, of the ~ompl'tent lench tliey .{I~ver troubled themlllllveB et tOr a IE'ss competent one Thai reo _ . , , 'tt:: and .",t J;tedUme mamma ' came In lath.. You ' may generally' obsert/e ,a' taint rI~lce!l th e glandlng ' or' your sclioo ls , to be~... thejr prayers and tuck Ulero ' the edncBtlonal fYSlem or lhe coun ;tD~ TawseI' slept In the tenf door, line running acr08S t'lie head at a nail, In iry " ' , ..n\! eve,\'y" mpr!1ing be woke tbem up ,even In tacks: these lines run with Work It , back-O'rds. .Iend your tbl} 'graln ' of. the wood wben the nail \by lapping their facea, • money ror' tlie tblngs ,.OU oeed awny properl.v driven, bne nlgbt tbey were Buddenly a"ak. has been " , rFom home . lnstc·Od nf spending It lit .oened by a tbundllN:lap. whlcb Beemed h·o m'e . lind 'thO s),atl!m lbat builds vlt· to be right In 'tbe tent, Tbey clung. Didn't Want It• . lasl's OU\ of cross road~, a'nd cities oul to ' one another, too Bcared , even .to . lnventor-l have just plltented a :00' " 1\18111'>1 , that (ncreases the v.Blue of. "e1'Y, .Tlle ,lightning lIa8~ed, the thpn. new nlckel·ln·lhe-slot machine, WhIch )'OUT real estate nnd lie rmlts .vou to .cler pj!aJC<!, '~he wind shrIeked among .1 would like yoU to tnke hold of. ' It Is ",rife ~'nur wealth In ' four . Dgu res 'tlle tree8, IUId. the rain' beat,upon lhelr lin entirely new, design IUId will never ,where ' prevIously tltrec flgures wcre -cARVII'" 'fhe tent was trem~lIng, cut or order, enough nnd 1'0 11 w.1II mnke of tbo 'Towller was- howling with all hIs Nlckel·ln'th&slol Capitalist-Never l hrlvlng , IIIt1e eily but R vltlA se, and mlgh~ And then, all ot ohee, the'n! g\lt out of .ord~r? Hub! No money' In 'o(,'\he ,'1111\1;0 but a frQs8 ronds, <arne a te~rlftc ~uab at wind and rain, a macblne ' lIke that.-N: .Y.. Weekly, Do YOU not bl\lIeve. Mr CItizen. nnd 'lhelr tent·pole brok~ . 't~ey torn eta YOU t hink )'ou'r ne lghhor ond your fl'Om bed, ijle, can,val blew away, and 'nel$'hbor'S ol' lghbor should bell evl', Neighbors. ' awny tb\l~ went whirling down bill, . "I b'eg. your pardon, sir, ' hut I:m go, Ihol II 1101'S best t.o lte,e p Ih e . dollar ~ Wbat .happened thon .tbe bOl'1 1I'ere Ing to ask -you 'ff your daughte r would In tfl e home . o':tmmunfty? Ke ep lb!' too bewildered to knt(W ,dlsllnctly: but rul nd not playing au tbe (llano for the ~l'stem mOv'lng forwards. help til Don remembered Cettlhlng up against rtlok~ a c fty of YOllr villn ge, Doosl next two ' weeks ?" a tree. and seeing-by a ' lightning . "May I ' au, sir, the nt8ll0n for t bls your lown's IntoreMS and you boost lIl1l1tt-lIttie Billy wBshed ,by, with extrilordlnarr requollt?" yonr own , 'l'pwfler In .'pul'Bult. Thon he laW t!!.11 'WRIGHT ·A. PATTERSON. "Well, you -Bee, my lIOn Wl8bel ' to 41anclnc Yellow g1enm 'of ,a tantem, get a gOC)d start with. the lIute." -Llte. lid heard bls fatber's , voice callhig: Buttermilk Cock·tlil. A'Boyil, wbere are :you'" Ttlro.t llal'Cbed! Jrrl«ate It 'With a . ' TOWler caught DllIy anef dragged . The City of, Cuualtl ... , hili el')' frlilbte ed et c1 Flnt CIt1len (out weat)-Dld you buttermilk cockt.lI. Tbla II a new brand of dampness tIlm Up althouab -v n • • hurt. an notice tbat man! lIll aOI.e is bniken, mudtl;, not serlou,ly deyll" al the University f 1'IIen papa carried him to the hoa.., on. eye out, forehead ~ bandapd up, .blcb wblle DoD, DemtJ and 'l' And eml . .r lODe, Wcmder If he . . . I1f qhlcacu Tbl lhlltermllk cocktail II eonslruel~ ac:ec.rdlnc to tbe fol · cJed' oa behJod. And then there wai la ~e ~'w'-:T • U..., nabbtq With • Plat8eeOII4 {~Not old lDouah lo.tnl recipe: . Talle a tall, thin



,- -

Some of' the M'~thoGt' Used for Seeul' ing Money Dla honeltly. Millions upon millions at dollars lIre frnudul ently l a lk en fro m lh ll pock et! of Ihe Pl?lopl e y'~ar after yeal' throllgt1 the opernti dn 01' confldenc e m en, rhe schem es u s d Ity th e 0 me n ure r.unt r· nus Nca rl y all ure bas ed II pOn tbe fU~1 lhul Ih e QVll rage p I'SO,l Is nlwaY8 wlltihg 10 {oke Ihe best o( a harga ln. ' Durlug Ih e IJ ast f w months s wlo· d l 1"5 hav e b e n olle r:lllng In dl!fcre nt pnrl ~ of the (lounU'Y, and their met hod, w hil e a modlficallon of an old swln· ' dl!ng gum e. has s ome nEo'" t eatufo9 wOrlhy of notice . :rhelr us ual proced · ure Is lO 10c P,to farm ers wbo are not 'we ll Imo wn I U local' ba nkers aed loan men , Th !)y a pproach Ih e rarmer anrl under ')j'Clex t or see khlg . lO purcha.e fa rm lns lund. n ll~ na go In Rome " ay to ~eC lll'l' hI.' . ignulure. Thl Is geumnl · Iy do nil by lIluLlc lns him 10 Willi' a Ie lieI'. or to ~ 1 1l 1l so mc s talem....,l. On e ' th e si~ n n tlil" e Is sec ured , a !le ',I· 1I 0us tlp<!ti to !ll(" lu t'm t;!I"fl land Is pIB· par" lI unci Ih ls 1$ Il~ e tl till In slIch II tita n n ~ I' liS 10 RIm \\" Lhe seal of s om c flilI U ry 0 1' 01hpr ofll cel·. 1'hen wJl It this III' d th e ~ w i nul I' Is In position to nl'gotlale a loa n illion Ihe land . Ttl! Rumo hRd b n s ucoessfull y wort, ed In a nll mher or ''''s te rn sta lcs. RC$lde nts of ngrlcultltrn l di stricts Hhoultl b c'mUnuult y on Ihelr' guard ugnlns L Ih e s lgn l'll t; of recelpls or any hind of con Lract whl ~ h .may be presail ted to th elll b y strangol'8. Within lb a pa st year some s mooth swi ndlers llove s ucceeded lin sec ul'ln!: lhousands of dollars, on fr aUdul ent 1I0tOS, R(Jcur· Ing from lum er s, who were fooli sh c nonsh to loke for trial wnshing: ma.chin es, relrlg rators, elc., and to give lhelr recelPI's for the same. Those reo celpts' turning UIII latllr as negotlabltl notes. The writer of c:hecks cannot be too care ful In filling In the unts . 'rbe ramrlte m ethods of th e check rec"lver Is to Inse rt nrtEIl' the words ~llx," "seven ," "eight" or "nloe': the "y" <lr "Iy" ·and c/lange the clphen In the c he ck accordIngly. Thus It cao bit seeo I hat a cbeck' w!'ltten for el'~'ht dollars, by the ' ndllllion of the letter "y" can be made,,·Tll read for ~lght1 dollars and lbe changing of tbe amount, II It be In numerals, by lbe addltton 01 cipher. makes the forgery, . when well executt!d. hard to dl scovllr.


~~or~~;~~~~.~;=~~~;;~~ b~· 11 Ne. 'Ior~:I'




01 Ie.: ID"\1 t1In III alit .

From Start to Finis h. "S a min e,"

UNo , gil',"

"WOUld your busin ess v er requlro yo. lI lO he ' wh r Jh ere were excited c ro wds-for Ill "tll nce, at a rial or a O re~;'

"Very s(>I<ln11l ." " Is your hu s lll ('S~ s nch al! 10 render you lia \)le< 1.0 IIIJury rrom tram'cors or run a way horses?" " No, sir·... "Does your bUBlness Ib row you contu t with lho 'rlmlnal classes?" "Very rar Ir, In'd ed, sir." "1 tblnk that you Ilre e ll glllie. Is your business !" "I am a [loll ceman." Way to Choose a Husband. "\Vom en shou ld choose hllshnnds as they do their !>owns," says th e orucu· Inr Nlxol a Grc ley·Smith . Which remlud~ us lhat a young Indy Mermald-W~at In the world Is tbe In our nelghborbood was heard to SU)' t ha t sbe wants a bu sbRnd full of bus· ' IDlllter? You look lIKe )"ou had been lie. ~C hlcago Jou,rnal. up agnlnn a btJCkaaw. Neptun&-Yes. conround It! SI~c, WHAT FRIGHTENED ·HIM . those motor boats are flying around bere no one Is aare,-Cblcago Dally News. , Advice to Married Men. Allholtgh your wIfe Is far- !rom bere Behave U Ylouah ~he

Had Wrecked the Machine. Owner of mo~or car (to cbau!feur) -Have Y\lU a recommendation trom youI' last employer? , Chau-!feur- No, sir; but I can 'el one In tbe courlle of a month or ttl . Owner at 1o10tol" Cat-Why t.b e delay? Chaufteur-He's In bospltal.

Some of the VIrtues In Friendly airy . Betwec:n Merchants.

TOWN BOOSTING TIPS, ' 'MIe 'visitor who trips over your broken sl d ~ ""lllk will not ha"e a very high opinion 01 YO"Jr town as a .place or llusiness. The borne town II th e best place for tbe ~OYI If l'OU ' will make the home lown llrospel·OUS. I(el'plng the nioney' !II hom e 'WIll do Ihis. rt means home o\lPo:rtunltles ror your cblldren. ,


Don't drlye sround the hol ll In the road 'I\'eek after w eek Get your neigh bars togelher :Rnd fix It.

atJu ,,'ere near,

-DetroIt Free Pre...

- -- .._---

Good . healthy compellllon and friendly rivalry, d,evold Of all spIrit 01 hoggisbness.' Is a good thing for any town ,' JiJack. nnO e very buslnesB man and property own e r III a town , lind the oountry' Immediately ~u rrou ndlog It should be iutensely Interested In every llroject, parl lcularlY shO Uld every mer· rh:jnt be aC,I I"e 10 matters 'that m ean~ t;eneral prosperity for the place. and which Will In()rea ~le trade for nil '!.be merchanls at lhe lown, Peollle geo· erall y III;e to do th ll ir trod log In lawns wbere there are well kept stocks ant) plenty' , 'arie y of goods. Bnd where there Is sufficien t ,com pelttlon as Lo a ssure low I,rlees conslstont with goo d hus lness jurlllnlent Tb ere i8 lillIe usa for the m e'rchnnt s of a place to blow Dlld brag about th e ir busIness. unlesSl ' ;hey eRn demon Slrale lhat they are " d II I'e rlng the goods" Bnd satis fying lhelr .Ct/slomers , Th ere Is no goorl to b e looked (or by m~rchants decryIng the goods and .t1)e methods of their iJrolher mercbants , Tbere Is no more .. !feollve way of killing Ihe bllslncss or 1\ law n Ihlln by fosl ring a s'plrlt of lletly lenlousy anef o( narrow salfish· n 5S , Wherever stich 1\ spirit Is found It witt be d lscove r ~ that I rade I. beJng L\lrned 10 SOIitE! olher town whero lllerchan ts and busIness me n work :nore In bar mony ~,Itb one anotlll1\".

hQ Implo r nd .

A bi g, burly·looklng fellow, a per· "{ ·t·~·tAlnl)' . " KIII~ n ... pll f!ll. wollt od into lhe offi co of U promln nt And ,M lh ~y w ~rc ma rri ed Iln~­ a ccld 'lll Inll ul"lln ce compon)' the olber " B l\wnrt' !" hi' c rJ ~ tl . "011. fu dg e!" !i h ~ e;<c i u,.tmt'd . drs , nnd 8111'11 d for a pOlicy. , So they Wt' l'to dl vurc.ed anti li ved h a ppily " orla lnly," i llid the secretary. " Are ('\' r 11 (I {' r . YQu 11n g ag l'd In any hazardous busl· -Ch.h·ugo D u ll)' 1'0<1 ,,"8 , nos s? " "NoL In th least." r<lllll.ed the U[lllil l, WORS E THAN AUTOS. canl. "DOC R YOllr bll ~ ln S8 make It ne Olll· snry (or YOu lo hlludle londed ill' arms or w allona of uny kind'!"






I ----~---------

More Pity. " • Wffe (dimng Ibe spat)-( .only m.... rled YOll becau8e [ pitied you. Husband-Well, everybody pIties ui. now.-Chl.c ugo Dally News. Polly- Woteve r's tbe matter w.l th r ou, james? You look as If something hlld . frlghlened you. Jllmos-Yo.u' U get a fright, too, wben you tum your bead roUnd and see .your mother, .


Then He Melted Away. Count Hlckol'!'-You retuse me ze one .kIss! Wby, at Newport I W08 lolllized. ' . MillS TohBsoe-i tbollght perhaps were galvanized. Count Hlckotr-Galvanlzed? How extraordinary you do speak. Why? , Miss Tabasce-Because yoU have euclt a bllrd cheek.-Chl.cago Dally News.

A Sign Which Failed, Young Husband-Seems to me, my dear, this chicken Is pretty ,tougb . Young Wlfe--l know It Is. nnd I can't und erstand It at all. ) pIcked it ' (lut myself. Did you exami lle It closely? Incieed I did . I looked'in Ils mouth' Ihe first thing !'Ind I could see it bad ..'t even, cul lis first leeth yet."-N. Y. Weekly. ' pl.appolnted. Poker-Flgn·ree. never 'lIe! Non-You told me he waa a young Gnmme-No;. but t hey' re sometimes man Wllh 8n establlsbed rellutatlon, placed In mighty' awkword ' posItion I Fan-Well? by the pea [>Ie' who do t ' t. Nan- I find he Is a young man with Sufficient Cndentlal.. a rCllu tatlo n, bUl no establlshment.Careful I).rent-Before I can gi .... Chicago Tribune. conaent to your proposed marrlag! OF COURSE. to my daughter, I must kn!'w ' B.?me. ,. thing about your obaracter. . Sultor-CertalnJy. liT? H~ II ' IIIT " bank book. .', Careful Parent (after a glance)_ Take her. my son, aod be happ.y.-/'f. Y. Weekly. Explained. "Say dad , what does uppity mean 1" "The same as persnIckety, mt son.""'ell what. does persnlclilty mean?" "The same os uppity. . Run aloa. now:'-Milwllukoo Sentinel.

'MIe home market ·for the farm prod, \l cts IS Ih e saving clause in our BYS . . tern or government. "ake away the In your cOlllmunlty Not necl!ssarily home markets Rnd fhe farms will soon bec?m e IInprontabl ~! Bnd valuel ess.


No oily mail·ordler house wi tt ex· tend credit t(l you when limea are hn rd , or crops fall Could you can. sisl en tl y ask It of your home mer· Bltly-'-Wot"s thllt lady got that chitnt when YOIl send your mon ey to thIng on her head for and them shoe8 the city during the days 01 prosper· on 'er feet? Ity? -,. Mllly-W'y, . yo' ltitty-to ' keep ber heaa and leet dry 0' course, , ' Elncourase amaH Wactorleu to lOcate by fIl ean" or D \)onu9 . uut by k eeping Preparing for the the children 10 the hnme town that ' ~ So YOU . want more wages 1" s~ld ,they lIm y becom' ractor), omjlloycs, aDd ' get u home opportunity to ral8e tbe wardeit of the pllnltenUary. "That's what r do," answe red the In the world . cook. "This talk of punisblng trust Do not begrud !,w tbe mon!!y paid mugnates Is geWng me mora nervoua ·for taxp.s wheo It is \lsed fnr road anli eVltry day. If I've got to learn to cook town Improveme nis, Su ch An ex· terrapin and lobster a la Newberg, I pendlture Is lik~ bread 'Bat upon want QuJre lIay, And wljat's more I: the waters-II witt !return many fold. want to be called a 'chet: "-Wuh·. Ington star, Q"aranteed, Wltey-A man II tbe molt seulbl. Dlggl-There's one SOOd thJ~ of all animal., Is be not! Ibout lelf·m.d. IIIAIIL Hubby-Certalnly, . Bleil-What II that? WI fey-Thea I wemd.r 'wh, Ilt .l)lap-A. lIWIuftlctllrer'. ......." 4oeIIn't wear ,a 100M, GOlIlforll* w1th tytl'1 !De_Of. ~ aollar Uk• • do"L

..' ......

. ..




• .__. .~. . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . ..

. . . . .~~~~. . . . . . . . . .~~

~~~. . . . . .~~~. . . .~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~C~5~t~ ,, -buill!! ve:j'; 'he n in Do _!-~_~~~!t~~~~~~"~·'~j._~~n. .~. . . obt .1. 0 :. -J , .~. . . .~~~~~!22!~~ . OHI O FAR PRODUCTS. liT \ 'h il»l 1(11 will Ilfl prel!ent.od Stu dy Ste nog rap hy. Her Spl. ndld pubil ll!bed Ire . . ... t . \\ .J"nr ,ovlll e. ') ',ll, ,II th .. " l\!leull1 buil ding Ilnu "nnc In tn. Stat el . x. , Exhibit Pala u, Jam •• town, wh, rp th .. !'bo w will he held . -'-- - ' ,.- .. . 0 I Thi s .. ' \VI,un In tlou "t,,' il lutly ~ te ~1I~" ,n~' I~': I...... - ~ ,;.\11", . .. d ~I 'U ~v"r. t\l'l"'rllt I t !, l1ol! ' II ba s 1\ \ . ry omp " Ie a , 11"l , ~" ive wor k will o,~~t III t 1HI Molllt1lrO you r r uom ' IInll o,lm e Iv " ', lUi. 1 .t . UII"W ' "'R ... ,.1' ~:t" ." . tbe raph y, ' llll~ been Stnt es Exll t • the mot to of tbe by R. J. 'ru8t lhll Pll lncll, Ilrrliuced noltl lll>ll rh no,l of ~I\l,lIOO, IllId 1lug. ~upel'l"ll!lId~ nr, nil" ooru wou ld.O& bUllinetl~ gi rl --------~ fQr the pl\lIt hIs 8~~I.tant. SlIlIl WIll I)f! t.h a rl oll\i nllll l , llel ·J'.. ylor . G,llut i!1 fll ut.. t,ho t~n Y"llr!!," 811YII l\.llll .. y.»r ... • '.".·''''IIVv~',', , : AIID " IIlm o!lt. xdllt<iv~ ) II oll rtlti ve e Rlo h. Is tile fnme ot tb Buc .. ':1, . leor It 10:' " 1I\~ IlrLl~[)n in the Uot obe r tee.ll k Y" - , _ _ _ _ ___ d WOl lol. N't; the ","01'1 11 of (rnll l, und wb\l Klule III tpri MI. til 1\ dlth 'lI to II III I n I t u IlUC looks 11 We wor o ' wlsu · hl ,?,·.lAl'ing tolli!! Ilr Eftml<: Cn~ "'MqoN. " with the 1\\ ' ItI'F ICK IN ,\ !.I,E N BU1 11IsCIlay tuuk Itl ~t I'ull , In prl~es bav e LVl NH ClIrll fllrl ll, III t,h e ooll ttl resn lt aOT the ,voDOors. IlI lIdo here Olll' uo Ion. -!h r of th hoWl thllt thOIl!lnnd!! " ,ElPw{O ,. I!JtL L ' . ~O, 6· t,erlt lily flrl"'& D Ood o t , :\,oll Lllr nA' 'osL wom ~1\1£< en ~ I"R t YIlIII' o f IIny ; thi . ill~, one e nd wlll o nt~lIn . lIl1 To berl u with . Ibo hootb cOllt s yea r will It --~","~- -~-~- .. --.~ .. -~ l") nln8 nevl lr iute nde 'gro d bye !lnc lltio ll , tr\li ll ' som etbl ng atnr , MIlt.tlng s froll : I,ho Orl Ant - oitm t hlfll ple !l diol ited to oyer :',400 Slluure fCl!t of nuw ill "to" k "~MUI' II beft nttru W El DNE S Dil v . 'H; P'l't;,"IU~ Ih god . ing' ur u .,tnr kl I\bil U ~:\ . l \l " ~ . I\I0i .le~" ot corn , whl r e.lll .c lty to h OUll Ie Ooor ~llll ce dnd torn A, OW8llt Ilric eH. . rt.lliu I1I1\ ~ij s.~ n OIr llpll er!l, h ~l Is yurr oun4 .·tl Ill' lin ve r ed uOOl l ollio -- -- In IOIIU I'O twel I vo f Ilt hIgh. l'll\lse or t.Iu, rillY t.h .. vlrg lll uf t "". .. _.... , ... . _. ... ' , . , , .... .. ... " Ie IIlln wug Clipped from llB und oVll r crow ded IIntlinll-"t Wil lis aro lilem ll\' o\' ' reu with side . , , . 250 .np will offe r >!IIOr ltl u,:" of oorn . At I tOOD8 and deslgus 'OIl Ihe uulil llle, fes b o woll , J /Irk Exl,m l:l\lJ1 IlI'H the 1lllll'IS, vi'h lla hun llred s of whll n thei r ' is- ,,'Ithln tiers of glllss oJ.lIM'~lt.... end Will he II r eulil Ju ffi contu hil ug t llr!!. wh" wou ld devel0J.l Into our Ex cha nge s f'trlll iI(lt' ue. mau e R~. -~eu I ~ I !ltoo k Yot,.... "uU li.' sam ples of the severnl , .... . , ... " .. , . IlO. 50 lllJ up of Iln ll otlll\l llIlIl e o!lioe \\'tlr prodllct!! be, k6r~ Wa rren Gou nty Firm &.0 the Fro . hav f e I dmw II wild er the eye. . l ' III g "wi r Ur g e "no njlh for .. I' ',,11\ , nt. 111'111 HlllS I'. \:vm~ to • r ..., I g 0 llOk. 1I1lUflI tld by thtl eve Tb~ .lftiOllI'8R nrl men of t.hEl Fr(' noh 001'1 tbe out8hle lire lll'llu ly-fO Ill' pan, l' in 1'Ill\tlin g elsODileco 1 . . e lc . On 61thtlr tilde Will rutNI with grn lll a rill grus 8, Llno l O":l Dl. '1&0 gre n' kit!l hen .nel Bro lher ll ' 01111 y be urm y of inc<> mp tellt~ . hull 'omJlllny wer e "hie lds of the ollv erill g. LA oe Ourt.alu8-1l11 tit l'bes e Ill' ull dllr(!rent, r'lIr esol uit\'e ront lilllg new olTe et. , WII1II LW ~hlld o!l, !III ot)l: " Tho r e is room III t h B bu~mUM muo b fllat ed reoe ntl." to bflll in oorn ~ucll -llo' ''I' ngs tnt.el!. il one Jr~, ~ nil r' ~j cres tba !ZCI~, cent t mlld tIl r s , e to orde r nuch 1'1Il . , ~. ol's. cros ses 111111 star , ~ ,J A I 0unt wot'lll fo r tb ll IIIUp ,be hnr.tflr mad e hy I t" e tlt, lit , O.r11 :<t and shields, th~ rich brown uUlI ·tbe Fren oh 0 f argo Ollrl ,·"no l w gr~' · wn. • ~ .V "r tsro~berll WII" Ilw ude d firet prem i, ' I\teno~l'lIlJb r, 1111.1 \' I)ll1lrt,nn lllel:! rnr stalks, 1l1l11lc8 1 and b~nd 8 leudlng lind sple ndId )lIot ure of Mln neh IlU 1n"lIl1e vnrl ol,)' UII(I fresb uess . 1II1n1ll i-' t,bl'! jndg 61 of dlap llba 1t«lv llnO O n)el lt WEir o Il tlve rbe ttElr nor lay at will ado rn one Will i . . 1111 'j'llo gluli8 ju rs nlontloDed cout ll1enee te~, mor e nl1meron~ t hllu the Ubl o StalM Fair In Col llmb alll to !lilY . TilliTe In'cry grnln autl ns. .toan s of corn eRrs WIll he Shllllll s\lCd grow n 10 snll pen~ .., is n o r ---. elHlO ll" ed to 1111 fn r the eXI tUl\l:e Ohio, f 0 Tile Freo oh Bro thel 'tl' !!am ple the 'ctll ing and two gl 'I 'berll IIr 500 of tLo~e j Olra r m . • 00, of a hnn dred or m,'r e on dilipwu und - of the In,m mpe t e. nt wor k e addition yomelhln g IIko II hUDl!\ultR, Jack elfl fO I MiR8 e~, WOU . lay glln tio oorn and pum pklo s r _ he (In'l1 Inothe l eu rs IIIICIl with l:lIl1llcd, pregro w to- WIll find t,lInn~lIn.1H 1,11 aod it Wall man llfac tllre d 0 1'0 hllfll ro h r . 5erved in tbe geth er . . The col~r sohe .iii(JilChlhlren . :'H~ -rts . \Vtll llt lIud pIckled fru its. me I@ ex , ~. ril'R Dler y of t,bf onm Jllln y looa Uu "Ple ase bOllr 'In /'lllII lt t.hllt ~t.(ll\ . 'g t.ed in ooe dlng ly harIUOUlOI18. 'nlOIl ther e Is UJe 'orll , IlIrge dorw ollr, h.fl lntij Inn g~ loak !! ,and ever~T- rllpb y i~ a Inlll . 1-'-- 000 . ' .... Dlllnn .. ·1 Com mAr aud HIIlI ,VIm 111111'1 \\'/)I'k 8!riall. whit eial tbin g In the bllil ding WI\I _... . ---. e, red, y"lIow, blul', fllllng • oOn fOrl ll \"t II mon ths, IU111 eve '" h . 'l'rib uoe . ~ t n YllIlrt!. III furo se\'i}rul Illflg sheln'f!. Tbe IUrll'''Ht ell1'8 to t . e gen era d ecor ll tI vo 1d en . lueusure yo n beOO llltlllU ex ptlr t IUIII <1m l 1I[1('cII IIII:hes lo, elgbtw the een 11I "bc8tl'OlI loug, COllt1l1ll11l1l' 8otll ethlll/l M"Ill" ~" llIr.~ Itn eXp ert ,.... FHaht of the Bla ckb ird, . mill iner "T like 1,200 gruh lH. Per petu al Poli tics in Ohio. whU I! the AHllIlloll1. r dOCII. Th' ro II! no r OYlI1 'l1IOWl~ ndll and thon _DW I of blao rOlltl '1'0111 Thu mb II U[I "' .. u. I, 110 lll An A.l tobl lngo dub s Mn l!S8 CbuIl8et 1J1/O:1I01' tbnD l~ to BUCceSS In stell ug rul'u•.Y I I bird " IITP now In the fiel d. a~d our Unger, with grll l1l8 Ilk" little e -(' ~!IIIJ Y rInw 7clIn "the Rf.ate or Jlllrpctuttl ' pn \iti ('~ . hend s. . " b eCil us e yon r III'rtlllts Olln 'be 'rtIP 8, Av .. r:v now aDd tbeD IIffo rd to _lI · TbA pron d tille belo ngs to Ohl n Ilr!lt \l ILV fe !.ually you will lie sho ll'lI the "pre - • , log fhllh rll. l' IS mile dr mur e. r yonI' I ~,.on" MII'I Y of Illy histo rIc I:O ru." ~8Ie of "II. WilY, Bvell t.hl.s ·y ullr. '" 'l'hl~ WII~ rn18l't1 rrym h All uo rres pnn den t.B sePJIIl t o1.b ink IJI"brl> arfl nnll llr tbe com man tb . lit, gra lu touuII Iu II bllt'lIll h~lIl) The n 1'.0 011' "1 .,1 hll-,' you r drp~ d of ....e lire toel ect onl.y a few 10081 om 111ft by ,. Rt thl'Y olln "kim thro ug h s oh o •• I, .. 'rle d aDd I·"m pet,f \ot lead ert, blllhh'r~ _ U III II 1....l: Ullur With Ule mound ..• • I. . aDd oers , the Ohi o qmp oig n bill! Bul oli iilhOJl & I) 'l)oo y '@ , Xnn in.ll h!o u' 11 /I~ out OII rryi ng IIWRY tiny I I I &be ,0UU Il Lirf la are kep t 01011 loojc ll)!r pr.... uCl . 11 IIII:Y Yll ow u N t.horOll!: 1 Y color, with 8 to lIum l'd nati ona llJr port i on s and 1111 I n .,ity ~ hrun haH k I 1 'D I·tl grnl tt"r ll . Il Afl.)r tlllc nt n t 'fhe eun gr nnd ed Infll rlll/ irion "tb" ('flU ter of tbe 11ook, tbat t ey tbe vigo r of a PreA My fle .r are " I(lnll er thnn thOijo iden t,ll11 oon tellt girls , !lornt! of ortlillury l.'Oru. fRbrl ('.~ ma , boo Itllld..d by Ihe "file oloe o f yon IIl1v" fv"l ull for th.Ilrll ~~ ' V IISf'Ar Ilnll 111« The bl!t!l 8111111'1·g ot willie Burl '; er," M.Jt881\ohnsetls I~ prob ably to· boh llng YO llr teno har!! 1\ II t I1 . yeliT and raut cbt to wbe el baolll. or dart bnero t!hOWI\ lit tho IIxpo Mlt~OIJ lire 1'0 trlnU lllng .. . !! yo u IVen be I to i~ II, r PII nlln IIII' at an elec tion tL· Is', Yflltr, but, t AW foun d hI. ilia 0 1010 boot h. Tbls taI/Hr . 1,0 ~oh ool" hntl .v ou cl1n not \\ tbe wor d of com man d. Alre fO'l1 ~,hl! bu~l.'O WIIS grown III ady sons ont81de ',>f t b e III.lIt.fl kn'nw UrOIl'D ~unty . ~tl1t ll lllt:nt aml fully prov en III 1\1 1ll1I1 l wb o p" y~ hlao k bird , iD eDo rmo ue flook ()lllr SII la ry. llbo nt • hll 1111\1 tbe Spalil Kh tohll l'O. t.. B ... re OhIo SCl'li PII~t . \VA al'I' • J)r OleR C1nud" H nIlRP ' tellc be r w,,~ puld t v do tlltl bAlit ' I'OOItlog In the .bed e lfees sho ' Iell ( lind Dutc h 10lJllc('l) _ _.__ __ __ of t,he ~'OUI " trow IIl1d lin rllt InNl cOl1 ld by y ou \l1I1l !!obuillr. but you r, W Il euro uAd lnlC tow ue and are driv rllt'l wiMI till "" " ''', I'l'l' U I:OlIlIty . king GlaBSeI! Tak e iog hnrd w,lr e , nl';II/\. Ilhnl'lI, nt." emp i l oye r will J>Il.Y you to gtve the tile olM olv hon aew lfe alm oet to dl.Til. Plnc~ of Cler k. het!t po sibl h, a VII pyth I,h Ir lan I'IIIO Com e reso lttl t or bid bu~ine!ls, El, VaoalOD. 1be re Iii a la" prot mander PI ....d. ~'I'on\ Ibe eX llrcsslon ecti ng An inie niol l8 IlrtllD~ement of thll I:OUltllaooto I1nu If J,·OU dll 110t givD~ them lie will Ilig &lte .... but the lCIUDe war den ntllc WlU take the ~ plac e IIf '\ oler ers. the Ohio' uniform ,fUllt 1..,,1t 1,\. our II hf) lvllfl nnd SIIlII . k i8 bein~ flod sOlli e OUtl who all1 tur u bi, eY18 tbe othe V Knl ghtll of Pyth las. severa l hullr uk, r way U8ed dred CIIS6 Ij t,o !It'e no,v fr tlb flud E , ~. Tro vll\o In OODneot , .... . ',he boo m of a .bo t gnn ot uew who and m rece ntly 'n IIlllp ed at tbe eK- olei n the stook I. 100 wltb hili mus lo stor e . . Bow easi ly to Mr. l'ro. Ilosltlou, were d IIgbtl!(l w)tl l the ~beard from Bome Irat e 'prl' pet' ly '1'e1'- trlO I fr nm 'IIIr IItook just vlllo freq nen tly i8 elU led out cent ellnl al, in . • wtth thei r. Cllml> lind the a,lo nt ' QWDer'e ,an i ind a IICl&red floo k of &own aDd leav.eB hie wife trou tmen t IIcl'O rdf'<l t bern , lu oha rge. all. raec all,, 088 b~rllo. Ilwa Colonel W . J . KIllin ot .lhe Y"o oly Mrs . Tro villo 81t.l1 upa toln read ing 1o.,ba'98 'bel r placet! take d at reglwent, 01110 brlg nde, 8nys It ThIr d .dns k or IMIwlng Ilnd from tber Is the e .. mo~t' IIgree:lblu cnm p ever lell 'bJ a bod ,. of tbe eueIPY· eXJll!rlellced eve ry pen on who ente rs the by hi men /lDd . 8 tllut ft>rl ' .~ Rllp ublk iaD. the e)([10 Is a reve latIo n to Ib OJ In view 8111011 belo w. To aooo mpU sh thi8 , a SI\I t,or l Wor llted 'Trl ullu ing" set (jf , ,. \. - , .:..: . :.::.~----~ ~heor 'ElJe ct,8, G IlI~bn~ cr itiCisms of II 8cllt tercil o,'cr tb9or Ule mIr ror. 18 sosp end ed trom th.e . Pltll d8 couu op If 'i 'eak, try . 'olou el . O. "I u I'e of Ibe wo rnAna,. of tile out , b'lrt b per s&ory win dow by a lltes l , r glll1c ut. 8UYS the eX\Joslt!oll Is equa arm . nervous, :;::_iRlpaWie II P-. inl ' ,A", a), _ The y r:mnot - sleep; are at ' 8uob angl e8 ' thllt they tllllt at t. l.on ls allli that It reqn l hay lres ind jg 'Uno, head- ato woo r e - of Ad-l uta o' GeI ler.1 rdlll k to see tho fu l r ' aR. lt . ~bould be Ot tbe ima ge of a pers on . " Ilt aeen ach . e H I! 1H> IIdl1s O'N_I1, of..... lIl'a eltli , lgia "In er doo r. Glo noln g in the mlr rere ' 01' the Gra nd Arm y of the o to hote l d'lH -llR, -, . 1 Tlel i- acco mru",'utioIlM. I wllill tor"lIc llUy that 0 "-"b UD , "hto b wall mad e my ror Pill by ber ,Ide Mra. frov i}lo clin H I ,: ~el'al1 se wIfe illxl tillughtl' r lin pub llo -r';0 I!p" omp aole d , rece Dt eDo amp m.D t to.d&y, be. at onoo the Illdy of tbe hon ae I.'nd you r ll (.' l'\' e~ ru'e w(' a I\:. It me 011 this trIp. and · thllJ claim , 'tid , f B ' ii tb Itt It of 11 !l'\'C 'orc e they ne,' 'I' betore rCtJe lvL'\1 II" courteou-"a--!._ __ 00 ". tha t 'he mem bera bip of tbe the, tore k.eep er.- Leb ano n tor. WE MANUFACTURE THE VER Y . tha t ma ke, t,}Ie ' to'mach - trelctDle'lt troing".f'9-lIl1d.-at-au HIGHEST ~nDd Arm y of the ~pubho OD , a\ ·rute3 Th _" TQ _ S II 30. 1&011, - - 222,748, baaed 00 . th W Id -GRADE OF her u't, e ma ell t W om.a n In .. lun gs, .. tc., ,,,"o rk e or .' f Na uru from All bnt .t'h t .... tel. . k lmp e l' e t I'y- l It'1c'ome IC Type Mgr. FalcoO\i Misa Sad d. Ie • Hol wan d , :i4 Inob Bra s8 Gall~ys . es Dr. ~mes' NCl' from wbl ob the bllr h."a ter mar "r am dellghl",\ ",Ith m~'ghte Bra ea Rul e In Stri ps ,'Islt cur es to k the blSh , 34 yea rsol d aod wei ghin g 27X Jaw cslo)wlI expo sitIon, and r will , ofm .mb ert In tbe arm y "aa r8Iio Met al Dur den the s jf'k wh re('1\ hecl .it pon l'(~. Bra ods, tol' .. Lab or Sav ing Rul e W88 a .v i8lto r at tbeN atlo es mel,ll))er Ibis trip as on ill 181JQ. wbe o 409,489 wer n . ot the L. S. Met al Fur nitu re e eo- al Uub Re'g t8te r plaD t Bra n Col umn Rul e8 plOIl8UDt even ts ot 10)' lire. Tbem08t t last Thn r!! rqUed. 81D08 thl\ ' &lme dea tb ner ve exl'Ih!'flg-th, [t nd pH S posltlllU Is uiRg Lea ds and Slu ,. haa day , and was ente rtai ned Bra aa Circ les nl6ccllt UIIO Ibe illUby the "'Pldly dev elop ed tb,e raD ke '9( tbe Wsl pow e r 1 ('hind tbe or- mInation m08t OOll - Met al Lea den . llllflll." fare Oln b to dinn er at Wel fare Bra u Lea d"n _ . . d . . . . . . .01, aDd gun 10 do t-he ir wo rk. Wlt b thlll IItutemellt his excell~n Spa cel and Quaeta, GeD. O'N eall '1 Bal l" Thil l "WU cy Bra u If,ou nd Cor nen dhn iunt h'e lady was Mgr. .F·nlcool, papa i delegote to repo rt .ho ". lba t 11.0112 mem "Alm u"l 11,",. , ,'rr"" 1 "It",or"'" lrom tbe 6to 48 Poi nt ber. born a' M.t. Bol ly. nea n e rVOm U lf>t<lfot, ' m lli;" )ltI Bl-a u Lea d. and SIug 8 Unit ed Stat es, left tor Was hing ton 'IlJl, r Way nes. Uon lptta. ... died 10 &he l~ 12 mOD&ba" , att· qf I It~ 1"·,,,' 1. I e"",I,1lllU"l lnn."t ~etal Qu~inl, etc. er ba\' or The lug atten ville ded , 18 l!leep taki tbe with og cOllv her Ct1 enUO , mf"" first II t . b of v.isi n t' " wn t !lnt side wllh out .ulT. 'rlll" , ,\ll lk I}r t.a1k repo rt ,bo wa, a' V,""00 Id 10Id the l<nlglll8 or Columbll8. nl< "lh~ " I WIlS ' len of (jree De OOUllty, and In l\. ,m,d H(llIll lt l'lU •. :\'ly d j ......ed th • .G.A . R. dUr lD"~ the Is tho RUes t .""In n ut o r IUd not t" ,I" UI,.. _ m,' .ear <1 11). of ~"vol "'raD . I k PQIQnd, corn er uf Bro wn II,, ~ trIed ., 0111 Coln lllD Rol6!$ refa ced and J ~ , ....... ... W ·-1 D.... r",", --,b mad e liS Roo d,as .new at"a -Iln all /1111 1 I 'lid nc,l have ... t 0_ ID tlle h h",,. . ur·,I1,·_ d ' Lo'we~ t t l ' Ilgh"n.,.,..,a of mucmnny . er I) f poe.11 :t ll ," oar t hf'1'II " .. d oi ng me coat ,' an 'I nn)t B ree I;'OUt1 arID , Ie Do" .5,976. GeD ,O'.N . n 'J ... . n,.. " .. , ,\ f llcN' Ncr\" lno WiUI ..,.. ., "U"l; 'c~"., 1 h)- n 1,·len d. I g ot rollet eall her s_tatn re ,Mis sRo wan dexo ell!M .rs ll8 prel eot' plallt, one ot tbe larg "' rep ort. &baa '"6,3 14 haa been PleM Q IO tI",' .I\ .><1. ,,,,,I \. ftcr l1. few e relll lllm ber thh t est we lU'e daya not ex- Tom .Thu mb (Mr•. Charles In aD; .Tn llt or~ComblDatloD I f. lt IIk ~ ~ II~ W l>IIrMO l1 , It Ilolt only pot~erlCll lu Ihe worl t;ua t. ll, DInkel! peDded for rell er'd llrin g the reIlM· ..1 111 .'5 hellr l li nd n ervc~. Ilnd are Bure that ~e caD mak but . credltllble 8bow lng or "88e8, a ,'ery year . &On,) the pop ular wom aD e It area tly to you r adv ant. we hO H lu\"lg (!I'n1 f'4] m y Wh ol e dwa stao Jl)'Bt rf who nm v r ")' 1f,,",. d .. 1 h O"U lI "O cm. I to VOD IIy ~mmend. that tbe de. I with 08. and pitc hers. nnhnal9 belDg larg dl "I nce t hR" . haa .p[) el\re d befo re tht'e e gen 0 1'1110'\1 UI<I III( It. I Ion" o hnll 1:1 ely om. 81 nbsolutcly no .... relu .A. R ._b U.h perm an8 llt ,~\lsed ,_-' .... uf hi my Ihe "hi I\rt tr"\l 'des hl~'" Igns. I , .- b y Pecu A oopl:_of oor Cata lll8u e will be tion s, b~t al e It. or... IURoager8 t 0 thla 1Inn ate Jt~ 01<1 Englleh dealliar to . JlO W ,\ \: ; ) I·'OR O. qua neN iu.l ead of cha Dg' D, ohe erfu lly fnrn lBbe d on appU eo Sum mit~lH A"0.. llll. WOI·"""tor. MIls8. -' its Roonre 'ths Gre ene oon nty Ollt iO., girl for hom e o~ each ,ear . al, i. DO' Dr. Mile s' Norv lne I •• old by f the exh ibit ion hav e faile d. you~ Vac Jrug hl Racea 0" Ohio Day. MIN Ro.w ~. flrlt gl.t. bottlewho willwill Tb e beneguar fit. antee t~at the prao U08 .-Le bAD OD Pa'i 'lot. grea t interua II ona I yaebt r a will refund your money..If It lalli , h. land Imll a k,e en Inte llec t. til od ' C". In com petition tor Cll[lA oft'er est Mil es Med ical Co., Elk har Phil~de~phia ·Pr int ers ' S~p ed by KIIIW and reti ring , "nd whi le j n now t,Ir ld Edw llrd, ·'Presldellt Rooseve ply CO. ise lt, . SIr ScIaooIo.'W~n should cut thi. Out & of her size , Tbolnlls Lipton 8ud tlle JamestowD revo lt:. Itt t'oVe M.aonfllot~rer8 Of , . . . a.d Kee plt. " the sngg esti on of IIlll king llIuu n pOsition Will \>e In.. toll 8wll ex. ey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Typ e and lg 00 Hig h Gra de Prin ting Mat eria l '!!! .. Sept. 11, wbe n' 'the It i8 I18ldom tbat·one Ieee 80 .. nch out of the lItti tl bod y l1I\tqre h,,!! ~11 'keye clnna .' Pro prie tors '. . gath er on tbo beat hs of Ihe mot -nJ .bl. . . . .tter AI the fo~l her owiog give n her. lnt.e \llge Qoo PEN H TYP E FOlTNI)RY . lind 111stllt e , at tile • 'rerc liDN ooD telo . oJm poe ed In tU\ entll lllllnl. Any one : " . thes e cup races wOll '-tirl,e f dus try Ilra her ' blellllings, ILod silo ld ordlnnrlly a 1,,0 8: ' wou ld rath er do fano y wor k trnc t tbo uUeuUpu ot tho world, IItin the .nd qnie t of her own hail le than tonr lbft lf, littl e wor da yon 'ofte n 1186, with (our greu t ' events, embrllcl the ug all class .Are artl ole e-a , an and the. es of boatS, ' a progrnmme of, d wor ld lind mee t the orow n ed ,,~ hel1 t; , pnrallolcl1Dlog1110cence bns been qn· , \.~ A DOUO la .tbe nam e of .oyt hlo .J of Enr ope li8 did the pop ular duce cl. . 'fbe most Intel18e Iilterest pr~ g, ~wllff '. )10\110 81'ltl£l£T WIIY Nl!:8 bAS Alsd aoo l,lIa rde n. book or' swin g . of the day s ' of Bar num . V'1I. D1C. O. heen arou sed 'a ll o"cr the coun try, Alth ong h In alld room nex t. d oor t,o ' \Jro Ad~th'. teU the kInd of non ~s Bro s, 'tbe t!lltt'les promise to excel of tbe 'ver y IIgh tetit wei ght, tbOf n: fl is Hllr( St.) [e nnyt hlng · Qf the kllJd ev~r before known. Aa gf'eat. 'sm41'. · pret ty, ult,i i.e or noth ing unple~8ant In her appe l1r · race ' Ttll epho ne in lIou 8e IImd nlno s will occur In Hum pton Roads,TbP ~wn ' J' anoe . Sbe dre8t1es nell tlya ud dJ· e rect! y Ie t of the expOsition grollnds , InaCe.d of Dou ns tbe prODOUDil 8ta nd, a . wol l, prop orti one d figu re bat! wb'e re I 'Cu.n I)e call ed Ilay' or nigh t_ olld will fron 'outl itue tor , the thre e 'wCC} kB V lille y Pho ne 14-2 , or grac eful line s of her form bein Her hAd . hilt race , flou r arm more_ ollllllenclng Se" t 4 ' nnd g In , ." ,.1/ tlnu lng_for Il wee k or ten dnys, conban d Pleas in .. harm ony with her pret ty ther e ---- - .. will IIlso be beld In Ha\Ul/tou V.r~ tell of IOm ethl Dg to be S i IT " lto., ds 8Il 4on e, faoe .-Da Yto n Jou rnal . iDtQ rJlnUonll1 mot or bont carnlvnl, whlO pee a rai n 'ro, .read, count, 'nll, -M'mp wlll to m'nily lie ,o i-un. t equa l llitereat' ~Jthb - - - - - - ',- J, <)n D. Hea I ... lth & In C. The D,)w tbi.... ,are :doDe &be adv tbe yach t Can al Zon e, erba hlgb w~g8S pl1id mak e It a 18111 ' . A spec ial trai n will be r,un 00 mlg bty jam••town Exp nitio n !"..atur n. \em ptlL tion to oor y AI 81pwlll, quie k1ll ,iU or.well., the gar "Ba n. to, join tbe foro e of oun '£he larg est bull,dlllg on tbe erp0 D .. J. , & C. ruilr oud 'rbn rl!ll t1y, Con Jnoo tloD i JolJl the wor dato tiki lied Sep t, getb er wor kme n need ed to oon tlon grou nds Is tbe Shlt es El.b lblt 81·, stru ot th" 26. 011 lIoo onnt lIf · tht! Wa rren ace, AI men a.nd "om en, win Pald whlc b 18 800 by 000 teet. wIth 130,or PaD ama Can al. Mlln y rest Cou nty Fl1lr . wea tbe _ r. rllin ed ~ 000 , aqua re feet ot Hoor BIlReI! and bow eve r ,b y the fellr of feve ra a Imd 'rra ln will lellv e L.eb!lnoll at 8 inal arla . It is tbe kno win The prep oett lon s~da befo re P. cour t -30,000 lI'Iuare teet In llren. Oblo g one s'hos e bllS wbo M a and ·8ne hav. e will eJ:hl used bJt mak In Elec e tbl8 build Inc: nil ~toP8 alii far A Dou n, ... in or. through. a doo trio 81t. ~ tera ,. ,who go ther e with out The exposl tlon brInes toge lher i Tb.. lnter jllO ttoD abo w, sDr prls e, this a8 Cen t.erv llle, tho larg eet fear 8eet , wel l kDlilwin they are !Ide of war ve~sels III th. bl.. A ..... , h tory ot tbe ","orld. --- -.- -'8_ from mal arlo Wl gInflu • un , ow pre t ty- Ohl. ' b ow enoo witj l , HRd Iillo Ta~t otrlo er . Bltt fnr '1'1:Ie er8 on hlln Thi rty Yell1'8 mos t elloctlve wate r a'n d land u· Tbe "ho le are oall ed nine par ts of 'blo od P018100 too d. Cur es 0\1 luml _.... .. DRt lons 0llli ousn ll88 ever Conc . eived b, mor tal I hllv e Mnffered ............. te-tt er for man can be _n ulpt ly. Vp.lir8 unrl bav e triedwith weakD68B aD~ all " D~oh, a.Jtn",I. o(lu nt Wb lob read lDg, wrlt log. 8pea live r, iedll remelliHi The expo klDIJ and' lddn ey ' ~roubI6l. 8tOI sitio l n with 15 1000iltec1 upon Gar ante ed by Iiet. Tbr ee boxe little; If a1.Y, reo grou nds pos'8 ~. ti of.< Jbllm berl llln' 8 0118lng a gre'ater ahun<Fred C. 8ch wart-'J:, Iirn ggl8 t. 50 o . &1 ve oure rl mHo It. Wilt! d"lIc e ot uatnrRI be.u.t, Ihsn tllOie ot H tort nre. any othe r eJ:)'lO!lltlon. It "re lth "Ilt " !ittl " Mometlm Of ..tenet to Cor a Gro w.n . 8ll, The Jam esto wn eXIlOAIllon ebmlU.m bnt· nntblll~ to whn t It, U"ll~ oto 110. rate . tbe m08t Importllll AT HA W A 'l: D., AI 'be. Naa loa l Cor n Espo tlltlo 8 && oh, MldlBnli il lty, Ala t ev 'llt In D, Wlly CIIJaato, OoCober 6 \0 III, sbe moe t OftlOll' ~eeviU~'. Lea ding .Den tla' • h amb erlll ln'8 ~lIlve III for Mle .. bl_tory of the Dew world, the Hrat petile ID KeYB Bldg . by mno nt Eo.U .b IOttlement on tills .... An ...... lUld.rae.. Steam alld Hon e Power. A band MaiD S, • E, JaD Dey , I!OIlo I ,tanmo\'. No .wle e to dItve In letti ng. All cOlll tlD8A!, 800 ~.rI alO. plete with UltillC jade . . Do ,"-" h In oper atIn r tile temlon. · Ever y Pres tt ..... .. "tod. tpllll.....",... i:1I at>olit flillm, with pr1ee 8 and dlImtant.. '. c;:. :



a: ~ ~etc.

,'I,lt ·'rut ..




D o . )o u


C ar pe t



Read'y ·T o





G ar m en ts



See Y ou r D re.Ssm k a









~""'~ '. ·lb.




Bati te,

Hu tch iso n . . & Gibney;

Serges, .etc.

Xenia'. Obh





s ••


A M A F'F IT '



B , I4n





D.,. H.'E.H






Icc ,\', IIled his Itl'


" nil (illlli a.: ' Clu un be rla in 'M Co ug h it me :" - . dy Om Ad m in ist ra to r's uf the Be~t on the Mu Pu bl Jal ic lle Sa ~ le Ifo JJ lle .. , lCu urd lal i of ERSONAL AN 0 rke t, week. Fat' rnu ny y"u rs 'bn .. 'l'li OIl lIlS Mu rph - mber\!\!D'H I J w!l1 y, in sa n e, Ille d a'lI I LOCAL IT EM S nfi' Cn e ug h Re me dy hil s C 'lst r at pu bli c ~n le at. j,ht lll\ 't!n tor y, s hll wi ng CO MM ON NoRA!; OU HT ~ntIY ,ga,I~ ' Iu.te l'eslIl ' pu rR lIal oro - . din f"Y enc urL or Of ,,01 " alI 1 Wu Itlu pOt)ulllrlty un til It tl lltlnU' 10 $ ]6R 4 "9 ' rca Mi lry L. HrII Ull 1111 , ece ll ~ed , 'l 'w o m ile s lte r 'r, ~l\ g h / " l il no w on e 01 thde m 1' - I.lrtilllill', v~ P, tutJ e .. ' we st, of Wa y . ,-, st st.n ple me dl - ne wo rth *3 2; 0; ye arl ' Del Hu ldl l G, "II rlolOf.( uL l in MU lti \I lIry Ln t.c he use an villo n tbe Wiloyne hil S y lin rel Ul 1M IIll l.. it eu ai, of orm '11 ~"I ou ci'c e l' nd [t he vil lo nOlI ou t ng uin - r .. nl' cHt a te $93. III in'tendotl ellp eoitLll an t. Ou 1II01l0n 01 aft er R s('v 1' 1' ,,(t aok y for I:lprin gb oro (lIk Lt! vi UUMtin I nO llte of e, aa t i:lA nm I Inn g dl e n ~eR , Imo TURDAY , n eur ulgltL JI'l lIe b e iMIl e re IJ\, giv en lea ve LO tile of th e !' Ec kf orcl, IIdmi n ist rat or uII ,OOUg l d0" ltn d OUI) IIntl h ne T, ~I. I Y07 , III t 1/ o 'clo ck tbe f oll o w· anS we r, l'IM E { Ut IJ 18I ,00 tI~lale or Wm , ]~ kfo CUl r I; hu rli(' b'll I 1'. wut,_. I ' i~l In g lIro per t,v rd, ullWIlYII t be ,\<:lep.. ' t tn • 0 f . 11t!ulth h"l01 consIs " h ent I tle " I ~ \Va, an tho rl? knp "I I' on f en! j ' I He urv M , Ue k tl r, pla -I 1~\ lee n lD o,f w ork hoI' 6S, Fiv d to "el l e a \; ' II eOMn ItUu 81" e ,0 .in ttlT , v~ for ,la ma ~OH' l ! I.IU I X e heflrl of ....Il t· n ow 01 III! ; for 1' \ ' ''''/11 yeor ~. 18 oil e u,n . " Mj lnh a .I;tnl Mi ll!: Ke !\ ag ain st the ,~l"m do ub t(.'{\I .. the bes I '\ t in con tln Ll t ,1 bi~ lIo nlP t,b e \Ilu rke . nll t [ Cl' t , e, ljt. ger , ' , for sta d (' If cit, · M , H , R. Cn ., e the r , I ell(IItllt. C,,~ 1. .,Il CO q)I ",a \\. ' lS81 l lro'l> 1 · CI)W for , , ,",,, I ' 1> .. " Nu, nn wh ich it i In- hy b ,fo r .It I inl l SS6 cI ' I 25, Wt llte tended, l!o r ::lule -H.. (ll I' Miele , AI~ o ~OO bu Iy Ec klo rd ~a s kl II 1 :!i1 ::;old by .T. E, .ltlnl1e . of old q uir e of All lx IIlI th'! III UI lJ. Ill. VlallllLlff, ec b y a ' lIo r tl Iy, 'om , ,I tOil , 01' Tim en D , /:1 01",. Ru ml roul e otb y, t wo 'to n I, \Vll " , ,\1 bll uu d tra lll . A. J. Ma ieL l, pla int ynp~villt!, PI Clo ve r 1.1IIY, 111'1 'II 0 1 (.t.' hBII C'H I J r ,\ r 'ttT, vs Co l· ' Th e I t. .It . U· )1' COUNTY to Oil ~ trtlw , II) ucr es co ur tor de rcd ,th at Ja 1111 !illS }t; aru hll rt, du fen 1.. ,-~.' :-\l1aUcr "I'. I of oo rn in ,.he I'iel d , ne A; ; . 11 U :;~ da nt, (;a se 'Ki nK , b 18 Mr , Alon.-.o BUl'tllD lI "M wi do w of sanf~rd caw I! 0)1 for he ari nl! : 7 ; I , t ~I 1I1lI\'ptl HUl'\l Ju Fn l'ln lu,,; lI),pl olll e ntl: Ki nK , llp oll de lllu r. sh on ld CO [II , fuu lll y M M l , IS ~ SI ix reI' filed ON fro IIs fo ot v e he r oll e·t llI rd do m Th ird SI,r ee t to ERS th pe 0.' on by de fel l- Int ere ull llind ' " no w, !lll we r Cen t e r Vill e da nt. Cou~t o\,<!rtiti st 'eL ap art for he r. PROCEEDINGS, IJDerAel'l llg' E1i~ o Ph ili p Hu pkillll ' \)I'Ol-Jl'I't\, ; UII rul e's amI:' al1,d un 'l'y h r .' Ian or: ll l: kin pluw new . dis c oo rn excellllll ll'~ tltl' set , olllloHite t h e I'II~ill ll ho \<;arl G. Wi lso n, ex cc c ult i. d, De fen da v'II 'lr n6\" , \Joe rin g '1 nse , g lve ll 110 da ys ill file uto r of th e m ow er .. Im os t , '1 Ill I cc fl f tlIe llf i w,h ic h to file allnt- es Mr§ , gp ll ::lmHh Mulfm'e l-:11,((ew"r\iI su bm itt(Ir tat e at Pa lri ck Corav I rlll sw er. ar ed y ll now Iljr the , rlt.l~ Ye ir uU l'n ijCl 1'1 lll' en, ""l al1 e d l1u a l r ~ ' l'. (Ii c ha rr ow , gu od I a.~t wuo k rro m oce as· POrL to Ihc cou na! )k ed , so ld pro pe rty t j ltl .!,O til nL elT y co tle l, mu .. li lI t Hs "n .. II. l'; ltc hut .1a ry Cu rrv las t iol '( W ed ne sd a y. On the lers fUllning 111111. lor til ize r h oo dl"iJl, ces s in he r hellll , bu t IIIIS fol' iS6S5 ant i the . ;.au I t! Da llll em ille r "" ,j, III' \\' ~al firs .. Gr oc ery \)o e lJ t t,)t 11 thr wa l t, l l ~ uo h oo Ul'I,lI, Br ow s ap ' MOIH.lI'Y in Se Co" pro vil d b\' -: '1, .1H1 -6 11 Pla ln llff VI! W av nc sv I all n onHi vnl or, reuove red froUl it , pte mb er th ey vi ~ llthe co urt . I,el and ill e Ca nn Ing :t Slli ku Jl() tuo cd JfI th ,hn rl'o w, olu 'hn lllp thc III tit llt ion all d 'II. , d" re ud an t. 0" J. O. Ha wk e, wa sap Mr s, An n Wllke ly ' sp lun ' (ou nd th c hilltl Ol', mo tio n of po tnt ed ad , bu ild i n en t ~Ilv e rll I. cila lll)n - I.~ , • IIti ,., :1" t',W Il • 1:\1 de hu du llt an d bv wugou . t op s pri ng day!! I,,~t, w l: in ml nis go od tra Lo r " II ,,[ I 11,)1 ' , 'I' ep r air of the es tat e ot W alek an co d ns II t e tht nt th (; II .l: I> l e of b wlI OU l O of hpr l:on , hn~gy, ()tlr t, 4 set. inm vlal11lll1' it is on ler eil ate s ter pro '1'. pe ~ of wo rk frl ud, ., Mr , "111 Pu gh , de cea sed . ~e rly ca red fOl ', Th c I -'fa tha t sec nrl l \' ,\ nil 1 MI'>! , J . 1:3, VnnD e \1 "" It,,rlle .. ~ :! ~efM uf Hi ng . fur · far m i ~ in rep for co~ t " lJe gIv en III l" n XT nis he d bo nd of $2 ,00 le bu rne ss, 2 wort,. 0,,"1, of (;01 aIr an d pro du , t ive O& lC 'l' 10 da ys . 0 condll1o~ed co nd '\\,01 11 11111 , -; 'Y wh ips, 2 (mUle wh ips iti on . 'I'l l re are wi th A,1II0S B , SId es ,1 00 Ch arl e!\ P. M alh , biu de r 88 ruule wb ill, do ub le an d Pll lia p tlll ual el! 1'111', Le ste r ('; 01'1\ n spe plo 1in uff V$ Ha tre es, 8w illg le tre es un d 34 rem "le lU ma ut MODllny A. E. "'osLer et ai, wk e as su rct ies . , tes at nil( ln pol de fen da nls . o Itll of tlpr ing w(Igo n , do il :l'u p!i, III ," 'VII II hi ~ at pre sen t, wh ilc the 1' . , I. I'. M, Di lre ud an ts gi~ell 30, A. " M~rtba Ja n" 'fu vlo ub le s h oy, Il om e Lotal lIU lll' el JlI Llw.~ d"y !' to Ille f u lll ~ /I uII rut ul'l r wa s ad be r of ill Su :!. •• Bil l' JII~ .. e Illow l orl ' I'll ple lld I1Ij{ !' jud gtl d ins an e an d ma tes tl u rill~ \lIst l'l.~d s, u:v rol n l er, old to 1.1) igh t ylll1r IIIOWOI', Rlu rgh , c nt to the '\la . 110 \' I'!II 11,1 wh ll rf' Uavto'l1 As ylu lII! I'o po ste r rif le :l:!, . FO Ity ,nl ne "f the 11 (' I~ "111111 0:(0[1 m a re do nb lo bll rre l : :10 r411111 Gi rto n, pla " " IJ igll t llltO mt ov er the ag e of (,0. ~ hu t !lUn , l)l'. Th 11 ~ u e wl lrk Gi rto n t! l!f eruint ilT . vs J.o:II' ,j W. Ca h ll!C S, 'T I 8 of pa lll' t; ri s lu an Ba ke r, ex ccu tor or lan l. Ca e IS es tat ~ the. sh ow n by the 00 S, cruil:\O utH IIW e ' .f R. K. 1." I.k , cli sm isl ed . rep ,on o oD r t. llln '1'w o pa - ilIon I :.:rind S/lW , u ,Ic cea l<ed , or, :j ha ut! I'W 8, ohl ' filed hIS 1·l lv" uto r"- ~ tle nts are In SIIII .. of Oh io. I'la els , sa ne; 47 pC ll ll Ie "re u \l xu a ll:l , "1111 ll IJ" b U oa illl ilT . vs Ille nt, r ra lsc , (II ~a) II l' II t d I{ I. 1'1:1, 1'11 00, ' II II, '" I10" I h ' e uy 0 Id g~e .• sho wi nK - pe rso na l ( l 'cOl ~r," 'IlI~ E . la .."'u ~utl lr. \) 'f" lll ian I u' I II J e lI, Iy oes ISl !:"O las I e, t tl". • S I... nxt . 5 . 1 Js, rll~ b~' ~O UlI e I · de H. wo for '" rth mi we M" I l, "'2 V nor t 72 u ll' n'" AIIOI'IIC'" Yo 1: -8. ')8 "e an d lJ !J,' bli nd · ~ , 0 " lUOU"I' ' p , :J t V fOU uA un " ' Cll t e rs a cll rl·t I~c k kll lv ds, :t1l.1g 09,ohlgru n ~n c k~,",,, ;" . • A'Auf "No lli Pro 'rl le r e r otl ler '1J 1 u ie "'13(1" . rea l e~t lln 8 &" bn r , Ss . , r.y. . I:!a l. wu(I(1 • a e "~qui. 1 ,'Ij (c ', al" '18 50 ; IICAn Prn ale l: j 1'e nc s ) , loe, DI.e.... , ruw 0 I" i k I II. \I en tor \ . of II." tot~1 ~21)80."8, sl people doornKh t realize th I'u, rl Lll toh ing n , 1I'0 r ' JO noII, t n,rlll h " II , ingMo , 'II' ~" e alarm- \'c n"lJ'e G iocrea5e aud 'fer An na U k Ill. P I_II bU Illl illg s, fur nil ur e, H ~ llI,I1 IJ, bo rin g nar ' ~ 011 klt blc pre valcnc D IU k ' :1 ;tll vs W , I)a kll l, a cld ultl l1Iuohlue, cll1l1c r\', I II ~U y 1, lt..... g.. ell n' "c er, a d mI' ll l' l!tr uto r IIf liv e slo ck ell da nt, Ca~eor Io 111 11 Ik' d ; 'I:J ~ <lis· the est I' ea~c, oc, .. r 'ud 0 mi sse d. an I II :I t li -~ d ney r '~ 1111 (IS suw ote of Hu lda h A. . i Ilro llg pc hU rt\ l'Me ,,t. , gri nd HO ll l', ' It Or c kc r, am llll nts to ".r').r')SOO, 'j'l l c Vlllu c' gr" • dec eaH ed, til d hi 1 Whl :l~ lckltlneyd.s ~ ''''' aod 16 ~I . ill oru(} It , ~ m o wi ng '" ,, ' fjr s l ancl Jillal 01' 0 d III ~ 3 1'1 '~ 10. 2 acy t,h es. I e II [ .. rm Ph ili V Ga ine s , pll r era are t lIe ' r.ehan pro du ct for th " ,·c nn Arl l" .. 11 ;10 I lil l. VII a cco un t. mo s t co i s $J2 00. ar \II I 0 mrruIV . 10<.1 d b mm 3~O o n B ~Ullry N"I.I .. r ct .. I detln 05 0 0 t1 iseases Iha t pre · urr e !lp ruy 1}11 III 11. IlIr J [II'C ft! nd an t:> ' lIa\l~' • • ,It'p.';up'I.., " S.n p "'I .I~Q" Th ~ tot al rllCtl l)1ts of ~ • Ml! , oro w bu r, vai TA T'" THA. NSf ' '''H 'I l. U ~ th po! lA e I :UU I'l <t y the l. Dre F., ill' ii l"I ~ a 1I' l:a ns of dl~~er . tlllf!h 111111 0 1', re,, "' fiIfn ,' ~ "~ , . ,W AI ' ,uI NF. alm ost l he las I th e 1 of bn rhe d ' 1II' I ptr )' f or t IIe SIX 1,1/t ' lItltl" S I,d i.i oll trlllio 'I"'a " /tllel tU lno ~' 1 pa •• 'YI I.n k le le 0nt .. ' lo .lS (011 He t d 0 .. ., , f <lrt nry n • Ue , rec,o gn ite d by "or tbb ' I0, tu pre uli"t!:. ~ II qu 0 blU Ut I r'o WI'r e I0 if I Q~38, all d the tot a 1 ex pcncli tur ! ' r , II llun ,1 r Oi l. SI1 I\"1' e 1011 bl! for e,' er Ml lfl ha J. an t! .: r'I' !iII ' ' .. ~.,', m , Mi lle e crU('k s IIntl "1111' •• ; pal l ent and Ph) "\ ~ ~7p, w uu r· *! IX1I7 ,4(lo lea q UI~tcd IUCili, lis t destfen "", si da nt. ,)4 ,, ian bho s, ba u ",/m II6 rre l f ~u It-. vi ng " b"I"l1 ce u r ell/I · gtl r, 7(; ac res ill Fr 11 m "'1()11 "0 .. . " - - - l UI 7 ~a p, • n lot I .. Itf an N , ha kli ASI rro VA n h! pio ke ts ,,1 01, of t . I htl lul fl r ," N low n - '.' , ,- " h M uu u liu ing I..oal hi p, 41190S .38 . • ,rr: , \'. e ,,~aIP".UC O- ' • ~.nt.L.b"Lb .~;( dad ,!rl llg '"e an d SKV' 1" "8 Co" pla ild fl'ffl~, WlI l Ie l tIe (m • noQ . 0 , ~ chIp booro.~ , ouk" I) ~I lUttll'. Viol Jall loh _0 < r I ",d (1c"("'1~ ullderl'1I1 n" o· _ _ <. hu f. S, GOO le5 ... "j" t,)b nco o Ihe £)'stem, Jo hn H. Do ug an all 1I1 1('ks, .• U1tl Vin e Inm he --~ - L Wh nt To Do, d wi fer , d ~ n'l, lIn t. De fen da nt ba I>~' fe, k of r , R' -\U k i At1 "m e 0 v· Th ere is t·, Do I" B r IC h mo n d• i IId ' , u I he kno"'I ~~lge S!f D0acl t of Dl arr hc l'a Ou red by Oo e -inlC lJeen 111i4ged Thill 1:1 "" IIi1ment.,,, Ill c Mlll ltll t oo ll; on ru000Cl. oh en "l 'r"5""I1.rt I" ... kl' ot:2 8e an e Ro be rl J. "e r I ' F for uf wh Ch i am g oh uol thn ber l;h l t u l>l iro IJI Dr, in' · n 'Sh aw ha ll i~ apills pe l vOlta, Ubol. vis Swamp,Root. rll lln '" Pu ill ,1I ,,·r . at IU rai l In" , dri ll Itl lll: l 1111 ir u II1I hu s pro von 0", io o, II for"l:' " *d DI pO -" t killney 1..rem h 0 edy, of fulfills ever." wiU,eh gr, Re ed pooitll ly <u ll1l1blBII uj.{ Lil li E. Va nH arl i lIlC , wi th I"a vl' 1\1 file an Int ed tru ste e tS era un ~ e, , a in " rr In cnr in" ,rh u", l\li~.n, 03l alm 08 t eVllry er to ~1 d, Dtlllm sw er. m y. ... pain in t he l.t:u:k, l ln" I wa l 80 w.eak tro llll sin a W. Ro ss, I<u ys, ....ll\' ~.r, hl:Jdd'r 8n 8tt aol l of Lo ill Ma s oll , nJ' lllo ctl it )ttl' rdll pro lllp t lind pe r flull tlel.lUh Bnd c\'c ry pu~t or, di! l.rr boe a ut roller. l gou da : ' Mn jus tic mn tha ,t t 1 MIOSOll ,B uih hll g Lo ("(lllld 80Ilrcely a~· gu , It cOf ree,ls In;, I"! e urlnary /a sslI ).: , ten d to my dut irH :! he" tll1 g I:ItovuM, r t pg C.I .. pil lin lif f, v!l an Itnd Sa v- • Mr , Lu ko LQ Ur "ng 'I}' 10, h~l "':I ! ' r OOM , wh en 1 took .. II ~ewilJg mllohin c. e of e Bud Orl o.!; hd · 1n scn Cb go, l<h um ier , de fel lda nt. Sa Jac ob n be i :.: ~H Fil t pal rllt .. ble~, ,, cll pb all rtl , oll.. >lays ul it.: ' Af tal ln '8 Co ho, Obolera. 1\1 p,ns.:" .): II, e rrec l. foll owlII /:llli se lt; of' vro pe rty Ev anolJlau U , Ev ail to Al lie H. Il lll~ ~r bn. :! l uur ' IOn Bll u cl 01 ing u~ Dm lltlu :I I~ rrb or, IfQ bee oeR llth or hll(\>I, tru nk WIlle t(\r IInll I Pr ret.nedle~ r, and overco mes lha t U til "C ha s, s, . Re mt tdy , 1& oo red lot 434 III Fr an k Ste pb en so n de cla red ~ !!t!.ud ' :2 cessity for eu.:p ,lll 01' lin , wtl ok l or u.oU il I e. nIB en tlr aly !ln d "I $5 ,00 0, , of 1, '11;( co' " pcllcclIIl'l bud 1,lm e bac k , 1 thr ' 1eg u I 1111 d blt~ beeD "'kiD':': I I ' b tl'n to n 01 pu oft ' r, pro en I 0 cee dur ,OO oth ulS r u l'" dQ in" lh Iluy . 111101 to k~, 1 a lllllrs, a Ilu mb er ~edlolnB for nlO oh" i!d " bo ttle I')f d get or Uh ~ of "1-' llO ~oo ,,\:I Do lbo llY d lll rla ' e li,rn ln ou 1\1. Jac ks on . I1d llli i,is 's cs" t lol lef . J hP.Arilly e ilIIYII wh b· wa e. , tra - PIIIIl UalOl , an d I.wo IIp pli cat lon s Iid, ISho~, glni!slts, ~(l v eral sto~e Jllrs, tlte dur ill R Ihe " igh t. 'rh e II Ii,101 II lid t.hl , rem om me nd tor or the wi ll an ne OOy liS beIDU tberec CXl Illl rtlo llnt ell' rlli l) .it,y .t llur 'd of o'. ,' ilry A , ••'1 Itr t\ll . p Iatn tif f y effcct or 5wamp~ Roo II cu re, '. -F or Oll nn ou frUl", ,, bl,rro bel \. tn my xe d flf the cs ' JIII .lII sul e by J, )0;. of gOlld t ) kno is wle soo ,V \' clK J n , 8 rca e k tat for li7.< " e 01 WIn, ue son . d d t Fr an k M. .rti ll. de fen :tl. It slands the I" g h cid er vln lr, (In ite • bo we loo mp lal Dt I ,[I II U111· for ~ 'I R , O l:lt ew llrt ec ' b f b ._. I og! f t1 !l,g WOII c.l crru I t t Qu d:l de fen ua ol in deda nt. Cour~ Ja ne JUCkSOll, 123 acre~ e" se , to l ' of the firlll of M&ew. Ie III OS .' , 18- i tlr 0 tres slII g cases, IFcur es 0 00 ....., 1111 ern "lo lau lt for an , ·in Ha of IIr lal t& ill Bro , Gr l'en vil le, A.III. Fo \'011 nee 1I 1t1ctl.C ok ln" "Iu ' · ,·ou should Notice to Fa rm er s. rla n Tp " '~132, sw er all d de mu rre r .llt b" r /lale .... have the l.tes t. dSoh eo, olo the ll bo rse, new' cro to /!aid po ti' lhy clrl ll;' ," J E j II nll ey li QU "" Al r.. ga tlo ns co J qu J ltt set k " nfe l' . !!!! sll ed to "'!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!'!!~"!!!!!! I" gi~~~nu~~~\'~1~~~\.a'~,7 bu tob erl l sCl1le, rur ull be (ru e • • M arn ag an e ~c so n to D0 II' M I k !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a;~f~d~ ";'t';:i~~~i ll! lll box , l }~ book Ie • ' ac : e co nu ac t d\8 ' SOli, un d!v ide d tha t tell s 011 sol ve d. Cu sto dv of thr ee fou rtb ... 1211' I )o, lve l" I!lu'lI nil bra nd s ot (,;"n. dOlleo I.lf ohlOkeD~, om o pot,n ch ild giv en' ac ,es t Oil Ftl rtlllzer~ .toe s. noollli,t , botll scl ltfr ee . lor f"l l tra de .an d of lan d \D Ha rla u to M. arv A. Mar~ln, In- III U,L Address Dr, lind ml loy oth er IIrtlOl Ve t.e rln ary Su ,r aeo n an ell , Lo u E. Va nH arH ng Tp " ~ I wo uld urg e f"rmerl< to ge d ~\t~ / K.ilU)e ~ & co" lIillg· t e'r my to Ha Ma ud e Sb lill or, pla int .. rry pr B l'e '1'1 s J, lin C, d HA co WK iff mp I t , E, Ad m . .ue wi th Sta te C. v J, ; ~~~~l F. Su oo k'. d~lendadt IOmpsolI! 10 s 28 0~n d 89:l . i~~~ , ~ '. ~,~~'li o~\'I~~I'i" pap 1', HA WK E Au oti on eer . Sa le co n. Wi lso , It AnllJ,,'sll' of Y J, O. U"I ma ke nn ' mistake. bu er nnd do n't ff's a4 dlt on to . as tirw l!d an d , dis tri bu tTWRlflBT. Cle rk. , on ,4 o. wil l be cou vin oth er brll.nlls, At Ho me on &t nr d.y ou tio n ma de or .1' ,"em e, Dr. Kihller's t relllelllher the He nry Ru ny an to B. A.f ter oo on , " Swamp-Root, Dud \IlI add r ..~s,l3lIlg,bllwton '1', Rnd 1\1. 8a-lle yo u ,mo oed Bt on ce thlll. I .. a.u , N, y, ~ey , pro cee ds P\c~ATJt COOK'I'. to '70 0. Tp A. .,Ca*3 ma,00 ha0. n', 104 ac rcs in Ha rla DOllhl" Str W, S. Ba ke r wa s !!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!! en~ n WID. B. Sm ith to ain 'I'll ml A'gn ~!\ Sm itb , by1 IIlso huyl'Ith IwDr ap po !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~ int ed "rt 'CU cu tor of the CI of I,ho l\tilhllet o wooTiloa r JOllds lde of lut 42 5 in MIIl1kin lta te of R. K. P e . Co " dd lIit, uu t. d a w ' II \ kl I' Lu lt wi t bo ut lto nd . el l ' I ( II i ti on to \lil lag e of Fr a1) t, I 0 . ' TI.ley rOllge an k,li n, $1. In sl7.e frll m il, 4. 6 an d in(lhe~ , EJ ihu J. M. Sh ert , IIs sig Sn ide r Cb arl el W arderb of sw ore r, 11 ac r'es to Sa rah J. Mo lAIMO bn vo n ~"r of , of Fo rt Annee in No , 1 Inri e Ha rla n Tp " Whit>l cie nt, wa s au tho riz ed to sel ... t CedHr Po sts , l all ot the $1 . vo od s of the assi~n or at pr iva te Ma ry It, Be nn ett to Seed Wh eat . sal e. He bu ab ou F'r an cls '1'. t a tbo us an d Al kri 1 b" Vtt soo ut UIO bu dg e. 74 aC fes of lan do lla rs wo rth of sto she l" of lit: (! d In Tu r· WondeE ck , ::)eed Wb eat ., 'l'bil! t1e cre t'k Tp . \ ,$1. il! IL Fr an k Sp en ce r, ad oo!lrded wbE\nt, 8n d mi nis tra tor it; on e nm on! ; Jes se A, Ru iJl ler to of the ' es tat e of M arv tbe en rli est Y"rietle~, loy Sa dIe B. iu! ; Hilt to filed a,n inv en lor v. C. Sp en ce r, Ru ffn er, 91 .25 ac res ot lan d in tbe gro un d du rlu !! fal l find 'l'h e ass ets wi nte r , reek tew ns hjp , fo'r 1I0 ar~ $'107.•70 . ·· Th e lldWlnl8~rator ag!rr~ tes n 18 tre lt fro m rye , ch,l1Il.t, w,a s ord llr ed tp sel l coc gat kle or 1 lDg W4000. " ' 8n y spu rio u!\ see d, "so na l 1(' lId s an d ' ch~all of the pe r· Re ole nn ed tlels" Tb is ' , rel ldy ' for Wi ll do ne . MA RK JAG I\ 'LI CR NS ~oll'lng, $1.00 1181' bl1~hel. Fr in k Sp en ce r pre NS . ' - , Warr~n R, Gr ah Wi ll, H, CUI·mony. sen ted a clu im of .01 Lytlll, Oh io , am , of 4 r 0 eh ag l"' ai! - Ho me Ph l8l the oq, an d Mi ,ee tat e; on e 82'7, Ce nte rvi lle llS Ml lft ha Mo te, • , hf Ex', W. }'J nes vil le. , ohu n ge. . In~entorv _n d ap prl lia em .en t . C. H: 3re 'w ere fill\d In the ' es !lt~.ouse, o,f l.,e tat e of Ri tza - an d . MtBS Sa dIe M. I:lt641 ban oD , SIck He ad aah e, :be th J. Du nb a m , de 'r:> ' FI d P don' t, of ed .. by Jol 1n Le hR ' W. Tb no ls n. dis Du nh am , "e eas e v , Ov oau sed by a de· B:dntinilitr~tor. ran ge me nt ot theissto G!;'orge W, Fr ve r. of oe. Th e ~eal es tat e . ma oh , 'I'a 1~\llgcv,I(le dOlle of Cha IS. va lue d at an d Mis!! Ca rn e 'A . Hr olberlain'~ Sto ma oh ,ke 1\ tlOOO; c1.iU?s, an d oo lin kll d , a<, of :co an unt d s, Liv Ri dg eV ille . " er 'I'a ble ts to .06 6.1 8; SeOUr ' dis ord er un d the sic k co rrt 'ct thi s t%878.9'1: " ltles, t71 7,8 6;' tot al, ~ r·" ~ . " . ' be . , p." Occupatio dl,81\ppeur, Fo rea le by ad ach e will ' , .1. ~,.Janney . W!'I' Va' nD erv ee' r, gu -.rd1' an ,0 f a little girl . appn.lied tor a , blaqk , In a ,Ne T wn Pr Op er ty #or' Sa Edw~u R, Va nQ erv ee r. Im w Yor\l le beC ile , e tea che r wr'o 0 • ~a. I~t~urizea to 'te down her l' in ",! st $2850 of add Gi rl. An elg bt roo m ,bo use ress, her agll, hu t at li J8. ob ar, je' s in~ney , wi tb in rea l est ate . occupa Tb od tioo" the Chl~ Do e Clr we ll Rod oi81ern, g" rde n an ugoou , ""d Ce t rtb lt we st wa .. , '" "\ua r W bo s ild ap lng po Int s, 'on ed , . , hun Flf tb g ber IItr eet Kn own .' , The. teao ' l1.li4 who ons ot a- hea " , pard· eot al gu ard Ian o~ :~Iar~ as , the bur gla r. live by plu Ao n Eo gle \'1'0", ert,y. wl no r, ell ten og bo nda", , ~. Ro sII "ed gel\t1y " ' , ~r ... "Te $2 50 ll me WH h~ wh at nr. and 1 will see wbl'!ther '1t a eu. to "be f\te tro (JO lita n Su ret 2t. La t ~n'd FO-nHne(IIP.n up to be y Co mp an Yn t It dow Ke l~o y o or oot," "No'm, and lis Bu ret y. . T r7 Pe rs VV Tb f ' llo wl ar ac co un. . ' 1;" the ,glrl loslsted , ·:JU8t · the ref or, ,' ts we rJl d the, Lo st, bet we eo 9 ;:10 p IP pr :v e! ao d c,¥ !H "au d I won't lau d ~y , m " ye ste r, \. '7 rm ed: da y lind Doon tod ay ~.~ ' .. n." ''.~ ' , 110 billoU8 lit , .~ .~ ~ M art h ~ L ail e, • I,Iec" !lA. ~ . , d fi t ~t~: ~~s' fo~~8!~~a~~~in:r A un ma ne pp ea .. all fin al. Wm . Jo ea se , ' rs :,~ . ". ne s. decea!le~,A 4 mO l ' fin din g at tlc hw bn ma ne oltl:t.eD , of RIOb-We~ art z's drn~ sto re 110 sec on d an~ "'fina1. ', ' a bo , i' . x ~h ' of 8r 'Dr le8 , . L. Kl og '! Ne w Lif e PI IIH ~~~t'~y~:.~il~=i~:11 pe , Ya uo ". de~ d •• , fin ' , ,· al. ' Ha trv. F. 110011 , , r Gu ara nte ed f or hlll . Kl bb ev , Wl oo r, fin wi th wlJIlk lUDRJI t.() oU8nesS,IDIIIII.r l a al. Jam el1 F. Ki ng t,iLke Dr . an d jau od JOUrna 'lI Ne w DllIOovery. lce , Ua rv ey ,w ln o r , 1111 ·tb e on ly I Ja me s rem ed v tba t ' Dlvjlll!, dec eaR ed, H'rs 11.1. ha l he lpe d me IIoRd fnl Su bsc :D av id Fu rn as , de ea t, an d ' fin al. Iv rip up tio nl! reo ' for lll\ I,he Il'u to tbe pro prt eto r'l! roo sed , tin t an d · 1111 flll~l Da vid Fll rll as, de cea d om tne nd atl on .. It IJ8VM mo re IIv M 'he( IIlIlo~ztil'" aDd oew8P1lpers, "t sed , tha o all thf 04 t OHV,t,t.te oIBee, No ~ _ We wil l aDd luu g rem ed le 4 nte.. t tb!! p,rlces adv ert Be rth a '·H . , Me ir, illo o hy Ilny 7 mI no r. f· rst , rep ut8 bl1 18 ub ile rip tln tbm a. brODobltls, cro ' Ma rv E. Ca tey , .. e n 81l ltO Y, up , wbOClplDg "u ur l,ill!, 01 DOugh, qu inl ey , huartlllllll81', • .. art a,g l1e utl l Ca rey , an d ph /'It aI, ml no r. tbil Th e To uo b 1.' ba ' He als . llO, ato .,. be mo rrh ap flied h~t ttr -l aco ou nt. il of tbe hi li tbe IlUIjlIIllld bu lla . &hefn touqJl of Bu ok len 's Ch aR . W .rd , a5l lig Ar nic a up , Uu al'l ln Ha lve It'l l tbe nn r. a f.a pp lea t, oo mb lna scb ed ule of de bt. an d " _ am ou ut. n" to t787.35. I\a bil itte ll. _ ma tte r bo w old ,be 1lO , Ar th ur W. JCa t ..aD ' tbi ll 81 lv8 wi ll oare ~ or ulo er' I, it, I'or bDrDI, , ' of Ibe ... .t* ot Barl'J . ..e cU tor • • lCa.t.. .~. ' W01IDdII ~-r:.:.s~~

,a. ou r lo un .y Se a... du rin ; 18 .t COUllt.











Iboosands HaYe Kldne, 1 bl d N S an Dspect It






II '"


Dl'. John H ya tt 'j 're le ph on e No. 121

I Waynesville, Ohio.

, .1

No\V i s t h e ' t i m e t o o rder y o u r maga--~z -i:-""n"'e~s'--nana 'n ews p a p e r s 'T h e 'l o n g ,w~nte~ e v e n i n g s a r e c o m I• n g O D ,' when Ie v e r y o n e has more time to d r e a .' 'W e ' c' a n s a v e y o u' m o n e y o,n h a t e v e,r y'o u w a.' t b t he S t'a ' n 'd a r d ' ' . n . ' e i t m o g a z l ne f:a "r m 1S o r d -1 ' , r s .' "a l y p a p e oom. Wr·i.t tl e . e e ph o n e ,o r c a l l ~~=~:~'~:~~":rO°lJ:~ea8:: a t ·t ·h ,e G a z e t t e oflic~ .# .o r p ' r l· o e s' , .1 ' t h :s ~'u~~~~:."'~:':Rr:,~e :1~IIA_r:=-ft?;: b I o · n ' e p u l o at ·I O D S y o d ::po::ueal~~ u e f ,



Order Your Pe'r,,'od,'c,als 'N'·ow',,


MADE-GIFTS 'BY MlLLIONS Rockefeller's Wealth Exceeds a Billion If He Has , Adhered to His Original '~iblical Plan of Devoting One-Tenth of Hi,s Total Accumulation to CharityMuch of His Donating Has Been Accompfished with Scriptural Secrecy,

Wublng ton Square .,outb. til Cleveland, known as the ,J udBon MemQrlal. li e IIk~wi81' stood behind Rcv. Dnnlel . Pallor In the' dpvelop ment 'Of (b Daptisl tabl'rnacl(>: 00 S(> ond nv nul', at Sl. Mnrk', plnee, Tho~e ~"'o m n did not evenllln lly g I along well to· gOlhllr, Ro k r II r was Implaca ble, nnd In the pnd PJl.Stor Potter nterod the rilllni cinal se~ '· l ce. Hla Benefac tions Broaden ed, Prom ('burch work to mission work waH hut n slcn, an d Ill! 1\11': Itocker I· IeI' grew Inl erest d, first In roreign tlnd ~hcn In domt'Blic ollssiQns, h !I'H' 111' millions for tllos two eaUSOR . In mission work as In hurch work. he at first f"strict( !d his oulpour lngs tv the [Japtfsls. ,L ittle hy 1Ill!. though L'h was drawn toward th Con· gregatJonnllSLs. until now lie is Of)un 10 tb e nllp Bit! or mission worj( In any ,nnd 1\11 denomin ations, I The cry "talntlld mou:\'! " was tlrst raIsed agaillst th e Standa.r d Oil head , In cOllncction I\'IUI hIs proll08~ t1 gi ft or

being ror Ule moat part conditio nal all Ih(llr rIllsllllg a~ lea It as mucb more Is wit re'. His gUts to the Univers ity or hicago. on Lbe contrary . have hcen oull'i~h\, He hnM donated more (han $J .25Q,000 tlO 1I00rnard college; $1 ,100" 000 to i n It)n Theolog Ical seminar y: ,l.OOO,OOO to Hnrvard ; $1 .000,000 to Yale; $SOO,QOO to tho Teacher s' college In New York: $000.000 to Johns Hop· killS: $400,()OO to Vaaaar: $325,000 to ~trown· nnlv rslty, and so on . It WIlR nfter h hecom th l1atron 01 the l nlver Ity of Chicago Ihat Mr. HOl'k"fe llpl"s uUentlo n WS8 dIrected by Pr ~Idell Harpor and otbers to t\le nc II fl)r llucotlon nl notlvlty nmong t b :1 grQ, s of the south . He 'mnde hIs flrst I(lrgo co ntributio n 'to the ~onlhel'U oclucnUonal board In 1901 : Roh on C. Ogden W IUI onl! or thos who Inlercsl d Mr. ' Roc k reller In tho mO" ome nt, wlilch. under tile Insplrl\' lion of ~h" , Rnckl!fellE'r, soon took Hie vuslly 11101' oUlln'eh nsl\'e fOtm of a 111011 to nlfl th g neral caus of dllclLtJon ILmong whites nnd blacks In nil pll rts or th e coull try.. ' $43,OGO, OCO for Ed Uca tion. 1'hr gmH.l!'at ellucatio n board \\'as th e r('fol'l' inr:orllo ruled at \Vashln glon: ' It W<lt' tinld \I thQ tim the the board wa. 10 be v:jl'(ually a' chart red form tor ,Iohn D. Rock efeller 'S churllifls. whIch ' WUS I he r al'\ot' to be onc n· trat d unde r (hM IIIl Imperso nal lind

JAMIE WA8TE D NO TIM!. Vouthfu l Phlloao pher Had Carefull y Though t Out Situatio n. It was Jamlo'. bath night. He had sove ral each' woek and be hated them al\, On lhis p~rtlcular night, pnce started. be soaked and splashed in tho tub tOI' Q, full half hour. th n hIs mo\her haled bim torlb. ' He came out or the room In his )lajamas with Ills face all streaked and di rty as It wus wben he went In, "Mercy !" 'cried bls ' mothe r. ") tbought you took a bath." "So 1 dldl" answere d JamIe scorn· fully, "& bully onel" "But your face Is black!" his mother. "Oh!" Jnmle smiled understa nd· ingly. "My (ace Is all' .right. 1 bave to wash that In the mornJng, bath or no bath, You don't s'pose I'm going to waste time bathIng my tace! I always begin fust below my ears and work down on my arms and legs; bu~ I always leave my face and handsthoso ends 1 'telld to In the morulng !"


LWP =;='. . . -. --



Conven ience, for tho Or'chard Wilioh C~n Bo Made ~t Home,

8EI!DL E8S TOMATOI!.8. New J.r.. )' Experlm .nt. 8tatlon , S ..... Ing to Produce RUCh Varlet)'~ Wo huve but begua to appreci ate may lin acoompl js h.ed by Moss· Ing planls, aeleotl nll the b III ot tho resulta and iieu vl1y 'teedlng pl4lllts with n il kinds ot plont foot! , At tbe e w .I erMe~· 8~tion, the hoctlou lturtst haa b en trying 10 develop Be l11eS8 tomall) 8 by crOBSlng, and h e has \lracticu lly 8UCC .eded. Ordllllll'lly Ii tOi\lnto co nlalns ' hundred s of lIeods. but lbe on s belllg produce d at the \Itatioo llIentiun d contain tew s eds, and Bome or t hem ar I!ced l ~ss. pnc val'Iety Illls bee u nam d the O'lant ' on account of Ihe very lal'g sl ~e the 1>lunt atlalns. It was \lrodltcl!d by C\'O sillg the Gold n , Smuis upon Dwart Chan1l'ioo. lilld sel cUng the beRt for .n numb I"O( yeurs, Atlelll)JllI cro~s tltis variCty witb 9lh r8 have rllll d. At lho WIscons In sta tloll r'!'Or, Snnd· slen hl18 been, tl'yl ng to rome the , same end by to dIng lho p1ains a very l)ll'se lilll\nllly · of !llnnt rood. Mo'st of hIs trla'ls wer cnl'rled on Ju til gre II ho use, where he f rtiilzed nt (h ' rate of gOO Hounds or lIiwate of 80'la, 600 pounds Q( s ulljl1nt ol DIII,asll anll , l, 000 f\c)untis of desslcll\UlI bOJ10 ')ler (lCl'e, H rouud tllal he ",VUlS nbl lu {let l.nmulO a with n stnuller nun.lber of dS U1a\1 \llImll , anti III ..ome cases t he plants producet! fruit buvlng lLbllalu tel y' llo seeds. 1'b se hnd to he prop· ugllted by cllltinl/R, but wh n tboy w te growlI oUtsid or fhQ g'n!enboUlle they prod\Jce d larger frui t tbJ.l.ll ll'13lde (he greenho llse. . Much 18 to be oxpccte d Ilolll thl. Itlnd ot work. which It It contlnue l will Hood the world with new 'f6rI0· IIe8 of IllantR, says ~i\]:llI n' Review: The tomato III II good Illadt on Whlcb to o\lel·ate. as It 'is easlly, propaga t it by means or cuttings . Its (apld growtb 'and great frulUuln es8 make rt possIble to eo.rly determi ne results, There are quicker resulte olltained 'because tbe LontlLto 6S we now have It Is an artlflcia l product .snd so lenda IUelf ,very easily lo vnrlatlo n,. llut wtlat can be accompli8bed with tho lomato cn be accom pllshCjl In a lesser degree Oil plants ) ~ss subject tn variatio n. [n tho Ill'od'u ctlon of ' the seedless tomllto great truths are 'being' enunola te aad demons trated . W~ILt

~.nddel'6 ot vnrious Ic nglb l$ and kinds nl'e n eeded In th fruit orchard . 1'h flrsl groull of pkkors should go thro ugh the OI'CblU'd und pick wllllt th ey can reach from the gl'ound, !Iul· tlug !l In bolt,e s or buskets on lllcltll)g sllluds shown In Fig. 1, or in bask La 01' bags whlcb they can carry' around theil' ~hou ld 1'. In young orchllrd s thIs groull or plqkera 11'111 secure a largo Ilol'titm or lhe fruit, They should be I .",-111 R \lr~l)' gl\'o III I nlh lo th ec ,~ followed by a second grOU\l o[ llick I'S (; j · lh.'~ls !!.'\ : ~ . L u I nOt lh)" l(,tt hand knuw whl\t thy using rigid slell luddel's 4' to 5 teel r lg h l hnnd o(Jclh.- M u uh (.l w fi;;'.... hi gh [IS shuwn In Fig, 2, Thesll III Iters Johu O. Ho k teJ\('r, U)lOn WhOB CUll r nch nil lbe fruit within 10 to 1 2 PRESCR iPTION' S IN LATIN. Clil nionopoly tbe n!ted Stall'~ govfeet ' of lho ground. 1' h y wm n ed 10 ernme nl bas laid a penally fiJr OVOI' The Publlo Should Hive Them Tr~nll' piclt In bll~ l mt8 01' 1)llg5 Ilnd emply the $2!),UOO.UOO for Biles d Ylobtln ns of fruit carefull y lib I' onlo a. sor ting lated by the .Drugglstil, th o IlIw against rcllllt , has given tnbj , 01' II' l)olCes 01' bnl'r Is lo b alva y, III' to the prl'sont tim e. more What virtue Is thero in tho secrecy drawfl to \lacki ng sh d. The third' , th'10 ,JOO,OOO,OOO "for llUbllc good"with wblcR tbo doctor ,Iledges nl.1out to churcbel, arstemallc Mmlnl st rativaholJ ~.Mr. schools, hOBpltu:ts. nsylulDs and mission s , no k roller flULrt ~ o!l' wilh II donation bls professi on? "Proress ional etiquett e" occupies a In an address sorn years ago beor $.1,000,000, In 191)5 he gave $10,000,. tore a , ley land religiou s gatherin g of 000, Iwd In Februar y, 1901. he an· promi nent place In tho curricul um of bIB own Baptisl faith Mr. Rockefe ller noun d n rurthcr donallon of . a~.· eve ry medical school, and ,,'ben strict· told the story of hIs ea rly struggles, 000,000. This doubtles s was lheolarg cst Iy analyze d ",prOfeSSional etiquett o" H o sald be had ahvaY8 fOJ\owed the sum ever gl~ en by on Individu al tor a seoms to mean "doing what Is best 101' Serlptur ll rule adopted by 111m wben a spllclfl IJIIl'pose. This UnSUfllR81ed the doctor. Individu ally and col· poor clerk. wblch provide s for giving donation brtngfl' hi, aggrega te contrl· lectlvel y:' Among the things thnt "Is best for Qn e-Ientb of his eal'Oings to charity, bution to lhE' g Il{lrn l educatio n board the doctor:' Is the writing of his preAccepti ng this lltateple nt ns true; il liP 10 $43,00(1.000, scriptio ns In LaUn. alld thus keeping fOllows, from a simple malhem atical Of the $43.000,000. tbe initial $1,000,· the publig In Ignoran ce not only of calculat lon, that tbe oil lUng' hila made 000 was to be devoted to work in the ,¥hat it II takIng durIng his bUSiness career at least a southern State8. The second gift ot Ing 'a 'call upon tor its Ills. but forcthe doc't or each time billion dollah, in order lo bave given ' $10;000.0 00 wae to be used to "pro- a prescrip tion Is needed. away a hundred mHlions, unlells p(lr· mote a comllreh enslve SY8tem of 'high· In plain and unmIsta kable English 'cbance In an excelis of zeal .tor 'the e r eduea,t ion In the UnIted Ststes." the wrltl'ng of prescrip tions In Latlla public weal .. lle has, trespass ed on hia This exclude d eommon schools and makes business tor tbe doctore. C:lillitai. . academi es, tOr the $32,000,000 conetlLet us lIay that ?,OU have the ague. It 18 the seneral testlmou y of th9s0 tuling tbe tMrd gift, one·thlr d Is for Y!>,u bad it Jut year and tbe ,,,ar be'Wbo bave bee~ brought' In close con'lhe board out right to use as it deemll I,ore, Each ,ttwe you have vlalted the tact 'witb ,11r. Rockefe ller that he hall tiest. Two·thl rds are reserved for dis· doctor and he has prescrib ed tor YOU Jlkewlse followed, more closely tban tribution under the directio n ot John -In Latin. You the ordltiary publlo benetsc lor, that D. or hIs lior.l. It is sald the elder , what he bas given liave never known Firat Picking Convenl eneeL you for 't he disease. other Scriptur e maxIF In regard to Rockefe lle r 18 prepBrln g a ne\\' plan and 80 each tline -"",:r)·ou are forced to go the rigbt and tile lett 'band In the act group )1icl.'llrs will of benerac tion, tbl! nature ot· whioh to bJm again and lfive bim an oppor- using ladders Bulllc\en nnisb the tree ~f giving, He has never, so tar 115 has not yet been dIsclosed, HIs son tunity to repeat t fa reach the his proscriJ )tion-in top, Tn young orc.bards stel' known, handed' out a list of bls dona· now I'e[l rescnts him In all his S)'S· Latin, 'and }lIB ft:e-In lad!le rs , dollars. " , to 10 feet hlgb wi\l be most uBeflt1. ;tIone, although it Is ~ald tilllt such IL CHEAP BA~REL C~ATE. temall ' oharitie s. John D, Roekefe iler. If you ask the dootor , Why he Ollel A very , . lilt bas been ,C6IOPil~ Jjy one of bl); 'con;v.en lenl form of ladder Is To Forni Chain of College l: LaUn ,In writing hIs proscrIp tions. why Ibo~n ,secrela ries and Is now In the Inner $lOO.OOO to lhe Congreg ational mission In I'''Ig .. 3. The bilBt. Iltrqnge sl Ho,j" a Shipper Makea Two Ouf of 0". Tile goneral ducatlon board, up to he writes "aquQ" wllen he mean., wa· and archiv~s ' or'the general educatio n board, A ~ w England clergym an IIglltest ladder tor all kinds of or· earrel. ter. tbe he present, will give 'has you been a technica l jls- chard work, reCOmm e nds Farm dJstribu tlng the board. Parso/1111 glfU! Ilntl ' l,u lUulties started th e protest, whIch was tnk n, Journ· interest eertatlo ', n on on its the ' Ilurlty of the LEllIll aI, Is made 01 (und among ' a large and strictly prlvale charitie s do not lip by k ev: Washing ton E, Gladden , of ~ corres[lO ndent ot tb basswOOd, wltb sid s hlcago ' In, hlcago, who HUed the lantl with tho number of sm llller colleges . Each city languag e, aud tllo fact tbat ali words 1 % by 3% Inches, and hiokory or .appea,r I)n tbls list, notwith standing r·Ocenn , (urnlsb d that publicat ion tbey are saJd to have absorbe d In tbe reverber atlons. Rocke reller lind his of 1100,000 Sh(lUld have a college, },[r. are derived from It. etc. It will bo • 'oak rungs 1 Inch in dio,.IIlete r placed wIth a sketch o( I) novel notato crale• aggrega te about $10.000,000 ot the· friends replied to the IS811e and the Rockefe ller Sl!\Ys, So a chaIn of 001· diss rlallon tbat YOU may not be able 12 Incbes apart. The BIdes should be which he bas ' round lo be v i'y s lil.' to answer, but It w1ll hardly oonvinc e controv ersy I';lged (or wee ks, The leges Is like ly to be eslablls hed in the ' )'ou. Rockefe ller accmmulo.tlons. 1,2 Incheu',a part snd the 'bottom spread fac tory for storIng IlotaWCI\. . girt wns tlnally accept d. the hue and s lOaller citieB which have none. prln· Said' 10 Be I!n .. Ea.y ~ark.'" 2 reet b Ips lo'Toatiy from tipping over, Tblll I)omlo grower utles \'entilat ed ~t would clpally be a good tbJng ror tbe !lub- A ny ladder III ,tbe soulb and weat. l:ldus· Mr. Rookefe Uer'a reputati on among cry bavlng m eantime someWh at sub· bnrr Is, which he Is aille to constru ct thllt must Iio plllced lie to devise a little code of ethics of trinl develop~Dent is tbe keynote of profess ionl!'!tt t hunterll is thnt of an sided, " against a 11mb ot tbe tree for s UPlwrt M a cosl of abctut 10 cents oncb. 'He It wns In 1888 tbat rotr. Rocke(e llor the general e<\ucaU6n bon rd. Sr.booi tl Its own; etbics tbat will be "a good Is to he Q\'old d as j t constan "easy mark;" tbat Is, If approac hed th' buys Bllgar barre ls, being ca.retul tt) thing tor the of public trnde indifdua and agricult l1y and ure are lo be ~tl UtioU8IY ' and yet frankly and plaus, took his tlrst importa nt slep outside of breaks twIgs and bar~, the limbs al· seouro bolh heads. " The barrOl II coliectiv ely." stimula ter! especial • ly. ibly throulib properly accredited chan· church and mission work ' and becamc Let us apl)ly one of the rules of tbil lowtntr dls\!ase and rot to gain a toot· There has been . some criticism of nels he gives up generou sly and much interest ed in the Univers ity' of Chica· holcl. In pluclng a ladder It sbould be code qt ethlcs' lo yqu. the i.ndivldunl. ;more easll)' than tbe great Hteel' klug go, Tbe late El, R. Harper; bead of the ' 011 klns'li. plan to centrali ze high· plac d near the outer limbs rather You csll In tbe physicia n ",hen )'OU tho ' lustituti er educatio on, had heard of Ole 011 whose benefact ions riyal thOQo of t'he n in t he Cities. It being than near lh trunk of the v ee wbere bave the ~gue. tbe grIppe, or any at kIng as a great giver, and, trust,lng to contend ed that the .natural tendenQios founder and preserve~ of tho Standar d the pickel' must Illlln outward nnd be Oll ' compan y. Mr, Rook reller, say luck" he made wbat be himself after· lie In the otber directio n-towar d the tbe otber lIIs to which human fll!.$h Is in constan t danger ot br~klng 11mb!!. heir, Ijond wblch you may have again ' bis frleuds. la not 0. man.of ,the world w!ird describe d aB a "runnin g leall" ~uhurban or rl11rsl cente rs, some ~n y . The doctor prescrIb es-In In ,t he ordinary senile of tbe term. Un· townrd him- nhd Innded. Mr. Harper , Thl) InQtitut e 10r' Medical Researc b, Latin, and you take tl?ls. tc! you, mean· • A C?ITy ORCHARD. til tEjn 01' a dozen YCILrs ago h Wli' l WI!-S 1l flu e nt and energeti c mun ,a nd at SlxtY'sixth street and tile EJast Ingless scribble to tbe druggl!!t to so engrOfs ed in tbe develoll ment, of 'lne of the most . suocessf nl money· rivor, Is the most re,c ent of (he Rocke- }lave tbe 011 buslne$$ that lip knew little of I'nlsers thot. ever entered the educa' f lIel' eharlti s. It was, estab llBhed wberoIt compou nded. ' Rigbt here Is Ggod Reluita ' One Man .Obtalne d from yOU come In. If you are wise, ",hnt WIlS ,Solllg on. He Jlltcnded tional fleld, Few Tree • . , in 1901. nnd gre,\\' out of Ilis grief Chlll'c)\ and devoted himsel( to busl· Under his persuasi ve ~ioquence Mr, over th loss " at little, "Jack" McCo r· So.y 't9 ~be d rugGIst that you 'YBnt 11- ' translat ion ot Ten yeurs, ago I was called uJ)onby n e,lIS. and that "1\'as aboul as tar as he Rockefe )ler consent ed to become th e miok, , his gra.ndso n, the ' ell lid or hJs your privileg tbat preserlp Uon. It' ls e ,to know whnt you ·are an agent w flnt. patron or the inst;ltution . fie laid no daughte r. T he' boy succumb ed to Bum· wlio pct'Suaded , me to plant ~ ~ taking. While the doctor's codo ~' of a I ~"'-.--~-"' ·.-- ~ ____T few frui t tree~' In, my gurden, wriles AlLhough he bas bcen compell ed to IlestrlcU ons on 't h e faculty or the tI'US' III r complaI nt, d'csplto! ail thal mon'ey etblcs mny not recogn Ize this right it a corresll ondent or' Farm and Home. t ""ke more lWllure 1n th e Inst ten tees as to cl'eeds, dogmas or methods 'aud 6oiEonce cotild do" lo prolong his Is yours 54,ga r aarlle! pot~to just th o same. -SI(epltc al as l wall UII to 'whethe r they y~arl!,· an account of his heallb, and of ie,llchin g. }jls in~tlnl gift of $234.00~ Ufe, 'With the translahid prescrlptlo.D Inl criiisequ enfly has been IIrawn Inlo wal! made In January , 1889, and wn" Mr, RockefenIe r expresse d tbe beliet ' '1our possession you ba ve t\\'o distinct would thrive, I at InM coneent ed to knocked dpwn and tben built u .. get a dozen, conijlstl ng of two cberry. 0l/aln and nailed In the manDer sbown other sph res of 'e pe rl ence, and obser· rollowe\l up with n gift of $600,000 In lhat civilizat ion hlld reached a poillt advanta ges. You know what you aTe In flluslratlQtI. five plum, four al))1le8 and line Ilear. vation whereby he bas grown in terest· Juno: Slnce then be has contrIbu ted wbere more e " tl'ectlve ways ongbt ~o be tsklng,. and '8hould you wisb · to call Tile tal) Is llsell · tor the bottom 01 et! In tile, general subJe t at secular about $1.,000,000 a yqBl' to tbe tounda· Jound tor 1 combati ng disease. He Ii some ot~et' doctor at somo time you feot set them out In row8..ab out 20 <apart, Ihe apple trees 20 ' feet In' one barrel and the top 01 lhe lIame 8.8 well a~ religIOUS educatio n, he bn: tiOD and mainten ance of tbe uni· credited wit,h' havIng stated he was will be able to tell him ",bat· drllgll you "I,evol" cr(lsstld the threshol d at art, of v cniity. ' willing 1.0 'd evote $6,OOCl,OOO to solentlfl c have been putting Into your Syatem, tl\e row and Jletw~ n tl)em 'a plum or barrel III used for lbe bottom of anEnormo ul Sums to Oullegel . ,., medical lH erlltur e or of science, Hence th~ researt,b·. Of this $2,OjlO,OQO la , Iln.d also It you IIhould have the same cherry. This left 10' teet bet~n the other. In thll wa)! he makes two ba" trees. but AS Bpace was not plentifu l. rels oll,l ~f one. TlI.e open apac~ fUf' lhnl ted I)rlri'larl' scope C?f his- ,colQBsal At the same time he hllR given large- 'a lready invested In the InstitUti on disease " a~aln you Clln "lIave yourself . ' 1ilrts. From this is to -be excepte d bls ly tp othel' colleges t1iroughout, the whIch' bad to ,economi ze . •The 8011 was il nishes ' necessa ry ventilatiOll and 111:' a yillt to the doctor. and his ' fee. by "S ,un'del' the , direcUo n of br. ,8llres" the good keeplug. qualitie s ' 01 ' interest In the Rockefe ller Tnstitut e country . hJs gift~ to., them. however, 81.mon taldng "tbls translat ed proscrip tion to clay- loam, ·, formerly 91d paature and 'Ilotaloe · Flexner . . for. 'Medical Res~sre h. which 'wa~ the draillag e wal good, the' I@rden , . the druggis t onco more and bavlDS \I BloJ)ing .l stored: . ' . origlnal l:( arol!sed, bowever , b~ a mis; to tbe eaist. ' renlled. . 'ortun!! In, his ·own Immedi ato ramlly, POINTS FOR FRUIT GROWE RS. Before selthig 'I cut back th!! brokand pot, It 18' 8a,~d, by any general con' . Evil 0' TippIng 8yltem. en roots anll *J~o cllt abQII~ QD ,tbtr~ , slderatlo nll 10r bumani ty at large. i~ ...... 8 ot' the ,all'c"'" At tough b th ere 'a great IItrortm l4e "nf 't be top ,back to' •.0 Good trllit alwaye eelle welt. u" to,keep Becret the,IBtbeftllin K John D. Rock\lfelle r's chnrlty bas as· bOtell and ellt b~s. ,The trees ''" were Ret upright eep tbe stpck out of lbe orchard . ." :Burned tour great forms or express ion': In hole., tbe, ~t· being ~~ta ,!r,a nta In New York. It, II Quite Every climate in the. United State. .~ • -'d . 'hurch ,Rnil Inl08lo'n work"" .. ,,'U;,OOO,OOO 'spread out and' cove·-" with e .. rich ent IU.,. tbe'1 is are' suited on a rapId Increaae . 'to lome partlcul ar fruit.' e 'The general anil Ml!th~rn e<luca' • -blch & shovel!' ul of all fruit The manB8e r o.' a Iarge r8ltaura nt face soil, afh'r tlon boards ''' " ."''',,'', , ...... 44,000,1JO'/ 8111 Bho,!ld be, found . 10 cong';;",rnll,E dllrcaU,o T n Board "" , ., .. , .. :, ....... ,:,', ......... ,"' , .. ....... .. ....... .. .u,OOO,ooO The Unh'er~lty of Ch!cugO ...... 22,000,(1001 " wa, put around anll the relt ~,Iderable quantiti es on every farm., , R~.he r;fC~1 ?al c~~~g~ ..... " ,'" "'"''' '' ''' ~ ..... : .... >, ,, ... lIaYI the Iystem The Rock 'felier 1n8t1tute ,,, ...... . 2,000,000 of having I8"BJltI r, . ... ,,',' ....... ,21,400.000 , soil replaced , ' Be smart, Buy '1our apnle ba~rel. depend almolt entirel'1, upon pallr'O;".w.,::,:,~ Private girts' 10 scbools, individu als, ~~u'iCh.s (~~nown) .!" ,::::::.:: ::::::::::::::::: ::::: :: ::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::::::: g:~::: tor their pay lowers tbelr moral :::.~...,.-----_ _..... ' ,bOfore. tbe cry of a sho~tace" ' bfig\n•. churcbe s, parks, hospital s, SOCieties Ba~~I~r·For~?'i.n)Jlti~~'I ;;~ · 'f:.;;;,d ' .. · .. ' .. ·"·,, .... .. , ':'" '. " ... . " ... dar4 and cauaee them to 10011: on '; ....... 2,100,000, R k till II!' 1I :r. ond rerorma tory and benevol ent Insti· up Great as II the 'frolt.grQ ,rlaC Indu. 2,000,000 SOC" d e u ns lUle' (or they ledlea Research ..... .... " . " ..... " " ......... 2,000.000 are suppose d to aen.o ill tutions have absorbe d the rest o~ , the, try at to-day It III let but In Itl In' B:~r::rn ~d~f;tlon' F~'lid '::'" ' ''''' '''''' '' ''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' ''' ''' '' le"'Uma te pre" Union 1,m,ooo Th eolo 1<:,,1 Semlnll ........ .... .. ". " ........ ". "" ........... . .,..... 1,12!i,090 tancy. '. , • $100,000.000, e· " ,. .. ./ H rd if III ry ........... . " " ......... " .......... ........ 1100,000 AI1 cultivat ion Ip thl! o,rcbaryt Ihould'" , B.tlrted with Church .Work. B:rrl~t EdU'::~·~~:t. 8';~i ~i"" " ' ........,..,.. " . " ......" ""... ," Colleg .. Undealr ibl .. F!re .. .... . ,. " ... ,' . 1:000,000 'cease the tlr.t or middle or lbll During tbe first quarter century of Jare Nnlverlty ........... ~,,:: ::::: ::::::: :::: ::::::::::: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: :::::': Colleges are now regarde d all ~:::::: : foldjl~dBW month. cyven • d rc IfrmalorleB ..... " ..... ..... , 111s hUlllness career Mr, ' RoQkefeller's " , .. , .... .. ....... .. " .. ","".... ... . 1'.000,000 ' ,undeelrabl~ Insuran ce risks, and l The beet cover crop for; orchard 'a In ~harlties di~ not extend beyon'\.~burc~ \ probabl e that tbe rate will be ' '~talne teste baa b~n fye, . It P~\'9D" "Ind missi onary work. He began his el'ally Increaae d. In 18 years 78' tbe washing of cultivat ed billsldes til ~cllvity In thai directio n In .(1Ieveland, ocQurr8d In college winter allt! "early 8prlng. ""here he grndu'ally' built up, In con· tailing a tOSIl . of '10,500.0 00 In 'Buds Inserted laat montb .hould be juncUon wllh othct' rich Baptists , II and a ,h eavy lOla of life. Tbl" RocheRler Theological Seminary .. .. . " .. " .. "" .. " .. " " .. . .. "".. . .... watched .; do not aUow the tiel to" sp)endld ly equippe d church and parish . the 264),000 aver"age money 10111 ove~ U3.00.0, ehoke 'the trC\ll, Budding ma.y still H e has always conti\de red Clevelan d ~~~~o~~~~u~';,"III~O ' ::::::: ::: ::: :~ :: ::::::::::: :'::: :::::: ::: :: : ::: :: :::: :::: ::: : ~::: be done.~F arm JOurnal ! ' ,-,Rae S chool of Scl('ncc. Icvolnntl .....'.... . ...•. . .. .•.•. ... , his ho'm e city, and has glveo large . .. . .•. . ... . ....... Would Make 'RIch Crop. . ~.OOO Oberlin CO ll e~o ",,,,,,,,, ,, " "'"'''' " .. . ,' " .. "." Koep 'an ey.-ope n 'for t't-ttt cater'''''''''" .. ,, I\l'llounl.s to nearly everyo ne ' of the ,' ,'' """ 200.000' Spelman gem nar.)". "tl nota ........ ..... . , ..... ..... ..•.. . . ... It II eetl;uate d that 21.000,00 0 . . . . . . . . . . ...... J8O,000 pmars. When" found, " wrap & 1'811 Newton ThPOtuglcll1 Seminary ... .. " " ,: .. " .. """" ,,,,, .... publicly sUIJport cd \ll(stltutions tbere, . ,, .,,,, .. . ,, 150.000 are availabl e 'tor ' rice' growing In A~ olph l ·Oll~~. " .. "" ""."." " .... """ " ..... ,,",,.,,. results of thIs lnveatm e t ' around tho, \lnd of a 'l~g stick, ... " 'Includin g the purkM ' In hi~ donatio ns. 12(, 000 .alI. nlv"r.~t or Vooaler,O ',"" " " "" """ ' "'' ".""" ,:,,,,: Louisia na and Texas. and the value the ' pleaR\I~ received . and the ::,:::,::: ::: 125:000 int~r: vr,a te, ,the rag wltb ~eroaene, ignite rhlldrc S nsldo HQlOe "", .. ", .. , .. " "."" " ... """" .... ,, ' .... s lhe "II king grew In rortune he of .,, , .. , auch~ croP 125000 . would be ,400,000 Pl'P.b}'IC Ion work In i:l,;ypl ,000. ma:ll'P plneu; And canuot be cqtinteq In the to.r ch. and· tben qUick* burn Dilt Ihe Sourlan .. "" ." " .... ... ,, ' ,,",: ::: 100:000 ~radllally became a 'domina nt tlgure In Oleveland 80010 I Stll II ' m ~tll " " .... Tbls woul!! m~ke the rice crop fifth dollar'l aqd cents. " " .. "" ,, ...... ,,""""" _" " " ',, .. ... loo,OQ() 'I be pests. I It, Oa\ltlst denom luotion througb out ' In poInt ot value among tbe ceroa.l s ot the lJ nll"d .. Stntes ' ~nd gave systema t· this country . , value of Orname ntal T'HL ' Colul11bl a U nl v01'slty .. " .. . "" ... , ,, ... ,,,,,,, .. : ,.,,. , ,,,,,, .. ,, ,,,,,,, ... .. : ' <'ally to the ruundatl on and main , Propaga ting Raapber rl ••• . 100,000 "ew f~rmers realize tbe val,.e of or. tt>nall('c of B:\fl.tist churche s through · 'When the new-gro wth ,tlpli I't bla~k: nalitentIU trees ArIthme tic. Oll t tit length o.nd breadth of th e Tommy -Pop; a man's wlte II hb ~ap raspber ries hegin to bend \oward 0/1& of tile lIrst to the iarm. IJ'h!a I. lblngs tba~ ,should ~e ClCtuntI'Y, He early b came interest d better halt, ,Isn't she1 the' ground; new plants can bo easily looked aUer. when Unlvcrsll j' ot Virgintn .... .. " .... "."" .•. """""" ,, . •,""",, .. , 100'000 a man cQmes 'Into Ole"clano y , \Y, C', A, " . """" 11\ thh ''' workln g C'h!lrah" soheme. and ' " ......... , " " " .. .. " " """",, .. ,",, .. . ,'.:. Tommy atarted. 's Pop-So Bend down we aro and told. lIury m'; 100'000, eacb tip unlver. II o~ Nebra.k .... "" '... , ....... """ ....... ".,,",, ... ,, .. ,,"",,::. on of a farm . 'HOolihottld han unde r the g uidance or Dr, JUIlson and : loo;()(JO IOn. a few Incbes beneath thll grOlm41. 1\DO&&essi compete nt landsca pe ar,Uet milk, othprs "l m'estCltI" large ly In the ne w "Then It " ,man marrlea tw1ce tbere boldlng it In place ,by J)l!gs, !l stone, him plans 'for the ::::::::: : :::: :':::: ;;:;::;: ::;:;: effective placlna of ::;::;::: Idea, 1'he workIng Chlll'ch, it WBS ex· Ian't, Clr the anyth!1\ Shunlerr Collrge ,,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ,.,,, ... ,, .... ,, ",,.,, .. ,,''''' weig\lt' of a lIltle beaped· up orname ntal tree", 8 left ot hIm, Is there'" ~bere' they wlJl DO\ 36000 School of .Applied II sign for Wr,III"'h ",." .. " ... . "",,,, .. . . '''',,.. 'plainiijl to 'him. v.'o ld soJve. tho Indif· soli. aay., Firm JouWal. l101t of tho! Interfe'l'e farm work ~:ooo Bu cknell Unh'cnlll Y ........... " ..... ... .. . , ... .. " •• " .. "."........ , .... ::::: DOl' lhade ference Of tlls maSHes In til" great. Whl!.t a man ean do II hll «reatest tips, U ' lIot dlatubel !. will take ..... ""....... . 2&,000 root too muoh, ,tbe bulldlDr.l ::1 the rand. , ~'~~~::i '~:,j~e!~~~~~~~~ .: :::::: :: ::::::::::: ::: :::::::::: ::~::::.::::: :::::... orname nt and he alwa,.. coDault . hJa and f()rm nice p\antl by Den ·c:It1E'R tOward tbo cause Qf rellgloD. Iprlngl Theae treei wI,U be ,",,,,Ina IDlo JIloD. . MhlColianoou. 1r1(U1 prior Lo IaZ .......... "......... ........ tJpitf b,. dolnlf It.-<lar l1w. l'trr, Rockt!fe ller accordin gly eatall' .. ........ ::: 7.000:Il00 ' at .,hleb Ume the pareDt CUq oaa be ey from to nar. If thl GRA.Nn TOTAL .......... ....... ........... ........... ........... .. IIMhed, witb Rev. Dr, Jnllson, the tine MI1e1'11il ~ few IDche'll bom the IUIW comes tba\ tbe o,n er ph.. Uml .)..... ...110!.1II&.000 to ..u lell;iou ll iIIamutt on .of that Iiln4 on 1/11"&11, IDd til, "lofr eaIl th. bit 4\11 the Ianb. Ile ~ 1114 It far ...... . lIP 1Il4 111& oia' ! ___ ct..lNII. _ ' If It ..





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$102,055,000 Grand Total of •


the Rockefeller' Benefactions


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anlt I. that thy oppo rtun ity batll GIF T NOT ALL A GIFT. oom e to spre ad thy rule anti Uly kin .. dom ov r all Ilru el. IlId me," wen t ' on rapi dly and wlUI Incr Joab Gen eros ity Tr.a t Wu Pure ly the R. easl .ult of Acc iden t. enth uslu sm. "bid me go. and I prom nl; . thee ere Ii fortn ll;ht hlith pas. lae ed to A mIssIonary bIshop told tbls slor have 1111 Isra el unde r thy bann er." y abou t F. Mar lon praw rord . tbe famo Davld'a eye fiaeb ed and be look STO RY BY THE "HIG HW AY ll3 nove list: I stell towa rd Joab AND BYW AY" PREACHER . . "Mr. Craw rurd weRt to scho . "ThInk you ror a mom enl." he Ullin · saId. "In Concord . and one day ol." he dere a. " tbal Dllvld would take a mean take n to call at a Concord he ,.all advantll!;'e of the mls(OI·tunes clers y· or his man·s. hrothers In Isra el ? Does Davld's ScrI ptur e Auth orll)'; - 2 . Sam king . "Th e clerg yma n had uel dam Iller anse thro ugh unho a mIss Ionary 1·5: 5. ly trlgu esJ Has Ood lert · the beav In· box on hIs draw Ing room tllbl . undo time en. hunl ;llIl; heav ily on tb e tl!llt David cann ot stili trlls ~o~ t him?'" hand s. be amu sed blm sel( with 1J0y' s o "\Ju t It 18 now or neve r." prot es!e try. Th ird d Illg whe ther ' a slive r doll ar- It was . 8ER MO NE'r TE. Joal> . . " Isra el nced s a lead er._ It It all the money he had 10 the world. It wu Dav id'. Inte grity rath . find not Buch In thee tbey will cboo se and he had conv erte d It Into thut gl· er UlJI~ hla mili tary .prowe.. one from amo ng them selv es to lend gllnUc coIn 'f or lIa(e ty-w ollld go whIch conq uere d- I.rae l. Into th em.. Tbe re are man y amb the sl1t In the box'lI top. itIou David knew kow to forgive. 80ulll amo ng the men of Israel." s ;'It was a clos e Ilt. but unfortuna Icrael had .ha~ed with King .te"Bu t this thin g la not of Ood . If Iy It dId go, !lOIt tlle coIn Idlpped Saul In the perl ecut lon of Da· alit llrac l leelt me not as king . then ",III or the embrYQ alllh or's finge · rs . '1'here vld, but David wal read y to reo not I reac b out tor tbe klng dom was a te'rrl ble crlll!b at slive r .1all1 turn good for evil : He had no Furt her . prot eat on the part amon!;, the cop pers -and then the ng or to loor es to aeUle when the provo 1J0y, Joa b was ptev ente d by tb e burr as th novel1sts 8n),. 'kn ew no more.' a. . Iden gel of God ,brou ght hll ;or. entr ance at a serv ant who a nnou ied " mer eneml .. unde r his power. tb e arriv al or two mes seng ers nl'cd the Wben be cam e to hlms elr he round tram cler gym an and. his ramlly In TapSelt llh amb ition David had lsrne l wbo demantled to Bce to information.--HalZ's Jou rna l of ' XlnK tur eS' over hIs !;'eneroslty." not . .On the cont rary , hi. 'care er David at once, 'alld at a siGn rrom Be alt k. the Itrlk lngl y Illlll trate a . the po.. l. king they were adm itted . CHILDREN TOR TUR ED. bfllt y of • hum an soul gaug ing BowIng low berore .the kIng, ~~r.they hll amb ition . In h~rmony with wlilted unW he bade them rille, Girl Had Running Sore l from Ecze wbe o ma " the 'Will of ' God. He wan ted Lbey nddr esse d hIm as foll ows: -Bo y Tort ured by Poll on Oak only wha t God In hll own tIme "We be tby serv ants . 0 king . Bo.\h Cured by Cutioura. Dr. B. HtWstead Sco tt. of ChIc ago, ·We end hla own way w.. willing to lila. , BaYs: "I have prescrIbed YOUJ are Rocbab nnd Bannah. th e son~ Cast or I. otte n for InCants dur~ m;r 01 "La st year give.. Hence he esca ped the pit. : att r bavl ng my little pracUce, and find It very 8atls facto I Rlmm on th e Bee roth ll . und are ry." Dr. com Will e iam gIrl Belm trea ted b)' a -ver y prom inen t phI" ont, of Clev elan d, Ohio , BayS: "Yo 'afl. of , hum an plot ting and In· wltb tldlnl;s at I;ood thln l;B (or ur Cast orla stan da first .In Its class. In my thlr t)' trlgu e_ and hll hand l were free year s of prac tice 1 CIUl Bay Lord . Behold lhe hend ot lshbosh our slcla n ror no obst inat e cuse of 'c~e ma. I neve r have foun d any tbln gtha t 110 filled the th, I reso rted to the Cutl cllra from the staln a of tha blood of tb e SOD of Snul tbln e enemy. place." Rem edies . wblch :lDd was so well plea sed hi, enem lel. Dr. J.lL Taft , of Broo klyn . N. Y., 18)'1: "1 bave with tho al. soug ht thy lite." use4 yonI' Cast orla anI! mos t Insta ntan eous relle t ntrorded David desi red the king dom he. foun d It an ellcellent rem edy, In And as they spOke tbey unro lled tbat my hOWlOhold and prlv at" prac bewe dI scar ded the Ilhy alcia n's prea crlp. caus e God had prom l.ed It to tice tor: m.<;. ... ,. yeai'll. The form nla Is exce llent ." foro t he star tled ey<,s ut Dav Id and lion and relied nUl'ely on hIm and becaulO ' hll amb ition Dr. P.. J. :Jam len, ot Detr oIt, Jonb the Ghastly . bead or tbe the CuU :, )l1c h., I8YB: "I preBcrlbe :rour CBBtorl. dead cura Soap. Cull cura OInt men Wtls ' to lerv e God thro exte nsiv ely. as 'I bave neve r foun ugh such kIng ot. Israe l. t. and Cu· d anyt hing to equal It '-:lr cblld lIeurll PIlls. Whe n we com men ell;illted ottlce. He wan ted to' be r,en·. DavId turn ed awny his head In trou bles . I am awa re that then ced ! are ImIt atio ns In the I16ld •. but hor· with the ullourD R eme dlp.s king that he mig ht lead the na· ror. whJle Eec bab nnd llaa 1 alwaYII her reet see that my pati ents got F1et chcr nab con· and IImc s were cove 'a.tlon In . the path l of righ teou l' r d with runn tin ned: Dr. Wm . J MoC rann, of Oml lha, sorOIi. In abou t six wee ks we had Ing ne ••• Neb ., l8ya : ..Aa the fath t!r of thirt "Th e Lord hutb aven ged my bel' een chil dren I cert ainl y know Bomethln lord CQm lllete The re I. no lofti er or holl er ly well g abou t you r gr.e at _med lcln e, and . B _ nd ther tho king thlll day of Saul . an d e bas beel l '!lslde trom my own tamU y ellpe rlen ce 1 lave ot hll no rQ 'I\fre nce at the trou amblt.lon In the world to-day In my year s of pracUce found Casseed." b le. torla a ' popn lar and em ~ lent reme than the dealre for pow er and "In JltI~· of th lll year A. little b_oy <\)' In alm ost ever y hom e." But they !;,ot no [urt her. rCJr Dav In Dr. id J. our R. pOlltlon that luch may be ex· fOllllly polson d bls band a and Clau sen. ot PhU adel pbla , PL. I8YB turn ed upon tbem and In a : "Th e nam e that your Castor'a has mad e tor I,t self In the .rel led and used to the hono r which cut like stee l he sold : volca ' !Irma wltb·pol ~o n oak, and In tweo ty· teo . of thon aand l of hOines blessed rOll and glor y of God and the b!e ... pr«ll!l by lbe r hOll ence rs his of hond ehll dren s and , scar cely 1leed8 to be lupp leme arm s wer e a "All the !A>rd livet h, who hath nted by the endol'\l&o Ing of man kind . men t of tbe medloul prof csslo n. but dl!l!med my 80ul Ollt of al\ adve ra. mas s of t ortu r Ing .or 8 : -We used I. fOl' one, mos t hear tll7 endo rse It IUId rsity" only the Cull(>:Jra Rem ed Sch ilim s In fam illet or In na· believe It an eJtcellent rem edy. " whe n one told me say1ng, Beho Ies, and . In tion a are cad .and dllt rull ng, Dr. ,R, H. War d, of I{an sas City . Saul Is dead. thlnklll~ to have brou ld, abou t thre e weeks his hand s and arm s 1(0.. II1)'II 1 "'l'b )'llc laos gene and tho · loan er they. are h~aled rally do not pres crib e prop rIeta ry prop araU ona. good tldlnga. I took hold at him. l;bt h.eal II up. Mrs. LIzzie Vinc ent Tbo ma •• but In the case of Cas torl. my expe anel Fair mon t. Wah len's RIdg e the bett er. But -reunIon mu. t Ten n .• Oct. Ince , like that of man y othe r ph)'B rlslew him In Zlkl ag. who tbD\lgbt tJ:!at 13. 1905." lcIaDs, has taug ht me to mak e mee t the volu ntar y appr oval of an ex· . caption. I pres crib e you r CUt orla I would have given blm a rewa both f.. ctlo n.. III rd my tor prac tice beCause I have found It David mig ht Su~e to Hav e One. to be a thor ough ly relia ble re have lubd ued lerael by forc e Q hl~ tidin gs. How mllClb mor e. when ~ tor chll dren 's com plaln ts. Any LIncoln Sletrens. In an add ress Q wIcked 10 n bave slain physician on who haa raIse a ri ghteOus mllnlelpa l politiCS. d a fam ily. . . I liaftw will join cif arm ., but he chol o rath said In Chicago of me 111. hear Uea t recom· er pers on In bls own bous e ulJon 11111 men datl on of Cut orl.." the meth od of rlgh teou ene .. and bed? a certa In city : Shall I not ther etoro now requ ire trut h 1Ir:I!1"Jultlce. "Th at Hy Is Ill! nolorloll s for . blood .(Ir your hand . and talce his C.E NU IN E God can give whilt hum an you rotte nnes s as the town or P~ hble Its awa y trom Ihe eart b?" s Is AL WA YS . ache mln g and plot ting cann ot noto riou s for anot her characte rlsll c. And turn Ing to hIs youn g ar gain . mor, "He re Is nn Inchlcnl that bear ers stan ding ncar be eOOlmnn The quel tlon arlae e: "Wo uld dtld )' nu an Id ea or tbe rcpl ltatl will glvl) on , of Peb· the m to solz e 'Re<;hab and Daa nab David have been Juutlfled In the and bles . to toko Ulem out anll siRY lhern. ule Of force In gain ing pOI I'_" whI ch "On a traIn one dnr a llIan rush wbe n tlley had dono til y cut ott' ed lion of that whic h God theIr Into a car. held IIIl his hnnd hnnds and ltrel r foot and han!;'od ror nUen· prom l.ed Ihou ld be hi.,, , I. had them tlon. the · nnd shol1ted xcltedly : up over th.e pool III Heb ron. InJunction: "Suf fer wrong ratl\. .. 'An 'bod y hero who belonl;9 But David had U,e bead or to er than do a wrong'" a lafe Ish. Pebble. ?' , prin ciple to follow In our deal . -0 both tith taken and burl ed In tb e scp. ., ' Ay : 1 do.' said a smnll. dry old ulch er of Abn er 10. Heb ron. Ing~ with othe rl. follow ctlIO\I~·. Euc t ~P1 of Wrapper. Now. when ll~!ngs of th se thI David In the Two.nty. thlrd ngs "'Th !'n,' R .ald the othe r. 'Iend r ache us d TN. O&NT_'' ' co...... f t ...... ." efta. .,. " •• 't yer the e 's of tlie peop le of IJ. cork Pulm , decl are. that afte r the c IS . 1': ;a=s; 10 $ scre w._·_" _ _ _ __ _ • • " 0",_ , ra ·l. they knew thlll David . wllk .thro ugh the valley of th. bad nQt e 2 cdl 4 Tim e to Fly • .ha.:low of deat h the Lord pre· becn concerne d In. tho wick ed 1'he trus t mab'1la~e leap ed up pare d for him a tabl e In the o and that he was not ·tn·l ng In plot. rrom prel enc . of hi. enemlee. Such 0 , way to (orc e nn exte nsion ot any th e lJanquet tahl\! and mad e a dive Cotar ",ore GOOd. brlah\.~ ~.d lUte, col_than ••, Olh., dye. 0 •• IDe Noltlae COlO,. bls (or hi s lOO·mlle-un·hour auto &llllIIt\IIlftf~UIOut rlgglnuoa n. Wil~' lilt I...... ... proved . liter ally trut In hi, ex· 11111 .,.11 .... tat II1II" ,1tU klllgshlii over Isra el. For tll.l mobile. ~ to DJe. III_ b and Sill atli., II,., YOII can .,. IIIll s rea· . 0.__0 E D.. "Ho ld all ~"cr R.U 8 DO .. led tb e perl ence , - God laid the unit ed son wben the people rrom all astn nlsh ed 1111 ",,/.' the ' toas lll)a Jero ster. me on Colored Evld,,:-:clr. "W"o·t you walt ror us king dom at his feet afte r all tribe s had com e toge ther ' It was Dlst rlrt Atto rney quic k· ;!eroU . to serv l<'. Of New ' e the rl esse rt 1" Iy agre ed 'tbat they '81101I1d seek the plot tr"g l of hll "ne mln •• Yorl(. snld nne dny or lllll ecll of ~ David . "No." r"pllec'! th e nervQus su. I $3 .00 8& S3 .60 had failed. ,It la sure ly true mag nate ; out at Hehron and. ther e requ est .' SH OE that plclo S ~~C:I.O ". lls just c"ifI saw cnce il. : susp icio that t"ey that walt upon he bncomo king over Isra el as us loom liP IiiY"f~OEE::Jl~.l.v:~.,~EM= weil ·at the wlllllow. Tbe. next face "It Is e\'hl enc(1 tllat lias bElen = Lord ; .hal l not be alha med . t~e tblnG as Juda serv h. tsmed ·perl )d .21 with. colo red. ' It IR 111;0 '.ho ' ; -.DDD~DTOIllU'.::Z. will be a process." U And 80 It cam e to pasl ' that a'. _ _ ~ I al I y ·s repo rt t a ller nI IYs I[)I 4 -.." And tellln!;' hIs chauft'eur a.n's p\'~ ~~~~~ ~ _ _-• day's afte r. even wl1lle Joab few _' . . ~~ . .. ,,._ IIIU' -.. , .... . . . . ....a •• was tull speed tb", wea ltby fugi to put on scrlpUon . tive head ed spea king to his Intlnuito frien ds TIJE REASON W L. Doog I"'"A lady or-e day In July vis ited THE STORY. .... woru "'mo no people of the tor Lbe next stat e. her ID all walk s or Ute than any lu 101ly or }<Ing David by whlc b lie mak.. elco olyl ..... . ' .tlllln g. otber _ _ ot o.olr pbys lclnn . The mlln exam Ined ane! I1Ipe rtorIa__ bad he. r Inc quaUIl ... -B OAB "'Ith ' feverIsh llast e sdjll o -r-nTbo , ::N •• -oI""tlo t "" W ""o n and r or n-. 'b. said I""th : lost . r •• 00 othe r ma&erialo tor _10 parI hIs chllilce of winning conl rol sted of llo. 81000. ~"d ••• " d.t.1 I of . bls garm nts and star ted towa Littl e Mnr gare t'll grunc\mother t ''''' mUlJ ll1a loolle d alter bf over aU of Israe l, tbat the elde rs "'l\'\ tbo ndam rds' fDMt bad c.omf , you llcl.eo are r:aanl only aation a II tie run from Lbe I)ala ce of K1ng TInvltl. The .kUI" " . " ""mak • ..,. who reeol ••of lIupe riol.e ncho la,'or emlb au<l i b. bll....' _ few all tbe trIbe s soug ht audi ence with writ ten for a photogra ph of her nam e. down . YOII nced rr<lClUcnt balh s lind pald 10 .b oo \nd"" ry. UUl\ who wer e In tbe mar ket plnea .al sake , the " baby." For mat rial work m ... ,.blp _ _ be ... <MIIle u.. plen ty of rre$ h all'. and 1 ad Vis, David' lit Heb ron, sayi ng to him I r I Ot)1I111 "')lio )'OU InUi my tbat d. rea· 11URta [aclO l'i._ft& Droc lltoo, MUB you to ; earl y hour wer e startlEld and 8uqi sons ~Ild 010011' you "ow c... (nlly W. It w.a s advi sabl e that th e little dres s In lhe coolost. mos t com ., ' . J)onI rlsed "Dehold. we _a re thy 'lJone and lIU . _ ..... mode. JOU 'Cort able wonl, 1 theu to seP. the coptalll or the bast s tby Illld .... n wby tboy 11010.. girl sllOuld appe nr as well dres Uoolr .lIap e.llt be,,,,,. clot hes -noOllng •stl tt' or form Ld.' wear lo D~Qr and are'aor4gre~ ot Ju· ' fl esh. Also In time past 'Yhe n sccl as wr yah. ttaao .:~~er muo. · . ''' \' h Saul possIble. and a c01l81n'8 new dah II!>roud 'at such time. know MY •• 8I1tE''''.nd.5801r h ' b d open .work 1~~ • en s e go t h orne b OAUTIONI-1'!log.nnf".b.... W. L.DO 0IIINMI6.te!f~,-~!.',,-.a that only 't be mos t Imp orta nt mat Ing was king O\'er us. thou was t be that dres s was borr owe d for er 1,1118 ao ...luD...... .. No 8ubalUuUt~ A ek llprl ... asked her whn t tbe "h)·s leddelit out and brol lght est In ters tho ),our occa det'\lc .. .....;:: ..._-....; .. sion r fur . ". lclan l~ lloua 1u s. It bad saId. lSri,el: On being al'~!lyed for the could take blm to the pres ence direc h., OOlln ot t"" 'acto ,y. Sbo...eDto.~ryw"""'1>7 JUal~ The lad y ' repllod: 0a&aI0fI tree. W .LOo~.I ... , Ung at that Unseasonobhi hOllrot the and tbe lAIrd Imld to thee . Thal l shalt lIarel. ru ~hed t<l her rath pict ure Mar· . er. cr)'lng: "'He said I mus t go to the Jonb ",'as too milch abso rbed with Dqt reed iny 'people Isra el, and tbon shalt' seas "Oh. falh er. jllst look! Th~!! o , his lJe a OUI.talll over Isrll el." .f'·. . aln't do plen ty at automobiling. andhore !;'et own ' thol lgbt s to rioll<:e the worn hol es; they lom Is e new sum mer gown s.''' born hole s."- I-lar. stl\r~;"u And _David mau ,?, Ie'Rgue with them glan ces whic h Coli owe d him. Cor ver's , , - - - - ".'--:.- -'Po slll vely cure ' d by mor nIng a -secret mes seng er that In .Heb ron btlio re the .LoI'd. and ther e Poil ---=lted A "' : ' K . .,.-Co't; no c "' k : ' l.ver -. had satlo n. they anoI nted Dav Ibu c Lill i. rm •. brou ght ' to him alar min g tidings "Jac k. ,r am gOing awn~·. " fro III and the rejoIcIng :d king over Israe l, , "Jim my. " said the fatb er. "tbe re'l a Tber al"" relin e the peOlple ex· rip In your Mab anal m. the royal cIty of ::OQlng awa y. Madge?" InL E •__ The re are pollitlona open In' the 'rom Dr . ....psl ... lq· whe re IshbosbeUl. the son of Isra el, ceed ed the mor ning which bad fil1e[1 It uP." . ba~ht'ng suit. Go and sew ' "Ycs dlll". , goIn Mllouo.ndT~Ue."" g away. Rllt tero re I go Nav y for hundredll of you ng men . relgUM. The se tidin gs were ·Sau l. the Illnd beca use of tbe war s whIch Ea.tln~ . 'A ..perf en real I bave som ethi ng to say to YOII ." "Bu t papa ," grow led the boy, "mo to the had been JVa ged betw een 17. wy and lor 25. yea rs of age. n..... , l'Ia,, · tb. effect that tbe king bad been \1etween tbe klns · er will sew "Som etbl ng to lisy to me. little PI LLS• Be", DrowDlol and' for mec hani cs up to ·35 yea..... slain dom l of Juda h and It ror me." BlnelJ.S, • • 4 upon bla bed. Isra el. . wife ?" , Tn.l eto tbe MouL ta,Co a" . "Ne ver mind . 1 wnn t YOU to lear of age. Gooa pay I and good food n f'll TODU'lle. PalQ ID \be "An d now Ie Dav ld's ' opportunity," "Yes . ng to SIlY to you . Don furn i.h·ed by the Gov ernm ent, to sew yourself. For, " 'sald the 't t:;:;:====-.--::~Bld •. TORPID LIVaa. rath er. ' mut tere d Joab to blm selt· as be Mnd DIe any 'fbey Pap poke r stor a'. Occ upat ion. relU lal.e tbe UO"~I.. Pure lr "som e day you' will get mar ried For full info rma tion addr esa VecelabJe, . and the wee kly reIl) lttfl.n ies In lIell ot ried on. ' ''No w ",111 be be ablebilr· Rl!cently a littl e gl~1 Nav y Rec ruiti ng Stat ion, POl tl\en . YOIl ce. Tha t'll be SMAll PILL SMA ll DOS brin g Isra el und er blab lUid . Will to regl~trnllon blan k In appl ied for a wJU. olily won 't bave any mot ber- you abou t BII." E, SlIl~l"'ICE. Ollice Bull dinj ", Clnc ino. ati,O hio.t , have a he ,.New a wife York ." but I1ve ' his oonsent, J will -- -- -" -- Gen uine Must · Bear 81.1\rt scbool: The teac her' wro te dow n ber Been Laid Away In Stoc wltb ,the arm )' tbls very day." , ·.Glr l. lned . for Hare m •• , IIl1me, her address. her sge, b'ut kIng s. I CARTERS Fa~·Simlle Signa~re at Tb. Fram ingh Tbe am And arriv ing at tbat mom ent at Clrc (Ma "Fat n.) assla ITTL her' na,t. E ns. ",bo live In the s lon~ oecul/allon" bank bas just receIved pala o. door, be knooked Impatien the balk ed' and bling het bead the ' cblld ' nort hwe stern part ot the Cau casu aVER . The teac b· and wbo tly. ., .• DOte on tbe ' old Framtor redemJitlon PILL S. , l.oath- to let one p~eolollB min tbln k It 1. mor e hono rabl e t(I lngb am' ban i, I ute be er ' bad visions' of a pare ntal burg lar, Uve wblch was tbe pred eces sor ot tl'.i, ;"'18 ted. Urg ing tbe surp rised serv 'bY plun and der than reas pre oned by . Indu gent REFUSE SUISTlmEl. stry. ly. "Tel l me -.rbat mak e ent naUonal bank :frl~O ___ 'I~ a cust om to brIn g tbel r to' ha8~elJ lie ente red the audi ant, It Is. my dear . and I wlll . Tbe note Is dste d • . thing adt'8r~r~ tlsedl~n dau~htel'll June ence see wh!) ther II. colum n. Ihollid I.IIst upon huin 12, I S5 np • • room of the king• .and not long and to be we la. Bold ,sbal all crisp a. l pnt slav , It down ,or not.'; "No 'm, and es to the Turk e elea whal atte 110o, r ask 10'. rehlSl na aU .ullstln as the day that It lert th~1 en· David tbe "kin g ente red. and Pers ians. ClroasBlnn beau ,1 won ·t tell. " tbe "glrl InSisted. lUI.. 0' IaIllallDno. ties. . "Jus t' ther efor e, . crav er's band s. Tbe note · will "Wh at brln s' yo. bere . at such be lin· tell me." lIale! Lbe teac her. "and 1 V:·on·t lalid liut shin e not In Uielr liatl v. kept as a souv enir . ~mly bou r'" be ellcl In tbe .bar eml;of tbe orlenL almed anI· spea k at ,I t to anyo ne eille." 'I,'he lItlle 10Ullly. girl hesi tated and twIs ted bel' Can Not Elca pe 1'ho ught•• Tbollgb we may b'e lear ned by "He '. a worm eatel'." she finahyhand s. tbe "Wh at bnt · toe klng 'a good 1'" M~n Is n thIn kIng beIng. whe bUl'llt belp or anot her'l I know ledg re- out. "A th·e r be e. 'we .Can "'arm eate r!'" crie d the horr l· ' oeve apon ded Joab : reaa aurh igly . "I r be ''''Ise bllt by our own wlsdoIl1. will or no; all he can do Is to ·turn the bIdding of thy king to ,go and Beek lied teac her: "Ye .·m. He·s . worm -Mo lital bla thou gbts the b..t ",ay .-SI r WII· gne. . brin g llate r In an r.ra el unde r tby bann er:'; lIam Temple. ' anti que." And It atte r· A• .N. K.- E . (190 7-38 ) .war d de veloped that the tath er "Tho,!, who baat 'Ill lied Abner, ",u tile daUy enga ged la bori ~ptatn of the bost s of ng IlDltation Isra el, wile n I bBd mad e a leag ue wIth JUBt worm 401f;!S In bogua anti que fllrn ltllre . Weak women net?d "tone" to throw off hIm." RO tba,t the deal ers exoltedly dem ande d David. "Wo can sdy : ' "Loo1r disease and build up their strength. ulds t at the· worm bolea If No ma tter what feml:lle trouble you suffer from you tbln k tblu «bOlt klll labbosbeOI. tbe king . if JOU lack tone you will find It . als0 1" Isn't genuinely old." hard to recover. Cardui Isa tonic. wh Joa6 ·.'wln ced at the wortls of ' Da· kh act s prin cipally on the womanly organs and constitution. lPurcly vegetable. har ,leL mle ss. yet pow eifull~ curative properties, Ne, w Wood Pre. erva 'Nay . anot her hath alre ady pert .' Tbe pres ervn tlon oC woodtlve ed ~,t I'lghteoUI aot," be ,repl orm, wJth luI. ied. phur . appl ied In IIQ'lld form "mtb te01 l1 acU Clllleat thou mlU' Ing Ipec lal favo r In Germ , Ie galo . ..., an act ot dKIIteoulln.aa! any. Tbe Who se mate rIal com plete ly I1l1a the cell _d ' la .taln ed wltb bloo d' SIIrely ap8C011' oC the IIber, nnd It "'III not thy eml -I') ' wbloh at mod erat e Is an Id~ tal Ic for weak women: Mrs lJatb tem pera ture s It la lit Ie. Cone tbls thin s'" affected by . Blanche E. Stephanou, of 1228 S. 42n . wat~ r, acid s and alka Une 8OIutloua, Av e., Chic:qo.III., rit es : "Na y, nay, .I. am aull tle. of d suf fere .uCla tbol llh It. osld llel ",a4111 d wi th. constant .., side, and otller troubles. at 1tI.1i tam, 1 know lIot ",bo hath kw e3 pera last took Cardul and now ture s.. Pop lar I. belt adap ted to, IL .~~~~~~~. upon hll bed, Hke a different person~ , \II! this treatment, realllta with lIlO I~ ~ tIIJ arm IlI,but · oat ..,. bo n, pl'U belg I. . . ., ..'..., ...




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Wime o f Cardui II.

_ _ _US_iii




bachache, pain In my, .

• III l. H be WIll mllnlocl to 1ll\i7.!l ·I ~vil clTc'h or al ohol llno lIicottl t:;1l~t 'rtll\vIlIL~. Tu Ihl l!. uulon tinc b I:l'iln III ~he lluulio "c hulI\:' 'I I. hlllt ~. or UII~ 1',111, !lUII , 11l Ih, , ' _____ ru bUl'n twol!ons anrl olle dl,l ugb· tli l! av unl){c length of bllll~a n lif' Uo zett ,.u U 1' I11'1'1111(. I"l1lj.\ II f II a t hl 1,rl'ssh'cSl'rvit'e 1urks the PlIS!'!' Ier . '\'\ til! . N 'OOlll} OOIn lllUl Ion I,a~!l e d, h~... ~~ be"n 1II ' r IIRed four al'lli line ( ·~A'].,r-~LE u~ , I) ~ 1 ' .\ I'" ,' IlU ", Is, hO ' (I 0" , III lf'lI month 4. half veal's. Th e cause ,f there lI .... I,I ,, I L"" ingofV ' nenible it.izl'n. kekh to Iltt' I II' g Ilor I Ife 'r we" j)ttultHI II 'wlt h II", foll,.wing Ih)lf : of Mr. Evan' Lifl'. ltl7'.! bern/{ 0 IUIlIIJ morc girlti ' tllall " 1) 1'" ,1 F'1l1l's",; :- FIIH1cn 10~Il\l nu Unol ,Toel , II EI he hIlS long been boy in ollr High , 'c hool ~ wa at , triuuted to the 'fa t thaL 0 lUllUY .irllf'113 1'1'101 III O,.y l,\ 11 "'e ~' ,11e . The. fll.lwrul of til Into ,1 ll':vllnt! kuown uy bls frie'Ulls l1nd neighbors, boys h COlli li s tie , ollrt!1ess an d To be held at Wayne Farm, 2 milcR West 01 Waynesville, Penn. ' tail i'lIg' Ih e ho rrlbl o fut·\) f Ed~lIr W itS held fr om hi~ h OUlll 0 11 Ml1in hn filled rulln p OQitlons of bonor s tupid frllm the 11 C oi d ):lrdte~ R. R., and 2 miles East of Venablp, D. L. & . R. R. Trilin8 on hoth Hi hurtl~ . 11 furm.' r W:l Jn()~\' Il1l\ b uy . "tTl' I Illst Tblll'l!dllY tifterllooll, I~nd IlUd publlo trnl:lt.. B \VIIS looted Rlld ' 0011 drop IIlI t of SCh'lOl, whi Ie rOl\ds will be met evening before and morning of the Hule. Sale Will His flllh r I'ond nuti'd 1\ "'li gon Illllk W<l f' IIttomlotl b)' II lurlle nl1mbel' of '\l::1W I1r"eyor In I ,HI and held mati)' nre . 0 ruill II it! h ealth thut be held under n tent regardless of the weather. er 'i:l lIllOp III 'y\1\1 I' hlllllliflli villn!; 1l(' 1'~1I 1l~ who hflvo. kuo wn IIntlal!!! the OiUUR for six yellrs , From 1 it th e l' are ullabl e to altend. at 0116 tillle . Ih p fllll llly re"i dlu/! III 01 111('11 \.... I\h Mr . RVlII\s during hb" 10 1 ~9 .1 he wns 'onnty Uommisslon · 'rh e l'rillKuOl'u 8eh 01 c hildrel1 the Drew : "uot plrll'''' wlwo I Ih·et.! lOll!; tiro. er Dur1n ~ this t im, being a prac ha(1 beep iU\'It,',1 to take I)O~tl'" !If 10 8110\\;l11 HngIH~ ' uld olin I ho o~e . 'I' hl' s(ll'\' loe WRlIlu ·. barge of Rev . 110111 builder, ho drew pinus lind th e I~dur , pd zclI be ill\J ,oj'fercd P rhllp" tb lll will h, r enlt \)luored Ph ill I> 'l'r out of the M. E. ohuroh ~)JOOjflClltloll \lUU soper(ote ncled the 101' th e best pape rs but Qul y sevell ALL REGIST.ERED except 10 Cows and 2 Heifers_ by Ulauy of hi. I ,rill' r f~i mill " IlDti H e\, . Benj .' Bltwkins of I.ho Ur. eontltruotlon oftheChl~dren's BoU\e girls aCl'epte d the iuvltlltioll. -Jrs. Sl1Iith is 1111 able and I!ara~el!t AooorLltllg ttl Ih e News IIrlll'lll!, thlltllJx fo'rleuus. Mr. 'l' roui rel1l1 11 at Lebl1non, Ollio . U was Il Ul em · s pea ker 8 m I I doi liS goud . wor k 36 Cows RI hurd. W'Jl' p6I'ntltte .lto I1UI\;e fln chIlI>I e rfromthe~ rlpt,uI' 6s llnd Mr . bllr ofltR . BORrd of Tru tees for lu th tl CliO Is. ( lfi or thesellr edllughtCl·s p l/.ttlle't\l'It, l.tIlIlbllrt, Boy ' (62,!lH,), & asceul i1~ li haHoon At. the Mont,golll' Hllwk ins led In pruy er . !\Ilr n B. tw Iv yenrs much of tlmt time be. Th e COOl'ellllou was c alle«l to pllre t Lllmbert !lOll of thu gn':lt Lot,til;! 'o lt'ull!J\lI ). er y COl1flty Fnir rtloo ntl y . Ho 111' " hltndler, of tho Blok Ito It' I'lemJa lug olerk 'of t,he Board . Be 11l1S order by' the Cou nt y t>res idcul, ptlIIrpd t o hecollle fn sci ull tetl ",It.ll M eeli lJ~ , uf whloh ,I r . EVIIIl S WaR n filled IL number of township alld Mr . CouO\'er Fl'ld li y mOI'lIlu'g IIlId 10 of l.hollL ;!. yell rs .11<1 lLlIIl I~ r 'ld IlIe · life .IIOll foll owed the ILeronallt Ill 'mool', r elld tbe hituar.v , wLlch villtlge olUo ra .wIth integrity lind afte r d evO Llonal 'xtlrc i ~es. tbe to 'l'roy lind rflO('I\'eti perUli~slon to apPObri4 below , honor, Mllny persons of his 0 0 111 add res or' wei .Hue was eordiutlv mRke the nsoolls ion thl'l·e. In o,mr rmlty witb tbe cus t om of 'ulUtlOlty oherlshhit! memory beolll1se given uy 1r ~. E Ullll a Chapman. 'i' yellrt,! 01<1 , .RIoter'" Ht LILlIlherl /{Iug (~ ,llH ). 1'he plLfl1chllte fniled to work and ·the Friends, a period of Rolomn of his. ft\lthful IlnUi jlldiolous a.olllin. of Spn ut{boro, I h e response he i ng he fell many hunrlredA of foet to a silenoc fo llowed. I~tratiou of estate.~, mach) by Mr~· Alina Saq~ellt, of Harvtlv ~lIrl{ In her ' 1,l easant horrible dOllth . HII' hody !;trUClk Il AI)prClprlnttl rODlarks were tt·on He hecarue II dhreetQr of Ihe Wn y. 11II1I1I1 e'I', ' The program fo r the Noody l1n of tho helfur!! Hlld youu g h " ll ~ nrll "ireLl by NlAllld'& ll1 rgll' wlllnnl Ir, 'I'. 1111 11 ~o .. lIplll Wfl lI IlIlld~ by Ruv, T rout, und Ho . BlLw , n R~villu N~f,\onal Bn.nk nt. It,s IIpeu· dav wall take n up aud bu iu e~s Golde n LllI), (07475), n. gr"nd ~o ll of G nl(hn ~'."'" ' Ii 1.·,,1, by 1\ te~te(r bl~ c1" !i(' lit Ihut 1\ 11 .. Hr", Will< torn \lI to Ing III 1 74, and WIl H il!; . lI~hi e l' for meeting proce oueLi with. In b er dnug'.lter uf GolLlon LIId. 'rite tW11 OOW!'! t hllt i... "p' 01 tIl " reoont ",,,Iker nth orwi"e 'I'll" fol\ o win~ !;entlemou, 111OSt, of Revord YOllr.!. talk tile Pr.!Slrl ent re!,orted a new lOfll e, ono bringing frolll tlw I Llv lind h 00 IlOd ,Itt> ol.hor ,a700. hll,'1 I h., ~:l II H' ·j.\mndtllrea , lIIUtlln tllli. . wh om hlld known Mr. Jo-; vllns 1111 On th e 20th dill' of lJectlmber, Union of nin e tee n lIIembcr!' jll t i'fn let w(lrn r) ut COWR lir e Oft'<lf8tl, An.I' ,1 I1f,·, I, " f :II'Y aulmal will Tlli' , (l llllg 1111111 wll a uhrlllt tw nt,V' th Ir II VEl!!. lIot.ed ns pilil bel1r rs : 1 ' I , Mrs, EVII,n WIIS ngllin unit d org·anl:'.ed ut Kltlg's Mills, WILh bo ulflde known on dllY of A"le. 1f you wl1nl " ' ,,",H.v 0 'w, or tn Inoreaee . UIX \ !lll i'~'-'' f II. ga, 'C Q 0'11 y, A ' B, 'h lin dl ". "I e - , • 1"• • .., . ~><I " II< III 1Ill1rrinIYo witJl yuthll1 Fitzpat. a few excep tinn the Coull ty Sup- riour hllrd, .)r to get 1\ FOUNDATION HERD, Ilfll" 1>1 .VI/IlI' olll",rtuntty . ( ,' ro II , 0 I', H E. 8 IItJ1!I\VI1~', 'V . ric k, wIt h..whom he ~ IJeut hiA d oclin. erilltelldeots reported iucreas~t1 . .'I'lti Is strlotly 14 out loose 8910, Your \lrh' IH Iln r" , ,,10 ' r "~erVB , In teresl a lid good work dOlle \11 • AllAn. " I. W . White. B. An . Ill [.\' yel1 rs In p nee I~nu dom t.lo their' . di fferent Departmcnts . Wayne Farm Jersey For c llt~llog l\a tLdc1ro::l8 tho owuerd, STOKE & BROWN, lIud,1. A. Co l 1lI110. f E11I ity ; upon wboso ,dovoted lirffi 'rhe c lecllou of oflicers resultcd WayneBville, Ohio. Cattle .Sale. thou.Y Fl'Il1nus find rel.. Uve!l from I< .li~. he oould re t, his ",ellry bead lind in t h e r -e lecltoll or lh e sum" 01~:=:::~;::~=~:::::~;:::::::;;;::::::=: 1'.11, 1l1l \JJ ' I':< 11I 1I<'d will offer at, Pl1U t.llIlOA who onllle to IlLiend th e last rel1 li 'l.6 the fMeliiy or 'ijoul f the iiue rs naUl clv - :.,.... Presldellt. Mr. oli • 110 l'" I.. HI tllI· 1T ~t , c k fl< rill 2 Illi I Ii rlr,es were : Mr , A . Harry EV lln!!. grtlciou8 aOnJllnhion wbo lu lnlstered Meliss/( COllov er, Masoll; R cord- I ing '\lore la ry. Mr '. Emma LnW ~L !ll \1 ', \' " AsV ll lu, Obio. begin. Mri'. Hedgr, Ir.. , Mllrg.lI·ettl1 'he. til hi!! every ne l. .ney, 1111 froUl Cincilll1llti; Mr. IIU<.I .Ioe l \£VILll . . wus o f Quaker de oent ke ns, Harvey ' bun:t; Tr asun'r, \I1ul: at 10 ·;10 II. III . The Citizens Bimk, Waynesville, Ohio. ?I rd . 8et,h W Brown uml f" mily, of M re. Emmll C ha pUian. 'prin~' b illg "' liftl long m ember of Mlllml boro, The tloo ntid e prlly r was 'I't'!UR>'I'A Y. )t.:l'OBER 10, 1907, Lebanon; MlsA unshiue EV!lU , MOlllhly Meeting of Friends. Be boro. The noontide prtaJt>r wus 50 BElAD OF JERSEY CATTLE, Was organlz <.I tillrler. flt;ld ndber'" t I.. leIV t,;, I h" ~ ,I, t Miss W'l nlfT'c1 EVIIUS, Mr . nnd Mri! . udher d t o the vir"l prinolpl e~ of offered by Mr . Marietta A. V. 1111 rich lv hi' .. ,I, illoludillg 26 r egi . Barbe\" MrH. Elll1 Baii:Je~, H. H. hi8 faith Imd'II\' ell them throughout mlth illld we adjourned 1-0 the of pro~rBllslvenes9 , tered o. ,w, from l! to years old; Fltzpatrlok l\n<1 Mrs. r41 zzie E llint.t. Itis d~i1y Ii'o , He h Id various of din'\IIg :001ll of tho hurch where Fooling tbat the fllrmlng OOltlt:l 1111 I II ,V I~ ntlthlft It, 1.I,e 'to high /lrlld oow from 2 to 7 yeal's of Olnolnnllt.i. ilOO8 of t rust In the oburoh. belDg a n t: xeelle n'l dinner was served old ; (15 nf tb e cow~ (ue dllughters sl1mo Modorn B~uldo/(, !J.I! Ifl l') ffrecl h.v th o Cit y Rill k, 1,IwI' Evans. trOIt8ur.,r 0)( the QUll rterly Meeting by the l:ipnngdoro Laches. of l.:.eitt"'1i! t, Lanibert Boy ( 62~ 1 ) hav e inlltllJled their Savings Oepurtull ut. wher .h.v t.he Ioe .Joel EVIln!! was\.)Orn on t.he Bur. nearly forty year s In sncoession. \Th O adfternodolldsessinri WIllS c.atla pure I:\t I,JAm hert 80n of the g rell t evotionu lexerHI8 beloved wife and two oh\ld e( t o or er all ginner In life may enjoy an incama ou bls ~wiugK. tlud tile ci~ es led bv Dr. Marie Romlo ll, LoUie :oia'tI 2nd ); rOgistered net .; homp-stelld between Waynes· r n, Mrs , Unrrle Evttns Brown Ilnd with ' c riotu~e reading. sling and vi ll e l1nd i.rytle .Ian.nary 2.1, 1 Hi /lrid ' heifers :& 'rear s 01.1, br 11 ; ~ high hi' l1vy tlopositor hl\\'e the a8me ntlvlLDttlgA while wlllting for hi!! ilOU Dnvid snn,lve to monrn his pm ver se rvi ce, fol)owe't by 1\ du- I , , grade , helfeJ'll, "2 yeai's old, I)r d ; .3 d pUTted this life lit h lR bome in n. Hflti!lf,"otory iuvestmout. lo~s. l:Iis delibera~e mien, his sound e t by MissesSllook. of . South I ' r"giJ!tered yellrliug heifer!!; 2 regis. \Vllynet;lville, 0.. Sbptolllbllr 17, judgenlentBnd hi fIdelity to known Leb.a non. Impressive Memorial .Thelr directorate being Onmp081l~ of Farmers, .~th 1907. att.holldvllnoed flge of 9l yrs., tareu ye~rliD!; uuIlI! i 2 roglstered duty llI'lde a judloious oonn elor In e rvices were held ill m emory of beifer culves ; four registered bull I( mos. Dnd 24 dl!. Imd r tired. is ID II. POSltltlD to olltl'r to I,ho' ueeds ot tbe many avenues of life. Let U!l ohe,r . prollloted members o( the Unions cttlves; 1 r &Istered bull, ? years The first of this fa.mily to 1'1lI1grilte h!h kis memory and emulate bls Mrs . Lucy Hadlev an(l Mrs. Jane ' I farmer BS well o,s the morohant and handle their fnnds "old , to AmeriCA WI1S. Willitt.m Evans, who vir t ues, W. Downing, Harve)'sburg: l\1 r ' satls cuct-orll y. Alln Wooley, Wavn sv ill e ; , Mrs. OUR PJlESEN'r SERVICE BULLS. cl1me from 'Ville whlltl IL YOllug MarY' Wasso n, Sout h l.ebanon, Ih~n and settled In Pennsylvanil' luterest nt the rate of a paid Itntl oompounded 8OUlI· N ..lad'tI Gold~n Ilnd Rioter ;!! St, aud ' of Ol1io ' late s tat Pres iLambel't King. ~epre8ent rospeot . abont the yetir l696 , Ilnuul\l1y in ~ h ei r snvln~1! depllrtment.. d en 11', 'yirs , Aunle W. Clark, IIlso i vely the two most noted strl1lns of the Jer@ey Breod, the Uo1den Lou 1_ IItrain, now very popular, uDd the wl\rrietl in 1790, ftnd in Ootober,l 03 '.'The 'I' we uty-thlrd PSIl IIl'" sung S=. -- 5i¥ - 2 "3~-:a we? ' _._ it!!ii iii SW St. J...ul,ul>ert . moved fr om Soutb Carolina and by MISS I:;lIook. An exC:" llent 8e. . tJ . . lectlOll "M is tress tlf 1111 'i'rades" NlLil1u'!I Golden Lad ((l7475) is one loollted near WaynesVille with the 'l'he thirty-se ooud Annual Con- was se llt by Mrs. Mllhlda' Uull er- Yevsb,l rg. l:!ollthLebatlon, ' and lTerrlflc Storm of the mO!lt f~8hlonabJy bred bulls elLr1ysett}ers. Nlneohildren blessed Wednesday Evening. In thilJ oountry, baving 8S his sire. this nnion, six of whom werE. born ventioo of the W(lman'sChris'tl'an wood, Su~ermteU(lent 'of Purity, ~ri~l!b .. ro Unlous & Springboro 'remperance . Un ion ot Warren alld, read by her husband in her It 80n of Golden Fern's Lad, l1nd us In '~rolinu. . '['I Pres Meli 8~ a Cononr. . David EVIlDI:!, fllther of Joel lAnd CountY' was held at the Universa- aoeeuce . . Ie . One of t,he WOrst lltormll tblAl hilll his dam, a daughter of Goldpn Lad . list Churob lit Springboro, Thurs· children l\IIvilU~ bee n requested ,Seq, Emmu Luken!l. visited this seotlou for aevel'~1 V-r" 'rhe two OOWI! tba~ topped tbE.' rooont second son of Benl'llmin, mn.rrled to com e t 0 th e C onven t Ion ' th e - " .... y . dav e nv enl'II'" . and Fridav, Sepat ')'" • . r"ged between tl ve and 'seven 0'Walker sa.!e (on'e bringing ,3 00 tbe R h I B 110 e ur,n e tt, 0 f Mlddl et <:>)'I'n." ., tetnbe r 12th and 1. 3 tb, .1997, close uf school for til e liwarchng ~~ . . . . . ' " ~ ' I prtZ6S . . olock la"t WeduH!.uloy evenm,g. othor , $3700) blld just these two ant1 0 f P ennay I van Ia d esoen t . "une The dev,o tional exercises of the ot .tle for the notes tl~ketl grllnd HlrRs. ' Be hOIl won first hon 17. 18.13, whioh WIIS tlOleWnllGed,llo· eve ll in2' se's sio" \\Iere 'Jed bv MISS 00 th e lecture 1I0W came In. The Rain foil tn totrentll and the lI"htors in hltl clas8 wherevor shown. !lording to tbe ons~om of Frlentllt 13ruscup,of Sprinl!:,horo in It pleas- tit'st prize \Va 11 book; second; u nlng and' thunder pl"yed almOilt Riotor's tit, Lamb.' rt King (58644) anrt In the mellting hou's e (now the ittg ma~ner .a nd oonsisted of years 8ubscriptio'u tQ th e Crusaca~8Ian~ly durlng 'the Htorm. '. . The eleotric Iillht plllnt wat! put , oomes froul the St. Lambert flLmlly, White Brlok) u,t WIlj'nesville,lt ·be. S cripture re adin g, 'praver, and der Mouthly ,a nd t o ~ac h of tl.le out of aommilliliou ,for about an oonsidered the Kreat.e~t procluoing IDg ' ~bellrllt ulIlrrlu,ge In thu~ hOUSE!. 80ngs, wltli a ~ woe L solo, "Moth- otlter five 2'lrl s was glvetl u medal WI th the 're rnperance pledge CIIhour, lind tbe telephone .enloe ~I~o strain or ,I erpey oa ttle tJlis ooun try Of thoir eleven ohildren, but one, er's Pra ver ." 'rhe address was gIven by Mrs. grllved lin it. The Committee on The Daylight Store. snft'eroosornewhtlot, blls . ever known His breeding is Bonjamln EVI.ns, of Pllsa(lena, Uali. Nine of th880 Marietta A, V. Smi~h, 'of Oolum- plan of work and .resolII ti.ol1s subSPECIALS -;The barn on llbarlOll EIlts' farm hardly excellerl bl' tIDy 11 vin/( uletn· fornlll, survives, ohildren liVld to mature life, bebus . tate u' p onllte~dllnt of witted the f91l01Ylng which was . J d jUllt outRide the oorporate IImltll ber of tbiH {n,mil,V. He will be tn · Ma80n Qt. ars per oz. 45e SClen ti fic Tempeunce I nstruo lion adopted: oluded 10 t.hls offering. oomlng enterpri!!lng IlOd va·loed Olt and wa, inspiring aod instrucPlan of yvo~k: I We sugStar tin Cans pel' doz..4Oe. WB8 struok by litrhtnlng, but ,not THE Fl<;MALES, ,, IzeDs In the oommunltles In \'!'hi ob tive and listened 't o wit~ pleasure gest th~.~ IndiVidual e lIort be ' Jelly Gla8se8. Injured to any exteqt, 1ll!tIl Con· Tbe COWtl offered In t.hls s lLle nre t hey lived . by all preeeo t. S he had' her .p- made 10.IIl ?rIl Jlse our membershIp Paratrine Wax,'per' lb, 1Oc:. ntlr, who .W,IlS In tbe · bulldlng ,,~ tbe bre~lt, ' the I1boveol!llI ed bulls. 'rhl) J oel EVllns ' young lifo wat:! spent para t~ls fo~ illustrating the the coming ,vea~, . , . '. We have fancy Jel'fley' tI~e, felt the elfe"~M of' the bolt "!ld Q.n tho bomestell(\ fllrm. ond his amollnt of alcohol in certain 'pa•. Tha t s pecllll eLl ort he given S-cet Pntatoes. Hom 'e WitS knooked down by ItA fo.rce. Be young Cll ttle 'I1re l1f'l1rly ull sired by' " d' P t S' 'f1 T I t n. h " I f Nlllad's Goldeu ' Lad\ ancl will show etluootion Wilt' of th t! kind common t ent ~Iel ICIII!)S, ' .~run~ ' reeeivi,ug to c~en.IIC cmperance ns !UCGrown tomatoel!. . as reoovereu nloe y rom bill ell:p8' I II t I ' b t l · I 1 I esp~c la lIoh ce as It con Lams lOti. " Send U8 your order tO,r eanrlence. for thelllselv'l3'3 on Iluy 01' Rill e. 'No n .I IL IIgo, IV li e Wll~ niBlei t1 IIln etv percent a1c:nho., ·the other . Resolutton 1. l~nsor.VRD, old, worn out cow>! lire ofl'e red : nny t,hA Wllyn eiwille ,,Aoaclemy. now ingredi e nts bein", u few cubebs, That JIVe request the Repr~scn~anlng, quaU.t y never better. • - • ' del eot of R,ny Ilnillllli will be tlll1de aoo ulJleclllS thu rt'sldeooe of H. r~ev a littl e burnt . s ugar and rain tlve for Warren County III the Cantelopes, Apples, Ran an~ub8orlptlons received for all the kn'ow lI on clay of <III Ie. MallY t lte 'III t, wrl~ht On Ellst Main street. wate r wi t h th e uddi ti'on 01 a little Ohio Legi81llture, Mr.'W. Z, RoB, as and Cabbage. . leading nowllpaperll anti mag"alnea, oows will he Uflllrly dry, ill uppoar. He 11I~o tlLl1ght ill the sohools ubo~t senna. ,even oarloads daily are to U8~ IJl8 influence ulld cut his Fresh COuntry . Butter, we at the 6~zette offlce. auce Dut, doing ju., t iu" tu theil' lIl or hll' llll th'e \1illllge, r ceiving $J5.00 ~hipped from Columbus to . all v«?te ~n fnor of the L~cal OptlOD have it, . It!l 'unfl worth. bllt.they ~re n hlll'tly, per montU far hiR Mel'vicet,! nud J.lart~ of our oo urutry, a greater BIU In the next sesslOr. . ot the bO~l'de(1 hiOiself , Bei n ' '~ifted In perce nt III alcohol ' being fQund III Ollio Legisll1ture, . ' SHOES.. ' , . 1l8efn llot of tbe ohoictlst ureeding , " R 6 'rl tl k W I This is, prouu bly, the InrgeAt J ar . mutlJenlt,t,lml. he early took up tbe ·that s ent to "clrv" towns. Jalu2. ES l.VED, latwe lan ,S e wil receive this week a sey Clittle HILle 0 'e l' · helel in Wurren bu~iuess pf !lurveying Itnd lIIflclllLni. .aICa, Gi l1.g~ r walO a lso 1~lentlOnC!d M~ . . F. G. Cromer IIlId the ·man- . large eonsicnment ' of' t~e 1-----LINESl!!lo-~~.-o:o (\ul ' AIl g-i ne.orln"', lIud :",a. ny of our n~ C O l1lllPlIlIg a ",re ater per cell,l. a&,ement of ,t he Miaon Valley famous Elkakin shoea for , !. oountY.llnd t1~ e Cll ttlU WA 1I1'00fl'er. , ,~ . . 'of ul.c~hol tb~n any Otll~~ .pate~t' C1uutatiqua fOI' giving tie a W. men and ' boys" without'...... .JAMESTOWN ing lire It fu ir r e,' r-illllllltfltiun of 11Iu COl.'III,Y., to,," L1ShlJl lllld. vllllIgerecordll m .. dlc ill e C\U'arettes and their C 'I' U ho r this ' ear ' Itb . " . "'1 tlf I I' d ' 't ' . '" • • • u . . V w doubt the be8t· weanng · t blood lines IlIl1lntul nAtl tit WIIYUfl urA . !( rtl(1~C1 Ily h IS ~oou Ulan· e vil etIect ;'11 .. the hUman system such an able speaker ~8 George : .. t EXPOSITION. · FiLrtJ1 . wrl tlll g, III pllth, dillgrllDl8! Ilrohl. were cUlIsH\ered, l'lievare made R . Stuart; we respectful1y re_ 8hoe on eartlt. If you ,:an • ThoSA or YOll who lire looking for t(\ctnr~1 dO!lign I\UddesoriPt.lon. , . ,He ?f t he .c.l~ar stumps vathered ' lip quest. a rel'etllion of tbe bour for .• 8chool shoe for yo~r boy Daily Excursions tG Norfolk, . a tirst OIIl H!! family 'oow CIU) HIl I'll ly phLHl!d t he b~lllltlflll J:{ronnd8 of III th c s treets 1IIId III other places' next year WIth Rev! Anua H. see U8 •. A lot of ladies 8~Oes Vu. Tour' of EBst with 810..,utisfy yonr Wl.lllr.R In t,LJi ~' olreri nl{. MllIOli cemetory, ' \VIlR an a Ol,iye not ·' so clean even I~S the streeLs, Shaw 'as Speak,~r. $ .the lat~shtyleB, r1ght,pncel!l ' over. at f)lllry~en wtln rin l,{ to IncrollRo their 1I11~1II"f\n of ft'li BUllrf} of Direotors .. lid of th,~ 1>weeptngs a?d reluse 3. ~ESOLVED, 1 ha~ we ap" People who buy ilhoelf at .' (Pittllburg N'ew Yoik Ilindtl wi ll Ii ",I this IlO .exoe!lont fill' lllltll,)' yea I'M alulworilod faith · of th c tobacco' .factories; these prllci'ate the piau of.havlnl{ oaH. Killron'a get their money'B ' I Hamsbur&, _. Do,ton r II I fi d beinJ! pul"eri~ed, saturated 'With ed lI.pon the school chIldren last opportnnlty. · ThoSA wh u are look· 11 y t.o P 1100 It on n rill nu l!er. Opilllll and wfILpy rd in 1\ seellltng- night .to take oote~ of the Scienw°lrth' La'd' , 'd M' , , .Balti~ore Philadeljhla l ot.o.f ng for It .'C!undati'ln Herd will tlo )}et'~\llI roun~'~I,ion . . . I y pure anu harllll.!s.s ,w hl,te puper tifio 'remperlluc e . add'ress. We les an , 188ell Wa.hinllton Richmond . ': w II to In peot· thlS b erd. ove mbOl ,10. 1 :n Mr, Evans was uut ,w lti h i~ In rellli t.v SOli ked In real!:-.e that t£ wiU increase . the SBnd1\1 0~er8h~1I only S5~, ! and other ~intli · " while they lalft. . Goone~ou~&-Return "noth~r We' wish to e~lIph'L!!lze ill f',lIrtlcu . united ill mn'r riag e with 8uHnn R., arse ni c to give It this beautiful along this hne in tbelr Inr lhllt this II! Rtri'o tlya cut Jamie dlLUghtol' o f Wlllillm "lldElizllbetb wllitelle~s, thu s making elgar- sohool work. .. ' llot of Boys' "8hoes, sizeB ~ " NORTHWEST, WEST 8~. l e . Every (\11I1II1l1oft'ered will bl' ~hflr\l. of Modfor.I, New .Jersey .. e.tte~ contaill Ihree yO' ~~!I S -n~co- ' 4. RtiSOLVED. That w.etbank 13 to 2, only 8Se, whil.e they ~ S9UTBWEST ' s'lld 'to th bigh etlt, btclder wlt,hollt IlIl'utl yellrs lat,er they located in lIue.. opHIIlI, arSUIlIC. 1 he 0100- these seven girls who so ably last They not &,oocl,but r eM rVA. Your pdCb.iM our!!. As thA Mle then wild ElrllRIlS of J,I1Y connty, tine ~ ffcetM th e e .Lt!s renden~g took no~es of last night's addres~, cheap. Don't forget we buy Special Redaeec..,Far~ IIJle will be hold llncltlr It lent" no ~ucl lltnll, . where In Ii, log Cjlblu of the VICt\LU ~ ~~I~r b Illd and rall5. RRSOr.V~D, TJrat ,'. tilla Prqdute and pay the limit. ~ p08ponetw ent. \\ III 1)e Wilde on IIC' t,helr ()\vn llll\lcllug they ~egtm a roads lire rel.u~Jng , to e tpplov .clg- Conve~tion bas be~n b?ueGttetl A new lot of premlumB in, For Particulan Inqul~ of truo pion ar· life, Roon however a~ette u sers as well as tho~e ad- by !tavll1g Mr!', SllJlth With u~. R' R k La ' H E. BOOT'U .t._nt COllntot Wet•'tller, . . . ' ' dloted to the \181.' of IIIt()')(lCants. .6 RltSOLVSD, Tbat wetblluk.... UgtI, OC ers, mpa. •. , ntI .. , p Ciltalognes glvlngcles ripti oll nntI hll~ . pI'08 ecl,H. wel'e blighted by .t he The IIIhalation /[)f the ' s"poke the'Sptillgbllro local Union- ror ... ' . ~rwin, Ohio. patllgre8s will be fnrbl"hed byap. Illltth,of hili Wife, lelt vlng ~nn dltugh. 1rOID these poisons III cigarettes their, hospita'ble entertllluwont, . ' J plying to ' the OWl)fjrS, 8Ti IKEI:i & BROWN .' 2M yellr, &Jou after tho death of aCid gaM which closes the pores tor of this c11urcb ror all (lOur~t.. 29. Speolal 'r.l~ lea"•• Col, D. L, ,Perry, Anotlone r . companion , Mr. IDvanll, wUh his tlO they . call not hp' athe \n the tesic=s received. at 8:28 Il. m. 90oeD&e 'be round . '.cOUl . Ik!mpsey , Westervill8, Mann.. in flint dlloKhter, returned to Way. IIxygeu in tlJe a 'iLand causes Representatives were present ........... ...... "..,.... ' trill ' n~vU1e where he spe~t the remain death, Since the study of the from Wa-.sville Masoa, Har.........~ ~ ' .. ger. der of his long and u8efulltfe. J...... ~

of Joel Evans / Largely Attended. IFuneral

Wi~YNJG 11"Al~M

11 W



58,Head.of Richly Bred Jersy Cattle

from S to 8 Years Old

15 Heifers,

Our PureSt. Lambert Herd Bull, 6 Young Bulls.



Annual Convent"lon of the EV~::~a~~:l':n~!~~p::!n~ .~!~~ Woman's Chdstian-Ie Mi~~ OLt~ia 'l'hOIll~, S~l:~tt s!~~ peraoc'e'1Inl"on



$ K 'ILBON'S S $ S·

i i

$ $




I) '

$. $Pennsy'IViI'o· "•.iJ $ ..









.. .'

$ $



i tI

'. $




WAYNEI:lVlf,r.. E, flH IO, WE Ll E

Farm ers' Instit ute will' be held


O. J, Eowa rds If-- Appo mted Guard ian

Hall Must .be Provide d or Institu te Of the Es tate of William Will 'g o to Frankl in. thwllitf.'.


'D~Y ,

OC'l'OB ER 30, 11107 .

AGlear, Unqualified.Statement to.the V0ters 0f Wayne TownshIp .

- - - _!'

To th:f



f il e tll".," -II -ble Jlrll lll'r t y- III . \", u,\' lIe If" few pcopl(l In WI\S,'ne~vill e 'rowns hip nm onnt,s til IIbunt 0 110 Wtlll t. /HI Uperl~ H OUKIl let them or· The State Board of Agricu lture million eighthn nllrcd t.I.1 ll\l!l tll HI dnl , ~u ni,..e II stook oumplln Th e Prohutu (Jourt lUI S a llPointe d y amI build haa arrange d for Farmor s ' Instl t ute8 O. J . Edw!lrd s gUllrdill lurs (*1, 00,000. 0), In tlll cm' pm'n it ItkEl I,he Ilntel'1li'll!ing 1l of tho ell nitizell!< of tiOll of Wllyne sville tu II.Do nt four I,y ll" nro doln l-\, ~llld n ~l t at !..ebano n, Morrow , Ma son and t~\.tll of Wllli~w I:llltrort. ~ry t o foroe hwait.e, t he ~or i) Waynee vUle, In Wa.rTt!D county, y"ul\~ limn wbo I: cen hundre du'ntl fift.~, t hon~nn <l (I\Wi ll, yH~ fllrtllorll o llt~ld{' uf the tl y esouVllI1 l a~l I( atq oorporh .. " " 000) d o\lllrt!. provide d Wa.yne svllle 0 1111 ~ecure u fr om Du ~·t on AHylulII 11Iun t.u f nrni l!h X of the m uney. Ilocl wlIOHe halJ'to aooomm odate the glltheri ng, presen t wbe reabout s 18 Now in tl vel' ,I' 11nl\lIr uf tux luvi .. l1 We hlLvon 't .yut helLrtl of Ilny nnknow n. HOJl (\.'t, It thiN is not posslhle tbe Iustltut e for a n Ulle tu Huu!le. WaYDOllVill t ftll'l\l~r t10tllllnd.~ng llf Wllynt! The young lunn's e~tllte consis ts svllle will go to Franklf n. corporu tion plly~ 1\ uun :Jr, cen ts R nil t1~n t 1t 1I\18\1111 e y. Of ~h e of t he fine old u.Herth wlli te furm expense of In previou s years the Instltn tes louu.ted ju~t out"lde th t he farming ('Ollllllu n it.v ol1t.~ldll ~\IS 11 w . tobocco I:II~ed or ol,her oorpora te b~lld . have been held either In Cross Ball limits of Wayn.e sville. l~b ot1t 'ju centll ' 1111{, !:lltl oontent lon would be just or the BloJrelt e ~"riendg- Meetin g Neil.he r of rbl 0 lllll'tt l1 o n~1l 01111 I\~ 10"icul usthuto f theO . H We underst und his ru other, Mrs. '1'0 TIlF. Vnl'lI:lt 011' W AYNf: . people. TO W N BI I':didates Ilre fllrlllers , .wd I:Ibould t hll Bouae, Sln08 the tire at Cr08S B8011 Lrdiu tiuUe rtbwlllt e, expeotM VOtO fQr Elbon ulllI Burllet t if yon soon 111 vie w of nunle rou ~ stutemen ~t! t hul. huve heeu Illalle during pe rR. B l1u\le Ill'Ilpl CH l'ry the , th \._t bt. a d d hor And Ill ove to 10wa . ,Iuy Ulls irll IL wille Imel ollreful hllndlin~ e room . ..00 en u e an t be vr ent ca mpulgn . nnel to II mi B llUde rtlta n (Jjll~ t)/' I l! tl issues. I r .• of t he t,ownwllill funds Theyet. anil dn rlng the post yeRr tbe Friends ' which , til/H ' 1 'ouid IIUI' II a .'fillo' .IUd'IlI I' j· . ' ' . oongreg atlon .have dotte oonslde ru. Miss Georg ia Fram . II1 B00.1'(,·1OJ , r ..... I ' '[' I III J 0(1111 e 11 "1' "I(.~ 1' ('11, tor 1l001I0lllY .1IId good IIIlm'l~o ment . 'Hleml< 1.0 \lr evl~ll . in ollie quarter s, on the qu Htton of t.he "reo llon of I\, n ltb Ollgh th e (urluing O(t~tillll1 l\ lt,y , Wo . h liev ble oleanln g ' and repairin g In their: Marri ed at Georg 1:llll t the elect.\on of e Schoo l t own!!hi p buildin g, wo, I·b o cJtndidntcll for t b omco of trusteo, who fuvor [lays bolldlnl J and hllrdly teellik e open· y. of 1111 Lltll tlLX, '0 I,h e prop, u.. k. y IIllll Ifllbun IIIl' IID8 ullole: Ing It for an In8tltut e, whioh: of o~ltion thll t tll ll Op I'lL lIo ll~ peuplt ox truvlll>(lIlIOe ILnd wII 8te of the. pn MI88 GeorgltL Frame wall married a towlI sllip building " lIubmlp . t·l~e followin g I!tuteme nt for . the coneide r().. mnke you II! t hi !l: ,. YOll )Jay ;~.~ ~f Ii' ~1I 0Il ey. 'J' II "y 'ltre IldvllOOt,lUg a Jieoe&lllty, mnlt be wearin g on any flIItl1rdllY afterno on, Octote r 2(;, ut 4 tloll of Mlo people of Wnyne townsh ip. the to:" lind 1(Ie: will hlllldle 1IU11 polICY: of ex trll Vtl , lllIl e . b-lldlug .. ·frOlD tbe If, e Iec ted , we I d o'olook Ellst to Mr . Lindley Jl e ge ourse I ve to erect II IJUi Illi ng t huf. wll. I llleet ~cl.lgun U·' Hll of I,h' ,.• IIloney." No \\', I" vo ry ~tllr t, They Lut year It was hoped the new M d b II rnf time, IlrO})U,So t o spend Bel v q en en a ,0 mont oounty, . tbe nel'dM lind require ment of the townSh ip. not t h n t tt brilll1ln t 1l r UlluSIt.ion to ,·~ r•.ooo 'OD loWDllhlp bnlldln g mlgbt aooomm o· 'l'he cert1m ony wus acoordi OOf. the lIeuple tI money ",t ng to t ttl date the Instltnt e, but of oonrae thl\t the Friends oerf'mo ny nnd UIUKe til U fnfmel'? K e II t hul i u Ull ·U. un rUIl . ,0 liny one II was ]lflr We further promise ullcl pledge oursel V08 to tun greu teBt I)OS IbJe m ind wben Y()ll vottl . Is 0'0•• of •"be questio n now .' wunl I,hll~ the tlX pllUtl1turtl will stop formed ot t be h qllle of Mr. ulld ocouom y ill til e cOllstru oti n of 8uld bllllding , find IIlso of n new townsh ip M ' f lit I· figure for UIlCO tbe hand of The b -'Iding pledge ou rFelves . B" r enson I) f I h w e proI Jl ur rtt. .1()1I Frnnkli I) • n Paoke r ILt George 'b houle WIUI flrst Rngges tedat" Fum. l:icbou l, nenr Phtlnde lphiu., '\ t',U 1 11 1 MXU 10 prOllflr 1 'j. In the not to exoeed tb BUill of '25,OUO in tb e cOIIl!t.rn otl on of . , , )U 1If111 Oxlrn.VlIgn uoo . 1\1 thrl1l!t Into your Ihe buildin g 8rs !lh ould huv~' not leHH t h llll two pvokat it, i.. not Ilpt to be en.Inltltut- e, and It W811 owing large. prl'81lnoe of Mr. Paoker 'fI wlthdrll wD fnmily und At! IIIl addi tion"l gUllrlln tee to th people of WllIyne townShi I th p , we of the townsh il) t rnHteC!I . Rooo~ uutil It h olds nil It . y to e agl(atlo n 8t.ftrted at thee~ Illso ~dS8 Clarll Adam8, lltlD olutoh , ... " oou"i n of announ oe onr.sel VIlS In rR-vor of the a ppoin tru eJl t . . . If Ilvor Wllyua to wn~hlu needed of u ocmml ttee of i,hree Ulzm g thiS fu ct,tho meetin ,. and through the '" fforts of . the 'brlde who haB several onns rVIl t,1vo 'COllsor \,u ~i ve lIIen like. Elbon times and ' the farmer s dl"t the projeot of a visited h er here, und Who peop} of the tO ~\fuRhip h tlve 1<01 ttl hilS tuugbt j r eputabl e oitizens , o~e fr om Lyt.le, onll fr om ~'UYUe8 . If ' Ville Ilnd one from os cundldll t6~ for th omcn of trn 1 ~~~:~e:. t to IIIIl"n ge It\l II tllrs It 1.8 buildIn g took deftolte shape and it In George Bohool for some' b!roe East Wayne t,OWU!!IlIP, whn WllIll tin connootion wltlJ the t 1lJ be k dl I t t to rusl.ees Illlil tee Frunk Elltnn .LUli O wen ,T. Bur ,., a een U y 'f Mppo .n Rlen I tl I f Mr . nnd Mis. Me~d enhul1 Will oonsult ing commit tee, as!jI~tio UII t urg" g in se leoting ItO '} Jlurohll>sing n lute, exam Il AH, two. of t he In IItt j, III I\rmers pay them if the In,!htnt e falls tbr;)ug h com .. to Dayton , OhIO. o~t r oliflble /lnll }{ of dll towllHb lp til xes. tbe ellrly . I 'h18 year, ' A I ' . . . conserv atIVe m El n in Wllyu e town DOIl'~ f UT" llt thut ElbJn and Bur port of t b I ~ wae,. ... wbere they will IlIln g p nns, SPOOlllOl/,t ons. et-o. The valn8 of the FlI.rme rllIne.tI rerhnln wltll relative s for IIll1p-m en of t,lI ll lllghest lu tel;rl ty, ett ra t he only farmer ~verl\ l We helleve thnt A muj crity of the people of the townsh ip Mndtd& tes tntea t. 80 Reneral ly recogni zed d dealre and both ftl rme rtt. d II I . W ~I Tit J h ' p'l'rust ee • ••.1' dY"., ItO W I I,rr ve IU . aynesv ll " lin up " 10 date j)u~1io lIulldin g if the sllme i honestl y un~l econom icully o r o wn~ I 'hat all frlenjls of .the lnstitu te hope Ilud will proceed at onoe . W,LynMvl 11 0 WlIlIt!l " II ( t o Dillmon d Iller,. Don 't ror~et that, If KUban anll that nex' year, at least, it, wliJ be I Bill }'tirm B ouse II nil wh" Mh ll ulun ' t sh e wbere t hey will take buill., Ilnd have pltlced our elves before d b i l l ' be --i t' 1 tit'b ( the people 00 t,h.i~ platform . wbeo ~b e CILII get' .. 000 00 hons~ UU8ktly lI.f6 ulecte I ere w 11 0 ,1J08Ilb]e t 0 en t er ... n iDe n8 u'"'l ohllrlle of , Mr. Frume ' ' bueine@s " W e !l8kthe suIPor t IHldtt is tllnoeo fevery 1>6rllo ulll the towns r III the Botlrd of Trnstlletl In a oommod ioD8 . and 86tletao tory d i hi b blp for ~1l000 .00. or II ~71i'OOO.OO. Dill) for l~' fltrme I f . ' I I , ' .Elb dB'" ur u~ e a e?ce I n, a-'If ... orn a '"1'1000 or wuo 00 fuv ore I !:!tlcb f ti proj tOWDahlp buildin g. ect lind pled ge our 1;>e8t efforts in retorn o The il act on U ' I ' ooao the' u ext year, Mr. Menden hall be. arne .. "" . . ' t .le "~lII e T!I llIl).-lIl g t I1Il l llltllWI! the •• lowest tllX rl\t-e 108elbie oth er y. 11\ Glth e r IIIKttlnOtl ~ W .. I f ing II pructloo l farmer, a Grauoe r tl b t . ' t . f W ' , 1 } . e tlr , II wllya or Ie ell ID I'rests 0 nyne .L.owns liP, the !'very Ticket Sold. and wille Tile •Ul>erl~ f:\.o u!le lJooiJl ll lI un ,t OlJn91st eut With and II perl:!onlll friend of the Beare. t f t o"reful hi if I R t f II like the t.erm "OI >e~I~ BOUHll. ·· 'Flltl" ,lIRnago llion 0 ownl I) II ellpeo u Y. II !t"bo lary of the Uhlo tllte Graolll;! · : ' '1'he Illeotlon of Uallkey Ilnd KIl n . J . R. 9A""'I"'" EY, PI' fer to mle' the term " 'l'OWlltlh lll Lecture COIlJ1le Alllloel .tion Bu to 1'be bride 1. well. known IU ' tbls . , menml 1' !Il'geI'y luorell", e d t,"Iea. El.O U ~ A ' when COl'fll.;lI tlllking IDitS, her borne bavlng been t b e IIJatt-ur 1)11 Stop Sellinlr Tieketa BeeaUI 8 I" d · ... l ' WAL'l'E lR J . K 'ILBON , bnt d on 't \)0 deceive d, whe never I ' nc relltle f"'x:1tt'fue(lnl! ~flpenl d of Laek of Rouae R~, in Corwin fo.l' n number of years, . ng mOlloy or. Ie "rmer tt am 1y,. n,ndldulfls for 'rowlIsI.II11'I'ru llleell. they !lU ~ 'rownsl lip Hou~e It m enu s I lind whe"!v er 811e is kJlown sh e , " 'c . .. lllea ns I I "I ler rell t II for tenan.., The drawin g for r08erve d Sl!lltAi elJjo.fll the blgh rogard and ' a.V 1'(1 H?/lxf! evory tllne. ,It I.s ill tuwn ond1 blgher admlrn rents and fewer qUII,o lin IIlOI1Cellltlnt to sl,y'Iow l). . for ~he 6n*' Durube r of the presenl lion ,of 811, hy her . uiet I I f ft .t ts It di~nil .v lI.nd aeuon of the Wayne sville r~otnre , sh ip H l1"illri~t eud of Opem 110u e pr VI Oglos or trw Bfnan ~ lOVAble l,rAits of 0 rllcter. . . b ' ds , t . CoIU'l8, took place "t· ihtl towneli lp ower wIIgU\! or Ilrm lin If by Sll dOlllQ Ihtly OU II clect)\VE n weIlD!:! Her many friend!! here will reo d 1 k d lb ' . I 'bOUdl nl Samrda y afterno on and . f tlw fltrll1 Ar into 11 voting for t)t ir ~.~ a 8 r !! lin f' a orlD g lIIenl1bn , joico I.e> welcom e Mr. ami Mr!!. Men .. . before that tlrue e"ery reeerve 1 t d S6ll" d I mellllS !!wtlr an d sma '" r h db Ilot sch elllU tlnd ther t) by I.(ut un Op- ""wn. . h b 'h t en mil ~monK t eDl, Rn ' 0)10 t,h Il.\~ B <c ,In 8oh~1 Ball had .been bought up will })nro usel< y u e ax llay:er t]lere by till fit to OJ II ke this thai r per. em Q , or :,,/ oenl.t! 011 tho dol. < .. "duoin" tl'nde b" ....·ro .. • of the Oonr8e U in Hli IiDllll of tiuBI. 0 _ Irtr . "r.... I • lJlont II butl e . ' The 00"-lOll!! lIIone v to ....... this '"year 1'8 110 good fho O,lUru Hous!! ptl !Jle ~ ny thul fne"'.. .h It IUltlllDS .... I t" .. that many more per80nil thftn have Tr]'al.'n SqUl're . or 0 . nro ,ltn(I ""nevo lin "ur)lOIlOf! , ·tt.. Ir cl.lndldu te , J . 1:1. l'1I!ikey uTJIl 1 . 11 haco ming Il CIlndldn ie for 'l'ru!!1 e of Wltyn8 Townsh ip, I \\Ish to , . . . ... . .. ' K' lb ' f l t d bought II8Ilt. will no doubt want ·t.o '1] t [t UleUDl; le8M. money for newepape1'8, .. . ,) . ·1 on 1 . Van Duser 's Court . stM·tl I.hlll it Will! Itt t hn Aol\oito.tion f\ eo WI ' ereo .. , . th b of friends Ilnd til x "layers .'tend · each numbe r, bn. Sohoo)' who we re au 0 pe rn. H ' • ~ . . mllg\l~ll onMe to cost /I t. Ielltlt ~2fi \lostage , I ere of y t Ies II \Iud " 1 tb b 8 _-'11a tax ad to Its' 8eatlng .OIlp"olty . Sqllire Vlln Ouser R.nd the 000. ' N~w In h fllvo o w do " ou like thfl" .~ even UH Y rllt.~uo ng e' ns n_ r l,f IL '('owntth lp House lind whl) requellt. el me t.o beoome :l cnndi.jury onn . . J U and with tile excepti on of ~few' nD: ill8ling ofE . ~ Bally, ~. 'I'h f '"25000 00 Qnr )JOS t ffi Ce!llm d. " IlU81D~ "h ' . Sob,wurhl, d'Lt o. I ,Iill not hllcolll u ci Il.udidrt te f r thelllou .. 6y \V ill 110II • e III to l YO Il up or.., . bid ' d llY ill re Is In iI" lIor fo r ot d I 'the fir st dip' 'l'h en bYB .tDd hye reaerve d aeate everyth ing Is Gold .J. (1 Cart.wr lght nnd e owe re In K~II ettn 1JIl 'lfy . C. M. Rey- h ono!:, bnt if eleot.etl to o\tl'ry out ·t ll .. wllllte ont and probab ly ruany people who nold!4 wer e engHged 'l'hurfldt f the maj ority, !ln f;lr .tS they will WlbUt som a mure to fini sh iY in I An pertl B ou8:J tUd~ wond!d m Baine ' would like to attend some pntloq lar heltring tbe evidenc e In . . . -. I C~S lIIoney f or our r Oil 8 an the QRile of It II ell IUlllY 80 l100 .It with. po \ver . U1 tImes t he fu rnis h d 11 'b ·.nt . a~wao"on win find It Impot!elble to C. W, Hender son agR-inst WIII, . . ,.1 n ., lare y neOtt8l:1\ ... e I~ re d u otlon lUgs nost more tl1lL1\ t he hUll dlU~. . 'l'o IJIlgin wi th , I I1Ul in f ll vtl r 01 II 'l'owush ip House, tllu t utol . til t cost ·You hudn't than ht of t be mOlle it III I'~I:I Wtll(l:IlI of teI!~hur bi f ~..,. . , s. . . , a :ellunt nn s arm, . . 100m}ll I; . ete·rt· !lot to exceed $25 ()OO, ' nch II hnlldin g '1'\'111 C<lst the tux i>tlyer y . Inoralilled tuxe\l mlllln~ .depr""ion Thla "Ill be. 8epeola Uy looo~v~m. . '£be ClUle bingudo the qOMtlo woul(1 t.ll ku to furnlsb \t" hlld yon n of ( .. I t l1 'f ' ' , f 8 arlty ten' to the rl!l1ldenw of the town. whothe r Cnrtis h udn ~en . II nd then think of klltl Jlin/:: it insured IIII dvn employ ed exao' . , )nc ri 0 It llft'hll!l 0 pro IP . o· • t !y . . .. . . oue lIud' three tenths m ills for tell .yeur~ on onr pl'esen t valUAtion . ... 1 ' ~hlpo.ubldeof Wayne sville,a smllny hy Mr. !ienders oD for . I till ~ l "u UUru~1lS e neolll ng , lind in r OJltur . lin" Ureat /:loott 80 yettr or by II wb!h the t.IlX lHa yer ~O Ilnderst tilld l.irlt, 1 will n ot I f e ne vol,e for a tux levy t o there i8 the iot.erel:lt t u be 1.)IIhl un'. ne . I t of 'bem did not the troubltl to the month . w \II ( l1!; ,r. lll~ .Ul( m enAo "':t~~K~ / .'. . lI80ure reserve d .88a$8 , while the Cuttl8' Claim was th~t he had boeu '1 elCoee~ the Ilbo e tilUOuut · Ilnder n o clluditl o n for tho pur[lose of !lr octlnp; 0- 1111 of thll t m oney 1>0 itIe . If th oKo . lowai: liaving been thoroug hly can· emplo},jld for one ye\l1-' in Oper" Hnnlle m e n Itre electo(l you wbich 01/, e Bultalli e buildin g t or 'fowllsb ip n e ,vlUllled, mOIlt. of It. people blLve se. heconl!1 remilin nutll,ne xt will hll ve II hunlull of tle ht nlld In . Marri ed. at Harve ~Y , ! . . ' . ysburg. !lared tbelr tlokets .. 'I'bill is only an. Mr . Henller son 'olulmedFebrull tbat bo \ 10ftl ulS.o in favor of .roPIIlring. Vorwill Av unue, if oreut\ed t'IIXIll! ')1\ you!' Iillnd~' th,,1 , iI, can be dOlle on blld '. omploy ml blS ten!lnt only from our present tux levy; I am II lux pllyor nnd my o&!ler Instanil e wb!oh sbows th9' muuth to month. people lire tax payers will to rm ent 'y1I1l for It ge nortLtiOIl . Mr. Uliff Gm y ttnd Miss Blanoh d ' . . b8088ll ty of ~ townah tj) buildin g . The contruc t betwee u ' 'the ulJQ ve n~ lIr ml lire iJltsed 00 IL HarJun , hoth of Hurvey sburg, the pllrtiell ,jn rl I don't intenll votiug Il tax OD SOUla oue else . were wlth" oonlmO\l!ous ball. tbat allcb individ ual oan f,2r.,OOO 00 hillifle; 9UII))08(1 WIIS II verbal One and ·oonsld ernble . hllltelLd united. In nturrin ge n.t the bome of . ' . ,~ . ,eviden ce wus put fo'r th on both sides not, stRnd. .r don't believe In over taxntiol l nor the mls use of llubJic till' Operl& House 111 8 11 cOllolud u to lte\' , 4,. K .· tiurgent., last 'I'hursd ay _ ' The jnrv failed t·o renoh : ,Arou• nd the. Festa . l l>utUJl it *75.000 ,00 buildin g. Whe w! ' evening , ut 'll :;~O o'clock . ment. sn,d ·in. order :to savean.n."gree . .. new ftonds, lind 80 far . . . Board · ihey' Met t ,.illl Ille Pllrtile8'in the lIult agreed, to lsnoh dll.ngerR. . liS it lies In Illy po w~r Isbnll, If e lecto(l. Ku.l.rd ngltlDst enough ! T ho ' ~I' lde wore Il bell.utlfu\ 008· , . ' IL oO'i.DproQllee by wbioh Curtis Is to /'. Uno of the ohl ef tt q ;11I11 0Ilts ·t,hll,t l tuu~e 0 1 pearl cl oth lI~d . . white stilt .: . . .'.. remllin . on thl; farm .DD,t il FObrult r y , \ . If I·he people of Wayne lu o OPl'rII Hou~e lioople hllvo tlSOd 11l1l1l th e ~roolU IL b.mdso me Townsh ip wtl!1t.. n TownSh ip, BOllse votf' for LoeaI Lodce of M~80nll Enjoy their. have his fire\voo d free and 8nit of certRin .. . . ,' . First Banquet ' lit their ' with tbe fllrme r , 11m) e\lpeulltlly the lllRok . other privileg es:' , . me, If you don t wlln~ It, vote for tlle ,other . lURn . "Gl' o" folks . is t hat 1111 (»)Jom New Ball Bot·1l yuuug Ileollie are well and Mr. liendef!lon .WRS repreSe ! Regllrd ing tho roads in Wuy ne 'l'own hlp, som e .t hink I all1 . ' by BUorne y Wtllllrd J",Wrlg btnl,e(l Honse 18 't hllt 1111 Opertt Hellso 'ill fiLvorll ,11y kn owll and popnlar not nml' . ·in the . The iooal MIl80nio lodlle ~l.Ijo"ed Mr . Curl·is bytttt,o rtloy T . C. Chrlsie , cQ.pubJe ,to ovef8ee road buildin g . '\.'0 'thl s I wish t.o sa y nt:t:ded in whioh t p holo th o Fu.rlll ; yuI1D~er sot. '" , [ of Labllno n. . don't· t hink .it " . ' .: vel'Y pleasn t evenl11~ illst, W ed ' ers In!!titllte!l. -Nuw, leL'\I .tillll I An i Tbey hllVIl Ihe be~t' .' ,. . wiebes of" would he P08i1i,hle. to d~ v.orse thnn hllR been done. I have driven lu IU8t1tut~ usuall y lotl ts two dnY K IILld neada, . oil thQ ' occallion of I hel r lclrCle lIf frienlls. 'i'hey wlll m l,ke D...., if 0 CUI'IS t • nea.rly every county In . the St~lte. of Ohio. 1. lmve driveu over . ~bnual ban:qne t whloh .\Vlill attende d sOllle of co~ts, if we tire correct,ly infol'lJl tld, their I~ollle wlt.ll the })3rerits of the b, the mflmbe re, 't.helr wives Ilnd betwoen *60 alJll $60 1111 told . Tho groom . Dr. J E. Groff,. of tbe Amerlo on thl:! best 'roade I ever SIlW and some of t he worst, llnell. think my idea fl\rlller's ' t;hllrfl u f 1\ f20,OOO . ()0 Ope l'll friends , ' I)n ' uudny Mr. ILull Mr!!. NAthan Medios l (:)0118I(e ; of Chicago , ~vl1l be regardi ng rond ·bulldinjll wUI be III proved i( given n chflnoe to demon.. House wonld be IIlmust 1111\) ,000.00 , 'lbe took ·plaoe In ~he new the Hot,el Gustin, U I'llY Friday und Satur.e ntertain ed at II sumptn ouB ' . . . M.isOlilOe Temple on .M11l.rD. t 8treet." dR.Y, Novem ber 1st II.nd whioll I\t 5% Interl!s t would be dlnnur In honor of tho young :lnd, for. tbe strnte.t hem . oo'Ople oorrect ti-tt\ng of glaBl!i!B. 1:>0lson8 nearly ~(J 50 . 00 per yellr i IIterO;l t. lilt whloh wero llrese~ t th6 ' \ ·...11 banque t being eerved 'in tbe who . ' hlivu been unttble to seoDle '. followi ng: .Ag,.ln, ·I wUlhto etate that If eleoted 1 wll1 do my bost to give the 'l'ha t II! It· would oos t you '11&0 .00 for I Mr .' lIod Mrs. Uliff G·r ay. M1'8 .. OommodloU8 ~OOln on tb" . firat· floor sa tlflfaC'tion are 1l8peolll . lly III \'\ted 't ax pllyer a square de "I IlntI promise that wheu of the buildin g. my term expires to hn to oall , Examtn ll,t ion free , ve two duys u!le of a hnl1 tllJd then you \VItLrIL Hllrh.ul Imd tlaught llt .. Bc!rtha" " The Ladlea Aid ~Iety of the M would h l&ve to .IIIIY the 110,000. 00 Ultulce Rnd PIlUIt ne, Mr, ' more friend" aDlong yon than I can bOllst of todn.y. lind Mrl. sOllie time lJel!idel! . '\)50.00 would Cllrl Duke "nd obildre J:. ohuroh had o~llrge of tlie prep" Charl es Wem tz n, P"ul and HigfJed , rent for two d(LYS u.lIOut 1111 Qf the Heltln, Imd Mr . lind I4rs, ration /(of t~e featlt and ~boy pre 'W AL fER J. KlLBO: -l . Inj\lred 'at Corwin. AlpolO Opero Honaes in I!oul·hwetltern Ollio, Gruy lind lIOn , pared·a most appetiz ing spread. aharlo: l E Werntz hud tbe' wouldn 't It? If the Opera Huulle After t~e b 'lnquet lind been.ditt fingerM on his right bllnd -~--bllelly oilt . po8ed of, Dr. ,1. 'T . Elll., the ·wHllt and IDjured while at work Notic should e. . ood more thlUI $:15,000 ,00, .' \ Bette r Bring tllem Back. Grang e Notice. lu Ben muter of ~e I!Vl:!nlng, l:!u!"lf1I!1i!vely MiIIs'''IIW' n)t\l at Corwin then the hllll rent would be more. afternO(1n 'rbe Nn;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; of Ihe \v. Mr. Werntz ' Mlove wu oonght Now, In aummln g up, we don 't '1.'h3 party who took a lIIllr of 1 H E "nd Regula r meetin g of . Flirme rl lII'r04u aed Dr. J. W; WU", bls bllod drawn agalnat a rapid C. T, u. will lIletlt at, tbe homo of gloves trom my offict · Friday eveu need II.nother bnUdin g to be paid Grange No, 13, Sa'urda y, Noyem Booth and J., E. JanDey , eaob 'o f Iy I'f'volvl ng table law, ber .oora EIIlR, PreSide nt, ' NoveYnber 1, Ilnl:' Ootobe l 26, will pleaae . whom made short addreae e8 WhU, bls lnjurl.ea are extrem ely retnrn for by the towneh lp. We have a ,11, a.t 1 :30 p m . Work In the ,blrd A putall1OClalll4!88iou followed. tOWDshlp, boUdin g good enough for and fonrtb degreee , . SaoRJ:TARY. 8am!? as he l8 'kno;.~' painful , his phyatol&Q Rivel hope of 11107, all townlh1 p pnrpOl88, Anothe r . _viDR the band, Warren Ke;rt, W, II, l.ulla Cora..I,. Sec. i

Cd · 1


f 'I'l'U 'toes' Pled ge

1'hem selye s to ECOnODlieal Ad min i stl'at ion,


j -








AWord to the Voters ' Of W !lyne Towns.hiIp ,

v ..

I. I






allr~ $ !)),OOO T~ iD9 ' ~@R"li~~ 11@ a i~ M~Jl'j) ~ttt 8M W(JJ)D


A Vorlng Compo.el'. R aCh el , aged 12, wrote an COIJI»OIIIUon on wUd flowers 10 ' whloh 811e prai sed the ar butus, ' the IIvorwort, tbe spring beauly, tho blood root , and all of th e othor bloB~oms of dell and rlal e, llut she " I role on botll sides of hllr Sll et or pap er , aud wh eu sh e ask d II r fath r, who was an dilor" to Il Ublish h er Ilr ti cl e. he called h r attenllon to that facL, " You've written on both sidl!s of your pap r," aald ho, "Well," ",'a s tb e r eply, "and don't you print on boll! sIdes or yours?"

Tho "Mound City." St, Loula to the sobriquet of Monnd City from t,he tact tb at the original "oLUer~ Cound there many eleVlltions .. hleh It Is sUl'posod w 1'e r elics ot that stl'Un ge people who dwell In tb OhIo anti Mlssl ssl[llll vllI· l oys I\nd aro known t o lUod rn limes only as t.he lllound Uulldrs, No \ld . QUllto explanation has yet b ~Il found of their stran ge lUod o of l ea,' lnl; "Ielllorials of their xJstenc , 'fhe 11m st one bluffs 00 whi ()h a par lor SI. LouiS stauds furnish a solid foun, dallOu for the bu slllesB buildings.

The W.y or the Child, A small boy wJto h ad rllcenU, passed hl~ flf(.h bIr thday W8S !!d.l nl In a CIlr ",Ith biB ruoth er, wheo tile, were asked the Ilustomllry IJllcst!on: "Ho,," old 18 tllO boy 7" fLor bolnl t old lho con ~t ab o; 1\'hl h did not require 1\ f l ro, . 'Ie cont!u ctor IIaSK6d on to t be nlly t p()rsQIl. Tho bu y M t qullo stilI llS If pondel' Ing ovor ROil) Ques tion, Dud Iben. concluding Lhat full InlQrruntion M.d not b n Ili v · n, called I OIl(lIy to tho conduc tor, til n at th e (rUler o-nd th cur : " And Illotb ur'. 311"


Held Up. '.·Stop!" shouted t1l e man on the country r oad, holding U)l n warnlnb hand, . \lllItle ~lns 1I0mothing oboul rurn l cops, tile nutomoblli st obeyed. "Turn around aud come bock to town with me," Gald th str ang er, "You w()re golllg at l east 35 miles o.n hour." " YolI'fe a constablo, I suppose," salll the RlItOmohlll st, wilb a cover t sneer, wh en th ey ha (1 r eached tbe village. " Me!" r eplied lhe passen g r . "No, )'01 n Carmer and hnd l t o come In to t ow n wbell all the t eamll wos bU llY, N l co growing weathor? "banks. Good· by," F:lIl1ulng comment 18 purposel y omit· ted, - Phill1d Iphla Public L Eldger,

A Oeflnltlon 'of Succe... . J-Iow' hay tho h)' llotb.etl Clh sole .. lislE! nnd the xpon nts ot unbellel benefited t.hems olvos or lJumanlty at la rgt' by sowing the sceds pt doubt broll4C!U:lt' In the world! 'fho I' at Bel· entlsts '\11 not tall III this clltegory. tor Ihoy nre believers I n tho real sense o. tbe word; lhey know too lIluch, the, have se n 100 many m y sl erlou8 manlr featutlo ns ot the Divino r:r atlv ' pow· er, Now, those ,,'ho hevo disposal! 01 the Dibl e nnd ali ovid ell ccs of Inspl r .. tlo n, have ",rltten a «1'~4\ t muny bOaiu aud somo of them hnv e IVon what tho world lit lurge IIghlly ~Dll s tamo. A& cording to the ordinary 1Il asnres tbat are allll lled lu such case s, th ey bave been extremel y suce ss flli. but real succoss means the b Dellt of bumaa· Ity In some form or oth er . I f no sucb b nel\lE! can bo shown os the rfl ~ ult 01 the ir labors, theIr BU CC' 98 Is not eQual to thllt uchlevilCl by tb o di res t povert, and lhe doe pest Ignor'l1Uce. - Joal Chnndl er, III Unclo Renlus' Ma~oz1n ..

Invalid'. Meal Ev i den tly H ad Not In. crease~ Good Humor.


For mnny w eek s the Irrltahle mer · chant l ind been riv et ed to his bed by ly phold t ever. Now 'hO' was conva· l esclng. H clamor d for .somlltbing to eat, d eclarln~ t.hat b e was starv· Ing. "To·morrow YOU moy have something to cat." proml s d th e doctor. The merc-bant r ealized that tlt or would be II. restraint 10 hla UlIpeU l e, yet he saw, lu vi sion , a moClo!\t, aleam· Ing meal placed at bls bedside. "Here Is your dlnuer," said the nurse ne xt day, RS ~he gave th e g l o w~ erlng Ilali ent a spoonful o f tllllioca OIoomlngton, lII, -Sl'h hel' hl.\8 B ro kaw's death opt. l l am s was In· hI' su~p 'cl d Ihat th E' many womon puddIng, " and the doctor mph:ll>l z 0 Belling a Rat. been oUlllolle b)' Ca pl. 'L ewi s E . fJo ms, vl ted t o put In all hl ~ tl m c with th e who o I1'c rNI to b (' a nurs , a si st er 01 th at ve r yl hl ng ellHl yoU do m ust be YOll have probabl y r end or beard of I1l1nolll: The Arabi an N l ght.~ are in aged wido w r lIud l ake ti p sLory ·t ell· lin): o ld cO lll panlun Lo him w r only In the sarno proportion:' ,tbat the best way to r id a bou se of danger of beins out l ossc d In blstory , Ing ns a st ady job. art I' hi s m'~ n {'r, Two ho.tra Ill\.e r tho nurse heard a rata I» t o ca tch oae and CasLen a bell henceforth, by th e ntoomlngton Day s. He Wa s Made Official " Sto ry Teller:" about Its oOlck. A boy In - Delawaro H ad to K ee p the Old Maida Away. It wu s 'l\) k ee ll these desi gning r~ frantic call f rom lhe bed chamb qr , T11e r espective ancient and mod rn So apl. Jju ms accep l cd the posl· tr i ed the ex'perlmont two montbs ogo. "Nurse," breathnd tho man heaplly. He was blldly bitten In makIng' the Inslances of th two g r at sl or y·t II r s tion or t;'rand vl zh~I' and r aeont lIr·ln· mill 8 a t II. saf dlslance lhat Ml'ss ru n patallel, 10 a c rl oln ext ent ; but chi ef to Haroun Brokaw, )/0 salary Selina Lnn tz, spin ster aod houae- "1 want to do some readl o&. b r log lIle ben fa st, bllt ho tur ne<! the rat loolle WHEN A "HUNCH" HELD GOOD. the American orm)' vCLeran's connnu· wae m entioned In conn lion witb tho k '(Oil I', was tlpec lll ll y engaged , She Il postage stamp." and eX(lOctcd tb e lfnk llng of that b'Cll o us lIcr(orD]on ce was ' In!lplrpd sec lu, office, but I jams figured Ihat, so l ong gO t to b so busy shooing orT old would have greM resUlts, It dtU ba ve. Chlneso Laundry .T lcket Suggclted • - - -- +fAVE CRAZE FOR FORMULA. In tb e first pIneo. tho rat who woro It I ng l y by 0 more aonlhl IIlOtiv tho u 1\9 he could make th e old "enllljmnn molds and g russ widow s, that Call i Bet on "Wing Tlnll." waR constantly on the move all nIght. th.a t ot th e bride of th A sulLOn ot I lldla , l augh be w ould have litt l e trouble 10 Ijnms hod to h olp her. In addition t o and had a dltrer cnt, th olll,11 perhaps I nduce him 10 l oose n np financially. his . humorous stunts, the cafltaln fOt Smoker. Follow F a.hlo". in tho U.o and the tinkling boll kopt the family Kay S!ltluce, a well·known horsemall awake, nnll III th 1I0st tho 80\lu d 8 or Mcxlco, !\l o., won $1,000 at the equally hnpllY eli ding. Mol' ov er, It, wa s a sa r gUllIbl that a 10llg period a ted as Miss Lantz 'E Qf Tobaoco. brooght (lComll o f IIQW ruls to th e SellPherazade told h r roy al spouse his sto k of slorl es woul d last long r chi ef uld I n prot cling Abram Brokaw Louisville, Ky .. ra ce me eting \A'sbort 1, tOl stones In as runnr nights, In or· than the venerabl listener, and then trom the on slaught and blandish "Mnke me liP 1\ packnGe or tobacco hOll6e. I nslcad fir bll ing alruld of the time nco as lho I' 9111t of iA "ttunc:b. .. · der to divert ·hilll rrom bis di sagree· th e latter would mor than square m ents of th e female sex. according t o· tbe form ula IISOO by Ed· bell, Ih~y lV<1rO r.hnrm rl with Lilli mu· Mr, Sp nee has a l argo b1'eedinl harmonica atablo' or "runn ers" Dear Mellioo. anlJ abl e habit of putting to denth ench thlll gs in his will .· Finally, ()ne day, as Ijams was l ell win Uooth," Raid tbe mao with a sic, n od the boy tied !jams !l tarted In systemati cally " 'lIh Ing jokelet No. 1,001, about a man 80utbern accent. "Thalia th e thIrd to 8110UIIlr ra t'll lull. th rod ellta would attends nil th e Ilig, racIng ' eventll ID mornIng Ills n ew brIde of tile day beCore. his choic e line of Chnu ncey M , De- who slipped on a banana peel , poor man ... ho haR aske,l for .that kInd of bave bad a d nu" e overy eIg ht. tile rountry , Not lon« &ill e bo w •• In 1.00I s\1l11e (!I,n d enler d tbe bettlnl IJame SPUll th e S3m numb r of PloW'S favorites, th en went on with his Mr, Brokaw gave a loud ch uckl e and tobacco to·rlay ," aald the d ealeI'. "It She W .. Willing. cb eerful yarnll to AllI'am Orokaw, a early 1Ilinois l egends and p rso nal expired, . rin g to seo what oddll were being 0(' '. III IItflmge that ~ !lIe from r emote "Yt!8." SPYII the husband, "I have fer£.ocJ 00 th" vuriuus eu t rleR. mlilionalre plowmak er {; yeara old. r ecall ctlons or Abraham 1..Incoln " and H. ' apt. I jams' wl ef was temperell by parta ot tho co untr y~ as well 1\11 New III' sumabl)' with the obj ect ot prolong· nnally broug ht up In U1e eOmllllrallve· l ho thou ght Umt his long lind faithCul YorkeI'll make a fad 01 bUylug t he co nsented , to acceJlt the uomioallon." round that Jooqulo waH the tavorl" " r 8m 80 glad the party Is bellln·· at IlVlll1 money, II nrt pull ed his wllllet , I ng the latl r's life. B ut wh n th e Iy m od rn perlo.1 o r the ci vil war, By services w re to be substantially ro- same hrand ot lobar.r.o that f)ooth smokert. And It Isn't always t he Dootll nlng ' 10 'recognize yonr merl"':' be;\m8 from his !lock t, lutend lnt; to bel OD aged man fiually succumbed at th e thi s time he wOllld haVe Mr, B rokaw WArded, tbo lVICe . th ll t ho rso. 111 s ott entlon :"'IUI at. one hundred and tlrst slde-split.t r, going so tbnt he co uld r ad a chapter AIDS! \\'h cn th l allt \\111 and tes l llr mIxture tbat they want. 1 have Oled "No,," m y dear ; ' the haShllnd COli' trllcted lIy somt:lhlllg thltt fell rrom and It transplr d Ull1t he bod becn so or two Crom th e B ibl e, and t he d ar m ou t of Abram n r okaw ca me to pro· away Ole formul1l8 rur m ixing th e well nterlnln ed that h e had cl ean for· ol d man wo uld chuckle d IIghtedl)! bate, th e nllDle of L-c wls E, I jams was favori te tobacco lit mony f alllous lInt· tlnues, " yo u kn ow tha~ l1ollllr,nl I\f· hi s wallet to tbe grouud, Rod ho stoo ~ d nnd picked It Ul', I t was a ChIgotten to m ention the said !.jnm'! In over: con splcuomlly mi ssing .from Its list of &OllS, Sm okers the couutry liver h ave fairs are 1I0t luv8 fC:t ~ l 5 , hy nay )[e l ooked a' "Abraham b I saac, and rsnnc l egat es. That wos runny , very funny! beard or t hi s cOllecUo n 01 r~lpeR anll tIIOlans, Yuu mm."t expect to lice til" n aso laundry tlcl14't, hIs will or to c.oml' nsate !tIm In any 01'10 foatlne of every man 's tri p \n ' "mO od and attacked I n u 8c ~lIdaluH~ t.h " "Ilooks" OKllin and fOll'n.1 that tbere Bubstantial way to r the hu morous !lcgat J aco b, alll1 Jacob b gat Judas And for om:o i he Joke WIlS on 1jams. trenLD;l et;lt so unU r lngly ad m i nIstered, aDd hi s brathrcn: and Judns begat MI HS Selina: Lnntz Willi rem omll r d, New York 18 to , try a pi peful of 1101116 man her. No doubt' tllo OllDolllllon will wa~ an ('ntI'Y . with Il Cbln u6<Jt name, thee th e captain felt light mad, aud he Phares, and Zora of Tha mar; and all right, wllb a beqllcst of $1,00 0, big nlRII'!\ ra\'orllO tobucco. lu most · try to dig liP sensational rumors nllout Wing Tlug, at t un tu on e. Tha.l let. up ftud Bued tho estate for $10,000- Pilar s begot Esro m, alld €srom b~ ov r an d n bo " e her wa ges as house- caRes thin !lpcclnl nllxture I.. so me, Rnd ull 11111t sort (If tiling, but y()U lied It, for he 'onKlder cd I e hnd r& cclve.1 II " b uuo' b" Ihat could not be strong that th e norv es of the av erage rnnst h Ol_t1 that Is to say. for 1.0 00 pri me, hund· gat A rom, and A r am begat A mlnad ab," Reller. . mud jokes. ut ten d ollars \ler, . The und so on, Th en thl~ oaptaln b rough t his fa· smoker c;tlnuo t SIRnd It. II" has to · " WIlII," Rhe InterrUpts, " I am rea lly (lVI rIO(lk " .I , Win s 'I'loll won balld lly. \'ou hllVO Ill wny s b en N41 dl<)116 lo '~:IY , thOB wllo backod th' ex ~ra on bundr d and one JOB Mil· . The !;:rcnl stream of Ol e antiq ues mous sui t agn ln At Ih e Brokaw heI rs, give up otter a fow plpo.rll18 and gu .:Iad or It, a Latin The cou r t d chll'd thnl h was n· bnck to Ii popu lar m ixt u re, but he bas tltr1lu gely ellent about wl",lh cr ur aut fuvurltu ('I\(l!,l dered Sllenco the aey. l erl sDl was thrown In grutls f or good was ' t !lls quOt u tlon f rom wri te r of t il Ilrs t cen t ury of lhe ti ll ed to 1I0 me COrll ll n snUon, but th tit llH. saU s fllctio n of having hnrl l11e e. · ynu Olv er were eugagod 1<) nu),o(Je be- ellill Bun of tbe auvouth son.-KanAl m eaau r , City Star. fore you lIIet me," Chr i stia n prn : " A man wb o fi r ed a his cl aim o f t n dolla rs fl I' story was llerleol'e: '- Th4> Ne w Yo r k Sun, H e dldn't g t quite th e t en U10U' sand- bul thll rs anolh er slon ', whi ch ro II at a dog and 'bi t his mot her ,ln· In xccas of the r g ular wage.rat 9 of ' I s worl b l elllng In some detail. to- lI, w Bnl d, 'N ot 8U h a bad ab ot at t be Jokesmllhs' ulllon; 80 he wa s gelh r with i t's romantic sequel. as t o lhat!' " awarde.1 $5,050, whi ch the Brokaw g. H er e Is a specimen from ':l rly 111l· tn t paid. how Cupt. lJamll won a br-ld , through ' , pla:; ln g a ' loslng galU e of st rC\l!~gy n ols : The CBIIl:e ln , m oallwhl l , had exenga tn st upld . " ,lnk Spa wr was on of Lhe t h\' 0 c ute(1 Il scnUmcnta\ nauk mOVOIll nt comm ission ers Il ppoln ted to l ayou t on ;\'IIss L o ntz, for wh ose es p cltll How a Fortune Was M ad e. hlcago del ect ntl on ho tald his on e hundred Abram B rokaw had seill ed In t he' turn pik e rond bel w een Blo\lmln gton away back In the forti es Ilnd Sprin gfield . The net r equlred t hn t and S!lcond funllY SlOrr, which wa s as whcn tb slto of Lhe PI" senl ci t y w as th e c mmlsslon 'r s should be swo rn, follows: " A Slrl Who , was b ·slege d willi ad· UOllllil g bill n blooming ]Irnlrle, ac· bul tll(~re was 110 oOi cl al h andy to nor· form Ibis du t y , 0 jake, ns a jusU 0 mlrers Oil shl \Jl>on'r d, while crossin g A DOcI.or ot DivInity, how Editor of ods, bas not made Itself more rldl cu· sncb as white bread, potnt.oe., ric.. of lb peaoe, Ild minil;tered lIlO oath t o tire Atlnnti o, aslw d th e cnptaln 's ad· a wAII·known ltollghlllR papllr, hoa loun thlin nul' comment IIf ours cou ld partly cook ed ct: re(lls and 8 ~h . tbo other two commissioner s and then vl cc. H e said : ' W ell, t he went her Is wrltLon regarding the l:outrove rsy b make It. Slllr hy C(Jod I ~ Dol d lgeR t II 111 the ral s d up t he lid oC a slto ·box wllh a nn e, and yo u k no w ho w t o swinl. SI1P' twonn ('..oilier's WeeKly and the Rd· Does Collier's expect ·to regnln a ny IIPI)tlr sl omach btlL . lJa ~tI s on luto the . 10 kin · Insldo it, anrl sol ni nly pose you n cid htany fall 'o verboard, IlglOlls Pres!! of the Crlllnt r y and oth· self'lnnlc ted. l o~s M pmsLlso by d ll' du()deuum, or IlJwcr SI Cltn llPh aud In.. Ildmlnlst 'red Lb e onth to his renectlon and thell OIce I)t the YOllng m au who ers, Inclu l.llu{; our&el Vt l K. Al so r egnr/l . llJo n !ltratllll~ thro suits tor .Iamllge!l, t cll lllle!l, wh ere , III a. hea lthy Indlvld. I ng slI its Cor lib I IIro" ~ h t by Collier's In th m irro r , ' t hus swearing blrnsol f j umps a fter ):011 ,' ' So the girl tried it. ag[1ll1 Rt lI S for comlllontlng upon ILS LI):lt I t ~lIn be rnnre n r lfu l tu evallln g lilli, lIle tr:lII sCormatlon or t he IllOrQ\l liabilily for lltiels th an tho hUl!lble In t o n' forlll of silgor Is CO\lll lletud aud ,In, 50 thaL h e eoulp l egally bel p to COli" 1"011 1' ·or hel' bc.!! ux were 011 deck at l he m l hOr1s. tlllt rIlsooUIII vl.c llms of Ils dU rll rn ~ lI nll , Ih on th e tead 'lbsorbed b,' (ilo blood,' strll ct, t he' 1>lke," tim\!, Il n,cJ th r 0 'of I holll .j um ped, . 'TIl rie ore Ills snntlm ents, wltl.r sollie or does Il hopl) for ~ t4rUIII; a mi n, ,11;; 0 But I t th <i POWCI'B of ·dlsestlon are Thi s ~inco ln stor y was one I hat old sirnultnnMllsl y. T he fOll r l h ca utiou sl y v ery elllf.h at Ie wonl ij lefe /'lilt. olllll(li suits to ~lI o nco tho IIOIIU)( 11 I ll ' w '(l l.en ed, a p art of lIIe stal'e'hy food man B roka w pronoll.ncnd " a hiI'd : " " Tb o rollglous Press OW(!S y on a dllt'llolion, r O\lroac!J aUll r escntmllnl Wli; Iio In the warmtb nnd moi sture 01 l hr w a IIfll- llr.~" rver. Whe n th I ho budy nlld d ocay, gener ntl ug gase. "Ll ncoi n nn(\ Dohgl as w or e trav I· young l ad Y' had been flshl'!l ou l.. she debl of grAlIl ll(\') for ), ollr ollrago In which \I hos nT!!U Y\'(I, Colller:s <:an not do').illI thl3 public uod II... Ll1tiug lbll U1U CO US sllrfae sun. Ing t og I h I' \Jy iltD.go·conch f rom La· sen t fOI' l ho,coil i aln , 1\1\(1 suid: 'What showlo~ 1111 Colli er 's . \V Ack ly os the ·' Yell·Ob Mun ." Wonld you r.U.l 'O LO til IIn U r such condit Ions the .whole controversy hy prlvute law sulls, It co n to POlltl ac, wh J! t h y got j nto 1\ , shnll 1 do now ? J can ·t marry the u se tho lu cloRed nrtlclo · on Ihe "000 Oil n not pO!llpone tho puhllc jlldt,'munt I(l wer lIurt of th e IIlhuentary canal. In.. h ellt d p 1'811"1 d'c bate, and L in oln' whol tllr,,' 'W II.' rea\londod' the Hoo nally" aa the " "Yell.Qb Man 's alll)eudls, agall\~l H, 1'hat .:rcut Jury, Itho Pub· eluding tb e colon and tll mol' til an hlnled thnt lhere wn s 11 liar cllptuln , '[ sbo uld ud"lse y ou t o take tiuccessor?" ilc, will hnrrlly blulIIc Ull for Ilut wnlt· becot:pes In,' o l vc ~ . · D\ijBllStl sets up i ll I hei r por t y of t wo, and th at 1\ th o d ry onE',' "A contemporary r emarles thllt 001· · illg IUH() w" ~ (l t a p nt Jury in a c\lurt nnd 'at ~ lm eR t~os the torm k uown a. .' t himsel f , This m eant fI li t. ,A t "Now, S'elina," tOIl.t1nu e'd I jams, lIer's bUll tlnally run agnh)~l n. snlhl mom, Ilefllro tle nollnclll~ this prod· appendlcills, Wilen the Ay mlltoms of the trouble t h 110ltt SLopping .place the II p.ry "til \IIo m l ' of this slory I s, t hot lot s blckory " Po!l~" anll been ' t!:unag 'd In ·IJ;al detrac tor or I'n slltu tloll!l {uuudud Dougla s pull ed a pair o r pi stol s out ot of 'r 110\\ 8 will he jumpin g after );ou, Its own fl ~tiroatlo u to th61 I une of on ~ rostemll \? ithl'!r try ludlvidulIlll or mall.e thoir a\lp enral1ce, w Ould It ' no' be good. proctical, common scll$lc, to by lhe Pllllttr., tt!\C". his carpeLba g and prn fJ osed 'to 'Aile' hUl I'm lh ~ oll ly 'c!t'r onc--()ry humor, $750.000,00:' "Hertl Is a publication whlcb bas. In NQ !lnI10Ilnconll!Dts dllrlng our entire dlscuntlnu() the star by (ood wblch I. thaI t he)' :1 roltr1l. le , th eir dlll'c r IIces rOll IIIlOW. Yo u' ll bel ter take IDe. u tmost dl!lr{'ganl of the '1I<:t A, snrelld hllslnc9li cn ref! r wei'e \lvur m Illi e causing ' the trollble a nd talco a ,food ' ~ with cold l ead, 1.Il'1toln drow h i ms If W1II you ?" ' broatlcnst damn glng slnt(lm'mls ahout claimIn g "Dw.llclnnl · l'lt'!el!l s" for elli14l r In which the starch h aa II en trlln .. UP nnd 2ald : 'I am about lwlco your Sc lua Raw t he point, ond whls)JEl r cd the R elli;louR P reAS ami ol l1<' I's lind PflRlnm or Gra lle·Nuts. ·, Medl dl)al ef· tormed Inlo a torm of sugar In the h ei ght, a011 woul el Ile too asy a mor k a coy " ~'e s , " 'I'hey were married here b as surTer('rt tholle fnlse slatemonts to fects a~ r OGu l ts obtained frOLU th o \l rocoss of m an ufactur e? This Is Identicall y tho same form ot [o r yon. T o mnke tt.lngw even, you'l l and hn,' seUled down bapplly on tbelr g o unco ntradicted un t il. nu t lIaUsned use of medicines. have to stond fll l·t h er IIwn y fro,1l] me little j ok efa rm In McLean county. . arler findin g the Rellgloo ll PresQ' ton Tbon santlB or ylsltors so thrll 0111' sugar. f ound 10 the hur:pnn hody attllr Quiet, and peace ful, to r osent til e' In · entire worl{s eacll month ';lId aee tor Htarch has beeD perroctly dig sted. ' cordln s t.o a N E'W YOI'k World COrTe I hnn 1 do from you.' Douglas began t.o Now, bump.n food Ie made U)l BARGAIN SALES IN JAPAN. suits, It mokes t h,e mlstuke or wantler · ~he~ge lvlls thnt ' Orapn·Nul B contains spotUl nt. 1·1(, boughl U[I l an.1 fo r al · Bee th e Jok e nnd replied : "No: I'll l ell ·'ng Into fre~h Hold nntl blltts Its rat' absohrtely notblng bnt wheat, hor-Iey largely of starch and Is r equIred b,. most 1I0thin g alld Ill llt slIln ll BUlli S Of you whaL ' ve 'll do . . l 'Uluark out my tbe bocty for energy and warmth. tIed b ead against this Post Rnd all the money on IIkc l~' Iuokin g . (aI'Ill S, lh ert Rl ze on YOllr person, and ev ery SllOt Struggle to Reach Counter Is Absent, World l augbs. IDvnn ChrlStlans IImlle, IIn/l a 1Itt111 ' BoiL; Postum absolulaly Nat urally, th erefore. Ita use should be uolhlng hut wheat. and, about t cu lim'" But Not tho Shoplifter. .'OI'ecI060(1 t he 1lI0r tgl1 ;;e~ . . H o' al so Ihn t hits outside the mark won' t .count.' d the Post sudden Iy !turns and. ~lve8 cent of N uw OrlOl\.ll9 Molasses, 'rile cOIjUDlled, If p'osslble. and.for the' ~a,. . mnnul'a I,ll red aui! soll1 plows, wbi cll T hen , th ey hud a drink t.ogc thei' lind It back n dose or Its own m odiclne." ort erf preparing tbese slm(llo · ' el e, suns gl ven o.b090 I L l s made po sst hie El \'cn In pl ACtd .Japan they hnve bar·' no farm 'I' , rich or POOl'. au l d do with· en ll ed \ ho fi ght oll'," "It Is milltnko 10 sa~ RI1 the Worh1 ments tn a "cleutlnc manner to obtnln In tbe manufacture of Grape.Nuts, gain sales, Ilut the~' conduct th em' on In connection with t his chunge 01 out, Th ~e uterpI'IS08, c ombin ed hy Annther .warm bab)' was this ,,'al! laughs, No c l\(1ery Illngh COillllS from I he belrt. rood value all.1 tla vor; rever y d i rToreut P1'Inclple8 from lhe Coll1er 's. but It cries Ilnd boo hoos Ince l1 u lrett ""me work and \lXllerlence to ~ood ·to brln.r: rollef ' from pbysleal dl •• Lh e lim he was old enou gh tu hl\.\'e no f rom th iJaU leHclll : . turbonces, w o bave 6l1ggested waRblo. a. sp aukod baby. aud wllntM S7G~000~OO !'!c(julro, . . ' ' parti cular IlS for 1ll01H'y, so h e gmd· " I\n t'rl sh corporu l was car ryi ng a scrimmagell wo l\li ve. over here, bu~ ~be Inte~tl nl!a te iet rId of tire 1m. to a\lothe Its tenCler. Ince rate\l feel, An . amu siug AmerIcan ' ~oman hns Nnw.' whim aoy publication goes far unlly b e ~am e a mi ser. ,wo undcd comrade to Lhe r ear· onci (lid mediate Cau.lle ef the distu r bance. tugs." enoti «h Oll t nf It II way to aUaek ns he· her experiences of t ravel· cllIl.l(idled Lik e some olher millionaire s of our Dot not Icc w·hen a eo nnon·ball whlzzecl Naturally" there are cases where the "Thank ·aea.ven It has at IMt struck' cn u~e onr advertisIng I s "medical," It g alone In Japa n In a most entertain· I'-' time. ()III mnll Rroku w cultlvat 2d by lind .took the poor feliow' s head a man with "back bnno" ella ugh t o c811 simply elTerS: a remntkable ellhlbltlon disease has If ill dormant and {be Ing volumfl just published, whonco . nse of IllImor unll IOl' cd th e socl />ty off: ' Wh en Pat ' r each ed t1l1i a mbu· a. splldo a "spilde" aud wllo h AlleveR in of fgnorallco ,or worso, . . abuse continued too long. until ap[lo,rent1y only the knife-will nvall, Bul of a cheer ful liai"-I.'SP cl ully whcn, l an ce with h i s burd en the surgeon mlty be ga t her ed · a des crIption ot a telling tbe whOle trnth wltu()ut tenr or We do cli\lm ~br~Iolo"gtca~ or bodily , it Is !l well-i!s~ atiUshed f~ct among ~he ' Iil, {' sal n lllon , 1\ wu ~ t,. , . () slred : ' Whut 'ure you bringing In. sal e at the. greatest trlldlng house In favor'," reRnltll ot favorabl e cbaructer foilow· bost phYslclanB 1\'ho are ' OCQllahited' Jupnn. P erh COli /or's with Its '.'utmost Ing tllo adoption of our suggestions reH ' foullt! a coni;E'n lll l umni t~~ , In Ihe lhllt hendless CO"JlS ~ fo~7 ' Th e Ir ish· T he goods nro n ot nung about. T hey. dlsreeard for thli facts," may Ray no gallllng W e tliecontlllllaol:e 01 cotree with th e i1etatls ab(ne reolted, that funn y s ns ', I II th' I' "SOil of hi Hn ei gh· man turn ed nnd l ooked at tho 'r emalns pre ventatlvo moa.ure. are fnr antS are show n to ad van loge In loolted sncb l etter . f!'ltl~t8 . N everth el ess It' ts nnd fooda whIch lOllY DOt ' be I(eeplng a",oy the hest , , ' . bo\'o Capt. I. owl s K Jj UIIIS, who llad a li nd (lxclalrm!d dlsll " storll y: 'Hogob, the ' In/lIvJ~ual 10 good h ealth: W e case s, li nd lhe heads ot d eD a~tm en l s on jlle In onr oOlce and Is onl Y. on e ot . Ate we to 'bo coftderaned' tor suggeet- .. cl\'\r war rec ol'll. a slIlull Hension anc\ he inul d me It wir.s bls l eg! '" a mM~ (It let.ters aDd otbel: dalll, nows· have lIO nil vi ce to otr,:,!r th o Pl!rfectl y k ee p lhe Iteys: Remnants, ho we·~e r, tUg a way to pr\lven t disease boy fol•. a reputati on I1S th e loca l M ar'k Tnl' l f'~" 1 ."nd ljam s co uld at ' any moment are lai d on mats, and thOUgh thel'e i s pllper c~)QlIn e nt8 , etc" den ouncing tlio heelthCol person, FIls or her hea l th lo~ng . oatural met hode autl tor' Iterr. (> wi ~ ,vos l'OaSt'Ss rI or i\ prod lg il:lus hrow th e aged plo\ '1IIIIker Into con· "yeno .... " msth\lds .of, Colller'D, This, Is .ov1d ence In ttael! ( h at the bever· f ccthig a food that. eontalns no ·"medl.. k een arL"Cl ety to secure bargain s, pe l" m emory, a ,(C'l' tlle Im a!~i n [\tlon nnd n vllhl lon s (,f laugbter by r 1l atlng Josh volume Is so large thal nOlan coultl a'ses lind 'coos usad elln(ltly .flt that, cine':, nod IIl'<lduc.e8 ne "m'c i1lelnal ef. fect orrl el' aurl l\,ui et prevail. not well go thru It under hll if Il tlllY's pC/"llon; 'l1ieToforf!, ",hy chllDCe? . . vll ~ t I.'o lle LI on of anLlll lHl tl In t h lino ' 11111111 'S·· r(!~l pe for molting hoe·ca,ke: fects.. but which has «Dlded literally Bubles l( dell e ahoul quite com fort, ' l5teady wOl'k, The letters eouie trom But to the mao .or woman who Js U10.l Isandl! of persons from sl cknesB 'to ti t jooO!;(' an ccdot el! or (b.e vlntllg~ 01' " ,'all(' a CO IUIIl Q'1 or gnrd II hoe, bol) ab.;.v : 'olbers sl eell oil their ' mothers' Va1'IOU8 parts ot A:merlcli.. aIling: we ·have BOQletblng 10 any ns e , JS'III om l baclnl'll l'li. H e ( ')(lId dl'a'v h e ~ <lawn liiI slni j olll\ and t hcn le t her bea1th7 Wo have receJvod during tbe ba'lk s, Usually a J1rh'ate controversy Is not r eslift of an unnsulllly wid e ellperlence years past upwardo of 26 ,000 'Iettf;lre U)JOII th is ill c~ hulI s tlbl e st op I n Inls cake." Hnwever ' ord er ly and quiet though Interesti ng to the J,iiblle, but tbl!! Is fl , In foolJ and the result of l/roper teed· from poople wbo hll.~ . beon either 10 Rllit all Y " " i,l' n'~ I ' 111111 I( ~~V It up In· Dar after dny Ilnd w o k urt I' week lng, ' . thu .Jallanoll e hargaln sa fe ma~' ~o, It publie ,controverey.. belped or made el1t lrely w ell by fol. tl ellni te l y . 110 n l'\"C'I~ had i,o r rlllent Cl:ifJ.t. )jams con ti nu ed r eeling nIT til Qse ColHor's hilS been I sIn g the "yellow" ' T n tho palpably Ign'Q rllnt attack on lowIng flur lIuggestlons, and thCJ are Is not. rr oc from lhe sho)l)iftEil', and It hlUlse J(--or , If ho dl(l. he n(>,'or 'i old siorl s, qlli ps allll cranKS" Tbe old ' " ,. ' I ~ iI)t restlllg Lo hOIlI' that the deice· metho(ls to Ilttrn.ct a ttention to Il Aelf, \111 In Colller 'a. I\ppeared this stote· stmple. , til(' "alll l o r~' I\\' ICC~ In tb(' Hllme way. lIIi11ion/lire g rew f ce lllnr, hilL k ept bllt, j umping lu the ah', crack ing h llels ment.-"One WId ely ' clrcuhlled para· II corree dlsagreell ' Bnd caUIIH an,. tlV ll Is n~ "'lC ssa r)' In t he F lowel'y Ahrn m IlroKllw loved to hav .. ('n llt. alive just to laul;h . SlnDC lhen I jams 'togetber and yelling '''Look ot me" IfMlpb laho~ to Indnce t he Impl"1'lBslon of tbe aliments common to aome eof. Lll)ld lIij In England. wouldn't sllfJ\ee, Rn It sta,r ted out 00. B tbllt Grape·Nuts ..-111 obviate , tbe ne- fee userll Quit it and take on Postum.~ ljulUli d rup III with II 'bll 'get or butt on· hns Sll~poct .1 thnt. M r. nl'<)l!n','f was 'JIho kJmc)no al ceve Is ' /1 u sefnl 1'0' "Holler Tllan Thon" attack on the I(e- eeaBlty ·01 1111 operati on In appeDdl. Ifwhlte broad. potatoes, rice · an.~ II tlaU1 1'6, :llId he waH SII' II Il gooll li s· talli;'hlng at som cithln, ell:e bosldes oepta i., fClr uncouylderlld ' tr11ll09,- lIglons Pres s aDd on medicine, cit Is, Thill Is lyloC and potentlaJly other starch foodll ma!t,e trouhle, qul& Wu ol' th a i Ibe aplnln nover ra il d to hls j l)k es, . Bu t ror tWo or t.'l r!le nUlrS deailly l y ing," Lady's' Pictorial. and use Grape-Nuts foed which ' II We reave It to the publlc OOW, al _ , spl'f'ad hltu8clf For hours at n lime ev(.'ryLhlng went merrily as Illllarrta'ge did when .we first resentl!d ,Collier's In r (lply to thlB exhlhltloll or-well larpl:r prl'ldlg.eBte(\ 111Id 1'1111 .dl!t!, th(> ol'togonal'lo .. wou ld sit ti peJlboilml boll . No- Use. attaen, to lay whetber, fn A efllvlng, let tbe read!)r name It, tbe Po.tum Co., nouMsb and .tren~ell, when ., drinking In tales of (\url y life III 1111· Su aklng of IllRrria!{O hells r ecalls "Old ynu bring ~'oLU vaccination for aensatlon anlJ clrculatl,)o. ItK at· says: . forma of fOOd do DOt. It'. j ••t 'Plaia nolR, mOllY or whlt,h w(Ore cohtenillora· the fuct tb at old man lIrokaw ,was de- cerll ncate. • aAe-'" tack. do not amount to a IlYltematle . Let It be nderatoocl tbat aJ!pendl· old common I.Ole. ' ne01l8 Wlth..,!tl!l o\\'n boyhood days. The clrlcdly of a re-marrylog dlsl1081t hlO, "No, ma'sm, Ir dld'!l't lake. ..-Cle..... merceoarr boundlac. Vo'e U~ewl.e clU. relUlll from long ,continued d·r.. "Then'. a Reuoo for Poltaa a' habit grew Ull!! blm, ulld after !I:Irli. 'Yet he wouldo't clve In to It because land J'lam leave It to the public to ..,. wbetber bar*" In the tnteatlD••, caUHd pr!. GrapeoN1l!a. CoDler'I. 117 Ita ~ JOIICJ IDd ...... 1Ul~ atarolaJ fOOd, Poftaa CeNII LCd.

6' BOO - HOO" .

Shouts a Spa'n ked Baby.





....ur "


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.~ . l:;;-;-;;;:;;;;~;: re,.",,,,,,,,,, cur ~il.1 &

lbe•• Litt i. "hey ,,1110 •



Ot" WIT AND 'tUM !)", AII~.. Yet In Many ·Wa y. F~"d an,.nt. . a lly Di!,er~n! • .


ThE 1<188 IN JAP AN• . One Wes tern Idea Tha t Is Pop utlr with East ern Ma lden l,


A Brea k In the Cere mon y. Littl e Tom was two ye ars olt! talk in g befo re bls prou d pare nta ad blm to be cnrl sten ed. Tho ugo took limi ted, bis voca bula ry Incl uded one two cbol ce WOrdll pick ed up from or hI. fatb /lr. Of cour se, he look ed like pe rfec t littl e cber ub on tb e eyen a day, with his wide blue eyes and UDI s bln· Ing curls and mot her had got him up In grea t shap e for tbe cc,r man y. At the mos t Imp ress ive poin t Tom t urned to his fatll er and excl aime grav ated tone s: ~'Wby, dam nd In as· it, 'he wet my b ead!" and bum or ' a~e such elem PRE PAR E ' SIM PLE HOME· !und amo ntU thin gs thnt It has enta l MADE nlwa y.· A pC'lrt "et '{-Cpl MIX TUR E YOU RSE LF. been ' foun d diffic ult to nnalyzo 'Sbe ""aSB Japanese coll ege IIt.ud them, Dtul ue8 , N.I)u ent, snYS a writ er In 11be Atla ntic. littl e and th in, but very . grac J3a4 UIJO et ul ill !J som a polu~s , how ev.or, thos o who h 1hell ou1.h , Ckt ut er Pari s gow n. ' Tong ue, Paln In thQ Buy ' tho Ingr edle ntll from Any essoy.etl this puu ling 11Isk agre have "Th e kiss," she said , bl ushI ng fain ~=====~--:,-J ld", Drug . e, fOI t' ·O ItI.'ID U\iK R tbey , .nll bold that , wit Is an Re rec .. laWl 1100 J.\uwel.. l'ure ly Vo"e ly, "W88 unkn own In Jnpa n 60 gist In You r Tow n ari d Shak e ~ t, . alii,.,. Intel · Oh. I " ' AS 8 0 hn pp),gr1."(111 ) ear8 lectlJ,al, hltm or an emo tion al, quaU "" 1.( ,,' 6 t!ln;. ..... · ago. Nnw . amo The n g l he nrl stoc rac} , It m In a BoUie to 'MALL Pill" SMAll DOSE, SMAll PRICE. tbat wit Is n perc epti ty; A U I!fi), and u.'t fl"" " Is becoming 'Iulte reno wne d," on of . reM m. . \ " aJl Ul'R'llUSY MIK Th is , blan But c "Yet 1.1:)\' , on'd 4 ' It 'H com es as a. g reat ahock at III ~ n l o ll ~ willi :l a ll hum or a perc e pti on 01 Genuine Must Bear c.u d $ ll g cont rast, flrs t. It Is so dllfe rent , YO U A well·kno wn autb orlty 00 Rh disc repa ncy, of Inco ngru· Ana teel Fac -Sim lle llt"t'I oll ..·d me ga il y l Juln Sign e u· atur e Ity from anyt hing In a Jnpa nese girl'know , . .. ~: ~.e Inco ngru ity 18 tbnt wblc her pin y, ITTLE matl sm give s tbe r eade rs of a h larg IVE R arise s b!ltw een the Idea l IUId the perience . r havo know n mai den s ex1 r an· to h er "If!j ' a nd r loo New York dall'y p~per the followi ng k l h .. hnllu s who f~ot, PIU .8, .A n (J W I,,! W l\-r .· 1\11 10:,0,)' beby ell~ tl1eory and prac valu able , yet ' simp le and harm les s faint ed at a flrst kiss that was pertice, betweeu: A N n Sli rtOr) r'!j d ay, FIct Itiou s Imp real lon. prpN I~6. ha ps apd pres too perf c ripti warm orm on, whl(lh any one cun easily ly tend ered . Ye ance ; and per, Ho ! · trua nt W ' Kp cd , w REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.' illi t11 11 h lu.· u· ~ r . . pre " I ~nnoL help thln k log haps It ' nilg ht be adde d that It very maid s beca me aHa rwar d t thes e of the pare at hom c : hl.!au arde III al· nt derf ul (ltou ght displ ayed in 11'011, AIS, jOYO U~ tiS (. Vc r w t! way or, alru ost. ~ I ways a mo ral advoc:utes of tb e new wes lern N.w aDd Flui d Extr act Da nd elion, on ' your r'l lWU I'LH, 1 I<n o w. In' HO!IDcat.~~d con'gshffty em· ·halt daug hter s com . In the case bolh or wit men brace. cem ent essa y lut ounc e; com poun d Kar s on, one Oh, I w.oS 80 Il a ppy wlu' n oun ce; Jun e." "YeR aR 'ftN·l-·., , , IInsw ered lofr. Cum rux. Lo\' ~ wna Comllound Syru "Fra nkl y, I lik e the kiss m.ys elf. und hum or ther e Is also h(l r~ p Sars apa. rllla , thre e Its "judging 't rom tbat s urab le, . su rpri se, a gent le shoc k, plea stim ulus, Bnd the fe lin g. as eua y, you wou ounc es. H u t T. VI! stole n w n. y whic h II.<> cf r ed thin k she was as rnll(;b Inte resle d ld cam llanl cs our pflrcepll on of the A t lit (' 10"' or u ti}' aatln , when mou th touc:hes Mix by libnk lng well In Il bott le, III hit mou h· , tb and wi th B warm And Jllft r lH.' ulll ' w wl lh H erto un s us IJect ed rese mbl ance lI ('urt or s t f)nl'!~ take a teaspoon ful , 80tt 6ho ck-y es, fran k· 'Tbe Sub serv ienc e ~ lndl vldu al Am· or In· Alon o In u "or ld Lhut BflH each meal bl tlon Is d ull n n~ l ,·u ld . to Ete rnal conGrully : .A New Eng land Iy, Desl I li ke the kiSS, and I Ond It an d Bt bedt ime. elt· In Ice crea m s oda. But:'n',' aa eho I. was once desc ribi ng In th e farm er r Clln no t (;0 Lnc~l\ to t',.... ,\"D~ trem ely diffi cult to deny an IIhe Isn'L " H e slate s that tbe Ingr ed ients II•• II_r ietl Now Opened lor Sellieme fn" (l Ul' S . pres · eage r can A s J.:; ay IIlllJ ll..'i f rt!c ni ' enco of B very youn g man so Inno cent and 90 delig be obta ined t ram any good pres " bt. A s a ll P-cHt :l:;i)' . crlp , lIgh trul an Some 01 Ih. choice I ,gre at Bge .and hum ane pers on t bo tion phar mac y at sma ll cost , and, emb race . debi lity of a bors e tbllt J::ro J...O \'f~ C.' UIIIH " lo ng wll h be, a Il ll tng s ong !~~d~;I~"~~ .s::!l::.~t';;:. he rOI'rn And b., dt on(l..t m K(lIly lu Ing a erly vege owne tabl e ,1 extr and actio j oi used n n, II'r . are . ,,In. y I harm · wan , nd Albert. have oUg to 'bllV Il kille d· him ." l.ute "You less to take . Ren on Thl , Out. rr.uIJt Oh Ln"o: IUtR h! t h .. roceo.11 be en opcnLod ad ht' ' tho hum ane pers on Indig nant .., l.mdi. \I)' I he w~)' An Eag lis h Quarrym an was eba~ This IJlca sant ly. m' l xtur e, If take n reg, th ou HI'CH.l pt! . :~~R~~~I~~'~~r~ruoc~~":d /',m r" drBw with assa ular ly for a few days , Is said to l ed the farm er "we did .A li d "'(I lilt' tn 11h''' hf"'l'''' Rellu latfo n.ot- Cana da. over- whe u tbe ultin g one of his mate s, and \Ytt Tbo u l ands of bome - ....:...almBst.:.. h com n case IOvtJr e almo was 's . ,' l!cu1' st any case or Rbo uma tlsm . carr ied Into cour t, tilead . ot .60.e re. eacb 1'hc w Qrl(l 1M ns tll Ullt' t u an eyew itne ss of the occu rren ce .{IIt O" a9aJl able • • Tbe neW u h. 'urt n l m e Th e pai n and swel ling , If any, r ClZulI t IO D" It gave \Vh e n L~ \~ u h UH m u.ll dlml nDO. t.ibla for cnt ry to be Il1li1da TEN I li try-VEA Umi Born RS UtJ e OF by WO curlo PAl" !. Isbe s with ench dose , unti l perm u8 ev id ence. Ilwa y! lu wI71 l1at many iD tbe Unite d DfOI. , . tho oppe r· anen t S lain ba ve b;en . "lie tuk a pick u.n' he tuk a pick, W1U11n. 'or, A ny membor 0 1 resu lts are obta ined, and with a " ou t e nll')' ' oe an,. o ther mfHn bcr r) ' ramil Y m Y l1\ako , ,Un l!ble to Do Ellen ' Hou sewo lu ring tbe stom ach. Whi le ther In- tb e witn ess bega n, "an' he bit him rk Be· Splin ters of Tho ught . be e"lhJ ed to Ulakb entry torLho fa rdily. who t:tm,, . caul o of e a Kidn re hirn.e ey lr Trou or he r'le tr. ble •• IIntr , mllY DOW bb ulade befor e the wid his man pick . y an' 600c be nli ed RhtlU mali sm rem ed leQ: hi t hIm wid bls A.een t o r Su b ~ A good II v Iy ,'alii can lIIak e Al'e.o&: or tbo Oilt' let by p r011. (on carla l n co nd l ~­ • oJ .. tioas l by t ho ' It he r. mo ther. or lroubl e t OI' two 10vl,lr, slttl ns :l lot pate nt medic in es, e tc., som e' of whJ ch pick ; an' If h e'd bit him wid his ns lOu . dau~b,or. brulLI4: r -Mr s. Mar gnre t Emm erlc b, at «.la ter at hue-odlDI' n bard a as he' do hi t blm wid his. b e 'd bave give relie t, tew r.ealiy give perm Clln· log. bome lte.d e r. ton St.. Nap oleo n, 0.: says : nent reSUlts, and tbe abov e will. a· near kUled .hlm , and not blm blm.~ ~~n ~::lt:~m::~ ~~~~ R~.:!~ .p::"l::::; fifte en ye ars I was , a grea t Imtf"Fo r \ 'fb Dlonllfuc tllrl.' r belle vcR In the no !I!!1~l1g . and 16, not doub t. be grea tly appr reaery ed , ma, be hom.. erer bibl tram kidn ey trou · eve ical mund ate lliol admollis hes Bnac rers her e at this ecln ted by man y Deafness ~annot Be Cured :t:r"f.rM~~;:::~:~ ~::!~II''':t (:rd~r.:. time . ry mUll ~ Mc UOD. Orl "'O to gl\"e tell PI'r cellI. uf hlij lll.11I0,.or I.... •• bles . My back pnln ed wor ldl Inqu iry at the dl'ug stor es of :r.!~~r:~I~tI~:'e :. tbi~e~~I~o:Dr;~~ft y good " " fee IQ IO-aeh ca~e will he '10.0 s to th even e pool'- IO\·e lll or. . me ·t errlb ly, Elvery 0. Chur ch ... the sma ll town s e liclt e th eeboo tsand 111 r kols couv onlen l. D~~~:::;~:I:a:~ The a vera g auth or neve r tlld Hea1tby qlima te. !~ ~r:~~u:!~4~: I~~m:l~~~ IPleD dld CUI UI Ind.o od la w •. turn or mov e caused take tb at thes e drugs are barme Inform8t1on mueo ul UnlOI 01 ~bb-; Crain -afow io, and Kdlla .cblt.u Tube , Wbea lbll eanle raj lnr prl neiP 11lnd killd less and clln l uba 1.1 IDe:at ned ytbe ly to Ihe Idea or dyin g to beco ul lriC$, uu blt'o . rLlmbllac .ceDeS s barp me be boug bt sepa rate ly, or , s h 0 a tin Ii f:lIllous. For f urthe r Pl rtJcuL an a. to rattll Imperfe c t beari pl. _nd WbtD n, I. e»tlr el, ahMe d or tbe drug glsls CO-II I. . rouSH. I>olj . tilDe 1010 -.»d wher a to locat , Deatpain s, My eyes lgbt ' be re, ull, aod uole .. Lbe lad.m o. IlPpl, to , ~ • • wm mlx the pres crip tion It aske d to. m.tlOD oao be 'flte tlkeD . cll' 0 y 11' aod pa pe ttll. n. tube are rel(.o adv l ~ lng Iho re4 to IU'ov rma loo041W~9 pobr , dark spots li DO. bea rlDg' will be H. M. WIL UAM S, t " • " . rod toren r : 1"1 THE ROUOHEST WEATHE cUn out o r teo .re eaule d dellro lAw Bull dln. . II.ppe ared ,bofore me, publ ic tllat . r entll will In crea so In b, Ca tarrh , whlcb Dial Tol• .so.P blo. , A REAL "HO SS" RACE. II botbl •• bu . ,\ND GUARANTEED A8~OLUtt R taa Ina.m od 'Ilric coodl e t1 next D ot I ' s pl'ln g: Thi s Is quit " as muco ul .urta n... LY We will Il v. Ooe Uuo d re4 bIS and 1 had dizzy ,. for 1.D7 cu. of UI Ic.ul ld b, clta" IIJ Doll. For t en year s I coul d neit do hono red lin obse rvnn ce liS th e yo,,,'::' , " oun try Fair t . ~\WATfRPROOF tblt eIGD O' fie cured he Plac e to bl U.U'. CltarTb C'\.~j. ~Tl'K J'l[i~~::~t!r::O, 0See It at noti ce that lhe II nch CI'OP has dusllwor k"an d ror ~wo yoar s did '\" , ~ b en It, B·eat . 801 4 by Drum .... ~5c . of dwellings, barn!, fnclories . poul get -but at the hous e. TbJl KJdn not fros ted, try.h Tolee 11111" }'&mIlII'IU. ro, eollnl ouse s ey seJ,J~~ JIIIIIoa. ..,d tho dairj" Ki...... Mineral A rrlen d ere~oJll were Irreg ular Ir you would see a bors e , and docw rs of !Ha wbo or mine I lis of a rrl end Roofl~ cnn be usct Iln noy clim Rub b.r s trapo t bollg ~ nJe. Send ht. "car o" pet!, booted .tjjt ~lplng me. Duan's K1dn.~Y Wel l Qua lifie d. ' post-card for free samples, book POMMEL , brac ed an"d gear ed mean t a little whi te C"I·t. let and PUIs brought me Quic "So you wan t the llosltlon of price!\. I pay (reicht 10 aoy pari k r eliet, ~.nd the limi t, you mus t Rcek snch to adU. S, ' SUC KERS Toll a e Ona ve rY lly vanc .hod cure y e abou d agen me. t t your The for ODr circu s?" Inte r' y lIavet! my life. " Joys , but trac k as YOU see at tbe H. Eo KING. D...L ''It.'' A"' .... r. N. J, old·t k e ll your trou bles to Yo s3~ SQld by nll deal ers. 60 cent s a CAM SAY. You MON .' O. urs If. coun try tall'. Her e cnm ea an i me roga ted the man ager . "We ll, we neet! Yo u. RvO ttI HO. bolt. awk- a man who can ~tl r Fosttl~:1di1Il)urn Co.... Butflllo. N. A IUUIl nt:!ve r renllz s how ' ThLstrademarlt up som e life ward Des·bitte n gray wllich ra~'t Y. neve r . e \'ery whe re be goes ," ctnd the word world , wog s OilIn g, unUI he Is COn wen t Man WhO l e Mem ory Wat Bad. " Tha unde rron t's , r t. me, 2:60 1'owtR on the In hIs , Ufe. t~, ' : -SE€ He K Is TO e1- once Illoi·c with thut la91 WIN 80L DIE R8. bOBS ." For mor e than an hou r a, wltn hast ened ~ the hobb appl led and clleck ed and go!;gled, and buttons dlsllnican t. wln te r's ' ove rcoa t. any expe rien ce In stirr ing up "Ha d tor the defe nse had dodg ed. Qlles en 9ulsh 'Ihts h!9h hItched up slde wl!le , leng thwi 1It1l? " Uons, RUi lian Glrl se and "Yo u bet! I useu , S me llmes a IftU .. bit o~ n 9!'D~ His tl\ m6lll0ry WIlS part icul l Risk Life 'f or the Cau u ' ~Ilcktr f~ to driv e a stre wom an cros swis e unti l tbere Is mor e bar· nrl1 . ItheJust as 9!IocI C=!W SUlI't lin llwrul Ill!: s tory , swe eper and Btlrred up .mU llons et lhas llera llng fo r the coun sel tor of Libe rty. ness than hors e. .~. the of ~~ ct~ ...~$lr\"o::.!,..!, ~"'.l 'branCia Yo u won der how germ s ever Illaln tJtf. who waB seek Ing' to \'lfh e diffe renc e b tw en B man y day." who bls d rive r ever got blm Inl o tbls rig· '!Wb en the univ ersit y open ed to tbe witn ess' reco llect ion an reca ll '1s Ii' ~----'-genl lolllt Ul nnd glng a man Who Is . and bow last 'Imp orta of foul' of five year 8 prell ioult., ellen l autl' mn I star ted to wor k aga in ay'S a philos oph r, "Is SOm ethi ng not," agai n wltllo ut be will get him out Eve nt- a mitt g cutt ing him free with 1b:ImIDe carofU nt to Moth.~. li ke the·' sold lers, " . said t he l youn g thc III IT I'en ' \leLw e u poet uall~ the maJi rem c mbe red Uy eTery boItie 01 OA8TORJA a jack knife. ry "som and A efarm er wltb a and . ore ftIIIecI, lor Wan.. and cbJld ., wom an. "As yon know , tbe thin g abou t It." ml, revo lu- prose." Anti. til e dill ' renc e Ii tw e n gray bea rd and twin klin g eye 1IIlII .... lbatU obtion ists 'ore at pres cnt " corking "Ab,,' oont illue d the lawy er for very n g Illia man a nd a "gel lt" i s ' milc h serv es to his neig h bor: the bard to plaln tllf, "wh at dd you thin k will OVM the orin )', and' ant! the ' sHllI e li S tbe dllfe r n e betw "La st time John lI! nrtln bad at It ot tho mea oe n that at tbe Ume?" ns is to. talk free dom dl· som e p'Jut ry, 80 caliI'd, lIud lh e I' a plug out on the The re rue posi tion s open In ~he iI., l ,'. road T told blm be tilin g, reci lrw tbe sold lc,iiI;i 'FOf this " Real ly," Bald , tbe witn ess, spea III V .. For OYer 30 Yea..: bnd the old crip ple ove rloa ded girls Nav y for hun dred s of you ng men kwith have bee n found to be more elfe , The ing beforo lbe lawy er. tor the defe wOn lll n who Is so 6et tlgaln st rus t·ald s·to· the-lnJured, ctlv c, !l'ito &Jn4 YOIl IIaTe A1"" 1' JIouIb& betw een 17 and 25 yea n of age, Th em stral lS bad Ume to Inte rpos e obje ctio n se tbad men ; the youn g peas ant soldI e rs low· neckild dl'es ses she wouldn· t that was cal'l ntcd tn bols t up his and for mec haniclI up to 35 year n, "It nre . mor a II'as BO long ago I can' t reca ll e will ing to liste n to girls, thin k of ' min go Que: probullly To Stop Flow of Blood. . kneell mus t lla' lIulIl.'d too tigh of age. Good. pay . and good fqed exnc has tly a t a and far read ie r to prot ect nd w n all her noc k, , ... hat I thou ght of It." , To stnp the !low . tlte of critt er was yank ed clea n olf tb bloo ~ ," furn lsbe d by the ' G~)Vernmen"t. ·trom arre s t. So all over. Rus slB,them e wou nd with cobw ebs and d bind tbe The wolf nev I' cornea to l he "We ll," s hout ed the cros s-Iln brow n Bugar bun· For full info rma tion add re" bock grou nd. Wbo t Jobn was s ettln ' pres ,r, excltedl y. "It you can' t recB mln · dred s, and bund reds ot girls nre now 1I0QI'~ sod on Uke lint or with Onll dust read y 1.01' was a raCI! tor lIyln Nav y Recl'Ui~ng Stat ion. Pea II, tell· nlgb ' mat The r e Is alwa ys tru~h e noug lUI ~at .. you thin k' .~01\' Office Buil ding . Cinc inna tl,O hlo. you thou gbt. 'dier tly meetillg with grou ps at sol· h to chin es, not a hoss t rot. "-F rom "Th e of t en.. Whe n tbe blood ceas es to tlo.. go s, 'rou In IheD'." appl nd with out stre tchi ng It . wor king mell 's bom es and tn y laud anum . Cou ' ntry Fair ," by Day ld LansI ng, In .\ :)J,arracks. To go Into ba rrac Mar riag es nre Outi ng. '. , il , talk "rel;,o)~tlon' to the sold ie rs,ks and ther e Is nl wayS mM e In h nveil': hnt FITS, S L, Vilu . Vnn ce "n~ all Ne" Didn 't Need Cyc lope dlae . a gard en exit lead ing oUi Dise... e~ permanen I)' anyt hing Is so dang erous-to bard · du wn to-t ho Uy cured by Dr. Klin The C8J1Vll8ller tor a c),cloped BABY WA STE D' TO 8KE LET ON. e', divo r tbe rce cour Grea t. t N..rve Re.t ore. ia ~rl caU l:ht Is trill\! by cour end for Free 12,00 calli e to the bem e of a colo nel, t,ma rUal trial "bottle nnd trea t... . Or. R, H. A nlan ml " hL as w"ll ' gl\'c wbo Qe and ' llI a ' day or ' two Klin hims elf In oLd Tor men t. w ith Terr ible 80re . .. 03'1 Areb St.. Philndelphia. P ... e, Is ~1ecuted .­ his own mon ey .os rcqG2I1 ho bad care fully s~ud led be-. , From Le~1. Scot lo play llok er wltb Fac:e and Bod y-Te .re at Fln h on t:. Intervie w wltll • his son,ln·la • tore IIIe ,"!aU . 'l'be !lolo nel' w! ;\\,as es· Rua slan 'Von lan, In peellOl!r prou 4 of som e of bls -Cu red by Cutl cura . E'ler ybod )"a. Som ethin g to Stud y Oller• . sons , .' '0' The 110 tbe CIIIIIva.aser bega n "Du kg Heg s Kne wly Lad e" I. Stor m's Rallagel . . wltb : , " I • " '~ot a ' Hlt .. an Imp •. The follo wing desc rlpUve artic .Ign wblc h grac es the wind ow rovI ser. ' "lJ!Jwse are nry One boy . of YOU'r ''My IIlUI i s!ln, whe n abou t a le or a I, ' "Did you ever heal ' anyb year rece dair ntly y coIGlloJ.abop In Sou th ,L on'don. a\lpe ared i n the Lou p City and a halt old · bega n to ody lmp ro bave Tlse ?" he aske d. ( Neb,) Stan dar d Gau ge: "~ rue. " rQlllJed the cO,l onel 'com e out on hIs face . The y bega80re s . n to "No ," said · ,she, and be r,· or ten 11 1\ Y~ 'we h kVC b e n "I ftOk oa you are read y to buy non .. com e on bls arm s, then on othe r vart s any- the "pj~o and t'mprovlsed I8t dow ll U! jO)' lng n porlo d or old 8018 con( ~ n~en for about lUI bollt.. thin g thes e '1K!Y8 wan t ?" .c d of his body . and then olle cam e on bls ld d own a.nd b6u ~ and a hair. At tlie end c on uhtra h.,tl lorhh IJI",., "[ em 110," 8ald the fath er ~f ~he cbes t, wor8e than 'the othe rs. at that bVu fY dR.Y Lhn m Cr-(:u r)' lJoure d und f r um At the tI~f he tnrn ed 'arou nd, his One boy ., Jl 1. m t o 5 t> m It l olled " ii, r on nd n boll l end of abou t a year anll B half of suf· ,; , ; . ' a1:elj1reB81on, and said to 'f ace lull tho .\ ~ntu l"Y lIuuk un u xtt'nO "Well, tben , let me sell' you . _this !ler; c<l ferln perIo g he d o f grew 110 bad I ha d to tie his Nueh c nten ct) h ent prQJn "Wh at do ybu tbln k of It!" ngf~8 Hto r", nnd hBnd 0101C1Petila. The re'~ notb lng s In clot hs at nlgb t to keep hIm the orde r o f 8,u~ ms Are sU,re l y eh' .. you r BOIlS 80 tIIuoh ,ood." : ".wlll . do , "1..Iovely1" sbe. excl aimed. "Bea uH. trlcn l n.nd J)OKMi hIJlystOJ1 hom scra tchi ng the sore s and tear ing ..·:rc lonlCI .' " · 0 w l!ro ,ful j;. I neve r beaM 'a.ny thln g I'ike Are both "ym ptom s of Bue , Uie colonel look cd "at It!" UXJll! cting .1t rnr acc ordin g' to t~l tl, Ilitror .. tbe lIesb. He got to be a m ere nio dehim . But this 1ft ~' bat she 'Uld nnl sllelerang eme nt, and b ottlT C'Sorua lilt" ".. of 1i.lnl:1! It mu ot agllallt. . " Wby , them ' lade of to war ning to the hall com e. }o':;" rly· nnel did ton and was hard l y able to min e b,oy 'whe n he was gone : w:>m en o~ a trou ble which will walk. 1 In th u nf\ c rnoo n IL nu cies ' don 't need any cyclOlli!dln. The 8001 1' sen t to tbe drug s.lor e o,n d got of smaH bUI 'I"S"'Y' 1001<Ing r lO er 01' Inte r decl are itse lf, y ride a cake " It 1h'at long, lank "~natlc who ,:ol'ld inul es!" 1m b l..; He n f o rmin g III t h e .,.,OUlh wuds B'ow ofte n do we h car \VomeD say, • . (:S l. HI' on ot Cutl cura Soap nnd n bo:!: of Cutl cura . , Jjrovlses, ' ~Sk8 'tor m'e ullaln, tho cnllr e sr)~l th w~'s t..- hCCH Ill v n e black Oint men t, and at the end you t ell ' p o rt t.\n totl.9 "It seoem s as thou gh my back ~aw It Come Out of a Cow, at nbon t t wo ~ 1'0 11, ld him I um out. " , A s t he brea U." Yet th ey cont inuo towou A little pity boy and bls ,sist er \" u n ~(' d It ln cl',~·n!01(ld In ~izc lI)o n :-tt Ol' a d .. man lhs tile sore s we re nil well drag . He nnd ((1 J"!l1 hJ .. Dor. \ nlon -.g' -nnd nbi ~c has ne\'e l' lIud any sore s of any sllffer with seb in 'the ilosa . It. ' hllll ~ d otbJ wete toke n to the coun blaC k ll' 11 kind try for" sma ll of the back , pBill low es OOPl.cry 111'0 n nd ",!lhf.-o n1 . ' tlmc , EKc uub le. dow n In . It. tb, e first , . urr ' n tln o since, Bud ollly for the Cull cura Rem · "I BUPpcise,"l'$r1larkcd rO $C' , the . i>t side gre . . drag n 1\11<1 gmg sens ations, nerv -, grl'y th e coy widow, u s Ih pl nl nly The ' two cbll dren · wer e bapp n l 1 (t~ tr( c Jfy , h n ll a nd winO f6'rol olU edle s ' my prec ious child would bave ousn y 'as. ,"fil M 'you aro , a.n advo CII9 lind no a mbi tion . cate of early th e ,(ll r, on th ~ wlng !;i o r n t o rnnd '~UH Ii" died from tbes e t errib le sores. the day was long . In the tate Th.IY do no ~ 'real ize thnt ~he back I used o It nil .. vU l lc(td and ft sc~ nH,'U noon l'hCy watcbed tbe bow s' ti.,Cter' ma rriag es?': , th a t. ti ll thl.l l Ull .. only one cak e of Soap and abou t thre . " Is thc mBin ' ' sprl com e ng e of wom sorg an,"<illl': ye9,~ I am," repl Ied the BCBnt7 t m 'h.!.8 ot l1 ctl\ VC'n8 h~1t.,""C!s t aN11 i r y II :Hl boxe s ,f Oint men MIS hom e, hear d wIth deli ght · tb~ ist)1 and quic kly Indi cate snn S t. 1Ii rs. EL Egb co nc ert e.ntrt by Shcl achi ll~\l B1Id ulatlr.11bf'rflil . ilnk · halr..~d bach elor . ' , · ng , Jus a t diseB o n ' l' dou, R. F . D. No. I, Woo se(l cond ition of the fem " . ling cow ·bells, aud t/:le , tUtie ' our h Ollds" The hom tHlrd dvil le, Conn., 1)oy l1l n l WO!) "'l'iien," conU nued the c. W 'I and pal1=l 5 will cont inue unt~ inin e orga ns or kidn eys, and tba~ ache s eye.... wen t lJ:I the barn s to .see "wh j IIntl for n f!'IV millutru! n'orc PCll L-<i wl'onh Apri l 22. 1905 ." the caUS&' \s'te mov:ed, tJle J) ' It -~ou hnt! II1no<l willt 1\" 80 milo Wind 1I~\l sUII . a bacb elor ?" mllM ug dOu.e. l>lIncl', ~(I n n ~ d" "fened by ·""liat 's qul ~, "ano t,ber mat ter," Bible Nam'e a for Colts. lIu.lI !lll';r n". 11 A. BUIlDer, JUBt as Doro.t hy was an: o[ Ilijll L1" Olt hU... 1 tl Clle h thun A bas tie r tram ,tbe Blue Gras s urtlIig .her glas s ,to ber rosy ' lips, the SW\lred the B!1che'lor. "Th e only mar b olt 08 lning mad e from nati ve roo\B and herb I ,set'l tlc 1 in n (1vt\n ,c o der bas s has been fo~ ~nny year s the r ilO just foun d e mplo rlag es' J believe In are earl y ones ,lIus h. It wn. \l ufully. subli .ucc e••ful Hlll edy in such yme nt In one at the. . on t : mo. t ·bo. ....ed , b& 'b7o ' ' me, It wo . stab " 1_ , caus e' ther " nd. o IB It les .\ som \tl of cure s of f emin ine ms. cases. No othe r ~ediClne has liuch • reoonl ' S of e t he , excu a New Yor k man , Hla ..vor~ l storm ,thu t 1mll lle for yout h '· ,vtstt: , ''Oil; Doro tby, don' t! You mus tn·t l!t.i Shor lnan ful Co, dark tolll Miss tS lnQ y es." Lent (" dliLIect Is 80 quai nt and hi. -Ch icag o New s. l.Na gel, of 117 " June drIp-II dla,t milk. it'!! ~ot fit to ~g.n St,. Bu1 falo ,N . 'Y writ all1rr n o r 11 nllm hc l' or )·CIll" the com plet ely worn out aud onlIfo drin es:.- "I willi . ., ngo , w h e n Btorles at " Ole Kaln . .. -- - '... _u. pOI't fon or A!Jh t on Wfi:s wsl'c(!k the verg e of nerv ous pros..,trati tuck " so uniq ue It dIun& out. of a cow . I saw It!' k. r acbe on ed . d . My all and' back the ~. : , time , 1 bad DO mem ber ot the bou sollold ,. Wag !)er .~s , 1\, .cu~atllle , ~gent. R. chlll \ ",nft drow nt.1d dful periOds of pain , was s ubje ct In n " 8ul.Hne .. g~ 1I mlss ea of cryi ng and extr eme nerVdrea to,ll ts ~ ~ Il ar III Loul ' Cl l y. Vern on Lee bas told aomewDe~ en OUt oppo ln_, ~rl e r \I,e ruin tin.! rtun and ity ltliDbIom. 'Conc:ernlnll Wea lth. was to spea alwa k to him and ys .wea k and tired., tbt l1ull Ita", r.\lI\I)/ U.blr1'\:'CI . Lyd ia E . Plnk bam 's Veg etab le ' p . : ator y at tlie mar.veloua we letl Ihe have blm aa'y a word. elfeo ta of Wag, fh:1U n ud pll I~" ea." Ie !Did~rstant! whTLyd ia E. Pink ham 's Veg etab leCclmponn.d com plete ly cure d me ...• , whe n \Y O gql out or tho ca hay so fe~ ner cn a head ache . One (lom non , poun His d cur emp u Fem ale Co~r;.,~ loye r I8Id to blm a tew Reh as Bac kach e, Fall ing and 4r . ·lIava !II¥lney, Tho se wbo. kno~ t1P:1e does , afte r a "Qmc o f tit., dum as.,.. t tho lightning , ' suc~unib to wba t Is a ,~nd of had ,dOIlO cou ld bo 8Mlha DI880ivea and ellp ela Tum ors Disp lace men t., and all Orgs:nic D DO". .. ma)l e It dGn't know how n, hay lind grill n dlYs BgO: "I lupp 0!le your mal · at sn early stnC k ·"tag K \0 wero hypn e. otism 1.1. .tre eila aDd on nro tone s ~ho Stom ach. Cure s Boa '; tJae :sou nd seem s alm ost to B,'wn In several place•. 'tel' dow n Bouth had a iood mlU , • . t't. aud thoSe wbo daeh e ~d lDdilfeBtioJl aDdng~h t; 81110110 risin g f r om l7 keep It clea r' the air. or at tho wbo le fem inin o IIYStern. .. ' haYll n\'k hors es?" Iinil Of& t.eI leas ed1t get It; and that 's the can 11\"1 t to' tho lull , ' Grabo wski "h,ad bee bull,lIng one ' . ' onl, ntu oa tnto II kind of drea ' Mr s. Plnkham~. "v. t we dill, lAb, t!at ""8 did! m In whic h ani, the f>a rk un.! J ohn p'ulg droy o overn to ~.1her ~' t keep IL na.I. Ant! 1 Ben h of hear tng WB ta. I ' " Bllvl ng the hay, Dot Know ln& t.ha t an)' my ole mas ter had 'em all Wom en suff erin g from aDy form nam On e .¥lU. hurt ,· A<rl vlng e of fem ale wea kne u are Invi ted ' Ilt Ihe bu ttllng Bibl e nam es. FaIt h, Hop writ e Mrs. Pink ham , LynJl, Mass. olut k lhey laund F ran; to e aJld Cha rBe," advi ce ill free . ' .I~lng :a ' lew It,; Bus tle, Stay f~et from Ule tltllC " , ant! CrllliOllJle, w~ k dend and John. tho ul'ler brOI'lwr. dofog hla bes t '0 t eanec!- all o~e I3pr wi'i coIt al" lale his BI . ' ~r, lhe help nt l ahu ""on ..h<lwei!with .\8'n8 of lire bulhnnl not eat••• Plag u. Prev enti 01 C"IIAlou" netul, Tile dqad ond Injur .,.] An Itali an corr espo nd'e nt ve. W'llI then lifted Into of the n bun y Bnd (1,kcn :North Chin a Dail y Ne. . ""rltell: "'rb e . hom e: We hn ,'e 81 nce the; girl 18 In a ror~ w a~' to rceo\'cry new an.p era haYe . latte Muc rly h Cr l,oon ~(\ 1 1 I. full or .. due lO tll~ m.. nly brot her who P08B tha ner\'e a n,1 lortltull 10 ennbl e ~880d all sorl . of suggettUons for the ,tam phim 10 Inc out of plagUe'AFor in8t ance , neve r "lOrry hl~ d" nd brot \0 .. ph,co or kill rail .a.C.. ty trom tllo burnl her ,Ul\c k nnd 11\ t he __ y '"_ ; If yoU ao the fata l rat Oea mlds l of rllin lind hn j,,!: the bllndlng .lI". h ~ "" drlv en to r-.o on you. Alao, nnd lI~h'O breakln", IlI alll , ol thunder 10 com pel esch hous...... ere.: l '>' ebol der to !mo errOrl In tlllvtng tho cat. life of hi.tlUpn . 14 bot, let the cult· of thelleep "ater. H Will! . bad .tarm It cat d"tlt royOll IIle a.nd milch .. prop orlY , and IA It prtlv ailld l~ anci ent Egy 7et while oUt h M '~ "fmp llth), gQ pt be \'eo' oUl io nne ! la IIIdla. Plezs~ of cats , DO . the berllAycd ...·Idow and hor fami ly· who rata. N : artl mQtlrnlllll tllO 10.. 'Rle "Colic" cif doud aon and broth er, ""0 ClUl c,.l1 It ..a vory 1101)12 Wh'lob """ " lb. !bte... fter "vi ait y. ero..... It repllnlAhed our 1lU\ u"'" •• a . b rolr en-. tIlo roqh brtc l bu morn ",lea l ved fMJI III on orourtbe.Uft hOIand Look for the "'ad a. p&l'\\hod. trom D.rK IH~ I)Nlj:. l u!

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-- -- -

Ly~ia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable·


Sta nd ing Invitation to'Woapen



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'H is Orievous Mistake.



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'l.!!fi )lJ'e.Ar U nut. paid

Populor Ulltavill Boy Folter Palls in the 'M idst of 8 ,B rilliant 'areer.

-wl\·t\noe '.

I Uttvnnu

ltFF10E IN ALl,EN BUILDING niJCpJlo~e eJIIIL . . ~o, 6-2

T01mship Would be Saved Expense. Jf WavnA town8hip pnt08 lip Ii now PU,)UO buildIng SPlloe wl\l be pro ,vlded for votIng p'IAOes for bot.h ,vot· iDa preohioh wellt of the river. At tile preeeDt time a room has to be bired eacb election In, Whloh the voklrtl of the town precinot can enrolle their rlgbt ot suffrage.

Please be Prompt. WA tlo not htolleve t,}le I'ubli

reul what. a chlTflreuoe it rllllkell to UB If tb,'y are prompt In SAnding their new,/l lind aclvertisumAnts t,o thl8 offioe !hn, pel1lon!! wait. uut,n just be· forA lobe paJj8r Is rMlJy for press and t~n Mend 1I0methlDI( in, oaulling muoh Inoonventence Hnd dell'Y at tbe Ifll.t PIIllllIA !lend' In \,"hllt ynu wllnt In the pnl)8r IIIIrl ,v, lI' e Blirller. the bet· ler illll!\

The Last Call. Before Ilnother 18Ijue of tbe Oa. zelte appesrp, t.l111 ' votel'll of W8yne to.nshlp will. by thftlr bllllo"" havA

Tho Clermont. 'OUfl r llilbllsbes tory wh l h oontnio>! so muoll of hlllunll tntor Mt nod is o typl III of th o possi bllitlos. b til il;ood nnll had , o f tuollvern Ge po.rsou, tllllt wo rll[lubli ~ h ii" II\' ' 1'1 though I,he pllrri . ou ru uli"!'1 Dot knowu IOO/llly : Oi ~ J1Ilt c h o~ fr om fn'linonp oli!! give t.1I det.ail of A m os l, uofor tontl t.e oocureoce. of whioh Il llopu lnr BIll" VIti boy ill the self immolated viotlm . A ftlw yetlr8 tlgo Harry P. BronAugh, only sOll'of.t.b e Illto Judgo Brnullugh , Will! IIdrnittell to the blU', tnlluitlu nnd lu('al.ecl ill IDlliuntlll olis. a strnggJi~g yl un/{ III I\'y !)r without other blloklng than tine lit talnlUents plellslng l\lldress Ilnd the faoulty of mo,klng friends-capital I hat he made count. He entereu the business fie Id as II reporter I'D I'D IDdtanapoli I>uper, did hi~ work \o;'ell. evlnc d lJrighlneslI iu politlos, hu CIInJe tI J ~lItle l' tllIIl Ilt tilt! end of II .worm ClIIl1I\(ligu W!l N rowludl d fl)1 b l8 ,efforl:4 11\ the IlPPOillt.OUltlt. IIf prlv ..teseoretllry to. tho n ewly Ie I ed may or Emolum ent>! IIntl pres tige llooompnnltld nnd foll owed tbi" Bppolntule nt lind nt tho olnllQ of his prinoipu I 's term 0 1' office yono' Bronaugh WII!l given lUI iwportaDt po~itlOn with II. street paving compll· nY,oorrylng Ill:lllillry anel perqui~lte th!\t left nothing to bedel\lred. AmI now hill struRgle ' WIlS no longer Ilgllinet J)overt,y , Iu that fight he h'ad oonquered, lind bis allltiitions were oentered ' upon the rllpld IlO qulrement of weliith. For this op. portunitles were not wlUlting . As lIup8rlnt'lndent of the worg' which

Women are lll'tter thnn


iIlus trllted, by tho }lopnlnt ioll lig nr of the Oblo l:' llit.alll i&lty -H!;!ll1lnle~ Ilnd ·I~ f mll'l es. Or 1'1 il. b (Illn . O III lI , who 'C,)llt.l'o1 III CLl nchln()I'S of thAlnw. l' fU ~t1 t o pr o,W('tlt.u WI)It1,"n ofl'el\derS, t'x 'upt I n SP ('I I' IU I ('!t~I''':


(1 .1 1'.


The Difference, " l onC6 IIlIl((11I II Il)y I" \IXplll lll , if he crmlrl , t h.;! (lIfl'e l' III'It 1)1 I \\' 1 un II n illlnl lnl\tiu [,l\l1 ll hlllll'ln 11l1l' li igOIl e it Wll!; " pretlY IlIlrll qnf'H lUll . h ilt Ih o Iud wnil f'!'Juld t n it " If WI' h 'Hl In 1.ln t , " hll !:I lIl d , ' wo _ bUl1 lli kll W t_ v('r y t.llin~ we )tIl OW wi t bont, ,Irnru· iog it ; hilt w o've g;J t 1't11l s0 n . flnll BI) WI' bll ve t o tudy OUl' 1'11" " 'Illost, blind. or bll II f 01. " - HIII'Jlllt"S

Few in the Hill ~




'uri tOI' Uro~p-URed 1'('1\ Yllln'!! \ylt.h nut 1\ Fullun, Mr . \V U Bott . Il HIliI' 'Ity. iud, h ll l'([\\,I11'1 1lI1l 101lllUt,I8 nthtlsillsti ill h it! pmi" ' of ')lRlllb r"llll ' ~ ollgh r elll\ldy . Hi oltiltlreu uu.YU fill heel' Ionh jec I tu croup nud 11 hilS nsed tbi" rcm dy for tllll I)II~t t ou yeIH!!. nnll t,hlJ\)~h they TlIllc h fenrell orOop, h i" wifo nod ho UIWllY" felt Ilfa up. Oil r tirill\! \\'hen n JlOt.t1 of 'hll;u\. b ~' t'\lI ill '" ('o \1~h Heu)t' dy WClS in tho h u~e Bi~ o ill e. t cbllll WUtl ,mbj p.ot, to !!overe IIttO,ck," nf rOllp. bllt. t his rl' l1I 11.\' II VIf!' fnll II to , tV t Il spl1ully 0111'6; h lin!! r eoolllUlen tled It 10 HI lit!:'" ,uIlI neigh bol'!' "'nd /Ill w llo hll V fliI ' d It, soy tbht it. is on. qlllli tl fill' cr ouJJ ,Iloll wb ooping CIJ\llolh EO! III by J E ,Jnnnoy. A



, fUN ERA L 0IRE CTO H, Tul811hone Dar ' or Night.

('0 1' 111 111

LDcal ND. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3r



8ranch OHlce. HafYeYlburcr,

atA'lI, STRIIJn' WAY5IC8V1W., In room ~e.d d(\or t.o "''1'0lIl BrOi. Har4ware 8,,)re, Telepbone lu ' hOlli18 and omo, wbere I can be oalllld Ita,. ur _labt, V.lIe" Phonll I.a-~.

Hntchison & Gibney,

Xenia, \

fall and Winklt 'UltC1PI , ,

W ee kly ,

Lots of QUIlII, but cant port. Quull are revort clll!; II1m'A Itlttlllll· nnt thl8 full thtlo they h U V I~ blltl ll fO l' tnllDy Yelli'f.j. '1'h i!:! hug"l.,!, I he r .'· s'ult of proteotll)ll b.V Inw . lIuLl til co·operatlou of fnrm erl:lllg'lill tl t. tru!! ptlssers, ThIS h owever, t.o " InrI,; extent limit ,tbe. enjoymoll t or bunt, ing, though tb~ f"rll1~lr!l. li S n rul , htlveD't ll11j part.iculllr wish to SllVO rabbits ,' But to proteot t ll quail whloh are th66nemie of toh ill eott:! tbat ann oy him , he must also bur I.U [prts of bun Icrs , nnd sOllie of tbeBe fine 111IYI:I. the qUllil flo ks wilt make Il oloud ,mfflciell,t t.o e.·dlllie tbe light. IlS tbe pigeon!!' forlll erly' dld.-Clermont ·ourlor .

Id '•, ou Official Annoilncem·e nts. be the Watchword. . Candidates for office lire iuviwd

ID tbe Matter of a New PubHc to announce them8elves &0 ,tbe Gazette The oharge i~ 11. p,ayable BIlUdlnW. in ' I\dvllnoo The annouuooments wnt be published O/Ic,h wAek until the eleotlon TQWNaHU' TRUIITIII£ J. H, Ollskey W. J. KUbon TOWN8Rip TREASURER Fred B. ~berwood Fred U. Hartsook


A Safe I,nvestment. The West t3lde Building & Loan Co. Uayton. OhiO, . PIlYs highest dividends on atook Pays 4% inter. est ou temporary deposits Loans money on r.eal estate in Montgom ery Connty. Write for booklet todllY Offioe8: South,west oorner ~rhird & Williams streets; ~ollth'wel:lt cor· ner Main' Imd eeoond "treets, OIlY ton

Mayor's Proclamation of Election. lo ·oomplh.nue with the re{lulromcDtS or Ih e lawKor the ' L~tcorOhlu. I.1'IJOUl"8Sbcr,,·00lI ,

Mayor ofth" Villoge u f Wal·neovllto. here by oot.lfy Ihe qualified cl~!()r" of 8ald vll\a~e, tbat 00 'l'ue!!(\a)·. tbe r,tll day of NOI'ember, A. D. 1007, be lween th e hOU l'8 of6 :30 o'cloc k a . m. und [. :!Il) o·clor.k I',' 111 . at r~O DJ R ronnerIyoccupled by Dr, W . j,;. Oglesbre •• wltbln !laId village, an cl~cUon will bo held for ihe purJ)O~e of obooslnJr Ihe ' (ollowlng unl cc r. for said vUlage. !.Owl! :

, MaJor. to se:vc for two ~'car8 . Olert, to serve ror two scars. Tre'a:~urer. to,serv.e for IwO roarH, Marsbal. t(\ seno lor 11\'0 year• . Six Counolllqen. each for \.'\\'0 y~ql'8 . • 1'broc memliers of Boa'l'(\ ot public Affalr~, tor two ye'"rs cach , Given under my blUlll:uuI onlclal s<,al. "l my salol oRlce 10 said vlllag~ . Lbl.2Ist, ilay or October. 1007.

' l'homQ~ .Sh(:n


_ . __ Girls. Go We ~ t. A report r'Oll11lS from l'herlllllpol\/l , W~' omlo~ , tl\tlt robe ' h olll ollie r~ Al'C pn. to mucb t,roublo I r Om tb fR cl Lhnt WI il .I'O' IIll >lt oc klll II uncl rtlllohera flllllrr y tho y mil /.( \\'U III£IU tWlcher:l ji~ fll~ t till t,h Y It I'I ~ i ItlIHWI'. ed, 'l'hev sericusly ('011 11' 111 II leI tl eXfl otillg Ii bond fOI' tI tilll e lunit ill fut.ure contraot :l.


The ' people of Wayne towns~ip want ~ new township bnlldlng-tha ~ II paerally ooDOOded-but the op . ' pttun ~o a buildlnl 'ba888 its oase OD &be matar of economy, We f.r e, qMDn, bear 1 from tho88 who ",re mad Immgl, oppolled to a buUding, that &heir oppoeltion iI baaed on the . ' ~eeilDir 'bt the people of tbe town· lilt';, may, beoaU88 of ll10k of good mauapment or other 08088, coet more tbaD it should. ODe man ilald , "If ~l~kilew Wayne township oould ereat • bUIlding imd not exceed the e.~ated 008t. and all thl' money '; 4pproprla*ed would go Intotbo : bnUding. 1 would not oppo@e tbe , propoeltlon ... That man was He did not wish to oppose progreslI, but he dId , deeire to protect Illmself and bIB nelrhborft' from onneceS!lIlr"r M1Ul ' tlon, Tbe oandldtl.t811 tor trus'tAes wbo are 'tn favor of II. 'pubilo building intend tbat ,the boildlng 8hll11 be hon""tly 'a nd'eoonomu;ally built and have . pleilged ,theml!elve~ to tbat etYect. But' they ofter ·more tbllon a mere verbal pledge to thlB eileot, 88 botb Mr. Oukey lind Mr Xilbon have etated ·that, if elected. they would ,f.vor the appoin~ent of a 09m. mlttee o~ thr,ee " oitl~ to anist them In supervl!llng the wor~, aud· Itlp~ bUIll, etc. The idea I~ to have one oltlzen from Lytle, one from Waynesville and one from f.ast W",n6 to'wnshlp on theoom"'l~tee, and to leoure men wbolM! ability and honeety are be. yond qU8lltton. " . Thil wilJ iDllure ~~ people of 'he · lown~hq.le.iiog the very beat work anel the Krea&eet amouut o,t retarns for t.belr money:


'I'l~e ~ellltlv e,llegr('e of c rim il\lLll ly ' between Ulen nnll W III 11 IS stl' ungly

the foll owiug

l:Iuw to 'uru" ~uld HIli IJeJsr Old Mol.iulr :l'htJ.tJ Ilollt.ioli of how to t'ure. uuld "aa; de.r old mo'btlr, Wliu II uow . / wlthout unue08flllllry 1088 of time ill ellrhty&brefo yeartl old, .artv.. Oil . . one in whiob we Ire more or leu.... I BI "I ., B Br In n.kl."l~1l l u Ill" "tJOCBs" f u l frlllt intl'lr sled, for tho' qUicker a oold Iii ,...IM1&r 0 Wl'tlll!.... DD t 111m, of qubttn, Ga '·Mb .. baa takeo nlt lll'll, Mr . Curl L , )nko 11Il10 k 01:1 " rill of tilE! lefIB thllll~nler of &belh~ for.bou, 'wo,e""'.Dcl.• Dj()y~ 8\JI' \'lult y of ptltllto ~rowi ng Ilild b(l8 pneuUlonlaund otberserlous dl.8IIMIII an uoellent apr,etlCfl, feel8 "ronl Rbmvll ;Ut IIllwh slilU II' oll e II~ the I'dr B W L Hall, of Waverly, Va., and all",.- well' Th.t'. tb. w.7 tl . bae used Cb .mberlf\IIl'8 Oough Rem E.eotrle Blttertl atrect the aJ(8d aD4 <I ' I 1. edv fOl' yours and S,I1Vs: '''I finnl, tile ei..,e happy _nIt. follow i. aU ~lr . llnko lll'oug ht, to t,ll e Gnr.ettll believe OhuUlberluln s Cough Reme cue. Qf lem.l, wM.n811 and ,.eaer o n,o n fow IluYSIIS.o 1\ potllto of the lIy to be absolutely t.he b&!t prepll.r& al debUtt, Weak lluny ohtlc1reD U lwlo !!)'tIIl Vtlrlot,\' whi uh WIl. ' COUl · I 1.lonollthemarketforcotall. lhave too are greaUy ~henl&be"ec1 by Jlnsl'Ill of oightt1\\ I. loll s, of great- ~~DI~~D:gle::,olt ~hmy ~~Ie;ds anld the~n Gu_r."teed alao tor aaomr.oh, til' and le ~so l' ,;iz[l, tit " wito lo w61"b. · b v 'I 'L,lJ ... w . mo or 118 a llnr .n4 kidney troubl8ll, by "red ... J • '" nnn"y 0 Scbwartz, dran!., 110 oen. in , ~ .Ih .. 'l'hl s W ilt; lit Hilly V tilt tu the h ill, null its IIJ'iJ,'nl'llllC !lhows tllut Un ' qu~li t · i~ tin s.

Big Potato and

our Exchange'


his oompllny wus performing for the .decided, whet hili' they want a new city the young man had 1l-1 Ce8S, If townahlp 'bnlldlng This 18 a ql18lltion whloh atYeo&8 n~t fnll obarge, to ul1 the books and tbe \ownl!hip now and will alTeot It paperB oonnected with tbe job. nnd, for yl'&rB to 't o shorten the , pllinful story .by I t be bOOy88 every voter ,~ go to ayolding detail, it ie alleged thllt 'he p'lllB'and expl'8lll himilelf tor or Brunangh , so msnipulllte.i Ilnd aPln~t . tbe proPOllUlou, by VOtIDIl. ob/lnged tbs original figures as to for the men' in favor of tbe new Involve the olty in 8 far Ia.rger ex· Improvement or the men opposed pense than the original estimates ~ U: " and figures contemplated. Tbe pertlonalit,.' of tbe candidates Last week the Marion county "·d.l&i not enser ln~ tbe fight-the ,rand jury Investigated tbe matter iUDe ill ol..rt, drawn, ' et&be~ we with instrnotlon8 from tbe jndge to wlll or will Dot bue 'a wwnllhlp ~boroulbl1 8ift it 80 os to bring all ·buUellot-. ' the guilty parties to justice, without 'l'he queetlon IS ,UP to the votera, referenoe to wealtb, standing or !.-t nOBe lbirk the responslbiltty of Position. it being thus intimated 'votlua" ....d ma, 'he dectalon I!e for .that more people were Involved tblln thti' beIIt Intereeta of tbe townfblp tbeovertempted YOUDg Ilnperlntend. ....... olB. . ent of 'the oompany, So fllr, how. ' •• bnt one Indlotment ba8 been found.

... conomy


I Clipped from- - - '- ' .

00t1. Mitynr.

They Make You ,,'eel Good l'be plea.8llnt purgative effeot ex · perlenced' by all who Ul'e Chamber·, lain's I:It.omaoh and Liver Ta blet,s, a~d the healthy· oondition of tbe body and ~Ind w.bich they oreate makee' one feel joyful. PriOf', 26,. Bampl61 free at Ja~ey's druglltore

0 1'. J oh L1 Hyatt; Vl't ·rinnl'.\' ' nrg

The;, Very Ltlte8t.

n Cl.nd· DenUsl,.

l' J phone No. 121 At. HI!1f1O o n Hut,ul'IIIIY Artel'UOt,lll.


WaYll('svii Ie, Ohio.

~ , 1~Il I'n 'I'i me!:! in Kn n




(lHI dllY!l (I f grnssJlOPP ' rtl 'l!IU

1l1'I.lllth nre flIUl st for g ·~ tt \I In t.he pTosperunl!j KUUlUUI of tod.y ; nlt bo 0. oiti zen of odell, Earl t3hnDl~~ 1ms not yot forgotten '" hllr,l 1:" n .. h e eu ountered He !Jayii" " l Willi worn ontoI\nd qi oonrllgeri by coul<" . lu g nIght und dllY , aDO oould find ,' no , r uUAr ttll ,1 trlell Dr King's N~w 0111 OOVOI'.! It took ' Ieste t1ltl11 u bottle t,n cOlllpl etely CUTO me " ' The I:'afe!lt f~nd fII O~ t rOIi(1bl cOllgh reulI'lly Iln' thront hOlller ever di.l)overllll OUII! Can't Beat t!le Standard Oil Co, n ntoe\l by Fred t! Sch Wllrtz drl1g As the res.l llt of II. series of sper !Otoro to nnd II Trlnl bQttl1' free imeDt.s at tbe Dnited Sta tes Goolog . 1001 Survey testing 'plant I\.t the Jamestown Exp~lt.lon to determino the reilltive foel v~llile of oertal n fuel produots, It has been found t ll,.t it takes one and one IlIII.}f gallons of denl1tured aloollol ,to prOOll tl a8 muoh power os a gOllOD' or'glll'o1Ine, JAMESTOWN IIlthongh aloohol costs IIbollt twice EXPOSITION. a8 muoh as the gtUloline . The ex. Daily Excur ion - to Norfolk, perirnents were carried on for Ilbout six weeks. And thus one more Va:Tour of East . with Stopeftort OODllleling with the St.and overs ut Pittsburg New York .ard Oil Compllny il:l II fnilor . ' Horrisburg B08ton Ba Itimore Philadel,hla Tobarro Sale Outlook, Washington RIchmond In fl most encourllging lett r, Pres and other points ldent Lellus, of the E:qnity S uclet~' , Go oll~noute-Ret"rn Another 8tlltee tbat tho proSpdcts for thB profltable sale of tobooco ure v ery NORTHWEST, WEST bri&ht, and he liAS nol;i(\erl lhe sev· SOUTHWEST eral oounty board8 that he hilS reo oelvEod as JUany IlS ten proposition8 Special Rl'duced Fares for the of the H10G orop wi th the society. A Inrge Bo . ton For Porticulars Inquire of tobacco c01l11",-ny hillS offered ten .fI. E. BOOTH, Agent, OIints per p obnd for ten milli on Corwin, Ohio. pounds of cln8s G, which' is 'oue nf the lowe8t grades . .'L'here is OV01'y iodlot1tlon tha t Equity t obncoo cnn be 80Jd just as soon illS it be plaoed M~n I iu proper condition II.I~d the'dlstrlct hOlml is th,is week In sa sian at Win ohetlter for general, lhsoll~si o J1 of tlJe ll1atter-Olerm ont COIll'1 r , Kitl" "y trou"!,' " preys npon Lbe mind,


Gfeat Assortment.

None ~xcel them in Style t,

·WOOL COMFORTS .,1Ire proving

, "., • sellers, being sanitary. PennS;fA-v.ama ~AMINX'l~D COMFORTS .. , ---,LINES

'warm and light. . MENTOR UNDERWEAR,





Are lade


cased. '

Kidn"y trou ble hO,9 l,ccome 90 prevale/lt

:'I nd hotb 'lee~l the sallie greal remedy. '~l1 e oiUrl find the immediate effect of swamp-R.oot is ' realized. It is ILV druggi~ts , ill

sent ,UlU UIJI""'"~".'T size bot tics'.

' I () f S l ~: It ,atol) ' hal'e II SLlmple "Out of sight, out 0 '[ mtllll." is Illl l lJy lllnil free~ also 0 B_"''''~''''' old saying which Ilpplie!l with IIIlH.! I'nl1lpl~let telhllg ,all about Swamp-lloot, tal foroe to a Elore hurn or wl\utld Ip ch!dlllg,IlIIlIlY of t1!ethouflaDdaOftelti, " . , 10011101 letters received from llUiferera tha~ s been tre~ted t,11 Bucklon s cllred', In Wrltinl!' Dr. Kilmer &: Co" .rnl08 salva ' It II of l:ilght, O'lt nillgh~mton. N, y" be sure and mention stance Piles this ,pRpj!r. DOn't make any ml8take. o,r mind and ont of too and ohllblnlnll under But remember the name, Swam.,.Root. Dave ~r prtnting dODe at tbe Order your Periodicals at tbe ita beallng Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. and the, ad· • c.iue*tomo. Gazette ottice. by 5'red 0 Schwartz drnggi8t 2l'io dreas. Binghamton, N. V" on e"fflf7 1 'bo~t1e. 6'


s,ae. ...... ,




'!o~~~'6:S:~ UtIIL it if! lIot uucaul' ·1 .IIQII for a child to llC horl1 afflicted wilh weal< kidneys. If the C' hild uriuntes too oHell. if Lhe mille scalds lite ncsh,'or if, when lhe child reaches an IIge whcli it s hould be able to control the passage. it ,i s ye t nlllitlcd with In.'Il',,:etl ill g, rl epend upon it. lhecause of tbedlffi· <mil)' is kidney trouble, a nd . tbe first ;ste p ~ hollid be to\l'artis Lhe trt!atment of lIIesc impQttantol'gans. Tlli unpleasant trouhle i~ c1u e ,lo " ..p iseased condition 01 't ho kidneys a nd bladder aud uo.t lo II " b)\! with kidllcv alld hladder trouble,


Me&aJ ......

L. 8. .etal Faildtue,



..UId Colomn Bal.. refaoed and .Dlad8 .. Roocl .. De" a'. . .~ , oOS& . ' " " . ' Pl81W8 reniember that we are n4 (0 av Trut 01 eom.,...... Ilnd ale lure ,that we 0IU1 make" to 70......ft..... tQ cleal with n, • . A oopy ot our o.W• • will".. oheedQll7 fUI'Diabec1 OD _ . . . OttUOIl.


h'~~,~e~I~:~!~~~~~I~~i.~~o~ade mieer.


.Br... Leadn. Br. . Round Comera Brasa Lead. and 81....

n ess soon disnppeor whell ihe kidneys are =M~~tfl!~~ out of order or dill-



BraSII.Rllle In Stripe . Brasl ColllmD Ru'" Brass Circles

v igor nnd cheerful-



Brasa Labor Say... llme

,1 iI;courtl!:I.'S nud less · us Ill1llti tion; beauty,

Hauls Down the Flag. 1n the prBStllJCe of lin O n OflllOllS crowd on Ju.n e lOtb the M l\~or of Nllrllonne, Frlluoe , 1\>1 ,' Ferro nl. lUI nOllnoed llubllmLil y thult II ci vii !It,rlke hud hegnnj Ilnc'l hnlll li'lwn I h ' f1l1g of Frimca fl'o m tile oi '~.v btlll. , 'rho rutty r, when he tlicl th ill, was snrroullduli by the rn nDioil'lI1 coun· oil. At tho Hllme timo th o t oosln rll,o g out from e very o'hurnh pte .'pl , Ilud then the orowd pllrnueu thru,ugh the prlnolplLI' streets of Ule towll ', There were_110 disorders. What 'WOUld hri.ppeq. in thl ... oll nn try if the rnl~.Vo~ of (l oity should haul clown the Rtf\r~ Itnll 'tripes? \Ve hnnjtlne tbElrI~ wOt;ltl b l! II VIlClln · oy In tho lIIayol'alil y Jl . fI - Flo qulllll'l , ' WII!lhingtoll , Hu wyer.

a Gibne\, ' ,

, Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble.



quality just righ~ .. ':r- . LONG GLOVES, anot~er 8upply Kid aod Silk. ~ -


Women as' Well as

very ' luftY.



-PhiladelPhia ~' SaP.' Co.. '.




* .........

1Jpe . . . . . . . . . N Prnprletofti ' at Ronb PENM TYPE rOlTNOBY

";'tb ..... pit.........

. Of. all DeiOriptioD8 iva .tteD• ·&azette.

._-- - ------------.







Ell" Brllllllull '. C Eulll II sureties. AIII.rllitIIlWtlllt. dllll)tJUllud wllJl .. El\tllt.e of Pet-er Miller deooased MIIr~"ret Miller. widow of decedent elect,ed to tllke under the ~III uf c1ecelliled. ~!\tltte ot. Richard Fairfax, deoell8 . ~.. lobn W . Stewurt "dmlnl8tra· U\I. .. • .. tllr, filed hl8 bill of lIale olltll.te. Elltate of Rlokie Ell, dOO88l1ed. Margaret Doughman exeoutrlx, filed her inventory "nd upprll.llement. Eatll.teof SIImuell:lutfman, deoell8. ed . Allen BnJfman. admtnlstrator . , tilIld fl rst and final Rocount with vuuohul'll of Btlttlewunt which was ordered sUlftAnded. rd to --' It" AppUo tr n a 0 mil. It mum 0 pro. bate tbe will of Perry P. Maxwell. deoealloo. Bearing aet for October 28th. Eata~ ot A. J. Btanaell, deoeued. Upon application the !ldminlstrator wal ordered 00. lell oer~ln Ulltch t.obecoo at five centa per pouud In· stead of at, the allpralaed vlIlue a, 88t fortiJ1n the bill of sale.

All Entries Closed



IPioneer Meet..., ·

Uace Is on.

At M. E. church.

Only Two Contests in Waynesville. " undo.y, November 3, at 10 :30, the Hard Fight on in the Township. ll.unuo.l observanoe of Old Folkl Day, Ilt tbe M . E. ohurch, will take place Mondo.y\ Ootober 21, was the last tlundo.Y, Novamber 3. All the old day on whloh. Illlpirlmts for publto people uf tbe I!nrroqudlng . oountry affaire could filo their 1,etltion8 with nre 8pooially Invited to attend. tbe bOl~rd ot elootlontl I~nd the figllt Sermon : by the pilstor at 10 :~O. for office ~118 now narrowed down I:!nbjeot : 1I'J.'he Key. note of Chrl8ta tQ ~hO~ wbo flied petitlon8. . Gospel. .. Another servioe at 7 :00 In aUonal, 8tll.te or county· pohtlcs the evonlng. All who are willing to have no p)l1oe .i~ Ohio this yelLr, a show respect nnd do honor to the recent law provldlDg that the t-owu· old I,ool,le are ' d t be t hi d . I 1 I . ~ urlle 0 presen . I P Iln lUunlO 1)Q. 0 eotlOns come Flower8 will be gladly received at in yeltrs with tbe county the ohurob on tbut day and will be And IItll.te IIl8UCIi . .. , given to UIO oldest persons. ~o COURT PROOUDUIOI In \\'arren oounty there Ilome carda of Invat/,'I'on wI'11 be l88uOO ~.Tb . elEd Girton, oharged '" l It to wn a.nd thl8 YMr. • ~ a utal oon tes.., D a mos every ".b 'be marcler of A. M. Brown, town8blp, bnt nonl'! that "re attraot· Philip 'l'r,out, Pa8tor. I ng muoh a ttentlon out of th~lr im tbe South Lebanon II loon k~per in .11111a lut, 'ha. bMn 88Uor next "00. medlote neighborhoods . Protracted Meeting. 4&1. ' At Morrow In &Iem towDshlp II. William Wiler, Indloted for the ratht.r wurDl figbt Is being waged m1ll'4er of Jce Lhteler, of Franklin, betwaon thu fllroo!! uf Frank Couden. Prot,m otod will beglo at ,...anatDI. before Judie Clark the well koown J.>OlItloal IHad r, and til ... WIIYIH vil L M. E. Churoh .No ~,.,mornlnl. Be pleaded not bill OPllOntlllt H, thll ubjeot Il(lin~ to VIlIUD!!r 10 iall" ad bla' trial waf I18t for REAL DlTATE TRAN8I1'lI:R8. lIeoUrfi oooLr ..1of IIlflllrli in th/it. t!f!o ' I !!!!!'!!~~~~'!!!!!'!!~'!!!!!'!!~~~~'!!!'~ ~be~ 8. B"nry F. KenkPr tn RebeCOIl Vlllv.. tion Wanted 1\1.1)<,:11 r~II"':>I~IIu.tll·e. lor Way .. F ill Conot.l' I I Ilulit,iU>l . . . ''''llIc,,"tI \·lul,llt\· LO look after ...OI8pb i ~. 00 VB Wtlllllw H IJOO',' trllot in Idlllem t.ownl'lhll', 'I r~lJk In " \\'II .\'>I h,\ It IJOhMoal renewal. a n,1 Iu ''''!\IIe lI u.... rllH loDlIet of to t - • -ma E. Lowe a'dmlnilltra ' . fight ut ~ ' . "l klllll 1111 h /LIIU lind J>I'<tOlln e". ,""nihil' 1II1II<" " h l0. u: II salary ........ a .,... William O . 'fboml180n, executor an ~ conlluls.lon lta"l . ·~:"(l. rl~ u uu lIc~Ira.· Irl&of of Rebeool B. Lo",e R tb T &h k to MI t; Eb I h' tbere or e II lIumllt\r 01 Cllorlifltttes hi e, ItUL n OL nel·c,,,ry. 1,10011 upp0rLunlty _ ..ted leave t-ofile ,_ Ab'- -u.... n • neo I'll . r g t; OVOf t.bel'e hili thll cl)IIt13R!" "rll nnt ror d llhl pt' l'ljli li . Ad ll l'e.~ l'u UIl ~ her. tlox •• _ . . . . III __ ...... and Anua M. Stahl, estllt~ '. ' 1.,1, tal.l"n U . 1'11'\\' Yurk • . . .wldal'lier Imended, tsOOO. ' PIlrtlCulllrly 010::< O)r llIuro t,hun ILI(.III _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ~ Joeepb . • , . 0,* v. William B. . interest.. For Sal,e ,,_ Chll.8. Laqhenbrunner and Ethel . .. ..,...,.. 0bU1_ Ill. Lowe, Senb J. r _ h b t J P II In WaYDt! tuwnllhlp thu mo"t In. - -- - •_ . . en rUDner 0 eBBle umm , . . . . E I "1. "1 VIII y uu", Emilia E. Lowe, Georp 11'. iot In Hauth Lebauon t871i. tense interest centerll In the .ellJotlon ur y D IOu glln \Jut"t · elS. Lo. . andlamNZ. Lowa made party , of truataee I1na tbe much dldCllS800 tine qUlI.llty. 4eleDda..j. George Funk to Wilham L Piper, qUll8tlOD oft. t ownship building. Three 60 hr ol'" ~C! Wt4 wlf.b pigs . •_ . ..... 8. DoDDell v. JObD B. lot In FraDldln ' 1600. When he qUIl8tlon of II new build . O. L. Rloka . OoIuaIID, . PJ.lntlff alvan leave to EmeJ'llOD E. aard to Emma Younoe log ClIme up bero.r e, tbe mlltter hlld I .. . fUeamen4ecl "tI,ton. 271lloretl,122.0oo, not received tbetbornughtllSOU8fJiOn iCOnCerning R. Clnenser VI ' Mary Lll,loo.ln r..ckey to Vharl8l'l'uroer, thllt it bas slnoe Il.nd there .18 a gen. Former Residents f. WU.. PI.lntUf reqDifed '0 lot 10 ~valon Belghts, 11120. . eral feeling thllt mllny voterll were --~-.. IIlv.aeourl&y for OOtIte wlthtD thlrty T. N. N. Woodre,. to Irene V. not familiar with thll' questions · In· FrliDk MontJ/:olUer ~v. wife uDd lion, . 4&S'*'O l~'r .. D'--.~la, aD tnflnA, Clark, la,' In M·a son. ,alio. vohed Now ev"ry iuan In the Ralpb , of Fmnkliu. I<1.lIrted Thurs. WU'II _. • WlIIJltm B. B. Davis to Emma A. township bllil hdd II- full oppurtunity jdll Y lII'lrnillg l or Los Angelell, Cali b7 OUl . . . .le bi. ned friend, VI DllVilt,·trao' nellr Fran~ lin and ~Hd. W look Into. the question and COD· to.rUI'I. wllllr~ they e.xlJt'ct· to Wllk" TIle QaqlDlllU Nonhero Traction dlel~wn r .rad. sider it from all !lidell. thereror" It tbelr h O UlI! ill fot,urll,lInd where Mr. OoIDs-at., j DelaalHOI' _nawer aet : is feh thllt the voterl! will decid& Montgom .. ry 111111 II fioe llu8Int!~ 110 8184, . Co 'I' OD06 /tnd for. all at· tble election. ~tr.l on t\ wlIlUnl( t,hem . mm 88 oners wliatber they dmolre 1\ building . ' J_OUliDVlBebeooaJaneSldea ..... _ A' f b def Proceedings ' I A Cri/IIIlI"1 ·JI,t-tack 6_ ·IDO..oo 0 ' e .D ...... t that • Th" periioJ;1l1.lity of the oandldates . . . .au, plab6WI be Nqoh'ed W produce . I~ 0 t. belug. oonsider6l.1 thll qUIlSo Ion Iln 100~IlDIIIVtl Itl'!.en III freq~ent ;":"'.a_ ,...._. '01" Inl,-.tlon - u C. L . Wantz, lumber ......... 128 28 ' If .•• ade III tbl~t IIp()llIrently o~elell8 - - - -aIL--" r,- ' ~ George Veldt. bridge replllril tion ill wheth.!l .the IlCopll! WilDt a little tobe C/ll\ed th. ' "l1ppendlx" OTa'rUl .'. . I B I hi 20 20 'owu, hip bUllalng '1'lle election of it 'lI generlillv the ret!lliit of protrllot . 8&a.otObloYaEdQlrten. BoW'· n at.!.n town .. p........... .J. H . Cllllkev und W . ,J. KUban will ed oon tlp·ltfon. following liver tor ud btlll 'appolDted ooQDll81 for de. John Wolle. bridge re~ir8 be /til lDdu~8ament; of the building por Dr ~tog'tJ Ne~ l.if., Pill. re\(u ~ In Mal8le town.blp....... .. .. 11 38 , i tb I I 0 I late the IJver, preven', appendicitis, CaaIa.rtD. VI Rolla lIoCut- Lewl. & BeudenoD oontrao' propoll ton. e e eot on of . " lind IllltlLblfeh re"ullLr habits of the o1aeoD, gnzaled No. 77'................ :............. 220 00 Burnett Ild~d . Frllnk Elton will be bowell< 250at Schllrt2l'I! drug ltore a Del' C. C. CI~ver, brldl(e rellair!! oonsidere ID the opposite way. blal. I M Tbls Is she r888()n wby every' voter . aWe of Oblo VI .C harm. WhiM!n a!!ile township ......... 11 60 H.• HA'Jl'BAWAY MOil a.... Jobn Po-nter, defand. Cbarles .·L. BendeRaa, oon should be ',ure and v'otq next Tue!! .. oJ Ni 87 "7 day ,Y r.) ',\'111 ville'. Leading Dentil' ",,~ new ntal. tract o. ......... ............ 1" 16 . . Office In Keys Sldl(, Main S& o.~ _vinca aDd 'rna' 00. VI Bert. ROO,d, oontrao* ~o, 82 .. . 152 00 The rAce for town8blll t.·IlIl'!!urer Wal.e. i.. Weema et... Coon a.,. 88rt Reed, bridge repaIr. in oontinu88 to be Il mat~er of interest. prone Ie ad qrden' Weema' Deer!l~d wwnahlp......... .. !il 10 I!'red~. Sherwood. F. C. Hartsook Qui nsy ,t'pralnsand Swellings Cured . , . . , " '1,00 torfeltecl to defra,. The Weite,n Star, publllb· Ilod O"kley M. Ridge lire all in the "In Novt'mbor, 1901, lcliUlJllt oold ___ w"'-" '100 -.oded.- ....__... _ ing ti~88 for holding ell' race to tbe fillt~h and leem to be and hlld ·the qulntly My throat WIl.8 _....... IOU ................. swollen 80 loould hllrdly breathe or .... Iotal••1SlIOout of ",blob the oull ~urt ........................ 1666 gOIng round 'he track almost neok Ilpplied Cbamberlaill's Pain Balm ~i'ed to ~J to theolark JohutlOl!, & Watson. ~I for and nook lit the lueaent time: lind It Kave me relief in a 8hort time Of ooarta; '163 VO, to WlJUaru R. olerk , ............. ;............... 10 00 In Waynll8vllle ~here are only In two daYIl I wn "U right," laY' CiaftD,' to lieD of ,'OUS w w. B ~:,~t~nage & Co., IUp. oonteats Il.t two poiota, George ~~:r~b~~~~~'~,~!~;b&rt'n~!O~~~l IMaba ta btl baDdI ~..~ II1IJD of 11115 pitH for luditor .... , .. ......... 13 25 Th~mp80n I&nd M.rt ZelleR botb ment ond Is eSpaQial\ y valuable for .abjeCII~ fa'ue d8termiDa,toD of The It'!8g1ea Gille Co, trial. W81lt to keep tha IJMOtl of the oom· .pr~ID8'illid awelllngel For ~Ie by d.b.. oCd.f~" aDd w ..,. tbe doolul&' for olerk ............... 13 \>0 munity lind hold tbetltleofmarllllll.1. J E Jllnlley balaDOe. tnu8, to ,be pJllnUfl'. Lebanun Patriot. publ~hit;Jg Tbeother coni6llt 18 LIn tbe Bol1rd !!!~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!! . . notioe to bridge oontraot· . ' Publlo 4ftl"r., w~loh IUllnll.RBII f"",," ......AGII .LlO. . . .' orl ............................ ,.... .. 1300 the water and li~b\ plll.nt . 'fhe . AlAU"61, ~.of L.. WUsaee. aDdertaker, Ii, LebaDpn PltriOt, pobli,hing member. of tbe present boud J . E. Omol...... aD~4 Jeaata A, KlDl,lI~ of balf'lng oiroult Janney, J . Will WlJitfl and P. E . KiDp 1410.; Rev. 1'. P.8....... oourt .......... ......... ...... ... ... 18 GO Kenrlok are IlU oandldat-ea for reo J"~, '.IobD1oa, ..Il,lIttl G Auditor', fee futld, mllklag leotion wbile Harry Sherwood also aauI SUi,betb DowaboW'er, lV ...til abebi.ct of dool 8tatl.~ II.lIplres to a place 011 the ooll.rd . . rIME C.H~.D Gro. . i'~ eu.,.. tt08 for 66 di.triote ......... .. 280 00 '!!!'~~~~!!'!!!'~~~~~~~ l::FF'gcTIVE M ....CH :1\. I ~ 0 7 B~:V. Bd, H, I'moltn aDd Daklo '~ Dakin, premlum on ·NOR1't1l1OUND. BltlDe:r Bun*, If, FrankliD. ... tnllu....nce AUnflr~ary ....... ..0 00 NO. 1 - NQ, :) 0 "", , VllD~.(jrat, it, Bane,.burg aD~ 8. 1\ . ,~'II",ell, " per oent on ~"rlaD, lV, Baney.bars. dltfOlll W dupll08te. prior ,.. A. M. A.: .. 1'1 M. t.c lllloon J c. Ar ~ 00 · 11 tlO ,, 2. 114'W1id·A. KealiD" 18, ~prIDg· to J'nOary1. 1907 .... , ....... 181 110 1 [} 8 11 2 8 C. 18 Sbake r r . boro aDd Graoe Earnbar'; 32, LabOn' !eque.t of Iherifl' 1S00 wlls 1 7 5 1 I 11:!1 If, I:J noslyn anOn j'. av. L. 1', varner. 'ran.ferred to the shedir'. fee fund. It '18 <; 011 ~ 4d l:J e DlvtUe ,u~ no• .,TII COUR'f 0 .. request of the oler, of oourt8 7 40 I I 10 . 6 01, Centerville t 7 "\1 0 2 Manor $SOO wal tranlferred to the oierlr '. So many ailments are f.ytl e ...... of DaDtel Weidner, imb&- fee fulid. IJ · 6 . 4 H 7 27 ;; ~ I nl la HH ~-,,~~DIO'" Sled by Ida Early, PlaDB for a IItone arch on BenDeU plRely nervous affections, Ed/Cewo!>d ;4 4U t 7 20 no 0 0 Yen;>.ble .~ . aveQ.ue In ~lem townllhtp were ap· that you can hardly miss KlLchne r 17 18 UO 18 . ~4 !l~ m " i~pplloa"9D of. Arthur 8".- proVed.· ,if you try Dr. Miles' Dodd. 7H1 110 46 4 36 ,~ ~u 17 06 fl.U ~II ta~...,aetl' Dumber 01 ThAi~odltor was dlreosed kI make Ner.\'ine. It restores ·,ne1'\'- . Lclund .. ~. ~ 00 ' IU au ... 20 . j~ . of ,ba .,..ce l':t . ....anklln 'he Pan.fen of 'SOO from the ooun· ous encl'gy-and througb L e ban o n~I_CH&D 0&-: 1" O H&Ll ~. Namb!lr of juttoee lJa "tuDd the aberU!'s fee fund and its· lnvigol'ating influence Da y ton . Y '0 I or, {. ft{\ .. II .....Irom one to t",o. '500 .from tbe oonnty futld to tbe D&XT upon the nervous 'system, ...... or .Mat,. B. Qlair. 8a~on oler~ ;1 fee tund, lind notify tb." the 14 ~O . '100 organs arc strengthen': SOUTHtt UNO ' p, JIIaIf apPoiDled admtnlltr.wr., treMurAr oftli. lame. A . JI P .. M . I'. M.; ~ bond. . . 1;'IIe janitor ",u dlreotOO to olall. ed. The heart action 'ia No 8 No ~. No . " · It.......,.r.eI wlU o. Peter Miller. . . .lnvoice of all tbe ~naJ prop· better; digestion imp1'Ol'· Lel've 1\ Of, Dayton : C 11 ... 0 ~ the sluggish condition wuraaiDltled kI probe.. erty .ID the varioul oflloea 01 ' the (, 30 Dayton : D&XT ~OO 2 'aO overcome, and healthy ac- LebanOD I n. 150 .66e. ~ :10 ..... or Peter IIlller. On Ippll. OQUD',. olBoialll. ~ 66 Shaker Orofts lng II 3S ~ 66 tivity re-e~tablishcd .. _ _ CIJ4aTlaompaon' vaappotnted ' -----. ...- - . . ROIly!) . t8 ., II 60 "660 ''Dr. "081' Nervlne 18 worth ' tea ~., '10'000 boD4. Vio. ~obaorlptiODll reoetved .for all Ute _laM In' ..,leI· to me. 1 did ,not ~o" BcmpeLelid ij U a 00 ' 603 'Wbat aI~ me. I had a .ood phy.leIa. ... Worl87, lh_ ~wler and .Jobn I_din, Dewap&pen and mllgazlnee; tNt !Jot ... rellal. I could .not ' eat• OeDlAIrv1l1e ~ ,Ii III 811 ,.... apprallier.a , at the Oue"" ofllce. . 111..... wot'k, llit or ~nd. I 'Nil. nearly ' 3 19 Manor '8 ~7 " CI •~ .. __ PIlllDDu,a......... , , _f.' 0 . . 'ay I pI liM UI'''' pulH\r aD4 Ly~e HIS e !!I 0 O' tile .nt thlna that met In)' ey~ wa. . .....~or C"n Bo Bpeace. de\)IU . . aB ....." ..... m..nt of Dr. MU",,' Nerv' 826 U~~ Edl""'ood '0 06 _ J~---n admtlli1lmten' Afilloted ",Ub Bora Byea for 33 y.1'tI.

Ueor.e 0. King Vii AleuntlQr 8. rorel. Plaintiff olAlm. that deten· · dant delivered promluory note pay. .ble to Lonland N~tloD&lliank lor '1.~. Plaintiff prays for ~ortgafe 811111an aud Ht.. nle, .re attorneY8 'or plaintiff. ~Dd oompany VI IOOtety ot 8tiaten. . f ajntUf pray. for Judg. men' aptlll' Mid defendant for sum of ~1II00 wltb 'nterel' thereon on ~t of money paid on o<in· tno$. . t;l~.and Van Pel~ !,re ~ttor· DeJ. 'or ~eplatntUf.





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I ....... 0 lUI ... Dr. allies' Heart CUH

UI4 now I can "'Mit Rnd !Jo eut. and ~ I )!Rye N' ~ INm ",t!CIl"" and MV' ..... of .b.... bAve tM:cn cured br It IIDoe. I aN . nf'r·nlne vean old . . . -au nod r ... ·

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.......... 1IoD1I DOD. .... of fllOO, 0.


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. '. . .... bltDd for "Ix Je&n. II,. ~,ee . . .01 WUbatUltaa Bomobr de. wen badly mftamed. On. of my :.-....-.0 ~_ BoIDobr eaotlwr nel"bOOn lnetaled apoll' ~" 'ryiDg _. J ' , ChamberlalD'• •1.. ad pve me ..... tDftD*1 d4 appnlMmeas. balf a box of... To mY' .arprt.. ..... rill AlIDa II. ......... de. healed m7 87- aDd m781", _rue .....;.;.. .... . Dit BntaclaD ap"-'DleCI ...,11 10.... PO ..r ... OyaWauj . .' .

Ino. I eoueluelt!CI h, · try It ul\d let lbe .eater .... alld r did ,U. my"elf. After taklna t_ IIottlee I -!,ould 'J'1\en

I bave been aftlloted wJth lOre eye.,

;uQ(A .... PAlMER. Le"lIIlOW1I, ... "I_~



NOt'VIno I, 10141 Itr ,...,.

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VeDa ble Kttehner Dcdd,

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Tralu pau Nortbboond SoUlbboul!l1

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'l'he Gazette can save you moo",y on yo~tr n~wspapers ' and :Not on.lyure you spared the bother .and .expense of writing a letter, buying. ~tamp8,' money orders, etc., but by our ar1'angement with the .leading .publishers, we can secure almost a.o y publication at special . red uc~d rates. . Write, telephone. o·r call at' the Gazette ()~~e and we will c~eerfully fornish . · prices and any other information de8ir~d• N. BA We do. not sell any. Maga-. zlnes, our business 'is simply ·to take or, ders. ~.

I I,

The Miami Gazette. BROWN & McKAV. Publlshel'll, WAYNE SVll.LE ,

aliI ' .


The Luck of




WIl,l Be Pretty of Blue Sllkolino TIed

With Pink a nd Blue .



'IS :"~ IP




Principi i of S~leetlon . MUlt B. 'Ca~

fully Obo.rve d. Where l electlon II done with "kill' A Reap"na lbl" Citizen. By Mary L. Bolle. and caro th e Iwpro" elllent of 'imlllY , , , The story Wa.1 told In tbe Youtb's ' "9 kinds ot cult lvnted platlt.8 ffected lly (Jom nnulon soma time Its me tlns Is Invaluab le, Th o large of a me mo • I ber or a "sohool ~lty" In ~ h l nso wbo punsles , tho bilge hybrid glndl(,II, tho ( C op)' r l~h t , II>" Jo.~,, ', n. n u\\'l ~.J . nuge /low ered cannns. wero nil defeated hll te aroh r In d bll te on tb I thlnle WIIS never mor s Ufllrls d " Xt'11I11110d, cnthll slasllc:ll A GRADIN G BOARD. ly, brollght {rom th e stille of s1IIall fl ow· quesUon of war. ·.... blc b. tbe boy mnln· In my 1IC t han wb en, nbout a mon h shall ~ \I a ll tb ~ lr origi na l ,ll'llw lnge, ers to their eX<lellcn ce tn our Frank E ~t cr h llz y came ru ~ hlng They 1lI1l11C' sOllie o( tbe Dlost Work of Sort ing Applel Made Ea.y own duy by present talned, Is rorbldde n by tile t en com· IIS0, cSllnls lt/) cnre!ul obaervo rs. who, I HI I I I " nto 111 :\" 0 00 n 1 9 0 Id ' J0 ),0118 off d ~I"ns .' ' 0 11 c \· 'r saw, 11CO I,I t .. 11 Ul , e mandmente and 10 alwaYI wrong. Now By Ita Ule. wntohln g every varhlllo u and kcepl n ~ hnnd ,,: ~\" lind nrt("r a crughln g IInnd. an d th ("re nro sOnt e YOllng wom n 1C0mes from Pbllade lphla tb e story ot . shnke , b~~l1 n to lumble an "Xuct record of tho descent ot all DIY pllpors t he re wh o hn re n wond r rlll lll lj)n l." A very 11 K fil l d vi for help In a g1rl who was a110 admitte d to dti· about., and 1,Iay with my keys jllst n eOl'lIng alJPles or ot he r tr llit wh e re thei r 1)lilOt8. turn to the best accounl '·Ao)'thl ng to ki ll lI IU e." sai d E st" Ee nllhlp In lucb an organiza tion, and na turally as IC he hadn 't Il n lu oulh ha zy ; so In 'w went. closc nssorlln g Is n ecessary Is a J;'I'ad· the wonder( u l action of horedlty , who upset prompU y all the cxpect.R· Africa tor t il last lbre That p lnnts are endowed with tbe ),CIH S, Ollt or Ing .b nard as shown In tbe Cllt. 'rb ls Th I'e were not mllu y of th art Uonl ot tbe schoolm istress. EV llrr e\'el'y body's reRr h, aud 18 ulerely a piece of light wood wlUl powe r of cbllllgin g to some extent LIDIIlmos t out or st udf.'n ls PI' SO llt Ih M day, lIlIt! Of teacb'e r ~'ho hnd ever slruggle d over ever ybody 's min d. round boles bored of diffe rent dlme n· iter a ltered and vnrytng conditio n .. thos ",110 I\' ' I'C, ," ry Cew sceDlcll to ber admitted that Marle Parola was Il It fairly made rn o feel llke a boy 1I0ti ce u s. We wall;~ lleins. tbe alte being made accordin g no one '11'111 deny who knnwa even II d Qui tty bcllind 'tormen t and a plngue. There were 500 agnln to ~ e ~'rllnlc ~ 1tt1ng llWe natura l hletol'y, Sucb cha ncea lh f!PC tel ling som e or the d es ks. glancing ove r will occur I'n wlld natut'O a s· well lUI other gLrls In th e sam building wltb his adventu reR. He had I ' d a roving s hou ld MS at th e e Xlluls ite c r I\tl ons under ou ltivatlon , and b)' the nctloD life bacl! and fOrlh betweell hili and grow Ing be m'nth busy her, but Marie beld nil records as Peru, It seemed, seIzing fln ' crs. nlly of beredlty will be transml tled mor. eve ry gold n we enml' lO what was really th FIllm(J~l ,t ruant, slattern and mlscble f·moke r. opportU nity (or trudc' or less rlLfLbfully to tbe next !lencro, now wltb Ilractir al fOliO, conta inIng lin Imll1 en ~" 'Tbls Is tbe way sbe appeare d to her Unlt.el1 States goods, tlons. nud n.ow wllh na. nUllllle r of desl ~,'ll s for ,c nrpllts and rur 'teacher s, but she muat hay!' bad goed live dlanlond s: nod lie But an all-lmpo rtant tact must bllt bnd some lblng wnll pll lltlr. Uaeful In Sorting Apple •• qualitie s whi ch were apDar eut to ber to do wltb th nt grea recog ni zed and rem om bored. I t Is t rail run,. that " T h s '-' explnlno o the tenche r, " :IN t ellow DUpflll, although not to tb leaped a . mouutaln gorse, to th e trult to be packed. Tho dlf· that In the wild state only sl10h varll\· Illnnned by dOlle by such youu g ladl es Il R wi sh t/J teachers . WIl:h tbe girls ot ber ci ne one of his own counlry fe ren'ce betwnen tbe vorloHI sizes ma y lions have a c hane of cntJur1n g us 's engl ncers. earn money at once [or tb e ll' worlc. lIrarle was almost unlyersa lly a fl\ Frank had mado a rllir be GI ther 1,4 or 'h Incb: The g ra!lI rig give tbe plnnt In which they oc ur fortun o lly It oples or tb o be t Ilre fre qu ont ly vorite, Arter a time a "Bchool city" nll, In Ingots nnd ducats, botlrd shou ld always be Oil the sort· Borne advanta ge In Its lite. Mllny var- . and all 111 an· tak eu by manurac LUrers •. wbo po y lib wa:s organize d among th'o pupils, and ncr ot foreign rec"OfIln 1. Ing taltle and u. sed .freQuently, eays lallons appear every yenr .... hlch BOOr. g, an d t lore be e mll r ." was a fin e bronzed rellow 01 29, In F'lIrm lind Home, but It will DOt be disappea r. beca u8e they are n lpss turn ed Ihe m over' wllh some In Ito the disgust of tbe teacher, Marlo tbe 'very ,lory of me, all lhe drudr;ery te rWe necessn ry to put eve ry avple tbroulfh not n gnl n, to lhe plnn t. Suppose In s t. Estorh azy poli te ly xamlu inl: wns elected almost unanimo usl y ns done , wll1l Ibe world tb wlld slate a Ilotnto plant wIt)) berore him whe re th m wi th li S. It. ' d elegate to the common council trom to choos·e . short steml and·spro ltllilg tubers. " Why , Dick!" sudd e nly eltclalm ed b er room. "What shall I do!" ber lu jI. ' mass at the blUio or \:ho Bt m. Meanwb lle 1 hnd hnd my own Htlle Ge rll, a rr 8.l lng the QUICK WORK OF PACKIN G. tllrnln&; lea r, t eacher o.sked of the othor "school· history, and Frank wllnte!1 Such Il plant would not; bave any to h ar all "Just loo k! He re Is tbe very orlg l~nl 'ma'arne ," "Walt anl,i see, " they cOlin· that-th e IIl·pald 01 chanco allllnlt rank growing and early rle shlp, th o love of our morninG glory wall paper! antt Sya,.m· Uled by One Sueee ..ful Hand· shooti ng varietIes. aDd it' wouid soon. F4r Fashion s. .eled. "Perbap s abe " 'III be atrald to In a collage, the starling Ottt at Ins lln s how benutltu lly It \8 doue ; evtlr, Sable. mink and s ealskin are the ler of Fruit. 'c ome any more," But tbe next morn· a emo.lI. calltlous bu siness pCl'llb. Stili, Borne sucb characte rs b eot lO y own throe s kins which will be mild' lIJl 'Ing Marie W&.ll on h and bright anI! -the hopes, the fears, loog ' to aomo ot our beaL potatoes In plcklne applea In my own oroh· and the d ~ar Inlo Ihe costli est cont, bolero and hal(· early, atUred as tor a ball. \Vhen tbe borne relr;ned over by ard and In orchnrd s tb at I buy, I do Tbls Is owlne to the ncUon of -man . my own Gertie'. dolman torms, while muskrat . pony not allow an Iteacher arrived Marie greeted her gra- Bnd Tiny Tot, our prcclous app le plaked until I nm wbo thro1l'S his power In to tho ,bnlyoull gster. ski n and OIol e·dye!l squirrel skin w11l ance wben ulUvatin g plnnts whlcb I Invited Frank lo s lny nnd go up there to to commen :clousl)', Soon there ehtered a pupil dinner with me, to s ce barrelin g lame. 'n ro usetul or cplensan be aeen In motor und long cloalu!. t to tum. andwbo oe my bouseho ld I never let an apple toucb the ~ound . gives the weakest plant, It 'al tousled and dirty as . ""<rle hpd Ilods for blmself. Fur trimmed dresses will not be freIt 1. to r quently soell , but cloth trhnmln gs on that goes loto a barrel. In picking I 80nte Tcason a. tavorlte with him. all 'usuall)' been , The new ' "coun cilman" aut, no! be wae In a grent hurry to fu rs, such us t.he tbree choice varie- use halt bU8hei baskell and short the advanta ge he can to mako I t. led her as1de and laid ",own" tbo law leave the ol ty-mea nt to go 01( by the ties ubove mention ed, will be. Stltclled ancka hun" over a ploker's sboulde r, thrive all~ answer his purpose. . Moet Ito her. . '!We, are oltla~ns DOW," Ihe ' neat train up to a IIttlo vl11ace some bands of cloth are to be us ed to de tl ne 8al'II a correspo nd ent of Farm and of the varlatfo nl Induced 10 our r;ar'aald, "Y~u don't want to dO; this way two hllndred miles distant. whe re ne olD s whl ob heretofo re weI' preter· Home. Usc long nnd ehort ladders den planll aro not In ravor of tbe. 'any more," Anotber girl who cam', some of his folks uRed lo live. Th at nbl\" lert undoUn d: and sllk braids of lIrel)" n8 picker. cUmblng to amoqg plant If In a " fr ee light" wltb Its' klnd 'l ate was also taken In hand and dla. seemed &.II much like hom e as any n ~Iose, 'fine m s h, wl11 be employe d the lImhs bruise tbe apI,les that are In nature. All ' our Improve d rootl .. 'clplined bi tbe "<;o.unol lman." Tw.o place, he said , and he Willi rcsttes sro r tb e s ame purpose In connect ion In sacks aod aplll apples out ot tbe as carrots, turnips, beels, mnko 11.1\. ears later tbe teaoher ""ho had been must 10 at on ce , He ' was In slorlou8 with soutach e and hlCC' ornamen tal bukets. early' an.d 10 angry when Marie was ~lected to spirit!!. took lhe most t gro\\'th (p,r our I pack cntlrely from paoklne tables own henelltsucculen cheerful view fa stenlnss . , but not at a ll ror' llIel r 01 Ufe. tol d , me not to that be 'are dlscour· built on II. IlIsbt s lant, tbe own goOd, ' Jt lett 10 the cOuDcll admitte d the.r.e· bad allled, .tbere ~·as a . good Wide r vers of soble or tb elr ·tb.te ,tofox 'l'1l1 be time coullu,!; ·n ever beell In tbe 1<;/11101 -poth,!r In- yet; and so. In all used lor the sQulrrcl -llned tweed wide ~nd or th e table being padded strugille with tb elr own wilLI fOrm e tho bravery of coals, nnd tbosc, helns usual'!y meant to Ilrevant lhe b r uising ot apples Il8 thoy would soon have to take Il " back lIuel1ce IQ aweet. 60 sreat 10 clean lood tortune, 01( ha went, and 1 heard for prnollcn l warmth . aro ()rovl ded they are being poured onto the table. sent" and very likely soop perJIIl1. 1 las Marle's. [t Is orten so Ip life out· 110 mQre ot him till las L Thursdt ly. with big s torm collars, also I1ned wllb Th lIarrow part ot the table Is.. slat· follow8. tben, thnt varletlc s Impr,ove d I.lde the schoolro om, R esPonSi bility ' On Tbu rSday, be came Into my Cur. ·Scotch tweeds for motorin g 8lld ted With lath oue Inch npart, wblch from ' man's point ot vi ew must re. laobers and exaltll and brhfgs ont oIDce apln. · and aU his good sDlrlls Ipng oloth pedes trian c ll)aks wlll also all ows twigs, leaves, e to" to drop elve kInd treatme nt and r1choi' tOO11 qualltfel tbe possel6l ou ot ivhlcb had seemed to he dnshetl tbrough . At the mouth of lhe table than wild torms of out ot blm. He have fur 1n 111ls way about the Deck, the :WOe pmnt.l <I1ot beell ~QI!pected, ;; j ilt cloW'll In a languid way, kept s tar· I have a n apron that 18 tacked , to tbe The cultivat ed plant I like the dome•. u nder eld o at' tbe table; tbls we lar tlcated animal .Yleld~ I.n a measur'" =====!;==!!!!l... .. :~~e~:stt:: ~:ell:;~~~~~:a~~ h:e ~~~~.~ Tlke Sew:ng Easily, Ill!. over tbe ~Ilr rel a llowlu g the ap(lle~ t~ of lolf.dettlllse to Tbe se wing In many houseso ld, J. Wallclng. ndallt itself" . his aunts ~tlll \lvlng u, In ilie village, run Inlo It. .... hen the apron Is u to Count!')' lite hll8 taught UII much, but It was a confoun our 1I~l'V\ce. Miln must In returllf lett, like t bo 1I0us cl Ql1lng, for a ded dull IIlUe but It h811 not y ~t made walkel1l ot us. ~Jace; In fact. everyth general disturba nce ot ' bappfne lls, we low r It Into the barrel, whlcb pre- 11rovlde for It I safet)' R/ltl nourishing seemed vllnts the bruising 01 apple» as tb ey ment i n t be Improve ment of 1I1ant& ·Phyalcl ans testity iliat no' elIerclsp loa lonesom e and i trtnge comfort, an d' health wllen. If a little to him, and be tbe acUon of man much like Inlluen. 80 eenerall y benefici al as wallang . mellnt system were IIsed. the burden would ure 11lIt Inlo the barre l, to i O ' back ' to CUJ1l, firs t The coilt of plckl l1~ .and pocking cc~ wblch oct on' plante In tbo w lie \lgbter . ]o'or ln~lance, every bouse Every naturali st; or nature lover , will cbance, or to Peru. ild ~ needs napkins. table cloths, pillow co" er" n wide mnge wh"re tree" are s tate, only brIn gs e,bout slow ondl .teD you that no otber meBIls I~ so I MDg,!;eMted to him DOt to be di s· henvtly laden, the cost ........... bclng not grndunl cbongell, otten scarcoly 1)0cases. washrllg s and towels, 'fhe good tor knowing the couot:ry : e"ery courage d; there was pearly as large IlII when there I, a tluetl ble at flrst,-H a good Ume CO ID.~ ~ veacetu l me lliod Is to secure thc so light enrl L. de Vll. . Inl yet, BUl he deigned no . answer, cl'np. U nder ordlnnry circum· morlu . walker Ilroclnlm s that no; -other ' pur. and long before tb y art) actually needed, stallC'es tbo picking &at tbere smoklug oue clgal· afte r "Nelliel " aud ' paclelli g can ault gives so , much pleasure . SUlI. anotber . looking as aimless and tou ch ot that c r:lynn WII S Inspirat ion!" and do the sewing at odd times. Cut be ~on e rllr 15 to l8 c nts per barrel. carefull y by tba thrend ' tbe twelve I work four men Ilt th Write8 Ella 1\1. Hault In the 111depen d· sloomy OB a perfecU WHEN TO MAK-E CUTTIN GS. e pnc klng titble, y well maa can " Yes," r emark e d th e toacber; .'that napkins , toldlng ent. no one walkl. Men walk no eaoh one In clean tis· .' m.w to (ace, one to press. oue at Work Shn~ld Be DOr). After . more ~D women. We are so prone ever posllbly loo k. I weut oa pos ting Is qu ite a r vnrl te plHlern, the mliIiU. s ue paper. Then wben time. lags. onu the Pllnt .. muulh 'If tab le 10 run Lbe apples. and my book s , lind wonderI ng what could racturer tells me. I~ . VI'as done t wo sew a nnpkln .....dltto tnbleclo tb, In une 1,0 Gort out cull!'. . to ImItate our Eogllsb cousi ns, why hllve happene Have Matured the 8hoola. • ' d to Cllt tbe pOQr tellow years ago by n poor you ng girl, who like manne r tear from the muslin does their love of walking not arouse up · so, The pncklng table doell away wIth. . When bUllnesl wUa over, ' I hlt.!I bitt recenlly ntered th e Hc!b(lol, halt a doze n pillow cases. When the bavlng IlIl a)lple8 all over your UI to emul~t1(ln 1 Conlole bce. tatibl6n • rged him to go homll to Make cuttings of gooaebe~ BIle) ordinner 'l'lth She or InclInat ion Impel us to ride, drive, me. for ( thonght maybe a sight of tblngsbas execut ed soillio vcry lIue bands aro Idle. o·;eraea m tbe sides c hard, nB nil !be oulls are tbrown un· currant l ~hell the pllll1ts b4~e·/ma. sl uce th n," and bottom, and baste the hem. This der the table. Wh e n row, sWIm. ' Osh. hunt, golf. J)la)' te~" Gertie and Tot wOllld cheer him Ull a tho time comes turcd the shoots of tbe pres~n yea • "Wbere I~ she ?" nskf!d Estel'ba zy, can be done while convers i ng wltb a In the (all to gnth.e r · ),oll r cull. Jlod and are dorman t. anti clear ot Iqvee. nla; we even cbop treea and saw woo'd IIUle, ae beld back lOme, but 1 too k In an ullstead y ~olce, an d all I ~Ian ced friend. Put In ·fifteen minutes at the windfall s Cor OInking cider, It II a Cut the m about 10 ' Incbea long:. cut, for exercIse It we are etrenuo us nnd blm aloOf; with ·me Ooally. at him In slIrprlse, I SIlW that his eyes maohlM finishing tbem, and YOIl bard· very easy maUer to drive trom· 'lIfle tlng 11l-8t 'Inder a bud at the beltom Gertie was at tbe wlnllow wlltchln g. were luminou s wltb fc ellng. incllDe tbe simple lite, to ny notb· Iy know when you b ave made your to pile to pick up the a pples and put nnd about balf !In Inch above a h~ al ·'The J;lrl, Elesnor ' Ho lt 1, It II not pIllow cases or h ammell your IInen, Ing of making gardens ; we own and With ber boy In ber arms, and came tbe m 10 the wagon, I hav e my tenm8 th o toP, , Insert them Iil (he ~ It'' to meet UH , welcorn lnl Esterhaz y a8 bor hour yet; Mrs. she drive a1~shlps. automob iles and motor cOlnes Hallb. rendy te> bnul my apples to care, rowa tbelr full lenGlb. 60 thil.t thlB bod> ' cbarmln gly al POi slble, Freak Is too rap lie d we tencher, aIDJ'pIY~at eleven." Clal'1l ot all d esorfptio ns. but we do' not, genLl . wbere tboy are put In cold stornge In at the top will' be about level with tbe em nnly a tellow 'to be morose be"I kn ew ber IInca; I s hould like 10 will 'not, and, In tac~. cannot walk, Handy Contrl,·a nce. St. Louie In 15 bours trom the time sur race. A sUgbt. mulobln g of _s.\~'" (ore ladles, 1\0 he made himself agree- see b.1r," said Fra nk, wllost' bl'onzed One may have dozens oC hooks ID a tbey wcre banglog on the tr~ea . or leaves Ilelween the rows to prevent able, nnd renlly got Into Quite II. froli c race "'a9 ralrly gro wt hS 1 '01" ",Ith ex. closet. yet tho)' w11l not take the It baa heen suggest ed that town. with 'fot afte r dinn er. !:lut wheD tb e dtemen t.. too bnrd trec~ lng will be ot advabta ge. place ot one long curtain rod placed ,well AGRICU l:TURA L BITS. Jylng aloog the \lne of the railroad s cblld was Milt orr to bed, then lbe Cutting ot nearly all tho aprln~ 00)11" " "Cerr a lnl y. s ir," snld lhe oblll':lng back In tbe closels wbere skJ rts cnl\ erlng abrubbe ry ean be treated In the put up bulletin s at the rallrond sta. melan choly look deepene d down tn his lenc he r ; "yo::ader Is o lllr rel!t! IJlIoll Give plenty ot water ; laying rowls s ame way, In a cold Climate.' Il II tlons seLUog torth the attractio ns 01 eyes a gain, Rnd Ulal, c ombined with room . It Y\1 11 will take selltN th ere, be hun g. The skirt ba nge rs wltb large hatdly prnctlca hle to root ros';YClub bls wlnlliog deferenc e and ready kInd· I will Bilellil to Miss Ho lt when s he books must b use d and doze ns ot requir e II. the towns, nnd their claim on th e In. skirts ca n be bung on this pole and Appl),ln g manure tQ grass londll lings In the open ground. The.,. caD, bess, cO III"l eLe~y WOII Ocrtle's ~ym · comlls." terest ot the h'ayclln g public. If the· tak up so IIltle I'oom Ibat It Is reo during til t! tnll Is B good Ihlng to do'. however . he P'l t In sand ~Il " col d Ge l'lle and T followcd bulletin s are not so ugly ,as to dlstlg· paLhy. lIud s he eXl'rtod he rself tl, make the eve nin g p.lU pl ea.l1 lltiy te, r('!'cpti ull room in Dlute F raull to Ihe markabl o that th9 Id en Is so late In pr",'ldln g tbe mnnure Is not put on frame wltb glass sashes and rootetJ, nmll w ml'nL making Its arrival. Then It tlle ure the land scape they will serve a hooks so th lc kl ), that It smothel's lIlIl · plants. ~o far as the hardy bybrld llerpetun~ .blm, but Oertle's wOIIH~'n l y III ~ tlfl~l8 W("l'O are placed closely us eful purpOile ; but wben the obly togflther In neat Tbe m!\lIi1re Ie not a s mall Ite m of class Is concerD od, In a sbaded trame, "Oh , . Dlclc, " exclaim ed Gertie, with o n the u h~ r t. nlu) ~ h e ga \'\!I. .JJ t! U ln l! In. rows, Instead of bere, thare and every. profit from the poult ry house. . In lu late summer nnd .ea rly fall yo bulleUn In slgbt bas hee!! a "mall , well· one of II r coaxl n,; !:IlIilles. ' "Sllea1:t lu ~ can. 'li t;. tr""Il "hRll t glallce as we \uuk OUl whe re, the wals ta can be plnced on clonn lng liP the poultry house thO root cultlngs of tea roses trlilm' tho trImm ed park about tbe sLa~lon and of pictures jus t rem Iuds me of so m ~· clean Ql1d smooth strets leodlnr; to It, tblng. You haveu't mu ch to do to· 9,·111 s . "'mill< evill entl y ilL the UtIlIC/St nent little paper han ge rs and hung In dro ppin gs should be put In barre ls 11IlJ(·rlpe ned woott Make the cuttings ~ U S I"W S ", toolt IIUt of shoots that hll ve Jllst rormed a but!. . ' man), trav elers have bad tb el r cu rlosl· morrow -yolt know you . hnven·t; 8ud 1I1111l1 pot nlAd 10 ] I. h ili wlLl ch ; lhe o rderly rows. and It does not menn or boxes nnd kept dry , banging several wai sts on ope' book to Nevel' g1ve rowls sulphUr III damp and lise t he lowor bnlf of tbeso s ll00 ts, ty arous d enougb to 111Qllire tbe namu why won't yo u talH' me s mun" to lh e " ) UIIl Rfrul.) we' are In the way." be overtop ped with a petticoa t or or wet wentb er, nnd 'glve Il cautious ly Cut right under tbe lower eye · and ' of Ule town and Its leading Industri es, dlff" re nt ploture gll ll e rlfl "~" wht~ll e l' ed Gertie III my ca r . bolero jncket, all to be taken dowu even In dry ;"eather . H fed. lIod the Isave a full leaf ot tbe UPDer I dem urred u li ttle. thinking ot some bud and • BO pleasan t an Impress ion hilS the a ir A momtJIII rnore ",uti th e re entered whe n th e lower waist Is needed. If fowls get " 'et, It Is said to cause possible bi,s lue89 ernergenc1IJA. IIbout h nlt· an Inch of wood 'above It., rheu. of tllt 1ft and good taste made upon "I'm sura 1\ d ~.r · Ollt will ,ld YOU " YOllng III<I y-a YOllng lady wit h women learne d to properly place matls m and weaknes s of the legs. Insert tl1e cuttings ,In rows tblckl), In, swe~t , s hy rnC8 abd hl'o(\d lng 'l\rown hooks In the clothes them. Tboee village Improvo'nrent as- good," sa.ld Gertl!~, Tbe prices ot tarm ' Im ple mentl th e trame and p ~ace a wbltewa sbed presses and ward: gettiDIt In ellrne~l. BociatloD8 wblOb do not kno'll' where "Seeing beautlru l tblngs Improve s peo. eyes. She dl!1 nelt knuw who wis hed robcs t here would be les8 demand for ' are to be boost.d thla se88on. Why sasb over, Keep the B'and always Wet, ' to begin t~elr work might do 'mucb pie, and I 11m sure we ougllt to waut to seo lier aud gl:l!lced InQltll'III Sly Ilt more dress room, not m eet the advance by painting nod If the wood was In tbe proper con, Gertie nnd . III 0, nlld ·the n ttt E:.terhn zy. worse tban to start wltb th e rllllroall to lie Impro ved ." and bing up the machine on ba nd dltlon lhey sbould abow wblte ' toots. now? A tew · gallonl ot paint. a new In about tour weeks. when they. ahoWd> atatlol) slIrroun dloss, Home Mad" 80ap, She suld t.bls wIth a Dhllosopblc IIlr He loo ked ItI,e .:t man 1/1 III tran ce. '''Ndlle! '' he' c rl cll, reac bJcg UU~ bl, Put one can of lye I)r potash In piece o't woodwo rk here and there. be potted III small pota and 'can tbat ovcrcam e me, aDd I consente d. be one quart of cold water. When cool will put tbe macblne back In lervlce packed In a trame 10 'c oal ,.In Illy heart w·llllogl1 enough, to go arms. asJjetl CClV. , A rooont number "Ob, Frank!" tbe l,1 AllanUo art·hunU ns add six pounds ot clean grease, Btlr, ' tor two or tbree years, the nex~ day, always proerlng the pots , CUlti the trames' ~ , Monthly gives the place ot honor to Gertie aOlI r turned AhorL about, ring contlnua ll)' tor ten to fifteen Youllg . poultry should not be al· tected during the cold nl8'htB 01 WID. vldhll: tbat tbe sun sllone. I a slced and went 'IJllek Into ' ih e d"awlng ball, minutes . when pour Into a box or about the ~ve.reat dreealDg down of Frank ~6terbuzy It pan lowed to go hungry', nor sbould they ter with atraw mata. 1 have gJOWD he wuuldn' t JoIn where we turned over port folIo s for a to 1;001. When the BO~ become AmerlClUl 'Womea tbat h.aa lately beeD UI, and Gertie Reconded the s 'a be glYen more than the, can eBt up and wintere d tea rosel III thla wa" InVitation Cull halt bour, and did not gl'udge Il ·llttle sUI(, cut Into bal'1l, The next clean at one time. promulg ated In Elrlnt. It lcorea them warm I)'. and pllUl ted them tn the Iprlng In the unmercl tul1) • . and 80yS that as I "I don't know much about plcturel ," At the ' end of that tim .. J~l'allk beck. day remove It trom the box nr pan' A patcb ot ·rye near the poult~ opeD 'groulld, where they 80011 matIe oned tp ua rroOi . the rece lltion room, and place It on the ebelf to. dry. Tilil yard for the henl to run upon when fine plaotll. wbole tbey are spoiled. eTtreme ly he' .Rld, sml1ing at her. "but 1\ day But all the tea roae famIand we JoIned him there, to be Intra- soap Is so white and pure that It III the around II bare, Is a. elg produce r, I)' are better rooted III the greellla oue Idle••elt-eente red and ·curlous l,. und& with 'SUCh frlendl will be a DIIJllsure dllce'd to tbe "deare8 used t gfrl otten In for tbe toilet purpoae In, a. I bave bU81ness trips to . world :;' aertlng ot the maudlin wors~lp tbat ~:: !~:t~:~ . a cool gfeenho u8e ,dUS;SHORTIC ULTUR AL NO,:rES. tbe), .demand trom our Iiard ·worklng make ,n two or three directio ns, to "I'd lost lIer. you see." said Frank, prolecu te eome InQulrle l, but' Ft'lday , Btltt.o nhole. WOr)'t Tear. men. It III an excepUo nally hrlght F er,tillze the or:<?bard; ' plo1\' and Is an unlllcky day to Itart on a Jour, radiantl y. "but sbe shan't e scar .. me' Helpe Follaoe• . Out bu~tonhole the Ilro)l6r sIze, har· apray, again ," and pun~ent arUcle, and It bear. the ney, they . . The botanlet or tbe Massac~'te' soy; so I belleve I will stop It, Start at the back ot the buttonho algoatu re o.f a woman. "The le, morning gloflcs did It." Frank Fruit cropi orten 110 larga tbat experim ent atatlon .aYI tbat Borover Z4 hours, and cn elnl went on to, elllliain. ;;1 lIe \'e r knew by passing tbe needle op through tbe the abundan ee ot one yenr ol(aetl the deaur mixture · exerclle l a tonIc Ill. The biggest Ihh story ot· the ' BeB with 'ou. J don't .know bllt i am be. mu ch about· pictures olo~b. then forward , Take a s .. all smallne ss of crops In' otller years. anYI,ay . bUI /luence on •• Ietatlon and ·that the aon 'Is tbat told by Capt, Heggart y 01 ginning to be SUIJeretttlous !" etltch across the tront edge Nellie of always button· UBltt! E.,ert;re to be t1mwtng enl! are , and bard,. "rett)' and beneOtl followin g III use are not due "I don 't see why jo'nday should be hole. tben back to etarU.. g ' polnt; re. , make excellen t wlndb're New Bedtord . Just back from, the Arc> aka. May Ie solely to .the prengtl on of dl.euea . tlolucky ," snit! Ge rtie. lightly. " It I, the ve ry Iallt time I Sltw her sbe Will peat. Uee s l,etchlr.g morning glories." 'the, tie. He took 186 whales and says thaI regUlar buttonb ole the . proper month to pl/lnt tbem. but In a conBlde . . relllly Venus·Uay, you knuw- tbe lody ltitch. stllcbln ~ C108"ly all around Try some a tld ~eauury the dooryar d. to, tho Increase ra\lle extent .. well he '11'111 gamble tbat be lett 160.000 of loyc." So much tor the Illek CIt a VeDul d vllQr of. growth, He" over the two threads. This, button bole dov! Keep I wbale. behind him. Evident ly tbere nllVe tbe ' ~ark ot ' YOu~ . trees also laYB ~he lime. lind BUlphu r. saw a mOI·. e cheerful So !be next morning at ten o'clock, rtreat. wl\I not stretch or tear. and can be healthy by the (el'ldw thRO Flank Elsterh:IZ Y' appllcat Is now are as ¥COl. fisb In tbe lea as ever yel Esterbu y droppe.d Into my ol1lce and fon or a good Oleat of SQl1 JOBe scale bas a benol1. uaed In all kinde Clf materIal , _ He , wlUlb says lilt! A healthy' Is a wonderr ul bll!sstng. tree. like A healthy clal In'/ luance In proventi ng .fungue were caught. a lew momcnt s arler, Gertie put In an l man wUl withstan d the al(ncka of dlBeases, Ql1d ellP""e appeara nce, looking like a sweet 1itUe nnd thtlt peopl.e 'never ougbt to com OVln e, tile hope that • Cloth I from Apron •• plAin, And be hos given up the Ide. A German .«Ientls t hOB dIscover ed dIllY, A rew blocks olf 18Y Ihe b\llld. To use your old kltcben apronl for disease more easily tban n weakly "tbe San Joae , .caIa ma, llro,. . a, . . olle, ' that e lectriCit y will remove the color Ing O(!CUllled I;>y the Scbool of Deelgn. of gOIDg bac" t(l Peru, among tb" rev: , · Illea.lnl In ~IIUtae." , .' oveq clothl pUt.'a pateb 110m a red nOde, Take a polaon to kUJ and I re memb e rect that vl91tors 've re olutlons Dn" earthqu ak,... He Ii lO bt and thin places: Then over the holel 'The man wbo cbeertul ly aets the . . told the' CQOdl married , yoa will uuden~a Ipade where bll wlt'l dlrectl. and nd, and • ,,1,)180n. Jer.e)' lightnin g la tbe tlilD, tree to enter It ut that bour. I meD' MakIng of Woody Fib.... and make Ilny dellrabl e ,hape. for' IaGNU" Is ' In, a perfect litter OYII' leD"s hlmselt W1lllngly to bet deal.... &Joned It to Gerlte. tIU4 mak81 Dlost IIOsea ..... The carbon ot the alr com bin. wItIa Elloano1', ror ailt weeks Is III clHt-tttt r mnce lOxUllnohlt,l. Tum In the etJPI In tbe flower lranieD. baa "Tile a let u. go ID there IIrst!" In blm the tbe from Ole tree roota SJie ' ud stitch. 8tltehln c. tIlroQlb till . . . ?ltal elemOllte or IOOd cltfzenl Ume to get read, In, Ib, lalys, hlp by the help 01 forma . . . , &w mak. U inlier IIId fa • late IIWl to trut. lib••

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~1:Li O rI8Is: Two and a h Rlt yards · of plain sl1kollne , th ree bolls of No. 1 rlb bnn, one ske lu o( ' he lland HOSB, oue bllt ot Un coltou. Divide th e silko\lno Into two eQllul paris. place In a frllm and PHt In layrs at cotton b t woe u . really Cor t.y. log. Ti e lho ' ribbon s all In IIny bowl!. Th read tll needl e wl't b the 'hol1llnd' fl oss, usi ng It doubl e . .Bring lh (l needle liP fr om the boltom, Ulen down a gain, takin g a s Utoh tbrouglt OllO ot the bows. Tie the yarn on Ole wrong side, wltb three or tour extrn. needl es tl cd In the knot to mako a Imall turt. Continu e th e knotting . In th la man· ne r-boglu nlng with t wo nnll a lI al f Inches trom tbe dges, maklns the tufts fOtlr In hes upart. Turn In tho dges all around lU\d huttonbo le closely with Ul e yarn used s ingl y. Crochet a row ot she lls II rolind the lIullt, each shell ot five double crochet fustencd with a slnglo crochet and placod closo enough togetbo r to make til e work II. flat and glllled nt lhe co r· ne rs. On the right s ide, ju st IlIslde the bllttonh ollng, mnke a row ot felltbe r· stitchin g with lho yarn. This mnkes a I1ght, dainty cover for the baby. It la vl.'ry pr tty of bluo sllkollno lie d with wblt rlbllona. or of wblte sllkol1ne U d wltb pluk and blue. •



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r--.c ."."SIN UPON SIN


'Tbere was no olber way ," he elD claimed' uDdor hIli breath. "Had be not baen 80 IntornaJly ob stinate all would have been w ell. and nOW- ali MOTHER EARTH KIND TO ALL will be "Oil, anyway, I Ilaxard." HER CHILDREt\, Tbat had been an awtul nl!:ht fo! 8'-1> b, .tap D.. ld ""ad.lhe_a. or . 1•. him . liIo Bleep bad COlDO to stl1l tbe ra se or Quiet tbe f aI's wh ich flJled STORY BY THE "HIGHWAY Dut amidst ,all t he con· CREATN~S bis heart. AND BYWAY" PREACHER fll ctlng ~ mo lloll s whi ch Burged 1111:0 Ule r es tl 08S sea back and fo r~b wit h, . JiI//I -.....:. his heurt there WD S th e 011 0 se ttled Ut lliutlon of Natural Resource s Goe s ~P1TIKh". lwl, Ul l be .A. utb",.·, W. L .11.~ In Hand In H and with Clllll lzatlol1purp ose to . cov er lI\l and hide the Scrl p turl Autho rity; - 2 Samuel sin whi ch had come to blacken and E)(h auBt l ble and Renewable 11 :·6·27. ' Bcar bl s lire. Riches. To hid e th at aln hnd seemed like ~ ¢OOO<>O<>O<>O<>O<>O<>O<>~ B simpl e and ' easy thIng at fi rst, ·blll Old mOlh r earth 18 th e basi s of 1\11 as ble evory plan had been bat· welllth , Greatness or n alloos Is COOl· 4 SERMONETTE. · fl d It made him al most Illad " 'Itb m ell surate· wi t h the degree of ut l lll.a.· Impatience and n bill er hat red sprang li on or tbe minerai el m enlS nnd oth er Sinful Indulgence In ' an 'Idle U\l again st tb o man whom be h ad so products, &11 oC whl cb a re th o res ult hQur made David a murderer. grlovously wTonged. ' At fi rst b e bad 01 nnturlll In W 9, 'I'hu high er Lh e cl v· Little did he think on that first night of pleasure to what awful C .o nly, f elt good·natllre d co ntempt to! I1I 7.all on the gr'Juter anll th e more ceo· 111m. and It WIIS with mth er a Ceellnll nomlcal , are the uses 01 ' th l! cU l' t h' s depths his sin waa to lead hi m. , of condtls 'enslon on hi s part thal h e r"aourc es. In tho great co m me rcia l But the pathway of aln lead s had deult wi t h him al all. But David aull nlllnufuc lo'l ri ng C lif ers or Lt, e downward a"d ev er farthcr and was too hl gb·minde') a rnnn, Ind 'had " 'orld Is t Ollud t he sup er ior InLclll· f arther away from God. One ' too c lear a con cep tio n of rl"ht and gp.nrl', "hcrI!ve r thore Is l ud uRtl'y e wrong IItep la taken In the de. wron g not to be COIlSt'lOUS way "own UICr !! fl uuri shes c l~llI zalion . W ith lire to gratify lome unholy long· deep I p bill beart thal he hnd com dccu)' 01 commerclu l Im lJOrtance In9 and then a dozcn more milted a grievou s si ll . and yet t h ere uall l)ns Nltrogmde and i os~ power, e steps ;ire round neceuary 'ln the was present th e slubbo,'n pllrpo ~e and Ilnally nnd a pl aclI In hl stor, attempt to cover up the traces l O jusLify lind Ilalllate h is otronse. He only. of the ,Inful conduct. took r etu ge behind hi s kingly prll- , W eul tb of countries (,all be divided The progrenlvenell of . In I, ro gallv e ~ ond po wer, and found com· Ill fo tWo clasHes; that whic h Is ax· one of I.. mOlt striking eh;)r. rort In tbo tbought that' tho kings of I,au sli bl e. aad Ihllt wb ll!h i s r Ull ewable. acterl atlca. No one atart. out otber nli tlo llR did e ven worso Ihlogs Th s exhaustible I s th e m i nerai weallh, wlth the purpose, or even ex· than b e had donll. co ld . ellvt'r, Iron. co pp r . and all the peotatlon. Qf becoming a mur· ADd r et. n otwllh8tall'd l n~ thl~ feel useful m eiais- coll i. finlt, sulpbur. all derer. The boy with hla first In& which h o tried to encou rage, nnd minerai pruduc ts wh ich once utll· gla •• , or hi' firat night out namoly. thnt lhe king co uld do no Ized In manufacture and rommerce ar f) I!, questionable compan lonlhlp, wrong. be did not want his sin to b e· not I'fln~wable. Tbl! rene wabl e wenlth does not IItop to thl nk whilt the come kno .... n. aDd determIned from 18 ntlrely ID tbe yegelabl e aod aul· fulII fruition hi. flnt mla· the Or st that It should not . Thu9 b e mal kIn gdom and n early all oC Il Is Itep may be. The man who was l ed to send tor U riah ,' and wheD Incl ud"cI In t be fi eld of agricul ture. take. hll firlt fling It .pecula. his plans mi scar ried. as " :e have said . usllll: tho worll In 118 broad(!st sen s~. tlon doe. not lee hlmlelf In em· It threw blm into a rage of fear and aud I ~ r eJlreee nled by the crops of bezzle/' behind the b,U I, dl,. anlter. The very loyal ty anI! faith· cMenls. v"getRble~, f ruit", flhrou s grace and lufferlng brought tulnees whl cb Uriah displayed -toward nll1nls, the u 8erul gum s, such as rub · upon hi. Innocent w l r. and chll. hi m and tbe nalion seryed to Intell ul· ber. the woods at trees an d all tha t dren. He begin. w ith the ex· fy and aggrante hIs v entlon 0 1 Is or utlllty In th. arta and manu fac· pectatlon of winning Ind ac· spirit. and on that 18st ni ght, a.a turell. qulrlng rlch.1 quIckly. Perhapa we have 'eald . no sl eep ca me to ~ Th e wealthiest naUona. and thoae he doel win i1nd II tempted to lIeve the stress ot mind and body. th at give promise of Ibe l ongest ex· go rn more hcavlly, He lOICI, And then hlld com e a n e w f ear to Istence. are lhose thal pOSBelI 6 abun· and then borrow. that he may vex him.' Could It bl! that Uriah" dllnce of bOlh cxhauHtillle and re new. speculate further to retri eve hll rerusal to r eturn home wall due to Ibe able wealth . Doth cl asses IIlTord a lone •. ' AgaIn he loaea. He tact that be had some suspi cion ' as fI III tor mDnufachlre and com mercII. mUlt have money to pay the . to the true !!tate of nlTalrs? All nleht Th e DIlLIon thut lacks tbe conditions 100ln. He betrays hll trult and long tbe Questi on had rank l ed In his necessary for t he production at r eo lakea the money he need a, from bosom. anel a dark resolve began t o n wnbl wal th d I h h t hll employer, or from fundi cn· torm Itsolf within e • an on y as ex 0"-5' tru st('d to hll care, expecting to . t t f th Ible weal th. will n entually fl nd Its· t ramu I h s l be PI) ou 'o e wav. • ' pay It back aa soon aa hla luck Wh en tho t1, 0U h t first f)a sh ~t1 rI'source ~ I'\)r se)t.sII Rtaln ence Itt tl n g end . and ",'1 11 C'f n ecessity b com o de· turns. al he ... And ao It acros~ hl ~ mind like tln vII message I endent lilian some · oth er nation. goel on, step at a time , unti l trom th e 1(ln g at .d8rku eRs. he t.rem· . at last hI) Is ruined beyond' the . 0 oth er nntlon possesses such dl· bl ed as an nsp " and lurned rrom It hope of rec'overy. And 10 It II wllh IIlckenl ng drea d. bll t euch time verslncd r eso urre! s s cl OCR the Unit· with any IIln ful course upbn 8S h e cnme tace to tllce With tbe al. ed States. With m i n erai re~ources whi ch one m .. y enter. t ernath'e of e~ll05u m snd dis race. thlll will r"'1ulr' lll;es of time to uti l· It It t akes 40 lies to cover up h entertaln od more willi ngly th e 'vil I~ e, the millions upon mlillonll of the Clrst lie told, ao II It w i th th oug h. nnd lit last tound hl m solf ri ch limb r and agric ultural lands reI>' other forms of sin, It · t ak el In· plan nlnu hoW II migb t be carried out. r st'nlln~ renewnb le w al tb. an(1 e" ery numer:.ble wrongs to cov('r up , At fi rst Dn,'ld t h uAht to IJay bill nnttlr!ll adnln lage ror mnDuCaclul·e. a nd hide t he flut wrong done. money t o SOIllP bas t ellow wh o wOlll d w~thln I LS "a~t t erritory hu nd rptls ot But what folly for the so ul to ser.relly Call u\lo n ' rlah and talte hi! mllll(1 ns of Ileo~ l e I'~n Ilnc! homes and thiok that It Cil n cover and hide l i t '. but even In l he rt!ar aod confu. S\liitt!nlln e ror th ou an ds of yea rs t o Itl li n. "Be lure your al n 'w'" sion oC h is mini! h quick l y SB W the come, ..nd Ir 1Ul('t'Rsllry, suppl y ot her find ' you out," Is the aolemn dllngers ntleli dlllg slIch 1\ cou r se. nations with a su~p lus at Its proouc18. w arning of S~rlpture. Wh at th en was h e to -doT How co uld 'rh UR Ihe nallon will grow rlchp.r And .. g .. ln God's Word de. he acc(1[J1pli sh his purpose? Tho th mllllh d isposi ng of li s : en e,wablo , ctard tHat "he th at covereth hl l seemi n g Impoijslblllllee ill Ihe WilY wealL h for wha t represents the l allor l i na ahall not pro.pcr." served to int enslCy the evil purpose :l lId th e ex hllu8lible wealt h of l ess ta· Wh at utter fall y then for the of hi s benrt. . " or ed n Ions, human heart to go blIndly on Ih Ah. h ow orten t/le bel te r Impulses Til e • cO\Jntrl c~ comprising Great si n, think i ng that It can deceIve came! HOI\' r epeat edl)' the Inner con. Britain ha\' o little r e:2l1wnble w P'Dlth . ~ God aod rna". Some doly ..II thc sclellce spok e aga in st dol nf such evil accordl llg t o population. and I' Jlel Iinful conduct w i ll bo revealed thing. and cach tlmo there came back r)li fl y upon t' xhnustl bl ros ource!t. In ai' It I awfulnesa. lhe ' llDlI enge from hln rlcken Ihch' nllllzaUoll In mnnufact ur nnd The power to rel lot lin II hpart. " but YOllr si ll nnd Ih e ex posure th YR llle ot the labor ot Its pen il l e In , wcakeoed the farth er onc goes which I s cer la l n to t allow ." ma nufactur e f or romm orco of artl· . » on In hl5 sin ful course: In And Ih ell carn o th r. Irr "oca bl e deIe from the ra w pr clu cts. both mi n· Proverb s , 5 : 22 the l in. are el ~lol1 t o luke lhl s oth I' stPI> In lhe ernl nlld \'cgl'la blP, Importod Crom likened ,unto corda that bind course at Si ll. In ord er I hnl th e fi rst I her II<'pI'lId "nclcs :md olh or nation s. one. sin m ight be covered lip. A nd Is 1>la l n lha l . tile nntlon thal e x· There oomea to mind the Ihel'!' no th ollgh t or r('lnr tl1nt th e eye ~ll:.1n s "s l I S I·aw. exhalls ibl e \Vcnlt il story of Gulliver In the t.:>nd of of God SII W Dnll kn o w '! Y en. t here l or Ih r CD""':llll o w elllLh oC ano t her , th e Ll1 l1puts. T hc t iny crea· Cilm e th ' II ' ling 'r ' mcmb ran 11 and counlry will /..'rO W Jloorpr, an d Ill e nn· tures bound th e great giant then lhe (' IOlhl 'or si n I n which Iho tl en Ihnt r ecr l\'l's t hi s XhSlI sl lble with the i r f r~II, filmy threads. heart "' a~ <'II" ,101.,, 1 sl'tLlt'd down w!>nll h In xchange ft,r its r nOI\'ubl e which he might have blown aGain. lind 0 .\\'111. sleul hl his hcar l w,-a llio will Grow rlchcl'. away with a breath, but whleh again st God and lIil) bett er prompt· I"r l llel plt'8 Ihlll nppl y t o o~ tioll s In in t he aggreg ate formed a rrtrong Ings. plllll g('d on In his evil course. \h ls rei::ard, nrl' al so Dpplkahl o 10 In· cord wh ic h covered him like" t\o. ri uh mn~l dlo. t ogml pnrts of notions. nnd 111' are· wcb and rcnd cred him power· Th o d l1 ' l ~ io n had hr en mad e, thE' . pu hlil' like the U n it('ld Sl lItE's. to It~ less to r e51st the attackl hie m eSMl;e written an,) (>I'en now Uriah stR t es nllil l e~ s r comm uniti es. Thu ~ tlUle enemies. So Is It with sin . ,vas Ilea rln!'; hi" dp.alh warrant to It I s II n wnt t hnt t il e Hlate or COlli· Let u s rcmember, li sa, that .Ioab. An xiou s IIn ys follow ed. but mu nlly l,11:lt employs Its Pt!Oll lo In mnn · howcver much we may deceivc > Davi d kn ew that .I onb "'!ould not Call n fnc t urln g Cro m It s protlUC1s 1.0 Ihe the wortd, we cannot deceive ) him. grcatest extonl.. In st ead of h 'H' ln g God. "My sins are not' hid from It wa~ not mnny days, nfter thl D th em go to tho ma rk ets of th e worlel thee," e~cla i ma the paalmlat. that Ildlng, enme of n di sastrous dc. In 0 raw sl lllo. lind retnin s w !lhin Its Nclther more are yourl and Jlrollts accruiI'l; rrom Cenl to til nrmy of I Rr:! >1. The bat· bord crs til mtne. > tie hall been pressed 10 Ih e very wall~ Itlbor empl oyed In the Itrod u(' l ion 0 1 ~ or th e sl ron ghold of Rnbua h, and Its artl cl 'S 01 co mmerce, witl ad van co O<::>.o<_:>c>oo<::>(K:.Q<::>(K:>().O()<:>OOif.l many at Ihe Israellt R had fnll en. It i o wealtb nnd Imparlan ce. . waH sa d II CW" 10 110 0 n ~ tion. nnd D. M.. CARR. THE STORY, Ih ere WaF mOllrnlng In man y a house· SAPS LOCAL WEALTH. ITf{ fierce determination Onvld hold , bllt Davlel. who receiVed th o tid · sea led the l eller he had been In· Ings rrom th l' lip!' at Joab's nlesscn·, scrIbing on tbe roJl or parch IlIClIt be· ger. car ed nut tor Ihls ihi ng. ;"hen Systems That 'Oraw from Circulation tore him, lind lurnlng sharpl )' UDon th e m'sseng!?r adll ed : . ' Money Thilt Shoutd Be ~~pt Home. ( he inDD Rtalldlng noar. he saId : "And Uriah , tho HI,IUte. I. dead. "Deliver this Into Ihe hand of Jo~b. also." Thst c it" town or ' commubl ty from' ,,'hleh th e major plrt of tbe earlllo,. .cap tain of tho hosts 01 larllli. DelllY ill th e \leoplil' are sent elsewhere Is not," Heavy Penalty for Murder. Th ere ... as harshness airnO!!t of en· Wron g·doers In China bring mlsror destlued 10 Ito backwa r d and take 'a mlty In th e voi ce of the Itl ng ns b c tune on nll th cl r r elatlvcs, Not Ion" plilce In tile rpal' or progressi ve C(1m· , flpok , 110 much In .contrast to the . to·' ,.ngo a man mllrd c r<~!1 Gov, An Min of munltles. It will never lu\ve the tuJl millar, \lIl1rOnl 7.llI!; manner In whlcll Anlhlli. Th e l1IlIl'darN himself' was quol:& of weal th thnt Is 'due It. and , :he b al' gree ted him on til e day b fore ' ca ught and behended and now th .. thai It shOUld Ilave. It I. th e prollts. lhat Uriah slarted vi sibl y , He he51· law t1 emnnd s ti1:l L hIs Cemnl e relatl.,es tbe am,o uids that repr~senl th c ' sur· >t ilted as h o pla ced the parchm ent ' 16 ~ears old nnd sbo," e be decupltated Itlu9 abov OOIt f,lt proilu cLl on or prod· wi t hin tho folda of hie robe. and th e and Ib llt bis mnle relallv~s younger IIctS. and Ihe earnin gs of the l al1a rof king, In e"ld ent Irrltntlon . said . Ihan Illat bn co mpelled to eerve In ' abovo hi • • xpenses or lI vl nl;. and lhe ,sharply ; , , the Imperial pnlace., The anccslral ;e~ U.rnal e proO\ s ot the merchanls nn d " Thot is all!" grn"es oC th rebel are 1I1so to suiter. others In bUlllness that mnkes Ii co m. Wllh soldierly dlgnlly ' lind \lreol ' The tomb s are to ho razed aod de· munlty wealt.hy. When tbese earnings '1Ilon Urlnh 1l0wI"II low and ~' rllt! o spoiled 'and the bOMS and dnst wl~hln lre diverted to forei gn places (h e ll' \"rom lhe npartmaot "Ith out a ",·ord . scatter ed to Iho four wln/lS , It Is ocal tax,plyln, snd UI)·bulld lng pow· He ' had wond red nL th o o;trango In· boPtl d. however, th at Ihe nu l horlUes ' .r Is deat royed alld lhe places re o t aresl .nn'd solicitude whi ch th' king 1\'1\1 not exact Lbe full !lenalty or tbe cel.,lng the tI\0lley acquire a henefit: Jr you desire to IIIII! tho greDtest had manllesled In hIm sl nc!) his com · law. m enllllre of prosperi t y In your own ing In nnswer t'o ,t bo summons so vllral town, Ice"::> e.,ery tiollRr you can In clays bofore. and now he wonder ed Cure ' for ' Sflioke Bltel. even more nt Ihe SIII'ngellcss and slIrll· Tndla's go vernm ent has made ar- clreulatlou at home. Tbe bank co,· .ness ko tllolul' lI1unireSl to"ard hIm. rnngements to supply th e snnke·blte porBtlon or Indlyldual til at bas Its ex· Dllt he wae glad to be olt lind away. Inocet to allllollco st.ations con~enlent Istence elsewhere and bas a mort,all'e Rnd be soon Corgot (ho matler In to those localities w,here V8nomOUII OIl ,our farm or other property, en· 'bill eage~n ells to be baok In the tblck snak es most abonnd . Tbe lillie lancet JO),II a meanB of making 'OU bear a 'of the fight a,aln8t tbe strongbold of has proved a grent .u~eess and hIlS portion of tbe burden of taxes or an· beeD tbe means of savin, many Uyea. other S,c:UOIl tball your own. It mat· Rabbab. ' tel'll 1I0t by _bat mllana ,our mone,. Thll kloS, on tbe otbllr hand, ut NIIW Collllgiat. Chair. reachea outaloe your own balllwJek. It .nent and Rlone, bll faco dlatortecJ A Spanllb C'OlIlIe hal • chair 01 •• relulta In the eame eY1I, You are a4 _loaded b, the nil· pUllonl bllplq Ua... wile pa, DOlle or tile tomobIllD&. tbat tlaDiet wltbill.







WM j lL

§o o



coat 01 mabltaI.... tle ,l utittlttoa

, •••n tewa ... - t ,


THRIFT AND ECOl"lOM'r. Right Th i nk i ng Necessa ry to Great.. eat SU CC~8S In Every F i eld of E'odeavp r. E~on Q my 19 on e 01: tho f'.s~ on li n Is to lIurccss. I t ma llers noi lH'w t; rcat O"I"S enrnin ;;s Itlll)' hc. I f tto ere Is no II nll l Ii Inld bY : lh MU wil l be nil cOllnlln/; at d"Ii!lr~ .10 your credll F rb m c hild hood "'''''I rl'n ~ h o " l (\ be t"u ght I ' ssons bf lh r lft. alld ih "olu t' or sll vlng, 'l'here Is a dl ll'cr lie b · twc n el'unorn y IIntl stin g iness. Tilur Ie an Oxcess Whldl der illS th aim, and Is th o cau se of Inss lind IlIl s 'lT Th"t cO ll om), whi ch preventg the rnrOll' r t rO nl so ndl llg money 10 \lrO I)' erl y hOllso hi. stOck during Ute win · It Is a ~!lvlo g or t cr, Is paradoxi cal. dollal'6 unll tb o lOllS of dollvre by tb-e sfl\'lng. Th at ao·call II economy wlll ~ l l p r ev~n L8. th ~ ,:oll s ulliing or Cuel In wl n t r . wh ic h Tes ults In a col d ho use aud si c kn 8S I n lhe fam ily. aud IJerllu ilS " dl!lI.lh. Is nlg gllrtlly 6t1 11 ~I ' O""S, which is criminal. It I" th,, ' sav. Ing or II tew ' doi ln l II In th e caul bill and \lay i ng I> 'r hllll~ 11 huodr d or mor~ t o th e ~octur ur th e undert·aker. Tb'lre Is no conomy In c b ~ l\p thill!:S geo. erally. A btl of nluclJlner y that Is D 'cded about til e ra rlll sho uld be frl e bCti t . A ell an. poor mo wing macbl.o6 Cram some Illall order h ouse may break down wh n It 18 needed tbe most. aud a result ill t he IOS8 ot tons oC hlly sev r al lImc" the value of a good machine. Poor' unl l es wear out rapidly, and are lI1<el y t o give out at 0 time wben mosil needed. and u o/! a conLl nual source or expense. A poor breoil of stnck i s anoth er IIlustrnLion. 1"001'. bony horses ent more than w ell , bred on 8. antllhe l atter alwar s find a read y sa l ' . wloll the raw· banI's cannot be dlsl)Oscd or at any pri ce. Tbe lIamll with ' hogs, sheCIJ. and ' all classes of domesLiC Block . A pOor l ot of ani mal s sh ould be &o tt'~ n rid ot al 100!> .. possible. They 'U'e eX llen81~e and It 18 poor eeonomy t,~ keep th em. It I. III looklne aller the ... vinr: at a penny and b c ln~ blind to the dollar th al co uld be gained, ttoat III lhe trou. Sn ya~,es baya ' no bl e wi th many. Idea 0' economy. T hey cannot torego a Imall pl easure tor a t;ren.ter one II. IIlllo ra r ther 01'1. I t Is lhe ability to thInk out tbese m atters tha t make, t ho clvlll? d man sU»9 rlor t o the bar bari llll . Think! DOII't g ot tired of lIsl ng !be rea~ou l D g brai n that a Ilood Provldcnc ~ ha s s ,lven you. Tbe sec ret at Imowl dgc Is In th l nklllC, and th e power to m ake \:oll1flnr l son. On8 of th e d raw buck s of many sChool 1l Is tbe t uchlug, Ihe cram ming of rules with and f acLR " 'Itho ut comb i n i ng thc rn the i mportancE! of causc nnd lit. (crt. T each one lo t hink. and b o will soon be a IJer son of no m ean knowl . edgo. It Is tb e thI n ker wh o win s In IIC " nna on til l! farm .. In th e worksllQ\'I. I n the store. anywhere and c very. wh er e, wh ere bra ins, nre n eeded yOU will find It Is tile active, k een' and ('arctul thlnher who tor,;e8 to tb e f ront. D. M. C~RR.

INTERESTS ARE EQUAL. · Farme,.. Should C!,operate w ith Town .. people In Work of MunIcipal I Mprovcmrnt. Among lhe Dlllny plan s de'1s9~ te tu r th r the Intr.r el\l " at sm :lll towDI an I! IlI Cfl , Bud wbl cb hilS p rov d m,)" l successful. Is the eOI7lUI rrla l club. In wh i ch a.1\ bu~l n lls8 men of th e commu. nl ty cooperale COl' th e co nlllJun gond Organ l zallons ot th i s c lo ss tire III most n necessity 10 nn y t o wn wh ere hnrmony Is desired amnng t h ~ IllITe!" li t busln ss cl ussc!1 In tbe t arrrlll l1 oll t of plang ror \OWD IDlII rovO llleut ~ clIrl ng th !:! onlerp l'l sl.'.I! of vnrlou kinds nnd th gen 1'01 gootl ot all i o I h e community. T i ere Is no reRSO U wh y th eRs clulls tn t bel r m emh rshlr should bo co n tln od t the r esl (1 nts 0 1 th e t OW!1. The (arm el's In tb e hel:ll borhood nre as fl e ~ p ly I n teresled In th e success or l owu en l (> T(JI'lsI!'8 &8 arc the bu ~ lne5ft me" or Ih(' plnca 01 :It l oost ,til y sh ulll be, Fur ,.'bal will hllip ulong t he t o" 'n 10\\'3r (\ s prosp r lty will also h elp th e r~ r m e r. In Dlllny loca liti es Ih ero Is !l R~ nll. m l'n t that the Inter ests or Ihe rarm. er aDI) the bu sl a'elS lIlen ure· not par. all c l. I t Is oec!:!8sary t hat tb ls feel. I ng be oblite rated as ;ar IlR possl blo bl'caU SII Ihe're Is no 101l!cnl Counda tlon f or II . ,T.ho better tbe t own Is th o bet, ter l h e locu! market for 'he r ..rmers' produce; the more equitable will b" taxation and the better ed ucalional fa. clllti os. All these are mallers that ('oncern tbe farmer fn ' tbe Immediate nolghborhood of 'thl town. Many bu sin ess men feel tbat a mCllIbe!'SblJl In, clubs or,;anlzed for promotion 01 two I ndustri es sbould be cOl1f1ned tn busl ness m en; Ulat perbn lls tho tarm , er w ould not be In IIccord with resl dents or th e towD In matters at public Improvements. This Is &n error, a lack or confidence In th e !ood jud; ment or the average farmer. who will generally realize how Imnortallt th homo lown II! to blm, alld all hla neleb. bora. 'rben tbo farm er sometlmei thinks thnt be Is not w elcom e In an as. 90clatlor\' of 'bUSiness meD, p erhapI be , cause be bas neTer been invltetl to take part In me e tlD~'S held to discus. matters pertalulng to \own .rralrs. Th ero Is no 100(1 reason wby tbele lIentiments IIhOllid exist. It II only by a harmonlollll pu.lllng tOlotler ot the residents ot the rurll II ls tri cts and lbe business men that the ereatelt good cal) be brought about tor lb. homll tl.>wn. .

FEMININE ' FANCIES LITTLE HINTS ' AND HELPS FOR ALL WOMANKIND. The Careful Wom an Reets Her Clothes, Thereby Keeping Them Alway s Frcsh and Free from Shabo bl ness-Other Itema. Th o c'areflll w oman has l ak n to resting h er cl Olh s. NOlblng Induces Hhabblness In coals and gown more t han lb lines and wrinkles which sllow th y have been worn and r eworn. Walking cr as s' and Hitting creasos m ake a garm ent old before It haa dona Its dUly. M en aJlpr eclate t hlb fscl helter than w omen. Tbat Is why a mlln can &1· ways appear well d rcflsged with a smAil wardrob e, becau se every w cek or so he wakes a ch an ge of sull s and sends tbe one be bas been y:earlng to the tailor, and never by any chnn ce all ow8 a wrinkle to become fl xed In his uult. . Not all ",' amell' s frock s can a to a tailor, bu t sh e can :Danago to change h er clot bes orten enough to give them an entire rest. And It Is rea l economy to do so. H er e Is a practloal plan for clean· Ing ahd pressln&, IIklrts . Brusb them Orst , then wblsk ott with a clenn bru sh dam pened In ammonia and warm water.


To r move d lIsl Crom silk skirts, do not use n bru sh. but w ipe th em wl t b It piece of velvel een, wblch will !lOll wear t h silk !lnd wil l r emove the duat very much m ore sati sfactorily thtln a brusb. Silk or rlltlled skirts should bo ilt. ted out wltb lapes sewn on tbe lower rumea, by wblch lh y rna)' be buna upside d own. This prevents the skirt from 'Isagglng alld tbe rum s from drol>plog. Gowns ot delicate material sbould be put away In long box os or drawers. eath ,skirt belnr: t olded in pleats, Inta wblch It shollid fslll wh en b eIng worn, The bodlclIII should be stutred with tl s8sue paper, al so tbe sl eeve" anti trimmin gs fill ed out with tbe paper. :Wasb frocks should alwa7a be put away In trunks, box es or drawers, "hethe r they have been ...orn or not. tal" In· hang ing tbey grow stringy. are m ore ~as ll y affeoted by dampness, and lose tbelr trel hll~s8 before the, ar6 worn.



With I Little Care It Can Be Ma~~ Leok M,!ch Larger.

Primarily "rudence MUllt Be at the Bottom It,


The. . .s somethIng anterior, to the clllllng and making lit dr 88&9 at home ( an aceepted, but not always successful form ot conomy) ; a aomething anterIor to the remodeling of Inst y ellr's go Vo'D S , and to the study of the care at Clothin g, Important t hough all ·t hese may be. It bas to do ' with UI O pra~tlOa l unilerstandl/lg of l;lConomy ttse lf. It Is a maLler of tte h ead . rather than at the hand. In I ts re~ a· tl on to dress economy it I sn't sklm»lo g on material; It Isn' t moklng thi s or Ihat old thing do ; nor II It liVing In bargain' bou ght shoddies or mISfit!' mid so heill'; more or IOS9 apologetlo to! o~e' s npllcaraoce and Inwardly sad:len d over I t, even whlle bendi ng In a sl)lrlt of r esi gnation IIn<ler t he) weight of work wblch certain oconomlcal sewIn g m ethods acteD Involve. Economy In dressi ng, pr\marlly,' Is prudence. says a wri ter In the s \l e~lal Aul '!mn: Fashion numher of Harper's Bazar. It Is 01 rt, prudent buyIng. Bnd cllreful planning boUt of 'whIch presu ppose an acqu nlnlance wlLh cllr· r at llri ~e5 at dress mal 'ri al s. This aCqllR ln t.:lllce Is aD essential to eco· n om iclIl dr sslng. wll th er t h e co nom,r ,to be Ilrac tlced III oue at calicoes or of silk, Jl Is n Cltssary tllat t be WomB n who 0l1l8t be eeolJ ol1llcal InCorm h rself n/l 10 What Is to be blld Prettily Draped. ho w I t 16 t o b used ' after she ha~ " IHel ms d It an d (oVC II how a glv en ' I,. (lYCr t he wnll of ~ e room, tb o offect gar ment Is to be PU t on once It b&of a " 'Icle w i ndow Is given. If th o cQmes h ers. ~1ll1 0w i s ralh er low t he rot! h olding Ihe VUIIlIl 0 can 1I I inced abo \'e U1 TEA POT HANDLE HOLDER. woou work of lh e wlnduw. liS In Ih e JI· IUSlr-fltlon, Made of .Qullted Silk, She by Four Tho window \llctllr ' Il WlI S h ung wIth Inches Square. cur talll S of IInt'n l afCela III to n s 01 greco and mulberry . Ihe Ca b ric ex act· " To be mlstrells of on self, though Iy match l ns In \lull rn ond' coloring cilina fa ll," Is nol more dlfllcult some· th e Cri ze ot th e room, the sIde walls Umes' l ban to k eep one's t emper when ot whicb w ere plain gree.n. In ner 0. hot tea pot handle 18 ,burnIng one'. , curtain s of ecru n el trimmed with a 111m pie pnll rn In lace brai d wore set ,--- 1- INCHE5 ___ close to th e sasb. -Delllrice Co roy. By the us of drallerles In cr t oone, silk, or any pre l rred mat r ial , a small window ca n be so trealed that It can be mad e to l ook very m uch larger, the result beIng an Immense Im provem ent to the r oom . ' For Call nnd wiater lise a room always looks much more cozy Rnd hahltahle when d ra peri es 'in Borne arti sti c materhd are IIsed at the wi ndows, and when t b e win dow Is a 8mall. narro\v one, It th e straight si de curtai ns ar e set on a wide pol e and allowed t o bang part·

PURPLE FAD IN PARIS, Iirighleat of Hue. Flod Favor In the French Capital .,

A mAntlon 01 purple Is justlfled b y (h e tact tbat Ihls color In th e bright· ut or bues' acem s a fnd fn Paris at the moment. TIH'r e sre enUre cos· tume/! of it. Isrgo hats and coa ts of I I.. and evcrythlng about tho lollelle Is l)urjlle. It Is all Ir th e women of t ashlon were Tnynlly mourning Cor lIomething departed, as ind ed tbey o l'e- " " ,o are mourning th e ~lIlsty de· pnrt.ure of a ioo·sbort summer,'" as lIome on e Pllt It in one at t ho SlUllrt o.lllll rs t.h e other aflernoon , There I s nothIng unusual libout this n e w vdgu e, however , [or Paris often goes mad over 0. color. usua lI y a dIm· cult on e; but then cOllIpl exloliu and hnlr do not matter in a Innd I bat o wns the best parfarm eurs nod coll'leurs In the world : . A num b r at exquisite sil k Crooks In \lurJll e are stamped wi t h moUts ot oloth. Th:; are pertc t work s of art. Ilesi lles belllg strikingly Qrlglnnl; but, alas. nrlglr:lIllty nowadn ys m ellns end· l ess \latlence In ord ering n o w eloths. l"aUrl~lce. and endle811 coin, to ,uae a fOrcelul bit , "You'd better tal18 nut lome IJ~ III. or American slang. Purple seldom. appeara In the strIplurance." . "00 on. I'm 10 bellUh, I WOD't dll ed matorlalll, but la ulled effectively for pipings, lM!IDg eapeelall), smart ror " :J8ara ,ot.' white or BYft pal. "But It ,ou let a polley 1oll'U ,ro~ apoD lIaht

_I, wort JOuraeil

An y stoln ca n 'be r cm oveil It I'ubbed out ' at on ce with a mixture or equal parls ot ammonia, alcoho l and waler. After lho slt lrt Is thoroughly c leaned, brll ghed an d drIed . luy Il on th o pr ss. Ing tab l o or lion rd. pin ellch pl eat down In Iho I,ruper fold, CO Tor the skirt wi th a Illec o of darlt woolen goods. wblch hus been pr vlous \,Jf dump n d, ancl then \lress.


to ...tIa ...... blu• •

Th. Hohler. fin gers; In fact. sOlUetimes one ia aJ. m ost t emllted to drol' the tea pOt, e ven a t. the ri sk oC breaking Ibe cupa b neath . It Is a good plan, tb erefor , to bave li t hand a , n at little contrivance for holding the bandl o of the t ea pot with. out burning on ·s fingers, some suob hQlder, tor Instance, as may ,be aOCA In tbe aceompanyln~ 1J1I1st~atlon. This little bolder Is made In QuHte4 silk, measul1\lg alz Inches 'b, tour. lined "Ith plain aUk and bonlerelt wltb a rrlll, and It might be further ad'orned at each corner with amall ribbon boWl. Tbe color 0: the lUll shollld be daoelD to 1I1llt the ........





11w'\'C) sburg .


Lytle .




nlllJlber from hot:n ottolld. Miss Eva' Sllel'\\\o(J(l II! vlsft,It'l 1' eu t ho !'III'111 r~ 'Illb w h k'h WII<t Charlie Foste r at Rest. ~" el\ t ,,1((1\ 11''',,'111 tho IJIt.-t \vullk B!lurwolld ItllU !lIl1lilY. 1111'<1 MlLr.Y Kllver, "f M'~L'\ollrl. h hi nUllrFr nnklill ·j''burtltl "pant lust Ill. t h hOUle!! of l\lr. '1'h 11'111000 rn 0 wh lly.Bturl.ti.l " litis Kitty I c,d lllll~ lI !; h ~ l' \l n t II fm I Thu UUv,ott.e bu ~ fr 'Clutilltly IIlUO· wilil) r.he bl1l1<llO u:4 Il Ut! d,,~' Ilun th ItI ,t! M r~ WLI "k "t a r ulld Mr. !It.d Mr~ . fr nrp t;t. LOlli!! l!tQU\] , '0 idl filling \Y"~ clll .\' s wlt.h .IIIr~. 1"1'11111 t ;1 "V CI' . "xen HUll prtlltl tHlhooner n XI tlonud t.h e graclual ,1ecliuu In Ubar . ~ WHII "'I' "Hn l'IOk whn ~8ed b.v ;owns nllel Miss Muy BNlllh.Y pllIll 1\ we 'J,. ountl'Y Ml'~(IHllle!l M.. rrltt, RI\DlII111 11110 • lie FO"tAr 'lI health, alld now it Is lIIrM. ( , l.i. IAmb lI ud ~ntl , tf\lI ley p pie nil III n I holr 111IT(lI'ont enrl viait. tu frh lIllt; in Dhyt.ou . I~ 9 Hurrl~ wpra In 'OIUUl hu.. ' 1Io\'erl\l went. I ,) DIl .yl.on 11I~1. ut.nrdll,Y UflC,J811iUY t,o r8QOl'Il his dellt,h whl9h Iss I{itty HIl! hflIllIMel:liolt . pnd O(llHIl s . Sll rlllgbor o, II nIl pal/pie cl U tiP nt S,.tu1'lII' Y uiuht IUlll ~11t111IlY ill tbnt "Idnit)' · wituoH~ Fl d nk Ulen ye r tll~U I'larl 'IIIIOIII))!! II I 00 urro/1 oorly Wl)du6/l4)uy OI"ruln g: _. ____ _ e(l dllYII thit! 'week I\ttendl n g thl! Grand with tit lr dlllll(ht er"llud lIi!lter, 1\11'11. 'l'uesdl1Y IlftoruM n rlliug iuthree w,'r e in UlnoiuDltti '"tnrdll,V . I ' lin • LorlKe of EtIRtel'D 8t8~~ . E . R . Rand Ipl1. They rotu rued t nsterly L' In·ot.ion . Wml:)teddoIllCI~n\ldou.r. K ~IJeu .I A Slow P~ce Will not do OUldoo r 23. Ilfter II. Inng and val1\"u t figb t tQr life . Mrll. Dr. ROlllino i in II ttendulIC'e t:luutllly ;velliug . 1!.f(lmily Fdduy ve ning l\lr~, /lssill Gitb n, or b'rlluldi n, , for him' he want s to be 1'he I uuer,,1 w"l! b eld In the mor· lit thu tol1te Uonvent.lon of tbe l re. EdS4e rwoodl lndlwo duugh '1'he fin!t uumber 01' t,ll Lytle Leo took dinner wiJlJ It , . r daug ht I', t I.i wor e i n 'eoillu f IV dl\Ys II tu,,,'y ohupel 'L'bur!l(loy I1fternd on, t Ul'a ollr. fI , II.\' Atlh DIIV\9 I,h e Cnr F ridny. ~I in the Lead and he W . . '1'. 0 , Ilt. !-;t nb611\'ill . to(l nls t. Wtl ~ 1\ Ihll' "ltlll Illt,' \nvorv sn.1 \V1I8 oonduo t d by RAv , Philip ~lI!\;o Ellull Ilode", o f \\r l1 t;I. 'tlrrol. wl·!k. G Th ;'I[essr Anolbe r weddilli,: in on r town nlltlI'XI )rE'~. C'l l th IlIS I " 'A>I s. ('!ilAorle:o Monro, ', . )Ill I' It , ets . ' ere. II ,~ hi iog I~' " , Wl\~ h0l11 . ·ullll." .\·. '('rull t . MI l! , W,,)f,er Elze.v, 141M _ __ _ 'i'llllr~d~ y aveDlu!! 'rbe c,)111110 WitS fully sutl"f\ c1. Tho WilY he Il;re w 1I11.l RIl eel \len or. IIn,l \;],.rl t\Jlell . E~'cll . Misll Rul.1i l:im'r nws 111HI bilby. If ('I" -'ll'al IJll Y Enlly Itnd W O. Raper sang 'ks ~ook LImn r wllh ,I . 1\: , ,8 I,ell(lo,· .l .in . . MI8 BIliDch ""r\nn, of th Aexoban ge 'f ba picture 'lIllI tHlkt-clnt tile slliue 0 IIr '1IIrks \'i1l f, ~' I it.'ci h ~ I'I)Ilr elllt!! \Jl· . norl Mrs Lllo Hhlltt", entOl' Hov!4ral .. ult:Ot.lOr.H lilli e WtlS 1\ wonder . Quit.e a ltlrge SEW rill eln,Ys thn 1I11- ' \\' Qu oJ k, lind Mr. Clint' Gray. /I. yooog fn.rm number Will' in "UendR I n ' neil !I fElw of tlwh' frll'lIlil< lit II His grll ve Wiltl tl18111fully deo ' filled . nce as the Miss N lIio ~' Itt ~ lr I'; bennhifu l dunce Silturd er of nelir b e ro. ,T h y were quietly nigbt. WOll Ii nioe on e. "y V,VIt IIIg. 'rb B next s,nu veuler po t CllI'lil'l o f ~pllngbor o \Vitti be.. utlful "Qwel·~ . .'l'be follow · " rs . James ~ 'ohOIl married Ht the pll rsoouge by Rev. Durnbl' rwi1\up pellr ~eo. ulII... rl ll iuetl 1-1. 81g b Srhol)1 bllill1 lng' fM !'Oll la uow. II l ow .vou ng p op l ~ lIt IftU nn ipg obituar y WII rood: Under Hi Latest Plan he i8' able I' ·lJl llr". &rgen l Thllt, mRkell th't'Ot' of Prof. Mr , nnel ~h!\ . W . 11', Cltirk lind Aunt B es ter '.111101' is tnlprov illl; tIll ,I ' evening I1rllonn r of 'h ol' flon'n t.o Compet e Success fully With the OUl'rUAR Y Wrlght 'tI \I\lpil~ who have mlltrlQd fnmlly t!n joHd llndn.y otl he bonle uf ber lute I1ln e~s . bi l· th~I\Y. ' Be t Mercha nt Tailors- Any Suit . b I ' .. AtiS 1)lu;rlep til rn t,e ()f , Mon uf UIAytOD and Sarab of Ceul Mr. IIUU Mrs. Sln08 ac 00 ommen cen. Million \Villlllll l~(\O, "I'. "Ticlloln"~ ,Ar b U" Elncm' ,vn I' U I'ville. I'J" "r Clot hes in his };stabll shment FOllter. WIlIj lInnl 'If W"yn8l.11111, • we <mn poon do I1wny with the high ----- ' 011 ' I Il ::lllturd ny tlvellillg . . P,ubli c Sale. ('nn be reached withou t disturb - Ollill AprIl II, 1863,I1nd died Mr . nnd Mrs . Mnddo"~ lind I\1r1<. school. l\li:~ Jo~. l e BOrtll II I~ Il II W 1.1 II1 I Octebe r Cllmol, of ' euten 'iIIe. wert' enter ' 11 II . ing the Other. ~ The fir8t num ber nf t be loot,llre tl1lned by Mrs . Lu@t, WI s,a at pllbllc IInle IIt, m y ~3, 11107, Hgcjd 4~ .y enn!. 6 month8 . r KeodrlO k one' "pondi n ~ ~ vPI',,1 wauks ill n '",lll cnce on tlrtl Oregou ilt IJ lk ;,. duy last we k . ' fmll 12 d" y~ . ~ IlYU vi lle. coone glven'T hurtlday evening WBS . t.\ ,ree miles f rom Oregon m und fOI CI' Mu 0 ohell"11 ImuonU08ment of 'l'hl' U. B . cLlIlroh h plll no mmoni on Il liles frolll }!l\rvuYlIllUrg . HIA en~re life Willi .. pent In t,bl8 enjoy~ by a large audienc e. Ev. hill new ol1bluet system hl1 nttraet Ilarterly Mectiug WIl well ul, Fr iduy a Vfl llln g. WEDN ESDAY , NOVI!lMBER II ery membe r of the Quintet t.e Is An tended ('0 unulIY even plllce, whln pe Wlh' lIuO·WII by '"I·. Oil generlll uttoDtl on, and ',here Is tile da.y Tho Oli Annulil Cloll.r.c ree'k b~':'; lDlliu g nt to 'oio k. Ix bonll ( 8Tt.I~~ ooCl r(ll'<l!lre d hi li ptlrt perfeot Willi II blld one. All onjifoyed I lIluoll ollrlosl ty .to se t-he dllipl .. y mO!it. every ,?II U. nnd 'utHlllv ' hool CCl nvr IItinll will be hIt' eiol, oQllsl~t inJ.l: of one goou IJroo.1 /lm[\ latAl1 rhe s rm on 1.11111 vered lJy hulll tit Uti 'n till I IlI l1 in)! S nnda the Dew systelll . A te Abollt eight y fl .r~ " .:" he .uffere d Iv We IlOpe before our " ext. nUIlI· opprl1c y 1)lClre thlt·t.ellll yetiI" old, I n Per po~terunder th e Prllllllling Fllrler, Rev. Roytl!. VIsited tile Uuben establl 'b . & bro"on . ' , f " oh n geldillg 11mb. fr")11 ,vlrloh he never comin bel' to hRve onr B " II rallhY III' Iltie .. tilr altnrllnO " 0 110 Il L1 1 l11l 1\1 e lit Vt1 nln u.ncl v,. hlltla tlllk with lloa pr~ Mr. linn Mnl. W ill . H . IIrmOIl Y 0 ' y ur old d riving mnr ~ eu ~i rely ~ecov"l :" I. rot ho/< Etta Am n'" 'bll'" been qult,e pIl!l8£1c1 HnuclllY ; VUQ !'< r prit1tor. Mr . \Job~J 811111: ~" In D/lytOIl lit· the ohll n geldi ng coming two YOOII. III for" few a,,:v~ but, i~ 1I0me be tter home of Mr. IlIla MI·~. r['ltree ytlllr.. II ~.I he 111,,\11 a IIevere I 11111 iu t roduoln g cllbioet sys Antboll.v tleis P E RSON AL AND nhl! ' botb ext,r!1 ' I;0ou ; tWQ gOllcl t,'ll\ 10 tukA the IIIt.he now lor. 'l'hfl.v r nlllilined nntH MondlLY ace o[ collt. tile I)ld. whloh w,'" rill "urt. or' 'b •• lOCA L ITE MS fll'n ng oolt s i t n hand of nttl ; fll>lliiunoo Mr . Ilnrl Mnl Rolin RIl .v lur ure ell. nft.arn()OIl l ie 'lrder to way of pJllng ,In surne Ihll·ty (lxtm go II IIh OlltR, Ollu SO W tllhll!!l Bnd Hb elv s. , In stock .on drol1d di81'11IIA ' 0"1\1111111 \lU OII whloh terttllnl ng his motller for 1\ IIhort t r.. " li ng. tbe luger Fresh C If of AIJ.lIILL ':c 111 e 1.1t. WlIl. nnd five pigs; fourt ee n heud tlnlll. , ' . shclll'. Illiell of t,lie EI1At tblll pillu hall boon 8n1l1118i1i1/'cl hi .. l\fe. 'i'he new 'I'ow n HIIII ill goio g ter Kenriok. I.ytl )1110 t.,11I ewea . two li~mb!1 on e jl;oml buol;; uc1 0pteu Iu nil olothln g s 'harlie .",ul WJI.,t\ 1111'''1''00 aDd wtirc1 I4ten,iily and ilurely. Before torM where I Mr lind MrH St.Awllrt.. o f W kn t ons /,;0 II I, bllY ' onl> liul' g00l.111 lire handled ' i· mallY duys th will be on 'lnd Mr. Rllymo ud nu vi!! Ulnde 11 1.msl · ("Hd , I um tbe II.ll1d hearted , ...It! w(l ulJ /(11 ont of IOlnlrfO " .~ llfInl A flhild "Yllla 14 t week then th work oroot ~rillLlllr; oorrlng e lind d~ublo first doa lllr ill Ohio to Introdu f fi nlilhin g c"o be ne!l!l t rip to .oI\,\'t II ·utnl'dI\ Y. oe tbe hi!! w8ytol ]onn.Y lllltI\t tflvnr. DIU' IJ ll rn ess; rlinn er b 11 ; olle t11f{'P ",yilteD! . '1 have IllWII.1I8 OIIrrled wilh bAr g'Tllndm other Mrs. Mililred cllrrioo on eVjln if wmtry 11 winds 110 MillS Edith r hi, eo f Xenl(l, Itl \I plt'ce bert )'001)1 uite. If ad EaI!I~ III! b \\'; . fino line , blow. of olothin g. lJu t I am free ing tbe lallt te w w.. ek .. he often gnest of I\IlslI Iran 'l'r mt t.hlil week. II Ivnn, extensi on IlIlJle, ~,. . IInrt MrOl, I1hHiI Boer8tl er, of bodstllll d . t,) "omit tllut l 'have Dot kept ~heUl express ed tbe Ile.. ira thrllt .the end Miss Berlhll Ken riok nUll MISII . .For '1':1810-11 Aou,1 "'mu,l o ver" J' l ' kio2 chnir.;, pict,nre s; Arlilll!t /1 11l'oJ!/)rly . With Leh'lOo I("pndin l( thll mlllht oome wbt!u b6 00111,1 be at week M KI \ . I Mn. IIrll T7 tile oablnllt ' T 0 nsey, of nl\ynes vlJ Ie, cnjoyecI one h Orf~e wlIgon . l' wln" WII 'I r. nn(I MI IJlll chino ,' four tmru r gll~() enol, "nrmoll t;.wlll buve" raoksystem 1'1'. Jevi. e8SOp, 0 reat, !laying h 1\ WIIII III'uly 'clPd wan&. ot ita 1\ portion 0 f lust T bur8dl\Y l1fterno on 0 Phil;llI 'lopkill " Ih'e tltove \,vit,h oveu, " Dod O R l1ew ,' own, lind IIIny be remo Mr 111111 Mr... (:",1'1 Duke and obl\ In Miss E1izu.betb ved for .' InD ed' to go. . . Chllndler ' ~ r oom Mrll . Mllry Upp !tTl lit. tiulJlJlItb th irty yor I n w ru g.. cnrpet. , liN''' . ,if nell r W"ynplIVille, attende d at the scb jUi.<t 811 tion withou t di<!tnrb lng any of ool.ll ou ~e .00 the hilI. with he r . Ister, Mr~ . Il ot~lll lln 11 n.r ,lI l f of tho 101\111 : t uf Be 10".09 11 falbor, motht'r , tb~ Ih p f' 1I1 " rlodinn" ,"t Thul'tld ay even n ow (lIning the G otbtoril. The rlloksll re euclo!l8 d Mis race IlrlDOn spent atul'" Harv .y' !Iburg. rIJ,)m chuiI'!I. ilia ",,,1 'ire Ilppnding the rest 0 f t h 1\ day in glilss ablnets , ... here tbe oloth· slster~, tbree brOll\tlr!4, ItII.! mauy Bnd anday ot . the h ome' o f . Mrs . J b Prlit.l>l' l!l hoere fr m OX I f ""epic wit.h ber p'\t'ent.s .Mr. and Mre , M18~ Blonohe Cornell A. B. TALM A(~JC . Ing s roe from d08t Beat of Kll, ol:hers wbo will ~acliy li i Ul. in com Dlemor ford. Kl1n.!\u~. iShin !:"\ "!llo n ~ her ' . T. Hl\wke . Auolioll eor. Nathan GI'lIY I,h r: is noue of that palliDIL aod .ntion of the fn t tbey elloh pllSS one r Intives lin d old fJ'i DC . Mr... W!\I (' lArk and ohilflre n, of f h ~""~ '\ ' huuliol( lloll umbhlin g aboat . h I .. 11\ t Th d o t e ARlIl)F T~AHXIj. ml HI estones 10 t elr 1Ves on n~eSliury to rellO t h e · go6d8 under lIesr Mis8 l'erle Rilev, of Rldg vi \la, oaoryv e, !Open urll II y the same daY-Dn nlely MJnduy . UI \tId !lystell' of plling tbem .on h ~s been qUi. ' . M rs J e811O CI ' 11 I' t ' k ~ w ith I , or HQmO 1Il10 We deliir ..- 1,0 extend our tban .. •· . M M r. an d Mrs . "'" d M L , IIr Sea d t.tlul t! Imd pulling tbe pUes v. I\. J 0 h oSl\-n d son, PIl S,t. h av Ing b en COil I I ' t lUll o Iler to nnmero n" frleDt.I~ ,for' luauy ktnd· r lin rs. ew jj(t.y times B day. 1'8 lin lion, 10Jen wern Su nday guests I1t the beel t!lnce ~nlldr ..y . Boward and Mt. IlDIl Mrs .. Frank b.~m eQf Mr. Milton KeYI! "Yo n lIee tbere bus been o.n evolu 0_11 ~xt 6 lJde~ during 'be I\lnc" of WaYO!ls Eor ~ulp.-A higb g rnd p \leI] Howe anCl daught er, Marjorl s tlpent vlll . . J.iC)Il In I,he bo ine!18 of seIling' olo~b ond at the tlmt! of 'he death , . Durbom bull , . omin g !! .r ur!! olel. Snndoy with Telativ es In Morrow . of " ing. ,I u old day . Ij ....ople Cbl1rles i'OIIter. Let the m ellluol's ·of the EpVlor th F. A Hl1rtRo ok . Wll ynPHv ,.' Mr and Mrs JeMie Clark enter· lll e, R. 3, . wh o boug ht their olothln lf ready . H nrvoy!! b n \Va-ken up and oome once or, 0 eo, W . 0 II VIII. CLAYTO N 8'(· ..... R ".D . tRlned her puents ond sister, 0 f Lengue F •• IL)' . I urg more to swell the crowd on !:Jundny rulll " wer e I00 k ed upon 11>1 "0I\I liP Mr. Levi Unstln Wfll! oalled . to . The Dayl'l'gh t ' . ~torl> Wilmin jfibn, SUD/tay . ... kate!!" lind for thu.t rea sou Ule evening . The t ime baa boon Anders on, Indlanll , llls t; \,>:aek by the ·Mr. and 14l'1'. A . B. Lillter, of ohange d to slIven o'olook. SPECIA LS goods sold we"e ot an ' Inferio r qUill ' RidgeVille Ladie s I:!o get dllMh of hi" brother , ,John G nt!t\n, ()Inolnn atl, spent t!uuday wltb rela· 0, hustle on you andlcom Ity . Now 1111 twit 18 ohange d. Tb" e. in t hat city. Potat oes tlvell bere. finl'8t ~n.d m oat fdshlon .bte men'. Serve Dinn er Elect ion Day I We , . Rev. PnlUp 'I'r out 'eft Monday 'U . so un f ortu- ml1y underst and that WaYDe&v!lle 0 1 SOc ... r . E. Ill'1 H 00 k ett was c lotniug ' Is kept In stock. by tin'· not be able to hllve the Farm mornin g for t;lIbiou, 0• . , to nttend n y per bU8hel. QualclnoD 1'he 1041es of the R dKev11le Unl, nate as to ont. I1IIi great. toe almOllt erll InBtitn~e thi.B year beoause ' ~ ~ deR·Ior8, un d men w b 0 pr Id e they tbe, Hillsbor o Dilltric t Miu isteria l ity extra . good. Sweet ' oft'last Thured aywhll e oattlng wood have no ball. Well.Lv vertlllllllt chulch willller ve • ohklkeD them elve8 on correct draM t.le Is alwl\YS Meoting , wUioh Illst,s two,du..~s . Potatoe s, Ml' f!em Sarr aDd two dautCbteftl wUling to leolla blind I1nd Onions , l:ub· di\lOoverod tba-t they o'.1 n find wha' pie .,.101 ..1all tbtl churoh on el8O"o' ; our ' ~ew and Dr. 1 I . N . ,BellI &fA 81"ludln~1I. I t bage, Pumpk ins. ball til be I ti d thoy WIIU$, lU ~de III tbe best atyle d"lY, Tueadn y , N6yeUlber Ii, 11 tb t , Mrs . Ml1ry 'AtlMoJ\, n. r Kell 11~ "lie'! ' and alllOo' ' w,. f ew d aY8 1n Hi g hI Iln d (Jo _. oom~ e e '" out lind re"dy tQ PUI on. a a few day s In WfL" uesvilJe lust weok " ' . time !lnd we 8ha,II be .Apples , bonaria s ' , ' Orange , glclCl to s have "My only I' lllpetl' tora now 11- I~ good su.'per. ~ver,bod, linl~ _ It b I d h";";Y 'I II J h the Institu te out bere. Le .. W i ler aug .... r. n rE! , urr y . 0 ns mons, Cocoan uts, CrunN,ew Burli ngton . th high 0111 II 1II8,rolu"n t ~bllol'l\, and 1 • anll other fri 1l':IS. B I ' b~rries , Celery, Grapes , tb Y lire discove ring tbM I am get N Mr . l1nu MrR. . r" ullne l left Ii.Figs nnd Old S .Dates. Peop b All le', new Meeti ng t,J ng l~ ltlrgo s bare of their old : pring oro Satnrd(l.y evelling f"r nn Eutitern Wahon r.ompto n haa baen very , trude. " . , trip, wbloh will include Boston, New t~k . and ve ry DIce. . at M. E. ~hurch. sicll) Vith abinRle s. ' Mr . nohell hitS' tlecured the exohi. Mrs. Harrie t &e "nr] do,uRbter, York, Wll8bin gton lind Jumest ow n . Oysters , fresh Baltim ore EJlOtl Bill and son Ralph, of Ce, Grace, of BeleDa ,Monta na" sive .. gAUOy lor ~everol Dew mak iJ8 l!:ve,r sinoe Bev. Philt)J T'io.' baa are VISl· t . ' iLl e , spen t I:lun d Mr Eva Lon" , or Johusto wn, d arv Stock. every "cek, . . ay w ith · re Ia · Ing tbeir .siBter Itnd aunt, of c.llotbin g. limo' ." thODl is t·he oele. <' Mis8 Pennsy. lvllDla, is .. the l!tuest of ber • tivell bere. no water, very fine, try bee n ....... Martha Pence. brllt,etl '~L" t;qllege Clothefl, whlob 81ster, Mrs , Harrv WlUlLlm!lon Ilnd .... lItor of the local .. , Il. ohareb them . "811l1oonll" WIIS the ohlef.toplo ot sell (or "'Hi, Il . 120 o.nd 126 . Tbe Boward Early Ilnd wife wera in numero us old frieuut! In It.b is bas /lilt .l1l*rt one ~nDda,. eaob . violnity . oonvert lll'lon bere lut ·week. J!'our Dayton FridllY. ,. Atterbu ry t!YllteUl" of U1en's fioe 1tlf1r ~ be kDowD .1 "Old Misl Annie U . I:Irowu Pepple '. wl18 ill Kenhl Tr)t our fancy Chee8e , it ~ olothns . (0 additio n to thet\6 oole. Day, were seen from here. Dr. Vauglfn gtlve It. fiue Icoture I,st Fridny Rnu Sllturc!a,V wben I I and OD ~befle ooouto oa ar. Llbe tastes like more. Barry Rooney.ofCinoinna~i , ViBit· at the M. E. ohuroh to IL ..... blllteel Ulak08 be is, ', exhiblt lnt( r lUge» the l8'fvlce Npeo'1l11~ for 'be orowde d visited friends in t,be olty lind al 0 Fancy Cape Shore Mack· ... RllIarte t pl'oduot~ of ell hl8 mother last week , house Friday D1ght. He told of his, at t·he O. S. & 1:3 . O. Home. Mlohae l8 benefit of the oldo.·r membe n ot hill where erel, lIrs. ADdrew Bally who lived travels In foreign .Iand" .big fat ones, nothing Stsrp & 'Compa-ny .Qlothee"at. $12 to finer fOil brellkfa st. lOoth of town died last week lind ally .in UhlnllU nd Indill. an(1 espeo\ . she WIiS flill'merly 11 tenober in the $l}O, The Alfred Benjam in & Com· oonlret lltlon 80hooI8 . lIod "older people · N C was burled·(lD MondllY . M puny's New York oloth. ILt f15 to of lh.: OOIDIDUIlU,. the Mr &84. . . . . ~. ury "" pp eote rt;t.l nerl Ift8~ Benry Olark will glve the first leo· ew orn eal . The Epwo~th League will glYe 1\ tnre ID" $30. in tbls winter' s leoture conne week Mrs New P alon8 b"ve cowe lU balook ed forCak FI MOHe Go hen 1'''· I . Mllry b-:Ilrubll rt, dllugbt erU Pampk lD Pie soolal on TUIll!, da.y &v. tbe ooming Tuesda an · e our ...... a 80 prov ide d a w"nl to .frOID yeaI' to ,eaf with yevenln o.Nov. Ii, hOMo ,and 8011 ~leol'gEl, of Middle Send us your order for .. speolJll dellartm ent for Men '. Ilnd s""ollLl lntel'8ll t. enlnla t tbe Annex. "" E I' 0 1 IJ B tt 8t tbe M. E. ohnroh. . I Y<!uug Men's . BURlnes and Dr8118 r< ' tc.v;u, :\Irs. IIlR g eN ee lin d u er, We can I) ease you. up.wren oo HlokmlLu got both bones 'Suit!!, wliich be selJs ats$9.'91i. Prof. B . D. Kelli,"on hilS oharge 0 dlm'(bter ,Josephi nl', l\IllI I'bls This yellr, !:Jund." Novem ber 8, ..M18ses of blS fore arm broken wbile wre8t. tbe Jeoture courae nntl Window gloss; all sizell. lIuo 0" '010th88 clln"be oolnpar~Mtl will be obllene d Old People tlokets 8 ary aud Minnlo DII VIIl. '. 0." ling at IIOhool on Friday . with t,he Il"er!llfd p2·to $lS. gar on ,sale at Johoso n ' H Drug ~tore. Mrs. A . D, liu jne8, olr Cincino atl, .. SHOE Elber· "-r~ID IIDd Fran'" Harner,. Last winler the OOUTlle W8S S me n ts . 'rhe ne'.", e lectrio sign alid a oordlal a deoid,' IDvUa'loD 18 extende d }Vllil t·he gaest of MrR, J. C. Hllwke ..... • .. A F P' Ladi of Xenia, whl who"8p ent 'he" 8umme oh he hall Illtely avl·lle frlend.s II few p, .. __ r in ad IIUOCOIlS snd every onll whoatt. eDd· and other WlIy·8e l on to~ of to t.beJ1enera l publio to .tteDde d . . e8' arid 0' ~ ' tbe weat, were villitors of relative s cd wall well ple~ed and JQUOU Mis8e8ew ' 0 airs h II' t he llew. ~ddltlo we '''Plot d tt.ys last week, und 11.1180 IIttended n is surely & wor of bere lalt week. vers oe8, a Sizes, a rt as mncb if not more tbls winte.r . . N Tr ~he Ml1Ronl o bnllquet. Wednes day ' . 35 cents a pair. CODtra otors from Wllyn6 svilla 0 ~P88Bmg Notieea. Bowma D Githens , of Da.yton, W08 night. patting In two new oonc~te onl verh brough t bero Friday afterno One lot Miss,es' Cloth top Horac e Stoke s Surpr ised on I1nll Prof. 1I11d Mrl:l. C.. H. UIIlI'ey bad -~ 8torm Alaska Oversh oes, on the Gatd road ~4t!8t of here . . funeral WIIS held from Univer • Tbllaon onnoem eDU. malle "arD· salist the p!ellsur e of en tnioln g Mr. New Goods, Sizes . 12 to 2: The D .' A . ola@8w l' llhave Il Bo~ obufch a·nd interma l1t WIlI4 on his S.tth in dar. !;prlng lng CardY'S p~rent8 tre8pau e1'8 from. hnn'mg on IDY f' rldllY even. bo. I "0 H d h 800111\ at tbe borne of 'frlLvor C.A ro 10" unti'l Moncloty,fl'om 1II ,~k illl" the trip premill,8l . on y u cents, Call nnd ry. e WII~ big tY . .. Hllydo okonTh nrsdaye verllng . E,'" yel1rs,cerne.e 0 I k nine months uncI",og6 few dl1Y!!, from New Viannll iil f,!1 ir own 0011· lAst Tbursdl~y, Octobe r 24, W 00 over our shoe stock. G W ' B"I Be i8 the lllst one of tbllt family . .vaYllnee. , er.Y one 18 Invited , .... eo. . eD. B. Q11 We cany the ri!l'ht kind at th~ outil! Mr. aDd Mrs. Olinton Commo ns. /luy of Mr . Horaoe Stok811 Harvey Gostin "ttende d tbe fn. Mr . Ed B Il Ii IIlWliY, W I'IO WU(l em . h t price. . . the rig bll't, tlllr dny was 'Iallowed 10 pu.' of Iowa, are guests of John M, Hill lIAral of hl~ coole, lit A ~ nclcl'llOn, In ployed by hil! brother in the t:ity and fam 1l,V. Mr8. I:. filled the pul . dlllDR, lust weAk , W ted ' withou t any 8paoltil observa Dce, 8 ,kery l or several yenrs PIlSt hall · ZIM . pit "t. tbe Friends ohurl'b .on Sonday , an , MER' MAN ~ . 'S the !lUOl6;' Lut the followlnR Ba~d8" Mr . o.nll Mrs El\rl We lb" lim and !tOil€) to n w~ lind expeots to prosp, 'ot I ' . Every lady who can spare The W. E'. M a,\,tout hveoty of' the:olaD of Stdke. , . B. met at the bome mother visitell in Sprio~boru 8nn. In , New Com' tbllt ~eo~.loD 111l~ WIll JlrobabJ y 10 a qnarter to try ' B pair ... -()~te of there Illo t nt. If cou(lItio his of Mrs Ohll!l . Menden hall on Sa.tnr. day. home ufI prove Satlt1· nel'r Rid' g' eville, D , faotorv . . N,w Buckw heat. • urson Ho~e, the hose withday. . wi t.h baske.tR filled wlt~ viands sUQh Mrs . Go mpton bl18 retume d from Mrs. Obll rl ElIl Brnddo ck IIncllllo th Newllo Ued Oat. out a s~am.. If you wear Mdrried at the M. E. pIlrllounge an exteode d vitlit .t o relay,ive n tllit' ftlmlly of good livers can on Wedne!!day evening , Oot. 23, Mlcld)e towo lind otber pll1ees. s in ar, Mrs. Ellen Murl'llY. of ~pring ene · palr 'yon will n~ver . Hew Oat Meal prepnre . and enjoyed 11 Pleal!8~t,. Ub al' I011 I oeil h.ower an d Mill 8 I.Alna wear any othe- k'nd Ral pI I 8hee t 8. ) r!\ M0Cn b e, W IJ Branob , we'r e "J>\ll'"t" nl' Mrs . Mur . New Califor nia Cal....d tl e , ray's dn'ugbt er, io Dtlyton ',' I • fr .. ' III Wed. '' Ba'rnba rt, ot'Port WIIl,am . lUa . togethe r, lind Ivljllling Mr. Peaehe a., ' ster I:lheets, Wm Sei.gfrie d, .Iohr, ,neHdsy until FI.lcJ uy of \JHlt, week und Boys a. nd Girls , - - - , -...- -'Stokes mnuy mora birthdll Ys eqnally Bantll, Dr:. l.l,burg h and . ~30mnel Mr~, Braddo ok Il l ~n IItt,ende · New. Ne-t. York Corn d t he Shonld wear ' the PI·cka. WltleUl us 1)10II8nrll11le. Corw In s In d Istr ' Iot con L •. _ llo transao ted busines New, 'New York Peu; ' ve n II. on of t Irc" I'Jflug b ters 6",,'non Saturda y. ninny, Dranli of I~ose. 25c of RlIbekl1h in IlInt oity : New: CaDned .' Green Dea... ~ Mr. Henry Jay, 11 former reiliden t ! Mr. Dllvi~, of near \Vaynes vllle,18 <':',pt. O. H . l:irnit,b hos l.ief' n wear the ~air• . Ask to see them. but now of Troy, III here visiting plo8ter ing BlIgh KeSling New PfnJ Apple. Conc ernin g 's Ile.v.. ad· I '1 tt I 't 1 f I'Ien de. t tl t · t 0 Ili dit Ion Ilg U sml a \0 IIH t ny or wo ~ hOU8e on bis farm Ill. N\w Minee Meat. Remember ' ou~tB a s llll(lolV two block!! uh end of Form er Mr. and Mrs. N. ::'dcKi08ey werel 'Clinton Hutt and wife . . N~w · gave a him. N ot on ly ish li wit bout oppo in Lebano n last Tburs~a,V. Th " I th " J' dl1n08 .BI.tutdIlY D1ght. . sltion liS Il contlidlLte for Muynr, but NewC~nt.. ' ' IS .II e o~ Y store MisS Dora Stlle8 Io\'R'S .hoppin g In . Mrr. . ' I1t\ry Earnha rt, with ber Mrs . J oseph Batlltly snd family btlst of lLlI 'rll esrlny mOl"nlnl where .,fOIl can trade all Xeola reoentl y. ,son alld daught er, of !\fiddle town:' ' . entertn inell h er sitlte'r find flunllv of eel ved word frolll his SOil ;! b e 1'0 . New Citron. In Toledo kinds -,f C~untry Produe e , Mr. . lind Mrs. H. E . Booth 8peOt Sablnll, Monday I1n.d 'ru08da spent I~ p",rt of last week In' Wayn _ . y . . , . thu~ 1\ ~lIir of t~vi u" huu ",rrivt;d '.it f~r Gr?CerreB, ,H ardwar e,. ~uDday witH 8ofr. Kirby Knd family New , F.n 'GOod. Anlyh.. .v ille bic1ding her friends farewel l Edward ne8ling , of Ylmke&;Street, tbelr ~ouse ,Nqw. t~e Cl\ptllll l III Tanwar e, Qneen8~are, near,Ut loa. beforl! starting for Cal1for nla. Eve.., 'Day lind Miss Urllce Eitrnba rt, of Door Iny: ng , Vlllns .Ior · n ,tllJl to Tolello Mr8, .~Jtce .MoKln eey and daugh. Merritt Shoes, Dry Goods, stown , went Mri!. , to El1rnhl1 the home rt Intends of aftor to ' t h "tar. e eleotwlI ~o see 1 .1\r se gruna tar Heurle tta vl8ited Mn.' 1. N. Rev. Carrier , of M"son, .in Y d 't h t k h an uuto t'bllr]re n . • Fresh . ou o~ ave to net e Harris of Dayton BRtnrd ay and mobile Ilnd w~re marrled todllY· for SIIIi &rnardlno, " ~'here 'I.'uesd ay balance In .sugar. I:'unda~. You can ' she wl1l8peDd tlte winter with her IIfternoo'n 11 week. QUite a numl)e r, · ' .Baltimoie ()yatetB Or,egonJa._. get a pair of hOlle, an Wal~r KUbOu WIUI iD DaytoD on from here went out 1n the evening brother , Mr. Jobn E. Upp, and :SOlid Water M.r . ond Mrll W"Her Uudt.\rw oo<1 apron, a dress or anytllin g • bllMlnelil trip Tuesda y and ' Wed l!llld indulge d 1n dllnoin~ flllUlly. ~ Ilnd allould abe f~l80 dl. Craabe rriea, .. .. and play. and Mist< UJ,llrU' f{ri lll;tholl', Ilr Uincin Cel8I')' nSlIday, you want. ling ~me8 until a lat~ hour. 'posed, wlllloo ate1bet e perman ent).... , . nllti, visit ed Dr. uncl 'MrA .Krlligh o Jf Crea... W . 'p Batter. Star ••d WIll tlnd WIfe visited her tbe fore 11!t.r~ of thi~ W ('R. ~ e ay 26 Cents for r!~ ~~ ~:'~r~~~:~~I~:gOOOUPY parent./! . in Mil1ml!!burg t!nturd ay Miss Ou ber WII'y to Call'f ornla: , ~rl. Optet ~lten Ruthe KOr:4I~)1 1·et.m·ned homo EGG S l1nd Sunday . En.rnhl irt f!xpeottl to stop at Denver from t.'tnclDnllti Frldl1Y eve lIlne: . Payin g 26 for F. H. Bowke r and wife bave The . parishi oners of the Co lind call UPOD the famille . of Avery M E ' Mrs. Fred l-Iove nud , dllng htor I .. me in and llee U8 Netldles moved ttl (''1nolnnati . , Elawor th LlUdy Fred BarD, 'ohurch gave Dolby Rnd wife ~ DwOofod°t.hy are vlsillng Mr,:r. HUll Sher-I MIM LoreDa DeaD; of DaytOD, mlscelll lneou8Rev. har,t. ~nd other Oblo friends wbom 8hower at the parson· , The a.t GooU .... Loweat, viaited her pareDts Sunday . 9 Illge Tuesda y night a week. Quite Mr8. OR\lorn bll~ heen spendIn g tho U . , lin. &rah MartiD aDd daORh$8r a numbe r of nice things PrIeetI at " Bhe will find there. Sbe hopetl &0 were week with ber dlLnght rr in Lebano n, are viettiDK 10 tbe Eae&, speD4 Dest liDDda , 10 Salt Lake brough t In. A fiDe time wal' had ,ZDD IERIL \N'S Mlu Laura Kibler spen:t BUnd1 &~y . OiLy and attend senloe In.the peat by all . with her Pl'reDts of Dear , regenl . ' MormoD '!'aberg -"le . -' ~~

th'''l'Mose Cohe'0




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WEDN ESDAY , 0 'TOBER 9. 1I!07.

---- -- ---- ---- Lytle .

._ ~regonia ~

Harve ysbur g I High School Pupils I PERS ONA L AND Shot Guard who Mr. nnd r.i~ . JilTed Bo- k,"U .. e n..JobnM upd Visit Ft. Ancient. ft1r . nntl ~lrt,, "J8' LOCAL ITEM S weddin g Attem pted to Stop him . 1family enjoyed t,h eDiselv e8 BundllY , bra ted their silver :- _.

oe le. 1 MrA. Fr~nk Cleaver entert,,, iopd "nnl. Miss Kitty R.adalm ugh. IJf Mlddltl and Sunday . Mr/; , Ed versuy IRst 'J'llllrsdRY IIft.erno on by town. I:)"tuld,\yUertru( le aOd Ruth ~1)Otlt tweut.~ I}\llill ~ of the ' Y"y' ut tlie home of Mr . lIud M,i88e~ to The • 11.utnl·D their of looket flrt,y so11i1i about Lost~A ining from entertll s Eacape Wllllam Sattert hwaite "nd Will , Kersey returnr t! nellvllle HI~h ~holJI Ullille I~ trIp to j Bart ock fritmdfl I\t their be~\lt.tfnl oountry l Kersey Gazptte office. . . . . Dayton State Hospita l, and nts were fr om VinCllnnllti :::Iund"y . ll Ft. AncieuI· t)"tn rdIlY, /{oi n,,: dow n 1, 1I1r Ltl~tor refre~hl Daiut,y b01ll6. Wife Ilnd Kenrlllk lind re. Prof, Ulytle Wilker8 on. of Car. u timo wue Come and look at our pantlt t o be 011 the n'ine o 'c,ock trl1in . is Still at Large, ;attuncl ed "' H olu l K~therlng!it t,h~ served lind th e re~t nf Ih in the Ilvoning ~ix lit turniug this VilliteII frltnlll~ here tsaturdllY miss Ii!lle, Don't the ng 91i,.. ut rovluwl Ol\t 0(1\1 olol!ed utting ch has In who WUUam &ttllrti .lwllite . enjoy". I hOI!II) of Mr. Hurry rl\ylor , of MI . spent mo~t H1JOnt WllS on. Thelluy ufterno . tUl~ny Funkey u . A rCGOive ,John '1'h<lY . beeo a patient at tho D"ytoll State bargllin where is 1IU11SIJllr..: tSlIl·urtIlLY tlV~nlng, [Iud lIew home. MrH . L. H. Bol:."l~n (lnd daught.e r , Those . ont!! Mrs. AnnlA Owens, of Xenia, hus bly in 1I1J[IIIbout the Jfo rt" fulllreH IInuIlHe l heautifu by tion disslp" ' HoMpltal for the In8llno on three thllt Illl dA week "1' 11 f Ki "'t II A Mrs . someo f the most betLuti fulund pic · followo rl; 8llnd"y with Mr . lind Mrs . uga u. 1:1, Ina )lendint \Vlltkin s near Centerv illll prest'll t were Mr , umI D"1 rl:l . mOB ", ·e u,o dl11'erent ooO&lllons, e~oaped from heen the gueHt, of h .'r frieulI, ' in t:ioutbe rn Ohill. M e Mcenery turesqu es here, Tbe.v rlllati~ to vlait Arthur entI Print~. . whsn W H them . l"nied MonulI.V . "ao 1I0ooml week . ",ho a ion Ellis, ' "bat Inltltut " Is always ol l e , . " d; Mr .. ROll were jOined !:lundRy by Mr , Bolzlill Don't, fHiI to "1'1' I h.~ I"rge I!tock of Of COllf:ofe th~ dinner evening and ISllt1l1 ~t lurge . Shtll'l ..trs. Wwlter Ke~rlOIr hus \Jeen for when they wore mllrrle I of featur~t lint Im)Jort m ~he of o t linoleum lind . "nd Mrs. and Ron Hnbert . 'lg~ Mr r " cloth. Merritt the A"ylulD Hoor oil nichng ptLr~nt 8 In Mrs . W . A dan Evan8, a gUlird Mrs : L. C. Wilker8 0n and IIUle Amos prices wor"'l eve~y plCnlo ~Dl.1 Iweuty ,flvo villor II week pust MrR. anti Mr. HllrlrlD, Fred new their III ,llIshod elltll who attemp ted to capture t:illtter be !l01(1 at lliHt yt'flr's 011~. h ellithy IIppetlt es. sel'ved . to lJe 'omlng Cllll ed on her friends here Sno , 'l! , Ron i Funlroy A. Uh.lrll1l . Jobn Ml's III, Hlld more Mr. J. O :l n r" ly IVunDn lIpriouij fmd shot d. was . 'l1w8ite tbe m"ny good tllln ~s wbl( h I n{-w h onJe lit .Norwoo . mlLke tillY , Vurti for Rllndllll left ... l::IllrriH 111111 Dr Et.llth ' ('r. Mrs ~hiLlllk held . ::;uoinl recovor wonnde d. hilt will thtlrf' hod UNl" brough t br tho ~Onllf{I" . · 'l'hH ~:""'()I'th Lellgue Will MyerH and Hister, Miss Lenll WllynE'tlville people bl1ve flll be lnjlion ltu·t Wedneljdu'y, calledfllt,her. dillS ut tho p~rty. r&jlldly 1I1"nppelh' lil t Ihe 11111118 nf Mr und \ lrH. J . B Dr. 8ml i\1r'l Hlltt,on, Mr /.lnu Mrl< ., uttondo d the tlhow a\ Leb.lno n tlst . her IJlIOY o~ Mrs. "nd i1loess Ml'. ~eriou!j I'wood. the bv UD(I evening pro veil Ii Dun oOllle more or 11lII" la1l1ilhtr w ' th ' In III ~~, ' LltMl In t,De nftltrno oJl tho pllrt.), 1·lon"," 1111 FridllY nrday nlgbt , hIe " cullsion . t:5llhuuf'tttl Mr. II nl Mr~ Jont, Morris, Mrs. Wllllllm l:iattertbw"itol,l durin~ thi. N. N MOllbor . "nd ~IMter IllIj"YIl vory : the lolu furt t·he frol1l doVyu. OIl';lle lirl!. CUIUDlins, .of ~eb&non. spenl . liker, I:Ihid Motlhlll F Li)l,)I,ie . R Mr . Mr8. ttO.1801J ""die I hest . two Lytle's or of ve~r pa8t, IIJlctnr,,!of . '.' f MIlIlltl with Mrs.' WIlliam Norton of Cinoi noltti , is qUiet littlo villugtl whloh Iiell Itt the put lIlJ\uy to gues!! Mrl:!. Miltgllr et I,ovioy. Mrtf Anllll t:5l1nd~y 'file younl( llIan . WUK t!eot to OilY . Miss 13ue l.:rl\llll. C a . Youn~ and wHe, of H loot of tb.e bill uod ro"meu llown til kllll ,VIl (lItl/.IlI"t Pror. . J Mr~ :JOO~I)J1. Ilnd Luvi . Mr Mr/:! of umi j:(uel!t Mr. the , At H"rriH. . y IlIl!tJol Hermlln tl' U for tbetlllrc l tIlne , !,ougbt out the log . tlilluley Lumh lind 1l'lver lJ~utlfu wert' ill our town Snn Itbe Ml1\~, B\1I' illlo(lI 0 K 1 . Eli rH . M ; Mr!4 lind Weloh _ Mr 'iV . n. ·W . r~ (Alemll M till I' .,ulto 11-. . t.he t(Ule of hili H';Cllpe tlatl,nth li t "hU I 1.1l\\,1!; got roli e Iill·~(,~t. numher ,o )r .\ cards P')st (II 8t.ack entire IlllV MI' Wnrll l,fOrt!" Villi Luul'll lelnt.1 Mi!of r .. l,th lVurd IIIItI AI I)htl d . . Willi employ ed on Ule A ....v luUl l'lrlll . I.lett ' one recto lonrtoo ll) ont o' t OIghteonII. I hoy . . vlfll!ell !.lIe Iv . vlllllgll pos t, ullic ru I'd d I Mr, lino Mr@ V . H. Sherwo od an h J B' ('h e~ d themll lit' mUI!t· 1\ 'SiIl I) digging potatofl't. .lOd ve He generll I I! to r e uutI ....0. liS we lid II Jobn Wllrd . 1\Ir Rnd N 1'1:1 Lo!lter MillS "1)1'1 l ' reo"n c ufJlIl~lI. W II) reOtll e" I tl " Bolling . . I Omar Il . s, . 'rhome I be LoI" lell In fr oitla . iij!lOll Naomi llnd Orpha being s~rved' l:!nrflloe. M ceellful dlAllh for I rty, reno I OJ( SIOUB ill'urilis froOl weeks ~enefldly IICfJu~lDted wah Ihe neigh Isovernl others, Arter ne enJoyecl Hocket t tlnd Mr , Olin B ookett. worth, Mrs. rhfnlet! Bradbu ry and his home bere 80me time Monllt~v moving irelght trfl.lo se~er!tIII< to bo bof'hood. 10 wAterm elon. everyo Millslrdnll Spence r were In Lebtlno n nnd ed H"lnes improv A, . mooh W . so Mrs hll~ lind BgO Mr. . n box Ilnd Dlght. 11 gloriou s doy ! hilUs"lf wilh the quetltio WI1S it , her Altoget v. is h Silturda in fr~Dl dllYs !.owu to few II over ndIng drive o spe Altoge ther mother '.re WednOllday, Sherida o Evans and I1bl~ t Ilnd one which every. rueUlbllr of t!le j by plllyiTl~ C~Ilft1dOlj. spent. Mr, lind Mn . V . E. Monroe Mtop Ohio, nd ntohmo New well eve~ng fin i'rllnk Bneade n, two guards from home OOC8slonlllly . f K l it WIIS )lad hure Sund,,$' on their wa, to [}lIrty thoroug hly enjoyed , . VI ' tt' b Sa J Wm. H Vnrmon y unload euu our party thft Allyla~, came do)'Vn and at. the up lllllde who Mr'. T.Alrllzillr's, Those lind t,y, HlirlClll IInl!lI.!! org U 0 rre, Mr. IIU? Mrtl o.op iuch tile contuln lng 511i tempte d tooaptu re Will. Heelud ed Miss Mnrill Stout and brother niece. · Mrs. were ' Mis>!ell Ahnu Wl1terhooae, I lond of four tbem, and returne d to his home in has be~,n a gnest of his Mr . Barrett M"ry' D"vis, JOllephlne Oglesbe e, radII at Venn hie hll:lt 'week. Mr. 1;1 . Uncle MIlton H'ldle, retllrne t frolll l:lnnday with tbeir parents . Silent ' . week. thiS · [lY Sides. B. Tbnrsd A. DIt Isher· ht OkillhoI got midnig Stokes About B. , H. tbo ftvealag l:ltukell Elcn.nor Earnha rt E. Hil ey lind Mr. Louil!1I. }o'recl Sherwo od and daughte l'. but· Mr~. mlln, MISS cilunty Ilnu l Warren Ul'llhllll former a Is ~owllru of ,M~.. Smith l !JIIld ur PaUel1lon aod 1\11\r8ba Hllwke , S.vuil' them . Here iM whllt Mr. Riley 'Mury 'ook, unitl ( J lville, vl81ted frlend8 bere fort.y Waynlll for of hero Duytoll baok . III been wtlre not "'. btLd Lebano n forced lin ontrllnc e into' MeKill. of t,hum . " 1 ne ve r S8 w I:1 I10h II uni ver VIISIlIA Urllil" lAura Bawke Claru week , lust ... Hawke da one. . . . . !! uf tile a~ the e . " They 'J'hursll uy, shoPllln &Ile houtle and Sattert hwaite mllde yeltrs. er. of MI Ise y Hu'''1 MlIler ,Justiull. El1rtsoc k. !-Ially goouw.lutre guud onel:! Ilnu dellerv Sbidllk t Wll ij in the city tenden Levioy Il:!Y 'uperiu .. U i8~ M Evans by oll.ught was and out dAah a hil:! anoulIl Me~s rs . R"ymo nd DllVi!! l.:lIrlHu wkl! ' CHlIIlllly . ~~"""" ~ WIlt!k luyillg ill filII guodtl . who with 8nOlUlen was wal"ng for l!lui uomete ry, will make 13i\vll r: cd the Imui lle. '~'he y we ro Illude flt III"t LYuII.ln LY, Hath"wt b.urn Oflll4Al et,lIr1lbl.l r t hours the I:lu/{un tween Mrl! h I1ml lints . pi Rev of Sll.ttert~wlI.He 8,,111 1111 Iell l:!lInth "I Bille him In 'he Il\ae. Red t:i~t. Rllymo od WiIIl"Ulson. PIl1'OY Rea · Ol1kl"lIrl , two Fr\(III.V from Now Riohm un ll . whortl • broke aWI\Y , Rn~ tired on .Ev"ns, 10 Bnd :! at the Vemete ry, who wflnt aon Ricba·rd Bhiduk er, Fred Hlt.vke & 11. All 12, vI>;itAld II fe w dllY'" t·hl:lY Il~d wouadl ng blm In the breatlt In nrd"y. Octo~r .Juhn Mrtl it. H. t:5t John Lemmo n. Mitlses .Celltltlu · M~. '1011 Mrl! IfloJ.v ll Andor8 on and Miss .... ~re inVited to CII II lind m"ke "nd . fllllllly ultonde d II IJitllJ!!l1nt "lIrprll~e Mr "nd the darknelll! tluttert hwaite 8I!OIIl>OO IIpltlnts ~'rltlllfl n Kathry Aust.ln, ul rl wero In Lobllnon It'ri . ... and up. to the time the Oll7,otte goel! seleotlo n. unled the I,,~t t:iullfl"y .It t.he h01l1 uf. Mr , I Ettll Al'n ~ IIIIP" Remem ber tho b~rgll in .. In outing Adelbe rt MoKay lI~olllp pjlinJ; on "Iendll , ah d"y I . Sllfllr Ellis to preIIall.baolutely no olue bas been . Mrl:! lind of y CUllaclt the In ple pe" oung y V' ear. f underw I " II.nli M ms glngh" , Oll~nelll !!urllfitle . It. wall ID teull · ! Anothe r but obtaine d a8 to biB wberea bouts _ luuln· Or . IInll , I'll [tly or, 0 tho 0118 'for whom 'to 1.'be runllUn stook and Rhirtln g are chIiPerou~~ utI to be, -Tbe wounde d man wal taken he ~_ ___ _ The Daylight Store . ~ )rice mlnket below offered wl:l rn (\lIllIug on Dr. Romine wbere , natl it. ting IlUspoe abe home of Dr. J . T. E11Is nltllollt WIlIl d intende . LS gboro S Kprin the "t, k F' dinner ~ h touk J und V . ll A ho t of Enrl 'l'hollllll! ' lriollds OIIIl . ,· ·l'bnrllcl II 'makln g exceIJe nt progres s and PECIA . 0 n . ,un Ily onio)ls ly Friday l.:ontru I hotel. ullcerilD him un ud . nnlllllll' lome ohange 8honld 6oou r,fbn llldies of . d MineR 'Sanda l Ladies' an the M. E. church Mr. Frllllk ;,{oVllrrl:lll IiDII MIs8 will lOOn be hhnlIOif again oin!; with tho intontio u of s ur. eve llIe, Wlly~e8V of I:!tokes, elen Sizes ) to 4X H es. Mis>! . ay Oyenho t:iaturd on Tues· ky will holU fl mark?t Cllllell UI) ftt H.ollll Vllrr eloll6d to Kentuc , . Vll!ited Mr ,md Mrs . Abe Coo k the Ilrising hIm . 150 mllllythe $ Town. . the at mllrrilld . ,u r were und Ootobe , ,week Il\st mo~nlng I of tI"y s lltl Come telellho on8 uver Death Summ dilIt:ren t L' UlIlK only 35 dl, lUlit a few le~. . . h"ve retnl'ue d home lind will 8hi~ bouse. They hope to hllve " p~at week. , Hllr~y Lewis, of wllen 'Ie Wll~ ut buwe, uud blsS They Mr~ ,,~d M.r LADIE S SHOES to cookln~ home unole, good her of with homo Vllrlety . their Clark m"ke James Suddenly to linch LJeouli~r lIuswel' Mareue rite and . The COlllnntt.eA MJ(ldlet own, VISit d frleod!! Ilnd mother m"du Fair, May ilOIJply Ihe doma~d time. n M'r. Qnlucy Vnrroll , for y th~t he """l~ tuler!lbly sure it W,IS Girl, THE JUST ' silitives here Tne3dllY · r College ~tI d<.\~~IO 1\ hust· of r:oeiv~ t~ W18h~ bellt fea: I·be ~ will blwe :~~ 'l'hey tlul r~n~:W 10000te d~ed:~ not de!:,::rl.:~~r!: ws, of New .001' ing but olluld Ask to lee RIGHT Kind ~Oo ~ ~c k ~n t e an e WI eg n Rev . Dudloy MlI.ttlle frlendll . abou, nooa WednOllday, at hl8 home lI, u.f , tiwtlllxlll~tly. 'I'hey llnjuyed them· ' of Mrs. Matthew Robert and lgton, , ' York Wilmil uf B"le, . Jacoh 0000. " friend!! ~bout selves neverth ellls!!. them ." with her ,'fhe ml\ny frlenru. of MISS Rheu Wedt Milton, visited Mr. IIDd Mrlj . U . M. Jinugh "pd ill ~ll6ndlng II fow dByit in that vlJlage. wee Ie • " pust o th town will , MEN S SHOES . rooders (jazeUe wbo among enoe, Roge1'8 reLallr In Tbeodo bet>n Mr. Clark had ap)l6re ntly ton !>on Kenllet h )Jlet1/!"utly l'llll!lIed /:lun . sister, Mrs. D,u'ling $ The Emma ever. l\t..:ry st MillS Greate onia The pnElum t~lJ.t. learn to helllth . M htl usual healtb dnrlng the day and be II:rJeved Elk Sk' f NewJer sey dllY ~t the hOlOe of Dr. ~nd MrS' it! in rllillng IIOI@e dherJD addltion totypho id lea'V6l1fo rAtlll.D tiOVltY en In or iVurd famous " t:inrrlloo hit! lIodden tuel·otr dwaflll a -" .~rent bas n Ion"th" • . Mr!! llnd . been Mr hits she whloh frow rever, • . Ihook 'otbt! faml y on r lin..... to be gon~ severa l months . ~' ithout doubt the Boon, a, boy wtlOks and of number fumlly a "nll ror ' Ed ll SOB r ei su"eria ~,b ned Patricknl.erttli a brother ~nll Mr. Clark and hlB MilS H zel Peuce, of ue~r Lob,,· . Mr. Allen j!;ulerlok, wit,S thl1t I:!h~ best work or. Ichool shoe lived at Corwlo a great' ruany YOII r~ but it Is slnoere ly hoped ~ w~e u~ lIy to 'un.tlIlY dmner , Allo the Armad a de vifliwd MIlS Ma.r~"rllt Boyle8"d"ughtel~ IiIltl~h non, once A. Menitt ure . berself W be . Mrl! lind 1~lId rlllly Mr. soon will . lly rlc me faithfu hact a.t.lldo y Mra. recentl llf unttl ,gu08ts and . ' ' eas~ of t own, 'l'hursd ny, FridllY lind ~' VI iCe lind nlll'buw their g rtl~inlll I:lnt · nll · oor at Day IIBrved tbe Penns.1lvanl~ nilroB d mure , r t:lunrl~y wal:! Rally . Ament a and y. All ~~~urda S~i'net, next th& Rnd durin d'lYII. out "fe\o,; oloso for will We ton, OilY !! froHI penSion d on ' hundre compaa y, belu, retired 1'he Epwort h League held tUjlir !(lI~y 8~boo l, and some onetlltl Bum · 8ulIliay gllve II family. dinner for SImmo ns Shoes for men. JlI\Ilta ten da 8 268 pairs men '8 . • about four yean ago. lund sixteen respond ed. to meeting tlooilll ana l busioes y wonthl They are worth lookin~ at. e 1.·he 150 s. & 25 1 fl~mi1le rih antI ers Faaera l IIOrvicee were held fro~l , t tiD; : mons. After t:!undllY scb ool Il IIhort their tlllUght howe palftthl! the at evening rid~:y ~ . ~veral~ of JUST RECEI VED pair ~hr~ M r. f~nd Mrll. jo'loyd Anderll oll "nU !:It. August ine's Vatbol! o ohuroh Frl ~11J out:e~r .1l .was rendere d t;>f Mlllties Reba and ' Hattie Nuli. 1but l;>oolHlful progral wh~tl lUe Lot C'all'COI GI.They . New hem •. A mIlS where Don't . t Newark for y day moroia g. ,.dlfl'erelnlt OIIlS!!eB . >Jon left'11Ttesda " !TbYh Ule~berts °d the f • r ' It hI ~eBt -of town . "" l, . Flanne l· 0 f pre~c 1 ng ser · tl Flanne hams CD, Ins ea you. need for fall, ,Tohn A. Fonkey . Just ew II H or 8 )larqn 8 \'IS WI ., ley (I. deacon ess . of Powell, Miss vice, . Ollie B Cours re omlln. . .. , ] he IlidlOS Of. the Waynesville Lectu Air", Euuloe 15hute, ill IIOjourlling da\ Cincinll~ti. da.ys. . ettes, .Dress GoodB, Etc:. arung· Mission ary tloolety; Will h ola II thlm ' Vbi-ist hospitl lllooate Oaly about IIOveoty.flve tioko~8 In WI~yneavllle this week,make her ble bee the third fnnr8d~y of ~oto . IdellveretCl an addt88l l . For &n bour l . Mr . ,Harry WilSall . of DIL~ ton, A dreS8m aker of your town y everyon e listened intently as site lepent SundBY ut home. When the 3:!6 Ini her b08lO68 8 so ft8 so r8Dlaiu unsold. dttnKh . ber "t tbe bome or Mrs JOJlD f/.l on looking the &8BOrtmeat her with nently Howard 8e"rtl 116rma lAlw home Mrs. shall Ilnd we Mr. . BOld, mare it8acco tiokets ·aeuOn. told of I.heir OIissio!l tLnd wo, to. of ell8t lor. , Riob of Dennis, y Dempee over, said the aeledio n wal Mrs, ter ot lId iuDaysize tiund"y le.u t 81lturdllY 8: have ,to s~, heoause of the J3. ! plishm ent on the Queen 'ity. 8he Sl the beat she had ' ever &een '~'he ~di.e!l· . Aid !:!ociety of UMr8' fllmlly , 8~tl . lth for hea brot~er wholltl , with tou Jildillna d; . evening mon the Ilt , present all!o was 1 d ball. Co '11 i W ohu~ch met at the hOUie of ! 01 strong. family ~nd been not l:illllth hu time George Home Mr. d out It reserve of elped g b und drawla flnt meeting 'l'he l.tJIIgue me an lind KIElJOhen Wednes,1a.y afterno on ,. n fayneti vi elf' aged all With Smith :Sunday ,ru8 y C. ~pent Mr. 26. gton. Oot. Wilmin Y, ,l:1aturdIA on be IIt'&ta wiil see or yourse , Mr . K}elnhe n Is quite poorly wuh oonside rl.bly . Mill8 !:lui-lib ·Ml1tglLret, l:!mith . highly rellpeoteri Qitlzoa, WI\i at ' ., 2 p. m. troubll:l . tomacb . to similar lag Mallon qt. Jan, per doa, 45c: 80meth sptmt with ton. taoked OilY of JOdi or Dav", s . Mr. ,100 The names of all familie Myrtltl Mr~. and Stowe Llllll1 . Mrs ' on whlie Star tin tanll, per dozen, 40c ,brain the or !!lnnll"y I\t bOllle. t.hat· ba'F8 bought season oonges tlon I,) . . ldual8 Corwin Shope were ~huPll1ng In Lebllno n I k his to Cr rs S street ," Maln from w~y his book a In entered tlokete will be WE IIA VE THIS WEEK ' ee. street 1'u6llday ot I Wedne sday ",ae a aull numbe red, Gun wads will be home on Sixth hll.8 'I'he !l!udden dOll th of James Vll1rk .'ancy Cream Ch_ vel'Y been his 8inoe vi!!itllu He . .XonllL week of IlUIt M.tIIIl each At Elmer way. home his same ut number ed 'he '$ Mulltln .to?k h~r tl~~ of'heur t failure oooured ~rt~B ~r~ I h strengt hi8 regain ,not dlJY. d,oet\ and Wednes 111 gun ItI.t!t l.tI "t abont nnon of the three drawln gl thoso Fancy SW""~ Cheese a nb8 ~y morn 109 an ~s . t:iundIL,V 08e1>h ,r son o\ll6llt r~pldly. oor of In" r one w"" togethe wadl,wUl be "haken night.. of pne!'lm')Dld. Mr , CI!!rk Fancy Brick Cheese t ood h ' th be' t thursd ay D · Mrs . OharlAl! Bhepha rll hall been . bol( and at the honr of drawlnM 11 Ch eese 'L' b F' . 1llI t o ne week hltjd gone by tll~hoe IIhhe oitlzens . J II weeks. of 'be:t th"e oouple II '::d fur ck flttl:g'~ quU.esi ti:~t& I ~~ shO:S:t ancy 1m urg . id h er cumplI..1 00 away. ... e 1LIi ,' Mrp. W . ,. membe r of ·,he oomUiUtee In oharge evera l spent a Arnold . N . . 'bore but cheese the years, for for it r t Store lIuffere be The 'l'he . ~gfl(l AIllO!! Wilson Htill CiOIi me weariog sboes? LOok through "beeu 14 wiII 4 raw .oae num. r a . a with pl1.tlllnce IInll l~tLYS hll~t. week viSiting relatlve.s In ' Fancier i her aufferin g the of stock d thou8an . four sink the very tlnuos from the box. Tbe nam~ corres ' rowu I:)h06 wbflu ~ble tu bi! ubuut would be Ky. l~uite 11 Dumber from thlll Violn· $ poDdin g will be oalled ant, a~d tht: Bllmn~on Browns , the ·B tstokos, of Muncie , Helen Mis!! . During . God of bous" the in Fresh Oysters foulld 00. 8boe Ease ~e~z the and IIttende d the Sunday Scbool Vo. Ity . plat E . H the to Mrs. go l1unt will her called 1O .. pe~on. The .'irst of the SealOn . order . her 11lillb~nd'8 slckues s she tl6emed 1nu , ia vl~iting to made Vlllley patr Spring every In bave held We tion me Vonvou 'h"dI8~ . in tioketa bll an" draw John A. Funkey . , to be glveD strengt n to w~it ou him Hool.b. . .)rice high, but very fine. ~~y . as formerl y. As rapl y 11111 ' n is rapidly improv . M. E. CllUrch . ~ bus the ty· PleaslLDt ' but BSlloon 0.8 be W8~ Iltia liway her ingJ ... N. LllmDlo ot IfloUlin n, ,Jnhn La,Ymo Mrs. BellE> Mr8. a~~ n::!!t d~a::,~ .!e otherly pOllI~le "way I\nd Ilhe , Ridge, a.ttende a the uie of the lidded strengt h gt\Ve' . o. are urawn, Dr. 'l'lIyler 110ft )Vlfe, of CmQlunll. )Jhoid ruver . Sho,r e Macker el Jt1l1se \ soon 'followe d him . ~'uner\.llllerv · Cape uncle Uer ber $Nt!W of y 'of wife propert Ilnd hAttel 0 . wklns HIl d: au 00 .. M . P Btlujl\m 2 . than W Mrs. oome eat: g l:!unclllY afterno oo at Ii were guests of Mr . 'and hold werll Fine iOeil ' Very IU8t Pugh, Walt-er tlfter· cOllsin and Mond~y 'Pugh I!pent n: sa ville y'antlW ednesd ay. Waynes of dr;wt: . YOU i hold i,he __ marriag e, 20'ploo klrom home,co~du()~llll, l'y W. ArnoItI Tuesd" g. Flemin John with uoon of.near famlly, and : ' .:r w:a?~b::c::'~tth~el~loe 8ator~y. Before her D.avlll Willis nutter Countr y Fancy mad" her homefoflle~. Rev. Stlno. Interm ent III .lS)Jrlng· Eruest Burley ~ud fam ily tlpent . 0' 118aU b:!t'Done 01 the leats ~re 10 M1'8. Laymo n W lIyne . ville were !:lunday vi~itors ; '$ . ry ery-w CBnlete cream boro than esand Better relatl:v these . with Hainet! years Zimri er"l all with Sunday " orowde d w etber so otoileJy held of Mrl1 . ,Sar!lh Davis. tow~ t,he ' of es . oburoh 'fhe r. . neighbo this In I:)unday were home lit wlfo Tuel!d" y for her . Joe Disbro and ::ey !r."~ beepgb e(ore. We prOni - feelllqu ite have It, union ser vice at tbe Reforru t:ul Mrs. t:iwartz left in . . MiHs, lIIinuis, lifter visitors Ilt Minion 'U ordon's the b 8& oourlIO 'we have ev · hood. f.ondon in. I home I . n\i[ht. Sundl1Y oburch 8, Banana s, Lemon s, l14isll Orange t:merly Reed;f0 Wtlham .. MrR of vi11e. plan uew Wllyne8 our tly hope plel1~an and>! e"l~~:a ng four weeks Apples, S~eet Potatoe s, ~ vlsh. Mr. and Mrs. Nlcholall Archdel loon 18~6ndl Reed Rn1!art "ull family Rpept drawin l8Ollt. will be Il8tilf"c tory . Annla Ega~, supl!le~ented "we~ J",<)t.h .b,er mother Mrs . NnOTfII Bltr. . eighth forty tbelr te~ celobr" ~ . Wlth Pickle8 , Olives, Etc. nati L:inolD 81ster .In 's 8 Rnbllrt relatlvl! . her Mra Bundflv with • . . Doa" forget the datllll . 'I'hey lire to IhOl!1l IIll1 . · t:lulldIlY tillry Ilnmver : l dID/{ T O Ba!:o t V. K E n i l Mrs. t brlef.l$ojourn WIth Mrs Vlul" Harlan IS III DllytOIl. near New B l l all aD your tloket. Cllrpen t,er. lilld We pay 24c for Egg8 . hurt lRst wellk~ whlJe .en roote to pl'esent were Htlury ough Th W L M ,. 1 11 it I I t . u6st of rel"tive s. the.g fllml and MoCull W , Give Tradin Stam 1 Jo,hn fumily, , i, t e r ".~ MIChl le "': . RlI.pJ(ltl, . . , (jr"nd e 1llleln h 3tor, her Wiuche 'd of 8 t'lmlt.b, hi h I Kat.e liiss P &'. c l Iy, Will Archael lcon "nel family, H·ome w t s r i .e. ' 1.(1111. A. number uf entertai nmuntl her sIster Mrs. C. meeting ut 1I11·S. WlllIBm (, )Jnpt on P$. .With p. roduce.. A Dice lot. of Elnt, Howard ArchtIe acon und wife, John Ohio. I~ vi!lltijlg . compJim he'" In .given B were d i t eXIM!ote III. P Frame T,' · • 'r. '''amell' nnr E V. Geiger and wife, John (3oyles /.lnd :imlth. remlum s ~us n. aUlOug them 1 ono ' by Mrs. A Safe I nvest ment ' M .. M __ DI(4mond wife" MitiS lind Early Will reacb hil )l6reata l yhome, . w family, ay IS8 by tickets. ono your in "n( rt . rk, Omra rm, S1it,urda of thiil week Barnha I ' Hormel l and .MIss M"y. '1'iruh'J' Oil Excit emen t .at Flatfo Einar & Loan $ ' g Buildin Bide WOIII 'l'he . . ' Wright Lore Mis!! ly witb hll bride, former Mra. J . W. Hadl~y ~nd her IJllrent,1;1 MrB, Gyntbl.J;I' EVIIDS spent IlUIt lJO,., OILY ton, Oh iO; Pays higbest all. Bart, of Wh'e ellag, Weat ·Vtrgi~. . 'l'he people .of the Fllltfor k Ilnd diVIden vltlltiltg her ~Ister i.n g e M . , BataVia ds on s'ook . Paya 4;16 Interlind nd very are in New Richmo rboods nelghbo Hili t:lpring . aa, aDd tbe eveae ",ill be ce,ebru ted week ' • , oounty pllrtlol ~ to Lo",n8 lvlleged s. WaSIJr deposit 8he n.ry ta a flttlari mBpne r by an in gllther. wbere much ipter~ted in the discove ry of est on teDlpor f"mily Ilnd Hensel . Edw~rd Mr. . .... festi:vl· m. g Montgo .Comln ID Home U1on~y ou real e~tate . lag of the 'olaa ,of Frame to'glve pilte In the ~ dined with t:lyde Monnt!! and fllOl. noturul gss in thllt vicinity ~ . . County Id eryWrite . k . 'hem au upporto aity to 1'8Come ae· ties of Clermo nt ·connty '1 for book lilt today.. d oons· '" II. IIago more Jlved'in s.or: who haa wee )wo UpI' , I14rs Mary ..... ... tl ......... . ......... ay ' . • .. o Iir tnewb rro IalIve y",un Offioll8 : S. W . Cor Third & H8r:v~ysburR fo; about 'IL year I. oil '!V1I8 qtJalnte d ' wl'h hWord WII!! rOC'elvOC\ here hlda.y erable qu"ntlt y of glU! .a~d uellville W'W' W'9 W'''' s 8treeti!. ; B, . W. Vor. Muio aad to welcom e er not 0 am y. a In a reaiden t of Wa William ~ g~~~I! ;;8J~~ o~~:~ COllie to hgJOd. ~~u~d ;:~:~ that I~ yonul( aou ow~ ~ . her -~Int/ 1 back OhiQ. , moved Dayton ,h~lng streets, ~I ~ ' Seooud :: y anu '~~= a ~ I Mr, ~ra~ Aro ea· on Sllt'lng Hill . ~ t,bfo/~I~mte ofcounutrle . y, oorner ef Main and Mill den . tL well WBI! belug drlllell •, , rr~nd is~pldlY rising to tbe propert y. on con, 0 "ID week Lasl:, "a'" e!'Laree We"a"" t l t t ral, . Ill t ,...e· ervor " "U " . \.& Vand 118 S, Miss reo II lon. Sprmg t.he profelllJ of his ' yl\rd in the In mak hl,h.' Mrs . ".ohn Welsh retnrne d home for wl1lter '. through the spool a IIlJlOOth M1'8 . Frank Austin, of ·KnoltViIl.· , _ __ reoeu&)y betag teadere d a poeitlon H1I1110hooi house ~ud a~ a deptb of . ~~~ ~! l~r:eR~ 8:ete"d d~or .F~~~a~ 8.nd week. ~8ve It In .uch a pil8lUOD. 41. last here teaoher Ilrrlved ort. ~iss Anna Van~erv as bead maD of Maia~naDCOof Way 1.'elln., 180 feet a 8tronK flow of M&8 Will! e: Clau~. . ~,. to ) OJevelaod Leader. that the With w uoable vlBlt aad ied til protrao quite a il 4 maJi:e rooul in w\l1 Maple tbe oa . route mile found . on a 1100 ~r SVI e. rowtl, a and hel' 'd spiral wllJ 'rest ftrmi), 011 Ita Leaf ra\lroad behreo n Mt. Paul, her parent" Mr and Mrs . Clayton The questio n now agltlltl ng , tbe attend' to her IIObOJI duties, gener.11 purpolIll o.1 Bille-N For her ,,( care Horace d the top. or the naU•. Thrust. ~he Mr. In by aBllSt filled and being Foater, is place IltDnel ota, Olarioa , Iowa, and Omll. old . Will people of tbat vlolai& yts whethe r yeaH . flv.e coming horBe, health wboee SUper. rough the iUck 'Juat below the ter, WIUI rleeFoa .. yoear Cb last .t qnantl. Wilson , who ba Nebruk tt. wi\h headqu arten at. br9t.ber worlE anywhe re. Dawa puUllr. 'he gaB it! there In luflieie . 8Ohools. Corwin tbe of ~t m£ III rapidly 'allial. I~tende o· oomDlo le profitab a It make ClArlOD, aad willreo elvea b~lIdBO to nqulre of O. L. Rloke , Phone 83-5 ~Iee • )'OU spin the llpool bJ 1 0 _ Fa; ijale":'S ow and pip. ula"" with all a'ill .mvehn g ex· tty, 1 Ohio. Lytle, k, Bmerlo Allllll .IIC, the aplral wlag 11'111 whl rl . pen. . paid, ,wIN)'. and thell apia •• Itt17 ,UIIa Ill. air (or ' _ . a .....

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$ Waller J Kllbon $


The Miami Gazette.


BROWN &. McKAY , p'Ublish ers.


to 1es& than a single perlUD p er t.uadred mil II. Rut In gro llJl 2 ot th o le commerce cOn1lllluslon's clu ~ sl flcn t lon of BULIl's. cOlllprl r.ln g :'< w York, P e nnsylvania . . New .l rs y. De laware lind Murylnn ll, lb proporti on ri a s to J. 2 lIer hllnc!rd miles or railroad In op el~ all on. 'rhls mcans lli llt th lar!:est n llmb r of tranl(lS a ro III this n ull nelgbbo rl ng st att's. Th Itlea cdl' :.I nil lO altraN the vngrullt s. It Is tho ollntry dl ~ trlct8 a ll ci IItl1ij towns flIll t suffer most fl'om the '''ho-

DANCE WITH LIVE 8NAKE S. An Indian Cu.tom That I. Suppo.. d . to Bring 00011 Cropa.

KID NEY TRO UBL E ' SII$n'ld TflH1 Y~;;;;::RdirlMd In Tlml , 111011111$.

Croups of thl'('e lire now forme d by tbe Nllake 111 0 11, ea cb group conH Istorle Pageant •• s\l!tlng of a ' cnrl'ler prlusl. DO atLnst yenr the town of Warwl c., t ndant Bud a gllthCre r, and these England . cel brat('d oilldoor s BOlli of WAit their turn In front or th kl sl, tht' nlost Int r stin!: e" I\t~ In ItR bill' wh ere tho IIn uk es lire '_ lind ' d ' to the 10ry by a pag ant. In .whl cb hundrod s ~srrl er prlplll Snon all th e dance rs of persons a S ~Umetl Lhe charnct r a.nd. a re CUl'Dls hed wllh replll ' s. and. In appropr iate costume . perro rmed the hold ing the 8(lulrml ug SUlik 8 In thei r teeth. t hey dance s lowly .nnd with pa rts of historic p rSO\Ullle s. 'fbi. closed eyes around th e pl az a. year n similar ~)aS Oli nt t ok plnc at The carrier pl' l 'st 18 foll owed by Oxford. and mor late lv ther was an· th o attendan t, who bolll,, ' II snako other al nOlUs ey. ~il~rk TWllln . who wblll with which he C\lstracl s the ",as one of Ule s pecta tors or the Ox. Snake and so diverts It \l ntlentl on tord Imgcllnt . re mark d that Am rlCIi. rrom the muu wh o CArries It. and th e' wblcb provides so man y fin sights, gathere r Is alwaYII ready to snatch had ne ver furni sh d anythlu g to equal up the snnkos when th ey are dropped tbat. Tho length and richness or Euroto the ground. p ean history of cours e offe r at trao· I ofton noUced rattlesn akes tJon B ror sucb a pAgeant whl e:h could h eld closer to the rattles th an to tbe b ead, so thoy could easily run tbelr Dot be rounl) In like abundan c~ and heads Into the eyes and hair of the "artety In America . Take, for exam· R. O. B. ~JZER. Mt. StuUDg . Ky., earrler prlesL It was nerVOUB work wrlteli: . pIe, the case of Ramse y-a town so watchin g the m, ror It oCten appeare d "J halle Iluffered wJlb killmty .oft '0111.11 that comp" ratively fow Amerl· as If nothin g could prevent a fatal other trouble lor ten yeal'S past. C&IlS know anytbln g abput It ; ye t Its strike, but tbe prlusts nevor scomed " Lollt JIIarc h I comm ~ Deed u .ing Dam e WDS conrerre d u pOn It by the to bo unn erved or disconc erted hi tbe I 'ern na und con Linllf!<i for throe IDOlltbg. RODlHns . aDd ' Its actual history go os least. and ,tbe l)roa:raUlme .11 never I have nut used It lilucc, Dar kIne 1 re l~ \l \llllu. back a rhollBand years. It was near cbangcd . " 1 b lIeve thot 1 um well Alta I 'b reRom st'y that WIlliam Rurus ""as aho t Atter the pIau: hIlS bccn circled fore gh'e my h ill'h est commc' odlltion t~ by a bo lt from a crossbo w., while hunttwice 1L'ltb each onake, It I. dropped th" curuUvo qll"litie s at Peru a ..... to the ' g round. the shock of the fall Ing deer In the New forest. and his for KIdney Troablc. being violent onougb usunlly to caus body re moved In the rude cart of a the rnltier to coil and ahnk o Its rato Mrs. Oeo. charcoa l burne r. Ignoran t of the doad Cnu., \\'riLt! : U. Simser, GI'1Ult, OUtarlo , Chlcng o.-Wba t to do with the thou- trlcts. There the "hobo" 115 a serious ties. Theu th e gatbe rer. with are... man 's Identity . In the pageant a lineal sandi or tramps who wande r aimlessly "1 hlltl Dot b en well for aboa' four mc oRce---h e trespass es. steals and s trokes of his feat.ber whip. reduce! )'~ I\rs. I hluJ kldn~y 40scBnd ant or the charcoal burne r nct· nbout the country and Interfe re with 'som Urncs rrouble, and, I., e,'en wrecks E~ rnllroad It to s ubmi ssion . plck8 It liP and (lI c t, f,,1t budly o~.lJr/y alllhe time, ed the part of his anceslo r. and an- the sarety of passeng e rs tra veil ng on traJo and commits astnult hands , o r murdcr. It to one ot the antelope men " 'fh is Bllmmer I got 110 very bad r other part was taken by a llncal de- the dlltoren t rail road systems has beto hold. An Incident at Ridgway . thought 1 woulu try V I'UII~ 80 1 wJ'Ote acendan t of Walter Tyrre ll. who Is come a serious problem . and ,has When 1111 th e anakes have been 10 YOlluud begun ntonco An Incident at Ridgwa y. on the bo." At the same time they are leRI! to tA4~ Penall~ aroused the cbarlty organlza .tlons and .uppose d to have shot tb e king. But. Pe nn ~y lvan l a railroad , a w 'ok or. two ablo 1.0 deal with th e Qu estion beca\lse dan ced with. ellch · rece ivin g the Ina MannLiu . remarks tbe Youth·s CompanloI!. Ir the rnlll'oad compan ies to til e nced of . a~o s hows bow train crews are In of the eXIl nse Involved In the prose- sumc treatme nt. the head snake pri est " r took onlv two bottlell of B g encral coopera tion with the au- danger from clition and Impris onment or offond ers. strews 1I10ul In a circle at one side ,nd one of AlalllLlIn, and n'o wPorum. tramps. 10 .uch length of history as tblp Is lack- thorltl I f ed s In an ntte lUpt to put an end was 11 bottle of nitrogly this cuse It It a tramp drolls off a rrelgh of th e floor. aud tbe snake priests b t tcr t t rain at ce rin that did than I Imve for SOlDO tllW\l. Ing to Amerlcn n c;ltles and towns to vagranc y In all Its rOflllS. all gutllor urolllld It. Tben some at th v a III e given ago da.mage It Is much eusl I' and . putlllng four 01' five men "lfoe l thlit l'cr llnn.nud Manlliin cured there Is n evertb eless no dearth of In: At a rece nt coat .ronce or r ep'resencll allor for th e village constabl o to s lgnlli. all the s na kes are throlVn me lind ' IDllue c. diffol'on t woman or mo dlof,l'e tJl or. 1 bll'sS thu day I p!ckeul l» (te restlng e vent and stirring episode taUve8 of several large railroad s In In th e hospital and Injuring one of them so badl), that bls I g had to bo say " Get out or town In 12 bours" than within the cll'cle. wbere they are '.hoHttl book nnuroad oryour Peruna. " bl Cb mlghl we ll be produce d In out- Mlnneap,9l1s tbere was prcsen ted from omputal ed . It Is to pul th e tramp In 'all Bnd feed sllrluklc d with s'ncred meal by num· . !t 15 the bus /llen of rhe kIdneys oor pag ants, designed , as those In each road a set or ligures all()roxlmat'bvo rnilgbt trains were about to him tor ten days. 1'hls "move 00" bel's or Hopi maid tl R. removo from ,he blood all poi!J4J11ou, nsland bave been, by stude nts of the Ing th e amount or damage slIslnlne d lelwe Rhlg way wb en the conduot or 'fbcn an oth er slgnlll Is given. nnd mlJterllJ ls. of order r elieves lh town ot that one pocal 1Ilstory. and Ilroduce d by the by the dUljlren t sys tems throu gh the one oC the m found a man ly ing upon tramp, bu t some other town g ts blm the snnke prlcsts swoop down. grab llllo. eJs the'I'h ey mu st he notlven ll th" ystcm IIUI1' I'R. 'l'hcyar ICOrdJal coopers tlon oC rich and poor. dellre datlon. of tramps. The total sum th e top or a boxcar. The Crt~ WS of the and some other tramp Is un londed In up an many 8na);es us tbey cun cu rry ;llIes when the y n eed n Jlltl e;ls t.uD <:e.. two trains. wben about to ejeot the a similar TDann er upon the town thnt and rush down the slde8 of tbe steep ~Igh and low. wltbout tbought of Perulla Is x&Otly the sori of a r<1.1DmeslI to the plnlns be low to re loase ely. H hus SM,.'a mnny. man , found h im apparen tly powerle ss seut the firs t on away . . money·m aklng. It 18 a matter of r eIlc<" plcl Ir n. the snakes In certain sn~red Illnce u • :i;·nstcl' u'y I' nderl ng to move. H e seemed to be 1[1 n drunkRecru its Constan tly Come. thew ere kidneys ae rgret among many students of sOl:1al ~ u Ii ., Ilt 11 tllno when tlwy DO~ able en stullor. So It goes 00 Inter mlnnbly . Every so that th e ~' may carry the Ilrayera ,0 beur thcl r .own Tn his pocket WIIS a botUo develop ment that the st.age, wblch In bur(\(·os . ""hlch tbe trainme n thougM to be year the numb er or wand rers wltb- from the living to th e d end. uud t he It. ea.rly days WIIS one of· the greatest wbl sky . . 1'hls bolli e WDS take n from out av ~ll nble mea ns or support Is In· unces lors of the Hop i may In tercede lot moraLa nd educatio nsl forc es has th e tramp by an englnem an. who creased by new r ecruits. The habit of ror lhern with th e nature gods that Hlndoo Delln .. Bliliard L eo complet ely ruUe d to malntal~ Its either dropped or tbrew It on the cnr. Idloness once contract ed Is rarely !.here may b Illenty or rnln Bnd no John Horgan. tbe chnmptOft pool power. Might not tbe hIstoric al pagImmedia t ely It explodod , doing 8evere abandon ed. except UDde r compulS ion. danger or the crOllS being dllslroyt!d player, told ut 11 dinner W at. Lows a eant be made to do at least a part oC damage. This com pulsion bas no t been suppli ed by clrpught. ......The billiard story. l'att~lIIlln. thll noglecte d work? by s eparate commun ities: It will "Hobo" Depend . on R:all. "Illlliam s Is a tame amnse _t b& :To nearly eve ryono the Il\l!:ture of a probably hnve to b e brouc ht about by aide pool," Mr. Horcan bosu. '"I'wo Eye. Are Hered itary, Zoology '. New Service. "hobo" riding on a fre lgbt train Is a stll;te or naUollal acllon. The 13rltlsh AssocIa tion III asking Hlndoos "'ero once dlacUMl ag th& nail road police d epartme nts have th Instead or gOing to geology alld familiar elgbt. It take!! only a mlne publ! c to COoOIl 'rat e In hlllltlng game In Calc utta, and J Illink that uto's thought to grnsp tbe fact that b~en mention ed aa a probable cure for down tJhysica l geograp hy to throw light on a sccret or whlcb BOme fa scl· th olr Idea of It waa pnrt17 __ the> the railroad s are the most valuable vagranc y. but this goes only II short soulogy , Dr. Schlll'lt of Dublin bas . oaUng blnts bave j ust been disCover · rlgbt one. 'asset In the tramp's existenc e. A way. It a tramp III arrested, but II " 'What Is this white man's (llDaIC or' .,ersed the process. In n paper read ed. Th e dlffioulty or Inv s tl gutlon Is trnmp cannot rem~ln a trump long un- discharg ed In court, th e lesllon Is of to the zoologis ts In Boaton be proceed , ,?O more than nolin g down th e color ul11lnrus I hear 10 much alloW,. sail' less he can mo,e about and be a IIlUe 'I'8lue; he Is th en free to resume at the eyes . eel Irom the general principl e that the or tbe faDllly. In the lISht the first Hlndoa. bl8 "occupa tion." Tbls tallure to punstranger to whomev er he mllete. " 'Don't you know!' enid tIIu IIVIlOnJ.. ot Bclonce tbe l'e are only two IOrt. distribu tion or anlmala now Uvlng on Tbus the "hobo" .delll!nds upon the Ish In most casea tony be laid to tbe " ', '0. Tell me: oC eyell-b lue and not blue. H the earth teUI the story of ' t he formance railroad s to go from city to city and ~atter of ax pense. Therefo re, It I. ., 'We ll: snld the aeeona Jl\ndoo app ears a strange la or heredjty . 'bllliard ~On and changes or continen ts. Tbe from state to state. H e cunnot. pay his suggest ed that the . expense of malns Is Ii vcry IIlmple gRID$, Tw~ I~ Is asserted that wher e!! bo th parfare, rarely bavlng money, so he Bteals talnlng prisone rs. or at lea.t part oC It, fact that certain fauna are common to ents have blue eyes, all tbe chlldl'Cn lIIen armed with long BUck~ke at a . be shared his by the state. rides and thereby becomes a tre6' widely 8epara.te d regions. such as 1uI,'e blue eyos; wbere both parenUl ball on a green table, and ODe BlLYG. "I Another , method suggeste d Is enpasser. It "rtde·ste aling' · cain be pream" while the other ean ''barcl .Japan and tbe United Stntes. polnta to -~ vente d. vagranc y will receive Its forced labor. "Work," lIays Jamell J. have brown eyos, all tbe cblldren Hoes.'" It a time when Asia was connect ed with have brown eyes: but It Is wh ere Ihe deathblow. And that Is the peg upon Hill. or the Norther n, "Is more A~/N ~ No~th America by a lanel bridge near Origin of Scotlan d'. Motw. · which the eltort to disband the aru1y dreaded than all ihe other terrors at parents differ that this all eged law of \ - ~g .Be~g Strait. It Is furtherm ore prob. heredity Is nl oRl s urprisin g. In thi s of vagrant8 Is to be bung. the law. If every tramp were 80UIt WIlS though t by the DaDee to b", case able that the widely differing speclel reached the amazing brown eyes are said to be doml· tenced; :ownrdly to attack an ellemr lifte r unde r a penalty of a diet of figure oC $25,000,Coopera tion I. Neceasalry. nant, Rnd bluo eyell recos! lve. so that II ShUlill, but of eastern and western America prove 000. . on one occaaloe when Nnturall y enough tbe railroad s have bread and water" to work hard berore th cblldren or mixed parents throo. .hey were waging wsr 111 Sootlllnd that theee reglonl were once sepnrat· The sbowlng made In tbe ~eporta always been Ilnxlous to stC)P "free he was passed along, t he end would be of every tour will have brown eye. :hey devlatecl from their aSE ed by water. This theory Is 'a striking was supplem ented by reportll of the rides." Tbe trespnss ers not nile: Intre- In slghl The construc tion or good an~ oae blue. In tbey erept, noiseles sly allo4 'nobcommer ce commiss ion, qu ently steal valuable package s of roads would be assist ed by compell ing example of the construc tive Imnglna - Intersta te which stated overy that ,crved, In the last live years freight. damage cars. Inted'er e with tramp to break stone. whe el In their bare teet. aJOn the. tlon In science. Moreove r, It Is opInsuspec tlng Scotchm an. W~ca near F irst U. S. Treasur er. posed to the hypotbe sls of Darwin 23.9H trespass ers had been killed . signal and switchin g apparall ns and at dirt or go hungry. Tbls. wlLb & nne Not 011 of that slaughte red army were timell attack and seriousl y Injure Each ot th,c ne w ,1. 0 treasury notes :he camp one of the Dan08 trod apoD em· e nforcem ent of th e criminal laws by and Wallace , who held that Insular an· tramps. yet It the local authorit i es. would probabl, . has a portrait of Michae l HIIJegll8 t tbistle and In his' pain ' erled out_ .mal lite had an acciden tal origin. Dr. vnst majorl ty Will sho'll' n that the ployes. But It baB been Impossi ble to rurnlsh 'II'ere of the class of make any headway against "ridea simple and sallsfac tory solu- upon It. Inbeled "FIrst Trea s urer of fhls aroused the sleeping Scotdlm en, 8chlll'lt 'l theory real1y takes nB no alml es8 wandere rs whose vagranc ,. 18' stealing" because the trespass ers. If tion of the vagrnnr y problem ." th e United States ." "Thi s recognl. utd they g1Ive the alnnn. Tho llflDes tarther back. ann .the New York Poat, much mixed with viciousn ess.. tlon or a mnn wbose persona l worfr ~'ere defeated with terrlbl _ bIe or ' detect ed and arrested . ar e rac'ely pun. Leglsllt lon Suggeat ed. than Darwin did to the orIgin of I~ An Army of Vagrant •. Ished by county or town oinclals, but RlllJroad poilcem e n ""110 have hod aod service to his couutry hav e been Irc. and ever .Ince that UID8 tbe 0408 and 'he beglnnln ga oC lite In the Repre sentativ es of the Baltimo re Ie are Just ordered to ':move Qn. .. which experien ce with "ride stealers " are too long ohscure d," saYII a Y,'rlter :hlstle hllll been the InslgnJa ., Scot«reat procCIIII of evolutio n. Men of Oblo rallrond reported to tbe conferQuite as enthusla stJc advocat ell of en. " must be credited to a descend nnt ' nnd, wltb tho molto : "Noma me tIDIIClence are baflled by It as before ence ·that these hordes of tbe Tenta of forced labor as Is Mr. Hill. "But," the Rev. Mlcbael Lee Minich, a Lu: IUne InceBsll :'-"No one llNValse a me. and with Dubols·R aymond repent thel; Shem constitu te one of the most serlth~y ask. "bow can, we bave enrorcec " tberan pnsto~. and to Secretar ies John r;lth Impunit y." OU8 problem s with whlcb the road lalior for tramps when labor organiza - Hily and Leali o M. Shnw, who, from tgnorato uB. Ignora~lmus. had to deal. Others, who were compe. tions have worked up a powerfo l sen. the arehlve8 or the Btate and treasury PUTS THE "GINGE R" IN. timent against giving work to prlllon. departm ents, got prooC of . Hillegas ' Perhaps one of the oddest suits rls· ten t to tesuty, asserted tbat from one· . ers when 'honest men' go Idle1" Thll prior claIms to pOst bltherto erCc:tlt· The Kind of Food Uaed by Atltlete .. ing from the anguish of a ' erusbed half to tbree·fo urtbs of all trespass ers oppositi on to letting prisoner s do work ed elther to Robert Morris or Samuel .heart Is one brought by a jilted young were trampl . It was anserted that on the Baltitbat wage-ea rners mlgbt do Is regard- Meredit h. HllJegas wus It' pre-revo A fonner coJloge nthlete, eoe of tile man ror damage s In St Lou18. not more & Ohio acciden ts caused by ed ns n powerfu l obstacle to the "en· lutlonllr y Philade lphia .ugar renDolr. long dlstapce runnera , beglla tID Ioee against the fickle lair one. but against tramps were not Infreque nt, and tbat forced labor" solution of the vagranc y manufac turer ot Iron nnd merchan t his power ef enduran ce, His elr)Ierla railroad compnn y. The emplo'yee the robbing of cars. whose credit was at George "Vash: ~nce with a change In food Is IDtereat problem . , . rrclgllt houees and • r the compan y · used him rougbl, stations was of a lmollt dally occurThe sllperlnt llndent or police of one Inglon's comman d whenev er the great Ing. ... hlle on an excursio n, and bl8 sweet rence. of thl! large enstern lines says that the military leader n eeded tunds. HI! "While J was In training eo tbe bea'l't wllo was along, resented his lac) James McCren, presiden t of the greatest blow to vngranc y would be a rostered blstorlc al research and was • track athletic teain, my dlllly 'jogs' be· of braver,. In not reseutln g this trea~ Pennsyl vania railroad . declared that C8 me a task, until after 1 was po't on law passed by the legi slature of every m uslcilln of ·o.ote. Grape-N uts food for two meals a day. state making It Illegal to trespass on ment b,. dissolvi ng their engagm enl tbe 900 vagran\s arrested on bls road After using the Food for two weeks r tbe right or way of a railroad . At But he bas mana ged dertly to aonve, for trespass ing In 190G were but King EClwllrd'1 Wealth. relt like a new .man. My dlgosUo n '}VatI present, In t~ls state, th e tramp cao· a de licate rebuke to the fair horo.wor- small llercentn ge of tbe vngrant s coo· WhlJll the king of Englnnd 18 ~rl\nt' stantly trnvelln g over tbe P ennsylva perfect, nervcs steady and I wea tnll not be punishe d for simply belni' on ed about wiper b,. fixing tbe damage s 'oC he. nia system. $4.000.000 a yea r hy the Brit. of the property of a railroad" tbough be Ish energy. loss at onl1 $200. pnrllame~t In what Is te rmed th e Confere nce In Minneap olll, can be, punlsbe d ror "stealin g. rides." "I trained ror the mile and tile ifal. civil IIRt, this torms only a frnctlon At the Minneap olis confe rence inl, Plan. of the Pennsyl vania. Dr. Cbar'les 1'>icCutcheon of Tacoml ot his majesty 's real. wealth, as th e mile run8. (those events which nqulre tlal steps werQ tnken to establis h 1\ The Pennsyl vania rallroad haa set kin!: actually owns propp-rty valued so much enduran ce) and then tba long has long felt that the woods or tb. ' nationol vagran cy comml t tl) e. wblch out to perfect the organiza tion of a at close to $100,000 .01)0. All a malter dully 'Jogs,' whIch berore had heeo Puget sound district are too silent anct will !lave such as Its work tbe st udy ' or task, were ell ppe4 .It with well·dls clpllned police ent. of fact. lhe king or l!:ngland mllst need , the Joyous songs of birds to en· vagran cy and th o recolllm bo easo. J won both e ndatl on · of even ts. Member s of this special pollee force consld cred lis wealthi er than an hance tbelr hea uty. A yea r a go be measure s ror the redU ction "The Grape·N uts food put me ttl per. ,will trav el along the roael, on both palo Am erican with two hllndrc(l of vag· millions rect condItio bought a number of skylark s In Eng. rancy and ror tbe Illore rational assist. n and gave. me my 'ginger.senger and freight . tralns. arid will . of mon ey. Moreovo r, the king has h!s Not only ' WRI land and Uberate d the m In Washin g. ance of the hOli es t wayfare r out or ' my pbyslcal "l\d1tlo n make It ,their special duty to look out money all Inves ted In real es tate, a!ld ton. They have thrived and multipli ed. work. Its fie ld Is vel'Y large. and be· 'for trespass ors. It they wer,; ,'ded by owns mor e reRI estate than any olher made perfect, and ' m,. welgDt Increase4, but my mind. was mnde clear much to the . plell8ure of everyon e, and . caUBe gen eral knoV{l edge of tb e rea l a etato law maklnj; It a misdem eanor single Englls h·speaR lng Individu al ex. now be Is gOing tu mnke a III mllar e x. , lacts of vagranc y Is so limited. the e f· mcnns that they board the next frelgbt 10 trespass on the right or way', un· cerlt 110rhaps William Waldol'f Astor and vigorous so til at 1 could 'get out fe~t of tbe commltt ee's work wlllilrob . train that , comes along. my Mtudlell In about half the lime tordoubted ly the number 1'( tramps on the elder. who owns blocks and p erlm ent witb C!tber kinds or birds. blo~k~ all. y not be Immedi ately · appare nt. Thus. to aC~om pllsh results, there the Pennsyl vania and other rallroad 8 of New York real prope rty. allhough merly required . Now most all of tb& , It Is a good work and one which de,' Yet It Is evident that much thought Is must be coopera tion between Univers ity men use Grape·" ats tOI" ~a llroads Bnd the .Isks tCi employ " and equip. he has become a naturall aed subject serves to lie crowned with succeBS. " tooday being given they have l:Jnrned Ita vnlue. but I to the ques tion of nnd Rut borlU s. To obtain this co. ment woule! rapldJ:y decl"!lIse. ot the Engllah monarcb . the publlc's duty to the vagrant. nnd ope rsllon silveral charity think my tostlmon y will not lie am)stlo Railroad ·ofllcers say, hDwever, thnt orgnnl:l atlons "p nod«Y. < , ~ ., !p' .. oC the vagrant 's danger to the public. nre planni ng a national educatio nal they cnn accomp lish IttUe unl.1 they nnd may perhllps hel;l SO!1lO 8IIe to, W"l~r KiHlOlJ was In Dayprk Profess ional jok ema kers have cre- campaig n and will seek to learn hoW' the best reauU. caa be .bChihuah ua Dog. have ade. are able to work In harmoD 1 with thl a bulneR 8 trip 'Tuesda y anbld- ated OIlt Of tbe tramp or . tbe "hobo," quate Alt.bough the Ohlhuah lla dog 1I~ tallied." ' legislati on e nacted and the Inws autborit ios. It 18 the object of th6 DBMday, ore as he Is more familiar ly known, a pic- e nrorced. Tbe railroad s throngh obarlty organlzn tl6ns, In undertak ing ago was ~ol)1mon In Mcxlco, It II . There', a reason for thn olrect or' tbelr Mr . 0 : Smith and .wlfe n~w cult turesqu e, happy-go·lucky Boldler of for- regular e mployes and througb their the study of this proble-m, ·to bring Hllid ' to be rapidly becomin g exllllct. Gr.a pe-Nuta food on the human body rooms In the Urange bulldlng 'lal. tlln e. Possibly one tramp 10 8\ tbou- pollee departm ents will work In har· about Bucb harmon y. The result, to It Is 0. I:urlous little creature . itl and brnln. The c:ortilln el meata In F, H. Bowker .and wife 'he Innd Justifi es t hll pleasan t concep- many with the charity organizl l.tlons. society It.. large can be ' .pp~eolated wei ght Is, sometim es not more thun I wheat aDd harley nre 80100too with tion, bllt those who knnw them bellt when one learnB that tLe number of pound and a balf, and It baa a dl8pro- IIpeclal referenc e to their flaWOf' for removed tlo Oinolnn ati. Acute In Entern Statu. Lce have no Illusion s portiona tel:r farge head. bulging eyes building tho brain and n orve contro8. about the .Lhousanils Mill8 Lorena {Jean, of D. be Of . v~ranta The tram 'p ;;roblem Is peculiar ly vagrant s II cstlmnte d as Kreat a8 600,· and long c~ar8. who roam over the coun. The hair I. usually The product .18 then carorall r and' ilOO, Thll great army, many member s acute vleited ber pIlrents Sunday . In the eastero Ilate8. 'rbe av- or whlr.h are well r· try. in cltlell persons gen erally reo Sc:AP,ty: abowlng the pink akin under. Iclentltl calJy prepare d 10 a8 lit makeable to work, II now erage n umber of trespass ers killed to Mn. l.iarah Martin and dalP e • gal'd the tramll frivolou s 1JO "8 they neatta, and Crom thl. characte rlstlci It It eaay of dlRllItlon. The phy.laal anel every 100 miles or track In the United a dead load to the' ('9untry. Tho bas been are vleltlng In the Eaat. re' laugh at the colored pictures In comic koown aa tile Mexican balr. mental reaultl are 110 apparea t aller quicker they can be a.ilmlla ted-by ob, weeklie s; but It Is very differen t with Stat es I. 1.6 persons. fn tbe "roup persuasi on, by tOlCe or by tho 1l1li8 dog. .They leldoln Ihl''' the IIlua! tlfe or three week'. U8e a8 l. produee Ilreei. ." tllolle wllo dwell In thinly lelUed dl. or Bta~e8 Includin g Louisian a, Texal a clrcomm taocel-m to the product nl dog Itralts ot aa,aolol la liltS lQCnW & proCound Impreaa lon. nead"'T heand New Mexico the proportlo~1 fall8 'Int clalHtl lIae better, Roael to Wellftll e," ID pta



Common Carriers and Charitable ' Organizations Alike Seek Remedial Legislation---Wrecks and Robberies Are Laid to the Doors of Vagrants :---Problem Most Acute in Eastern States.





,- - - - -







ACAMPAIQNEPISODE. ' ';A:ndy" Held the Advance Po.ltloft After the Reglm""It Fell Back,





:Member of 8coutlng Party Olga Way

Through Mountain


Snow to Safety.

That a battl.e IB worth fighUng to the very end. no mattor how dlscour. aging the tiltllaUon or how apLlaronlly lrulliacable the roo. 18 shown In Mr. .1. W. Steelo's "S/Cetehes" of the army fronU er. Il courage aild strength had given out only II (ew moments sooner the h ro ot lhe ·slory would never lIavl! told the Inle. ce rtain young soldier was one or II westorn scouUng party which was exploring tho hendwottlrs or th o Gila. .-\ 8nOW1ltorm had caused the comlUlny to lose thei r way. and tbey rode. dllY arter day. silent In the dread o r com· Jng cold and s tarvation. . As long na the SIIOW melted In the slln Ihey could control tholr thirst, nnd "area s u pp li ed tbem wltil rood . One nlgbt, while tbe pany was camp· Ing. a BOldler. walking by blmaelt. thollgh t be saw a puth. FollOWing It along ror a little way, he tat down In Ihe ebelter ot a boulder. Suddenly he hcard a great rushing noise as ot a tllriool wind. An avallUlcbe swept down tbe mountainside, Bonding a g reot white bulk Ilito tho vall ey. The Moldier crept near tbe IIbelter ot tho rock ,.h1l0 the roar deafened him, and" llIe foaming wblLe sea of snow .ettled ovor him . The camp was not touched. In the morning. when the m ombers of the pa rly woke, tbey mlased their com· rade. and law wbat had bappenod. 1.ooklng at the great beap ot IInow they lIald, HHe II dead." and went qn lr way. The soldier, however. was not dead . He W BS b emmed III between the rock

An Avalanchl Swept Down the MOllri·· talnllde.


Wllh deep Inl orest Iho Bu rvl, orR of the One Hun/Ired nnd Plft r· rUth rll!;l . me nt. Pl'nns.I·lvanla .Yoluntfl<' rM. are uwnltlug thp allil nl'ance of th rorth· cum lc g hi story of that reglm n t. whi ch will cOll1e from the PI'<'SIi In a rolV ' we ks. 'I'he I' cords of the· depal·lnillnl. th ' poc ket diaries of officers and 1JI 11. the rueled lelten rrom tb o ~oldlor hoys nt t ho rl'ont to loved onel at home. us well U9 the memories or the few survlvol's, have beon scorched rol' facls In orde r that Ihe nchlenl' mell Ls of thl8 (Iuno us fighting re.;;1. me nt. In which PlttHburs wnH 59 d 'CII' Iy tlltel' ~tecl 45 years fig!), rna )' not tade Ilntlrt'ly Illto ollllvion. says Prl· vote .J obn T . Porter. In Pittsburg VI II' patch . Truly '''rruth Is slrnngl'r thun fiolion." No dim e-novel lit mture e\'('r contained more thrilling adv e nlures, mol' hlllr·bre ullth cscapes or luore Individual deada ot he rol s m--not tool· hardlnes" 1101' f\nre·dev ltl s m, bllt cool valor and pluck-thnn this hl"tury o f tb One Hllndr d alld Flrty·fifth·. To th e sc hoolboy as wCll as the pijychologlsl th o story at Andrew White Is replete with hlll1llll1 Interellt and ulfol'ds ric h material (01" re neO' tlon. . ThlR rorme r ·!Joy waH ml.let red Into the sel'vlce with tb reg lm ont whllo he was Yilt 13 years old. He WUII quite large for his Bge, ha vin g th appearance of beln/: much older than be r ally was. Almost Illite rate lie hud pOlished manners. the correcl use of languag lind Ole dlgnlljed deportment of a Wost Pointe I'. nut notwltLt utllnd· Ing these accoDlplishmenll h e WIIS sllli only 11 c hild In years and rcelinG's and liS IIlI c h did not toke mllitnry dill' clpl\ne at ull seriously. Jt he did not take kindly to tIIsagreeIlble picket duty "Andy." as he wal tamlllarly calied, would not go 011 dUI)·. If th ... skirmish Ihm appeared an uncomfortable or dange roua place he would not be found there. Desiring In vlalt hi s home be did not consider the forma lity of sccurlng a furlough necessary , but went wltbout onc. 101IJervlous to advice. admonition or th ruats. he did about !Is he pleased. As one of hla omcers has expr essed Jt. ".Andy" WI18 like the Irishmao's fl ea. ror when yOU attempted to put your finger upon him he '''''asn't there. Under tbe same clrouolstances nn ",Ider man would bave been made In 8ulf(lr so'veroly for s uch orratlc conduct. bllt this boy's extrcDle youtb and nppRrent constitutional Irresponsibility sayed blm from severe 110nalU es. When Geo . Grant command of tho armies and Initiated lhe Wild er· ness clunpalgn on May 5. 1864. wltb the avowed de tol'Dlln'allon to "fight It out on thnt Illie tr It took all sli m· mer." "Andy" Whlte·s · nature seemed to change. All 8ymlltoms o( his conslltutlonal defect dlsllllpeare d and his benrlng beco me couragt'01l8. During the follow· Ing 18 da)'B of conlinuoul ftghtJng he was alway~ at Ihe front relldy for dllty. IIlwllYS Roswered to bll! name at roll call. and never shirked any dan· geroul service. On June 18. 1864, when tho regime nt made the me mo,.. Ilble chsrge on the enemy's works hi tront of Petersburg, which reM ult ed In slIch dreadful carnage In Its rankl. ".Andy·s" conduct was heroic. EscapIng unharmed. he rlllked his life many times In rescuing wounded men who had fallen on tho fi eld close to the e nemy's works. 111 th e ds.rk ness of the night he crept up almost unde r the e nemy'R rortlficallons In uenrch of Ilead and wounded Ule n. On June 22. a rew dn~'s later. when lhe regiment was (orced back train an advanced pOHltlon It had taken, "Andy" While held hla ground. He wall missed from h1.s CO~111l\ny . and on a s earch Instituted the ' next duy he was found still lu his ad\'llnced po~l· li on, hut badly wounded In the leg: He Imae red an ampulatlon, and Ul)O a r covery WIUI honorably discharged trom' tho service. ]i'rom that time to the dale or bls deatb a tew yeare Ilgo his caree r was an eventful one. which, howo\,.or, bas notblng to do wllh bll mlll tary aer\'lce.

one side and a white wall of snow on the other. wblle o.ver him the ava· . lanche Iny 'lIk e a pall. The rocli: was ho'1Iowed out In a way whlh gsve him protection and beneath him was a bcd of . dry plno·ncedl 8. A dim billa lig ht fi!.t r d throllgh the c.o vering lind allowed the crys tal outlines c r til hopeless house. . TIe C1alled, b.ut the sOllnd cnma back 'to his ow n ears. He did not Inck for ;:.d r. Ht, could touch the rock and ~· arth ·· and they seemed fri e nd I)'. H e \\' 116 ~ot cOllI, 'f or th e s now lay like p1l ell of b14nkets. and the earth radlall· cd 8\,(1am. Th e soldier began 1.0 dig. His ftngel's soon Grew stJJf and numb, but he ke lll on. hOllr after hOllr. until the opa· line ma~ grew dim, lind he knew the BI'ly night. had come. The n he crawl· ...1 !lncl1 ward t.hrough the tunnel he Recaatlng Old Gunl. hRd ma,de. aud Il opt by tbe rock. The com IIIetenos8 of the re~.torotloll When be woke he knew by bls of "Old lron\lldes," on which the nav1 w~tch t hat fh'e boUl's hall gone. He department has been at work f.or wu rrl~hlened tliat ao long a lime eome lime, hilS lately been attested had IUIGSed nnd that no one hlld cri me by the castltlg of the big guns with /0 save him. He crept thl'ou gll "~Ie which the ship ""III be armed. There narrow tllo.nel and began digging are H of th em, duplicates of the again. ly in g prono and pr.e sslng the famous old pieces with whlc.h the now beneath .hlm. HOliTS paaHed. . Constitution fought Its famollR battle Blood from his fingers stained I;he wltb the Guerrier,!!. Each bf them 1500W Md his hands almost reruled welgbs 3.400 pounds, excluslvo of It! their office. Dark began to come carriage. Tbe cllrrloge8 are IIlso faith· ,again . His hands . were terribly swol· fill · reproductions. made afte r old leli, but he worked, tor lite. Hla thr~at drawlugs and prints. When all the was sore and raw. and he ate anow' to work on tbe Constitution Is finish ed. .quench bls burning thirst. His wearl· the mode m visi to r who stells abonrd nesll was unutterable, yet be tolled on. will have the sensstlon of passinG At last It leemed as It be could ~ee Into another c ntury In history and that the dim light was ~rowlng bright· another era In naval architecture and ·cr. This IIPurred. bl.s exbausted equipment; aud the 'chonces Bre that no olle will ever again want to ·,'tear ene:'gy. A hunter, living III the wild vaUey. he r tattered ensign down ." . returning to his ' hut, saw a 'curlous Garlbjlldl Honored .t Parll. cavity In the snow, and explored .It. Tbe ' statue of Garibaldi. Itoly'S To his amuement. there lay a blueclad. ftr;ure, faco downward, arme out· to the city of Parl ~ . W:\S 1I1lvelle!l a stretched. Under hlB rough but kindly few days ago In Lowendal Square. care tb'o /!OldieI' recovered. A few Paris, wltb Impoalnr; civil and mill· momenU more and life would have tary ceremonies, In the presence 01 President FalJleres, the cabinet min· Oed. Istorll, the dlplpmatJc corpe. and otber d latltlgulahed pellllon&. ~orelgn Min· Be "emembered. Flnch, who. wrote. "The Blue anel ~be Ister Plcbon and Gen. CaDIllo, Oarl· Gray" was a true singer as wen as baldl'. 10n·l'l·law, made the principal ' IID u~r"ht judge, and ' tboU8h be haa addt'81118L Tbe feature or the oec&llon palaecl OIl to Join the an,,!)lIc choir, :wal a dOfl\e before the monument 01 he' will be remembered lOll" f_ the the French fttertUl8 of lbe army of tbe VORgOI and deputatlonll of rtallan ".tllotl of bll Itnel: vereranl who rour;ht wltb Oarlbaldl III "Unci... tbe ao4 allcl the clew. WlllClna the ,ud~'llt cia,.; tbe dereDle or J'raDC8 durlnl &.Ia. lAW AlIa for tbe blue. Frueo-Germaa f t I or UTG-TL ' .~ ~gg .!p" for 1M aru."

'0 0








HOW SCHEMES ARE WORKED to Get "Something for N6thIng" I. Played lIpon-ElCcrcl .. of Common Genae Would End Graft. "Tou (!8n fool lome of the people part of th e lime. bur. you Clln tool 0 h· era all th e time: ' 8cems to be a motto or the get·rlch ·qulc k men and "gol" brick" operators. Pages o f tbe dally and weekly prf'8s may DC Oiled with warnin gs to rendors to be on Ih look · out tor swindlers. yet mnn), who are credited with Int c \llg p. lI ~e will keep right on bltlu g at baits thrown Ollt to them by various conc rna who sell "cats In bags." PSydlOloglstB say that "vllry person hIS Ii weak snut somewher In the brain. It S~f)IIlS t~nt I hi s Burt ness Is commonly lIlonlC sted tn rnt ~o reu ~o n · Ing thut fr p.quen l.Iy one cll n ee t sometblng for notb Ing. nder"tantllng this des ire on (Jsrt of th e maJority. the toklrs bait their hooks acr-ordlnely. There ure large conI: 'r ns whl r h bave built 1111 gn'at eDt rllri ses by repre· ~entlng to the people that with each b1l1 of gOOd8 purchased tbe buye r cetll "somllthlag fcr n othlns." JUlt thin k or a "graft" like this that ",'111 dmw U. 8~ O wort h of soap or· ders In a slogle month from a town of 10.000 people! Out tills III juat wbat hOB been ,lone with In the past few n)onth,. Just tblnk of wh'o, of grocers and t! ry Koods mer('ha~.t8 In largl! clli eR joining "soop cluba and payIng a dollar ench month to a tor. elgn concern j uat to 8ecure a premium, While their husbands could lupply them at balf the CORt all the 'lOap In4 tbe premium toot Yet. 8uch 18 the drawin g power ot "the IOmethlng for notblng" arguDlent. It tbe Creator gave these wome n common senst'. 't hey little know how to ult Ilze It. Some m eanl should be devlBed to tax directly or Inllirectly . tb e coo· I!'lrns In fo reIgn cilies tbat Beek to .0' business dtrectly with . conMumers through the malla. At presept tbllY are protected by tbB Interstate commerco low. These co ne rll8 make theIr nlon ey by dealing with the I)eo· pie of some community. where tbey pay 00 taxes direct or lice nse teeB. The mercbants of the t.own are tllxed upou tbe bllslness tb ey do. Is this proposition a fair one '! The for· elgn In9urance compaoh!s doin g bllslneBS In n Btate must I!ay a li ce nse fee for so doing. Why not compel tho foreign me rcanill A ('oncern to do the aamc ! Our natlonol law& sbould be 80 constructed &II to provide tbat tbere be a tax 00 th e amollnt ot busl· nesa transacted In 11 ~t3tP. by any mer('/lottle concern In anolh P.r 'state, un leu tbe bll slne,~ be tran ~Hct!!d by concflrn. wblch pa y taxes within the Itate for tbe d91nl; of sucb business. . D. M. CARR.

FOR GRE ... TER ECONOMY . . M.nuf.cturlng Drifting Cloaor to FlelCla Whe ... R~w Material la Produced, Economy In e.,ery Indultry II be· coming more pronounced y('al' aftor year. Mrl nulacturlng center~ are drift· Ing (award locatl blll where the raw materials ('sn be s c ure,l at lowe r CORt. DuMng the "ast ten years cot· ton mRnUrftCturing In the 80uth bas Incre ased more Lhlln a bundred per \lent" nod there haR been a deerell.8e ·10 tbe production or tcxtllp, msnufac· turh~g centera In the N ew England states In proportion to tho In crcase In cOllsum I)tlnn. 'A score of yeOlrs ngo the great fIollr msnuracturlng cent 'rs were III Now York and other eastern states. To·day Ibe wost controls man· uracturell or .fiollr 3ud cereal foods . WbeD mills are iocsted In centers of wheat and corn producing scctlons in nutuber lIumclent to utilize the cral'l or local tefJ'ltorr, It. ""Ill ·work a bellefit to the farmers' of tbe Illnd In the .a.,lng of what Is now paid In frelgbt .rates or raw product. to mllnutactur· In. center.: and . the distribution cost to CODlumerl of the land. l';.,ery fllrm· er can help better conditions nnd help . blmself by giving his lupllOrt to local manufacturing enterprises. An Advllrtlalng Trlck_ E.,ery read er .of nOWllpllperB who bas the power of ob~er1'lltion knows tbe deceptloa practiced In advertis· 1111. Orten a ftne picture at a atove or . • ome other ·artlcl e baa In Illree figures a price given ...·bleh Is a third of what the real werth of th e article hi, and the r e"t .of th" advcrtlseme nt 10 skillfully worded as to gl\,,, the 1m· pression that It Is tb e article llIus· trated thllt t. 8ent for the I!,w price. ,Tbla 18 for tbo purpose of ,ecllrlng an order for an ar.Hcle which. Wb.CII received II found to be for durerent from what the ·perllon who sent the order expects tn reeel yeo How would tbe bome merch;ltit fare should be r.4vertlle In the same munner? Woutd be not be placed 00 the IIl1t of trick· Itera?



Low Price. Too Often Mean Info rill' Artlclea. Efforls to <;heaJlcn Cl'~t or produc· tlon ot num erO UH clusses o( goods a nd to placo tho m on II1llfket In com· pelilion with well adve r1l 6eq lines. IUld at much 10WE,r price. hns InOu· enced Dot too hOliest manufucturera to turn out very Inferior articles. So long ns they can be made attrac tive In exterior appearance so as to ploaso those WhoNe tas are for the "uholvy" 8Cenlll to . be the o nly con ald· e TilUon . In the ma,nllfacture ot stovcs and rnngc~ Ilartie lliorly Is thoro gn'ut opportunity ' tor fraud. In diff e re nt clUcs of the middl e wos t are larl;o concerl) s t hat make a specialty of mauufactul'ln g sto" 'es t o supply d ' :llers who de pe nd on cheapness to Be. cllre 5al 8. These maauflLcturor~ buy from Junk dealers all clusses of old Iron, and tills remeltod lind work ed over enters Inrgely In to their manu· tactured articles. The r esult 1M tbat a stove Is produced that while It ap. pears to be ali rl g bt. a. tew monthH' lise will provc It Lo be nhl1'l~t worth· Ie SR. The t 11 RII fl strength Is not th er e. th e mp. t31 ·ls r otLen and brittle, and 'the pxpnll Rion ca used by thl! heat makes It war" Dn d crack. Tb " IInloS9 are of the 11()()r.est lIlat rial. One of tb e .trlcl(s ellJployed la the ulle of old Iron ror lining . Tbrougbout the . south lind In mnny o r thEl large nurthern cit les th e manu· facture at al tlncl .. I Ice IR p.xte nslvely t'Qrrled on . Galvtlnl7.ed Iron cans of the cal,aclty oC a 300·pound Ice-cake Ire 'I Red . lind In p.very · large planl tbotlMllrls of CRns, are in use. The ammonia that II Ilsert III .the proc~ss of trflCzlng ao"n (.'all!611 lbe canl to corrode. lind thea they sre re nderctj \)If.l leu for the pur(Xlse reQ,ulred . Tha sto ve munuract urltng concern I buy up th ese discarded cans. and ule them for IIntng ~ toves. It can be Judged tbat the lite of tbe alove In thts way la shortencrt. but as tho stoves are never fnte nrhi! d to last long. th e lining Is as good aa t h" otber material whlcb e llter... tnto their composition . In appenran'oo stoves are a.! I that can be cle.lred. but their wearing and durable Quali ties are nOl half tbat of a properly marle 8love sbould be. They are ofl on suld at as high prlcel .. the best ftrt Illle . Ilu,t more fre'lu ntIy are disposed 'or as " big bargalnll." lind arc deatt In ex tensively· by con· corns thrn auv crt.lse tbcmselves 'as ·· manurll cturer~. \· lind do busl n"8s "dl· reet ~Ilh the \!on ~, ull1ers" through tbo rualls. Makers at stoves who put out bran rla or goods known to be standard never resort to SllCt. methods. as one Infe rior sto,'O II1lght result In the 106s of a· dozen sales. and no r e putable stove dealtlr ()r hurd'o,:uI'Cl me rcbant wuuld ha ndle tbe ,g oods. D. M. OARR. HOME NE:WSP ... PERS. ... ... Facto,.. In tho Enlightenment . the People.


Thll III an era ' wh en the buslnelR 'man who would succeed must plncA tbe right vslue upon publicity. '1"bls Is the m0 5t on lightened era tho worh] baa e"e.· known . Only a slI\ull per· centage, of the lIleople. par~lcularl)' among the Engli s h speaking . . can no' read snd write. 8Jld In (act It Is a rarE thing to find an illiterate !JerlOIl 10 auy Amerlcall co[nmunlty. 'n e very farm e r's houHo ('an be foun() from one to a dOle n newspa pel's and perlodlc:nl •. Th e old·stylA farm e r II rast passin!!. and there Is a general ndmlsslon that Intelligence. lu tal'! Bclenl lne tmlnln" Is needed on the rorm ns well as In th e buslnc.;s hou~le and faot!!r),. With tel phones. dully rural delive ry ser vo Ice and e very InnOVAtion or clvlllza· tlon tbe A lI1erlcan tarmer Is t9~t becoming note u among the educated one! advanced c lo s~e s . Th yare reader .. Ihlnk e rs and loglelans .. Growing ge n eTlltlons In agrl ou ltural communiti es havA'nll the adva.ntages that the youth of t'ltles lIave. and re w of Ihe dlsad · vantag es. They suroly brellt he 8 heulthl (' r mornl Rtmllspherl'. Th e r4rmer~ Bre the malu su pport or tb. country press. They fee l Int eres t e~ In all locli l affairs. and Iho bome pH per Is the m eG ns of keeping tb ~ m III· formed o( Ihlngs going on Immediat e· Iy about them. It tb e a\'erage mer· ('haat woult! give as subotantlal sup· port to the hom'~ paper ns dOes the tarmer. tho 'edltor would not only be enabled to give th e farmer a better ·pa per. represe nt hi D jnterests belte r. t>ut tbe merchant would receive a ben· ent 10 lIeclng 1\ls town Improve and Its business Il).creased. lind all hit environments. Improved.

Million. Are Loat Annually. Flrty millions of. dollars annually I, · a co nserva tive esUmate of the amount that the pPollle or the Uoltlld States are swtndled out ,o f OlrouGh the opera. \Ion or rraudulen t Investwcnt IIlld In· 8urance CO,nccrnsl. How easily peoplc are InJ\ueneed to mulle Inves tm ents In Qu es tionabl e COli . ce~ns. hus boon rece ntly slrongly II' lusu'ated througl11 the ope ration I of the different sllel~e d cooperaU.,e mer. cantlie, hom e-b ulldlns und Investment Bcbemel which ba1'e belln declared fraudulent hy' tbe postal authorities. It Is durlpg ' the times of proaperlty thst the stlli'emers nnd the richest Oeld. People who never had tbe blind. IInl of much money. and Who ftnd In "ulldlna Up Truf.u. tbelr pOIse861011 a f«,w huodteda of . Durlnl the palt len years blllloni dollara. Just h81>e enough for the of dollar. bave been ' Bent to .the larg!) "taste". of .,..eall,lI 10 that they are cltle. by the realdetlta ot rnral cnm. ealY victim. for tbe .harper, who opmunitlel, and tbele blllioDS hue bee. erlto "fako" enterprllel w~lcb bold ued III bulldlnl Ul> trbsl. tbat work out allurlnl prr m16~1 of It'eat reo &calnlt tbe belt latera.. ta 01 the . tura. OD Imall Investmentl. State m _ 11'110 Nllde in .,rleultural sec. :aw. for tbe cOlI rol of Inels co.\le~ Uoal. II It DOt time to awau. to Ibould be Itrlncent, and le,ere plUI· &.IaUH wlea 0,.,", Ille daD..... or HDdlDI IIIODII ••. , IllJme.'· .... 1A4

from tile 110m.




Mrllnt t.he picture of the stove and the disk on heavy cardboard . 'r hen put II 1'10 through the Circle In the picture within the dOlled lin s . Then put the dlBk In a position which will mak e tho mouse e nte r tile oven door. The cat that Is runnlns . after tbe


........ -..



mouse will follow . Turn the dlllk slow· Iy around and see whllt hils happened to tho mouse ond cat when they come out or t.!le stoveplpe.- N. O. Times· Democrut. -----~


Brigh t. but They Funny Mistake..


In,lIlIn c hildr en Imow hllrdly any l' n,;lI. h whclI they lirs!. AO tl) Bcbool bill thl'-" lire N br ight 8ud ,\ul ck tbeL slIon I 'rl rn . The older 11U IIII l!' cuach thp n pw arriva ls. for (l ven In ,11 /:over n· ID nl !lchoo l " 'uy out. on 110 Indian; fe servnt.ioll In th tar w 'st tbose wht) hll ve be!!1l ·to school one year foel su· pe rlol' aDd Utlnl< tlley should leach t.he lilli e OUC)K holY to art .. BUYS tbe Brooklyn Ell gle. Some of these Sioux chi ldren mal( fI tbelr teacb ra laugh with th ei r droll' ml s~nl(('s. Wholl u llttle one losell 11 toolh he says. "My tootb cume 011'." It 110 ~ pllllte r gets Into a tlnge ~. It Is ~ "sUck. " a "lJoord." or even 11 lumbe r .. or th e ir s h oe~. mittens. ctc .• It Is "t he other side." ne ver the ·· male." When th ey ha ve had a partlclllnrly good meal the sa>'. " W e eat very ni ce." :F'or "scissors" theso little JlCOllle Ray "SCI"SM.;· pronoun In g th "1" 1!lw long "c:· Once the re was a gi rl will) , WIlS I' arllng h(,!1' leRsoll out of the fourth reader. In th e lesson there werc II few lines frum Shakcsileare. n~' an d by thr ,;lrI came to the word "Hcishlll·S." and 11I1~I !rO n (} lInC ed It. "You mu ~ t SIlY 'scI880 r s: not '~ce SOl',' •• conectl'd th() teilcher. A minute or t IVO late r tile tea 'h'r . heHrd her murmuring. " "Va come to bury SclsBors. not to vralse blm." Th ' y Ilre Quick to sce s uch IIk~ n e~s 's In words. . A little girl who bad lost a buttO'll from her dress asked fo r a pin to "but· ton" It with. When u CaBler cable art a bed In the dormitory a chil<I e:.. cla1med. " Look. a bed wheel!" Puttln!: on .her hilt o ne afternoon a little gIrl announced '" think , will go out ana gather Bome fresb air." while Bnother wen t out to "c3tch" sorue. If they wanl to 'know tho Urue th e, Bay. "How many o'clock?" At one of these Bchools In Souta Dakota they bad a little pusb cart In. which woed was brought to the door. One day a troop of children were aent to galher dry wlll~w8 for kindling the fires . When they returned one was crying. and whell asked the caUle, sb. Bobbed: " 'The cart step on my foot." One day the IIttie 'glrl who Wall wal&o ress for the tellcher'e lable spoke of the dessert as "tbe deserving." QUllint as are th eir attempt s t e spclLk the English language, they are almost always very expressive. tot these little Slollx chlldreu .a re wondel' fully alit.


Hurt Hor Dignity. Miss Edith, aged 14. wlliked with HIS SOLDIER C ... P. great· dignity Into a large draper's ·es· tabllshment the other duy. "Please." -bur ,lolI"nle's 80 proud of hI. new ~oldll!l' ·ap. she sll!!:. to lhe ptatE','!, d ; r.\\·~lkgr, ;'1 .. long pe&k and a ahlnlDIC .blac. want a !Jolt 0f glov@1I." . It h lUl alrap. "Certainly. miss:' r e plied that gen· tlemao; "you wll\ find the kids' coun· ter on tbe next 0001'." " Out 1 don 't want the kid s' coun· ter." sald Miss Edith. freezlngl~' ; "I want tbe ladles' counter." Children Employed. Noarly 700.000 children lire work· Ing 10 the United States In occupa. tlons other tha.n agriculture.. Of theae 700.000 children one In eve ry six Is working In Pennsy lvania. and the numb llr of 1V0rking children In Pennel'lcanla Is declared to be growing with Illarmlng rapidity. 111 1903 thero were 32,000 discovered IlY th e . factory deportment ; In 1904, 41 ,000, nnd In 1905. 48.000. School. fpr Indian Children. Th e Uni ted Statel! go\' roment bns started 300 schools for Indian c hll· dren . Nearly 25,000 boys anll girls at. t e nd t hose schools. 'rh y study books part of the da)". und hlilf t he doy the girls IOllr n sew lnj:(. me ndln". bonso. Anti no\\'. Alncc he hlUl It. be'. "ery po_ 1I1 ~ . work. baking and so 011. whll a th boyS learn to be cnrn pters. slloe- B," o bowlllg 10 people from morning till nlg'" make rs and tarmers. -Detroit Free f'rCIJ8.


C=:i···l~",~ . ~J~

Detail. of Making Spiral. In .one end of a I pool or bobbin drive two little na118 .wltbout heads. See that each Is the Hame dilltance from the hole ..nd dlrecU,. upposlte eacb otber. . Out out a pIece of cardboaN!, using Figure 2 as a model. Make (hit) three holea In the middle to correspond and exactly to the hole 10 the lpool and lbe two naUI. T",llt the piece of cardboard &.lao ..., ~Ild, .~ ~~1!.D In ~&v. ..


Thrust througb the spool a smooth Bt.\tk. Have It In .ucb a poailiOD. dl: . reet" the Oleveland Loader, that the cardboard spira.! will rest firml, on Ita head and the tOPI of the nail .. Thrust. a pin through the lUck juat helow the .pool. . Whell 70U spin the .pooI meau of a ItriJIC. the aplral wtng will wblrl around Iwlrtly, and theD IpllI •• lftI,. up tbroqla ua. air for ,lISte • .u..




l\lo.'(' ( 1('.1 H.\Il ' ~ M ;\111 -

1lJ1I!t' I' ~l'lIhr rullll hl!nrn 1I" l l'opll l'r, :tntl, III r.IU '1I1K , 11/\11 iJf '.:! ," 'u r l' h 'In o!h hod p lIt i nll th'" 1l1l1l1>'h,rilll lil" Wlll', ,ll tho )I1111l" (\11\1 l YOI'IIl~ l H'~ ; M""1\ Ute. ·w.... . . t>: , H lrl l Uilit M H, a J!,"rt-o ~ (O(:k i hiA h 1" \I\V;H1~!'D1l', how tltl' Itnur~o .'\ll t.I .H"lt I ~ I . M e h It' \ hllll 00 111 t o hi~ h 'HIlO "{\\'C'll 1111"'''' 'X Ul'I. 'l'• •1. UIC. ~ W~ ."''', H1 A r .. 1 ·:aHh ~ t h,>"l' II Will' til( In l'lI' d f 1,)\' 11 Now Occupies the' f 1 'I U U \I,'ur . til ' l d\"lHi t' O Ul~ , nn,l IIlIW ho I'XI'" ,\t 'll tu n .L '! \\ l'~ ur l( nUL lu h' .11 nlh-a n ('( ccond {<'Joor. ("!"ll h ill ;;;~ I'(\ " ud lu r nlll)ui/l t lllllllt. !lFFI E IN ALLEN BllILl>lN(~ Ont' Hundrt'd a 1111 Thirty·Fo ur n11l1, If ~J1nrl' 1: 1111 111 ~n " ll prl'l\TllllI ! , Hpl'ol'n Itn trlll~h,'d !tInny 1\ 0'\11' 'k t: lntllinA 'nhi nt't " R ' quin'd ~:~!J!0~~, ~~LL .:._ ~~: b~_ WU>l had,,,, t'oI "lIh tJ' u\'~ ,,, 1 I h t n b xhibit Thi s ~llIgn ili· " U ll,1 Hlr!<." Y'll Q " ""tH'n fp l'\·"nt WIilUNE>;U;\I' . ("I" ) "~; J( I'. cent New lock . li ntl hl'lll'l ,',- K'(c'h11l1r:" \ 18ITOR ' AHE W~~ I .. 'O ME D '1 '0 A Beautiful Exposition. Don 't UUllt fo r It ahhit's Yl' t. 1:>:::<Pl!:( " I' 'n:! F, :" F;W ))~; PA R'( ,




HO\'l' 1'1l1


W ayne Farm .Jersey Cattle




Hut(:hi801l &, ' G ihllt'Y,

'1'11" ll ndt-r" lg lIl'd will 1'11',,1' nt, pub lin "lI lt' ul, thl1ll' :<t.o k fnl'llI :! 1Il1l0tl \Ve~1 f I \ tl,vill sh lle, Ohlt:, ,hl1gln . IlIq!ol n I I II ;;-10 It. III , '1'Hl' n 'OAY, () '"I'I ) Bb~ 1 10" 1\107,

fall and

-s HI~ D OF ,musgy CATTLE. nil ril'h ly urllli. ill clmli lll{ :lti l' I , ui~. troll ;'uw ' fr o m :.! t l) K yO/ It'll \, 101 : , to higl' 'mIle co w!:. f 'Ulll :! to 7 yeUHS o ld ; ( In of t h i 'OWH Ill'(~ cltl1lg h t' ,I'R of Letti '~ ~St. LII III bert Doy (!.i:!,ll ) fl ]lU I' ,'t . 1.umb rt ~ n llf t.h g r lIt 1.I~ ttl C: ol o ' ~ '!ud ) ; S r q{ist.el'od hAlfu l'~ ~ YIIIlI'!! nld, hrod; .J h igh ;.:rudo h l' if er~. :! Y fi rs olll, br ed; :I .... gist 1'lll1 j'l'I\ I'JrIl l: hl:li rars; :! r~gi~. t !'od YOllrlillg' hull ll ; 2 l·tl,;j,'ltorell heifer nlvo~: r" nl' I'cgi!ltot'fll1 h ull II h' e~; J rE'IP tHIi U Imll, :- yeurll ohl

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aO:\ t u tit , kl l ht)~ III rnuiJil!:O .




G rea t, AS8ol'tJnent.

NOlle Ext 'l tlwm in Style


l\J[FORT nrp Re llel's, being sanitaqr.


g reat



wa,l'm and ligh t . .


UNDER\VEAH q nality j ust ri ght.


I, another



III Vly Kid and




HUlCbis,," 6t






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a -a n.

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l,,'r n IIHlll '['It 1' 0 'n 'l:I (;lrllllli t{uplct;; Kl w w i ',.H ,"O lll ~ III 11 ' 11 IIlI-itllkt'11 Idl'O amoug {;OUl)lIlIlY llu YO jtllll (' 11)1)1 111'11 th conlr n!'t, for ~ ho l;q new ( ' IMlring sOllle of I III' hUll t, ·I'!< thllt. rll bbit!l l'1I1nnot" III I I H~ fu tu l'l.1 >III YOllth ,,' wIn bo kil h't1 I~ ,lI'" lir lltl ll fto r thll Ilntl M,m's ( ' I u lh in~ WIll h(' ox ll1 hi t. fr o. t hils III" 1'1II11Jlkill ~ ll t so. ed from l,h l'SO III.1W s t yli rubi n 'ls, ou OUT , 1'1:01111 fl oor , T h t' ~l'cnll( l 'I'h o) 01' II l~l bo n '1II rab llll .. Is {ro m II or hn s hI' II e nl,lrgt'fl, IInll ht now :-':Q\' \'l1 lJor 1:\ It IlI'oC' llIbC'r .-" Ow n· fh e hugest 'Iotb ing n ef Ilrllll' li t III , ' r ~ of pr op l'l' t, ~· ('11 11 I;ill I'Illlhlts Itt the Stlltl.1. Mn n y new lIluk o~ 0)1 lill y tim \~ h II Iht'Y III' fOllud tl ' Nuillll':I \ 10Id.' 11 l,nl1 ll1\\1 l{l o t ,~ I" S 8 1. , Iothing bllY Illtely b eu Ildtl t'd tn Tog nlllr lir.I·'; . A hO ' le l' c ) tlg~ of ~ tr ,)yl n g fr uit tl '(" '~ lind Ilw (ik n, LnllliJp,rt Killg, rllpr usont e~ J1 oC}t , I'lot.hhll!I'ULl now h' ourrlAtlln !lt oc k, hnl th fll'Ilillllr," ~ l" 'I' I,"l lIntl will iv, l.r th " t,w n 111 0 I. lIotoli !It.l'uin:l (If }O:; I'ory suu. Will bo pr e~~erl ou t n ioe ly havo I,D wal t bloilll'f1 hit ' I. I!' .. !'h " l I t h ll .To r .. y Brootl, t,be Uolrleu TAIII lind h n ug up ""p"l'u lol,\' , 'l'herA will tit til co t,ton tll il ~ I s tl·nin. n ll w VOI'Y llll pu illr. lIn d \11 I'O\" 111~ be 11 <1 Ul,'r n wrinkl"", no mo ro hn, ! ' I J..llW bo'r t, ke n H l lIIUIlI Ilr~, no ~ lIil ~ tlullIlt'!Ctl h,v • Olll ', wee! Uar, _Tll irll'l~ Hold II Lllll ( .0;-4;"[. ) i~ on d ,!'t" EveI' I (:: IU ' III 0 11 I will 1m u ~ Tn III d nil,\' ~ 1' 1I101 ,)t" ('o un tr 01' t h n IH O!;t fll Hh im lAu ly bre<l 1.J\l1l ~ n W 11 11,1 fr osh Il l'! it WII nn th Wil l it, loft t h f' Inilor'" hlJlH\,.., It WIll b 11A \\'SPIIJ\(l1' !'ditnr '~ ~p(\J'i f' n r. POflt. In rll i>l cou11lry, hnving li S hi s .. ll'fI, FOH'1'~, a plOlllmr to pic k Ullt ~''' lIl'' Ill'\\' f.dl ry iH hll'g I.r r r .' ",,1 ',I nllt 01' hi .. lifo tl. " 11 l1f (:l oluen F,~ rll'tI Ltlel. nnn AS LA ~I[[N ul t lit tll i~ "t orA now 'rue Ext.:lu ai VO l Hoth i ng I111 P II r t m u t (In ttll r uy Ih \lrM't,I!'," '\',' 1'.1'1 111" Ii fTn I 1'. hi" (hllll, II uaoght( r o f <<1 1)1(1)' 11 Lll fl. ';['hn lwo co \\'. thnt. t,aIlP u t,hl' r(· ee u! S 001111 Iho r w ill he 1111.1 III n~ t o m w ith whioh \1[' hn ~ (" I' nlonll, f ortllhlf' ~1\(\p)Jing plll(, in I ho roil .\' · Onw n nt MilfM,l , 11. ' W "" 1', t, ler Wn )k(' r Rille (0110 bringing *~OO. the ' Vilt yo n plUIlHn fll "o r \I~ Mill ~ef\ Is Ii gon ia!1 ('I li tin~ t ll ' ~ti1l'o rd ~II' otll er , $:1700), lIud jllRt tlHl~e tw o Ml~N'rOR our n ew stock of ~' 1I11 ~llits bofore t I'pri::! 6 w ho Itll'll ~ h l!1 poot",v ill l,o 1\ gn nu l'Ii rll!l , H o h ill! WOII 1\ ,,!! t. h on go in~ c lHew h l' prll tield nlmlllloJ. lien ilol tho wil y Ol'H III h i,; elns, wh rC,'or Sh OWIl , 110 ll\ lI k e .. li n IIpponl fl r th n r llll1li r H, it) t e r '~ Mt, Llunh ' r t l{ tng (:', GH) Clipped (rom of tt oro ~i n ~ : W o f' nn't he ll; writ o OOlllO. fr om Mlo St , !.Il lllllor fllUlily , our Exchanges o b u ~ il UI rllll~n pV'lr)"lr.Il( I.v !'h nlll !l l oullilltWflll Iho grclli es t prodncing ~ i1k , abont It, Spr ill ' lills cn m e IIml !ltl/lin of .I >rlioy ('nt~le this ount,r .1" )live rs to be locked with (o'i . h. g ou n\~a v lin (l it', " \lIl oRt Juc1\tm h,, '" evol' kn own , ' I:fi~ broeding is 'l'h e re i!l no\\' 1\ g \,(~l l lI otivity at lIulUlII 'rll ' lluy. y I' IIH)II stn mbl in. hllr,ll ,v {' )(ol'llel\ p\' n ny living nlmn , t,ho s trHo fi llh 11II t ollery I10u I' Lond n , to it tLtl rl ~uv Illiug ... ulld, 0 1111 WOlllon bor Of Ih is fn lllil ,v, 1:1 0 wi ll be In HAOE~, Att.u ah es nre I" p .. r iul,; for th e nn , /tel j oll cl Il nd t,lj"n ~el II I1.U ; !ittl cl11l1oll III Lhi i! (' fforin g nnlll filII 111~trilmti o n of fry lind hUd r tl full dOwn In il ~ ,lirt II lId THE FEMALE. tbere bllve b een huudrell of nppll. I1n~() III II I 1H1'In IIl1ltly nn 'flll} 1.',1 W <l nO' I' d in Mils ~ Ill e IIrtl caU t.1I by I1shermQu who wlIn t the extm ro b ; the J. X·I'Jr. III: UI;'1C h llll it.1 bn·d I" l,he ullnve lllll llll(lllUll,. , Tho lil,tl e l1"'h to plnnt in homo stroll Ill, SAY seve rnl li ll w" .ill<' tllllri lllo; up youn g <'n l Lln IIl'lI ueul'ly ali ~ ir'e(1 by O vt' r 600,000 of s llIlllI m Otlth d blltlB, I1I1 Y; e n n i1 LIlli'! ~/tt In th m ix Nui llol '" (~nlt1ell 1.." , :1, Rnn ,viii h,,'" alld muny Cllt fi!lh will be 8!)n t Oll , ana orten nl I' I it II x\'(1rIlll] MIIY- [ fOT IhOlll 80lv 9 on dUY ,of !lIL lo, No The firs t, t,rlp of \.lIe flRh cllr Buok ye, or \look 1I n l1 h is hig ,'tick h ns h ' l it olel, worllontoows nro on' r ed: any will he nlltde t,o n orth , nbout Oot. t B hll rulic ,\ ; bnt, IdOf rl. of !loy IL nilllnl ,will be Illude but b efore 0 0 1(1 w a th er, t,rlps to nil Well, i t'~ still til r c to uay. kn o wn 0 11 tlay o f till Ie. MIlIlY O I' the tbe points ",uere fish have belln t'O· .ADII seomS ll if for ovor to !lmy nws· wi\ll>o II lHly dr,I·. ID Ilpj./ellr. quosted will btl VB b een mllda. Blllck WE MANUFACTURE THE VERY HIGHEST Why 111'0 wn !l1.nng !lllll who 1111 0 not, tl oing jl13t.1oc to t hoi T m er · bll1l8 sometimes g r ow ig ht ioohos' o ug ht t o be huu l'C~ ~V(l d on 't. it.~ l.1lI1 wflTth, lm t UIIlY uro R. hllnly , GRADE OF in a 8in~ l o yeur so t hllt in t,wo yenrs kno w ; it's PllRt lin,1iu~ Oll.t wh o 1I,.0fl1l lot of \.l\e choi [lilt br£'oding. at least the leKlll li mit of 10 inohl\s "h o nlll r epl!lw !.IIO orO!\!liug 10 11' Type T hill ill, prohl.l bly , tho.larW'!lt .Jer. BraBS Gallef8 i8 roaohed , Ilod the fish baconl 's torn ant U 'J'O!lS WlitOlr Rtl' oe t l l(JO- !loy cnttil 8u l0 v r 11 111 in ' Yurr,on, Bralla Rule iJl S trips Metal Rorden i 9iOtimato "gante" for the an gler. sito h utch '" store on,l in fron b of aon nty, nULl tlJ(l ellttle we. III'u,o/l'o r. , Brass Litmr Sa\'ing Rule L. S. Metal Furniture 1 Lights off on , -Excl.lllnge. Brass Column Rule's Leadl and SlugB Charley Lo l' b ro's llo Ol', but (;OUII - lil t; nrOIl fn lr l·o pI'Oilont.llth)u f Ibo J , Corwin Avenue. Brll!l8 Cirdes. Metal LeaderS-oil h OLIOH i I Will (l'ot hnsy - t he bi g 1IIIood 11110.. IIIl1tntllinp.d ut W'U y Dtl Braa. Leadl'rs Spaces and Quads. The Larges t Tree in Gr~ene County. B. p , A . -nUll ·fix I\1l11t c r OS!li ng lI Fl\ rlll, ' "1'bt!' people ~bat lIat in darknes~ "Som e Hwort OilY, " Bralls Round Corners I 'l .'hOlHl Of you who Ilre looking for 6 to 48 point The largost tree ill Ureene Coun oy sll.wa Rraat Jlgbt, " , Bran LeadR and Slugs Metal Quoins, etc:. tirst, O hIH!' I fnrnlly cow OilD RllTely \ fhe people that oross Corwin was felled a few dnys IIgo 'on t he 'A fflloted wiOI SOI'n ~-;YP. for 3~ Yrs. SII ti~ fy yO lll' WILUt.s in this offerin g. -'----~-------------~------------,----avenue would flke to seo some lil!lht farm of .lohn stroup, south of [ hf\.ve haon 1If11iorrrl with . oro eYOR , [llirym OIl wlluting to inorenRe illeir Old Col om" Rnl&! refaced IInd_mllfl a s ROod 811 n ew a' a small at least, Sioce that thorough fllre t own on Cl1eRorcreek. ]t wos Il for th irt y . TohrC'1 r(lnl r ~ , 'rhirt, on 1 herli !! will find t,bis II~ o,x cell n,t. oost. bas been thrown oot of tbo oorpor. syoamore and lit the bllso m eUllllretl y IIr8 ngll I hOellm l) tot,lI lI y bllllti nUll oPPol'tunit.y , Thoso who IIrll luok. ation 'be oity hght!! ' hRve been Seven feet In diame te r , It had belm WIlS h lind for Rlx YOIIl'S, My 3 YPS n g for 1\ f'ilUndathn Herd will do Pletule reniomher th"t we aro not In Any 'rl'l1st or CombinatIon blld ly HI Ulunml , Ono of m y turned oft and IlS a r88lllt tbe avenue purohllS,ed by Mr J ohn Barnett nwere 110d ale Rllrlt that wo con mako it grolltly to your' advllntage to e i~hbors insi t tl tlllOD ill Y try ing we ll to i u ~ pc ct t hiS h erl1. 1s about a.e dlLr k a8 it hall been rough the sow mill lIl'Ul and took four Ch !llll1Je r ll\lu '~ ~ nl v\) unu gn ve m o ' We wisb to elll ph(\9i~o iu \Jll.rtiou. no ..) with 'Ull, tIlell nt har(1 work IIU e n tiro clay to 11(1,11' I~ box fit , '1'" my lIu rprhm it 111.1' tho t t hi !! 19 striotly (\ cut 10080 A OOllY of oor at.ahlglle will 'b e oheerfnlly furui8hed on appliand muddy, ' fell it. 'rhen it "bowed Its mOllll ler helded eyo" nml Illy sight OIllU O Rille , Eve J'y ",\l lmn,l'o Bred will be ' A s'rong domand ,Is long mRde size 1111 it had not bl\fore, sovernl bl\ ok to me , P U 1;:1I 1'l14, 'yntllillull, ' ClltiOD, tbat .he township and oity anthorl· , K ntuoky . UhlllJlber lui u 'R sulve is !\n l<l to th e hig h Ast birlder with out ' ge.• to 110th er and rna k e lome photographs belD g t,llken of it. lind t ,~8B for sllle by .l b; "fllolln oy rO!lorvl' , YOllrpJ'icb iRO nts. As the t f f I hi Ji ht thA Dl en sta nding nenr heln g mnltA Ie will be holrl uuder It t e ut, n o ,lin Philadelphia Printers' :Supply Co. arrangemen or urn II ng ~ '. "tlntppellr dl'Oltnutive lu size bRBlde l:II\ve yOlll' printing Ilone nt t h e }Insponetm ent "lll he mlldo on 1l0 ' MUllufuotorAr!! of Improvements un ' ItII gigllntlc proporl,i ons , It Dlll ll e II GI\~e"'e office coun t of wnther , log t,hirty feet loug Ilnd of Ule Type and High Grade PrinUng Material 'Maloguos 'g iving u oscrlJltion nnd Lower Main Street. above diometel'. Now tho C]u e§tJoll podigroos Will ,be ' furni~h ed by up· .Prnprletors , 39 North Nint,h 8treet c A very deolded imllroVemtmt is OOIllAS uI; In regnrd 1,0 it,:,! r AlIlovnl, Jll yi n g to tho OWll er ll. PENN 'rVPE FOONORY • Phll.delph,. . . being made on the west sIde of Low. thert' being n o Wtl gon~ in I,h i~ sec· 8'1'()1\:EIS & BROWN, I '01. 0, r~ , Por r y , Auc ti on eeT , 6r Mllin 8treet by t.he installlt.\on of tion tlto ut enough to I'l'lilOVA It, t,o ~t'orn n om plley , W es terville, M"nl\; ~ _'!!'!!!'!~ _~~~~!!"!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!'!!!' of tbe new 8Ide walks and gutters , th e mill. Th') uge of ,t,11O tree ,is A large sewer 'is being bnilt along probleruaticu\ hu t it III 0 rluin t,Il/1t & Higb street whloh will carry off the thf\ oldest iubnbitunl Cnnn ot rOltl Oll\ ' surplus of water whicb flowlI down I'or l;hA tilllo wh ell t ll l:l 1I10 U t Ar I.ree the hillafte'r every ntn "nd ·whlcb WU fI n ot t,itorA,- Xe nin L~ e puhli ~illl , The Citizens Bank, Waynesville, Ohio. has , heretofore COIlt.illlllllly wash ed Smull Penitentiary Populution. tbat 8ection of Main s treet" W~ l!o\'gu nlze\llll\(ler, and !ldheres e)oHelY to, the spirit With tbe o losll of Augn t the A Oriminal AttaCK of IlroRr e~st ven 9R~ , Obio ,P enil,e ntior y hlld It smaller .JAMESTOW~ on an inoffensive oitlzen' ill frequent number of inJUIlI,OS thun Itt Hny , , fi'eelillg tha,t t.he fafl,Iling community is entitled io tbe 11 ulade in that apPl\rently nse losA tillle ~ir"ce 1!l00, less tblld ~ ,fiOO. EXPOSITION. little tnbe called , the "appendix" slimo advantages of Modern Ban!· 11M 1M ' OffllTocl by the It 'iI genorally the rOl!olt of protruot '.I:lrti cuuae Is attributed to the siun Daily· Excuraion s to Norfolk. 1 ad oonstip... tion, followlog liver tor mer , VllOlLliol1 'uf (Jo ndt! und it it! Git y JiIlLk. they 11n VA in",tallod their t:!avings Dep"rtment. Va. Tour of Eallt with Stop. por Dr King's New Life PlIIlI re~u expec ted ·wheu they 'lgllill r esnmo n ovcrFl at wher flhy the beginner In life may enjoy a~ inoome on his late tbe liver. prevent IIppe ndlC:itiij, atanely iuarea' e will be tile rO!lult ,and e8'~blieb rej(olar bablts f)f the Pittsburg - New York 8flvings. and the , h l' uvy tleposlt,o r have the sllme advantage bowels 25ou.t Sobartz's drug store Exehunge. Harri!lburg Bns~on whil e wRitillg for a IitLthlfn.ctory investment. Ba ltimore Philadel,bla Coal ~amina.' Tluiir direotorAte being oomposed of Farmer8 aotive Wa"J,inglon Richmond I Ripley, do wu Oil the o,hio ri ve l', , , ' and nther points I' and fftired, is in a position to oater to the needs at , the hilS liBel the experi ence or Il COlli Go onc ROI,ltl....:.Return AnothCl' fllllline i~ w i,1summer , : t lie pnNt FU'E~AL farmer , liS we!l RJII t,he merohant ~nd band Ie tbelr ,fUndI! two week", thero huving 1I 0t been NORTHWEST, WEST sutillinotol'iI ,V, I fJoougll to ;,mp r 1y t,he cooki ng d e , SOUTHWEST Dlands , A ferry boat wbioh (ll ye l~tere£it at the rate of 8 ~(, 'pnl~' anll II I fI Specinl Rl~duced Fares the rivt'r , hilS been compe ll ed 1'0 ,annnlllly In ~bAir savln~lIc1epartment . : oellse runulng 'fo r t he )J1I8t two Fnr Particulars Inquire of \ \ ' weeks, beC8l'1se of Illok of oOtkl. - Ex. , H. E. BOOTH, Agent, ohuuBe. Corwin, Ohio. ' Ont. of t;ight A Grand Old ?tlnn . : "Out of lIigbt, out or mind, " il! an Many readers of the G a ~ette lire , ' o ld Baying whioh appli08 witb Ilpeo ucqualnted witb the venerllble Pro lal foroo to a ' sore, born ,or wuuud sill lng, Elder l:!phnr wllo hilS been At) tba,'1! been treated with Booklen's Veterinary t:)1l\'goon n Dl\ t" • '. ar,n ica sal ve . It's out ot Sight. O'1t long conneoted witu Methodhilll , in of mind and out of exilltence Piles Uhio. Tue Felicity '11mes r ecently t.oo' aud chilblalnll dIsappear under bad the following to lIay of He\" , I At HOlDe on ~ntord"y Afternoon, 1M heallng Infioenoo Guaranteed' Spabr: At tbe last lle!3!!lon of the by Fred G--8chwartz, drnggtet 2lio Cinoinnatl (JOnterence, Prel!iding'

FlIr two Jittl., bas be n said .. bont tilE.' real merit!! of tUIl ell po 1~l o n tllat oelebtllteB tbe turee huudretlth annl venmry of the seitJeuu nt of I,be U nited S ta t.e!! , 'I'lJ Jam BsI ,"n 'rer. eu tennlal Expo:titlOn "'"8 lin · fortn uate In allowiug ittlelf t o be seen lone before it WIIS rendy for Inspeotion. 1t iii nut oo lonil\l. 11IIt it Ie beautiful aUll it Is In!!trnnlivo, Visitors going tllere In 111' mood f wliJingnesll l u d l~uover tlle u!trll u, t,ion.1l of th" IIJ>Oi!ltlon "' ill 1101 be dir appoin ted , 'I'h6 It,( h t or tun weeks that reill/l in ur Ihu fa ir nnght to brinK bundr III f IlI lIn "nlld ~ of vis itor s frum nil pn rt~ Il f th,e oountry , 'J'be reglun it~elr it! rllil of b lst ur lc Ilnd pr ~ellt. dll:V Intere~t , Norfolk , Newport Nflw!!. Bumpton, nnd F o r t ress Monr utl Ilt hllnll . IUl d wlI ter xcur~ions III ny 11 1I11\(le to ,1nlll es town Is land hn<l III e very tllrection , 1'110 IIroblt .. Inro of th expoilit iou I ~ tu tbe tl'lJlU tl ll ubjer\,e r m ore lliuluing I.IlIl n that of lllmost uuy .. thllt In Il 10ll g series of Xl>ositi nil , 1 r the exhibitS/if!! no~ or a bewlldor , ill~ extent nud vul ty, they pre Bt leRst thoroughly illustrative of re cent progrf' 8. Some of the special ex blbltll, like th at oontalned In ~be neg r o bnlldlng, for iu tan e, ore wor'by of greatpral8e, The Il Dlted I:ltate8 Government b88 expended mooh money Itod Ingeonity in 118 various efforts to represont in this fair what t he Government liepllrtmenta are doing, and tb& mB nRge, ment of the enterprise has Rouleved wonders in overcoming of dim o ul~1't!e that. have arltlen. The weather on Hampton Roads during the remahling montbs of the expo· , sition ooght to be very agreeable for 'villt.ora,-I!·rom .. The Progress of tbe World," in the American Re, view of R eviews for October.

• 1.

M EN'!' AT AN\"'I'I M b: ,


Order :Pennsylvania your Periodicals' Gazette ...._---.... PRINTING Offite' :--LINES---


i-. I


DIRECTOR, TelephoDe Dar or Night. Local No. 7 Long Dlstanca Na. 69 ·3r WAYNESVILLE. OHIO 8rancb OffiCI. Har"'sburO', O


t, the,



IJ~iiIll,_! Ji_!!JjiiiiIif!iii !i! _ i i i i! i: i,~ii! i i ioi-iIiiiiI~'!i'-_iiliiiiiiiiii i it - iiiiiiiiili!!lii!_iiIiiiiii!"-' i,i ..! i

Dr .•John 'Hyatt;

I rrelephone No. 121


Waynesville, Ohio.

Of all Descriptions ,given prompt attenti,on at the Gazette , Office.


TRANSACTIONS at our lount, Sea t durin_ last wee••

.I I1Sl' l'h 1';, lla\' lIcr, f lAud Or"" \! (;arw \)(ILl , 01

L,"h,al~u~1 ~o s l~rl;, ,

NEW YORK'S r.000 U '










I •

( ~r,\r"pr"l~ J .JJ1J




Taxation, pro po rl)'l laid, Is a hlMiltll' j William H, Spelloe et. OIl VH t ul I.... ltant. It Is Improperly laId l'h~lip Sp~lIce, adwinis\fIltor, elc. . . Tbe New Yorll 10&I Rlatllr. bat 0 0 , wh en It does no't Irritate, 'l' hlo Gall.. I It I!! '~rd ero d that the na,w c of J. W: H ,lsev, IJrldl{e. reo act 'd " publlo acco un Ll nr la w whl <'h tnry )'t'i\C'llon OCC\ on ly whe n It t. To be h~ld at Wa y ne Form, 2 mile ' WCl:!l ut WuYIIt'/fville, Penn Maj{gle Gowdy be s ulJ'tiluterl in Ila~r:! III Wa vne town· 18 an outgl'owth of tb e camplllgn vlg. 1'10 lold I'hat tho IJerSOIl IlUylug has I R . R. , and 2 nill'S Eust o r Venublo I), L. & <.: . H, It. Trains 011 boUt pili e of M aj{gie ~ankJn In this ~ hlp 2R.80 oroully cond ucted In Ohio In th e In. 1':0 ,Iown In to . h lH po nltet aad brl n" rOll os wi ll hi' mel cyc ning before and mO~lIing nf Ull' ~lIh' . Hale wIll lJIlse. Walter Hogan, IUlllher 17./,0 t erest of slIch II. measure for th is Sl alO forth th ~' amount or tb~ levy, • Henco be held u nder n t ' n t rl';~a rdlcss of th ' weat her. Ohlo'8 law bas b n In etro('t for KO llhl U,,, te l'nl , "the pocket nervc." With . . ' ti tut ~ VI> C harl elj Whiteullc k and 4,24 Jean. Tbe No" York la w I' nols : 1\(llIIe t mperame ll tl this DClr\'6 Is EO John Puyut e r. Motion 10 ( uas h ' E. A. Gray, IUlllbe r Report 8 .- J'~V !!I'Y Cl,>III1 IY, 0111<'1' than ~f' " sll i vo thRt th,e sli ghtest to uc!! pro· i u(li c Lmellt overruled. J)efell' L iovd Stuc kman, IJridve Beg-inning at 10:30 II . 111. thOle comprl81ng the clLy of :\ew dll . IlCr\,O\l 8 prostrutl on , Du t tbes!) .ant exceplti, ,r e pairs ill Franklin York .. every City dr Ih second all ,1 61'0 II hnormnl lIil ,1 few. Usually th y townshIp 32.95 third elnft8el . and (> \'el'y i1wnrnora[,,\l 6uII'er from ulld lgeste d In vestments In M. Corwin Drllke vs Mllrv K. yfll.,e. Ihall alllluall~ mal", :\ repnl't dil'l. In the no'l-mal cll l7.ens tho tou ch 135.74 Bowker e t al. .Iohn ,R. Drakl! :I .. B, Smith lumber of Its ftnan da l cO lldlilon to (he COUlp' or lh o tllX on th e pocket nerve a waIt· made partv d e fe nd a nt alld given ~' . W. Hathawav, con· troller, Sucb repOrl 8 shall be malle liS hi Intel'l)st In tbe variOUS public REGISTERED except 10 Cows and 2 Heifers. leave t o file a n s wer. tra c:t No. R4 • 24.00 bJ tb e treat;ure rs of the various c01I1I' 1malll.'r~ fur II11UDtli ng which laxes aro ties, the oom ptrollers of cltle. or the IlIld , 'J'he IlDowledgo' of tblB tntel'Odt NHW surfS. Franklin Chronicl!!, . econd and third classeil and the ollcru tcs as a (,h ec k on tbe ood l'JS 36 printing nuticC8 fur Noab HolUlan vs hanc Oe\) ' treasurer! or vlllaloa, but If, tor Iny : log-Isla ":0, big nnd Utile, that crente 0:, nf th('~ nr r ,hln~ ht (l rg 01 Letlle ';; St, Lnlllhfl rt [Jo.v (62, -llt'), II (' oinm i s\lion e r !; 3.00 reasoo , the oomptrollel' sball deam It thp taxes, bart. Moo p.y; amollllt cllli III cd , purn •'t LllUl\) 'I't SUIl "I' lhp 'I' ll It L tho Cole!:! :!n d ), nece8sary tliat add ltlolla.l III fo rmati on When th I ' ll! gener::!1 discontent '4£.3 , 'I'll e plallltlff av er s that iu Jall,es Follen , sr., sa lary · be turoill hed by 'any otber omcor of with taxallun It s imply Indicates tb at M an:11 hls t h e rented the Gebhart as janitor at court 50.OtJ tbe munlGlpallties nallled herein, he : 10mlelhlll1~ Is wro ng 1111 the AGYSdtemh or 10 01 111011 ' ~ ," elII''' ,I d IIIlU hI' ll. f a I'm, for tbe term of one year housH m.y require aueh additional III forma· , Or II I s a dm lnl str:lt on, n t e re ' By th e lerm s of the agreement he Raymond Harshbarji!er, tlon from slIch olher olllcer 10 8urh ; I~ R nt' ral discontent. Even here ;n wa!\ to bave line · hair of all tile B~l1, form III! he may deem necessllry '0 Slollx City the rc'al estate association sala!'] as Ilss istllnt jan. o rOvsj sole aod exc lUSIve Ul!e of ':'.v nl :! uhl , Riof,f' r'I'4 .' t , \'/lmlwrt l{lnl( ( Ij , Ii -I~ J , 40. Icarr y llIto etrecl the IJlITI'OseS of thlB glve~ evidence ot It \)y dlscussla!:' It itor at cClIrt house 29 IIc re of pf!s lure; also 2 dcres act, All reporU shall be duly verifi ed I The " f rret" method Is denounced of orc hard witb th e righL of all John Keut e r, fee s ou by the oath ot tbe oflleer lUaklng tho 1 and defenol ed, an ,1 the tax tor t be BliP' Hanev road. review 4,00 Bllme and shlill be filed wl tb the eomp' port of schools Is saI d to be too great C~Op8 h e IIIlght plant thereon; NOIII'I ,Y nil "f t,Le h uifoo rl'l MIll y onn g Imli s IIrr Hlrrlfl h,\" Nnl ltd 's troller within six ty day. after ibo ~ some an d 10 small by others. r ll('ht 10 plant S(. acres of wheat Gibson ' Lo~e, fee s 00 Gr)l d en 'Acl, (li717r. ) , u ~1' lIrl( I :lO Il uf <~ IU311 Jl\wn '<, Lful . 11)' II IPpted (}I close or the fl~l' ul yea r of au eh mu· E lsewbere th ere Is largc r evidence 'J! ill the fall aud 10 gatll e r same In Han e l' road, revi.l!w . 4. I nlclpallty. Iilvery Stich omcer shall discon tent, We tlo not now Include d:l tl HlltL'1' nl' U Uh!1' 1I Lu ,I' ' I'h" lW II GlI W!! t h nt, t Ullpet1 tits rePllO I, \"lI tkel' 1908. He also claims that Geb· aleo. within Slxl)' Jay. after the ex· the tIlrltr, We hove In mind only thnt sn it, lIno u riJl~i ll g ~a nil illltl t h oth' l' f:t70() . hllel t.h e Iln lll« g raud ~l rllil . hart has mowed all t 'fte pasture; Bert Heed, fec8 0n ' Rltne,' 4.00 pi ration ot hl8 term at ollloe. or his taxallon 'l'l'hlnh Is a llealthtul Irritant; road, review ' :-1" III W " l'l) ,)lIt (' U W H' lI'\; olf, reel. Any nafect fl f no y ll ulml\l will ball rei used the plailltiff th e use reel.natlon or removal thererrom, that wh l e ~ Is dire ctl y laid upon prop· . of oroh'a~d, and has rented t he T. E. Keelor, Dllldical make a r e port to the oomptroller ot erty and Ig p8,Itl - dlreclly by ILs bu llIud,: kllO\~' 1l "" dll,\' "f ~ III (I < If y ou w nnt 8 fnmlly nn w, or t o In c re ... l!B wheat land tn another. ' For all servlce8 to prIsoners 4,1)() tha IInanclal coadl tion of Bueb munlcl· owners. Y,ll1l' 111' I'{I , [IJ' tu ge t, '1, FO N DATION II E RD, h 're \8 yo nr OJlll o rtulllt,~, I .,al oorporatlon on the dlte of the n · of whicb he c laims cJIlmBge8 to A lellislalive commlss!on composed 'I'1\1~ i~ st J'ir t ly 'l Cllt, 1'")l<fI "" I" . You r pr ie" is oa r~ i n o reserve, RUlCgles-Gllle Co.. jour· plratlon of hlB term ot ofl\ce. or ' ll is ot members of Ih Mass achu se,l ts &,(,11 , th e amouut of *4(J3. l1",t" (',lhl1ng n t n,l,lr no t.Jlf: I) l\'l1e r " ' TOKE & BROWN, nal for clerk 17.50 rellpatlon or removal trom omce. ns eral court, a~' Ihey ' ca ll thOlr It'S Isla · N ... than fR. NIcholson vs Ed· W, H. Stallage .. Co .. Waynesville, Ohio. tile case may be, Tbe rofu sal or will· ture, has jusl s ubmlllo<l a Yoluinlnou war~ and D. A. Sprllgue , R e· 3.0\) ful n eEect ot lucb omcer to file are· roport of lh o res ults o r Its In ves Uga· blltllks f!lr clerk plevlU; dalUagei ; amount '2,000, port aK bereln prcscrl\>ed Ihall be 110 tions nnd eoncillis ions, [n J;ubstance I A ('ortlLiIl <; tlr for (j'roup-Used W. H . Stanage & Co. , mIsdemeanor. It thinks the S)'IIlem o eeds only a lit· e,-' n Ytl/~rs wit.ilO ut 1\ Fallurll Jesse Gu s tin vs Rebecca Jane ·tHe boxes for rflc :> rde r 2. 00 Cblef Accountaot and Examiner of tl e patchin &, nnd IlI1cndlng, California'. I Sides. Dama ges. 'rhe plaintiff ApoCICOntllnataC· IIITefbeacCOc,omunPlternOtllewrhsoh. aullndaeP"r commlSi ton bas Just s ent to the legis· Mr, \V t; HoLt, IA ::itar City , Ind .. complalUs that the defendant eu · W. H. Stanbge' & Co., Ilu,ruwIIl'6 U1 el ohlll1t, II:! eutbushlSUI' lature Its flnn l r port following a pr .-· • s upphes for auditur hi. direction. shall be char&ed with Umlnary I' port publi shed last ye,'lr Uub~3 ltby lUdn eys Ma ke [mpure Blood. in IliA III'ultlllllf ' hllmberltllu 'Kcongb tered iuto II cunlract with him In and 8herilf 10.75 tha preparaUon at tlie torma ot the .re- lind se ut out as a "fceler" to .see If It lIse,1 to l,c \'oll sii lerc,1 lhat only 1'll l11 !'ly . flit, hildren lllive all bellI' April IIi Sl to lIlarry 11.1111 some time portll required by the prnlalonl of public sentlm nt woul d BII:PPOrL the llriuDry DutllJluolucr lrll1l1,lcs W~ I': lo be "'l1bj 01 t v roup and h e hilI! UIIed durilllil' th e 81x w eeks to follow; Earnhart's Drug Sll 're. and that be had made all ar· paint and supplies 87. riO I Jallgemeot!f' to COIlSlImate th e ' and ewamlnntlon of munlnlnal an~. s bould get Hs r e v nu 9 by Indirect '~ ll'I1CC till I>ro,'t:.s t1J. o.t I' t to ' F ran k W a II lug C ou t fIlCt. Ie ~ ~ 11 ' orh' tli'Co'l!1e8 In WI' .f 0. 1111 d h e & 1Wil l'S f e It 81\f,e up· . marriage; and 'hat eve r 'since I ' d ' t" I CIOUJlta. He sball al80 appoint not to t.u.x 1I d I h t i t 1I b ttl f Ch or c ealllnJ,! un paIn In~ a ow _..... b h II munalt~,nfra e a e to e: e 'I 'eecteUsclICI. l nOxbJn egclscormor ' t I<,I\'C' their, hegill llinR ' on rooI~IU~ W 1m U (j . e o , am· that time bu ,been willing to ful· truss stuc:1 brIdge 011 Po~t Town .~c...... ten ellllmlnel'll W 0 I a J ill the Ji: r<ler of her lll1u " ough Remedy WBII In the fill lhe s ame, aud that tlte del e n· roud in ["ranklill ! owlIs hip, at the bed°harSecl wI!th thb e duly ot InlPfecun g trur.alloll 'a s It ml ghl select. It aban, III <!S(' U10~ l il1lportn llt h01181) B·is oJdul't(lhild wU81'ubj e() t dant haa, e ver since ,April faLled. estllllatil t15. an exam In n! t e accounts 0 suc lI doo s III despair all plans to r oach and urga lls. . t,u !:!CVIlI'l' uttnck!< of oroup. but th l8 milololpal ,corporatloDs. 'J'he chief ac· tax all fo rms or porso nall ty, aud Itl! The l;i,lllcys filler relUccly never faIled to tl ft'ect ... stili refuses ti . lulfill tbe co utrltct Contract le t to Silatl Drake for ooolitailt .hall recelye a lalary ot not logic, If not Its dls tluct declaration , I,s unrl pnl'i fy tltl.! 11000- Il pflud y oure ; htl hl\lI recommended to h is great distrells , illcollven' and painting Ki!ll('s to' esceed two thousand ftye hnnllred to quit tr ylog lO tax any or it lll't! is llldr \\,u r:);', it to fr ieods Ilnd nelghborll Rnel ,all H:nce and dunaK 6 to the amuunt cl p.aning · I b d ' D f1 Id t dollara and hla necessary t raveling Minnesota um ended Its ooaslltuUo n Tbcn:fore, whClI yollrki 11I ~)'sare weak who 11IlVe n sed it 81\y thlli It Is un , M 01 '2000, I II s n ge In eer e own· ana otber aotual eltpenses; the exam. or Oll t of nl!!r. " 0 11 c~n llmler~tn ll ,1 huw . . ship Ilt· the estimate f185. IneTa of accounta s ball eacb reoelYl! so.s to leav e UIC legisla ture tree to quick l\' " lIurcllt;rc I.l(x.h- .i ' o'llTectcd and cq unlod fo r cr ou p Bud whoopluK select s uch kinds oC prope rty t or ta x, lIow c\'l,!ry orgA n seems ' to fui l to do ile cough For sole by ,T E .Ja.nnev PJ(OIlA'flt COORT. Clllltrllct let to Lennie WhItacre when employed elch t dollars a day allon a:3 It dcome'd best, .a nd the leg· July, If you orc sick or "feel bnd ly," hel!iD Estate of Seiden G. Dunbam, lind Joseph Nicholson for lumber atid tbelr necessary travellnc ex· Islature Is puzzled to know just what deceased. , J. E. Dunham ap · at prices stated in contract; valid peUns"~lsto' MIl Sy-tem at Acconnt.,-Tb- to do with ILB now Bud ..respo~8jbla, laki llg tile great kidney remcdy, J)r. ~AnONI v f d T Id It U b b KillIler's Swamp·Ronl, l !~cl\lI ~C !,S SooD pointed admiulstrator. ' until September 22, 1908. ' oomplroller may formulate and pre- ' rcc om. 0 a le ro as cen as your k idn eys aro well thcy WIll ht; lp .cribe a aystern ot· ke ping aoconnts forllled astu te tnx league, which will Rl1 lll c Olh 'r or;::!llls to ileo'lilh. A tri al Estate of M. M. Clllp, aSllll(nor. -.. AN~ which .Yltem ahall be uniform fe; or&'l\nI7.ll local lea,gu OJ. ovl!r UIO " ilate \\'ill cun"ince III I\·onc.. Order granted to seJl 'cbattels at eacb class ot muniCipal corporatlona In which taxation ",\11 be stlloJ led anrl if you o'lrc sick' YOll CIIIl tno'lkc 110 milo pri Ylltll . ale. In section one or , thl. act, rt ebatcd, Lawso n P urdy of N . · w Yorle, take h y first doctori n~ \'our kidueye. Dr. Sherwood Vice Pres· .r -.llIed -b i d th . t ax I eaguo 0 f tb a t TlIc mild <tllll lhc xtraorc1inary. effect of Et4tate of Jane Slu;edy ~ im· ident of Medi ....1 "'--iety. and from time to time, ,.'heuever hI! w a o~llan zo l'IME l aball deem It neces sary, direct the In. sLBt e. wa. at Ow In ceting In whleh Dr. Kilulcr's Swamp-Root, lhe WCIlt . ~.,.,.; beClle. FIrst acoonnt flied. .tallment of luch Iystem hy any 001! the lea(;lI o was orgalll zell and address· kid ncy y. ifs ~QO n reilirct · It .,w.,' ~: 'I' I \,~; M ""'C H :11 , hU7 Th,e County MNho,,1 Sooiet.y h~. or more ot tbe munlolpal cor.porat.lonll e(l. it. Th ' amenrlment of the consl!. stands thc IIldil( hc..~t r ItScnSC8, WOIll nnu cr u is~\lsold rcs NOIl 1'H !.IOUN U. E'ltllte of John p , Carey, deof the 1II0st strcssI ng eleoted the follOwing olBoerafor th:l cem'pri.lng such olalls. AllY ofl\aer of tu tlon was the rosllit of un IIsltaLion. on Its lIIe rils b\' all oeased. Final account filed. !\In. J O year 1907-8 i Prealdent, Dr, .Jobn M eaoh mUlllolpal eorporatlon who IIb.all begun some elghl years ago Bnd reo eJr:I1 Kj:( istsill fift)':ccllt Estate 01 Phoebe Gillespie, de- Wright of Red LIon i vloo pretlldent, retuu .o r will tully nerlect to CIODlpl), 8ulted In the ore atlon of a ta :c: com· nnn one-dollar A.M, ii , P M. oeilledl Final account filed. ' T h ' Mh ood f W • with aucb direction of the oomptroller mission, whic h I' Ilorleu to Ihe l£Ogls· Il6l11<:5, YOll lila), " ~~ Or. omlte . erw ,0 aynll8 within sucb reuonable time as the laturo In 1902, The Illlfnrnia COD!, lIa\'o 0 som ple bOlllc llom.o!S.........\loot. L<bullon J C, o\r " 00 11 :111 In the malter of Thomas Hill, "1~le, secretary, Dr, Ber8hel Fisher, comptrl!lIer' may pre8cribe IIhal1 bo mlsslon's re port Is rOl1lnrkably slm' hy ruail frec , uls\> n pnlll phirt telling YOll : :,~ 11 ~R h IK an alleged insane pers un, HIli how lo fi nd out if yo n have kidncy or 17 ·,t I \I ~ I If. 1 :1 of . LebdnoD; treal!urer, Dr, BUlfh lullty of a mIsdemeanor. The com,· liar to thot of the Mi nnesota commls· blo'l ,ldcr lroubl . Mentirlll th is parer ~~ " II III r~manded to the ' l at e hos pttll' nea'h, of Franklin i ~rd of censors, troller may, however. and upon lood alon III til conclusions reacued nn ,l whe n wrilillg lo Dr. Kilt)lcr & Co .. Ding. ~ ~o II 10 : o~,w for treatmell.t. 17 :1:! ' II 0 2 Estate of Evaline Sterling. de· O~' EUI....n, of BarvII,eburg, With. ::'d ·8~~~I:~I~~;~:d 8~~:na:bl~~~ ~~ re~~:ton~~i~~~n~~!~es discontent t~~I~~::;e~f;~~ t~~II;~;;:~l'.:e~\~~·lIl:!I:l~~: Manor ,m, of Rlngl! Mille, aDd Otho lllvanll, reallonable .nd nec~8Iary, The ex. not with .taulion, but with system9 Dr. KilUl er 's Swamp·Root, uull the ad. LYll., 7 ': 7 I ) r.7 £eased. InventOr}' aud !lppraltleof FraDkllD i deli,.le \0 the mee'IDg pen.e of instaUlng a lIyatem or keep. and methods: anel admlnlstraUon ; a dress, Diulllllllllton, N, Y . ouevcr.vbotU.. F"I!:,·",..".I ; ; ':1 11 I ,.4 ment filed. .14 40 .:If the tltate I!Eodloal Sooiety, ColnlD. I•• ·aOl'.ounta 10 J)llnIlIDnlle III thl. lee· growing ' belief that e xisting syste ml Venable :7 ~ ,l :III;'U - .,. 1' 1 I 17 I ' 1 104 6 Estate of Ann H. Kelly, de- bue, Ur, E, tI, Stevena, of Lebanon i Uon ._all be paid out of lIuob appro- and motho<\s hove' not mado good and -. - - - ' I.e 'n"' .. III III) ~ II 4H allItb • till proprlatlon ,hall be marte now or that othe r syste ms must bl) trled:Dud,l. ceased, First account filed. IooaI ~"mbeI' 0 f tb e.& 8 e au ary bereafter to carry thlll ••t Into ell'ect. Sioux City (la.) T I·lbune. L. luuu t7 UII flU )l1 ~ ~U .E.tat~ of Harriet C. KIlly, !Ie · oommltt4H!, Dr. B. B, Blair, of Leba • • I.cban"u- I." , 7 UII 10 :1(1 : 4 ~iI . , I ( ' II &: IJ H .I< J) eealled. Fllla.l account ,til.-d. non. DOUII!-I TAXATION, \) t tl I' ;,(, :, r.ii Uuy l d U, REGISTRY TAX LAW . • .. • • t Nel.on W , Evan, or Ih, Portamollth Estat.e of RIchard jt'airfu, de· II.t .'\ 'I' P I\: )( l ' I - - Enllctment t!ubllOriptiODll reoelvtld for &11 'he ' 808f'd CIt Trade, III an Addrela betore Mlnneaotll'. New (leased. Invenlory and appraise:{ 'JU , ' I 0(1 Bring. , leading Dewspaperi aDtl m aaazinetl, tbe Tax Commllll.n at 0_1 .. . .. Id : . E,M~ALMER : ment ·tlled. ' t,P'I'UlI t :>tl Hiding, Mortgllgea (lut a' the liAIIIe&te 01Bee. , Now ...11111 w~ wa"I, In th\ll al.U I. ~"Illo STIl EY-T WAYNESVILDK. O. I'. M A. " trledom .r In" Rdmlni'tolr.Un", Wh.I we Th e Icglti lll tllre of the State ot Mi n· Eltate of Hanuah Oberhll, de· ~ u Ii'" "''''' In 0 1,10 I. th~ repeal at Ihe .d nl!Nola. hns lineled Ii law providin g for ] n r oom ne x t· r\C'or to ' r fJ~9 BrOil, ceased. Sale bill filed. i valorem' til" "r""I.lon ...r Ihe con.Utu· :1 0 ,' tlon , W e do not need a""thln. In It. t he lllxntlou of m or tgagos on real li ard \\' nro St.,lr" .) :111 plac•. and would b. h eUor off wllh 1\ jJrope rty. Laura B, Basbor aDd Alice 'L~\ opb l) n o I II hOll se lUlU meo :. 5', ; IIlmple anel abaolul. r~lJeal . '1"h o law Impose,s a tax of 50 oen ts Laudes, exeoutrlx ot tbe estate ,Wo muat ... t rl~ or that old "h ......... IIlJon each $100,00, or major (rnctlon \\'h oro I (!j ill 1" ro ll Ll UII Y (l r night . :. (iii "La.Wlt .hall b. pas'I'd Usln@( money!'. of Josepb Landes, deceased, lots "iI M} Vulll'S Plp 'lui ' ·\-2, , ONjllI., bonda, .took .nol Invnlmont. In the r or 01 th o prlnolpal d bl or obll· III Franklin, 5200. ' , u 00:1 JoInt .tock com""nl ••, or otherwl •• : . nd gntlon 8cc lIrcd by an y mor tgage on 01 II ~ ~/I a~ . • 11 reul and personal proporl,. .e. rC1I1 f)I 'O ll~rty situated wltbln the state. Mary E. Landes to Erie J. cof'llna: to Its Iru. value tn mnn.y, " Tlla' " II !lllrd Time" iu Konsll" ~ 1 :ln M .> r,1 a III Weaver, lot in Frankhn, 'I, I. the rule ""dar which w., can ha". no MOI'tgagcs 1I1101I ,yblcb lhls tax bas ,) 01 'J ::a . It ~ ~ . 1.\, ' retoml til t u x&Uon. No matter what hee n paid Yll oll b.~ eX,o mpt fro m all T h o 0111 tlu y !:! of ~r l\ s"h l) pp e l'~ lind Ed~c\\",tI'l ' 1' II:. a ~o; Ophenan BlsQop to F. F. Hell+""r. ~.r!les' ~ -u'-Pam' otlier for... oft8I1allen .. .... !,ave dnubl. othel' taxes. The tax Imposed by this ..u J1l.ll All lall.tlon and .o...tlmes quadruple I.... . aot IR puyable at 01' beCore the lime of tlr,.nth fl r o o~n(J"t for /,:" tt.·1) in t.h e . Ve""lIle , '\1 011 :r :)0 eeke , lots i~ Corwin, 'S,5()O. ~lls r<ell'e,' e pam· not ~Ion, It wilt b. no trauble to r8p ••1 filin g th ~ mortgage ro~ recOl'd. prosile r olls h.. IIIlSIl!4 of t,oth y ; altbo 1 1' 1 11) II 1. '1 :I:! ~~ I .r Art , U of the oOllaUlllllolI If Asa Hook and wife to D. W. 11J I. Th now r eg l ~ 1 ry tax In w Is more II. cit i7.p.n of otlnl1. Ea rl , htlwburg \ ' h'~lDcr " :, only once, but as many both polllleal perlle •• .,.e. t" It. It h. . thon 'Town and' JesBie TOWD, 70 acres multlng good tho p rom ls~ of Ilfl hu s n ot ,Vl't. fo rgott.en /I hlLrll tim e Unh, 't . lIMn producU" .. af the moet unjuot .n4 h o !1ncon ntorerl He ~tly~: 'or WIlS 1 .<' 1 ;",01 1\1 :! 3 1:1 4" :fI'.2 tim es .8S 1 IS necessary O. unequal .y.t~m of whloh .V~r baokers. III tbe coun ty In which Mi n' • In Clinton and Warren oOUlltieR, wurn on t Dnd Il L cou rtl ge,l lIy congh I, ''''''II''UAI'Il\' c n 110 ;!•• n.,o~ , ' AI,(lo n"II.'I ~ Uft take them. Many perSona a. l lllcl.,d .ny people. Today we lire .ut. un te d, for Instance, on neapolis Is, slt '2,100. , ' Ii III1 0 0 " Ua ily \!xnC [l L SUllil", t~ln. th. 'eur.e .. r thl. 1t... "lo III W . w. inl' ni g ht IIl\ f,, ,1Il,Y; 0 no] CUll II t who suffer from chronie can nol eo.. "el Ihe r.turn or mnn. ya; the first day Ule law w n t Ill to cll'cctbo' relifl f till I tl'ie,1 Dr Rlng '_ No"" Oi ~ , SIJA l r UA ISR, Anua Griffill, exeoutrix. to Wilthe, la.• allon or cr•• II. I. unjust .nd tween $9,000 a nd $] 0.000 was received cov e l',\' [t. t oo k Ie!!!! I hUll II b ttle ' ']'1'"1,,. p"s." Lyt Ic u folio,,", al'lments ·fin'd m' them a 40,,"1. t .... ilon. and the Iuollo" or as a : r~gl stry tll X a gnlnst $5,000 liam Griffin, lot in Franklln~ $700. '; ~.", <n . ~ ~7 1" w source of great relief from ' aleCka . . .uolll Ia' ,double tuaUon,. paId rtlll'lng the wholc year previous, t o comf1 J A ~ol y c uro me" 'I.'h tl ilflfe!; The Loveland Mutual HUlldiot{ rI 04 a "I 7 !l3 p. • The valuation was cl ose to two mll· lIod 1l1 0~t I'ollll hlu Go ngh r Olll ndy IllHl ';l'Jll tbIJIl,, "!l the suffel'illg which they and Loan Co. to Corll Wyli', 7 ~ I•. N. AS WAL D MORTGAGE TAX. lion dolla rs as com po red wit h $160.000 thront h Uule r Ilyo r disoovBt'ml lilllll' 1 ; .'"ern IP"~St ''''~- A~e nl , L~I~\ n o n . 0, Mcres in Hamilton towlisblp, $1 would otlu::nvise be comNew York b .. a moriEa•• reoordln, returned , for laxaUon dllrlng th e past nnteed hy ~'r (\ tJ ~Ob\I'IL l't z d rug * L' l'rial lJ(;)t.tlr fre and otber valullble consideratiHuM. Som e at tho mortga ges we re Htore 50c IInel ., pelled to endure. Their taz I.w whlcb baa Increased th. year. old and had be> n co n ~eu l ed ror yea rs , revenue trom mot1·lale taxation over Gilbert M. Graham to Willillm Bow to Cure It Uold soothing influence upon the old BYlt'lm<by 300 per cent and I'll:F. Grabanl, undIvided one-half the nerves strengthen "illtecl The q uestioD of h ow to ('ure a cold 10 a reclhctlon of Intereat rates. Dit.H.E.RATHAWAY iDterelt in 112 aores, .1 and other wi t h o ut uuneees!lury 10(ls of time 18 rather than weaken them. , The principal virtue of the la", II . . ... 't 'Je:! villfl'!! LCllding De ntist considerlltions. o ne in which we Iro more or leNS that It. operation doea not admit state of W8hlngton Haa a Office ill K oys BleIg , Main Bt luttl re~te d , f~r the quicker a oold II! For this reason they sel- fraud, .IDCle a mortlas. to b. le,al Conltltutlonal Amendment to Anna May Va~doren to Zemas gotteu riu of the l e~8tb" daniel' of mUlt be recorded, anel to be reoorde4. . Permit ClaalltlC;all oh ot Prop. Va'Ddoren, 73* acres in Washingw dom lose their effectivepn 6u1l1 onin~ lDd othllr serioue di88ll888 muit pay the tn. Small .. the latter erty For TlIxatlon Purposes. ness. lop township. HI!! Uoa r' Ulu Motlle r Mr B W L Hnll, of Waverly. Va .. la In proportlon to tbe % or 2~ per '" am 81 yea.... old and hllve .ulrere4 lor 4Z trom nerv"". troli~ , "My denr 01.1 m ot.h er , \vllO it; ilOw hn s 'nlled UhuUlberlBtu '8 Cough Rem cent formerly levied, It haa Inorea.ecl & In COll1lnon with other slales IIA lUnAGR LlC1CJIISRS. rhoumetl8m and .lIwmlcla. palpItation eiJ,(lttythree :veo)'!; ' n ld. t.tlrivoM 01/ etlv for yenrs flond SIlT8 : "I finnl,. tile reve~ue beca1Jle formerly more ,thDt · Rre lIerloulllir con sld ring the of t~ heart. allill"tneH8 of b. .tIt. GUI 81aok and Mary Howard, .leeplew""II8. and pain around the Elect,rlo BlUer"," wrlto W [1 Brnn lJoliev!l;UhIlDl berl<4 iD 's Cough Reme tIlan 80 per oent of the mortlalea ... betterment of tn :1C lall's, Washing· 11""rt. The Dr. Joines Antl·1'1lln PIlle ot Morrow. "0Il, o f Duhlln , Gil "l:lh ll htl t•• keD ely to bo I~bsolutely the beet prepara caped tAllatlon a1totetber, . ton comes to U~e tront willi a have been a bl"'~lnc to me. 1 4on't know wh ..t I _hauld 110 wltbout t hem for II bout two :vollrs Ilntl nnjoy':l liiOD ou the market' for oold.. 1 have Tbe New York Sun', revlewlnl the propOSition to amend Its slate oon. Glen B. Roland, of Centra. and th'ey are the only remedy I bave operation of tbe me&llnre, report. that ..tltutlon. . lin xoellent 'LlJpet itc, f ue ls st rong recommended It to my frlenda -and used that cllh~r dId not .._ City, W. Va., and Pearl 14. Dr.kII, ever u.t In Ieq lime than I bave ~ ..... lAnd 1116<' ll8 w ell " Thnt 'H th e wI~y they Illl "grllll , with me" For II&le "the Dew law wal'Clecl ott • serloua :rbo pertinent ;paragraph I'n tho ntf tht'mi' or else Iho InJurloUII rNUlla of Kings Mills. El cotric Bitters Affect t,h e Ilj.tecl, and by J E Janoay abortace . dt morta'll,e cal)~tal ID tbJl propos!ld amendllilent ' reads: w 'ro Hue, lll.t 1 wtWld be obU,. to '-- Carl Stephenson, or Leba~otl eou.. thOlr II ...... town durin. tile latter half o~ la.t "The lJower ot taxaUon "hall tue IlIlIne hllPPY rel!nl~ follow In 1i1l. " . II RB. 8 , C • . ROBINSON. ORsea of female weulEnesl IlDII Rener ~ubsorlptioutl reo ' for aU the lead. :rear. It will 110 'doubt reaot betore Dever be SUrrendered, sU8J1ended aud Lulu GoQdpaster. (If Morrow.. .1 Catter St.. Chattanqop, Tenn. lollS OD the 1'atllll of interellt, brlllgtnl or contraoted away~ TlP,Xea shAn Or. Mil... Antl· ... ln PilI.......... ~ III debility We ... k, puuy ohildren tug JIIBgRZID811 aDd neWilpapen, at Kor J. West, of Blavcbeatl'r. be unJform ullon lame class of tQo, are greqtly lI.trengthened by the G87.8tte olBee. Note -We wlll t1~~~!Ic.~~a :::: ~~t.'" 1'1' It them back to the 1I01'11ia1 lovel of 4 per aad Murta Brown. of Middleborn .. ont air. . . . per a_to ADd perbapt : aubJecta, and be h;,lecl and t.hern GUllra[lteed also for stomaoh, I meet the prioel ~vent.ed b" IIIIIIc. _allllIII th_ ....tuaJl,: at 110 lo,w al : collected for p~" liver aDd kidney 'roubles, by Fred " aD'1 John E. Hease1 .ad J uha BUdIIrt, ID4 rat. ....... 6 Jar . .t."-Dla~"1 repukble sU*".p&iOD &IQ07. , Q Sohwar'», drnglw& 50 08Dts iilbop, of Fraalehn. . I' CIa,.) .1 ........... ,.



Thursday, Oct. 10, .1 907,

58ALL Head of Richly Bred Jersey Cattle




f'r om 2 to 8

Years Old

15 Heifers,

Our Pure St. Lambert Herd


6 Young Bulls.

Often The K'dneys Are Weakened by Over-Work.

't~:a~~; !~:tI:~~:~~~o~h:fl;~;e~~~~ ~~~:~, r~~!o:~b~~::~~ues~~nt~:tt t~:I~~~~ A




r Ii!: 8






~~~'l·et.l ~;~\~,bc ~~:::d~lu !~~ ~1:~~1rt[I~~ \~~~o~Rf~Il:~~ :r'::~'.


















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wear Out. -





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htJu rest · trom all htl enemlci rollU(\ nbou!. "' '' h~· . Ihlll splenllld IlRlar.e. at c dar IR a ll1\lnum ut and: sthnony to the rl'ltmcl whom Ihe Lord hus 1'01~l'd Ull fo r UI In Hiram, Itluf; o· 1'yre," Davill ex 1:IID1cd, n[lflreclallvely as be nt. r· ud Ih Etulcly \lortal nu d " (iCee(\od 10 STORY BY THE MHIGHWA"{ lhe Iun r prhtate allartment s. whllher AND 8.,WAY" PREACHER hp ha d loved or late to withdraw him· lwlf nnd let bi B mind contemplate t.h ' t1\lnss or Ood and to d~'ell upon hi s hllly lit IV, Lliylng a side hili outer robe. Scripture Autborlty :- I Samuel. h s tretched blmsolf upon the !Dw chapter 7. dll'An In a nook of the 8paolous 8Plllt· . .ment overlooki ng a co urtway In whIch • ••• .• '•.• ' •.• '•.•'. ,. '• .• ' •.• '• .• '.. rare Uow rs bloom d a nd cool watflrR .. BERMONETTE. ... plByed Ilk_ a , chlmo of sweet· toned








Even the loftiest ambItion... .. mUd bll ordered after the coun. ... .. lela of God'a will, ... .. ' David ahowed a eubllme aPlrlt'" .. of eubmlulon and found new'" ~ I'8l1'8latlon. the purpo.ea of t!: ~d u he yielded hI. will to the ~ will of God. t!~ It II ever true that the path· II!... way of submissIon to the DIvine ~ .. wIll leads to the place of larger'" ~ bles.lnlJ. t!... David deal red to build 1I tem' ~ :: pIe and God gave hIm a poe· -it terity wITole crowning glory and ~ .. triumph wae the Chrl.t. How.. .. true then ae now that God I,... ~ "able to do exceedIng lIbundllnt· J!i• ~y above 1I11 that we uk or ~ .. think." ... DlIvld', amb ition coneerned • temponl thlnga. but a. hll yIeld. ... ~ cd hi, will to that of tho DIvine. .. • God gllve him a viii on of glorllll ~ ~ of which h, had never dreamed t!... be'ore. ~ .. NlIthlin'. haate In Indorsing... .. the plan. of David brought him ... ~ embarraument, for he wa. com. t!11 pelled to return to David with a ~ :: ' meAlIlJlII whIch he mUlt hllve ~ .. 'eared would dllplllnll the kIng: .. lind bring him Into reproach, ... -it He .hould h,ave waited until he .. -it had lurned the mind ~f the" ~ Lord. It leemed 1I very worthy t!11 and proper ambition to hIm until II!~ the l .. rchlllJht of thll DIvine II!will wal turned upon It lI~d then : .. ha knew that both he and David .. -it mUlt trull their couree accord. • -it InlJ to the unchanglnlJ polar atar'" .. of the eternal purpolea of God, ... -it Here, then, I. the lellon for ... ~ you and ml, Be elow to Indorae t!11 lInother'l plana. Be quick to ~ 11 hellr the DIvine volclI and to ~ :: learr' the Divine will, Thill am.: :4 bltlon may be eVllr 10 worthy In ~ .. Itself, but It may be Wl'ong. ab·" .. .,Iutely wrong, becau.e contrllrY .. .. to the will and purpou of God. .. 11 Happy. Indeed. the men who J!i11 wilt oancel hi. own progrlmme ~ 11 and cheerfully accept the one ~ ., -4 • pl'8plll'Cd b Y God. ~ . .... The worthlne.a of the Imbl. .... tlon Is not IlwllYO proof of one'. .. .. titne.a to perform ·the eervlce, .. .... Mliny a man aoplr.. to a place ... .. In the Lord', kingdom which he t!.. il not qualified to fill. Many a II!~ mlln ha, had the ambition 'or ~ ~ the mlnl.try who h .. not, the II!• "'qulalte quallflcatlonl for luch -it office and who h.. not been 01· ~ ...; vlnely called. It ·11 .0 eny to... ... mlalnterpret the dealre. of the... .. heart and to think It II God'I" ~ call'wWen It I. O'1ly the vau lting t!~ ambition of a heart whIch I. not ~ ~ In perfect touch with the Dlvlnll II!~ will. Seek flrst to know God .. : -it w!ll beforo avowing your futur... -it courle In the Lord'. lervlce, , ... .. Remember. when God hae ... -it temples he would have you... ~ build he will not fall to place the t!<!I plainly written commlllion In ~ your handa. .











y '• .y' •.y .•.y .• '• .•.•.• ' • ." ," ,,,.•. ,,.,,

THE STORY. OT only had the religIous life of King DavId been quIckened by the bringIng at the ark to Jerusal em, hut that of the whole nation as we ll , pnd the kIng found new delight and pllr· PClse In the performance of hIs rellg· 10118 de vollons as be came to, realize bow the I)eople looked to him as ex· ample and leader. and 'were pleased to follow hIm In a cloler observance of tb e MosaIc law, ' The sad tragedy connected wit h bringlng up the ark had stirred the nalion profoundly. and the depressIon "\'tblch hlld followed gave place later to a ' more IlTotound reverence for God for David had corrected hIs own mls: appre hensions regarding the Incident and had completed tbe task of bring. Jng up the ark to the royal city anil placIng It withIn the holy of holies In tJle tabernacle. Th us he had ·reassured the people. What a glad time that bad been and how Klng David had won tbe admlra. tlon and love of the people as he had mingled In coin man , with them In the Joyful procession that danced before the Lord as' lh~ ark progressed upon Its Journey, And what· a new mean. ing tbe sacrifices had taken on In the regard of th e , people as thc solemn senice was pet-tormed at short Inter. ...-als upon the journey, David bavlng auaed the e rection of altars along the line o( the march. And followIng ·the glad bllt soleinll ceremony of Install. Ins the ark In It! place In the t~ple bad come I1S we have said. a revival In the heart of tbe king as well as In the hearta of bls people, 80 that tbe obll. !;at.,lona to tbe ~rd were regularly and faithfully pfJ'rlormed by all the people the king tak,ng delight In .Iesdlng th~ pfiople In this re"pect. Olle day af~er ~11l1 DaVid 'had been to the tabernacle to preBent hll olfertllg before the Lord and to have the print make l&crlllce for him he waa • ID particular elation of ~Irlts, Ind hll wIlDIe ....n oYerlowed with ImpuJse tit boaor the God wIIo had 10 Ilenall, ~ .b!~ .aJ!d w~o DOW Jaa4 II.,..


b lI a,


"What mor could tbe heart of th .. kl ll g t1eRlre. seeing that t he Lord hULh es tabllsbed me In tbe kingdom anct glvc n me tbls 811lendltJ bouse In wblch to dwell. My heart doe8 magnIfy the Lord. Rnd I do long to serve him and 10 stabllsh the Peolll In the ir devoLIon to the Lon\. What more can 1 do?" And Davit! lay In silent medl· fnllon s l rll'lng to find some ne w WRI' In whlCb he co uld show bono r to God a nd pro1'o his devotio n bllfore nil the nntlon. Strangely enough his mInd kept revr rUn g to the recent In cl donts connected with brlnslng up the ark to Jprusnl m. and Jl e soon was absorbed In !taclng the journey step by step. nnW Jerusn lem waa roacbe d and with the 50'md of mu sic and with dancing the Ark WfiS restored to Its place In the tnb rn ac le, Suddenly, almost Violently. the king snt ~olt, uprlgbt as the thought fia shed Acr068 his mind t.hat tbe ork of th e Lord. rested wltbln a tabernaole mad e of curtains. and he. the king, d";elt within a house made of cedar. With alolOst a rep ranch In his eyes he locked nbollt blm . lUI lie exclilimed : "Can It be that I am content to dwell within tbese splendid walls whUe the a rk or tbe 'Lord reats stiH within the curtained walls ' of the tabernacle. a8 1t did when Ollr fathel1l took theIr jonr· noyS through the wilderness' Shllme on David." he repeated over and over agoln AS be psced back and fortb through bl8 apartments under tbe ex· cltementt ~hlcb stirred .... Ithin him at the thought at the contrasL "But" ~e ('xci aime d. with great vehemenc~. as he stopped abruptly before the beautiful archway overlookIng ·the gar· den plot of t be courtway, " If Davld'l house was bllilt tint It sbail be only tbllt he might build tbe house for the Lord even more ' magnlficently, This INthe !hlng wblcb, I will do," and cnteh· Ing lip bls outer garment be hastily turned and le tt the apsrtment and was soon on hIs way back to the taber· nac l . Wltb the Intensify of Ibe emotlonll which s Urred Within blm he paced back ant! fo rth In the areaway 81lr· rOlm dl ng t h e outer conrt of the taber· naple. He viewed It from eve ry angle aDd stepped all all tbe surface of the g reat roalt on wblch the tabernacle bod bee n 1Iltcbed. "How splendid II tbl! locntlon. How glorlouA will 'be this city when David bath bullt the Lord' a temple III which to dwell In the midst of his people!" And In bls mlnd'I ere he tried to pteture just how It would appear. "Yes." he exclaimed. as he apln measured off the Blze of the taber·' nacle and tben the lIurtace of the rock "Yeti. the temple Ihali bll double tb~ dim ensIons of the tabernacle' can. s tructed unde r the direction at Moses." And after making various mental calculations and studying over tbe , new plans wblch were formulating In 'hls mI nd, he returned home and was soon confiding all his plans to' Nathan tbe prophet, whom he had summoned to his presence. And with the bearty commendation of the prophet ringing In his ears and a ne w BOng of gladness Bounding In his beart he betook blm. alllf to his couch Ilnd was soon lost In slnmber, troni whlcb the next morning he was a",akened by one at tbe servo ants entering and announcing that the rropbet N~than deSired to see him. ' him In nt once," cried David. eage.rly. and as Hie prophet.entered . he exclaImed : "' What, but some cplondld lh()~gbt concerning the bulJdlng of th e Lord's temple could bring thee hither so early?" . , The king paused, Surely the propbet did not share bls elation ot spirits. He looke!! at blm In wonder as be noted the dejected look and ' the ' hesitating mann I'. "Speak." he said. brlelly, "for I ' perce lve tbllt tbou hast a message from tbe Lord." . "Yea,", spake the propbet, ~' verlly the Lord bath said that tbou shalt lIot bulJd blm a temple." And went' on to tell blm all. tbat the Lord had ~poken. With bowed bead DavId listened and when Nathan bad ceased he kept sllcnt. and tbe ' propbet withdrew. Then Klllg David went . to the blber. nllele lI~d sat before the Lord anll there was given that Vision whlcb caused him to exchilm In rapture: "0 ].ord God. thou hast spokea of thy serva.n t for a great while to oume nnd hast regarded me In the arr&ngemnnt about tl,le man that Is to be from above •. O. Lord God Jehovab," World'e Rloftelt Bank .. The Bank oJ England Is the rlchelt bank ln the world todlY. The hank ot France comes next. The Bank o( France Is not a state lnstltu"tlon tllollgh the governor and two deputJ~ are appointed by tbe presIdent of tb. republic and Ilre removable by ' the minIster of finance. The bank prac. tlcally reprelenla the IInanclai Powv ~f the republtc. ArtIficial Ice In Brazil Rio de Janeiro bas only artlll~laI Ace and ,001, one taatofT to IDau II. aD equipment .....t .. not up to elate. The Ioe .. IOld by I1'OC8n at IIIoa& .~ c:eutl a IICNDd.


rold by Pll rkave to Alh.treet and hy • .Mr •. ' Par/<Ilva to ~r., "Ih:~eet. When Mr Parkl\ve reads thi s he


Jo..pb D, .... Ice,)

"Now, 'Prof, Lewis: It you ahould oblerre a pr80UceJ development of your Ideas you would repudiate them Imme diately." , Tho speaker wal a lively girl enjOy· Ing her summer-vacation among the hllla at Boutbern N'3W' Hampsblre, bllv. Ing obtained quartera at a ramliUng old farm houee originally built for a large family. wltb several extension I annexed- afterward. readily ' accommDdating as mllny guests IlJI a small botel; lind noted among t.he Bummer Idlers for soclablllt.y &.lid freedom. the Illme oholce spirits going there to rus· tscate year after year. Borne special InterposJtlon of providence being nec· eSllary to admit a , Ilew member. ThJs. bowever. wu LIIUe, Burton's nrst sea· aon. her apeclal pl"O,"ldence bei ng all aunt who bad been Identified with the patronage of the house from Ita first openJng to tho s umme r boarder. Wben lLCQuaintance becnme 8stablIabed and her quall ties understood. sbe was all evident faVorite with the men, mccUng tbetn on the c.ommon ground at good fenowablP. but evlne. Ing no dealre for 1m exchange of at· tentlon, the reeult being that they often failed to observe an empty chair beside the .I eason'si beaut., If a place remained vacant Ilear the "Bronze Lillie." aU but Prol~. Lewla wbo con· tinned 'to .bestow his atte~tlon8 with tbe same ImpartJailty for which he was notsd. It being the merest ot chance happenlngll that now lett blm In het' IIOCJety for ' an unlnterrupted hour. A ...ef7 eollservalttve man on most polnta, lie was radllceJ to extreme where It might les,st have been ex· peeted, beDevln« t!loroughly In wom· an's emancipation, In the broaC!eat lense ot that abused term, a statement of. these Vie"s bavlng eUclted LIllie's remark: "lD IlJllte of 70ur oplnlon. be contln. ued, " wttl ventnre to repeat my statement. "that I consider women en· titled t1J aU the rights and privileges enjoYed b,- men, 110 far, as she la mell. tally and physicalllr capllble of ell:erelsing' them, and y,o u know It ' Is my belief that there lIrlU be little differ. ence In Ole developllnent of the sex'ea when given equal opportunities." His companion luughed, "You not quite bonest In what ,on eay. If you YOU would have olfered me a Cisar whell you lighted yourl," He _ not to b41 disconcerted by small poInta. "Yon wUl pardoll m, ap. parent aeglect, I 11m 'aure, and " po• Ilbly Y'OII may recognize the force of I:1Y qualUlcatfon concerning capacIty to ... ooJoymenl" lie exteGded bli cigar cue, and sh" took one, bltlog the end with an el81borate travesty of hili movemenla a m·o ment before. Accepting the olfered Ilgbt, she leaned back against the trunk of tbe tree and rllllumed the conversation In a mocltli1g. tone. , "Kow mucb mo", eoolable It Is to have common Intelre&ta and pleullres.n Prot. La"1 wu hlgbly amused aad anticipated lOme fuu presently, ~hllO the nJcoOne ,ot In Ita work, bot she waa not to be caught that way. merely smoking enough to' keep her light, and continuing the conversation viva. clously, "I am pleased to Clbserve your readl. aess to take a hint. Your admiration "r my feminine grace and beauty, u exhibited In the present enjoyment of eQllal rights al!d prlvllelllll, II alllO very evident." "Tbe audacity of your ass.umption of gra~e and bealfty Is notoworthy and yonr adaptability Is wonderfully cbarmlng. I trUlt the enjoyment .. genuine!" He fancied sbe must he. gin to teel the elfe'~ of the drug. but ahe ·Ignored the thr'ust aod contln'ued her remarks. "On another point your argument Is notably tnBlncere. Equality between the sexes you doubUess forget In. clu(jes. liberty for WOmen to enter one neld ,..bere every man 11'111 pracU. ;:a111 _k to dillcourage her. wbat. ever thOC?rte8 be may hold In regard to her emanelpatloll. Fanc7 her ex. erclslng a right to propose marriage wben tl\e favorable opportunity arrIves. or eYen gaIn, a stl)P further and seeltlng the object (If desire- by weeks Ind months of al8ldueus clfort. .Would tbat· meet ,Ol,lr approval 1" He wall silent for a moment. and abe antlclpatetd her supposed triumph. "Does sucb a prospect appeal you'" LookJng at her from under half. closed ' IIdll . be admired the air of saucy rep~I~A with whicb sbe regarded his SUpJ'loS~".. dlscomllture. "Even from Improbable extremes 1 do not retreat," he said slowly. "Am I to understand tbat yoU woul4 approve such a coune '" She nonchal. antly watched a wre,ath ot Bmoke 'cur) upward, In Imltatloln ot his preOccu. pled mannv of a Dloment preVioUII. . "M much ot tbe I'IBsults of marriage are more Important to Woman than to m\,n, 80 much more read!!y that po. sttlon ollgbt to be ~Intalnt'd." He spoke reflectively. as though the full welgbt of the conslderatloD bad DeYer occurred to him ber~lTe, "Make It a penonal matter. prof. lor, and 1011 can mOl'" fully appreciate It," abe aald In a ' lll,Dguldlr Ju'4lclaJ manner. "hoC)' yo,unelf the recipient 01 • propoeal of man'lap. How It woatd elaTate tht, woman I. rolU'


conscie nce. rather thlln all anllwer tc her romllrk. "'The girl Wbo was bon' e sUy convinced thllt some parUcular man 'II'ould make ber a better bllsband than lillY otb r. would' not luf· fer In my estimation by telling him 60."


;Lillie tossed away the cigar' with ,.Ich aho was toying. "Prof, Lewis," ahe B!lld. while hel' eyes sl)arkled 'II'!tb fun. tbollgb a deoper color Ulan usual glowed In bor cheeks. " durlng tbese dnys of mutual COPlllanlon shlp you must have noUced my g rowing interest In YOII. 1 bave not realized the t\epth of .n)y feoltng unUi recently. but yo u ' nre tbe only man I ever loved, and I know now that you are th. only one ' l ever can love. Wltholt' the sustaIning Innuenoe <1t YOllr mall' netic nature I feel that my ltte will be wofully Incomple te and uttorly de-· void of brlghtnes8. Can )'ou find II In YOllr be art to ret ur n somo meas ure or my alfectlan? Will you be my hUll' band !" "This Is so ludden-so 'u n :tpected." murmured the professor. while LII1I6 BUrton laughed In wicked e.nJoyment. "My heart beats resllOnslvell'." · b, continued. "I thInk- that Is. I-feel -yes. Lillie. I-I do love you. I-I 11'111," He tried hard to bl1l8b, but was not equal to luch an unu.ual et, fort, Tbere was a Ihort l!lenee, thea LIllie laid abruptly : " It Is growl~ cold out here, I believe I'll go In." Prot Lewis revie wed the situation rapidly during the short walk to th, house. He thoroughly appreclat~ the joke, but felt a possible luidertooe at serlouane81 In tbe molter. It 10. wbat thell? Jt~uld not be bls wealth was attractive. tor LUlie's was far greater. He admitted to blmself that he liked the elrl very much. Further,

"I Will Venturi t1J Repeat My atat. ment," more. he would not be blulfed, He would ' cbance the rortune of a Jeat, leal'n If It held hla fate dISguised In pleasantry and test tbe aplrlt of hll companIon by a word In earneat. eo he laid a deteInlng band on ber arm u tbey reached the piazza and said : "LIllie. I am lIerious 10 my jesting." She looklld bravely In hili eyel to as. a~re, and be aS8l1red. of. truth. While tbe cOlpr rose to ,her face and glo wed redly througb the summer tan. as she saId, Ilowly : "If yoU are In earoest. then 1 wlll~1 will be, too." Sbe snatcbed away the band be had t4ken, nnd , slipping thro~gb the door .. ran upstairs to \ler room, , The professor lIauntored along tbe plaua unUI he reachcd Ii convenient aettee. on whlcb he 8tretr.bed blmself and gave bls thoughts to reflection, On tbe wbole he was quite pleased. and. the more he thougtlt of Lillie the better Batlsned be became, Sbe wal a charmlns: girl' IIoDd no milltake. , AJ. ways Iympathetic and !nvailably good. natured, He had noticed It. Yes. II W!l' really worth whlle to give ui bill bacbelor freedom far such a glr), Yes. he waa-glad-to--do-It, and h7 that Ume .he was asleep..

"Ill ape r ClhlO \hl' facr !bat there nrt! 80m eUIl ,es tl'o'O sides to a slory. A s

he wnl< coming do wutowll all th ca r bla fri end. Mr Ashslrcet. remark '(I : "Wa sr.\ It a Bcorcher yes\erda)' ?" "11lat's the truth, und I know It. 011 rlgbt." re plied M r Purklwe. "' F'ell Isleel) on tho loun ge arter dinner. and-ilon't laugh-ilresm d of a coolIng tbunderstorm. with rain and hnll dasblng against the hOIlS , Wolia up aod found my co llar wilted , tile perspiration streaming down my, faco and DIY underclotbes lUI moIst us Ir 1 .!lad be n oul on the golf links with the me rcury at 110 In tbe IIUIl. Fuct! lIod to take a s hower bath IIlld cbango my crothln"." , Tbe othe r Side of the etory WIlS told lIy Mrs Par)cave two hOll rs lutcr as she wl1s on her wa y to do sOllle .bopplng, On tbe car sbe met Mrs Asbstreet. Rnd. of cOllrse. tbe bot weal her wns referrcd to, "Yes. and I plu y 'd such a mea n t.rlck ou my nIun that I a/O nJmost a sbllmcd 1.0 te ll it," said IItrll Pnr\tave. "What was It. dear ? YaH kllow I can k ep a secrct.· naked Mrs, Asb street. unubie to conceu l he r curio .. Ity. "'Well, you know. as I llav~ orten told YO ll. Jack Snm'llft t e rribly, Yes· terday atter dinner he we nt to sleep on the 101lnge and was soo n 8norlnl: loud enough to ulnrm the neighbor. hood, The noise grated ou my nerves. and In selfdetence. u 1 s old ,to my. selt, I went to the mllslc room aud bllJlged' a w~y on the Illano till I por· sP.l red : And wbat ao YOIl think I played! "'You remember that desorlptlve storm piece I used to pia)' when I wished to show off ut boarding school? Well. I Ilteralty made th e plano crash wltb thunder. and I had hailstones lind big raindrops rattling flnd pat. terlng uol811y against tb e windows ' Ind shingles. Perhaps I Iml,rovlsed a little and got In more thunder than the compQser's ,score caUfld for. but 1 ~a& determined to drown Jatlk's Inores, and to make the storm more realilltlc. I IIwltcbed the IIght8 on aud olf a few Umes. FInally. I heard Jack get up trom' the lounge and mumble Bomethfllg ali6ut the hest , .. 'Has It been rainIng ?' he asked u I came Into the room, "'No;': I replied. .. ·Well. I must bave ,he n dreaming. be said. 'Thougbt [ henrd tbunder .nd Baw lightning. Feel as It I had been taking a turkish bath wltb my clothes on.' "Then b6 we!1t up stnlrs to the batb. room. an.d I forg.o t to explain when b. came down."-Indlanopolls NewlI. aelft.h, Helpleoe Women. ---l:be helpless woman II the moat preeminently se1f1lh of nil women, The worlt of It II that It II ' a yery' hard selllahness to nght ' agl1lnst. as ahe Is usualty sweet-tempered In her tyranny. In ber home life before mar. rlage ahe Is alwan the one who gets up last In the mOl!lling and BhJrkl work all day long. Today. however. men are beglnnln« to realize thst the self·rellant girl la not necelsarlly unfeminine. and thlt she makell I .better friend or 1fl fe than the girl wbo Is Iweel and belple8l, .T he helplcs8 woman Is a draw. bllck to ber husband from the ~tart to IInlsb. Tbe ' !Jelpless girl Is datly growing more and more a back num. ber. and IOmetlll1'e In tile near future wben mal- comea quite to his proper senses, ahe 11'111 be an utterlY ' uo, known quanUty,-ElCchange, Careful of Detalll, • A Hamburg pBI1l3r tell, . this ator), about the kalser's attention to detail' "Shortly after his arrival at 8wln~. munde the kaiser was standing on the brIdge of· the Hohenzollern, wben be noticed that the sentry, a member ot the Stettlnllr Royal Gre n.adlers. 00 duty nellr the customa' officer: wore a topcoat, bllt bad his trouse~I ' over )lla boots, The kaIser .bouted to the Ileutensnt ·ot the guard: 'Lleutenant, wben topcoats are worn the t.;ousers · must be worn Inside the boots," '1'be officer, an extreme~y YQuthful rellow became confused a,ud did not kno~ what to say. and the flmperor called In loutt:er tones; . ·Lleutenant. J Bgasn call your attention to tbe regulatloo -boots must be worn over the trou. sera ' by men who .weAr topcoats.' The commaod then new from post to POBt and pedeetrla.ns wondered why the . 1I0idiers Buddenl, becalne busy ' with They have a daughter now In ber' their boots. . ·teens. wbo II lometlmes PU~Zled bJ their remarks to e~cb otber, Th. Judicial Way, "LIllie," the proressor will say to An asSOCiate jusUce or'the Bupreme Jlls wife. "there Is one' tblnl .about whIch I bave never felt certain. Were court or ~ntaga8car was sltt:ng by a river wh,e n a traveler approached and you In e.a rnest. when YOU propoaed'" said: . To Wblch shjl replies: " 70U "[ wish to cross, Would It' be law· Qver regretted the proposition 1" "I Insinuated nothing of the rut to use this boat?" "It would," WB8 . the reply; "It la m7 kind," \ . "Then don·t 18k foolish q\l_ boat." The traveler tbanker;! him. and puah, tiona," And agaIn sometimes It 19 sbe wbo .Ing the boat Into the water embarked observes : "It so.eml to me that you and rowed away, But the boat slnll don't ~r~e as atrongly I:n favor of , and thl! man was drowned. ''Heal''tlea.I man!" lald . an Indignant woman I emancipation as you did (or. apeotatur. "Why dldn·t you tell him merly." ' T!len he endeavol,'8 to elltlnglJllh that yonr boat bad a whole In It'" "The .matuir of ' tbe boat's condl· her . by askJnl~ ~'Would you dellre laid the gre4lt Jurlat. · "waa not, M!,ude to obtain a hUllland througb luch m4?thodB .. ber molher em. blOugbt before me."-Coamepolltala. pl07ed?" Doubly lure, • But ahe baa the last ' word: '1 eould tru~t In that else bllr Judg. "Smith." aald the crocer, severely. ment 1I'0qId prove snperlor to ber "did YOII charro Mr, Jar for that motber'II" basket of peacbeat" ··Y~. sir," the clerk replled; "I nUtmatioal" ---t.bInk I did air," , . His !UDDer arew' U4 "'Well. ~ IIIIIl ....." I&It &hi ....utaIIft, IUId IaIa repl1 . . . . . .. other, "You C'U't . . ' - aN 01 • ........ crta tollla~





PROPRIETARY REMEDIES Vs. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Statl,tlca Show, of the fro", MI.use 0' Druga In Two Vell... , Only Three Per .Cerit. Were Due to Patent MedIcine., AccordlnlJ to' Flgu.... lIued on Medical Certificates.

'The press committee at the Proprt. tary Association of Am e~ lca will pre. lent nt th e next meeting of that body a report showing tile number of accl· dental deatbs ca" sed by pateat med., cines In the two y ars ending Jyne 30. 1907, e& compared with d~a f~1Il other couses, Almost Immediately after Ole nlng o( the latellt crusade &&aIOII' proprietarY medicines this oommltte. was Instructed to collect dlLln. This work was done througb the clipping hurcnllP. which furnI shed aceounta or BII deaths , exclusive of suicide. due to the mls uso at medici nee. drugs or poisons, The res ull showed tbnt onl7 thrae PI\I' cent. could be tm ood dl· rectly to tho 'products made by the members or tho association. The' greateHt care Is sald ~ bave been elCe rclslld In tabulaUsg tbe flg· uros receive d. Whenever tho caUBe of deat~ wus douhtful, spee.JaJ Inves· tlgatlon WDS made, no mattet' whor" th e case might have occnlTCd. , Thlt work o~ ussortlng and preparing tbe r eGard "'as done In CblcUgo. aqd the original clippings and correspondence are In the P068eeslon of Emn F. Kemp. 184 La Salle stMile~ tbot city. the assoclatlon's pubUclty agent. Tbe report says. III part : "A large numbe r of lIecldentli. re. aultlng fatally or otherwise, were caua ed by tbe carelessness ef personl 'Wbo left drup. medlclollS vr pol80n •. within the reach of ohJldron. A large number. also. were cauled Ilr persona colng to mediCine cabinets la t,be dar_ &.lid taldng down the wroag bottle. In no case reported WBI an), medlcln. 'patent' or other wlsll, held resJlOl18lbl~ for Injury' or death except wileD left , 'WIthin the reach of cblldretl o. takell or admlnlltered In gros. averdoae." The committee lays tbat It .. un' likely that an" O8sell of death from the · use of. patent medicine escaped the nell'l!pallera. but tha\ It Is probaWe that deatb from the ~ tabu. latcd dId occur Without reoelvtna' publicity. Ph)'slclIlOI. of couree. repon the caU8es of deatb. The ooaImlUee BayS that thoy would be tl\e last to 8Uppress the cause (f dUe to 'dle u.. of medicIne not rll<lulBrl7 ,reecrlbed. , A .recapltulatlon of tho C!OIIlmlttee's IIndlngli show 4.206 C880S or JIOlaonlDI, .o t whloh I, 763 ~ere fatal. The ' lI'eat. est number of cases. 1,636, .... tb 803 dea ths. Is attributed to _diclnel othe r tblln proprtetary remedlel. There are on the list 90 clUlee of sick. ' ness and 43 deathl due to paleQt medl, clnell, Anllyzlng I\a etatlatlcs. the committee finds 201 calles of slckaese. Wllia H3 dl'!4ths. llue to Ilrychnllle tabletl which ere amoM pbyslelanll' fa"'llrt~ -emedles and are often lett within th. reach of children. Under the head of mt~eous prescrtptl<1na are r;rouped •• ea... where. the rebort saYI. It h.. ~ 1m. ponlble after diligent Inqnl", to a. certaJn the Dame or the cllaracter of the drug or medicine wblcb ~ued ID. Jury or death. beyond the filet that tbe medicine or drul wsa PTeIICrtbed by a phYllclan, ' Of 'thell6 S6ee were fatal, The committee ~. ."Under the head of 'AI Poi.ent Medlolnea' are grouped In tlIo8e rem. edles which are recognized .. patent medicines and whlcb are advertiSed direct to the public for Internal use Competent authorities lillY that at lenat one· half of tbe medicines taken In the United States are of the IIlnd known aa 'patcnt medlolne,' and yet .In two years among 80jOOO.000 peopl • there have blljln but _.ninety- CIUIes (torty·three fatal) that bave been reported In the newspapers from tb. Ule or misuse of thele remedleL" Not In .a lingle fully Bubllwtlatecl CIlse . ls It ever chargeJl thllt any pa~ ent medicine In recommended · doael "all Injurious, In tbls connection It sbould be understOod that In maklnl deatb certlflcat.u and In .reportlnll cases of Injury to, the IlOWBpapera lrom whlcb th!llle ,casC8 were aeCured, a pbyslclan had the IInal word; and In this connllcUoD Is thcre on." prob. ability th"'t the doctor wilt bl\'Je hll own careleesness or neglect or Ulat a. a lellow pl'I\cUtloner ' wb~ lupport he may want at lome tJme. and Is there even Ii possibility that be might hide auy relponalblllty that eGllld be thrown at . a pntent medlclneT ' Altr ~our8elt theae questions. Thea wbe. · you have found the ao~wer. consIder' that durtn, . sll this m6l!t tIIorough lind c;areful Investigation OO¥eI'Ing a pe~lod of two yearB. ,In not a elnlle established c~se waa it sbown that patent. medlolne In recommended doses was InJurious .• The most remarltable case' reported was that at In Italian laborer In New york 'lYho suftered from I,alos In the cbesl. A physiCian ordered a porous plaster wblch tbe pnUOht ate, wit". fatal. reBults .

be". .



Econemlcsl BOlrde,.. \'00 JOu know any Betlouln Arabi! Mr. SUmm'" ulred the boardtllf' hou~ lady. "WhY • .what are you talllilli about" madam?" . "Well, J read In the pa~ to-da)" that tbe Bedouin Arahs cu.. &'0 a whole day nad only want a re" dates lIOaked In melted butter. I t:IIoNiat I'd lII~e to get a f~w of .'em tD bQard, that's au."-Ybllken 8t.a~

'F;or die' ht;t8UCC1tB1. Life Is .....ter than anr llWiee of .s arroandlQla .....t


alfMt ..


tile peator nouea III Ute ~ .. ro1lO~ tile PIIIIIbWta.. 01_ ...... ' lit ~ '141111'• .

l' .

8txn OF


. A MI810U ". WOMAN


Boar. Seem to Bo Slightly Mer, NIIo TIIII a Story of Awful Sutrlrln g and meroua Than Sow.. Wonder ful Relief.

- - -===-

Colored Wltne •• at LlDllt Wal Aware of Ita Pecunia ry Worth.

Oeo'ge A. .Romme ., ani ni al huaBn. :r. D. Johnson , of 603 West C1nrence S. Darrow, th e wall knowo blllldma n ot the United Statea Dfllla~ HlclUnan St., Columbl~, Mo., says: lawye r and essayist . dlsou ti~ lng tbe ment of Agricult ure. reports: "Follow ing an opera,tlo n two years Hay,I'ootl .trlal. In which be pla yed so In r esponse to requests , the A.JIlmal ago. drop sy set 10, promine nt a part, said the othur day : Huuban dry oroce of tbls bureau ball USEFU L PIG TROUG H. and my left Bide was "Some of the e vidence In that trial recently collected Informn tlon regard· 80 swollen tbe doc tor 'Was so transpa rently false tbat It re!>no Whim Can .Bo Eaaily Turnod for Ing tbe relative prollOrtlonB of the enid bo would bave mInd s me of n cnst> tbat came olr two 8el{eS ot pigs at birth, wltb quite In . Cleaning . to tap out the water, Alabam a a fe w years, bllck. One of, Interest ing results. This Infurma tlell There was constan t the witnesse s In this case was an ex· This trougb 'a one thst II firmly Is not to be obtained trom the berd· pain nnd a gurgllug t remely Ignornn t man. As his tcstl· books for the reason that .. ,hlle thl fastened w the ground and at the sensatio n around my mony progress ed, bl!! Ignoran ce be.t same time henrt, and I eould not came so shockin gly evIden t tbat be turned over w be otal number of pigs tarrowe d II usu, the ell/aned. Mako the trough of two ally given, ' tbe number of each sex ra ise ' my arm above judge, looking sternl)' down at hIm bonrda. one alx inches wide and the Is given only for the plrs raised, my bend. The kid· laid: ' Reports were received trom eighty· ney action 11'&11 dlsor· "'Look bere, sir. are you acquain t· two breeder s, located In twenly· three dered and passage s of the secretioD s ed with th e valne of 'Iln oatb?' statel and two territori es Undlan Ter- too frequent . On the advice of my "The witness answere d anxious ly: ritory and Oklahom a) . Elgbt breed. husband I began using Doan's Kidney "'J edge, I hope 1 lim, That tbn were represen ted. 88 folluws: Berk· Pills. Since u sing two bOlles my trou· law yer on yer le ft band glmme six dol· ablre. Chester Wblte. Duroc Jersey, ble hal not reappea red. Tbls Is won· lars to sw'ar a gln t.he olher PIg Trough. In Place, sldo. Hampsh Ire. Large YorkshI re. OhIo 1m· derful, after sufferin g two years." Thet's tbe cor reck value of an oath, other IOYeIl Inchel. each six teet lonr. proved Chester. Poland China and Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. aln't It, Jedge l ' .. Tamwor th. In a tew casea the rec:ont For the o.d5, take two alx·lnch boards FOlter·M llburn Co., Bultalo. N, Y. each 2;w feet long and futen them be· of IIltera of grade and mixed breeding Horrible Method ot Sulcld•• waa ,given; these are Includod In the NO PLACE FOR HIM HERE. tween two stakes by a boiL Cut the 1I0s t poople bn ve at some time wit· ' lower akI.e of one or the enda olt relultl. The number of BOW8 wbole lIttere Alab.m l Judge Old Not Think D. nessed rcvoltin g sights. but the fall· round, 80 that It can be turned oTer Ing of a aulclde from tbe catbedr al were reported 11'&11 1.477. The number cI ..ed Would MI .. ".ucn. readlty. For large bogs, saya Fllrm tower ·onto the pavem!m t. 210 teet beof boar plg& was 6.660; the number of and Home, this \.rough' ,hould be low, ;nto the midst crt tbe hurryin g "Your honor," said a prosecu ting at.- noonday crowd, made or larger size tban described SOWI. 6.626, and the total 13,285, The upon whose. faaes aud average per BOW 'W8S as follows : torney In an Alabam a backwoo ds abon. clothes hlB explodin g d ebrlll acattere d Boars, 4.63; SOW8. 4.4P; total. 8.99. court, "tbe priSOner at the bar la Itselt. REMOVING HORNS FROM CATTL E. The figures are mainly for 11 tterll far- cbarged with killing olle of the most cently. which wall seen' In Antwerp rebeggars descript ion. A mer· rowed dUring 1906. In 49 cases sec· exempla ry citizens ot this county. Better to Let Them Grow .nd Then ond IIltera during the year were re- Thomas Jones, your bonor, waa in cbant known ae Jacques Simons quiet· Iy left his wtle and two children at portell for the eame 10'1'0'11. wblch some- every respect a mod el man. He Dehcwn Th.n to Prevont Growth. wa. a hom e, as If to go on lIome buelncss wbat raises the average per BOW. member ot the church ; he was neve r Boars are seen to lie slightly more known to bet on horses. play poker, errand, mnde stralgbt tor the catbeMany wbo write on tbls subject recollllD6D4 tbe removal at horns, so numerou s than SOWII, but for all prao- drink whisky or ulle tobncco. He-" dral tower, climbed It, and without an Instant's bcsltatlo ' to speak, by preventi ng them from tical purpose s tbe sexes may be re"Hold on a minute." said the judge. to spnce, Historyn, burled himself In· relates tbat no one growing . This sounds well, but It is garded 8S eQual In number 8t birth. "You say be never bet' on a horse?" bus juroped tram thlll tower since the at l elst open to question as to wheth· The relative proporti on was found to 'Tbat's what I ssld, your honor." suicide of It s architec t, to whom a pop· er It Is "tler to prevent barns trom . be 1.005 boars to 1,000 sows. Ex. ·Never was known to playa game?" ' ular legend at the sixteent h century rrowlng _, tb e nppllcat ion or somo pressed In another way, tbe proporti on "Never your bon or." attrlbut ell the same tl!te. s mall bIts caustlo materia l or to take tileUl olt Is 100,63 boars to .1 00 BOWS, which In "And he never drank liquor?" of brass marking the spot on the lowest terms or whole figures IR 201 fit a later period. "Never dra uk a drop, your honor," pllTeme nt where be fell. boars to 200 sows. To pl'8 ..ent horna from growing Is "And he didn't cbew tobacco? " not In an Insts nces tbe ellsy task that "Never took a chew In his life." TbaN t. more Catanb I'D tbl.llec UoDof tbe colat" all orJlertille ue. pUlloKelb er. aocS FAT ON THE HOO. lome persons Imagine It to be. It wo "Well , then," snld the judge. "1 ftbaa \-be I..~ ew ,ear. Wat auppo.ed to be t DclurAble. UDtU • ...or .. .:relt. much caustic potash, wblch la gene r· don't Bee wbat he wanted to live tor. ~:Jrr::r !:?eO.~~~dbl~ ~~~:i;-::II~: any used, II applied, It will bllrn too Onl~ Put It on When Flttlng .the Ani. There;.w asD·t anytbln g In life for him, lOcure wllbI::~()::J! loc.l.llreat mlnt . pronoooet d Itlboun!)le . bu pro" eo Oatarrb to .... COQAlUutlODl1 ell..deeply. If too little II aptllled the mal tor Muket. and. J "don't see wby he ain't about e8clfDCI .... ed ,blrelor. require. COtu.c"uUoo alUeatmcm hOrDS wi1l not he' auf!lolently ohecked . as well olt dead as alive. Release the nail'. Oll.rrh OUTI. maoufactured by F. J .C~eoo,L. "C~ . , TOledo.Ob lO, t. tb Donl, CfIDl tltutlOoaJ The bog that la to be kept on the prisoner . M.r. ShorUf, and call eure and a eecoud appUcaUon will be ne c· the next Lbe mukeL h t. tlkea lotem.ll, ID dOH. from 0.0 10 essary. Many ot tbQse who baTe us ed fnrm tor breedln~ purpose s dOBII not eale." :a":.P~!::::u':'!'!rr~!:l~, U:~~~~~~.Ct!lh(1e~ Lg~e~l~ thil applJcat ion have not used It with need much faL Tbo more fat he has bucd tec1 d Dlla" f ur a n, CUlt II ( aJl' \0 cur.. ~ FIFTEE N YEARS OF ECZEMA. for. clrculan and tenJwonla.J •• entire ncceas. The result baa bee n the more expense of muscle &!Id en· Add .... : F . J , QIJKNlt)· do CO .• TOledo. 0Il10. mlnlatol '8 hOnls that have boon more ergy there Is reQuIred to carry . It r~, b.&~I~V~~~1,7~;bI tor C'.OblttpaUoa.. Terrible itching Prevent ed 8leepor less deforme d. The cauatlc Is .more around and th e more food must there Handa. Arm. and Legl Affected or le8s 4angero u. to bandle. If nny be expende d tor that purpose alone. Shrewd Scheme . -Cutlcu ra Cured In & Da)'l. of It 'should reach any other part. and The hog storea nothing on hIs body Travele r In Parlor Carr-Po rter, that thlll til easily possible unle8s the except what may be used tor lOme "I had eczemllo nearly fifteen yeal'll. mall In front will gl ve you a quarter -calves are laolate!!. It will remove tbe cther purpose th an to please the The affected parts were my hands. for dusting him off. WOIII't be! buteher. balr. It t. also very euy to InJbre the In tact, the butcher Is not Porter- Yesslr!" arma 'and legs. They were the worst flnpra n\es& great care la exe~cl.ed looked out for by Na~ure. The object Travele r-Well. I'll gtTe you half a In the winter time, and wers alway. Sn h&!ld1lng the potalb. and It must Nature baa In Itorlng up fat :e to give dollar to leave tbe dust On him alld he kept 'Il'Ith care or It 11'11\ was to. a surplus to JIe used al fuel In the Itchy, and I could not keep from not brush It olr on to mEl. Bat there II the .trong objectio n. nYl lungs. TbJI fat II to be burned up In ecratchl ng them. I had to keep both bands bandage d all the the cresting time, and Orange Jlldd Farmer, w luch dehorn· ot energy to keep the at Import ant to M,ltth .... Inc arilla, from tho tact that anlmala maoblne ry of the body In moUOn and Illgbt I would have to Icratch tbrough JIamIIIe earefallT n • ., bot1l.. or CAS'I'ORlA, the . bandage s aa the Itching was so • oat. aDd oare r-.!.J for taI_.a4 c:IIII4NG, dehorae tl young learn to push 'With in the creating of beat to keep up the the bead and to strIke In a way that tempera tura of the body. There la, levere. and at tlmee I would have to l1li4 - 1IIa&" they wll111d not If the horDS w4,lre al· therefor e, DO realon for putUag 0'11 tear enrythl ng off my hand a to Icratcb IIMnthe """--;;.~' lowed t. grow until they can punch the back of tbe hor a lot of tusl for the 8111n. I could not rest or sleep. I 81paUlro or ~~ " jUit • aWe with them and they are blm to carry about with him Ull the had I8nraI pbyslcla ns treat me but Ia 0.. For ()Yor 80 Y.'o. they eoald not Ilye me a perman ent the~ q1It ott. Tbo 1081 of the horns UIlIO be veetl., It It wQllld be 11k!, n. T Sa .eem. to dIscoura ge them 80 much pOing onto the tent!er of th eng{ne eUre nor even could they stop .the Itch· 1 ~~ AJw.,. JIclqb&. that K taka. all of tbe ftght out of more coal than coald be med In e Ing. After ualng the Cullcure . Soap, Architec ts In mAny Inltance s are one box of Cutlcur a Ointme nt and two .peclfyl ng vl8(:trlc plale warmer e In them. ne mOlt docile anlmala by single trip. The extra weight would far' are thOle who haTe lost their be Carried for nothing and would only bolUes of Cutlcur a Resolve nt for about new houles belnl COD8trl1cted. home &«Ier they bave come to know be In the way. The hog that la to be .Ix dayS the Itcblnr had cealed, and kept should therefor e bave only a DOW the IOrel have disappe ared. and I how fIIey could Ule them, . small amount of fat on him at any never felt better In my life tban I do HINTS FOR FARM HORSE S, time. Tbls will make It more nl/otural now. Edwe.rd Woreil, Band 30th U. S. tor hJm to uerdse and tbe exercise Infantry , Fort Crook. Nebrask a." . NeYer' about at a young horse wbtle will Improve his health. It reau)." tbe caulle Tranam lllioft of Warte • . aootbfl the .u.el anal The fat on the hog that I. to be lold tralntn, lllm. "'Recallt experim ents show tbat the rcUnto tbe .c:be. aad A well grown yearling la worth II worth money In the market and more tt.B • Itunted two·year -old, sbould be put on freely . The bog popular belief that warta are com· sa)'l a Keep tile COIt'I feet In rood Ihape. should not, howeTer , baTe 80 much fat mUnlcab le II wlrrant ed," ......acll.. a04 D~ralwta 10110, No b.d ell••t&. IDe. lX aDd 50c boC'U... Il,lgD'O., Do not let tbe toea beoome too lonr. that he Ie likely to go down when wrlte.r . "Illocula tion of healthy tilllue wltb blood obtained from a wart will Irregula r feeding makes tbln 011 the journey , to markat. The buy· 1Ior8ea. ao matter what amount I, el'll of bogs like to have fat bogs, but calise the growth of a 111m liar ex· they 40 not want them toe fat. AD crescenc e. It Is tbought that tbese ctTeD. Tbe oat box ahould be large. with overtat hog ou a hot day haB a good growths contalo an ultramlc rolooplc broad ~tom, eo that the oats will chance to dlo before reac)llllg tbe end rerm to wblch Is due the transmls 810n trom one person to &!Iother . At all ot hlB journey. scatter aDd not be bolted . . ~ events, J)8r60ns who have warts ahonld The "rood mare abould baTe a fe ... ,take meaau'r.e a to have them removed bourl' exerelle In the yard or on the FOR A COOL 8TABLE . Iliia..". at once." . road eYe:!'y day. It . doel not pay to SLlCKERS~surrs k8ell conftned . . For Savl ng LIfe It Sel. Gate WhIch Will Keep Stock In and Tbe berlel Ind coltl should be kept An apparat us tor life saving at lea Let Ai r In, Too. .way from tho hena and hogl. The has been Invented by Mr. R. ["aYach· are the men who 'have odor' of Oe pigpen Is otrens\v e to the A simple arrange ment which will e!'1. a ' Belgian enginee r realdlng at put them to the hard. boree, ~ ben lice are ·h ard to orad,' allow stables to be kept thoroug ut teah in the rough. hy Chapult epec. Mex. It consists or a Icate., aired and kept coolon bot da,.. II rifted callnon trom which a proJecU le est weather. See to It that the work collal'll fit Is fired; to the projecti le lira at· Get the oriQ!nal IUId that they are kept sort and clean. tached a cable, an ancbor and a TClMrt fish lSrand moda $ince 1836 There are few thlnga more dlscoura g· rocket. The mechani sm Is 8aJd to be "',... ,~ ~, R1rf nt' oCJrMrl Ing in tile beglntll ng of a buey season very simple. Ind for humanit arIan rea· than hCJn188 with sora Ihoulde rs, and lIOns the Invento r haa not patented It. thll ..entlon and cruelly can be avolctecl "7 the exercise of proper













enly to pure sires, Ulle PUTe ·'Ytre4 dams It possl ble.-Cole· 1t'an'a .Ru.ra1 World. , Hitch a stendy team to a bayrack . lowdow n wheels ' 'preferre d, nnd let wbUe a'!lether wltl) a good sharp one man 4rl,v e slowly ·alollg tho hedge wblle anotber with a good sbarp I!cythe stands on tbe rack and mows olt tho tender shootll. 'stop ~he team as necessa ry and work up along tbe rack. The tlat rack III the handies t and ~rk.'\ faster. Wltb a 1It~le praoUce part of the mowing can be done ae the team Is moving, aaYI Wallace 's Farmer. 137 thIs method ' one man and a boy to drive trimmed eighty rodll of fence down one Iide and back on the eUler In lesll than throe hours: DIp the Hog •• D;o not allow yourlelf to get 10 bill!)' that 70U do not have Ume to dip the hop It lea.t once a month. Bealdel tTe8lng them from lice and nu· ml1'oua sll:lu dIseases It epen. up the po.... <C tbalr skIn and tends to promote the ,oneral health of the herd. PoIIPn for Mlcl, .I. reader lend. the followln ,: -One JUt tloar, one part Ingar and 001 i*t IIrIMIIlIc m,zeel male.. &II Ideal poIIon for mIce. The), eat It .-4117 Ind do not prodUce a dll,,\-


_ .... ,,11_ UMiJ dSe.


IN OLD VIRG INIA Complote In .11 Departments, Open September, October, .Novln:lber. Gc via

·But re. . . mpn "re able to retain thetr lelt,coD celt att er marriag e,

The Door shown , In ttl. sketch. Make a light gate of railings and bang It juet InsIde of the ltable door 10 that It may be used wb8ll the <1001' II open. This per, mlts the antinalll to be In the ltable wttbout danger of theIr getting awa, and aleo with pllnty of lunll,ht . al Good to thl Co_ Do ' not eKclte the COWl or ~ tbem to sudden chan,e In the _ather, Feed them Ilbernll7 with tra.h, palat· able feedl. There II DothlllC mad, by denying the COWl all t~ey, wm eat In addltloll to WI' allow them all th, ,..ter they can drink. It Ihoald lit pure, bat not too ooIcL

I........................ .......~Them.

at once tor both 'WIll


~ Pnrt& If ...,. ate CD . . , . , . . . rage .. lIa . . . . . .lP-t!: ·


C..... ~ ... Ohl..

"oa,....c." ..


Genuine Must Hllar

I r';ER

Faa·Simile Signature


L/ 7#"/~A



Dear Mrs. Plnkha m:- . ". was told by my physicia n tha\ 1 had a fibroid tumor and ·that 1 waaw have 1.0 be operate d upon. 1 wrote \0 YOII {or advice, which 1 follow ed carefnlly and took Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vegetab le Compou nd. laID not ani,. ~vanced. curcd So called "wande ring pains" may. troubl at the tumor but other female es aod can do all my ow·n wo·rlrr: come from Its enrly stages or the afte r eigh yeara of autferin g.·' presenc e of danger may be made manifes t by excessly e monthly perioda Mrs. S. J . Barber, of Scott, N.Y. accomp anied by unusual pain., from WTitea : tb.. abdome n through th e groin BDd DcaI' Mrs. Pinkha m:thigh, "Someti me ago I wrote you tor If you have ' my8te1'IouII pains, If ndvlcc about a tumor which doc~ tbllre are iudicatl ons 01 Inllamm ntion thought \vould, have to bewe remo..ed. or displace ments, seCllrf! 8. bottl e of In stead [ took Lydia. E, Plnkha. Lydia E. Pl nkham's Vegelnb le- CorB' Vegetab le ComPQu nd and m'. am. pound, made from native roots nud well woman. " herbs. r ight away and begin ita ulle. The followin g I~tters should con· Mrs. M. M. Funk, Vauderg rlft, PL. vince every sulferln g \vomon 01 Its writes: virtue, aDd tha~ it a.ctually docs Dear Mrs. Pinkha m:conquer tumol'll. "I had a tumor and Lydl& E , PlDIr- ' Ml'II. May Fry, of 836 W. Colfax ham's Vegetab le Compou nd remo1'e d it for me after two doctors hnd gi ....D Ave" South Bend, Ind., writea : me up. I wns sick four yeal'8 be:fore J Dear Mrs. Pinkham :hegan to talce the Compou nd. J no ... "1 take great pleaallre In writ.end Lydia E . Pinkham 's Vere'" ing to thank you for what Lydia E . recomm Plnkhal D's Vegetab le Compou nd , has able Compou nd far and near." done for me , I also took tho Blood SlIch testimo ny as above tI Purifier in a l ternate doses with the vincing evidenc e that Lydia E. __ Pink· Compou nd. Your medil:in e r emovod a halD's Vegetab le Compou Ill.a.Dda cyst tumor of four years' growth, witbout a peer as a remedy nd fo], Tumor which tbree of the best phys icians Growths 8.Il well as other declared I bad. They bad said that IJIs of women, and such aympto ma_ only an operatIo n could help me, lam Bearlng ·down Senao.t\on!l, Dlspl _ very thnn Idu I tho tl follow ed n frl end's men ts. Irregularities and advice and 1.ookyo ur medicin e. H haa ete. Women s hould remembBaekac:h.. er tba\ " made me a strong and well woman and is Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetab eo..... 1 ahall recomm end It a.elong a.e 1 live ... pound thnt is curing 10 many le w_ ?fra. E. F. Bayes. of 26 Bugglca St., Don't forget to Insist upon " wbell lOme druggis t aaks you to aooeJ* Boston, MD.6II. , wri!.ell : IOmeth inl ..lie wWch he calla "j'Dd near Mrs, Pinkbam :811 good. . . "1 ha..e been IInderdH ferentdo ctol'll' tn!!atme nt for a long tltDe without JIIrs. rrDk...·s to W.... J, relict, They told me I had a fibroid tumor, my abdome n was swollen and , Women Iderln g from _an!, .....: 1 luffered with great pain. I wrote of femalo wealrne u are InYitec1 to to you tor advice, you repUed and I write M.ra. Pinkham , Lynn, MUlL. tollowe d your directio ns carefnll y and for adnce. 8he Ia the MI'II. PiDkha a to.lay 1 am a well women. Lydia E. wbo has been advising tlick Pinkham 's Vegetabloe Compou nd es· free of charge for more tban W<naeA twenty pelled the tumor nitheAe d my .years, and before tha\ abe _il\eiI wbole .ystem. " ' her mother· in·law, Lyllla '·£, PInk. ham In advising. Thuuh e laeapeal a11, ){ra. Perry Byers, of Ut. Pleuan t, well qualifie d to trllde lick wome. Iowa, writes: baek to heal tb.




L. DO UC LA S '.2lJ, ~':..-:r.~.=-..c:.,....:::....w~ --...DDD "u_ _-rd . _ ... 111_'." S3.0 0 a 53.8 0 ..SHO ES T~~d:LD ""~~~E~:M~~lv::YA~tM:~I~~:' -Q

& '".IJO ...... 'II." IIQ . " . , . . .. - 1 . 0 1 - . Doug.... h"". are. wo,n by more peopl. lD all wa.Jk. of lite thaD an,. Qtbe r Inllke. lit tw!CaUJM' uf tbel r e.celleru e&l,.Onlu l, and superior welt-dn, qu aUtlet.. Tbe H l ectlon of 'b. IULbera aDd utbor materlM.l. rur ftl&(lb of tbe IIIboo, and •• er, detp,1l of tho makln,l<ll! looked alterPAri. \bo mo.L ()umJ11et.O rlantaatlon of auperfn te"dent~, rorcmenanby tl


at, ••.

.kllled rs, who ffOCel.,o the bl,belt •• paid tn tb. a40e 'ndustr,. , and WhOM worlrrnan. bl\1 (la.unt)L ge. bo e.acelled. II I eoullJ lake ,ou. toto m, large r~e tori~ tat Brookton . .,......, and.abow ,ou bow (".retuny W . J... Dougl .. 'hOM are made, 1011 "0,,14 tbOD uadenU,n d ,.,by they b oh.r tbelr Iba.,., at Petter, wear 10ngor and are a f creater y.hle tbaD any ... lbor Ina'ko~ . . . . . ~OO - " •• ,00 Ollt Cd. . . . . . . 0Mt#WII ~~~ OAl1TtO NT-l'be,. ouulne ba"8 W ,1.. Ooualu name aDd ....~"!'.... ~~.'._'w",__•___l~~ .~.:._. 8ob.tltllt e. A .... Jour dealer t or W , 1- JltH",~~~,.hOd, '.'v::U); ;.~ c1I._to l&etof7. 8h_"D u .. r~ .. her.


b~ mal~


an, larsro.e be.r be.llb an III we claim To 1'I0D.ln ce

woman thA ~ PaK. tJ ... ADlliept ic will ~o

for H , We will

~~cl or~~,:~~~u~lrb '~"a Jrr~5~~~

tiona .n4 , eDulne ",.llmonl"I" 8. n d JOur name and addr ••• un a postal card.

PAXT INE~~;~~;

brloll8 a'. feetion., lJUeh ... naul eatarrh pel.lo eou.rrh and l"fi&IIIDl ..tlOO c&U!ltld ill· Dine Ills: lore eye. lore tIltoa and mo'lUl. by dlrecUoc a.uealmen t 11. cur· all.6 power cn, Iholllliroublu t. extr .. ordlDftf7 and atve. Immediate r elle!, Thousands ,I wumen arl'l 'tulng and r.,. ommcndlng It ewer, ~ay . flO ce"l. at drllltRI.U 0' OJ mall, Remember. howe.~. JT


&eDd U. tb.nam~or'P.noo.'nUI""M 11'1&q

maH our

DI •• reltJ lJulllJltn \0 10111 yr

PA TEllT.~0 and TAADIi: la1ud.a.f~

MARKS 01>-

JJro~:tI,," by A. ••• lI:AIVU • • & DOW.M1ea.ud_ &LJ.. ...... II.o.pra. f_bluhod 1.,.flfl71h ....~.' w..lVABlUIfO TON,P;g, Book'" or IAforma'lo a Nn' .."I:&'

A. N. ·K.-!i

(1107-3 9)


Of! "... •

'lIIe_ aDd Llber .. 80 _ _. . . .

Re_... ~tlo... I ..

WE ST ER N....~' ,. CA NA DA '. i'

N,w DIII"CII If.w OpeDecl lor Secu.. .a SolllfO'lb.~


land, In lb. I,ai ••• owlOI belli or S.-,bic" wan and Albe". .. . . reecDal, b".o 0 . . . . . fqr IIrltl~mC!nl ahe Revis ed Hom Re'IJI alfon5 of C .......


Tbou sand' o. . . ...

, ate.d.o' 160ac . . . .. . . are now avanab le , Th. new u :lI'u l. , iou. m •••• poulbJe to. ent'" to be mlde b, PI OS" tb ........ ,.o il, Ih., mlo,. in tbe United SillIes ba . . . . . . wallin. for . An, member or • Iami1Y ' m., . . .. enll, for la, other member of tbe fa mit" _lIo .... b. eOlhled 10 make entry 'or h lm.ell Of ~ Entry OlA, now be mad. be ror. the Alene . :s.... Ae e nl o t Ih o District b, groa,. (00 certaia ......

IJOns ' b, thefalher. mocher , IOn, da

.......r ........ . , or jnt,odinR bomelCea der. t,..... or .hlff "An,

edUL.. tlOnijm.ntlOn1n l tllh 1}"JN!r , aud "."111


DEFI IIIE STIIII-!:.OD,":':: -other . .rebel ..1.1 sa c:aDcet-M m. pr1el aM

Th ..!' nlsn Tt"lt ~T. Dl.. Lre:t'!'t tr()UI n,."re~t- I • . hadl G'4' tu'o pnml ' roo lJe:aM.p E Ati ng. A l) rrl~\! ' ~ t"d1 to r Dl t'tl n".!'s. N . . . ~ea. .D1'uWhl nt-tM. It • • TILlite in lIle ltu1l1b. Co...

One of the grea.tes t triumph . of L,.dla. E. PinkhalD 's Vegetab le Oorn· pound Is the conquer ing of wOlDlin's dread enemy Tumor. 'I'ho growth of a tumor is 50 In· aldloua tbat frequ ently its presence Is wholly UJisuspect.ed until It II wcll


IIH1le,k .. Vlrel.l ..


PI LtS •

tbu e Lillie 1'111"4

Overw helmi ng Proof that Lydia E. Pink ham' . Vege table Comp ound Succeeds.


W. I . BEVILL, ..... .. ,




P'• • •• 420 5t.l. Lilt II ••. , 1ft.l''''011 ... ~.





Through Sleoping Car. St. Loui •. Chi· calo. Toledo, Cinci,!lIati t:o Ncrfclk. Low rates now in e!fect. For all iD' formation call on JOur nearest Ticket AceDI, with thi. ad. ; or write


r---- --=.- , Posit.., .. I v cu r.·d bJII

~~~~ . Few German Women Matricu late. t-:-J 8e:t.l TOfl "" U"', P"'n '0 lbe ~ Id e. 'l'O tt l' rOLl ntH. Only 254 women were among tbe !'hey relru la~ Lbe 8owela. Purr:I , \'e,.e\.ab\ & 45.136 mal rlcu'at~d s tud nt ij til th e ~1 SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMAll PRICE. . unive rsities of German y last winter.

'1'8& &. I'AXTOI f W., -1OAo 11_

Norfo rk aad Weste rn By.


Rea' Enjoym ent. "00 you en joy automob lllnS'?" aaked the YOUDg woman at the party. "VerY much Indeed ." nnsw red tbe man with tbe loose-fit ting evening clothes. "Wbat kind or a ca r do YOII rlln?" "Oh. I nm not a molorlst . I'm the sheriff In a town "'1lh a good lovel piece of road runnlcS' throu gh It."


I! . . n

anMberil!d Mt'tlo . .. .

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aud marke .. conveni eul. UeahbJ et• •" splendid crops and.ood Gralu·IJO W'- __ ':<1ul. ral ina principal lad 0 11riel, Por furlhe r Plrtic ular•• , 10 rates, ro. . . . . . .


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appb to


loaw Bulldtn ..

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The agonies that you suffer ,~very month. can be relieve . .Tak~ Car4u i. During over so years this purely vegetable remedy has been succesd'sfully used by a million women and still continues its goOd work in the relief and cure more than pain and suffering~ Thousands of ladies have written to teU how they of woma nly were cured bY


Women's W in e 01 em-dol

for the benefit of other suffering women. Mrs. M. Stout. of Gabbatha. . WrItes, Cll suffered with female weakness and pains in my back and limbs for a Tenn. year. bad. could hardly walk. I took Cardui and now I feel like a new woma n!' I was so Jt.OO

Agonies · RITE US 1 ••

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ComlDenclng Monday, October 21, And Ending ~~).turday, October 26. o

There will be 75 Great Majestic Rang(\s sola d Ul'ing the week of this Bake.· Lebanon is to have the honor of sel.lin~ more Majestie Ranges in one week during this Baking Demonstnttion' than was ever sold in any town in America or probably e, ~r will be again. • • · At this Demonstration, oxpert. will explain , . and demon~tl'at(> to the people of Wal'l'en County , .. tAAt the Great Majestic has no equal ill America. . It.~~s the only Range In the world made of Mallc- ~ ·ab1e and old-styled charcoal Iron. It uses about . HA'.L. F .THE FUEL . used on .other Ranges, and ·· .



Invited kLt.V

cloo bctt(~r "ork oy far. ' As fol' Baking, It ·is perf etioll, not only for a t~w mouths, but f'OI~ all t.imes During this Bake, we will use a papel' Rtov pipp, ~howing conclusively thnt there i'l NO H ~A'l'



'fED UP· 'fIlE CHIMNEY. At thi. Bake thel'f' will be 'tV n free to those who pUl'chn. e Rang s, th o nneRt set of wara and othel' vrcm i urns ever gi ven at u Bake This set

f wa."e is well worth $10,00. Free Refreshments will be served to all perSOliS who attend 'fHIS GREAT MAJESTIC BAKE, urne whether you 1ntend to buy or not. i!E::::h At= Me



Aner dlnnar the meetin g wnB l li e" Ilbout tWI) wilell frolll the olty. Miss Flora Berry: P~RS tNAi AND LOCAL This will ' be oongetiiul ooqnpatloll h 11 E . ' t Mr . Frll1lle IlS· evillencetl of i ntertalnS. Miss Winifred ''''oy vlltl8ed reta. After a -lou-,,-I-U-D-eu-a - n- d-IIe&' luf.· lreat comfort In the th~ugbt tblit memorial, Mter whletl there wore I,hrlf.t. . lind prosperi,ty on Dillmllnd Mitlf:\ "~I~rfl, Berrvhlll flntertBined tlvus from Fri;IMY until SUDday ev ~ ferin, lin. L. A. Zimmerman 'hereil a Great Physiolan, and thAt flhon tlllktl by Mr . Mullin of I O~I\. HIli }'lIrm · will t.ostify to his skill the lIuJmber'4 of Ihal!llnio~ olal!s of enlng In Xeuta. paued' .waJ at b.r home on lIaiD Ibe oould . go to him and be ou.ed . Mr. Whe~.on of 'l'roy, OhiO, Ml S in OlLring for (\ fruit fllrm. . I tbe High School and a few otber Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Calke;, apen' aDd Tyler atreelill, Saturda.y morn~ Again sbe wonl~ ber Prayer Mullin of I:!prlngboro, Mr. ROllnu~l e Mr . Frllme has leMed his fnr~1 to friendl in ~ mOil' dellgbtful man . I"und&y with tbelr 80n aDd dADlbter Ing. . . . Book bro1llbt, aDd fonnd great pesoo of Dayton, and othors. .The. nomlD- n pnrty from E!lstern Ohio who will ner tit 'her hOlUe on the t:; rln V~I. at tlprlngOeld . Mn Zimmerman bad 8 - t al ·,aDd comfori In the prayer8 SUIted ~tlng committee reported 10 fllvor ta.kO obtlrO'e of hl!l nffairs here Imd I ' ik D_t d i P g ' J S h . • ....'.A b eed • of the present office,. for the tm th h ' '" . d" ey p e <x. ur fl.Y ev!!n ng ' . amelll taOPI W 0 II 8uperlnteDd. moa ber liIntir" life iD WayneavUle ."" er n . I . t . ~f40nrrlltlgelllent IS eXlIectfl to oon · The trip out from town \VIUI mllde ing the work ., hla oUDlo and her 10011 tUDa. oalled fortb the Sbe often talked of wben she Mme, which 'YIlS r~lved Ilnd r""l. tin tie tor 1\ yBllr. , on a ·hay.rigglng belon"lng to John faotory In Van Wert 8 n~ deep I7mpaUty of aU wbo knew Iler. would be taken.away, as deatb had find without ~18 ntlSSIO~1. Mrll. He thiA Furnllfl, Mrl!. Frllme SIl:!trawD Iliid thi8 oomblDed to mllka Bunday witt) bie family b ' pe s-td81 ber hUllband, and ber no terror8 for her. and R"ve illreo Thememorl81 committee r eported mother. wl1l f100 0Dlllllny the flllnily boWl a hay ride and a jolly party M ' . ere. moUter lire Sarah 'Lipplnoott, anlf' io08 .. ,to what sbould be done af· lUI follows;· Wherell8. It has plellsed W6.1 t . .. ft . d . I.s Jane Mary N8Ibl",a~aohel" Ii Dum~r of ~her relatlvlltl 8nrvl~: 'ter ber deoeal6 with as muoh oalm ., our Bea.venl~ Father ' to remove II Aer~ar t' jo able evenln WIIS at the O. 8 " IS. O. Bome in Xenia mo._ f;'--ral of u"': Zimmerman n888 aDd composure ~s though she from ollr n1l(1st .our I:IOhoolml\tes . t noe I en y 1 t R t~' ppeut Sunday With MI .. ADnie U . "1I'f' .......... .1 Mrs . K11 te Munger Bu~. Unl'On Temp"r spen var ous games aD( en er ...u · Brown . wa. h,ld from her-.... late bome Tu•• waa on IY i OIng to ta ke !in ellrthly an d f r Ienus. .. a nee Meeting . men~ furnishing no ebd of tun. d.yaftel1loOD.where thebodyltLr journey. nett and Mr .. George Mliltble,lAue - -- - A delicious lunolluon was arlO' Loet-At Fa. AnolentSatnrda,." in a IDIIIII of baDcIsome Howers. KIDd and oonslderate and of Il ~f Windsor, MI88ouri,. thllot. we real · Rev. nnvld Putt.uu, I\. \iff! JonR servod. The ue8tot ware; Mi_ medlunlslzed aold wa&oh. i'inder IIllot tribatee from maDY frteDcl8 ' genero08 and unselfillb nllture, sbe Ize oar great 10llS,IlS Sl8ter Kilte wa s t,Cl)Il> rnnce unll~ re ligi us .worker E an kg MIt. I:!t Ila pl08le retarn to 'he Gazette office Th f I d ted b &b I .lws.ys tboulrht of thoBe around oue o.mong the first ot tbie reunion. ID Allleri cElo lIllCl , Will lelld nlllla w e. y :WO, s ry And receive reward e . uuera wucon 00 y e her. willing to .sbare whatever she Therefore. be it resolved thllt we U!I 8 nnion tOlllpertlnoe meeting Ilt G!I~Y. ElJen t3herwo • ,oun . ' . _ Rev. J, fl . Cadwallader, of tbe EptII had with them. member!! of this reunion 6..'l::teod our' thr ~~rienul:I Chnroh next !:iurllll\'y W rlg.h t, A~y lIay, Ethelyn Jon6ll, Lost-Lalit Thurllday, between my oopal ohuro!:t. iSn. May Everly Yes Artie will be sadly missed heartfelt. sympathy te) the ("mily eyoning Ilt 'j' :30. .a 11 I\re Invited to Ann" Slllnes. Justloa . BartllOOk .. home OD Flftb 8treeHn Wa,n8lvllle 'l'ate.uf Dayton. a life long frie~d oot o~1 b loved onee in the hom~ knowing He doeth ia1) t,hing well. ' att Elml. · Flora Berrylllll , lial'Y DaviB. Messrs. '.and tbe .home of JohD Zena. Cor. o.t tbe deoeued, Bang I18ve.r al beIln· wl1ere:e r y light t wlah • t Mus A Q BRADSTREIi:T . ,Iohn l:!trawn. Churley Michener, win, a 8plrlt level wltb brallcorner. ufuland comforttngl6leotio08. ed b t b ~b ell Vllls grlln MI'IS' '" E ' E ' Uauronce·Ful·nas.Raymond ·Wlllla", , ·N. B. An'hon,. ,flbe following ob"nary wae ....d .- , u ;,. 088 W b 0 ollome i·n oon· ! . .•,. ABTI)N, Have YOUi' printing done. at t,ho RID f d 'F ed . . Artis E obi, ohild of Edward tacit wlih berand loved her for own MRH. E . W . BltA nSTRICET. GnzetteoffieB ' :n, k IlYU1IJU( ~v s un r ~ MH. Fred B. 8herwood and two 'and ISarah Llpllincott WitS born troe self. Committee. IlW e. lUtle ohOdren weDt Fri~a1' September 10 1876 and died '00&0. I:!he leaves to mourn her depar After some di8cufsilm lUI to time - -- - I ta ureen,vllle Dalke oounty, w~ere ber 6 lVa? aled 31 years aDd 26 tnre a loving hUlloond. I\. devuted Ilnd place it. WIlS decided to hold our &bey vIslte J with relatlvel alld d&,..' • , '. mot~er. maDy reliltives lind Il host next reun'ion lit Mr. McNellll '8, one friendtl for lIevenl daY8. .. . Wben 16 yean old shll QuUed of fMends. mile 6Ilst,of ~nor SMtion. on the Mr . J . ldd Clark, of CorwID.~ha. with the Obri.tlan ohnrcb of ,bY D. L. & C. rfl,l)rolld . returned home from & mon$b'. visit place where 8be held· her - member: j •- • .. . . Aftet bU8lDeS8 Will! finillhed, visit. with relative. at Thorntown,IDdiaD . . IIhlpwitll few ,earelllu, wbea • • Silver Wedding Aniversarv. ' ing WIlS re~umed lIotllahout nigbt. WEE~ 8poltS a.nd otber pointe in IDdlapa. . uDiM!! wUb St . . M¥Y·8 . Epiaoo~ , ." " f!lll, when everybody, left feeling . Mr. ~nd ' Mn W. H. Blatne,and uhurohwhereabewa.anearneeta• . Tbe beautiful oountry home of klDdly towl\rd hlmselt. ~nd every. "SCHW ~ A ' RTZ"S daulfhter Mia FI tah h poula~nt workerontil her.death. !. alld Mn. J. E. Hockett WIlS t.he body else, B.n d voting Mr . nnel Mrs; __'.. . . '. tnrned k, thalr fll~m 'on ~: .W.beD quite a little ohild eb, had, .ictne of a m08t dellghtfnl oOOl8loD Uosnagle mC)8t hospltahle entertAin· Creek alier .pendlng 'he .umdl'In these pleaetng winsome waye tba' Thorsday afternoon, Oot. 3. in hon er8. '. Oolumbus. . a18l0 atRactlve ID, the young and lor of their 8Uver· weddlng anniver Although thl!! rennlon waR tltllt M J if 8 wblob as she grew older slIrved to 8arv. The room8 were tastefully organi'led lun'JUg the teaohers and r""dies' 21; uent' Pooket' Books ........... .. ..... 1ge (Jra:' a~d herm:t~haDc;. daDJlbtehr. dr.w aronnd her a large o:roie of . de<iorated with profueionsof dah pupils of Distriot No. Il, known ne.a r At I . a er _r. 08ep fdendl. ' .I1I18,asparagus,oarnatjon8Ilndroses. nD.d f~r itS t·he Flv~ pOints .DIS. ] ·!.II(lies' iiOo9nt PooketBJoks ... .. ..... ........ 39l: II n~n were the 1I000&lof Mra. mith On November .23,1898, she was. About fifty gueetB were oharming trlot, It bllS grown t" be 1\ muoh Sf s nlooe Mt:a. Ed Clevenger, Llldics' GO cent Pooket Books . ......... ......... 4ge B Pressed ~n Fsanklin, Hatorday neDing.lmd unl8ed'InmarrIQe with Lauson .A, I, entertained. One of the muat 10 . grellter IIffair, !lnd the rrlllnllgelllont by Zimmerman .witb whom sbe lived tel6lltlng features being the dell. wishes to ns~nre 1\.1\ Its friends thllt' I""l1los' 'iG cent Pocket BooKs ......... , ... ...... 53c eavy Mr Il~':.d:r w~e :':i'mPIIUI~ M In happy .and loving companlonsblp olouslunoh. After thi8 waa s~rved lines ore not drnwn, IIn.d a good j GI S ' an ' rll, u n!lon all r. until death separated tbem. . the glftH were opened by the brida meeting III hoped for on the fhat ~II t· HEAVY ' PLATED .T ABLE. 881i1 ugar wb~r M~~. ClevelJrr,v toy ovejrpeoll • day ~ they .. pe~ ·t :: enndY~bl& . ' Never being In r11lled healtb ahe of twenty five year8. They made urdllY in October, 11108. WIUI deprived of maDY of the p18lll · a grand silver display and were _ __ . \ SPOONS, 6 FOR ]5 CENTS. 'Bowl with.Covea r M 0 r. a r s . urel and enjoymeDts 'of ber friends. 8orely, greatly appreciated by .ths . ~oolam riab and MI. SaUIa. yet to tblnk and plan for $heir weI· recipients. The goests departed II W. T. Frame to M'ove . er and Cream ' . f~ u mub.a tbough 8he WI8 about five o'olock. to Callf'o' rnla. VOIlI ' Shovels! Long. BnDdles ................ ... ; .. 8~ ... be ODe of their nwnber. ' Wedding ADnivenary. Belli' Daturally Rifted with that • t It dOdS o~t filii to t he lot of t.he Putty Knives ...... ... .. .. ... .. .. .... ..: ... ............·3 e Pitcher, Quite a number of friends aDd' rare taonlty of fine ,~lIl108rnment Five' Points ReuOIon.. m!ljollt,y of people to hfl privileged BIl11 Blueing, per box: ........ .. ...................... 3e • ltat· t relatives gathered IIot 'he home of ' and good taste, Anle 8 advice WIll ~ to vi!!lt.. (Jlllifornill hoOt1 enjoy i 1m IOn cu 811 oUen aaked a~d always oheerfully ' Tbe Ii Ive Polnt8 Kennlon held ItR . broutleMfor 0. yen I"S tltllfl bu t MIWh SOllll LIlc1l e~. Wood ~,I\.ndles ............ .......... 7c r . aDd Mra. Ola FOlllk8. at MaDOl' glTen. ninth annual meeting at the r8ll1.\ hBD bcc~lne 'the fortnnn <l'f W ']' . Iass d·... ou I:!unday, Sept. 29, to ce)ebra~ ... h -ed f d f U d 'U_ F I R " . . ,~ . . Nlokel Plated Sorving Trayt!:: .... .. ....... ...... Be g eSI&nB ., theil' thirty. fourth n I ver~ .or mallY yean I e ..... er rOil eDca 0 _r. an ~8. rano s Frame nnd tamtly. t~e aftiiotlODel'lf~be body an~ tllJI&. DaRle on flatorda" October 5. 19(J7, Jt III theIr expeotBt'lon to KIll h lary , A boontlfnl feaa'wu Ipread o..l1y Utelut year ~ben it became with frlenda prese.n t frOIU Dayton, Itbout the !!llddIA ot ' Novemht"r for wort 2.5.c a set of wbloh all partook. The af&Sr. 10 in&en1Ml at timea tlur.t It wu al· Franklin, Wayneavllle, New BUrling ! Pa8lideoll VBlifornl1l whore thoy Doon pallsed,n IOOlal ohat aDd each maet. unbearable, yea abe endured 1& ton and aurrounding nelgbborhood bave ar~,nged to mllke their bOllle .. ' k Special this departed In thn eventDI ·wi.bln. · witb great paUeDOG aDd ollrl.tiaD to tbe Dum~r of no. Th8te was l wtth ~n "ged ODolf! unci Illlntot lir. their hoet and ha.teu maoy happy torlt'ode PfIIJiDtr Her Heavenly tbe ll8Dal Iwnp~uous dlD~er and , Frame. lind wi1lollre thfiloomfcir'l - OHIO. Iretl1rna of tbe day, '!'ben ware FaaIuIr to live.• &he l&renltil for lleDerallood loolms, whlob always of their relativell. 1111 I d!l to o~er.1 ,neate preseDt ·from Lytll, Wa,ne.. the )aoar, JIaD, froalc1 Ibe obaracterizel Ute OOOIUIlons . wben !llle their Illrgfl fruit, m'h . whloh v\lle, Ua,'oD, Darke OoDD" aD~ " " _ SQ.'. poJ'&tOD of SorIpmre for obe day all card i8 laid 881de. , otber pla08l,

Mn. L. A. Zimmerman Called f

" be read to ·her sometimes where

E rth . Christ would heal tbe _siok BUI,l t,he cal\e~1 to ordcr Ilnd tVVII cowmitt filS rom a • amloted of their di8ef\ll611 and fonnd ~ppotnted, ono on nOlllllnlltions, on



B argal.. n Off. erin'gs









08 1




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