P~RS{).NAL MgNTION. . Monday Mr.- J. W. BUl'ton on business.
I*****.****".~****~*.**.***************** ':* In ,SoCIety ll'cles, Thls Week.
DE,A.TH OF MRS. MOORE · ' :m' . '1' • , • ' ' H ' 'SI ' tl f L b Miss Edit'll Crane. of Pekin is vis. Mrs, IEltzabetb,J. Moore. of ColumairY lerw,OO, 0 e anon, WIllJ 't" f - d h ' f f" d bus, diE,d very 8uddenly a.t her home 1.* . , in ~w~ Sunday. , I 1lI~ rlen s ere or a ew . ~ys. there S~t~rdIlY. Ootob~r 17, ut 3,:30 ~.** ****~. ********** **j~****~ ~*** *** ** • ,was a Dayton LI~tle Chal~ersl Sherwood 181l'~- o'clock; ofhea.rt trouble. 8he~l1s Ml' and Mrs A L Wy'song en. 1 Mr and. Mrs Fred Henderson enFir..e ('ccurs Last Week and ' ..MisS ILizzie Carroll provmg very nice y . . ' vISltor a!lt-week • .~ the daughter of Andrew 'J.a nd Bnn tel'tained at a 5.o'clock dinner , la t tertained Mr. and Mrs. U. ,}t. White But .Little Is Saved. Howard Trout, of Monroe, was Mr. CblllJ. Brown and family we oah Campbell. Thursday evening: Covers were laid Sunday at dinner, ' guests of friends in H81veysburg Mrs. "'U.8 born &rob 9 for Rev. al.ld Mrs. O'Neall, Mrs. Har.! . ' here last Sunday. . , . . . . Sunda. . ' Jey WarwIck. of Lebanon. and M,·s. Mr , !\nd Mrs S. L. Cllrtwflgbt Mr ~akley RIdge was m Frankhn y ., 1846, Ilt, SardinIa, Ollio, aud lived Mary Bogan. : most deligbtfully entl'rtll1ned QU \ :.l on Jj\lsiness last ,-,;eek. ,A A_ McNeIl and wlfe~ of Center· there o~tilll~e Wll~ IUl!.rrie(\ to Mr. ' 'l'uesdllY the follo\l1illl( guetlts; MIll. I Mi$Grace Lincoln was' in Dayton VIlle, made us a very ' pleasant call O. .8. Mloo,'e In 1871. Mr. a.n~ ML·S. J:toy Irons have been Hllttie O'Neall, Mr.8 . S. C. Allen, . ' . Monday. 'The'r o Were tbree obi\dran born entertammg qUIte a company thEl MI"I!!ls Emmu. tmd .Letitia ' MoKay l'r " I n T f ' Oba.rle~.1 Pe 1 d G ' I b' las t few days. MI'S , J. W.' Brown. u.ntI RAV ~nd Mrlt, l.l&d waJlader; Not II Stkll of the Housc or Haro I yest.erdaY on busmess. . Rev. ' j , F Cadwallader was in ISS re e rQut came over r~1)'l , ar ao ~nev eve. W 0 Mrs. Harry Campbell ar:d Mrs , P,I'ed . . , , Left Sta~dlng-Alllive Stock . . . ) . D to . nd Xenia last week ' Monroe to be present at the Hart· sor.vive hel'. , Stopperworth, of Sprmgfield, Ill. Mr. Ilnd Mrs_ Walter McClure Saved But One I ig-Wdl ay n a . ,'. . . . . , 80~k-Mosher nuptialsThursdayeverr ' Tbe!.(oore's lived in Waynea,ilJe Mr. Campbell and M~ Brown~t:~ in celebrated the si~eenth anniversary Probably Not Rebuild W. J. KII~(m IS In Cincl~ati . thIS ing, eight pElar8 and 10 Ool\1mpos two Idaho •.,;hert; ~hey WI ll soon be Jomed of their; Sunday, Oct. 18. week attendmg the Masomc domgs. M R th B II d 'd ht y~are wbere Mr Moore died in th by then familles' Theyate located The table was decorated with pink K S f 0 ' . rs. u . rowne an . aug e r ' ', '. ' ere pel'manenLly. carnations and fern and an elegant AItWeWerfi 'II-mug t"vro!!1l h'!lt Mr.J . . '. p~b~er, o · regoma, Lucy. of Washington C. H., were l898, BlnoeMr. Moorss doothshe • dinnerservedtothefollowing ests: Last Th~I'Sday night Mrs. Cynthia M~" James McClure, Mrs. 11: Kel· week, we IU111ru i)f II 01'11 bu~oo"ld was a busmessv,1sltor here Monday. thegue'.lts of Mr. and tMrs. Warren bll,d ~ef!' 1l hving wUh her ohllilren in f . it :We are gla<l to hear that Mrs. Barnett and family 13$t week. . Oolumlm8llndCinoipnati. Evans, assl~ted 'by M:~. H;. E. Hatha· sey, Mr. .Sam McClure, wife ana son ::: n::Il~~~II~~~:e:i~O~I' ~~r~JI~~" Mary , Wise is improving in health. M~' George ThompaolJ 'was in , Tbe ~ody . of Mrs .... Moore "WIl8 :e~la~~~~~SsLaEndl~eaAfHteeighWayC' end' MMasonO' allBof Bellbrodok; Mdr. and . . . ' ' b hi' h S d i bt d t e l s moon a1' rs. mer arnett an two aughB~~ ,we Ilre yery lIo~ry to 811.y tlll~t, Miss' Nina Antram . is.t~e , guest of Cincinnati last week, the ~est .ot rong. 8~e . un ~¥ 0 g . an B- Cl,!-b ... Each ,member was privileged ters, Helen and Elizabetb, of Spririg It ~•.8. moat dillaatrOtl8 ~re. her sister in Darke county for" seve~_ Mr/3. 0: S. Elm~re. Mrs. ,~o~~~ ken ,to I,be bOlue ()f,~~e Mf)ssrs. Cross to Inylte a frIend and 'a very p'l~asant Valley; r.1r. and ~~. Frank Zell,'Mr, A,u eljjht 1'00IUhoU81'.1I. blink btll'n al days. attended a largeweddingwhll~tbere T,\le f~li,er8l Willi bel~ Mandtty, atter, evenmg was s~ent • .l\t a seasonable and Mr~. Wm Dm~(ldle and daug. h....b Ib d 11 . ' . , . 0000 a' ~ 2 o'olook Rnd interment hour. su}:>statltlal refreshments of ters, Ru th anli Ohve' Mr. and Mrs • .... acoo sbeds, " corn or , 811 II Mrs. A. T, Wright and ~wo sons, MJ. and Mrs. Elias ' Oglesbee and " .' , . . coffee, sand'wic e and piekle. were Jacob Strouss alI ~f Wa esville ', otber outbullqlDgt<, situntell on tb Alfred and Elliott, visited in Spring- daughter Josie spent Sunday with walllDlide i~ . Mltlmi cemetery . . l'he served. ' . " yn. &lleo Saln.t's farm noW tile propllrty boro, SUJld~y. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin 'Oglesbee iUld Rev., J,. F. Cadwallader and , .Kev, . -, . Monaay evening the home of Miss of ~be lata JOlleph ~eYIl, aod acou .. , 'd dau hter Alice at S 'r in Vall W . 'l'. UiIlWmd offiolatlng. A famlly I'eumon was.h~ld at the Katherine Alexander on Tbird Straet .., d b l e d I1Y " It, I:!d Ml88 ~ary Lefferson, of :;.II die· g P I! .,. Tbo8ti ' pre ent from 1\ ,distanoe .home of Mr, and Mrs. WIlham Sher· was the scene of a jolly gathering. of .....1 Y a co ur ~IU n m town ' IS the "guest of .M\"s John' M ' . d M R' h dB d '. . . wood last Sundar. and a pleasant . I h h h Jobp l:Jymm8 ~ I,bout four nliles , '. ' " , r. an, • rs. lC , ar . rown . were 118. follows: Mrs. R. M , lian ti e was had by al . Those resent !rl~ s, w ,en t e !,lItess pve a,~' f Will . b .... CM'\. right. , daughter entertained on Sunday derll Moore Bill lnd . Mrs sarah ' "' • Mr J M' " f P lte shower for MISS C!lrolyn Mosher. h l1lIrt h avneatv e, were urn.... M' M' Co ' d d Pat Ii MAT T I ~" '. ', " were. . . os. urray, 0 Okl a , o'At a seasonable hour an appetizing tu tbeJc.'clI1Dd )"'ttl 'l'nellday ,;,venlDg; rs. , alY m,Ptot:t an , .~ran - r. an ! rs. ' .. !oJ.'. amage an", so~. A ~, DunlO, ,,1.11 Hannab 14 ., KID('a1d, ma; M,r. and Mrs R. MUrrl~¥, of three course 6yster slipper was apd Do~bing IJuf, .. ome of ~be house daughter, of near Ne~ Burtmgton, L~ ~d Mrs. Ga n~r and daughter Mr~. F; , l:~mpball, Sl!.rdinio, Ohio; OJilgoma; ,!dr !ind ~~. John Wnght, seryed.. An immense bowl of lari~ hold fUrniture ",'bl! su'Ved 'tbe ell spent Tuesday at ~he home of Mr. JeSSIe , . , ~r~. 0; E. D.u II 0 , Geol'geto.wn Ohio'~ ~aY~?M~rs. kl~le syerwWd • of whIte chrysanthemums graced the ,\tuated . 10 tI ill IIbnut $5'000 Th~' Warren JJarnett ap~.famil~~ Mr.anij Mrs. Minion Campbell, ' of ·l4r. J(llun (JulI1pbell, Mr. ' A. F. a:d d~Jgh:eran of ~~te:;ine: r':~d ce1')bter of the thaadbleed'whiQ~I\Yas II g.htTi. ny , . 'M d M W'U S G h .J ' S . d" 3 ,.. il •. ' M1'. taU d MI'll. ,u .... 1!1 '" . M r, ~n d· 'M1's. G' eorge Zel 1. ed y green. s were C8Il'4 es. "place, • buildings Wtlr8 illll\u'elt u,Y tbe o~o.' ]" .~ rs .. • I : 18 ~ anu Ilr lOla, yf\h'10, w,ere ,h ~r~ 14 onuay ,00. IUP",EI ,' green oandles at eaoh er, liut f,~e Wnl&llt; UIlI\ no Insurapoe son VISited . frle~ds in Sprmgfield .a nd Tuesday, haymg ~1Ven, overtQ ball, ~lAlrdlOIJl, 01111). . . and the hostess announced that the on bill JO,Pd1l . I ' last Saturday alld :::;unday. attend ' the f\lneral of Mrs. O. B, . '.UU OIl"TllAliKS .rThe Enquirer' gave an account of 'one whose candle burned out first, "'b" . ' , M ' u ' tt' J' K' ... -'~ fSad" Moore ' " , thefollowingweddinglaatw.eek: ' weuld be the next girl married. which , ~ eur" bruitll \)ut- froll1an un . . ~ ...... a Ie • m~l~ 0 r. mIll • _. ' . We desire to t.hauk the' friends ~or The.. marriage .of Miss Florenee caused a great deal of fun for her kOO~D Ol\UII" ,. lilliol ,bti:ru a.bout fOllr 1.8 vlsltang at t·hll home of her brothMr: C. G. Wllhamson, who hall tbl.llr ~lindo8811 to 118 lIod purUonlar- Marie' ~icking, dllUJ1'hteT of Mrs. candl~ was the first one. The place · been In Texas fOJ'$E!veral w,eeka, ar- Iy the ~llll~1'tl for oonso11ng wortJa Henry Sicking, and 0001'(1 Rooney, cards were sketches of brides and o'oloo){, IIond owfng to t.b .. extrlowaJy el'l!, R. A. and R. G. Cross., dry oondilitm Ilt Averyl,bln", tb Mr John li'romm and family of rived bome laat Friday well pleased b~t tbose Wbh slmg at the funeral took ~lace yeeterdl.lY mornitli at St. gl'QOms, and the favors, boxes of 11..mBl Itpretld r/\ Ilial \' to ~n the Da"ton were the guests of All' John with his trip Charley says that iJ:I ur rno~ er. I;' F FranCIS de Sales church at, 9 o,clock, candy . After supper Mfs8 Alexan. ", . , ' . , . J.HIt AlIIILY. Rev. Father u..tmJlh ottlc atlna'. der gave to each guest a ll'I'een {)&:Dellr-by ~uIJdillll'" Il~wke and famaly Sunday. . , the boss country. . - ~ .. . The bride wor Q hId In" white per heart,to which was 'a ttachf'd"a . r•. Msmm~ hllll LJ~ena~~y.,1I , 'Mr. Cly~e 'J . Hiat,t , o~ WinChester, Mr) Jd;, Murray. at-RogerS, ~rk. Dl~:>VE~S, MINE~AL WEL1.. n~tgown over tuff r with J!lboon tiny bag ofrice, .tb be li;aved ' ~.d ' ,la, and did ,no. ' return uut\l th .. Ind., 'spent S~nday ahd ~onday with is here ,pn a visit to friends and rel,,~ ' , . ."','.' , . . , tr~mminp, aJllI I.e d o",~lonl!, and thrown ~t the brJdal {NUr, M~c Ure bad, .lDlOfit oOlhpl"teIl its de_ MrS L d' W' ht. . . , tives. Court looks well And ni~ A fe~1i' w~ekS ago, Mr. j I Rolllnd, a wreath. of oranlf ~LOIIIKIm'" which and dancmg coml!!et~ ~e ~VenlJ1i'IJ 'i . '1'l • Y 1a nlf .: ' . • "jliviqg ~l shont dl8tancenorthe'ast of was worn ~Y her motfiCl .. when ahe entertain~el'lt. The an.v1tied 'Vutat on. I~re were po men ,on Mr. • and Mrs. Walter Chandler many fnen~s her~ are ~ ge$ 'Ferry, ~>n ,the Mountr HoUy road, in was married twet;lty.flv years ~g~. -wero MissesCarolrn and Edith the plaue at: t111) time, hnt IUllny .slId Mrs Tyson of Dayton wer~ the him. He wLlI remain hereuntU, 1)~xt oroerto inc"hia!:'I&Pply of stock The coupl~ left on the noon tram er, Doro~hy 1?akin, DotlDa Hawke, . uttlghJ>ota t\ ~tlaotdd by tUe IJrfl«~ . ts f M B (,,"}i 'a'i month some time. water In his barnYBnt well·'bad it fot W&ohmgtPn, D. C. EVa DaVlS! Elizabeth , Chandler•. Lub'-lI8. AlItli_ted IIh-. t4.YlD1l)BII . in re- gu.~ 0 r: . an er, ~>ne . drilled to the deptll of eia'hty-four ,' . . elta COrne I, Martha O'Neall, .1__ movlog t.Qc' rutull ate 11'061 tt... day lallt week. ' . .Raymon~ W~lJf~,80n 8J)dKenneth feet, and ~t a -goOd 8upply of water I qn Saturday. nIght MI8S Ste~la Marlatt, S.t ella Lemmon, Henrietta ~ all t th·. WftA all ~ ... . .M.i . -ase&-Villa Brow.nfield and EJ' Ridge.. w.ere m ..attendance.. .at th!! .c1.earand.cooJ.-.hutBO aaturatedwithlLe1lfUllon;awi Mias Henrl~tta..-McKI~- , McKlDsey., Emma Hawke apd . Mar- '" ( I -, B . • abeth Cartwright: of Springfield LebanoD ..Miamisburg foot bidl pme aalt andl perhaps other mineralsthat MY entertam~ at tl1e borne of the garetta Packer, of Georgie School, Aved. Tbe co '*-""' ,ul tb~ barn, . ttle .... ' f v_ d M ' in l:.ebanon laat Saturday afternoon tIIo.'mu, or ~ eiul drink it. Solidllat1;er in honor 9f _i88 Carolyn 140- Pa., and Irene TtoutF,.ot Menroe. oou8b1"1~'~ ~Ir M. uQwb:flr'of rarw iJD w,e re ¥ues..., 0 ~. an no . ' . . . -ctYStal~r.ed salt.can euiIy be obtain-.sher, The ipvitations ~ere ' hand ' " ," ' ., ''',e'nent. w~rtl ~eetro)'~ bllt tb.. D. L Crane Saturday and Sur,ad!lY The boys l18y .l~ was ~ ~ proe, ed:by ~Diling the,water. The my~ painted maple leaves ~nd ~uested Miss Dor.othy Dakin ente~ed opf,' IIv~ @IOOk ' oonl!"m\l~' WIlI! ' 1I . Townshipteacl'ierswhoattended the l the score standmg ,5 to,5._ '.' .ry is h<i!lealt co~l~ have been fqund, ~e presen~e of the : girls at sev~n' at dinner .in a most .eli~jng man, y , W 'Oo ' Teach ' A~~' M Kn I . Co ' ..a l . atahol1Zon fullya'thbusandfeeta_ ' oclocktoahandkerchiefshowerand neronl'r!day evenmg' m honor of J' bo~. whloh WII," p6,ldetJ uP . il) ., ar~n unty ,ers :-"",1&',; r. o~es . nn an... amil~"J>oveth,e hawral geQl~~ horizon ' cards,andofthe·bovsateighto'clqek Mi88GarolynM08berwh0ee1llal'l'ia&'e one ()t tbe bblldhJ"'" ttl! ~nnllint:. tiOn 10 Lebanon on Sa~rday. H.~. Mr. O. E. Rldenuur and famlly., and this I~tion. llr. Scl1'Wartz and a I to car:ds. ~ The house was artistical· to Mll. Fred Hartsock-will take pl8'ee bur~tla I!k" ,tuller nud Qw'n~ ~ the Kellison, Chas. ·, C. E. Bratten! M'r Bert'Smith andfamilro(Sprjhg- j'G aittte repo~r:visitectthe,8pot,y,es-j1r decora~ in maple bl1Ul':hes and op the tweJlty-~nd. 4t-balf pas~ uf W,lt.,r, It Wrt~ n lei\ll &0 JO,hn CQmmingt!. John Strawn, An-', field, were. guests ' of Mr IlDd ~ l/terda.V I~d brought aW~Y8lU,Dples of !hghted by: candlesm pumpklt~8hades SIX the Jruestli sat down to a beautit ~ I cb O'k II conft ruttoD Saturdav and ,the w~ter. Mr, Schwartz Will make 'I Acr:oss ol.1e. corner of the room, fully appointed ~ble, softly Jijrbted roJ ' u e , ~II .~ " • 1 na, V"...ndervoort, E'lla B Keys, Anna Israel Satterthwaite • of , • chemical tests to ascertain what the eu"~~ were drawn and at the by red-shaded candles and d..:onteci, , • -, Gayno~; ~elen McClure" Sarah Bur- Sunday haVIng co~e down inthelf ~l'Cel!t of salt the water contains ,proper time,. the g~est of bonllr with red ,carn!ltions and festoons. of " VOUNG MAN EXt)N6~~!fSD net,.,.Mmnte Burgett. autos. ~nd .what other minerals mR¥ be I,drew these,asIde and dISClosed a very hearts exCendmgfrom the chandelier ", " , , . eom ioM with it. ' pret,t y white parasol covered with to the cornera , of the table. 'JIbe , .M:~. Willlltotl ,ttloll,,\ u,t. l:iilO.lnul1j' , " , '- , t, , , , _". • , : . whiJe'~bl'l;8anthemu'ms.S~e'was told' place, ca'r ds .w~re. 'd~uble heart. '!~ &I IIIJtlU\ lu(lI!:illhdIiY, ~L Lh~ Ildnie 01 . . SEAlSHIPT OYSTeRS N~w COf:FEE MILL \ , ' , ,A BlO TARANTtJLA ' t8. o~n th~aDd lIpon .doJ~g BO, th~ red'd)}~rced by 'a JOlt a~w, . an~ In ~ ~ , show r: of handkerchiefs fell upon addltton, at' each, place was a heart'M~i 'r1l9f1N. 1I'ld ;tu1he~Llljt.011.h1 !, . :.. ., ""'. ~ "..". ' he~. 'Tbe hosteSses} paSsed ,tiny shaped bonbon bOx filled W~ red 01 ttlt! rlvOIt I,If Albtlr.t, IH,Olls, ' 111n' W~ ,&\lui e() ~ bocket. ,Of \h~ o~. ,M:r,. L A , Zhnaqermao Is tire() of 'rburrJd&y morning ~bne ~.jli(lihg sheets of note paper around to the candies: .The followlbJr ' m,uti' was lOa, exuu"r~tt1~ II ~ younlf Inl\u trom &t(!rs I,b~t are sbipped to WlIlter 'be old la8h~on.fId way of Irrindl.r.8 on II. trllilo for Cinc1nnat,h .lIr. J~d guests, e!lCh of,whom wrote a letter se~ved: Qyster coek~l&; boulUon; . aU , blauie fir jJo~ldble oonneOllUD KUlmn, l\nd t.hey wtlre o6t:ta'~1y 11no ~I;)tfee. and bas pot i'l a water-motor OIark illlppened to pee what be tOuk to the br!de elect,. to be read ~hedav chicken, PB8t8: potatoes, cranberry wlth t,he hlf'IJ.lP ;,.~"n- of ·, .b" hllr8d !tud we OttU reuoommeud tbeDl a!l wb~reb'1 be cao f,,,mute tbe worll. 1to be a mamlDotb Spider lying on a after th_e weddmg. These. were su.uce molded mto.hearts, rolls; aaIad \ -... ' fl I I ' I I I . pleoe o~' paper on tbe ground along. sealed WIth hearts and cupIds and With wafers; double bearts of ice aDd buggy IIf Mr. O. L. ttlo.K~. r.~1 ctlll4>l In eVllry ~1" C,~l ar n t i l " nAw IItYle and outs tbe ootftle laide of a barre' ul!ed to tbrow wllste delivered to Miss Mosher. cream with cake;'after4:linn-er coffee. I\b~rtt lte nJrIlQ"t. JjoMluvtt pwof MII~ UlII.Qner oYlIters Inetle~ve tbelr inllte!id of I(l'iDding it, wbicb m .. ItElS 1P'tl(J8r tl~, in froot ot ~he ladles' ~i~- ', At.eigl!t the boys arrived and the During th~ .salad CO';1fse sliJIII of 'hat Ql)e ot I,blt 11);-'" OOQI"eQ~tla y(if.11 o~llCinul ~litlt6 . Ill~d wbell you ' llD.V II. it Ilt/O» 'ltR ftfl.VOJl longer , lind , bet~r tinl rOI~lDi8t the Corwin, Depot, evenmg was. spent. m ca~d9. . paper desenbmg the brides of differ- , -tU4! "1,11,'1 W""Ht Oll~' ~"i ' d uUJrhllidlY q ,l l"" , ~ nu gei';\)V8t~1'!I to fb"h~ ()~igi. JIt is II gr",~l1 1r~lprovemeo" oyer, tbe ' Be. ~t reeted the attontlon ,of M~. . Th!, .followm g damty;, menu w!U! ent '!oun~rles were han~" to ~he I, (. ' ',' ollHI ' "; ~ old w . .'~ 'wllltel',1 Kilbon andi' otbers to It 1!6~ved. Br~d and ' butter,.. 'aand. gue8ts,M~ss.CarolynMoaher~Jng , '~rm. WIt" ~ I~r,t. ","11 wa~ ,tb,O~~lW '. 1, ' . ' -:.. ' . '{!' ~ , "~ .. . " ~' ,',' . ,I w~en/V~8It~r d~lared it waa al:lQ.u~ wiCh~! ,n:leat p8:tties/jel1.~; .f1'uit $81- ~f t\le, Am~~Cafi ' bride. · W~t~. the by, ~ "1....~ily, 10 l;ltt aU, ,rl"hr" "nd . lIU~V SAYS NOr. Ot}IL tV " ,1 : 0 , ~OJ;fTFRS ·OF- 'RaBE~Al:t tbeo" lat:,get)t"toral)tola, he , had : eve,r Ild w!tli v>;af.ers; l~e Cl!e8,~ m the·;f~l'm cQft'ee, the,¥oung, '~~ies ~ere'ilve!1 " ' I w...' .11 ~ qQ.dti~.a witb tlla fllrm .' ,., t ' ' .. ' I " 'I ' ," , , , aes8 'He ' 8000 put tbe t~rrib)e of shppers al1d 'cilke; cho(;ola.t e. ' In cards beamng the Ime "There was IP, I ~ "~~nrtlll Mome iiu,tll1g0 In~6. I · tbi~lv hoo~~" tbe lllr)'lo the ~b Il.ud '~rl\ . '1Q9 Ev~n; ' w~re In j-P911O~(IU!l i¥oot out of COmmi8Slon t~~ :!::ake ,\¥as a. r!ng, a d!m.e and a young man n~ed ' .fred~~ 4r '·Th.ere ' . '. ~ ' . • '" ' • . .. • " ..., wl&h 1)Is 'I;lUQlber 7 ' ' . «I tlirmble th~ reCIpIents bemg, Ernest -was a young lady named Came' ~ ' . , •I , ·,.blaH t,IIDu bb h8s not bMu b~a~d ~U\'le of Ii rl1~~ ~. COUUIIO. ~llillr.ed li'rll..~kl~n I.uit week attending the ',is ' n() doubt biui been d~P08iied Robinso'n, I1!l Robjn~n and HarOld 'y!ith. a blank sp~e fox: the- compl~ fNm. . . wltb having shot Fred , ~oDenu(ltt, dllltrlQt oonvllnt,ioD of the D ~QlJbtftrl! l tbere 111 pltiiers baviog been around Howell. Shps of , ])apcr w.ith the bon of the Limerick, Many laughil" - pA \ E • -'S·'SC' RED brll~lIbt In'-, v~~tut of Dl)t guilty. of Rebekab. ," . i b"uanallllnd 'f,brown in the .blt.l~el. . qu~ti~m... ,:I~ha~,klnd of ~ife woulii' ble thl.t;lgsw~~e written, A~te,:" din. , 55 NOER. A 'It Inoked ror.~ time lUre a dla.gree.. Ml'II Evaoll hll8 been pr8llident 01 ' _' , , 'J • ~. ' ' 1 chooser an,d Wh~t kind of ~U3- ner 'M~ Dakl~ r~. a d~rlptio!l. of . ~ , ' , ' b te bel' sa to· 't w r i .' , ,) 'if .. ' ',' ....~. . •.. , • ~ana would I cb00:9Cr'" were gh'en 'c oullt8hlpand mamed li1;e, leaVing " ~It 8QDdItJ evel'llllg p4'l8nrer~ ,rn.eo~. t e ,vo • ~ 0.. . 9 0 , tbe dl8~rtot '?r ~be ' la8~ year, ~Qt re- ., , !.'~A~~lc() '",T l.EBANON; to ·the boys ~and glTls, - respec~ivelY, ~ut phrases, .tc? 'be ' 8U~p1ied by tile. ooNo: 8otnbi; ' Pdu-UIIPdle, wertl acqllital. " '. ,:,_ ,. ' .... '; tiredJtlUlt; , '!6It.1r, ~ditlWMwttbootJ :," : ., ~ . ~9 .~et~ftlledQ~t "ccordmgt?,th~i'guests. Tll~, c~rrectly gU~, _,.., 'alW08{. ~Ilrpjt> WbflD ()()rillo!, ' 4 TIENO CENTEJ'IIr,lI~L .tl.ying '~118taJte mad& a"!JOQd one. 1 ,Ml',: . .Edwa,,;.ct. Hllrtsoolt, . Hon of, lile{'S o,f ~e r~el\~el'S. " Th~ 'Yere, were 'the titles" of Shakespearean "
was in Dayton
I -
go'" "o8h-
1 "
j '
• '.
' 1'
" .
,', •
." ,
'. '
,_ . ,
. . ..
' .
,, -
· , .roh~ 1;l8I't.a,bo~,i,and · Misll : (iO.~i~ wrapped ·.mtlll~011 · an4thrownl,nto' play~.
The ' remaindero(tbeeyen~
.rom ~lQo~Dllatl "nItWI"lt ~Ul'ro~ ''? i' ~ , ',,' :'" < ; . ~ ( ,,' ,.0 I " \ :.. ',', Smjt~1 ·'daus,.fer ' of Uhae, q~~itb a -""rgc ; pumpk\n'. bowl l:Iecorated mil' was spent ill muic and danCing~ . \ tb.H~trB?&tb"ull,e~8 w:~o!~ ,be "bq~ , r61l.t I' ~, 8,ny. ~pl~ ..,~I)t i, ~o ', , ' . regon a: "'.' . !w~re, m~rrie4' :~banon lliolJ,t rJ)liUl'fh~ WiUi' tiny,. r¥ . h~rtS .. ,E8ch\g~est Th'e. guejlts present were, Misses 0t\r. ,. . , n."a• •Clre oDill" w~atb\'l pau8e, I . , 1!,'I~I'l!" Qat~ 'J,ellt~fdl\' '0 r ~~~,d "the . ' Mj~ ilucll"l "'ason spmt,satlir(Iay drlY ,:" , t (', ". ' . ' ',. , • '~rew bne fortb ari) " r~ad the. t:esu,tt .. olyn and ]f.dith · Mosher, . Donlla , • - . ,. ..' ',' . '.. ". ~l'; Emeskliosn~le received th~ Hawk~, M~rtha O'Neall, Luella' Everjt.bbrK "V~.Q.. hle Wall ttllteo Kr~n{! ' lJe and t.h;,!,)Ot\!?te~ill l .pf the in ,Morrow, .the guest ()f Mias Fay.e ,». ,~; 'from 'he tra~1'I M lIlbrrow '.and 'd ee' g'raDd I,llge:: ,AIl)OQC .l',tb088 ~h6 'Collins: ',. -". \' ew .Burllng~~n . ., , ~ra~ prIze at caJ:ds, a:~~~me gold nell, .. S~lla ' Le'!'!I1on ,.' Jlennet~ , . ' , ' r ' A Z ' • . B"' 'T h ' M' 'Le M ers dL.I·1 " ~ t ' " . pen.·' and ' ,Mr. .Fred· na,rbiock; the McKmsey,KathermeAlexapder,EvJl teotlreeweret.luloll.bu&l'd; out, o~h" ,ent Wttr,, : ,) ~" , j mmer~:,u" it, e l~ na.JYl:l ~ "C} e . ~ .' ' " . , eOJ')Solation, a policli!man batik· ' • ..pavis, Elizabeth Chandler and ,Jessie ' lth l..... lla .... a of ~&' , . 18 " £:Jowell, .J. lli. lI-ttnney: ~arren !!.o~~ .8pen.•t!h\}~ily:· mght wEd . :Wm. LWl\pkin wbo recentlY had an' : AbOut·twenty guestSwere 'prAQAnt Marlatt '" ,. " "1'.. , ...., j . , , . .f ,,-" K Wle 1U1BSe8 \.IGI"mme and ltuthe - . ttaek ~ te" d' . . ttl ' . ....,.,. " ' . ",.' a tte/",~u ., ~n,,1g~tlon,' l8g~ , ~.K ,, ) '. ' .' ". " ' . O~~nla ~cipl~ "'olaioi ~~e.1a.:w Keys, JeliQ " PA~oe, .~~1t~r I1bou, wards. of Flatfork.... ·Or ,welve Ino an&8(r ·,.'ol meo' Gaor~e B"wk"'~nd;Wlre,. ,Dr. ·:JiHU" '~ ~It.Mk 1;.1 tte...·len W..... _,!.. .I ' ~ " ' • , '. ,,', '.,' ., . '.' • , ' " " ,'", , . _, •• ~ y : .. W Q'" " . ,• &'.,~, . V ~t,t. ..... '<¥n--..ay J.or· Mn is makina' a " ....,Olle'E ' . . · .here ba~ ' I:IC~w . tbl~k . tbey, A " ~lhu.~tn~I,~ ~~r~ne, ~" h'i'llh9mein~~foM. ,., . ' "'.'~ ~isifb\ ,'.' ~' . . r~ ' ., ; . " ' . Wellman. , ~lg~' ri\!ertl. .. _ • ,I' " , ' . , ~, " : ' -".~DJ.~·H·' e 'AKES , ' '." , " 1,Will ~Y1"rs, of. Klqg~s, Milu" " jj~t is a bU8i~eS{!' v.i~ I My ~~~:will ~.e OI08~ o~ Ooto. . ' { ~I ' !',........ , " l ' . < • I ;:sunday · h.,ome, · , \" . ! : . . '".. . ' Mrs.' Jolin ThompsOn spent ad. . IS . 1MP~qYI!,'ilqSt:OWLV I .<,1' - "" :, : " , ..',1>:' ·~"i"'·fiI' rl{Mri i'i:.iI. ,. dM ' ll{'bl! ' , " , ' "' l\t!r27,.and28, '" J' ll.ul'a.ttendll1gthe ~~ayafter'h,.?'onwitihllhtl;Ed: .V~, j" ".1 " t - :,: ' : It':;"" i~ _ r j .-rslI; ~a~he;ie~ '~I,exf~~~r ': w~nta Conilerlu~~fe M~I)~ G\J:~ a~d ,bent '~ ;~~.:o'ufi&~t,U'rilt8i Exblblt' 6t mater. " ., . ( .. ; ~r. llbl't\rt 8r,~d~~It. 'who<n, ~J.y ·tb~ Ptl~HO}O.f ~~t)w '(,~~!,~ :1,Ib.~ w~lI Spencer', Vente ArmitiNre,lInd Willie ' l1lioolnnatl , Obi') " , , ' . ', ' , "Mr: ~d Mrs: Irilmei ~ars ~d ~, me' d_~b ,bl'~ tfatD .h\tthig 'la h,. ,Y8 tteill\ .,oaUl' l "lf~ ' oob~'*,bD ' PotOl!f8G:t I Th~~ey~~irii" Wit~ , ',' l>R,I:l .' Ill"BA'1'R~WAY, granddal1gh,ter, . of Dayton', .8IJ8Dt "I-lOll 1..\ lI,",lr, ,. impro,loR .Iow~ t:l&,uraay: Qt,llere , 't)r . ,Cll.Ila" tpr ,H'. E W.\i'~e, , . " ' ,,' • - . ' Friday with EIxin'Fireund (amlb', 11,.*,Dd l/i·.e"tDIC .10,ng lUI ~ICJelJ ail IM!.ri:~ Wm:r&ceive , prpPlP' .. ~ten., ~: SIlencer .and 'J,o nn Bum1ett M: FARMERS INSTI1:UrS. Mrs, Geo~e13ogan and d_Ulrtiter~, au WI ....,ted o"der 'be olroum- tloo~; '" " , .. ,. . " .,' Iwer~ an l{O~,S~~..v,- , .. ,,r.1)lesd . ay eVeninlt or. last ."' n • ~' .' I!pe~t :Wedhesd~ 'Ylth 0luut.:BUiirit . ,,: ,_ ~7 •. < • • " MtsS f.eal\18a1leri9~. of OJarkSvdle .. , . , ", , . . ~ . I Tbro~gb I 'h~ ,ooDrteIlY" .o f T. L. and fam~ly of Wilmington, • ......-'~~ . BOYS OO I'T O ' ~R.f\(QI,m,~9.· ifib~t the w~rend.with ~1iIs M~~e "Haydqck spent 'the lat- ~lved, direO~~ 01 ~8rmers Inati-, Mrs. George. 'Da~" ~t8~ , · 'MOVINO JIME . . ' ,', , "" erW;;}t ';Wood" w~k ~tf: home' of 'aw, wJio ~nt IlS t)le ~,u}letl~ of h,e Thuradal, Mrs. Mary Cl.yer, Mrs. . " .. ') . . ,.: .9.~ral of -Rul' band ,we",t "0 d ~_ U er JUi:.motr d. ' , ~ department;' we note "t}Jat ,the Jo- Earnest·Mannon,Mrs. ROae Carr • ~. ao :be m,o Vl..,Um•. IIJIriDl(lIo1'o t;Ia~~1' U b''cQbe'i~:itt ~JAwftll alld ' ' ~...,.~~ wilt~' hald 10 W~y~..vPle son; ftlts· Sarah ~~n _M~ ' " " ~kP~" IOI'I' ,."",. ~r ~. *ha',J)'.',ICI , 00•. · 'l'·b" ~i,~-.atalJJ, Kri~.. ' . . :': ,. ' . at OII.JaQtJ~I'Y II -Pet Q; 1909; ' .' . F~ and ..n. ~ra ~ . \.
'!: '.
nt. w~~,~~rua~ · .. · l' !~·~e~ · ~~· tbe.~W • .~ 1"~~t · .' ~2'_" ." "SSua~ _._ ......U ,'fl._. ' .... WithJj.11Ipepeer. '!Jl'.
~ 'R..... -. .~,:::~:,"l:~::e~~&,wg~ 'S un~~2=.~:::=:= · · Cleaver, "
--"::'"-~~~-..:=----~ - ,
=~--=--=.-- - . -
In .hoe.h.kinlr~ .. in everythinr et.e. '-l. there'. a wr~na aa well aa a naht way of doing things. Rice & Hutchins' Educa-
tor Shoe . i. the RIGHT way - it Uleta the child'. feet grow .. they .hould.... thereby preventing foot-troubles later on in life. A .titch hi time .aves nine. Sta rt the child right with the
Tucsd ay,Oclobcr2U, 19()1S.
I"r ,I.c .... "~rllnl,'" "I .• ,·"I1<'1 ,· l, "I",·". w nlt' r ~Ul\\'C I' ulnll)t t ht' nurlh '... te lL'I.H j\1 luUlt ~ t.rC '4· t h t' - l nn 11l ... u l llh.' ]tU"t'r "n t1 1\1 thl! ~ ' l u Ch 111.< rie\\ t:r hI !lout ti t l · . l.d waUadl· I·· ~ 1'-1"1 l \:l~ nc.l· ,\1111 I UlIlI l lt )1 Csh .t l n .'.!1",'rrIl! 'I ' h l l l1 ..:Lr'\'! 'l
$ TIle $
llll,1 <' ,"ll,,~ III til " I l k _" w, 'r "t till' :0110'\' ' , h~ ,"ull,'), ' ll,"I,'\))&u lI(' t '0 · ... hl)1I IIhll-', "' 1L\~lh '~
1111 ,'
lilli' rr'l ll l r ( d .,1 " ... ,: ,·,. 1111 IlioloIN
1' 11111. u,"1 'p",· IIII .IlI""" Oil ,11"11' ""' I'IC, " I • '"u " ,' 11 ",, - •. ,' , tlo " "1 li t I" ....
j,.,., ."..
11 ('
01 '
01 '
I\t howe. "
For Sale by
WHiter. Kil bUll.
I\lOket1~t .tlle frog. til
New 00008 This Week: New Seeded Rai.,i n8, New Cleaned Currants. New Citron, New Spices. New Minu Meat. New Canned Peaches. New Canned Pcas , New Rolled Oatil New Crack;{Uominy, . .. New Flake Hominy, New Pan Cake Flour. New Cereals of all kinds . Fancy Home-Grown Irish Potatoes. Faney Yellow Jersey Swuts, Cabbage, Yellow Onionll, &rmuda Onion., Cranberries, Celery.
New York Pippin Apples, 40cpk
J5c Peck.
IOC 11.ll .
Booth's Canned Baltimore Oysters. We wlll bave th08e <lImned OYI~r& this week. tioUd measnre-No water ry. them enoe Aod vou will , stop buylDg water .
Ask for a 8llwple of our Edge . . mont Bo'~r Crll~kers . They caD't be beat.
.... IIIIIedJate relltr rruI
PILES , Dr. Shoo,'s", OIn_1t. P'
Suhscribe for the Gazette
I$ $ $
'be the other. After tbe meetiogSaturll&y night. Not ooly is there Ill:lorpritllng VIl- Mr. F . C. Schwa.rtz took: the band , rlety of br!lids fer trit.nmiog. but up to the Township B Olltl.R and made ., tbeYOoWein,ets·of~ift'ereatwldtbll, tho records for ' tbepllonograpb. also with bot$.)ns and ornaments to Mr. I50hwartz got good r ecords. matcb . Jt is interesting to note, how maoy of t.hem resemhle sou· taobe braid ' 8eWD 00 in novel deS~ ligos by tbe band. Fringes aDd tassels are osed extensiyely. For ·the imdl of ties, partloularly, tbey
WI..·t' nl e s 1,0 re News. .
A I'lL': ' hall 01' cilo I 0 111 panion fl'l'l:' with {':l·h p.lil' .,f s h uol s hues. l)ress • hocs A nice line of Ol't'l:\S Sh,)I:'!< in Lalli ..s' , MIn ',; aI)(1 Boy '. AlslI lIw r. nuim· I-: 10K· . I \V :-;K I I"l' lIh'n; t 1(' , al .. l· I(ing', Al'lnada, ~'Il' . "
F I"11ncls .. Th e 'I argest RS.'iorirnent of IOU t' ng' f1ann~1 flann'l~tt." t:!tr: ,we ever had. UIIH' Hnd louk th e m uve l'.
" W 011 !-Ii Vo' liI·,Il. "" " I !; u ~" PI'OVOri .\' t " ~ II III I,. ..tlll'"
2ii('. Watcl'p l'o<>f uitillg at Lile. pe r YUH!. ( ·rash. a ni ce a: 'Ortm 'nt ~('. 1I 14 ' . perya .-d.
RIES 1.~'
Our lin i ~ complet nn,l prices as Inw as the lowest for til'. t·class, clean
EGG.. ~or
" 'UlI I' ! It :-It.
UA I.\' ANI:'.I.: , I l'll' kH. :J llll q.mll . ttll"" hU I'II.~ 111 1111 1111'''', I w,lr ll b" noh J !ttl!' " Iu" " "!III lil,,", I I I" IIlul1ll I OtlJ.lbultfll hllU ' .. . II, "VIU!; I,uu Ii UII I.V lJU~~'y. 'I' ~6 11 . FO UR PUIHIi IH lit' Il io" IltlW8 j)lIv erll t ur flvtl Otl lll :< III IIt,,< offioll '
11) 0\1\1. lill t! ill1'l l,rUUII:lUt , l 1 VI01~IN UII1II1,llIhll . 1 ~' I' . 1110,, 0111 , hlJ y' ~ 11
.,v ur udllt, I work lu ble, I ~ d~ 1,lltltl, (:S 1.llIl u) I "'"l'lIrl '''", I L:lI IL ' ~ 1·.",tlIlL
lUg 1'111 ,,; .. II IUlI utl ulIlllhl iuu . 'I' ;';,,11 1~'AMII.Y h ' "'l4tl I:IU ltllul" rul' tLU.V .1: WulllllU 01' " Ill III to dr. VI' . ~11 11 ur pil oll l! 1141'11 I Wrig ht,. DE8lRA BI.E hOlllt' w it h :.l llcr II l!!uc1. ~ ll!lIt.y ur ~ 1Ill' Itl (1I1l t " II lIIodtll'n IJIlPI·()Vlllll lllltl:l . Allin .\'~' 11I' 1I r.. mil s O1l1l'tI '11\, \ tlllrlng-wlll!l>lI lu . .quia'\) of L. '1'. Z" II , Bill( lOU PhoLltl 5 g Uild plI l'lul' ur,,11 11 III .,X.'\)IIUIII, ""ontlll.luU , !It Ii !Ju""ulll. .. b III . lulre of .l u"IlJ.lJI MlIler, SVflllK UII), Ohio. FIVE !luW" pl~s, 1100 fiU Iltuok hog~. /1' 11 1' p"r ~1 '[l IUrll IIHl lllrll of 0 L. RlCkll . k . D OUBLb: II OIlIlt,; fur ·tI . 1,I1n 11U1U1' With I.t(Jf!'.' . t:; . x Jll u k Il I'.. VI .. , ItLdtie r li, lin" " h"lt 11110 Vllll~.YIl .u .. hllltlnK, 1.11 II t1W . 1:1 uJ'rie ItLill wnguu In~lulre .. t T . ~tl ll (II' t.lJili ul11utl .
$ $ $
0 '. ~ We are sol agents for . al · shipt oystel'l:!, the very fin est oysters t hat g row. We will have OUI' first regular Ilhipmen t Friday. and at all time:; f r om that day on. If you have neve r t l'i tI :them ask some that have. A £tet· eating seal shipt oygtel'S you won't want any other kind.
W, lIrc pa ying 2 4.:
0 1' I, \VII ~o h l1u l .'" 'hultil'tI I lJ O N~:blllLrd . C IIII II II Mr" 1t1lulllI,·,
Dress S uitin)(s, IIdW at 15c per yanJ.
C J~
$ $
·alico. t hl:' very best at (ie . ( .. I S ' t ' S ,lOg lams. UI 'm g, I.' l'g~, . [)anish do th .
SEAL CjlII1.')r;r'" OYSTERC,1
$ .$ $
F~Ou " "uENT . FARM 2:i 1I0rtl!! fnl' IlIlIKlIl\'rlllU ; ;!/i Morell fll r 0' .1'" lIod 8 11 01'l1:l lOr h1blloou. ~", r '1l1I1' " ulll r.. uullru!' V I ' "h ulle Un1... ll tl "tli,'"
LOST BUNDLE i03t bet.ween Mathern . 'c rnel' and Waynesville. The gooo;l hud the name of 1' h Fair un . Leave at. this otlice
TaE uPI)OrtnlllJ.y for ItU.Y tlllll lS tUllt . I,. IllS t, wId hrlll l!( rO 'HL1} WI III Ihlll oulumn' HOOII"'I' Ullin '[I BlIy I)th or w~y . 'rry it. II t 0 11 ' .I\ud .you WIll be oonvln oeu .
Orinx us your produce.
Kt"lbon ..
~ ~
expect to sell 50 barrels. PFICe for Faucy Jerse v Sweets $3.2i'i ! per barrel this k,
. Four-yellr old Clyde was a preco oion8 younster-very talkative and f.ncy Apples. , &OI08e obaerver. Be Rnd bis fatber $1.50 per bushel. were 8'rol~ing through t,be Uleadows Ne w York I S 'the bantl e r" one mornlog when Clyde observed. Stale for appleR thi s seasoll. for the first tiDle, some tadpoles in a poDIi. Be waded in and oried out Nice, large, smooth . PIpPIns. 'in deliiM, "011 , tAtbflr, whll.t Bre Supplies every week, they?" "TadJloI6~, .son ," t·ll tl I'll t,her re- Steam Sa.It. .. plied . .
Suits Worth $15 to $18
Ouly a few JHOl'e Bryan antI 'raft pic-
tures left. . Only
15c·· eaf'h.
200 fo!w ell New Fall Suits made by .
Michaels-Stem & Co" of Rochester, N. y,
$1.20 a.l\d $1.25 per barrel. If you w'ant ~he b est m ea t
give I! ati s fa c tion , W P. have that .. . kInd .
'- - - _. -- --
I tolle..
1 book case, 1 corner cupboard , I couch, 2 beds. bedsprings. mattress,.2 dining. tables, several small tables, 2 washstands, 2 dozen chairs, ] cot, 3 clock8. 1 sewing machine, a lot of carpet and linoleum, carpet rags, a lot of dish tEl; pietures. 1 child's desk and blackboard. 11 cradle; 1 sausage ,rinder, 1 curta!n stretcher, quilting f~me, a lot of Mason self.~IJJlg cans. Itone JllrS, gl888eS and~other artIcles too numerous to ment10n .
M. _.... - Wrigl1t~ .
The Butcher SELLS
.... ~ .$12,50 .
for Suits worth to $18, made by ' $l~ Mlch~ aela-Stem & Co.
II .i"~~:N .u.,if.' a.
$1.50, $8.50 and $4 new hats.
F res h B· ee' f' P ork.' L am b
Oy~ters.. ·. Sil Vlllley Phonf' 153
Best .
in America.
II '
. '
suits are here ready for yOUr inspecA I 'k .. "11 • , th t a tlOn . 00 wI .convmce you they are wonderful values.
Nice lure-e Banaulla!;. Oranges. Spalli s hGra.,es, N e w ~' i&!s, ~ Cranberrtes, both light and uark, , New Pickles, Cabbage" Choke Celery, Pure Cider Vinei'ar, Fresh C rackers, Coffees nd T e a s . .
'l'his special lot of S uits was made up for a lar:ge Eastern retail eRtabIishment to be retailed at $16to $18. For certain reasons the order was cancelled. Mr .. Cohen stepped in
That's good and fresh.
1 Phaeton, 1 Buggy·. Gra.11\ 20 2 good ¥eneral purpose ho r es, .Now have a sUPlll: Y of 2 ~ qUIet and gentl e. Mi'scellaneou~ ~ sets bug~y .harness, 1 set cart . harness. lines . bushel cottO,1 Lags. ' ~ , collars, brIdles, buggy robes, ram aprons, \'ub• her cushions, storm curtain, ~ sleds. -26 bushels corn. a lot of hay, straw Ba.rgain in Soa.p. . and sheaf oats in m ow. 50 grain sacks, 1 wheelbarrow. 1 ·harrow, "Big Deal '" IlWIP I . Iv , bars, . 1 potato coverer , chains hoes. forks, rakes and shovels, I can linseed oil, L , 3 htlating stoves, I 'g asoline stove, 'ooking ute nsils, 1 iron kettle, 1 sprink- ·3 for We. . ~ ler, 2 s t rands of sleigh bells. • . for S a . t u r d a . y , . . .
Household FUJ'lllhne f~~~Ii~;~~t~nld~kn~~J ~~kb~~:
m____.._~. _____. ~
Sa2turday, ·Oct2, 24, 1908, ~~di~f:~:'~~i~h:~:~:: I
$ A.
Blank lsat$i.25to$5 .0011E , pail' .
ttll l i a l~ . , 1'1" 1I1t-,1
~""""'~"".'~"'''' ~__~~.!'!~~~~~~~'"'!'!!~~~~'"!'!~-!-.!!~-~~-~~~~~~~~
olrcuit. See it I\t Hahn's 'rhur8rlay 3 barrel s , olhe rs. are buying' SIn g le and FridayJiI~bts 6~ . barrel lots for wint er u se , W e
..... . . .... ....
$ $
Childl'e n . () II rubb(>I'
g o,ll;:t .
" sell at public sale at t he late reSIdence . ' of Israel Wright, . . ~ 1 WIll deceased, .Wa.ahin' I,achines. jji in Way nesville, at 12:300 p , m ., the following property. on Sold more wash e rs Illst w ee k ~ ' than we hav c fer two moni h s ~
Lydi~ ...... '.
Ludi es ::md ,,,t Illil' IJI'I'C'" < I "
!\I I+
\IT A N'J'~~ II '" b.'ro'll\\, . *HUII I." ,. IlIl·I'
liTheHood Rubbers r l l'
0] ) I" . {' T...j( Yl "I [1 N ()
Critics olass Maobetb as one of is til e co mment o n o ur S weet ~ the belt motion piotnrep, 00 tbe Potatoes. Qne custo me r bough t
Public Horses
We ha e th e Ball Buml RuiJ- . bt:l' ami Felt 1100ts for M~n and BOYfI.
are widely popuIAr.-The Ootober
$ $
R II bbcr l'loot s an d"1 .0:, IOC.S
Uem Corduroy Svih; A hi g line of lhe(:tllll ("ll'l.lUruy Suits . ·oat.s and Pants at $7.110, $8.00 and $9.00 pt'1' ~i\lit G'ern ' 'oat,L ~' ',Intl Uvel'all:;, ;~Ill ~ WOl'k !:lhil'tR, Gem Ol'('!<s Shi r LII,.1 rsey l )ve l'!!hil'ls. nd crwclir A \lig a:;sol'lment uf n ' I\' Ull II rw eal' in Men's , Hvy ' s , L- dl' ~ ' , MI'sse!; an.1 'hi-l" .~ drell ' . nion Suit~.".-2.piccc Suits BlaCK tig ht.II for the chilu r en Just the thing to keep thE.'111 warm. Ask to e t hem. 1·all. nil.Jacket.'1f Ir men ful' III n and boyand ~. bnys 'foqu f l' the child r'c n .
1 , 18ed
We are paying B4Cfor Eggs
Piat or . Quart Cans, I Designer • • _ + New Com Meal
$ $ $$
1('" " I ill' k" r t .
W .. m l Lined Shoc" for LlIdics Otll' pl'i ' ed UI'P IU pel' (,~lIt l"w<:l' t ha . e l:;ewhel'e.
$1.25 per Bushel
Qhm Drol)ft, Ereooh (Jreaw8, "'11M Endge-3 kind. WWlIII Cocoanut Kiomis Cbocol ..te Drops
I\t. .lli'" CtltlHil', then lit· 11I1IlIeif !!Dd e xcllllllned. I • Well fdher, Willi thart' aver so I m o ch rlilfereno'e b et,ween III I\ud \ .VOll ?"- lJe llnelltor " - -'- ,. _.. III <il.stin otion h'om form Or Re!!1I I M h F 110118 when brOlldoloth Will:' pru eti\I"ou d ortgage t e ' arm OII l1y 'be only s nit lUn,te r!/lI, we A fllrm l! r on RU~1I1 Ro~te 2, EIIl I ' bl Id I I f pire, UII ., W . A.ArOiCIl~ Ii oyd 'lllv y eC ntilne, \li ve • s ye~raw e va l' ,y 0 8/lV8, ; "Buok l en's llreli ne'w w ool we~ve8. Str ipes, dingo n. the two wor st ~ores I ever sa w : one Ill s Ilnd oh eoks ~re tltill th . fl vored on IIl.V ha Dd unel one o n my leg. It designll. Wherea!! .fo rmerly t hey, is wortb more t,bo·n its weight in were produoed by con trl>stl og ·col. /.told . 1, would n ot 1>e without it if 1 hEld t o mortgflge t l e (orm to g I, orll, t he effect. in ' bl@86l1soo '/l tablt. "OnIY 2fir otF rccl'. . hWllrt \l'~ rios, 11:1 gl\i ned by o')m binatlons of drng st ore ' . different weave~. A plain stripe NTING OWED I aiterulltee witb I> obe"r. r o n I!tr ipe in NO HU • I tbe MUle oolor, or dillgonuhl with The foll.wing-named person s for· ,. basket weavel4 , sod 110 on. . The bid any hun ting or shooting Oil th ir rougher fin ish of these worsteds il. preml. es WIt . hou t ' on : permls.~l ''11'' s u \"... -1 ' Ie for th"" horder G.eorge Henkl e, spec1' "'.r .. '' wear to wbloh fall !lUll winter snl~8 Persons wishing t hei!' names to I a.retlobjeoted. One of the rlo nble- .th. above, call or phone U wel faoed materials for ' overooa'" will carry them fot· the sea.'Ion fo r I (on6 of tbe fa0811 being Iltled for the small sum of 15 cents • pockets ' and coifs) hall chevron . _ - - ,. - . -~ 8bil)68 00 olle ",Ide "nel dll\~ \)nl\ls 0 11 MAKES A R~. CO.RD . II
1 '
'Bo.\ 's and l iirls ' & hl)o l ~ hol!s 'I'lw Ill',,1 lillI.' in toWII . 'I'lw I'a11'1IIII;; 1·:dlll·U' III'. ~('t' th '111 Iol' !'I,I'!! YUIi UII Y. AI;;() "'_-Ik S" ,'11 ' 1I Oi'S for I\())'.,;
$ $ $ $
l ' U U(,I'U I ; t
HI rOl~~~
. The fllther ex pluin ed h o w illl possIbll.' this Wou ld bp, Iln(l IU; they walked on " few s tep 'l lurge ugly : fr og hopped It(' rus!! I·htli r Jlll l h . I Ulyde'!dathersaid , " .Look :<011 , ptl r hups there is tlle PIlPIl . . 'Iyele WIl S ' ve l'y t.llOu~hl, ful · Ht'l
BtU" t1
tj:i- : l~.
Ir. U:O, . l 'I I'rK
"Please, fl\the r , le t.'~ hlke th "I III1\ \ home with UR. tilen oomtl uno k 111111 find the mawl1 flUd pnpl\ . Ilud we'l\ bll \ e t he whole ftLrnll ..Y in o llr pOilU
I::! A VII; lOll, .IUlY gruvtll pl l. 11'1 '111 thtl I'll bile t\ II." U II WIIU II U Io{ f{ rllv tll Will iJtl "hli"t!11 r.1I ::jo;u 1IIt1 lLud
J I1 hid ,
111 " , ,1, ',
.----------. Zimmerman's
ow __
I: a II and Winter Goods have been tHriv ing' until we have the largest st ock we have evt'r had . Nuw is ~he time to make your lo:ei('ct.ions, ,vhile all lines are complete.
,,,1 ,,01,
$""'u . . . uW~NTlm ....
O1,,~:::~~ .'.~'t::;·~:~" !I:~I';:.~;',~or h..,,,1',' I'!
D'lY It'ght Store • (
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!~~t.,~t~=n::~o1·r~r~L.. D~~='::"::'-:"t:=':£~
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Mr. J. W. 'Burton OF MRS, MOO;:-S Monday on uusiness. I H Sh I fl ._I. \ :Mi~'i Edith Crane' of Pekin isvis Mrs. Eli\atQe~hJ.'Moore 01 'olum' I' ~ ~ atTY e l'wouC,0 .lJCuanon. WQS ' . - b di t1 ", .1 . . itirlg fri nds here for a few dll. S ns, 0 very Buddenly ather h ome 1* ' ' in town unday. L"tl Ch I Sh ' 1' ,y., there ':;lLtul'dtt.y, Ootober 17,· llt:.l ::jO I -'l'l<****1l<:**~** . · · ~{7l; , ( , , ** *** ., ~ *7l"****** ~**** ***' *' , ·L · · , C' '011 W"H Dayton I. ' (! a mel'S I'woo. 18 Im- , . F~ ·n:e (' ccurs Last Wee I{ an' d M'lS,i I ~ZI ~ arr ...., . rovin vel' nicel 0 olook , of hoa.rt tronble. :Sh e WtlS Mr , a nd Mr', A-. L Wysong, n- ' M I', a nd Mrs Freel Henderson en . visitor last . week. P g y y. the da ughter of Aodre w J. a nd Hun t rtahleJ at a £> n'c1o 'k dinner la t l tO l'tain d Mr, and MI"S, I , ~I , White Bl1t Ll'ttle Is av·ed. I Howard Trout. vf Monroe. was MI'. Chas, Brown and family were nllll QlIlpbell. Thursday evening: COY 1"5 were Inid I Sun day at dinn er. ' here last Sunday. guests of fri ends in Harveysburg Mrs. Moor was born Ma roh 9, f or R v. a~d Mrs, O'Neall . MI'S, Ha r-, --. . , Sunday. . '. . I y Wal'WI k , of Lebanon . and MI'!!, Mr . n,nd Mrs ~, L. Cllrtwrl ght Ml' Oakley R,ldge was III Fl'!lnkhn " 18,1.6, u~ 8t1111IOi", 1110, tlUlI h ved Ma l'y Bogan , . 1l10ijt t1 Ii~htfll)ly entl'rtllinod ou , Oil busine$ IUHt wetlk. A A, McN eIl and Wife . of Ce ntel'- there nnt.i1 tills WU tI wlu-riel1 to Mr. '('n l1slll1,Y til I'ollo wiug ~ne!:lI,II ; Mltl . --~. I Mi$ C 'llce' Lincoln W' in uuytun lVille, mad t! UHa very pleasantcull 0 , B. Mool'o In 1 n. M,'. ~II~ Mrs, l~uy Jrllns have ueen I:luttie 0' el1l1. Mrll . 1:;. C. Allan, ,I . .' Monday. ' There 'w ere three hilul'an lJorn ' ~1l l.aln Jllg q Ui te a com pany the MI"!'lOM E UlllIlt uud LeUth, MoKa'y , . . Not a ~tlcl( of the HOllse or Barn l,yeHterday ul1 b!-1sltless, . . . . . last few days. M1'3. J. W. BI·own. lIoud Rav, ILD d MrM, uud W1I.J1"der, , All L'Ive ~Stoe k I R. ev. J F' Ca d wa IIauel" ,I • f ~ IS.':! Iren e Tt'out came over froql Petlrl (lnd S lie nevleve. who ' Mrs Ha l'ry 'aml)bell a nd Ml's F l'ed Will! In M .. Cbarles, .I I ., . L' e ft SlaneIII1g· I D t d X '. I t k onrue to be present at the Har,- Burv ve ler. topperwor l h, of Spring fi eld . Ill. Mr, a,nd Mrs, Walter McClure W III P , ay on an, ell~a , as . w~e ' . " sock-Mosh er nuptials Tl:lUrsday even- l'be Moore's lived in Waynes, iIIe Mr. 'ampb'ell and M: Brown !1 ~e in celebrated the six.teenth anniversary Saved But 0 neig--. Probably Not RebUIld W. J. Kllbon 18 In CmClnnatl .thls ing eight pellrs and in Columbus two Ida ho, ,wher~ ~hey will soon be J med of theil' marriaa-e. Sunday. Oct, 18, we~k attending the Masonic Joings. ' h M • ." by t hell' fam lll s. T h yar,e 10 at d 'I" IC tabl as d t d ' th 'k . . . Mrs, Ru t h Bt'ownell and daughter y.ellrl!, were r. Moore dIed 10 t he l't! p n na n 'nLly . , ew ecora e WI Pin f 0 ' cal'nation a nd fe rn and an elegant M J K S Ali we wllr fl " o lug til 1)I'S8" III ~ t t·.. .' p~n~el', 0 regoma , r~u 'y , of Washing tun C. H" wer e 1 9 . Binoe Mr, ~10 ors' ll tltlat~l Mlla dinne l'sel'ved t o the fol!owingguests: weeK., we II till 1'(1 IIf .. 111'1" llUl cuulll Wful u J>uslll ess VHiltol' her Monday. th , g ue':lts 0'£ Ml', and '~rs. Warl' n 1I1l~ bee t hVinl{ with ber ohihlreu in Last Th ul'sU llY niJ{ht MI'S. 'Ylllhia Mr ,l ames McClure, Mrs. Ida KelKet DO tluthslltic u WII of it until ulWe are glad to heal' that Mrs; Barnett and family last week, tlnu Clnolnnati . Eva m~. assi~tcd,by M,'s, H.. K Hathu, sey. Mr . Sam McClure. wife and 80n tel' wp IUIlI ' ilia tl\lltiOl~ printecl Mal'y Wise is impI'oving ill health. M\'!:! George Thompsbn was in 'l'h e body of MI'II. Mo re wus \teva.Yta~ned :l MTlhSl> ~~JI~ a AfHel ~hway, n~ Mason , a U of Bellbrook; Mr, and . . btu B d i it d [Ill e ...a It! ' tetnoo n a rd Mrs Omer Ba rnett and two dauJhBIl~ we Ilte vary Sl>rry to !lilY thllt . MiSS'Nina Antram is tbe g uest of Cincinnati last ~eek, the guest of roug It ere un ttV n g t UU , ,til- CIl!b . . Each .member was pl'ivil ge(;l tel's : Helen and Elizabeth. of Sprang it was a rnollt dl"HSb'OIlM fire. her sistel,' in Darke county for sever_ Mrs. O. ' . Elmore. Mrs. Thompson ken to the bOlllo of the Mesllrll. Crolls to m~lte a fl'lend and a very pleasant Valley; Mr, and Mrs. Franlc Zel1, Mr. An' eliht roOw hOllSI', 11 b"uk burn al days. attended a large wedding while there The funerul wua held Munduy, ILftel' evenmg was sf!en t . At a easonable. and M1'8, Wm DinwiddIe and daughLb h d ' ib' d II , . . . ' Doon "t 2 o 'clook and Interment hour , subst.a~tlal l'efreshmen ~ of t 1'5 , Ruth and Olive; Mr, and MrS . .,., IlCCO 8 e S, Il corn or II·U 11 Mrs. A. r. Wright and two lions, Mr. and Mrs. Ehas Oglesbee and ' . ' . . colfe.e, sandWiches and pickle, were Jacob Str ouss a\l of Wa nesville ' . y . 'otber uutbullulngt', tlitullteu on tbll Alfl'ed and Elliott, visited in pl'ing- daughter Josie spent Sunday with Wa.d W<llue In Mllunl oemetery , !'he served. Alleh Ba.iot'K furlll UOW prupert:y boro, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs'. alvin Oglesbee and Rev., J. F. Cildwallu.der ~'Ud ltev. . ' , . ' Mon~ay evening the' home of Miss oftb., hl-te J QK Vll Key", IlIllI (JCUU M' M ;,t' dnu ,.hter Alice at S l'in Valle W. 1, Uillllttnd unlolating . A famIly· reumOn was. h. Id at lh e Ka therme Al exander on Third Straet pled by a ooltlretl fllwily 1111 m ed ISS, ary Lefferson,. of,. Iddle- , g . P g y. 'l'bo ~ Jlresel1t frOIll It distanoe home of. Mr. and MI S. WI~IUlm Sher- t he scene of a jr,lly gathering of . . tOWIl. IS tht' guest of MJ,. John I Mr. and MrS. RIchard Brown and were 118 foll ows ' MaR M Sa \~ood Ia.'lt Sunday and a pleasan t g)rls wh n the hostess gave a granJob... I:!ywme". ubout tuur nille en t . ht ' . , r . , , 11 time was had by all Those presen t 't }. . f M' C I M nurth of WaYI1t1l1vllle were uuruer'! I' Wl'lg' . . . daughter entertained on Sunday, der~, ~loore Bill , 1011. ; Mfa. Sarab were' Mr Jos M~rray of Oklaho- Alc s IO\~~r 0br\ Ihs s !lro yn o~.el·. t a se"",ona e our an appetlzmg I . MM' Co h .. a ,I .... d M d MAL T i d n ' Hann~h ~ ' . KIDC'lI.ld,/ma; . 'M , , . tu tbe ga'Ou,::1I1ltltk '!'uesun.v "veDIDg [s . . alY ',"pwn n~ ,g ...n - r. an r s . . . a mage an son. A, UIID. ,r,. . and Mrs R. Mun·al'. of thr course" oyster sripper was aDd notbiug but 1I0lllS llf house ' daughter, of neal New Burlmgton, Lee ,and M1'8, Garner and ~aughter ~lrB. F: Campbell, tSUl'dlDltI, Oblo j Oregoma, ~r and ~r~, John WrIght,. seryed. An Immense bowl of (arge boltll'urntture Wilt! 8uvf'd. 'l'he ' e~ spent Tuesday at the h?me bf MI', Jessie . . Mol'S, U. E. DUlln, G80r~6to ·.vn, Obio; 1~~1~0~,nM~I~~~I~~~ y::wo~as~; whIte chrysanthemum~ graced the tlma,tfld ' 10 II j" ;,0 ut Q! ' 0 0 The Wal'l'en Bal'nettRnd famIly. . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Campbell o( Mr. John UillllPUtl ll Mr A 'd d ' ht' f C 't . :11 ' . d cen ter of the table. whIch was light'" . ",a. • . : , . , . . : • ~ , • • an · aug e ~ 0 en e l VI e, an ed by green. shade<! candles. Tiny building Wl1r8 illlllll' t1IIY l,iJe owoMr , .a.nd MI·s .. Will ~. Grah~lt1 ~n~ Sardmla, OhIO, ",:el'e h~re Monday CalOpbell : MI'. t1UU Mrtl. M. Ii... UlI>LOP, ,Mr, and Mrs. lieorge ZeLl. ' g reen candles were at each place, er, uut tohe,teD'"lt, bu" un IrIRllmnoe son VISIted fnends m Sprmgfield and Tuesday, havmg drIven over to bflll. j:i"rdlUill, OUlU, and the hostess announced that the ull blli go,mlt!. I lasl Saturday and 8unday, attend the fUlleral of Mrs. O. B. Alt!) OF 1' IiAt\i(8 , The Enq.uirel' ga~e an . account of otle whose candle. burned, out fli:st. 'l'lIe 61'6 bl'uktl nnt frOlllltO llO Mrs MattieJ, Kincaid of Sardinia Mo reo WI " th followmg weddmg I~tweek: ~6uldbethenextgtrl,marrJed, WhiCh . , , ' . '. • , ., e ( .eMlre 10 tlllUJk tbe frle':lds for I Th e marriage of MISS Florence caused a great deal of fun for her known OllllStI .II! 1.lIe tlll,ru ubont 10ur If? vlsltmg at the home of her brothMI'. C. G. Wllhamson, who has thillr luu<lneStI to UI'I, lind pt1rtlOnlar- Mal'ie Sicking, daughter of Mrs. candle was the tlrst one. The place o'olock, 11.011 owinJ( to Ih~ tlxtrt>Ultily el'ls, R. A, and R, G, Cross, • been in Texas for several weeks, ar· Iy the millitlt~r for oODsoling word r Henry Sicking. and George Rooney. cards were sketches of brides and dry oond11len .. l vrrylhlnl< , tlltl M J 'h Ii'd f 'I f rived honie last Friday well pleased ~nd tbuS8. wh o I!I~nK ~t tue funeral took place yesterday morning- at St, grooms and the favors 'boxes of I' I) n . comO) an arlll y 0 of our motber F . d S 1 k h 9 I k d' A~ Mi' AI filtmell ",prtlKtl 1'ltl'ldh' to ttll tht'! Da ton ere the ..... estsof Mr John with his trip Charley says that is . '1' F ranets e a tlS cure . at O,C?C , can y ~·tersupper as exany ,w . 6';' • Hit A~lIl.Y .. ' Rev. Father Quatma'n offiCIating, del' gave to each guest a green pa_ nll~r-b.y lJuiJaill"~ , Hawke and famIly uoday, the bollS country. · ,., .. !The bride wore a handsome white per heart to which was ' attached a Mr. Clyde J : Hiatt'; ?f-Winchester, j Mr ..J. C. Murray, of Rogers. Ark.. DISCOVERS MINERAI,. WEL:L. n~t go~n over taffeta, wit~ ribpon tiny bag of rice •.to be s,aved an.~ Mr. t:lYlumb.. 111:.<1 hI! II f~\fny 1111 uay Ilnd ui<1 11M return untIl tilt' Ind. spent Sunday and ~oriday with is he'ra Oil a visit to friend/3 aJ')d rela, 1 ' . trlmmmgs and lace decorations. a,nd thl'O~ . ~t the bridal pair. M~lc fire bad ulmoMtr j)oUlpletetl it s <le_ M ' L d' VI· ht ". Itives. Court looks well and hig . A fllW weeks ago, Mr. J. Roland, a wreath of orange blossoms, whIch and dancmg complete.d t~e evemngs VIUIt4tloD. 'fhero were no tIl0tl 011 rs , y la rIg . ," f' d h . , lad living ' a shollt dIstance-northeast of was worn by her motller when ' she entertainment. The mVIted guestll . Mr. M an~ Mrs. Walter Chandler ~any rl~n, s er~ are g " t~ se . Ferry, 'on ~he Mount Holly road, iJ,l was married twenty-five years ag?, were MissesCaro1!'n and Edith \lashthe plU08 lit. HI rUl'le, bllt wtt,n,Y and Mrs 'ryson. of Dayton. were the hIm. He WIll. remam here untIl nex~ order t~ ino~ease his supply of stoo.k The coul1l~ left on the noon tram er, Doro~hy J?akm. Do.n~ Hawke, neigbbortj It~LIUOwa by the grelll, guests of Mr A B Chandl r one month some time. water In hIS barnyard well, had It fot: W~hmgtbn, D.. . Eva DaVl8 ElIzabeth Chandler, Lublaze. tUI"i~ted Mr. "',flllmes ' in ra.. . . . , .. dril'led to the depth of eighty-four . ella Col'n~j I, Martha O'N'ejlll, 'Jessi. luovlng ,tbil furnllllre tr(Jl~l tIll' day last w~k, , , .Raymond ,W~llianison and Kenneth feet. IlInd ~t a good supply ' of water 1 On Saturday: night.. Miss SteJla Marl!,-tt. Stella Lell)mon, Henrietta bUUM flll,1 dllli ow,," ..u ~11t' wa. . Misses VJUa Brow.nJielJ .and E1i z- Ridge were m attendanc.e at the rand cooJ} but 80 aaturated with Lemmon and MISS Henrl.etta MeKIO- McKlnsey. Emma- Hawke and Mar8I1vell. 'l'bEl 0 ' 'ntulltll li f tbe . barn. abe't h Cartwright, of Springfield, Lebanon-Miamisburg foot ball gatntl salt and perhaps other "!ine~ ~t say en~rtained at t~e ' home of the garetta Packer, of George School. ' t f M d' M in Lebanon last Saturday afternoon 110 maiD or beast <:an dnnk It. Sohd. latter m h0t:?r?f ff,tlSS Carolyn Mo- Pa., and TreneTrout, of M"nroe. r. an rs, ' . . cl'ystaiized salt can easily be obtain- sher. The mVItations were hand . . ' oousl8tinK of It n'UII)"e,r of ftlrrn im were th e .gues s 0 Vlel'ne~ltl!, 'Wtlt d6l!t.royed, but th ... D. L . Crane Saturday and Sunday I The, boys say ,It. was a good gaJl')e. ed by l)Oiling the water. The myste- painted Il)aple leaves ,ard requested MisS Dorothy Dakin entertained· . ry is h.[)w salt could have been'found the presence of the. gIrls at seven at dinner in a most channing ·man'.oOIY 1.1V" t:',uok otlOlltUUtlti WH!I II Township tellChers who attended the ~he score standmg 6 to 6. . . W 'Co t. T ' ~l.!'S' AssQc. M Kit I C d f '1 at a hOor'izoIi fully a thousand feet' a- \ o'clock to a handkerchief shuwer and ner on Friday evening in honor of hog. whloh Will' penned up In ,ar~en un y ~... ,e la- ,. . r. o,wes , onn lUI arruY' IPovethe 'llatural geOlogiCl\1 horizon ' cards.andofthebovsat~iI~hto'clock MissOatolynMosherwhQSemarriage on& ur tlJe builditI.K'" L'ile ~nildh!K -tlon .m Lebanon on Saturdny: H. D. I Mr, C, E. RI~~~uur 8n~ fanlily, ~nd in thi~ section, ,Mr. SchWartz and a cards. T~e hOllse was llrtistical- to Mr. 'Fred HartsoCk will takEl plaCe burutld II k" liullt'lr Ii 011 ()WIDl\ tu ·the ~ellison, Chas. CurtlY. C. E. Bl'atten, Mr Bert SmItH and farntly of,Sprlng- j Gazttt.e reporter visited th~ spot yes- !.Ir decol'ated III maple bran~hes and o.n th'e twenty-second. At balf pas.t s..'IlFOlty "f W,tttl.l·, It \VII" 11t1"It"!!1I to John Cumming , JO~l1 Strawn, An~ field, were, gue;ts of Mr and Mrs ! terdav and LII:o~ght away sal,llples of ' hghted by candles,lD pumpkm:shades SIX the gu~t.s sat down to a l?eautlt •.y h' 'heak tip, oonltt1/Crllllofl . na Vandervoort Ella B ·Keys, Anria Israel Satt;erthwaite Saturday and ~he "!ater. Mr. Schwar~ WIll make I, Act:0sS one comer of the room, fully appomted table. ~ttly h&'hted • .. ' . , . cher,m eal tests to ascertam what the c~rtains ,wel'e . drawn and at the b~ red-shaded ~dles and 'decorated - - -,- - GaynOl:. ~elen McClure Sarah BU.I- Sunday havmg come ~OWIl in their percent of salt the water contains proper tlme, the guest ,of honol' WIth red carnations and festoons of YOUNG MAN EXONERATl!D net,..M tnnltl Burgett. autos. and what' other mineral may be l drew these .aside and disclosed a v~ry hearts extending from the ch,andelier I' combined with it, pretty white para$1 covered WIth to the corners of the table. 'lIhe . Mr", WIII"IOII ltiok.,;, of Cinoiuul\. • _ white chrysanthemums.She was told place cal'ds were double hearta of tl.l!Il);!ut III !'I I /S'lIl1 tluy 'llL bile bonle 01 Sf.AlStUPT · OYSTERS NEW COFFEE ' MILL A 81G TARANTUlA. to open this and upon ,doi~g so, the red~ I;>ierced by 'a gilt arrow, and in ' ." ~ shower of handkerchiefs fell upon addItion, at each· place was a heart. 'l'hl)l·lk. ,Iud 1,,1 Ibel:!lll Il:!faOI 1',111 ,tier., The 'hostesses passed tiny shaped bonbon box ;fllled with red of th~ t~lolIll~ nt' Alb"rl . Hi kl!, b~I' . \~H I' .tilv U It bu.q~et of ~be ~,v. MI : L, A', ZlmlOerman, 18 tIred of rrbUlrllUIl>Y lllofning while waiting sheets of no~e paper arOlind to the candies, T\le following menu was 1:100\ ex()u"rt~t"ll tIH..,yt'U!lK tnlUl trom !t~ ilrl.4 .Ihltt are shIpped to WHIter tbe old fa.shloned way of Irrloding lon tl ~flliD for UinDinnat.i . .Mr . Jdd guests, each of whom wl'ote a letter served~ Oyster cocktails; bouillon; 1111 bluUJ!:' til" (Ju~tllbltl OOlul6otion Kfll1un, IIl1d tbey were oertainly lino oofi'el', tlnd has put ill II. wllter-motor l lJlark :bllppeDed to !Oee \yhat he took to the bride elect•. to be read the day chicken, peas: J)('tatoes, cranberry wltb Ibtl III II)1P llll'nuoe of ·t,ll., h .. rl'l" IIlltl viti o"u l'eOOOUlllleDd theOi "''' whereby he clln fK )ilitate tbe work, l to ,be a, IIIUUllllOth Spidel' lying on a ,after th.e weddmg. These. Wel'e sa,uce molded mto hearts. rolls; 1M ' 0 L H Il l lil'''~ tllllll~ In !'very I)urr,iclllar (n It III R< nAW I:!tvle Itlld cuts the ooft'de ' pieoe Qlf pal>er on the !;rOUn~ along · sea!ed WIth h~arts and cupIds and WIth w~fers; double h!!A rts of Ice b tlUlI ,1l!5gy 'I , I . , . Ill". , . . . . , . I side of Il barrel used to throw Wtt8te dehvered to MISS MoShel', cream WIth cake; after-9mner coffee. l'l'\orti .1. II Ih'i)~l' 1101\lu \'tj I)rool t 111 < 1I1l1tlOer oysters . preserv.e thelf ,Imltelld nf uruHitog It, whioh mlllies pupar io. in (ront of the Indies' sitAt, eight the boys arrived ami the During th~. salad .co';!rse sli~ of tlillt one or l.1It1 .I ll ·,1 oooneottlU wH,h orhdlllli t.II.Mt,U. I~nrl wh~l\ YOl~ "l~.v 11 It I,,'ell d R tltl VOl' longer Hod bett",r ting r?,?lD lit tbe Corwin Depot. ev,enlllg was. spent, III 'cards, . paper descr!bmg the 'brldes of dlf:1'~r.ttrtll.ll.t1tr . ~,'''HIl, OIl'' tlJUtlt,lU Jrl mirv qllllrl, ,\' .)0 gel, nVlHoel'S In tbollr orlgl - IH III n gl'allt ir'llJro~ewent over the l Be threoted tbe ,ttttention o( Mr. l'~e follOWing . dalDt;y m nu was Ient ~oun~rles were handed, to ~he . ... , . . , .. " .. ' ,', ' u IIr · . " . o ld, Wit • . • Wi&ltelr,J ~i1bon "nd others to it served: Bread a!ld · .bu ttel' .sand- gu ests.Mlss.qarolyn:. ~osherreadmg till ~w W,lt.l1 ~ Ibert" ltllP Wit ;' t.hou"ht .11 Y ' .. _ _ ' :" \ Y. ... _ . ' I wben Walt t' declared it was ahoot wlches, meat patties. Jell y; 'fl:Ult sal- of ~he AmerICan . bride. With ·. the . by-t.II!' fit UlI,1,Y.- J.u be.oll r,t,g hr" !.nll . •1URY SA VS NOT ·GUILTV I ' DAUGHTFRS REBEKAH tile \ltrgast tarllntula )1". had ever ad with wafers; ice c r~am in .t ne form cof\;ee, the yo.\tng ladies were &,iven Will! 'WeI L ~u~u"int"il w,itb thti fl\l"w ' .. '. . . , lIee» He ' 800D , put tbe t.e rrible of slippe'rs and ca~e; cho~olate. In ~I'd s bearing the ~ine "There was a ·if., dldltlJVt!I,·.r o,ll Home lil.Ilt!Ii!5C1 910U'I " AHe r thfrt.v houI'1i the jury iu, the MJ' Ito'd ' Mtr4r09 Evans ' \\1 . e ' '1 1)otsOri:OUII i.~S. ect out of 'oommlMsiun th~ ' cake was a. r~n g . 8 d!ine and' a young man named Fred" or "Th,ere ' . \. " '. " , ." . ~ ·er ID with bls .. l\llmbqt 7 . thImble, the reClJ)l ents beIng, EJ:nest was a young lady named Carrle" wbloh Mw" Fru.uklln 11~"t ,vAell:' Iittenrling 1 b t IIllu.; lJ oen ' 1 ite d Roh'lnson IlaRobl'nson and Har'old WI'th 'a blan k space f or. th e 'comple, 1 , . ' . hr... III1H not b~81J' . , heltl'dlo.!1e '.l)r Ii.mnll .. . M, Couch",. J)lhllrged ' ., . , . tbe ' . 1to 1110 (OU (epos frvul, ~ '., . . ' wlt,b ·ll"vtng sbot Fred , Mo er~~to~, dillt.riot convent.ion of the D.ugbttlrll 't bare lin ' ptlliers b"vlng beeu nronnd Howe}!. ..Iips of paper .with the tion o~ the Limeric;k. , Many lallg~aP.ASSENOEI{SSCARED urougbt in It \'oi«llct, ?f Ol)t gmlty, of Rebekab. I b"uanl~ ILnd t·hrowu In the .llurrtll. q~esltOllp" Whli~ kind of ~~Ife would hie thl,ngs we~e Written . A~te~ dm. . Ib look~ lor tI tlUle like 1\ tli~ltgree- . Mrs.!~ llus beem president of I ' • • __ I choose and Wh~~, kmd of ~us- ner MIS!' Dakin read, a 4e.scrlptton.of to the vote balD lien to · two for '. .) band would -l choose ~ were gl"en courtshIp and marrIed hfe. leavmg Lltst 8i1DdllY tl9auing , l>tlslilengerl' ~en . , · g dl~trlot for .tbe Il\st yell.r, bllt re- , M~RRIED AT LEBANON to the .boys and gil'ls respecLively. out phrases to tie supplied by the' on, No': 8 on tbe . PllU.ll~ndl.e, wart! lft{:qult~l . tired, lut welik'; lI od It goes ~ithou t 1 " . " . !lnd were tilled Ol!t fccording to the guests. These • . correctly guessed, IIC&l'ad almost l>~r(Jh'j Wllflli ciomiDg ATTEND CENTENNIAL :!Ilying thllot I'Ibe ma:de 'a. good one, j ., Mr: Edward Hartsoo~, BOU ,?f I.dess of t~e r~cel~~rS. These ~el'e were "the titles <?f Shakespearean . nttWfl Itt Morro'w 10 . . ' . ' . '. . _. _._ ....,.::..... , John Bart·s.ook, ttnd MISS Goldie wrapped m tin (OIl and thrown mto plays. The remamder of the even· A t l' t ' Oregonia.' , ,Smith.: ,d~.nghter. ' of Chns. · ,S mith .a ,U1l'g~ , pump\dn bowl decorated lng was spent in-music and :dancing. y t·be e.lf80t 'tb ..t IlIHlre would 1J\i I~ h~ld , . .~r8l\. mltn . ~ool? 0 wen", 0 .. : were :llI\rirrted Leba.non IILtI I, fbllrs. WIth tilly red hearts Each guest The guests present were. MIsses Car. , up : llt ,qre'go~I", ,wlllI, tbtl CIt'U!ilt! . . ',. U!MP1Ilotl yelltt;rdtlY. to u,tteucl the MillS Lucit'~ Mas6nspent Saturday d," !: .: ' . • ___ ' . drew one fotth and read the. res~lt. olyn and Edith .. M?sher. Donn,a Ever)'tlilJlg . v"lllahls Wilti taken 11/(l'lIon'l ""lge I\~d t,ll" oe.~te.[Jitl) of th ~ in Morl'ow, the guest of Miss Faye ' " . Mr. ~rnest Rosnagle receIved the I:Iawke, Martha 0 Neall, Luella ~l''' from ~be trul.) ; lit ..... r;>rr.\lw,'. 1I,0d dt.- ~rl\lIrl I Hl~e, ~monff . tbose who Collins. New Burlington. {ns t prIze at cards, a handsome gold nell, Stella Lemmon, Henrietta DA'~"re'~kl'n .. b" , "r", butnor,hwent werp : (" A . ' ~~Ulmernl\n, B ." 'fhe Misses Lena: Myers and Lucile pen, an,d Mr. lfred Hart:s~ck the Mc~inse.y, Katherine Alexander. Eya teot1v.,...,... •.• .. ,..~ u N ' Th " . . eonsolatlon; a DaVIS, Ehzabeth Chandler and JessIe Ing·fit. . Bo~en, .f . E. JIlUUtlY, W'trreu orto~ spen.t ~~sday mght WIth. , Wm.Lumpkinwho ·r eceritlyhauan About·twentyguestswerepresent. M' Itt . . ,. . ' . ar a . . Oreg9 nia Psilpie . olaim tbeY!:ltt w· Ktlys, ,Iehn Peuoe, Walter. Kilboll, the MIsses Car~me and Ruthe Ed- 'attack of acute indigestion is getting 000 ' '01' twelve 100 unted lOtlD (itlorl(e, BILWk(lll~d wife. D.r. EIliEr, waFrds'kofC ' IFltattforl'efk't W d d f ' better. . . ' .. .... t d W e . ran ,u ~r e nes ay .or Mrs. A. W. Reeves. is makin&' a . NOTICE '. 'here,. but n?w tll,lnk they ~ertl A. IUU"ut liD ql rane. .hll! home m MIlford. • visit In. Richmond Ind. . .. Wellman. night rt.derll . .. . ._ . ;. C~KES ' WiI1 My~rs. of: King'" Mills, s~~.t , M~. ,John , Barlo~ is a business vi!3" My offioe will be olpsed .ou Ooto, , N " , Sunday at home . .. " . Itor m Kentucky ., ' , Mrs: John Thompson spent: W.ed· ' " . 1 . The Mrs, Ll\ura amt Myrtle Kibler V . In ad ' d f '1 h her .. 27/ and 28. 1 tim Bt~l\dlng the nesday afternoon wit!) Mrs. Ed. Van- ' IS IM~ROVI 0 ~L.OWL Y ' .' • '. or • .'. ' IIlltl\! K~t~leri':le ",I~~~der ~Ilntel Mary COnner, Lucile Mason, Glady~ . mov~~l~~ Okl:homaan amI y ave Denttll ' AJtlnuf~cturors' . Exhibit Ilt mater, . '. ... . Oinclnl'iatl, Ohio) '. Mr, . and Mrs, Elmer Sears anc:l Mr. ~taert:. Brl1dd~1t " who.nearly . the l)'l~bno to knew thtt~ IIhe WIlJ.SIlim,cer, Verne Armitage and Willie . !Il~t d.~.atb . by " t."in hitting his bllVe fresh oo.k,ell · elUu ~ookiB8 OD Potor! tJeent ,'l1bu~a.y evening with pr~~;I~;~~ed~~~asB~~i'i~~~~e ~llls 1J1t. H~ 1!l. H A!I' 1'1A WAY . grand df1lighter, of Dayton. spent wllg()U laBt week, Is Improving slow, ,slltl1rdt\y . OrJerll' fC)I' o,,)[es for H. E Wll~n and··wlfe. 1 M ' Ch ' to f X h' • del' ... Fl'iday with Elvin.Fires and family. ly, Ilnd 1s gettloK "long a.M nicely ~lI pttrt e.1I wil) reoel va prompt . utten. . J .. ~. S.pencer and, John Burnet~ erela te;::!~~~ceni~tur: i~aihe FARMERS INSTITUTE. Mrs. George Bogan and daughter. CIIlD be expeoted under the · olro~m- lion. wer~ In Rox~na,Sunday. . I'E. church. Tuesday evenjng of last spent WedneSday with Chas. Burge .tan008., .M18S Pearl &bertUI!. of C;;larksvlUe Iw~k. ' . . \ . I Through the cotlrtssy of T. L_ and family of Wilmington. - - -•• - BOYS GO 1'0 SPRIN080RO ' ~1tttie week-end WIth MISS Myrtle , Mrs. ~oa. Haydock "pent th~ Iat- Calvert, direotor of Farmers lnstiMrs. George Davis. entel'tained MOYING TIME 1M er", It U d ood d 'f ter part of the week at the homepf tnte, who Bent UII tbe bulletin of his Thursday, Mrs. Mary Cleav.r. Mrs. ' • Beveral of OM ban" boy~ went, to . d aLaer .;" .e fl a; C. w~ e Iher lIOn James near Oakland. dep~rttnent we 'note tbat the In- Earnest Mannon.Ml'8. Rose Carr and , This seems to be mo~ln, time. 18prinICboro ~turd/lY nlgbt t() bel'p ::ti ~~t S~~ay'r;~h°Dr.Oand1t:: SerogKY, of·the N. &.Uutce ~i1l be beld In Waynesville w.n~Mrsd rah~am~~Mrs.Mat. Frank Pr... &t goesloto part of Lydl" ', tb.t band out There Wlla 'll rall)" l{rieghoif. · . . tHe week-end at OD JanUll'ry 8 and 11.1909. In an l'S. ra . s. W t bt'. bonllP aDd ' laaao Frye' o"ter there Bnd ·tbe bo,'8 bad alood M'l L '1 N ton t S d ·of P.U'8ntB . Tbe'8p8"ken at t;bi8 meeting will . Mr. ~r:~ Cle~,ver. ofDaytQn, spent r. b p' t~ t ~._ h l!8 ,'tUhC~~ aorlad ,spen un ~y Icenhower is spending his be JJ:dward Van Al8tyne and D, D. Sunday Wlth hts mother, Mrs. Ma~d ..Is... 'b~ OQI8 ra. va~ till. .....d. nl&, t W1 188 ys Spencer. at bis 'home hire, . Banb. Oleaver. '
cietv Cird
Thi Week.
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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. 'WAYN'F:, VILT.F:.
0111 ()
Fan LOllng Favor. II laId tho fa.o trade II I teadll,. iClec:.l!nlng, and I hll, too, In spite or th tact that at DO Ume has that' rllt'otul /Weallon ot coquetry and comtort be-l'n tIO unlv craal. S 1110 ot the leading f:\n hou'IS In ParIs have closed their 4oora, and one ot the bost fan·mllkers, w bole Jllltrnnago Includes tho elite ot Europc. declarel tbe da): 1& ,Palt when lon~ Jlrkca wJll be plLld tor tan a, One 1Dalanlly seeka the roason tor the chango at sentlmc nt wh ic h tbul nCfecta trad e_ Th e II.roresald tan·maker . ."Ialns It by sayIng the Oerman copies or ho e pen lye s tyles h&\'o done a good deal to Injure first ·closs trade. The rI chest customers buy only .nUQues. lnstelld of s ecklng the work of mod'un a rtists l\'ho make xQulslte "plctur s Uley will fly Into raptures oyer a dirty old flln that Is by n o means bennlltul, merely bccauso It Is an "antiquo," and a Il05slb1e LoUis XVL Not long sloce a lady we nt Into ecltaales bofore a beauUfu l tan paint· ~ only tb e ther day. 8h declared ah. had seen noth in G' lovelier In any art expos!tlon In Europe, that nothing was don e nowaday! like It; it wap cenulne. She was lint at nll plellsed when told the truth that It had Ileen made In lhose very workrooms. '1'\:111 J.J)&Dese tan hJ.B .proved a formIdable rh'nl to the artlstlo French tan.. It II pretty an d dnlnty, but Its price damns It with faInt prnlse. What lady arrayed fa a '1,000 costume could fan bersel t 'With a bit or colored paper? aaks the Easton Harald. But the majority at 'WWIIft ~sche" tans. They are only carried on state occasions, for no one wanta to be botherod wllh tbelr care. museum 18 the bcs t place ' fo r thll ...,.. .ntlque, particularly It It haa any Jatatoric asaocla~lon guaranteed,
AFTER SEVENTY YEARS Jeremiah. Ihe P ro ph et. Tdlelh 1 rae)'. Return.
Man 8tlll a Savage. '!'be civilized ",arId' Is revertln/t. It pfnes , tor brutalities, It hankers tor horrors, and It grovels before the speo· taele of ani mal pain. Don'~ you b e· 1Ie-re ttf Tben you do not know what 11 bappenlng In the most enlightened Quartan or the earth. It Is usolesl to eDumorate tbe cruelties pr&(ltlced tn tile lI&IDe or pleasure or of sc1e~II~9. Wo,r OD~, I bale ot dwel l upon what CIldIts III this educated. lupposodly Qtristfanlzed world, exclaims & wiiter In the Boston Herald. Man 'Is still a ...... p. , Whether It Is plgcon .shoot· 111&, butt fight<!, sport In the jungle, a privately arranged bull and tiger' com· .... or eyil.11 the accepted prize ring ~.uUngs, he 'c raves , the em otion, tile maddening, blood-curdll ng frenz y thl8 ~. ot 'kJlUng exclles, There are .~.. It Is true, and the brutal In· .tiDct may Dot relish seeing ha pl e, ~ Idrda d~op wlbt brok en wings as milch &II watching a l1u11 and tiger sbut In 1\ . wee baUllng out tlielr bloody strength, bnt It III all one In tho mafn, a bestial . .ardtement. But we are told that IlPeCt&tora . at such scenes are few _parecl ' w~th all thoso who have made' a better and sater lifO' tor bu· IDaDlt,. at large. Ono never can tell. lIDmetitnes the police step In, as they' </114' ~t the savage exhibition In Mar"'Uel, and end tbe ''1lport.'' But the pollee ~not reacb the .our~e or .sucb lDhuman amullement.
S crlpt uTe Authorlly- Jl'I'emlah 29, espN, lally "erlies I().H ; lind chap l r 32 : 36:44. SERMONETTE,
The t ime of the -return of the Jews from 'hcir captIvi t y at Babylon w;as deflnltely fixed ;and made known by God to h is prophet Jerem j;ah, and t hrough him to the peopl e. When God 110 grac io usly reo veals h is "t l me~ and seasons" to m;an, it ia that t hey may get Into step with the Divine program and falter not In faith until promise becomea re ality. How wonderful an d reassur· Ing II . tho thought tha t ;afte r all that man can sayer do the fact remai ns t ha t th is old world Is In the contrel' of th e infinite ;and Is be ing run accord ing to the ached ule let by God away ba ck In the beg rn n lng of t ime. Man's Iniq u ity may confuse and obsc ure. His disobedience to the Divine w ill a nd law may hinder a nd d el;ay, but they can· not stay fer en ~ mement the unfo lding of the larger purpeses of God for the world. " S eventy years," God said, and 70 yeara \t was. But Ged does not always reo vnl the defin ite time ef his movements, and It were felly fer man to try to penetrate the veil of the unknown and learn the secret schedule. Christ 18 coming again, but "of that day 4!ld that hour knoweth no man, no, not the ange'la wh ich , are In heaven, neither the 60n, but the Father." Therefore watch I The "thus aalth the Lord," which declarel the prcmlse of ' the return and fixes the date on wh ich the wenderful explana. tlon: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward yeu, thoughtl of p"ace and not ef evil, to give you .n end and an expectatlen." And the unfolding of God'i plan for the world alnce then has glorloully cenfirmed and el. tabllahed th II declaratlen. "Thoughts of peace and not of evil." God extendl to the werld thorugh I1'ls Sen the olive . branch of puce. Wheae fault will It be If that olive branch refuled becomes at lall the ' avenging awerd ef God'a judg. ment against evil?
"L AST off' but not forever. Surely, thy love Is toward thY- wayward
pear-Ie at Is rael, 0 Ood." . Tb·e .words we re spoke,ll In an ecstasy or religIous fervor, Ilnd the prophet Jeremlab aros e as h e spoke, and going to the open door, \}e looke d out across tbe landscape towards the east. But as be stood there h e did nol seem to be studying tbe Beene which strotched In all Its /Jeauty be· tore him. His eyes seemed only to be looklng_ Into space, as t hough strly· In g t.o penetrate to rllg'lons beyond thc range of his Vis ion. Prlmnlle day, set apart by tbe ad· "Ah," he broke out at last, "my lllirera of Disraell, 1& sUll observed by brethl'tln ov er there s hall flnd comfo~t u.em In England, wo believe. Ac- In tbl~ message. ·alld t b e mouths of eordlog- to Information contained lu the false prophets w'lII be stopped. The Henry W. Lucy's Tecently puhllshed captivity III hat'd, and those wbom parliamentary r eminisce nce s, the re Neb uchadll ezzar bus carri ed to Baby· yearn to r Jerusalem'. but th er o can sa 00 rensou :why Its ~bseryance Ion be no return uuUI God opeus Lbo way, .bould be contJn~ed under that name. God has revealed h is purpose and has iItlI designation Is basl'd upon the as· fixed the dnt ," und again' the eumptlon that tbe pr imrose was Lord prophet r elapscd Into sIlence, .B eaconsfie ld's favorite flow r. At hie It ~as before the complete d est ruc· funoral a , wreatb at primroses lay On tion of J er usale m and after Ne bucltadbia comn bearing th e In scrlpt!on: nezzar had vis ited tHo cll,' and harl "IDs favorite !'lower," to ~h lch the carri ed of'! many of the Id ~rs of th e queen's Ini tials were a·jded. It seems, ' poople. the l) riEh;~s and i be bes t ot the lloweve r, thllt wben the qu een wrote poopl ' . Jerem Iah had bee n suffered <t.h~ Inscription sb!! /la.d . fn mind the to remain behind In J rusa lElm. and be had s trLven to br in g th e peoplo uf prince c~nsort 8.1ld his eherlshed lhe elly IUIO the sph'lt or S Ubl~i sslo ll ftower. MT'- Lucy remarks tbat the to fh jiJdg-nll)otl! ~vhleh were fall ins only remembered observation. made by . UIJ<lQ the 111l1lon. Dlsmel! ~ncernlllg primr!>'lcs wail Word had come to him ,~ot many Ihat they mnde an exeell nt salad. days beror 'that e rta ln. Jews had" pas~Qd froID J er usalem to lb elr bl·eth· Now ' colD'e s the 'dl strcssln g Informa· re u III cnpUvl.ty saying that they tion that tl straw bat ras tened on · tho IHOUght II message from the Lord t hat head of a w'o r k)Jorse dur ing the bet the captive J ews were soon to r elurn -weather bas no olbe l' ClUett thnn to ' I.uHf h e l., elrengtJH:!n tbe bands oll hclr add to. th e poor aclmal's sutrerhigs breUlre o In llreven'tlng lhelr beloved by makin g lui. head st ili b a tte r. A city or Jcrusaiem f rem failin g In to . llhllanthroplc gen tl eluan with Il. ther- Lbe hllnd.B of Lbel r en emics. And to back up thei r testimony nnd -main· mometer made this dIscovery . Let -taln that tlley ~' ere tru e pl'ophe t s sent him. carry his Investtgatlons a 1It1ie by God tbe)' QlIoted passages fl'om the farther, {!In't the aIr loslde a straw book 0 '( tbe la.w which deo lared t hat hat wo; n by a fat' lOan hotter than tho God had promised 10 restore th e, cap· ... r outside, and would It pot be be tter Ll vi ty o( Judah. T his had cre alcd a , ~r him to go barehead.ed'l ' .Kpll'lt 'ot un,est a niQng lhe ca ptive l ews, and, UUel'Iy l1elpl e~s as seemed One at the Wri~ht brothers of a ero- :be chance ot sUCCessful sedi llo n th e plane fame ,h as 'been decora ted with a . .,urpose began to torm In the ~Inds medal. He will have lo wea r Ii In the ,r the boldest ·of them to Dlake the attempt. • ract geographical ce nter of bfs manly And wbE\n WOld at the se things had dlAHit In orde l' not to In tertere with ' :- aelled .J~remla ~ he had b!le n greattiae poise of his maclftne. ly troubled, kno..,lng that s uc h Calse
There aro lIomo ,Pesslmlsllc person! ' 1rbO believe that the Dutch would find It about All Intermfnable a job to can· cuer Caltro . . they havo round It to ~bjucat. the Indomitable AtChJD." iii »rtb fWD.tlL
culty od Itop tb. wbleb ba. b -!tltn? } It' knew that Cal801 hopei aroused ('ould only pillnge Into Kreai r dl'pthA at 8utrerlng. He knew that lh time had not com,v wh \l th. ,ll'WS shaUllI.' be re lLored to their la.nd, And yel whal word ... U t bore wblcb ho could sDeak which would reruto Lhe wo rds at t it ra ise proJ,Jhets, s[Joken so plausIbly anct based so cleurly II pon th dec loratloll of God that be would bring . bnck tiro captive J ,'\fis? "Oil, God." h pl\:yed, "reveal th7: self and bt'lng to nnll!.tht t.he 'collUs",' or t hos who would lea t! th:e 6utre rlna Jl o)lle Into fnlal \lrr.or," ACi er lhat )Iraye. h tcll h 1I r , :1\00 .s at Quiet. Whethe. It wn;, "I slon or dr nil,t 11 0 kn el\' not. but h" knew tliat when he ngalu beca me conscious f)( hIs surroundi ngs bourB hali passed. nnd he kn w thn t nod had s poken (0 his beart 01111 h ad revealed lo him his wondrous p:ans. It had seemed to him as thou gn b e had oeen 11ft d up until he bnd t;tood beside 01\0 whom h kn W WM God. He looked 1I0t at hlru beca llse ot the ~real r ." c rcli li ni fear whIch b e ll~ hIm, but only at th e plnce wh ere a nJ fJ"l na flnger S n1 d to be tracln!: a V1\'itlng au the purchment thnl lay hc fore blm "lsLlnclll' Iy, now, .leI' O1Il nb l(loked on the tnble befo re hI'll t n 's ee If the narchm Ilt lay (here. The ro was 0 parchment lyin g ther , hUL I~ Wdll one he bad brought IIlld placed II.Here when he had contemp lated writIng 11 mes snge to his breth re u In Bah vlo n. And It wa s b·lnnk. • "But I know God's mess. l;o," b ., ex, claim ed, nnd lhen burst (IUt In th. words of ecsla sy WiLh wb lc h OUI s tory opens. , "Bnt wh y s it bere hi Idl'm08S': ' bt exclaimed; after lie had reluroed t ro lD the door aud . had ngaln d~IOPll f.od Into the ebalr that stood befoie Lhe rude table. "No time must be /ost." "Th us salth l h e Lord at' hosts," lie wrole. as be bad seen the words s tlUld out upon the parchment upon which the finge r of God had moyelll, "untO all that are carried away captl ves, whom 1 have caused to he carrie d Rway trum J e rusalem un to Babylon: l)ulld Y8 houses and dwell In them; and pll!-nt gardens and eat the fruit of them; take ye wives, and b eg t Ions and daughters, and take wives tor your so ns and give your daughters to busbands, tbal t h ey may bear ItCIIS and daugh t ers; that ye may Inc roale there a nd not diminish. And leek tbe peaee of the city whltber I hllve cllulled you to be carrIed away captlyes, and pray . unto the Lord tor It; for In the Deace t hereor shal1 ye have peace. F(>r thus salth the Lord of halts : the God ,of Israel; Le t not your prophets and your dlvlnere, that be In the midst of you, dec Ive you , ne((ber hark on to YOUl' dreams which ye cause to M d.reame d. For they prophesy falsel" unto you In my naroe: I have not sen I them, salth the Lord.. For thus salth lhe Lord, That afte r 70 years be apcompllshed at Babylon I will villi you and perform my good wor d toward you, III causing you to return to th is place. For r know the tbonghta that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts at peoce al~d not ot evU to give yoU Ill! end an(1 expecta· lion." Wltb this message JorelIllah bas · lelled ~ th e kJng, and, haLving wou hi s consent. p lace d It In the koeplng of two messengers Elasah IUld Gamarl· ah, and "tarted .them on tbe jourDef to Babylon. ' , LltUe more remains to be told. The words at lbe Lord spoken by Jeremiah the propbet Qulck,ly ' quieted the cap· tlve Jews and caused them '~o bow In hu,mble submission to tbe p'unlshment ' of ,Ood. Dut word of the trE!achery of the talse prophets reacb ed th e ea rs at King Nebuchadn ezznr, and ' h e caused AIlab', the BOn of Kolalah, and Zedtlklan, t b'e son of Maoselah, to be apprehen(j· ed an d to be slo.1n be fore tbe eyes at their bretb reno'
Practical Fashions LADIES' SIX·GORED SKIRT
P ari s Patle rn No, 2557, Ail Seam" Allowed .....:..One of the fashlollable morl el skIrts, buttonIng down the c nt or-from, Is h re IIl ustraled. It adaptable to se rge, panama cloth, tw ed, che ,'lul , Ulohnlr, or. In f!lct,an'y mal rlul, all<l Is ulIlde with an In"crt· ed box-Illall O!' In 11Iiblt style In the back . A will bias bUild Qf lhe ma· te rlul Is s t lin as a trimmin g just above th e h 01. und t his Is trimmed with ~mal1 buttons und lOOps of so utach. brnld. Th e patteru Is In seven slzes-22 to 34 Inches, waist m as ure. Par 26 wal Sl the skirt, made of materIal with nal). requires yards 20 Incbes wide, tlve yards 36 Inches wide, 414 iards 42 In ches wid , or 3'I.J yar'ds 64 Inches wide; wlillou't nap, It needs e ighth yards 20 Inches wI de, 4% yards 36 Inches wltl , tour 'yal'ds 43 Inc hes wide. or 314 ynrds 5~ Inches wide. Wid th of lower edge, Inches. To procuro Ihlll plltt~rn R nd 10 cent. t o "PUll Til .Dtpunm nl," ot this PU ' Il~ T. 'Vrlto 1\I11n e nnd nchlr ti8 plainly, nnd bo l8ure to giVE! Biz" and numucr ot putlt~ rn.
sIzm ................ .
NO 2557.
NAlIfE .•..•.•.••••••••• : ••••. •• •. ..• ••••••••• .
TO \Y N .. . . . ......... . ........ . .............. .
NO .. . ...... .. ........... .
STA'l'E . .. ....... .. .... ... . . .. . . ............ .
Great Cltln Do Not Worthily Repr. lent the Nation. One at tbo,so lent tp the couttry thll 8umm.l)r by a New York treRh·wr mls· 11011 was a H·year·old Hungarian boy. His I)are nts, whe n they camo to Am.wlca, had remained ID the city whet'e tbey landed. 'rhey lived In s qualid ~overtr. Tho father, mothe r abd four children nil s lept In a' Bmall room Ighte d by a sin gle window opeo · Ing (In a fou l.smelting Illley. Tho boy play&d In th e st reet.s, nod had . to dodge t he club a t tho poli ceman wh\) strove to kee p order In t he liver· crowded di strict. In th e count ry h o tound the open fi elds to play In, wltb no pollc mnn to In tel'fere. He s\lw t b e people (rlendly, h e lpflll and sympathetic, livIng tllel r lives In co mfort aqd Ind pendence. " Whe n J get home I'll t e ll the m I've found th o real AmeriCa," b e I'emarked on e day. He WIIS nut far from the t ruth. The Ame rica whIch luis drawn hundre ils of t housand s from th e counl ri es oC Eu· rope Is not. the Am 'rlcl\. which they tlnd In th de nsely populated cities. For the foreIgn -born pOor, or tbe na· lIv!' poor, elthor, the large clly, with Its fie rce competItion, fB a bard p lace lu whIch La live. The r eal Fl'ance II not Parill. One hRS to go oulslde of London to' flnd tbe real Englnnd, The Germany that' Is growi ng rIch and powerful Is a big· ge r thIng thlt n Berlin. And tbe rea l America Is not discovered In h r great cities. The Ideals or tbe big c ll y 'are not tb e IdeaJs toward whlcb t h e nation Is strll'lng. and their standard or li ving Is not Ihe standard which appeals to th e people at lal'ge. Ame rIca Is rul ed trom the homes ' and Lhe firesides ot tbe smaller communlUes and from th e Carmbouses on th e hill s and In tbe valleys o r the east ."md th e south and on the p lains or lhe wesl. Most or the statesmen who control congress are country. born and coun· try·hred. The ISBues on whic h e lec. tlons are decided are tbose which seem vitnl to tho plain, every·day man, living th e rlaluml lite of t he leBs pop. ulous districts. . That Im m igran t Is , tQ be co ngratu· latod who di scovers where t he real America lies; and that r ural Amer· Ican who knows lltat ho lIycs wbore thl) destinies of the 'na.lIon are s haped Is In no danger oC losing his poIse or of growing dlsoontented with bls lot. -Youtb's Companion . The Oldeat Flewer.
",.e Ill y Is the only fto wer lng- plant th at bas no poor kin. Evory othor fln e ftow er h as Telatlves I~ ' low li fe, ~hnt It lett behind to worry along In pov· erty when It took a start and became rlch and fashionable, the pet of ,th e floris t' aud tbe admlrat!on or'the ladl es, but tbe lily, It It ever b,Sd any poor kLnfolks, hIlS outgrown them BO com· ple tely that lbey are either forgotten or Dot recogn ized a s belonging t o t!I e same fam ily, I t was among t.h e earliest 1l0wers cultivated. On , the Egyptian al!d Assyrian monuments, 3,000 years beCore our era , the sc ulp· ture d Illy app ears. It la known to have been popular In Europe tor 2,600 years. .and In the east for milch longer 'pe' rlod, ' so It te juStly enUtled to tb e bonor ot being the oldest flower cuI • dvated by ,m an. Tbere are probabl y 150 to 200 varIeties, but everyone belonge to the ~ ame royal family.
Paris Pattern No. 2:!37, All Seam a Allowed.-Made In tweed, covert cloth, broadcloth , serse or cheviot, this Is an eX.c ellent model for a separa.te coat to wear durin g t he first days or· a utumn. It Is equall y adaptable , for part or a tal lor 'suit nnd' Is cut . III three'quar ler le ngth. Tile fron ts ar e doubl e·broasted and two [locke t s or~n ment lhe right side; one or Dllmertt\ ng. lh e left side. T he lon g side. fron t and side-book Beams give style to the gar· men t, a nd the back Is cut wltbout n vent. '1'b e regulat!.on 'oleeves are fln· Ish ed with t urn·hack c;: ufl's; which IlISY J.1e faced with ve lvet, to match th e reo vers, i f .deslred. The pa't tern Is In seven s lzes-32 to 44 Inches, bu s t measure. . For .3 6 bllilt t he coat re'; quires 6 1,4 ynrds of nlaterlal 2 0 Inohes wide, 3\1: yards 36 Inches wld <:,,' 31A1 yards 42 Inches wide, Qr 2'I.J y'a rds 64 Inches wide; as lIIuslrated, lhree· 'e ight hs yard at velvet 20 Inches wIde (cut bias) . . To procu re this pnlt orn 80n (1 10 r.onta to "Puttern Depnrtme nt:' or tills pU\lc>r_ \ "rl l.l.> 118me und ndllr .8 plnl nl y . nnll 1.> 0 su.r e to give size nile! numl.> cr o r pilltern.
Origin ef Ceurts-Martlal. The custom of holdin g courts·mar· tlal In our navy u-fter eve ry case of s hipwreck has a curious origin. In 1741 the Wager, one at ' CClmmodore Anson's vessels, was WreC kE!d off t e coast of ChUe, most of th e erew beIng s aved. 'rho m en and some of t h o junIor officers herd t hat they were no! longer ame nabl e to discIpline, bccause their l)ay ccased with the wreck, but the captain. wbose nnme w lis Davy Cheap, dll'fer ed , treated ~bem as mutineers, and shot on e at the ' midshipmen. H e was ' the n deposed and mont ' ot the cre w made off In the . beats. Later, when It was p roposed to p o· c cd Agai nst t he se-ca lled muti n eers. the law ollic rs of tb e crown dedded UUlt th e men had been co rrec:t In t heir vi ew. Tills iliscove ry led to the [ram· Ing of sect Ion 91 ef t he artlcl(~ 8 of war, lv hlc b provid s th a t ·In caSE. of ship· wreck , d struct lon o r calJtm'e by th(' enemy II ship has to be declllcd to remai n III commlsslp'n pendin g ' In Q ulr ~ Into the circumstances by a court-mar· tlal.-;-Tit-Ul tB.
Nq 2237.
SIZE .............. .-. •
Tullj1 Soup, "What· makes ' tbls. vegeta,ble soup N AME .......... . .... : .... : ............. ..... .. tnst~ so. different 1" asl.ed tJb e young r hu sband: ' TO'\VN . ... . . ............. .. ; .•••••••••••..•••
" Only the leeks yo u sent h orne," re- I , STREET· AND NO. . .. ..•• :.. •.. .. . . ....•• plied tbe bride. "You r em e mbe r you , said YOti were going to order leeks." STATE . . ...... " ....'. ••• •• •••••••• ; ....... .. "I dldn't o rd c r 'an)' .Ieeks ," grow,..-! Saved frem BudaI Alive. the hU'Bb n.nd , bilt h e flnlsh'ed his bowl of soup rather than dlsappolDlt her. Jnst before the coffin lid ~a8 closed That aflernon b e stopced at tht at Aspen, Col.. over tbe body ot John grocery store. Cla~slc, aged 18, hl~ mothe r, In kissing ,"How did ~o u cOIDe to send lee ks up hIm, saw ono eyelid twitch, and to my bou8e this mornIng?'" he de- Bcreamed. PhYSicians restored thlt manded. "I didn't ord81' tb"!m." I man to consclouBnesll and Ii Is be-"Oreat S.cott! Did' lOU elli. ttem'''ll1eved he will recover" . _clalmod the grocer ' • "Sure, we ale them." . Up to Date "0, for .180il'B satte, They WfJro RellLaurant Patron-Why· Is tbat lobJackson's tulip bulbs. Sho lett them ater yell f:orved me called "Iobater a . .on the count.,r aDd tbey got Into your IA jurv?" bask~t by Wllito!r-lt'c sure 1.0 d1a8l1'ee. m.-
leaching .'!Culd only end dIsastrously, not (luly for tbe Jewl In captlvlt:o, but Cor 1I108e tba t s~lI remalz. .. d In JllrUs!l.lem. What could he do, J e rewlah, asked himself, 'is be p&(led to and fro In hIs .solltilry retreat oUlslde the wall ot JClru~aloni, to m \\o.L tbl' Dew PrilL
l'n'l . I"'" -
Altogether Teo Delillerate fop. Llf_ In Ari:rDna.
Ari zona Judg (to defcndont In ID a8sault·and·balt ry C/lS&)-¥OU Bay th e complainant ca lled you II. liar a cd horse tbl f Ilt loasL a dozen limes be, for YOII Imo'k d him tlown, eh? ' Dofc ndant- Y s, sir. Judg - lie saId you wore a cow ard Ind Qlilll(lr? Dotc lltlnnt-He did. Jud ge-A ll !'Igh t. I'll let yon orr o n th e nssllult charge; but- doll't be In 1\ h urry, 1I1lster-1 re kon I'll have to tin e you.jest nbo nt $50 tor nol I{nock· In g him down ijoo ner! Tho, sb orlf't ""11\' tako you In tow anr! IIca thnt you cou gh up lh o dust befO re yeu Pl1SS oul.- Ill ustrated Sunday Ma:;:uzllie. I PUGh·and·Pull Exercise. On e of the fnt -Incllned m n of New Yorx h as Il nov I me thod of k cplng hl m8elr In fin e Ce Ulc. It Is II IHlsh· and-Pllll oxorcls. In th e bllscm · nt at h is hom r , wllich bOB U levol concrete fl oor, he has In ~ta ll d SO" rnl wheC'led olljeolB. On e ,Is a sat wcl ~h lng tw o tO ilS. Another Is a box of 'hlll ll s that u sed ~o l>,' I,' ng on a Stlll!'n Islnnd rer· ry boat as a bILl on ce ; It w 'Iglla !l,OOO pounds. Stili anoth er Is 1\ cast·ort bul· li on oart that u sed 10 do duty In the nssay office: It II' ·Ighs 1.000 po nnlls. but may be land d with pig: Iron up to Hi.OOO pOlluds. Th e ex rcls c co n ~l.lItB In pullln~ and pll~h l ng these vehicles ovc r the floor, IlnJ, judg ing hy th e d ovelopment of our M end. It Is rr Uve. His gene ra l strength Is prodigious. and Ul ere Is no muscle-blndlug.-NoW York Prells.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, 'M m...:rQury will lurel)! d esll'O)' thu
or .mci.
klld l"U IUIJI U1ly drrcLn#tt tha whOle naU'm whe:6 e.ntcrtn" II. 1hrouI;h the mucous sur r:\ctt. SuC'b
IrU"h,oS "bouhJ n,wet be 11~ t!XClC"llt OR prN~rl~
~~I~Jd~rol~ w"?lPi~~'~u P~fcJl:~, ):'u t(t;:ntl~~:Ft~ytbde~ rive. from tht ~ m. lI an'. CAta rrh Cure. mnuutuctun.-d by F. J . Qhtnc)' .t t.v., ToiOllo. 0 .. con""n8 no mer-
cur y. ana lot 1boletn (ntemilll,. Actlnt( dl rtCtI)· UI)()O t be blOOd And rnueoul !UrtAee8 of lhu IS1l t em . In buylnlJ U AII', Catarrh :Uro be lure you Re t, Uti ~el1111l1e, It l5 ta ken tntertlllU)' Antt Intuto In 'I'oloo.a.
Ohio. by P. J . heoey '" Co. 1'.. llmonllll. I,re. Bold I>y Vru•• tal.. I'rl«:. 71<:. Ptr botUe. 'l....Ite Uall'. Falully ['Ills ror ,eo..t1p~lIon.
A ~ ;lrllll1g. Handsome P ercy H!lsbrooke, the young chautreur, drow tbo girl more closcly to him. "AII tho world loves a lover; dear· e s t," he whIspered, Dut Lotta Golde's r ed lip c url d som wh at' skeptLcally, " You h ave n't Int erviewed papa yot, Percy," she warned him. With an ominous moanlag sound tbe great cnr>. sped on. ., '
Important to Mothera.
Examine earetully every bo\t1e of CASTORlA a Bafe and sure remedy; tor Infants and children, and see that it Bears the ~. ""~~ Signature or~~ ' In Use For Over 30 Years, l'hc Kind You Have Always Bought. Realon. He tbat will no t reason III a bigot: h e that cannot reason III a tool; and h e that darelr.not reaeon II a Ilave.H enry Drummond.
"Hot AJr!' Style Rebuked. Memliers of ·the house ot represents. U-rcs are fond of poking tun at the florid s tyle of speech affected by a certain congressmAn who Invariably contributes much "hot air" to any de. bate In whlcb he may Jlartlcl pate. On one occasion tbe politician In 'lues tlon ventured to al l' lIls views touching a financi al act unde r can. slderaUon. when he drew the fol · lowing ribald observations tram Illl op· ponent: ' "Our able and adventurous fri end hIlS und e rtaken to prese nt his views upon ,tph' question. ' In this he remlnlls me I)f a beautiful aW:ln, brens . lng the sea with Ilrched -neck and wlpgs ' outstretched ' lo ·cntch the The baek is the _....u ......"'I!'u~.6 glint at the , sea, mOving . along In serene and stately spl endor, but bliss · woman's organism. tully unconsolous at· the unfathomable attenPion 1;0 t l!ouble tells, with other such 118 depths be low." .
l'ervousness, . pains in the loins, ' weight in the lower 'part of the body, that a woman's feminine, orgnrusffi neQds irnmcdiateatterition. In such cases t he one sure remedy which speedily ,removes the cause. 'and restores the feminine organism to a hoalthy, normal condi tion is
Always. wlt~ Your Blankets. Ou . 8hotc hun at · the Ch'lnese em. bass y on I\. sultry evening In C~pe MI\Y ·condemned the A merican cllm ale " It Is mucb worse t han the cllmat~ of China," he said. '.'It Is perhaps the worst climate In the world. And y et ~PINKHAM'S yOU can joke about It. "A, pbysiclan joked me about It ths other day. ' Mrs, Will Young, 'of (} €olumbia , h 'Accustom yourself, Mr. Ou Shot. Ave., Rockland, Me., says: . chun,' b e said, 'to our cllmate 's ways, ~'l WII8 trQubled for a long time with Our winte rs are arctic, our summers dreadful backaches and a pain in my are subtroploal. And very' otten our aldo, and wnB miserable in every way, climate gets mlled. and arctic days I doctored uutli I wlis dlscoU'raged and and subtropIcal one s al ternate.'· In. thought t would never getl well. I read what Ilydla. E. Pi.nkham s Vegetablo ure yourse,lt, like IDe, t o these changes. Compound hnd done for ot.hers and I, summer sD'd winte r, sleep with ' four deoided to try it; lJ.fter taking three hlankets.' bottles 1 can truly say that I never felt. · 10 well in my lifo." . "'You do?' I gasped . " 'I do. In Bummer: he added, 'I pul Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of F..ast Earl, them under ·file.' " Pa·iwrites to Mrs. Pinkham: ' .. had very severo back&(lhes, and . pressing-down plllns. I eould not sleep HII Work, an.d had no appetite• . Lydia E. PinJc! "A good, hearty meal will help me ham's Vcgetable Compound c\lrcd me at my 'work, ma'" said the wander. aDd made me feel like II. new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN• . er, tapping at. the ldtcben· door. ··For thirty years Lydia E. Pink"Wbat Itt your wor.k?" domanded lbe bam's Vegetable Oompound, made idnd housewife. • Lookln' tor work, ma'am," .aJ4 from 1'QOts n.nd herba, li88 been the ata.:Ddard remedy for ' female ills. Weari, polltely. " , "And IUPRale I Ibould slYe )'Vu • IUld has posftivelycumd thousands of women who have been troubled With JoM" asked "the lady. "I couldn't take It, ma'am," 1&1\1, displacements, infiammation, ulcera.W8lU7, ~Ith .. pathUfc , amil.. "It tion, ftbroid tumO!'8t irre«Ularit.ies, would Interterl wUIa IIl7 work."-Ifar<, periodio pa~ lJacbche, that., hear-
,.,.. Weekl7.
Ing.down feelfug, fiatulency, tndlgee-
- 3"
tEY? EY .,
::~:::~ ::D:~,E c:~::~L:n:r::e: ITRY A HOPPER DOZE~ I TO FIGHT LocusT
Farmers in the World. T bo P08811l111tle~ fU)d rlll'tlune ratioD from furmin g naturally l ead Iq a cl It1I1re fo r social hJlproyeruont and a ~~ank Almost ReSUlted In • Lynching, KerClsene Plia Will Capture and Des troy tbe Pests. lligilor standard of living. 'I'o·d·ay the .n~ Victim Flnda It Hard to mirldlH west Ca r mer Is Ihe b at house rl . Forgive the Author Of olothed ond r u fllr.ll l'r In Ihe world. the Plot. Then certainly Ill'.! IlIOSt Intelll gc:It, !le clu!" s a WJ'It r h Cood ltoH ekRf'! p· Two old collete classmates m t In Inl;. I say this a,lvi sedly. hll\'ln ~ Yotl· [ndtanapoll s last weck, saYG the Sllll Ited the orien t a nd countries of lhe of t hat elly. On was M . Scott II1c M dlterran lin, and spent much ti me ·Donald of Rlcbmond , Va.. and the ·In rural districts 011 the continent and other was Floyd A . Woods, an attor Englan d. To wllat good forllln shall ney of fndlanullolls. Ten yeare ago we ascribe thIs pO!llllon? Own rsll\ p th ese m n were students 111 Wabasb Jt fer tile In nd-a fair , fal lalld! Tile COllege at rnwfordsvllle. ave rage size oC tho farm In J,"rance McDonult1 Is a grandson of the late. and Germany Is f1v acros ; In En g· Senalor Joseph E. McDonald . -Woods , land. where land I, largely In tb e Bnd Mc Donald were frI ends Cor years Janda oC th e nobility. nino aert's; In In Indianapolis before th ey went tc tbe Un ltC'd States ot Ameri ca , 150 college. , acres. When tbey m 1 the other day Mc The greatest appeal tha t th 8011 at· Water and kerosene mixed Ie placed /n this machine or appllartc:-.>, and It Donald sa id : " I have ne ver quite tor· iO rs Is lhe ohcapnes s lind high sta nd· is drawn over a fleld .frequented by grasshoppers. The Insects Jlre ' stirred "'Iven YOII, WoodS: for the time YOt a rd of livin g. The owner oC a tew up and many of them fly into the pans of kerosen .. and water an" .arc;. klllod. nearly got me IYllched." a.cres furni shes broad, meat. fruits. And th reby hangs the tale . vegeta bl es and poul ry In great va· la n lilli e "s itting" which McDonala rlety and In tbe best po ssible condl· and 60me at h is old chums had th~ tlon. The teachin g at primary ngrl. othe r e vening the story was retold. culture and domestic sci ence In the ';1 was only getting even for what rural school can have but a far·reach· ),ou did to me," sa id Woods. "Do you Ing cffect. I t has made a land of It SlmpUfies tbe Work of Raising Poultry. re member the nl gbt [ lay In my while. cooks and a banke r nallon of France. little couch soundly slee pi ng over· Danish tbe Idea that' the corn be lt there a~ Crawfordsville and you ant/ farmer Is an Ignoramus! Rece ntly in some of your fr iends came In with a a small part y were three unive rsIty pitcher of ice wate r and dashed It all '>Taduatel!, .all farmers . Drl vlng a flock over me? Do you remember how I of sbee p along a bl ghway W<UI a Yale ran you b alf a mile down the prln g raduate ; dlrecllng Borne workmen In clpal street attired ln my nIght e recting a line of fonclng was a Har· clothes 1" vard mall. Across the roaoway from McDonald reme mbere d the Incld nt whe re I writ come tl:\o notes of a pl· a·nd he a lso rcmembe red how Woods ana, one of a hair doze n within sound got even . of my vulce. A nelghbor's daughter" A week aftcr the Ice·water Incident ire plckl ,ng berries and seillcting vegeMcDonald and a classmate, Bra..'C Car. ~ abl e s for Iha noonday meal. 'rwo [lenter, started to drIve from Craw. .vagons load d wllh wheat driving fords vill e to Indianapolis. The y had 1)[Ist to marke t. and a II LlI wny off to pass through the village of James- { bear the shrill whl slle of the thresh· town. which tbey would reach about Ing machin e. In th Ilackyard a rollin mldnil;ht. An bour h e fore they ar· and catbird are quarreli ng ove r the N Illite at the fact that the tea gown should be to make a tea so~·n et· rl\'ed the Jamestown marshal received I!holcest berri es. Let's hie to th e fi elds since there Is 110 this telegram : ··It two young men and woodla.nds; I l's back to th e 50\l ! hns III ways b en lool< ed upon ns .de- focll yeo But after Signed prImarily with a vie w to com· sown inore becoming when It Is prop· driving Ii black horse come to your lawn arrest them at once. _Be caTetul , iort, rashlon demand s to·day Utat It erly made and of the right materl!\l. Ho,me Work Needed , Too. must be qu!te as perfect In ·d sign IUId the money is well expended. Espe· they are desperate. Horse stolen." A mln'lster ot a fasblonable chllrch The telegram was signed "Mark fit as any any -otber It e m of the wnrll· clally does Ulls seem to be so when 1 Ne wark has alwa ys lert 111 greet· Ing ot strangers to he attended to by robe" and. moreover, that It IIhall be one sees a tea gown which has been Davis." "I wrot that telegram and push d th usbers until be read l.he ne ws· tho yery last word of fashion, not to too economically constructed. for noth· mention the r Qulrements o[ Individual Ing makes expense seem more jus tlfl· It under the operator's door whil e he paller ar ticl es In reference to the mat. becoming-n ess and perfection of detail. able than to see such a gown which Is was at lIullper," said Woods. "I pushed te r. "Suppose a representa tive should Ther iI; no gown· tn the trollsseau a failure because · at Imperfectlons of a quarter In willi It. Of course the operator had to send It." which offers more possibilities In ·the flt or detail. "fait our cburch:· said his wife "When we turned up at Jamestowll "Wouldn't It be awful 1" . Painted chiffons and fiowered meso way at Individual b auty and becom· Colony hOllses can be made ve ry I-sum e was nInde trom an orgs;" 00.' ingness than the tea gown. And as to salines are amon!: the most cbarmlng a little after mldalght," ,lIald McDon· "It wCHl ld," the minister admlttod The flJl\owlng SllDday evening h u : h aply of an organ box and ,n fe w feet and two rods of netting at a total coat the richness and beauty of the material fabrics for warm weathe r tea gowns. aid, ·'th ere sat the marshal In the mid· neUln"". The lIIu strntlon of $l.46 . If dry goods boltes were employed not ·even the ball gown has Then there are the soft silks with die of the street with a badge on as noUce a, plnlnly drc ssed woman In f wlr . e., nsed ,jn the construction the cost could tho advantase of superiority In this r eo quantities of lace trimmings nnd In· big as my bat. He. arrested us at the one of tile free pews. She sat alone, )~ hown he rewIth, re llrawn fro m an 11· prohn!)ly be lowe red tielo" one .doUB!". aad was el arly not a me mbe r of tb o spect. Nor Is the 1<le l1 at comfort sertlons lo mnke lhem stili airier. poInt of 'two bIg ,revolvers." McDonald and Carpenter were k ept . flock. Arter l he benediction the min· IU!1lralion In J Qurn ul at Agriculture, ThO" clli cks ar~ kellt in tJiI\i' house Ull overlooked entirely i!'I the smart tea whi ch aTe s ui table for all seasons of hlffons of eve ry hue, 110ft unde r arrest until late the nex t after· Iste r hastened and Intercepted her at ilhow s a colony house be has be II lhoy·' are old enou gh to roost on polOll sown. although It has been said that tbe year. using; for a numher or l'ears. The In tire Inrge cenlral bous S. the first requisite Is Its olalm er· saUn and marQulselt and elabol11tely 1100n. They. were- k ept under heavy the · door. "How do you do?" he said, ofrerlng fectlveness. the seoond Its becoming· embrolderlld and la 0 trimmed ballste guard Il8 they were looked upon as ness, and only at tho last comes the gowns are a lso exquisite and are ·very desperat me n. About nine o'clOCk "er his hand. ··r am very glad · to the next mornjng McDonald hat! a l:a\'e YOIl with us." . n ecessity for conslderaUon of Its com· much Beon bls season. happy thought. He knew the Big Four ··Thank YO,u," r eplied the young fort. Notwithstanding this fact. the traIn pass ing east through In)ll estown Nom:.m. the up·to-date teR gown Is IlS com· FO·R BUSINESS WEAR. probably would carry some Crawfords· "I hopo we may· see you often In our 10rta ble a garment 113 ~t was In the vill e men. -hurch hom ," he went on. "We arl3 . days when comfort. ',,·ns he only con· "Come dowlI to the train wi th me," Iws.ys ,glnd to welcome n ew faces:· slderatlon. for with the development he sai d to his guards, "nnd I will can· "Yes, s ir." . of lhe modls.t 's art It has ,become \'Ince yo u that I am Innooent." "Do you II Vo in thIs parish 7" h e _p ossible to so lire easy fitting gowns 'Vhen t he t ra in ·dre w In ba lf a doz n fl sked. which aI' Quit as perfect In fit as raw(ord s vllle men jumlled to th 'the g irl looked blank. though they Il Id the wea rer ln an ~!l' platform . 'rhey had all Ilee n posted '.Jf you will gl \· me yo ur address com [ort.a llie vi s '. by Woods. ' my wife and I will ca ll Oil you some There ar two st)'1 s of tea gowns . "Ask th ese men," sa id McDonald. evening." 'Which must be Included In lbe fashh·n· " Yo u wouldn 't need 10 go far, sir,'· and the marsha l did s o. Each m·an d able outnt. One Is llio gown to be put clared: "[ never saw these fellows ba- said IllEl young woman . ·Tm your on for nfternoon tea time, betwc(>n lhe rare." La te that atternoon l he boy u cooll:." outdoor cos tume· and tb e dinner froclt, we re released on the strenglh of tele· and the oth r Is tho gown sultablo for ram!! tram Crawfordsvtlle. Ju st lie· 1nformal.oVenlng WeRr.. Tile atternoon The Region .Beyond , Alaska. fore Ill elr release. an old ferm er ot tb e tea gow n dlll~ rs from tha~ whIch Is "apt. Ejnnr Mikke lsen, the Danlah locail ly approached lIIcDonald . "I am explorer'. b\lS roLurne d to Copenh ngen \Ised tor Informal evenIng wear prin· : , deenly grieved," he said. " to find that Ilfler hIls two years' .sojourn In t he clpally In the way the neck Is finlsll d. the grand on of myoid friend . S natal' The ntlernoon tea gown Is II sually l·eglons north of A Ins ka. The ch\p,>[ McDonald, would steal a horse anli ohject ()f th e Ilxpedltlon WIUI to d . finished with a hIgh b()ned collar. then add to hIs crime by lying alloul clde wh tile r there was land to the However, If a . rounded or U shaped It." neck, slightly cut out, ls more becom· north of Alaska or a .dee p sea. The "If ·Woods lives to' be a thou sand ca ptalll and a Noqveglall started III tng than the high collar it Is used, Iiut years old," McDonald said, "I don't three s ledges with 18 doss on a - - - '1t must still bo Cllt quite hlg\l and be thlnl< [ will ever forgive him for that. trIp OVI!r t he Ice toward the 110rth. . more In tbe style of the collarless trick: yOI<e than of a positive decolletage If About 60 mlles from shore. th ey found the afternoon tea. gown' Is to be kept wate r which they s ounde1 wlLh a For a ·servlceaple mo.rnlng or Ilusinesl distinct from thBt permissible to~ In· nIlWly' l.nv en ted machIne to ·the h Wall Taking . No Chancei. [ormal evening ·wear. The tea gown hnt the above model Is stylish and dy!. , 1\10ny chlidre n hav e bad many and 0: 1,800' meters without reachlns bot. t!ultable for ' eVE/nlng ~ear "is not ortly able. The hat Is of blacx felt and may lie trimmed In . liny shade vel vet and varied opinions ·of Sant.a Claus, but it tom. Sixty mUes furth er all no cbange cut qulle low, with !jhort sleeyes of the A prelly shade ·'of green wings desired'. remained· for Jimmie, the 'five ·year·ohl was rece" .loed, until at IlIst, turnIng aIriest of fabrics, which usually droop would be desirable for, those who do son of a physician, to suspect bis very' toward the southcast. they found bot· orr the shoulders, but It is also more tom. They followed tills cdge of the not care for blacl<. honesty. . . pronounced o.r elfec'~ve In Its 'style coln!lnental shelf toward tbe enst, bllt His mother was telling about It than the afternoon tea gown and Is Bonnet Strings Are Here. the other day when the conyersatlon bad soon to retu rll owing to the made of the costliest mate rial!> and Although honnets themselves havt happened to drift to the subject at strong. current. Capt. Mikkelsen was very elaborately. not aotually arrived , or been revived, thus able to prove that d e p wilter In the matter at 1Inene89, perfectl0i bonnet strings are bere, nnd Immense- Cbrlstmas. It hoppened last Christ· runs north of Alaska to a great dis· mas. A day or two before the ·ex· of ftt and detail It has no advantage ly smart they are when attached to tnnce. over the afternoon tea gown, but It us· . the right sort of headgear. The typical pected visit of Santa t:laus the boy's toys wore all missing. The mollier, ually produ<;es 1\ more 'elallorate effect. dlrectolre bat, which Is really a poke, Inclculation Picnics in Illdla. Inde.ed, the dlfterellce between the I\ft· Invnrlnbly ahows the strings 'a ttached accustomed to having to Illck thorn 'rho llnoculaUon of n~t1y e s ngllinst ~rooon and evenIng tea gowns to the edges of the brim directly allove up 60 . times a day, marveled thllt is rather 'dIfficult to determine the ears, going brielle fashion ben e!\th her son should so fJuddenly · take It the plltlgue at ,l ,"ngnlore ha ~ Ilecome ~cept ·In the, l ~ nltth . or depth the chin llnd tying at one side. Other . upon himself to be tidy. She lOar·· more or a social event than somelhlng of the ·decolletage, and the dlf· very wlde·brlmmed hats carry wide vcled and wondercd until she finally to . be dreadc<l and fenre tl. T·he na· ference between tho Inforllllil evenln'g satin Tlbbon strings, which do not go asked him what had become at the tlves do not lik e Ilain . of any kind mnd~ by the Instrum'e nl s at ,the E,:ngJl5h t ea gown and the , dinner gown Is undorneath the chin, but · are II1erely toys. "I hid t~em," he said " confidi ngly . sahlbs, but they love music and things -equally dlftlcult aQd taltes a · trained looped against tbe left ear and In " Hid them?" asked bls motller. to ea t. . The refore, a magnifi ce nt observer to be absohitely sure at. A.1 1 some Instances ' the wide rlbbonl did you hide them?" ".Why Inoculating 11avill oll has been erect· tea gawne, of course, g ive the appear· placed at the !nner edge or the bri m He looke.d very soiemn for a mo- ed by d-he municipality of Dangnlore . . .ance ot being only seml·fltttld · gar· wIne It joins the crown are crossed ment before he replied .: 'rhe Important natives of lhe town :ments, ·as the outer material Js used In and tied at the nalle of the neck. After . "Well, mamma, I dldn·t. know bllt Th!.! plant Is sqn:ellmes a bush ten In.t eneRs of C01ll ing h;to fl ower, whlcll this taslltonl ·wbereas tn reamy they ell It Is a matter at tancy and also of mllybe Santy would want to give them galhcr there, the Indlall band dis· penses sweet ,-"uslc, ' attendants (iI!Io )1' more t at high ar.d somell mes a is In SeptJ llI be l' and October. The Dow. .nre made ull. over the most !larefully sult.abillty, for not to every woman are to some poor little boy." pense H,weet cakl;ls and fruits. and the Tree 25 teet 111gb, according to the lu~ e J·lng t'nk s plnc ,,,hlle the lenves are :fitted lining,S. bonnet strings becoming. ..,. . physiclulls operate, to their· hear~s' callty In ·whlch it "Is round. It grows fall{n g nud continues on until winter. In order tliat a tll& · gown may be Tbe fruit talces the whole of lhe next content. L .. mp Shades. -effective one of the first requisites Is In the . stal s east ,of Ihe Ml ssissiplli g rowing senson to mature. 'I'he bar. Good Reply. The newest thing In lamp shades Is "thls careful flttlng ot the lining. The It Is' ort -nesl found on Ih e river. For 20 long minutes the city man and th e lea ves wer used as medlcin. long ,lines and abnormally small hlps,. a frame covered first with pale pink haj watched ,the country lad bait his Individual 'Regenerstlon. Mnlts <if streams or In the moist Ily Ih e Indl aas und are so used bJi lOft silk, mounted with a shade of -which are the demands of ·thls Ilea· hot)ks and pull In the st:!eckled beau· ThIs movement which Is hailed as· Iln)ods . The tree Is remarkable for Its Ihe whites. ;'oli's ·faahlonl, are just al. neCessary beautiful hand-made Irish .crochet. Of t ies of the brook. dawning of a new era Is but the tJ\e -tor the proper effect of a tea gown course, thIs II quite expensive, but a 'What 'you doln', bub?" he drawled, obstruction In the at true ;prog· for any other soWn in the watdrobe. very pretty shade of good Imitation wIth a yawn. "F1nhlng7" Colostrum Mllk.-Tlle milk given by Wh ' n ho t water Is poured Intu colo rells. The real upUmng of a people hClfne 'The tea ,o"n mu.t not tor a moment .tilet lace that r.ould be copted "Naw," snapped the exasperated socially 'a nd governmentally can be at· 0. cow for tb e tlrst IhreG or four dllYS strum milk It curdles.-Prot. H&rTJ .uggest e .. en ~e ~OI!It ,elahorate of at B small co~ WQuid answer the pur-· angleI'. . tained only thrpilgh rellgloUB and nfter oalvlng Is quite dHforBnt In 001· Snyder. :1Iegllgelf ..nd· that It may not do 110 POBe. "Ain't flshlng? , Wbat moral regeneration of all the . 11\dl· or, la9te, nnd appenrance from milk ",hlle It sttn adhere. to Ita selDI·titting The trame of thla dealgn can be ftrst inc: tben?" Clean Mllk,-It Is gellerally .u~ consUtutln, that people. II In Ite normal condItion. Sucb milk o(Iharactert.t1c marvelous Iklll In the (!overed with. pink and then the la~. "Outtlng Ice, mister; cutUn~ Ice. the natlOJ1 Bnd be.f ore Indl, i~ ea1'le<;l . colostrum mill<:, and has dlf· posed that milking l~ tbe yai'd I. co... «raplnl of the outalde matertal as well (!ut to flt each Beetlon Imoothly. Tbe Any.thlng else you w~bt to klloW Just pernlclous beUef ·tb·a t '0' , (er9llt chemloal composition from or- duclve to pure nlllk, but even Iltat II-' .. 10 the · Ilttlol of the link, II ra- lower edge ~n be flnlshed wIth .hal· to up to the rallroad st~Uoll and, ask InilDrclvement can be wrought b, IlInar)' milk, Colostrum milk Is yellow pcnds. "4ulre41 The prtce of OI1-e these low, round Icallop.,. one to a section, tor the informatlon bureau." . . • ' .' • • . Coutl In color aDd haa 11 sweetish taste and ".Imple house aowu" I. therefore not lUld the seam. jolnlq the . section. The Hen Vard.-lnc.reIlBe the .Ire 01 .ADd, mopping the pel's1llrBtloli from I. DO cure for the 1\ characteristic 011), feeltng. When !IJIc:ODilderable; eapeclaU, when the, concealed .bJ • Dano..,. white IIIDl hll brow, the Jouupter CdnUDuad manlda."--COu' boiled it coagulates, or account of the the hen yard;, so thnf. tho ar amollAt at alblUDeD prellwt.! net be all eat.e.u QJt. ~=:1~1If bud work ud lIaIldso.. .map. TJlb trbu the 10fti' ~. . altO, tpIQ wttlaOllt IUIOtllw ,,0r4.
Hamamelis Virginica-Witch. liazel
ciDeU, . . .
Ii Wlaat It • bIIIl ~ ....-
white ~.
-- ;;
e:Jl1oss Men's 81 H
Dle4 Of L<Kkjaw Egg Trust Sma!!hed. Ed.w lu Percy W"lke\", aged fort,y. '1\welve hundred dozen eggs made t \VO, died "horrl ble death uf look. ,& hu g~ yellow spot d the or088ing FOR j,,'v, caused hom running Il nail in 10f tbe Ohio Electrio railroad at hts foot. So{De ten daYI AgO be aooi. W68tOll ~a turday night, when a oar dentally Itepped on It nail ; the ,Itruok and demolilhed a wagon wound oltueed bim little t rouble at oontalnlnll the egg8, driven by a fint but lut Thureday he oom· · produoe dealer of th\\~ town . His Plai~ed of a Itift'nelH about themus 101!8 WU ' '400, olel of bil neck . A phYlLioilm Willi -' - - called aad it was found thllt tetan us Routed By Bee The "hom~·run" of do thing val· bad developed . All tbat humaD ai" A s Wlorm of beelj took p088888ion Ue8 best judges 8ale In of Dayton . Men h .. . w a-the are snre vaiues witl equId do waa daDe, but diee_sll OJ~I(\ of the confectloDery Btore of W. B . make straigbt for tbls store. They'l1 Ul)~ ~ obecked. After struggling for Sti nebergBr, of Tiffin, and fo r 88V. tryon Ihe olothes, feel the fabrio!' ·:" I~. two days be was relieved 'by eral hours kept the proprle'or and note the superb sty Ie and fit of tll~ 'dea~b 8unday mornlug. - Beth el entire oler' ioal toroe d bay Tbe garmbents, an4 they' ll buy, tor t h S6 . , ' , ar9 y far the most Ilttructive oll'er , ':ToarDal. bees obtamed an entrance through inK8 in men's clot hinK today a transom t hat b,.d ooen oareteslly . ' , Sale Of Horse. . left open. aud wben the proprleto~ Handsome Fall Suits--AII Shades, " qlyd. Marlb, a youug man from .rri ved to open ~he dore myrilldll l Including Blues and Blacks ~prlD,boro , wa. taken from tha of them ...~ere eDgaged in oarrying I ''''''OD boa.e at Day&on ia8' Thor. aw", bis sweeta. Before the b888 j " --All Sizes. day morDlng to polioe headqoar~rI were vanquisbed a detail from tbe J These are the s ubsta:n tlal , splen wbere be w.. olOiely qU8Btioned ra. , fire department was called to usist. dldly tailored sort of olol;hell t,hatllp latin to tbe mYlterlous disappear. . . peal to good dressen-t he kipd we '~'.n08 and sale of a . horse. The I Wholesale Burglary. gladly baok rip with y01lD& man il well dreeaed and. did i Bnr1lau. visited tbe village of Ar. / "Satisfaction .or' a N not 188m to *ake tbs matter 8flrl0UI· oanam Obio last week, looted every • f ew y, bueiu8811 bonse in tbe town and tben SUIt Free. ' made tbeir elO~ ~itb considerable We ' e Id th $15 ' t R-'-nlng 'Thel'r Work . v sa e SU1'·S are worth < --.~ plunder . _ $18 and $20, ana we mea'n it A com . :tiOl'H tbintll are beginning 'beir Two memberJl of the burglar parl80n with tbe 0lotbe8 l' oft'eted w~ut~ work, good anlmall having band deoo},ed Town Mar'Jbal Vbar. elsewbere will quiokly oonvlDce you be8Il saten from bitching noki at )tII Fry out 'in~ the OOUD~y, by of tbe advi8a~llity of bllylng bere. wndon, Springfield Ciroleville and luepioioul aoliool Ind 'belr oonted· W.Jnee~l1e. . eratflleaeked the village. _: ", " '" Small.amouDts of ouD were taken I Says ~e Don't Know Her .,'. fro~ "ob pl&o&, tbe lar.-t 1081 N ;~. B. MoGUl 'Wbo oondDo~ the ' luttin, f~om tbe "boleale tben of CLOTHes. f'UIU~ISHIN()" Otboro Local ..nd mad. hallooD... merohaodi,e 08D,I/.ODl witb inexperienoed .glrl'l, .. ' ' .~ . ' - - hU )MIen Bned for divorce by a WOo . Objecting To Seining. " '.... . wbo ' claim I tba' be ill 00' '" ' . Have Big Class h2ht. B- H. )loGm ' but tha' bil rlKb$ " e~~iint&iinin g '~Ia ~anig of fmen The firMt olallb figM at Wit.tenber~ ., '-! lie n ng t b e _ am. rver rom e l l s . . Dame il W. B. ·BaRb\1on. MoG',ll .frankliD to tbe . W68~ Carrollton 0 ege. prl~gfield, OhiO, of any _yw he doee not know the wom.a\ 81noe . dam, 'LI'--'-b urg lMIop1a are S t ren·' OODllequence Th da . 1904, ' took plllo" and . .I n.ver married to ber. nonal,/' ob'eo'io . urI TmOrnlD! when the juniors : "" J r and senion fougbt ovor a banner : Slide Down Shute .. .. Skong pro." bave been made for several bourl. Wblle tbe '. ~ agaiolt ~be faUure of tbe gama war· I " . len , LM' week fire brote o~ \n 'he cleo 10 de*~ or effect the arrel~ of ors were greatly oatnumbered. Troy 8&oo.l'roo' factcry,.' Tr~y, . ~e alleged vlola&ore of the law, wbo tbey were abte to bold tbeir own Obib, aodina fewml.a~th.ln-' Ilth idl I in dea I itb and at the fiDlsbhoDOfil were about Un .eoood ltOr, waS;' mue of \ ~,~I':P b el'l ~ , evenly divided. 'fbeeclrap followed e r UD fluDea The blne .tarte!l·in 'be ja: 1&. i I DI ed thseoal .y ~.~!IJ. ,exeroises In the obapeillt whiob the • • • 0 a m e 118 nee are WIOU at . ' . punta, roOm wher. a lire bad , 0 t'I:b' or In "b e ear1y moro iOK b Y' aniont tormally presented ,a cement l d beea. .rMd iD ·tbe oven to beat tbe we1l kilOWD meD d8l1 naW b W& k an S~Pl1LA a memoria! to tbe room T~ p i from tbe ,&lolioll ID ' . f .h bj-...... 11."'.-.fIt ~,lllstttU"OD. A jnolor jlnmped ~:"- I.o":._ .:; ad I lome 0 .• e 0 "".orll al ".,..- 81. ~h · · ... d bbed I ..... ,~ ~ ..nt .xploded .. D , It 11 Mid 'he prao\ioe bad been ' iD'. e a.age an gra " 88n or ...n· ' . 1iaomeD' tbe eotire room .1 ''''' 'd ug 1 ed for thepu' t h l'flt'Wee.lI, ... nero Thill was a Ilgnal for a gener. . ~ :of tlamfll: Six glrll wbo were ' . . a 1 m I J::~Up wblcb was Ol)ntlDaed UPOD ., WOrk ' in 'be IMIOOnd·I&or,/. were Presence Of Mind. tbe ~mpull. Clothes were torD, oa' ot&om the stairway aDd in or. ' R ' 1) r ' I ad In tlie faces scratcbed aDd teetb knooked _ to ....... tbem181 v •• IUd dowD .. .p 111M~_ ern:. w~':!' 01 b d tb on', wbile the battle Iraged. Pr68· OD ft'a t e ideo' Heokert wall a'tr'Roted to the abute. ' lI;nY ~~r·fi" urJ f . ' enIf 0 I n,er en 0 n a soene and requested tbe baooer . May 'Stay Loncer . . 00 . . mill laat WedDeeday. Bf!. wblob was tbll canse of tbe trouble. ~.awillb Prlllident Brown I• .-0' ! . . . . . eDPIed in griDeSlul oaft'ee aDd JIe was handed a bSD't rod. That "~1 aDd il loterested l~rgely '.In/ m~ob~lIde b~.tDr· IItopped, be was an that wa!l left olr the emblem. ..... ' Farquhar J!'nrnace oOlDpAny', t . rUIU e In ex nger on 'b,e le!t ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ aDd bad iDtended to ..ver'bis 000. hand into tbe Ulaoblne, wben It ·· , • o~Uoo with WilmiDgton Collep .," Ind,denly ltarted again, o.ttln~ th, the expiration of the preeeD~ ootl~e member oampletely oft' below tb., . , y~, wben tbe ' exlltlllg oontrac', leooDd jOiD'. W"b Kreat pr68en08 with board of IIlaDallerl explree, of mind, he re.nraed tbe mnohtne fdecle of botb PresideD' Brown with, bie free hand 'bus 81lVing t,be .-4 tbe Collage will be .• ratified \0' en \ire member ftom ~iDglacerated. .,.e1IIeklUl eol4l.rGrI,pewlUl·'J're?Inllcs" '1earD ,,,,t ,blre 18 .tlll a probabill .. A .lurSeGn wae .conllnlted .. ~d the gj"::.!=t.r:.::~.?:::f~ooI": -.of hie oon&lo11OO oaDneolloo with Inlar1 dr8lled, but maoh pfttn bll. ob an.rtra . reb. To beaun. J>re. .~ . d '" b ' deep!], _ted cole! bUS &M Coli.... io ao eXAOutive UIlI~.~;I. . oaUH uy t e aOO1dent . tile _IIal..-cll.rbMII. or • . 1Ul)'.,ld •• Tbi..•• ~ beUer.
w ..... ww ........
Christmas Presents These magazines may be sent as Christmas presents to lo",-'d ones. Remember, t~ey will be sent to any address.separately that you Wish, and in this way YOli can make two or three heart8 happy, lor there Is nothing that a person likes better than a·good magazine. These offers had better be taken advantage of as ~n as possible, so that If they are Intended for Christmas presents, they will reach their destination In time 10 make some heart glad. We can' furnish you with any magazine published, and at a reduced rate. The money must always acc:om· pany the order. Call and talk It over with us.
deD~i. ·dDtl... .
IJr lraln.
• ' .'
Odfoa,db~~lbIO~I' borme. Fortl'b men
All tbree for.... ... .......... :l 00 Our Price ,.. ... .............. $2 50
American Magazlne.. l yr $1 00 ., Amertolln Boy .... :.... I I 1 00 .". Miami Glllietta ......,' . , I 1 00
Judge Library ........ 1 ,r $ 1 00 BOllton Cooking Bohool 1 00 Miaml.Gllzette...... .. .... 1 UO
-Van · Wer~ cOunty and beeomiog m. ~d ltarkMl fortbe reeideDee of an .' ~Dole~ walling' ()~ the .r ailroad traok. Meetiog ao acquaintance wUb wbomhe becameen,a,ed 10 conver~ ,...'iou he eat.dowD 00 tbe railroad ~raok ~..ra bridge . . lie did not ob Mr.e an aporoA.1blDI train uotll -it . was toO Ia~ to olear tbe track aDd _'root by the pUot of the looomo. .tive and burled from ~be bridK', 'be btlDl -OD $be baok of bill bead. "l'boulb he tioleredfor'eleveo bonrs after the.aooident be did not r8ll aio QOII8CliouaDell, . He W&I born' and reue4 Dear 1I0rrinme aDd wu 1ft ~iI twenty.flrtb ,year.
Strkkea Family. The wllol.' family of J. AI. M"'r. ~tt of llueytlle, near ZaDelvme, OIUo. . . . .Vloteo with typhoid TM.pndmotber 11 dead, • . . ... , . _ the f.ther ...d· mo'b~ ~ . .. . . . .&1.1 ~dIHoo. 'It I. doe to well
. ...... .. ""r 'I .
Magnlflce.nt Gift,
pllICr tel hI.dIII nIIcf ·_ ILI..,J 1r.....
Livorites .
Cara Chronic ConlltlPation, and· All Liver .nd Kidney Troubles.
Fer .... && t'e roUowlla placee:
KlI1JoD'., lloanljoy'8
Tbe Alpha
CookiDg Club ..... .. .... 1 yr $1 00 MetropoUtan ........... •. 1 00 Mll\mi Ga:r.ette ....... .. " 1 00
All 'bree for .. .... ....... .. ...
Our Price ..... ...... ......... $2 50 .
3 00
All for ...... ... .................... 6 l)O OUII Plriee-.. ~.....'..... " .........:..$4.,75
AU thlee for.. ...... .. ......
3 00
Metropolitan .. .. ..... 1 yr '1 World's Work .. .... , I S C08mElpolitlln ·.. .... .. .. 1 Mlamt Gazette.. .... " I
00 00 00 00
Our Priee ........... .. .. ...... $2 50
All for ... ......... ..... ..... ..... 6 60 Our Price ..... , ...... ... ...... .. ·15
Revlllw of Revlows .. 1 yr Success...... ...... ...... ,f Coamupolitan ......... . 1 Miami Gazette.... .... , I
$3 00 1 00 1 00 1 0(\
. All fonr for .. . ....... ........ 6 00 Our Price .... .. .... ......... .. $4 50
Dellnelltor ... ......... 1 yr fl 00 GoO(} HOU8ekellplng" 1 00 ,I udle Library......" 1 00 Vopktng Clob........ , I 1· 00 8i8 Hopkins .... ....." 1 00 Miami GllZette......" 1· 00 All tor ........................... 6 00
Our P, ce for All....... .. $4 50 ' ~
Womftn'S Borue Com. pllnlon ... ........ . 1 yr $1 26 Delineator ............ :. .• 1 00 MIllmi 6aze&te ... ....." 1 00
Everybody ........ .... .. l yr $1 50 Delineator......... ..... I I 1 00 a"rper's BaZar ...... II 1 00 'Miaflli Uazette........ I, 1 00
All three for ....... .. .. ...... :S, 26 ;. Our Pri~e.. .. .............. $2 75
A Purely Vegetable .Laxative
j -f
Our Price.. .... .. .... ... .. ... $2 50
~r.nch Office, HarveY8bul'l', O. .
AU three for .. ...... .... .....
,. .
OFFER NO.4 ( Garden Magazlne ... l ,r ' $1 00 Unole Remull ........... I 1 00 Miami GllzeUe·...... ... "' 1 00
Throu,b .t~e II,t of Mrl. ··E mery '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ofCinoinoatl, of a balf milUo~ dol· tarl for ';' Dew bome ..for tbe ,Ohio WALTER M. URE, MeohaDI~' IDtI'itu~ at: (JaDal and Walnn' Itreete, thebf!ginnlnl or an. . . Funerai Di~'"to~. indu.trhU mUleUlD will ' be made, "'hloh if 'be planl ot Supt. Mbearer ar. carried out, will 'be uoique .in it.1I way aDd II calCulated to give ,rea' Telephone ' day or night. impe&al Co tbe 'iDdultrial deYelop. Valley pbone No.7. Long meot of Clnolnoatl. Distance· No. .6~1-3r. WA VNESVII:.LE
:I 09
Onr Pr1~e .... , .. .. , .... .. , .. $.2 .50
c Barper '8 Baz.r ........ l yr $1 00 Sis Bopkins ...... ...... .. 1 00 I MilllUi Ullzette........ .1 ' 1 00 • rc..
·\VIl,Y''lesville'. Lea.ding Dentiet ' Uilloe in Ke18 Bld~. '. MalJl Si
. .
.All three for .... .. .. ....... ..
Orel Fern Snoolrua. Mon of Jolln , •• e ~amee . or 88vera oun. B. Siaodgraea. reliding near Wil. The blaze .tarted 10 JOIepb Dat. "llL DEALERS" mlolloD w..· kmed' .by 'a train "Ii '. farm. ~notber fire WIlS ~~~~~~~~~~~~= Vua Wert oannty on the tbird inlt. ·on tbe MoFar)and f"rm ae"r Se oW. . ID tbe employ of a consio io Donnelvl1Ie by a traotlon engine. R. HATHA
H. E.
All four for .... ... .. .. ..... ... 4 50 Our Price ..... . .. .. ........... $3 50 OFFER NO. 12
/, "'!'"'----------
- , . . ilrllaIIIa -'.m. rOIl
OFFER NO. II Everyl.iody ........ .. .... l yr $1 50 Amt'ri~n Boy. ...... .. " 1 00 Piotoriall Revitlw .. .. : " 1 00 Mi, ~ml Gllzette... ..-.. •• 1 00
Worlll 8 Work .... 1 yr . 00 Everybolly.. ......... c, 1 00 U00888.. ....... ........ I. 1 00 Miami HIl ~ett9 ......" 1 00
, --1 ' "1'
aItolllllle bone 0141
Our Price ....... .. ...... ...... $2 50
-l. eriIhD:t';:=1i~.:,;:-m&c!l~::
,n" . A) I th~ ~or .. ....... , .. .... .. 3
~~ - _ ...... • nu-.f/,~~~:~~oy~.r&u..'-:l
... .................... . . . ................ i. .
.I ~
W"::tt~g==. XoQulD.
~~rn~eU:~~~d~!:~e ~!~eeo:::g:he :
'AU three for .f . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . :i 00 l Our Priee .. .... ............ ... $2 50
e -.. · L::: .,':.T.rJebt.
S'IIOp That Cold
Good B o u~ekfl epin~ ., l yr $ 1 00 Pictorial Review ....... 1 00 Miami Gt\zet.te .......... , 1 00
FIrell'ltarted by I!parlre from en., glD8B oaull8d f"rmers t.u fight hard to ave their bome. property nortb and wee' of Sprlogfield, Obio. T b d ed rf 1 d 1'0 un r acree 0 arm an . W~.I
uoce88 ...... ........ .. . 1 yr ,1 00 • Cosmopolitan.......... 1 00 Miami Gazette...... ,, ' 1 00
Farmers Fight Fire
Note Carefully These "y onderfully Low Prices, Make Your Selection and Order by the Offer. Number.
' board of mAo..,ers baa ..............tlon • to employ a competent lP8tnlc&or 'eacb tbe branobllll DOW tIonght . P ....t4eot Brown. la . wbioh oue' would dnote nil oonoflC"on' wUb . Sbe Qollqe it][olusivelyto tbe pr.l.
According 10 our ahnouncoment of lIull week , we are giving this sp3!=c for the' benefit of our readers. We are going to make these offers 10 you nnd hope thereby to not only benefit you, but to make ot!wrs hal'" pyas well. If you have a neighbor that does not take the Gazette, show him what we have to offer. He may be only too glad to avail himself of this opportunity, We will allow a commission on every new sub· sC ription to the Gazette. You can make quite a nice sum by takin, subscriptions for the Gazette.
All four for ................... . 4 (;0 Our Price. ;.................. $3 50 .
Don't delay too lorig In making up your Qrd~r. as ~hey may soon t;e take'n out.
OFFE~ NO. A. TimeR StRr ..,:................. .... .... .... 1 yellr $2 .00 Farm Pre88...... ...... ...... ....... .. ... I, 25 . Elgbt Bellutifnl Pioture8... .. .. .... 1 00 Miamt G~zette .................. " ..... " u 1 00
OFFER NO. C Obio State ,Journal... ....... :....... 15 mo $3 00
All tor ......... ............ ... .... ....... ....... ;...
All for ....... .. ................ ... .. .... ..... , ...... :. .J , 25 O· . . ur price ... ......... :........... ............. : ..... $4 00
Our price
all............. ..... .. , .. .. ,. ..... ' . $2' 50
('1 II 18 olfer will Dol be good after Ocl. :Ilet)
:~tl00.~J Mtookmlln "nd Farmer ... 3 mo
ami Ga1.ette .. ...................·....... 1 yr
25 1 00
) OFf:ER NO. ~
You b '. Qompanlon ................. 1 yellr $1 ·75 Miami Gazette".... ...... .. ...... ...... " 1 00
D~yton ,J.(IUrnlll.. ...... ... ~. '.... ........ 1 year $' 00 MIami Uazette ...... ......... .. .... ..... .. 1 00
Botb f"r .. , .................. ~, ....... .... ...... :,.. 2 75 ·Our price ..... : ............. :..................... . $2 65
O~r price .... ...... .: ... ..... ~ .. ,..................'. ~ "90
•......... ...,... .•.•.•••.
Not.•·ce ' .
Both for...........................................
........... . . .•• w.wu.
ill. '
3 00
.e. .... ...
We waDt our reeders ,to have tbe money bene.flt of maRazi~elll aDd news • papers meotioned In o~r offen. Bot tbllt 18 not all. We can furnt,b any " . . magazine or DeW81)8per publlilbed. at a reduoed price. And' wby? Beoanlle . we are in a positi~u tQ furnish tbem ~t a price tbat ·all can alford to bny and t,bereby save a lot of money 00 t~e transaction. . . .. .! . "Magazio88 olln be furnlsbed sepa.rately If desired. " I n lIendintr your order by.mail money mnahooompaoy tbe order. '['bIll' will be abllolu&el ~ec8118.. ry ID orde! to get t·be magazlDes, &II owing to tbe extremel, low price ot tbo ' offen cub mue' ~mpaoy the order. ' . . ' '. • e __ All orden .bould be written plaioly, and addr88lfd to
, "
1'",,11. '1 11
P'I- H'l-l IN \ ' AI.L fl: Y
L .
I.J_~~ N
· l \I ~
aLlM , M .... ' :!I lI rt'1
EdIt 'r
I ' ALI.
NO .' ,
Mtllllll(fl J'
RateB of Subscription 1I' 1.lll ,ur,
S l " ~ k I~" I' Y
_ _____________ llateM of Adverti!lementll
He ad lu g I.u 'a.19, loor I\nl· Ile a.lln l: I,oca l. , bl tlch rue", per lin t' Oln.sltl e d Ad ~, U tl~ W uxoe.. 1 'l'h roe Illse ril II
'ard ot
,O:ic . IOc H.
'I'hllnk .. "
lte.() lul1oll~ .
Pro. . ceedlngs, Real Estate Trans-
W".\· II~~ \' lIh" 0111(, Frank Couden On Tr~I:'-Court
'I'~~ I.I~ PlmNI':,
tJltA N 11: .
. ~iio
fers, MarrlaKes, Etc.
In Wl1ttot of Ira Oliborn aD a1l8led Inllane perllon. Adj1ldged ·inune and entitled to adml88lon into AllY , lum for Insane "t ·Dayton. EstH.te ot .John ~heebacl deceased Inventory and appraise~ent flied: J!lstate of William Hardy, deo8ilsed Fharles Lewllf appointed !Apprailler In place of C. Wilber !vinll wbo is tin able to Berve. In matter of the guardianllbip of . Mary Clements an imbecile. J . W , Wllrd appointed guardllul with bond of '10,000, In matter of gnardianshlp Ilf Milry Clemonts an imbeoile. J . W . Ward gave bond of '10,000 with the United tl'ates Fitlelity and Uuaranty Company as Beonri ty .
Fun"i M. CoudeD, of Morrow, cIIs~ler in tbe offioe of Hurveyor of Cllstom", Armor ~mith, In the Federal l)Undin" in Vincinnati, WIlS placed f I h on trilll all the oharge a ,m au8 aug K I f a ter before .ludlJe ye, 0 reen I nunty 10 tbe oommon Pleas oourt he re 'fuelldav morning, 'rhe 11r8t day' W~8 oonsumed in the selectloll of a jnry, it beiog 06068l'llrV 10 summon a. special venire in order to oomplete the paoel. Wednetlday morniug ' the jury ac, oompilniad by the IAUurneysfor both IIldes went to the soene of the 8hoot· mg at Morrow, Lllte Wednelld~y after noon tbe first wltneRSell for thl1 dei'ense y,ere lIummoned but littllt d eve Iope d , Mr Conden Is acou8ed of having Ulorl'~llY sbot Fred MoDermott,lI.t the Couden home in Morrow la8t, 8prlng. He adwits of having shot at McDermott bnt claims it was for self defenoe, MoDermott being found in tbe Vonden hen roost, and when t!lld to "olear out" threatened Cou den The line of defen~e will be • oarrledout tbroug h se If d e fense . The defendallt 18 rllpres 'mted b,v .Judge J. A. Ruoyan and Ju~ge a. W Stll.nley whtle Proseontlng At torney George E. Young Is oondnot· ing· tbe 08se of the state unassisted. . New Suits.
~ HELP ~
'j ,
88~~: o~;~~~~~ra;,r'~u~!~e~f~~I~I W
A,. TED Gash,Value 'Prize Puzzle
take pl ..oe Wednesday, Ootober 4, 1908, two mil88 weet of Waynesville, at 10 o'olook and oonslsts of 5 honeEl four of them registered, and 1 pair of good ml1i1e8 i 5 hBad of o..ttle, all eligible to IreglstTY ; farming impl(l. ments, houl. ehold goode , eto, . Ttlrmll : All sums of $3.00 and uu , der Rill be cash, over tbat a oredlt wlll be given to purobas8r giving approved soourities, FRANK E. TnOMAII, Admr. GF.o . E, RILItY, Clerk.
Hnlng only recentl y oompleted some further additions to OUT fao· tory , we will be in a position any time after Ootober 15 to furnish employment to Il number of young women eighteen years of IIge . and abo:v e , also young married men Ilnd head. of falliilie~ where t bere are two or more , ohildren above the leglll working age and where all de sire steady employmeut, , For further partioulars ' tlddress :
The American Pad and Textile Co.,
Celebrated Magic 39 Puzzle Can YOti Solve It?
14 The MaJric 39 Puzzle. l'l1ke
lloYllumber from 8 to 1 7., locJUlI • . e and p llOOO 10 tile nIn e 8IJ.uares on ,hi.. n r " aepl1ralo . bee ' of papl!f, . 0 lha' when It II 1I ~ \l rcd ll orlzonl " lIy, diagonally o r perpeodlo· ularl y Il wll l ilfl all, 'I'be s ame number c aD ' uo t be - U R~d Ul or~ thun twice, Coo"'.' I. 01'''" I.() all rea,Oers or 'l'HE MIAMI G AZEl"l'E who unolOS thl M a.O with lhelr aolutloD . • prlzu will be gi ven to ~1I penon• ..,ndln,lo
Greenfield, Ohio, The Western 8~r bu jU8t gottell ~~~.!'!"_._~_!'!" _~.-!'!"_."'!'!"!~~~~'!""!~'"'!'!" Wllila,m Sheehll.,u, to Tbomall ree · through \1/1'1) oorn contest, In U hc(.(.l lllll fot .. I V ~ II(11l 4'o lltrl\ L. • PIANO 'I' UN INa nl Mn 6 "'J wores ill [urtleoreek town ~ D .. wbloh Chili.!! . Mlohener took t h e " IIhll' ' .1 .. nd otber conlllderatloDs. thi d ' Th t t • Main W~~ UNF: S I}'\Y, O( l'O B1'!H :II , 1008, "~t B I C T prize . e OOn es was oon· .1 . J. 'I'homplloll Jr. ,.43 E , .. L UOIUIS C . MOUUoa ~ e eu , cor rect a.ns wers. Mouuts 120.43 acres In Warren duoted on lines as taught in the St. , Lebaoon , Ohio. Satisfaotion Wlon er s wil l be notilled by mall , • oountry sohools, and tbe oorn was guaranteed . Valley Pbone . 5.4 .B. Se nd your s ol o tlon o f puzzle , Il'ltb Dame couut,v, 6000. glveo ont by the Star last IIpring. •_ • 'l'fln more (1IIys unti l Hallowe'en. 3 nt) a dd rc~s pillhi lv wrl t \en, to J. Merrill Bone, administrator?f .. _ • ROAD IMPRO·-V-E-"-IE - NT ~we (t":Y1I UI4 811d II nd dreary , /::)Brab E. Koogle, deoeasfjd '0 AlVin I;tomltooh troubles wonld more The but It don't ,·"In . L, 8006, real estllt·a on tbe CUlCln- quiokly disappear if the Idell of '1'be Xenlll Dttlly GIl'l.ette gives natl pike '2260. treating the olluse, . rather than the the following aocount of tbe spirit , Furniture and Plano Co. ArIa May Luti to James and Eva effec~, would oome Into praotloe. A of "ood roads Bnd might be emulated "Wheo th" hUMt hI on tbe pump Lit t . 8 '·11. towo tiny, insldel, hidden nerve, says Or. co onlf rell ell a It 10 aIDI OD . - Shoop, governs ~nd gives strength with ' profit, to oor own township kin " does not mean tbat we hao Complete House Fumiahers, ' Ihlp, '1, and other oonslderatlons. to the stom.Iloh. A branoh also goes roads : better !.eke tbe Hame puwpkln8 in A. E . Martin and Carrie M. $(I tbe Beti~rt, and one to the KldThe farmers residing along the or the~ will get wet, J 14 S. Main St. .Middletown, 0, tin to W . W . Akar real ee'at.e in neys, Whoen tbese "Inside nerves" Olifton 110ll Codluville (>ike have ,rr t 'I d other oon faU, then .. he organs mu'!!' falter. narren ooun y, ,an ' Dr . l::lhoop'lI Restorative is direoted during the last few weeks 8bown '1'he f!ohooill-both oity and oonn slderatiOlls , .peolfioally to these falling llerves their· progressive spirit by ~borough try - ill 1\ ltourlHhlng oondltlon Tbe Craue and Breed Mf&. Com- Witbln 48 hours after starting the Iy improving the road whioh hal! this year, aud rellOrtli are that they pany to David W. Taylor, 7095 Restoratlvo treatmeot patients say been in a very bad ' oondition and are getting aloog nioely , square feet In village of Maineville ~~:fer~eallze a gain. ~old by all well nlgb impa8sible dnring the win $1. t-er months, The township tr~stees Kidney trouble preys UPOIl the milld, If you bear a noille IIki! a men F. G, White and Martha E. White CRAZY MAN ARRESTED seoured the use of tbe oounty rotl.d discouragesandlessellsambitioDj beauty, agerte while down town, dOQ't bP B. Woodward and Van Mounts, to Epeoetna DUl,lham 3,6-100. aores .roller and the plko was spiked and vigor and cheerful. alarmed, for It will be onl.1 ' F. C. admioilltratbrs with tbe will an I l' 1 k 'I Lat Tb 1 I ness !lOOn disappear , , e Url!(!lY even ng a man then harrowed and rolled, The when thekidneys&re 8chw .. ~tz prllo~ioing on hill yellow nexod of 'he estate of Catberlne o urt eoree d t d b Marriale Lk:enles. appeare OlD our atree II Iln w eo land owners furnished teti.m8 to out of order or m.olarlnet·. . Mounts Kibbey, deoeased, plaintiff ti d did t k Vi b h eased VB Elizabeth d. Roooh defendant. John E. Klnuer, 22, I",borer, Mor. quea one no no were e baul ~he water for sprinkling. Kidlleyt.r oublebu Tbe big 1'emplar oonolave at L'in, row, and Flora M. Upkln, 20, labor. was frolli, or h ow he gO!. bere. The There 'was enougb waterial on tbo become 80 prevaleDt They I18k for better understanding 01 It h I k d b I lh 't j olonatllast .week Ilttraoted tbous· bequeats in will of deoeased. Wil er, Ft,Anolent, Rev, Tbomas Bundy, re.u Wll" e ~1I8 oo:i up ~d road 80 lh~t no expense was Deoe8sa· m!! ~orS..~O~id'~:~ Inds of people frow the stats, .. od J li W Sonth Lebanon. . l.ter was releast' t a8 not ng con ry for new stone. born afBicted ..\!lith was one of lllrll:e~t thnesCinoln Illrd J. Wrlgbt and oHep . Alonzo R. Youn 31 laborer ot be learned from him where he was l.' he OOllt of maoadamlzing a pike wuk kidneys. ·lfthe O:Neall, a\torDeys for plalnUft's g, . from or who he WaS, 0 'I 'I'h "Ilf ohiidurinateatoooften,iflPeurlDeacalda natl has bad for Yllarll. Lebanon .. nd JeHie Murray, 23, mlll _ __ Is a bout *:t, 50 per ml e. e '" • the fiesh, or if, when the child.reacheaau Court Proceedlnls. employee, LebAnoD. Had a Close Call. ton pike for a.bout two miles waf! age whe~ i~ should ~ able t!>control the Do11ye RU8h V8. Ueorge W. Rll8h Rev , JOBeph 8hepherd, 36, Laurel maoadaollzed tor abo~t $LOO per Ptl,a11sgsa, gee:..:.tnd1I1uypoetnai~,1:~a:::~{bedthe-Jiel6t: Cobblestoz'.e HlJily Is BUll In tbe Mrli, Ad.a L. Oroom, tbe widely b old d rculty ' is kidney trouble, and the first IlAme deplora bill ollllClitlOll that it Oo Illotion of pl,tintUJ Bum of '20 Cler.mon,t Co1lnty, Nellie EUzrotb, dOb1,vo proprietor of the Croom 80- mile Of oourse t e OOlLt wo Plain Ur, D. L, Ault. tet, 'Vaughl~, Miss., says : "For sev- have ~e'n more had it not been I step s~ould be to.wards ~e .t~eatme.l!tof b... been sinut! "pring, Perhap", for support of plalntUJ during aotion 33i*leluiant " " . t theselmportantorgans. Thlsuupleuanl.. is allowed, man, CI-noiDn&'i. er.l mootbB I lIuiJered with a severe tbat the farmers granted the use of trouble ill due to a diseased cOlldltion of wilen bad weat,ber comes on, th~ Sta.te of Ohio v~. Clint ~inDard, Commissioners' Proceedinl5- ' coDgb, Ilnd,oonsumptlon seemed ~o teams to haul the water free. But the kidneys and bladder and not to a ti-osiees will "hUlk of it, and patob han its gl'lp on me, when a friend they were willing to do this to get habit as most people·suppose. I d d up 'he road uot,11 HI'riRg II.gain , Defen ant oompel e to give seourl_ BUll Allowed-The WUltern 8tar reocommended ilr. King's New DIsWomeu as well as men are made miserty of '100 to be not absent uam oase bar,dooket for October 1908, 140 '; cove'y. I began taking it, and tbree tb~:..Cl\d In good repair. able with Ifidney 'and bladder trouble, , Is settled . . bottles eiJec&ed a oomplet-e. oure." .. - • and bo~h need the ~mc; g;reat remedy. Again the ory goe8 ont, Don t · l'h~ ~.terr. Slar, p:ublilhiDg Iludl- The fame of tbis life saviDI cougb Go to tbe blood, if yon are to The mIld .and . the I~m~iate .elf~ of burn fJ6per ; IIlIlV~S Ilud trash . 'Ibe ' R&ymond ~blelds vs. Tbomas 'orl. aod trll&lurer'. balanoes f19.50 and cold. remedy ' aDd luog and d.r ive out Rheumatillm. A Wi,80on, swam~oo~ l88ocmreahzed. ·ltla.,ld dally pr,68li 8 rull of Kooount. .wbere DUa,ush. Defendan& reqnired to The Weatern Star ' bl"Dks for' olerk throat healer III w~rld. wide ~old siD tml'lIiolan, Dr. Sboop, dOM thi. by drog'f:6b'l.~fiUY ....0..11l art! fightlnl( fire and we givellec'u rlty for 006ts within lUtsen .,. ,fhe Wf'SC8rn' tltar publilhln~ at Fred C, '8ohwar~z's drug IItore. with ·his Rheuwatio Rewed.y -aod c~~tb:t~les.o~~u rw '"" • d ". , ' . 60 d .'1 00 Til bot"l f with seeming s8oo8811 Rub-OD 's ~IZ. abould ,,11 be 80 oareful of thlll mat· IlYB. . shertff'lI proolamatloo of looal op .' . ao ' , . . ra • t' ree. hi' dd 'have a sample bottle . . State of Ohio vs Morris RogeriJ • - • 8ay8 t e (cotor, never 1 oure by ulail free also a \ar of burnhlM tNIl'll, ', . . tlon eleo'ton, ts .10 i Lewill Broe. & REI)UBLICAN CLUB RheUm~tlsm . It is ~ore than ekin 'pamphlet telling atl about , $150 and de. CompaDY expre.. 26 OBnU; Rug deep-it is cons~ltutlona), always. IDcluding mallY, ofthethoaaaada .t eitiReoognizanoe given lea-aale'Vompany' blaDD for pro. 'rtie Wayne Towosblp 'rlAtt Re. BeCa'll8e of tbis' prinoiple Dr. Sboop's monial letter~ r~elved ~rom IiItrerera An exchanlre l4aylt that as IIoon at' fendant Is rele"lIed UO&U trial. Carl Biddinger VB. Village of K , . Rheuml!.tio Hemedy is perhaps the c~red. In wntlng Dr. Ki1m~ &. Co" 1$ nins t·here will be llilll\OIlIl 0 ' F kll & 'I f · d . bate, jud"e, ,S,60; Leb&Don all. pub lcan Club met Thu.-&day even- most popular In exlstenoe It II08S ' BlDghaDlton, N. Y., be II1U'C aud meutlau flah depollited in Obio rivers. 'fbe rl!.D n . . xecn on 0 JIl gment Co~nany Ka. for jail S8. A1Idltor's ina, at 8 O'clook with a gOOdly nnm- by word of mouth from one to this paper. Don't make allY mistake, during ' pendency of . ;.r-' " . . . b G "~f 1 hut remem\ler the name, Swamp-Root, Little Mlarui shOUld be stocked I.auapended Fee FODd, makiDg aobool abl\ract ber of m.mberll present., another, everyw ere. ra_ u pa. Dr'- Kilmer's Swamp-.Root, and the ad. . . p .. ~lng upon plalo\lff In error fIX 11108 ,,0. B. &. Wwwlok eoap 'Pbere _a a good program pre. tienw gladly spread f8aolt8. U t. dress, Binghamton, N. Y., au ~ withgood ,ame fish, aud we look to 110m of ,100 • , , ' 'ran aot of homaolty, to tell the II10k bottle • the Fish and llaUle olnl) see that, In CliiJoru Fe~rton vs Villll e of for;J.I~"2 i W, U. S\.Joho,oollpidor8 sented, and the D}embers present of' it way to health . TeU some,slok ~!!"!!!!.!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!! it Is 1I01l'ooked, ..' kll E ti , j dg t for oourt honae, t18; Lebanon Ioe enjoyed It tborooghly. one Bold by all dealers, ;;;; ., ran n. xeou on 0 u gmen aDd Coal CompaDY" Ice for oonrt Talks we'r e made by Messr8 . .J. Ill. . , .. _ • )1.. It bai OODle lio 'lur ears that there 18 snll~nded during pel1den~y of boule, 15.,10 i Th~ Lebanon P.trio', Janney, J , in. ' White and Frank WOODS THREATENED bas btlen a tfreat deal of IIhooting of propeedlng, . publ1~hiDg ' time,. of olroui\ oourt Farr ' SiI and Den State of Ohio vs. Bert 117; T; V. Pa&tel1l0n, boardloK prill. - -_ - • Quite a ore Wid ocoasloned at Veterinary . "eon ;. . tilt. rabbits l"'ely. l'bere Ilre severs I W'l lere Bullets Flew. Lytle ~ast Saturday, wben it became Valley Phone 133-2~ . troe !!p,Jrtllmlln Ilro'u nd tbll town aod 'Samuel Dowrey, Def,endanu onm doring September, *169,80; ship, and tbere may follow sOo;1e g~ve eeollrlty for appearanoo aUrial r. C; Patwraon, malotainlnK hOrles David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y ., known that tbe woods of Frank WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. and vehlolee doriog ~p"mber a ve."rao ot olvil war, who loet Duke w,&8 on lire. CitizenS respond. arrestB If thitt prllotloe ia kept up, rlMltlting ,an offioer. Bl!.rryE Dilatulb, . va Anna B. t»IJ"- XeDlaCityworkboU8e bo..rd' at~ at (JeUyeburg, says: "The ednobly. bowever, .. andablg fire Don" Goot gllwe out,oheaBon I Dilatusb et a.L l.'be jury finda Ing.; prilOnere dDrlng 8e~tember. Kood.lIlleotrlc Bit~rs have done Is was averted bytbelr promptaotlon, MILK FEVER . A SiPECIALTY ' here sllown purport· t"4,·50., ...... D p, Bone, olerk, fl'- wor.~ mor,e th ..n five hnndred do). About eight oords of Btove wood We wallt to reproduce II')OU lI(\rul' wrltlug .. -..... lars to me, 1 spent muoh money . anbient dCOllIDent8 regllrdlng ,he iug to be lallt will and tll8tllment. of fro~ , July 1 '0 OO\ober 1, 11108, dootOring IrOr a bad calle of aklmaoh was o.>l18umed. . .. .. - .• !i.!noolng of WI!.J,nesvlJle. ' We were Beory ,Dilatullb, deceased, to ba .t.B~cell.; Ventrsl UnioD Telephone trouble, t() 1I\$le purpose. I theo last will aDd. tt?8\a-.llent. Co , mPtny, .reDtil aod toU., 16 30; tried';·. Elocltrio Bltt-era, a.nd they 'fo qalokly cheak a oold, druggle'8 forta.nate ' In oomlng, ,/lor08lll ' some ·' M~FFIT· , ou...... me . I DOW take them II.S a" are. d.ispeDlting ever:ywhere, a olsver . ' '. tbl.nKs tbllt will be of Interellt; A. ~k,er 'Hewitt VB. C. S, Monnte Valley 'l,'elephone Company rents toola,' and I;hey keep me strong and C!fondy VoId Vure Ta.b)et called 'Pretbrough tbe' klndnesll of 'Mrll , Cyn- at .!:\,I, Motion to sehslde and qua.h an4}$O'\ls, *lfi,35; 81m U. Benkl., wen.," fiO,. at Fred C. Schwartz'lI ventic8. Preventios are also fine U..iedaker 'a nd 'E...balmer•. pd expen88s a ••nndyor for drug,.tore. for feverish cbildren, 'fake Pretbla Evans, ~o libe peopl~ of 'biB 8er~loe of summons III ovtlrrul~, . A. Kemper Elstnn VB. J. M. Kee ~JPt..m " ber ' .123,85; State'of Oblo VII. . - -- .. , v6nticeat the IIneeze stage, to head ·WllI ,- found In 'be oJd r .11, WHY NOT 00 ' IT? oft all ooids. Box of 48-25;' . ~old ~ ve,r. et · ILl. Motion to eet 'aside Per"y~;Wilkei'8on, ooIts, .1110; tltate by allllealers. ,.:alnk BulldlDg, ' oppoette CouDoll me~ in speol ..1 se,slon jodgment of jury and cournll fuund of Ohio ..... EdWard BoblOn, 008&8, ,T be question of wbether to ad• - • the National ~nk. lallt '1'hurlday evening and did con· not well taksu and Is overruled. 17.7b ; , CharJe. ~. Lewi., . contraot. verti.. bas beeD menUoiled a great BOX SOCIJ\L 'nIlephol1e 10 honae and of• • Idenble work. The sidewalk or. W, A, Relt.e f n. Soward P ; '~5()'; ' W, S. Whitaker, oontraot, deal, but it bas never bee~ brought . fiO&~ere I caD be allied dlaaooe wall fin ..lIy pnt under w ..y, llarll',admin~8t~ator, OrderecUbat 1215; V: ,s. Zentmyer, <lOn'ract, to UKbt like our olaasUled ad~l- . There will be a Box !;oolal nex' day or 111ght. aDd Maro Street will bave good plaint·lff recover '101 amooot 'due 1811.25 i Olint , W. tlRotOD, . 'rac(:, nmn. , It pays. Try It and fhid out TtulrllCay at 7: 30 o'olook at the Fer. Vall.ey' Phon8 '16-2, ",alke, ' If' they would . only put the 'from ,plaintiff. ' . ~l' j' · Orelonia Br.ldge Colnpany, fo~y.ooraelvell. ry sohi>~l bou~e for the benefltof Main Street, WaynesVille, Ohio. -.~reei i.D"& good oondl.t lon, the people '-rnnk T. Wbitaore e' aJ vi. ,Frank pl.60. . the 1I0bool, would have so Detbing to be tbank. M, Coud.en. By consent of plalntJft' , ' Contraots Entered In.o--:Contrllo' • _ ••- - ful for. . mot~u" ~or a ne~ trial 'is ordered. w... entered 10to with ·fAlnDle WhitA Healthy Family. E1I1) TerwllJilJer vs. Vbas. 'l'erwil , aore for ooncrete t.04t tOlOntb abut 'Our whole fa ,lI)i1y has -enjoyed VEGETABLE We art' giad to Dote thia week li~erPlaiDtlff asks ·for · dillmlssal ment of Morrow river bridge tn HIt- . . . 8treaath "'to~ecl Jly good health slnoe we began usiog 'he orsanizdion o.f a new,.,and. A of oaee anllsamt' Is given. lemtown.hlp at estimate or',157 ,60 Vhlol Dr. KIQg's , New , Life' PUls, three brue, band In a town J~ , a. thing tc- . Cluenoe J. 8wlnk VS. :Ora A. Contr..ot was entued into with yeare ago," says L. ,A. Bartlet, of . Id ed f U i UI d . . , . ' ~r'B. Mlchaet Bloom of LeWlltown, Rural Route 1, Guilford, Maine. be ,oon. er rom a po JI ., an Swink, Cour' find allegationfl tbat, Charles L!tw18, for oonoreie culvert Fa .• who II 80 yeare ot a,e, BaYB : "For ThEiY' 01ea08.8 and tone tbe system Hurpa8888 all other rem· we sincerely bope. t,b at the bu.inel8 . d.iendaot has bee~ ' gUllty of 'wllfnl ,OD, Kerby road near E~erlOn Fra- a lon, time I b..n been 110 feeble th..t 10 a gentle way that d088 ·yoa good edies for the reli~f of men wlll take hold of the proJect · .~enoe and (llvoroe is grllnted. ' zier's'io Clearcreek township at es. I han h..iI. to be wbeeled &rouDd la 25, at Fred C ' &lhwartz's drug store and have conoer~s next su.m mer , , '" tlmate $13950 . an IIIV..lId'ljl chair. I bad no atrtnrtb ' • _ ._ '_-'--_ Sick Headache. Dillioet!8, la- . TbI81a:~?t too' early to liar' .uo~ a. PrOblte Court. CoD'raot "w~s eowred into with 8IId took C(l114 at tlheb· ISll'httt'IB~·provoca. LiNn' TEACH. ERS MET ' rojeot and we hope ,to give our . ., tion, which 1nvar a 'T ~e e.. 01:1 'm,. digestion, ' Chronic Coli.. " George ~ Fryb.o rger VI, Mary Orellonla , Brldlle ' Co'D,Paoy for a lunll, and a couch would relult. . My : p , ' , atipaUbn ~nd 'BII- ' readers 'IIOme information laMlren Uarwood e.t 1ll,.Ueorge E . Frybur' .'eel beam brid"e Dear ,Kirbyanct (son lear.nelll of the cod liver prepThe Warren County . Teaoherll' 'iGuana.' 'his .u.bjeat. ~er adwin18trator is 'ordered "> ad 'Riley ' farms oli,Crane and Ha'ba . aratlon called Vlnol~ ..nd procured ' a &1I800lation met last Saturday '" - - -•• _.. . If · 1 th 'I oad 10 c) k to hi t illottle for me. It built up my .lrengtb Leb&oon, and had' .. iood ,meetiog. Tbe wbol8ll0m8, harolli!88 grtIBn ver~ 8e or. _ e ou e prem l18afree way r - J ,!8~oree . .· "ns p a ~1411, ..nIl ,Jter taking tbree' bot.tles At 10 o'olock, Re . v. T .. 'W. GllllBeoa'll8etbeyartloompoeed ·lea....s and tend~r stema ot • lung ,of the "lower i,nMlreet of Mary A...tim.... 01 '1~0. I am ...ble to do mOil of my work,- ~d of .the belt _OWD. V..-, beatlDB meon~tnou .. IIbt1lb, live to Garwood laid real eat"te for foor CooSnct "a. entered' Into with I CD wallt a quarter ot a mUe: euUy, h~Dd led the devotional exerol.e8, . .ble drnls~ aDd mb:e4 Ia Dr. tlhoop'. Cough nemed)' ita our. ooolHioutlve weeks In a .new.• paper J, K. SpenGer and tubn BuraesUor liverY ' aced or weak perIOD wbo ... 'ADd the dlsoU8810D at the Round 'he proper proportiona ative properties, '1'lollilinl or dry, of' genera) alroulatloo upon the f~)- tltone crib a' Orqonla river brldp qui,. streDlctli' lIh'ould tl'1 VIDOI. I aID Table WI\S the best ever held at ~n known $a gi WI ,..,. 1Ie!I' brouoblal.oougb. qoiakly and'.fel, ' . . . . ' . . ~. , deUpte4 1Irlth wbat It h&Ji dOD. fo, &UOOlattOD. . resulh. . : yleld .to tbta blRbly e#eotlve Coolih Iq~ioK term.: ooe third cash OD In WallhlnKton $oWU8hip at e.'lmate Iii the afternoon, Prof'S. L. Tor. E~ery bo"le '1I11U&1tteed, medlotne. . Ds:'. SJiQOP ~ur.. moth· 4rJ' of,~le ~.De~thtrd in one anll,ooe. $t86~ • _ • A. a bod, bu1l4er . .41tien8l~ orea· nl';'-4, of New Riohmond, ~. $0 ' Ill.... .'lafao&lon,· or ere they OlIn wl$b safety Klve third tD '.0. vean .from day of .. )e· A pain preeoriPstOD la printed 1IP- tor ror old people, detieatAI .. cb114~ ........ woney refunded, ' , It '0 liven very Young b"bl,",. No pla.il1tUr. ordered to make 'ret\un OIl eaob 26, bOs ot Dr. Shoop'. Pink w~k, ruDJitOWII JIII'IOI1I. 8IId after aD exceU"Dt add.... On "&leDlente 2110. a ~t&le. mailed any.. opium, DO ohloroform~beolutelY of prooeedtnp &0 <lOU" an.r utle, PaID Table'.. Ask 10Q~ Doo&or 01' tIlclaz...~ ~'IDOl .. ~e4. If II of GoverulaR Power.:' ",bere Dpon " noeIp& uI DO'lIin,bal'llb or hartDfDI I& oalm. I . .. .._ f I .. of 0ra«1i.' if thi. formUla Is DO' OODa. faUI to Sin ~tIIfMUoD we• .,au.... TboIIe wbo weal·from bere were: prlfe .•• the cUa'nteelDI oough, and hR11 &I1e a m •• _r 0 "PPO' " . . B 1_ &lana JOar IIIODeJ. . t ..~ of 0 B. MDltUte IDem bran. Aooept no par4lan fOl' liIaria MlI1. all al plete ... paIn-, WomaD"I pabae" . Prof. 8. IJ. Ke~u, ~ • • S~bwartz'. o&l1er. DemaDd Dr, Shoop'.. S6ld 111(84 Imbeotle. 0......, for llear: a;fa~~a ~bI~~I:a; J. E. , 0.1'81, Prof. O. II. IrMIeD ad Rev. ~ t)c ' tLl !1 . ~ lu ~ Wh e re!
UI. pl n y
Adl'e nlHillg
Iltu' IH: In n tlt1
PC" \rml'
.:.! flc . IOc
Real Estate Transfers.
Sttta'u ••
Women as Well as lea Are .... MIsera.le by KidDey lid Bladder Irol"o•
· l
Laxative Granules
bJ·U ct. len.
.. '1tIt ~r I~ 1_
aU . . .:
W. T. Gilliland.
UNCLE SAM $500,000,000 .WEALTHIER By ELLIOTT Treasur~ Officials Coin Great Amount of Emergency CurrenCJ. ~'.-.. . . . . F F I CIA L currency slretc;hors of the unto ted Slales government hAVO rendy $600,000,000 In emergency noles, created by the Aldrich· Vre land law, ' which can be put out at a.1l Ins tant's noUce to nip rtlnanclal panics In tho bud. Great 'llrogreillJ was made by tbe treasury omclals In getting tho ' monster bun,dies o~ notell Into abape to be Issued , •at a momont'a notice. Ha.rdly hM tho bUl whlob created ·thls enlergency ourrenoy passed the «auntlet beld up by congress 'when <treasury oftlclnJ. were at work to put
0 " \"» ') Mu~t 1Je for 1J;~tribution. V1nder Aldrich - Vreeland Act. 1Jy the Time , CongrerS'~ MeettS'-:...HobJ the ~'ortt of Getting MoneJlr' in Shape l~ Accompli~,hed. ,
In the meantime the dies were caul by Ihe engraving bureau, 'l'Wa en· graving required lbe greatest care for a single de viation In lin es Ullon the copper platcs meant that tbe , bill would be thrown out and tho entire plate would necessarily ha". to be made over asaln. Dozens of ex Ilerts were put to work upon tbe plates, The dies made, the work of I Sling and finally llrlnting Waf enter d Into, It \vas perhaps ' 'D montb aft r the measure was pllss'ld b fore tb IJreSSes were set In motion In the printing offices turning out notes of great and sma ll d~ nomlnaUons,
ry to of keep tab on plates, necessa All army cl rks wastberendered lIall I' anti Involc lhe notes to the treasury d \,IIllillu ' lIt. As fnsl ' as th bills were turned out by the dcpart ment of printing Superintend· nt Hnll)h, wbo Is In cha rge of thc !lUre bureau persona lly Inspccl ed samples and oreler d ' tbeu) (urned ovel' to the treasury omclals. 'J'h y wert! then stored In the vunlts In the lr us ury office" l\nd !Ire' no,w ready to he tUl'lled 'out to banlts e nrolled In the emergency cur' rency associations. ONE MAN'S MYTHICAL REASON. After Several Houts He Remembered H IG Dinner Engagemont, Ditmer had been ready lind waiting 20 mlnutlls. The wire of tile tardy gucst was very e mbarrassed. just to t\llnk that her husband wa,s , so rude as to be late ut ' u dinner en· gagement lind keep 1111 ,the guests waiting! After n whllo the ,be lated arrived, red faced and perspiring.
, "the notes Into such shape that . might '~)e put Ullon the market. Acting Se retary Coolidge of the 1:reusury overlooked the work and the bure,ail ' of - epgravlng :. and printing ~hll;b pul ou~ the currency was In " ,charge of SUJlerlnte~dent ,R alpb. Each (IllY Superintendent, Ralph deruYered in to the han~s of ' tbe ~reasury '012lclals hetw:eon $2-,000;000 llnd $4,000,~OO In tbe new style notes, Before the eud of summer there , \vaS over $100,· oOQO,090 r~y (or delivery. to tbe banks 'On call: " CongrQss meets ugn,ln ' Iu December nnd then the legislators will be greeted ,by .lbe great oullay of cash. If there ~liobld be n panic thts . fall , which Is 1far [rom likely, ofllcJa, ~ declare, this great. amoun~ ·of emergency currency would he delivered to tlt'e slrlck· e n · dlstrlcts within a few hours und It Is bellevod the trouble would e nd with ~e appearance of the cash. Up to August 1 only one eme rgency 'c urrency aS80'CIation had ' heen formed, but Boon organlzutlonB began to rna· terlallze all over UIO country and the "nte~ the new, act was heightened to It ,great extent. Tbe banks of the .4:llstrlcC'of Columbia liad tbelr articles . t)r association approved ! by the s ecre· 'tary of the treasury about Ule middle ,or July and to them belongs the honor ' '~r being the first members or an or· ganlzatlon authorized lln~llr the e mer· gen~y currency law. ' 'I'M banks 10 New YOfk nnd other <finaoclul we re not dIsposed to fully ,commit themselves pending a de.terruinnllon of be Question whether a blink joinIlng an association could withdraw , from It ' aCler -eompl~'lng with all the reQl1lrements of the law . 'The trooslI1'y' omclals l'egl(rded this Quelltlon ae 'pu'r ely acade~jc but they look the maLter 110: del' consideration and a decis ion was reaohed on tbls , point In a very short tlmo: Tbe act Itself ,'Is entirely silent on tho subject. ' The Ilroposilion of tmttlng ou~ such a great amount of cUI'l:ency was one which beld the bu· 'rea u 01: Ilr'l nting and engraving In Its throes fo r mllny flllxlou!! months, for It was pOinted out wbe n the m ens ure ti nn ily passed congress after a long fi ght thut while It was d l) clilcdl~' Itnprob· a blc that. there would be a panle tbls tall, it was cert a inly neccssary that the currency be I·en;.!y fOI' deliverance fu t;a.~e unacltled condl· 'tioll!l s hould Introduce tllCmselvea Into Wall . tr'e et alld other big flnanclal c~nters at, tbo couutry. , Hut If Iho, word ,of the framers of tbe Aldrlcb'Vreeland s Lat ute, Is to bo belle,ved no aucb can'!llt-fons clUI 31'lse, simply bccauKc or tbe existence ,aC lbe omcrgency CI,rre11CY net. Moot rea.d ers of congroijslonal nowg In the dally •papers remember ~,eil and followed (:Io~eiy tbe '-«truggle wblch took. place In botb the bouse and iJenate colllc1dent to Ihe passage of the bill Tbe senate re Cus d to a l:cept the Vreeland ,bill. manu{actured in tbe lower branch, while tbe bouse at of'cpresentallvea cuuld see llothlog but evil things i n tbe Aldt'lc b mcasure-thuL Is, lhe majority. Speaker Oannqn' oC lh e hOlla lIald several visits to Prclddent R008evell al thc White House. The ewcutlve IllslsLed UI,on worl( being dOlle by can· Sl'UBB, If It wore only this IllW . Ji'lnally tbe PPOSIUOD forccs met III oaUCUR and tben tbere ..... anaUler caucuB, most of lhe polnL~ I~ 'dlspllte_ beln,' settled. Tbo bill , palls d the bouse wltb mllcb aCl'laim rrom :;I1olle wI'" hlld uided In el[ect· the compromlse, ' TheD c me tbe struggle In I'lle lIena.t" with .Smi· W\\lIet Sooator Clore, tbe. hi ad le8lsla-
A Few 8uggestlonl ' by a Writer In Llpplncott'I, Many Deople are unneceesa rll)' l'm· ba rrn.slled while a duke Is vl sltln! lheln. Tbls Is a great m1stllke. Of course a duke Is a duke: but, then, there Is , no rellson why he shoulc1n't be . tr ated with • II'Irtain amount .t respoot. To do thl~ It Js ' Ot)t ueces~:lry t() r .. spect him too mUCh. Treat him with as mu cb respec t as you t.hlnk he will stand. but d.o not lavish It lipan him. If be leaves his boots In front of hJl! door at night, do not feel that It Is Incumbent upon you t,, ' get up at Ilx o'clock to sblne thera . Walt until seven, anyway . a. 'frl\l never 1U'nw the dl trerence. ' Let him be alooe with YOllr daugh· tel' II.S mllcb II.S he likes. It be resents this, tell him he can get even laWr. Tbls mlgllt under some clrcumsta.nces seem too candid: but It 18 bettor to meet blin In a Crank and open·heart"'l\ mllooer, At ,night, beforo tbe duke goes to bed, sneak Into his room and turn on all the steam. BeIng an EnglishmOOl, he may not understand thlll Budden warmth ou your lIart, but you can ex. plain to blm tbe next mornJng when he fans blmself down to the breakfast table, that It's only a foretallte ' 01 what be m,a y expect late r. Not being a.blo to lIee a joke, he will probably tblnk tbat yOU mean to pay all his ex· penses to Palm Beach, which. will restore him to 'hilS good humor. When you have a duke on hand. do ' not ta lk too much about your ances· ' tors, or rub It In about your family, It might make him fe el uncomfortable. No dulle likes to feel tbat he Is marry· Ing above him. Naturally YOI1 will provide him, while he Is with you, with the neeclSl· ties of lite. It Is extremely e mbarras· Sing when you Invlle , some of your In· tlmate fr lendB In to see your dulle to 'bave him sit on tbe end of you r daven· lIort COUM wl tb frin ge on bis trousers and 'It false bosom to bl9 shIrt. F eed him, therefore, on good nourishing food, &nd make blll\ II.S respectable as any duke ca u ever be made.-Llppln· cott's Magazine. 'He Kept HI. Word. A traveling man stolllled at a. lIltie town In Arkansas :lnd while tbere he made Inquiries of tbe posimaster as to the Integrity and bonesty of a certain doctor who lived In the next county. . "What sort of a man Is Dr. Driggs?" he querIed. "Is he a mlln that oan be trustod-a good 'docto)'?" "We U:' answered the postmaster. thoughtfully, ;'that depends. He's been doctorln' rouo' here for sarno years now-ain't doln" much lately, though . Seems ho WIIS sent tor to go to see aI' Mis' Henderson, whal's been dyln' for gain' on 30 year, 01' lady nail the noo·ralgy pretty blld , Doa he give!! her .,n d()ss 0' 'aud'num an' he says : 'Mis' Henderson, you'll go to sleep" now, an' yo u won't be bothe red wltb 'the noo·ralgy no mo'.' "Sho went to s leep; that was lae' May, ao" It's gltlln' to'rds fall now, She ain't Wllkfid up' yet an' she ain't never ,been botbered Witb the noo· ralgy, e llher. As a doctor. I guess Rrlggs aln·t milch: bu't ho B1ways keeps his word, sIr, always." One Thing More. Ligh t may cOlDe from , the ' en~t, but trom ' the we:st comes plotures que Ian· g,uage. During the Democratio can:' veoiloD at Denver last July n well· kn()wn politi Cian, noted for his resplendent r ed whiske rs, came to town In suit of light gray, with l1ea,r l·gr:lY spatB over black shoes, and a waist· coat to match . Noticing the Btyle oat beadgea r that people were wflllrfng, he' sent out for a yard or hlue BtU1f to wind al!0ut the crown ()f,'hls pllnama. WIth ' tbls ,bat surmounting his red whiskers, and wi t h ' his otherwise nollc;e~l)I~ ."getup," be was the center of :ltten tlon In the botel corridor. As he st.ooii In a circle of admiring cowboy's, plalns'm en and pollt1'c lans, who watched blm stroke his beard and mustache, li.long came 'a representaUve from one Of the we.,stern StllteS. , "Hello, Jim!" said tbe west~rt\er, Rtter a brief examination. '''There's ,only oile thing' the '"maher with youyou " O\!ght to have thpse wj1lskerll scrambl,ed , a. little bit more.......:,Y\>t1th'lI CO,m panlon. '
tor, alld their aides In tbe rOle' Of the opposing minority. J.jJveryone · fa· mlliar with parllamen·, tary rules of congress ," knows that s peeches ' are Iimltet1' III t he hpuse, hul' In tbe senate ' a. man may hold tlie floor for months, prov iding he hus someth ing to talk about. , Senator La Follette, the man' wbo tukes bllt' little rest trom his labors, spoke for 18 hours. I t was a. memorable speecli because of Its le ngth. Then ' Senator Gore took his place nnd spoke for Quite a wblle longer. AI1 this , was done to keep , Senator Aldl1ch smd his friends from putllng on ,p assage the compn;,mI se m ea~lIl·e . ~t was regarded as a cel'tilll:lty that the bill would IJaaS ' and so the oppOSition' s Idea In the beginning was to keep on ta lKing ' until midnight l'ilarch 3, 190~, In 'shifts of eight hours .each . . 'W hether ft was by prearrangement or , by ac:c1. d.ent, few will ever 'know, but the 'fact rema'i'o s that when one oC tbe filibuster aides negle~ted bls cue, ' an Aldrich supporter jumped 'Into the breaoh, secured the floor, ,and made the motion ' to put tile bill on passage. It pas~ed and (lnlled cine of the ,most' spectao\11ar filibusters wbleh leghi}a: tlve 'circles or tbe cauntry' have ever record,ed. For tbat reason th., Unlt(ld States now bas )0,000,000 In emergenc1 currency ready to put (lut at an fnstant's lIoHce to stem the lide wblc'b, • panic would brlnf' upon tbe country, TheD caml.' the work or engraving blUs of ev\!1'1 dl\nomlnatlon In the o~ea or the bureau of I!!Dgraving and lIrlntinr;. Firat the rough poper recolvec!. It wq cut up Into atrJpe ~li011 ma~bl i.{ea whJta cut. mlUl)' thOUaaDda ot DOtes at ODe
. The Archbllhop lI"d the , Bull •• At the time ,Archbishop Ryan was selccted' for the position wblcb h.e now occu:pleB with so milch distinction, there was ' some dlmculty concerning tho omclal annollncement of his ap-, polntme!lt. Three or tour 'weekI el(lpsed, and stili the 'papal bull had not reached him. One of h,l s friends, who was deeply concerned, It;! the documer:lt, said to blm with much salle!· , , "So , sorry to kEmp you waiting," he said . " But t,lIde: "Your 'grace, what ~o you suppose was detatped at the ,omce wl~h an out-ot·tpwr bas become ,of your' bulls 7" ' customer. Just couldn' t get -away.... , ,"I doil't know;" , WIlS tb!;! smllln'g ',re- ' The excuse sounded, all rlgbt and was accepted Joinder: "unless . they are grazing on by the hos't ess, but It was II myth. tb's Alpa."-LlJ.lpln.cOU' •• The truth was: PreoccupIed, he " had gonf home from tJie omce at the 1Id'lal time and founei Potlatch. the house locke'd, much to surprise. WherE Potlatch Is a custom of dlstrlbutlDI In t,he mischief were his wl.'e and children? hE ,gUts practiced by tb~ Kawlutl, Cblmwondered. Wby 'd idn't they ·tell him tbey v.:erE syan and other trl.bea of the 'northg\>lng away? , west· coast. The prlnclp~1 aCtor In tne He went all ' around the bouse and tried thE ceremony Is some member of, the tribe doors, hut they were 10cTt~d_. ' Then be- found 8 'wbo hllll spent y~rs, 'In aocumilJ.tln~ piece of 'Iron In the backyard and broke open I treasures of all kinds. wblcb be give. window and qrowded In. away In one gran!l dlItP~ ,o f generosiHe crowded out thrOUgh the window for the ty. All tbe tribesmen of the villages evenh:lg paper and crowded back. He read the [or ..niles a.rou~d attend tile cerem& , paper, and stlll the wlf~ and cbllclreD didn't re- dan." blndli the recipient. of tbe 11tt. nowever, to SU!lb ~ extent tbat ,t hlt) tutn. , ( At 6:03 o'clock he remembered the dinner en, beco~e Indebted to ·the ,Iver to double pgement. WhUe he dreisGd and rode 20 block! the e.mount of Ule prellent, 80 tUt tbe the walted. But others baTO. made tile pot,atllllla, Instead of aD atdTapDQe,
wt•• Iily.taint - .. ~.
fIIIure DH4,
Whlc" He TrIed to Ellc<lpe Discovered.
J If' Davit;' f mlnln o garb. the water· jll'Oo[ cloak and shawl. tog t h r with Lh B\1 urs which he wore whe n cnp· turod neur 1l'\\'lns"l lIo, Ga., [allowing th downfllll of tile r bolllon , IV l' <lIs· cover d rece ntl y at lho bottom of lin o ld Iron sufe In the oOlce of the seCt·c·, lary of Will', Fred W. CllrJlenlQl', S c-I re tary to Taft, unearlh d t hem whllo lIolng a little spring hous cl 'llllng.' Th ey w r packed In n seal cl ti n di s.' patch box, wh r th y had r sled a pparently undlsturbcd for no one knows' how Dlany years. Tha L they ure tbo vel'lIllbl garments which Davis threw aboul him thut rainy morning 43 yean liSa, when essaying a dallh througb lillI' cordon of Lhe Fourth Michigan cu, "a lry' thnt surround d his camp, Is provedl by docnm nts In \..he box, Those docll' ments account fo r every detail of ' the hi story of the waterproof cloak , tho, shawl and (he sp urs from the (loijses· sian ot Davis Into tbe keeping of tho' wa,' depllrtm enl. Th ey also slIrve to' stat I' at th o controversy tbat has' cropp d up at Inte l'vals since tho wilr. One or the doclllllcnts Is a copy 01 11' I tter writlen by lIl0 rormer hellcl or: tbe oonrederacy, In wblch Is made ap'e. clnc III lilian of the waterproof or "rllglan," liS he cl" ls It, and of I h ' shawl. Fl'lIltl ss Inquiries hav bllou marlo at Interval s by blstorlans a nd oUlOrs as to whnt became of tbe wnte,'· proof, th shllw l and the 8purs, It; w~ s k now n that til y were {urned vel', to th e wur rl partl1lc nl when Davis wnsl brough t fro l1l GeOl'slu to Ft.rl 1\1onroe,
The Shilwi. where ·h r mllln cd for two year!! a cloS: ly gUlI,'ded 1)1'lson r; only, to b9 re leased undel' the gen~rnl amnesty proclama(lQn. The lallt beard at them was In 1 G8 , when {hey wero dlscovC1'ed In the vaults .of the tre'a sury ,d -' partment. Til U~ 'box t hat Mr: C! r ach ed Irom the safe the ot~er day was doubly s alecl. Ono 8 111 was or Illain brown paper on which was wrltlen, ov r ~ho signature of Eel wIn 1\'1. Stanton, PrestilelltLlncoln's seer&tnry of war-"Shawl, wn.terproot aocl 'sllurs \vo rn by. J I'f Davis on day' of his a,p tilre, May J 0, 1865." A stQallar B~II I 'of f)al'Ohment aiidlUoillllly scc llred the bolC, hea-rlng this legend : "DeUve r, ol,lly to ordor or sccretary of wur, or Gen. E. D. To wllsenll" A. A: Gen. E. D. S." "E. D. S." wns Oen. Townsend, who w,ns assIstant adjutant general of the United States army In 1865, Tb waterproof Is of course of gray ma.te rlal, fushloned clumsily and liP' p l\utICully, as were the robes atTec ted by our STlUldmothers to protect tbem· selves from rain. It hll.S a bood and fll.Stens straIght down In frQnt with big horn buttons. The \vnterproof WII.S tbe personal property ,of II'I rs. Davis: Any- ' one wh\> cnn reoall wbat a Paisley , sha wi, the pl'lde of th l! mlJdlsh ladles of a generation ugo, looked like will have a plcturo of tbe Davis sbawl.- l~ Is of callaclou8 dimensions, whollY blAck, excepting for II tbree-Incb bor· de r of dark red IlI1d yellow woven In an East IMllln deSign. Singuiurly enough, the s purs are mismatched. The parts' tbat fit around the heel of the hoot ,are of brass, but' oC dIfferent de- ' sign; "The rowel points of one are 0.1· most llin sharp, while those of the other rowel are dull and sme'Jer In 'size. rt wall the jIngling at lbese spurs und the gleam ,of the brass from be· , neath the trailing- ,he'm of tbe waterproof that betraye'd to the union cav· alrymen that a man was -mll.Squeradlng In temale il.llparel and led to Davis' ap' prehe nsion.
' A Picturesque Hero, Not many montbs ago the redoubt: able Insurgent chief; ;Boris SlIrafo1f, II 'Macedonlan patrIot, was killed In: Bul· garla. Sarafof'f bas ca,u ght, the ,publlo eye not only, by hi,S d~rtng Insurrec· tlons, but alao by his roma.ntle and picturesque persollatlty. ' A bandsome young fenow of not more thl19 30 years, wlt~ hlB red sash, his long clotb legslngs an!,l his small , ta~8eled ,cap, 1!e s\lggellt,e d a dasb of the mountain brigand, as he harried the Turks to massacte the Ohrlstlans. "We'·have Be'e n that EurQJ)e [s Indifferent to bioodsbed' in Macelh)nla."' he, d!IClared. "We will, trJ tbe eltporllpent ' of Beelng If Europe will not stll' wbell European capital aDd European lives ' are iqade to suiter." ' . Thla popular patrIot gained • powertul .hold on lila fonpw8J:j1, and tbey ~ave him all be asked. He PreaecI bla people hard for contrtbuU~ tIIat
cattle tti' lIIlt111h'
tdllUIqI ~
bta ,.~~..
... ,
After All Hope Had Vanlahrd.
The Baby·s Part •
By France.. Boone MitcheU (Copyright. by BhorlJlLory Pub. ·Co.)
1eball bave to ajlk you to bold baby antll t can get some milk. Poor Htll o angel. he Is about sta.rved ." "But 1-1- " Ann stammer d- and tben gazed helplessly at t he squirming plcce of humaully. 60 hastily and un· C remoulous ly de posited on her lap. The woman had vani shed. "Weill" Ann gas pod tor want of anything ~I se to say. and Ann was seldom a t a 1069 tor words . "Rathor ab rupt, don't YOU think so?" Ann smiled sweetly at the man oflPosit e, his torebea(\ crcllsed Inlo two strai ght !lnes of annoyance. "or all th e co nroundcd limi ts, she wa s th e leade r"-he g-rowled. "If I only kpew where sbe went or bow sh e looked I would go after h{\r and make her ta ke the Infe rOlI'I- " "Don' ~ call the poor littl e thing lIaDles; Di c k! See, yo u Ilave mado h.lm c ry." Somethin g surely had. Tbe deserted Inra nt was testing the capaclt,y of an unusually vi gorous pair or lungs. "Poor little tootsleIt's hungry. so It Is. but Its muvver w1ll be back In jus t a mlnu 0 wllh some nice milk ror lhe poor little starved tellow." Ann cooed sortly and soothIngly- detUy she turned the Inran t across her knees atter the tim e Immemorial methorl or pacltylng young hUIDl\nlty. "LillI e chap Is hUllgry""':' yes, he Is." Ann's volco was rull of !leep, vibrant caress s. The long. straight lilies ' faded tram Rlcbard's forebead- lIttle, deep ones alll1elll'ed' around bl. mouth. He watched Ann rrom under holt'closed lids-decidedly thl. was a now and altOgetlle r wonde rful Ann. "By jove, she Is a wonder," he breal hed unde r his brea th. He was almost glad It harl happen d. "She's grit clcar th ro ugh." he murmured . "Eu ~hred!" he y ellen, springing to
Dick 1I0undered belplessly. Tbe con· ductor loolled expectantly at Ann. Ann blu shed. "1 can' t. I was- " "Looking at this young ma n." the conductor s upple menl ed. grimly . "H owever, tb e mo Ul er or the ·hlld will proba bl y wire to the n lCt stutlo n." ,. n ut we get otr there-somethl :lg mUllt be don e at onc~" Dick spoke desperately. . " It tbal.'s the cllse. so' much the better." The conductor s poke more' af· fably- hll sa wall the responsi bility va nis hing from hl s shoulde rs. " Yo ur wire can ta ke charge at the bab)', un· UI lIs molher reac hes lhere. on t he train rollowl ng thi s-It's onl y 20 min · utes later." "Out s he Isn't my wire-yet, YO'J see," Richa rd spoke desperntely. " W c a re-er-we're to be married there." He straightened bls shou lders, as It he delllld the e nU ro world to t ry to stop that cere mony. "You see, Ann's (ather-" Th e con ductor collapsed Into th e seat nrross lhe nlsle a ll d roured wi t h laug hter. "So you are tbe e lo pi ng co uple-roil -nre Majo r Deerln g's daughte r ?" he spok e to Ann . between pa r,oxys ms. "There Is nn ofll clal searchin g throu gb tlle t rain for yo u- 11 Is In the n xt car." Ri chard movQd over beside Ann ; his facc several shad es pal er. Ann forgot th e s leeping ba by and clut ched DIck's coat sleeve. "Ann '-" Richard gasp d . " You w\l1 not tell." Ann looked at the conductor as If to measure he r an tagonis t. The conductor looked soberl y at Ann. "I su pposo I will have to" - be sa id . " Out you mus t help us; papa wan ts me to marry a ho rrid Old fri end of his - and the ro's Rlchard- " she paused . 811 It the fact of Richard's e xi s tence maae fu rther explanati on unnecessary. . "Palla's fri end Is ' rlcb. no doubt, and Richard 18 not. I s uppose." The ' co!)ductor spoke as It he were weigh. Ing m Ollard In the balnnce and Rich. anI was round wanting. "Richard bas his law practice ; he . will mnke ple nty tQr us-" Ann flared
-then chan ged t!lctlcs. "Please help UII," she said. No one resisted , Ann ,"nen sh e Ilald .plea se. Ann's " Pleas e" WIIS a w(,)rd or ar t-Ann reali zed It. Richard s miled; h e kne w. lhe battle wall won.
Mrs. J. H. Benn elt, 59 Fountain &l. Gardiner. Me.• Bays: "My \tsed to trouble me so se· verely that at la st [ bad to give up. I took to my bed and stayed th ere four months. Butrerlng Intense pain', dl ztlness. bead'a c he and Inf1am mollon of lho blatlder. l' 11 0 ugh without bope. 1 began using Doan's Kidney Pili". a nd In three mon lbs was completely cured. 'l'lie trouble has ne ve r retu rned." Sold by all .d a:ers. 50 cents a bolt, "oste r-Milb urn Co .• Burrolo, N. Y.
Borax Spray a Safe Preventive-
Simple, Cheap, Harmleu to Fowls.
"20 Mule Team': Borax was a gooc! thIng to rid poultry of lice. I had used 80 much Inflammable Lice kille rs that my Poultry Houses were regular fire traps. I gave my S. O. W . Leghoru house a good spraying just two months !lgo. Since I have ca ught s evera i h eas and 1 tound no lice. 1 am Tid of lice Bnd sh all continue to use " ::0 Mule T eam" Bo rax alt la spray.' also as a was h. (Signed) MRS . B. R. B FFS'AM , Roswell •• Ne w Mexico.
Cleanses the Sv.stem EHectua\!y.Dispels C'olds nnJ.11eart. acHes du.e to Consti,pation;
Acts natural.!Y. acts rru.!r 0&
<3@£)~ ~·· ·'~T.: -
"A nd did your uncle remember you In his will?" "W 11. he remembered me. all rl gbt. Consequently There Was an Awkward but that was why ho didn't menllon Perhaps In Funeral Orat ion. NAME WAS A COMPRO~i;SE. we In It:" It was a t the rune ral ot a min who Explanation of Rema rkable Cogne.. had lett his young a nd attractive b elp· , Was Used to It. On a ve ry hot Su nday morning ' men of Nevada Town. mee t a widow ror tbe thi rd tlllle. At tbe time ot his dealh th Ir ciergyml\'l J am s was required to acco m[lIlny h is A Ne vada ma n havin g extensive was a way on a E uropea n trip, and In ' fathot to cll \lrcb . min ing claim s In the goldfleld region this emergency tlhe Hev. Dr. Ula nk That v.·aa conlrary to bls IncllnaUon. '.ells of a lucky strike l bat was made was called upo n. . "t. at her," said he. "why n 'ad peolas t year ncar Carson .Clty, '8. st rike A neig hbor In struoted him hns lfly ~ hat proved to be of such Ilromise thnt a8 to t he ad mirable Ilu alltl s of t bo ple go LO church wlien It Is so hot 1" "~l y SOil ." h is ra t h r replied. "Satnn Ii goodly slz d cam p immediately deceased, his ben'evolence. piety and s pran g up around It. klnd disposition. and gave b llll varl- is around as mucl1 In bot weather as The two Ilrln clpal mine owners OU8 !poln Is .as to his famil y relollo ns. at anr time." "Db." sa id the boy, • bu l Sala n doell were. r s pectl vely, an Irishman and During th e funeral discourse no outa J ew. and as II compliment to these ' sIder wou ld have suspected that the not mind ho l weatbor !" len ding citize ns tbe camp decided to c: crgy man had DClt been a IItelong' lea ve to them tbe besto wal ot a sult- fri e nd of the dead ma n. When, howaqle name upon lhe ne w community. ever. he came to me ntion t he wido w There follo wed ma ny confe rences In his pray r, It wns ev ident that hi ll between the lwo, non e or which result- data In regard to hor bad become a Po.slUvcly cured by ed In an agr eement. The I'rlshman lrltle conr used. He Bal d: JlI L tbese LUtie PlIl•• stood out tor a name that would s ug"And now '\\'e co mm nd to tby care They ..!oo r olCt ve DI. gest hI s native Isle. while the J ew was this ""Idowed handmaid. who has heen InLE dtreRR f'rom D l"ftpcpBla , 10 .• iust as In sistent, on his part. for a berqaved agul n an d ngal n and again.' i g 8 Uun ~n ~ 'l·o<lIf".rt' Batl qg . 11. p . • rleet r . llIname t hat should be suggesti ve at the . Theh bes llall ng an Instan t, he add ed: cd)' for Dln ln•••• N"u· cbosen people. This deadlOCk. con- "And perhaps a gai n." • Ilea. Dro\\'5t n f8a, Bn.d tinued EO long tbat the rest of the . ' T"s telntbe MouLb.Co .. c.. ~d 'lOon gue. P"ln In tbe camp grew restless. and finally Ins istSKIN TROUE!LES CURED. .JSlcle, TORPJD LIVEIt. ed tha t there should be a compromise. Tbe, relr!lla,t. tbe ,Bowels. Purely Vegetable. So tlie ne w camp was called "Tlpperu, Flr.t Had Itching Rash-Threatened aalem,"- Llpplnoott·s. SMAll PilL. SMAll DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Later With Blood-Polson In LegRelied on Cutlcura Remedies. Genui~e , Mu~t Bear Temporarily Indllpoled. One of the workerll In a Chines. "About tw, l. . " 'ftH " , . ." . . . 1 Fac,S,mtl.S,onatura mission In Philadelphia became In· J had a breaklng-oul, and It itched. IVER A ~~<' (e rested In two Chlnamen who, shE and stung so badly that I could not PILLS. /~ ~ found, owned a tlourl shlng la\JDdrl have any peL-ce because at It. .'I;hree REFUSE SUBSTITUTES business In her Ol\'n home nelgbbol' doctors dId not help me. Tbea I used . • hood. She looked In once In awhilE 'BOme Cutlcura' Soap. Cutlcura Ointto see how things we re going 'l'ltII ment, and, Cut!cul'a Resolvent and them, and ol'le morning tound· Sam began to get bette r rlgbt away. They ~ ,~~ ,., 'WATERPROOF smiling anti cheerful. a.s usual. bul cured me and I hav·c not been bothered Johu was mlsslna . ,~. with tbe Itching s ince. to amount to "Where Is John thl.B morning?" ShE anything. ~bout t~o years 811'0 1 a ske(!. "Oh." answered Sam amiably, had la grippe and pneumonia which , I are cut on large "Chllstlan gen'leman hIt blm In tb. lett me with a paiD. In IllY s ide. Treat· .pattemS,deslgned flead With a W£:Jc ...nd he all lame II m ent ran It Into my leg, which then • ,to QIVe the wearet swelled and began to break out. The , ,the utmost comfort bOllplllal "_ _ _ _ _ __ 'doc tor was afraId It would lurn to 1\. ""--"I~GHT·DURABlHI!AJt blood-polson. I \lIsed bis medicine Gave It to Them S~ralght. \ (IIIARAIInQ)w..mfROOl At a beavy transfer polnt on Sixth but It dId no goori. th en I used the nenue. says a lette r to the New York Cullcura R emedle u three times and ~ SUITS"~~ Times. few seals being vacant on a cured the breaklng·ou t on my leg. J. F. SUCKERS -322 \ ', «_11'(_ _ 'l:weuty-tblrd street car. a youth dart- Hennen. Milan, Mo .• May 13. 1907:' cd unde r ·t he arm of a stout woma!l ~ ::.-.".:%.1Itt i~1 NOT DOLLARS, BUT EGGS. Ind plumped himself down In the seat """". "-'1M. co. tonOM.,u.u.. • she was about to occupy. Glaring. r . . . c.wr..caUNfftl.'fOIOMlO sbe hurled at him: "It I wasn't a perrect lady I'd swat you oue on the mouth." Another young man arose. raised his hat. and .begged her to· sit 1I0wn. When seBted she beamed upon blm - elld said: "Sir. you're a gentielIlan; tbem others II hogs." MINISTER A TRtlFLE MIXED LJP.
ren- oun and Uld. e t. its Effect& .AlwQy,s 1uy, the benutne which has'1he fiill name <d the Com-
by~; it i~ monufncture d, prinfecl on th. SOLD ~YAt:( tEA~INtD~eUGGISTs.
one size on!y. regular pric.p sot,.. 1.0111.._
,,;, 1
A smooth-faced Individual camll 'down the aisle. Ann and Richard braced themselves. Ann kept he r eyes on tbe conductor In Ann's con· querlng \ ...UY. "You won 't flnd your parUes In tbls car, J enkins." The 'conductor arose as he spoke. He turned to A.nn. ''Tbal's • ftiJe lItUe chap-be sure to take good care of blm," he said. Ann ' smlled her thanks. Ann's smile wae d8.7.zllng. . "1 suppos e you are rlgbt. Flinch." J enkins spoke undecldedly. but It It wasn' t for · that bsby that couple certalnly lit the descrlptl0ll. Jenkin! looked searchingly at Richard. "Hn Where Great Writer Lived. First Thespian-When I was play· Cralgenputtock. where Carlyle's Ing In Kansas City and getting . my Is about 25- tall-c!ean·shaven-gray eyes- brown, curly balr." He counted "Sartbr Resarlus" was written. haa 200 a nlght-'eacb Item off on his 'fingers. The just been the scene o't a notable wedSecond Dllto - Hold on. there. descriIllIon fitted Rlchllrd. It W1l8 ding. The bride was Mias Mary ' Car- Monty; make that ' five ! Ann's turn- deep blue eyes-light. lyle of Cralgenputtock. a grand·nlece First Thespian- No, Jilek; upon my waVy hair-slender- medium h elght- of Thomas Carlyle. and the bride- ,hon6r-200 a night regular. Egll:s ar.· brown dress-brown bat. That ce r "I!'rn"m Jame._ CarlYle. J. tarmer of Pin· cheap thcre. talnly fllted Ann. Ann bore tbo scru gle, Dumfrlesshlre. a son ot Thom811 "So You Are the Eloping Co~plef" tiny and enumeration better than Carlyle's favorlle nephew. Plngle III contrary ' Comfort. bl3 Ceel "Ann! Ann! tbe train Is Richard ; sbe was absorb ed In :IV.atch· about four miles from Ecclerecban. As tbe Bi¥ rlted 1Il0rses dasbec! Oil. baby's sleepy efforts t.o get a Carlyle's blrtbplace. and this village Is Ing the moving aD-d- " '·Hush. Plck, he's th .. fall' malden clung In II. paroxysm about Ilsleep." "But lhe woman- the pink, chubby hand 111 n moutb fully the original of the Entuphl of "Sartor 'of terror to the s waying seal. a size smaller than tho hllnel. Resartu . ... train Is moylng, 1 ten you:' "Oh, John." she cried. "can you ,top "But the ba bY "-Jenkhls swore aoft· - - - - -- The train wall surely moving- how them?" Youthful Criminal •• long It had been In mollon. neither Iy under hl B breath. Ann's rather had ''I'm try ln ~." responded the winded 'rwo bad little boys wer'e st.an4lnft driver. belw en , gas ps. ''I'll hold 'em knew. Ann bad bee n absorbed In he r olTered nn aUu'rlng reward to the par.on the slreet corner. whe n anolher In ·If J can only hold out." ty who stopped tbe runaways. 'C" elf 01 Ls to' quiet the now sleeping baby, klns was not romantic; his was a well·dressed little bQY passed on ·1118 an Richard lost In adml~atlo'n Ailll. . grasping nalure. '''Ycs, tho baby way to the drug store to buy candy. "SPOHN·S." "Let's take his penny away from ~Iu~ m;" Pllnch spoke Th i~ Is th e name [lhe grea test of at! " Dick. what shall we do?" Ann spoke ellmlnales atter a long sl1~ nce spent In .s larlng promptl y and decidedly. Ho stood so blm ," one bad boy Buggested to the fe menies fo ,' Distelliper. ]'inli Eye, ' l-rea ves, Bnd t he like alliong al! RI!(1fl o[ horses. ,ola ) ther. thnt J enkins could pass out first. at th e swiftly moving landsca pe. by Druggists. lJa rncSl' M ilke,.". or HI'nd Lo " No," rel!.1led his wi cked companion. the "You will reach your station fn . "Pitch the tlling out of the window"· m u n nrll~ l IIre rs. $.IiO n·nd 81.00 1\ 1:>01tic. aboll~ len minut es ; I am sure you will "It' s best t~ walt ontU he goes III .and .'\j:cnts wn llted. ~cn d for free haole. Spo. nn -the mas~,l1l1ne element growled. lIuys ohocol rile with It, and tlle n we' ll M~d i cn l 0., l1ec. ont'Igious Disease., '. ·:Be serious. Dick-What shnll wo find yom message all right," he said sleal the chocolatE'. Wot's the use at Go9hcn. I nd. do?-It's only a few minutes until we ll.o lnledl)· . to Hlchnrd. ------rellcb vt entworlh." . " We sUre wlll-tiut It will be all doln' extra. work?" 'A t the Other' Extreme. "Give It to some one elso," D!ck sug· right anyway." Richard spok e prompt. JUEt as '10U are pleased At ftndlnl NO GUSHER gest d. brightly. "Thore ' Is no olle Iy. Ami snllled at blm approvingly . fault. you are dl s p)eased at tlndln~ But Tell. Facta About POlltum. In tbo' car to give It .to." Leave It Oll "lJ1ess tbo baby;" she said, softly, as nerfecLHlU .-Lavater. the seat thEin." she gathe red It up I he r arms and "We have used Postllm (or the past JlI ..._ Wln ..low·o Soothlnl;' !'Iyr1lp. "It would fall QIf." "Pin It on. then." klslled a tiny.. dimpled hand. elgbt years." writes. a \Vls. lady. "and OIUllWII"luD. For children&JIll),' tcOtb ID ~ ••0 1 ....n• •110 g "''DA. ro.luce. I". pu(u. cur ol "~I.Qd culiu •. ~ . bOLLia. "DIck. how can ·you be so, heartl.eSB?" "Same ' he re." Richard echoei:! ferdrink It three times II. day. We n e ver "Well. we .ca!1·t take It olf wlth us." vently. "Ha ng Tom and what' Tom lire or It. . . Wheth er life sliaH be desert de pendl he said do·ggedl~. ' ~Tom Is going to says~" "For sever,a} years r could' s~arcely on lhe springs In ,your heart. meet us- - we cau't let hlin see Iteat anything on acconnt ot dyspepsia. . . . contoun'd ed lubbel'--'be sees a joke In Bought H.lm, Too. everything-we would never ·hear. the ' '. Mrs. Taft. In a New Haveu luter· bloating after meals.!on, sick <l1Irml i'C<l . n1!.~'~I.t!~e':':~111~r.:t:~~\-rlaIP.'bp last of It. We w,1I 'have to leave It ·... iew. said 'that' she thougbt divorce helldache-In fact was In sucb misery free. A . tl. Ulw &lud,LoJlur , z.; : L ~nd dl~tr ess '1 t ried' Hvlng on hot water . DID tbe train." worse than war. and toast for nearly a year. SeU·reallzaUon com.e s lhrougb ae"· "Richard Mallning. we won't leave "Yet marriage Itself Is 'Yar some· '" bad quit calfee. the cause of my Ice tor social r~demptlon. the poor little ..thlng ou the· train. by, times. Isn't It?" added Mrs. 'fail. trouble-, and was 'uslng hot water. but itselt-It muat be llropel'ly cared tor "S9me people campaign dally. . this was not nour1ehJng. . . by some one." · , . "There. Is a couple . at this sort III' "Hearl~g ot Postilm I began 'drlnk"'That spme on'e Isn't solng to be Cincinnati. It was a marriage de con· us. Its mother .won·t plalin It. She's venance. thelr~. ' That Is to say; the Ing ' It and my aliments disappeared. and now I can eat anything I want · deserted It," "You. know better. Rlch- lady had money. ' ' without trouble. &rd." Ann. 'wben displeased, bad n "The Inay had a temper, too. She ':My parents and husband had about v~ry declstv~' way at 's nylpg Rll)hnrd. Insisted always that her wealth would RIchard realized tl)at It · was time tor be recognized. One atternO<ln the hus- the same experience. Mother would 111m ,.to do sOlllethlng practtcal; a't lhe band 'br,o ught a friend hon.e- In the otten sutrer aflel' a,atlng, ' whlle yet drinking cotree. My husband was a ' same tll\le he must appease ~nn. "Ot new automobile. . great calfee drinker and sulfered troin course ·s h.e will claim It." be agreed. "While his wife stood on tbe dool' .... "Rather out of the ordinary, .Isn't he?" step. the hUllband show~ the nutomt> Indigestion and headacbe. "After he stopped calfee and .began "~ert~uly hJs .m other will clalmblm. · bl.le·s pOints to, his' friend, clrcUug Rlcharll :' Ann .' was .riot , eaally ap- about It, patting Its shining paint and Postum both aliments left him. He will not drlnlt anything else now and »ea.ed. . brass-work lovingly, bave It three times a day. I could "By Jo,ei -ui. conductor la coming. " 'What a gem our automobile-' be we write more ' but am no gDsber-only' We , will leave It to blm." cried. but bls rich wUe sbarply Intel' elate plain facts." . . ':Good bOy; . Dick." Dlok smiled. rUl,led him: by POltum Co,. BatUe Name given Ann was appeased. "'My au~moblle, It you pleaae.' sbs 'M.J treek. Mlt!h. Read "The Road to In ~ lew words be uplalne.1 their snapped from the dool'lltep. W\oellv!lJe." In pkp, "'lIher.e'sa RM.IOD,· .udden and une:I]I4!Cted acquirement · money bought: It.' Ev.r reid. the ·above letter? A new of tile baby. "Deacrfb's the WOIll&ll." "'Yes; madam.' •• Id the . I1U8baDd. 'l'bo man of tJ'lileta -»alee rrum,. ''We ,1ancl~g at bls IrIIIId, '&1141 lOU Dl0M7 0111, Ippel,. from time to tim., The, Ire ... nul .... tn... and full or lIu ..... ll==:tl.~ aD'\, 10u:." J .... Jookl.D I at . - lIOuall.t m..• ..
TAFT or BRVAII 'LITHOGRAPH. Sloe ~1:<28. Sample Copt.. tn tube.. 10 ct... Sp~c l~1 price. In qu&nUU .. to Ajreny.
USI0-80N08-KOrry Wlda" Walt... Do....,• . l'alw~\ An. borod: O..I.~rl;.Lo .. 0 .110 ... : d or; 'J.'",*, u ronadler.; »do lSoh,· JJaddy ; LeOu.uiaI Mo.D 1",,11: ADnle l'..aurte'IMID .. ro\ !JQFIA=lab •.Al ... 1"10 nn , JDaDdOU~ &,,4 IU tar 1M!i1ectJon--. ' ar-.
.... .
Dumbor"IlOII\""IIIIOo"""b.c...I~aeooD\a nI ..." "
S ..·I ..... ......-.""""'IM..~,
A; N, K.-E
(1 G0a-41)
Are 50 Clgare Without the HeadsTherefore 3 for 5 Centa
M ' ade
from the same toba(}o
co used in the best 5-cent cigars, butthe sma1lleaves and selected clip-, pings-a uniform 'blend
of five different selected grades of fine domestic tobacco, blepded to give an ideal combination of agreeable strength and mild fragrance. " ADd you pay only for what you smoke.
Sold Everywhere
Send For Free Catalogue "How to Make Money Selling Goldfiah." Mnkes business lively around your store wh en everytbinat else fails. BIG profits and QUICK retu.·os. Full 'line of aquarium supplies. Write to-day.
Bon"Bons, 'Chocolate Orops,
lOc poun<1
Molasses Kis
10e pound
' French Mi
n· II orcll1l .. ,I hy Ih e "flllnrillillhe " lIlage 01 Wayn g"ilk Ohlu SKC'rJOl' I , 'l' h,'1 ",,,1111111 I,', l) ( lUI TIll. n n cO W eJi\l .J.hlh,b gnHit-8 (ur HltlC"w ... ll{g rrO tlJ Lhe 1i:i1><~ Hltlc j Malll glrl!C I frorn NoIrLlJ treel I.. ~JUI ~Ir('(l l be IlIII 'nclu<l "0' to r ead tn Exblbl t ,' , 0 1 rdhllillc No, fi(1 an n ' d lnan~ w (Ii lnbllah wrade rur ~locwalk~,
ou r b Ilnd
Pas,Suti hr ·(mtlcll.
gq tl l· ~.
l I t.
PI'rlo.l nllow '(I b\' I" IV
" ilM II .. t \)UIWIl I 'halllb r tlib, lil e lit leenLh ',I"S IJf Iktol>.' r , II, ItlO , L 'IA , U, Ut:KU, 'lurk ,
--~--- ---
ThaBe GaDdieB ara the Bam.e kind that uBuallv . Ball at 15 and 20 'c eDt. a pound, BO SO to
IIc.,l uo lOlI al tbe cu rn ' r of lhe ~\lr4 ort h lind Mllin S~reet8
a~ tile In l ers " UUII or
elcvaUon 0\
II , [, i, feCl froUl l ltl" vlllnl{u
clntum OIL tile Ke)'d '''1111,1\1111 ou ,lIllS corner, running tllene IIlO Ie ' tlll .. n c l e"I1Llon or 100leel.. :I' henee t ~IO rl' l LO 1111 d ",vllt;lon or 106,26 reoi', '['hen II 12. Ie I to an elel'atJol1 of 11.7,86 tec l , 'l'lten ' 1:)0 re HO, n Icva lloll ot 112 40 fcc~, 'I'hence I~ \I loo t to a n ul va' sou tb dld Uoo of 1\8,70 I e ,t a l or ncar tll 0' MII1 S~r t . 'I'hen,'c buglnnhig On the Sor1.b, aldo of MlII " lre t (ttl fec t Nonn f tb e IUl (1(Ilnt ;, lJov ttl ntl!Hlcd) at lill olevuUon of 1111,111 f l!t all.1 ru"nhig th n~e I 10 feet lO an e l evaUo n or I ;lO,KO feC l , 'l'b nee 26 tee t 10 'II' Ie " l LI QII or 120 UO I' t, " 'htincr. 26 fee t toanel vmlo ll ull :!O,I\ O r"t'\. " 'h n ' 1 !6 teel to IU' CIC"lILlon t J ~O, OO Iree~ I\t ,noor the SOlltb s l(lf or I"ranltllll ncm(\,
B~glnulng ;11 the cor uer of urtJ at lotersectlon or Mult. IIntl N"rtlt '~.celS :U 1111 !lIO\' aLlon ot 1I~,Ci(, f L from lh e I'Ilh'J(c datum on tho Ke~'8 bu IIdl nl( 1\1. ,b18 co:rnor run, (B,)
.lnc1hen ,I! 2011 fe8eJ~auele vali otl of 87,70 teel.. 1'benctl t lDl)re r ICdR t(I an " Ie.allon, o f ill,lIb r' t , l"l\'emenL to be e leval.etllloov,: ,curb IIn,de t(I glv gool ,drillnagc'.
Slkrl' lOri' ~ ,
i ,
The famous Educa'~r. See ON them before y..ou' buy. Also E~ Skin ~hoes for Boys A bal.'e ball or School Companion free with each pair of school shoes.
Dress Shoes
A nic. line of Shoes in Ladies', Men's and Boys, Also the Genuine ELK.
fu~:'l~:i:';e\~~ Water
$ $
A big line of the Gem Corduroy Suits, ,' Coats and Pants at $7.00, $8.00 an4 $9.00 per suit. Gem Coats and Overalls, Gem Work Shirts, Gem Dres$ Shirts, Jeraey Overshirts,
S ,
A big ~~~:::~ new underwear in Men's,Boy's, Ladies', Misses 'and Chil-
~~~ Sults.-""p" ~~ Sui·· -.........
Black tights for the children Just the thingto'keep them warm. Ask to 'llOO them. Knit Jackets for men"and boys Caps for men and boys, T f th !h'ld oques or e c 1 ren,
S ,
Our prices are 10 per cent lower than elsewhere. ' Rubber .Boots andlShoes We have-the Ball Band Rub- ' ber a~a Felt Boots for Men and , Boys.
The Hood Rubbers
' For Ladies and ;Children,
~~~r prices on
• ,.~
W.nn Uned Shoes for Ladles
e llA ,
0 , Rub,
) 'I' I ' JI,
~I~-,-_ _,
J(Mol.ed by OOU II CU 01 lbe '\,lII ate or Wll,ne~v\llo, o hIo, Lhllt It Is deemed nllCl!8' 8alYtbG~ sldewl\JiuI, c urb aoll g Ul\l)rs shall be coD8t.ruoletl ~h" Elisl ~t1e of Main
:.?.~! CLOTHF~"?
,,:Ssed ,a l Cl)\lncU bolO bertbl~ the IItle nth
# S~t 0 r e ~ #
a ~ An'o ther 'lot of.1 Unde'rwear and Hosl-ePV' just received. '
The best line in town.
1111111 lake after tit
d'"y or Oct(lber II. 0 .. 11'10 ,
Boy's _and Olrls',School Shoes
" 'hit! Ord inance
and b In l oree Crom an d elLrUe t period ..lIowed by IIlW , elf,,~t.
~~~"'~"' "~"~~ ~ KILBON'S ,
PIlVCu\ ,II to b~ el vaL!d ,\ UOVC th e u~ b &,rade ~udlolen t 1:0 I:h'e 1C00II t1 ro~ln ~, gc ,
The fOU.wing-named persons for- : Air. Aiatt , Denver, 08,ndidllte for bid any hunting or shooting on their Congrelll'l'!lan In the Third district, premises witliout permission: of WUminAton. wae 11 vieitor bere George Henkle. Il1l1t 1'qnrtldav, I\nd made U8 a pleas· Chartee Lew'", ant , oa1l,
• '"F h e " Day 1ig h t
The largest asaortment of outing flannel flanneletts etc, we ever had, COmE> and look them over, Blankets at ~l'.25 to ~c.OO per pair,
, I
Calico,' the very besl at 6c. Ginghams, Suiting. Serge, Danish cloth, 25c. Dress Suitin2:s • new goods; at 15c per yard. 25c. Waterproof Suiting at 15c.~~ Yl\l'd, Crash, a nice assortmen t 5c. to 14c, per yard.
o l l) ~ ed .u,v ' ~ " !L "
f{ru VI
1 pi t I roll1
WIlIIIIII ~ obli~ ... U tl) t\ ' t! 1111:1 1.111 I ClUllt" "II,1 f.'Il' tI'lllla Phi II'"
the pllbh(J
AllY nne
I will b
111ft j{fl
3-a,X 1111 " t, litlO Ii " t t"
1 Pha em, 1 BugKY ,
,rooking utens,ils, 'I iI'on kettle. 1 sp l'ink- Foul't b
Honseh ld Ft1l'nitnr(~ (l~ ~rlsisbt'lingt? ,
sroad, treet , Also tro lDrrom North s treet to 'Frnnklln North ~Iile or , ortb street rrom MaID streeL to Wilter s treet In, WlCorclance w!th . th lil" :a nd orlJl ' OIlOCll ot Ute vllla1!6 rcg ula"D~ the oon' 8Lrl10LloD 01 8uch wulk .. : cllrh unlll gU ll" .. , ' and Lhe pltlos aoft " pet!, Itl . tlon lor' tllo sa,m e 11M wl\ hln tbe ~Imc I!mltcll bv 1I>"r, anll tb MIl10r 18~equlrell to c au ' nOtll:e 'of the pUlillie' or tbl~ resolution t.9 be ~ctved \Ipon the own r o f eacb parcel of I?,nd abutting on 8ueb 811 WILlI! tn Lhe m~noer I'flflulr'ed by It>w and Lbll .,\10 shan lie reLurneil 1.() lh • l erk tbe vl\I;lIIll, to be I,,)' hi m pre~erved In hlN omoc 3M requJred lIy lu"" Adopted at Counoll halll \Jllr tblR, the IIr' tecu~h ll'as Qr UCIA,btlr, A 0 , I OU ,
"$, $. of $ '
$ $
'. U ' II I'l'I1 , Ml~yor. (' liAR: .0, Rnll,
= ~
$ $ $' $
' l'E,l
ollncil 01 ttl ' ,'mage
rpllow : (A)
1 g~ aline stov
ler. ~ strand, of ::;I'lig h bells,
SECT I <It! J. ThaI ~b e gra,1 s on the dlffer~nl SLre et. mentioned In Lbo t itl e of thl Or, dlO~O ceoo an,I, UH'SIUIIUun' '",reb)' e5Lll.bll~hcd
' '
2 s ts bug~y hamess, 1 , t arl,.11Ul'ne, , lines, P";AR '-0 cel K.. lfer p,,,"'I" , ' I)r 'ollars. bruJI . buggy robes, ram apl'lm , f ullI:IlIl a, 1:'hooo 'lit! l:Iu wk .... Nil b I' 'ullhloll , 'torm 'urtain, i :,leds, 25 bu h Is COI'n. a lot Of hay, slraw 114- 2, r, and sheaf pats ill mo\ ,50 grai n sacks. ] wheelbarr \ 1 011 -hol'~ harrow, ONE or tWIl so hlln) ' " bn)lIr~ 1,0 1 potato COVel'el', chains, ho s, fOl'ks, rak a nd s ho ' Is, 1 can lin eed oil, !JOIUll" 'II II 011 MI'I.I flllmillti .
"om na
b~idekboard. 2 ~,!r~~V~I~~~~·; I'~ II~~::I~ltl~ ~ ~'\~~~~'
1 n
W N Y i t ' , \LJ':
, N
'r Ze'li
Illg l'iJle ,ullill fine Olltllh 'Io n,
Lyqia M. 'Wright.
WaYhcs ,' llle, 0111(1:-
aL an
Be Il or<l,;lnCll by the
1 P!ano. d] .. d e",l(an 00 'al:!. b lOOlt 1 "el I 1 I' 1 II 1 b ok ea e 1 com I' cUjJuoar d, 1 IIch 2 b ds , dl:!p11ngs m.Ht l' 'S 2 ' , .. ' II .. 1; 11 11111 I Itlll, ' tUIiU for sirle':"I\ I' I ou rb (md gUIttar8 on l" t b · I' I II b 2 • , , CUIlitO!IIc1 bOll,,,- :lIl1 v III K (u .. IH LbuLy c mmgo a 5, ~ vera s!nfl La I • WHf\hstBl1 ~ ~ _ !1oz n : hall's , 1 cot, llllg/(y , '1' Z ti ll th~:-' 3 clocks, 1 s wtng mach tnc, nIt uf cal'l l t and ltnoleum, car nel, rugs , a lot ' ' , (A,) I':""L ~ ltl ' 01 llalu " recL IrC'1Il Nonh ofd h;hes, picLurel, 1 child's d ~k and blackboard, 1 radl 1, ~I)sage VIOLIN oello, jine iu!!trumeut, L SlreC\ lO Pn,ukJln 1,!Olld, ' grind 1', 1 C U,I'~lin t retch r, quilt ing fl:ame. a lot of Mason ' If.. eallIIundultn, I 1" ", pl OOlllo, u b O,v'lI (11,) NorLII ~I du nr Nor~h Street rrolU Wain ing cans, t n jars, glasses and olhel' art icles too ' nullI ,r OllS to men lion, ov r O\.lut, 1 work I,,,hl .... 1 gllo9 pilli a. StrOOl l WOLcr trecl, "Ie> [ • T (:I /) \))1:\), L W,.lld,'utlli, 1 '/rlt,'s rllPElat
lOe pound
hOI':'; ~ ,
Nl ,isce llu.lloou ' 3 heating ,'CO" ~,
An OtdinrmCt1 to eatllb]is h g'rIldes
lOc pound
, J eily Beans,
2 gnorl g-en ral pm'pM; Ilui t <lnli genl le , '
...... w . . . . w • • • .,..
II' \\ III he: II I1Wf·lt.~d llllt"'1' ll1l1'o, h r~t d Jur lW '4t'1 t \' th/' C,t' lI l,:., r~,,' t. h,'\.·.· iii " " hnl , whvl1 UI'lIrU'-!II1t IIIltre ' ,llIut 'h' ,' 1I1l~
2 Buggies
2 Horses
" ':("'I":<:.!, 'l'IIM Ihl. Or<lIunru' , ;.hldl lu k., elfue l "lnll oha ll lJc 10 forer ftom andl ufl~r th~ cllr l1e~ 1
lOe pound
Saturday, Oct. 24, 1908
J \JU~ ,
10c pound
...... ",..~ ,.,. . . . .
An or 11011006 to tl!lt,lJ.bll!!h gnul 1.1 lor 1 will s II at. publi' sula ul lhp lilt I e iJ Ill' o~ Israel W Ig'hl , .Ie \ tu r tl, sidewalks on the 6vE'rlii treet,s, in Wa nesvill ,at. '12::10 o't!ot:k p, III " t.he f lI owi n ~ property, on
" Ii, S Ii ITH , Ma~or ,
roa Cundy
Classified ,',AdvBrtisBDlerits
Am.mding Ordinance No,. 24,
ellnOIES tot'
~••••iiu~~~••~ WK~~~~tore
! r·· ..·_·m'..........~ .... - .. ~... - ! jj6 ~ jji
II , •
We h av Lh:i
II : I~ ~:~·f·~ ~ :f:~; ,;, ~ :;~,; IOUIl'll I:! ~
(llu .
"~hat Good Oil"
._ 1W
A 'read V I lIlIl: h -s~d1icit.'n!h, cooked fur salHl1s , l~lIlYOll lli'lC unJ ail old Il ot lli dht!,'. AlulOll l
The Bu'tcber
(;"anned Shrimp, .'" pound.
• iii
Fres' h Bee 'f ~
, I
Pork, Lamb
at 15c a. gal. Ni n '.t nlhs of thl!, \leoptwhllusj c h >:lp c ullloilare di s ' ati ' licc! wi 'lli the (Iualit , ' '['hIS nil gIve", a dllllr, hn/{ht ILJtbt i cJou\ cb"r lite wicks ·nor so il the 'hhu~
.. ~ Hou.ef,lle~ning Time. ' Oysters.. Ih~vc ~
a a
Valley, Phone 163
We ull q> t bea ten'!. brooll1!\, ""ops, aUlln')nia, carpe t n"ps, "D .. tch lbaner. 'I "lip'h .. p powder, G .. ld OUSl, S ' ISlIlIa,
scrub hrush,'S,
COl1ct! I'ltra~t!c1
I.;.;;;·~_~~;;~~i ~~:~:::\;::::! ~'I. 2Sc.
~--~==~ --
- -.
- - .:;:.. ----=--=-..:::::=---:---~.
----~~ --~,---
CL IDthere's shoema~B, u a wrong 'u
in everything else,
well u a riarht way of doing,things. 'Rice & Hutchina' Educator Shoe is the RIGHT' way-it "leta the child's feel 'gro~ u they sbould," thereby' preventing foot.trouble. later OD in life. A stitch in time'savea nine. Start the chiLI rightwith the
You ,
c ide~ vitu,,/{"r, ~liIve
lue l.( a l' OIL
1I1 :~
ctioj '- t! ilit e r
, por,·IIld, or
' lly
)'I' :tl'
tho pllr .. · , :1 \' l'ar ,ol(l tit., 'II:" k~1.
SO~P. 5c
a bar.
A l'U,<· ttlflle r 's aid: , " I \\':1111 lh e 1j ll e:lt Hoa p 1I1!\lltl f r "':I :l hllll{ wooleu ,,,,oods," alHj (h'~ "t:nliCl Na s 'Wool S tIli I ,
Portlal\d Cemel\t •. The lie t /.: rlldu~ of .-a terti Purtla .. 1 "' IIIt'J lt, h .. th "Alpha" an,1 "AlIns" hr :lI"l~ III $1.00 aud
New Ooods This Week:
:b1.(.5 pe r barre l AI'Io 'lill1l:, Urick, plaster part s lIill\' hair it, i ally 'IUHIIHt • larKl' nr ,sm ;;\I, "
New Seeded Raisins, New Cleaned C",rranul. , N~w Citron, New Sipices. New Mince Meat, New Canned Peache,s, New Canned 'Pcas, New Rolled Oats, New Cracked Hominy. New Flake Hominy, New Pan Cake Flour. New Cereals of,aU If,inds. Fancy Home-Grown .!riah Potatoetl. • Fancy Yellow Jeraey Sweets, Cabbage, Yellow On~onB, Bermuda Onions, Cranberries, Celery, \
Is Your Watoh,Siok?'.: ,
New York Pippin Apples, 40cpk
J5C Peck.,' ' $1.25 per Bushel Gum DroplI, Fr~nClb Ure.. lnl1.
""'''T Fudge-S kinde VAl1., Cocoanut
ChoootlJ.te Drape
Coe I
Hflf AGAIN! '
Cash Price Paid for'
,That joll):' old 'funinaker'known 'to ail as
Happy, Will entertain you at Hahn'. H~II on
Frlday, OCt.. 23d Commences 8 p.' m. Admll8lon 10 ~ ISC
I can cure the Ills 01 your watc~ 'very Auldd), If 'You wID bring It to me. I will be at Coleman's Stove St~re every \\Iednesd,.y day~ Cjocks Cured, abo.
AT THE ~1I8.
----~~----~----------~~-~~~~~~ -,-~~~~,~ . ~-~-~~-~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
. ! I
',. ,
...' b''H'hMri/:'bOillill4ioW''W",,w,III'"
I SOCI'ety
"Column iJ '.
. I St. Mary 's Epi oopa! churoll will W T 0 IIlctnnab. 1COUlllleOCfl t,heir 'evenin' e vices m , erry, of lIyton, wa" home ~ I' gr ., jover Sunday. '. ~""",,_""'~ICl.~tte!"_,", . oext Su nday, N'Jvpwuer 1, and 0 00 h . I Miss Edna p encel' paiu a wcek, " We wan I to m"k e thl ti column of th , Of Two W e ll-Known Y,o ung Mr!'. y~thla .Ev.ans ~as l' t Ul'l'1 t1 tinue them l,hrol1~bout the \yinter Mr. Anr II B. andl erand MISS end visit to her parent" here .t P 1 f1' 111 a VISit tu mcmnatl () fl . Lydia A onard both of Wayhes I . ' .,,1. tW " IC~hllnii (t:ulure Lbl. ",llIl~r. ILlIU Cle y eop . . II the rst Sntl(lay night of tlooh ' II .. .' . .' , Th~ MIsses Lucile Mason and Myr- a ~ k " lIr frien ds to. ot1111 socle~)' eVenl! . (ieurge and J oe ThoIllP~IHI w "re m o n tb tb HI will he a ~ong serv l 'e. VI e, were umted 10 mal rlage by tIe KI~ler sl?ent Saturday and Sun: I.' IJ' ( \ vi. itor.' in D~ylon I I!~l \1/ 1<. The sob] ot t\lI' next !:lundllY Dight ~v. J F. Cadwallader at. St. Maryls ! ~i: klt~1 MISS Pe~rl Saberton, of Mr . anu Mrs U. B. Corey· \' VJ {It J IJ~ .Mr. a nt.I MI'" , S . n. Evel'ly, of IJay - whi oll will hn All uints Day, will 0 urc l'ectoryat6:30p. m . Tuesday T~ s~. e. S S dd dEd ttliueu Ilt Snnd:LY dinner tlJe follow , ---I llltl , visiled \. 'lUI iy(;!~ h ' I'e SUllday. btl " II YIIIIIS 11 lI l1 'l'lleir Ingers. I I cTtohber 27, 1908. _ , Spen~er 1S:~nd~ ~he O~ding ~~ ing gu·e~t.s. Mr. and Mrs Z. H . (Ju.rey , , ,,I . 'I'j Ie IIy llln to IHI ~ f uuleu " . .1 next 8U11- h e only. fJrersonspresent were their M'ISS Bega Colbert and Clarence Lud- Mr. n nd Mrs. Ed Sears or RoxoDna a t• ~ It I _I· t I Mrs. Ha l'v .~' BlIl'lIl!ll: ,I:; s lHtIlJmg' I,) nn~ · () III I ,lISt~ '1'1111 r,;u . . , rl ' 111)t~ .10 h 11· K tI bl e 's eveD I ng .c OSen Mrs. Cadwalladel' 10 w Sa t urd ay In . Leb anon. M'ISS and MIllS .. . Cllrt<y,' . the Beautiful Home of the Bride Iselll'ral days .with ,elaLlves III CIll- 'IY WI d M WItnesses, W H Llllu\D on Mt:t in Strcet-- Both Arc cinnali. hymn 'I:; uu uf m y so ul Titou Savior a n r. . . Allen. Steddl)m was the lucky finder of the '" _ <1~ll r ," " A bide with us, for it is Aiter a s hort wedding trip M I' dhime: whi.le Miss ~pe!1cer obtained '11'ss' Edt' th Mo~ber is en~ertal' nl'ng W c II I noWII.· Mr. an t1 Mrs. Amos Irl Q ml)~On . , . . and Mrs. Chandlet' will be "AtHome" t ermg,mthe brldes cake. !J ~. visited Mr. Homer Wilson and fa mily I.O~ lllU p V~ lI1n~ /ln~ I ~e uu y IS OOW to their friends at the Friends BoardProf. and Mrs. H E. \yilson spent f\ merry bouse-party of younK 11l'l'htll'~ tlll'y tW,"IiIl !{, ( ,nt,ubHI' :& :& lall Su nd ay . f Ill ~ pell t. - Luke ~4-21J: 8uuullY. H Saturday ami unday 111 Harvey s- dies wbo were guests at tbe Musber'.'0 . Il' f,llt 1 ' 1'11)1,. " 11' " 1111 111 ,01 11111 " 11 1· J WI :l I ' r f' 0 L IltI lwol'll \' ::IO .• l. Ul , Ev erybotly iumg ol~e. burg HlLrtHook nuptials 'I'he "Arty coo1 • ~ ""' ().. 11 ' a1ll 11' 1 ' , " (l'y 011 . It , 1 I '. • Mrs, handler although but a few M' GI d S ' ' d ." .ly UeO\l I·II I.I11! 11 II r1'l II 11 11111 .. 1111,,1 , .ol'l'IIL . u " vu l'll l du vH I" ut, w~ .k II/ ' I lll V It fll t. lese !ltll' VI "", . ) f W ' II h ISS a ys pencer s pent Sun ay siat!! of Miss Margaretta PlLcker ot ., . .,~ ~ J~ ' ~ • _ • yt'al·. a rt!::;I( en t 0_ ay nesvi e, as afternoon with Miss Lucile · Norton . ' ' wh.H·e h ti l' Ulother 1.11 111' " Hllrt·I;' , I,'rank 7. -II ulld wife. TEACHE~ MAKES CHANOE. won aJarge circle of friends and as Newton, . PO.i ,MISt! Olive Carlisle, MOtlb or WII S hom IIn£1 lJIlll·riou. IIIHI M, S . 'Iara Lewis and Mrs,. Lu cy matron of t.he Friends Ho~e COrt1New Burlington, of Gambler, Ohl/) i Miss Sara Yo~e, uou.rly ull hl!r hr~ Il,," 11 VillI, Cl1rnl.I·1I Uy l<~ sil nt MOtltluy wiLh Mrs. E. " . mand s the respect and confid ence of of. Monongahela, ,1'11.., and M~88 .I enning!! I'I/o"h.,r heulllne I.ue \\' If,, N It r Y I ,-" , MI ~!! AUllle U. B,·owu ho!! resign t he entir comm ' t b h I The band serenaded Mrs Sarah 'P hoebe 'dosher, ofUardlngton, Oblo. OSS ' " un { ", .. ree... ed bel' p()~itioll II t Hel'ell Uullege, Ky. , It h i t undl Yf ' d I~ er l O YLucas on Monday night of last' week . of F retI U. J:JtU'I "llO k, tl~ hi e r c/I' I·hlMl' W ' II S'd~ of D t . LI . . a y w en II y an 1 e Ity to ler Sh ' ted tL. b t ' d ' I. 1 , ay un, wus II.' UUtlllll!lllClO pt6(\11 I)Olllt,lon a ll t ~lIoh' . e .. rea " e oys 0 cIgars an Several young fOUt8 enjoyed ,. 0It1zeD8 allnk of tll"'l pluoe, A1 7 '30 )' \ k t. MI A Blr l.il1!1 ' f Igu 'sl of hl~ .pal'ents, M I' . and Mrs. er in I,he 0 IH. l~' IS. ). HOllie KeniD. t ru st. ~ . pears. hay ride last TburBday evenlnl. "d ' C C I I 1 b' '1' .' _ I 'ur11ue l Si de:;. !;;unday . Khe wil l url:ive bU lJlfl I )ol o b~r !lOLh Mr. C?all~l e~' .IS a !:!un of whom ·~o hn Shakleford . of Highlan9. tl I W ed III g lJIJ1ro I I' !t yee y 11 I ~" • . , , • WayneSVille l!:! Justly p routl , Born OhIO, was the guest of Mrs. HettIe '1'ht'ly rode up tbe railroad aod back Mnrga,' reu", :puck r of NewtowlI Mr. Larl1est ltoSllHl,{le, of \Jl'Ing- I1U.I WIll tllktl uplJ r lIew untIes on d .1 d I I' d . McPherson last week "nd over town, eojoying t.bemselvell I . . L I r I" N )', an real'eu an a ways IV m . Pil 'rhe brhllli J.'ro' II i n oom uOI·u. wall 11 g ll 51 II. ~ :;Ist. ' l·. nvemher :"0. Lhe vnoaucy a.t tile W t h' h h tl fi Several me""bers of the Moonnl'c tmmensely •• ." II E L h . . . , ay ne owns IP, e as Ie con ,.. """" . Those in tbe party })0i4ed or thfl rl tllJ!) ll ~i rl" ' th OttiCl - IV I·S. . ' , .tat away unday. lluUle WIt!! OllU," d by tho reslgoat.l on d f d' I .d b \1 h lodge attended Grand lodge in Cin- were' Misses Ulartl Hawke ' Rutb a.U ng 01ergVUl ILo tlt a ~roolU wil l. M.. anti Mrs Milton Keys spenl of }lltls Etbel W elhu/lo , Miss k ence~, an d~ 1.onOl'e yaw ~ cinnat i last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mille~ Elizll 8tokea Marie 'Miller bill brotber Mr' 'Be rt HlLr ls ok aLUI:t1ayand 'unday with Mr and Br~\\'n former lv ttluglit io the Home now Imbal~t IS 111 every way one 0 Mna. Mary Compton and grand- Anna ~nd Alma C1~~enf.s Winni: . . ' -. b i I b ' 1 our ve['y es daughter Miss Marianna Compton ' MI18ds Edllth M')l\lH r, . ~iiltor of t bl' MI'!! Tel" 'i1I, Ileal' N IV Vienna , e II !; t lere Il out elg It years. May all t.heil' woys be pleaSantness, have ' b~en. guests of friends in fred MaC!. and MeTlara. Carl Hawke, b r e,llIl ( tiff l'l'Irll-'. WIth har Ill (lt il MI', an d M I'S, Eli Burn tt, who - - .- . - lITJd all their paths be peace'. Waynel?ville. Lyman l5~lver8, arrell Maoy and er, entor6'] (h~ S \'IIOlllO;' l'!,rl C IInll ha e 1J~'11 i:liting in Indiana. ,'eNEW CENTU ~Y Cl.Utl - - - - - +- , - - - Rev, J ' L, McWilliams, of WiI - (Jharle8 Mlohener. proceecltlu t o tlJl1 lillY wiullow, Wh flrc turned hom!' !::iuturtl ay veni ng '1'1 N \ Forrner Resident s mington, lectur~ on Temperance in • M l', and MI':;; E. V. Ba rnluu.t and Ie ew Cllnt,nry 0 ub h~ld It." the Friends church on Sunday even- On Tut\8day afternoon the festi vi, In t,h e bell ullhll unil hnwe8t!i VI 'wortl s ot tt 1':';illco~ 1 LJlluI'cll'i" ' l! ' • ,. . .. . 0010uer lIl tleting with ~rs: MenM rs. Mal'y Holl owell, nee But'nett, Ing . . ' . . ties wbioh preoeded tbe Mosber form for tilt> Plo\lm'1I11.11tfon Qf Lnll.t ~I: U S Emma H elg~,~\lay vISldledSflldndS d ub ull on Frilloy tL~e 23r<1. The of Wabash , Jntl ., is vt!ry HI with lr~ Scroggy IS preparm« to bUild Hartsock weddiDg eDded with & ohi" III ayt n atul uuy a n un ay . lesllou fOT t be du.y was very obi" dropsy, with no hope of her recovery. on hIS lot across the street from the . rlmony, Fred uull '1lIU\YO oon ptell ~ M. E . church. na 8hower given by the lliU8II Je8toQetller In boly WI 1II)CK, nud , wit Mr'. Roy Mars hall and family, of 'lod oco~ b l y cuoduoted by Mi@s' sie Marlast., Luella CorneJl and Mar, ne fted the 11111\) " hoftl r ,God linel ~Iloinnati, weI' the gu sts f MI'. May Wright and Mrs Devitt re8d G:::tte: :-a;,~f~;'yn'~~i~~tt~~r;l~~ Don 't fail to ~ "the' ~oving pic- tha O'Neall at the home of the ' la~the lUI omlll c1 .('(11\1 II",!!. ulld gllVI ' J os Evans and family Saturday ar;o u very good ~rticl(\ u,bout t·he Pori- their new home in ~ugene, Oreg tures at Hahn's thIs week. : ter . Tbe bonse wu ta8lefully .dec, IUld ~l uJ.(tlCi 1,1l~lr trulll elloLt to thl' Sund ay. . . titUS. Refreshment·s were serverl -- orated wUb autumn .leavee. Ali8S otber una til'! IlI rt'rt the HtlU1 by ~Iv- . Mr. anti MI'~. J onn Hawke anti by tlJe uOiltel<s' durln~ the 8uoiuJ Mr, and Mrs. Rue Monfort, of Corwin. Mosber was tbe recipient of many iug and ru(,d vl ng " riug,. Ilu il -b y Mr. and Mr~. Malt Parshall s penl !Jour. dnll Lbe ladies were f.lvored Dayton, are rejoicing over t~e arri- Mr. I. N. Harris and family, of beaumul and useful pieoee of ohlna. joinlqg hllll'd ", whtm I/Iey wer6 pr',,- Sunday with Lee Hawke and fa mily witll U1U 10 by Mi llS Mllrgllretta vitI of a daughter. at theIr home Dayton and Mr. J, N .McKinsey and At a seuonable h.Ollr a deUaLoQ8 . P itO k er,o f .~ewton, ~, P iL ., who wall 'a Monday, October 12. . oounoed mb.D 111111 w1ttllO t~ e !lilliit' .111 W'IImmgton. . f a1r!1'1y, 0 f M orrow weFe eues!'-S 0 f buffA'lnnoheoo was lerveda-feag t . their mother, Mrs. Ahce McKinsey of the n C!~ru bill , Tri U I .v by , b I flV EI ie, the Ii tUe tlaughl I' o f Mr. UIlS. _ _ • _ .. , Rev. W, E. Dakin, the po ular last week. , ture of whioh wae loe-oream in tbe .1lJO ..~. U,Hl ..... lI 11 u*" r. · rc 'tor oj and ' Mrs: ~ l:l wke. of WilmingHIGtl SCHOOL VS. TOWN and belovE!d rector of ~t !Paul's Mr and Mrs 0 Mil'Sildine of form of wecldlDg belli. . St. Mu.rY'H oh III' ·It . H r ,ul otlle r, Lon, who hos not been well fOI' :10m Episcopal I~hurch in this city. has Dear' Lebanon •. spent Sunday ~th Abont & dozen YOQDg \adiea were Mrs. Mos h r. !;II I' 11I l! l~ril1 e /I way, time is impl' I/ing. 'i'be fi rst foot ba ll g8me· of tbf' been unarnmously elected dean of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, prell.nti out.of·t;owu guea~ belog , the faculty flf St. Mary's College the M d M W' W Ar Id .....,' Pac IN 'J'Il\! gne t Wtll Ii I Itll,1Ville 11 11(1" Roy Mn rnhul't and wite enlertain- flf' 8 Hllll WIIS ployed )t~ rldIl Y ' after- school I'cclmtly establi3hed by the r: an re. • • no ~n- -,8l' _arg~rett& ker, 0 ewuTlUlbllr of luMIU II I ~Irl I rl il ' OK 0 1 d Sunday, Will Sw ny allo' family, Il oon in Ii dl·i7.zling rain , 811d till' Mississippi diocese of the Episcopal ~rta~led Mr. O:h~~ Arnold'cI~188 ioWD, Pa. i MiU Edith Qrane, of . the IlrliJt!. Alb ' rt 'locy and family unt! Elmer Big b ~ob ool OIl111e out ,vlot,orlous, church ~d located at VickSburg, an~ M:.nYMadden, orWn~~vi11~' Pekin alid Mis'J Irene Trout, oUlon1'lJe wtluulu" lrt~ we ro m lluy /111 11 Ea l'llhart. and family. wl t.h u soorf.> of 10 to O. Two balve!! The. Posl~l()n was .t~d~red to I?r, Sunday. ' roe, Oblo. • . " Dakm 1V1thout so\tcltation. and I~ " . nItn'f,1 ~OIllI.l. ;..1>' 1'. un U MIII 'I:I'~I tSIJO> Mi ' B a 011 It anti Mrs. GI'ace ~vOl'e played the ~l glJ I:!cbool l~~k- profferis c'o nsidered a high tribute to Mrs. Hope .~tlles . and, qaughter . will reside III \VI YlI tl!l \'ill, arl (1 IIf, BIl' . J ' fW '1 . t .t lngo touchdownm eaobha.lf. lb e his ability bothasascholar and a wereSundayvIsltorsmXema. WbiJe~r.andMn.J.F. Penneter -IL short \V ,171il11{ tl IV will llA Ilt a at(: a ,I Im,n g on , weregue,s ~ fellture8 o(tbe gume was tbe play , man of exec:utiveability, as themanMr. J. Eilbon was in Cincinnati WItt were away SundAy momiog ho~ e .t u 'th I r fl'i e lld l:1 Itt ~Ilflir It OIll .. of Mr. G. r . 0 Neall and utll el ing of Kellison IlDd Llarey . . agement of the school would ' be on bUSln888 one day recently. ,tbeir home was taken p088esslon of un Third Stl' el. fl'iendshel'e Suntlay . practically safein qis hands. Bishop Miss Minnie McKinsey spent Sun- by relatives aud friendll wbo came Mrs. HII r tHock hlll:1 II rWIISS Ii v d MI'. and MI'S. Z H. :lJ'ey ahd BUILDING ADDITION ~ratton. wh? hll;S b-:en .elected pres- day with her parents. I with well filled bultet8 and hearts ~"'ne~v ' illu dau''l'hiei· Lillian, of New Vienlla' , Ide~t of the IIlstltutlOn, has mamf.old A transfer of farms was made here of good cbeer to enJoy II. good soIn W n " ~ v /Iud her lIJuny .. duties apd l::annot 'devote much time last week Mr D H Surface has ' a ttruOtive .frllit.!I of h" ...,oter IIno sp nt several ·days last we k wi th Mr. Ed Mti Of III putting np IL sub to the schOlol . and Dr'Dakin ' " I . • as bong ht J .' N . 'Lemmon·s place an d ciol time. The 'surprlae was "comd . her aQCOuljJllt4hnltlDt ll, I~ II\' wou /lnd thei r son, PI·Of. . H . a l·ey . s Wntia\ IIddition too Ill S buro. He dean of the fa~ulty, would be m full Mr. Asa Whitacre bought Mr. Sur- ' plete 8uooe88. ThOle from II. 11- . beld for hur u h ll8t 0 1 IH.llnil· rt! n nd M ". J . N. 'fume!'. f Delawa!' flnd l<1tblit his alrelldy .1ilrge barn II' control of a,ffalrs. ' . face's place, , ' tanoe were : Mrs. Elizabetb Penne, fri !<nd... Coun y, fath er-in-law of Prof. 1. D. Dot tLdequll,te for his buslues!! Ilnd' if! th~h'o~::~~t~~:!i ~~o:~f~';;~~ .~rsed' )(ehttie ' Kepler,O ' o! ~orro~, witt, Mr, E. Penn 8wlU. Mr, B, Ht1r~ . p Mr. Bllrt,,',ok ill II ,Vo nng III/In uf Kellison, has just returned hOllie pntting up 0 ooncrete IIddit.lon, election to Ithe deanship of St. Mary's VISIt a.t t e h orne of hver DaV18 ly and ,wife, Mr. C. ennewltt, an . JClI \tlld OilnrUO ltt r /I lid tltobrlill l( wortlJ after a pleusanl visit he l·e. Mr. Mltey intends to hllve II 0001- faculty. hWlnot definitely decided to and faml~y last week. '. • wife, of Bellbrook; MissStel1aSims, Hlld III til blll~illl.ljol", worlLi hilS al- \ M d M ' £' H k M ' plet,e Ii very when filll!llteu, accept the ]position, Hewould leave Ray Mills was a Dayton V181tor one 01 Day too i J. P. ZeIJ and family, 01 . I r, an I s. ~eo . owe, r. , Golumblls with re~ret, and it is need- day last week. Yellow Springe, Morris Cornell, ready llohl6V l:tll tl IIC etlt!. Ellj I~ Jlrub- Iantl Mr>l, Rmmtn: Baily and Mrs . Lina l - less to say t hat thls .regret would be . Mrs Henry Hamer and Mrs. Hal'- wile and daughter 01 CeDterville' liLly t.1layonugtlst ("1I8hll:ll' ,If.1 ha llk Dev itt attellclt!d ii.six o'clock dinne r DEATH OF MRS. NEWPOR,T s hared not only by the members of rlet Dugan, of Troy. and Mrs. Clyde ' , _ _ til th&-;.lltllte. I,UU ~ urll hi " hOD DI·,. 1at Lebanon, aturuay vening, M ' L: / N . his congregation, but by the people Miller, of Pixua" visited with Mrs F. t!quh:es, wife and dauKbter, Qf Hruoefu lly IInl1 \lil!olJlIr~Il'" hi dUI.fptl i ' . I !I. a uru. ew~or~ cited f\t ber of the city generally. St. Paul's Alice ~cKinsey and Miss Lillie Ned- Harvevsburg; ThOll. He88 and wife, eftlcieutlo. MIl Y ull t hei r brighl l Mrs. W. H, All en and . MISS Geor - bU!1l1l on thti UVller ~prlngboro pike, church hli!) never had a more efficient ry recently. Fra.nk i:;mltb and wife, F.r llnk Blirtprospects btl 11 1 tll J g ia Haoden left Monday mOl'l1ing Fl'lday aft.eflloon 1I,t. 3 o 'cloolr ' Fu. or a !l'~re popular rector than hE!, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henderson were 800k Ilnd wife, Chas. Smitb and wife. rea ze • "'" , ey 8u fOI' u visit in Macomb, Ill. Mi nArlll ' from ner home at 10 ~'CloCk and It IS generally conceded that hl.s Day tOft visitors Thursday. B A Cornell wile and daugbter J rlohly des rve. , . , . • place would be hard to fill. Dr. 1>1• - • ' ." , " • :l'h~ tuvitea guellt" were: Mr liud Hadden Will spend the WlIlt \' there. I I:;UlltlIlY, lint! W\lI:I prellob~u by the kin ~as been in C,?lumbus a lI~t1e E nt ire change of pictures at Hahn 's ~l1wke, aDC wife, W. E (Jornell and Mr!l, J . F'. ClLd w.dl>lIllil', MI'.lI.nd Mr!:1 J. A. fi' unl<ey :lnd ,,Mrs . W. T . I Rev, Cllrrl flT, of the Ur.lvflr~all st, m~re than ~h~ee ~ears .. :md tangible on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. family, W. ~ . Hartsook a.~d famU~, (L ~ . " ' ,, (clltll' II , eV idence of: hiS pamstakmg and con• _ • EmersoD Maaon and wife J Whit· Mr s. " , " . ....II\'t.soc k .. Mr. lllJd ~r!" 1 Gl lhlumi wbr , m Sprmgfi Id las t - - --:- ~ _ scientious work is to be fouud on evWI ' . ' ,. . 8 V . HlIl't!;tOOk. Me ,a nti MI'!!. dODIt w ek. Ilttenl1ing the tlistrict mt!eLing l 'SECOND GROWTH ery hand ' In addition to numerous el man. . ker, wIfe and son, Jooatba?8mitb thltD Smith, MI' lind Mr>l . .J. of lhe FOI'eig n Missionary society . . improvements in the c~urch w hich Mr, and Mrs George Ellis and and wife, B. p , Bart.llook, wlfe and Marlatt, ' Mr". Elsie tilll'tb . . 'I'htl . . . . I Mr. Hurry . MutJlu brou bt to came .as ~ r esult of hiS efforts, he daughter, 9p~nt Sunday with Ed. daughter, tlenry Prater an,d wife, ui L II· O· II M' ''h 1\1 r. Caspel Rowe and fnou\y. . . y g has·organl:~ed a looal chaptet· of the Martin and wife J . Baker wife and daugMer Robert ~ 8868 u" " rn e, art. II 1M '" L All .1 f '1 f l tillS office Mondaya 'pelLob tbat he B th h d f St A d d h . . " . O' Neall. Do ol,h OIlRlll tit.tllitt Lem m.1I . ' r ,,:.' en anu a'.llI y ~ , .. ' ro er 0() a , n ~e~ an as. Lew, Wolfe and wife of near Wil- Bradook and wife, Frank Dradock I' . y . ' ,..' Clncmnatl , came up Sunoay m t hew ! lIays was the ~eoond crop off t he ~wakene~ limonlf hiS parlshton~r!? an mington spent Sunday with John an'" family Mrs. Ch1l8. Rye 111'11 Ul on, EVIl.DttvlI!,ElI17.ubetb f.h.LDdlcl·, t d t tl af't ' tl sllme tree tbitl y'elor . Tbe first 'mter est m charItable and rehglOus ·W If ' d f --I ' ... , ,. i\u 0 an spen 1e em o n WI I ' k h ' h . t h' . d 'd 0 e an amI y. Rosa Berryhill Mlsses:Ada. Fur . . Ka. tb ryn AI eXA,uc.Ie r, E",ll1m/l Elel,~ h M' !:> CA li cr up wa~ Il good yi"ld aod In.rge wor V! IC pnor. a IS commg , I ' M EI' F' t F 'd 'th . ' . . way , l)onn,d'lllwkf' J O\I!\i Mu.rlllt,r,. . IS. . :' en. i siztl freestones T he ~eco d ' not eXIst. There IS a mutual feelmgl h rs. Vtsln IresbsSpen rId ay·fwI f D1l8, B'1~ra Berryblll, Elste and n orop of confidence between r ector and er paren , J aco ears an WI e o Ruth Bartlock , Ma HOUlton }Jenrlettu. MoKin!!l:l.y, .Ru t h Hart· Or a~l1 MrfJ,. , A . H Olll!~, o f L b· hn!:! /I gOM pea oh ftllo,;or. . : . parishioners, and to sever t he pleas- Ha.r veysburg. . " y. lI <lok, MI'. /lu.l ~l''''. O 'NlllllI anon. wlt.h th ell' tlaughtel' ,nntl" hll~- , • __. _ 4 ~ . • I/-nt relations which .h aveexisted for Mrs Mary. ~atherine navis wlI;S ~asl!r!I Bu.rry Pra~r, Fred Farn8s, Mel!~r~ . Burt · Bllrt~o()k , ROMI,l l band, M,·. and ~I'S- S{labum ·.Eaton, ' QUARTET ATTENDS' MEETING three.years would bea source of re- the guest of her sonl George DaVIS (Jarl Smith. J . W. M.urphy and E. Hawke urill Ruym ond Olivia ot 10f . BI·yan . Ohio · we l'l:! calimg' on Kret t o all concerned. several days last weeK. Roblnson. . .Wllvne9vllltl R , F M'Jtlht!r !lorl M IM' Wayn svill e frie'nus Sunday nfLerM s ' KeU ' 6' . R UII'III 'd' .Wbil e the salary received by Dr, Mrs. Walter Jordan is on the sick ONI!: WOO WAS , 'l'oIlRIII. . . ': ., . es nl. II! n, ILper, an Dakm as dean of St . .Mary ~s faculty list . • - ... ~boebe Mosber ; L f Crlrtlln gtpl1 i, Mr nOI)'1. , - -- ' aDd li::l1is went to Bellbrook Frl-. " '-"ould . naturally be .much larger than B orn t·'0 d' Mrs. W a It er T'bTHE LADIES GUILD , ___ '. ," ' I Archer BartMock, Mr. lIud Mrt!. 1 . .. • ,. ' day nigb t t.o I!lnR lit IL meeting_tbertl. that .whlch he now . receIves; the bals on Friday, October 23rd adaughN. Harrls,.ot ullytou i Mr, and Mrs . • O~EA I EST ~ONDER~ 'J'ha spelLker W8t1 a. Mr. BoD~, o'f q.uestlon of ,m~ney will. ~ot be con- ter. . The Ladies Guild ~f t. Mary's F. L. T~ylor, Mr. I~Jld Mrll. (J. F. ' . Mllrion; Obio 14(8 A. Maffit Mnd sldered by hIm In ~etermmmgwheth- 'Miss FlosSie Fil'es' was the guest church :will hold their C~tmas' . We \V1I.ut fo oall IltLcmt,1011 to Ih e M J '1' Elli w I U f ~r to accept or reject the offer. He of Miss Edith Bogan Friday. market and bazar, on Saturday .MosHer lind Mrll S J BUrgan ot , •, . . • 1 f i \\' I \ t L b H rR, ' . , sere 0, ~o lere rom IS well satisfied here and as stated . b Olnoi,nDatl i Nill. lr-e~e ·tront. of at o. '. .. ' UgH, Il , e I\n011. 6 fiere . above, hates to leav~ Columbus, but Mr. and Mrs. Marion Campbell Decem er 19. '. _,-I.~ Monroe; MIll!! . Olive C.ariil!le, .of !.oartles (\. gre~t vurl oty . of Btoves, the position which has b~en tendered' were th.e guests of Mr. and Mrs. WILL CHANGE SOON Gambier. ' Ohio; . Mr. ~ , and' Mrll , the great MIIJP.iltIC Rrmge, t he Far NOT ~ETU~NABLE . him offers a wider field for effecth:e John'Hetghway Sunday. week. Oem e ~nnl8 or Richmond Ind. '1 qUllr l:!~nitlLry E'aroa,oe, Imd in fa nt . work than he no~ holds, and thIS Ed Bo~an and faunly, of near M.r. Frazee Bathaw&" tntencb to pH••f. , , " all ~ Iudf:l ' Tbls st.ore hos 11. trlAfl pal'llas wlloijng tbe Eoqulrer faet may lead hIm to accept the WaynesVIlle and George Bogan and " Mt8s lIl~rg..rt'lUa. Paoker, of New . . t t f d 01 S J . otfer_ Jtp, dean of the new institution family spent Sunday with Will Dunn move on tbe MoSherry plaoe'.,..t of tow.n, PJI.. , Ilud MI~ Sl~ra Yobe, of COlluty repu 8 · Ion or goo , KOO , s lor \10 tate ournal the dllY a ~ter he woulii 'n aturally come in {'ontact and family, . town, aDd Mr. Olum BUrD"" win Moo':'ngu.helli, P". . and I~UY OU" wuntlng' anytblng I~ election will I!'ave their namell witb with. hundred.s of students from all Mrs. Elvin Fires of this place and take tbe larm he vaoatee, tbe Mn. . • _ • . tbll! line Rhnnhi ",nil on Mr, 1.lU g D. W. rueeks, Hi! t!:tere ,will be DO portu?ns o'f tliestate, ,and would ~U8 Dr. Romine, of Harveysbullg, were Rebeooa J 'S tdes' p1aoe . WILL SERVE ~EALS . ,- ::- -papers rtJ(.llrned for that dute. ' I>e aftor~ed opportumty for exerting Lebanon vi':liton Wedneede.y. ' • -.. • ___ . FOOT BALL j . • -.. a n?bl~ Inlfh~e~ce over these young Mrs. Ed Martin ipent Thursday . POMONA GRANOB Tbe ladies of tbe RldgtlVllle churob . LADlES AFTEDNOON CADD 'CLU' B ladles m t:ral,nmg then:' to !cad ~od with her daughter MrS. Geo.....e . ._ _ __ , . . ", ,", and uSllful hves WhIle blS pansh- Ell" ' •• . wtll.lefve both · dinoer anctaa,pper rhere .wIII ba ~ ~b m e nf ~,'~tbOll , . ' ionersand thepubliecenerally wo~d 18, • . . The Warren County Pomona eleo&ioD dllY at tbe oburaJI. Tbere Dlix l, Jilrld Ly afternoun ut :J ::JO "t, The Laches Afternoon Card club like very much to hav. him remam ' ~rs. ~ary Shidaker called on lin Gran,e will hold a meatiq here wUl allObetoe!8rved thrOUgb l Oft I1.dtllu Pllrk. 'rbe Bigb t!obool will m~t at the home of Mrs E. V. in Colum~'us, they ~ollld not ~ to Elv~ Fi~ Thursday afternoon. Des:' jda'urday, aDd &he PriDat . pl. MlS8 Edl~thBohgan ~~tet .tturdW~Jaubj_••mOQRo&hen w1U lIe'~ . OQ' &he day. II:vl'rybody tloordt.1 and Mir.mllt will plllY i Tbere will i Barnhart, !buredav afternoon at 2 persuade Dr. Dakin to fd~hnethie afte J. to OOIDS 1 be DO admi8IJlon o'cloek . I poaition sl ould a eenae 0 aUty m.. moon WI er DIll r, n· 'ill ·... •• " ~· . ' J • , . - ' • pel him acCept it. Dunn. 011, . ~. . . . E. y. Ba mhart Tuesday .
'\1 I) () 1N G J
o. !
iDY'' '
A Dungeon Mad'e Glorious Jereml.h. the Prophd.Chured br a H •• venly
Sorlvture Authori.t,-Jerl' lIllall 33 : ~ , 2S : t.3, 35: 1.6.
:......................... 8ERMONETTE. • : • No prllOn hu ovor yet been : built ,tronll onough and tight • enough to keep the Divine prea. : ' ence from penetr~ l ng Its inner. • mOlt recellol and holding com· : munlon and fellow.h lp with the • one whOle devotion to the caulo : of rlghteOUlne.. hal cast hIm • th.reln . Jeremiah I. only Ine of : • myriads who through the age. : : h.VI found the dungeon, made • .: giorioul with the Divine prea. : • onco. • • Jo,eph'. prison became God', : : schoolroom, where dally he. • drilled the yo ~ ng Hebrew for : the great place he was to flii. : The tlon'. den becomes for Dan· : :el tho Divine reception hatl , • the fiery furnace prove. the : trystlng place the faithful • three meet and talk' and wal\< : with their God. 'Paul found In • the Inner prl.on at Philippi the: : j oy and harmony of heavenly • • l onga who.. vlbratlona ahook , : .. the prllon walle, and ~roullht • • the JliI.r to hl. kneea I penl. : : tent. From Paul', prllon there • • came the rlchelt and b.1t of hi. •• : writIng.. It wa. • Buny.n In. • prllOn who gave' ~o the world : : that Cl •• llc, "Pilgrim" Prog. • : "..... • Th. iflrlcelt, most fouJ pll"e : • : on earth may become tho brlllht. : • elt and I_etolt pl.ce If faith.
, .Illrennr he!cI Ollt . " tb. llropll.t lI8tlmed good 10 them. Instead, therefore, ot kJlllnlr rulli, the prill CI dn'w him to th~ prlloll of Malchlab, whl r h 1/>' UII a torrlble dun· gcon, Into wh080 deptbll the light was unab.le to Ililnetrall:'. Inlt) thlll place then Jert.'lmlnh was cast. and into th thkk , filtby mi re ot tbe bot· tom of th pit tb teet of the propbet sank nnlll h could neither mov\, tbl. way nor that . ,He was In grellt dan· ger at tOiling bls baltUlCo and h com· log s uhnlerg d In Lbe sofl oozy groun!l. To prevent this, bo work ed bl~ way s lowly and painfully to tbe Ide of the pit, and, braclug hi s body In a slight nlcbe In the "'aU II , he waited.. ' He had been placed to mI. erably perish, be knew. He bad heard of the noh!ome place and had known of many des perale crllllinals wbo had passed da ys In the depths of the g reat pit. But none hl\d ever been cast Inlo the pIt as b e had been without a liustalnlug ropo to hold upon and prev'e nt slipping dOlvn, down, Into t be miry deptbs and to death . .H o looked up to see If he could I1lscC1Ver nny glimmer at light. t.hat ·toll1 01 Ii :lnllgbt above, but could see ou ly the same black: darkness above li S tu"esse d In about him, Ho IIslen ed fUr s ome sound, but only tbe loud benling of II h t uld b i d L lh d tb I~:e :~rln:s, e lear n e ell . "I sball die bere," he though t. "And then 1 sball be with God," h e added. Th tbought seomed, to cbeer him, and be began to cban one of the Psalms he had I arued to lo\"e !l0 well. " Out of the de l)thll have I erlell unto the.... 0 Lord ," He paused. Had the Psalml. t, h'o, bee n cast Into the depths or some h,'1' rlble pit to die? And ho wondore J : " DId God hear and an swer?" Aa though by way ot answel' t here fto'a btd in arounit him a light whose refulgence transformed the noiso me pit Into e place or h eavenlY glory, antt be lleard bls own n am sooken" and he knew tbat God was willi Wm. All, the blessed joy ot that mom ent.
: re.che. up and clalml' th.t .: rr~~st~hl~~~! ~:s :~~~r:I~~' h~ll!o~ll~ : hOlvenly comp.nlon.hlp which II .. It I.·the privlleg. of every on. to ' .not have millsed tbo.t blessed expe: ' onjoy. ' ' rle·nce. There was a new JOY and The .oul can alwaya ril"above s,...eetness to him In the thought that .• : the phyelcal condition. "Fe.r be belonged to God and tbat no harm • not them whtch kill tho body, but could come to blm save that wblcb God was willing to permit, and whlcb : Ire not Ible to "III th • .lOul;' but • rllthe" 1Mr him Which la abl. would be tor hi s honor and slory. : ' toldeatroy IIOtb eolll and body .in . And while G<\d wI¥! visiting and • "",I~"-::rT>",1 worda of Jeau.. cheerIng Jeremiah in lhe foul dun· : Ho", .., ' h. e"em"IIt1.d geon, he 1\'as sending ·blll m essensers • thl. teaching, ' and how ,.ady he to the ~scue ( of tbe prophet. : 1a t. h.lp hi. dllOlitl .... to Ii"e While Jere.mlab was still 10lt In the • abov. the m .... "phYllc.I and to contemplation of the visIon God had not m~. ,but Qod. . given him' he heard hIs name called, • Truth alway. ha. and alwaYI and Instantly recognized the voIce ot : "Will thrlv. on cutlon. The • Ebed·melech, the Ethiopian e unucb • o"ort to .upp..... the prophet • who lIerVild In the king's bouee, and : J,...",I.h and to dlBOredlt hla: , ' who was his falthful friend'. e. m ...... lerved but to advertl... "fut DOW tbese old cast clout' and : hi." to t'he n.tlo" and .to gIve : ro~ten rags under thine armboles • added fo~. to hla me ... ge. In : ' under the eorda ." :- the 'isungeon Jereml.h ob~alned. Quickly th~ prophet obeyed, and • nlW ...velatlon from Qod so that : 800n felt hlmael! beIng draw d frota : . not only . wal 'hll pa ...onal ex· • tbe depths of the mire and on uP. up, : pe ..... nee .• n"lohed, ,but .hll ",In. : up, until the blInding light of day • Iltry to the na~lon wal ~tr.nUth. • burst (n upon hIs 'v ision, Id h f t tb t I • oned. Surely the wrath of man • '. N : do .. work to t"he pralae of God• • ever cou e orge a exper· • .. : pnce In the dunge!ln, and later aa lhe ••••••• e •••••••••••••••• I. .8plrit ot God moved upon blm, he \V rote: "Mine enemies cbased me sore, THE, STO~Y. 41ke a bIrd, wlthout cause. They havo put olr ,my Ufe' in the dungeon, .and E WlIO Is fearleslI to Apeak the . truth Is certaIn to bring upon him· paat a stone upon me. Water. ftowed "tIelf the harsh, judgment of others who dver mine head ; tben I said I am cut m-ay chPP8e to flelleve a IIc. But one off. I called upon .thy name, O. Lord, course was open ,to Jeremiah to whom P\lt ot, t~e low dungeon. Tbou haat God haCt revealed ' hll plan concernlns heard my voIce; hide not thine ear at tbe certainty of judgment lipan Jeru· Iny breathing, at Iny cry. Thou drew. /lalem. He must spea.k, and BJleak tlte est near in the day that J called UpOII 'fruth, however unpopular and unwel· tbee. Thou saldst, Fear not. 0 Lord, thou hast pleaded thc cause of my come that truth might be. so ul; thou hnst redeemed my life." Surely,' It could not appear VOf'r toyal to his king and the ct;ty lu whlclt Throw 'Em Down Babl .., he dwe lt to counsel submIssion to the king at' Babylon, and yet he knew "I wonder," muse d the young fa· &9 God had revealed it to Wm that lher, " what there is a haby's make up relliitance ,were useiels and \hat the that prompts him to drop things. It judgment , of God .~poke n agaInst the Isn't really dropping, though-If I naUon because, of Its Idolat ry and 81n throwing. My baby I s good ahout 'lould not be averted. And becau!!e, sleeping and behavlug when lhere 19 the prophet teared God rather than company, hut e'j:erythlng ' he men, and because he must ob,e y him snatch he Lmmedlalely lllngs to tho and speak 1118, mellsage all tbl'Ough floor. 1','e noUced' and known 0. lot of Jerusalem, ·he cned, !>aylng: others, too, who do t he same thing. '''l'hus saHh 'the Lord , He thaI re· It's not only tho joy of throwing, 'but lJIalneth In this city shllll die by tho tbe (leUgbt In seeing ' somebody pic' ~ ..ord, by the famine and by Ule pes· the stuff up. Babies cerlalnly seem tilence: but he that goclh fortb to tho to take a fleodlsb deH gbt In watching Chaldoans Bhal1li~e; for be shall have their fathers aod mothers or nurSei hla lICe for a pre y, and sball live. pick up tbe lays and other things '.rhus s!.litb tbe Lord, Thill city shall which they tbrow out of their beds, fl urely be given lrito the han d ot tho carriages anll chaIrs. My boy use d to king ot Babylon's army, which I:Iball be quito pleased with a rubber toy take Il" attacoed I))' a string to his carrlag( Whal a stir lbat message caused. 110 tbat It just scraped the ' ground. He Scarcely had Jere miah finIshed , 'de· would grin and dangle It tor houri, liverlng his vroolamat!on in "the Now he yell s as soon as be discovers market place In Jerusalem . ere tbe it Is fastened . and lbe mlnule we give prlnoe. bad come frolll the Ilrescnce It to him loose , bang! It goes onto tbe ~ r \he kina with authority to seize gl'Ound, wblle lJe laughs aloud In his .hIm and do with 111m as t bey de· joy. There's probably a reason, and the psychologlstll will discover it some sired. Now. tbe king teared tbe ' prophet dey .u oxceedlngly, nnd could ueve r bofore be IlCrsuaded to lay vi olent band s Sheep or Goat, UI}On hl'm: t hough he bad abut him up Nnli's ' mothc r beard he r crying &ft. III th court ot ·(be prl tlon on various er she had go ne to bed, nnd, upon In· 'occasions. But on this day the Qulry, learned tbat the child, having I,ducet! llild come In lIuc11 a rage tha.t h eard fol' tile first time the ' para ble b. could not resi st tbel.r de mands: of the sh('ep and Ule golits, was In .ter· "JAt tblll mun bo put to dea lb." ror lest she 's hould " be a goat." thel' ('fled; "for I bus be wcake neth Her gralHtrather, a c1e'r g)·man, tried Ul /Jlluds of i he mell at WlW triat reo to comfort Nan , and IlriaHy succneiled mllin iu thlll city, and the I,a uds at In convin cing her th:l.t It she led a nil tho Ileople, In speaking s iNh words "godly, righteous and lIober lite," she unlo them: lor this man se keth lIot nee I) nol fear the object/onable da88l· ! he welfare o~ thla people. but tbe ficatlon. J-fowever, the next night Nau bur~' ' was again the victim ot her emO' od hll\'lnl; ohl,Ll n",1 the C<lU"Ollt of Han s. \llld her mother Inslstcd that tb. tile king, Ih y rusbed forlh to seIze scene o[ tbe previous Dlgllt must not lbe l)efaOn of the prollll l. . fnlb· de. be r ,)cat('d . _ tcrmlned "pOll killing 111111. nut "!'Jut, ,0 , mamma." soblX'd the child, when UIl'Y had come Ulion him flier .. tbl .. i~ dllferenl. Grand~ather · ex· feared to du eo b~aulio or t b(' pooplo, ;plalJJed all about me, and I am not wtw, wasted br disease anll lack ot 'l afraid of r.lluelf now. But, :l, mamma, r~ wert' now dll1lrclia and what If ~'UII IIlGUtI ... a III&U"-T!w ,1lPJII.! or d,nt ranee (rolA Ule&r DeU:,".. "'r.
: ''',r
'ft .......
Dis tlnctions os Ito Size· Bnd Colo~ EasUy Mad&,
On l' gr"l1~ acl lAg. or,,~ ki ng al'" pit' s. In hox lIs Is lhllt cloS(I dhaln tlons
s lyl es ..... 111 'liable a I;rowor to paille I Ml\cr!'ll ~fully nil the common \·lIrl"II!l8. T h" With III .. straighl. IlluMtrateG
in 5 17. Rlld rolor are el\ s lI y mll~(, . 1I11 ek U!I n umber ot 'npl)les In a box I~nn b~ <<In· In Fig, l, a 1J0x mny OOlltai ll :la, 112
"orrHt" Pa~k-3Y2 Four
LlIyora--a4 Apple•.
The "Dial/anal" or "2·2 Pack"-3 Yz Tier_ Four Layera-aa Apple • . 128 or 14' ;tPllies, dCl1e n«inl; ' lilia n
thoil' Si1.O ahd sbopc. In the ollse! puck the three appl s do nol Quito fi ll the width o[ the bolt. Th no:( t row II plncell 80 8.S to leave Ibo space on tbi OI)llOsllc side. A rorm or dlagonnl llack is s hown. which Is somewbat 0101'0 e onomlcnl or spacc. in a ll ea 'os Ihe object is to g t &n even placIng of the frull wltll the samll size The " Strtl lght" Pack-Four Tiers-- th roughou t. , 96 in Box. Money In It.-M!lch cows are the torm in ed almost Instanti)' by tbe buy· most valuablc assct on tbe ·farm. Tbe lr r. Some praetlcod<ers clnlm to milk and lIulter mn y be converted Into dlsliagulsb six by dlft'ercot styles of cash and (heir oll'sprlng II alway~ pack. Famlliarlf y with a hlLlf a dozen sala ble.
HEATING MIIJ( FOR SEPARATOR, By G. L. Mc:Kay. Iowa 'ural ColJ~e.
onl Y' injure t h e fla\'or h )' Iro.n smllliD!f Impurities from t hc hollor, bllt the heating Is not s umclcnt to give thll best, or tbe deslr~ d results. The beaUng ot milk Is supposed to help the fluidity at tbe tat globules. The Ilulck , flasby beating ot milk haa nrr IIltle elred on tbe tat globules, therefore thc separation Is not aa pertect MUk should be heated for lom e time before separation to .get the . best ~ suIts. Tho centrifugal separation of milk: is a wonderful procell. Think of a separator bowl making from 6,000 to 20,000 revoluUon!! per minute. Here we see sweet milk put Into lhe ma.ohlne and sklmmllk and cream immediately separated. !\lost any separa· tor will skim clesn to a certaIn limit if t he maehlne II rUII perfectly Bmooth snd al the proper speed. A little vi· bration of the machine causes a remixing of the cream and no sellnrator w1ll IIklm I boroughl)" clean thal vI· btates. This Is whero Some maker! in large creamorles lose possibly more than their wages.
Tho heating of milk for sept.r·dtlon I. not receiving the altentlon It should. It was my prIvilege at a great national convention to try and point out 'the detects In tbe butler exhibIt· ed. I found polVllbly 30 to 40 per cent. of thc lIavor W8!8 Injured more or 10SB by the use at 1I,e Iteam for hoatlng l hc JjIHk:. It WllB an elll), matter in most casea to lIelect the butte r where live stellm had, been used before .readlng the methods or makIng It, man): using the exhaust stean1 Cr,o m tbo englno to heat the feed wo.·· ter for boiler, Here we ' Kound the cylinder all ' transmItted to, tbe mill( from boiler, thus gllvlnlf Ii de· clded oily ftavor ,to the bult0t. The ulle at boiler compounds sh'Dwed their 8uccellful Dalrym.n. - Tho mosl Ili,lurlouB effects also. Why live steam shDuld be u sed for heatln~ milk at th" successful dal~ymen are those who ar' presa.t UIDe Is a inystelry to me. w!lllng to begIn with !lmall capital an' ' . Manl' tbe live steam bealers not wOI'K up .
Every Move In Dull y Life Precede d by
P ious Ejaculations Calculated to Offset Work of tho Bad Jinn. ~'( ohn ulDlNl n n~ b II vo Impll Itly In tbe [1urtll'l\)I\tion or splrtts (.lI nn) bolh good ltud ev il, In most of Ule con corus ot dlli ly hUl)lan life, e xplaining that JIlin hcc me vis ible or Invisible a t wil l. Ither by rapid eXlenslon Of rarlflcatlon, and consequent. dlmlnu· tlon of the Ilarticles at which t.hey are composed, and that good Jlnn are 1m· med iately recognized by tbelr resplendeot beauty, the bad ones being correSllondlngly bldeous and !!hocklog. \'tIany culLivated Mohammedan s even In t ht t; twenLioth century, says the Que n, profess not only to have seen Jlnn but ullm to bave be ld converse with them, and to . posscss cerlal n ral· Is mans by which t he services at good Jlnn may be llocm'cd as well as formulas hy which bad on !; can be pul to confu s ion . Constan t endl'n,vors are mad~~· OA pt durIng tbo "'e ast of Ramallnn, "' hOll 11 11 e vil slllrlts are supposod te bo kallt ill slrlcl durance In tile bow· els of th cllrlh- hy dally sprinkling th f\oors or I'ooms, especially e mpty ones, with salt or Iron filing, for which bad Jlnn arc oonsld ered to hnve ell· pocial ave l'slon, to Insure th eir ex· clusion from tho dwe llIng places of t1ie " ons of the faith ful." 'fh e favorite abiding places of Jlon are SU I}posed 1.0 be empty houses, ero s·roads. ualhs, auy uncovered jUgE or bas!ns or food receptacl sand yal>.nlng mouths. So good MOlllemE not only loek tbelr doors when obliged to leave their houses, but besprinkl e and cover up In so far as they oan every article or dom est.ic uso whOSE emptiness would tempt 'a roving evil spirit to enter Into pOlIsessloD, besldea makin, USe of the Bpeclal prayers or· dered by the Koran to keep iuch vlsl· tants at bay. The ",'ords "( seek refuge with God from Salan lhe IItoned,'· or "In the name of God tbe compassionate the mercifu l,:' are constantly lipan the I/ps of MOlllemtl, for without ]Jrevlout pious ~jaculaUon's of the kind to dillS" \late evil presences lhey dare not un dertake even the mOtlt ordinary busl· neS9 ot theIr day, neltber enter nOI leave a house, meet ""Itb or part from a friend, partake of a meal, commence or complete any commercial matter 01 Journey, take a batb, nor even kill ·an' anImal for food , lest tbe bad Jinn take p0811e8810n as life. cealles and 'worll madness or destrucUon upon the sac' ,rlleglou8 mortal who presumed to eal or make other use of it. Probably for the same reason Is thl! , singing ot a continuous antiphonal funeral chant kept up by relatives and watchel's froOl the moment the breatb leaves a human body. till It 's Bafely bidden away under the sod: usually 89 short a perIod as pos8ible among Mohammodans, 24 hours or les8 belnl! tbe customary Interval between deat h and burial.
Child RelCu. . Mrs, Frederick Dent Gran t and ,\lrs. Edith Rockefeller McCormIck are among the leaders of tho child rescue clUllP.algn whIch Is ,now being carried on The vlan ot this movement Is tc taRe children out of the instltulions and find homes for them In privata taDlllles, ,There is a cholee of several ways 0' taking a child Into , one's home. The chl1d may be taken on a limited proba· tlon, after which It mal" be lecally , adopted, or It mAY be subject to only a limited adoptlon" whIch sj}ems to mean givIng It an education and e start in buslnesll when It reaches ma.. turlty. At the present time It 18 reo ported that lhere Is a .greater, de~lanc for lIt.tle girls among families , wishing to adopt chlldl'en than tor boys. Dur. Ing th~ past sltn~mer Boveral little "girle were sent to England by a New York Institution and were adop ted by well. to·do English tamlllos. A Tr1Iledy.. . "I aa,w a struggling poet·" "( object to the word 'struggling;' wby should a poet always be called '3 struggling poet l' " " Well, this one was a IItrnggllng poet."" " "Because he dId not look pr08per· ous, 1 presume. It Is a well· known tliet that a genIus Is always careless about his dress." ' . . "Nope; this one '!'I·1lS struggling because he did not. '! ltand near enough to th'e door when ,he presented 1.111 poem, and tbe edItor caught him ........:· HOllston Post,
Another Lellon from Nature. '''Young gentlemen," Jecluril'd the en1Inent Instructor, "YOU ure old enough now to put .away tbe cblldlsh and trlv. lal , amusementB that s,ufficed for YOU when you were YOllnger, Learn a Ie. son from the dumb brutes, and even from the roptl1es. When they at matu,rlty they comport the mselves with a certaln dignity." ··It Isn't 60 'WIth the ra ttlesullke, pro. fessor," objected the young man with The common namo of thll gra .. II ilmaoth broOme gr.... It I. & r:atlv. ,the' bad eye, "Tbe older h'e grOWl! of EUfopo and From the fact t hat It II laid to have been ' Introduoed the I DOrE', raWes be plays With ." I.,t~ this country from 'Y, It II often call!td Aultrlan or 'Hu~, g.rlan broome gras.. dlaUngulahed from all other common Symplth.tlc.. broom. gralHa by i~ I Y b •• nfle .. glum.. or ohaff. The a..d Muiit· -Hello, old chap! How are Ghould be eown In On wall." ... pared ground. The foraA' 1(tU feeling to-dar? ~y thl. gra .. la' It i. of .xo.llint quality. The lira....eml Weelca-Oh, rm lmprovllll I lowl1able to endure with atand. con.ldlrabl. d....... of cald, very 810wlr. Alr-dr.lld ... mpl.1 , ten per c.nt. prliteln, whloh lIIak.. It _
..teIl"a'Y ""uab:. fOf'
:rhu·. IOOIL 1'lIl rleU.'ttd ..
.U&u- it..
DRAGS YOU DOWN. Sackach. and ~ Idney Troubl. Ilowt, WOIr On. Out. IIfn . R.
Fa~' ctte
St., Me..
chester, II., 88yS :
"For two yel\rll mT hack WIIS 'l'l'eak and rh Ilmatic. Pains ran through my back, 1(1)' H and Ihnbs . I conIc! hardly set about lind lost much IIle"I" The Bcllon, of the kldnoys "" a a muoh dlsordored. began Ilslug DOb'. JCIdn ey Pille and tbe reiult was NlmllrkalJle, Tho kidney ~Uon . bec:lme nmmnl, I he backaob. ""a8ed, and my hoalt b 1s now ua· usuall y good." Sold by all delllerll, 50 ~enl. a boa. Foster·Mllburn Co" Bulfalo, N. Y. Much Powor from Niagara. Power lenerllt,.d at Nlagars Fall" ,. to be dlatrlbuted all over CanadL Bid. haTe been BIIkod Oil 10,000 ton. of structur&l ateel fo r I,he Canadian co...· ernmenl. Th~ ' steel Is to be used tor towers whlrh will support the eablel used In trlln5portlng tho cu rrent. AJ· ready powor genpratod at Niagara I, being sent to ' a dl wtance or more thaD 126 mllr.a, and It IR the Intention or the Canndlan goV('r nment 10 Inerelle Uill dl stunc(l. say" the Sclentlftc Amerl. can , Town!! III e very IIlrecUon "bou\. Niligara will be s lllJPlled,
JIJIe .........ntI_............... . "_b..tell.. wrltea_ ....-sq ..... -
.....a~Jeot of
eow. ."ola
_Dotf.UtobeorYIIIIII.-U _ _ " _tell cold -UJ'.
PERUNA-ADVISED FOR ' ., 'SUDDEN COLDS. It Should be Taken According to Directions on the Bottle, at the First Appearance of the Cold• ,ST. JOIlEPII, )lIcn., 8~pt,. JOO1.-Last winter I caught a auddoo CIOld whlr;b
developed Into lin unpfe..."f
of the h ead and t,broat, dopriviog meol appot,lt.c BOrl usual goOd IIpirite, A frnmd Who had been eured by Pornnn . advl~ me to try It and I' lent tor 1\ botUe lilt oneo lind, I am glad to say tb:at In three d 'ys tho IlhJegm hsd tOOilOOed, and I (ell better, my appetite re\ urned and ""Iih.ln' uln e day" I 'll"U In In)' UIUII' pucJ heilith. -r.hl\~ Helen 8aucrb1er. 'Perm.. is an old uod well tried remedy for 'oidtS. No woman should be with.
O_u,t;;;;it.;:;;::====;::;::=:;:=;:; )
~mfort It Qiws. n
tIIewdlnt WNIher
-' tea 'S Homes
d o u r' booit tolla how'to . .ecure a Government Farm Free; ""her. &.lid when Indian Reaern.tlona are be ,opel!ed, location, of U ,'S. Lan'd OlBcea. dCllcrlbe'. e,.ery acre of avaltable taad i n U. ·S., etc. Prico SO 'coata polt:~id. . Itqth PHI, Ca., 311 Pea.fl, ~,' La Clio.... Wja.
Co'or ~d
W ,~STE TIM~'1
Fisherm an M" .at Wfl.. n the B it es Were
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I1 ldln" nc-r oss the counlry one ,lay, Dr IIlnllk notl('('d on old lIegro who , hail 11('''11 for Qul'e a . whll por h .d DllllhHllllSt> IIpun a IIttip brl dg , f1sbIng lIl1'"lllly I'rom th" st rellm b C'uea th. For .' Ill' tlrul' he wn trh d hIm (rUm Ii uiRla.llct'. bllt llnally, over('OI[lB by tim old f l:" liow's unmo,' d patloJ.,ce. Ltc 1 rod liP :1. lId accosl d him. "H elll). WaHIt! What are ' You dolllg up lh e re?" " Ii'lahin''', sah ," came the r cply . "Kot gE!ttloG' Dlany, are you ?" UNo, sa h ." "~v 'II. It Get'ms to m e yo u'd 1:t't tlred fish i ng so long withou t. a lIi1e." "I do an't , waut no bite, cap·n." " Well. tha l 's fU!lny . Wh y don't you want a bile, Wa sh?" " Hll'S thls·a-way, cap'n : ",htln I gU s a l ot 8 0 ' IJltes. hit t akes nil Dlelt time t o gl t the fi sh olt'n m h line. un' I doesn ' l have no time rob tI ~hlll '. "- ' ~ucccss Magnzlne.
Ah TY IIm' lI I'allll) "c·t ssorlcs UI·,A gll't~ 1I 11101'1;' Ihul\ghl (hun llSl\ul !!Incu ha UCIMOIlI pi () ~llti Illt\'!! he~ n tm port"d fr III Haly alld els w\tur , l ClIllllllIg women 10 upen wi de th eh' JHI I'SC st rings. llud uJ ~ o sino' It hila gl'OW Il ru shlonn'ble 10 serve bl'l.!uJ:rUSL and l unch 'Oil on a J lolI ~ hed ta ille with onl r dulll s t o protf;'('( the woou nnl sh frolll bei ng lllUlTecl br the dl~hes.
IJuct\ trimme d ccntlll' lllec's are In I;reat d mau d Ilntl are I'I'H IIr uft euer HI'f;'n on t be well ,uPllUl u( "d 1II1II ' thun ~'Illil roid ry 01' tlTIIWIl wo r l" I hough' Il qUlI t II and long I'unll urs , ' wil h thlH :\1exlclln work In Ilolld \)ord el'!> en' Illedulllon s are too b ~ ulltlrul 10 1)0 t'lllll'ely ousled by th e luce d('COl'lllluUIl whi c h ha Vtl cuat a s pell over the wf.'lIltlly autl the III Od(' rll l el), w'lI·ulf hOIl!!ewl'fc ali ke. Gluny Iu e se ill S to b(' tlte lIlost 1I0l-lulal' for tll bl Ut;. thuugh It niB)' IIOl \) til mosL fllsll tolluble si nce the Hlel fud Wll ij lu ullcheli durin g Ihli sen· ~on just pus/. I·'l orcn ilne l urc Is er· (ccUre 1I11t! \'cry dnlu lr ali a lallle. Both t he Il let lac allll lho 111 l em· llrold I'y 01' ci ll.l'Dcd w ork aI',' liketl ror halIlIHOII'I> lable ' UUH'I,I c s amI duilles. T h se uro mad!' vf /ln o linen, II ilL Ii sh eer ineKh, bnl a tlu e Urnt wave. nnd l he dl!llign or lite drawn work or rulll'oldcry Is C Illln d to 'Quar s which Ulay bordm' t hc 'cnl rIlle a or ma y be work d In III 'dl1 l1 hm I'll' (·t I.h l'OIl ' hout th E' lIl1l'a slIlI t' .
SlllJlet lrllj'ls lllet lace 811U<ll'eS are IlIsl!l In st 'ud of having III w01'1 \lun e In the Jln n I tseH, This h i fill uUraclive \vuy 10 U cOlllpllilh a good 'fT ·t , llncl the wurk CU ll be don o a l hOllle. Ml~ duliloll )lleces of nlmolit lill)' snape, Bl ztl and palloi'll 'un bo found lu lh sholJH I'eody to lise. V el'Y often th· PI'Ctl\ st arc plcll d up In ·th e rUl'n lshIng depa r tnt ilL where ruotcl'lal s for lace cllrtlllnH and drnIJC I' le~ nre kept. Oddfl I1 l1d ends of l ace round In lhls depal'tnt lit will often wurl. i n well ror tabl e pl'c 1\ or for e1lnlng·room fl lr· nl!>hl ngs. II Ii> som etimes possible to ga.tbol' togelhe l' enough m edallions und strips or Illc to fOllhlon II. table l'lInBel' or u tild l'bonrd cover that IR reall y 1IIIn\l1001O Iln d far tl'om ros ll~· . All laco Illcc(! ~ al'e rl'e(llIfllllly fJ en alld 01'(' ulll'uctive wh en uMed un a pol. jolli ed lIIuhogllll Y ta hl _with Ih e gleam of the wood sllow lng th ro ug h. ,hill! untlor t he C Ilt I' ot lit dC'e oratio n wher e th bow l or Uowel's !',-"sts a pUll ca ll be placed to k eep the table rrum bolng marrl'd or IItaill ed. 'I)' 'ulur plec s wi th rorliall ng lines of dnrnlttl; 01' drawn work are qul cld y llIado anu al'e IIllcru l ror urdln ary PilI" posos. Fin wh it linpn I'lInlll'r.' o r 8 BI' fM fur bulf€'t 111111 sideltnlll'd, W\UI Q, lIooel of ' 1IIny Insel'tioll lind II wld el' I'(!gln& to ntlltch. III' decurutlve IIIIlI h a vl\ quite an elabol'llt ' IIlr, yt,l lhey ean bo made a third tho pl'lce of (;\1'cIII ). Vl ' c s which It al" th e l ac In, ~ t s dpslgll cd t o ~ 1l11 tho plee·.
WORK APRON OF WHITE LINEN. Daint)' Garment for the Pre si ding Genius of th e Chafing Dish. A novel work Apron wllh lll' tl'll s, on that cun b worn wh 1\ ' lIIbroltl· I!rlnl> 01' Jlres llllll ~ nvcr a c haflrrg CI\SII , Is mUde or while '\In n harln g 11 L1alntl· ly worked M 'o llollOti pntt \'II <III " rou lld Ihe Ill: . The !lprOll PDl't III I'olllllleci ul t he bottom corll I'S lind Is n:lI'rowM at the wai st, having a r w 'In y plaits where It j oins ~lte b It. On tll o updf'I' sid e at tb e apron. slal'Ullg nt th e belt, Is seWD n. nnrrow st rip of Uuon . rollowing th e outiln' or the 81)rOn lIud conllnuln g on U)) th oLher side or th e . bel t. III til elltel' at th e bdllom tWQ buttonholes are work ed nnd Ihen rlbbOIl III run In t his casi ng. the UPller ' lIdll bing weil fllste ned ut tlte walRt, .. bUll Ule othel' culls come. throllgh lit hultonhol l! to th 0111 hll', whe re Ibey ar U d In n bow. When the aprlln Is wom plain with· Ollt tli c pock et. elrec~ th e 1J0w remains In thi s )lQ!lHlotl. but when tit lise of 't he pocke~ III deslr d tbe kno l Is Urted up to the wai st I\no" thu s gllth erl ng lhe npl'on so that It (ormll a pocket. <Iud Ib tl how Iii th ·n b ooked to an In· vl slbl ye In th e c nb' r of th e b It In f:'Olll. TIl e b It lteeH II! fo shlclIIed ot r!1>bOil und the bre i ellc!! mRd e or shnllcd pieces uf I he em brold l'C d Bl al ri al h aVe band's or r ibbon runlllllg from lInoh IIlde or the r vollt lo th e ~ hould rH. wlwre t hey l l' mi'~atj3 In smur t 'little bows With an end o( ea1:11 r eturlling duwn th a rl'onl til th bu sl, milk i n g the 'WO I'IblJons to jil in u nci fOI'!n 11110t hc;>I' , bow.
W ool ch riot 1\'al sts In so~t bedt (ff'c!. \\'Itlt slrlp s In 1.1 de('ld ,t1 'olur are sm art. Tuck ed .11 t III popular, ror g ulmp 8. Some lIot a [lr Su wo\'en li S to sl mul!\le Iland Lucking. -Th I'hlneslon horseshoe brooch Is /J Ing sUllplement d willi th os of cornl . tUI'quolse and jet. Opera hoods lire 1I 1iow n I n J,>8rl !! made of J'lblJotl . Clever fingers will soon be fa shioning th em here. Long coots In th e dlrcctolre mod s with the 111111re Wol8t elrecls h o\'e ,been ohosen ' for t he til tldlous woman or good styl e. Crewel embroidery Is being used Jll Pari s by t he artists uf dress fu r gh'lng distinguished lrhulIIlng touches to handsome costumell. Ribbon orna~ents t or th e hair are becoming a necessi ty . . Matc'lI your gown with Ihe 1'08 ti e uud band 01' bl'Uld of r ibbon t o be Lwl st ed ihrough Lbe lock s. Linen Napkin Rlng. ~ NUJlkin l'ings oC lin n are prerer a ble to silver 011 \11:1 rUI' e\' OI'y , day use. rQr they can be k ' pt sweet and dainty. A pi ece of linen !lhould be toided double, OIaklng a whllit of ubout I hree Inch s - t he pIece to be as long' us Is necessary t o (iul l en arollnd the 'irllp kill. Tb e Ull en should be flll e und wblte. Emliroldtl r 11 1II0I)ogrllm on ' I he Unen. Work a butlon-hole In on e end, wb lch !! bould b IJolnt d, and sew a prelty ]Jearl blllloll on tbe oth er. 'rhe edges may be bOllnd or mer cl), turned In and slltched on th e mach i ne. 01' they may ' b e bast ed ' lind then feath r-litltched. T he work Is Jlrllttle r wh en done In whi te nlld the lIlollugrllm should be Itnddell w ell.
Wear Plain School Ores-ea. 'hlhlren or t he II . w rltlh ma)' weill' eluhol'llte trockli. I lIL the c hllil 10 the manol' born will go to school thi s year In the slruplest sort of gown. J.llt.le princess dr 'sses al' tlte ruoHl I}oplllal·. but no j ewelry and'little trim· mlng will Ildorn lIle troclt ur th e girl from t h e home rlllel\ o"er by a w 11: bred mothel·. ~rh e des lru Is so gr eat to' accentual the 1I1rupliclty or druss Use. for Sand Bags. I hill the small girl niuy 1I0t btl DR A COD" Ot\len,L altdili oll to a s(lwj ng hapll Y 1Il! she would be wit h tl rew ;;ewgaw s. bill thelie he IUay have ut tabl e are 80111 0 SI1Hlll . saml c ushlollY, Make t hem threo 01' four Inches homo: square, bu t do not fill them too f u ll' Cover l hem wit h Hcraps 01 IIrlght silk. Wearing Green Tulle. There IH going to bll u good deal of ribbon 01' vel vet. When cuttbe an t lItlle worn thi s wln tel'. Its lIew h ea vy ~rm onts It wil l be roulld tllat ' ~\\y , weave makes It uvallubl e a~ a serv- will !lave much tim e and bother, b<tcalise Ill's tend of hllvlng to pin the pM· I ceable nccessory. Bright blue will be lIIor e fllvored t ern to t he cloth these hUllely IItt;e.' lhllll light b·l ue. but pllrl'ot llnel Ilflil le bags may be used as wei gh ts, and th6 green are to be ill t he l ead. garm ent Is' not Iluirred by ' plnholea' Bowtl of this w\l\ b worn tit the when : Oils plan Is used. Th ese , ba gs n~"Zk ' on ' an ' evening bodice. III fl'ont :Wlll also keep , the work rrom slipping away and from blowing nliout. of the lla·t '\l~d tn till 1l0w e~li.
S ilk and L acc Ceh t erp !ec cG ElI sl\ y In. Injured-Li nen ShOUld Be Shrunk, en Before It 18 Stamped or Emb ro i dered.
Tltl' 111 LJI ' ('ent r of 10·\1, y Is '\'e17 dlft'(;r ' ot rl'om I hnt of II few ye,lr ~ abro. ThCI' ur" Illun y Illor ya l'l ell l:i I han lhe all·,>ml,rold" r ed o r all-Ince crll t !)r· pieces of tit Jla ·1. Nowauuys, dltrer nl k inds of nets and l acc'~ lire Inserted In th e linen. and com Lin ed Wllh solid embroidery or rall ey ~ titcl)f's {lnd also with braids, w hl j:h al'e cornllll; inlo fallhioll ::Ignln. These rnuke cc ut erpl eces lIud embruldcr y III gen rnl m ilch slmplel', yet , Ilt th e uam ' (1mI'. more effeCllve. Th y rRU al so be mude with less ex· p nse If the pWlwr col11111n alions are us d. Soli II m broidery dOlie with s ll kH, ('ltb ~ I' In colol'5 o r wh i l e, Is ALL HIS OWN. 1t:J.lldS, ml r th an allY olh er Iilncl. For tabl e ('{'nt er s ror el'el'yday URe, Which mU Sl It lau ndered conslantly, the nil -white JlII ' 11 cen ler, wOl'kel\ In merc(lrlzetl or Illllln ('olton, with rancy. stitch s alI(I ~ l n IJ) 1 braids, mDke nn elrecUve and In (!xpC\lslve a rU cle. It Is en s), rur an yo ne knowin g litt le 01' v n nOlitln !; ahoul embroil! I';V In g nel'lll to mak . Th lin II ~ hou'd be Shl'llllkE'lI beCoro It I s sllIrnpc'd or embl'o ld 'red, eBpechlil y n'l Y J11~ ce that fs mnde to a sp('cl al s ize or a partlclliar shape. A cl rr:ular c' nler wi ll lIot r c mnl n round " M y ! "hnt n big lIgul' you are unless' Il has beell !!hrnllken berore It I> IIlng!" haa b een mark ' d, for linen sill-Ink !! " \rell. w ltll t dlles that, matlel'? I more ono Wil Y lh/m 81101 hel·. " 'It n n en ter 01' any embroillcrf'd nu,· n't 1~lke u Yllurs , have I ?" pi ece of lin n Is laund r ll , It . hou1II GIRL WAS DELIRIOUS he pr ss'd whil e dalllp 011 til "Tong slt lc until thoroughly dry. W ith Fearful Eczema-Pain, Heat. I f til Il'Ilni ng boonl 01' labIa Is cov· and T ingling W ere Excruclatingercd with s reral Lh lc l(1l SSf!S or Cutic l~ ra Act ed L ike Magic, blunk, t th e cl1lLJrol tl cl'Y will tll n Btnnd oul and l ook v ' ry lt all(lflOme uft l' tbe " An er uJ)tion broke out on my pi ce ' ha R b n ]lress d . .daught er·l, ch es t. I l ook h er to a It I s besl to Il ~ C It plel' . or flann I doctor, and h pronounced It to be wh en dUluiJelllng t he linen, as It Is eez rna 0'1' a " ery bad fOI'IIl. B e trented I;oft r th8n IIl1en or colton and fresh- her, bnt t he disease spread to h er b llCk. ns II» t he lIncn wond er full y. U nl psB and l hen tho whole or her head was a pie e or work has become v ery alrected. lind nil her h air had 10 b e cut mil ch \loil d whil e bp.ltl~ work etl, It 18 orr. Th e pain she Bui'fered WIIB .e XCI'U· much bett I' no 10 waah It before I t Is clat lng, and with that and the h eat pressl!d. . and t.ingl~ng her life was ulmost un-. Wb en fin i sh d, Ih~ center shou ld IJC bearable. Occasionally she was dellrl' dampened and pressed before th e sCIIIou s and sh e,dld not havo a. properbour's lop 'Is c ut out, Ihu8 enabling lhe linen sl ecp ror many nights. The second to b Cllt elm; I' to Ihe scallop witho ut doctor w" tried al!orded her just as danger o( lItting th e stitches or I avo little r ell.! f as the first. Then I -pur, Ing a ragged ~ l\ ge beyonc l the scallop. chased Cullcl1ra Soap, Ointment, and This usunlly hU,ll peril; It I t Is ut out PlUs, anci before th e Ointment was befor e I t Is pressed . three-Quarters finl slted every trace ot the d i8ea~le was gone. It really seemed Fruit Pudding, Moist II hair II lont or stal graham like magic. 1\Irs. T . W. Hyde, Brent· bread , fin ely grated, w ith II. cupful of WOOd, Essex. 'England, Mar. 8. 1901." hol molasses, adding hal f a c upful or Johnnie'. Po.ltlon. m elled bUlLel', n t easpoonrul of pow"Yes," began Mr. P et 'rs, Sr.• " .l oho der ed cinnamon. half Il l easpoonful Petera, Jr., h a!! quit school and ac· each of · powder ed allS1Jlce and gl'aled ce rlted a position In 1)11\,18' general nUl meg, Il air a ollprlll or \)I'o""n Ilugar, sto re." and 11 slIltslloonfu l or grpund ('lov es. " Indee d,!" co mmented tb e summer Mix t horo.lI ghl y and th eu stir In It teuvisitor. . "W hat are his duties ?" spooIlful of bakfng soda dlssolvetl In a "He 18 superin tendent of the crack· scant leac llllflli of 1;0 111' cream, with er and • heese d~ pllrtmellt," replied snfficlent flpur to form· a sUfi' hall eI'. Mr. Peters. Sr_, w l lh guarded satis· adding by degrees haIr II. cllpful of factlon. "lIe has , Ibe tlntlre charge seeded rai Sin s, two Ulbl ('spOOllfuls or of wroppl ng up tbe cbeese."-Yollth'. currants, a qu arler of a pound or Com punlon. sbredded cll rOil, lin d two oUllces ' of chopp ed candled or anl>c peel. Pour T:,e Last Str:aw. Into 'a large round J)an Il nd bake for 46 en sal' was abo\lt to ent er Rome tn minutes In a moderale oven; lieI've triumph. with a har d BlIlIce flavorcd liB deJust all b'e was o llmbln~ into h l8 sired. ' charlot C!lcero yelled In bla ear : " Step li vely, p lease!" . Angrily tearing up biB ,Dri ed Apple Fruitc:ake. transfer. th e great conquoror got out Soats: three cllpru i s of dried apples at the next crosH lnlt.~Illustrat.d SUllover ni gh t In cold wate r, enough t o day l!JIagElzlne. sw 11 them. Chop t hem In the morn, Ing quite fine and put t hem on th e fire with three Cllpruls of New Orlean a m olas!les, Stew until' nearly soft, add ,one cllVful seed l ess ral SlllS und stew a f ew minutes. When Cpld add on~ cup{ul of butter. three eggs , UII'ee t eu, sl loonful s or allspice, one grated nut, baiting soda meg. oll e t easpoonful Illld three . c1! \lrul o( nOIll·. Dake one hour end 11 h alf In :l lI1 0der ate oven. This makes 1\ rich cuk e (Lnd will k eep " fur monUls.
Cook Beet Tops. T ake young beets, cu t t he l enves oft all(l clean them w ell. Boll 1111 80rt with a. IllUe Ba i t, strain and chop ' flne. Chop a small onion nnd brown with a nice pi ece or b, add n tnb1'espoolItul of flour, a dash of pe pper and nutmeg. Pour enough' boiling waler on this to mllke a gTA '-~·. ) beet l eave's wllh gravy and I"t simm,er togeth er for a fw .minutes . tben serve. . Milke II .' ulad of · l he 'b eta by, bC)lI\ng till so ft, skill, CUl In slices, add "lll egar anel wllter ,to cUlle r , :i bay l eaf, and 11 rew pe 1)lIel·S.
Clnc:lnnatl Panc:akes. · . One eg g. teaspoon or salt. buller, suga.r . 1 jJllIl of floul'. 2 h eaping tea· spoons baking llowder or soda and BOlli' milk when v ery light . . Jn stead ot grcaslng the skllu5t. put 111 A large Bpoon , of lard. When )llpln,; h OI Pllt In t he cak es and they will Ilpluller and spread and cl'lnkle unt il a de. IIghtful brown.. Eilt wltb buUer and Bugnr sirup. Fine.
., ALTHOUGJJ thlJ ta quite a aim pie bonnet, It II very pretty w:hell WOMI a UUle 'Irl with curly hair. It may be made of ~tlk, velnt. or matenal &0 mat.b the coat, aDd conalata of t"o plecea, wh,Ch muat be tacked O1'er wblte French· can.... Join the cllrVed-out ad... toptber with a pI pin, 01 ••I1',t betWeeD. then pipe IIlJ rouDd the The rower piece. which eU.htlr C1JI'1'ed ID, Ia the back, tbe atrqbt e41a troDt. LlDe with 10ft It. tuU lOHtta II to eeoIl ad. nil treat ~ "lao_ at of cI&Ia .
ed,.. ·
.•. -...... QIN".
AYeiefabie Preparation for As,
~imi1ating fhe FOOd,andRe~Ula '
ling Ihe 510mnchs and Bowe15 of
Promotes D1gestiortCheerful'
Bears the. Signature
nessandRcsl.Contai ns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARC QTJC
f?"tP' ,(()M DrSAHlIEU'ITE'II'EIt ~,f.;'
S•• '/ ,
Al/tJ"u..... .. • NorA,II.
A,,,i. s,.,/ • Amttrmi,u Jlir"rhnnkS."" . 110"" J'" .i -
CI• ../ot<{ s'w, ••
Wi"."",,. i'''ItU Dr
- -
,,- - -
A perfect Rem edy ror Conslip""
lion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convulsions ,feve'r i shness olnd Loss SLEEP
'For Over
- - - ,,- -
file Imile S;gnalure of
Thirty Years
~~CASTORIA .... e l:...,.u.~...................
An Inopportune Query. "Por wh mn do you Inlen d to vote at th o nexl e l ,' c~ tlon '!" " I <lumio," nns'\\'er d ,Jo' armer CorD!.116S I. " I 've got too much work of my own just at present to mix Into litis rivalry fO!' h olding gover'mont jobs. " -Washlngton Star, )
Tbey ..Iso nil ye pI. trcs81rolD DY8J>CpsID, I ... 411rt'stiODDnd ~l'oo Dearl, Eoltnl. ... ):IIlrlec~ r _
I nstant Re lief for All Eyes, I th at lire ir'rilatpd fr om dillit, h eat. un or \\'1 11<1, l'ETTIT'S I~ YF. ALVh, 2J~ . _0,11 druggi ~ t s 01' lIowntd Bros.. Bufflllo, , T. Y.
~ r r• . Winala.·. 800thlnlt Syrup_ . ·or l'lJHd re n teethla, • .w He n. tuo &lunll . rod u eal I~ dlUlllDliL loQ . a ll AYI pain. CI.&raM wlAd collu . 2$ea ,,?\ Ue.
The love of money 1m the easiest 111 roots to' culU vate.
....." ...... n
tb e Moutb, COlI..
Tongue, Pl"l n In lb. ;;;....~~ .. Jde.
At lIome pf!rloll tn a man's life he !lrm l y belle\' etl that al\ his f riend, have conspll'ed to InjUre him.
edy lor
TORPID LlV1Ul. the ~"el a. Purel),
Genuid8 Must Bear
Olobei on Ga.lll1ht •• The g lobes on gas fixtures and lamp'., should not he screwed .loll Ugbt. ' ae the heat when the light 18 burDin, will expand tbe glasa. Bumclent room ,hould be left for thl. expansion. Wben Icrowed too tight tbe globe will crac" or break .
After I!lnfferlng for seven yea....
Ibla WOllllan ",a8 restored tobealth
by LYdll",E.,Plnkhnm's Vea'etable CompolllDd. .Read bCl" lctter. Mrs. Sallie .French~?f PIl.~ca\Ulla,
Ind. Ter,t writes to mrs. Pinkham:
.. I bad female troll blea 'for !!evell yearll-was all run-down, and 80 nero voua J co uld n ot. do anything, The doctors treated me for different troubles but did me no good. Wltile In this eon· dition I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad· vloe and toODk Lydil\ F.. Pinklta.m's Vegetable Compound. and 1 am now stronB and well.'"
FDr thirty years Lydia E. Pink· bam's Vegcta.'Ule Compound, made 'from 1'O()ts ancl ,herbs, has been the' litanda~ remedy for female llls. and ho.s positively cured thoU8andsof ~::J:~~w~h~~o~~: been t roubled with
~YJ~ ~J.I~~'
(If ==-..... IUUIE IUiiTITUTES.
Ov~r:;.~tl..!f~~~::!"n!r~:.:'t·:' I~tt:~';!'''8"!'Qro; !"'"
Irlkl I/Ilcku ~ . .
.... S. 0"'10111<1 , I.e H"" N. t,
A successful man I sn't necessarily a II eontenled man. ,
TAFT"or BRYAN UTHOGRAPHS -" , . Sbe It'x ilS. Sample
Co pl ~.
In 'l1bel, 10
Ilpecla.1 priCeR In quantities to Asen t..
THK ANDK.aON UTHO co. \ 4 . . . . .t' .... at. CINCINNATI. 0.-
u:r.~ ~..:..::.: JThompso.'s
Er- W."
• J
For Infa.nte and Children.
The little useless .. bead" that .. takes more time to tnake than the' , ~ , cigar itself-that's what makes tlu'ee cigars cost you 15 cents-:;-.s cents for what you Bmoke, and 10 cents for the heads you throwaway.
G·,IL.D J',l¥ IIRG I,N IA ,O:IMiERO,O JiS Are II cent Cigars Without· the Head Therefore 3 , for Is cents By smoking Old Vu-ginia Cheroots you make your money go three times as far, because you get a cigar that~s all cigar- no Usel03S bead to pay for, then ~p off and throwaway. &O~d Everywhere
- r
J. 'ill. 1.lnGO,
~ '
. . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
FIRST-The Great New , IVlajestlc Range greate Ra.nge Range the "Vodd that W entirely 1l1anufft.ctured 3n<l Iroll. , teel,:lR in other w i ' rust in a, few Iron, as i in th e "i,1l tim,' 'long as steel. New
HICH as now manufactul'ed, is the t h~ ,th e world. 1'hel'p if) no other ill is alIllo~t out of ~[R!lacble Char 'oal put Ranges, out vel'y , years~ Char(loal such u8ed :.-I'l'l1t :r\'[~~,jp st i(' la ~t t ell as 'l'llt~ Ma.iesttn, a~ now manufactured, will t a,l\.e Ie fuel thUD any othel' l'a1J ge lll:lH nfaetu l'cd autl allY h(;nes t p ~rson, who wil l exam iu e the New Majestic will see why it does take les fuel.
Great New ,Majestic Overwhelmingly , in the ,Lead
T stands away above ,all competitors.
It has no equal..
no conlpetit:()r~.
It is th leader of' all othel' Hunges.
The Great Special Sale of the New Maj.estic Range is Now Going On--- Tbis' Sale -Will Eclipse All Other ' S~les and Will ,Last Until Jantlary 1st. , With every Range Sold at this Spec~al Sale we will give :F REE ~)ne of th~ nio t lnugnilice n.t s~ts of ware ever g-iven with a Range. At this Special sale, we will also make \ach pnl'c haser a pre ent of two nice souvenirs. One for a gentleman nnd , one for, a lady. We forgot to say that the Great 'Majestic haR been known to bake biscuits ill two and one-half minuteR. ,
.. ~
.. I ~
I · , . . . .
'. t . .
1 :1."
SECOND-- The6reat New 'Farquar Sanitary furnace-,A'
N entirely new llriuciple,: far. ahead of any ot~(.H' Furuace or H~~t~l1g' System. 1'he, Farquar. Ra~itaJ'Y FUrna(lC combines a,' , pe:t:fect syst~m of 'v entilatIon. that conlple{,ely(~ha.nge~ the a l,r In ,CVCl'Y 1'0001, f()~ll' to s.,x tlme:s an hOlir. Jt hr' proof against the' escape of coal gases onddust . . , The Automatie control of tho d)'~ft is an iInpOI'tallt, distilwti ve 'feature of the Farqua.r Sa~itary Furnace. ' Let liS prove ,these things to' you, by actnal dClnonstration, ' ,
THIRD- -The Hot Blast Air Tight. florenceHeatinSfove HE,' world-reuowned and (July absolute silloke.,.conslllning sto~e , on earth, N'() Smoke! ,No Soot:! No Dirt! ' No , 'C linkers '! Every~hin~ is, con~nmed . . :~t the en(~ of n. seaRon's Ul:ie with soft coal thtwe will be lio' ~oot in the pipe or flue. 'l'he Hot,- ijlast AIr TIght FJorence, wJlI h at twW(~ tJ!e space that can lw heated by , 'fll!y other , stoV(~ on e~rtb, at one-half the cost. ' " ,
e BnOD.
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J\ Little'' Hit of \Vayucsville. History
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In Which the Ori~lnal Map is Frinted .for the fill'St t lme••· lnteresting Data Concerning Purchase of and the P d Signin g of the Grant by resl 'ent
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t11fl.l' ('!)uld fllr t bt' olhw .' . A1I·. «'UIiIltI IIJI'WII"I!,lllteu in' mflr. -If' tltI ~~ MIIY II . J'7 ~•. t n Mil'! Hl1nol1h .#:- A .. \ Iln~l \3 te r ' wl1u w~ born nnd
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~)Jl'iol{fielu, Four 1ht; frnits()bio. of' _hi!! ullion
I' ,T•I,II'I II I III 1'( Linon werf1
All lIuu oltrloeli in l.lst . WF.lok 'M edl'I 'l'b am us ·.Ietl'erson, President of tb e I!U 1 ho tw u elt! ~ t. . II. dtl.ogbter and II ~ PIIHS II nwu y in iofancy. A Oll t.iUll we puhli~h ; through rhe kind. nlted States of America, to /lnti t1l1u~hter survi ve to ob~er nnd nel's o f Mrt' . Cynt.hi" Evans some whonl those presen t,1I !lhl\J1 COll II', OOlllfort lit borCtlvcu motlier. LaIU old anu rare bits of bistory. The greetinK: uel, the lion. is engnged ill Y. M. . A: wOTIc , i. Illllrri lives ( 111 deed to the lana thnt was signed by II lew hlocks from his motber . ' I K . t.he president, rh os. Jetl'el'son , anll now ye, That sallc Pedrick 8 S· , nevlI .. the daugbter, is a kinll er. the referenoes to the town of siR nee of Auia Martin hllvingd epu~. ·g" ulen Ulr 'tur in the publicsohool l:l: it-ed In the Treasury Il. oertificllte of I I b Waynesville, wel' e found amon ~ 01d the re"lster of t,be Laud.offioe· lit . \e anI t: e mother will keep tile I ft b M J lE d" Illtle ~ume. t ogether. The famlly papers e y r . . oe vans, e. Cinoinnatl, whereby it appears t,hat ha.vebved In Kllnsus Ci ty mar tha n ceal!ed. full payment bas beeu made for I,hnty yelLTs. We I1re extremely gll1.1 tu publish One Bundred Acres of Land to be . Jnllt the evening before the puss . these and to onr kn owledge it is \lIld off on the Nort·h enu of the l Ug awny of the btlloved one, bill lIiH. h n' . 1 h Nortb West quarter of Lut or Seo. ter Mnrth" spent, the evening !lnll t e . rst tIme t ley. nve ever lJf1en tlOn number Nine of Townsllip A~!\ and Wife, ~he ovenlng and ~jght pubhshed. number Three' in the Fifth Range of the ftUlllly tn kmg lin earl y 'rhe or,lgininl dooamen t!:!, whicb the ].Jand Iylog between the Great· tram the next morning to tbeir I1re writt'e n all l1en.vy paper 'i8 Miami ri ver and the Virginia reser· home io Randolph , Mo ., Ilnu the uebrown witb age and III some pl~oes vation , s~ld under the direo.tioll of parted one biddin g 1111 a oheerful . ' . tbe Reg18ter of the Land·offioe at and blipPY, Ilfter ellting l\. hllrdly dilloernable, but In all prob[J,. Cinoinnati, by vi rtue or the rigbt of hearty brenkftlst, apparently U l! w 11 billty are tile original written and pre.emption grllnted by I"w to cer. ns ever, went to tbe ottloe us ul'lulIl Mworll to m the year 1802 and 1806. min perl!on'J who il!lVe oontraotecl returning in tbe early Ilfte rnoou i~ Folluwing is the orlginlil pilln li S with . John Cleve~ Symmes. or bis a senli.consoioUIiI ooudil.ion. Ilud grew d b It d Jj" dl a8sQOIILtes, tbere IS granted, by the woree, Ilnd never regninell oonacloul:I. rawn up y ecor er ID ey: United I::!tat-e8 10 p~Tsuanoe of the nes.!!. Oh! the sliocli:,' wbo ca n de. Reference!! -to the ,'fown of Wllynes. aot of Congre8s Itl that ollse provid. scrIbe it, only tho 13 whu have ex: ville: ' ed, unto the said ISaao Pedrick part periencell it, and bls life oompl1niou 'l'he p81·t of the f ollow l n~ plan of Lot or section of lItnu above de. hl\d been bedridden . ull filII , wint r, n oted I1S publto square Is Intended !!o:tbed: 'To ha ve Ilnd to hold the and spring from an Injury liull It tor publlo builtlings, pllrting Mllrket 8Il~d part of lot or seeMan of land, wlls .a terri ble ehook to ber wea k allt! High streets. ' With the appurtenanoes, unto tht! nerves. bnt the Sustaining Urace Market street and all streets par- 8Bid laBao Pedriok his heir~ and a8- waS suffloient in the bour of Bor row ' and witb so mBnv lo ving Ilud, sYUl~ allel thereto, sixty feet ' wide; High signs forever. Ht,reetand'a~lstreet8 parallel thereto' j In testimony where f, I bave pathetlo friends I1nd relatives to sixty feet WIde, except, Nort.h street' j Mused &bese Letteril to be made cOfllfor~, tbe .orrow stlemed easlln whiob is only thirty feet Wide. Pll.tent and the Senl of tb 'ted to bear . Tbe beautifnl tokens of Tbe town square, elloh I.wenty·oue States to b he t Iti ed DI love !lnd symputhy will never be poles square, and diVIded into eigbt e reun 0 a xe . forgotten . . town lots eaoh, and lold oft' thirteen \ Given under my Haud a t the Clt.y What 11 lesson this·t o the liviNg, poles by six poles a~d·.1& half, except~ of Wa8htngton, the Twenty.third to alw!lya be ready when tbe sumIng tbe four lot:s adJOining the pub- day of Ootober in the year of onr mot:l s oame ; fl8 he all:lo wah ready. 110 lKluare, whloh oontain8 eaoh fifty· \ Lord one th008and eight hundred "I'he deoeased unUed with tbe Clyde fo~r square pole~. . and Ilx; and of tbe lndependence of Cong reglitlonal ohnrob, (now united Ihe I!qoareslald oft' and numbered the United States of Amerloa, tbe with the FiTlltCongregutionnl cburch about eigb teen years ago : Bis com · panlon, It ohnroh member from early gir lhood, united witb the Clyde NORTH STREET by lett..,r Ii.bout two years before .. and both thAobildren bei ng baptized tbe SRme day made tbe busbli nd Rnd father feel that he \V8.S lef t all III one, and he felt very pevitent and lfranklin Washington . Adame his oompanion lovinely showed' llim Square Square Square tha the oould not aft'ord to be left out and alone, thut tbere would be Ii united happiness 'tbat oould not be realized In any other way , Ilnd after be thought more seriouseven MIAMI STREET ly of the religious life, and finally willingly Rod obeerfully uniLed with tbe ohuroh, whioh be hilS dear. Iy loved to work in. For more tbari a year he taught a Olll!! Of boys in Jeft'er80n Wabasb Miami " tbe Snodo.y Bobool , now grown t o ~uare !:)qoare Square manhoad; and he often l1eard words _of apprMiation froUl t,bem, and for three years be was seoretary of the Bible 011\1\11, and for a . number of 1 1 1-----.Publlo 1 . , - - - . , . . - -1 years a.Bd lit t he time of bls death HIGH kkl Dare STREET be was 80 member of the Board 'of 'DeaoanB, and \ViiS 1I1waY8 faitbful in the lelist at! well as the grel1 te t of his ohurch duties. 'l'be weather was never too inclement nOf the Ohio President Scioto dista.noe too great to tind hiUlat Sqaare ' Square Square · WednesdftY e,'en1)'1g prayer meeting His only regret wae that he could not do more both pbysioally and fl.. nanolally for the work of the MI\8ter Ilnd to hje ·fellow-mari. SOUTH STREET His pastor suid " We have not oome here beoauss of 80 great, nor a ml1n that bas IlIDa8sed n great fortone, but hecause of a good mlln, and the oharaoter of 8~oh II. man Is far a,bove English Wayne's everything else. .. . Square Squ~r8 While the bome circle is broken, and tbe vacant ohllir ever is prel!ent we do not .mourn as those ' without hope; we know thll·t we sbaH meet again, and that tbe dcar ODe' is tJo~ joying nothing but supreme ·joy and 'l'hls plat and the references on the first pag&: lire correctly co'pied hapPlDess in his Father 's house, r eo from Book E, No 2, page 54 'Bam. Oounty Records . newing his I\cquRlntanoe witb tbe Witnes8 my hand and .seal of office thi8 1st d·':y .o f .February, A,' D. many loved ones gooe before lIud a 18SG. . ' GlilJ'FlN YEATMAN ,reat oirole It is. . ' . ReCorder 'of Bam. Count,y, Ohio. 'l'be funeral was b'eld from the First Congregatioill~l cburob, Mon· day afternoon, Ootober 5. Among many beautiful fragrant floral oft'er·. fr~ui one to III eaob 26, poles aquare ( Thirty. first. By the Pre~ldeDt, ings. Interment was in bel\ut,lfuJ and for the use Qf out Jots. . . Thomas Jefferson Mt. Wasbington oemetery. where , Courses of the town)li 30 E a~d James Mlldj80n, Secretary of Statt'· he liked to visit; and wi8hed to se· 'he vorse the or ass streets at I . rl«ht angles. " '. I Thesll old antiquities are interest. oure a. lot. 8Bymg " wnen we did Situate lying and being part in Dg and·glvesa.n insi.ght ~ the mak· ne(!d it, It would be rt)lldy. " . 'l'he de.oeased was 62 years, Ii II8Otion No . .1, fonrth Rllnge', and {Ing of our beantlful little villa,ge. months Rnd 17 days. . fourth Townsbl.p and part In ~tion ~ . . He Is happy; and we will try .t o ~o.1 fifth range and third ,!ownsblp FORMER RESIDENT. be happy for his' sllke, we knew ..For Hel~hway, I:)mith and Beana, . bim better than an,ybody else, we ,I:)UIL. HEIGH WAY, Dies in Kansas City, Mo., Where hnew wbat he meant ta do and be. HamUton County, O. H H 'n. Ided N We remember tbe b!l8.ntiful prom. ' Be It remembered that · Qn t.he e as ~es early Ise, "Vas' all your care upon Him twenty. eighth day of April 180:1, All His Ufe. for He oareth for you. personally appeared ' before me . Ja~81 FindJa.y, Olle of the Jut!tioe3 Josepb Uhandler, vOUDgest ohild ' . I)f 'be Court o~ Uommon PI~s In ~f :A"ron And Maria Chandler paned and for ,aid oouaty, the above named away at the family home, 3627 Wood aD .' 8amuelBetghway, who hi behalf of' lla~d Ave., Kalisas City, Mo., tlie ev. "" : " himself .a nd parties aoknowledgee ,eblng of Ootober 2, 1908, aUer. only ' . .... . , the ilb?v~ to.· be anao ourate ' map a few hour. IlIneas' a~d UllOOu.80iow,. J[fc!u7i. JIIIioel . ... orpla~ of. ~ town of.W&lIBlIVllle · ne88, oaused fronl cerebral hemor. 'the ltrc!n.,.,'uC'me'&::tk':dd~! aad destre he I\&.me . may be re l'hage. Mr. Chandler wa8tbeyouDg 11. bat~dill~~~ Dot In tile '!.~ recorded ~ . suob. In testimony est of of four$een ohlldren, ibem. · Dr. 'b.::.'~tT"'t wbereof 1 ha~ ' eherenoto. set my born and rai1l8d two and one half :"'Cl'llJUqIQeCllcal.t:~ to ~ tb_ h.nd p . d._I. ' JAKES. .fi'lln)LA.y.. miles from WaYDesville, OhiO, and .. ~ Barr:--. .... "&IIIIe,tbe..:l~~!~:; ~~ ~ prll ~902. Book E. remalDe~ In tbe home nell' until ear· nJl,oar 'baek aeb. _ II weak. If ill urW No. 2 'tare '~4. ,. ly manh;oOd, when he (ltarted out :r*~lIdukau4.~If~baTel':ptollll .j. ~ . ~ . for him,elf, gotng to Indiana, where ~i~ ~~_kld~n ,.... r1lln " map ther,e Ilre be ~nght IOhool for a time; la~r - ~ :~~ *l'fA~Jqal'ked 0 • north and Wetlt, going to Mason 01&y, m., .aDd allo rr ...... _hell bQI\ n~. are given to them. to Na&rODa, m., where he was en. Tblle' .,qures 'lh~b mltk 'he gagod In • generallillilrohandlse baB. 1 • . " 10686 bas after a few years, think. . ' .. tpwn of 10 da,.. I's t ey have been InK 'he Well' would Ill!ord better op. ball' apoD aDd ,he ~~n 4Il:tend8l} ponaDUtell. fol' a ,.oung maD, toto &laeDOrtb lad W81ti . gather with hla 'YOUDI wlfa went &0 ' • Tb. deed of tile la-oW hlob ~n... City. Mo" aDd dull 'hDH ~1.".,rUiltsl. 'IAII\Qpon .w were '0 Ik'1Igle ....a.' 'llare, .. ,.&~~ t. linD .. well .. Ill. and life ftII 011.
Accordlng to our announcement of last we.;k. we are giving this spa e for the benefit · of ollr readers. . We are going to mall!: these offers to yuu ami hope th reb to not only benefit you. but to make olht'rs 'hap, p I as w II. If you ha ve a neIghbor thai docs not take th~ UU7.etle, show him what we have to offer. He may be onl)' too glad to avail himself of this opportunity. We wilt allow a commi!lSlon on every new sub, ription 10 . the Gazette. You can make quite a nice sum b taking sul.Jsuiptions for the Gazett e.
1_ " _1
W k' KidD"YS
"'at e:. 1i.
Dr ShI I.P',
"IIM 1&:::
Christmas Presents Th se magazines may be sent as Christmas presnts to loved ones. Remember, they will be sent to any address separately that you \ ish and In this wa\' you lin make two or three hearts happy, for ' ther is nothin~ lhllt a person Ii~es better than a good .magezine. T hese offers had better be taken advantage of a soon as possible, so that if they are intended for Christ- . mas presents, they will reach (heir. destination in lim to make some heart glad. We can furnish you wUIt any magazine published, and at a reduced rate. The money must always a ' oml. pany the order. Call and talk It over with us.
\ ~
......•........•• Note Carefully T~ese Wonderfully Low Prices, Make Your Selection and Order ' by the Offer Number. .oFFF.~
1 OU 1 ()O
. Good tiool!ekeeping .. l yr $1 00 Piotorllil Review' ..... " 1 00 Miami Gazette ....... .. " 1 00
Pnblisher's prl e ....... · .. .. .. :~ 00 Our Price ...... .. ............. $2 50
Publisher 's price..... .. .... 3 00 Our Price:... ........ .. ... .. . $2 50
Sucoes8 .... .. ..... ... ... 1 yr Coslllopoli tan ...... .. .. Min,ml (J1l'l.ette ...... "
11 00
Publlsber 's prioe.... . ...... "60 Our Price ...... ... ............ '$3 50 OFFER NO. 12
OFfER~NO. II EVeryhody ..... .. :.... :. l yr $1 50 American Boy .. ....... ' } 00 Piowri.l Review.. .. . ,. 1 00 MI~mi Ga:r.ette... .... . " 1 00
1 00
Judge ]..ibrllry ... ..... l yr $1 00 Boston Cooking School 1 00 Miami Gazette...... ... .. . 1 00
World 's Work .. .... l Everybody... ... ...... SU006ll1l ..•....... " . .. .. Miami Hazette.. ... .
Publishor 's pri ce .. .... ... .. . a 00 Our Price ....... ..... ........ . $2 50
Publisher's price........... ;j 00 Our Price ......... .......... .. $2 50
Publisher'S price .. ... .... .... . 6 50 Our Price .... .. .. .. .. ..... .... $4 75
J:Jlirper 'B Ua'l.l\r .. .... .. l YI' $1 00 SII'! Hopldns ..... .... ... " 1 00 MiulUi tifllr.ette........ " 1. 00
Cooking Club ........... l yr $1 00 Metropolitan.. ...... ..... 1 00 MIn.Pli Gazette ......... " 1 00
Publishor 's prioe ...... ..... 3 00 Our Price ............... ..... $2 50
Publisber's prioe.... ... .... :I QO Our Price .. ......... .... ..... $2 50
Gllrden Magazine ... } yi * 1 00 Unole ltemuB ........... " 1 00 Miami Gazette .. .... .. . ' 1 00
Review of. Reviows .. l y'r $3 00 Succes8... ... ... ... ...... ,, ' 1. 00 . Cosmopolitan .. ...•. .. H 1 00 Miami Gazette........ " 1 00
Dellne.tol ... ........ :1 yr $1 00 Good Housekeeping , I 1 00 } 00 Judge Library ...... . 1\ 1 UO lJookiDg Club........ ' 1 00 8t8 BopkIDS......... " Miami Uazette~ ..... ., 1 00
. Amerioam Maga zine .. l y r , Ameri cfllnBoy .. ...... . . '" . Mia'wi t:ior.ette ... ... t~ t.
1 00 1 00
Publi8hls r's price........... :3 00 Our Price ............ ........ . $2 50
yr $!i 00. I 00 " 1 00 '. 1 00 "
Poblillher's price ...... ...... 6 00 Our Price .... .. ... ......... .. ·U 50
' VolUau 's Homp Com· paoion ... ...·... ... l yr $1 ~5 Dellneal;or ...... .. . ~ ... . .' 1 00 Miami tla;>'Altte . .. .... " 1 00
Everybody ... , ...... .... 1 yr $1 GO Delineator ..... .. ...... .. " l 00 Sarper's Bazar.... .. " 1 00 Miami uozette_... .. . " 1 00
Publisb.~r ' s prloe .. ... ... :. : :1 2[) Our Price .. .... .. ..... ... $2 75
Publisher'S price .. ... .... ;.. " 50 Our Price . ...... .... ... .. .. .. $3 50
M.etropolUan ..... .... l World's Work ...... Cosmapolltan ...... .. Miami Gazette......
yr $1 00 3 00 " " . } 00 ,,' 1 00
Publisber's prloe........... 6 60 Our Price ... ... ............... $4 75
Publi8bers' price ......... ... 6 00 Our Price for All .. ....... $4 50
Don't delay too long in making up yOllr order. as they may SOOIl be taken out.
TiUleR Stnr ....... ........ ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... 1 yenr '2 od Fllrm Press.. .... ..... . ...... ....... .... . " 2G Eight Beautiful Piotures ........ ... 1 00 Mia.nli Gttzette...... .. ... ...... .. ... .. . U 1 OU
Obio State Jourual... ..... .. .. ... ... 16 mo $3 00
All for .......................... .... ,......... ...... 4. :ni Our price for 1111 ........ . ............. : . . ... .... . $2 50
All for,.. ....... ..... ........... ;........ ... ............ " 26 Our price .. .. .. ... ..... .. ......... ....... .. ......... $4 00
('1l1l e offenVIl! not be Iro04 I6her Oct . :llti t)
NlitionaJl:)tockmlln lind FarDler ... 3 mo 25 Mla.mi Gazette .: .,.... , ...... .. .......... 1 yr 1 00
Y~ut~'~, Companion .. ................ 1 yelll' f l 75
Dayton J ourn.l.. . .......... ..... ..... . 1 year , :;1 00 Miami tiazettlt ... ..... .. ... .... .... . " .. . .. 1 00
Both f(l f ... ......... .. ................ .. ....... .. ,.. .our pri4~e ........ ; .......... ...... ..... ..... ..... "
2 7G $2 '65 '
Both for ....... ... ... ..... . .... ........... ~ . ...... 3 00 Our price ........ .... : ...... .... ........... ......... $290
M IIIIIll (il u:r.ette .... ....... .... ...........
.... v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
"c'e' Nott _ ___li'___
. ..,...,
We wAnt onr reaclers to bave tbe money benefit of tbe IUllga:t.lnel and uew.· ptt.pers·menUoned in onr often. But that i~ no~ all. We can furnlellaDY . magazine or new8paper pnblililhed, at a redaoed prioe. And why? BeoaqlMl wO.lIl'e in fa position to furnieh them at a price tba' all caD afford ~u buy, aDd thereby sa ve a Jot of U1 01l8Y, on I,hl} transactloD. "Mllga1.itles ct\n be fllrnhlhed separately it d6llired. , , [ n sendln" your order by mall money mus' accompany the order. 'fbl8 will be abloln'.],. D y in .order to get the mlLl.zina!!, aa ow1nv to 'he 8x&remely low prloe of 'bu off.n, lb. CQtlh I t accompany tit" order. . All orders lIhopld be wril~8n plainly, and addreued to ,
B'I! ill ss Alway s Regul ated by Wants of t-ho Pe ople,
The Strategy of F'red 'y.
T H I NGS T /-tE
It r, ~n l'!<tabllHhed prin rlplo ( ,. c',," .. ll nll ng C'apaclty oJ' lh pOllio n V'l'lI!! 'J rHl tlo IIlllcll y oa r nrl(lr Y"(\I'. • , 0 nltol Ilc' ' 111 \It's n. cordin g to husi ll " nllrl t111:IIH'lrU ('On cl illo ns. As lIe w ~, 'I1I:I~"~ 111'1 ' hrOll" hl Into U IlE' . Ilf)rhupll 1111 I,, 'r c'allil n ' xI>ense or living I". M cthcd9 of A jVcrti si.n g to Br,I'!) De- ("1'1 '. 1,.,,·, IIl1d bElcomes ndjust!!cl lo Fine tl Ama!lk ~lnh nl'niAly Inset with (r I' fl'om that ,","l'allY lonk that W41 • •••••••••••••••••••• •• •• ••• & Ir ~ble and Lastlno Resul ts hUllg, ·iI c·o lldlllollS. 'I'b n It Itl rea. Il'h; h tllIll luc:! In c" Is now very ofl en B 'f UpOIi lables In ovon w II, C o"" pil~ i9 0n of Cit y il nd 5'lIIa ,It, In b.·llp,, /, that so far lis ' the ~ lllnl't fll l' th !' hlCl l'h!l'lU alld tlln n'r 1'00.:ullll 'II hl/lI ~ holclR, Wlillc' sllnl ~ 1I0UIlHImel! aOl'Par 1I11On I Cop),rl,;ht. Ily lJ,utty St ur), l ' ulJ. CO,) Countr y Stores, 1'0f1!1IlIllIIlg' 1 ' :lI'LI~ lty at Lllt' 1. nited \tIllle . r':mhro\(I" 11'C 1 c111111i'1' clvlhs hll"" , Staj,'s Is ('olll'l'rned It will -g 1'O W he!'n a tll' l11 plrrl fn,m 111111' I~ lilliI' . but I h,' lIull llhl'd 1I\ll' fll l:l' of f in lilt UI' C', Just " I 'ill l." 1;!Ild I1nIlY. \\'1111 11'""lok In ! " VI'< otd;.-!" "\l'lIlI lnl'o) I lnlly . ' :-< IIW " !Tn", I"n'l I nHlhe my Il orf' f\ pl'l'l1ln r ol'c'ol'oflng- 1O ' lhl In r ·aHO ,In popula, h ave ti e" r fU IIIIII ",",'11 raVOI', hu l a !'I' UI 'l lI hl'l' that . you cun readil y reo 11, I' 1'1',,1 I) ") "". "I', ,. hOi" II )i,'rf"1 I 1111'11'1 )")11 r"llll 'nl l" 1'. h" n.. ~ tI) . I IWL f l ,lcll n~ pl :'c'C": " I~ the ll UI'" lill ll Il ~ ""tl 11 011. all<1 tfle N lllc:ned taBI s of ilia I\lnl'h on {'k,1 h or la r~I' ('('lIto' r pice , mO\', Bllrh a IlI)ol h y I'lIbhln~ wltll " I Ill"" w Illi 1".1"dol) . I ll- J1t~~:-IIK '~' I"I" 1'1111 a ll;.:c.:" ~ 1! ".1 ti l(' c'oal' hlll!: tl'lp"to 1~1l' II; 1111 \.I1·c· d; ,,'f 1'1'1:lIII' r 3, TIll' ::11 ' 1' ,' I' st l'etc hill p; j ll ~ t 1(1 Ilw h(lI'lI'I' flf 1111' ('I fl l h nllllHt n E'e1 wit h al 01101. ThIs p"" jll!'. Iii, 1.1''''0\\1 ,I tn, · hoi "I. th "t I I,' IlIl't "C I I I'III III. :lilt! ~, . I. '·I, I? 11l~.' ,lIlIco\ll . 1 11\ I, ~ ill'JlhIIH IIlahc' II 1'0)1: tl:l l'. . 11111 tUb l e UII(I h ell I'!;y (' 111101'0111"1'('11 In all will 1l0L lIlal' th .. fin ish of lbe wood. \\' Iwi hl'l' rondltlons t h ot h ave bE'('n -'·:lI:I,I !,,, ... I~. \\'11"'1\ I l', all y 1111", ·. )1111 1"~ll 111th I h l1. ~ Oll '- Polly pa llH, 1 h ow'! I\ ' II~ Ih(' 1I1\·I'I·hont. . Th, 'I'C' HI' 1,11<'\\. II li ,1 h ~ h i I tll i,. . II Irl·t·tllI) rll r t ill' '''H'liun (If 1l ~ , '(,O IlCI. ('1 :11'1" ,1 \ '11'1'"IS 1I'1l)" . hili I!I(' t he (' I ' I I'll !tun· f, I'i lld 11II' C'II(' alnnd nffoni an eq ulLuble whit w ith n tI" lIl' l"lI'Il,'1' of 1 1'1~ h laco i1 n~ltp;ed In Irnd e all rollnd . is II lClst c·n·,'('lill'. By SUIIIC, III" !,:-.. ~n\d r'r Il SI'.' \11 KCl fln till' I loac·h- IIt' l' stlJaiJ hand s au ll shpllt' tl ~l'a( 1 1 fil l' fi n'.} H(' ''' i~ C'Plllprisi l1 g (, 11I+.. li l ni t,\" . C' Il'IH'I1S11llon 11 . nil n I \' 10 hr· ( '011 i In ued. or w llt'Lhor the h Ow e",'I'. Ih e ~(',, :C tl lI " :;1 Ill' 1I1H' I1 , 1111il" Oil" or th l' hllndsornest te a ('Ioths III~ I ,arly. I e'n'l .::u," I." I'n .1I1 III L' 1':' i lin!-:. "O h. I:"' rld)" 1',' , ",11 10 fh.· I r :ll'lIilll' Ill' lI ",n,'"n II,,· nilll 1I'.1d" ~ III:lIt I IlOWIi rlS I he r ota ller I s Il l aln . b IIl'd,' I.... ·,1 III Ih ,' 1111'1'(' o (f('c· Sh,)11'11 thl ~ s Jlrlll~ Is a nno lin II "'I 'UI ~ I n 11,1 J('\ d 11) \l H.I 11111" I ' Yf'S and llt('t 1111' pr!' 1it ..;t \\'(1111;\11 ;111 \',,, , and t tl l f. ,' Il.·h \\ 11\' Is 10 all ,clll Ih.., S: 1II1f' 1':':1 11ft"r.'CI (',Hn'i). u llo l1l I'hll alld I I1rrnl1~, ' ,1 sh,' 'h"' lIrI ~I t 1>,1' " n,1. lI11d· Ih~ 1 ig I'lIiJHt'lI). 111 th,'"'' 10 br (' III Ollt of the ga me aud t he III' hilI ,<",,1·(,.'1, 11101', ' ",), ,1), ('lo th!' clt '('''l'l1 to.cI with /, 111.\'1 11111 eyele t and I"'''n l p hl1pp li(.\1 dll'£·ctl)· th rough Ule h u"Il~' llI i1rlJlcll:"',1 ullol trllll1l1rd \\' Ilh. Iwul'" Iri sh Cl'oc hf't tnedullioltM, thp " ~ (' W t11,1l -~ n\\ flilly \\'t/IJl ~. rt-h YOII. P lf ' :.!';;l' linn ' , 100 1\ (11[11 11' .... 11 1. )':"l'cd. ,h .'·H of Ihr l'IIIIIPI'I I, 111 0 It I!I Ihe fill'. lall";' ru ls 'd I II l'O~C err,'ct anti :tlll,lle!l h',I, ,'d I~,jly III Ihl' " nlll" " of a f,' \\' ,I)'. 1'111 ~ II'" ,1011 will I'e 'd I I)::h l",1 II p ·; O ·(!:I ' p l1lt'r .· IH\11 1 thnt ~(\I s I I'll "':CI1"r,"'I"I'<'1' :lIl U his. (1Irect repl' s n· band,] (If I","'. 'PhE' ~o'f'ulh'cI I);",' IlI lI dl\'IIII Will E'S as \I' ll" Ill'll ·t! cu hl ll til Ihe em~II'olel '''Y. nliOlltt,.", ·' llh . If V"'tld~ ' I\nl~ w :" AI · t\ll fl llp h l'1' 1111. ht'C',111$\f+ ~ hf) 'ti I h I ("" r y I ,/11(' . T h is "In~ ~ of ro ' l:tili'I's 1:l1;\(' I an Imp nrtant qu II I 1011. One 01' I h(' ~)'!; Ic 'l11g thalla- ral' renchln g In aT ' ~ tlil It ltll', ' J'asl lll,";ohl ,' IIHl Il tllf)~O Th ... 'c lol h W!lH {'d g-,'d wilh u two.l nch . l'lrlng- lillll'''"'' cll'\'l' I"p"" III d i~ ll'a{,I' "I) 1(' ) till admln·. nnot Phil !oaid - " w ill h ~I\f\ h t!-l ~ ~ lll'i\ tL 1110dct (\11 £\ , l hr\ JlIL'I)' 1'1111; ('h ' ,'In;. " \\,h:l1 ' ~ Ihl' f cll' I:IIIy 'l; 1I:1111A? ' Iir"angt' IIH' f11 or hi ~ w l'll · s(! "'C' I .~tf :1.". il~ hOllerul I'fT cis Is the mall ·ol'll r c" ' ·er ... 1 w ilh :L ).'"1.; ,·Iollh . 110 IIUI III' .. ha ll,1 u f 11'1;< 11 ('I' !'hrt Inl'e. Th {l 111'1 tl ~ '~( "I1l. ,\ hon t .·60 per cn t. of the h u ll' cOSll y (hA 111\1'11 11111) I,, '. 'l'h ('f'II ' III' 1111 ,; \\' IIS ' fa l' I ll'YOIHI th av el'allll ,1('· "'1'I·c!,I), il1lJlli1'Prl , ~11I"liill:'; ;twa .' wllh flC I'tm l'1I 1 ni' ~ ol',I R ~o n ~ til gll'{, 111 " I:u' Fro 'll,l, "()~' 6 n 'l l; nOl w ," .1<11'. '.-1 1'1111. U " 1,,nIlL'II' tllIl': (Ill tlfl" 101/1: (If Inll'I','rlt In hl ~ wlfl·'H . grcvue~1 dl ~ I " ;I .' nll,1 a111'llC'1 i I e tn I Ill' I'C'OI'Ir' of I h U nit d SI al es live In 1"1' plpcl' 111/1)' h? ,;1I111e-1"nll) lar!;" In PIII'S '. :il-lrl!'l1l1urnl ~ cllous, rt i s rrom these streich nlm osl 10 I II I' i',I~" nf th ,' r01111l1 [lull}, l'lllPlfoel (I 1.1\l~ h " Y ou ' , chllll · r . e,' p- o f h ill l' IIl'IOll1C'I'R: w i ll I; 1'1' fully Orange Cure for Fat. w i c'I, If. Mr. , nl :m, 111101 h '~ 11'11 \ .... ~. DOli." 1'111111'(1 h'l' h r nw. ";\'ow lijn 'l I nlol'lIlI' oI :c ~ t o hll t''' 1 I1'ilcl llI i'lIl(1r1 ~, 11.~I· I(·ult u r nl (lIstl'l Is that Ule mall· luble, hUI II IR ;"I cl tlll'c'('I " OI'M t he OrOI\;':1'1I aru tht' latcs !. cu re all. IInll('I'ilH; 10 F I'I' IIe1)' .. ('oIlHltlrl' ln!; I a1ll Ihal t l~ licl or nl"'! Heal l)'. F r ' lIlIy, I hal'{' (' lprJ(, whll III'C' ~ nll·snll'n. v:1d ordt'l' hous s (I r a.w the trade, not from IlI nh og:Jllr or onlc ~(I :1" lu sholl' 10 ~ ' ill a h rl "." (or)!,ol Ie) w; l; 11I' t·. Y O II 5l' d !>(I 1' . th r" In,,", 1)1' a. JIIIUl'lllllH li nd exe II 'lIl lid· Ih, C'illt's. 'l'll qu es tion III wh ether hl's,t aclvarllfl'lC ;iw h :111110'. or Ill! lal'I' YIIUP tI fur ohl'slly . 'I'bl'. ell et Is: rtlhl'() l cI (,I'~·. '01111"" sn lill :l1Il1 On wak lug, lh' jule of (llIe fruit Is II. I~ bl'i'lt tor I be IIlll SSeS that these nnd "Appurt'll I)' FrPrlcly "8 $ 1" 111111<': til W tlS 110 r,)I'llIa l 11I 11'II(lu(' lou. On lH' I" VE'l'lIsl'r . 11I111111))nlh housl's I n Ih Inrg clUes sille rO llndall o n ~ ar, · (1·I·q ll ,·ully SI' pn. drllnk , lIud t his should b cold . M!<tlill ull rl sl S . lIe kl ll'\I·." wls . 1)'. sn n Wllk 111I·I; illt;. lIt1dt'I'Hlll ntJ IV n I'd· '1'111' 1',· Is 11111 (' 11 R(' In nll ln!:" lhe col · t on th c'l'nlcr Jl il'l'E' Is sl'~lInd III 'al luk n nhlJut an hour l ot r " That I WlI , ' /l inlliioll ~'! h. 'U 60 /JI . (J ill' r I' .1'011. alll! I w as ahollt lim n!; c.f I II(' lIulwrs wilh nU n lloll,al· clrln' l b(, s llloll l1lerChllnllj out of bu sl· hil t In t as Ihnn tJl III'st sh()Uld b compos d ot h:llllO, I'h l l!" 1'\' 1'1'03 I.r'ull)· to ny to dl'~ II .. t'utltlll. bl' allSI: ,I'ou 're trn c·t l'l'. anti ' lI (ll h I' ahle to mol,,' !?:oncl npss or not? I e It t o lh e udvan tage 1.l floerl direc tly IIllnn Ih \I (Jod . Hlhbon I used bllt .(·l tIOIll tHII"lIllay:; th iUl rl' of 111'0 OC'IUlI; B, and mu st . But r "all)' .1'011 at'''. Doli). 11IId so panlc-ular :tll d hnnl In pll'1l ". w hO'n w h II t lJe C'Xlll'cl ,I " " SLOmer ('ail s at of Lho mUUllfactnr rs and th jobbers \IRI th larg houses contlnu to for IlIblC' II cC' ol'ati us. rl1!1l. In facl, til(' h Nl f) ped Slowly, \[ 00 is rn" n ouS' """ryfllin r: 01~E' t 111t'S udol':! hi", anrl Phil C3tl1 0 10 I b l' I'l's('ue u nd lll~co'·· fh l' IItOI'". III Ihl' HIll IIIl tow n th ... I ~ no obj clton to ~rll \\, ? Th exis tence at these hons S tI ('S lre a 'em il 10 ho 10 g!'t a.wlI )' (1'0 111 ' I~' hlltl J;1')" th 'I" "'I'll, 1'i1 ;ll m'o w e gol ll i-\' I do Wi l!J I'I'lI 1\1'1'- " 111 I'('hant who t ri('~ to f( 1I 0 \\' SOIllP or l"rf'(I(I~!" "Co lI ~ltJet':IIC' ut Phil ." F r 11(1.1: ob' I he OIt'lh Ocl s of lh" cl t.y stores w ill has nol hlug to do With l b e consuming IIny I'owd cl IIp;)t'a l·lIn~·I' . r. 1" ' u on n lakin g Ilt th e SUIll time on fll 'ce of pA W I' of Ih ' p oopl. Their e:d sl once tllle'ly lun; dlnn el' tah l!' I iiI' (lilly 11011'· \'(,)'\. thin und crusty toasL No but. " Thn l I:' tho llI omelllo ll~ (111('. 11<111," 'c'rvod , Krl llll~ . fnll . Abo,·" all olh pr Ih lngs h e m ll't 11I1I!;hC'ci flnll)". " Thl'l'e's n nt a hl':I\·· "-1001;111 11 0 prNlr ancl I nn"I~', " b o hon es t In hi s a th· ,' r Usl n ~. H e m usl elOI'S not In r asc trad an loto... Why. er8 wl ll ,h e I n lI ' hU I; ' s~ "'''r 01' ~lll \l t(Il· 'l s permItted . ' \ l lut ' l'val8 or t.wo h ours throug h. peonl patronIze hask l In th'" c n l .. r cl l th c lilloh-. nl~' sl1l1 l 10 nfll; f or h i li), Iln d you C"onllu lIl:cI I oily I I-IJlOrl n ~ l lifl inlC'I'I'U P' vnlil e Iho I I'Ili b ",h" n t ellin g In the th II. should th e 111' m, nnd why should mnnura l urer8 whil e [lICe! shnd s on th .. ,·:tlldl(1 :lid;s Ollt the ' cl ay j \ll c mny b 61\11'011 . On " Imow, Phil, wi h (1\1 dn .. r ~ 1 1('C'L to tloJl, " lh nL I jn st \\'C'1I 1 (\VI'I', ,'x plaln uc! ('olumn~ of Ih ~ l oc al paper wbat bul" Freddy, h Is In cli ned t b ('ollll'nl·Y. 1be ' IIuatio n :I.od asl; d h ' I' to join liS. g ains ho h'1 s. fil a customers ar gC'll- and job bars giv e th m support b~' aud cunrklnhl'll may boar nlll Ihl'rulul' or(l ng ' nt a lime i s usually 1I 0 1l~ h , (If th( flolI'ors, all.holl!;h pluln I<1I",l r fOl' It Is not to be I'x pected t h ai clu(lrl tl liE' won '!. l;il alotte, nnd he lIatly re· or cOll rse, Fr ddy, It had to b ' nlfuln rnll)' s l.p-nd y li n s; w oek In and w ec'k &uP lly lng the m wllh goods? It may fll I's to sha le l h seat wHIl Dill y anll 1111. aoll ~'o n rally wouldn'l W(lnl to Ol:t til ~. "Islt. hI .. pIa o. l\Iu('h trad e be t hnt It chm'ge of dl scrlm lnllUon an(1 golll shades 111'0 alsll 1r(>'III,' nl l), o[ th f rui t would ullny r eal paugs of hlltlgor. J\n olhel' lilt of tua!;t is por· l hot fat GilLin !;!! wOlllan , and ab ov sp oil th e 11II1·ly. woulll ~' ou . II ur? In th(' I'ltll's Is o f u ml!p'Otory class. would be llIade a gaInst conc erns lhat re- it SI'd. T h e largo silver tl ow{'r hash,'ls IIrc 1\I1 9Slbi during til afternoon, but I f house all." with II cl spaldll!; gesture. "h Ymt'll en joy It Ilnd-oh . pncl on·. '1'11 (, Ilec pt' rs of chop!! ar, out tor the fus d to sell. The catnlogu I l t, ~, n't w anl to go." lhel' . ~ Phtt. lind. I WII S silly llllOll gh to money' <1 m'. they lillie care how they should not have IIn y advantage over comparaU"oly o ew, helng sh ul'cd like 1\ ,ah r ducLlon Is I ll' objoct of tbo " Froddy \1; ullomln ll bl~' II Itl 11," pl'(\lul s bhu a gallle or t nnls. I g lit. If they can 8 \I t he visitor to tho d ealer In tbe ~mal1 town , and soon the I' gu lar tint wIck r Im sk t't with th o CUI Ihe toast /llu st b I'rusty aud rack In side, lhl'ough whiCh l'arh.'ll ower clt'Y. ;,nnolJ uced . " H e n vel' on 8111..., r s YOllr guess I'll koen my word ," slg hlngly . t b store a sui t of IlhOddy cloth es for the m ass es v,'ollld dis '0\'01' tbat tlll! re AI (lInner one III lIullposncl t o eat plE'asul' ; h simply forg~s how t r- "but Illc:ls , )o' r edtly. malle an ei'fort ,,' hnt pure \\'001 Is worlh, all rl ht. wall nothIng to be gl1ln d by patronlz· Is Insert'd 8 pRl'a! Iy nnd 'It Il In ilI ac. For an lllHl 8Uall)- large lahlt'. n II henrt )' meal. No 8W at or greal Y l'I IlI~' young y ou are." Lo be on time. Thal's a love. GoolI· H e ' IllII Y \;Je f rom Borne co untry to wn, Ing the dlsta ut houses. high , sl end I' ba slt t, wi t h long hun· IIlshpti shnuld b Indulged In . "Exactly," Dolly agreed, "and It's by." nlld n ot 10101\' th e IIlrrerellce~ Sell tbe Illes, makeij a chul'mlnl( tl ower VII SE' , VALUE OF GOODS, 11 b Clllt ao I'm hi s seconrl wife. Oh, Freddy r eplac ell hIs pip . dl sturbell same lass of loth s In your hom e II gral ln ~ ai' roo l, belng, !l( O U I·~. To Clean a .Fan" It'S a dl' ndflll, d osprrnl e lhing 1'0 by DolI ~" !I ul r~' kist;; and murmureu n lOWIl to thp (1m buyer. you 1l1lgbt Snap· Huntl ng Often Means Lo .. of .'nec essl\l'Y t o koel) th(> 1I0 w I'~ In PCJRI· T o II'R n [l fau Illnea It In a dIsh and mnrry a dlvorc d man;' shf' nlldcd. r w words expl' sslng .bls Id ' a of t en · 1 08 ~ no al()u e his tratle but the trad e lion. Money lind Time, r.(lI'l' r with gasolloe, Do not attempt ~ll! hlng1y . nls, coachIng tl'lp!l, and Ilresu01lng of hi s lI elg hhors . I t pays to be honlu nih the material. or tb chltron or "But, Doll y. [ \jave suggE'st .cl- -' YOIl11g m n . Dolly WIIS getti ng enll!' . sl In your advertlslng. Snap hunll ng rarely pays. P eople l aco will , In all probablllty, t Ill' apart, " If " 011 say lhat ngaln." Doily Iy b eyond hIm, nnd Dolly must be Th 1l\erchullt who has galnell l be A IILhie ollght first to hnve a !lro. T'I'CSR tlghtl)' until the dlFi comes oul . I h rl'alun ' d, "I'll-I'll pu t Ill )' fin g 1'5 curbed, b J:UUSE' , be I'oft ' cted, Dolly r eputation fol' sqliare III~nllng has II. sh\)uld fix In Ulell' h ead the f a ,t.. that ami a fun ce rtalol y coll ecls [\ great overing of thi k t It or bal z In m y cars." g l ve n an' Inch w ou ld never llause al a capital that Is som etime!; b tier than gol d doflnl's eall nev r be pur hnse!! le t1\' nt s' - fasl n d 8 cllrcly ot lhe ('01'11 r8 by dea l f dusl. Atter t reei ng It frOID dust " Vcry Y' 11." Phll stoop d O\'er for 'm ro yard . Bu t to bring hIs flIrtallous m on r . 1-1 0 Is sure to gain and ra- tor 90 .c nts . unless tb ere Iv 10 tapes-to pl"ven t \lot (I! h es IItl1l1nging liml a1\ lI l {!ll1 l ahes IJul Il Into cleaa gas· h l~ hat aIHI cane. Doll y to u lial l WII S 11 Im()tly p robl em :aln (' l\!llOm 1'5. and hi " r ell111atlon wor lh of go l d worn off. Th e sam \ alu s mu st be low r d th e woodwork, ancl 111110 (0 h Ip to oli n In whi ch tb r I s a d rop at " all," saId Dolly wllh a ( Int catch trem ' udou sl), dlntcull to sol ve. ~ops a bl !l' dista nce with th e j ObbIng with goods. d ad n Ih sound o( pInt s and other bl lllnp;. . PI' ad Ihe tlln out on a 1!8 In h I' 1!nmlh, " ob, you !ll11y. I wasn'l Freddy 'wn ~ on lime. So was 00\1)'. h0I18(,". III fllCI , he will g l th e best elth r by ov l' production, out of dal styl s, or some oth I' clrcu msta.nces . .Il m s . b lo!?: pIne dUll u II. IL Is not or white ('loth, pin th two J)olllts to of III tl eal all aroltnd. :1 l)lt 8 riOllS," ah sll' tehcc1 O1lt a and th r m ol on th e porch . 11 1llall " 'lilt h aull. " wh y I l would be "So g lad you're not 10 k Jl IIn y ) ne 1' 111.es8 'llhert!sln g brings r tU1'1lB It N IV and th en a coucorn Is ·forc ed to wls to boo se a maler lal ot brlglll SI.!' leh th Illlll rlnl, nnd I t It dry, ! y IIIlIHO' arnbl e IC :-'OU w nt waille s:' she ch ll'fw d. wee tlr. " n)' Is m Olll' Y lh ro wn away. Hilt wh Ib l'l' 5 I! I.n ani I' t o meet ohllgalloll il. Tb on col ol'lng for this }lul'Jlose, as, when "rtpr It has I h OI'O\l ghly dried, cov r bamnH~r, and chlld rE' n era prese nl and an y \lqllirl wllh tlllC"111l1 powder. highly sc nt d, aWB." Iho w ar, · 'Frrl l d~·. ~' OU !II' 100r-Clt1Y ad "erlLi ng makes gO(.Id or Il Ot de- thin gs go IInder th and I al' far lllle da)', Thl6 d slroys " 'I' ll n I'1 J BtIlY," assur d Ph I l. " bllt, til front SOIlt. YOII SO sho'll SO PI' I · pl'ml!; IIJJon how It Is d one, E l hlcs of there may b e a cha.nte to g l goods !tels 8plll ed th eroon, th e dye rrom I h nolly . If w (Ion't tlnd u \VOUlt\)\ for ty I j us t [ olt COllljlCll N I lo sort o f sit tho medica l llrofe:s lou f1l'Ohll.llls do . mu ch hco lu w r eal mluE's. Bllt lIle mat: btllz Is <tpt to discol ot' l h e whi t 1111: lhe odor of gl180llu aud mnk s tbe IeI' or bu y in g stan dard goods ut sacrl- ea cloth. In sllch CIIS s It' may lJ rail as bCJnuUrul as u w, If tho edg s F l'6ddy v r ytblng will be 8Poll('(\, lI!lck and chew ron YoU. Do he agl'ee· t ors dOing oth el' adv 1'1I 5I n,:; th an th regular trnde ncc S!llIt'y to ·hav' u pi of all '1llth a.r Ih " 1o'1\Rl WOM!. bInd with ehltrc;>n a nd- " Phil I'OS lo agltat d f c: t. abl , FI' eldy- nh, Ihol' she Is. COllli ns '1lIIllle publlcatlon of II. calrd giviug th e flc ln l WiC('s l h ro u 'h ' OVCI.· anll rl lJ»on. I nc b ndlllg or a sort frill of -' hle'ss mEl, 1 knfl w tll CSfl prl'.c loltlr 'y s Ull Ih e w n ll" A OIV' wha ~ do y ou lhlnll til l e, nnl1 addl' ss. Tbe qltack, who chana I~ should . be carefull y ooasld, pl acerl hel wc ' n lhe bal z realizes UHIt th ere Is vi I'ttl In pri n· credo \\'hen II lot of go du are offflred III linen. Ill' acl l bo lin en cloth I'[lll' l u ., or hlO'on to match the oover. or mine w eI' n't d eel vlng. Th er e Is at my c hOi ce?" . a I' It l 11 sb and lIlood all . on tb e "Lorll!" said Fretl dy Fox, ' dnubin g t ), '6 Inl,. nllhllsh ' s column after col· at a Cut rate. at so low II price that IIY on th e tahlp.. It Is opp al'l'n t som!!one must lose by , ·pnrt h. !lntl a uew on , by my ~o lll . his hanrllwrc hl .f at Imagi na ry per· IIInn or fill! Im;;es wh E' n h e advertises . It wlo , H e t li s tb.e people th tl'R.ll!;l. '1Icm , 10011' O'!lt for a " nl gg I' ent froOl ht;m'yon. 'a n'l'YOII s h er, spiral Ion. "Oh. l..ord! " he re llCnte,1 lI e mal; in (h e f no." The p;oods may lie of . In ,nn 'In to ),{lsll n g way thal h e ha s Doll '. o\'er in th e corn I' Wllh Uic with Irag lc Clllp hllSl s. Int ' rlor qllallly, nnd not the 1<lnd a " ' 1'1' 1 'e pla tt's" are those lI ~ed on t r l\ \'eling library?" . "Oh. }' r e dd ~·. l' .. cdd~·, wh at ' I ~ It.?" III gooda to deliver, wh elher he has or reSlle ctubl , 111 reh rtnt would care to lun oheon amI dlnncl' t a.b l es betw cn nolly fi ew to the wIndow . Doliy cr l II , al:l nn {[' at Ih cllrl()II S nOlo and he nlU.k eos th em b lIev him . otter to hi d pall'onl!, cou r ses . " l1's really :\ woman ," Rhe ot'led look on 11'('1' lI ' lsb aod 's' face. ;'1\oL yC/ur .JlIst th e sll11l1le stalement that'· Goorge - -- -- - - The old·fnshloned WIlY was \Vb n a DrnwD &. Co .. GI"OC r s,''' arc l oc.a tfld In '('I:!llplng It I' hands, " und a I'CI')' prot· h en rI Rgll'l n ?" So und Foundat ion Requ ire d, person bud finish {I eatIng fl'O Ill a ,y one. Phil. " h o's I' ad ln p; !l p lIlY. "1\0," r IIpOnd f' (1 FI' !ld)' w ll h (' ()I, Q ... ert:ti ll \ 6\\n. basu't much 'lllIlIIng Th er Is littl e use In tryll1~ to build pluto I t WIIS ' 1' mo\' d anti tho Jll ace ma,'h ," wIth m enlmcnl t,vhi1; lIng In brutul 11('111.1 mtlon . "bul (lInt woman flower . 11 Is l'Tloney gl VE'I11 to th Jll'ln· up a great town In a locailly wh I'l' b efore tb em left milly \lnW anolber , The pl'lnl I' her hlUel 'y u, "Mart) sIte's or the Is tll very living Identi ca l rea lllre t el' "just. lo h elp him." Trlm m lng"ll nre nlira-fasblon abl thl'r Is not t.he material to s ustain It, con ta ining lIle next com's, was put Ilr fC8slon," who IIscd la, b m y wi fe . in 01 h . r fl of's n ot neell lIch h elp , H e Wlll)ts nod whel'e t h ere are on ly r esources ' b efOre th em. L lnon Is on r lh' S ullon 's finds . "Be senslbJ Ooli r:' Phil I' buk.eel, wards," h e odd ll. trllg!cnll)'. " the l ady · hi s pap er 10 he a lrade puller, to ben · for the support of Il b am l et. Towns Sen' l c plate~ flll lhe gnp. and It In mlllln rr. wise cultor "r have nn Idea." Is ' ml' d ivorced wire. , '1'01\'1' pluyoel til ils ad vcr tf sef9. Th Plnlled ski rts nrl' pl ed ged to I' main or Importance exist only 'Vher th ere Is nol considered good form ever to " Oh! " t)xclnlm d Dolly In. mock Bur- the devil lhls tl m e.. Dolly, but we mnst will se ' lhat hi s m er 'bant advertisers lire ce l'lRln n Rtural II.dvtln tllges, r a- l eave a pl ace without a pln.te, The l\8 popular ns ev 1'. ' nrls . malle t ll o best o f an uwkward sllua· 11 5(> adv(>l'tI :;l ng spuce J)rc)pel'ly. I t Is sonrces that can be utilized In manu, butler or maid, as h or sbe takes Lingerie frocks ur sol d Ilt all pr i ces to his IIdvan fnge all well as th e mer· " Don't h eo pert, DoU.y ." said Phil. tlon." factur-Ing. 'terrlt3ry sufficient ly large , awa y t h e plat with which one Is fln· alld In all sballes. Rb:t1'lJ1y. " nllt, [ suy, why not ask Dolly g az ed In f asoinate d horror at chll nt's IId vallla~ · that thlll I s dooe. Waists are short or ski rts ar high, to commllnd xtenslve t rade, or some I shed. IlU tS dow n an emp ty on e, UAt18l· When YOII ad v(lrll se, con sider t he l ,p),? " the rapidly approacblng woman . . A otber fnvorable condi tion, In cer tain Iy of f1 very fa~oy kind. Thi s remalrls wb'cbevol' ·'y ou pleas '. " Would you, r eally !" qUNI d D lIy queer. Sinking S n sation surged amount It l~ os LK t ho 51l;m o IlS YOll do distri cts m anufacturing ' must by the unlll the n ext course Is served to eaoh A f auc y variety of orin has been wit h pursed lips. t.hrQugh b ('r , Tha t cl'eul ur - 11 Is otb r th e money I hat you pay for goods. The economr of things b e confin ed to person. Th e service platu I s then ' WOl'n on lhe Riviera nIl w in ter, Vague ot out.\lne 18 tbe llIost Impres" Well. It YOIl clon't-" growled Phil w ire, slttlng beslrl e him {Ol' hOlll' s! only lIilYer encll Is Iha.t yO\l can !lar Illlch IIn cs as can be advantageously I tak en Ull and r eturn ed at th e next Insive reatllre oC Iniporled coats, wl l h a Rh/'li~. Sbe canght. hE'I' brenth with a con · 1II01l Y for goods, k'3ep ' them on your p r oducell . ' In mauufacturiog' there l en 'al. . . MOl!t ot th lallor·mad e suits shown "r do wanl t.o be wllh )'011, an~ I'm vulslve sbulld cl'. Something mllst. be sh el ves fOI' years I f the j)eople don 't' are muu y factors, Tbere must Qe con· Scrvlce plates are all the tnbl e at 1"nlng to auk h er: ' Dolly 1I1'0l eslcd li on . 80m I hlu g ImmelllateJy. Cry or lmow ' thot you them ; the moo ey sIder d the cost of fue l , l h e raw ma.- t h e beglnnit!g of ltnicheon or dinner. III the shops h aVe skIrts trimmed ..... lth bands. SWC\ .l ly. talnl? 1'~' lng () uld not b l'eall up th ' you pay the winter Is for l eUl ng th e terlal. t h e labor and. most Important lind at t hat time tb e napkIn Is tolded " Th 11 ~o," said Phil. tmg l callr. and coaching l )!\I'ly. F.u lntiog-DoJil' th r ew ~o r,l e know thal you k ee p goods for are the transportation facilities. on them. What to Wear, D oll)' wit h a !lnucy I)IOVI'. tripped forward limp a 1'111 8. anll fell gently to· sail' and t o make the seili ng p art easy . They m ay b , of· medlu.m size or f rn m lhl' r oom. out to Ih e 111'oad va- ward s Jo'r ddy. Wl sc Fredd y cl everl y J udicIous spe nllin g 'Jt Itloney for the Fair wOmcn who flu sh easily should lar~e, preforably the latter. Blesui ng of Good Roads. randa. Ill} to the straIl Sl'r'" " Id e. conceal d 1I wl cll ed littl e Mtnlle, and r i ght 1; lnd of udvor (lslng cann ot fall avoid ligh t bht e. m ore es peclully for The t.own that bllS good 1'00tds lead· " Pardon me. pleas~:' sh h ogan with wllh hi s tin~' bu rden hurrl ell 'Pa st cu r l· t o win in the en d and pay a bett er per· Ing to It Is blessed, Surel y tb ere Is evening go wn s, and th e woman of In1\ ("harmi1 l g srnllp, "fol' tnklng t hi s JIb. UB 'sel'van ts and wId ·eyed ch i ldre n centage or profit th:l lJ Is afforded In no m ore ' disagreealile thing, nor any· definite! COlorIng sb ould novel' weill: Someti mes ther e are ways of doing black velvet. whil e she of ~llIIant , ·rt )'. but would you care LO join our to the el evator. In the safe ty or \ h elr lhe sam e amoun t b el;lg spent In goods. thing more adverse lo th.e huslnesB D . M. CAR lL. things lbat are so simple that w e for· complexion and decIded features will narty on 1\ littl e cORchlng trip to. t h e roum he su mmon ed h is wlfe's molt!. Interest.s of a pla ce than Illlpa~sable. P oint (o·nlght? Th or(' I s a vaca.nt "F ind ~11'. IWot, Jane, unci te ll 111m Inve/ltlJlent of Surplus Cash . boggy r oads. Th ere Is little excuse get t o e 1l11110y them. Here Is an In· probably look splendid In It. Then, pIa'!", on my husband's SI'Rt aod b e Mrs, FOl( hilS been ta l;en suddenly III Jt nllpear8. lhat any l egllLlmate man· for poor roads In the w e,1 settled com· IItance: Tbe polished mahoginy dining ag8.ln, l he dullness of chlttoD Is try, w ould b 90 pI ased to h av you 61t and will be unablE' to go on t h e coach· e~·· makl n g . pr~lo~ ltlo:t need not scek 111\1nlty. It may In the b eglonlng be table III a source or some anxiety and Ing t o !lome and l h e sheen oC MUn to . th(>re. VI' nOllced you v,·pre . alone," In g tr ip . Yo u need not r e turn~ I to Mell It s stock amm]g lhe people in somewhllt e:t:penalve to pnt tb e roads care In many households. An eas), otbers. Thl' only way , to come to a ('ooed t il s \\'eel voIce, "and It's hoI" t.hlnic I ' can do all t hat's n ecess ary to , over ·the l and . Th ere Is always ampl e In orel el', but In the end It will prove matter It Is to k eep It brlghl and un· decision in tbese matter s (lind once rid to be a stranger ID a hlg hotel. be done," and th l1 sam e wicked smile capll nl secu rab l e for so ulld enterprl s· t hal lhe saving In wear and tear on spotted If, ' after each meal, you wuh l earned on e shOUld bear It In mind) and J do rally thlnl(, YOU w ould enjoy lurked In t he depths of Fred dy's eyes, es that will flay even live 01' six per' w agons (lnd bors es wfll w ell repay all .It wllh cold water, using a sllonge; Is to h old the varlons materllllM lip beth t rip, . so I bope Yl'u'll IH' ~I th us. " I_at I' on Dolly cautlously peeped. cen t . on the Investment . It 18 w ell to t he additional expense. And to the then dry aud rub briskly . . This keeps fore you and study tbe clTect in the " T baok y ou very much ," eald the Freddy WIlS heslde h er with cold b eware of t h e eompa.nles · that n.dver· town good roads are almost vital. Tbe. the table top clear and bright and glasl, ladr beUrln g B smile upon Dolly: "I clothH amI' co logne, Dolly v,'ondcred. lise ,tbelr Blocks for saJe with tbe o\' orage farmer would rathor drive .'....- .......- - . . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _......_ ~hall be ouly t oo hajlPl" to accept your but Ihel'e WHS Rcanl. sa tisfaction In promi se of a rapid ad:I' a nc)e In values, thrce 01' four mil es fartber to " . town kl.ntl In vitation." Freddy's ca lm counte nance, Surel y, and la rge di v iden ds. If tbere were a o\' el' good roads than do bls Iradlng " That's sl,lendld," rll)p led , Dolly. Dolly r efl ectc tl. ten mInutes Was long certaInty of these ,lCCOllllpllllhments .w h en It Is necessory to go hub deep "V'E' leave at Beven. I'll sep you then." enoush f or arty onl! t o remain uncon· It would not be neCl'5Sary for the pro· log Ihe dIstant houses. ','Dolly, you're a wondpr." compll· selous. Tb e ll ~ w1tb a taint sigh, the motel'f! to, go beyond th e Ihst gQod ml'n Led Pbll , wh en Dolly all aglow blue eYCR opuued ,,·Ide. Something very new and pretty In a.nd green , The word "lJandkerclllers" . Good Road, Movement, banking In sti tution 10 thel.r ,way to !th happy elCcl temen t, Tetum d. "How do :l;ou f e!, d earest?" Freddy EeCUl'e all the fnndl necessary to 'Fhe ' g ood roads movemeot hall , tbe way of a bandkercble[ sachet may ' Is embroIdered on the cover to fin~ " I'll flnd Freddy, lIreak ~h e plea Ha~t ask eu. sollcltlously. taken a firm hold In the agricultural be' seen in our flIulitrailollll, It Is lined gold tbreIDl" A slI)all poekl\t '11 whlll~ ':lIrry on t~, n huslnells . . "eWI , aad t hen we 'll go fat' the drl ve. "Freudy;" 'J)ol1y . pull ed hi s 1leatl' SCCtiollH of the middle west. Good a scent lJachet can be placed III I'll m ention tennis," . she added, down, and burled her n08e In his For E.lCtendlng Car,ada' l Trade, Toalls . mean savings aggregating mil, rtimpl es dancing around h l'r m outb. neek, "Freddy," • g enuine sob caq:Jc A special commi ssioner sent over lions 'o f dollars yearly to the farmers~ "becn usl' fOT, some r~ason m y hURband , from lhe depths , '·Iet· u s go awny, b), t he BI'IU sh boal'd of trade '" find and to t he merchunlu of the towns 8.1 dO\!9 l1't approve of drives. Isn 't he, a please. d ea r . I-I don't thInk I /I'lIl meanll of 'ext en ding Canada's t rade well . Tbe prlz e·olTerlng faT BectlonB dflar old IJllly?" wltb a 'mlschlevous, bear ' lo, stay." "' i th JoJIIJ::land r epol't'l. 1I'~YS l.!onsul· of r ad leading Into towns II a ' stlmu' sidE' long glance. . "B ut Dolly-" General Brarlley, of Mnnlrl~al , ~ hat 122 lant. and once tnterest Is thoroughiy Fr ddy Fox wal smok ing 00 t he aide "No," , she p urr tI . sortly. rul slng a of the l en ding manufacturlng firms In "roused tbe wOt:k' demonstrates the "erll ndo: bally ame I'unnlng to hIs d elightfully dlsarron g('\l head. "we I hfO U nited States lIave operallng bertellts to be bad, and there 'Is little 1I1d!> apparentl y out of breath . must ~o on the ver~' Ilrsl: I r a In lu. h rn nrhfl ~ In Cllnadn, and that from trouhle In having t.he blgbway. kept "Oh, F r eddy,' she pan ted IH't'chlng morrow. It's such a stul)icl ol u pla ce ~2 5. 000.000 to $75.000.000 (IC American Ull to a hlgb stll,ndard, h ersel f on the railing, " I'" ~ea rohed un y. wa y . anrl I w:Jnt YOII, d (tr, all t o caplini' Is In\'eRt ed In M qntreal alan., : hl~h ami low for you. lind hl'fore i myself." Title Goea with Degree, Hal)dkerch~ C... ~.,..., Power of the Home Preae.. . Uliman'led women who di slike the forJl:l't. let m e tell you the gnarl newi. Fr/'tld~' Fox sa!lI· nothing, rtE' wa s One or the most powerful Innuencel thought of bear!og th'l schooi girl title ,,- 've lmcceeded In making up the wontlf'rln g ,..ho the oth er woman Inside one or the covers and udp4 Dr thl' counlry Is the lfom'9 press. the of "Mls8" to their gl'aves will he In. .flarty. and we will I III'" j\l'o",,,II)' at lI1:ght b e. with pn.le blue coni, whIJ9 the hand, I ()(,Il I Il apers. The editor C, n do much eUned to envy Dr, Yells Reissig, who, .~ vpn 00 he r~ady. dl'81 ; It's 80 h oI', k r rchlefs a re tied aerols al!\l aeroBII Han~""""f Call CIOMd, rid 10 k~ ..p ever~' one wa.1t Ing. aud-" for his town If h e only will, and If although unmatrled, Is legally imt\tlecJ . None Free from Fault, wIth (lale blUe ,Ibboas, This ltWe Inhe merltll to be addressed al Frau ' Dr, ReissIg, ' ·L.'llvtl for wbere?' BI' rf'ady for If we wlsb 10 be JU!;t jl1dSPB of .11 he r eceiveR thl' su.ppcrt 811d covered with a rich side poc~et mtaht also be uled 110 bold what !" alllied FrecJdy Fox l\~ hI' <'aIm. IhingB IN 1I~ fi rst peullade ourselvlItJ from the business of thft ' The title of frau; .It seems, goel with 10 a pale . Ihade of tlue, broocbes or sludB and would lie 1III8fJ11 His In· the medical degree. Dr,Relllslg 1I III\W " re>mo\'f\d bls fllpe from bl .. mouth or thlB: thR~ there II not oue o f 1111 place whpre he may of dalsl~B are for traveling, be t eruts are the tilt of operatID.' IUl'I80DII at Ua, looked at Itl'."Uy pink aa. wlthollt fault • • f!lllft4 iliaci•• of ~.lQW aecurlCl Wl)1 • CrelUaN abg\'o him. wbo can ACqUit ~1~~·-:SI&tII~L. SHOU ~ O
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Laying the Clo-th.
Service Plates.
Polished Table.
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(jJ~I "t, ,· L1 1 Mltrgul'tll ( '1'1111 Utll, Up('eul<ell. l'ruulof,lmhllcu tl 11 Or n u Fl'l1nk M. Cuncloo iN II I'n.le U11111 11.10 01 "PJ!ljl ul,nlllut flied I ' 'l(ilN)( b;'III ,' r IICld M,Ll1'I"er I 1t~ 1' u u e lih. I'I.t.I OIl L1f lIiJ.:ltt HI; ' g l:ltl1l,,' uf ]{.I lll1 rtl 11'lllrfhx d. J . U ' . " ... J hlJnn! orr purt of tht! ,jury n vllr· Ie useu. l!'trl; Land /:llIlllll co l,unt'fiIed I!:~tlll () of tJ;11 Ii. l{o~er ~, decerl!!ecl , . . d 'o l ti t Il CC) nittu I WUH r IIllnr cl ut Rllt('Il of SUhKcrlptltln I:! ::l(I ~un d !l.v IIlllrnil1 g \V . L. l{ug~ l'~ IItJP~I~nteL1 tlt.h uinll;tra 11,lt' \" , " 1 (" rl"II \' I" ,,01 "It '11'" , ~ I IIJ 'I'h., trilcl OllmUIHlI llOcl 'l' lllllllluy I.\))' Wlld.l iJulld 01 ' Ij OU . 1 1I~k'I " 'I'1' ,II:, ' 1I(t),IlIIl~ of lll~ l. w('..,k 1111,1 1111 Jt'.:!ll,tltc I)f \ illilun A. l:illnly , tltl -i'll" I''i f III til lolllll ~ uf III " JU I''y lit, t'Un Oil . Pl'lm!' of I'lIu ll l!lI li ' IU uf. 1.1 ". ~ :.1: 1 S ',llIrtJny III It I'II (H'1l 'l'wi(ltl 1,10 lit IIp(.IlI in lm ant fil ell . -, IH'Y I)ll 'I!II' tl tb H , (lU llrt.lh~t. t.ll .\' ,J~s tlll, u\Jrl:' llIlil' 'ul'flll:; " IIl'OUSilcl . ltat,e~ ".' Ad \'I' I'list' mcnts .0:'" \l, lnltl n"t. .. grea IIl1rl t~'I(' e ,l un g' Pro" t ul' 1J11hilOllt\on lIr notice ol' ul' 1(I':ulllll; L i.k! n lK , I Jt' r \j ilt' II' , 1 K"I" "Hu t t.lf'!1l1 llU lll, 1.11 r(·(\I)II.;ld l:1 ), . poilillJlHDt tlI lI , . H l':HIt Il ~ I •..x·ut .... th .u ·l( 1 I It' I ' pt"· UI1~ Re IE ·t t, T · f l'" .. 1,r1,tll1ft.nlt't.d lIIu oh 1I11"II(illn. V la.,,"' U) ,\,I the, Ullt t~. I'. "t'I'd 'h' ...· il llt ~ • ..~:.. Co uden WIIIJ Ol.cljl'~ d with III1L1J " a sac rans erSt ','b .'l!l' ." .. ,,(\ \1,,1-00 ~f'" dlll ilg ht er , it, l'llin g IIll ill~t3d til .. I 0) 11 Ib illb hl. Utl\V l:le~tl Iln d Albertn ,'art.1 .. r 'l' II :.t llk !oC ',II, t,II H nl l:( lIL IIf Mllr.,,, III ~ t . II.' Hh lol "'lIVe>! IJ WHe B til 1,:tlwlLnl I' .Mill . .. ", II,d Inlllll.\' wUllulluu Fred "le U" r I' ul l; tut ll lU \V"YIl luwu IlIll , t>1. ' , II I I. d ~ . d ,· . ~"lt'l't · I 11 :11)'1', \os 111 . 1 Ill' I' , 1I", II . lIft." l'llI e l,,"'.'" lill,1 ,' I"i l" IIII I" 1 ~;II/.,t1J 111 Ll Oll,1 c ft ldlJh I,;. ul ... pl ... ~' d't' r n~ llI t1 ' ,J.' I' IIi t'l1 t ")11.\"11 uilloken rr lco-I.II/ III I h rHtll " " tl.! ' I Olt:Stl I ;{U :r! lUll lln ll" III \\' II 'i' 11 M I U t,i IlIln l ", ." , .. n '.11 "111111 111 1 I 'lIthku. '1'lIll VIHII 'Nil" ~t3 II . d tll"' II M" , I II WII :i lJlp, I \)1'11 1 till\' WIr.Ilt'""t:tI \\'111'0 I' 011'11 1,11 ~:ti I:l /{ ug" l ~ II) Willter \ , /t"t::!i l''' ' I :!1I 1I l! 1'" " In \'\1111 flU III ~ )I n ng 1001'0, $1. r,he ~ t .. ntl . ,Jnt.! ge .. .J. A . HUlI yu onllll( ;I \V. , Mur.I' . I;t3veutl IInu 0 00 t hl tllu l,,'.V rt'llI e~enleu th e de ll-mlulIl , ";t " V,- II 10 UJ 'LllollH l'u .\·oo Hu.V e l· 1'he fllllih"11 "ea, !ltJl I I" h .. rll .. I, II . , II 1111 uhl .. lII t1 nIlUl' lIuoI L'rl)S ':nlor ; lUi 1:1 In Ullll ,o il vil le, (,I /O t,. l~ v" l) tlllll1l ~ II' .I "", .,,ltI,., IIl'r. !\I1III1'/l \'I I\! I\~ 'IIr1'.iell on', n!lllurltllh itl t:II~" 1 .lullIes ' IOOV:i Lll EIII.UUI til , Lh)o(1 t.i'<I fov., I' . rtll' III· - Iut a \Inu tliRtc'll . lali ~:l IIC\1' u~ III WlI yn luw ns.hlp . \ ' ,\Ll. to: V
tl'li~ LJ'
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vour 1I1111.Ij:\ \>Ilt tlU Ih e Uti buutll1~ "11:;1 ". It lII .. y !!UV tl yuu II greaL tleld uf allnoyuu 8. l:lIlV f1
Only !lshor t tirtle \ lInd the oountry will be In the mid st of a bul· lot fight, Il.nd the uest, mun win!!.
d!l-. ?vi Irli ll " ..JIIIII CS
New Sl~ltS. Vi lIuge of l!'ranklin "tl 'Ii lr" ru F .. rduu . 'l'run oript Iro m duc ket (If George MoLllne, UlI1Yot· of FrnlJ k lIn,til ed iu ('Otlrt rllgllrding prO(lt1UtI . ings in Ilearing of defendll.ut in tha t court. . Clifl'ord Ferdon, Vl!. Village f Franklin. PllLlntltf In error tiles p tltion in error Olllilllin g error io prootleUi ng8 i D oou r t of Dinyor Mo Leau of Frllnklin, (Ju ri Biddln~er vt!. Villugu of Frunklin. Pluiutiff in errol' files petitiou in e rror oltllllling error In pruclledings io co ur t of Mayor MoLllne uf Frll.nklin .
'I' \\'
J uh n A Dill IlUll MUl'glll'"t Dill lu An.ll ll l· K ::iILwypr Ilnd MI1Lti tJ M. ::)lL wYllr !l4 } . t'tjU'lro )Joles 01 IIUlll 1Il I)eer.tielu Luw nl:lllip. $;WO. EJiz!lbeLh McHorn ey uuu Wlllitlili McHum y to Wall .. oe Mille r, rlllil estate known us tiu~hl1WllY LJlOpert.y on Orohnrd Ave., iu villuge uf LebILUon lell e for 1 yeur, ~lO per m onth.
A strang mr,tter WUI:I' th surl·" '\· 'l'b ('XOCu I prs (, I' Llw ORin t il of u r o f I obert MabriLY. It ll(,~rtl W Ito thll IlIt,1 ,I ()~ o l'lt. G . t: y B, tIe tlR. gut il1 t c' ~ rloustro\lulewith a whitt' ~ od wi ll olltl' fit 11 l1 b~i ~I, Tbarll ' ,gi rl ut 'prlngboro r;mile w oeK~ "!!o dil Y. 0 am ue r 5, 1900, at 1 0'010 k lund t,hen d i Itppenre(l. Be WlHi In. ~t .Ih e filet of sllid ~eeedent ilictec1 by the )otou r gmlld jury MIIIIl t,rcot, the f01lo wlU g urticle~: Ilmt u o t,fuoe ould be found of. biro . FOR On e goorl generul purpo e bOfS", Y . tllr<1uy, h o,v ve r, b e will ked in. Ilre. pr o f ~lIf, \101:1 1.: , bookolLs, to th o oni oa tJf 1111 11 ' Hon , ole rk of to\' s, eh/llrs , I:Itll!>1 311(1 gn l'dllo I,h e ('tm l·lll . . u~tl ,tsk etl \~lI el. h I' I! L'Juls , utl'. hill hl'eu IlldlCll'tl. ' ll,on !lelng in . . 'j'e l· I.I.1!111f ,.01 13 ;- AUl f J'II, p<1 t·b u t, h o hnd ' uoPllllldic'te u lI.ntl uorler pu 11: ove l' thllt amIJuut be ol), r ull uoull w h il:b \VIl!l It C epted . IL ort,dl t of 01i." m unth wi lh two lip' As tho !'cR rch tl very . JlI" U\ltllf ~u retiet!. whOrl for MII1,r llY Ib oy CuD n ot Th e " home· run" of clothing val· W . f:I, All n, . h ues-t.hE best ale in n"yton. Men n o I\'a w er o h h,lclhidd n hill.l whoar o!ll1l'ejnc1ges of vlllne" will , I I'0Ir 1i' I'IIU,k 81'110 ,1,, 11 , s~ . . make stl'ui glttfor thiBBtore. 'l'hey'U ( '. 'I'. I:ltiwk tl. AlI r~ L . I·;xe'ulu r . -_.. I ry au Ih60101,11 s , feel the fabrloi, I~ " t,) 1\1 Ll noli , II 1'(1 11 lire tu n , tH th e ~ure l'lJ style I1n} fit of the 'I'll .. !tllli ,·slJ.( n Ii WIll ~C' II UI pllil . tl.ti vo onl . I{ I, e nll1lt1 11'111 A ' I!lCII U gIHII1Hllt",tt;ld the y' ll buy , for these li(' 'LII L'II III III 111 :1 1'1 !liilUllC'tl th reo :';11." pltytll 'IIIn , Dr . !-l11U" 1', dO B!! Ibis am bV fill' I.h nW!lt 1~I.t, ruotive offer· 1I ~l l CJ" "t;l uthl'll ~ 1 Il f ( 'e nLe l' vUlu II I1 ' IV!Ih IIIH Itl.1t Ul.llllll rJ P ellll'cI Y-'UIlU illKfI ill m n 'H lotbing t ouay. . 1\1'1111 ,;sP lllln g ~ nl ' ~" , RUIJ.un 'O! th e Htrlo~ t o wn .. " tlll , on 'l'bttrs(ln :\" IStl.'YS Ibo tloc t I" tl ,' er tlld our~ 1 H I r II S i' All Sh d ) 'I,nbel' ~Il :t. 90~ \.lI e foll owing lI rt i, Rh nl\lIlt i.~Il1 . It if' m or e thnn !; kiu IIn( some. , 'a II a es, Indudmg Blues and Blacks cles: Four h mtil of h o r~I}~ " . e v u (I e)J-\f, IS co n. tlt.ntiunul, alwlLY, . h C'au f clltl:le, f OUT 1n11() 11 co w,. ILOd B c'l\l1:o1e or thL principl El 1'1'. till up'" --.AII S' . RheUlIllIt Ir He rrlt )(l y I ~ p rhnp tit Izes. .. . thl'llCl IWlt e f'!', Cll{hl y hllllll of h og!'!, rn a t, pOl'u ll/!' ILl p ~i!! tl'n '1'. It Ho e!! ., . fllrrlling ill)lJlt' lIl (lIlt~ 11 111111 fllrt11 of l,y wonl of month Ir Oli1 onll tO lu llhe!lo nr th e s nbRtllnUlll'h8plenthil'l y-t.hreo ncre~ . . oth el' , vary wb Ftl'l. UI'l1t flll )In· , pl~lt~I\~~O;~( 1~~~!sa:r~lo~~es :1:J~e T tl rms f 81~l e; Alll ount,s o[ to;1 uo tlellf-'! gltLtlly R))l' lid J·u;; oltH. It 18 \;'Indly bllok up with Oil lIot ot humlLUlty to t 11 t.he ~Iok l auu uude r cash ; OVOl· thnt 1I1ll0llUt of u ....... lty tei ltell1t~ , ' '1'ell SOI11 siok II. oredit uf twelv ll mouth with ap· on. Hold ' by nIl d enIer . 'Satisfactl~)I.l or a New proved secu rity will be given. - Suit Free." Albert nrll~cllnt We've said tlie $15 suits are worth A. A. Mol' iI . Auct. Th rnthnnt I)v.el·at Dolill llist, $ IB ond $20, and we mean it. A oom· J. ,~~. Him ~~ , Cler k. w ek in the t obaoco wllr ·houl!es pllrlson with the olothes otIeled was IIIl C'njoyn lJle IdYair llIl(l u~ are· elsewher e wUI quiokly oonvlDce you 'rhe ndUJ i ui~tJ'utu r 's lm le of the suIt th re ure !lovernl l'uts less in of the advisability of buying bere. es tltto of P bi lip H. 'nrfu()e, \\oi ll DAYTON and ILUout Dod~ s. t~ lke plll e6 Wedne. dlly Novem ber 4, Hurley Wills Ilnd urover tinet.hen l!JO ,two mi ~ell west of WuyuesviJ1e, wlll'e otlptfllns, Rnd Snethen's team I~t 10 o'olock and oon tsts of Ii hor e, ClIme out viotoriou s, hll vlng Ollp· four f t.bem r egisterel1, and 1 pl~ir f'UlltoOISHINO..s, (r..OTHE5, of ~ood llIul ut!' ; !i lJ ell(l of outtle,lIlI tureu t,hlrty.two rllts. The l osiu ~ te,\TI1 IIllt up IIU oyster eligi hl e to rl:!gistry ; fll.rmillg' 1111 )11 0. !lIlJlper to til wluuet', t,o whioh tbe ment.s, bO\ls.,l)uhl go d!l, £1 1;0 . . .·dves \V e rl~ in It rI . 'l'ho.V r oport n. '1'llru,~ : All ,,\111)" of *:1.00 uUo un l,t der ,\' ill be tl s ll, over thllt n cr e(llt n d t,im .
00 1
Marriage Licenses. OSOlLr V . Derriuger, a .~, fllrmer, of Ridge ville, ILDd Adu Vu vb, 19, do m estin Waynesville "quIre u rublllll . F rllnk 'ht'ford Ree vtl , 3li, farmer , Red Lion , and Milbel W tight Hul. Illm, 35, bprin~b on. , tenogrn.phel' , A geotlem,lU will' wlIlk to. the Lebl1nou, Hev. Cllrrl r. edge of the siaHwulk to spit, If h e Court Proceedings. Edwnrd U . liurt. IJok, 22, fllrme r, needs to, but it don't look IIJul Way. Wilynesvill ", oua Goldie 'mith ,20, S tute of hio V8. Robert Muuray n llsville hull Illl1ny gentl .. mtlu. , Ita 'ul;; nlzllnce of purty ncouBeu Way nellville. plowed ut MOO, levy 1)11 IJerl!oul11 Commissioners' Proceedings. 'fllere ure 11000" out in Ok luboul" tJr .. tJerty. ' bnt not so here in Ulllo 'l'beyouuht . Rudolph Wurlitzer <?o., VB . George Bllh! Allowe d-MiulIlI U ,:w t tl'!, ., rhomp on . Case (lIswls e<l lind letter heulll! And blunk lur lLudnor, When IL 1l1111l fa]ls io lov with II. to be wtJllng tu ullow us II. ijml.lll costs uS8eMsed against defeodllnt'. :f;l0; The West·e rn I:)tur lirlutlnl,\ will be giv III t u purohllser giv ing woma n 0 II otber women make fun St,de of Uhio vs. Homer Bran t oo rds for I!henfr, $11> i Fr.i ukllu IIIJpr,Jv d ocnri tio . I!hllre of their r"ln , lIuy way. , Detenllant ple"ds not KQilty to iu: Chroniole, publi8hing 1'win Creek F llAN K c: 'l'ILO~ A , Allmr. of bi~ Luste. diotment und bond is flxeu I1t $50u road petition, t-l:l la i bmlth.Preml r GEO . E RIL,F:'i. Clerk. Don't negl eot t.o r .. l1d our . maga . In defilUlt 'Jf whioh defeuduot it' J.'y'p e Compan y, r epllir s to auditor's zine o fferllon !loather puge. They gIven to oustody of s heriff. maohine, ,9.7f,; W. B . Aud ersr,n 'tomlL h t,r ou!>1 s would m ore . , -HELP- , oer&1l1nly willl.lpptlul to the reude r, . Stute at Ohio VB . J08Hph Carr. Co., buolt for prouute judge, $ 1.50; quic k ly diSttpJleur if the ide'L of tUlll make lIice 'hrl"t Ull18 present!! . DOlelldant pltlllds n ot guilty to io. HUlller H.o llinsu,I'l, ulteratlou lu Oak t r eatlUg the cum~ , rntlier thlln the diotmeot lind bond hI fixeu at $[iOO, Urove Houd, $7& i Hert Heed, n · el\'llot would oO lll e intn pructloe. A Beiug unable t-o obtain thi!l dllien . pUIr!", ~ua ; I:Ipe'lollr & Burnett Ollltl ti n y, inside, h id de n n rye, 1I1LYI! Dr. '1'he>l lire fllmo8t all down daot Is givtln to cUBt ody of s heriff lOllte (in eon tTllot, '08.a ; J. B. 'boop, glJV'lrns lind give. s trengtb titute of Ollio VB. Eurl Bush. De:', SWilP, lumber, $1 70 . all ; ,J . W. B isey to t h e st,omllicb. A braooh also goes now, bot 00 careful o f burning thew. 8a ving nly reoentl y completed . usUip ~25 21,; t~, the Heurt , lind one to he Kid· Better ' 'leave th lll1l on the ~rouud fendltnt plallds guilty .und IS seo. rapn,ns Wuyntl to w tenoed to two yel1rs in the Ohio Joho L. Bu ffo rd. dllullLges for r mw ney s . ' W hell these " inside nerves" some further ntlu itions to onr fuc· than htl va a big file by burning Penitentiary Ilt. bud Il1bor. l1r~und brl.dge, "~O ;, J . M. Crl1i ~, fail, then the organs mn t falter. tory, we will b in II. position !l,ny Cl1therine Riley vs R081l McCutoh. bridge repalrtl, $9 lia ; titllk'nltn P Oln Dr. ::lhoop ' Re torll tl ve il! di reoted time I1fter Ootober 15 to furnish em· eon. Motion of plulntiff filed here. ~OWPllUY, mdll~. lor I~uditor, ~\l . ~U j "peoi fi oli lly to tbese foiling n erves. ployment to II. number of young A nnmber of peuulltl hll.lle Bsked in on Jaoullry 2. Is hereby overruled btakaltlL Pen CIlmpa uy, md~e . lor Wit,blu -! h(mrs after stllrting the women eigbteen y ears of IIge lind reoorder, t-l:l; ' tIlku,IW Pen Compuuy Restoi'll tl ve t;'rell.tlllen t plltien t,B say uS .if there il! n ordi~!loo(l Probate Court, mdse. for IlUrv eyor, iiI; t:ltllklllLtl they r eulize u. glliu . 'old by all ubove, 1I.lso young '\nllrried tu en !l.nd here . it dOtls oat IOllk like It When hellds of fomlliel! where there ar'e J. Merrill Bone vs. George W . Pen (Jomp,iUY , mdse for probate IleulerH II. persou gues IIlong MlSill Slreet, --- .~ .... two or m ore child ron IIbov e tbe Koogle, et III. Oistributi o n ot' pro- judge, $2 .50; BI!!hop Wilkel' on, for great "gobij" uf t·oLllcco spit lLr6 ceeds of public sale bf property ur. meilltl for jury in Couden CUlle $ .1i 0 i RA ~ WA Y FROM SCHOOL legn l working nge lind where n.1I de . .s. B Smittl, conveying Couden jury !!p9.ttered alliliung lu thu middle 01 dered. sire steady employment. Elltute of Florenoe lind Lllurtl to M.orrow, 'fl. Hert Monger oon, liorry o.!jterhout, agsd , Hi, und 'be side wlllk. 'foere i", Il.n ordln For [mUler pn.rtioulars uddre 8: Merrill, miuorll . Final aooount Ouu. veying Douden jury to Morro w. $:; Clyde Vorhis Ilged 14 , two O. S . & 1100 , but It dont tl8eDl tft do II.ny . I Iy C nrt. fl rUled "'be E f B .L W l101eSOUle h urm Ies green S O. Bome boys, run awn.y Wednes · good. attl.te u UIII ess Jllcksoo , winor leaves and teudllr stem!! of II lun" day and r etnrned to the institution Greenfield, Ohio. Final aOO uunt uuutlrme.l by oourt. .. Had a Close Call. E tllte of J uoob ISheets, deoeased. ueilling mountil.lnOUB shrub, gt ve to of their o wn a coord 'the SElme even· Mr~. Ada L. Croom , the widely f!'intllaCCount confirmed bv oourt. Dr. t:lboop's CougU Remedy its our. ing. 'fhe boys /:IOvn found t hn.t the Estote 'uf Avurilill Ebrlght, de u.tive' prope rti es, Ti okling or Ilry dnown proprietur of tbH Croom 80. AL'l'ER MOCLURE, br onohlul ooughs quiokly ILnd safe ly' big world ~os oot s uell a jolly plaoe I F' tel, Vaughn , MIIlt! .,!!o.YI! ; "Il'or sev. oel1se,. Irst IICOouut Ilppr o ved, yield to thts hl"bly e/feotl ve Coug,h liB they Imagined it to be, tLud very erlll mOllth~ I ijufl'ered with 1l8ever.. allowed aud oouflrmed. n Funeral D'irector, EstatQ of Del1l~ E. Harvey, winor. medioine. Dr. :Shoo]> ussnres m oth. sen8lbl.y deoided to go book home oough, Ilnd OJnl!umption seemlld to its JCrlp un me, wbeo I~ trlimd Floailloo.:) unt appr.>veJ allo wed and ers that t,h ey olin with safety give I1nd tllke the medloine in store for it to Aven , very young b,.bieR. No reooommended Ur. Kinll's New 018. confirmed. opium, no ohloroform-Ilbsolutely runa wa.ys. They told ColODell:)mltll oovety. I begllfl tl1king it, "nd three E !ltllta of WIl8pn W. Smith, ruin. no.t lli ughar!'u or harmful. It oulm8 that they didn't;- eXllctly know why 'l 'olepbone dny or night. bottles effected 8 oomplete oure.' · or. Final aooount upproved , Ill. 'he dist-ressln" cougu Ilnd hel1l s tbe VlIlIey phone No. 7. Long they rl1ll II way .-Xen lu GazettB. 1'he fame of this life StLViUi cough luwed and ooufirmed. ., L senllit.i ve membl'll.ues. Accept no --Diet·Elnce No. 1I9-'l r. Ilod colli rellll!d.v, lind lung Rnd .,.,.tllt" of Cllroline Moore; uHnf . th D I) 'I ' 'fo quickly chock II oold, druggif,'ts thrMt hellier 18 world wide. '!i(lld Eightil uooount oonfirmed by court. ~" sri lIenf~~:DlI r. ::; lOOP s. tiold are dl~))p.n iu~ eve ryw her e IL c lever WAYNESVILLE, at .I!'red C. tiobwlI.rlz·1! Ilrug ..t ore . Il)tHtl.t6 at Joho l<~ rederick 'Bowk ' ,IL . OHIO. CBnd.v 'old Cnre Tablet call<1d Pre. -----rill, 'Ilud $"00. TWll bottJ~ free. t\eoelll!ed. First and fioal account • - • van tic. P reventics Ilre al 0 floe conlirmtld by O'lUrf.. . ' IS FINALLY LOCATED Branch Office, Harveysburg, O. for feverish childl·cn . Take Pre· ACCIDENT AT CEDAR'yILLE. Estl1te 01 Mury C. lIod Hn.rr iet A. .---ve ntic .. n r. ' t hE' -ocello stage! to hea d Ellerhor~t, minorl! . . First und HUIlI 'rhe dOlU entetl IIIl1n wll Wllf! reo UIl.8t week I1I! the Willi pus!.' aooount oonfirmed by Cu urt . lell seu 11I8t w ellk I r U III t he Iuok up, off 1111 oll ids Box of ~ -2[;' . l-Jo lt1 by ull t.l ell~ers . ' lug ·t.h roug\l Cedllrv.ute two bOSlI, E~tn.ta or StU'tlh J. Ungle~uy, Il · wus uguiu urreSI,etl and tllkdn to Ulenn Dutoh Ilud his brother, were celliled. Inventory fil ed. Lebunnn, wbel't3 Ihe lLuth or iti l ' . Undertaker and Embalmer. POSTO fF ICE RULING In mutter of will of ,rolln A. Blair, oaught by the trllin I1nd killed in deoeased, Will udrui.Ltcd to problLte there rel ealiod b1.lI . stll.ntly. The borse they w~re dtiv Estllte of John 810.11', deoeltsed'. l'·rida.y IlIght' Collstllble Joy Itg/iiu 'l'he postoillce uepa.rtmont !!I1YS Wi 11 be fOund ill tbo old ing WIllJ al80 kllied. Alioe M. Bla,ir, widow LUttkos'known Ilrrested ,him, and brougbt him mn il ol~l'1'le l's n re not r eq \I i r ed to Bnnk BUIlding , opposite ..... her Intention to toke under will of to town. The nuthoritles ut tIle euter pre mises where vicious dogs the Niltiolll~l Blink. deoellsed. ' .. REJlUBUCAN CLUB E<tl1te of John A'. Blair. Alioe Dn.yton Ill:lylnm h rtveM lu l:lt given a re JretJt. In "uoh cusell th eunier '~hl)1J o ne in hOUl:l6 uml. of· The 'Wayne l.'owDship Talt , Re M. Blllir appointed exeoutrix. lu out his Dame. It IIppellr~ lUI th ollgh is to, return tlc e lIl to tll e pus t. flee whet 1 cun he cu ll ed publioan olub beld it,ll weekly weet ventory dispensed with . bis olotbin~ llnd. bee n used !J.v ttnot,l!· oftlce where tile 1)e r 90n tu wh olll . clay 01' n ight. E. Ifryburger v~. Mllrgal'et el' pllrty lLud r e mlLrkeu for IOlln it· Is ',duressed oli n obtuin i~. ing ,ThundllY niJl;bt, and t,be lUell!. ,Llley ~hotle 14-2. Fllnu,\n et AI. AdminIstrator o r - , , . . ' ber'! turned ant. well. d<lrtllito sell relLl estate at not less' 'Ihe nllLu s nurn e WitS W. W Ru.y ~~~~~~!~_'!.'!.~~~~ _ ~~~~!!!! !\lain Street, Waynesville, Ohio. President Janney wits Il'bsent th ~ n two thirds uPl1ruIl!onltmf . nlOnd,nutl h " esouped fr om the Day. from the oity, "nd Vioe- Prestden I Et:4 ~ " Ie of Ann B Kelly. tiooon I tou asylum , Be 1:1 ctlnllider ed accounl, filed, hl1rmle::ls how eve r , 81l.wke Will! In the ohair. E ~t ute " f Bowllrd E. Bootb , d e · ___ - - - After routine bUSiness, 'there WILt' oellsed. i1'irat lind Uuol account. A pnin Jlresoriptt ull ill' "rinted UI': Mrs. A. G. Tu son, of Livermore, Cal ., a I!eleotion OJ IL quintet, after whioh filed. " writes: "j picked up from my door· E~tl1le 01 CIII'rll H t:lpence. Thinl on each 2uF hox of Dr. 1:11100 (.1 '" Pink stell one day n little book In Which I Mr. 13, L, Ullrtwright gave" ttLlk ucouunt ti1 ~d Pa.ln 'el1blet'l. Al:lk yu nr Duet,or or soon \I'cu me very mucll Interested. whioh was listened to with Dueh DruRgist, If thill Corrr III III, I~ oot CO lli· II I plsuure Ilnd 81lt1~fllotlon After E!ltlite uf LefIJY '1'hllyer, deoeued. . I My ttle ~II' of five years or age bad . ,Third account flied . pete . l::Ieud Illdn ' , wotllllnly tJ ,lio ~, beeu, troubled tor II: long tim e wltll tbe talk tho quintet 'dlLng Ilnotlier E~tllte of Fn.nk Ulark. inveoto- puinl:l IlDywbar e gt't, 1Il~I,not, r('\ie l lo~s or ,appetlte, extreme nervousness ry fll~d. from .. t'ink Puin 'l'ubl t ~old hv and undue fatigue. Sbe 'was all rlln: eeleo.t lon. 1111 dealers. . The olub t.llrned out tifty U16m In wlLtter of gUllrdtllnship of Mu___ _ down and In a very delicate cODdltion. bers who went to Lytle' Al'onday tia Millel, iruhllcile , Urdered tbllt WORD CONTEST "This little book was "ery compre· ntgh~,aDd, from there to Lebanon to g\1llrdian lle appointed. benslvely wrlllen, and told of the new Estate of Ed wiu CuMer deceased, 10 toh'e word method ot extracti ng the medIcinal elehear Govenor Burls and they were InvAntory filed . . oonte!ilt oonduct,Ad by ments ot the cod's li ver tram the oil , 901; Round 'Trip from Waynesville well pi\id for their trip. &ltllte uf Il~ redarlok Miller, de- the t:!trlHl!lS Fnrnlture urnl'un)" of eliminating IhEI obnoxious 011 which Is Train Leaves 8:28 n, m. ---:-,-•• _ .. nellfOt!d. Proof of pllhlioution 01' tlu. Middletown, the Urst ,prize Wnll won 60 hard for ollildrell to &nl<e. '1'he Masons who uttended the oenttlnnh I in 'I uci nulltl 11LSt weAk r epo rt a goud t llue, and 11 big cr owd.
Gash Value P.rize Puzzle Celebrated Magic 39 Puzzle Can You Solve Iti
-----+-- - -
The American Pad and Textile Co.,
,i ,
------. - ...
- --
_..- --
Cincinnati Excursion
tloe of tLppolntmeut tiled. EI! til te at' MIII'Y )<' . Rtlt,ulliok AdminiRtrIU,ur't! re]>lIrt, of Kule ul per~ollal prollarty flll~ll. , Edtil te of i!:01Ollllle 'LJ1l wson Proof of pnhliolLtion .l!. uotio" of IIp IItlitnlUent. tiled l!;"hltll ()t Hflrlllun ..... Krnn .. , lie ' cea/ulil Prollf til \I' lblll'lltitHl 01 u"tiCd of apI)I,llUIIlIeUI 1i1t'11. In wat.klr tIt ..... tll ur .rC1lj8pl, Autrllm; deceased. ApJ)ILlJln1oD to admt' to probate I18Ii for b.r. lUI Oamber 2" .~ 10 A, M.
by.J O. Ertel, on 'Route 2 out. of Chtrkt\ville, Tbe II.Wu·, II W,) II. R o I tid Y .. Ilnc~~.!~ +- __ . A_Healthy Family. '001' whole falllil.v hi'" cllljnyed 1(00<1 heltlth "lnoA WII h,'glln ulling Dr. Kill!{'!! , New I.lle I'ilill three year&' IIlCu," 1IItj;:.- L. ;\. H'lrt'''I, 01 Rum I Roote I, Uullrurd, MHine. They .od 'Ofle Ih .. "SHtelD .a yon JCoOil drag t1toro
N~t Sunday
"'Justlhe I·blll!:,' snld r. 'for my lIttl dau ghl cr,' ul~d I hllm"llI~lel y went for a !JOllie of '11IIul. It helped her wond rrully. 81\ hilS galll!td, rapidly In lIesh and. Sll'en~t)l, and ahe does nol take cold hnH so al;l1y. "1 am extremely gTe.! ful for lhe &'Ood Il has dOl .. bel'. Ilnd I hope olbar motbers who Weill" delicate or alllng chi will lJe benelltlld by lilY esperlence ju~tl!lve VIDol a trial."
E J. _.
EV, DrUllist, W.,wtlr..."U1lp.
13 14,
The Magic' 39 Puzzle. Tnke :ill Y number front 8 'to 17, Inchisly.e Bnd plnee In Ule nine SQuares 011 this or 11 • p"rato .boe~ of ['lIper: 110 tbnt wben It I. IIgurod IH,MZpntnlly. diagonally or
ularly It will bo ao. 'l'he same num ber can· 1I0t
more IhRn
ConLest 1ft
op ' II Wl al l readers of 'i'IIE r.UAM.rGAZETTE who cnulo~tl Ibl. a(l willi Ibelr s olution. 10 ' prize will
gl "~,i
aU perso ns lendlDgln
t!orrect an8w ~ rs, Winner. "1111 boonolilled by m" n. Send your s olution or punl", willi nl1me aull adtlrc~a
"IBtnl y wrlUlln. to
The Furniture
and Plano Co.
Complete House Furnishers,
314 S. Main
Middletown, 0,
Du.H.E. HATHAWAY l'Va.y''les ville's Lellding Dentts' UlUoe iI~ Keys Bldg. MaiD 8'
--- --'-
Whtre Bullets Flew. David Pdrkllr, or Fllyet.te, N. Y., a veteran of thfl ci\'i1 'Yur, whOl 111,,1 a fOllt. at Ultr.t ,vII hlll'tr!. ~It..\'!(: "Tht I(ood Elect,I'IO IJI! f,tlr... Itll Vtl don'" I_ wort.b mortl. th.,n flvt! hl1ll'hllll,l .. l IIlJ'll to m~. lllllt'nt. mUllh ,,1111, .. ' lll/ctnrt/IIC fUr II b.,11 ('... ~" ur I4tolllHtC I 'rouble, ttl lIUI ,1 }lnr\»,,",. I MIl" bled If,1.,OII\O H,tt.·r ..,· .. nU till.' cu",d mt! I now Mku t,ht'm 1\11.; &oD1c, aod they keep IDe flUODlC ' lind "ell." ., },red C. tIoILWllr'z'~
Laxative Granules , /durpasses all other rem.' ellies for the relief of Sick HeniJach", DiZzine8s, Indigestion, Chronic Con·. stipation and Bil. iousness Beolluse they arfl oomposed of the beBt known Veg. etable urugs, Ilnu mixed 10 the proper proportions known to gl ve the beet results. Every bottle guarauteed to give !latlsfaot1on or money refunded. ' 250 Ii bottle, mailed &ny. where upon receipt of price at
A Pu rely Vegetable Laxative
Liverites ·
Cures Chronic Constipation, &ltd All Liver and ~idney Trouble!l.
I~or ""Il -Ill til' lolluwlnll I'I~C~a' Zlmmcrmun's, KUboo'lI, White'., !4oUDtjoy's
The'Alpha Ohemioal,Go.
The Miami -Gazette D. L. CRANE.
Cooked with Ingredients That Add Greatly to It. Flavor. .
!'iol('c'l a !\ollt.l Ilw nted , gold en. gh'~!li LADIES' TUCKED S HIRT WAIST. 11Il lll pkln. no t too 18.I·s e. The s mall e r on('s. nat at the lldl. aro uSllally Daughtera of Ev .. s\\'uC'! at. ut up Into pi os wi thout By ALLEN CHAMBERLAIN Tb-e 1111 Ol'national fairs of t be po lIug, ra j Cl ing tho Ileeds anl1 Illn r 30 yC'ars bave usually hn(1 a wOl1lau's shteds. Pil l Into iL large por 'ela ln· depart ment. It has l~ o \'ered a tl('ld Ih~ e l1 !re ttle with about a c upful o f bOiling wat r to keep from s Uckin g. r eacblng from Jlat hwork tl) s ulilture. \ cov r ILDd sct on the back of the IItO\'!', tCoPyr1I1I1t, 8ho r18IOI')' Pub. C&) MallY wrll erH h a\' o (I scrllJ d th W O- ' wh ,'I' It will cook s lowly III Its OWII man's xbl blt, and ' ha vo drawn wise ,Toe r endan'ls " 'Oll a. J."lorldn Cra ck· h'al'lll ('(lulll there be In 'a,\'ln!; Illou jul c . Thl wl1\ l'eQulre fiv e 01' s ix Snr rencCl! tI.8 to t.ho lust s of 11!e fu· e l· .. born II n cl reul't' tl, and hi mself In )'O \lIlg Irees from eTtaln deNIr'uctlOll1 hours, pre ferabl y longe r. until sw.. ot. ture woman. '1' be J.T an co--DriUsh ('l(- 1111'1\ reorl ng otll('rs of bls kind , in Were Ih ~. no t abandon ed. 'lIll(1 to him t('nd er nnd nearly dry. Pull 01T the hJblt10n, wbl ch bas been 80 s lice sstul one oC !tIe malt tbrlNy orange I1 lg· os much all to anybody else? H he loose skin and rub through a coland 1'. Sn London this su mme r. hIlS no t only Irlels o f hl8 ala te. Outwardl y and In did not Ruth r tho hll.rv ,;t. a notber If It seems wat ery let It dralll 0\' 0 1'blld a woman's sectlon, bul has bad hi s mall ner of l1\'ln l< h did not d llTer Sil l' Iy would . Wbat ('ould a man who night, keeping the juice for brown numerous en tri es by women In olllc r ma t rlaHy. from (lny of his kin, but I bad nel'or been neare r than GO Olliei' br a d. ' Vhen r Itdy to bake the 1)le:l. 4ep(lrtments. A f W" plctur 5 and he tl gur e h r n nccount o f his child · to th e ~'Ounty ~E! at . wiLh Its court li nd 'll1 oaaure the pulp. nnd to eve n ' nve atatuea. some crt'dltablo achieve ments like su bmission to tb'e worklugs' of a jail. kn ow about tbo fin e r I)oi n lll oC cups allow ou' t uspoonful of BaIt. hale II. gro t d nulme g, a tablespoonful In domesti c 'arts, and a la rgo sharo In law whlcb he was IInnble 10 und r- prol> rle tury rights ! It took Pen but a few days to reo of mace, two t a s poonfuls of glngor tho educa tional exll lbl 4' are Ils11y lit and. and tberetore was un nbl t' 10 ,,'lHull y aln against. mov e Ibe Irees . whi ch W E~ r Qui ckly , and a Inrg(l cup of sugar. Deat four lJIoted by tte seeker for signs of tbe Now the Cmcker III a singular rea· purchased and no l)uestlclDs as k d. e ggs and s tIr Into the pUlllllliJn IIUlp, llrogress at women. B lI t the most slg· tu re. aB slcgultl.r In his chsraclet' O!' Dut " 'hen the long:dream o(j ·o ( prlzo .nltlCllnt fa t or the exblbltlon to the tho lack of It as In hie t.rlbal name. was almOb;' within hi s grasnl. whe n bl, togellier with rour c ups swee t milk and a iJalf cup o[ oreall1 . If couvcnl nl .tudent qf women's wo rk Is not the If you ask a southerner what a spade was In fact umle r tbe 1'001 s ot Uel t wel1 and tn s le to see It swee t .. hanl ot women In It as t'x h-lbl tors, but. Crack el' la, he looks aghllst at your the llU!t tree. tat wheeled upon him. enough. Turn Int o d ell 1I1 e Illnt a their nthuslasm as vlslt ori, nnd the Ignorance, then smiles and beglnl! can. and ho '[eard the yolce of the north· \!ned wit h good pas tr y and bake thr('e· . tldniB which a rouse that e nthusfasm. fidently to nplaln. but presently ern e r bl' hlnd him , aayln!;'. In a ma aa- quart rs o f an holll' untll a 1'1 h, golll· Two at tho Game. Tbe onxlo us critics of modern fem· brings up ali he11)le8S in a tlt of starn· ment, I'l\ lh r thnn an g r : " Pendar vis , en bl'Own and fi rm III tbe con ter. "Austin, before I punish you t ell me Paris P at! rn ~ o . 22 &, i\ 11 S(:fllllB ..'h y you w('re malt ln'g so much noi sp," Snlne acU"lty, who fear lbat woman lllering and stull rlnl!:. finally Wl· what are YOll do in g?" Se r ve wi t h good American cheese. P en's rights In those If ,'~ " were at All o w crl . ~ LIght grny .' I1k hos been de mnnded Mr. WY S9. III becoming unsexed by her opportunl: nounclng In des pair : " Wh~' , be's a racke r l" Wblle no one knows once relinquished In fm'o r of th eIr BARLEY SOUP FOR WINTER. liS d In t1l(' d!1\' IU11111 nt o f t.hl s styli sh " ( wn s jus t pln~' ln' nUlomohile. \.I ll,'" ~ell, as well as the conOdent prophets wbere \hese ··po· while,," acquired own er. anti without a ward . lIa vl ns lItli shirt wilist. Th (u lln S8 at tbe Ilobued tho YOllng-sl er . • t her t u li re ndvancemllnt. may well their name. It Is conjectured thnt tbelr convinced Illm sell, with on e 10Dg. Bid, Fair to Be Popular During the rroll t lin d tHIck Is !llll Int o groups of "Keep on Illaylng," suggested Mr. uk themselves, "Wbat do modern WI)- long·legged gauntneBs mAY have BUg- open-mouthe(1 s lare. Ibat th l \\'as a Cold Weather. narrow t lI(· k !<. whic h aro se parate d by WYS8. '''rill'n turtle."-lIlust ra t(,d Sunmon care most to see?" Here are edu- gestod the heron known as a "corn man of fl esb and blood, p en, wlthq Jl In sertlons of narl'o w c roalll·colored day MII gal'.lne. caLIonal sections where by obarls and," and that this mny by corrup · deigning 80 milch al a sln;gle wol'd 01 During the hot S Ul1llll r ,\ gr nt ma t lAce alltl the fllSlelllug Is at .the reeorde and apeclmenl the work or tlon hllve e\'olved itself Into Cracker. reply, slouched orr toward hi s ca bIn. nunib r of p('opl e fOllnd Otnl barley cenle r.bll~k. The full 'se v JI·clgll l.hsJiow's, This? ,",' 8 S COOling aud nour ishing Il S a drill I,. leng t h };I(' " s a ra finis h d wllh tucked ..omen teachers la Illustrated; yonder In some 10callU II In the south this le aving hi s spnde behind . " 'f! otrt't · o nt lIundrM1 DoU.~ R t!'I\'l\rd tnr . " , Next morning. when til sherlrf (l rew Now lh yare llreparlng to use It as a Utfll . trimDl .1 wi t h the In sertion Ilnd ..... o f C... rr b ,ba l ",UIQ Ol be curod by 11 . '1', aT. llrce apaces gtven &0 Industria. species ot humanity bears t he nllme C111A rrh W .. . FoOl . II ElIE,\" .. CO•• TOIl'!1.I. . J)rogrelB and to the exhibits of ILrt of Sand·lllller. which a gain may be de· rein at the door and sa.l d. simply: S OIlP for the wlnl er. It Is said to be tilli sherl wilh n na rrow edging of the f~ til,. \lnd (lNl~nffl. ha\l ~ tno,,, n P . •L rlwllf,' to the sand· "p n, th ey wan~ YOIl to go over 10 Quit e (I S beneUelal In culd a s In hot slime 1<101' ; si milar edgin g Itnd Inser· torW,he rived from bl s s imilarity lNiCo 1 ~ )1("aJ"8. and b cU.,vo h.1m perfect ly h..n 4 ..hleh might well the thouhl1l crllne. At all ve nts. tbe Cra k· the count )· seat with me." the res t· weather . tlon Jlnl 8h l n ~ Ihe ta ll (It the collar. orabll"l In all hu.s' I1r.tt1!1 trtU\8:u'UUua u.nd n ns u ~ t n Jl )' . .ndl of young wome n studying art I:! r II! a curialiS crea t ure utterly In· fallen man made 110 a tte m pt lit resi st . An y ob lljta tlnl13 lOt-ulc by btl II nli. On of the best re III 8 for It Is to Th \la l t rn Is In Ix Alz s-32 to 42 Ible W c. r t}' \\'out A l.IHSCI . I ( I NNA N ~ MA llll I N. 111 England and France.. All these aec- capable QC np plylnr; hlm s If to an y ance. Hi s case was soon dl sllosed at tI Q t wo pounds of s hin at b er In a Inc bos, hu o;l III cn~\lr·. .For 36 bu st the Wllolrule D ruM .llSltli. TolM!u. u . n" U'. CtI:lrrh Ire is 1:1 ken Int f.",IlU)' . n .. tln~ tiona show a mere sprlnkUng of wo- steady Inbor. a nd wholly Jl root ar;aln st by tb court. and at the suggesllon of gallon or waler. A tell tip of Jl nrl walsl I' <1111 1' s fOllr ya rd s of mate rial d ln'clly upon t h(' ulOOd ,"cJ tnuenUil 8u rrA UI~ of I hu lDeD who are Interested In the s tory Improvement th rou gh contact 1I'ltb the sh rltr that he had n lwo ys br n b nrl ey Is a dd ed with th ree large 20 In h !! wldl" 2::. ~' nl'd s 27 Inchell 1)1It em . 'r t'i"tl monla l" !Wo l> frl'l!. J'T1 '6 7r, ('""" ,- .I CIt the march of clvllizatinn. The.rc Is btb fS. Hels a Orack r firs t aDtllasl. a law·abldlng clllzen, andi lhat his onions. cut small, 1\ smnll bunch of \VIa .... ~ l iI YIlI'IIB 3tl In eh pli wld<,. or llVO "".j!~~. ~\\':YF~~~ ~n\~\'f:~;'r oon.;IDAlIoD. CIne place, however, s ln.tes the Youth's nllcl as long ns his raco endure. . His tamlly was large. be wal! let olr wi th IJal'sley nnd a Ce w potat oes. Th ose lLre ya rds ~ 2 Inclle ' wide: 1 ~ ynl'ds or EXllre •• lo.,1 of _ Cynic. In sel'tion :in t! ;F'~ n ll'ds u f edgill g 10 Companion, where one must go early Ideas or rlgbt lind wrong are tradl· only five years In tile p E\nlt entlm·y. fin ely s liced. Wnller j>ntlll', ri u old man at 50. bait! llonnny e.rratic. and when found guilty Penda~vJa ne ded · no mlln ncl 8. but To season It a lItt10 thym should trlu~. to find Bta~dl~g room; It Is the disU 1\ coot and g rot esquely plnl·n, r& prne""!" l hl~ llfll 1t' r" I!('n (l 10 ('cnts »1&y of dresses ! FrOlU tI10 throng of by other men,'s standards be regards took hlB tllte us calmly a s be did his b allded to Ibepepl1cr and salt. Let toT o"P'I1I~I' garde!l ove ry \\'omnn much as cl1d Dell n n 1)('1>111'1111<' 111." of lhts pllpor . b,lmself as greatly abused, and In no tobacco or his sle('p; and 1!.6 the pen· this slmm I' genUy for tllree or four \Vrlt nan"· f" h l !\lh lt·l.l~i' p ln h tll\ u n '" bo "auent, wruLIng women about the l ense bound to reliPec.t an y code not Itentlary was almost 200 mlles tram hours . it should be freqtl enil)' stirred Swift. who 'Hole I, ~ "A v ry IIttl wll Qur 10 gl\' y ill.t· UI1U IIU l llber ot Jlu tt ern. !Iowna and blouses all day long, the applied with torce. Is valued In 1\ wOlllan . as we li re thla county seat, the sheriff, knowin g 01' the me a t will burn.. It should ne yer plr-n sed wllh few words IIpoll en In tel. ,hllosopher may learn something of P endarvis / or Pen as he ,,·a. fa- his man. deolded to take him bome be allowe d to b'oll . -0 2285 . ~ 1 7.E ..... : ......... .. IIglbly by a I)arrot." "You don't ap Ilbe sex, althnugh It may. not be aslJy ruLllarly kn~wll I brO~gboUl that s oc- for the night. prove at marrin g 1" a fri end once obo ' The nMt day, as the IIhel'll! had olbFreshen Winter Clothing. recorde4 In staLIsUcs. It wlJl be '!- lion, was beginning to lilt hla see-saw NA ~I E . . .... .... .. ... .. . " .. .... . ..... . . . ... .. eerved to Pllter. "No." be repll d. On a day when the sun sbln 8 hrlght .orld-ola truth-sometimes obscured, of life the other ..'ay at the time of e r and pressing business to attend "nor would anybody else If 'be g'tl l't!ITO"'· !'> .. . .. ...... .. .. ...... . ... . .. • ..... . . , . which I sball speak. Arter mR.1\Y to. he Informed his prisone r that he open the trunka that contain t)le win· but never 10lt-that the Daughters or the matter proper consideration, 1\,pn STREE'r A N D N .... .... ..... .... .... .. JIIn II the most powerful feminlno or- years of far too mu('h wol'~ (accor1log had better go tor 8. day or ter clothing and hang tbem on the line and women are always pulling ellt to Cracker standards). made fleces· two u!ltll there should be more leisure 'for 1\ thorougb airing. Next loql{ after PDilation in human socIety, and that terent waya. \Vomen won't pull our STATE ........... .. .'.. ... .. .......... .. ... . sllry by tbe hearty appetites of his for the jouvnc)'. But Inst.ead at two lhe )nlttons Ilnd 'p ockets (black denim when dress Is the Question there Is no ever-Inerea's lng (amll)', he was begin· . da'ye, it wliB rlllly two months era the I s excellent for everyday pockets). If ..'ay. They are 10 perverse." dlBflCTeement amon& them as. to Its 1m- nlng to slgb fat aome wlndfa.1l of tor· shel'U! found an opport unity to move a button 011 a coat Is missing alld can· CHILD:S DRESS. The Allurerrtentl of the.Clty. portauce, whatever they may tblnk of Lune' which should allow him to hire his man. During all tblll time ,Pan not be r eplaced buy' new buttons, as Mrs. P rklns and her dauch tt' r allY phul ot Its falhlon. 11 nigger nnd buy a mule. when. one hlld Ih'ed with the aherlll~ split his nothing mnrs a garment more nod MaDdy Cram the country we re In fh f\ day, a northern man came along and wood, run hla errands. alld kellt his, . makes It look old than mlsmated bllt· city one da)'. and they w3111('(1 began to set oul a grove on land table supplied . with fish and . game. tons. SometimeS '11 sleeve Is frayed; . ' SlImne'l or Plumpne ... along to~ tber they ca,me to a winIn thelle dllYs. when It Is considered lolnlng his own patch. Through this Indeed, Pen began to think Ihat hlB do not bind It, but cut with a sharp dow In whlcb wae dlspillyed a varl j ystranger Pen came into part at hla luck had not gone 80 moch against sclssprs all around. tben turn hem ealenllal tor women to be tall and of women's apparel. Mandy glanced long-dreamed.of windfall, for while he him after all. when one morning the ·one·half Inch and sew up In fine stitch· .lender--thoulh, poor things, they can· was not able to hire a hand to do his sberlff announced that he must be oft wlslfully at the dltrerent artioles of B with silk thread. )lext press down Dot always compaaa it-It should O'l"n work, he at leaBt fOllnd ample ex. clothing :lnd started Into the s tore. with a daJl1p cloth and the sleeve, w11l Blit (\ slgu ·In tbe window which read: Illeue them to know how nn ancient ~ use for letting the weeds grow at appear new IIg~ln. "Clolhlng On ·Half Off' During This Spartan regarded corpulence. As home. while (or dollars be 'helped the Buy a spool of black knitting silk SlIlo," caugbt Mrs. Perkins' eye. She to' fnste n buttons on coats and trous· mucb attention ',laid to rearing nortberner war\!; on the new planta. seized hel' dau ghtor by tbe arm. hur· ers, as it ~\11 not turn grny and Is men ,Ill Sparta· 8S the cattle dealers In lion. Time thus wore on In a bappy rl('d her alollg down the s t reet. and' twice as strong. Pnt (resh newspape rs modern countries pay to the breeding and sOllthern 'manner, until the YO\lng ·'W·y . exclaimed III /l. loud vol'e: treos arrived lit Il slage where they' In trunk agaIn and replnce mended of o&tUe, and the,' too~ charge of IlIlId's snke. Mandy. that ain't ', DQ d& could be sately left to stand ,alon8 for garments. f1J'mnels and looseness of men's flesh c nt pluee fer a girl to gol"-Juds e:. 1\ time, Then one day the newcomer ---~---'--an\! reculated the degree of falness to went north to bring his family bllck:. Lib rary. . . Potato Ribbon •. There Is the fasblon now of sel'\'lng which 'It was lawful In a tree Itate to This was bad news for tho Cracke r. Jlotatoes In long ribbons. These are NOT THE RIGHT MAN. extend his bodi. Mr. Bruce In "Classic left separate or crossed to form lat&Ad Hlltorlc Portral18:' Inys thoBe With rueful looks he regarded the' rankness .f his own kltch n !latcb. tlce work. They look much daintier who ~ared to grow too tat or too soft Wld bethought hlmseJt of lhe dally for luncheon than the whole vegetable. for military exercise . and the Ip.rvlce liagglngs lie would hav~ to undergo First, wash and peel halt a dozen of Sparta were soundly whIpped. from h:s "old woman" until he should large potatoes and let them lie In 'cold Corpulence y.'as a crime. , What Wall begin work there. Some weeks later, water for n few minutes. Cut them up In ribbons, round and round like nn cood 'for til. Spartaul would be ,ood while Pen "&8 engaged ID his r gular apple, nnd keep tbe strips of one <for the Ney.' York women, whom a Interval of hoe-handle 11applng. he width. 1»riU1ant Frenchman has been writing cbaneed to Ihlnk Ulat It was almostDon·t make them too thin 0::' they .about rather too saucily. . He says time for "tbat Yllnkee" t,o relut'll. From where be stood he could . set! will brenk. Fry them In plenty of hot the,. are much too fat, too well nourParis Puttel'll :.10. 25&·S. AU Sellml that tlie young treet; In his nelghhor's tat unUl they are lightly browned. ,S.bed, and would be all the better for orchard looked thrifty and handsome, Drain them on a wire sieve and sprln- Allowed.-.Bright crimson cashmere lesa pampering. Ove~atiDg and ele- but began to sl!ow the need of a little kle 0. IItt1e pepper and salt over them. has been made Ull Into this prettY '\It~tore. be thinks. are responsible ,for attention . Pen knew exactly what They should be frlod for abont tle trocle tor the small girl, which Is -those Itout ladles who are forever ollgbt to be done for their relief, and eight minutes and served ' on a very limple In construction and becoming when WOI'll. The fullness of the front ~"l hot dish . .c!eplorlng their Increaslnc bulk. As calculated how many da,.e could be and back Is gathered Into the neck, ,Ws writer does not ~lIinl\on our Boa- spent ' ovor there, and JU8t how many Pen Shouldered H I. Hoe and Stroll.a wblch Is finish ed with, n IlIy·down or Codfllh Dinner.' ,L el.urely Up to HI, Front Porch. 'ton ,fair 'ones, remarks tbe BO,s ton Her- days of luxurious Idleness would fol : Iowan lhe proeeeda, Altbough It WIIS ~Tear tbe codfish and set It In .1\ standing collar. acco;dlng to tn.ste. .ald, it .is presumed he either did not The fun sl eev s nre gathere d Into stili' two hOllrs beforE! sundown and at once to tbe next cOllnly to attend a ,come Ihere, or he hilS found them as he had plenty ot work to do on his trial. and that liS It · was on thc l'Oad pan ot water on tbe back , of the straight, mirrow cutrs. finished with a stovo. Let It simmer. changing the Ibuxom, with their contours as ;'Iost" IIt11e patcb , P en shouldered his hoe tQ the · penitentiary, he . would t.ake water several times. until tho 118h Is naITow edging of plaited ribbon or to slght ·as those la New York. Any-' and slrolled leisurely Ul> to his front Pendarvis along. Seve rnl days we re properly fresbened. Let It bol\ five lace; the collar bing flnlshed In a ·way, he shows shocking taste. But l~ porch . There In tile cool shade, tilt· passed at tbe trial. a,nd Pen . un· minutes. Never use IlIrd, but cut similar manne r. The !lattern Is In ' The Rejected-And will notlllf.g Ita Quite true that selt·lndulgence tends ed back ,In his rickety chair; he known In a strange county. attended clear, fat salt llork lnto half-Inch fOllr slzes- one-half to flve yellrs. For mak rem 'Ilunge your mind? . Sh~M·yes. anotber man mls ht. ,to avoirdupois. Only walk up·stalrs thought once more or bls coming the sittings of th ~ ('ourt as a 811ecla· cubes and fry Ollt over a slow fire. a child of three years the dress requl~es 2% yards 'uf malerlal 27 Inches blllls. tor, When nt length the trial closed. When you tak,a up the fish , have .and eschew sweets, and the ancient WANTED TO KNOW "That Yankee'a tarnal slow," mused the sherlt! found t.hat It would be In· some balled potatoes aad beets ready, wide. two yards :16 luches wide, or 1 % 'Spartan won't be In It for slimness. The Truth Abou,t Grape.Nub Food. Pen aloud, about a week later. Since convenient for him to escort his pl'ls· and make a hash of three·slxths fish. ;vanl 4~ Inch,os wide ; 2% yards' of that afternoon of contemplation he one l' farthel' toward the prison, 80. two·slxths chopped potatoes and one- ec!glng. 80 many c9mmonplace pe rsons are had passed most of his time in slm· giving Pen his own commitment pa- shiih c,boppcd, beets. Turn the 110I'k To procure thts po.t.tcrn senil to cents ,I t doesn·t f1ntter 80 much what yoa to "Pallern Dcpal'une n.t," o,t Ihl" paper. "'"!,ring tile 'cross of the French Le- liar speclllations as to his ' approach· Iler!! and len dollars for exp~neel, he, flit ~nto t.he bash, mix thoroughly ,a nd Write "ll1nc and addreA8 plainly. 'an<l be hoar about a lhlng. It'a what you knoW .cion 01 HOnor that a parllnmentary Ing welllth. It was but' a few days ' sterted him at! alone. fry brown . Boiled onions will make 8\1rO to giv e 81zo unlJ number of pallerll• thllt counls. And correct knowledge Is ~l1ollt III,ely to come 'from personal ..commlssion h88 been appointed to In, laler Ihnt Pen beard of a man woo - rn due course of tlm~for It takes an cxcel1ent sltle dish for this dinner. , experience. NO 2558. '-.eatigate'the ilt!rurs .ot the order, with ' wag ' lnqulrlng for healtby trees at two time for a. Cracker to walk. 'and tbere SIZE ...... .. . ... ... .. New tdea for Apple ~otple . "About a year ago," a N. Y. .a view to restoring membership In It dollars api ece, and arLer tbo.f the beLni no railroad most of the way, HaIr fill 1\ d"!ep dish with sour al)NA~fE ...••••••••• , ••••••••••••.... , .••.• ••••. man, "I wall bo ~bered by . Indigestion, ·to the, .original purpose of a recoi1ll· Cracker's mind knew no peace unIU Pen was obliged to «0 afoot-he pIes> which bllve been quartered, he' remarked to bla wife next day that turned up at the ,penitentiary. The especfally dllrlng tbe fore noon. I tried TOWN . ....... .. ............................ . UCID ·d lstlngulshed service to the Ita reckoned' their neighbor "warn'" 'w arden was dumfounded. but took jlared and cored. Pour over them a severlll remedies wltbout any permnn . .. tate. "I'here are five classes In the comln' back no mo'. A pity, tew, him In and undertook to put him to IItUe b01l1ng water and placo In ent Imllrovement . . STREE;r A~D ~O." ..... . ............ .. Jer;loIl. Wearerl ,of tile grand cross ler leave tbem bunsum trees tel' Iher ""ark. Unfortunately, tbls t;lmcer did bot oven until tender. Make a crust "M~r bi-enl{rast usually onsleted of STA.TE." .... . , .. ,, : ...................... .. Dumbed" flO; there are 200 grand am- bugs and lice." h'e continued. Poor not know the Cracker nature as well as ror bnklng powder biscuit. roll out oatmeal. stea!( or cbops,' bread. corree till Inch thIck; lay It oYer the apples nlght:la hnd the sheriff. P(~n "allowed" and ~omo fruit. . .(Iera, a thousund commander', ' and Pen had lain awake ' all "Hearing 80 much about Orape.lIitr!l. knights Ql' chevaliers without limit. It thinking, about thoile trees at two that be was II. prisoner, but not II and return to the oyen .for ·about 40 Abnormality of Gonlul,,', U . th~ multtpllcatdon at 'chevallera doll1\rs apiece, nnd his crude cnlcn· . nigger. ' and !lImply refu!,ed to w"rk mllllites or ,!ntll the crust Is Genius. like crlmlnnllty. 18 a · manl· 1 cOllcluded to !lIve ,It a tt'1lJ) aud find 1Whieh. has teen going on too rapidly latlqns" or tbe proce~ds of 200 or 300 Neither threats par promlsJ)S ha.d any l?or the SIIUCO cpok together: two tahle- festation at the abnornjl1!. No man ' of , out It an I hnd h ear(1 of It wn!! tr le. tree3 at th'at price had furnished entt. At last I,t oCl!ulrred to tho spo(m!uls of butter and ont'! teaspoon, genluB WIIS ever libsolulely sana. 'rbis, "So I tiogan with G'r alle·Nuts and f<lr tile ta.teof the 'Frellc!:men who wltb visions' of a sUm of money sum· warden that a mall who conld be trust Cui ot flour. add half at a cupful of does not. of course. menu thllt he Is II crea: m , 2 solt. b'tll!t\ eggs, tonst,' a cup thlJlk that tho <:rOS3 lAould be a more cl ntly largo 1.0 koe!l his family and ed to walk 200 miles and surl endel nOllle syrup and a tiny pinch , of mace subject rol' Illeal'ceraljon In a ' mad', of ' P,{Jlltnm and' Rome fruit. . Bofore .the fteilltlive dCcoraUon. . hlmllelf In 1l,x,ul'lo"s Idleness tor an In· himself wIth his commitment pap ere STIr! cook untIl· clear Md' sUlooth. end of ·the first weeif I was l'hI of the nouse. calcn1nj)l~ p.e rlod A Yf\ar. at lellst., at a prison. 111m ply bccl\IIse he was acldlly of tbe stomach and folt muc~ 'What Is the best w·tI,. to a.clvertise In wblch to hask In the !lun and feast told to 40 ' 80. II· Jst be a trustworthy Bottle Mint Sauce. rlllleved. " . ' Clo.e Quarter•. Gathe!' mint .leaves. wash nnd cho'p a cltrT" II! the Inquiry of the Board of on hog (lit and bomJnyr Who could pereon, and he thereupon apSloloted "By the end of the s(l('ond wcek ~J1 The following extraot rrom 'a letter Trade, Bprlngtleld, Mall" U a guar· I'esillt so ~enll>Ung a vision? Pen Pen warden's rr."l8engel'. During hili fllle. Fill quart glass jar holt full of' of thanks Is oherl~hed hl' Its reclplont: -traccI of Indlgei\t!on had dls:tllPoal'ed antee of good faitb It olrena ,500 casb badn't the power; and, besides. II. . '.erm .Pell sel'Ved his state on Ir.any mint; 1m jar wlUI oolli wate~ 'lOla' "T)1., beautltul· clock you Bcnt us came and I was In· first rnte hea.lth OMf' lor ~ belt plaD. Tille shoulcl. start ~eemed to blm slIch a .pity lhat Ihose /Important errauda. bearing mellsage. and place In dark cool place. This In perfeet condrtlolJ. and Is now In the' more. Beforfl bel:lllnlng ~ Is course 01 to neighboring county seatl. and Is just u frelh and «reen when opened pal'lor on top of the book shelvel. 4let. ,I neve,· had any aplletJle f"l lI,ely competition and ",0 Dome ad· (ret>s IIhoulr.l be wastetl. H~s wife had neve'!' ae('n ' Pon 10 otten maklne journeys whl~ kept as when frelll,l picked 'lrom zarden. Wller-e we hope to . ace you loon. ·and lunch. but nuw J can enjoy a ' heart1 ".rUllnc on It,I 01lln a'!OOunt. Does not lose !\avor 1Ule! II alwa1a yolir buBbaaCl also, If he ,can make If IDeal at.,llOO1l tim.... "Tbere's aRe. cager to g et to work as he was thjlt him awa:y for several I at a~tretch, ,cady lor Ule. morning. He could not even walt to But. like a ialthful he Ilever lOll."; eonvenlent ...-youtlJ·... -Companlon. , • receiver hsa been nppolnted for I ....... HIJ'1ils after·llreakiasL pipe before Bet· tti.lJ('d ta return, ~ 1~lf Name g1~1l "by rostllm Co., Btlttl. arm tbat made, a Ipeclalty or .tral&bt- liN( In 'IN Kill. OdO'r. QUt, bllt .hredded hIs leat as be htl: term wal uP-: the fol'llOOth. ~k, Mich. Read "Tbe -:!lO:lIt to \'. ela 8tlll Cling to Clgarettel ' -Dine crooked no.H. · Call It be bu~ ",~able. or otller Whell . , ~' trud,l.'d a,most briskly away. Wbat- wu toreed to kIck out. Wh, ·Th"a'lIQIOrtalll)D of cllaretlea III .ltIe," III pkll. III. tbat tbere were nut enough foolllll ' l\'er conulenee be may have had .he abould a 9r..ic:ker lea.ft thIa relul. l~.a "IJYe or flJr,Dace. throw • aver 'read the .~ t.ttter' A,•• rmlUl1" wu lesse'll!d for a .batt t1le Ire IIIId t!fei1l pet."I4' wlUi croolle4 Doael to make tbe !lad .ueceeded In IUIUq durill. hli d.upUUlI, • :::::~ lilt far baMrv( " ...... time only b1 the Illcreue of tbC ' 'all ..... "..... ,rom ""'. to tim.. The) .W ... DD uia\J1eNaal-rldar. '111111 pu? ~ CUIlDHl wiUa Iahut11 WU& t 0 . . oC WIl . . ~ . . fUll Of hu..,. from mam to iOl ~. . \ \-A
YNmSV Il ...LE,
.JI./." .
"'t---- -
The laft~Br.7an
ce tQ Washington test Problem
have beard what Hearst says about Foraker, Bryao and Halkell; what Roosevelt says about Fora.ker, Haskell t ~ and Dryan; 'what Foraker t ~ says about Taft, Rooseve lt and h earst; what Bryan says IIIJOUt Tart; Foraker and Roosevelt. and what Tart says about Bryan. All this per· I IBBIe contained ID "slatements given lIeed not possess n geometrical cduout tooda" attacking," etc., slmmcrs cation to solve this. It just takes a dowo to a more questlou ot a four· IIltle Ingenuity and addltloo. years' leasebold upon the 'W hlte Of course, it Is evldcnt that Mr. Kouse, the presidential domicile at Tart at the beginning his jOllrney ..lYalblngton. 11'111 be several 'mlles nearer Washlog· No doubt It's worth money to you ton tban Mr. · BrYlln. Is this an ad· to know whether Bryan or Taft Is to vantage? Again, It's up to you. be tho successful "BlIJ." The autbor Choose your own route. correctly fol· ---------------~----------------------.-:..------_:_----. of the puzzle embodied In the accom· lowing the lines of cities as gh'en In the drawinG and paste It upon 1\ good· Chafin' or Wiiliatl1 Randolph Hearst Is between th e two original DlIlspanying diagram knows . He figured It the map. You need not cover aJI the sized sheet of cardboard. Then with you can work It out on those lines for Dryan and Taft-so llerhaP6 In order out several wee ks ago, merely uwalt- lines, but you must pass through each . a 'well-sharpened pencil-for there II the sake of am1llsement. Hearst's that your advance Information may Ing corroborating clrollmHta nces be· s tate capital. Mr. Bryan certainly accurate figuring to do-and a pad of start pro perl~' wCluld be made from be of t ruly authentic character, per· fore he submitted It to the editor. would and 80 would Mr. Taft If the puper, gather the fam ily around and Albany, N. Y., that being the capital haps It would be best to tr)' starting hit It up for Wasbington. Start elth· of the Empire sitate. while Chafin from Lincoln and Columbus. He nce, by a llttle mental exertion .vlctory of either depended upon It. In order that you may work at this er at Lincoln or Columbus. The de- would deplI:rt troUl Springfield, til., This problem Is not alone for the you may find out for yo,u rself who \8 to that being the illinois state capital. man who Is vitally Interested In the be tbe next president. The problem Is during your spare tim e and be un· parture Is of your own seleclloll. this : . hampered, it might be best to cut out 1t you are a. constituent of Debs. But of co,!rse t he race apparently Ilresldenc?', although he may value the If William Howard Taft, Re'\:!ubllcan ...,.,...~~~.~~~=====::::::::::==:::::::~============== ~:~ =_::::_~_:::::::==-.;:::=============~== candidate for the presidency of the United States, starts from Columbus, 0 ., capital of his home state, at the I18ma time tbat bls opponent In this ooean'UHx:ean raco, William Jennings Bryan, Democrat, starts from Lincoln, Neb., his hOq1e capital, wblcb ono of the pair would reach Washington, D. <"(};- .first;- attar having touched evc.ry BY CARL PREETORIUB. .' 5tate capital In tbe country ? Of course Du ring a recent pertor,manre at the sounds. When you whisper words', as energ)' by so nIuch. Therefore, It there are no obs~ructlons directly they both travel at tho same speed. The puzzle manufacturer gives you r.1etropolllun Opera Co., a v;ell-kllown sea, bee, Ilea, tea, fee, YOII find that Is thut l~OU see t he last marble mov: about the bell. The sound will be this IlSslstance: The smallest number fashlonable lale-comer drew to hersoIC YOII form the sounds at the lips {,ud iug slower than the fil'st. So It Is clear. Now wrap a cloth around the ot miles In wblch eIther can travel mllch alteutloil. She was so graceful teeth. Try It by whlsperjng the fol· \vl th the parUcles of air t hat_ puab bell anel ring It . again. 'l'he sound the prescrlbEld distance. Of cour8~, the III ~er . manlier and 80 beautifully at- lowing sentence. Nobod y ever thinks along the sOllnd wave. The energy you hear Is no longer clear, but muf· candidate who bllS the shortest dis· tired that for a. moment even ~e of' whispering In the throat. In fact, of the sound wave must finally die fied and clouded, You have placed an famous Caruso lI'as , eclipsed. 'i'h,e It Is quite Impossible. out a'nd tbe 'soimdi cease at a certnln obstruction between the. object that tance to traverse ·wIDS. Now, which one Is It! That':: -up to sUrrlng beauty of bls' voice, however, ' Whether yoU know It or not, Nature distance, Were this not so, the chirp produces the soun.d and the air wave quickly cast Its spell again. k was hIlS endowed yon with a singing and of a bird could bl~ heard around the which transmits tbe 80·und.. The 1'011, and there Is not a clUllen of the cloth breakB the sound vibrations. United States who wouldD't accept ad- at the elose of the first act and Cam· speaklltg voice wbleh ought to be an worl.d. Air carries Bound by ' forming Itself The waVN ' tbat reacb your he~rtng vance Information on the next occu· so had just finished an entrancing Rllset to YOll both In busi :less ' and In pnnt of the chaIr aftoT President Roose· theme when a harsh, nasal voice social life. You can cultivate your In wave motion. 'fhl'ow , a pebble In nerves nre the broken waves outside ve\t steps oirt to bunt the wild den I· broke ,the silence, "orl, John, I wish voice with but little elfnrl iutd a great a .placld Ilool ', of wiater~try It In )'ollr,_'the cloth , and, therefore, you tet a you could slog like that!" So ·beau· ·deal of pleasure. when YOIl once know basin ·at home-:and you will see IitUe mumed sound. .enil ot the East African jungle. . tlful a wlsll but so illscordant a tone what tone really Is. Application Is ripples form In ev,en, circular motion. U.'t wha. haa tills to' do dlrectl" One of onr esteemed cItIzens who II , ~tood behind tbe editor's obalr when caused all ()~'e s to turn In tImt dlrec· energy waste d ,If ' y.o u tr)' to do or 'l'M ' ripple near Ule edge qf the pool with slngiog and spe~klog, you ask. the representative of the puzzle Cac- t!Qn. T·he nnt'llllslcal voice belonged make 'n thing wIthout lea rning fir-st Is much shallower 'than the one tD th~ When the tones of the voice can vi. to the beautiful lady Her fashion the prlncl\lles (bat go\'eru IL If the center. If tile pool _Is large enough bra\.e Immediately upon the all' With. ~~or.;, :~:~~~'!a:::: h~~~llfe!O~:~~~:~ circle was ' vIsibly dl~aPJlOlnled-and German Count Zellplon, who is spend· tile wave motion m.IlY dlsal)pear befor" out encountering an obstruction · they a "kidder," 'exclatmed 8S lnnsulted slle probably wonilered why her socIal Ing hll! life, time In building alt· shillS. \t renches the edg:e, because It takee reach tIie ear of t)1e listener as' clear aspirations were ne\'er realh:ed. AI~ discovers the laws that will make It '3. certal? amouot or energy to set so unmumed IOl1nds. The obstructio~ In havl.n g h,b.. mental ablllt)· ques· though sh e possessed all other as.eta possible for us to navigate, In the air, much water In motion . Wave motion that the tOl)es ot the singer or sp8!lk. lIoned': ' . . necessary for socllli SllpreDlQer, she tlte building of nlr sblps for our daily In water lII11st~atEls )Vave . motion In ar liS l1all y . find Is right within the "Wily, Bill will win, of course." lacked. that most Important persqnal use and pleasure will become a simple air, only In air t~e waves travel spher· mouth. 'rhe . face acta like the cloth One lonesome smile crept round tho asset- a pleasing voice. . matte 1'• . In ordflr. to develo\l Jour Icall ~, I. e., about YOII on al~ sides. If about the bell; When the face be. room. It lighted up 'the tace of tho , If Nordica sang In her thront, the VOice. It Is jllst as necessary first for the air did not move spherically, your comes an obstruction, it is because 11:. C. (esteemed clU&eD) . clearn'c ss of her beautiful voice' would yOU to ' kn'o,w the laws through which IIstcnel' would have to s tand Jt cer- the tones are formed In ·the throat In. Yes, Dni 11'111 win. But whloh Bill? disappear. Sh e prodllc('R ber tones tone find s Its existence. . When YOll tain anglcs ill ordel' to hear you. But stead of on the lips. When tone Is RIn Bryan or Bill Taft! right all tllo lips. If you wlltch her onco know the laws, you can easily you know that DO matter ' where your formed by an. openL' \t between the We might even ·go ss rar as allow lug UplI _move, .Y O~ 1 will see that I.'he grips them in Ilractice. In, fact, you listener sla nds. in< a ny radius · about lips; the outside air t:-•• ~ ImmedlatelyBUi Randolph Hearst lo' depart froUl the tOile . vlbJ'l\t\on8 with them. Ie should give tllem .prncUcal R-Ilpllca- yo u, he call' bear what you say: You Iy take up the vibrations. Tho' 80uod New York city and touch e very capf'· thc tOile .formed in thc throat Is tlon, cis';! your knowledge or them Is know now how- the air carries ·sound. waves tllen \\'111 reach the ear of the taL In the United States, eVI!TtIUlilly. (Irlven to ~be outsldf' air Iht'ough tile of no USI!. Development demands two It YOII shonl<l try to olake a noise In lIsten~1" unhamvered and unbroken. ILI'rlylng In WashlngtQ/l. oDe!! then 'asle nesh of the neck and fa·ce. we rob' the thlngs- tlie knowledge' o[ the 'law and a vacuum, YOll would find that you fOU which Dill 11'111 win. voice of Its IInlura l power. Nordica ltB practical application. '. could make no sound. Therefore, tone Watch yourself when you talk, Let You CQuld arrive ~t ' a Ilartlal sclu· says that evcry lone must \,te pro· Let ns now find out th e law tbat art l' all Is nothing but an air wave the tront part of your mouth do. lill , tIle work. Make th_-e consonants pop · f tone. or thl'•t tl','l", els' to ..n',l silles. 0 tton of that tlmblom by the process of ' ducell right out all LIE' very c d ge a r governs t IIe ex Istenco ellmlnatloll, but then you might Imag' the 1Ips: ']'he thro·a l Is for another pur· soun.1-, Sound Is ail al:- wav!'. When The diUlculty In Singing and speak· '.)ut tl?e words. Apply this Idea In tae there wau .some trick connected pose: )n tho. thruat lhere arc two YOU .. penk or sing you dlsturh the par. lo g ari ses ",hun we try to make air .~our .dally bUBlness talks and keep it WSth It. which tbllre Isn't.· ·It Is just little cords lhat ,'Ibrate ' tile, breath. ticles of, air about you. When one lit•. wav s cnrry Houno:l a gr at distance. ~ mInd whenever you speak or ,Sing. a plain puzzle In the simple sclenco of When this vibrated bl'elllh renches fhe tie molecule of air Is dlsturblld It In It Is this cllfficl1it}' that hars the way ' our voice will qnlckly gain In power addition, commingled with aD ounce or lips, tbey f<,rlll It Into 60un ll. If you tllrn disturbs the next one, and so on. to surcess for most si ngers and speak· and you 11'1\1 gain an ease of ex pres· twa of reasonlnK power. force Lho thr()Bt to perfQflV a wrong But when the ' next. molecu'le puts the ert!. Tit:> unsucccssful singer . or speak· SIOD. Dllt your greatest gain 11'111 The map gives 'the dlstAnoe" be. dllt)·, you hamp r It In Ilerforin Lng ono farther (rom It ID motion, I t hIlS· er nlld s thut the ~mergy of his toneS come tbrough the musical quality that pos lost. a IltUn In enor'"". , Plnce four dlos Ollt too quJ 'kl" to m-"e tbose Is bound ~o result; wheD the tone la I ht olle. Brlllllllll tO De I s-' tween tho adjacont capItals. Tbt.'se, t herg ' v 0' ~ ~ ,..... d 11 b 1111 tlJ or course, must be used In orclnr lbat !llble on\>' when thl) ton \va'" Is so marbles In a row. Give the ftrst one a farthest away biOI. How to form pro uce r an . tile pume rna, work out eorrectly. A formed that It can .movl' on wltbout push'- It will atrlke aDd IItal't the sec- sound waves enough energy ·to straltht line Ole abortelt dlatanCt! obotructlon. ond. tae HOond Will atart the thIrd, make thllltl reach farthest listener bft'.-tlPIl two polDti. ~O....... taulbt The lips, Ibe teeth and the, tIp or and the third tile f.;artb, TIle force. la a se')ret which Jlubllc singe'" II ¥u,~ ItudJed ' . at tl&Lt the toque are autpl¥ 8umclODnlt;.~:J'=;'~~;==~J~';ltut aDd sponkei'll 111£0 to know. !"...." ....... ~ fonD all CODtolUUlt and •.n :lll. . .·- =-:;.•."--~.- • Bilver III .. rooDl Wbere
~~----------------------~., returns moet. It III for bo1', lira. young men, young w6men, mlcldl. aged men and women; for the ase4,. halt, deaf and dumb alike. Even a one·leRed man ~.,. solve it. He doesn't bil.1'e _ actually traverse the dlstance~ 10 his defect doesn't count In thl. 80rt of a race for' the prealdenc1. The beauty , of deciding the pre. denUal struggle In this way Is tbat. It's all over In 16 minutes, tbe ret(lrns are In In lesl Ume than . .It takes to tell it, there Is only a8eanl possibility of needing a recoUllL The pantomime loser congratulatee the pantomitne winner; the latter thanks him and promises to ne,er. never run tor the oftlce again, and It'~ allover. 'Xou are tben ready to sett~ down and wonder who Is going to get annihilated In the messqa to congress and whether the 'senate wUl stand for being bosBed,' There are no speeches to listen to; no periodical cry from Wall IItre~ tbat there 'should be no executive offlcers ; no photos of the candidate'. family seated upon the lawn at "th. modest bomestead at Mlnne-ha·ha~n· the-veldt." There are no campalp preBS agents to wrestle with, no spell. ' binders and no worry. It's alia"' In a few minutes, the time belDC gauged by· the Ingenuity of the pe""ap. engaged In endeavoring to arrive at .. plausible solution. They say the soUd south Is ' for Mr. Dryan of Llncolll an4 the Bo1l4 north Is for Mr. Taft of Clnclnnatt. and ,tbat If Mr. Taft can wIn Missoud and a part of Kentucky he win , win, while if Mr. Bryan can capture tbe Boutheastern corner of Indiana and Idaho bls 11'111 be the victory. So you see the mapner of settlement which Is presented here doesn't allow you to worry about Indiana and Mia· sourl; . Here Is a good system, If you are II puzzled about the way to start aft. er a solution: Cut oqt the mall and pllS(e It oa cardboard: As you trace the route from city to city write down the lIame of each city and the number of miles from the city last touched unlll you reaoh. Washington. Then ad4 up the flgul'es on your pad snd YOIl wiU have the total distance traveled. ' This puzzle Is faSCInating. Most prqblems wblch come from tbe regular puzzle manufactories are bard, but ·oftl'ntlmes they cannot cOlDman~ y0.ur . atlention long enougll for you to arrive at a solution. There are punt. fi llnds,. of course, wbo study dll)" over tile hardest sort .of· problem!!, "il~ It takes Somllthlng really Interostinl' .t o amuse the, Ame rican populace fO!: . stl'etoh of 20 minutes. And we ball. It here. Parisian Chickweed 'Selle,... The vonder of 0lt.1ckweeil In Pari. is a well·known figure. Tile selle", are numerous and their cry Is one of the most notewor'tbY of those tbat .... sounel In the morning In the streetlof the French calli tal. According to the Bulletin des Hailes there are about a b und reel thousand CAnaries In the capItal and tbe dally consumption 01 chlokweed Is estimated at ,2,000. Thla sum looks large, but It only allo. . two cents for eacb bird. A Padl CODtemporary points out that a portion of lnt between S1INID_ ... Opar1Hlyote ..t ..1«9 foro tile ....
"an.. _ ....,-. _-
ClInOIES Bon BOll~.
l ()e poulld
Cho('oJat(' Drop _, )IoLa . . s e~ Kis 'e' , Fn'llcll jl i x'e(l ( and y
pO IIIl(l
I, Ot
] ,0('
",('pI, .
~ IlPiii:-y \' j,;il
, 1\1 L s F:Isi ....
d ~:('rl' I' I
daY:i lalit WP!!k with .Itll'()!) Car'L'" HIICI
fal)lily, 11 Ill' I lIbl'uok . Mr.; Ua itll{ul~n and 'hiltll'l'n, oC Mal',Ysvill~, ar I th., ~u·g of It I' Pill' ' I1t~ liv I' Cl'ifl'y and wirl~ , . rl ~h~n\' uud and wife yil:;i(pd in Dnyt n M'mday . A numb I' of t '!I\: II(,' I':' frulll llt'r tlllr'ndt'd lIH Hi-munthl v Tl'Hch ' I'S A. sfll'ia t intI la.' t.'i lurda,' ; ill X~l1 i a . . TIll' Halik lias nll' l' d in t II"\\' hllilding' r"rlllf'rl,\' Ill' IIpi·1I by ./. ", II tilts . I\li :;.~ Hdl'll lIa ll. ul' Xen ia, was lhl' j.{U ;;t uf Arch . ~ 'OP:'Il'V und fam il\' ,IV",r • ·l111day. . . '
We' at' better 1'. pare d tr. a 11 ev Ul' t r i 1 iled high with 'car full) you from 10 to 20 ()er cent.
1 (k PI) uucI
CaI'a III (' b: , P eauut Candy, JdJy B an
MI',.;. Hilih"l'. uf K<! Ill. 'I 11 , . (' lfi'I, i~ t h~ g'\Il':<t of It r nicl'~ ;'111':> Olir I' Moe 11 . Mr. I\' rn. of :pl'in).!'fi Id, was n,w g lll'!'t (If " f'I:lfi\'t'~ Ih,' fil,~ t of tlw
Th ~ l'h1l11lan Qual't t will II in tlw '1'nwn ]I all, 't(1h I' 27. M r, Hail who \l'a!> an a 'l or for lwenly Y'IH:i gave an inlel' slill~ wlk ,'unda)' morning ti l h e M. l~.
,' OI11'S
10 · pound lOc pound
ehu1'('h .
These Oandies are the saine kind .that usually- sell at 15 and 20 cents a pound, so go to
Leha III u 's
IllJ ly
~'] .50 p r 'ui . 'fry a su it of union lind rw ear ' and you will wear nu oth 'r
--'--~-- ~--
, IOe a pa.ckage.
It big
'l'he largest fruit we have ever seeri pll t Up in packages.
3 packages tor
California. Dried Fruits. Lot No. 1. Br'lght Yel low M ltlT Peach e; N1 10\} 1\ Ib, · Lot N I, 2 , Lilige .-yellow Peaches ill l~>4c a lb.
NG. 3 , ]!"'a u .y P eaches aJ i oe a I'h, ' , LO,t N o. 4, . ·L arg,", Cl ara, Prqlle\i 0} 10c a lit.
15a nt.1l
LQt No, S, I· I.IIJC\' Apnots @ 12 Yz t~ ] ;'0 alb; . Call and s ee I,hest! goous, th ey 's l>e ak for th emsetve. .s. peco illl price 01'1 ' 2 5 Ih; lot .
'Freah' ,from the' Oven , . '
-Oatmeal ,Cook Ie, needa BISCUi ts, C hee '(, SIl'lldwiChe.
'\ a niUa',Wafers, lIemon Cracke rs, Gi nger' ," 'ookjes, ' 1311 Lte.r a li cl Cream ' 'rackers.. ' '
'. , Sw~ef Pota:toes. A.n~:t b tll' o.!l ance ,
gtlt a ~,j~d Eastertt' P<?llito a t $1,UO per b; ls lt e l or $2,25 per barrel. l()
, . for Winter lise, Will have a of No, .:. bright, white Btock Our potato mati says-"Th'e ripest' and best B~ock wdl read.y in
.!ibOut 2 'weeks'~ Don't buy till AOlt a ee What. 'w e ' hu YU,
W. White.
'uit.. :7,00 $ .00 ami
G m Ovemlls Iln d J acket.s, G 'rn work hirl.8, Gel11 Dress shirts Hcavy 'J er sey O\'e'rshirls. Knit Jac ke!.l:l f or !.en and Hoys .
, GROCERIES new, c1eml, unu LI S and see'
t r . People w ho hay used th III wi llluw no oth r, Try
. th III and s if this isnt t ru . Phon your ol'd r, we will
We get larg> quantities o f f l' h country Butter at 25c a I.JO und, Give u s YUUI' otd r"
l;-c ath Towls .................. 11 1: 10c Hath T. wls ....... ...... .. .. .., e
,"'or Illuking Syrup. U8e g'l'un uluted sligar Ulld Mupl int!, und Yc,u (!un hal'dly Lell it fr III maple ~y ru p . Try it and likt!ut.htm;yuu will like it.
------- - - - - -- - -- --~---- EGGS~~~~
li S
your eggs.
We pay as muc h as an o ne, nuu' more than SOl11e. Then YQII call ou never huvc 10 tul(c thc bululI\;e in sugn~ til our store,
trael thcm for hoes, Ory (ioods, elc,
~bc e~"S~
~ - I'I U~:/ ,
",lin :l n "I' ~11l11l1.U kl· all.lllrt~r th e
'1'llallh lS
df t l and shall be I n force froon
~IIT lIC S t perIod 111Iow tl b)' It''I'
Pa,,~eu ul f)ulloli ('humlJt!r ttll l eClllh <IllY of Ocln bcr A ,. Il . III II~.
'. II. ~MFI ' fl, ~la)l ot".
rtlsmned wo rk the ~uJne df~Y .
' n Ail,
----- ..---
lerk .
--- .---~"New . catch- l<J08-jus t at,ORDINANCE NO •. 50. ~pring'Valley. riyed, Nice b nght fellows, Just what we hav e all bee n walt· ¥l'S, Eagie, 'of Dayton', was the Au Ordinanue to estub li h. g rudes .lI1g for. guest ov r Sunday of Mr, and Mr" , for ·, ourb unci gLlttarll on 'Ray' Eagle, 'the ;-
New Seeded Raisins. IOe a packa.Se.
Pa nl s.
tll'O in tll tl B u ver
National B iscuit Co, NI(:e fo~ ny is Jocllted but ill oonve r s iltion wit.b Mr, ,J ohn Uas key, he tdd social gathedng'B, te~ pa rti es" phat they wel'e Dot dflDltlged t,o etc. amount to anything, anu that th y
'l'()wl ~ ........... ...
' 1I(.~ I'J OI< 1 . 'I' hal !>lIlti ul l I" . of au Or(\1 · (J a ne IAI s lahilKb g ru,I,'s lor , Id "walk~ rrol\l Ille uf I. III lrec t (rn Ul • Ql'tb bu il!Hng in Dllyton hl t 'l'hurllday, ,I reel l O Mill ~t"'(l l be ameDtl<'ll so' lU> 10 uoll the whl)le nPllor fio r wus ell! Tn- ri'a(1 In l!::lltlblt A. 0(· ro.liOIlDC' Nu , r,o ,m Or· d i nance 10 <lStablls1i IIra,le6 fur I ldewulk.-. R.:ed. ' ourh Ilnd gU It r,. P,,:o..~'(\I)y ' OI111 C I\ , o~t. I:•. This building is the Oue i~l w h ioh 1110 .
There Witt;
The lu t~s t thing out- a de· . hcio~s lIttle cake put up vy lhe the Wa n en ManufllOtur!nE:; Compn-
New Ma.ckerel.
2:'ic 'l'urkish
Ile Il ordained \;y the ' 1\1\011 of \1:1~ ,'m age 01 Wayne \'111 , 01J10 ;-
Chocolate Wafer •.
childr !'IS' . Black D rawers <!5e
Work Clot hing for nrduroy
sen I hem ovel',
o{ Fancv Sorghum limit 11, · .
Ladi s'
Th follewing.named persoll for ' bid IIny hUllting or . hooting n th ir ~ . ~~~~~-~~-~.~~-~~!"!.!~~~ premise withol1 n I'mission: ORDIN ANCE NO. 49. George H enkl hal'le Lewi , New Sorghum. has, EIli", John Gib bons, Amending Ordi nance No, 24. hos, Ho ugh, Ella Michenel', 50 to SSc a ga.1. h a', Frye, This ~ill be the only c hall ce A , B. handlel', An o rdiull nce to estllbli l:.! ll gruritll! t or W, P,Uay, idewalks on tt severnl treat . you will hav.e . get s trictly pure
Band & Hooel line;; of Ru libel' Boot ·, Felts, ArctiC's and rub ber overs. Ou r p1'i 'es are lower t.han in th ciliell.
Sealshipt Oyster:;
S 'e ,Out' A'rrnaUH S hol~ at $:3.50; Lilt' Sih"Tletllt.$:{ Oi) , ~h ues that w ar alld hlt Vl' tHy l/:: as w e ll. $~.:jO Men's Dox Calf Shoe $~ . OO - for a few (/I.1YS' o nly , ))on ' L fo r get WI~ ~ 'II t he Ball
Don'l fO l'get that ware Sole ag~n ll> for th i ' famou oy"·
u'ling lIann Is, 'fl ann I Lts, ure,!l good" , gi 11 r_ hamc, calico.. ·te Y'~ll l'a ll "we tIlCIIWY h r',
sorithuin thi s season , 'rh e ugar calle crop 1S short and the upply
Wl' have t h e t snu g EO l' La tli s a1'ld children, l he b est fitt in '" lInde!'w ii I' mad . Iso "niun Suit".jn In 'n's Boys'
!fLANNEL ,' ~t' flU l' (
White's Store
H cavy fl ece hnerl a t !lOe pt' l' ~iUit , jUgt liI,t; you pay $1. ()() fOI' els wher . Ribbed und'rwcar aL ,'1.00 &
'Ii 11111 mUD , di ed l'Hcen l ly in thnt pltl e. H e Wli IIhol11 !'!ev(\ut,y yennl lit uge n 1111 hu(1 Ii v ud ill I,etmnotl 11 lo ng timE'. H I flV. It w l l 10 'hioll, ~nd hil S Iloe n . e nding II lor of IH onev oV9r tit r for yell r l',
k 'l
Dl3ATH OF A CH I NA M AN ' hun~ ~'u,
1'0( '
:::!.iiO .011 'ge ;i 1'1:1 'hUt'!; in 1> \1 11 'alf an d aLent. al :11:..25 $:~ . { Mayfu:r and larg urite!;, at .. .. .. .... ............. 2.75 :r<!.50 ({ea,', noes, al ...... $_.OO WU1'Ill Lined Shoes at ..... ..· l.75
each pa ir
A vole for J ::;se 'fayl r nex t T uesllay is in lin with Pr ' id nl ROilS ,v it's appeal tIl th ' Yo t e rl,of lllE.' nitecl 'Iatcil.
befo l' to n1<-' t yom' 11 fls, 1 cted' gw d ~ that will say
Special on Ladies' Shoes
lot h ... !'s, ~e t' nlll' , I ~du 'I\(lll' li nt' ')[ l'hil<l 'c n:s :hllt'~ I I ('fll l'~' buyillg'. 'AI>lll H"ys' .'ch n\ :'hIWo;; in Elk Sk in, thaL will ollt\\' at' IIny IItlwr.
Thl' rir~t 1It1ll1be r of the h!ctllr'
.Is Your Watoh Siok?
(A,) Inn l "ltlC lor M:tI\}Stre c·t f 'r m ~onh ' trect 10 E'rimlllin H, ,,'1.
Zimmerman's '
( II . ) Nu.'lh ~Id of ;>/unh 'It 'ct (rum ,Ia lu '''ULur :--Lr\' Cl.
ll'('I' l lo
lllc.1 Ii), Ihe COUllcll or .,fLI 'l l urtln11k, 1)t,II) :-
t il('
S ";C'TI uS l. 'I' hat. Llw Jlr41dc~ un l hl" d ll(erI'fl l dtrect '! UI 'O l ll)Ue.)In .hl' Iitle () f tlt l,. r· dlnunclt bu and Lh c ,<.;1\UICnt'l' hl'I'eh.rt Ata hl hdu:il
, A~ ,TJlE , '
:lH rnllll"' S :
, (A )
HC"fllln11J~ a t lh ~ . co rucr '~Jr' Ule
a~ lill' 1111 'J's 'c lion IIf , orlll un,1 Ml\ln ~Lr " CI " n,t. <1,0 clc\' aunn at 1JtJ,or, leet rrom t.llt" '111 !' ~l' dKt1l 11l al 111 ' !{ ." . 111111111 1111 (JU l.\lf~ cur ucr.
Seed ed 'Raisins ...... , ... ,JOe Ib pkg Clt;une~ Currants .. ....... ] Oe pkg Drayd P~achcs ...... 10 & 12)-2 e Ib Fancy Dried Aprico ts .. .... 1'5e Ib ~e~, l~oJlc d ~ats ,... :.. :. IOe pkg ). aney Read Rlce .. , .. :J Ib Cor 25c Funcy Red Salmon 11 b ca'n 127,;'e
1'111 1II 11 H: I l)O ((l e t.,
. FuncY fj n~ Salmo" Ilb,'an lOe , Good R.o8sted Coffee .. ...12 :Y-;c Ib New P.lC Peaches .. ' .... .. 10c cun Yallow Peeled -"eaehes ... lSc ca ~ Fancy Ohio ugal,' Cor11 ,.'
lh 'n..:'
11lO re "t t o nn
t':! ll nltloll u ( f
' I' ht'll ' c hiO ('O t W lI U t! l c. \' n1.I t) 1I
I n;,,:!j, fc('t., 'L1hencc I ;!:l rc ,t h. il Il Ci c\' aLton of ' ''7, ~:; feel. 'l'l\C IHJe 1 ~ ,)rC/) Llo . IU OJt.! \' . Ltclll uf ll~ 40 feot. 1 'l' II ~l1 cC 140 fIJi'll all {'.Inll ' tJOIl o f. 1h t'iU Il'el ut ur /lear L116 ttlHllh , ltln ~(~1i11 ' Ireel, ·I'lten",· 1"'~i l\lI l l1 g "" t hc l\01'th Hid f ~lill s treet' (~ II feN ~ o r'lt ',f
, ..Jhllt nhorp loanlloll C\I , a t. Uti "
t )·
" lIllon!lf t1~ ,jO fl 'et :lnd 1'""nln,, I h " \OI' 1 1'1
(C'l l t l fl' ;111 C! c \"illl tl n or l ;.!O ,,.o (c~'t . 'rh ' 1l ce oJ;; rt:l!t 1-0 all t'lC,",ltioll o( 1:!{) nu h'cc l. 'I'll ' r\ C ~ :!i, rt,t' l to aU 1! It'\~ ;;(tll)lI v( I ~ O . xO ftwt. 'I'hron c I ! !, ((>(· t l(J an c levll tl o n ~,r I!!O,UO f CCL III or f" ur i t.IH~, ' o u th 'lilt! I,' ran kiln HOlHI. '
.......... ......... .. , ... ·... ,.... 2 CUllS 15c Grupe N uts ..,' .. ... , .... .. .,2 .for 25c ShrcddedWlteu tOiscuit 2 '(or 25i' Mazall CornFlakc!; .. ,3 fo r '25c ~C8t Coulltry l,ard .... .. .12 ~~ c 11>
Ija\'tmwn l tv he ·h'va u... l allo\'c ' lhe uu r lJ
gl'lutc ~ uf11 c h!l\t ~o ~h' (' ~I)Od tl n\hl"~c "
( 11 ,)
Ill:Hillllln g al th e !'I,H' IIer \II Cllt h :.L fir ~1i,11l ,lUll NOI" h . ' trcf' t.. ttl! nu t.\ l C\, !lLfOI.l or !I~,:, :) f t:l.!t rrom the \'UJo.'g c eta· , l utU (III ' t nc' t\ ',\'b lJu l hlhlJ; Ilt ,thls c.:I,ru r run ~ ' Ing Iheli,·c '/ 00 feC.lOa ,i .' lcvaUo " o f 87.70 Jnl(' r ticr 1Iol1
New Honey ..... ....... · ....... 20c Ih
New Beans of' All I ·fnd s , ' New Cerea ls of All I ind s
fl'ht!Il(1l :"! j~U I'eel Hwrc ~) r ICr\H t.o au ' jfo\' IHir"l 0 1 ~':: , tH' reC l., Pavement t o be cl ~ .,
(l' CL.
Ou r stot
ill ch uck Jull of new ,!!'oods b(1ught ea1'ly and ,in lal'ge fluantiti es 8mI' we can !lell tl1cm I.'igh t..
'-, ll'~l'
\It) I,\' '
' I 'Il'~l ~ rlLdt.l
({tvcg()Ofl tlrnlnugu.
Ord ina nce I:orh;lll la~t dfcl'L and 11)1' '" f ..orn '1n d a/ler till! ' ''r lle~1 r" 'rlud III1I1WC,l by Inw • :--;' '':l ''rluN :.!,
f' I ' h l ~
l'''''~cd a l L'O\IJICII hILmbeT ti,ls HII' 11 ft ' until
,tu.y of
Fresh Baltimore Oysters AH the time, :sohel 1lI '8!>Ul'C frel!h f r<'1l1 t he shell ' , alld no \IrateI',
l <tuber A.
1)" II)O ~.
. H.
~MI'I~' H ,
Highe,st Cash , Price Paid for WHEAT ,
Oranges, ,pples, Bananas, Lemons" C~b~,agc,
oll'lcll 01 tbe "J1ln~c of I l l~ ,1tlf,IiIPII' IIcal)g. ~al'st bIL~ RhIIlW,lI k •. cur b '1n,1 "1J ll l; r~ s h .. l1 )! ,••)1"0.1
by tbe
\\ra ,nc"" llI e, • It l". tlu>t
~woots, Onions.
on ... h e l~ ll ri l ~Idtt of M n ltl "-lr Celi fflllU North s trc 'l Ihl 1~1' nk Hn roatl •• 4\ hm trcJIII Nnrl.h !ihle C)r N Uri h lilr$t:t f rom M ..lln tH re et to ,\ \'llI l!r l'tttr' v t
'ht~ : oIl Mtru t/ \ Cc\
W i ll have a 'CIII' of fanuy white ']'o~atoes Oil lra ~k ' in a few days. Prices low. Leave your order:;
10 IIc'ol'da.IICe willI naUCfr bt
Watch for our Egg Sign
,\,IOI'lAId a l C'o'lIldl ' :btlnt hnr , leI ath d a of 1I~ .... b<·r. A II.
(', n.
... ...,. .
•• • ~ . . . . . w..a"V
Waynesvi lie Mills.
. . . . . . .".,.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
; 'w.
• • • • • J".
Afb will II' 11I8 er~cd untl or , tllI N lI,u<! f.,I· ; SALE l\vel\ly·f1V ti CCf\l s rOr ~hre !, InStlr l il'lns'l wb "lI~! n g nut mur e LIl n n 111'0) lineA. -----:-------------
.,., -- .. ... - .... .,------....!'-- .. " WANT~D
A DOROC Jer~ey . Red , tllie.
b~r . for AileD , Emrlok, Lytle, I) .
I I1At heVElT!ubliC, olotlea m'y gru.vel PIt from , 0 NEl 'o r two. 8obo~1 B~\lolar8', to ADY one WIlUt.I~f{ ! , I,ollru , Ua.)J on Mts . Romhl6, ,(rtt.vel, WIll be obliged to !llle tue Ilnd: FourthS" mllke oonbr!lct for !lllm e . Phone I '
Ill, Oll'n"1 ..r e:lch par~pI of I•• alJuttrnJ!' "II RU t It bldt l\valk in IUe mun1Jer rc~~a l n" d by ,III'" IIlId t he 811 1111' 8111111 l'l! relUnll:d lQ lil" 1'10.,,1. I'tl l llou '· UloU(~, 10. he by him .. crY~11 In hl~ nit"'.. Il" ,rt-f)ulrec-l Ilr
. ~~~.+~~
rllJ..lfr,!l' r " jlul;I tfl'lJ," Lhc cpuslr uut.loll ut Mt h Wu nt::. curh ~ IIIII gll llll!r , 1~11f1 ~h.· 1) lun~ IUIIl )If'l'i rI Oil lluTl s fu r hi" • I n'~ nuel wltl,ln the Lim!' Ij m1t~cJ b,', hl W, awl ltl .! , MIIY")' I, rO'llli r c. 1 t il enu-,/) nl l lc., u l til " I pitl'1Hllue n r lnf~ l'(i ~"lllt1on to lJe ~rv""(l III.JulJ
now fOI' your winter s upply They will be hig h e r
l l,..
.... _-
Classified AdvertiB,e~.D.tB y'
0 11 A , IJ . H " ':11. Cieri;.
Fa'n,cy Celery, . Cranberries ~'ala~a Grapes, Figs,Dates, '
- -- ".----
R,nut. ,
Beokett. ·' ,
'" " , ' . .' I FOUR pound~ of nloe newlIl!lIper,tI
for five ,oBnhl nt tJd .. oftib8'-
__ _ _ _F_9_R_S_A_L_E_ _.:...-__ r ~IUN - We 1I1!-1" t;v of ai"""
. I~ prin ted on mUMlin. 10" eeoh .. t pEAR~G ood Keifer peu.rl.l tor l thlll omoe Now iii t~e t,I Dlelo po8t.
sale. Phone,Oar} Bllwke,N'o, : them. . ' VIOLIN GALVANIZED tanks, :4 carpen .· ter'" borlog mooll1n6ll, 1 work 1 set .&oell aDd lliall liJ.:QOIeJ•. 01Q;~U'd hOaH-lIaovi\lB HQlrJ~.~njD;~~".~ 0",-2 r.
AND WAYNESVI:I.l..E New1&. 'ru
WI ""1'',1 N 1
\\AYNE V1f.,LE,
, ,I. I', .llJnllt<y
. llaY'\If\ - . ,I,hili: -paatlll I 'I'hl' M I!I III il-l 1'''/lLlmll till the 1:1 igh 'nhool l''ridtl. Y nftsl'.
l\1r. F. U, I::;ChWllTt :r. was io t,r u.
w a ,1 111
d ~I Y. .
. **. **********.*****************•••••
ociety Circles rrhis ·"Veek.
mElutul ill getting togetiJ r u·lot uf YOt1JJI( m e u week lIud ~Irgani 'l, ~* *~* ;l' Of "*,* 40 * ·t '.,"if, .,- 111 ·f~ ''.t* ~~ ~ > .;¥<~ *~* "* * *~* Ing WhlLL will _ l a knowl\ ":-I tile WIl Yli esv i1\o Mllitury Buoll , Mr, 1I,u(1 Mr!l. Wull.ol' MoU).prl' ti n. 'r ho following parsous enjoyed ~ '1'lIe .b illld. will be com palled of tel'tilinell ut II. lIinuar 'uoef!>y the h n.y ride IlI,tlt week.: ViaI'll. Bawlre, twellt,y .tlix pieoell followlnlJ tl ut the following gues ts: Mr . Court M ur Nellie 'wVilkeraon, Eleanor Ellrnhart., ardor of II military blind in instrn ray nnet dnughte r, Oltl.ra, 'hus, Rye Ruth Miller: Anna Haines, ' Lyman weots, It is orgnuiv.ed for the pur- tl.nd wife, Frank Carey, wife and t::>ilverl', Wtl.lter Whitaktlr, Carl pOl:le of booming our own town and two daugll.ters, ,Pellr! lind Alice, liawke, 'rerr'el, Maoy an() Uharltit! it will 110 it, if only Lhey have' the I Mont Bobletan() wife, Lillll Benhau1 Mioheoer, gelnent . "'he' bllnd Elsie Hu rtB c k !lud George l:lllrtSook l)rl)l) r u~O·'lll'lI u v 'l'uelluniverstt ry ofPhilipHa",ke's
' "IUlLl IJ l'
II I hltdll ie p!l rlr, !Iud tiJe MI "I'll \, 11"1 ,rhlllrl hya.l;nre of 'l'hul' . lay . \ ')U,t,u U. : , . the Oldel' P 'oplt:!. M I', O . ,J . EdwlJnbnvas ill L 'bUMII ' 1 h HI gh !:;oboo.l hlle up was too L' t I , I' wall I, fOi' tho h"" vy Mitllnis. Joe ",n UI' ay. . (J() ~ ~lli' I 'nI O l/lp~on W II S the pllrtlOuJtl.r star 1] .,. £j .... My. tok's Stlve l''; cam hom La of tlll,/~lIlll e . 'J'h Higb . ohoo! team 1 ~'IJI t' Tliesti'IY. ' 1:-11~ fl M'n u l{ Oli O, hut til w e i;;ht 1 \ 'rt \Vu .... , :tI1d Till' \ Vcrt' III" <lliw-I J lIY ami 1.011. UUl"tu n \\I{' ,.(' ItlcR ilig ' ill I :IYIIIIl SLlllday . - -- - ..- - M II )' Co lol's, 1~'s ' lIlhljn ~ III NI,SO I IN<i MARK l' M I'. hid t 'ILII'" l'I pt'l\l n 1","\\1 days in tiS ol!'gsnl'l.ed will be !IS f How!! : ',L'htl frienu::! uud ueigbbortl of Mr. Oth birtbday was oelebrated at the \ unJi (itas i ,"I ~ ( ' i nei lll lHli 1I1~ L W 'e l;. ClIr .. ets-B. 11', Howell , B. 0, Frank mltiJ b a.d 11 grlinu s OI'lJrlse h ospitable 'home of Mr. and Mrs II I :njuy I I. I 'fil a L tl d, el-l' A\,~ Kociety of r,he MI' Jas, SlUU )lH (' <l III f' hUll w 1"1'0111 M. I:. ' ('lllll"l'll WIll hold ~murket \{ellison , Clift' Lewis, Lau Pl"int~, 00 him BnllowH'eD, lind ubollt fifty J, U, Hawke, on ,FIfth street, last of them gathered tl.t hlA l'esidence In Sunduy, 'fbe following persons Vall WI'l't III VUll" J'u t!sday, fOl' 'l'btl.lllt>4gi vi IJ K 0 11 . Wedoe!lduy, l:lurold (lOOK, Uleo Brooke. '11,rinets-Jj',U. Sohwartz;R. Reed, Ulftskli undold togs . About 9 o'clook were present : Philip BlI.wke, Jos. RII!i Il W /l'C\JI WI • .., O"~"I' '' ' Illn II qo i . MI'.':! ',h. Hl'atwn and :-Ion IV 1" oVdID1Je r 2r" ill t,he'rownshlp HOUBe . et wily ::lu l,UI"" ), 1I1 ~ 1I1 , u.lld 1111' I L ,IJilllUn vis ilors Satunlay. '1'h r WIll b I t at good thin~. I Pbillip Brutten, Jamel! Me lure, B, the oompiloy unmasked , \lod wuny Bawke Gnd wife, George Hawke Butilllw\lY, Vernon fltl.wke, EUler. w.ere the surprises _prung 00 eaCh &ond wife, George Larriok and wite" YIJUIl t; te rl:l hlll i It !-:LlI'L l I 1 lilt' . t r ' .1 I M I'th "II t. Cum" I'~( 1 ~ " on t and bu,",f '. . ,,.an · , ' \VJ,; anu amue son Earnhurt. otb( r, !lnel IIll hnd II. good time, Lee Btl.Wke, wife and daughter, of ~';llI'ly ill t.l w I' HIIIIII{ I he y t lllll '! . I b S I. : 1 .. - - .- - , wen' II) ,t ano n, a Ul"uay. Altotl- l )h'lB . CurQY, O . Riuge, Wilmington, Donna Hawke, Ben lOuIJl e h a{{lIu III " VIWIII, .ltI JIll Hlr I'I~ . ' . . {WI (I SOUl .... FOR WI TEI~. l!:u l'lIest ' l£llJ'nllul'~, Htll'bel't ~d wurUl! , Ml'q, LeRoy Iron8 IInll ~rE!, Frank Btl wite, Ronald Hawke, Walter till,l \'Y 7 1I '(\lo( II It 1"'1II illd,'" ' llI e \If M.,..!,. J:tld ey 1{ldgo W:.Ill vls11mg' '1' !"UDJLJoues-Cllutl . Duke, Ray, Fun euterl,"lneel Ballowe eu with II. [ .. tl.l'I'lok IlUd Fred Btiwke til" 1\1,,1·.Ii (Jrtl ~ . T II " 111 IVI'f(' "'1I 11, n'lal"·I·;; III IJUyl1l11 las t w~'ek, Mr , W illi I' 'J , J onl llU llU() fllml!y IIwoll Duvitl, l:IlIrve,V Rye, Illllsqllel'llde pUI't,y 11t tbe bome of ' vP".V '"Iunil d ll<l! lIi KF''' /lti Ih,j !-I II'CAI, M .. ( 'y l'u ~ ' milll alld fa ll ily UI'e I ii ' o f Wpllll1l1u lira glli ug to Ij II CJu~ UUl'ltonoE. Reed, MrtI. LeRuy !rOilS, 'l'he IIlvittl.tionM Miss q rl10e Carman, of Ferry, and ,Iu,i t "IIiI'I"I, i IIlJl"~ '4\ ltll ' !I I:-1It1 il lg" ill ))ny tlJII ' 01' l IE: wlnll:,.. 11 1111 ~I' 1,0 'l'oxu A, Mr , .J OI'OI1U !S h eu lth Busses-F'rllnk Bruullook, l'hiUp were sent out stiying to oome to the-Miss BJanohe Cornell, of Lytle, ob. IJtllletrute Iht'II1 ' /11111 I 11 will' t.ll . MI';; ,J ack IJudd8; of HlId ~U Il, Oh io, I t I f i b f It . I " 'illS no JOe u u t· Je Ii. or till ,e I~ E1011liiut!, house "where you see the pumpkin serve the Bame date Ootobe1' 28th iJurtlel' 'IV " 0. wm; lit g'lIl:!s t 01 I' '1Illl v ::; hl."L w ek. wlill e tl.UU he t.hinkll TexlIs will re Drumll-De'ID Howell, Ortl.nge Jimtern on 1\ broom atiok: ," t:lOlne as 0. birthday. ThI~teen yea1'8 h~v~ E~poCill ll\' J;(' 1I1cl W u H \ 11\ 0 di. ~glli tlf, M I' , ant.! lVI'S 'hade,'; Shid L aktH', of II t Q "f\ I 11111 to I1I' !1 proper se If tlgu.\D, ' . J • • RIi(,l'!r, lJ , D. Ita d. quite a time tn tlndlng the paesed o?er MItIS ~race's head, of 1I1IRJlp I' It " llrj",IIIIII, w ho, In fr e ' HUI'veys'uur,r ' 1t' tb 't ' t l/ e , wer e (IV L' 'atLlrduy . 0.' n 111 , U CVIIIIIIIlOI ,y III 801'1'y rIght place and some were not able while Miss Blanohe's years number UOtit bOIl "plug. " h t, , Wtl~ th e u, ut,er . M ~Si I'. W . H - , Allell •'llltl B ' '.' I oae I'"u1.'1 ell t·JUJU bl e f, I lUI'J!I, Y t IN HONOR. OF ' SON to fiud It at 1111, The house .w as fifteen, As is their usual cwitom utuhQ"'J,-l-lf g ll'lH. '1I w .'. wlt!:'onl II- uw" II weI"(: 11\ . "rI' I Ilellit I\ IS ' (ltil'<euLlill . lind tile G u:r.ette'H I cmna t "I j' h ursc3Y, On 'I'huI'sday everling, Mr. ami beautifully l1eoorl1ted wltb lighted t,hey oelebrated the !lay and even. olle .!mw\)11 Ie 10 Ille rllll vI' til ' ) Mi:;s ~Uilh Mosh 'I' ant! Miss Yuh~ 1>e. 1 WI h Ii ~\) With til UI Mr. Jess~ V, Hai'lsock entertaineU pumpklnij, oorn. roMer tlu(l bou e Ing together; this yea,r at Bolisd nig ht , ~lJllle " .1" ,,, 1 ~1II" rI, " Y"itn' W~I'l' in :ill'innati Mond ay shopping ' --at their fJleasant country home, Val- pi II. n hi. 'l'ne evenl,n g was spent in GrMe's home near Ferry, and also r"lIowtI ttvnl fill' II Ar! 1111111411",1111,1 lli d ley View Farm, in honol' of their gllm!!s und the following "oraz,V htl.d tbe pleal!'nre of entertaining Mi$ J Itu'din hits been quil ill fOI' S \ Ll I1LAZE SAT RDAV !locb flJ IIHh .. t'HH 11111 11, ,, PI" 'II r ... l"e son, Mr, Fred Hartsock and his bride leu " was served : ~beir former ~ober, Miss Minnie dllllllon", ill ril e 6.\'e,. III 'III 1111 III'uIII,', lh !lIst f w days but i!cl much betl~ 1' A "\Jut, fi :~O 'IItnl"(JIIY 11Jllrning th nee Carolyn Mosher, The evening Spring offering, ' Duke, of Lytle, ~: vljn III th lUi<I:H, ul J' nl, /iU lllliu no w. No gro\lnd~ tor oomphunt, --Hoy lI'Ill\i:! and Fmlll, Zell w re I:I PJliotl Ihll11l balln woke t·lIe oi.l~ tl wa,g enlivened with music, ' and at II. 111110 euL fnu , ' ~hl r, i ~ "IWIlY il II 111\ au nectlllut of It ~lIlldl blnze /I,t ' the (:lr-ouoll hog Staft' of Life YOU Ilre Invited to atyend a ma.qk Ballow· ,III ' t" .)J II Ihllt l Ull h,Y II'yill" tu busi ll" ss vi"iLol'l:I in L ballun S8tu I'seasonable hOUl' the following de, , e'en party 00 hom o f Wil "IlUl Hobl"'t . The fino liciou five course menu wus served: Wllut munkio() has been (Joing IIi ace SaLurdayeye, October 31, .a08, 11 t " >l UlU I L. " ' day . lind IJtltlght.on fJr"" uud but for tbu fi 't kt '1 II d t Eve lIt.e the IIpple, '1' he gentlemeo.llr6 requeste<l to meet at tbe 'l'h tlr WiLtI ,,1101 htl l' !Sst IIf , lJ aJl ~ Wa n "n l!:Jwul'da. uf Oayt n, visit- Limp ly \lfI'iv ul nf IIl:1 i:dllJors 11lI«ut '~I coc als; ~ca ope oys ers, CUI'e ror tootbllobe, bomllof, ' . chIcken, cranberrIes, ho t rolls; salad IIr, and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, peupln, \ hb Itll Vl l1 g i \1 i I III II 'II ~ ~I) n C I h is 111lnm h 1"e tl 'hvrL time Su n, I an " waf,et's', I'ce Cl'ea"' and cake', Whilt II. SUCC6S!lful cllndidate dOBS, At sove" o'clock und tbere, muk. The hu VI' I'lHmlteu in II llll~ Lirl • \tOil"" wbol'e u Ii .;- hl utl p lI ll'llllin Will< d U ' " ladles ~o loIn tbem lit Heven tblrty, httn giu~ '"I , ,UIl\, lltull " ,,' 11 11 1101 Iill aH·.;1 n, the liW tlallg hLe l' of Mr. 1 -RSHALL -KillS DOG coffee . About thirty-five guests Rjse of tletl.II0nl!, IIJly funllll " I . . and Mr::;, fl'anl Jones, i::; improving , were present, mostly relatives of the Foor setlsous, Bl\rr!'lD wilste, AL WIIIC~rj,I:~ ~re8v, ~~r~ ~n~~~·tallled. Auot he r purty SI1' nI tl hUIll!ry slowly. hi" Iloy m orning Mr!l Ellen 8\des , young couple; 9uests from a dis- Brittle oiroles, Boston Overthrow, Any couple fuUlog 100 bave melr OWD mate tance were' Mr Sam Walton of wlll lio ~bft one ~elec'ted to llerve supper, for t 11 S vi i t uN Ill' \ 01',1\ "lUI! !'! II nd l~ al'o ld '0 k Dl'. Millel' we l' hill! 1\ (log t.iJllt, IVUS n Hog badly, " . , ' FrUl~ the Vine, I U I\hllo~1; ver y l' .. " I'lilill . 11 Wil . ' • o t fo" Mlll'shl'll Z"'IIA'rs Atlanta" GeorgIa; MISS Sara Yohe, I I r "b h 'd ' The gentlemen met as requested ti l. IIll d ill' Uaytol1 'Si1turuay, njdyillg the ~' , M hiP M' Ph b n>pert neuoe, ..... ors strong o. , '!'Iit,b hOll VY HIIlI II I\f ~II ~ , e i .~ul~1 l'Ut'~·, who 4)li,o kly UiSJlILtoh all it witt.. ,OM ~ono(1gfa C a a,; 'M~ Belle , Sticky t.reat, and with the ever readYall<1efficient. AllUM!) I,II~ ' (till \(,Iot (, 11 I]l1tilll uull ",t . 'J'he /log tl t d . s tb oua0 iJ It T oSlIIer. 0d ar lDgton, ISS e e 'I'h elOVh ' "ed goellswere: t ' Mf'an d help of Mr. Walter Kenrick, they M' Ertl ' r p . I h luttl hUUf, ' han "I I w " nl, IIIIIU OI ff' I I!-IS U 1 l'an, eKln. las WI~:\ 1I111t! oll,b o ng h It hl\,l Dot lJitt u I' upe an Mr. Arc er Hartsock, of M I!' k Z 11 M d M u masked, The ladies appeared at the .. I b~CII the guest of Cd nds ~I'e fol' . ' D yton ra, run e, r, an fll, r , ,' lug tlJut t,Utly lJ'll rllnlly hlll.11I W'tHI a.ny lll1ug. a, ' Hathaway, Mr. and Mrs, George I house. at the hour set, also masked •,,11Il1 . __ .,.....!- _ _ _ _ ,_, sev .. r:al Jay!!. DEATH OF MR.. OGLESBEE Mills, Mr, 'llDd Mrs, Prof. Kellison, ] an d was met at t h e door and ad~ , ' . . .. Jud!:'~ JjlJX~ II. of I,ebanon, W 3:lI NOTICE ' , mitted into the room where the gen J) n t fall to s the I1\I) Vlllg' 11I'~ in lown Friday and mad th 'nzette Mr. Jonnthan Oglesbee died Mr . and Mrs, Fred ~uerwood, Mr, ) . , .k 'l'h ' , . I 't t 1" 'I k t hi' and Mrs, Dr, EUll' Mr, and Mrs' tlemen were, by Master Glenn Johns, t UI' sa t Ra h11 ' ll' liS w ·e , , ' a pl{'al:Il1nt Cl:!11. 'l'ttar will b 11 meeting of thH urs . n.y n If>! Ii '" 0 0 oc ,II. 9 Fe ' M ' ' clad in an , Indian suit, Upon enter">~ B 0 L ~ W, ( ,'. 1'. U. ut the hOl,lle of. Mrs, hom u n enr Elnrve,Ysburg with fl, ,ank arey, .. and Mrs. James, th ' . ' M I'. c,!1 ul'Ue tt, Mrs . , ran . . ' St M d M F It F tng e room' they found the men '" I ,. I I. rroo~, Il 'L'llu ' ." "treet I1'rl<ln . " NI)venlOOU\fI]\OU! mn of Q1SeliSell, aged about o. o pe, r, an rs, ran au" t i ' . . I " . ant! :lOll, I~t lan, wert: gU t:l-It.'i t1L • OJ· " '" .f 78 ' LI I 'd 'd Mr ilod Mr~ Will White Mr "nd ,Sit ng tn a seml-clre e. all robed In \"hl.l U ..~ 1",ll I' 1 ft ' I l d her II, 'J\)O . 'ysarll. ue eaves 11 WI ow, u n ' , , . , h't ·th d'ff t ts ' f _':'1 __ ~ .. 1l"VlhlllS ,I (,lrll t, unlln le llt !'! a UL' ny, fi h' ld Mrs .· WaltetMcCLhreMr,Ed.lanney W 1 eWI I eren so~ 0 mlUlJUt
thr YOll th a nd
'I' U
'1\'1A Y
, ll l) t) L\
MI' W nH.' I' I':i lllt lll w:l.'1 ill
nn.l' I~II1 I I11Jl\>I \
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801eo~ ~L:::: t~t~:~'!m~n!fe8cort
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froin 1I0m e nuw Il"Plll' , IJIlI " ;,t. ,, II M I', Kni,;~1 y J ~\vell. uf Day tun, A11 ~lt, .tJlt1 attend as It 19 the reg ' t· tb ' th I mee II, og l!lm Kind to !lU, \ hl,l II p pI'\lvill~ wa:; lh~ g'u l of MI', and ' MI':!. J , Ellul' () 6 moo , '" t itt! uth",r prl)vh;iOlls ILiLe ml ed t.. pr Jalll1 ey ,W urle!:\day, ..,eore Ilry , M d M J I' B tl f Jr. "'1A DY' S ~U' IlD. . v nt ru:loriuliuation, t li t1 Y uhjl:lcled . b i t \J 1 1 I ' 1\ all rs, 0 m Ul'll ,0 J 11 " w e u t was U JJ( t JU~, t 1II lII.w J)I'I' -IH b 'tt d ' t vent.;u t he 1:,tllrO,ul!l t"IOtl\ uj ~c rllu: at'v ys UI'~' witl~e an.a en ance a 'fit Ladi es Guild f St, Mary's Inlltiog in fli vpr of t1l11 ' 1\ W~ JlIII)lll'R the g-rang ~atu,l' a)' . hili ' h h f Ul·C 1 wi me t at ~ e orne 0 b y i!l~l11lng ue,w tlpap r !J1I,o, ,' t'. it, M I', an d . M rs )"1.. V , W a It e l' anu. 1 CMrs. ,fohtl Cole man 'rh u~ay after-
ve c, I re n , Mr, O"le!'!bee has always lived in " bis ', mmedlMe, neighbol'hood, and WIlS .lI man of , good , qualities, 'and " eujoyed the rellpeot of his neighbors. '1'11'6 body was' In~erred I'n MI' ... nIl' '. . , "" .. CemEltery Sundoy a.fternoon, the Rev " u,rgell l of Harveysburg oill
Mr. ' .A. L , .Wysong ~ndwlfe, M~'s. Cynth,ia Evans Mrs. Manda Reed , , of Lebanon, Mr. Thom~s Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lew 'Willen bur"', of D Spring Valley hnd Mrs, Geor,ge Smith '
on, and, with a dim light shining on them they made not an ugly picture, , but, a beautiful one in my mind nevb f h er to e orgotten. T e wi,v es we~e 1:. nfused ' ve,rky mU,cl~ c,o " ~n . try ,. ing to PIC theIr husbands, but m about five minutes all had ehosen and start-
b k
ue of the Jolliest Ratherlogii ev- ed ac to the place of the party . was I.lI1 ri g ht t,II )ll'oI111Jlt, , 1)l:ldlll I), Dari, of L banon, \ r g'U~ Is nooll aL '2 0' clock , Cillo Hlg.__ __ _ ___ er enjoyed by .IHlgh School They w.ere met· at the door by a prlvilege!l where'othe,ij W 1'' ' ''tll,t;illg uf I' lali ves here l:)unday, __ _ _ _ _ ST MARY'S CHURCH. orowd" of Waynesville wns In an- couple of witches, Which proved to the benefit of t,!leul, Ilut nil Yo "oug to M r, Georg, Smith alTiv d hul11e . R.EPUBLICAN CLUB November 8. 21st, Sunday after l'Iwer, to in vita't,ion tI Issued by Lyman be. Mrs, Dyke and," MrS, Coleman. prob(bl t Il t!peollll 'llrt vi J g t Ullt fl' III' Int.! ianapo1 is Satu I'day even ing '1~rinity: Morning praye~ and sei'mon ' Btl ver for a. 'B allowe 'en party .O oto · After unmasking it was found that ~ew pnper I~tl.d dlt 11\ II lIl'1 I1 1)l"e- f when" he ' has been working, " rho I~L t w 1l 1,IU /t of t.lle Wnyne at 10:30 a. m,; Evening prayer and ber :$1,190 . " only two ladies had chosen .corl'ectly~ rogative of theil, t:lX:I~t'lln e ever ... 11)0 ' , .. . '1'owu!<iljp Tuft 'R pphllc'I,ll oluh WliS sermon at 7 pm.' Sllbje::t for evenUpon entering ' tbe\.r beautiful and it ~8s concluded that would uig inter :;bs f(}np'd Oul, the \'u lll~ ~f . 'M rs ~'. J . Wlllellbu, rg, o~ Sprmg- beld lit I,he ir hlitl <lUll (~Jl themem . home, whlo!) WIlS tllstlifully deoora- m , ake too many ' servers ·for ." supper, '1 .. ing, "r every man his work." , new 'pl1l)Sr frilmut'htp \HIll LJ Utl, lI to V n II t!y, IS tl' le gues t 0 f ,h "l':;ISl (oJ )' 1\ I'S, btlrfl WOI'!:! (ll"IlSetll, 1\ ,grllut. deul of tel} with tlnt1~mn leaves and J'llok a.'. and not e!1ough to he served,' ~ that .. 1 I f I d . . Mark xiii. 34, ' " II . r . 'play for nuwsplll;e l' iufl,nfjlloe. ' .;l,'l·Oy · ,'Oil S or sevel'~ ay!;. w rk ,W'Ii. ,10D I) , uud ILllleft tile hull The choil' of-St, Mary';3 church is lanterns, . we beoam!, aoquaint,eu part ohhe prOgr4m ·was chal)ged a"" II lll"1:! hi not tile Iljlill of )JII:<S I,i,~t. Mr, D,::;, 1-Iow.1I and famil , WI::I" \U' {{"lIll ~m'itl',... __ _, ___ now doing unusually good work ,,:it~ vtl.,riOUR ~flrI:lOna~es from " BIg li~le, . ,." the 1J0litioia.Il, tbe I"bbyi~" tl.ud ehe in 'i llcinnati unday, and r )Jor l' ~ANI"rARIl)M which lends added Iinl:lpiration and C~t&f" Inrl.ill.n !l,n d . '.Old Father rhe, h~)Use was dec?ra~ With com o1l10ebolelel' \l:;~~ , , '1 tlliy tile IimvioIWl Ml's li w 11 V ry much il11pl'oV d, bea'u t¥ to p,l'ayer and peais , Sunday Time · to the I!.e~lote ., httle Quuker f~dder aU,d hall owe en l~ages, 8J)d· pel's .' 'it i!:l {'etl.lly uot I~ j.J .. AM till, Ml:, atid MI'Ii • .K 'V, B~lI'nha,' li\v I' . M "1\, B. S , 1,1u well I~ '.'l ~[ltle"'8 schoo l'at 9:3~,a, m • Everybody invit- ~ady. , After 'he gnests bad un lighted WIth C8!ldles and lacko . lan. butfs· tJ'a,n!!po.·tuth i l puiil fp'''![1 UU . M H ' ' . d ' sunjrl~rluU\ In ( 'In oiuollt.i where she to serVICes, masked un old wl,tch phoned t.h~t terns, nrtil:liug, Ilwl it repl'll. eu ls Hothiug ~4e~ts of Cl"· Ol'ac~ komPlodli an bll I~eeu I [' 'Re~ern l du,ys (\o(ltol'ing - - _.- ' -sbe would vlalt. us presently lind tell I Supper w~ announced; the 'lW:lies .. ,. ' Umlly, of aesal"s Cree ::lun tW , ' , , NEW" POSTAOE STAMPS f ,,' 'h . ' . , k! " th' "h IIIpre OJ;: IeSt! t IIIln u ~"h' IIUt,I Pflual . , ' for lin lIl'fiioti 0 of I he eye!\. We ' onr ortunes, WulC . caused .much ta ng elr c ~sen. partners to ,upexohange 'of vula S-I,llt~ rni\rMU Cll as, M, J.lough and Camlfy and, a r e gl~d i,o sud tlillt Mrs. Howell I The bureau of ' engra.'Vlrig and merriment among the gues,t a, Up, per, which cons~ted Qf pumpkin pie the /l.dverti jug, ' II '[I W6 get Chas . ~ohns and family Sjl nt Sun", gettIng !llong nloely, . nd mllY be prioth18 hI¥' oomplete':! desig~s Sllg- on . ~.nterlng·thEl ~rn,i.ngl'ooin we wete alJdging~r"cak~; coffee, apples and ' the tront!port{It.1~II , A JII.W thl~t, day .w lth MI', ,a nd , .~rs. ~d 'l'homall" hum;, !loon'. ' . g~l:lt~rl by P08tnl&8te~. GenerI\1'MoY .se~tod· llt ,dOllg ~ble, ballutifu) IQ pea~s;, ~ome had ':pu,~pkin' cheese" . prevents Uti from elCclluD 'hlg · OUl' , 'M IIll;! He len . g lesll'c was culled . • ....-.. ' er fOr' Ii. ne\v. rSBUe of troited" StiLtel! its decoratlon .of Ilutumu leaves and and . rubber apples, They were 'IItook in t.rtilla for lin \" ol"ht;W OUlll twin \:! fro'm <\xfort.! 011 Ilccount uf , FIRE A1 CE~TI:RYILlE posh~ge ' IIt,tlmpS, rhe new ,tq~ps fTuinn pil~pkin. dishes . An ele .. hand'~ a beet. wodity or Villus Is iut.eJ'f I'ing ,' Wlt.iJ th l1eall ·of 11<'1: " I'aIHlf~l .h 1', J una, will be of the (('Bowing ()anominUo gant IU':l~heon was served' on wood, After s'upper thel'e were . guessing . . IriTlj b"riira' oot iu the 8 1 lill~hter ' • . b ' h b f the of pd l'lioS r..Oll"l'IWt. 11 nd I tban ' Ogll:l:l b ' " ' t ions : one oeub, 't wo oent, three "Qent, en plates, ,! tnd u1l proQlaluled Mrs. ~ontesl:!1i elle emg on t e num er 0 wrong ," Mrs V hit of Jnu it\lla noli$ h. u.. of tha ,ltill~le & , ElIgl.e. Up., four CGnl fiveQ~nt ' six ' cent: eight Silver a .coolt not to , be exoelled, pumpkin seeds' in a bottle., Mr, S. , . . ., ', " "' , .' 11I!!I, .week u,nd h,nllt.' o ot bean fpr ." . , " '. nh ' I '.. .. . . , . " W'II' d 'M' 'Ed 11', ' . 'l'l~ls wO\.ild Pllrh'jps ue log i ¢I~ 1 "iuter of Mrs ' B S. Howell i was UI , .. , . . . , .. . . . ' oent. t l;'O cent -tUteen cent, ~fty cent , .... e t n ,oup flt eacb pJl1,te we were I lamson an r. ' n.ettel'~an . '"' ~ " , , ., . tbe dalll" coudl'uoltQf the I.lUlldlugs ' '. , , ' . .' . . , ___.:I . • ' ' reasoning if the fuo~ti were 1I11ufi! Cin '!nhati' ::ltlnduy in cons ultation ill ' . . . ... ". .,' , and aile dollar. ' informed, w,ere' our8 os souvenirs, ' lt1;te:;:reu the nearest and tied, after IItllfea, butev~n lJheu 'it WI)I1I 11 Itl;"IY' , ., ,., De lli', It mi ght buve ' proveu u dliltl.~I Aftflr vlI-rlous games were enJ'oyoo drawing cuts Mr Williamsoh won '\ .... ." g :.tld ,l:o Mrs . HawaiI. ItrOil''ibluze . .ASit:wll tile il1u g btel' 'J"bont> wtlt.'t u.t(Jsare tlO m08tar~ ·th f ' t I l l b "ti " d'th ' .. " , k' .... D' W'· d ' to tI,e o&lIe of 1\ ooutrtl ot be't weeu Il, D " Maily L . 'oak i no 10 'ated . . . tiat;lIuvl>1' I ~ued by the government. o"qle e or IlnE! te ng" u , natea e . prize, a p~mp m. . r. ar Ji,u,.• l.,l JlUIJI ' o _~ r ' J 0: . VI. ,~., bnD~e ''<YlIs dosJ;r"yed \vlt,b ,tl)a con. . . ,_ . ., oraproverl)lal,blaokbMredwitohwho makmg the Wildest guess ,had 't~. P rivute inuj..,ldnrll , ' an th 'Am::m ~ullJmg, WIth omce t I I)" ' " ll" t ·..... oou B(8lr.: STUD'~ CLASS ' ". ., . . , " vloe: ntl \t.~, '. _ .. . . " . :, , ;, . " .. ,eu ,S,. "UI.'.~,~, .II. ~ u ~'" " ' . .'"" y. ',' " .. rev,a ls.ln I:i!lllow~'en tilY!lteries, a talte the s.e ed .an.d , pl.a nt them and , ., _ ..- "- .-L.., ,1 h jUI ~ ns fu llows , ~ :ao Lo ,l l a,m " . - , " . .. - ~ " . . . .. ' . . " l '" . ';' 'd ., '". . ., k' . 'f h"u , ,'"' ~ 5 ;ll'ld 7 La, 1'1 ' ll). Tel , 161-21'" . Pl)\NO TUN INO . . An mterdellomlna~u~n~ Cl~ fot reu, ha.ire ,s oroeress pr.ocl,lllmed ,the r~lse , pump ~ . or a , Wlowe ,.,? par1'he lt1E) of It (trell.. '~nl t it! l~bOllt . the l>I.1I'POse of studymg .thp. ;B,ble: ,future desflny of tbe guetl~. bY next year. rthellext ~ a' i11~ do M lOy"earelfthe 'y ,)u"lTn u Is c M ..". 'a nd Mrs• . ,v "Ilarl,"" ' ool,'e' of , ,Ir, <!>l3 )I::. Muln usmg , k " 'Trammg ,. f Ot; Tb o~e p~elen ., t we.e .. 01 U~!l ulloWae, u · L. onthe rows onwon an earthis of , . . u ",. lit urtJ, . , "'" ' . .1,J. . 'HI nillson t h e text b 00, corn, 'numberof Mrs. Williamson fu1 of It, aud doe!ln',t Ic~nd it t,o /luy Was.hmgton, 0, C, .am,Y"ed here 1''1'1' ', t.., l L b 'tDon , Ol}io, f;lri.ti!lfaotlon Serv~!!e." ' by Her.bert Moninger, has Louil!a Stokes, Luolle Cornell, Em· prize which was,a red ear of '!om. one tl1all be i~... A /{iTl h!ls to day und ~re tht: gut:sts o;f relatives" g'tlllraoteei), V.~liey Phons .. lio! B b~norganized and will 'meet this D;111. Hawke, Rtat~ Miller, Eleanor The one coming .the farthest . waS to (Cet a new pl\rty c'lTetiA ijvflry yeur, Th~y art! Jatlt l'elu rtlin~" J!laat aft 1'. /I. ' ~. • 'comin.g Friday" levening, November E!Lrnhart, .8ybil'·' H~wke. :1'iellfe w.n· have ~ hallowe~en' party next year. 011 look like II. !,t"~ Yllltrljl hh'(1'~ ne!:'t" llong W estern jaunt. (Jhul"ley vlited For~er R~sidents 6th, 7',o'c1o'c k at · ,t he Township k~rllon, Ona ~trllown\ ~ry DaViS, Papers and pericIls ~ere ' ~ext tiande • ," " ' heh! Monday, , . house Prof Kellison is the instruc- Mary Sawke CaLrl B"wke John n~ound and five mmu~ time WII8 We hElve uoMoed, In wllt.chhig -~-- - ' > • • ' . ' gIven to see which ·. cou1d ge~ the . M)"ic. Albert tillliLh, of. OilY ton il EveryOlW, of every church,ol' Lemmon, Lee1i;arnhart, Fred Bawke most wordS Gut ot the wcn:d hallowcbildrelf play bill', tblAt I,,..., poor c.;OUNCll MEETS. !lpeudin~ the winter ill Long· Heaoh, a member of any church. is George Waterhooae, Laureooe 110r- e'en. Mrs Adda KenriCk won thIS uicm '8 ohtld runl for t.ile UIJ II wben . Oal" where sll'e Will visit her pur. invited to meet with them UIU', RaYPJond Williamson, Emmor prize which was a: hallowe'en caid, it Oilll to atl .(lUt-Qf.. t~e WRy OUl'ner. Council mel. ,Monduy night, ' anil eDls and ot.llor relllt.iv.e!l. . . ·thne and alao to become a Bally, Kenneth Bough, Ob_rlee M~, McGinnis won ijle ~b, ,o n while tbe rloh Qllln I! ybt\d olilruly did a good deal of business Be. _ _ .. ntanytime. The Bible wUl [IUObsner. Raymond Davll, John ~::., and ~ awarded a c:abNae Wdlte. A Uttle m~lley oogil18 to jlldas \he routine bU!line8l!, other Eiltirechangeof pic:tures at Hahn's be as a book not 88 to any S&",WI1, WaUel' \Vhltacre and Ter~ AU enjoyed. music by lit. IDe make a ,dUfereJlDe ead1. mat.ters wel'e t1i~ussed. ' on Tueeday.. Thursday and Saturday, or creedl. 1'81 MacI, Duke aDalir. UJd 1In.,ClUt ·L n!I. t"
The Miami·Gazette D. L. CRANE. nl I II
Tho Attractive · Side Dirt, The 8~ientlllo ·dlctum with regard to dirt Is merely lbat It Is "matter out of place." Economically considered, however, it may be sa(d to posllesB benellcent Quolltles, "What an eallY JUe we s hould have It Lhere were no dirt!" said a Indy to hcr washerwoman. "1 shouldn·t, ma·am. I should starve!" replied Drldget, nnd . she .. poke for hundreds or lhollsands of women the world ovor. rt would be InLeresting to discover how many hours ot wage·earnlng work whlcb may be called clean ing-I ncluding wasblng, Ironing, acrubbl ng, sweeping. dusting, pollshlng~are done In one day among millions upon m\llions at people. A sin gle InstlLutlon li ke a b.lg public library w\ll probably g ive 20,000 hours of work e-a<;b year to charw.o· men alone. In clUes th lil work goes on day and night. Apart from the sweep·In, and dusting In the homes, an army or women with palls and m·ops Invade th~ shops and om ces. where they fight agalns t dirt from night till mornIng. Holland elceis tn this direction. There the housewi ves scrub noL only ftoors and wlndo\\'s and steps and sidewalks, but rences and electrlo light poles, anti one may even ·see a strongILrmed malden using hot soapsuds and • brush on a whlto Up·cart. Horaes and cows are cleaned In Holland wlLh 88tonlablng aSBldulty_ Those who plead for cleanliness do a· double servIce-to the wage-earners as well as to mankind at large. Fortunately tor all concerned, the desire to b~ clean lies very deep In the noblest quallUel ot human nature.
1iI-========lil .THE ROSE· ·BEETLE HAS , INVADED VINEYARDS Mrs. Todd's ·T hreePligh t·s =Pront • By Richard B. Shelton
Pest Mtay Pro.. a Serious ' Proble m lor Grape Grower. Anotber Y ear.
1!J1::===~~~1!1 (Copyright. by Shon.tory Pub . Co.)
"Same old tune," tmld ho, and Mrs. Mrs. Todd's lodg ing house was a model of Its kind, It was on a quiet Todd thought he looked .0. tri ne pale. streN, r t con" 01 ut to the cars. Its "Stllnehow this thing gets hold ot me. rOOftl!\ were commodious and well Can' t reason It out. you know. Funny hpRteu, and Mrs. Todd was t he SOil 1 thing, too, I don't seem . Lo want to ot cJ anllness. The lodgers, too. s !I1l1s h those globes, There's some wcre In k e plng wltb the house-a sort ot fascination listening to that married · couple, a retired Bchool· wh ine." "I know how It Is," sai d Mrs. Todd, tMcher, one or two · working · wome n and several · pleasant-spoken young and s ho shlvcred. "Is It all the young men. who made lit tle unneces· lime!" "Ko. Seems to · Its own sweet sary noise a nd paid theIr rent prompt. Iy. All In a ll. fortune had s miled on Wil l, It's liabl e to llune up auy bOll r Mrs, :rodd s ince. In ea tly widowhood. of the da y or night." "Mr. Knox," Mrs. Todd spoke wlLh she bad taken this 10dt;lng house as a meaus at livelihOod . Yet there was great elTort, "there's a slory that once, one grain of anxiety In ber cup of b fore [ took Ihla house. a. musician had that room, H,~ went Insnue In happiness. · . ·'Three·flI ghts-front," at the top ot tbat " e ry r oom . They say he'd play the house, was. to all sppearanccs. a tbe keynote ot a . requiem, and every mosL desirable room. All day long the now and then h e-d stop a nd lilLen rl'r sun s hone Into It and Its windows an echo. Bnd laugh to hlmsel,f_ It may gave a pl easant outlook across the be exaggcrated-" "H's rot,'· sald KnOll, sho rtly, and chimney pots or the houses opposite. rt had a new carpet and very Udy cur- tur.nln g on his heel :be woot up stairs. tains, but, despite theso- altra·ctlons. Yet, when the globe started up Its "three-Illghts-tron t" was seldom occu- drone early that eVllnlng. he felt cold '::hllls run ning up and ' down his spine. pied tor any length ot time. Various young m en had rented It, . "What a timid aSEI yo u're getting to and once a young woman had stayed ~e , my boy," he snld to hlmselt 08 he In It tor nearly three weeks, In each ~ose a nd lighted a pipe with a band cape, h owev'e r, the lodger had decided I. bat was a trille unst~ady . "Played to change quarters ·r at llel' suddenly. ~he key note," he . said. musingly . and had sought out IIIrs. Todd and "Rather (\ morbid fll.Dcy, that. Playcd more or less halUngly and shame- Ihe kCl-note--By GeIJr~e !" He stopped facedly bad gI"6n his r eason for leav- .and laid ·aslde the pipe. Suddenly he Ing, Th~ landlady. was s ure, from whip ped oft the gll[)be, nnd donning An epld,emlll of suicide ,h aa exlate!! thelr actions, that they preferred Lo his hilt and ove rcoa t he ruslled down ,far more than a yeaI' paee It has not ' keep th.e real reason to themsclves. ",Lalrs , carrying the 'troublesome globe been confined ~.~o this country alone, though what It might be · ~he was un· und e r bl s arm. It ·w(\s 3 frosty eveD<!r to any parUpular class or ,.c ondl. a»le to surmise. Many times wh e.n ning and the wind was blowing b.rlskUon of people. ltecords of t he all too the Toom Wns vocant she herself had Iy. He hurried Lo a store on the avenue and asked for gl1S globes. A numprevalent selt-destruction that . h.., occupied It for a night; but nothing ber of lhe ordinary sliape were lal<l occurred · to disturb her In the least, shocke~ soclc;cy show that death Is Arter the ninth occupant had paid beCo re hlm _ He took a penclJ from hi' sought by nch and poor, educated and his r ent In the middle · of the week pocket and sounded first his own Ignorant, moral and Immoral. aUke, and departed, bag and baggage, she glooe and then the others. Presently Behind most of ~em Is left a story o.t decided to s il t the ma.t ter thoroughly. tallure, · disease, dIsappointment or' To this end she moved up to the perfidy. So great has become the prac- front rodm at the top at the house, tice durin'! the past tew. months, and prepared to meet ghost· or demon, or 10 trIvial the reasons advanced or dll- ' whatever It was that · was depriving covered afterward, that the situation an honest woman of the rent of a good room. One mornlnlr, two weeks Ihowd engage thlt most serious atten- later, she moved down again, rather tion ot society, Unfortunately It Is one white and shaken. of the crimes ap,!nat which neither "1 shall never sleep tn that room preventive nor punitive les!slatlon can again," she sald to Jane. her maid of be effective. It Is wen enough to enact all work, and as she would not dis· a law against self-destruction, but cuss the matter further, ·It was after the deed Is committed there can dropped, . Thereafter, When prospective lodgbe no pOssible recourse to law_ St... ers applied to her, it no other room ' t.u te. providing punishment for atwas vacant, Mrs, Todd would soy: tempte4 . eulclde lore ot lILtle more "I have one, three-fllghts-tront, but , force and effect ilIan would. be no reallY I . don't belJiwe you want. It," lec!slaUon on the subject· whatioever. and generally this was sumclent to Plalnl,., the rem,e dy tor the crime Bend them away_ against self and IIdclety Is not In · the One day there came a brisk yo.ung keepIng ot the bUnd goddess of ju. man, and as the III-starred room was the only one she had, Mrs. Todd made Uoe_ her usual r esponse to .hls InQ·ulry , The young man happened to be or the It 1,1 unquestionably true t1;l", one of persistent type. He Inquired the the greatest obstaclel"ln the woman's price and other particulars and ended ' p.a th of Industrial progress haa been . ·by ·asklng to see the room. He seemed her o~n apathy, writes Edith , Abbot~ Quite saUslled wttb M,. In fact, he so in the Atlantic. She Is reproached by expressed himself In no uncertal!1 he found one whlcb rang a full 1J0te the men In her ~rade for her lack of terma, Mrs_ Todd heSitated. ' ~Beto're you take It," sbe said, "I lower than his own. This he PUI' ambltlon"':'her . seeming willingness to ohased and wltb It hastened back to "maln unskilled and underp!lld. But must tell YOQ there's something-Well, the house_ queer about It." In thll new ~ovement tor the franHe placed the original globe over "Ghost?" Bald the 'Young man, cheer' cblse. we have the women· who are ,al- fully_ " If that's It I'd like · to meel the burner. In a momen t- It "ent out a ready In .the ranks of the skUled "or~ him:' . low whine. Then he tried his purera, and who have long since proved chase. It was silent. He went down Mrs, Todd shook !!er head. thel~ capacity tor organ~zaUon ·taklng "Not exactly. that," she said. "Stili slalrs and called Mrs. Todd. "1 haT~ It," said he, and displayed another great step forward. They something decidedly unpleasant." "Pshaw," said h e. "there', s notblng the two glob en. Then anothe r Inhave at . last learned that their Industrial regeneration .. c'an coine only unpleasont about t his room," an'd he splratlon came to >Mm_ "Where's the skylight?" he asked. through' their own efforts , and tb,e 1m· handed C!ut a week's rent. In this way John Knox, medical Mr. T.odd took ltilm Into a hall portance of this . new spirit or Indepenstudent. began hlB occupancy of Mrs. clol!et and sbowed him 'a ladd er. ·runde~ce, this · .enlal'liing of the wurklng Todd's "th ree-flights-front," A week nlng uJ>~ards, . Thl,s he ascended, and :woman's sphere ' of sctlvlty to demand - two weeks-went post, and nothing w('nt out · on· the' roof. Presently h e a "vo((:e .In the la:ws that regulate her unl1sual ocourred. Tuesday of· the wae bnck with ,a. s igh of relief. toU" would be difficult to <over-esti- third week, Knox rapped on the· parlor "Our ghostly mus ician," said he, "Is mate. door_ ~rs. Todd's face wore an anx- a lot of wires Tunnlng across the . ", Ious expression as lie ente red. roof. There's a stan dard holding them "I'ye found It," h e said, laconically. just ove rhead. When It's wtndy, th·ey 1lhe· daughter · of a wealthy and prominent maD, whose matrimonial . "What!" exclaimed Mrs. Todd, "not, begin to hum, and one of the m d.r ones . ,tbe keynote of the gas globe here. and co~pll.Cations have · .been. matter or the-the Noise ?" "Yell," answered Knox, ters~IY as the vibrations, car~led along the wall, national Interest, contracted what Bhe . set t.he globe · going. That ftrSt gLobe regarded ·as a fake 'marrlage to a void. usual. "gas globe!" I deolare!" said tbe land-. r·. ~ught rang the · san'le note 8S .the "Well, according to. her ·own testimony, beln.g lady. "I never could locate It, How orlgh'lal one, so you see 'that's wby It forced by· her family Into marriage· often have you heard It?" · . tune~ up also: This 'one ·Is somewhat with a · t~t1ed foreigner whom she. dis, "Twice," he repl.led. "Firat time I lowel'---'most of them, 1 found, . were .lIked_ This amhltlon of which she ac- heard It W88 night. befCire last, It pitched like the first oQe-'-and that's cuses ·her p·arents. of trying to . aBcrl- . started up that Infernal drone about why It 'doesn't ·slng. Glad I . ··know lice her happiness (or the sake or ten. ·Hunted all r ound before I could what It Is." "So am I," said Mrs. Todd, fervently. bringing a Utle into Lhe famlly, .fll one place It, Can't account for it_ Can They were silent. for a moment. for which they hav, been bitterly pun~ you?" Mra. Todd ahook her head help- Then Knox spoke : lahed by the notoriety whlch has rest."Must have been creepy to see him tid upon the case, but It- II a punlsh- lessly. "At It again last n·l ght.... Knox 'con- do that, though. Iwonder ·I~ )I. reallJ IDent which the offeDle, It really comdid?" ,llIIltted, deserves. 1'he un-American ·t1nued. "I shut·otf the gall and stuffed the globe with absorbent. cotton, 1Ihat worship of Utles can be IIxcUsed lomeMixed Stock' In l1'rade. . . stopped It, Then I got .curlous and what [n a ·silly girl, but In men and took It out. Every t lme ·r unloaded· the The complex functlonl Ofdnl! women or this republic it la 'unpardon, coHan, off it would go 111<0. the whIne stores have long c,easeil to be novel. ablt!_ or a ·cello. Som etimes 'I ': 'swelIed and Pllraons go In·to d r-ug s torell ready to sometimes I~ sank_ . Denced If I could af!.k tor almost anyt.hlng and confident Al'tIst William M. Chase, WhOM find out what made It, I'm not a bit that they will be l!er"ed, One drugportrait or hlmlKllf by himself Is to 8upHatitious, but I'll tell you frankly gilt who has a StorlJ up near Columbia ualversity aays his stock of crackera bani In the Ufflz1 gallery at F1!)rence, I som·.!.how don't enjoy it_" Again Mrs. Todd Shook her · head_ Is one of the mos~ profitable Inveatwaa done at a alttinl of three hours. Verily, there's nothing like having an She halt 'lxpected ,him to pay his ments. because students leem to -prerent and leave, all tbQ , rest had done. fer to 10 to him rather than to a artlat equal to 'h la .u\lllect and a sub- But Knox Will or a O:llrerent caUber gl'()cer :altheugh P81 more for . Ject equal to the artllt. . .' crackers to him. Md Bllld: But when "I'll buy aoother globe and 188 It A woman physician In London ..,. tbe line of It nlaltM anT difference." tb&t the womeD who wear low-Declll . mokablell Mrs, Tod·J brightened up, 80ft. Or open·work .tocklnn aN Tlie nest da), Knox brougllt up a lillIe odd. bealthler lhaD those who. rio not. almllar glc-'" and placed It over the t3ken on a I:do a WOJDIID abe Gulla' to klJcn,.. ... hnser, A. few days later he 's ~bout •• odd a ....D IaIOCW U tbe door. Ibe IdDiI Dlfpt 1IfJ 1~~~)t't
Our hereditary enemy, the rose· ro~ bcetie, b as or lllt b on Ulu lling sllch bold Inmslon s Into the grape terl'ltory thllt any measures ~' h l ch promise even partlul slIccess are we lcome to the vln )'ard owners. 'rb life his tory of this awkward creature Is known. pretty well by LhoBe InteresLed; the eggs are la.ld usually In sod Isud and In welldrain ed sandy sod by vreter ence, just ~ lI c h land aa abouods In the trult belt. The larvae are whi te grubs. resembling. In mlnt\ture. the gru bs or the ordinary white grub of tile June beetle. Like their larger relallves, lhey teed on the roots or vegetation. They atta in theh- full s ize In the fal l, nnd a t that time bollow . out small ce-ll s In (be soil. where the y pass the wlpter. In We spring Lhe larvl\O change to pUIJlle and. late r In Juue. the adul t beeUe" with th Ir long awl!wa rd legs, come alit and s pread over the counLry-slde, collecting In regions where their food plants are to ·be foun d, 11 w legions a.ppearlng trom day to day as earlier ones die or ar k ill d off. sometimes collecting In al"lOst unbelievable numbers. GI'apes sull'e r most of all the fru its.
char ·r. or
which would o.dmlt at plaCing the \lll n closer Lo the vlu s, would Juake of tbe It possible to catch mol' Ot courso, all tbe beetle. beetlos. t.haL lou hed Ule 011 di ed. Quit II. larg numb{'lr of 'heel! II we re coll ec Led In thi s ·wr.-T, but on the day of · the tria I Ihe beetles w Ire not 80 plentifu l [I S Lhe wrlLer has r een them at oLher times. It Is 11k Iy Ihat whe n Ih beetles are nol nume rou8 , two mon with ordluury milk )laos, w lt:!l 011 rags In tbe boLtom and wi th switches would do about as well. When very Hum rous tbe largo pan should be e Olclent. It rCQul res hat'd work to carry s uch a pun over thc b ills, such DS are ordinarily uscd tor ~.apt,' grow· Ing. OUI' lIIustrallon ,holViI nch • Ilan In use_ A test or arseuate of lea'.\ n fieav,. doses wos also made at tbc III~e time. A certain portion of ~h. vine· yard was SI)rayed with A.rIlCnl\\ .!l, liS· Ing tour pounds to the barrel or wa tar. The ordinary prepared pns te was used. We s';arted with It well· stirred charg , bllt owlr,g to lhe In· ell\cl ency of the agitator, the appltc;l.· I Ion wus tar stronger at tbo part nr •• \ spl'ayed t han lI'b n farther along. As to tile resul ts o f the sprny. Mr. l lU U.
Bro ught About a Remlrkable Cl)lnge, Mrs. A_ J . Davis ot Murray, Ky" "ays: "When I began using DOI\n's Kldne, Pills. kidney dis e a Be w 8. s slowly pOison ing me. Dizzy spell s almost made me tall , sharp pains lilte k n I f e tbrusLs would catch me In the baclt, and finally nn nttack ot I:'rlp left me with a cons ta nt agonlaIng baclmche: Doan's Kidn ey Pills II Iped me Quickly and In ih ree weeks' t1 me there was not a Bymptom of kldnpy troubl o remaining," Sold by all dealers. 60 cenl s a hOL l'"osLer-Mllburn Co., Butlalo.N. Y
"Madame, dot girl of )'ours maka great progress Dllt h er mooijlc. Before she was always two or drea notes behint me, and now s he Is always two-or <t ree notes ahead." Husbanil and Wlfe_ mnde more te nrt r by having tenderness demanded or him; no man ye t was ove r cri ed hllo loving his wife rilo re. I am willIng to admit Ihat men are as raUny IIreatures as women themselves; unlIympat hotlc In small · things. often blind, and that,they may easily be exaspcrnted Into small bruLali tles of S[)e- 'cll, H a woman re-frains from exacting devotion, and la IInswe;vlngly kind Rnd unselfish, a hu sb~ud who has any alfectlon tor. his Wife at all can be left to look out tor doing bls share. He wlll look out for It anyway; no Qna else can malee him. Neithcr tears nor enU atlcs will wring from him t hose !lrunll kindnesses and a lten Ilona so dear to women.-A Wife, In Harper'. No man yet was ever
ROle Beetle Catcher In Uae In Vine yard. The beetles eeem to come out just In time · to teut on the flow ers ' and young setB. and ~ elngle beetle can accollnt for many bunches of grapes at such a time. On jUlt Buch an "ceaslon, the write r; In company with his assistant. fdr. E. J . K~aus j visited a vineyard at Decatur, a -well·known grape reg lon_ Here a pan seven teet six Inches long. 22 inches wide and . one Incb deep was made from a sbeet of ,galvanized Iron. To , one side of this was fastened 0. light frame three teet h'gh !Ind run; nlng t.he entire lenrth at the frame, being securely braced to the frame ~r th" pan_ The pnn was prepared by placing a number or old pieces of cloth, soaked In wa\8r, In the bottom and· over this about a quart \}f kerosene_ When, the pan had been made ready, It was placed alongside ot a vine and the beetles beaten Into It by means. of SWitches made of broom corn. After collecllng the bt!etle.s from one vine the pan , was moved along to .the next and the beatIng repeated. Some of the heetles fell short of the pan. some struck the 'hle ld and bounded bock, but most of them stayed In and d ied. It Is likely that a deep notch In tbe side ' of the
E. V, Hayden. In whose vineyard lh. test was mat;l e. writes In subs tance: "Tn the norLh block '\'Ihere the ,spra)' was atrong, ' the unspl'ayed rows \Lver· nged a little Ulore than halt as much as fhe average or the: two rows thnt were sprayed. The beetles had been at work tor a weelc when the spray applied. No Injury to the vines resulted trom th e strongest of the mixture." Tbls looks very encouraging, but tile grower must always keep In mind that the spraying must be done thor· ougbly, every tblu g Blust be hit and all par'ts ot the vine washed· with the n~lxture_ Also use a pump with an agitator whic h will work wben the pump Is· moving slowly. R. S_ PE'rTlT, Entomologist, Michigan.
They WIII .-The old theory that sheep and cattle will not feed on the s ame range Is now proven to be faI·Iaclous In ·the extreme. Down Texaa way tbey have the finest cattle and the ' finest sheep of t he count ry, tiotb feild, Ing from the same range ..and both doIng we ll . The owners are I,rosperou, !lUke from both these brancbes of the stock-raising Industry_
SELECTING THE BEST . EARS · FOR SEED ·CORN Don't Put the Work Olf Until Next Sp..l.n'S:.....Do It !!low.
Tho Brlde'a Look, A gir l about to be married wornel so much she begins to · look Ilk\! an l'Jd married woman. In addition to worrying about lIer Clothes "and coax. lug ber tolks to give he r a ne·w outftlo sbe sits up lOO late wi th her· young man, and the result Is an anxIous, careworn look a week before tha wedd ing tbat connot be told from the look on the fa<:e of a woman who bile be n married II> year or two. Look at the next girl you meet who la soon to be married, and you will remarK that sbo has 'aged rapldl y."-Atchl801l Globe. P1umoroully Worde" Rebule.. Theodore p, .Robert.a had a laen' JOmm·a nd orlangua,e. both ID lpeak!ng and wrlUng: and waa '·we11 liked by everybody. He could a\1cure the aU ntlon of a negligent Ipubusher 1f need be_ To one such, who W.118 r.mls8 about sending vouchers, he onae closed np 1\ long letter · with the aenlence: "And, finally, my dear air. ~ermlt me to say that It would be ' essler for a camel to ride Into the klngdbm of heaven on' a . velocipede than for anyone to flnd a late copy of your paper In th.e city of New YorlL" · WIlling to Help Him. He had gon e to thc dry gooda store wi th a bit of dress material wlt1'ch his wl te had bidden him to match_ "I am very sorry, s ir.!' aald the 8I11e8man. "but I have nothing exactly like thla. The very last remnant was sold thla morning." "But I mu st have Itl" exclaimed thft husband. "Otherwlle, how can I face my wlfo?" " If YOll will permit me,' sir," lald the .salesman, " I would · ve nture to suggeSl that you Invfte a friend home to dlnnt!r with you." . NOT A MIRACLE,
JUlt PlaIn CaUle ,n'd Effeot. Ther e ore some quite · remarkab1& things bappenlng every , day. which '. seem almos·t miraculous. . , ' Some pel'sons ,would not believe that n man could. ;mffer froin -ciqffee ilrln~ Ing so sev,erely as to c:allse spena ot uncon,sc!ousnes8_ .A;rid tq' t'lnd complet~ relief. in .c,banlr1ng frem coffee' ro .Pos' tum Is ' well wor th recordlnl!'. ' ... "I tised to be '" P'-'1.t" coffee 'drlnhr. ·so moch BO that It was kUling me r.y lnches. My h eart beca~e 80 weak I wouid tall 'a nd lie unconscious tor an bour at a time; 'Tile spells caught · ne sometimes two or tllree tlmell a lay_ , "lIty fri ends, and even the doctor • ~old me It, w~s drinking qoffee that ·· .au5e,l the tr!lti.~le·. I: ~ould . not be,from corn showing . butte and tip.. '1:he two on the leff are well leve it. and stili dran~ coffee until I . ~ould , not leave.' my room_ ' ahapell and · f\lIe~ to t,he end, The two on the right", are, .badly formed . · "Thtm' my docto\'~ Who drlnk~ Postum himself, persuaded me to stop coffee and try I'ostupi. After mucbhesltatlon 1 concluded to try it., That wae . eIght months !lgo- . Since then I hl1'-. had but few of .t hose spells, ~one tor Dlore than tour months. • "I feel better. aleep betier an" .m better· every 'W8.y, I DOW drlnt nothIlIg but Postum and tooch no coffee, and aa 1 am aeventy yeare ,-: age all my friends thl1lk the · ~provemont quite remarkable," "There'a a ReaaoD." , Namestven by 1'Olttml · ~" Battl' Creek, MIch. Heacl·"The Road to Wen. .. III ptraa. .,
GOD'S 'ANOINTED ~ ..r"lDlala Iha ' ... pll., O ... lt Kla .. l .. wllh h .. CIa.ld ..... .
J er mlnh. tho Prophot.-Name meane: Ho "Whom J"hovllh hlUl "ppolnted." wnil 80n or Hllklah, a pries t at Anatoth, ot B ~ nj n nlln , not tar from J erusalem. He begab to propheay In the thirteenth year lot .I081nll' .. rel!fl\, about 70 yeRra atter the doath at IsaIah the prophet. and contInued to do 80 all through lhe troubled tlmea or Ule Babylonl .. n Invasion. lils utterances were regarded liS ot ovll omon by th e rulare at J erusalem. because he couJUleled eubmlaalon to their C hal~ean to... Oth e ~ proph.' l», ' 8uch as for lri· . • tance. Sumu'll, ElIsI.... Isnlah. had been lent to nrou fte 'th people to roslstance and pre.ervatlon of the na tional autonomy. but he, un d~ r Divine revolnUon, w.... broucht to 8~e tllIot the . only so.tetJ' lay In submIssion to the Babylonian king. and Iho advocncy of su ch a pollc)' broui;ht upon him tho eha-rgo of treach· ery and dos rHon ot hll natton'. cause. A. a result of all thl. there rell to the lot of Jeremiah . harpo~ lul'Cerlng than any pre,'louft prophet had experIenced. Tho ulHmafo fa le at Jeremlah I. uncer· taln. but Recordi ng to Jel'ome · he met death In Egypt at the hands of tho J ew. who had ncd thither. and who had comlIolled hlri) to 11'0 with thorn. ' Scripture Authority-Jeremiah, chapter 40.
IIltened to the word of the Lord al ) spake unto them and bad Burrendered peaceably to the king of Babylon. we ahould have all been Ipared lbls suf· lering. And t fear now t hat the pon. pIe who stJll remain In J erusalem wltl not have learned the lesson but will still turthflr "fend and will yet re celve evet> Worse punlsbment. "And the,. counted me lUI an enem, HUSBANDS, of the city." Jerellj.lah conl1nue d to mase to hlmselt. "because 1 countaled HUlbands are largely manvfaolured submission to the one wbom God baa raw malerlal g rown on cbosen to punish the nation to.' !tl nut or til 8lns. And now these min. enO'l olel rllrmfl Imd oullylng districts. There have oBus ed me to be taken. Ab. tlell. IlI'e Bom few tty vari e ties . but lhey God knows. and' he wl11 help. Bllt 1 ar 11001' In Qllallly. The farm output WOUld. be back In J erusalem. tor tbe, Is " llually laken to tbe city e arly In lite, and fe d on rum. tobacco and buslneed me there." . It was true 8S Jeremiah had Pllld. neBS unlll he becom eS fat enough to His enemies had d\lllvered blm Into kill Cor t he matrimonial market. He tb e hlinds of the conquering army. ro~ IB the n led out to the ' slaughter and wben the Invading bosts had swarm,," used thereafter all a baslB lor mll1l· . through the. city and tbe captains were 'lli'r1 'And dress goods. lillRband s form one ot our chie f as· engaged In plckln!; . those whr should be taken as oaptlves back t(' Jerus .... lUllS. They are patient. docile under lem he bad been ~polnled out as one treatment. become Inured e arly In lite whom they could not safely le1l.\'e be· to hard labor, and are useful at dinne r hind In the city, and so tettets had parties lind political gatherings. The American , 'arle ly differs from been placed upon his limbs, and he bad been marcl\ed out with the rest. the foreign ' breeds In many Importllnt and after a long. weary trnmp. tbe, particulars. He Is more easily domes· were nearing Ramah,. tbe place where licateCl: 2.nd slands any amount ot .abul!I8 ~Ilbout complaint. The re are they we re to reat for tbe night. Nebuzar·adan, the captain In nom. seve ral Ins tanoes on record where mnnd of the company, was ridlnlJ In husbands bave slept nlgbt after nlgbt hlB charlot, well satis fied with the In . pajamas. made by their wives and' r~sult of the expedition and planulllg starched under their personal supervi· for the days abead when be shC'llld Sian. without murmuring. They have triumphantly tbe city of· even been known, In ' rare Instances, Ion with the splendid treasure aad to attend cburch regularly. There ara seve ral klndll of hu.· the long IIno <>r captlve8. bands. The early morning variety Is "Who Is there In yon column." he asked of bls servant as he waved bls very companionable. but short·lIved. In Bome households the sile nt busband hand In the dlreotion of the cBIIUve IB tbe main feature, acquiring this Jews. "They tell me they are . the great gUt by long practice. The liter· cbolcest of tbe men . ot Judah. princes ary hus band, as a lute. III thin and of the royal family." "Quite true," res ponded his servalal. pOor and has bls fur rubbed olr In with ' an obl1lsance. and be began to spots and lays Iltt ears well hack. The name over those whom he knew to be Salt Lake hus "'Dd has a large, open heart. Is liberal In his views, and among the number of the captives. many·slded. He Is, ID tact. all things "Anel J learned to-day tbat JeremJah Is to all women. aleo there," be added. The best husbands are caught young "Jeremiah? Jeremlab 1" repeate\! wheq tbelr sp.lrlts can be easily braNebuzar·adan, thougbtfuJly. "The name ken.-Llfe. sonnds familIar. II he of the prlncel royal?" IN THE GRANDSTAND. "No," replied the lervant. · with dent surprise. "Surely 'thou doat remember the prophet of Jerullalem who bath spoken 10 favorably to his people r.oncernlnr our King Nebuchad· gezzar?" "Ind(ted, 1 do remember now," 'WIllI the eager response. "1 knew of hll proph~les and bls message, but I ha4 tor the. moment forgotten hil name. And you teU me that be II among tb. capttves?" "He Is." . "How came ne there! Knowest not the army of Babylon them which are the trlends of Nebuchadnezzar?" ' "But at flI'st it was not knon. Some of Jeremlah'a enemlel caused · hiJtl , to be apprehended -among the first; declarIng that It were dangerous to leave him· behind In the cit,.... "And th,ey took him and put him In tetters!" asked Nebuzar·adan, Impa. He-That wu fine. He just IItole tlently. lecond and third. ':Such I.s my understanding. I have . She (her ftl'/lt gamel-He's got a lot not looked- upon the man, 'but I am of nerve. with all these policemen told that he wears chains like tb. around. rest." "By the gods of the Clialdeanl and Cut·Up, the God whom Jeremiah serves. we In the hammock gayly ehatUn&,. S t>~ hIs siGler and her beau ; ' shaU ;not proceed turther' un'tll his Little Willie knlted the halyard •. tetters· have been remo.,ed." and Isn·t he the cut·up. thouSIl? Quiokly giving the neceslary orders. , 'Oetrolt Free Preu. the long line was halted, and ' the Needed the ' Mon.Y. great captain wnlted until the,. should Friend-Your .portraIt of Mrs. Neu· bring Jeremiah to hIm. "Come 'up and ride with me In m,. rich has fine technique, but it doesn't charlot," he exclaimed, liS he reaohed look the least like ber. Artist-Say. do you suppose she fortb and grill peel the hand of the would pay me $2.000 for It It It. did r .prophet as he wu led forward. "'I ' have heard of thee, The Lord th,. -Chicago Dally News. God bath through thee pronounced What Made Him Late. tbls evil upon Jerusalem. Now the - $chool·Teacllel" (severely)-You are Lord hl,lth b~qght It: to pall. anct done lIalf an hour late ' ht~" morning. . according ~ he bath" Bald. Surely. Little Boy (who was "kept In" .the your Goll :must be a great God to thUB ' day befOre}-Yes'm. It was late yes· make known' his Wayl to his servant te'day when I got home.-New York Tell me more of him." WeekI,.. "Tbat I IIha11 ' be glad to do," was the ready response. and he began at NOV~L USE, once to te.Il .. of the God of ' Israel and how he had raised up of tbe 'seed ot Abraba.m a great nation and that . becaule or sin and the forgetting of God God ' hlld brought punishment upon· them. "Yea.lhe king of Babylon has . been raised up to · ~lte~ute tbe jUdg. 'menta :'or our a .lid." concluded Jer. nllah, confidently. .. ' . "And it IB 'becauae ye have sinned 'againat the Lord and bave not obeyed his voice tha.t tbls thing batb ' com. u\,on th.e e'" wande,ringlY queltloned tbe .Chaldean captain. . Jeremiah no~ded 'hlB head, sadl,.. "Weli• .thou: at·, least. 'shouldest not be In bondage~" exclaimed NebUzar. ad&.n. "Thou art .the anOinted thy God and, hast been falth.ful to tby peo· pie and ha'tb .snown .kindness towards the king of Babylon In tliat tbou dldlt counael th)l' p.e ople to submit to .th. , y,oke o( my king. Theri!t.o re 'I · hl!ovc Mr. HII_I fo'Und a new use for day ibosed thee from .t he ·chaln» ,which, were upon ·tbee. It- it 6~em goo.t the cbaflng dish while you were away. unto thee to coine witb· me to Bab,.. " Mrs. Hlse-What did you do with Ion. cornel And 1 wlll 10011: we!1 un~ . Mr. alse-Fllled It tull of molassel ,tbee. " But If It seem III unto thee ee <:pme ' wlth me I.nto ~abYlon, then fOC'- aIId.,~augbt ' fllea with It. ·bear. Whlth,er It seemeth good and Right! . convenient' 'unto thee to go: tht~eJ: The IDan who owns a baby go." . Will tell yOu how tt howlll, He'll .w"ar the kldl. a riulaance, A BNat Joy IlJled the heart "t Je.... And. 8'Oodnells. how h. Icowl8! mlab and he bowed low before Nebu. But. If you lay you know It, . t And at tho baby seoff, aar-Mall· _. ' . Tile d~, rou'lI nnd. III ready. "I, will :go back," he ·' ~iUd, almplJ'. To kllock ·your hea~ clean oft. ' 'They will need .'me." 'A nd N.bll&ar~i.dalf gave Jeremlal. A iollt of Turnltlla, vlctuall aDd a reward abel'let hfm ,0, "BtJIIII. I unden~nd. II aD the t!&SiD& h.arUlY, .. he did 10:' . 'l1li0..') . ' .'00 bNlkunto Qedalle, ·th.- !iOo ' 01 ''Yer. Ida · I~I •."-Baltlmore AId...... whom the ,kiD' of BabJJoaa ba'tIt . OftI' the dU.. .
ONCE A. CRIMI! TO GIVE! ALMS. Ancient Code of ElJropean . Law Pro vlded Severe Punl,hmcnt.
GRAY'S ELEGY. ("Full many 11 gem ot Full b,a n~' Il gob1 f
pUrp.Bt ra)' aeren..") r ay Is born to. blush unseQn ; Full mnn}' a l10wer th at ~ rnll o" to-(!aJ'. Full m a n y a leaf thal'g green, 'Will n e \ 'O l' make t.he drenllll'1' pauso, Nor his tond glUe cntrance, a ca u_ why, can't YOII see?-becaus. ) t never had a chance. Full mnn ~' n Dern oathenoe. l ' ull ma ny a 'rom well bold. Full mnny 0. Mllten- Illore the eheoa. 'rhun e'cr was John ot oldAre slttlnlr' :round the ' country 8to~ A - w t'llr l ng o ut t holr p a nt s •
nl'CauH......"'s hint d hCl'ctoror_ 'rhey never had no cllllnce. -WlIlls Leonard Clanahnn. In Judg•. AN EYE .TO BUSINESS.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •: : 8ERMONETTE, •• •••
: • : • : • : • : • : • : • : • : : _ • : : _ :
"Nebuzar-adan the ·captaln of : the guard (of the Chaldean army) • let him (Jereml;ah) go from: Ramsh, when h. had t.ken him being bound In chain. among all that were carried aw.y captive." -There II' no more comforting thought nor one which II a ,reat.r source of strength , to the child of God than to know that "the Lord knoweth them that· .re hi ..... nd that he "will • gpard and keep." : Th. one who walkl with God _ never haa to worry .bout· what : man mly do to him. knowing _ that God will ·not ,u""r .ny· : thin" to happen to the on, who • II doln" hl~ will but luch · .s : Ihall b. to the ultlm.t. bl.... • . In" of the Individual and th" : advancement of hll kln"dom: among men. • aol\:I:
t:~·d W;!:~e~~d~nJe:~:
~~: toO~a:ll~ t~:e=~~.o";~atl:.:
: : : ttlreat: "Thou could eat have no : _ power at all agalnlt me,l except • : It were given ttl.. abov ••" : . • . It II thll pOint whloh w. wish ,. : to make conc.rnlng th.• prophet 'Jeremiah at thl. crucial : • : . period In hll life. • He had been lelzed with : : other Jewi. put · In ch.lns .nd : • drlgged part w.y on the Ion" • : Journey from Jerusalem to Bab)'· • Ion, Might he not have well : : '~It that Q~.d ha~ for"otten him : - and that he wal being .unJuM. _ : I)' dealt with by the Chald~an : - army. for hall h. not for yeare _ : been coun.elln" IUbmlulon. to : - the yoke of B.b)'lon~ king'. : Here he was being dragged Off : • In chalnl Just aa though hi '. : were of the number of tlie re- : - b.llloul .nd un"odly Jewl. And • : no doubt ,Iuch treatment waa a : grim .. tls'actlon to • • lOurCI Jer. : : thl Jewllh en.nll.. • mlah, who ,.,hap. evan chided • : 111m with the fact that hll : . : 'rlendll,nell to ' the Chald.anl _ _ hid not leen;ted to "elp hll: • caul• • ny. _ : But see how Jeremiah prvved : :-a-double lource of ble.. lng and a.. • lervlce; It .ff~rde~ · Nebuz.... ·: : ' adan the chanc. to 'g lve ~'o,.. all • thl oth.r J.w. that Iplendld ' : teatlmony that J'I'.mlah ha' : _ Ipoken the very WOrdl of God _ : and It again offered Jlr.mlah : _ thll Cipportunlty of proving 1111 • : , lOve for Jllrulalem alld devot.on', _ ·to the Iplrltual Interelt. of: : . ~hol' Who rem.lned behind. It : • would have been more comfort. .• : ~ble , Iln~ ~f• . ,,,one on : _ to aabylon ,und.r the lIereonal _ : 'patronage and. 'p rotection . of : - ~.bular.adan ~han to · gli 'back _ : to ruined and poverty·,trlck.n : - JerUlal,m, but Jeremiah cho,.· _ : the latter . couree of self.abne". : - tlon. ' Anlt God knew and un. _ : ~eratood and ~red. ·for · him ••1 : - he ever will him 'who ·.erveth: _ . ..: ' : "1m · falt~fully. ,
·...-...................... . .-. ~
. . . ...
, \ . ' HE clank of the heavy ,chains IIOl!itded' with each step of th,e ' tet. tered capti~el' as they 'plQdded slowly over tbe du's ty highway. iferusalem' had fallen before "the mlgbty prowess of ttie army of the king ot Babylon. and now tbe capUves and 'the treuur!!' whlcb. ·had b~en" gathered ' in the cfty were being c~rrled ~1!o.4;k to Babylon, Nebuzal'8dan. the ca.ptalD' of the . had t,ilken sood palnl to eo that tbe clIolcest or the people and tlie beat' of the treasure ot the efty were ... ·cured to take bac&->. .. ' trophfea of waf . . for bls klDg" cam. a detaQh. meDt ot the C~dean arm" then ' tOI~ JoWed the ' loq' HDe of aDd bol'llll bearln, their .burdo of &Ii. _potl ot the ef~. Beldall th... alow· )l aDd paJDfuU, plodded til. 1tI~.. chaf.\la. aIIG 'Wlth tIlea~. w~ obIldrelL ..' .
Bob-If you do not mury me • ahaU take polson. Ethel-Well; don't torge t .that 'papa. keeps a cltlemlst'B shop. and hll aim Is to please. . 8ubtly Senled, The thing 18 odorlesR.-qulte And Y t, In aplto ot thllt. She canDot l1uft her hair with lIut peollie ameli a raL
. Queer Dllcovery. "Are you aware," Queried the board· er who re'a ds the scientific notes In patent·medlclne almanacs,' "that a per· lSon's two ears . are not of equal Itr en gth1" . "S~re • am," replied the cheerf'll Idiot. ". litnow lots of men who have a deaf ear tor beggars and a most acute one for lnvUaUonB."-Qhlcago Daily NewL . . 80mebody Hurt. . "A prize fight." remarked tbe thoughtful thinker. "II a good deal like a porous plaster." "Wbat'a the anllwer?" queried the party of t:he dense part. "Every time one Is pulled ott 1I0mebody getsi burt," ,' explained the t. t.Ohlcago I>ally News. NO CHANCE,
Na.tica--Had any seriouB love af· faIrs 'yet? rJataUe--No. and I never will. ha."o here. Why. tbe water In the creek 18'n't over four teet deep ' anywhere. How can a girl · g«lt b,pYQnd her deptb and. rE!scued In such a puddle .. ,t hat! . ~ ,
L,ook . Out for Ball.alU When aI.rslilp. gally 110at' n bol1t The mOl'tal who must dwell On earth won't .dare to venture 01lt Wlt.hout Il stout 'umbrell! . Naturally. . She (aternly)-Thls , memorl\nd'u m I found In your pocket. "Rlhbon for tlie typewriter·... lookB black. . He (sul'prlseci)-Qr 'course It doel!. It's the Ink ·ott the old ones.-BalU, more Amerloan.
.- ---.."..--
-I'I'M ..UP IN.t. A~M8 AG~iNI~
The seol'etary of tbe London ·;\1 0n· dlcl ly society repol'fs Ihat streel beg· glng Is on th e Increas . H e l:as lila· U S liC8 lo prove bls words. of cours. [lut s urely ev~ry man who has a penny to spare must have rend or h nr t! by this time t hat he real ly d Ot'!K a : ellow-cr uture nn lIl ·servlce wheu he gives It to hiln for the aski ng, sa.ys the Pall I'll all Gazette. It IB Inte restlu!: to recall tha t a code of European law in forc e for centuries dll' actually make almsglv· Ing a crime, 0.1 ways p\lDlsb ed sever Iy - -with death In certain cases. B llt this was ' 1,000 years ago, before tbe dawn ot ou ~ hapllY olvllhmllon. It must be '~on!e88ed, how ever, that there was In allpearance ot common sense about the famoua GraJ as oode. which rul e1 Norway, Ice land and much of EI gland. doubtles s , In ItB IJme. It began ~'y laying down Iltrlct rulea to make ea.. h fBmlly support III ow'n Indigent momben , or to show ' Buffi· clent cause for tbe failu re. Thi s Is lhe essenll al pr:\nciple of a 80uod syslom of poor rell"r. whlcb wo have s uffered to lapliG under tho direction of III·og · ress. Ha villg thus pl'ovlded ' ror the re l1pectable class oC paupers, as It may be put br(.lfty, tlle legislator could deal' firml y wi lll rovin g m ndicants and their ahettors. And he did .. It Is worth while to observe. bQw· ever. that th e family pauper had a guardian or trust e. appointed by tbe dlatrlct COUDcll,' who was res pons ible for hill decent subsis tence; It this man did not ful fill bls duty or tried to es· cnpe It. be Incurred the terrible pe nalty called escluslon-confinement In his house tor three years; anyone wbo found him outside was free to ldll hfm. They stood no nonsense in thos e days. An able·bodled pers on who begged 'II'as ou tlawed-equivale nt to a sentence of death. Anyone proved to have been wandering for 15 days without vlaJble means of subBlst ence was ' held to be a beggar, "within the meanIng or tbe act," and treated according. Iy. Bllt tho clause which most Inte.r· Asted us was that which . decreed that any man, wbatever his atallon, who gave money, or money'B ,\\,orth. to Il vagrant. at ,the dlstrlot 88sembly, or on hie way tblther. should be punished with exclusion. The crlme ,of almsgl.,Ing wu well understood In those days. Perhaps 1 should add that the Graju code was ofllclally ' promulgated In 1116. But It bad been In force. u the .!lremable declares, for. eenturl••.
The Ideal Diet. Tpo much food is as bad .. too Ut· tle and occasions a waste at energy and strength In the body as well 88 a waste ot nutritive material. BayS • writer In '-'What to Eat." While In the case, or Borne foods as purchased, n9tably meats, .some w¥te 1s unavold· able. the pecuniary 108\1 can be dlmln· Ishea. both by liuy~ng thoBe kinds .In wblch there la the least waste. and by utlll.zlng more carefully tban Is ordInarily donll, portlona or what II usually olused as refuse. Mucb ot the waste may be avoided by careful plan. nlng 80 all .to provide a comfortable and appetizing meal In lufficlent amount; but without ·exce88. It strict economy Is necessary .. the dearer cuts ot meats and the more expensive fruits and vegetables should be ed. With reasonable care In cooking and lIervlng. a pleasing and varied diet can be furnished at moderate cOlll It 'Bhould not b~ forgotten that dearnell of a tood material dependll not only on its market price. but also on the cost ot Its digestible nutrients. It should always be remembered that "tbe Id('al diet Is that combination of roodll which. while Imposing the least . bU.r den t)n the body, supplies it with. exactly su1llclent material to meet Itt wanta",. Animal. at N6w York ~oo, In the -total number 'of -mammall. blrda. r~ptlles and amphibians (4,034). on exhibition. tho New York Zoolog" Ical pat'k slandB to-day at the head at an the zoological parks and ' gardenl of the world: ' Derlln comes next. w~th a total 01 3,149. The area of the New York ZooloKlcal park In Ja.nd and, water nmbrace. 264 acrea. .or walks and roads there are about eight miles. and ot rences lOt,! mUes. The main· ten'ance Co~ce or the park. conBtantly on duty, embrl\ces 141 .person!'. The number of vis tors In 1907 WB.B 1.273.046-'nenrly .onMblrd of \be entire population ' of \..he metropolis ot tbe Amerlc811 continent. Ot tbls number It Is estlmated· tbnt a Quarler of a mil' lion vlsllnrs were from outside of New York cll)-.
Orlgln , of the "Black Hand." Ther4;l wo.B a foundation for the nanle "black hand." according to Eyerybo(\y·s. ' Baok In InqulslUon days In SpaIn there ' was La Mano Nlj!ra. a secret society whloh tougpt th,e government and the churcb. It ilasl!ed, !lnd. the .secret Bocletlelt of southern Italy were Its heirs. Twent)' .)'earl or more ago a. false report waB railed. In Spain that La Mano Nera had baen rilVlvlld. Th. Itory I\ligered In , the brain of 'a Herald ,l'eport4!r. and riDe flne day he attempted to reJuveDate ",anlng Interest' In a puzzlln. Italian mUTder case by speculaUnc .. to the Comln, to life. or the "l)Jaclr band" &mOD, LaUD ImmlpaDli lD Ameri~L The olll.r . D.WlPa~ letHel OD til. Jelen. easerly ~4 kept It &'OinS
Practical Fashions LADIES'
Paris Patte rn No. 2612. All Seaml Allowed.-'rbls mo'del ' has been de· s ign ed to wear under tbe new shea tb· fl lting sl;lrl and III' Clade without plait s or fullness of any. kind around the wai st. Tho model Is fitted to the wai st line by darta over tbe bipli and Is made In habit style In the back. 'rhe lower edge ' Is finished with a flounce ot lacc, whiCh may be omit· ted It desire d. If used. a ruching of sil k Is put on above In faucy design as a trlm mln ". The 'p atterll Is In seven slzes-2 2 to 34 Inches, wai st measure. For 26 waist tbe petticoat, cut Illas. requires seven yards of rna. terlal 20 Inches wide. 4~ yards 36 Inches wide. or 318 yards 42 Inch.e s ",Ide; each with 6 1A1 yards or. flouncing 12 Inches wlll'e; for skirt cut length· wise and without flounce, It needs 5% yards '20 inches wIde, 3%' yards 36 IncbeB wide, or three yards 42 Inches wide. Width of lower edge about three yards. To procure thl. pattern sen(! 10 cents til "Pattern Departmont." at tills paller. 'Write name and address plnlnly, and bo aure to £lve fi\20 and number lit pattern, NO 2612.
SIZE. . ......... , .... .
NAMi!J ...................... ............ . ... .. TOWN .. . .................................... .
STREET AND NO ..................... .. STATE ••••••••••• t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1>arls Pattern No. 26117. All Seam• . All\>Wed.-Oolden brown Fr'ench worst, ed has been used In tlie development of thla styJlljh little , frock. T,he front blls a wide ' backward·turnlng plait either- ' side of the center·front box· platt, lind Is joined to the yoke!" which are trimm,ed . wIth black or self·colored silk ti'rald. A box·plalt ornamenll.. the center·back . where ·tbe dress cloaea and tpe tull·length . sleeves are gath· ered Inlo cults trimmed with the braid. t-o. mat!!b tbe yokes. A narrow hem finishes tbe lower edge and the belt passes through straps at the un· der·arm seam!. and faBtens In front with a IImall button. The pattern il fn five slzes--one to nine years. For a. ~hlld ot five years the dress requires ' tpree yards ·of malerlal 27 Inches wide. 2% ya.rda as Inches wide, or two yards 42 Inches wide; 3'h yards ot braid. To prooure this patte.rn Bond 10 cenlis to "Pattern Department," ot. thl8 papcr. 'Vrlto nam e Bnd ad<1ress plnlnly, IUld be 'Bure 'to gIve .slze and number of pattern. NO 2597.
SIZE ............... ..
NAM,E , ..................... : ... , ... , ....... .. , TOWN .. . ............... : ................ : •••
STREET AND NO ........ ::............ . STATn: .................................... ..
Porlon.a llty AlwaYI Wins. Personal force never I;oes .out of rashlon. That is 8tm p~ramount today, an<l, In the moving orowd of good , society the men of value l\nd reality are kuo'wn and rise to their n.atural place.-Emerson.
Callfortnlals Trs.. Very Old. The great treea of Califorl\la. It been said. began, lit. tietore the earU;. ellt dawn of Chine Ie blltO..,., aDd ' at the time of the d~UBe were oleler thaD lhe art of printing t,rom t.Jpe II to-dQ, Pror. Cbaries E. BelMY, howeYw, COD'-nd. tli&t e"an 2.000 yea1'l I_ a peat oftr-eatlmat., actUal · CIOunt. of a tree 15 felt In iUa1Dellr baYlq
cate4· ODI,.
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Iestllhl1 n "illllgt' of
Ue " rg~ J.. '1)I'per t l> Li ll.'l.itl III rtoD
Two ~)h'orcl!s Granted···Ninc Mar.
I 'sued--
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RhO eumat.Ism ! . I!!
DltYil, a guarantee that
you~re g~tting t,he
· . lef, 21, oyster flavor. 'fbey are eniirely . eLer,...... ,,,,,,noll1&an ;..l °d'" U.non v uow y . . " differen~ from the oomm.on. t,ub oy. Clarence C. Ludlow,. 22, t~ober 8terl!. -- -. -~ GleD Eete and ElIzabetb I. Colbert.,. . ' 18 Lebaoon. Rev Poe. It lilll·t so dlffionlt to "trengthen , . •• . Il weak tltolUllob It one 60eS II.t it lSamon. E. Landen, 26, ftlrmer. correctly. And thill it! true of the Foe*«lr and ~rtha B. Bennett., 23, 'Heart II.nd Kidneys'. Th,e old ra8h. Foeter. Rev. Poe. ' 10Ded WilY of dOBiDg the l:ioollillch or Michael J. CUlio~, 29, blaokllwith stimulll.tln~ the ' Heart . Or Kid neys , Is surely wroog! l)r . Shoop firl!t Foewr ~d-caroJlDe R. Gabrio, 19, pointed out thi!l error. "Go to the . J'oe&er. Rev. Beckmau, CiDolona·t\. weak or "lIiog nerves of thelle ,or B. .Plowm~, 19. pipe fitter, gans." said he. Eaoh iuside organ Baltunore, Md', aud Etta Bee South ba.s I~ controlllog or "Inllidft nerve. 18; 'Olerk Lebanon Bev W A Wben these oen98 fall tben tbos& · .. . . organ, mus~ surely falter. 'l'bis vi. Cooper. tal truth ieleading druggllta every. Real Eaaate rnDlfen. where to disp8nlle and reoommend • Dr. 8hoOp's Beaterstlve. A ' few Wa.lclrofI C. Gilmour ~ Obarlee davit teet willllUrely tem tkJld by BftI.... aDd Loute 8, 8ro""p rat all d_lers.
we are giving this space for the benefit .of our reader. We are ' going to make these offers to you and hope thereby to not only benefit you, but to make others happyas well.
If you have a neighbor that docs not lake the Gazelte, show him what we ha,'e to offer. He nlRY be unly too glad to a~1l1l himself of this opportunity . . We will allow a commission on every ne, sub.. sc ription to the Gazette. You can make quite a nicc sum by taking lIubscriptions for the Gazette.
Christmas Presents These magazInes may be sent as' Christmas presents to loved ones. Rememt>er, they will be scld to any address separately that you wish, and In this way you can make two or three hearts hap'py, for there Is nothing that a person 1Ikes better than a gOOd magazine. These offers had better be taken advantage of as soon as poSSible, so that If they arc intended for Christ. mas presents, they will reach their destination in time to make some heart glad. . .
We can furnish you with any magazine published. amI at a reduced rIIte. The money ml;!l1 alway!! aeecJI" pany the order. ~nJl and hl~ it over with liS.
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R.aLe,~ond EddmoEud''2' h finest °Ylterij produced and tbll.t .• 1, PM ' o~Ro~rII'Ph •. they ha~e the real, piquant, delioate
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Textile Co.,
:~:::~u::V~;:b~~nioe M.
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I\rl MOllnta Shoehllll f. H u.vlng .0Illy re ently om pIe ted ;"4 " c ros ill \Yl\ r ro ll (\[)t1nt y. Mnbel M O\lnt~ HIIII/.! IlDd Carl ij u\ fur ther additions t o ourfllc, New ·ulls. in u po ition lill y HUI\!;: to Pellrl Monntl! ~ohl eohllur. tor y , ,ve will b tim e ILrtel' Uotober 15 to furnish em. buIes 1:1 . JOLiIlS VI' . DiJiluh"!:inr ' 74 lI ore!! In '''t1.rren ·t)unt,y, 11 . pl oy ment to II uumb er of y oung ley . PetitIOn a klni( for pllr ti t ion Commissioners' Proceedings. wuinoll eig hteen yellr~ of uge lind of property b y l\e oft' or by Itle .Jtl rmUI Fo l1~ n, r . • ~td ll t':V . ' uo ; R . of prelllillElII . if Ut'Ct'~l'!RI·Y. WlIlrm) 9ars hlmri:()I'. stllRry , .1(\; L hllnon ItUI)V6, 111110 youu g ·m llrried mell a.o d .1. Wright · ~rn · y for pl(l int.i ff . PIII,r ioi . pl1blishill g I!Il rifftl pt'O 11\· b lids of fll illi Ii Q wholre tb ere are tv.-II or m'ure b ildr n. abo,:e the !-l a rry E. Diltl t ush VII Anlltl B. IlIIlM ,m , ' ,10 ; Th We I,tl rll tital' , lJilll tllsh. Pe tithlll fd r f,j GO(l. plltiu publishing "hllrlff 'l! Ilruoltutlllt,ion. I O~ lIl wurking IIge lind wh ere all de tift' ol(liwlDg der6 U d ~llt pr >nJi slld f,4 0; The W IIteln Htlll', blunkll tor Ire stoutly tlUlpl oYlUou t . promissory note to him for se r· olerk ,*ii; l..ebl\n oo Ntlt ioulll BlI.nk, Fa!' further pa.rt.iC ~ ItHS tiddrel!E! : vices in set tiemeDt v f CIH t Ki ll est~.l te. o ffi '6 !'eut f o l' 11m outOI' , $25 ; G EiO American Pad and Hamiltoo Ilncl Brown . I\I torn aViI for E Yonll ~. xpense8 for proseolltor. Greenfield, Ohio. *1 2.40 ; J . S. Morri... , suppli es for ~~"'!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!! lllaiotift'. tienry Crew V8. AliroD B . Ohlin. •• 'r . ' . putt • 0 I er k . '~I • 0r . ..,0 0, ,. er ,~un • post. = dler,1l8 gutlrdi." n of Frllnk lark, iog proolaulI"t i on ~ , $5.50; W. H ONLY A LACK OF FACILITIES & C' 0 . , n H". \"s for lLuditor , . imbeoile. Petltloo for mOlley for S." ""Oll ~e er:!ces ~6 de~eodllnt,. Amount· *30 i Ruggle (hie Uo ., bIll oks for lnra's 1l11nty took h er f.or.a .v~sit o)alm,td $.1 89. 211. . Seth \V . Brown , pro)1t I te lOCe · d ,",w ...) '10 •' J . R . Honter t o Ningtirll Falls. AU-er viewing . . attoroey for pillintl~ . e Xlle11ge8 liS members of hotird vis. the great ~aterf~1l fOI: ."ome tIme. I tors. 115.55 ; Dr. 8 . '. Stahl and N. and the little girl fL lIhog to mak., Court Proceedings. State of Ohio VI!. Clifford Maid A. HRmilton. pOlit mott m over a ny remark!! • . aunty tried to draw win. Defeodant arralgoed io court body ot J .•1. Bunter. 140 i Ma80D eODle expreeslO~ froLD her us to '0 answer indiotment lind pleud~ Lu nber cOIIJJltiny, cement. f,lS <; w.h at !lhe t.hou~ht of t be li P cttiole. 5tuUty. Uourt t heo defendant. t:lpencer und Monroe, lumber, 1355 j FI~al1Y she s~ld : t2 aDd OOllt",. John .Linder bridgA lepairs fot: C1~rti , don t you t~iO~ , the fallt! State of 0111 0 v . W . E . . Bamber. Olearoreek towoship, $~4 i 'f . N. are ~eautiful, \Von~er!1Q1. nod wa~ Prol8Outing attorney on behalf of Wilkersoo. bricJgo repairs for Waeh· umazed at tpe child II nOllublllent slate wnh consent of oourt enter tl Ington ·towoshiP. "19.25; '1'. N. Wi!. reply : nolle prosequi to indictment.. kerson. lumber "40.90 ; Fred Hay, ' 'O!I. yes, I s'p Be fi O; \:iut i '~In~ Frederlok Frieburg extr., vs. nero contraot, 142.:13 i E . W . ears, ollr .oreek I\.t, ~ oUl e could uo It If ~t Minnie Houok, et a( . On oorll6ider. lomber Bud repair!, $18.1 : Joseph had 1\ place. -:Noveruber WOIIIIlU B ation of demurrer to answer court Gilmour, bridge repairs in Salem HODle CompuOIon. find!! llame well taken and sustains township. ' 31.45 i Lennie Whitacre, How Is Your Digestion same. lomber, "52. 08 j G. W. RoberUlon , Airt'. Mary Dowling of 111 0. 228 th Frederlok Frieburg V8. RlI.obllel repairs In Wayne township, '19. Ave., /:lan Franci co, recommends II. Benthlen et a1. Court finds plain. Contraots-liont-raot was entered remedy for st..> much tronble. ~he tUfbaelegal right .to O)OE~.fonrth of loto with Fred Havner for putting says: "Gratitude for wooder. property and etich defendant tbe In an 18 Inch oorrugated sewer and 101 effeot of Eleotrlo Bitters 10 a case nme. f . bing . stone Kod oement for of aoute Indl&est·lon, prompts thie urnlS . testlmonlt~l. IlI.m fully oooviooed · Sate of Ohio vs. Homer Brant. head walls for same oellr rOillden08 tbll.t fur etomaeb and liver troubles On appltcatlon' of defendant oouocil of Fred Bayner in Uoloo township Eleotrio Bitters is the best remedy il ordered appointed for plaintiff at the estimate 125. on the market to.dtly. " : i'hls and W. O. '1'bompsoo 18 th"refore Contraot was eolered into with tonic and alterlltive .medtolne invl~ . orates the system purifies tbe blooa appoinsed. Rube Jones far proteotton to apron and Is espeoially helpful in all Phoebe Merohant VII. WilHam B. aod wa,ll a' bridge near residence of forme of femnle weakness. . 50~ at JloCain. Plaintiff moves that de. Rube Jones' on Corwin aod Roxaoa Fred C. t:Iohwartz's drug store . fendantseparately state and nnm: road in East Wayoe tOWD8hlp at ei' .. - ~--bel' the eaveral defenoos oontalned tlm~te of '16.50. "I{ANBERRY SAUCE 'In defendant'll answer !lnd llame is Oontract was entered Into with P t f b ' ordered by ODurt. Joseph NlohollJonfor repair of bridge h Uftt ot;'e.qbullb·r 'lor or~nt erfrlelidover WII A. J. Malott; VII. GolUnll Earohart. on roads oear Cla.rkl!VlIle and where t e rde'l"tltth a a Pkl'o °tiloob k • . ter lin e em 000 un ro en Coart orden! tbat plalntUf recover\direoted In Wasblngtoo townsbip I Ad ' d f from derendant $150, the r8llidue of also to turnish lumber. . 'odP eeeks. til C1th~ POtl10 0 folug\lr damagee 800 tit . ' • __ Iln 000 uo IS mEl 1t8.-no ong · Ella JObn.!n' J* h H " J h TiGkIi ng, tight Conghs, oa~ be er, as leogtby cook'iog tende to Pial Iff VI p. . a Q. surely ILnd quickly 10OBene<) With a make the sauce bitter. Take f\'Om lion. nt Is granted dtvoroo predOrlption Druggl8t<1I are (ilspens. tbe fire and eet a8ide to 0001 -Tbe aDd la liven the oustody of ohildren. laR everywhere al Dr. Bhoop's . Martha Ball vs Lena Ball Di . Cougb Remedy. And It ie 80 very. November Delineator. vorce .ranted';' prayed fo~ aud very: different than oommeo oough ..... - - --. - medloines. 'No Opium. no Chloro. A olergyman . writes ; ·tPreven, plaiaM ordered to pay ooats. form absolutely nothing harsb or ~ios. thoMe little ,CandY'Oold Oure Frank B., Rudy VII. Bell trice Rudy. unsaie. The tendar leaves of. a. TabJets,,8 re worklog lI~oode~s In my Coart af*«lr examining evidenoe harml888, lung hoollI,lg mouotaun. parieh .. .t'reventlos surely Will obeok flad!! plAlnttlf noteDtUled to rlivorce 008 shrub, sivea the oura.tive prop· a cold, ·or the Grippe, in a very few ertielto Dr. Shoop'ICough Remedy. hours. And Preventl?8. are so safe .. sought. Those leav98 bave the power to oalm Rod harmleas. No QluDlDe, nothing Probate Court the mOtit distressing Cough and &0 h~rsh Dor'l'lokening. Fine for fev. • Bootbe and heal tbe mOBt sensi. ertsb rest·leu ohUdrEID. 80x o~ 48 Iila"'te of Layette 8. Rue, decea8ed. tlve bronobial Motbers tit 25c. Sold by all deale.s. Bile blll of adminl,trator filed. should. for safetY'1 sake alone, al. - -....~--=· Iilaate of A. V. .F~r, dooeased. ways demand Dr, Shoop's. It call . IRON HANDLE COOL . Admlnl.~ratrlx filee amdavlt of fi. with ~rfeot frAedom be giyen to nal eettle .. t of "'sta~-.· even the youngest babes. Test It 10 making iroo.holElera slip a little ' .... ...., yourself I and see. ~ld by all deal. . · . pieoe of allb8lJtos bet'l9,een Uie ont~ .Ea.te of Sarah E. Koogle, de erll. oeaeed. nrlt and finlll 8ccount AN AP,T cOMPARISON side a.nd the lUling. '1~hls will 9· 1 l 1 e d . l u t e l yprElvent burnloQ: tbrongh the Eeate of Edwin Outler, deceased. '~Iehlpt". Oysters whioh are .holder, and the hol,d er will la8t Admlalltra~r ordered ~o sell prop. now OD 811.1e by Walter J. Kllbon twice Rlilong. ~The Uovember De· arty at private 1161e. are a recent developmeot in im· Iinel\tor. --:..-M8rri. Llcerues. proved metbods of oyster shipmeot, Watcbed Fifteen Year, They are paoked by the National Obrtatopher 8. Warren,. 32, New Oyster Varrier Company, & coocero 'For fifteen years .I h8V~ N8to~ed York City, Ii.lelman &0 MIU Clara . b se . i be I'k d t th t the working of Buoklen s Arlnca. Lue.n a .NuU, 31, ,Franklin. Rev. E. w tOh . 8 m may t dl etne 0 a Salve i and it lias. n.e ver . to Do }a.a Franklin Ohi 0f a m 0dern up.. 0 a ·e neW8pa. cure any hare, buil, Ql·oer !lr burn to ~, , o. . ' per of the Gazette 01081<, inll.smuoh whloh it was applied. It hilS suved (Jliar1el Frederlok, 23, labOrer 8S' both Bre serving the poblic the us many a dootor bill," saYII A. F. KiD88.,~nls, and Maud Brown, 24, one In furDialling fresh olell.D ~ew8 Ha.rdy, of Ell-ljt Wilton, Maine 2.5; mill ' prov id tnl!: ' !oye t erl! WI'th a.t Fred '0. Scbwartz's drag store. M 8employee, Kioge Mille. Rev. . th . e 0 tb er In ...... __ . -,... _ _ r. wargo the same quality.. DEMOCRATI.C MEETINO Joha. Ennis, 11l, laborer, Morrow. '1'he ~8tlOnal Oyster UlI.rrierCoDl and Cora A . .tlettlell. 19, Morrow, " ' ~_ B ' ·...-L I pany pliok "l)elllsblpt · Oyster~ in 'rbe Uemool'at6 bad a speeoh at & v. au. rown,"'" nevll e. t 1 taO lth . d tha . LiDdley R. MoAdams, 30. paper s ~t ~D InNera ,w Ice atroun . . Habn'e Ball Thursda.y ~veulng by ;. 8 tb r ._\._ G 0 000 aloer:. 0 108 or wa. er oomes Rev Cllrrier candidate for Repre maaer, ou UOIu.llon, race an· I . t ·tb ~h 't h' ...OD, 28,80 tb Lebanon. R " r. n coo aot WIt t lid • e oys er/.!. sot t eJ sentati ve• He 0 ev'..... t .spoke . for au hoor on HagemaD ~on~umer ge s so mea ·s, ~a nra the q Ilestlon of the day. -:..... C· H ~ 10 11216 and oolor..:..oot bleached Ilnd _ • ..,--_ _ F """ . arts~k. :"5, banker, bloa"-". or masbed by lue, . ill d" 1 J . M ' - ' A man never appreoiates the valul' W "Sealsblpt" Oysters are sold from of bls wtfeuntn he wants to use her . . a7 neev e an Caro yo • osber 2', Waynesville. Rev. Mr. Cadwal· I' 11 d d' 1 b ' II porce alD ne ISP ay wit "8 00 exouse for riot golog to war. lader. . . the "8ealsbipt" trade mark in blne Jamea H. Bogao, 28, fa.rmer of aod white 00 the.'outsJd e'. Tbis is !"'!"'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other News
Ltllllll1 utl , U UO ..
.", .-
.............. -
~ .. wwwlw ....... ww ......
Note Carefully These Wonderfully Low Prices, Make Your Selection and Order by the Offer Nu~ber. OFFf.R NO. I
1 00
Goodl:iou@ekeelling .. t yr $1' 00 Plctorhtl Review.. ... .. 'I. 00 Miami Gazett.e ......... ,. 1 00
price .. .. ......... 3 00 Our Prke ............ : ........ ~2 50
Publisher 'lj prl o ... .... .... a ()O . Our Pr·ce .... .. ' .... ..... ... . $2 GO
Sl1C06llS ............. .... 1 Y I'
Co8mOltOli t an .. .... .. Mlami·Gazette.. .. ..
.. "
U 110 1 00 .
Publ~her 'e
OFFER NO. II Everytody ........... .. . 1 .vr $1 5(\ .A merlcan Boy .... .. ... II 1 00 Plotorl"l Revltl w....." 1 GO MI ~Ull GllzeHe. .. ..... •• 1 00 Pl1bll8ber'", prloe..... ...... "flO Our Price ...... .... .. ...... " . $a 59
___ 1_ S!Z
OffeR . NO,
All1erloan.Maga ~ine .. l yr $1 00 A merioau Boy ,.. .. .... I' 1 00 Miami Un~6tte .. ...... ., 1 00
.ludge LibrlLry ..... ....1 yr :$ L 00 B08ton Cooking Bohool 1 00 MiaOlI Gllzette.......... .. 1 00
World e Work ..... 1 .vr Everybody... ..... .... •. Suocess.. .. ..... ... .. ... i. Miami (:JlI.zetttl ... ,.. .,
Publi8her·s · prl~e .. .. .... .. .. ;J 00. Our J»riClj ......... ...... .. .... $2 50
Publisher 's price .. . :...... 3 00 Our Pri~e ................ ~. . . $2 5(}
Pnbllshel"s ptlce .. .. .... .. .... 6 bO Our Price ..; ......... .. ....... Sf 'Iii
OfFER NO. 8<
Cooking Ulub...... .. ... 1 yr $1 00 Metropolitan t............. 1 00 .KIt1.mi .UHa.ettl'l ..... .. .. " 1 00
Publisher'" prioo.. .... ..... II 00 Our Price ... ,.. ......... ..... $2 50
price" : ...... a 00 Our Price .. .. ....... . ,........ ~ liQ '
GRrden Magazlne ... l yr *1.00 Unole Rewus,.. ..... ... ' 1 0/) . Miami Gllzette .. , .. .. ., ' I 1 00
Reviflw of Reviow8 .. 1 yr $3 00 Suocess .. ................ " 1 00 (;OSDlOPOUtaD' ...... ,.. 'I 1 00 Miami Gaaette........ I' 1 0(1 '
: II.
OPFER NO.5. 'Womllu's Home Oom. plI.nion ... ...... .. :1 yr $L lAli Delineator.............. q 1 00 Mlumi Uazette . ...... " 1 00 Publisher's price ..... ...... . a ~5 Our Price ... ,........ ...... $2 75
Publlsher'lI prlot' .. ...... ,..
11 VU :I
1 00 6 60
Publisher'lJ price .. "" ...... 'I 00 Our Pri"e .... ..................$4 5Q
Metropolitan ...... .. . 1 .n World··11 Work .. ,,,. " Cosmc;.polillLn ...... ,. " Miami Ga.ette... .. ..
O" ......u .. .. .. ............... $4 'Iii
_ 01 . Aau" ,
Publisber's llriee..... ...... 3 00 01": ~I'jee.................... .2 5Q
1 110 1 00 1 00
Hllrper's Ba1\rtr" .. : . •1 yr $ 1 00 . ils Hopklos.. .... .. .. .. 1 00 MiaD11 Ullzette.. ...... ., 1 00 II
fa Ub
OFFER NO. IQ Everybody.... .. " ...... 1 yr $1 Delineator .... ......... , .\ 1 . Barpdr's Bamr.: ..·.. I' I 1 Mla'lli Guat.te ... :.... ', 1
60 00 00 00
~ubll8her'e prloe ....... .. ... 4 50 Our Erlce .................... $3 50
DeJloelttol ... .. :.:.... 1 yr Goo'il Boueekellplng .( J udj(8 Li brary ... .. . ( Cooklug OJub........ ., SSa Bopkia8 ....... L . .. u Miami c:.h ulette .. ,. " ,'-
" 1
1 '00 1 00
100 1 00 1 00
PObllshers' price ......... '" (l, 00 Our Price for All ......... .. 50
Don't dell\)' too 1\lI1I In maldn• liP your order. aathey may soo'n be taken out.
1'imell Stllr ...... :............. ... ........ 1 year '2 00 Farm Press......... ..................... 10 26 flight Qealltlfol flot"res ......... " 1 00 Miami QIl~~ttC .. !' .. . , .............. .. ,. II '1 00
Ohio State Jouroal. .. .... .'.... ...... 111 rno t3 00 ('I Ills Il\'ler 1V1I11I1I[ be 11000 afLer OCI , 318t) . Nllilooal ~tookmll.n 'lUd Farmer ... 21 mo 25 MII\ml GIl.Z8bte ..... . .. ....... ;........... lYr 100
All for .... :........... :.... ..... .. ... ......... ...... 4 i'fi ./ Our price for all ................ ........... ..... ,' : $3 50
All for .... , ....... : ............ ............... ......... 96
O~r ~'iee ........... ....... , ........ \..........., ... $i 00
You tb's Com paolon ....... . ....... ,.1 yellr 75 Miami GI\!i:st,te .............. , ............ , 'f. 1 00
Both fnr ..................... :..... ..... .. . ......... Our price ........ ......................... , ..... .. . '$2 65
Dayton Journal. ............. : ... ..... ~ year .~ 00 Mlllmi Gaaette·... " . ......... .. .. .. :.... I' 1 00
Both for ...... , .... ........ :......, .... ......... .... Out price ..... , ........................... .......; . $2 90
. ... . . . . . . ... , .................... . . . . _,w
· e. N otlC.
~~~,~:I~H~~i!~iSt=5 ii
,We WIl t onr rea<1er8to have ·tbe Plane}' benefit· of ~be m~Mulne" and Dew. ' papers' mentioned 10 oor ' on'ers Bnt tllilt ill lICIt- all. We ORn 'urntah any m(~gnzIJle or newspaper publlsbed. at a reduoed price Aod why~ BeoaQle _ • • •_ • •- . we II.rll in " pC!l\Iltlo'l to furnish them at a price that ali can alford So boy, and the'reby Mllve a lot of tn (,ney on the·tI'IlOsllotion . . . IlFMllglI.zines CIIIl be furolshed lIeparat.ely If de!llired. . _ _ 10 Meodlng your order by ~1l11 money mU8t llooom)Bny the order. Thll wUl be "b~oIQ"'ly neoe88ary In order to ,ftt t·b e mlllfa~lfJell, as OWiDK' to t.he extremely low price of tho offer8, t.he cash mnllt aooompllny t,he orller. . . , All ordera IIhoo,1d be wrltteD plainly, aDd addreaaed &0
.......... ~UlIIGU.
C i\1_1.1·: N ~: I.ll(l : .
\lAI.I.~; V
'1· ~~ I_ F. I ' H
It doe~, notfolJow that\n establish. Ing agrloultural courses in our township high schools that we expect every' farmer boy to take that oourse rather than II. oluslo, solontltio or billsinoss course. All theae ahould /Ie ,?pon and fun to both town and cou[l~try boy. £be oountry boy may eleot the bUl!lness oourse the ~own bolr lrI!l.y eleot the I1gricultnre o ur8e.
I'lal ll
:-i l" '\l l II ~
" 11 1. 1. Nt!.
0 . I".
Halc!! of S ubHcriplillil
I -------------------------! Rates of Advertisements
U ne VI-or ( In r lcLty lu a, h ' Ut h't- J
I.u l
S lng l L' \..'upy
pu r 11 .. 0: fill·... l 'l!r H ilt."
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Ol. play "'\vert/al,ng, pur
Iolllh . , '.
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UI8c01l 11 t k ~Ivc II 00 eon I rlU"t..
Vou't Jiiok IIhont, HDnla ' I Iitl,le thing lut the eleotl'ie lig ht h\l1 !
*****.*.**.**.'**•• **** ••*.*•• ~** * **.*
'!1he next Teachers mooting day, November 21st.
Is Your Watob Siok?
, Sohool Board meeting, 'first Mon. day evening of eaoh month. !:!ohool Board-Chas. Smith, President; ••-----------~~. Jos. 'Bisey, J. ~. BobbUt" Jn o, WII · 'son Burton Ea.rnhBrt. C.H . (:;Iem. ents, Clerk. C. E. Bratto n, ' , opt.
Milllo[uLire8 Ilre founding Hbra. , . ' ries and' art gal1erie9 for oity ohil. rhe underSIgned Will sell Ilt pubdren blllt who 'Is doing II. like ser. li sale Friday, Novem ber (I, 1908, vioa tor the ohildren In the country? at hIS home in Wellmu.n , u. t 1 o 'olook , the foll owin g; 'i' wo hOl'ses, one a Let pll'r eut"s teaoher!! Iiud 8choo l good driviug Illar e, (j ill! rublJol' tin, olUoe l's IlUontl the ope n m oeting Bt buggy, new, hurll Otll!l, e to. I:;f ollije . hold goods, stoves. dishes lin t! kitoh. Uruul(e l:1ull, Deoeulber l\lth . Prof. A : B. Graham of 0, 1:;. U . en utentllle u.ud ohiokens . Columbllis will lie present a~d make Term s of sale :-A ll sumBof IG.OO an address. oash i over $5.00 u. oredit of ten Proi. Graham has daUb and Is still months. W. '1' . •1'OI'da D. '. 1'. Hawke, A uot . dGlng muoh for tile hettellnent of ruralsohools. '1'. 'r. McG uinn . Clerk ,
A mon g' Our' Country Schools.
"ThOll xlwll ell/ wr(} p u nil em'ich tlw I ljc oj' lhe country f'hi ld "
*' ' ;, ***.**** ***1H¥:************* **********
I can ctire the ills of your watch very quickly If you will bring it to me. I will be at Coleman's Stove Store every Wednesday all day. ClOcks Cured, also. '
The exeoutors of the estate or The followj ng popils wero neither ' 'l'ha fllrlll l'oh oo l pro bl em Involvell trlot lIubool alone '; aud so with many the late Joseph; G . Keys, deoeastardy no:r "baent for tbe month of the welfare of Olore people thUD !lny ot,h er s now b oldlng responsible po. Ootober: ee\ will offer at publio sale, ·,rburs· Let's buck Ie down to b'lro work oth er , 'l'he hUl)Ortance of tbiS : sUloulI. 'L'he~v hud an eU'DOI·UI,onIIU BUgill , Grovo 8oh ooJ Mi sR DaVis, dllY , Nove~nber 15 , 'l~O ,at 1 o 'olook now, aud ltefortl !!u oWfil et!, lilt '/! h .. ve problHIII lieH Illlth In t.lle number , t raining In home dut.ies on the farm, 'L'elloher Enrollment 16. u.t ,t he olUoe of IlIlHl deceue'n t on 1& few IItreetll tl xtlll ill n 1' 1 I'l'tlul alJ Ie illllD e,l hltl! ly nlfol l ed nuu indireJtly 1UDd, l>ossiblY the.v ooulu made The Watch and Clock Dodor , Mlun street" the followin g u.rtloles: In th .. potenoy of those Ii ves in glv. Ii ~uooe8S iD life In spite of the condition. Harold E:l1rnhart Mau~son Ellrnhllrt One good general purpose horse, ~======::===: log cliuructer to til e nution. fl ow· Kohools: We pick out the hulf doz- Russell t;urflloe MArIe Surfaoe tire-proof '!Iafe, desk, bookoMe, ~ We want to 0l~1I t hl) ut,teutiuu of Iever "Jlticing it muy be, t he life of l en tu.rmer boys in a. 'ooDntry. per- Barry Roland Sarah Mote stoves ohairs stable and garden WALTER MCCLURE, our rOllderti to our mugll il:l uo offer . 1tbe greil,t to wnll Is utitioiul and haps, who have beoome famoul, Milry Roland ' tool a ~to '' , It Is the b s t ever tlnel t'llUulu lJe tao ali!l!liJi',peU by t be 'prO!l!mre of the But bow about the great number Mt. Holly Hobool , Mi8!! MoKlDtlBV, Te~m8 ~f sale :- Amounttl of $3, 00 Funeral Director. keD advllutltgfl uf ~t. UIIO • j1(re ll,t tUrun"!!. In it l! I1tmosphera unbea.rd of In dtor ' life ? Dill they 'r eae he't , Enrolhllent '1,7. anll under cash i ove r that amount the LUilliln !'orol! lire (,.ie ... ltllli~.p.d play their pa.rt well in the str\lCltlei' Pauhlle J~"rlatt Edna Oornell II. oredlt of H1X: monthll wi~h two ap· lind II windl e lnt.o abnorlJl<i1 weak. Did they enjoy t.heir rights aa chll. Irma Daughters Letitia Vaughan proved 8ureties. What in the world Will UOW8P"· Desse;; dren in the country Fohoolaf But Adria CO"t"nell Telephone day or night. Albert Marlatt W . H. Allen, pers that hllve b~eD publishing 001. 'l'hili 18 80 tr:ue tha,t the grel1t en· time8 and oondltions have .ohanged Lena Mar llltt Va.lley phone No, 7, Long Martin Ml\rllltt Frank Brandon, urun a'to,r oolumn of oumpl1ign mat. ' terpri. ell of I,he olty Ilre ustHined Sll muoh In tbe pl18t ' tbirty years. Perry I:!lZIlth Distanoe No. 69-9r. AUia Burton C. T. Hawke, Auo~. Exeoutors. ter do now ? 'l'he " boiler pll1te" tac-' only hy tbe lufusion of men who Hence the boy who leaves the OOUll. Floyd Daughters WaltAr Huley • • tarle, ",III suffer 118 well. OHIO; ha ve h elll pl ow handles or wielded try sohool for the oity mDst be muoh KI\tbryn Dllughters George Smith I~b eumatitim promptly driven WAYNESVILLE, the ax better "' prepared than the boy of ~pr in g BI:lI.noh l:!cibooJ, Johu Stra wn, from the 'b lood with Dr. Sboop'8 Rheomatio RaDledy . Don't . waste Draneh OJllee, Harvey.bure, Q. 'l'h old Iltory of the glan' AlItlle1l8 thirty years ago. It will take thll oountry sI'veral time with oommon rllrnedles. A I ' Teuober Enrollment It1. But per~aps too we should not be m onths to get Qver t ills eleotion. IIke 'ull greut Dlyths, iM but the em test will s urely tell , In tablet or Glenn l~ Bobblet, Uanavll Curt is liqUid form. tlold by all deal ers. R. BATHAWAY It blt8 b aen Ii bard CIlUlplllgll from bodio.l ent of" u ... lural IlI;ow., 'L'o get overanxious Ilbout the five or ten Berth" Orou~~' 1 alirry Laoy beginning to encl, and ,one thQ,t will his stl'ength IInd,to hold hIS strflngth peroene who doubtless wiJJ 8000eed Lester Curtis Earnellt Braddock Waynesville'8 Leaditig Denttn be remem berfld for yeetrs to' come. the ohild mu@t touoh hia mother in spite of auy or 1111 RohoolR . Our Car1 Dak in Forest Hobbl et Office In J{eys Bldg. Kala 8' earth, mUi't Htrogile with the oold ohief oonoern In this new age should Red 01111[, MillS 6 .. yner, 'l'elloher, . . and heut, mUl!t know bow pla,nts be $0 tl60ure UD equillity of edUOI1Enrollm ent 6. Another preilide otud .n hOH grow mll.. t eXjJer Ienoe h ow th e k not tional opportunity for the .,.....ekt l'revaiencT of KIdDe, Dlaeaae. • people do not realize the a:arrn· N one tardy or absent tlio last ingMOSI oome and gone" and . WIth 1t hus yleldf\ to the "'killinl wedge, JUust malls o~ couutry ohlldren who get iDcrease and remarkabl e preH\kncy brOUg~t lots o~ ~1"a~)JllIlltlllllllts, Ilod wretil le wi l.h Ittborll that test hia en- nil other' tradlug for life's dut.ies, t,bret' weeks of the' month . of kidney di"~llsc, While kidney dis- Undertaker 'and Embalmer. the hard o!lmpalgmDg d,JUd by tbe uuru.noe, and muat feel the joy of su flir liS hooks are oODcllrned, than Blsey School, Mis8 Fealy, Teuoh er, orders are the canlUda&es will tell o~ IUIM nervoUtl his 0 ", D mallterfuluess, The de- t~at acquired in a. mlsernble build. EI1t'ollment 26. most common Will be found In t)le old diseases that pre· s1stem soon. mondH of bls life develoll In tbe Ing with bleliit, unkempt gro\1ndB, 'Laut'enoe Brown Nina. Simpkins vail, th ey are Bank Bollding, oppoat&e oounu'y boy R aelf.relillnoe Rnd a WIth no Ubrary 0,," nOO688llry edQO&- Mlirle 8hott.s Boward Shutts almost the last the National Bank. 1'he reetl fDU of u 8RIIl1we'en n~Kht fuonlty fQr Ildaptation which, though tioual equipment, with a short ~erm John An~lerson Herold Mered\th rec ogni ze d by Telephone In house and ot· patient and phy.nd one that tbe boys Imd glrl8 hidde n ulfder a oloak of awkardne8s, of lObool!lnd olt~n in obar.~ of BD iCdtt,h ADdersou Jennl e Andenon " aicians, tDlu, confloe wbere I can be called would enjoy- tl.ud av~n the older give him a p o wer not possessed by untraIned" u.o derpaid se&ober. , - - ' ent tAem Sfll 'll 'II Briar 8obool. Miss BUllllet, day or oight. tDilh doctoring th~ t1/'tct., while the origfoh,s-would be to hllva ureal )JII· ohl.d who hall not had this na'l'hacountry ohild htl.s rights. Be Teacher, Enrollment 14. illal di,eal6 undermfnes lhe system. Valley PhODB 1'-2. rad,e , dressed in their regi(l)eDt"I~, tur .. 1 I,l'alnillg, It Is from Buoh pec- is enlitled to a avuare deal in oppar· , What To Do. Neta.iu tialms Edward Mullen Wayneavill., Obi•• ..nd it would atf,rllot lots of jJoopJe pie thll' tbe leadors of the world tuohie8 to enjoy the bel' tbat olviU. There is comfort in tlte knowledge Sf Main Street. Doward Whitaker often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer'l> to see them too. oome. zatlon of the world thna rar hu pro.. E;arl &ms Hazel Mullen Eugenia Whita,k er Swamp-Root, t be II'reut k.idney remedy. 1'ha ' great oenters of popuh,tloD duoed. To him shoul. come all the fulfills every wish III cllring rheumatism, Durward Vloe Lena Whitaker pain in the back, kidneys, liver, billdoler • th i I II.Ot &11 ml1eJstroms w,hloh ga~he.' in'; fUDd"mental braDohes well "u~\ht, i 1n .. commun.y ere 811 ways a , . . d I t I rto t Barmony Grove Scbool, MI88 Bur. and every part of Ihe urinary passage.. let of young fellowI:' t.hllot tbl~k tbey to their swirling rush all thllt tbe an a 80 ar, mUll 0, 1. 1'& ure, do- " gett. 'reaoher, Enrollment ~8. It corrects inability to hold Wllter Highest Cash Price and scalding pain in passing it, or blld are j U8. ' clin me8tlo 110lenoll,. manual iraininll and t littl e b I' t b r I'g ht,ar th Itn."he outermost oiroles of luflueooe effects followmg use , of liquor. wine ~r town had ever possessed betora, get reach. To ~ounter"ot this tendenoy the elu,ments ot the BOieooe or his Frank Prjlto~llrd Laurenoe Simpson beer, aud overcomes that ullplea.lII1ut nePaid for bo 1t to hold th e y outh on the farms fl\ther s work-agrloultDre. Rbubert Audrey l,.'rew 'h d cessity of being compelled to go often i tOil t 0 f your ea 8, y8. was , " 'f I t Rot Fn . duriD~ the day, ,lIl1d to' get up , mnny tbat ",ay the yeR,r befQre you ol1me ~o to orgtl.nize' bis, life tqef6 tbat rue, a poem, a po ure, a long, 006 rna8 times dnrin ~ the night. The lulld and to that conollisloD,' tl.nd the yellr be. nlttDrnl longing for 800lal mter. eduo.. tlonal apparat08, or aolentifto RU88elStaniev the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root WHEAT is soon realized. It stands the higpest fore,that and so on. oonrse . will be satlst1ed-to ,aooom. ta rln ln g idS lilrkelY Co> be rera.rdled &II PrlCle Kabel Stanley for its wonderful cures of tlte most dis. • _ • pU8h these ends some of the lItrong. 'a f a d an, It oostll any .b ng, a . Lorena Wt'eks tressing cases. 1£ you need a medicine est efforts of our sohoolmasters are wioked wllste of money by the mlln College Bill l:!ohool, Miss McClure, you should have lhe best. SOld b¥ drugWHITE .CORN , Seven Years of Proof gists in fifty-cent Bnd olie-dollllr sizes . wh08e mind for the ,last thirty years Teaooher, Enrollment la. belnK ,made., , Vou may have a sample bottle aod a "1 have had Meven yenk proof BEN ,BLEWITT, St.Louis, Mo. hu run oblefly to oorn and hogs. RUIllYlln John RUDyan book thnt tells all OATS Dr. King's New Di$oovery is WI h I f h f h . a~ut it, ~th sent free the bestmedlolne to forclJughl! , t obar $y or suo a at er, Ie' Flora. Bella ' Teaohe,'a MeetingOctober 31,-B£- by mlli\. Address Dr . • nd colds .nd for every diseased 'Thitt Is wh~t 1 a.m pleading for,- us do the ~st we caD for hie ohl!Kilmer & Co., Bingoondt&ion ot throat,ohestand lungs." the elilargemt'nt ..ud enrtohment of dren ItS God g!V88 us the abUity to tallllDg over pJana of work hamton, N'. V. When AT THE don't .ys W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo: the Ufeot the oountry obild. Lt ill 8ee the best.-From "Among the aDd problems of the teaoher, a. pa_ writing mention tuis paper The world ,hlUl hild 'h~rL~ eight t r ue Iha,t many of the leaders in Ii Country !:!ohools." on "Oonntry Sciliool Ulso'p'lne" maf e' any mistake, but remember the yearll of proof t,bat Dr, K,ng 8 New , 4 .~ Ul'UJe. Nr. Kilmer's SWIlUlp·Root, ' all" N. V. DlllOO'Very Is the best remedy for nane , !lt~t.e o~aft and great meroan ,by Miss Mory Fealy, Whioh 'Wall full 'lltaddrell8, Binghllmton, Waynesviile Mills. , ' C ----"COugbs Ilnd OOids, III. ~rlppe, uthwa, 1tile enterprises have oome from I,h e , Is the m"l~ objeot of the " People'. of goOd pll'8odoal hlotto. Also an U. h.y 'fever, lironohlt.I!\, hemorrhttga ,country. This is oftUme otrertld, lts Clollege"-the Rig h Bohooi-to t,rain luatrailon and talk on the Il'eaohing WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. of tbe)unge, and tbe early stures of lin il.r~ument that theoountry I!obool F 114 oons\lmplton. Its timely Ilile al. ha d ' h i 'I f,o r professloDal -l~fe, espeolally rllctions b, Iss Harsh Burn~t. ways pte.ven's the development oft t t OOD pro uoe tlUO mater Il teachiDg? A study of the average Then followed the dlso08810n of Orthodox Friends Church. pneumonia. Sold under gUl1rltntee need!! no improvemtlnt , But the oourse woold lead to this opinion. Jleading <:I rei e ,work Jed by di1lerent Rev. Bcnjamla Hnwklos, pastor, at Fred O. 8chWl<rt.~'s drug 8tor~. grelttne8s of 0. Lincoln or ~ Garfield " teaohers; "Anlulal LIte ' and Evolu. ~abbll\b So11l101. 9 :80 11. w. ReKular obu reb VEOETA~LE 8I\l'vl00. 10 ;80 n. m , CbrlsMan Ende avor, IlOp '"nd t1.00. 'l'rilll bott"'~ free. can hlifdlv be II.ttribute<I to the dla. , --tion," Mi88 Gtly~orand .johDStraWD 7 :30 p , m. , ' '£be people with tbe townllhlp ILl !!!!!!!!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!' a unit 8hould h .. ve one oentral high , . Rights o:f the Conn try Child, " Miss Hickslte Friends Church. lIohool with oourses broad enough MoClure; "Out-door ~t Beautify. F'ir8L Day M ce U,,~. 1Il :00 a , 1lI. 'FIrst Day . ' nK ~ohol.l,l Grounds," MI8S MoKin. 8urpa88es all other ' rem- , to suit the different oonditions of .ey. Three ohapters of Book II. SohOOI. 11 ; 0(1 .. , m. Fou nb Day MeeUng edie8 for tbe reUef of 10 :00 a. 10. life. Let It 01ler reviews In common branohe8, . oourse8 'in soleotjllo and Hooiology: dillOn8slon led by ~Qper. Sick Headache, Dizzineaa, In· Christian Church. Intenden', o1&lIsloal studies, "business oourle I!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , Rn , George 8 all , Pa LOr , di,estion, Chronic ConS' ndny SchOOL. ~ :UIl .. m, Rllgular .er vtces and u ooqrile in soiell~lfto agr,loulture, ~be last Sunday of Lb o mouill. 10 ::10 1\ m .. , stipation and BiI· Wby .boold YOIl t et a pint of water manu'a l traJning and ' dumestio so,1 an4' 7 :3U p , m . Cbrl811an Em\eavor. 7 :30 with every quart of Oysten ~ Water is _ ., iowmess p m cheap-bloats Bnd' bleach.. tbe oYKterenoe, . ADd , have' II:ppantus build:" ' In''''(1 .. qulpm nt .. 'd t h' f , .poUa itl natural flavor, , You have never known how good ... ! e ... n eac Ing oree Methodist Episcopal ~hurch. Because they ar6compoeed able to oope witb "II this. Tben " Of.ten "''' be UDlelil ),ou have had . Rev , W, II.'. Gilliland . PnHtor, of,the be8t ' known Vel. Sund"y School, 9 :ao a . Ql , Morning ser· etable drugs, Ilnd mixed in vice. 10 :80 a, m, Epwortb League, 1 : 00 p. tbe prop~r propor"oDs In , Evening service, 7:30' p , m, Midweek Prtyer Meeting. 7 : jo p. rii. , 'known tQ give tbebest ~ Let us,quit'this ~~e 8i1~ed bl1~iness results, of taking lhe farmer '8 money to ed Every bottle Ruaraateed St. Mary's ' Episcopal Church. UOjL,t " ror pr~fesslona.l life ~nd I4W&Y to gIve 8atlsfaQtioD' or Rev . ;T, F , C.ulwallatler, Rec tor. ' from the f~rlD: money 'refunded. Sunday SuhOllI. 9 :80 n, m MornIng Rer' ,Ice. ItI :00 a. Ill. Holy Oommunlon the drat 2lio II. bottle, lnaUed any· They are shucked intO air-tight stiel Let ,U8 qi',llt " trying to flt , t'qoare Sunday or each montll, . where upon receipt or canl ad ebi)IPCd direct from the bedspegs tn round holes , pri&.'6 lit Let n! quit calling a,\l "hat 001.le8 to packed:trith Ice Qyo,md the container, not in contact with ,the oysters. You get , • a St. AupstIne's CathQllc Church. all IOlid IDeate. And bow fresh, ..... h~lesome, Ilppetizmg ' arId deliciously, the BObool mill fit for tile 8ame grlat Schwartz~8 F'atber Georve MavenhoeCer, Pastor, c1ifterent they ~I . , and ,tbeD 'grlnd them an throogh , Maas ever, lMIContl Suntlay of. tbe montb at Asli: for '~seaIHblpt' Senlie, 8 book.let containing lIew and attractive "'I,Ys of u';oo' a. III,' • ~PlUing o')'.tm, · , ' the '111\ me prOOl!88. , I, It lOur dealer doesn't leU "Sealsblpt," here nre lOme who do: 11 tile hii~ school III t~e hPel'lplu
H. E.
(bouland, Have Kidney ' Trouble' and Nner SUlpect IL
Laxati ve Gran ~les
When You Buy Oy.ter. Don't Pay For Water.
Qld . Pe~ple
".';SI'Ilsh"I ' I"'~
" OY8te r8, ,j
elb, on, 1 W 'a 1tar J '.' ' K ,
Corwin and ColleKe" &S it hae been called there Wa)'1le~V1'11e, 0 • Im'ullt be:aomevery radlo,,1 obanR88 ' macll'. ' , , ,Wa~ren Oyalera an!! al_l:.J:a from a \ ~ the townt1lpeople
The genuine "Sealahipt" White Pon:e!abi Diapla,. ('-~!..~' 1 iJ)t'f'trade mark iD blue. ThiS iI for ),our p'rv~ ..OD- ook or It. Tbe "8eali.blpt" Oarrier System' u pateDted. hlfl'iupmati wU1 bci ~~ to the full extent of the law.
it , strengthens andvlta.lizea
Vlnol to,uel up ,tbe,digestive orpllJ!, aldealBlnjdlation, euriches the ~lOOd, aDd reJuvenatel en". orpn iii the In this natural manger Vlnol OOUD'1 will' ,nct Joio 10 tbl. moye. replaCes w'~kne.. with .tren,u.. , men. " .. tlme for &be oouo&l'y PIt). Iple,to ~ fOt' tbeml8~v" aDd build ;aa4*lDl, I &bell', o1'_n lObooJa 'hal Bit
• ,_
wU1 '
to J. E.
Liverites at '1111
place. i ~bDmaman 'a, KllboD's, Por II11e
A Purf;!ly Vegetable Laxative Cures Chronic Con8tl..,.tion, aacl AD Liver and Kidney Trouble&. '
., ..
Tbe Alpha Ohemloal Go. Sprln.oelcl.
ow.. '
80 Du'arel Woman Who H.. Made Big Succua In Bualni .., Tbe d /8tJnction ot being the hlshest lIalnrled woma.n In New York In lhe opinion· ot Mla.a Anna Louise A.mendt, wbo draws 80nlethlng near '20,000 a year, does nCot compensate for tbe sacrlftce of domestic ties wblch lIunh a auccess exacls. This Is What Miss Ame'n dt , who Is Lhe most v!llUilhle employe ot the bll:· gesl real eslate concern In Ne w YOI·k. told n write r who " lIllted her beuuU· Cully appolnteel office: "1 suppose many women envy m , but, to my milld, to be a good mother !lnd wlte Is thl!! grnndest of nil aucces. elL Home Is tb e natural spbere tor every woman, and no malter In wbat direction her lines mllY be CBSt sbe cannot entirely shake off that deSire to reign as Its queen some time. " It h just tbls one ruling element In her lite ttlLt provents her from at· talnlng equ al uuccess wllh men. Tbe average girl I\ves In 'hope that some day a husband will come along and sboulder ber burden. It Is only wben sbe rids ber selt ot this thought that definite success In business comeS for concentration Is one at the keyn~te8 to success . . "Another thing: Women are doubttul of tbelr ablllly to accomplish vast results, and It Is ' Imposslble to do a tblng as long Ill! a doubt rettts In your mind . . "When I stnrted out to earn my Hv· Ing I began as a stenograpber w1lb a salary of $16 a weal(. It was not such a great w/llll\ until my cbeck was In· areased to '60. Tbat did not look so big to me. but It would bavfl satisfisd the average wom an. "My cbeoks continued to Increase until they rsn Into tbe thousands . Of courflej my usefufness had Incre ased. for I WBS not BBttafied with belllg a stenographer. I had learned every pbase ot the busIness and could Pill a big deal througu with as much a)JlI1lT as could any man In tbe omce. I pr& pared sll ot tlie lllerature. In tact, there Is no part ot the business with whlcih I am not familiar. "But with all my success I would not advise the young girl to lleek a career. For In' my bellof. the girl who lets married Is on the right road to happlnes~ . Success In all linea Is bard."
.•Prl I, so .ac-: cl,Ultom~
to, a rOlllan· tic .couri8iup .blch reaches Ita cll· max Ln a large wed· ding ' 'With a dout.le ring • .ervJce, ~~e Imagfqea girls are w90e4 and won In tbe laMe way everywl!.ere. neugh men are ()(lUrted ~d glrla ar.o won the world over, there are · many ,"ange and unuJlual cus! oms asIIOClatecl wrtb, the Winning. ' Even In Europe marriages Are made much more· conven· . Uonally than In tbls country, ad It Is only In most recent times that young men bave been allowed to court glr-Is without tbe con· Ant and a!d o( their 'par~ntll~ '"But In Franoe to'day , among .the haut monde the parents of the young 'lDan mU!'t be counseled, a ~ unles8 he 1& 26 years old he' caDllofi matry ,'the girl without their cop· ant. A far wiser way (or him to do Is to talk it oy('r with 'the parents. 11 .tbe girl Is attractive aDd the family 18 congelilal the ' parents of the nung , man make overture/! to the girl's parents.' T ,!1ey are soon on a friendly footing and the ques· tIon of marriage ,Is readily. settled. Tbe settlement . . to what , the" girl's dilt shall be Is an important ~nt at Issue. .The Ohlnese, along with the Turks, hell eve tbat • &1rl Is f~ better olf dead lIlnn ullmarrled. TIWUg'b t~y ' are ex<:eedlngly. an!'lous to bave tbeli- daugh· "rs married they belieVe It' Is beneath their dig·. oStf , t~ .ca.!'r)' '2!'. ~~s~ flelg'otlMlons themselves, but 1eave this work to a llro(esslonal match milker. Tbe 8b-bel"ween vlsUs the different homes aloae, where ebe takes n?~e of ,th,e age, education, lIoclal posl· tion and ', wcal tb of ·lhe different girls. She then ches a long and accurate acoount of the girl's fam· flY. Ol\e Is selected trom this numher, and If both pa~tle1I are· '8atlBft ~d the 'a ffair Is handed over to the necromancer. If the 'stars say tbe young peo· I'le are selected wisely tbe betrothal Is announced. But the matchmaker has stili a part to play. 'Sbortly before the marriage she brings the young BJrl the gifts the' g room would se'n d her. These u8ually Inclu~e a leg 9t pork; a. bag ot money, tWO bottles of wine, and two candles. But the girl Is expected to return a pnrt ot tbese offerings. The ChInese . paren ts do nct bellove It Is nccessary tor young persons lo love &\ ch ,other 80 long ,ns the augur .Is satisfied. The yOUl'g ,man rnrel y sees the ~rl untU a.rter they are rna, :Ied. When th e ' bride arrives at the home 01 the bridegroom he Is ' there to meet her, ' but when sbe steps out she Is so 'Ielled that her fcut.ures are hidden. He leads ber Into the 'room whe re the ceremony will take plnce. Tb!!n he seats blmse lf , on a high chair to show hi's '811pe rlorlty and she prostrates herself before blm un 1:\1 he. 'lIfts the 7ell and sees for the tlrst time his future wife's face. ' The Russians are anotber Ilec.ple wbo believe that marriage Is the only natural and raLional des· tiny for a woman. Conftdeut tbat CUllld Is a fool· (ilh and e~rat1J; bo!>, Whose judgment Is not always ,t he wisest. they make use ot a matchmaker cal1ed • svacbL She Is It most Imporunt personage, aurl when. ber Judgment. which Is excellent, falls her ae cao can tlle stars, diamonds, hearts and clubs to 1!I!\" ,.tel. But the marrlag~ ceremonies are even more com· . I'Uc"ted. On the day before the wedding the bride .. conducted to ber bath. Tbere her friends spend long hours combing her hal~ and wblle away the time slnliog and talking of what her <tally lite wUJ. be atter Ibe fa married. The cer.inpny II performed tINt .Ite.f of the eastern churcb and taketl elgL. da,.s berore the marriage. The lervlce dlytd"," In&o tlaree ,Jan.. The tlrlt Is where the ~ exchlUJJed. ThNI tbe bride and are croWDed with crown. of allve'r .1111. com_ tb. 4Jl8oluUon of the CrowDS. Dol empl01ecl in I!~,,:~t,
mIlIK.,r . PlLI'
IUlt ~.' III~' . U~ .
Went Willingly to Crocodile. It bas been laid that ~he Australlan blacks never commit suicide; tliat self..destruction does not come within their philosophy. Tbe author at' "Con. fesllions at a Beachcomber" mentions a case ot !'fleent date wbleb he tblnks usual tor ~ mlgbt be regarded · u In conftlct with Japanese bride lhat view: "A member or the Olump to commit suicide bEl" Point tribe, painfully amlcted with ... cause she Is not permitt\,!d vexatious' st.l n disease. wtis fishing at to have the young ma~ the mouth ~t a creek wben his hooj[ she would like to marry.! touled. To a companion he IBid The l!arents aeUle ' thla' would dive to get It clear. ' Hla frlflnd attalr etten without con· endeavO~ed to d!ssuade hIm, remlnd~ suIting the young man and Ing him . ot the crocodile which they' E. the girl. The man usuall had lIeen but a short time before. No · Other medicin~ hl18 bee~ 80 !s given mOfe leewa~, and But the boy, worn· wUh pain and • (f h.e does not admire the weary 'With ~ never-eod1ng Irrl'taUon. successful in relie\'7iIig the suffering girl the parents usual1~ aal4 If be w.. taken" 'No matter, Good of women or received 8O'many gen•• hunt another girl for . blm, lob, me tlnlsbed then: He dived an4 U4le testimonials as has ILydJa E. The girl onCe selected, It there W88 a commotion In tbe water. ' Pinkham'. Vegetable GomPOQn~ Is hla dul,y to send ber as The boy appeared: on the surtace, , In e:vety ~mmunity you will find many and as costly glfta making trantio appealiJ for help while women who have been restored to as . his tortun!! ",In allow, . the, crocodile worried ,blm. ,He e.elWed health bY' Ly(iia E.',PInkham's Veg• The Swiss brlae, ' espe· for a moment and his friend clut,c hed ctabl!' Compound. >.Almost eve~ clally In tbe upper clasll. his han~ and drew blm to th,e bank, one you meet has e1ther been bene. . es, never accepts anything beyond jewelry: Het ducted on a mule to his house. Betore Ihe' 'gb_ only to have blm ' torn from ~ fited by it, or hl18 ft'iends who have. In the Pinkham Laboratory at parents are expected to buy herl trousseau,' turn I· to 11111 house she drives aU about town. In some fl:&BP:' ' Lrm?,Mass.,~ywomananydaymay titre for the house, ~d her spinning wheel. The parts when the bride entera her new bome the J 'Foreh~·n~ed. ,8!!e ilie files conb),jning ov:er one mil. day of the wedding theBe things are exhibited but brtdcgroom walks baCl~wards holding a "agger la , ,lion .ol,le hundred thousand !etten. ~t the bridegroom' s h o u s e . ' his hand and she follow. him" tonohlng "the plant Little Katberlne had ,been bos-dlng from women seeking healt~ and Though Ip Switzerland no matchmaking Is done, of t:he blade with the tip ot her finger. 00 a farm this summer and many ot here are the letters in which they a young man muat often prove to the girl be Is Where a family can afford It a girl usually II tbe rural expressions .,re whotly un· openly atate over their own signa.. worthy ot asking tor her bond. Tbe girls always accompanll!it by an old nurse, who gives ber rood CamllIar to her. One day she chanced tyres that they-were cure~ by LydiA have the prIvilege of saying "Yes" or "No," though words of counsel as the lazy' mule trudlel &ion. to hear her c;onntry h'o8tells pralsln, E.TPinkhnm's ~e~table Compound. In some places the 'cbolce 9r a bridegroom Is ra- lelllure1y. Before she leave_a the &1rl, ,Whom Ihe the good QuallUea of ,a certain tbrltty , Loydia E. ' PinkqQ.D.l's, Vegeta'ble strlcted to . their own ,locality. In some dlstrictl hne cared tor since the br.lde . was a cblld, IIhii neighbor, ' . ' . I ComPQund has savod man,y women a man must lead tbe goats up and down the moun. 'll'hlspers: "Take courage; you 'need Dot fear. He ."He really ~n't '9t much;' comparcSd· from surgiodl o~rations . , taln to show tb'e girl he can work for her. In other cannot belp ' but love you; ' you are BW~t, good, to sonie fc;>lk8," sald the 'farmer's wlte, . Lydia. , Eo .Pfukha.m's· Vesetable . '. "bllt he makes out wonderfully welt: ,Compound is mnde from roots and . towns where the llaylng Is .done It Is ,hll part to and kind." stack up all thl' hay and pile It Into th'e bam. Among prlmltfve peoplel marriage ueually 'be's, 110 ' forehanded:' herb/!, without drugs, and is wholeThough she, pelllB blm In bls long bours oC toll he Is more Insistent and 'glrls are ;bourted tn even That evenlug ' the man tbus lauded I«lme and', htmnles8. . Is expected to do most of the wo·rk. SUIl he 1l11ls a lEiss ' romantic manner, ,Amori, ' the.Australlanl hapV,e ned to drop In; and K.ther1~e reasQn why Lydia. E, Pink. on bravely. feeling that he Is b6tng rewarded sulH. 'every girl must marry. 'whether she will or not. Immediately sldted up to' hlmj" wlth . , VegetabJe COlllpound is 80 cJenUy by a 'pleasl\nt Word, a friendly smile, and It Is considered wondert ully ' 8tr~ge ' It a girl fll curioul eyes: Slowly Jibe revcMe-d suc~8Sfcl :ls because it containlJ In. tl;i!lt It the work Is well done be bas a chance to win 12 years old l\nd Is still unmarried. 'llhls ·11 ' not about tbe chlllr ' ln wlilch he sat, ' and gredients Which act directly upon ' be~avse the girls or parentS ,are romanUc, but ' ·her as hl8 wife 110 , persistently did she gaze at him the""temtnilrB~ 'resWriDg it Until ~ecenl1Y In Egypt gIrls 'and bOYIi we'r e mar. the parentli feel tbat .a girl Is only worth tbe toU t)l.t · the fanner!I ', wUe tlnal~y notlc~d to a hee.JthY,Dorinal condition. she gives, .' . rled wben they were young. It WIIS common for a 'It. -Women who are suffering from girl to be married by the time she was 14 and a boy "~I he m~n;'" says tbe Rev. H, C. ¥eyer, "regards "Well, '~JlJ.~rlne," she ' "ald, "yOU th~ d1streS8in~ their when 16. ,But tbey now walt a few years 'Ionger. them, more as' slav;es tban In ant" other .lIght. seem to flnil n. gooer de41 to look at In Bhould ,~t 10M lIiJhc"of the88 Tbe parents always Ilelect the man they wish 'tor The,y are a necessary commodity. valuable only as Mr. B., don't you?" facts. or doubt the ability of Lydia the son·ln·law. ,The ,~II'I Is satisfied to know that lon!~ as usetul, be throwntaslde atter the1 lerve "Why," rtiplhid the child. ber little E. Pinkham's Vegetable COmpound sh(' ill going to llav9 new dr:esses . and 'n great {leal . their purpose:' ., forehead wrlnkJlng In perplexity. "I to restore their health. of new prelty jewelry. Tbe bride and bridegroom Worse stili, ' their masters can tltrow them out dId want to ' his two, uvver bands, ~ ~'..':.:~,;-;;'~'::':;::=~;:::;;:::;:;::::;;;;::;;;;- rarely see each other t efore tbe day of the we'd dlng. an.d divorce tbem at will. The ' Ka!JIrs buy their but I ' cau't. [s be slttln' on 'em 1"An Important part of tbe ceremony Is to give a wives with ,cows . and do not ' pay more ilian th't::y' 'New, York Times. bride food and a larg\) urn, wblch symbolize' that can help. A 'woman no sooner ente,rll her nllw ~---., , she Will have food and water. ' ,l).olIle than slle Is gi'ven sOqle task to per~orm so ' Icebor'g Gardena, " There are no people 110 particular about selecting her lord can .see If he b8£& made a good barg&ln. "We pasfle'd mnny Icebergs comins husbands and wlv\!s tor their cblldren as the M"or~ He "alues her less tban' his cows. Tbls Is seen Their sons and dalfghters have no right to say ' by the fact thAt he per.mlts her to do all 111e work home from Europe." said 'Ii tourist, who they will ,and .wIP, not' mal'ry. For after tbe ~XCI!pt tene;! to bls cattle aud enter the kraal "arid on one of 'them a ' 'garden' whe,r e th('y are kept~ bloomed. L t paren s lave chosen, a word of complaiut. might: reo --,_ _ _ _ __ "It was ' Ii beautiful sight. The groat Bult In deatb. A Bon dllre, nev~r take 'a wife un!esB , BLAC.K" FOX FARMS. berg shone like an enormous emeral\:! his mother npproves, and sbe 18 u8ually" chosen In' the 8UD', and In one level recess, from the young women or'thelr own ,clan. But , Cqnlu1 John 'H ! .sherley wrlte8 trom Charloti. tenced Ip .by pa}q. green ,peaks, a yel· when they cannot· find a girl In the vflllig'e who pleases them they seek' one among olher , clal1s. town, Prlnce Edwar~ [sland,: "There are three loW garden gleam~d. · The ," captalii I.Ilac~ ' fox tar~s near Athe~ton where these ' an. said that Iceberg gar~eris are not un· Rut l~e Y:Ollng m.a n Is Fupposed to be too 'timid teo .malls are rallied fqr their sklna. ~bese tarms c~mm'Qn.' M9 88l It aeems, Is brough.t ' ~ourt alou,e the girl whum his mother ChOosI!8.. ,ad so be usually takes 'Several frleuds with blm. It Is ' contalD ac>, '26 and .30,1 f,o xes, r,e specUvely. 'l;he 011 to the hergs I>y' imlmala' telit· The the ir duty to 'sing tile IFlrl's praises In the b,9pe of sklu are sold In London at prices ranging from mo"s grows, 'It deca.y!!, It tOMull a soli $~O~ to '1,800 eacL. ,according to quality. I ' for the pollen of buttercups ,6ud dan· giving blm cow'age to cllrry on the courtllhip; . ,de lions that Is blo",n througJ! T~e at. Into;rmild that , the fu" Is used for But the formal engaliement must talce p~ace In the , cloaks or royalty, al It II tile only fllr to during the brief arctic sommer. Boon the presence of the head wan. It Is betore him that ,!hI(lh gold will ollng. Tlw ("rm' containing 30 the Incredlbl/iJ lliectaall! , presents . I~ the young man hands OYer ll1e 8Uin he bas ag~eed fox~~ I. on Oherl'!'s 181and. '.'-'be tarllt co'n tat'ntnc lelf of a great, cold bel-g .dr-fit In the to give the girl's lather. ' Thill varies 8.!cordlng to 20 I.ol:ea Is In a rough, bro~eo ,w oods country salt sea wIth yellow ,ft'owera .prin&1n, what he c~n attord, the: beauty.of tho! bride and wh'e 'r e tbe animals ,81'e confined by ,heavy WO'\'eD~ . from the hard. cold lee:" . t.helr 80clal position. The bride u.·~a)),. bun the wire nettlnl'. Tbe wire II ,let In the ground two trousseau with tbe money tbe young man clwea and three feet, III ordar to keep the :oxell from her rather. It L~k~ UnllOapabr.. undl/r, and ta· Abo,u t etght -feet Jqll The barbtlr pauaed In bli ("'twork . Moorish . glrl. are ell'Ceedlbgly f01ld of j,re\~.~ I<I"Il,un'<J, Wl~b ... CD". Inwan", at the operatJOJI.. "WIIl)'Ol1 baTe a CIOM C!lllheS aDd plenty of bandsome jewelry, 10 ' thai: ot anpther tb~ or four feet ot, Iha"lI, air!"' hI t.oullea~ ar(. often wondet \11, elaborate. On bep tJaem fl'Oill cJltiJblul her .weddlng ~a, a prof.sloL.. , W()JDUI., froID tb-. .iI"I1 III the Opell .Ute- 'Year ·...,_AI.I town II employed to dresl tbe bride, She aDd III hollow eomba. out her halr, CJr'OA.breil,
W"NTr.D IT OV!" WI rHo
Con :mra!u,a!IO"1 Want&••
On enteil'fnc Illa club one evenlnll lIam. Young"ter 'Preferred Drutlo I~--~"--~----~--~~ not long ~LgO Il young PhiladelphIan Action In P .. nllhmellt.
A MEMORY OF WAR . 1861-~865. Fr()tn tllnr to tlmo . bright m e mories com 6 or 8Cl' rU'g passetl lo ng ago, . . Wh ~n lUI IJO)'s wo Jnllrc lled t o~ethe r, , lo unged nround til 'ump t1rc'ij g low, Stood On plll k et gUllrd u t or ossroRd8. or swung ou~ o n skirmish line, Snw Iluga l.: down- l it n rl ~o up to advnnco~
Ihl-Ir star s u.·shlne! Quae WO b lllUcd, to
For Freedom's
Ih e Nation's nCe, . or prdJ;rell8 Into (our Il erce Y AI'S of strlto. .And w e look bU'k to those old dO)' 8, lind . k I'P tll ~ 11' In mory g r ·n. ""he n IV old boys ror Bohlce' Hu/ce cu· r 8st!d lh e o ld untconl S/lI'V 1'0w.1 d
~en(u r le8
Though 't"'"9 nlled with turbid wllte r, how we dl'llnk (Ind elrnnk ugu,l nl 'Twlls n e,·tllr on O UI' mur ' htl8, or to IIP8 'Vc
o r dying m e n l (tln cy noW tll py !lIng thut d ist ant shore ;
ag:l.ln, upon
""·0 ure coming. FUlhcr Abr ahnm, three hundred IhQuHand m o r el" . dl'l; nm wo '1\'0 tllom mur ' hlng, with th olr long n nd s wing in g "trlde, To th o rhythm o f ttl dipper, tlnlcllng ' Ion r III 'nch man'R Hid e . Ant.! 118 they trump o' t)r rag8 d r onds, n lll\8 wnvo n n d lIl\~' o nll l .. s h l MI, .And w OI'(1 com t!ij Shllt'l), by galloping aide ; "Po rm m e n Quick Inlo lInel' W
TcnBr-ncr"ed. br ave men form IIn<>" 01 lIllIo. with ling. h eld fir m lJltw ' n ;
Wi ngs or ·our o ld rc!.1ments (rolfl I'Ight to I (t 0 r Hl'~ n ; Sh ell" sh riek nnd bU I'St ul.JQYC tllem-bul. I I" s lug Ih!)II' fuw l Hong; 'rho bUf;'1 "unlls tbe cl'llll'gtl- Hurrnh 1 Til
th o drN t.tltul balt Jc's o n !
wall accosted by & friend, who uclaimed : ':Why. ChArley, you are positively beamIng! What'8 up?" "I'm In lhe greatest luck Imagtnable." responded tho other. "You know, I'va been hanging about a pretty Yonkers girl tor almo!!t Ii year. DIJI' all thl.ll ttme she would nev4jr ad. mit that sh.e loved mo; she would only The .DCis- Wbere did you , work Bny tbnt she respected me. But now, Inst? old ohap. congratul&te me, for last Boy-On a fiy paper, nlgbt sbe ~:onressed that she respected The Boss-A fly paper! What·s !l fty me no longel'-lbat abe loved mel"paper? Llpplncott·a. BoY-Wot! Don't you read the DnUy Balloon?
"Tounpterl Bre pretty philosophIcal." observed Wallace Knight, Bnd then he went ahead to set for lh the point of view of a small at hIs bou6e. The child Will . sent to bed early the otber even ing all punis hment for lOme act contrary to rules and regulaUonll, After she had been tucked In bed for some time and ,wns supposedly aSleep. the youngster called her father and told him she wished he would go ahead and spank he r and have It over with, In stead of sending her oft to bed that way. 'ThIs lylllg In bed never 's going to mnke me any bett e r" The Square Deal. ahe said. "a.nd n good spanking would . A stout nn'l opulent mnn dwellln~ In Besides It makes me so mad 1 can't a suburban town had borne tbe exaleep anI! 80 wbat's the ulle of IU"- penile of the ann,ual Sunday scbool Cleveland Plain ' Dealer, picnIc, and the superin tendent of the 8chool, out ot gratitude, ask ed 'tbe CURE AT CITY MISSION. bene factor to address the cblldren. Tbe ph il anthropist was not much ot a Awful Case of Scable_Body a Ma.1 s peake r, but he W8.8 a 'master hand at of Sores from Scratching-Her poker. Wben he found hImself gnzlng Torturel Yield to Cutlcura. In to the eXl1ectant races ot a hundred and fifty children bl s embarrassment "A young woman cnme to our city al most overcame hrm. but he mannged .mISSion In a most awful condition phYSI- to aLammer oul: "My dear children cally. Our doclor examined her and wh Bet T waut to Impres'! upon 'You I~ told liS that she had scabies (the Itch), that-er-er-It pays to he good. That IncipIent pares is, rheumatism. etc., er-er--er-a man who deals' tram the brougbt on from exposure, Her poor bOltom or the pack Is generally buried body 'I\'as n mass r.t sores from scratch- at the public (.xpe nse." ing and she was not able to retain solid Dearness Can.not Be Cured food . Weworkedbnrd over ber for seven weeks hut we coll\d ,s ee little Improve- by loeal ADDlh:lltiona, I I 1.1,,1" MIIDot r ...oh Ibe dlfl. . .""" POrll~n ,0 1 Iohe CAr, 'I'b '" 10 only 000 way t.o menL One day I bought a ' "ke of cure dealn _ and llIal II bJ' eon,mullonal n:m<dl"", ... l! enUlCd ~y au Inllalneel colldlLlon 0 1 1.he Cutlcur~ Soap and a bottle of Cuti. DKIn mUOOU8 IInlng of the EUltae.blan 'rube. Wbtn tbJI ube .. Innamed )'OU hav4!I u rumbling BOund or 1mcura Resoh'ent, and we bathed our tperleeL h _lnr. lUlU \\'1I~n I~ Ia cOII'Oly cJOIIt\!, Deatpatient well and gave her a full 'dose n .... ,II Iohe moult. I\flU unl... tho InnamOlAllon can be out AlIU lhla tulM> rCitored to 114 ouma! condl. of the Resol vent. She slept better tliat CUe. tJon. hlY.U'lna \1'111 hI! dectroyed !owver; ntne eateI. night and ,the next day 1 got a box of out Of ten .re CAusrd ~y cal&n'b, "'hloh 10 • .,Ull., tnJlAmod ""ooilion 01 , he muoo~ aurf...... CuUcura Ointment. In five weeks tJils butw...nwill ttl •• 0, ne 'u undre<\ Dollan for any CIUIC 01 Dearn t""u>etl by CIl"nb) tha t eann6t be cur<d young womnn was able to look for a by UaU'. Oourrh CUre. Send for t: lrctiISn. fr~. 1:'. J , CIIE. f; Y 4: CO.. Toledo. O. posltlon ,nnd'shels now strong and well. Sold by DMJ",I.te. 760. , Laura Jane Bates, 85 Fifth Ave., New 'rake 111L11'. I')unUy l'Uta lOr conallJ)atloo. York, N. Y_. Mar. 11.1907." Making Sure. Our Freddy Is rully endowed with the InQuI rin g mind of you th. Rece ntly 'be sn1d: "Mamma, who puts the boUle ot milk on our fron t porch every night " hen we are 'all asleep 7" "JBn't that a rather foollsb Quel' tlon ?" h Is mother answered. "Wbom do you suppolle 1" "Well." said the small Investigator. thoughtfully, "1 suppose Ood does, but I'd like to know ror surel "-A. M. A.
!I !I
Free Offer A handsome sepia-tone picture, without advertising and suitable for framing, will be scnt free to any addre~s in the United States on receipt of 25 Old Vir-gihia Cheroot "cups'" or containers and' lOe in stamps to ~ver cost of mailing- if received before December 31st, 1908. You have a choice of four pictUres:
"Ollt Virginia Colored, "Old Virginia Mammy" "Old Virginia GlnUlman" .. Old Virginia Girl" Send O. V. c. cups, stamps and request for picture desired to Feder8l Cigar Co., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N. Y.
OLD VIRGINIA CHEROOTS .are 6 Cent Cigars Without the HeadTherefore 3 for 5 Cent.
III .... Wl ...lo ..•• Soothlnlr s ,",p. 1'01' chtldre n teetbln, • .oRenl lbll{Uf'11', re4ueel ID. flamwatllJD. aUa,a paID. cuJ"u wtadcouu. 2:Io .. OOt&l..
The Workman-Hey, what's that? The Kld-l soz, a ny time you glts ti red I'll take de job fer two cents a hour.-Phlladelphla Ledger.
"We Are , Coming, Father Abraham, Thre6 Hundred Thousand More." Scenes on tllo.t Il'cld we'll not portro.ydead men,\ mother's boys, curse 0( ' wnr chA n ge \() H 1\, trom P n~e, wit h nil Ill! JO~'81 Whe n at IIUIJ81H cn m e til buttl·,. ond, 'I101111S or wound etl filled lhe air ' For North und O S\luth lh e dlr~e WUS plAY el ; "Tller'll b on vacant
c hntr."
ID__' n.r1ety for . . . ., tbe 1011''' ..... "
A. •• I~II1I ..&rlllCO'.I.W.4..-: ......
A JDan Isn't necessarily a fish erman jUlt because he la • liar. Allen'.
Legend of Magpie and Robin. Tbe peaannte ot France, In accord· Debtors ' usuallY. hn e better me!p~ ance wlth a tradition. pi erce the bead of a magpie with a thorn whenever riel than credltorL they catch one. AccordIng to the F rench legend, atter Jesus bad been nailed to the crolS 'two birds alighted on the extended arms ot the Instrument of .deatb. One was a magpie wlt,h • beautlfdl aigrette on Its helld · and a lon~ waving tall, then the hand. aomest of birds but the wtckedest, chirping Insult at the suffering Jesus. The othe r bird WOII a modest little bird with gray plumage. which approached thEl cross timidly, uttering crlea of grief. With Its beak It tried to pluck aWay olle of the thorns. A lingle d.rop, of the blood fell on the pitying little gray bird and gave the rObin redbreast.
qmruclcs , our m Ar ch gro\ys s hor ter. as W<> "Cllr th a t Qther shor ... But \\I '11 m e l ou r (Ilt 118 IJravel)' aa w e did In Il llya of yo ro; " '0' 11 1 ~\l \'Q our dented corr 0 dippe r and thnt prcr lou8 old can t een --~Hanging right above the mo.ntel, wi th Old Glory In b I'lli n ; Inunlty. And Ollr tumou" fri end. old hardtack, "You admit having rece.l\'ed a '00.\\' 0' 11 Jllst llall It to tho ""all'Tw(\uld s l llnd n trip, tow (I l.Jy a ship, 000 ftoe from the trust?" 8aid the law· rrom he r e to Donegal I ' rer for tb.e state.
"I do," replied the senator. ClI.lmly. De81des, I sent It back." "Sertt It backl" "I did," "Your bonor," said the lawyer , tumIDg to the court, " 1, cannot prosecute 'an, Insane man." Adjournment was had until ~ome Wh "' r C,'t'r m n may ro~Jn. Th e 80n g I hat :\.1ways brought Ihe cheers, alienists could be' rounded up. l]1Il1 ~ \Vcet ~o ng, "Horne, Sweet Important to Mother•• Homel" Examine carefully every, bottle of - Hugh Younl'. CASTORlA a safe and sure remedy tor Nn tlonn l So l {lI p r~' Home. ' ~rul np.. lnfants and children, and see ,that it , Mdre Im portant Than War. Bears the ;.,v' ~"i;, qm The American harvesl lng machine W .... Do...Ju 4 jell, meN has won ' Us way to use'ClIl ness ove r Signature ot~~ ' men'. N.OO .n4 .aa.110 ahoe. UI.n ...,. other IDDDd&cturt!r In the worhJ.1Mithe wOI'ld . Whether drawn by horses ID trse For Over 30 Yeari. ' ell.... ~hey hold their bett.... '1'ho Kll)d You Have 'AlwaYII Bought. steel'£! or dromeda rIes, this Invaluable _4 _loDcer tha.. all)' ower mak.. ••• at AU Prlon for!mY'1IIINf of lu de vIce Is ' always iJl lha vang uard of , T/)ey Old. ."',I01'.'Womill;III .... ' CItIltlrM civilization. An IncIdent s howing the 'W'.Io.DooI!U,.,OO .. OOOll. . . _ .... Uncle H enry-Nellte, I hope the,. ae_",~..- 11', ... ~ . ... . . . . full signifi cance nnd impol'tance (If the obse rve tbe Sabbath a t that' lake re- , •.·._ ...... _ta*_ harvester even above lui ar'my In war sort where you spent your vacation. . N. w. L. . III time Is r.elal ed 'In H. ' N, Casson s re_ . T.... pel .. III ...... ....bottom. ,n Pretty Nlece-Indeeli thet'do, uncle. ....,.......... a_~aI.t!il 1IIaOI'J .. ..". een't book entitled, "The Romnnce .'of On Sundays they alwayi! lIerTo 'a .recu: ~o"hewo'ItL ~.I_flft. , W. L ' DOUOUS. I ".,.. IN •• a..dIfoa. ..... fh e Reaper." . .' t.u f~ course dinner. Durlns Ihe Russo--Jn p~nese war s ev!fal troop·trnlns that were on their ' way to the (ron ~ were suddenly side· tracked, to mnke way tor 'n ' long ' freight traIn 'loaded with heavy boxell. The war ~ neralB and .srand dukes In chnrge 'of, the troops were, furious. Wby shl?lIld thetr' tPlll1l9 btl IJlIshed to on e side and' de layed to, eXI)(1dlte a mere s hlpnlont of frcl . h t? They tele· grnphed I their IndlSnntIon to at. Pe· ters burg, nn" received n ' reply from Count Witte. "The fl'el~ht, traIn mllsl P8i1s," he ,8 ald, "(t I. loaded with American '1Arvesters, Ill ' ans ~read." ' . Much of the.chronic tameness in h'orses is aUf to neglect. J~llll
In fancy , ,,'h e n we rcActi the e nd; Ironll lh" g old on wa y . w.o· lI .... ~ th m on who wor Ih e blue, - . anll m ' n who wor Ih e gray; Ana they'lI grl!l1t Uft, when we meet them on tlU\! b"IIll\( nnll hnppy dB)" Whll n il will sing the army 80 ngB tho <l Id hand s used to p iny. .Anil thol wl,lcll t ouches ,n'cry heart , Ami
m."" ...
A. N. K.-E
,Round Trip 10 F,larida.a I willi pa,.,oilr round trip railroad far. to Hilliard, Florida, frOIlI., ptlnt ·1iI .... ladllna, T.nn....., or lenfuc", If 'OU bu, ,I 10 Icr.'tnck fo, for .
'210 In the lorth .Florida Fnlt .nd Truck F..... Dlltrlcl, aa ·IIH•• froll Jacklonvill., which will .arn 11,000 to 1&,000 I'iiar I
See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan'. Liniment on hand and apply the first ligns of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetmting-goes right to the spot-relieves the soreness ':-:"-lllnbc;ra up the jOOlla and makes the' muscles elastic :1hd pliant. .
Sloms Liniment
will kill. a spavin, curb or splint, reduc:e ad pdt and swoJ.. len joints, and is a lurcand speedytemec1yfor ~stu1a, sweeney. founder ~ thrush. Price, ,SOC. ~"I.oo
..feu aDd b6Bt
I 111'111 send yOll fuJI details of tbls offer, pllat ot the truck farma, portfolio of pIc. ti.res of the farms. the new !inprovementll alnd the town of HIlliard and a book about U~e wonderful development oftruck farm· , iIlg In Northern Florida. I will reserve tor you, the moment I get your p:)stal or lEltter stating that you want particulars. liJlld may go to HtIIlard, the nearest. farm to the town of Hilliard then unsold and hold It unlll you make your ' trlp. Mv propo.ltlon to p.y your r.Uroad f .... I. 1l00d
. lOd :;'ruck Fand Distri'" ne .. r Jacksou\,lIIeatliO a ' 1I10n\b, ond besides I w1ll give you a buildIng lot fe e' abQOlu tely free In lb. town of BI\lIIU'Cl
adjoining these farm a. Many ,f rlltt and truck f.
I •• Lbe Jacks onville dIs trict Det ~ to '1,(10() per &4:!.re eyer)' )·efLl". Thl.l. the ~In~ you buy .t.IO per month. Do,.OIl
leno .. tbo' tbe great Alloutle 00,....el tle8 aDd c:llles a ll far ... es' ... Omaba depend .. lI80lu lel7 on the FloridA Fruit and Truck f'n.rm .lor ear ly January, lIIebr.,o1'Y ond March s tr ...... berrles, celery, lrl . b pomloeY cnbllage,Jettuco aUtI raiUanuf Wltb one o r these I arm.,()u have aD income ~&t c~n be de.pended on'l'ear.( year and ". o u".n lIelit 1(70U ... n o 11J8t" IQ a monl h , 001". (ow ye ..r a Bgo tbe
tdel waB to l1n.y all en8b for It. Now YOll n"ed.uot b csltl\te .. mODleDt. tor !.he rarge8t Hum we require' ' yo u to P&y M O:0'J time Is '10 .. mouth. No more. No Inter •• t an no taxu VII pnyment8 are com· pleted. V ou dOll't ba'(o to ploneer-,heS<! Frlllt and Trllck Farm-are I.. Lbe hflAJ't of,clvUIt.a.tloo- Aeal' J"e k" Dvllle aud 1"88 thlln ir. h,,\! mile from tbe Atlallt\(' Cou, Line RaUru,,\!, which baIt .. 'bill' ..... enty-car sI"Ueb trlLCIc M HUlIn ...l, a tb h rt, l1tUe eU,' with t elegt'aph loog dl. I""co t eletOWD.
mean. to you: ,;< ..
lm'eJJll.D\'W' and A hO,l ce in
, ellmn'"
111 tb" Inwl",,,,t
101ll'"0Wll . .tla1acllon.
lor oae.ot .od TruL-k
lat .. ~_ _ _ _ _ _~
TI'Oi" 00.; "'Ddl. beI41_"",,,
!~~~~~;~;::~:i:~~~:;~~,.:,: b1 the Cb......o '!t otllle"-lHlo
Pi .... writ. at ono.-noW. n ... m __ ' " but .Ie &0 !Iud out .Dd . .daI,illle advertl8ement la trae. eVerJ word o( ~-=d .... ~_ /IOb.alnL.IJ' eAl'll 00 'bl. Iud from to 1,. Ju.' MY 11> your leUe r or _ _\, "Sa _ ~ pap. .'enl.... aboDt tbe North lI'Iorida .-..&t ' &lid Tl'UeII F.rma." .AcI4reotII1D8 pereonaJJ"
It ::~~~~:"~~'a!~:,Oft'lmmedlatel, ... """ _••ppll",~tI')n
l>lll!mllliey. ~cn D pront.h18 by 1I... ~UDlrrleb'\bere 1I0W .ud wlto DU", . .W. "arm worked befo.. the), -Ilt \0 J UorJdft. Flfth- Yon <!ollarmlfgeto baye your fa.... I'llt IInder cultlvallon or JOU ~"D move at once a"d Milke t he llret 1e...'. ~PP'" y01ll' Uyln,. .04 • eoo4 proll' bulde.. or ,.OU lI:old It ...... lon.lmen,.nd. aell., 100% tbe end of tbe IIl'IIIt 1.eAr.
,tJ~l<.t ~
• 1'0 all loa'" aud vegetable. " n4 I>Clre tbao In 1IeC\loo ' Bvery acre ID ."ery 100aero I.nd.. Fourth-You don't bOT. to kno .. (.l'IIIla. toO oDeoftlieaelOoacre f.rma p., )'00
d, rec!e 'I~\('f
your monthly R.ym.",t. If. yo~ buyalOe .a ... farm from u. bee.u. . I knaw you un h.lp ma .. II to a halt doa.n oth ... In,.T0ur n.llhbomood aft.r you return from your t p of••tloll .nd purch.... Wrlt.e a or p08tal.nd Dlall It , ted.y. and Jnat quick"" Lbe mall. ,,_ ea1TJ' I 1.:N'{)lllT:U FLORID. will /lend ,be plat oUbe land 8011,pi .., (I( tlIe ,to.... '01 BUllard. and the. boole wl&b ptcFRUIT..a.1Q) tUN:. Cf>,' the IBnd. plc'ure. ot Ihe1to...... 01 TRUOK: FARMS ,Billiard••»d plcLI1N:S 01 growlDI' uaek, ' . H, I will, do everytblng \0 .I.,e 70 • HILLlARD tbe fuJlest a.8uraace' you. call 111..11. 1D0re In thl. ~orth FlorIda, Wnilt aad po LLI Truck Farm DI8Lrlc~ tban a"",wbere e1lte In -tlte t7nlt.d States, bu~ apace tlI~ advenlHmeD' will IIO~ perm" lIIe to 10 fDl1ber Into d8tll,1I. ' I will ely. you full partleul.,.. rer;ardlnl'tlle 1IItYm."to' YOUI' rallro.d fa .... 11_ .ncI .... y,_ d. W .. and ..1II ••nd ~u a .ch~ul. of the rallrOad 'I:"tu on cart.h. th.I .. , 01 Oatob.r .nd durlnll ber, and I ve 70U' Ibe lull"", poaalbl. IDt01'lll&.IOIl ... make h ".. oy (or yOD to plao to make t1ie trip tq BI~. l1.rd aod ...,. &bl. wooderful uuuk !aria MeUOII lor
o n ly way to e.t .. bll ijh yourself In tbl. r ich. aUN:, uloncy·producl"g ll'r u it and Tru ck F .. rml"g DI.·
pbOne. t ... o 8ll bool/O, ebural1e., three gener.1 .tore. , and tbeM North J'\orldn :S:M1lt and Tntck Fa"". Joi n OU to aDd Arc a par. ot
flue aDll ""'..
b1 the Ohlcago Title .. '1'rtl.d00lli~.;.am4 "atlar, younell. TbeOblca80TlUs6Tr11.' Company w1ll lune • deed .nd ~'" tllle 10 tbeIo-...,....tractand to&l\.N8kleDoe lo~ ... bl" b we at:re ,.ou t~. For .11 m.n wlio wark. Not III 'tile lit. tol')' or I"n_tmelltl! baYII t Ilver h...,. of 80 . good .nd Bure all opponnnlt)o for men 01 . maU meaUB. Tble I. an Iuftlltlllea\ without an .• I.ment of apecul.tlon bee.u•• tlIe mo-, ment yllU purcha,... alo-auelrac\ UJe.valuo oUbe I...d 1011 buy will jump bect.oae oth· era are afte r the p.rtlcul.r piece ,.Oll ' " III\d tbey bU1 adjolnlDJr a1>d.1I uonnd JO" aDd you kno.. IDdlvldulol oWDerablp, de:rel· opmentaDd clO8l! cultha, lo .. a1_~8 makes laod vol ue'- advaDce b,. 1""P8 anil ""und.. 'rbe land J. tbere (or all "me aDd will proOneetwoio foullcrop B..eI')'7earforaUtlme. .You don·t, to Ir-l'llI&t., 'tIgltt crop peat. , DOl' watch tbe hea"eDa for rnil•• There Is nocbonce for ft>lIure' of crop. :rite rainfall III !(orthern Florida aVlII'IIlrea ~ Inche.a and comes eyer)' rnontblln tbe JeAP. Ii .lwaY8 bas rain ed 80 Inches or more . . loul aa aDY fa"""er,no ... Itvlolf,ln Jl'lortd., cau remeID ber . and alway. will. Till"" lhl. maana to you and roUfO 'aDllIy'. ,Remember. 70U g et" I'r'u" 'l' larm Iu tbelteart 01 'bo rlchu' FnI1' and Tl-nek Farm DIstrict In America, wbere the . cllm.te and h ealtlltulne... Bud clt7 '. nd IIC:bod 8u4 , churCh aII"autngeB, are "" 1'004 In' "'Is Jack80D"lIIe and ,Billiard dlstrlot a. a nywhere In tbe country, and ,.011 CAn be IIn.noll>1ly lad~' peadeDtlll.(eW1eata. There ...... lbn1teclau_ bel' of tlteee Io-acre l arm.. 'rhey' .re exaetl.r the prl"",.I.D eere. I ....nttottto go and .ee tbJ8larld. You __ It 10 yours.1f tolake adYGQ~8e ut tbls opportunity_ TIte'r6 'lever ,..a a time wben '" IIIn4 COmpt>Dy 'Woald pay ,be r.Uroad fare 0( .. purobGeer (if.8 8m.lI. tractaa IO«reaatl2lallli.cre. More .. fOUfarm.!lavs been IIOld In IUB tbaD IImontbs,and we~"Dt te,> nil a tlIou. . .nd mar, (arma durlAlt I.bls winter. 1 am, th.~or.. wUtlna to a"plWO fhe amount 0' ,your round.trlp
a" 24. 1 wlll ~rraD l! e 80 'yOU e .. n secure 10 ..ereaol tMalnnd In 'he be ..rt 01 tbe Nortb Florida Fl'u"
COIDplII\lf!R1D tlI6 UDI~ 8t&&eL
•• 1< your b.nk.r or lawyer "boll' tlI. fiateli' of title to laDd, IHued uDltel' It• .~a~ll,"
O"!r 0 .. the lollowlnlld.te.: Oct. 27 and Nov. 8,17
Anarchlll'l Ule Elper·a nto. n f)ce nl pOlice Investigations In Bohemia Into " supposed miners' labor 8IllOeiatloD, wblch turned out to be ~ an"rchlatio orgllnlmUon, ha-ve brought to light a large QuanUty ot books. papen, documents and letters of a blgh· ly Incriminating characfer, and It was fOIlRlI that the bulk of· correspondence with anllrehillts abroad was carried on In Eaj1l!ranto.
Fool-~aae ••
Powder ,. Fora.oUtlD! • • oattng foaL. GlYel tn taO" NtlIe-1 . The .rlal ....1 I>Owdor f or lb. ffllt. :r&o • • all J)","I_
TIJe~.-~u::"..rJ{~ ~ fnatl ...!!. ~~7OD~_1&-
F. W. CORNWALL P ....ld.nt CornwanF8nII ... nd COmplnr B'II .....t North... BId••, OHIOa_
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~zs~~~~~~~~~~------~--~~--~--~~----~--~--~--~~ .
O.. :~~L9WEJ)
o II "_ nl The t'ullowillg'-Ilarrl il flt!I'SOn~ fIJI" hid any huntin g 'II' ~ho tillg on th iI' ]H'f'llli:ps without ]wrmll'l.'1lion:
.A Surprise in Store\\7bell. v u firs t trv t he nit) t 1emptillgsavory-fi ue flavored of 11 , 'll fuud
1t'll kl(,. has, Ellill,
(J •• J.
'ha'!. l"rye, M. · .l lILel'l hw~Ii I(l .
)In ric __ - - r.......
Oysters .
ns,<;ociale them w ith oy~ter!-l you om: nloo)y buy. "Senlshipt" an~ pud .ed W!lhIII water in seal d, air-ti ght , ' l 1 ont iuers . "Sea1 $~ ipt" Carriets ke p lhe O),"lers fresh and firl1l - not water-soak ed . They r etai u a ll the in comp rable tlln g of the. t:n. You can ' t g'et enou gh of ' flls hipt. ,I More than a sur prise-a revela li 011 . Every 110IIse wife wi lt W:tllt ;l cop)' of "Seal ' hipt S eu"I,:" ~vit h t he dainty new oys ler recipes-l 'he following " Sealshipt" d l::llcrs w ill . give you B. c'>py; .
,~eady ,fo r a 'Vigorous
ElIll 1icheMl', 1',
_+ - - -
.. - .
Hon. J esse Taylor and their party ~i'fut of h iS parents, Chas. All en and unday . . held a meeting h reo on Saturd ay ' M ' d' E d M' b .... - - - - - v""nl rs·, ofa Xenia Ie vans. an with ISS a I'U ., ' ng • Logan , visited' fr iends R~lld th p iu fOrIJml1l ou 11 UUX ~r;> .. loud , f Thornton, over Sunday' and attended the mas- of Pink Pain ;'abl~t'!I.. 'r hen f\~k vlslt mg re latives here. . quer ade at t he J. 0, O. F, YOU I' D otor If thure i~ a bett'HI' one. Our teach, 1 attende~ Pl'lnif ~al - The Lad ies' Aid of t he M, E. Palu 1.11 li.U 0.1 ng , tloo-lbloo(\ ]Jre!:\ ley T~wn$h lP Teachers ass ClatlOn chul'ch wi ll hol(1 dinner and supper tlll r BOOlew h r. Ur l:.-Ih op', Pi nk on Friday. in t he 'l'own Hall lectioll day, and a PaiDTIl I~let ch ok h !lU pai ns, w?~'The W. F. M. S, of t he F riend festival in t he evening,' Ilnly JlIlIU~, 1,1tl1? nny,~_ her~. It'y M W II f J tr 'on e, li nd s e. ~O for ~il l~ oW hy ehur¢b met a t th h me of Joseph M' . Sa d ary e s, 0 e erson, !Ill dEll\ ler.. ompton 'O n . tUl' ay. Kan , i!l the gue t of her brothel' and Mr".,. • lIe nt·y We II sa t th e Ya II ey H ' - - - ---Clyde Og~esbee . Mrs I B. Leonard. of Cell~el', Visited M r~1. Ml'S. G'e r trude Hamer is v I'y sick. Spring Branch. A. V. Foland A rc h Copsey an d f amJ'1y were . on Friday . . . . . B. Hi MIller .was a busmess VISItor g uests of Wa lter Compt nand famMrs, J, H. . henoweth and on 111 Day ~on last week. i1y unday. visiteq J ohn L Chen oweth and famBorn to M~. ~nd MI'a Wm. DeVo R~v . F ringer is conducting 'pro- By. of near Villar~ hap 1 1M!; Sun(formerly MUIS Rose Mass) a d al.l gh t t l . r'- I d d te r R th . rac sel'Vlces a t ~ II y . ay. ,. u ' M'II h t ed f ,. Miss R l k e, of Day tor', is the g uest Miss Alice Chenoweth und B~rtha 1d .M . ~ss a ! s as re u.m, r om ot-Mrs Lena.Barrett .Smith and Mrs ·Ella Rye vi!'lted YUlltl~g her' S1st~r, Mrs• .Ed Elam , of l ' _ _ . Edward M<mr<ln and family 1n t .... the lbchland neighborhood . . I Wednesday. '" • .... .. -- • ~ Mrs :Dickson Wharton . of lvIt.
Btl 0 t es
Mrs. Hope Stiles' and daughter ' s pent Thursday in pringV/l.Uey . Miss Laura McKinsey spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Ada'
15c 8ath T wIs .... .. ·· · .. .. ..... 11c 1 Ie Bolh T wls .... .... .... ... .. .. U
at Vi
c wartz's
e.heard a mlln oOlUplltln~n g, io
v ' )"flIlHlin d .hl 'k(-'ts. l.;\-'Ill
01,1 shi rl'l, (; ' II I 111'1''''-; shi rl s Ut:u ~ J ersl'Y {Jv rshil'lH. . KnilJa'l ~Is fIJI'IVI '11 al,lu Hoys. \V
" us \101.11' CU'I7S. \ c pay [I' I1lU h Q any Olle, /llld lIIorc .I1U1n somc. Theil ,rOil l:lln J .. ,., trucle (hem for hoes Dr Goods, e tc. Yuu never have t() (:t1 c the buJllllce in sll~ilr III our . ton~ •
l ' r-rl iJR _ J. I".f J :JB().
g rand·
~""" """''''~~ "
............. ... - ....
....... ...
~""'" ~"""""" "
Cook and Mr. fln,d Mrs. H C.Dnkin,MI elJPlorcnceLacy. Lenu
_ _ u u . . . . .• • •
.- -
Oak neig-hborhood ,
• _+
·Mr. J on athan 'Me ray, of neal' I f' l ' J). k nu k Centerville, 'visited his daughter,' g od 0 tI "a h lOl1 e l ar , Peaf l I;>akin and f lultily on Friday:. whea , t h e ld nd you us~d t il , gc t
W hen ahusba.nd ruu!! Mt·08S an old love letter be wrote hIS wife, he always Jangbll out hi wife one~.
fEED . GRINDING Tuesday, 1;'hursday and SatlU'd~y.
Oats 01'
. '" J'.;W GOODS . N
AT THE Seeded Raisios ..... .. .... lOclb pkg CI~aned curraots .... ..... lO~ . kg D rl ed P eaeIi08 .... .. 10 .& '12 J !lc lb. Fancy Dried Apricots .. .... 15c· JJj ' New nolled OlltB......... I0~ pkg Far'cy. Head Riee ... .. 3 Ib for 26c Fancy Red Salmon lIbcan 12;{(i Fancy Pink SaUnpn lib ('an 10c Good Roasted CotJee .....l~Xc lb New Pie Peaches· .. ... . .. 10c can YellowPooiedPeaches ... J5c·call Fancy Ohio Sugar Corn . ... ..... ... , .... . ..... . ....... ,2· cans 15c Grape Nutll ....... ... .. .~ ...2 for 26c ShreddedWheatBiscuit2for25e Mazall Corn Flakes .. .3 for 25c B os t Country ·L ard .... ... 1231c Ih New~loneY : ....... .. , .. ...... ~20.c , I" NeW Beaus of All Kinds
We can shell' and g'l"ind 01" 'crush your C0111. . ' . .Corn 'ground for ,M-eal only whell 'w e are ma~ing meal , bu t we have fresh meal to exchange any day. and YO\l do not have tb wait. .
}i'eel as .t hough they not g e tting 't~e best r esul ts· from t heir grain and buy High priced gl'ound feed' when they could have better-feed by having their grain ground, and" cheaper, too . . yO\) have no oal'l, g l"ind your eorn and mix bran with it. Tl1e best feeders claim they I;anl'lot get along without bran . We keep the best quality of . Bran, Middlings, Shop
and Oil Meal.
N~w Ccr:cals of All
Sn nda\f. '
'henoweth and chi ld ren
'Fanev MUI r P ' neh s a ll O' a Ih. lOe fo r !Joe:. One o f til e li lg'-
. _ __
\ce liue. '8 I' 0 Mannon and wife spent Sundav wi th a hmore ysters.
N ' C' .
Mandy Br al,,1 II I Gamer and Miss J essie.Garner oall d lOt: ,l lb. a nd H va.1 Bra ud ilt 12,}. on Mrs. 'J Qhn Thom p qn ThUl·sday . . I? i l.ively new good:.; 'lnil a! /!ood
Fresh Baltimore ,Oysters
Stpent ~tt\rd';l'y and Sunday in D~y-.' n. We hav e ve!' h llll
' Cra.~be~ies~
Malajta Grapes, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Lemons, Cabbage, Sweets, Onions.
Will hav.e a car of fancy white Po~atoes 0/1 tl'ac.k in a few days . Pnces low. Leave your ordel's now for you l' winter supply . They will be hig hel' . . . ,
Watch for our Egg Sign',
..". F t . . OUn alU '*' . -n'g :BS .!
. v
* .'J.F':t.*
Choice Ue lH
I.' I •
I: ~
VlI P a ey.- hOll" 1.53 •
~"':"'.~~u ......... ___
.___ _ _ _ ._
_ _. _ _,. _.- -
. Olassified ,
",lij w l!1 be hi.erteLl u rlllor
"'_ -........ ~---,-
t.hj ~ · hi'. ~<l
Lw~ul y' II,.\'11 ce n Ul r r LI I.r e e Ink,·,.Uu nl<.
' ,,'M n ,lil loll ll(>I' mbr.e thall live lhl~\!,
• .
-...:..---~~-----....· 1) Ii .1 ~r!\e'l Reel "lhll1r t~H'" ' " , . " ' , . '1:\ Lle. Aile\! En)rlclr, ,~y~le, o .
""""AU ................... ...,......,1. . ---- . ·. it y .... lin
. F0l!.t..... D L ' S I ' f ~ Wille ' \.. . . <:; ~I:! II n o t 4 e Itynesv ' FOU[t ,i onnrlH nice UQWl:! )lllP f.' I'!\ HIgli Sohqol : CJW11l~I' o"n hl1vel for five ct/itt", III U\hl olUce . t,lllJ SIl~lltl by provmg prop tty, nDll ' . ., p ,\.Vib l,( for /ul. 1 • . . pEAR~ -G()()d Keirel' p tl ltrH tnr ·!!fila. Phone Carl, N,) _ _ _':-.LO_S_T_ _ _ _ 64-~ r. STEEL OOlllposlu,= role. ]"1 Ul1er . will).)\lvell.tthlllqJBoe. ~IGN8- \V'ahl\vl) pleD't'YOr8Igll~ ~ Jlrlntl.t1 Oll mUMlIn, lQIt eaoh ut, . FOR' RENT thl~ nmee. Now 18 tbe hmo to po ,t
____. . . . .~--_-_ 70 A.Cij.ES rOOtlUl
I • W.• W . 1..I·te n •
,A d ver'iisements ' .
Warren Bog~n and fam ilY ' of ForSatur.dav.'s TradcWe Expe~t k '11 S ' J• I1nc Ba I (I \\" 'In A' .~;1IC SVI C spent . C\~~rnay " IVit h JlP I(!'l a l George Bogar . ~nd fa~tly . · ' , $:1. 00' pel' b ar~el. DaVIS and w'i;fe !l,nd Frank New .. Yo~k PiPPIII !'! a t $3. ::15 <>rr·",,"'.- and famIly ' a~tend ed , ,.. gl'ange at W~ynesvjf.1e, al;urd ay pilI" bar rel . ' _ __ ;_ ._ __._ , f 'Q.lJfld .l:'ippiIlS a t $11. 25 pre ",,. ~ ' ba Trel. All ~ bu It I ba rr I);. +,*,*,******,***~ . N~i t.hj/!'lIl H a nd Pi cked iJe n.n s "f,. rIto "l" *2, ('5 pe r bm;hel . . Fanc'y Fh vcr.l 1~l) t a ~(\lI~ *2 .25 p r ba rre ). ~ ...... 811 ~ ar ' lIfl-t1 Tr a.III!; H e a II) . ~&C '8 u hould ' l' 1i lltl (kll lb,
~ '
0 ysters
~Rft~ __·~~• •l(fft-~
tl! (! tn ,
T,bbals and SOIl. Jo'ore t
'r' e.s h BAef . .p 0 r k b '
'1I! .. l1"
bo th bul k a'nil call S,
larg e quan ti ties and we ' can sell them 'right. .
S e ~L.
WmMorris and family, . · ' llt e mil ll w -atll l:'r h as ptl Rsedt'.l Wal ter J ord an . w ife and daughter . lilJ ill g ' a nd t h e n;\ i!'O 11 0 rll. k 111 IIlLl Viola and Miss Nellie 'J ol'dan spent SundaywithJohnJordan 'dfamil t his li r,li de. llYesll cVf;r y dil)'
· Ou~o~~J:boi~gh~~~~.i~~n~ti~e.w .n e~I~:'- ..da ,l'almage, fYlrs
viir,jl~~lac'dko~n~, alf~me~IYJ'oor~d·Ja~"iclw\Oerd~
I '"
·George Davis and wife and Eame t
I· ~ ~
g"bs t B nrg ai m; i ll O hi ')' ~ Ati-,d Your Business ' PI'O ~ . If y on d on 't no body wilL It' is tanned urns, c. your busiD~!!8 to keep out of 1111 Th e e are not .. t h e F an cy thet-roublo y on 011)1' oDd yo'11 (ltln a nd G d b ' I l .' u l w, ill kee~- 'C)nt of liver lIud bowel ra , . u t a gOO(1 ,0 111 I ~r", J; lllll .. tt9111>le if y on tllke Dr. R ing'a New put li p in .JI'UP, an<1 '~l fllJlllu u rL IH Plllti. "['hey keep hilion na.'!. ' maiarltL- lIud jltunr1i o out of your call . ~ s'ystem . :!iiI" 8,t )j'ret\ ' , · Soh wnrtl'.·s Pea.nut Wafers. ~ drn g ~tore. ~ -._. IDe ,a pack'age. · 'r ile InL!ls l . out- in Llle ' falley
All ·the t ime, sohd measlll'e~': fresh f r!.'m t he shell . and no watel·. .
::~:::!;~ F~~~P~;'~!;~k ;W~.· ii~'s StO.'re IM_ . .• __U • .·~U• • • •-~ f~J.lIily, News ~ ~ -. - .
:~{f4::d: ~::::~:~t~.::: ;:~::~~. ;:b~: ;:~ ..:~~:~: ;~f;d~~~f;~~i~~ztJl'.tahn~ N~:J ~~:~~~;,,i'l:' O:~;"II* - -:JI sell ~ .. ~-: -~ I :?~~;~{h~~ti~~i:i~u~:~:j . Zimmerman's .' :~~El~:~a~F:~,t:sffi::~'::n~~~ ~~;~:::~~ ;:::::~ted 'The ·B·o·teber· I~ Phineas Colli~ and family of Mol'row ~ent Sunday with his sister
$ $ $ $ $ $
U,e wedding of th eir .co u, in Ma ble HeS$. of . Day ton, on last W\?dnesday
S h
$H.OII. (lem
-------- --------------.EGGS- ..~'~~--~..--,-·.. ~···~
Messrs J ess ,and ,Frank ' Ho , ~ Misses Fay and Glee H e "', a tended
Walter Kilbon wa in' Dayton one d ay last week.
:~~~ht~~~~ xd~h~~~,er
Coat., V e.~lH Ilud ,uits .'7.00 $ .OU atu.!
Uon'tforget that \ e at' Sole ' F. I'Ylh i n~ 11'W, cl an. Ull,\ 'r ".1' us antI ~l' I ag n l s f or. tl' 11 f ul110 us oys-. •" "ll" t Itll l e I' I eople who hllv' u Sl' d the di/f rene. ther.l will h/\ no 11th j l·. 'flY th n1 and s if t ltis i:;nL l!' U '. l J l1Jlle yum' ol;d,ll', \VI ' w ill· s nd them over . . k BlJTTER h'oi\ rna ' inl{ SYI'UP , ~e l{l"UIl\!I tl t tI dlgu r Hud t,hll.J1 in C'. W get IUl"lTt:l quantiliell of und 'you cun hardl y L..II i l f resh cuunLI'Y '" I{utt -1' II I n~5c f l'o m I11tWI ' l:ly rup. rr'ry it ~l P uno. Give U:JYOUI' ol'd "'. llnd Ilk aLh "ayu u wi lIJ ik il ..
25c 'l'ut"ki!lh 'rowl!:' .............. 19
Hot Water
PEU1t ~.
Sealshipt Oy s t er
e our Outing flnnn eis. fiulIne Ielts, l I1'1;!Sl; go (I S. ' !{IlIghams, cali 'OS, etc 'fOil eml :;()\'(I money h ' I" I .
as well .
Work Clothing f or Men
ali and PalA.:!lll. at
l' hav th ;;et snug fUI' L a uil, j ust Iik ~ you pay .. LUll diell alid hi ld r n, lhe uest for els where. " fittillg'llndo n aI' mati ' . Itihhc<i und ' l"w ai' !It ,; 1.00 & \Is ' " ion ,'uiLHi n ll1l'n' ~ !-lIl VS' $1.50 P 1' suit. .· . Ll.ldi I~' awl chillll' 'Wi'. . 'I'ry a uit. of uni n underwear <;hillt'en's Black lJrawol's ~-. find u will \\,u:u· nu vtlWl"
t!~joyed a H allowe'en part.y at th the guesi of relaLivel:! over unday. MI'. Sherman Dyke has JlUl'~ha.., d home of Mr. and. Mrs, T . . Hay- li'J d All f M h t . th a new piano lloek J r . ~". y . en, 0 ane e~ er, 18 e MI'. John Doan was visiting- here
w<'tll'.and hav
~. 2 5
$2.50 Men' s Bo.'C "tode 8\10 8 $2;00:- fU I' a fl:!w day !! on ly .'3.'00 May fuit' ami M ll'I,~U riL ~ , aL .. .. . · ... .. .. . ......... t.!.75 I Oil 1, [(lI'geL wt! :<vll 1111" ~a lJ Bund & H ,~od linc~ "I' Hub· $l:!.51.l. Ilell\' 'hull- , al ...... $l:l.OO hP I"Holit H. h:l tt;, J'l'lil':\ umj Warln Lin ,d hoes ut .... .. $1.7fi l'uhl>,1' OVl' I·R. UI' I' 'ic"8 al 't' lowl'" th!'ln ill t he l!ilil!. . Dull
any ,)thel·.
H avy f\cI!ce lined at HOc
.. mada Shoe, at $3.50;
th Si!{ntJ nt.'·a· OU shu s t hat
$!.f10 C )lIege' Girls Shoe. in •
s .
e nu l'
e .ur Educator line of. hildren': ~ho es b for huying . A Iso R\lYs' ~(.'h()ol Slw '8 in Elk ,kit~, tiM I \ ill
Walter· J Kilbon '
Mr'. a rl Anderson . of X nia was 0 11 und uy.
MJ1~N 'S SHOl~ S
S~oe s
"pecialon Ladies'
!\I(lt.h e r~, I'
T h ' Hallow"n bOX-H cial givell [01' b('ltd it of Epworth L aglle WAR a grand suec ss. About~ ;~ii wor' Corwin and ' . . Waynes'v ille, O. pl'esen t anu a go I tilll ' WI~'1 lhe I"f 'port qf all. Till' gelluine " ~nJsh \ J.l t" Oysters Brc oliYnys 501,1 fro m B . Mr. and Mrs ..J. M. tacy. o{ I ayWhite PQrcelnin ])i~pll\ y Case bearing till! -'Sealshipt" t rade tyn, was in Lytl vnday. Dtnrk in l)luc. 1h i~ is for your p roleclion- I( k f r It. The ", cnlshipt" anrrier System is patented. InfringeJ . A. KiJpatri..: was v-i8i1ing h'l'e ment!' Will lie pro5(:cu tcd .t () the full 'xtcnt of i.h\! 111'01'. und y. R A RRTER CO~IPANY Mrs. F . H Duke anel lhlUght' r~. Nor...R' ... ·CO" ... ctlnl t, • L ban on atul'day 'a nd unday. ~!!'!!~~!'!!'!!~!!!!'!!!'!!~!'!!'!!!'!!'!!~~~~~~~~~!'!!'!!~~~!"'!'!!'!!!~ M I' and Mr'. has CllI\rk nt 1'"" _ tain 'd about flf(;y of their friend ;.: Iln New aurlington. V II aturday vening. . pring a ey. Mr . tallley Dukewn in L >l>anon ~ ALout ' t we n ty-five yo ung p ople
ey r befol' tp me ~t Oil1.· n us. Ont· tOi' i' piled high with ea)' fully stI le 't d go ch; t.hnt will ~nve you fr In 10 to 20 per cent. .
Ly tle.
tor e
We 'arc bet~e.t· prepar u than
1)011' 1
The Daylight
Charles Lewi:;\, John ii\.)boIlH,
-;h09 Hough. . l ' hand)' W. P .' Hay,
tbem.· of good farm 11'0(1, f1ll'Dttlbed for hUUlI80
O'N1il or
. .
two IIObool eohola r. ·to keeplDl to. reapeotablecollp1e. Ap.. . bOllrd, Call,o" M,n. Rom,llItJ, P~ ' ..ai8 o~' fo~ lDfOflDlLtioll. i'o~"b 81.;
UMBER 2993
me<l!lImger",of pellClI, who lIut iutol PERSONAL MENTION. DEATH · OF AGED LADY DEATH OF DR. GATCH 1 1WiII ' ~4i6IIrl. . .~w.a"M4""1I!.. .;lur mluds tboughts of tendorness Dr. W. liatoh, Mayor of Mil· torgiv6'ltlllll Ilndooura~e, inorea8~ Miss Grace Lincoln was in Dayton '. A8 0. reauJt; of injuriell lIustlllned our It.(lulty for the true life, lind Tuesday. In .. (lill down II 8t&lrway 'at her ford and Deputy Coroner of Oler free U8 from whatever is disquieting . . bome on West Seoond street lllst mont County died II.t his reBldence . '11 \'"e wau l La Wilke lbls oolumn of lb. t ness 1. IIUIIe n l oa.!llI g f enture Lbl~ wlnler. ~nd Takes Young ' Man in Prim~ In the ide .. or deatb. Solidarity Mrs J. W. White spent Mondaym Thursday, Mrs. Mary POllgue, died In Milford a ft·er II. 11 DgerlD~ a Rk our rrlend. La .end !n 80cle t.f e ven. e. preserved with tho dead iR sol\dliri- Dayton. tlbont 1.;30 o'olock Wednesday af- last week. . of Life. ty JIlt1de firmer with the Ii ving; It, Mrs Bernie Hough, of Route 6 is ternoon, witbou' hlivlnK re~ained For Bome tIme past Dr. Gatoh had i8 inorBllRe of faith In Him for wbl)m quite sick. oonsoionsntls8 slnoe 'he acoident. been oonfined to his borne linu bad M1'8. Sherman Dyke entertained at tbl' JI viug ~nd t·he dead mllko one D L C . D I Mrs. 'Poagllfl suffered from orgonlo been uoable to atteud to h is offiolal dinner Sunday Mr. Howard Lacy • I .. . rane 11a, and WILli. subJeot ' gr8llt .In Villi ble flllDil.v. Whlit 18 mllon F 'd' b ' was In ayton ast h eart t rllU) to dutie9, but it was not thought tbat and Mi ss Bessie Newton. th"t thou Ilrt. nlindful of him? . rl ay on usme.~s, attaoks of vElrtigo, and it i8supposed his condition Willi ori tlca I. Be wall I 'Vho Spent Four Years lu 'Navy on Whatever he ie, or whatever he Chili. Aman, of Dayton, was a vis.' that sbe snffered one of these at· 52 year8 of nge. ae Wall tleoretliry Mrs Chas Shidaker gave a birth· shall be.God judges not hlUilbly but itor here last 'week ' tnolltl· while ileoendiog the 8tairway, of the Miami Vulley Mediool AliSO duy dinner Sunday in honor of ner the Torpedo Boat ()estroywisely. We (ue in the presenoe 01 Miss Cora McKay was the guest ot and fell to the bottom of the flight, oiation, and wall held In high esteew son Berni e and Mr. Ed . McFarland. er, Passes Away Af~ a. 81tern world, bal. it Is 6S 1\ ltllidt!u friends here last week. where ' 8htl was fonod in an unoon- by memberll of hl8 profeBslon In ter Long Illness. olUlket wherein prioale!!s 11l'arlR soiolls oonditlon by membe", of the this and Clermont co~nty: where h~ Last Thursday the Mesdames . . glimmer I1IUI stare' with him with Reamer Reed was in Columbus famiLy. It was found that she had was born Rud raised . Walter McClure, Mat Pat'llhall, Omar William 80n of William U8 And with lioil' all itl well' 'l'he last Friday on business. sust-a.ined 1\ fraotua6 of the skull Be Is lIurvlved by II wl~olY' ODe Lewis. Ed Macy and Gee. Thompson IIUlIMlnorva PKrkllr, WIlS born near decelllJ6l1 lean8 to mourn his death Prof C H. Carey is laid up wit.h at the bll8EI of the brain, lind be · daughter and two SOD8 . 'rhe fUDer- went to Dayton, where they sllrprised Winllton, tJalem, N. C., Angl1st 31 lour slsterll, two brotbel's and many an attack of malarial fever. ~au8e of her extreme age, It Wll.8 al Wd.8 heiti Saturcl ll. Y nfternoon Mrs. Ed Hanby. They had a good !879, and 'died November 7,1908, at relat,ve8aDd friends. F'd known that she could not reoover. at 2o'olook, with servioes In the time and lots of fun. E. E Hahn was in Dayton rl ay 'U' u Wa"neavtlle, Uhlo. This "oomp~r .. ,urB. L"ollg'oe, who Wll8 'he widow Mtlford M. E. ohurch. interment attvely IIbort life is endtld II.t the and Saturday on business. of theillte nobert D. Poague. w",8 W~II at Greenlawn Cemetery. GETS GOOD POSITION Ernest Butterworth ana family, age of 29 years, 2 moutbll, 6 d"ys. Miss Ruth Chandler, a teacher at elghty.eight. years of age. t:ihe bad last Sunday, entertained J. G. BurAt 6 very early lAMe his mother waR . Ly'tle, is very ill this week. ' been a resident of Green oounty all IS HONO~ED AGAIN nett and wife, Stacy Burnett, wife .oa 11-" t I· hm, i · th Mr Fred Utlskey Otlma bere from . her life und was one of the beet v .. 0 eave ' en h e mil d tJ M d M N th J and son, Homer, Harlan Harvey, hlahome WIth his elder Bl8t.ers nn ColulllboslSlullrday wbere he bSfl r .an . rs. a an ones were k 'f h ld 'd t Mr. J. ff. UolelU'l.n 18 again hon. . 1 k shoppmg m Dayton Monday Down 0 teo er relll en tI. be kl g f r wife and son, Alvin, and Chas. Frye, $il ei8ht years of aKe, when be~me F e~ ~or n °ood sevtlira wee ~ M . . . ~he leaves her lion, William 'f.. ored by being plaoed on Col. J. B. l &0 Obio and Uved with hl8 brot.her ee aooeple d Ii g pos ton w l t.. rs. Agnes Wright who has been ' ith h b d h h d Ware'll staff of tbe (:lrllnd .. rmv of wife and sons, Glenn and Carl. fl 10M d '£ . '11' . w w om serna e er orne, an A until yOUDg manhood • .Then he be a rm n , ayton, on ay. he qUite I , IS a great deal better. another sou Cha~leB of Chiotlgo the Republio in Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Retallick enteri"n tbe reAl baUJee of llfe. firm will i!l all probabillty take him Mrs Ray Smith was the guest of Ber daughte~ In law, Mra. POClgUe: Mr. Coleman reoelved his oertlflIn tbe IUOlmer of 1900 be enlisted lu III,rtDershlp. The Gazette ex relatives in Dayton last Friday . widow of her soo the Illte James B oate last Satorday and i8 now an tained at dinner. Sunday for the fol· in 'he United St.ates Navy. For tends te hlol itll be.t wiahes for a . . ' . Po gue ot Cblo ' . II d t' aide-de camp to the Department lowing guests: Mr. Frank and wife, f t Mrs Matme Cummmgs of Xema . a , ago, was Oli e 0 loar yearl .b e. ~ave bl. exooUl!nt prOSptlrOUB n ure .. ted' I t' h · I ' k 'Xepia several days ago on Ilooount COlllmander. Mr. ()oleman i8 to be Harry Earnhart and wife, Robert VlSI re a IVes ere ast wee . . \ I f aerv oe or lIis oount.ry Rnd found • -of hl'lr critioal oondlt.ton congratulated on thi.s honor a8 It Is Crew and wife, Fred Elbon and muoh ple..sure III doing so. Be be~ QUA~TERLY MEETIN<l Mrs Susan Hayslit and Miss Mollie The fuuerlll of Mrs. Mary Peague the seoorid time he bo.e reoei ved Phineas Cook. feun bitt' aeni068 on the thlnlng . Bispham were i~ Xenia last Friday. took place~' 2 :30 o'olook Friday rtf . suoh recognition from the Grand IbipRiohmoDd wh tl h be Hi Quarterly Meeting of Or · . Army. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hockett enter· ' er . e d 08teamtld~ln tbodox Frientlll will be held next Mrs. H. Booth leaves· tomght for ternoon aHhe hoose and the services tal ed S d d' th f II ......aordi • .... . nary luoper an a 1y New York City to spend the winter were In ohnge of Rev. E. H. Ohern at un ay lOner e 0 owrose 10 tbe eetimatlon of the offloaD! Satorday aDd Sunday, ftt-IO :30 a m . • Itt f th 11'1 t M E TELEPHONE CONSOLIDATION ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Deontil be quarter ma8ter at New 8urlln~too, Ohio Cbristian Mr. and Mrs. Will Grahll-01 and ~g o~. p~s or Ok bei 6 r8 ..\ haven and daughter, Eva and !IOn, wbiob oMoe be 611ed 00 tho U 8' Endea, or Rally, tlunday at 2 p. 10 : son were in Dayton last Wednesday. 0 nrtc · lifO lI,po e rpe y, ,rev 1ew After December ~t the Valley Donald, Mrs. Emiline Dehaven, Hr. • . ' dd ( B Ing he El 0 M rll. oa.gne. 76 0 f 'I' • .... torpedo boat destroy,,, Troxton A r088 b .y L. ). rown. Toplo; Born, a daughter, . Laura, to Mr .h 88 h d be · i I e1ephone Comp"ny wllllibeorb the and :l4rs. Rollie LeMar and son, .... a· , , 'MI I "'" b o ' i--'" w ose yearR a e/1 spent n Bell I d ~ d ... J hn ' R' h .... when he Kave up tbe ,",'ura lJurlng.' . ss ODS . ",very dy lOV ..,.. to and ·Mrs. Bert Roberts, of Denver, the chnroh, 40 of tpat time as I . P ant In WlI.rren oouuty, aud nar ,-r. an ,'-rs. 0 1C ,-.r. a biab "torm he Wilt ollmblDIJ tbe attend. • _ • Col. a member ot the First M. E, oongre- operll.ta both pl .. nts as ooe. This and. Mrs. Earl Hockett ~d HI88 rope ladde~ to "fori" when the STAR OF BETHLEHEM Miss'Helen Stokes is visiting rela- gatlon. There Wo.8 no ' mnslo but will in all probablltty glvesubsorib- Marie LeMar, of Naw Burhngton. ~rrlflo WIDd whirled bilD in luoh !) tives in Jamestown Ohio for a few tha minister read <tRook of A~es" era II. ohance to get into CinOinnati, • - • lDanner a. to caUII8 him to be . IUS. It the people jl11lt take tbe notion days. " a hymn t~.. t bad been a.favorlte ~f whioh wlll be a good thing for the Don't fail to see the moving picMr C G Williamson is home after MrS. Poagul~. Prayer wu ojfered old Valley subeoribers, who had to tures at Hahn's this week. penued bill in tbe .. ~r · by ODe hand. &0 get op ~~ honr or two earher Tbh 10 It., ined and ill.jlUed 'be lban uluat)heae days, tliey will be a w~k in Cincinnati and other places b~ Hev. Jjlrl~eet N. EvaDI, putQr of e~~ f~r tha:i se;vloe. • - • band Sbaa he w.. oo~J.l8l1ed t.o.oter able to aee·the mal' of Betblehem, on business. the lI' irs' lleformed ohurob. The II. so e m nate tbe two . ELECT NEW OFFICERS 'lie ba.pU.1 fOf operation.aDd alter whlob 1i.1t. y ..... ago RUided the M d IS M' H .tto · lIorial "Ia at Woodland oemetery phone .ystem, whloh bllll, aod 1\1- ..., - r an , rs. arl°tsn am1 I ~, 0 anMmeot he morned to the Ibip tbree wiae mento Ole man-r where Lehan M.r8 PDalfne W88 well known her~ waYI win be a nul8rlnoe In the busl- The Eutera Star Lpdge a' Oletr on, were gues 0 f re atives • n81111 honae 1 t·_"'- .. - .. I-b. I~, an d ..n ed DntII. t b Iteod of bla four th.CbrllltohUd lay. here Tueeday. In WaYDeevllle, and wu aconato . ._. reguarmee ...g~nUDy_ ,eacu. ::rears, at wbiM ,ime he walgiven .T be a'-t, whlob Is extremely ~ . of (:leo. T . EIaJe lind the late G. T. 'SCHooL USE FI"RE DRILL ed tbe following offlO8l'l tar 'be R· aD boaora~~e dllObalge. tita hand brl~ba. bu beea ID the· east for II Mrs. Thad ZlmmE!nnaD and son are O'NeIlU. Sibe made ooo!llional viIIsuing .,ear: Mrs. 8tella OomelJ, r.maioed lJiflrm 4'od bis frleada ar- week or more It W&8 first to be guests of , relatives in Jamestown, Ita bere. Lut Friday the ohildren at tbe W. H. ; C. M. Rob".r, W. P.; 111'1. ,ued t.bat be should apply for 1& pea. noticed about a.a. m . but tbe . time Ohio, for several days. • - • achool honse were put through the A. M. Williamson, A. M.llln. J. ·C. alon,'butbe l<rioved t.he work on Sbe has gradually advanoed untOsbort. Prof. 'and Mrs. Horace Wilson, of OBITUARY. fire drill. 'The lIiarm was ' glven Bawke, ~.; 1Ir1, A. IItJIlh, boat deet1'oyer that be In~.tInded to Iy before dayb,eak. Many who Oregonia, attended the Eastern Star and in One mlnnte tbere was not a Tre841.; Mrs. J. E. JaDney, C.; return IIOmetime. tie maol1elltecl ban bOWD abpu' U ha ~e seen the meeting Monday evening. Jonathan Ugl.68bee, the sixth born perlon in thl'l bouse. Thl8 is about Mi98 Lanra MoKla86y A. 0; lreat pltll&8ore In rela'Inl beaminR Ugb' Wblob tbeir a r a o d . of teo obUdren to Elia8 al;ld Mary the flr8t drill the ohildren haYehad, Prof. and Mra. Kellisoo were 101. the Interee&ing t>hinIB he foond and ohlldrea unto the fifteentb 'genera. Mrs ErVIn ~ and daughter, of Stump Ughlsbee, was born Septem- butU was an exoopUoo · 11 cod. tiated into the ~ myeterie8 of 'he ftW on hi. 'IDaDY trips aorOilI the tlOD will not be able k> see sinoe it Wellston, OhiO. are t~e guests of ber 3, 1830. on the farm where he . " y gone. Ordor of Euteni 8tar. ooeap. At ODe time the eu.i1or boys la said t:he Jeraaalem star '~nly ap Mr . and Mrs. C. D. Reed. died and 8peut all bis Ufe exoept MASONS ELECT OFFICERS • - • . Mrs George Hawke and Mrs. J. two or threl(l years. NARROW EScAPE FROM DEATH . 'Nere eotertalned by PalMI Leo, and pears C'uoe In 1100 yea~. Web 61waya bad mtJoh dtlvotion ·for •_ • T. Hawke were guests of Mrs. Geo. Be W&S married '0 Lninia B. Pi- The MaioWl at their meeting 11l8t the "rl'teD bleuinlJ a ud protectlo~ · DR. HICKS' ALMANAC Larrick, of Lebanon, last Thursday. 'per, To thElm were born ·three ohil- Tueeday evening eleoted the foUow Three doctors worked oyer ' Krs. tbe ploua oj!! mao lua him. Many .' Mrs. G. T O'Neall and Miss Letitia dren, one of wbom, Ellal Oglesbee, Ing 'OmOer8 for f,he: en8ulug year: Margaret Rain'e s and her two ehildmany saob lowreating tblngs he For lIW9, ready Nov. 11i, 190:', McKay attended the funeral of Mrs. only sn,rvl~,ell him. He WM married J. O. ClI.rtwright, W. M. ; JI'. B. ren, Noble, 13, and Franees, 3, at kept and guarded wltb.lntenl6 jeftl. be8t ever ~ent ont, beautiful cover81 Mary Poague in Xenia last Friday. to Kiltherl:ne Yeo Karcb 16, 1866, Henderaon, 8. W. i Geo. W. BIl wke, their home, 6 Carter street Dayton; I\nd five ohlrldren blell8ed tbis uolon , J. W.: F. H. Farr, B. I) . ; C. M. Ohio., . Sunday momiog for several oDlly. In 'be winter of 1905 he in Qolorll, flue portrait of Prof. . ,,0.8 onnver~ .t the)l'rif>ndlohuroh Biollot In oolors all the old feat.,es Mr. Grover T. Meredith was called Fonr of 'belse ure living and mourn Robltzer,.1'. D. ; O. E. Br~tten, Secy.; hou~. They had been . poison!!d - -lIarveysbUtr. Be worked a 8bort aDd 8everal ne~ ones in the book. home pn Sunday on account of t~e the lOllS of nn honored f&ther. F. B. ~herwood , Trells. j J. H Cole. from what, the doctors can not say. time' on the f",rm bat the pal' Ii~Q The best &IItroDonlical 1ear booa: death of his unc~e, . W. W. Parker. Jonathan O~leBbee was alwaY8 a mIlD, Tyler. The children: became rigid and cold . yearl be was employed 10 O&y'on. ~nd the only o~e contain~ng the Walter and {lias Burnett, Harry far.m er and appreciated his calling. . The InstaU ..tion wlll take plaoe .at before tb., ph}'8iciaris' were able to a:.u$ Ipring ~e became til Bnd original "Rloks Wellther FOraOlAlitR" Prater and Ellirlvins heard theelec- Be was en,e rgetlo, bone8t and suo their meeting in January. reyive them. The family a·t e councame .to bl~ 818te.r 's ~bere be re.. By mall ;Soc, on 'aews atands 300 tion returns come in at Dayton last cessru!. HI~ hlld a strong 800lal na try sallS8ie ho.miny ~nd milk, malni!cl Dn~i1 death. Bere all W&l Ono oopy Iree wltb Word and Works week. . ture and ~as given to hospitality. COMMITTEEMEN MEET . . " • -. .~ done that bbmanbandll and beartll 'be best '11 Monthly In Amerloa' Co .. St ' Ph'll' f Be bad deolded opinions on morll.l, . EntJrechange of plcmresat Hahn's can do, B04 the 1118ter w~s never too DillOOuats' onalulanaOlJ 'in quantities W :m:l0n~r H eve th 1 IPS't Of pottiloal aDd sooia1 questions, and The canh'al oommlt-teemen' of on Tuesday,...TburSday and Saturday.' n : 'A" . e guM eado spoke them with usnranoe but was Warren Connty met last Thur8day aired or weary to do Ilny thlDR to Arenle wanted. Every citizen owes h' as. sng M • - • . h, III IPS on ay • 18 sister ISS nn d lzed f . h ' CIOmfort him. . It to bi~lelt; to hl8 fellows and to and 'Tu~a oharitable t;owards otbers and very Iln reorpn or t e next term. . Spring Valley. The fnneral took plaot! Mooday PrOf. Bloks to P018881 the "Bloks~' y. . kind with all. Jobn·Hawke of the West Preolnot. aftefnooq at 20'0100k lit Miami foreo..",.-tbe ooly reliable. Call Rev. J. F . Cadwallader has been In hi8 laElt days he 100lined to. and Al Shntt8 of the EaBt Preclnot, Mr. Aaron Wroten and wife of Cemetery, the Rev. Be~jamiD l:faw~ on or &ddr8ll1 The Miami Gazette, suffering severely for a few days warns religion Itnd left II. testlnlooy Wayn~ Townllhip were pre8ent. BeJle Center, the ~re guests of their kIDl,oftlola.~Dg. . WIlyo8llville Ohio. with rheumatism. At this writing, wbioh gives Breat oomfort and hope The comml~t.eemen eleoted lieo. R, dau~hter, Mrs. Ohver Moon. " . The pall. bearers were tlx Y'lUnR • - .. he Is much 'improved to his Chrl8tion family anli neigh. Smltll,. Plul1p 8penll8 and Judge Mrs. Ja~esiHawke and dau~hter, . . . I 11 tid d Sh h of Bellefonta ne were the. &'U6Ilts of men, employees of The Peopl.,.' It I.n·t so dlftlonlt to strengthen · Mr~ A · King and wife and Dr. 101'8 , U8fl U an respeote oltll'Aln aw an. •_ • Joseph' Hawke ~nd fan'\i1y the first RallwllY Company, of DlIoyton. aDd a weak Sto~aoh It one Hoes at It Witham and wife, of Kings MiIl.s, a loving lind devote4 hUll band and of the week, BOUGHT NEW FA~~ Miss Clara Smith and ~lsie 'Copsy rrlenda , C?f ~he deceased. Seven correctly A~d thl8 III true of the were guests of Mr. Adam Stoops and a fond and faithful fa ther haa gooe yonnl.meD .a nd Mrtl. Sheetll, the old Hear~ !\nd Kld.DeY8. '.rbe old f..h. family" short time Sunday . fro.ll t·his commnnlty,·whoseremov. Edwin S. Furnas ba8 lately pur- ,,:er~ fiuests of Mrs. Carson. of Cin· lady wi'h whom he . boarded came loned w~y of d08inRtbe ~tomaoh or M ' . a} is a po~IUve }018 to sooiety. Be h d th f f th It . J cmnatl, Sunday. . down fro~ Dayton· and were at:. 8tlIDulatiliR the B8ILrt or · Kldneya .~. ~y Marshall I!J1d famlly, of died Ootobm' 29, 1908, being 78 years ~h aseOle bearm';h f e ahe ona . Mrs. Gertrude Hamer is much bet. 1_ . • 8 fi Cl~cmnatl, have moved to town, and 1 month Imd ~6 d.. s· old an . g e8 8. . e arm 8B twea- ter. . &enunce "t tbe fun"ral. They Ie surely wro~g lOr. hoop ~t th h M'II st t y. ty.elght aores in it and is on " .... . . f FI ·tr k .... h b b ltb b baR f 1 ted t hi .16 t tb occupy • ouae on 1 ree , • _. . , _rs . .lUunger, 0 a oc , -lC '. ~agf! w t emha I utiI alltri~. P()lo o~Ji t s error. e owned by Mrs. Lydia Wright. ' AN ENTHUSIASTIC CLASS the Waynesville and Barv~Y8bur~ is the .guest of her daughter, Mra. u ... 0 £lOWers, a w ee eno ro n)it .8 weak or. ng nervel 0 6118 or· . pike and was formerly owned 'by Hamer. orou. Tbiillovlng ,rib.ute WIUI gtv. POll, II . .td be. Eaoh inBide .organ Mr. A. S ~l1\Zer an? wife and Mr The Blbl.3 I::!tudy ol88s beld their C. F: CbapmaD, . Walter. Elsey, wife and son, of , en by.tbeemploye8ll.Qf The Pei)pJes' hall ile controllinlJ or ".inalde.nerve G W. Ebright and WJfe, of Xenia, first meetlllg aUlleTownBhip.boWie •~ '. W''d1Je8V1Qe, wer~ ~~ests ofTho~ Ball"ay Company of Day too. Wh~D tb618 oer.v~ .fall thea tlioee were theguejlt!J of Mr. and Mrs S on last Frid.ay evening. There were GOOD NEWS FO~ STATE Ml dleton and Wife last Sunday. . qrlllul m1ill~ lIurely falter. Thi8 vi. Lev. Cartwright last Thursday. George Barnett, who bas been in .. . over thirty present . The room was the west for th past t OBITUARY . tal tratb IslMding drnniata every. Mrs. B. F. Howell came home warm and well IIgh'ed. The les80n Tbe "big gun8,." .0.f the Pan {iandle turned. home la:t week~o years, reWlllla~ Webb P~r~er WAIl a aa. wbere to dilpeOH aDd ~eoommend from Cincinnati, where she had been from Bible Study hy Herbert went tbrougb Xenia Fridlly and Mr. Henry Wilh~ left Saturd ,un kind aDd qQiet, bODnd by .D r. ~h~p'8 ReIterative. A ~e" for treatmen ot-the ey., last Friday MonlDg!!r WIHI thoroughly enjoyed tbe word went along ~be lIne .to pui .moming for Oregonia where he ~ _'ronl UkeA and dlaitkee, aud of f8-. dave teet wUl lIurely \ell I tklld ~Y \eveniag, &ad is getting along nicely, by an present. Prof. KelllsoD 18 a all tbe working foroe bact oa the be operator. "orda. a.Jlved verJolOll8 lotha.e all deMan. and ft is hoped Wilhoon be all ri~ht very pJeasing In!ltruotor New road. l'hla soundagood, "ndmeans He~ Evans has acce..pted a be loved aDd far from Utose be dla •- • a in . ' , JrOod times again position at the Dayton stockyafda· liked. Durlq .n hlA 11.... be DANCINO SCHOOL ga . • _ • ~emberll are comiDg In all the &ime . _:.. • Wm. Alexander and cia• • dlapla,:ed WOD"'roaa rDftJ~ aDd] . PIANOTUNINO and & cordial welcome extended k> DON'T WANT HIM AOAIN ter, of Cedarville, we~ au_taot ItreDl'b, D........~........ Or ~...r. A Dew daaoinr IIObool has . been all to mee' ~lth the 01... 00 nut . relatives he~e the fus~ of tile week. IDa a com,.....",.. . ~.l" orpDil8d bel'e aodmeeaevery J. J. 'rhomplOD ~~. 443 E. Ma,a Friday eTelnl~g e"her. aa" me~ber Omar Lew, 6 rook-ribbOd Dem. As Mr. Will Cri~ was comiJJIrto abo. . . . oIrohIGf ....;.. .,. __ . weata . '.tbe I. O. 0.'. ball• . lb. St•• lAbmon, Oblo. BaUaraot1on or 1'llltor. ',[here be tome Dew oora', be won't Jet Bryan ron r~~~Urd~ ==~ o"of ID~ . ~ II ~ Opllaere Wblse II ... IDI~. parao-.d. Val~ Pbon. '4 B. = a a fE.'orefore,e*'1 meetiDl· forpNIideDt &pin, wrfstand ba4I,v~theb_.
W m Webste.· Parke.'
u: °
Society Column
The Miami Gaz ette D, L, CRANE, WAYNElSVILLEl,
----- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ---
The Obsequies
Ole Mias
Moham medan Pllgrlm agel ' on Foo' 800n II Thing of the Pallt.
Tbe new railroad frum Domasc u! Mcd lnll, "the Iioly Clly," WIlS opened with most !-mpr sBlve cere· By Jean ' Ross Irvine Fully 80 Per Ce"t. of the Total Mlle· monies. The Imperia l mission aenl (rom Constan tinople for the occasio n age of Linea In Thla Country -----'- - r - \1rayed at the prophet 's tomb at A~ Covered by Theae, Wei· da wn and then proceed ed to I he rail· \l:UP)' rl~hl, by Short.IO ry Pub. 0 ,) filre I nstltutl onl, way 'slation just outside the town, "Thill sort of da y always reminds me of 1Iame, waving and twisting >¥bere a dense crowd or Mussulm ans far In~~ To the Young Men's Christia n aS$Oof In dhlll~," said Mrs. Allbrigh t, tll;king· the dls tanoe. Close from all quarter s or the globe hnd 11.1' upon the slghl clatlon Jim-W hat's Jack be longll tbe bulk ot lhe credit n lon g look around over the hills. the I'e followed a long, echoing War semblee . H was an ulternod n I'a te In AuguSt. whoop; then tbere for llioneer ing f· was watted to 0111 r---"\ FI ld Marsha l Klazlm Pasha, dl· rbeuma tlsm, Bill? IOII~----' forts In behalf of A blue haze, the smoke of dlslant for- curs a c.hor us of muffled Bill-Sw earing. rector of constru ction, ,express ed' Bat. shrieks and -~--est Ores, lay upo n t he land, lending to yells, accomp anied by railroad employ es. Isfactlo n wltb the what Beemed 8 Woman Cholen City Alderm an, the old familiar hill s an air at myslery wild beaUng of drums. Some of the roads All Djevad Palha work, after which conl'eye d the suI· Mrs. H. J. Oates has just been elect.· and remoten ess, like that or veiled run their own wei· tan'lI omclnl messag "Quick, Nell!" cried e of congrat ulation ed one or the 81 it alderllie n of ract's. Down In the valleys and upon honrsely, "run to the MI1I. Allbrig ht fare Magee~ ' Instltut lonl, ' bam for the to all concern ed and the long hlllll.ides ,the' blue fad ed sotLly men. }'11 wake the but by far the open, A number declare d tb.e IIJ;1e Ten,n. For sllveral years she bas' children and of s peecbes were taken an acllve Ipterest in Into the gray or the sage brush, and brlug them down." greater part of made tile most striking or which Was tlonal work or her town the ecJuca· the gray Inlo tbo vague green of tbe and wanted' this work Is con· tbat ~r the Egyptia By this time the Bre 0111 the bill n, All ree k bottom. ducted by the rail· rejoiced that the prophet Klnmll, who to be elecled alderma n because It waa blazing Hercely. aud against III , hnd not ·per· would help bel' In this work,' She I. road d ellartme nt of the Y. M. C. A. mltted Mrs. Allbrigh t, the wUe of Ihe man· ruddy backgro und we could see gTC) The the railroad to l'each the holy reported first railroad branch or t he asso· ager. and 1, tbe goveru ess, or tbe Big {esQuely outlined dark city betore the callpb' had granted a ,ggress lveto have made about the most blanl(et ed fig, clation campaig n ever witness ed II) Red ranch were s Itting on the porch. ures 1 aping wildly in was establis hed at Clevela nd constitu some barbariC tion to his people. A salute of Magee. If not " I don't 'know 'whY," she coutl nued; dance. lu Tenness ee. The toWB Every momen t the flame! In 1872. ' Five years laler the inlcr· 21 I:lllns. conclud ed the ceremon y. people seemed pleased with bel' elec· nationa l commll tee ot the Y . M . C. A. "perbap s because \l's, such a l'ery lazy rOse highe r, the flgures Dje,'sd lea,ped Pasha, mor~ who Is h ead of the tlon, and even those who vot.ed a gainst day . ~ 'wlldly, the y IIIn g and drulI1 bealins took charge or the work and has giv. Imperia l mission, nnd Mukhta r Bey, ner beli eve she 'will ma~e 11 first·clasB' en It careful s upervis ion 'ever since. T en minu tes late r we discove red sou nded more dl s llncUy, th chler mingle d rrom Nor way Ihe r a ny too much e n· their way engine I' ot the line, made alderma n. more convinc ing reasons for the tenor time to time with far·awa through the crowd, the 1M· y poals 01 cOllra~e or her thought s, In the weekly pape r, hiarl·sUlling Iljughte r. l1\ lit In the beginui llg' fro m tel' readily COlli plying with tbe VOPlliar Th(lI"C l! more CatArrh In thtt ftfOCUon ot tbe rountl'7 brought by a monnte d messenge r rrom horror ot It all there To udd to the the slull or the cOLllLlanies. The ' fll'st request wall no~ wart · to take an oath that he \vollid thl\u all Olhet .\ l8Qa.sc5 put together, and until the I..." lhe post office over flfty miles away. ed to us from time to time upon the tim a Y. 111. C. A. man approac hed a do his utlllost to secure ihe 6xlcmslon Ie.w yeAnt wu IUPp()8('(.l to be In('umble.. For .. ~r f. t railroad presld nt with a prollosl tlon ~~rtcral~,~~n:l1~:l1~~ ~~~ nt!,':~~~lnri: Tbe popull1l!ou of the Big n ed com· night air cool and heavy of the line to l\Iecca. with the to start to cure ,-,11th IOM I l rM t mlmt. prono ullf)(.-d It. ln r ura~I~. prlsed th ree WOIDiWl, fflur men aOlI fiYQ scent of wild flow ers a brahch on hi s road, tb pr s· In the course of the cerernoa1p.s a ~l ell CO htul proven Cetn.rrh to be 1\ CtlI111UtuUo a sickenin g odor l1ll1 dl&eNJC. lmd th reforo Ident snld: or\V II, ther 's a' hole ou te l gra children ; the cowboy s, of wbom thel'lI - th odor at burning COIUllitutlo nal lrCOUII(!llt. m trom the Porte was rea(\ an· Hlll1'l'1 CUtnrrh ·Ure:.rtKlulre8 ' f lesh ! manutru:tu roU by f". J . eIleney were about :lfly, being absent upon & Co., Toledo, OhIo. II til oilly Colllitllulio nal r\Jtt At tbe momen l of this dreadfu l dis· our line the boys call he ll; go th I'e tlollncln g that Klazhn Pashu had been thu lnarket.. lL 15 1&ken In1tmn.Uy In lh~ from aD and 1'1\ help you . If you survive HI ere, appoint tbe round·up, while Mr. Allbrigh t wlla 'covery, Mrs. Allbrigh II) t, pille and sob, ed guverno r general of Ht\djnz. tlrol" t o " tcWlpoon rUI. It Belli .Hrcctl)' OU t h" l,Ilood Ib rest will be easy, but you'll hnve He "HI tnUOOUII IIl_rfA C~ or tl1c ' )lIu m . 'nley otrfr one away on a hlp to New York. 'We were bing. rusbed down lhe received a tremend ous ovation and bundn.'<I dOllJlra lor .ny C400 I~ 100la to "'\Itt. !iced sta l~1I an1 OUI to but out tbat word' hrlstlan .''' The took a 66 miles frOID the ' rall roud and fl'om on tbe piazza. r:lrcu'uf'ft IUld t eelimonlll S. . s lmllar oath to that of Mukhta r lorAdd ..... ' .'. J . Hm~EY.le CO .. Toledo. Oblo, the nearest lown. ten miles from allY "Tbe cb lld ren-tbe y're not In theb ;'plnllt" was establis hed, Ilnd In three Bey. The dny conclud ed with a dis· olher rn'lIch, and quite 50 from any· roorus," site cried. ~~ubJ.?~Ur.:i'\'/~la ror ClOl I llpaUOn. "I've lookl!:d for months the kee per of the I,rlacl pal sa· pl1l)o' of Orework,s nnd Illumin atlons loon III t h neighbo rhood stated thllt and one whom "Ve could call n Ighbor. them everyw here--" genernl rejoic ing to celebrn te the Nature Conque r. Man. And now, as though aware of our un· , "Oh Norn-" t he cook stooel In the his revenue had dropped from $3,000 . ann iversary of the sultan's accessio n. Miln can ge t. along withou t his cities protecte d position , the IndianS had doorway , her Horid rnce to $700 a month . After tbat the presl· Medina , or more fully Medlna t nl· and his clotiles and actually pal· bis com plicat, d taken occasio n to go on lhe Will" Ing wllh terror-- "bave you seen my dent bega n to e stabll llh Y. M. C. A. In· Nabl, the City ot the Prophet , also lool s and treusure s; but ali his s titutlon s aL ih compnn y's expe ns\), called Tayjlbn l1lllh! children ?" h, the perfume d, and al· vaunted wisdom and skill are "Willfu lly and malicio usly!" ex. set ut· Nora pointed. a quaking flngel' 10 the until every division al pol tit on Lhe e n· Munaw wnrah, the illumina ted, 19 one terly at naught by the s im ple fnllur~ clalmed Mrs. Allbrigh t, as she sat fir e on the hill. "There -I s,aw them Ure system had itll "I'lant." Tbe word of the sncred cities of Islam. It was or tbe cloud s to drop readJng bloM·cb illlng account s of mas· steal away that wayan "Christ ian" was never cut ouL the scen of Moham med's labors after actual necess iti es of raIn. Tbe anI hour ago," . life are those be 'l'h ralll'oad Y. M, C. A. soon be· his sacres that bad iaken place or w re 'he gasped, "They was-" Hight from Mecca, and his lomb slowllllI aboul to take place-a ccounts ,,\hlch But before sbe could finlsb IIIrs. All· came an ellt abllshed succeas , and Its Is there. The lown is ~50 miles north ties to of nature which we re necess i1 aborigin al n1na.-P hlladelphlB/ were further supplem ented by the bright was out or the building s 110\V dot the railroad lllap of of l\f cca and Is 140 miles north by Dull tin . messen ger's report of the burning L'lat Ing toward Oolgoth a, door and rush· th nUre countl'Y . taking In (ully 80 her wblle sbawl eust of Yambu on Ule Red sel\. Out· per cen t. of the lollli nllleage . Tbe at· .slde of tbe very mornin g of a ranch Only 40 miles J\[ussul inan wOl'lol It la ImPort ant to Mothe r.. , tltud e of the com\lan les bas changed conside red llway. very dou bUul t hnt rvfollanl' Examin e carefull y every bottle of tram one or doubtfu l Indiffer ence to meu's body At tbe otbe.r nd or the porch sat OASTO RIA a snfe and sure remedy tor lies In Medina . ' that of hearty comm ndallon and lib· the five .lIttle Allbrlg hls In a circle, Infants aud children . and see tbat It eral sup\>Orl As a rul , the compan y holeling I\. solemn consulta tion. There HUMAf')! ' ELEME NTS IN CARS. was Tony, Lbe eldest, Ule 12·year- old; rects ~e buiicllng or fUTnisbes the 13ears the ~~--Signatl ue of • major Pc»-lIon bt the constru ct ion Enginee r Tell. of Fltl of "Sulks" the twins, ar;ed Len; Billy, seven years That In Use For Over 30 Years. funds, and conll·lb ut. s 40 P I' cent. of old; and Ethelbe rt Van TwUler All· . . They Indulge In. The Kind You Ha~~e AlwiLys Bougbt. bright, aged Hve. They were all look· 'the total o"eratln g cost, tbe other 60 per cen t. be ing paid In by the m emo Ing very sober, and each cbHd was "There j9 hardly II. locomo tlve eb· Uncle Eben, berll, Tbe Increas ed Interest of th\) glne'er in this or any other country de corated with a generou s . piece of "A heap 0' men," snld Unclli Eben, men Is shown by the fact tbat five who does not II,cknowledge tbnl his black silk, tom off the bottom of an en· ~glt s .a rellutatl on roh great ' wisdom years ago t.hese Oguree we re exactly glne possess es ru'Uost human chamc· old skirt. In the center; of the cirelli by pertend ln' to know mo' dan deT Btood an empty bOll, over wblch were reverse d, tbe membe rs contrib uting te rlstlcs-qualltle s that .It would seem draped lhe remains of the skirt, and 40 per cent. and the compan ies 60 per to the uninItia ted are almost super· does an' den persuad ln' you to b)am'" yoh own Ig'nunc e fob not compreh enc,· whlch probabl y represe nted to Tony's cent. natural wben associa ted wJth a com· cultivat ed mlnd"'a bier. .Tbe twl:Jls The manage ment of the Institut ions pllcated mass or macbhi ery," said an In' delr explana Uons."- Wssbin gtoll St&r, shared bet ween them a very crumple d Is left entirely In the hands of the as· old enginee r. ' handker chief, wltb wbl~h they oaca· 'lIOciatlon, tb" compan y slmgly keeping "I was talking with a friend the slonal1y rubbed their eyes. a c~peratlng "eyel , on the work. otber day," he went on, "wbo II run· . TONI C OF "What Is the matter, 'childre n?" J Theso Y. lIf, C. A. houses range In size uing an electric traIn on the B, R. T. exclaim ed, as 1 took In the details of and equJpm ent from the magnifi cent between the bridge and Coney Island. GREA .T USEF ULNE SS. building erected la!!t year In St. Louis, and he told me some 'thlngs about bl. the "cene. Tony WII,S silent until he had mar· at, a .c ost of $250,000, to a couple , of cars that, If I didn' t know so ml;lch shaled his feature s Into a state of due passeng er coaches swItohe d oft on a about englncs , would make me laugh. solemni ty; 'then, In a vQlce careIull y siding , and furnish ed . wllh some 1 thoroug hly. believe him, though. modula ted to fit tbe ' occasio n, he resimple living appurte nances. One of "Each of the motor cars, as every plied: "At the break of d!ly M.lss Jug the bum blest beginni ngs, by tb e one llI1Ows, Is eleclr!c ally eq~ipped so departe d' this life," way, consiste d of that It can be run AS the head or mo· "She has gone over 'the big divide," In a Flalh the Truth Burlt Upon UI one room, a vol· Uve car or the train, and eacb or tbem added th\! twins, who never let pass gleamin ume or I'crall~s up a portion of the electric govern· C g In the ila.rkneSB. BtNilgb t. ernmen t report II, an orportu nlty ot using a . co'wboy juice from tbe third rail as It runs way, In spite of those wbo 'Would have a secretar y, and a phrase. aiong. Now, each or these cars, m1 • restrain ed me, I plunged after her, canary! ...,... From "Ole Miss Jug," as tho children friend SIlYS, bas Its own dilltl~ct In· follo-Vlog down tbe path, across the .. 'Weifar e Work' called ber, was D. ' porlly dog of great dlvldua llty, 111(e horses, ' notwlth stand· age and Immova ble dignity. . In the c~ek, and up the steep ascent. In the on ' Americ an Rail· Ing that the)' are all exactly ailke mewake of that flutterin g wbite signal, roads." by William oplnlonl l of the five young Allbrlgh ts chan lc~ll y. Certain cars 'Will not work We could not see the fire now, but Menkel , In the she "was as old al tbe oldest tree," the, toget her, but put another car In besmoke streame d blood red over Americ an Iteview Certain ly ilhe was as old as the old· tween the two that have a grudge our heads, and we could hear the cries or Revlew s•.._ _ _~===-:est mourne rs. 'And now. al Tony of =..:...---, against each other and every tiling the victim and smell the burning _ would have said, In the fullnels of flesh. will run smoothl y. Tbe trains have to As we neared tbe top of the New South Americ an Line•. time she had gone whence no dog ' be made up In the same way eacb day, bill thtl hideoua shrieks stlddenl y Ouadal aJara proml.e s to be the Cbl· that Is, tbe cars bave to be coupled returne th. , "She waa a mighty One dog;" said ccused, tbe drum was sllene,ed. all cago ot' trle republic of Mexico and In the sequenc e that It Is round they was quiet save the fierce crack~lng of one of the great railroad one of the twins, sor,rowfully. centers or run the best. If they are not, the car . that cou.try . At present It Is the tel" or cart that are out of place are likely . "And," said Tony, visibly brighten . Lhe Hame. "They lng, "we are going to give her the grlpplng have seen us," I thought , and minus of the Souther n Pacific eden' to 'buck,' just like a balky 'horse tbat ' Mrs. Allbrig ht's arm from be- slon In Mexico and there are The vtcUma of leprosy are no'l1l' the, very finesl funeral we reasons has been accusto med t o a certa.ln team ever had." hind, stood ror a momen t motionl ess for believin g that E . only phYlllcal , d~eet\ves wbo are H. 'Hinrlm ao does mate and won't .wor\C with a strangE ' Had Tony lived Bome hundred years and peered ahead. , , not Intend to stop consttic tlOIi one. Overha ul tl!e 'buckin g' car, and treated sUlI 'as tbey were In t~e medl· ago, he would have become pope, 'or over the black' rocks of the city hut will build on to Mexicoat this "I)u'll find tliat eni times. Tbey '"lnsplre an almost certalnl y a cardll)s l, so great was his hillJust It Is all right mechan ic· City, tO)l gleamed the full superst itious terror In tb~ clean of love of ritual. Tbe burial of II. hen great bloody sun. Suddenmoo!l, like a and' al8'o still farther south to cont;tect ~l1Y. , It Is simply a Questio n of In· ly there ap· with thO Pan.Am erican nnd the rail. dlvldua l sulklne as or lomethl , HaN. R. So THARIN . ng of tl!at f1esb. More IclenUf ic study Is re- under his direcllo n became a rI\os l peared upon a rock right abo,v e us, roads Hon, R, B, Tharln, Attorne y at Law or Yucatan . sort. No amount of analysi s will ex'qulred and a m'ore humane' method of ImpoSing ceremon y. Theatri cals were full against tbe broad, copper orb of It Is underst ood that Harrim an's plain the almost buman qualltle l of anc\ , cOllnsel for Anti·Tr ust Leag~e, wriws from Pennsyl vania' Ave" N. \V., deallng wltb the sufferer s. 'There can hiB pusion. Robed In a scarlet table· the moon, II. dusky savage. For an In· plan to enter tbe Olty of Mexico has e ogines and of electric cars." cloth, and ,armed with a bread knife, stant Washin gton, D. C.). ~ follows : he stood motionl ess, a great compe11e\l the manage ment be no doubt that leprosY 'ls much com· he would or tbe Mex. reci te HamIel 's BoliloQuy In .knife gleamin "Havln g used I'erun. for CIItllrrh ld g In hi" uplifted hand, Ican Central to put theIr branch into moner than , II r;eneral ly suppose d, for such a melancb oly Engine er Feal'l Motor• disorde rs, 1 am able to testify to [tIl voice, and with Il.nd his blB!l.ket blowing agnlnst bis Guadal Its period of Incubat ion Is u!)uBually such express ive motions ot hlB weap· ajara 011. a compe ting basis Twenty ·fiye years tbe enginee r of great r eme(1ial excellen ce and do not , with the Soutber n PaclHc. S . M. Fel· one of the rastest tralnl In the eaat, heslta.te to give It my empha.t ie endorse · long, and It -! of~en falls to announ ce on, tha~ the twins would lie thrown bare legs. Then ment and earnest recomm endatio n ,to Itself d,efinltely for years.. Until ad&- Into quite an ecstasy of horror. wblle trembli down to us poor women ton preside nt of the Mexican Central , but afraid to ~Ide In an automo bile. , aU persons o.ffec~d by that.dis order. -It ng billow Ooatl7d these words: no~ Is baving a reconno lssance' That was the remnrki ible confess ion Is also a. tonic made '.quate prov'lslo n la ~a e ror ·the vic· the younge r part of lhe audienc e "To be of grellt useluln e ..... or not to be, that Is thel que~· of the grade rrom ,Irapuat o to Guada. f\lade by Benjam in Day" veteran en· JIll'. T. llal'neco tt. West' Aylmer , Ums, boweve r. declare s tbe Chicago cowered In terror under the bed· tion! " lajal'a g Onlnrlo cletbes, lne plans drIver , dan ., wTites: "LMt winter I the ellbibltl ons laking place to elimina te much of the Delawa re, Lacka· Rec~rd·Herald, tbey will continu e to It was Tony's yolce! of th~ curvatu re, and, If wanna & Wester n road, wl)o ror a W88 iii with pneum on/.llfte r hllvlng /. .prea.d 'the plague among theIr nelgb· generally at bedtime , being more 1111· 1n a flasb tbe. truth burst upon us. reduce tbe mileage betweenpossible , to grippe. . I too)t Peruno. for two ulonths , presslv e by candle ligbt, those two quarter of a century has dra~~ the , We bad been witness ing one of Tony 's points. Felton says bors. ' State governm ents have been tbls branch will "Millio naires' Express '! trom Hoboke n when I became qllitll well. I ulso Ill" dnced a. vOl1ng Judy, who was 1111 rlln dramas. Ilow to make the necessa ry provisio ns be made equal to any roacJ In the reo to MorriS Plalnl; wltb never an accl· down Late that evening nnci conHne d to the house" to talu! 'W hat a sight met our gaze as we public. He tor their comfort . Tb;:! rederal autborl· I snt alone on the Mrs, Allbrigh t and expects n tremendolJs In. dent charged agalnlt him, and whc Peruon, aud nfter tnking cool plllz)la, rock· rUllhed up onto the top, ot the' hln! crease tor Uee would seem to be In ' a ' better' po- litg, thinking , waiting . both In passeng er and frelgbt by hlB daring bursts of speed bas three mdntbs she Is o.blo to Perl1no. follow her As long as -There in lhe midst of the Ore lay busines s by tbe opening ' IIUon to ' deal with tb~ sftuatlo n, up of trade the earned of west to.i1orin ·the title at "Mlle·a· Mlnute g. I "4n recomm end dayligh t bad lasted and tbe little All· all that was mortal OIl 1I1isB Ju~:, fast CO:Lst or tbe republic by tht Harrim an P.erUIID for n11 611Ch' Wl10 nrc ill and rebrights had bome us compan y, we had falling into ashes. Ben'." , ' quiro n. tonic. H Seated upon. the road. Now they are proposi ng ' to ,}lut con· kept up a 'pretens e of cheerfu l conver· rocks were the "Time II ,t he law ot our r.o ad," sald four little AlIbr'lghts, Pe-ru·'ila Tablets. Da7. "and sometim es when 'there ar,e I crete hummo cks across every good satlon. But 'now t4at t he , small folk s each robed In a white sbeef and Elrmed Some people pl'efet' to J;n,blets, Luxury on the Lin •• delays '\\'e haye to run pretty talt .I!.' Long is land road on each side "f every were lucked away In be d, and the with a great tin pan. J\nd upon the Luxury In rallroad ' travel will lure~y make up. Seventy ·flve mUes a~ houl rnt h()r th illl to talce medicin e hi 0. fluid railroad crossing . It may be neces· men hlld foregath ered In ~hc barn , we blghest rock stood Xony, garbed I,n the form. S'll ch can P er.u.nil rench' Its climax wben the new P~l1· is com~ion, but. spenkin g of, .peed" ts wlti()hpeople had relapied Into a silence whose red lobleclo th arid carryin g the bread 8810/, 140, rentark s the New York represe nt the 60lid I~e· man train g de loom luxe (iuia' was appears accenle d by the deep minor kn!te. the enginee r'S vqlc~ dropped can· di"lnul Ingredi llnts of l'eruno.. ElWb on tbe Lon· World, to spoil the ' roads to keep a the ' croakin g . or . ' chords or night, "0 children !" cried lbei:- mother, don·lo-B rlghton; line next Nove!Dber'. fldentla lly), '''my brother haa an auto- tn Met IR equival ent to olle al'erog'e doae compac aUvely tew speed hOKS from Even our Yankee friegda will open mobile anci he's been trying to get me 0:1, Peruna. ,frogs, tbe distant lowing of ' killing tOOmselves or otbers, but- tie wailing (or the rhlns, thirsty cat· sinking down uron Ute rocks. "Why their 'eyell In wender when they boar.d Into 'the t.b lng for and now and didn't you t ell U8 wb!!t you were going . montbl , but )'vo . wh&~ a pityl lhls sumptu ous e"pre1l8 tbat Is said to fooled blm every time. then the hungry howls of the coyotes , to do? You have frighten ed us near- be costing £40,000 . ' holding revel furl bel' down the cre~k . Iy to death." It, will onslst of "It ,I WIl8 sure he wouldn 't 'e xceed four drawlng·room cars"tw o compos ite' ten ' miles an bOllI', I might \110, We should like to know more in reBy this time It was quite dark. but "We's just been a·burnln ' ole Ml,sl smokin g cars, and a buffet fitted In a even then J d reel uncomfortab)Ei. GIve card to that Idaho wheat which yleldl Even the long, narrow sea or smoky Jug," exclaim ed the twins. style hltberto unapllro aclied In rail· me a good palr of steel rallu and It ,10222 bulihels to the al!re before bellev· green that 1lad gleamed 80 long over "It's a cremati on," correc:t ed Tony, way enterpr ise, and far eclipsin g tbe comotlv e.. I believe In Ing all tbe Iwrles we hear about , it. ~he western hi/Ill had faded. About with dignity. t&iUng DO famous "Pullml ln Limited " that rt!lns chances ," Perbap e It II being raised 111 lIome tbe top ot 9 caarer peak. that or a "Tbese," pointing to lhe shlleted down to Brtghto n on Bunda,y s. The ..matell!' farmer who doesn't know the rocky hill, a quarter of a mile or so AlIbrlgb ts, "are the l1eave~'y cbolr, tl'aln promiae.B to be the finest train In to the east ot us, whlFh :rony ' had I'm tbe hlgb priest of rhe Willow Treel al a Fanee. moon, Atld-" the world,- London Tlt·Blts , dUfe:en.ce between wheat and pu~p christen ed Golgoth a, shone II. !alht ...· pausing dramati cally, he drew WIllow trees as Bnow fell.!e. are to tbe klnl. dlance, the Orst rays of the rislol tableclo th closer about bo tried along the N«;Irthem PacUia him, and Indl·' A..uranc •• railroad In North Dakota. One huo, eating tbe moon, the fire, tta heaveD ' It II not pnerall ), known that StlUl· moon. Sap head-D octor, If I wal to JOBe dred thousan d golden Suddenly. with a faInt scream, my ly choir and himself with wUlowa are beOIIe .weep my mind, would ley, the tamou!l e:rplor8T, wu a walt compan 1 be aware or It my· Ing planted thll year aa rID ion gripped my arm, "Look! " of the bread knife, the hlgb prilell'~lCI "xperi' )D' aad tbat hi. oriClna ' name W!... ,John she' 'whispered, "tbe Indlanll lelfT !" , ment, and It I. boped Ulat they will cluded In a deep, Bolemn Roirlan dl. ~. "'.. barD ..... Pia. Doctor -You wo,Jld not noUe. the be found jut 'al eflecU, Even a sbe l\>Oke. from tbe . crown "These Is the oblequl e lit the recu' el of ole dUrClreDll8, Dor would aDJ aI lour lar BnoW ailed. u4 Mail. W.-b a 1140. cd Qullotll a there pot ap a tllque Jq. Let her &-.1.-1 '." lICIt .. T l~ecl tt trleu41 ,,-Jud!, ,J Make I Beginni ng. How orten men are hell.l'd to la" "Well, next year 1 shall begin to Mve." or "Next year I Intend to lead • better life." They n..~e constan tly ' deferring the time tor prac;tlcally on· lorclng tbelr good resoluti ons. There .a no time like t.b e present to begin to do well. II your hablta need r& formlnr , begin their reforma tion no'l1l'; Sf TOll are estnvag ant. this 'very day ~ tbe proper time to begin to, save mOlle,; If your compan ions are dis· 80lule, and tbeir example bad, shun ~m rrom this momen t; If you are .nxtou. to succeed In ure, to accumu · late wealth, decide uvon a rMs lble IJlan which promlse l ,uccess , Md make a beginni ng. Intll1k'try and per eeveran ce wl11 enable you to overcom~ 'many obstacl es wblch now appear al most Insurmo untable, says the New York From small b e glnning~ many of ,the gTandes t enterpr ises of the world have sprung, and moat of the wealthy men or the IIgo owe tbelr fortun es chieOy to the fact that lhey made a beginnin g. The founder ot St. Luke's hospital , the late Rev. WIlliam !Augustus Mublen berg, author of tbtl' bymn, "I Would Not Live Alway," sug· gested trom his pulpit, In 1846, 62 years ngo, the necessi ty of such ac tnstlluU on for tbe relief of the sick, The 1Irst collecti on for the purpose 1\'8S made, and It amount e" tq tho In· .lgnIOo ant' BUm or $31. ''When do you expect to comple te your hospital ?" a friend aslred, srolllng at th. small "Never !" prompti y answere d Dr, Muhlen berg, "never, If I do not mako a beginni ng." Ei,ght years arter.. ward the roundat lon stone ot' St. Luke's hospita l was laid; In 1867 the cbapel was opened lor divine service, and patients were admitte d May 13, '1868. In 1857 Dr. Mu1l1en berg became Its superin tendent and pastor, a.nd beld this position at the time of his death April 8, 1877. From that little eum' ~t ,at-th st small beglnil lngthere came due time one of the bestDl&D~ed InatltuH ons -of tbe kind In the country , a credit to the . city of New York, and an ~ndurlng monum ent to the memo~ Of. Its founder .
PEllciNA. A.
••• u..IaUer.
that b,.. tbe p rapbet, ahoulcl Bee'll the presence at their God ami learn hla will concerning the remnant which stili renl.lned In .Jerullalem. And when be had assented to dC' this thing for tb em tbey had solemnly pledg d lo J __ lall tJoe Prophet Drlbll, JII. Cap or olley, sayl~g: !I.r~o" 10 the BIII.r IIrt~•. "\\0 hetbor It be, good or e- II, we will pbey the voice or be Lord our BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" God , to whom we se nd lb ee : tbat It PREACHER mny l::e well with u s, wben we obey tbe voice at the Lord Ollt God." (Cupyrl6rll l>.lM,lIl LU_,AU or"W. So KUtcu .) And with tbese r elll3BUI'lng warde Prophecl a of Jeremlah .-:rhey ore not ringi ng In. bls ears, .Jeremlah had In chronological order. but aeem to 11l1vO Wi thdrawn to a Quiet retreat outside 'be~ n rearranged ·nccOI·dlng to th eir eub- the walls of Jerusalem, whltber h. leets. via: 1. ' Vernlng to the J ews. 2. Sur\'ey of al\ nations. with a hletorlon l up- was ",'ont secr etly to go when desirpond Ix. 3. Predicti on ot brlghler doys lO ous of perfect quiet, lin d undisturbed ·eome, wllh a aim liar oppendlx . •. P rophe- communiOn wllh God. There God had cies r~S8. rdlng Egypt. The concluding met him afte r he had spenl ten day. chuptorl from 61 :34 are ftupp08cd to have been compiled from the Inlt r porllone of In earnl·st. agon izing pmyer, Rncl had 2 Kings. nnd may h•• ve been ndded by revealed to him hi s purpose conce rn. Elsrn. J eretn lah W(18 cont canporn ry with Ing those who slll1 rem ained In t he Zephaniah, Hnballkuk. Ezekiel nnd DanWhat i el. He foretoltl the preolse (late of the half·ruln ed clly of J e rusalem . ·Captlvlly. tho rllte of Zedekiah, tllO to- was left or the belov ed city ot Zion turo of th o J ews from BIlll)'lon, and the II hould be prese rved, it only tllose who -t!e uy of lhnt clly. 1.'ruilltlon credits him sti li remained there would continu e t o with burying the ark. Ho pretllct d thO abrognUon of the Law and the Inllugurll- abide In the clly and trust God to de· tlon ot II. spiritual wors hip ('cnterlng Hve r th em fron] all harm an d evil. arou nd a Christ. He pl 'LUred tho' 1>1 ss- How It had r jol c d the h p-art (If the Ings f) t lhe Ilto ll ment, th o cl\.lI ot th e old prq)Jh et. How he had C'lung to a 'II Ule!! lhrou gh th u gos pel. nnd tho nnni the sncr d pillc. 'Wh en b e hilt! had acce(l Utn('O of th J ews. J erelllI" h hRB b e~ n u ll e d th e w~clJl n ll' prollhet L1cenu. the privil ege ot findin g eae and tJnfety of hl ~ mourllful prOI)h"cl'll over the fllt under th e fri endly protection or Ne\r of J C ""~Rhml IIlId Ihe .Je wl s h IlP_t IO n, bul th~r III I\. 110t (, t tri umph I'un nln g n il u7.llr·adau. a ile ot Ihe chief c81lt a ills ~hroug ll. tor hl ~ "lilian 16 Il'll r Rlld L1rlght ot lhe Chah]ean army, It he wO\1ld of 11 betl r (ulUro which 1:1 \ ' <'8 10 him 1\.8 onl.v go to Ba by lon . he had chos'jn tu lly Ill! to 1811t III tho chllrllGte r of Ii mt her lo r tu,," 0 J er usale m !lud lI ur· prupl1et of tho a;O!fpel. ror privation nud dn ng&I' wi th the row S r\rlt ure AUlho.rlty -J e l·em ~ a h. chap- wh o stili 'r emaine d there. Flo w bo !latl ters 42, 43. pr:lyed aUII how he had work el~ to hrlng ord er out of chaos and C 9,USO th e deep suffering 'a nd dl s\l' ss 'lot the SEP.MONETTE. ]lcople to turn th e bea, rts o! til" Ileo· '11e L1ack' to God . Aud now God had given de tlnlte word that If the peoAfter Neb uchadnezz3r had Ille would continue to abide In the stripped Jerusalem of her treasland be would eave them anti de· u re, and had taken ' the best of liver them trom the hand of Nebucbad. the people captive to Babylon, nezzar, whom they feared. he placed Gedallah over the few Hopefu lly, tborefore , Jeremiah b ad who had been left to care for returned to Jerusale m, and having the land and dre.. the vine. ga tbered togetller Johanan and his fol· yarde. A few months after thl8 lowers anti tbe people, he plainlY de· Ishmael formed a plot, murclared unto them all that God had dered Gedallah and a .. umed said. And wblle JJ)remltlb had noted control, and then entered Into tbe disappoInted look on tbe faces of an agreement to deliver all the the men before hIm &11 lie spoke, be people Into ths handa of the waa not prepared tor the angry out· Ammonltea. Johanan and a burst and the brut/ll conl1emntltlon: band of men who had elcapod ·'Thou speakest fals elvl " . Ilhmael's murderous hand, bold. An~ With tbelle wordS· rlll~lIg the Iy attacked the lattor III he was death !:c.... t; to .n the bope be hMhad o~ Hla way to the Ammonltel, fOI' better thlnglt tor Jerusalem, Jer.· recovering the Ipoll and the mlah turned and passed out of tbe people and returning with them city and slow ly wended his way to Jerulalcm. Johanan then toward his retreat. ', . became governor over the city, Jobanan and his followers wa tched and fearing the wrath of . Neb- ~ uchadnezzar' bccause of the ~ -hIm. but that bowed heM and t bat form shaking with emotion brought no th lngl which had been · hapfeeling ot regret to their beurts . for pening at Jerulalem, he deonly contemptuoull snee rs and angry termlned ' to fleo Into Egypt. looks were to he seen upon the ir But before dOing ao he and the faces. At Il\8t when tho prophet had people aought t/'le advl&e of the passed out of slgbt tbey, too, turned, . Prophpt Jeremiah, declaring 101aUd, with nn alr of t riumph, were soon emnly: "We will obey the voice bUIY pe rfecting lhelr plans for the of the Lord our God, to whom IlIght Into Egypt. wblch bad been defi· we lend thee!' Ten day. later nltely determJned u pon. Jeremiah brlngl them God'. "Be YOU s ure," spoke up one, "that mellage, commanding them to Jeremiah will USe his lufluence to dis. remain In JerUllal.,m and promsunde the peo.ple trom fOllowl,ng YOu." lalng to protect and proaper Johanan's eye flasb ed and a sneer them, but warning them that r, was upon hIs: face as be exclaimed: they went ''lt~ Egypt, they "The narrow-minded reprobate! It should perlah by the aword, would serve him right It be were left flmlno and peatllence. Then bere to lIutrer the fate wblch he would Johanan and tho people repuhave the people r emain to endure. . But diated the prophet, charging he shall not. He shall go down Into that he had .pokon a lie and Egypt and eat hi. words concernIng not God'a mUllage, and forththe evils which be bas declared s ball with they aelzod him and forced come upon us If we go tblther. Evil! him to accompa!'1y them Into Why hath not Pharaoh given every aI' Egypt, suranoe of help and protection? But Such wal tho. apparent· rewhat have we to hope tor bereT ward for atandlng with God' and Naught but privation and Buffering and ape.klng hll mellage. Old It certain punishment at the hands of pay? Nebuchadnezzar. Yea, Jeremlab Ihall Temporarily, perhapI, no. go Into Egypt. and he sho.ll 84t bread From the atandpolnt of eternity, and water. of aftllcUon while we' enjo,. yel. the bounty of Pharaoh'. gooaneslI." Healtate, then, not to Ipeak And Jereml!lh In his retreat was God'a word, becaule you feel or bowod low- In · praYer, and ' while Joknow It will not be received. hanan and bIll ' followers were plot- -#r._p4fl\k It becauae It la ' God'a ting be was pouring out bls truth, and muat finally pre. stricken h eart to' God. He knew that vall. ' God had spoken and tbat only e,'11 How many Johanana . thllte could come to uie people 8h'o uld they , are Ih the world t()oday. Con- , go down . Into Egypt. Ob, that he aeloila they Iro ' of the need ~Ight be able to turn them troin tJ,lelr Divine wisdom and guidance, PllrP!Jle. Ob, ~bat the people would but willful. Pretending to' be IIlten to him as he ,w arned tl\em dOIlroua of knowing God'a meaagaInst tbe tally of goIng with Joaage ' until that m ..lago runl banan and bls followers . cOl,lnter to their own purpolea "Wby . tarry I bere1" be crleil, Impa· or ambltl~na, and then ready . to tlently, "'w hen I should be litling mJ JUltlfy ,their point of view by voice In jerusalem!" repudiating God'. me... "e. To' And In obedience to the selt.lmllosed auch thore remalna but ono rechallenge. he aroae Immediately IUld aUIt, Humin fallur" and DIwent Into the cit,.. vine Judgment. Later hi tbe day word reached Johanan that Jere.1i11ah· had returne'd and was speaking to the people" urg· THE STORY. Ing them to hear tbe voice of God and , ''THOU . IIpeakest talsely!"" ' go not down .lnto Egypt. . Like tbe koon blade of a knife '~Yea," ' eltciIalriu~d Jobana'n, . vetbe worde cut through to the vel')' hemently, "tbls veri day the propbet -depthll of Joremlah's heart. Silently. hlmselC ' IIho.ll start on hll Journey to ' tlUt wltb a look upon bJi face wblch Egypt, and tbere shall b'e a goodly told ot the depth of ' agony Which company followJng blm; Those who .urged wltbln, the prophet tum~d would follow him Inslead ot mo sball Irom the grollp of men Btandlng be- bear 't he brunt of t~e' Journey and ahall fore blm and ' walked aWay. ' Furtber go before us ,to open tlle way." protest, or pleading on his· part were And~ ,ultlng hll actlonl to hi. Uleless . . . It WItS' yery plain "that Jo- wo~ds,. be burrled torth Into the,.tf6etil banan; tbe governor of Jerusalem, and and waa soon dlrecUns hll men to Ule band ,o f men wltb him, had not seize the prophet and the people wbo wanterl God's melBage, but rather ,In- Btood wltb him IUld to put them In ·fe t • 'd orsemont of th. cour.3e wblch they ten and start with.. thcm on tb'e lonl had determined to follow, and 'when journey to Egypt . the word or God had been dtrectl,. "Into EgypU" croaned tl\e prophet, countar to these plaus" they had "Ob, God~ as though l;hy people had turned upo~ . tbe prophet, fieFcely de- Dot known lIulferint; ' e:lough·." Theil, Doun-:lng him as Q talsl! prophet, and' IlCtIng up hIs head and turblng up;)U declulng veliemently: Johannn, he flercely ' crIed: '''Ya dt80 .. "The Lord . our ' GQd !lath not sent sembler! Ye wbo .s ent to In9u1re thee·to say, '00 not Into Egypt to so. ' of ' I/ :.e Lord and then wouldat not re,ourn 'there; Dul Baruch, the Bon of cel\; ~ hlB word. know certalnl,. that ye No~ab, aetteth theo on agaJn8t ua, and thos', who tallow you shr,ll die hy for t.r. deUver UII Into the hand of the the 5WO, i. by the fnmlne ancl b,. tbe Cha:aeanl, that they mlgbt put UII '.0 pestlleneol, In the place wblther ya d. ' death. anel carr,. UI \l':\'", capUt es slre ·to go and tw 1I0Journ." Into Bsb)161l." "Enough, thou ClJae prophet," cried T •• cia,.. before tile loban&ll, . . he lDOUonfld to .hll ilia 'wbloh our opeu .mo,e 011 wtth the propb.t,
. *
ea\ tblDe
ChOIl .M~'''~
Practical Fashions
Icholson, In The Lit-
Little Brown Jug a Favorite Every Race and Age. Mr. Mcredlth
Uc El:'nwu Ju g; of Klldtlre. tbus IIleas.
H'BN ~b s 'hool lolh es are provided . th e next qu estion on band Is : "What shall I h liule folks 1l:lV fo r 1Jl'S l ' " ' T he mocl ('ls ho wn in the sketch orrci' good !lng ' esll olls fol' tracks that ar simple, y t foll ow artistic 'Un s. 'I' hc 1it.t1 boy's s nit Is one oC th e Ll OW wlnt",r 1lI0cl els ro r rlr ssy W 1\1'. It Is ;i RU SSian blous' s u i fi t fin e twille d whlto. plqne. w i!)] II will e band of En~lIsh mbro ldlery on th e collat·. Tho first "ketch 011 III lefl Is I1f pink chnille fur a !'o lr l of n"e 01' seven yenrs. T h/) daln ly li ttle hunu mbrolct 1')' Is lI oll e In Ihe SRme · or. m· bro idery si lk. Tile yol! Is ot tuck d pluk mu ll wi th a row uf hanu -emb rold· I' d dO LS on tb e ol ltl r. . The n ext 'd resR 15 for 11 girl or f!'Olll 15 lo 18 y ·ars . It Is or cream color cashmer e with plnltl ngs pn the WBhst, lhe girdle a nd band 0 11 t he s kirt of old rose m ssnUne. Th 1'0 Is a .lIllle round co llar ot' rea l haby Iris h lace. The gulml1 Is of crea m colOl' net. There Is nothl ug so ' qurunt for a wee tot as a Mother Hubbard ilres8. rh e one In the sketch Is mad enUI'ely by ,band. of French nainsook. If pas, sible, lhe littl e Ins ertions s hould be of rou l Val nel onn s lace, but If Ihls call not b \iad, the n only th e best b'1'ade of machln e·made lace should he u6ed . A little pink ribbon , Is rtln through the beading at Ole waist. The last model Is fo r a ten·year-olcl ~I rl. II Is a very dainty little gOWl1 of light blue Tyrlall silk. '1'he filted neckJlleee and shoulder capes are braided with the same ton e s ilk soutache. At ,~a ch side of th e girdle In front Is a sash C1\d. finished w1th a blue silk tassel. Th e guhnpe Is of fine white m ull with band run lucks and trimmin gs or Valenciennes lace. . . '
Welcome Refreshment at the End of Tendency Now Is to Have the Trim. . Card GameG. minD Ra~her Flat. In these da ys at a taole or two ot brIdge as a form of entertaInment,. ho.s teeses are Interested In Inexpensive n'o veilies for refreshmentll. Wbat to serve depends large ly on tho customs of the city and the time of tho linrty. During the hot wellther t ho morning has been th e favorite hour. Piny lasts fronl t e u o'clock until 12: 30, when a cold lunel, Is served on the card tables or lu the s haded dining room. This might consist of halves of canteloupe. with a few bla ck ber ~ l eB In each 111 eo : jeUi d gumbo In ' cups; bon ed chicken or VlrgJnJQ ham, car' rot s and )IellS In asp Ic, lIny French rolls, Iced corree, whole tomatoes stuffed ,vlLh chopped green peppers, and olives covered. with mayonnaise; peach or blackberry sberbet with vanilla waters. Sucb a menu can easily be prepared lhe dtly b efOre iLt the cosl of but a fe w doll ars. If a lun ch Deems too mucb trouble, Ice d coffee, Uny bacon or cheese sand· wlcbe8, c.'lke and andy are passed & II t tlo before noon, 80 tbe guests ruay get home to lunch. With Ulese IJ Tht .refresbments dalnlInes!lo 8hould make up for variety. Inve3t In n. set of card cake cutlers, which consist at foUl' pieces to rerlresent lhe aces of spades. clu bs, hearts and diamonds. TheBe can be used to sh ape both the sandwiches and cakes. Bake a rloh cup oake In thick layers In an oblong 'pan to lIav waste ' In ~t1ttlng. Ice the clubs Ilnd 'spades in !l fudge Icing and t.he otller, two shapes III a boiled white Icing colored red with cUl'ran t sirup or a few drops of cochineal. ' . . Serve the .Iced cartee In tall. thin glasses balf filled Wllh cracked Ice !Uld with whipped cream on the tOil. Ru ssIan tea or ginger ' ale may be sub, stltuted fOI· the cortee. Instead of tbe sandwfches. crackDrs. butte red, covered with Parmesan ch eese and r ed pepper and toasted In the oven mny be ·used. The candles can 'be made at home. 31ther fudge or whlt,e grapes. seeded lnd. covered with a cream fondant. Sout.che Braid". Soutache braid enters 'Into the com · position ot tbe new hats liS a decoralion. Many ot the latest mod'a ls show a tam crOWD braided In rows, com· plete'd by a brIm of satin, and are to be had In blnck and colors. An odd use, of the hJlllld was on a sa.t1n hat trimmed with wings ' of the guinea h ~n and the duck combined. These were arr~nged In tl~e t~ont, going In opl)Oslte directions, and were beld dow.n with largl! disks (dollar size) l1lade from the · braid and , con· nected wltb ' knotted loops of the braid. Silk Banda Out. One, of ,t he kinds , of trlnlmlng tbat seems to be entirely out of style Ie silk .ands. The wide to)(ls are used , but not th'e stitched pleccs that h,a ve' been em)lloyed to cover seams ' and t o .carTy. o\lt dilslgns on volle and oloth frocks. Braid Is used Instead. A1\ wldt)Ja of It are put on skirt and coat. New Silk for Soa"'l. A now khid or stlk tor IIcarta has appeared' In. tbe market . It Is a trifle t han ohllfon and Blmllar In weave to crope de chine It III PriDted' With ' bandlome Gellllll ~arrled out In 10,81, colonna.. It J'IIlIU from 12 to . 914•• u4 ~. two doUan a
Desl;lte predictions to ,t he cOnlrary, large hat- the very large bat-If stil i ras hlonable, but the tendency this seaaon Is to have the trlmJ;lllng rather flat. except In ' the case of the dressy plumed bats designed tor af~ . ernoon and evenin g wear. Some o! th e sma r1f\lst hats !:Ibown by the 1m po rlers ill" B quite severe In ~rlmmlng but tb lines of lhese ' bats nre s~ good that they are generally most be com in g. One partlclI ll\l'ly smart shape \Vh Icb wOlUld be excellent tor street w.ear wltbl . a tailor gown Is sh~wl) this s ason. The brim ot'thls hat h vcry large . rolled sllg btly at tbe letl arId down a littl e at the right side ot lhe back. The crown Is low. but very large, and Is wide r at th base thtln at Tho top, which Is 'rounded In JDound shape. Corded s ilk with rather 0 large rib, hi any desired color. Is used for' t.he top ot t he bat, the un· derbrlm beIng faced with black moire silk. The shape was shown trimmed In two way s, one style which, was e B' pecla lly smart for young girls ha vlns only a twist ot wide black mOire ribbon around lhe crown. wIth a large b9 w at tho le rt side of t he b ac~, the pointed ends of which wero allowed to fall a little over tbe edgt' of the brim. Th e other s'tyle of trlmmlns was a lItt!t~ more elaborate, as It con. slsted of ,8 large gourah featber In qu III shape with a stiff rl b In the oen. ter. fastened nt the left side of the front with a sma ll flat bow of black saUn r ibbon .• ~he
Th e rl,bb()n craze still Increases. TaulJe Is t he- ruling shade In hats. Satin hall the greates t vogue In Ite history. P earl a.nd crystal beads have r& turned to favor. HaIr' the new silks for general wear nre taffe ta. New velvets Bhow a tendency toward Lrtlll ·s hades . Nearly all winte r coats show a IIbort . wal sted effect. WashablE! [ahrlcs are first choIce tor chlldren's wear . . Crepe de ,c hine Is .o ne of the llrlnelpal fabrics of the year. The ru~ rel~ hat Is coming again to Its own tor wint e r wear . . Silk will be mucp worn, no t only for linings but In dresses. Picturesque e rrects prevail among even ing and even daytime toilets. . Street skirts are ·but a trltle longer than the StJlmmer dresses have been. F'anels of Buttonl. It looks as tho.ugh lhe. s ho ps would have demand [or the millions of but.tons they Clffer this season. Tbe rule of trlmmlnlr Is, when In doubt use but.· tons. Tb ey are put up Ihe back 01 sleeves In ]lanels froUl wrist to shoul· d~r In 'groctlls of tbree and four lInes They a~e a lso pul up the back wldtb at the flat !Skirts In abOllt flve" rowa and tbey. are covered with the trock material or Mth satin to lhatch or bar. \Donlze. Poca;lontal Feather Braid. The new trimming made up of dU. rer"nt wIngs thnt look like an Indian dl'e08. baa beon namel! thf It II a .,arei long and II atretnhe4 acrosl . tho bat Thue •• 75 c.atl to Ita doJ.
ID. aU &IOJIn.
BlIlIy dlsc uBlles lhe moral lJualltl s of th hCl ttle lind t he ju g : "A hottle, whll o s lIgges ll ve. Is !lot Inh rcnlly wlqked; bill a jug Is th e SY t::lbol of j oyouS SIll . Eveu the sollel" BSt SOU ls, who frown al Lbo men lion of [\ bott le . sm ile toleran.l ly wb n a jug Is 811 gges ted. JUris ,at mallY centu ries are assemhled In muse lllus, and ' round lhem th e ethnologist recon structs exUncl races of men ; ur,d yet, even scien ce and history. strive they nove l' so satlly, can not wholly relie ve t he j ug of Its chee ry In sollcla nce. A boUl e ot Intllrlor liquor may be dr essed rorth entlCl,ngly, and allurln!:l,. nam ed: ' L1ut the re s no di sg ui sing Iho jug; Its ~en l. III sIJl\me can n ot be hlddtln. Th ere arc pleasall t pilio s In America wh Qre , If one deposit a half·dollar li nd U IItlle brown jug IJ 'hind a cerlaln s lon e 01 on thl! s bady side ot a blac kb ~ "r, Pnrls Pattern No 2604. All Seam. bush, Jug a nd coin will toceth er di sap- Allow d.- With an hiset shealh Imnel pear between sunset and sunrise' bu t In I ho S,UllO or a contras ting mat3- ' lo! qlO jug , 1II1 etl and Plugge d' wllb rlnl thi s Is one o r th e very ne west a corncob, will re turn alone mysterl. Rklrts fo r th e coming wlnt r. It d evel. ollsly, In con ll'u veuli It of the stn tutcs all!> lVell In any or tb e new ma te rials, In s uch nses madc and J) rov ld d . 'roo but Is pal'llc lllarl y slliled t.o broadrare for glass, t bls Ould, which 'bub hl 9 cloth 01' velvet. The front Is I rimmed out of III sout hern hills wllh !IS little with s mali vell'et 01' cloth·cover d butguilt In Itl! so ul os 'tbe broells beside tons and loops or sou tache braid. It wblch : ~ co mes In to bill!;! Hul . lest lh skirt Is mnrt UI In vel"et t.he he bo nc ' used of a idi n g und all ttlllg pallel s hollld be ot ' sllk; ' or If on ly 1n· crime IIgalll s t Ihe mlljcsty of Ihe law, t nd d for house wcnr lbese pnnels . chronlclcr hastcns to BIlY that on are lllad of nccordlon plslted moussea tlol dny in the llarv eS l tI Id, hone st line. In the same color as tb e s kirt. watt"'. hlddcn away In a lillie brown The IlUllern !s In seven slzes-22 to jug In the r nee eorn"r, acq ull'es a 34 Inches. waIst measure. For 26 Quality and Impart.s a delight that no waist the s kirt. as In front view r eo qull'es 9 ~ yards of material 20 In~he8 mug of cryslal or of gold can )·Se ld." wlG&, 6~ yards 36 Inches wide, 4-% yards ,42 Inches wide, or 3% yards 64 No Nature Fake. Inches wide; each with 1% yard of , " You certainly run UII ngll illst tanny contrasting material 12 or mol'& tb lngs In th e country," said lhe youllg Inches wide for panel, o'n d three yards man who had jUllt returned troOl down of Boutucl!e braid to trim; or of sta te, where his uncle has a large malerlal, It n eeds yards 20 Inches farm. "On the way up to my ullcl o's wIde. 6'h, ynrds 36 Incbes wide, 41)8 house I had lo pass the stock yards, falll s 42 Inches wide, or 3ii1 yards 54 where be kept a lot of pigs. As I tnches wlqe. Width of lower ed;e pa ssed lbose hundreda or pigs s eemed aboll t 31A1 yards. to be haVing a r eg ular st.aIJlped'l · or T o procuro thle pattern send 10 cent. panIc of some kJnd- tbey were rushto .. ~alt e rn Department." of litis paper_ Ing madl y about, ollpllrently looking Write .. amo and addr 8M plnlnly, and be fo r something. I watche d. tbem tor .ur lo give .1ztl and number of pattern. :;tulle a while, but could see nothing L1u t a small woodpecker sitting on the SIZE . .............. .. NO 2604. fence. When ' I got to the house I asked Uncle Jlru wbal on earth was NAl\fE .......... ... ...... ........ ..... ..... .. .. the matter wlLb the hogs, they seemed 'l'O\VN........ . . . ..... .. . .. , .... .. ....... . . .. so excited. .. 'That tlo? W.ell, It was this way- · STREET AND NO .. ....... .... .. ....... . tbere was a spell /lack some weeke STATE .. ... . •...••.. . ... . .. .. ... •.. , . .... •. . wh en r h ad a bad cold, los t my volc,>, and couldn' t ca ll those critters to their teed, so I got the Idea oC brlngln' the m to tbe troughs by tappIn' my sllek On 'CHILD'S COAT • the wooden fence, and I)v er ,since them pes~y woodpec kers Cllllle ro unt! the hogs Just go crazy, thlnklh' 1'01 calIIn' them to give them somet.hlu· to eat,' "
When Trade Bother •. "You certalnly dll meel some Queer cbaraclers when you get out In to the country," sai d lhe New York mtln who bad Just returned tram his vacation. "About lhe {unnfest elample or rural Indltrerence I ever daw. though, 'I struck this summer dOWn in Maine. ~e ran the only store In the place and was tbe postmaster, too. Most of his !Kock WIlB covered with dust and flyspecks and he scarcely ever had anyth ing you wanted. ' One day r asked hIm for 80m e at Blankenl's Wllatyou. call, which you con buy on every street corner In ~ew York and ' practically everywhere else. .. 'Don't keep It,' be replied, wltbout moving trom his chaIr. .. ·Dou·t keep it?' I eohoed, 'in some surprise. Wby, you'd have lots of calli for that, I should th ln:r.' .. 'That's just It,' complained he. 'r' had Bome and folks kept a ·comln' and a·comln' and nskln' for It till I got tired and 1 WOUldn't order 1m more.''' Suttlclent Realon. ' Paris Pattern No. '2603, ""'1I Seam. The colol'od dri ver of an ash and Allowed. - Crimson btoadcloth has garbage wagon was proceeding Ull been used In the development of this Col urn bUB road the 'other day urgently all·over coat for the small girl. Tbe aXborUng n. weary, melancholy looking bOX-llalted front Is a new feature which hOl'se to ,hasten Its steps. The anlmal'B Is dlsttnctly stylish, and the b\ltlongue .was hanging out just as a tons are of clotb·covered variety. matter of adding lO Its dej ected at': The pulnt9d calle, which has the ep. pearance-hangJng out 80 tar In .fact pearnnce or hretell es In the tront. Is as to occasion comment. trimmed wltb wide black. s ilk military "What makes tbai. borse's tongue braid, lhe turn·down collar and turnban" out tbat way for!" JnQulred a back eurrs being trimmed to matcb. bystander. ' The coat Is adaptable to any ot ' lhe' :'Wbat to' does It hang out?" repeat· n ew autumn , and winter materlo.lB, ed the driver. "Wby, .l hat'B to keep and If desired the collar and , cuffs '1m from stumblln'. Don't yo' know may be made or fur. The pattern Is outhln··.. In tour sizeS-aile to seven years. For . "Keep him from stumbling,? How a chi ld of fiv e years the coat reQ ulrel 4% yards 'of material 20 Inch'es wide, do you flgllre that out ?" "'Vby," explaIned the dt'lve r. "don't 2% yards 36 Inches wide, 2% yards of! you see , It that boss was t' 8tumble Inches wide, or 1* yard ,54 ' Inches he'd blt~ his tongue orr ? You know ""Id e; 3~ yards of braid .' that hoss ,a ln't a·goln· to do no Blch To pro'cure thle pattern send 10 cents fool lIdng all that."-Cleveland Plain to "Pallern Depllrtmont," oC thla paper. ' Write " nnd nddr~s8 pla inly, and be D'e aler. IIure to give alae nnd number of pattern. Tho Bryn Mawr Houae In Walel. J\bout halt wa,. b etween Dol gelly and Barmoulh, In Wales, 'we found a ilouse tbat Interested us ve ry muoh. rt Is called Bryn Mawr, and Is the home at the man who found ed . the town of that name In America. The bouse Is a square stone struot,ure. , tandIng back from the road and "1s now oonverted I~to a Itlnd ot wayside , Inn wbere tea Is served to the t raVe ler. It tll .s rud that after a resIdence ot some years in America. he becamt) so homesick thnt he ret:Jrned and mnde a repUca .,of tho old honse. It 8eemB \JasBlng strange that two of our lead· Inl colleges should be ' th 'll linked with t he old world. No Amelican man li ver qmlts to !lAY his t ribute ot reIIpect to John Harvard'. hou.eL .~ Strattordo()ll·A von, and Uae Amencan "..1l Gould feel • ebllll... Illb.ftIIIL.
,; NO 280~ .
SI~E .. ..
........ ,., ..
• NAME .. . : .. . , .. .. .............. ... .... ..... .. I
! l
TOWN .... .. . ... . ..... .. .................... .
.STR1!lET AND NO .......... ...... ..... ;. STATE .. .. ... : ....... . .... . .. ... .... .... . ... .
OUllht to Have Begun Sooner. Srullbs-Mlghty Ingenious prisonII' :h y've ~ot locked u p In a Ma8i!at~bl" SOUl! jail. · 'l'h" Dllston papers lIay he has made a fl rst-claas violin 01 an old QIgap box and It Is a cold day wbea he doesn't surprIse .. his jailers by tnv\'ntIng something ne,·. Stebbins-if' he's &11 smlirt ~ all that. U'B a wonder be didn't. lIet WI wits at work a Uttle sooner and .n"ent lome plan for ke81lln. out 01 JaiL -
' I..CUIl W ,\ h\111 r P. ('u ntrlle t,. $I ;,~ :,11; >. B. I. wi,. (,I.l IHru 't, *2".10. \I:.; ( ' . B.
of Interes, Around Ihe COUllt.1 I, W I ... cOI lt rllf't. *':I\).W; I:!tm ide •. I'X pUI. "I~ " 011 On k Court: ··()n~ Nell Suit···
~ IJlI\
LJl' OV"
I',)IIU *14 0; .1 . M . c :') 11 0 \' 01', view r uf O .. k l~J'twe rond , ' Ii ;.Jo hu KHlll,or, Hll vi og nn ly r e~piltl .v nmple tctl \'i wl'r f uk l~ l' l'o. 1j;6: Ii mnk A . t;Olll e f UI·t h r n ld lti( Il !'l t,o Olll' fuc. ell' SuUs. '. I Pr "hry, vi \~ er of Ollk li l·ove. *Ii; t r y, WI' will lHI ill II. POSit.iO Il li lly .Iohn F . Broll ok le!l. II petl110ll l" j ,I . I{ . Sptlncer ,oo lltl'llct. ":1i.:li; Fr ell ti m ufte r her I f>!u fu rn ish Bill. Il IJP Ilrs IIefore .1ndge Ill ton ' lark HlIYUIW cou t m t . $:?ii i .J ollep h Niob· plo ' m n t t II uumb I ' nf . 'ouog lint! rf' P t1 tfoll .v re pre!' ntR t hll t he UIMI"), IUJU b 1' , *::!t.7ll. wllmon cighte(,11 yanni of uge nnrl III ril a ' fath el' IIf Vi ilL IIntl ~I!lie .) oh l\ Wolfp , briuge r eptd rs.*ll .t) U; ubovtl. nlSl) -,"ou n g' lIl ufiri II me1l IIntl B,.)Uokl!ieok. uun on'. Iw d tilll t, he is OregoniA Brillg OO.m pany , cun t rnot, bendA of fnmili ~ wb I' rh C'r o nre lawfully entitled to t.hei r o ll~h)d y, 'aGU; .1 . 8 . Morr iH. s tlpphe~ for Stlf tw ·or 111 0 1' cuil tl nu auo\'e th e that theY-lire III gall.\' rcl t,1I11l d 1I1HI V Vtll·. * .1 . :-\. Morris. I\Idee. log,.1 wo rki u~ IIgo 1\0 11 w it r '1\ 11 de deprive~ of their li berty. " it.h Ullt, for I,I'ell t4 Ur el', $ 10",0; W. H. l:<t.llnll g lOIi r e<lelldy ntl lllYIlI 111,. any aut borit.y by tb eir mot,her E elt.rl ,, ' C\l IHIJIl II Y. m Utl .• tor tr 'lI llI'er l Fr)1' -( nrt ho' Jlur t ir'ullirs IIl1d rCliM : 'hfl'o rd Brouoksei 1;, Ilt Morl'Ow. ti l:! t.hl pe· t :t2 ~)O : ' tllte of l hio y t itiooer has boon informed Ilod be Bnltlw in.oostll. H 75; W . M . ·or. CO,' t t.he; efore pra y thllt Il writ of hllhell!l win , IIcoount inque!'lt., t :& . 't', i 8 tll te Greenfield. Ohio. orpus mllY be issued t.o t·he slIid of Ollin vs. L . t:i . Palfrey . costs , _ _ _ Pearl Brouokselok Ilccorllingto IH.w; 11 0. \}0 : St,llte of Olli o vs. ]~Il rl Bush, FO I{ THE CH RCH S PP!: j{ and thllt upon the beariog thereof oos ts, fI 7.RO; :-Itll te of Ohio \' ~ . tbe said Viola and Elsie BrouokselOk Uhnrles Nixon. OHt.8, *7,\10. A uhuroh ;;upper is II tways e O~l\.l' l~lay be dischllrgec1 from 8uch tile· 'o ntl'll cts- 'olltrlLct Wll8 entor ed able, hnt sometime, j ust lit the 1(81 restraint. ioto with Wnlt,el' ... Whi til or fo r II sturt., !\ trifle ti ft·. '1'0 b r lI.k thi s Court Proceedings. n· oonorete IIr b oulvert ~leIU' r Olli up, let eucb one, II be OO IllUS in . be State of Ohio V!I. JOIIeph CIl1'l . lIen'e o fT . 't'. ShUI'll 00 rOtld south hlmded th e name of !:IOIII0 ua lebrll. Jnry finds defendant not guilty froUl IIt,llte r Oll d io Bllrllln to wn ship ted per!!Oll, wh ioh is t o he pinrJ eu 88 oharged In the iodiot,ment. Ilt the a timate of 106.60. Inp on the drell" or COllt" so t ha t it Frederick Frillberg V8 . Rachael Uontra ot WII!' entered inl o wi th p. oun he nsilv r (mo . Wh en 1111 nro . 00 motio~ defendant is U. l Jowan for puttlogin 12co rrgRted gllth r ed : the pa stor or comDliM ee . mit de plIorty defendant In thts OR use. sewers l1ellr residenoe of Rocll Ey er oliairmfl n r lit! fre m bi s o wn lis t;, Harry E . Dilatueh vs, Anna B. on Munger rond in IJIOtIrOl'ee k towlI preplLred 1>efor ht nel, t 11 ", Ilnlll ell of Dililtusb. By Ilireot.ion of plaintiff shipat estiDlate of , ... CiO. the dis tin g uished co nplel:! who will this 08u~e is diemi8sed IlUrl c~tt! Mi oellilneous-On TUoUon of Mr . go in t o 5uPil r. Fot· ios ttlu oe paid. Anderson seconded by Mr. Rogtll's Uhri topher ColulIlbu" is t o have State of ·Ohlo vs . llomer Brant. 12734,81 WIlS ordered!ferred the lilell ~ nre of e80nrtin g Mrl:!. Eddy Defendan' withrlra ws )Ilea of not temp!,radly from .the 8 1U kin g fund Wberenpon Ubris t,oplH r mnst im. guilty to that of guilty Ilnd is sen. to the bridge fund. Uledillt-e l.v s tllrt aU I~ voyng of distenoed to 'wo years and six months Accounts of the two deI'09itori ~s. co very t o fi nd Ili f~lID>oUS pu.rt,ner. ill .tb~ )hlo Penitentiary. 'l'he Lebanon Nat·ional BI~nk Imd 'l'heodor Roosl1v It i Il sked to til ke P Co I 'l'he 'itlzens NI~tionnl Bllllk for t he out ltlm Bllr ton- uo d oubt they ro e ur • month of Ootober were audited !lnd have met io Wllshin ~:to n bofore, and so will rene w old acqUldntl~noe. . In matter of will uf Joseph W. found correot. Antram, deoellseU. Will admitt-ed The (inllnolal IItatements of the ship. Rohert P n.ry i told to'poek to probate. auditor and treasurer showing the Helen Gould, whioh he, does most E8tate at Joeeph W. An'rIloDl, bllillnoe in eaoh fnnd nnd nccount gilldly, hll ,' ing tin y e perhap to widow of deceased makes known at the beginning of the month were possible dOUl~tl on'\ to 'hi s beloved ber Intention to talle under will. presented aDd ordered pillced on fil e. Arotio e-", l1 S. R ockefeller is Eltate of Ruth A. <Jllenoweth, de. _ _ ___ pnired off with Mr. Ror er ; und s o ceaaed. First Ilccount HIed, h' Tiokling, tight Conghtl, olin be tJle fun goe . ,'opper ofter t IS Estate of MArill Miller, imbecile. surely 'l1nd quickly loosened with 11 oanllot but overflow with good spil" Guardian given permission to bor. predoription Drllgglsts Ilre dispeo~ . its.- '1'he Nove mber Desig ner. row tbe 80m ot 1400 for 120 dllYs to inK everywhere I1S Dr. Shoop s pay some pr8118ing debtfl. Cough· Remedy. And it is'so very, Watched Fifteen Years Estate Qf Mary mements, Imbe. very different ttlllU oommen cough i1 State t fil d . medloines. No OJJlu~, no Chloro. I'For fifteeo yettrs'I ba ve .votobed men e . form, absolutely nothlDg hnrsh or the working of Blloklel~'s Al'Jlica c e. Estate of Na~han PrestoD, de· un8llfe. 'l'he tender. leave!! of . a &lv6-; and it hils . Bever fttil ed to oeaaed. Final aooount filed. harmless, lung . heahng ~ountll1n. oure !l.ny !lore, buil. uloer or burn t o Estate of Angenetta Penoe imbe· ous shrub, "Ives the ouratlve prop. wbioh it wa applied. Iti has su.ved oUe Inventory rued ' ar tie8 to Dr. Shoop'8 Cough Remedy. us wany a docto," b\ll," Bl1yll A. F. ' . • Tb06e leave8 have the power to OIllm Hardv of EKst Wilton Mtl.ioe 2Gf\ Estate of Bsnnn.h Oberlin, de- themo8t 'dlstressingCough and to at Fred C '3obwurtz's ' drog store. 08lU8d. Dtatriblit.ive aoconnt filed. 800th~ and heal tbe most sensi. ' .. _ _- Eet-ate Maria MIHer. Inventory tlve bropohlal menlbrane. Mot-her8 A snake with whiskers i!l report-ed should, for 8Ilfety's sate alone, al. Aled . ways demand Dr. Shoop's. It can from Milwaukee. It will be ·ob· Earl 'rerwllliger VS. Uharles R. with perfect frftedom be given to served that nothing of t·he kind is Terwilliger. Report of 81\Ie n.p· even the youngest babes. 'I'e8t it beiog 8een in Ohio dry oounties. proved and confirmed. yourself I and S60. Sold by 1111 deili. .. ___ - - -Eltate of Carrie A. LogIlO, de. er8. ·ceued. F. M. · Cunnlngbam apOHIO AGRICULTURE pointed admlni8trator wi\h bood of 13,000. . Estate of Edwlu Cutler, decollsed: 1'he following report'indicates the Proof of publieation of notioe of op- aoreage and condition Clf th~ orops named, as oomputed from. the reo poinUntmt filed. .• turns recei ved rrom the omoh~l orop 65e, $1.00 and $1.50 In matler of gnsrdlau8blp of and live .took oorrE'!IpollcllJot~ of t, h e William Albright, alleged tmbecile. At Adjudged to be no' Rn Imbecile of Department : Whent-Arell Bown I II !It filII, • • • • • • • • • •_ _• •fi therefore capable of taklDg oare of 1,886,960 aore8. l:iown thi'" fall oom . .. _ + - . - hil own property. Mind Your Busine:ss Oecar J. Edward8 VI. Williom H, pared with last year 76 per oent. Le8bley. Distribution of prooeeds Alfalfa-Area in ~907, 12,763 Rores If you don't nQbO<lY ~lVill. It Is Area compared WIth last yt:llr 96 'your busi'n ess to. keep out of all of .-Ie ordered. · . thetro.u ble you oan and yon ctln aod Eetate of M&ry E. I!Imith. First per cent. Rye-'-Arell !lo.w n last flll\ , Ci3.1 1 will ke~p outof liver a~d ,'bowel and final aooount filed; 80wn this fall COmlJnred trouble If you take Dr . Kmg s New Estate of John Conner, deoell8ed. lIore8 , . Life Pills. They keep bWousoeRl', Firat 8ooount, filed. with last :ve,a r 81 peroent. malnriil.. Ilnd jlluo{lice ont of your Uorn-Prospect compared with system. 25. tlt Fred C. 80hwart~'s Real Estate Transfers. lin average, sa per oent. dru·g store. Edward Feeley ond Iv. Feeley to Bnckwheat""::'Prospeot cOlllpllr~d - - -_ RobertJ. Laoy tot7 aores in Wllrren ,wit-han Iweraga 77 per cent,. . TO EXTRACT A SPlINTE~. oounty, II and other eODsiderlltions. Clover ~eed-Prospeet oompared ____ Philip and Martha Heltlel to Bllr. with an Ilverage, 110 per cent. When Il splinter has been driven bar. and Peter Heisel, ·},01.90 aores Potatoes-Aren planted, 115, ('j 84 deep into the haud, it can be extrllct in ·Warten . oounty, $1 and other Rores. Average product per acre, ed without plIin by at.ea.m .. NeR.rly con8iderations. M2 b\18heI8. fill Il wide.mouthed bottle witb hot Joh~ ~~wton. Lemmon anll wife . HogS-Condition camp/lrod with W{Lter, plaoe th£l injllred purt over to DaDlel W, Surfaoe Rnd. Mllry: I\n nvel;age, 89 per oent. . the mouth of. the bottle, RnU press Etta Surface, 15}jO~. From the ollicial ' returos of tlie tightly. ·. rhe su.ction ~ill ~raw the Pa.tlenoe M. Smlt.h, et III t? R. D. DCpllftment it is estimated thut the flesh down , Rnd 1D I\, mlDute or ~o MoLaughlin 69-10 aoretl in HArlin wheat l\.rea tle~ded this fnll for the the stellnl will extricIL~e"tJl e splinter township' '700. 'l\flrvest of 1809 is but 711 per oeot I\nd the infillDimut.ion will disWilliam ~ing to Elimbeth Ublen- in oomparison with last yellr'd area., Il.ppear.-November Woman '., Ilome br~t real e8tate In village of Frailk.' or 1,H6,543 8Cl'e8. This is tbe low. Companion: lin. '75. est- tl.rell reported in 1\ number of ~!!!'!!~!!!'!!~!!!'!!~~!!!'!!~~!!!'!!~~~ Philip Hopkins to George W. yeaIS past-, due prlnoipally to tbe ""- - - Dakin real estatfl in villllge of drouth prevailing ILt· proper seediog Wa',n8llville, I1.00 lind other oon· tlm~, . Rnd, owing to ittllong oontinu · 8idars.tlons. ancll the filllli abandooment of I' . John M. .Harper t·o 8arllh Wuit. · mlln~ fields in·t ended · for wlt ea.t . aore re!,1 esta.te in village of Spring. ·.L'be oondltion of the growing . plaut . boro, $600, is estimlloted nt 5.6 per oent, cornl'llred
1\ ()
Th A '
.. --..-. T···· -. "-=,:::~:.::::.:;.,:,. ;,: ~,:,: ~ -.. ~wc arc ~ivillg this . p:lce for the bcnefit (If 11111' rl·ml\:rs. We arc gc;ing' to mul,c lltese uffers t .YVu :I till hope thereby 10 1I0t only henerit you, but to mnl'l' u(hers h<lp» py as well. If you have a neighbor that (Joes not talH! the Gazelle, how him what we have to offer. He 11111V hc only lou glad 10 aVlIiI himself of Ihis opporltmif), . . \Ve , ill allow a commission \In Cl'ery new s llh~ .. ' riplilln to Ihc Gazet/e. You C:1It IlIU), l' qllik :llliu' SlIlII hy I:lldng subscriptions .for the tiuzl'llc.
e meflcan Pad and exti e
Fountain Syringes
Hea'ft. Sf. "e'" ·h .
with an I\verage, lind the :genernl 1~~t:~~~;;~~ill~~~~~~i~~ ontlollk Is very dlsc~Jnraglng. As ~ I.'tated 10 the Oei,ober report·, the' "-'~"'.-" C!)lluoi.!.tn:. h08 not beon sufficient, moistll1'e for 'Ilropor lI'ermlnation·, sud no doubt many fields will be plowed up In the spring thereby fnrther rerlnciog an alrelldy short Ilrel\. - - -_.• - ~ . IUleumatiam promptly driven t n-....~.. from the ' blood with Dr. Shoop'. . Commlllioaen .... ~inl.. · RbeubJatio Remedy. Don't waste • BUla AllowN-8peDoer & BurDe&t ttmll wUb. com mOD rll1Dediee. A OoDlraO" 881· Bube JOU8I CODtrac*t teet will BOlely ten, Iu' tablet or '."-....._ .. , . i Ben OOIltraol; t l .7.10; liquid form. 1So1d bl aU dealers.
Marriqe Licenses. ()eor~e C. E. Elvers ~2, engineer of Mason snd Minnie E. Uhllrter8 24, Mason. Rev. Robinson, Cinein. DAti. Uhlo. Aaron B. <Jhandler 64, SUllt. of l!'rlende Boarding Bomei ' Wayne.. ville and LydIa A. Conard 68, Ma. tron of Friends ·Bome Wllyne8ville. Rev. J~ F. OadwaHader. <
Christmas Presents These magazInes may be sent as Chri stl1lns vr~s· e'nls to loved ones. Rcmember, they will be senl ttl any address separately that 'ou wish, lind ill this WilY ), 011 can · mnk c two or three hearls'1tnppy, for th~rc is nothing that a .person lilies better than u good magllzilll'. These offers hut! better be taken IIdvantLlgc of li S soon as l>ossible, so thaI if the)' are intelldt!d for Christ .. mas presents, 'they will rellch their dCStilllltiOIl in lilli ' (0 ma,l<e somc heart glad. We can furnish )'011 with any magazine published,,' alld :11 a reduced rate. The money IUllst ulwuys at.:ctltr"" pany thc ordr... Call and tall< it over wilh li S.
_...................... A_ ..................
. ~w
~ ~
_ _ wwww .............""~ .......... w -. . . . . . . w • • - - . . - ..... w---ww-. • • -
Note "arefully These Wonderfully Low Prices, Make ·Your Selection and Order by the Otler Number. OFFER NO. I
' Su ' liS ................. ] YI' U 00 'uS lUopuli 10.11...... .. J UO Minmi (~ u't.ettB .... .." 1 00
Gnocl Hon~ ek ll plng.. l YI' $1 UO Pi ' t orinl Review ..... to 1 tlO Millm! ~I\ze tte . .. . .. ... ' 1 DO
P uhli!:!her's pri ce ...... ..... .. :i 00 Our Price ..... ....... .. .... ... $2 50
P'lul i!lhtlr'", Jll'i 0:.......... :1 00 · Our ..rice .. .... ...... ........ $2 50
Amor.ica,n Maguzine .. 1·y r $ L UO A Olel'iciln Boy .,... .... " 1 un 1 00 tf,iitlmi Hnz tte.... .... " Publis her's prloo ... .. . ...... ~ on Our Price .. .. ...... .. .. .. ... . 2 50
. .1uuge ·L..ibrury .. .. .. .. l y r $ 1 00 1 OU Bu. t.on I."oo kill g hool Mitlllli Gu:l;ettl1....... .. .. . 1 UO IlriC .. ....... .. a uu Our Price .............. ..... $2 50 . PubJ i~he .. ·~
OFFER NO.8 <Jookil\~ ' Iub ...... ..... Lyl' M ~ l7ruJlltli tun .. ..... .. ....
Pablisher's price.... .. .. ... :l 00 Our Price ........ ... .. .. ,.... 2 50
Publlsher's price... . ...... :1 Oil Our Price ...... ..... ...... ... $2 50
Garden Mllga~lne ... l y r $1 (JO Unole ReDlus .. ......... r' 1 00 Milllni Gllzette ..... .. .. II 1 UO
R evlf\w of Revi o w~ .. 1 ,\'1' $:1 OU Success..... .. ........... ,( 1 00 c.;osmc politn n ....•. ... .~ 1 no Miami 6tlr.ette........ " 1 0(1
Publisher's prlc .... ....... a 00 Our Price .................... $2 .,0
\VOllltlU'!I Home Oorn·
$1 (}O I 00 1 UU
1 ·00 1 OU
Everyhody .............. 1 yr $ 1 riO J)oilneMol' ...... ,.. ..... " t OU Bllrper'H Bllwr.... .. II 1 00 . Mill ...... i (J1I:Gott~........ ,. 1 (10
Publisher's pric"'... .. ...... ::l 25 Ou r Price.......... .• ...... ,$2 75
Publishor's prlue ... .. .. ..... ·1 GO Our Price . .... ...... .. ....... $3 50
plloion .. ......... . lyr $ 1
Dellnel~tor......... . .. ..
Mitlmi (Juzette . ......
•• "
OFFER NO. A '1'i meR 5tn.r ......... .. ......... .. ...: ... .. 1 yenr
Farrn Prflss...... ...... ...... .. .. .. .. . .. . EIght Beaut.iful Picturos .. .... ,.... Miumi Gu~ette : ................ .. .... ,..
" ..
00 20 1 00 1 00
AlIror ..... , ......... :.. ....... . .. ... ...... ... .. .. .. 4:;>r. Our price for all .. .... .. : ...... .; .......... , ... . $~ 50 .
I 110 1 00 1 UO
Pll LII!'Ihel"" prillf,.. ... ...... 4 50 Our Price .. .... ... ........ .. .. $3 50
World II WOI·k .. .. .. I .y r I£verytody ... ... .. .. .. ::luoce!:!!'!.. ...... ........ ,. MIUl'Ili H .. ..... ..
UU 1 UU 1 OU 1 00
Puuli tlher 'lI priIJI· .... .... .. .. ;,t Our Pric~ .. .... ...... ... $4 75 I
Metropoli~ .. n ...... ...
World's Wurk ...... COIiIUlojlohtau ...... .. Miami GaI'.Atto ..... .
1 .VI' '1 00 " a 00 .. .1 00 1 O{)
Publish r't! prl.o ~...... .. ... U &0 Our Price ............ .. . :..... $4 75 OFFER .NO.
Publtsher'R price .. .......... l\ 00 Our Prite .. ................. .. $4 50
OFFER , NO. ' 13
Burper'!l Ba:r.ILr ........ l y r $ 1 00 1 OU Sil; fiopkin R.. . ,........ ~" MiuDli Un:r. et te .... .... 1 00
MIIlIllI GIlZOt,(Il .. ...... . "
1\1Il1'rlUIl1l B(Jy ......... " Piotorilll kl'vl il W.. .. . .. ~" i Illli GII ~.tI" . .. ... .
rev r ,Ytody .. .. .......... 1 .VI·
Delinelltor .. .......... 1 yr Gdo(1 BOD8ekel'l)\ng ., .Ju~ e Librllry ........ UookiDg <Jlnb ,....... .. 8il.' Hopkins .. ... .. .. Miami UH~e tte .... ..
$1 (JO
1 00 1 UO I UO I 00
J 00
pric6 ......... .. . II nu Our Prict) for All ...... ... $4 50
Don't delay too long .ill making ltp your ord!!r. as they may soon be taken out.
OFFER NO. .J OuTmd .. . ;·...... : .. .. ... Hi mo 1300 ('1 ~t l g o ll'e r wIll nul ~ ~. lCoc"l lifter 0 I . :lINt) ' • ·NutlOun.J :::;tookUl'llI 'Ind Furmer ... a mo 25 Mitm~i Gn~.ett e ........ .. ..... ........., ... 1 yr ' 1 00
. . , Ohio
11\1 for .. ... .... ........... ...... .. ; .... , ..... :....... -125 Our J)rice .. .. .. .... .. .. .......... .. ........... .. ... $4 00
Youth'l:! Componion ' .... , ... :........ 1 y~ar $1 7t:i Miami Gn~ette .. ... ........ ~ ...... ... ... '! 1 00
Dflyton .Joul'IIIlL................... .... 1 year SJ! 00' Miullil Ulll'.fl l,t.f: .. ... .. ,...... .. .... ..... " 1 00
Both fnr ....... .. . ,......... , ............. . ......... 2 70 .Ourprice ...... ...... ........ , .. .. ..... ......... .. . $265
Both for ..............,' ...... ........: ......... . :.,.. a 00 ' Our price·.. · .. .. .................. , ............... $2 90
. . ., N otlCe.
We \\,ant oU'r renana to hllv8 tbe money bOl1ofit ·of ·t,he 1nft.J(Bzlnes and ne'wlI plI)Jel'8,lI1tllltiQuorlln oor oift'lrl( But thllt is liCIt /111. We ,o/lD furnlsb Ilvy . rnl.lg01.IOt'l or n~W!lI'uper puhllsbed. "t Il reclnced ,prloe. Anp whyi', Beoau8e. WA 111'''' In Il pO!!ltbu to furnish them I4t t1 price that I\,JI caD afford to buy, ·aod thereby 8Ave ~ lot ofulOney on t.he · tron~lIotlon . .' , . . . . - Magu~lnes Qun be. fu·rnlshed lIepllrlltely it de~lred. . . -'I n 8en'dil1~ your ortIer hy mail money most aocompaoy the oriler. ·rb.11I will be ab'4olutely nAcessllry in order to get the lnUillzines. a8 \lwinK to the extrenlllly luw prloe nt thu offer.., tbe 0,,,4\1 InU8t Rccompany the or,]s1': . . . All ordflrt1llho-ulcl he written plainly, Inul' addresleel to
-- - -' EDITOI~
.( :;.
{~·*'il/:-* * **'1:<*
THANKSGIVING PROCLAA\ATION I ..- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~
W" chl,"; III \V")· n ,·,,,III,' I hi': A (. 111111 I'.\' I~" ~I~ WIIH · . Hd , ' t il A Purel y Vege table Laxa tive , . \ WI'i,II " ' . I" 1(,'(lIIl,kl 1IIIIIIIIIII1I IIn 0 1 '\~ The Annual Message As Given By ''''' I''IC' I'; IN .\ 1.1. 1': :-1 HI.I.II I. . ~I II III ~Il "'" Sl' iI'" rill "'·(·(II JtI.·ttr III Cures Chroni c Consti patiou, and All " t'lIlllIWl fi g the Preside nt, Tells Us What "AI.I,I·! \, '1· I': I . I~ l'ltll"H;, (. 1.1 , Nil. I l ~I "(ill f lll Livu li nd Kid!1ey Troubl es. " K pnll<!,81 1\ hy fI 1tl11"~Cl ...11t{1r To Be Thankf ul For. . (;" urgo BrOOks , UlavCllt illd, Ohio, I ' ll I II otlllll,WI 1/( biltl pllJle l' ! 1?t':11 :4111'- 1 h f' nd.l Y oiy I' J.I\'V I !lig- WII ;t IIl'l'e te tl there lust week 00 the By thte preside ot of the U nited h ll l'l,;o of ooHeco iog from 100 girls nUl\hll u ,UI II IIUi:ikl'l h I' t ...vnar p ll Stutes of Americ a. prom i e tImt he PN' I I, Itelll! .. (l1I11I»hle t. of tlch IlIIUIII *;1 Itd l. 11 11 til Riltmi of Subsrri lltiol1 White '(I , Mouot joy'tI Springfield, . Ohio. ' ()n c~1 ugain the 8eoson is at hnnd . . . ._ . ._ _ woa III get t.h m p :<itions Ilfl stenog_. . . ._ _. ._ . ._ _ _ _ _ _...... ...... ...... 1.10 k ,u ,, " k "I1I '''' Il l:! ,iltil f,,1 IHlIlHlt my u n •• VI 'II I~ ( ....1'·' t1' III ::HI\' U,III' t') - .... wben acoord ing to the IlnOiAot onll-""_~~~~~____~~~~ '\lnl' la , '''I'Y , . m. rU IIII I.I' I,.v t,·tI(ili ut: It . ,"VlI'lIt .vo u rflphl ' I·S . ~!!!" '~~ __ . . ~~~!'!!!! !!'!'!!"! '!!!!!~~~ ~!'!!!!!! '!!!!!~ tom or onr people, it \.Ieooma s the = _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ...:..._ _ _ __ _ • Il' £1U - - -- - . -- - ~ ill YU ill' I:! il tltll IS ImIU I" UII .I oh n II . Mil ler, of oenr Hillsbor o, duty of the Preside nt to nppoin t n. .. eodeoce or I.he Un ited l~".tcs of Adv'crt i cniclIl!< ~tl\tOR I HII1 '1" nllO 10 ru",,,LtI np n i' \\'~ 1I t1 ri ta t he w 11 known t ook denier foond , auy of prtlyer nnd thanks giving to lI ue bl1Ddre lll1 nd t hil' ty· t,bird . VEGETABLE , n :'(· I (td( I .Ylur,vlIl~ . 0 11 "'Il.;iI.JIII . tllili ·k ~ . , r cently, " "<lll lllt( 1.0\" 1ft. PI' r 1i1l~ u one cluet diumon d, on God. By the Preside nt. . ficntlflll{ L Vlmh". h lal!t( tm"1', " C: I' 1I11t., .f(l e N<.' IllElII SLi l'1I li lHI lttleu lI1l1 lle in the Duviil Bill fnrm o'orih of town. Yenr by yellr thi nation. grows in ('ln~l'I, nC'll ,.\dH. IV~l W l.-~ xl··<:d II",· 11,1('''' THEOD ORE ROO ·EVEL,£. , ytHlT IdlO l,e lIf me uulch erlo It pIg I'llis find was i,n i he 88me ·1.'brl~e 1nll u r 1 ltm ~ . .. .. , neighb or- stre ogtib and wol'ldly power. VorAlvev A. Ad eo, Acting oret.a r.y " :~~:I weigillt l ;(['l) punllu Ill' I[ th ,,:-aips h ood where M~· . 'Faube r found one ing tbe C,.r,1 tlr ·J'l.IankH ell,o tury ~nd ~ qunrto r thnt o f State. Jt~tm l U I I O Ii~ •.. .flOe in thu hI ke ns 1J 1~t t.lll~ Wl/~' . 'orpass n.lI other rem· Yon SO Ul t1 t,imb u.go. has elapsed since our entry into the ---- + _ ..... 8 oi"laltl , ' l e:. wln q·j· ~' harf! tt 1:-; 111 1,11, ' edles for tbe relief of ;:rll' l"ttJ lljIlK' ig uII,l'Il Llt tJ f,,'" Lilli l1ry U!liplhY A,h · 1· tl "' JII~ . ()l' l ill l' ll oirole of inuelle ndent peoples, we . - - - - - - - - . 110, " LII i ~ "lIti li i ,, ~~ lip lint ha r n III) ----, S ick IIt'udac he, Dizzine s8, In· 'I'h fl Boo kel 1:\ 0 1.131, Day tOil, OhiO, grown und prQs pered ill mate . lJ h,e uli n I K ~I \ ' 1'" .111 ('H II II ,.,'l. I ~ Il .y lIulultl Ith uuf. l:Iill ~i lll lJl\(IlI"lt 0 11 0 f thfl most wielely kno',Yn hOt rlul thllllgs 1,0 I~ degree never koowo diges tion , Cbroni c Conilll ri.1I1l1 I 1)1111 ·tli III'o"l(i/\ ILH lng-II .\,I~ lJN I~'l UA\· . , (IV" :~IIII': 11 I I. II/11K , fulllil \ltl WIIU WAi l II Ilf !::rnndil lu tl'ltI itl tb fl lutf', W'IS ' Bold to-day to before auel not now knowo in Ilny stipl1ti on and BilFrllllk G , Warilo er, of Newar k OhIo other couotry . 'l'he thirtee o colo!::>i ll IJllviu Ihe vre I ~~ . ioUsne ss 'l'he Beokel Boutle has beeo m 'Ln oles which struggl ed nlong the sea. ' l'wo iOljlOrtllllt W ddio Nll era llas Mntt DaDVer I", ,,11 11 illl ~() Jl IIgetl durin g t,h e l1l8t Dloe by COl4st oJ tbe Atlnntl o aod were 75c and $1.00 Beoaus e tbey areoom poaed I·een ntterl y Il5kllorAd by your kolO. E . llellnet t, uod U. C. Botton , hemme d io but 11 few miles west of oUhe best knowo Vegl1ll1n ~ . Itil fI tW'J_ kc) IUlllll oLit clluur.v with t,h e fOfl nel lItl tb nctive rnn,n · tide wMer by the ludlan- bnoote d We IIrelllo ra tlinll pit UK!! ,l to set.! writ etablo drogs, and mixed in uy Ul e ,.) u t,ha d th of l<l'llodp lI the proper proportlo~s age l', b'~t wOl'll ' un>! ' ''111111 111' .. 01 Oil tilt UIlOI-,y' wildern ess, ba,ve been transfo rmed W lI >4 I I't IJ Il Lur YUllr >4 h a le , to known to gl \'8 the best ioto the lllighti est repobh c whiob East s le1a of MlI lll l'l fl'Ul-\t, M noLill1l tJt II It lf(~ b 6 1. 1 III poelU results . In th 1)1l 1i. f that Id.le Wit S sar- the 'world has e'ver. seen. THANKSGIVINO CAKE Jts do· Every bottle gOllraa teed ltbg II 1111 U wit iI .. A II! fl1l' Andy ILlI rounel c1 byevll pirits, Mrs. ~arah nlaios etretou aor., ~ s the contine ot to give IIlltlsfa otion or tlltlu I'ur Ark ," writ by Ill y ul4rte r. A. Wuotl, ot' 'edruvi ll " \Lged 3, io- trorn 0l1l0 to the otber of tIle two woney refund ed. Croom tllree oupfuls of powere u Ile pt'ofeRsor 1111 lh ~oove l'etl thr e '['his i ~ why Y,nur siJeeL is ullpopi ur sisted opon stuting /irell 00 250 a bottle, malled anythe greBtes t ocellns, and it exerois es do. sugar with ooe oupful of butter, new dillell se gtll·IIl!:'. 'l'IIlI/H) b,)ysllr e be l·e. If y ou tlou 't Wll ut tllfytor - Hoo!'!! of he r horne to clvlve a wny maill ali ke in the where upon receipt I)f "rtlo a,od tropia add ooe ouprol of milk. Sift t~o alw~YI! hus,Y, . price nt yul c'ro lU , "'11'" pille lin "iu't goln the 1,0rlllen ting tlplrits. 'l'he,u r~alm8. The,gr owtb of wea.lth IiQd teaspoo nfuls of baking· powde r WIth to Pllt ill II I,) lI eWH ill YOllr h e te we WOlrlltn, who W'EI!! being cared for lly pop olutioll hilI! Burp8sstld eveo the fonr oupfuls of flour Bnd beat ,stiff Schw artz's BrY\lo will 1111 va , t.h nu Ie us of dUII '1 WlI llt !!Ii~ll lI bl.le. her IllIugh to r. Mrs . J:lurley . of Du.y- growth in territo ry. Nowhe re el8e the whiteM of th.e eggs. Add tho , .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8everlll oalV b,)!)1 S II V IV. l<~l g h " l' ouro in c.1 i gust , ton , lteca me uanger ous becu.use of In the worlll is the aVllragE! of iodl. flour lind the, whites of teu egg~ al· ye~r8 1l~1), ul'tl:lr hl:< tI f Ollt. he ~O l J:lIRArtt LJOAI{R h l' bnll'llo inulilln , Ilotl ye terday vidual comfor t and mllterta l well . terna,te ly to the , otber iogredl ents 9ut lIevel'"l ILOfl IIll1d I h') \ll!lInu~ of p. tI.,- H YO Il }Jriot thll t obiteb ull. s be wils adjudg ed i uSl10e I\nd COLO· being al:l in , lIur fortuoa te laod. For Fll1vor to tbste wlt.h rose-w ater. dolhua on' t.helll. I'y III yoltr nt-xt i!!oo I rllll Y .Il1U kribe Olit.t,ec1 to tha l)lIy,on ~tIlte HO!'IPitl1l the very le~"tlu thnt io mllterl al well Rave ready two oupfuls of oltroo gllill for yuu l' s h It!. J:I . 0 , belug we have tllU~ abound ed, we shread.ed fioe and well A Kanl:lu prof "sor pill c II t he -Tit-B itt'. dredge d in The inspeot or who was Ilt Xenia owe It to tbe Alullgh ty to sbow flour,ll nd stir this in last. Bllke ill i oe of ma,trimoll.V lit * ~5 Ii week. savertt.1 d,lYllla s t we k looking aher equ,.l progre ss ill morul aod spirito a 101l1'-, or in small cnke8. It iced, P"rliam entaris m In Bulgaria . . Capill, howElvElr, b'.t 8u't pltl tl, Uuy With a oation 118 With the frostin g should be flavore d with it site for II govern ment buildin g, al thiog8. limit on the IllIl oont tJ, YOllDI:!' IIIf1,O , rOSE'-·w a.ter or witb bitter' almood s. UIU8t ellro before iJ biB iJeuu '1'he Bulgur iao people buve Ulli. did oot succeed In getting 11 satis· thelodi vidnlli s who up II nft, -Tbe Novem ber Deline ator. Tuesday t Thurs day and Ea ob !lite offered hl1d tlon, materi al well-be ing Is an lodi!! io the y )k a. ver~1\ 1 !Outi'ra go, hut ure not yet ripe facto ry s ite for iI.. "'h", 1I1lrlillUleutury H)'stem S~ lll e obslucle, either in the locatio n, pen81lble foond~tioo. Butthe founSatur day. A olergYllll1u writes: ,IPreve n. ft 18 eVld',n t Lltll,t 'I>UI1 'iI, ufter bll fend ed to hinder r.~ther prioo or nmooo t of laod. Uilless dation t1.VaiJ8 ' nothIn g h,Y' itself, tics. thoRe little Oandy than to Cold Cure dilly-dlillyln~ nrriuncl for lIeverld ' further 'Ilti<:m ul progre s. '1'he s OUle more suitabl e aite is offered Th~t life is wasted , ~nd woree tb~o Tl1blets ttre workin g wonde rs In my Qloo~hs , is Intendi ng nllw t,v g t) to lyen'I'f\ or Bolg~rlllu indepe ndenoe 'X M IIi mllY lose tlie ' .o pportu nity 1.0 wu.8ted, whicb is Sp6'ot io piling, parish. "t'reve nUos surely will obeok abtllio 'Hie buildin r; ns Ilo further heap upon he~p, t,hose things wbich oold, or the Gr.ippe l io a very few work I II~ they bllv h aLi doing fl. l bIlV i:l b~an mllrklld by coostn ot p"rhOOfS. Aod Preven tics lire so safe grellt deul of work III Ih, counol l , IIIlUl~ntury ohllll ge,uod fr equent approp riation by oongre ss would lI\ioiste r merely to the pleasurE! (.f Ilod harmlsB 8. No Qoioio e, nothin g the bOdy und to the power that rests barsh nor (lickeo ing. Fi. ohamb er whioh Ul elUitl uut,lll ile illl· exerois e of bhe rigbt of n e for rev. dissolu tioo. metln deluy and migbt po!i8lbly lOBe only on we~ltb. Upo~ materi al erl~h rest.less ohildre n . Box provement.!l t 0 the tOWII . XeOl14 tbe govern ment buildin g iii. li'rolll 1879 t o 1905, ooull~iog oDly of 48 We can shell and grind or w II-being us Ii founda tion mast be at 250. i;old by all denlers ohllugeil f l>t'ime mlolste rs . ootl ig_ togethe r. . cr,ush your corn. . r~ls ed tbfl 8101 ncture of ,the lofty hfe Anothe r Ill1tiorm lll nd ..tul. If' h011 norlllg thtl freque nt reooo~t Corn ground for Meal only roct.ioo 'flte great b~lll)on, "Cinclo uati, " or spirit, when we are . making meal, but thill. oation i8 prop· paflsed ill~U lJilll.Jry IlI iit weak. nnd of ou binetti, there b"ve bee n niue whic h went out olectlo neering Mon we have fresh meal to exchan ge erly to hll1flll its great mission lind 'oow Unole 1m !l1I .VS let.'!' I t clown te II net_. .rbos it will any day , and you' do not have be seen day for William H. 'fIUt. cl1me dow':l to "ccomp liNb aU that. we Bo ,ardeot to blt ill,es~ IIgllill. Tll ll R pnbticlIll thlit. lIud Blli gurill h\.Ld t(' to wait. '. l'ely ooly I"te in the ~fternf'lon nellf Brt!opn, ly hope al1ld delire, .rhe tblngs of ( mllde gaills In sOllie >4ttlt uod 10 S s upon ittl elected rept'a ftutu.tive~ 'W~rren count-y,, 22 milell from Cinthe body are good; the things of 10 otherll snrprill e. wtjre 111l1l1y. for I h.e directi on or eveD incep iop OiUDtttl. Owiog to t!le cobtrll ry the intel1,~ot better i but 'best of an . For fustanc e Ohio llll rrled the st.llte of poltoy, It would bo ve fured badly ourreo ts the balloOJl zig-zllgged hitb . ~re tbethln j(.11 of the soul i for in the for 'faft., Republlo/lo , by 100,OOOilud in I !.tIs PI~r\II).(uenttlry ohuos }~eeJ as though they are not setThe 'er /I,nd tbither , Bod oovere d possibl y natloo a8 in. tbe indivl(1 nal, io tbe for Bl1rmo n\ Oemnor nt, by ~O ,O{lli eleod ns, IIlthoug h 0 nducte ting the best results from their d by ·!l.O mile io'its trip. Leslie Baddoo k loog grain and buy high priced ground ruo fit Is oharao ter oonnts . The rest of t,bll R pnlJlloun stohte eCI",t boll loti, fr equent ly Ilhow the w8sllnu .ble to fiod 8. steady eBstern feed when they could have betLet us, therefo re, "s II. people, tloket. WIlA loct<lll. U.n IIC (J unt. fl f lilflu neil of til e, gl)veru ' lDeot aot- ourreu t. At one t.I~e the blJ.lloon' ter feed by having their ' grain our ' faces rel!(}lutely against evil and ~be buge b"llorll it Illok II W.lfI.v ull nlllJ 1/ III powel' in the ground , and cheape r, too. .If return of on ly wall 11 .200 feet in the air. with bro~d charity , with kindlin ess iltst waek t det, rUlllle '1be ( ,mot; ~ vel'.V jDltligni tioltnt fructio you have no oats, grind your ~ of lobe , ' aod good will towltrd u.1I men, bnt corn and. mix bran with it. 'nae 1'he A'u tl .,· 1110.)u le.q; ua e"idAo tly 0PP'l1itlou, But .Ill th ese iletails Klogs Mills has no epidem io of with lInfiioo best feeders claim they cannot hiog dettlrm ioatioo to Aot" good tlJup in t.he fno by the luevitll bly 'lI,tt~ od(l,Dt u(.ion tile scarlet fever and diptheri~ whiob !s smite get along withou t bran. down wrong, strive with all defeat of Govern or Bllnl.. , hut, wbltt POSRIIssiou IIf full , pilorlia melltar y oli.nking conside rable uneadin es8. the 8treogt .h tbat is given us for (lao the lnooml og gov erullr UO with l)ri v lleg.e~ by ao ulll/rep lIred people, Mrs. Charle s Pumme l died at ber rlghteou We keep the best quality of sl1les8 in publio aod 10 prl· bis baodB tied by /I R.·IVllbIiOlln Itlg- , tlnd oubtllclly t.bioglj mu~t improv e as home In t.bat pillce Tbursd ay ' of va,te Bran, Mlddlln,s, Shop life, illl"tnr e ? . . time go~ all. (0 the pa!!t" howev er diphth eria. The public and 011 Meal. sohool . Now, thiSl efore, I, Tl\8odo re ROOliA. - ',rt il e oue t!t,I~b l p iut in Bulg~ril' hl\.s bave been closed ~nd severlll bomes ven, Prel'lid Seven Years of. Proof ent of the United l::lta.te8, I lte&.n ~he Prluo_.e, lind bo b. 1\.9 sucoeed nre under quar~otine, amoog them do set op~rt 'J hursda y the 26th duy "1 hl~ve blld ~av"n 'yellr!1 proof J d 10 lUalntl llmllg '1\. definIte that Dr. King'l! New DillOuve ry is dellplte. the oost&ot. porlillm polioy ueing thtl.t of the Rev. Mr. Swartz . of Novem ber, next, IlS 11 day of geo; I can cure the ills of eotary Kings ¥ills' blls a ~re~t dE'al of er~1 th~o~tsgivlng aod prayer aod the best,me dlolne to tllk for ,>ugh conf'lllllOUl:I.-F rom 'Ferdin l and seri' o us ilIoetls nn-d plague 80ll.res 00 th~t your watch very quickly if and ~olds "nel for every dry I recomm eod that . the ~ r 'Z'lr of tl e .Bolgnr.. ," , by Alfred ClODdi£iOli of tllrocltr,oll est noddlsells luugs, , . thougb people ,t to you will bring it'to me. I 11av~ beeD hrongh t into shall cense fro.m ' tbelr daily lIays W. ·V. Hallry, of P,lOnl/11l Mo. ~f,elll) , iu Ule AlUerlU,lIn ReView of thilt com1l1uoity by tl~e foreign ole- work, aod , 10 their homes or io tbelr 1'be w,o rld hllH hllll tblrt,y tllKht ! ReVi6w!O fur Novem ber. will be at Colem an's Stove mellt that cOllies to work io the churoh es, ' most WAL TER MCC .LUR E, , yelirs of proof t:hnt Dr. King's New t , devoot ly te thank • -~.--Store every Disoov ery 18 the hest remtl<ly fnr , It.i" rello rtPd f,hllt the ktllSer Wedne sday all the Almigh ty for the many and 'sl1uto powder mill!l. _ _ __ oOllg11s lind oOlds,.ln gripp, IIsthmo , m 1)110 t'lln ov r II womun Fune ral Direc tor. . day. Clocks Cured, also. gren.t bleSl;loK8 tb(lY have receive d . Wh re bay fever, bronoh ltls, hel11 0rrbllg e WIIS t!lnt. ne'" urA kfl the I Mr, and Mrs. J.~. Jell,iser Sbanno is n aod io the Pllst, ~nd to pray that they or tbe longs, 'uod tbe eo rly strlgf\1\ of I , ' . ' u~ughtej., Miss JeSSie, huve returoe d mlly be gi ven Iltreog oons~mpt.lon. Its timely \1~e al: l s~ld to bave 1D~~tl!?_____ tb tlO to order to Cedarv ille frool W~gonert O&la" their lives ~s ' to deserv e 'l'eleph one dtly. or Dtsht. wa.ys preyen~s the develop ment, of The Watch and Clock Doctor , a oootlnu a· Wben Y u find u girl who likes to .pn80mo Oln. Sold uode r glllt.rHot.eo where they went two weeks ago tlen of tbe,se ble88in~s in Valley phone No.7. Long . ' the future, at Fred O. Sohwl<l'tz 's drug ,stofe. Wll!l h dishes It is becllue e she want,s with the iotentl oo of 10'cntioK, 00 _ In witoElse Distano e No. 69-3r • ~hereof , I 1i0, and $1.00. 'I'rilll bottle free, have bere· ILn k fl p her bund!! suft n~d: wllito, their ~rrivnl io tbe new oountr y unto set my hand aod cnused the ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. tbe.v 890n found thllt. they were not Ileal of the UOIted .Btates to be altixed HA'l 'HA W tlHo.tiiHed nnu the ~iimllte did oot Done ~t the City of Washio gton, . Branch Office, Harvey sburg, _gree with Mrs. '. 8hl1nuo o, 80 they this 31st lIlilY of Octobe r, in the year \'' io,y''les ville's Leadin g Dentis t " t,uroed around ',' and oame back to our LOlrd one thoutla od nine hoo: OffiCe in Keys Bldg. Main 8t old ~reene county . When they dred and tllgbt, R,od of the lodeSoak 'a ' juicy ~i rjoin in icc' water went to Oklaho ma tbey moved all a week-I hl:n cook and sei've it. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. I.heir hooseh old furoitu re witb them Would it taste as il ~"Ou"l? "" .. hher Undertaker and Embalmer. do oysten trea'.oollm't WHy . it it! now hOmew.ll'!'d bound but hli8 . Orthodox Friends Church . uot. yet arr,lvEld In Oedalv ille. Re v. B enjamin 'AawklnH . Pastor, Will be found in the old -,- - B.lto red to Healt h b7 ViJlol !'\allbalh ohOOI . U': 31I 'a , ,n. Rell.ular oburcb Bank Bundio g, oPpo81te 10 ;ao Ii. Dl . How Is Your Digestion hrl.tlan Enaeavo r. "[ waa nm, down and weak from In- :flO p . m. tbe Nation al Bank,Mrs. Mary DOWling of ~o . 2288th dIgestion and Keneral debl1lty, also .ut~lephone In bo~o ,a nd ofAv~ " i:!an Frllnols oo, recomm eods I&' fered from vertigo. r saw a cod liver Hlckslte Ftlends Church . remedy for 8t 'mach trooble . ::;he preparation called Vlnol adverU.ed and S'll'8l Day Mcelln l(. 10 :00 floe where I can be oa)l~ B. Flrs~ Day 8U)'S! "Grati tude for the wonder decided to give It a trial, and the re- chool, 1I iO(' a . m. Founb lIl. taat~ "';gh/~hl",e 1111 .tllt! peculiar day or'nigb t. ' Day ~ree llo g tul ",ffeot of Eleotrio 'Blners ln a case iulte were most graUfylnr, After 1Ak- 10 ,00 u. W. ' delicacy of oysll'rs ):ou gt:t at the Vaney :Pbone 1":'2, ahore because no Ice or " 'uter of (lOute indi&'e(lt.lon, prompt ll tbil\ iDg ,t wo bottles [ regatned my t!>uchd theDl- u'o preservuth'e is Main testimo nial. 1 al~l fUlly · oonvin ced Itrenlth a,nd am now feellnr uuuauall,. Street, W~yne8vill., Ohio. Christi an Church . Ulled or needed. ' t.b~t fllr stOlllao h ~od Iiyer trouble s well," Henry Ounntn rham, Elder . Rev . George ~Ia ll, Pastor. BapThe Ice Is packed n ITJ1Ii,d the EIt:,otrio Bitters ill tbe be8t remedy tlat Church, Klnpto n, N. C. ::I ' uday oboot. 9 :HO llru. Rcgular servfaell lel\led galv8Di7.ed 6teel caDS. Lhe last Suntlay or the mouUI. 10 ::10 Ii m .. on t,be .lmrke t Vinolill to-day. not " 'fbis a paten.t great medici ne-but a ' 'Sealshl pl'' Oysters are ch:Rn7 ;aU p . w . CbJllstiau l!lntleavo r. 7 :lJU yEA ...• tonio liud n.ltertlt ive medlol ne inv~ preparation compoBell of the medlclual iand l III fresh, thorougbly pnlatable,alu·Il;l's. ' orut8jl the ~st.em, element purifies the blood ll of cods' liver.; combloed wUh N~w woy. o r pr~pRl'il1l"·t!J are atY~n In "Seal shfpl SeflAC" ..... &1I lnternt. lind. ill et!peoiu.Jly helpfu l.ln all a tonic Iron and wloe. Vlnol create~ Methodist EpIscopal Church. foa book nl",ul o>,, Aat< any of the forms of female weakn888. 60~ at a bearty'a ppetlte, tonea up the orplI8 'ollowlng' de.l~r fOr. copy and Iry a Rev . W . '1,'. GlIlllo.nd . PllAtor. plol of "Seal_hlp l " •• y.U". .Odliy. Frerl O. t;ohwlI.r~z'. drug .tore, uDtlay School, f/ ::lO a. m. Morning .er· of dl,eaUon and makes rich, red blood, Jlo _Ier, AlllOlid lII.alll. vine. 10 :no 11 . m. Epwonh Leugue . 7 :00 p. , In w. natul'j,l manner, Viliol createa m. Evening Mervfce . .. :;SO p. m . MIdweek Itrength f!l,r the run-dow n, overIyer MeetlDg. 7 : 10 p. 01. A LITTLE RUNAWAV ' Corwin and worked and debllltated, and tor delicate Waynesvillf", O. Tbere WIllI .. small allied rnoa"a }, -ehlldr~~ and old people. . For St. Mary's Eplacopal Churc:h. cJaronlc CO~e~llCOlda and bronob,IUa The genuine "Sealsh ipt" Oy!lters are alwaya BOld from • Rev. J . F. Cadwallac1er. Reoior. on lbe stree' I"., Tbnr8d ay. Two Vblol Is un eeL White i'orcelaiu DI.pla), ('81\ bearing the "Seallb lpt" uade Sunda, 8011001. II :80 a. 01 MorDlnl ser, horM8 belonlC lnll .All to weh Emerso ~l8l'1OU III thlll nolDlI.7 are vice. IU :80 a. m. Bolr Commun n MdOD IDIIrk lu blue. This i • . for 1 01lr ion tile Rnt ou-look for it. IIta.rted from ·Kobl"" ,r',, mUJ and lO Vblol 011 oar oller to .... Sunda, of eacll montll, , The "Sealab ipt" Carner System prottcti il pa~nted. lnlrizap -' menta wQ1 be ~I.l~l to the full milt of the Jaw. iI It faUa to ..... atran dowa nreet, "',," II. n,·,1
From Exch ange s
t~.:·.*-r.H~* *.;l< ~~*****1.~*:
The AlpHa Chemical Go.
Laxa tive Gran ules
Ho t W ate r Bo ttle s
I--------------_r At Sch war tz,.s
Wheat, Rye, Oats or Corn Gro und
Is Your Watoh Siok?
Waynesville Mills
TIlr FAN Y,'
D u. H. E.
in -the Pack,ing
W alt er J.K ilb on ,
A. ' MA FFI T,
Oy ste rs
Importu nate Dllturb er Left to Extract W hat Comfor t He Could ·from Prom ise Made t:legardlng the Coming Confere nce,
. .- - - . AST of Pitts burg they look upon the mnn who goee to CW C8g0 u brave. A womlUl vis· ItoI' Is ha iled as a he ~ olne upon her re turn. They r gard Chicago as the frontier of t he United States, t eeming ~u.'Ilf.". with wild holdups . ghastly murder s. the mecca for confiden ce men and dCSIJera do gangs. Such Is not the oase • to-day. Pe rhaps It was a' Quartet! of a century ago. but t he present·day Ohlcago Js perhaps the most carefull y guarded city III the c(JuntIT. The Why a.nd where fore of this greatly Improvfild conditio n Is 5.000 pollcem en·athle tes. And the reason :tor tbe athletic force Ie the civil s er· . 'Vlcs law wl,n Its . physica l r equIre. ments. Which' the man who would be. come a " cop" must equal or. excel to become a .full·fled ged minion of the
~e must hav~ a PEll'tect chest, heartJ lunge. bll seem difficult to the observe r. but try It Juet muscles must be strong. his hones well lmltted. once and you'll feel that posslng the physico I test be must· be at leas~ 1lve feet e ight Inches In Is far from easy." height. and not more than six feet five Inches. Mr. " Iestiake is a new spaper man on the staff A~l? :~allts In taking physIca l tests mua; Op the of the Ohlcago Evening Post and bls 20 years 'In 8eales ,belwee n 150 and 250 pounds. the newspa per busines8 . part of which -was spent Obesity . fnuscul ar weakn ess \lnd poor .physlqu e III knockin g about In police district s 8S a reporter . are Insurmo untable burrle rs to · the man with a taught him much regardi ng the needs of. the de· craving for a J)lace among the "tinest." Every t1nrtment. Before be entered a newspa per office. mUllc.l e In the bpdy undergo es a teat. 'w1:lch Is . be served as a ' railroad fireman . The ' cbnstltu · "'Dlade. by the use oC machin es and we ls.h ts. The tion whIch tbat rigorou s vocatio n gave him. Cbil)llgo poliCE/man must be able to Cllrl'Y himself along enviabl e muscul ar develop ment, has well. he must be shift, on his teet. quick to tl,llnk stood him In good stead In demons trating the use ~nd act. His eyes and ears must be perfect and of the tests before admirin g iatherln gs oC would· his family tree. mus t be absolu tely devoId of be ··C01)S." heredit ary diseases . Fire wen and stationa ry enginee rs are also In· :m (act tho .Chlcago force lo·da y Is on e 'whlcli de· cluded fn 010 clvll serylce physica l testa and tom!lnds that a ,man be a soldier, a thlete and min· day Ohlef Horan of the Ion ot the law combin ed. DurIng certaIn months ,Ing hard with the cIvil fire departm ent Is work· ' service officials . to have each yea" examlna Uons nfe conduct ed and dur. · tbe standar ds raised so that all eve n sturdJ~r lng the fi scal twe lve mon th 6.000 mell were ex· force may be secured to battle with Chicago con· amlned: Of tbis numlle r about one·hall were suc· fiag ratlons. Followi ng ·Is a table. showIng " 'hat cessful. Firat Uie doctor looks ove'r the appll· Is required In th~ way of height and · we ight be·. cants • .then the pbyslca l examine r takml the men fOI'e the strength and agility tests are given: . In hand and puts the m throu gli tbo most rigid MlnJmum elr· tests required any.wh ere In t he world. ACter that terence Minimum Maximum of Cheat the wrItten examinA tion Is g iven In which eacb R elR'ht: WeIght Weight Quiescent. 5 f ee l S Inchea applica nt's educatio n IQ brought to tbe tore. 150 pounds 1110 pounds 35 Inohy 6 to 9 .. 165 .. 196 .. 1 . Civil service tests are severe and IIbsolut ely 5 1' ] 0 .. 85 " 160 .. .. 200 36 5 11 .. 165 honest. It Is up to the applica nt himself to pass 2011 lrI 6 " 110 215 31'", the tesls. You cannot be appoint ed uPon the G .. 1 .. 175 38 .. 220 2 .. 180 .. .Cbicag o police (o,ce by possess ing nUjualn tance 230 39 3 •• G 185 t35 40 with a man " with a pull ,' So great has been the 6 .," 4 .. 1110 24.0 ft 41 • uccells of the sys tenl Ins ta lled ' by Pres ident EI. G .. 5 .. 190 250 4lI ton Lower of ·the civil servIce commis sion ond his Defore the applica nts face Physica l Exam.l ner aides-H . D. Fargo and M . L. McKJnley~tbat to. Westlak e, tbey are scrutlrll zcd by physlc\l ins and day every city ot any size In the United Stales recol'ds sbow that 6u per cent. are rejected . To bas It. e)'es foclI~ed' upon the details 'and lI\eth· • show Bome of the men's overest imation of their ods employe d by tbe Chicago ans. Qualific ations It Is recorde d that reoently 1,500 . Since Preside nt Lowe r became the leadIng IIgbt filed applicat ions In a bunch and of Ihl. number 1n the ,wQrk of gh'lng .Chlcago an efficien t police only 370 succeed ed In em!!rgln g unscath ed trom torc;:e, great strides have be;en taken by lhe city tbe medical . phYSical aud mental testll. . toward making Ill! citizens absolut ely safe from Mr.. Westlak e lays out a table of testa, showing crImina ls. the figures which ·I ndlcate meri t orious perform · Physica l Examin er Edward G. Westlak e Is In ancel. The table: a measur e rcsponslbl.e for bringing out ' the best · Strenrh bodily Quallnc atlons in th(l men who are turned Ca pacity or lun~8 .......... .......... . .......... ...... ~?8 :iso over to him for Ins pection. Btrt' ngth at hack .. .. ........ ......... .. ........ .. .... .. . 245 'Sayt; Exa mine r Westlak e : Hti' ns-tll or legs .. .. ... , .... .. .. .... .... .. .......... .... .. 500 Strenl:'th or upper arm (H. P.) .......... .. .. .......... 10.10 "Stage fright. ~urlng the. ph ysical examin ation Strength or tore nrm (R. L ·j ....... .. .......... ......... P e 'tOt'n ls .• . , •••. . . . •• •• . . .. ••.••••••• •. •• .~....... .. .... ••• •• 68·67 III one 0 t t h e wors\ setbacks . whi ch the te sts meet. Traction 82 When l~ roan br;come s 'flusler d.' knowin g tba t Dumb be ~UII :.. .. .. . ... .......... . ... .. .. ...... .. . ......... 57 Is .. . .... ... ...... . .. .... . ... .... ...... .. ......... . d' b d d t Ahd o lil i nul nlUBcl ps . • .• • •.. •••••• .• • •. •• • .• •• . . .• • • •••• • . 60' a goo )0 epcn s ulloll .l Is every moveme nt, It ~d 50 duc lo r... .. .... .. .......... .......... ........ .. ....... .. 145 e o( the xa m!lIel' to a llay lhe fe aTS or the ..ppllcan t Ollu lion (Excellcnt. Good. Poor) .... ....... ......... . GO<ld as much as pos, lble. Success tul appllc;m tA must bl! able . to ~lIpand "CollseQ uen tl y r ha ve [oulld th at It .helps men to tltelr lun gs about fom Inches. exhibit strength of do t h II' b st by Ill'pl ylllg s ug;;csllo ns a lld occa· back, Jegs. upper aud lower arm . ·I'b.en there Is a alonally Rllowln g a /Uan tolay olr for 11 fe w mo· test of the peclorll l· !!Iuscles . a traction pull. the ruenla u nt:i I,e COtnlllJRC hl m8el[. When the liftIng of ,dumb·b ells weIghin g 60 and 70 pounds, p er!OlI o r IJI!>llrl'nsS nJcn t pitS ·('s, \IS It Invariab ly tesLing of the abdomi nal muscl es by the lItlJng . doet;. th ' best Ihal 18 III Ihe a lipHcan t Is bOJlud of a 30,polI\ld wel gbt behind lhe head trom a to com c out. Th e 111(' 11 lillh ' the le ~ ts purely UI"III prost rate to a s itting pos~nre . t heir OlVn 0l<'l'It8 and IWl'hal'S lho most se" ere of Followi ng tltese t~.ts C011le rope' lind ladder tbe w ('igbl .llrlln.~ requl 1'(~ ni<' rita is tbat of Ulullg climbin g. which. wIth the aglltt)· examl"a Uon com. a 3Q·(tOund dumb·be l! frOID a lying pollure . the 1)lete the physlcn I work. Then the applleaD 'e wel gbl b<-I",; ~ e ld lJlU'k f'f tbe allpllca! lt's head. conditio n Is tnarlc td "excelle nt." "BOOd." "poor." '1" 1. I~ lo tE'lo't l"'IUIJCU wusclcs . 1\ does Dot Aa a result of the l'8Qulrementi of the c1111
... h
!~u~:II:~e~~t~·at'tI!\I=~lr~~:e~ej~:I~c k~t~:S t~~lld:~: ' , X~~I~iJ;.· ':' :i'::' :' :' ;' :':;' :' ~::~:':::: :::::: ::::::::::::::::.:::::::::: i~
Ov ~ 1' (he bouse a s trang e hush had falle n. S l'I'untti walked wllh noise· les& tread nllel blinds woro ' drawn close. It n eded no . word!! to l.e ll one lhat dea th wus wi thin lbe doors. 'fhe news l hat l ho venera ble Justice 'I'e n· n y W!lS fus t 8~nklng hod spre lld Dvm' Prpof Is Inexba ustible that I Lt tOW Il. It was no ae'c rct I hat bis Lydia. E. Pinkh am's Vegeta ble hour!! we re nllmber ed. Suddc nly the s ilence In the bou Ae of Compo und carries wome n safely dealLt wus bl'oke n b)' a viol ent rlu g lit throug h tbe ChRug e of LlCe. (lae doorb ' lI. A scr vant mnde haste to Rcnd tb lette r Mrs. E. n[lns~n, nils \\, I' it I st It should be I' ()Ollt d. 304 E. Long St., Columb us, OhlO, At t he (\ oo r s tood a man In th e great· Wl'itcs to :Mrs. Pinkhn.m: . es t s tllte ot ,-,xcltem enl. .. I was passing thTOl1 ~h tho Chango "I W!llI t 10 seo J ud gc Tenu y," he of Life and suffer " from n ervo usburst o ut tbe Instan t i be doo r 9 11'U Oil ness h 'Ildu.chc a, tlud oth r nnnoyin g se n 'lcl' Inw t he Chi cago police. fi re and O]lon. sympto:ns. !>Iy (1 tol' toM mc tha t iilatlollllry II gl ll o I'S' depa rt me nts ilD W ":s·h·h·h ," warn ed the s rI'an l In a Lydia E Pinlt h31ll'S VegeLalJlo Com· havo n s t !\ ndi n ~ eligible IIs l. t ho nu m· snl).: whlspC'l'. "Please don' t make pollnd 'v~s good Cor w e , oDd since t ok · illg it I feel so muoh be tier, nnd I cnn bcr of names runni ng' Ull Into tb 11l1O' so nil' '11 1I0 isO; th o j udg lij dying." aga d my own work. I n,?v r f~~gf· t el l' ds . II ' no nolthor hler of Police " V ' s, I know II Is," In sls ( d Ihe to t in !l illY fri ends wJl nt Lvdm E. llnl,· Shipp y nor 1"1 1' 1>l or6hol 110r ll n a re ca ll!) I·. " I heard uiJout It on ly fiv e min· h alll's Vegetab le G.lm pol\li d did f or me ve l' worrl cd nbout securi ng good. stur' u tOH ago on tloe s tree t. fl ut I II bsD- ..turing this t rying p riod." dy n, n. TIl;:> y Ilr II lwoys on band lutely mu ~ t s him b fore It Is too FACT S FOR SICK WOMEN. I' nely to report fo r du t y at a mo· la le. it 18 so Imp rnll v that I clln't F or thirty yortr. J~yd i o. E, Pink· m nt's notlc . . ta ke no fo r UII nn Rwer. You Jll s t hur· Scarce ly a mon tb passes but that ry to th judge a nd tell hi m that Jim ham's Vegeta blo otnpouml, m ndo n ' N t IJ emes o C work are s uggeste d to Perk ins Is 11 ro Il nd 1Il ll!!t seo 111m fr m rooLs amI. herbs, has Cl he ." th e ci vil 8 I'v l e commis sion , tr ied Ollt .A Ct I' no li t tie hes it ation th e fa it hf ul stan :la rd remedy for felUlllo ills, nnd e ither aCCe l)1 c1 or r j cted. It old fa mily s rva nt ve ll l ur d 10 the nodba posit i vely cu rod t housan ds of women who been troubled with was the cl"I .1 S 1'"lco body wh ich gav e rOOIll wb ' 1'0 Iii old mau la y dyin g. tlte ImllelUs to th e move fo r an Ideal I, e onlng ove r dOBe 10 the v en r able di!iplacem~ nts, illj]mun~ n Lion. u19 ;mpolice force n.nd w~. l c h ev ent lIa l1 y 1'& j ll rl~l's cllr he gave 111m t be message . tion, ~bl'olC~ tumors , lIT gllltm b 's, suit ed In til for mallon of Ch lcogo's It seem d to arOHSO the !l agging tacul· peri d10 pMns, bn('kaello, t.hat ben.rIng.dow n feeling, flatulen cy, iJ1di ~es· fa mous " ben n ty IIqul\d" of coppers un· ties of til dying man . der the dlreclJo n of Maj. Boudet. a "Jim Pe rkin s ? JIm Perkins ?" he· tion, dizzine ss or norvou s pl'ostra tlo . soldier who has so n service In, the m\i tte red In a voice thut was barely Why don't you try it ? l\lrs. Pinkh aln invites all Ick uban caml/al gn In the Sp~l s h.Amerl. a udlbl to the waiting ser va nt. " 011. wome n to ,,,rite her for advIce. can war. y 5 . I r elliombe r 111m now," he ad ded a hns guldcc l thollsa nds to 1aJ. B oudet and his "beauty squad" mo ment Int I'. " Yes. le t hIm come tIP; She health . Addres~. Lynn, Maas. head the list of Chicago poU cemen· I'll ~ ee him '" Id cals and tbe fO're e Is proud ot them. ·P rese ntl y II1r. P erkins tlptged Into 'fhe be llul y squad pays more attenijo n the d ath chambe r and stood at the EXPER T. to soldi erly tactics than other 8 ecUon~ foot of Jud ge T enney's bed. "Jud -e. I' m profoun dly, sorry to heor you a re In such a bad way." he !legan. "Ycs, Jim . I've about re ached tile end ot my jOlJrn y," murmu red th e d),· iJlg ma n. "Can' t last much longer." "I regre t sine re ly, judge, that I must bot her YOIl at s ucb a lime." went on th e call r apologe tically. "but you doubtle ss r oall that decision you and Jud ge Wallaoe hauded down agalos t me las t Aprll. ord ering me to pay Silas Humme r $500 damage s." "Ob , yes." re pli ed the judge. '" remC'mbor It." " Well. befor J udg e Wall ace di ed In June 1 talked It ove l' with him nod hc a cknowl dged tbat an error of judg· lUent had been made In the ·n". He s aid he was con vinced th nl ( IIllould ue\'er bave heen comp lle4 to I)IIY the m one y. Now. If you would ugr e ailio Doc Ahem- You Beem to cougb tllat lh e deCisIon WIlS wron g It would wi t h consIde rable dHllcul t y this morn, be ea sy to g t the judgme n t s et aside." Ing. " Dill Judge Wall ace t 11 you t hnt ?" Patlent- That's very strange . I've whisper ed tbe dying jurist aCtor a . b"en practici ng all night! mlnn te's sile nce. ·'Yes. j4dge. he told me that a great Eagle LOlt It. Prey. wrong· had b()cn done. Eagles still hover over tbe crags that of . tbtl fora. "We!!, !ill ·rlght. Jim. I'll con side r the make the Cumber land narrows ,noted. and Is percase." murmur ed the old jurist. " I ex· Johl\ H , Horchle r, an enginee r. found haps somepe ct to see Judge Wallac e In a little a phe080n t fl uttering In his yard at thing of an wb!l ~ an d 1'1\ talk it over with him. Cumber land and observe d a largo experlm Irn t Good·by. Jim." eagl e fi)'ing away. Tbe eagle bad In the prop· droppeci the pheasan t and made fran· oslUon olin· tic but unsuccessful efforts t.o recover The Spen;Uh rlft. trod u cl n g A .shinlng square plano decorat ed It. flying Into tbe yard. but was fright· military taco wltb brlc·a· brac occupie d the centQr ened away by the presenc e or Mr. tics Into the of tho )Iarlor of the .bachelo r " 'hose ·Horchl er. who found the pheasan t work' of the chum was glvln3 II. little party during ffutterln g with jagged holes In Its neck policem en. from the 4l!'s tnlons.- Ba!t1m pre Maj. Boudet 's charges perform a manual or hi s absence . New.. . .... .... "Lovely · old thlng:~ laid one of the aqns. which. If' anythin g Is UUlre complic ated thaD FuJlyam a Modern ized. that whiCh the soldier Is compell tld to Jearn. One girls. " Yes." said his chum. "but be care· The beautifu l taoJlnta ln peak of Fu· of the pretties t sights Imagina ble Is tho series 01 evoluUo ns which tbese policem en carry out. [ul how you Ollen It and play on It, t\yama. which Is regarde d by the JapThere are some tax·pay lng Chlcago ons who scoll that Is. It you have any respect for anese (lS little short of sacred, Is to ,a t pretty evoiutlo ns. but they. Maj. Boudet claims, youI' nerves. He bought It at an auc· be modern ized by electrlc lty, For the Bre not of the far·seel ng class. H~ points out !Jon for four dollars. He boilght It belleflt of tourists the mounta in top · special purpose . .Some ni ght and tbe trail to It will be .lIlumln ated t hat the drilling of policem en' In this manner fiJr teacbes them to handle themsel ves with grace and when he gives a party up here he's by olectrlc lIghts. Hotels and refresh· <Base and makes' them abler In the duties they per· going to teal' orr the lid and tprow ments houses will be· ere9ted on th. It Into the fire. Then he'll going to mounta in slope. as well lUI telepho ne form. . Only recently the beauty squad. about 100 strong. ke ep uII the fire the rest of tbe eve- and tCle,rsp h stations . ga:ve militiam en of thE) First IllInois Infantry . sta. ning with the legs Slid pne part and ASTON I.8HED THE DOCTO R Uoned at Chicago . a ·drlll exhibiti on In tbe big lLrtother. It·s like this. you see. Every· Firat Regime nt armory. So perfect were the evo. body will go away and say: Old Lady Got Well with Change ot .. 'How rich he must be to burn lutlons that even the Boldlers were awed. The poFood. licemen fonned revolvin g wedges , boll ow 8quares , pianos like that In a grate whcn hE flve'pol nted stars. circles and other Ingenio us ~or· could get wood .so much cheaper .' A great scientis t has BRld We can put "As a matter of fact he couldn' t get olf "old age" If we can only nourish tb, matlons . t.he perfecti on of which had tak.n them tbat much wood very much cheaper." tnollthll to accolDIJlIsh . body properb ·. . The squad is tormed on the order of a ·mllltary To do this the right kind or food, of cotnpan y. There Is .Maj. Boudet at the head. a course. Is neC.CBsary. The body manu· FaWD Fac". the Camera . ~r"t and second lieutena nt and the regulati on -Dne day recently O. N. Rogers. a factures poisons In the stomach and number ot sergean te iUJ,d corpora le. farmer 'n the Sblrksh lre district. found intestln es from certain kinds of food Gaining a place on. the l."hlcago police . torce to- a doe and a beautifu l fawn not more stulb and unless suinclen t of the right d!ay Is perbaps as difficult a teat as the average than three or four pays old In his kind Is used. ' the InJurl.o tis eillmen tl Ulan of iplddle age would care to attempt . and tor meadow . 8ays the Pi~tsburg Dispatc h . overcom e the good. illlat re~on the departm ent II compoBed of the "My grandm otber. 71 . years old." The doe became frIghten ed , and beBt physiqu es that the oIty can furnish. The Bame tied. but the fawn showed no sign or "rites 0. N. Y. lady. "bad been an til' I~I trl\e of the lire departm ent. the efficien cy of fear. Pfll'Illltting the farmer to carest! valld for '18 ,yearll from what Wal " 'hich ill evidenc ed by the fact that during the It. and noally It followed him to the coiled consum l,tlon ot the stomach and past fiScal year every conflag ration In Chicago barn. Mr. Rogers drove to Shelbur ne bowels. The dootor bad liven her uP ""as put' under contwl before the fire could spread Falls and had the fawn. lyIng at the to die . . ttl adjacen t building s. '1 ' saw so mucb about ' Grape-N uta , feet of his two little daughte rs. ' photcr The medica l test. wbleh fir emen as "flell as Po- graphed . , tbllt ' I persuad ed Grandm other to tr)' ' . llocemen unde~go. followtl: During the plctute ta.klng tbe faW\! It. She could not keep anythin g ou ber gazed steadily lit the ph,)togr apher stomach for more than ' Ii, (aw mlnutel . IS THE RE.S PIRING MURMt fJ\ clear and ulatlnct . "She began Grape-N uts with ODly I over both J.unp? ......... .. .......... .......... ........ .. and his camera . IlIlt gave no Indicati on ·teaspoo nful. As that Ie tho ·chBra;:ter of the Reaplratlop Full. Easy and did not dlstrees qr be Ing afraid . l)n returnin g to hla Rogular ? .. her and as she could retain It. she took . Are tll ero af1Y 1",1I~I.tll,"" born e Mr. Rogers ~\)ok the little al1l· R\lNplrnUc>n or,!? mal bacle to the mell{/ow and In a shOl'l a little more until she could take all 01 1S TH.E CHARA • teaspoo nfule nt n meal • . fo r m , Free time It Will joined by lhe doe. Afc lIs Sounds "Then she began to gain and grow A.ra InCJlC'UlIl na IItroNJ and her bouble In the stomar. b The Egol,t. wns !;I.'ne entirely . . She got to enjo:p M!stres s-Brldg et, It.. always I!!)ems good l.eAltJ\ fo~ one S9 old and we to me that the. cranklel !t mistres ses know Grape-N uts saved her life. "get lhe . belt cooks. "The 'd octor "'aa astonish ed that fD. Cook~ Ab. go on wid yor blarnc yl8tead clf dying sbe got well. and with· L ondon Id 18. out a drop of medicin e after she begaD tile Grape-N nta." ''There '. a neasoD ." Name· gl,en by Poatum Cn.. Hattie P. Bomba rdm.nt. Cre"k. Mioh. Read ''The Road to Weo. 1:anngcl'~-1 thougbt you la!d that \'11le," tn pkrl. , this was a war play. ' E..,." raad the abOve lette,,' Playwr lght-Tb e IgbUnr Win beJin IlPliMII'ti f~m I1fter tbll audienc e .... It,-lIar peflt to
It Resu.l ts Were Not. Good, Perha ps Thobse Polnt s WUl You. Anot.h er Year -By B. S. Plcke tt, A.ulst an.. Help But Mrs. Pitkin.' Uncontr ollable Ex. tn Pomo logy,' Illlno is.
Jl'or the man without the time or the Inclinat ion to sludy carefull y the prln. : clples of lhe operatio n at spra'ylng. lhe best spray to uae at all times Is 11 very. fin e mIst. tha( will noat through the trees like a fog. applied under a pres· sure at 126 to 160 pounds to the square inch. The orchard ist who notes carefull y the charact er at the various Insects and fungous e nemies whIch attack the ' apple crop. and studies tbe e lreot of dlt'teren t method s at applying spray mixture s. maY' vary thlll srhlll'ar y reco{ll1n endatlo n to good ad· vantage. Dorman t tree Sllrays may be applied under very high pressur es. all much as 200 Iiounds to tbe Inch bei ng an acivanta ge. 'Applic ations of Dordea ux·Parls grcen mixture should be made lit press ures of not over ] 25 pO\lnds ller squa re Inch. Wben thrown with greater force. the small lIarticle s of srltty malleI' which Dordeal lx mix· ture contalu B ,cannot fall to Injure to some ' extent tile Elkin of tbe apples and tho railage on lhe tree, '1'h e write r b lIev ij that. \c Bordeau x mlxlure b appli ed alone. :l00 pounds pr SBure Is sumcle nt to secure a fine misty spray tbM will rail sortly on tbe Icaves and
cltemen t Prevent ed the , Observa . tlol1 from Being What Might Be Called a $UCCCBI .
,O ne of the Es. ren tial .r
Bo), Had, at Lent Once Seen Large .. Pedal El(trem ltlel.
A pupil or one at the publl-:: school. of the happy homes of to-day is a In Ohlcago sends th is comm\l: llcatlon : fund of informa tion as to t he best methoda "Dear Sir: In our scbool this ruorn· of promoti ng health, and bappiness and Ing an aD1usl~ l1 g dlalosu e took place, rigl:lt living and ~pwledgo oC tb'! world'. "A primary teacher of Chicago. best product s. Wishing to Impress on bel' lI'lOlls the neceSsi ty df g reater Quiet. said: Product s of actual os:ccllence and , " '1 am a great deal larger than any reasonable claims truthful ly present.ed , of you. yet I don't make any noise and wbich bllVC attained to world-wide wh n 1 walk around the r.oom:· acceptan ce througb tbe approva l of tbe "'p'e'r haps: reluarke d little seven· Well-W ormed of the World; not of indio year-old Kenneth . 'you don't wear ,bo s.' vidua1s only. but of the many who have "·Ob. yes. I do: Quickly replied the the happy faculty of selecting /Uld obtMnteach F; 'Just: look, Did you ever see ing the best thc world affords, ' any larger tblllD mine 7' One of the product s of that clllJlll, of "Kenne th surveye d them cl),retully. "'Yes,' he re plied. slowly, 'once-I n Arabell a-All. Jobn, there wus a known compon ent parts, an Ethical a show: "- Waverly Magazin e, time when you couldIl' t Bee ~ ough of remedy; approve d by pbysiciallJland commended by tho Well-Informed of the me. BABY'S ITCHIN G HUMOR. J obn-We ll. I can see plenty of YOll World lIB!, valuable and Wholesome famil, now. can't 11 laxative is the well·known Syrup of Fig. Nothing Would Help Him-M other AIand Elixir'of Senna. T~ get its benefioial mOit In Oespal r-owel Quick Mercen ary Marrlag "l. "Dlnna marry for the siller. Jock." effects alwnys buy tbe genuine, manuCur~ to Cutlcur a. said old Salldy, sagely. to bls son, who factured by the California Fig Syrup Co" "Severa l months ago. my little boy seemed to shOW sympto ms 0: the only, and for sale by all loadina: druggista. began to break alit with Itching sore~, awaken Ing of a young man's ~ancy; ' I doctorel l hllo . lIut as soon as I got "gin ye dae. ye'll aye regret. it. For them h ealed up In one place tbey a'm tellln' yeo when I :narrlt ye'r would break out In another , I was mllher, ] badna but ae 6111111n', fo r by almost In de!lpalr , I could not get sbe bad aucbtee n pence. And for all r.;.-;-;;;;;~~;;, Poslll vely (lured b:, tbese lUtie Pills. nnythln g that would help him. Then the 15 year o· oar marrlt lite. I ne'e r I began to use Cutlcurn . Soap and Cutl· heard tb e last 0' the odd saxpenc e."Tbe,. 0.1. 0 r ellevo 1)". treK8 ( r om DYRPC ll[l tt\. l n eura Ointme nt. ond aCter using them F. C. Luck. In West CODst Masazlu e, dlguLlon uDlI Too Ocn cl ) three times, the Bores commen ced to EnU ng. A P Tr cL r eJDO What He'd Seen. beal. He Js now well . and not a scar eel)' f or DI :n lneHH, Nan"No" said Ihe eminen t sclenlls t. "I Drows iness, B 1\4 Is left on bl sbody. Tbey have never In \110lloUL b. CQn~ ret urned nor .Ieft him with bad blood, {)ave ~ever seen a Plymou tb rock hen 1·ollgue., Pllln to the as one would think. -Cutlcur a Reme· lay a corne r·stone. but , I have ~re do, TORPID LIVER. Purely e. dies are the best I have ever tried, Quently seen a plne·app le layer cake." \ and r shll.lI hl e'bly recomm end them to SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Pettit'. Eye Salve Reltore •• anyon e who Is surterln g likewIse , No matter how bndlr the eyes mol' be Mrs. W illiam Geedlng . 102 Washln ,- disensed Genu!!)! ! Must Beal' or injured. Al druggists or How· tOil St., Atllea, Ind., July 22, 1907." F3c·Simiie S:gnature ard Bros., Bujfnlo. N. Y. • ITTLE '
oils l;vant orchard ist, varlaUo ns from tbls treatme nt may be an advanta ge, Pltklns was all ex lIement 118 he Cn sprayIn g l\ormant trees for San Jumped (1'0111 bls cbalr and shouted to JO Be Bcale, It Is almalt ImpossI ble ,to MI's. PIlklns who W&ll In the next cont every twig and fork In lh treu fOom: with lime-su lphur 1I01utlon, unl ess the ··Say. my dear. look here a minute. operatio n Is continu ed unttl there Is Wbat at'e you doing. IlnywllY? Read· more 01' less drlllpin g from the treea, Ing'! WeU, at Illl the confoun ded In· When to Spray.- The ruost etrectlv e ertla and sprayIn g Is lIrevelltJve "'praylng, It tunltles InsensIb ility to one's oppor· . thIs certainl y gets the blgh· tbe foliage and fruit be ,t horough ly USI. possible commen dation! Reading coated with polson or funglcld c before What '! Tbe Woman 's Weekly Wish· the first chewing Insect or the ftrst bone. of co urse., 0, my Ilunt! . fungus spore light upon them. th, "Woma n. don't yoU know there's an Insect will be destroy ed at Its ftrst (.'<:II()8e of the 8un happeni ng this very meal and t be first fun gous Infectio n minute? Where? Ye gods. ,will you will he prcvent ed. V. ben In ne ts or listen to tbat? Wby. 'right here. And fun gous di s nses have bec, lInw, plentl. )·ou Indiffer ent to the lorreates t and ful. hoth nre 11I0re dlmcult ,10 control. IDOSt ,ll1tllresslve phenom enon In na They mulliply mol' Rnll 1)\' ( r more I.Ufe! rallidly. Mol' of tb em will flliLl lin pro· " Why ' dldn't I tnll you'? i am tell· tee ted spots on the (ollngo lind ' rrull Ing you. am I not? At least I have a anll sccure not on ly on e meal but geneml Impress ion that I am dolug seve ral. If they he Inslets. or obtaln someth lns of a root·holll fl'olI\ which to gl'Ow and you before, the sort. I c"u ldn't tell cOllld I ? I forgot myself s pread, If tbey be tungl. Th~ orchard , unW a minute IIgO that this Is the 1s t may. ther tore. acc pt the follow· morn ing for the sun to do It. little Ing as the first principle In regard to dl suPlleu,rlng act. limo or sprayin g: Spray t<I coat t he "Ot course I'm not angry. No. I'm foliage. twigs or fruit with llol~on o~ DOt scolding you. l s It too late? Let'lI see, No. tiot If we burry. "H us Ue arou nd a nd get a piece of slllok ed glass for me, 1' m goI ng to see this show It 1 never see 8\.1other. The pa per .says It's tbe last cbance to vIew this kind at an ecll l18e for a hundred years. ltud I don't care to walt as long Wi thill. "No. I dOlj't wan t th e op.,;ra slasses, TROUB LE AHEAD . I want a Illeee ot window glass, Just common , ordinar y window glass. Do you know what window glass Is ? You stare aa If YO \1 <1 : lI ' t, Don't you Imow where to get h. _y '/ Wel). why don't you provide for the eclipse'! You ought to have known at least three days ago that It was golng ' to come along th is mornIng . " L!sten! Whal was t.ha.t? ·'Say. we're a ll right. flOW. Jimmy has just thrown an old !lh08 througb lhetJi:llc hell wIndow. "Hold all! Hold on there! You'lI cut your fingers a nd then blame me for H, Let me do thal, I'm the 01.1)' one In the house that ean"Ouch! Get me a rag, wUl you. I'm bleeding to death. Uan't you see I am? ; I might have kn own I'd cut myself U Guolln . Sprayer In Operati on ' In a Souther n Iliinoll , Orchard . Nete Use I tried to g t gluss for )'our blnmed old of Tower and Canvu Enclclu re for Machin ery. ecllpue, "There. now. if the eclipse would IllS! fruits. gIving an even coating of nor· fun gicide jUllt before an attack by all day D?aybe wo v.e '" chlWce He-I fear tbe worst. a aUlI:. that t he spray will not run to· chewing Insects or fungous disease s to get a glimpse of the last of It. She-~Vhat's happen ed, (Teorge? get her Into drops us quickly as It Is expecte d. He-Yo ur fath er has paId baok- that . "Here, light the student lamp and would If the parllcle s wero driven to· Sprayin g has been fourid 110 !lnl, smoke tbls piece of glass. he borrowe d. ' Look out. gether by u hIgher pressure . Arsen· ' v rsally prOfitable tbat It Beeml tbere; don't It!t the baby slick her ate of lead applied alone for the ftrst scarcely worth while Where Willie W ... to discuss Its bead through that broken pane. .brood or the codllng moth. should be benefits . Tbe ever increa~ There Is a hutmorous story c~ Mar" ng arm1 "W hy. cover the hole. Well, then. put on under high [tressur e. the high· of Insect lind fungolls Twaln's, "abseIlt·mlnded ness,'· but it pests reQuire . lie up the baby. Do somethi ng. l' the b (tel' up to z.oo IJOunds. At ever increas ing vigilanc e and perslnt· "Nuw. I've got sqot enough on this doesn't match the followin g: this high pressur e, the poillon ence In tbe applicat ion o~ prevent ive The Profess or (at the dinner table) glass to pOlish llle kitchen range, 1 will bo drlvon through the ru· nnd romedla l measure s. The enol' maul might all well try to look through a -Oh. by the way. Mrs. Chopsti cks. dlments of the stamen dee p In· Increase In the area beIng planted sIde of sole' leather. Get me anotber have you seen your little boy. Willie. to the .calyx «ups of the young alllll s, wllh apple treell through lately? out every 1m· piece. Paris . green alJplled 'w llh a small portant apple growing region Mrs. Chopst lck8-N o, professo r, I In, the . "All right, no,\', rn go ollt and take quantity of lime and very caref\lll y United , Slates Is resultin g Iii an In· a look at this wouder ful ecUllse you have not seen Ihlm since ten o'clock, IItralned through a fine sieve might creasin g product ion of thltl. and I can·t Imaj;lne what bas become crop, The talk so much about. also be applied ' at a hIgh press\lr e, public Qiste lIS becomin of hIm. In fact, I am very muoh war· g more and "Oh, of course 11 cloud has gone over perhaps 160 to 176 pounds per square more dl*rltnl natlng. As a result of lbe sun! Look What you're dOing! rled about him. Inch. tbough the grItty particle s of these (act~ In the orchard ProtAss or-We:n , seeing Martha pour lng bUill· You'Ve knocked ny arwand got ' this lime would endang er the skin of the ness. the \>osslblllty of disposin g of a soot all ove r niy nose. I look like Ii me out that glass of water Just now II p.,les and the foliage to some extent. poor grade of remInds me at someth ing that I had fruit Is decreasI ng. at black·fa ced eep.· Followi ng the sprayin g for the first tbe SRme time that the actual on my mind to tell you some time ago, amount "Ah! The 's the sun, brood of codling motb. It may not be of Insect and fungous Injured fruit "Well. grea JupIter Ammon ! IS,that out which unfortu nately eSCaped m, l.ecessa ry Or advlso.ble to make any Is IncreasI ng. These self·aam e condl· all the ecl\llse amount . to? I could get memory . It was just about ten applicat ion II at pressur es blgbe, than tIons, howeve r, create tbe opportu nity the same etreet any time takIng a o·cloclt. J think. that I saw little Wil, 12ii J,ounds. In deciding on the char- t.o make large profits ' by produci ng a lI11e at a cooky. It tbe suli can't put lie tall down the well. acter of his spray. the grower ruust high grade of fruit, A fl.rst-cla . ----, --'--- -alao take Into conside ration the dense· ' grade of apples cannot be grown sll up a better entertal nmeDt than that A. H. Saw It. In a before It goes out of the,show busInes s ..ness oUbe foliage, the height Of. the regloll sucb 'as, where Once upon a time there was a ~ery Insect for auch 'a long lime It 'mllht 1111 we. I trees. and the distance s to whlqh the and fnngolls pests ate very little boy who desIred to go out for a prevale nt, Itay behind the clouds. spray must be thrown. I1nles8 special. precaut ions are taken walk with his nurse. but It was' raln· "You made nil tbat fuss for 1t IB ,custom ary to advise sprayin g t o gunrd ngalnst, th~m. I11lnol8 pro- nothing , Mrs. PllkJos. I hope you're Ing tbat day, so he couldil·t. But he until tlle surface s of the leaves are . d~cel! certain varletlell' of applell of satisfied 'at last. Tbe next time I cut was . console d when Informe d that be coate'd wIth spray ,In the form at ver;v nnsurp bsed flavor and mark5 value, my fingers and tben place myself be- might go the' next day. ' ftne drops, dlllconU nulng the operatio n when free from Imperfectl!)nll Alas! When th.! next day, came raIn caused fore the rudely starJr,g public as a 3u5t before the drops begin to run to· .by Insects and dlseasea , It will pay black·fa ced comedia n I' ll have some was stili coming down without abate.. gether and 'drl))pln g from the tollage ,to grow l)erfect ' speclmellB of these pretty good ev ld~nce that I'm going to ment. Tbe little boy looked ' dlscon· I'ommen ces. 'fn practice It Is difficult \'arletle s. Sprayin g la the most ef. get my money's ~orth . , The nellt time solately at the beavens . U.. attaIn this Ideal comf1l et(' I~' . b~lt fectlve prevent ive of the damage "Ood Is getting ' very carolees ," he lIa. you want to break your neck and half' the more nearly It can be appronchlfd hIe to' occur through attacks ot laid. kill me tor the .. Bake of a silly little tho betler. Yet ~or the careful and pesta. hole In the sun you can , do the labor All the Dlffer.ence. }'oursel f. Nlnl-O eorge says Ibat my beauty work on s:atillng ground for oon. "Great Scott! You' ve lett that lamp ,intoxic ates blm. , venlenc e In ~rlng. Arch furnace s over tunied up and It's literally , snowIn g Elsie-I. beard' tbat be said you were with 1I1ece ot sheet iron 50 Inch ell 101lg. soot all o'ver : the house! enough , ~ o drive a man to drlnk.One can .ampty a drawer. place eml,ty. ",Well. I've certainl y pak! a bl~ Journal '.4.q1ulant. 'A fruit evapora tor tl;1at costs very ' dra wer over full one, t urn both 01'01' prloe for II. mlglity sma ll sbow, I guess little to build and whIch has a en- and the 1r\llt Is turned. It lakeB ~,itt 1 can worry along now for a b\lndred paclty of 11 bushel per day Is showu In a lew minutes · to turn all the tr1l\lt. years without the sun's ,putting Itself the illustrat ion .. 'ro constru ct It a boll 'F Iles canl\ot get at the fruit, ani' out to e,ntertlil n , me. weathel ' does not hlndel' tbe work. "l'n take a walk , wblle the bouse Is Price of a Ram.-T o estimat e the being set to rights. If 'yOU hadn't got prIce which you can atrorll to pay :(or excIted and mall e all this ' fuss yOU a good ram. add two dollars for eitch woul\1 have shown a good deal ,be tIer ' ewe you are going to breed, A r,UD judgme nt tban you dld~" that Is good enough to use with a ftc,c'.. of , 30 good ewes should be worth 1&1 Live While You Live. least $60 ' Nge. In Q majorit y of cases, ne1'er comes (It all. Disease alld acqlden t Turn ~Itry Into Orchard .-Don·' make ' short v;ork of , even the most afraid to turn chIcken s and turkey. Into 'the orcha'l'd. They will destroy prosper ous persons ; deatll costs noth. myriads of Insects whIch are Inju'riOUl Ing• . and the expenBe !)f a heads ton. 1.1' an Ihconsld erable trifle to the bappy to fruit but helpful ,to the fowls. belr. '1'0 be sudde.nly snulred out in Keep Fowll C!oan.- Wlth fowl .... the mIddle ot ambItio us, scheme s . 11 with oyeryth lnil else, an ounce ot pre- trl81eal enougl~ at. belt.: l>~lt where:. 8 vention Is worth a pound at cure. man has b!)en .grUdI! DJ);lIm self hIs Wher. birds are given proper sanlta!') own life In the meanwh ile. and lIav. Jne up everyth ing for the teltlval Iha' care they Beldam contrac t dlsp.&IIe. waa never to, be. It become s tbat hys, K.ep Ducklln gl from Ohlck •.-DucJt. terlcally moving sort of tragedy wbll!b lings shOUld D,t be allowed With othel 'Ia In the CODb" ot loree. Irhe young pou,l t!')., Tber will gobble nr 'IleUm Is dead-a nd, he hall cunning ly ' mOlt ot the feed Ilnd "",lute the drlnJr J1'er·",acb~d hlmlell ; "combl llaUolI hlB water. The ",ult Dryer. or t'allUDttles DODe the :ea abauid 'or bellli ....m. To ItUB_n d a faVOrite u&tb4 " llleb" I. UncI. There are ll4 Don't 0-;; :;;;r.: ,T~;':;-I. such lIatcla tUJ'IUI ' 8Dur It ./drawon, a tide, .&cb' Incha tblill BI ~tt\ng th. h~1 too ;Q'1l.1.lIl' .IIUIIKII of *lure, Cleep; Bottom of Tiley ant .." to blllOUiIr I the fl' 1.. It!II!IlIDII
When a mother sleeps soundly at night II. means that none ,of tbe cbll· dren has any aelles or "rubs,
~y.r:, ~" M'~~
!'trfll. ,,,0In810,,,,'. 8oo~blDa- t;yrop. Tor rhllcJren tcottUDIi(. 10ft en" the gum., ToduDLR totlammlUu tl. ella)" ~IUal GUN. wlnd collu. ~G bt. "leo
Your .use of leisure throws a light on the whole or your life. If Vour 1".. et, A"he or Dum '''\ 0 :!flo PAck.". or AUen'. 'F''''t.~a"". lilT.,. qultk relief. '.1'''0 mUllon pat't"leaI 014 7early.
The keener the critic the more cut· ting tbe criticism ,
If:.~::,a:~~ ~ ThomplOlI'. Eye W.ter A. N. K.-E
(1908-4 4)
Cel )'OUI' size in a pair of.dainty White HoUle Shoes. Slip your feet in. You'D find the
.Loes anug - pliable - amoo tb-
. The!....are huRt over foot.fonD. \ •
Iuta. ~That'. wh~ tbq fit. ,
~ -:"
If ,au' waDt ~tty, ~.~.flttiIljJI_ . -" pt 'lt . of White Houle SbOeI. ' P.OU' ,
JI'OR MEN. $5.50, 4.00. 5.00 an4 6.00.
I"ler 811.. Blal Ribbon 8heea for JOII!Iten.
JI'OR WOMEN . '5.50. 4.0A, 5.00.
Alk JOv 4ealer for Ihem.
CO .• Maken .
Old Vi'rginia Cheroots 'You
. !:VI~
, .' ,
::;.,. . three
useless heads.
for ' three ~ smokes
,O LD VIRG INIA CHE ROO TS 60 capri Without the
Head 1herefOre 3 tor 60 It's the useless head you throw away that Old Virginia ChcrOOtsarc all cigar -no waste. ,You pay , Qn1y for what yoU smoke.' 5 cents for ,~in stead of 15c. make s three ' c;igars cost you 1,5 cents.
,Sold Eve rywh ere
,C'r • ~
bo prOlllptly 1)J'Il!leC' ntecl t,t xtent. t f Illtl IlIw :
liH \'P1 -
\r \ 1' t'l I
,, eals Ill\'
II \
I vilJ~ Bl'o~.,
~hil'Jll!ll iII n:- tt I I , tH1t!u: u r ulr·l iRht s"a l~d I " '.c·d 1\ I' h h ' " tU011 11d ~he l~O ll~tJllt r. :\ , . h co I ' w ~ ,t t-' r I, tllo' the oyst~.l s. Hl ce tS - I'"rl (' t B lid 11 ""I., 1\ . . eRbhil't " 0» 1<'" ~u f\ ",h, r .," 1 I' sk ~" d, fi ren t ! Come a nd ;-.t'., tllt' llI .
Yo u gt' t solid
r "
,·11 ":;1:11 sh ipl" :
Walt er J. Kilbon.
Corwin and Wayne ville, O.
The I!ellnil'c "~Ill ;:h i pl " Oysters nre I\\wnys sold from a W hite l 'OI'celain Display ('lise bearing the "Sealshipt " lra\le murk in hl ue. This is for your p rot~rli on - l ook for It . 'I' \Je "Scillsh ipt" o.rricr Sysle m is pall' nt ed . I n f ringe. mcn L~ will ue p ro · cuteu to tlle full "xte n t of dIe IRW.
South Norwa l\<, on n<clkul.
AD. · IN 'fHIS PAPER NEXT WEEKI " 'Something Doing"
.Magazin e offe r
on Page 4.
'Zimmerman~s PRESH
BALTIMORE OYSTERS Fresh everY day-Solid Oysters, No. Water.
Fresh Cr ckers,
'Butte~, star, Cream a~d Oyster. Edgemont Butters , tl,e best Cracker Tnad e. H you haven't tri ed them , cpme in and get a sample.
Bu~wheat Flou'" . New Pancake Flour, . New Corn Meal .
Extra Frptcy Cranberries. 10e qt Fancy Ho~e Grown Celery MaJaga Gra~$, ISc a pound Sweet Florida Oranges . Fancy Fat,Bananas, Dates, Figs, Ne\V English Walnuls Sweets, 25c peck . Irish Polatoes, 25c pk New Hominy,Rollell Oats, Beans, Mince ..Aleal, Raisins, CurranIS; Citron, Dried Peaches, Dried AprIcots, Cala. Canned Peaches, Canned Kraut,Hominy, Plums, . Baked Beans, Peas, Corn and Tomatoes. W e will hav nur S':COND CAR ~F FANCY WHITE POTATOES un t rack tll is week. Stocl< call'l be beat-'-Fine cooke rs·- . Get our· price .
Watch for our E~g Sign ,
Lik moth I' used to rnak • get some o f fa t her u ed to mak
W . R Ohilt' t fo1o ll,
I!;rumll H hi IIi 1{.
at. 'ful'tlc ..creek. 'atul'Ilay nigh t, N ov~m b l' 14lh. Everyon 'ome l' M'oninisto ha ve al e LUI' cou l'se ~ thi~ wint 1', and a OUI' f unusua l 1(1 str "ngth is ofl'e l'ed. 6<1S0ln ticketes ~ (I I' an~g fol' ne doll ar fo r fiv ~ t fO .. l",-RnIlO Unc men _ ~ ~
Will have 011 tra ck LI , i .. wee k 500 bus hels of. choice w ell , orted Potatoes, ~horoughl v ' ripe aud In e ver way suitabJ'e lor wlUter s torage. Price Oc in 10 bu s h el lots. 'relephone your order at once.
California Peaches. YellOW fruit in large can s, wltll g ood syru p', at 15' pe r c an. Extra fine Cnllt in heavy s yr n p 20c. The 'boe s t .P~Jlche grown at 25c a call , Spec ial prIces by th e dozen.
Golden Svrup. 4Oc. a Bailon
Americ a ,
Sugar Cured Me2'ds.
Lew Raisins
:v ,'\1
>It.of) k
hV t!
for ~It"
lJhone MuKill !!e.v 'Jr Him .( k tl, " t <;" rwtu.
LOST BELT PJN uetween f::I o lV e lJ'~storti 1I1l11 ::lherwnnd 'M. FimlM Vlell sI' r ulurn to th i:4 otllcu STEEL OOlllJ) OHiu' ~ ,·ulil. Fi ml(\ .. will Je ll VP i~t t.hl" " H·loe.
70 A V R"~t;
of ~o'l(l
{lIrm I~Dll :
rOIlJII~ fnrlli.dl Htl I'ur hUIlIl". k etl pin ~ t,o U r ORpaot,1t hie olluple , A (I . pl.V lit, Ihl N tlttlot' fill' h,fclrlllll t loll
U R.OO,~111"Il~I" WIL tel' all thr,ltl/oth
f\ l flO lrlll l i~IIt.!4,a1loverl, h6h h ll ~ i1
1-:::l..1' Il~SOII' ...
0 111
M t'flt
The Butcher 'I
tlnd two
. u "
flllrl ,YJ{'H)d InqUlr~ "I'
(In >I .
' 111.
[NGER Illlwlng ' IllKohhlt' . quire Ilt· Guzt' tt.e OItiOIl.
A DOROe J ertley RIleolr, l !lnll'I' s de. Allen . Emd L.f t,le .fill O FOUR
Ot. UiUA neW'41»'JIt'lril
!or five olmtM ut Ihlll n1fioe ·
PEARti-Good Keifer l)e"r8 ftll
65c, ·$1..?0 and $1.50
!liN8-WH hnva Vi nt.y of Khell prlntf'd on tnU~hD, lO,. eft b /I,t tbl OmM. ~ow III t.he mne to po~t them . i.::::
I I I I ~"" ~ ~~ _ _ $ $ I The.lJaylight .Store
Fresh Beef Pork, Lamb lOt yS. e rs.
At Schwar1tz's - I;aesa;' Creek_
I aac Wilson and wife vis ited theIr daug h t r, Ml·S. Vand er voort at Harvey burg 'on unday. . Walter Wil 'o n a nd f amily w ere ~ . Su nday g u ts of Chas . McKinney • HOI'ace COlTIpt s.n's spen t unday w ith John' Wilson' Amos D Haven a nd fa mil y and Rollo LeMar and family ~pen t Sun day with Jal' d H ock ett's near H ar. veysburg _ J esse Hain es I' tUl'I1ed home Mon df\Y of last we k f rom L eesburg where h e had been t he g uost of rei: a tives and fri end . MI's. E lizabeth McPhe rson , 'of Highland. Ohi o. t he mothe r of Geo McPherson Who lVa.\\sick for so many years was fo und lying in hEll" yard at! Satut'day s'tt-i cken with paralysis f . . 'I . I'ttl ti A h· h :/I'~~O~~~.tyl~g . ler e IS I , e ' ope 0
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette.
153 .,
New Burlington.
Messrs Bern Shidaker and Chas .Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Harlan 'of WilMcMillen were in Wilmington Friday , mmgton, are th~ ~ue8ts of Thos . Haydock and family Rev. Myers who had charge of t h e . ' . service during the revival at Jonah's ' Will .Reeves, of ~Ichmond Ind., 'R.un ate. C .churc. h retul'lled to his ome at was"Hat home B to,v. t .I " r t th e ve n.I·1 II1cmnatl Saturday. . .~PP¥ oquist IS Mrs . Maggie Levicy had the pleas- III OUI neigh. orhood agam ure of a viSl.t fr9m her uncle and r.1 r.s Hettie McPherson was ea.lled aunt, Mr. and Mrs Jont Hartman •.t a H Ig hi an d Co unty.b y t h e serlollS gf Wilmington from Thursday .un.t il Illness of h'3r mother-In· law . ' . • aturday. Mrs Margal'e.t Bnrne~and daugh!diss Louise Wilson entertained the ter have moved mto theIr new house. MJsses Butler. of Dayton, from Ramond Reeves and Howard Carr Sa turday until Monday. ' . have e~chanlled residences. . Ml' Maurice Collett left Friday ' Mrs Ida Mendenhall, of Spring fQ r New York for an indefinite time. Valley is the Iluest of t'elatives her~ . . Misses .A nna Stoops and Addie T. C. Haydock and family enter. Madden were visiting relatives in tained . on Sunday the following Waynesville Saturday, ' guests: Wm. McElwee and family. 'On last Friday evening while Miss Mrs. [,y.dia Cu . rl, M.r. B,nd Mrs. .Frank
Sp~ ,. 1;:;1
clal$' $
Saturday we will sell
25 Ibs.
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$ $ $ ________ $
Gran, Sugar for $1.25.
$ .
Will have \I. our of fo.noy ripe _ WISOObsln PotlitoeSf)O traek ill Ii few dtt.vs. In lot'8 of 10 bu!<hel!4 frol1l cl~r, 0111 .. . " 800 per bu. r,ellve your orderll with Ill:!.
SHOES .... WA have thlit oelelirttted .... , Sbott, the HonMebold, wtlde ~ . by Hamilton Brown for .1QdiH~ t&ud ohlldren. • liet our l-I,ioel:t: UOD't, fOrget,: . ... , "11' Ertlloiltur lIud ElkAtln t-luhool ~hOfJ8, they !'Aln't be . 1'6IL~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
$ .
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by eighteenth birthday.
her of her an The evening ton.
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~~ss:;~!se~~t~el~~siMr~n~n~aM~: · . . . . . . . . . . . J• • • • How~rd Grah~m. Mr and M~s. Frank
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lIult jutlt lIku you lillY IJ.OO~ for e lsewbere. '!' • ~
$' .$
ranc 1. CORDUROY CLOTHING - -.. McCarren, MIsses Mary LeVlcy, LouSpec ia l price for SlIlllnlav. Mi"se:; Bertha ' Smit h and C1::U'a, ise Wilson Eva ~uc~et~ Helen Harris, .. 6 " t OUI' pricel4"ciil COllt. Vast E\'crv piece ,",wee l as II 1I1l1 and 01 Murray were Dayton visitor last Eva Cleaver, Mmme Burgett, Reva ane1 TrollPerl'. WIj wllhmve week. Hadan, Messrs. Joe Davis Charley' YOII money I I t Ie best lIua It y . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .Dakin are Gordon, SabinMcDdnald,CarlShidaS elect 1-1 a illS 14l! . spending a few days' with tile latter's ker. Judd Wilson, Carl Harlan. 75c and. $1.00 '. . houlder s 1Qc. parent..... Jonatnan'McCray and fami. Mrs Ethel Gray Duke and two Felt BOht,~, . RUbber BOOt,8, Pl\:lIi c Ham 'I ;'~ a lb. Iy, neal"Centervilie. children, of Lytle, spent last week . A~otloFl lI·nrl ()yerll. Get our Mr. and MI's. Jacob Lacy and wi th her parents, ' . . prlOI'M I),·fore yon buy. Break fas t Ba ·0 11 )(, '. . dd ' h t· d b gran aug tel' were en ertame YMr. and Ml'.s. Howard GI'ahl\m.. Fa.ncy Cra..l\berries Thom as Lacy and family at dinn'er Mr. JOQ Davis al1d Miss Mary Levlcy / - -. " .... ~OMEl'aING NEW I Sunday; wereental'tained S~nday at the home Wellman. .... . at lOe pe r qua i l th is w\le k·MI'. and Mrs. H. C. ·Dakin werp ofMr .and MI·s. Wm. Kersey, of . MAPLEINE ' will ue hil!'lI er. entertainedtodinllel' ·SundayQyMr, . Ore~onia. 1 , M' E H' h . F . It and MI·s. Clayton .F oster. . v' I.. Mrs .. Ibbie Colrett visited relatives . ISS mha elg way. of. Waynea:or 1Il1\. . Illg SyruJ'. URe gJla~. ' Somethin" Doing Miss Florence Lacy iSMPendin g <in 'Clinton Count'i last week . VIlle, was. t ~ guest of ~r and Mrs , nhlted SIlIll!, nod Mllplein0, IJ a . .' . . Walter TIbbals and family Monday. liud you 0I\1l hllrdly tell at t·h e Olel Reliabl e till few days with her si tel', :rs, Frank ~r. and' Mri;! Ed CI~rk entel'tamed ~eorge Davis and wife and Ernest, .... from mil pie Trj It ye ar. Cook. ' theIr uncle and aunt. Mr Jo!m Mannon and wifespent,Sunday with" llnd Ilk!! others you will ....... like it , H you kne w a firm ~hat handled ' '. Mr. and Mrs Dan Cline and fam- Spray and Mrs. Mary Harlan to dm· Albe.lIt Shutts and family. ,j as rnll.n V goods a IIny oth er ily were en ~ertained. by Bill Ch eno· ner Sunday ' . .Mr . . Lew Wolfe spent Saturday ... , nrocer.Y Hou e in the County, w9th and w1fe Sunday . . M'r. and Mrs. Or-VIlle Thomas, of WIth hIS parents. Mr and Mrs. john H . ' alld increllsed tll'e busines 11) ' Mr. and Mrli. FrymlC Dakm we're Wilmington, visited their father Mr. Wolfe. eadquartel'8 for your . . . per Sunday gues ts of Dickson Whartoh Isaac Thomas Sat.urday and Sunday Mr and Mrs. Elmer Garrison and 'E W ' ceut over last yellr, wouldn't VOII and wife. .. --.. family spent Monday with .Mr. and very ant . thiuk tbat wonld be a . ~oou place Mrs. J. H. Chenoweth was enter. It is 8stimlitetJi thll.t the apple Mrs. John Beighway. . to purchase Yelur ... s llppliel!? tained by Mrs Ada Dakin 'on Thurs- crop thlll year is f)nou~·h ·to DUlke Mr. and Mrs. , George Bogan and ' . , 1I1000,000,oeo pies. But for, the ute BdaughtllerWdllre~eguestsofChauncy 'J'h ~t •s l\ an(l ' we ~ant your day. Harry, the little son of varle'ty let's have ou 00011810nal unne an family Sunday. . bnslIll!s '. Mrs. Walter Dakin has a. dumpling Mr. and Mrs. AI Wyson8' were the ....
Bo't tles
I""$,.. . . ,At 'S ohwartz's $
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bns t rice I'n' " we can s h o ~ YOIl a ~lle,'i e:,r:rll see.! ~o tor. 2fi ?
s ample of th e pri ze winn r.
11I1.v in A' feir 'Id ,
F 0 U n .t a in
Gilbert Amold , .of POl"t William, harl Og lesbee, o f Spr'ing The' "Wild Ros" IlrJllld fi r and Valley spent Salul'day w it h Isaac Fan cy Tabl e Syrup. JII l th e L I , yt e s. Og lesbee and f amily, of Moni, thing lor Buckwh eat cak Lumbel'ton s p nt nntlay with Isaac Canned Tomatoe" Lytle. Th e W. T. C. U. held a Mot hers' 10e per can, m ee t ing at the home of M.I's. Chas. $1.00 per dozel\, McKinney nea r New BUl'lling ton on . Ne w ' good s- pack ed llS p CC· Tu esday. .. ially f o r ' 1I - auli e ve r }' ca n . Rand til e )I11iu f Ormll!u, au It bOx weig-h R il oz . of Pink Paiu l'nblet8. Then 8,ak your Dootor if there is It b Btter on.e . New Ca.rolina Rice. Pltin utellDS c ongel'tlon-b.lood pres
If y ou waut th e
Sw et
Dried Apricots Sweet Dried Peaches Heinz's and Dried Prunes Spur Pickles
~f~~~. :n.l~u_~_I~.~r_'
Ca.t Load of Rural New Yorker
' I.J A~8 pill ,,!, tit .. \"rllv ' , .. ~ vlll ·' l:ii~h ~o lt <.lo l (hvu",r (au lI" v .. U Hl >lIIIll B pr o vi u g p r uJI! rt,." , ,I ud
New Hominy
George H enkle, Chas. Ellis, Chas . Houg h. A. B . Chand ler , W. P. H ay, '. ,1. {J la-rk .1 . P . unlming .
Whiie's Store News.
Y allllCd G()(') d t;:, ' of a ll kind . '1'rv a 1~'nl1(' Mr. anti MI'!". Wi ll N Ol'ton . and U .. , ., can of Peeled Avr-i co~ . r1aug hler. Lucilt! lI'e ]' in X nia, :at. (; ' l U JIll kuge of Egg Noot.lll:!s wliill' t h Y 8 1' ofr Ash- jus t fin e, lIrc\ ay. f;ay thost' who lUlve lI :ed t hem . Mi ;;.~ Ludle MW' un pent unuay aft 1'1100 11 with Mis.') Lucile orton Bilnnnas, Bread, Fresh Oys ters, Celery, Crackers, Etc. New Mis..'l M Y I' (I~ I<ibl I ' S}Jt:!l1t Friday Paint and paper on the room. Come night\l'iih Mis.." Lucil Mason. in Clnd sec li S. Mr. and 1t-~. Ii. E '~i1 soll : pent linda), ill I. ·ballou. The Literary '-oei 4v of the 0 H S met at the hom of i\'l r . and·Ml's . H . 1 r E. Wilson, Priday nig ht. T he flll( I. lo wing prog ram wus r endered: Piano solo, Mi s Gladys 'p n .el.. recitatiun, 1i. ~ 1yl' Ie Kibler ; 1\010 , i _______________I111!1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _• .-:: Mi:;:; LlIci le Norton ' duet. Miss s armin and Ru th r.c1wa rd.:; debate, Resolv d: "That. 'apital Punish--~ -~ .... _ .m ent is Wl'Ong. tM!~~~~~~M1IMI..~~~YII!£~ M(,. ) . t''. Myel" wa..'" in Kings f?&~~~~~~~~~~ .~~~
::f,~ 1~;·~~iyf~:~· I~~xRUfc~:\(:~ ~~e II
had Lewi. , J ohn Gi bbons. Ell a Michenel'. Cha '. F rye, M. attel'thwai te . 'IIt,he rio K eever ,
New Kraut New Bean
For Mince Pies
.J unHtuon ' r!ll.1 nlU. . .J . 1:'. 'l'h C1 JII¢<U II , Mik J:i1L 1l1iJtOD , (' r()s~ Brll>l.. .1. F. 'IIUJwrtl llider E1H tlllll '1; . 'I'b (1 m bunn
. ........... .......... ,.,..,-
The fo llowing-na med p I'sons fo l'· bid any h unting or shooling on th p rem ise, wit hout pel'mis. ion:
Pota1oes. Read our
fu ll
Ask for " S EALSHIPT SENSE ' ''~a Book About Oysters
A ll UJ\! full " " \l';,' 01".1,
(~ .
M . L F'ru;r.f'tt, /tJOg-6 DtI 1l;\'I\ I1 ~, E I i'l.l\ urn 11 HllIl 1Il Uk Elr , ~:t1\1'l l::tllthn \l' /LY. \ III Bu r~ . . .J. \Y. Rt'l ulhck. W . H . M'rr l!!,
Tit }' arc:
L~ill~i(l~\'~:~~;~~t~, : :~rl .'\:~r~\\~',~I:
Oy~t e
11 ' 'l ll ll t u lll1 tl L\l l\t iu~ v r t i 'UK Pll tl~ Hl g O il I hu ln nds uWlIe d 0" l ' OIl . t Wl\l'd 0\' hi uudnr:dgLlI1lI snb""dt.. t! r~ \\-itil o nl II \\ l'\t t on Jl ll'llll t.w lll
OY· · ~). )7tS ;
ti8m. Mr. Clark Baker, of W ia,is visltinghis sister,
Hess and family,
n· as
PIW' ~ I........~ -
$Walter J K'I11IoD'$
-tid _.: fSlIU .~
r: a.......·I ....... na.~
.............. v . . . . . . . .
ru:~~f John
Wolfe and family
~r. John Dean 8~nt Sunday WIth Mr. aDd llfn.1:d Vamnater.
t. '
........ &.-.
.~ ~
.,-w .....
FIIJ.'1'Y .NIN'l'll YEAR.
,NOVEMBER 1 ; 11108,
_ 1 _ _ _ _ _-
Ci l lll Coiumis!lioner Ed ROgersw8shere ,DOING A B(O 6USINESS ST. MARY'S CHURCH 'I'uesdILY. s"-ltI!..... l1li .1. W£l!ol io Lel)lI uon Mr. Frank Burnett WIl8 ,lu town Mr. Ethan Coleman, of Cincinnati, Nov6w'ber 22nd l::!undn..I" next beM r,.. Hn.Y ho II I! Toesday. son of Mr. J. H, Coleman, has ~ pat- fore Advent : Morning prayer and Hllt,l1l'lill'y. on Warren Dakifl, who bubeen lIiok ~nt ?n~ post-~rd hol~er,. and IS do- serm on at. 10 ,SO a, m. Eve 'ug ' ~","'i .~, " ' " " " " ' for somR t,i me, ieo not mooh better. I nglda bIg bUSiness W1t~ It .. ~e has prayer and sermon at. 7 p. In. 10- We wan I lb ml1lce lLls column n( lb. Like a rrl'action Cal', But ~~" , 1<.:. 0 . Horufltt hUR ()ean , 80 over 7,000 of them m Cmcmnati . I h . . " ?oC l W 11 le aJlnlC feature thiN ",Inter ' .. nil the "10k lillt,. In Mr!l. Annie Thorpe eotertained I' dh' d " spung ymnso ndmuslO lltboth ser- aM I< Ollr frlendS to sendln 80cleLy eVenl~ . . Will It Come? a one, an IS or ers are coming in vioes I:) d Soh Dr, /,.uo g, of Ritlgevllle, WBS t~IWl1 SlI t,urdIloY . ' un ay 001 at 9 :30 a. m. 1alit Sunday an lIuto p~rty oompolled thick and fast Mil' l4 Hellm 8tf,k6!1 is vi . it.lng rel- of Dr, aod Mr8, Beady. of Glendale, He is manufacturing them himself Everybody invited these services. In h onor of her nleoelda, Paulina 1~l ivUH in Lflullnl 'n. Mitis Prague,otOovi~gtou, Ky., aud and expects to sell several thousand ATTEND BIBLE STUDY CLASS Butterworth gave 'on last Tuesday .Jllme~ Zell. of Yellow Springs. the Drll, Llln.d, of Cinoinnati. more by Christmas time. ' , . a dinnpr party to ,the following per. WR ~ ill t'lWll 'l'uusdllY', Mrs. Ft'6noes Arnold, one of the .. _ • . Great mterest IS being manifested sonl!: Sarah B. Smith, Thad Zim. Are Taking a Hand in the ,Matter 'I' ,r I 1" . ' ,' CO\1Df,Y'1i mOtlt' highly estoemed laPROVED AN ALIBI m the new Bible Study class which merUlan and chHdren, Oharlie and and It (s Hoped Th~y Will D' r.1 At' W. Y\ d r gd.1 . Willi In t:10010- di es wi II Illave the llllter part, of the ' m.ets at the Township House every Rutb, Mary Young , and daughter , Be Successful!n nIl t,1 Itll e ne8 tty . , . . A ' week tor WI.lYliesvll1e, 0, wbere bertIRIcks, the young man who Fr'd I ayevening. ,Lelia, Emma' Helghway, Elizabeth , Mr . "nd Mr~, .J E, Jllllney IIpeOt, sbe Will millie her bomu wi t h her was arrested at Cincinnati last week The enrollment is now fifty. Join Oarrol and Elizabeth B. M,?oTe, . Their Plan. '1 h\u 'Idll,v II) Cen tervlll~ , son, tJ , L Tewell. Mrtl. Arnold has for the nlleged theft of horse and and make it ~ixty at the nl/xt meeting An articlo cJipp~d f l'om ~he Day' M .... ST R Oliff. lind harlie Boruet,t visited Ohio qui te often IlDd likes buggy from his uncle, 0 L , RI'cks, ' d S . • -.... Mrs. Cbu. Shidalter, of 'n ear Bllrton Herald reads; , U t 8 Wllrf' lD IIY on lItur fly. the oou ntry fiol'.-F.lmout.b Out, an aCCou~lt of which appeared in the' prIng Branch. veysburg, entertaioed 11l8t Wednes· A tracti()n linefl'om Wilmington. Mrol , .J , I:l, ColemRll has been , look . Gazettealfew. wee ks ago, was b rought W I da Y In bonor of Mias Emma Heigh. Harveysburg, Waynesville and inter,. _ qnit Rlolt, 11ll" is belter now " , GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION to Lebanon Saturday and tried. He Seiad ~rvlces a.t Middle Run 'WilY who left ·.ruesday for ~ali" mediate points to Dayton is 'pro. pleaded t 'It ed 'b' a'urday and Sunday by our putcr . ,or801'(1 toO Mr , and MTII. Wm.BeDeoke n.o, gUI .y, provo an ah 1 Elder W. L. Lines, of Lafontaine nia . At noon an elegltnldinner w.a position which the Retailers' Committee of the Chamber of CoMmel'ce W .. 'f1, PsdI\Y, November 11tb, R gltl. The custom of setting apart one and w~ Imm:t~t;Iy dl8charged. lDd. ' , 'served. Thuee invited were, Mre. considered at meetings ThursdltY AnnIe B" own WIlS borne fr om day in each year to be devoted to SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs, ,Joshoa Chenowe'h Ambrose Maffit, Mrs. E. V. Be.roafternoon and Friday morning. Frinll v rn"rillu g until !:;undltY even thanksgiving is one which was inauand daughter were entertained by hart, Mrs. MoFarland, Mra D L 'fhe line is proposed in order tQ i ng . gurated by the Pilgrim Fathers at The Rev. and MrS W .. T. Gilliland Laoy and famUy.t dinner Orane and Mi8S Emm&
ocl!e't· y'.. '·C·o·lIIlu m'n
Mrll, W~JI,ur MoCiure ~nd Mrs. Plymouth and .has been f?\Iowed by ~ere surprised last Thursday even- MJssesAli06 Chenoweth Bnd Ber. " . "'rlln :. Ourey wt're in Dayt,on Toes- all the succeedmg generations of our mg by their parishioners coming in SUlitb had as their guepts !:lon. Ihe Ladles Club Wall most da,v. people down to the pr~nt time. on them, and tendeTing them a day, M18S Wilson and brother, Ella enjoyably entertained lu' Thurl. Wil l Mohr, of Dl1ytun, iupendiog "In with commend- pound slhower, They , were both Rye Bnd Miss Austin. day evenlng by Mrll. Baily a few ul1Ys with Elt Bornett n.nd able practice the PresIdent of the very muc'h surprised Mr. Jonathan McOray and son and Mrs. A, T. WnghtaWbe laUer'1 U 'ted State h Th .. were entertllined by B C Dakin home MILl De it" ..' fllml!y . III s as set apart urs- The evemng was spent in a social and fomllyHundllY, . . • ,r, na v . jlR&'l. Annie , ClIorrleUrolhe was tbe guel!t day,1 th November ' d Tborpe. Refrellhmenteofbreadand ks I . 26, das a day of gen: way, witEls.inging and conversation ' Mrs . Frank B aWell en te r t alne butter sand ieb II of IJ't,ytun frienr1s SaturdlLY and .an g.vmgan prayer and al\ hSld a good time. ber OOl1lllnll, one from Dllyton and w 81, oped. oy- . Ilndl~Y. ThIS hohday comes at a season - -- - - • one from Xenia Ilt dinner l:Iaturday. sten, piokled ~a and ooW.. Friday, and asa result of the confer. "'t Be .. fN b Oh when we have mlUly visible remindIMMENSE CLOTHING HOUSE 1\\.is8 Julia Hellll, of near Xeni& served , Deo.f' • 0 ort Itl'n 10, ers 0 f th e b ' . ountles of PrOVIdence, "spe 0 t iast wee k ....... h er unole,' ence, 'the traction officials will take ' .... "" One of the mOlt enjoyable IOOtal this proposition under consideration :atbt' k8uest of ber br'ltber, Wm , many blessings which should lead us On another page we call attention Ihlo~":::: anu family of this Mr. Frank Harris and Mr. Frank , UUO . e. to continue devoutly to render praise to the advertisement of Mose Cohen, ne g r 0 ., ' affaira of 'be HUOn party Shidaker, of Harveysburg : were also AS a of and thanksgiving to 'the Giver of of Dayton. Mose haa a house full of given by Mias May Wright lut Satbefore the committee rela~ives to the I M" t; . oore urlnK nar~r- good and blessed gifts: These are good good .. , and when Mosesaye itis Miss MeUle Morgan. , n ~y evening In honor 'o f,proposed hew line, and th y comid-I '\1 I C I founel in the abundant fruits of the good you can rely upon it beir1&' as Elder W. L. Lines ma Seighway • . Whla' w.a the or· ,er suoh a 'big improvement for botb I f 1~8 7.~ ~ ) arrph0ll uSllpendiDII ,II. soil, the rich yield of the mine , the ~pre.ent.ed. A visit to this house Satarday nigbt by Nathan A118tin lIer of the evening and a' a HUOn.. Dayton and the count.ry south :w C "Y8 w t .olle 'arroll , near large produce of ind~stry and the will provc~ a satisfactory one and fllmily, ' ble boar elepDt retreehmente were . u~r"'~Yl\burg ' . Mr, an d ~ , tranl- aery ed . Thoee ' In talking to Mr. F.rank Shidaker expanding field of opportuni~ for • - •, ~rs, 1!,rank.Dakin p. . .nt : ,Kr, he says in his visit ove.r there that MOIIsrB. Walter Burnet.t and O. L, allleigtimate lines of bumanend~avIS IN TEXAS aoted buslne88 in XeDI~ Saturday. and Mrll. George Ha"ke. ·1It. , the Board talKed very favorabl t Crllul' /lnd son fiJthan, were io Leba. or; in a happy freedom from inter1.0 ' ~1'tI. Ada . Dakin and dausMer a~d MI'II. W. fJ. Allen, Mr. aDd lin. . e 0 nlln ~ aturday .' , L_ .. were oalUng on Mra, J, B J B C I U d th.em In regard to theproposed road, . . " naf strlf., pestilen~e or foreign JIlr. George S. Schnebly is DOW in Ohl!Jlowech and family Sundayev: . , 0 eman, ,..r. an. B. but that the talk will end in talk is A bl Ba,lnes o! Dayton, Is vis"iDg W8l'8 and in the growth of our re- 'Victoria, Texas. George writ. that ening, I Sberwood, and IIlTa. D. L.cnn., ... tbeJ'ear of in this neck of WayneSVille triouds "nd attendiq plibHC in respect, power and influ- he hu all the work that he can do . , . - • Mt .... mm... Selghwa,. the woods . ~QIIr''''rI~ Meet~g. 4IDOQIl tbe.natiOIl8 CIt the earth. JU1d woulcl1i!te to get more men Entlre change of picturesat Hahn's Bawke, Emma Bawk., II..,.. FIGHT Bntterwqrtb, of Detroit. "T1iel'8fore, I, L available, that help on and Satul)lay. Hawke Cook ...4 Miob., bas been vlll"ing ber aunt, Governor of the state,of OhiO, do down then'e is hard to pt. a. says New Bu II ..... obo Miller. Paulina Butterworth. hereby the proclamation the thermometer avel'&l'el about '10 r D... , " .....'....'....' - 'Anaeked by "vlqtoull b.)llr, &ain William T, BUI, well knowlJ . Mr ... John Fromm and daughter, of the P1'eS1dent ~d ,call upon the ~earrees III~W, and they ' have Ii de The MaSOD8 entertained their .11l1li Ru'h Dinwiddie en~' farmer of near Leball.)n Wall oom- of, DII yton, Ilre vlal'ibg ber parents people to freely Jom In the ohllerv- hghtful c:hmate all the time. wivea anl\fawJUea a' a eOoi.l 'and at her home I.., Thunda,. ......., pelled to malut a d88p8rate 6gb' for Johu Sawlle and family. ' ' ance of Thul'8day" the twenty-sixth 4 • , banqnet on WedJulllday evening, tbe follo~na « ..... : .IIt.. .... hia Ufe, Be waa drlviug r,he ftnlIQIl1 • Mrll. Jobu Venable lind Mrt!. Val day of November, One Thousand FIRE PR.EVENTION . Flora aDd Wm. .BarJ,ul, of MiAm- nor Earnbart. lluy Hawke, CIut. ou' of 'he baro yard Wt.6fl It lOud Venable IIpent the day last Wednes. Nine Hundred and Eight. aa Thanks" lsburg, IIpen' the wee,1r-eDd at their Bawke, 00naeU, .JoeIea.-dent.v aUaolled him , lit the oombat day witb Miss T.ibbie Davia , ' giving day, to put asid~ their ~ua1 . The uousuJll nambe'r of destruo home b~re. bee, Loa1ea 8*,>_, D1ael~aa " ..... g of Rotb MOler, Bel• .Joa•• .J.... , that followed Captain Hill Wlill 88 CUff ,111 meson, wife and IOn Paul occupations and gather in their acus- tlVe fires paLllt lummer has o!eettn yerel" bluen and hl\d,' rin frae- of LebllDon, were lIuestB of Edward tomed places of worship and assem- oaused commenp, and and Sunday. Samrday Jone8, ,M8I8rl, Lee J:al'llhart, t,ored by a fall while ende.vo ring to Rebl.lliok and fiunily la' B d bly to offer thanks for the manifold aroused ltll the mindl of many, Bome Mi.M Lulu lllwin ~ hS8 returned mBn HUvel'll, Ternl MIlOJ, Jolla cl.mb Into a wallon t l) evadu hi li 'as (J 8 un ~y. blessings vouchsafed them, questIOn!l. How 'do tl ey start? from Cincinnatt wbere aihe under· Lemmon, Emerson ICal'llhan Jamee e' .. Blows with a cl,nh did oot imoty OIerk, 0 , 1. Bale, wife and ' ''In testimony whereof 1 have relmudy have' we for them? forappendiolttl. McOinre, Jon., avan torepolse the lIavagern\\betlof daughter, M~rlan, of XeDill, were hereunto subscribed my name and Jt iijtrtl~ lhllt most of the tirel Ser many fril'DdB are rejoiced at WtaerboU8e, Roy BarllOOk 'he maddened boar alld it, W8S only of Mr. IIond Mra. Frank zen caused the great seal of the state of origina.te Illoog tbe right-of-way of her recovery. mond Hartaookand Mom.G;....... , . ' Ohio to be affixed at Columbus this oor ra.lIw'aya, caUled 118ually by tbe ga!r:'ot Dayton, is the Tbe evenlnK w.. .p.t in m_ when he I.>t bold of a, pltohfoT k t hat. Bm waa able &0 oover bll ret,reat r. "nd Mrs. OIem Burnett a.t - ninth day of November A D' One llparks friom the looomotlve ; othel'll Ja8 Petel'tloV~ erhe. h d and gamea. BefrNhmeDII ...... oa ..--I £2 Burnett's . a re Ie t b Y h un~I'II, camperll, ,amok- tbe property ' Dr. Emma sa puro ase aerved and a good tlme .....1 -JOJed _ D Bill wei a oomiMoy oom • tended I tbe ftJneral of Krs ' T h o u s a n d Nine lfundred' and. Eight ofn Mrs Hamil mander in tbe oivil wftr nod "1110 uoo P, U. W . Bftrper,ln tJedarville, ," By the Govemor. ' ers, and IUAny originate from un. \*,>n. wbo bILl re'urn8d to GaIllPol~: by all prllllen'_ ' oooupled '~e pO~i'!on cif !11lt.rfmIt8 Monday . ANDREW L. HARRIS. ' known souroes, Onefaotls eVident Rev. Levi MUla, of WllmingtQn, • - ...-------tar 10 Ofnolnnl~'i , 8<ome t ,wo lIoore Mrll. Dudley Kaever and 80n , WIn "Carmi Thompson to all, thE18e fires do mnoh damage preaohed at the B'riends ohurch on DEATH OF 'MR WA yean ago, later (or mayor and' MI8R,Llda Wright, ofCentervlllf', of State." to proper,t v lying adjacent to the ::tOrday Ilnd and was . : DSWORTH of t~' oliy, , In 'he,late RepobliOllD bave'bee,DI'gUlllltsOf Dr, A, T. Wrlght l .. _ • ~llht-of-liV"Y. i'en088, timberland, Boo:!~ed ~t. the bome of tbe MI8ses The death of John 8. Wadawor'h, prllDU'ia,. he was ~ candidate ~or ,and t"mlly. 1 LONGEST CONCRETE FLOOR ill6lAdOW8 ~nd grato field. In gen~ral ,MrR. Ann Farqubar WILl 'be gaest one of tbe country's old.., aDd moat ooun',. i!!ftrmary dlr80&Or . ' . Fra'nk MarqueU, of' W~yn6HvUle' l . ' bave IItIffered ,m ore tbe, paI,t year of relatives near Xenia last week, bighly honored ' Ohriatian aeDtle. ~_ .. -R. I Ohio. atter spentling a week wltb , ~he.c~unty brIdge over the Little thlln for wany previous on8l, ' ,..- • . . meu, ooootred at bll bome In the UC). r;vnner t:sldents bia pnrents near Gofortb Ky re ' Mlaml nver near Roxanna which Tbe la:W8 of olilb are specUlo opon Don t fall to see the movmg PI!!- forth nilighborhood thilloo .. 1 .. l' '.' h th t ffi turesatHahn'sth'sw k ' 11D_y,,,. lrms B. Dudley, for 'tep yOlI'll ,to1'llod to that state last., tlaturddY. ls ,rapi' d y nearmg completion, , as e ma ter ~ rll control. AccordI ee. Hu,nday morniug, Nov. ~ lU~, a' UnISeclS"tee Mlnillter to Pera, but -Falmouth Ontlook. -' per~aps, the longest concrete floor lng t I l ReVll!ed Statutes, 8eotion ....- . 8 :OQ o'olock. It wasa,reat Ihook for ' ... .-.' year AmbcuJaauor to MrA.8. V. Bart.eoolund daugbteJ:, of.any . bridge in. the ' State, The 33116, oa118e , Harveysburg. tohiB,famUyandfrieDdaancUheoom B........ tl .pen~lnlif. ~hr6E) ' moDthl MH. Elsie Hmltb ' and Mrs. Riley brIdge IS S9Q feet m length and haa to be p1aoed on every locomotive lir J4 R E H wonit,. in general. ' While he' had fu'doiaJh atd,be homeofbi8 brQ'ber of Valley, ' spent eIght threeol ei«hty feet and engiue need in operating their road. her iD his U8Dal-good health for one In OhlOSRO. , , .' 'l'tiundll! of Illllt ,1Pf ,ek witJb their five of ~h1rty feet, ~he concrete floor some de,v,loe for tbe ,purpose of MiBlles Anna Stoops Addie Mad. of his years, be was taken luddellly e .', bia A1ma Ma~r, ~eny,on IllIt~TS. Mrs. AIt~ tfuwke and MarJ extendmg the el)tlfe length of thelauardlng aalli,ost tbe emission of, den and Mabel and Ma'ry Sherwood ill wltb neol'll'l gta of the hear. and , Goll..e, . oon~err~d" thO' dq' ee of Pr~ter, 4 .1 ' structure. .. ,' /aparka, alod they IIhall ke~p theoon- attended tbf!! Oentra.l ObioTeaoheH, only a few ' minut.. M'!': ~r o~ Utw~ u).oo :Mr. Dudley, lil'r': an" Ml'lI. JOI!~ S. BII8Y vll1it- The Or~~ma Brldge Company, of trlv~noe '~~ g~ repair e~eptlngln ::e~~tion at De'rolt, Mioh ~ lallt Wadsworth wu aeated l~ a rooking , ohair when he W&ll .anoken, and ,attended with brilliant ceremoDles ed tbelr relllf.ives, Mr. aDd MI'!. Lebanon, IS m char~e of, the con- the montha ,of Decem~~. January , Mr Jont all.d bearty oonll'l\tulallOJls. Ueo. IUmiiton, of Xeoia, Sunllay; ' struction of bIg brldge, ,and and Any oompany vio. two peaoefully and without ,derln« 'rlends of lin. Bessie Hoel Mills Mrs Hamilton I,ll .. hell,»leas In valid, Tho~aa Spencer, .a me~ber of the latlng the provlslon8 of t~e !lct, ia Mesllrs ' Frank Barris aDd II'rallt hla IpirU took ita 1llgM to the Q~ of Norih Tonawanda New ' York depfmdl'IDl, entlrl'ly upon' others for company, w~~ w~ 10 the CIty Wedn. to a tine of Dot over f100.00 Sbidsker:DJftde a ballness trip to who gave ". Mr. wadiworSh was will 8ympaihize with b'e r In ' aD 6COI: every attention. d~ ~nferrlDg With the coun~ com- for eaob 01len08. ' Dayton Jast Thurlday. , 88 "OIre old thlt 27th of I..t Bep. dent wMob reoeotl ' , .\l1I.a Emma Bel hwa ': an m~10nel'B and Bu~eyor, saId that ~aurOlld companies .are all10 re- Dr. Elli80n attended the funeral tember. He waa a g.n&leman 46nahter who w.: =,el ber otdllll.t Cynthia leftI Toe!:tll. ~ Mrs, WIth two more weekS of good weath- qtl1red to keep tbe riaht-of·way clear of bi8 bro'ber In law at Sardipia of tb~ o~d lIohooJ, poae_.d of , , rowD from tL y morn er the work on the structure will be f1::om wel3d' j high grau decayed Ialt Wedneeday. .. high Ohria fa h
pring residents of these towns, and the country surrounding, to Dayton to do their shopping. Suoh a line ,brjng, it,is said '10,000 people to the city to do their trading ' an would be another step toward d "Greater '"Dayton" . ' . anu Thos fel'neding. of t he D,C& JX" were before the committee
Mi, ~
e~ ~18 :
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'l'h~~88~!;r:~t~:nhoeo~0:~:: :::~:I~U:
.t.b~peoj)le wiT'; 8OA~
An~ ~,"they W8l'l!~
Tu~'" Thu.~~
I~n;lcl .
~uest.s SU~d"Y.
we~t I\~ o~ration
~!~::rs, ~f
~n- ,
Cleveng~r! t:!pri~g
:oth~r ~n;t!~:i~rc~~~~!~~ be~n
, ~e
::=e::i;:~8~:~~gr.nd suffered a :s~o~~::~;l:~k w!:~d' d~~:b::t ,com:letA!'thTwb~dtY.four mden are at ~:~~~ .1 ::e ~(),:bu8tlbl~ :nate~~ an~ii..:o~~ie~~!~~ ~=:;~: friends. loved andad:n.~.: ~~ee~h:!:; Jessie Rioks Imd left ' fo~' war on e rl~. an t~e ap- a e u cate ~ Texaa. • Be w.... kind and indal_ _ _.'. _ •
SEALSHIPT, OYSTERS Have you ever tried these famouS oyatA!rs? This is the only real way to get oystel'B in their. most nat1l1'al way, WaltA!r KUbon receives them 'In this manner. See his ad inanoth~ .. colllDlD. , • _ • WILL PAVE StREET at Jut nl.b'de
~oU ~eet1DII
to put orOlh14 Itoae oa llaio . . . . from Mtaml ItreeHo hank.
1lD ...... .
Californill. Toeil(\ay n.lgh t to 8pend proaches are al80 bemg construct~; 'be wlnt.lir. ' , ' ~e work on the latter bemg ln charge of John K. Spencer' &muel, Battin, Na.than, Branaon, The bridge will CO,l t the county Evelyn,Bo~el1, Martha and M;ar- between $13,000 and $14,000. garet Warner, Rellhen aad '';UII&n - Xenia M. Rober.., Elizabeth Saley, of .- • Green Platn, Lydl~ Wrijfht., 8asan , THANKSOIVINQ MAR.KET ~beehan and Mary Pine, of Cente,r '• ville; HIJieI BolUnpwortb..Jease The Lad I8JI , Aid Hoolety at the aDd Wrllht, of SprlD,ooro, ,II. E. (''huroh will hold a market aud Mar'b• .H. BUD', of KelUl8dy, for 'fbanullviq on Wedn8lday, Obio, were amonl thOlfl I. attend. November 915 tn Tow.ablp 80018 anoe at Qauterl, 1I_"ua at ibe There wUJ .,;, 1011 of IJOOd thlquo Whi" Brtok IIeetlDf Boue, fit Come ou' aDd bnW' , ,..."
to !"bqtting and adj~oent property, ' Mr:. aDd M..... Will Sainllll and IBnt fa,h.r a~d raised .. 'l ul8 family ADY penon owninB or oontroll- MI'II, Marta Bainl:!8 were gn8ltll at of oblldren who are a ll'tiDl mODu. InK propt~ny abo&t~Dg or adja08D' the home of Mr. Horace Collet' at ment to bll memory m auoh railroad riIM.of-way ,on New Burlington Thnreday. Mr. B, 1::l. Wadaw~rtb wbo lh. flallure to oomply WUh thla proVl.- Mr. A, S. CoUeU Ind Ml_ Casate 'wo miles au' of WaYD.:.vme ...... iOD after' 20 day. notice in writing, a 10D, aDd a"ended She ";'. .1 mayoauae to be removedalloombuII-18unday. , . whloh was lnohule of theG. A. R . Uble. mal&erlal from'herilb'-of.w'ay Mr. and Mrs. Boward Graham a&- at Falmouth, Ky, of ' auoh railroad, aloD, a4JaoeDt teDded a aurprill8 Hunday ' on IIr • - • prop'rtl', and' ool1eo~ the eXp8n.. of and Mr ... Ed Van~8rvoor'. • oleulna ,Ifluch OOIDpaa, ratOle ' The Woman's MI.oDaI'J' 800lety THREE MORE COUNTIeS DRY iopt.J Withlo IV,day. &he wllI'm..' at 'h. home ot Key, A. It. Th " 'be naoftlllll b Ja 8argeut Wedneeday afternoon; m'b, rea mote 000&1_ 4rJ" in jeo*, Pa1_tio.; lea4er, LooalOp'ioaBleotlOll8u1411oDc1q. ~. IlllDl~ ,,1. Waf ·t1IUina 'l'h.,. are ltluldDpm. B.....,..._ " re..NnI .....J'OD lut week, IDUtDa .... ".,
~:~hed w8~~la~~~B~~k!:;'v~i:
A Brilliant Coincidence •
• (Cup),rlillt, bY Sh oruto ry
8,nlltlon, of • Rid, Throug'h th' MlloQ of Moving Oraln.
T/lke a look at lbo wheat fleld that bas bpcn brought up to perf cUon. al It slands. Yellow all &old. with the s beeD ot t be sea, blllowln& rWlI1skyll!le to ak;. line like an ocean of gold. where tho. wind touchl;ls tbe rlpllllng wave-crelt, with tho trend ' of hl vlslble f~t. ID California, In ' OregO II. In Was blngton, In Da.kota. In tbe Canadian norlbw ut, ~'ou may ride all day on borsoback through the wheat fields without 8 break In ' the tlow ot )'ell~lw hCllvy , h E'a.l ed g rall1. No siJad e II' es : No kllobs and knolls and h lll8 ~nd hollows at gra ss or blaok earth throU Gh. From dawn till dark, from s'u nrlse In a. burat of fI 1')' s plendor over tbe prairie b orl· zon to Su ndo,,'n wben lbe crlm aoll thing hunbS like a hllgo shlold of blood In th e haze or EL h at twlllgtltY(lu m ay rid e with naught 10 br eak the vi ew be tw en you and the ho rlzor, 1?Iit wheat- whea t. It. Is like the gold ftl>lds. il goes to y.Dllr boad. Yoe grow d izzy looking lilt It. YOU rull your eye!'. Ts It 0. mlrago ? Th bil · lowin g yellow waves seem to be br asl· Ing l h very s ky. You look up. ThE' sky Is t here all right with th e black mot e of a meadow lurk Ba iling tbe azure I\ea. He drops liquid notes ot ~h ec l' ml\slc down on your head, does thut llIeadow lurk:' anl~ tbat gives you back your perspectlv .. your sense oC I;l.Dlazlng reality. You are lIlerally, abo soilltely , really, In the midst of a sea of IIvlllg gold. It Is you and not the ' Ia rk lbut Is lhe mote. You beglll to reel a s It your spe~al: mote mlsb t be a bl!am Ihat would ge't lost .In Innnity If you stuyed Ulere long; ami as ' you ride on-and on-a.n d some more on -and by Slld by come out of lhe leaguelong. fenceless fields with an odor In )'our nostrils l'hl\t Isn't exactly llllll Incense-It'!!. too tugiUve, too fine, lao subllmal or earth. It Is aromatic, l. sort of attar at roees, tbe Imprisoned fragrance or the bill lOlls upon b11110n8 of' wheat fiow rs shut up In the glutlles of llIe heavy·headed grain b ere. And that's the odor at tbe wheat.-Minneapolls Journal. .
Vean of Awful Kidney Dlle .... Anderson, ' Orel,lnwood, S. C., "Kldnuy troubl e begun about five yeal's liSa with dull baCku 11 • whloh got so ovol'e In time that I could ' not g l around. The 1nd- · n oy sec retions boMONUMENT TO GEN. MACOMB. came ballly dlsor· d ered, and li t times Famous Soldier and Statelman Honthere wa!! almollt a ored with Memorial. complete s tO ll of the Oow. I was XBrulned again und again Aller a lallse ' at IIl1al'll' a c n tury, the me lllOt·y or G n. Alexn nder _In· nnd Irellted to no avail, and kell t getUng worse. 1 bave 'to l' rn l ~e Dolln's comb hUll b "honored In 0 trail. th l! ci ty at hi s bIrth. T bro ugh tbe unllr- Kidn ey Pills for my final relief nnd cure. Since using them I ha ve ga ined Ing !torts Of tbe ~UchlgRn Sorl ty of In strengt h and i1 all nod 11111" no Sign the United States Daug blers or 18 L2, of kidney trouble." tbere was unve il ed on WltS hln!;l.o n Sold by nil dClI le rs. liO c nts a belL boul va rd Sep(e mber 1 J , th e nine ty· Fostel'-Mllburn Co., Bullalo, N . Y. CoruUI unulv rsar), or lhat momenlOUS occnslon, a monum ent to Ih dls tin · Well Prepare'd . gulsb ed soldier Bnd stat es man who "I lenrn ." she said rCj)ronch~uIlY, 80 signally deCeated a vas tl y !i nperlor you ' wero II votetl to 110 Cew. (orce of 01'11I 6h at Platts burg . all the ."thal thun fiv e ~Irl s be rare you fi nally oro· shore at La ke llllm plnln. S pt mbel' Dosed to m . How do l know t hal you 11. 1 L4 , drivin g tbe Invade rs back to dldn't make dcs p rate love lo 0.11 cf Canada and puttin g all end to a ca.m · th e m ?" palgn thal for a. limo . promised to "I did ," be replied , prolJlptly. I giv e England auother h Id on the te>" "You did I""she ox clalm 1.1 . rl to ry It' had so unwillingly r,elhl' "Ce rta inly, hll I'eturnod. "You : Qlll shed less than a halt centl11'y bu- don't sU\lJlose · (or I' moment that' tor . . \\.ou Id b eo f olb. ar d y onoll g' I tt f ot lOry There lti llroba hly 110 bod y of water such 1\ flr lz as rou oro without pnc wi thin th conOn s or lbe United II Clng a II ltlll I1rsl.. do YOI1?" States whi ch has be II the the n tel' of greate r warfare thull beautiful Lake Cbnm plnl n, situa ted In Ih e northeast· ern pa rl of N ew York stale. It might \)0 srud that it r ceh 'ed 0. baptism of blood, fOI' Its g reat discoverer, joining lh e Al gonquin Indians batlle Asnlnst th e Mohawks. de feated lhem at 'rlcon'derogll on th bank or the .q OODROPS lake . It wos a cosHy v lotory thal Champlain won, tor trom thnt day Ihe Iroquois wel'e the Ilnrelenting enomles of the French COIOlllsts . Durln s til e Frencb and Indian war, this lak , with It.s oul\ &t. the Sorel, or Rlcb li eu riv er, whlcb Oows Into thtl St. Lawrenc , was a Ilatural blghway A1.COH01.-,3 PER CENT at comllluncatlon wllb Canada. Two A\~t/able Preparalion forAs· Nat
Tb sun anllol always r omalu be- gat hered up the s bo.t's, tog th r with h ind a cloud. Tbere I~ bound 10 come 11 Ce w s tray garme nts, and w nl Oul ~ day, liven lu tbe dullest 1101 s. wbe n Into «Ie other room. As she did so. 0 tbt1 clouds wUI liBYA xhaust d their groat flake of d ried mud tell rroU! th e powers to weep. and cunnoL h Ip bllt £olp or a mi oC tbo . s lioes, a nd :'Jr~ . let tbe Ugbt or heaven through . Spl'allgllll lI ug M lhe g lint o r 80m Mrs. Mont gomery pl'sngliu was I lhln g blnlng. At t hUl mome nt Mr. 'list ('merging Illto th e sUI1Jlght 'oC li fe Oevl'rlr. Ilrous d by Iho WOmll11 pass . a fter the ' dark days at first \\'Ido w· Ing about. cautioullly I!l1tered tbe sick · llOOd . Sb was altr:.lcllve and had lost I'1)0m. Inue ot her h aven.born joyous IIA· "~ I r. n av rly! c h r! l sn ' Ihls t llr . despite tbe su bmerge nco. lo'ur· my slDn ?" rled ~Irs. Spl'an " lIn Iu lh ' rmor . ah Wll8 pretty onollgh to ~1I1 JlTt'ti~('d ton es. "Or ' mine." he s8l d. l :trUy. taking " in allmlratlon for horsel t alollc. reo gardless or wh nt the pra llglln estal h r by th' s hOll lde l: an(! len(!ln,; ber mlghl stnnd ror. into til 011 n air. " How d un. you To th or d ll of Mr. J onaR Beyprl)' oome Into Ihis tnreet ed place ? t 'wlll b it said . he knew ootlling of the In\'('s tlj;lIt til' diamond . Hurry borne f'sta te, and love d Mrs. S llransll n .\\'llb - lind ta ko every precnullon fo r our . hea llh. My God, Martha. thi s IJ yel· oUl CJuestiou. Th ey we re going out to n muskal low fe ver! " . at the home o( 1\ fri e nd. Sho h ad not Sho hurrie d a wny liS sb e WM bid ). L d rawn on hel' gloves. and at a turn lIot daring do otherwl !> than o bc~ that the stairway she threw ba ck he r Kl ern yol e of command. Wonlll,1' al I tl a rm to SMher h el' s ki rts: and hoI' marveloll,s tlnd was dimmed 1Jy all ' atruck ber band forcibly on tho stair· awfui llOxlety (or him In that ,Heall· ful place, and an unconscious e ~ull.a. rai l. "Ohl" she gaslled, "how [ hurl my (Ion born of the sound of h ' r name 00 hand! " his II liS. Ne caught the fln ers, kisse d them. Sho w nl dir ec t to h e r phyldclan. t\nd th e,. 'llassed out, laughing. ' S eated not lor b erse lf. but to secure atten· In Lhe carriage, she put on ber gloves tlon tor Mr., B ev r ly and the Uoy. as ahe cbatted. apd the olfending hand From tlmo to time sbe learned thaI WIlS thought of no more. all was we ll, that the boy bad t'IlCOV' Two honra later, as th ey stood boo er ed and that Mr. Bsverly was faking fIll'e t\I low flr In her own drawing. a much·needed rest under cal'eful r am dlsc[f'J!!lng tho evening's onter· med ical attention in Quarantine. In tlIlnment, as men and women do, she dne time he came. suddenly h ld out her band, e xolalm· "M rs. Spranglln-i\larth'a-I bave a Ing In dismay : "See! the stone from strange tale to te11. 1 have yOllr stone my ring Is gone!" , . and my m(lther's. That poor woman He took ber gll>ves, e xamine d tbe 'In whose hou se you round nle was my fingerll, helped h er shake out the fOlds laundress. I had n ever !!een her and of ber gown. searcbed tbe carpet knew nothing of her olroumstanocs. about ~hel r reet, 'and then sald: Her son, the boy wbom you saw lyIng "I know! You loosened the Btone sick, always cnme f(}r my clothe!! and wilen you str1lc'i ' your hand against returned ·Ulem. On the nlgbt you lost Women In Finland. tbe rautng. aDd It Is In tb e ball." . your diamond , her child. 0. little girl , In Finland the meellngs of sur· The ball was In8pected and minute· was dying and she sent to me for aid frngettes are unknowlB, for already . Iy gone over, Incb .by Inch, to no avail. III lbe 'Yay of advance In mope!. H6 women are students In tbe university, "And yet It must have fallen just learned 'at my rooms thal I was here clerks 10 the bunks, In, tbe Pllst omces her\!," he said, disconsolately. Seeing and, whtla we were out, be came Inlo and In bu~lness house!I, ' and Ihey not Mrs. Spranglln on tbe verge of tears, the bali-hI) Is ·Ignorant In 8uch llIat. only have their vote but cnn be elect· he seized hla hat, eaylng: "I'll du.d ters-and knocked. Receiving no an· ed members of the diEIt. Yet, accord· the cab, Perhaps It's lbere." swer, he went away bome and, blm· Ing to Paul Walueman In her "Sum· Oil the morrow, Mr. Beverly was selt, bscame violently Ill. Tbe nelt . mer Tour In. Flnlo.nd,'" they are "not early 'at t)1e hous~'wlth the sad report day, after I lert you: 1 found that the In tbe least overbearing. but are ror of no su.ccess. but 'the reassuring can- woman bad again sent to. me. I went the greater part exceedingly 'modest vtotlon that th~ losl oocurred' In the and womanllke_:' flail and that sooner or later the atone As she 'Iatlded on~ of tbe recently would be restored .. elected members of the dlet wa. 1I01nt· It seemed that nl> one ' bad come ed out to ber: sbe WEl8 "well dressed tbrough the hall during their absence, and young looking, wUh keen, deep-set althOugh there was mud on carpet. eyeB and a pleasant smile, and In no lind tbe rront door was Illft unlatche,d . ~ay resembled the grotesque caricaOther members of the family were tures at the women membel'l! of the Ia. the bOWie, but all lIad been occu· ' Flnll'lsh diet In some, Engllsb jourpled that partlcul8.1· evewog In their nala." room8 and were sure no one bad en· Even patll8 of Iffelslngfol'l! are tered. ..... acrupulously brusbed every morning ".Doeii It malter so very much!" by ~ regimel)t of . barE,footed women, asked Mr. Beverly, toying .wlth the and III lhl8 work tbey are employed Important (otts, Crown Point and dismantled ring aa he beld her band all over tbe grand ducby; In fact, a Ticonderoga, situated at Ule bead of ' a moment. "I koow It yooas a band· mere man may well paLUse and wonder tbe lake, were objective points, and *<lme ston8;'-" for wbat purpose he was created In. were finally captured by . Oen. Am"It was my engagement ring," she . .Flnland. berst. ..Id wltb lowered eyes and sadly. In the early days of U.e struggle for He besltated a moment and then The Touchltone of Ethlcl, 'Independence the first naval battle cried; ImpulsIvely: "May I not re· Tbe surest touchstone Cof bellets~ fought hetween Brltlsb and Amerlean place It? Will you not value anotber Is the ethical slandard which, tltl"Ougb fleets occurred near Valcour Island. ns )'OU did tbls?" Inheritance, educaUon and tbe expe- Tbe British commander, Oarlelon, was Sbl! drl:w ber band hasUly away rience of dally life bll,S, as a matter stubbornly opposed by Benedict Ar· and answared . wltb frighte ned eyes: of fact, become our standard. It II nold, who could not prevenl him from "There Is III luck In such a \OSB. I not tor our bapplnes8 to believe any capturing Crown Point. can never accept another until this proposition about lbe nature or man . However, the battle of Plattsburg. is round. Oh, It Isn't the value of the universe, or God, whloh Is really or at Lake Champlain, during the war , tbe diamond; of coune the ring could at war witb our fundamental Instinct! of 1812. eclipsed , all former strug,les be reset, but t~ere's 80metblns so hor· ot bonor and justice, or wltb OUI In magnitude and Importanoe of reo rlble about losing one's engagement Ideals of gentleness IlIIld love, no mat· IUItS. The old Slxtb regiment ot ring. No, DO, It must be found or I ter how those InsUncts and Ideals United States troops was Bent to ahall never be quite bapp)' , and surely have heen Implanted or arr.lved at Plattsburg. under command cif Gen. 1 1I1I1L1l nev.e r allow It to be rt}placed," The man or woman wbo hopes to at Alexander Macomb, wlto made his head",,,nIt It, atrange?" said be. "This 18 the, second time' I have registered a to tbe address' left with my aervant. taln reflective bapplnelss, as he work. Quarlers In tbe bouse built by Zephanl. vow to flnd a missing dlamond-a lost and found what you know-awful dis- bls strenuous way througb tbe world all Platt, the. founder of Plattsburg: wedding ring! Some years ago my tress and no one to bring relief. I must bring all belief., old and new, to Under bl8 direction Fort \toreau, Fort mother bad the ring my rather gave stayed with bel' and nursed her boy this crltlcal test, and mUlt reject, 01 Scott and Fort Brown were ' built, tbe berat the altar stolen. I have spent back to life. You tound ; tbe dIamond ref~BO , to .!lnt'e rtaln, beliefs which do latter tbe only one remaining, The every elllleavor and many dollars trac· In the mud (rom bl8 sboes-that la ex· not litand the test.-'Presldent Eliot government also bougbt as a reserva· Ing that slone-unsuccessfully. I sbl\lI pfalnl1d. WeU, to-dll1 1 took tbe stone at Harvard, In bls Essay on "The Hap tlon the land ",xte,n dlng rrom the I.aka ' back to t he Saranac rlvl!r 'wblch 110'91'1 nOL rest until I lind yours." to Wilson's to b.a ve· It. e~amlned and, 1>Y LI(e." through the town . . He '!I'M gone, and Mrs. Spranglln If possible, l!1entlfted. I have the hi. Oen. Macomb's early military e)!:pe· was lett to reflect on the circum- .tory of this brilliant trouble·creator ae Mumm.lea from Me:ltlcan RuIn •• stance, and ftlmf.y !maglne another learned from .bls bookll. He unQuall. "Mummlfl4ld remains of beings wbo rlence was gained when, as a pr1vate, rkng on 'tbe tblrd linger of her lert fiedly Iden~lfies It ' as the very ' Tare exlBted hundreds of )'eli.1'I! ago b'ay& he enrolled In '1199 In the NeV( York steel·blue diamond which he reset In been dug up during fbe work of ex· Rangers, ' a volunteer colonial corps. hand .. beaten gold, cavating that bas been going on .n tbC\ He subsequentl~ 8erved on . the stair She did not see Mr. Beverly ror sev· Its old·fasbloned trame eral days . . Then there came'a little when It became 'Ioosened ' at one tlme, old catacombs at Guannjuato, Mexico," o( QeD. North, and wJtb Gen. 'wilkin· note, tYI)6·wrltten and evidently dlc· tor James Beverly-my motber. said Dr. S . Burg of BldUmore. "The ion hi ·the southw~st, but It was not tated-perbaps by telepbone, becaUlle He showed. me tbe date. Tbere la an· l)eo1)le whose bodies 'were discovered IIntil September ·1 t. 18i., when tlie It wI¥> unBlgned except by the letten olher date, wblcb perhaps you may Jle must bave lived long before ,tbe set- great dual battle occurred on land and able to corrohornte, upon which tbls tlement at tbe republic, and the Ilnd8 water at ' Plattsburg, that' · be' won "J. B:" 'in type. ' "I . do DOt dare fa Bee you. I am same slone was taken from the old bave occasioned much Interest among tbe posilion whlcb entities bls namo fiurslng a poor ~ with fever. May 8etilng and placed In a neW <one, by sclentiflc men. Bome of' tbe liodlea to be placed on the roll 'of our nation's order of Mr. M.ontgomery Spranglln.,- were decked with 'beads and Ivory heroes. Gen. Macomb was ably aa· be malignant." Now a wonde rful tblng hal)penect to 0. date ' just before your marriage, J trinkets tbat. were In vogue before alsted by Oen. Benjamin Mooers. wbo commanded the militia, numbenng !\ira. Spranglln. Tbe old misery of tbe think. That your husband acquired tbe coming of the SpanIards, so that about 1.400 men, wblle tbe regulars missing ring fell away as a senseless the rIng honeatly there can be no tbese people must · hav'e 'lived In that were about 600. Tbe ·house occupied iarnient. He re. was an uuconsclous doubt. It bad ,b een sold to' a dealer. part of tbe country centuries ago. Tbe by Oen . Mooers Is stili standing on Wilson did not know this at tbe time. mu.mmles wer,) dlscoy-ered under an, antidote-a human sorrow and -a worn· the corner at Peru -and Bridge streets, anly symput.hy . She forgot all else The beauty or the stone attracted tbe old c'e metllry wnlle the ' excavations and 0. cannon ball imbedded In the eave the poor suffering boy and the admiration 0; Mr. ,Spranglln, and he were being mnde by some proal)ectlng wall at ,tbe (oot of the stairs may be pllrch9,se<l It for you." miners." . brave lPan wbo WilS dolns wbat per· seen. " Yes." sb e replied In ollen,eyed as ba\ls no on e ls woull1 do. There was worl( iu th e werld fO I' her. There tonlsbment. "The dale Is the same Countl,ng b~ Milchlr.ery_ Kitten Rldel on Pilot E!,gine, was a need. Sllperslltion playa no and b e told me the s.tone was takeD A Swedish Invenlor bas designed Stamford, Conn .-When tbe e..xpres s [rom an old settiDg." .. part In til .. r 0.1 thJng& o~ lICe. .Tonna Beverly picked up the stone tin apparatu& for counting mon ey and train fro to New York pulled Into New Her flrSl e fforts at . locullng Mr. turDlng ihe beautiful bit ao tbat It s91'1Ing the pieces Into speclfled quan- Haven It hacl a passenger IIboa\'4 that Beverly Wble frustrated, but by nnd tilles. In tbe flrut pllao&, money of bad beaten Its way from Stamford OD would oatch the IIgbt, be saId: by sb fOUnd him In a Lumhl e·down various denominations 1:\ put Into tho the pilot of lhe engine. aha.nty II the river front. Th e boy "It III Indeed c. gem among ~m8. I m'.lcblne . and separate.d according to, Contra)'Y to the treatment u sually wae b lter- Ivas (lilt of danger- I he have taken it . to ' my motller, ' Martha. "'1),111e, theso be ing s ~. Into varJous llbel', Whlln In the tubes the coltls accorded I'allroail beat~, tbls 11assen· IUOlh \!r ",nJd . and Mr. Ueverly was Sbe kissed It and seDds It to you." He sl OllillG Oil II col In t.b e ueXl room. opooed the r.'llm of the hand be held 'nn bl.' 1Allen olll In lols of 10. 23. 6~ or gel' received great cOlitllderation, In100 plcces, Ilt the will of the operator., cluding a line new bomB at Ue!oll -sta. Sbe mus t nol com In. Uul Mrs. and placed the stone' there. Sllrangllb quleOy took her place by "Sha:ll T have It set' again tor you, The apllarILt us Is cllpo,ble of sel,arat· lIou. The Ilassenger was a little black t\J woman's side, doing wbat IIhe Ilnd dedlcat d allew?" he whispered Ing. Qountlnr; and dlv1dlng Into lbe lots could. "Yell," 8be answered" "In an old· loefore mentioned 72,000 IlleceB In an kit ten, not muny weeks old. Olle of "I w\l1 tidy the rooru a bit," a\Jo!t> rashloned seltlng. f will wear It fOI I\our. . Ono!! macblnr. ellder one opera. tbe train crew Haw It r.u~cr.osB the r:Jzl\d Ihe wary mother. "Here are you aUd fot' he r . And, -Jo, reulombel tur I~ able to accomplRsb In Ol1e day tracks In front of the train at ~tam' Juhnnlc's ahocs In tbe COI'ner, alii tho S"ranglln estate gocl wherf 8:. milch counting Sl co~ld be dODS bl ford 'Uond tben saw It curled up on lIle OIIII1&t.,...-- , cross beam In front or tbe engine aD mudd)" JUlt a8 he took Ih y orr that tb~l'e ' s lh. sreaw.& De8ll for poOl r,ll most experienced ~Ddc:e Ad\·.rt.... . I artival In Now Haven, ' dahl bl.: \\'&11 Lakell 10 vlolent,- She. bola.If'
3.9 &
to 6.78
li~Qrtlmtn'a 5upptin '
! 8eptlolde.
tOt HC,
rOWELLICLEMENTCO, 410ItalnS~,alo;l... U,G.
C u rea W h" ,'I:;;~J:;-I-;-h ;;1-:;;;
IDANDER ~~~r~~t~:,~K';r~~"~r ~!.: I
..8k nUll III Lr1 ' ,
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Iln!lH w"II,r "ur"",,pU,·hl .... III h "II' you •• " I><><>klet loilin h'H¥ .~,\,~:;,ndlf':,~,~,,~:~'~~:r! 8"l!'r"Th'lc."ru'll_fl!¥ld!r." CU"" •• '~II(IINJ.ol. Add~..
1 :IDE (.to.,.;QD uh Bll ...·"'" l\UhYll utOO. \VlL
For Infanti and Children.
The Kind .You Have Always Bought
~imila Ilog the Food and Rel!u1aIh~ Stomnths and Bo\\'el~ of
Bears the
Promolrs Digestion,Churrulness and He st.eonlains neither Opium.Morphine nor Minrral
Signature of
!~'~ ii'iiiiiiiii
~,;,S .." · AbtJ'__ •
NM,U,,J'Jb ·
AIt,i, S,.",
- ~:t.".r.J,.. "~SuJ. • CI,,;t,HlJ'Mr.."
m..."...,. 'I'M,''''
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Apcrfecl Remedy forCons/ip'" lion. Sour Stomach, DiarrhOea,
Worms,Convulsions .feverishness and Loss, QF SLE&P FaeSimilc: Signatll!'e of
F.ur·Over Thirty Yaars
~~CASTORIA ..........U._N..,.•CW ........ 1
,S prains
Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains .and bruises. ,. It quiets .the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part without hurling b'ecatIseit doesnlt need tp be rubbed-all you have to do is to lay it on ~ightly. It is ,a powerfu.t prepara~ion and penetr.ltes Instantly-rclLeve$ any lufiammatlon and congestion. and re~uces the swelling.
is an e'lCcellent antiseptic and 'gemi killer-heal!? cuts, bums, wounds and contusions, and win draw the poison from ~ting of poisonous insects. PrIc~.
2ISc., BOo., 1U14 $1.00.
Dr.~S.SloaD, Boatoa,Mau., U.s.A. BI...·.bookODII--.oat............... .......,..... , . .
.BEAN ANTHRACNOSE AND ITS CONTROL CI..-n Seed Obtained -;"y ' Pod SeJect.ton Should Be Aim Grower-H. H. Whetzel. Plant Patholosy. The bean anthracnolle Is known to growers , under a number of dllfC'l'ent namell. depelldlllg largely 'upon the locallly. Perhaps the most CODlmon one applied to this malady Is "rust." Howevel', ns a matter of fact the dlsease Is not rust at all, though the 1I)IOts do have a r eddish yellow color In their !'tages. There Is a true rust of benns ' whloh (s rarely met with In ol'dlunry fi elds. pod·spot Is a name which Is freQuentl ~ Allplled to the dlsease, ail It appears In the pods. Blight Is also commonly used, but ·lncorrectly so, as we have a true bacterial blight of beans, Which Is , not only very comman, but frequently quite destrucllve. The general oharacters' ot lhese three commonest diseases of beans are set forth In bulletin 239, and accompanied with ligures. Whatever name may he Icx:ally given to the anthracnose, It If) Bl.lII one and t he same disease that most bean growera have .ln mind. The dIsease Is readily recognIzed by 'the apliearancQ . which It gives to the In· rected pods, a/ld It IB here tbat the troub le Is usually first recoglllzed. Our illustration shows the too fammar appearqnce of this stage of the dtsease. The spots or cankers are black with reddish 01' yellowish margins. Most gro\\'ers are also familiar with the appearance of the dIsease on the aeed itself, especially on the white beans wh re ' It makes rust)' red spots of dllfel'eut slzel!, I!omeflmell In'/o lvlng neatly lhe enUre aced, thllllgl\ ordlnartly ollly producln,!; a alight (,Iscolor·
clear the d~'8cusslon of the disease. Study the picture carerully befor reading the 101l0wlng acce-unt." "It Is from the attack of the disease on the pods that the most direct and damage to the crop results During the Ume of blossoming and pre'/lou8, the fungus has been sl!read Ing and becoming establlsheil on th~ stems nnd leaves, and It now attacks tM young succulent pods. WIL'l their tender growing tlssuo full of water aud fooll Dlaterlals, these pod. offer t~e best conditions for the growt h and develop mont at the parasite. U)Jorel from the spota on the lea VOl and stema fall on the ' pods, wheM. In tbe presence of moisture and 111. ·..Igb summer temperature, tbey getl"lnate, forming a little sprout or gerro·tube, wblch penetrates the tender s lrln 01 the pod and. branching In ' the julCJ tlssuell, gIves rise to an anlhr .. cnos~ canker. These f1rllt appear as littlE brown or rusty IIpots which el.lar~t and dEl.1C01' u"''':': '; :carly ot .ult. black. The A~ Ussue dri es bon.t set ties, <lauslng a little pit or Bunkel: place In the pod. In tbe eente,' of tht IIpot l~e spores of the fun gus Itre no'll produced' In great 'a bundance, Thel ooze out and pile up, formlllg IItllf pink masses easily Been with UI. naked eye. These masses of Sl«U8' are held together by n kind of 811101 01 mucilage whIch. when dry, sUckl them Ughtly to the spot . When a drol of rllin or dew falls on the sllot tht mucilage a I&t once dlssolve!l, all(
i.IVED U. TEN CENTS It. WEEK. 8111 Doolittle's By.tem a Good On.,
But Not Attractive.
A Queer HaNe'" It was little ELbel's tint ~.It to ohurch, and the lermon /lad for Its tex1, "~~8 ye IIOW, so shall ye rea p" But on her return borne 'she could not r emember It, and In cons QIl nce was ch ided loy her mot her tor beIng stupid. A for1-Dlght later a seamstress came to th e house to do a daY'1i work. Atter watohln.g her tor awhile fashion old· Bt~' Je garm nts Into those that were Lb evogue , Ethel lIuddenly exclaimed: "0 mammll, I know now what the preacber snld. It was: 'What y-ou sew In the "hiter you shall rip In tbe Mum·
Revei.tlon. ., the !Sreakfu> Table.) Colt of PuttIng IIlbl. In T~ '1'0 ~!rlll about &0 marry oae would . The elDlple cost or settlnr: liP In t~ tender tbe advlee t bat they study a new edilion of the Bi ble amounts t.o their intended Victim a t breakfast. It '5,000. ..~ he Is feedIng like forty, reJElct him thl! direct dJicendant of CII'ce's herd of swine. If he Ie melanch oly. be· ware of t he Abrupt curves of his tem· perament. It he be boIsterous nnd faoellous, remember tbat an empty drum gi\'es the greatesl reve rb ration, and a cbatterbox at 8 a . m: Is 8S tire· 50mB as hantlcleer st 3 o'clock In the morn Ing. fly tb elr breakfasts you shall know them.-Satnrday Revi ew.
"D'y'u find s moking hurts y'u!" uks H I Diddle, a Yankee lawye r, In Willie Brook's story, "The Solar Ma.~hlne ," In Harper's. '"1t prObably doesn't do me any gooO::' [ said; "but I'd have trouble Qulttlng It." "No. y'u wouldn·t, Smoke thle,'· He took from his veat pocket the fel· low to the stogey In hla mouth and tossed It across tb e, table to me. "Elver mer.'" hear bow Bill Doolittle lived on ten Delicious cakes and PRatrles ar pro:$ 100 Reward. $100. cents a wee k'" duced by th o lise of Souders' Cr am or '!be r".dctll ot uilo DaDer If", b. pI......, to \..", I confessed 'that Bill's economIes \l\a\ there II .\ ,I....l one <l.ud!d dlseAOo t.Il.\ eele"ee Tartar Oaklng Powd r and Souders' had never been broug1lt to my atten· bAa been "blo to cure 1n aU lte lta«ca. and thA t II F lavoring Extracts. All gOOd grocerIes. Cat&lTh. l faU '. C».l&rTh Cum .. tbe oDIJ J1QftJtlvft tlOD.
"WaI." saId BIddle. "he took dInner " 'Itb a tdend on Sanday, an' ate enougb to last '1m till Wednesday. Then he bougbt ten cents' wuth 0' tripe, an' he hated tripe so like thun· der tbat it lasted 'Im th e rest 0' the week. These seegars work . a · good deal like that trIpe. You take to smokln' 'qm, an' y'u .won't w~nt more'n one or two a day."
cure DOW' I(DOWn to tbe me4lcal traterDlLy. tJatarrh belD" • OOnatl'UUODal d _ rtQult.. a ""..UtuUOI1AI trMtinenL
callL"lI eure ts
tnkrn to-
le.maUy. actJnK directly upon the b lood ud. mUCOlW turfaCOl cd tho I,..tcm. tbcreby dtltroylnJr the touDd'tlon of the dille..... and r:tvlnl th e 1).U.n~ Itnng1.b by butJdlng up t.h ft comnllutkm and AM""," l.D& nature' In dOI(lJ( Ita "ork. 'J1lc IlrOprloton& have 10 muc:h [61th tn It. cu r.a.U'Vc powt'1"I tb.t- tbey oner 0.,. Hun~red Doll.,. 10. any ...... that It lalla 10 cure. Send tor lilt or tattmon1a11 Add .... F. J. CHENEY <It 00.; Toledo. O. Bold by all Dru~RIo". 711e. Tu.e HILU" F""'lIy I'U" U>r ""IlIUPlltloR.
Cheap Living In JApan. ' A man can blre a borlle In Japan, 11 YEARS OF 8UFFERINO, keep two servants and lh'e on the fat at t he la nd, all foJ' a little over ,20 a .urnlng, Painful Soree on Leg_ month. TOI·tured Cay and Night-Tried M .... Wln.lo .. •• _ellllle HJ'I'Ilp. 'Por e blldr'Cll \ce tbtok', lOften. tb e IIurOJ. reduct.a lao Many Remedl .. to No Avail OammaUoll, p~l e"re. wtnclcoUU, 2:)c. bc.U1o. -Cured by Cutlcura.
Refore attempting to get what" you want filtld out what you want.
"Arter an attack of rheumatism. \ Mlnnlng sores bro.1te out on my hUB' I t Cures 'Vbll" You Walk band's legs, from below the knees ·to AllcD'"Foot-1ta1O forcom sllDc1 bunion •• bot ••"w, the ankles. There are no words to c.aUuuIlLcblna t ent. 2fK: nIl Uru.llhi .... teU all the discomforts and great suf· Stealing time trom sleep Is a poor te rlng he had to e ndure night and day. He used evory kInd ot remedy and way to beat it. three physicians treated him, one after the other, without any goo~ results Whatever, One day 1 ordere'd some Cuticura Soap, Cutlcura Ointment, and Cutleura Resolvent. He began to lise them and In three weeks all the SOI'!lS were died up. The burnIng ftre stopped, and the pains became bea~ abl... After three mon ths h e was qnlte well. I can prove this testimonIal at any time. Mrs. V. V .. Albert, Upper Frenchville, Me., July 21, 1907."
Every man ought to aIm at emllL· ence, not by subduing othen, but bJ raising hlnlself by conscious effort.Web Bter.
A, N. K .":"£
Put new' ahoea on the yo~\er. Look at them in a week. They're uaUa11y battered, scraped, almod abapeIeu. Get a pair cf &ater Brown
C-.u:.._ acrapa1f, . ' AIUUI'K 1":_1":__ ...............
doesn't mar .
them-dley thrive ,GIl Imocka.
BUSTER BlOWN Blue lb"bon SHOES Far JQUnRSten. $1.50 to $2.50 .
White Hpwe Shoes for grown.Upl. A.k your dealer for them.
. . . THE BROWN SHOE CO •• Maller. "UH$QUIU"
aT. LOUIS, U. S. A,
I AI RoundTriploFlorida.Frea A 10THER·'
Will Pay Your Round Trip Railroad Fare to Hilliard, Florida, from Any Point In 'OhIO, Indiana, Tennessee or Kentucky_ You want to know something about the wonderfQ~ fru.i t and trucking section of North Florida where a lo·acre fllrm in the North Florida Fruit and Truck Farm district wlll e8I'D
from $3.000 to $5.000 a year. A beautiful portfolio of pictures, plat of the land, de-'
Show'ng the relatIon of the anthracnoee fung". t.o the tluueI 0 th;, bean. To the left above f. a dlallram . of a .ectlon acroll a bean pod through an anthracno.e canker. The large drawing below I. a much enlarged view of a portion of thl. 13me lectlon. It I. largely dlagrflmmlltlc. It .hOWI, how tlie mycelial threadl of the fungul mOlY penetrate the loed coat and enter th~ Itarchy tlnue of tho leed, thoro to rc.maJn dormant. until the followIng •••• on. On the left of the large ·dr.wlng I. ahown a .pore germinating and penetrating the epldern,l.. Thla germ tube branchee, .preadl through the tl •• u.I of the pod, and ao give. . rile to a nsw .pot or canker. To the right above I. Ihown a ma:jnlfled view of Bome of the .po·re. of the an· thracnoee fungu.: On. ha. germlnzted. (OrigInal.)
Glrl-Qh, Jimmy, how 1 this could go .on forever. .1lmmy-Well, I'm afraid it won't. How many· American wo,meln II've 'an Idea dat barh wire fence ahead lonely homes to-day long for u. '11 stop us .
'rom Frying Pan to FIre. 80me years ago, when the late Judge John Henry McCarthy was a CIlndldate for the bench. says the He· brew Standard, 1n a district populated , tw both H eb~ews and Irlsb, there was 41splayed In an East Droadway win· dow a banner which reall: -"Vote for 1~n Henry McCarthy-tlie frIend of :he Hebrew." An Irishman on his. way to the polls espied Lbe sIgn and grew In· dlgnant. He remarked, "Vote for ' the frIend ot the Hebrews?' I'll be hanged If I will. I'll vote for Lbe other fel· low." And he did, the "other tel1ow" beIng Henry M. GQldroglc. It. Cure. The sInner walked along the' rocky road, hla bare teet torn and bleeding Crom bruises and wound.. He met a stranger. "Friend," he exolalmed, "[ have Iinned and done wrong, I must ps.. t1enlly Bulfer the most extreme agony to Bave myself from eternal damna· tlon. Can j'ou lell me some s upreme test of repentance?" "Certainly." answered the other; with an' all' ot experIence. "Go to a boarding honee aud live there tor a year." PUZZLE SOLVED.
Anthracnole Spot. or Canker. on the Pode. Tile Fungus In Theie Cank· ers Penetr tea Through the Pod Into the Bean.
nil on on one sIde. The disease enters the SIled by WilY at the pod. t he fun gus llooetratlng from the outside Into the young, and tender seed. When the dis· enaed seeds nre Illanted In the soli. and first come Ull'o\l ~h tho g round they are' sure to show the small cankers -on the cotyledons or see d lcaves and a !Ittle later on the, sterne. Growers seldom recognize the disease on the seedlings as that with which they "are fl\mlllar on the l)ods and. heans. .Many 'of them have observed the blackened atubs or badly dIseased s'e cdilnsa, aill!. have · thou gb t the tn· luO' due 10 Insects of '' kind. Where badly disease;) seed IB plan.t . ed the 10sII from dlseued 6eedllngs I~ at Umes QuIte heavY. . , "The disease may and urual!y doea occur on all parts of the pilnt except the roots It Is ~use d l:!y a fungus known tu llotanlsts .a s Colleototrlcb· um IIndemui blanum which lIyes as a parallltfl ' In the IIl1sues of lhe bean. 'I' hla tUl&guB Is a "lllnt, aa mlloh a plant as the bean on which It :lIves. It lias a thread· like 1Dycellum crows Into the t Issue of the bean obtain food tor Its growtlL and dltvel· <,pwent anc1 It producn spores that lerve the purpose at s~..ts by whIch It spreads t,o healtby iY:lans and ao reprQd\lces. ltaelt In fighting the an· \bracnole fungus, we .are ostUng a parsllI·lc weed, In Itl hahlts DOt- creat· 11 uD11ke tho ~od(lol' whloh .oftell d. oIIlroJ. alf.',. ... "The fUDPI tt,AII .. too to bo sHU .". the 1I1IalM
Coffee at Bottom of Trouble.
the spores are !let , free In tbe water At this tilDe any dlstur.b ance of th. hean plnnts will scntter t.hese sporel In the flying drops of water. In t hll way they rench :healthy plants n elll by. This explains why beans should not be Clultlvated or har.d:ed !n the early morplng while the dew IB on them or dlre~t1y arter a sbower The spores of the anthracnose fungul are 8catter~d only when they are wet T tllB will also explain why a warm rainy season Is so ,favorable to' the de velopmen t .at the fungus. The spores reqlllre moIsture In which ' to be dIs lrlbuted and In which to Jermlnatl! A relatively high temperature I, alsf mOBt favorable tr> the disease. Thf sllores nre produced In limited num bera In tbe apotl on the pod. Consldellng th!) manner In . wbld the fungua llnds Its. way Into tbe seed It seems evIdent that If no spots art to he fOUlld on the pods, none of thO! seed . within wilt be diseased. .T ha,t"lb to lay, healthy podll contalD healthy lIeo4. 'Several Inveltl,atora have ' I eporlee remarkable result I tram spraying wltl; Bordeaux mlzture. Atter three BeA IlOna' observaUon. ID larp bean lleld~ where the 1410Bt up-to-da~e machlner) Is uled, machinery J)IIrtlcularly adapt eel for the bean CI'01', the wrltor b fONed to I he oplnlora that Ipraylnl: with Bordeaux mature Is. to tJlt ..ery lealt, unp!..,t\NLble.
It takes SOUle people a long time to lind out that cotTee Is hu rting them; But when once tbe tact Is clear, most people t ry to keep away from tbe thIng whIch I,, ' followed by ever Inel'eashlg detriment to tbe .heart, atomach and n.crves. "Until two years ago I was a heavy cotTee drinker," writes an 111. stockmail, "and had been all my life. I am 110W 66· yenrs old. , "About three years . ago 'J began to hbve nervous spells and could not .!I~p nIghts, was bothered by Indl· gestltm, bloating, and gas on stomach atTected my heart. "I spent lots ot money doctorlngone doctor told me 1 had chronic ca· tarrh of the stomach; another that I had heart dlseaso and was liable to die at any time. They all dIeted . me until 1 was nearly atarved ' but I leemed to get worse Ins lead of'better. "HavIng' hea~d of the good Postum had done fOI nervous people, I disIlIlrded cotTee alto~'I!ther and began to "8e P08tum rel;ularif. '1 soon sot bet.t.~r. and now, atter nearly two ,years, I can truthfull1 8ay t lUll sound and '
"1 aleep wen at night, do not have nervoD8 lpells and am not both· Ited with Indl,e8tlon or palpitation. 1 weigh' 32 pounds more than when I began POItum. and am better every way tlUUl 1 ever we. while drinking cor· tee, I can't.., too m'lch In pralle of Polltum, aa lam lure It .."ed' my IIf.... 8tra'n wm Tetr.-The . .·prodllt!~ "There'. ....R.uon... ab(l1t, of • b.~. depena oa ua. &bllle, Name b1 PoetUlll Co" Baut. "TIle Road to "'....
i Ile
blessing to come into their lives, to be able to utter these words, but' because of some organic derangement this happiness Is denied them. Every woman interested in this 8ubjeci~ should know 'that preparation :for healthy maternity is accom][)lisbed ' by the use of
Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of Wellt Union, S. 0., writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
.. I was greatly run-doWll in health from a weakness peculiar to my ":It, when Lydia E. Plukham' 8 Vegetable CompoWld was recommended to me. It Dot only restored me to perfect belllthe but to ltDy delight I am a mother."
Mrs,Josephine Hall, of Bardstown,
writes : KY'i .. vms a very
great 8u1rerer from temale tronbles, an,d my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Plnkham'lI VegetAble Cowponnd not only relltored me to perfect bealth, but 1 aap now a proud mother."
scriptive booklet; and full information regardipg the tree round trip to Florida sent to anyone interested en9ugh t~ write me. y o~ round trip railroad 'f are will be credited on your purchase if you buy one lo-acre fruit and truck ' iann at the present selling price, '21 an acre, Every man owes It to him's elf to learn about this wonderful trucking section where the winters are sumDv:rs and the summers delightful and where a man can make bk inde· pendence on a lo-acre farm. . . You wlll be UDder no obbllatioD to if you write for the inform ation, but oli receipt of your letwr I will reserve {or you the moment I get your lettQr or postal stating that you "want particulars." the nearest farm to the tOWD of Hilliard, then unsold, and' hold it for IS days, We want every maD who can to go to North Florid. during the month of November, to investigate. tbis fruit anc truck land, M.v propOSition to pay round trip fare is good only November 17th and 24th, 1908. Write to-day and addresa me personally. I,. HIIIIQrd Is 30 mIl~. from Jacksonville.
F. W. CORNWALL Prealdent Cornwall "arm Land
811S Great Northern Bldg., .
We want a responsible agent In your town. Write for, terms.
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink.. ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots nnd herbs, bas been the
standarCl l'emedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands women who been troubled with displn(:ements, infitl.mmatioll ulceration, flbroid tumors, irl'Cgu]llrities, periodic palmi, back2che, that bea.r· ing-dO'\V1l feeling, flatulency. indises. tion,dizzlness ornervoull prolltratlon. Why don't you try it? Mrs. Pinkham Invites All stek women to write her for advice. She has guided tholusnd8 to hea.lth~ Address, Lyon. !tlaaBo
OLD 'V'I RGIN·I A CHElR O()TS Are 6e elgars without: the
heads Therefore 3 for 6 cent. Not only extra good -they are clean. Made of absolutely
pure, clean tobacco 'by modem systematic methods in the biggest, airiest, bestequip~ and c1ean. est . cigar factory in the world. '
(OUNT\' CO RTS New Suits.
1\11' 'Iurp !tnd \ ' ha rk:- 1 · I"it I. '. 111'pointpo appra i. el'~. J\\llrri.1l!'c Licenses.
Hart'Vf't C. W l'ighl, plnint ill'. V~. William 1'. Park. :I!l, farmer uj' . " , I Morl' W 111111 Net tie l~. Hhltfel' :11 .Jallll'l-i Tf'rI'Y. William Cl'ry t't a . P tl't 'l011 aver!; thal plaintiff has a I - mill emp loyee, King Mill.. gal right l.o and is seized in fee sim - Mil C ~l'own 2.'3 ' Vreal meDI'Y H Ill· f Sa I G Ter\'y pl oy e l.ebanoll am 1 e ma . allp g1'l~n l ee 0 mue· , .: U W A ' de 'se under th e will of William Ter- cock . ~o Lebanon, ~ev . . . ooper. Y) . d"d d ~;d. d F Roatl8 fal'm er of Mo\,ry. dt'C ased. of the one \!n lVI e ·. . '11 s ixth pal't of certain described real row and ~ab. I Conover 2 , ml elllt!slnte in town of Lebanon. Plain- 'pl ye Malll Ville. Rev Ware, MOTlift· pl'ays t hat by an order f th COUI't her inte\'e!lt in saiq PI' mise.'1 Real Estate Transfers. may be stoff to he\' in severalty if Rober t H. tI'OIl S . to 'hade '. the same call I) d ne withou' nHlnj - I SLI'n u ~(' 1.7;l a 're>' Wayne township, fest injury. if not, then. thal til , I. . premises be sold accordmg to law. Sa muel G. Terry to Hal'I'Y t ' and .that par~ition b~ ~ade and .for Wright, lot in northwest co rne r of :llIch proceedl?g8 as III the p.reml es Main and ycamore streets, LebaIL!I are au thOrized by law yvl~larrl J . non. $1. . Wright. is attorJ:ley for plamtlff. William McBumey exeoutor to Court Proceedings. Joseph H Clin ton , lot in South M -
;:~; 'i. ,;< 1;" • , * -',' It<
. Fronl Ex 'hu,llges
. *'
t ,
,~ .,. ~\~t.. -,;,.,:-:i"'-..,... ." ." ." ~<>l<. "" , ,.IL "L.,;J, N. ~ ~ ..,\r: "," .,. . -"" .."" .","""4\" .. #t"
,)<. :....
¥~ I
Dr. '. '. l:it.ok s til d lust night Ilt. Beltefounti.ue, Obio and wllJ be buried in the OOfliA he had mittie I1nd bud kept 'in hu! h onse for Never. a1 Uloot.b s. A vrjv~,te VIUllt whioh h IIIU.I bum, WIIS oo ml>le~ed ye ter·. t1 ' t\. .
_ _ __
Wll\itwi 'meil, u we ll known :Spring VuUey cit.iz:en, watl f,be vic· tini of 1111 !Lool(\en aturduy when h is hurtl e UtWllUle fr:ightenecl and be \ V 8.thrown from the lIu ggy. Be wu~ llriving 'near t:lpring Valley when his borse shi.e d oud os t1 re nit Mr. Critell WIlS burled IIgoiost 1\ t legl' pole Ilod tIu!!tlliuecl t\. 1;>1'0 . k eo wrist,. 'J.'he buggy W08 o ver turnel11lUd WfiS but sliglltly damllged
........................................~......~.. ~--.,~
Note Carefully These Wonderfully. Low Prices, Make Your A.-Iection :md Order b, the Offer Number. OFFER NO. I ·uo08I!8 ............... .. 1 'yr Cosmopolitan........ .. Miami Oa7.ett,e ...... ..
OFFER NO. II . Everyl:,ody ...... ...... .. ·t .\". $1 iill
11 00 1 00 1 00
Good Botlle1l:eepluR .. l y r $1 00 Piotorlal Review ..... ,. 1 00 Miami Guette........." 1 00
Publisher 's price .. ...... ... :.:1 00 Our Price .. .... .. .... ......... $2 50
PllbliBher'H prt~e........... a' (10 Our Price........ .... ........ $2 50
Piotorllli Reviitw.. ... " Mi tllli UII'l.Hltl, . .., .. . "
1 Oil
1 1i0
l'r ioll .... : .... .. ., Ml Our Price ....... , ........ .. ... $II 50 Pl1hli~htl l"M
Boy .........
American MRgazlne .. l yr $1 00 AtnerloanBoy.,.:..... .. 1 00 MiAmi UI\ ·l.lltte....... . 1 00
Judge Library ........ l yr $L 00 Boston t:ooking Bebool L 00 Miawi G~ette...... ...... 1· (JO
Wor.ld M WlIl'lt ... .. 1 ~' r Everybody... ......... •. Suoce lI .. .... .. ......... .. .H,,,t.H.... .. ..
Publi8 her 'lI prloe ............ 3 .00 Our Price ....... ... ........... $2 50
P ublisber'lt price.. ......... :I 00 Our Price ................... $2 50
Puhll~hel'· '14
$:.1 00 1 00
1 00 I OU
,,!'i( tj . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
Our'Price .: .. .... ....... ....,' $4 15
Frederick Frieberg vs. Rachael chanic street $1 and other considera'fhe !!tlldellts of Le b,~n on niverOFFER NO. J OFFER NO.8 . OFFER NO. IJ Benthien. Couri:.s:findingthat prem- tiona. tIity hllve orgllnized Ii rno k conrt Hl\rper's, Bazar ........ lyr $1 00 . ises in question cannot be' divided by Lucy oryell et al to Jos IJh H· to t.ry ul1 offences whl oh may be Cooklug Clab........... 1 yr $1 00 Met.rnpoI\F1w ..... .... I .\'r '100 MetropoUtllli".. ......... ,. 1 00 ~is Bopktnll.. .. .. .. .... .. 1 00 metes and bonds without injlITY to Clinton lot on Mechanic ~tr et. ~ 1 oommitted ltgainst the studfmts in Il Wor\d'!,\ VVol'k .-..... ·· :\ 00 Miami Ullzette ........." 1 O(l Miuml tiazette........ .• 1 00 VOemIJpllllrllD ...... .. ,. 1 on value of land sale at auction is or- and other rOllsiderations . body or l!iu~ly . Thl!! court will Mlllml GII7.BtW.. .... ... I (lll dered. Robert J.. Shawhan and wife to 8ettle liny Ii tUe ditTel'encEllI whioh PnbJtsh'l !r's prioe.. .. ...... :1 00 Poblisber'lI 11rIQ6... ........ :\ 00 Jacob Ctinefelter vs. . D. & T. Alice M. Blair real estate in Leba- muy uriBe' between the stodent.;'! Bnd Pllhl\lIhul" tl l rtl'u ........... 1\ r,l) Our Price ........... .. . .. .. .. $2 fiO Our Price .............. : .. ... $2 rIO Traction CO. Jury finds that amount non $1, and other considerations .' ut the sallie e furnish excellent. Our Ptlce ... .............. .... $4 75 due to plaintiff f rom defendant is Robert M. Gustin to Ewing Ham- praotioe fOI'ewhryo lll.wy er!!. I"ev _ $2,000. ilton real estate in Warren 'c unty, eraloases hRve been tried alld /ill OFFER NO.9 OFFER NO. 14 OFFER NO. " Francis M. Allen vs ·Central Union $1 and other considerations. om ert! of the 0 tlrt eleotetl. 'I'hu 8 Telephone Co. On motion of defenCommissioners' Procetdings. til r it i lU os t, slltisfncto'ry . ReVIAW I)f ReviOW8 .. 1 yr $3 00 Oellilell tOl ............ L ~ r Gfl-rdeD Mllgazlne .. . 1 yr t, 00 00 Success.................. .' 1 00 L Ilu Good HOtlNtlkl'''lJilllC " Unole ReDltlS .. ......... " 1 00 'dant Court ~ft8truc.'ts . the jury to reBills Allowed- Rev. Floyd Poe: . -.--(.;otJmopolitaD ......... .1 1 00 .Jud~1l Llbrllry. .. .. . " 1 UU Mill.Jni 6azett·e.... ..... .. 1 UO turn a verdict !avorl~g .the. defe.n- religious services at Infirmary duro A posse, WIth bloodhounds are litlami <iazette........ ,I 1 0(1 VookllJ~ 'Ioh.. .. .. .. .. 1 UtJ ~ant and $ame IS furlllshed III wrlt- ing October, $12 50; ,H. E. Warwick, searching the country south of I (1) Rill 1i'0pklnH .. .. .. .. . Pnhlisher's price.......... . a 00 Ing.. . soap foJ' jail. $2.00; ·The Morrow Mount Gi lead ! Ohio, for n tra\"p, Publisher's price ............ II 00 Miami HI1'l.tlH,(j ... . .. I 1111 Our Price .... .. .... ...... .... $2 50 .~te of Ob!o VB. W. E. Ba~be~. Tribune publishing times of Circuit who recently assau lted Mrs. Harry Our Price ...................... $4 50 Pnolillbflrll' pI' II'" .. ... .... 1\ I III MotIon of defendant for new trial IS Court, $15 00; Wm. J. Pflanzer. Te- Ar'Tllstrong at h r home near Edison, Our Price for All ......... $4 50 overruled by ~Ollrt. . . . pail'S on court house furnace, $143.05 hio. OFFER NO. S. OFFER NO •• 0 State· of ?hlO Vii. W. E. Bambet·. Wm J. PfLanzer repai~atjail!$10 45 The ~l'Iuupl)ull el.lall th~flil'm h ~ U~6 . .Defendant IS sentenced to fine of $50 L. A . Beeker. antitoxin fbr family at dinner time lIull a8ked for tood. Wornun's Home Com ' Everybody ... ........... lyr $1 60 Delineator ...... ...... .. . 1 1 00 pKnlon .. ...... ; ... l yr $1 25 and costs. suffering from diptheria, $18.60; W. He wa r~t used and left A.foor Oelin~tor... ... .. ...... .1 ] 00 Don't delay too long In .making HllI'per'8 ·Bazar..... . " 1 00 State.of Ohio V8. W. E. Bamber. Unglesby & Son burial O'f 'Jennie Armstrong bKd left the bouse, the 'Mlumi Uazette. ..... . .1 1 00 Miami Uazt\t,te_......·· 1 00 M~ti~n on part of defendant for new Wright, $75; .Lebanon Gas 0, gas tramp returned lIud oVilrpowered up your order. aSlltey rna) trIal IS overru.I~. for jail, $7.75; L. M. Scofield. sup- Mrs. Armst'roug. The Publisber'lI prloE'........... 3 21; Publlsber'tt prtoe ............ 4 60 soon be taken Ollt. ~tate of OhIO ' V8. W.~ . Ba~lber. plies for jail $4,00; M B. Hyman. oondition is oriticu.l . Our Pric~ ... : . .-............ $2 75 ' Out Price. .. ........ ......... $3 50 It 18 ordered that executton of Judg, ' . "'0 15 R . - -.' t'l D b 15 clothmg fol' prIsoners, 01>0 ' : ug· POl!tmnster Monfolr t at Cinoinnati 'd t be s t aJ un I men ecem er G I Co bl k f P ' b t 1908, d f d .. b d" .rles a e .• an or 1'0 a e Ohio. hl\8 reoelved R. letter whicb I ~po;OO e en ant glvmg on 10 Judge, $6 00; Valley Telephone 0., signed with nnme of Elillabet.h $ •J tho H S f rents and tolls, $15,20; Central Union A vey , of Middletown, Ohio, in wbiol1 OFFER NO. A OFFER NO. C parT~~~~naf Un B' uhr aChe, Telephone Co., rents and t~lIs.$17.15: the writer urgeR tbe miss.onlll·lell· I TinIeR Stllr ............. :.. , ... ... ........ 1 year '2 00 eta. ~-~ 0 • • c urc . X . W ,: H b d" . . fl ' Ohio State Jouroal. ........... ...... I Ii "'" 00 · I f b h ' ema or/\ ouse oar mg prl n- to qUit foreign elds and devote Farnl Pref.(&...... ...... ...... ............ I, 25 ('I blloolfer)\'111 not be ,GOd after 0 I. !11 . l) Con fI rmat i on 0 f sa eo cure premd ' 0 b ~13 57 T C ers urmg cto er • . oj! j . . tbaiT att-entlon to oonvertlDg tbe · . filed ' Nltt,loDal tlt.ookman .. nc} 'Fltrnlt!I' <.. :1 111\ :Ill Ehght Beautiful Piotures........... 1 00 Miami Gazette .................... : ...... 1 :v r 1 ' l)0 Miami Gazette................. ...... ... 1 00 1~18 E ~be W'II R ' Le . . Patterson, boarding prisonersdurin~ 'night riders" of Ke:Dtuoky. d • r r ~8. I r ' Wl8 October, $112.60; T . C. Patterson, be Insists there Is plenty of work All for .............................................. . 4 11i A 11 for ...........•...••.. .... .. : 4 ' 25 an. "-,~;u-o IOe hunn . f emporaryt maintainiRg horses and vehicles for for. tJhem to perform I1t home reawlUlun&' 0 rd er, eretoore gran b ' $25' 00' T C P t · , . Our pl'ice for all .. ,... ............ .... , ... ...... $2 50 . . Our Price .............. .......... .. ..... ...... ..... $4 00, d' d' I - I t f all Octo er, ." , a terson ell- Then sbe urg s IiI1 to pra. otloe tbe :h ' ~taxlS80 hV~ 88 fto :aYtm~n . .9 penses 'for qUl/.rter, $47. 0; F. H.! golden ' I'\\le and be happy. Capt. • WI . d e. en an c 31ms up- Duke. lumber, $26.89; J. V. a Monfort is io R-.dl1emolfl. to know on b USIDe.. ' . • • , P HR' V Lo' <JOn, lumber., $7 56, W. G. Shultz. wby the· le~ter waB sent to bim, "!IOFFER NO.8 OFFER NO. 0 T _:.... U·'trix~ec . elOver, s, UlIIe bridge repairs Turtlecreek township, peoially siooe he 8ays lIe nlrelldy '-ICOI..1, execu . emurrer to peE M G k II b'd . Youth'8 Companion ................. 1 yeat 11 75 ()ayton Journlll .................. ....... I yel\1' t? ()O tit' . ' f d t 1\ tak d ..,000; . . as e, 1'1 ge re- praotices the golden role. Mi'Ami Gazette...... ...... .... .......... ., 1 00 Mtaml Uazett>l! ...... ........ . .. ......... . I , 1 OU · Ion .1S oun . no we · .en an pairs, Hami\ton township, $11.55; _ _ -;,,' . same IS overruled . " Ch B Le . fi I estimate on conMlluagerR of tbe Wets In the Both 'of ... ... .. ,\............ .. _•••••_..... ......... 2 1[) Botb for ............. ...: ... ,.. ... ..... ..... .. ...... S 00 · Stlf:te ·o f. Oh~o vs. ~imri stubbs. tr8: N~. 6;'IS$s;'~0; C Curran. coming 10011.1 .0ptiO~1 fl~ht. in Allen Our price ...... ................................. . '" P 65 Oil!' price ..·.... ......... ...... .. .... ......... .. .... $2 90 Y~rd.lct of JUry 1S set as1d~ and new contract No. 100. $7.50; Earhart's county are IUvestllgutlng reports tl'lal granted . D t '1 52 e ts· WI'II'lam E. thl\t t.b e women all olver tbe connty rug sore, 01 , C n , b bee ' 11 .d b OlD" Mary E . F ~~r va. t ark.ey H .. Whitacre, bridge repairs, Harlan .a ve ~ Il- owe . y tbe rys to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 • • • • • • • • •••••••• ••••••••••• Frazer. Marriage contract 18 diS: townsh' an d ium b $27266' EI- ~Ign their hu~bllnds Dames tot,he solved and plaintiff is given custody' Sh·1Pts b 'd er. . ' C\' a~ petition for fin eleotioD ,We want oar readera to have tbe money ooneflt of he mRjtllziDAR and n"wlO . . . . mer ee, rl ge repaIrs e r. papers mention8.d In oar .offen. But thAt is ~ot 1111. .We 0Il1l· I'UI'UIJi)I 'IIIIY of mmor child. k t h ' $1100 Just what KctlOn will bo takeo if cree . owns Ip. . ; Oh'10 C0 rru magazine or newspaper pabliabed. at, It rednced prlOfl. And why? Beoau!41\ Probate Court. gated Culvert Co. , sc'w er pipe, $49.00; proof Is seou~ed has not been mode we are in It pollltiQn to furniah t.bem .t a prioo that 8\1 OIln afford to buy, Hod Ee~te of Mar, E. Smith, de- Oregonia Bridge Co. contract No. 70 ~Down., It 111 oilliltned tbat the thereby save a lot of money on tbe tranlaotlon. . . ceased. Firataccourit filed. . sPecial of 1908, $2094.00;' Oregonia ' .Orys· a re hlivinR Il bard time get. ~MagazinM OIln be fnrlilabed' lI8parately if desired. Eat~te of .John Conner insane. Co: material for dike at Ore- ~1Ug . the re~nired ,4,000 sill:n81 ures ~In aendlo" yoar orde;by mall money 'must aooompany ·' be order. Tble wUJ be abRolu'el, noo8llllary tn order to got the mapzlnea, aa owUaK to the extremely low prloe of tho offer", the Firat account filed . gonia, $24.16; F W. Hathaway, con- 1D t,hl8 oounty. . cub mOAt aooompany tbe order. F.8tate of Margaret Clements. de- tract No 80, $65.00; Trustees of Pub. ~lan:, bU8i,~~9 meD a1:e tlgbtlug ~ All orderallbould be written platnly, . .4 addre1lll8d to ceased. Execu.tor ordered to sell lic Affairs, ' water for court house, on the Wet sule in. the large townll personal property at private sale. $26.~3; Trustees of Public Affair's, of tbe oO'.ln~y. They . say prohibiG~ZETTE, . Estate of Dennis Sweeney, de- light at court house, $6.00; TJ'ustees tlon would 1njnre bU81~ess. omOOLATION DEPT. WANESVILLE. OHiO" ceued. Proof of publication of no- of Pllblic Affairs: light at jail. $6.01. =~=~===~~==~~ tice.of,appointment filed. ' Contracts-Contrac~ was ~nt.ered . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .- . . . .~I=1..._ ................IIIi.._ ......IIi..IIII!~. . . . . ..-I!..............IIiiI~ \ Estate of DenniS· Sweeney, de · into with Lennie. Whitacre. for putI"' · ceased. . Firs~ and .fin~l · account ting up post.s and .guard rail on Mor.,filed. ro¥, and Rossburg road in Salem ·1 Th.e i!ldloattopa ~~I! tbllt Gener~1 That Miobigl\,n mlin who 80 graSusan Beller va· Elery Beller. township at estimate $25.66. Proaperi&y 18 gOIng ~o tAke off bls clousl.V gave bill wife to bill brotb~r Real estate ordered appraised. ' • --bat and '''y aw~Ue. 'p'robnbly koow8 where be OIln let. .' Estates for settlement: J. W. Watchcd ' Flftecn Years - - -... - • another. ' Stewart, admr. of Richard Fairfax, IIFor fifteen yeltrs '! have ","tobed Tuesday ,Thursday· and Mind Your BusJaeu . . • -_.- 'deceased. fi rst and final account; J. the working of BuokleD '8 ~ rnioa ...... If 'Yon don't · nobody will. It Ill l Saturday. Merril Bone admr. 'o f Sarah E. Koo- Salve; and it hilS never 'flilled t.o Unhealtby XJdneys Jllake Impure 81....... your bDlln888 to keep ont of all M'!-ybe WllmaD who walkeri · ' . oure any hore, buil, uloer or burn to ~t used . to be considered that ouly tbetrouble you oen and yon (11\,n and 1,100 m. Iles tu tind he r bUltband ha rl ,.gle, deceased. first and final account wHioh i$ WIlS applied. It has saved . . '. . annary and bladder troubles were to be . . traced to tbe kldn.,... wtll )teep out of Uver and, h,o wel, 80 methtng In mind ahe w!lnted to J:liza V. BfJrnstein guardian of Joe us ·many a doctor b\1l," s~y8 A. F. but DOW modena trouble If you take Dr . King 8 ~ew I IIIV to hIm ~ Mounts, minor, ' fifth ~nd final ~c- Ba-rdy, of East WIltO,n, Maine 2ii ~ ,"_riI science proves that Lit., PUla. Tbey keep bUl9USBIlllIiI, " • ,count. Eliza V. Bemstein guardhm at Fred C . .Scbwartz s drug . !1tore. nearly all diseaeea (Balarla aud jaundioe out of your I ~!!!"!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'''!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- fave their. h«:ginnipl system. 25, at Fred C. Beh wartz's j of Mary Mounts. minor, fifth account . A Jta~kage 0; tn itO inside III the , dls~rder 01 draRatore. \ Braneh. Office, Harveysburg. . O . .W. H. Allen ' ex~utor of .Ruth A. pooket saved the Ufe ofa Mi8sourl these most InlPOrtau& We can shell and grind or organs. ' . ' "What Is a Biln Ollvia apPle? " \ · Che.n oweth, dec~, ~rst account; man. And yeta paokage of unpal(l crush your corn. The ~idneY!l filtlll' somebody db ' A Ben D&&.villlpple ; W. Z Roll admInIstrator of Nathan bills would hllve Rocomplil'hed t.he Corn ground for Meal only ' and pUl'lfy Ule blood•. 1· . -Preston, deceased, final account; W. tbiiig . when we are ma~ting meal, but that is tbeir work. d(l6r brotber, i8 a ton~b propolltloll. ... , 'Chester Maple ~xecutor of Agnes lIame . • we have fresh meal to exchange Therefore, when your kidJlcysare weak . • -' IUd t k ' dEb I "beamatltlm promptly driven n er a er an m a mer. any day. and yo\,! do not have or out of orlIer, YOIl <;an understalld how 'IL Williams. deceaseci, first account: !!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! yOllr entire bOdy is a.frected a?cl , from the blood wltb Dr. MhOOP to wait. Earl Terwilliger. administrator of how every, orgflll i;eclIIs to [(11) to do It. I Rbeuma~io Rttm~l. Don't walt,e Will be found ' ill the old ·Mary E. Smith deceased. First and .llltl·· . ... It·lme witb common rvtnedli!8. A 1 . you are SIck or . feel badly, betrla test will lIurely. tell. In tablet or! . Bttrlk Building: oppos(t.e final 'account; Thomas C. ' Welch. taking the great kIdney remedy, !'n, '. the N tl I B k ]'.iltner's ?wamp..Root, because !lS .ooa lliqUld form. tIold by 11\1 dMlerll. 11.,001\, a-n. guardian flf Joh!" Conovfr insane, 'l'o~u4.w.~.th_h"']IUl_ l~eel as though they are not getliS your kidneys ·are well they Will he:1p - . • _ • 'Telephone 'I~ bonae and 'firstaccoonf; J. H. Baldwin executor =r.':.~tl:l~c\i:'a:'~::r:-c::?:: ting the best results from their nl.1 the ot~lerorgan8 to heal~b. A tnal Tbe Frenohwoman who Railed Ooe wbere I ClIIiI be oalled· of estate of O~mnis ·Sweeney. d~ 1I~Iar.-Oan~_tIaI. grain and buy high priced grotmd WI11 convlllce.lIl1yone. t . . da i bt If you are sick YOII can make no mb- with Wilbur Wri"M embraoed and Y or n g . feed when they could have betceased, final B~Count. 1 '''-~I1I~tt:h~-~''' Volley I:'hone "-2. ter feed by having their grain lake ~Y first dt>ctoring /iollr kidney.. ki~.ed him. Thai anotber ' danller In ' matter of will of Jonathan PI'DI!I==,IQ~II!!q~J'• ·· AGO.'. II wb~ blliIiDa1 .... ground, and chesiper, too. If The m~ld allli the extraoT Inary effect of ball been added to aerapl.ntn" Main St-t, W."n-vlll"'. Ohio. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. tbe great .. -.~ Oglesbee. d ecea!!ed APP IlCatll>ll to '.l'tIe .. . . . . . . tIaroaabolU ·the you have no oats, grind your kidney remedy, is !lOOn realized. It '!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!!!""!!!'~!!"!!!!!!!!!~~ admit to probate set for hearing lIP- =-''"':im':r~ 01 au Dert'to, corn and mix bran with it. The IItand. the.highest for Us wonderful curet - - . -~-best 'feeders they cannot of'tbe most distresSing ClIses, and ilnold November 12 at 2 o'clock. ~.;,-rE"lr~~~~ get along without bran ' on' its merits by, all In matter of will of Laura N. '=.o..u"w::::-.r:~ A Purely Veget.ble Laxative dr\1ggists ill fifty-cent Newport, deceased. Applical.ion to ~1I:"'".!...~~lDbl~. and oDe-<lollqr eiZe admit to prnbate set for hearing ~ ~~ Dt. ~,. We keep the ' best quality Cure. Chroile Con.ti.,.tlma, aDd All bottles. You may .LAYer .Del Kidne, TroahJea. . . have a IIIUJlple bottle s-ot ........... ~ November 7, at 11s. m. • . . . . . . I'.~tt:.a:;r~,= Bran, MlddllqlP, Shop .' '. and Ofl Meal. . In matter of will of Laura A. h ' Newport, deceased. Will admitted &Ie.~ '
0 • •• ••••••••
• ••••••• •
. N atlee.
OfteD The HidDen Are WeakeDed by Over-WelL
or Corn Grountl
·- ·
.C\hOOp•S N-gh d. I t C ure n_
to probate . · 'ERate of Laura A. Newport, e.ued. W. H. Newport appointed,
Owep .S, HiQin.. J9Jpa
.iiI!I• • •_ .....
.. tile rollllWdl plaeea, _a._D'a, KUboIl'l, Ia&e U
Th8 AlpluR ObemlOR ·. I GO•.
hamton,N. v. non'tmakeau)'m .. bit, remember the name, Swamp-~ White'.. IIoaD~ . ..... ·Sprlo·.a..'d Ohio Dr. Jalmer'. Swamp-lloot, aucl the _ ..,,-, a-~. . · drew, BialbamtoD,N. Y•• ODe!fiI1~ 1J._. .~-..._ ..._ .....I!IIII.......~~• •~III!iIlllill!l-.......
......~..~~~..~......--....~..~III~~~..~~~~~~~~~__~~~~_i~~~~~~~~~~-!!·~'!·!!!·~~~_~~~L' ~~a.!!~~~~~~r~i'~1~~~~I~~~~~~s:~o~~~~~!!!!~~~~==-~~~ '!~~~.f··~M~~~~~~~~~~
G~ZETrE~NOLC~~CH~.ICC~8H~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~.
rl " " "" d llrd . .. 11' h\ \ l ll 1: - AI< I. ~' \,
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t\I ~ I #I.N
1t1 . IU i .
'n : I . Jo:I'IIOI'I N ,
" 111" , h i..
I\ l a ll l :-,1 1'11' 1
After Other Remedlea Pall
I ·AU.
~~ 'Ilt " . 1111(1
II ~
"( .ILve be~n troubled with a ChtlODlc oold and bronchltl8 for a lon ~ Um. nnd h a ve tried many remedletl without
i\111",, ~,or finding
Through the kind IUIgostloD of a f rlond 1 tr ied VIDOI, and .I after laki n g t ou r botlle., 110m IDtirely !tate!; of .Subscription J cured .... A. H. Wilde, 7Sa·8tll AT.nue U fill " ' ~"r f ~lorll!" l y In n c&V II Twt:t ) ~ I.I'I I M IUD L' apolll, MinD. " . ' .hli! h· ' :fl l'Y .lin S. M cDonald 147 W CoDll'I'etll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__ st. POIII, Min~. , writes': ". ' c on. tract Ii n He voro co ld laal winter IlDd . thour;ht I wo~d never gel rid It.. 1 l'(JJUtll ll g I., walti , ]JHr Il lI l ' .n.,· . tri ed Vinal 118 a last resort and It haa itrall1 l1 ~ L",!n I1'Ol. l JI .l c lt I U\'tl. Ih' l Hilt! . I" c ~omp le tely cured m e." ' Ola8.'H II Ctl 4\\1". UC H. W uJl.!e~ d U\'(III IIt:!'4. ... ' Vina l combines two world-famec1 '11ll. r le 111 u rt I II I't ,:,~r onles, the healing, m edicinal proper\l;) nl O( 'I' h a nks .. . . ~~~ ties or cod IJver all IlDd tonic Iron, de· H~ Hu l\lll o n~ .. ·.~r,cl llC.IOU8IY palatable and agreeable to the S(h 'la l s. ",l u . Wil t' I'C c har":I' I~ m ath' ' . . .. l ; 1I 'N I!.,
. I I
": . 1111': 11
Advertise in
th~ Ga:!. 'He,
It pays.
For lhl.
S'a le
and Bronchltll.
J. E. JAI'jNEY, Druggist,
Unmatcbable Prices In All Departments JERSEY COATS
, Vlnol IB unexcelled as a IItren gthbuild e r for old people, . de li ca t e chll· dre n . wt'llk lind ru u·down · persons, atter B l r kl1e~8 and tor C hron ic Co\l&hl,
UI R~' la y Auvcrl lx lllK ICC1' I,co' h
MIlII'H J e l'!leY JllCkets : regu lur S I. Gil vuhleS , Hu le prl :e " .... Mp,, ~ Ir lno W e a" 11 Cardigan J aclclll i; S3 . 00. S~ . no l1ull 12. 00 val·
"I'' ' .lL 12.6 (1,
4e 23e Wllrlll ; :19 ' vululJ.K ••.. . ... Mu ,, '1/ Golf lal1\'f!8, 1111 s Ly l (l~: wor,h 43e UP to 7r. ,. SUle prl :0 ••.•• • • MUll '" D I'Il8JI " J'. K ." Kld G lo vCli ; our 75e II I. UU 111',"10 . ato price ..... .
$1 • 50
$1.00 UIIII . • .
\lO)'N ' Hu hh"r l'oul8, at $2 • 00 S2. MI u" d ..... ....... ( rtuhhe r 111118 to mutch . 2i\c nllli 3i\c(
Waynesville, Ohio,
M N I '~ ~
B tH 'k
l 'lI l1 lU'
lI ull f,.is.
.\I ei, ·s 11081.011 or Ur l!: h' o" Uo".., S Cil porl er& ; t ho 25 . f(r"ilcri . .. Dono Co llar Hu t I n n . . H I >L~'11I 1 big IICHlug, I>or d uwn ....• .
23c 36e
uml ... , ...... ' , . .
M l ll r lln~
' /11 lL Cll""' ; 'A orlh 2I,H ', {' llrt! . . .
S u 0 ,.rleo, po r
1.000 )' ul1'>l ot Men'.. Worklllll' Olovetl : ,,'orLh douule our . 0.10
I UO 'lo ZUII M 11'8 \l uuy)' 'Il nV 1lll Ulol'i!S. Sale pMeu , . . .. (' liihl rou 'ij J\nlL OlIl\'CN; gOOll a nd
"12c 3c 7c
Ear MUlls! th o kl lld )'0\1 nl ways pay I Oc ror .. . .. , .. Meu 's F lat or 110 1lllci '\f1" lJ" ml . lh" I Oc klllll, 7c : IIlItI lie " . , 3C
M.lll '" \Vhlpl 1l8h Buck MitIs: worth 7 6c . Uur . Ileelul s alo pr ice .. ~lpn '8 and Boy's PIU8h anll 1"l1r O IOI'efl,
Take a look at OUl' want columns, - - - - - -- - - - 200 tlozon ~Ien's WhIte H ems titched nc klml . . They are th heHt medillm to get comm unity like Wayne ,Township, Han~~r::'''f~ .. ~ .~. ~ . . .. ,.. .. 3e . lIocllLll y prlclld il L $3.50 49c ., ron 's I'Me liL ~ "If I "IHI"!: l III 6(,C ".nu down W •..•.•..•...• .. hrtllh18; II. 00 I'll hll'. .. . 'I' what yuu want llnd ai" UK 'u liberally that they coniwt have R place large . Special 10L ut ~ I e ll '" !l'unc )! UOrtJ 'lrocJ 7 M"n'" J UI'1lll~' Ulo l' 'R: 1'I'Ij'\ll llr U", 17(; lI u.mlk""'''.Ie ts : 16c ,' ulues, e ll ' 11 C enough to hold an Institute in. lJ ru,'Ill't' t lll (l m ic ,'('llus : '~·f(lIl ur $1 19 , ' ul ue . Hnlll 1>r!r'Il , ,. SlHlClul lo~ of ,\(en '!! Whlto H undl,,)r· 9c 2 UO \' aIUPN . ~u le Iw l n~. . • c hle fd, ' ...'¥Ulk.· 16c vuJu",", .." Ie prleu The council is uut of crul3h e~1 st"n~ , But these same farmel'!! vo~d "No" ,\lllu ',; bllLIQI HlWuken:hlet .. ( ti In a box): and Main street is only half finished whell they had a good chance to have wortb 20C e"ch; 1/ . 20 IlIlr 65e M~N'SGOWNSAND PAJAMAS l>O.~ . Sulll prl(:e per box ot sl.. SlISPENDERS a public place to hold gatherings Crush mOl' stOll , and let's finIsh a (Sold on l)! !Jy the box) M UII '~ F'ollcy1'rlmnllllJ MusUn 00\\,118 49c 11. big bargain Ilt U9c. Now . , . good job not niOre than half cOm- like this in, wh en they voted against· "\le n 'M6C and. tIC Red and Blue Hand- 3e " '6 U1Ull Mnde \\'cb·F:lId Sus' IOc kerchle llt. llIe prl' 110\\' . , . " . no(! fe,r 11 .00 IIrndes uu d 1 1.00 ror S I , 2 ~ AI ptlnd a township hall . Do you think, dear ers , wort h 200. Bu le prloo , menced , grades. r Mlc S U81)(Jlld eMl ; beIlt readel', that they have no qu ~lm of RltCclcal h," ur Mll n 's F'l al1neu o Pa r 'I'hO Pion 50c SlIs rK'.ul cr 011 th market :1 SC Jr11l1 ll8 : wortlt IL fo urU, $1 00 CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS A gl'eat many large CO I·poration. const i ~nce b~cau~e they vot~d against ",,,,, .• Jieu I'Y OuarulItootI Polico 1U.'d 15C IIUtl " 'hi nt l11 ore: S I. ~ U lind • ~'Irum (lu u~ rlOr"l ol'9; ~ IIC klnll and business houses and mills hav such a pl'oJect, We beheve they ~OY"' Leather End SI1"JMlnd oJ'N, 1>lg ISC hllll ",!,, 's Jo'lne F1I8t Blnck H ose: 5e ns. q orrmen t :. 20c killd , u t•.. regular l Oe vlUue8. Ba le pMco , . W AI YS' CELEBRATED MUF· started their wheelE\ in motion, and Iltave, and h~d they a chance.again ( ~'our pall' to e" ch cus tomer) FLETS by the t ime ant.a comes, Prosperty to vote. for It they would wltho~t 'hlldren's Heavy Fleece L lnoo Scilool Hose : \\'orth II will be with us and the country will any urgmg, and would urge their NECKWEAR 2Qe a pall'. Sale price . . . . . . e Dig Lal· o[ Ways' Mnlll ;ts 19c again be back' on the list of good neig'lbor todo likewise Children 's IJoavy BlaCk "0118 : COHL 17e . Spool!tl C')8L 26c CI' rywhere, S a le price 26c Q~ other 81Ore8, ... Rere ror , ,200 DOzen Men's IJllrge Slze Four·[n · h n nd M n 's nlld Days ' Flue All· Wo,,1 Wnys' Urnes . TIes, Illlest IIlta peo and pSLt erJlll : you How Is Your Digestion ChUdron 's }' lue Jo'leece Lined ge MII1111et 8, ull pollUlur .~l ol'II ; 35c poslth'oly wU I P1lY 6Uc Ilt any oLher HollO. I lie " IlIUCfi . .. , ... !'l i()C \' BIHflk , •• dtor'e8 Our S peclul 'l'l,nnks' • 2SC ' M r1'l, Mary OQwling of l\j 0,228 8th giving Iwlee ... , . . .. ... \ Walter ,Jordan, whose sale occlIt:I'OO Ave, tlt>o FrliD 1800, reaom mends & ( Aep Wln rlow Ulsplu y .) MEN'S EVERY DAY -WORK DRESS SHIRTS lately , came in ami asked us what retnPlly for st 'mllcb trouble, She ~ I tln 's . r u n(·y Hili III Oow '1'1 1)11, ,I", IOC I • . !l : "Uratltude for tbe wonder. SHIRTS regulltr I roc klnll , Ullly ..... . . we had done to make his sale olle of ful t' lt'eot or Fileotrlo Bit.ters in a case MI11l 'H DI'\lAA f! hlrt8. III tall'Y ""l\. rns: 'rill' 10e kln.l d go f or ............. ' 7' f11.lI l erl u.l~ are Pcrcal1ll11alld )Io.dfWI, the larg~st that has occurred thel'ea- \If 1I(·' It. IlId l". st·lon, l)J ompts tbls SptlClal Dig CLot or Men's Befit 8ateeu "1~ ta 'hed and dctae hlllf (mITs: IIOlti MI'I1S' ]<'a ll!'Y 01111 III nl 'k ~ lI ll He l HI rlnll Ul ack SIIII'\8. ( Laat yeU' \\'0 1I01i! I· . bou ts for a long time. He said that tAstll1lO1I hll. I lim fully con viooed e"rller 111 the 8I!1llI01I at 6 lk- : 49 Ties : 161: nnd 21k C 500 dozen) : you'll pay 76c 33e . S"le ,.ti,·e now . . .. " .... . thll.t f" r I:\t.ollllicb lind liver troubles g rad es go ro r ...... ........ 9C it was Itard to accomodate thp large ellIewllere, Now , •....•..... Men '. While PI"It.ed Uw;om Sllh'IS : 49" Elf.ot rio BIU,ers 1$ the best remedy Men's J ersey Working hJ1'1 8 · 3ge regullU' 700 " lllu \lJI at . , . .. , ' crowd that came, SpecIal big 1I811111g .•. , ..... . . ,n o t.he IIItlrket to-dIlY," '.fbi! grl'lat Boys' Jo' ancy Negligee ShJr1s : 23c Men'. Old Hickory Working 8hlrt. 36e worth 39c 10 60c , ~ . .. " " . UNDEHWEAR . - - -lonlo lind o.l t.erll.t.lve mediolne invig! . 8poollLl ror ThDnk sglvlng .... " We read a ll the adv l!l,tisements ol·at,·s. t,be 8.Vlltem, p~ri6e8 the b1oo(f MEN'S HOSIERY len's SI.OORlbbed Wool Underwear63C SWEATE:RS in your paper and place gl'eatstress ~~r~RI8or e~:e,:!~~l;~e:k~~!:l i~. ~~ extra big val ues, per gurmo nt, on them because you advertise most· Frell C. ISohwll.rtz's drug 8t~re, ' )leu'B Heavy F leeced·Llned nderweill', 100 Dozco Men's .Black Hose : 1'OI!ullll' 5C Men's Best White Wool Bwoat.ers.C2 50 l Or. Ilnd 12c value. So.Ie prLce .. SWrt8 and Drowel'8 : 39C ly home merchants" Such a re• - .....- -- Sold all over Dayton aL 1',00, r.t.p • reg ular price GOo •• • . . •• •.• • (Umlt, • pall'l!.) mark coming from one who knows Notice of Appointment, Men's .Heavy 11160 Coat 8wII&tel'l! 69c ~I c n 's Black Bnd Fancy HOBO , usually Men's Naturo.l Wool Unde rwear , 79C Tht.nlolClvl1J8 Sale Price .. '. , . • Sl.00 grade and fully worth 11 sold .. t 19c a plUr, 13c what he is talking about is sim ply SaJa price, ~ [or ~6c, or, oach . Men 's Coat Sweaters. 8118C11l1 big $2 50 Estllte 0 1 EII ..ahnb Hopkin" deceWled ' Boy.' ,F; xtra HeR vy F leeced ShIrts "'3C s h owing at 10. 00, sa .60 and , . • Mon 'R FIno Hose: regulDr 16c the best compliment one could wish 1'he un'lcl'~lgned hUR been appointed and Ilnd Drowel'8 : 30e III regul ar value ... Boys' AII·Wool Swellt.ers 111 aU coloi'll. . villues. Our speel&! ptice . 9c U Ailm lnl"l:raLOr ot the i!l!tute of for When you see a paper f uil of quulllled hRVY rooLbr.ll collars Bnd sklrb: 80YN' Extra H.OllVY Fleeced U ndor· during lIalo' only ~; " .. a Ile UI 1I0 llkln s , lul e of Warr€'n Count1 , wOar ( Union SlIlt:ll) ; 75c values 47C 9"'8e Me n's :Nut....ral Woollloli8: regnlnr 12c 80 Id a~ all), otber -•. advertisements of home merchant.c , Oh ln. II~ c"a"~u store tor I' ,DO, Our price ... 20c kltIU . Sale price .. .. .•. " OoOper 's" ·. ' Ino SpMng Needle Wool Oato-d tlll ~ 10th day 0( NO" e nll18r, A . D. Boy 's ew StYle Coa' ...cate.,. : 50me you know that that papei' can be de· 101111. Underwenr tor lit 11 . 16c Flooce Lined Hose. 9c 98C tiling new in the $1 •50 Men'.Thullksg'h'lng 8ale price .. , . ... . ~Id .Illsewht\ro ror a !.r,o, .... PHILIP HOPKrNS . sweater line . . .. .. , . . . .. . pended upon to give the best of tho 2110 O>o7.en Mon's Heavy Work 8080; Adm lnllllJ"lllor. Men 's Fine J.{eavy Wool Sweaters. 9Se 16c and 100 y&lUtlB, 5 ,C neighborhood news into the bargain. aU popullll' . hades; 11.50 value>I prk :o.l II I 9c and . .. , .. . . , . .. , - ~. CHILDREN'S SpITS. The idea of advertising "every old PO!ltmll8ter EJIIs hili! jU8t .. bout cmLDREN'S PANTS AND thing'" that comes along, regardless comp.et8d I!. ' census of Yellow HAT DEPT, SPECIALS DAJiOAIN l- 1 9~ Boys' Don ble Drell8t.ed WAISTS ot what or' who it is for, if;; a sad Sprln(:8 giving name and IItreet Su lt<l, made up, wltll Knickerbocker ' , pant. ; 12.60 va Utl8 t ho wo rld $1 68 E XTRA SPE l A.L-l0 Oases or l\fen '.t mistake that papel'S often make, and I'PFidenoe of every pe'rson in tbe over. Your chol during 81110 • NEIW Salll, HaUl, purcl.a.sed trolD a 110 doaen 8c'JiOOl WalalAl : 18e l eu.dlng O\\' )!ork f,at rnauuracLurer what is th resul.t? There is no de- vlllu g. While tbe details bave'oot BA ROAIN 2-B pecluJ LoL of Boys' C01IL 26c ~he world over ..... . ~t ollr own price. 'fhese haUl were Doubl tl Brell8l.ed UIUl, In ton h,md · 90 dOZeIl 80".' WaJ.ts, all new pat· 4ge mild" to be retat led at I I. GO, S3, 00 pe'ndence put into the sheet, and bep n fill completl'd tbe flgurf8show IiOme IIlf.rable patt.erO!I' made uJ.> . terns; wort h on&-Lh1rd more •. and ;I ~ . ~O. During ThankRg\v' 97c wltltl(nlckerbockorpant:ll: 1i::1 9~ everybody makes it a joke, which it the popullttlon t,o be 1478. Tbi8 Is 75 do~en ' BOY8' Jo'lnesL Dress WalliS, Inl~ Salo 101'11 price .wlll be ... . S• •OO val u Cfi . . .. . . . ..... '" • Ri''' lal Lin a ot lIIeo', sa. ~o Hat8 In really is It pays t9 aqvertisej but It g dn of 107 ·"in08·j900. ~t'. ro' ~~~~~.•.:.. .. 7ge UARGAIN a...:. hlldrcn's J)~~hle Brous t,· bltLCk , hro\\,11 and tobacco shadtlB, III od SuIts , with 8trallfhL Ilnllls : $1 77 sUIT ha"q: alllo 8poc/0.1 lot or black, 7~ doaen Boys' Cord uroy aud a.sslmero don't) .throw your ' money away on I 10 the event the bill to give small regular n ,16 v~u ea . . . .. . ,. • b,,)wn, green, caslor Blld rawn color Kne4! PatlUl: 230 everything that comes·along. · town8lind villages free mall deli v co." .0 cent. tllBewhere •. , < •• sol't h·ntH. 4t2 4 BARGAIN 4-G blldren'8 DOUble llreU8t· Thanksgll'lng Sale prlco., "', 5 od Sqlts.. III Oho l'lol8 IlUU W0l'8tei.18: Specltil Big Lot or Boy.' Knee 45e ery, passe!l the Nlitlonsl CQngre~", T he New Black stiff " Lynwood " . pertoot nttlog ILnd 0 lJ"a \\'ell IIOWed : Patl1>&: worth U cen ts more .. 8ults thu.t .would cOst you $2 3 8 HBlt8; worth 12 .00 $1 • 45 he will pre8ent the olRim8 of Yellow Boy.' Knee Panta, In the \>e8L mar 88e ~h( world \lver .. , .. ... . , IS,OO at any. other slorl) . • • terltLbl: regullll' 11,00 IIllId .. . . The ' Waynesville Farmers' Insti· Springs to the p08to1ll.o'8 depart. tute will soon be with us again, but ment, for olty ma.ll delivery here and ~hat a?out a plac~ to hold it? That every (-t1'liIrt will be ' made &0 give IS a serlou8 question, and . one thatl the pl\troos ~be very b '!st !!erviotl. confronts the committee, who will ' • - - --meet 800n There is not an availa A .olergyma.n writes: ,1 Preven . - -lDwlee"place for such a gathering and ti()lil t,bolte little Candy Cold Cure I:" . • ' 1 . ' u bJet.s lire working wonderS 'ln my . these ~n8tltutes ' alwa,Ys work to the , J>Ilcrisb "rrevenUcIIBurely will check good of the .commumty'. Now last : a. oold, Q,r the GrlppE',.in a. .v ery few year they were cramped fo.r room, honr8 . . -And Prf>Ventio8. tire 80 safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- • • •- • • and a great many could not get in find barmle~fi. ~o Quln~n~, notbing I . ,harllh nor ~ loken1ng FlIle tor fev. the hall at all • . In retrospectIon,lt erlsb rll8Ue8s' obildren Bos: of 48 aeems a sad thing, to a wide aw~ke I ll.t 250. Sold by .&11 deal~r!! MAY RUN INTO DAYTON
•• '. '
• •••••
When you firSt try tbe most tempti~g ..vory-fine ftavored of all sea food
"aaaishipl" ': Oysters
$5 95
dl1ll A'''" worth .. ~ 00 . 0111' . S "co la I1'''a nkl'gl l 'ln ll 8alo PrIce • SI?"cta l LOL of Mp.n ·~ · UILs In ranoy mixed r.l\ij. lu'~f\'" lin d Cheviots; a good bar· gai n al 10. Onr Spe" lal '\'lI a n k"I\II' ll111 SlIl e J>rlcc
$8 • 88
.. .
Special Lo t "r Men's "'ul l8 In fan cy and pla it' ' 1l~l'lot.>l, Cu~.l mere s and Wort Rt e,'" 1111 of Lb l1 C W~" 1 plaids, .trlpe. lIud c heck8 In Ibis elrjfunt l1Sl1nrtDl c nt : S " IL~ Ihat l'!lsl lll·el vrOL .. ll tur S I 2 toS t i, li t a ny oLh,,,· hto r u. Ou r S l,eclal '1'b :UI"sg ll' llI ~ 'rice .. ,
~pec la l 111 \
ot Me n ' S uits 111 e vt ry uew a lii! pollular III!Jrl ', In clud ing all tbe ne w • ove rplulda. Slrlpes and uheckll . COIlI8 m adc will' bllu.Hlnls b ed coUors and "" oulder's : perfec t fiLLi ng nnd eq ual
tl 5 8u l t sold p1..'cl a l 'l' banksglvlo g
Lo nny
In Dayton
Sa le Price .... ... .. ....... . • J\ bout 200 Men's ' ult. lo fancy all' wool S cot c b 'I'wellIls 'l'hlH 8peclal lot or suits sdld ror 110 . 50 and SI8 . 00 . (lur Specllll'l'hanksglY IIIK !:iale Prine .. , . . : ......
1_...'S13 •45
Men's lh' Dd' mnde Ore •• Sulls-More tnan 1100 cl o~nnt urCRH Sul Ls, In heDuUrul Dat. terns-Oas.lmere8, Ch ovlots and WOISl' edJI- Ot any oLher store yo.u'1! pay nOl Ii!l!s 'ban SllO . Durlna our spenlal
~~I~~k~:lllr\:;: .~~I.,,: ..I,b.~ .. . ... $14.45
~t e n 'S Wllterproof era ·enett.e Dress Coat..q or Cravenelte Overcoa~ In plaid and plain WOrAtt!dJI nlld Oa88lmerell " , enu ,
lne .:nvenetted" CrIIve nette~ 'thll~ will r on Y'1u 112 to llli .OO the worl d over . co", vou 112 10 SlIi .OO the world o,er ,
~~I~ ~:I . ~.~~~~8.~ 1.'.1.~~ .. ,.$9.88
!II.m's Cral'e!: UeCoa~ In plaIn Bnd fancy mlnure s or WOMltetll! and Casalmeres cut good I\nl'l long I blgb' rrade tailoring and tlrsL·olll8. worlt ma1lllbip In eyery one of I h~80 coats i our regular 115 val, uea, I1nl1 at man y other stores the price will be S16 . 60 f,() 118. peelal here, during thIs big Rale .. , , . . , . . . . , ..... .. .... . .
MEN'S PANTS Palr~ of Men's nOl) 80ys' Buy:!" Welgbtca8s lmert:, Wor.ted and Ohevlot
cut With p len ty or room nod .trol\l· l.v sewed . Special durlnf{ . 'J'l1anksgl Vln W Sale .. .. , .. , .... , ..
r,oo Pain of Men 's Hellvy
CUAlmere and
WOrBIed Pant s : relr\llar price the world o"er I!! .00 . During our ~pecl"l Tbunksgl vlni' Sale . .. , ,
250 Pain or Men' s pan~, In "uk, 8trtpe4, heavy "elgbt WOl'I!teds . We bought
tbem wHh the Intention ", 118111111' them Ilt
It . 50 . QUl'Ing tblll Bpec lal big sale,
the price will be
onlr ... .... . .. .. . ... . . ... ... : . .
1100 pairs of Men·8. and B018' 'Cort2tlro)' P:lut8 : double sewed .alltl lined through . OUl" · a glgBntrc
bargnln a L Ill.
~~~I~~~~~ ~r.I ~~.•~~~ , . ,., .. . . . $1.39
war 2 $ .00 ,
Mell 's Corduroy pllnUl:·:ea ch ptllr r a nLed not t o rip ' la .oo VGIUCS ., ... : ... : ...... ..
200 'p aIrs or Mon's Wors t ed Gnde.....lmere Orel18 pant.s : Klze~ 30 to 42 waist, .an4,
wonbu p w .:1 .\)0 ......... ... . .... ..... . ..
$2.38 and Fourth '
Main and 'Fourth
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Ohio
\D ' ll. II • E • H ATHAWAY
A Surprise in 'Store-
:111 0 Su l ...~ In ua rk lilli e 311.: l)"lc ll ' hel' lo l ~ a ud t a uf'}' m i xe d C' a H~l m6 r~-t. 'l'ht!: 8e
--IIIlII.-.... ........:
The ordinance granting a fran· . ~ Bi lle!! ville'. Leading .Dent1~t . chise to the Dayton, IAbanon and Cincinnati ' Railway Co. will come Offioo III Key!! Bldg, M.aln .st up for discussion before the meeting of City Council at Dayton next FriWAVNESVllLE CHURCHES., day evening, In addition to the membe~ of Ci~y Council, President 1 . Frank Brandon, of, Lebanon, City I I Soli~itor Philo C Burnham, City Orthodox frl.ends ,C hurch. " L. f Sabba~ll ReI' . 8e,'Jamln Hawkin s, Pastor, • Englneer, .Cell arlUS an d 0 ffi' Clal" 0 Scb.. ol. 9 :3.1 3 . m. rteRular churoh the National Cash ~egister Company 1 6etl'lc~. JU :30 11 . m. ChristIan Eutle a vol', . " ";' ' :10 IJ III ' . near which plant the line will be ' . . --constructed in the event that it is lih;ksite Friends Church. given admission into city, will be First Oay M l'ellnl{:' 10 :00 11. m. Finn Day Sotlool, I, :0(1 ,m. Fou rtll Day Meeting presell t . W :OO a , ... . .....
Is Your "atch Sink?
Don't associatethelD with oysters'you com· Seyen Years of Proof ptonly buy. "Sealshipt" are packed without watedn sealed, air.tight, steel 'containers. "Sealshipt" Carriers " ,Il hlive bad . Reven proof keep the oysters fresh and finn-riot water·soaked, They retain all ,that Dr •.. King's New Dlscovl!ry i8 1b.e incomwabIe tang ot the sea. tbe best medloln8 to, take for'ciqughs and .oolde lind for every di8eased h f You can't get enoug 0 "Se~pt. " More tbau a surprise-a oondUlon of ~hroat.,ohe8t.nd IUDg", " revelation. ' l8aY8 W. V. BeDry, of Pananla,'Mo: Every housewife will want a copy of "Sealshipt Sense" with the 'l'he world hall bad~blrty~IIIM dainty new oyster recipes-The followiDg "Sealsb.,t" de.alers will yean of proof that. Dr, Ktnp'New iive you a Ctlpy: Ull800very III tbe bellt remed~ for oonlhll aod 001d8, 1. Rrippe, aatbma., bay fever, broDohiLl8, ·Corwin and of tbe ,IonRI, IlIld tb8 early of WaynesvUlf!, O. OOII8ump"oD. n. timely Dl!8 al. •• ,. prevents the' developmellt of The genuine "Sealahipt" oyaw-. are a1wal!~c1 from a pbeom'o nt.. Sold oDder ' paraotee White I'Orcelaiu Display ('ue bearing the" pt" tude • , Fred C. 8ob...rb·. drne e1Or8. mark iD blue. This is for JOur piOtec:tloD-look for \to ao, aM 00, 'l'rial bottle free. The "Sealahlpt" CarrIer System iI ' pateDted. IiafriJl&'e: meals will be proeec:uted &0 tbe fuJI esUnt of the Jaw. -------..~ lIoRoilbu pbo'«lfraDbed 'be OOIDNATIONAL R
Christian Church.
ReY , W . T . aOllland, PULor, Sunday School , 9 :80 a, m. Mornln,; se r. vice, 10 :H() a . m . Epwonli fJeague , 7 :00 p . m. 1!:ve nll ng Rer.vlce ! 7 :110 p. m. Midweek
Pnyer .."",ti na, 7 ! 10 p. m,
Y.., tltlatatheac. .eUba,
EpIIc:opal Church.
J. F. (Jadwalla4er, Hector. e :80 a , m lltirnln& aer' YIll1II11 _rvtoe, 7 p, m . 1lO'..... unl ....
elida', •••• tatl.
I can cure the ills of your watch. very quickly If ' .
Methodist Eplacopal·Church.
Walter J. Kilbon,
Rtv. George Hall, P astor . :II 00&,· School, 9 :30 .. m, Re&ular lIer .Iiles ,he I.ut S\ln.d~y or the mOD ih, 10 :ao 1\ 'm .. a nd 7 :3U p. m . Cbrlellan En"eavor, 7 :80 p iii
'be lint
BUild ..,
of ncb
Aala.1IIIIDt'. t.tbouc Cburch. _ tlllt ..
MayeBlaoefer, Putor.
- - aD., of lU 1110II&II al
Laxative Granules 8nrpa8lles all other rem. edles for
tbe reJle( of
Sick Headache. Dizziness, Indige8tion, Chronic Con· 8tipation and Bit· lous~esll .
you ~III bring It to me. I will be at 'Coleman's Stove Store every Wedn~ aU day. Clocks Cured, allO.
TIFFANY" The Watch and ClJJCk ~r
Beoll.u!!e they are oomposed of tbe be8t known .Veg. etable drugs, &nd mixed 10 the proper. proportions known to gt ve the beet ,results, . Every bott Ie gnarallteed to . give sdlstaotlon . or . money refunded. 250 a bottle, mall.ed anywbere npon receipt· t)f prloo at ' '
Schwartz's WALTER
)leCL UQ,E',
Funeral Director• Telephone day or ....b •• Valley pboDe No. 7. La. . Dle.ODe No.•t-'r.
Saa..criIJe ,for the GweUeI WAVNESVIL~
tUII tbelD from their evil 'lfa1. aa4 Acqu re tt)e ,0Do-Ot-at F~ncres fn. Gold n.,d b.rh!.r the~ back to the wOfllblp (If the true Ood," he urgecl wlllUully to bLmOl')(:eu f\eth od p and swf one clay as be pondere d O\'er the Tl)is ~e altuaUo n. "After all. 1 am glad that D. L, CRA('IE. WESTE RN CANADA AFFOR DS BET. Johntla n laid violent handll upon me of \lbj~Cl the omo. to TER CONDI TIONS ThAN EVER Wh n one comes Imlt dragged me thither. for I alone WAYNElSVlLLE. Th e W"tn:!.n who takes as her life Jerem iah Warue th tho Jew., flllk or ribbons and buckles He loat fiw~y Oh. woru:lU God. the to Is taltbrul OIlCO" FOR SETTL EMENT . at rom,..,~ mol to "Do It 10 Esypt. wonkd give me hili messag e to spenk." who 18 not hounded l1y an accusin g belt >i. descrip tion (alters, for th e. Amel"lcan Chlv.II")'. ''kluL at what use Is It to SpetLK ," uO\lsclenco. The model'll llra)'or for buckles of the day are legion and nn' The old stories or the Holy Grall BY THE "HlGHW AY AND BYWAY " To the Editor - Slr:-Do ubtlolls or beauty nud valli . Many a voice from wltblu. ClUne ER PREACH for g lv ~neS 8 Is cbJelly for thlogs we o[ ull grudes hare the essence of cbivalry because many or your readera will be pleased III Ollt turned are GO designs e futile." illS se handsom It know "Yea, I hay not don e. they recogniz ed that through the 80ul R.l1d In corll l and to have lIome word from the "rain admitte d d j ctedly. "but that Is n.l TIJIl only lime on Is sure at IR tho old'(lIl> hloood oameos J(l<>PYrIllI".IIIOI, ~T lli."'abo ., W.II. &I..b.) ot a woman a man can sometim es be , and IlIIlta- fields of Wester n Canada . where s uch Btones r aeon why 1 should not speak. It i'res~ nt; pullIng off to ljom6 more can· the 8 ml·prec lous far·olY h.a large number of Americ ans Itave a Jeremla least, of at cs 01". hold his . Ood, Oulline of the Pro~hecl wltbh~ becau se (he venl III momen t Is to lay liP II re puta· lions ot th ot! s tones or used In evcr), .. ot the prophc 'Iee Is not for rue to ttJad e their home durIng tbe past row . . way Is bl fringe of spleud or trom worlds un· The nllturald "roupln falls Inmglna seed tho . 11011 fOI' rud eness or slov enliness by Bunse n and Ewald 1* ground Into which L8 811ggeste years. It Is pleasing to be ablo to reand Ap e llo rma October tou In Ol1az. t writer a It AUleth) 'st; mapped . says that whIch I. IOnrked by the recurrence hard and unprodu ctive. W·oe Is mo Tho womrtu wbo believes that . 10 port that general ly the wheat yield by d Lord 11k the pleton·a . And because thle Is the t rue lit the formu la. "The wordts ottuJ tolloWII: I hy not out against the Iniquiti es at apologl z Is to accuse will rarely ba\'o chrysop rlIse or Illl.rlirula.r1y h," and Jeremta to mil - has been good; It will avo rage about vast cnme 11 course or t bu I'S, mea· n Iby plotur· desig me the most give ahe God. whose It . Iplrlt of chIvalry 10 hack waleI' all her bellet the acre. Tbere will hnpter 1-1ntroducUon. Chllptel'8 2-21- my IJOople, Oh. jOl'lty or the deS ig ns arc turuEld out SO bushels to elCjue manifes tation was In the Mlddl!' Prollably t he roll wTlIten by ,Boru ch sage." !;ets InlO the do·l!·at· onoe hnbl t. the yield will go where cases many be ton~s. 8 these of of r Iho roll read In Ihe ear. Tho heart that ftels the ()verbnr d n· It at once Is I;ut another name In chellp Imitatio ns Do Ages. no Innovat ions ot modern tidies. (30 :32 ) . aHe and others acre, the to shels bu hapa5 him. de. by Jeholnklm had been bUrnt God's word anrt to for "tho little drops of 11' ate I'" pre· . Hllnd-w rouglll buckles, unlQuo In no reversa l 9t tho occupat ions of mou lera :!2·~-Sho rte r 8 d lI"ered Ing desire to know bushels ' to the acre has 50 where n, cra[tslll al'Uwt by 01· ; mllde lIud recelYn! ign s at ty Th e "migh and falBe speak It. never ' flltls cept ot childhoo d. and womon. no dusty prose or a me- against the ktnga ot Judnh oeen recorde d. Tbe oat nnd barley Chapters 2ij-28-Two great vine enlighte nment• . and Iho oll l'ortu· oc lin" at IIccumu lated duties will are sold by the je wel e rs. bll t of course . hns bean splendid . The prlce l crop chanica l age can ever destroy It. prophels In prophecle8 ot the ' fall ot Jerusalom. nlty ot becomin g the mouthDle,:e 01 s wamp you .It each wave Is bring high lH·le's. One worker . Tbanks to high heaven. who cr eated Chapters !l9-31- The m ' ~s a ge of comfort God. So It was with Jeremia h . (;od's never d os Il cornell. melals has made of all l1'alns will bring to the farme,. Rnd s stone claus pr breaste for Ibelr Illbora. In B,abylon . Ohaplers 3~-H return cent magnifi a cop. t wrou$h 10 gu~ l weill es d people to love .and admire and be glad tor Ihe exllee he of Doing It at once Is lIko oIling a a flllecially - History of the hlllt two >'elltIJ betore Iho me silage cam e to him. and. Into An Instanc e bns been brou ght to my 'ha.ptcra 46-61- torth to speak Jt. in each oth er, ohlvalry sUil flou,rlsheB Clapture of J eruaalem . It smooth s the or P I' nnd M )Clcan opals shading pike. ty dus noUce at a fanner In the Plncher nnttona. ana· on the earth. tbough tbe torms In ProphecIes Ilga.lnat foreign. The first one he enoou n terelS was lit and smot hers oompla lnt and crill· til COPII r lints nnd hos produce d Creek (Southo rn Alberta ) dlstrlc tns against predlclio grellt Ihe wtth Ing buck long l coml> bOllutifu had. those rlly , who clsm. SOUle ext raordlna .... blch It Is embodi ed dllrer from Babylon. ha.pler GZ-Supplementary nlU- Johana n himself on~s or Elgyp. where winter wheat . Is grown- who t\luch of the fret and ' nerve rack- les , partlcu l~ly cerWln earlier ones, as the dreaa of to·day dlt. rail "e. which I. alao a pretaw to Lamen: since to treat th e prophet with .. sarI made a net profit of $19.55 per acre. or which book Ie an appendIx to the of good·na tured Indlll'er e nce. Hlld not Ing co mes from post.pon lng the things lion design. fers from the old knightl y ~rmor. "lions. little less Ulan tbe selling price of his ab. the at h In the Ihapo of an ode the oomfort and aP.p'aren t "rosperlt,y Interior Jeremta ot nt \look Iridesce The cleared that mIght just a8 woll be Amerlca.D men are a high-pit ched, tlllt of plltheUc lenc'lerness. 'rhe ,cnuland. 30, 40, and 50 busl1el yields are ation combin In used ihem· also On e Is worrIed until alone shell Is ot J eremiah hal wllh which the Jew8 now found off at once. d there. 'fbe beaut y about the ~ecorde bard-dr iven oreatlon , and wben thoy Inenes8 of tho book question and , buckles ed, nell her selves surroun ded wore Ulan jl1s11fled Ihey lire done, and more won'led If with metal' for beautifu l n..."r been serloully In Wester n Canada Is that they lands tllO . ,are raolng for a ferrybo at. to catch Call the date be doubted. all the paste. tnklng jade. III lupl". movo lte. his Ich ot mil, wisdom the they are not done. . cbaract er. ~I'e eo well adapted to graIn-ra ising. .. which may mean a gain ot hundred a. Scriptu re Author ity-Jere miah. cbo.p. people lulo Egypt 7 He fuad ntlthlng The glrl who sows the flnt rip jew els of seml·pr ecloushuckle.d eslgn, while tbe luxuria nt grasscs that grow ot band the kin the of to e ror they cannot stop turther to fear from the Influellc tar 44. never has to take a day off tor mend- have lhelr uses everyw here In abunda nce make the . er's art. Jeremia h over tbe people. 1;ilW not Inc. rtbe lady who wave. her pink parlUol bes t possible feed for fattenin g cattle withbeaut~· great untulof been ll were buckles they warulng If re "Metal dl ss 's the prophet. at them. But doubtle The houseke eper who wrUes down or for those used for dairying purjllst and mnde bny also are thele filled thus far? And wnlS SERMONETT~ lin order when the cook says It Is alit sloues pinned down to It, they would conteSI poses . . :. y(" ll s or gold likeliho od that they would ever be 1lI1. wantcd; who cleans off one fing er now gracefu l shapes III that their leisure momen ts were the etohed y autlfull with lJ wall but It CS, Ihl or 'lhu8, The new bomeste ad regulatl pn!l le simp reeling And who their In tilled? Dllloy.1 to thell" God mark. rather Ihan huge smesrs: more ble.se4 becaulle of that lama Lhat be had BIl( u belle\' B In straIgh ten ing up when ovel' tholr entire s urface. are milch ad. whlcb went Into force Septem ber. 1908. tlon satlsfac vic. e easy suprem fell Jewe the land, own It n.. , lady or another equally Ilharml Jeremia h passing frum pl;8ce to pllWl:I [leeded, rather than sposms at cloan· mlred.- From the Am rlcan Registe r, a ttracted thousan (Js Of new Bettlers . It tIme to the Inftuenc e. with Je undenia bly true that the general III now posslblo to securo 160 acros In vel wbere the Jewil lIad the ir dwelllu. ; IIne88, Is tbe on whose househo ld London . themlel which thlY found two," or . 'rush and scampe r ot a highly nervous clogged II. gets addition to the 160 nc res as a free learn. ver lI n He' " ery place. mochln lurroun ded In Egypt, .nd It wae . age are not Ilonduclve to thole genUe grant. by paying 13.00 an acre for It. . The woman who p ut s an advertis e· J ohanan had chuckle d to Iillruselr. not .ong before they were Incook tiling a the learned wben bad Particu lars as to how to do thIs and paper iah (he Jerem In manner s which embroid er Ute all over. ul And ment Idoiatro the aI/ In dulging roughto I'"hlcll a has two or to the railway ratell can be somanner rnrely as thing but the ss, warning not lve~ g but gauntne burn· wo. Its tlrst ns, t or and hide p...ctlce, of the Egyptl. 'ftr remlah. e J kltohen from the Canadia n Govern ment the mind. cured In en her hands building J ohanan had had are of the heart and loul. aad the com· Ing Incenle to the queen .of rlty_or and peeling potatoe s. .. nts IProslJe Ag the d observe bad drink l Indeed. out manage pouring men an and Americ heaven ot posite eoul d Invltaappea.,e her only had answers It who but irl g Jews, The develop ment through ou t West· the "Tbo her, offerlng l unto to remain, despite the reign or materl· a most horrible tl:llng, being noth· Lions the mInute she g ts them never during the cext ten years like Cannda Lord ern the of word the' the to Then helpful s, generou allsm. kind. tbe purcbas e will b e mortlfle d by belug cnUed up than les8 nor exoeed that of any other y more Ing probabl . will ing again concern prevail h will Jeremia rrs mil to Big came 'weak. and susceptl !)le of that enchant · have we It she Is as know And to ne souls_ telepho world's bl story." Is not their at tho tbe In over price r. country In · Ian; dwelt grow that all of the Jew. Both jabo~ and collar JDltll,t Which Is deepest near the hearth . already said. be bad observe d the com ing. the [rant the stateme nt at an optimis tic Cana· to 0101" nre hats n Ottoma Egypt. Iilre, and haunts the presenc e of the utter abando n of the people to tha The woman who sen ds her checks than In years. dian from the hanks at lhe Saskat eheNote two thlngl: Egyptla us. as soon as she gets her bills. wno rethe of s IWOlDan whom It love•. prllCtice us Idolatro faverwall. but of Mr. Leslie M. Shaw of the ar rox hra,;:k aud Marten Firat. The mercy and long. to Gad. turns her obligati on' calls within a PI'-ayer In It over d agonize , York, eX'Secr etary at the United had New Ite small furs . lufferln g Idndnes l of God In was going forth with hili week, who gets off her gifts to n bride now Treasur y \Inder the late Pres" and .! The hustlln. r Americ an wbo pack. f<ltates many adorn will "s trlmm!n from Red people hll lee king to turn the 'first per- the day the cards COlD!!. who answers Alld God. e) and Preslrle nt Roo ~,. trom e Mol~lnl messag dEl-nt ;bls l1elong tnp Into a dress Bult case . IIlIppel'8 their evil . way.. Delplte their to blaok he has as never meet . to ediately red (lne of tho ablelt c<Janced Imm · he conslqol Her I and whom Panama her velt, Ion or tho Seattle tor to off modlnh· d rUBhes Sott BIll Ins are most wIcked refula. to IIlten to hll ers ot the United Slates. "Our forth upon hi. new mlaslon was work the excuse ot fo rgetfuln ess over- tailored sktrts. ftnancl set Into or a day'8 huslnes s feels uo envy for down go not nd a voIce ' 0. good deal time. Jobanan himself . Belts are 8 mewhat narrow r than rnJlway compa nies ·s\lld . 001'. King Edward . Who Ie accomp a· Egypt, hI goes after the wan· at the first r til ree to five dOl. campho 11'811 to turn from from at takes, land Impulse who heir t ftrllt She of HIs r. In the summe derlng Iheep there and strlvel ' Dled br "quite " Imall suite" every owners are him as ' from one accurse d ot God. but sneeze 'Bnd the liver pili . when her Most walking hats are turned up on lars an acre. and now the to bring them back to hlmlelf , 'time he 8alllea torth. But doubtle ss dread : not thought need the yellow clUIle tbe same land lit trom ftft)' Lo are there y lIelllng balls ey Instantl , only. sl!! loft until the I IOU • up God nevel" glvea his W&Jesty would not enjoy the dreas dollars. and haying mar. . "Set not -the bounds upon God'. t he hospital or spend ber coin on com. The plaIted braid be lt. Is one at the seventy -five the utmolt errort on his part at from ten (0 fifteen." become JUdge plexion cures. lult CILI8 luggage Ireed,o m. · either. thou . Canada do In up neither grace, season' s noveltie s. hal been e"hault ed to win It . In God'i pilUle." Tbe woman who doel! the nice thing . plu When he went to the conUne nt the tbe Montice llo (Iowa) ar match to editor Tbe oll'ercd are Collars u. rlghteo of th, beck to anld addresa ed when she tblnks .of It. who says the ml\ge·co verell hats. turned he Humbly trip t hrough Wesler n a made other day. llays the BOllton Herald, Exprese ne... Remem ber that. who along, suob out goes slle as pouTlnll . words Johanan and was greatly to leekindly be August, himself "rlvate all must last act there wbo Canada ll shoes two equerrle Wab colored Second. ' Johan. n'. evil pur.' He says: "One 'e&nnot a m8l....e of entreat y and condem na· Inql1lres for the Inva.lld when she ftrst stockin gs to mlltch. ed. Impress '"tarleB , a detecUv e InBpect or who orr h JeremIa g pos. In draggIn Uon upon lin as to ta1:rIY make the hears she 18 Ill. Is not torment ed. by Braid and covered bultons are to, cross Western Canada· to the mounwatchel l over . the king: I safet)' ." . to Egypt turnl to the bringin g of conftlot- r4lgret when readln.r death notices. tunn.)1l the lo writhe man tains without being Impress ed wltb ItI los for trimmin g. vorl 'Yalet IUld two aulltan ts c.o mprlsed the .bout of good, Jeramle h In log emoUon s IUld an IICcuslng eon· ng vogue tor Immens ity of territor y and Itl future Increasi all Is Tlloro and ld, Illent, houllebo be g not travelin will Egypt personn el of hll The Vogue of Cut Jet. . SCience.' But wheD Jeremia h came Ul prospec ts. WJ;t.ere J expecte d to find blBCk In evedlng wear. there amldlt tho wlckedn e.. of Ws iUHale , whlch. It 'Is lIald. would, The vogue o~ cut jet-tho se sparkwhich Giod would cera evil the declare frontier villages tbere were lIubAlantho Jew. hi IIfta hll voice . Cln Empero r WIlliam fltl merel)' to the people' becaule ling. glinting black diamond S-Is mnkupon bring built cities and towns wltb e1'e..,. tainly Young. Ually Keepi Actre" How Great allalnst theIr Idoiatro ul prac· cOD.v enlence . It was formerdf88m of, COD listed of seveD lar,e their alnl. a contem ptuous luer Illg I,self telt In dress trimmin gs. And at modern ng accordi yo"ung, eep k to 'way The the of them tlcel, and Wlml Johanan . and. . . he now Is seeu lo an exclusiv e shop nothof 'Ups d that the climate was too the suppose ly curiel! b9xOI, which would 'be lell but for the worry> to not hi t. rd Bernha Sarah . awful evlll that .... to co",e less than a jumper all woven at Ing ed: exclaim he It to be thougbt of as an of for away, ' heape BeVer\! turned round . c get and dracgin of ty bnthu, hot necellll upon them becauII of theIr Tbls Is surely a abort cut to to take plenty of jet. lIut cut evil, leth prophes ever country . but It. wboat. ural "Thou agricult forelp ot . forelcn unlfo·rmll. ItaCltl plenty of sleep. . wrong doing. to UI. Thou art Indeed a chic. for, ,worn wUh the proper back~ po.slbll Itles hnve been amply cometh raising good bath," , hot a croll8ee tnke ·J Itari, of tlred. ton I'm half. "When and ordera Notice, allo, a, ,you read ,hll ground, nothing could be smarter . ' frO~ OntariO many . falee prophet ." snld. "and when I am nervous : I tellted. We drew and m'!st progree . medalll, claapl' and ribbons of tbe urth chapter . the rep'y h vu,aed Anotbe r garnitu re Is In someth ing the she farmers Jeremia best . our at daunted Nothing o.;]d e bertha with long take a hot bath and massag royal Victoria n oreler for general die· whIch the people fo Jere. slve oltlzens . Now the Amerlc anl are tram place to place. Ip_kln g to the form of 'a 8Quare the back. 'fhla sleep." down Com~lleratloa8 for 'jthe ng dependi ·trlbu·Uon. enda m'ah, betokln lnll the depthl Of on delolaU thlt emigrat ing In greater number a to po!ntlng to and . • Jew de· or rlted .Iow·spl are YOU WIlen lace, daintily .plrltua lly to which t .h lY had Seventy·ftve per yalet and his two aulatan te." The), Western . ·CaDada . and Judea rae the evl· Is made at filet net and em Jerlll&l brisk· orr rub g pressed , take a hot bath, alfo... they had clme f.neh. that good ·coun. In lettlers the of certain punishm ent touohe d here and there with sparklin cent. certainl y are to be condole d , with, God'. ot dences Franlle Iy with [\ coarse bath towel. dust wlt'h Into Igypt' they h'ad lpoken of declarin g that God had Jet. 1l'bls ~mes to l1li trom can b~ a good talcum powder. and sleep. tor try 'located southea st 'o f Moo.e Jaw and sin upon Ilt clever Ideas.' arid Canada "our God," and had exculed ' spoken. saying. "1 will punish them that homo If and ReglQa are Americ ans. : Youn~ peoP~~ nearly •.I"aYI. 1Ul4 paan ~cessory to "arlous gowns. two hours In a dp.r!(ene d room. In Is well pleased wltb them and Is ready refu.a. to oblY the WOrdl made their l ' 1lI Egypt. at ne land dllJ:lpll the le In lLIIIIocla dwell that .often, ~ far lrentl you ever try. this. get up and .Iook da more." JeremIa h by declarl" l1 th.t have punishe d Jerus~Llelll. by the smile w.!th to welcom e thousan ·.... th punlBh menl That II unfortu nlte. d Batllte. your mirror. and you Bordere prophet , had Ipoken · ' the he. pea· the by' alnd famine the by DII' award. ion. wbloh Compan fnce Youth'l cbanged the the .. But now, Itter pe ... It Is almost Impossi ble to 'reslst the d elight at f.llely, tlience; so that none of the remnan t Colomb ll'. One Iron Foundry , 18 a woman' e duty elpll~e Sa really only th~ conform ing he.,. a ' Yllr'e lojourn In Egypt, tJe bordere d batistes that bave been re- greets yon. It tnto gone are which only Iron foundry In Colomb ia, Judah. of The reo to and can she ns 11 of IV as training In look te the made are rule.. ey farther me ~ wholeso they 110 many length. sojourn there. sball cently put on sale-th to lllgypt a, II at Bogota. It Ie of Americ land South 08 ay w ' e\'ery In es~ elln lov her shades. and taln declare blilphe moully and ,m kld and bo4Y to obey lawl an4 to that they should re- so many charmin g deslgos a and Is operalil1s Parader remain, or La as escap,e known this In les. tacult wash well. yet lon g 8S aho has her that blliling not from .perform . certain tulLe at staled and 'lJres lieln& native land at Judah, to the They weo.r well and scale, the Into small a turn on BUof ed lor compar atlveiy connect ion Sarah Bernha rdt I sn Gpd, but from the queen .requlre d period. . It I. 'tbat "rulln, of Iron bAing aubllequ eotly bave a desire to return to may be purCl!l\s tbe . they smelted which respect. d comman sbould wllo thorlty helven, Thul repudl. tlng God, the Iplrlt" wblch makes a man greater rem lilted for casllng purpoae a, l'here d"ell there; for none shall return but mUe. thlY Itep pver the line, whlre " . esoape. -shall ae I\re severa! commer cial Iron ,dePflsltll --.-'uch Ithan the taker of a city, There Is n~ ---------------~----------It only remalne for God to bring r much Johanan Pt o- -------howeve In the IntE\rlor of the country . and one But. other war to success In life. Withou t final judllme nt L1POn them. ore boo,y situated near the coast of to be Indllter ent to the prophet . feBBed dIscipli ne the native force. howeve r It II a lolemn fact that there the Caribbe an aea' ls now being drilled he had a lurking fear (If the Influeltoe great, remains unconc entrated and a tlmo In God'. deal. come dOli and people. the ol'er exert by ~"rlcan enginee rs. might he . ,unappli ed. Ing. with every heart when the the prophet went about deliveras so. Spirit of God Ipeaka It I final Ing hls messag e. he followed him. The society men at Salem. Mass" word of entreaty . When luch to 1!}1lty the people against thu seeking of~~3·t a time ccmes, tlJen nothIng rewho are accused of cruelty to polo l How well be succeed ed 'wae 'prophe fTlalne for that loul liut the day .ponles, one of their number having· apparen t wben the me,n all came toof judgme nt and the condem na. \leen arrested and fined. are In a very getber and made answer to Jeremia h, tlon of God, . al ho Ihall say: WILL MAKE ·YOU RICH In these words: undesir able position before the public. "Dep.rt from me." "As for the word that thou hut" Cruelty under any circums tances 18 .. Flit, Du.he l, per . spoken unto us In tbe llame of the .cre beel) ~dp' becomin g odious In the groo;ylng edu· • we will not hea r ken unto thee. :if'~r.. ,rown. ' Qenera l ' Lord. , cation of public . opinion , but cruelty . THE $TORV "averae egre.ter th~" But we will certainl y do whatllo ever ~J~$!. In a sport so high In social eatltnat ion in .ny other part or to mouth, our of JjO . .~I! . , . out forlh goeth 'he thing when boped had. IAH F JEREM as this bears with It a stigma wblch .lt 'the contInent. Under beavea. of queen the to with Incense Egypt burn Into was carried down new regulation, It fa is no wonder the accused person. are unto the people under Jobanan that there and to pour out drink olrerlng s. to KCUre a homestead 01160 aerea pou\ble our trying to remove by an appeal. and we. would be a turning of the people back her. &8 we have · don,a. tree, and .ddltlon al 160 acre. at $3 pe,r acre. a longing for return to fathers. our kings andl our prlnc8s In and God to as , "The ......1 _.... ' ~I UI. oountr~ ba. mad. Itreeta • We trust It will not be con.tru ed Jerusale m. he was forced fa abandon the clUes of Judah, and In the ma"'~lIouo "rid... It I. a r ..... I.tlqn, a r_ ' malle' will Susan rio· Women Aunt plunty 's we ",Inter. had this anyone on then able n a reflectio ord, o~ cGnqu ... b,. ",Uem.D t tbat t. 'em. Croche~ buttons will be very fashion Booh thought after a few months ' s0- of Jerusal em; tor _ of .. N.,,,,,,,,. If b,o"Jght or made·' able. .-I1,/oWd hom -"--u;f. ,. AIIQulf '.s/. to say that the suffrag ettes wbo ' are Journ In the land ot the Pharaoh s. On of victual!! aed were well and law no them at home. thus produci ng an orname nt for gowns that.the vlJiI«<·C.t ....,., ... .w" _ bULtons covered have to order. would be very expensi ve. It Is easier to"fingers .sklng for the ballot ID a low. earneal "ver)' hand he saw evIdenc e. at the eVil." . can caretull y cover '. The grain CTpp 01 10011 will net maflJ" . Dert silk. or cloth the supply h you and Jeremia order. tened. to dishear and tone of voice are making more of a hit utter abandon at the Jews to the . Sick and tblls have the satisfac tion of an attrac· !anna. $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Grata. great aS8embly; They had the cheap wooden button mouldll . or the large buttons are trimme d with r •••ID:!. mlxeCi '"rmlng and dalryinR Some with the men talks who hllve It to be EgypUa p Inftuenc el. Partly to InUaU. faced that ion. decorat ade home-m tive le can- scorned him. they bad rejected God'. and sometim es a Qlllltillg ot satin or narrow · the prfnclpal Indultries." CUmlte ta eIIcII. besds enterle passem ery etow than thos'e who are mUBslng u, Ate themsel ves Into the favorab embroid for many are ai ~at lent; eoc:IaJ condit 10m the ·bell, raih!'iJ,. .4. III deration of the Egyptia ns and partly word. There remaln.eeI nothing ribbon. Some buttpns are square. otbe..s like marbles . and the atmosp here. :wIth Jangling Dolle•. vanlllH unequalled; IChool.. church" anll . '0. gratify an Intenll~ly religiou s · na. blm to do but to deliver O"od's Anal as a lozenge , Beven differen t buttonl martrete cloee',a t band. Land rna,. alao:be for Ideas above .t. de.lgn of Judgmen tbe of In form word given lome ed have Inl:er· We be demand may which ture Investo rs In live slock twist or embroid erY purch~ IrolluaJIway .nd l~comp.n1ee. vied "Thus salth the Lo:rel of host •• the Five are covered with a crochet ed design at jllltto'nh :lle dlll'aren t angles and ested In knowin g that the pr~senl .... orahlp. the JeW8 seemhig ly comat crossing braid e aoutach I aA4 of . rows "Behold threo cr"!ed. 'II'lth he one I." IIlIk, brae For ..... 01 Be. W_" PAmllhlot.. enap. railGod of In 8eelng how .• design. ered em~rokl price of a fair an rage bull'alo b · .... Ith each other simple' a IDIor ....UOD al to b_ to ...... r~ 1 _ shpw two other not the and evil, over you lor the to watch will homage do ted to could lIPlp acquain they p anyone pletely that The BtitcheB In the ftrllt .flve are so plainly shown 11.000. A bulfalo may have some spec Judab a,'e ,,,, gods of the Egyptia ns and they be- for good; and all thl~ Ulen of ""-" ery stltche. cnn eaSily plok them oul 'I'hey c....... Otta.a. . ~01" ulatlve value. out at that quotatio n 11 came regular devotee s at the altars tbat are In the land o,f Egypt Iha)) be . :wIth the simple em~rold : this speolal llfea ·.In view. with .aphed photogr not and drawn au·,borl • .., Caa.dlan 00.'1 Acnn "the to '!W en' perman a 811 the mUll,t by ended qare and great recomm sword used, ~ot the is II I these godll. burning Inq-nse and <lOnlumed by In tbe thIrd from the last"wh ere sou tache braid R, M. W.IoUA MS. they . have e .' Snvelltmen t. ourlng out drink olrerlng s I> .fore tbe famine until there ' be an end of them. be takeJl to tack the ends . very quickly andsecul"~IY. before To..... 0 ...... ....W DuJlclln .. of kin, . Pharaoh give will I ravel. And to chance Queen ~ beaven. ered In aster embroid Is which button, last , .. the for eneml hli of design. two handEl are the · There Into Mundjl Bey, the new charlf and Egypt, At M~,do( and at Tahpan hes. V.rlous "Schoo 'I" of P.,nt..... In this••• In all the others. III first covered with d'alralre s pending the appOint ment of I. .t Noph. anI! In tb.e country of Path- and Into the hand of them that ...k or petal deslgrt. The button silk at right twice button the over Munloh Jugend hall discove red crossed The Is ery embroid the Then of silk. ' ole 'or live slgnl b' wblch ··to d~ter.t ijle button·h a Dew ministe r tram Turkey. succeedln~ ros. whet e the JewlI had Bettled. the hl. ute; &I I gave ZedekIa h, Idn, lines four these Around lInel. ion foundat , tbe ftx of NeJ)uch a4nez· anglell to as to fonh a Jo[ehmed A Ii Bey, haa been recel va.. lIAD1e conditio ns prevaile d, as. Jereml· Judah. Into tbe hand of the IlIk Is carried round IUId round. so holding It YOII to ~L.cb a palnter belon.. : pass one schoql of Bab)lon . hll eaemy. and .lIp BUtch he time as king zar, every red tch sti discove ole b prophet button·h y the the ah formerl making was and He toll.. .hown. aa Iquare paints the Iky "8)' and tbe In Wa:shll1& he If (1) can. you or been rounded place and behllld that .ought. hili IU.... of tbe four Ilrosl-tl!;readll. . Wben enouCIJ rows havewish he bel~np to the &GOd b..,k. rraae Dewapa per man and .. f:'ank In sayln, pUlled ftom placo to IItar the of the points ,ul practlce ll ot the Jewe IIlder the outline of the Rquaro 18 as large as you thn:adB oid cWlloa l I.c hool. (2) Jr he p 'inte the all under that Journall llm baa more attracti on. tbe Ido18t" aa though the heart of tbe way needle your run and p then .. Ch petall, the of a end to be or tbe It ·lIel.'lmed of the IIncs. Draw aa tightly aa you wl.h LIIe slly blue and llle 11'''' ....r.. be for him than dlploma cl. Col. Mundjl prophet would break with Itl ' burden A cheap. yet a;, a polnt.-mldway between any two the' thread •• al you dr8\\', with the . . . reaUlt. (3) If he pllAta the Ik, holcUnc petal Mit the II of bere. to torm the IIhape l U he prefe,.. to be called ot" Borrow at the !llchtl whlob he be- been laid by e to do thl. at a point. UiAC,Utl1 ....a IUld tH II'DU blue, be I••n 1m. Continu hand. lef~ thll of Inler thumb and first to be • Turk, thoUKh mott of hi,. PH beld-G od ieemlli ,ly waa utt"rly for· lItoh., COI1.lllli11l, petal. ha"e bleD llllaped. ~DIat. H) If he_t a the lIEf four all uudl IInel two the of eaoh 1II14wa, between oae, the d808llO ,.. have bMon S,r1an. AtOll' IOtten, ant onl, the names of the l'CMIa onahed Ine for read, are ,ou .... iI.·... IUld y HCllrel J'uteD Jour lUll II I ,.llow ad lbe ...... "." the IlcJ or Greek .ull)ect a 01 the eu1tan 01 lIle ElJI)tll DI we... upoia the llpa of top-dl'8llMld wltb UWe d.rker ahade of IIUIt ued than the coverh ,. of the 1111&_ A. be Jf .Iorl,to OO8t uDl, 10 oea. wlJllq to ...... '1111, the JIIWI. comblDltIOL AU IIlace .... _JUt. .... "8rJ.MCrIGUq. hrIIa aDd
The Miami Gazette 'A Pr op he t Sc orn ed
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~n°qD~Ihl~~ 1Bunrt~@rm§
320 Acre s
as. .....
~JJaIJ Jet lie
aItII ..
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Practical Fashions
of Man:y Languagea Dropped Atound at Wrong Time
"lIfndam.'· o ~gan th .. Dllln with lh. f AOIES' TUCKED SHIRT WAIST. red llose to I ho farme r'lI wife. "yo I) l:lt!8 before you a leal'ned mlln I·n hUl'lIluck. In fllct. I a m one oC the world'B gl'BIU. est linguist s." "Is ft painful'!" she symJ)llth ti n lly uked. "Y u !lon't unllentand. nlllllnm. A Ilngui ~ t I s ohe who CIlU talk the Inn. guages. Now. I can conveme with YUIl In L~tln . 1 cnn tell yOU the sad s tory of my lire In Greek. I can go to th~ lecture plalrorm and lectllre In Inug uage known to man.'.' "Dew te B! " s he gn.all 11 , lOVes, llJudam , nil th la nguages urI! Ipok II IltlenLly IJ y me. W re you Ger mlln I woul d tul k G rrn"n wI th you; were you F'ren h. wo would conve rse In tho Innguage of that olliltry; II' ra yo u Spnnl s h. you would thi nk rrom illY talk thut I \vIlS a native ot lhe laud or the dOus." " I wanl l IV kllow! Mcbbe you'd jest us soon usk Cur a pl cce of pie in Pari s Pntf ern 1'0. 26 O. All 's eams LaLln?" Allowed.-Made UlJ In cashme re. French "Certainly. madnm. El pl urIbus unioll flann el. ,Ilk. or collon Cl'i po. heavy s emper Idem de llUUlpkill." IItH'n or Jndlnn ·h ad eotlon, t.hl s is Il "WIl·al. the Idea!" exclaimed Ih e s lnl}'lc :llld becomIng mouel for evel·Y· amazed farm er'B wife. "An ' how does <l ay w ear. The lwo wide tucks o\'er the French lall guugc sound?" tIl s houlders RlI lched as tnr as t he "Beautiful. madam. When 1 sny In bus ·lIn • and the wide tuck either French. 'Parle YOUs roul;el noh' oul s ide or the center.front. s titched fro m sausage!' I mean 'Isn' t It II ' lovelY neck to waist. glvo the long lin es day?' ." whIch are such a tea tu re oC this' sea: "Ooad land!" ~ on'B costumes. The t\1l1n e~s of the "The same sen tence In German would bltck Is tuck ed In box'llllIlt efrect, nnd be. ·Ach. budweiser lllld der Itlemp. the long s leeves are fi nlsbed with sl m· steIn Is oudt." pIe culls of the material. beld toget her ··\Va·al. wII.·al. wa·al! How 8um by Ii nku. . T he palt rn Is III. seven foll< s dew run tew smartness. Will ye slzes-32 to H incbeB. bust measure. take dinner with us?" For 36 bust the waIst reqnl res 4lh "Certainly. madam." yards ot malerial 20 In ches wIde. 3y. "It·s real kind ot ye to be obllgln·. yards 27 In ches wide. 2Y.J yard~ 36 My son will be bum from college any Inches wide. or 214 yards 42 Inches ' mlnlt. a n' he wrlteB that he knowB a ll wide. To prOQuro thfll pallorn SOI1(1 10 c.n ts lbem languages. You II,n' him can talk to "Paue rn Depo.rlm 'nto' · ot this PilI' ·t . 'em all over an' let pa an' me lis t en Wrlto na me and nddr~98 plaInly. nnu be Buro to givo 81zo and numb r of paltern. to yeo Would yo u like to Btep ove r to lhe washhouse an' wash liP fur din· ner~ !l's a ll rendy.'· NO 2~OO. SiZE .. . .. . .......... . The great "lingUist" beaved a heavy NAME .. .................... . ......... . ..... .. sigli. Illuttered something abou t fool SO il S being arou nd when they wero TO'VN .. . . . ........... ................... ... .. not wanted. a n(l stsrted In the cl.irecUon at lhe wasbhouse. STREET AND NO..................... .. But be did not I·eturn.-The BoSTATE ... .. . .. , ............................ . hemian.
"'--"REN a man goea hunting tigers from the back of an elephant. about one·thlrd ot the danger lies In lhe damage the tlget might do and the. olber two-thlrdB IB 'contributed by tbe various thlngB the elephant Is 11· able to do, .I n . fact. If the danger from the Uger were lhe only thIng to consider. tiger huntlng would be ' a favorite dlverBion tor 110c1ety hunt clubB where tea Is Iferved at the end. In a Uger hunt, anywhere from a half dozen to 100 el4!phantil a're ,ised. When an Indian prince goes forth on a royal hunt, there are even . more eln. phants than that 'brought along. When . a norm ... 1 man .ISIIuCS .f orth, he " er,. deavors to get along wHh the hiUt dozen. For elepbants are expenslv$; they cost all the way from $400 to $1.2ooj a dollar a day to feed. besldus the payor tbe gUldea, whIch Is not cheap. So that the man who has a tiger skIn thnt 'he has captured hIm. . lelf, upon his parlor floor. lias probably paid close the material be U!l9S.:' A . -1lL$l,OOO for It, . . .tOry IB told In Asla' of . India la the only co~ntry in ~hlCh elephant! an Inexperienced hunter are used for liuntln!. ; In Africa ,t he elephant Is who, when bla eleph~nt not tamed; he Is ' captured almoat solely for hla :was lI,Oundering abqlit Ivory. But In India the elephant Is uaed Quite thl8 way, thought he' entirely tor huntlng', and ,working purposes. would be doing It a aerThe excitement of a tiger hu~t begIns long be. • vtce by dismounting. H..e fore 'a tiger .fs . even Sighted. Tlie 'wild bees of did BO; whereupon the Il)dll1 build theIr hives In a hal)ging p08lt,1on on elephant seeing IIkel,. the limbs at treel, Very often thelle drop down foundation material In close to the ground ' and tire thick u'Dderbrush .' lilm. snatcbed blm ' wit,h bl.des them ~Iew" It I~ a not Infrequent In. hIs trunk and burled hIm. cldent ot these bunt. for an elephant to calmly In. the mire. walk Into one 9t the.e hlvel and IIcatter the bUBY , And BO. the act'Ual U· Inmatee In, all direction., wbereupon ~be bel!S ger dWlndlea Into a minor Quickly recovep and seek .revenge UpOI) the clum. role when' he Is hunted ay elephant and lils riders. , and all the otber ele- from the backs at elephantB of. the party.. Such an' Jhcldent Is a com. phantB. In tact, some man occurrence that helps to enliven a tiger hunt sportsmen pooh poob tbe and tor the time 1!elng drIvel! all thOUghts ot tiger Idea at· using elephants .klns tram the hunter'" minds.' The basket or how~ ·at. all.· They' ca.1 It' parlor bunttng.~. And, except among th,e tree jungle aDld lhen. tbe chances of tbe dah In wblch the hunter .rldes Is another ' feature for these IncIdental. dangers. tbey are right. When ' Dian In the howdah grow sU!llmer wIth svery atrld. that often lends excftement ' to a hunt, 'Buch as a tiger ehal·gea. as he ' sometlmes dgell. It Is ',only of , the anIma!. :. . . 110 tiger could provide. The bunter. tbat Iii the the native on. the elephanrl neck Who la In !langer. gentleman hU'n ter, who has gone, to Jndiator the The man' 'n tb.e ho,,":dah Is high aloft wllh a whole ,BPOrt. occupies the howdal1. This Is. a very large head . . And If' be sliould ,miss and. the tIger come on, baBket. fastened .to the elephant's back by a veri the worB~ !hat could happen Is that he will have no strong rope. The spectacle reminds one of a ' driv.c r to f, ~nt1d~ his eJ,~hal1t . baek~ Ito catJlp . . ' . ---captain stnndlng ·on. hlB bHdge. high above tho Yet elel.lhnn,ts 'are mor.e or leaB 'indliipenaable In BY BERKELIEV HUTTON, Inshlng waves. The na\lve slta on, the elephant's thla !dnd ,-of hunting.. The Asian foreatB are very :.........:.:.... neck .. or. to tollow the same flguJ'e .of speech; he .'dense nnd stalklng: ' ls not .only very dangeroull but -· Many a time l've' come back trom a trIp, leavinG ~a , do~n on deck. ·' , It IB otten Imposs ible. In 80me' parts at the jungle halt my me ll and ,all my Ivory. rotting In 110me ,dead. Now. e lephante are often Bklttlsh and liable no mnn can get through.. Tlie elephani, on the oth· iy Atrl.can swamp • .balt doad with fever. s.w earln r to fly ott In: a panic. They do lbla, quite forg et· er hand, Simply beaf:s his bead agalnBt an Obstruct· that ~' m done with the bUllhfess tOI' good., And som, ful of the 01l)l181n . on tbe llrtll~e. and ~he result Ing ~ree and flops it Qver. And· tben. too:'he 'ca~i'les bright day. 1'0 Blx nlonthEI. or oven tliree,: t.he ameli Is that the tiger bunter ofte!\. h.lI.s to Gllng with ' the supplies which. or course, are necessary on trips ' of the Jungle gets into my nos trllB or the coughlug . roar' of a 1100'" c.hallellse-and · that aottleB' tbE both bands to the Bides at the howdah and reo ot thl~ kintl. ' . celve a severe abaltlng up as thongb he were a The contl1)1 Il~' mahout (driver) . baa over the ' buslpells. Back I go ngaln. knt)wlng preCisely vlbat. pebble In a tin caD. Nor Is this wlthput Its dan· buge but doel!e anImal Is truly marvelouB as he Is ' comlng::""the sweating; days and the chilling gers. Otlon -whell the elephant be<;omes' pan1c verbally directs It here to tear do~n a de8t~uctt"ve . nights. the torments of I.nBect,a and of tblrat, the stricken 'he will charge ' Into a jungle ~nd tear creeper, or a projecting bough. wl~h its trunk;' there risks and hardships. anti the I,rlvatlons. For onoe madly about unUl he drops with til.tlgu(l. to (oB with ,ItS ' fOl;f!hesd a gOod sized ~ree that may Arncn has lsld bor spell a mati. he's bers for, the. parched and bl'. Another ifll.nger Is when an elephant 'gets caught Interfere wIth Its ~ouree In the line; or to break ever. He'll dream of under the blazing sllln. In • tropical mire and flounders about. At thes", some pte.elpltoua bank of a mullah (walol' ·(!"ourae) · let-ed veldts he's wl.Ullts Core feet. to torm 11 path tor descending Into light; of tlie moonlit baunted nlghu tlmell tbe elephant will lirop-e about fbI' anything It•. &n'd tlJen. after the same t!lllhlon, to clamber up , when he's watc!ta.d l'unway. wlllting for tbe he can reacb, to PQ~e down under lils teet to get ~b., otber side. Aud If Ita driver sbould C!bance to game to come d01l"D and 11IItenad to' thE • firmer foothold. Small treell and branches are let fall bhl gujhllg (Iron goad) the elepluLnt gropes ripple of' tbe water on ' the ateahllly ~ap thrown to him whl~ be dexterously arranges wllh for It and lifts It up to 111m ·.Ith· hi, trunk. ID tiger pIng o~ bra~ohea .11 him. tbll .curry dl hi. tnmk .and tore 1811 until IIa baa built a foun· hunting. however .tBad'," .0 elepbant · mBY be, It. monker.overbead: the ...t Inence. IDte elatJOD upon whloh he can JUt. 'But at thelCt behavior depencla large1, em tbe oQndDtt or the whlcb all sm.a lter cast JUJ liebblea ar/. tllJles the '-eplui.nt la Dot ICru~uloua In regard to 1DAbQut. If. q -'~\: Keel frqhteneil be &OIIIJ c1roppecl hllo a 1.,••
'h e .,C' all. of t he tlJlngle. "-
» ....
ArithmetIc Malle Eaay. The clasB In bu si ness arithmetic In one oC the New York e vening Bchoob Is made up wbolly of men wbo wield the pickax and push the Bbovel durIng th e da)'. · These men are ambitious to Improve their mlndB, and the tact that' t hey gLve up theIr evenings to study sbowB that they appreciate the value of a trained mind. But they ' are pa· tbetlcally stupid In Homo tblngs. . "On the first evenlns." Bald tbe teacher. "I aBked the claB8: 'HoW milch Is six times two?' cr'liere waB no allp~re nt desire' to shLrk the question. but no amount or bead Bcratchlug or knitting of browa co;Uld bring forth' an an Bwer. . " 'I'll put the question. In another, way,' eald I. 'SuPPolle your ,boss 18 )luylllg yOU at ·the rate of two dollars a day, how much' do yOU get at , the end of II week·s . work ?" "Every man had bill band lip. 'Twelve dollars,' sultl one In 't he tlnn row. ·"These men can. think In dollars and cents Quickly enough." snld the teaoh or, "but figures are Ol'ee.k to ~bem."
Crltlclam of the Dillenter. It I. a userul accomplishment to b. able to aay nu. but it certainly 18 the essence of amiability to prefe r to say yes where It Is POSSIble. There 18 something wrong In the man wbo doel not bate himself whenever be Is can. IItrahied to say no. Ana there waB I great deal wanting this born dis· s enter. He ~~s almost shockingly d& void of, weaknesses; he had not enough of them to be truly pclar with human. Ity; whether YOll called him a deml· god 0,' a deml·DlII..'l. be was at le~st not altogetber one of \JR, for he was not touched with a feeling of our In· firmltles. Tbe world's beroeB have roOm . lor all . po IUve qualities, ev.en thOB9 which are disreputable, In lhe capaclou8 theater of their , dlspoBI· t.1on.. Such· can . IIYe many lives; ' while 'a Thoreau can live but one. and that only with perpetual foreslght.Steyenlon. .
Paris Pattern No. 2583. All Seams Allowed.-Developed In dark green serge, thlB IB a simple and semeeable little frock lor overy·day and. 8chool wear. The m.odlll Is a slight variation trom the usual style ot RusB.l an dreBS and Is extremely becoming to ~ grow. Ing girl. 'j'he front (s gathered ' and three box·plalts. st.llched a few Inchel . below the wallit line. gIve the ra- . qulred rUllneSB to the back. Tho sleeves are gathered Into .• haped curti! or the material. and the dress Is fu. tened at ·the lef~ side of tbe front with serge·coveted· buttonB. . The narrow belt. which Is passed through straps ' at tbe under·arm seams. may. be of the material . or of leathe r. The Pa.t. terrt la In Blx slzes~two to twelve years. For a girl of eight years the dress requires ay. yards or mate· rial 27 Inches wide. 2 ~ yards 36 Inchell wille. or 2% yardB 42 Inc~ e s wide.
The Marriage Ag •. The ' marriage ~e In Austria II 14 . To proouro thle pattern eend 10 cenlt :rears for both Bexes; Germany. the to "Pattern Department.'·· or thlll paper. '~an at 18, the' woman at 14; BelgIum. Write nam e anu' address plaInly. and be ' tbb mlln at 18. the woman at 16; eure to "Ive el&~ .I-/ld numbor ot pattern. Spain, the man at ,14 •• t-.e . woman , at· ii; Mexico. with parental .coIlBent. NO 2583. SIZEl, . . .......... .. .. , .16 Ind 18, otherwise 2"t ror both; ' NAMEl ... i. ..................................:. Franco. the man at 18. the woman a ., 15; Oreece. the man at 14. the woman TOWN ................. _ .... ........ . .. " .. . at 12; Hungary. Catbollcs. the mau STREET AND ~VO ........... : .. : .. : ... .. a.t 14. t.hO worilan at 12: ProteStantB. tbe,JUan lit 18, th.o woman at Iii; Port· STATE: . . .. ... ... : . . ·: .... , . ... ... .... . . . , ... ugal, the Dian jlt 14. the. WOlllan at 12; RU B~III.. the man at 18. ·t he WOlDU!i at· Dcfi~ed at La&t. 15 ; Saxon'y. tbe man at 18. t1 e woman J ul!ge- Wilat Is .your r. rofessfon'! ' at Hi;. Switze rland. the 'man at 14. tbo Witness.- l am a poet. womnn at 12. Judg!l:"'-TllaVs 110t a professlolli IrE ,
Too Many Tips.
"So YOIl'ro looldn g for 'work agaIn ?, "YI!5.sab," nils\\'~ret! Mr.F.rastus Pinkley, . "I ·thonght you had a job with a tailor." "Yessah., r thought I w~s gwineter make my fortune out o· dal job. De tailor would etan' a customer ,up an tak'e out a . rape llieasul'e an' b egin to call out nllrubera," 'Of courae." "I to.!c .... ~ '1m, aa long as I could But; ,'deed. bo.. my lalaf1' . IVarn'l
fDOua:,,:laay·Star. _114..
IIl setl~e . -v udg e .
A Terrible End. "J set! ' 'Y0UI' finIsh," I;I'roRlIed
satlClwlcb, as the bank olerk renohed lor' It across tbe luu ch counter. " Yes," anBwer d the mince \lie. '''and Isn't It i)orriblel Y o,, ' rf~ to be blUeD by an adder."-HalC·Holiday. His Geography at Fault. Vlsltor---Do you live here.
ct'r \?
Sbe-No; thlB II
aunty'l hOUll
- ·1 am 'trom Providence.
Vi.ftO-....;..Qh. · )'011 &ief 8b8'-Ob~ no, R. ,,-lwln.
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
NOTICE TO HUNTERS Any n found IlIlnt,iDf,! O[ treA· ptll'i"lng (\u the lunds wned or oontrllllerl by the underslg lJ d "ul~so rih ,,1')< wit hout tl VI rit,t n pe rm'it, wi II ba promptly pr o~eo nt.ecl t q the fUll :dent. of tl.Ja law: (1 . A. Witort\ft, ClI.rl Wilhelm, hor1e~ Mnthor, U. A . Strr\ VI7n, 1. L Frn'l.p.e, EUl{ene EVllln"" Elizabe,t.b boe muk er, . Et.hel f1ntl.Juwtl.v . Will Burge. ' .1. W. Rptll.l1lCk, W . H . Morr'ip 1 viua Bro~, . G W. R.ouertllon, ,Ionat.hon Gr!l.hoUl , .J . 1:). Thom on, Mike Hamilton. Crosl! Bros .T. F. Cudw&l1l1.der Ed Hetalllok. 'l' hlld Zimmerman Mnry Emllll\ Retallick.
When You Buy Oysters Don't Pay For' Water Why ~ hcll1lcl . ),, 111 ,,:.!t (\ pinl ,~f WHit r wi lb It"e ry tjUl1rt of , ) stt!rs ? ~\ 1I1e' h cbt'UI-,....;.bl ..!l t~ llllri hle.lchc. \I ll' '''''I''r . bPfl ' l ~ its natllra l H" ,·or.
' ·un h u\'
k I1 0 \\~ H
ho w
J.!Uf II
' ' Seaishllif'' Oysters
• They ure . IIh II ' '' f ~ in to a ;r· l; , lit . Ird C81l~ a n d slupp"" dllY · l f l'u 1II th e It (1;,- -
packt'd \\;I h ice .// " twd Ih t' ,·ou udn!',. nol In C il i a CI wilh Ih ,Iy,tl' r-. Ynll t:t' l . 811 w l;,1 men!. . .\\1. 1 ho w f rc~ h . whul e>O lI l!', " pprtlzllIg UII'\ Ildit-iou .. I)· dlf'l'e reul Ihey a r' ! As k for " Seabhipl H,·""'·.·, nit okl ' l ~o \lIHi \lin ~ lIew ullll IItlr.ct i,·!' WO)'S of prepl\rill~ u' 5l('rs. , If y our d;'lI l e~ 11.(,c <n ' l .>,,11 ":;·.,bh i pt . " hcrt! " 't! ~o m wh o ,I h :
Walter J. Kilbon.
Corwin and Waynesville, O.
The gen ui ne " Scftlshipt" Oysters ,re ,,'wara 8014 from a White l'ort:elaiu Display Case beariDg lhe "Sealahipt" trade mark in blue. Thi s is for ),ollr prott:ction- look {(lr It. The "Sel\lshipt" Carri er System is p I nted. Infringe. menlS will be prosecuted to the full exlent or t he law.
CARRlER ,COMPANY Conncc:tkut.
The ofl1cei· and Executi ve Com· mittee of th'e Waynesville Farmet·s' Institute ar requested to meet at the Waynesville National Bank next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock sharp Ma'tters of importance to be discu5.'1ed. By order of the president
BALTIMORE OYSTERS Fresh every day-Solid Oysters, No Water.
S, LEY .
Fresh Crackers,
~ ...-
It illD ·t so difliolllt to strengthen n wellk .8tolnlloh \I one B08s Ilt it
Butter, Star, Cream and Oyster. Edgemont Butters, the best Cracker made. If you haven't tried them, come in and ge a sample.
correctly . And this il4 true of th e Beart lind Kidneys. The old rashi~lDed WilY of d08in~ the 8tomaob or stlmula~ing tbe Heart or Kldnl'Y Is surr ly wrong! i)r, Sboop first pointed out this error. "(10 to the wellle or lIiling nerves of the:le 01' gllns." laid he, Eaoh inside organ has Its coutrolling or "inside nen e. When theBe nervell filii then tbo!le ragans most surely falter. 'l'biB vi. till trnt.h is leading drnggistiJ every. where to dispense and reoommend Dr. SbOOp'8 Restorative. A few daT8 tA8t will 8urely tell ! t:lold by 011 deillers. - -...... . . - -, - -
Pure Buckwheat Flour, New Pancake Flour, New Corn Meal.
Extra Fancy Cranberries. 10e qt Fancy Home Orown Celery Mal... Grapes, 15c. pound Sweet Florida Oranges Fancy F.t Banan.s, Dates, FIgs,'NewEnglish Walnu*$
... -
Sweeta, ~ peck . hub Potatoes, 2Sc pk
NO HUNTING ALLOWED Th e follGwing-named p r ems for· bid any hunting or shooting on th ir premises without perm IS! ion ;,
$ ' ~ ~ ~
$ $ $ $ $ $
News. Another Car of Those Fa.ncv
Rura.l New Yorker $ Potatoes
Oy,sters Our sales of sealshipt oysters has been much larger than we anticipated. For Thanksgiving. week we will have 25 gallons of lects and ' Standards. If you want sealshipt, telephone your order in advance. Oysters a nd Groceries deliv- .
Ladies' Underwear
Our cllstomers oroU<lunce tnem the finest cooking potato S to be fOllnc1. Thoroughly Iri-pened, well so~ted add just .w1llat you want for wInter storllge, Tltie will be the III t car for this sea· son. Pnce, DC lit track, and market Kdvancillg, '
Set snug, the fit-well-kind at 90c per suit, like others ask *1.00 for . Good fleece-lined at 250 per garment. ' Union Suits at 5Oc. 7fic und $100. • Children's underwear In union suits and 2 piece at 25c to
$ $
Hood Brand Felt Boots Heavy . Duck Overs, $250; others at $275, '3.00 1375 and '-1.25. See us before you buy. Arctic, Men 's,·n.50and H.76 Boys' Arctics, 1125 and n.85 Children's, Ill. ]0 lind 111 .20. Ware sellinar more Elkskin Shoes for Men and Boys than ever before , There is a reason. They are the best shoes on the market f or the money. ASk to see them,
Men's Coats at f8 00. foil 50 and 14.(10. . Men'l'I Vests at '1."0 .I\no
Heavy Flee e-Lincd at 90c per su ' t; the kind YOll pay $1 00 for elsewhere. Men's Union $uits at '1.00 an.d t1 50 .
Mei.'s Shirts See our line of M n's Dres.'> 'hirts, new sty les and colors Alllo WOl'k Shirt ·, the G 'm line of . hirts, Overall' and Jdckets.
$ _
$$ .
Mupleine- For makill~ :lyt'Ul> use granulated s ugar and flavor with Mapleine Makes u very fine syrup Oth rs like it, . why not you? A fresh supply of Dried .Fruits annoo Goods with li'I'uirs and Vegetables. Fancy Apples, Bananas, 01'jlnges, Lemons, Cocoanuts, Figs Raisin I urrants. Citre,m, Cranberries. Celery. New Nuts just in : Pure JerSE'y Sweet Potatoes in fact you can get here just 88 good and just as large a varie~ t ' ttl ·t ' ~
Hosiery Burson Hose for ladies. Pickininy Rose for Boys and Girls Ask to see them Wool Hose for Ladies and Men. Fleece lined Ho!?e for all m~mbers of the family.
Y"" ."Y
. -
$ ~
. . ~~~~~~~~~~""""'~ .
~ :ss:::::
~~~~C~!:~~~l~~ ~~:J~:~~ Ib~arge "--.!I!II~" II!I.~"~"~~I!!II!I-IJ!!II----"'-"II ~~~~~ Jl.~~ .. . IT 15c Ib C' OUEMEN·rrs ID.~rt.ed ~hl~ h~ud I mperaa. PIANO TUNING using A choiCtl grailt: of green tea, ........................ . put up In nea t with J . J, Thompson Jr. Main FOUND Cha ae San. St.. .Lebllnon, Ohio. Satisfaotion sorew top. For Mince Pies be th e he t A CLAI::\S pin of t·he Wayn8llvil18 ' guaranteen. Valley Phone B born guarantee Bigb School. Owner can h.we ported. Only 60c a lb .. Like mother used to mllJ<e, get Rome of our Sweet Cider like --- .. - ..--saDIe. by proving l,roper.f.y. ,.rul , father used to make, paying for AT THE' M. E. CHURCH ea.~
oAtiS will be
cents ror ~l1ree ID llerll oH~,
tWl'nty · nv whun
not more thau five 1I0eN,
443 E.
I~ -a 8t~k. OF COURSE " The co.r o 'husker's magic w"·od. The Rev. Duaois, of the Spring . . - field District .preached abhe M. E. Watson/a '- sure , cur~ r!?r cul~ or get 11l~ rdlel. froll Church Sunday eY~ning. There was oracks ill. the hanel. Dr. SIIoops-. 0Intmra1. a large congregation out to hear him. Freah .Oylfera.
Egyptian Salve,
.., ......................... -.-.- w._ •• .....,....-............
• •
w?'¥ • • •
. d G00dS . Canne F aney
Other Thanks;ivin; Dc~lica.eie •. New Date. , New Fi_. ' . Extra. Larlle Crll nburle5 Mala;a Grapes B,a
Fresh Beef. Pork, Lamb Valley Phone 153
Tiokling, tight, COf,gbll, olin be ~RACK I C • sorely andquirkly loosened with II. 'rhe bunting season opened Snn. predorlp.Uon Druggists are dispen~ . 5t ~v;:yw~ere ,:sd?t'i Shoops Oranges, New Nuls, F'resh Oan. dILy.andMondliY. ~nd TneadliY dies, Jersey Sweet Potaltoes, New day the :orook of g01180001d be v~:: dlff:r':nt ~han nooru;o~oO:~r:b Canned Asparaguli, 15e a call, beard all over the ooonttY. medioines, No O,;inm, no CbJoroNew Hone y New l!.lIrrow fat A great many farmers have their form ab8010tt'lly nothing harsh 0' '. . 'onll8fe . The tende It'aves ot a Beans. New Pickles, both sweet 1\.l~m~ poeted, but yet hunter8 art! harml~8S long beallnK moun&l\lnand sour, New Spltt Peas,etc. \?rlDglDg lots of game in. ons shrnb, slves the onra"ve prop Larger supplies thau ever belore. , ertieeto Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. means larger bU!lineS8 and we MISSIONARV ME~TINQ Thoaeleav9llhave.hepowertooalm . . , the moat distl'888ing Cough and to want you~s. The W. F. M. Society held their soothe and heal the moe' .l8nai. monthly meeting at the parsonage tlve brooohta} membrane. Mo.bera last Wednesday afternoon. and th~ ehould, ' for .tety's "k~ alone, al. program was an excellent one. Re- wave demand Dr, Sboop e It can ..... read d with a pro.......... wltb perfect frMdolD be RiVeD to ponD were an 0 ' - ' even the youDle.t T .., it and light refreshment. ,made an loarself! and 888. ~ld bJ all d,.I. ~tteafternoon of rare enjoyment. el'lo ' . .
all lgs
----_ ...
Qysters. . .......
' . "
w. Wh~ite.
IF )~ n;l
htl-ve · hve stocle · phone MoR:it:JHev 01' Beneoke, ",.
Baria~as, 'Bread, .Fr:esh Oysters, Celery, .Crackers, Etc. , Paint and paper o~ the room. ,Come " in and see us.
o. H.
of all kind . 'J.'ry a can of Peeled Apric!>ts. Get a package of Egg Noodles while they' are fresh- just fine, 'say those Who have used them.
SV~lr Cure.d , Ha~a, '4-c a lb. A nice :ot of hams, cut from the small pork. Tender, jlllCY IIn,d sweet, olllV weigh 7 to 9 lbs •. each. " houlc1er ttt IDe. PiClltO Hamil Y~c.
Apricots New Hominy Dried Heinz's Sweet New Beans ; . . DtiedPeaches , and ., New Cur.ran~ Dried Prunes Sour Pickles Lew Raisips
Fre.h Cracker. and Cele~rv. alllo, '
BaJt·lmore XX lit 301e a qt •. .' ..
ean~. W+"W • •
XXX' lit 30e a qt • . . XXXX at 400 a qt • . '
Men's Pants *1 75, *200 f\nll '2 50. Me n's Duck 08\..'I at t l 71). t2 00 and '2 flO
. Don't forget we still give away with cash pur- ' c,hases Rocking Chair~, ,Rugs, Lace Curtains, <;Iocks, Lamps and Dishes. · Save your tic~eta.
·Regular sblpments 41 tlllles. a week, both, in, bulk und seated
*J 50 '
Men's Underwear
Shoes and Felt Boots
$$ ' . ,
~ A special \tne of New. Sw.eet Goods, s:.tch as. 'C ocoa and C reli~ J elly ~ Bars. Gtn/l!er and Maca· rl ~on Snaps. Vanilla Wafers, all go at the poplliar price of lOc IL lb.
$ ~
On Track Thil Week.
~ ~ ~
White's Store ,
' .
~ Potatoes Gef,)rge Henkle, Charles lRwis. "has. Ellis, John Gibbons, We will have ollr second car Chas Hough, Ella Michener, of Fancy 'Rural New Yorker A. B Chandle r , Chas. Fryl!, Potatoes on track Friday 01' ~aturday at 85c per bushel in W. P. Hay, M. Satterthwaite. 10 btlshel lots . These are the , F Clark, ,atherin Keever, . best potatoes received here this .John Stroop, . J . P. Cummings, season, and as potatoes are adGeu rge Hawke, Mr~. G . T. O'Neall. vanced this price is very low. Telephone your orders.
New eako., JOe
i$ 25 lBS•. fiNE GRANULATED SUGAR 1.25 $ \
- --. -
WatCh for our Egg Sign
Our sale ·Saturday was a great success. Our store was crowded all day. . We will offer again on next Sat~rday . . ,. . . .' . .
'l'bere wu a baptilm at the low· l7e a can, , ea«. Ifor SOt, New Hominy,RoUe4 Oats, Beans, er mtl\ ' I::\nnd&y afternoon . One Mince Meat, Raisins, Cur- man wa,e bapt,lsed by the Rev. alln, OfferlnR- a new brand thIS . ran~ Citron, Dried Peaches, wet!k and you will· find' these are of the Cbris'ian ohuroh. DrIed Apricots, Cala. Canned of the lbest PetIt POlS $il\~ and ....- . , . . - Peacbes, Canned Kiaut,Ho~- . qualitV. . Read the pain formula on 11 bOI fny, PIIIIIlt!, aa,ced Beans, 'o f Pink Pain fableta. Then Ask Peal, Com and Tomatqes. your Doctor if tbere is a better one, California. Apricotl. Pain Dlean8 oongestton-bJo~d prell Calilornia Evaporat€!d A pH. Loaded Shells !!lure 80mewhere. !Jr. Shoop'!! Pink ,Black Pow:der, • • 40c Box Plliu Tf'bletll cheok head pains, wom- coL ' . nioe, brIght Royal frui.t. anly pains, .pam anywbere. Try .Smokel~ Powder • SSe Bo.x one, I\Bd see! 20 tor 251 Sold by 1\11 dealer8, '
See our New Line of . Candies at tOc pound .
The 'Daylight Store $
I BELT' PIN btitweeD HoweU'.8tore ~berwo
..d '\,. l Ireturnlindto this ofHoe
Finder pleu.'10 . STEEL oompp~in,, ' role . . Ft,oo llr will leave at this office.
70 ACRES rooms
of good farm larid: furnished for lionll~
,keeping to'a re8pect.II~Ie.conple. 'Apply at thlll offiCI! tor inf9rmil.tloD '
A. FRESH 'cow for sal~, Call on : or address •• C S. p"{lI.xwe!i, R D. 1, Waynes.vtlle, OhIO. '. 5 130W~' \\lith pil'(~. £>Igs arl\two
mont-he old. Inquire oru. L. Riok!!. · • , 9.ROOMhoo88, wa&erllll through eleotrio lights all over the tiOUA8 good barn; 4 aore8 of l~nd all If) goodoondltton; Inqnlreof William· "b.orpe. M*LE B!lil, Old Polao. \ Ohio •. E B Keever R F D No Ii . " ,. • . , .cOA~tiTOVIilS. OnafAirlYKoou and 'wo old oneil. inquire of A. 14amt. . . SINGBR lewinK maobloe. 10. qoin·at Gaaett.e office•
Bed boar for ...... AIJ. BrDrtC)lr, ~~, 0,
AND I,' I ~' I 'Y
I N'!'Ll
WAY.NE VII,LE, ' 0810,
Y I~AH .
Form e r
tiM . \I.
Mr. Ell. Ba m rml ",r, wh Q it! 11 teacher in tll(l S~II I.e l11vorJ!lH .V, und wh u hnl:! j1l81, rd lurne<1 I'l'orll n trip tlll'oul,;b th W ~t : is IKlnd ill t; n f il W rll1YN wit h t llA ross ~ rot.h e r!l.
TI1lJR,SDAY NIGHT NOV. 2()·. Dun't forget Lhis date . . The offel" ing will be the Castle Square Entel" t.'liners, and th ey a re fi ret.·class in evel'y particular
I Tho . ')l:nde~vor.
w . . . ...... w • •
..,...w ...... ....,..._._
Thanksgiving When Plymouth 'Rock was pressed by feet of those , Who dared to face the oceanfl ruthless wave, nd steer t heil' bark to land of Liberty, Wh er all can r est secUl' fl'um LYI'an ll:l lal:ilt . lL JUI'ed no!. uream that !.hat d vlJ!,ell band Wl)u lJ mark an epuch ·fur all lim~ lu com", Jl lilLltl dreamed, that II.~ they kllelt in fJl'aytll' T u utter' h eartfelt t1mnks fo l' voyage past, That they should be the primal movers for A day, co mmemol'ative of their zeal .
Th earth and rock, the sea and sky, anti Him Stood silent wi tnesses of that event. Th iI' tent was pitched- th y sank in ~Iumb J' sweet '1'0 d\'eam of homes u yund lhl~ s a. ' Of fl'iend s L ft fat' beyond its trackle::lS waste- of might Of King, who had usu rped th t'! rights, the minds Of s ubjects- Pe\'chance th y lh'eamed of future Homes, as yet unborn in d pLhs of forest. They s lept, and d reamed, till morning's sun arose And smiled its bl essed benediction on The heads ot that devoted band , who scorned To kneel in suppliance to power of King. To make new homes, they came, to exercise That rig ht to worship Him ill way th eir hearts Had sanctioned. ' 'rho' joyed to knuw they had a t Last escaped t.he Rule of Might, their hear ts were Filled with fear by dangers new- The red man Roam d the forest and the glen- the reptile, Lurked in t he pan ther - crouched to wait for Prey . Undaunted by all these, and, buoyed by Hope, t hey bent their enel'gies to ma ke new Homes for wife and babe. The stu l'dy trees soon . Drooped and fell before their muscled stroke, a nd Lalld, where once had slept lhe denizE,!n!' of hade , now bared its bosom t(1 the kiss of un. Soon too, the prostrate trunks w 1'e fashiont!cl Into timbel's hewn and plac d in stale by . 'iVllling hand:;, and, m ounting hig h abovt! the Throne of King, th l'e rose a h.o me · tho' r ude in AI'chite~ture, a l!),Sting monument 'to Freedom, LiMrty and Love A home wht!re Love and Honor d welt. A horp wherein were Weaved those traits of cha racter that drove the Reign of.King in this fair freedom land to Cemetery of th past- and, as t he 'moke from heat·th cUI'led up the 'chimney lllac to Blend \yith air of moulltain sid l~i t' drifted Fal' to Eastwat'd- fal' to wh r were those who Still remained the subjects of a King, a nd Gathering into human form pointed with Outstretched arms- all brig ht w ith golden hopes- to Land beyond the ocean- far to Westward . When home was built, and PQ.I·t of drearn fulfilled . The forests soon began to feel !the mal'ch Of Pl'ogl'ess- fi Id clear d- tlhe fertile soil Made rich by falling leav~ of t:ounties.':lyears, Received within its bilse m se d tl'Jal~ grew - And fiouri sheti-Kissed by gen t le raindrop, fanned By F'r 'edorn's wind, toucbed and !IOothed by strength'ng Rays of s umme r tlun , Lhey grew and ripened . on t he field ' were covel'ed o'er wit h golden grain, er which the sunshine and .th e shadow }Jlayed, Harvest eame and yiehled to the c u t Of ickle . When all was garnEired , Autumn Came with s ummer stillness, breathing over All its perfumed brea!.h from hill and valley. 'I'h fruitful harvest Cau sed responsive chords Of lha nks Lo echo f)'om th eir tlE!a r tstringS, and . As th pcho flew from hill to hill o'Elr . Forest wild, the Red Man toocllught up lhe Sound, and, f ollowing back the echo came to Wh re that. noble band- with heads uncoveretl,.Bent Oll knees that hitherto had scorned to Kn eel at King's command ~offe ring t hanks to Him Whose hand had guided them to lands of Peace.
. ' ·I'hn. L.v .'1~ ';nurl,I Y Soh 0 0 1- w ill ~nld ~ H lot x l'uCl1i I In I ho hull on ' Fr:~dtIY DEATHS OF ·THt;. WEEK eve ll lng, De emb I' 4tH, A II ,ort ! progrillu will b6 g.iven b giunin'/ot lit 1 T)1e jnfant ohild of Mr. nDd Mrll, 7 :30 II , Ill . During tbe .l1venjng (I n , J3.Drake,'Uvlng allon.t t,bree miles old Yns hio ll d apelli'ug I.\ohool will be !' . f th Uti rl It Id. C.OII IO oU"_I1.n., a nll . .w e8t a town on 'fe ClL r M , died Satur~IlY ni/{M and WIIS borl ed Sunday a't~rn oon in Mill III i Cem , ENJOYABLE SOCIAL
BA I.•
- T ·.I' kll Dlti Iy '/I.pit," I,
._w ...................
-' '7 __
.- - - - - - - - - - - .----
Mllry M. tlallgbt"r of w,lki11l'lluli LJIII~ dl.ionlly ill nt j,be MiulLli ! r,et.ltla S,liutls WII!> II r ll lIt- .lI· L y I It', Vnll. '.v l:iulS plI,nl, with n u hope of '1'-' O hi o. U 't,ober "H, 1 a7. Wben five yt'ilrl' l'lll h'l ('"thill' 'ovel''v, i .. ita .... 'lI,uuel cutt" 8111d to di llil I,wel 8b ll' willl two bl'otl\(ln." li d tl I,itl uh.llls' miHitlter in 1)'I.VfOIl, two'sister>l W tl l'1:! t'lIk a n by til 11' M,·. ~ ' o t.t WII!! II Y II I'S nld clt't:lillli l11L1th~I' to t he 11 u lI I(I "I t.iI Plr I! r,lUtl. <1n V. Jl'1I1 V ),"lI l' tI o r Iii~ ' liI'o htl \In uue/) tJ!I " ll l1t ~ , Wlilll'H Il l! .. WH" C ' II'I ' " 1'" •. 11I1I,i 111 Iil e tn ti g h I, II f" ',, 1)11 t,II£'" ilion.' , 1'\ i''' " I III I" · ,·, ,,; ltlll ~ MII1 ~wI Jl "'1 1'1' 11 111 .,,\, , ' hll,lI"L I,JlII pi t!4. or thi s fll'"ily two Il vill ~{, Mr • . ~ II' 'unl.t It! II IItunuclo PI'I,ltihil.IUII . H.lloll el Al'olldl!oOl! II , o f 1l1l,.l't,' 1I IIl1 d I"L IIIllI liliS vutfl tl thllt tlOk~t t!i n o~ tiumuel HlIll\ ~~, or b llrlngfm l·tl, tlhe WllS IIlUI'I'I ' tl to MUl'd Oft I I lill li u bl'li evfJl' II. Prulllbit.i,)U Militl Ueollmller l a, I flO The f1l1::! PrllKIc1ellt WIll b uleote<l \vithln t.he bl~lld clietl Allgllilt 2('\, lUOfl. U H. ' I 1.1111 Iyeu r!'.. ,, ' No tlhllrll'lm WI,'f'A hurn to till/! Ues,t w sh ~ for his rLeo ~\.v uUIlv . L t v a II/I It,.I, tllli llV' I II. I/ III'I Inl•o t \O~ h lJ h \J~lJltulll n (l Hlto I,l l" nO lO )) ; uU I tt joI" ,. \ II.., u . I t I,/lem IIl1U tI tretl I'll" II.~ l.hAI ,. ow U IHHI Ii ( Ulloa ' I , u I UI [) 11 '~ wn <I reo t.• 1\11 Lb~ 11lVli of' II 1' 111111111' w"" IIIV l rl htlll ~ tl .1011 04 , Itil l . uIIlI g hl Br IIVlu g M l f!'" '1.1111 .. Hootl, II 1tllll'h,,1' In II UUII"" B I' } upOU I IIII . td h e Illlu II bir Lhl'l gh l, iu I,he Fril!ll1l '! . 0 j 1.,1 ., .,' II I1g~ li t 1:1c Utll II \.(Jl1. () .; S UY m I oburch and hil I! ,lIw", y" h fl1! 1 t111l <' gJ'ul1tlc h,~hlr ~11 I1IllI t,hrel1 g'r~lIt. Ji'll it.b , AUDt MIlI'S I;S 81l.., Wll ~ fu . g l'II,II~le~ Illlnw - 1)l1~to,u J:iBrl1; ll miliHrly ullli U \VII!; one, who in 1111 . MI, l:)outl. ltI II relt1t lVl1 o f Mr" LOll. . I tl on~ of ' life wbeth (~t II lI wire 0 1' Ise Woolll'Y, Be wughtSt'houl b en)>> !, ~:i;nd l by her i'ilt,brll l" "!4 In dllt .V tho "rll ~eILl,lD:I I'Y Wll1U Y yelll'l' lll{", /Suel klndue!,lfl uf it QIIl't, 1I",1'i t",rl lIud ! !tuu IHI ".11\ n,)!1 had IIU I[lt: relit In rfloelvel1 in the hi~h e8t .It'~Te .. , til " \V IYllesvtl le ,tli<l lll.!lt, VIsit, WIIS (1Htoem IIml cllnlh.lenctl of HII wbn '"l1d, h " J'~ JUrln/.: th~ lJ ,lI1, e UO I'11 . knew ·her. Ana" II. life fnll of 'y eHnt Ing. of utiefulnAS!\ till,. lW!I fllllon [l SIRUP ; !\II, '~ It:ll tll\ ~Hle~ WI\ s d Ii J.\' II t~ll /I bel' work IS dOli IIthl Mhll IIlIk elite rllll 11 Ie '" tlll,Y1I "g') to I' ~ ' e i v e IL leIter intn t hltt full e't' litll, \VII re t,lI ey I'm!!, fr'II II ' hor 110 11, Oeorge ' lea vel', frum froni· their IllrlO rH. w hOlll lI h e b lld not, beurd for Keven Af~e,r 1m illn ess of ~e v e n we kit ,Ve MI'. UI~!\;v r1. · m 1d M xi. Mhe died It t the bo me of b e r el'IUsiIJ , 00,nt", ill; u'Jli e fl'om oivi liztltlon. pros MILry Whu.rt,oll, In W'I \' nellvlIll' , peor.lUg for ~oltl, lind HI bo p ' ful ·of 8 Age Ohio. 'Novemb r 20t,h , 1!l0 luoky fill .1 l:I e "(lom s t o keel> fllir 71 yellrll, 2J tlJI YR. Iy Will i p o, tou o n OIlUf>(} Htnte!\ neW/l - - --~ Il !'l h ,· km\\ tha I, W. h. 'J i"ft, hllJ hA8U MORE TRACTION TALK tl ll1(1lell Pro Hitl.I11I" IIll j;·b a ullkeu for uny 0111 ntl WR from Wflyo,~:!v IlltI . Mr, Fra nk I:l bidaknr W"!\ in t')W Il I:!Mu rday, ~~nd he III n thuHlll<l t io M. M. I:IIlJ I oit.v tr6lHiurer for !.lie ver til tl·1.\ ' n t'l lk lit Day. P'lst, ten :veAlM lind the oldest city t on. (111\ III' In V'!i nt of oDtl 11 LH1US servie Be says t'b e c11ITl mil,lae t hel'e ulll. 11>1 w,,11 118 In II gil. blls he n urgetl by ed by the blllll Otl B 1111" 1, III' u6iug a nll inoor tlf bi s fri euds t.o run ugouin /til tbey. ollll 0 iu l n' b nU IJitl1 i1!4t ll for t,ha t moe. H ~ hU B oeClltnlld tu ovo llid~r I,b~ Iinti , • I r.hell" re.q .ul)l!tio, nD(~ to put,. at relit i'Hking tbe 1\n" II·..... , \ . oIniill gt ol1, I.tllll de lllllO~ fin hll11 to li gnin be 11 Onkltmd, I:Jllrv8.YM l)nr". Wu vue M O!llllhdut, be ~ltV~ onto ~l st.ut meo l. ville, Ly ~le, Wblte ,'ne r t.1U!DOe I R~I, 6'Vl:\uinK dllll Olug 111M nttltude . to Dayton I'here Ilrp ulJllut 10 OliO l:il~ Htut.ament 'follows: p60pltl t o ~O~tllI.lel', U,lt e'll1otlng 'th~ , •• "l'opeka, Kun., Nov. 1 • 1 90 . frei~ht thut W ulel 1,1) brllugllt tll. ' I. wllnt·to Bay .p ubliOly tlillt I fu11l 1'6 t to our own door". J1 PIJreolllie t,b klDdDes!l of the vot · ft sorely looks. j:(ood n pllp r, tlrs fl f thA oity otTope k~ ln IlU JlPOl't. Rnll with !lome bOi!ll l flrM Hllok of ii , lil t< ln ~ , u,ltlIOIlt. . unllUlnu.l Usly,c fo r it ought to t,llkl'! Oll I{IJ' d W NIJ l,nl1 Ity l.rAl/Sllrer, fo r 80 100'g tl nme. ue built. without, <le \1IY. Mll llv of t.h em bllVt1 xjJr !!!\Od. 1\ A oorumitt-ee (rllm Wilmingt.on . wlll l l1 g ue~ .. t()dtll<ol\gll ln , but , wll1l e l:)"rveY!lbllrg "nd WI1.y.ues vIIl 1:l .wIII f ,8h l1~ V r,V g,a'llt fuJ t.o them, It, go to DU)'t,ol1 thlto WI '11k , I,nll It vl'l R ' 1'1I . ~ t. IlIe ,l . be, rl~b.t , 'I.OlI "roper for 111 e t l) II e llul', "hwb I nej w (\ 0 , • not,lle r c;o nsllll~Lt.\l1 n lI1eel.iul{. to h" II ('lln rlldH t.e wben utll r good fllI \" WII.n t the om e. t,lAD BAD LUCK Very r ~p6ot.f nll y,
Mr: Frllnk o u,)o)( hliM bell[l hllvlng bn,rd l\'lok with IU R hu rlllul of Iltl IU, tlouth Leblln nn. .A Utt·lt! OVtlT It week Il go hu nt,el'R lIlh',,"u his horse tor IL rllbhlt., tllI lj(llt full ot s h nt .Another h0l'88 loud hl'\~ j llllt ~Cl tt . 11 WIll from the sallie port of IIn ,,\ ooi dent. It tlOOIU,. thilt h'1I1t ~ r(j blld . bett~r sta&y at b OUHt wha n t.hey can 't, sell a horse hom n rli1Jhit, 'I'he horse is glltting nlonG' nloely 11m! ttl about well. Frank la'sly bO\1l(ht " n oth I' /{oO d horM IIDd upon CAking It ont, of tb e • •ble It slipped aud fpll Ji'1Ir ~e v. eral d&ys its life WII" dO!i1puirHd of bnt thll\lugb the $kJ lful ouro nl' Or. ~Iatt, tbe horse III '"lft nlJpro'v Il.1 ~.
'fhe Pipe of Peace was brought, the Man smoked, And a U sat down to feast- Thanksgiving FeastThe bil'ds of Clong burst for th, t hrowing over all 'rheil' not · of g ladness. 'rhe rilYS of s tting S un shone down th il' absolution and the ir Benedict ion 'rhe fiowel:'8, too, diffused . Theil' fragrance as t h eir thanks fol," tender care. . .' As each new year. brqught forth abundant fruit, A day was setapal't to renderthimks, d h "th h d b ed I Till now; when all ot tling, wn ea 8 O,W ow "Praia 'God above fl'om whom all bl essings flow." 162 162 I B D ~'W l n M D Y r, ; • a g, • •
Mr. Will S.
~!~I~' l~s~~~dW~~~~~d:;.we
. 1 oWoI""h~'1 $ '1 I . , ...... U of
I ~oClety
Column...'I to lit
of MI'. ~"4i4 . 'n"' Mrs, Annllo HlIorrls Hnd Mrs. t;usle W wallt' to make IbIs oolumo or lb. Gillam s pent 'l'hursday wHh Mrs e "zcu.., ,. lea.Jllllr ("..tu re , bls .. Inter. Dnd A Iioe (Jo llett. . a. k 0111' !r l~nc1s 10 Ben d I" society even I • • M 1'!.I . ltoh!', 'u llett hUB retumed h oml\ aH~ 1' IL t en daYil vis It wll h he r lion in Wilml ugton. Mrs, Lou Lamon Gilohrl8t, of Uhi. OILgO, 111., is visiting Mrs. Ueo. HII.t · ton. Mr . and lIre. Davis Graham and Mi ss CIl, ale lVere guests IIinndny of Frank E lbon, of Waynesville. . Mrs Ibbl e (JoUett vlaited her sla. tel', ~rB , Hflydock , 0 1' New Burling. ton IOElt week .
A . S. Collt1tt was the g ues t Sun
Mr , Ilod Mrs . If. C. Sohwartz eb. tertained at dluner, Mr. and Mrll. Ray tSmith, Sunday, wst I:innd!lY Mr. "nd Mrs . Emmor Baily entertained a few friend8 at an elegaDt turkey dinner. Those present ""ere, Dr. "nd Mrs , A. '1'. Wright "nd sons, Mr. "Dd Mra. WUII"m Boblett, Mr. aDd Mra. Frank Zell a.nd Mr. andMra. JaeCbapman . Mr. !lnd Mr8 . Lindley Mendenball
~~yeor Mr. Ed Ohundler . of W llyne8 entertained at dinner tlunday, Mr. II. " und Mr8. Charle8 lllemente and
Mis8 LI ZZie UlI.rroll , of the Frlend8 Home, WayneSVille, is visiting ber unole, Mr. ,Joseph Cornall. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sblrley &lott, of Milford, are t he guests of Mr , Bern Collett , Mr, anu Mr8. Will Dltln68 lind mother, Mrs. Muria.!Hain68 were the l:)uudll.Y guests of B. Y. Collett. Mitis An'Ba StooP!! visit.ed ber nn· ole, Adll.m Stoops In Waynesville, Sundll.Y. PrOf. Ilnd Mrs. Ewing spent the w6ek end in Uolnmbul!. Misses Ethel Oonnor and Mlnnte Burgett vis ited rela.tlves in WlI.ynes . vi ll e ~unday . .
tomily and Mr and Mrs. Aaron Obandler . . Mrs. Ed Bogau wall the Ruei~ of her Sister, Mrs. Barley Warwiok, of Lebanon, on lut Thurad&v when thi8 uocompllsbed boeteu enWtr· tained In an able manner from 2 to 4 0'olook.
Mrs. Ed. 'MoFarland eDWtrtalnecl
at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Bert Ole~ver, Mr, and Mr8. Clln~ Cleaver} Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harlin, Mr. ana. Mrs. Berne Sbldak«lr and Mr. and Mrs. Charlee8hldalterand SOD KArl.
Mr . aud M.rll. Ed Bogera enter· Don't fail to see the moving pic. tllolned at a Sunday dinner ibe fol. lowing guests: Ilr. and Mn. John ·tures at Hahn's this week. Linder, Mr, and Mre. WilaOD Kirby: - -Mr. and Mra. Leonard Pence, ana. New Bl,Jrlington. son, Marion, ,Mr, and Mra.' J.O, Sawke. , 8. Ii'. Uompton and family "re visl~ng friends in Higbland oounty. M888rs, Edward Riou, Joe Rela.tives of Mrs, Ida .Mendenball Thomplon, L'barles Jlune" and attended 8 lIurprisa in her bonor Ilt Harold Bowell were the promotere her home in Spring Valley on Sat: of a danae ~ven in the I. 0, 0, F. , . Hall "st Wedn8lday nllh" nrda.v , " Abont ~hirty-lIv. oOupl.. were Mrs. Catherine Oompton who hu preeent and an enjoyable "eDiDl been ill ,,11 Bummer WII.8 able to via. WII.8 8Pent. R.fr8lbDleDu were it her 8lster, Mre Marga"et Bqrnet served and the Lewt. orch.. of week . Lebanou furntabed goOd muto. Elmer UbeDoweth got bl8 band • _ .. .badly ont with an ax on Wednesday SprJnO' Valley. of Illst week '. Ii Mrs. Isabel Oollett, or HarveY8. Mrll. Gertrude Hamer vitl&ed tn burg, ie the gueat of her stster, Mrs. CJnolnnati ~he lIn& of the week. Tho", Haydock. "1 h et A parae lower w.. ••veil F rank . P eter8~I! an d· Wednesday afternoon at the ho.... law of Dayton, VISited relattve8 b~re of Mrs. O. Moon in hODor of ·Mi.. last weel!:·and weDt hunting. Maggie Oline whoee man_ to Eelgar Bale a returned nU88lonary Mr. Harley Ba~', of XeDia, wUl take from Afrioa wlll leoture at tbe pla.oe WedDeedaJ', November tG.... , Friends oburoh Tuesday night, De. A farewell wu RiVeD .BatafdaJ" oember 1st. evening at ihe home of •- • Alexander for Mila Erma B*amp who Caesars Creek. wtll move to Alabama loon. , ·'.1'bo second number of the ladare Ohns . MoKinney, wife tlud daugh· oourse "The Caasie 84uare ED_r. tar, SILra wero Sunday gnests of talnere" will be Wednelday .VeDinl. John Wilson, . November ~lith, Mrs. Sara Breakfiold, of Port Wil. M.188 Maggie Oline hal realpecl U"ID, bas been spending 8 few daY8 her position 11.8 day operator a~ ahe with WU1~m Wlls9n. CitiZ8naEzohange. Mi.. 1Il4Da 0.MI88 Mary Oh"pman tbe new pal. borne wilt flll her place. tor, from Indiana, preaobed here on Mrs . lolunlJer and lin. Hamill' a.n<1ay. I,len Wednesday for J'lauook, JllOb. J. U. Oompton and wife and Mrs. Mrl. William Ball, of XeDia, and Emily H~ines bllVe returned from Mrs. Balliok Batt And UUle ODlh· JIIRhland oonnty, they atteDd. ter, of Riob~ond, wer!' IO--,·Son. ed the funeral of Eliz"beth Mo Pher. day of ArOD Copayand family .. 80n. , . · . The soho"l ohlldreD pve Muter Ed Bteddom met with , quite a Eugene Frin"'er a Inrpttse' Tuetd&. .. J painful aooldent of:le day last w:ee~ evening. while onttlng a. tree It struck bia The Frlend8 C, e. will hold a pl. foot and broke the bonesiD I t. solita) at tho home of J. B. Muon • Joseph MI,Ils, of XeDin', spent Bun. Mr8. ~en80n'. Sunday School '"
..._-_.- --
" 0 lety of th el .............. ........... ......- ... ""...........u _ ..... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~l~~:. hl6 grandfather, J08~ph f:!·:~~:n~~~!?:: ~~YBe::' Ohrl!lt.1I1l1 liuroh ' h Id Il socinl ut l _ __ -.. -~---John O. EllrJy, or Port WI)lIam, • _ • ~he lloUla of Mr, und ' Mrs . Bllny peRSONAL MENTION. ( Dr. T. Mwbeoerfl,n<1 MI~Anu 'l spent Tue~day wi'th .Tesse BIIoIDe8, Entireehana'eGfpictureeatBabn's Joilu@, lU!lt WednetlOll,Y' evening. . \VISltfl(\ r61u.~1 ve~ at WaYDenille lust, - • on Tuesday, 'thursday and Saturday. OD e of. the plenBl1nt features WIlS week . . Lytle. •_• • tt'IliUl( ~heir 6Xp6dfi f!nO e as. to Iho.w Mr. Il~d MDr~. FredFB~deTwoutl were '\ ' MI'.IlDd Mr.a: Clyde Oranll spent .' RETlR~S FROM PAPER "lIch \i l) f' ~ I\llled a , I.m"" g! vlDg till sb,?YI)tng in aytob rl ay . ~nndll.Y with re\lltiv88 In Waynes.' Several from here were Dayton . • \. rh Yllj", wbloh ore_ted quite Il good cMr. and Mrtr. S. D . Everly were In ville , . /sboppers lut weelr. : TheChntonflepubhcan.haa.c~&,ed d ell l of ~llarrlment. ·to"Yn Il ft!w 1l0UTS SundllY. . "Mr's A"n'ea Wri ght ~' nd dftnohter .Mr. and Mrs. Ra.lph Lewis are vis. hands, Mr. C. N . BroWD1l'i&',.who bas . W E d' , d f D tou t- . . ,,~ ~"' , " ' . itt 1 ti i W k t had the paper for ·y~ retires and . a~ren war s, a ay ' ." MISS t U SII,n tl llenli soveral days 1r&l!t nl5 re aves 0 ILpa one a , D . Thatcb . 'h" • '11 WA ~N.ESVtLLE ORANGE . boolE! for a. few dll~s buotin g. _. week in Ci neirmu,tl. , Mr. J.P. Jone8 sent II. large ShiP-take h~idr~t the ~~:bG~eaan WI FREE LECtUR.E 'rhe WII Ylll'ilvtlle G r'Iu ge enjoy~U . ~rs. Ellen Mn.~HlIngton , ?f I"prlo~ . Mr. H,nll Mr.. . Allen Baines and ml.'nt of turkey8 to Dllyton Monday. Mr. Browrung leaves the Republi. an .interel!ti ll f<{ ~eetin k SuturdllY . VaHey, WllS VIl!itlDg h ere t:)lI tn.rd~y: t hiltlteltl, M Xenia, spent SundllY Yr. W . C. Cc-z h~!! porchllsed, the can afteralife-thnework.and~ous· A free lt1ot·ure Il.f, 'the Ortborlox eve nillg. Jt ~/1 In ('hor,e of Wor.Ne.wto~ Bunnell went to CITimO , with rel&1.tiv f 8 here. , . . homt;l of Mr. W. U.>rnell a.nd MrR. ands of people Who read thetl"per · FrieDds CbUrob, MoO/lilY eveDing, 'thy Cerllt', M..i tl~ i!:tllel tlto ke@. 'rile natl It! hiS uew, uuto hltit Monday Mt!!.. H : W. Greillt, of New Calltle, A. mtbens bas purohased tbe home each week, regret tQ hear of hiS coNovember' SOth.~t7' p, m, by.Ed. prol!: f1IID' whioh 'foH o w!! WAS we ill Mis!.' NinO. A, nt~llm h ",tI return d Ind' istheguelltofh(jrmother,Mrs. of Mr. W . 0, Cox " . ing, as he was a man belove!i .yall. ,~a.t ~ B,ale, of tbt1',:Frie nde .Afrlollon t' n(}\jrlld t frow a ·m Ontbs visit in Uurke UO. Uhl.lrlojite Edwards. . c.. I The b~ys of tbis place ue , takl~g , : • - ••- - .. IDc'Julltt'lal. MiS!llon ., U;Hlt,urA i\1U8 [n s lru'lDellt~lh (')lo, Btatlolle D.vkl:> Mrs. LonlHI£ Wooly bop ret.urn ed Mrs 'J. B . Uoleoian lind Mrs, E. advantage of t,he hunting 888son.. T.HANKSOIVINO NIOHT . ~rat::: bl..~:t~:e~~:~~e~~~11~r~oo~. Rel"lin~, .Stella D!lllgherty froin a two months visit In OilY ton , y, Burllnart, who been quite Be sure and watch this oolmnoThe Castle Square Entertainers . rver bod.v invited. Oornl.' see and Vool~1 duet. . . J u'hn Thompson aud ~rr1nk . Biuk· !liok Ilrl! con ~l1lesoing. very 0108ely ~oa!llle somethiog il pve a s lendid entertainment at he..i~bout the peopifJ of flhe DII~k ' I.~OU\~ H.tok~~. l\nd J.l1lea~'O~ EIl~tlh~t, .ley, of Lebtl.DOD, were In to~n II1t!t . Mll.rit[)D Hamilton aat. family, of go~ng to be doing. . this place fut evenin&'; which wu CoDtine ' , af'tfj ( ng'f'l" t'l' ,a n . ,ra n week. , Le~anon.weregu68tsofM .. U.Ltddy Beanreandoomet·otbeuextnum. thoroughly enjoyed. it was oneGt . 'f . _ • . a purt 0 rIp '~o~~:t' W ' llIu" lIso~ . Mrs, 8. L. Q'Lrtwrig h t li'lll Miss lUlU fa~aily 8und"y. . berof leotnre oo~~ae,tbe "Caaile ~e ~t ente~menta wehav. baa COUNTY DEP,UTY· K. OF P. ' Grange ' 'Ke~la Merritt we re Itl Dnyton Jllllt Listen t .) t.he UastleHq~re Enter. Betuare Entertainers 8aiurday 8N~ In UllS town, and If the company ever Son~, ... _ __ ~el-lt. ' . ttl.iners on TllorBday evening No entng, at tbe hall. comes this way again they: will be . ST. MARV\S CHURCH L. A, Zimwerullln wa s in Oiuoio. ,vembel" 26th, at. the aoh\lol bOUie, Several ~ya fr(lID bere ' are . join, iT,Mted with a crowded 1i0Q88;., Irli'I'r,. A. Zimmerman weot· f,o nati I.lit week buying thlln.kFjg i ving Mrll. S. 0, Allen and Miu Emma Ing the. Wayneevllle. banel. Keep It E<lmore tN. D.) Herald. . Lebanou yesterday to inspect. t he Kervices for the week arb AS fol, goode. . . ' MoKay left this mornln8 for St. np bOy8 ! . • - • K. of P. lod. .·thel'e, aftar an I.'lLrly ' lowf\ ~ ~rQlon and 8qlY Compmn. Mrs B E Bathaway WlltllL Ruest Petersburg. Flri., to spehd the win. Mr. Lewts Bowan waa In ~1tle I SHERIFF-ELECT ELECTBD tnspeo&l . on 'the lodge will go to ion Tbaiikilgivtng OilY at to .\lOa ; m. of rtdAtlv8t. In Springboro one day tA.r. ' . . Monday. ' , At a ohar"""" "-.o'oloo~ CUu.... .School Bund", 9 :l6 10 a, m Ml'8 _nne " B Jl.t h away aD d d aug. b Mr .<J1 -.-. WA .. FrankllD, where there "IVnt b1I work Sunday M I" SO. IIlst we~ to .. , . . , d e 0 Olt,o f ' L y tl e, anIi~ . AI r. liven b,Mn. JollD BlAtt,Jr ••t .... , .01'0 nil prayer anu 8ermon : Mr. aDd MJ'1I. F.'eil BarklQulr: Ill'e ter, Lb.'aatll, of ';Iprtngboro, are viatt- Warren Kenriok, of CentervUle, beautiful home OD :an.4~. a good time. , flo, 'm, EVtlnln" prayer and sermon oozHy domiCIled tn their new home Ing Or. L and Mrs. B. E. Hathtlway startod ~eeday for Alabama.. . nOD, 'be aQDOQD08l1l81lt . . . ....s. Zimmerman Will· apDoiDsed 7 :00 p. Pl. • _ • • on Thtrd S'reel. for a lew days, • - • of the .npaemeaa of .... ~ GOIID'Y ' tn May ....d haa D H It tiatbawJlY wall attend Earl .Robinson haa returned to . Tlle JllB8tl8 May ' aDd Franoea MI.. Be~v~_who haa bee~ ~it- GaUah.. ~ . IIr. I'nDk P. ro.7. tlih' _ OO1IOt, CO tn the rtttate Dental Auool"tlon at Dayton, w.bere he wu formerly OoohDowel' and All .. Barton, bf iDg Mr•.Jr. O. "",hwarts for Hveral 111'. l'orUIaSheri«.el... ofWMnft . 1004 omcer; Uolumbus, Oeoem~ 1I~. lind and employed aUbe Davia ~wtnll Ma· were week,encJ'gaeaM of 1D000tha, Win apead ..veral OO1IDV, u4 bo&b.,. . Brd.. ohine oompuy. J4lB8 ' B~~n. with oanhIIp. . IA• • I00I_ JIIUPIe. .
etery . . ' Mr, John VUjllln dl~d a t hi,. bome in Mt-, Bolly, Mon(\(IY lit l :t o'olook, of pa.raly~ls. He WAil about U .year8 ,of age, a.n d hud bell'" l11 'for 1\ lon~ 'ibml)·ed·renH,.e JFeDII.Dv:eesrllfl,l '~lel t":kde ~loreoeo O . .., ..... at the Mt: Bolfy church ,t o, ~ruy at 11 o'olook, .Rey. White offioiating . lnterment wl11 be tn Mlllmi -Oeme. te . : . ry; . '_
The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. OHIO . .
THE" WHIP -. - :%--
A Railway to Medin ..
Variety of n."orat.t'Ye House Plant Whlch Responds GeDllr'G usty to Good Car.. THE OFFER OF FREE ROUND Ingly Rbort time. with funds contrlb· . . I met J\1ons. LeBlanc lis a brother 'Lucky rellow: .l told Crmea u. 'You TRI P MAKES' GREAT HIT: uted bj' faltbful Moslems, aod with· p rformer. How I came to be on th > havo Indeed a prize: anel be, In his Completioo ot
a 600·mile
from DamascWl to Medloa, In a strlk·
(CoPYMIlIIl, b)' ShurUltor), Pub. Co.)
T~6' uspldlKlnl. or parlor . Ilalm. de- at the le{t hsnd between th stems of out lUI)' "grail'" by TurkJall omelalll, EmiliI' clrcult as a m mb r of the hUPI)Y'go-lucky way. shrugged b!s l:!houl· rh'ea Its nam!' from as pldlscon, 110 lit. the leaves on the surface of tbe soli, Juggling Gormans docs not matte r : (ll'rs aod smiled. II & reat Just accompllahed wblch Is They Are Going to Buy Farma In "Thereafter, on any occllslon thnt ti e round bhleld, probauly froUl 1 he turn ing the plant completely upside attractlng the attention of Europ~ this Is mone!eur's story, not mine. Cornwall F.rm Land Cola ~Ig New Among lhe rOllgh , uncouth, s \ > o'agg r· off red, I ~ as to b found at Croteau's ehape ot 119 !:lower, Whi ch, though down: then with a gentle tn.p at tbe jlllbllcJsts: For the road In due time Trucking Section 30 Mile. lIom ewhat InslgnI Dct\ut. Is II cullar edge at the pot, upon tbe greenhouse Ing troupe of vaudeville "artlats," home, always with some t.Oy or a bit vtll r ach MeCca and tb.e seacoast proba.bly 1 alan, bcsldes monSieur of bon bons for the boys-bright IItll from J ack80nvllll, Cram \Is being borne upon tl;l Sill' staging or similar firm substance the at Rablgb, and, If German loflueoce I1lms If, was gulltr of having any 1(lnd fellow s of flve nnd seveu years-and tace of tho 8011. There al' two rorms, pot may b en.s lly removed, as In Fig:. Either Ule firsl touCh of cold weatb· can accompllsb II, will be coonccl'!d of an e ducaUon and possessed of t be occasionally with th e lat 8t novel or a ,reeu and variegated. The aspidistra 2. The mass of 5011 aOd root call then er or the relllsrkably attractive olf r Is perha ps the most valuable at all b divided Iota three or lUI Dlllny parts ~Ith tho> Bagdad ralkvny wben It lIner sensibiliti es. At first gtance new magazlno lor madam. And she crosses tbe Tauru.') . mountains. Built monSie ur was not on whom you - while Croteau was. about, the cold· plants to'r room em beIH8hwent, IlS well as may be decided upon (see Fig. 3). at round trip to Florida tree has de· cld d a large number of 01110, Indhwu. pri marily to aGCommodate 'Moslem \>o·ould car to kaow Intimately, but as neS8 of our firs t meeting was s tilt WI. as fa\, e ffect In the gl·ee nhou·se. whll8t, tb·ls operation being carried out by Kentucky and Tenne.Dsee men to gu be ing evergreen, It III especially \·alll· the aid of a sharp knife, cutting pllgrlml to sacred sbrlnes, and, os 0111' acoualnta.nce rip ned, I found that s um d, whllo when a lone with me s he able fo r decorative pur(1OHBS nil the and make a n Investlgatloo of the euch, a Proof or the modernity or the great-shouldered Fr nchmllD ouly Il howed tbat 1 bod won hilI' frlenilshlp year round; In fact, Its stately and t hrough lhe rhizome, or rootstock, North Florida Fruit and Truck Farmll carefully and e'eanly, 8eparatln~ the assumed the sulleo , balefu. I , morose -{) v n her arr ctlon." m Ibod of lUI ancIent faith 1::1 oon· Mon sieur ru pped sbar\Jly on the bold . appearunc causes It to r.ank roots with os IItUe damnge as POSSI· at Hilliard , Fla. serving Its o\\'n present-day ends, tho counteoaoce to hide SOIll Inoer an· Already over 100 lIave sent to tbe gulsh or I' membmnce from the pry· tabl ,... lIh the diamond l:tall.· and tbo among the best ot all plaots for In· ble. To mak each division shapely railway also has Its slgnl t\cance (or l11g Qyes at the world. Our at'Cectlon polished wood showecl the ulcks whet•• doors, In dratlgbts and hadly lighted I I 'm ay be neeeRsary to detach sev·. Cornwall Fllrm Lnud 00., 816 Greal the poUllcal and economic develo\>, for eacll other became so great lblLt tbe sharp points had· scratched, W,,!hI rooms. and with reasol)oble care It eml single leo veil, with rootlet." these Norlhern Dld g., Chjcago, and arranged ment of & stale wblch, since the road SO'lD wo were almost conatanlly to· ollr order bad b en filled, be coil· lIucceeds wllb· but )tttle attention. Tt being laId on one Bide for Inter etten· ror starting eltber 011 the 17th or 24tb v,'1 1I also be found. 'too, more pr01lt· tlon.. Th spare spaee 10 fh..- pot or Nov mber, with the understandIng waS begun, has wltness'ed a striking gethel', a 04 amoog the other membera tlnllcd : that the company will cr dlt the transformation. Tbe Young Turk 'If the company we r ' known as the ''In va rlolls ways, ' ae we gr " to able thun many expens ive plantH Jlur· should be filled with t he comflOlt ,,\love ' amolln~ of th railroad rare to every ' chascd frolll time to time to plaCflllpon described, care b eing taken th~t am· ")o~rog·Eater aod the 'Trlck Shrimp:' a knOw each olhel' be tter. I ruund out party and tbe new regime, suggel:!ts the ta ble or In ule vd ndow. th~se pi . d~alnage Is on:Ol'ded, with & few man that Im YB a lO.:lcre farm Ilt $210 the Boston Herald: are likely to use It refere~ce to my size Ulat bothered me thllt a1\ was not wel l with Mme. Oro usually hllvlng to be repll1c!ld Qlllck· pieces of crocks (broken ' Dowel··potS) . on the eilBY payment piau of $10 a not n IIlti a lthough moo s leur's com· t au, and finoll y ~ll e e ve ning. wh en aomewbat dlfferenUy, as related to Iy, so lillie are they adapted to a pro· Firm potting Is deslralile, this being month. The lands are the best In the mcnt on the nI ck name wa~ chlaOy we were alooe, she broke down and German Interests, trom the nJanner In Stnle at 1.'lorlda tor , vegetahle trowroteau wa ~1 a heMt-a longed fioJourn In an un cer~aln tern· attained b)' giving the .l.ase or tbe tng and a te located on the Atlantic whlcb Abdul ~ra~ld would have, had conDned to smothere. d s norts of can· told me all. perature with unnatur~1 surroundings. pots sevc'f'tll decided tapa upon tho tempt: "Pooh! ' bah! Ca.nallle!"\)rut · ; Insan Iy jealolls; he troated ~oa6t r.. 11I 1' Railway within 40 nlln· his autocra tic power conUnued. One of tbe advalltages oC the aspldls· Monsieur. you must IInd·e l'stanlJ, was h(' r sham efully, alld my lust vi sit ha~ tra Is thot gas uffects It but little hi beoch In orrler to setlie the contentl ut s' ride of Jacksonville . . The titu s· firmly and the soli about the roots. not connected vd th 0111' troupr. We been the cause of the 'reat brlli s comparison with other 1)lantl:!. One The single leaves require, potting in traled books publlsb d by tbe com· Flat Dwelle .... Poradlae. we re only on the road together as 10nJ::' on her fall' white arm s·-blg, IIngry The World of NIJw York cails tbr.t as our "act" aod his were "booked" bru Ises tfllll made me see red. And cau'not h Ip but. notice In many casell the same way In flve·lnch pots, onllD' pany show pictures of growing vege· metropolis a lIat·dwelle r's paradise. at tbe same houses. We were playing t he u she ma de me pro~lsl~ to do noth· Its neglect as rega rds ultlvat,loo, the glng the all leaves In one pot, the tables and the appearance of the UD· Improved land, a16.0 of the town This Is baaed on the stllotemeot that Omaha for a wc.ek and on Wednes day In g-only to stay away . Oh, the. grerLl 1>lants, as It were, bing left to lake small In another. This Is an e:r.cel: of Hilliard adjoining Lhe farm land. .coro or thems Ives, A good plant IImt pilln to obtain plants tot dllfel' when w~ had flnlshed (we and pllre love of 11 moth er! For ber ilhould be purchased from . a nursery· !Jnt pOSitions, tbe taller glvln,; a betbaudaome slx·room apartments cnn night Jo'lorlda 18 now the establis he d and oow be had there tor what Is caUed closed t he sbow) J round my frle od boys' sake slle would stay with this mll ll, and If lhls Is glveo due alten· ter aplJearance on [l hAil tabla or In recognize d supply depot fo r . all the tbe modest yearly rental .of U,400, walttng for me In the dr sslng brn te--wQuld live In constaot terror winter growo fruits and vegetables and shame. lhnt the ir IIv.!s might reconsumed In the north for which hlgb wblle five-room apartmenta, with room "H~rr.y. man cberle," be said, sml. main -unsullied. It hurt m ,e mO"'e tTlan prIces are pllld. This new t.rucklng litcheoetle, may be bad for '1,000 up· IIn gly. , "It Is tbat I should have a long you may koow, mon ami, 1.0 thle section has not yet taken on the fever warcL I ~1l Jdeal tou.r ·room apartmeot conversation with you In the catetnlre. promise. but I saw tbat It '",as Ih e bOllt of hlgb . IlUId prices IlS have most 01 for • ~lIaC:helor Ol' .maftled oo.upl.e reots This Is oUr, lalit week together. I go - the only-thing to do. o;nl Y I wlshe~ the older eeot!on8 ot Florida. We un· for '800, or It a home Is sought further next week to ')o'rlsco--you to Chlc.ago." for one more meeting. rho morro Uerstand that the whole ot this North . wns to be her birthday, her twenty away from thl'l IIOclal center I!o com mOo Florida Fruit and Truck Farm tJ;act Is "No. Is that rlgbt?" r as ked, smear· se\'enth blrthdoy, and I criwed th .. dknu Beven· room aplI.rtmen~ can be to be sold at one prlce--$21 an acre. , Ing my face with a tOilet prOllaratlon boon of calling lhen and! presenting found for '1,200. Basing Its.Judgment that I might ealilly re move Ihe grea.s e her with a ke PllI\ke, Mild to nevor Tbere are maoy places 10 'Florl~ a CD these figures • the World reckon~ wbere large holders of land are paint. 'Tm. awfully .~orry. L'1I miss again see her. To this ~Ihe very reIng both towns and farm lands and theo that New York olfers superior advan. you greatly, old man. luctnntly agreed. and on Ule morrow I prlc B are. from ,100 to $250 an BcrB taceB a8 a reSidential city tor the clerk "Yes," he said, gravell', "and I, YaH. callerl with this bauble," he pOinted to for unimproved land. The Cornwall Ill' salaned man with a moderate In· VOUI' ompanla tshlp has m ant.muoh tho dlainond bali attached to the end Farm Land . Compnn)"s proposllton come. Viewed from a Boston staod· of the whip, "as a girt. Twenty·s ven seems well worth Invectlgatlng. point, remarks tho Dos ton Herald, stooes there ar , you see; IClne Cor ncb theBe rentals for modest apartmeolJl pure, fresh year of ber c:lenn young The DIfficulty. IIflJ. Surpri sed and deltithted. sbe Jock high, comparatively speaking, "Did you bave a clear consclen~ cou-Id only gasp and stan~, and T, In tbough they do not bear out the S~le whe n you had eonclllued that horso 'cstasy over her IIIp.asulI'e. reached trad ?" . ment t hat Now York Is flLr and away suddenly forward to pla. c El tbe chain, "I should hope oot." the most expeJIBlve city to live In to to which It was attach d. around h I' "W hy not?" be found. {lDywhe:e to' tho world. neCk. And th n, wh ile Itll tbls posl· "I'"o noticed tbat when I c(\me out tlon, Croteau enlered the roonl. His of a. horse trode w~th n clea.t· can· Tbe elder stateomen of Japah, who race was livid; his eyes prcltruded; th e soleno I come oul wllh tbe POOl'O,t h.• ve much to say as to the govern· veins In his temples were swelled anel horse." - Houston Post. ' ment of .the empire, have decided to di storted, and his face twitched hor· uree. a liberal policy wHb regard to rlbl y. ]n his hand he cilTlrled a great Bone of Conte",tlon. bl acksnake whip. China and otber coun rlcs. Thi s In· "Death usnally heal s 'a ll famUy dlf. .. 'So!' he screamed, 'It bas come to eludes co!pmerclal dealings, ' the Idea fercnces," snld the old·fnshlonod 'phlJ~ . this, has It ?' anll hi>fore 1 cpuld In· sopher. ' -.... . (If the cid Er statesmen, ae It Is tbat of terfere he had brough t I the wicked, "Yes;' replied the shrewd obse rver. the premle~ and hence prestllpably- 01 wblrrln!!: wblp squarely across hIs Fig. 1-Too Crowded. Fig. 2-Removal from Pot Preparatory to Dividing ' "but usuall the readlog at the wtll the mIkado, belo, "the e'lchange · of tne Root. wlfo's tense, white face. Not Ii souod s parOles tIIem agn.ln."-Dctrolt Free -Productlver expendIture 'f or producl! \'e did Ilhe titter, but sanlt slo.wly rorward, Press. . , tDoome, and that the governmept bend and fell, a l)r umpled heap Upon tbe tlon tllere III no reason why, SElV· the conBer\'atory, the smaller ,beinA eve.ry. effort for the mll.terlal develop· 'Dellclous cakes an.1 pastries are pro' floor. ment of Japao." ThElre Ie nothlng Monsieur carefully IIgblted another eral years, 't hl' , ~rdwer may not ve more fitted tor the side · table or lil II dueed by ·the 'use o( Souders' Cr~am 01 able to fi1l t.he r09mB or greeohoulle foney stand· or similar receptacle. Tartar BakIng POWder aod Soude~' 'Yery warlike In this, and the jlngoell clgaret~e, but his band trembled notlcably. When J set down my empty with a couBlderabde number of haud· ThJs Is liomewhat drastic treatmen t, F1avorlIig Extracts. All good groceries.. wm have to "ta.~e water'" agalo. Wbat stein It rattled loudly on th.e table, but flome speCimens owing to the easl~ess but If the plants' are carefully Itake~ .Japan Is secklng, says the Troy (N. It the energy that women expeod In monsieur dl.1 not apparently notice It. with which It III I>ropngated, as shown with a I1gbt stick or bamboo cane and Y.) Tlmell, II pesceful prosecution of In the accompanying lIIultratioDs. tied up wltb raflla tor Ii. week or two maklog tools of men could bo concen· . "It Is good to be strong sometlmet , bUslnells mid material proGperity, witb they '11'111 speedily recover If kept.fl·om trated-but wbat's the use of speculat· -Is It no'L so, Dlon ami? My flngerll Propagation by dIvIsion Is best cal" . economy In admlnlst~tlOn. 'that Is closed tightly aroitnd Orott!au's. throll. rlEld out eady III March, lIod Il RU\>, brIght sunlight, the tYlo~ up . of the Ing wltb Impo8!11\11e problema? u far all ~poaBlble from the policy Flodlng I could not reach ' him easily, 'ply of sott comP9led or two partaloam, leaves· being necessary to prevent their weight lev!!rlog the root. out ot which lii"olve'~ strainlng: every nerve I released one hand and tore hie collar. position'. The Dnal proceeding ·111 to to creatl! a big aimy and !1 .l1'eat Carried a Great Black Snake Whip, off. Tben 1 beld him flecurely. ) ~ve the 'COntents ot the pots several minded not the bloW8 whJch he waa II&VJ'. " oplous . waterlngl, In order ,to waRb to o,e, man shreemp, and .thnt Is why milling on me with ever dltnlnlshlng the soU weW"round the ,roots. ~ut blt ~ Although t.he YOUDg Men's ChrleUan ( feel that It' should be you that share force; 1 had but aile obJe'ct In view. sure the water aets away. secret-my grave secret." Suddeoly, however, the th. o ugbt came my ' started by on English· laIIoclation was I had known all along that monsieur to me that this wretch Wll.l dyhig Sometimes It w1l1 be found that old man, the new building whlcb Is to be bad shielded somethlog that W[ll muoh easier tban he had' tbe right to plants make no progress. This II "erected In London 88 a memorial to troubling him, nn4 had vaguely felt do, and I cast him ooe sIde to the usually due to the fact that tresh soli 81r George WJlllams, tlie founder, will that. sooner or later, I was to hear It. floor, where. b'e lay gasping and claw. entirely Is required, , the old' having pl'1»bably remind AJnerlcan vlllitors of become sOllr tl,'oin over·waterlng or Monsieur selected a long, slender Ing at his throat. 'lIO!J1e~ It TYm be the flnst bul1!llng be· cigarette from his case, and pas8ed ·the ·otber causes, J.mme.... the 7"bole 0' , "QUickly undolug ' the . silken rope a the pot and contents III a pall of watllr loJiging to the EnglJah orglUllzation case to me. He always did thlll 8S a from 'tbe portiere, I dragged the beast for one hour, remove the pot, washIng W:lilcb, baS a !lilly equIpped athletic de- matter of courtesy, for he knew I to a heavy arm.chair. iuld Uecl hIm away the old soli altoget~er, then repartment, aO.d a.,w)101e f1oor .wllJ be de. oever s molted. In my ilne you could @ecurely In It, seated, me. .Then pot with new, pot and 8011. As to TOted 1-0 educational aet1vltl~B modeilld oat do tbat-your nerves needed to be r toolt· the great whIp and ·cut olf Just watering, the IUIpldistra requlrell stoady. To-night, as he Bat there, four feet of .the lash, to : the end of UDQn the methods orlgloally d!lVe!OPfld , ) til our own as80clattons~ nor are the partly shielded from tile light by Ii. whlcb I tied the diamond ball, taken J great tub'palm, slpplog ~Is absinthe, 1 from tho cbaht on madamel's neck: It EngllshmeD slow to admit tbelr debt tbought I could see more ot tbe -real was then' aa you see it now." Bome, Instead of giving several w,ater, -.~~_ _ __ to tbls country. "We gave the Amerl· man t.hat I ever had been allowed to IngS, to stand the plant In , a pall ot 4S to 50'S':" of Wheat Per '~ Tbe lean, sensitive ftngtlrs of mOl) cans the Idea," says the lIecretary of see before and the real man wall far sleur begun to unc)!rl the whip lel'l~1I wMer for some little time, allowIng ha" beta IfOWII oa fana Iaadt iD tbe pot to be wholly covered, tbus af. the Central London association, "and more attra'ctlve than the masquerader In his hand.. Tben he spoke :lga~o fording a ··lastlng drinK, anll ~hls "'tile), have shown. us bow to work It ba,d been. Latt;r, 1 w~s to. see more ' quIetly. tensely, slowly - Illustrattog od Is all very well when the waterlsig out...· stlll.,.-but tbat Is anticipating. .' . what he saId by bls actione. of IIi plant II understood. It Is a com. "YOll have often asked me, man ami , "I waited until he had ful.Jy regained mpn praotlce to. 'place the pots In One great difficulty In trade·schools whn t I carried tMB little whip for, and conlclousness, when I IIg,btly tOBBed fancy , vases or jardinieres; ·'tbl. , te The Repotted Divided Root .. what I am about to tell you concerns tbe diamond ball towards bls eyes, reo and Industrial training is to mDln~llIn detrimental to any plant, as It hinders JlrAcUc'al relations bet~een ~lass work . It." He handled tbe little artlc;:1 al· tal~lng tbe end of the lash 1n my band, one part lent mold aod one part fand. the alr getting to Ule pot, whlcli Is mO.llt lovlngly"':"fondled It~smtled on and suddenly cracking It, much a and acilie:1 Industry. In the University should be made up for the potUnfJ, ali pqrous. If, liowever, thllt c'ollrlle Is , of Cincinnati studeote spend alternate .t, and sat toying wltb It while he .went driver cracks his whip on his lioTlle's this Is tound to be .the comP!l!!t In adopted tbe outer vessel .hoiJld be.con. . on wIth his s~ory. 1 bad otten noticed nectt-so!" yeeu In ' the schoolroom and tbe that he Invariably carried It with bim. The dlamood ball sbot out wllh In. which the aspidistra best lucclledS. slderaply larger than that contalnlnll fIotmt ~~;;;"';~'~~!:~::;~r:~i,~i ....ope of nelghbor~ns manufactorleB. When he chaoged from his Btreet crodlble SwIftness, a.nd craCked, sto\>, Atter about two years' growth the the 'plant itself, to allow: ' a cenaU, ~S«/AttDrl ,or .~...r. "1'11. stlldents are paid ' moderate ,clothes t.o those at the stage, be al· ping 'about two loches short of ~ leaves '11'111 have Increased to such an amount of air to circulate between \).e II ia ""~ poaible to teRre a bome.tead 01160 wage for their Ihop work. Similar co- ways changed the whip from pocket to spear cif palm leaf, wbl(lh he had extent that they are apt to crowd oile two; allID It ehould .not be forgotten tiCfeI aDd another l60aaeaatS3.00~uae. another, as In Fig. I, .and as small; that water m'u st not accumulate at the I·HlundlndJ haft. paid the CCIt 01 their, latlD. (if Operation' Is to be tried In Fltcbburg, pocket, Ilnd on one occasion. 10 the evidently picked as hlB t.arget. . mls.shapen specimens result, repottlng "Gradually, I let the Iball come and division III then necesllary. To hottom of tbe vas~, as Qils rapidly be- purdlUed)aod tlien had a b&t&llC8ol.(romSIO.OO: JlUII., bet ween the ' high school ond middle of 11 performance, he had comes stalJtlant and !!Our, and, Is very to $12.00 pei __ from 0118 .~, Wbeat, barIey~ abruptly left tbe stage on IIndlng that closer and closer, unUl flnally-" -tile local m etal work('rn: The advan· commence operat!ooi place the- ftngel'l Injurious to tbe plant. oalI, du-~all do _II. . M~ fUlliiaa it a IIeIIl . He stopped 's hort an() with a · sharp tace of the plan Is twofold. Since the be had lett It In the dressing room. IIICcea and d.~ .:. biah!Y po6tabte. Excel. ''Probably you have discerned that crack the palm lear . spear shot olf as ' ... . 1toJ. cnn' earn a little wlll1e tlley are Imt dimall!; IfIIe1IIIid lChoola Ud· ""urchc., nil. h!ina 'mOll em)' cJi.trict, Withba eDJ reed, In schOOl, they are le!18 likely to teel I do not belong to ~he lire .wlth whIch lhoug~ cut with a knife. I closed my r am now aSSOCiated, the same , as I eyes and my head 8'wam. . .. . ., : . 01 mmlet: Railway .aDd I• ..d 'CQlDpanies haft .that their In ~be blgh school are can see that you do nut belong. In "And thel\," monsieur continued, "J Iaada.for at l.o w ~ric.ea ,aDd oa e.., tel'ml, . .relaying their entr~nce fnto ' 1)read· my oountry we-but that does not started on the other· eye. But It was ~i.a.t·BeetWnt"pamphleta and mapa aent wlwilng occupations. matter-how do you· say It.? 'Clrcup\' Un~ecessary. When they fouod him Ire •• .Por thea. and InCont\lltlon .. to how to MOure hweat rallwa" rat.., applf tei Il.i.nces allf'" cases:-Is It not? So!" thl' next morolnl: he was locked In his By a 40 days' tast at Long Beach, S......t .....t I............. He smokf'Jl reflectively tor a Ume, room, with the key on the Insld._ Otta.a. ea...Ia Qat, a Ohlcago school teacher won a soU I sat silently watchll/g, sipping transoms are very handy-a hopelee8 • 10 &be alllhoriad CaaadlaD Oo~ Apuz; Iluaband. Doubtless It II all tight, but my stein ot !,Jeer slowly. lunatic." . R, M. WILLIAM,. •• trust · t he man Ilhe married did not "r met ·Croteau-tor !I(' I 8h911 call Monsieur eyed mt> «:lIrlou81y for 8 . .Win., Tow.. 0 ..... pt the Idea Ulat lIls groce),y accolI:\t hIm-at my olub. and a wl~rm friend· moment, and dien ordere(! m.ore drinks. "?>fadame and tho bol's: went to wo';ld be small becaulle or ber tem ohlp soon sprang up between liS. 1n POrion- abstemiousness. Fastln« 'makes one way nnd another we were throwo Hong I'ong," he sJlfd, appreolatlvely much In each alher's company, n:.d sipping bls IDY&rlnbllt abSinthe. "From I*IPle huogTIer than e\>er. when Croteau In\'lted mA to hIs hoine her thIs morning I received tbls dis. ...... aeroplane Is forecas.t ed Il.I a fu. to moet his wife aod boys I readily ae- patch . 'I am ·free . Com l. MarIe.' , And that 1(1 wll)', mQD a I, I go to ture means 'pf beating the l>aHeball bos .~Bll ted. 'Frisco. Tbe <-'blnR Maru leavee tor "Aod, lib! hili wife! No lovelier oIIca; but trom the latest returns 1t.e WOlDon bas lived. Wben we Orst met Hong KonK nezt week." . .....ball ttckete will be cheaper thal' .he was gl'llcl()us Bod courteous, but, I And with 'he oabIE!grlaJJll .. ~ bUll· I.Dd funeral exPf·I.UI. :hDUght, rather cool towards tbe most eUpped back Into ble :JI.tllJIate frIend or ber,, monel·headed b!&cbnake 11
r:~~ I:a~~~~r. ~n It,::~e~f:~!'"IIP~':;
WacYon .with LoW' Platforln wa,.
~ .
:;;;£LL~ '
"'ROLL lilt wl Lh a Cringc; ' h e YC.lICd through 11 hole in . tho wall. It was 12; 02 Il. m ., Seplember 1. 1908, and the firs t customer 'Of lbe' o".ter season had broken til e screen -of mys tery which surrouhds the e,n t. rnnce
ooze fl'f.'m Lhe genital ,( penlngs and fertilization r '.! a u :l t II from thelr arcldental meeting I:: lb~ water. Segmenta· tlon results m O" e or six houra In' the productlon of a .cllluted gflS· trula, a oupJCEtI£ ON. THE OYJT£R s h 11 P e d treeswimming orgall'Ilr the ' bl~alves I~to the dally menu of l he man who Comiequently the Ism, often ' car· patronizes the "hnsh·houBes" of the big city. oyste)'men strain rled by the cur· Tho man wbo ~\1ed through the hole In the wall was evety nerve to win rents to found .' the wajter and 'an answel'lng grunt fTom the blackness l!l tbls blvalvular new and remote ""Hhln 'told the man with tho apron and the mnn with race. 1Mldnlgbt of beds. An embry:the" appetite tbat tbe cook understopd thllt wbat walt August ·31 finds onic shell 800U wBnted WBS hal! a dozen oyste rs" tried, with a liberal the fl eet reacty for appears, and tbe ~round of .bro.ken crackers rolled In lhe yolk or an the run. Every oys. lit tI e oys ter terman bas his '.gg. , ,. sinks to the bot· Tho remarknble thing About the littlE! inCident related boat OS trim and tom, wbere, If .f11· • ovo Is thllt oyster flshlng In the waters of the east ready as care can 'Vorably sHuutl'd, began at midnight , August 31, yet at 1:1: 02 a. m., Septem- ¥1\lke ,It. It becomeg at· ber I-Just two minutes after the 10Dg .prongs had been When the clock tach e d by dipped Into tbe b.eds, a thQ,u8and mlles alway-a customer has ticked the I tB ' I e f t vulve bad been able to 8uccessfully .gatber ' a full ' sized meal month of August all d g r a d U· the . delicacy., , ", from the calendar ul\y Rssumes the In fact the .flrst oystWlr farmer II) the <:hesapeake bay the ' race Is begun. adult form. The. pulled up hlB 1ll-st bivalve at the same time that the resIt Is a run of,sev. recently attached 'l aurant patron was doIng tho ,same, the only difference eral miles from . the . spat Is 1·80 to being In the distance. lltartlng point to ,~be ' oyster beds, and lhe tew wbo are 1·90 of an Inch In dhimeter, und Its subsequent ~wtb This tale might lead skeptical porsons to , be,lteve tl;lat prlvUeged to be present' when the . fl eet gets under way varle!:! with Its environment. S!ngle oysters on Orm bot· 04)lthor oysters are manufactured nowadays or else the partiCipate in US pretty a moonlight race all Is to be . tom become rQund and deep, bu: tbose ' in clus ters or on 'mldnlght adIQlrer ef the mussel was being fed ' the seen on the water. ' • soft bottoPt grow I~regular and e longate. On undisturbed Tlroduce of 1907. . With evet-y sUtci, of' canvas set. the boats skim along natural bcds they grow In clusters, and the beds repo e, The eatel' knew that It was Selitember 1 and that oys· In tho silent night, every skipper ;~xerUng hfmself tei as Il. rule, on . a muddy substream up'o n which tbey bave tel's appear during each month tht} spelUng' of . which the limit o,r his 'seamanship to crElep ahead of tbe field. beeu' built up from a compara tively s ma ll nuclcus ' by <:ontalns an R. Hence he felt perfectly saf~ as the oYII· ' To Insure an .!'Iven race to ,all , II Uljlted Stales gunrd lhe fixation,' year after year, of the y~ un~ upon the shells tors one by one IIlld trom the fork Into hili mouth, ' boat watcb~s the start nnd sees thnt no captain moves of theh", pi'edecessors: Scientists ten ua that mO-ny 'of the I>lg dealers In oystet's untIl tlle legal time. TIle boat also accompanies the Oysters INe Cram 'abo ve low· water mark to a depth tlowadays 'are p,w.t{ug the holdov,cr product : ~r the p~e' . fleet to, owa,t ch the 'fishing !lnd prcvent any piratical tricks of 16 fathom s, wb ere density Is betweon 1.002 and 1.0~5 the bids are reache4. ' when' vlous year I.<..t.: refrigerator plants In order tbat the In· the optimum .bei ng from 1.011 'to L02'll, ~nd In a range 1erlor 10D,Qlug tor the delicacy previous to Se,ptember :11'; Ea~h oysterm~n must flsh In bls own ground ' when, of temperature wblch In Cllesapeake ba~' exte nds from may b, ,..aUated . . It 18 just about the middle of Septem· the'boats reach the I,eds. Hoy,< they are able to Onel th eir 32 degrees F. to 90 degrees F. The emb,ryos and fry reo ,' bel' -.onen 'we first begin to t aste the catch of the year. 'own 'particular flshln~ ground In the dark 'is a mystery to quire more equable· and stabl e conditions, tbe lemperathc landsman, . , F\'O~ then on untU the first o,f May, Inc1udlng September, ture required being \>etween 68 degrees F. and 80 degrees ()'Ulber, November, DeceIQber, January, F ebrunry-Iots Sometimes they mIstake some 009 elso's bell tor theirs . . F. The best and most produc ~l ye beds are commonly In -ot oysters In February; 'It bas two R's-Mal'cb and April, , Henc.e the presence "t UlI! gtInt-d boa,t to prevent trouble strong t'\ da,1 currents, whlc.h disseminate the fry an,d f~od . we have the bivalve stewed. fried, baked, raw llqd In between rival skIppers Who, ~Itber Intentionally or by and keep the old shells clean enougb to ,catch the ,ll(iat, , 11uinerous pthel' ; edible and , Inedible ' w,aYs. -mistake, 'attempt to .ftllb on tbo same' ground, Diatoms constitute about 90 .per cent. of the oyster's food. But sclbntlftc friends, teU UI to -take our. oysters ' In In recent years nlalty of ' the ak.JPllerl! ,of oysfElr boa ts the rest consls\lng o( other small plants and anlm!lill,' and soup lor the Irst two week8 of tbe oyster, sea80n. 11h18, have been , fitted WIt!I, Bteam and ,ge:l\oll~e ' engines to ' In ·lho breedl tlg :season ,of Its OWI\ eggs and tr-y. The 'lat· they. say. wl\l eradicate ~ , J.l98lIlbIU~ of evU.eflljcl:lJ; '.fhe ileat their rivals who hllVe, to depend on sail power alOnE), tal' are enten ' by otber, lnoU\lflca also, and' from Hs aUach· man "'ho has a cousin wlt0 Is we1l aeq,ualnted' wltb tbe A curious collection of engines wete IIot ftrst seen on tbe ment until It Ireaches a large size the oyster., ls preyed up· brotller 'of Ii young lady who (lnce found a pearl In a raw boats, Discarded gasoUne machines that would bave on by !ltarlillih drills '(Uroslllplnx), drumftsb, raYlI, ,and oysler at COIJl'8e will revolt from tbe edict that early found theIr Wa)· to \he ocrap heap but for tbe oyster. oth\~ r aggressIve enemies, w,,"lIe It wages a passive ftght season bivalver! should be. eaton cooked, beca)1se ' bOiling men bad been oiled uJ) all.d p~t ,10 readlneaa for the sea- against starvation and suffocation with 'mussels, barna· lon, and steam engines tbat were never designed for cles, sponges, worms, aquatic vegetation, .and other pro' de8troYII tbe lusl~r of the pearl and renders It valuele~s . marine }Vort helped tbe fortUnAte · skippers wbo owned ' 1I1lc or luxuriant organisms srowtng on the beds. However there are few who do not rellsb oyster soup, , Ostrea Vlrglrllca occurs from tbe' Oult of Saint Law' even If they "shiiply: OAN'T bear oysIer8," 10 ma,n y fol· tbem to show a clean palr of heels to the 8alllng craft lowed out tho sclentiftc ultimatum. Rel!tau:ant 8tati8t1clI when tJle ~d ruah for Ibe oyater b~d8 beg.,n. .rence to the ' but lletweeli Cape Broton and Cupe have It that fried 'oYlltera are the most lJI1latable to the , Now that the oyster 8tlIlIOn 18 well under way and the Cod the Maino, I. Its onl1 locality. It mollu8k Is obtainable fresh from the waURa of the east· haa aI80 In San bay. where men and women who patronl~ rB8tapranta. Next· CO~811 the oYlter lltew and then the eacallUped ClYllter, followed ~rn COast of the United Statea, the tDplc of bivalves I. It breed8 ttl utareJlr aD eD«J'QUlDar ODe with the eplcare, Tbe reain 8u~e8810D by tile ra~ and tbe, b~~ P~UQt. Tb~ 1U8IIIteln proiluc1tion Scarcely, 1"'exclUq th .... the ·.1 Ud for. weetern 'boom IOn that tlllhel'men ounot ~ack olltera bet.Hi. A"rII tile prtncrtllal!1 town .Ite II the dub of the OY8termen ICJr tbe be~1 after ant ~Ptembe.r .. .1Ieoaa.. the month8 of M." J)III" the mldDlsht of the 81ft. of Aa~t. A orC\bls to 'law", 110*_ .lu., and AQUBt aN UIa IIpIlWIIID'JDOlltbl. . the
datil tlIe
~ . ..;;~~~~~~.r~;~~:I;;I;::r:
Is esUmatc(\ at upward of GO,OOO, but as many of them are employed part at tbe year In other fi!!berles, farming'. etc., dcfinlte /ltatlstics are ,not available. Baltl!Dore 18·tbe most extensive market and New York bas a considerable exporl trade with Euro~e. The native oyster of th e Pacific coast Is a small thlD shelled species. In 1901 159.340 busbels, valued at ,261.192, were mnrkt:~e d, principally on tbe Pacific coast. The European .oys ter Is found from ttaly to Norway. It Is It. !'ound tbln·sbq)\ed spedes. ·more Bllap~ly than the AnierlCl\n species, aud bermallbrollltlc, .flrst female and. afterwards male. It Is less IJrollfic than Its American relative and the young p,ndergo conslcierllble dev~I,9pment III the manUe cbamber 01 the motber. It thrives In water of full or almost full, organic density. .. , The oysters of Japan occur In shlll10w and moderately brackish or moderately salt water througbout the whole arclripelago ; and a. very. large srllt water specIes Is tound In deep water. , 'Many other species of Ostrea are found In templlrate and tl'oplj:al seas througbout Lhe world, The oyster family appears to bad ~ts orlsta In some Imperfectly known forms. The ta~ny 'Is found also III the P a rlllian. In the Trla881c It Is re pres.en~ by a st rongly plica ted form, ' AJ e ctry~nla. which form becomes more 'promlnent In the Jurassic and' Cretaceoua. There aro also the common arcuate ' sheUs of Grypb_ and liixogyra In the Jurassic and Creta!:leous'. 0'8tr~a. Itsel( Js kilOwn 11,1 tire Mesozoic, but It attained Its mutmum Ci'f '1I1ze and abundauce In ' T~rtlarY. The ' sand,,' mat'ls of this period In the so"tb~este rn :t!nited S~tA!> orten contain great nu.mbers of very lsrge spe.clm8JL. of oysters. Owing to the exbausUo,n ' of the natural bed. and their Inability to Bupply the'd,emand fa!, oyslers, It has been found necessary to resort to artlflcllU metbO!la of production, effecLlng', (1) an Increase In the number of eggs fer tilized; (2) an Increasj! In' the surfaces available for fixation; alld also or the nUDlber ot spat attachlnl; (3) the saving br spat and young oysters ' whlcb would natumlly fall .vlctlms to enemies· au'a adverse .physlcal con(Utlons ; and (4 ) the utilization of barren bOttom. and nat'urully unavailable food sI.lPII\les. ' But a small par't 0'( the nr~a ,under water suitable for oysters hu been utUl~e !l bynatl.lre, mlil\lly tor lack ot suitable bodln for tho attachment of tbe young. In the United Statea such bllrren bot~oll\ Is utilized by dearing It of ,aU rubbish and e ither planting 'culOOh' to collecl the spat; (Ie else young Grsters (seed), that tbey ' 'may Improve III size, shalle, nnd quality under conditions Bafe~ ,and more favorabl.e than In their orlgtnal environ'ln,ent. III certain places either method m8¥ succeed, but commonlT tI.. locality is better adal)~ed to one than ' the olher. ' The most. suitable bottom for oysler culture consIsts 01 firm mud or of 11 firm substratum wltli a thin surface of 80ft mUd, ' but stable sandy bottom 18 nsullUy deftclot In toad. ioose '!land drifts 'and cov",rs th .. oysters, and ver.y soft mud Ingults and 8t\fies them or produc88 IDrerlor elongJlte slack. Mud naturally', too s,o ft may be ' utilized by distributing over It shel\e, sand, or other . . lerlal; which, resting on or near tlua surface, furnl.t1. a fil'm "foundaUon upon which the growing oysLer mIlT repose In security. ' For spa.t-colleot~u It I. frequeDtl7 advantageous to use hard mud, gravel, or rocky b6ttDlil !n sboal water, III adapted to adult O)'Slers from d ... Oclency of food. The bottom being pro~rl~ preparlMl and Its boundarIes marked wltb stokCl or buoys. eltb. . 8ystem may · be adopted to accord with c1rcumst&D--. O~ral1y Beed-plantlDg Is more certala In Ita l'fIIulti anA 1101& quicker returns to ~e grower. Seedo01.~ra yaofrom "bUston" one.half moh In dlnmeler tD lndlylcr..... a1mQlti ready for market, but orl,llnartl7 they are bet. . . . OD8 and inches long. Tbe), ~re ~btabled from .......... era ID&klD« a 8pedaJty of '8884 prodllet1OD OJ' from .aI~~ tIleir cciet frOID tell ceJlta
.....I '. ~~ _l>." ~
Lebanon, Ohio'
FRED'S Lebanon, Ohio
WING to an insistent demand 'for a stand.lrd price on Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, and ' realizing the great ~dvantages o.u r ~ustoliners would gain by such a st~nd~rd price system, this store has . decided, upon a radical ,d eparture from heaten paths, and has taken a step which will be of vast importance to clothing buyers. . . BeJinning with the opening of spring business, 1909, as a , fixed policy of this store, all Men's and Young Men',s Suits and Overcoats wUI be priced at uniform prices
.$10~., ~$15~-$20 \
To begin right and 'rith a new fresh stock of clothing is ,our , intention, to dispose ' of our present stock of Clothing between now and Spring is our aim.
A ~al~ of vital interest w~en
and Overcoats
At $12.50
You can buy Suits and Overcoats that have been at $6,00, $6.50 and $7.00 NOW $3 95
You can buy Suits and Overcoats that have been selling at 116 50, ,'1'1.50 and $1800 NOW $12.50
, At $5.00 . I
At $7.50 You can buy Suits and Overcoats that have been selling at $10.00 and $12 50 . NOW $7 50
At $10.00.
You can -buy Suits and Overcoats that have been sellillg at 113.&0 and 115.00 NOW fl0-OO
to every man is no", in progress. Now is your opportunity~'of buying high-grade Suits the season is just begin'ning at a positive saving of from $2.50 to $7.50.
At $3.95
You can buy Suits al)d Overcoats that have been selling at $7.50, $8 00 and $9.00 NOW' $5,00
'At $2~.75
You can buy b()ys' Sui ts and Overcoats that hillve been seiling at .350, $3.75, $4.00 and #4.25 NOW 1~2.75
At $15.00 , You can buy Suits and Overcoats that have been selling at $80.00 and 122 00 OW 115 ()O
You can buy Boys' Suits and Overcoats that have been selling at 12 50, $275, 13.00 and $3.25 ', NOW $195
At'14c You can buy Boys' heavy Cotton Knee Pants that have been'sellhig at 2fic and 35c ' NOW 14c
Yon eM buy Boys' Suits and Overcoats that have been seilIng at 13.50, 14.'1'5 and f5 00 NOW 1~3 50
At 33c',
. I '
At $4.75
You can buy Boys' Suits and Overcoats that have been !lelling at $7.50. 18.00 and $8,00 NOW $5.95
At' $1.95 ·
At $5.95 .
You can buy CassimEre and Worsted Pants that have been selling at,as cO, 13 % and $4,00 , NOW $2,H!1
You can buy Men's and Young _ Men's Corduroy Pants that hav(\ . been selJing at 51.50 NOW 98c
At $l.69
At $3.79
You can buy Corduroy Pants that have been selling for$2 50 NOW $1.69
You can buy the best Cassimere and Worsted Pants that have been selhng at $5, *5.50 and $6 NOW $.'t79
At '$ 1.98
At $1.45
r You can buy All' wool Humboldt Jeans Pants . lined all throua-h that have been selling at $2 00 NOW $1.45
Yo~ can buy Corduroy Pants
You can buy Boys' Knee Pants that have been selling at 50c NOW 33c
thal;,lhave been selling at '3.00 , . and $3 fiO MOW $1.98
. At $1.89
At 69c
You can buy B~)ys' Silits and Overcoats that have been selling at $6.00 16 50 and $7.00 NOW :t4.75 ·
At $2.69
At 98c
You can buy Boys' Kl)ee Pants either Straight or Knickerbocker that have been selling for $1 NOW 69c
All the Newest Things
You can b~y CasIIimere and Worsted Pants that have been sel1in~ at t2.6Qt .2.75 and $3.00 NO)" $) 89.
The Late Winter Arrivals Included in this SaI~ NOTfl'ING RESERVED.
OUr. Guarantee goes with each and every ~juit or o:v~rcoat just the same ~d' we will preas and repair free
. charge notwithstanding the reduction in prices., In s~athY' with our Clothing Sale we 'h ave also made special ,low' prices in all de~artme~ts, ~loak" S~Q~~, - F1LIr~i~.u~e: ~~OV~8! Chinawar~~ 'D ry ..qoo~. a!l~ .~ar~t~. You , ca~ ,. profItably do your Fall, Winter and Hobday shoppIng under one roof. You' 'Wln 's ave tune, we will save you money.. We can furnish your house from top to bo~toril.. '. ,
L~ba~~n, .'
I Tho~gb'
. Estate ,of Ralph and Herman Lew- Nancy K. Beller to ' Charies' E:l CAsTlE SQUARE ENTERTAINERS 'Mr. "' "hi .. ;" II . Stanley, attorneys for defe~d~nt. is, minors. }i'irstac,coun~ approved, onroe, real estate in village()f~b. ~ ab"'lt ~tt ,lt. 98r.v ~t!.,lul1l'l" ,irlll"!:lli I N Sui E. W. Hensev va. Mrs~ Wilham allowed and confirmed. " anon $1. ' The ' Castle Square Entertainew aDd I)UU ~lIr I.. "Imll-t. I'e9 ·",11 IrOll1 ~W· ts. Michael. Plaintiff asks for a judgEstate of Marshall Ludlum, de. Sarah Logan to Estelle M. Logan 'Il if fi I f hi. bead. Mr. Lidilll, i~ . ahlhctld to WI . o. era ~t-c 8S8 ~·~tette 0 ke"p to tllll bed, . hi" ir,jllrlt'll lleilllC . Georce 'L Croil, Lucy L. Croll et ment of $57.00 with interest at 6' , ceased. Thi'rq and Jlnal account ap· r eal estate in Lebanon. " It,\ '" Iilco~rated village of F.rank-' from Novemher 1, 1905, due from proved allowed and c:onfirmed. Qharles E. Mon~ to Ann E popular entertajn~1'S with exc.ellent more Ij6vere tbl&n tbPlIfl ' whloh, werd . lin.. ' Petition , filed by ,plaintiffs I.lefendan~ . r .Estate Of Jacob ~lhaeffer, insane Jiugh~, '~n IA:banon $1. solo voi~! whose ense11lble .work, reCeived b,W' Penoe. : . . through! th~ir attorney Charles'B Court Proceedings. FIrst and fin~1 accou ~t a'p~roved, al- k. _ Ellery F. Beller and wl!e to E. has been perfected by several seasons . A~ ~xQe1Jeot d!J10,fllltlOD WIlS, ~en t Dec~tin whienthey.say that they . . " ' lowed and confirmed. . . '~t:atzer $1 and oth.erconslderatlo~~ of successful ,cOncert work. Their to ~~e ,~otborlt.tet! In tb"t ou., "Uti are owaen in fee simple of ~ertain Howard F. RQsnagle by Carl Ros- Estate of John ,P. Stewart, de- t George W. Dakm to Dora E1bs, .. rt' . tens' d ' topthAr with BbefltJ Pattereo[J deecribed real estate in village of nagle, next friend VB. C' N Traction ceased. First I,lnd final I,\ccounf real estate in Waynesville, $1. re~ olre I~ e~ . lye, an com- IOOOeeded 10 trlloipg tile ~,"r t.lI F'raDklin and that they wish S'6me to Company: Verdict of Jury is set· approved, allo"ed .and confirmed .< George E. Fryburger administta- prl8e8 Selections which have won fa- Ujil'rT aDd UIIl>ert Habig. The be taken from within corporate lim- aside beca';lse .of exclillSive damages Estate .o f Ann H. Kelley; deceased. tor ~o Mary Hi~es real estate in vorfrom musical critics an4 from lattet Klln&lemeo did root deoy ~he its of the yillage and' made a portion and new trIal IS granted. Second aceount approve.d, allowed ,HamIlton to~shl~, $~.OO. . popular audiences A number of f~" tbai tbey had been ..ngager) of Franklin township becau!5e village State of Ohio vs Robert Mabray. and confirmed J. H. W,atkmsantl .Ehda Watkms h ' f n f lif d In .. IOrap IUld were blougllt to Lel'h88 not done duty with the Defendant pleads not guilty to .Estate of How!lrd E. Booth.,f' 0 ' Joseph Wa~kins re~1 estate in .umoro~s U 0 e aDQn aDd at .. preliminary beuillg ' , land. , " indictment, but guilty to. as- ~~t and final accdu'nt, appro~ed Harlan ~WTUlhlp$15 00. :. . ' I 't1on~ en I~en t elr pro~am, w , IC. IS .bifore M. A Jame'''n plead o()~ . '.. Geprge' E . . Riley VS , 'Myra Ann ~u}t. , ~e)~then l)entenceg to six ES~teofClara 11. ,Spence. ~}lIrd . ~inmlaslone~' ~in,s. ,r eplete ~th.quartettes, «;l~08, t"?B' gollty to &b., obar,e 6f assaolt with ' Bradley and , Orlando N ", Bradl.'!. montlts 10 J81l and fined $10 . account approved et,c, ' , B'll All ed- G ge H' A d solo~, whlstlmg sol~, readmas, Irish tote~t to till Bnd were released npon . , fi edf f ' I . d . S h' ' .. i!state of Leroy Thayer, deceased. IS. ow ~r ,. n er " I . 'ak" a bond 'of_l,QOO. Tbey bllCla 'beorPetltt!?n 1 or .r~ osure an pertate of <? 10 vs .Chnt S~nn~rd. 'T hird account approved etc. son, burial of SatnU~1 ~08S, $75; 'The mon~ oif~es, etc:, m 109 a peat Inlt ) ,Itlt. Friday before' ~ulre JIlrnellsonal Judgme,n.~ on , lOdebtednees of D.~endant pleads.gull~y and IS fined George E. ,F rybuI:ger" "vsM'a ry A. Western Star, pubhBhlJlg tlrpes af, variety of. en~~iliirigspecialty fea- son ' $1~.. ~. C. D~k~, attofDl.iY fo,: $2 and co~ of trlal.. "" ' . Garwood et. a\.. ~~ilort of sale eoil. , to~mC?P PI~ ~urt, $2~,''I1le West- turea. , ,. " • , ' pla'lI~tifl'. '. John Sulhvan vs, Ehza~e~h Sul!1 fiJlmed. Olstllibution of proceeds of ~rn .S~r\ pubhs~mg audItor. s'a nnual , .. . _ . . When a man ,of seventy leads a ' , e#.tI~lt~ $59.2!i, 'The, ~estern Star, 'IN tcited Fifteen ~ea bride to the altar it is a sign ' that -. " Ehzabeth C. Sho~~llker, Charlf3 van,'. ~otion to make PetitIOn more sale ordered " '1:1. Clern~nts and ,y/!lham 'H,.. ,Mor~ls, defimte I~ overruled. Estate of Elizabeth Hopki.ns, de- pubhlhmg.nbtiee to bndgecontract- ,~ " ,a , rs . . , ,' . , , . , vs Jt;nrue C" HamIlton" ~: Ma~lOtI Ellenor L. ,vs. A. T. $abin et' ceased. Philip Hopkins appointed ?l1lf $~O 51), The ,Weste~ Star, . sub- ,,"ror fifteen years,l b1lV8 ' ~lItob9rt marrlap Ian t a fad,:,r~. , Hal}l1ltpn ~r., . et al.. Petition fi~ed al. Sale of real estate reported at administrator giving bond of $2000 JCrI~tlOn from 'J~n~ary 07, to ~anu-I tlie working or 8uoll1en:" Ai:moll ' • -. '. asIqIlJ fot' , 88lde of the hlrd $1450 and division is made. ' with Edward L.,Berllrdall and Mar~!1!.y. 09,~ t3j, :rl,le W~tern Stat', pub- Sal;ve; aDd it bas : nevtlr flliled so ." HAS HAD ' SICK HORSE codiCil of wIll. of,the ,late Margaret Ollive M, Hedger vs. Cli fford Hed-- Bergi!all as s~r~ti~s. " hshmg llotlce of dl!ch ,:~ale\) ~ ..75; ?nre any, Ioore, boll; uloer or bam to , , Cle!"enf.!l, clal~mg she 'Yas of un- get. Divorce, granted on groundl Es'tateo£ Wilham Hardy, deceased ~he Leban~n Patnqt, .. &u <h~ngl wbtohlt W:&l! apv,lllld. ,~, has Sl&Ved Wtllter MoO(ure OIlme bea.r 1081n , so.~rd ~plhd at ~Ime of dra~gfng ~er of gross neglect ana former name of Iftventory and IipPlraisement filed ¥~f!L!J:jCo;.nmpntriP~as bIPrt.~; 108 maoy 'a doctor bIll, IlIAY" F, 0119 or hts borsBII lal't, ·vwet fro,: ~ WI , an ~ , at s e was wron u y III Ollive M.:Sharpe is restored by, court . In matter, of wi.ll of Jonathan to ~ 'd a .on a 0, pu Ie no ce Hard'!. of lCilat ~*.oo, Marloe 25, quinllY but. itls On tile rood &0 v fiu~nfed m the same·' . K'I H . S ' . . , , r • Oglesbee, deceased. Will,admitted rl ge cOJ;ltract~rs! , 513.:75; Thel at" Fr~ U: , ~bwllr'tz's' .drl;lg store. ery 1,1 Joseph M. Wantz vs.John E. Dun- J 31 •• ~eney, executor vs to probale. . , . Leb~nonP~~n?t,prll~t1Og2000'blan~B " ' " . ~. , ,ham. Petition' ,Of . plaintiff aver.s James W. SWenet et al; . ~eal estate ES~te of Jonathalll Oglesbee. de- for reco~de!,. , $5j- ,Toe MOl'row Trl' HU~TEI{S ATIJ\CK MEN ' , ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!I'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~'!!! that shovel belonging to defendant ord.ere~ sold as per petlt~on pres~nt- ceilsed. ' Elias Oglesbee and . George bun~" , prmtmg.10:OOO blanks for, re, .' , . Oglesbee app'ointoo executors ac~ corder, ,$25: .\;\,. C. Turto.n.. , 'COal ~or . 'A. 'a reSlllt of Il ",treDDOUIj' ' HII 'waecareles8ly dropped on the pub- ed 10 court. lic highway and,was of such ~ state' .Owen G, Felter vs. Nora Felter. cording ,to Will, givil1lg'bol'ld of $8000. ' cO,ur~ :hou~e, ,$~:96: " P~*pSp'ence, connter witb two hUOfA!rll MOllfll\.\I of delapidation and Jay in such aman- DIvorce g~an~d ~n ground of adul- Levi Luken~, Seth Furnas and Albert ,~~kll!g gen~ral l!l,dj!xell, $~I~'4iI~~j ,J ,., rafte'rnoou. " Ed Peooll 1& nursing ";1 ner as to'be d~ngerous to passe'r~~y' tery. Plamtlff glv.ep custody·o,! son, Merri~t ~pp'ointed. e)cecutors . , ' M~tc?ell. ser;'lc~ '88', mfltmar~ ahn08~ severed elu' while uiavid LId, , andthatonAugust , 19, 1908,abay Guy, and "defendant , Qf dl\ugh~el:" Estate of ' CarrIe A. L{)gan de. y.lree~or, $.38.80, R. Harshbarger·, dilts ,oonfined to ' hi" bed wt~b" " getcling oelongjna- 1.0 plaintiff was May: CO~l1t gran~ each, the prl~- cease<i lnventor:y al,d appraise~ent ,soap .f!?r co~rt housei $1,; J. W.. Moo4Y broken, nO(le'and at-iler Berloos tujn '" ill~red by ~~pping ~n .said shovel lege of seel~g ,~he o~her at ple~ure file~ , ,' . " . . repalrln~ st~mp for cour: t .!I~noRra' I'll's. " " .' , ", " l;lild later dIed . , Pla10tlif asks for !lnd convenJe~ce. , . ." , ~tate o~ Armmda C. ' G,lhs, t~her" $lt, A1/Jert , St?l?bs" meals ,f!Jr Mondliif betO'K the Grat dll~ .of tbe Judgment of $150 the value of the Sta~ of Ohio vs· MorrIS Rogers. ceased. First accoulllt filed. ' ,c,ou1e J~&' l5.~, ~ ~u:n,. rabbU .'JOD ;,reous'a od Ltddil were horse. William McDonald, attor~ Defendant pleads, guilty and is sen- ' Estate of Veda Van Riper, de- )~, s ,01,' d~fenlury" JOi" ~ rt 'det_tled k) w~tob' 'he Suker Ellrm . i ney tor plaintiff. '. ' tenced ~o .one Q!ly's ~onfiry~m~n! in ceased Invento'r y and appraise', '$35' ~rson \ I jl. I~~, ~r: ~8I1t' ~Uown.'. 'Bearing the' .apOrt on: th.. politive ' .,.....~tee ·' Peters Arms and SportIng Compa- county Jail and 'IS fined $5 and costs. merit filed . ' , ,~ , amue . en e" . . an . ex of .. goo 'I~Qlitly ' atter nO~1D tbey ' 6'-_, ' If I ." ny,vs, Stephen Brubaker and ,J . W " Probate Court Estate of ,Thomas E , Drake, de-: r:nl!&s G'osurveyor'I$Ug.65" went.fortbto,tnveatlgllt8lAnddl!lOOv ~t .· t doei·oot '5've ..~Brubaker. Petition of plaintiffasks "' . ' , ceaSed. First and finl;ll ~Count. Co' mpany. , um er, " . ~ e,~ ·tbe tWQhoot8r.. All the latter Ufac~O: we Will the fot jll~ent of $141.25 with inter- l~ matter of will o~ Laura~. New- , , In matter of adolption ~f Irene' , 10 .rr,u~~T~lpert k'tctlj.ny , dldJiot 'oomply with 'he 'dem16od to' .atk.'o .........tofiJion. pal ' d estclairoed to be due from defen- port, deceased. Will admItted to .Brunk. Kansas Wharton and Em- ~ierPgjuili" ' .e ran In ron- sorrender 'tbelr gnue. PI.DOe llDd . ", ..,....,... ,Y , ' !iBl'!ta.. C. '8. Dechant, attorney for probate. \." ' ma Wh.~ton hi!! wife, adop~ the said :; e,t!.u $1i1f. 'W~IH ~~dlfepcld· Lti~~i1 ' oodertook to tilt. ,t~elt\ uy lJI for l~, ' : , ' ". plamtiff, Est:ate of Laura A. l'leW,port! de- Irene Brunk aged two .years and 5c:,c 1'8, ., • t' d' m~ . ~: foroe. Tbe 11.Oo,sel'l, 'however, .obo We' uk ~ who ar ' Lizzie Wagner, plainti'ff vs. Wil- ceased. N. H..Newport appom~ court orders nam6; changed to Irene S , JW&ch~:mb~1 01:u~t9~lC~" jeotbd *,1) this Dietllod of,p"0geeclioK ~_ ........' . '>" , ' e, Wqner defendant Petition executoraccordma- to termsof~lll Wharton. . , • $040' Wilr er Co 'd AB .odtbetwl}OoD.~bJ8IIwerellflrtoos ' .. _~oWD, ~, 4ebUifor~ piain~ff dai~iilg a-roBS John ~c~lure and C.harles , ~. Fitts Marriage Ucenses. · sewe.r, Vi l ' t!~, x,_lO. ~ 1, beaten Ilb9t&t 'he head alld abonl.' tafed, " ',4' or weP "and ~auty is filed and rest ' are appomted appraisers. IDa I W D k f BP~ia ayne , 'I'."~,, der.. Sberiff: Pa'ienon al'ld' liar ., . , ...-...f....! from ,
. , scribed real estate. Runyan
a;. :;-,
uo:.v. ,
,D r' ,
~:~m.::~=e b;,:~er L!~ Fi~~~d0Jn~I:~~:~t~r::~~~ ~nt!ld'
ec er plaintiff, ' . c°F!t:teed~f Henry Houk d' eased C~f!!;T ~toekmlP va villaa-e of FI'll k . ,8C • Lebanon r JohnPetiti in , n - First; and, final account confirm~. Leban ' Re lnW'UI' Ton 'IJ_~~r. .Esta~ of John Hohner, deceased. 0:::.... ~~~ •J&!'l • 1'W_rtso~ ,:a Alf~ First and final account conflrmed. ,,-. ......te W. WJl~ et aI. Plaintiff, cluma Estate of J . p, Gilchrist. First John P. tna petition to be o,w net of aD un- !'CCQunt approved ad con- Mcl,.ean. 66~ acres . flill4M tb1rd part of eertafn de. _rmed" . , 'lhip, t1. "
~n, attorney for
.. b &h~!1;~ ~~1~::'~~~~t~~Jo~h ~~~~ ~':'~:D '::::bf!m:~:~~~t u~rerriaker~.
':couaa.. :to=-.v.
repairs, : ~e, ~ , IP. clobtl~&edcl~ .he -.0.... ID aD' .OSOmo. Or ".....-a. 21' -, • - • " e!dl fol IOwinllbe ooone SUeD _ .' -"~01 ' IqseomatlllD ., 'promptly drtveD b7 lb. bma. . . tbe,. rode to Middle.. .,..'. . . .m.... to,t lyVlDol from tbe ,blOOd · witb Dr, Sbo.op'a to. . JQDOaloa whue tbe,learQ8d .wlth.tlda ntiA.............. &m~J • . Don""ute· ...., abe,. bacl_.&bertjh,ooJU18 " " -'-·~f r...u.ctiee. A .. &bemeo bad loqalrecla, . lia &abIM. Pot--t:DiDc .... at•• of ...... to J. "E•
lID .,....
1114d_.... .',
die... ..
. .' .
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~~~~e~ ~~~~v~~~ w~:~~~:,~wl:~ w;;~~*i~:~::~*~::~;i ·.~'~' tOI!l SI~1 ;******** ********1 ",,'.r.~ \'
IN ALU:N bL OO .. Main ·rF: I. b:P liON t>:. PA I.I . Ii . 1I~
Walter Nash, east .o f Xenia, was kicked by a horse the other day, his life probably being saved by an emp.. _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ty tin tobacco box which was in his vest pocket and prevented his receivllatea of 'Subscription ing ,the full force of t~e .blow.
u~ ~ Yenr II LflcLl y III . lliM'le 'OilY
advnnr~) .
RateR of Advertillementa
~Iv e n
o n oo nl rue I-.
-N-O-V-J:-M-H-E-I~--::h-.-IO--O!l-.- \
The schools of Wayne township, Clinton county. were dolled last week and will remain clOsed this week on account of a mUd form of scarlet fever, f~om 'Yhi~h the patients .are recovermg m,cely. Ch,iefot~hwartz. of the depart;ment. Lebanon,and hisfire cha~ffeur Courtland Bradley. narrowly escaJ;d death ·when a fast train struck the chief's auto and hurilld it 60 feet. The auto was practically demolished
Dan Leever, a resident of Warren county, who waa struck by the automobile of A. I. Conover, of Monroe, To go or not to go? quoths the in that village last Thursda,y, died in the Butler county illfirmary the fol· k tur ey. lowing day of the injuries received in the collieion. ' The holidays are upon UB, and it ____ behooves the advertiser to get in Mrs. Blair, mother of W. H. Blair, his work as soon as pO!i!Sible, and aI-I editor of ~he Tri-County rreas ~t ways remember that the paper with Loveland, died a~ her J:lome m Xema . .. last Wednesday mommg at the adsuch prestige as the MIamI Gazette vanced age of 84 years. On Friday is the paper to advertise in she was laid to:1'eSt in the cemetery at Jamestown, Ohio - \-'J-IIl-O-Ng-O-A-V.
Thursday will be a day for all to · return thanks for the blessings received during the year past, and one should not be obli vious of the chance ., _ to PraJse the Giver of these blessmgs. The church~ will be open on this day and above all days should be filled. " trip to CUPVIn 0 11 a dllrk nlgM . . 10 8 rig of "oy Innd \11 really Dot· Mafe. In wO!lld be It j((lod t,hlo.R for tbe town oouoollsnd tbe lirolteel ges toRe~ber aud f.>rm sl)me way to havelightll between tbe bridllell It tl dllogerous to rlgll aDd pedt'strl _08 all'ke. A
The idea of putting crushed stone on the street is a good one, bu t couldn't the idea be more s\lbStan. . tiaJ'llJld take the form of bnck or block? It looks...,..while it may cost a little more. at the time-as though in the long run it .would be cheaper .. . d ... to do the thmg .nght, and It .~oul be good for aU tIme to come
. • . , . 1.•11)
..eaGlng Loua l8. per /ln ~ , . " . . ' .Ohc Hca(Jlnll Looals. black file'. per li ne •.. . 10c "Iallllitletl AdR. nOL ID axceed live lin es. '!'Ilree In 8erqo ll ~ 1!Eic Oartl ot 'rbanks . . . . . . . . . . . . , .... .. . 250 ·~o c Resolution. . . . . .. ... . " 'r~1 Socials. eto where CIHlI'IIU·I. ma d .. • '~IIC " ~"ll1Y Adve rtiSing. por Inc h DllCollnts
Tba nksgiving
Owing to the prevalence of typhoid fever in West Manchester, near Eaton, Ohi~. the state boa-:d ~f health h~ ~n eall~ upon to !1ld m 8u~pressmg the dtsease It IS the opmion of some that the town'. milk supply is the seurce of the epi. demic. Fish and Game Warden Cooper, of Wilmingtou, made ~ big haul last week. He arrested eliht persons for violating the fish and game law•. Two of them -ple&ded pilty to aein ing in violatibn.of law and were filled $25 and eoaU! eac~ Th. ehqes ~inst the oth~ parties were dillmU!sed. The aeme uaed by the of. fending parties was confiscated. Oblivious to all else save his grief Edward JuHan, whose home is laid to be in Da)!tQn earJ1ed. the dead body of ~ infant. ehlld m a basket for bun.l to Spnn~field Tuesday. Julian left bll.vton last week on a D S & U tniiitloncarand delivered the babe's ~f to • Springfte~d undertaker ~or..~ mterm8l!t It 18 said the famil, 18 ppor and WIthout means to incur the ~ditional expenae of an undertaker, and th. baaket bier w. resorted to· ,
Unmatchable Prices In All Departments .I------------,--=-,-------...------r--------------r--...;..---------___ JERSEY COATS Men 's
IloY8~2~6UOb!~~ .~~u.: .~t. . ( Rubber Hats
Ile 23c 43e 75e
Aloo's Heav)' IlIl Vns G,lo\' . Sale prl ~'Il . . ... ... .. . e · hll<JJ~ n ·. Kn it Gloves; goull und WIl!:' II ; JIIe vul ut!8 . .. . .... . . Men's Golt G10VIl8 ...11 ,~y le!l ; worth up w 7!Ie. SllIe price ....• • . Men's Dress " P . K ." KldGlov ; our 11.00 grade. SllIe price .. • •.. 1.000 Plllrs of l l llll's Workin" Olovee; \\'orth double our sale price. 50e IUld . . ..... ..... . . Meu's Whiplash Buck Mitts ; worth 7'-;':. Uu r specllli ~ale price . , M" u's alld Doy's Plush and ~' lI.r G lo"es. s pecially prlced ilL 13.60
J ackec.; regular , I. 60 vlllll88. sa le prfCIl , . • . . . Mon '" Fine Weave C .. rdlgllo Jack~t.. ; 13. 00. 12.GO 1&01112.00 val11M at '2.50. 12.00 and ... .' .
11,0 <JU1.0 11
$1 50 $2.00
.. . match , 2!1e and 3!1e(
23e 36e
IIf\NDKERCB ~EFS 200 dOlen Men's White " ...n sth cln,,1 H a ndken:l,I"rs, !Ie to tic valli""· · · · ········· .. . . . . . . Special lot 01, A!Wl ' S Fa.llcy 80rdure<! " ..ndkel'\:l\lets ; lIie valu"", each SpecIa l 10' 01 Men'. Wh.lte Halldkcrchlet•. regula r 15c nlutlil. aale price Men'. InJ~lal HIUld,kere.h lef8 (6 III abo"); wortb 200 eacb ; 11.20 per box. Sale price per box 01 six .,C . (Sold only by the box) Men's !Ie and tic Red and Blue Bandk,erchlet• . Sale price nil" .. . : ..
3c 7e
ud d UWll W .. • .• . . . , . .. ..• Mell 's JeMiflY 0 10\,"" ; regu lar ~1Ie
Y81m-s .
S8 1~
price,. .., .. "
Men 's Fancy Trimmed i\I usUn OOWOll a bill blU'galu at 611e. Now ... 111e for $ .. 00 IIrl1""" I1nd $ 1.00 tor
3c '12c 3c
pay l Oc tor . ...... . .. . , .. . , ..
rill lIunli" ; t h !I)c klUd . 7c ; :Clld I llu C 5c klud .. :.... .. ...... . ... Mon '. Pute OlL SuH Rul.l ng Ill ' 69C brol!",, ; I"OU .. . .. . ('r uvIln It
mbrellaa ; reglliur YO lues. 81110 I>rl\·e ..
S1 .~ ~
g IMUlc;c .
R1>IlCl 0.1 Il,t
o f M n 'N F llInll elte j,,"u ,,,, ; worLh .. lourt ll
I'll' $1 • 00
Itml " Ihlrd more ; 1 1.50 und
CbUdren's Fine Fut Black Rase; I::e regIll ... lOe values. Sale price .. ., (Four pair t.o e&ah cllllt.omer) ObUdnlO'. Heavy Fleece Lined School He»e; worth 20e a pair. Sale price . ... . . Ohlldnm·. Heavy BIIIcl< Hose ; cost 21ie ali' 8t.ol'8ll... Bere lo r , .OhUdren·. F ine F~ Lined HOlle. l lie valu ...... . . . ... . . . .
lie 17e 9c
or WIlY8' Mnme ;ts 19c cost ~ Iie everywhere. Sale price
Men '. Union Made We b· End S Uij' peudel'll. worth 2r.c. Sal\! price. 'f'he Pioneer oOe Suspendol'll; beIot 2SC 60c smrKlnder on ~he market Men ', H euvyO uuI'Bn teed PolleD and Firemen Suspenders; llie klud Boys' LoaLl,er End Suspenders. big IlII80rtmelltj 25<: kind, at . ... .
lsc ISC
Special BIg Lot
. Men 's alld BOYR' . '1110 A.1I· Wool Ways' A{umeUl. " lIllOllIIlo.r eoh,rs i lI(k' vll lnea •. .. .... , .. •. . .. .
DRESS SHIRTS 1Ilun's DI'IlII8 S h lrl~. In ran'y patterns; m,a terlals are P ercllles l anU ~I udrll8, aHached and d etacbed ·uff. ; IOOla arUer It, Lhe IMlIl80Il o.~ 6Bc; C
8pec1al Bbc eLo~ 01 Meu 'is Bee~ Sateen BllIcl< 'SbIrtoI. (Lut year we BOld ('.
49 Oli o price n.ow • . '• • . .. • Men's White Plwted D080m S him; 49c regular 71ie ValUBil o.~ . . .. , .' S oy' Fllney NegUgeo SWrI.8 ; 23c w ,nh aile to 50<! .•. •. . . • .. •
:::g:;:.>; ~~~/I. ~~~. ~~ ... 33c
39c 3Ge
MEN'S HOSIERY 100 DOlen Men'. Black Boae; regular 10e IUld ' l2c v alue. 8ale price ..
Men'. o.t White WO\lI sweatel'll'$2 I::R Sold all over DllyloOn at " .00. a~ .tJV Men'. He&vf.IUO Coat Sweaters Thank~J\'11ll Sale Price . . . . . Men 's Colot 8weatel'll. Special big ahowlJll at.U.OO. IS :~O and . . • Boy.' AU-Wool Sweloters In a ll cOlon. heavy fooibau ooll&rs and IIklrte: eold at 'liny other st.ore ror I L. 50. Our price . . . Boy'. New' Style Oo&t S .... eaters; eon.., thllll ne .. III t be sweater Une .. . . . . . . . .. .. • Men'. Pine Beavy Wool SW8&tel'8. all popular 8hweII; 11,50 valUM
. (LImit. , paJrs.) Meio's Black and F"ney Hose . mUIIUy eold at ~o. palr, S~le prl • 2 for' 2!1c. or , each . Moo's Fine lack B _ l regular 1.5(: "alu"". Our aoeclal price during .alll· only . . .. . . .. . . .. . Men 's Na~ural Wool Bose ; regular l Ot:: kind. Sale price .. .. , .. Men '. Ulie Jo' leece LIned Bose.
69c $2 50
9c 12c 9c Thanksgi"lng Sale price . . • . . • • .
lUO Do Mon's Largo
lzo }'our-Iu· hand 1'1106. IUI<lSL s haJ)lll< allli PllttefIUI ; you pOs it'" I), will paly GO<! at nll Y other _tores Our , JieClu T hnnka· 2SC giVIng prIce .... .. .. ... . . . .. ( 00 Wb,dolV Display.> ~l eu'8 Flln')' III id Bow Ties. the mgula.r 16c kind . on ly ..... . • The l Oe kinds 110 tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7c Me ns' Fancy lind Blllck Alldge~ Strll1A' . 'I'lce; l lie and ~5c grades go for ..... , • • . . . . . . . . .
10C 9C
6 3C
Ih' LlolI.,
Mon '. Fla& o r l(ulIllil
I~ . OO
Orders have be@.n '~ived by iIle $1 50 Pennaylvania,Railtoad at Pittabura, DOlon Uen·. BellV)' Work BOIIC; to place every man and boy POBBlble 9& 200 11)1: and I De valuea, Sc priced at lie and •... .... . ... . !n the rePai.~ :~o~ of the ioaa there; m order to tush out the ~ whleh CHILDREN'S PANTS AND have for mofftha _n on 'slde tracks HAT DEPT. SPECIALS in different ',itag. of repair. As a WAISTS the i:lWroad Ih.opl! to-morrow EXTRA SPEClkL- IO Oues 01 Men '. New Sample Hau.. purcha.oed hom a 80 do&eII SclIool Wa!AIII; 18c morning ' will for .&he first time in a 1111\<111111 ~ew York hat manlllactuMir COlt 21ie t he world ove r .. . ' at our:own price. \'h_ " .. liS were rear ~ve a (ull quota of men ~t 90 dO&ell Bpya':'hWaillu.'haIUrd0ew pat- Age made W be retailed at 11.50. 12.00 IS estimated lh~t the Pennsylvania terna; wo.. one·t more .. 't and IUO. During Th!Wklllllv- 97c has 10,000 'freight cars whieh must 111 doaen , Boy.' FIDellt DI"Il88 WaiIIla. loS' Sa,M I.he price will be ... . be repaired!; bef~re they can be reLIne nt lIlen'. 19.GO Hau. 1n , :'1. W:.\~":~~. ~t~.; . .. . 7ge Spec!a1 \llnck. browlI and tobacco shade•• In turned to th'e taU., and this i's the 111 . d.oaen BOys' Corduroy and Caaalmere sWrl,uu.; Hho special lot 01 black . How Is YOur DtKeatlon work to wh~ Ute aqny of workmen bro1wl1 . gJ'OOU . c"'\.Or and lawn color Knee PiuttAl; . . 23c COlt cenc. elaewbere . .... . . BO flt hata: , ~= $2 ,"s lib•• Mary D'oWl'bl!! of ~o. 2~ 8&b will be tum~ a~ once. Thankagivln8lSile pri ce. . 't. Special BIsLtit of Boys' Koee 45c Paoli; worth 25 centa more •• The Ne'" Black IItII'l " Lynwood" O~T ~ ~"··B B-ITS -Ave.! SilO Ifrabc~soo, r~oommbnd8 a Ratio; wurth 82.00 $1 • 45 Bor.· Kaee PlUlta. In tbe bel, rna· 88c remedy far . at 'macb tr90ble. tihe .... _ IV' . the world over ... ... . , . . lMIala i retrWar 11.00 Idnd . . . MY.: "Gratltode for the wODder .. - - - tot elf80' 'of Electrio Bitterllin a Oaae IIr. Fred Rik., ~rwln Komler, ot aoute 1odt~..tioD, prompu Sblll Bam E....1V'·. Dd ti. E. Komler, _"moot,.1. I 'am fnlly oon villoed HoodlY bOD"Dg OJioD, 'b. tarm of tba' fur ~Qlaob aDd liver trooblelt £leo'rlo \!iuel''' I.' beet remedy Yr. E••r ~\ D~r Leba~OD ",ad ,bey oD th. markeUo-dtsy." Tblt IJT•• ' bom. ,wUh »8 nbbll. aDel \: ·;--ttmloanel.lteriltlve mtldtolne lDvlg 12 bl~I.:- P~;toD Berald. · orste8 tb",at~m1 purUlelt the b100d . \f', ~ . - • and I. e.peotll.lly · belpful io ..ll A oler;r-iDan wl'itee : "Prevell· "01. tboM' , "'tie caDdy Oold Core forma of.·~· female .....II:D8I8. 50~ Fred 0, ~hwlt.rtz's dmg store. TabJetll ~ worklD, woudera tD my t • • , pariah. "til',e .enttOllorel, will.obeot THANKsOlVlNO FASHION . • qold, or the' Grlppe,ln ,. v.ry few , ' boorl. And PreveDtioa are eo eafe NO HUNTINO BIBLE· STUDY -. The s~bjeet of dressing is just now and harml"'. N oQQlnioe, nOlbini · much diiCussed .. banb Dill' NlSkeDlDg .l'lDe for f.v. The'f~llb,""ng-named persons for· .\lr. Kell~!on m~",es IlO exoellent ~ . . ' . IDstrnoto,r aDd everyone 'Ilkea a Populat taste' for the TbanltSliv- .rllb r~~J!-~_ohUdreD. 801: ot 48 . ' bid any ~u~ting or sbooti?g on their RI"dt IDterljilt.. MeetingA are held. ing aeas<in inclines tQward 8age -, 250. ~ a~ .d..tera. . premiaes,Wlthout permi81uon: .t Townsht' house ,overy Friday feets. somewhat stutl'ed in Ute ,J,;,;.; - • A cOrrect cut at the H~~ COMPANY Mf.ETS IUeol~Henkle, ' Charlee Lewis, 'evening ii':';' o·olock. ., Everyone IDvited to . attend. If dePends ugon the ' -r . Ellis. .J ohn Gibbons, yon do not wish to join come and l~ht or dark, but a The W.,D' TowDBJilp Borae Pro.. Ella Michener, lilt.eo , and th.ere, Is a neat teotlve Alloota"oJi will meet I:Iatur- Qhas HOUlrh, tion at thiA time .of the. year:. · a...01 af&8moon • Baaln_ or tmpor A B 'Cbandh~r, .Cha':l..Frye, ~=====~===~ Conventional Ideal! m trunndnp . W. P;'Hay" M. Satterthwaite. · are PoPular as .usual. taD6e. ~ll memberel' aboold _'tend. }it:' Clark, Catherine Keever, 8.ATHA WAY TIle WiN' is not so much favored; By ('r;der of prf'.ieleD~ , John ~tfoop,. J. P. Cummings, b~t, ~n' the othe.r hand, ~e wh.ole ' , ~ • Georii ' tflwke, Jdrs.G . T. Q'NealJ. '-\'IlY'le8Ville'. LeadiDg Dentllt bIro J8 frequently. seep. . ' Seven Years or Proof After dinner toilets are worn wlth ' Office In Keys Bldg. MaiD ~, .100M belt . "i have . bad ...ven , ..... proof NOTICE TO HUNTERS ~!!!!!!!!!!l~!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!' Ihaf; Or. KID,'. New ~very. l\I 57 be beet medlci1n. &4) ~k• .for ooo.hl .n1 one found hllDting or tr811 lnd ., OOldl!! ~d for .ver, .d tlt'.-ed pIt.,to, OD tb. IIlDd. OWDtid or oon,ondl"I'D of Sbl'oar',oheat.n.d hiD"," trolled by the oDderelgoed IIUbe01'i~. cayil W. V. , HeDry', of Paum., Mo. .,ta. ",,'boot & 1\rltteo permit, will Undertaker and Embalmer. rbtl world h.. b.d . tblrf.y elgh. be promptly Pl'OIIeOoted to tbe foil . e:deot' of the law I : Will- be fOODd ID the old ,e1l11 ot proof Dr. ·Kln.'1 New DlfIcovery ie tbe . belt remedy for WUoraU ·· Cart Wilhelm I Baok Bondlol, oPPollte !«,ollrh. aDd ooldl, 1• .Rrlppe, .. 'bma, ..... 1I1. . . ,._lIa'b";, · t:>; A. Strawo: the National BaDk. '. bay fev~r, brODoh1t.,,,, hemorrbap .' BnpD8 Ev.oa, 'l'eleI,hone in .ho~ aDd of. of t ... 1~~Re, and the early .t. . . of· . IIU..betb Sboemllker, floe wbere I ClaD ·be called way. prevent. tbe' d.velopment of mtbet BathawaT, wm .Bnrl8. da]r or UIIlM. UI and.r tliD.I, UII al. I. W. RIlc..llIok, . W'. H. Morrl., pneoQl(lnta.: Sold · panucee IvibaBraa;, .G W. RobertlOD, \ VaJle,l-bon.14-2. at Fred C. 8ohw..r~.·. dm. $0, and '1 00, 'l",alJt!;)ttl. me. J. S. Tbo=~n~:~-:~lltOQ' \M,ln Stl_" W• .,.."W., Ohio. 'O ro. Braa 1 J . .,. OaelwalJ.der Notlee of Appointment•• I:d a....lioa. Tb.d ZlmmermaD :. _ _~._ _ _ _ _• _ _ . liar; Emma Betalllok. IA lecture course in a town of any lize is something to be thankful for, as the entertainments are always of .' the highest class that can be obtained, and no money is spared to make . . . .t'hem a succ~. The pubhc sorpe· times are lax in their desire for these entertainments, but miss them when , they are not iivell. They are a cheap • . d • ts pnce for sU'e~ g?O entertamm.en and lIhould be hberally patromzed,
11 ...:1 o ll,u ' ; wurth 2Oc.
ule Iltleo. IJtlr ca MI .. . .. .. .. . Mon '. nosto n or Brigh tull lI uNe SUP po rtors ; the . 211r~ gmdll8 .. .. . . BOliO Collnr .BuLtons. '; llIl'In l . big seUing . IJtlr <J Ot II .•. •• , •• . E nr Muffs: Lho klnli )'.111 IIIW II)'K
Men'. Jeney Wortdlll 8hlrta 8peclal big Mlllng .,........ . Men'. Old RItlIIDr:v Woddlll Shlrt8 , ,pecl~ tor TbaDk",vlllg . . ..
1l9c 17 C
.'1 ~ n ·8 S larlln!! ( 011 .. curd
11.00 Rlbbod Wool U nderw6lU' • extra. big values. per gannent. Men'. l;Ieavy Fleeced-T..Ined Underwe ..., . ShJr1i8 and Drawers ; regnJar price GOe ..... .. .. . . • fe.n'8 Natural Wool Ullderwe.... 11.00 grade .ad tuUy wol1rh It Bo ys' Extr n Bea vy }'Ieeced Shirt.. and Drawers; 3Bc IB regular valu8 Boys' 'Extra Reavy Flocced Underwear (U nion Suits) ; ? Go values 't ..Cooper·... Fine SprIng Noodle . Wool Underwe .... lor Men. . Sold IlliMlw hel'll far 11.50 .....
39C 79C 23C "7 C 98C
2UU Suits In dark blue ane: bluck Oh<!vlots aDd fallcy mIxed. Oal<8luler08. Tbroile suits ure w/lrlb 18 00. Our Speolal 'l'h allli:HM! vlng Sal. Price •
$5 95
pocJa l L ot ot Me n ' s Sull.8 In ta~oy robed CU8slmeres "Dd Obe li lols ; II. load bar· gain a t ' 10. Our Speolal 'I'hnnksg lvlng SllIe Price. .... . . • Spoclal Lot of Men's Sul La In fan cy aDd plain OhevI OL.. CU881merea aDeI Wor. st ell. 1111 of Lbe new est pla ids. stripes and cbechs In Ihls el~ganl WltJorlm eot; Suits Iha l posl tlvelv· r etull tor 112 troll:, II I a llY othe r SIDra. ORr pewa l Thanksgl"lng Prloe . . .. Special lot of Me n's S uits In ever, ne" and popular t"brlo. Includlbll' all tbe . newest ovc rvlalds. s tripes and cbecks • Coulo/j mllde WILh bnnd·fl n isbed col1ari a nd s houlders ; POfrott Omne aDd .eQual 1.0 IIny '15 s uIt sold In O.yton . Our Special Tllallksg\vlng Sule Price .... .. .. .. . .. .. ,.... • AbouL 200 Men's Sulu. In fancy all' wool S cotcb Tweed s . This 8pt'clal lot ot ~Ull8l!O ld for 118. 60 aDd ,18 . 00 . Our Sp(,clBI 'J'hankBgtVln g Sale PrIce . ... .. .... ... ..... . . •
$8 88 $ '
SII 45
$13 45
Men '• Band·mllde Dress Suits-More ,ban 600 clenat Dresa Sulla. In beautiful pal. I.8m.-Oast!lmeres. ObevloLB. and Wout. ed l-", any otber atore you' ll pa, not les8 than tiD . Oprllllr oor llpeclal 'J'ha nkBglyloll' 81l10, tbe price will be . .. ... . .. .. .. . .. . •
$14 45 .
Men 's Waterproof Ctaveneue DrelaOoat8 or OravenelLe Overcoata . In plaid aDd plain WOr8 t~1\ and Oasslmeres. "Ienll.' Ine Ilraveoe tted" OraveneU4!8 tbat will cos t you 112 to'15 .00 tbe world over COS t ,ou Il l/tro '16 ,00 tbe wnrld onr. :
~~~ ~~~~ . ~:~~~~~~I.~.~~
Men'S Oravetette Ooa&8lp plain alld fancy mixtures 01 · Woratedi! aad CaRlmenll out cnod and loor: I hlgll ~de taJlorlDg IIr.",olau workm~II.lIlp In e ,.cry one of tbeae ~wr; our "'1111101' .111 "al. ues. and at manr OIlier 8lOree ~lIe price will bft 116 .60 '<I '18. Special bere durlne llllB blr: ' sale _. ... •. . . . ... . ........ : .
MEN'S PANTS 600 Pairs of Men' s aDd Boya'
Wel.lbt O..n lmer .... Wor.ted and Ohenot Pan&8. cu t wl&h pleoty of room IIQd .noal' Iy sewed . SpIlOIal 4urlUif 'l'IJl:nksg\vlnr Sale .. .. ....... .. . . "00 Pain ot Men!. Beav, Caulmere all4 Worated Paots : rellular prIce tile world oYer , 2 . 00 . Durillll' our Tbankaglrlnl' S ale . .... 1160 PaIrs of NeD',pallliS, In dark •• trtJ)e4, bellovY"elgbt Worateda •. We boaillt tbem wl'b the lo~OUOD .r IIOlIIIll 'Ilem Ill , 60 . Durlllg tbla special bll eale Ihe price will be •
950 ..
CHILDREN'S SUITS • . BARGATN 1- 196 BO),8' Double Bl'i!IlSted
8u1bi, mooe ur, wi th Kllickerbocker paots ; 12.aO, 'a ues tl!" world over. Ynur choIce dunn" sale • BAROAI N 2- Spcelul Lot 0 1 Doys' Dollhlo Breasted Sui"", In ten bandsome durable pll'terns' made 'W with Knlclcorbockorpant.8 ; If~ 9lS 1'.00 valuCII . . . . . . . . . . . . 'V •
8ARGALN a-chlhlren '8~ Double Breasted SulU.. with 8tnilgllt Pan 18 ; regular '2. 76 values. . . . . . . . .•
$1 77
BARGAIN' '-Children's Double Breut011 SuIts... III Ohevlot8 and Worateda;
perfect nttlng and extra well lOwed; . ulla ~hat woUld COlt you 13.00 10\ any other strom . •
$2 3 8
only ... " . ... .. . . .... . .. .... .. .
600 pai rs or Men 'N and 80Y 8' Corduro, pll n ~l; (Io!,ble sewed and lined ~rou.II ' o ut .. · & g!gfAnUe bar"alo at U . Our ~Ioeclal 8AIe prloe now ', ft ' will be... ......... .. . ....... .. .;!II Men'S Oorduroy panta· ..eacb pair war , r~nted not to rip ; ,3 .00 1111uos ...... .. ..... , . : .. 200 paI rs 01 Meo" WII!'!ItedandOualmere Dress panls ; s izes 80 to ~l! aaC. wonb upw • 3 1 . .00 ..... " . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . ....
$1 3
Main and Fourth Dayton, Ohio., A~LOWED
Main and Fourth
Is Your i atoh Siok?
1~lliii~!~~~! ooD~ump"oD.
.Old Proeeu Oil M_I
".Owt. Wa,..mlle
Siek ·Qta4aehe.. J)t.:dn~. In-' dl,eation, . Clal'onie Co.-. .tlpation and,BIIiouspua
Qf the beat known Vegetable drDlls, and mll:ed ill
tbe . proper 'ProPQd.~n. koowD .Ih.. ~. reeolt•. Every boUle IrDAt:aa&eed . to Ilve utllfaotioD or mone1l'efunded. 240 a botlle, 'maUed aD,.. OpOD '1'808lpi of prkle at .
.Laxative Gran ules Borps" all oth.r r.medlea '0r the reUet of·
DR. H. E.
Dayton, Ohio
. I C8;D cure the UII of your watch very qulc:kly If 'you will bring It to me. I will be at Coleman's' Stove . Store every Wednesday all da~: . Clocks Cuted, abo.
TIFFANY. .The W.~h aDd Cloe~ Doctor.
Funeral Dlnc:tor. TetephOD8 day or ataJa&. Vaney pboDe No. '1. DlltaDoe No. II-!r. ' ..
IlrO:lhc't . '!lI d hlR YOIllI~ tI tl rt blll'nel within 111 111 10: Inrllgl1l1tlon . anll h \\'o ll itl 11 1111 r II ( In lu'nl"st II tmesl (II hi fal lll'I·. l: rg-Ing hi m to Il1 k \' 10 knt lI('tiOIl III rt f' t'I'II ~ 1' of t'hl' prophe t All d t ltl' r,,' he l' bUll lI ul Ily nn ll sull l.!
It." Proph"t I':ot.,,,. J,I"OD nl~
I ('\Iii, "I:
Gre•• MlutOD,
I;;,.,(\l.. (., th e r l"oflheL Na n ltl ml'U1l1" l 1 wi ll streo n g thcn: ' Il(' w l\f' Nf)1I tlr t). nrlCMl Ilnd hhn8Q1£ WII " l'r(,bl\lI\)· " Jl..t.,~.. t u l .h· rn@aleal p ri ur e.o , h l/'J ,'a rlll,,H ~· . t' flllIt' .f r,--~mhl ll 11' tlUPlt1h,'K .'!" l .,ooll( ~ l[(IIN ot hI" ,,,-..Mnn l hl ~ l ..r)·. [ ,I ' k Nl ·I\ IJll,·c in "lIllll"lIy "In!; ....h nln t'.qtl. tt yt10rs b l'fon.' tinnl ,h~~tnl r U iH1 ( .1t'M.lfU.' OIll, h e t"lt ll l1c\ wll.l' nth(' t .1 L' Wti HO
n l'''(
f" l h UlI k!'t (\r h !Jar, . t4"I"I " \l~\\ dl>' H l" l\\lt 300 ",It,' .. nor(h of lJl\ lJ)· h,It . · II I.hll<· ~ hi. " ,111 to 111 <: 1't'Unhf'llc COflt N' "" " In LIo,\ OIL!. ~·N .r Of J ,' h"l lIr hl"',, " " \111 1'11 . ... II. C. r.lj: •. I'"rolll. .'IClan ulll l ,, 1l 1~,lolI t" p t" 'MO "1I1 "I ~ lory i ll C'lta p l pr ~C : l ' \\I ll t ~·o.r" 1)(. W;\!-' IIb l' <1 r d. 1<lld tll,,1 .. II II ~ (~ : I). In Iolfl "l ure fir 0 ,,1"'\. ,unl loat hi::. w l r(, t l )' ~" rI ·
" troll e. fl .,
\\' ,Ld (' OU -
NH'H)"lir~t with Ll ' rnmt (l h " LI I1 Ie'I . 111 (1 fC"' Ul " t" H UIU';- p e r iCH" JoW f' \'h!c uf "rt Y('t l n:t 1 " " ~ "Il\ I I Jl ln~
t IUtl o r. 1·~,."l( ,,,. , Il 1Joul ~cvun whill"' ll-; p llLttrr t ,e~. t" h t ~ or ph"l h : tHI~io" «('IWf\T(1 t lif:' ' ~HU o[ " :'l:l' ktc l's }."l'ltrh
lul .. t,·)·. Tm<ll lln,\. p" ohll lll)' r I~ ,·. ~ I "l ~ Iclll ,·!! II I l-luh r hH b)' \I " rl",'o
1~" ..kI L" "" ''''
' ai R " t' Oti l
\\, ' to,,, h e hnd
Remarkable Experience of Liner In • . Tropical Storm.
nlY !;UII . Th(\Sf' .tr(' npop Ill to (\ ;1.\'8. RIel llt'r who wOII:11 ','rv, 1II •• Ii .'l lIg Grltl lilli'll RlItTpl' ' II r r ~'(, 11 tlull . \V <, IIrf' III Oo .\'s hnntl.. Itl will 1('l ln ' I':-- . SlIoh til ·('I\llI u .. a nti s'uc h lea bille Ullin hn'''' IJlll 0111" or I wo r e~ . I : \11 l!iill1"1' 1\ "'uulll drive 111 fear lind rtlllll .L f l ll lll Cutl 01' It \Voul tl elol"IIoo illlll lllr\'ngthen 11 In loyully li nd lai lh t \\arcl God. AIIII tlto IIlI L(1t wa " 11'111' nf' tbo young l1Iall EZtllclo l I ,flll(' rtit l h lennI\' il Ib(1l1. UIII. h e \'fa! ~ I o \\ lyanll ~Ur!'Io' lIelng Im!neu for !.h~ Ht'l'vll:() til which hl3 \I'll'; 10 bE: cl\lIctI l:ll "r III Ih,' Itl llrt or caplh ·lty. 11 wa, whll IIlldl' l' thi s tu I" l ar.~ bMI \1' 11 1'11 .1 rO Ul lu h was slIlfcrlng h:! bi\.· t! r"lt t trials Iha t t ile hmlls 01. I" tl b· lIclludn Zilll' ('11(: !liDO S ed t he clly. lI a"inA slI!Jclll d .Jl:l ru sUl cm, 1\1.) ('UI)' I al II of I hI" Baby lonla ll llrnty Vl'ucl!edcI tn 0;1>011 t ho clly, .un d not all I nl wllh Ihc lr!Jastlr() oC go ld and sll v r a nd l11'eclous !llones which h9 fO\llId t hpr ', he look of Ih e chulceRt r the youn' lOell o f tho city, Rnd I\;r,rq; t hom WI\S t he youn g m un Ez kl el. In lho lund wh ll hel' th e J \,·s WtI,' l1 {lnn lecl lh e ~' ro und poaco a ud pl cnl y a waiting the m, [,nd wi t h a co ntt?ul· Dl nt whi c h r stell I1pon th o Ille r.' g rnll flClltioll of t he flesbly rleslre.!I Il nG wh ich ' fo rgOl tb e hig her n eeds of tb e 8 0111 t he ca ptl "; s ae ti ed lbcm:lolvcs down. " Ho w 11 111 k ll' do lh ey forget,' e '. c laJ med lhe YO ll ng Ez klo!. as h I:' w..t u. de red disco llsolat Iy from. plac.! to place. T ha bllrdcn Ilt'esllcd hoti~ l l y UPOII bls boarl , aud OVCI' uti ove r oguin he wo uld e xclit1ll1;1' . ' · Oh. !f ~'e only llad ,Jer mlah th e IU'o(>bet he rCl point th e peopl lO God a n d \Val'll th nI o r t he 'vlls at the Idolntrous Ill'll lice .. o f tli e [leOllle a mo ng whom we d w II." So lIla llers conllnuod, li nd th e n ~ani l! al.nth r o :qlodi lion [rom Babyill n nglllnlSt t he rebellious cIty of J f' ru~a· I Ill. The eapllve s kne w at Ihe Ill" lHlrt li re of th e ex pediti on and ww llld willt IIn xlous henri I! Its' r e turn. In all tit dl fl ll'essing thou g ht at the hor rors of Will' there was one bright hopo burn. lug III Ihe h ellr l of Flze kl el and t hai was l hat llru ong those wbo would he bro ugh t ( 0 the land or Babr h.n il(. would sa Jere miah th e Ilrop he t. . Ho w g rea t wus his dlsap pol ntmenl I he l'e fore, ·to learn afte r th e rel ll rn of he Oh'aldean nrmy that J eremiah hav. Ing 'b e 1\ given hla liberty had chosen 10 go bnck td J"r\ltlnle'trt"a'''' s hare tho v .... lot of th e poor, I D1llove rlshl1d people who rc mulnl1d. ' "N1I 1, 113Y,
-d Oli it lld U UrorC'Hf'(' n
1' Cp rO\'l"{\
Intr l'. Scrlil lure AulhorUy":"'l')z(lkl ul. chap· 1e l1i 1·3. l!l
Just a Minute. l': ~C U8 (, UII.
It hnl>llenetl 111 tb" n lgb t. line!. ;lC' cllrdlllg to t he yarn ~ 1) 1\n lIy Capl. Sandberg ot lhe PUnRlTln lin r Oi ly or Pnrl\., It Ulust !lavo 11 f' q II n lgh l at telTor. Tile s hit> was lIIldwa y bc t w n Aea· jutln a nti Sail Jose de Guute mala, which Is a Intllude In which th un· uSlla l Is expecled . Tb LUn' wns be· t ween o n(' lllHI two o'clock hi th e mo rullll; And It WIUI ve ry dUI·k . S ud· t! n ly 811 e lcct ric s to rm of g r 'lll fe rocIty calli . up -tram 1\ revolut!on llry roo public 0 ::1 lb · s tarboard Qual·le r . a ccompllllied by wnters pouts. St. I,;hno'li ·fl l'o. a nd a ~I' 'at flock o ( canary. IJlrds. mv I'yone kn o wR t hat S t. Elmo'l$ fir e and wa lorsplIIl lR nre common off tlle coas t oC AcajurJa , bu t Ihe ca nary bi r ds lU'e II novelty. A t lhe finn s traka lb e,l lghl nlng blew onl th fll se In the s hlp's dynamo and s h. became a s da rk as tUI abandoned tro1 . y ear. Th n lh e' t. Elmo'" fire III on the fo r -topmnst and Sllll t lhe gilt ba'l a t I h ta ll of th tOl1ml1f:1 t exactly Into two hc ml s phe l' s . One of these Cell Into t be wal r; th e olh r stm ck t ho brldse. nnd hi t Seconu om· ce l' H ecke rt. Thi rd Otnce r ZlIal, who had heen olr watch be low, ran on deck. All the pas· a nil' \:8 followe cJ ZUlLI to the de ck, and the cnptaln s ars tbat t ho passengers thou g ht lbe end at lhe wo rld had r.nme. Th elUTI,n WIl8 bad enollgh, but It was lhe blt'de thal fl e w In th e taces of t be fltarll ed pnssenge r s tba t can sed lurlesc rlbabl lerl·or. Jt lasted for an bOIlI'. and In t he morning, whe n lh s lor m had IIMsed and t he SlIn rose, tber c all lbe decks. cO" e rlng l h o awnings nnd alm ost till· Ing t he b.oatB In sh od on lhe upper deck. were Ulollsa nds of dQad a nd d y· lug canary bird s. Cap t. Snndb rg s ays the re wer thousands of t he m. Some ot l hem bad blundered Inlo th e s til le· roOD1t1 lu th e darkn ess a ft r the elec· trlc lig hts were out. So Ihe Ill' of Para a me sare ly throllS!1 Ule ,s lorm whe n It rain ed cana ry bird , all save th gilt ball at lh top of t.he 1ore lopmast, ha lf of whloh wns los t ovcl'board .-StLn Fran. 'lscQ hronlcle.
Nothing I Ate With Me.
IIRS,LENORA BODEl'fflAMER. MI'8. Lenora BO(]l:'nhamcr, R. F. D. 1, Box 90, J{c l'ncl'SviU • N. C., wl'itc!: "[ suffor d with St/l'1Ulch trouble and indigestion (or som o 1.1.0 ,:In(1 n othing that r a te n/.rrccd with m Oo I \\'us ve ry "ervous .and oltp rionct'd a cou t inunl Co Jln lT of IIneDslnesslJnd (ear. 1 took mo(liumc from tho ductal', but it {lid me 110 Irood. "I fOllnd in one of yonl" P Cl'u na booles Ito (\csoriptio n (If my sympto m.. 1 thc n wroLc to Dr. llart man fo r a rll'lcc. Do I had ontal'rit of lh e stoma ch . 1 toole Pe rnu a nut1 1\1n111111n uud foll owed hIs directio ns lind cnn DOW 66y thnt I fc ·1 11S ~v olL LLS [ evor d id. "I hope thllt [lJ( who IITo ·nftlietodwltl\ t.he s ymptoms will .tul(o }' el'una, a s it 11l\s ccrtalllly cured me." . The 6110" e is only aile of hundreds Wl10 have writ tl'n similar I tte.·s to Dr. Hartman. J lis t on c slIoh ca so ns this onLILl s 1'0rllDI1 to tb e cDuditl t'o n l;i dt~ r a t ion of 0\' 'ry one s im ilar ly affil ctccl. U thls be true of .th t estimon y of 0110 pl'r80n wlla t ought. t() b o the t cstimony of hundreds, y es than :\Dds, of hOllest, Hin· cor e PCOI)lc. We havo In onr 'ill s .. groat. mo.ny athol' testimonials.
A mlnul hp rc ; " ILl b , we 'vo got Ill " \V o···., h~"u til a"lorl'The earl y mo rnlilg light Wlla Ih r o w. "' n ~1 wn.nt tv ,·h,e:C'r.. In s It s reebl!} I'ays thro ug h (he obs·e n ·· - D,'troll l·\'\.'C Pr ~~ . SERr.,ONETTE. :!li)I'Y. The t wo nSll'onomers- lh II' HOW IT APPEARED TO BOBBY. s haggy hea rts togelhe r ove r t ho table. , " The word of the Lord came whe reon was SP I" nd lIu'S g ro\l lls of 'r f!lCfIresaly unto Ezekiel." - It flgnr s-gllzed at I!ach oth I' In 80 1(' mll a we ov e r tho wo nd e r ful dlscovllrr til y is the apeclflc word which', hail j ust m adc. calls to the .pec;lflc aervlce. " y 6," whl s per!}d t he a ll wh o had Ezekiel muat needs feel that spoke n. "H ere It Is ; tber Is t~ O errol' God Willa speal(lng to "'1m, and - we have c hecked air eve l'yl h lng . In to. hlm .• lo·ne, before there could 0 lhree mon lhs, Ig ht hours. ~9 ml n ul s be ear• . to .... ear the 'lIecaage, a and 20 second ll-19-1 - 17- s conds Cl ean to undemand 6t. Import, : and eyes to .. .e · .lIe · \/Islon of from \lOW ' t his cornel. the lars at olle Icnown III the history 'o r l be ulliv rs , God'. pOw 'to and glory. $0, will c Olll e In to conj un ction wi th our with every' urvant of the King Emanuel. : orbi t, and this lillie enrtl1, wltlh nil Its In.habltnn l.s-e\'el·ythlng-wlll vani sh God'a Word for everybody. but utt ol'ly, In tho twinkling of an eye." God'. Word pot!nt to the ac· 0) Tbe o th e r as tr onome r too k up hlB compllahment of the work penc il , his han ds trembling . wltll e x· Whereunto "e .... th sent It only , cltemen t. '. a.d'·1 'Id- colm"e .. !xpreeSly to the j,. '''fba t's rl gbt! " ho mu tl red. v ua ea,.. have allowe{l ror e verytblnl;. , Have you never been /f'ead- , can be no mIs tak e. We hnvEI a imed hT9 God'. Word, perhaps a pas- ' . uge whloh you flail read thou- , Inde pendently a l tb e sl\.lIle conclus ion." His capacity. sllnds 01 tlmn before and .,ad He s mll cd Lt'1um phallt ly. "Th Ja te Ira D. Sank ~', " said n found It ble ..edly helpful and • "U's a grea t dlscovel-Y, Gideon !" he vet ran Plt ts btlrg ollllor, "once din d comfortll\Q, but now it . atanda exclaimed. '''fhlnk of it- th e 1~ I'eates t 'wltil me In PhlJade lllhln.. During tlln. discove ry known!'; . lorth In letter. of fir. as ~hough ne r he looked abou t the restaurant, traced there by the finger of! , Then he turn d a nd look d at bis wh e re e ve ry table was Covore d with companion fix dly. Qod fllf'l".ott-.~trtlcular? It glasses Of white or re d wille, and . he "Ther e's ouly one thing lhn! t.l'oubles was' a, 'though · God """d spoken Mrs. Old llryde (lo b er grandson)- said; ' . me," b e obs rved. audibly, and the conviction was ' Thero. Bobby, t hal waa my srand· cSaep upOn yOu th!!t' God'''' ,pe. • "Th e re Is a man drInking n whole "And that-" I . mam nta ! bot tle . a full Quart. of champag ne. 11 o flo call "ad ~ome to yc.ur soul. (~ " Who's baing to give u s c l'edlt Bobby-Ah! Th ey l1 Ud new grand. Is a mazing what a capacity for liquor Thl. Is the .I,gnlflcance of th'l. when It all CODles true ?"-Life. pasaotge that ''the \Alord of the-', " ilut b t would not bave don e so. bad mas In t ho so days, I 80PJlotlo .....:.Londo n sOlUe men possess . And 'the nlan wi th 110 not felt SR Ic LL LOrd expreac:l~ unto Eze, . • lhat I hel'e he could do ' a large capacit y Is . actutluy protid of ON THE ~OLF LINKS. klel." • bls best service," Elze kl el said to him· It. Could an ything be more toolls h, Family Suspicion. It III one. thIng to hear or read ' self lJy way ot comfort. :'BUl we do more sinful?" "So you bav e lmced your :lncest r), " oed h im 11 el'e." . God'., Word, and It; Is !lnother • .. "Tllen, wl l b Q chu ckle, Mr. Sa nkey away back. to lhe old barons of tb e tll111g to feel It-the Sword of, "Ouy urt r day Ezeki el carried thl e laid me abbut a beggar he had once Rhine !" burde n a uo ut wlLh him. uud It grew ttlo SpirIt piercing to the very belped . . . "y s," answe red Mr. Dus tin Stax. center 01 the ' heart. . h eavier and heavl e r. "The beggar lla'd a r ed 'nose. and MI'. "What a 1)lly you can't meet SODle of "Thehandofth'eLord\Naa~pon' "Oh, tbat we mi ght have a vision Qr Sankey gave him 20' ce nts . saying at Ib e ~! " " , . , lIlm.'( .. T-ili. I. fa f.vorlte' ex· Ood," Ile cried III ferv eucy at s pirit tbe same time : ... don't know about t bnt. Those old pre'alon of Ezekiel In .peal((ng • one day as he thre w bl ms.elf down In .. 'Mind you, now, don··t gel drunk barons of the Rilln sent· Ill ctW'esque 0.1 his. enduemen~ with powllr a shel~red nook by !lIe Ilank of th e on 'his.' ' ., Cram this dl st.allce . Bll t a man o f 'or the work he waa called upon ' rive r Cbe bar. The u mUng his eyes "'Drunk on 20 oe nts? WOy, boss.' '. wt!UlIh was lIuhle to be Dlore or less u. to ll~rform~ VI.lo'n, voice, touoh. he looked far off In~o the 1I1ue .ot Ood'p e mca rrassed by a pe,l'sonnl melltlng h e 'sa1d;" proudl y': ' It 'u'tI tak e tbe bellt ... Note th.t ' the three were e"e'n. 0 b eaven ,· He 'Yonderlld if this sky with an~' of th m,"-wasilirigtoo' Star. part at 6 dollar to ge t "me d!lftll<.' ..'·· . % tlal to full preparatlon fClr hl8 0 which canopie d. the land or Babylon '. • mlnldtry; .And · I.;ttirs riot true (. was lhe s aUle as that whlub was ove r A Clear Retort. . Living Up to Orde! s . . of every one who would 'engage hili belovod J e rusal e m. a11d whe the r "Wbl1t do you do for a. 11 vlng?" Whe n nlne·yeal··old T eddy dIs. Christian G~rvlco?, Vlelon of God wer\) th e re or not? A s though by a sked t ile lawyer of lhe ltRlche t·fa.ce d p1Ryed the ablnlng n ew quarte r whlcb way' of answe r a wonde rful vision un. God and hI' power~ the voice of wltn'e es who was und ergoing cross. Mr. Rlngloss had glven b1m down at God call1l1g t~' iervlce: the ., Colijed before hl!3 wonde ring eY(\9. It e xamination. the corner stOt'e, ,mother. vellY nalu'r al· hand God tOuching, th. thdU se emed 1'.8 t,hollgh th e heaVens ','oUed "Everybo\ly YOIl lawye rs don't beat Iy asked If he r lIttl.e boy hlul said hlil power, like tlte electric:' \. back as a s'crolJ and tbat b e wns look. me to," answered the h. f. w . "Thank you" to tather's friend . oUI'rent pa~slng to the great dy- • Ing into t he \'e ry pres ence at the Oreat And, knowing where to i;et olf. the No apsvle r. namo lo .en.ble It to perform Its Jehovah. Ste p lIy s te1) Ood unfolded all law yer applied the emergency bralte. "Surely, you t hnnked MI'. lUngloss'" groat taek, might energize the ' th o wonde r,rul attributes ot bls nalure, Tb Lady Golfer (to ne w boy )-Chicago Dally News. IIbe persIsted . ~. poor, weak, human arm' of 1Ielh his maJt:s ty un(l his powe r lIetore tbe Have' YOIl e ver been a caddie before? Still no answer. ',I'1'buble showed ,~!ld•. make It aa the arm, of the ~' Qui ke ned gaze of the eager young The New Caddie (knows his !Jus I· AT A FASHIONABLlE RESORT. on the little . face. IlIfinlte. · ':. - ~Jl'J olll , Eze kiel. He heal'd all oC Ood's ness)- 'I hat's ' all right, lady. Swear "Teddy, listen. You o'ught to bave Shine forth, 0 God, that we WOI1.d l:'l·ful m'e ssage; and be bowed lOW' ns Dluch as YOti ple ase ; 'don' t mlnil said': 'Thanl. you, sl.r.' ,,·Dld· you?" . o' • be tranll'l>rmed ',by. behold. a s be f It th e bani! at Ood resting me.-Chlcago Oally ·Ne ws. No answer yel-and trouble threat· .' Ins thy glory; speak, Lord, that • 'upon 111m a nd commissioning' hlru to Free from One Scandal. ened to produce sht;lwers. the IOU I may be quickened Into . go lo his i1eo ple In captivity a.nd teacl} Robert Fulton was s ta.rtlng till . the "Come here. dear IltlJe son. Tell . tif" and action for thee; touch ~ the m o( hi III. ' )'Ilamina,' now. Did YOl1 'thank .Mr~ US. Lord, that tlie finite may flnd E la l c;'d beyolld' measur~ by .hls .WOD' Hudsoll rive r with hl3 first ste mnlloat. :'Eve rybody tells DIe I am ,tflltlng a rungloss for lhe qUlI,rt~r?" _ . (Ie rful experie nce, thrilling with thf . cohtact "with the. Inl'lnlte, and reo , Tb.en the atorm broke:: It!lIt be tween celve the Inflow of thy power, ., 19 Icll ur Gad, and ' s trQngth on ed witt. ga:m\;Jle r's chance with this thing," he the sobs ,:and tears cnml\l , t!;ie,.l'equ)re.d fol' without thee we ,c~ do "oth: l ho .tlJolIglt t at tile hOllor of God's said, " but I' m not s prin ging any slot g Information:. "I tal!! him thank. you, ~ .In • -. " oan to him, he s tarted back toward mac blne g nme on tb ~ public an.yhow." For this. a s we learn from Bullae. an' , he Sill\!' not to meny:d~, It. ..un' I '~'$o~ ! ~,. , l bo c ll.y of his people. . He COuld. nol . tirled pqt to." - " '. • ...' .1( Ce I1 still, he ' IIlQ8t"'tell Ills experience. .queut hlslO!'y, was reserved (or lake steamers of _a la te r pe rlod ,- { :hlcllgo 'HE STORY. b ntll~ l le t . tlle m know at' th e · great 'tribune . ' , ble5~ llI g whl ~ h had cqme Inl!>' his life, , Tlfe E.r:ly .Mllltary . Banci~: Zfi;TCHlT, wae amQng .'· lhe oholce H e ('n tl:!l'cd th e elly, h e came Juto the A I1ltle more thim 'seve'n ty years Goat'a Milk for the Baby. r oullg mall whom King NObuclmd- prese nce of t he ruulllt.ucle. a nd . lhen \" ago thel'e was no such thtng 'a/brass Jlnks-l see D\ltt-ln Is g ivin g' his 1 1AIl)'l I\I' ha t! sel:-.ed upon his COil Quest a HII'lln,;c t hin g lIuppened. Like n baby goat'.s milk. band In existence. The very first 'band' <Jf .Ie'l·usal ul1\, llnd bad ta lcon buck with 'Lhundcl'lJult th ere struck Inlo his hearl entirely iJf brans 'dates, In tact, no; fur, ,Jenks- How's that? i he .01 her s to RaliyloD. A !tOll of nu ~I, t hl!l qu !ltl on: thel' back lhan j83 ~. .PrIor · ~~ that Jinks- To develop th e old falllHy a pri est, In th o teTople ser.vlcl! at '.I e l'u, "Wall hi s llI e~f:lu g (he relation of .his llabit, I S'uPllose. -Llfe. time even 'OUr mllltjl ry mlJslc ,'Y~,s pro· Sill In, aurt a de vout LlIau whll liad grent vi sion. 0 1' had h e beeu 60 e laled duced almost entirely , from' -Instru. Look Here, Sir, 11~ 1I himself free troru Ih e corrupting with lh t hough1; of 111H 'OWI1 experl· ments of 'wood; and' as- ' rec~intly ' as Inllll Bll ces whlch ·bad wrough t such ~'nr !) lhat he hail not t hougbt to In. . In Cal'-Look here, sir, I got up to "1:783 • full regim e ntal band consIsted a wful ha voc t o lhe re ligiou!! life o r ~q,l\l t'e . ~~' h n l 0 0(1 wo uld bll\'e hIm gI\'Ii! my seal. to Unit lad y ! of two oboes, t wo clarlne ls, two horns Second Mqn (sl ltlnl:t dr;lwn) -That's t he lla Uon, Ite .bad hall careful Inlll.rllC- ·):\pen k . and two bassoon8. . , tl a n In th e word or Gad aua had had Wil it tl'ou bled look 'he ' ant. 1111011 th'! all right, old fcllow. She's my wlfe.?tlrs . . Gadder-I ' was. onlT lhl.nking , AS ahowlng the . I~porlant part drlll o<l Into 111m from tile .eal'ilNl t g rOlt ll ct JUlIt wll e l'~ he· ij tood. 'He would Lite. to-day, Fred, that home Is the dearest played by tl!e "sou'lldll'lg brass" In \'(' 0"" UI 9 uwful sin of Idol .. t l'l' ivh h h wUII . A", t he 'servant oC God called IIpot 'on eartb. our 'qat)da to-day 'I~ I~ ·su!ficle.o,t to mqn· ONE! OF THE DRAWBACKS. ~\'f1R eal h(l; ' th e very :boarl (.'II L o f t he, 10 . " eclA I ministry . he'. woul,1I not. he· (laddel1-Well. look at thIs hotel bill. tlOD that !n ,!n UP-lo(date firB ~,class llntlOl, . tray his l rll!lt by s peaking aught sa vo ~and of; say, ,42- ' pleces, tbere would Mlnle; and. thInk a~aln . And b(' ' allsn his fa lhel· . had r . Ihat wbich God should give to him to Regular 1'eugh. be' found , from ' elgbteen lirobsbly tll lor: (1 ::\t eudfu!St to the servIce aliiI lip ! Ilk. . Ami lhe se veu days during twenty borns, to Bay nothing of saxo"I've heard of ' Sklmmerhorn aa a l/hones. which are partly ~larlJ1e t and ""01",,111 p of I he t r ue Oed 01111 WOIl1(1 1I0t whlr. h Eze kl I sat there befpl'e the ·prett:.' hard casc." nartly Iiorn. }IRllln tli' th e allnrlng. wOl'ds or It e jl e~i) I ' d un1", w r~ ~e ve ll unys of t est "That descrIbes him exactly. An (·(jl1ltl.romlslng pl'lo.stbood wilo tlOug llt Inl,' whic h 11l. 110 \ e l forgot, Rud which automobile ran over blm' olle dl\Y ILnd I n r(lmodol .the worablJl of Ute tru e ·tllll ghL him tha t (he servnnt ot Ood '. The QeadlY ,Suffix. had to go to the ' sho)1 for repairs. 'oo!! to confo rlU to th o Idola trous df.!- could~well altOI'd to WRit until Didn't hurt Sldmtnerborn a blamed , "Your speech' .<lldn't Impress me as 1l1 "(I>I nnd UconUous ' Ilract\ccs or th t. God ' gU I'c tile meS SII!re. . qontalning any new .ldeas," remarked blt.......:.cllicago Tl'lbline. : 1I IXJIIll\to J ews. he and hJ r; f}\ lull~' sufthe · frl~pd. ~ou bUu!ly. . (.orNt prlvutionlf aud (le rllerJUl\ons Expert Poetry of Motion. The Inevitable "lnllll1, "That's good.... aDs",el'ed Senator " 'it houL n,lellsure. Sixly-fiv e yearij Ii me mber ot the "Wbat killd at a poJJ\lclan II BIIg· Sorghum. "1\. speech with new Ideas 'l'hir. ,hatJ como nol wlthoul If :; refltl.- ballot cOlllpany of the Royal opers gln81" Ie very' liable , to rellult In giving your " n~ Inlllll'IlCe on the young UtI" and fiou llc n l BeNin Is the record of 1\lIs[' " Oh. he's !I)te a bueball unlplre. enemies a chance to deno'UlCO YOIl &II (I <'11l'ItC'd his love lor God Illld Illada ChuriuLL Rraun. who celebrated her He's Int6l1lgent and he means wen, the champion of !lOme Bart of nn ·Ism." hhu I'ujte l' lo learn the t ruttis of God'" olghtle th blrtbday recently. For but he's Bure to be uapopular with both V1'ord from f he 111111 ot bls faliler. mally :leurs she waR n 1'010 dancsr al sides before he geta thr:QUgh taJk~." The Prop.r ThIng Now" Ana all good fortulll" wfluld tbp. C>Llel'a, tllen she beoalll .. &D Instruc. -Washington star. "That oldest girl of mIne Is ftDall~ 'hill privilege to CLme In con- lor In the ballot scbool, and ' for tbe Luck, eDppd, The· ~oung maD ealled ~ as • . t al'L ,,1\ h the grtlht &irollhel, Jeremiah, laal tpn y'OIlI'S abe hall been a penHlon lJttle Girl-Papa, DIck found • DoWlcaUon committee ' last night." . 1'0 1' bom be ~ he profO'l1n4lMt i~e er, ' but abo stili conUnues to live In boraeahoe, and 1 (OUlld .. four-leavee! "ADd how dlif '7tnl 'receive Oae a 'ul admIration. He ' wall e,,.wlto s t ructlon In daDClDa and la • recog· WlaICll of US the Juckl.t~"""'" . (0 (bt wlck8cI Op(J08lWtD &Del nbed authority on matterll'elaUq CO DlII_*UCIft Idela Nt 'o..the tot of _ \be ,1(Ietl'1 of motion .
Neglected Colds and Coughs are the cause of many 'cases of Pneumonia and COJl8ump~on, No matter'how aUght your Cough' ol';J:old • mliy .b e,curc·it before it bas a chancCI to do any harm,
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tJme I had used three boxes not a sign oC· the trouble rema ined. My hcalth Is IlerfecL" , Sold hy all dealers. 50 cent s a box. Foater.Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. A MERE CIPHER.
P r ls Patte rn No. 2ti02, All Scams Allowetl. -A paltern tor two of the 'l1ew IItyles In dresli IIleeves Is hero \loru·ayed. Tho first OD Is mude ot plain Illl\lerla l, fini s hed In Ii deel> !)OInt . and. trimmed with t\. narrow In· '~ Cl'liotl and a ruffl e at lu.ce edging; or It m ay h e made with the addition .ot an oversleov 01 silk or salin, fastened with s mnll buteons, the lowe r edge be· Ing finished ...lth 1\ very narrow frlJl of the material or lace. The second slee ve Is made with grouPs of Darrow dowllwnrd·l:I.lrnlng tuckl. three to each grouP. aud ftDished with a dee p trm ot plain colored mousseline. matching tJle mo.le rlal 'Used tal' the sleeve. 'rhe patlern 18 III s ven 811ell-32 to H Inches hu'st measure. For SO bust a l )a\1' of plain sleeves. as IIInstroted. reo qulr.,!! t llrli!e-quarler yard of nel 45 Inches wide, ..... llb l l,{. yard ot silk 20 'nch 'l! wide for oversleevclI; one yard of ' dg lng lO trim : or, of one mato rlar ('ncludlng overal ves), If needs 21/~ yards 20 luches wide . 1% Ylll'dlS 38 lncbes wide. or ]1,4 yards 4,2 Inclles w1d o~ to U'lm slceve!i wllhoul over· IIleo\'('s, five· IghlilS yal'd of 11lI; rlion a nd on yurd or edglns. To pm('urc !lIla J)11t1crn SOntl 10 o('nta to ";Plllt I'n Depu,\'lmCllt." of thIs pup I" Write mlln " nnd u(]dr us pI Irlly. und b _ UN t gl vo al"" ulld Ilumuol' or patte ru.
:r.:o 2662.
Bertha- Be rtie. you nre l5Imply IDi, possible. Dertle--Nothlng Is ImllosBllJle. Bertha- That's what I slIld . BOY KEPT SCRATCHING. Eczema L.asted 7 Year..-Face Waa All Raw-Skin Specialla'" , Fa iled, But Cutlcura Effected Cure. "When my little boy was Blx weeks old an e ruption. broke I)ut on his facfo. r took him to a doclor, but hili to.CII ke llt on getting worse un III It got so bad that no 0'00 could look at him. His whole faco was one crus t alld Dlllst haye b c~n very painful. He scrntched day and night until his Caee was raw. Then 1 took him to all the Ilesl specialists In skin diseases liut th ey cOllld not do much for him. The eczema got on bls arm s and legs and wa COHld not get ' II. night's sleep In monlhs. I got a set or Culicurn Reme· dies ond he felt r ollo\'ed lhe first time 1 used them, I gave the uU cura RemMles 0. good trial and gradually the eczema healed nil up. Ho Is now se ven years old and I th Ink the trou· blc wUl never relurn. ~rs. .Tobn G. KlumllP, 80 Nlngn'ra St., Ne wurk, N. J., Oct, 17 and 22, 1907."
SIZE .. .. ....... .... ..
SEEMED A TRIFLE PERSONAL. .NAlfE. . ........................ . . ..... ..... ..
'l'OWN ... . ......... . ..... , . .... . .. .. .. : .... .. STREET' AN 0
PMls Paltern N!). 2649, All Seam. Allowed,-Thll! model III [\ ven' desirable one fat the ,enernl IIklrt for everY-da'y wear, o.nd l's adaptable for broadcloth, serge, tweed, cheviot', cor; duroy. or, In fact, any inaterial that tbe 'welU'er desires. The lower edge Is finished wl~b a medlu'mly wIde bem and the m04el closes at tbe left side or the tront, whlcb has a box·plalt ef· fect that III very styllab, The back II In habit style and 18 a plain gore, ,wltboutany center- seam. This makes It par1lcularly "becoming to the slim ftg'ure. The patt~m. . IS I~ 'six sIzes',' 22. t9 32 Inches w.ala,t, me~u~ejl For . 26 waist the skIrt, made ,o f materllli :wlth 'nap, ~Qu,l~es 8Y. YI'rds 20 Incbes ' ",Ide,. 41,4 ', y,ards . 36 . ' ID~lie!l ' wide, . 4. yards, 42 'Incbes wl.d,e, or 3~ .)'ards Ii' I,n ehes ,w ide; 'Wltb,olit nap, It needs 7)i yards 20 Inebes ' wide. 4' yards 3S' Inches .wide, :3* 'yards ,.2 Inches wide, or 2* Yard's 54 Inctie!! wld,a; , width o.f lower edge !\bout ,S " ">,al'\19. .: .. To procure \hl~' ,,~lt~rn send 10 , centl to "Pattern . Depnrlmc!lt," of this,. paper. • Write nam e and nddl'e,e_ plillnly, llnd be BUie ~o give ... Iao and . n.umber uf pattern. r
Clergyma.n's Particular Reason Omitting the Fifth Verse.
NO........ " , " " ....... .
stzi!: ....... .. ......... .
N·AME··········· ( ·· ~·· ······ · ··· ···· ·· · ··· ·· · I TOWN ... ... , ...... : .... ~ .. I . ..... I ' . . "
Mrs. R. ~. Richmond. ot Northwood. REPORTS FROM WESTERN CAN. IIIIYS: "For y ars I was a ADA ARE VE RY ENCOURAGING. ma1't yr to ' 1dney troUble. backuclui, A. correSpOndent writes tho Wlnnl. di zzy spells. head· aelles lind a te~ peg (MM. ) Free .Pr ss: "The Pinch· rlble bearlng~O"'D er Creek ' district. (Southern AI· borla). where the orJglnal home ot With. fall Ilaln. I used ODe wheat, Jt bas been grown rem'e dy alle l' an· out failure, dry seasons and wet, ror , olher wlthoul beneabout 25 years. Is cxoelllng Itselr thI s llt. Finally I used a box at Doo.n·s year.. The yield and qualily are both . phenomellal, as has been the weat her' KJ dney Pills and the backache ceased. Encouraged, I ke pt 011, nnd by tbe ' tor Its hSI'Vesllng. Forty fields bu shelsgoIsuP a. common yield, Bnd many
.. ..
~TREt;:T A .... O NO .. : ........... ......... . STATEl ... .......... . . . . ... . ...... ......... ,..
Children 8et to Deetroy Moths. In the rural dlstrlcte of Saxony children were "v.en a ' free day from Bchool jut Bummer 80 that th.,. might gather Itlothi at a Ilpecle. iI. .tructlve to · trees, for which -they were liven a couple of cente lor e"el'1 100 cauabt.
A clergy man lD an Interior towu mnrrled a womBn from whorn h e r eo ce lved a dowry of $10.000 and a pros· pect of more. Shortly afterwards, l\' blle occIlJ)ylng ' the pulpit. he gave out a h ymn. renel tbe 'first versc and proceeded to rend the firth. com· mencing: "Forever let my grateful h eart." th ~n he Ilesltnted and exclaImed: "The cbolr will omit the fifth verse." Saine of the congregation re nd tbe verse tor themselves and smiled ae they read: For "~r lot my grateful hearl His hollnlll eJJ>l grace wore. Whi ch gIves te n thousand bleuln". now And blUM m e hope tor ~nore.
Gelle,.at Demand .. ,
of the Wclll·lnforrnoo of tIIo World hall always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient Liquid laxative remerJy of kna<vn valu ; a laxative which phYdicians could wlction fo:r family use because ito com. , pollent parts are known to them to be wholl'Some nod tfllly beneficial in effect. h "1e Ito thc 8YS tc m o.D d ~cntI e, yea accepwlU prompt, in actilltl. In supplying that demand with itll ex· , . cC,llcnt combmation of Syrup. or Figs o.nd Elixir or Senna, th e C.nliCornia F ig Syrup Co ' procecws .1. _ I ' wong ctIlIcallinc8 and relies on the merits oClhc laxalive Cor its remark. j ,blll BUCCCIlB. I --' ,Strong Winds and Sand Storms 1'hl1t is one oC many reaRons why C1luPllll.1'8 nu lnlioll or the eyc1jd•. p g 'I' 1'lT'S Syrup of Fij!!land Elixir oC Senna is iv.m EYE SA r,V E "MI IlCR nnd qui!,I;I \' " Ii vep. > , g . ' \ l l dl1l gKiahor] Io\\'li 1'(1ilro,., JJu(rnlll, .Y. th o prrfcrcncc , by tho Well· Jnfol'JIlr.d, fo gct .. it~ beneficial effects always buy ' Marrl a~o Is a contract. but there &he genu i n ~-manu factt\re d by t he Cnli· I are lots of cont ra ct jumuers. ---~- ----''---- - - foro in F ig Syrup Co., only, li nd for sale by alllr!IJ,dinlg druggi stll, I' c futy centa F.OI' rbl~~~:~ ~~~:1~~~~;~t~.~~~n~~"~!.~~~·~r". !Do damwaLlou ••Uay.pBln,cu"",wlDd coU,,. -.:c.c01lotLI.. per botU€!. Q£FlANCE STARCH ..., 1"01 10 "orll wll b 0114 The nctions of a dumb UlaD spel\k ____ ~"" cbel clothe. 01_ ,Fem lnl n~ Ge"..cros lty Foiled. louder lIlan his words. A. N. , K.-E (1908-46) 2256. J,.tck the Clalll hili r don OI'd his In· , '1 IIJI 'I ~,~ C,OIl . . • I Ml \\ I fr can t thlll it h' gll'o nway Walk home in almost any new Iboe.-... whe n s \le is hOll se cleIUli ng," li e ox ·
to 50 GO and ove r and most of It No. 1 No;the l'll. Even year, which was It esa a\·ora blc. similar yield!) were In BOme cases obtained. but owing to the season th quality was not 80 good. ·It Is pl'obably sa fe to say llmt the o.ver. a ge yield (ro~ the Old Man's River 10 the boundary will IJ(> 47 or 48 bushe ls per acre. and most l,l "'0. 1 Northem. One man hn s just IlJ act.,e !l. nel profi t from his c rOll of $19,5tJ Iler IIcre. 01' lilt! Icss than tho se ilin g price ot laud . Lund hera Is loa cheap at 11re 5' ent. when acral' 01' t wo will pay for H nnll a fullure almO"l uuknown Nor , • . . 8 th e district c1 ~pc nd ent on wheat. an othel' crops do well also Btock and dairying. and I here is Il Inrge Illarke t at th door!! III th e mining l owns up 1) 1 ~lnetl . lb e Crow !! ~ esl Pass. an d In Brltlsll Co. -l eI' with olh r hUlll.lUnds were lumllia, for t he abllndant ha y or Ih e mlll'ed to _~ n~?_"_____ dl8tl'lct. and pOlillry . pork. and gar· Cost of Royalty. den tru ck. Coa l III neal' and cheap. Th e anllultles paid lI y tit British Jim Hili has an eye on lis advan · peo ple 10 Ille king and QU en amount lages, and b as Investcd here. and Is to $2.3 50.000 : $&0 0,000 Is paid In an. bringin g the Greal • orthern Railroad olllllel! to ,olher me mbers or ,he royal soon , when other IInel! will toll ow," tamlly. -_. --Tb e wbeo.l. oat and ' barl ey crol.' In other parts or ~Ve stern Canada show n,'NlTbOll" Tlt'.. d. " ..ILIDIf F .. "t or Youre ~ AJl eu's . ',Ol- Ku.StI. :t.\C nL f Q),lr JJru ....dst·.. splendid yield s and will , make t he \Vrl .., A . 1:1, Ohu'. t cd . t.., lIoy. N, Y .. tur tiIImpl •. farmers at that country (and many at them are Am . erleo.ns ) rich. The cana./ When a man Is shore he usually hat dlnn Government Agent tor Ihls dis. a long face. ..Ict advises us that hc will be pleased ~~~~~~_~==~~~====
~~which ;C:~tl~~~r~:~o~I~ ~~ ~~~:;~~o~~SI~; I, a settler may now sel'ure 160
. They start comfortable. every few .te~ they lose
Try a pair o{smart White House Shoes.., Walk home, or anywhere-they start comfortable. Continue comfortable I -end comfortable-Ita;
FOR MEN. $5.JO, $4.00. $5 00 ancI $6.00. . • FOR WOMmi. ~o. $4.00 end '5,00. . . . Bllter Brolll Blu. ~bbon for jOIDpten. '11k JOIl ""er fer . ...
acres In nddltlon to his 160, home· stend acres. at $3.00 an acre. and also Restored 11;0 Health by Lydia. E. how to reach these lauds Into which Pinkham'sVegeto.bloVompouncL railways lire being exl nded. I t might be inle res tlng to read what Is s ald of tbat country by t hc Editor ot th Marsholl (Minn.) . T e ws ·'Messen~er. who mode a trip th'ro ug h porlloD$ or,lt In ,lul.I·. 1908. "P assIn, lhrough mar thllulhr e ·thollsand miles or Western Callsda' s agrlcul (uJ:ol ' lan ds, tourin g the northern and southern farming belts or t he P rovi nces of Manitoba. Sasknt hewan and Albe rtll , wlUI nu· mero us (lrlves through th e great grain Held a, wo w re III Dd to realize not \onl), the magnificence of t he crops, but the magnU\lde. In measures, of the vasl te rritory , ope ning, and to be open ed to faml lng Immigration. Ther are hundr ds or- thousands of rarm ers there. and rulmon's of acres under 'cuI· tivation, but th ere Is room for mJI. Uons mote. and othe r mllllons of acre· available. We could s ee In W es lern Canada in soil, prod uct, topography or Climate. little tllnt Is dltrllrent trom Minnes ota: and with mecllng at every point many huslness m en and (armel's who went tb ere tram this atate. It was difficult to realize was beyond tile boundary of country."
Old,Virginia Clieroots If the dealer clipped off the heads of three good Sc cigars and handed them all three to you for 5 cents, you would call it a bargain. That's eXactly the kind of trade you make when you pay 5 cents for three Old Virginia Cheroots.
Not Guilty. . Willie Is n little boy who Is floted 10 bls nelghborbood for bls crueiiy to animals. The latest story is tbat just tor run he took a pair of scissors and cold·bloodedly cut orr a kitten's tall. One of the older girls was reproa.chlng him tor bill cruel~y and telling him What a wIcked thing be had done,. He flatly denied doing anythIng at .the Bart. · "Why, WillIe: how can you ·tell such a s ~ory?" the girl asked. " Evety'bQdy knows you did It." , "[ did not! I dId not," he reiterated Rabble Rabblt.....Never In all my life whOn pressed, further. "I didn't do hos such shocking been used an)' suoh a tblng. It ' wath a dog." In my presence as that boy has used ·In ·the .Iast , three minutes. Oooh! EAGER TO WORK ' Health RegaIned by RIght Food. Public Credulity. After making '(uil 1I110wance tor the The averaaeheallliy ,inan or woman Increllsed ' spending power of the Is usually 'e ager to be' bURY .at 80me maIlSe!!, ' figures 'prove conclusively that useful task or eml,lloymeni: Dotwlthstandlng thl' -wIde dlrtuslon of But let dyspepsia or Indlgestlon get kno1fledKI!,o. the . apread ot ed~catl(jn hold of one, and all en·deo.vor beComes and the raiSing of the standard of In· .telllgence among the people, the ap· a bu·rden. . .".' ·'A . year ngo. after recovering' from 'peal 0; .tbe Quack and the charlatan an dIletntion," writes n"Ml'ch.lady.. "my to the' credulity of tbe public meete aton:ulch' and' nerves began to g\,'e. me with ' a ,rea,i ller responsE) tban e,v er.London Hoapl ~al. 'mllC'h trouble, . ' ''At Umes my :oppetlle. WAS vora,· c,lous, but wllen Indulged. 'tndlgestlOi: How's This? followed . Olber tlmea I had no'appetlte w. oaer One nundrN Dpll.... n....Mt\ ror ""7 ·w hatever. The , tood I took ' did not ~~~ 8:~~ \lI.~ CAWlO~ be 0"",,1 by lIalt'. than ' ,W•• the und~"'llInC!d. F. J . cr:·lj:lI;El\, ok co .. Toledo. O• n·ourfsh me , and , I grew u'eaker ~ bve '1Ibown F. J . ebebey ever. ' fOr the _ I ~ y...... anti ·bcllOl". hIm perr... u)' hOll. "[ lost Interest In everylhlng. and =~q ~~o~t~~~b:~~ade~~ b~=-Ill w.. ...... ed to be alone . I ·ho.d ' alwal'e had;' WALDINO, KIN''',. '" .I.<M>I,.. ' '" '\YIooI~ Drup\ota,. Toledo. o. HaIl'. 'Catanh CUre II '. ta\f.... .lntemall)·, ""LlD~ good' ne'l'Ves but now the merest trille , . , " I directly upon the bloOd "nd mueoUA IUrf..." o~ the would upset In!) nnd bring on a v 0- l)'ltem. TaUmoblea. ten~' trtt. I'rlco ; G ""n~ per tent headach\!. · W~kl~g: acroS!! th~ bo~. ~~~ ,:1{:;..;p)'~r e<'IIOUllIotloo. room was o.n elfort and prescribed e", ' erclse was out, or the queRUon . . Helpl Murderl "I had aeen Grape·Nuts ·advertlsed" "Why dId rO\1 k.I:Il).ck Joncs ~lown!." but did not believe what J read, at ' "We were ' talking abont the fretlJe time. At last when It seemed as quency at BrowD's jag." It I· were literally starving'. I began to "Well?" . eat Grape·Nuts. ' . "Well, great Scott! he referred to "I had not been . o.ble to work for brown's prellent drunk as 'tbe current a year, but DOW after .two months on bun: "~BoBlon Trans~rlpt. _ Grape'Nuts I am eager to be, at work , Important to Mothere. ·&DIn. ,MY stomach give's me no trouExamine care~ully every bottle or ble now, my ' nerves ore steady ... ever, and Interest In life amblUon CASTOR!" a safa and Bure remedy for bave came baok With Ibe return to lurant. 1Uld clllldren. and see tbat It bea1tb." Beare'tbe ~~ "There a a RelUlOn." SJpatnre ot ~ . NtIlD8 r·~n b, Poetum Co.. Battle III Uee lI'or O"er ,30 ¥lI&rL . Creek. Reacl ''Tbe Road to WelJ. . TIle RIDd You H~'n /I.l~ 8cnJ1bt.
. For thirtJr years Lydia E. Pink,. ham's Vegell;a.ble Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard l'Eimedy for female ll1! and has posit;ively cured thousands ol women who bave been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera. tiOD, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodio P~I8, backoohe, tha.t bear~.down feetling, fla.tulency,in~g. tlon,dizziIless,QrnervousprJstration. Why 4on't,you' try it? . MH. PJnkham Invitell all sick women to 'write her for advl00. She h8.11 IrUidcd tbousands to Ilealth. AiJ,d reiI8"Lyno,![au.
..... IS Cent Clga... •~lthOut 't he 1HeilCl'I . . T-hel'efor. a for & Cent• EVE~HERE
-l,h e C·,r ta·h le
To Portland ., .
And the straight way. Daily service via Union Paci6'c from Chicago to Portland.
Would RIsi< One .More BoHre, A. Frencbman from Lbe provllloo. ho was pllr lng IL llrolong e ,J vlt;ll to Paris roulld his hall' v.'as lcavlllg him at Ibe tOil or hl lJ heud . tmd took his barbe l' 10 tas k aboul U. ' "YOll Ilold me two bolt! 8 ot shIff to make I h . hair grow." " It Is very stran ge If won't ~I'Ow ," snJd th~ mede rn Figa ro; [ can t urt"J I'stand It." "1.Jook h I'e !" ~l1, ld the oountrymel1. "I d n't mind drinkin g nnolher Irollle, hili this mus t be th e I a s jl. " - Phil ode I )J bl a Jlion I reI'. -- Rather Effeminate Th Sid' I I e . aue pauwon el' W lut makeR the kettle so happ", \I 113sn' t st pped flinging a1\ da y:" J Th , e Ca Ifee Pol- Why, dld n'l you notlco Its n w lid ?-PuC1k.
Electric Block Sitnal Protection-the sale road to trave.' . ,
Pulhrian D.rawi,n g R<?,om Sleeping €ars, Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars, F,'ree Rec.lining Chair Car~, Coaches a~d Dining Cars .' me send 'you books fully describing I;1ortlana, the Northwest and the train service via
UaiaD Pacific
Ask about the A .....Yukon·Pacific ExposiHoli at Seattle. Was.... 19OS
'0 y.o-ton. Parle. cat '-'- rat. on ~Il '~ro. .h ticINt,. Write lin""" . E. L. LOMAX Qener~1 Pas8enl'er Agent,
/liM trI,p. thIriq _ , f
~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~.~~~~~-~-~~-~__ ~_~_~ti£L2S~~~~---~~~~~
:s .'
!III...------~ ,
m. Hymlln,
...... ... .......................
I I" Y" l\
mall W 10
., Fresh Baltimore Oysters ever y oay-no ....ater or ice touch the oysters. The~ can't be beat. CELERY-Fancy ' Home Crown CRANBERRJESl-Extra Faney, . 1Oe: a .qu'art. ' . ' 'CRACKERS-All kind - Fr h . three timeS a week . . GRAP~Malagas> large clusters,l5c: a pound . ORANGES-Florida, fin e, sweet PINEAPPLES-New ·RedSp~ . ish in this week. LEMONS - Extra. Fancy Cal., thin skin. . BANANAS- F.ancy fat fru~t. APP~ - Bellflowers, Kings, , Greenings, Ba~dwins, '
.v i,
Ions, Dded Fruits, Apricots, Peaclle$, Prunes,' Rais[ns, Curraills, Dates, Figs,
I 'E I~
[( OO IiI
r,h l rt y- f1v e ' Vlllll·.... AllllroH" B"x ; 1 '. 1'1 1.1~ "lll'g . In . .
'\'il Ii n.'" w n H. Clements ' U.5 kf',tlll)n til \lltl . . In'luit· Il I'I/ I. \\' 11 111\ Ol'pinglllll F "1, 1, 1,1,).10\ rl' Ad", "" \ . HII.' pil!~.
1{1l" I It, P,
l~ lu"
~ U111t,(· Rnntrll~1 111i~" 11ht,""~ '''I \vu ' "r,,11 1 11 " nl ~11 IlV. !t· lh ... h ''Il -\ ' ,.:ood )IIm) : ~ III rrN " I' I"ud • .'.11 I ~' MIld £ll lIltli tl lln. l ur]l)II' o>t' WIIlIIIIII 'I'hur p,' . l JL,\ [,Il:H ol{. nhl Pn lnnl 'hl 'I' . 1" I!.: (. (' It ~' I) N r. '. ~ . \I IIVt'I·, . , n, " . • U()Alj :-;'I'O V I~~ I hill fHid !f" O.) IIIHI two .. 11 \ " , ..." . ItIIllllr" (, \ A. Mum! . . [NG ER El w i n \( III uohlrl t'. III , qll ir El lLt (;" Iwt l ol1ioo. I.) IIRe)" I R I1 111111" r" " ne v 11.1.,. All II I!:mrldl, (. vlll'. ()
The' D a·y ·II- g.h t Stor e
. '
~~~~~"""'''''''''''''''''~~''''~'''''~ .
$ $ $
$ . Thank i T sgiving Specia s all his Week . ' . . ' '$ j B' '6 'd 21: .f ~:~:;",~t.%:;b:~:~'::: ::~: -::',~:E.N:g~: ~1:' ~(;;!:!,::~;J $ est ranulate ilugar, t.I . Pounds Onl y "1.25 $~ 1$ j,
SOc a
can get 25 Ibs. 100 Ib s. or a bbl.. t h·IS week at · 5c per lb. Compare' this. price with your . Dayton man's quotation. .He didn't want to sell you sugar this time. Well, hardly!
M:;;Ok;j~gllr:::ht .e~';;:~:.Y'~'ln
$ $
Wl\ite's ·Store .News.
$ $ $
Rite. J W· W1l..··
Uleat. Ne,ver WIll you be able til\nd Kidnoys.l'l.Ie old faslJ. DUY good salt so, cheap again. aS j iO?ed wlLy 'of d08ingthe ::;tOtl!IlCh or frei. bt advanot!s 'from 5c to loe a ijtltnulatln~ the .8, ellr~ or Jlo.ldlWYA g . . Is lIurely wrong. 1)1'.. ShQOI) first barrel ne:xt 111011 lit. . peclal ' llointed out thlt\ error, "(:io to the price at the car. . weak,~r all~g ner¥es .oft.heife or , . gtlnll. said he.. Each, msIde orglln Cocoanut Jelly Cakes. lOe a lb. bas 1'8 conttolhng or '.Iolilde nerve, These are surely , a winner. Wbap these nerves ftltl tbe~, those ragans moat surely falter, Ihis vi-
· gAn:~~:11~::!, ~~ve:::e;i~~ :~::t~i:I~~:: ::;g:~~~;~~dl
Mind Your Busmess .
~ ~
$' $' $.
Corduroy '
M 'n's Coats a t *800, f3 50 anll '4 .00. M' J., ,~..I n il \7. \:lS1.<> a t '"I " .UO Illlli *l '"~O M ~n 's Yonts 7fi. (,200 :-\lId ~2 50, Men's Duck CoatS at $1 76. ..200 and *2 50.
.~ ,
loa.d. gllt) And fl~mily , • Mr. lieorge Ollyi find Mr, . Ma ry . We stIli bave a ' urplus o f ·Ie..\'er, of HILr\reys \'org, IIpent nn I· OU empty boxes, aud y ou' ~1I11 finll dt~Y with Will , Morrit! /LDrI ftl~nilY' I $ tlt \ tle mi~ht y c heap klndlinu at Mr . Mary A,on Cl eaver I n l' the price, severul clllYS II! t wei:' k Wlt.h Mr s. ~'lBod 'Ietlver . .' I PEANUT~Frev. roastetl, lOc o , , a pouT\d. Sa.usaje Cutters, M.r~, , ulte r T ibbal s aDd Q.LUghler and ~r , .l oho .Elelghwuy 0 1111 d on II NEW PENNY WHITE FISH. SOc to $2.25 each, ElM W 1 I ~W PI!JRE ' BUCKWHEATA [ull s lock or lh e " U nl\'e r. he l .4O:c ~r ll~ Ib sack. ' New H~ey, New Beans,New Oats al food cutler, th e large and s nrely lind qlliC'll ry loos u d wi th u, ~ Potatoes SHOES NEW' MOTHERS' OATS- lOe medium s ize of ~h e .. E ll LbCprtSe" pre~orlptioJ\ 1;)['uf:lg ist s !Lfe <liSP9DS .! Our em' will arrive Wednes. Ing 8very\Vhefll~ u8 Dr. hoop 's . a pack~e. cut~ers , and th e B ~l1al.1 "I{u 11111'1\11" Cough Rernec1 y.. And it Is v .. y, ! day of lhis week, You ean gel 10 The Hamiltoll Brown , '0 S hel day 01' more a t ' ficBper Famous HOllseh Id ,hoe for' See our new Jine of Candies at a t v"0 c. R. x l ra k nlves f or II inC "" very ditl'llrent. t.lrllll OQ,WUl OO oong I1 ebu l any this \"eek ttel'bu!;hbU Ladie!l,Misses and Children.Get Hie: a pound. They will han<I, rue (ll'ol' ne"... N I,~ ""I' U'·11 . no ' hl or oas fJolato 11 . hi -her this w . form IIb~o luttl ly nothing bnrNh or 'I t.han lust. our prices befor'e buying don't surprise you. Regplar ISc New Otleal\s Mola..ases nOB~(e, 'rh e t nder 11;'1l,v es of a forg t. t() see us for M en'~ ,jo'olt and 20c goods. . . harml s, lun g h'il/l·Ullg DlonntninBoots RubLe I' Boots, A I'lics fol' , ISc a quart. ous shrub. gi ves the c urati ve prop M n, W~mll:m RIIB ohilrlrn . ,Watch for our,Egg S igo '1 . ' he N w CroV IIf "pen ke ttl e 6rt,Ies to Dr, !:lboup's Oollgh R a rn13!ly. ; 1D0la8ije now read y for 1' ''11. 'rbo e leave ba've the nower t o Qulm Oysters Ask about our "Find Out" Pack~ . . ' ,t·he most dillt.re88ing Uou .. 11 !lod to .,,, . age Sakerlzed COffee Have you e "e r tn ed bhl s fo r oak· soothe nod bOil I t he most Aensi· 041' sales of sealshipt oystel'!I and "Find Out." ing. und cull I! a 1'\' II . e,~'t IN · It .l;" !Ive bl'onch~ld m en; lml IlO. Mot,he ~s ~ . has been much huger than we an Itl1lU CUSe t l'ade L\l tll l'sa l{ood , sh oulo . fm sll f,~ty ~ Sil k UIOU\}" ll_ $ ahticipated. Il'or 'fhanksgiving Men's under,w ear wny s dllmltD~l Dr, 8 hno p 'S H. ca ll '! week we will ha¥ c 25 gallon of Lenox So&.P. J fer .Oc, \vlth perfect. I'r flflllom he gi ven t,o , Se lectsl and tandards. 1f yon Heavy 1"leece. LitiHu at ' 90" , even th younges t ba.hll , TIlBI, it ' wa nt ;'~a!Bhipt, telephon e your ' . I k' d I bolt, 100 bars $3.00 . .y onl' elf I UJld ~Ele . !:la id by Ilil deat- l ol'de" ,' n advan ce. . per SUIt; t Ie Itt yo u pay t *1 00 f or elSt!w he re. OF 'COlTRSE One of the c heape t all el bcst aI's, ' . Oysters anll Groceries iJ elivMen's Uni'll Sui ts at $1.00 soaps mtlde, TO THii -T A. ~AI e red .in any part of tOWn. anll $1 GO ~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ Your Th&.nksSiving Dil\oer Wqll,\1JI N . Whi tely, of ' pring , Will not be compl~t e with ullt fj eld , who wus nt tim e one of " the weillthiest. me n or t ba t town , • s o w'"" o(our Ii'resh Mtll a '"O'a Grape ', lliiS 'perfecterl t,be ill ve nt lon of all "I Ladles' Underwear " I }I'lorida OralJges, · l<~ anc.v Bananas, automnt.ic ItIfltlIll" e BI)rcllder . ItiH : S h f't II'" 1 · A I '1' bb ' • etsnuJ;, t e I '-we -I'm~ at Hosiery· P IppLlI '.. , " pp es, IIrt:\lp ' j a ,age, olaimed t hll l t.he· OI[1ob jne OIlO be ' 90c' per sUlti jllst like o the rs aRk ';'. Tl\an~ijivil\.. gDay ~e w Cr~alll Nuts;, Wal"~ l~ and U ~ednl'b. unu,Y ~I Dr\ .Of \vIlr.tO..ri bed, ' ~] . OOfOl' . . . d J ' i::i ee t l~ t toc W Good fl eece,lin ed a t 25c pel' Bursa n Hose for ladies. Ts drawlIIg very »~ar and we AI mOIl. :i, ~rsey W (I a ,.Mr. hll;tlly I ~ 1~1Itk.l,1I ' 0:1 tIl,l rt ~o J . garmen t, Pickininy Hose for Boys and ' trust that even one of our 500 Cele ry ,and Oys~erR , s~ ee.t and. [intt!~ est I~cld ctI,pltllllsM 111 tho for· , Union ui ts 'at 50c 7.5q ·;md Girls. AHk Lo see them .' (!ustomers may have reall '" much Sour PIckles, el\:. . m!l~llIn, o.~ II oon.,~puny t,o muuufuc 11, $100. . " . Wool Ho~ef()l' Ladies alid ' Mim ' , Children's underwear in Ulh ' . ture 1118 \J)veotl oD' 1 " to be thankful for, I ion sui t.\! and 2 piece at '25c to Fleece Il'ned Hooe . for all Mr. Whitell',Y will SOGO be on the Cat of Salt. ' . ~ • • wllrket IIguiu for a co opil rlltive flOe. ntemQers of the family, . compuny , UllcI it. 1ll11·Y be thM he will A car of fresb bait on ' track ioafewdIlYs. · Thlsls 'the·gen,lI:. Itlsu·t ao <lifficult to ' fltl'engthen v:-no,tu 'JU,tel! u~ore Wu.y ne8vl11e . . ,Ine St.ea.l1l ~ a: 1t ' b t fa a wea.k 8toUltl.oll' lt ooe 30e8 "t It people In hl~ scU1eme~. ver.y es r 'c'o rreotly, And this it! trnt! o~ I.he . . . .. , _~ • . . ~
Jeney Sweets, .. Cabbage, On-
"Ill,!,· rllr ".r..r", " I 1<",
l':il rnhll ~ h ,', l
$1.85 Owt.
11\ II ve tha.n oth er grade, bll t 50 per Ctl llt Branch ohurob l:!undoy Veiling; b e lt!!r. 00 sn t slllok th e ChlUlo Rev. Joel Wrll(b t, of W\1111in ~t(l n, , g l!vll nn eXQullen t tttl k Ifll l i W ill:! n D. tl ll V:; nor char til WIck s. joyed by Il l l. . • I Cral\berriel.lO,cl2e fA ISc a. qt. Mr. nnd Mrs. F ire "n d l dllog-hl r were Lebnnon Visltors We oan s bow you the larglls l MondllY
li t tI. i ..
!fUllS ,I . .1 . I lwmp~o n ,fr, .I.-I,J 1'~ Mai n ~lr . Mul'Y J uD e UI Il V I', nf l:I 'lr, giving dinnel' will ha\' c to l'ai:!I' n ,'I ., I: b lnon, _ Clb ln, ~ Sn.t.i tlfllCt\ " II Rltrd l Po lalO\! I jllst a hn e .'l. voy!\burg, 8p n '~ ·"turdIlY ll l~h t \ hop p ~·f()l·tlext yeat', g llar;lllt (l' l, VILlltlJ I hone [i·1 Ii C~II be. No be lt r k ee ping a ll (1 With her (l il nght( r, h tl. Honr~fJ 1I 1~ ' - ... - , . th rket 'vis, - - - -, Rflll(\ MH' pili" formulll 0 11 Il box cooklll g pOtiltoes III e n,a . Mrfl , ,Tob o \ Vo1fe nnn son 11 nt of P l llk lIuin :'11111 ,,111. 'I'h t II li N\( pecial prll'es it.1 sllok lo t. verlll duys ' hl, t w elt W ith Le w Old Process Mills .vom Do for if t il r(' fq 1\ II t lPr on " W olfe and wi fe. ' Pain III ElIl UfI Q,)fll{(>l't.h lll - hi ollrl Jlre, 'al\cy Canned Peach es, Mrs George Davit' tlod ;:,it", Ear , S\lre 1I0mew h [t! , II,. ::llooolJ'" Pink 20c a can neflt Mlinn n we l'e guest u.t ~lI e Pu in Tll hlo!", oh. ck II IHI ~ill " w m . ' ll" 'I'TlS . M on d It· Y. WaynesVI'11e MI'11 nn l.Y 11111111' 1)1110 tlnywlll.'m. 'rr v :>'r 2.00 per dezen, nome 0 f W l.u l o n l 1\ 11 11 ~ l! C! !!II fo r !!'i1 80hl II\, '" 'r! k . ' ,l ill Mr , Ed Mflrtio p nT utllr(l llY • _ _ . ._ _ _ _11111!1_ _ _ _ Ilil LlIJ II!J ' r ~ ~' or your lall s glvtn g u - afternoon with ber da ught r Irl< , ner: try a can o[ OUt Regal Brnnd (;leorge EIli~ . ~_ -
Tha~~~e ~;~, ~1~:I:r g~nl. pri ce Olnlty ~O~~g~l~en;~ f;:~~~. peopl e of /.hi .., enJoyed bu y rldo to
gll,,,1 ( 111'111 hind : II ,·') fll r h'J u~,. 1;!'''I,ing t,"1 rl'~ p "\· t "Io IA '")1\" A 1'1'('I1 I1HI
Ipl v
~ I.' ~"'·"
P I'
' \'
. 'f lt e econd ca.r o f ,
. California l'eil(~he. Large, lu Mrs. hnlilnoy Bunnell Ilod t wp Ci.OU8 halves in a rich,hellvy y r l1P. "qn nnd Mrs. Wlill Dunn fln rl dnughter ~p n t Thur!/<ln y wHh 0 or 'U
I' " 11\. fO f ,.: (, ItI ,r ll ' '1 t1, ·d
I . FOR RE NT ~ 1 70A(:t~~~ tU"Hi..
le w 8m;kwheat Flour.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I SllPP I · ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Potatoes. \oVellrna n. The ~hude I~land rotatoes. _ __ ' tUl'keysiol'the White Thank;;-
-wcct Cider · for Mince Pies.
~ 11I('\t I" ., ~1I1 " .v ,.r *11'1'\(", " ,
and Vegetables
Baked L3e:ms.
M ~ I\ ItI"
~'i ll'll' r wi ll flll l " " I " til ls "me" . EL'I' PI N lJlI I.w »"' 1 I I """ II '" ~ llIt·" I II ud :-i li,·" ",," lt\ '~. 1,' 11111,·, )lhll' ~tI jrAIllr,1l t." t.hl~ Il llio"
ThanksgivinS Week' SPECIALS
II"" "
t,.'ulIs l1 '!.n", o r
..,..,. ....... ::"
j' '',
provi ng l'''''pnrfv
lI u ri
Whil e ell rries, I:piJHlCh, Apricot, Pumpkin , Plums Pens. Corn , PCl,,:hcs' . Tomatoes,
l)·· ···I·
,';'"'\\,111 ,
Gra'pes, pan,mas' Picld es, weet or SoUl',
J' ruit
Jo'A Nc.;Y CAN
II" VI' by " \l ply l " ( r" W.I\""'·~
I V I!l P \I i ll ~,
e lcr " Oal':$, figs rallbcrric s Ornn\{ es, rad ,ers, ' pies' ahhagc, ' weel Putatoes,
for' the name on the ' door and windows.
·l ) A ' l'- t\ t~ ' J fl d
,L. & lVI. HYMAN', 39 E. Main Street,
.. __ . , . . , . . . . .
fresh Baltimore Oys ters.
An entirely new and large stock to select from. Honest business methods. Railroad fare paid to all customer s buying $10.00 worth or over. A cordial invitation exterided~ ...................
Tha nksgi V jng' .Spec ials
_.tOt ....... " ,." ...... _"" .......
1 ' \11.... \\"111 lit' hll'! f'l' lh1 Ulll'"' ' Lhl ... IIr ~d lU I t\\rlll\ 11,' ,< 1 1~II L . fill It, h ',' }Jl t t-.It\"II . \\ hl'lI U ~hll' "lit HI Ort ' I h .HI 11 \,,· Ullt ~
Men's and WomeJn's Outfitters.
Classified Ads
t ....... .
$ $ .
Me•• 's· Shirts
l:)oe nUl' line pf · Men's 'DreSs , ~hi"I!.l, nw styles and . coro~. , t AIM Work Shi1'l:S, tbeGem . " of Shirts; OverllllK anU Ja~
$ $
G ' rocerles l\IInplein For makingsyl'up lise granulated sugal' and flaVOl' with Maplelhe , Makes ave· ry fine syrup . OtHers li~e it, why not you? '" " "FI·Ul.... ' Af res h supp ltD" yo , ,'leu' .... Canned Goods w,ith Frllit~ and Vegetables, ' . ".. . .' Fancy Ap{lles, Banal'lI1!l," 01'-
$ $
angeN,betnon~; C9coanut,.;,Fi!i's
. Haisins, Currant!;!, Citron. Cran· berries , CelerY. ':New.llCuts jq~t in .. ' P\lre , Je~y Sweet Pota,tOes. . f aet you can ge t hetteJus. . , ~ as m d nd' t I goo a JUs as arge a var)'e' • ty IlS in the eity.
$ $ ~ $ ". ,Don'.t Roc fo.rfe..t. w . e stil.1 g' i",e aw .. a.y' ·it.h. cash.,.' ~ur. ~ $ lng , ""hairs, Rugs·, Lace CUrtalilS, ' $ ,Clocks, La'mps .·and DI·shes. ,Save your tl·.ckets. '$' ~Jtt. WE ' PAY 30 ·CENTS A DOZEN FOR EGGS S, $
,If yon don;t 'n obody · will. It hi yom; bt1slnt!!!s t o keep ont ,of all thetronble iYOU ,olin and you o••rt nod will. . keep out of liver and bow el • i[.Ollbl~ if YO,ll tl~ ke Dr. Ki~g'8 New 1..lf" PIlls, ' L'lIey keep' blllollsnefls, IIIP'" malorilA no(l j~nDdice out of yo~r lIystem f. :til, I\t Fret! C, SObwart~ II drngl!tore '
. ....
A ......:....J..-·-;ot!tan aged 85.... Dr• . Shoop's Restorative. A few I paymgher taxes. ... .• - . ... tihepnund, Vanilla Witters and (lavste8tw\llsnrelytelll t:Iold bYjAwomanof shQuldbe.draw-" .'~' . Maotlroon Soaps at the ~'lDe P!lCe, 011 dea:Jera. i,ng a pension of paying taxes. """'~""""'. . ."'~~~,~. . . . . ,
f O~e , of' -Unc le Sam 's Mos t Trus ted/ TOBACCO OI~OWERS I Mnl nna Loy r( \1ily , lh' wicluw Malo l Carrl "erSo lin 'Kentucky Arc VictorIOus. Amc.... ,)f lintull K ' lIy, I)I~ II uway Form er Rt'sid ents
UMB,ElR :l01l6 '
Ur. and Mrs I , , 'ell I spent 'fhlmks givi ng day with reJlltivc in =-== -=== ===- -======= -=-====!i BlnncUest I'. $14,000,00('1 WiliL l":'ltcen . !illl W estl~oul· ll.l ~trL'Ct, Mr. OI1U Mr~. Mtlr1 0n HortloD 111111 MOA ~ rll , .J 'I[, 1'hnrllll8011 Illill Kenhere, whiob Is about twelve lOiles at I p. m· Mundl\Y, Nov, 23d. aHer for their ' gueBt.8 on 'l'lmuktlgiviug no~h, ItILlI~(\ WI'" Iltt'rl/linet.l by MIMI! 1 Web took hold of hili work fit thllt A Kentuo ky Exohliuaehlltl Ii good tIllY, Mr, und Mrs. l~ tmrge Duvis, ~J lult,a • an I'11 n~ u f !:Ievel'a I munt I1M. ,'Or g ild III .\1, '1'lulIllcMgl ving B n~ ~IUle, Rt a sllllt.ry of .sO li y8ltr. liooount t~f t.he grellt slIIe of burley Mr. lintI 'l rs. Earnest Mannon, Uleu par, lwo wt'ek!:l !:Iha had h en 'onlin >d in ~naJoe Uav~. . Be hlUl I16rved under eleven poat. tobaooo j,n t.bat state. It says: hlll' Led H l' deuLh ill uttrii,Jutt!d to . J. E. I:\llulIluker'l\ hntI tholr lLUOU nlilster s, and on next .Tuly will have 'l'he tobacoo grower s bll ve r.h· , Utili. W. H.LWk a general hreul<t.lowll lind a 'ornplimade 11 al 'l'btinllsg!vlng dinn er, with .Jaslte l)ften in tbis servloe thh·ty-flvo years. brllve lind berolo struggl e, making Rom ine, wlft! and 100ther Mrs \Vl1rtl I 1'.0 I!U!.~t .. ul' Mr Hk (\. t!ation uf di: euMes MI'll I II Y \VIIS In all t,hese yearM be hilS never Belf sacrU:lcfl8 nd meeUDg privatio only II munth shol'1. C')[ her seventyns M.Lggl e Levicy I1UlI fllnd ly ull gnes ttl. fl lhl wir!', 'il L u hll. 1\1,11) . nt u. hllQa vacatio n, never 'missed bu't.' unflinchilllgly Ilnd with II 8telldfast" . .., ., .. !:Iixt h biJ·thday anllivlJl'sal'Y , to which ·Mlss Nuh~ H'ltes, of Dolawartl (:01_ liluilllr . one or ""two malls, Oil 1I0COllDt of ne8ll' 0' purP9l\e born of vlctorv , lege, spent the vllClltion witb hel' , <w nt she louked fOI'ward ,with IJleasf high wati>r, and only R yea r fir two whloh won oQmmendat.ion and purellts . . Mr. I~ . '. Hllllwl1rt7. svmut'e. ..... Mr. Illld Mra. Bal'l Hlirvey ate were entartUlllutl by Mr . ogo went to Lebanon to gett be mall A pathy- a bnoYllnt foroe In ,the on- dinnel' Mrs. Anna Kelly was uom in l:erwith their ullolo Milton for tblll·offioe. wllrd ~d ,u\tlmlAtely Buooessful of Wliyne!!vllh., 'l'hunks givingKey to; Robert I:l nut, til Drej.toDla, llIuntown on Decem ber 25 1 32, and dllY. gi vlng \lay . Blure tl:!e rur .. lmtli I dellv('ry hall IItruggl~ We $ake off our hilt and waK mal'rieo ubout fifty eight years Mrs. Anna anl'rl~ 'Ind Mrs. t:;adle oOlne in Web's dntle8 hll V6 been sainte y~u, Keptlemeo of theorglA ago 'a t Waynesv ille, Ohiu. to linton ni. Reason were t!hoplJlng i~ Uuytou trebled , and now hi!! mail , p,lUohes 'z~tlon, aud llilloerely rejoloe A most excelle nt 'fha ' W. Kelly , whose death occurre d . in wltb Friday. serve from 6,000 to 6,OllO persons you In 'h~l BUcoell1l 8t$lI.lnOO. dinner wa." enjoyetl at the ' d Mlsllos d BeJen BlArrls, Ma.ry Levloy I H9. She a(tel'wal' s remove to . d!JforenoN betwee n the every day. He carries eightee n All VIl8aie Uraham , Messrs. CJa.rJ Shldll.. Ke'l ia Merritt by MI' and 11 Dayt\)n to muke this pl~ctl hel' resiBnr. ker, Joe Dlivls !lnd BndtI Collett nt. look pouohes elAoh way d~ll y now, I,ley tobacco grower s of Kentuo dence. and at her death had resided ky tended tbe fOtltbllll game lit Wi!- artwrig ht. lAnd fifty tie saoks a week, lind lion and the It rnel'foao TObaOOQ ComplI- wln~ton, Tburlld ay Ilfternoon. ill this citr for several yea I "rs. I ' bl Mr. aud Mrs. F. C. tlohw D. W. MEEKS , dnty froUl six In the mornin g until ny were pllr~tid aw"y bv.repr Mrs Kelly WII!~ tl'U Y a ova e esent. speMnrts·thEellllwWe·ikI8eOnnd ' alnll(lSoolnn'olBnanrTutYI' all tb elr guests, Mr. and Mr seven-t hirty Ilt nlaht. litive,. of both powers TbuTlldliY woman always thinkin g of how she , ::Slnoe 1905 the mlA118 have been 110 afterno on Rhen the l,nroha8 el t Buot, of Oregollil~, at 0. i. . d f I e of 75 with ber lion, Wilbur . could help oth ers mlllea . 0 lerse If. 'Phere Is 1111 need for U8 to tell our \tl,rge that he B. Y. found It neoe~!!lll'y to per oent. of the' Burley tobllOoooropil 8pent Collett lind si!!ter, ' MIsl'I Niln Frirluy evening . She eamed lhe respe t of all who reoderA whu 1111;1 11(\lf.;on repre 'rhlluksgiv!llgdl1Y with Joshuu enta, eq nip himself with Il hOrBe and wa· Jln tbe Kentno~y pOQl W_I affeoted Collett'S, of Lebanon. knew her, and her de~th leavei:l. 11 Every one, \'ibl1 has travele d to and gon, and these m~e the work light_ ·by .the ~rullt ... t the Mrs. Harriet O'Neall had a oonferenoe held large number of !:Iorrow mg acqullm - from the Pennsy lvanl" rallrOll.d Mr. Theodo re La.wrenoe of Wil 8ta- er for him, bnt broulh t Ildded ex. at the Lon:isvl1!etiotel. ant company of people for .Thal he '1 his meanH t.nnces. mlngto n, wall oalllng on his friends tlon for the Pll8t thirty 'five years pens!!. giving dil)ner; Rev. and Mrs. J. be , t he pUlling pf abont 76,000,000 bere for a few dltys Illst week. Survivi ng hel' ar two daught ers, knuws Web Meeks. . B\s pliy ball been inoreas ed allttJe pounds of Bnrley tobl1000 ,into Cadwal lader 'and Mr. W. H. AIl61\1 tbe Ml"I. Milill Cas8ie Graham e.ntertulnOO A. Winter s,teen, with whom n .July I, 1874, Web who was in I'from ~Ime to tIme, but at the prll8and wife. hands of tlle mannfllotu,r er of whloh to dinner 'l'bl1nksgivlug day, she had been makmg Iler 1\O~e f 01' Frank I\n, 01110 !lot word Mi8Bes that he ent time the oompenslltion for tbe 20,101>,UOO ill 19Qd lind Arnold, 63,000,000 of Ettl1 some time, and Mrs. Fenton T.,Bott..Wlll! npPolnted to oarry t,he Arnold Co llett.Allne. ' ·toollS and Mr Mr and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright mbll / work be blA!! todo, 18 too small. Af- the 10070ro p. lind IAbout '1:1,000,000 Mrs Winter steen was former!y hlue betwee n Corwin Ilnd Waynee Dr, ilnd Mrtl. Ellison Ilnd two served a turkey dinner on Tuesda ' y l ter Bnoh a servloe as Weh has given In money trom the Illliu/lfltot,u rer to ohllurClII were the one of the best known teacher s 11\ vill e, lind he Inlllledilltely set g uel:!tB of Mra. precedi ng Thanks giving to Mr. and out to "Onole 8alO" he IIhonld be (JIltd the pianter . the public schools of the city. She the dlstu.nce from Frankli Anne lloCuu e ThnrsdRoY , Mrs, W .H. Hoblit, Mr and Mrs J. II n top notch. One of tbe Iron-oilld artlolell in was at ach J' al. the cent.ral District Mr IlUU Mr~. Earl Hookett vil!lted . Hawke, MI' and M1'8. . B. Murray the organh: lltion of the. Burley To.. Mr. Ilnu Mrs. 1:I0wllrd (:IrI\barn Sl1tfo~ 1\ nurn1Je~ of Y/:,!lI'S previous to and Kezia Menitt . bacoo ~uol,ety II! the one requirin g nrdllY nlgbt lind Suuda.y. W· M her mal'riage to r lIItersteen , Mrll. Mllrlu BuiDe!:!, Mr. and Mrs. ana liny (urohetler of pool.u tobu ooo to Will The funeral will be conducted Balnel! were gues~ of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. 'fhoma ., dUfDI pay to the soolety la In ouil1ge for Mrs .. Bannab Barla.n 'l'llursd WetlnellClay afte rnollll at:l o'clock west of town had tile following ull ay. every hOlCsilJetld uf tobucco bonght . from the J·e!lid,mc e. fi6 l We.'il. [O'ouI·th Mr. Ed. BRtton, of Murtlu"vllle, gueets lit Thl1nkllp;ivlng dinner: Mr. 'l'he Aml!rlUll~ Oompa ny dId not spent Thurllday and FrldllY stl' ('t. f{ v...... J J< el>hart, pastor with Da.vld ,,[bomas, wife and two tIOn., olire to 1liiY this and fvught, it to I.he hili parents , Dr. lind Mrs. Qf Lhtl F'il'<!l U l:s:' hUJ'ch, will omi:George Mr. p, Kindle and wife, aDd 14181 lrulI, ditch. La Busl1nd 'he growen a .. tton . iate, aud the illt:erfllent. will bl:' made Nellie Uard, stood ''''t, IIIntI the compan y finally' ?Irl!. Lou B,ullin lind in Woodland cemelc)·y.- Dayton dlloul::b.ters, of Lebanon, spont two weekyielded. Iti will PIlY 13 for every end Herald. Mr. und Ml'B. W. a , Whlto pve With h'!r pa~ent , Mr.the und Mrs. bOl1sbead iII ad-1 ltion to t,be moo'ey Aaron HRney . a delight ful family dinner 8lUl,day. With h l' hus band. Rev. SUllluel to be paid for tbe tobllcco and tills Mrs. A. K. Sargen t WIl8 the gllellt Those' enterta ined were ; Mrs. A. L. cott, lying at oeath's dO()1' at. th, will ,. ppro,lnina~e '300,000. Thill of .Mrs. Mlltlld .. Underw ood'thu rs- Farr, Mrll. EmUiIi vakln, Mr. F . Il. Mlarili Valley , fIuspit.ul , MI'lI. Mar~ money, 10 It is 'fIald, goes to pay d&y. Farr and wife, Mr. Fred White and A. Scott pas,Qed away al h I' hO~le. wareho use oharges and for mlAln_ MIIIII Elslfl Ollborn e Wll.S hostess to family, Mr. Guy Dakin and wife, IAn elegant dinner Pl1rty on Thllnks907 G rmantowll strcet, at S o'clock &alDinl the society , and -wilt thus giving dllY the gneilt. bing anum. and Mr. ThoB. Pleroe. &el~tabl. Friday afterno n, after u tlllee days gre",ly reduoe or, perllap!l, pay all ber of her sohool'l!llrl friends. illness of'hear t alfp. tion. the oharge i 'tbahvo uld otherw ise be A family dlnnel' oC tht: Zell family rB8QJ~ Mrll MllfY OIeu.ver WlA8 the gll~t Mrs. , Scott Wall 81 yeam of age - . a d dlreotly agaiDfl' the~ orop of Mr. Joaeph Bisey Wml heltl at t he home of ' Mr. J08. lblDllill l Il few days IIAPt and h death. althou~h expecte d , owners . Hawke on Thanks giying day, Those -........_ weeK .. came as Ii shock to her largtlrlUmber 'l'hlll8l1le()ftobacoo wnJ now ter Mr. and· Mrs , RObert Collet,t en who attende d from here were: Mr. nT.,II..... tertlliQe of relatives and friends. '1'h,lfSdlly lind Frida.y and Mrs. Fl'Iink mln~te ,he, la\'lless ness thllt bas MeSllrs. d Zell, Mrs. Ellen lin. Wm . Wilgus. of Milloli Mm. SC9tt is survive d by her husbeen in vogue in Kentuc ky fo r iome ty, lind Harry L .•Johnson , of oono - Sides, M'l'. F. H. Farr and wife; and North band Samuel Scott, and Qne daughtime pallt. Tbe night riders lire a Dakota . Mr. Philip Hawke. ' . , ter, Mrs, W. S. Keiley, of this city, t hing of thel pallt of which the peo.. Miss Abbie Grabllm , of Waynesand MI'!I. Will Scott, a daughte r-inpIe of the U nited State8 are truly ville, Is a goest for li week The auove shows Web about to tart from the train to the postMrs. A. B. Ivins enterta ined at the thankfn l. law . olll e with his buggy full of mail. This plio to was taken three home of Mr. Ul1vis lJr4hllm. children, grand children and great Rev. W. E. Hamma ker, pastor of Mrs. A. K. Surgen t is visiting her grand yeal':I ago. Hi~ buggy ·•.ince then has &>r~)Ven inadequ ate for t he children on Thanksgiving at I.~-'81ster Ib WIlmin gton. . the Raper M E . Church. conducted heavy mails he has to carry t6 almost every train. A BAD RUNAWAY her home on the, river rOad. The the 'f uneral servill'eS for :\irs. Scott only mar to the enjoym ent of theday New Burll~-' gt-o-n-. As Mr, Il:nd Mrs. JOII, W. EVl\nll the late residence, Sunday afterno on was the absence of Mrs, Smith and Sbiell... a1.2 o'clock, and the body was taken ~BRSONAL MEN TION were retnrnin K from 1\ visit to their The C E. and . Epwort h J..o6tlli: llO '1 hel' family who were detaine . . John M. 'DI~vls watla vlsit, o d' r In dllUgbter, !\IrB. Nathan Smith, of beld a sOolal at the M. E. Annex to Grati"!, Ohio, for ipterme nt at 8 " on Dayton by iIlne8i:l. Spring V..lley Monday. 1 • near Spring Valley, tbe horse be- Thnrsd ay evelling of 1l1st week. o'clock Monday mornin g. w. 8, Allen was in Cinoinnatl Philip B"wke ate ijllnday dinner . frlghto ned II.,t uhock of fodder Miss :Dena Moulll was the goest lut wee'k. with Ohas. herwoo d and f ani II y. ' uggy and Itil of her sister, MI'S. JaB. McIntir overtnl'l IIed the b e The Bo' ~prings ' ReUiedy Co., are (n a letter to "the Gazette ., M~s. ld~ Stokes was In Xenia. - Mr .. a~d Mrll. D. B. Booket t spen' last week. giving a weeks ellterta lnment in oooupants . Jordan has the following to ssy MondllY, A. M. Blair, of Missouri is the tbe Town Ball. Thanll;s~lvlng day In Carthll ge,Oblo Mrll. Evans, while no bOnes are bro.. gu.e st·of Rev. A. T. Oowgill and wife. of hi!:l new loeation in Texas; Mrs. ~I\flih Zlm.fllerman was a 'l'ne Friends' ohur:on will bold a Guy !lakin and wife, of Frankli n ken, wa.~ ee,v erely Ihllken up and Mr. John Nixon, wife and daught er, Dllvton vleltor MondllY · Mr. lind p,Jrs. Rlohard Jones bave supper and f&lltlval in the were TOWD vls)ton in toWD SnndliY and b ' nilled all over her body, while Mr. gone to spend t.he winter with of Dayton, and us folks are settled Mr. W. O. Ilnd flAUli!y were Monday. their BAil December 5~h ' EvaDe esoapl!d with R bruiBed shoul. D ' N dlught er, wbo Itves near Blanoh es. h Prot. R!tndall, wife and ohlldre n very ple~ltly at 1,,1 o~ St in town last 'rhursd~y. Mra. Edith BlLrrlB Is visiting her der. 'l'he b uggV toop WuS to n,0A' ter. spent,T lvlng holldl\y sln Ce- ot 11_. r ", .~ . ~ntonjO , Te.xas. It \8 Miss ' MaUle Biells visiting her darvillehaokllg • Philip Ropkin s, tlr., WIlB li Leba· daugh~r, Mrs. Frank, Tilylor, . . Beetti;. , of and blld_l_y_d_IlI~~g=:, ~therwlse. hke summe r here; ~he flowers m non visitor lilst Friday, '. brother Enos and family In Cedar. Mr. Argus ~sborne, sun of Willill eleot100 Ollfton. een , Jloomt i'f anI ville, ' d edverythhl1~g gtl'h d and '.> tl. Rlokll went on a prospeo tlng Osborn e and BllAnoheRiohaTds were Miss JeMie 'Garner , of Beeoh WORKSHOPS AND FACTO beau u, all we ave e oors RIES Lealie Smltb of the ' O. 8. U. Col · married Wendea day mornin g, • b k ' . d No;' ' .11 th tit All tour to 'texas," 18 wee • umbns, Miss Hattie Smith, of vember ?6tb. Grove hSII been villting Mrs , Clem an d ,Will ows open a Miss Dora Ellis has distribu ted D~yton' an~ HA,,."nn . erne. W .spent 'rhllnks givlng B of ~ur party stood d.IlY A 8wIll1 fire occurre d FrIday morn. the trip remark MI8 ~'rank . d poJltlY, ,of I>o.y&on , nrnett. h d h " Ing at thO' Valley aOUBe bnt W4S put reports fromt e epart .. re, ably W-ell. It Wall J'ust forty-e ight \V1l!! Il VIsl~or \U town la st Friday. . out before mnoh damage 7r: Rnd Mrs. C,.Iem ~nrnl!U had aroun of'town was done. WOI'kshops and Factori es, T . M. Barl .. n. and family, of MI. , hours from the time we left Dayton Dr., lIud Mrs. B. E. BIl~haw~y a~ t,helr gDestl laat week, ,Mr. ·-'J H M . h' f ' amlsbu h rg gnests of A , B. and w 1<;n . , or~an 13 C.Ie . !D- Barlan andwere until we arrived in San Antonio. We are "pendin g tbB week In fAmily on Thursd ay. was In onr vllJllge 8aturd ay. Oolnm. Mr!, MoFarland, of Oedllrvillp. . 'l'hEI report is large and;s Rey . . Edgar T. Bole 0. returne d nasaed through 8Om,e beautif ul farm hult. J. F. Mtutrlp an r) family pre." -..",n'• •'. _ Walter Cleven ger htUI retur'ned o~ the work of tha~ ~fePtahrtmetantt. AfrlOlln ml~8lonllry will leoture ,. . land and towns, but some 0 f It at pllrlng to wove this week to Aloan)" Mr, Rnd Mrs. A, B. Oh,and Ier ate 'rum li plerl~/ont ,Isit toO his . ' g1Ves a e s e thelFriends unole, ' ohorch k- h'good d ' reports .. looked ve~y discouraging, , Ob 1 on '1'ue8dIlY ev- AIllbIlWIl. 'tll~_a kllglvl.n~ din ner Ilt New ·VI. O. E. <.J1t!venler, of MUDoie"lnd. , wor m~~~....~_._....:..._ en Dg, _ece _ m __ e_:, . .:. •• _ _ _ - --, --_. Lytle . . !Inn". ' Dr. and , Mrll'. 1. N. Seal, of !:JaTCHANO IE IN CARRIERS CASTLE SQUARE El'ITP.RTAINERS Ourl Bil wke '1nd sister, MislI Don't fail to see ' the moving pic· Tbe Oastle square Clara ve1 s bu'rl, were gneBts ct Rev. and tures at Hahn's this week. , / wele lu Wilmin gton Bn~urdllY lind' Mr8. J , F. Cadws allder. Mondav took first prize Satnrda y evening as eta.t , There 'was a change in ·the rural - - --- - - , The secon d num b e1'of the. Lecture Sund".y , enterta iners. ' ,Mr Lee Beuden on and wife went " . " mg mg ' ' Corwin. yest e rd &y. Ray M'II Cours,'e was he.l.d Than""glv 1 9, W h0 illr. E. J. Carmon ' t '.r . h C. U. Williamson 'r etu"ned j Tb y wlls'hom '-. ·to C'nolnn I efrorn 8.' 1M lit w-k," where' been on R1)ute2 ; has resign. ed and ..... oollege to ell oy Iln....giv ng. and the Castle .Square Entel'ta iners bome , ' ... ~ I """ from 'l'"XlSI.I Illst Wednel•lday Mrl. JIa.Dder lon MIM Dora. Shle8 wllll-8hopplng in will tate treatme nt Jos. Marshall has been appomtAid ,to Xenia Mr. 8. L , William son enterta ined ' ' Dr ,werethe , ~in. These , Ent~rtainersevehlng. one dllY lallt week. bie Sunday Bohool OIRSIL 'ChaDkBilv he' _ • u d M A. T W ' I ht d takehis place. Mr.MiI ls,inallp ro\;l. as a qu~rtet were a .'.'-froSt,',', Poor Mr ' ~Ild Mrs . ,Tohn Bellch Mr.W. Wilgus , ofTroY ,llndB . l!lgeve ning. A,plelisant tlmew "'pent ~on:.' J::nt T~~nk~I~lngrd!y :~b ability will go into the u , t 8.~ automo bile Johnso n, of Nor bh J)ako$ll. were the report of 1\11, sel'Wltions, ThP~r vOdlce~I'1 an4 ~oor Sund~y WIth Mr,Doa n Brllokn , ey " Dr on ~9~' : Keever: and family In harmon y. Centerv ille business. elr vau eVI e numperll " guests of MfI!. Alloe MoKi niey Sat, Mesllr8 Staoy lind Btl\nley Lamb - -.---- - • ,par were fairly good, and made up ' for and fa,llIily., ' aDl("1UIll,tdi urday and ~unuay . t.ook of At rhanks gl vlng dinner .w ith , Misses Anna and ~lma·. ~lemen OENERA~ MOY,INO , DAY tl balavice of the ,Dill: ~r8. Lemmo n does, not Improv e 't heir elster, Mrs. ,Earl .' . ,Mrs. ,'I111a I)onovan from ' I~dlan. were Kneets of their grandfa ts Rllndolph, of, ' .' ther, ~Thee n'ext draWl:ng w<lll '-e 'on Dec- lI,polls hos been 'Vlllitlo'g her Ilillter Mr. Wm .' Dnke, as her frillnds wonld like to "ea. Dayton . , of Ly~l, e, ItUI~ week. Monday Walt Inrely a,moving ,d ay" U Othello Arnold , of Oinoinnatl, ·Mr. and MIS. Jacob Laqy aDd. ember 12th. H!s. , Devl~t. , . , ' E.l'Qr. and Mra. J. T. Brown of Mr . E noo h Ha Inee g088 iDto hi day with .hill daulth~ei, Eva were f)aYSOn Ihop- -- ....- .... • s new parentsTl)ank8 . ' giving ,. Mre. EII16 .. ~m"h, bf Callaoon, il ,OeDtervlJle, weTe guOl'- of pers &tnrd& y. ' " b::~l their uropert y,; Ur, Brook movell In thtl .BOX 'SOCIA l . . K M V\"itiog her brother Dean Braokn ey I1nole, 'ThOll. J. BroWD and d M t B r N ·-k h ' ha ed t Matt MoKinsey , of Dayton, wu family eYI proper y, on ' art Itree; with relative r . IAn rs arry:a.ou ey, B r s hete Monday. alld otheue lativee here, ' ThlinksglvlnJC dinner wath Mr. aDct f nthllo• SDnday , ' Mlsl Carrie Pbilip8 The I..ytle Snnday SObool will hold moves into her J . and C. Hisey spent Thllnts g\v. Mf.S. M. Hllrd8all, o.r Leha.non. .' d f 0 box 'soolal In th'e hii'll on Friday Iljaao' . te~ ~~IJa' new propert y where l4r. .H aioee in" day with Jos. Billey and Stont ,an mO~h. er, ~ reo Mr. , T. H Evanl aDd, wife, of movea 1 wlte. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Duke and fam'Jod, from . 0 B 01 D eye n1n ll. "Deoembtlr 'Ith, A gonia, were visit Ing w I·" 11 I ed U . .... "'" ,r U . • em· tlprlnllfleld, were the II188tl of Miss MoKlnsey, of Lttblt- y enterta n - -''- _ _ .........,..,- program will bit glveu beginnlnlC III eDts aod' flimlly lut wlMlk. _r . aDd ·"', _ .Hltal non, williMinnie bome for 'Ilbank sglvlnl . Elirnhl lrt, MI'. and' fraok Ze1l and wife several · dll.Ys Mrs. Ray aanh"lle 7'30 p m . During the IIveninllon M M ' _ ,MARR IED IN .xENIA Be d II f DaytOD 1a t I E barger, lIiM aid fashiolled spelling sohool Will bl' Clara Eamha n, Mr. ' , rs. ary rg 8 , 0 Ray MIllII , had 8 al Wl?8 Jilll goest, Mr. Alt:!ch wartz,o fLeban on.onT haDubeld, COUIIl onll Ilnd 011. visited her flit,her and mother , IIr. \lr. aDd; Mn, Oren StrawD , Walton . of Spring Valley for glvlng day. . and A.r,DlI E. ' UJphar d., of SprinK 'l'hanksglvlDg. , .. Pblll Hopkin . l.. t wee~ "-, • - .. "nd ,lILrs. Un· "lie" and 111111 Blanohe Riohardt! p , " ', da~gnte r, MIIIII ,Ooa utls \'talted Kate Mr. Clar' nOO "" oomPIANO TUNING Misses Blrnohe Dyke, , ... Elsie Earn. Bernlll D!tkln, of Ilay~on"wa. gll!!lby and ramlly, of Wellma n 1",8t ..., hll.rt. Meesrs. Berma n Lewtll, Ntan. of Wal'nelvttlil', were nnited ID mll.r· p,t.ny from Xenia-•Thnred - -.ay. the -gueat of blUlo Cartwr ight, a. the 'Huudli.v. ley DUire and 8$anle) ' Lamb were riaR8 OD g WedEle J. J. 'fhompiloD Jr. 443E Mlijn aday mOl'Dtn " No Min Alma WaterhoulI8 W/UI are , HOlile 'l'hlinkB ,ivlog day. gllBIIte of Miu Reva WlIltam aon II 'YeIDbel ' 2l1th, by Bel'. Cook. cent gueet of rellttlye s ID DayWD. OD Satllrda f,evenl nR, "Jre , W, . AlleDIIabopplDIJ iD 'W'_'. aazet· a 14·., a,ebRnon,' ott Io. Sa t.I~ rAot,I011 Mr. L A. ZlmmermaD was . ID Dayton to-day. • -. lrl1'll. i'raDk Wooll.... ofl ...,'C4~D,L~~~~ ---'1!IlIlranteell. Vallpy Phone 56 8. ColUlllllnll !:ll1nday. Hil ";'_ .. . . Sprin g Valley. vlIited friend. hete lurwee ml"'oD "k. __ ..._ _-', lit.... Alma aDd Amaa. ('1eme n", .• - • wall to vlt!it Ii siok KDlght, IIr. ANNUA L SALE . .: fARME RS' INSTITUTE 11188 Leah I'Iamm er apent the aol. of Waylie owr Ellio". Jhel7b od,. to the Bible lila,• •l~ Naomi Pa'ItoD a. Yene" Uda plaoe t\'tlle, vialMd ,dtD,a. of 1M' week. The lIlIMtuw ... lIorrow, . Ohio, II.r. and M.n, Oeorp Balli aw:sa . ~ Tbe Ladi..' C:iQild of 1M. "17'• .,....1 :~,= = Hprlap . wUl be heldUl&re DtoOtl1llberftb aDd Mr. and Mra. ·Maul8 from 1&. ' : : ' _~ (''IIIOla.\Ohurob win hold Uaelr "oaal M1e . ".... g:b. All ~~~I~M\iid.t~~:~~ la U'01IIlII oame liP til tbelr automobile of ecltbl. a~ AIld . . ."..or ••,,' .....'L.-'~"8"" -._L~e. a .. ,_: C!G~"~. . lD'U"""Ma".ID'J.t~ c11DDer
at thu home 01' he r til.lught.el". Mrs. t.: A .
l<:an Tob.ce o Company Puys
" I
-- ------
1 , :1
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,.:,:atJ~.• " t.j1.i
By DUNCAN MILLER (O UIl), "111 h t , b)' Bobb. · M
"I'm glnl! '" 're allollt th" oug h," saId the forem"u : H y awn ed. and tiltin g hnrk hi' cbalr, Pil i hIt! f eL n tho tllble wit h the air of a man wi\o s:\w, n I far olf, Ih ('nd oC \\'hnt had bl' n mostly un pleasa nt work , 'rhey hnd hClin at It and hard nt It' 8 wtlrk. t! V f)' dny and all da l' The re lind II ('n the 1t9IJui num b I' '~f lo r ell cies. 1iurB lnrl~!l, "hold.upa: ' "con" c:ules, <!Lc., 10 un· sld!' r and pass upon. :-low nul! Ilh'Bt n tlte monoton" W(lS r ' lI e\'f' d 10 8PI\I 0 :\!tenl by II ~lltrdC I' or li n lI~sault wlt~ Inten t to kill. "" 'c've found Il hundred Indi ct· ments. witb a te w ye l to cOllsl\I'r," snici tbe foremAn. "I~ f s wind 'e m li P bllforo we adjou rn ." "bE! other me mbers 01 the j;.Tno d lury yawnl'd their a Qul 'seetlce. "Thnt's All the evld en e you hllve, lan't It, HlIl): ?" naked I h foremall. "I think GO, " respon ded Hilly. " I'll ha"e a look outBid. Thero may h(' one or t wo more wl h. sses . but w '11 mako short work 01 Ih ' Ill. Thoro nre none tba.~ amouu t to al.)'lbhI G·" The rotlred saloon·kee l)C r borrowQrl a lillie 'star IlluS" ot his n61:;bbor from Decatur lownshlp. 'rh mllllu· fa ctnrer looked lit his WIll II. li t n .f rosh clgnr and wond orcd why t he busi ness hadn ' t nll gon to tho dogs du ring the Ce w days h e'ct b !en. a wn )'. He bad been Quite sure Ihnt It would whim he usked Iho COUl't to excuse hlm rrom servin g on til !,'rand jury. Billy openNI the cloor alld IIns c d througb lnto th nn te·rOODl. 'om one Cllme Lo. Tbe foreman look Ills fee t 011 tbe table. The mnnufacturor laid to dow'II his cignr. '1'11 r til' d' saloonk eeper spnt once and sat. up stralgbt· er. The prosecutor re-o utered, closing the door nrler him and, moUonln'g t h liew·comer to tbe witness blllr, took his accustomed place nt Ule table. . "w It, mRdam, wbat can we do tor you? Whnt case were you subIlrosec utor poenned {or?" and tb picked up the lOme what tbumbed
"But Madam, 'Harry'-Who?"
son's namo Is Aln swo rlh, Aln, worth ?" " Y 's, sir:" " W"II- I1- he dOll" liot seem to be OhO I'l:;l'd wll h sten lhl ~ Il ru~ o r. " " Oh ~ I'm so ~I at! , nllt! t heu YOII'II-" " I~ werH wns IIIT!'sl d for 51. '1I11ng tho I'U zot' u llcI ," contlnu Id llllly , liCIt rCl' ll n~ j ll 8t rl~lJ t ahoul l be throat, "lIl1d- a- ll nrI'Y Ains worth, 1 8 'Il, II 'chArg eI wll h 81 nlln g B purs/' OOnt aln· Ing $:'0 1'1'0111 ono of Ibe g uosts of Ih h' 1 .1." " :\'ot nt all ! Not a l IIll . Ir. I SIlW th o n ~ \\' s lJuper m y If- or t h lippi ng mlh l'r- nnd 1\ sllld UlDt Hurry WR $ accuseel or st ealing II rllzor- and when he hnd a razor, wo, Wasl\'t It silly'! " hI' 5mll d , ''I' ll j us l sllow you tbe clippi ng. II !) t· I s- Ob~ pshaw! 1 cant ' aWRY In 6\1 h n hurry thut I rorgol It .. Aoyway, lIorry wrot lIlO [In(1 snlrl-" ., lit," com m IIco(1 Bil ly, t h n ho po m,ed: th c go ing was gettin g pret heu vy for him by lhls tline; h e looked ul t h oth I' men, The ror man wns looki ng out o r Ih Willdow, t il mnllu , fll I tl rer had picked up his clgllr, whl It h ad galle out, lind. lifte r puttIng lh wl'ong ud of Il In bls mouth, laid It dowlI ngn ln: th re \I' M no hnp for rll1ly I n I It - othe rs, .so he IUlIl{et! ah ead . "Bill." h o resumed, "Ibe man rrom 'whom th purs 1\'1l8 tn\( 1I positively Identified it wh n It was fou lld In your sou's possession: " Fllty dollllrs, dId yo u SIl Y? :lr:r Hal'Ty- talcc-No, slr l H e dllln ' t II c('d ILl " LrlumphnnUy. h was beglnnltll{ not 10 like llllly. Wom n n vor llke proseoutors whell tlt ey'ro prosecuting. "'Harry iliad fivc dolla rs n wea k nnd his board nnd thl\t wns nm ple, for som 1Jmes h o s en t III mon y. Wlty , only lasl month he scnt m his wlt ole moutb's sa ll\ry. all! No, sir, Harry didn 't do j ha t because he told \lieSite tultore cl, th.e n s lopped. The co n· Ild n l smile bega n 10 di . . " In any v en~ ," said BIlly , kInd ly, " \fa cou ldn't selllo the maHor to·nle hl If h should be Indicted, h e woult! bave to be tried all d it would 1I a mal· tel' ot weeks berO!· that." "Oh! 1 must get back .bocnWlo I could only get one day away, they ar so busy at the sto r ." said Hnrry'f mother. "I ' much fear you'lI bave to st a) 10DgOr. lIirs, AlnsjVort h. If you want tc ~e o tbls malter through." The gloom or approachlllg dltl'k nesf was Hettilng over lhe din gy room. Tb ~ cal's were clangi ng t h Ir strlden! warnings to tb e llurr~'ln g bODle-goen on th streets below. Sbe arose. The smile was dead. "['II-I'll stay unlit llt y let Harr} out. You'll xeuse me-won't roufor taking 80 Dlucb of your Hme-linl I - I don 't know muclt ahou t Inw. 1- ' lobe 'strlllght elled Uf), t urn ed nnd walked w1th slralnec1 el'ectncs\I tow~t·d the door. The forema n wond ered 1'1 11 ) lie didn't heal' the door open. HE looked nround toward It. Sb IVII! staudlng quite .stlll. No so und ClIme from her, H er Itead wns bowed In hel hands and b el' spnre fram e s book. T-he fo\, · ulnn went to he r, took her by t he arm IIlId, lending h er t::! the otbe r door. saId, hus kily : "Go OUt this way, YOII' Il not l ee anyone and It's nearer." She passed out-to wnlt "lIntil they let Harry out." The ' for ma n closed 1.11.0 door. After a mom nt lie announced wi tt unwonted brusq ueness; "We stand a dj oul'n ed untll to· morrow' mor~ln g at nine o'olock." The retired s n.loQnkeeper spat a gall) and ble w his nose vigorousl y; It seemed to Rilly In lhe IIncertnln Ilgh I Lhat his eh e ks were s treaked, lJut lh n t he sa loonkeeller had been per spiring earlier In the a Cternoon. The llIanUfactllrer oouglted a littlE anil s aid: "There's no use 111II;.1 ng: It a lollow wa nts to be sure he·.8 t'ld 01 the hoy fe,· I' b e must stay a way unti l n[ter th tlCteenth or October." In another minute the room WM va. can't, . Billy rcacbed home just In timo to he.lp "tuck the boy In." . '" hlle be was reading the' vapet after supper be looked up at thE sweet·faced woman on the olher sidE of the table nnd said: "1)on't tltJllk I'll run tor another tcrm as prosecutor, ·Mary." A moment or two later be added: "And: dear, we must be very cirp. rul to know with whom the boy plays," SIIY
bundle of papers lying belore him, The to grand lury looked the wlln ess over. "Oh! I don't know just wbat you mean by that, but 1 just came down to tell you abollt ·Hnrry. ' You see ~arry wrote me all a bout. thIs." "But, madam, 'flarry' who?" Interrupted the prosecutor. wltb just a Busp~clon of Impatl en'ce In Ills voice, He was Ured and wunt d to get home nnd play wIth "the boy" a little while before supper. A great r s~ t.hat, nnd Billy needed the resl, ll'ilen, too, tbe re had bce.n a good mallY women berore the grand jury during tt\O s ~s l on nnd they weren't always just relevaDL In plainer ev.e rT aay what the'y had to say. "Wby, ~arry-my bo y-Ha rl'Y wrote recltH!sl running mUllt eom4! ,largely me all about It, and I kne w If I came . 1.e Impossible for the down and SIlW you and xlllnined It to you-for 1 was quIte su re you dId to cover the not understalld nbout It-that It woul d automoblUsta be all right, Harry wrote m e the wliole tblng the day after be was ar· rested; ' and It was so perfectly (001. lab," . Sbe laughed at tbe tbougbt, "Tbe Idea ot tbelr arresting Harry and for-Harry lIent me a clipping from' one or the papers- just think of .. nuu·lA.n a neighborlt~tor stealing, gentlemen. my Harry i\ crying, ateftlhig! And wbat do you thi nk they authorities .show s,ald he stole? ' You wouldn't believe Where Foresta 010 Hard. 01 tbel r respon, It.! ~ut they really acellsed /DY Harry That Is the one Dstounrltng thin:; ID of steRltng a razor-B razor, mind you obvious duty to and"-concluslvely-"Harry has a tb ls whole r egion of norlltern . MaIne lIS well as to rnzor ot. his own! i 'sent It to him last th e r egenerative IlOwe r at · tlte rot~st G\ ve the In· Ohrlstmas. Old you ever h ear such Men with axes have \leen hacking at .a foolish thing? 'When my train caDle the glnnts ot the wood up hera ror In this ' mornIng 1 went ri ght over to t",o c,enturles nod more. The. gollaths tbe jail and Haw Lbe genUeman In have bee n laid low, Inelee(\. yet tor charge !lnd explained It 1111 to him one tree that stoot! on a given BPac'e anl! he said thllt · be would like to let II10ng tile ' hlllsides nnd In the vnlleys Harry out, If he COUld, but that I of Number One a century ago five would buve to Bee YOll. lind () xplaln to stImd to·da),. I'll y ure glnnts no more~ It Is .true, you. 1 know he 'd hav e dOD e It If h e could, because he seemed '1\ rea l kind. but tll ey are spleudld trces, and Just b'e arted man. ' He 'sald tbat he bad as the Lllllput.lans might I,revall a' Han allout ~arry's age and IrTI c w w!lere Gu llive r was hound, so these just bow I nlust teel and he was sure treeij hOI.d t\:lelr OWII against man ant! OVE:n .In · on !lls clearings nnd be tb ere was som'e mIstake , and-" wlL, a th e m oul . There must be many "Bul, mndnm, whut 'Is YOUr 80D'S name?" asked Billy, his 10lle some. 1lI0r Itlln~) e rm en with axes along ti!€ Mnewahoc, the Moll1oCIJB flnd th e Mat whnt. mollified. lawalltKellg be rore this beautiful re"Wby, Hllrry Alns1Vorth. And now gion will fall of Its forest. • that I've mnde It clear (0 you gen tJ ~. men you'll have him let out right . Wall.<lng Backward, away, won't you ?-because I want to Ndt lon!l' ngo It man of 62 walked start back home to-night and tuke hIm backward from MacclesHeJd mllrke l. ~Jth me. I bad a l)rotty h/lrd tillIE), to J)lace to th e Crescent at Buxton. HI! gilt awuy. J work, you' know, alld cove red tile wbole distance of 12 mile, mu,t ~r! back lo·morfUw. Hurr)"" In three bours H m'l nllles ~5 s ecollds, fnUler died a y a r ~o, lIud sInce or 16 mInutes 16 aeconds" under Ibe Iben ' Hal'ry and I bave both ,bad 10 wa gel'ed time. In 1875 AlCOCK (tbal work. Harry lln8 work ed at a groat was th e man's name), performed tbll pro mnny bolels berore In dlrterent partl! lame reat III IWO bOUfS 44 mlautl'...or I be couut ry. 'JIbe boy he 1V0rkcd PaU Mall Gazette. under bel' I\'as a frl nd (If hls-!o'ral1k B01\·err. WII8 hla nauno_lhal'. wby he Blrthl In New York'. "Zoo." CAIIlfJ h"l Co' al:d-" New York city', Dronx 1.oofo.lcal "UUI. lUadllDl," IDt.ert~o!lnd carlleD be. more addlUona to Ita col a. be ot
Cut B goolhl2!1d Ilar:: pllll1l Into 811' pa ,·,s S CI Ihtlt the 1I0el rOlUallls lnlBct 011 1111(' 81(10. Mnke four IIICIslo1l9 In· A Compnrlsnn tho Value of Corn and Oats as a Grala si ll of enoh pi c lind Cry th III Cor Ratlloll-By B, E. Carmie-hac}. Ohioo ooe mlnu t.o In bolllng tuti dig ou t 1110 nl.':!hy pUI'l of tho egg 1IIII uL with POUL' to SCOI'I' :lnll nIl It w ith itllY forc mont nt h Ulld. S)Jrlnlcl the LOll wllh bread crtm.hs Hull n li ttle cla rified bull er, browll w II III th e aI' a ror ten min· utNI Rud II!'\,\,O. Nol hlltg Is mor t!ollclous thtln lhls v g . !/lbl", di>;h If prop rly coOk ed, A \lInin n1ol'lclltl roroomellt will do nice· I), fol' Iho o~g' pla nt. Am e l'lcn u l~lI.- c ... m Ilt.- Plu.ce on tit Or' .In II so ti C nnn , fot' flv minutes, two Vll t'Y Uucl)' bop pod onions with nn OII1lCO oC \.)utte r. Sonl< lu wuter 16 minu tes th crumbs at a loat at b.-pnd ; lIT Ss out all th e wllter, e lt h r wl tb tlt o lIond s or through It clotlt: IIl1t the rumb s In n bowl with Ihreo whol raw eggs, B tabl es poon Cui of slI lt, two tea s poonfuls of pepp 1', n tabl espoon· ful of 8uge, IIlI'ge half teaspoon tul of Frank; Fed Oats, August 5,1907, Bill; Fod Corn , nutm eg, Ihre al,hined stLll snges nnd After Havln,g .Recelved Separate Grall, Rations for 101 Days, pluch of chopp d pnrsley, Add tb e cllol(cd onions lIud mix we ll toget her. Proble'ms oo nn ecled Vl lth Ihe foed· huy "'liS fed 10 m at u r~ goldln,,8 at Us the Corc mellt for t he gg I,lant, (n g of wurk hors es a re doubl l os ~ of liS g tI 1'(11 tarm work, ur·corn wa s !)rac wide Int rest nS allY IIt'obl ' ms Itl II nlly . a s effielonl, vouud for pound, COOKING HINTS. II vcSIo'c l, n1u tl llge tlJll!llt. Pmctlcnlly LI S Ollis . . "" rn rm rs, whu t vel' Iln rtl cltlnl' n lire basis of t he n :sultB of thlM Whon mnklng omelets allow 0110 ta' bran h of farming Ih y lila)' be en· XI"ll'lm nt n nd stal,lsl l al records 01 bl espoo nful of cream or hot wllter for gaged In , bn\'o occaflloll to f d work fllr m vain s of grains, com has , si nce . nch agg. ho I'S s. n s id s l"rll1er~, commercial 1 66, he n ChetlllCt' thllU oats ao ;l Ono cllilful of s ug nr will sweetl'll nt'llIs of "urlou ~ c lasses Ii Ctl hot's tl s mln fe ed for work hoI'S S, CHle qunrt of nny mlxturo which Is to 10 larr;e n um bN 8 tor wOI'I< I>urposes Th · tlro]l In wel.. h t of t b corn,fe(1 be s n ed cold or rrozen. nnll they, too, Ita ve II deep In terest In hoI'S s, coi ncid ent With th ' 1I gi nning Art r cooklll l; nbhnse ndd to It, ltlelhQds of f 'Iling that will I ssc n or lho lI~ e o f s h \I d corn , Indlral es Ju st b fore s rI'ln g , one s mtlll halC tbe COSt of mnill tlllnl ll g wot'l< horses lIllI l lit" '01'11 Is 10 be prer t't' d u\)ove cuprul ol th ick, Bo ur crenm. Tbl s Is Wl lholtl dl' re:tsln .. the ir IlIClen y. sh e lled co rn fo r work honos. U1U h boUer than vln I;lIr. ["arlll anlllla is shoulll b fell aceor" · \ Vbl'thf!r fee t!s II I'C! h l&lt or low In To keel' Icing for cak rrom bocom· prJ cc, It Is w II WOI'I'h whil e fOI' feell· Ing 10 lh II' n 'cis . 'rhe rl' n ds cI In g "s ugary," udd aile t 118POOllfui of ors to ex rClllIl' gl' III enre III th so· p till, or CO III'S ' IIpo n tll Ilt·o(·llIct th nt vlu ega l·. lectlon of ratlou s , s o liS to U80 the lh Y rl eld. Worl, hors s til' kept for Now IIwoot 110tnto 8 wlll ltO b so on s tba t III' mos t e m lont and (' 0- tlll l;llying .' 11 q;y cmu shoulIl be s a p· hard nnd dry It rubbed wltlt butte r n ml r.ul, W ith Ih liTes lit xc ding· 1)ll ed "'\t h f . ds I hu I will fU!'nI!t h th e hll fol'o bnklng. Iy high marl, I prices for llll 1(luds of ,. <lu h' d nerg" lit th' \(lus t posslbl The lIavorlng at Bhrlmps Is IDl' . ~ roln feeds , It Is e [lI('(' llI lIy Impor tn nt cos t. nil lhlngs conshl(,l'cd. provell It bOiling water Is poured over ~bal a Jud I lou ~ s I etlo n of feeds b T hC'T o I n wid e dlrf.>re llce In th E' III III 8 short time be fore th l.'Y are m:lllc , fO l' murh WlUltO mo~' t' s lIlt Ir E' fiIc'h' n ')' of Ir or. In utlllzi ng fC<ld . 80rved. It must b drained belore III ntlon Is 110t given to tbls pbase of Tltls Is we ll tllustl'l\t c t! lIy tit I' oo r(1 th y oro ser v d. 3tab l man~ III nL of I be ho r~ e Tom used In this ell I)er l· When the ", bile of illl gg Is b ate n It ar Qun t of til O wid ·snread Ilr . me nt. The r Is 111\ "In dlvld u:lll ty" hI to n frotb a n(\ add d t the cren m It jlldlc agllills corn not! In rnvo l' of wOl'l, horKea us we ll as III otJler fal'lll wlll whip more qtll.ckl y and euslly. To cut choos s,tnoolhlr, folcl pnraf· O.n. pall I' o"el' til knlte blnde,
Frank; Fed Oats, Januar y 3, 1908, Bill; Fed Corl), After Having Received Separa te Grain Ration. for 2!12 Day., ORtS, an experlDlent, frow whlcb It Is hop \1 t Itat dell nlte data may he Be· ,: ur!)d In regoFd to ibis Importnnt sublect. has be',n undertal,en lit Ul e Ohio · tatl<!J1. Th ~ plan of this 'yp rk cnlls 01' a lon g·tlr ne expe rllme nt- no t ono of " few do'ys' or weel,s' durntlon , bllt Jne thllt will continue for a nuwlrer Jf yearli, Tbe worl, was b eg un In the spring of 1901, and (be r esUi lts or tbe El xperl· ment till to the ]lresent time ore 80 dtr\lcl ng t ha t It h ilS been tbollght b st to gl nl th m to ·tlr e public at once w!t.h til und ers tnn O) lng that furtbor wor]{ Is being clone n.lons lhls lin e and ;hat t bero Is a possibility oC diffe rent re s nlts be ing secnred la te r. Tho hOI'scs uned In lhe fi rs t 48 IV el(s of (h is xp rlm en t were six :nnlltt· g t'ILd P rcltElron geldings, be, Oll g lrl' ~o t be cle parlw ent at aSTon· ~ J\I )' of ttt station and used for gen·
animals . Horses thnt nre notably h aril to kee l> In good condltlon should be t'e pla ed by on es tbat may be main· t atn ~d at less cost. The dllta prCjsen ted do not prove that, tor use wit h pur\! t1uiothy hay, 6Dl··corn Is as e fficie nt, pouDd tor Ilollnd, as oats, Nelth ~r Is any. e,vl· den,ce at hnnd to Indicate t bnt II STain raUon mode UP exclnslvelY oC corn Is s uitabl e [or brood mares with fonl or In I\1l1k, or for young , growing borses, When the we Ights at th e bo rses for tbe yellr previo us to the expe rIment nre ~o mpare d wltb the we l g llt.~ se· cured durJng t he axp rlm ent, 11:0 IS seen that the exclusive UBe at Ithe r corn 01' out s \las 1I0t had nny bnd eff ect upon the horsqs. The re Is no Ilosltlve llroot, how, 'ver, tbat a mixed rllllon 1V0uid not be more efficient than olle made up exclusi vely of corn or DC oats. This ex,?erlment. 1I0es s haWl nov erthe.
Frank; ·Fed Oat.. May 11, 1908: Bill; Fed Corn. After Ha\ilng Received Separate Grain Ratlonl for 380 Day •• . ~ral farm and team work, In age, the horses railged at tbe beglpnlng at the eXl)erlmellt, frolll seven to eight yeara old. The two borses of eacb te~m are of nppioxlmate'ly the Ilame age; how· ever. . Wblle tbere are. some dIffer· ~ lIces In tho con form a tion. size and lilsposltlon of tbe "nr[ous borses they are a. fairly uniform lot. In order to sa. cure an accurato comparison of OBtS corn oh ~ horse In each of the three team s Is Ced oats, whJle tb.e oth· ers r cel ve COrD, Wltlt the exception of a very few days tbe ~wo I horses whl( h comlH'lsed f~ tlanm we r~; tor 48 IVQel(B, worl,ed toge ther; tbut ia, It was vorl' um, aual (air one horse of a csm ·to IVorl, wblle tlte horSe ~as ulle; thi s a ssures an eQunl amount at labor 'belng per(orwE,d by encb hOl'se' In u .glven teom anCl, therefore, permit . a Ill rect cOlllpO:I'180n of tbe two f e.ils. The follo'Ylng statements. IHlsed UJlon tb e work done thuB rar, ~e " III to be warrant.ed by the data pt:esented /It're tofClre. It must be uu· derstood that the horses w.ere mature gclrllogs and t111~1 mixed clover and Ilmotlty bay was {edl .' Tbe corn·fed worl, during dId the oats-fed
le88, tbat corn II a valuable teed for ' wor l{ horS.oB . and IIhould be given a large place I~' their rallons; wbonever market condItions warrant .ltll use, Too Fat Hens,-"We recen tly SD.W a statement by 0 writer. tbat hens never became too fat. · to lay and that tltls noUon WM born of Ig~orance, The wI'lte r Is convinced that hena CrequenUy become. ove~ht from I\nder·ex. orclse and the fe edIng .of· too muel\ corn. He remembers 'one sllch hen thtit when dressed yielded lI~e pounds ,at worlhl ess fnt and wns red uced by the I'emo"al of the fat Irom ten to five pauads In weight.. Not only are luch birds t'~nd ered wortbless tor egg pro. duction: but they 'a lso are rendered wo,rtbleas for WlYLblng else. An overabundance of fat la an unhealtby In. dlcatlon ~nd Opel'll the ws,y 'to the comIng of VBFlollS dlse.lses, It It! as detrl. mentnl 10 tbe breeo.llng- fowl ,as It Is to the laying t owl. .
alanlCe. til. Mora••-Wben you to tn wlDter )'Od .0 fDto • warm Moro or 01Jlce 'fur coJDfort. How about raur bOl'lea left· to tile rlCkt
dIe 01
011 01) ration by LydIa E. Plnkham'IlVcgetalJle OOIDl)OWld.
v. n\ nrv, of Norristowll, Ga" writes to i\ll's, 1>inkluuD: "1 6ufT~r ' d lin told misery from femlllo trou bl ' l>ly d ·tor sa id an operatl on W!\.S tho on Iy ehn 0 0 I hnd. and I drcn(lcu. it 111m s t as much as dellth, "Ono d ay 1 I'rau hOlv othcr women h nd \)c en c,;rcii by Lyuill E. Pin.k lmm's \'Cl;: ' table Compound, and I dcdded to try It.. Before I h nd tnlcen tbo ft~B' bottlo I was better, and no\v I am entirolv c llrcd. .. Every woman 8UfI' ring w·ltb any fcrnole traublo !!hemhl tllleO Lydia. l!:.. Pinkham's Veil' 'tallie Compound. n
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN.. For thirty YCllI'S Lydia. E, Pinkham's Veg'tnh lo olll11ound, made ft'OIil ro ts !lIll!. hC1'IJ~ , has been the standard
1' .!neu)'
for female ills
and hll.!ll'ogi l ive Iy 111'od thousnnds 01. WQntC1n \\'110 h(tve he 'n troubled with <lis pia r mrnts, in1111111mation, ulcerat.iOl1, f!:)foid llltllOl':'<, i1'l'cgulul'iti 5, pel'lncti o p aius , b:wimcho, Umt h IIrIllg.<1own f ellJtg, 11t1t ul ncy, inLli$'cs, tioll,t1.izzinll gOl' tlCl'VOtlS pro tratlon. 'Wby don't ~'O ll try it? M r • l>hi ldtnm in vitt'li aU slcle w.ollten to w r ite he r for Iulvieeo
S he has ~ nh.l c (l h(lusl\ud health, AdtlJ'cti.. L YJlll. lUnf(80
And That, of Course, Was th" One Thilt Actu all y Occurred,
Mrs. llull n t' nn \'~ t ...·n8 a philosoph e r. On 1\ c:erlili u tb s ll1al oocnslon sam" of I be u('I!;hIJllr lns ,vom n '" r Scrap Apple Butter. u(l l1i:1 lJ ll ng with he t'. Wllh cOltlm \I da· Wh en makin g appl e or crab Jelly hi I:hperful ncss, S:rYIl a wylto r In th e mt~ke Bpple but ter of tb e pulp left New York 'l'lm S. bho r oplled; aft e r s tmiuln /;. FIrst press It throug h 'Tv rai sed fonr 1;lrls an' thte haYS, a conrse 81 v ; a cola nd e r will do It expp tin' Vt ry limo tlley'd lro tw ins the frui t bas been coreel prevlollsly. aud rOd ·h adOll Il k t holr Oranllpa To fOl\l' Quart s Of pulp use olle qUllrt Benn ll. nn' )' ,t th ' )' ;'In' t. of boile d chlor, the kind you btiy. Add " An ' ['v o wllrrled conald'bl e over two po un d s (tb r ee large cu ps) at flml\lI 11ox hI' aklu' Ul In my bi g fam· brow n sugar and lhe same amount of lly, So fnr, 'Inln' L granulated. Flavor ca utiously WIUl "Lnst sun III r, durin' Jul)' nn' Au· ground cloves and olnnamon; 8. Quarler gus l, an ' III lib IllIrt of S ~ \ll mb er, • telll!poonCul of olovel nnd ·three tea · was renl III Ion holle, re nrln' rei got 6poonruls at cinnamon will s uit the au 111111 ntllll : but I gues s I ain't. nv rage tnste. Bring th mix t ure to "An' throul;1t It 1111, It n e,'cr t1ccurre d the balling point nnd shllnter genUy 10 me Ihat I'd be III ono to faU half an hOllr, sllt'rlng fl' equ utly wllh Lbrollgh th en; rotte n old me!ltlll ' house a flat pnddle to scrane th e 1I0ttom; or, ste ns an ' br ak my I g In two plnce.. finiSh . cooklllg In you~ hay s tove. It lIut 1 be."-You{lt's OnlDanlon, does not reQ uIre airtig ht sealing, USED TO IT. Pepper Catsup. " ake Cour doz n red peppel's. Rnd cut Into small . pieces, Orate two root s o r hors eradish nnd six good sl7.ed onloDs; ndd two tnblespoonfuls of c 'Iery seed, two of muStnrd seed· nnd one of snlt. ' .P lIt all the Ingre· dlents luto a granite keli Ie, add vine· gar ond water. Let boll ror ten min· utes, then sUr In one !lollnd of brown 8ugar lind let boll for one hour. Thin with a pint of vinegar before remo,,· Old 0 nt.-AT yOU nol ashamed to Illg from tbe 1Ire. An asbe stos mat etnnd til 1'0 lis tenIng to ·s uch awtul should be placed und er the ke t tJe, lan gull~e ? . Olherwlse tbe catllup requires freTho Boy-Qb courso I aIn't: I'm a quent st,rrlng. AlwllYS use a granlle golt caddie, or · wood en speon, 'Let cool before bottling, . \:ill Information Was Accurate, ~Ir, lr-- b 1I \' H ''''lilt Solomon Cucumber Chile, thnt to !lparll lh rod 18 to 511011 the Twelve la rge , ripe cucumbers, tlVO chll~, thorj!(ore he k ps III aceI" quarts onloos, one cup salt, two taln closi>t :t. lea.t.h o1' stmp wltJ~,whlch ou1ltes wblte mlls lard sceds; two he n t\~l ln l s t ors t>unl ~ !tmcn t to his off· green peppers, one red pe pper, one tao spring wll n tho), commit any IIllsdebles)IOOn gt;ound black pepp 1'; vine· m lillO I'. gar to coVer. , A l olV cla~'s ago he had occasion to Pare and remove seeds from cu' need tltc st t'np, bll It was mlsslllg cumbers, chop fine, sprhtkle wHh snit; rrom Its II snnl )lInce, nnd a thorougb let IIland 24 hOllrs. Dmln. add tbe on· s arch or I he nth'o Hilt full ed to dis. Ions and peppers, ohopped fin e, and cover It. Tbcll he ' offel'ed a rowar'd tbe oUler litgredrents. COve r wllh or Ovo cenl S t'o whoms\laV: I' at bls vinegar, Put In strip of horseradish In oliva hr anc h s could tell hlnl what bad each ja.r. becoUl of '.It los nrll«l o. . . "Glml1.'lEJ Ihe Illclc cl." cried fOIIl'.year-. An Alcohoi Iron, old Oell . " I knol\'s wh ore It. is." A tin·y alcohol II'Qn for pre~slng Whon th e coin was JiaCely s towed small articles- handkerchiefs, collars away Ill. Itls ~roll s ers )locket he said, and ties- comes In n nickel casO' wit/! wltll much 11I'lll", ; . 0. lamp and stand, . thnt togetber are "I Crow!!" It dO\\'\1 the nlr.shaft," hardly .Inrger (han .the pRim of YOllr hand. Tbe Iron 10 of polished nlokel How Ro';". Begin. and baa a hondle covered with slraw, "Hubby, I !l1'camet! Inst night tbat so that no holder Is required. It Is that you didn 't lovo me," convenl!'nt to use when neltber . gas "How foolish you a.rl3." nor electrlolty Is handy, WId . tbe size "Foo'1\ah, nm 11 As It J could bel. and com(la'ltness of the whole tilIng whllt 1 .dr eam about!" . . . makes It a most usetul part of And the light was on, traveling Qutfit.
- ----"--
, On·lc,n Ou.tard Pie. - Take two ' large sized O~IQDS IIna boll until' tender; atter thoy BrO done, 1101,1 1', oft' t\,te ;wa.ter and mince tine; lidd one large oup of milk, one eeg well' beaten, a little mtDcod· parsloy, a dash ot nutmeg., a IItt~~ butter (melted) about. tll.e size at .a. Wlllnut;« Une a deep pie plate with a rich pie crust, p'u t In your custard and bake the saml3 as any custard plo. Delicious to serve hot. or cold as preferred, apt!. pepper to B\1lt tbe . In.sto,
Heavenly One box at gelaUne dissolved In cupful o~ pineapple juice. Add ' of two lemons, two cupfuls of sugar and dne cupful of bOiling water. BUr till dissolved, then set away to. cool. Out ol)e cupful of pineapple Into small bits; I\lso cut three doz\lD newly dried prunes Itlto smnll pieces, and about Farming Depends on Stock,-Dr, two dozen wulnuts ehopped line. Btlr Leonard Pe:lI'SOD of P ennayh'anlll tbla well t)1rough the jelly whon cold makes the (allowing suggostlve ob- and set over night to harden, Se"• aervatiuns: The fertility of tlte loll, with whipped oream, and an advancing proOtable agricul ture, cannot be maintained without animal... Aalmal busirandrT 's IIssen. :lnJ to agrleultu raJ PlOl"""" ~wa
Tbls 'woruon says sbowns lInecl from
TURKE Y'S LAST CENTU RY OF TROUB LE. 1808 to 1812-W ars with France, RUls la and the Chri sti ans. 1812-P eilCI' of Bu chilrcst; loss of part of Moldavia and Beasar· abla. 1817- Los6 of princ ip al mouth of Danube to Runla. 1821-War of Greek Ind epend ence. lB26- M a BG~Cre of Janlzarl es at Consta ntinople afte~ a revolt. 1S27- Dcstruc t io n of Turkish fleet at Navarlno by powers. 1S2B--Ca pture of Adrlanople by Russi a ns. 1829-P eac" of Adrlan,:;ple; recognit ion of Greece's freedom . 1831 to 1833-W ar against Sultan by Paaha of Egypt. 1'840-Rc volt headed by Meheme t All, who was forced to desl5t. 1853-S tart of nOW war with Russia. 1S5G-Defeat of; treaty of Paris. 1875- Revolutl on by Herzego vina, ,Monten egrin and Servlan pray· Inces. 187G-Gran tlng of constitu tion; fruitless confere nce ' at The porte. l B77-Dcc lara tion of Ind ependen ce by Roum an la; war with Ru .. 61a, ' 1878-P eace t reaty of San Stephan a, Turkey getting small end . l all i-Frenc h invi1olon of Tun is; treaty with Greece. 1882-Loss of Theslaly and part of Eplrus. 18SS-R evolutlon at Phlllppo polis; 108s of Roum a nl a. ISSS-Re cognltlo n of loss of Rouman la. 1891-A nnullng of constitu t io n of 1876. 1908-Rcgr-ntl ng of constitu tion of 1876; political amne.ty ; other refo rms. 190B--Loss of Bulgaria . because of declarat ion of Indepen dence; , loss of Crete because of un ion with Greece and loes of AI· bania, (In acco unt of declarat ion of Independence. Prospec t ive war.
I U L1',\N A OD I.J HAMID I 1. of Turk y, Ibo II ollle'a
holee. pOllu,lar bero and who.o nam I ~ a I 10llsohl,ld word t.hrough -0111 th Ottoman omplre, N " r b rore In hlator\' "ro ''II 'h ulce thln s~' said lib ut tho "sick milD or EurOIJ ." The ressons Iheretor I 11'0 . In iply tho revival of lh onsLlwtlon ot ) 76. whl h bestows upon Tu rkish Bubject>! mllny rl gbts whll;h wel'o tllken aWII YOMS ago. With I ho re vival ot LIl consULution oan\e 1\ II n(lrnl nmnesly to all political prisoner s an d mnnY other d tnillj. whlob w re ou lgrow t h~ ot (bo 110W ord r of thln ga. Two yea rs IIgo IF YO ll hnd told an Amorlca nlzed Turk IhllL you had wllness d a 47·mlnll( d ' lDonstralion for the sultan In on tnntl nople, he wou ld bavo reUred behind t he corner lamll po ~t and laugh ed hlrus It to death. To. day he will smll wllh Illensure tor delllons tratlons ror i he former ():ra nt or th Ylldlz 0 1'> or weekl y Occ\lrre nce. T he 8ullan s Idom leU \'eB his I)alne wlUloul: his people gh'l ng him an ovation. , Elv ry former " u bjcqt of Tu rkey well remem bers th o Ylldlz I{losk ,,'blch wns d' lurlld to- lie a BYUOnyn; (or Tu rkish tyranny. The kios k III 'Slluated u(). on tbe Go ld n II r a a nd 0 11 tb e grounlls ore soor H of payJ 1I0ll s a nd eacb ev.enlng tbe slli. Ian 'Was wonl 10 choose one ot tbe dormito ries In whl c11 to I)ass 1he. n'lgbt. Travele rs lu Turk<\y declor d It was hi s manner of escaping assRssln s, for It wos never koown to outsider s just Where the monarch cbose to sl ell. "Uneasy re8~1l tbe head thai wears a crown." said some wise patrlo'rc h IDng ago. The sultan's rest was prohn!>ly 't be un·oltlest of nn y Itl th e world durln~ the yenrs thot there was no conslltll tlon. He was alwa ys surroun ded by his own bod yguard: then there was on OUler guard anr! a batt~lIon of 'soldie rs. besides Innumer able soc ret service men, whose buSI,llCSS co"slste d of spyIng upon the persona l bQdygua rd. Turkey was so {ull of spi es, a tourlet deelsreR. that mel! could not talk freely within the sacred confines of the family home tor tear that a klnsll1an might be In t.he governm ent's e mploy 08 a 8py. It 18 declared that 26 per cenl of lIle Turkish subjeets were spies e" mployed to tell lales Qthor' 76 per cent. ' Nat~raUy It waa ullc:omfortable to even think hatah thought a ahQut bls hlghnes ,s. ' The first demons trallon ' whIch f"'eated a Turklsb fad waa the ovation given Abdul,· when I\{O went to Selamllk for the custom~ry prnyers In the Hamldle Mosque . He 'was recolv.ed .wlth lho' wllde'St fervor hy bls Ilcople and he did au' unp re~edeJlted thing when b e lltood up In hie carriage to, acknowl edge his subjects ' gl'Oetinss. That was sooil after he proclaim ed tile co~stltuUon of '1876 to be In torce. ' !J;nee that Friday there have been numorouli wild • cheers tor 1118 hl ghncss and no lonser doe8 he Ilnd It neeessa ry to employ substitu tes as tllrgets for plnns of IIssll8~ln !\. The photogra l/h or the s ultlln aecomp anylng this arUele Is mode 'from 'II crayon drawing for which the ruler Ilosed,. It, Is p1'")\)lIbly the only likeness of the man· Drch whloh was eVlI" produce d wHh his eorisent. It took weeks litter the tlranUng ot the couslltu Uon to secure 'his perinlsslon to alt ' for tbe sketch. ' He W88 even then a triHe peevi sh and the sketch hM to be finished In one s illing ot a bnlf·llOur. The picture Is declared to be the best likeness of hla maJe's ty which, was over p'roduced, The eullan haa nevoi' ot , his own will . been photogr aphed since. he came to the throne 0(. Turkey. , He bas shunned camera fiendS a, lhe wO\lld shull, Il enthu'slast, but never. ' tlle.leis there have been tbouBllnda of photos distrIbu ted through out world. QonseQuelltly the reprodu ction 1Ihown, In thIs Issue Is the Arst authenti c and 'official likelIes5 ,or Sultan Abdul Hamid U. It was mnde by,& noted "rurklsh artist high In favor In court circles. The slory of the tyranny of Turkish monarch s Is a long one and now '18 &Illd to be' ended In the restorat ion of tqe constitu tion. 'Tho tale. begins ",Ith \-he foundin g or , tllC emplr(\ , hack In ,the thlrteen tb century'. The o ttoman Tur:ks eame orlglnol ly from ,Central Asia .and In the slxtb century they, In connect ion with other "l'lIrklsh tribes, pushod west. From the Saracen s they took their 1Irst religion. First the TU"ks were slaves, then mercena rIes and eventua lly 'Ihey ~ucceeded ,their
l ho Illall
a fi ght t o settle E urop e's little argumo nt of " who's to Immedia te P111·()06CS. ~'h e get the Tu rk?" HowevQr, to date th ese conditione had becomo or "sick man or l~ u l'Ol1e" did n't ]>ay bls II bls as sel'lou8 chllraete r, but t he lonslng to posscss Turk· quickly liB the powers Isb Innds sti li lingored III Lhe breasts of the war dogs of th e old hemI8pher". So It was natural that ' with the Iho ught he ought to and the frequen t demonstrlll'evolt of th e Youug T,l1rks gaining sway through out the tlons which OCCUlT d III the \llclnlLy of The Porte grew InteriM the ' s ulta n should scent dnnge r from afar. Had to be ot a memlch\ g chnracte r. It belog the belief of the Young Tu rks' overcom e the e mpIre It would have masters III th e oallphat e. They . nellt ullpenrcu In th~. llIan y eXllcrls on , In,t mRUonal arralrs that sooner or bee n but the work of a few weeks before tbe collecllo n. world's history as a llies of the S Ijukilln Turks ea rl y In 131 r 80m or th e delllons lralors would shell the sacred of the gr at POWOI'S would have been made by taking th e thirteen th ce ntul·Y. They fou ght and defeated the ci ty and take thcrefrl) lands most suitable to their purposes, war authorit ies m Ihelr dues. Monsols aud tor Ihelr efforts received n grant ot lands decla re. So his royal hlgltnes a capitula ted, He granted Lal cat developm ent s In Ihe Turkish s ltulltlon pointed to . the Bame constitu In AlIla Minor. Their leador, Osman, became a powerfu l tion which' had appoase d th e people ruler and Immedl a lllly niter the death of tbe S Ijuk s ui· wa r. For ,a whllo It lool(ed like a war In which all Elu- during the struggle or 1876, but which he later took rope would take pArt. In the ante·bellum talk Se ryla, tnn he proclaim ed himself sultan In his Qwn right. Thnl aWI\Y, ' was late In the tblrteen th eentury . He died a nalm'al Auslrla- Huuga l·Y. :Bulgarl a, Greece and 0. tew of the Abdul Hamid felt that he could ward olf dange r from oLhe l'ij we rc aPllaren tly p1'omln nt movera. The trouble death In 1326. ' without or within, of Ule Thus we see the Turkish empire founded upon the Indepenpresent yenr started wltb Bulgaria announc ing Its the struggle gOing hu t he could not hold ble own wltb on both without and within, SO he apdence from Turkey. . ruins, ot the SelJukl, ' Mongols and ' Snracen s. Passion Of course thaL nlude t he s ultan awfully mad and hla plied the en"lng proc ~ss where he )lad p"o wer to do BO, f~r military honors aud ' religiou s fanatici sm nowed Since the conclusion ot the trenty of Berlin, which ter· tlirou~h th e reign ot eight princes Who tollowed Os man In 'p!!OpIO having receuU y \lccome hla fl'lends. became equal.Iy sore on tho propnsHlon. Tho 'j'urklsh mll1l s t~rs t.he n mlnaled . the wnrs of 1876-77, wero, tllO French Invasion th~ possessi on Qf powe r and ss a result the pe riod botween 1300 and 1566 saw t.he TurklJlh e milire raised to held a cabinet session at Ihe 1I10narch 's settee and de- of Tunis In 1881 , tho treialy with Greeoe. the same year by wllich Turkey ceded to 'I he former country lho wholo the 11081tlon of ono or the first mlillary 110WOI'S of E;u- clared thut Bulgaria s.bould not become Independent. So forthwit h the dally papers Rummell l1P tb e fighting lif Thcssal y nnd n etrlll of Elllrus; tile 0llcullaUon of ,rope. 'rhat. w.ns probably the 'reasoll t hat the world to· d3), call ed the ~ule of the sul\au' tyranruc al, (or he ruled strenglh of the two naLlons In lime of war and In time Egypt by Grent Brllnln In 1882 ; and tho ,revolullon II.t PhJllp po))oll s III 1885, when t.h e governm ent. or Eastera with military disciplin e to whleb the I'emllind er of the ot peace and found that Turkey had about 1,000.000 Roumell a was ovortbro wn and the union of that country men r ady to go In to Ule field, Bulgaria bad tar les8 at Inhabita nts or tht! earth have grown uuused. with Bulgaria was !rected. 'rhe results of tllat re voltlThe constitu tion of 187~ ~was brought about t.hrough that time. tilln wore 10 1886 recog ni zed by Jm]lcrlal firmln . The \\ 11 0 11 that had bee n decided Crete announc rebellio n In varh"us l)art6 of lhe empire, "',hlch started ed Its In- last eve nt which al tructed world·wlde nollce was the tn much the saIDe manner t bat the rovolt of the Yo ung dellentle nce also nnd os :t llrot ectlve nlens ure tl nlted granUng ot th e cOIlHlIlullon lblll yeur. Turks party of to·day cUd. , It was the stand lake n by with Greece, which dl..'<Clared It wOllld protect Crele to th e tbo latter only a few mon~h8 ago wblch cllllsed the p esl of Hs a hili ly, 'L' hen th AUllnuts of Alhanla (Ira· sultan to 'rostore the constltu lion aud hand to hlHtorlaus Glnlmod thal ther w en~ no longer servants of th e 'ru rklsh ~,...--,...-~~~ a bit· of history to add to the cbecker ed eltreer of the. gover nment. WI lh eve rybody i'r oc l i'l mlllglndcp ell dell c~ country. it began to look as If th ere would remain littl e of 'f111'ke1 wi th the exceptillll O'f Constan tinop le. nU ll Lhe dnnger lt was In 1875, the year before the 'g ranll ns of t.he original constitu tion. that th e people of He rzegovina de. exlOiled 't hnt some of the e y f-road y powers , would I)erclsred they were no longer able to bea r the oppreSSion bailS devour The Porte It sclf. to which they hnd been subjecte d. 't1Jey re bell ed and a , Ttie Berllu treat)', a Bort of prol ectlve m ~3SUl'e wh ich Tht , recent walkJn!; ' mat.ches at. Iho ~tadlum ' lak,e llle year later we ro, followed by the Serylan s nnd Monle- OXIJeTts lOik 'llS 1\ pl nn of 'j'url\cy' s 10 Iwep It tronl lOSing me mory buck to tll O lat ' "70~, wh ~ n slm,l lal' long di stance , negrlns. The Senlan s a fe w months latcr abandon ed' the lot8 of Its s mull ter rltorl s, bothe red nussla, l~ra competi tions fl ouris hed nmaz ln gly unde r tbe 'aegis I)t n ce , wat, but the Monte negrlns fought on. Germ auy, England 'llml eevem! olhor slgue ra. !'iO\\, ' ' Sir John AMI ' y lind wben E, P. W sWn, Howes, VIIUghaA The powers' ot 'EurOI)e, tired , '9f th e tnctlcs token by tbat there WIIS likely La he wor nol)ody want.od lo be the ~nd H ib berd w ro tb e heroes o[ tbe honr. ' ruler,s of Turkey : keDt pressln'~ the Ottoman s1tltun st rong "rall·guy," so the revision of tbe a rll oles ot the l,Iocume nt Though W 8ton, tho [llolloel'. accomplls bed ' Bomo nne er and stronge r , In tbe direction of retorm. Toward Ihe wne strons l)' s ugg sted: by 8t. PeLersburg, , perform ahces. Ulcy were soqn eclipsed by our own' walkIntte r part of the year 187~ a big conferenoe con\'eue d Ameri ca was only a looker·on In at Con~tantlnople with a view towlI'rds luaklng some so r ~ Dot likely to get mixed up IIi It this troubl e and was ers, whose reats created a groat senenlio n ut the Umc. at any' lime. But Lhe One of tho best of them all was Billy How ·s, a 111,lIe one· of 11 settleme nt. The reQommendatlons of the confab other powe ls who h3vo a lwuys had n.n Ilchlng of the eyed ath.lete. whn walk.ed 100 miles In the t ruly marvelo u. were uncerem oniously re~e('ted by , the ;Turkish gove rn- polm when Turkey Willi me nlloned were snld to crave a' tllI\e ' of 18 ,hours, 8 minutes . ~5 seconds , a record which ment. Then Ru~gla became wralhy and Issued n sensa· ch,ance to tenr orr a yar d or two of the Ottoman map for slili. rema) ns un oPllroac hed. Hibberd covered 50 mites .tlouill manites to, telling the Turk that the Slav b oa ~ Wll8 themselves. In 7 llOUrS 54 'minutes 1 G soconds, 'and without ' stollllinli about to consum e blm. : A great WAr followed and the Austrja· Tt.:rk was beaten. In orde:- to hold what few subje!lts directio Huns ary was the tlrs t to make a move In that lowered nil oxls tln g records up to 70 miles, ror which n. The people of Servia sim ply ached fOl' war. distan ce his time vins 11 hours 38 minutes 86 secoods. he hud left to his cause, the constitu tion was granted by '{'he farlnel's, mercha nts and eye ry citizen promlseol to Even more w6nd!lrful was tbe perform llnce of ,George the sultan, conlrlll1ll e to the C)( llenS S ot war Illld lhose who hlld Little A tew years ago It was said that tho great powe rs 'no cosh to conlrlbu te W nt out oil the street a lale at bours wood, who at Sheffield ' tramped , 631 miles In 138, 48 min \ltes 30 scconlla , on ave rage of not muc,b 'o f the world wero aching to lay hands upon certain p ~ rt3 nlgbt less than tOUI' miles nn hour, nigh t and day, between of the Ottoman empire Which were most ~ uJte d to tbelr the and ' rioted tor Lhe pur]lose of calling attentio n to tnet Lhat th e~ clemllnd d Will' lind the stlft'l!>lt kind of Sunday lind SvnilaY .-Westm lnster Gazette.
~~---------------------------ttOOl1ten' 8aluto to the "Rosy Morn" that ,these feathere d alarm clooks are Is Variable . busiest for the bour that prccede s day· light, but a man wbo bad lin appoint. Lincoln 's Baying, 'You can rool Borne ment to go Oehlng at sunrise and of the people all t nl) time," 18 exempll . arose when he heard a rooster, might tied by the eummon belief that the make a aerlou8 mistake. . Growing or ;0 cock at night indicate s A raclDg man had a roo.ter at his the near 'jlprOIlCb of "awn. ThIJl no- borne In 8811lOnbunt, Brookll'D. tJQt Iii lIlllV8,eDt not IUli1 amODI aat had a accurate 8aue of :twc!l1oll'll but
Bensonh urst. Mnst ot tile guests wete mOI'e aOlluBtomed to chy than t'o COUI'try bolscs. and some ot them ' we r( awnkeue d when the conk crowed, Sey· e ral times It WDS nolle:!d I hat tI,/! noise camo at jual 3:16. Thin odd f'lct wa~ ~poken of on the hotel verr,llda. and when the guea,s heard the bird tbereaft er· they uaually looked at t;,elr watebett to eee If be was on tlm~. Nrgh~ after Disht he was right to tbe IDlngte. Once a t\llIIIt looked tilnapl a. and It. lDdleatt d
"Gness r mllst bo 8 IllOe slow:' be sold to himself. HI! had come to have more faith In the mechan ism or nature tllan 01 man. rt was HIe cock which waR wrong-, howe ver. ror several 110,' spoke of It In the tuornlng . This continue d tor months, although the sunrlac WIlS. of Illter oacb c!ay. Shakes]l('lIre's "Ibe bIrd or c1awnln~:' Dot lit this chanttcle ~ r.
An Autumn 8eene. The sky' w/Sa gray with tho 8ullen graynes s of tlU_ The river lIoWQcI sluggish and IIf Icss hetween Its banks. The IOllvos were ttlrnlng Into glorious glossy rc d~ and ye llows. 'rho wind whirled thl/Ill about the lawn sur· roundIn g the 'blg Bummer hotel: U Rnil down the Walks lIUprro With delld leana a womlln walked. He r were lomber Illi but In WIllI
bllter for her. !3he was wrapllBd abQut In a ,gray cloak. nnd there wos a sort of fierce reBlltnotlon In her altitude. She seemed IIko a woman living over ago lll a beautifu l pilat In 0. miserab le 1)I'OBen (-a mUlt of grelln leavee and roses an!, billo skJel. white, Ill1ao:ln l salls, leapIng and glad com pan· Il)nshlp In the gray dull present, At last ber I1P1 parted:
'fl tNe i~ " ,Ii ~" 'l"<' pr.·I-,tilill.' ill thlA
rU\1nln· ' l1n ~t ~ ;J11~t'fl)U'" 1J\' l' i l\l~C ~o" "
A::::aJ~~",,,< ~_ 1
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li \',~ . ~l H t1 " "'hhl'-li ,1I'''lh'' :\1 '. C,\usl·d 111 Il-h.:a rt di~
t ·:f~f,,· . ~Ul l· " lnOl ll :~. Mnr" thun half of all 111'1 ''; in 11",.·11· h,·.11 t fuilu re ur in!t h\)u ~(': ~b \l· t in th.· kitl'1\tll1 01' 11 1'''1'1 .. " ,- " t t! oft ~ 1l th e rt.I"'lit t of k id .. i'rom ;;purks t rrnTI tl\\' kitchen Hue. " 1\('" , \tWrlsc. If Th ' OltK ~ lon~ Ift't . n .'lImnH'r "Hea- .,-.lJ."... [ .- ~" ' . 1. ;;""'1' 't ruu ule is tioll . It i!\lIlw~ys ft'll tOll mm,h lind '-~" ~ I \; ~ "11",,~,1t,, tch-nlll'" t llckhlll ·",.. poj~t.H' " tht wooo of the tl[IOI' nne! w" iI nelll' ,-.;. ., .'\ ~ ...... ..-••_ ,-O,l ~h. )(l( f will ' ot: it. in Illany houll(>i\ . fll'{' nut PI'OI erte<i tuck th e ,'u nl r).! . 11 ~ . '~·. UU" 1 1 1K ,·n.tar r)t CIt
have just 'closed from one of ' the I~ading m·a kers of fine clothing in
~1 J(. " li lucldt-'r. (If t he kulll l'\!i l l u:ll1~('h· l.'s f,'om it~ hent A kitl'h en st\we :ltanciitig- three hlt.-ak d()\\ 11 :Ilul WH!'h : '\' ,t\' locH lay cdt. HIHC lr k'r lll)u t ,lt.,!,\ nl ll ltJ~l n l \\ H\' s res u l t feet f"lIlll a ba re w, od en wal l " ,. par - 11..1'11 H 1 1,-t.tlll~Y lll ,,· nt rlf l h~ l:.hll ic>ys luu l t iliun Illay 'et it l!nl' ' . If tlw wa ll It (';U'C i~ oht u lIh',1 ~1l11e."'t"' ...t lay n proper l r I.".H IIh' nl , H 11 11.;' 1,.1.1 IH-'''' I ( ~· ou nrc fc --)i" covC' red wit h ttS h~et " f till. 7. inl· i l1~ hHd~.," Ypu t:.J11 l n ak~ IIU 1I 1bul k e h ," lll' irun i l is "<II W plllcP lll(' ,. ( I'" l"k ill" Ilr. \':ihll .·r·~ S wamp-Root. t he t <"k ilhuo\ h\ •.o r nnd hJ H(h lur n HlI ltth· , within a fu()t llf it, but no t n arcl' . Ufr.,l ~ Il \·orn.. cl~ 'iu:tbl h"'_, ttl Jl uhi u r'l1e niHl 'l'he, sllt't:! of ll11'tul is l/:cl ;;~ if tm'kNI r;;r;.\lf l 111}..:' J uti ll ill 1'. 1 ..:,:; t ll~ it t ItJHt 0 \' ' r against the wnull . 1t mus t hf' hdd l ' O IlU ' ''; 111ft ! III,nl".I'lt l ll lI~ct.~ ",,~ity o f beitl~
Chicago, MESSRS. ·HIRSH, WICKWIRE & . CO.--.. whose product we have handled for the past five years---a large quanpty of their reserve stock in
L'fl lII, .elh-d t il ~v ufll' U llI H}u ),: h' the flny , .011 1 i n ge l u p t\1 Hll~" l illl l ' :i ~iltri n J.t rhe lIiJ,: h t. '1'1,,- 11Iil ol llll,1 lh l! c .~lra orc li ll l ry t!tTctl of ~\\' n ll ll'~ R nnt i~ :-00011 rea li1.eU', It "l a nd s th e h igh" "l for its woml",r!'nt "'Uf"~ o f th ~ tll e:-- l I li:..l rl·..:,~i l1 ~ t'aRes. S ,' I TJllJ · R'''''11 i~ pl"'HSU li l to u,k.e ntu.l is ~r,h l h.,·' "II d "\ll!gi~\ s ill liftY-I.'(:\1 t a n.l ",,,·-.lo1\,,r ,iLl! h()lIlcs. Y ')\I .tlny II " e n ~Il lll nh: h, \ll.: of Ih is \\' n\ld~r 11 1 new .li ~. ('''''err II ntl ll honk I II ~l \~ll ~ ull o.OO"l i t. bOl h s ,,"1 f .. " " l,v 11 1111 L A,hlrcss, nr. K il. "Tlpll. . (I) , . lIiti!! hnllllll ll , -:\ . Y. Whe ll Isn't A ceiling- nf wood sh uld be pro- \\T it i ll~ me n tio n rl·:.Hlil1 ~ t h is genernU 8 "1 ected bv metal, if the elbow f the o ffe r in lhis p"per. 1","'\ 11Iake 11 11 )'
IIiI' beh ind it If it i ~ IQ he ld by Sl' l' w hOllkl; it can b tal< en • otT to he poljsh('rl. Bright lin th row~ met. ,tf hent belt .... r thall any other me tal said < a lath in th wull is bare from the np be... 1ing_ uu of 1\ piece of plastf'r th e The d jury yloger is the :;a llle II"; frolll a woo n aWI\\-
- '811 . l'<lrry
lhe helll
,""r "
~~~stnvepip-e is within a fooLof it . THE FI.OOR.
The bOlu-cis in Ule fiool' under the vel' them a sheet of meLal big nough to come out a fnoLin fr nt of the ash pan. If w od iH used forfuel it should come nllt a font under th e door throug h which the st ieks are pu t in , because I'd-hot 'oals , I' th . burning ends of Rlicks which' 81'e too long, often fall fl'om it. 'fhiH ~heet need not be held away from the Roor. as the one 011 the wall mllst b' , be 'ause 1\11 the cold air entering a r.oom moves along the Roor to the stove. Many houses are bu rued by the igniting of clothes lmd kindling placed, near the love to dry. A stovepipe should ha\'e no rust holes in it nor openings, sU'h as are made by forcing together pieces of pipe which do not fit It should no t pass through 8 floor or partition or through any space in which it cannot be seen, for in such a place it -may part a joint or form holes by rusting A iSdSOline lltove hould be :closed on three sides and its burners should .be at least t wo feet from the floor . 1£ the chimn ey is built up from the kitchen ceiling in tead of from the ground, it should be looked at often to 3ee if ['wisting or springing of the joist has not caused it to crack so sparks might get ou t . and start a fire in the attic. ~ll)v mu!.t have
Heiss. "D·efelldllnt
vs, Eliza
1I1haak e 1 hut n ' t1wtll ht,.·r l 11(" I1 U lll Ct ~W81111r It, l, Dr. K il mer 's ~ \\'al"!,. RoOl. nuu lh. ~.
uudreos. JliJl&hawlUII ,
¥ .... eYIQ
and Raincoats
Ashes a re liable, if moil:lt, to ignite t hem 'elves because of the fine particlel! of coal they always c6ntain r f rom being mixed with gr as), rubbish . JIl looking for til' dang el'S in a c~l lar the nose should be us d to learn if gas is coming in be'id the pip from th . street. One-sil( th of all the goa • puL in ·lhe big pipes in the streets leakli out under the pllvement and is likely to get into th c liar through the loose earth arou nd the house pipe This gas when it reaches any. blaze will explode, killing peron and destroying the building_
. W, S.
To this purchase we have added many broken lines from our own stock. The regular prices on these specials are
tale Fire Marshal.
______•• 4_-..______
'I o stop any p~ln in 20 .minutes. take one of Dr:. ~h.oop '8 Pink 1'1\10 ·tablets. See formulli On the box. A8k your Dootor or Druggis& abont this forlUula. it olln 't be . bet-tereu. Womanly PlUD8, head pa ins, any plti n gets iD8t~n t rllllef, Box of twenty Pi nk Pllin '£Ilblettl, ~fl F 'Sold by .1I11 dealers . - - - - --+ -
. ----
.... .... "".:IOt . .
....,0) ,, -'"-.
Logan.. deon .1 account flied 'administrator
About in itThe kero~ne can should not be kept within fifteen feet of the stove and the gasolene can is not safe :a nywhere . in a kitchen. lnd~, there is no safe place for ~ gasoline call except· under ground and even in there 'it is unsafe if IIOt tightly. corked. FOUND IN
A Dangerous Operation 18 the removal of the a ppeDdlx by a 8urgeOD. .Nu one who 18kes Dr. King 's 'New Life PilI9 it! ever subjeoted to this frightful or'd~I ~1. 'fhey work so quietly you don 't feel tbem . They oure constipation, hOlldache, blliou8DeSs flnti .ml1iarill. 2.5e lit Fred C, Soh wartz's drug store.
.. ------
Somebody ._has found a Russian 135 years old . Pause, g entle reader,' and t hink of living in Russia 135 years: _____ .. _ ... ____
The worst fire dangers common in cellars are from the top of the furnace being too n ear the Rool' above it and from' the pipes being too close repairs in the wood of the building. If any A BQston worrran is 8~ing for din W . A. Scptt; _portion of the wood has been charred o.uuTnship, ·$5 ..50; by heat, the danger is g reat, for the vorce because her h'llsband threw a of !Crfield town- charred wood ,viii 800n take tire if a pie in' her face. It must no.t have hit obvjlke, lumber, piece of tin or other metal is not the right spot. as"S in Turtle- placed between ·it and the furnace. G/acob Shue- AIl wood near the smoke pipe should .be looked at to see if it is charred and ifit is, it "hould be cut away Vinol Beator8d This lI!ua'• . Com- .. Warm air tlues should have a col8~eDgth 'Bridge liar around th~m where they pass "BeTeI'llI years qo I was attacked by , H_ Os- through a fluor because they may a eeverll c:aae of grippe, which left me s. A· M. become hot enough. to set the wood with a hacking· cough, Boreness In my 50; W. C. afire. Trash on the furnace top choet. and brc;lDchltls. 1 took nearly Brant , starts BOrne fires ever,. kind ot cOugh syrtlP Bold on the f ee,. Gas jets should be as much as two ~ba;:I:~~::.8Ide8 medicine .glven me by ' for ~Ul'- 'and a half feet below the ceiling 01I reeelYed 110 permanei)t 'rellef until medIcal have above them · a shield of tin my druggist asked me ·t o try Vlnol, Lebanon whioh does not rest flat against wood. and after. \.aklng three bottles ( was t entirely cu~d. . f Ice vr cour The double join ted swinging gas I .belleve Vlnol to be' the grenU!st burial of fixture is a common danger in cellars. ble8jllng ever otrered (0 the public, lUI W, H. Stan age . It doel what Is claimed tor It." R. Iil R. fee book for USING MATCHES, HlckJI. Maplesvlllt'. Ala. ",UlnJUl,.. and Co . If there is no gas in the cellar there _The reRlion Vinal cures chroniC • $15: W. H- IIhould be a coal oil lamp fixed in .8 coul·he, colds and pulmon&~,. troublea " because It contains tonIc troll &Dd 8upplie.~ for bracket. Many buildings are burned all the healing and bod,. building eleCraig, repaira by u!.Iing a match while getting some' menta of cod liver 011 but no 011. 30; .H. S. {,<lno- article from a dark cellar. Cellar Vlnol 18 also unexcelled as -a 'l~ngth etc., $18.14; W. UII- wmdows and other openings should buJ~der for old people, delicate children, burial of ThOI1I1.... be covered by screens of wire so that ..air aDd run-dOWD penou, ADd ,after Ohio 'VII. Walter cigar stubs, fire crackers and glow- , " " . , , C. Co Cleaver. ing matchsticks cannot be tbrown J. E. JANNEV, Dru"lst ~ , through them by the careless. . OIaJo.
The suits come in a great variety of. Fancy patterns and the Overcoats and, Raincoats in all styl~s from plain ' . black to fancy bro~ris~ W e fi~mly beli.e ve that .no such ·opporon fine clothing has tunity for money -saving . ever been ~ffered in. Xenia at .·this.'season of. -the year. ,
R•. S. 'Kingsbulty, ..
50 ,a nd 52 East Main :Street, :
Xenia." Ohio.
..............,··~..............................--..,----"W ....
.. . . Keep. your -eye.on the Gazette for the .next few weeks. Santa Claus will soon_be here, and he willl~ave his orders with us where to go to find the
beat bargains.
"~·I·· U ''':
-AI.I,II \ "
". L,
IIt.IM :' 1 !'tIalu SUtn!l
II ;:
Elllt 'r IInli Mllnuger
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Rates of SubscrillLion ';rw Ylllll" ~ iu[rh1l.l y iu :\tl\'um'\' J' ~1I...dc l'n,.,)'
- ------------1l.alcll uf Adverlilll'lIlenlH ItC LhIlIlK · I ..t"'~ I .....
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"1'111 run
\'I1~ UNI1!S Il A y , l't:I ' I' ~tIIt Ie ~ ,
Say, hm 't sixty-fivt! milt·s lin hour a great paCtl to travel, Well ye~! fifteen miles is a·plen ty, thank you! Bt!cause thtl l:lchuul children ate so much tUl'k y Thu I'I\(]ay, t11t~ Ii 'illad lhc l'c \ uult! uc no sc huol un· t il Munduy, A little 1lI0 r than fou r weeks and Chri:ltmli:l will lJe UtJOIl us, Watch the Gazette frum now on, as there will be inter esting reading for Christma.'! buyers Th e automobil races at Savannah Thanksgiving day, have turned all eyes in the direction of Savannah. Ga The winners of the contest were foreign cars, and the time made was fast The averag time for the 400 miles was about 65 mil E an hour, Main ~ tl'eel, while it. looks a bit rough nolV will btl in a good shape when llucked J OWll 'l'u ~ ht!d stone is the only tllingllUl' a s trt.oel. Now. if only th,; township and tha corporation would buy a steam "011 l' the street could ' bt:! put in bel tel' cundition oonel', and our pikes cQuld be made 'a whole lot bett 1', so thllt they would ue paSsi1.Jle when the bad weather s ts ill,
Heard A
One night 11 sbort Lim" ago, Leunllrd liellrd st,rlluge 1I0ilj"s in tbe h OUMO, but upon In vetliigu twn ooulrl lind nothinj( ununuul , '1:be next moroing , howover . bls wif., b .. d OCOl1!!lOn to vi.:!it 11 room. wb!"n some strttogtl bird Ilew past ber , he went ao reliUllng dOwn lI~liirl! ILUd told .loho t hlit ,III bird wi tit foor legs lllld uttuoked her , 11 .Johu immedittt.ely procetldell to liad d Ut wbllt kind of 11 bini with "four legH " It wu~ , lIud npon II villit to I,be roum found It Will! d. large oreeob u wl' Bow it Olitntl to be there ill u mystery to Jobn lIod bls rli~lIy,
!:!Qrue r UIIIlY Iltories ILre KolDg the rouml,.. now in Oouul1otion with th ... hunting Sel1BOn, ' l'bey 811Y ' thaI Up .. here Whito, Fred Usnderson I\.ud (.;l1rl Duke tlbot s.lxty tiltlA81\.t about Ulllf tbat onmber of raloblt!l, .. ad got- uono, &verallnvittttioOM hael beeu issued 00 'bo atreDgth 6f this bDut, bu~ Done wt:re !\ccepted
In an editoriul under the caption HA~MlESS OUNPOWDE~ of "th turn of the tide" the TimesStal'say that ilnnligration has start ed ugain, und lha~ hll ge url'ivsls of It was the day after a strenuous emigl'UI\LS Bre al'rivingill New York , Fourth of July and mama was restAs long as Eul'ove , ends us a good ing in her room next the sewingclass of ellligl'anLS, let thcm come room. where Douglas. four. and Madelaine, three, were playing, , Thel'e is l'Ullln fm' th ·m, But when 'rl ' I' t f h d she sends Ull such people as work for le unusua excltemen 0 t e ay "a song" u day und th 'QpitulisL be~()r~ s emed to have worn on Madsend for tht:!1l1 to cheapen our labor- e~am: tI n l'V~ abu, rOI: !!uddenly ~ ing Americana. don't I t the m come. PIIlI'Clrtg :!hrlek tame to mama s Tbe oUlltry lhl'oughout is lOoking 'eut·s, follo~ed by a gust of la~ghter up financially , :\0 don't ruin four ft'om her It,ttle son: When thiS was , more years by 1m ' port'mg "ch eap repeated several times, t:nama rose '1" d ' lb · " wearl y 1:0 Investtgate. an ,steppmg a or, .... ~ - to the door, she saw Madelaine, face 1'he 26th day of November 'which down on the bed, Then Douglas was named by the presideht of the cautiously approached Madelaine, United States, IUld by our own be- and leaning toward, her touched her loved Governor Hal'ris. as a day set with his forefinger, - 'The shriek that Wlide for giving thllll"kS fot· another followed with th;-flourish of arms year of blessings, was only ob· and 'iegs made him double up and served here by one church, At this roll over on the floor in a perfect service there were onlY twenty·six gale of merriml;!nt It is to be reo "Why, Douglas!" mama exclaim. people present gretted that only twertty·six people ed, "~hat are you doing to your lit· in a town the size of Waynesville, tie sister?" would be' able to go to God's own "Oh" he said. "I'm not hurting temple to render thanks to Him, the her at all, mama: I'm playing my giver of these gUts bestowed upon little sister is a fire cracker and I'm us, but such was the fact. It is just setting her off,"- The Decemright and proper that we should bel' Delineator feaSt upon this day. too, and enjoy - • the day, in a pro~anny- b~ A Great University President ought not to forget the source from In the unexpcetdl~ sudden death whence these:good things come, of President Gilman all that is best Egg shells as gas mantles is an in American life has iost one of its idea from Germany, The contents most noteworthy representatives. It are drawn or blown out, the ends are was Mr. Gilmah's h)t to live at ,a neatly cut off, 'and the body of the most jnteresting time in the history shell is fixed in position like the regu- ,of Ai-nerican civilization. His sound lar article. The light thus obtained early training, his family 'traditions, is very good, w~ile the new form of his 9Pportunities for foreign travel, mantleisdurableo. and his wide acquaintance wi_th pub·
Oysters with 'the true oys/(!,. fI.vor} 'ull" 'e sWllckell your lips
the kind
~be ~hor" ,
., '.Saalshipt,,, Oy~ters • .-nd the container, No ice or water laue/us the o,.rl, Yo!, getlOlid mUll-perfect and unbrokeo, ··Sealsbipt" oyatel1l go further aDd lute so differeDtl Come aDd see them, . ,
Ask for "SEALSHIPT SENSE "-a Book About Oyatera .., the followlnJr dca1en ee1l "ScalaWpt":
' e
Walter J. Kilbon, ~
Corwin and ' Waynesville, O.
Tbe plOllfne "Se41shipt" O,llera an: alwal!:ld f.1"DID a 'Whit4! l'on:e1ain DiI)Ila, Case beamag the " _hipt" trade tDark to blue. TbI8 I, for lOur piOtectioa-lGok for IL ' The "Sealahlpt" Carrier S~1Il II pateated. InfringeJDeIl\tl wUl bit proICCUted to lb. fuU nleDt of the taw.
LEADERS ·IN STYLfS! LEADERS IN LOW PRICES! An entirely new and large stoc.k to select from. Honest business methods. Railroad fare paid to al,l customers buying $10.00 worth or over. A cordial invitation extended. ~.,
... -..- .................
..... .......................... "ool"' ...
L. & 1V1. HYMAN, 39 K Main Street,
Look for the name on the door and
COUgtl C8'ution •
onCE TO H U TERS lic m n aJld scholars in all lands, ' 1. VEGETABLE gave exceptional power to his rna· 'Aoy on e fouod hllntlDf,! 01' trel'! ,j tnre and well-balanced mind and pro, N .. 1 I' I It ',J ' , eTfJr, 1lClI1.. 'I'6 rne'f6J'po IIltlJ'OlU' unp, rou paFl~iu g on thtl Iuud owulld or 000vlued an admirable counterpoIse to OOUllh-evl,\Q from lUlmploooldoulr-JOUlbouJ.\ trOll ed by the und rSig lled Rubsorib.l ' I f ' " "IW071 her.l.lOOlho, and _Ihe Irrllat.od brou. h IS unusua powel'l> 0 Imagination eliial tllbee. Dou', bllndl, IUI'PI'6III II with .. ers wit,bout II VI ritl n lJerm it, wi II I " ' , Wh 'l P' 'd Itupefylnr polson, Wa stranll6 . ow ~thlop an d initiatIVe , Ie l eSI ent elllllh'comealiout. Farlwenl"J )'""roDr:shooc be proDiptly prnll~O \lttl (\ t o th e full 8ol'lJUI:!Iles 1111 other rePl' ' , edi K fOl' the ralief of Gilman was illlimatitly associated !:\~:~:u:.~¥ P~~~tl=PJ~":'t!.~ln~O~~~~, xtent. of .f be III W : with llIany and importunf undel,tak- Chlurolonn, or .lwlhor\lOliIQIl.,AlId 1I0W- .. lItLI~ (;I , A , \V lon,ft, 'lirl VV i\htl\oIl, , , , ' , , JIIW thOUih-()oOIl'_ ... yo "Pul It ou tb~ latJ.oI Sick Huadllt'he. Dizziness, InIngof a pubh.;, a sclentlflc, and a dls- II polsoos .. ra In )lour WUlrh )lLnurn," Guodl 'hArl"" Mathul', U , A . ~t, rll\Vn , '" Very llood II Hereaftu forlhIIV617reaJOIlUlothe ..., \\'1, L l~ rtI 'l.oe ElI~ e nH ill VII lI ij , di gclItion, C.llronic ContmctlVllly t!d ucatlOnal chul'actel', he and oUle.... &bould In8lS\01l 11 ..lui Dr, ShooP'1 Eli'l,ubet.ll ~ h u milker , J 'II b e CI'lie fl y I'em em ber ed • IIniI d e· (VoUllh CUre. No polson mark. on Dr, ShooP'. stipation and BilWI hlbelo-aud nune IIlIUle mB!llclQII, elaelt mUK' br. ~Jlhl, 1 Hnlhnwu,v , Wlll Burg , servedly so, fOl' his creative work l::.::r:::;;a~~ie~:,\:n';~o:::t.,:~ut~ .1 W, R" llllllok, W , I:l , J\t I'ri tl, iousness ' piannmg ' an d orgamzmg '.' . th e J 0IIII Dl&rkable COUlLb re,modr, Take 110 cbance :ton. lviml BroR.. II W, Robert8oo. m partlcularl,wlthr, ourcblldJ'I)Q.ln.I.IOllhavlntr .lonathlln Gr!l.hAOl , Hopkins University , which work I Dr. Shoop'oVouvh Cur&. VomDalecarelullr the BeOUU!!ll t bey IIrl1 oomposed Dr, Shoop J>nC\uIare with coUl ... an4 D0" Ih : 'J'ltoDlson . Mike HlllUiltou , marked the beginning of a new era 41ft.rene... No "",lIOn IIl&rkt therel You CIIUl .T. nf t.ile heat known VegOross Broil, .1 , F, lIuwalhlder , " &1_r. loa OD \lie .... Ie lIeSe,b, twwmdl,,etable dru~tI, und mixed In In the Illstory of higher education. I Ed UetulIlok. 'Dli"d Zimmerman tile /lroper proportlollil Mary \i)unn14 Ret!llllok , The name of this obscut'e ,BaW- I kDOWU to gl l'e tIle befit more merchant who left his fortune refill I til, ' This Is Worth Reading Every bottle gUllralitoed to found a university ~nd a hosp ital Leo F , Zelinski, of 6 ~ Wbson St. , to !lIve satlsfaotlon or has been made famous In every part Bul1'alo, N, y" IIIIYS: "lonred the money refunded, of the known world by President "ALL DEALERS" most IInnoylug oold Bore 1 ever had, l!G Il l)ottle. mailed Ilny~ Gilman. by the men whom he invited _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ wltb Buoklen's Arnlol1 Salve tap whertl upon reoe\I)t IIf to his side. by. the forces which they plied thIs B~lv e' once a dB;'/' for two price at GOOSEBONE P~OPHET 1I1lYB, when every traoe of the sore together set in motion, and by the wns gooe," Beuls nil BOrCI:!, !Sold scientific and literary achievemellts Schwartz's A {toosebone weather prophet tlUof themselves and their, tlldents, - nounees tliu t tbe brellstb one of tbe under gll~raoteeat F, C, ~hWllrfl\'R :-::::::::::::::~ From "DanIel C, Gilman: Builder of goose 18 mt1rlited very pecnllarly drug store, 25" ' Univel'l>ities,!' by Nicholas Murray thlll yeu.r. 'fhere Is II. dark spot NO HUNTING ALLOWED Butler" in t tl American Revia\,!, of hel e aod there, maklof( fm acour..te B~TlJAWAY nlet.i Pflr9QnS foJ" Reviews for December. predlol,ion dlt'fl oult, indlcuting tba.t bidThanyfollowing-na hunting or shooting on Lh ii' . IIII ,V'JeB ville 'a D"utUug Dentls' UOugh:l 'thut IHe tigbt. or dl~tre~s tbe wloter wtU be geoerully an open premises \ itholl t pel'missi n: Office in Key!! B,ld~, Maln au 101; liokllog o(}ugb~, get qOlok 110cI oue with 14 vel'y cold ~peJ\ now and 'harles Lewi:l. oertll-Ill help from Dr, Slloop'IICougb (,hen, Deoem1:l6r Will be very cold. Geol'geHenkle. Remedy. On I,blell-ooouot J)rnggl~t but 'here will be little SDOW , Janu- Chas. Ellis . John Gibbons, every'where are til vorl Uf( Dr .SbooV 's !lory will have 80me Bnow with Ii. Cllns Hough. ,Ella Michener, Uo~gh Remedy: And it Is IlDtirely (rre from OptuI.n" Cbloroform, or warm BI)ell dorlDg 'b'e middle of the A, B. Chtlndler, Cha~ . Frye, M, Satterthwaite. any "o.her st'llpefYIDI!( drug. ,'he mooth, Februl1ry will be 11 sevore W. p , Hay . teuder loaves of II- bllrmlelll:! lUDIC m ontb, with pleoty of iceaod BOO~, C, F lark. alhe.rine Keever, beallog '11ountltiooua Bhrub give to M'lroh will be open with a warm John Stroop , J , p, Cummings, ,. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Dr. ~boop's (Jl)ugh Remody Itl! ourlltlve properties. Tbuse leavos h14ve ~Jle ll Ilod pion tJr of l'lLi n and bail aod Geo\'ge Hawke. M 1'1:1. G, 'I', O'Nt' all. Jos, W. Evans, the power to oulm the most d£8trell8- a hue sprIng \vlll foll ow, , --~ Ing Cough antl to "oo~ht!" and bellI tho most senslti ve pronuhllli mem Medicine That Is Medicine Notice of Appointment. brllne, Mothers shou Id, for 811fety '8 "I havlllluft'e l,'ed II good !JeBI with 811ke alone, alwllYs delOaod Dr muloTlIl· E Hln l!! 0 1 F.llzubo t h 11 01'\(1 11", d " ' ell~eil lind stomBcl1 oomplnUtt 'rhe unller s lgrle.j hUH been u Pllo ln ted anll ~boop's, It Mn wil.h perfect free but 1 bl1 ve DOW found Il reUl edy tbat quallfltJll rut; AUUlllll rth'awr or tilt· Bllttlll.! o f d'Jlu be gl vlln, to even tlte yonuge8t keepl:l IUO well, and tbll-t. l'emedy is .E llz:a~ tb Hopk l ll ~. J U t ~ or W.. rrt.·u 'Qu nt y, bllbes, 1'e t It on08 yourself, 1Io0el Eleot,rlC Bitters; a medloine 'hat 18 Ohio, Il ec~a.~d, soe? Sold by 811 dealers. l)at\"(l LJbh1 I 'Jth da y ur NO\' WHhcr. A. O. medicine for stomllch 14od , liver 1111111. -----... -~.--troubles,and for . ruo.down oon'dl , P UILII' HOP"I S, GOOD GIFTS tlo08," IIllyS W " C, Kill8tler, of Btllli_ .. A,lmlnl..ra l ur, do.y, Ark. EleotriolBitten purify lind , tmrioh the blood , tone up the nervell, This. cO;lUntry Itl tuo big to let a "tf you are in doubt about a "od Imp~, rt yigor Ilnd energy to tbe state like Okhl.holUll oome Into tbe Christmas gift. choose a book." weak, Yonr money will be refund' Unloo and tell,t.lle other melllb~rs ••. . . . : - - - - - - - - - - . . . : - . This is admirable advice- provided ad if it I'uils 'til) ' belp yuu, GU~ Bt of the ftlmlly where to get OD the buyer is a fit subject to let loose b'red C ~obwllrt,z'l:! d,' n~ IIt01'e . . I can ClJre the IIJs of in a bookstbre Each, Christmas I your watch ,very quickly If invariably' receive books from two STo.~y OF A RUSSIA,.. EMP~ESS you will bring It to me. I Old Process Oil Meal friends One of, them's ends volumes will be at Colem'a n's Stove ' Kellogg Durland, who has spent I which make vivid spots in my library C~t. many months in RusSia, 'i s ' writing shelves: she runs to bindings of gorStore every Wednesday all I Waynesville Mills. geous scarlet, blue or gl'een, Ber for Woman's Home' Companion the Clocks Cured, also. choice is either a stupid novol, drive. life story of the Russian EmpretlS, - : : : : : : : : : : : : : _ : ling poetry, or some ldioticully lan- In the December number of that!! guid philoSQphy. Each volumecontains magazine he write!!: THE REV. IRL R. tUCKS The Watch and Clock Doctol' "When a cel'tain CClUnt Tolstoy an elaborate inscription, which quite precludes iUl exchang.e at the book· was Minister of Public lnstruc'tion he MagaZln.I~:::=::::::::: ~ i"-__._-olooiIiI store. Last Christmas, f"om my once appealed to the Empress ,to aid Sbould be In book-loving friend came what him in extending the educational ad1 had lonlr wanted, a volume'of ,quo- vantages of the empire to the girls every hOllle to tations During former ' years she lind young women of the country. the land. Bls had discovered such wants JI8 a work (1 have Count 1'olstoy's own permis' weatherpredicndertaker and Enibalmer. tiOD8can behnd on dietetics, a rhyming dictionary sion to relate th:is incident) OO],.ID his own Will be fODnil In the old and'a volum~ of synonyms, to which , "The Tsa,ritsa listened to the Min- publJco. tl on B. ' Bank Building, ~ppoat\e I refer , every d~ , Inside ,each Isler attentively as he !let forth the No oLbel' pubJ1sher Is to t,he Natlooal Bank,. book. with a card that wishes a Mer- needs ot Russia in this direction, prlntthemio o.Dl fOl'm ,eithel' with 01' "l1elephone in house and of. ry Christmas, is a line telling wh~re snd when he had concluded, she re- without' credit. ' Bls 1909 A,lmanac 8%fioe wbore I 04D be called the book was purchased and that it plied that she thought all young girls eels all formel' edlUonR in bco.uty and day or night. may be exchanged if desired. should be taught to sew, to care for value, o.Dd selJa for3?cents, postpa.ld. Vl1lley:Phone U-2. Only- none of her books are of the their homes, in short to become help- Bill , mo~thly magazlDe, WORD .AND Waynellvllle. Ohio. kina I want to exchanlre!-The De· ful wives arid good mothers but as WORKS, contalnll his weo.tbal' fore- Main Street, ' c a s u fol' each.month, together with a. , cemb~r Deeigner. for grant~n!f thel!) the ~rivi,leges , of , vast amount of the bestfnml'lyreadlng --~.~ ' ----so·called higher , educatIon, knOWI-l lloo d costs $ 1. Ilyellor onealman8Cwitb The old fasblonod way of dosing "weak IItomaoh, 01' stlmulatiog the edge of ·history, philosophy . and the ,each subscriptloo. 'Every earthquake Heart or KtdnoYII 18 ' all wrcog. aciences- to thi~ she wa.~ entirely o.nd sorious storm fol" 20 , years has You Dr. Shoup flrllt pointed out tbls er oppoSed, 'because these atudies, when been predicted by Prot. ruoks. 1'01'. Tblll III wby hili pre8Criptioo- offe\'ed to women, onlr resulted in cannot alford to be withou~the.u pubDr, Sboop's Restorlltlve-tM directed such terrible times as R'lsSia is now lilla.tions. Address 11.11 ol'derllloO entirely to tbo O8Ulle of "I'. The Miami Gazette, Wa,ynesville, O. mente-the well k In Bide or 00']. paSlling through.'
0 r....ShOOp"S Co ugh Cure
---.. ----..:..--
Is Your Watoh Siok?
----- ..
Q ,
Almanac and
Tbcf are .hfp~lln a ateel co,:,laln~r, , ,air·ught, eealed, ptl\~kt:ti Wltb , Ice
Men's and W omen,'s Outfitters.
Oysters With , :" Sea Tang" uver .t
1:<*;;~** * >;~H:t'h'H~-~*~~'**** During the oount of tbA IJltl10tllllt th,~ 1 1 ~~t nlltilluill eleotlOn, I\. merty orowd of ReJlubholioll gllthered Itt a cerndo houtle ou Third I!treet to WIlko werry Itnd hoar the returns 1111 tbey OIIomB III , '1'he l1ClHltl"tI hud furnishAd 11 ,fillY out" tu Hel'vi libout llll .'cluck , but ill ~Ilo \,Ilel\U t,llI l~ t.lle conl\Jlluy de It,d t,b uy uught 1,1) iuvltl< ..OIllA ~uo(\ Utllll OCrl\tlU friuutitl In (0 h.,lp tl lflbrnle , 'l'1\e luvitut,lunli wore blll:ltlly ~tlnt, "nd Uie gllod folktl cume, t.beir tliClI1:! bEmwiog witb tlUl o1,,~, W lien I,be tillle Ilpproaohed for lUliull t,bu hO!tttlllil proueeded to tlie k1l,ohell , but tllere Wlltl nll-ught bnt WilLer with Whloh to ftled the hun , " 'y C.-OWII, '~'ba luuob \ViiS ull gODe, h lattlr developb"d thll-t ,tlte goo'J DBW001'I1tll, ftlehng 8lighted hlU) vis , Ited tbie Slinlb kltoheo, aDd helped tliewsel ve L10t thlnkiog of recei v' iDg uo iovltatlon' later on , 'l'be dlslUay of thtl Republiol1D orowd may well be I Dln~ined ,
JlDg nerves Tt lan" ~o dHH" ,.1Ia says Dr. ehoop. to Iltreogtl1ea wtlak SlomlWh, Bear&. or KIdney .., If one 1I0ei at It oorrectly. &:aoh tD Iide orlf"n h •• lt.s oontrollinll or tn ..Ide Derve. Wben tbeee , n8l'V8I fan, thUD thoBe I>rl~. moet iurel, tabu. 'l'heIIe 'flat truth. are lead lng drulilita everywbere '0 cUIpeOH anG reoommend Or. tthoop'. Tea, tt a few &DC1. . 1 Impronmml will prom~
IuelJ foUow. 11014 bJ
Live 'tes l~il'~.U" lIIaeel:
. A Purely ·Vegetable Laxative Cum Chronfe ConstiJNltion" and AU Liver and KJ~e1 Troablee. '
·The Alpha Chemioal Go.
Thre. Full Menla for Ordinar y Famllr Can Ba S.rvad, T!Jrl'e III ala Ihlll lIIar bo Ilr" fl'OI!1 OliO ('ml of SIIIII1I1I1. PII'HI ~I <'n l . 'a im Oil Cak 's.-Ope n Oil ('lin u f ~n hll o!!. ·lI vldo 11110 Ulr (' ~ '111111 pari S. 1" 'OIl thu IlIrgo Rt nakos LOVED AND LOST. or I1lrc ~ br t11" ulIwll·(,s . 1\11 - ono· t hIrd o r ~nlm(l u wllh bOiled IIOtllt <1t'~. On\' ('1 Hhl' w n~ It It I h~ wt\ rt,l hi 1M'" nu d on ll rmd hutt I·. IIwlce In \o onkl''' . l IIl'W hN hi t nI gh t at ti ll ,. In\, ; uIHI fry In II rl; fill ulltll glllel n bnlwn. Sho fl(·. .. JlW, t :<lIlul'\\' hnt hw1l1U'l l 11' be A lIU11 1 ~t" l" Hilt! TB t h "' l' ~I'l\y. S"fOlid ~l · nl. S, h uon Frltll'rs. - II ' Ilt two 1'/0:1:8. add 0I1II11IIIr Ihll' l f Mlmon I ,h11l1< 1 t_\ld h". ·r.n'·... t hll l I nlll~lH'd fluc :lnd litH" sal t. ?lIo ' 1t some ~V 'l\Ihl hl\c ho1' ttlt dcnih lnh.t me lo Wi hllll " r in II 1[\1"1; 0 ~1,ldL'l" Ilull drOll t ho i ~t s'h" n .\ tuH\~ III l hf\J1 - JUtel wl 1Y J IIn\ .. f\:\"" H {~ I.\ow. for -=nut'u. t lHnu.. h. IllL tu ro III ft·om II dl' "~l' rt spoon. c'ry on 1>olh shll'". )Iul,,' ,' Ig hl frl tt l' r~. Ont'" 1 14\1 1\'. Pln}1 no ul1u r ll1u hl Third ~I II I. ' SUItUtlfl Hull. -Tnl; 1'\'0 C~'lll l' ~ '\"f' r \\.1""\ 111(' hi f(J r~"I ; Inr ~ N' t1 W tt lt\.' J8 t1\t h .... r ~lOlI l n iHl ,,! uhl, I' th Nc ~ l1I a li 1I,·os nr t.nlo And 11111)· l"I'n1 6 111\.H r WUh rl·~ld . lI r flk l'IH thick. 1\ llIr hOL IlI lIIe oyel' IlI em· lIud ·Wll l'U so(tonl' d fldd n 1I1tlo On -' /'I !'h~ ,\' O,ft :"Ltl th; 1 w l;irtct III m (ll : srd t, 1It'II(1' r ru:d ~nj.t ' 10 til sit,. pi <'0 [ ,;n w 11 '" Inst 1\1.rhl III lht' p!4\y, B o t , '\"(' ro ",;ol\ t\ W IW '} h ' r ·~llt" of hlltt er I>lze or nn {\~~ . pu rt of n well. \\" li tl ~lll th' 8. ;Y'l\l· ..• , ~ r ) t .hh:.· .'1f • f ~ v . b nl plI o~g . ~hn ll <' Into a Inng l.lli ek -So R. Ht~tjr. (" t ' hh'I' ,",o H,', \11 ,1· 111. rulu. roll. TaliO I:lrs" [II I'(' S ot su llnon. dIll It In rest o f 'S 1111\1 01' r th dr s ~. THE VIU.. AG E fNN. Illg wllh tht's • vrt'ss in!; with h Ulld. U I hln s llcc s or pork , fusiell on roll with tOllthlllc lts 10 kec p s hape. nub !lou r nil ovor out ti l<lc. pu t In linn .wltb a lillIe water. Bak In Qlliello\ 'e r, bn51lng s(' ve rpl limes. Hemove toot b. plclls und s ' r v .
Thougb Ame ricans lire not all agreed to whut reRlI~' Is or ollgbt to be (IIII' "natlollo l unth~tII: ' It Is ronson· ahl), 8111'(' Lllllt tbtl II Olllll1lr choice would nol filII IIlIon " Uall Colltlullla." Yet that WIIS th SOIlt; solected by tho Japaues e .,l o welcume tile Am erlcuo noot. and J h ~nI1UD OS nrc g ntlrully U IlI ~crll ul llnllll~ 1Jl!01l1. . Auu In I ruth they ohly ro llow ' d th ' ll'1n'0Il N ln Cll~ t O I1l In Ih ls . for " Hull ulum bl u." 16 Us uully th o tun o Jllu ye(l "110U 0111· clnl occli sions r(brOlltl when It Is de· sired l(, comllihu II llie Unlt o,l !>laI.L·S. it could h:II'dlv bo ulll e l·wlsll, bOo calise or all Oil; Bo·called nfli ionul mllsl c. "Hall Columb ia" Is th on ly tun exce ptin g "Dixie" a nd t h 80 ngs or tb dvll war-o t Am c l'lcllu ol'l.,:i n. 'rhe tUII O we clIlI " Al1lorlcll" Is on ly "God av!) the Kin g:' II lId tllat bel o u !,:~ to Grea t 111·1I0In. . "Tho Sl ol" 'Spang led Runn er·' Is also fin i!J1I!;lI ·b luue. ·though w bave morlo It our lH\· Il . l~nd It may we ll be (hal fO"clgnors do 110t und rstllllU lIl0 u(lllft w ree l 011 hea rin g It. Even "Yank Doocllo" Is or donbtful lIueage, a s well us oC !lues· lI uul\h le dig nity. "Tile Presld nt'S MR, W1IL. F. VAHLBERG. larCh, " ou III other IIIUld, Is wholly Mr.. Willinm F. Yahlbe rg, Oklahom a a Phllad Ip,hltl prodUCl. compos,.r! Cit.y, 0 1 Ill .• ",,.itl'S: Frozen Lemons , Ih'ro nild gi ve n Its pO llaln rlfy by Ii · ·Oue botllo of l'orllna. IV b Ich I h nve Froze n lomolll! s ho\lld b" Phllllde lllhi n la\\,yor·s sti rrin g wo r d ~, tnlc l.' 11 d id moro to\\,lI"d .."lIM·lng nUl of served lin n::r~I'avotc d ellso o f c fJlnrrh 01 the wi t h a ga mo CoursE'. Selcut t"e res ung by r. Phllude llll\ln a CIO I.. "A quired n umber or ven·slz d, fl" sh, poor t.hlng, bUl min e ow n." '['lIl1'dl'), ns s(Omncl l, tlw n Y '1I1-S of t rnntrul.'nt wIth t ho b ust plo ysi - illllli. II lce·loolt lng ICluons (one-lI11l( :s g ner.. It ts. o ur till to It Is lear-even cls llr· " 1 h,,,l give" lip hopes of r · lief. nnd nil)' u sed fo r e ach Illn te). If Sll IlCd I· tban that of th e "Rool . White lind olliv tdc'l P ('rUIH. US lI IILAt r!'SOI't, th ey mus t b Well wos hed and rubbed Hlu "-oncl Ih ls ts probably oue rea · ':1 shull contlllll lJ \I si ng It,. 11 8 I fl'o\ to pollsh tho skillS. . Cut In two lenSl h. son why It Is o,'orywll ero l'ccogul zed IItlti ~ ~ c (1 it will olteut a t:: ~"t/re lind $I"''''''lII1 Cl1t cure.. wl~e and r movo th o pulp carl.'ClIlly ag, oIl s llo1c tll'ely Amerl nn. with a Silver spoon, 'l':1ko ou l nnv " Tho Re d. '''hlte und Bille" Is In te"IIIIOSLclo 'I'ClIll vrrnomm elld Peruna nil wh o 11111.)' l·,'ull th is. " . fib er remainI ng and keep the I"lltd~ Borne res pects n bett r l lln,e. but "The l'm'\lIm i8 \, slIlllly Us a ln Rt ro either In Ice cold water or III a pncked Sblr-Slln ng le d Dauner" Is by so much sort, Doutors h o ,' tnlum \J OlIU t rlo!1 nnd freeze r IIntll wanted: ThIs sen·cs to the best of the g rou p that It hus g rad. tnilc.I, Oll<l' I' relUedie s lH\vO UIll!l1 used. mllk e the m firm. All seeds nu (1 nlier ually goln·e d ucce(ltnn e to ~h e .exolu· Sunit.arillIll6 1111v(l b e"n vi. TrlL\·el 6 1011 ot the olbers. It Is hard lO s ing, h as bl'o u rctiOI·t ·tlto. " Why d n'l yo u s upply tootbplc ks sbould be car otull y Ilik n Oll t or th J\ t lust Vel· linn. is tl'lecl. Re11ef 111 pulp, and to each quart of pulp nnd bUl glnrlous tOI' tile bUild. !lnd llotllafte r luncb?" f Oil lid. lu juice g la add likely one to oupful drive It out. Certain · of \Vat r . Fro r zo '·1 lIS u to. sir, but p ople used to '1'hls hls bory 'II r cpeatetl ovcr and I)" "n ntlonal antbem s" ne ver elm he ove r nb'Bin, e ,'cr y (In.y j n th o yunr tak e·em away wI" m!· ·-Lond on nil an Ice . nnd wll n troz It fill lho . 1 t Je mad e to ord e r. Jr prizes woulrl produce lJUuh r usuit s uS th Is thllt G' 1~ u 8 PerllulO rlnlls and pack un til needed In nil Ice Weel!Jy Tel egrollh. Its un a......,u.i1llblo hul : :tI'OIl '. he p eople. one , we s hould hav e III nty to choose cave or frc llzer nmused ns tor bls· froUl. But uationnl mus ic Is n grow th , We oould so.y notl.Ill!:" tlmt wOlllel ndd cui t. gluC s unlll rendy to s en·e. They Strictly Proper. foroo not n Ill onufnotu re, ond hnvlng no 'I' hni to S II 'h lcsti lll on i:oIs Ill! the u.1Jo~e. Old Barnacl e Ben SlIt on a tar bal' s hould be served on slIIn ll pintos gU I' poo plo who lI u\'e hull cal.. nh and body of " rqll. Bong" to th'a", UpOI1. wo ' )IIWO tried rei and rolleel bls tobacco lu hit! \ll(s· nlsbed ",IU1 greco lenves. 'lvor.v oth l'r r emedy (WBi! .. At lito le ft Is n prin cess costume ot chocolate brown dlagona! hnl' t re.d pRim. to de pe nd urion lho pop ular nc· u.ble. fin d r ellc f i ll P el·unn. constitu cheV Iot.. te. Tbo froms nn d back fir tho blou se are cut In on piece, Baked wll ce lltance oC aome tun e th at may hnve tho bust arg umont thn.t could bo lUade. h tbe little Jn pnnes Cau liflower. ··Yes. mates f he relalcd to lhe Aleevcs . und I' whl'h 'are Ion". lI ~ht sleeves· L et or th e lUal ri al. ' The plastroD Is bad {luly kn !lcddon tal nssoclaU ol' tbe CAuliflow er stand tor aD rowd, " wh o;![ was on thni AsiatiC cut In one III ee, wit h l he IInrrow tabller giving t he prIncess wllh auy pat rlollc aspl l·allon . effe ct. cruise J certnlnl y saw sonle wonder' bOIll' In old sailed wat er. D ra in and 'J' he squa re yoke is of luck ed lul le. matchIn g tb e go wn . and Is bord re d on ful big IIsh. Wby. at! from the Island put Into a k tU e of bolltng IUIlled wa· oacb sIde with aU·nlls flOllanclng a Flying Machine . of Borneo I cau,.b t a fi sh t hat ill as· ler. Do s lIre tlte ro lij sum cl nt water buttons. The collar of brown s nlln. orname nt d wllh gold or IInssell1e nte rle a nd frill aro· of lnce. th e lIttl craval or gre u s aUit . . 'rhe In the kOltlo to cover t·he caullllolVer. .The baloncLllg of Il nyer llIay Rem. ured ten teel trom till to lip." glrd l Is or 1Il e lIlalorla l and ot sntln ornnmcu te d with th buttons at first t hougbt, to be a v ry simple . "Come, com , Ben." proleste d hIE Wbe n quite t nde r, but not cooked sut· Tb skIrt has n hl l> yoke of Lhe material , but IB olh el'lvl s motte r. yet almost e very e xperime llter untrimme d. lIstener s. '·Fl sh arc nOl m enSllr d fiol ently to have It , lIl' ak apart. ro. Tile oth ar gown ·ltl of lie gr 'en silk volle. T it O!)rIlnge Is shlrrod nt tho hlld to)lnd In this th e one point which trom rip to till. You must be 8P k· move from Ihe water. drnlo •. and cu.t 8houlde rs. lh Cron ts B ,r e prettily dra ped and c ro ssed nnd ornllm nted with mo- he could 1I0t satisfac torily ' moster. throu gh Ihe cente r lengthw i se. Butt r IDg aboul birds.''' • a baking di sh which Is o"long In shnpo mS ot passem u terlo with pondan lli. Tb e dges are fini sh ed wllh billS band s MOllY differen t m ethod s were tried . Barnacl e Be n frowned . ot bluck saLln . of wilich the girdle ts also made. . SOllie exporlm enters iliac d the cuter "Now. look 4're, n]ates ... ·he grmy led. and put the two plecell In thls with the The IIltl wnt $lCO!lt Is of tulle embroid er)' with cord i tbe che mlsetle Is or gravity far below tb e wings. In tbe "I reckon I know ·\Vbat 1 am talking cut sides ·down . Pour over tb e l(Ip of 'tulle nn d Ince. 'I'he s lee ves a re shirred and finish d with deep curts edg d. bella! that th e welsht wt)uld nnturllil y about, Thea h re wero Jlylng fish abou t a UOCul or rich white SR UCO and with the satin and wllh wrist rumes of luce. Beek It) remain at the 10.... 05t potnt 11 and had wlngs." -Cblcag o Dally on ('bls sprinkle some very fine brend Th s kirt wllh ra.l se ~ walsl· Une Is sllgbtl y gath I· d al the top and Is fin .. \\'as trlle that·, like the pendulu m. It orumbs which have been mixed wllb News. COL DS FRO M Ished at tbe bottom with a flouooe of black satin. w hich ., xtends ullward In tended to seek tb e lowest ·polnt; but, a little me lted bu tle r. Bake unU! tbe (ront. rormlng a Ilolnt.. ~'ro m t he girdle han g two 10llg ends EXP OSU RE of the satin. flD- ahlO, like tbe pendulu m. tt te nded to crUmbs are browned . Slip the baldng Ishec) with TIME TO INTERF ERE .. a moUt ot IlR3Seme nlerie alld ta ssels: di sb , which should be n ;,hallow one. osolllut e In a mann er de structlv e to all to all kinds of inclem ent sl ablllt y. 01\ a platter nnd cove r tbo edges with weathe r arc of such comsprIgs ot parsley 80 tbat tbe baking A more I\all!!factory . yst6lll. en lIeBACK TO THE APRON , ' SCARFS GIRLS MAY MAKE. mon occurre nce that they dish wl\l Dot sbow unUI atter lha vege· clally for In ternl bala Dce. was thnl f are not genera lly considar ronglng lhe Wings In l he sbap(\ of a tnble has· been seryed. Old Style:! Hovtl to Call In the Mod.. Costume Acceaeo rlea Tllat Are Easily b rand V, to ered danger ous, form a. dlhedr!ll nngle. ern FOIGhICln.. This is Pllt, Togethe r. Bangor Plum Pudding . with t he ceuler low and tho wln g·tlPS a great mistake . SeMOU" Stili th backwar d trelltl towarcl old One CliP suet (cbl>pped) or two. Girls who sew ~y may prolltab ly elevated . In thcory this was an auto. illness often follows ,n lI.e thirds of n cup of ~utl er, one cup mo- Casblons keeps ·up. 0101 Drosden ~lIks, employ th at tulent by making for matic system. but 1n prnctice 1t hM wake of a neglect ed cold. Jorkscre .w cur ls an ti I'eal rllrectol re ef.. themKel l: s or th eir relnll \' OS l asses. one CUll milk. one cup rulslns a ool1ec. two 8el"lO\l8 defeats : Fi rst, It tended to (seeded and choPPQd). one-half cup f cts hnve com Ill. ow It Is tho tlOII of scarts of f!"Om two to rour keep t he machine osclllaU ng; anll sec· currants , four cups flour, three lea· 'tllron that me ets Wltl1 l he approva l o( yards In longth, th eIr tcxtlJre and fin- and, Its usefuln ess WIIS restricte d to spoons baklDg powder, one, teaspoo n :ldaptab l e fashion , 'I'h e re 18 no r Oil- .Ish being govorne d by th OOSlume calm nlr.-CenlU ~y ~1agn7.lne . clnnnmo n, olle teaspoon Dutmeg. ·one· 50n why tho. apron 8hould be r osUl'- with which they nrc to be worn. Suob half t easpoon cloves. Mix thorough · recte d. Bllt ,..·hat dOEIS fashion care accesijo rles, d sIgn II to accomll any How He R!!gllter ed, )y and steam In bu ttered pall for lhree Cor reason,. or uUlIly, 0. orillnary com- th e lliain tailor made sltlrt An 1 A t.ravelln g tiales mnn. finding himcoat hours. (Do DOt 11ft cover tbe first mon senso? However·, tb e aprOD Iy . 9ults used for 'IIchool DUll s hopplDg self 11;1 a strange terrhory , sor g bt the has been u I for ~eventy_ , iecorall ve. I[ not cxa(:t1y uBe ful out-· are us.n all)' ot silk hour.) eigbt years in curing Colda. cashm er e, wblch only ,tnvern In the sOIall settleme nt to Snuce.- One · cup 811 rar creal oed -hi e the ki tchen . Its use JUay grow comes In all the fasblol\n bl e sbaues put up tor tbe nl gl]t. Milch to his Sill' Coughs. BronG,llitls, and Pleu. risy. It is Ii'lso a slandard with one-balf cup butter. Pour Ol·el un II few wonlon are wltbout em.. This mate rial Is 60 ... loIe \hnt It ma), Ilrlse and ch ngrl n. th e ProJ)ril\t or deremedy broider for Croup, Whoopi ng_ ed coLI cUone of apron s. One be u h"lrled Into l engths ot It n cup of bblllng water Wben ready one and 8 manded five dollars. Cough, lnHarnm ation of tho ".What? " e jaculate d tbe arleslna n to aerve pour over n w.Jll-bea ten egg lhlng s ure. aprons aro worn now over hill( yard S ·ach. lIle tIVo wluth s beI ng Lungs or Chest ·and Asthma. :he chafing ulsh, aDd titat meBUS they jot ned crosswi se with and add flavoriDg tQ taste. n strl[1 of selt. "'Vby, that 13 robb ery. I. can stop at Ire to st becomin g a . trIecesliafY part colo~e/I rlbbou . The Ihe largcst Mtels In Chicago for that Cure your cold IIOID-g o to sides sre finIshed )f the cllreful woman' sl warllrob e, It with a bllnd ·stltohed your druggist 'S I!nd get a botUe Sauce for Gam •. narrow b OJ tbo)' sum." Is harll to " ptcture of But Dr. 0 , Jayne's Eltpecto ranl. yeou alll·t In SljOe-callO now, a !loclety woman are roil ell against a baby rlbbo~ barSuitable . for roast quail, croque tte. 1l0Y-Co me quick! Th.e re'a a mun with an apron. but the th ing no longer derlng on tlte r1ght Three ailea, $1 ..00. SOc_ and ;l5c. been fi ghting m)' talber more'n half an or cblcken. side or'tbe mate- straoger ," drawl ed lila prollrl I.or. H eaping tabl espoonfl ll of blltte r, 5tands merely a s a bauge ot service. rial or . they are feathers tltched with "and. beSides, we hllve some ot the bIg. ·hour. Dr. D.. Jan.'. T.ale Vanalf'lqfa will build you up ,pl.ndldl,.. IC " rUD gOR\. Ileople In this stnte as out guests. tablespo onful sl tted flOUT; rub Willi to· !n the days ot our g randmot hers, silk floss ot a oontrasl fng s bade. Police man- Why didn't you tell me down" from a aevcro cold.. gether. Half a pint of hrotll, two tea· ~pron s were as decorati vo as thoy Bhick silk scarfy are most effeotlve TAke laBllO M. Dung" tho great lumber ;' berorc? wer e u8eful. ou/I man. th\! UlQre He expensi ,..ns h ere yesteI'd!!y and ve as w ell as youthfu l lookln " When the Boy-'C ause tather was getting \tbe spoonfu ls mushroo m. two t enspoon· best or It till a tew minutes ago,- 1uls cats up, two tabl espoonf uls cream, the more fashiona ble III presen t. A endH ar e mbrohl ·red In bright colore the re Is his name on the regls ter- I. woman clever willI tbe ueedle Clll} or In t be paste l blues and greons. M: Bung." two teas poonfuls leruon jUice. Put on Ideas,' The salesma n lookod (rom tbe regIs, to boll, sUrrlng well. 'J,'hen add yolks make an al'ron Ii r al nddltlon to her Pretties t of all are tho e bavlng appll. . H la Tailor Was A'nxloua. of two eggs, beaten light. constnn tly bouseho ld 'lttire, even though the rule que,l bands of satin' rlbbou arrange d ter to tbe coming darknes s. Tben be "By Jov e," sl\ld Reggy Sapp. "It Stirring. and Dever allow to boll or 1\ Just now Is to design aplrons little IItrg· Ln Imitatio n of Roman stripes and leI" took the P!lll nnd wroto beneath the ~iAft;:;Pi~ft1 PoalU veIl' oureel b]ll doesn't pay to let Ute girls mIx yoU will curdle. Wben thIckene d by tbe er tban a good· s ized (lllltch. DamlUlk mlnatln g with long fringe wbtch reo name; thea. I.tttle PlII•• Is the favorite I.!. m~terll\l ?If. Stung." . u.1I In tbelr rods. 1\1111s Rose went eggs, sorve, or place In hot water unpeat!! the various sba,ios Qf groen. The, al"" rt'I'eTe DI. And forlilng ovor tile Ove dollarll II: around telling (leopl e I was Inte rested til wanted. PARISIA N CHAPE AU. irea. from DYMpepal&,Joo maize, pink anll blue cmph're d In the dlg•• Uonaud '1'00 n."n, In , settlem ent worl;l." aavance he ascen!1ed the creakln l ...... ribbon borderin g;· . Rt>lmlf. "perf•• , re.... Btalrway to hi. room. ·"Aud what i.ap(lene d?" Rsked bls Crlspa. ed, for DI.lln .... N"..... A White Clcaet . cbum. Deat three eggs Wltll a pi ncb .of snit Ma, Dro",'.lne u , Bad All Right for Father. It was a s ellll ible wom ~ 1J .,.ho hnd T"a"'·ln Lhe llouth, Coac",w by, my lallor got wind of It and and a tabl es l>oontui of ·sugar. Work ed '1'oU(;110, Pain In · lbe An IncIdent IndIcati ve or \lie pecu· the large closet IInder th .. hall stairs be wl'Ote me a note s tating he would Into It aB much 1T0ur \Il1t11 surr. ~~~.. 8Id., (l'()RP1D LIVER. liar attitud e ~ papered In white and tll6 '~"or covered certaIn persons to like a setllomo nt at once ."-Cblc ago like bread until It becomes BtI!f and . ,be Bo_I.. Porel, Yell.labl . , with white ollclotb. Ou the wall were opera occurred the olher day at the Da lly News. fin ely grained IIko noodle dou gh . Roll hung black Iron dress hnoks . whleh subscrIp tion sl\le ~t the Metropq lltan SMAlL P'ILL. SMALL DOSE, SMAlL PRICE. out Into Ii; thin stieet aDd out Into SlghtleS l, coulu easil y be found and the most opera bouse. A lady and ' h er two either squar·es or fancy shapes. ·Fr, 6enaine Must , Bear 01ll0el' Flynl1 -A ~ so yez &In't Cl In hot lard until a conveni ent article In It was an elec- · dnughte rs came to' subscrlb e tor four dollcato bro wn and rake, bey? How did ycz lose yer sprinkle with powd trlc light bulb 011 a long cord. which seats. They· de llberale d a long w,hlle ered sugar. If presolgbt? could be taken In hand 'iI ben lookIng a8 to what nIght I hey, would purohas e tered they ml!y be cut with a cookie The ~lInd P orson-O h. ] wus onoo cutler, two belbg (or boxes packed under tbe low e ~ seats till', and anotber long Ume at; to pressed together 011, the pOl\ca force ·wlth orde rs from IIghlly In the onte, s~h' stops. TheRo bo)(e~ were nil ·the location ot those seals. Flnall,. r and fried. ,Th eD . REFUS~ SUBSTITUTES. me captain uo ~ to see an y thin'. It III th e ce nt er white . the nature oC the ':ontent s be. they fixed on Monday (tbe tasblona ble o( each add a t"aspoon" got to ~ o a Ilnblt wllh me.-P UcK . nnd "rascIDa tion" nlgbt) Ing and on four sbown by a printed ;abel across rul of jelly. .. one eu,1 lu black lette rs. Over the certain 8cata. --..,.- -- - ; Correcti ng a Misappr ehension . "One of thein." 8(ljd Jobn ,Bull. navi.. Easy Cleanin g Dev!ces . door was hung an old pottlere wbhih Phllanlb ropic Housew ife-You are MORE BIG OROPS IN 1008 An orangew ood slick co'mln only olsed was hidden by the clo8et "Ioor, but It gator nnd subscrip tion a rast at lIle M. sadly t ravl'1 slaln ed .. a ren·t you? O. H., "1 must t en. you, Is behInd a kept out conside rable ((ust. .1I~mlll!!~ AnQther 60,000 al!\The llost." Wll rcham Long (tacklin g lhe cold tor manlcur ln g wrn pp ed w!ill a bit Ilf •.. , sheh·es . wero painted wblt e and the tlcraftom the Unltc4 m euO-No , mn·nm ; ye couldn·! hnr·ly 80ft CIOOl Is flne tor ilustlng the cor"Neve r mInd," sald one girl, "Father States. New dJ. books tbat wer o storerl.a wny were all' call It stain. n's jCl!t dirt. ) ('11 warsh uers· ot the plnno and other rurnl· Large Toq.ue trleta opene,d for setcan have· ~hat." of Mink. with Bow of Wral1llfl' \ neatly 1n white paper tu re. Carry It In yllul' work a pron and o!f.-Chl cago Tl'lbune. t1emen~ 320 eera Brown Velvet. "Yes." said motber; "be can "Ieep packed In boxes. pockel and al ways ha'/e It read y. Tbe . ofland to each set, better there': ·-N . Y. Tele~raph. \\·blsk broom also Is good for brush ing· THEY At:SO SERVE. tler.-i fiO fr •• lbe fringes on bednl1rcads , table,clo th s New War with a Ruff. homelltead and 160 at $3.00 per acre. Fur-Trim med Sult( . Tho Collar Question , an d towels. Wome n are qllito used ·by tbls time II A rtah coun,t r7 .nd: a eontltDte 4prolHandsom e cloth slIlts will be One of the first slgos of advancI ng .,eroul peopJe. "--B8'",u l /r"'11 c",.,,.t.i"",/~"4 to t he tlgbt plaltell rul!' tbat Uts up t~llIlm e d .wl tb fur. tV Bands • N"tl' fldl EIIII#r, of It will be yenrs For vllil /(1 fV,IIN'f1 In the Convale lcent. men Is the desire to an you 1;' .s narled again st tbe ueck. They have seen It c..".uM. "M A",,",. ~~o8• .,., 4111. ,·mli,.,,/lItf .. When r ecover h;g from 8lcklle~s and and worn It In a ll mannel- ot mater': put on the skirt an~ collars, CliltS and easy· and ample coliar_ Our humoris t!! tho doorway . Many have paid the ~ntlre ~ott of thell nbout. read)' to slt 1I11 practloe Sitting nls. The new t1t1ug, however , is to walst·co ats made of !t to go with tbe have dwelt on Ujls subject In many add a toot· tatro. snd had a balance of rrom $10.00 " straight ilP ·In peel It only tOI' a mOo hlwe· trom ihrec to six Inch close coat. This Is good ·news to the woman phases. but that ·It Ie no joke Is sb9wn $lP.OO per acre hlgb above a. 'I result of one crop, . men l at a lime and ~hen ' lean back wired plaiting of tJlet net lace put Into who bas odd pieces ot fur or garmen ts by tbe, fact tb.a t durIng the past week tb y Y/on't' Spring whest, ,,!,Ihter wheat, oata, barle)' that are out of [asblon. Sbe can use two, men on living the pillows. Do thl3 every Hi mtn .. tb!l coat. This 18 u~e,1 on dlrect9lr !l In the v!clnlp. or New flsx an!1 pcas -ar. the ~rlnclpal crops, ",hili Ica~o Record .. utes It pos sible and YOII will fin·d wh ~ 11 coats that have no collars. The ruft them npon a clo th gown . . One. dlrec. York have died or apoplex y when at.. the wild grauea briM to perfectlo n the tolre suit .of dull ecru broadclo th has tllmp.\:.Ing to button tlght'col lt\f • . While beat c:a.ttle th"t have ever been auld 01 able to ge t out of bed tbat the glddl .. Is bnsted In around the neck and . ness or uncomto rtnbltl feeling In tbe down the frout. and eutll! at the first a fOllr-lnoh hand of bro'Yn. fllr nround tbe youth may ohoke himself If be will the Cbttago market. tbe skirt, SpleDd.ld climate, .~'hoola and dlUrch.. Ilnd t he coat ha9 a narrow In order . to be smart looking, let hen rI has entlrel)' . dlsa.ppe ared. bu ttou, It Is quIte effect.b'a . the In a\l locaUtie.. lraUwa)'l long waistcoa t of It. The wide rover~ average man of l toueil most c40 and upward be- Ibe Httled dlatrleta, and prlcn are of brOWn sstln. and fhe triple ware. High collars for produ .... Taffy, and tlght collars are alway. good. Landa.m Ame rIcan Beauty Wllla.teo it. syalao be! put' cull's are of the satlD, edged With a are not (or him One ClIP suga r, one-hulf cup vin egar. unless he chances to ,bued from ralh,,,y and land companl ea It you want lo live n up n black coat two ..lnch ba·u d ot fur. Tbe hat that bave a n.eck like noll to Syrup. add on CliP ot molasse s F,or pamphle ts, mape and Informarial an ostrich. ...ard.lDc low rallwa,. ratq, apply to ilnd Il vl ece or b\~tler slzo or walnut.. suit. put III a walstco al of America n goes with thlB Is !oln Immons e flat sailor of ecru satin wltb an AlasUan This Is u Wante d. Good rime, Doll till barrl .whe n tri ed ID cold wa. beauty slltln or velvet. SuP!lllDtend.", of la.....1Ita Ottawa,C aaada Recentl y the orpbans of I\fanbat tan tei·. ami alld n teaspuon (s:l1!1l1) of smart tOllch and " hows that yo u III'B boW of brown (ur aoross the. Bides O. to ,toe a .. th~rl.i..s Canadl&ft Gov't AWeoti were taken In au'tomo bll". to ·Coney laeotlll If you IIIw It 11 gb! In culor and Ijult In wIth the tasblolls . rt may be R, M, WlLUA .M8. lalld, A styllBb IllothCl" accomna nled ren my wben \:old. T his nHlKO.. ex· fa st Iled dow n center wltlb ve)Reindee r COat.. vet or cut j o>t iluttOIlS, Tol!MIo. 0 .... hy her well:dre ssed daughte r, stood . .w ....141nL cellent tally. Furllers have brougbt out Ions · watcbln g tbe procelsl on. In all , Tbe motber coMs <:t reIndeer skin, Tbese are COD' IJIlld . that Ihe little Grapenu t J e:ly, girls .and boy. bad Putting ~hlto Clothe Away, sldered quite bnndBorne and ve.., DO bomes aDd tb ~' RnmllIl S- Y(" I'm ·.I'llIlng to admit Ono 'lu8 rt ot :£rape ,uka, one I100lne! that they wli!re OI'Pbllul. A h!llls""'i fe should be careful to SOlar'. They aro l!ned with brooade bill ,hal COv ' hall I~ ;1 ~l' /)ol Il3TUt' ror IboSil "f SU C;llI·. onu pOlin,] IIf &epdl FIlially Ibe dllCOvereli her I1tUe ODe'. e!l ~ 1"1118" 1\1111 • fay. Iltll ·mt~. 1 I)f llie IItu/lllata In ~. anrl oal"h:llr )lound FJII :(l!sh wol- hll'N all thu alllrcb ~il8bed out of in fawn 8had9. Met&l bUttOD8 are 8)'ea ftlled with tftl'8. t'lo!h'.s h{'fon' tbC'y are aWIIY u8ed for to fasten I k" n" I,llr, 1/\ II. tbem, They . OUIS lIull joJ!r,t) aud slIr-nr tpgt'l het tIle w l nt~I'. . "What'. u,. mau.r, "lIarlJDl'l" aile They should rOllsb dry, for tile autom~I1., lOr thA Cnml"I~ - W,·lI . we·Vl'-·. /:U! 10 b&.,. 10 IIIl nll le~ .. 'HIdIng rllir-IDR ..keeL ~d IWaJ. and. Ir IIpBslhl!!, iJy ,beet. for all Olll Ixllly ~u I ot tor· us, ~, ell', ".1 !luta a ·ld :' :' (lye mlnueer d:\rk blne Pl'pcr liS
DR. D.JAYNE'S Expectorant
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Was.larn Canada
" l knolV rou nrc u frllutl," she sUlel . lig htl y. S ho hud a little thIn Yolum In h I' huuJ. It Wll S .!nlntil .v bOlllHL. A. gall! 111111'0.111, 11rh , ulI.I s hy. stood III 611· houo ttf on til croam COY r. '111 lh lo\\'er rl g hl·I' " n.1 eurllOI' \Vas lho po .l 'S nllm , also III gold. . " 1 huv o nl.wny>! IllIowlI tbll t you kn e w." th o P Out uIIs wol· cd. gl'nvC'ly. " You hnv n hllllit ot acolll!; onr "onl ... I I Is .lIsc.:oncer·lIng to liS." '1'11,,111 t h ~y both luu ghe.l ; bls laugh a ~ guy IlS hers. Tho 1'00111 ha,l til 1I11r1·art rnoon lillll. It NU·"lIk. d II 'pl' I till'. plny lll g hlJ , '/11I1I'Keek \\'It h lh o b lu chIna III un old 0111\ bUl'euu. .. 'DuIl'OlIJlN! ' " ah I' atl wIth u I)retty scorn. " AIHI fu ll of .Inlnt~· 10v£1· Bo ngs. AI' )·ou not ushum II or you r ' f raud ?" "They ur rElul lov 'Hnn g~;' lhe Poct offerl'd In II tense. '·No. no. Th y al' what you tUII OY' Nltonl.1 h real. You huv lullult lh fl'a/l:rUll c of a thousaod blos>lotnB III 10" 's gnl'll n- but you h ln'o always bepn Oll lhe othor s ltl or h wall." "¥ou will n ot oven nl1o.... 111 0 a gla ll lhr ugh til llarr" gato?" .. 0, not ven lho t.," 6h lIal,1. seYor Iy. " Pltll rIlHl ol' ln gs a nd nlt'lotlons lir a bul th fnln t wh llts ot t he I> r · rUI11 ~ nOIl LllI g o v r . tit woll. ~' b '.f 1110 ve r >' eallll)~. r thInk you hnvo llO hca l·t lIt 1111. Alib I' y." 11 gl'l mac ,I IlIs ngroclllcnt. " I am SlIre ot Il:' sit 11.111 (I. m· IIhntll·l\lI y. " Anti y t you wrll o-I nm nng r y lit ,' r y tea l'. 11",1 Ilt v'r r sIgh, unci III v ry s mil e, ot wh Ic h yo u cb 'nt nt o !" "Bllt do ?" h e a ske d. ngorly. " Yc~ . nut I feol Iho fruo,1 tim . or course It Is m08t1y m YRll lt. I th ink of Bob \I'll n I r 'lIll." "Y(>8 . they nil Ilttrl le or Hob," Ow Poet snit!. and If tll 'ro wall Il lIlllhl \lS" In his toue It WA R 110 ," r r Sligh t thot It wns IIl1 l:nl sRed by h r . "Rob s 1111. 'nob Ik ronl1 y a "OJ'y IUJ tul chill'," " I-I e amI's holne In II month;' s ho volunt I' d. '" a m gla.1. Elf," he snIt!. Sh s mll tI al tb ll'l'm . It WIUI t ho Poet's own . In ,'en l cI for he r ve l' SO long ago. Ilt l"ILSt two y ars. b tore s bt> murrl ell Bob, til Po el'~ (rlenll. "Ot oourse you lire. You nre hIs frI end- and ml llc. I 111\\'0 b Il oul· rag oU81y luck y te) have 8uch a bus· bantl and 611Cb n frI end." , "Tho rrl end Is a fruud, we deter· I\Ilnod ." '. ol I.Q In ,' . !lhe nns w red , Sl\l 111 ng, " '\"ou 01' 0 quIte t rnns pnr nl lo nla, I /I nil yo ur IIlU trIcks- It Is 11k standIng lit ,th e bllck of YOII wh n you nre Ilctlng to (lIl aucUol) In frout." H mod e a wry Cace, nlld s he lau 'h d. " Is It not good to be unclerslooll Y" s bo WeDt Oll. rallllll)', Illakl ng n prett y Iliay with Oul terlng hnnds anll laugh· In g y s. "Ar n·t. you glnd thut 1I0llle on knows you quIte IntlmatQly ? There Ilre 80 man y who tllney tll oy IlIIow thl' poct's beart. and.J stand un· s on all .1 grin be\1II1.1 yO\l becnu s I know you Itaven·t ·nuy lit nIl. ]t Is all nrt.tI
hunch IlI g lulo 0111' sIIIIlII hund n t ' :lI'l1' sol. a' blu 'Klolled chIna nurso \\'£th 0 dufe til' cllloh. n buullk rchl f, und I,h li t tle s lim ' ·olunl<'. " Il IR II cu rlulIS I'I'''IIIU t UI' sur ophll' 1':118." h r peat .d . hurrlodly. ''It con · Inlu s thut \\'hl 'h Is mOl'o p l' 'lO llS lllOn th o colol':s at the rnlll\)ow. un d nlOl' ~ b 'uuL!f1l 1 t hun tit IIsl) II love wo t'd u of fll1l'1 5. . It hold H !\shrln ed tho IH'III'l of the 1;'0 t." " It ho"ls you bea rt ?" qu rl ed she, III n I' sc 1It10 or Incr dllllly. "Evell mine, EIt." " (jUl YOIl 11Ilve 1I0ne." "Not ilo\\'. I k eell It th ra 0 ... tb e tOil s h If. It was tll !lonvenl ell t. Whut cali 11 puor Poet do wltll a h()urt'l Tho gr ot public wou ld lIot 'lik It, for It wou ld creep In to his I<ong8. '1-1,'1 we all know. oh, wise Elf! thut t lll 'rc Is Iiothlllg so IImeal UR th lrulh, So I took It Ollt of my breaKt a nll I)ut It Ull thuro hi the Ivor y tomb. I am vel'y 111'01111 of It, becau se It prove s l ltnl I wus once as othe r mell." "\V hnt . li Ke ,1Ie1 YOII make.u It, Aub l' 'y ?" "Tho u ~e tha t todlls b c.hlldren )"Imks o t tOY9-1 ()I'oll e It." "Non ~ li S! ' .b II 1' 0 It h \lVer wo lle." " PerltaJlR 1I 0t. Dill. It ll drcam a ",cr~ \) nut!fu l.' · ."T It tOlllb Is ollll ity. I IUn .)'llte su r of It. You 11 1'0 oll ly t rying to for /:; t th lll I nm lI 11l llll Iludl Ll ' . !JUL t il, Bit wlto Imows." " A It , lruo-l hnd fo rgotten. fIle tomb Is emply. B ill ih 're Is n rra ~ 1' l\ n . 1111 th' fra grlln of violet Inng lll nct' oll twO l'n. r b BI! eh YOll, Icollochltll of a hlim ble b ' . g l'all l \liP' Ii (ra ~l'nno'J to trossur In Ill)' tO Il, b.' ". CIt ' " rt I hil L." I'ho III1 Kw ' re el, rig· orous ly. "You III list not l\Iuk ' beltov to lIle. nob 111101 I ,}I'C pructlcnl peo· (lIe. '\v know t h mnll Ul((I1ll Ill. 111101 li lt> to sell th e ~(W ll e H.'t . nUd Il I1 Ih j ew e l~ 10.10 out III th e rud e g llll' ot ,tny ,·' . "Yoll have th e reO I- I L 1111' , I hesC'c;>r-h ),011 , hu I ' r. It ltlo frug l'llIlC'" Wllh ill Y trlnka·b lIeve." o<:y .. I Illl\' I b r a l." · 6h 8ald wit b n low r ~on llnc ot VOice. " If l he Poet ('b OIHS th e .... hole worl!I, 1 t him cheal bllll R If," ''The lOmb II! elllp ty. And mu t go." " Tit tomb Is 8m pt)'," b e ack.nowl· orlgo(\ . " Not \' n as hes ." _ ho IJllusecl s~ th doorway. " We hnve tn.lked 'n great Iles l o( I\ons a s ,'. 8h said. "It Is refros hln g to tnlk 110nS nse wilen one 18 prac II 1\1." ' . "Whut can ouo ,ta lle bu t nonsense"to an EIt ?" be as ked. An d 8he W lit dowa lO the world ot purple haze 8110 III )' t l?rlou8 IIgh IJI stringIn g lhe streets. n weut bnck and l>az (\ at lho Iv.ory b OK: Some at lhe sbnllows had tnl II Into Ills face . Two months a ft rward th e PO(lt trh)d to do SOIll thing only r emotely a\:ln to poet ry IIll el tnll d. A small c hlhl. lecl by ,a IJu tter'ny, follow ed Itet pnss lminte desire acr08S til track , of a runaway horse. 'l'he child, uncon· sclous of tile dlluger, crossed sufely. The Poet, who care,l for Blllall IleOI)le. clutch ,Il at tho s 'verlng reins. He. mi ssed the r eills, but reached tbe last Imowletlse of nIL Bob t:aID e hom grlll'ely to th e Elf. He 1111d been to th e 1;'0e t'B room,' " Ill hIs wlll" - wltll th em tb e Poet was always linn amell, Cor thoro was only ono "he" so In'Umate-"ho II s ired n little carved Ivory box stnnctlllg 0)1 th o tOI) sh elr of l he bureau to he . burled w Ith him. I t01)1! It Ilo wn . Ilud the \lp opened. t nsld was a water color sketcb unfinlsbed. It was YOUI tace. ElIC." Sh opened bor bIg blu yes will' sUIldan lIIullllnatlon . "Th tomb of th h art of tho Poet ,'· sh e whl~llere d, ve ry sofUy. So UI Ell( 1m w the. Ins t ot th e> Poet's n!y s t e rle.~.
Sylvan1l9 O. Vo'rr1l1, Milford, Mo., lays: "Flve yenrs ago B bnd InJur)' pllr{llyzBd me alld affocl d my klll· n eys. My back hurt me te rrIbly. and th e urlue was bad· Iy disordered. Doc· tors s wd my right IUdney was pract!· cally dead. ' Tbey saId I eould neve r wolk , ugaln. I read ot Doan's Kidney Pills tind began usIng tltem. One boX; made m e atronger and freer trom pllin. I leept on Us Ing them and In three mOAthB was 'able 10 get out on crutches, nnd the kIdneys we re actin g better . r Improved rap· Idly, di scarded th e crutcheB an'd to the wonder of my friends was soon completely Gured." Sold by al\ t!ealers. 50 eElnt B a box. Foster·Mllburn Co., Buttalo, N. Y. A MATTER OF HEREDITY. Agnes Ha d Only Followed In the Foot· steps of Her Mothe r. E~n If there had not been kern els of rico on h r hn l alld u g lad I1ghl of love In h er eye any bache lor could hal'O to ld thAt oho was a hrlde. Aud Lbe mann r In which s h s poke to her huslmnd s howed Llley had not been 11 !'lrr I d lo og. A mun In tlte passi'lI!; crowd 8ph)d tb e co uple, nnd I'ush dov er 10 gree t tbo brId e. " \\ e ll, woll. .Agn '5." h crl d, ex· te lldln g hI s hand , ';yoll don't mean to soy th at YOII 'I' mal'rl ed 7" "Wh),-wh),. yes, " lho gi rl sla m· mored. vlvlel color m oua(lng to her ch(>C'ks, as sh t rl d to d t Del her [l ol'el s ltllallo\l . " You-you koow, 1\ runs In tb farolly. Mo lber was mlU' rl cd, too."
- -- ---
NO SKIN LEFT ON BODY. For SIx Months Baby Was Expected to Ole with Eczema-Now Well -Doctor Said to Usc Cutieura, "Six month~ after blrlb my littl e gIrl broIl Oil t' 'lIh czema. and 1 had two doc to rs III at.tcudnllc . There waB not a pa rtlcle or skIn left on he r body, t he blood oozed ou t just anywh ere, aud we had to wrap he r In s il k and carry ber on a 1l1l10W rol' ton weeks. She WIIS t be mosl terrIble sight I eve r s aw, and for s Ix mouths I looke d for her to di e. I used e ve ry known remedy to all evl· ate her Buttering, tor It was terrible to witness. Dr. C - gave h e r .u p. Dr. B-- r ecomm ended the Cutlcura Rem dies. She \l'1U soon be th ree y ars old and has nev er had a sIgn of , the dread trouble since. W e used about eight ,cakes , ot OuUeura Soap and three boxes of CuU cura. Ointment. James J . SmJtb, Durmld, Va ., Oct. 14 and 22, 1906,"
"Vou hav found me out, Elt;' b saId , sob rlr. " It renll y II! ,all nrt- all gol.1 ntHI c rcnm. nnd bIg margIns anr! tri ck. l p her flom tim s I hove a r g ular orgl of bolng myself. 0 on ReOt; me but th e 6tnrs-1 open UlY wIn· dow R t.o th tn. nnd th ey ar horribly !lhnr k ed, un. 1 drnw cloud s 01'01' th em· 801 os Cf\llckly. I rond e,'enlng papers lind my bo.n II·boole by ' th a Id of ' a l amp that Illumln '5 alld doeB not chok lI1;ht." She c lapper! her hund B. H took un t he s lim vo.1l1m "Th an nrc well doue, nren' t th y? 'Ve know lhllt, nnd we know tbllt tll ey are fraucl s . Becilulle I hav flO h eart." "Becaus e you ha l'e no h n r ~: ' the Elf r oneated.' "1 wond er w!tnt It teels like. Is It U11 act ing harad 5 ?" "Not Ilulte." ~ - -- . In a Fall RIver Factory Family! "But It Is m'n klng beli eve ?" Anol,her family, the P erOSlS, ,nakes ''Yell-III Jl wny. It Its mukln g be· I1 0ve 110 well tllat somotim es ono call a pretly goad grnll e of ch [lc1l'e n's bose f/!'e Lhe gal'll on nlthoug h .olle Is out· II11Pllortors. 'This Is .\lald for at 7D s Id e wIth th o bore. bald wall between. oents th e gross, This [lrOfl L Is 90m . And no c harn.h,'s e ver did tho -mnk c- what e xa ggerllted, sInce Mrs. Pe rost m \lst bu yout or every 7& 'onls oneb" lIev Il ul te IIIle that." 'The Poet'R volco had odd cad ence s spool or white cotlOn. The 'ontl'aetot supp" s one sPOOl oC COllon with each . In tt somelllll S. "Perlllllls some da y l'OU will . <lIs· grOIl!! ot work, but It Is only halt enollgh. as 11 0. ve ry lI'e l1 knows, au d cover It." , MI·s. Ferost knows that he .kuolvs It. "Perh aps." ..'And come Into t he garc\en. Bob ?<rinnle Perost, aged nIne , Is the ollly clllld old enough to help. Wbe n she nnd ] will come to meet you." eom"s hom e from solloo l !tlte wor ks. "It you ilee me.'.' ' and between tl)em tbey a ra about 75 "ot co'u rsc we sball nee you?" "']1hero ' muat bc bundreds wander· cents a day. They have to work \Jre t. Ing rouud , let ' In on: sufferance. ,The ty s te adil y. Mrs . .,al'oat ',bns five cbll· gardener has s81d to the~: "You can dren. TIle t\\'o oldest boys a re lu t he ' bave ,a look round, but you mustn 't ClIlhollo protectory, and In h er ae()ret tou h ,' 'I1hat 18 , depressing. ' I don 't h eart M ra. Perost 18 g lnd ot t he fact. think you wOIild recognize me It I 'J'he two youngeB t boys. s Ix and seven. werll one of th.e depressed; 1 should have long sluce poase d completely be chastened by a humility unttJ wbloh from he r cOlltrol. They are called bad I WIIS not born," boys even In this n elghborhooil. This "An(\- . Oh, what 18 ' t h at quaint old beCore they are old enough 10 ente r box ?'" . . Bchool. . She pointed to the tdp s helf of the When a motber worka all, a ll Ihe bureau. An Ivory bOK. yellow wIth time. what opportunitY has s he iO 'ells ' IIge, and carvell all over by In.lIan cl(lline her ehlldren ?-Rhela C . .oorr, ' figures and rndlan patience rOste d In Broadway Maga.zlne. tllere In an exalte\l lone . To Preserve HIstorIc Abbey, "That," he answered, s lowly, "Is a E ng lisb Ilullel's announco tha t the box." . She laugbed a happy, IrresflOnslble Cund fnr Ihe \lll i'ch nR'O IIl1rl preSI\~va· laugh, with something of Inquiry In It. tlon of Glastonbury abbey is 1I0W com· " It Is B curIous premature lIarcopha· plete. Glastonbnry obb 'Y Is On of U e gus," he coutlnued , wIth tbe woollen most Ill tereslinl; buildings In Eng· land. Ac cordIng to the I golHl . .Tosol,h voice of a guIde. She '\Vheele d around and stared of Arlmathell went thith er. bearing t bo Holr a ral1; ' nnd falll1d ed tho first at It . "I do not know' what you mean. but C.brlstlBI1 churcb In BrItaI n. 'The pres· It you stand on this granclfatherly ent abhey W08 buill by H enry de Dlolo chulr YOU' can band It: down to me. In 1180. A QI,,'lnt Sto!,), Is told at the Then I CaD bold Its mysteries and abllot'a kI tchen. Stlme ot tb.~ " old allbets u8ed to entertain ao lavltll}ly that know," " You are like a huge humble bee In nn Englll!h monarch threatelled the tbe web of a diligent 'and respeotable destrnctlon ot theIr WOOden kltohe n. IIpldel". Xou have broken down my 80 tbe monks buJlL a IItone kltrhon, little laborloull web of mysteries all wIth walls aeveral feet lhlck, which but · one sUII1I1 cOrner. You must not they thoUgbt would ~Ithltand aIBllllt8. The kitchen eltl.ta now tn a good .tate !mow that." "Thea do more .bowman, pleats. of preaervatlon, Four oseD couW be routed In It a~ once, botor.l ",."
- -,.,.---
"II, little
- -----PAMt;'ERED.
ThOBe "ho hal'e vlsltCld Call1lda are alwuys Impressed wltb tbo strIct ob· servan ce t/lat Is given to tho laws ot (he country, ana tho or<l I' tbat Is preserved e verywhere. The edI tor Qr tb e Gazelte, of Fultoll. Nev., rect!ntly .Tones-You never b ear of a fat paid a vIsIt to W e,stern UU lldll. He crlmlrtai. do ),ou ? WIlS so Impressod wIth lbe ontlillons Dones- rtaln ly not. Vlole hoy/' th ut be saw everyw h ro, thot on hIs ql ffi \llllt Il would be tor II. stout person return home h e was In uplr d to wrlLe to s toop to llDythlng low\ as follows: "Ro\'e\'o nco nn !1 r S(1Qct COl' law Ii! a domitl olit cllaTUct 'l'IaUe Tho Rea l Place. o~ the CanadIan peoplo. Whl'rtJ \' I' F!1'8l Amntc ur F'ls hermnn-Wbere one goes In COllnda, wlllethe r OURt or II! r 'ally the best plnce lo g l Ihe w st, Ule law Is SU[ll'em . 'l'1l Inw la bes t lrout? ob red beeau3e It Is In w, so Illlagly, Second Ditto (connel nllall)' )-]n lind not because vlolalloll carrlos a any first·clus fisb ma rket.-Baltlmore pennlty. Cnnada entore:es tll III wand AmerIcan. mnkos every law o!feeUve. No coun· , ~IlCIOus-c-n1t-e-s-and -p-a-s-tr-l es are pro· try Is lllore tree ihlln Canadll. rn nnme Cnnada Is a dependen cy of til e Dl'lt. Iluc d by tho use of . ouders' r am of Ish rown. In fact, i t Is almost a Tarta r Dak lll g Powd I' nn.1 So uders' Ihlrd republic. All Its taxes are vot d, F lavorIn g Extracts. All goM grocc rl es. collec ted nnd 6Xpellde d by t he DOl1lln· Ion and lhe provinces. The nominal It wo go t e l'eryl hlng we prayed ror bead ot the Oovc l'UmelJI Is th e Gov· the ear(h wou ld hav e to b e nl nl'l,{'d ernol' General, anllolnte'd by ,till) Eng· la order to make room t or our II U D~ ·s· IIsl'c Crown. Pmcllcaily hIs only a u· alons. lIlorlly Is to ,. to the ac ls or parlla· Pe t ti t 's Eye Salve fo r 25c. menl, Which h e scarce ly ol'er exe r: R cli ,. " Ijr d. COIU!CAtcd, l"fill1ll ,1 amI clses. CunUda gives I10lblng to t.he Fore en!!!, I]lIickh' "top. cr \lrh,,~ . All support of t he En glish g ovcrnment or Ilntggists or Howie I'd 131'0.,; HlltTnlo. X. Y. the Engli sh kin g , Sh gives En gland Mon oy Isn't o\'sryth ln g In th e world, t he advnntage In t rade r egul ati ons and tarltt laws, al\(I In ret.urn r ee Ives tho but. It's dIffi cult to realize ulls tll1l7 l)rotcctlon at tbo lJrltl!;h army nnd lin less you ha VI) mOD cy. !lUVY. Cnnalla enjoys th e Ilrotec(Jon wl t hont sharIng In tlte expense. " The sal of liquor I s, str! til' ro,;u· .Iat d. Nono but l10t j·keo pors IIlay obtaIn II censo lo v nd lhe sl lltt, und . One troublo wIth a t Ig htwa d 13 be fore a IIcenso call be s~c urc d un ap· tbot ho dO.()SQ·t '::"~ who_,knows It. pll cnnt mus t IIro\'o good chnl'llct c r and " I r s . 'V ltlll o'W'H Saotltll1 t: fZyr nv. provIde t IVou.ty roo ma 111 hIs lavorn for the accommod ation or gllesls. The ~~~ ~I~~tr:~~&;?r.~t~'I~~i, :'rt:~::V I!I~ ~~:~~~ ~I:r~~ bar·roollls c l o ~e at 7 o'clocll Sat urday How we di slike to nccep t a favor evenIng ontl I'e mal n c los d until Mon· (1'0111 a \le rSOD we dl 611k ! day ru orillng. The schOOls nnd chu rc hes In 'Ves t rn anadn 'xcHo r.dlllll'lltlon. Th ough new, Wester n Canada Is n ot god less. Tbo fin es buildin gs In every to wn oro j he churches. Next COOl" the school h ouses." Turning to tho wh at fi elds o~ West. ern Canada, the ed itor of t!;.e Luor I ( Neb.) Advo ate of Se pt. 17th BU)'S: '( have often thouG,ht thtl lhe rouso n thnt lhe chnraclers of Chnt'les the'~stem Dlcke1ls are 60 Impressed 11 \1011 1.110 unl~Di minds of bls reud el's I,s beeallse he dwolIs upon them so lon g · tlnd de- ocHes Ju.e to scrIbes them so minutely Hlat by lhe .Acts natu ..a~, acts fru,!y as time one bas wad ed through llis long drawn oot I1tol'les til y are so bnrned aLoxntive. Into his bru in Ihut h e cun ne ver torgc l them. ] l was this way wi t h tbe Cana· dIan wheat fields. Hn (ll we ollly seen ren- ounR..find a te w tlte memory ' ot tbem ml gbt bave worn away In ti me, but a long drawn out (;XP rl ence such ' 8s we ' had Alw~y's bu~ Is su re to leave an uneffoceoble 1m· ~ pression. Never whil e we li ve shall we forset the Canadlnn wbeat fi elds. Tbey call It tbe granat·y oC tile BrIt· Ish Empire, aDd we dou't hlame 'em. Nohody who has s eon. t hese whe at fi elds cnn wonder at their e nthusiasm." thp It Is worth while 10 ree:ord t.hat t heso by front or ",vorl {'~C"II.~ • fi elds have now been hon'cuted, and SOLD BY ALL LEAOING DRUGGISTS, In mnny cas s yl Ids B I~ high forty one size onlY. r"8u1ar price 50t p •• hottla. nnd ·fifty bush els per a.cre have been mark ted •. while the general average hilS been awol' abo ve :ZO bush els per acre. ' Oats and barl,ey lin ve also dOlle well, und the profits, ,the prices of graIns being hI gh , l,ave paid the E.nglnes, Boilers, Saw entire cost of th e farms of many a Mills, Corn Shellers, Cotfnrm er. Thor Is now 160 acres of land given awuy, In odll!lIon to tlle ton Planters, Stocks 160 acres that th e home!!tcade r may Agricultural ]mplements generally, purohase at $3.00 nu a cre. Parllcu· Send for FREE CATALOGUE S, lars of this as Willi ns the lowest rnll· A, B. FARQUHAR, LId., York, PL wny rates will be gIven by the Canadlan Governruen Agent.
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AP rr~c\ Hemrdy for Cons liJlll' lioll , Sour lo mac.h , Diarrhoea, Worms , onvulsions ,feverisbness and Loss Of' SLEEP
- -- ,,---
~~~Elixir~fSennn , Etiedpels Co\dsandl1eaJ.
Be~OI.MenWom~n and. ChJd·
~ oet ~ts-tlenxficiolEffect8 the henuine which has'lhe fiill name the Com-
ra~CALIFORNIA w~?-:& ~l!~W::ri!2f!~
Mrs . Newrlch-Will your hounds fol· 'ow a rox? Newrlch-Why-or-I think t hey would If tbe fox was dressed anil cooked. One the Three. "Well. tbere were only t bree boy. In sobool to· day who could answer one questIou thllt lhe tellche'r asked us," so.ld a proud boy o f eight. Anti 1 hOliO my boy was one of tbe t1ire ." sn1<1 Ih proud m,other. "YOII be l l was," ans we red YOllng HOl)e ful, :'and Sam HarrIs and Harry StOIlO we re til e olhe l' lWo." " I am v ry glad yon proved yourself 80 good a s ho ia r: my son; It makes yonI' mot he r proud of yOII. \Vh Ol ques. tlon dId th teuch I' as k, Jobnn le?" ., 'Wllo brokc ,Lbe g lass In the bOck window?' "
F ortlLmOIl . ..n
An IntellIgent Child, . A small boy was p layi ng wIth the ' scissors, and hIs ltlnlll y old grand· moth er ch l.lnd him. "You muso 't plllY with the scissors dear. I kuo", a IIttlo boy like you who was plnYlng wIth a pall' of BclaBors just like th at pulr. and he put th em In his eyc Ilnd Ilut hls cye out, and h e cOllld never seo anythIng after that." The tJhlll1 listened \llltlently, 'and nnld , wb en she got through tbe nar· rntl\'e: "Whnt wns th e tnatte!' with bl. otber eye?"-Byslander. NEW L.IFE Found In Change to R'lght Food. Arter o'ne sullers fr oil! acid dyspepsia, GOllr s tomllcb, for months and then nnds tho r emcdy Is III gelt lng the right kind of toa d .!L!JI.-6omet.htng to speak out nbout. f ' . " A N . Y. Indy nnd her yo ung son h ad sucb an experlenco and she wallts olhern to know how to g'::'t re lief. Sho wrH es: ' "For about fItlt;!en mon1bs my IIlUe boy and myse lf bad sulTered wi th sour &tornru::h, We w re una ble to retain moch of a llyt'h lllg we atE!. "Arter 8uffHln g In this wny 'for so long I decided to cons ult a specIalist In stomAch diseases . . Just ead ot ,nco scrIbing drugs, he pul us 'bolb on GrapB·N uts and wo began ~o Improve Immed:alcly. "It was the key to a n e w life. J fonud we hod been eatin g too much be:lI:y food whiCh we could not dI gest. In Il Ce w weeks afte r ' comme lJclng Grape·NutB 1 was able to do my house. work. l wake In. the me,rolng with a cl~Br head and feel rO!8tcIl ,nnd Ilave no 801lr sto:nuch. My boy sleeps well and wRkos wilb 1\ Inugh. • "We hav e r egaIned our lost weIght and contluuo to oat Grape.Nuta for both tho mornIng and lIvening meale. We IIIG well aDd bllIIPJ' and OW;IJ It to Grape-Sutl." "Tbere's a ReaBon." Name "I~en by POllum Co" Battle Crhk. Mlcb. Red "Tho Road to " , .,11 ••" ' . "
... n d ell
d~l!. l onR
ulnt f tt,
t o t ho m n.k IH o:fOT' C!.ILt· nlo(t', wbul c.",.\ or ,' tl\.11. Cunthor'. Confectionl!r:l" 212 SI.lo SCr.ct, Chlca, •• IIL le
The Comfortable Sb e-J ohn, ' deal', the, doctor says I n eed a chtlnlle at cljmote. Her Husband-All right, tbe weatll' er mnn says It wlll be c older , to· morrow. Not Always What They Seem. Prof. and Mrs. Had ley were ou a traIn bound tor Ne w Yurk, where Yale's pres Ident wos to' 81)ellk before a noUonal convenllon. H ~ mBde US8 of the hour and 20 minutes he sileol In tbe train by rebearslng hi s ~iPeech In a low voIce; us ing Ills hauds 10 '\lm· ph aKlze .certa ln p IlS80ge~. A kIndly matron wllo Wll sitting dl· rec tly boblnd Mr, and !\frs. Hadley, an'd who had beeu ' watchIng and lis· tenln g. leaned forward and, Lapp- lug Mrs. Hadle)"' on the s110'-l1<!er, saId, Cool· lugly : "You have my sincere sym· I)alhy . illY poor ' womall; I bln-e olle Just 11 .." l:.!:n at bomo." ~ -Rllcce sll. erA,.. or OII !Q ClTr ov
T OLZllO.!
.,~'Ajt~~N~U~:k('.a 01Lt~\ \I~nklr J . (~ Ii XN£Y .. CO .. , doIng e1l,ororF .'TOledll • . Q)un t.~~ a Dd S 1.r!tc
FHA." "
Imtl;l1I.:r of 1110 !'1m, bu~I I1 e1 . In 1.110
atorc.1I4ki! . and that. M id ftrm
:':\y the aum o.
ON": I-I.USOnf.:l) UOLLAItSI fI" ~~~h r ritlt) t"(lr), ('AlII! or (ATAUIlIi that MlIllO&' lJe O' l red by t h cf U8U o t H ,ALll» OATAIUUI COO &' , .· R AJ~t{
I , QUEr<t;Jy.
Rwc;m 10 borON:! m t\ r;.nd !"Ut1tI'r lbail In my prteClDClC.!.
III It 't il ~.Y 01 IIe«n>w. ' A.
j --'-}'
' ~ I i , U5'MJ11
NO'UKf P DUI .la .
tn~m.U)· n..nd t.tta We bl()od and rrlUf'OUI IUrtUH o f Iht fur 1fttttmonlGIJt. tree.
• ..WhI. Send
,J) .. ..
' 6:ken
. '. J . O rt):;:>: I~ Y &: CO" Talodo. ·O sa'd h)' a1l Dnll:,::tau:. 1~ TU.o U:.U'. Fom l~)' 1~UJ,. Jor COQl'UJ)QUon-
--- ---
Spalla for Faahlon' . Followers. At auctions In Lon'd on durIng the las t hal! of 1907 lhere we re catalOgued for sa ~9,742 sklnR ~If !:tIro" of pal'll' dlle, early ·115,000 whIte , heroD plumel! and B vast n,lImber of , tbe llklns lind plumes of !II any, dher bIrds of beautiful plumage, Includlog alba· tross qt1Uis and the t of the Jne bIrd.
o Portland'..
And the straight way. Daily,service via Unio Pacific . frdm , Chicago to Portland. Electric Block Signal Protection-the safe road to -muull.!f: 'Pullm~n
Drawing Room Sleeping Cats, Pullman Tourist, Sleeping Cars, Free ReClining Chair Cars, Coaches and Diriin~ Cars.
Let me send you books ,fully describing Port-: hnd, the Northwest and the train service via
Union Paei
hoods. .....-~.---~--Illll1~
ri t>:
Ihl ,~ I !nhl h~r ' \' ou JrI le" t' )u' r l r ,.~ ~Ind .•• . ••• • 7' tHH' h Y f'li t ;Iw h. ru~t.',l an , '~ r "lIt' h
'or p uhllhi u nod
enul ,l ,·,·or CI\\l~ ~hl llll .. ....... . .. Now Sill' Is rat h \ One~
:tell .......... .... II. 811('11 , 0lt Pllnl! .. .. .. .. ()r ea 11
oh,' "'us all I"'r lusl Ii
. qu nrt m e..
Bill I ' ",. tQr!:o\t( .. ... ............... , II " " "'H I ;lucly. . ' 1'll ..... .......... .. ... ~ ell ~
KI@or, \-\ U1nlo u ilt .. .. .. ... 4 .· -.~i(l k AI
P lllted !tnd
T ~ ....... ....... ............. 7 < ell eh citltl fl1~ 1.1\ 8i7~ ...... . . < till h
P,\ un(l e r~... .. ............. t eH('h . rtJlin Pole Bra It et~ ..... .. ....7. JllIlr
~lulU o P ,U1s .. .............. ........ 7 ..
I q t.. '1'ln Bu ke t,lI .................. i t 6IIoh :.l ' . . .. .... ........ 7< 6II0b
;1 U , . • ••••• • , . . . . . . . . . 7"(\ eu oh tllk !-it r lliner.. ............. .... . ... Ie ellcb 2. l b Hllt ts r ·1'00118 ... .. .. .... .. . 4 Mch ~rob Brusbet! a!\sizes ......... 4 ~ elloh EUllmel Dippers L qt. 8I ze ... IIF ell ch ~ Ill' Fa woets .......... ....... .... 6f eaob Cuk e T urner" .. .... .. ... ...... .... .4 ~ el\oh
our line of 15c Candies, at . A POUND"'""..; . ·. .·. . "··~
Our sales Thanksgiving week were more than satisfactory. Our sales of SeaIshipt oysters' amounted to 30 gallons~ the largest sale of oysters we 'e ver had. This is evidense that the people appreciate quality.
W . H . An t ram. of Lebanon . who laus fo r th hUll Ilcted as San ta children of War re n 'ounty fOI' sever· al yea rs. ha.! i sued h i~ invitation to them and t \li ng t helll what . do. The invitation reads: "This is YOUI' invit ation, little one , to our h l'istmas at the Lebanon Ope ra H ouse. Thul'S(lay afte r nOon. December 24, 1908. " Old Santa Chl us " can' l look IlfLer all of you hi m~('l f. so again I a m to help hi m a u t . Bnd a ll J Ilsk yo u to do is to ee to it tha t you are here ami that no little one . is left at home . I t is hri tmas f OI' childl'en You don't have to li ve in a ny parti cular lo\vn shi p. county or atate. J ust bea child is all the creJentials you need. YOUT little chu b by fa will admit you to our Chr istma . He also says to the school child ren: Get your parents IlDd also teacher to go to the schoo l uoard and 8!!k them .to close school on Wedne day vening .· that you can be here aftern 011. Dec.em ber _4,
u lnn' I h ' l li Ih I' 1\ 111''''
Fan'y nllrul ew Yurl,l'rs , !)O' Il ' I' LU ~)l e). 2::il: Ii p' ·k. Extra guo!! couk '1" Pure J t!r~t! ' Swcet.~ al ;jOt
Uun 'l furg'et lu t.elephone u,; when you Cll r!! I'll I' t hose guod Oyste.·s. He lllellllJel', yu u cun ollly g'l:!t 1'('u l"h ijJL uf I1ll·
The Hamilton HI'own Co'~ Faillout! Household hoe for l.adies. Misse and Childrt!n. Get our prices befo re buying don 't fo rget to see us for Men's Felt B ots .Rubber Boo t~, Arlics f I' Men, Women an d child re n
a peck .
Men's Shirts
Men 's Underwear
See our line of M. ·" Dra'\.':! Sh irts. ne w .. yles a nd olor" Also Work hil'ti:! , the Cern line of hil·ls. vera ll!! ant! · J ac ket.s.
Hcuvy tleer '·linen a t 90 pel' su i t , the kind Y0I;I PRY $1.(10 f or
IStlwhere . A$k tu see oll r nion , ui ts at $1..00 and $1.1)0. If you have nev r wo rn union undel'lv ar try Ii s uit and you will never bother wi th a 2-pi c suit aga in"
Corduroy $2.50 D uck Cua t... now $ 1.9!l . $2.25 Duck Coats now $1.79 $200 Du ck Coats now *1.49 M n·s · Duck
1\ lil l ~,
III pr,v1\l1.(
' II
F .- AIH.1h:HH. WI,, 10 1111 lI ut ' li tt l"'11 I'
Ladies' Underwear t snu ~: . th
fi t'well-kind at
90c per sui t , j ust like oth rs ask $1.00 fOT
Good fl e~e· lined a t 25c per garmen t. . U nion 'uits at 5Oc . 75c and $100. Chil<;l ren's underwear in Ul1ion sui ts a nd 2 piece at 25c La 50c.
Burson RO$e for ludi s. Pickininy Hose for Boy!'l and iris Ask t o see them Wool H ose for Ludi es and
$ Iii' $ I A
$ ~
.\ ' 0 11
oi l
~ I\wk
1, .. I,'.rl IUI" " LI
1( 1,.... t1 ..
!'iull ,' !' wil l r l1 l11rlll,.' Lli i .. u fll o.-. 1I~ 1J1' tIN h,·1 ...." .. Howell ',o.tort IItl U :::lh tll' \Y ' ,d ' .. ~'I li (10, 1' pl"I"''!' r a llll'n to I ht - "IIi. ·.·
$ $
III I ' ''!
r ()O I" ~
1'111'11 1..11 .. ,1 1,,1' Ii \J U~ ... ICtlll)J iuj: t" 11 1· " '~ )J t·.O I, .. I,I" L"' IIP"O Al'I'llv ut ""'" ,,1110'" f tll· l tll'''rlll llr.illll
A HOUT :W y .. " d l lJl(~ \1·,1 ~(lJol l ~ l ' rllll!
I li ll l
yur u l
>( " ...
,f Ii' . 11 I::Ihl 'I,lk 01\10 , I'hUll l1 ;I~
h i lu ll'a
I ,
IXTEEN [( " 11111 H"I., I Bill' ElII,"IIIl ~h·.. ,.1 l,hlr t..v. II,' e V .. "I.... Ad(lrflHH Bllx i l l:l. i>1t.l Hllllrg . Pit ,
:-\ ...·lIh 5 tlOW m nth .. !l1I1.
$ $FA
I'IIlH 111' 1'1 t.W.' 1,1I1111ira ufU .1.
Rlo k!!. O I" I. hl.,,,(1
. fllee.
Whit... ()l'jti " l( l u ll Alli l r " H ~ 'IN . A . !.inr.
RII"H l e r~
R. D.
V ROOM h" l1~ ,lVlil l'r " II I.h 1' ''11 " II till' 1· ~ lU li l( h' ~ 1111 ove r 1,1111 hon . .. i{ IlII hurtl ; -I " r ill' II f hll1d. " II III g o oduulull t l o n . Jllqu l r ao l WIIltlllll
$ $M
P ure Jel'l-lpy weel PotH toes . in fact YOll can get here just M good and just as lIu'g a val'il" ty as in t he city
Fleece lin ed H o~e fo r all ' m embers of the family.
HII'~ " It!
liT ".... ,. I\' ku.
LO 'I' P ,\I H. ti l
$ 70
Mim .
~Il ..
h. v"
,·,1111 .. · \) " IU 1';. :-\· i'l 111 \- j ' '' '' "I '
Maplei ne - For making syrup use granulated !jug ar and f la· vor with Mapl ein l:! . Makes a ve· ry fill e syrup Others like il , why not yo u ? A fresh supply of Dri~d P rui lJ:l anned G ood~ with F' l'Ili ts and Vegetables. .F ancy A,ppl es. Banan as, rlm ges , Lemons. Cocoanu ts, Figs l'Ulisins . C urt'a n l ~. CitJ;o n. Crnnberriei\. Celery. New Nu \:!; j Ul;t
. '2 00 and $250.
,, ' I~ l'r;
III I ...
ua ls al U 76.
l) ,\ "'-r eun
,ti l " ,
1II1Y'- iI.V IIl' p l,\' l" o,( IoU W II\' U tl~
plion o MI'I';: I.. flY CJn r w tu.
Tho rp/<. A IJE J-j " I!, Old P nl"n I (J hln ~ .
# 3 ·o~ I~~·I~~H:~~ ~;n~ r'~~I~ ~l,' ~:;
At! printed in' the (:fll~tte latlt Entire changl) of pictures at Hahn's weak t he I08ti t nte ofIioer lUflt " t on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday .
the Wftynt'9vlllo NRtionul Blmk. nnd bad a good U1 lle~ in g . The ' office rs were all prose t, Rnd Wild e 1\ 1\ ar· 1908 rangenumkl f OI' t,h6 In til.ute t.o he • beld here III Jannary. The Frld"y m ornlll l( li nd af te r . noon ae8l'l10fl \\'11\ be he hl iu' Bahn a
('A 'r~ A
vll1 tl
the t reat lhere will be moving pictures, an orchestra to Waynesville, dispense mu si • Bnd a San ta laus . who will be presen t and help pass Ohio. u t the " g odies." MI'. Antrllnl hOPflS that all t he school!; in the county wi\1 cloEe on this day and go to Lebanon. and en· INSTITUTE COMMITIEE MEETS joy themselves.
'of the p.u.1,u",Bank the close
\\ In- II u.. l,.,.
••••• ••• • •• • •• •• •
Ont'£, 1 SlIl l P " t1 no \~~t\·v n 1'a
Ad", wUl l )e h uwr eml u n.1 .~r ~ h l:( . luo \,ld t UI' lW t- lIl )' thu Cl' ''t. tUI' tlll·~.· Ju,..,'rt hHl"
1 11111
CO\l u".. flll nl'li'll"$
1 l l ll\" ', Xlf lll t' huw,
'J'lIft lind tlund y In Advttn~. Dec ftluht>r \ltb Litany. tlermou and Holy CI'lllmonloll at, lp ::10 II.m. At 'j 11 h YIIIP ~e r\' i('e, the I'OOllnt.l m ,.be Otlllrll , Ill " HImuH nnd their SinKerti". Tbu 1Iymn t 111\ stlldl q ne. t SnndllY evenillg will b VhllTles I W a"luy 's " J llt' l1l1 Lover llf My 0 \11" '\1 will ding with til s pirit Dlld 1 will !llog ",il.lI t he unde rsluudlnK II I 0 ". I . 'or , xh'. 15. ~un flllY sohool !It 9 ::10 II . Il l. E ver .v bO(ly Il\ vl tecl to MII·tte er vi '£1
'. I)on't forget we 'still. give away with cash purchases Rocki~ .Chairs, Rugs, Lace Curtains~ Clolcks, Lamps and Dishes. Save your tickets.
Wilite's Store
IIn.l t w·) 11111
A. 1\1111111 .
IJlllrti " I
lnqu ir f\ o f
I ll " · ...
'·w " l I! " ",,,Irlu l' ( )"Y."flf\
111 .
Two. Dollars for One.
AkroH. Ohio, N ov. 24, OS.
... ---
J. W. White,
'l~111l 't,ookholderll of tbe Clti~n8 UOO.oo BllDk of Wavnet!ville. 0 .• will hold .. . 3 8,G16,2 'bell' annuftlrueetlng at their Bank. . Ing BOn e, MondllY Jannary 4th. 1909, .frolll 1 to 3 p. m lor tile porpoi!8of electing Director& for the en· . 15.518,0. BUing Yellr ; also liD. eleottoo to avail 6 o·~gg: 8~ tbemselves ot the entire provisions of ./B O\ISe Bill a:i." F. C. BaH.sook; . Oashler.
TRACTION MEL.ANOE Wbat will Wa:ynebville do to get trllctlon Une ~broogh here? Will 18 ~ , .ti&ll1lnllU'ti. they sit IIttll !lnd tllik of how nloe Il line wonld be so that. we could get . to Day~on or some olher .plaoe, or ·DlrectQ"'. 'Will they work to the eod thll.t they ':,-,F-- DANCE intend get it whetber or no. Wilmington realizes thftt a trlle. tlon line via BarveY8borg and Waynesville would be w~rth more tbe 1. O. O. F . .to thom than the proposed line trom There were Xenia to Wilmingt<?n and. wll1 work preaent, Knd ' bard to get the fir8t-named lino. Waynesville blls 'an ontlet to the ot ooiety Ilre world twice.\ day. bo~h east and and are wellt-in the ellrly morning and Ide fully enjoying at night. but wbo oares abeut goln~ is boped thlL t to Dl\ytOll unletlS they have a grl.' At! ~o forn~ of volome of bUijinellQ to' do, and .sw.Y' tot·be Ing all d"y. . But thi8 (\f~ument is aD old StOI),. to continue ·Let·s traction; at every me"l '.two weak" and until bed time; aDd work to thllt " erid to-dIlY Bnd a1l the time . . Il
Wavnes ville. O. Dear Sirs :- 1 authorize you to refund the money to any of your customers wbo can 8ay ~hl1t the y di!l not secure two dollar in reo • • 1 turn for $lach dollar invested j n Marked for Death nlflOllfllotnre 'Puper' hOllrd tnt: boxes ' my stock remedies. " 'I'bree yellrs ago I wo s<}l'llnd oartonll, ~trll\v hllllding paper. ·1 Yo~rs Truly, for deatb. A grllve yard cough WILli ) egg O!llle flllers, corrngated ' beard, .T. J. Fleck. teAring lungs to pieces. Doot.or8 s~raw wrl1ppiog pllver aod corn stllik fniled to help 'lDe, a nd h ope bud .flod, honrd fo r I! peOiil! l>Ul'pollll!l . The , Do You Want when my :tIUSbIUld got Dr. King's oompany Is Inoorpofllted n~der the Dl so ~ vAry." IIlIyS Mrs. A. ' . , . A good lanteru 'l One that New Wi\1i"ms, of Sao, Ky. " The fir t Klm lllls IItute IIlW for ~400, 000. dlvid , I wi11If~YI: . plentv 01 light, WODlt do~e ·belped me lind iDlJlrovemen~ ad Into 4,000.Elba.res. of ILOO eaob and blowout, will bl1rn 40 hour8 ~ith_ kept on untU I.htild gained 58 pouults there is llb~olutely no promotion welgbt and my hell1th wall fnlly fltook . 80 far the compllny has rEIout refilling. $ 1.00 buy thut in restoreil . ,. This mtlsloiDe holdi! t h o>. . lantern. world'8 bellllng 'reoo"l1 for ooug bs celVed gr&lt euo ()ura.gemeD~ and and ooids and )mDg and 'brOllt dis hIlS l1ispllsed or II lar~~ portIon of Quaker O.CI, 10 lb•. for 4Oc: e&88S. ,It preventll pneomonill. Bold thR stock, Tbey'nowantioip&tetbe Fresh Rol1e~ Oot,ts mllde by nnder gUarll~t6A B~t E. 0 SObwart~ 'a starting of the pll\ut not lll.ter· tlliln drug store. 60, ·and 11.00. TrUll. the first ot tlie yenr the celebrated QUllker Oats Co. bottle flee . ., - - M r. Egb~rt. wtll be attbeNatl onA.1 Spe lal prioe for this month. A N~W PAPE~ MIILL FOR KANSAS b ~tel tbe bala:ce.:f tbl8 week. 1908 Picklca, 8c: to 10e a du. Mr. ABIl M. Egbert, of KIlnsa8 5 barrel. of the "Go ld Medal" City, Mo • Is In Topeka tills week. . Prev,enti<l8, the ne.w Olludy ' 0 old brand pickles, !loth sweet and promoting the In·t erestsof the West. Core 1lIllleta. '\fe s&ld by drngghlts . . \ to Imve fonr speollll specUlo advlln· Bour. None better sold anywhere. ern Straw Protluots compnoy of I tllogell bver 110\1 fltller remedies · tor II. . Butohinson, Hi.Bnl., a. conoern orp:ll .j oold. ~Irllt- They oont~tn no .Qol. !4l\seed Oil. l5e per nized for tbe . ip~nufaotur6 of' pllpor nine. nothing harsh or slokenlng Strictly pur~ Oil, made from made from wbea.t straw BnG corn Second-They give almos~ Iniltant . cell8 l' oently reltef. Thlrd-pleu"nt to the tllste, flax seed oDh. Guaranteed bv et tLIta b Y Ii. new pro e lIk'e oondy:: Fourth-A li1rge bl).l tthe makers. Fres h supply. tested and rllClCommended 'by the 4 Preventios-at 2G cl'ntl!. Also U. S. Departl\'ent of Obomlstry. fine tor fRverl~h ohildren. !dold: by Pordand Cement. As is genera\ty known the matter Illl delllerll. We bllve on band ' about. · 50 of securing wood pulp for ~he mlln- -- - - .. bHgB of fresh "Alpbu " cement. ufacture of PIlPeI; is becomlDg alilrmW. C~ T. U. MEETINO 5~ per bag, with a rebate of lOc 1ngly 808rOE' and lit was tbls BOI.t.rOlt,y tbat prompted' the government to 'l'he. regular meetin/( of the W . C. per bal{. eltP.erimeot alonl[ the line now l)8r. 'C. U. will be bel(1 at tbe bome of Ora,l\gea. fected by tbi8 oompany. . Mrs . Nur.' Brown on Erid·IY. DolC6mn I.~the objeCt of tha oompany to ber 'H b. " . , Highly oolored, large size, JUICY, sweet, Flol'i,la fruit.
t-------..;..----GOOD THINGS TO EAT
.Fresh Baltimore Oy~ters
Pop-Corn POppers, lOc.
Special . for
Corwin and Waynesville,
'SATtrRDAY . 0. n Iy
A ,' l' emedy for red :stove lids. ..
,I.W. Wkite.
Waynesville Mills
................. WAL'rE'R MCCLURE, Funeral Direc'tor.. Telephone cl'llY or' nlgn,t.. . V&lIey phone No. 7:' LOnt( . Dleblnce 'No, 611-1r; .' . .
Fancy SWt.!et ·FIQrida .· Qranares
,.; .
200 doz on sale this week at 15, 20, 25 and 30e .a doz.
Bring ,Us Your Butter and
Pure Ground Pepper, Pure Saltpetre, Dema~'ara ")ugar, 5c a lb., New Orleans Molasses, SOfl" hum. Lard Cans. M~at Cutters, Sausage Stuffers. Lard PresSel; Meat Jara, 1 gallon to · 20 gaHon, Pure Rubbed Sage.LiqUld Smoke, Belt Sleam, etc., etc.
$:l~85 Owt.
100 doz ' F~"ey Red ·S ahulin,. at 'lIe a cao';-$1.25 Pe~ etoz. This Is blood-roo ~Imon' alld ever1w~~re ~t 15c I,Itraig:ht. . Don t miss thIS chance to buy at less t~an prCSE\nt· 'whole· sale prices .'. ,
Select Oyster.; 4Oc.
Svpplie•• ~hi.e Baum.
; ·Old. Proces$ ' Oil Meal
Try these and see how good a cracker can be macle for tlte money. :
A big stock of 'reeords always 011 hand
a nice 'as. sortment of APPLES, SWEETS, CJ\BBAOE, . ONIONS, BANAN,AS, LEMo:- . ONS he~ a,nd. prices rliht ...
We now have tbQse large ovsters, ' put up io cans. . Solid rueuure. None better nlly where.
Waynesville, Ohio.
Yo~ can always find
The new . ) go,} ' P oppers. ~bcet irnn pan with elidIng' perfot'!lted lid.
,'ilk Bi.euit,' Sc
New Cluster Raisins, ll>c: a Jb Malaga Grapes. 1Se a pound New Dates ana Figs, JOe a Ib New Citrun. New Mince Meat Drled Peaches, tOe and 12Y.c Dried Aprieotr.. 12,Y.c and 15c Fancy)' ellow Peeled Peache8, 15c a ean ' Ohio Canned Corn, &- 2 for'l5c New Brl Penny White Fish· New Cod Fi8h~-1 poul'd Bricks New Oata, .. cents a pound New Hominy, 3 'pounds for JOe Marrowfat l' ean8, 6e. a ' pound Red Kidney Beans. 6c il pound New Buckwheat-It's Pure. .4Oc aBack Leno". Star and Jall(on Soap, 3 bar,s for,lQc ,
Prices, $12.50, S25.00, $35.00, $55.00 Come in and g e l a catalog.ue.
If you invest in an EDISON PHON. 9GRAPH. becnu it will .affoTd mote plealjure to mOI'e p pIe for a longer time than any g ifL you can select. . '
'New Ooods-Fresh and Seasonable
One . applica~io'n will last mor'e than a ·month. Will never burn off.
ZIMMERMAN'S OF COtlRSE ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! -
WERNTZ, Sole AgeDt.
• • I!r ........ nIIef " . ~ "ILLJ Dr•...,'. . . "'.. 'IL
WAYNESVIllE; OHIO. ~~aneh Offic:e, Har~eY8bu~. O.
Orthodox . Frlendli Churclt:·-
'{te" . 1l~'IJJau;hl Ita~tlIJ8:Pa8IcJr. . Sall1.tIlUI s ubool , " ,UU :I. Re)(ular ellll...,"
servl ..... 10 :all
u , QI .
I!:ll(lell YOT.
'7 ::l0 p. Dl.
. .' Hlckslte Friends Chun:h. '. :'
. Firs t OilY Al'e etlnlt. 10 :00 II . m. . Fl "~' DpI Se hool; 1I ;00 a. 'n. Fnunh ' Day .MeeLt'Dg • 10 :00 a . ....
Chrlatlan Church. . Suoday Soh09l , 1/ :81/ . : IP, Soolal medIn~ l. iO ,flU a ID., a nd Chrlsllan lilndeavor• . ' :OU p . on
. Methodist EplJCopai ,.C hurch. Rev. w. '1'. ·aUIIIIlDlI. PUlor. Sund..y S~huol. 9 ,:lu 11. III. Momlnl( 8e" vice. 10 ,30 a. m. Elpwor~h League , 7 : 0Q p m. li:v(tnlng ~ ervlc<l. 7.,:10 p. m. MIdweek PI' .yer MeeUnl[. 'I: 10 II. m,
St. Mary's E;llCOpaI Church. Rev. J, F , cad"aUader. Rector SUDda., School. II :30 to, m
MornlDI ler·
"Ice. IU :30 •. m • .flYeDIIIII MIIr"lce. 7 p. rD. HOI, ComlllllDloa ~he Dnl $IIDda}r 0' eacb IDDlnb.
-- -
, ~
"""'SWoIHrtMPb' .....w' •• ·. .
oel'ety . Column
Lingo's Column,
Who Hils Worked His Way Tv M1'. Lu wrenue :--R.1. ~:. ,hnney WO!1 in Uinoinnoti ;ogers. moro fa. · A tligh Place In Thc ~ail. I MondllY. ."' " ' II. , .. " •.~"'"' mlllio.rly known Il!S "Ln.rry," died ~~e Springfield News has. the folBumlny [nornlng all; 1 :30 o'cloclr, at low mg. to say about the Whlte] eyCo road Service. I PIII' II' p HOllkinli' WII" n We wa nl lo ruu\< lblH ooluwn of tht operatIve Co mpany, 0 f W hi ch ethr e Leh!lDon Gaze l '" "lea.lIn" (eulure this wInter. ""(1 his home in Dodds. as hos been . a ,k' . t h'IS nelg . hb orIIl1r frlenUN t.o K~IIlIIIl. HocleL.Y ~ven". fllolling for a long time wit.b 110 oom. are a grea t many In Mr J ohn BU il t!I'IV orth W hom a Fridll .1' lin lin 11)8119 good many people h l' ,still I'em m· :Prllf ' H. 'llrey WIlR In r.ebano.n pllO&~ion of dt~ellsesl,ll~d death oame hood who were " Stung': by him: lI1i H' . ti k . 1 Sunday to relleve 'h Im of hili bo.1lly The real estate owned by the FarC it uar, sends us a paper withan ace lint. loin t.o rtluy 1.1 11 hUijinell!:l . of which Iw ill ,vel'Y much inLCl'tlSteJ · \ " . . II; url"lat 1\ \V e .mterta ID Ol · \ l , C .,. H . M . ommon y t fJ lI 1\0.1 tabl8spoon8 • • ., ' . • Ml:l" .II\I ~I(. .I ones WUH vlsil.lug rol. Ilt ollrtlll Thlll'~<lay evening in fI, 11e- Rutferlng IT!tlrs o-Qperadve arvestmg a· t Li ' . tn, nnmely, the Railway (;1 rk • el - I IIIIVI'~ IU Xt1nia lust week 1 to' 1 'rb Tbe fU;leml t Ol k gl'lloe Tues"oy chine company, w.hich .is now in. the· ·1\ ngo s_._ _ _ _ __ !:I I.U 11111 oller. oso preBent " t I f Rec T I vice" . " . M' Btitt lh' 'd t f i Mr . I\JIf.l Mr~. t;. L. (Jllrtwrigllt were, Mls~es Donna Bl\wke Dorll- morOing nt to 0 '" ~ at the Ch i9 con ro 0 elver C. S. Olinger 00 cllests. skates n,ou sleds at r ' l dcrOIVor blS pi es I fenI ~_ . w/,ro lito L.. hIlIlIlU 111 1'<1, 'l'liurtldny. thy Ollkir teJhL Lemmon 'Hen ri tillo ohurob, till' • IU'ch he love: s,; anld ~hich will be sold at. receiver's Lingo 'Il. t he PI'Sort an, areg., rane h 0 c r"",, , J. O. CHrtwright tmnlllloted bllSI- ett/\ MoKlntioy. " muking good officer. Editb I Mosher, we I,and was oond uoted by 'be Rev: sa e. In the near future . ' h as been ap- . Splendid lap robe8, borse blanketa and .. Le" M J ' l:l b t II ,J. F. COd"VR Ilnder . PI'.alsed and the report o . f the apprais- ado . h ' t' t LI • uflnOD llist Wednesduy, eS8rs. el'lI tlonrs. er er .Ht ,~ ers filed in common pleas court. n ea ers a ngo S. The excerpts following are taken I 1I08f1 10 from the Sunday regoniun : I LI'I.?\o Moore bllli ret.urneil from a sook. Ronoh] Bllwke, Arnold Collett, . Interment wus mude In Mil\mi There are ten tracts of land, each Only the most IIkllled workmen •• '1 stH'VWtl · '1 "illil to hUI' ')ro'h~I' ut '1IIIlllon.(). Freel BI1WI!(;I ulIlI Ben Bllwke. Cemetery. .1 ID tl Ie ' ' ,urnmanl t y ' 'I wilY "'UI e at .le u v v of which was apprf.\ised by John V. ar 0 eml)1 oye" Th R Ur.lUd !:loltuny Opflllillg Sd torilllY, Mr~. (Jloru Lewill IL'na Mrs. Wlil . .JOSEPH K. GRIFFISS Bishop, O. N. Bartholomew and Jos- l:'ilver" FooLory. Unit.ed Stsltell is ol:gllnized with gen. ral headquarters at Wnshington, D. U~C ruhel' l~th lit J . E ,llInney!! . ter CIllrk unu dllughter LuoUe of - .- - eph Allen, who were appointed by the 'I'he "Oo-m- n-l-u-n-lt-Y-Id-I-Iv-o-r" Faotory Dr . /lutl Mrs. Bathll.wl\Y IIolri ved Lytle, spent, Il\st 'I'bor8d~y with .Mr. At tho 1I0hool bOlllle Deoern~r 16th court to fix the values. Their re ort har. been estllbllshed for over hll.lf a C.. and divisional h~a.dquarters at given the third In tbo'IS as f 0 II OWS.. P B'"vSt on, New York CIt y, - A'I • an ta ,borne fron ColumbUS. Ji'rill'!I,y evon- and Mrs. Harry 'l'nvlor tn Miamls- will. be f tb oent·Dry. W~hin~ton, Cinci~nati, Chicago, ing. burg. serlSS I) e leotum oODrlle. J . K. First tract $8.050; second trac.t St, LoUIS, San FranCH~C(). CaL; Cleve Mr /lDd MrtI A. E. Wellpr, of ' Griffis will ten the story of ~Ilban, $3,060; third tract $12,000; fourth Argeu.tlDll oroam and lup;ar sets land, St. Paul and li'6rt Worth,' 'I'e:<- lJeDtHrville, were visitors in town Til MtslI :villi Sawke o.nd Ele an Indlsn. The story wlll be told tract $2,825; fifth tract '41,940; sixth at Lingo·s_. _ _ _ __ _ :1.';. There are about 16.000 clerks MOJolloy nor Ellfnhnt were entertalne'd at grIlPhl?~\ly, Ilnd the ,Interellt never tract '2,100; seventh tract 1200; "Community Silver" deSigns and and officel'!l, 14,000 assigndtI to d u t y ' th e huOIo of Mr. lind Mrs .. lllff Mor. lugs. Ihe Boston titl\r says: No eighth tract $1050' ninth tract '400' pdterns are more nrtlstlo and beau· L A ~IIIHuerIJIIUI Wfl~ iu UIDUlu I\L 11 1:-Inlll1nv tllllner. lecturer on the Asseml)1 Platform tenth tract to'tal172 525 ' tiful thtlO you will find In any othin railway mail cars anti 1000 as transfer clel'''s and in supervisory Duti yt/!!ter(lIlY bnylng Chrilltmlls gave better eallsfllootlon , All f th b' I 'ta·· I ... ruOl II:!' • _ .. 0 e a ove rea es te IS o· er ware. Just step In Ilnd 888 them J( ·rt1 . ·LIIII '1'lIorlllll\ evening .a bout fifty SOMETHIN<l GOOD eated in Clark county, the Fairfield Ilt Lingo·s. capacities The occupation is inclQded in ' the A fine a sor hnept of bibles at frienus of Dr, anu Mrs, Lang, of ' ___..... county land having been appraised A!lk tos-e-e-.b - -e fa-m-au-s- Roob08ter, price!! that Ilre rlgbt und rbal!onllhle. Ridgeville, ollme In on tbem and Say, does your nlc)uth ever several weeks ago. Civil Service. and to enter it is Jlec, r E J water ATgen~lne and· CommuUlty Silver. essary to pass an examination 're-" . aonoy. gllvetbsmajJenulsflsnrprlse. The fOl'somethlngl!ood to 'ellt? Well, • _. tLI • COUNTY TEACHE~S ware a _n_g_o_a_._._-,-_ quiring. at least an academic: educa- I Mr. nud Mn. Ohos. Shlduker and tlvenlng WIIS spent In oard playing, jast try th089 seal8biipt oysters that blon; there is I}lso a strict physical son Kurl. of Barveyabul'g, wore in games and Oonversdlon. All bad Walter l{libon lIe.ep!!, and-well, You are invited to 'look over tbe (lJUUTlination, and th standard in tOWD &lturduy . I\n elel!o.nt Mme. you'U ellt three tiDles U8 muoh us Tbe following Is the program for Xmas stock of bellutltnl thlDI(8 a" you want t.o. Tbe."'. IIore. .oertainly tbeTeaohers' As oclatlon to be held Lingo'8 whether you wiab to buy or this is higher than that required to "My Girls"-bY Lonis!t M. Aloott. . ~r . an" Mrs. W. H. Allen enter. .r i L t enter our Army 01'. Navy. When -ro"oll\r "rice $1.50, onr IJrice onl.v fine. Wh.Y? We Know, n eb'4non, Decotllber 12th. The no. '" .. .r tHlnell Mr. lind Mrs. WI11 White at ~~ the appointment i received a clerk 50ollDtli. J . E. Janney, we hAve nsed them, IlDd' know AIJ morning exercises life: Pretty new deai'"neln nut 89U at dinner Monuny. D .. • __ about It. evotlonal Exerolses i Reading ID Lingo's. is given a scheme of distribution of Mrs A. Mllfflt, Mrs. J . H. Cole, all the. po toffices. of 'lOme 8tate, man Ilnd Mrl1. D. l.. Vrltoe spen~ Fri. MEETING OF W. C. T, U. NOTICE tbe Grades, MillS Ella B. Keys i DisWe feol juatifled in UrllDI' you to meaning that he is to learn and re- day III ::Iprlngfield. oU8sion, W. P. Vandervoort; Meth. buy· tbe cel.ebrated ArgeDtine Wue " M r s. Margaretta . Brow·o waH tbe -, -odttofthe World's Greatest Teaoher beCAuse we know tha~1t will potIimember the location of each poat't 'J d 1.Mel'~f8. 0, L, C,rllne and Charles h08teRs of the W. C. T. U... t t'helr I The Stockholders oaf ~he Citizena F, L. Carrier. . , tlvel.v prove to be . i a tbing of beau. o ffi ce, be I on . a ral.r:0a or s ...~e Burbett were buslne8!l vIsitors In & k f W ill 0 rouW, and at regular Intervals he IS Lab 0 S t rd r~gull\r meeting 1l'1,'1d&y aftel'noon, I n 0 avnOlv Ie, ., will bold ArrERNOON L30o 'Ol..ooK ty aod a joy forever," EUJQiD8 it called for examination 011 t hat 'state 1111 0 ,. U lily. ' ,Deoemuer 4th. . , ,hell' ananal meetlnllr at tb.e lr Bank· Addrellll-Beroe~ That Ever;ChUd at Llngo'a. until he is ~ble to givtl exactly such MIS. Klloh.,1 Lane, of .Lytle, bas With the President, Mrs. Viola ing Bou8e, Honda" JantlAl'J' 4th., tlhould Know, Mra. Franaea HlbBon Get useful &8 well al . .,..at1fQI Elawklns, in the ohllir, the inlier8lt 1909, .f rom 1 to S p, m for the pur- Riobard. location of alJ offices. Then he is returned bome from a. VIsit In Xmu presente at Lingo's.. " aod.suoCflSIl of tbe meeting was 84- p088(1f eleoting Di~ltorlS tor tbe en· C. H. CAREY, Pres. . given another state tolearn, and this lumbu8 ~Dd Hprlng;fie.ld. By buying early you ol\n bne a sured. ' Buing year; also an election to avail ALiOE COOKE, Sec. process is continued untI l he8!!Quire& HAndsome Argentine ohooola.., perfect kpowleit.e of the location of muoh better ohllonoe to select whllt Mrll. Edlt.h"" Harris waa leru1er or themaelv98 ot the etlttre provillions --~pete a.t Linlo·a. . of "Bo\1118 QIlI 833," THE NEW MAJESTIC from S,OOOto"J.6,OOO postoffit~ in you w&nt. J. E. ,l!i.nney. , . tbe devotionAl ·/le...ion. I\nd read 1)arler Beaterll, ~ . 21i to 110,00 at different states, the knowledge and BorllOS Starr, of Rlobmood, Ind., MAtthew 7tb ohapter anilled iD reo B'y order of Board of .()treotors. rdngo'8-Beat OIl Bea_ ma.. number of of!ices varying on account j-viSlt><ld his ~lother ' last. FridllY, at peatihg the Lord's Prayer. . F. e. Bartaook, Mr. Lingo, of Lebanon, of whom For perfect ootrlle get a Roobee-.r of location of his run or line of rail- tobe FrienU8 BoardIng Bome, ~everal .teDUI .p t onrrent .events . ·C ubler. all our readers know, il making a t ' . b b 1 A .. '1 • .. .... phenomena} rUD on ihe New Majaa·lo coff~ peroolator all Lingo'. ~ple' . · h h' . 1'0ad upon wh10 IS asstgnmen Th e "Popular Famlly ·Edltlon" or were rClug t to t leatwn~lon of tbe Don't fail to see ' the moVing pic."... Illaces him, Heo..has-to kbow, also, Copy righted Amerloon Poet... nt on Iy union and IntelUgently dlacn888d. tures at Hahn's this week. Rauge. Look at his ad and see unitaryj retains all &he deUclolUl aroma of the ooffee, at UDID's. tim~ ta~les or 8eh.edules of the states OO,-regular price $1.75 at J. E. Mr~. j, A. Funkey read a akerob • _ ~, wh~t he has .to say: t If you want tbe beat killvee and hedJstributes matt for; and 88 these J4DOOy S. of the poblto work performed by PROTRACTED M'EET.INO • - • are constantly changing, it~ necessaW~ otf~r 8 snperb stook of le",h. Mrll . .LIlUan M. . N. l:ltevens, Nation W ANTED--AN AGENT ' forks buy the Community 8U...... It will weal' & lifetime &Dd ooea lJat; ry to be etermdly vi~i1~t. There er gilds, inoludlng pocket bookH, al W. C. T . D. Pr9lIden~. whloh There will be meetlDg every night - ....- aTe freq~e~~ chang~ In illS 8Che~e.!! hand I!llicbeh!, IDusio rolls ,lit tho was prepared by Etta Kilbreth FUll- thl" week at ibe. Orthodex OhUrOb ! Man or woman, to r~present WI in little more than the beet .i.,Ie p1atof ,distribution which he receIVes f&i1'est prlo s J E Jannoy . Iter. . a,t 70 '0Iock. BIn. lildua Wblnnery Waynesville and vicinity. Six to ed ware. Examine them at Lingp'•• weekly. new postoffices establiahed, 9, , ' . • MrtI Ruth Janney r9!ld a sket-Oh la conduotinr tbe aervtoel, and is \eight dollars a day can easily be Butter. pie and fllb mivel ID others discontinued, and still others JO~1D W. ~awke, of LebaDon, 1. of General Neal Dow. wbiob b"d a no~ evanKelillt. Everybody made. Write Union Sales Company. Community Silver at Lin,o'•• have changes of suppl'y , requiring .oonflued to bls bome on the .Frank. been wrl~ten by Mrs Gertrnde Lev_ cordially Invitee} to 8lttended. Cuyahoga Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Beantift\1 ArgeDtine :Bread aDd the unleamin~of thin~ once learned lin rOlld. with ~ severe aUIIQk of ett. dllu.bter of Mrs. Lillian BteveDe, • -_....:.... . -CAke platea at Lingo's. WI well 88 constant acquisition of 80re t:hroat, . Mr8, Edith ' Harris' oootribution ST. MA~yIS ';HURCH new information. Mr. and Mrs. GeorKe Hawke ' lire . W/18 a oonO\89 su'm mary of tbe legill---Air Kuna-slnale Ibot" and' repeatOne of the clerks also makes the ill LebanoD attending Cbe weddln& Of l la&lve work MI'II. Mary B. '.l'he third Sunday ID Advent. Taban told a thrHlIIIR story of bls er!! lit Liogo'a. . followln~ Il88ertion: their niece Mlaa Emma. Larrlok to , Bunt. by MI1I8 Ruby Q ailberl. Morning prayer ' a,Dd aermon at early life and hia subsequent re'I B hi h k I tad 10 :30 a. m. Evening prayer and demptlon from p.lganlam to iJhrisHow about tlu., Maj9l"o Rauce "A railway postal clerk is ~ften .. r . oger. w Sa ea PIce ay . Reporte of oommittees were Riven sermon at 7:00 p. 1m. Everybody tan I Ity.-- ButI'ILI0 00 mmerolal. you promlaed lour wife, t01' Xmae l' cal~ed ~pon to make an Im~rtant de. ANN'UAL • SALE Iand 8uggelltioua were made for bet m/lde weloome to tbeae 89rvices. • - • , clai~~ In regard ~,the ro.utlO~. of thll . 1terment ot tbe anloD and alao of • _. LADIES GUILD Your aweetbeart wan. one of mruhnhiscbarge, lIe saId. Some- The, Ladies" Guild of St MaQ"s the public. As tbe time for thl! Entirechangeofpit~turesatI:iahn's Llngo'a beautifal ohafing diabe8. times hehas a chanae1:o eOlilult with. churcb will hold their ~nnu~ sale of next. reRular mee'Ung flllls upon tlie on ~esday, Thursday and Saturday. The Ladies Guild of St Mury's A mnoh !Popprecla~ed Xmu pre., hi. head officials/ but. more. often ediqles aprons and fancy ' 'work date of tbe Farmers' lusUtute, U • -.. ohoroh WIlT meet lit 't bo home of ent, one of Lingo's bandlO;me bak. he must act ftt8~ . a~d conllu!t·.~hem in the Townsilip hO,"lse, Saturday: wllI be beldFrlda.y, JIlDuary.16, at CA.~D C~:..UB . Mrs: Crane, 1.'bursday at~ernoon. Ing dlsbes. . . afterwards, ThIS IS . partIcularly D'ecember 19 . .' the hom~ . of Mrs. J. A. FUnktl y ,\ . '. . • - .. . true 'i n .eaiI88. of ' accipent,a or wash-. " • _ .. ' I with Mrs. Jeti' Marlatt as leader, MfR , EdIth HlIor1'1~ la nd Mrs. Laura WANTED to buy,-Do large quan. Get"hlm" a razor at Llngo'l- aU ' outs, . He sometimes' hak c:o send COME AND LEA~N I • -. . Moaher, aaaisted bJ' Mra. Georgo . ·tlty of the · bitfersweet vine, ~iD(1s-B.ochester, Gillette Safety, . , . . A ·PECULIAR CASE Hawke, will en~ertnin tb~ Ladies for~rls~~ decQratfon. ··If you Keen Kutter. mail good many huncfi-edSQf miles . . . .' . .The Perloos of Old Testament.HIs. . Curd Club ThunidlllY evening De. the vine growing on or near -----11 out of Its. way In order t.d get to its tory at the Bible Study Class Friday ' DUI ing la~t week a peoull'a r Inci- oember Hj'b your t~rm, please address Immedl· filiVe you Iden the d&lnty,artl8t1o . . . very mem I' 1,8 Iltely, C. G. ·.J:IopklnH, DaytOn. O. receipt .book Riven with e'(ery bat. 'destination in the silorte8t.possible night A great deal can be lea~ed dent ooourred to Ito fellow townsman fme ... . ' .. , . cordially urRO\\ to be presont. R D 12 t ., , . I , 'J ' by just listening. Those interested . In Da:yton. . . , . . ling and oha/ing dlah sold at LlOID • ""~'Jhle.y we:f on ~he. ~heory t t~~t iri the studY of the Bible should at· P bilip .Hopkins, who bad pur Lisk's oeleb~ted elf'baauD, . roasters est I18ible 8eJ'Vice and what the BnHHS OF THE WEEK I~n: erl Ian .a treet had gone to tbe tllrt~y, oht0ke~ or duok tender and , ]10 . , ' . . . loourt houde last WednesdllY t-o · .' delioious (ll"ckestto:dayW*'Ynot~. the~wck'" .... , , have the deW reoorded. While Weknow 'e very ooeofyou teel(iO g. We are Roing to make your : , .. ,. , . . " es1. to-mor.row. · Several times'In -th.e ,Mr, an~ M~. W. , E, .0 Neall . are·re b l e d t 'l ' 'b '"h '" the allme genereus desire to remem· money far.reaolilng and etfeottve In Community WHysr 8Illad and OYIJ'. .: . ! '. '. f h L f . • e reoe v '11. e ep one ,. a. . . .' . •' '. IWlt 'few yean! ,mall for. sea~tle rom appy 'P,arenus 0 a son. bls newly' aCquired 'property WliS O'n ber thoae Y?1l love. witli apprppria~e \exohange for ohrlstmas gUts of mer- tera' fork,'at Lingo a. . ,. ~orth\nd has been,· .seht by way of. . M .' d MOil' M ·.· . 'Id' h ' fire ' , an,d deslrll.ble ohrls~mas Rlfta t~ls , it and v&lue. Wewllntyou to come Araenttne abaving Bets and.abAT. , d h t f Sa F .. . r an n. Ie ISSI Ine ave I .' , ' ' ." "" . . .' . Spo~e an t a.. or ,n ranclllCO . d ' hter .io bless 1;heir home . OD returning to tho stTeet be ftes!lon, as heret-ofore. , . We.aretbere and SIlO bow hUle it takes to aecure ing (lup'll at Lingo's. by way of' Ogden·. At the pre.!! ent 11· Qug . . " 'found a house en 'he opnt\QUe lide' tore plesHed t·o urp' you to 'aooept sult&ble and IIpproPJ:illote gUts for . . • -' 1 '1 f l' A I . be' '. ." ....- . h ' ..... 11 f frl d . died' Gravy l"dlea and .agar aheU. ill t m.e ma~ or u.m ng~ ~ 18 In&, Ricllard Cl,lUTchand wife have a of, tbe street had CAugM ' fire' BDd the Inv OK ~p - ty 0 our atore your . en a. 8.D ov on08. . ,. . sent by way Of. Ogden In the mom-I' .' . In I'a holiday. gArh ' lind, to inspect Ever BinGe ' AugnHt we b& ve been CommunUy Silver at Lingo II, f .ba h . new son. . bnrned , almoat . down . Tbe flying " ) . i.,.g, ·oWing to th~ fact . t t t ere '18 . .. . ', . . .Ibingles had set fire to his own our complete aallor~ment of beautl. lAboring. earnestly to .elect suitable _"Sucb ~at1fa1 bat iDa diab. iD no,' 91roug~ tra,1I) on·the SQuthem Mr, and M~'1:r Wm Sm~tb, son of property' and b~Ded. II. hole In tbe ful boJlday goods, perfectly ~apted goods at proper priCB!! for 0111' boll. the famoul Rocbester .w are." Lin· Paclftcin the forenoon , I Frank B. SmIth, on the Lytle .,ike, root. '0 tbe wanta of . all . olaN8e of gift day tude. Special palDsr aDd OIlre. go'.s , . .' hFreci U8P.t1 y le.tte1'8 .~r Jlm~1 parenb!, ofafine~n The . damage waa sliRbt, only mllke",. Weareo.fteringtheadvloD' f\1100~ld~atlon WIUI expe~ded to . Wehav-e-a-f-ill:-:-'e~'-.'«l-k---O-fhaDa~me .towna will be c&1',t1ed . throu~h that wQlch arrived,. at theU' horne .In .abunt t26. b~t Mr. Hopkills aeems to tale of all thatta De'9 and at~rac&1ve m&ke thla oollectlon of Xmu, gooda !'&r~tng aeb for.xmaa vye uk you tpwn ttu-ee or ~our t~me.s ~ore it..i~ Hanesford, cal.,.~."vember 30th. think . p8l'haps the property .Is a In ohr~atmas gifta, tb..t :vour 1064 one wbl?b abonld inolude aODlet~IDg to oome and Me' &h~m', LlDID'•• finallY put off • .TtI~ ~uB!ltlon of A BIO. STORE ' "hoodoo." taato will command, and yonr judg· really deeirable.~orevery lndlvid~}' .' ' . ' .. which trains shall exCli&na'e mana • - • .ment appr~ve. fl'Om the yonuctlllt $0 the oldeet We ,olaim ~ ~d'Jee, ... and with a town ialeft . with the' poSt: W~ want to 01111 ' aUentlon to the LECTU~ COURSE Oar stock tl so edenllve and va- electing our ltook in laoh a way."; ooffee ~~ in "Rooheetor' Ware'" ~'of that town to a large extent IId·ofR. 1:1. Kiqpbllry io tbla illoe. ' . rled Ilnd witbtlllO carefully .eeleo&- k) meet tbe Dee4i of thoee wbo have lire the very , belt manufaotureel. and all the cletka o.n.the ~raiDs must' Thil ltore III .lwaye fnll of 1J09d 1 bave lmowll 't.blll aiDoe he waa eel; that we do not Hee bo~ we oall all w;eil aa thoee wbo have J,W, 'lAngo • . know just 'What .tl'aiu do buainese tlilnlft! and the Xenia people reco,. Aboa' .en yeai'll old &nd I ""'.iD tbe fall to . pleue every IIDlle penon, much to apend. The mOl-t-!Ml--o-I8-p""'''-bl-e-o-r. aU ~ with each station on the diffefent nlze • . good tbing . tn tbll IWre, camp when ZIp.kob.eta him to. who IlII00kiDIC for & reaUydeelrable We bope to Me evel'J' reader at preaent..,.... pleoe of tbe fuaoaa lines. • ___ "Bub" .K inglbury wlI.I' treat an ~III &he UDltecl ~'-tee authorUlee. and I anti approprla" 11ft .for anyboclJ, oar Itore, With good wlahee aDd ,'AfI8ntlne Wue"-ae ..... ~ • IrLL blooded t\. J. B.bode hla"Dd caetomerB with ooar_y and live allO Imew him k) be a 1OO0t.-Bor- old 'or :rOllUC, We 'wlI1a &0 Iaol~e the compliment:. of ~e .-OD. we \ alway. bricht and beaatlfal; YOU . Boca-- lor Mle. luq of them the belt be b.... Call OD him aoe p. JODee, U. 8. Scon~, ~ort sm, In oar hollda:r I remalD Very ualy yoan, . ' wpt flDd a moa maplfloeq, ....... \ 'iln..oJ.I:l.TbOlDpaODI B. D, t. wbeD Iho~~ lD XeDIa, Okla. ,.ar tlaepl'Omlae JD 1107· oJ, 'J:, JUDe7. ,lmllD' ~ LIDp'" .
Lebanon, Ohio
" 6 _ _ . . .6
- -----
.'~:~~~~e:tl:Ct:~~;nq~icSk: tendthesem·eet!~..
Christmas Gr~tings to . One ·a nd All
~*'Lin~o's wmm~keYOllr
UN~Bl.:E TO SPELL CORRECTLY. of IOrrJw and dl8couracernent 8Wl1, aDd nlono wllh Ood, illustrious Wrlterl Among ThOle Who Yen. with God. for he remalnet\ to him. n.nd b e knew lhal nothing ,mid Make Slips In Word .. D. L. CRANE. tlike away Ihat II ssurnnc In hili II al·t lhat God knew and underlJlood . 11 Inay call1furt those J)l)rsons who. 01110. 'MISSES' NINE·GORED SKIRT. WAYNESVILLE. The way S III d dark nndl uncertAin. db ~ hut th Y will , are pmu to en;ors E... I.I th. 'roph.1 l.h.l" 0001'. Wod .... 'I'he promIse tor Israel seellled dim Workl., r • III ~pelllll g to I 'n.rn tha t 0 \ ' n Buell II· The Wlr on Tuberculosll. AUcl unreal. and yet thene was . that lu strlous 1\11111 or lattu rs as TIl IIIborA The economlo ~ wdl DS the bu· one gl Dill of light. 11e stili had Gold. of 111e A Cll d Oli o Ji"l'oll cnlse hu\'o not BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" manltarinn side of lhe Question was PREACHER He would cling to him. h ' fttI LUwlfy exompt frol1l Ihat faili ng. SODlollnl"lS t ho hoart cOlnea to that __ well considered t th.e In ternational says- th e Buslon 'frnuscrlpl. An IUloe· place and tbat clI:perlen' P. Somn: dote Is told or lhe Inta 111 . ast,on tuberculosis congross in ·Wash lngton. Boissl r. 8 crelal'Y of th fnllloUN [Lcn· The Bo'ok ot F.7.6kl ' I.-The nuthentl c'lty lim es. b caus or disCOUfll S llJ ntt The Impressive atalemonts showing clem)'. II ran ono dilY huumln g Into br~n renlly qu ..etlolll.d: 'fh ll nnd trlols and dltllcul~les. ev I'y lnlng that at th rate prevailing million!! of bhn8'k ''''\'''~ ralls nnturully Into IWO IIr"o l .11 - seems to slip fro m uuder olle:s teet. but R elllm's study and said: '1 .huvo ~ persons are destined to die at the dill' visIons. or which 111 0 tle"t rucllon or J,'ru- t h fn ct lhllt Go,lll:! !:itlllin heavcn. uud \lleo or news thnt will hUllllllat you. m J. tho turnl"1: point: hnpt rs 1 to like the drownlll '" lUan In the wu tAr ease were supplemented by figures eal " \ IlIltl l:! It 7" Rona1l a sked In surprise. 21 conlnln predlutlons df"I"' ~red b tor .. "My nUlogrnphs lire fe tching a higher bearing upon this aspect ot lbe calc. thnt o\'('nt. "'HI :!5 to 4S ar~~r It. s"e 26::!. clingi ng In d sp · mUon to one slender price thun yours." "Oh, Is thul aliT" Among those who spoke was Homer Agai n c()ns ld ~r{'<1. chnpters 1 to 3!! nro rope which will drag blm to sllf Iy. S'J maInly occuplud with corrertlon. t.Ionun: the SOli I I'cach 6 .' U\1 antl clln"~ lo the H en au rel llleol. . "Dut Lww hlH'e clutlo n nn(\ reproot. while t ho rumalndar " Folks of New York state. whos6 long found It out'I" M . UOIss!ll l' III n reo (lenl oh lelly In c0l180lntlol\ nnd proml.", thought ot GOd-clings and wall 3; Identification with public cbarltles and A pnrenthotlcn l e ctlon In lho middle clings and walls; knowing Ulat al last lateu that on the IIrevlolls tiny a cou· otber phllnnthroplc work makes him ot the book. chaptors 25 to 32. contaIns a God will heur Hnd unswer. ' pIe of lett 1'8 had b en put U\l at nuc, ot prOJlheC'iPH n!!nl"st ~e\'en tor· Ezekiel I ho Ilrophet. th'e man of • Qualified wllnes8. In' tbe courso of group tlOll at tho RalesI'oollls In tbe Rue elgn nRUons. lho !J pttmnry nrrnngemen t Drouot.· Ono by Renan Illul tetched an address on elrectlve control o'f tu· b In);, Ilpp"r~nlly Intentional. Hav rnlck visions, lh Illun ur great messages dlvldl'~ Iho book lI1to nino scctlons. (lis· and tallllrul mll1l~t~y, dlsclJuraged !l.Jld three francs. while ' ou e by bltnl:lelt bad berculosls Mr. Fo ~ks said : "The cost lfllllulsilcd by Ih elr superscriptio ns. us dlsheart lied? lru\lOsslblEl! Say not been sold fol' nve fruncs. "Do you follow/, : I. Ez kl I's' cnll. 1·3:16. 2. The 1'nrls PIIl\ern No. 2652. All Seams ot tuberculosis to the people of the Kenorlll cn rr),ln&, out of Ihe commls8lon, so. unless you nre wllllllg ' to make A\low e(\ .-~llIde with the closlug dowu know the renson!" R nan Inquired, atate of New York Is variously e stl· 3:16-7. S. The reJ cllon ot the pcopl be· blm morc than human. ·tor 10 every and on rec Ivlng an an swer In· lh t1 g. mated at from $15.000.000 to $75.000, CRUse ot tdolnlr;" S·U . 4. The . In.. ot the soul tbat Is called of God. and wbo the left s ide of the Iront, lind with un atl ve he sai d : "Well. I shnll tell you. A!:e rebuked In (lilt all, 12·10. 5. The noture would serve him, tbere come ~~,' t In verted plait. or, lu habit style nt the 'rbere are thl' e ml ssp It word s tu 000 a year. The prevention of . tuber· or the judgrn ' nt, nnd the gllll l which i1h, bnel! tills Is on o of tb'e most moulBh IJl Dnu 110llUlnr styles lhls 50115011. ror YOU!" .Iette l·. nud I bave It by lue h reo cuJosls. as an economio and eduo~ cnused It. l!"l· !!3. G. The mennlng ot the such hours of heart anguhJh MR.~.F. y~~~'.n~, no'w commenci ng punIshment, 24. 1. Gnd's ,,'erylhlng 800ms' swept tram lII! U. r tional prOblem. II an {mU roly 'f easlble jutll;m lit d 1I0uoc<,d 011 sevon heathen tho feet xcept the one thoUA:ht1 0f both the sellllrnle slc1rt anti th e oue A trle nd was II I the sale a nd, on \I I' Mr. WlUiatn II'. VahLbcrg, Oklnbomaoelvlng tb ml stukes, ho weul on bid· J ' wblch completes a. cOllt suit. It Is City. Okla, . \\'ritl's: and workable program. In fact. It Is nntlons. 2,)·32. S. Prop heel s: after Iho ':Ono bottl ot Peruua which I baveot Jcrusnlom, con~erl1l"g thO God- jUSt Gotl, adaptable to allY mnterll\l. and Is tit· ding unlll he had secured It. und th n mncb lesil dIfficult and mucb less ex· destruction future condItion ot JRrnel. 33·39.. 9. The Y s. Ezeki I was dlscol1raged.~ A11 ted around th waist and blps without lie brought It to me saylng :'You wIll mlteu did more towurd rcllllving me of ' ~enslve than many other movements glorious COMummalion. 40·48. There thu light had gOlle out ot bls Boul, but p)alts. tuoks or fulln ess of allY kind. give tbls I Uer to M. Do IssieI'. It It un allgrlLvu.tcd CII SO of catarrb 01 tbedlreet quotntlons trom EzekIel In the that olle light-God. Nothing eould thu 11 ~('nrs of treatmcnt with . 'Which have bee n successfully carri ed no New Testnm ent, but In tho ApocnlYlls A bias band of the materlnl, pointed were allo\\'c(1 to circulate among the ' sIomach, tbo b 'st pllVsiclI1uA. ' out." Tbe economic loss mentioned Is there a ro mnny parallels nnd obvious 0.1· take that away. Low In the dual 11e ellh er side of the front. Is sot on us public. wtlll Its .grammatlcal ornament~ " 1 hnd given up hopes of rollet, and ,· this might d:nullge the Acad 1111 F.'run · lualons \0 t.ho loler chapters. lay. a trimmillg. jnst above the helll. 'fbls In the shape ot producIng capacity onlv "ried P rumL us a resort. Scripture Aulhorlty-Ezeklel. cbap· Isn~el In captivI ty bud lost utterly, hem Is Ilarrow and fiulsh d with a calse.''' It was 110t Reuan who looked ':1 shllll contiul'" u slllR' It. liS I feel aacrlflced through the ravages ot the ter 37. tile vision of I:etum to the beloved single row of stitching. The pllttern a\l1y that dllY. sntis fied It w ill clrolJ~ un cnt/I'O and' alIment. Lllylng aside all other con· •••••••••••••••••••••••••• J eruealem. 1L seemed so Impossible. Is In tour slzes":"14 to 17 years. For a Yet anotller anecdote In \I1uslrallon permallent cure. * Reports had come from the far off b~ "I mosLchc du\l,recommend Perona. aldernUons. snys tbe Troy (N. Y.) •.. SERMONETTE * miss or 15 years the skirt. blade of of tbo fact thnt oven scad ml clnns can to all who m(\~' r Clldlhia. It • * loved land. Nothing b ut desolation material wIth nap, r eq uires 6 %. yards be cangbt tripping. One day at om· 'TImes. here Is great wasle lhat can be • I el·uno. Is usually taken 0.51\ last reo * there. Nothing bnt lilackened ruin. 20 Inphes wid e. 3¥.r yards aG Inches plegne, In 1868. the .Empress Eug nle. sort. Doators lIa vo beeu tdOll alid prevented. and the recent Impe~ul • at the Initiative of Victor Dupuy. th II fliil <1. Ot.h l' TOm 'dlt-a ll! been' used. : : Willi boasts lound sbelter In the rug· wiele. 3% yards 42 Inches' wide. or elven to tbe wor'k ot cbecklng tubercll' • Here we have a villon which * ged ruins and the birds 9 f the 2')11 yards 64 Inches wide: without minister of educutlon. Induced tile pal' anit.arihms h rlVo bcull visited. Travel 'i osis means not only the saving of : Is a parable. . The dry bones : air made their nestli\ In the crannies nap. It needs yards 20 IDOh a ty. largely composed' ot academicians. has b e n resort d to. A t last Peruno. Is trIed. BeUef is·. many JIves. with consequent happIness • r~prelented the "oule of larael, * ot the shattered wnlls. Suoh WB.8 wide. 31;{. yards 36 Inches wide, 2* 10 consent to write a dlclatlou got up In a corresponding number at homes. : and the appare"tly . Impollible : the .condition In Jerusulem. and In the ~'urd9 42 Inch es wide, or 2~ yards 64 and relld out by one of their number •• history is r peo.tcd over and yarll 2P inches wid . Prosper Merlmee. This WAil by way ov 'r agqin. but a decided Increase In the material • taak of reato;'lng the dry bones * land of Babylon, whither the Jews had Incbes Wide; O\'e! y day in the y ar. It Is· of sbowlng bow bard it was lhat can· : to living creatures Illustrated: been dra gged as captives. they bad 1h yard 36 Incbes wide. o~ % yard 43 such rosults ps thIs thnt gives Pernn ... 'Wealth. of the community. .• molt forcibly the equally 1m. * found babltatlon~plenty . to eut. a or ' 54 In hes wide. extra. for bias dldates should be reNcted because its unnBsnllablo ho.1d upon the Reople. they were gullly of a few .errors. Not We could sny nothing thnt would add:. poaalble talk of reatorlng th'e place to trade nnd grow rlcb. nnd band. Gamea may come and gamea may crulhed and acattered and pleasant compnnlou B among thoBe To procuro thIs pattern 8end 10 cents a sIngle academician came well out force to sucll tcstimollinls ns tho I1Don. CO. but chess bids talr nllver to 108e Ita : , ·..,Ined hOUle of llrael. : who worshiped the gods ot wood nnd to "PaUllrn Deparlment." of IlIls paper. of the ordeal or would have oblalned That people who hl1\,o had oatnrrh and! J.i No ' bright light of hope w.. : etone. And they had become con. Write name and address pl"'nl)'. and be a certificate In the particular competi· 1111.\'0 tried overy other remedy avail· popularity. Nowhefe 4!lae 1,1 It unl· • able. find relicf Itl Poruna, eonstitu tee 'tenally JIIlPular as It II In tbe vlllage : ahlnlng In Ilrael'a aky at thll * tent with their lot, and. with the Bure to give size and number ot pattern. tlon which the minister had In 1118 tile best arll'\lment that co~d be made. mind. The el1lperor aDd empress had • time, and even the prophet II * stories of the deBollI.Uc>n at Jeru· or Strobeek, near Halberstadt, In sIzm ................ . also written lhe dictation; 60 slips overwhelmed with the dlrkne.. salem there had come a dllllII\lng of NO. 2652~ , Pruallian Saxony. Some ·time In the were recorded against him and no : of the outlook. Th,ere were the : the vl810n ot a return. What cared NAME ...................................... .. ~Ieventh centut7 Count GunneUn. beld fewer than 90 agaInst her. • promlael of reatorltlon, but how * they to return to that land when they • prisoner In a .tone tower In the vU· : ' could It be po181ble7 There: were so fa.vored In the place of their TOWN ..................................... . . ~, amused hlmlelt carvtDg a set of • were nothing but dry bonel captivity? STREET AND NO ..................... .. Curious Ulea of Balkets by Mexicans. Ezekiel had noted all this. and tbe ebessmen and t~8chIDg the game ' to : bleaching In the hot eun on the: Perhaps the most cUl1lol1s \1se 1.0 STATE ........... : ... ........ .......... .... . whl'ob Me'x lcans put theIr baskets Is 111. jallerll. The towel', ~IPCh still • deaert of death whe~. lin had * Question had begun to a~lse In bls : caat them, : heart whetber the proIIlls,;!d return to hold gamecocks. Sometimes the stands. III known as the chess tower. .. At such time .. thIs the Spirit 'could ever be. LItUe by little Ibe cocl{'s basket Is wov13n for the pur· GIRL'S AND CHILO'S KII't1IJNO. The jailers taught the game to theIr : of God came and carried away : beart' had sunk . In despaIr unUl In pose. oftener It Is made from a sam· friends., Who were . ao pleased wilh It If. Ezekiel to the pllce where Go.d * lhe anguish of doubt and discourage· brero the wide, hlgh-orowned straw that tbey devoted all their spare time : could put hard questions to him: : ment he fled to his qul'~t .re.treat by hnt of tbe countf'y. Into whtch the bird'is put. a hole cut In ·the crown to to practice. ~hls delight in chess COD· • and where God could unfold the * the river Chehar, and tbere upon the : mighty working of hla power. : ground gave way to hie @ rrlef. give blm 'air". and tbe brim carefully tl.nues at the present I.n f!trobeck. • Thll vl,lon and thla lellon ia * ' Then came the voice w'lthln: tied down that he may not escape. Every person playa, The ylllqe hotel : for you and "Struggle on!" and he bad qUe!!!' The bull flgbt blUI IIpen called the na· Ss called tbe Ches8 Inn, tournaments • The vslley of dry. bonea be. * tloned wbether It were God that had tlonal sport of Mexico. but cock figh tto I\ll kinds of inclementcomIng under the revivifying spoken. And while thUII lighting the ate held every year, and prl%l!8 are Ing Is mucb more UJ1lversal ; (or the wea~er are of such comgiven to tpe best players. It a y~UDIL : power of God .the plaQe of qulct<· : batUe of doubt within hEl felt a louch humblest peasnnt may have .hIs game· mon occurrence 'that they cock which he keeps In a carefully man loea to an adjOining v11lage tor • ened soula. Here we have a * upon him which be knew could : graphic IIlultratlon of what God: DIy , be tile hand of OOd. for it not generally considmade cage In his patio. watcbes with, • ,wJte Who cannot piay cheu he must • can do and I, dOing with aouls * lirought a calm and quiet, to his spirit. pride 'and tends with care. ered dangerous. This is pay a fine •. to lie uaed toward tbe ex· : dead In treaps..ea and Iini. : and seemed to strength(~n him for a One of the strangest uses to which a great mistake. Serious -penses of tbe next tournament. Tbls • Sin Itrewa the valley of death * journey. He had c~me In weary In . a basket has pro~ably ever been put illness often follows in the subUe ordinance has spread a knowl· : wIth dry bonel. Let UI go, like : the body l1nto death, but now as he was the dally appellrauce In the wake of a n~lected cold. streets of a young man carrying In a edge ot the game among ·tbe young • the prophet of old, and behold * felt the thrill ot the new life and : the gr~wlome eight. and let the : slrength wltbln him he straightened huge bushel basket on bls shoulders ladles or all the surrounding v11lnges. • lame question come to our * up and whispered, OVElr and over his great.grandmother. of unknown Strobeclr ' }laa not yet produced apr!> hearts which came to hIe: "Can * again: . age. who held out a. skinny hand to the fenlonal cbess,player o't the IIrst rank. • these bonea live?" : "God! God! It Is God! It Is God passersby for tbe centa'Vo which was restore: who has spoken. 1 will slruggle on." but perhaps tbere maY ~b,e one for the : . Can Intellectuality almost unf!llllngly given. urely a And suiting the action to the word. furure. among the young pIayens now • t.h em· to life? Hear what God .* t'rust In Providence could go) no fur· thet.-Outlng Magazine. , ~ng part ' In the ' annual tourn·a ment. : says: "I will deatroy the wI. : he arose nnd went rapidly along the hall been Buccellful for seventy• ., dom of the wlae, and will . bring * patbwo.y wbleh the ' course elgbt years in curing Colda, to' nothing the ~nderltandlng of .. of tbe river. But some Iltrnnge power Cougbs. Bronchitis, and Pleuj 'Tbe report In the London Times at Cat. to Scere Squirrels. • .he prudent." . .. seemed to be working within him. tor risy. It · is also a atandard the opening of the railroad trom D~ : Three easterners came out to the Can wealth or ~xalted pOll. s uddeuly he 'struck off In. to a wild and remedy for Croup, Wboopingmascus to Medina Is ot ,unusual Inter· • tlon among men prove potent • unfrequented part ot tho country. So coust a year and 0. half ago loeklng for Cough, Inflatnmation of th. Lunga or Chest and Aathma. a location. and the reeul~ of the ven· est, as It was the first telegram ever : to bring the dead bonel to life? : absorbed was he, howe.ver, with the I ture was ' explalned recenUy by H. J. Bent from ·the burial place ot Mobam· • Nay, verily, for God's word de· • splrlt which beld him. the con· Cure your cold' no_go to Macomber. who arrived at the St. : clares that thele thlnga perllh : sdous and blessed presence 0/ med to a newspaper printed In a Chrisyour dtu.rglat·lIlnd get a botUe Francia and' registered lrpm PaicInes • with the ,uelng. • God. that be knew not hClw far he jour' of Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant. Uan countp', and It Is supposed tl) be : CII" the veneer of good: neyed, nor observed the roughness of nnncho: . 'Three 1IiJ:C:I, $1.00, Sl)c. a~d 2Sc.: the firat telegram sent tQ any news- • workscovertheaedry dead bonel? • the way 11y whioh be wen.t. They have Just completed a $25.000 Dr. D. T.. le 1'1~'-'. paper from that city. Histofy baa dam a mile long and nearly 40f~t Yea, verily they may, and man But of a sudden be etopped, nnd, will bUild you up .pl.odldlv If rUQ dOWD tt from a .ewer. cold. Paris :Pattern No. 2636. All' Seams hlgb. and thll water for It Is brought 'been making rapidly In .weBte~n Asia • to-day II busy covering t!te hid• •. IItung his . eyes. be beheld a ghl;lstly th,IR. summe r.. It It had not been for :: eousness, marka of aln, with : Irtgbt.· :Before him lay benps lIPon Allowed.-Made wi th tbe body nnd through seven miles of ditches [rom : theae aalvel to conscience, but • heaps of human bones-·grlnnlng, hoI· 8le~ve8 In one piece. lhls Is a vory at· the ' Tres Pinos and the San Benito the revolution and the new constitu· • after 'the mOlt ahapely form: low.eyed skulls. bony bands thrust tractive nnil ell:trem'ely simple little rivers. But SQuirrels lue the pest and :Uon In Turkey, I.t Is not likely that : Which the good workl of m'a n • upward trom the beaps· as though In model. The best materials for Its de· the menace. and a man with a gun haB any newspaper correspondent from a .. can rear, It II atlll but a dead: mute. hopel~ss appeal; leg bonell. velopment are French or Cnnton filln· to guard the dam to keep ' SQuIrrels thigh bones. roundee!- ribs and curving. nei, flannelette •. lansdowne. albatross from puncturing It a.nd starth)g a Christian country would bave beeD al· • thing, with. no breath 01 , life MORE BIG CROPS IN 1908 . • spInes-ali bleaching and glisteni ng or cashmere. : throbbing wtthln. The peck, Irl1nt nnd break. ' At the datil a colony 'of cats 'Jowed to, accompany . the train to the •• AnotHer 15O,\lOq ~. No, there · la, but one thIng :whlte In .the bot sun . lower edges ot tbe sleeves. are hand· bas been placed to cbase sl1ulrrels: ..cred dty of Arabia. ~Ierafrorn tbe Unite'" • which cln make the dead loul.. And wblle be was 1010klng In teal' embroidered In a ' design of bloSSOD1s . ' one of . the men hilS devised a Slates. New 'di80 : . IIvei and that ia the touch of the land ' tr,!pldatlon. he helilord a v~lce and their fol1nge. with white merc!!r· . great number ot ilttle 'Crosses 'Y ltb trieta opened for let. I News comes from Holland that ape. • . living God. In the world to·day, .. . s,lleaklng, saying: . . . .. Ized cotton. narrow ribbOn fastening rlbhon from tbe arms and 0.' crOSB la tlement. 320 acreetltlon la In circulation for the estab· : If we could see wlth , the eye Of: "Son of man , can thl!8e bones 11ve1 the neck at. the top. The garment Is set at each squirrel hole so that as the ofland to each set. IIsbment of a chair of the Dutch Ian· • God, we Ihould b'ehold Jult two. flel'.-160 fr ••• Startled 1Iy .the Question. Ezekiel al. mado with a seam at the center·baok. breeze blows the ribbons flutter and and el!iO ,at $3.1JO per ,cre. klndl . of people-de;a~ , people : most laugbed In lils nervous excite- tho only other seam being directly 'un· when the squirrel .comel up It Iii . , ,guage In the Unjverslty of ChIcago. MA va.. rleb country and a eontente4pr_ der t he arm. A pretty jinlsh Is given frightened away.-San · ];'rn~clsco People In. menl. . The Holland mentlone~ Is one ot '24 In • and live people. peroua peopl~ "-Exr,act /'''111 ctn'nll.nd"'1iI "It wae God wbo .spnke:· be quick. by feathcr'stitcblng tile hem. Tbe c'hrollicle. tbe United States-In Michigan. 'Ybere : . who .. hearte the 'm ll\lstry of' Df' .. National Edit". "'''_ .,/,il 16 • God'. Spirit hid not been re.. Iy thought, nnd Instantly responding pattern Is in fI've slzes-2' to i2 years. ---~--~ C."ad_"ill A",!"i. rD03. 'WiI,. 4_ ".'JinJJitnt... there Is a large ' Dutch . population. : celved,· and .people upon whom to the thought. he exclalmed: Fo'r a girl of ten years the kimono Many have paid tbe entire cost of tbeli Serloua Omlilion. Tbe' older generation would like tbelr • ·tl'le Spirit God had breathed" "0. Lord God. thou" requires 5~ yards ot material 20 Tbe two old neighbors had met on lanna and had a balance of from $10:00 tc eons anO daughters "to understand : to' a living hope .In the Christ: Inches wide. 3%.. yards a6 Incbes . ---. $20.00 pe~ acre ae·a result of C!ne crop. street. ; . Spring wheat, wlnttfr :wbeat. on~ barley, The vision Is passed. Undor the r~ wide, or 2%' yards 42 Inches wide: tbe"r,fomln', their. mother tongue. a .proper and •• who II . the reaurrectlon and ' the.. Bam." said the · ftrs~. "I Sax and pcas are the principal cropl, whU., ' • life. . • vivifying . power ot , God Eze~lel ball tlve.elglit~ yard ot ribbon. :laudable desIre. hear your siln' 'B ill has got tlirou~h col·. the wild ' grBllea bring to perfe'ctlon tti• . • • seen tlie dead. dry bones resurrected To prooure thIs pattern IMld · 10 cenis . . beat cattle \hat have ever· been IOld 01 . .............................................. Into IIvhig breathing I~reatures. and to "Pattern. Department," of thIs puper. loge succesBfully," . , The ,dictionary la ' neVElr allowed • Write name and addresB plillDly. Bnd be the Chicago ' market. · " "'Yep," "aid tilll ,other. THE STORY. then ' he bears GO.d sp,eak, sayIng: lure to give. sIze and number ot 'pattern. . Splendid climate, Icboola ano! cllurcltn "'Learn any thin' ?" . lOOg J'j!st. T~e n@" :word, Is "dactylo"Son of man. tl;lese bones are the In, all loc:aUtlea. RailwaY. touch moat a' 'Yep:' '. . IOOP1." and m83JUI the method em. "S'1:'RUGGLJjlon! Struggle on! ,Stl'UIl;' whole house ot Israel. Therefore the seutecf'diatrlcta, and prices for·proddc. NO. 2636. "What's be got out ,of It ~hleflY'?" SIZE .. . .......... . .... . . ployed at police beadQuarle~ pi Iden· gle on!" . Tbe . tbrlce repeated prophesy and say urito · them: · are always good. Landa may also be PUI' "He kin -speak seven langUages." c:haeecS from raUway and land c:ompani!!" tltylng crlmrnala by their flnger·prlnts. messags ecboed with Increasing ' em· salth,the Lord God: Beh.old, 0 my peoNAME ......................... ............... . "Fine!" . Fot pamphlet&, mape . and . tnformatlo.. ple. I will open your graves. and No doubt some p,o or rehow. heartn. plulsls tbrougb the beart ot ', the oause "0. I dunno. TrO.u ble JI they forgot re8~ low rahwa,. ratea. apply to , you to come up out ot your· 'l"OWN.... : ..............................; ... . prophet EzekIel to teacb him any Ideas to expr41BI wltll thll It range lound .fOr the first time. Sapariat.Bd.Dt~~~ "Was It God's voice epeaklng," he gra.ves. and bring you Ilito the land of STREET ' AND NO................... . .. . Olla_c...da 'em:' will think' It Is tbe- offense he II asked ·hlmself. as stru;ted up with Israel. 'And ye shall . know that I or to tla. authorf.e4 c.ca4lan Oort ~bb , STATE . .................... .. . .. ; .......... . char,ged with. weary. troubled 1001\: upon his face. am tbe Lord.' ,. R. M. WILLIAMS. Environment. The Prophet bowed low his head, aa "What Is the use?" balf Involun· .a..,. To..... 0IaMii. t/lrlly burst 't rom his Ups \11 answer to he remembered his dOUbt and dIs· ' .~ ·suppose;·· Bald ' the society baby , ~ DOUble Wr.e!'lch, eciur&.gement of but a sbort time b~ the admonItion: "Struggle on!" . to Its nurse, ··tbat my Inollnation at "Sbe married a du ke. J'm told." · "What's the use?" agaln be repeat· fore. and then as 'tbe jo,. ot the new "Cotrecf. Her father made a scene ~resent II due to the In.f tuence of ed. Had he not struggled on? Had hope burst In upon bls beart he at the wedding." here<llty." . . be riot striven to be faUhful In bl. cried: . ''In. what way do your In.c llnatioul . "Hated to part with . bll' girl. I "Yea, and tbough '1 cannot Bee how I'pose?" . ministry? And What were the sum tend 1" asked the nurse. politely. Englnea, Bollere; ••. total of the results as he oould count or understand I~ It aha I lurely oome i'l 'want:' lald tile loelety baby. "to ·'Yes; and he bated to part Wltb them? No\hlng. absolutely nothing. to pass. for Go4 hath lpokea." MUla, Com .h....... Cot«Ive a bawl ..• tbat million ..soUars." . ton Planter., 8tock. A cylinder ot Ice 200,000 mllea Jon, Hope Wall dead among the captive ----~ Aarfcaltural Implemn. pbft8U~. Qat Va°'ety In Amulement. ud 4fj miles tbJck, If dumped Into the larael1tes, and hope 'Wllll almost dead P.rll, wfthl.n his own breast. So utterl, di.. 8eIIIl ItIr PR&& CAT~UBIL There II uo elty la the world that "'Til," II&fd the·mUd·mIUlDered maD; eaD, would melt ID one eecond, ..,.. eouraged had be become that be b-.t hu m9re variety ID Ita lite thaD ha". bela wbere the bunete feU A. "'MQUIIAR, . Yert, u Eb"lah uUOIIODIer. And llnbod, lied from the Pl'8lleaC8 .of the people Yort. . JJv8D the theaters atve 4tmout.rate . that 11", 1ft.. .. from a peltU8IlC8 ad bad an
The Miami Gazette
Practical Fashions
: t
DR. D.lAINE'S Expectorant
W·estern 'Oanada:
l l
!!¥!U!!:. bI! P!!l' 1IJ teeqap
:;;t!l'ra r~u;~ ILhre ~ UIl'2
f oil'
lFE ~ M 'P3,da'llC»ns~Ofi"~ iOJnl a fFre~uel!)fl:' lF~yOt of ftn,e
TIS)' A bsolufl:e ~~nct of 1F~$hiono
As It was l'ull1ored In the summ er, Do yo n r l!all zo how rnr e It Is La Bce ' he patlrld waist line has com to a 8tl'OIIg, qui t fnc\\? Tho)1 XL l imo pUSN. Th ero Is an oblong plllolV worn YOn go dow n th ll lreet lu th o oars What Expe rim entati on Has Thus Far R e v ealed- By Edwa rd down t li cente r sel~m or s kirt and look for one. . M. East. Illino is }\.irlc ultura l Colleg e. I>rl llcells frock to Sl ve a large wnlst H th or wOl'e a n nltlernlo at St. VI· 11110 Hn d a strui ght droJl (rom bust to tus dane t he re might b som ' excuse By FRAN K. CRAN E Three method s (or In1l1rovl llg til flo or, Wid e vadatlo ns or hud mu(atlon ~ for til di Storte d count m.nces you E-xtra thin women a re Jladdlng th see. Th girl who do s not bile Iier potato a r In li S : nre rare nnd ha v nev'r 111'n dn ced an y· 1. CrOSSin g deslrab l corset at the back, where the straigh t lips and dr aw in h ,I' yes lowal'd he r plants and thing especlll lly- valuabl o. 1' h y nre al fro ck or coat Is apt to (all In to a curved n08 " arches her eyebro , ·s thinking compari ng th II' 5 edlln gs under con· PI' 'sellt mOl'8 wor thy the study of ttl ~ o p y rl~ll l, by DObbs ·Merrili Co.) t rolled ondltlo ns, waist ,lIno. Tbls spoils th e trec t of It coquett is h ). or Im ' kers hOI' mont scientis t th a n tile atte htlon of tbe h 2. Selec linl; ex tre me flu ctuation s prootlca l po tato breede r. the wide, straight back, which Is Lhe 1111 on "Yes, Blr," eal d tho s hort, chuoky Cront exit, nnd thln l~s of porslm Dl ons 01' a there he sta;,ds, gy feature or g09d The univers al bollef In the h)illoth· '.DIan, as he leaned b8 Ie ngnlnst t'he ratln' and gath r ing t hread . . (ashlon to·day, hauclln' out pl easant «i-p,et 'Vom n who have large wais ts are esls that a Ilol.l1to vurl ty must degen· ,rorg6OU8 upholst ery or hi s seat In the Ing to a On e would feel like Inughln g If It ll- Merry ChrI stmas and Hap. haprTl ly erate throu gb continu ed bud propaga, letting th em out and having did not seem more to bo crl!)ct over. .smokln g cOlllllar tm nt of th o IIlee nlng ICY New Year to beat the band. tlon appears .lo have comfort 101' the IIrst time In t heir For much of this distortin g Is need less 'car: ,"yes, s ir, I knew you wal; a little ground " 'No w as for pI'eachln ',' I contlnu e,l, li ves, either In theory or llrtlct lee, 1'ho de· The only Lhlng 'ls that on e must and a ll Is dlsllg urlng. Oddly enough, preache r the minute • lalel eyes on 'you lleG all you have to do Is to raise wear go wns generat ion that some times do cs take and coats In straigh t Inck of faci al I' (lose Is more uotlcea· 3'ou. You can't foo l J. P. Warn· up tbe cant tails a nd Insert a record lines, othel'wl pl ace Is du e to phys tologlca l eft cte .sley, You eee, the re's a peculiaI' 1111' on the phonog se the etrect Is absurd, ble In women Ilud girls thnn In m en rapb concealed bere In Anythin g that tende ~o enlarge hips or boys. Is It b cause the forme r are through the use of tubers which are ,about a man tbat·s accusto llled to the back of the chest, wi t h a s peakln' and hus t 18 conslde nbnorm al, from Inhospi tabl e soli or cll· handle any particul ar lIu e of goods. tuh runnln' up rec!, bad manage · more s e l r·con ~,cl ous ? to the mou th. We can me nl ln dreSSin mate, or from the ravages ot In sects You can tell "em a.II, If you'll Just no· get the UI>·to.da·tes g, and eve n though the 'l'here are some girls who thInk a t sermoll s by th" w~l s t line or fungi on the plants, ' The old Id eo Is nOl only let out, but pad· quiet faco mus t be a stupid OIW, so 'lIce-an y of 'em-wh ite·goo ds coun· most dls tlnguls/ l ecl divInes, get som '! ded, the Il lps tha t a change of seed Is Il . cessary ter, lawye'r, eloctor, travelln ' man, 1)011· gent that's are laced In abso lutely t hey s mirk a nd Je l'k an-d shrug In the amlcted with elocutio n to) tight 'I'om helongs to t hi s same categor y. The 11clan, railroad -every 'ane of 'em's say 'em Into a the walsl down . mis ta ke n Id e ~ that Ih ey are animate d. r ecord, and on Suud a) phenom enon Is e ntirely Pl1ysl(llo gl'ml Ev r)' woruan Forccd piquanc y has but one endin g got hill sign out, anlL It don' t take Il our fr iend and pastor here wlll reel laco n corset, a nddoes not know how to Quality depends UllOn t ile following .Sherloc k Holmes to read It, neltb 'I'. If she Is In e rror the - w1'lnkle s fa I' t he piquant nnd sneer· 'elll ott line. You press the button factors: result will be worse this year than ro r Ing amu se ment fo r the lookel'o n, "Experi ence,· did yO~ 'say? I must he doea the rest, as t he fell er says.' ] , Homoge neous Anatom ical S lruc, many seasons before. Many a woruan snellds a s mall fortune , 'have had consldo rab le experie nce? ." 'How about call1n' on ture. -rn general , quali ty Increase 'l a s It must always be unlaced Its enUre on e lectricit y, cold packs and massage , 'W ell, I guess yes! Dldu·t you n ever bers l' inquires Andy RobIsonthe memo . t ho J)roportiOIl of cortical and external leng[h eve ry time It Is remove d. Oth· wben a ll she needs Is to root out dis· bear of DI Y Inventio n, Wa'msle y's Au· " 'Easy,' says 1. 'Hire a buggy 01 medullu ry lay I' to Internal medulla ry erwlse bon es brenk and steels snap figurin g bablta. Th p. re Is no wrinkle ·tomaUc Pall tor, Se le.feedlll' 'Preach er Brolher Jinks here , who keeps a IIv· and the corset lasts half lay l ' I ncrease s. (W hen a potat(\ III Its appoint ed cure known tha t will conq uer COD' ,and Lightni ng Caller? Say, that was .ery stable, at on o dollar per p, m. time. hlliv d I ngthwl se the cortical laye r flml ed Wrinkle-makin g . l.he hottest sc heme ever. I'll tell you Oet a nigge r to chauffe ur the pastor Is th e outside ring, tho In ternal medul· Wil en It Is put on It should be Sometim es .about· It fa olal distorti on comes at 60 ce nts per same, There you are, hooked lary layer Is the branchl lke sl ru o ~ur e, . up )n front, then the hands put from bad eyesigh t or lac k p(.nervous " You see, Irs this way, I'm not a Lot t he boy be provide d with an 1111· and Ihe externa l medulla ry lAyer Is -church m ember m yself- belll,w e tn It, sortmen t of records to s uit the people under It , to draw UI' the flesh. Next control. Whatev er the calise, whether the part 'be tween.) , the elastics are fastened to the stock· silliness 01' physica l Ills , try to get rid . 'you know, and all t/:lat sort of thlng- pleasan t and sad, coneola tory an~ Ings 2. Dry Maller , Oonten t.-Thls lDust and the of It. figu re comfor tablyad Just'I'm fOI' religion strong, and when It gay, oncoura gln" or reprovln ', and so be 811Ch ed b fore t he laCing begln'so' thatbursting cooked point. starchThe Find out whether yo urs Is a re pose· 1 _ _ _ _ _ _..;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. . cells tillslower the to their 'comes to payln' I'm right there wi th forth . The coon drives up, puts In 8 The lacers, which have loops In the 'ful face. Youl~ family will be only too l.he goods, My wife Is a member , and cartrldg ll, seta the pastor In the door, Zone. 01 the Potato. limit Is about ]8 IJe r cent, .. goo(L one; In tact, she's 80 blame and when the family gets. through center, s hould be pulled a little at that glad to give you the Informa tion. I. Cortica l Layer, b, Externa l' Medul· 3. Ma.turlt y. -Thls Is line first, then they Then should ask be Lbeir' pulled help In makin g It so. iIOod tbat we average up pretty well, sets him out again . lary Layer. c, Internal Medulla ry (actors of 8011 pbyslcs, affected by al\ hard a L the extreme lower edge, bring· soli fe rtility . You will not like that hel p. It grows Layer. .. 'There are, say, about 300 call1n' Ing the " Well, one day they elected me to cultivat ion and climate during the edges of the corset togethe r, deadly wearing to have ~rlendB say, 'tbe board or trustees at' the church; days In the year, He can easy make This shOllld be done all the way up jus~ when you think yourself looking among the plants and tubers of a va· growing period, , !becaus e I was the heavIes t payer, 1 16 calls a day on an averag& -eQuate over Under like conditio ns of environ · the hillS, t he extra length of fine : "Milly, SltOP squintin g; " "Mar· rlety. fllulJpOBe. I kicked some, not beln' anx· 4,600 calls a year, al $450, Of course, la'c ers pulled ment, variatio ns In table quality are out at the center. garet, get aw ay trom that frown;" 3, Finding and Isolatin g sudden lous to pose a s a pious IndivIdu al, but Utere's the records , but they wpn'! shown as varietal charact eristics due to The Bame mefhod of lacing should " Don't be , coy', Vtolet: ' But endure changes or mutationB. Jlnally 1 gl,vell In. cost over ,60 at the outsld~you then begin he ritable dllreren ces at the top of ,the corset, It as yOU would a bad medicin e. That advance Is possible by the first sitton and physica l In shape, compo"( went to two or tbree meetln 's- can shave 'em off and use 'em over on ly It Is not necessa trU'cture . These There Is ry no to remedy lace BO too severe In 'method III admitte d from the results I8Dd Bay, honeBt, they were the fiercest again, YOU know.' heritabl e dlfteren ces 'can probabl y M tightly above as below, the In terest or a restful face In this of Its lise .. 'But there's, the persona Uty ot the !things o\'er." 'rhe s(ring8 In the center are pulled dny of distortio ns. Plain features that reUcall) by the best breeder s, Theo· used as a basis for ori ginating new ', the new va.rletle s obtaine d varietie s of belter ,quality, pastor,' somebo dy speaks up, 'It's that aa tight as The ministe r smiled knowing ly. but the one wlshea and lied In a are quiet 8S nature planned t hem have "You're on, I see. Ain't thos8 of· which attracts folks an,i lUIs the 100Be knot. They should never more real beauty than a Greek n08e, a be pows.' 1Jclal mee lln's of a church the limit? broeght around the cOl'llet and t ied In perCect mouth, and lnsplrln g eyes that " 'Pel'llon allty Gee! Once I went.-a cold winter night shucks! ' says . I, front, as this d estroys the waist line are always In motion. -wade d through s noW' knee·de ep to 'Haven' t we had pOl'llonallty enough ! by denting It and fin a lly ' breakin g the For every man It Qt~racts It repels corset bones. . ·a , giraffe -and sat tbere two hours, ~wo. Your last preaohe r was 'one ot the best fellers that' ever struck lhl.iI Old·Fas hloned Braidin g. town. He was a plum brick, and had Some of the new coats bave their lata 0' horse sense, to boot. He could entire s urrllce covered with a close de· preach, too, like a ' house afire. But sign of solltacb e braiding . This was you kicked him out because he wasn't t he height of style Years ago, and, It sociable e nough. You're askin' an 1m· has been rov lved 'In' exa ctly Its. old possibil ity, No man can be a student f orm . . Fox fu rs are t he leaders. and get up the ra~t1!n' sermon s ' he Sleeves cannot g ro,\\, any smaller. The sou tache Is put on as though It did, and put In his time trottln' around we re cut alit with a Jig saw, and It Is ' All ~he I I\~est. coats are dlrectol re. call1n' ' on the sisters. Milliner y wings , are larger than Quite effectiv e, "'Now, let's apply bU8lness sense to One model In green broadcl oth bas ever. this problem . Thal's the 'Way [ run a seven·g ored circular skirt, with high Long lines charact erI ze every garmy store. Find ,out what 1he people waist band, and fastens down the lett ment. want and give It to 'em, Is my motto. frl\nt with buttells of g reen velvet cov. Th e big pillow mutt 'supersedes all Now, people ain't comln' to church ered with soutach e. others. CROSS SECTIO NS OF POT ~TO OF GOOD QUALIT Y. unless there's, someth ln' to draw 'em. In belts proper e lastic will be the The coat falls below the knees at , Llrge Cortica l and Externa l Medulla ry Layer•• "d Small or WCl've tried preacbh f, and It won't back and to ilie knees In Iront It Is most I>opular. , Finely Dlvldea \ .. Ir ternal Medulla ry I,.ayer, ' draw. They say they want sociabil ity, co~a(ed from s houlder to hem wIth Not for yeanl. hns parted hair been . ' so let's' give it to 'em strong, They these Bcrolls and turns made or so fas hionabl e. are mer Iy new com blnatlonI s of QuaU· work . will not ' be easy owing to the ",ant attentio n paid to 'em. You turn aoutach e. The one-piec e dresses lead all others ties which were held by the germ cells difficul ty In distingu ishing between my friend here looso In the comulI,m ' The ~ronts do not meet exc ept · by In popular ity. of the two parents . these charaCteJ:1;I and those produce d The neck outline at bodices Is likely ity, and ho'll make eacl) and overy means of a heavy black satin waist. The real eftect of selectin g ftuctua' by dlfte re nces In environ ment which man, woman and child think they're coat faslen.ed with green velvet to grow hlgber. tiona withIn a variety .(such as s eleot· ar not heredita ry, Padded pipings with 80utach e a rc Ing the beavles It In less'n a month. buttons . t tubers to Improv e lhe 1'hor III a w.lde Individu al variatio n leading decorations. " 'Then,' I continu ed, 'that ain't all, yie ld) Is stili Question abl e . . It II Olli S Iii oh nlical Qompos ltlon In the potato, The 'sea lskin coat will be more pop· defi nitely s ettled tbat When Hanging Curtain s. There's another Idea 1 propose, to go tho UB of dIs· nnd tube rs with a total content of nl· .A house deco ral or g ives this Imllor· ular tban for years . along with the pastor, as a sort of sldo eased, and Immatu ro tllbnrs RfJ • 1)11 trog n(,lus It)aterla la higher than the There Is a (ad for heavy e mbroide ry has an Injuriou s line. That's, tradln' stamps, Simple tant advice to women who are arrang,. phys lologf ul trol1l av rRl tor corn (calcula ted to 41'7 ain't It? Wonder why you ne,v er. Ing their bomes. They should not on gauze stocking s. IIpon the ·succeed lng crop, but til r I ",,,bO have been found, It cll,D thought of It younelv el, don't youl hang curtain s ' of one color against a no evidenc e that plantlllg UI b l , h lU'tJ l b ,d oubted that wall pape~ of another color. They Velvet Ro.n. , "'All you have to do Is tubers or planting tu bers tr011l th 111111, h'l I.rudu lid with a muchvarietie s CaD give hlgber food ,The new should thlnl~ , not of join the mom carpets ent Is the yielding planta will Incr ,,8" tll( yl Id "III of op,poslt e trallln' stamps for attenda nce, and II ('ILUBO of a higher n,ltroge n "V'I, 81r, I Knew Vou W.. a Preach .r your church fills right ,up, and John colors. They should not put <;llfferent Immens e rOB e 'with petals that are of the variety, Sucb an Inh l'llim '(jilt Dt, by select.lon ? f seedling s b)' the Minute I Laid Eye. on You." Henry 'k eeps 'em happy. Stamps can papers OJ} Ule walls of adjOining larger thau an ordinar y rose, made rooms which hllve wide archway s or of bello velve t 11nd worn on the front, while they discuss ed whethe r theyid be redeem ed at my store. So many ~~astor's back fence or not- stamps gets, say, a parlor lamp or a folding doors between. These ' are of a hat, Somel:im es two smaller ouos simple suggeaU ons, but they meaD a are IIIaced at the s ides, and between price ,6! [didn't ' say anythin g. beln' masterp lec,e of Italian , art ,1ft a gilt great deal. , . 80rt The woman who Is, guided them Is a. festoon of hello tulle. new, 'you tmow, but I made up frame; so many, more draws a steam by'· them 'will These roses a re also worn at t he my mind that next time 1'd tum l008e cooker or an 011 stove; arrive a.t much better so many more results than she who front of bodice nnd lust be low the le ft on 'em, If it was the last thing I did, and you 'have a bicycle Ignores them. or a balr mat~ W'hen It Is not possible to have the hlp on an evening gown made wi th a "But I must get along to my story, tress or a what·no t; and so on up to carpets !lllke in rooms about my automa tic pastor. One day where a bat full of 'em that are joined l unlc that crosses ove r at leCt and Is get8 an auto: by ~ wide' opening s, a ru g shouid be s lashed to s how an unde rs kirt 'of tulle the preache r ,r esigned . mobile. laid over tho long sealll t o hide It. or chltron, "Whe'n It conie to selecUn ' a com· "'1 tell you whe.n a mlttee to get a ne w pastor, I butted whatno t · In their eye family has a Opposit e Materia l.. they ain't gain' Americ an B;eauty Waistco at. rigbt In. to, let a little rain keep 'e~ home 111 <iress goods fab rics tbere Is a H you ' want to jlve n up a.. black coat "Well, sir, It was rlgbt · tlien' and from church. If they're all really too m erry war going on hetween llle suit, lIut In II. waistco at of Americ there I Invente d ,my automa tic pastor, sick to go they'll hire an a substitu te, roug hest of rough tweeds nnd the soft· beauty satin or ' vel vet. This Is a ~on~lnuous re,;olvln g band·sb aker and And I opine these here ' stamps will 08t Of satin weaves . Both are at the " smar t touch anclsho W B that you a ro <llrcuia f Jol1y·hander. ' bave a powerfu l a\levlat ln' effect on top , ot pov,ulnrlly, nn4 each woman Ciulte In with thEl fashions , I.t 'm ay be '''I brung It hefore the omclal breth· SundilY·lllcknesB, ' wants a sui t or one lind n gllw n of fastener! down center " With black ve l· .-en one night and explain ed Its modus .. 'BesIdes , ,b rethren , this pastor, lbe ,athOl'. ... vet or cu t jet button s. ollerand l, l bad ,a wax flgger made by bavln' ,no family, won't need his back the same firm tllat supplie s me with fence fixed; In 'f act, he won't need the the nlanli<:\l1s for 'my show'w lndows; par-sonage; we can rent And It was a .'peach; It' ( do lIay It m y- 'Proceed Ii will go toWard It, and the operatl n' ex· tlelf. Tall, handsom e flgger, benevo· pEmses. CROSS SECTIO NS OF PDT ATO OF ' POOR QUALI TY. . .ent face" .ehigant , smile .that ' .. 'What we need t~ Small Cortical Layer and Large'T hlck Internal Medulla ry L~yer. -eome olr, as the feller says, Chaunc llY conclus len, 'Is to get ~o,' says ( In ' In Depew aPlnnag e In front 'of, each J ear. to date, glye tbl! peopleline, get up lI'ould nece~sltnte th~ supposi tion 'that a chemlca l ' analysls , It lias 'w hat they also It ,wall a sut:e Iu·lu. . want. We have no way of judgln' !(erm cells of a largo tuber have a dlf· found that a ne w varIety wltll been a hll!:b , .. iNow,' l says to 'em, 'gentlem en, the future bqt by the fere n t con stitutio n from those of a. nitroge n content . would not past, ' as the leI, ' speakln ' 0; pastors, [ g:ot one here I 'Ier ' says'. We ' know 'small tuber of t he same varlety, and , posed, through any la w of be op. tli'ey 9.\):l't no hu· compos l. . 'Want to recomm end. It has one ali· lna~ beln' can m easure there Is ilO warran t , tor such an as· tion, to our concept ion of up to our ro. good Qual· ",antage anyhow ; It won't cost you II. q)llreme nte, so let's sumptlo n. Ity. ' take 11 falJ' out 'll k ·,·ou a "resent of It ' of 'sclence , and have entern.r lse and' -een t. I ' ma e J " ' and also chip iii, all her etofore, 't,o warii busines s senso.'' '" . operiltl n' expense s.', That caught' old ' J. 'P. \Vamsle y reached Of bloom can be kept. up from Novem· for a inatch. . J>~r to , May by bringin g the pots of Jake, Hlcl<a- worth a Qundrecl. thou· "Did they ' accept your offer?" asked rooted bulbs In (rolll cold frames at . and atln' gier 'n all. g'lt~ut na aan d d 0 II ars, "'ompan tb ~, his' " .'Oll, "1 ani . anxlo .,,, through out the' winter. The l thlsere, h' h' know .. 'NoW, yoti a~and how ' "our plan wor,ked. , It has w om J of ,bloom prod uced Is JUIlJ'o , we wm c;all John Henr)', at the door manY' ll'o lnta l.h' lts ' , the t rue B ermu d a LUUum ' Harrlsit favor, I oonfess ." The average prodUct ion ot '" of the cbfrch as -the congrog atl0 en· Elagt .. r Illy, 1/1 "No.'~ one repliod of ' the J. p, Wamsle y, as he greates t bulbs ·live to seven inohes In circum. ll ten, havUl' ,prevlou sly wou!1d him up, n1edltat lvely puffed - bls cigar apd acqulalUons to' made 'In terence , even when forced, Is from and 'there he stays, turning arol,/hd seemed to be lovhigly Illany . years,. Their profusio n of five to eight flowers, Our sketcb Illustra tes a ve~ oltectlv e wily of decoralUng , the and of bulbs and glvtn" the glad hand and cheery pallt, 'II No, tl\ey dldu't, reviewi ng 'lhe space Imm. 'loom, ' the 'r emarka bly ahort time seven to · I'm kind 0' dlately above .the dado with a number of small IHne Inches, eight to .. welve amlle and so doth ~Is unchang ln' pow· lor'ryo ' too, I'd Ilk.e pictures ' , all of the same size, rellulred to bring them .lnto to have "een the This Iorm of decOrat ion Is espac,l aUy adaptab ftower, Hl,nwe",i, and If desired a secon'! ' crop' le to a reading or smokin g room, lnd the ce rtainty to produce 41f dl~p.tay as the unwear ied !IUD from thing trled my.elt. But," he a.dde~, anil may be carried out entirely abun· of flowers, freQuel'ltly equal ' to t1l'e round the room, Small oak 'framel , ready· lant l;Iloom. and day. 'to day, Ule 'feller says. Nobody with a slo", -and 80lemn' wink" "they also the ease , wlUl first, csn be Becured ·the same Jeasoll made: can be ~urchased I~ ,m any of the 8110ps at a moderslte coat, D4!glecited. all pleased , You "mem· passed . a unanim ous and are very which they ~an be manipu lated to be by drying on call1l1' suitable for framing photogr aphs and en~avlng8. the pl!Ults ' 01( for a tim. lIer, the l ..t pastor wUll't , sodable back the old. pastor resoluti fto",ered at any deBlred pertod, such after bloomln g and at an Increaa8cl In the room from then .aealn ltart. which our sketch wpi made, a nu ber of photogr aphl &8 ~stmlUl, Euter, enou.h . and there was conllde ntble nltrJ.'," and other spe· Inc them, ' ' - had been framed ' quite pla1n1y in this manner , and compla int becallM be dIdn't hike rlibt the were arraDie d III lit ,Ial ocoaBions, "I iilioUld Bay, thell. that )'1)UI' Ia· row relUn. on the beadtng at the head of ,the dado, Alii ye them, and cut so rho S10wen render' thllm Inval)1ab.e. . Blooml nc plants In pote (orm dl}llD . after .t he· benecllc tion and jolly venUon was a succesa ." are delightf ully fragran t, EaBter ollerlng a and present . l1li to 811g1itl)' o,erlap the top of the trames, a ~nd bea(~nl had ~ nailed, pure wally 'w hite, die fl~ as th81 pan~ ~t.. We'll . "Well. [ dldn't..) 018 out OIl It, great substan ce, ration of wlndo... . table, allJ· and held the ,In their SaadlDp Iultable , or WI CIUl ..,d If BOOD they ~ .OpeD, Notblq I. ID:~:~~I=~
~a~~th8~ ~'i~i~r~fti~~Uib~~i~~i~'~~~ki';;iiiiiii~i~i~~ii~~°ir~a~~j~i~W
8S 0'U
-.-e.'e. . . .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . .~-• •_ _ _ _~&l ___
Ihll IJr"U!;6, December Hth., hits ooeu Inderillitdly pOllt.puu II The t4 l1pHrill tlllllIIlU I. r6(ltmt\ Hil. e u r II H,U hook" frO lH tll ( lido Htll t e Li bmrv fo r the pupil!! \tOIllO r tl,uUu!i:. Mllny of thOl:l6 uu oks lire intere!:!ting It.nd helpful. . .
N oveOl ber ;'lst t,he Wttyn6 towu ll bip telwhers h" hl theil' tblrd rSl{ulllr lII eHtiu ', with 1t11 teltohert! prottAnt 1/ ull 0 11 Li 111 0 . A nsr npeuiJ~,
· \*i\t-******':'*** ****.*******. *******: *t****' t' 1 1 '* . l.nlon g; HI' jOun l'Y c }OO *' ('I
"Th oll
du ted t he re view f ·tt ChllptS. 4-0 Book II . inoluslve.
,~"nlf " 1I /r; r!1 I!I~ " clll'icli /lIe life .((th e coul/ fry child ~ *, >lL"'*""' >1" *';"'';''''*.**~~",,~;,,-***** ****'~****. **********
t bo UrRt ou 1hs
In tbe ttfternoon Miss Burnet led the
Country Miss "'ohools," &hool liar dens." Faaly "reviewed the whloh there Ine no more nn·Amerohapter on " Indian Art and Deoora "Our sohools . Ilre better t hon tion . " Mise MoClure gllve /10 good they . wer" for ty years a.go. or ican institutIons in the lan d, paper on " Methods i n Peroentage" twenty. five yelir ago,; In some r eo Several you n ~ farme rs fr oUl War· and Ml ss .Davls gave", Mlk on " How "peot.s tbey lue bet.ter thOD they . were ten .roars ago. 'rhe charge ren oounty In Co~nmbu!I taking to Secure Attention. " that OaD with sl noe rlty be Ulllde Is short oourses In AgrICulture, 'fhls The next teaobers meelilng will be tl that the 80boo)s bave not ad is ,,11 right Bnd It mell.ns the dllwn. Ing of a better day' for not ' only' Saturday, Uecember19tb . vanoed with other depa.rtmeJltti of the farming interests but for the nati onal progres8. Tbo8Choolll-ln. wbole oommunity when young On Tuesday evening , November .toad of .keeping pa~ with thtl great farmen are net oontent to ploW bnd 24th" the G~6\!n Brier school gave a .ohanges that have affected tbe sosow as their fathers did but make a Pie eoolal. AUhough the night wall 01 11.1 order; with the f\ ltered condlsoienti.tio study of the gra nde!!t of dark Ilnd tbe oloudl threatening, tion8 of h ome life, a.nd , above all, all ocoupations. But not all can s o quite a number gathered .to enjoy a with '$be greatly extended demands Ilway to Agrloultural colleges or a' ple!1l!8nt soclill evenln!!, Tbelact iee of life upon t he ohildren on leaving leallt tbev think tbey ORn 't, lind tben eacb brought a pie RhlO'b the. men BObool-hue lagged t"r behind . again much of tbis training can be eagerly bougbt at fifteen oeotseaob. Tbe}' ha ve seemed oanten.t to exi8t obtllined rigbt at b ome in our pub- Quite a neat little SUOl ,,~as rellJt1.ed apart from the world WI a sort of lie 8Ohool8 if the sobools would but whlob will be Ulled foI' d~ooration hermit kingdom, Ilb!\orbed In tbeir do $beir duty. ~llIo the 8tudy of ofaohool room. The 8ohool gave a 0"0 aff"tre, 19noring tht1 rest of ~he allrioulture la mighty fine training program in keeping with the Se&80n univeree.-Delioelitor. " for the boys IUld girla tha.t a r e to go and Mi88 Burnet gavl' ':Iell'otlons on ,T he above i. a quotation from a tnto otber )lnes of work. bel' pbonograpb. The dreeD Brier aeriee of article. appearIng in the IIObool although small is very pro.. Delineator in v.hioh our public . Wayne township has nearly 110 greasi ve. Lae~ year by their own IChools are sev.erely orlticlsed . pupils in tbe grammnr grades en. efforts t hey purohased n book CRse Without dou~1i there is muob of rolled in tbe agricultural C\IUIB, reg· and , 8everal books. The pat.rons trutb in aU of the crUlcism but it IS ular lelll0111 to be wltb the teaober 111'0 wide awake and Interested lu ...y for writers and ptIOple on tbe and iaboratorI w(ll'k wltb Bupertn· the work of tbetlchool and give t he ou\81de to find fauU. Wby dc $bey tenden', teaohers ' their bearty support Bnd Dot I!how us 'the remedlee ? There . co.operation. hu-alwaYI beeD ebmethlng wrong In laborlltory work we experiment --with the public aoboool. and there with the eeed, tbe plant, the 80il and The following pupils were neitber wll,l al'waye be, for "here is COD8*-nt~he air. ~e were oolleoted and tardy nor a.bsent during the month • ola.lfied of almost every variety of f N be chaNe in OODditioDB aDd tbe 8Ohool. plant found tn Warren county. 0 ovem l' : " oannot reet on tbeir ' oars and believe tb ..t the' exaot methode, tbe Methode of nature in scattering Lowell tiiU Scbool, Miss &'ealy, boob, tlie atudiea and dl80ipline I188d, protection and gr01l{,tl1 , have teacller, enrollmeln t 26, • been or will be 8'udled. ' How beat Lawrence Brown Nina :~Impkinll that Was countecrthe tbing y6llter- to figM weed uest.s · and beBt oare. Marie Shutt. ' ::!ieph.~n Bookett day Ie n8C8ll!8rlly good to-day . tor seed and .eedllnBB of oultlvated John A~der80n Fred mmkinll But in all of these indlc'me1)t8 plants. 'l'be making of oo~n testers Kathryn Beckett Della Gullady apln.' the'8choolll there iii. great and the Itudy and JudgiDg of seed 1 Le~lv BeCkett deal of nonaen88. Are the publlo ' 8ohoollof America failing to pre. oorn 18expeoted' to yield in praoti. IS pring 8ra.nch, ;John Strawn, teach· pare for Ufe? G to tbe workshops, oal reeuUa . er, enrollment 18. Tbe Itudy of texture, origin, capl. Gene'v. Curtis _be taotoriea, the office, tbe profe8. . · .Bar,.,..... r UI,!~ccy . larlty and kinde of BOils i8 a work <:HenDI' BobUt Earnest Braddock lione, the Balis f legiBlation and tb.' can take up many month8 prof. everywbere tha$ any thing worth i •• bly. Carl Da kin Berman Conner ..... Forest Hoblit 1Vhlle i8 ~ng done? Who Is,doing The 8tudy of leaves, fio'w ere and tbe work? who leads and plans? tbe Woodll and $be oQlIecting of epeei. 001legoBI11 . Belon McClure, t·ed.oher enrollment 112. tnen 'and women educate4 in l)rl"l$8 aoboola? the man arid w.omen of Ut- mena of 'belo il very interesting Ber~ha Marlatt Velma Marlat t and give ~noh m"tnial for o~ber Em. Smith Edna t:ln,ltb tIe or no 8Oboollnl, or the men and studies be8ldea agrioulturo . women from our from American 1'be .'udy of air Inoludes 8tudy of Barmony Grov6, Millnie Burgett, publlo aohools1 weatJJer and making and 8tudy of tellcber, enrollment 29. OUT 8Oboollare titting onr boys oarbon dioxide "a nd oxygen. The EdnaRhubert Clara. Rhubert and glrle for Itfe, tor practical life proper IItudy of the scienoe of agrl. 'Evan Prioe Cia.renoe Rhubert . too, better , than ever, but while ol1ltnre ma.kes i$ inolude many other. Red Oak, May ' Gaynor, teaoher, the~e are many .fault8 and l1bo88 eolenoes. . enr\)l1ment 6. Ib0!lld be romemedled 11.8 Boon as If all tbh does ·n ot belp to fulfill pol!I8lble, it il Il)l wroog'to make t·he · the motto at tbe bead of onr 001.' Gr~n Briar, &rah BUlrnet, teaoher, ,.weeping oondemn.M lon that Ie be· umnl then we hllve mlslled our oall. enrollment H. ing made by IlOme magazine writer8. Ing. Lena Whitaker . 'E ugelDill Whit" ker I wonder if 1l0Dle of th6lle attaokl Earl &ms BowBlrd Whitaker are .not made iii t~e interest of tbe r.rb'rl lecture of A. B. (2raham to Guy Kibler Baze,l Mullen numeroll8' private 8cbool8, tban have been given under auaplO8ll of Alt. BoHy Henrietta MoKlnsey , teacher, enrollment 2 . K4thryn Daughterll Les81e Luotl8 Paulina Marlatt M.artin ~rlatt ~dnn C~~nell lieorge Sm,ith R\ss:le Luoas Perry Smitb . Irma. Dd.1;Jgbters .Altla BurtOn Adrlll Cornell Cynthia aurton I!'loyli JJaugbter8 ' Oysters wi th ot Il~ .true t>l'sfeY /1avorLena Marlatt Jobllinia. lrtyere tIle kind yO\! ' \. smuck.,l your tips uver at the shore. Letitia. Vaughan 7f" "'."..
•. 'II"
Oysters Wit·h · "Se,a Tang"
, , Sealshipt ' , Oy~ters The)' are' shippen in' a steel containrr,
air·tight, eeaJed, packed with ice around the container. No ice or _ter foutAt s' the oylters. YOI1 , getlOli4 meala-perfect BDd unbroke n . , . ''5ealshipt'' Oysten; go further Bnd taate Come &lid see them.
so different'
Ask for "SEAL&HIPT 8EN8E "-a Book About Oyaters All the; followin& dealers acll "Sealahlpt":
Walter J. Kilbon,
Corwin and
Thc genuinc "Sealahipt" O,..tera ani sold from a White Porcelain Di.pta, Case beariag the "Seal.hipt" trade mark to blue. Thil iI for ,our protec:tiOil-look for it. The "Sealshipt" Carrier System II ~teDted. Inlriage. lDeDU will bIi proeec:uted to ' lbe fall eXtent of'the Ja ••
Sugar Grove, Eva. DaViS, teacher, enrolim8nt 15. .Eva Prater Madil!on Earnl111rt Erne8t Earnbllrt ~usi.el ,Surfaoe Barold Earnhart Marile 'Surface Sarah Mote 'Paul Stokell 'aarry Roland Mlll'Y ROJtl~d Township. Board 'm8l~t8 first Mon day of eaob m'ont~ : eha •• Smith. PrE'liident. John WlllOn Mont Hoblit 'Joaeph a,aey Burt.on Eitrnbart . U. B, Clemente, Clerk . C. E. Bratton, Bupt.
Leo F. Zelinllki, of . 8uft.lo, N, Y., Mye: . 'moat 8Dnoyillg oold Witb BaokloD'e ArlDtc~1 8.h·e pUed lible _lve . , . , wben every
"ae lODe. ..
H, . .
aDd_guaranteeali F.
Low Prices ~
Reliable Goods
S~turday .
prOl'trRnl Wit!! ,Jobu W . St,J'I\wn, whl) Kit ve II di sol1~8ioD 'of 'uupt. V. EvoI tlt.ion , " Nltturltl 8election:' fol lowed by Miss Bnrgett on Chapt. VI . Evoluti l)D, "Artitloil\l election . " MiljS aynor gllve 11 ~ood r eview of 'ilapt. X . Evolm,iou , on "Bered· I~y . " 'l'he sUPllrlnt,enclent. t hen OOD·
A_ •• _
k._ _ _ _ _•_ _
The store that guarantees satisfaction. You take no chances when you buy your gifts here.. We cheerfully ' 'e "change or refund" should the purchase fail to please.
Our Store Is Teeming wi t~ . Holiday Bargains. ' Appropriate gifts for everybody. For people who want to buy costly things; for people who want to buy inexpensive gifts; for people who want to make lasting presents.
HOLIDAY B'A RGAINS In every Department. . .
Every't hing in
Tbe S. Vn¢d
W. 0, linBfo\n hitS Ii oolt that, is doing good work on tb", traok, bu\ pttrties are hot lifter It, ttnd h e ma.y soIl. rbeoolt MOC)uet-Allen D. Is two y6!H1l old, hilS t rotted qUllrters In 41 seoonds, eigbthsln 19 seconds, - I l 2 :32 Be bll8 been offered '-l00 for tbe oolt by Lexington, Ky ., dea ler,,'.
While Doing Your Xmas .Shopping
lI ev. OenJ!lmln
i'lUI lor,
a . m. n«'gular r tou reh
hrlHtl311 f.ncleavor.
Hicksite Friends Church. F lr~ l OI1~ Meeltn l{. I (I :00 n. 10.
' 01.001 , 11 ;0(\ a , Dl .
IU:OO a. m.
Flrn Day .'ounll Da y ' Meetl0t:
Ch~lstlan Chu~ch.
Methodist Episcopal Church. n"v.. w. T . OIlUland. PllIIlor .
"mlllY School,
Don't Miss Visiting the Mose Cohen Establishment
. tades ,or Jewelry, just call on
Unwltlll ~.
!'\a bba~h !'lotoool. U::IU ~C~VlL'6. 10 ;30 U. UI . ' i·tO II, m.
Sundll), ohool. n :110 ... m . 800\" \ meCl ~ng , 10 :an II ' m . and Cbrlslla n glldeavor, • :OU p. m
If you Want .Anything In the Way of Spec-
Orthodox Friends Church.
II ::)0 a. m.
MOflllnfl: let
vice • .10 :30 a . m. t}pwortb L~ague , 7 :00 I' m. EvenI ng lIenlce... :!l0 p. m. Midweek ~f\yer. J(veL lnll. 7 : JO p . m.
St, Mary's Episcopal Church.
Re\·. J . F . Qa"wal1"de~. Reclor. -A , glgantlo Xmas Bille bll8 hoen · unday Sob 001. 9 :30 a. m Moralng sef' \'Ice, 10 :30 a. m. t}Ytinln ll ser vloe, 7 p. m. , Inaugurated, Ilnd t~et:e .are thuu· Holy Communion \lIe IIrst S und "" of ea II 1!80ds of Big Bargains to cbooeeJrom .m O)'ll! ,
J. H. Opp,
St. Augustine's Catholic Church. !o'llther George MRveabo efer, Pastor . Mulls ev"r, tteCollll !ll!olluy of the monlli 11\ ;OU a . w.
MO'SE 'COHE -N o M~in and Fourth Dayton, Ohio :
The 'Optician
Don't mi88 ,r eading , the ~~~~~~~~~~ Ga~ette until Christmas~ Subsc~ibe for the (4zette
The Jeweler'
_ _ _ ,_ _ :S:::::S
I will guarantee satisfaction in \~atch Repairing, as I have made it a study for ,years. In . Fitting for Qlassesl can fit all eyes satisfactorily. ' ,
HI Rst'H
Silverware., Watches~ Clocks; Jewel ry of all Kinds, Rings, Chains Etc. All 'New Ooods. Engr.aviQg a ' Specialty J
To have your hog. kill~. .We kill 'M onday, Wednesday and Friday ' :: •••• . ,
Opp, the Jeweler WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
~ ,. ~ .,~---. ~~ ~ --~-~ -.~ - ~~~,-~ ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COUN rv COUR rs 1~::!U'U5: 'hurl·s ::llibbi:l, con tl'UC t.,
. J . Zt!l1 tmyer, hr i dg~.r ,pail ' ill Dt'erfi£'lrl tllwlIRhill, $:~t), Ii.: New Sult~. Lebanun lee ami Coal Cnmp,uw, ('val II 11 (' l ' I ' 'ff W for jj\il. $!{;J.2:1; Ilugg'll's-C;:dl' COI11PII': ye '~)(H WIn, p 1111111 • v~ ' ,'Il' IW.' b lank!; r:'I' cl'rk •. 1, : L uan ol! ley ( . Rllsh unci MHI' V !{lI!~lt, hI;: \ 1ft', ll' If " - 'J U P I~ t' . . f ''' Oll(l - vU S' tJllm s VI' Jury, ' ',-; . • , I f I I , • el1l UIlL;; . C ,lll"n "I' !Ji:.J ' 1' ft b ' I f S l'l, ,\)' I(, '7',): I n s, Ut'lU 0 Usall ' ''''' " 'h 1 p I:.un tlll ChllnJlIIg's was ~,;lRn( . I'f'( I l I~ N It (' ay m !lpP. I' II\! Y ,ompal1Y, .':!070 I fi:
lJ y tl1l' rl\':f ndanl s lo I'll ·h an ~xl'lIt ., $(' A I , Inu 'C " ramsE' Xpl'e '5 ('.A.mpallv, thut. h l' hush, find left hE!I' aloll . ';1/ I f OJ 110 ' vs, ' , ' . '. pres.'! . .' C' nt ,': •'tuue 0 h.unyan an J • lanl 'y , nLtOl'n yf'. fOl' H' '" I H' L'., "17 ,~. 'l' h ,1I1 ~
plllin LiH'.
Fl':-lI1k PPlIrsO)I, plall1l ltf \'~, Ma d f d PI ' 'rr al'~on.
e 'en . ant..
, 11
aI', ' I' LhaL der ndant.l!\ gU Ilty of extr m CI'U Ity anrl d I'll nhnt;lsil and PI'tIY ~ " , ( f,01.' It d'j vorce. an d 1111 IIlJlln h f r . 'Ulln . f r0 Pl'(!V eI1t t;lr tl'omwl'III!;P(~SlrllgwO 'p h SUOl~ l propel' Y, Lt . f l ' rtfI lll'u , , ng I, u M°l'Il~ypOI'bP ' l 'II' al'le 1'0 a am co, I p'Imn I VS. " ' I'd J . Proba co, defendant. Peti tion fot' divorce on g roun ui:I of dl'unken8ss. .ltntl
' ~ 'I t 'd ~rue Ity an d ~al ul'e 0 provl .
) Iam McOonalrl , atlOl'ncy f
1~,~ 1)1l
" .
' ,"
re pnrrs tn 1'u l'th'~ 'k l" '1'1 '28 50· El "~Ho vC1 "WI1S 11),. '" m", \ ell , bridg'e repalrs in 'I eul'cl'c k as HarmOIl, bnd g
t ()wns I11. P. "'42 : 1.1l ' !' t . " I) . (' I I l pnU" 111 e'l'l L)' IJ ' j{
,I '.
have just clos~d from one of the leading makers of fine clothing in Chicago, MESSRS. HIRSH, WICKWIRE & CO.--ywhose product we have handled for the past five years-··a . large quantity' of their reserve stock in
~A8 74 ', '1" " '1.'1, san.05:
" l :;, one, C'I I.j', l:O!;
[\,aect , lI l'h'''Ig )' h' 23 25 0\\'11 ' II " , ); I'J
. .(
un [ . 'Olle . , 0.
Klllle, ' __ st:.
:j;~:i· lJ._ _ _
~ I '~ r.~ . IJ
'r' ,).) .
'ro tllP IIDy ).J'liu in '! ) ' 11 ' 11 1' t ttl kl;! nile of, Dr. HlJunp'lj Pink ]Jain
W'I 'l 'l\blets . /:lee fnnlHl11L on tho box , .1 - Ask your' Doctor or Drnggist about plum- this formulil. It can't be bettered .
tift', ' <-:; ! Eo' ',"Yooollnly IJ!lins, hellu {ln ins, any Jolm Truss. plaintiff vs, Frank 'A pliin gets instllot . re~l:-,f . • Box .)of
Hi ldebrand . defe ndant, Petition for t.~nty Pink P<1 m lttblets, .. 5 le500 d amages p Iam . t'''' I" he Bolel by 1\11 de~ler!l il L calming ... _ . .. _ __ was assaulted and mill'treated to thai ' TERRIBLE MINE DISASTER extent hy th e defendant. Arthu r Bryant,. attorney for plaintiff. nly on of th e lag m n who.. wel'e in the Marianna coal min in PennCourt Procec:dings. sylvania when t he ' recent explosion Cliff~rd ,F rdon vs , Village of occured eflcap d with his life, and Frankl.lIl. Judgment of Mayol' of he i unable to give a tongue story Franklin is revel'lled and plaintiff in of the awful e rror is disc?al'ged. .1udg~ent is He wa Frank Ellinger, a !.rack r ndered agall1st defendallt 111 enor I aye.!', who was l'escued in an e)(haustto all cORtsof ClU'e, ed and demented condition twelve W. E. ambQr v·s. Will It. Lewis boul's after the horror. It is believ~ at al. Pros cutOI' withdraws ntry ed that hi reason is pcrmanently and judgment is set-aside. . dethr ned, Howal'd P. E;u'ly, administrator Dozens of bodies tak n from the v.o;. Hen ry H i~, et al. S' B. Wood- death pit wel'p so b~ldly mangl d ward one of the defendants is gran t- that. it was impossible to identify ed leave to fil e re ply to answer, . t hem. Scene about. the mouth of W. E: Bamber " , Will It Lewis, the haft were tragic in the extreme, et ai, Motion tor n w ' trial i over· One woman whose hUfiband lo!'t ruled. hi life. tried in a frenzy of grief t Do11ye Rush vs. GeOl'goe W, Rush · hurl herself into th pi t . A moth e r Divorce g ran ted ancl man'iage rela- whos on', body was entome I wai t.. tiona dissolv d. ed for hours for tidings, scruti nizing . Charles Whi teneck vs. 'I ing.f ow- every body thaj. was brough t to the d er Company, Motion to make pe· surface. until she finally b cam a t iti on more cI finite is overruled by raving maniac, t he court. Miners and Pennsylvania state mini! Probate Court. officials regarded t he Marianna mj,ne , as Il .model of safety' and al'e unabl Estate of Herman H. ~ Krone, de~ to account for the explosion. cea.'J6d . Inventory and appraise- -,- -_ _ . raent filed. A Dangerous Operation In.Platter of will of J, W, Slayton, i8 tbe removal of the appendix by a rleceased. Will admitted to probate. surgoon, No one :who. takes Dr. King's Ne\y Life PIlls \S ever Bub~tate ~f J, W. Slayton. ~eceas,~d, jeoted to this frightful ordeill. Widow makes known her mtentlon, '1'hey work so quietly you don 't feel to take under will. them. '£hey oure oonstlpation, The following ac(!ounts of estates .headaohe, biliou8nes aurl malaria. were approved: allowed and con- 25atFr ed C.. Sohwartz'sdrogstore, ·f .
firmed by court: ~tate of Ric.hard l!' airfa..-.:. first and final accoun t; a rah E '. 'Koogle. first and"fi nal account; .To Moul1U!; rninol' fifth and final ,account; May Mounts, minor fifth accouiJt; Ruth A. Chenoweth;deceMed first account; Nathan Preston" deceased final account; Agnes L. W.illiams de :eased, first account; Mary E. Smith, fi rst and final account' John COlllier fi 'st .
• '
account; Dennts Sweeney, fi l'st und flnalaceoun t . Estate of Anna M, Grandon illlbeeile fifth account tHed. ' . , " . Est!l~ o! MIchael Donohoe, . deceased, · FIl'Stand final account fi led..
Marriage LI~nscs. Samuel B, Russell; 60, farmer of Lebanon, and Mrs, Olive M, Sharp, 47, housekeeper Lebanon, Rev , W, A, Cooper. ' William Brough 27, furniture dealer of Miiullisburg anti Mary Bennett, 20, ware-house employee, of F l'anklin. - ,Rev, H. M. H erman Franklin: .1am~ Holly Taylor,26; b~ok-keeper , of Lebanon and Sara Ma rie HutchinsOn, 38. of Lebanoll. Rev, G.' E. Gowdy. . , H~rry Snyder ,26. farmer of Coza~d~le a~d Isabel Wolfe, 1 "factory gIrl of Lebanon , Rev, Floyd Poe, Geor&,e ·H. Basore, 23. drug cl~rk of Franklin and Anna Sautel'; 23, dressmaker of J?ranklin, ."
Real Estate Transfers.
and Raincoats To this purchase we ' have added ,many broken lines from our own stock. The regular prices~tlon these specials are
OUR SJl~E ~1lI~~ IS OnLY ...... ,.
.............. ........ . .
·,~ . . . . . w . . . . .
....... -
w •• w ...... , .
.-..- - -
"This surely is a remarkable tribute \'0' t he w~men of Russia- 't h Tsaritsa holding them re.,>ponsihl for the great nlovement toward liber ty as a I'esillt of t heir education culture!" .
.. . . .
• - - ---
... ,.,..., ....
-". -.~~~~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ¥'V""''"''''-" ......
M~icin~ That Is Medicine
"1 have s uffe red a good deal with malaria. nnd stomnQb oom plfllDt". but 1 buve now to und u r emedy tb~t keeps m e well, Ilnd that l'ewedy 18 Eleotrlc Bittel'S i Il medicine 'bat i!4 medioine for stomllch /l.nd liver t roubl es, and for run down oonditlon8." 8ay8 W,.O, Kiestler, of Balliday,Ark . EleotrlO Bitters purify nnd enrioh tbe blood, tone np the nerv68, I,nd impnrt vigor ~nd ene rgy to t he W61lk, Yonr money w1ll be r efund · ed if it fB.i ls to help you, iiO" at Fred , ~cibw8rt~' dl'ult st-ore,
About 'O~ver ' Now.
SHeRIFF ooEs SOUTH ~" " , Sheriff Pattersoh IlUd fAmily will la/lve for th!l ,)(lnth the fit-st of the ~elH, where tpey w ill ~pen d se:v,~rnJ' months, ' The !!h£>l'iff will be ruther free from roare uS be will n ot en tel' ,OPOD, his dutie Q I~S ILUditor 'ootil. next !:September . ' 'l'h Y will s,tay' ,~lo~g the Gnlf for 1\ few months, '
But abQve purchase. alre styles for 1908 and 1909. The suits ' c~me in a great' variety of F~ncy patterns anc:J ' ,the .Q'v ercoats and Raincoats in all styl~~s front' .plain. black, to fancy browns. . . i
r:1, W.akandJl-.~~'"
We firmly 'believe that .no such, oppor-'
. atored to Heal. by VlDol "OUr llttle d~u&bt.r, .Ix yearl of ap. attet ... "Tere attaek ot tile ·meaal.I,
tunity for money saving.'on fine clothing has ever' been offered in Xenia at ,this season of the' year.
Tihleh dev.loped Into pneumonia, "'u
left plUtUlly tliJa.weak and eDia.Cfated. Sha had DO appetite. and ller ltOm-
, .' , Nathan L, Rogers and B~rtha aOO was 10 weak. it .could not reWa !' ' Rogers to Walter 8.:85 acreS il') Clear' food. She ~a1 In tills eondltioD for , , I ~reek t0Wl1..hi~. $1 and othel' corisid· . "'HkI. ,.'and noWnc the doetor pre' erations; . , . IUlbed did a bit of lOod, ~nd we war. .t N th L bapunlnc to think Iba would never 're' ,-100 ) W' Ro W al r . gers 0 a an . cOver. ' . Rogers 1758 acres in Clearcreek . ",At thli time we commenced to rh. township, $1 and other conslde~tions her VIDOl, an'd the effect ",as marvel'Walter W. Rogers,three acres in au.. The doctor was amezed at her Warren COunty $1 a~d other J!onsid. eratlons, , " . . Adam Stoops to Saoina Gllhland real estate in Warren County. $200. Cyrus M. Earnhart to· Ella B. ' W 1"t Rhodes reaI estatem arren-.vun y. $1 and other oonsiderations.
pr~se. and Wh'eD we told h~m ...e
were B'lvlng ' her VIDol, he replied, ·It III & fine remedy. ,keep it up,' 'W" did 80 and she recovered her health aDd et:ength monthe before tho doctor thought Iha could," J. W. Fl~gc, Portland, Me. Vlnol cures condltioDs like this becauee .In a natural manner It Inereaaes I CoIlllllfulOllen' Proceedlnl~ the appeUte. tones up the dlp,Un I OrpDI. mak. rich, . red blood, and Bills Anowed- F. F. Benecke & ItreDlthtU aYV7 ora- III 01. bodl.
R.S.Kitlgsbulty, {)O and 52 E
Son. cement. ~.60; Johri Linder,l J.E. JANNEY, Dr~II'8t bridp repalnI Clearcreek W&JIl__e, 0lIl0, ~• •
tOWDBbip, .
t Main Street,
Xenia, Ohio.
lem !l'lc!
"nd lIe had return c1 frum Ihe rh' PI
WATCHMAN Eaeki.1 the Prcp".t ·Ci.... a Solemn W .. nlo••
I'srl~ht.' . ") . "'.Au\b"'. W . S.~ouJ E~~kl()J . th o M un ,;nd , 1:I18' ,:\1I8,'on.1'''0 1\I(I\llng lillrn 'll'rlsll or l';~ p kl e l I~ "'~ 81 ' 1'11. Inll cxlhl" UII .... /:)' ur \\'111 lind , h,'rnctcr. II" "'liS Int IIsl'I)' ,1.,v,m'.1 to Ihe ';1 • amI ('or 111011108 uf 101 nlltionnl r~l1brJOIl. lI o Willi no CO"lllo ,lolll,•. bUl ~",wl ' wlt~rQ dl@I'It1),s th I' p~ ullnr Il'l\Ih' nd,'" or 11 H,' lort·\\, cllue"ted IIl1der [.",-Itl"n l trutllin/:. Tit re WIlS II .u· n!;' \lrh'slt;blltu. 110 " UII IIhsorblng reco"nltlull " r hl~ ,J\V II hIll''' ' Illitog which 1'... bl L'' hill 1 " he rfllll) \ 0 tndu r un), prl,-utl II. If II If'rf'by I.e mh;hl &I\'(~ nn)' wnrnln/: or 1 ~"8 on to hIs peopl,' whom I: I" "cll 110 arrle ntly. Tho \\,liUI)~s of )~ ..,;kl ('l a re II1n r\' e lousl~' \·a rl ed. hi. ~r,'nl "hll Iwlng I" aLlnllllat'C t he dormant noln rl. ot lho Ie
')010 ('xpr~s@c"
.In l he pIILln".t wun l• . The ~ u"llrll c ltll, volatllo 11,IId wltlrully ullbellr\" 1111; wo.ul ll I hereby bo lerl to Jud'el,,' I>lInrll1O&' " 'horen,, lh e helH'r"lls!'''"l''' wOlIlll be nwake ne(\ to 11 d 'cper r('l'card, hil a l ho lhlngs ()! Ood I»)' Iho ""ry ob· . ellrll)· of tho symbols. Scrlplure Aulhorl ty-Ezeklel. cll II' ter 33. .
('1If.'\)al·. ht' hnd sal r r ,,""','1\ .!~I' ~ IlIUl(' hp(or(' the J ws at T(·labib. 1'1' r.1 ~ lng bolll r od uurl drink, unlll III lut liley wnc1 rrlltoud that hll Ilad s 'en II. \'Islou and blUl been !ten I oi God with a (lC lal meesagc. nd from t hat do)' forlll h had hl'e n rec· ogUlz II as tb e prophet f the 1II;)~1 Hlgb . 'rh n Int er when he bad so grnph. leally porlrayed tlte Siege und deiltruc· II n f J rUKalell1 nud brok n down t.he OIl O forlorn lingering hall of trJ\I ell\>IJv('S thaI they would >\0011 reLlll'n' ~·o . thpl .. belol' d city, lh y a c PI('d ble message, but lu st~lll ot I urnlul; to God In penllenco llley suve th ~'m. 'el\''''' t tb . 11 t f b 5 , .:w liP 0 e rl ureme n s o t 0 l\II1lnge la nd In whl h they dwe-I t. He ulso r:lCalled the profound lll'n· s aUon wbl eh hnd lleen caused Wh(' 11 h e hnd gO lle forth (Hllong tbe IIp.opl ~ and had 'sha\,e(\ tho balr from hl5 h ead and from his fure ,.nd baLI dl · vld d It Into three portions IJ gl"atco remony. Th Il whll tho curious e~'es of lhe mUllitudos h h lei, ile burned a third purt 1I. tblrd, purl b ' smOte with bls knife und C~lt Into mnny nn 1I1 c ell, ' und lbe I'e maluln,; portion he had scattered Into tb e wlnlls. and th ey bad been warted hI ther and thlth r . Then he h ad stooped and picke d up a tew ot the
~~;~:d tl;;~~ \I;:~ ~:;: ~~OI'~~~8~~'~~r~~" Il~;.:~~
i" ........ ,SE~M~N ~~~E:' .
have tbem com!' till "'• ." , I. ' n. Wh61l first the call h arl COOl" t il hln:
~ ~~s f:;~I~~h t~:! f~l:n pno~~o!l:, ~~~ .~
.Practical F·ashions L.c:.DIES· TUCKEO SHIRT WAIST.
Gcrman W 3y (If D.te~mlnlng Dllpo.~ tlon. a nd Temperament.. The o)'chro ovs. cI 'olnr :) , a G rm&n charu~I r 1-l'l\ ,I!' I' , h'lI liS rllr lIIoro about the trtl" Inwardll Ills or our oJ.l. (Xls ltlons and tUUll1l'r lllnOllt ll thon all th e "IJAt or lit O 1.1011:;. S\udy Ih yo· bnlw formatioll ,nf YOILr (,-Il!n,l.. and yOU will lind lha L "'h I'E' the Intllca· li On s Ill' similar like 11 'I',onal (:haructerl tl tl wIll d e lar th om s elvos. snyw Ihe 1': w Yo r k \I ·orH!. Thill,! YO ll w iH dll>covt.! r thnt Ih n hig hly ai'eh d cytlbrow l! note. u sen slUv ' temp fa· ment. !Il th(1l1 ~h , contra ry to thl! gener· III 0llllllull. lh,'y do not alwnys adorn persons oC I,I U ,Jer ior Intelll f;t! lIce. Thin ynbrows Invul'iably s how a !ttck of vlta ll l)- and IhOIl(' of 111 thl (' k and ou ~ hr \'ar l IY Illd l all' til l' I'xlst n e In th e i r j10sl!o!;sors of 1\ hl l; hl~' .. ltal· 11: d te mperalll n t tog!'tilel' wll h great. PO\\'O I'S oC lod ily cndurnllC' e. III worn· (' II t ill' ), d 11 0 It! UIIIlI,lUUI IIOW rs or bodily a~d melltal Iltumlnll.. Whe n th e eyebrows mecl 8aYB ollr Gel'man frlen ,I. . you Dlay bl' cerlaln thut n s ine rc l'hal'a te r II! expressed, tbough hero It Is Inter Stin g to ro· ca ll. Ino)dcu tul!y. thll.t every cbarocter r eacler slnc t he days ot Aristotle hall d cIa red thnt slIcll eyebrows Indicate. Ulllluestiontibl r . n pee\' ll,Ib dlsl)Oslllon. Long. drooping eyebrows. wide apart 011 the foreh ead. Indlcll. te a JOYous dis· position linrl ge noral am lubllity . . It tlte eyebrows are more IIght·colored ttlau th" haIr of tbe boud, 11 distinctly weak "Itallty Is d enoted. LI~htlY marked eyeb lows. whi ch li e hl gb Ahove t he nose, s how a dl sposltton toward lodol lice and a general w aknes~ ot churacter. Dark eye bro.w!', wblcll ' /lo strong and e nergetic an expression W the whole fll.ce. are In· dlcatlvo of patience. Rarely will rou ' find In perSons or sharp Intellect eyebrows ot a IIgbt eol· or, although tho color does not COUllt so much as tile Shllil '. ned eyebro ws Invariably IDd'lcute conslderabl ambl· tlo~l. '1'he averng eye brow Is a co m· bln atlo n . of black and re d.
[ C;oodJokes " .~ A Smiling Paradox.
GERMS AND MILK. i\ccorrl'lnJl; to IL r C · l1t <II ·tum of nee. t he n"lullrl' of ger ms 111 a s lllil t l~a l:! 110Un uf mll1l. Oil hour uner II. hu ll p~ n hlll'l'l cI IIWlIlr from the co w on 115 CRl'(ler of dcntll nnd d :it rue· tlon. 111111 bt!ell reduc ed by mod ern lUt'l ho:1:1 from one or two mllliolls to about 2aO. 'l'hc~ e gE'rme al'(' nol III til mil\< at the tim e It leaVell th ow, hut, IInles~ !l01ll I hlnl\' I·s d on nllont II. they begin to w:.rlvc III !llI'ge quant ItI('s fl'Om tltls mome nt. They co me III excursIon trains or . 011 fool. Tb e IIl1 e of g . rlllll waltill A' to get Inlo 011 orl1lnal'Y bot t to of milk ha s b ' 11 exte nding far oul Into the st t·eet. Police gll rms hav e had gTellt Irollble In preserving order. au ,1, of course, hnd t here been a riot much damage might have hee n done (0 prollOrty . _ All Ihls. how c,' r. Is now an affafr ot the ' If te 'PII Hl. Th regulations lire so strici thuL only a given number of germs ma r PUSI!. I\nd even these have to gl\'e the countersign. Bur evell 260 ger Ul's lo a teaspoon aeem a goOd de al. What Is to be done about lit m? Ware Inrormed lhll.t they are not all unfriendly. MallY of tllem a re neutral. Many or them come In qulelly. s it down. occupy themselves wltll domestic amuse ments. Rod do no harm. But among lbcsc there Is stili th likelihOOd tbot 1I real e ne my to th system IIlU Y II: tin. LIllI not a \ll ngl germ can p888 tlle se ntry. therefol'e, Is our milk likely to be safe. All bahles are hereby warne d to drink It at their peril. They will bo dul)' nollfted when sc le llce hOB barred ont successfully ev ry Intnld ,., no ~attel' what hi s age. nlltionallty or previous co ndition of servltud .-Llte. ~rl
"'1l1l1l1l1er~1! 8 1111108 10· (10)',
And. s tt'H nJ{(' to
!i(t)f. 111 )' U \v1I~· . '1'111' fill'
!ito w".!
(r uwlls
'J'o· nl J;'ht \lourf'r In frowns tl>an ..l til BtI," I : B ut In m)' h!'lIl·l. W h~rrl n 111~' tr ""mlr~S " t'RI [ AIOnt .. I !Inti rIl)" sn)lIeM In"reual'd ' by aeveral.
garment. which be tore fronl hIm und Paris Pattern No. 2620. All Seam" cast Into the fire so that It wat! ·on· ' ''I have let th~e II • w~tch. Burned . And hovlng \lone all tlliu . be Allowed. -O ve loped In F re n h gray m~n • . • therefore the declared IInto the people tile ill I'a II· nun 's velllnl\' thla Is one ot th moat ~; word at my mouth."-Set a. a . Ing of It all, Buying that thil!l wl)uld dalnly and Illlractl\' . IItlte ""aha!: 'for '" watchm~n, not to guard treas·. ' God do with 'bls people who harl evel'y-da." well" . Orout> ~ of narrow ~ ur.. that perl.h, but to guard ~ t s inned. And thoy had belle\'ed he b'lckwarll·tllrtlln~ tllcks. t h first two ~ Immort~1 loull. ~ had been sent from Ood and mar· groups stitched to the wal ~ t·lln ~Iv ~' Ezekiel h~d burned Into hla "eled at his message and Its graphl.; ample ru lln ess to the front. while that _ heart and conlclence tho IOnle portraYlI.J and had tllrned themsfllves In tho back Is Illst rlbu lEHI In three 01 hi. reeponllbillty toward-oth· ". ngaJn to their eati ng and their dtlnk· t ucks. e lili ar s ide or ttui c nter. The .,... If he warnod not when ~ lug and t.helr Ilfe umldst the ll'iople full ·length s l!'eves ' lire tucked In llix " I und erstand," sold the chlet or JP80 warnIng was needed the blood among whom they hlUl come to dw e ll . grolll)s or dowuwurtI·turnlng tucks. lie , "that you Intend to gtv the 'S. of · thlt man Will upon his ' Ann Elze kl e l bad he n discouraged fini s hIng at lh wri li t with rum ea of lome !Jance here .• head. Only ill he spoke h is aud h"d Qu estioned In bls b ea rt what lace. The i,rett~· co,f)ar. whh:h Is of "Y s," r plied the manag r at tb. meslage could hc .dellvor hia ~ goOd his wordS nnd acllons hM ac· th materia l. Is trimme d with bra.1d, trnvellng theatrical cOlJll1llnY, _"webaV8 ~ soul ~nd pl~co the burden of ;;:; compllshtid. In thl8 spirit he hnd IInli I he waillt fnsten s, through lhe hox· MOTOR LAN(}UAGE. arrlluged lo do so, but [ a ssure you responsIbility ' upon thc person ~: gone amnng t he people seok lng for plai t at the c nle r trout. Tb patt ern thot we have made It e nUr Iy unob~ warned. ~; Buch as wO'lld favorably hear his III In sll( s lzes-32 Lo 42 htch ('~ bU Mt The Fatal Ch.1mlnade. ~ectio nDble. There Is nothlllg about ~ It was not I question II to ~ messagf.'. and ~errnln lng to ISpeak mens ure. For 36 bust th wa.lst reynrd' of llIat rial 20 the danc that you would not want A hlgh·browed YOUI1!! lady wat; pla~'· .; whether the warnIng would be ;:" whe l'e be f It Ulere would only be op. Qulr 8 4· your wife or your dallgbtel' to Bee. It' ~ haeeded nor as to whether rid I· ~ f).oSltiOn and reJ", ~~ment of the meso Inch s wide, 3% ya rlls 27 tllches wide. Ing on Ule pla no to l he great edlflca· 2 yard!! 36 or 42 luchuswl!le; !!14 Uon of all lhe otlt r hlgh·brows pres' IB arllsll - nothing mol' ." tk cule and oppoaltlon and perse· ;.;: sag•. "Tben what th dick nil do you want ~': cution would follow. Just one .~ It was at such a tlnie . ~s thi s that rU"ds of bruld and one y,ard or dg lng . ent. After a while shc unlloun ed gra· 10 give It ror ?"-Chicago Record·Her· ~ responsibility of watchIng for ~ Ood hod sought Illm out Md Ile sat To IlrD<'urc this putt:ern sen" 10 cents clously that ..'b ~vould plll.Y "n ba· ald. rf.~.: soull In peril and warning of ;r{. nlone on th e banks of th e Che ba,·, to "Pattern 0 :partm Int." of thIs PllP r. mlnad ." and proceed ed to do so. At ~ whe re be was won t to go fllr m dlta.· Write nllm I\nll nddr.'8 ~ plu.tnly. und be tbe close of It tb ere was apl)lause. 'I, the~ danger. . ;.i sure t gI ve OllO a nd lI1umbe~ of PMtern. Expedient. ~ The meuage to Ezekiel ap. ?\: tlon and pray r. It was here that Tben an 1111811SP cling low·brow piped RobInson Cru so h l\U be n scared up : ~ poIntIng him aI a ' watchman ~ God hud ii Poke n t'o him befo1'4.'. nnd It NO 2625. I!l-F. ....... .. ; ....... ~Uff b)' Lh I ralll! of til s llvng s. and ~ is a message and ' commls· ik was here that Goll app ared to him "By the war, what Is a Challlinade'?" (e lt that his end WIlS at haud. alon to all In thla day ~'f und communed with him. And wllh He spok e as If not sure wh cth r tbe NAME .... . ........ ........ ............... .. ' a l urall y, hl8 first thought waa to who are followers of the Lord ~ what condemnlllg force the. word had thing ,vas more like ' a chamOis or II provi de hlmselt with il cof»lI. Jesua, with this additional reo come. The words echoed nnd reo TO~·N . .. .. . ................... ........... .. . serennde. ".But whal nbou~ coffi n·nal ls!' he eI. ~~ sponslbillty ' that whereas Eze· ~ echoed lik e 811 accus l,ng voice through 'fhe >'ounS lady looked at hIm with· STREI::T A:-:O N .. ... .. .. .. ......... .. . c laim d. looking " ry blank. erlng ly. . ~ Idel'l mission was to Israel. the ~ bls heart. For II. con s id rable time It aptl nred S'l'ATE .. . . , ... .............. ............ .... . .~. Christian's field of labor 18 ~~ "Son of ll.lan." c:line the me~sage, .. hnmlnad lil a composer." she s aid thn t Ule re was nothing to be done. ~ world wIde, for Jeaua' last com. ~ "when r bring thc CWOI'd IIJlllfl a land" with milch severity. That emblLrrassed Howev r. 118 h e onsldered the matttit' ~ Inand was "Go ye Into all the ',< If the people of llle lanrl tak,~ a mlln th e low·brow. [urtl er. th e re at lengt h , evolved the ~ world and preach the Gospel to ~ of the ir coasts, and set blm tor · the ir "Why, I was s ure that Gdei; ' 'had CHILQ'S NIGHT-ORAWERS. expedl nt of roJllng up palm leavell ~, every creature." :k watchman; I[ wh II b serth tbe written a hnlllluudc-a sui e of Chao IIlld filling lh.em with bi ts of rope, or ~~ But there Is thll additional ~ sword corue U)lon the' land, he blow mlnnd es. In fll'\." Dyer-Whnt do you cull YOUI' mil' \vbl h he (lossessed a.n abundance. ,I, quality 'whlch . hould character. ~ the trumJlet unci warn lbe - people; " Not at all." r ' peated the . severe 'o J'\, smoked wors e !'1 r of! cled HObo Ize the Christian watchman,that ' ?i tben wlloso e ver hem'e th tho sound ot yonng lady. "C hlm3nde Is a coru· ,chin . all ' nutomoblle Or 'a motor car? InS(ll1, ch eertu lly.-Puc k, Hy erI call It eith er when it runs. :If: I. lov·e. Jelus gave' a new In .. ~ l\1e trumpet, and takelll no t warning; , poser." ~ terpretatlon aa to who was a ~,. If Ule sword COlli. and take him away, "Ob. ludeed ," s tamm I'ed tbe 10 ...· .WlIc1I I t do esn 'L, I call It otller lhlllJ;s. BORROWING TROU·BLE. 'I< man's neighbor, and laid down ' hlu. blood sholl be tlllOn his own head. bro\\·. "W II. what did he write?" A Libelous Omlsslcn. ?k the commandment that we '. HIJ heard the so uud of the trumpet, "He Is a. she," the youns laely In· " Wh ut do you mean b y cal~lng me .~ should "Iove our neIghbor as ~ and tool( no warning; bls 'bloQd shall form e d him. . that ?, demand d 'tho trust. magnote, ;¢. ouraelves," it .commandment ~ lie upon him. But he that taketh " Whal! Is thut so? W II-er-" pOinting 'to the ort' ndlng \lne In the which wall only lIecond to the '" wonting sha ll deliver his soul. But It :At tbis point fri end s of the low·brow paJl r. ~. first and great commandment r~ l he watchman see lhl3 swOrd come, slcilped In lI.nd restrain d him from "'Soull liS InIJl"I<lUt~I : ' " r ea II tit d· that we should love God with and hlow not the trum(l et, and the p (). anC'.her posl.llble fatal Illunge. Itor. "Why, you 11 \'er ohject d to ba~ all the heart and all the mind ~ pie lie npt warned; If tbe sword com6. Ing called n s01;l lless ludlvlrlual." ~\~ and all tile soul. "'-, nnd tuke .any pel'son f~om among , "Thnt Is n't what you call Ole." tillln. 'A Preference for the I Rod . ~: What have we, ' or, r"ther. ~ ~bem, J\I~ IG tak n nwa y in hll3l ~lqullY; ,lIere!1 th ~ vlsllol', hotly. " You ha\'e .lt Two-thirds of' tbe ~ma ll boys In the 'sou:lest;I IlIdl\'lduol,' which means an ' what .~ould 'we ' have In the ;~ but his bloo(1 will I require a t tile ~~ Christian watchman? 'First of :~ watchman's h uud. So thou. a son 01 public ,So.hoo)s ~' ou.1d rather a Individual wtthOl)t a sou." ' all, one who, la con .. clou8 of the ~ . mnn •. I' have set thee II. walcbma n unto thrashing thun submit lo aoy nloe, ~ Divine call to high jlnd great :!$ ~he house of Is rael; the refor thou ladylike punishment, Bueh as staud· Not So High . ~ responsibility. .11 have set ;r, s halt heal' the word at 1\1)' mouth, and Ing In the corner on one foot Or bei ng "John, doar." snld ~ho wife or hiB "f thee a w·a tchman." That doea X; WlI.TlI them {mm m ." shut up In a dark closet. So says a bosom. "'bere III lhe bill for mv lI e w . ~ not mean' evcry Christian in ~ ' VILh II. great cry of rem')rse and t eache r. That Is e. fact. no maller how gown." :t: general and no Chrl6~lan In par· :ri' 1I.1Igllish Ezekiel had fall en to the e)oQuently those 'Vho don't know-and' "Great Scol." exclahned John. 11.3 he ~ tlcular. No, no. It Is an ~ g round. Wbat kind ot a messt!uger half the people Wbo talk don't kllow glanced at the ngUr s. " but It·s awful· Inc~lvldl4al matter and God's ~ hud he been? HolY fulthful had he -!UHY spout about the shame and Ig· ly!llgh!" ' ~ call. comes to eac,", Individual ~ been In warning ' of tb'e peril as God iwmy, not to mention the physical "Oh, no•. It Is n 't." "'eplted his bt>tlel' ~ heart • . ChrIstIan, hear God had revealed . It to hl:111 What right discomfort; of II. whipping.' No · d.ollbt half, ''It·s th e most decollete gown J Marlon (a coll,e ge gh'l, ~o ber room.~ IIpe,ak. . ;p had he. tQ qvestlon whethc r tbe l>eot'here Is' a <certaln amount· of all threB evor· luid ."-Chlcago Dally News. matel - Myr't1e, It.. you will lend m. ~ Second, the 'Chrlstlan watch. ~ pie would hear and IIl1ed or wou ld turn InconvenlenC"l8 'attached to '8 good ' tell dollars. 1 shall everlastingly I~ WHY THEY STAYED. ~. man should have a broadening 'f< trom his messuge with Indttrerence? Paris Pattern No. 2609, All Seams trimming, but In the opinion of the BV· to. YOll. Allowed.-'-White e ld,ardown, French or , lIepted ~ vl.lon of hla fleld of laborHe was 1I0t set as a recorder making erage boy tboso disadvantages Bre olf· Myr(Je (who speaks from expert. world.wide. 'Not ~hat he Is to • \IP the hooks of God. His was ' not Canton flunnel, flannelette, or cambric set by a.'certaln accqmpll.nylng dignity ence)-l don't doubt It. traln ·. hi. guns on everythIng, • the task of seeking out those ' Who .are \1sell for these comfortable little To merit a thrasblng Indicates that garments. which the restlesS' eblld and hit . nothing, but that he I. would ' receive .bls message kindly. ami the boy haa done something wortb . Lcve's Labor Lost, to have tho world·wlde vision ~, turning with Iml?atlen t heart from should . have In preference to tbe usual while. It makes of him , a klrid 01 ·~Ah." . Bold the pOliticIan after . . while he strikes the effective ~ those who refused to listen. He was nlgbt·go:wn. us . they are far warmer hero. Banlsliment to the corner or thl' had kIssed each' of tile womnn's al& 'blows In the place which he hal ~ a watchman s et to blow ' the trumpet. and afford more protection from the dark closet and kindred b.llnor punish· . ,children twice a'rOUl~d. '·o.nd, now r Cold. The front· of the one lIluBtrate-d been a .. lgned In thIs world . ..,lde _ He must send forth the blast. ' HIM menls may be all ve ry well for girls, jlTl:lSU1ll0' you'l1 haud my card to yoU~ work. . . was not to Question where. cir " why, Is gatbered to the square yoke, and' but hoys YOllrn ' for !lome thing m(lr.1I lrusbll.nd and tell him that I shall BP-' Third" as to the duty. The or how. or to seek for an accurate nc· thll hlshop sleeves :are gathered Into heroic. I am not claiming, mInd you, preciate the , ~a'vpr of hl ~ vot.e." . culfs of the mate rlfll ftnlsh ed with a that this pre re~e~cetndlca~es a hlghl)l{ ChristIan watc;hman should be' counting of results. "I'm sorry." SOld, .th,e mother, "baC narrow edgIng of , la.ce. The drawers Instant In Beason and out of ' . "B low, watchmnn, blow," Ezekiel moral or commendable spirit; It II slm.! my Inlsband's been "d ad hVo ' yea'nl,," seasl1h, In speaking the word cried tlndl'll' his broa(h ' as 'the ,'new are with 01' \~' ithout fe et. accord· ply th e nat.ural boy's alUt,u de.-Ne < And thus was lov~'s labor 108t.~rie. and In detecting the threaten· conscioUsness of . his re~ ponslbl1lty Ipg to .tuste and close at the cClItor· York PI'esa. kolt Free Press. . back 'wlth "Ulall PQarl buttons: The Ing perlle. It Is 'not a question: :1: burst .upon him. "1 will!" he ex· pattern Is III n ve slzes-one·'. to nIne Will the~ hear or will they not ~ <:Inlmed. as he IItart.ed, forth. ,O h! Sacrifice. hear? It Is not for the watch· ~ " It Is. a hard task, Indeed," he cried, years. For a child of fI vo years the Quizzing Bei;s - Old YOU tell TOIa Tbe· bankrupt rolled up In &n auto- . nlght·drawers r' Quire three yards or , ;f .man to que~tlon the attitude of ~ as he pressed on his way. "But 1 will' :YOli wOllld be his sister? mate rial 27 Inches ·wlde. or 214 yards mobile to 8 meeting of bls credltprs. ~ those to whom he has been sent. ~ be a faithfu l wl\lch ll,lau." Blushing n.aotl'lc -No. I toll\ him .f "Gentlemen ," Ile began, giving th em ~ His Is to. apeak the, word, w ith. ~ No one kn e w what that resolu t ion 36 Inches Wide. 1 \4 yard of e dging. wiml., he his slnter·s.-PI! k. a condesccndlng " 1I0d all around, . To prooure this pat.tern IIcl\d lD cent. :s; out mod ificati on, without at. ~: cosl blm. Not cost him to but to "PI,Horn ])(:parLmrm l," of 'thls pl\\)or: - - .----"these debts of mille 'shall be Iial.d Actot' Porsoll-Yes, my boy. they ~; tempt on his part to sugar coat ~ cost hllll to live out faltbfully In blA 'Vrlt nlun und ar1dr~ils plaInly. unci b INa AND .OUTS. though I Slitter fvr It." . wel'e absolutely glued to 'thell' seuts! ~ It. ,He Who would do 80 com· life, [or the ~esolut.!on lDade Is only · surc · t ~ ~l'i~' »I~ und numb ~ r ot patteI'll. They milrmured "thelr tbanks. The! Dell r ~c latpl'-1'hat·s how YOIl ~ promises the truth of God and ; ~ the fl1'st step In the ' conftlct; It III . "-'1 , . , . I ·"1 have art:auged," he went on . ."to· kept tbem thertl, was It~ rolls upon , himself a · burden ' only bu ck ling on the armor and ' tak· NO 2609. SIZm . .... ......... ' : " " .1ve Y,01l my en t1 re Income pro rata • whose awful ,hldeoosness' and ~~ log ~he sWOI'd In hnrid. '1'he ftghtJns Plenty of Applicants: (cheers), with the Exception (ch(ier/l. )'lAME .... . . . . ................. .... .... .... .. .. , enormIty only, the judgt)1'e nt day . ?# comes after. But be who resol\'es "Last week r decld l)d that 1 needed faInter) qf ,50.000 a year (·no cheers" will reveal. ~ with God Is doubly SUI' Of vlclory. fo'r . TO )YN .. .. . ... ......................... .... ,'. which Is the lenlJt a gent leman cOllld a llttl(l training ·down." saJol . the ama· ·~~7~1~i."i\!;'t~~.tY.t~"''''''%!-:'~~'i@.:.;;.t;:g.\:\\*.-x, h e know eth the righteousness of the teur athlete, "so ·1 advel·tlsed fOI' a , live on," STRI~ET .\:-;0, NO ..................... . cause In which he ftghts . ./tnd know· coach ...· . THE STORY. etb also t hat he IIgbts not alolle. STATE .. . ........ , ......... . .. ..... . ... . .. .. "Did you pt one?" queried bla Not Evcn Imaginable. And what tllough . the fetters were friend . "There Is no such thing as ' an ·Im. ZEKJEL bad been sel a hard tUk. riveted UpOII bls a1'm~; what though ··'No.".. repllli<l Ihe a. a .. "bl! t iii Or None at All. viluperatlon and violence often met "oBslblllty," ~ec1illmed the .e plgram· llackmen Could h e do It? caU ed.'·-Ohl.c ago · Dally girl wl10 was guiding a part~ A J<J\'er s.I.I1oo hi s caU to tbe prophetic his 'word of prot.est · and warning tbrough the P e nnsylvanIa mountaJns calle poser. News. "1(es there IA." rep lied the E~lBuled ministry. wblle communing with his -a gainst tbe 'wlckedness of Israel, Eze- 108t her wa)' . Sh", came upon 110mB Mor. Smil!l Comp.tlto .... God by the river he bnr h e hatl stl'lven Idel would IIUY o'/er a·nd· over . to cows, and knowing t'he eows must he .Man. , "A WOIDBJl ' who does not be- : Ileve IIhe has wOllderfull)' expreBslve Wear.)· WllIker-l see' 500 more meD to be fnl,t brul. and a.'l the lJ lIcr.esslve blmself: somewhere near 'human habftatJons;, "Set as II. watchman to hlow the, eyea Is an Impoelilhl' Ity:·-Kanl ... .Olty· ha. bElen ,'/ l'Qwn out ot work. revelations hod come from Ood he hael ehe twisted their t.allll and followed " Tired T,ueler-Geel Dere's geWn' given . xpresslon to th em. H e hlld trrlmllet. It II for Ole to blow. comt' tbem home Hafely. Now If these (Jow~ Times, __ .to be too much competition In our with alllhe 'strBDglh of his Inte nse na. what will. I will blow." had heen mtdea audl abe ba,d t.wlsted , buainellll:-Puck. . true sough! to unfold the melHlage 01 Not Afraid. their tails, there "G,uld have been a God, and by forcetul phrasel! Bnd Seek New ':uel. "I 8uppOlle you have read of the very 1I1fferent iltor1 0 tell. . ~~~~ . strlkJng lIIt1str:.UrJOs to awaken the The AW.omoblle chtb of Fran(le b.~ danger In klul~g:' he reom.arItCHl, WD:. CaIlAr-IB the lady of tho bouse IDt He-You lee wbere tlie l a l l l h _ children ot Israel throllghout Bab,lon olrered a prize of $9.000 Cor a new '-Uvoly. WaltresH (w 110 baH been il,e-n no- In? ud D)Ue thell) reall\!\.' what lin had I' ruel. which mUlt be, eheape'.' tban p . "I hRve;' 'abe roplled. "b'tt I 00 . . tlcel-8he'll Iii; ~ut aba'. 1110 11411She-I ('.An I'8A , where t~ ' l u " kG ..., US/Oll them and iao" God oUu ull 11ft: u Ivod retqla, " • f.DlUS· DotecI fDr COl&rap.'· Llfo , eGIIIIIS Qut.;--C1Ikap ",um:""
* *
1· E
. *
The GREA'r NEW MAJESTIC, the Greatest Range ·in the World Is ~ ow Going On at -
--J. " ill. LlnOO'$t .
We Are Not Baking, But , Are Making a Special Sale of the This Sale Will Last Until January 1,1909. , I
At this sale we give each purchaser of a Majestic a most Dllagnificent SET OF UTENSILS and also TWO NICE SOUVENIRS---one fora Gentleman and one for a ' La~dy. Any ,one needi~ a Range next Spril)g can , give their order now, and Jet the Ra~e next Spri!.ll. TH[EY WI~L BE ENTITLED TO THE MAG- , NIFICENT SET OF 'W ARE AND THE TWO SOUVENIRS. . . . , .~
THE GREAT NEW MAJESTIC has no com,petitor in the Range world. ,THE GREAT NEW MAJESTIC is the onl}~ range iJ\ the world manufactured out of Malleable and old-style , Charcoal Iron. THE G~EAT NEW MAJESTIC is the only Range in the,world that will bake bis,cuits in two and one-half 'minutes THE GREAT NEW M,AJESTIC i. the on~ Range in the world lthat will Bake Biscuits with the Oven Door O.pen. THE GREAT NEW MAJES,TIC is the only Range ,in the world that will Bake Biscuits Without fire in the Rans:e. , We sold 76 Majestic Ranges in one week last FaD. Other dealers have tried Many Bakes; their Bakes h~ve been complete failures. . ,', The Majestic Ranges we are seDing were received this Fall, and are the 'LATEST PATTERNS of MAJES.TICS Th~y are not Ra~e~ that were' r~eived two or ~ree yearS~!lgo, and are 'tryi!!l to · force them .off onto the . p~ple as a New MaJestlc---.. some dealers are trYl!!l_ to do. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THE GREAT NEW MAJESTIC, AS YOU . PROBABLY WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE T,O SECURE StJCH A BARGAIN AS THIS. O
As previously: announced · the
.... t
D K. ~.E. HA.TRA w~ y
pat-I valuabl.e one.
Oil and gas experts 1 \V ' II I ObI rons of the Gazette should watCh the who are recol'Dized sa the best in the hlllllla.,u W e,," y a t ay n""v e, 0 ad ,. .. I h I ~ '\ . . S appearlDg In It t may e p country have looked tile field over OF FIOI!:' IN ' ALUI!:N ' DI,OO ., Ma In S t ree t .th~ in ~i~ purchues for Chriat- and report-that thouah signs in.d icate YALLEY T E L.flP HON I!: , AI. I, NO, m mas. ,, . that there, is gas on several farms in the neigh~rhood the most probable A
Edlt.'r and Mao8Rer Say. do~'t you thi~ it a ~ idea ' . to send the Gazette to friends for a '- - -,- - - - .- - - ' - Xmas I p"':K!nt? ,Nothing would.,. Rates of Subscrlptio~ more acceptable to them , '' 0110 Yeur (mlotly In a dn ntte) .. '.. .. .' 1.0 I I ' ' D. 11.
.18,1., Vopy . . . ... ,,, ... ....
-, .. ,
w!\ Y'!les ville'8 Leadiog Dentlet Office' in Keye Bldg,
1f,a1n 8t
place,~ uPbn t~e farms own.ed by
0' Id Process 01'1 Meal
Mr GJlbett. The reP,9rt also states that; there it little doubt that the ground also contains oil and preparations are be· ~nning for active work. Machinery
' , ',
$1 85 'a .
t. :
• '.',
iIi-gU.. vlol.oIhls _
nor -
_._- _ . .....
;.b0llle in ' d J:ll
A b~n dlom el,.l1Iul'rated ..... kly;
you be willatbrJng it t!> nie. will Coleman's StoveI ',
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T.rm .... a cr: four mont bl .," Bold bl all .... mUNN t Co '818,.....'. New YnR Br.a~ m.ce, ...,st.. ~1Itb~IO... d.~ cndaLloJl' (jt . n, . clentlGa,j ouroai.
. . '·. §T~~::-·~:!r~:t!:." . . .,.,. .
.. . . .,,"'undlngO-"lawill ......... F~""~
, 'days and per more' or tess these be may be wondering why. However, t_~ slew law has now been lon"'enough In effecttomake him • acquainted with conditions. The publilher &:an not affQl'd to put a oIM",;ent stamp on each paper, as the enactment requlres~ and this is why the home _hat ,knew tile publ!Jatlon now knOWI It no mare, will It do 50 until an _Av _ _ .~ . .ptIoIl" fOl'lkom-
ISY'onr Wat0h' S'10kO[
I'0'd ' -Ile-s''11100' ....
~~~d::=~r b~; :::~:O=~to;o. , :
, A. 'M" AF , FIT, ,
Undertaker and Embalmer•
""P.~· -
Branch Office. lIarveYlbQJJr, 0.
' Waynesville Mills
mat r
Distance No, 69-3r.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
X mas m"n
o( Advertisementa
Telephone day o~ nigbt. Valley phone No.7. Long
People in WaynesvHle are ,alW&)1 baa been Secured and Mr, Willard I' interested in everything that pes on. Weight a~rney for the company . THE lleadln, LooIlIR, per Hne , - ,,One Now if they would only send 118 the lays that the work will probably belleadllli (..oca18, blaok ru~e, pe r li ne , ,10e h 1m i ld boo h.nn the fidt of the week The eom ~y , Olauttled li d!!, 1l0~ lh I!~need Ihall uM, news t e, ow. t wou m t • ..: " . ." O{ .., ~ f , , ,'l1ree InBerl\on". ". "" .. , ... , ,!!5c town. 88 ntlws and lots of them. are pany have-4eclded to dnll tbreewells ' -:: ....-tmd-of,"Tbanks .. "" ... "' _... .. ... ,, , 2;;0 always helpfut' to acommunity_. ' Y'hich.aN~O~ 1.400 feet deep and . GOES J'ARTBER .aoIIlLloQ~ . ,'" ,...... ...... .... .. .!iOe , there 18 no doubt but that large re r , Ioclala, otc , 'where Ch a rge lij ,malle , ' •I f h ' '- ,. DlaplayMv er tl8lng , pcrl'n ch .... . .... . IOe , , " tunulwtl be ort comIng, wlthma If you IDvest,man EDISON PHON· .-~--------:DI.OOll n 18 /C 1\'en ~II 'CODtrlI t, The Dayton ,H erald, ~as the foll~w- short tim.. It has ' ever been the OGRAPH, because it w ill afford ____~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ing squib in reprd, to a irreater w~ of, Lebanon , housekeepers that more pleasure to m9re people for a Daytoa: . . the town should reCeive a supply of longer time than any gift you can WE O,NE S OAV, u .~m~ MBI£R II, 19011 . Large,electric signs. givil)g .nfor. natural gas and at the time that select. • mation of Dayton. "The City of a Franklin wae equipped with a system Prices $12.50 525.00 35.0() $55.00 e' rain l4St week was a dandy Thousand Factories." will be erected from the , mai,n lin.e which runs to eo " . ' rl t ' . l' Th L __ f Co " " t'1. & braneh I'm, to th IS ' CI't Y me In, an ge a cata ogue. North of us it sntlwed quite a good by t he .eha m"",0 mmerce aIoni ' C'IDemna ' deal, the,railroadsJeading to ,the city, was abandoned on ac~ount of the exThis is the plan of the special pro-. pense of building the pipe line.• ., ' , I . BUl'&'la~s'eem to li~working ~enia motion committee ' Qf the ~hamber, W,,"enCourity Times. . " 'Waynesville, Ohio. ' , to & f~zle. _, Every ,,!lay the 'papers ~rid which was ~onaidered ,at the • e, " there have an account of a burglary meetinl" of,the executive committee PIANO,TUNING A blgstockofreeordsalways0l.' hand ' ' . or two, ' Wednesday aftern(jOn'. " ,' ." ' __ I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!,,!! , " Now. this is the aame' promotion J. J. ',fhompso'n Jr. ,44~ E. Main I" , Read .the interesting corrimi~ that . have ; prolJ?Hd ~,,8t,., ~1;»flnon, Obio. · BatiRfactioD THE REV. IRL R. HICKS from 'the Railway Clerks article help budd the traction ', bne ,Via IQIUIlDt84!d. Valley jlboDe 5' 8 ;, I can cure the ills of us by ' John ' ,B utterworth. a ' Willliington.Wayn~vmeand Dayto.n :' . ' . , AI..,anao and '. ' 'd t - ' . your watch very quickly if rem en ., It iste 'hoPedd ..t.that they wilLnot let this I ' J ., ' Bh-'d be A_ ' , " , .
_Funeral Dl~tor• .
, Will be foond in tbe old ~qk BoUdinI'. opposite ' the National Bank, Thlepbon~ in house and of· floe where I caD -be called dny 0 " oioht.
VIlJie,y;ho:e 1'-2.. '
I Mp~linLES~·Ret~=::
Dr.·. . .~..... ~
natural gas new BeeI1l8 hiKhl,Y proba. ....... No, other "ubUaber la to . ' . : d" ",, ' • a prba'$bem ID aDl form. el\hel' with or Th W "-h d CI k Doeto ble. After havmg J8C0vet:ed ,a _ ....-rw".'" wi\laou\ credit\. lila 1909 AlmaDlIO .J:~ e a.... an oc r ~al1 pock~t on thtl , f~ of N A. , ~- ~-= eell all formerecllt1ooB In be&otl aDd IWatch the Mi.... Gazetta Gllb~rt some months IP, experts .. =~ nlue, aDd aellafol'S5oentB, POItpa1d. were se"t for, who Dlade a thorough !!!..~ II.. IDODthly' mapalDe, WORt) AND •_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _...._~_ _~ inveStigation. The rewrt tumeil.,ln "M........ to WORKS, OOllllaina hla weather foreI by the latter was very fayorabl. and I . . .' . " al.,.a tor ellCllh IDODth. together with. , A Purely Vegetabl, ' La~atlve the citizens of Ol"eKOnia and ~ 8U!~ , " .. ' , .... amouol, oltha beltfamUJl'tIadlDr ,- ,', '_ , Cure~ Cbronle ConltiptloD, and '-All' roundi~ country are aa~ed that , '. , " , . ua ' a lear, ODe .linanao with " Liver and Kidney Tro1lb1.,. they'hl\ve discovered. "good thirig." 'D~ ~evfbq~ . N A ~ilbert with about ~17 - . ". ... b ~ mJ,.ON Ale at tile followllllr IIacee: of his neiahbora bave o~ a company and lIave lett 110 . . . un. e I0Il.. all onJ8n" Zlmm-.n's, Kllbon'lI. ...._...1 I ..L-t_ -~-_ .... _ ,U·~ 'Y " Whlle'I, IIODDtJ~'1 Sprl"Kfleld. Ohio.
L'.'lverlteS ·
'S hoop"-. ... f .. Y: ... The Alpha Ohemloal Go. Ite.tora ,......- . ......' ...... , .. ,.. .... _.v .. "" -.........,. M.lL..... Mllaal W....-YIUe 0 w~Of the pooIra.. ......... 1J._ _....~IIIf!IIIBI---~ ,
Iou.-- D
'1'1.-. IIIII'
...-'-... ..............
What TOl8tol bas done , for the pea· THE ' peasants of ~s ila hall ' their way In pie at bls lime In Russia Is to, he ,founa the bestoWing of'a ' title In the dress, customs nnd habits of the upon Count Leo TOliltol. lower classes at that absolute , mon,he would be known .all archy. but the orltlcs say ' that right liliiii_. -the Most-Beloved rJw In hi s home bls own teachings havs had Tolato!. FOI' there .fs little ertect. The answer whlcb close no man fn the world ~rlellds ot the count give to that , asser· wllo haa 80 many friends tlon Is that Russla's benefactor III too among the plebeians, broad-minded to make his hams a mar.Btfll Tolatal fs Immense- ' tyrdom ' and to Inflict his be11efs, upon ly wealthy. but that his wife aud ehlldren If they do not does not Interfere with care ,tp abide hy, them. the great lite work So whlls Toistol hall spent"hls me or the greater part of I~ In preaching tbe . . . .iII• •' which has no'w nearly 1 :' drawn to a close_ ' doct rine of poverty and non·reslstance. He ' l. DOW 80 yeaTII old nnd while In good beal:.h years ago. wh~n he himself declared that his great his children were reared on the great estate and at the time of this wr,lUng, his passing Is but a creative works Were unworthy and altogether evU. from the first their Jot was ,that of tbe aristocrat, two !matter, ot & tell' ' montbs or , years, There They married "well," , and are said to have comHere la bill 01l'n account ot the. split, in his life: aides to tbls great man, One Is Leo Tolatol, the pletely renounced hl B views, It' Is told of Toilltol "I had tried to test solence ', and modern I;ulartist, !'ond, the othel'-Leo Tolstot, the man,_ As tllre., and 1. havo ,t urned Cram them with a feeling that his wife has -alwaya, managed "to '''slip a piece tbe al'Ust be bas written fearless works and the ot relm)sloD because of the hialjlllty' o~ the first. at velvet under her husband'l crown 'Of tho,r ns' ~r,lon 01' clique w~lob has tallen 'under the . scathto solve tt:.e really ilJlportant prob1ema ot Ilte JUBt when he wishes to pres! It to hls ,head moilt fng attack ' of' his pen ' has seldom been known to and because of the hollowness and falseness of, heavlly_" , ','.". boast of It. " , That might, be tenDed an Inconsistency. bal the, Becond," • There Is no disputing his rank as Hie best known sU'l'ely It Is not the count's ' choice, , ,i By becoming chummy wltb the peasant Tol&tol of' living authors_ ,' Also he ' Is the most genernlly de lares be turned to frankness. slmp)lclty and , The work which some of the orltlcs of oth,8 \ read and recog~lzed, He' has nttalned tile highest essimtial kindness. and hc sayB he Is to-day nearnations scot[ at has rench.ed from the thatched ~Innacle of tame : ln the llterary , flold and It cauer mother earth than ever I~ his Ute, declare!! 11llt of the poorest peasan t clear to ' th<l palace of not be Bllid that' he craved tame, either, th'e peasant., typkally. is ,the , Ideal Chrlstiab, And the emperor ' himself, ..' B~8t a ll, Tolatol Is n frJend at a ll AmE-ricans, thus sInce +875 his writings have been almost exFor the aaklt or peace alsu, Tol~tol has aeeomThe, traveler tram tbe Uqited States. visiting Rus- clusIvely pole01ic and dIdactic,' pll8hed a 'great work_ The ,flrst Hague cDnferenoe. , 'ISla. Is a~ VI'elcome at tile YU!lnaya Polyuna es, ta, le o[ which made' history, would probably never have ':ro-day Count Leo Tolstol Is a, heavilyRussla's great man, as If he ,,'ore In his own home, , bnllt man with unusually long ~rms, hanglug been called had It , not been (or tbe persistent Amedea likes Tal slat'. lao. Cal' the author Is the loosely nt his Bide-B. with ~ ,wJde 1I0se. somewhat gospel :of this trl nd of ~he poplllace, I;1t large: most democratic Of. men, ' TolBtol saw 'that the eventual result at hJs teacbI.hlC'k 'lips, small gray eyefJ, a head Bet on bulky It 15 lol~ of him tbut ~I e spurns all ~orlcl'lY luxu- but slightly stoo!? lng shoulders and ' a mal!letl ings would b~ som e sort of a world's peace gathries. even goIng, so far 'a s to bave two tables set \vhlle beard: He possesses II-n air of ' strength ering and he expressed gratl flcii~lon when. Czar withla his 1I0111e at each ' menl-ono resplen'rIent ' that Is fou'nd In Cew great men , The !lower that Nicholas called the Initial session of the body' OV8I' wllb 'Cancy edIbles, 'while the other is stocked olle flllds in him Is botb mental and physical. and whic[) the dove of peace was destined to perch. 'NitJl slp1ple ,Cood of ,the pelfsantry, Frle, nda of hIs hence of the durabl e sort. No church 'In the, world, It Is ,recorded, carried !llld sons are always welcomed at 1.he Ollt as petrified a rl tnal us that of the Slav, TO' Olle of this man's great themes ,Is the Sermon jlaughters '1o,re prosperous look!ng board, While In the same on the Mount. III this he has declared that '<lay, chrontclers tell UB, there exists a te~dency ,foam. TolatoJ. s aCed, aiongside of hl a wife, par- he fo und five laws of God and he has made them , towards softening of the cuatoms of religion 'In takes of the necessities of life as an ordInary pIe, his rules for faith und conduct throughout thl! . th'e czar'B ,couutry. Teachings Ilf simplicity by, belun WOUld , Howevor, his children; having boeil Inter years of his lite, These laws are sum- Tolstol wll\ be accorded .tJie honor for thia change llrought up to lhe luxuries ot lite, are " lIowed to marized as follows: lIlt is eventually wrought: g~atlr:v the,ir ev ry whlpl, and 'he never allows hI's Live In peace ' with all men and do not regard Huma~ treatment of prl80nel's and phllant!lropbeliefs ,to ste ll between tbem and, happiness, In any man aa your superior. , Ic moves",. the Immensely .wealthy men of Rus-: Ihat .res peck ,h ~ Is un Idea l fUlhel' and he has boen Qo not make the bea"ty'of the body an occnlon sill. are also laid to tlie work at the'count. Toistol III'al~ed the world ovel' for bls broad-mi nded ulDnfor lust, ' tasted ,the bltt!3r cup of,lmprlBonment himself and ner of treallng others who do not believe as be Every man should ,halle one wife and every he' was weU prepared' to ' go about that work' with does, " woman one hua,band, and th'ey should not be dl- ' 1\0 zest born o[ actual eX)lIl\'lenee. ' , He ' ls ' (\ISo whDt Americans call a "mixer," bu t vorced for any rea.on. ' , Slm:ple moral truths bave been ' the axioms of In an C'ntiJ'cly dlffer,ent, licns. He meets ,the poor 00 not revenge yourself and do not p'u nlsh othToistol' throug\1oiJt his ' later Yllara and while lof Hussin on their own level, and. except [or tbe erll because you think yourself Inllulted ' or hurt. skeptical persons ca11' his Ideas.l'mprac;Ucable their. , ,fact that, he otl(;U scatters money at their feet. Suffer all wrong and do ' not r.epa,y with evil for , defender ca.ld, were, he not all too m('dellt. pOin t ,one would never suspect his wealth, There are you are all the children of one father: to the , works whlc,h have followed In the wake loa stl'logB attached 1:0 'Palatal's gifts. and thousands Neve~ brea\( the peace In the name of patriotism. of his unique, quaint goipel.: lOt beueficences to J:lus~lnns In general, while 'tbe !benefactor's uame Is )'a secrel., are popnlarly laiel ~~~~~~ t lhe door of this greal man, To be a friend ot the Russian peasant IIll to a 1828-BORN ON FATHER'S ES1rATE AT VASNAVA P.OLVANA. few years ago meant to be an enemy of the gov, 1843-8TUDIED ORIENTAL LANGUAGES 1864-1869-WROTE HIS MA8TERPIECEernment. Upon eeveral occasions ToISlol'!! outcry AT KAZAN. "WAR AND PEACE." a&nlolt QPpre!!s!on at the CZ!I'r' 1\ subj eots has placed 1848-RECI!IVED DIPLOMA AS LAWVER 1862-MARR.I'ED SOPHIE ANDREVEVN'A hllD beh10d thll grimy walls of Slav dungeons. bul AT KAZAN. BEHRS OF MOSCOW. ' he alwa)'1l returned to continue tbe work which hu 1~51-DESER~,D HIS ESTATE. " ' 1890-IMPRISONED FOR H.I TEJ{CHhu 10 ailly -IlC)Colllpllshed, 1853-ENLISTED IN THE ARMV OF DANINO •• He h, a social reforlller of the fl ral water and UBE IN CR.-MEAN WAR. 'Bl7-THRU'I T INTO PRIION FOR A mu:J of tbe acta of Jusllcl' which the Rus81an gov, 1167-Vi8lT ,ABROAD WHICH CAUIED, 8HORT 11ME BECAUSE OF ALLEOED Imm.nt ot late years liaR accomplished can be DI8APPOINTMENT IN MODERN CIVI. ANTAOONI,8M TOWARD GOV.RN. ' traced back to the work of Tolsto\. LIZATION. MItNT. Aa • lIlerarr artlat tll(· cuunt .11 dead_ Ria de, mIao as a llterar)' lI!uldd , and It occurred .13 ~ ~Xtt~OQ~tO<~(I.~CI(I~I~lo,~~O~~'~~."I~~J.C!
Tbose who havo "Islted Canada are nlwnYIi Impreseetl with ths strict observance I,h at Is gh'en to the In ws or tbe countFY. lind the order ~hat I, preserved everywhere, The eLillol' of til Quzelle. at Fulton. Nev" recently pllid a visit to WesLern annda, He was so impr ssed wltb the coudilion s tllat he saw everywhe re. that on his rutuI'D home he was Inspired to wrIte as (oHows: "Reverence and r espect to'l' In w III a domlnan t' characteristl o or tbe Canndlnn people, 'Vherever one goes In Canada., whether east or west. the law Is supreme, The law Is obeyed becnuJio It Is law, seemingly. and not because 'VlolaUon carries a penalty. Canada entor~es the law and makes every law effective. No country Is more fr c:e tban Canada. In nl\me' Canada Is a dependency of tbe BritIsh Crow n_ In tact. It Is almost a third repUbliC. Al1 Its taxes are voted, coll ected and ell ponded by tho DominIon and the provlnoes, The nominal head at the Government Is the Governor Qim 'r al. uppolnted by the English Crow n. Practically hlB only autborlty /s to veto tbo acts of parJlament, which ]Ie scarcely ever exer:cises. Canada gives nothing to tbe support of the English government or the English king, She gh'es England the advantage In trade r egulations and tarltr laws, nnd In return receives the protection of .the l:Irltlsh army and navy. Canada enjoys the protecllon without sbarlng In' the expense. "The sale of liquor is strictly regulated. None but hotel-keepers may obtain 'license to 'Vend the stutr, and before a license can be secured an appllcllnt must prove good obaracter and provide twenty rooms In bill tavern for the accommodation ot gueBts, Tbe bar-rooms close at 7 o'clock Saturday and remain closed until Monday morning. The schoolB and churchel In Western Canada elctte admiration. Though new. Western Canada Is ' not godlesl. ' The finest buildings In every town are the churches. Nelt come tb e school houses." Turning to the whea~ fields of West.. Orn Canada, the editor of the Lallrel (Neb,> Advocate of Sept. 17th says: "I ,' bave often thought that the reason that the chl\r&cters of CharleB Dickens are so Impressed upon the minds of hll readers Is because he d\\'eIlB upon them so long and , describes them so minutely that by tbe time one has waded througn bls long drawn out stories tbey are so burned Into his hrliln that he can neve r forget them. It waB tbls way wlth 'tbe Cana. dian wheat fields, Had we only seen a few the memory ot them might have worn away In time. but a long drawn out experience Bueh as we bad Is r.ure to leave an unelfaceable Impression. Never while we live shall we forget ' the Cnnadlan wheat fields. They caH It the granary of the BritIsh Empire, -ind we don't blame' 'em. Nobody who bas soon these wheat belds can wonder at theIr enthuBlasm_" It Is worth while to record that these fleld!! \}ave now been harvested. ' and In many cases ylslds as high as forty and fifty bushels per acre bave been marketed. while the general average has been away abOVe 20 bushels per I\Ore. Oats and barley have also done wel1, and the profits. the prices grains being blgh, have paid the entire, cost of 'the farms of many a farmer. There Is DOW 160 acres of 'land given away, in addition to the 160 acres that the homs8teader may purchase at "a.oo an aore. PartlcularB ot tbls &I weU as the lowe at railway rates wUJ be given by the can.. dian Government Agent. ~
ThIs woman says shewa,! saTed from an operation by Lydia E. Plnkhrun'sVogetable Compound. I.enll. V. Henry! of Norristown, Ga., writes to Mrs. l>mkhnm: .. I !!uifel'ed uutold mi~ery from famalo troubll!5. My doctor snid an operation \VIIS tho ouly eb~neo I had, and I dreaded it almost as muelil as death. .. Ono day I read bow other women hnd been cured by Lydia E_Pinkham'. Vegeta.ble Compound, nnrl I decided to try it. llefore I bnd taken t~le fiTllt ,bottle I \Vall better, and now 1 am entlroly cllred. U Evcry woman su:fl'ol'lng , with any fomo.le trouble 8boll1<1 take LY,dia. Eo. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, bll8 been the standard remedy for female ills. and bas positively cured thousands of womoa who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulceration, f!:>roid tumors, irregularities, periodio pains, backache, that bearlIlg-down feeling, flatulency, indi~s tion, dizziness or nervous prostratIOn.
Why don't you try it? Mrs. Pinkham lnvltes all sick women to write her for advice.
She bas guided thousands to bealtb. Address, L7Dh. ltIau.
~"~;:;~~ftlPo.UI",.. I)' cured b)' tb..... Lutl .. Pill..
The,. aleo re.lIeTe 01.l1'.... fromn,
dllJeltloD and TooBe.n~ nAUD/r. A perl""~ remed,. l qr 1>luIDeaI, NauMa, DrowaIDe... Ba4 Taateln (be Moutb, (loa" eel Tongue, Pllln In ' "
SIde, Il'ORPm LIVER. BowelL Pn~11 Vetrtu,bl":
"'RTER ~' S
61 the .same tllne cheapest In the end beC6Use It
wears longest
[~eJ']Where ('Itt'y gof1ll!lfl1 quer-
anleed WGterPRl9(
Live Btock and
They Don't Speak 'Jllow.
"YO\! love long ram Illes In the countrY ?" asked tho girl In t,h e white sweater. "Yes. 'Indelld," responded the young man In the gJ'een hat with the purple band and buckled shoes. "When I go out In the country ,aU natu~ !leemB Lo .mlle," , "GraclouB! I don't blame bin. It I. • wonder shEi don' t laugh outrlgl'.t."
Genuine Must Bear Fao-Simlle Signature
, ro
great var~e,ty for ,sale
at the lowest J)r1cel ' by A.N.&ELLOOONEwsP",n co.
n w. Adam. 81~
The Real Place. ' First Amateur Fisherman-Where 'Is • reaUy ,the' hest place to get the best trout,? :,'" , Second Ditto (conftdentlaJly)-In any first-class fish markeL-Baltimore A~erlcan. ' ,
'S UN ,
, '
~To""" IInIiTi 11: 11:
liI;Ortlmtll'l SUPPUII, W£,SAVE VOU MONEY Jra,W OI for 8q, Il&IIlp POWtLlICLEM£IITCo. ao IIaIa 11.. GIaiI.GuII.,e,
wrt"" "'the mi>kerlor~at.
alog ...IIole."le or ",u,u."tlo~_ , ZIUtlla S ....t. Claltqao UI.
But Cured After Doctora Sala' There W . . No Hope, Sylvanu$ O. Verrill, Milford, Mo., Bays: "Five years ngo a ba.() injury paralyzed nle and an'cc tcd my kid· neys. My haCK hurt m e te rribly, ' and the urIne \yas bad· ly disorder ed. Do«. tors said my right kidney was pl'p.cll · cally dead. Th ey saId I could n ever ' walk again. I read at Doan's Kidn ey Pills ' nnd h egan usShe-John. deal'. the docto r illg them. One bo'x made me stronger Deed 11 ch uTlg · o f I !lIla t . and Creer trom paul. I kept on us ing Her Husbond- AII ri ght, th weatb them and In Lltree months was uble to er lll an says It will be colder tog~t out on crutches, and the kIdneys ' morrow. were acting 1;Jetter. r improved 'rapCITT or TOU:DO. t Idly,' di scarded the crutches a'nd to !rAn or OHIO L U"~A!l CoI;i'liTY . r 85. the wonder ot my fri ends was soon F I\.A~I: J , C"JlJ:Sr.l' mnkl'8 onth that he ' I) . e-nIOr partner of ttl; flrIJ \ or fO, J , CUENr,r 4.\;. Co. dulIlfr{ comDletely cured." h USIIII'M IJl lIle l'uy ot 1'01000. :ounq ' ntld ~talo Rlltl thAl sntd nrnl will J1!lY tilt' 811IU o r Sold by all d ealers. 60 ~ents "a. box. aforetSl\ld. ONI-;; ll USO ln : u I)VI.t. ItS 'or each fUlll n cr)' ,F osler-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. eaa4: 01 • TA llfUi thAI (':Ion nat bu rurl'd 1» ' tllc Utk.: o r
9ooDROPS IUIIUUlttllUtllUUfllIlIU l1 l11lll1UlllIIll'UlIl1llll1ll1l1flU j
CASTORIA For Infants and Chlldren.
Kind Yo'u Have ijJ::J1tH:1 TheAlways Bought ·
It lay bel ween It '' I' "That I 'llI'pd 1" H ur lovelr eyes met a cross h r Iup. Jt ~ XflUlsllll, cl"1msOn · hIs C8n<l),l\ y. "An,1 now yo u think I lIhntlC'cI p tnls neh curl d back or.. was wantonl y 1"11 I- t hat I njoy ' c! UIIUIIIUIUIlItIUIIUUUIII'lUIIUIIIIUU"UUltlu .. : n , ;1 ulther silla [rom II poInt In 'til oIl L'r · tol'lll IHlng him ! Ab, don 't you !I.eaT· ALCOHOL-,:l PER CENT edg or anoth I' -thus tit outer petulll ObViously h ul<l not. ' A\t>gtlable Preparation for As· - til Inn er t\lrleu Its beart o[ IIlYS' She w eut all s lowl y, regaroling a simililling.he FoodllndRe~ula· tary. point In SPltC SOIl1 wh r anlong the the Stomachs and Bowels Her costUU'IBS wer 0.1\\,l\y8 superh. palm lellvell. "Is It ImpossIbl e th a t I ·!Co·nlght s ll.e had choseLl to Weltr s hould bav e hnd 11 game or my OWI\ to black, diaphanous blllek without. shim· play? 1> rhaps I ov rlooket! Carl ton m erlng IJlack b' n nth. Sh . 'hOSf' to V nnor In thluklng or- Home one else! Promotes Digestion,Chcerful3<'0 nt It noll' wIth a Ri ngle r (',I, r ' li What e lse can a girl do ? P erhUl)S I lIessand Rest.Conlains neilh~r rose. cur d- wns trying to plqu - som e Opium.Morphine nor Mineral H nnlng looked dQwn at h ' r Ilnt! nn· oUlllr mnn !" NOTNARCOTIC swered It r light WOI·<.I>I lightl y. he He r ayeH hud IlrOIllI(!11. her hrea th wus uenllLlfll1 beyond dreu111 of lili es· came Quick. the color wuv (t In It ' r tlon. Her haIr WIlIl u bed lnmon.lerl che k. "You hold yo urs If v I'y clean, muze of lovelln 88. .A necklll' of ,Mr. 1-1 'nnlng!" ' lULL'8 C.ATAllltll Clift!:. FilA;>;" J _ 1I ).: ;o; E Y. lustrous pellrls lasl)e.1 her whIt She sent th \\'01'11 8 wllh a b wild r R~om t.,-') brrort' mf' nnU I'!ubm'rlbecl tn. my IIrl'Sl'oce. tbll Gli. ~ II)' o! 1J. ",rubt!r. A . I) .. IbM. throat. H I' s houhl ol'S, I'IHlng from lit Ing glllnc IU SU\llll y tan gled In railing j ~ f A.. W. (H. r:ASO~. drenm·llke t1utr thnl Ilged h r gow n, In h R. Tho lost boy had raved aIJout 1 -r- r X OTAU\ l' L:ULlC. we re tlte IJ Ilutlful , bar lI ellh or a wom' th Illllgung of ber eyelid s. They 1I ~1'1J C~lArrh "'Ire 1! tnkt!n in1ftml\lIy nntl Bf"ll on. H e r eyes w e re .Iark wells of li g ht. ureatbe ,1 to H n!llng now 11Il unlook e!l· dl r«tly U;XJII lh'(> Ili lid rtnll IUUN>\.- 5urltux... 0 1 tbe lYIt.em. beuu fur H'fttlJlulUiaIJl. tn.'f' untnthoUlulJle. young a s !lawn and II ep . for worl.1 of t1nttel'les, 11111105S IIJI , In· Apcrfec\ Remedy ror Con lip<" Sold b)' all nru~~~I!: ~~~!.~: s£\· & CO .. TuletJo. 0 as Ilnsslon, toxicaUng. xqulsit . The aIr blion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, TaIte Uoll', 1'0 ...11)' PUb lot <o ..tUmlloD. Henning t It all thl H. ns a ro un g tween th III thI ck n II wi th ml) nnlllg ', Worms ,Conw Isions , F~vcr i5h· IIllln must: IJnt he m t he r look coolly, thl'ough whi ch Lh e 1'08 III h er fin g{)l's ness clnd Loss OF SLEEP ·Beallsm. wIth nn namour II oy 6. So s be had trembled ,·oIUptUOUll ly. St ag :\I n n ll!~er-l wI sh w e c;ould File Simik S;gna ture of 10Qk d, h . told hlms I" arl Lon "r am udm lrlng your b RUtlflll dlawork In a few moro rr·nllsll c lou hes Veunor. mond ," observed H ennin g, crudely. In thi s wt)o/llulld scon o. Kow, hpw Th I'os t twit bed III her fing I'. nnti She sturt d, 8hh'ere d, IlRSsed grac Mrs. Newrich-Will your hounds fol- would It bc to htJy sam aile growl like a benr? b Ullght til glealll of a /{r at IUa- fully to ttl tOI) at a nother mood . She Iowa fox? mOIl,1 t1la~ shOll In nn nrJ's b troth· Ilf~ed h er hand, turning It sUghLl y to Author-Th'e very tbing W 'I\ call Newrich-Why-er-I think they al rlug. He WaK a IltU IlUzzl ed lhat let the jewel f1nsh. would It the fox was dressed and In the crlllcs!--Hul'llor's Weekl.y. ah e. had .Ies lrel! this t t ' lIl teo Wh y " Oh, yes, nnturally." ahe sa Id , calm· cookt'd. Delicious cak,s and past ri es are pro· 1I1ld IIh brought him h r La this palm "One rUl18 the race that Is set NO SKIN LEFT ON BODV, duced by tbo liS of SOllders' l' 8m of find rern-lJullt alcove. whll t il dane More on ; on trl s to aUaln the Tartar Baking Powd I' Ilnd SOlid r!l' wtlnt by? He hnd wltlHlruwn hlms If Jlrlz nil th oth ra Dr tn' lng for; from the I'Ilnl\s or h I' cnpth'es W Il les and on enJo),1l one's trlunlph! Nutur· For Six Months Baby Was Expected Flal'orlng EXLrncts. All good gl'OC I'l es. to Ole with Eczema-Now Well befor the ellrl alllJElnr ed. H e >lqunre(1 ally." -Doctor SaId to U.e Cuticura, If we gol e n lrythlng w prnyed tor hlR fin shoult! r s wll h a lillie shrug "NI\turnlly," H nnlng echoell, cyn· the earth woul d· hnve to bo e nlarged or oIJscur Im patlellce . Under th e Icnl1y. "SI,. months after birth iny little girl In order to make room for our JlOsses· crisp la ughter> In hIs k n y 8 gathMiss Vand eleur tllrn et! and taced broke out with eczema. and I bad two slons. . .ared a III dlt"Uve 10tlk as h r eview tI uhll. The movement gav h er an the jII<.Igment he hilt! made of this odd effect ot thrusting aside the lures doctors In a ttendance. . Tbere was not Pettit'. Eye Salve for 25c. a particle at sldn lett on her body, the R eJi c\'!lI< t il'ed, co nltcl<tcd. infl,tntcd nnel womnn . of heauty ant! sex. There W8B IJrlde blood oozei:l out just anywhere, and we sore' ~ye8, quickly slops eye uchc.·. All It Sllll1m L1 Itself up In a single, In her face und apJl al ant! s.omethlag had to wrap hel' III .silk Ilnd carry her dl'UgglSts or Ho wnrd .11ros., !:lll(falo, N. Y. memory· cholng IIIl : e lse. on a pillow. for' len weeks. ·She was the '''Th torm, d.tI rorm alone, Is elo· "Suppose YOIi we re a girl. Mr. Hen· most terrible BIght 1 ever saw, and for f).foney Isn't everytblng in the worl4. Q.U nt!" nlng. bred to th e art of fascination IIlx months I looked fpr her to die. I but It's difficu lt to rea.llze this fully 'B ut how eloquent! One dreamed from your cradle. SUI)pOSe you s.a w used every known remedy to allevi- unless yo u have money. t> rroro th .Jr am of Pygmalion. that- the I)Ower ot charming m n-as ate her Buffering, tor It was terrible Row cou ld a man be.lieve that his lhe one dazzling career open to you; Feet Achll-U." ~~llon'. Fool ••; u .. to witness_ Dr. C - gave her up. Dr. OO. OOOt sU w o "I",) •• Jt6 ru 50t mltQU on ~ t:h'ncJf01 p0.8810n might nOL b warm enough and were trained tor It from your fir st B - - recommended the Cutlcura !reotr1nl packllll '" .0\. S. Olwstlld. Lo .JI(,)'. N. Y_ ~ th~w that pulsating marbl Into consciou6 breath. Grant that you She wUl soon be three lovo, to kindle answering fJros In lIer came to believe yourself ratb'er well Remedies. ene trouble with' a ti ghtwad Is glorious ey 8? How could he until he endowed' by nature tor your manifest years old and hps never liad a sign tho,t h'e doesn·t care wlto knows It. of the dread trouble since. We used kn e w 1 destiny'; and ·thnt the only wIse thing about eight cakes at Cutlcura Soap lII"". "'Inll"... ·• !loothlnlf 8poop. Brilliant. passIonal. music h at you ever learned was to keep your POT chlldron teet.bID~. lu fteu. "ho [llIma. rcducee m and three boxes of Culicura Oint ment. ·aamluaU~Dt aUaya paJIl. cure. w1D.d colll.J-. 2:)ua boUle. IIround th em. The air IJetIV en them own h ad while you turned others. James J. Smitb, Durmld; Va., Oct. 14 aeem d to vibrate with th Iyrl whirl Well , would all this preolude you trom and 22, 1906." Sow we dISlike to accept a favor The little useless "head" that of the dnncers beyonll tlte palms. wuntlng sometim s, In some moods, to from a person we dlsll ke! Henning talked nbs ntly, tohowlug be-dIffer nt?" A MATTER OF HEREDITV. takes more time to make than the the clew of hIs own thoughts_ There was no answer: she did not cigar jtself-that's what makes three cigars She IItled the, rOB to her lips, .....alt tor one, but caught up her plea Agne. Had Only Follow.ed in the Foot· br Rthlng Its fragrance. again. 15 cents-S cet\ts what you ,tepa of Her Mother. '''r like to smell lhem.:· S1: brolte "Oh, It's an true! All the bad things 10 cents for the heads you Even. If there had not been kern el! the paus that h(1I1 tnllen while Hen· you would like to say about. me, Mr. nlng \Vas chlllllng quotations on hIs liIllllllng, It -YOIl were not tryIng to be of rice on her hat and 3 glad Jight own Bccouut. "They are tryIng 80 poll teo I'm as arUfJclal a creature as of' lo~e In h er eye anY' bachelor could liard to be s weet. Don·t you think so?" this rose. , .rust as ' rorced, aB un- have told that s he was a bride. And She held the t10w er tOIVanl him hy natural, crented to adorn an Insincer e the manner In whlcb she spoke to her tlltl end 'of Its long. swaying stem. He and heartless SOCiety! We~l .. you.ha,'~ husband sllowed tbey had not been b nt his bealt glng rly, Cor ber child· had ~he property, Mr. Henning, of marrie d long. A man in tbe passing crowd spied like moods w r ttl 011 s b trusted making me wlsh- llow and then~to the couple, and rushed ove r to greet I ast, anti Inhaled the damp, frult·llke, be-dUrerent! " Are 6 cent Cigars Without the He.a d scentless sc.ent or the hot·house ros . H Ilnlng stood silent, visibly dis· tbe bride. "Well well Agne s" he cri ed ex· Suddenl y he perce ived the analogy coDcertell. Therefore 3 for 6 ,c ents 1\1;ls8 Vandeleur drew a long breath, tending ' his h~nd, "y~U don't ru 'an to he had be n seeking. Th rose nnd Bay that you're marrl d?" shhlgged her sltoulde rs and returned t1te woman wer 011 I Ench at on co "Wlly-wh)' ,. yes," the girl stam· smqking Old Virginia Cheroots you make the prorilic t and th e symbo l of culture, to h er .former attltud . "You were speak Ing of my engage: mered, vivId color mountlng to her at civilization, at Its farth est. top\!llng your. money go three. times as far, becaqse .you reach, Each .till) last word at lux· ment:' she 8.a ld, sweetly. "Don't you 'oheeks, as, she tried to defend her get a cigar that's cigar-no ury! A Curl of exquis ite grnces hid- thInk Arthur- Lord Stanhope-de· novel sItuation. "YOU-yOU knO\v , It Ing a h elU't of barrenness! ce'n tless I1ghttul? 1 am sure we shaH be very runs In LIte family. : Mothe r was marpay for, then clip off and throw away~ and seedless! Fruit nn ll IJloasolll, hoppy. As hapllY as you Will be with ried, too." seed·Utlle and hurv st, crushed to· Mory Allingham!" S~ld Everywhere One of the Three. g tiler Into one lIew IIdel'lug, morbId Henning flushed angl'lIy. "Well, there were only three boy. loveliness. "If you haye believed any gossip 1n BChool to· day who cou'ld answer one ! Than her next words surprised nIJout 'Mlss Allingham and myself you Question that the teacher asked us," .hove done so without warrant," be saJd a. proud boy of eight. hln'!. TRADS " . . "And J bope my bay was one or the he -dance Is halt oyer;' she Still!, fiercely. sighed . "an(i we ha I'en't begu1l. 1 ' He felt that his wrath \Vas unrea· three," said the proud mother. wlUlred to talk to you aboul -Carieton lIonable, but be telt It. How 'dared she "You bet 1 was," answered. Youn'g include Mary A1Ilngham's nalne in ber Hopeful, "and Sam Harris alld Harry Vennor..•. Henning !!tared. and bOwell . oohlly. 1.1180lent brackeppgs? St!)ne were the other two." " The dance Is over," she exclaimed. He considered ' It the worst pas· '1 am very glad you proved yourself Bible taste for he r to breuk s ilence "How fort unatE!, tor we were 'Just be· '80 good a scllolar, my son; ' ,It makes on that deplorable .themo. She sur· ginning to be. dull! Ah, h ere Is .Ar- your .mother prolld at YOll. What Ques. . . thur! Mr. 'Henlllng, I think Bome One tion did tbe teacher . ask, JollOnIe ?" prlsed him ngaln. over, by the Ipuslc· Is lookIng , f or you .. 'Who broke Lhe glass in th e IJack "Do you holll me guilty at his wlndo'v7' .. dea h?" she asked, In low, I. vel tOil es, room door." H ennlng's glance searched the meetlllg his' dlreotly. NEW LIFE There was an apllreclable pause b - crow I for II girl he knew. It round Found In Change to Right Food. fore H nnlng sold: "Whllt I'lgh[ hav h el; llIid 'brIghtened a8 h!\ followed I to st't In judgment on you, Mis!! AntI s he wor'e a white rOBe In lIer balr. a garclen roso. frank-p etale d an'd fra· Atter one suffers · from neld dyspepVan\lele ur?" . ,, ' grant auJ goltle·n-hearted. . 81a, sour stomach, for months ' und then "But you <io!" she crIed. an(1 yo u At the . end at the ev nlng, ~s . H.en· finds the, renjedy' Is In getting th e right condemn me! Mr. H enning, )'011 sllaJl n lug hI! rriect ncross the emptyln~ lUnd at toad IL is something 'to speak n~on not pontlet;!lD me unhe nt'd !" rooms; tllC white rose In his hand and out about. .. ';'1 have . not condemn c.1 . you un- content In bls heart, his foot stumbled AN. Y. indy and her' young son had, seen! " rose to Henning's lips, but h e O\'er some Inconllplcuous object 'on the stich lin experience' arid she want.s heJel It back. Wbat he did say wa ll to floor. It was a long·stemmed crimson others to know how to get relief. She rettl!('ate; "I assure you I am not your rose, Its back·· rolllng petal ed.g as, l'll wrHes: , , Electric Block Signal Protection-the ~afe road to ·travel ,judge." , curve Bnll ,color an. texture, a dream "'For about fifteen months my little "1 have never nak 11 any otber man or tbe lips' of 10I'e.. He pIcked It up Oil boy and myself had suffered Wllh SOliI' to be my J~dge!" she tJald, sortJ~. an Imllulse and stood regarding curl· tltomacli. We were unable to retain' There wna 11 pauso. at the end of ously Its llUlguorous, high-bred self muc~ at anythIng we ate. which Henning demnnd ed , with an odd consc!oufines8, its de.1lcate frailty al · "Aftel" suffering in this way for so blend of ITloral 'defitLn"e and lIoclal ready touched wltq 80!1 and bruise. long I decided' -to consult 11.. specIalist hel»lessness that 'he woul,1 have found Some deep tiber of mo,nllooLl RUrred In ,stomach dIseases. ]nstead bf pr~ h 'a rt! to expialh bad he 'askell himself blm... Arter all, l!o bot·hollse ro's e Is yet scribing drugs, he ·ll.l1t ' us b.oth 'o n why. . , a rose. Grape'Nuts an'd we began to Improve .. Then he laughed at the very 01). lmmedlatllly. '. . "What do you wa.nt me to say, I\ilsa No~thwest V\OIIS absurdity of pitying Lord Stsn· "n was the key to a. new lire. , I Vandeleur?': ' '.' To tell me your point of vlew~ halle's fill.n cee, . anll hUI'rled aWILY to found 'we had been ' ea~l,ng ' to!> much heavy toad which we could not digest. bow It seems to 'you-wltat you think , Mary AllIngham. .In a few weeks aCter commencing --'about all tb~t affalr.!·' , Self-Acting 000 .... Grape-Nuts I was able to dO my house. . "Why, Blm»ly this; When Carleton Doors that swing of themselves are work . I wake In the morning wl.LIt a Vennor set out. In hls boat tbat ,lay he kne'W he was taking chances no tbe latE}st. At the Hotel Astor the at· olear head and feel rested and have no sane man would have dreamed 'o f tendant wbo Btands at the main en- sour. stomach. My 1;Ioy sleeps well aitd about tire ~laska.Yu.ko••Paclfic Ezposition at Seattle. Wash •• 1909 . taklng. It .W8B vlrtlflll sl.\lcllle. lie {"mea. minlly has to preslI a bulb and wakes wHh a · laugh. · "'We rega'lned our 10llt weIght the door. which I. operated by elec· was not In his right mind. What .8M,. trip. . . . . .- . fo y.a-to... Pori, allow rot. on oil tltro••A ticht... Writ. lor ~0lIfta drove him out of It-I wl\l not say!" t~lclty, revolveB, This pl1\n bas the and continue ' to eat Grape·NutB for boUa the 'mornlng and evenlDg meals. "But how wu I to know!" sbe afllvo.ntage of k~eplng t.he speed Un1· We are well and happy and owe it to algh8d. presently, '''I wall as young torm.-N. Y. SUD. Grape-Ntits." "There'B a Reason." . OMAHA, NEBRASKA. U he, He seemed Ilke the ~elt. How An Unfortun.,. Defect. . NIL!D8 given by Poatum Co., Battle wu I to · mow that he cared more Creek. :aIleb, . Read "The Road to. hay, fouded 'oa tIlaa-othera!" . but· the' trouble 1. "You ;PClOurqed h1m more than ,______ .10 . '"
Bears the Signature of
In Use
For Over
Thirty _. Ye~rs
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cost smoke, &!ld throwaway.
The C()mfortable Way
And the 'straight way. . Daily service: via U 'Pacific from ·Chicago to Portland.
\' Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Pullman 'Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Coaches and Dining Cars. ,
Let .me' send you. books 'funy des~ribi'ng Portarid the train service via land, the
UaiOD· Pacific
. E. L. LOMAX, General ·P .88enger Agent,
"~~~-~~~~----;r--'-'~?~~ ~ --~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-a ••••um.~•••~ f :------.........--~-----f 'i " . I i Zimmerman's I SouvenirDay ; : ·H<,liday Goods .. I ·SaturdayDec.191 b
will h
Itt t,lI i" .
A Ul! fui 'ol1wlDlr \'(\,In ' tl tit, I . or 20 ceut_ will be given t,o eucb Indy who hrlo/(to io $lIls adv rtiSBtn()ot· wit.l! th l1i r UflIll6 !'iHned em fhe
'. ~' ~
~• •
NAME ,..._-".: ........... :..... ,,'....... ,,,........................, ................................ ADDRESS ....... ,... " ....:.:......... _..........
I.' B~~aijh?ba~~~PsG~~)Jy~~~~::
Tropical Fmit Bonbons" lJhoc. Covered M !&,an ts, Peanut. Crisp, Caramels, Cocoanut }<i':l,Se$, and rn~ny other k inds, at 10 Ce.nts a Pound
!I.,o.· u r. XmasG.oods!
•• AI·
rnand, Peanuts, Cocoan uts.
.4.r8 Now On Display
tltlf e 'If .
The Floridas are better' this year t han ever , and lll'ices . were nevel' lower size you wan~ this week at $2 :25 per box. _
We have a well selected stock of Toilet Cases, Mirrol's, Brushes, Gam,es, Dolls, Purses,
Hand Bags Books, Belt Pius,' Post Card Albums, 'Ii\ OYSTERS, CELERY; OL:lVES,
G :8
• • A
tOe a 'Pound
Sealed bids will be received up to' noon~ Tuesday, December 15th. These proposals will be opened between 1 and 3 P. M., by a comm'i ttee selected by 'and ' . from~ the people who have' sent ' in bid•. ' Don't fail to come :in and let us show you ,this 'p iano and make a bid· on blank below.
Mince Ateat--Home Made-Try It Special price On Mapleme ' for one week, 25c, Buckwheat, 40(: sa()k. Mothers' Oats, lOc a packa~e.
Thursday p. m., Dec. 10 .
Cranberricl-lOc a nd 12~e . Mnlaga Grapes-15c a pouir d , Lemons, Bananas, Pineapples, " Dates, Figs, Cluster ' RiLisins, APPLES - BaTdwins, Kings, Greenings, Bel1ftowers.
I a Sc°.. II SCH'WA~ R~Z'S I '.' ' ...I.>.. ' I FRENCH MIXED
,2 Packages for
P-AY-':-~No"";"'a"""'5-c-::-:::~O:-=-R~~OS Watch Our Egg ~"gn
"M y bid fo.. Special Style ll,Newrnan Bros. Piano
.............. / ZIM!~!~s~N'S LECTURE COURSE ORAWINO
PIliILU Dr. "1IedIIte 1:(' . .
rdIef ... . The drawln~ for thenerl lootnre - , 5hooo'sMIjIc'OIntmar; . course wlll.Jle held at tbe 1'0WDS,hip 130WS with ,
HoulI6 &tord~y o 'olock. l
afternoon Itt 2 ,
My name
plgtl, . P.lgs are two months old, -InqUlre o~ O. L , Rtcktl.'
~'~' ~~~~~~~~~~~'1
S'1:ore == Greeting S
s: ' s·.-
S . , On Saturday this 'week we . will have on s~e the ' $ ~ largest' a~8Qrtmerit of Holiday Goods ever .seen>~n ~ls ~
, ~ . store.
. . "
is ~ ...:, .. "" .... "."........... ~.''' ......."............
... ".........................,............. "..... _................,...... ,. cash
$ ........."............."..... "1-, .. " ......." ...:" ....." ................... .
Add ress ....,... ., ... ".~..-...,.... ,......................"...... -......... ' R. F. Do .......",.........._, ........ """,,... p 0·0 ,. .....,.......,.....
i The · Da¥li~.t,li:
And desiring quickly to bring to public attention in this vicinity the superiority of these splendid instruments we ' have deciaed to put ~p at au~tion one of these pianos and to accept the highest price bid, what~ver it maylbe. This is without exception one of the . . finest pianos 'ever shown in this city and t~is is your chance to obtain one at your own price. Come in and examine the piano on display ,in ou.r store in th~ .Leak building and then make a bid. . Our'display will be ready.
lo'rt:l1 ch 'i'earns, Cocoanu t Bon
, , ............... ..
pu e b <l low.
Riflht PriC81B
The lal'gest ' asso r tment of Co d ThingS to eat ev r hown In toWn. Evel'ything N w and Fresh a.'1on, abl e goods at the
. Special Ten Days' Sale
'''1 ............................. ; ...... , ....... .. ",. " ... .... " ...
tim e
,J'low long
The t:egular pri.ce of this Newmah Bros., pianQ is >$~OO.OO sUh, '$450.00 in instalments. ." . . We ,h ave several decided barg~ins in slightly used ... pianos, and ~elf playing..l~ianos.. We have one $750 self-player pla~o that. wdl go for $425.00. , ~. , This special ten days sale hegins Thursday, 'De. 1ath. in the Leak building on Main ~tr~~t, . Wayneiyille, Ohio. I
Come, and look our stock over. You wIll find ,.
1 $ , ~U~~F~~~ · h~~~~~~~~ '~~m~. I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S ' S
"'. $' · ,
$ $ ~
Ch apanese ~ IDa t f. ,. , O
A i , D ce anor tmen 0 Satsuma Vasu-From fioe
. , ' , Salad Dishes-':"From . :l50 to " ·89C per set. ', $2.00, . , ~Lery Trays; Cracker .lars, . ' Riag~ : ., Cups & Saucers, Nut Bowls, .Muk,e eleg,Qn~ pre".Qn..... see
etc. Cream' Pitchers, Sugar ,
. '"
Or Mota' '
Jewel Boxes
. ," Bo~s these ml,lke 8D eis/,(3,nt ,' . present foryollr girl' S1.2£i,to 1250. '
'O r :Mola'",\'"
GUt Clocks-Elegant designs
· ·
. '
'1.118, '2 25 ~ 12,l18 ·don 't, overlaok· tJiese. "
Special '. AI~rm ' Cloc:ks'!""70c
Nickle oibe,r s. &81r'.1.0Q to "I 25 for
'. ~'
the samJ! clook.
7: . '
For Boys' and o.·,olls
nice present for , wife or mother, a set · of , Mrs~, Pott's cetebrat~ Sad Irons at
~ our lIn!:l8 ofAxminstcT8, ." vets and Bmyroa8. Q
W'u"ons, Sleds, Skates,' BuUs - , ' aU kinelll. Horns, Rat.· tIes, Blocks, and ' a dandy'· lot. of
OtherUseful Presents
Bananas~ urapes
., .. , Apples, , Figs ', and ~ates. . .,'[ Nut• .of all kinds. .
cht!!fl!~ NeCktieS, Sus~nders,
Ch'ri •• ma. Candie., . , . , " Be to ISc a: lb.
Il.t from
. Oranges,
al'l k,'nds, B'rushes, Mi~rors, ,Brooms,· Handker-
Ithe very best Ilnd purest mllte r;lll" .\ we. Ii bave samille rl!ady for y ou.
-redd.w Baars • FruUs
\CI,-::~~blD!::-~:~.I~; .''''' ..... --,,-~b18
WillWeekly White's \Marke,t Letter.
500 to IS 00. Ilnd Dolls, lots ot them at 2f1o, 500 ' . an d gree.t · blg ooes a t"L ." 98 ,
' bs, n- m
, . . tH ellt A full a8sort'"' of the , j~es,he t,atid best .we could find. Olear Mixed Candles, selected es· pecia\1y fer schools • .at 7e and, Be a poun d. , . ,
$ ~ lIP'"
Lari~ florida OraRiel.
Min~ Mea~ SUppl~ea
be InlerWf1 untlel'
twe nly·l1v
"""'1' head for
ecnU! rOT ,bree In_lIoIlS• •
" 'bell Wlltlll not mOre tli li n live Un~ .
.' ~.-.". ,n""""'''.h,":h ~ .
. Such as New Cleaned CUt-
LOST . rants. ,New Seflded Rais ' ns " extra ' A '; BEADLE BOUNlJj with blaok qUllhtV. ,Pure Spices, Citron, . et,c . ' ''lIot,lI. Fincle,rpltl\lse ret.nro 'to , 1 , ' , U..... bera White Wawoesville Ohio New Laid Can.,2S to ~ ~nA ·e .. -' J . ' . ' _ eb....· wont 'pay Vou. to ' hunt ' up . WANT~D . old second ,balld . lard eans 'for ' .,.' ." ., • ~tortng aw'a '~ your lard '. OUI' WANTED to ~h:t-LA, good 0\'-' gan, lnqulre at thIS office. O"IIS are mad" ot beavv tIn . an(I ' • . .. M Iil are full measure. ' SpeCial pnce8 9' BIlfi'OrpiDgtOD BeDS or,pul· \ ' 2 ..... lettt,. state prloo. , Mrs. E, t:I •. ,. on or more cans. . , . Wadswortb, Wu.yoesYille, Ollio. '
it or
. ' 2Oc' . d " '. ~ ozen, " 1b e · Iowes. . t SUaa.t d Curcd Me.... '4 H, ... D, 3, ' . ' , . We W,I'II" g 1ve you' i. , ..... . , . I': ARMERS. A~EN'FION I .,,'ar. D0I1 it fO,r.g ' et .t.o place Y. oor. '. p~lce on orunges you . u!lve ever Fr,esh !\upply o f Suvar Curejl . merl! ' w,lihiu'" MUle 0 '- ., ' I b , db ' . , .. , r'llogs Bo~ Paper order 'wIth os for, ~alshl1>t , . gotten, elt l,er ~ t Ie 0~6D or V Hams at He, ·Pig Siloulders at 'hutcherecla lll OD E. S. '8O.lIy. Phone oyate~ ,for th'Sot Xmssd(DDer , the. box. : Our fruit btl,f er h,as~ a l<k. Picnic Hain.IJ .Ilt.9'fc. ,Break . 86. .. A' daDdy lqt 6f bot paper ..It wont be oom-plete without . I" t' 100 to 500 per box.. " them.' , ':.' . (l,ar-IO,ad , to be cl1st.ri butpd at~oog fast Baoon' 'at 16c, ' ~II young F 'YO\1 ' ltve· ,.~·tOOk ' f9J. .fly'~e " Candies '. -. .a f«;w delliers. , and ten'der, . " , (Jor:~,P~' M~ipsey or ~~,eoke; lit
Glo' ves, ' Mt'ttens, Mu ' fflers, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Flan. ' h ams. Cali. ~s, ne IS; G109 :.Dres.s Goods, etc.
" 'F
The bellt"'8ssortw!3Dtw6 ever bad, .1 ,· wan t teachers
~ohool8 aDd 8Up?rtDtndoonts of t;~ndIlY Schools't, b'CA!) ~Q(llodk our . g~~ds oy!lr I'lld 'get ollr prloee ~8fore -buying.
~nderwood spore CRDd~e~. .
, .
$ ,
. Bowls and Tea Sets,'
' ,
. ,
We bal)dle ' ' IlgtiaraDtee:of quam,.".:: ( ';
'" I . . ,
. ___ ,.
. ",
~ ':, If you . want a ' ni~~,.p,~e8e, nt f~r· .,yoJlr.s.eif, .J~fing "i.~,'.,. ~, your cash co .~' ', .. ' • . " kupons. . We . e b ave a Il.Ice IIne ·of ' Prern.lUmS ·l n ,st.OC .• WE p' AY 35 ' CENTS .,'OOZ,EN . 'FOR
".$' .
New Min~ Me.', ,
U'e a
Ib'~Y~t 'Rai'~I\', JOe &. ·Ib. ,
. l\fa~,e from lean beef, he$t 'Wtllltave tl1ese ,cJloice . " , ".,. _. . , ; , suet, sweet c'l der1 raisins, citron i~s fo~ VQU"'at ' anJ time'. ': rllev 'ACREE! of , k~ iar~ >laoCi: . al"~ good spice~. ' . Wb41t bebter are in blce bunchea fQr the table · J:ooiJlII . tQr~bed tQr . buu!l8. · ld an~body , wa~tP . o~ otber Ilses. '.' 3lbs. for 25c tet, epllll .to~ r.6l.l~tll.blec~np}e. A~ , ' . . . .. '., .. ~ ~ P 'Y a' tht" otU,oe lor in'orn'lalilon .
Butterl\vC Cookie.. JOe a Ib,·
A Ca., of &'It.
Tnese iare delicious eatinK J"st arrived, T.lle \;Ieat meat _ _ _ _ ' yo~ ' will. tV. only' one salt we know ,of• .
and If
p~)I~~,~, ' you. will ~e 'a'
CUl!0 "_
tomer. ~bel!e are usually sold at, '1'" ~c a ~und" ,
New F••h• . , . .
, . ••
'W' Wkat Ie:" . .'
., •
, .
. . ' . '. We h~vl! received .. select lot .' " . lIte~ Mackerel. at JOe· eaeb~ Japanel~ ....equered Hand·
Nice , Flaked COdJleb ready for ,.. llle, 'k apaokage. 1 lb. cans of kerChief, . Olot~ and add .R .d gallion, .~ lOe .04
_ Obi Pb .I'VeY·....flf. 0" ooe 041.
puLL blOOd
white · Orphi~~D
~&er8, . Addr.,..~. A.Sor. faQ8. R. D, 5. A' g.BOOllh01l_,wa&eraUtbroalh >
eleotrIo1iIblil.U.o.,erthebo1lll8 bam; or, til OCIDd'''OD. IDqaireor
.n WilHa.
_wz _____ .- _____ ---- -,- . .._- - - ..,ER.SONAL MENTION.
,. \1\11';
MI'. IIU4 'Mrs , W . l:l. Allen were in 4oIl<... .r:. ' ~ "",.Ji<W,J,.r.oz,6!/1.! ",,,,or. 01, Spring Branch. Uioolon!l.ti. MondllY, Mr. IInel Mrs. WlllteT Dakin euter. 0 !'Iok MiddJio~, $27.00 per ton tit .Easley A,S the advent drew near of the world's prc)mised avior, t iued ToO dluner SuntlnY,Ml· .and Mrs Bros MlII, ueblLoon. What incarnate life is to save men from sin, Ular ence Hilet! lind fat,nlly aod also And .Joseph and Mary were seeking apartments. Willi in OilY , Will 2. (Jru.llllffi l,mOll'loteu bU$iH. C. Du~ IIl 0 Ill! WI f in the II fLB r. We "':luI to mule ' t h Is ~IlH/1n n I\f tho I'll y failed to$ecur them, "No room III the Inn , ' 011011. r~ ,,".I, t W II le a ,lI n" fell\lIfe \ hl , W"'~ Ar, II nil ue~s in L b/~noll MoodilY, ~Ll' , \l:I' U I:l~ I ukiu Ilud wire Bud '1~ k II lIr 11'I l' "ds W ~"I,tl i ll " lJ 10' \)' ~H· lIl' . So t he Blessed Redeemer was b rn in It stable; Mrl!. 1\'. 1'1 . ,"'tU' I' WIi,. !I 1,III.v(nu , MILllllill ~M. $"7.UO per Wn ut J': III y on Rossel were. 'Iltlll'tillY night !l,nd poor did t his new life beginThus lowly and \"18ilOI'Molldu.\' . . 8r1lM. MIll , LuhIlUUI1. 'art1" Ilre ant fOl' the Ularriage Of ' uoun, vlsl tor II of tbe llittel" s JJu,r N\ll'oom arnOngl!t men for the coming Messiuil. O. J. E(lwllrI1 .. W' "" in 1.fl 1;'UII II U 011 Mr . Chll,rlaR Brlldllook iR ~p;mlling ents, Mr.llud Mrs. J ODnlhll.nMc(Jrny Mr. OII1'ud Devaul lind Miss Aua They must find other quarters! "No room at lhe Ill n .. and fllmily . hllline!!!! Mond" v, sever'll tillY!'! with relll~ive8 in Dn,y. . Crl1ne, of near Dodd!!. Services II t Middle Run cb uroh I. N. fiHlfie\ll Willi In Dltyton Fri- ton. When our world busy hearts are absorbed in the m :lking Mr , Ilnd Mrs. RllY /:)mith gave" to c;luy , ILOd to.morrow at 10 :30 And spending for pleasure our dollars and cents, /lay: 00 hll~lneM~. Biles'. "Fourx" GrlllDli. Best ·Cow } o'clOck by Elder Arobie Brown. dinner SundllY to Mr. and Mrs. War. Feel a twinge of re~orse, as we hear the aoft knocking ,Mr. 'B wllrl1 Trout, M Moo'roe, feed un ellrth, $3200 per ton EeRley Mrs .•1. B.. 'henowet.h Itnd ohilOf Chl'ist at the door, our se lf-love prevents WII S iu t wu H ltlll1' el~y Bro!.'., Lei It 10 on , • IIren wel'8e'ntertnineulJ,Y herdllagh - ren Burnett, anti Mr. /lod Mrs. E, V. OUI' upening the door to that long patient knockel' , ter, Mrs. Annu f,uons, of ~tt Bolly. Bllrnlllll't. Brill!, $:&! ""'" 1011 lit. l~tl~ ley I{anllmlll .. ~ t.1l MurkeL IlUU 1311·I.I.\llr , As we slill are unwilling his me k yoke to wear, Mr. Clo,rk Bilk I', of MOl·gaotow.n, ' ~'rl)l:'. Mill, L bliuol/. lit tile 'l'uwnsblll liou!1ll, I:illturlJuy V,.I ., lIiI!! retlLl'ned hOlli e 'llnrl bls '!'be semi-montlLly dance given by S we close the door lighter and 'keep him still waiting, (,ittle Bel:lR ic ~urullt.t. lll\>4 hI en Decnmlior 19th. niece, MI 8 Mutti e He",£! went with, Mr. Upsher e White 'ooourea FridllY For we know in our hearts thel'e's no ,'OO1n for him ther . tltll'fl:lring with to\l~ilh,l.i!l. , 'I'be Ltuli s' , <,~uilll of 8t.. MarY ·1; bim for II. visit. ~he btls not b een evening. 'T here was a good at~end " there for 2'1 yenrs. Mr. Chat!. G . WiJliuIDI:!OU went to ohurch will meet thi ufterooon When a worker who spends her whole life in the vineyard, ance, Il'DQ all had a good time. ' , M r . Ch Ilr II e L I.OY WIlS th e guest 0 f 'j witll Mrll, Crllne ' . . Dayton MondllY 011 bUBtuess. With devotion unrivaled and tltlent -most rare, bis noole, Mr. Joshn/\ Chenoweth B. 8 . BoweU wHf' /loti on, De.un MI't>. Mllrnle Cumllll,ngA, of XeDla,. Passes out of t hiS world into life' that's triumphant. Mr. and MrB~ Israel Satterthwaite lind fllmily. wl;!r III (Jiu! 1111111,1 II/lit weel! , WII S t,he \tueHt of rei ttl IV M h6nl Bllt, And enters'God's home as,her own na:tiv ~ air, .' Mril. Adll Dakin unll ohi ldre ll were eutertuillfld tbe foHowio" at ,dinner Dr. Llltl~ WII" in WllyuEl!Hlille ," nrda.y liud ounday. And another, o'erltowing with warm recol!t'nilion, 811trrttd Ul:lll 'b y her grll.ndmfl., Mrs. Sunday: Ohaunoy Bunnell and,fAin . , IIrOf6slli0lltl1 bU .. Ir\l"R~ Itltlt, 1:\11 turouy. M i~!\ Ji:dith M08ha r .. pent IJurt o f POUI'S out h ,. whole soul in a poem most most d~(u' Di kAOO Wbnrton, of hit, HoJly . \Jy Seth Foro,,/! 8.nd family. Emmor ' , Baily Qnd family, Joe Ohapman ond And sends her. church paper, the crushing rejoind 1': Brun . *2fi 00 pur ton tit J<~eH l ey IlUIt \Yuck iu UillCluDlHi, the gneBt 1 New Burlington. fll milyand Mrs. Lintl. Devitt.. " "ris an excell ent poem, but no ?'OOm for it here." I}r08. Mill, Leb[~ooD. o~ Mrtl. Frunk 'l'aylor. ,Ioltn~ . Funkey will conduct n, Lis EJlltollton fllotl'ndl:lrl the fllneral When an outcast, repentant: resolves to .abandon I Mr. Ilnd Mrl:!. A. H. Harlvu spont Mr. and W. S. Graham enof Mr, Eletlry In Dayton lust Friduy . peci tll shoe sa le every dliY until I\I. part of IU8t week in Wilmington. terta,ined a.t n. WundllY dinner the Her late sinful life and do right evermore. ' Mi Maucle al\rlllO eutertalned Mn, U}l!!here Whlt.a visited her Junul~ry' 1, 1909. Don't millS this And applies for a place whence to earn her own living, the D. A. ' Iaa . in II. very ploosn.nt followlog: Mrs. Varna. Kelly, at 11l1rtlots lu 8 e'tve rtowo IIl!\ t week . \;{r \1.1. c llt~n ce for bllrl/;Ilins. Our 1Ii!And knocks for,such place at the' rich pe()pl e's UO I', 1lI/l.\1 Del' 0 0 'II tnnln.y . "The Poet Hprlnglleld, 1111189 Abbie O ra,h am. Murtlll ent 1M ve/':\l huge Htook; over Oft met by sot;ne haughty, self-righteous pl)SSe8sul', M id u Ii ng\!, ~2j· . 00 !IPr to ll 1\ t E"~ I RY WblHler" \V1l!! t he Hulljeot of the Mr. lIuc'l Mrs. Ralph Lewis lind $5UO{1 nilRorc.rpeut at Blllulltou & Drawing back her si1k ski rts, with percopltible sne I', Il.fternoon. BI·ol!. Mill , Le llo 0011 . daugbt r, Walter Ilnd Cbarles Bur· Brown and Brown tihOd Uo., the ") have plenty of servants, and c~not emp,loy you," The fr iends, of Lester {'ompt'on neU . Walter Ur~d er\\'u o!l l f' ft.II1. t'l'hurM be~t io the world; $1500 stook Rub him IJ, s llrprlse au l'ue day She sees with sad heart there's 110 room fat'" r he'/' '. day for Altoonll, PII ,where he hIlS ber Boots, Fell.s Iln<;lall kInds of Ovnigb t of !JIst week. On Thur,sdlliY evening, at the home .. good pol!itioll. ,et Shoes, tbe .Red J:la\l Btllld. Cheer lip, ye poor Magdalen, go to the Savior The M. E. unday ohool Is pre. of Mrs. Edltb Harris on Main e'reet .Johh A. Fun!tey. Mrs. (Janno,n , 01' Otl.vtcm, ill !lpeudparing to ~I va II. Cl4ntata, on Ohrlst· And pour out thy love, with its heart-burning tear. IUnll eve. Th., Friends' ~undu.y Mrs. HarriS, Mrs. Mosher and Mrs. Thou wilt hear his sweet answer,l do riot condemn thee," lug sOllle t:lme wlM) her !liM,er, Mrs. Mr. aud Mrs. A. Moffit II.ttended Scboo l will give it's entsrtaluOlen t Ueorge Hawke entertliined the La. J. N, Blitfiel.U. And" sinning no more," there il1 room for thee here. the funel'lll of \ir. Henry: in DlI.yton all ~hrl8tmll!.l Id g ht. dies' Oard club. The evening Wall Ah. yes! the;e ill room for: t he sinni ng and straying, Bile' , "Fourx" I mill!,. Hellt. <;OW IrlBt FrililloY. Mrs. Borlwe WQ r~oll. o[ Lytle, Is spent in euohre and at a seasonable . There is no one shut out from the mansions above ftl6lL on . $a2.0(l pAr t" 11 Eelj1ey Every thiug in tile way of good the guellt of hel' parents, Mr. a nd 'hour delioi.:>us refreshments were Who comes to the Lord with heart·broken rep~tance , firos:, Lebuuon, Mrs" J. Wood , thinKS to eat,will bellt theTown!lbip At tile regulnr meeti ng of the Mil. served. A.bout thlrty-foar memo There a,lw0II/818 "'oont in the al"1l)S of his love. Judge Alex B.,xwel\ find 80n . S, BOI1Be, Sllturdtl.y. son~o Lodge 11l8t week tbe following bers and .guests were present. W. Brown wilrein tow n ht lltW ANNA M. STARR. pfficers were 'eleoted: Weldon N. MeLast FrldlloY night BQout 60frieode :Mr. Gus Williams IJ.nd wife, who . ,lmy on bushlf~SM. K~y, W. M. ; BUl'well H. Miller, of-Mr.lI.nd Mrs. Clem Orane gave hIve been here tor seveTal days re- , --- '-S. W: ; Stout W. Briton, J. W .. ; thew a pleasant sarprlse. The WlI.rren EdWllrofl, of Dayton Ilpent turned bome lasi FrlduJ'. . Mrs· A;ma M. Starr, the author of .thi.~ poe~: is ei~hty.on? y~ars ol~, Isaac Eva,o ll, Trells.; A . H. Hal'1un, . f?nnuay with hill p"rll ut ... Mr. Ilnd Mili'" MII.rY Browo,of nellr W lI.yueR- aRd h~ written a grea~ deal.for magazme.., and papers III her hfe. She IS Reo.; F. Delmont Oompton, S. D. ; evening wus PIlSSed in mn,llo dano. Mre. ,.1 , Ed wllrdfl . ville is enJoying a visi~ t,bitl week f rom RIchmond, Ind., and)s at present located at the Friendli Boarding Roy H , LewiS, ,J . D.; O. F . ColleU. ing and OII.rd playlnK. About mid· Home, .w here ~he h{lS m~de lots of frieml.s uring her stay here. She was l'yler; E. Vf. Brt1.dstreet, Trll8tee; night a lunoh was served with ,Ioe Mr~ . LlIUI81l Woroll\,v, -Wllo w_ wil,h Wilmlugton rel"t.lvet!. .Y. W . .Fletoher,. G. A. PhllHp, cream. Tbeyleftshortlyaftermid. a speaker in the Friends church :for mans: ' . • "ry tliok with til grlpJ.lIi liI>lt w~k , Fa r merR, a.tte ntlou I - '~'armers ~tewa,rds . D1ght" all having had" good lime, • • _ • iii muoh hnprov d now. wishing cadi" or lloj(1I butohered, Lytle. and testIfying to the fao' that Clem Biles'. "F,lurx" GralnR; Bes~ Cow oanon E. Ij. BilBy. Phone tiB . MASONIC NOTICE Former Residents and hie wife were delightful enter. feell on earth, $32.00 p~ r ~Oll .Ee!l l ~y , M1' . D. P . Boffmll.o·, wlfellnd ohtld, talners . ·th h Mr. Wm. Rogers, and MrsCal .....,Pro!!., LehonOn. P u~uan t WI of Wes' Uarolton, have beeD the t e earnest recomWill O. Gustin WIlS IIppointed Rogers were guests of Mr, I1nd Mre. Mrs~ Verna Kllll" ~'1 of prl~ gfi"ld , guesl.~ of Rev . .-nd Mrs. W. T. GllIi· mendation of the Most Worshipful assistu.oheoretaryof the ' bolird of ,W. Cornell. Mr. W. W. Stoke. oelebrated hie was tbe gue~t of Wlll ~ , Grubam land for the ll$!lt few days . Grand Master. WaynesVille Lodge agrioultul'e of Warren Coanty to About 35 couple were present at birthdllY with a family dinner Sun. aDd f~mily SlI,tllrdar (lnd SUUdRY Fa 1I0Y Itri.ioles of all kinds olln be No ]63 F. & A. M. will convene in Geo: W. (J(~rey who is at p,r esent the dance at thfl ball Thursday eve. day at his home on Grand avenae, Mr. Walter Kenriok WII.S In Day. In, Dayton, and tbe guea. ~ere . Mrs. Rloltl1rd 'roil!.! (\'rrlved bome bought d ' thE! t!llle given by tho special commuication on Sunday. unllble to attend to business by tou on Saturday. mem bers of the family of the hoet. MondllY eve~lng, u.fter (~ plell l:lllnt G )lild of St. MIlry'9 ohuroh, 81i tur- December 27 at 9:45 a ,m . thence to rea 09 of a pllraletio stroke. proceed to St. Marys Church to parW B . '1 th f B II t ', MI'. Jacob Laoyand family ,vere Besldd!! the relativee from Dayvl8lt with frlendl:! in Brown (.;OImty dny Oeoem her 1l1bh. , .. " . th f t" 1 t St J hn . . II a er, 0 ur ng on in DlI.yton SaturdllY. Mrs. W S. (jrllhn,m lind' Mr\l. C~ E. MIRses Josephine O~lel!bee and tl~IP: m r e e~~a o. °th Kan .• wr1t8i~.: "1 am sending by this attended the shOoting ton, there ,were prelent Mr. aDd Journmg re - mall mv t!abspriptlon to the Miami matoh 'at Ferry Saturday. Mrl\. Wa.llaoe:rtbbalsand the Kieeea J9hnl:\, of Lytle, were gumt8 of Mrtl. Sybil B"wke have retnrned frOID ate. ~ge 18t. Gazette. We olln hll.rdly get along Messrs Oharles a.nd I::'tanley Dnke ~lor,a ~nd Ma.ry· Tibbala and. Mr, Allte Haines 10 Xeniu lust Wednes. deltghUul visit with Miss lSwllll ren mVlt.OO 'oFCra~ern~I~Yh' W M J ' . artwrlg t, . • with • th t I' . 'k a.ttended,the banquet given by Day. 'aDd Mrs. Hpraoe 'Stokes and Ion Bishop of Xenlft. '. 4IU· , Att t, C E B tte Sec oUu II. , you now. , C .' ' Mr Ha.rold Cook left,lll8t.Wedne8sa. · ' • ~ • n, y. We are halving our first tQuoh 01 ton ,;Crombone , Iub a.t D/l.y~n , on ' Jam'es, of Lebanob, . Mr8. Mary 811fhp Reed BroM., ·who Illwe IJee.o BROTHER IS MARRIED rim} winter this weuk. Bad very Sunday eve . . 'ver and Bon Lyman, of Lytle, Mr, traveling w'lbb 11 IIltuw, 0I11I1e bOme day Dight for Milw~u~ee. Wis". behRI:! lIeoured~a. ((ood pOllition d " heavy rllinslBllt week, ftoods sonth sb:;;~;~n~o~~:;. wa.s B Da.yton Mr. and Mrs. ' George Rtley and whtlre lAat ~eek, IIb8 lIiJaw golug to the wltb lUI eleotrio rai\\'Iay there Mr. W. H .. Mad enrec:a: aC~d of us. Blld a POOT y ear for farmers MI'. and Mr!!, Albert ~t.oy enter. daughters, Blanobe and Pearl of wall. Wnlter KilboD will bl\ye a treat l~t week.whlch t e w, - over the 83's.tern ·1)lI.rt of I,he s"-te t.ained Mr. and Mrs , Wm. Sweney Ridgeville. rhe. luge as!lortm III. of l:;i tmdk6r 'd f h b th ell to ash .... for every boy and girl wh'o oomes in l mg 0 IS ro er . n n, c ler but the c" t I t h d b' of Pekln, Mr. lind Mrs. Elwer E,un· chle.fs for Xmlls. pri,Cf!s lower tllllD his IItore on tile 24th Von't forget ' 0 f th.e N a't i ona ' I b ank a t Cl. ar.ksv'll "n rlt pllr a tg crops. 0 I t Th ~-. 1 e, Are 0,11 in good bealtb, exoept Mrs. bll.rl II.nd sonij Earnest and Lee, and n as und ay eve ning -.• v ever. Llidles' Colhlrs, Ruching, I toM N llCoek I fW I to Mr, and Mts . Barry Earnhart. P"tsyOurrenn.nd ' lI·rs.Ohar)eaPelle g thu tla.te ISS e ere, 0 1 ml,n n, M th b. i l K Ol~ Jt .. oJ ":-"reut Darc'lllJJs for Iloyolle ut .' .John · ,. , d .' . tl Por w OJ S n tl.n81l8 . ,'y t.o . ....i I C te '· ':1 ed A.l!'unke"'y's. " 'MI~s Dorothy Dakiu. who bl18 .lastThurs ay.., ' ' . ing epecial treatment . She has, Green Briar. ussistedby Bl1'8 va. ar,ven r .... u Ueeu liere for ~ev~~.1 monthsleav~s l ~r. . ~~dqen w~ well k~own In been s uft'eli:ng. frGm n~rvoas prosabotttthirty frlendein'amostoharm- ~e8()aUle8 J. F. Cudw(l.It~~er" tl.DI' for, bel' houle in Haonibal; Mo. ,. tips, vlclmty, havm~ , taught school trilt'ion. MI ' L K 'bl 'tt d dT binI/; wllnnerjwith ,a wiih bone pu:ty, t ' 'wsses ... 1 ' ' My 1'\1. Bird ;. L Ytl esomeye~sago. ss aal'~ I er 11 en e eae - Innonoro . f "'i" aD'>'" ' E •'V• Sarn h ar, II 1'burfldi/.y. l:terlllanyfriendsllere ,n",8r ' ers'AsBooilltloninLeb&nOnonsat-1 .... ss E mm~ .T'-r-Io'" ~~., and Wright were In Dayton are jl)th to see her.go 1l, ~ilY. ' . j, ST. MARY; CHUR,CH Mrs. \Vallier Zell. o( fndlanapolts lirday. Mrs. ABa Wbitakerand Miss Mr. D"IlBs Bop;er. The decorations· lR.t wtIBk. roit!s Ada Slagle, ofZllne8ville. re-' , writes :-:- ElIlOlosed find money for SlI.l'llh Burnet were Gem oity shop- were green and red. In trul OhrilliWalter ,KUbon Illld !lon Ken~etb tarned here Monday night, and ls I Tbe lith SUnd"y In Advent De another year 's subBorLptlon. We 'perB thllt day. mas style. '. and Maste,rs O,oDllld and ( baok again "t her old post In the cember ~Oth, Morning Prayer.and Mnnot do without our old friend, · Mr. ROb!lrt Hant is J)rospering In J\fter the guests had all I!orrived 'fh Ml . rt t oreg~n . . If s. nlted with theooantry, th bide nd groom eleCt were aendoftl9~ saw t IJe s Ig hts In CIU- "hello" exoba.nglJ. Her mllny friends sermon at' 10 130; 1!Jvening Prayer e Ilml Ullze teo ue Wllt locate there permbnently. era _ ' . ', are glad to ba~e her back. ,' ·and sermon lit 7. .1nsplrmg music , Mr. Bendly l'Jorrou, in t\ recent Mr. and M~s. Alleo Gregg, of Cen- seated tn ~he cozy corner ODder an ,olnnatilast we~~ , , , ~r. and Mrs. T. B. lo~nsend !lud B. "baudler , anli, 'Wife, J. M. "at both tlervioes. Sanday BohoQI "t lette~,.Says he must ha,ve' the GIl- terville , 'w ere the Banday guests of n.roh D,t bells! Mr. Boger theo t~d A v Mr. and . Barvey Burnet . . the wishes and Mi88 Larriok u~Coburn. of Ztluesvllle, sisters 'Keys and wife, Robert Williamson \I :-80, Come let us IlU w:orshlp. to. zetie anothE,r year. Bendley lfillo· ' ' Little Eagenla Whitaker oelebr~t. wrapped tbe presents whioh o\)nof re,' C.t T. Ba~ke, have beeu VIS· and wife attended Ihe t 'ta.,ie Grunae ga~her.. "1 ,wa,s "glad w,h en, tbey BIll, d oated Ilt Dea!n, .Ohio . ' d h . h b ' hd I t r d ,.. n e er nlnt ut IlY fiB , ' ues IlY slsted of everything suitable and " I&lo~her ,ora few d~ye. ut COIUlllbus, last week ' - ,: lunto ·me. we wUl go into the boose Mis~ Barger, ~rite8 ' tram uy invit\ng her t~acb6r, Miss Btir~ useful anu whioh-of 'oourse afforded , eotly Wlilter K, IlM,n wlil pro,vi,d e I. Nay" lof the Lo~d" .• '_ .. Al'exI,m dria, Ind. and wllnts to be net to .. chicken pte 'supper. 't 't' f' m sement 'I1t.8 , Mr.~ Oal Ad~ml!, ~ho was roo h hOI h A 'I .d . d tb N I ,a. grElU Ilmoon 0 a u . ... .. t I:' .ntg. t ,operator at orw n~ ,IlS for,lIlI ohlhlren in Enst. Wayne town-, BEAUTIFUL DECORATIONS r emeni heretl to ..11 friends. ty.-aoo~:f:tO~~n Kl~re~,s, 0: S~t~er_ gifts were numeroUs a~~ very pret. aocepted " ,poelMoD on the Norfolk sblp. ,to go to I.el>l'neil on t,be 24t1?, " , . , - -du,yevenlng. Muoh JDerriment was ty. An Interesting. 1hank8gtvlng ' &.we"ter~ railw....y 41 8 opera.t.)r. to !!ee Santi\. (Jln,l1S AntI' am 'and re· ' The Btores!n townallhne a good PIANO TUNINQ cliused by the twisted menu. The conteBt WaS partlolpated in by aU. OhrlltmaR lpok, and the merohants Ore~onifl Bieh sohool farnished the Miss Cora Shreeves a~d Mra.Oharles You;ld all ..htl l"teBt 8tyles oelve a tred. "lld,· iI..hape~ ~f Gentll' 1'1e8 fro~ eh·1. Mr.' and Mrs. Robt.. G. C,r o,.88 ,bad are doln'g a rnshlng , b~slne8s. .1 . J, 'I' bompson Jr. 413 E. progr&m. Proceeds were given to P 11 the Ulost 'fortunate.' . • --. St.•, Lab 100 0, t,>hio. Sa.tisfaotlon U. B. Oharoh \l.t Oregonia. ' e ey we~ , . ,cago faotqr Ies~' Il II p.t I08S, "'PIen did , . '""S .helr auests from Tharsd' l lY uotil HO · ME Wr:D ' DIN'" Dahitv refresbments l' " ... U gnaranteed, " Valley rbone 54 B. ' Mr . Bratteothegenialsnperlnten. " . ,' . were served at , _ , _--;+ _... dent , of Wayne villited, 11 reasonable hoall. ' 'Afterwards, pa· t."hrI8tmae pl'88ents,. LarlC9, allsort Mondav. r. G.1dOmermfller and men~ of Gen~', Ladies' anl,l 'Cb~l'; d!\>ughter, AQn~ Jergen!!, Of Web. Near Leba~on. Wednesday" 1>80 DEATltt OF AGED MAN Green Briar on Fri!lay afternoon. pers and penoil8 were dl8trlbuted dren ~ (i!o~,ea .at John A •. Funke), ester tlrove, Mo. . o.Qmber ,9 th; .. ~urr9d tbE' weddii~g ' , , ' , H~ is making blmself very ,popular and 'gaeste were dlreo~d to wrltea. .... Ie E Q." I ' b ' h i , f'" """11 Bo .,.... MI E ' . ' . WIth our boy.s fLnd ' 'and Is addk d f b e11 s o.~ '" worde co~., " ....r ••' . o;>U'mermeer, ·w , o :, al! RememberyonJlttleQRn know of' 0 ,_r : &Ill liS , ger"" ~8 mm,. The body of John ffenry, aged8_3, ' iD I/;eotha8illllrD \l.n4girl8 I~tere!il~totbe .' tn 11,0 been visitin"hla lOother and sll\t~r, the oiany bargaIns' in OUT Gentl ' Larrick, at tl1e home· of tbe bride 8 who died at the·home.of hii daugh- ,work In agrioulture with his prllootl. tainln~ bell or ~l as ~~e)' oould re.; Kre. R : G. 9rolltl for th~ last t.hrl!8 and Ladi,,'li' Furnishinp, Me,,'s' and pBl'ents, ~r. ~nd Mrll. George , Lar ter " Mrs. Lyle Alexander, in Day. cal experiments. member. Mr. Charles 'lk>ger and " wee¥~ l.e~' on'ruesday 'fo, Fluridll , !;tOYI ' iovely ~hirt$, SU!lperid~rs, rlolt, . ton~ was taken to Miamisburg for • - • Miss &eleD Willa suooeed~ bee'~ epe~d .tb" wip&er. 'G loves ana ' Mittens, Towe18, Bocks At 2 :30 II.' W., to the atraln8 ,bUrillllast l~riday. Mr, Henry was BIRTHS OF THE WEEK The favors were hea.-1;s tl~ with We'are 0#8.dug ~rfCain.ln ,every and ROlle"Collan, ~eoktles, Baud of Mendellohn's w8Qdlng ~arob, a former reSident of that place, Born to Mr. and Mrs"Fr~ White ribbon beal!ing the na~ea of "J:m. detlllr'meD' uD"1 the,Dew y .... ;e~ kerchiers. Illg bara'alns in l~oe played by the Kroom'8l1ll1ter,.MI'8, and was ~ widely known and a hj~h- Tuesd D b 8th matt and "DIll1as."-Contributed. ~ I "' n I' f 0 to th b Id 'I t . . .' , , .. ay, ecem er ., a son. ,' . • - • ,·lal barpu~a io oar Illflluhoe,l&ook, Cortllilns daring this Mle. , You can unet D, o . ay n, e r a pllr T ly respected citizen. P') ~ter Xmu preeeuta &han a Dioe _not atrord to stay, a~y ;'oome ea~ly eDt.ert?d the parlor where Rev. CoopHe leaven one son, Will Henry, w:~~t ' M~. 'M Mote, BEAUTIFUL ATrRACTJONS, l- .De Shoe. ; W., ~ve 'Jle Ba~n'on 'ind ottC'ID, John A. FU'lkey. er, sPqke .t.he ' words ~hat malu~ the and two dallighters, MisaLouilia Hen.' , &y, ece~ er 9 ., a 119n. , } t Own and/ Tbe Brown tlboe OQ~ • •-~ ' Cloapleone. ry " of' and .MftI. Lyle Al- ' 'BarntoMr . and Mrl., BarryCle$v , LOoltaltheadofl'. p. ~warts, .. ~ y 'lisa 1"1'18 qUaDtltlel, price. low REVWAL SERVICES Walter IArrfok w~ beat maD aud ex:mdel', Lorrain .street, Day. er, ,Pecember 13lh, ~winl, a boy and who haa a ,store teem~wt~ Dice Tbe revival eervloea ,at'., stU, 10- Mlu Pearl Sobettver brideam"ld. ton, · lIe an: uncle of Mrs. A . a girl. • _.' . llottdaYloode. Gift a .... ·&114 .er tha.. l!J*t oommon eaat.ern walrea. ...._ .. pair paranteed. hiR on at lhe Odhodox oba""'. At""' tbe CleI'8IDODY a we4dlD,1 Maffltt Mr, LiB Hamilton, of The .tork never knowa just whe~ 888 wba' be hu, ~4' 1= ~'be ' ~"'D A, ~". Ureal in..... t al bel ..., r..., WM eDjo1 ecl• thIa jo be thankful. lure to huy,
, Eli Buroett- bilS been l1st. M,'. Joseph Mllrllhllll ,0 11 SunLlllV.
No Room.
SOGiet y Colum n ~
.. -
l '.
Religioul Rilel Required Throughout , the ~ntlre Seaso".
f"llYlcJH OFTH£ 7.5 YARD f)A.JH FOR WOI1£1'i pp.Tlm.,.cr . the full use of lhelr faculties. Not lon g ago there was considerable talk aboQt the rapidly In· creasing number of Ins ane In this CO\1n· try. ' Various !:aQSCS were assigned to it. Some sn\d th a growth of tile cltle3 a~oullt· ed for It : others t hought that It ,WIlS
It Is' lJosslble. ThIs was ,'ery strongly , brought out
not long ago In an asylum near Chicago. There was n pati nt th re who had the Idea that" he was Kin g ,Edward. The kllig was all ' rlgbt In ever, oth \. way, but his Idea on this 'point waa 80 sl,rong wlOlln him that It gay his normal part v ry. lI ~ tl e room to ruQve about. From morning unli! ni ght be would tark ovel' ·varlolls matt ers of staLe with his cabinet ministers, wb'o were anyone wbo bappen ed to be near him, and In gree ting the women wllh u graciouimess that the real king would Hnd d,lfficult La Imi tate. /'Iut the king wall a jolly monarcb. A smile was on
~rloultU :-ClJ prnctice In southerD India from 's larl to finish rl'qulres r& IIctous rites. says tbo l\1adras Mall In the Tamil districts the agrl· cultural yoar conlmenCOB about April. On April 23 tb~ cultivators or ,a vl~ lage consult a "valluvan," who flxllfo for them tbe kind ot woct<! that the, should cu t ond take away . He Is sup posed to settle the ques tion as the res ult of astrologl ()al observation. made on tbe oommencement of the Tnmll ,New Year's day. whi ch fRlls '.hout April 13. Eacb cultlvntor then takes a lillIe camphor, some Incense, a few, plantains and a cocoanut, and witll others assembled for tbe purpose he pI'oceeds to the fOJ'esls, where be worships ilie tree h e Is about to out, Offering the plalltalns '- and the cocoa,. nut. Th en he lops ort the first branch. taking good care that It ralls on t.he right s id . In each ycar lhn side Is differe nt. Pro~ p e rilY to blmself and his c'atlle Is firmly believed to depend "ery much upon this.' He tben cuts away tho required qua n tity at wood aud tukes It borne . . Another day ' Is tben selected. soon a.tter the enrly rains of the saml' month, by the "vulluvan," nnd then the greatest event of the agricultural year occllrs. Each ryot takes the wood he has s elec ted for the plow, which Is ne wly fitte d up and taken to tbe field, where the bullocks are tied to ft, nnd behind It Btand other plowa with teams ot oxen tied to . tbem. while large erowdl assemble around the telUils. I I '" Tbe principal plowman then daubs the paIr of oxen tied to the new plow with aniline powder and tu rme ric pasle; he II&hts camphor and burns Incense beforo It, breakll a cocoanut, IUld wIth It ho makes an offering of a pot at jaggery water and l)archod grain and Beugal gram. Thon he drives the plow across the field, precellcd by the otll er plowmen, and aner a. few rounds tJle ox.en are un yoke4 and Lhe olrcrlng distributed ' to , lhoso , pres ent.
France Fe." the Tromblon. Every traveler IIDows that there a,. certain r estricUons upon the introduction of arms Inlo torelgn countrtea. Among tbe weapons whlcb It Is tor' bidden to take Into France Is ' the "tromblon," whlcb III expressly mentioned In tbe Bengal code as a weapon the carrying and sale of which la not allowed. And yet fbe "tromblon" II not a firearm which Is cOmmOnly 'u sed nowadays, for, It I~ nothing 'else than the blunderbuss, a weapon wblch old carloaturea ebow to bave h6en Cal' :-ted by tbe guarda of ·coacbes 88 a protection against hIghwaymen and to have boen hung over hl& fireplace by John Bull at the time ot the Bcan; ' ot a ' Napoleonlo Invsslon 100 yean. , ago. Tbeblunderbuss ' bad a flint lock, a ' short barrel, aud a muzzle! , like a 'trumpet" the bell mouth beIng deslgncd to scatter the slug. with whle,h tbe primitive piece Wat charged. Anyone who bUY8 one at an old curiosity shop had beUer .tu.e care how be Introduces It Inlo France, for toe penally for do!.ng so Is a filll or 200 trancs.
Catarrh Twenty·filo Years··· .
Had a'Bad Cough.
Miss Sophia Klttlcsen, Evanston, Ill., writes: "I )tn ~ e b on trOll bled with catarrh ror nourl .., t",ont y.ll\·e yelll"s und hl~vo tried IJlOUV cUI'es for it, bu~ olltalncd ve.·y little )l elp. ,,'Til n m y l"rnther advised mo to try P llruuo, 81111 I d id . "My hea lth wlltl verypoora,t the time I began taking l' 'T\lIlu. My throat. wall very soro a.nd I hllrl a bnd cough. "Peruna hllll cllred me. The chronic
Ulnrrh Is gone lind my health Is very milch Jmprol'ed. . U( recpmmond P eruna. to all my frlellds who arc troubled as I 'vas.... PER UNA TABlETS 1- '0 me peoplo pre· fe.1' tabl e ts, l'aLilo.r than m"dluine rn a tluld {arm. Sllch pnoploeou obtain Poru·
na table ts , whlbh represent. Ule mcdicl· ulLllngredlentsotPoruna. Eoeh tnblet equals olle averago dose of: PerDlIo.
Man-a-lin the Ideal Laxative. oIlsk your Drullll.t lor a Free Peruna
.4lmanllc lor 1909.
10 ICtllement of ILe wheat.raiaing landa of
Western Can.d., ,I.e Canadiall CovemmC1lt, hili iocl'uJed Ihe
tb.t may 1!e taltcn Ly • home.t.:adcr 10 320 acrq- l60 f_ .nd 160 t be purchad .t $J .OOper , ~. Thcae I. ncb alf! m the Qrain.raiuoll &!(ta, where mixed f. nni. Is .110 carried 00 wilh unqualified III«CU. A railwaywill &hortly be buill to HOOoo" Bay, brina. ina Ihe wOlld'. markeb • thou..od mil.,. Dearer
Ihe..., wheat.field., whe", ochooll and cI,urdt.. ara convenienl, cG\Illlc excellent, railw.yo d .... 10
all ..lIlerueou, .nd local markell good. "It waule! tllke time to . ~"' mll.t e 'h e ' .....1•.
tlon . ,t hllt 1\ viall to the IIre.' t enlpl,e 1)llnr t o t.he Nortb or ·u , unfoldt'd ot every tU' M,hc:",.,.. pOnoJtnu of .. NAI'on. 1 E,lli~r. WtD "ISI/N ' IV....I. rn C.,Utd.. /" A 1m.
land. may .IJO be purchaaed from railway aDd Hoards In Bank of France. land compaoiel .t low prices and on .IlIY \Crtr.L Week by week tbe Influx ot gold 2>0' ""mph!e", mopa Bne! Inrormatlon a. ,~ continues. This week'a report showl! low rllllwlljl r.te.1. apllly to SUlluintender.t of Immhcr lltlon, ulla wD, Can.dn, 0' ' the, the gold holdings of tile Bank . oi .utbotllccl Can.uUub aoverninent I\CC,llU France to be '94,000,000 above what R. 1'1, WILLIAMS• . , tbey were year ago, and U9,OOO,OOO Toledo. OhIo. above the highest figure ever reached LAw Bulletin... by them prIor t9 1908. Ot the gold 1m· ported by Paris from the 17th to tbe 24tb of September, 14.874.000 francs went Into the Bank of France. Yet In the tace of tbls movoment all recent bank billances sbow 'tbe continued fall· lng off In commercial discounts and In bank' advances (lr loans on securities. So rar tbe gold arrivals have certainly not lessened the apparent dem and 'for gold. ' The Bank of France nnd the otber banks, In 11 mealuro, are Hoem. hlgly hOllrc,llng gold aga,lnst' futurl lltJeds, Some say tllat this 15 the Ie. son th ey have learned from the nlOno, tary: ~rI818. .
fEFOIRIll the )'ear 1925 b!ls dawned It ' 11 probable tbllt nearly every hos. pltal for Insane In America :will Work for cures from an atblellc an . . gle. , PbYl!lclalll! who bave . bad the care or mentally Incompetent l,er. sons declare that sports ' are tbe I cbl~r adJun~t t.o Ituian treatment. , The patients bocome wonderfully ' Interested ' and enthusiastic over }vl~eelbarrow races, slll'lnts, three . legged races, and tb.e fun thel' de. I rive (rom this sorl of exercise is de. clared far greater than tbal which (aUs to tbe share 01 the sane ath. o l~te or. th .nthletlc fan wbo' partle l• "nl{;l" in championshIp gam os on tbe fleld . diamond, .tl' clc I? Idlrqn and S',)'mnllalum floor. ' ' A' ~rent alienist one<:, said tbat when) ph~'s'c!ll well:l"~'lng' II!\ to be found tbere Is u!lI1111ly a comlle. ·t e nt IIUnll also. AtbleUc8 naturally lU'omote bodllr l~lIl'rOVe ul ent. nnd wltb It comes tbe elimination of th di!lclltlod' 110rilon!lof the llraln. TilliS med ical m Oil h0111' to eradicate hUlo.nlty among tbe Ilatients " I IIII' hoslJilalll. ' ' !' I If: lIoat of i be athletic s t ruggle takes thc 'mind ()f tll (' patient [rolll bis woos, it that be the form of HI (lIIi :l, and one crazod 1I'0mnll Is declared to ha,'e III~r'" ' 111'10'" ' within two monlhs after having ' '',II'.llod continually Ir~ athletics .ot a h08Vitni for fn,SIl II (' in th east. ' , l'h('rp t R 1;0 athle te wbo' scts as mil h ap'p aront cl o'·0.\· II1 (' 1I1 ulll (t[ his successes as tile one' wilo III i I!.nnc. Tile), ,tnke H a3, a new kind 'Of Iliar' and III III' to it wIth . all Ill e \'im' that the Ir phY S i~BI at,. ' l atl1loel\U!, ,vIII J,l rlllit. " , U l llr&1l nre also ,,;lven 111 some B!lylums, (0 Iybleh •~h (' I~ U.lIl.i . 1s admitted b,y invit.ullon. 'l'hose, wblle ' hey lia ve thelt pn~hotlc wide. of co nrH6, afford milch I.J eal!t1n), to {be In males, espe lally th'c ~·OUllg· er
OIlOl< • .
!'luI'goons declar<, thai ~ ome day all varielles of Insallily will yield , to (rllatUlenl Blld be curable. An (,per'aUo" Otl Ole braIn Is said by tbem to ' be the Milltion but as , yet the man has net arisen who oall )Icrform eucb an olleratlon with unfailing I1IIC1'1)"". Tbcre bave ~n lsolnted casell now and 'heD that lIave proved successful. but. the brain Is oae of ,lie m,ltorle" of tbe human bOdy that baa btacm ~ee",ed [or a Beneratlon to solve. ll('an-whlle, boweyer, u"der tbe' new order or things tht' hlSlUl(' are rar from an unbllllP1 lot. It. Is only of lIOud m~d" wbo ve able to realize tbr. ,,,It of tbOle dUctfd fK'Ol,Il': while tlley III rt elr fUll' 11~ :u'e re.f"!UI~ i;ftllJlll"r ball maar, wb('l h.Ye
the gC'eat nervous strtlln that Americans were under. Bill they were hoth wlonS. For onc e ftgu :' ea \.Ie. Though there were only 74,028 Insnne In hospitals In 1890 nnd 150,151 In 1906, the actual tI IIID Ler or· fn· sanc pro rata haa de· crease!!. HE/,! PATI£'tl1CI WArCHING THE ATHL£TIC" GAIVEc:S Here 'Ill the prt-lot of, It. In lS!JO there were. 162 bospllaJ:;, Whil e !n his face coatlnuallr and If he hlld ever bad a 1903 tb ~re were 328, .and O1any of the older 9nes chance to, rule anywhe re, no one would ever hav~ had been c:lhl.l'ge!l., In qLber ,,:ordll. tbe, counlrr /\Ccused him of cruelty. He' wae mode led II.fter Is taking cr,re of the Insan e n,nd tn',dng them out the lines of old King Cole. . But one, day, a pa· or theh' homes, nnd Incideutally the Idea gr'ew tlent was admlttell whose' weak point happened , that b!!cnuse the InsUtutions were Increasing in to be the Jdea that 1(lng Edward had sent emis· nU1l1ber and size the numbe .. of cases was like· sarles oyer to kill him. The' dootol's hesitated wise srowlng abnormally. Ilbout p~lttJng the nelY man in the same roor,o', It· Is. not generally s upposed that Ulere '\a a wjUt the Itlng. Qut botb w,ere pe rfec~IY harmles8, brighter side to Insanity. The 5,000,000 l1eollle 01 80 the expel'lmant was trIed. All ,went well until this count,.y who have re latives III asylums prob' the new patient l611rncd that King Edw~rd ,was ably do not aee tbls bright" side /lind few .ot the about. Then be ned III terror and hid under a bed, , other millions realize It. But nevertheless It Is a and all ' tho cOllXlng the nurses could ' do could fact that the darkest dllYII or tbe nmlction arA not drag him Ollt again. They were in a 'dilemma ove r. that taxed ' the resources at the Instltullon. Final. Nea~ly cvt\ry 'patient In an Il1s tllullon ' hi normal I;', tb ey decided to put the case beforo the kIng In all bu ~ one or ' two subjects. The daugec'ous and depen4 upon his wElll , known good 'nature Insaue are. of COllrse, 'ano ther ' I~atter i to .'them to h elp t!Jem out. He ~as alive to the sItua.tion. it Is 01wn)'8 1I1ght, Ilnd w1ll be until some gealus ' Hla grle: was touching. for a more ha'r mles8 king dIsco\' ra /I lIe w method ' of I renting tbe brain , certalnl) cever breathed. ProfUse wltb ;'egrels at more SX:lsral1torlly than Is known' nt the llresent the stl'lluge Ullstake. the monarch apl'~oacbed ths day. Du'. th"se others are normal, human beIngs. man under the bed and eomll\enced' lo pllrley wltll ilol'Dlal wants and Ideas en aU subjects but with him. Wllh all his negative 'graciousness the one or two. . . king assured tbe be nighted one tbat be"wse dt'lud . In the old days t~1s normal 'Dart of tbelr n!lture ed. St~ange t.o, say. lhe 'lew man gradually began never . h~.d IlR ouUtlt; lheh' lives were never given to believe it. Sometbing In the klng's face In. the leeway nece.sslu·y for eve n Ii moment's happl. splrod confidence and at last he came out. The ness. But to-day It would not be an exaggeration two SOCII became faBt friends and tbe monarcb to. l;lar that the Insane In Institutions are a reason . ralaed his new found friend to tbe peerage. 'Tbls ably happy lot. ' man la now out o~ tbe aljylllm, cure'l 'Of hll de-' In mllny InstItutions untertalnments are given luslon. But tbe king stili rules hi. iltUe kin", regularly by tbe Inmatel. The nlan wbo has the dom as baplllly as the man who rule... bla home. Idea tltat be I, King Edward II allowed to s.l t According to tbe beat known . allenllta In In bla r(',yal box III all his majesty, and. as his otber America, the natural condition of the Inll8ll8 perfaculties are unimpaired, he enJoys the sbow son's mind may bl reator"ejl to normal b) Grst ct,.. Its utm')\!t. The woman who believes ahe has Ing health , to tbe body, which ultlmabll1, It tl herlted a mllilion froll! her uncle IUa In the claimed, will earl7 Itself to the bralD, the blood row, bappy hi t.lle belief tbat In .. few daYI belll. purUled and eventually -WIlt ua. will laave the Inltltutlon aDd tuy a IIlk drell dlaeastd,.p!!rtlona of the of COIU'le, e"ery woman .... leaves beblJul. clUlDOt ~_~ -to .ppl, whleb .... The InduJgln&, .,ribctp1e J.- ille ~oJeat. wale.. un_at lnat at InsaDe to-day II atfllPls' UI b1l111W them Ieut ·adt...... .., aft.
, Gymnaatici of the Eye. see tbat painting and sculp. tui:e are ' gymnastlc~ of tbe eye, Ita training to the niceties and curlosl. ttes of its tunctlon. ,There ID no statue ilke this living man, wltb bls Infinite all,vlntage over all ' Ideal sculpture, ot perpetual variety. Wbat 8 'ga\leJ'1 of art have I berel No mannerist made ·tbese varied groups and dIverse original single ftgurel. Here Is tile . artist It\mself imprOVising, grim and glad, Ilt .. bjs block, Now one thought strikes him, now another, aud with eacb momen,t he alters ~he, wholo iUr, attitude ·"n.d expression of bli ,clay. ,Away with your nOD~ense of ph an~ easels, ,o t martile ,and cblsels; E.i[Cept ~ open you.r eyes to tl:le wltcbcratt 01 eternal art, tbey are bypoorltlcal rubblsh .-Ralph Waldo Jilmerson.
I; 'too,
Wledo", of 'Experlince. Rastus:'-'A:b done propOsed t' Lt.1 Coon erbout ' a yeah, 'fore yu' married her. Mose-Am .dat soT Rastus-Yueab; an' All had ms' rabbet's foot on mah puslon at d. time, bllt she done turn'd, meh down. Moso (slgblng)-Yo' all ,sllore WOl luck, In havln' · dat rabbet foot wid 10',
If You Work Outd.oo~s
Any cold you contract should be eurccS witbout deiay, and driven entirely out o,f the sys" tem..:..unless you wish to invite an attack of Pleurisy or PneuinoDil.
Dr.D.J'8:yn.e 's.' Expectorant ie kno~n GIl the most IUeeellrul prep.rationeverdilCQvered . for Coldll, Coughs, Bronchltil, Inftllll.lmation of tho Lungs or Chellt, Pleurisy, ~lIt\;lma IJId diseaeea of eimllar ' nature. This famous remedy baa been dt,penaecS for 9,v er '78 years, and is'sold by,aU druggll,t s.ln three siao bot~aa, . • 1.00, SOc and'Z50. Dr. D, la~'. Tule! Y-,_ ..... I•• , _plerl4lcl bulldl.... up Ionia few .-,,_t.rn. or Cold_,
For Pileu,mOiJ.I~ Qlphtherla aad Grippe . rwt._ 1'_
1J"!,!.U· ••adle.... 8aad " ........... ~t\1!:i ticil_ "",pald.Mon., all Parfectl, Good. CIOlI'I'IJC&JrrAL CO.PAn, CltMl_u. . "Tbought 7011 laid , III. lIad 1OOd, teetb," . A. N. ('~) 22&1. •
''I . " bar 1aqh
Just DO". aD4 ...
JauIl't • tooUa ..... ...... aaa,.. IteD _
Mrs. Lucy Quebeck, Mecba.nlc St, Uope Vtlitey, R. i., says : "E lgbt years , ago 1 con l.racted seve re k.tdn y trouble and my back begoJl to acbe continually. Every day It seemed worse. The least pressure on my bac k tort llred me, and 1 could not stoop With· o ut a bad twinge. Tbe killney secretions passed Irregu· larly with pain, a nd I ,bloated badly. My head swam ILIJd spots flitted before my eyes. Oh'e docto r said I was In· curable. Howo,'er, I found prompt r eo lIet when I st arted u slug Doan's KJd· ney PlIIs, and lbe troubles I have reIntcd gradually , disappeared," Sold by nil dealers. 50c a. box. ~. ter·Mllburn Co., Buffalo., N. Y.
17L.l.CO WITH IJUNPR'.J£ 00 rI/YOW 8~LLtJ ;10
VERYBODY . 101'es a lUI'1II'Iae girt, f,"lOwu personB aB . much liS children, so some new and Interostlng surprise centerploces have been prepared to aupplement the ChrlBtmus tree amI Its bur· den at gifts. 'fb ese surprIse pieces are Intendad La occu py tbe. ccnler at the table wben dlbner II serve!!, eItber on the eVening hefore, Cllrilltl.:l ns day and tbey Imppjy a good deal of merrl· ment aa well as decoration. TheIr decorative ' Qunlilies are rare Indeed, lor ,tbey trIm a table elaborately and mor,e app'roprlate ly than an equal Quantity or 1I0wers WOUld. Santa Claus Is the preyailing motive for these unique decorations, and one of tbe most attractive ovel wblcb bls lamillar form 'In mlnature presides ,III a basket laden with gllBtenlng wblte .&nowball. trom behind each of whlcb peers a Imaller Santa Oiaul. In tbe top of every IInowball II atuck a sprig of genuIne holly, whll8 ne8t11~g under . eacb whlt~ $Iolle Is a Quaint gltt, sam. Umes,a jok8, or soltie thlng Chrlltmasy and approprIate tor the reclpi8nt. En· CirCling the . bleb, rollDded bandle of thll basket la more , ho!!y, with real. latlc look!ng Iclclel' trlnging the Inner side of the top. Around the lI~ket proper are roWI at Christmas "crack· era" to add to tbe tun ILIJd the amUlement ot the occasion. These are cov· ered with rE!jl CN!pe paper to match the basket, and a broad laUp ribbon of the lIamo Ihade Is fastened on one IIlde at tbe hlLlJdle. Thll trimming bal a Chrlltmall .sentiment done III gold lelterll. The Idea of the Obrlstmas surpriaB decoralioD seems to be to hide the girt as cleverly as possible. The Jack Horner way Is reproduced by using, . huge snowl!all Instead at a pium cake or pumpkin and then concealing a gift tor eacb person I,nslde the. .snowball, with only a 'bit ot white ribbon break· Ing through the e,r ust to show its hId· tng place. A mocli Christmas pudding a<J,orned 'Yltb a sprjg ot holly an~ with
WAS VERY FULLY OCCUPIEQ, Iltuation In Which Bibulous Iriehman Had HI. Hand. Full.
real looking pl ums bulging froo Ita sluea Is another att ractive 'c enterpiece. whl cb has n Ilr senL hidden , In the center or each pImp. A sh;lgb dl'lven by reIndeer makes an elaboratc ornament. Tbe wbole centerpiece measures someU)ing ltke rour feel from slcigb to aulle rs, so tbat more than a n average sized table Is required to display I~ to advantage. Tile pall' of reindeers wear a glitterIng harness ILIJd they are arranged 011 wheels, So Ulat they move In 8.' alow and s tatel1 manner It lhere Is room to~ this feat. In tile 81elgb are rows at fat snowballs with a sprig ot hclly stuck In tbe top of eacb and a tlnr Santa Claus standing guard over eacb ball, A larger Santa Claua balds th{ relnll and guides the slelgb. Ribbon streamers are ' attached to Lhe snow· bali'S, so that the ends can be passed to the guests as they sit nt ttlble, tbul makIng an effective pIcture, before tbe ChrIstmas load III distributed. Each snowball torms the top of a paper box whlcb II cylindrical all~ bas Its bas(' burled In Ule bottom or tbe slell;,b . To flll In tbo spnces between these glea!IJ' ing 'White balls branches of bally nnd mlatleloe or other Ohristmas green! IDa.- bc used. A centerpiece whlcb has no sur· prIse feature Is a mlnature gable roof with a brlgbt red brIck chimney, Into which a tiny Santa Claus Is BtQPplng. Tbe root II covered wllb Bnow and Iclc!es drip' from . Its eaves, but good old Santa Claus knows that there are warmth and good cheer below to Judge by tbe pleased ILIJd tlntlclpaton' expression be wears. ThlB center· piece may be 1nld on lb u table wIth out any' furthe r decoration. or It may be lIurrounded by branches ot hollJ ILIJd Cbristmas terns. If much other decoration Is used the centerpiece loses Its e.ffectiveness.
Dangerolle Cue of Kldne)' Com- Act.1 Air temul Ward That Had , .... ",Iaint and How It Wal Checked. ReachLrlg Effect.
Charmin.gGift Bo~kl .
Some one a sked George D. Oortel· you, secrettlry ot the treasury, it he ID' tended becoming a candidate for gov· ernor or New York. Now, Mr. Cartel· you bad an eBpeclal avp.rslon fa!;' lead· Ing qu estions, BO be anawere" by tell· ' Ing tbe following etory: , Two Irishm en celebrated St. Pat· rick'. day and started home together, bul became separated. Finally ' theY discovered tbemselves , hu gging lamp posts on opposite sides of the street. "How are yel':, Pat?" called Mike. "Fair," says Pet, "bow are yez!" "I dunno," lIays Mike; "come over and 8ee," ' , "I ClLIJ't come," saYB Pat. . "Wby can't YIlZ?'" Bays MIke. "I've got me bands full shtflyln' where I am .'" says Pal-No Y. Herald.
Georgo V. Kelcey, a 1'eteran journalIst of Clflvelantl, retpelU bers Artemus Ward we'll. " Ward callcll on me," he aald the other day, '·tha night befo ro OUs tlf bls nno['nllll~ i()ctu tes. There were some thrE!C 0 1' fOllr I tl~ge rotlches scur· rylng about my room , and they attract· ·ed bls at tentlon. .. 'J am very tond or roaches: he Bald. 'Cuce, In my own liome, I found a roacb stl'llggilng in a bowl of water. 1 took a hail waloul sbell and put him In It; It mnde a good bont; I 'gave him a cou ple at toothpicks for 'oars, Noxt morning I sa w thnt he had fastened tl hall' to ouo at the toothpicks, and bad eviden tly b('on fis hing. Tben, overcome wltb xllnltstloll, he bud fallen Wli'2Cp. 'I'll st!-:ht mo\'ed me. I took him alit , wnshed blm, gave him a spoonful or boiled egg, Rnd let him go. Tha t roach n v I' forgot my Idnd · ness. Dnd now my borne is full of roacbes: .. BJl~ D
"Some two monilia ago 1 h ad a bu· mar brea k: out on my limbs below my knees. T hey came to look like raw bee fsteak, a ll red, nnd no one knows They how they Itched nnd burned. were so, swollen tbat I could no t get my sh oes on ror n week or more. 1 used five or six dl l1'erent remedies and got no help, only when applying tbem tile burning was worse and tbe itcblng less. For two or tbree weeks the Buf· ferlng wall Inte nse and during thtlt time 1 did not s leep sn hour at a time. Then one morning 1 tried a bit of Cutlcura. }i'rom the moment It touched mo tbe IWhlng was gone and 1 h.ave no ~ J,elt a bit of It Since. Tile swelling STORIES ,BY BARRIE. TWO GOOD went (own and In two days I bad my " shoes on aAd was ... bout as usual. One Told by Succesaful Author II De. George B. Farley, 60 I).:-uth Stllte St., . cidedly Agalnet Hlmeelf. Concord, Nr. H., May 14, .1301."
Not Open to Everybody. "A mll st peculia r etrect VI'as pr& duced by 2LD tlnuouncement In the ad· " \'U sements of a cOll nt y fair to be held In Ql~r state:" says Congr essm an Cbamrl C1urk. "Among otber tblngs, the Iln noun,cement said that 'attractlve features or thle great fair wlll be high· ly amusing don key races and pig races.' Then, to the anlazement at the judlclCH!S, tbls note was added: 'Competition In these two contests will be Olltm to citizens of the county on ly!' "-Llpv1ncolt's. ~Iow It Happened. Jack- How dId pylow get the bum eye-Cootbll ll ? J::ke-No, zlr. S llralned It last sum· !lIer at der bathing peach.-Wlsconsln BlllllllL '
Love Poem. and! Se.ntimen1. R.,.oll..,Uona orChlhlbood COMPILATIONS OF
SAMUEL FRANCIS WOOLARD Heo."y card co"er, SOc; Limp I~n tbrr bo.,aA, oeatly boxe", '1,25 nel. S.nt POetll". ".epaI£
The Ooldsmilh ..Woohlrd Pub. Co. WICHITA.
CANny ---------------~' rlte
C""ther'.ConlectlolMJ7 21Z 5111. SIt.. I, Cblea,., IlL .
LIVING ADVERTISEMENT Qlow of Health Speake for Po.tum.
blue silk; ' the cover of white linen, and blue aatlri ribbons. The . em· brolden- III effectlTely dolie all followi. ualng 'Ner,y' delicate' colon: , , , F1ow4l~ pInk. , ' Centers of Howers. white sllk dotll· LeaveR and stems, green, Bow knot, blue.
Calendal'l for!I Qlfte, Clllendartl alwD)'B' make !1Cceptable ,Ifts. Embroidered calendars , 10 tbe Dutch boy an~ itrl dellp are ex· tremely 'p opular and etrecUve worked out In the delft bIueL Or, If duh'ed. tbey may be painted OD cardboard In· !Deh ImaUer tha1l the coven ud over- Ilead and Uny peDny ea1endar. oeatl,. , Wld tile ocmn Uel JlaDDel.'topther. tack~ on. They may .,. secured l'bell. overbaDd . tb8 D~book (Ill ~ 1t1l!lDlItld at ani ot tb ruef.Wor1l A
It requires no sclenUftc, t.ralnlng to discover whether ' coffe~ disagrees or not. , Simply stop It tor a tJme and use Postum 111 place of It, then D'o te the beneficial effects. The truth will appear. "SIll: 'years ago I ~as In 11 very bad condition," write/! a. Tenn. lady, "I sut· fered ' tram indigestion, nervousness and Insomnia, ' ". was then an in1'elerato" cortee dr:tnker~ , bU,t It wall long' before 1 could be l>~rs uadf:d f~at It was qotreo that hurt rue, FtQally I decided to leave It off a tew day.s ,lLIJd find out the trutb. "The first mornlDg I lett off coffee I had' a raging beaClacbe, so ·} decided 1 must have iI'I~ethlng ~o take tbe place of coffee," (The heada,che WIUI caused by the r~acUon of: tl\e coffee ' drug~ caffeine.) , , "Having hear4 'or POlltum through 'a ftlen", who used It, I bougbt a. pa\&age and tried It. I ' ,dJd not IIko It at ftrst but a tter I learned bow malre It litgbt, Ilccordlng to dlr~t1QDs, on pkg.• r .would not ch;ange back to cOffee for anything. "Whlln I .I?egan ' to use POBtum I welgbed onlj 117 lbB. Now I welgb 17Q and IlS I bave not taken any tonIc In tnat time I , can only attrlb,ufe m:r recovery of good bealtb to tbe ule or POIIltim In place of coffee. . "My hll4band says I am a living acJ. verUlemellt for POltum. 1 am ,lad to be tbe melDs ot Inducing my frlenda to ule PQlltum, too" Name stven by PtJltullt CO,. BaW, Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to WeU· " In p1l:JL "There's a Reason.'·
t otbe mnk c'r fu r cut·
, nlog. wllolc;mle or retQ. U.
95 -3.-
'Dortal!MllI'e ,Supplltt
XalAlOIr lor 80• .Ita . mp POWllLlCLEMEllIl Co. 410 IalA I~, CiIdAuII, 0. ,
for 81.11rchiDII 1100111> 11000
Lame Back An aching back is instantfy reiieved by an , application ,Qf Sloan's'Liniment. This liniment takes the place of massage and ' is better than sticky plasters. It penetrateSwithout rubbing--through the skin and museu· lar tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, 'relieves congestion, and gives perma~lent as well as teIl,1porary relief.
Sloa.ns . Liniment
John D, Uockefeller and the duk e of WestmiustE!r eacb recei,'e OVtrr 250 begging let ters a day.
Disgust of Timson, who bas been A11e n·,. YUot-El\l)e. (\ rOWd 6~ • ••" Wlt UAI "r eeL Ulvcll n 5tullL rullei', 1J'I he dodging bJs tailor for the Inst six ll·or,,,"olhH) orlyln.. l p<>\<d o. lur tho reCl. ::.0.\ aU DrulUlt.1JI. months, wben he suddenly comell upon bim at tpe Bummlt of a mounta in In Lot' s wlf,o mtlY have bee.n \teppel'1 e _ _ _ _ _ __ SWitzerland. berore Ihe t urned to> s alt. Smlle'~ Face Value, lItr.. Wloolow·. S notbJOII' S,..op. Although most at us would besltat., F or cblldre.n l e I thfnK. IOftc n. t be pro" radueet . . 4ammatlOIlt &I.liL1. pa.1iJ.. CW'WI"A'l.a,d COU~ .~. boul.. to express what might be termed the face value at the "modern sDille," we certainly realIze at times tbat It Is a . Gratitude il the memol'T of the of currencY Wblc1.\ is ~eprecl · heart.-SydlDey. atlng. In Ule "modern smile" we recog· . nlze tbe crude, olficlal , thing wblch ' neither illuminates, cheers nor brldge' awful gallS at silence. It may SB,vor or suggesUng a 'Wave or Imbecility to declare 'tbat we , ought all to smile more, but It is certainly true that the 'char:.n of a woman's sIDlie Willi once esteeined 'even above beauty.
S"bI..,t """laIn. <ont"nte .
, . Deli cious cakes ILIJd pastrIes are pro· duced by I.he use, of Soudors' Cream of Tartar Btlking Powder anil Eloude rs' Flavorin g Extracts. All good groceries.
Prettu Christmas 'Gift
NOVEL worl[ ba& tbat wllr make a very pretty and ac· coptable ' Cbrlstmas pre/len't . 111: shown In the accOlnllany. 'tug Iketch. 'It Is a bandy , little th[ng, tor the needle, book' \a t,ttached to the bai:; so one doeB not bave to hunt among tbe spools llillide tor the needlebook. ' It Is a Ilmple matter to make tbe. bag; and .It requires only Ii IIcrap 'ot- mater,lal. ", Cut a Itrlp 'Of. silk 22 ,Inches lOng and nine Incbes wide. Fold ' tbe sbort \ edk~ together, imd make a small lelun up the long ·"Ides. Fold back ~wo Inches and make n twO·IOClh' headIng, with a half·lncb Bpace below to run the ,rlbbon througb: This heading Is ma'de 8S It Is In' nny bag. Gath:er across the lowe'r ,edge of,' the bag, where t1~e needlebooli: 'WIll . be \lewn on, \ To malte tbe ne9dlebook, cut ,two pieces of. linen 6~ ,Inches by . 4% Inches. Transrer 'the design, In the II·' lustr.ation to the Ilnep"t,y meanl ot ' a plece .ot c&r,b pn, papal'. B~ Bure to lay the 'dell\gn on ' acrOSI the long side at , lbe, linen. Out .two pieces' at · pallteboard exactly the .~Ie and' shape cated on tbe pase wbere tM delll,h Is drawn, od cover , tbe~ . wftb tbe linen. ' cafe IIhould be taken In »lac1ng the linen on the pasteboard to see 'tbat the desIgn II straight. Tum the edg,a of tbe ' linen over tbe paat~board D8.tty and sew back and forth trom bnti ' edp of the linen to the eeise op' poalte. Sew on the rlbbon and th«ln lIne eaCh c~er wlUl • piece of the IIIIL OUt two' placea ot bail" OJI~halt
Mr. J . W. Barrie, the author of "What Every Woman Knows," tell. a good story against blmself. A lady of hIs acquaintance ' bad Lake n 0. friend to see one at bls plays, , and, qulle astonished, he IIsked ber wby she did 8 0. "Oh," was the reply, "It's Buch , • quie t street for tbe horlles !" He also tells of a playgoer wbo received no response to his r peated reo quests to a lady In trant' of him to remol'e bel' buge hat. At length, exasperated, he saI d : "If you won't take off your bat, my dear madam, will you b so kind as to fold bacR your eara?"-Woman 's I,.lCe.
LImb, Below the Knees Were RawFeet l~wolien-Siecp BrokenCured in 2 Days by Cutlcura.
\:Z!',=-_ __
has no equal as a remedy for. Rheumatism, N euralgia, ~r any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. Prtee~,
Me., and $1.00.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Bo.ton, Mau., U. S. A. 8lo...·.booll_bo-.eaUIe,......,&D4po~_u_
"0'.'V . "A •.,I.,'
Free",OHer A handsome ,~Ia-tone picture, without advertising ' and sliitable for framing,:' will be fr~ to imy address the United States on ~pt of 25 Old Virginia ':Cheroot ,i,cups" or containers and '1Oe in s~~ps to ~ver , cosl', . of mailing-if received before Pecem~ Slst, 1908. You have a choice,of four pictures:
.. Old VI.ralnl. Coland Pna~" "Old Vlrglnl. MamlllJIf ' ·Old Virginia Q~.maa" "Old VIrginia 1111" Send o. V. c. ~ups, stamps and reqQ.est for picture desired to Federal Cigar Co.. 111 Fifth, Avenue, New York ' City~ N. Y.
.. __ __..
. .
r~ _ ~!~ .. . .__. . . .__________. . . . . . ._
Christmas Greetings to One and All We know ev r .v t.h
Imru8 gfl ner (,\l ~ de~lre
rlk l
1'AII\('01 ,
WI' lire guillg tn IlJuk,\ ."0111' tllr.rell(·hlllH iUlrl t\fl'lJ(~ti vo In
ber thn e yo u 10 II. withtl\Jproprillfa jU:~'11ItUgfl f()rchrr"ln\lIl:lgif~!lf)f 11I o rRnd del!lrable ohrltltnlll l!! ~ift,.. tlt i ' It Ilntl /l ltl e. \V A wlmt.,·,)U t 'erno 8 Rson, a h e r etofure. W Ilrethol 6 IlIlll t! e bow lit:t-I IG tllkes to ~8 ol'a fore plea ad to ol'ge you to aoc lit. liolta·ble anu II p)Jrllprillte gifts for the In vitlng bQllpita Itty of. oo r stOl'e your friendll, Il Dill veel UIIII,.. In ItS 1)0Uday gll rl' IHid to .inspl·ot Ever liillaa Au ru>!t, we h'IV'" been 0111' ol1l11J)leta ,"1 ortUl anl of b anti . 'lll bllrin ~ elll'nailtiv to select. ,,I A ful ho lmoy good • perf atly od!lpt.ell goods at. prop r pril'es for OUI' holito Ihe wll-nt of 1\.11 dnll~lt't! of I;lfl. dny • IJl!oilll p idnll. 'Hlc1 CUI' ulakers. We are O'el'inl( t hell(lVlIfi· rul 00 ll Riti!,rll.lI 0 1l WII~ flxponded t·" ta ge of aJ\"thlit 18 new.a'llu III t1'lll'f.j vo . milk .. t.Ili~ {'I,ll 'cll\ln of X mil". ~1'0r1M In christwlHI gift.lI. thhl y ,)nr gOllu 0I1tt which ~ L\IOtll (l iu(\ludo ';,)lJ ltlthtUg tIIsto :will oommund , /\.1\1i .fonT jnllg.! rel1l1y .lllllimhle rur very inilividu!ll Ule~t lipprove. . f.'Om the YI)llogtl!!t to tht! Illdesl Our stook Is 0 exteDsive l1ud VIl. selecting our Rtock in uoh I~ I,'n.y liS ried !lnd with,l1 so ca.refuJly aelect- l-<1 m fJe t the needs of t hose who hn va ed , that we do not !llIe bow we Od n little Il well II!! those wh o btl e filii to please every sin gle person, Ul,n ch to spend .' who i!lJooklnjit for 1\ ro,,\1 • desirable , Wo hope to II e overy rOllder lIt and 'spprorrillte gift for anybodY,j onr store. With good witlbes ' unel old or yonng. We wish to hlolude tbe eompli Dl IIts of 1,1Ie tlMSon. we , In our holiday announcement tbls l remain Ver y truly YOllr , ' yeai' the promise ot6Conomy in buy· i ,I. E. Janney.
Anna B . Ch' e v . Jo.lm8 hase. ause di rn issed for wan t of PI' ecu Grand Jury. tion, J)laintiff paying c sts. 1___ H ff W h ' T Henry A. rew vs. Aaron B. han· awaC U mall.. .. .. . .. as mgton p r< A K II H '1 T dler, guardian. On application plain '-7' • e ey...... ......... ami ton p tiff is granted leave t.o file J ames Mc M u IIe n ..... ·Tu rtI acree k T p . I'eply fOl'thDavid Mount ............... Hamilton Tp with and same is filed .. . tate f Ohio vs. Zem ri ,fubbs. J. A. Kilpatrick ........ Turtlecreek l'p . ........ H ami'lto n T p On application of defendant .and it. E • E • K 1'bby ......... G. M. Curry .............. Turtlecreek Tp appearing to the court that ~e .is unH. W. Meeker ............ ~Franklin Tp able to employ counsel, It IS 01'·P. V. Bone .............Turtlacreek Tp dered that W. F. Eltzroth be and is A. F. Simonton·......... .. Beerfield Tp hereby appointed by court as s uch Thos W . F. Belding ..... N. Salem Tp council. State of.Ohio.ex rei, GeQrge Young V. J . .Zentmeyei: ...... ..... Deerfield Tp William C Hankinson ... Franklin Tp va. Maude Shanor and A. D, Spence. William H. Williamson .. Deerfield Tp Motion to quash service of s ummons George Hi1debrand ...... .. Franklin Tp is sustained. Petit Jury. Ella M. Gu~ge?n ~s. Silas W . Cudgeon . Cauoolsdlsmlssed costs taxed P. D . CI~ett .: .... ... .......... Mass!e Tp to'plaintiff. . B. L. Dakl.n ........ .... , ........ M~le Tp SamueiPugh vs Pugh, etal Charles Roach, ..... .... : .... Hamllt~n .T p William Fl. Allen appointed as qne Kenneth C~amberlam ... Frankhn Tp of commissioners to l>al·ti~iol1 Of Solomon Fr~ .. ·..... ;..Turtlecre~k Tp ~id estate, Amos S. Allen .................. Massie Tp Ex parte, John .Broucksieck. C. H. Jones ............. Turt1ec~eek Tv, C6urt finds children to be in proper John Jack .......... ..... NortH salem Tp control of respondent, Pearl Bl'ouck· Z. O. Worley:........ Norlh Salem Tp s ieck) and writ is discharged . Seth L. Cartwnght ... West Wayne Tp William Wallace. administrator vs Elbert Irons ............... f " . . . Unio.n Tp C: . C. & St. L. Ry. Co. Matters John .P. McLane... ,. .... ... Frankhn Tp in controversy i . f ully settled and Drawn by order. of the court dated compromised: December 7, 1.908. George W. Robenstien. partners vs. New Suits. C. C. C. & St. L Ry. Co. Cau e hereAlfred W. Williams plaintiff by .compromised and settled. va. William T. Robertson et al ' Probate Court, defendants. Petition for ,partition In matter ·of will of John Dugan, of certain described real estate left deceased. Application to ad mi t to by the demise of Daniel W . Wil-probate Set for hearing. Iiams. .Bran~on, Burr and Ivins. atEstate of Thomas Jones, deceased. torney!! for plaintiff. . Eighth account. filed. Estate of Reeve Holland; Dist ri· . . Daisy E. LeWis, plaintiff vs. Clif ford C. Lewis. defendant. Petition butive·account fileu. tor divorce on grounds of willful abo IT) m~tter of Wilson S. Kirby al-.ance and plea for restoration Of leged, insane. Adjudged insane and ~ide~ name, Daisy E . Sharp: Ham- entitled to admittance to the As~ lum ilton and Brown, attorneys for plain· for insane at Dayton. tiff. Estate of Sara King. First and final Court Proceed In,s. account filed.. Aerne Food eo .,1,'8.H. A ;. Coyne. Estates for settlement: bucy F. Jury disagrees. , Virts, admlni8tratri~ of . Armi!1 da Geor&,e S. Tetrick; administrator Gillis, first account . M~ry J . Drake, of the estate of Albert Dill deceased ex~cutor of Thomas ·E. Drake, deVi . J.oh~ E. D~e and Hester Drake. ceased , first and .final accoun t. Geo. eoarts finds verdict to favor pJain- E. Fryburger, administrator of Ro· tiff, that $100 is due him' and same is berta J. Garwood, deceased, tit'st urdered:paid. I and final account . 1.1, M. CunningFran~ ROessler VS. Lucy RoesslE.'r. ham, acl'rilillistrator of Carrie A. LoThis c&uaeis dismissed for want of gan. first l41\d .final account . ' Anna prOl!ecu~ion at costs of plaintiff. Soth,' guardian of Edwi,n Soth first
al'l'Oullt isl I'a lor
J I, ," ill'lI W. I dll ~ ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. .~ ·~~. .--··aa
~l,l!l\ill ·
l)" ('s ta It! of M ichad D,) oailll!' I
Old People
. .~--~--__--__--. .--__. .~------~~,~~..
Iil'st and filial arctJl!!1t . Williu!l1 S. GI'ahnm tl'll 11t e uf sLatt· of Mag. i.· S. f{ogel'A, fil's l lIt·t' IInl. ('hal'les Jonesanu Fmnk .' 'yli ex u l 1':; f Tholm ,Ion '<\. <'ighth a 'count. Antill K MlI ldell, administrulrix of arah Kin .r. fi r~t anti 'final nCI!nunt. ·E.'itate of Philip H . SUI·fac~.. til" c ased . al~ hill til d. El'ta te \) f .Ju:leph VI. Hog I', d ,'. a ed. Luella Bug >r, admilli ~t l'a· tl'ix filed !>ule bill. F;Statt' of f;jli zab til '1l o)lkills, Ile· ·cased. ProM of publication of n!:l· ticl: of <l1JJ)()intm nt filell. E itale of 1~li2ube Lh . !lopkins, ll l:l· .l~ , ceas d, Fir' t alld nnal acc Unl Jiled. I it strengthens and vitalizes I~ tale of W. H. Wilham. de· Yillo! I IIt'R lw ille clille:liYl.! Qtgans. ceased. Third account tiled aids a~~ llllllation, enrich s til blood, , . and r('jlln'nat s v ry orgall in the Eslate of Laura A. ewpol'l, d e· body. In I hi lI!\tllml mallnc!: Yillol ... eased. P roof of publication o ( no- l'cphll'l" \I'(':lkn BS with str IIg ~b. ti e f appointment. filed. 'We Are po~It"'e it will b e n l!ti' ("Very olet 1)I'\I'SOIl wl,o will gi'V6 It a trll~l. In matt t· of Samuel HiI, :allegcd Jf it dOll't wo wt1L refuud!ir mOll",)'. insane. Adjudg ·d inSflne und 'IItiBY D tied to admittanc I to Af1y lum fOI' in- J. E. JANN , ruggis t sane at Dayton. Wayncsv ille, Ohio.
If you Want Anythiol!
Real Estate Transfers. John G. -Leaf and Be l'lindn L af t I Amy Laym n 47 acr of lanu in Harlan l wn hip, ~5 llntl oth ' t· COIlidei'ations . F. M. unningh um to W. A. \i al· tel' real e!:itate in 1; ranl,lin tmvnshi p, $1 W. H. Sno k, t1dministratol' of A. M. 'Brown r\ecea ed, to 'IYlle . Collins, I' al e tate in villag '<)f !)ut h Lebanon , '455. William M Thol'l1uul'I'Y anll Jo e· llhine Thortlbul'ry to G. W. ;ui in· gel', I·eal estate in villag of (. 'hanon,
In the Way oj' ~1 ) eC tacies or Jewelry ,
just call on
J. H. Opp,
The Optician
h~lr1t'~ Hen d '1';;011 , contract, *,2G.~O: l:l I't H<>cd, ('oll tl'acl,"""tl lG; J osel h Ni ch91:-;on, lumber. ,:n 62; 'l,th and L.1o: Grl:'ely. lumb r, $:llU17; L nni Whitacr. rt.'pail's anti lumb )', "11 7 .)1); ;'Ol'g eidt. hidg 1'0pair~ . :':W I)~ ; Frank 1\ inder, hriugc rel.lUirs. $4H J15: II. M. Deck!')'. \"'irlg r pair:;, ';';1G.(iO.
While Doing Your Xmas Shoppilig
M i-.;f'; Vi:-;itin J' the ~ M()se C\)lwtl ·I I~:'; ablishm n '
The Jeweler
A I-(i j!hllt , j Xm,," .' ,I,' I",.
inlll1~nn'('I ' d,
I will ).:lIuruntcc sa.tlsfaction in \- atch Re pairing, as I have made It a study for YC11rs. In Fitti ng for OIa scs I CUll fit 1111 c .es salisfudoril)' .
Watch', Clocks, Jewelry of all
5IlIudil 111
All New (joods.
·Ir ....
~ I .. (' h r)n~A
,il (,tl
fr l ' !II
MOSE COHEN Main and 'F ourth Dayton, Ohio --------------------~--
Kinds, Rin~ s , Chains
Ri g
Hud Ih" I'"
Undertaker and Embahn~r.
Engraving a Specialty Will II .. 1" 111111- '" t.h " ,lId Frnnk P. Porgy appeal. u~ro.J r e 1~1l Ilk UIlIld ill,-\ . "Jl\,011"j '" b tH'd uml !J1'e nls btmd mi .'h ' rill' .. fl,, ' N"t.j (, ltIol IiHnk in sum 01 W.O " igned by him '\;llf '1't,llnpJrIHII 1\1 h l>lIS fl IIIHI (.1' and J. A Runyan, J, Warren Wood. Ht'lI \' h(1I'" I ~'.; ' I,., OIIIlA\1 L_ im.a nton, H. . .:u m ning, ;1. J~weler c} .( v ti l' l llt!1r I. V . l-~ Lewis, R. M. 'allah r 'u nd T. '1. ,,1 1.. • "hn"e' 14-2 . E. Ivins HI; g'l l'e ti e.. aid boncl is WAYNE VILL1~, OHIO Hannah J. Nu eel: ifi d as s ufiicfenl and same is Nuss to William A. olt ~ II 1'e of Main SCrcl I , WU3' !1l'"villl', 0 1 io. land in village of South LeQanon, 1 approl,'eu by baal'll. ... . . and other considerations Prl~ Vl'nti<~il , tbe Il w 'n.o!l' • olll Joseph P. Hale to Samu 1 L. 8hat·'I1re . l'., hl ts. Ill' IIIlI by Ilrng"i~t" tl'! and Eal'l Beirs. Middletown. real to bl\ v fOll r !Ill/le i.d· p Hie: n 11 v~ n estate in village of Franklin, :SlOOO: tnJ,(t'.!! \lV£;Or ,11\ ,.t.her T m edias fqr II Frederick A. Watson and Elsie colrl. Fir I- Tb ey oOll tllin lin (~ li . 'May Watson to The Union Land & n in1l. OOlhiD~ htlr/ih or @ll'kolllllg lmprove ment Company of Dayto~~ 'eooncl-Tlwy ~I\' 11l1l1 (1:;t iu"tlln l rtllillf. 'fhiru-pl U, HIlI, to I!J rost"" 46.25 acres in Washington township, like Ollll\ly. li'oorth -A lnrg bmt$1 and other considet'ations .! Prow.' nt.i ~-flt l:lii Of'Ilt.!I. Altw ~Iiza Bt'ant and J oseph . Brant to aliA for rAV ri~h childl'eti.. Snl\lo hy The Union Lmld and Improvement till rleMIm'lt ~--.~ "'-- --Company. 46.2.'i acres in Wa'hington EW V H E~ HE WA HAPPY township, and other con. id,eratiol1'l Rachel A. Ludlum to W. 1.'. Moss 'I'h soul of an editor who died of real estate in al em and Hamilton larvutiun was b ing conduct d to township, 4 00. the Ely. ian field !i. 'A' they IJtl.S$I')rl W. F. Moss, of Mainville to Rat\lI~ portal::! of thc infe l'l1al regions, chel A. Ludlum 4 .12 . acres i.n Salem he asked his guide if h might n t. gu and Hamilton townshjp. $ 1. in anti look 3l'ound Th gnide con· J\\arrlasre Licenses. sented , but warn ~I him to stay but •• •• •• •• •• aiew minute, 1\ h could not wait Joe E. Zenck. 2; , fa rme r of FJ'llnklin and Carl'ie C Durr, 1 , F~ral1klin. long. W AYN~)SVI LLEJ OHIO Valley Pllone 153 A l ong time pas..,,~d, nnd he edi lol' M A. ,Jameson. had not re1.u)'/H;d; . 0 Ihe I uidin ran· Orl.ey -Leever, 22, farmer, Gos h n, gel won~ in l:i l\l'ch of him. He t'6ulld and Minnie Romohr, 24, Main viII . him b 'fol" a cag in which a r;u'mb r __ !'L! Ft:ank J . Bowman, '22, farmer, E-- of doonied wretchl:s wtlre being Cozaddale and. Carrie .Bell~ Sears, 24 toasted un redhot gridd les. Ovel' of Cozaddale. Rev. }l'ulton, the cage was the ign "U linquent Thomas Hampton , 31, labor er of 1:Subserib 1':;." Hal'l,'eysburg and Ro ie Bone 24 of "Corne ." said the guiue, "we Harveysburg. must be going.' '1a l ~m~issloners' Pr~lIngs. "Don't wait fO l: me, " I·tlpl'ied th Bills Allowed-Franklin Chronicle, edi to r. ~ 'l ' m not coming. This is fJ!a bridge repair blanks for s urveyor, heaven enuugh · fOI' nJe! " - Lippin- ~ cotto $15; A B. Hall, mdse.; fo~ j!lil. $4.30; J. J. Thompson. services as lnfirmary t'lJa 0141 fa. hion d· way of <losing Director, $69; The Western tar, .~ wea,II stO IJlIIOh, or stl \l\ u l tlt l1l~ th\t publishing ditch notice , $6.75; Rev. BeMt 01' KIdneys is uJ! · wr cn~. Will have on sa1e Floyd Poe, relIgious servi(:!ElS at . In· Dr. t:lhu 'p flrl:lt pOinted 011 t t his a r . firmary, ~2 .60; Xenia City work- rol'. ~L·bi!l . Ts, why his 1)J'Os()~i pl.jon~ '[1 beautiful1ine of Dr. hoop's .J;t~s tor~t1v e-i d l reotou house, boarding prisoners: during eutirl"ly to tuu CUl1!!e of t,hese Llit. November, $15.25; Barrett Brothers Illent!l-\,lle weuk inside (Jr oontrol. , ' . blanks for Soldiers Relief Cominission lin'g Uf" v 8 . It Isn 't so difficult f5 50; M. 'w. Earnhart; exp1anses and so,y::; Dr. Shoop. t'o traol,{lu eo 0: " services 'as ecretary of Sol~liers' Re- ·W Lk ' tOtn~Ull Bou;rt.. 01' {{Hllle y .. , if bDe gues utlt(lorrectly. Ita 11 ill , lief Commission '80; James McMul· si de orglln lw!libt! controlliug 01' ill .. .' len; e~pensell as member of Soldiers, ~ id lIorl' e. Wben t he'IiD n erv OIl - ,-' A'r __ Oyater. Relief Comm issipn, $25; ·S. L. Cart- fall , t h n tho~e O l'g llO ~ l1I 11tlt fmro ly , wright, services as member of Sol- faitH. 1'1l~!jo vital truth.1! 1~I' e lellp , ~on't .P ay In g druggls~s evt!tywhtlr.e til dill. die rs' Relief ommission, ~~5; T. C. peose nnd !' oommend Dr. Hhoop's . . Why should you Get a p int of o;,atc.r Patterson boarding prisoners, $77.20; R fI!ltOl·iltivo. 'l'el:lt' it u ( ' w ' UUYIl ' witll· every quart (If Oystc.r.? Water j~ 'f. C. Patt(lrson" maintaining horses liull sQtJ! lUlJJI'vveu~ eDt wIll p\'()mpt l cbeap-bloats and bleuchea the oystcr• Ipoll. its natuml flavor. ll\ld !jurely follow. !Sold by ILl and vehicles, *25; J. S .. Morris,' rec· Itml. · . You .h ave never kno"n bo" gOo<i ords and blanks for recorct'm.', *54.60: " - -ON-- . -~- --- -J. S·eMorris, tax dupl~cates f9r 190 , T he hah ()f P ersia hat! decideu $27950; PI'. W. F. Moss, anti-toxin that the few people who are 1eft for diphtlleria patients,*28.50: 'I '. 'E since th \·ecent disturbances can' t<eelor .. anti-toxin for. dipht hel'ia pa- ~ffol'd to 00 wi t hout ri. ~ar liamlmt. tien~; $21.50; Warr.e n Coutity Times, ~-.... " 2000 special ruled blanks for Auditor. t,;ough~' thu.t !LTO t,iglH, 01' dilltre R $&; Ruggles Gale Co. supplies for iOJi Hoklinl:{ cuugh~, got .qlllflk, ILIIII . They are sbuoked Illto air· tlght ~tce l can. &lid .hipped d.i rect froUl the. hedscle'rk, $'60; ltuggales Gale Co • sup. certu.ln hel p from .Dr. ~ I H)o.JJ;)·1\ <..!u llg h packed with ice ",'oulld container. 1I0t plie for Auditor, $7; Lebanon Gas R Ullle(J v. On tolliA U.cQptlUn I)rtig~i!i t t.l lD contact with the oYSl~TlI. )' o!l I:0t . v wbore ore (II voring Dr .::;lloo)JQ· In· &Glid meau. A1111 how fresh, wbolesome, IIppt! I+Lll1g lind' deliciotlsly Co . . ga.'l for jail, 14.88; Lebanon lee evor. Vaugh l{emedy·. ,And' it is ellt.i rtty . . di«erent ~ey ' are! . , . Alk for "Sealsbipt 5en~." II Il()Oltlel conlllillillg new unll ollrlclive WDyS of and Coal Co. ice for COUl;'t house, free from O,liutn, Chloroform ,oT PftIIarin·, oy.teTS. . ' . '2,2'4; Edward Grady, services as a.ny other st.upefYlng elttl~. 'rho - ",.our dealer doesn·t sell "ouJsblpl, ': hure are !lOme who (10: . viewer on Mount road, $4; J. R. tender IOlLves of II bIU'ml ,.~ 100,( . , Seigftied, services as viewer on bealing rnotlntninoll!l eurllb give ' to Dr. !:;hoop's <Jougb a emedy it~ curl!Corwin and Mount road. $:4; Frank 1:l. Miller propert.ies. '.l'hol!e lea.ves hllve Waynesville, O. services as viewer, I-t; O . B. 'Cain: tive the power to olilm the m,?st ditltreR8bridge repairs in Hamil - ing CouKh and to Mootbe, and The genuine "Sealribif.t" Oys~ra are al_,. IOld White Porcelain Disp ay Case bearlPg the "Seallhipt" trade tho most senBi ti ve bronohinl m.em $59.82; Samuel D. mark tn blue. This is for your protectioo-look for it. brlme. Motberubould., for "IlfJlty's and expenses, $10 60, The u&;alabipt" c.mer System ia pateDted. IDflige· aake alone, alwaY8 demand Dr. menu WIll be proeec:ated to lb. fuU extent of tbe 1&w. Henkle; fees and elqlenl!el" ~boop·,. 1t 08D with perfect free · F. H: Duke, IUmlMtr, be to 8Vft ilia ~OlI1DQ:lIII~
Opp, the
--. - -
To have your hogs killed. We k,ill Monday, Wednes .. daY .and Friday ••
~'*'*'*'*'*'*'**'*' '*' 'J!cotc'*' *'
*'*' '*' '*' '*' *''*' *'
. '"
.* **'*':1' fJk. '*
2c, ~c, 5c~7c, ~c, .ltc, l3c.
... - --- -
·O .y ,s ters
Saturday .
Come and,. ,See the~
Walter J. Kilbon,
from •
The Miami Cazette
WA.. You ·Buy
Sample .,Calendars .
For Water
. '. \
E2!22 _
'O ffer· Ext·r aordinary ·Iridllcemen ts For
A 8pl~ndid arr~y of hand~ome and useful articles . for Holiday Gifts to every member of your family and .friends . . ."
Only a short ti~e untit Christmas. Make your selections now. Any purcha.~e not satlsf~ctory ma;y be.e~~, ~hanged after Ch~l.stma's. A cordial invit'a tion extended to all. '( ouwill not be ~rged to ·buy. :: :: .::,. :: :: ,. .'
'NOTE THESE Men's Suits
Men's Underwea:r
Latest mod els, desirable materials, perfect fitting ~
~ne in a bo~---JJeau~iful designs.
Separate garments or union suits hffleere, ribbed or wool,
$6.50 to $22.50 $4.00 to $16.50
Men's Mufflers a,n d Reefers '
.M en's Umbrellas
25c" SOC to 85e
39c to $2.50
Young Men's Suits
In wool and silk
. SOC to $1.'SO
In Gloria cloth and silk with b(~ailtiful handles, an appropriate Christmas gift,
Men'a Overcoats and Cravenettes.
$1 to $5
Best qualities; styles and colors,
Men's Handkerchiefs
--- Men's and Boys' H.its
,$7.50 to $20.00
, Boya' and Juv~ni'e Sui~.
In· Linen and Silk.
5c to SOC ,
stiff and soft, latest blocks and colors,
$1 to $3
Handsome designs and dependable materials.
. .
',Men's ,Neckties .
. , $1.98 to '$ 5.98
Men's So'Cks .
Cotton, .Fleece-Lined and ,Wool • .
7e to ,3Sc
Men's and 'Boys' Ca,ps Boy's Overcoafs
For Fall .and Winter in plush and fur. '
, Good qualities and latest styles,
cloth, corduroy,
Men's and B~ys' Gloyes
, 2Sc to $3.S0
. $2.00 to $7.50
In wool, Mocha,' fur and kid,
25c to $2.50',
1........0.._ _ _.,..::-_ _- ' - -
.' ·M en's Suspenders . ..
, Men's ' Shirts
SOc;: to $1.50
One pair in a box-a ·fine present.
In! Mad~s, Percales, Flannel and Corduro), ~
Men's Cuff Buttons
Collar Buttons~ Stick Pi~s and Embl~m Pins,
,25c, SOC to 7Sc
' !'
10e to $1
Ladies' Wrappers and . Ladies' 'Furs . Ladies"Tailored Suits · '. . '. House' Dresses' . ,La"~~~~~~:.~~.~.~~.~.~:',~~~ $9' to ~20. ~a~~~ t:o:~~:~~.~~:~~~.~~s. ~~:. . :.1... ...~.,$1..48 · &~~~~.~.~~~l.:~~~'.l.l.~.~l.I~~ :~~~,~~ .~~.~~~.~ ......... 98e . .' ... Ladies' Petticoats .Ladies' Misses' and . Ladies' Night Gowns . Children's"Coats .. ~:d!e.~.,.~~, ...... 79c; ~;~~~~ ..........$3.98 · :~k:::',.~~.~~.~~~....... $3.98 to $1'6 : ~~:!'~~~~J.~.~~~: ~~ ....... :...... ,... ,............$1.48 ~; o~~~~.~:~~~~,I..~~..~~~~.I.i~~.... ..... .... :...... ...:48e
Ladies' ShoppillJ ~ag. ·SOc ....... :... ,.. :... ~ ..... l.SO. . Ladies' Belts . I
'. ,
25 C t O·.5'0 C
The ve l'Y late8t anel bllltntiful .... .. ... :.... .... .:".. ... .. .
"""I '
;..;.~~. . .~~~~-.,.~~~~--~...,.~~~.....~--~-....----~~~---~.~-~--~-.......~.....~--~ •
B~NREP ,-1o
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '. .-;vo favorite s~ns,' MichllelaDdC~p- ' AWORTHX. DEED ... . Dl~D. ~f APOPLEXY 'lovel':--AI'~a ,sown in 190~ out for /"age as against 5~ pe~ ~ent r~por.ted. "
i "
.: :
I .'
", . '. . '.' ,'sr HtlLnley.,. When ths body, as The movin~ picture theatres of . . ' . '. seed, 51 pel cent. . one month ago. Local.· showers in / " ,Dpiel Brac;tenbnrg, al~ 118!enty, \ l'ec~ived in;Da;:ton, It WILS lock~ i~ Lebanon will each give the proceeds I .·Mrs . J~c,ob Pence, dIed at her leSI- A~pl~.-Pl·obable total YIeld pared many sections of ~he state hav~ pro~ ~mler .~~din~ n,e ar 80~~11 :Leb-' an eepeoll1.Uy: ~Uilt iron casket . . '-:-he of one'niht 'next week 'for the pur- Ide~ce: ne~1 ..r~elalll, ,Ia&t Tu:sday e.v- WIth an average, 59 per cent , ven very beneficial, hence the . · '.aDoD, wa. , borned to dea,h laa' only ,thing' abElut the oaltket whIch I 'f f$' 'sh ' Ch' . t t t emng at 10 0 c1oc~, aged 68 yeal s. 'tobacco Prtlbable average pro/ cre""e 'I'fl . CO"'dl'tl'on reported " " , ' '1 pose·o urm mg a rls mas ' rea M p " h d b ' f '1" L. I h ... .. .,. . .' . week. Bebad,oneto'hebam ·to would hav8 attraotedany attention h . Th ' D 1 d ' 11 rg ' ence a eenm 81mgJleat duct per acre 761pounda' l " '.' 11 . ' d .. _, . ... . . . . . to t e poor. e ream an WI £o'r I ) tt b t h db ' ' . , . . . ' . _. :fl II ' ~ pao De "rove, ·' an " _ ...Dg a , wQatev~r as tbe hoge ~al ?f tjle ive Monday night, . the "Ro ai, . s~vera m( n ,IS u a . .een as , ~attl Number: bemg fed £01' STATE GRAN OE .MET . lan'ern with him, tin! gasoline tank tlibe of :whioh Levi' l:.itlLnle was .gWed d d h' L YF' ,well as ullual until stricken WIth ap- . sprmg market compared with last .... ...1\ 1-1 I ' ''i ' ~1 \bl ". ' .,' nes ay, an ·t tJ, yceum, tl- pi I t F 'd'l i ht The f l . " ' . eJ:p\~ ~ .. t~Dg ., t' ,s ' . .0 og~ ting~ ,enl~aved!lor088t~etopo~'.the ,da:y . . These are :the nrghts upon 0 exyas '.rt ., y ng . . u- ,year,tl8,perpent. . '. MembersoftheOhio~tateGr&nge . Be:~n Uke mid abOuttbe ~oll~Dg. met&l'pox 'Ehe body WILS placbd h' h th h' ed ' neral took lllne,e at the reljldence Sheep- Nurnbel' bemg' fed for held their annual meetl'n" In Colun ' i.j, I ', . d t . . .' W lC e programs, are c ang , F 'd . t 10'30 ' d ,t d ' . e . I· fllaa) y ..a~.p Dg, from .!!' aeoo.. 8 ory in '& vaolf at Woodland cemetery, therefore' the ' receipts 'will be taken !'I .ay mornJng.l . " . COli uc. e mutton ~ompared WIth last year, 64 bus last week. There are 400 local th b t . hts .104o.~nTelopediliflamee.Nelgh- andon the flu' day of Apr!.1 · the 1 f byR~v. Mr. Cooper of the ME. percent. societieswithat~ta1 me' ... &...:....l. l f ' " W .. .. rom e es mg ..' h hIt t d . . .. ' : ' ,., ~ .. .,.,n...lp 0 bon r~ &0 .Uae IlUl,D II ~a.e • . ' e .. IYpeil" will reta,fnfrom the I!o~th' .. _ .. c urc . n ern~en was rna e lD 1_ .' Wheat~hows a shght'lmprovement 40,000 in. bhio.. The meetir'l8s.of :ih~: b~ket. ex$!ld, the b~~tn~ e~ olim811 to b,uJlY their dead oh.ief.~ar~ for Death , Lebanon ceJ'!l~~t!:.... . ,smce. th~ ,~u~ce of the I~treport. gran~e 'wer, l1.eld in .the bqard 'of.. , o~.OUalq~ aad 'Jie nnoolllOioua ·Iol'm I . . ' , • • ... . • . "'l'br~e .yelLJTB, ago I .WOI!I marked 'AGRICU....... ()RE REPORT ' . condition bemg ~ow estimated 'at trf!,de building. while ~e . headquv-" _ wa. ....rt~ to ,be bonee. . Two Bran ,21,,00 per ton at Eesley for death. A grav~.yard cough wall --60 per cent compar~ with an aver- ters were the Southern Dotel . b ' ".-:.10 The buD ' .' te&ringmylun,s·. 'opieoes. Doctors ' T ' h f II' t. ts ' . . - •. • 'h oun ~ e .wau. Bros. Mill, LebaDon. faUed to help mG, &:nd hope h~d fled, . ~ 0 owmg repor ~r£!l!en an !, :~;;::;~~~=~=;:;:=::===='= ' wblob . . . bbnled, . . . valoed. a' t • _ • } wheD my ~U8~nd lint Dr. 'King'lI es~lI~ate of com productIon .f?r '~e ."
'. .
12,000, llDmnre4. • .
i ..
Dlaoovery," bye Mrs, A.O. present ,year, INew Wlllll&ms, ' of Sao, Ky. "The flrllt other crops as
Ear ' I Wb 1> and Bar"" Ba doi. helped me aDd improvement turns received ee et'.~. '# - . kepl uDti.ll had gaiDed 58 DO!~~~: ~c)rrE!BpciIDdtmts . . . . . ker,17,whowereaneeted .laatweek !bl . andmybe.lth':' ,
s.taaUnir mOIl-
con~htJon of from re-
the official crop the DeJ[)&rImtent.1
L'ller1 I Ites "'- -
A P~."ly· Ve~.• - bl,e . _. _ .• ,ViI!l '", .,.,.... . &..AMI. "'''"1
C'hroDic ,..._ ..... Z· tf-:', __.I .&11 ~.. va _ - . lJv:eralidKldney,...,. · . . . ..•. j
BID-BOUND ~OR MONTHL dow; a nigger will alons '''!It -"-will fu ncy It , a nd will give ulI live COl Hope Abandon'd After Phyalolan.' Il \.Ihe n lhe tlmo's out.' ConlultaUon, I " I got a week'. job coun ting lumbel dO\\'n t he rail road next day, Ilnd I t W ill THAT IS BILL OF LARGEST DE· Mra. EnOl SMarer. Yew and Wuh· /I t ull moutli berore ' l hlld to pla,y I NOMINATION IS8UFD. 2ngton 8ts.. Centralia, Wash., says ; 1''1\ UI' I\ dalo nt 'rolmu·•. While I wa6 By J uhrr T. Afofnl.,·n: "For years I wae in Iho mfdst of my baW<-. a big man weak and run down, .... ilh bus hy balr. a soft 'bnl a nd a n ACte r Getting a Good Stund It Should Be CultiVated ",''Sre' Not to Exceed Two or Throe of These 'fnlly- By A . M . T e nEy<:k, Agronomis t • .Kansas. . could not sleep, my eye·g-Inss ,,·lI b a wide tllil hauglng Notes In Circulation In the limbs swel1erl and " . woudet','" !lllid nat SOlmlon , " If t rom It. came In Bnd hesan to ta lk. Un ited State!!-Natlon a l the s ecretions we re tI,;S ffollow Ysayl' 10 Ilk os h h; hit be. " lle ~\"i lUto ll to 800 lhe ye llow '''Iolln. Bank Currency. trpul)lesome,; palos .II 'WLlrl s lnnd of aJ(u lra III Il \'lI rla ll l a ll mill to thi ck II up a t hlll Hlalld of f allse I,e .cau pill)' n \'Iolln belle r lh~n Bl,ld wb n Talmo. handed it out. OX· were inte nse. I was t he , luor catgut eiqiol'til. or b C(I USO I' plall\lOI; tbo.l It was a vledse. he \\cted 11 11 0 111 11)' H,s re~l\rdti Ihc fll lII!h\'\" of a lra lra a u un . old fi ld . s in e Iho As k ;'(Iu rllolf what Is th e \ bill of 1110111 8 requ lrl'rl n .. IItl ll HrC/u, lu 1\ YOlln g .. II lnll l.S, CV II If Ih ~. ran IJe fas t In bed for four b e- (>\\,11 " n betler violin ." (I S t h ou ~ h b e Intc nd ed to ell t It. look· montbs. Three doc· . Nll 01 \0 \. nlured II rrllly; vIolins l ing It 0 \' r with th e tllol'oughness or a newly,s('cd d He ld. wh ~I:{' IM nl y or s ttldUd. \\ II hil rd ly s'u~v l \"" tll season larSIJSl tI noml natloll Issued lu lhe ull d Stal s? CIlI'cfui 1I0W tb,ll you tore 8ald there Wal I\n(J \'lollnI8t8 wer e tlot "nctly In l he rube conduclor on a 'n nl'row s nuge s ~d hnll be n so wn tlnd til<- 'oll lJl tl nns In CO llljJ Htl on with tho old. "'cll,ollla bhn v(' ,Uf II fa\"Ora bl 10 s ll\rt til youn g 1I11b fl nlnlll!!. 'I'h . ohl fi eld which has rloll'l oVllrdo 11 . no euro tor me and 1 was g ive n up to IIIlla ny's lino. railroa d, pt' l' h!l('urn ~ wc edy r full or grass bnd Th e lurg at 11111 Is tor (Inl ~' $lo.ono. dlo. Bolng urg d, I uae d Doanls Kid· J W 11'1 (luJ;aged In tlIlj;OU Allu!; a 1011 0 " 'It Is a Cromona,' says be. 'and it plan t, 0 3 !I1 111l.' · li S 1:1 1.1 j)1:·1l1 1 ~In It Swiss w/ilc h f rom Tolma, n Is sa cr ll rg d against. I IlIlo\v Il a~ SQ UIl I'O, fool ha vo bocn Oll llt d. A s It st b ll bro ke n an d rotnt d "Ith corn und t hero a re onl y two kl nd t; or n ot e ~ ney P IIII!. Soon I W BS belte r and in a Mell i lUI J I\'. who con(\ ucl d Ii col- Roon 115 r saw It In the window. ( am rew as 1 n sl .. ng )'Oll l\~ plU III >I lIer or ot he l' CTII\l1l for a yenl' 01' 60 before ' ihot. lire na lorg - tbe U nit d Slatel1 few weeks was a bout th!! house. well sqlln l"~ foot. fnlrly e ve nl ~ dlst 1'11)111 1.1 , r s~ ding. In fac l. Iho 1l l'cfOl'uill plan UOl e nlld Ihe g old cert ificate. Not an(l s trong again ." later'll l hun k with conllltl ernlJle S lI e> Gl rstmnn ; h e re Is my card.' Sold by all d alers. 60 cents a. boX. (' S~ III St. Joo nt tha t ti me whllU 0. "flo IlU ls down his carel. Do-th ' the ruu y \) cOll sl der d 0 (n l .. >; Iuntl- Ihlcl< l iS 10 Hoell dOIl"U ot hcr f1 c lll!!. using Ihe \l nl r t his. hu t 11I'oha bl y tllol' e a re not l'l1 lllolll(\r ca mo In a ud Inl(H'rUllled pawuu l'Ok rand 1 llad he(lrd or OIrst- O ~ U\!gh 10 leu\'o. II. h Qll 'stionalll ulrulfl1 III I'olatlon with ~01' 1I Ulld other 10 exc cd t IV r tbroe (If tiles' UO,' Fost e r·Mil burn Co,. Buffa lo" N. Y. ma ll . the ce lebrnted v lollulsl, t he n 1\ h t h t I' Il v I' Y Ihlck 8l1\ nd Is as gOull CrOIlS, rulh l' t hUll ottetllpl lO I:eep Ille 000 Lutt e r! Slllt. B notes III c irculation. proc edlnS's. ' NOT ExAcTL V. SS. a .I hlu or 01 cli u m 'lund . Th on I salllO n Id s In aUalfa conti nuously. At u g uest! III I' may be 12.000 to 15,':Tll e <-\lslo mo r wat! a thi n mall. play lug In thal Ilocuon. Ju LIlli oplniQu (\f t bc' wri ter three- 000 of t he g 0 11l certlficales or l he ell'· wit h II. lllll!OW chest· lind a cough thlJt' .. 'J. ti m Gl rs tman,' sors he, 'I wll ' Who I!dl'oca te ~owln g a. >S lIluli am uuut of s eed claim tbll t Ih o Ihlnno[' sown foul'lh ~ of Ihe failu res 10 grow aHalfu lIomlll utlo ll , raWell ; lie hl\ll a hesltn tlnl> Ulanner iJ UY t his " Iolln.' &nd • Boft clotb bllg. Tolma loulls "T ohllll looked like a man thnt 1"11, a lfaHu. s lnrl a strougel' and wil l bo s ucCl:'s s(ully hnl' bocn d uc to luc k 01 Thero Is a $5.0 00 Unit d S ta tes note, !ltm .wll h .,t he. greon·eyed Il e n~ v()o slo\l'l y IIlru ug li ng. H e hll\terl that I: morc Ilroc!ucUI'o and renlllin a goul! soi l clli llvalloll and 10 wro ng 1Il lbods of which th or e mAY b e ouly a ha nll· lebce of lh cat t rlbo. alld then says : was a "I <;e or '1l1Alled goo\l9 II : I ~ s tand 10 11 gel' than Ihnl Which Is SUW lI of prcllllrlllg Ih s d.iJed allil sowlns Cui , ns a!lul ns t 50.000 of lho $6 ,000 gold " Wha l \10 ~ ou wan l ?" \I'Q.lln·l his to let go. Uut tbe 'oU.c: tb lckol·. One nd\" llll taJ;c IJe r ha \ls of lhe t ho aira lfll. 'rhe ~u l li\"a tlon or II lfalra eerli fi calos, l t should be r e memiJ r d thi c ke r seeding Oil ferlil la net Is th e a rLor tho' IJla uts are w II stubllsh d Ihut a ny nal lonal bn,lIk note of tll9 " T ll o (bto lUan puls 1\ gray. tla mp- fello w (lid not Sl' III to follow him. "'r will glv,a 0110 'thousand dollars; les s coarse g ro wl h or st. m , wh ich pro· fIl <l,\" a l ~ o hc ne lH th e crop, looking haod Into tho ololh bag and $5. 00 a nd $10 ,000 de nomination!:! lhat d uces 11 tln r r qua lity of hay t hun Ihe brlu g!! ~u l D \'Ioli o. It III Ii big, ~'e l · I!lI YS he, II pays to c ultiva te a lrn lfa Ju st as It muy be put up to you ar s ran k co un· low on e. t he kiod you Hee lho coons "Now 1' \'0 soen mel'. dUIllPed. da.t.()6 larger, coar~ \' r growth l'es ultlllJ; (rulII pays lu cult lvat corn and olber c rops, terre lts. (or t be reason that the na· luwe down In the collon belt.; a nd ao\l broa tb lcss, Into the arms ot ~e thin seeding, T he n xl sellllOIl afte r se IIlns, II beavy tloual bank isn' t nllowed notes of s uc h Alfa lfa plan te ~I'a dull illy di e onto so strnlght·looth hllTroW m !l ~- br:l us ed In slzo. Mn\ ~bo dy hod pain ted a vlcture of a s poir by a s lllSI wblrl of l he roulotto s l!jl\lII boal on t he hack of Il wheel. b u ~ for D c lea r an d compl !!t thllt . a "e ry th ic k sta nlll llIay bow a Ihe ~llrlng' to loosen t he BUrrUO 'eoll 'rhe national c nrl'e llcy a n'd the not •. t waDt; liays tbe mnD, 'a loan on stoppag of III nla l machinery, l'ol roa much sDllllle r uumhel' of "I n nt~ lIe I' and, ns soon all Ule nlllllfa htls bccome o~ t he uaUonal bank s. howe ve r, ,n unl' FloSHls Footlight-Part of tbe - Jap' t hill.' at , lbat mo ment, h ad t hem bea t ta a. Imlt nr a two 01' three l'eura a,flor v.·ell establi shed. tbe field . rn a, be ber the $1.000 no tes b y tens <If thuu· ."Tolnla lakes tbo violin alld holds It ,tare·yo u.well . But t he Violinist lhlnl\9 s~n d s . 'rhls $1 .000 note. largest of th e aueso weddl llg CI r,mony cons lste In . p ll)' the hea d. ' the whole Ihlng Is a s tall . . nnUonal bank billa, al so Is largest at the bu rning ot ilie discarded toys ot ' ~ .. 'Shl lJgles. shoe-nails nud roof " .( will give two thousllnd,' lIays h e. UIC s ilve r certlflcatcs nnd of t be .lcoln" tho hrlde. "Ill nl: flllY S ho. 'You'lI lake n do Mar a lItUe louder. He ,,'alts a minu te, corti ficates of 1890. A t..reaSUf )' r I)of t , 'W lnnle W ings- Ho rrors! Yo u don' t ..nd Il ha lf on It, or you'lI take It out sbowe rl ng glares on Tolma, t hon slams of 1904 sbows tbe comparative DUm· Dlean crema\J ng h er <;asl-o.rt lovors, do of P t O 1),lace;:" . • . ' his fi st lI!'wn on tho counter. 'r' will ber a nd klad or t he $1 .000 bills. ~n tJ18t, ~'OU ? " The c ustomer stares aud ' rmubles make It threo thousand!' year tliese $1.000 wer e dl strllJutfid 24.· SEVERE HEMORRHOIDS a l the cloth bag. .. He had o ut a bundle of monel . GS 3 In ol ted Stntes notes. 432 ' In '··A ,dollor ,and a ha ll,' , s a):s ,be, In a ready to Day berore t he pa wn broker 's treasu ry (or coi n c8r tillcat note.s. 24 rolee' tbat abo-wed- flia t 'be was , grop- almos t tearful uotes appeared lo ma ke of nn tl on~1 oI)l1nk Issue. 57.449 In gold Sorel, and Itching Eezemit-Docto, Thought an Op,e ratlon Nec.eur y In!!, ;lIround to go t tlio fool o~ the him undorsland tbo s it ua tion. Wllc n certificates, ' nnd 108 In BlIver certlfi-:-Cutlcu ra'. Efficacy P.roven. words.· 'Did you aay a dollar and a b,e dill unde rs tand. he grew alar ming; ca les. ' half?' b'e tossoLl his ha ir like u slde-sb('w 1'h $500 bill runs thro ugh 1111 t hese "1 am now 80 yenrs old . and three " 'One·f111y.' says 1·olrua. 'Ill\d I'd Sa mp~o n a nd s parred all 'over ~e lasslficntlons so.,·o tbllt o( t he "colu" rattler you wouldn't take me at tbat.' plae . H o demauded to kuow t he own· Iss ue of 1890. T!Jc renrter, tn notes. years a go I WIUI taken with all at· "The thin man r eached for tb o vloUn er's name ' a nd w b re he was to be thor are the $100 'not. the $liO. una t~ck or lllles (ltomon Dolds • bl eeding and t uclted It Into the bng; be seemed round . but '1'ollOn bad. b y thls ti me, the $30 noles. t hrough 'lb e fi ve cll1l1sl· and protruding. The doctor snld ' tbe ort of Rcared nnd astonished. and be. begun to gather In some trugments 01 tl()aU ns of lho currency. Under $20 onl y help for me was to gp to " gan to Ilnnd out a line of remlnls· his scatte red 'iI'!sdom. so .he r!lfused bowe\,-er, there a re no gold ce rtlfi()ates. bosp!tal a nd be operal II on. I \fled conces tb~t ml';,de l he' p~wnbroker to give up. i could see hi m mentally T he s mnll l' 17t1ls tn tho othe r lisla arQ, sqver\ll re me(lIps Jor mon( 8 but IIlit grin. Hll Il lloweil that he ha d once drama tizing a scen e In which a hUngTy t he t ens. flv • twos. and o nes wltb no ~ get llluch )lelp, During t his time " ,b n thc ma in aqueaze 1n a blghly ma n with Ii valuable \'101ln got all tho whl r.h most ot WI are rells onably la· soreij ap'pear ·d which liang d to " • terrible Itching cczema. Then I bob';'n 'Ir tl UllJl bUSines s nt Ne w Orlel1llB. worst of H. mllia r. on ocCnSIOD!:i at leas t. One 'T ype of, AlfOi lf-. ' ~ OIrrow. and tbat be had f reQuen L)' ,be~ri com· " He cal ml)' allOWS to lhe musician , T he $10 nit d Statel! no te, \Vltll 1.he to ' use utloura S oa (l. Ointment. a nd . n ed to send out for extrn rubber h9weve r, 't bnt UIO Instt-ument Is sonk. seeding. SOllie fl fl tes have b en ta ken dIs ke d or cul t! valed' wl lb l he 1I(llk&- bis on ramping across Its f ace. Is tl1 ~ PllI s, Infoctl ng a qunnUly ot CUUOIl1'& each commonest or t he $~O bUls. n ext to Oln tmllnt With a Cutiourll Sup positor y ba ndfl to hold his roll together . He ' ed for a big sum. a nd that It was nol on Ihl !! [lOl nl a l th!) Kanslls cxpel1· loo(h dls k·harrow · regu la rly mad his mon ey tn bottling pickle. a ltogethe r accor ding to e tlqufi!tle t o me nl Slatlon . .In Ib e spring of 1903 spring a nd pe rha »s during lhe 5 aaon will cb a mong l he te ns 'Is lhe. n aUorin l Syringe. It toole n 1l10n tb of ~b !1I h~rald the owner's name about to a ny nn area ot teri f et squa re wa stak ed lifter each ClIUllIg. Dy .t horo llgh cultl· bank note,· ",ll h tho $10 sliver certl ll· tre'a.tmen t to ge t IDO In a lalrly hea lthy grea t extent. But he'd find out," 90 he ;)ut In ti n nlfalta field slled d In, the vatlon lat In thc ' se,,30n. atte r tb e r.a to thi rd In n umbe r. Tbe nRtlo nal , nnd Ulen t treated myself once said. wben tbe party came In to pry fall or 190 ~ . On .l Ull 18, 1903. 1.133 third or four t h utung. It Is oft en ' iJ'llt;lkS aI'e strong on the twcl)tles. too; IL'd ny for tllr e montlls ·and. after tbat. loose t he mort~tlge. an\l If the goods pla uts. we re coulll d in l bls plot, or a n .posslble to d s troy Dlnny we ds sucb wblle ba vi ng ou ly a comparative onco or twice a w k. The' t reo.tment. I trlo el took a ,at of motiey, a nd It I. we re ou the market would let t he gen· av I'ago of 11..33 plan ts per s qua re as crab·grass and foxtail . t ile g rea t 1111n<llul ot ones a nd t wos, t1eman Imow InlUledlately, W hen 1 rool.. It ,wlll IYd ohllen red that Ibis w d e ne mJes of alfnlfa. ,As to , t he gold ()olnngo HIe c ur renl fort una.te tbat' ! used Cutlcur&. :T, H . I T he snrne ' cu ltlvntlonll were re- list Includes only t he ' $\10, piece. t he Henders on , '·Hopklnton. · N. 'I ;, Apr. left, the musician wns excitedl y ex· count was malle some six m ~luth s ' plalalng j us t where he Intended to aft r secdlng. On JU nE~ 29 . 1906. a reo II at d on each lliot for tbo years 190-1 $10. t he $5. tbe $2,iJO piece. and t be 26, 1907." . glvo cOncerts fOr the fo llowing month. cOUllllng or thlll fi eld showed OI)ly 670 nnd 1905. Another lI eld wns used tbe ' Lo ulaluna llurcbasc ex pos ition gold The Only U.e He Knew. "I meets the pawnbroke r ,one nigbt plants, 01' 6.8 IJlants per s quare loot. fi rst sCallOn. 1903, " The flel d& dlske d dolla r min ted In 190 ~. 11 ware of Imi· The "head or. the family" waB read9. ' J907. tbre number 01 On August b ad been seeded seve ral yel\rs and the tatlous! abou t a week later and he sc..,;,:,:'!d InS the vlvlel nccount or the departure jovial and elatcd, ana n'aa '" . <Indle Illallts couuted wns 403. or 4.03 plante nl!alfa wall a good stand and In thrlfb ot l he 1lI1'a ·1Il.e l t rom t ho lant2 of p r squa re foot. 'I' bls fie ld was plowed condition. undel' bls a r m. Egypt. affir t he tour·Y.eBN>ld ~n II. High Pra lle for Lluder. up In t he ,ral! of 3907. TIte decrease Cultivation by dlsklDg hna apparel:lt. " 'I've sot that vioUn,' says he, '!and She was hlgh·browed and 90ultul, tened wi th Inte nse Inte reat. I , I wrote t ha t ' fe llow ' GI rstrnan tolH .In tbe uumbe l' at plup ts between tb e Iy not given Inoreased, yfel<ls ' or alfal!a Sl ve n to !.he Ibsen cult Bnd grand o pAt length Ihe reader camft tQ tbe fI ~ t and lust countlngs. B period of 60 on these fie lds. The samll results ma y' mo rnin g tbat It was bls at a pr ice.' p88~age, "And Moses tOOk the bones of era In Its grandest manlfesta Uons, ., 'Ho:w much !lId YOU g ive ?' s ays I. month s. was 7aO per 100 squa re feet. not follow under other COnditions o' hence It ·was with considerA ble mis- Jpseph with blm," wben the boy. which ,IS' a 1081;1 of 64.4 per cent. soU a nd climate an¢! sb?uld not be and be, looks 'less bllll1>y. , whoso II mit,e d experience' bud Jau~h t: Anot~ er plot seeded i n tbe sllrlng of considered 8 S dillprrnn« tbe bene, giving t ha t t b y,?ung m a.'D topli: bar blm ouly one use for suoh artleles. , "'The , fellow t bat .owned It was a. to see Hllrn~ ,L oude r. wiser plug t han I tho\lgbt,' says he ; "ne Is' (he greatest IIlngel' of Jlis shooked bls staid rela tlvel by crylnc 'he knew nil abOut the value of th kind tn tbe world," t he youth had e x, tn excIted Rma21 inenl: "["0 make BOUp 'Wly !'·- Hnrper'. thlng and ref\1sed to se ll at first at plainod volubly. "Competent erltles "'t Am Gri5tman," 8aY.1I He. "Here Is any , price. ' He s aid he re gardeil t be ha ve said tbat o nly once In a <1ecildo Monthly. v~oll.n · liS his frlend- tbe llls t he ·,ha d. My ' C'ard." --..--:---' does s uch a singer ap pe ar,~' etc., etc. .' , ' But ,[ kept arter him snd kept addln~ And "be had " graciously c onsentod to 'tUltl ,;pent It (n corr!lIUng wOI'lcs of to tho ' prlce ,' and 'at Is t Il d II hl , lones (1Ick )-&fy dear, ,..h.t 111m .look Harry ove~. a rt, Old musical Instrumcnls ' 1Iad ' • S , an e ll' rim do it I s bould dlo. ..... bl t b ri ""ed ' r II h Ilt tbo t wo ,thousand mark. Arter the Scotchman 's first song t "",en s mos c e Sll 00 s \leBS,' t.lA d GI tm ff ' ed th' • .' Mrs. Jonea-III yont lnau{a~l;e all , young man glanced' B)lp're benslve ly at' .~!1ID 'the end bad dealt t he pickle tn. , n. ' .I:A o,n 0 er. ree., say. pa Id up1" , " the young lady . ICi'ustfy n sbattering blow. , 1.. ,~. !o~ ve got a profit all rlgb ~ Jones-Yea, dear. He r eyes were half·clos d: abe was "But out of tbe wreck he bad pulled He 11 pny more than three. says !o1 T11. Jones- I'd ba.,. the lovellellt a pparently In tbe s e venth beaven of mour ning gown that·. ev ~ r beeD 'the yellow violin; In Silite ot hunger, Tolma ; 'r think n·s. wort h five. Any· co1(t -and the<tllclt'of'b-umi n I!~pathy how, 1 am gOing down to see tbat enjoyme nt. on tbts iltreeL~TOledo Blade. :. he ha d conUnued to hang on to It. Germa n tbat lo.iges in the Ilame house "Tbis." she s /JJd solemn!:,. "Is aru'" " 'I'm gOJDg to work . ~b-morrow,' you do, l heai' h e knows all about Tbe.n cefortb that young man ceased Impo.... ntto Moth. . . worrying and de vo ted himself to thora!' M. :aud I ftg;I'r'8d on 'gettlh'!i the vi~~ln8. nnd maybe h e c~ glve me ~ tip.' E.a1J)lne carefully tUery bottle of CASTORIA a eafe and slire remedY tor ougb e njoyment of the show: ' i nstrument out In a , few ' days., Other. , W e walk~ down t he street .together. Infanta and children, andli!le that h. \visl' .l could not 'll1we parted' with' It, l was unlocking t be door wben tbe ''!!bls violin Is a priceless eJlample of p~Btman .came aloIlg and handed me a Beara the ' d" ;~,*, Japa"uo Story Teller•• tbe genlull of Gusranerlus. . It (s a leLter ; then I took 'l'olma up and In'SIP.ture "Though the Japanese are a ilation t rifle crackell In the bllck. It 18, true, troduced him to m y friend the 'celllst: of readers.:' s ays a t raveler, "they In Use For Over 30 Years. " b ut t\la t lIoe8 not a1fect Ita tone In tbe "I:be Bavarian took the violin In hl~ The Kind ,You Have Always BoUght.' love. nlso. to lIstl1n to t he tale's ot lells t. Uul the Injury hlUl haltEid ~' band wblle I broke open my letter, Crpwnl of Alfa"it Root. " 8howl~1I ~tfectl ' of DI.klnll. tbe professional story·teller, who ' Is d esit' to ' ~ move tbl. coat of paint .. 'Whatl ' laughs the 'ceIUst: this a In DitYII ot Old, quito an artist In tils way. The lower w blch (jowa ' Ignorant person placed Cre mona ! It Is a cigar box 'wlth a stick 1904 contained 1.190 plants on June ·8ts. described above, which may be Caltellan-My lord, tbe drawbridge sort of story· teller may be ' seen seat· 20. 1904. on an area jave feet sQuare. derived fromo cultlvaUng alfalfa. upon It. aud wbloh hides the delicacy In It.' ed at the street corner wltb a clr.o le of ;Wblch wall t~ken down for repairS '·Tolmo. t urns as yellow as tbo vi olio. or 46.2 plants pel' square foot. On fh at lhe a/·t" 01 tbe great Josef gave fu lias been pnt back In plactl. , t he InllLrument.' . , '''It's 0. G'u srnerlus; says be; ' wby, May 1, 1906. lhe number of 'plants. In Sun,hlne In the Ditlry Stitble,- A gaping coolies around him. The high· Merry Knlghl- Ha, hal 1'bat abo":. er class form gnllds. who own speclUJ tbe plot bad been reduced to 403, or fa.rme r. whose cattl~ have alway,' \"1'be '''man Is over, whlto nnd s ick. you mus t be daffy l' h'ouses 'of entertainment. cl\lIed 'l'osc,' It .Is an advantage somel!mOll, to have ~ ooJdh!.~ nnlt cOlighed , lVbll h~: 8pO](C. " 'A Guarnerlus! ' The Germlln le~. l in illan t B pe l' SIlUUTE: fool. 011 May been kept In a stable on lhe nortb aide ~nd may also be engaged by the bour • draw ~ack_ ,-----~-'-"rtiEln II(' tucked' the Instrument ' under ell back anll rocked · wit h pleasU\·e. ,1 25, 1908. the plot CO~ltalned only 148 of the barn, well lighted and, venti· to amuse private parties. ' Some s tory' Some young m'en seem' to, think It b ls arm nnd made for the door. .bad ,ust got tho drlft,of my letter aDd plants, or an averagfl of elx plants per /;lted, had occasion to , e nlarge hili telling is rather In the nat ure of a ' •.[ IIt'lt\ed ..' wy. ,'affair Quickly alld was also dolug some rocking on my square roo t. Only 13 per cen t. of t.he stable. building tbe e xtens ion with a live-,c eut magazine, The man sits wltb be tter to bave loved aDd ' lost thaa plants counte!! In the orIginal seeding sout hern e xposure. Into which the ' di· never . to have lC?lt at ..l . ' came ou\ with . two .,ono..c}ollar notelJ. own' account, while be continued: an open, bOQk before him and e x· whlcb rel'rcaented 'rolma'lI : notion of " 'Why , Guarnerlus would not have slIn1ve d, four yearll a (ler seeding. AI· rect rayS of the sun were permitted to pounds It, and dilates UJlon It-the Swlst! lI\O\·ilme ntS. The ma.n wltb tbe burned s uch a thIng In ' bls stove. tbough the number oC plants liS sb ')wn enter with no obstruction. He dis; story of the , ' ~orty·seven , ~o,nln,' ·ller· by these counls was greatly reduce d. covered by ' accident. wbat he subse. Tioll~ ,,:nll staulling on the side walk. Look here .' Iialls, or' the Ohlnese novel of the Bct o ~ down and ulmos t out m)'self. I ••.... .!ttl n wrenc~ be had t bo violin', ret t hese fields did not decrease. In Q~entl~ 'de monstrated by r $peatild ex· :'Tbree, Kingdoms;" at' an account of production, 4nd the s tnllti of alflllfa verlence, tllat tbe same c reatures In cou ldn't 11.0 J)lu ch; but t. 01l'0 rel1 to cut back off . a n.d starIng us In. the face the 'Satsuma re b~illon, or one of ' tlie , t he t wo ' wl t h 1;llm. l Ie Idnd of'loo}{ed wus Ule legend : 'Made a~ F gg Harbor. was. npparentl y, 9.8 good as over. This tbe sunllgbt took ,on flesh more readl· old wars ot the Taira and Mln~moto 1/1 explained In HIlS' way : As the plan ~s Iy. ate ' less and produced more toan til E!- OVCI' for 11. minu te; t.hen be t.()ok N . •f .' famIlies In the middle a ges. ' 'W ben ho m e Ill'. but only after geUl n ~ my name "'1 ha\'e ' IJeen gold·bl'l'.:KCd!· gaspl decrease in number. those that reo when kept In the stahle wbere tb~dl. comes to some par,t lcularly good point maIn Inorease In size. sondlng out 'rect sunlight never entered. More ".\ e.dllrcs8, so that be could make 'I'olma . he' e ~lJhaslZes it by ~ rap wi t h hill .. '(t looks like It; say. T; 'just listen more shoots or stems. thus occupying than this, he ' proved conol\lllive ly that fan or with a little slnb of woo.d kept g ootl II soon a8 ,he got Slake d. the . s pace. In Mme, however. as t~e creature's , sutterlng with various dill' ,, " took me two dn.l·s to us e up my to this,' and 1 rends my letter alOUd: by blm for that purpose." . .r mainln g dolla r ; lben 1 culled UI}On "To Burlholome'" Bco nlon, J,'!8<1.- field grows old. the staud of alfalfa eases, Qr reduced pbyslcal condition T oltull (lnce morc. At We lJa c ~ of tbe GreetlnJ:", H e w ho !!p ea ks ,to you In lhla becomes t oo thin to produce a maxi· from divers causes . r ecovere d more ' ,e noll ,winl,jow I POticod tbe yellow "'Ise III 1.11 0 ma ll of tho yellow \'Iolln. I mum crop, when It Is ususlly advls a, rea~lIy when afforded 'the' ,energizing Ceylon;. Venomou.; Citt''l,lIIitr, Word comes ~t tlle bM effect on thq ,I v ioli n ha ngIng ,CIlI a ,wire. and ' wltb ~:~~I~ 1:~'c~ ~~j~II~~ '~~~C :~: :~: ble ' to break up t!1.e old Hold lifter ' .Inftuenlies of - th~ sunshine. ' " the lJlCI un' ot- t he IIle8lnbont ven dll· F'or I hl~, 1ll 1l,' Y tll" nk.. I {UTI depar.Une' leedlng down Il lIe,w lIeld. What Ii ' a PitYing Cow1-;-Wben H. populatfon of Ceylon of the trees plant· '~1~~~~F1*~~i5~~~= (Ilaied. trom at. J OIl wllh considera ble s peecJ. It Is sometimes poss ible lind advls, MUlt Bear H. Dean of Ontario found that the avo ed In the streets to shelte~ the people much cull lllnl Ilnd $2.000. A llenUeman 01 • ' ~o ~b violin came b l1ck~' lIaya T, COl'blg ll IlI.. lh. whom YOU Ia ~vll mot. ualn, able to .thlcken til} 8, thin stSlnd ot erage cow of Ontario and Que bec only from the pitiless rays 9(. the IndJan , . ,Fao.S'~lle Si,~ture , B8 1, . closed niy deal. lhe nllme \If Glretmlln; beart! Inc con1< newly seeded atrlll!B~ ,by ' r~aeedlu gj averag~d abo'ut 3.000 IlO'lndll of , milk s~n. The trees It was thought wonld . A~ ' ~ . , .. '\' 011,' lIaYIl 1'olma. 'rlgbt litter you I>l1n y . O n .the 'Imln _w ~ will cut equally' Tbls may best be accom(llhlh cd by h ar- I! year, according to estimates of teat. III two tho roll whIch once ""aced the ,t hey grew u~ ,,,,,,... ~-It' . leH Til!:' fallaw had made 11(1 hili Jell n .. of Senur 'l'oltna: He WIUI so easy rowing early in the spr/r,g t hl! field Ing associations. he was led to ob- bring comfort. wJnll tu tfLke the one-81t),. but r told Iha,L IL IYliI! almost 1\ 8hame to take ·th. wblch was !leeded tho .pro::vlous fall or serve : "Tbe first thlng' l want to em. they certainly did .fford grat~tul abel' spring, sowiug a IIttlo lIoe<l. lind cov· \er, but k cert"n green caterpillar al· bln\ thlll he'd ..ave to do ""Ith ,a dol. mon "~' : bu ~ we .ne"lIed It. ... ~. "As Dll f prulr"nllol'8 of a ncient Rom. ering It with the ' harlrow. Tho earlier phaslze. In the pro,d!Jction of milk 18 !J.O made them Ita home. The tnseot ~ < • . ~ , , that we must have a good cow. ,Wbat' lar, the!!. Qr we couh... tIrade.' wert> 1lIC0uHtomccl to 8ay; 'Vale!' thill work can be don,!) the belter.. Tbe not only destroy_ the foUage, but It " ' hcd he took It l ' . "THE &lAN WJTft THE YELLOW V1o. dlmculty In starting' n,ew plants among Is a fiQod cow? One that will produ~ , " ·Sure. Tbey alwayll do. Fie made Lll'\. " at )east 6.000 pounda of mtlk. or makt' 1requently· d~ps doWn , upon thOll8 , Dlp.tlaerla a.d Grippe me proml ~ to keep It In the !Ilia Said "Unless," concluded a.t, "Tolma b.. the older ones Is that tho .1l1antli which not less than 250 pounds of butter, Iii pauiJIs by. stlnatD' the unlucky per. It Willi alrloelells lind a lot more tblngs; mltnnged to convince acme ono that are well started wfll exhaust the 11011 one ' year. at a coat ot 'DOt more thaD SOlo, Tbe _UDa I. . . yenomoua .. that ,J!TJ=9'-~~~ and ' plant 'f~ and ' shade WUl>. 1118 woiwt lIufferers fn;tm -~,~. ~~o .un tllilt h.o·d 00' Bure to come and re- Josef Guarnerlua at one Ume tran.. molBture ,ao for feed. Suob a ~ as that I• • of the pest are the cbUdren. d~ It III R 'Io W' days.' ~ted bus hioss at ~bg Harhor, N. J., tb6 younger, Dlore feeble plaDta, ofteo pr08table anima!." In spite ~r tile bIlrDlDS 1I1l<L.moIdD. .. 'TIiluk he'U comeT' be sUII bol.da tbe vloHn; and [ am of deatl'Oyfni,them, especially It '-period abould 00. Good Feed for He~Ji:aa and but> or the tNe* I),. mealla or a tGrcll· ~... of 'Not hUD. He'll Dever get tbe the oplo1on that lUI)' Interested P81'1011 of dr1, UIIfavorahio termllk fa a very gOOd ratillD for heu. aD Ii po.... }t baa t.po.a..... to ....., tCNl'lUler ; tile tKIoIe WfIa't' let oould buy It tn at • IftIidvabi41 a, 1111', a 11 not .",rlll,blel[or practlca;;le ·to varttnlarll U, are JIJIDi. . , tlnAiDdt *,~ III . 80 t~ , __ U ap III tile.... dIaOUoD."
1 he Yellolv 40
NONE ABOVE $10,000
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'r ake ti l/l td. I/,ok at llie ads in lhis w ' ·I . Y u CU ll surely li nd s mething l ' 'nlel'tui ll yqu and YO UI' f~lI11 ily , as Ch l'isli nBs is only a f ' W days a way .
the Gaztltl
Cung t'E'lll:I UP'II "<I I
l \ ,.·1,. tUlJ tIItl PI't!l!iti l!n l Sit.VB :U III (' I.l rel\) g'UIlJ things. In une COIIll", 'Livn , llali ldy, labo!' matt At he lays gt' at ::Il l' !'18 UII be tle r 'ontlitions: b tter treatme nt 'und m Ol' aEl f e t y in work. Also con· . s nation ~f fOl'es ts- w hich, by t he way . is 11 mattt!I' that all OUI' f Ell·nt· ~rs would b \ is . to tak!;! up and I' a(1 a ll they " III a bout i t , as Lh f orest ar f '¥lt disappearing :.UI(.\ hu t lit tl e ('o ming on ll the gap.
H:\· I ' b t ilJ~l.
'J lllI'>llIlille
ililll to IUI{,' (,llUllgh lll (Jll t'y to d 1(l'ay hi ~ I!.~ p 'lIS e~ . TU I'IIiIlK tu hi!> 'lIolh t!I'.ill·lal\ Iw . aid: " Yu u ha ve accused Ill \::: \l'il h I'he inwllt. of
robb ing my family. With lhischal'g'o u pon me I cannot accept of anything. " 'I'll,' : lIui11(' '' ~"l\ l shipt" Oysters ore al ways 5010 from a Howevel' hi" wift· .·u 'C (!d 'c1 in pel'.' :~) Vhite Purcl.! luiu lJj'1JlI y Case L ~rill~ lIll;: "t>I:IIIShi P, l" trd ') ~ :)lIi1 C\iIlI! hilll to acc·t'plo!' I"ive ciul\ar!'l . ,. • I ' ;,,')"7 11I111'k i n 1,111". Tbl s is for y o ur p roth "tinn- Iou\c fur It. AfLt'1' tl t ciil'lI!! an d til' ~ullle joUl:' . ' Er, .~' Tilt! " c c;llsbi1ll" Cl rric r :yslelll i. ""I< hn~l . IlItrl l l j!'" ,.~~. ftilJ/ Illl'nLi I\ ill lIc prosecll t <!d t o the (ull " 'cUI c" l h ., :D ... . noy h.- lalldt:u uL lliOIl il1ugc alld .....'.\. :~J,11" NATIO. A L OYSTER C AI<J<l g l{ lOMI:A.1': Y ori ,Junual'Y 2G, I ' 16, IIlli Leu with tit ., :....: 7 "'~ SouU\ ' 0 l.k, On ll ,.\..& .... l.l. f Society. He never l' gr tled the II" ~ ;v., , st p he had taken, havi'ng b en. co n· troliedIJy the religious principl . H prov 11 \) ims>lf \vol'Lhy the g l'{'ate!!t l ells liS ill civie .dut y and A UA L SALE t..r ust l'ePOS 'd ill him' and was luv'u I'ighteu \l slIt's,':I . () IJ Dr"cemlrel' ii , H,H), '. ill Llw j) . 'I'htl Ludi~' Cu ild or l-lL Mary tI by ih Shaktll's mill. I'f'SJ)(' l·t! hY:111 • 11'I I" t· of hi!; li f ". Ill! ilipd, hav iJlir ~:h\lruh will hold Lh e-il" ullII l'al ! of wi t h wilum ill' ellrn in c'untu ·t. H" I , ,., \ W I mull' th e \)Llsine::lH m:mug" l' and l:!p~n l huh- i Yo':'Ul'S, I mlm t!. Ull d 2. p lilJlt·s UPI'Olls lind fUI I:Y \ 01'1\ , in all his ll'ans<.Icti')lls was swayeu by ul1 in thc Tuwn shi p ' hUILe, ::;aLu r lay , ~~; WM ki nu anti o'bliging lo every 1) 'emb 1··t H. his lufLim;t pl'i nciQI S, He puss d away, .full in the faith, On .January an honest and hOI101'- CIGARETTE· BOYS NOT WANTED 24,
Cor win and Waynesvill e, O.
~~~(: ~l;d,liv'<l
'rh 'presiden t WQ uld li k to have parce ls P !:It; so would eVtlry othe r w II· thinking ' .man. g t'ea t 'many urg u ag ainst it ill vi w "f the f act th at t.he de pal'thwnt t1tul' S WIll d o R bigger bu si n $. What ,!!! t h matte r with our I cal 11'I ~r 'ha nl" duing mOl' bUl!incss by having th . pui'c 1::1 p .st tohring smallol'del'S lIu i ·kly'! 'l'he r'e is n'o diffel'ence betw ell t he t wo , and t he de partment stores a r the olles liable to 10 _. .... _ __ _-1...--.,. A
'C O '
Cor win. Ohio.
Do You Read?
.1 ,200 Cedar Fence Posts
Walter J. Kilbon.
Old ,books aI" ta l(en fl 'om t h hi ves !low', a ll l Ull ·V t' I·y liiuu call lJu lea I'd ti ll! chilu i,,1r v"i~ ,' , .. " 1'''' :1.' ti ll..N ight. B >1' I" '111 i:ll ll il ."
'. .
hy hi~ wife who finully agreed that if he W ulcl wait on , y al' and 111· -- .....- - - -- - - - - - · . then \\.U.' of lhl: 'a)ll' rnintl .' he WOlll el ilu illllu' I' IIPIi" Sf hilll. 1\ l LIl lid "1ft he ,{Pil I' hI' ~I II It' d t" hi wif> h . wllll id t'hlll tl ilV lea\,' fOI'U nioll Vi llage. '.I'u h!o!r hI;! tUl'll d 'I' all hi.' J.roperty I\lId Ilis mOIl\jY, We a r offering these posts at Don ' L.associate t hem with o ysters you com: the laHel' being ~;l.OO, leaving not a big sacrifi c, 1l1OIlly buy . \'Sc:l 1sbipt'~ ::In': pncke I witll. n p nny for hit II If. Without 0111 \V, U.:r in s~lIl(!d" air . ti ght, . l(':d on to.iners. "Sealshipt" Carri ers k 'l'P th e oyslcrs fre~h ~lId firlJl- not wate r ·soak d . T hey r e l ill ;I ll llIoney and wilh on ly thl' :llI it on his 11- - -- - - - - - -- - - -11 bac'I;, h U ll~ I' m ined (I jllU I'll 'y (0 ".h e ill\'(JllIparaIJle tallg of t he s .<\ , . ' v C :Ilso hantU a good lim' of· Ilioll Villagc··. IJ is wif,· t dell to YO ll :lII' l g'e t enou gh of ·'Senls hipt." More t h a n a urprisc Hvery h uu ' wiC ,ill \ , nt a opy of " ~ nbldpt A"Il" 'w(lh· llie 1l:lint y II'W oys tt:r I!ciV s-- The iull()willg •'::)1:<11 h j~J l " d\;.ll rs· 'ill 11,11' (:: yuu apr:
1) !h l .HllIl t; ~tn'" _JII t Hlil l lH L
I PpoH·d
y st ers
Uu Lcs uf "
he migh t thf' b 'It 01' b in-t~"--IIIIII!II-------II!!! 1',"laliv!' ll1 lIlt'il' railh :mel
11'1':11'1 iN'''. li t' liV('aJI W t IlIJl'olighly ICIIIII illl'(!u that the Shakcl'lI JI')s."IJ~seu till' true I'digi n (mel at onl'e e1 SilO d tu unilt, wit,h th 111. In thifl he WIU!
Wh n ~,10 11 fir t tl Y th e lI10st templingfy li ue 11<1 vort:u of ,til l-1:!11 foud
, •• L . \
f'ol' lllt'rl
If You Do, Read This Col· umn Carefully and Y9U ' 'Will Find Something You'll Want •.
Building LUlIlht:TS, SII ' ~l a!l
this sM8on ' of the year the mnn nnd woman turn their.atten. tion to relldin~, and readlnr right now I'll obell]Jllr aud better tban it ever WII.S.
Call and let 1I. give you the riKII L ki nd of fi g ur~s on ltOY (hinR we ha ve.
ffivery person sh ou ld take two three m"gazines, b80a,Dse it bring" th~m tnto t he limelight of t he world '8 doings, aud keepi them '
WHMadden &C0 .
COl'win, Ohio. i ....._ ....___• • • • •
up to the timelt. Hoad carefully tbe following offers, Hnu 'see If you don't. wan' t .'. e , , " 0 e aa wo or ou re or even, 10 r m e'
PILES get0 Shlmmedlate "Uer from 'M gt 01 t' '
] <~92~.~~~~,!,-""""",!~"!!!,,,~ I~~~~~r.~oo!,!!p~s~.~a~c~n.~m!!!!en!,!!\
" l-l'e t hat uvon t he t hron e said, Behold J mak all thi ngs II w. And he said ulito me, It is d one . 1 alii A'lpi ul antI Umega. t he L g inning '11 ' h' a nd he n d . J WI g l \, un to 1m that is athirst of Lh f ountain of th . I'f f I watt'r of l ' r ee y . .. He .tha t ?vel'corn. th , sh~11 mherl t all th mgs; and] w~! 1 be hIS G d and he shull be m y ~on .
Look ' at 'this Offer'
It. is possib le t ha t the r efusal of - - - - - - - - - m l'('hmj , lllan lli~ctul: rs and pro. DO YOU GET UP
f ossionalmcm to emplo b ys add ic.tW I l'H A JiAM F; 'BACK 1 ' igm'et-ta will (10 m ore to KJdl1l!Y Troublt 1I1:lkc:\ You fill .:r:tblc. heck thl" v ii t han all th~ laws pru ed 0" "I ','nlle" W ilell a \"uy kno\vs Ilis ,~itll"~1 \!~"' I"\'ho'll" ,.. ito I'",,"l ~ tit· IlCII'~' t' ~ U U \,0 1" ' 1 ~ i, ~1II:("10 "1111 " uf IIII' \\'''lJ tlcrfll l fu tul'e chance to ear n h is liv ing de· l':::::::f ' 'IIrt-~ 1I1U,ft- II)' Dr. penda on his.qui tting the ilJ- m Iling ~ It Kihllcr'" SwaIn»' cigul' tl , t.h know lecig will doub t. ~ ;~~~:t 'JiL~,,:,~ !:I;H'I\~~:t less have m Ol: Ifect on him t ha n a " ,I ' ;' rC lll c<ly. . --' j I l th b ' t 'I'I U 11 j~ til" I{I'C~\t IIICll" T " .. , np il ll Y l')l~ L1 In ~) 11 '1 I ; \ I OlWIl ec ures un e s u Jec . l' '('j.1 1I ill, " ph oj' tlie fllk u "lItl f (II'. ti lHJ"p 'R Pink P.lin b au ly or a t hi ng is that no m ann 'I' lIilll'l ,," lIth " llilll'V ; l'n lll"lo; ~f\ f'II'lnul u'on t. 11 lJO x. of dee it. will avail fo t' the 'igH I'C!tl~ I l is,, ;."..,rcolnrl"r y~r; r!i k IJur OllctIJ r t)l. DrUIl!; ,. ~ IIUOUt, . . . ' .. . . ~" of ~ i ' II tilic . hearc h f lJ lol f 'lrl ll\lhJ. I r OIl Il 't b~ bA lt'r 0. s mokmg boy cal'r! .s h t ra ( 19n man· 1)\' Dr. J(illll~r, I he V OI,lIl1lll y V.oIut', Ilt!l.d )JtI : I1!!1, un.v Uli l \if hi s vice n his fingel's A --._........ eillilll!lIt kiclnt·y UtlrI j.l:t i II , g I ~ IIls t,1I11 T, l'fl Ji r.· B x of 'hi 'ugo' boy con f ssed recently that hl: .. llIl'r "I' ·(·il1lb.t. !In,1 is womlerh" Iy t t P k P ' l' let 1 2i'i SI1'·~t'~. I'll l ill prolllpll y ' II n: I" I(\ III C bud;. , Wf' JI Y Ill . Il U out of ten place' to which he applied Ilri<; uC' id , '1Ilnnh of. lltt', h l.ul,lcr .11,1 :; W by 11/ 1 U ti l r~. f or wOI'k th head of not one had llri!~lll'S ibt:lIse. wllldl l' tbe \Yt>r~l
ell 'til Ul
SUC(;ess COllmopol.ltan American Magazine
Is Your Watoh Siok?
American Boy Harpe,:'s Bazar
Sis Hopkins
Garden Magazine Uncle RemUJ
Woman's Ho~e ComP!'nion ' . Delineator GOOd Housekeeping
Pictorial Library Boston CookIng School Cooking ~Iub
f •• r lll of I<i.lnl!}· trollhl·. ' 1iJ·. Kilul"I'·. SWIlIn~- R.Oot is lint re(" Oll1l11e ll \" ,I ror e ', crytbillg buLif yu u!lfl\'" ' rn I:-i(lt lty , li"er or "I!liltl~r ll'oIlU\t! Ih\ lll IJ~ I;.....:~_..;._______ ' lIeu Roge"" W" S "0 La\Y I .. ,.. " . ... , . ' . \ fOlllld Jllst th e rt~ lI etly ),011 II '~I:'. It ~IIS bel' 7, I 2<i in the til It villagt! of NOT ICE pew \J 'o)Jle will ue SalTY c en If t h >I IIC'lJ II l csleJ .ill so lII ~ lty , lIy~. 111 h()~pllUl I Call cu re the ills of 're na Hau te, Indiana lie and 4 action of the e mp loyet·s l.'es u lt.s in ) \\',)rk !tllli ill pl'ivul';' pmLlIl!e, a lld h Cl~. 1'1 ' I 11 11.1 o f t ll 'T ' t . '" :f th f' f p rt)I'cd !iQ s u cces s fu l 111 ' I-c r r C>l~C t h a t II your watch very q.ulckly if brother and sister were the , only J <0 I 10 C I':! (oj I tze u cu tmg OI L some 0 ' e pro lts 0 ' c'l l 'U'rI11l 'cl llc<til lin heel) marie h y children of Thomas and amh Rog- Attll lt 01 Wu ynel' vill " 0 ., will h old the cigarette tru st. The di vidend I ~J;~I:I: r "Scrs df tt,;!! paper, w h n lit"'''' 'you will bring it to me. I ~.' Whl'le h "" 'a" stl' ll a chl'ld hI' ~lI cll' 01l'1UIII'Q e ting Itt t.11 ir B ll nk paid in brain. boc;ly and muscl e will IIOt Illrelll ly iri ed il, l lt?Y Itnvc II Stl HlI.Jlf will be at Col~ml1n 's Stove . " n " , • h Olll" S ' Ill fr"'t:! I, lIIa ll , >1 IS0 n l.)Ook t e ll f aihel' died leaving Lhe mothel' and' l og t:I(Ju.e. MUlllu)" .J uU UUI'Y 4th., I'e. t h~ll eomp.en ate the CO mm unI' ill )! 1 1m ' ti ll ut " U.1I1p- ~{Qot [llIrI ~ow t o Slore ' cry WedneS(lay ull three Itildl'en to Iiv~ ' lJy theil' own ~1l0g . fl'Ul 1l l t u :1 V. til' I'Ul' Ih e )J UI'- ty.- hlcago 'fl'lbu nll!. li llfl " lIl lf yv uhu"t!.k Id11 ' y vr hl u. I!I! r LrOI!uwn,ol' Hi (oJc tiu g 011' o t Ol'l' fo r t he L.ll·. WIr ' 1I writlll g 111 IIl1C111 re:J[h ll g l hls (Jay. Clod s Cured, also. endeavol·. In . )844 h came ,lo Ohio 'This Is Worth ()eadin ll /(C' II C I'UlI l' ITer i ,l I l hls pUll':" 1IlIl.l';I:nd your wit l} his grancifathel'. Thon'lQs 8rl1!lh- lIi u g y .lr ; 1I 1 ~0 ~n el eotlOn to IIvall " .. ncll r(! s LO Ur. K i1!ll tlr
-- - - .. -
liI------ --------
'ustl'o's tl'ip to BU I'ore be n egl ·t ' u t o a,'" k if he sm ked iga l·· ca\(:llla l. to Ul;lul th Dutdl'! t!Lt 's. In a numb er of instances he '\ 0" -- - . was mad Lo s how hi ~ fo l' . fjfl gel's. 'an
Read ·t his Big Offer
The Delineator and EverybodY's with
. , t h I' d In ' th e t hem elves o·t the e nt,ire ,provhll ons r~e F . Zelin ski. o ( Uti Wbso n' st: . &: el:, .... !AI VISit an alln , WOlVe . fl f "'H ouse BIll 8;)11. " " 6ull'nl o, lifo Y., . ~uy s ': " 1: cured th e 'N . vicinity of M.el"l'itlstowli, this .county. I 1 .d
'0. , Hi, l1 ."...IIH1I1IulI. Y. 'fIll! r I!6111 :~r
4merio~n ' ...... .................. $2 60
d Olle!l 1l
The W iltch and Clock Doctor By ord el' of BOltl'd 'oe Dlreotors. IUOl;! t IIDTloyl/l~ cold so re e ve l' ~ It . , Irly-t:(;l)t in the succeeding wintet· t h,e grand· wHb Bnoklen '8 Arnic .. 1:).tl v e I tip d o llar lIize h o l tl!!s are Bomo or 6".1D1>'1~ 11• •J!II• • •I1111• • • • • • • father died and Lawrence found em· Ii' . • l:!U,I·f.SO k I,\illd tb is ILl vo on ce I\, dl~Y fO r t.w o sola Ity [\11 good dr\1 *J.,ri~t~. DOI1·t make Cushier. 11111' lIIistlll:.c, hut r CIIIl'11I 1 er t h " n a m e . ployment on a farm adjoining that • __ _ \lav s wben every tro ne of Ib e 80 l'e SIVU ll lp . RoIJI , 1'r . Kilme r''; 5wll lllp· Rool. ~~!!!..~~~_~_~.~.~~!'!'!l!~!'!'!l!!'!'!l!!'!'!l!!'!'!l!~!!!! \. ' I . . wu tl l;on . " B ' n ls 1111 sor II. 'old on which , he spent .. IS ~t a cLlve Let us re membe"• that the g ual of nneIe r gUllrll.nte lit Ji'" I ' ,11.l lll.I: .. \(I1'''S." ll ill ..... h ulllt Qu . N. V ., 90 . v . '0 I Wlir tZ!! eery bu lll ". WA VNESVILLU CHU.RCH BS. years. life is not sp II d gold. dru g s tor. 2v;. ~~~~~~~!!""!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!'!l!!!!!!'!!!!!!!l!!'!! In 1552 he married Ru 'hel Rich -----"~--. ___ . _ . _ ...__ "__ -.- ----.-. Orthod ox friends Church. · . To,them were bOl'n seven A Dangerous. Operation Sobscribe for the,t e a~dsQn •. AN EMINENT SHAI ER lie,'. BellJaml n fla"'kln~. Plt8lor: cl ildren, four of whom ' have pre 11<1 t,be r m ov,rl of the Ilppe nllix by a ~a bbaLh uboal, iJ ::lO a. m. [( el(ul a r oburell f E > 'UCCLURE . ce' eded 'hl'm to t he other life In th e "urgeon. No one who la k e~ Dr. " ,rvlce,' 10 i30 n . m: ' Ch r isti a n E:uol.\l:ivor. Kin ~.'s N w Life Pill!:! .ill ver. u bThe West ern taf' prints a story 0 . . A L'[' I h If,l. . I , 7 :'!J O I'. w . year 1854 the litt)e family migrated jeoted t.o thlll t'rl g ht,ful ordelll. Ch ari Clapp, , ... h WWI well knoWTl to 1I1inois lind,' the re entered- their 'l'h .\) \Y ork e , quietly you-don 't f e 1 and respected in Wuynes\lill ~ '. pml Hicl)sitc I:riends Church. ,. . F Ull er,al Director: lives their firsL real sort·ow the loss !1; h e Ul. '1'h l'\y C lll'~ lIU!:It,IPll t i o D, years ago : I·'h·ot \) I\y, M c llll ~ : 10; 0011. m. "Irat Da y S O'Iool. II ;0(1 ;t , no , h'(H.rUJ Oay Mee l lo g of their first bOl'n u gil'l of four h Sllctll OhEl, b\liousne~s uo rl Ulrt!ll ri tl . , 'ha rlp8 .·lujJ jJ wus bOI'n in Lew is '1'01 l)honl'l el ll Y or n lghl . l iI : OU ·tI . m. . . I' . ' . 11)" . 251tl, F.rt'tl i . t:l bWflrl :t.'H drog IItore . years. Af tel' lYmg' 10 mOIS SIX __ ~ __ . .. __-.' Coun t.y. N . Y., Jun 2; 1 07. 11 I'e· alley 11)hoD 6 0 . . I~Hl t( Christian Ch urch. yeurs they returned to Ohio and. fol' JOSEPH K. GRIFFIS ceived a liberal euucution ha ving . Di tMII O. t.i9- ·lr. S Ulloluy S IllIr!vl. t! :;Jo u . OJ • 'Soolal me CL;' 48 years have Jived in th vicinity of COIn pI ted the c UI'SIl of slud ie.':I in OHIO l lig. 1 0 ::\0 It iii .. a" d ' brlHlla n I-lml etlvor, Waynesville . . At. the sch ool hOllse, to-nigh t will the Westfi eld amI Leicest er Acad- WAY ES ILLE, • , : 0 11 p. IJI • . Bru nch Om.:e, Bar eys burg. Q . About 1864 he unit d.' wiLh the ,be g iven the ~h iru in the . s~r ies of emi(;!s. At . t ht! age ·.o f 20 he t!mi. Methodist Episcop{ll Church. Disciples of Christ and from that the I cture ·ourse., J. K. GI'i'ffi s will g rated 'to Olli . and a t Ravenna em. - . --~. . - ~ . It '·. \v . 'I'. Uil i nanu, Pila tor . . time through all his active .yea l'S he tell t he stOl'y of 1aha n, all .Indian . bark ed in the m I'cIDltile ' businessl S UltUIlY Seb ul, I) :aO :t , "' .. Mornlo l{ se r d evoted much of his energy for t l.l e The story Will b. Lold gl'!lphic~ lly,aM f or fourteen yea\-s anp Lhen entered' H.. • 1 . - ATJ[ A TA Y \ I·c . i (l :3U ll. I~', f~ LJlVor~lt . L. ·"Gut . 7 :00 I' " ,. ~'v"'n hll' · Aen-It·". ';' ::/0 p. til . ~Jldwee k &,ood ofthEi chl1rch. His wus II life the interest 'n vel' lagS 'The'Bos toh upon the 'lIame vocatIon in Kenl, . I' .~ ,'l eRv ill e·E4 LfltI.(ling .[)cul:lst l>r Iy r lI:I "c~ f nl:. 7 : 3U p . III. . of health !lnd activity. ' of -gre,a tjoys t-ar flays: N o' lectul'el' on th e .48'. proving ·himl$elf by Ilis indils tl'Y om'(!O i n]{f Ys 81111-(. Mlll ll l3t and deep 80r.r ows, and tht'ough it 1111 '!lembly Platfol'llI gave b W H' sa lis· and thrift, a very' capab.le man . 1n . 'St. Mary' Episcopal Church. there was always an optimistic out· ·f action :· 1846 he heal'u of the Sh ake t·s ancl J( '~. J . i~. l~"h"l\lIl"lc r. R ucl Or. '"lt ll(lay .SOI1C'OI. 11::1(1 1\ , '" Murnlng' se", look . He b~ought up his c hildren to ---,.,lea'r ning t lwr w a.'! . a society ncal' \ I cc. ro :;JO n. III. l ':\,on 10 )(. . l r lf luc. 7 p . m , THE REv. IRL R •. HIC.KS . t th I f G:I d . 1.~letlic il1 (" . That Is Medicine . lIul )' C.IIIII11uol'"1 \111, IIfnl Surf/Ill}' of eac respec , e aws o · O( an man , L bUll on he made the comlmllli 'y :i and at his feet his SOliS learn.ed their ''IIHIV .. nJl'Ij I·Otlll f.{0nd ·delll wi t h " . Alm~nac and Magazine lIlutllll. 1O.dllflR un tl 1, )l IllI ( h nnmpluillt 1.1__" but 1 hit v Do w' l o uoe! II T Ill' lly r.bfl --::-'- ~ St. AUgllstlil\!'s Catholic Church. kt'ef!~ " JIl' w.;II. 1I,II1l t,hu t- ,:em Eld.v i ~ "'Miler corl<~ M Ive oh oe fer , Pall~or. I!l l t'otr l o, ~'t, tl'l'S ·.; 0 1Il,~ dl ( in a hll t, iJ< M,,~~ Wry seco lld !';u lllIIlY of lhe m o n ~b ~~ .' , il , OU ll " u j . " tnp<lIoi'ue fQr · t'rp mlloll .lnll liv,l.r ,Pa.Y. in.. /Advance. . . . bion hIA!i', 'I'Jg, f llt ,' uu rl",wn coLHli • . ' . .....,.. ,tlou ";" "Y" W {J .dil . ,,~I t!r , . 11 ~-I'ulll ,rhe ~~lidquent · subscriber is d,"y' Arlt . l!ll tlON·Jtl BI IIf .I I .. \lIir f'f,,, .1'(1 (/ rttiSlllng' the : \>isl~of. ilis 1f1C41 . ~.' /'enrl c',1l ttb fl 1)1o, .. r\, f"'\~l np Illll' n 'rvf'!', ~~~]!~~.~'}~};;,~~~,;~~~ ~r more ress these days and a nd \rllplll t \ I~.CIJ' (li,l!" 611 r io(. t,· t" "'IIIl:~~]u:~~~~~Jli:i~~:~~ nnl' Ol.m i~. w \ 1I b tl ~f' f\1nd · l . be may b,e wondering why. How· weI\k. ':l(l If It hdl!l 1·0 h"l tJ r· llI . ~H!Y ever,. the' new law h~8 now ,been 0. Hob w ~rt:t.·~ ~f ,'u g s t 01~.
W" '
M"gazine ... ,.:., .... p &ooiOo Monthly ....... ~ COllmopolitau .1 ......: ........ . tit. Niohola8 (new).. ......... Outing.......... .................... Broadway ....................... Pearson'8 .....~ •. : ............... Llppinoott·s .... ..... ·....... ;..... Unole Re-IDus .................... Bal'p~r·. · Magazin••: ......... M.e~r,opolitan .......... : ~ ; ... , ... N
2 2 2 S
110 , 85 60 60 S 00 ! 811 260 3 eo 2 60' 6 35' 2 '6\)'
,r' •
A Big bittle ' O~fer,' .
If E H
longenough in effeu .t omake him a'iquainted with cunditions. : Th~ ' Cuba will "soonue in sl\~pe to lllake her debut agiLih by buttillg. into lhe publisher cannot 'arrQI1' to put a
one cent slamp ~)Q each. paper, 0
the eDlu:tmeut requires, and this is " why the 'home that knew the pu~lI~doll.,. now' kUowsJt no more, ~ot . it do 10 UP til an 'adVIIIDsuDlcr(ptlon Ii fortiK:om..
obtld7?r111d ·t:
sistel'hood of nationk.
WANTE.~_ .-_ A_N AGENT 'Ii'mtiiiiiai.-
"""011: M". . . t{...n.nrJC'~"""D" ~lItial. Il'AtBb'll,s ua P.teuta I r... I~o.t .... ,uhf uJ\l ' =rYt,,\'n., ~ 1""lIt l'II1A!nla en IbWU" unn co. _ "
Sdtnllllc .H.rleaL
00 00 60 00
J!' our for .... ..... ............~ .. II 110
Our price . . for all .... ,., ........" . 50 .
We Can
Any 'k~nd, of 's oombination yo~ · want and 8till laye yon a lrea' a.mount ,of money. Tell· 1111 loar . , wants, aud3we willmak4il you prioe. . ' tha.t will' astoQlsh YO.11. .'
. We oan furnish
yon '&lltth~q ID. tb\s line at II; reduced pt:ioe, and Jon oan elLve money byorde$1 dlreo' " tbrOngh us. Don" de]ay II;! orderlnl' IAt 118 from yqU ·SOOD. · Addr...
. The Miami Gazette ;
CJ)PYRIGHT8 &0. 1\ n'OII..~ndll" a net.1> _Del d ..OTII.uoa "'., qnlc"l~ ..(:tIrU. n On. o"'nl~ rr.. "betber aD 11I •• nUon t. p",,~ltbl, ,ate I ommllill...
Il"'!fllltiDlfca, wUbullfjob.,.e,ln t •
Harper's Weekly ... . ; , ........4 Review of Reviews .. :.: ...." Ii Mooture's Maga·z !ne ......... 1 Harper's ~zar .... n ... . . . . . . . . . 1
Wayn~sVille, .ohio• .
a,j aREAK8 A COLD PRO~PTLY trtellda of Daniel. Oy", wbom n.a. leI e:Eerellled .a ",troD". IDliu nee, and The followIng formula .. a n,e ver 11 bo had conoanted ~Ith him to 1'& D. L.. CRANE. failing !'tmedy for colds: m&ln true to the H~~brew Oot, the Olle oun<\e of Cpmpound Syrup at prInce gave the names of . Shadrach. OHTO WAYNESVILLE, Sarsaparilla, one ounce Torls Com. Mesbach aod Abednllgo. respectively, Ur)ique' Birtbday Party enjoyed tbe Iloulld ond oue-hulf pInt of gbod Story of DanIel, tbe Youn, HetIN., tue nam s 10dlcatlng theIr dedication Clptlv... Move to Honor Bllrbank. whIs key, mix and shake thoroughly to the othel' three gl'eat gods of the c ipie r)t !)d All 5 m iall IFrie~dsI Bstter know]edge of nature anel Itl ench time and use In dOBes of a tableBl;lbylonJaos. the Bun god, th., earth sr THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" spoonful (I ve ry tour hours. god and the lire god . w.,s ILDd ot the manner !n which 'ne.Pia . .,· f or M u$icall Ievel)11l)9. PR£..\~ER This It followed nl,l will cure an Nee dless to eay that these naAles tUral Coreel ma, ba lmprovea to ben& acuto cold 10 24 hours. The Ing rehad proved most dlstnsteful to this It manklnd III' mlUlltested on all Ildes. (COP, rlll uo,llOII. U, oJ,. AII<I>or. W.a.lW ••••) company of Hebrew captlvee, espe, , An .Unlque BIrthday Pliny. PfizeB con sIs ting of mu sical Ins tru dients can bE! gotten at an! drug store. .The c&1ltOmla Humane soolet)' la to ThIs pre tty party Was (liallned by a mon t candy boxes wer e awarded thl DAniel• . tb e Man.-TI1. meane clally to Dttillel and bis three tdeuds. appeal to the legislature, Cor the enact.Inartistic Pottery. " God Is niy Judge." 'l'ho Cho.ldeaq namo ,The latter had tlllked the matter over, ment of a law whIch will provide for conferr d UPOIl blm - Bel(es!lIUIZIlr - as they had Couod IOpporlunity, and numb er of the lUll's schoolmates and on(lll who w re first aud last In till We wonde r thnt some of our enter· proved a delightful s ucc Each olle followIng contes t. prlslng nrm s wll h the greal resourc81 the IUInual obllerVlLDce In tbe public mcuns "a prlnc:e tav<\r~d by ~"l." Born reasonIng wl~h good ;Iudgme nt that It hrollght 1\ tri ll ing gut a Ud tb e boy hlld . We ll.k~own DlII~l clll.IUI a r e burlod IT .~ J OI·\18alem. Parents Il nknowlI tbough . . . at the ir command do not Ilrodnce Ichoola of the blrthda, of Luther Bul'- 3:1 Indlcatea 110 wall of royal blood. Ca.r- . was useles s to .protcst,. and tbat atter to folloW the lostl'U lions g lvell \) y the Ques ti ons, th answel'S will bl :lil al! potte ry, rOr It would poe. t.ank;, known .. :the "horticultural rled cu pllve to Bab)'lon when about 12 ' all it made little dUle rence what they lhes j lllg i ' 8 . H e was hond d un e n· th eir n umes : slbly creal e lt ~ own marltet afler a wizard," by enrcl.el ba'YlnJ!: tor their years old, ' end put In trlllning for klng's w ere called. provided they r e maine d vololle Which conta ined thi s ve rse and J, T her w(Or vert! 181e8 nnll tendo ti Ol£'. , nIce wIth others Of the noble Hebrew t h G d b I'" One' ardlnnl falth among mOBl blllG of . umnlfOr 8k lu . \ V rdl. ) purpose the Inculcation at ~ blgher \'OUlh, three or hI. companions, over . rue to t elr 0 , t ,ey sett ed .... etu· It s.tar tell I he fesUvltles : s hopke ll ' r s appears to be that an 2. M aud · Muller rnk d Ihll I'Q)'; denJ \\' 110 m I1e exe rcised slrong Influellco tor sel~ es to the tasks alls lgned them. ngia.rd for bJrd and tree Ufe. The plan wllh a bIg A must be paId extra tor, 0 00,) ~\' ~ n. I. 1t li B B lrllllI a y Child. It n o l. 0 JI.. I)lo. (" H Il )'", p n ~ · -lIuyd n . ) 'rhus m at.ters ran Jor 1\ t ew :la ys, proposed Im plles ~ unique compU· rood being l1lentloned by Dame, 1:19, He Auenl1<Oll 10 thl" I,·lt l'r: 3. Th 1)\)11 In I,·y tow,' ri ngs IHI011 0 1 Until we gel rlt) of this roollsh beIWI\.a . & conlempOrary of E zekIel, bInI\' and then ' came tlile clrcum slan e Go. hun t wit hin the mllslc room. pu ssl n g <lil Y. (l.Ielllnl.) . . . ment In that It Is pald to a man who bronght to Babyl\ln eight yearll befor& l'ou' lI Hnd a ,,1ft thnl's II p\ter. •. I IIITI,·... kin);. most II'r" ~ l o u ~ Bo,·cr· lIet we s ball nOl make much progress .. Itlll 1I'Ylng ILDd In' the ' full exercille the Illlter. lIllI activo services bogan be- whl ~h was to so se verely test Daniel lu popularIzing arL-llrltlsh Archltecl "Ilfll. (I~'" -1<1nl:.) . rore the de!llh, at J er emlnh. E zeki el' '1'0 , and his three fri ends, One day there 'l'b e po. kage con tained the foll ow. 01 hi, powers• . No doubt It il fitting, r~MI to Daniel In H :H , 20, OIl a pattern came the decree tratn the palt.ce of Ing: 5. Shu Ll II "" 'Ilrs h ~ ~ ol<l r mllo-t1lf AW 0 1 m od ~s t muJd n . 11:-Io'ro l<1, ) Ilowever, remarltll the Troy (N. Y.)· Df r lghteousneas and In !!8 :9, ' or wisdom, the king ordering Ulat provlslon l!o froUl DanIel propheSIed through nll the perloll ' G. 1'1'" 1I1 0 1 1t ~ 1' o r hn"\lo H OS8 In Idl. TIme!, for Mr, Burbank has done won· or tho ca ptlvlly nnd two years o.(ler the tbe rOyal kl tcben shoUild be' lIerved to W e wish )''''0 ma ny h app ), .t ).", drNlOII8 lH1I1 c l u , pR h l l1l . (RnsMlnq N ow do not Jo!o' Yfl u r h outl, 4ertul thlJ)gs ~ lmpr.>vln( ILDd dl!el' ret urn, but nevor returned 10 J el'UBlLlem. th e youn i;; men. Oll r ",' h:hbors soundly. . 7. " '" bl' ra l bu t p'x <'lI8a Qurijo l v 8 . \ \Y c.: bt' r .) (lyIng tn exll& when ov r 90 years or age. "They sbull have the best lbat tb e But hUlll obo lll tPl e sl1t1n g room aftylng nature's Ilroducts &id addlnll TradIti BetON )'o u go 10 b L'tI . on represents him lUI being burl d I I ' fr' b . tro w rum ou. We herul.J In Idell.l to their value. But beyond any JIlerel, n.t Shushan, which at that lime had be- (ns s tnble a ords, tha t ther e milY . e art ! ( ' lI(1r\llllnl.) corn tbe r oya l cIty. Daniel s erve d with nOlhlng lacki ng In prepnr lng \110m From th o sitting room the ro erry personal consIderation the e1forta to n. H hl' ".k . )'lll'r hn 11,1. F; Uza , do nnt dl8l.1nctlon un de r three dYJlasUes, ,nam ely, for ser vice In' ilia palace," b e h a d create I~ youthtul mln.d, appreQlaUon tho Chnldean, tliO ' III 1I.l nn and the P r· said and torlbwlth b ald 188ue(l htll de- crowd wcr led by this verse to Lhe suy Iltty . (I{II Ild ~ l.) kitch en. ncc ol' ~ lug to Ihls rh yme : 10. 3 0 prier : 1'.0. toward life'" seltlng of placII which blrdll and trees hold II~ . cree:'· ' 'Ull mUll htlS INIS. (Flnlo w.) Fou',· roulld II : ensr . WI\8 It nol T In the econ9Qiy at tbe world high, II . You',· tlrOPP NI n b ct. ho. " ~ n d or . ScrIpture Authority - Daniel, CIiD!>, And t.he pr ince Sl)t clv er the Hebl'ew DOII ' t 8 10P; ·tw,)uld .b t\ ~ I n. helll'h! (13cNho,·pn. 1J laudable. It .Is posllble; of course, ter 1, capt! ve s had read ' tile decl'ee m e n Vou 'lI nnd t it brolher at a ll thla . 12. ' '),hc (101: ~ p l ell It ~al .. nn" It makes to load up the young mind with too the first meal trom the royal kitch en Tho k it chen bright wi thin. 1119 tllll \vIIg l1\1rvousl)'. t Wagner.) Reassuring. much knowledge. But no barm wlU. had been served~ What nn. a rray of 13. A bellu, lIe rryl ng. neel\Y ~ blUlk" l AI! th e gl(ts we re uurolled and th e Mr. Tlmmld- Hav_ have you noaOlI & 8Wo:Nh . rt. (,\ ubcr .) eTer come from teaching the cblldren goodly tlJlngt! that bad b een-the rich lines read e xcitement rail b lgh and meats., the choice wln'es, the leavened e very one acted as If It was the first 14: '¥ou' have rOund an gg, lucky bo)'! tic d, I\1lsl1 Maull, thllt the chandelier about tbese objectl, which have a (Gluck.) seems to be s haking ? Aro you sure cakes and bread, The low table tall" tilDe they bad seen the Ilrticles. The ..&taral aUraction for thllm. And ha4 )r.. LIz sllil Improves from day to c!&y, that the founulIUons of your hou •• gave .... unto Danl.1 the . name Iy groaned under Hs welgbt ot good many Who IU'O .ow cblldren 01 a'larger next movo was to th e dining room, I1S ( "LI •• t" - l.INzl.) ar_ are quite secure? · 0' ·. elteshazzar,"-They could . things. Silently the young men had .tbese orders dire cted : 16. Whnev r Is Ica\' , tho G .., stllY~ powUl been taught in earl,. youth the Miss Maud- Th ere's nothlng to be chaJlge Danlel'a name, but not In m Os l IlrmlJ. \ C(l 81t1.) laken their J\lo.ceB aJlollnd t he table, worth at birds and treell much wanton hie character. They could call 17. Caltlu "nJo)' h rbal f ding 8'rounl\. alarmed ' about, Mr. Tlmmld. Papa's and at first not a mouthful of food N'ow lurn InlO the dI ni ng room. room Is JUllt overhead. and !W's snor· (BnICe. teltrw:tJon could hav. ·b8en . averted hIm a "p.rlnee favored 0' Bol," W&ll touched. Tbe. prInce noted thIs, And hun t ' rom floor 10 <:t!lIlnl, And nnd & little chocolat , 18. I do not ""re a .8ou .. l3arnh, whe t he r IIig. . .d a creat deal of coed would hall aJld he could · prove hlrtlle" ~rue and spoke reassur.lngl!~. telling them To 8\\'ccten up your (eellng. YOII will or wop't ! (Sousn .) tuult.d. · , to the name, Danlol-"God la . that It was owJng to the special favol l? Thero wl\I be no ' 'ouCnb to·nlllht. ED GEERS, "The gto,nd old man," he 'my Judg.... of the king that he bc1 don tbla '. The olher verses are given and the IAbt. ) called for he \8 10 \oneat handlini Oanlne Wblona hav.e not been lie.. ' 20, M y t·bop .l 'n rarl), a lwuys out with ill Thl world IIk.1 to rename thing, and tha.t It would be perno.s LO whole scheme Is so clear t hat I sm !JOl"8eB In rflee , 1:Ia ~n)'e. " I hAve used ileu». ( hopln.) leeted, III the great revolution in the sUl~e many will w elcome the suggesGod'a children and wIn them cJfend him by re'f ueln!; to e8-t., SPOUN' DI TEMPER <'URE for 12 MA DAME :&11l:RRJ. ),Cfll'8, IIlwnya wilh best 8UCCCllS. It is the ov,er to worldllnela and lin, rUe do Jt. 'PaiI. It fa .a ...&at .ubjee~ "But there Is defiloment ill partak. tion not only tor birthday parties hut only rem edy I know to cure ,'\U forma . of What.ver name by which the ·Ipg of that which haa Ibeen otrered to ae a v e ry enjoyable way In whIch to tOP' ans.. hut the Parte deslgueri distemper and prevent borsea I~. IIRmll eta· qivo Christmas gifts. world" may call ala" doee riot ventured Daniell, looking Ull Idolll." beell equal to the oee..loD, anel hili II/lYing the diBCllIie." 50c ana ,1 n bot. This ' offnlr was planned by a South ·matt.r. ~. long aa we remaIn tie. All druggisll!, or manufnoturers, Spob~ earnestlY ·loto the racll at the prInce. eo bowe, walldD, ·taclteta, hand!l:el' Medical Co., CbelI!iata, QQabca, iud, true to the .. name by which we "Rememher," sbarply rejoIned the !llde girl and given tor the 60n or one chlefa 'aDd Iboea 'd ll DOC ezh&uat It. or have been called of Sod-Sons ~rlnce. "that you are 'n Babylon, and of C!JIC~0'8 famous singers, wbo now A Nics Hint. . p!em. The 'YorY latOllt Wnp in 41oga' of God anet JoInt " w!th nllt Jerusalem, and tba,t the laws tbat lives In ParIs, but chooses Ametlca as "I know what I'll do," eald the girt ,-lcht«oWJls wlDtv jflU be madl tbe place for the lad to be educated. Chi'l.t of the kingdom of heav.n • were bInding upon you there bav.e n o whose basheul lover would not pro,r 10ft flllllllel or D,ht clotJi, Dned The promll. to the OV..... claim UPOl) YOU here. Here yon are In rh ere'. anoth e~ strt to hun t. pose. ''I'll go out as a ulllned nurlle." :wIth mauYCM:olored nUn. " III the come,.. In the lecond. of Revela. lbe seM'lce ot the great king 'o f all the In tlie Cront room YOII'II find It, "But that Is a profbtlslon. You tlon II a new name engraved In Pray beed th e ver"o that lI e~ b('~ ld e. earth. Ohey him." ~ol'1l1ll«, 41reulq jacket. o~ cheek know nothing about .It," he replied. We pray you tl eed and mi nd It. Metal buckles appear on many lIats, • white Itono gIven God. A ''True,'' spoke up bo:ldly one of the ~ern IIhould · be WOrL In tbe aftel'o ( A framed moll 0) . "Have n' t 1 bad six montbs' experi· name at tho beginnIng of life " The 0l!e-plece gown has a s trong Hebrews reposing at the otber end 01 ~n drees,. wraPI tor calliI and tea. ence BItting up n'l chta wIth youT"-Ilhere betor • . ' . character haa been vogue. the table. '/True, we ' c:lUlnot call Into NO,." by the lelophon you' ll lind,' 'Wm be of fine cloth. trlmmed wIth vet· · formed, a n~me baled ' on nothlustratad Blta. . Anothor thIng Is ~ tQyln g. question the hospitality of the king Ve;'Y large pocke t ftn ps , ilJ'e PTe'Yet embroidery, ind- In tbl. case the - -----:PrllY t nk ~ It liP anc! uso It wolI, ' . lng, but tile 10lle and hope cf, Into whose handl QUI' Go~ has given dieted . Important to Mothe.... 'TIs unly III nn t tor playing. lland!l:ercblef will be carried In a pock. tho parenta. And a new name us." And suiting the notion to the Eumln' & carefully every botUe of • SaUn Is the leading fa brIc tor eveet on the left Ilde, Dot In a reUc\lle given .of GlocI al we .take .our word, be began :to. eat t be food set be- N'ow dO 'not tony. Ronald dear, OASTORJA a safe I1nd sure rem'ldY for ' IlJng gowns. IaanIiDl to the . leash. which .. . tM placo In the et.rnal city of God; fore hhl!. . But hunt wIthin th o hntr. I Man y of t he n ew skirts are c/'Ol!seH Infants ' and children, wid see 'that It correct thing for mOfl1l11I wear out 01 a n.a m. which shall be afgnlfl. Then one after lU\0the r tbe r9st tol. ,And. If you 11I9k wi th tll llg nec. In 'the fl'ont. " ' Bears the , ~ . J'~ You'll tlnd a box th at's sma ll. cant of the life lived and the 4001'11: Spes 'alivet Mnllt · 'Boston I~wed , except Daniel and his tlir,e 'Wlngs are larger tban they eve l SignatUre Of~~ ' · victorIes won, friends, . ciullnel be arrayed ]Jke thll? ~ut one , have been before, Now ~o Into our olenr onc'" oom. 'In Use For Over Yeai'll; ' . Daniel II a atr.I~lng t8l~lmony' "Wbat shall " we eat It not thIs 1" And take a real good look. point Is not very' clear. WUI the Dew.': Featbel' t rimmin g upon bats con· The KInd You Have AlWaYB Bought. Tt may b on n pIcture frnm e. ,of. Godly home and faithful In. wblspered Mlshael, wilo Bat ' o n one t1nues ve ry profuse , . Dlghtgownl be cut In dlrectQITe Ityle, Or on Ule dCll4k or book. ItrUctlon In .. God'a law. .. side or Daniel. He Vias more than Voluminous ' collfures are predlctec Uld dq the 'walldn, ,aclteta haYe ebon : A man may foUow bls natural bent While ScrIpture la Illent I I halt Inclined to toHow 'the exa.mllie 01 Now. be obedi ent, t1 el\r child. .tor the .wlnter . ~d yet be pertElct'ly stralgbt. . empire bacD f ,, ' . ' to thOle earlier 'yearl '.Up to · the And , go Into your· rllom, those Il,bout 'hlm wbo were now bUsily Th er e are fe wer quills on uut~mIl _ ==S time of . hI. goIng ",to captivIty engaged In eating, and It WBS evldenl And hldlnJr rar behInd the bed bst B thun l!ls t year. . :Llvely Mr, Reichel of the Part. Fl· dOO I)'l, You will surely nnd your , to Babylon, may eaSily fill 'from tM looks on t he faces ot Han. Satin bnnds and button s are freely pro glvOll lils ecstatic Impres·s \ons ·.of out that blank and write the anlob and Azarlah that they, too. telt BehInd the b ed there were two gi rls used on tailor· made:!. ' 'the trip on the Wright -aeroplane, 'In .tory of hi .. boyhood life an.d ' ,t be same inclination. . or Whom be was very; fond and who Black wlll be D'lll Cil se en, both Ir that publication, llDd the' wonder i. trainIng there In lIeru •• lem. "Ood will provide," was the quiet ;1lannelt thIs novel aft'alr for the ,dress and eve n 'dllY gowns. how he can ever ' stay down: on earth Daniel'. parente were the . rejolnd~r ot Daniel! and .~he toad bt.. 'Blrthday child ." One of the novelties o( the season II -.n~r the ' elqlerience, He lAyi ot It: fow who had not grown "liblore him remained untouched. . cloth for evening wear. , eral ,nd ' broad" In their rellg. ' -I Iiave had a sp]endld IntoxIcaUon. I Bl;lt' 'that was only the beginnIng ' 01 Six out of t en wom n prefer broll!\ the slruggle. He ~nd his three com. A Musical Ellenlno, lelt , ~e teclln~ of a bird; 1 baye : loul vlewI, and had net com. cloth for theIr s treet suits.. panions became the butt of ridicule of An amatelII' musical socie ty In· flown. I am still wonderstruck." HIs : pronliled the "thua ' aaith tho : . Lo~" upon tho altar of worldly the othera. And then there was the dulged In a regular frolic t!;le otbel' Cleaning Gold 8raid. flnt Impre6sl~n: at the ,start wu tbat conformity. . . prince to deal with. . . evening and all enjoyed the relnxaThis Is ' a s eason or gold b.r ald ant ot belog bit in the ehel!t al the rna, c Danlel'l . mother had' the old I,Why shoUJd you. when YOur lite Is' tlon. Eacb member had 1\ picture of eblne plunged forward. Then the DIG,' 'alth In tho God of the Hebrewl ' In' the hands at the king. hit your reo a famous mus ician pInned .on Ills coat brass buttons. ' They tire eXj) onslve · t G don became gentle, but accom~anled and In till law, and becaulle Ihe IIglous scruples cause iou to be lea.. or bodice and ",as balled ' with dell.ght buy and many wom en mlgbt want tQ constantly b), a notsll of thunder from f bolleved thuI, .he -was " faithful and· Ill·favored, ·.when you shall ' be as ,the Introductions w.·e made. Then use gold bra id they ~ave If· it were " tile motor. · 'He ' felt as if Ife were In 'Inetructlng the little boy -at brought before the king?" he demand. each one was asked 'to re nder the puly a trifle cleane r. TbQY may not know that It . rnay be ed • . att~r .a long ar~Doent followIng pIece 'wltb whlcb ho or 'sbe first reo IlIdlng through the' loft air; theD her knoe In the la~ of God alld tbe second meal which, had also gone galed the public, and th<'y were re- thoroughly refreshed by pow~ered came the 11nIt turn. '~Flying In a In t011l11g him aU of the talclnat. untasted. . Qulred to give a description of the bluing mixed with dry bread crumbs, If.raIght lIne Is dellcloul, but turnlns ' Ing ~I.tory of God'a dealln". ThIs should be sifted over the braid , to I' I the Hebrow nation, "Why?" echoed Daniel's three CODL event. .. absolute in, xlcatlon. 'Entbus 811And when 12 y.a,.. old he had panions. who were standIng with him. The club colors. ",ere green and and tben rubbed, with Ilannel. .After This 'Woman sa,.. that "cit Dc Mr. Reichel. When they came go"e to th, temple for ' worship A palned look croBsed tbe face 01 gold, and thIs scheme was carrIed out brusblng 011 tbe erumlJs It sbould be women .ho~d Dot taU to ~ polished with red ve~yet. .bls procesB down 4e gave the Imperturb'ab'ie WIl and Inltructlon and had there Lydia ·E. Pinkham"s Vegetablo Daniel. . with yellow chysanthemums and quan· also servell for cleanIng gOlli lace, ' Compound a.a ahe did, 'b'Ul' Wrlgbt a sinacklng Id.. on each deopen,eci and . broade!'led tlie ra':Rememberest thO\1 not;" Daniel de; · title, ot terns and vines. ·mandell.. e"rnestl:)" ai he sought to ..;.........;_ _ _~....;._ _ _ _ _-..._ _ _ _ _ _ _':"";"_......~........_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2,3115 la~n08 . cbee~ : ,. ... IIgloul ~I'alnlng y..I'!lch hli mothSt., Denvef, CoL, writes to :Mrs. er hlld 10 faithfully begu!). . • . It la gOOd to hear that .saat ·rat•• In' PiDkham: . . streqgtben their ourselves ",av.erlng as reSOlution', ~et B.byl6n do her Y«o~, the "how we. pledged we were ' parlor cars are to · be reduced,' accord· • I I I was pracllcaUy 8D Invalid for a~ young ' man'l .arlY traIning had leavIng Jerusalem, to I'emaln true tc 'years, on account o~ fcmalo tzoubll''' ,Ing to a new schedule sheet fi]ed by , loaled hIm for God and hll the God o.r Abraham IIlIld isaac and I un,d erwent ~ operation by the tile Pullman pompRny. and that It . aenilce. 'Daniel ·.tands a monu. Jacob? And shaH we rail blm 'when dootor's' advice, but in a few monthll 1 . mental ti'lbu' t e to the Godly lhe' first test comes? I know' not what .~~s tlia enUre ~OUlltry. Tbe parlor: 'NM worse than before. A friend ad. home. shall come of It. but surely. one 'Who '.Ised Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable car la still reckoned something of a Compound and it restored metoperfoo& woul.d serve the' true God cannot eat lUxury, to be enjoyed only by tho's e bealth, Bueh as 1 have Dot enjoyed ~ of the food ollered to Idols." ~ho . are well able to pay fOOl' Its acniany years. Any wOllU\n aUffering . . THE STORY. "But what ,shall . we ' eat, then,? commodations, bllt ~t is coming to be I did with , backnohe, be&ring.dOl"ll Dare we call Into Question. tlie acts qt paIns. and pen~lo PJI.ln.s.llhould noU,"l considered a. neces~lty by people who .to use Lydia. Eo Ffnk.haIn'a Vegetable H.EN Daniel hud'tak!ln the sacred the And ~hall We, refuse . to want to ' e~1ot comfort ' I~ . traveling, obey' hIm Into whoso hands God baa COmPQund...• . vows o( loyally to Ood and his · ~·arUculnrIY tor \ong- distances. In due , ,aw as,he ~urn ed and took 0. iost long delivered us?" FACTS FOR SICK WOMEM~ the schedule tOI' sleeplIlg oar ac- look a t hlB , lllllov iI J erusl\lcm at the To this strong argument For thirty Lydia. E: Pink,. coinmOd,a{j~lDs mily 111i10 be changed to b.e glnnln.g of'the long journey to Baby. vouphsafoll no ailswe\" but Quietly I1llm's Vegetable Compound, inad8 withdrew trom the' gl'OUP and 'I!0ugh( l\lft the growln~ demaild. lon, h'e dId nul rcalh;e ,what'lt wus gofrom roolis and herbs, has been th" Ing to cost him to ke p It. He meant seclusIon wbere be could fi ght o'l it the standa.rd remedy for female illit. England's sul'l:raget.tcs· have beeD It when be took th e vow ot consecra. question In his own heart 'alld "Ieek andhns positively Qured thousands of . . ·qutet 'for a .few· weeks, 'but they have tion \lPo'n hls Ups. and, 'howeveq ,>reat wisdom from 'Ood, women who have been trqubled with . "'If the prince would hut sive us the onJy been making reudy for ' ano.W er the difficultles which faced hIm nllw, hls 'displacements, inflamma.tion, Ulcera.attack , on tbe bouse of commons. Tbll young heart bravely d e lermlned to be plnln food I verily believe we S)lould tion, fibroid tumors, irregqJ.aritics, . a.PIJear as well· favored 1!\.8 those wlro .movement was looked upon as Ii farce loy;;.) to' that ';low. periWo pains, backache, th~~ bearBre tiaUng ot ~e klns's mea!." And at first and the Idea prevalled th~t 1\ It had been some weeks now "hic~ with lbls tboul>ht came the suggestion. ' lng-down. feeling, flatulency, ·mdi~s. tion,qizziniss.orllervous prostration. would be short·llved; but 'It has grown ,Jls qrrlval In t~e. royal olty of King of aSking for 1\' sImple tE'ilt. "Sureiy. Why don't you try it 1> .. .Itronger untll tbousands of womell Nebuchadn ellzilr. Tbe pomp and splen, afte r ten' days )t \7111 be shown ""iIetb. ·Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick have joined It, among them mani of dor wblch had marked the return of ·er the plain . tooa was 'better tOl' :U8 Clulture,. education, rank and title. It lhe ,,!clorlous army W!UI ,ended. . The than the ' klng's meat. r will ask Uie Neve r since Catherine dl Medic.! and Good Queen Bess w~re InC!t~ to women to' wrlte her' for. advice. murde~ by the scratching of the starch In their' rulfs ·h8'\,e women appeared She.' 118011 gUided tboUianda ' to eari' no' longer b&' Ignored, and. though ~aptlve8 and the spoils of war bad prince to 'let us try it." Deen displayed through the streets , ]t was no easy thIng to, oon'Vlnce the In us e mphatic neokwear . as theY ,nre now preparlqg ·to (ton, wrlteB Marie laealth. AcldI'e88. Lynn, .H asa. the methodl employed may not be of the city to the' noisy and Alontslgne In the Oblcago American. commended; tbe earnestness . a~d de- festive tbrontB. Days ot felUltlng had p ih\Ce; but at last he ' cOlisented. This season's neokwear Was Ilrlmarlly desIgned tQ. support the bead upDuring (lXe tell day.s '! that followed termination at Ita adberent. caDnol followed 'a nd offerings made to th~ der Its wel:ht of hat; (or tbe 'stock portion of ' lancy collars Is sturdy and he wu.tche~ with' /lnxJous eye ' ~be ap. braced with supports of melal, wood, bone and occaslollld~y jewel ~ara or . . called In questlon. .;reat go.d Bel of the BabylonIans: upon I)earance of DanJel andl bls three "slideR:" , . which occasloa the captJvee bnd heen In a recent blijletln from the UnI· presented betore the Image Bod friends, but at the end ot the perIod, . Tbere is art as 'Y-el, as beauty In tbe nO!'iltlea' In neckwel,lr prepared f!)t: them In tar beUer' phYlllcal flndlng this wlnter'B ,d ecoration for the temlnine tbron, Teralt)' ot CalifornIa la liven a lium· pledged to' hIs service. . . condillon than the otbers who had In all sorts of forms and every 'sort of wIdth ·the rul!. Is the thIng. Thll tDa1')' of . the evld~bce prepared bj And all tbls ceremony Q\'er ' the He. eaten the klng's roeat,. he contlnued to ruft oftel~ takes the (o'r m of a neat little ~Ialting or frill of crepe lisle, tulle, Prot. J. D. Whitney to ahow that the brew captives seleoted tor tbe aervlce give them tho Simple dlel~ net, satin or some fUmy matllrlal BJlltable to rim a stock wU~ . Oftener tbe famoua Calaveras skull, found In I of the king we~o assigned their apart. ruft sprlugs out trqm the neck In wIdth capable of burying anythln~, from cbeck outlhies to ears !lIld chin. . , mlner'a .batt In .Bald HlIl, near Alta. ments. their Jewish garnl'ente s.trlpperl In Cltl.ago. Did -you ever Bee a blQOmlng face 'half burled In a filmy mtr or pink, de]" yUle, probably came trom a cave usee] IJtr I hem; anU the dress. of Ole BabyH.owell-That minister marrIed a Qstely faced with white tulle next tbe Ikln? No? Then you have mined a IODlans put upon, them. And 10 order l<it of Ileople at his house and hi Ilgbt .pretUer than that of an!JtI. IIJ the IDdlaDs for bUrla] jlUrposea.. lbat na cilmv1ele a break. '1, possIble knows his buslneBjl. ROle eclor Is popular by the way, with neckwear models, It appears III P!)well-ln whnt way? A Chlcaco :ban III aocuBed ot nilDI with the p&IIt mhrht be made. the oatln folda mounted upou"a foun~i:tlOD and topped With more or leu Barba. Howell~He hall a Sigl11 banging up lI]altli'of the dcJnUftt GllIIJ materldll. Ottcln broader plaltlq .ilreldl out b.lis peU'U;)nll lil' bnnluuptCl, la nIne prlnoe oyer lhe young mea gav~ uBe,1 ~n low the Deck,'half wa1 to the atlduld~l'II. Broad, 110ft ribbon of ..~ or TelHe. em. to liive bee II lI:ullt,. ell.cb a new name. To DanIel he had at his bome, whloh was I bJ .a.kiID BIven the Dame of Belteabazzar, mean. It. hmoh room, ADd : "T" vet t11!11 one IIde. of the ruff. and enda at yar1lng ]eilcthll ., POU eu'e!e IIntln in Dot 01111' Inc "PrIDce Jo'avored of B1!1:1 God to I1vol4 mlstuUl, pCly bt )'011 are wsels, looped of sille covered wooden "oU'e." or tbem iOW .... h l.'re chll. tal88ls or 10•• form of ftDllblQ a of ~;;h:.*ta;ft;"'U ~~!18}1, .~~~.eJ .1I14I ASariab" UlrM j IQ'fed." IOlDeU-. fUCu8I1lD the '_e)l, '" ~Ut over •
The Miami Gazette
-"Th. ·:=::~:~~:';::"",h.l
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§Lt'Tyn·.' °n.'§ ~.
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The Story of Loyal By
Ine. HIlIT/nltoll
Allhougb Loyal
not a small dog
flI s stubbornness was dISJ:jro),Jortionate. Iy large. Moreover be baa the ad v",n·
lage of most men. Inclurllng his mos· t e r. In 'always knowJng own mind. One October day the nlr ' brealhed Into I.oyal's soul a chullElnge 'for a IIlt·oll. and as tbo family wnll v' I'Y un· Inte res ting while unpac::Ung after a s ummer apent In Eul'Otoe, he unhesi· ta tlngly accopte d' the cballenge and . -waikei:! out of tlle open door . For severa l blocks he walked behind a gi rl ' wltb yellow brown balr. whose gown,hat.' gloves Md· shoes were the IIha.d o of biB own coat. It mny ' hn ve been a. Sel)8e of bllrmony or colors. or Itl)1ay have been . Just dog sense tbllt led him to walk neprel' th'o girl . finall y pushing a cold nOlle Into th hand hanging loosely at her side. He must bave known tbat 'sh wo uld n eithe r .start , nor cry ouL She only ' looll eQ dO'/l'n at him with pleased sur· prise Ilnd closed her hnnd lIghlly over hi s nose. ' . "Oood morning: you llandsome dog! You seem to know your adm ire rs at Sight. 1 \Vander wbo your masLe r Is?" 'I'h brls k.ness of their pace sooa brought t bem to Madison avenue and Forl i·seco.lld street, whero the girl In brown, after patting he r ' cOOlllan'lon n the lie ad and addressing nllmeroulS Oatte rlug rem:lrka to him. boarded a west· bound ar. .Looklng back Rhe Jla w t be dOli gazing reproachfully aCl er her. . All that day. Kath erine Ranllond found~ bel' mll')d ' wanda rlng to t he fill e fit Bern~rd who had joIned hel' ellrly morul ng walk. , Sbe would liave been ulIton\s ho'd hnd ahe reaUzed bow oneil In tit followJng, daIS she , tbOltght of him, pOndering ' bls nct, his nam e nnd his home. Four day s pllSsed and Wednesday's outdoor beauty pre vallod uPQn Katlierlne, wbp. dressed In brown as USUtU. wellt forth to e njoy a ,walk. The avenue was nOisy, although ap. par utly deserted. ao Bhe . turned
Tile M~,cl:!lar Young Man rook It Whlie Apologlzln'g for the Oog'a C;0nduct. tQward. Madison • . and. roundin g the. corner, met LoYal, who I1early Itnocked her dowti by his joyful recognitIOn. :rIc IIbon grew calm-except for his [all-and marohed proudly by her aide. wll b frequent long up\\'ard looks into her face, wblch 'wns turned to.ward hi 1II as oftl!n as might' be. . At the end of a mile, IheY.turned. . eernlnglY of one accord" and retraced ,1 : . t h~h" ' 81'sps. , : The girl and tho do", so oJlke In ., ' color. attraOted conslderablt;l at~entlon. or .Which boUl were whoUy ·lIncon. sclous, "
hla feat betore tlte bewt14ered animal WIUI bro\lght to a ltand. After a few momenta of exoltemen1 order was reatort>d and It was found that the only damage done was Ihat to the lawny colored dress Kathe rine wore, a ploce of whlcb sU Il clung to Loyal's teeth LUd attracted the IH Len· t lon of tlie m~8cular young mnn who look It. while apologizing tor bls dog's conduct. KaUlerfne's s mile ' puzzled him. al did Loyal's bohaVior when she put he hnnd on Ws head, and siloke al!ectJon ,ately to him. M~nth8 later tbe laat person . to board the Ove o'clock Elrle ferryhoat was f(ntbel'lne Raymond, ann as the gang 'plnllk was ,removed c ries from many ·tIlI'cmts fi ll ed the air. for 'a b el~ullf nl St, Dernnrd had rushed ' lo t he e'dge and bounded' over ' obnjn. and ralls nnd' un xpanse of roam In g. 8~thll1g wnter. ·A murmur o[re lief l'ose when be landed, safe, on tbe ferry deck. and a girl In golden brown III'es8 d to t be edge ql t he boat, nlld waving a brO WL .hand soemed to slgul\1 lO some one In lhe .crowd on s bore, ' To Stanley We lllll It w'as 10 tolerable the Unte t bat was consumed In landing tho next forry, and a year soeme d to pass lJel ween tbE) time or s tarting a nd tbat of landing on the J e rsey tilde, for his' mood counled time by' changos of e motion s and acoumul ur lion of sensations. Did tbo girl IQ brown (he knew nQw thal he had 1I0t s ucceeded In forg eltlng be r for a si ngle dny s ince the' runaway inchlenl) III li n for "hltn to CrOS8 'or walt at III pie r for' her? Nev~r 'bad bo Of hi s tee) Lngs bem so confused, nnd. Il e was at a comlllete loss to know whllt he sbould sny to t his 'g lrl who had such an allracUon for Loya l. ·th dog whose frl end"hlp bad never bofore lIeen · given to any one outsIde tbe Welllngcn.m\l hpusn· hold, " . Wha l to say need lIOt have trou bled )llrn In the leas t. Kalherlne nnd t~OYIlI were wailing at the Cerry housel "I an) sorry,:' she said at once. "that I . have been the cause of lhls Inconve nience to you. but I am glad, very glad. tha t. lIolhlng hap. pened to Loyal. I was' terri bly fri ght. omid. Of course. no one could lmve thought of s ucb a thIng, but perbapil It would be safer. In sUQh crowds, to have a chain. Good·by. Loyal, old fel· low. Thank you, sir. for coming over; J must catch my train." That was all. Sbe was gone, and be had not opened ~IB lips, It he was conrulled befo·re,· he was now In a tu· mult of exasperation and anger; anger at hla own stupidity, and .he !leaped curses upon his own head for bavlng been madtl a fool of by .a big dog and a brown glr,l. He came near Includ· Ing Loyal In his dlspensaUons of male· dictions. but J:emembered the dog's fault was an exceqa of affection fur a girl, n girl In brown, He t ried to can· Sale himse lf by recaUlng ber rapid r:;peech, her h !lst~ alld the .s lze of tbe rusblng crOWd, but he could not force tll'e facl to give him any credlL He attempte d to fo rget 'It; the trial lasted Il montb, tben he gave up, and. In a dissatisfied framo of mind. atatted fol' his .vacation til -the Pennsyl. vania· monn.talns. Young Welllngc81l1p 'declded lo le a.v e 1-9yal 'Vlth bfl; .. falher, but the dog SCented the threatened ·septiratlon Bnd IIsed 'hls I)Owel'l! of pers uasion, so when Stllnley bOW'ded the t rllln he was acconillanl ed by '. Loyal. with 8 \'et'Y jolly wag In bls tall. . . Al the Waler Gap a slight accldeut delayed ..the lraln, and Stanley look occasion to exerolse Lo)'al and stretcb his own long legs by ' walking the 6lr~ets ' nell'!' the railroad. The dog grew restlo!!s a!ld unessy and became deal to his master's voice. As the wWstle of the engine warned "all aboard" Loyal dashed madly awaY'. on and on. unUl,. out ot sight.
P ti aI FashiODS • tae c
!l1rH, Brownlee"!! flrBt question wu about gloves. "DI d YOU eXllhange th ~ m ?" sbe askert, "No," sal,1 Bro.wnl e. "I dldn·t." ' "There: ' she c,olllpiai ned . " I might bave .kn own you \Vau lt! forget It. How careless, r lold YOIl the ver~' I!,st thi ng berore you left the \louse to be sur e anll a ttend Ito It, Reall y. I don't see how men cau be eo thoughtless." "I dld it't forgo t It," said Brownlee. "I tried to chullge the things. but tbey woul du't tllke t hem bac k," " Wouldn'l- tale·e -thom':"'ba k 1" ah e eohoed. "Wh y Ililt?" "They sn id til!.'.)' wero soll(Hl." "Sollet.l 1" s he exe llilmed. ·" Well. of all things, H th oy we re t hey got soi led In their own sto re. ' I dldo't l>o!l Ulem. , couldn't get lhem on. Th y nre balf a s ize too s Ulal1. They gave mo the wrong nl1 mber, Wh y rlldn ·t YO II lell til m t hat? .. "I. did." "Who d IcI yo u t ell?" "The c lel'k andl the flO'll'wAlk,' r and evoryboll)' Ise t hal would listen to mc," "A nd whal did th ey SI"'?" , ',h ey laugh ed, " "The Im pud ent creaturcH. I'll never buy a cent's worlh of ;I1I Ylhl n ~ In that store again , you B ' If r flo. " "Tbat's just whnt I sulci," Brownlee put In. "[ Ka ld you n I'or WOUld." "And what <Ildl tbey suy to that?" "Th y laug h d agai n," "Well, that s t Ucs It, [nover wlU bu y anything th el ro now. Wh I'e are the g lovell?" "In my pocket.'" "Let me ' hav them. please, Soiled, Indeed. I'll see If they are." Mrs. Brownl ee unwrapped the pack· age. As slle too~k out tbe gloves sbo blus hed slightly, "Well," she said. "W ell ?" cchoeri Brownlee, "What-'s wrong?" "N-nothlng much ." sbe said , "pnly this Is an old pair of gloves, I c leaned them last weeJc- wlth gasoline. I made a mIstake uull selilt them back lnstead of the pul r I bouigh t yeste rday."
Paris Pattern. No. 264 5. All Scamr Allow r1 .-A PI' tty lInd fashionable s kin to be used for a sepal1Lte gar· ment, or as pa r t of a cos tume, Is he re Illustrated. It Is cut In three 'tlleces and closes at lh I ft sid!! or t ho fron t with bUltons and button·holes or· namentlng the rl ghL s ide, 1t Is tl t ted ove r the hips by darts. and III full· neS8 or l he back is contlned hy an In· ver ted box·plalt: Tbe model 1OI\-y be develol.led to advan tage In any of t be Jlopufar wloter ma terials. a nd Is cut In liledlum swee p UI' round lenglh, ac· oordln g to taste. 'rhe )laller'n Is tn sev n s lxes-22 to 34 Incllel!, waist meas ure. For 2fj wnlst , the sklrl, made of nmlerlal with nnp. raqulres 9lj, yanls 20 litchi'll! wi do. 5 r~ yards 36 inches wide. 4* yards 42 Inch s wide, or 4'}k yards 54 Incbes wlUc ; 1 ~l. yarde of braid, Whllh or lowe r odge IIbout 4~ yards. To prooure thIs patlern Bond 10 cents to "Pattern D eparllllont ... of UIIs pap r, WrI t e nllm Cl and nddr. sa I1lnlnly, and bo sure to gl\'e sIze and number or pattern.
NO. 2645,
SIZE" " .......... ~ ..
NAME .... . ...... . ..... ; ........... , ... , ..... ,
TOWN .. .. .............................. . .. .. STREET AND NO" ........... " ....... . STATE .. .... ,.,,, .. .. ,, ..... .... .......... ..
Paris Paltern No. 2642. All Seaoll
A i'lowed.~Thls attracUve nnd unique
ltore "Old G~od Realon for R('fullng to ElCohllngc GLove •.
Year', Egg.Laylng Contelt. The Ugures for 11 mpnthll of t he 12 mODths' egg laying compeUtion of the UtllIly Poultry club are Pliblh;hed, The COml)\!ting pens, each CJln lalnlng alx pullets at a )llllre bl·ced. are housed separately with double gruss rllns, The followin g fir e the total number o[ egg~ laid by each pen : . FIrst pen. white Wyandolles, 947': second di tto, 90.6 ; third ditto. 894; fourtb ditto. 874; fifth , burt P lymouth Rockl!. 872; ' sixth. white Wyando ~te s. 860; soventh; bhlck ;\;yyundottes. 825: elgbt b, buff PIYIDOUth Rocks, e2 2; nlntb, white Le!~horns. ' 786; tentb. white Wyandottles, 722. ele ve ntb, barred Plymouth Rocks. 71>5 : twelfth, while Wyandott:es, 746; tblrteentb. wb.l te La Bresse. 707; fourt eentb, Ho u· da.ns, 687; dfleelD th, wbl~e Legborns. 671: sbLe. nth, wblte Leghol'lls. 646; seventeenth. whl,te Leghorns, 625 ; elgbteent h, whltEI Wyaodoltes. 620; nineteenth, bulT PI~~ mollth Rocks, ij 9 ; tw llUe lb. P a rtridge Wyandottus. ' 52 3. The hlgb st nu mber of eggs laid duro Ing the 1Il0nlll o,r SelJ lember wns hy a pullet III tbe' fi rs t Plymout h Rock pen-viz.: 22. In fi ve months this IJlrd hns la id 130 eg~8 ,-Lolldon MI!-II.
wh e.r ~
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[J umor.
Ihron To !lw 11Ilunt at Ih e c rocodil e. That R. dend·gRme s p ort- Thl'odoro
. 8horl ar rIve In a littl e. while.
- P\u:\L
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Wi ll
r n th e IlII mbl col of the hlppopot· Amus · therr I " 'Irepes t g loom ; A nd th" beller hnlt or lho \tIll glrnrre
'WaUs loud n,t the Higns of doom; t ho n olHOIll brake lho constrictor
snake No longe r
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A re
a nd hol'l. ad of III
ruth leu
rlln rolet.
,\ l as tor t he n I1t anll t h!' I'l epiln 01 , ".' 11 0 gnll nnel the lJumhle he!)! And nills tor t he S LIm! lind II ' wh l. k e r(!d , gont. And Iha gnat on(\ lhe "h hnp ll nzc ~! .
deud Uc r ,I""lh lhan
W Il1 Inke ~a(' h l'PoIlM I
Ih Ir nrllivo,
11111'1 bird !
And 1.:lclr dyIng ya wp . will but s woll lhe cr op Of
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at a do URr - Wlllt A
word! In Puck.
~ ason .
'~ Mrs, D Quiz- Is your IIOIl doing we ll lu college? Mrs. De Whlz- Nn ; · be got • sprained ankle at f ootball and bas to study. Her Ability. " Do you think a woman can help lo e ngineer a universal suffrage mov& ment and bave time to attend to . her duties as a wife nod mother ?" ··Yes. My wife bas been belplng along a unlve t'Bal suffrage movement fOl' lhe past six weeks, looking after ber sick brothel'. tlolng tbe hous& work b cause It happens that we are una ble to get a. mold, carln" tor tbe cbildren aud-a.ncl-·' "And whal? " "Keeping wMch of me 80 strloUJ' that she'd know It Immediately . If I even politely picked up a bundle III the street for another woman."-chl· cago Record·Herald,
AIgy- l oan't make out what Is the matter with me. doctor. I can', Bleep. .have no appetite. ond. Doctor-Why ~on ' t you prC)[IOSIi t he gltl?
Brief, but ExprellBlvc. School Teacher-Johnny, I hear that yOU have two littl e twln 'slste rs at your hOllse tbls morning, Jobnny-Yes. rna'am: nnd we've got "ames for 'em, too. / Scbool teucber-Why, how nice! 3UPDOSC one of tbern if/. to be 'named ifler your m.amma: but wbat Is sbe going to cull the ·othel·? Jobnlly-No; , t her aln"t got girl '10mes. Pa cl\lIed' them "Thunder aud l.lghtnlng" as soon as he beard about them.-Judge,
Future Peril. TerrlOed Passengl)l' (on' ocea.n liner) -<Jallta!n, why II! lhe steamel' going ' 0 sl(lwly and uslng 'lts seal'cllllgl1t1 Oapluln-D0I1·t be alarmed, m:,td.a m; the ship Is In no dange l'. But In a ~og. like this ware always lik ely to run Into somebody's blooming old balloon To Keep fro.m Growing Old. mnke a , nasty mess of It.- OW'' Sl~ Peter-What .,a peerless ballut". M,any WOlDen b ~ conH' mldd'le aged Jago Tribune. . your daug)ller Is. Mrs. ·!lnlllon. from Ibe slmplc sen son that they al· Mrs. Bullion (from Olllcag6)-Yes, low mlddle·aged bs blt.s 10 stea l upon IT WAS TIME' HE LEARNED IT. poor cblld. StlfI'veerless. and' this Is them and re lapse In to a s lat o[ pllY8' the third s oason we'Ve brought ht''' Ical indolence just a t a time when ove r, t oo! th ey sbould tlgllt 'agalnst this ten· dency to give up xe rcillc, "The bCKt: . Her Weather Eye. Ill'eveltUves IIgruns t growin g n'llddle "I am arrald:' said E lsie lo ~er ,btp-' ng()d," says Il ollillrmlng woman of 45, ther Fred on t.helr father's yacht, "tbat 'whose unwl'lpkled ta co nnd sllm. llg uro this Is aD III ,vlnd ' tbat Is blow~g tor gl ve he l' lho a{J)learance of being at us." least 15 years Yl1 un ~e\' ttian be l' reul "Why?" asked Fred apprehensively•. a g . "arc cbeeri:ul,ness, a s trict de· for they had been unus uaUy naugbty. termination not to worry over trifles • "Because:' replied Elsie., solemnly. and a sense or bumor tha t save one· "I beard papa tell the ooptaln be from depression . A Goltl (ub very thougbt we we re gol))!!: to J!ave a morl1lng. a. ,,' alk e very 'clay la rain or spAnking breez e: ·~B!litl.mQrEl' Amerl. sunshIne, face mossage wllb cold can. ~ rellm at ni ght. II n mlnules' IlhY61ctl i e",erclsf,3 ',1mm edlately ,on ' risI ng. t rlc· Firat 8lgna. lion ot the hall' to stimUlate It.~ "WeU, my little gI'ri 'ls growing up. growth . will ke II ony woman ~frec I ~ll1n· t t:eaJlze It till this .mornlng." from wrhilll es ' and will preserve the ''' Wbat happened ? ,' ,. , contour of' he r figlH O. " "011. nothing. only I notlclld 'sll&'a wE)arlng a. yoilllg man'S signet ring oa '. . AClcuraoy: her fin ger, and anothllr YO'l Ith's 8011001"I waite d three 80lld liou rs for that pitl 011 her waist. The next thing J The lit erary quality , o~ tho ,Chinese Teader to get a l'ound' to m e," mind Is well IIluljtrate,i b r 0 s tory· In palm know she'll be Iceeiling UHf out· c4. "Well?" . ,. the Travel .Magazlne, All American. the parlol':':':-'Detrolt- Fr,e e ' ~re81! , ' " ~' He told m e I . dldll't' get on 'Ill life vlsillng In HOl1gl:[OI1 ~. desired to buy . son~e souve nir spoons. and with tbat because of my tendency to f'O ol away O,ODGIJl/G A ~OAN • . purposo In mind erne red' a je weler's .Ume." st.ore. . Prlvlleged Characte.~I . The selection mu,l e. he '\Tote UPOll Little NeJl- Aunty lObk me to tlie a piflee of palll I' th luscrlptlou ; matinee to--day, and all the IdIot asy· "Hongkollg. 1900,," to have the ~ aUle lum Inmates w re there. 'fbe manuger engraved ,o,u the ·bowl. All be J; ~a'rted sent tbem. free ' ticke ts. 'and nul tbem 'to leave the sitore, the Chlnamou ' eallotl htm back an'd ask ·1.I Cor a ' .Ie· all In oue part of Lhe. theaien In a whole lot of seats by themselVes. .. posit. Mamma-;Indeed? Aud bow dId' they , Tho ge ntleman ga ,Ie bltil 75 c.enl.s , , making ,a ~o.t e air til faot nn· the ·pa· \ct? U{Ue Nell-0h, just as If they hlUl per on which be hat! wrlUen the In· a. box.- N.· Y. 1:Vo'o1<I)', scrl pllon .' , . When )Ie cap~d for th .., spoon the Lad'iea Muat Not Read. ,n.e xt day It was Iinscriber! lu the bowl: It there's all~'tJi lng ~QrrleR ." • . "Hongltong. 1900" mi.ltl 75 . couts."-- It' a BOrn \!h lng aho (\ ligh t not to Itnow. fqu bet s ho ",III' lind, It Pllt somerouth's COmi>.l!.nll~n. . ho w If' Bb" !;elll, the lel\.8l k\nd 01 n ' IIllow. partner. :n Debt •• · W ",'0·1t wCoger ten cont8 In a !artbln. . "My tooth Is Ju: ,t 1t11l111j;' me," abe ThIs poem. "h~ hilI! already !'fa"; We km,," "he'd liet al It iIomflhuw. eo.m pIal n!!d,: If ~. l;,ad to al&l)d bn her hQad. "Wby don't . go tc. the dcntlsl - ',IUtl~. about It ,.. IlBll[et~ l.p" ,
' Rea.lly ~oncerned, .tearlng sometblng little frook Is developed In navy·blue had happened to th.e dog, Stanley hu r· serge, and Is a slight change' from the ried after him, losing consld('rable aallor suits. which are alw\lYs so be· time b~" mislaklllg the corner whl<.l) comins lo girls between six and fourhad been Loyal's vanishing polut, At teen: yet I~ bas i he same elrect lUI a .lost be tUfned the tight one and u ,w anilor suit. being .qulte as simple as At the s tops of her Jiome Kntherlne - n' picture! Ibat popular mod,eJ. . The blouse Is discovered tluit she bad a problem to A vlne-covered piazza of a. aeml:.cnlosUpped on over the bead, and the one· 60lve, tor her. four·footed escprt ap· nlal hOlise. ~ girl In a tan-colo.l'ed dress piece plaited skirt Is joined to an un· peared astonished at her lilho'1pltahle seatel! in a huge lounging cbah', II'Qd der walst having a sbleld facing. which hesitation, and strongly, lndl(,.II.ted his a tawny ' colored Saint Bernard, wlt b In tWa case Is of · crimson broad· delSlre to entfi\r, showing by many h)s Ilaws on the arm. 'or the 'chair and cloth. The 81~eve8 aro. gatbenld Into s igns' JlllJ natural stubbornnells, ' eVBII ,his face very .lIear the girl's. wblle his tbtl armholes and plal(od . Into cuft lifting up his voice to emphasize .It, ' tall was 'animated by tho mOlt Joyful deplh 'at tbe wrlilts. and the, buttOns "Perhaps." ~ whls~ered . KatPertne,emotions. · '" wblch fal'lten the blouse on the shoul· · ..·y'!u ' are a 10B~ ~O!!." and tor the , fh:~t Bui,el'laUve wrath . took · pos8e.s ~jon deI'S and the clievron 4lmbrold!lred on Ume she thought of bls collar. Dend· or the IIstonlshed Welllngcamp. ,whose the rIght ' sleeve are wprk,ed. In tbe tng lJhe rElad: "Loyal, 29 West .- - sbarp whls~le of recall' startled Loyal lIame color. ': An odd little pocllet st\',ee~" " Tlie\ ad~r!l8s given' was ao·· and brougbt Katherine to htlr teet. Jltt'tched with red ornaments ille hift Dear. 1l~ ' that .after, s9me debate with 'LaYI~g 'a hlood on LoYI!-1's cdllar. she' side of the y,oke facing. ' The pattern ber IIicllnaUon.· ;sbe deolded to . leave called,: , Is In dve slzes-slx to fourteen yeal·s. him , ou,tsldo and w.a tcb wliether " he ' " "Please CO·tlll). here a momeot," For a gIrl. of ten years the dress I'e. went In tbe right dtr.~ctlC?~. Th,ls' he As . lie apflellred , reluctant, she ... qulre's six yards of material 27 Inche.8 did. b!J~ , not· until an hour's ' peated ; , . wide: 41,2 Yards 36 Inches wide. 01' 4% W~llIbg bad satisfied bl. "Please' ..come,': yards 42 Inches wlde. " At. the first ,stgn or ··embawl.s6ment To prqoure .thls pattern send to' (lente .new frIend waa:'capable on ':her 11art bls audden aqgry , deter. to ':P\lttorh D epnrpnnnt." of· thIs papQr. , hig ·.. hl~; ttiat. a~e ' ~~ Write nllme anil tUldros8 plaInly. and be " tor'lh ogaln •. nor ,was he mlnBtlon meltei]. ' . ' surO' t() give. alzo and nU'mber ot pattern'. . Expiilnatlons were exchanged and' ronow her Inside. . .' . BCatcely a m,o mJng p!,-s.sell W~lllngCamp carioeled his' 8r1'qng9; NO. 2642. SIZE .. , ............ .. Ins: ~Imself frc;>m. tl!e companr Qf lils ments . for rooms at Pocono,' re main. mastor·"Bnd Jill ,masler's famUy.:he,dld 'a t the placo cbosen I>y Loyal: NAMPl. , .. ....... , .. ' ...... , . ... ... : .......... " not ma.lte I!n a£tenipt. w.1~ 'onlY' 00· day bofore his ' vacallon enlled . and . Welllngcamp bad cal'lpntll 'succes,,; tCl .v lslt 'KaUl\lrlne. !l'O'YN . , ......... ............... .... : ... .....,. 'Yh ~ he was ' not I~lad.e welcome be' 'atroUi!d . to ." 'shady glen near by. STREET AND NO" : ....... , . . .. ,, ... ... 8~J;Iled (0, Teall.e, tliat tbere was:. . Stanley pulled from 1\111 vest pocket . gOOd ., reason for I.t all~ went (1W~y a amall pl4!!ce ot I;row.n .clofh, and after STATJ!l ...... ... :..;" '~ ., . ; ., .. ,.. .......... .. .. che8rfull~.. . . ' , . flllgaring It ' careB~ln,ly, handed It · to !.jate 0l1 e" artern90n. on a 'cold .aDd w.hQ exclal'me!l: Inftuence of the Tllaoher. \'\'Ind~ day, Katllerl~e wall returnlf!.8 pieCe LOy&! tore from ", NO.' eeJncatl~nal . Iyalem" how~ver ~oine. DoWu the aenue cllrile. a frlgbt~ d~8af·· ," carefully dr,!fted, can t"ke tbe place , thed hone, madly 'p'l1tDgln&' troni aide Stanley' .miled, &11'" Loya, wakene4 of the myriad obBer;vatton and t~e en' 1,1)'a14e In a ·.ua,Jeu endeavqr to escape from a lonl nap. ·but "either bll mn. IIchtened care of tbe Indlvdual teMb. ,. .... , t1!'I.. m'" ot Yebicle.. A tiny elalld ter ,nOl'oKat\e~D'~ Dotteed hlm. ~ . ' er. . TlIeJ'e are not olle ,but ten tbolJo broke from bla liurse'a . ha~d &114 "You wrtJ . ne'l'er' !mow hoW' mucb ..nd w~ya to the IIgM. but ooly, tbe !lodCed h!a wa)' to the middle ot I h&t~ }'ou when tbla w. all [bad .broad.mlnded tlilacher can aeJect whlob iJreeL . . . ot )'on, ancs' 1 did . not . tuow ~ur, at the 10..000 wala I. the best for thJl "Be~.u&e," .' Katherine I'1IIhe4 for lh. cblld. A name!'" Then StaD1.,. took the hand or that parUcuJar bo7.~Manch~te' noney," bliP 7ellow II.,. pluupel throngh the that · held the . bit of .clqth '. and apoa' OllaTdlan, . "YOll and J erowd of peel..trlQlJ anel _heel to of . , tblnll tbaD bN. .\IlI.d be. the of the 1Ir1, . her froid 1.01&1 08lIl8 time 1 the at UFO
I Cjood Jokes
~.~~U~Hi~~ • •' fi.u~~ ~uNull-.~~~:N~~Il~~,()~rl::':,, : ~ : ~ , : , : , . h Can You Th· k . Look Over This j.I
S h wa r t z ' s WaynesvU. Ie . . C
~ OhIO
f a more pl pa -'
gift than an
'-- _ _ n_
Edl'SOn I Ph on 0 g rap h I, I
__ ___
\)1 , iu til! rry Buwl w it,lI Ii l] e
Il ioc ll es w i\IFl I intlht! , loug fol' hl) I\110g :l p i t.nreM g ilt ftllUlO
$1 00 se t
nell ~ I to rIIme white IIIIiL IlMBor sllbjeots ,
'" doll" Luul s' flln .Y t\ U1 tW f ill· r cd liliU llI(tlrohiefs ::11111111111' I . iZ6. i n f/luoy I.ox
48 C each
78c ~ d OZ.
J '\ '
• In .
t(· I I
(7JF,), "lmr oit~t ct bY ."U fr.olll hriHtmll S day on through . out tilt! yelir liUd. in ot,ber yanrs. ~ A gift tha.t will brigh te n the '. Ohri!ltmlll! with son gs. mURlo a.nd
thnt will silorten the
~ ~~:!~!!~ y~~~:OD~~D~~ b!!~~:.
In Amb r or T rtoi e
ville, eto. by 'solhe of the world's gre6.lest tlrtists in t,h eir respect-
ive Il'ne8.
Belt Pins
Ia .
gOiD Ilt,
67C each Xmas B00 klets
And decide on
'l.'11e late t Ilnd mo. t bell uMfnl clesigns no two' nllke , A hur·
hink . It ever
Edison . Phonograph
5 , 10F nnd endllr pttd
Prices, $12,',50,
fin{~h .
$35·00and $55.00
t "5
Ne w Nuts
Walnu ts. P cans: Bl'aziI:, AI · monds. Mix ed li b;, P :Itlul s , Co 'onniJ t.-.;, 'ht'slllui s.
I Ib pkgs. Pull d Fig: . Pkg
. Da ell. Bulk Oat Fancy Silver Prunes, Dried Peaches Driet! Apricots, Raisins, Pruncs, C~lrrants. .
I, jji
~ . ! ~
~ II i!i
"~ancy Ca~ned Peaches, ' rllncy Canned Apricot s Pickles, Oli ~es, Sauces.
BAL 1'1~10RE OYS-.
,TERS--Solid Oyslers, No Waler. None Better. Let u!; have your Xmas order.
Extra FancyCranberrles-- Fancv Golden Heart Celer, Green & Grecn',s CClebra:tei Crackers. fresh three times a wcek·
I ~~~iEi~N~Y~ I 8a::n::'~:~on~ ~
Specia l
N oth fng extravagantly
\\' 1\ II
.Prlces to Schools
H /\
By, the ,box or a lUaU y boxes as you want. 'rhe quality .of the fruit IS good and ,will give th e best of ·satisfaction. The lowest pric~ by tlte box. ,B'I th e dozen 12- 1R- 20-25 & SOc.
An Injersoll
for a bo)' or girl or ill in the Hardware I.ine. Here anybod v. t h e n ea t,llttle midget ~ we have them all nlcel y dlspla 'led wRtch I!l Dl,ckle or plated caSE\ ~ Rnd you will find it but li ttle with a ntckl e o'r gold pll\ted cha in trouble t o se lect either .a Pocket guaranteed for a yea r and if takeo K nife, Skates" Sad Iron s , Si lver care of , wi!l'Iast 10 ye~[s, all for ! ~ ' Kn iv~t" and Furks. Tea alld 'rabl e ot: ,00 'u~ to *2.00. , .... . Spoon's, ' ,Meat Grindo~s, I{ard C \.ndies., , Presses, Laoterus, Cobl;!1ers 0 ut· :iits; Boy's A ;xes, T~o"Boxes, Ca r~ This ha., ~LwilYs bee n one of , pet Sweepe~s"Was.h ,illg MachInes, our hobbies, and with OUI' heauy Clothes Racks, and Wringers, p urc hases we can m e,e t kiQd · 1ronl~g Bo~rds a,nd Wash B!!n- of competition. ' T he g-oods are ,here, the quali ty is A 1, th e price :cbes, ,etr,. . [rom 7c to .Oc a lb. Fanoy Choc.
Tinw., Department. ,
ol!l.te Dr.ops in 5 lb. b()ees at 12 }~ c • ' ~
.J ust· step to ~he ' cent.e r of Qur store-Nlckle Plated ' Coffee and 'l'ea Pots; Tea, Kettle~, . C uspidors, Granite ware io eve ry ki tc hen utensil, Copper and ,Brass Kettles, Wash Boilers, and 'rubs, Oil and G asoline Cans. Egg Beaters, F ruit Presses, el
,'A Merry ' b\tj.t~f\., s.
Everythiug' rigl1tbelG~e YOIJ. ~ lb .
11\ the r.r of the store you will find a '
' . Th'a t·s our very best wish fer YOU' e.1I.
W. Wkiie.
Satsuma ,vases at \l8c. $2 .:1.9. $<1.98. . ' Nut Bowls 390, 590 and IJ 0 t:ups tLnd Sll uo ertl, those deJl,cate oue8 ftt250 Bnd ilne. Sallid Dishes at 250 to $200. Tell sets, Oream "t.ipd Sugar Ret,t1 ond .1\, vllrlety ,of u seful presents. .
Ormula Jewef , Boxes Ju t a few left at 980 o.nd $2. 9 .
Ormula Clocks
, 'I'b~ ,flue8~ hne ~f OUt Olooh Aver shown in War'ren 0 0 : nt , $1 4.D, $1.Ii '. 12 25 Bnd $2. 1l~. 'faKe n look ~t thel3e.
Special Niokle Alarm Clo(,kIl 7Ilo jUti~ like others sell at $1 00.
~~AD THEl~ .. AD . Re~d the ad of L. & M. Hymnn./
nice display 01 Fancy Bas~ets, Xenill., who are ,offerlng .a line of Clothes B.lketll, Chlldren's Ir~tl 100<1& u.t prices,that are sur~ to take. Slede, ' BlaCkboardS'j GIve tliem'a call wbile sbopping in Wal(On8, Doll Carrl.,ets for 25c to $1.00, Xenia • _ ..._ __ :~lldl~eD'. Brooms, e1C. So walk Bom Tuellda1 momtDgcollzo. aDd see them all. lira. Wm. Beckett. a bil ~. ."'~.~"~aJ
~' II\(I " I'
p''' " H r ,,-
Willi I'
\\'u ,l' ""
to I,t ·nt- A. guo~ 0 :-· W ANTJilD gan. InqulI'e at thl. olti'e ButYUrpill )! ttll'l H n r pol S\ OME I~t" I,ric,' . MrfO. E. IId"wllrth, W"yJll'I:l9111. Ohio !hI
" llI t,1I
H. 1.: . 3_
,:-:Q "\{~: "::If·· n~ l,,n 1\
,T il Will Ii 7(1
t,(hlt·. ' j!(1od h lfJlllra (II 111i . of1l(t.. .
hnrl H of 1\l1 Ohio oqlll r~\,iull 811 ll t.o n Ali I b~ pll rohliller fl 'AR of tllX . tnqnirtl li t tIlls f-
II e .
" V' I' 2~1 .V AII1'Iinf(1I !lnc l lIe VM6,1 I g " nrl !I"rl lI~ (,Illv ~, 1111 Il" " I b"I 'll [uqulrfJ ,If F. H 'hl' llIk I,
th l ... Ht H it l uJ hlbt1 r t t"n .. I t\"'t'! li ne
A ,Nice L,ine of
Candy " W
110ndle Unuerwood's P ure Oo,odies . NothiDA else. H you want good pure oundy come und !:lee us • . If YlJU want 1.00 ollOdy !-to and see ·the other merobnnt, VIa dou't He ll that kind. HI)6 '
oilll pl,'lOeS to ~\lJlduy twd SobooJs , "
~obool 8
Useful Presents ,
F lunnelll, Flaonelettel'l. Ollli· coe~, qingbnm~t. Cr ftsb,Towels,
Box Paper':' 'A ni oe lot of Xma~ ,paper at. ~Oo pel' bol".
100 t,o ,
Dress' Goods, .Notion!!, ~hoes, Felt Boots, Rnbb~r We bav,e nn' el egant new line Boot", a Qordnroy Coat., Vast, of Smyrna, "Axmlnster :!lnd or pllir of 'rrousers.a nice Dres':! Shirt, Work Shi rt, Overll,lIs, 'Velvet Rugs ut Il;2fi to $4.\JH , ' .lackat and lots of other u sefu l , 'rbel:le make daDdy llresents.. ILrtlclea. Ask to lIee them. c )vershoe8,
We give aw~y ,nice , pr.e$~nti for cagh trade. "Come and see' our assortment. Yours for a Merry ·X m.s,
y;4hu r l! . ()hto, Ph
:12 ' U I~L 'blonded . \ fWnt1 fllhll,ul RonfltArs for 1'111 Ii'. III I ulre of Mra. J.!:; 'i'hor 1'- D. R D • .t.
Japanese China
tha tl
I) :-: ,\'1'( ' 1It:I,. wil lt I'l l( \ll'l ' IIII II ~ till III·qd .. , ~" IJI wlltlr III',
~ I't\t ...
Christmaa Presents
IItl l ' ,, ('
,IH ll l/H.lft'
A . hl'll'k III U plt ll flr u II Iviurn ll e, )Id ..
ScbwaJttz'si :t':'h~~~:i. OCl OU';" "" W V~ESVILLE, OHIO. I I ZIMMfRM~N S I
Lacquered lHove" Jewel and Ho ndkerohlef Boxes.
I wit ' nt'tl
u~l n l·
tw' .... 11 YlIl1h,., ,, 'I' Ul' t 1\1111 \\I'lIvni'..I ville. F l lldt r It II ~" lit thtl ~fl 'I.Atr, · tlm t:e , IIl1tl I' 'a i ,vu I'll \Y ' II' d BIiJ . : Lli: I\) , It, white w itlt
re all y there w~' en YOIl 8te p tn. ,~ Side. Our old friends ay w e ' have t he (lli ce t display ,tn the~. tuwn, w e don't more than hal f ~ believe them, but dOH't r torget to .lI. come and lIee anyway. ...
l \\' ot1 l V-,h' f1 L;l'n l :- fll r Ih r('
as vou e nter you will see really i beautlilll Ch ina Plates, .IIPS a nd
Florida Ora.nges
Classified Ads ... ..........
Ad s \\ Itl lw
~ but rigbt In front and on th ~ left
- - - - - . . . . ; - - - - - , . . . . - - - Saueer·. N:appies and Salads, Pretty little "Salt and Peppers, Holida.y Good•• The very latest and l1eWI! t' 'Fru it Dishes ~ nd Bread and But· things in this !ine 18 what 'Y ou ter Flatee, Imitation ' Cut Giass want and are leoking for. Yo~'ll Nappies and FrUIt Saucers, all find them ri«l~ here. Our stock at the lowest :pnces. Don ' t for . , 1S the most complete to j)e found get to come and see them Ilt least. and you are kindly InIn Tov La.nd, ' vited to ca~l early and ohen. You will you !I,re
.1 ."" "''' •
Fan y layel' Figs . . ~ala Ii'igs in
1'11\\ fltl lli1 lJ l I !I f! .1 (II :;il' lI to ex te llu r,illlnk !:l I f) , ... I~ ltl\' fH '1lnil fdl [\t1 ~ 1'0 1' ~ YlIIl'lIl l1y :11 111 II H1 J llrlu K II '1 ' III ~ t 1 1\ " P tH! •
GRAPES Fancy Mal:lg a Gl'llpeH, onl y In ' a pou,nd ,
" l lh II "'"11 1 'w ll ..
lI fl l' ~I () k nl il ili.
Be llflower .
1,· \' " ,I
tit """
i lug
Baldwi(ls. Rus.'pt: . (ire nillgs.
\\,h ll , ' It " r " nIl'. rlll g III It " .. IIl ~ t i l ll\"s ~ \\, '1" 1111111 , ,,, - , htl ' tl i l ' 1\11 Wltlt , '111'1,,1 1,,11 " "d l ll ' UII III nUll!.
Fancy large F.ating Ap\)l es, Killg
\Il " lIll t ' ~ t\lI~
r"resh 1 O<\stltd Peanuts. 11),0 a Ih.
NUTS of all kil1d~-- ElIgliHh
"p"'n .
CKina fA GI&'
Wi,l1 Whlte's
' ' k et Letter. Mar
Sw > 'L, Fl urida Orang-its. They wer e n v \' fin er, 12.· H t1m:en
!:lox 'anui s. Hur·
ORANGES 0 " , c,
JI ___,__IHIRR_aRn__ a.~~l§a_~_a_~ . ' Weekly .
U ~I ' P () l ~ · .
~ .
___ n _
~ ,
CI clll,
Sc each
$2 . 5.00,
'1 IScbwaittz'S ,
1,~ elloh.
ki nds allO' a lound . h oc~lhnc ,
Hand Mirrors Christmas Calendars Christmas Cartls ' Belt Buckles Nut Picks amI Crackers Tinsel for Trees Xmas Tree dmamcnls Crumb Trays Harps ' Blocks and GUllies Ch ildren's Bunks Holly W reaths (jmitutioll ) Xnl"s .. Bell (red .." l1d '"O'rccn ) Dessert Dishes . Oatmeal Dishes Berry Sels
33c each
Men's Poel cl Buul,s Post Curl! Albull1s Snliul Oi 'lIes I~read 11lattcrs.' p·'l".tllrc.~ .. ~ Picture F(uIlICS Children' s WrilinK Dcsh s Cloth Hrushes l3acl< <':OIl1US
Shavinj! Mugl'
Agoocht,r on l:{, l\i g l' Bfl kColll b
Hundkerchiefs Glove Boxes Handkerchief Boxc. Shu iflg Sets Sewing Sets Clocks
Me,rry Widow ' Back Combs
pper fini h . b nulUnl rill. i gT1!l reut d e!lij{ lI f!
$2 • 50 each .
~ IIJng winter evenings 'by rfll?ro-
Books forOil'l.s Bool s for Boys . Books Cop)'righ!l'd Hair Brushes Toilct <.:ascs Coll ar a nd curr B(lxcs
Perfume Mirrors
·1 ditf
~, stories f i A gift
CIoe k s
/\' 111111
11II' !l f
I Shavi nK Brushc' Uox Writing I>UI}l'r Ladies' Hand BaitS
bllckg r ll\llld
35e each
.Wl't di s hos de 0 1'11 tllCl witb rUlIes 0 0 hrOlyn '"11'1 ~ rt' n ~hlld.1(1
l"?~~ l\Il ,
It \ ill help yo u to decide ,on whnlto buy,
KH' p la ,\IIS 'H'IIWI II , 1I111.1~1\ JIll/n IIlH l 1,:lIzullll,\I r-. ..·I1 I I1'II ·, i!6 \ 'Lt' hrkdul u. I·ll rl( UII 1J" lIel "I'i \\111'; h"l' lI ;jIll , 1I11/lIt,h , :!utb ti ' l Y I X:It I. ill whwh IIlInTl' ill\'l1tl1 t () rlllllf'ltll\l ui \i tl 12th, InontlJ ; \It,b tlIlY,IIIU:-, tr y the ir Idll III til uirds II ~1l(1 i ' y( 11I'!', k I1 " Hl ~,h '" Ii OIl I 1111 ' ~ ' b ~ 1\'11 11111 ('I'lnrl \11 IIr l.\' lif,' I,.) ~ \ -[)lInwl IIrllgll Ll. '1\ , t,hi .. union '. ' ,- - - - - - - - - - - wllrt) IJ' Jr n l'I f''''''U nhihln' ll. S lit! \101 :; ul' \' ll' tld hy 11 "41 dlild l' lIl1 11 1111 1w., tll ;:l p l''; , til 11"11 11' 11 I 1I. It ',.;:, II ; t~ lcilld ~ IHI,l Illr" l: tl u ll ld ,.1 Illllr,h ' \I' 11 1111 :;\lII,ul' . III l' lIl'ly 11ft! "It u U /!lIll1tlll rtl tl lJl Ch ri stmas Cand i es It r " f' l'ItA \.j e lh,jl'lI~I, ,I!1l'i~coplIl ' The la rg est. as.-iorlm(lnt v l' e1Jnroli . H f' I" ~ \\,,,>1 H qui t \If , B \ ' shown in town- ~O difTer n t
Berry Set
· t ure Fra me .' I P Ie
J.' Ki· . l bon
"M..·_t'Wt• •~.."U..·_~ "'''''~''M''''~''
in A
. W HOLE NUMBER 211911
"' -
/ POllllllltlO[l ; now hilI' nn e hundred "l!c~*****,*,~'3!c'J!c,*,*,* 'J!c?tc**,*,*,**,***~ 1 Spring Branch. d ian!! L!ld. dnd I s growing !Ill the.,8,.. . ~ . .. .~. Mr. and Mrs, N ell ·N'Ixon, of Leb · lCditQr MtBIIl' UU.Y, ... l totl :- Bp,ln g i~- tirnll. Wi t h fe((llrds to lnqulrl?g anon , and Elder W. L. Lines, of Lat e~esll'd In your " Former . Resl. fri en ds li t Wllvn es ville, 1 remalD , fon tain, I nd .. wer e en tertllined by Your", ' 1.c Mr. Rud Mrs. 'harlet! Rye Bliturdenl,It" column. Iln d h .. vinf.( myself been one of the number, I th9ught a ilrry F. ()ampbell. """ r~n day nigh t . . ' perbllps lin t tem f ellltling to " tlllllilJ + Mr. nnd Mrs. J oshua Chenoweth . Ii ' d I w CHRISTMAS FESTIVALS 'JI: and dllugh ter Ethel were Su nday who at Olll! I·lme ve n a.yu....! . guests of hi s'brotber W Q 0.beno. -v Ille. Imt who noW rellldtli u lui ll nil.' , On acco uilt of various r eports that have been sent broad~ weth and' wiftl . • .; ' . -' . I iii. R u n H might be of IDtt;"f'8t, lo your oldl l' cast ove r Warren county from ~banon bY'some persons as to ' Mr. E rneHt Daki n W IIS oalled to Ol08S of J'ahd erb'. 'I'ha M. E. Sabbtlth t3chooJ beld its the large amount of contagious diseases in and a round Leba- .fJfc the bedSide of .his siok little 80n 1 refer to tbe llimlly uf AlirOD /tunual t:bristmRI! eotnr tainment non. our Board of Health was compelled to pass 1.1. resolution Russel on Sunday night Detlr Cen· Barnhnt wbo WUII 11 resident 01 dqnd~y evening. Deoember 20. in a form of caution, for the people to 'be careful. terville. Woyne8vllle vlonl; iu Ibtl fur tl t'l!I llnr) 'fhe ohuroh Willi beautilul In its : ] regret very much, to call oft'my ,annual Christmas treat : M88!!rIl. Guy Ch.enowetb ao~ "'60 '1 t deoorl1t1un of pine, tinsel t&nd bella . . Charhe La6y visi ted the former I! left there " b oot, 10 , com ns a . to the children of Warren county. And I further regret that unoJe Josepb Cben owet h of near elAstern 10wu. lIo d ~ few Yl'urs l/lte, 1'h~ rrogl' ~DI, ~ ~UijlOal h servloe, politics in the town of Lebanon, become 80 low that even 'Jl' Vi1UI1~1! Chapel . 10 08ka100Sll , wh f' lt! b tl 11/1 1' I!iocp v,l'IlS WP. I reD e~e y a 0 or us 01.... t he pleasures of innocent children should be trampled in the ""'" Misses Alice Chen owet h aod Ber. Wildt! \Ji ll h OD.ltt. fle WIll! II ~bt1erun - abuu $ thirty vOioes under the leader• ..,' mud and taken from them, becauae sor,a headed politition !lets .+. tha Smith entertained Elder N. L . ker by tHlde IIIld hud 1\ !lhvp on' tbl s hIV of Rev. QII1I1~nd . ~'be musical 01+ it into his head that he canno t get any real benefit from it. fJfc Lines, Mr. and Mr8. Cha rlee Rye corner lIe~r wb t"'r e' Iha HRlllmell ullmberll were iuterspersed by lIongs It has only been a short time ago that protests and affi. and Air. find M1Is, N,ell Nixon, of Bouse w8111uolltt'd. H bas tdlnwec. and .recitatton!!, wtlil . delivered by ~ davits were sent to the Postoffice' D4~partment, against my Lebllnon , t p Sunday dlDne~. membeu 'o t tbe P.rlmary Depart- .!.01.. J.. . • Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dakin had IlS d I tbe bU81nel!a R I tbeae ,ye_r". un 11' ~"" treating the children at the postolflee We then moved to the '0li0' tbelr guesti at SundBY dinner, Eli our h,~t intervi €I'lli Wftl! 8 1111"Jlt'Kl:ln~ m.? nt. . opera house but thisye.a r eveJ,l the opera hou8e will not ·do. King, A be Dakin and Walter Daki n, fbI! treat, one of the best ~'ven The ~ontalrious disease racket has been worked in various ·and Mrs . WI"tur Dakin io the afteraway" just AS he 41id tl halt oeotur) ago. B e blls .nevel· Ofl.OO g lll814e~ It for II 100g time Was dl8trlbul.ed by places over the county,and we feel. rathertha'n.take any chanco noon. . DOW in bls el.:hf,J·-fou rln V ar. aDO ~l1e ~eaoher(l. es on spreadiog disease, if thet-e i s any, we will ·call off our en. fJfc Mel! f'8 Oharlle L!loy and Guy trom all 'IlPPt'UTli~Ct'1i wili -ltu :1 b. I Tile ~~ogi~m ~U8 OIO~~:tab~ ,,;e tertainment, and will ship our treat to the Salvation Army, of ~~~=a~8i!o;!~ed~::3~:. guests of n p, Dayton Knowuig the children of Warren county as I do, I '. _ " savlng 1'0188" ~b e u bit rtlBohe . the cO u un "'1. I! 0 oru c~ntury mllrk. · auc1U, would in. Ye l:!oldle1'8.... r feel that I will have their h~rtY" appro"al of sending their +}o Orego"la. 'eresting to know lila numoor 0) • treat to the pOor children of Dayton. I 'wish not only the chllPerry 8teddom, o. f Oklahoma, is perl\Olls wbo ha.~e beoome "well ORIll8TLUI OHUROR . dren this county all a Merry' C , hristmas, but every bod y' vi8iting bis pareote bere dorlng the bee.ed" tbrough bls t\ft'ort... 81tOhrlstmas testlvl"e8 wero obgood and bad. . W. H. ANTRAM h-olldays. ' . Mr, aod Mfa . H. E. Wil801!l attend. wife now In ber eighty tllir4J yenr, i , served Ilt tbe Christian obu~ob last
Former Residents' •
''J*!c' '*'
Santa Claus Antram s Letter to Ch-ld th e l 0 f the e' ounty.' .
I Sooiety
'J!c 'J!c
'*' *''**' .
i i
' * ' ************* "***'*''*''*''**'*'**
•• ,,~ ," ","9
.'N" •• I
Column.... I
We wau l lo m.. ke lhls IlOlumn of lhe (Ju•.elW" IlIaJ lng r.,,,ture· ~hls wlnler... nd a~ lr our Crle nda LO send In 80cieLy e v~nl 9.
. Mrs. Wm. Hoblit oelebrated her birtbday anniversary on tbe eight. eenth, by. se&:ving a bouutlfnl dinner to Mr. au~ Mrs. J. 0, Btlwke, Mr. and Mrs. Moot. BobUt, Mt: . • nd Mrs. S. Lev. CMtwright, Mr. . and MrS. H. Morray and Mig Emma ~ltrtwtigh~. All eojoyed ,he de· ligbt.ful day witb the warm beartied host and hOllte811. About forty friends aDd rel.tlvee 8urpri!!ed Mrs. Dr. Hvatt 00 her birthd&y with a poatal Ihower, foJ. lowing in th." evenlog in perllO~ aDIi reminding bel' thAt sbe w •• not for. gotten . .
Wayneavllle and tbe eurrooDdtDlr. oountry hitS lIome good tbota, ~4 the matche8 'bat are akiD, ,plaQe now are very Interenlo8 to 'he sbooters and tbeir fdenda. Tbe following loorea show very good~oo& eel 'the wedding st Misl Pearl Banta ing for tbe firat time: · at 'Lebanon 8&turday nlltht. Dll1118 Edn", ~~enoer. or the 'U nlversityof Cloolnnati, Is home for a FIRlJr EVENT fortnigbt's· Vacation. MI';' Rebe Holbrook, of LebanoDJ 1 2 S , G 878 t 10 spent t;uoday with Da"ld MasOD and WYSOOR, P ...... O100 0. 00 0.0 G-1 family. WIlUlUJl80n E 101110110. 0-0 Will Myer/il .Ieaves Tueeday fo.~ 8neathen, L .:.11 0 0100.00 1-& Contloenta1,wlierebebasapoeltlon. G 10110000' 0 The sohqole here wlll give an en . Thom~onl·" . ter&'lomen' Tbursday Jllght. I White, U .........1. 000 1 (I 000 • - •. Thompaop. 3 ...000 I) 0 1 0 0 Q G-J. New Burllulton. Bn.tbeo, G .. .. l11,,111 000 '1-7 A tJ. Blair IUld ohlldren h/l,~egone COOk, K .......... O 1 0 111 0 .1 0-0 to Chicago .to speDd tha holidays '1'Ilomu, J ..... .. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0- ~ with relaUves thete. . WYlIQug, A ......O0 0000 1l.1. 1-" l4n: Wm , lceDhower apeat U1e pallt two weeks with lier huaban4 SEOOND EVENT In Wae"lngto~ C. B. Botb,ohuroh8l! l ' 8 , 5 e 7 S'D1'0 I ' t'" will U Ehave Chrll.. Ch I t mas exero see, ~e w. . on r e Tbomas J .. ,.... O 011110'11 1-7 Dl8II eve ao~ tbe Friends on Christ. • , maa ulaht. \ Opp, ............... 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 ~ 1-" ·W~. Hawkin , s baa been luif.,erlng Baho, ............. O 111 0 1 000 i-I w.tb a gathered hip, 80eotben, J;~.'..l1 00 11 too :::: 'rhe U. .E. .Soclety and friendS of :r'bOmpaoD, u ...O 0 0.11. 1 010 of Roy JOD~ veri pleaaantly sor· W,eODS, A... ~ ..O 1 U·O11 00 0 ~ . pra.ecl blm 00 Wednesday night. Rolen, T ..... , ..O.l 0 1 00000 .....,. MI8S Sarab Bradford at~nded.~e 8neathen; G .... 1111 0 -1001 O-e funeral of & relatlve · ~tIar ~ut\l WIlJIa 100 E 1 1 1 1 0 0 11 0 1 7 Ctlarle8toA'tbeforepart oflallt week. . ~ ~ , . ' • '7 The·U. E held a 8pectal Obrititm.. Nott, .......... ....1 ,100. 00010 1--' aervlO? on Sund~y evening, . Dakin, ~ ...... ..1 t 0 '0 1 0 ~ 0 0 o-a
well, bl11e and hellrty. A very eJl joy. ~UJlI1IlY. AfI-er the Itooy of , tbe able 000881 'n N lti! the oe lebrlltlim &1 Ohrhttm~ ' 11l88on, a 8hor~ program ' the bome of tbis·· wonby Coollie 01 ,WIUI render,ed by tbe 9h~ldren • . Tbe t)Je sjdiel~ IInoivenml"Y ' !,f t belt palrts were we.!!' s.ven, and at· the .. PBRSONAL MENTION. rs. iMolUe Edwards, of Dayton, marriage wbloh occur. ad Novembel olOt\e of the lervioe .. treat WIUI dis. '" BII 'b~ gUMt of her BOn, O. J .' Ed 30, 184~ . · it. goodly .number of '.beh tributed to tbe .obolan. . Wltfc!1 and f a-mily last Batnrday and Joe 'l'ho~.on was in CiDoinnRtl Suliday. friend8 aud relatives gathered with •- • Monday . '! fal the fam,)y to enloy . the festlvltie. FOR CHARITY'S SAKE . 00. go to John Funkey's and I1Dd extend congra'uillt.ioni. Thl . M.·s. W.B.AlleDwIU, · ln Dayton loa at1me N'eok&le dlaplIlY. · .family now ooDltlstIJ o f nioe ohlJdrer An entenaiament will be given at Tueeday, .. ",0 buodr~ alr8Ct from 'tbe ChloalIvln;, twenty-flv~ ~r~nc1Qbl1dreD tbe l!Chpol bill tblll evenlnl for the Curt. Blae), was In. Dayton 1"", go .faotory • . Ob, what a lovel7 and two grelit.gruDdoblldren. purpoee ~t , ~tVing the poor be~e I Tboraday. . ~ tilil!1ae Pf8lenUor 'be lon, fpl' While 'be Ions life of 'f.his Rged pleallltntCbrlBtmaa, The eater"io· Mrll. A. T. Wright'spent MondaY ,tbe uaiJ&nd and the' yonng 1""..,'8 couple hall been one of toil 'I,n d .hOo meD' I!! 10 ~h~rge of MilS Ella Keys lD Day&on. lo-v." eat endeavor. It ba8 ne'VertlieleSf anda,ood,progr,llm wlU be rendered. Ballett Dakin II apendlog tbe hoi • -. beenftlled ;witli dO~6iItlo happlne811 'J.·he oIJ1l4ren are eellla" ttoke&lt ..' Id~:ya in ,IIorrow. CADILLAC DEMONSTRATION and contentment. i)Ql'lnssbe_rl)' 'henomdl~ajlpri~hloll0oen"·i Oome M;:" E. ';.Ba~bartwa.....J)ayton ~. '. , yeara of sbalr wedded lire tbeyen ..,ut IlD ",D oy • 8 entfl.-k nmenfi; ' . • 1 Tb ad Mr. ' . 'B: ' Sbe&&Mly, of Middlednred tbe bardablps ~nd pri'vatlonlo Following i8 the. nrogrl1m: . visitor list or ay. ' wwn, droye to WayneavlUe on f' I ~ btl H .Mr. <'l.renoe 811,e "",e . a Da.1mn Toeed ..... ., aooom . IVt.nl8d bv a ..... rh. o~~ of pioneer Jife wheo railroads were Pi IlllO;o 0, ..y IlW ke 01 01 ..:- -3' "b I Pta ' visitor \as, Satorday. frie~ds, An a Dew ' rc.. .. lll~" aO.-.8nd an unknown quaotity Bod tile, 8tage " r 8Lma8 y, '"""" ""'... Miss Katberiae AleE8nder wlte io made eeveral demo08traiion8 of .. A Bome.Made santa <.llao8. " n 00600 thetO.U1Y mel_D: ot ~UbUO OOB • Piano Duut , Rotb Sartl!OOk Dayton Illit ThursdaY l ' . thl!! excellent car. It i8 aertalnly a r .;:!;~':ve °u:: ; : wI::e::. wo:~ and; ROlb Zlmmerma~ . Wal~r KUbaD was a OO810els viI , d!\lsy cal'. and the run was made derful attVl'OOdment. The ' atate Il "When Xmaa Oomee to TOWD," Itor ~o Cioolnnatl Mondav. · from Lebanon in lIeventeen network of railrouda, oltieeand Belale Smtth .Mr. aDd Mn·. ,k H. Clements were mlnotel' Id emooatr'attng that' It t8 a teWDa have i piuog op, ,'n tororball "Goo« Ad~loe," ltoasltona 1n Uayton lut Thorllday. powerfo~ maobin~. ... . ..... --b ou'.over the pralrlel.iD "The'Elf OhiJd," Ntua8mlth Mrl. J. S. Coleman aDd lira. Le8 • - • lin... ~..,.., ReD ~RO all dl~onl. w~ile automobile.. ~io11n 8010. J1lItina Harteoo~ tel'. "' 8pent lut Tbnreday in . r;~ '" SS STAM~S rOllh palt vlelng iD ilpeed with the Santa Ind th~ Flying llaohine. Mprlng8eld. . . ,mowr ~rs" .nd tile . lrievita~le "8y' .. . . '.. ~~D& C~emen'lI _ Mr, and ·MnI. J .. B.. 0.1!1I:ey, of Tbt~1 mlllioD Red OrolB Merry Ing Inaoh~nlt" ja8uoterlng tbe rtloe. Hollty or·NotGullty, . JCdna Janney Osyton" w..g 'the goee' of frl8ndil OhrtstmlUllltampi have been aold to S'prlncr Yalley.~ . W. 'QOPKr.atulate our wortby. Vooal Du~, Ruth aod Mart", MIJler over l$uodl 1 . . " ~*e,.uett.inl the AmerlcaD N a t i o n a l . " TBIRD"JilYJlNT . friends In belog permitted to )lve to "The Book of 'he Year," G 1 8b ' Red Or0811 10 thlf . Dei,bborbood . of . . ' .' WinU...... :.. ... 1(.. reat baTialnsln tbe ...arge. oe eQ"" 000 j~ "'-~' eel i~ the . war . ~Mrs. M\ E . 8herw Oed an d Mr.1. 12 S 4 ~ e. 7 8 t 10 snoh a 8~6d ()Id age aDd wl8h . thtom " .uy .. .. 9UUV, . . . . . . . pend • f b "1 "Ohrll'hlae()aroJ" BelilD Sawkins al8ol'tmeot, all s,>,l ... une ~h,,", .. alnlt tuberoulOsill They' are 00 Carl Sherwood vilited Friday In Tllomaa, J ....... 1000.11 00 1-11 n ma 1 more yetlrl 0 app n.688. Plano ~olo: Ma;l1le rlte ThompsoD Feit and Rubber ~tI. any 8t 1 1e of aJe as IOID It'bookato;'. Dayton. . White, U ......... 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 ~ T. B. (iarretlOn. • _ • Over IIhoes, Red.Ball bl1nd. . ' "'Tbe 1lA1~.woald bav~ beeD mnoh Mi88t111 Elale Copsey and Edna 0 .. Thompson, d •.,O 11010000 0-8 'The following 11\ part of a leUer ST. MAR¥'S CHUR~H " . John A. t!'uD~ey: greater,'" Atd .L'I'atioDal I:IeOretary ~:;:,,:ere 8h9Pping '.fboreda.., ID WilllaIDIIOD. E.~11' d 0 ~ 1 001 ()..,..j written to Mr. Ed Retalltok, aDd ..' • . . Mr . . and ,~r8. , B. I$ldell were M"Iee, Slllnday• .. "If we oould have 4rob Oop8ey and family Vi8ited In NuU" W ...... ,•. 1) r 1011' «) 0 ~e "!Pm be of iDtei'elit to our re&~er., aa St, Jphn. tbe EvaDiel~t'a. Day, gQeatl 'of Mrs. Ed' Eyer. In Spring. iupplied t~1t demab'd, but to .do 80 Xenia 8u~d"y .' .'. .C oooer, N. ~ ..... O 0 0 0 0 0'0 1 ~ G-1 -' It\r, Hearge .K, Sargent wtn- be ra- De~mlte" 27: lloa:a.(DR.p~..yer aDd boro lut t!~nday. ..' haa beaDI liltterly .hiwo'!81ble. ; We ' lir. Forel!t Belt and. .MI!!!! Emma Thpm~on., G,,,1 0./1 .1 1 O. 0 ~, ~ 0-.4 , ~eD1bered by '. g~ .milUY people lIer~oo fL" 10 :30 .a. ~. , 1'~e lo,,!,l Mr, and lint. A. Mllmt and Ml'II. have had. three of 'be b tlle8' PJ'lnt- ,Ho1l1 were mar.r led Wednesday ev: SneatbeD, .1 ... :.,0101000 iH 1~4 bere, , ,-.. ~.Ionto Lcdi tl ,?l1ll~&end ,tht8 aer· Chait. 'S bldaker, were 'io Clnolonatl Ing ~8tabUshmeDt8 ' 10 ~be oo~ntry e,.lng ~y Rev. Doborah .Lloy~. . Pratt, G .:,: ....... 00 0 000 000 (),;-O My fatber dieCl on tbe ~th Wit ' vlOe In.o\lllervln(l8 9f thtt day. ilv· Toeaday shopping. -.. ' . bOIY night and day preparlog tbe ' Mrs. Soller8 a.nd Lulu Maoy. ~... ..... o 00001000 1-8 '. t t Pra d . t7 • .. '. were goel!ts ot 011\1\On Bollers and ,,', , . ..' was boried the 1!tb. . The pext day en ng yltr a~ ermon~. , P. m , _Mre. J. Ma~latt aad , d~ultbter, Atamp8 f(lIT .\lS, and we bave be~n · or. wife las' w~~. ' . '. -.' . .. . • - ": . , ". , mother S~lIted for JI1okllon4 • hot. 8ubject tor tbe evealnlJ '~oUght8 14188 Je88I~, were shopping ' in Dat- deriug t.b,em by tbe rilt1llona, bn.t we James Wlokel'llbam. Wife and son En~lree~ofpieturel.Ulabn 8 'PD UoOu~; Oht~, 'wbere , ~~e will re APprop~!~~ . ~ tb~. Las~ BO,oday in .ton Jut Thuraday: ", ' . fell hQP,elessJv bebind i, Nezt year .le,i )londliY ' for Loa A..geles, Cal. on TUesday, Thu~ aDd .Saturday. maio w~Ul m1 brotber D~vld. whu the .Yta r . 80Dday 8o~ool at II iSO , Comll" d 188 p,or 'Obristm.s No- we ,wt)) 843~1 100.000,000. V.' W~ Anabee and Wife were 'Vi81- , . " -.~ , Ie the prbpriet.or qf , the Cambr"Jl a. m; Fr~d~y, <"'brlAtmaa ba'Y,aer- 1tt · to ~\i 00d u ·. ld I: .. • - • . t-orl tD X.Dia Saturday. .' W~lIma~. Botel_Uba$polnt . ' . vlotun~ .l8rmoD aHO o'olook. ! OD~ .. ao .~~ JOb~!O ;:Il;~ 0 . ' THE, LECTURE COURSE The frlende SUlld;;\y School 'wlli ' . ' . , . .' ,. If 100r; boaln8118 or Inollnatton' . , ' . • - J. . y. : . give thetr Xmas' entertalDmeDt ID Hr; and lira. Geol'lJe Davle lpAt shonlil "k~ ypo tn tbllt dir4lo&lOnj" Q'UAIIANTE~ MUST BE MADE I lira. ~08 HUI, of CedinUle, baa c· T the ohllroh Obrls,mall av~. I Sunday wUh Ml'J. Mary Clea~., .o~. . . ' , .. . . . ' , .. I \. , ,!. be8n the Kuest qf 'beE: . pareDt8 he tbllrd number of the leoture : .T be M. P. 8unday Bo.1iool will "ive B,rvey~borg. '. , " am very ~qre motber ~~ald be. I; ".' , . . . land lira Amoe Romtne, .coorse , wall given last W~nesday their 'Cbrlstma8 entertainment in Mre. Ed Madln ,and Ilrl; Georlft. glad. &u aee ;you. ~, \. ' ~t~~tnlJ . "'~D&;I'Y 18.' . la~~1I1 w · . It .' Ue1ided ·U. F"" . ilveolng, &n.d it. Was a/very Interelt· their ohurob Wednesday eventng, 'Em8 were e'hopplng in Wayn8lvU1e , ""· Tb~_ U1ne,u . "'~" I.oOr.t; 1i~ .waa 8hqwle.1I ~h~ gnaran*ee fnh~aDIl. arn!l . ey.·.. . e o••~ . IDR nU!Dher. Dr. Gr,i. behi bl8 D6cember 2Srd. . " . 'l'ho~ay. . . :_ ,Itrtoten .~n' " b~' ~lIth· o.~ Npve:m~.r, r~t,~rer o~ food . ...~~ ~r~,. mUlt ~ l.~l1lhe~ oupt~~• . ~t Leba~~D _l:~t aullience from IItut to Bollb, 'aod ' . Tbe 11.. E, 8unday .&bool ,,!tll . Mrs. ·:Jobn Bei;hway aDd -.ri.. •. 'hetiDd follo'Mn" 8lg~' ··d"YII'later.. ..ttaohed to) ibe.paolttige, oao,ror' bot_IWadneeday eveniDI, ' .. Ill'oame aw~y ' perfectly .... tt.fteci gi~e their Oh~te'maa enterta.ln~eDt WaJter Tibbale 1l&I1~!'t Qeorp . . l!llealUoota1fQ.tba dta'eaee '" ' &1e ' ..bowin" plainly that it ia tbe i," 'l'be .BauultoD·lkowa aad ,Brown u l d .• '1 .' ... .:. d' ._", . "'b: tn their onaroh t;aturd!,y nilJ~'l De~ BolaD'8M:on~y af~OOD. ~ ". . ' ". ' . . , , " ...,. >' , ',' , ~II! etlcr.. p on uur er"" 00 • €I oember 26th Admi88lon I) ana 10 . Gil' I . atiJI bav~ i~ i m.!n~ . that .10Dg ~rii.Dtee of " ~e ma,k er and oot tb~ Sboe' Oo''',~ale iagolng on every 4~y,- dramatlo .ei.~lal1Y bill deacrlption oente. ,. . . :. . ' .S.~r:~-:.e:h ar:!lr":.n;:.!r:f \ talkfld ~ ~ili. a.,nli ." ~n ~ .1 ~,~ , GO~ernoien~t. wb.lo~ seeu ~ . avoid tbe beat weartDg sh~ In . 'b~. OOQa. of the .race 'witb . "Buolrsklo." Be Miss Beleo Fringer of Troy, Oblo, lJebanol .' ~. " ' . ~~ ROiD, 10 a . .h myselr:o.~; ~h~. oP" reapO,~tbl.ltt1; tO~~~lor~pulo~I~~ try. lIIvery pa~~ KUran~ed,. ~r~' ~~~. all!l11red'of a good hO\1B6 if he lI~u" 'laat week wltb bel' pareJJtI, . Mr • ..~d _ .... Ea~ea' , MaDIlM !' " \frtoQity. " Yo~r~ ~nly... ',; t . . • ~.,rNeDt"'lOnlt· . : . _' . ~took.• ' j~bn. A, FunJte)'~: ' ,. ever oomEIS ~v, FnnRer and wife. speo' 8unda,. Witb 'IIr. and lin. , Gao. II. ·s.r eat. . Oeci.lIlon f.l) m."e~l1Du~re", ,HiM Sarah Belle.." of Qolombu, . ~_, _. Caesa;~-C~eek. Earl &ocieU" ;,' .a~r F ' ~ bell ;~~ ~DLi ·M;*ufu.: .be ,reBPO~llblilfY ;'~f' tbe ~ ' been' v~lt.tng her ~~Ie III Don't 'f ail to see . . i~. Mr. aJld' lIn. ElviD I'treII and !DO ad ~'doodi: I ;'~.ho " 'n _ !'~I.'p.t" ~,~ .,, ~ql;1ed) ~ :lJQvef;D-l[ey~ ~~.o'~t ",Ia!i~ee in, ~~I ·. v.i. ture8 at 'Hahn's this week. ~. ~ .Tbere wil~ 00. Ii <.lhdlltmas tree daul~terda~11: Jacob Bean an4 v"", ." , . I,..r• ., _'Illen' oiftbl'.1a ;tl&turd.y tn ool1f_- otoity 'bi ' ~It fe_,~I; .. . . . ., '. aDd'1)rogram at tbe oborOO OD Tharl. wife ",on 3 ' a rnooo, ., ,~or' BOC9!lD' of bil worlE, whfuo. ill '.nOB ,rUtl ~s Pare FOod, aod Draa ' - - -• day evening ' E:verydne :'nvtt8dto lira: 'Gearp a1J4 t~~. aiI~~.ol1pw.: Tha .iN!'teet dUtplay jnOhria~ .BIBLE STUDY CLASS .'tend, · · ter.. wet. .b~~1 ~n o~ ,le ....;.Am' bera . .'8'iI:a, ID OODI'~tOD . . • _ • NIl~Da ~,1larlaina. aa!l,pea, bt.r, MI88 :Mary ChaplDl'D ' ' pastor at W~. .~. .' ~ ' '. of·\ el8btrlo r.t~~ay " aorou wQt ., CLSOE OF 'REVIV~~ 1&1~· at John A, r~key.: ~~i't- The VI. . in Bible stodytakea'ht'lthtlplac8pve a 'Very flood talk on lIr. and lin. EUaea' 00lIt. . . . . wu thr~ ""!B al') a ~, now, ' , ' ment Store . .. ' . . ' , 8ra& 1-0111 tD Part & In New Teete- ~be lIabJect .Qf Peaoo, OD SUDday. t:~J~-rrrOlar~~..:.u::nr..,.~' aDIl 'ru~qrm~ la~ Q . •~nll1 'i'hetavl-nl a' 'he ~ Bri,*oloeed , ~, ~1 Sy. and obit:: _, Btltor". for tbe leaaon 'his . Dogs b&v~ beeo clOlDga Irea~ ~eal 'rheN ril L'U....... ...... proaperon_ fumlD, UOOD\"". by Ttaeeda1 avlntol. Ha.e~ tIODVer.. dnn n'orDecJ ·w h~ bome ia Leba ,week ",vllewililall'previ01lll1ee1lOD1 d~m~e toBbee~ i,: :::~nltv tainmea' a' Beeob Omh 'ohurah' III",Ot il'I'lp&loo. !ralls plaoe .bne 1l0D. macla, alid a peat deal ~OD l..t w"~ af&8raple..uat v"" Oom~~~d le\ brl,htened up fa Bt~ B::~ll~Toc~~:: ~e I.., ' : : Obrlatmalne. A: 1OO4' ~t. . y_r 1'10 had roa,..!,- 'ho~na-'" ' ..&Itred WII takea.ta the ~!iM'&~np. wi~ Mr r Jdld lira. ~. 8. Bid.,.. ' '. ~l. h"~~,: •. , YUt'ted, , . belal p)repaNCl.. ... .
"I'. '.:
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Miami. Gaz ' ette D. L CRANE.
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' Slowl,. "1 only ... 0 tbal till. ,uUI\I Hebr 11' bad promlled to give tbe luns ruu;wer:' Th lln the ludicrous ness of the situa, Uoo broke over lh~ wise man and he burst out In lo a loud, derisive laugb. S'*7 01 tIoa Be .....I. . 01 Daalal'a .... bIic "What can this d splsed son ot Ja· ea... r. ('ob do Wh l'D Ibe "II; men of aJl lhe klngc)oDl bavo fail ed to meet tbe BY TH£"H1GHWAY AND BYWAY" kin ' !01 unreasonable (}e mands'? Danl I! PREACHER DanIel! Who ls thi s Da'uleJ wbo would se k to break Into tbe rau~,s of the sages of th great kingdom of Bab)'· nanlfl'& Nl)tnble CarePr.-Dnnlel 3",1 Ion? T ake mo 10 blm," he adlded', wltb ,,·\t's IIlsll n IiOll '''' the Inlnrpr I r of SlIdd en I' 801ullol1 . I would welcome King Nob'Ychudn '·s dream, alld 18 him to lh e ranks ot tbose wb!) will fall mado Nll~r ot lho provln~o ot Bllbylou ..nd ehlcf o,'cr all lhe wlae men Of the betore tbe sword of tbli' king on tb e klng-dom as a reward. T wentY-lhr e morrow . He shall have the bono I' or yeu,", nIler his three eMends were 88" d prec ding me to ' lbfj exec ution bleck." (rom (he nery lurnuce. nnd t e n yearr Thus admonish d ; Arlocb led tbe Io.lnr. he Intorpr ted the second drenm of N bllchndnczznr. ,'h n IlIler h e , Inler- \\'ay to lhe apartments In tbe wIng. or preled the hBndwrlUng on Ihe wnll tb e palace sel npart for the uee 0 1 the whIch distu rbed lhe f nSI ot Belshazzar, H bl' w capUves, ,\Ilhough at lllia Ume he aid not 1I0id hla "Listen," cautioned Arloc,h. as Ibe~ ofllcJnl ,position nmong llle mngl. At lhe n('cesslon of Onr'luII he wna rmlde Orat r reach ed the door of the apanrneOl nnd the three PI' eld~nlll of t il mpl,e and paused 011 th t hr sbold bef re eMer' WI\8 d ~ U " ered erom lh e Uon'" den, Into Ing. "H tn lketh with some one wIth. wl)lcll ' h hnd been 'ns t ror his (ullhe"ln sa 10 the rHeli 0 ' his (nlttl. Under the In .'' "Let liS walt, then," the wlsemnn n Xl rul r Cyru~, Onnll l relAlned his x· a lt d po"ltlon In th affairs of thc kl nge admonlslled. stoppi ng short a nd turn· dom. lltough 110 <\0t!1I no t appeur to h(we Ing hl.s ear In tbe dIrecti on o( the reninl ned at Bnbylon. In lho lhl rd year of KIIlar 'yrlls, Dnl\l I saw his Ill8t re- voice wlUlln Ibat he mlgbt h ea r ivbnt cord,," vision on lite bunks o f t nc T.I - was said. grill. Beng I calls Onnlel the WIlUchlt', "Thc llIan ' speak'e tb a strange chronolog r nnd hlsloMan Rmong the tongue," whlllJ) r d Arloch. prophelJ!. Tbe wiseman nodded a 'yes, and ut· Scripture AUlhorlty-Danlel, cbap- te red t he one word, "Hebrew," and
Blamlnll the Women. Against whom are we to ohan;jl the IIOCl ai dlstinctiona tllnt now curse tbe olrclea or ProtestanUsm 1u lhIs colln' tI7, it nOl against the women? ' Meo U'O nlU urally democratic. Left to 1I1emselvtls they aeldom draw abarp aoclal IIDell or InalllL upon conventional dlstlnc!Jona. What do we /lnd In the ODe sphere wbere they aro su· preme-the poUUcal world? How mucb class dtstlllcUon ' exists there? Not 10 wl tb women. Tbey are more gregarious, but at the Same time more 'conventional. Is not' fashIon theIr alaDdlng lucrl mlnal10n at thla bar? If rich, Lbey are Lbe more exclusive: If Poor, the more seDsltlve. Boclnl IInrui existing In the 'I\'orld wltbout the) Itave extended Inlo th,e Bacred IDclosure ot the cburcb, unUi to-day there IIJ no more conventional body among UI than the Cbrlstlan church, declares Jolin Balcom Shaw, D. D .• In the HofDlIeUc RevJew. Noth· ing hurts UB so mucb liS this one con· dJUon, and tor Its e.xistence 1 hQid our ter 2. 'Women aJmost exclusively reapoDslble. Let them o.nly say the word, and mean it, and this state of atralra w!l1 The wrath of an unreaeonlng )e gODe In a -week. and urire ..onablo· king became the opportunity of revullng the Sausage, unleBS some Qul}lltYlnl power and glory of the truo God. term f. employed, Ia: a 'mixture of How onen It hal been true In tha world'. hl.tory that the , ichopped pork; veal and beet. At any Daniell havo been prepared to ftte, that la the declaloD of the recent atep forth In the darkelt ' hour IDternatlo~ con(l'esii tor tho repree,and becom'a mighty wltnellel IdOD of fooil and druB frau de. The for OOd, .... 1. bntcbera do 'not· l.lke thla dellnl· What a teatlmo!,y, too, we UDD, IDd fnslll that aausage' proper hllVo hire of the powor of unltec;t \ pra~er. Having obeoDtaibl nothlnc but the meat ol.pJp. tained f~m tho itlnll a atay of e, aaked that '11J8:1lf)'lng 'JOimS be ...cutlo!' of hll decree com· ~ when beet OJ' Yea! ill mixed ,w ltb mandlnQ 11 the wllo men In tho til. pork. but ,.-e,r e o~erruled: It la klnlldom to be .Ialn, .ather late In the da)' to dispute over aeeka out hla three faithful friend. and urg.. them to Ipend ailaages, Bays the youth'l Companlnl1. the 1\lgltt In prayer, whll. hi, fl'bIl cullna1'7 COnfecUOD I. of anClAn,t allo, awaIt. ~eforo God. . KIn., b:l biB OUl,'lOU8 and ID' What .ubllme faith was th.t .. . . .Ung. .. AY1 Of Cookilltr," retnarb which could ta\Co the yOllt:lll He~at ' 'Varlua A euogabalulI bad the :pe' brow before tho. klnll, ancl prom'eu1lar glory 'of ' flrtlt 'maklng ..ulMea ' II. ,.n .intel"protation If he could but .it.vo tlnte 111 which to Gl Ihrlmpa, .erahs,' Oysterll. prawns ancl before hi. Qod. Iobeter'l." ElagabaluI, . . King Ihould If Daniel had not beon on In· han 'Wrlttell It,'wae emperor of Rome tlmate term. of follow.hlp with from the' 11!&l' 218 to 222, w~en he".&11 hi. God and 'hatS not known the killed b7 hil BOldlen ,at the IlJe of 18 pow,e r, of ' prayer he n.ever ","ould have darld to have appearod bo),eara, IDd II remembered for no wor· fore the king with hi •• tlI1 act unleas It be' the invention of Iy ral" promlle, U.e erulltaceaD IIQulage. But even tbe . II It not becauae we are ..-usage ot ElaPbalus . ~ou1d not comatrang.ra to ,God that ' W6 aro' pare' with the gOOd olCl·fll5hloned cou~· completely takon , off our , feet tl')' aClUBage made ,from freab' porll arid whon tho dark hour of troublo deieandl upo,n Wo ·are. . .soned with ~13'lr , and salt anddlage pantc Itrlek,o n anti dl'couraged. IDd varioUs otber hertil', ' t}1e like of We dar. not look up b.c.u.e a Which toQ dwelle';"rarel)' flnd In the . gu)lty, nelllectful hOlrt ' cannot
continued to listen wIth brenlbless In· lerest, for, wiseman that h.~ WIlS,' be W!Wi! veraed In all the learnIng of tho natiolls nnd was Quite familiar wltb ' Ih e H e b rew t ongu . "O b , Lo r, d t seman my "'-d" ...., , "Tbth e wrt ttl h eard th e vaJco say, ou n 0 Oo d 0 t nl ercy an d 0 t Ju d ~;men, t 'tb e I t d th Itl giver 0 w S om nnd e J ust or 0 l ' " k h H ear ~ Ilem w b a d III gently see tee. thou my prayer and the llrayers or tby servants, Hanantllb, 1Il1scil,aei and Aza.. rlab, as w unitedly, Beek ,a nswer to this secret whIch lhe king' d8alre& 1'e• . d vealed t 0 b,m. Thou h asl allawere thy servants In days 0", 0II (" answer tbou us ,Ill thla theng that Innocent lives may be spared au,d ~re may be preclolls in thy alghL Unto Josepb
... " ..
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'French ailCf ' Oeod Road.. The 'flrat Intenilitlonal road eon' erela, recelitl)'l'D 8eBBloo In' Partl, wu andoullle!!ly tn.;plred by the thrJrtJ , Impul ... .of \he French pepple. The), bYe 'lJlveste4. aeverIJ ,hUndrll4 mlUlOD dollar. In b l'dinc mBCaaam. roads. , 01 .hieh . they· alreadl ' have 23;000 miles. 'l'heJr lIrObldDt 11'10 bd meAl1l b)' 'Whloh tlie ptlriclpaJ th1ll Invelled ahall , DOt be lost. A klod' of road had devel· oped that met, ·there IlDd here, the ,trame for whieb tt,' willi I~D Urel wore lotr 'Just aJ!put en~Ulh duat ffem the coat.ler' ,~enta of atone cqmpoiJng tb ' r~ to , replace that , carried 'olr It.YHWIDd i ~~ raiD • • 10 thl~ , wa, ,the 'large, .swnes were cemented toge,t her and a :·.ImciPth, :.1 mpervloua tihell formed q~er the .8urf~e. But . ~epneumat¥l tlre has aubmitted the road to a , w!Jo\ly~ 41lferent wear, and th~ world m~t : t.hl.P.k,- out , anew Its, road·bulldlng problem. ' ,No one que .. Uons tho possiblllty of automobileproof roads, '6pt' !fo1l the way. 01 bn!ld·· tllg tbem DOW know~ app~ar. decldedl, expensive.. One' ot tile dlsUngulslilDg te&tnrea of current e~ortlj to , help UiOH tc ,:a~ IB th~ abandonment 'p f · the old term. Used to 'd eacrlbe the dependent or the , otb'erwlse ~ u~nfO'rtuD ...te. ' [ . 88Y· lums ·are ndw bUleil bOlpltals, refoMll' atorlea are' trade-Ichools, and truaDts' \ homes ate pat'~~ta1. IIChools, The cIty of New York la buUdl.n~ a parental .00001 tor. bC>",1 who cae.o t be kept In the ordInarY, achoOll. It win COD~" of ', J5 bulltllngs,' oil , a hu,!dr~d,acre tarni,wlt~' aJl posslbll! arranactmeDts to mnke \Btudy Ittralltlv!l" to ,the ' bQJI' cOmmitted to It. -The wboi'e wlll be Ip the care' of tralniid ' men loUd womeD 'WIll) bav~ learn",d' how ot deyelop' tli. , KOOd tnlls In Ihe· YQ.u~g. '
A. MllBOurlan' Who haB' juat been lien' "n~ to a prllon tOt:m of three rear. for having lollr w.lves at one tltne, with DOne' ot triern dl.iQl-ced, Qtrere4 the eX· eue that bl",~9ry was b~" add , tIl~t bll could not alwa)'. remember Wbether be was married or DOt. A mlJl eannot always cbarp bll mind ·"Itb DtUe mattera or thl. so~ know.
lIIIa,ed. b,. mar.AChl •
No Men for Him. Eh1n. leeretal')' of tbe Not oal1 do we lulrer lDuch III th Onlc.n of C1erka, mentlona that be antiripatloD of evU, I. "Noab Hvet once rece ived this oard from an em· manJ yearl under the aftllcUoD or • ployer wbo lives In Ihe north of Lon. flood nnd Jerusalem wu taken unt9 don: "I am a singl e man, employ two Jerc~y before It \faa belleged," but portera and five clerks, No mamed we otten dlstrt'Rs ourselvea greaU,. ID 'Dan sball ever enler 'm y employ. As the apprebenllion of uusfortune. C&r, as possible wllh ni y tradellpeople whlcb, after all, n ever bapllen at all. I only deal with those who are single. W e should do our best 1lnd walt calm. Wbat .else I desire 1 order mom my Il' the rcsult. We otten hear oC peo610rcs. I w1l1 bave notblng to dO Ille brealtlng down from overwork, but with dIrty, careless, idle and mostly In nin e cases out oC ten tbey are realrblevlng marMed rools."-Cassell's Sat. ly s ut!'erlng from worry and anxlet1.'Irday Journal. SII' John Lubbock. '--______ _-'-_ _ _ __ Aunt Harrlet'l Omnlpetence, Wanted the Palnl<llIer. In tbe Beeeber fa,o lly the name of Wbenever two·year-old Ruland 'Irs. Stowe was ofte n quoted to the ' bunlped bla InqulslUve bead or brulsed IlIlng generation as one ,having au· his adventuroll\! body a botUe of aome tho rlly. On one occoslon a grand· good old-fashion ed lotion wall brougbt nIece of Mrs. Stowe became very out and some of lis soothing content. ingry at a playmate nnd, stamping her applied to th e In'ured ' part. Recentl1 toot, said: "I bille you, nnd I don·t ' Ruland recclved his first spankIng, IJI va nt an)'lblng more to do wltb you, experlqnce ",'blcb was 10 him totall, nor your mlln serva nt, nor your maid new strange and mystifyIng. About lervant. nor your ox, nor your ass." all ile unders lQol! of It was that ~ Her molber sternly reprol·ed b tlr. hur.l and ImmedlntE'ly after being alo Isklng hc.r If she knew whal !.ne was lowed to wrIggle off of tbe matern& laying. ~.ltt1 ~ MlsB Beecber promptly k,n ee he toddled toward the shelr· or rellll ed: "Yes, the ten command- whIch Bte()d bls old friend, tlie boW. mends." and with hands upraIsed cried Implol' "Well. do you know who wrote Ingly: _ . hem?" "Bolty, batty , glvo Wuland bottJ The eblld. lOOking dlagusted, · an- twlok."- KarisQs City Times. ~wore d: "Oooonoss, yell! Aunt Harriet Rather Hilrd. lid, I s·pose."-Womau 's Journal. Th messonger eutered the palll.C4 Bloom on the Egg. wltb tbe dl$po.tchE's. "1 know 'these eggs, at leQ!lt, are "Brimstone and asphalt!" eJnculate4 'reah." saId the young bOU80wlfe. "As Cast ro. as 'he re\ld the yellow sUp I took them fron\ the basket, a whl~e "Hoiland threatens to sJJl~nk u/l." _ i1loom, JI\(,g the down ot a nelleb, came "Well, what' of It, your 'excellency'?" or 'If my hands." . responded ' the aecretory. , "Other n. h. .. He r husband, a food expert, gavc Il Uons have , threatened to do we aame. meerlng la ugh. . "Yes, but, can round ,It, this Is~_..a , "In tbnt ClUIe," he saId, "I will fore- spanking that wlll burt. The Du .... !O ' my usual mornIng omelette. That wear wooden Bhoes." , . lloom, liS you BO poetloally call It. Is Ime dust. It sbows that the eggs are' Llvel LOlt In tho Indultrlel, Ilokled.. Lime dust, wblch rubs ort The construction of evel')' sityscrapo _Ike lIour. Is · the surest teat we have' er claIms on average of at'leaat three ~or pickled egg&-a .not unwholesome victims, and of the 19.000,000 Induitrl· a\rUcle, ,bllt not Ito bo. comp~red with u I wor kers In'' Lbl a coun"';" ~." 600000 , 'w ' kill e d or ma~meu I " .. eve .... year the 'new.laJd sort." . . 'J . • R
Practl·cai Fashions
Paris Pattern No. 2&22, All Seams Allowed. - Develoned In ste. e1·gray " stylish serge, this Is a very and 8ult· 'lble IItUe ach'ool track for the growing girl. The waJst bas two backwardturning tucks at tlie (ront, wh\ch provide ample fullness, and the shoJlt plaited' skirt Is attached under the belt. which In' this caRe la of brilliant· colored plaid ' silk. Tho dress closes at the center-back wltll very small . nlald~overed moillu, m . . . . . .bnttons', . 'Ized serge-cove red buttons trim lhe Iront of the wal.s.t. The llattetll Is In live alzeS'''':'6 to 14 yea\'s. For a gtrl oC ten years, tbe drMS requlrea 5% yards of material 27 Inches wide, ' 4% yards 36 Inches wide, or 3% yards -'2 Incbes wide: aB Illustrated, % yard of plaid materlnl 27 Inchea wide. To proeure thlll pattem sen4 10 cent. to "Pattern Oepartm"nt," of thlB pap r. WrIte nalne and I1ddre s pllllnly, nnd be suro t~ J:\ve slzo anti ftUlnoor or pallurn.
dldat thou give wisdom to lIlIawer J'harMh and to unfold , to him bll dream. Do tbou now hear 'thl! prnyer of t hy servant and again gI.v e anawer tbat the name 01 Jehovah may be I wUI p., ,our rallroa. fare to Hilliard, Florldl, from point known an d hI s ma j el ty an d pc,wer made manJfeat, ao that tht' king ma, Ohio, Indlanl, Tenn .....,.r Ilnllok" an, da"durlnB al.lmber, know that there la no other /lod like JOu 10-aor. truolt firm for S210 In thl Florida . tbe God of the Hebrews, the Ood o[ Ab rn.ham, afid1c\( 'Isaac 'and of Jacnb.SIZE ........ . ...... . . ~O. 2622. Frull and 'fruot ·F.rm DlltrlQt, ,mllll 'r, o " Jacklon.\ 'atrange feeling slole over tM NAME ..... ... ! •••• , •• ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , ylUl, whloh .wlll Ilr. '$2,000. ,to 'S3,000 • ,.ar. he art of th'o Wlseqlnn. 'N e'ver had hea\·d ono of tHeir gods adldreBsed In TOWN ........ . ..........'................... . thIs Intimate way. Never berore had STREET AN)> NO..................... .. he known one to .pray wJth sucb qUlel Slxt)'-tw.O inen took advantage of . the .,omeconfidence. ' ' . STATE ......'........................... ... .. . . He listened half expscUng t,o bear seekers' excursion HIIII~rd on November tbe ver-y voice of the God, of. the He. 24th and they · bought 114 farms. , Each MISSES' SI1IRT·WAIST, brew answeriDg him. BU't aJl wa still. ' was given a .Iot In Hilliard ft:ee. "The olher man makes IIO answer,' whispered :Arloch. who hadl heard but . \ had neit un<!eratood. ' are offered the same 'adv.antages'.,. 'Write quick. , "No," half· reelponded the 'Other, movhig ' sOftly awaYI, and beok· nearesl'unsolJ farm'to town will be .. eserv~CI and aceaminoonlng Arlpclt to folio",; "but be wI~1 .. dations at headquarters will b'e arranged Thou shalt bear ~ore of i It to-mor row.'" , look It. God t in· the face, .nd ,.0 . "But art lhou Dot; gOing to Ilee thll we t .... mbl • • nd f.1I bofore th, . . Daniel '" Inquired Arloch, wondering mJlfortuno th... h.1 overtaken at the suddon chang~ which had come UI, over tbe wIseman. 'TroUble la a blelllnll lome;'Nay," he rejoined, tesU~J. ~'lbut we tlmea In that It drive. the wan.1 will lentl you full details ot ' ......-"ou Clan hOld It . . all dering heart . back to ~od, but wln have good reaSon. to- how hi~ thll offer, plat of the truck (anns, ' ~~yn~·:m:;t t':,~d '~:' ~t,. A~~t on the morrow; 'I verily believe:" And how m~ch botter: to keep In pqrtfollo ' of plcturel of tbe ,year., '. . , clo •• ' touch w'th ' Ged . all the ..; wltbout rUrtlter .word the i'llrleemlUl left , , t .' HeN" ....t .,. eo_~ of. " farms, the new Improvemen ~fI fen "oa, . . tl,me, that when tho darkAr.JQch standing In 1. wondelr watc;blng and ilie to'W)) 0'1 Hilliard ana a' l.L!will have .dellverecl to ,-oq ;'ea. overtake .. u. It fln~. u·. :ii him as he disappeared .w1t1Il1D his OW11 ~. ', Immedla,tely" upon ' rQCtelpt 'or , " book a~out the wO!lder[ul dt))'our appJlClll-tton fol'l one of ttie"e wl.tll eye. upllftld toward. tbe ::: doorway. ' "elopment ot truck farming In 10-aol'e North Florida Fruit an~ "hlill from whonc. cometh·our :.: " Truck farm, • cerUflca,. of pur ~ Ali the kingdom wa asl~r over the :Z: strange events or th,e paat tew !laya. .Northern Florida. I wl\l tese"o ohue whlnh I. la"ued , by the help." :t: tor you tbe moment 1 get your Cllinco Title" Trau. C... , "".1. Definite prayer lIeta definite .'. It had been known that tbe 'klng bad postal ~r let~r ltaUng that )'ou ·,·~~~~o the enUre tract tl ' answer. Note that Danlol .nd ::: had a dream and that be had aum'Want parl\Culars and may 10 10 held In lrusl for tho benefit ot , , . pur,l;h•• r:ra by Lhe ' ,TIU_ hi. companIon. prayed fo'r JUlt ::: moned bts wlsemen from rar and near HlIIlard, tbe ~I!IlO!st farm. to tbe ... .'I ;rust 'COmllany o~c ot tit. one thing. Much of OUi' prayer ::: that tb~y might reveal to blm tbe ' town of . Hilliard then ,unBOld . • tronges~ laf,at and beal\ guar'11 'dlffuaed and Icatterod that ::: , a.nt"" tlUe anti trust comp&ntel .:. meaning thereof. Tben haid ,Come the 'nd , hold It un~l)'ou make your 11\ ' the United Stales, ·' " , lCarcely hat tho prayer been, ut. :::. startling newlI that they h,ld ,t ailed and trip ' " . uk 70ar •••ker or ' 1.. v, 'tored but that 'we havo forgot. ::! bad been condemned to l!eath. . And · • , ;" '.' " iI. bout l tho aRfe~y ot Utili ' to 'land J ' 117 pl'o.oaltloa 'to •• ,. 70a. laaucid under It, -"arante, , ' b y: ~, .. ten the thingl we have prayed ::: while the exeoutloners we.·o' preparIng "lIroad · rlire la aocid .• ny da,. the Chi cago Title Ii Trullt Com- . , . foi', '. , ' ::: to dad.a ~e'ID ~ er, ' L w.lIl~ ar(ahgll' parly~ and 'IIOtlflf)" ,.ourself; The . ,out the de,eree 01' the king I , 10, you '""n .. .,Oure 10 acr", , ot Ohlcago Title ... Il'ruet 'CompanJ'r . , delay had occurred and " the · thl8 land In ,the heart ot 'tllo ,WIlI-' I88ue a: Il.e,h and g\lIUlP,nt•• ', . :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.::!. strange North Florida Frun rind Truck title .to the to,·ac),e,'tr,n,c t anC!' to peOple stood ab~ut the Btrelets'swal,t lng Parla Pattern No. '164>8, All Seams . Farm Olst.-Ict ReIlr .Jaoksony~1I0 the .rea,,'anee. I.o t whlc~ " : ' elva , THE STORY. tbey kncw Dot what . . All kInds of ru· ~nowed.':"'Made ' wlth bl,h 9r low neck at $tO , a montb;· and besides .1" you fro.,. " .' , , '." , , will ' glvo )/OU' a building ' lot · You 14'18" lia'" fo " InI..... more were ailoat, among tbe stories and' wltb or wltbout Mikado aleeve26xl%6 feet absolutely froa In ithe fight' crop puta, nor. ' watoh the being ' o n, e tbat one or tbe gods had RIO'OH, 'the klng's messenger, Is bands thla 'Ia an extremely pre\ty. "tyie town of 'HIII\ar4 ndJolnll1K thdle heavens 'for raIn, Th er~ Is no , . · farms. Mall) fruit . and truok ' c hnnee for tllll\.lre 'of ·croD.. Tha . . at the door, announced the servo come down to vIsit ·the king ' and was tor the afternoon or best ' walst for !I the Jaoksonvllle dIs. ' nllnfon Iii Northern Florrd& avfarms In apt: or (be clliet of ,Nebuchndnezzar's about to tell him hlB drellm altd de· young girl; Th,e long Ught·tl~tlng trlct net U60 '0 ,000 per 1 acre erng.,. 80 ' Inolles" an4come.· , · .ve!'y yoar. . • , . every month, In ·the yea!'. I t . h astrologers. coming to' the door or ilie liver all the wise men [rom death br aleoves are ftnlsbed w!th' a point. ove'r ·TII.. "'lIe Itl .. " 70a ba,. .t ,'0 ",ays haa .raln,.4 80, ,I·~ehe. ,0. ap,BttJp.ent where his master was slt- the sword: ' the band and th-~ walat' closes 'at tbe !"oalla, Do YOU 1(now ~hl\t '" rnQre as " Ions all any farmer, '" "tbe ' &:l'e&t Atlantlc , COllst , clll a', ,\.no~ ilvlng' In ' ~Iorlda. .. can ' nbowed ,In hopeless dlscourage- , "What Is the re to thIs Eitory?" ques· centei-'li,a ck. Wide tuckS 'acroBa the and altll\" Ii" tar weat ..' Omaha. membo'JI. an4 at"aye _wIn: ," . men .' Hls voice shook WI't b suppresacd tloned the astrologers' iln~1 the sootb· front, stltched 'to .nearly the bUII(~ lIne. dl'pond abBolutel:v on the Flot:lila ' 'l'oa owe' lt to ' TOIll'lM!II to ta._a , Fruit nl)d Trunk farin'- t91' ",,,rly a4vl\nta!t'e ot ",thlll'.' ,0pp,or~unltF'" e.motlon as he spoke, lind It was .plaln sayers anxloualy Of. the chief wlleme_n' give the 'reqti(red. fullness, t~e tuck F,e bruilry, ' 14n.rch ," and April . ·There never "al a ·tlme , when a' to see tbat hIs eyes were red and as they gathered togethel~ ' the nex! 'over the "houlder 't o , w~ltlt. The pat: IItrawb'errlea, celery'. Irish ,1>Ot(l1-" lo.n~. oOPlpanY',' l!!'ould " pa.y ~h:a , to'~Ii, ,cabbage, t~ttuce and ,\'ad'-, " .I'alli'oa,d' fjlre " o! .·a , "JI~Utohlla,e • . swollen witb weeping. ' ,. tDornl1;1g .to dhl'oUBB the "tlrange courjje tern Is.ln fo\!r sIzes, 1.. to ~ '1'. years. ," ., Is/ille? '. }'V1~h/ one'· of tholle, (111"1111 " frl'm ' III. , ome \1)",",n , · of,.a. Imal1 \ . : ' ': For a miss pf 16 'y earl, the waist' roo "Oh, my master.'" he burat QUt, as or fi!vehts. · )'OU .can Itave. en I~ciorrie that cali ' a , tract ns to act:'es a.t: . '~.l , a,, :be depen4cd ",on 'rea'l' aftei' ye&1'., ' ~9rB., More tha.l\ 600, farm,. , )1a,v~ hill' master arose, unable longer to con- , "Not one of the gods, but 1HE' ~I! QuIres 3% y~rdil of 'm aterial 20 l,ncl1e~ and fOU can g et It If vilu aaye "bll en , sold In ,leas tha.n • . month., trol hlB feelings, "M;ust i bid th~() hath sent bls sel'vant·, " eilclalmed lh. wide, 2% yards ' 27 ' Inc;hes . ~",Id ~', '2 jul\.t UO · ,, ·month·. .;" ":,,,..; all!! ' we ",ant tot aeU ,a \'thoulI&l'a I. !'fo I.terelt -tl .0 · tUM ' till more tshnll durln\lr tht. wlntl!r. farewell ...· wiseman. pOinting 'to a figure Which, at yard's 36 Inches wIde,' Or l % yards ' 43 naym 6 nts are comllieted. ~ You I, . . . . .lIau'ore, ,WlI..... "to ••.,IF ':Tut, t.ut, Arbel, thou mUst not give that moment 'was seen to he 'approach Inchel! wide:; as I1h:ls.tI~ted" %. yard 40n't ' to .pl.oneet:'-thde t,IH> ' ~".t e."," .... .tleket · fto. " Fruit and', Truck Farma al'e FD., .o~ .. to Bill.... _ • . ~ ' " of net 18 Inches wide and '''''4 , way to 'thy feelings lhus. A wiseman Ing the gate ,to the pa!a(:e. th~ 'hf'nrt ot .. olvUJ .... tlo":...near to ~ of In~ .. tJon. 'knows how to dio. ·The king bath ' J'ac.kllon\·lt1e and fe .. ·than ltvo .a7' ill l~._ ~ hII. '•• ,..,.' All eyes were turned 'In the dlr.c miles trom tb. Atlantlo Cout ......e I kao»w' ,.0. ' _ ." 11",.",itaa, creed ·It. What furtber need Is' tbere tion IndIcated, , They bebeld 'a m.n LIne ·lUJlroRd. whloh. hal a··. bl's , • .,U .to,.. . ." e _ .. .. {or regret? It Is bis Farewell! nay. more .than a man, for hi" faceanll · tWeniY.;,car .wltoh', traok Rt Btl, ,.... ",.. I"-.:!~'" ...... ·7•• n, '1l'ar~ . a ' t1\rlrty l£Ule city *Itb' •• ~ 'rolD ~,~~ td)! of •••_tlp. ,. Tbou hast ,b Efen a faltlirul sjlrvant!" bearing was cir one whQ bad ' seen a 'Uleg pit ' )onlr' dlitihde < tel.- ...... ...., . .rdiaM. Wrlte & I~tter , .And pressing an ' alfectlonate .klss upon vision and waa' under Ule guidance of: ' i'l).ne, , t1!'O' Ichool.. oburch.,..l ( or Pioatal anA tOi.lay, 'Ii\;nd . ~. .. " " ftjf ' ~lleral IIfprea; ' atlcl thele ~ I '" \I lIend tile pet· of' the 'land cbeek of, the grlef·strlcken serv- an unaeen power. ' He. looked' neither , • ~1',tJI . )orld& Fr)ll,t .• 114 'Trude - ....cs the- 'boOk ~ """" \\;le.tu"'lI ot l ~' ..SlZIiJ"· f," ~ ··" ~ ••• ~ !. amt/ the wiseman: drew hIs rob!lf! iiiiout Id tbll right ban'tl nol", ~o tile., lef~.' .'HE: "., ql" ,on to, a Tid ,an ....: ~t!. "~I tII~ Jant,'s.lqtUr,OJlcot,.t e to:jiJn gt ·or· 'ttltl. nowtnc <tp"IIl' ,. " oi, " IJUllar. ti~ ple~ut.. t~ pOW.~ : hi m 'and with quiet, self' 8u8tnlned (lIg· pa~a!ld not , '·to be a~l~ouDce~, bUl ·N .IIE•••-•.••••••• ; •••••••• ". ••••• ~ ••••• , •• -,', Wlijat. ..1 n_ , .iII•• , t. ,~. . "truek arm. , 1 will do . 'eVen- ~, • "J '.' nity, joJned Arloch nt the door. ' J1'int.-a. n.qnll~. ",akin.. Invelt-, thIng to dye. ,.0.,. the (ullelit alwalked strnfght lull> · the' great · audl· rowN .... :;.: .....••••, ••••••••.•..•.••·...... . . qlent 'an." ,a 'I'0m" In the ftn ....t .all lIurance 'that an ' Irtvllatfntlon 00 ",I am 'read;Y." lie. said, bowing ence room or the king. · 7_ear 'round ollmate lIT the ",orld. tlje 'I1:11Portuntty we offer YOU '1. courteously. "Let tbe kll)if'S ' deoree · ~ortllern Florid. ,. warm ' 'Ih wortn w.hlle, but 'Ipace II' W. &THE1!IT , 'AND , .NO .... ~ ....... ~ ........... , "It la' Daniel!'" ejaculated the, Wlee. wInter aii4 there 'are 'no ex- a4vertillemflnt ,,11\ .not· 'permlt be execut,ed speedily. Tbe wlsemen of man. "He brlnge~h the king answer tpcmea '01' hellIt In 'abmlt\,e r; ~,' IDO t'o .s" furoner Into detail; . NebucbBdnezzar'l ' kingdom know liow to hIs dream . . Great Is 'D aniel. Oreaal' ·._all-,ou oan inalel' • pitd I ,win .. n J'OtI fan ~-... . -Jlvll'li', .. t ............. Iee and ,. ~ ...... tINt . .,.....t·'.f ,.... to d!e." Is Danlel'l! God." fruita In " .._.. anll .on l0\1r .ft1li'al!4 wll7"_ e!folls' for' euh, alld .... UjOID . . .. t . . .J _... win ,.... ~ • "I come not to execute the decree," ...... t . . . . . . _ah ....... .. . . . . . . . f . t •• ''''te. . . . . . spake Arloch, rapidly. "'I come with 11 ' Want. Women ' .....trll-'l'hne North "lorida nal. . . . 7Inw .n.. til · I'rlllt and "Truck Farmll are ~11 . .eft .~•• ' ... . ' message of cbeer. At tbe request or Fronch Doctor'. SUlllleetfon. mlnl~er. In a, BrooklyU Ba"U!!'t lIDfaa4, ilo .wamp., ,rich a •• a ~ write , at It one of A French doctor" oonlliderlilg thaI 11 .lOl/om all4 ~111 the I!\Mt wIll cpU lIOU btlt . ,10 a~lPp to ' the Hebrew captives 'nanied ' teQu~ted tbe ".omen of . ,I. .. bultll and n.el. lea .~re" b",t" 1\1Ii1 out an" aatlil,. )'ouraeJr tlla' Daniel the king haa Btayed tbe decu· .aDyone wIshing to lIunirtl,o n . ·, m ';;''ie~d~lcl;ial;:I' c;o~i1r~~tI' lcitI~·!~ take ' olr ·tbeir bat• • tn .114 'II1Ore to t '.ol'e ~1'I'U\ lG thl. adyertilleml!nt' ll tIM..• a.en() a'nd ., ru.........-;.re lilrormed tbem . It ltoli ' of bls.' deeree until tho morrow, man to an .urgent, case. .An,. oth•• l<!!C)tton' ot ~b. h'liUl. ~0r4 (If _to ..,114 ' tb.~"'ou eM ...... tor this youn" IllJln Danlol' d~l&res pass several doctot:8 I ' ........." . _=ra~ In en~ II-acre tana. filut.l)'to .. ~cnr &hl ••Iil'l fro_ I. • bl. ~""C1. ',.' • allt~ that he will on . th~ morrow teJl tbe while he II hurrying tJ<ere ' wa. . , WQmall "bo r4ld DOC .;t.YdU 40ft'. .-"fa to ' It )'!)11., .;;t 01' DOIta: ' . lilll dteam and give the Interpre. hooae and rinsing :want to lAtka oft lIer_. ha~ Ille could io , Imow rarmhltr to _1Ie dna iDr me'rI:"lcilta~bftilt t.. 11M tation the~r." valp. aug.eata. tbat home. 'The hata 'came air. He , told ::=p~Hore farIIIa ~,. )'O~ 1d~' , Ir"r#.~~~~ ~ A revulllo~ 'of feellnR. swayed the aholJld wor a tbem that In the dala or Col'lnth the :hle! of ·the wlael1l&lll.for a minute. ton bole &.II "a headdreas of a wotDan "... tbe "What!" he · .ImOI~ ahrJeked, "III plan,. DO doubt, aad . thf!ro IItUl . tAe JlJaD who
t . . . . ...
fot you.
He_d,EVlr, Line of tlli~ ~d,.rti.l~m.nt" ,~
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'ft0w '.
"! clJd
rheum atlqll. I lay most oC our Ills to the dulU[)s tbal rilles f'um there. And It would koep four or /lve fam· I'd sell the place o.n· · gil away toII s warm all wlalor." " Four or nveY" said her falhor. morr I' ef there was II U, u,ne to buy." " Wi th eGonoUlY, bait , ligllin lUI "No. no, I WOuldn't bave you, c;e: Ulun y ," You've got a silly old wife, moouln' "Dono, then! " exclaimed Katb· over somethIng sho's lost sight or." erl 0 • . "And J see tbe gold chain and she went In wIth hIm to put and haroq\1o peaI'l l was to have goIn g up In s moke~ " on the le.a ketlle. He carried the basket of grapes on oue arm, b,ut "ll nd Illy set of Pliler," ruefully. be put the other arm about her to ",And lilY amethyst heart." "A rea l holocaus t," .sald their tao help her a lltUe. "An' w'en we say tber. grace, fluldy, 'we'lI than k the Lord "Father," aahl Bob. "I've an Idea we even bod the plcter, and hev It WOI'UI lWO of tha t. You kn,l" that atlll to remember," he Bllld. In lbo doorway of the littl e red piece of swamI) land of youra up counlry, on lha old [>eobles farmY house on a ' lower terrace of th e knoll two other peraons wer e talk. Tb ere's enough Wood .11I tllat for 50 Ing. 8S It chanced, upon the aame (runlfles- black bll'ch, gray birch, y Ilow blrcb, brown usb-l don't theme. The curve of tho hill hid know' what-and-ail-" IIll but ~ gable of the little red "Dut, Bob, thaL's Ii splendid house In Peeble's pasture from the piece or forest. I sbou ld hale to cut eyes ,Ot th~ old people above, and the forest of the swamp 1IId trom It down ." t "Even to keep 60 families, or I . also, the view of plain and river ' maybe 100, trom dIstress ? The and hili that had so ted the poetry In the lIoul ot the little mother. girls' moncy w1l1 pay COr cutllng "Well," said Luzanne, looking , and hauling and .klludrylng and dis· LODXt'.D OlJT.Be/tlLDE'REf). over her husband's shoulder, before trlbutlog, aOfJ It can· all done Cbe closed easel and cOlor box "Il's :~~,:e Christmas-and there you great, tl:JIS coming I.nto the country to • ---~-""Hl;l' little molher, as 'paint and Ilhotograph win leI' scenes "Bob," s aId Mr. Cbamplon, "you're sIght !letter. She's beeo settln' up her busband cnlled a]ld flndfng YO\lrselt 'sbut oft from tho a genius! There we are!" wrapt in a comforter by the kltch_ her" S8t In the l)Orcb most glorious ' land scape you can "TbElre we arel" said 'the girls 10 IItove. I ain't ·Iet her go to tjle wlild.r , wb 1'0 the vine Imnglnel" on~ brave breath. ."n wlll be ~ good yet: ' It's so draugbty. An' then I'm i e a v e s (futtered "Sbut ott ?" Inquired her hus band. Chrlstml18 11I'csent for them, won't It. keepln' the wlnc\ f;lr for Chrlstmlls. I'm down, whll her hUB' ',lOb, YOU'fO content with tbe dllY at fla ?'" goln' to push lIer chair over there tOo banu gather ed the small things. EUgene! 1 wal! till 1 " It makes me all ot a glow npw to nlOrrow mot:n I11', Ctlrlstmlls mornJn". o v e r.r I p e grapes saw wbat II s on tbe olber side or tbat think ot It! " Ba ld Rpse. H[ wond~r you know. The Lord's got a ullpr.1se · tram the trelLis. gr at ,..'et wood down thore." what D.onalt.! Will !lay. Fifty or ' 100 for bel' ther... He's got sutb-tn' for :'Wbat Is It? l\rornlng and Qr eek faL1lllles made , com.fortable by going her she's long(\d Cor ever siDce Bales She was old now, but sUIl fair Ith beauty ot the temples? SunshIne and .a roiling sea? without some trinkets- thoUgh I dId was hun'l'- tb'\l gran!1est Chr'stmus . 'll'IUlt that Engllsh edition of ' Pater.' present ever ron see. I ho,p e th., lun'n · 1Iplrlt blossomed out on the pale face, The purple ot be hl11s 7". . 'Whoso smLle :was sw et 118 Elver. !:fer '''Titles' tor plclures? . 0 : pictures Why, we don't MOW 100 poor taml· ~ out. It's hen ralnln' IUd~y the ~ul!band, taU and tbln and brown. themselvOB . . Jullt' til val ot Avoca, II s." whole endurln' week. .January tbaw's glnnced at ber . now w~d then as It he th\l vale ot Cashmlrs, tb valley of "The General Charltabl docs. When lost count an' come ahead 0' time.. 1 stili saw tb 10velln.lIss ahe wore when Avlllon, a , frn-grn , nt of .Ed n. Someshall we b gin, fath cr! I'll oversee guess: an' there aIn't a sl)eck 0' Inow be broug'bt bel' hom , his ""'lte. And tWng~ Idyllic I\Jld (lerfe t. , '1 was on It for you," said ' .Rol!. In the valley. 1 wouldn't wonder but .8 slle looked up at bim ' he was still th edge of lbe . wood and ' got In-It' "To-morrow morning, en~ly," '(3aId you'll ~d your share In mother'. the 1!Itnl~rl youth, the touch 01 \Vltolie WI\8 110 ,nllurlng..41leepe r al'(<1 !leefler. his ratbe r. ·''J)here. won't be an \lOur ChrlatlOuB, t~w." s lronl;:hand once made her ~e\lrt beat till tber 1 WIlIl'scared to death of Lbe to sparo It you WilDt that wood de"What In the world are you talkin, so madly. TIIelr chlldron were all ' mOro.8S~" livered by or, before Christmas. I'll about ?" asked ibe painting lady. "Poor clllld ." , ' have drains put 111 as we go ~long "Come up an' tp.1I her If you do," gonei solDe to tbe further me. Ilome T Iurnlng for a' h·ollday. "Bu,t It wasn't w to afte r all-It.s and· get a good piece ot grass land out said Laury, I\Jltl snlltched up her shawl "~~o think,'! she said, "tbat th clay been ,so dry- lh(\ugb ' tner were spots of It, Well, I sball sleep belter to- aI)d ran o.way .laughlng. . you' Iched me bere 1 Cou'ld tilt In the Just steaiulng wll .r the , Bun broke night." ' The .sun wail streamlng Jnto (.the n g,neople"t1reit door "nd' 8 e tlle rlv X' loopln' . I\1ong .II ll·ough. But J: s kirted' . ,1C the ' people on them and maile . the knOll had Us, room before tbe "nlntl ,. ,. " " 011 bl",,, .an· silver, and the low hills for the light, and t he trees STew tliln. tened that next day, abd many a day with their journey and their work. '. heyond . with tholr bl"ck nlne wootls thereafter, they m' l gllt bavo heard, or awoke. It , w'as at the same moment .... ner, and su\ldenly r wl\s at the end , thought they beard, a sOll.nd or chop· that eve'r y team to be bad down at tbe a n' the sunslJlne tailing through, and and th.ere, below and be)'onil. lay ~he all the wide Il'Ia'sl!, an' the ha )'stackB, very outskirts of Paradise. Yes, In. P.g In the 8wamp woods, taint, far Por~ was ' delivering ·great. load!! QI an' tbo color~ ch.augln' · on 'er.ll. It deed, a . \.\ IV that wotilll make our olt. muffied In the ,.rustllng ot tailing wOQd at (jO.gates,. wfth .tho ,,'est C~,IBt6 I'Irned to mEl-I do' no' wb~t It .e.varl l18t1ng fort une's. Dud give us sat. lea',(es and, lhe· cr.ashlng ot bTELUclJels. ,I,llas wlshell or the OhaJ1lplon fl\mtty•. !loe'med to me! Ob,beilv,Qn can·t be no Istactloll In our souls It w could put But ...'ibfl pafntlng peot)le were rl WllS only partially dry, ' tb' be su"" 1t10re' beautiful than th at was, 100k1n" ~yen \llts of It on ' CAnvas. Why: I ' ,vltll OIC\ Purp,le at tile baCk or· tbe lit· but there was enoud;: plne·t ree i let. ,loWn thIs s Ide the knOll. 'There's a should feel 1'tJ b en chosen for ·s~ctl. I tie red house,' and little mother was {Iling to lueur:e a roY1l1 ",aze ~d ' ey,er:T big buncb 'm~st b yond your hand, fleatlon H I wero only aUowe,1 to ' do ' g ttlng her ml,nce meat ready tor burn Ing armt,ul wou·ld drY r anotlier' 'e~: drlpillii' 'Ith IU,lco-" '., ' H. , YOII mue~ come down wltb me and C,hrlstlnas, and what wltli slon,lng .11rnlfuJ. " , .,I ~• And one day" you cut down the s~ ror yourself 'Eugene. I never ralslllS and /lllcing cItron and sl "Luzl\nn !" c,'leli 11l~r , 1;tusband" rlb- : bl~elms at: t~e , ~H:tlk-t!lero-::... ' a11a1l be contll-nt to go 011 tlldntiug old "BUT rtwAsN 'T . SO , WET, AF1'ER ALL." slliees and 'boillng down clcler, s he was !lIng ~Is, sleepy ElY.~s: " whD,t ,'In t~~ H.£ted to. A tree a\lus sl'loms to ' Furple behlll(l us there; now I've ,seen: too muob ' qccupled to thlnk o~ any. name of •.m~re)' are ~'01l doing?" FOil ~ ~e to have a life of Us 0:vu , ' 'most tbls. And fancy, If -that s wampy wood. ").'01' my part, '1 .shan't be happy w~uld have (4) go shares with spme , thing but her' work aud of 'Asa's and , sb~ wall Imeoling at the- window with all muob all a m,an bas. ,'I don t faelno were out of the way, . 1\'e could sltug'alh till L. forget that ,scene, with that dldn·t." , Laury's home.comlqg. . : , , bOlh hands clas fled, her halt (allin" allSllrance laIn t settln a sperrlt tre~. bete all winter and' sketch. anll feel Its billes nnd greens and vapors null ."WIIY, how 'can w(\? We'd ' freolle ·'It· seem'lI to me ' the wootlpeckeni aboUt , her, 'her fac~ s)J!nltig 'wtth ~ ' But, tl)ere, . wbo IuIOWIj. AlljYway It 'an uplift In every, brush(ul of paint ' sunbe,:,ms, We can'~ ,get down, t here ourselves," are d~~tCul bmw 'down In t11e swa'1.!p/' tasy: . " .~. ~,' 'Qleared ·a sightly I POt Tor you on an' l ev" f t' b '( t ' 'Id' to sketch In the winter months." "'1 d~n't: kl;\(iw ; but lIome way ,t'nu ~t she said once. ." ,.. ,lCome ' and ~ Jj,!,Ie!" she ,Qrle~ : . (~O!l;' , .. ' . I ' er 3 one 0 ~ 0 J) cures wou "B t ' .. b Id ' , . . . )' t o;~he~ s~de" " . ",' " be, hung on the line next IIprlng;' I!ln:t u we: CRn ~nd. ,0. ~ont d,eal in old . e 1lrov erl , ' ~n this ' Interior placo '. "Prob'IY . ~he trees hev borers, ' ~o.ld Eugene; the ' mir'acle has hapllenel\' ·, [ tlon t .car~. I wl,s llt tha~ swamp It liard' tp be sl,mt out of Paradise' by , .Pur,l)le. ., Come, it s ~. damp brellth peol/lo' wouid pe~IJjh ' belore- we <:ould hllr,:'hullband. . . '" 'Oli, can't you l!I1Y, t~e . pIlUle? C;oml),.. CO~ld be ~~~uQk by IIghtllln l, fust!" a bit' of woods,' I,t 's IlS bad 8.8' I\.. blows ov~r from that swamp. A g~u . get lhe co'a l froin abroad or from "W hy, that's too bad." she said with oome and see ! Tb ~ 'swamp Is gone, frost wlll make that rtght, how vel" Nova Scotia." ' her quick habit of klndllnellli, and all gone.! Wbat am l doing? t lUll Llgh tnln ,never struck a bull ten. flaming sword." lot at onst.:' "['m not sbut ' out of Paradl " Id Come In and shut. the door. I like to "I suppoae tbey'll be glad e,'en ot went on about her work. looking tnto heavenl" ~Ight set fire to It.", . her ,husbond, looking at her !~th,s:he feel Ute door sllut YOU"and me III from wood," said Mrs: Cbamplon. "It's She bad just put her mince meat· In· For there, n;1I tho 110ft rustl ancl , . tlreadful for them-and ,Cbrlstmas to 'Its stone crock, to ruellow, w~en ,a' russets veiled and glowing und~r a . An bllrn up somebodY s w,?od lot! , red on her cheeks tbe spark In her. ,the rest fJ1 the '!I'orld. WhY, Huljly, I'm 'shan~ep on' ye t'!, eyes, h r whole ' fa~e full' of the spirit' , If th~re Is no such tlling as lolep" coming." , , sud(\eo access of 1\.er rbeUmatism S'l'nt transluce.nce '· ot VIolet vapors, sml~e~ ":Vou ort~)' .be, I'm 'Ihamell on' my· (if ·lire. ' .,., ' , ath), ,there cettainly ought to be, 11\ or· "Pool' sopt of Chrlstmns . for ' t.hem," her to bed with jUlJa o( tiot water . at with, tb,e SUII, . I/,\y the ,.ll?n~ f!l~ervale, '• ." _ _ _ ;.. ' =1'i~1f~'lt I ' teer ~e!l' 80: W-lf llln:,t ~ot .: ;'Oh ' 'J know; It's" all dOl1ghtf~L ~ur ' der to explain 'some thlngs. ' It waa In "Dreadful." ecboed Katherine. ' ~eJ:" .~eet and ' opodeldoe ;flannels 'i!.11 the ri ver sllarklhig through ' It cur.TII ~~y years tp live, as you 'sa,r;- ~Ila beh,lg', together here by ourselves. It ·,t hls sl\m~ ~alf hOllr that the Champion . "I wish ther~ were sOmet.hlng·' we over. ber,' and copioUS draugl\ls after ~urvll ' allyl,! wl~b , IIgbt: bey6kli ,1"~' I d llko •.0 see ', ~lIa~ IIkenes~· of the Is : Paraal~e, ot course. :B\lt ,t11at view tamlly \lown In the Port ca~ e In, one coul(l do-" . . pOSition p·o wder, . hjir oyes ,';"' , ,-;;.,-, - It tbe,' plne· cl ll'(I ·hllts. theIr· black"IP'~, pr?mt~e~ land:,an 'hev L1lury ,!ee tt. · I .o!l~., thltre wqu\d., jliilUfy It, !Ltid " ih . "br one, ~~lverJng aqd sbrugg,iug their "po l To supplt a whole township "hilt Iiusbllp'd ' 't~rbugh th . depths ,casting pur'p1egleams 'ac~08. ·. do, no , a,~ Asa,d / car!! ~o ~uch~·.. L~\I.~ Y· v~xatlous ·to 1I,a'v,e to go all~ld' forwbnt shoul<.\ers, .and brlghten~g , at Bight· at 'with beat?" , . I~ fl'lgN .and dls!nay, at bl8 . them, '~<l . a . great pal~ , be.a~e.n, . "tl~ : ' lIke~ ,It o,P,n a\IJ. abollt ~~r. .1 Sue'd B~/ty we might. bave "froirl "our 0'11'11 ' door. the . big ,fire their UlothCl' had bad laId . "We ,mIght cnt down th e oaks on to do her work.'tlll tbe J}ainting '1ady, wltl,1 ;.a /lu~~ , 01' r08>:: 'sunrlse In ' It.. , " ,. hfIT~ 'm,o~. : ,Sllo'd hev 'her . 'c o'ored ' Ail'd I~'" toD Jar,''ri:'the''wlnter weather, ·on the ..liearth o( tbe IIbrw'Y, Its flames the ave~lIe.",' :as 'they called her, .happene4 UP ' the ~Oarlng overtuSad, ,.., , . ~' cb"llts o,u,t I~ no , Umo. Tl1em palnUn' every day. 'There's' a long Interval of makIng the whole room r.oBY: "Tho.s e magnlOceut ',oaks! t gUe R8 hili, .and . stranger though she w~s" h tlr It was at 'tb'o same Instant that ' "Nothing beats fire," sa,d Rose not!" Bald Rob, looking Ul) [rom 1118 selr, took bpld and, put tblngs .Inte. Laury, ' ho.vlng ' helped, her mothe .., f , ~ple d,o"'n. ~.'J;>eeble's J)nstur .'!~ ' m!tY chamVIIgne cOlllitry (rorti tender ·green. b.o gl,v e her some . hints. . It. you wIUi ,· warm russets: an'd a Ohaml!lon, pulling olf her gloves and book. "Why, it would rulu the whole shape and cooked enougb: to las~ till rolled In blanketa, loto her ohair! had, · kllOw t11e. ~lllnlst,er , 8o.ld Laury hed .re4l SRllIlhlre, 'thread~d with' holding out her little h~da, sparkling plncel Don't YOll IElt them. father!" Laury sbould come, ll!,lvlug wrItten to wltli Asa's . and ber ' tathllr's,. ' Jjelp, ' that. ~re pel\her blue hor'green, WI~h r~nsa. '" " ' • ".' "I've no Ide~L or It. Those' oakl! nre Laury to ' ·~lak~ . ha~~e; , "1 wou,ldn't to tho ,)Vlndow all,!i ,Pul.le4".' "real :~I[t .fo; ,lrorln'. , ,B\I~ there, •,won t 'be.• 'Iiere:' t~}I ' Ch~lsJmllR 't\Qle, thQ grllen. ',Of tile gras!! and the . ' Dant~'s ~onceptlo~ ~f the , deepest 8B old ale' oaks can be and live. They send Cor her," she llilid. "but we havlt up the wbJte sbade. · 'rhe little ,mother ' i ~a)tes allv~. father." what a ,ChrllltmBl! blue of the sky nnd "t,hl) g old ;of tlili hell as a big -block or · l~e· JUllt Bults are full Of hl ltpl'Y. No, fodoed,'; , to' go and nr.rauge ·our e~hlbltfon, a.nd looked out bewl\('l'er·ed... "No' Inow'!- , ' Jt'd be 'lth tbafB. ~amJ) burned U!l-::'-" liilD' !<. ~\] In :the mi''d die distance' a' mine:' said Kather.lne. , .. , • " ~nd' you would ratber poop Ie se11 our t hings. B,n t J..8 h' an 't .go t'lll, 's he, ·sald. Then shel. look~lIt! h,ap,k ,at . "Well, wy-H, ,!Ife" as lon~ ' :w.e'v~ rlvcr skims ' aI90'l' the blue stQl)plnz "One mlgb~ as well, stai\'e as perlah s\lQuld fre ~el" cried ROfle. , Laury comes. We re 'coml!lk .b~ck to her bUilbnnd, at the oLhers, aud .Ioo.k e4 goJ ·. ~acb other, !pl'the',CbiI1ren,';h,e1'O Into., it, and beyond ' are lUlls, clotll"06 with Col,I ... ·sn ld Rose. " '. . . "Give 't bem your rings to lIuy fuel, have our first Chrlstf!las. together b~re oul agllln.', "Have I dle~?'·' : lIbI'! w~l_ . and (n hea~i!ln,~ ~d enQUgh:tC?; keel? pte w~th leyel "' Bl'ors Qn>lnl', 'an:~ '.. '~he EnglIsh ,call ', ~rlshlng wl~h Roae ." suld her father.. : but we mU!lt ·go as SO?ll as we canr. pered, hoarsely: \'., ' " y~uIQOk . slrl\!ght ' Into tlleJ!' depths as cpld' starving.:" , . ' ''Y' I d" I 1 d th IIttl . "Oh, mother. ·motller, :to'n't Y6u wolt from the; door-!' . , ;... .' ~,tr now .., . ' l'nl ' alii". AnI tbe it'., yo'u',lle.o·otrnte' d:, ,my·sterles. 'a'n,,;Ui o~er "f was thinking of tbe ' "oor neonlAv ring "My. rln!l': . the , wOlT!an ou .re..r~a. goo "obleeged s g 1e t!)e .you . ,nq, ,whU t" II; hn ' I?" or1.1 , ' ......... , ' . . J, ' ~ 1 , WIISengagcmeri' Donula's t mothers-and sbe 1m mQre u.uppene(. e ... 'rullllr)'. r ... d~ar I.ot:u : 1r~ows I, alll'.t ' lIil~kln' no all Is' I), bountiful, eliormouB sky; blue w~o can't·, gllt ,coal .'~ · , ' de'al]!." ' 1 can say. . ,1 bate ttl eee 111m stewing ther's kep' It for a surprise. ,It'" tbe fuss. t:m ,jl!~' .aayln' llke. oSo'lilue; ~d carrytDg bere and: thero. ". ~ysoU believe thl;1. worlli will' . !'I value tb lie jllnes similarly. They about 'like a kltchen:colonet. B.ut,ob, dear Lord'l! ChrlstDlas girt to, YOUr" ..df,d u8e'~r love ' tbat, , ~ . the ~ mare's ·tall of a snowy cloud. 'Al\d come -to an end with ·.cold," said sO: f II ' . d hid " ' 1 did want to be Iltound wben Laury "Oil!" sbe said, cl(lsplng ber I~ttl~ .Lord. millie ' It. . 'r.f¥: ,I ,' 16ved' gnits-yol\ ou~ht l:to . see I tbe 101~0'0 ,ph),. "anlf not wllhflre. The sun will w,:'9 my a ISr s, an e s . "ead. c I)le.' I . be 1\ little bener:' She took, lhln handt!. "It gIves m youth ng.l\hi. , 1 be~lItiful \,hln'S, te",: ,:1 se~ • 1'111 gli~I" "woo~lng 'rQ,pnd : the river! . Oh, coo~" and :the ~arth w.1Il tre.eJ'.e. ;M1.nus,· ;, \"bnt, co.n w~ tlo. PII:. (I eJl.r ?, 'tJ!e [l a~n~ln~ lil(iY's hlind' \1.11\1 rlllsed,.it Irll 'wbal I had . sO long ago. wlt~. ll-appS' as tllin's ar ,:. but I'd ,J~'s .no use stayln~ .. bere wl~~ 't.ha~ to .27~.' · . " " '. ,I don t kr)°1~ ' (Inl08s you ta)te tho .to ',h'er: lips. " Oil .. ydu 'mustn'U", .t he health and stren'tll an ' love! ' Oh, fa·" ~ ( tilat·\,V()lt In," , tantall~e 'UB. the " l1re~dtb, the large. ,I ",'Yell, that II a' ~?Od w!ly oft, I h\>pe." money YO~I ,wq u.1cl have ~t ChrIst mas ituly' cried i . Ill)d slte bent dowri arid tbei' dear, 1 think bea ven'n look 'eti~ "Like S:. c\\rotno' down to the Btore Piess. Ute only old pu,r· ,eald t\J~lr father~ cQm!ng In, .. .. Mighty an41 do what lOU Plea~~ with t,h,at. klssec\ the \Vlthtlred cheek. , .' so! You don't IIUI>lIOSe It'~ n dream, a. " '. w'en you're tlIa.dtn' yo'ur ' butter. Wal, pIe, b\ll,s to cpnRote. us. One plct,ura ~nsea!,o~l,lble . ,wellthel'," as .~bey.. ran F)f.ty c\Ollaf~ al1le~e Is wbut you ~e . "Ttle' Lord'lI r~!\! yqu tor: .the vlslon..,...thlit it won't last'?" , " ", . It;'il tl~e T (tlvll:D , I'in(lie \'h~r supuer, an , ! of But ' 'Rod ... .. an • >h ' you, • ,e "Lalit?" 'saId her h\lsl.iand. "They'v.' 10Th wal,'med ' ft t fl bl\1l fwith tbe.!r . , ·welcome. . always the besthad. I canAnd do"lll, double 'It.. That a goo d you" ve "one, • e clleer ' . old Purple , . und . . there's an ·end. ' abe gIve . me IT, IDe. J 'hope~"the ,d ay'I.1 thl~7why, you could ]l!Lln ~ , all ~Inter e , rs ". r~ . 0 autumn;' . ~il 'sald, , ,, " " . " .. . igl lie,'!' ~ald ·tbe Utt\e ·mother . . <lEt ne (1reened the swam~ and nre: Bolli' , th ,; .be long 0' comlh} .w'e,n ' I o.a n't milk my ,a~~,n'Ot e\tha'!~t It . . T~fnk at It, " ~';ltb rubbing. h,8 b~ds a~d .'t\lidn!f pos~eB. .' ·Oh! so.l~' Sophy, so~t.IY" ; Al!d th!)r.e .~Oll',t ' In no oilier 'way, M's done a lay It d"own to .g-ra!!B. An' .~bele'.Jl" bU ' '~w : an' ' take , her ·\ sWeei. ~eatJi alJ tile, bl~e. libadow~ , ot .' the snow, ,w1t)J Illoo Of. bI8: chalr.,., It al~aY8 hils a' ar;e ,8~ man) . things [ want ~ do with , mighty ' fat fqr l:0u tn .mo.ltln" yoU: je8' 00 rt\oJ:e dam~s rising to , tonka. ..ben." : cets like fires oli a ~reat bellfth, promise ot cheer, ~Jjered you g~t mine.' .' yon." . . . matlll~., '1\)1' you'n see ,~t'c El,very dat of ', , made I) clover btowB, 'l'her~I , guess ,th'" birds · \nay · ba.e aU t'v,e left, ji' dark. blue midnight, ."hl,e tbe th.l s woo.d, my love? ' 'It sups like "I, too:' sR11lt Bob. . And so it c4m(l to pass that tWo youi' lite as long . as we live, little 'l'h,'s Ii buhclf on top tor' luck. Yes, .s tars Ihak~ !n ,the .wlnd! lr we Could a'p~l~ WOOd;" . .., " . "O,~' Jld ctiunted so mueb. oli that. ,/)l' threo , wee,k s Intsr the ' stage 'set mother." ', . '., ' • th"re " ~lIei', be, cornJn' a~er '· It ~ow. wake up mo~nl1'lg and find Jt :~~ '18; It s the. old . apple UI!/3, tb4t fifty, . seJd Rose. '. . d.o wn the palntlng people .one night "·It's ~ .gOOd: ' ft's ' tbo good," ~h;" , ',' . came a8~ore a~ ~he Coot of tile gar4ell '·'VV~lI, y,ou loan take your cllQlcn," at a' p'olot on the hI~ll~ar a tew rods ·~alr1. ~'I must :be IWln' to dle; ,':·,r.'VIlo.~ ~ You can't make Jell 'Ith tbem ,11'4pe~i gqne!" ) .. , they're too .rIDe; little' mobller, t . . .'IThe .4aY8 , of mlraCIe,s, 1.1'O .gone." JIl tll.~' h'eBhet," .s'&ld· Mrs, Champlol:l'.' wd "thelr tatllel'. 'II'ye ·taken . 'rq l lle., from the 1.1tt1e ~~d .liouse ·iil ' Peeb~e'8 .beern , tell ··o· tolkll dreaming 4~jjaml '" , ""he;111~ake,' lIwC!e~eat,'jtJI, rl&ht," ~Ol1, .my, l~ ,m akes 'me OroIS!" , , '!J.ucky Bolsam, I w,tah there'd be , I go wl ~hol1t a ne~ '"verco!lit , pasture, 'and they l1icked their 'way 'an l seeln' vlslonll w'en. they: ,.·ilS' goin" , ".. would.n 't" be Crosl, I\weet ll!lrvey. a tresh~t thll,t woula .brlng .an old ap- and' youi' q:lotliter'll have to make hEll' ' alnng"throu.h the dark III some can: to , ~Ie. 'W~lI, well" I dgh't d~rv8 n. , • An' tlie'8 nothln' nlcer'n Y0\:lr grape ...eetmeat " Ith , my meat. ' BUt,· .'Lorl or ~f JtIotlfs; r.~ ~e In and ma-.e pIe, tree to 'every family In tolVll." " old ' sealskin do." cern oVllr a bright Ugbt shining trom but what. a Chiiatmall . m01lllIIl'. You. , "all., l.uess )"o,u'd cook 8aWdu8~, 80't my husband 'a 'cup pt 'tea, and -then "I pen yoa'll be that freshet, pa," "I'm aure -I al1a1l be glad," aafd the the wlndowlI" ,i., Ben sed b6 .C!Jm· and the. t.wo ~ldrell J\,81'8 U' ," tU woald '" CUty, I'm gin we've 4'tt drea8.. for d,lnnel"ln my lOwn· wltIi u"e Ald. Sophy. '. , ,. mother. In' abQut tbll ~8'" said 0IM!Il' delectable.' cOuDtry~ 'there. ' Oh,; It'. .. IUtbla' to cook wlth-=-not like .tht.m "sea · gray ,Chiffon. and m~~ belleye t'l'm aure . l ~on't Imow 1I'bat IIOme "But Y0 14 llig. the dGIJI'. ~'And I t'ou,ht it....n .. lfol'l·bellutifull It mak'ea ,'{"e world ...... ctll tol1ll. Ilepeudln' OIl Cloill an', NlI1e pOJ!ila, and ' I'd pIa, I WM a 'V~etlaQ of ,theJQ ~ aglag to clo," .~d hili w,Ould bn, BO be IJInC181'ion,esomelike ror you the a tl,t place for Obrlat ·to .bave . ~ . , to depead .oD. That" a bOb1e wloOci, lad, .upplnS ~ pJd TJalan-" ".,. pUllin,. Yo" hf-1" ~hawl' In 8ytDpa. "Becaule can't atop BODle or til. dark an' ruM, and I come down an' born ,tn. I hope the Lo.-.J ·IQi.,,q'tiO,,· pile ....,.. sot.. Tbere'. aotblD' like "Nothla" If tlot ,modeat. 1 believe thJ ~th ber thoQtatl...~~tb 'DO lna la 'flOrid I. no .,.uun '~ ii_bled the flrea an' got you IODle thankful ,I be.~ . A,Dd _aU _ IcnIia bela" COme. It'. stidD' ~'d be NtIII,~ed to paint 014 ~e e1 ~ bny coal ' at 'PI'8HD,t pr1eeB, and, YOIl ahouldD't &:I,," utd Der. an' 10m , e of motbt:"'. miDGe , tIIey liMN Ja- .• lnlllg .oNY to ..... '~ltD' foreverl". ao coal ~ M boUlht at· . ., 1Jl'lc'e," dOll'" U·• .1dcttf to be Plea. ADd I've b~ a real lcod ~ID. HII part of . . oid ~_ _ "WIUl m, ."u. 1cIo1!;Iq . ''TIaaItk~ tWtid our bills, baYIDc pNI8Il~ . .4 au ~1dA'aI t1le thla'. 'ou'~ buq them. "Ob, . . ..... 1M .~ . ,.--.~".~deri • It, . . A'..... B1at ·1t Ib.Ia .AOW . . II we tJaatwbeD ... 0..-. or ooId. nene ........ me lob. K~u'. , l4'4111 P.Od.o~ ..
And '
. . ,'
moa.j ....... ('IDe. ".
- ?'!! - -
Dugan, deceased. Mary E. Dugan filed bond f 21)00. New Suits. Estat.eof Milton R. Pallly, deceased A \<' d I ' 'ff TI Chal'les A, I!lIuly appointed adminis· . • ( I' . II Hlnt.1 • vs. lomas lrator . Estate of M.ary Jane Pauly, deK 'or~i~, def n~ant. .p titian flied by pl~m~ltf for a'!'-"olutlOn of part- ceas~. harl!'l A . Pauly appointed ners~llP In 4~ he~d of hogs andldt~~ admmistrator with bond of $300. re ·el.v er :PI)OIllte<i! lock Estate of Mary ;E. Marlatt, depro eedsdl\'lded: .~llIurd J Wright lc.- ased. Nanni Earnhal·tapp inted i\tt~rney fO~I.lI~ntlff I l : ' ff administratrix with hond of 15,ar .nce . .orn~" p at~ ' l 000 tlnd J . 1', Marlatt l!-nd Cyrus M. JK~hbn Lldndfcr 8S ' gUII.I'/"J/ l I Bon Earnhat·' sureties. J. E, Robinson. 11' y, e en dan t . ? Ion 0 reo John B, Pence .and harles Caff I'ty cover amount of proml ry note Ilt are appointed appraisers. $6.000 with intel'/! t. W. C. Thl'l')lp. son, attorney for plaintiff. h\amare Licenses. Samuel Baughma n, plaintiff vs. Dallru S. Boger, 22, farm t' of F rank Hart an. d ~~rah J. Hart his ,Waynesville a nd Eill ma Larrick, l' , wife and Orrie and David Walter, Lebanon. Rev: W. A. Cqoper. defe~dant8 Petitiont recover prom· James H . Wh ite, 24. painter of is,c;ory note of $6000 with interest. Chestel' and Mrs. Luella Helflnger, Martin A. Jameson, attorney fO'r 20 Kings Mills, employee. plain tiff. John L. Hoffman, 27, machinist Court Proceedin s. Bellevue, Ky. , and Dorothy J. Kley-
ontra ·t~ - ('ant ra l W&l! entered intu with . B. Cain for two &tone abutmellts on Ro.' burg and Comar11' l'aad n I\r tO$es Hill s irll Harlan township, and on toneabutrnent on Murdock and ozaddale ro:ad neur 'J oseph Eltzroth's in Hll.\1liltOll town. ship at the e timate t-187 90 . . ontract was nlet' d into with Lennie Whitacre for lumbe;', posts and labor' put ting up guarl~rail on Mor~ow alld tubbtown pike in Salem tonwship at t he estimate$74 . 30. . A circular received from the secre-
ed in th e deat.h of two men, Clinton Ertle, 35, rnatried, and William Urton, 23, single~ Th mill was 'Shat· tered, heavy timbers being thrown a q uarter of a ·mile. Theconcussion broke' windows in surrounding buildings, throwing other emplQYees into a panic for a time. The bodies of the victims were charred almost be-yon(\ r cognition. It was th~ firat explusion since the mill was built four y.ears·ago. - Xenia Gaiette. WAS THIIi DONE HERE.
Enterprise of last
!II-----------.. If you Want Anything In the Way of Spec;, tacles or Jewelry, '~U8t caU on
J. H. Opp,
The Optician
While Doing .
Your Xmas
Sh.opping· •
tary of the State Board of Health, weak s.aYs: . Dr . . O. Probst, stated that four "Sm ith Giddings, ' deputy game sta~io~s 'd f~' the sU~!lI~eding of wm'den ,released ' 0,006 bass fn the _ --AND'-. Don't Mi~s Vi s iting . ~oxtn a een esta I name '1: Little Miami ·River between here Mose Cohen Establishment W. H. Jackson& So~, Lebanon; M. an:t Loveland. This isgoo(inews to . W. Earn~art,.Franldm ; J , E. Janney , the nimrods in this. section.. M.ay . WaynesVille and Dr. J. L. Mounts,. the good work contmue, 88 III Its A ~tgoi:Jt'IO Xrlllu' ~ .. IA. h~!l be~n Mox:row . . . present condit ion t he Little Miami, InIH~gurat:,'d ; Ilncl 111"'1'1 "re the,n . Circular further stated. t.hat the as a stream for the'sportsman is " all I will guarantee satisfaction Baodlt at Big Oll,,rililltl III f' hOOIle from , n h" 30, Mason· Attorney General' has 4eclded that in." It' 'not so· bad to encounter an 11. 1 Watch Repairing, as I have I melr. d f h I h h . . .. . .... h J Samuel Pug vs. ames.l; ug 'et a . James Mason, 22, mill employee, local boar 0 . ea t a ut ~rlZ~ off day sometimes, .but when, llt all _ made It a study for years.. In It being found that .es~te Mnnot be Lewis County, Ky., and Fanny MiII- ~o pay ~or ..diphtheria antl.~oxm t im es, t he choicest biljt ,fails to lur~ Fitting for Glasses I can fit divided by metes and bounds with· er; 1 , mill em ployee, Kings Mills. out o~ b.oa~d of health funds when and one retlirnshome in "6shermans al,l eyes satisfactorily" · oQt injury to thessmQ and sheriff's Rea] E . t T J NL Uf:jed l n lIldtgent cases and that ~~ luck" with clock-like 'precision, it is ' I sta e ranllole ' r . • • . . . action was 1/ sa Ie ·IS accord'mgIy or'dered .. county commlSSloners may pay, I t about t ime some drastic I tn,the matter at' reconvening of W. H. nook, administrat!>r of A. was d~ided , that hereafter all such taken to resto're our river h) its for. I the Grand Jury for the October term M Br.oWll to Clyde C: Collin, real bills for anti-toxin would·be Ireferre8 mer standard. " f • Silverware, Watches, 1908. It is hereby ordered by the estatf> in village of South ' LebaRon, to bo~rds of health fo'r payment. Has the Fish a nd Game Club here Clocks, Jewel rY of all court' that the Grand Jury for the 1445.00. • ~ ~--given up in their fight for bet ter " t th court · J h V O · d N tti Van Prev6ntica, tbe new .()andy Cold t t osep!in amp an e e sport? We are .n , ot .aware of an . v_ presen erm, reconvene a e of . Core J.'II blets, are said by dlrbgglst:s Kinds; Rings, Chains. house at 10 A. M., on Wed n esd ay. Camp to May Cheney. real estate In to blne foorapooial speclfio advlan. thing being done as let, and it is December 16. 190 and that the c1e'rk Hamilton township, .$10,50. tages ont' ~11 other re. medi~ll8 · for u. time tbat· it ,was attended to. Of Etc~ . All New .Ooods. Undertaker and Emba]~er." notify the Grand 'Jurors .Qf this or· Frank L, Wilson t. Charles E. cold. ' Ftrst-Theyoonttiin 'no Ql1i: course, if'w~ have' high waters in der. [ Beaim 157.69 acres' iri Franklin town· nine, no~lng harsh or sJckenlnlt· the spring we may be liable to get a . Will' be fclDnd 10 the olil Engravlnt a S~elaltY h' $14'.VOi1.. ",," 17 . , t)eoond-They gtve u.I,~Ol't Instjtll,t . . WI'll'lam. Mas te rs v "The J " E Co n SIP, " { . I 4'ew 0'4' . , th4De kn n" , but not enough· to Bllrlk · Blllldtng. opposit.,,' .' " . . rei er. Thlrd-pleaslfnt to t lie tt~ste,... ... "'.. ...~ ley Co. Demurrer to petition ov~r. George F. Roby and Lena Ro\,ly to like caody. Foorth-A h~rite OI)X- do aRY '~ood . "" ' the Nlltlollal Bank . . _ .___ - - ruled and defendant required to J. M. Thompson, rea,l estate in Deer- -!8 Preventics':"at 29 cen~l. Also ~lephoDe ' in honeA "nd of answ~r in ten day . field township 11 and other conaider- fiDe tor fflverillh ohildren. I:!old by Cougb!! thH~ ILfe tight, Of dilltretia fioe wbere I ca..... be ool1ed . Charles Parham v, The C, N atio,n8. 1111 dealers. . tn'g tiokling cough!! get ' quick and day Ilr nhrM . ._...:....-....,...- - • oer~lLln helpfroui 'Dr. Shoop'sOough 'fractio~Co. Courlioverrulesmotiol1 George Ander/lOn and Hester An· THIS MEANS BUSINESS FO~ 1909 Remedy. qn thtaacoount J?rngRtst.J vlln..y \fhonA 14-2. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO.. to strike ouf amendment to petition, del'son his wife to William' Hoblet evory where are tllvol'inR Or .ShQops' Strft't, WayneavUlt, Ohio. · Mattie McDermott, administratrix 2.75 acres of land in Massie township The Pennsylvania ' .Railroad Olm. C0':1gh Remedy; And it is enti rey. vs. Frank M. Couden Demurrer to Iland other considerations. ' pany's steel rail order for 1l~ _de- h f e from Oplnlil, Chlorof~rm, 9r, tai ed 'an d ' I ·'''''·S J' 'h T Le ' af d ' '''"1' d r ;.::~ 10 . . ' ·tod· ,- any n~.ber · st'Jpefy'l'ng .drug. ,The ti·'u' pe on IS sus D p. al... IL I o n . an De lJ.l a.ut:Al Iiuery ..whlch calls fo~ ~35.5()10 . s of ~nd6~ leave8 of Il hllrmletis hin" "1JII~~-~.-"III!l"IIJ!I!!lliliIII"'~-.-"'~"IIiIll!l~~-~ &iven leave to ~end in ten daya. Amy· ~ymon real estate in Ha:lan rails, was announced Wedn~. healing 1'llouil\;ltinoo8 8b"uti rive to Myrtle 'Burroughs ~ Charles townshIp ' $5 00 love and affection , The order bas been distributed as .Dr.l:ihoop's .Congh Remedy hs OUrllBurroughs, Divorce granted and Thomas Tucker to AugUst Lau follows: lI\inois Steel Compiahy, 62 tive pJlopttrt,i88. Those leav.eII bue pWntiff is given custody of the only real estate in Warren connty $5.25..."" 'C b' Steel' -ro, , 'tbe power '0 cllim the most dilltress· .. , . • . " vvv tons, am rla,_. ; ' VI)~pan~ , tng C(ll,1ltn Bntl to ~ooJh,f!, snd belli ch~ld. Defend~tls allowed .t9 VISit ISQc Co~pton . to ,Frank :p~ley. 25,000 tons; Pe~n~yIY~ma: ,Stoel Co~. ,the rq,c:i~~,86Jlaltive bronohial mem ch~ld . on each Mondaybetw~ 9 real estate 'm '~8J'.r.en. coun tf .$2000. paily;' 25;OO(}'tonsi Lackawanna St:eei, brauif!. Ma.t hers ~Jlo~ Id, foreafety's A"M,' and 10 A. M., , lUl~ . tnust ,pay Emma F. Ohng~. and ~eol!'~~. Company, 13,000 t;ons; B~thlehem sake s)one, always d.e ml'nd D~,. $2 allmonf, each week. O) real.'estate 1ft Warren'county Steel Company ~O 000 tons, "" I:'hoop 1s/ ·It oan ,with tperfect free. . . . _ si and othAr cltnslderahlohs. . ',. ~. '. , "! . ~6 c10JD be , i,!en td . eve~ h!' young~t_ Probate Court. . '" . , \ . _ , bl1bejl. Te.t it once ' yourself, and , ' . ' p . .I1j8OO W. Swartzel to CtlU1l Mageel .' The old taaJiiQne~ way 'ot d~9ing soo ? Bold 1:)y alt dealflr!l. Estate of ,Oh:arh,e Th?m 80n. de- real .estate in . Franklin toWnShip. a wyk domaob, ot' st1mul.tIJlII ~e , ' ...' , ' . " . ,_ • _ ," . . :. ceased. First and 1 final accou,nt $6 00 ' . \' . . Beut or Kidneys is all : w~ciJg. . INAUOU~ATION SUIT
The. Jeweler
- - ---'-'---
MOS 'E COH,E N M'a in and Fourth Dayton, OhiQ'
Opp, the Jeweler
B.~;.y.W · &uemening to O. ~~t ~:;. 8hnr.·~:~Jf~!a:~e~~:I:~t~:r . "" .. } ' . ." . < filed. . . ' , : d Estate of ~ 1'. Retalhck, e- Mai'ah Teal estate in Wau:ren ' county Or. Shoop's Beetoratlve--fs.direoted ,A I)ieoe of :. tli" .lDllola~a~lon . 8utt ~; Sale btll ~led, . . ai.OO and other considerations. eri,ttr~lS' to the . CAuSe, ot·~Ili.ese all. (,f Iiresident WIIl."lm Benry aar,r1 . Eatate of JOM oR. p'~ga~. , 'YIn WIUiam-L.. Ha'r.vey .tO ffi,E.Hattoh i "men&B-:-the weak Inside '0J', con~tdl- I!?D,: "!~~ r!lr·m.. n~ Yer-r~ J.n the po. ' ad-1tted ..... Pl'Obate . . ., ... . . .. ...:., as·· ta·'t e·m M'a88le • t ownDlIIP. . -"'. 1t1' an. d 'liDg Miss. Roth.' Collier, areuu ."'" rau · ' nervell. Jt, l en't to "so diffio,ult gfh ~ -~ 9S11l00'of ,•. In matter of the wil1 ot ·M&ry .M.. '. . . c·· say' DJ'• .. Sboop. . ~tr~l~ eo a cluse wbodled a fe.., . days ago at . . -. other· consIderations. . . . 'weak tltomtch,- aear~, orKtdneys~ ' . " '. , MI~ dec:elLBed. Application. " W. A'. , Kirkman ' tcf Oscar'.WilsOn - if~ pn'e i0e8:a~ 'Wco",eotly. '·~.o~ ~h be; h~~e. in Yel)ow ~prio~" .. . mit earne for probate set tor Jjeannft. rejU1estjlte in Washm&'l;On tOWnshlp, .side Dltr&D ba.stts 90Dtr-ol1hllg or, In· 'f.lie bit of "loth 111'88 oat,by her fa. Estate .o f JonlatlJ~ ?s:1~~, de- 16. '.. . :. .... ~ . """ ~':.. ~de ,nervlr, .· ~hen t,bQ8e .Derrell ther. ~O!l811 Co~Herl an , ~nt!l;Date w'A ' YN,ES '__VIT I 10", OHIO ceued. Orde..-ed to ijeJh~ li4>rsonal 'N ' _~ .:. P D . _ G' . '" , F'. f.n,1theD those o.:gans .' ~ost ',surely friend of, Uener,.) . BatriaQn from .. y _ ~ . . . . <r- " . .. lmrou . ' awson..., · eoJ'te ." ,falter/ These vltal trutbs' slre leJod. . .... ... '. ' . -, . PIIOP.UtY. ". : " ' .. Reby"reaJ ·estate in W,arre'n ~untY tng druggists e.vQrywhere. tp ~ t~e good" :whloh at the. ~qoeet- Of. , . . . . . .!JllIII!I.._IIII!!I...-lIIIIiilit• •-IilII..--~---...., F,lftate of r:.a~ra A.Ne"'P9rt~ .de- 18000. '.. . " ~II~ anti reoommend ~ flr. I:!hoop~s, the Gen~rBJ' he p.,~nreC\ , lor ~.Im. }nvenwTY aJid .p''p~11$e- NIUiCY J. Shurts to Mabel Beedle -Reatoratlve . .. Te~t It u. (ew d.d s ·at .o. faot,o~~ al~D. the. Little 'MIA ~t . .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!l!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!S . ment 1lled. ' . ....' .. I .. :':te· U· " .. t ' ..~n\.:' "1 aDd,see! ,Improvement .wUl prompt- rivei. Moses c;omer" who cUed a . rea e8wo; 'III. ' mon o~u... up. ",. IVI n'd s· o."lv follow "-11ll by 11.11 '. ," , • • I , -. Ea~te o~. Jonathan- · OJrI~. de- !. ,' . . . . .;' J 11. . . - .. ,, " . .~. • • :~ ~op~ ge~rlan, w.,a a ma~ of' oullur8 ~ '" J ':, . '.' :e~j : .Widow ~es , ~nown her • ' ~mmlall~p~ ~~~~ '.;' ~~~}ers'~1 '. ,. • ~ . . '::'.. . • . '!lod refinement"a D'I?oUve of VIrglD ~t.**.~ Intention' to take under'Wlll. '. , BIlla AUoW;ed-:-OhJo Cor.rup'ted . Pin DEER' FELL VICTIM .' ia., ·. whe in·theearly days emigrated . . . .' .Eatate ·of. Jo~atllan · Ogles~, .~f!,. puJvertC?, ~}'V~r~piPe, ~.8Q; .Jobn . . ~, "'>,. . :.... , '.;,r:' ·toX;eo.tuoJQr::, '~e. beoame""sbrve1 ceased. Inventory arid appraisement' Wolfe,·brsd ge rep81r8,$33; J e. Mu1-·· Some days ago a deer Wl~ kIUM · or, an~ hlsdu&ies broogbt him tn'o filed. . tord, ~ridge repairs, $18.05; Charles .near Cedarville by Mr. John BurJl8. close oontaot with G8Derili aarrieoD In''naatter of the will of John H. "a. ' Lewis, contr,act j S190; Oharles 13· The appearance of such an animal 'in' whose iDtl~"'te f,rlend .he beoo~e, Dugan, decft8!3ed Ordered that a Lewis, eont~t ~167.50; A. F . .Meek- this section caused some excitement When B"I'ri90D waa eleoted 'he , ~ita'tion issue to wh~ow ' of d~ er, contract, S18; Fi-lI{Ik Stokes, COl)" and several filrmers .took th.e p'r8llideDoy tn 1840, be hll!190 mooh. . t.Q ,appear ~ within ' ~ yea'r an.d. · elect tract, '~1.161 Be(t 'Reed, ,'ton tract, ,sport,; a'he: animal was al:J~u~ half coo'fl!lenc~ hi" ~tle goOjl taate· of lii\l, ",lle~l1er t~ .take. ·Und~ will o,r t)e el1~ ,t56.76; ,.O .' B~bi'; . co,tl~rac.~, 127, 70.: groWri·aillfi~ said.. to;~aye b~e~ .aifin~ rri~od tbat be seM'I1t'eqo~t thali,be . :. ,do~~ ~'f '~e ' land.s of d~eaSed \~9l)· O~gj>maB~id~e Cq., c.~J'.Itract,..$,1 «2: ~~ID.t~m ~f: venisO~: It lat~i' dey 1;,1 w~l~ RO ,to' th~ .rIL()tory alqDg l'li.!' 1"': ,'~.' . ~".,., ·MaIIon Lu,~~~ .~, c~m6llt;$3:20; ·oped,·that'the ,l{itcheri.b~ysnear Pi~ ·Little'lidi ....m!. where "lVli' · m~ile ' t~e , . ,Estateot'J.ohn H·. Dilgan~ ~eceased. San!' D. lten~le,;tax plats, $300: W. 'chinhltd a ·pet deer ' and this is the beel;' q.QI11ity. of 'blo'h _w es, 'of the "MarY E,"Duga)1 ·apPoin~ ' adminis7 ·R. S~age '& Co~, blan~8 for audi~ onE! that fell , .victim to MI'. Burn's 'Allelfhlloljls; . aDd proco'r e ' tlie 'P R , . ~ 'tra~x ~ith .\,land tor,~3:50; State .o f Obio vs. : Hilbe't;t' gurl. . :. ~ .... '" . . .terlal ·o1 ~is iila'ogoi-at!oJ! l4,nlt. . ThE! ' /, In matter of the :estat,e of John A.. Ha~lJg, ~08ts; ,S18.BO. , :XENIA HAS DEATH Pr~eidellt llllulgorated ·lo .tbe \ ' " . . . ,~, ..:."'. .."., .. " . . .,". '. '. . ~ ..rmeDt!\·ma;de.from thii oloth.-X&:; ".Xe~ia ,is still. troubled 'with .th~ ~ia Gllz·e~te·. " .... .' ." .. ," .
ceaaea. . •
- .
. ".•'80":.
' . '.. "."' '.
oU:2!500. .
About -r~~latly ,vetl two' week;sthe" pape~ . ·ar·e ·ful.l '~f' .the~~·-;-seyeraloccur~n~at,on~tirfle. Lal!t ,week Mr. Je~~I~ &1'; picked up a S.U!IPIC!OU~ .' looJdng , cont~vanc~. in .the p8.SSagEI·..war ;.at the size of hiS place of bUSiness
:, Oysters,with the true fJyiler, 11."or-. the kind you I,.. SlIl1lCILe..1 yo,ur ··H~ : uveratthe '· "borc.. . '.. . .'
' ~;'i~ ._.S -
.. .
~e; · a..e
.st~t' co~~.iner,
=~;!':i~fll:~~~b'~:n~ce ~r
"" •
.'. " . . ,.1'
It Tastes'GOad'and' . ...., , ingh~o~ ~~ashfilg, \Vit~~~o~. 'It ~·'Cteates. Strength...:' consisted of a heavy. !tohe carefully " .' " . , '. . been made for the purpose of crack- .
sliipped';n " tili=ti,lit, ·lIUled. ~ peciked . with.· ice
. With ali . thegern'ls . of ;d~th lh' meat', milk' ~rid ; v~etables a i-ood many peOple ' have 14 fall l)~ck on carbolic acid: .. ,'~,' j"', ." ' . \, . ~~ . . ''-. :: : "
, last week , wpieh .appears to. hare
':I s'h-I··p t·· . ".' ." 'Oy'.st..~ t.• ,a·
·~urghlJ" '"
sewed upiD 'a heavy piece:'o(cloth , ..J. would deaden the lno'iSe it·it ' were'used to b1'eak-a wi'ndow. '~ Tlie thinJr_wl'll ~u~ed~~r t9.. the·,.~}!~.e;· :
/~!~S ~1 ~r!J. You .,"sea~jpt" Oyat.ersgo.further,andjUteSllddfereqtJ , I I ,••, c-ea.l'eeethem: , ' .... , ',,','
.the ...
• _ __ _
l '" \ .
D-', .':' .
't~,,"', ". i' ; ',.
. P0'YDER ·hULL . ~ONE'. UP. . tbe:. f"~.:~,cM 'Uv,er
.' , . .-
f ', '....lon " m"-:':'.a...1"tf' '\Vi.1Oi t ,oU Shortly ·befotel 'o'ciockl'rluaya- . u. ,.' ~,,~ , ' . ' ~ " . • . u.IEAL8HIP'T ·.S ENSe: ,,~. Book ' emciOn, the resident~ of~.enia , ~nd ~lpOl i'~ , ~uch),ett~r 'qum . ." , . . . ' . ~he e,u rrounding cOUiltry wl~re sta~· .c04" liver op'~.~d, ~1Jl!Jlaiona, " te,. ,': 'I. \ Abo~t : . I~ by Marfug -a dull rev.elrberating· ,,=.puelt·co~taUI'=-J.l· · ... the foUo';'iDr dcaJen eel1 ~'~l~i': . repo~ of ~ explosion, and · feeling. the' mecUclDal value ·tbeyi dO~· ,,*, ,.', , " ·f.. '. .' ' . . '. d '" th~, shock 9f it . .~t ?nce,,:,,1~~e ' ·w ord, it ~'dia8greeil~ Wjth .aQ one~ . ' ... Walt~r: Co~ln a~.... ~.w.()verXeniathat anoth,er explo:; ··A8\ a· body . buUd:e r .n'Il ·. ;, WaynesVille, O. 'IJ!O~ had occurred at the.Mlami·.po~- .Itrength c(eator for o~4: i . The. ~naiu'e .~&1rlpt." :O~ ~" .1Wa~ aol~' froa:t a,.·.. der ~l~nt at Goes. · Th19 . b()wever, people "delicate childreQ .. Wbite Porcela1DDI~'7C_beuiDgthe"Seal::r"~e' _ W88 not 'the case, tho e "blo"'!r': · -~_ i' I'''''-e88 '.,," .4- ........!. . _ 1lW'~ hi blue. Tbia g 101' ,our tJOtec:tiOll~ fo, (to · ned t til 11 f th Sen '~ _A~. .,,1Mr.' ~e . "~llhlpt" Canler SYlteui .. patmftd. JnfrlDP.' . aceu a e.rot 0 . e lor ,borA cougha 'aDd 'co14a.YtiIaI .. mails wiU be ~ted to the f~1l: extnt of the lAw. P.~wder Com~~ located iabollt.~ix 1I ... -....... ,;-• NATIONAL O.YSTER i1iil,~afroll)14orrow. · ~~ , . ,. '" . ... ..... '. The .exploeion w~inone ottbe 'J. E.· JANNB,Y, Drullist . • ~W".~H~ alaie mOts of tht! plant and It result- . . W.,...,liJe. 0ldo: ' ,
'\.1 '
* '* .
J . .:t{ .'. ilbon,'·.·
"''''VA....... .s. ..
,.' ' ' '
_ _2- _ . _ _
MIAMI GAZETIE ~, ~ .. ltl.\
- ...III. ltcHI
.'·I"10. ~:
Wa.\· II".\·I II~.
MaIn ::!t l'f'lOt l
,.LLI'lY 'J'E I. F. I'HI)N E. (A Lll NO.
". l,.,
l 'rlO
ll ~
EOlt. ·l' "ull MIUilll(f>r
It'. in the Packing ..soak a juicy ~irloin in fce water • week-tlie~ cook and krve it. Would it··taate aa it sholll<l? Neither do o)'IIten treatt!d tlllft way.
"~e '
Rates ofSubseription . .6 \ ' tmr (Atrtall y In all v,,"oel '. •. .'u&,le 'oPY , .. .. ,...... " . .. '
Rat~ of Advertisement. IIUdlDI Looals, por line .. . anOIa's Looals. bl;lOk (".,e. Iler li ne . .
malllltlled AdA. nol LO exoeed II ve 1\ n R.
'l'bl'(ll: Inserllon.
ard or 'i'btln"~ . .. ........ ....... IkKolut1oll~ . . .. .... ...... _.! ...... ',
.0Foc .111 . :ll'tr
.ocla la, etC'; wbere cbarll~ I. made , ... ·.:!fiO ,n.."la, A!4vutislol, pcr Incb .. . ,. , .. . IOc D..c:otl ~18 ,;Iven '!,D oontruc~ .
» WlI1DNJIlSOAV. OF.. eMBER 2'1, 11108.,
110 ice
or water
Corwin and Waynesville, O.
The genuine c'SealSbir.t" Oysten are ahraya sold from a White l'orc:elaiD Dilp . , Cue b;eu1Dg the "SealIbipt" trade mark in blue. This ia lor 70llr protection-look for \to The "Sealahlpt" Curier S)'I\eID II ~ ~ meats will be protecuted to the 11I1l ...eo. of u.. ••
Fence Posts We arc offering these posts at a big sacrifice.
And wears b l'ass bUltons like real kings, . , He might be c!hased by ghostly things, Or Captain Kidd, or Black Jack Cade. ] But I'm a-watchin g. Don't be'fraidl l
Walter J. Kil bon. ~
~v~D In "S*.lIhfpl Sense" ,....u hllerut· Tng book MLo~1 oyllen. Aok any of the lollo",lul\' deale .. for a ' copy and try • p Int of "Sealohlpl " Oyol.r. tUdftY. 110 wet"r. 1 U..,lId meat o.
I 1,200 Cedar ,
He's PO;iiC man 'cause his Is up and down my papa's street. Up and down the wholG night long He t ramps Alt hough he's big and strong ,
palatabie,always. , fre.~, "!'''' thoroughly ... y. or preparl nlf oy.reu · eft
"Don'~ bel~~_·
touchu them- no preservntive i. ased or needed. Tbe ice i. packet\- (,/,o'und the ~aled . galvanized ateel caDS. ,Selll.blpt" O,. sterll are cleaa-
_ ~.4 ': . . , • .
Corwin, Ohio.
saying : 1 will holler for the maid If a for you." . My! How sine would rnakeltne shoo!
taate ""KhI-bl\~e all lhe peculiar' delicacy of oysters you l::el at the
The Gaz«!tte 'wi~he8 one and all its r~er8 a Merry Christmas. Are you goin'g to send the Miami Gazette to that aistant lion who would be 80 glad to hear all the news .from home?
Oyste " rs
, iII l.i,.
.'11 .H~Madden &Co
Up and down my p'lice must go In the spooky street below, While I at the window stand In the dark and wave my hand
I'm six- almost a man, YOIl kn 9 But I'm scar,ed horrid when 1 go Along the ,empty streets at night. ,You see a Something,queernnd white
We also handle a good line of Building Lumbers, such as. ' FLOOR.INO, SU)IN0 1 A~ D PIECE STUFf, MOULDINOS, SASH AND DOOR.5, KITCHEN CABINETS, PLASTER AND LIME
DoYon Re·ad? You Do, Read ·This Column Carefully and You Wjll Find Something You'll Want.
Time for Reading At tb ls !!eli80n of tbe year the ~1/lU ODd ~omao turn their atten·
tion to rOlldlog, and readiDi right i& oheaptlr and better thaD it ever WIl8.
And aren't comfor'bled at all To find it's Mrs. Jones' shawl. , . - - - - . . . . ; . . - - - - - - - -•• It,might as well have been a ghost Call and let us give you the Every pertloo IIhonld tate *wo Whenyoll arefdghtened dead,almost! . right kind or ligures on an)' or three magaziDes, because It Please, Mr. F"lice, the nurse just said thinK we have. , brings them Into tb~ limelight of That 1 must "'hustle' into bed ," the world 'sdoing~, and keepe them
·WHMdden I'e0
But I'll be rillrftt up here all night, . up to the tlmell. . VISITED DAVTON. END OF THE WORLD Are we t~ have band concerts this And you can see the nursery light . 9 8ummer? Who will be the fI ret man The editor of tbe Springfield New8 A Jar~ delegation of Lebanon cit• • U . Read carefully the following to tell the Gazette he will give an am tldltolrlally 8pea~S under tbll OBp izens weni to 'Dayton' Wednesday If you get 8C!1r~, just whistle some. ~orwin, Ohio. offen, and lee if you dOD 't. wan' ph; sum for ~is purpose ? Speak out, 'Ion al rol~ows: in a body and on . WedneSday even- Pretend I am a prince, who'll come !::;::::::::::~ two or three or even more mag· 'don't beafnlid ' , AI cording to Mr. Lee .J . ~p&ngler, Jng visited· the city council which To stop the wicked brigands' raid. '" lelr styled prophet ot New York, met aa a'~ommittee of the w'hole to Good night, my I?'lice, and don!t be I\aiuel'. 'f~aid!-Sinclair Lewis in Janua~ let Immediate, rcIIe( I'iIID . ' . COunt Castellane don't want as tbe world ~I oom~ni ro an end tbe discuss, ~ong other thin.l@, th~ D. , ' ry Designer. LU Dr. Shoop MagkOI ~ . much as American ~p)e give llltter parf. of tbis mon~b . ..B;e ha. L. &C. franchise. bll . fr'lenclB and The members came in - -.- + - • . ,.. . s n .him crediUQr wantin&,. He says he Bent a whlob' I. cantained the bad gee the I.tters "0. L & This hI Worth Reading -.. ' I . don't want money, merely his chilfoHowlng language: , _.. . C." and the wont " 'Lebanon." They 'Leo F. Zellnlli:i, of 611 U1bsoo 8t. , ...... ~ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ IIII!I~. SUccess ' dren. Cash must l1ave been comine , ' , , Boffalo, N·. Y., says: "loured tb'e • 'his'way of late. . CosmopoUtan , "'!'hl.'WQrI4.le .. wloked ae ·tt wae p~d a "wit ~o ,the N .. C. R ....plant mOlit IInnorhlg cold Bore 1 ever had In ~hu daye of the 6004 and .mQl~ 'be d.urlng the afternoon and in the eve- with Buck:lelll'& Arnica &lve I ~pJ American Ma,azine Hea.venand eartb mOlt· L._ ' . • " . Almost ,any day you can pick upa deetroyed. pilat! 8 .• ay.' Tble world ,will qome to mng went u.fore counoll'm 1l body plied this !I&~ve once a day for tWQ ,r l~·i.~· , ' American Boy d. . h th b ' aD bod 'in win",r 10' tbe end of &be ud, ~ked that the franchise gJ'allt- days, wben every trace of ~he, sore " H r' ' 8aza ::'de::.e g:in;S::: mODth!)f Deoomber; on a Sunday. ina the D.: &C aright of way into . - - - - - - - - - - -_ _.• r ganize "boOsteJ''' clubs fur their in tile Jear 1908. Icomm~41oo to the city be passed, / diog ltore 25 "11. • • war 8 Oarden MAcraZine ,,0 to NYllolr. N. Y, where1 I lball -- ' . - _ - -' - _ '_ towns As yet we have no such club gatber tbe ••Inte, to meet 'he bride. ".. '' . Sh' - - -Uncle Remu• IS,that here: ~ , . 8room atjailt .. miDI:" . , ... . r o u I O~tiOn f u IIy o~pmgl early cannot be success;. 00 . . A o ..n'p. ' uone at:e Woman'. Home COmpanion . ,. J ' ,'. >l1l!to.. i~Dately, not,. ' lP't!a.i . ml'liy il· th~ re~ali of · thp : apPendi~ by 8 , . ' . . ' l)elioeator . Perhaps a friend or a distant reI a- .pi!lo,vle w!lI ~ke any Itook: In "hat surReoD, ',y No .one wbo ~kel Dr. We hate to be always tal~mg shop .Good Hm.,iekeepbicr ' ttv. that Iiv.._ eca'hel'e wOQld be glad to 'P,ophe' :' ~palilrler .I p~lc,. ' We King's N~" Life Plll~ la ,e ve,r aob- early: . -' " . " . . ~ ' . .' jected '0. 'tbl. frightfol 0r08l,1 Pictorlal'Llbnlry .... . bear.from . old friends here Sub-.y unf51rtapahly. for 1& ,~o.ld be They worl: 10 qal8&ly yoa dOD't feei &ston Cooklnz,School ~~be for the Miami Gazette, which ,!~r.t.h al . ,t.would D08~·to~ . whd ,hePl. ne, ., oore · oon.tlpatloDJ Su~ri..e for 'tJae G.~ette CookinG' Clpb ..' print. from ·twelve to fourteen col- wool<1 hippeD if everybody reaUy bndllobe, billouneu: anll Plalarla. • umns of newa each week. ' . believed::. tba.' 'he end of the 'world '52 at C. Schwartz'adrog .tore.. 'U' Metropolitan' . wou14 oome at 'bat tilDe'. There' ., . - •. : ALT~R .1JJ.C,. LURE, Anyone of ihe ,&bov~ ".00 "ai" . . .wQuld Dot . btt 8DOugb oarreDO? &0 A wom4n may not .,e able to an'azloell for onl, Fun~ral DI~tor. Tbe D)~. , & c. III' Iia~~ng a h~ paT tbe .~btB cbat peoPle WDull, al~,op~tion, but abe. demol,I'QW to b~ ~n o~er to ,et.'bi ~lD- wan~' to ~.1, If they ~bhJlIb.t J~ w~ ish ,it. ! , 'J,'~lephollie . da,' or ,.., Dilht. to Dayto~, ,~ut in .~!"~bl1i~ It of ,'be, worl4. aDd &h. KOOd . ' .. . , . - .. . ' . ", " Valley pllone No.7: Long . . I 'caD cure the IIIs'of _Will 8U~. The proposed ~raction th .., wo,"d, be , iioae. betW~D ~e Xen~ue~•. mght , ~der rugl)t. matanoe No. 6~3t:. line throu,h' here wo~ld do ,ue . DOti aDd the 'end ",ouid!; caia lbe mare b~ Seen ~tabl~ . .fOr an lndeft:you. . watch very qui~ly jf WAYNE5VIll.LE, ~ ... ' OHIO. eood, and we would~ Ii"e to see "orld,:In&o 'a ft.. radlae. Bu••• ·" a,. niteperi~~ . ,.~ ' , you, will bring (t to me. I : -~iu "Dot b8.. .', • ----,• 8rudl Of1llee, Harvey.barc, 0. ." come.,too. ~. ,. uDfor'lRi.selyrpeopl~ . ) -' . r 2 ' " wl~1 be at Coleman's ·Stove · Twodays until another'ChrlJtmaa l ~.~8~~,:r. "'*li:· ~e "'libree :." .).eU. ' 880 WIll qulrkecl .. Store every W~nesday' all The .Delineator and Illd then aJlother New Yejll" (0 com~ , ~ t e~ wi , ma~,. a abt· ,a!l' for.d_&h: ' A cra've·Yal4' ooUlJh wal day'. CI~ Cured, aljl()• . mence Of what doestbi8 Christ, wlJ~n Jan~ry Ut rolt. .ariDg~IWlI.~p,IeoeiII• . Doo\ors ., 'Everybodyt-s mu conaiat,' w,hat is its.-1 .~~nud, . men wI.lI ."1.1 be BOb.m'" fa.l~ So "1p'me; and: h~pe had fted~ ._ lDg to bdiI~' $he taz ..t.b....rer. Wll,m~ , oabaDd K" _' Dr. ~g'lI TI.:.rFA~Y.· . • 1 • ' Itia ahnos~ a fact .~t the American p ~....' . b ' 'd' r 'b " New .~ .. lIly. , lInl' A. C " p'e 1. i . _ ;, " .n-rly ..... .....;,.tt;en · i.. -r .... "n" t e au .0 .t, II ,.orld is Willi ' i t f ' '0 ""Th' tl t The Watch ,and ClockDoetor • ...... .., WI " d . '. . ili.. . , •• , 0 J ·' 0.7.,",· e rlt peo ~ ua, ... ~.. " '. .... ' niftcan~, ind b.riJ1gioll"a new~era an,ol , I .m e• ..1& hu 'P~ ; i.~dJlI~. ~.Ol" h.lpi14 't:D~ .D4·"* ' " _. • ... Ion" w • .have '~1: reoo,d" "lep' o~ ~UI I had pia.t1 li8 poundl in~ h~Jl.\ . ·T he ~ ." an know IS It bal' r&,\teDecl mall),:. wioted .old III welttb"a..d 011. b.,.ldl . ",a.. f!llly the 'birth~' of , Ch~..'-but how 8OOut, and en.tiled m~o, 'aa old v.l reatO~. I I Thia PI_lcnDe. bold8 the many of ~e people eo fA! ch~rch to lain to 's80ure 'be ra, of che laud worl<1. hll6Unl reoo~' for coughl wonbip .him on that : day. The :......... t .... f'.'" 1 ha " ' - aDd 0014_ aDd 10_, aad tbroas d18· . " w ....ou woralUIJ or.. t a...-.. eues it,preveD.pneamoDia Sold W,fl.y''le/lvUle'l ~jng .DeDtllt clI.ul'&811 ~ Will be~, or ou,bt a favorl~ bqbear 'QII' 'h~clI of aDdtl; Ia.,ran&e," _ 1'.'9.Sob ~a1'tIl'1 Oftlqe in KeY8 Bldg. ' Main to be at .l~t. and our 'people ought ,el'rI~ ' ., . ~, . .' ' drug ISO~ and: :'1.00. TrlaJ to,avan t~.~lv811 olthe oPJ»Ol"tq. ,. ," • - -. _ boC.18,f'2· " · ;:. ~ty '1 0 ,~or6ip ' HUn the . '~~~t ~ 0 8t~ aDY , patu iI), II J 0: !,T:a , ., , . • ~ " '. .• . .,;;ft ,... ,;.:.. to r. ., talt~ on..rof Dr. !:Sboop e PiDIt i ear is draur...... rapidly to a .J , ".' , ; • '"' . . •• ~ ..,e, .... ~ m~. I, ., '. 1'a,6 Ie". · &MiI ' tormol.oD.tbe. " " . ': .... : . , '. WA¥NESVltLl~ CHlJl~CHES~ . " "',. .\ '.: e . . - . ". ,, : A.k ·~oQd~oo*or >o.. ~rt'tSgiu.• bOat ~d8tn.1/,~~~te ar.e!lS .rood. fish ' .; "'. '. . ,"' . "'),, . " . ',' N,OT,eE ...'; .! , ! , tb:l. '~brillula. 1& ,o&.o',t 1lfI .. be'~~~ aea",e"er: qam~out~fit. . ""0' ' 1\ : .' ,. ",,' \ ;:" • ' , .' ',"1\" . .,:' . , • W6'man11 PIlIDII ' bead io ' . . .. ' . . . . .... '" , - .. ..,rtri~ox 'Friends Church. J' • of.. .i e' e , l,.... • . man . IRa; '1 ~~ of Wa.,n~ylJ1e. 0 ., ,.01 hold tw~.g'ar:~le~'n ,~l'.. '!.!e"I . . l . • ifere iili:~ ' dry :.,cliiP.Ii,>as ~mand '.' . , ':' :3 0 p. ~~ ;UO. 'a ,' 'm, 'CbfI8L1an ' En·a~:&v~r.. thel.a: .DIl~ ~~etr BaDk . • ~ • . .. , ' • plain~of by' hill ~~ 'ill herhai~orce " , . . .' ' Konda, " I STILL THEY 00 petition. w", ' he ·was thorill '. .', friends . , ,: 10" 1~• .fr0m. .l .. ~ ,.B,p. m f~r the p~r- . ' . " " p~ly/ roUted all th,time. : ftII'y ~ ·SIl . - ~lrnra~"M,eet1nlt;'HI :OO a. m. yl!; l m Ua.!': ~of'.eOUql Ph:t!()~~11 for Jbee~. .W..~nltoD ooan'~~ , 10 , ; . ..• ..,:. - " . .. . , ..81. l~~lt a,. III . , F ur~b Oa . .b!mIQ~ ; 'I .ulDI ~e.r. ; ,.1110 ~~ eleci,~oD -to avail Ilarl~t~ til ~be. oounty: ,~t" .eDt The. ~bolle~:are.di~ei~g ,18. ,. .Mlllilr . :.... . .... / '.,' tb81D181v.~t> .be: ••itire-. . "th! , by a m~Jorlt' of.1,·'9l1nD a \0. l)~ly. ~ver .~~. ·.c~mina: . Yoin\:er. 'u 'Ck)D8oatlllM~JlI4 "notl"B.IJ · 8S3.~~ ,' , talv~&&. ~fI..l,OOO .' , ~be . doc~n!ai8agre~i'over·. ~e diagnol\iil (, ' ." .;' , '.B.".. ~....' Board o~. ,,' el8q~i~n., ;;·.. ~~14 . &"'ril~Y.;, . . " . ~~ '~\lb)e:~ wl~.~·~!gh'· cJa.':" ~I ~ ~. " ~ !' ".: . 1\ C. B~rCl,p,ok, , . ·,.8al~a~ ~ .~e, le8'.~~9~t~f ~~~... ~,r,' • . ~ • ., ." .' . ... ..! ';" " . \' C.-bier. rbe~181Jl'8a~ pnbllo ,~. " " ' '' ' " . i··, ·',,; ,: .' : '1·" ;1.....1»11& {', , '" .. : . jo~clng. "moDg t~e ~~pe...!l0.. ptO . The ., atan~~ - ~~.: ?~ly Jli:1Pl vot~ Wi~ bul- ple ota .. ,~he rellult,.. 8lzty" co,.- Ia o~t on,th~ .w~ter :waao~; . .baIllotl~:!'· '. ", ~now Ud~y," and ,oid+ nme have, "'!!!!!~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ,.!!~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!i!!!\!!~!!i!!!!!!~'I.oted ·...AC .. thl1l..far . . '. , " = ,.,,-..•• ..;:.:...~~.......:~~:..:;.....--:---=-;.:;.;.;...;· I .':', M~"l~ .n;. ~.d.1. ~._ . ~ fOi' ,eaoIIilIDIIJDdii•.t.o'~::I~~r"'IlIllD~
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... F •• r of Any Furthet" Troub'.
Go d or 5Hver §k?3.r~le To~ch~s Tbat 'Ma~t UNlTtD STATfS 5I:N410R fROM SOUTH CAROlINIl M. :\O'~~ T bq5 Y~·all'v IP'r~v'11»mB)!i!~tyhes ~utt PaAIS!:S Pf·RU·NA:. If&1:;ult,£OI')~f>I~ !Fan abl~ tb~ 't~,.· t
[)a.vld Price, Corydon, 1110.. ,BII,)Ul: '1 in the last stngo ot kldDey trouble -lame, woak, run A trlnng\l' ot gliU I' 'aud spnrlde 1s Now that Lho IllOst modlsL at the down to a. mere .vhnt DIY Indy buulIUfll1 w ill carry tOl' young WOllleu 111 the, f.nslilou plnJ(~!1 "koleton, My baok 1 fan t hl!:! year. l,'or on thIs, the lIav coino to r ell \IIbl tb youlbCul was 'so bad l could Itllnt\ a cc~"'ory for Iter ~v elllug 1111(\ ted 'Arl'let l:! thu L Phil Mny hardly walk nnd ® ® oile t. t h o spuns;IH Is u SOV I' ISII us \lsed to dl'nlV, the gil' l built 011 Lho the killney secm ":~ l'wLH'l'e, aud . "er brig ht nl\lal ·I.O Y sl,Jort, SIlUIl1'e plnn of tll \lo uutry farlll· tiona mlloh dl or By ELIZA C, JACKSON IIL1~" s eyes b nUL ttl b tllIlshone by hUll:!':! f o 18 Ihut the re If' llt~1 chanc dered. A 'weok after 11 ij)Juugl :!trowu toy Ulul sh car, tor il er to look bel' lJ Ilt In the gowl}s I began u810 1; or Lhe dny. '1'h e !I,I'oelllag, long Ilne8' rles. Donn's KidneY PIII ~ Thl ~ psl'lJclpnllon In tho flld for ot tlle empire dress ~', tb s hort-wlllst· I could wnlk wltl.· (Cupyrlll'lll, I!~ord l ' uh. ·u.) ~lItterlng OI'UUlIllullltloll wblch dOIll' ed Jackets, th tlI'OOVlng tlluilletl all tile o~t a cane, and as I continued m) ,nates th iltyl of fhe line Iudy's .cos· bl' Ita hats-all these Itl'e not of a na· bea.lth gradllnlly r turnel!. r was so Tho sl'uator WlI li coz), In one of the h er tw ntlc~ nnd bellu tl[ul." • IIIl1 O. r.rom the sllvel' w\(Igtlll butLor- l \ll'O to show olr \.h beat polnls of t he grateful ( mnde a 'puhllc stateollmt 01 ")cllldl'li orl IItlll cornors oft 1'... 1'8 . Al "BoLb el', s he bribed tbo l' f1 nC'fS Oy that polscs In her .cOIll:uro to the girl wbo welshs IG2 nnd stands only ID)' (ose, nud now soven )'cars baw,; lon ' larS'\) I'ecnpllon room. Beslu blu, Is old nnd ugly." ' OORsud, alII stili p rtec tly woU," SO '111 011 to Uon, au Intanglbl<!, It,llenn Th swo tost wunlc lIo 0 \'0:' 1' IINIl'd . purklo of bel' sllllllsr: Is olll\ost the fI r et 'lin h I' sllle Btocklngs. , "I've tal;on on a mlln tailor," sala a SOld by all delllol'S. 500 a hOI . 'Fo:!s a bl willie mla!. Was It a d" eam \' 01 CUUlO in ripples rrol1l hoI' pd, I' 1I uly dlsthlCUI' Iy new tWog nbout aliI:! tills )fril l'. dressn,nkel' In a aId IItl' et wbo hal! f' r·Mllburn Co., Uutralo. N. Y. wns It reality? Dare he reach out hi e liDS . or cours('. a. \\'b11 glt.u zo fllu orna· rift n to the \los~e.l:l lon or ber presenl "You bave nevel" ~O!l ll lIer," slle hand to grasp It. or would It Ilt bls Optimist and ·Pesslmlst. £:ontlest touch sortly m('lt uwu'y? Now cried, "yet yoU kilO'" It here, [ sur In nted wllh a. fcw s pan.,l s has fine stabll sbmont through he r ability Sydney Rosollrold onco wrote 11 com II se med [or tbe mOlll nt to be 1'eet, !.lose," She clas pcd her huntl!l logl,th . been in th 1I0SScl\slon of ev Jry ri a-bu· 10 prt!8crlbe fOr her ousl\lmers llij well ·oed)·. enUtloC1 "The Optimist," whl ol' lng lightly, broathlessly, (\. mass of er nnd pI' ssed them lIs.hl\~' o\·e r her :aulo u'ld 'sw('{'t girt gru d\llu tl tor tbe us to make smart gQwns (or them. "b e'achieved sucoess art r tho Ill'Oduclioli gold, II. \lush ot pink, I) 18ed on shOul · benrt. lis t ~O yell l'S, bllt lllt). new ncss Is In ca use thore ure ijO lII allY , \YOlll 11 wno 1)llt wus " long time roach ing th(o dera, gllstonlng-gloamlng -wblch "Right thore ;\n d til 'I'e," He Ilolnt c t.! ' he omnlpresenc(, nud the abulJdant hll\'e b eu dl'l ~eu by the styles or the. ilt.1ge. Malinger after mllnacer reftise'~ , § med ' to rlsc ('roIl) endl ess billows 01 to his hcud. lis e or thI s oruum .nt. Tl,Ils year Lhe willieI' to t.t'1ke III) th~ tullol'-made tho manus rlpt, and 'one da.y . Mr 'mist), whIte. "Oh, oh!" como In IIttio gasps . ";No (1111, Inste nd of belug slrewn with dresses. J buve already nav iS d many Rosenfeld, whoise patieoce was , ex, Mrs. Hard~' had introduced them doubt you nrll rlghl." She entered l pangl " Is e ncrusted, ,frosted, over· or my customers to d.o tllnl." I'lnus~ed, blurted out to his sol!, auThen 11110 w nt on to eXlllal!) IlOW onl)' I\. few nJ(',illellts before, and 'bud Into bls splrll. "SlIle Is free I I 'd. I 'aid with a thouSIIDd IJlts ot gol11 or dJtor: :!llver sllBrkl e to match the spa rkle she had ncconWllsb ed wonde rs with tumbl d h~r 1 ~me. Mrs. Hnrdy III· Imow." she crl\ld. "or oourse YOIl don·t IlPlIreclate tbf ways fumbled '1ames. He wonder d women who would have becn IIltle elso on th l:! nlgrotlo and go",,::. , "Fl'ecl,lcd," h nodrled. , pinyl You 'd'on't oven . know the wbat It was. indeed. eo eager hlid be 1\'01' Is I t only the white gauzo fau Ullin rldlc ulollfl In Lbe modes of lhe "And therA'S somelhlng not .~a ll y mllAlllnr; or its namel" ,'. been to learn, thllC v'hen he found bors bore," sh fumbled her lUass 0 1 Ibnl. Is thus treated ,' ~ut tbe blaole ve ur. "Yes, 1 do," protested the 1m· hlmselr cornered with the young wom· gold . lan, the blu e filII, the haud-polnted 1- "You k~OW .. she began "( would not oroSarlo. an, he wue Quite calm In fac Of suoh 'rhe nod contin·ued . Call. the lItlle I\,ory cabinet toy fa!! I1ttbmllt to try 1.0 persllltd~ auy fat WOlD'. [x-SclUltor M. C. ButJer. "Well," 10BIsted Rosenreld, "what'. calamity. Tho Srnator a\'Olde(l young " Am) h r- be r-ben lltlful. IIl'orly-' fa:' I;h coli ctor. au(\ t11 [an mad ot all Into t he belief I.hat IIl1.e. look~d , ~b.o ' dllTer nce botween an optImist oreatl1tes Wlually, but this one \I'US lJys~"s:( O/Im Caused by Cala",," "Fal~e," he multered. !1L1 ce. , well ' in a shorl.wldsted empire gown ¥ tlu StO/llOC/,-Pn-tlrta Relillves Ca4I.Dd a (lesslmisU" . The note of glitter and s\tarklp. Is Wll h a broad.brlmmed ba t. As thO!! tan'" 0/ til. !>tomach alld Is TIu'iTiire c. 'allreront ih:oru all tb r est. Already ,. "Ah. poor tlilng, she bas Only ,0 'l'li mallagor barely hosl\ated: "An , , soul! A ('rcalur , llalrless , spotll'd, ~1l1'l'led out even In tbe BUoks. tor, are Il1dl sp IIsuble f\)utul'es at the Jle w Nmudy for ·Dys"~jlsia. , "tlOllst Is an eye doctor," be sald; ,,' toothl s~ , y t with n womnn's \IUcon· ,\'Ith those \V'!lo CUll nITord them, th s yl s at thIs year; how can a younl; II ssln1111t I. a (oot doctor:'--8un· uothrl'·of·pearl l1al'o uper ~ ded tb girl ' be smart nnd yot Ig n 9 re ,them? Hon. '111. C. !Sutler, U. S. Senator lJuerablc de!!lr ror I'rlends aud 10\'0, d y htnguzlne.. sh bulld~ In lhe realms or hel' IWIIS' I)on and Ivory. Aud not contented I'JI tell you. She can become tallor- from South Carolina. for t\VO wrms, in a lelter frUIU W,...~hlngton, :0. C.• .' Illutlqn a wortd QC bel' own. D IIr with the gl nm t t111~ motho r-ot-pearl mad and h11\'e a distinction of uppel\rThe Split 8\<Irt. w~it S to the 1'oL'unl1 Mlldillino Co., nlone. the artificer has Iqserted even an ce anti a chic wblch ail the empire ou S spl'lu" liP abont hel'; ahc loves 118 follows : {>atloDoe-J BOO halt of the poople them teuderly, deeply and · S oreUy, hcre blls or 'old aDd steel and sUver. clothes In tow 11 would nol. glye her," "/ ClIn recommend PeNna lot' eAt\. 't h m sheath skIrts, and tbe other Wit h th gnuze fa· n s , tile bone or , . whlcb Is tho lUosl \)olllutlCn l of all, and dyspepsia IIl1d stomach trouble. I ' bait call them dlrectolre g01\'.n8. , Ivory s tick's aI" sllli used, bul wIth Among the d\llnty nrlfcles for tl,Je 119 their bcanlie~ glolv Ul)On her day , hllve bet:n IIslng}'our medicine (or Bore there'd be , ' Pattlc&-Ye8; , I lh lace liot11lng but , moth r.of.pearl tnllor·made womnn are exqulslto sh..,er a short period and I feel very milch aftel' day. she reels the selfishness . • .pllt about It ' will do. linen sblrtwalsts, 1l0t mucll cmbrold· rr:/Ie,·ed. It '/5 Indeed a wonderful of hOI' seoret nnd 'In the Sllidt oC self· F uther fans ar being marked clos . ered, but Illaited an.d tllokell flu ely . To, me,dlc,(ne. besides a goo.d tOflic.·· sacrifice, reillctaully !ihi\l'es Lbese d ar balf Ilrlce. 'as they are lUlrdly to these there 'are attacbed attracllve col· f • , • • • • • • • • • nto onef> willi lhe world." _ aTARRH of tbe stomach is t.Joe cor'In on showca!le 100I's and rIch ti es. "Grellt Scolt! you mul,o me .fldgety." be used at all. rect n il me 10r most 0UIl08 of dyspep· "Pu olle o[ tbese beo.\lUful walsls He !.umed lo her wJtl) a .new 1001, In lIulong the frnglt o bits oC Ivory and sin. Interna.l CJLtarrb·rom· a sulky J) I1cock on II. girl," he B81d, h!)ldlDg \lp onE spaugl{', aloof. IIkll. his eyes. "Wb n MillS Milford com s ~dy! such ~ Peruna. ,i s availa.ble, r \vlll tell h er a ll r lmow, vorythlng. among little darUng bumming birds, t blll s howed a myriad of tine tucks !In(\ Perllnl! Teblets ten now be procured. 'repoll s a hug plume' fau witli stick!! ' WIIS finished with a flne ru:na down t might even write CIUt some of· the Ask your Driil(l(lst tor a Frr:e PerVlI6 xcltlng evenls J have seen . . 'H r IIplr· of carv n ambor marked f rom $50 1.0 th e Cront "and It makes no Iliff rellce Mmllnilc lor 1909. $26, ' ' . . ' ' how ·to.t ~be hi: slle. ls going to have f ' 'hs arc always s al'chlllg for n wad· Uhougb th pl\1me fans are ratber certain cl!-chet. that (lven tho Smart sl "entilres, aren't they?" ENQLlSH HUMOR. She loo'ked ·at him ILnd smiled. The out of date. Jallllnell teat,.bor fallS nre of the empire styles qannot exc 1. smile was his undoing. He bent closer 'qulte modlsb. One o.10del which Is Tben i1ress her, so far ss··lh olllside s hown at 1\ J())Jll.ll II . sbop ',has a lothlng goes, wltb a very IltrlcLly two 'o ver her: . . "I wonder If you arl~. real," he w~ls· pretty tea CliP t;ceoe paInted Qn a lor·made coat aqd skirt. . "Th e Ut~lost '8llcrll\ce to hllJon that lllilro(); "nil tbese yenm·.l.bave dreamed liackgroUnd of White feathers and ~he [ allow Is a black saliu belt. ' As the8e of YO\l-ben ut\[\U , alluring. elusly~nl toll fringed ",rtil peae.o ck fea,thers. night )'011 gently shadow m~. at noon " In size, the .fanhns 'not cbnnge,d ta.llor-made cOlDllrqmlses with the )'011 sweelly mock...:.....yet .al,wayll when r much. l,t s110uld be: if anythJng, 11 lit· '.Ulode ar~ IDten.ded only for s tout glTI , rench out to clas-p and bold YOll f1 e tie larger thau those Jlhown I~ult year. I allow no sUIJ. har(lftnlsh~ clOI hs to my grasp aud 1 11m left To· ' As to e xpense, yon may have what be liS d. Nor must anyt1!lng with · 8 night I have {ounil Dly spJrlt' (l hav )'C>11 ·wlll . from the . rn~ ~r steel very rough s\l~(ace be e~ployed,. slnco splrlte, to'o, you see) lin lha ,Oesh, Yet s\J3ngled gauze wl~ln tho renoll of It teuds 'to give also the Impres Ion 01 She-Pooh! What Is ,,!dss It 1& . , , a thing. . I dare !l.ot try. to tquch ne wav or any purse. to tbe creation of lace and size. tbnt misty cloud you flont tn. T II n1e mother·of-pearl. or tbe product' of l~O "nark colors are, at courfle,bellt, nd He-Well YOll once 8uM you COQIdare you real or ~ave you only como. nrtlst's daintiest bru h. [ Hnd the soct, solid color clIBslmeree refuse 'm'o nothlbg, you knolV.-Chlps. In fle'sh, !.P 'mOCR me.1" . .' J 'Or the sDl sman m(l. brlug tram a ' lUost 'becomlll'g The curtains pal't'ild and Mrs. Alden spel!lal case a 'mod .1 which Is rnpldly Tile Cllanglng Time.. " 'I I 'SI t on the tallor.mnde Ide~ looked In. . . . I1lnlng III popularlty-Ule sanlial, n il , , r. • .,. Times bave changed , ilnce ~50 yeai'll Botb rose to their f,eet a little awk· \\lO'OU, tau ' ADd"lf YOU Ii!I mlgDon~.tte even to tile bate. Nolhing Is vret.ll r ago, whon 'Halley'S Comet, for whos& with such a ' ljult ~hl1D one ot the . , " to go 'Wardly. , ; , bette r than t ulips. Y(lu will find I ~ as Ilk bOJ.Ver alpines !.hat th e me n arE reappearance astronomers are now "Miss Mltrord!" ab exclah.l}ed" "I attraoll ve as I t~~ more elaborate pro-, ~ow wearing In the 'country; 'tiley look,ing;·*asdn Hie heavens. TileR th& . have been \oQldn g E/verywherc-the Chrlstlau world' prayed to be dellv· ·~~~;;;fe:. OfF~;:;b~~e P!~~;II;I:e :a~~ come .trom VI,!nna, 'have ' o. long I\al' sred president Is ' asking to meet from "the devJl, tJie Tu'r k and tile that rises to you,peth ~fJs you wlli be and are , roade III green, bluck and Qome t." Now It 81lYS the devil Is not ::om~," She turned to go. - - _ . " ·M'iss Milford s~ai; led to · (OlloY'. abie to cui! up a faint recollection of brown. 'tbey are not worn pla!n, by blaott"as be has' been nlnted, tll& some old' sea' captarn's cablnet 'wlth' Its . women, but wlLh 0. \V1Dg or ano~her Turk Is 'a negllit\ble quanllty aud tllO when Jlh\! felt her Mnd clasped In .. strong oneS and dra\',~n tightly to a treasure ttove of teak and Ivorr, bony kind of 'feathel' ornmn~pt. 'comet would be' ratber Jl'elcome than . ' , benrdea ,cheek: an(1 s/IDdlewood, ga'ther,eo (rpm 11 hun ~ "So 'the fnt gll'l n ~~p', Dol .Worry otherwls\l.-:-Boston Transcript. • J ri ' ~ "'1 Wonder If Yciu Are Real," He Whl. "Miss M'IUotd," h'e whll!~ered, sav. dred fnr.-off shores: And as the In·,, R!>out being ou~ of Ihe '!'tyle. I,. she pered• .\' , " 'N6ble' Gentleman, 'TII.'s. agely. "l j!hal)"nover ·Iet liou ~o \mlell~ .cE\tlse.lIIee . fragrance' ' even ruore ,wut consent 10 becom'e t.a1lbr·made potent In its 9pell., po.l'ha])8 It wnr In· ra~lJe~ than take :to the" prese~t falih. , "No, I do not" believe ,10 IndlBcrlm· "l,ICY . were Ci)~t~~~ aali laughing. you tell me. whe\! you will, torglve." yo. k e ,for you ',a vlslol\ of, 'gran~m0t1!,er~ Ions, s~' can ha·v e..tlle llatillraCUol~ Q ' Inate ch~rlty-g!vl,ng. W~\lIlever a beg· "When ,. jorglvenesl s ~.:, ball ' be~n "gpssIVI/lS," _l!;nlled, the Sen~tor ~o earned~' .,sbe 11ashed back, . b ut at.t1T~d for. the ba ll /loolls\drted, ball' loolilng more dlstlnln\lslled 100b r own Bar' telle me h~ Is starvJng J put h1m hlm s~lt, '''like two Old, wpml) n." -'He tell rose thrust way ·tlia., .baU the ' whmen : w\lo"fjl!ivlsh tci" t6;;: 't'ellt hefere believing him. J tlr!iwn demUl;ely ~at he felt the 1,~ndnes8 ' '·nr".'r,n't · remember thM hE;" had. ever s"'eetly UI:!n~b. '~ , In ' llel' ·1Jodloe nnr! · fluttering In her If copy ,,'hat 'makes them look their tell hlm'to cdtne 'tlllck In ",0 days." ' 'been gUllty of such conduct ' before. "Well Tn , ' ",,' .; . bl1nd a sQndnlu'Vootl fall. ' worsV'-'BostQn Herald. Tiley 1lIS((U8Sed eaCD woruM In turn, Paving Stone I. Ge~man lriventlon. "Well, If he Cl&Imes . baole ft'B olear as they peelled at them from behilld Consul. '~" : W. Harris, In reporUng that he told a lie, so ( r efuse him, rt tbe curtain, where tbey sat. , Mrs. from' Nuremberg that a. Gel'mau firm WIUI the Ullth. he'd be dead:' . Alden's gown, 'Mrs. Bradwuy's hair, at Wurzburg b,,,s recently placed on Mrs. Brown;s ,j ewels. 'Those jewels, the market a patented artificial stone, A:'8olen,n R •• pOnllb.lllty. ' ahe said, were .."or.t h an . enormous called v'ufkan()l; for ,Pu'v lng p~rpose.s, "Jt·s easy to b~ gay ' and make 'p _, 1Ium. . . ' for wble)! . JUuch Is claimed'; .thus de plo abbut you , forget. ·,thelr troubles.:' "How m)lch?" . asked tho praCtl?al. scr~bes . jt. 'rhe 's tone Is com'posed . ·of. "Thnt's all you.. \wow about ftY 'an. .~': • crusbed basalt or otber 'slmllar ~ocks .Senator. , Iwer,ed the ,~P,~qte;8 10nal ,cO~edl.~ . She br9!lthed, almost . rl?vere~Uy, a co1l9cteiHri •.par,t <)~. refuse ~ro)n Quar. "You never bad a lot of . peoplo out III ' . 'Wes"ft'nd' mixed ,wtt h-a ' small. per cent. fabulau ll ~um, 'front won,ileril1g . whether they we~ . "How "would you feel with all t~at , ~ o~ c~me~~. ,ThC'" I:gI,1Cture .' h~ I!ubcolna "trorth.'" . to '&et ' their moneY'a ,. on you? " . 'Jed~d to h.eavy hydraulic pre's sure and , , . . "Um-\1Il1," cn¢e th.e ecstatic an.' fOl'iD ed Into blocks pt IC'q~venlllPt size , " W~at Worried t:!lm: ; :' .swer through ~loseJl lips. .'. ' for ' pavIng. , . 'l1hea9, bljacks . are then : "Maud told me to ¢all her· fatber ,'Old Fifty b~~shoi. Pe,. Jfe turned and looked at I\er. slowly sub)e~ted to Ii proc@8 or bllmlng un' mlln.'· She iia'd he'4. lII~e. It.~' ·· ,. ac:re bave been shaklnp,. hls, head. . ,,'der 'hlgll temperature 111.1Ipeclu.1\y pre- ' , !'Dld !he ever' lIke -it?" ::No, never: Ulat would make you, 1)~l,'ei!'lurnace~, .. whtch :proce~8 conUIl~ grown. Gelleral , "Never, mind . abOut that... l!m bUs, , avedge8reat~rtlJB~ theD. a little ll1~e the. rest of, them-. usslfor about 12 day-s:,' ,Th\! blocks are wouderlng 'w!iy, ;Bhe' lOla me tp do' It." '~~ea.~8~~~~b~~; eartb)'." , theil petmlt~ed · to .·ooo[ as 'alowly . . l'Illiy ·Wertl peeping .again: ' . ' posslble~'. .' " ' , . ,' ,.' CAUSE' ~FFE~T :' .. : It la oir wonile r where the authoress, Miss, , ,! ' . :" " • :-.'. ~ - a homeaiea4 new I'I! possible tq se,clir~ Qf tOO. acres ' . . '• • ' Qood Digestion Follow, · Rlgtlt Food. , Law Allis Parti-l~Be., '6-ee, and additionall~ acrel at $3 perac:re, MitroI'd. ', Is? [hold the eveDlng In ' , ' " . , -' - ', ': . .... , , dread hecause her'." , ' :; .A feat~re .o( this ' y,~ai"s' huntln~' sea. , Indigestion anil ' the !clttondant ells"'"'~ dov.iot>";.nt o(t"eco~ntry.h; ....Q'reemnci. . "Wby 1" she_ alik<.ld. s''0' n" In th~' Maine woods 'haB been the,.. :ct1ArveJcil". ItrlC;leL 1 It I" • ....revel~tion. , oomfort. ,of mind and bOdy are· 'Ce~ <lid o(conqu •• t by' ""ttlement tb,;, I.remari<, "Oh, tbese ,' s plnster wiltersarways ' abun" dance' ot pnrtridge~: ' .' Co~ni!!ut~ e ,taln ,to follow' qontln,ued 'l lse at ImnTOP., Ilbi .·-&tr.clfPOmcri,..Jp,,,,denuo, .. NllllOn;al an.d bore us to denlli: EJllo,.,'whD , <OIsI/ed ,tf,wU' "'c"Atigpst ~st. , '' _ \yLth- ing on' the matter, the. Ken,nebe. c 'Jour. er fooa. ,, ' .' .. ,;. llbllo:::ophr ,and )v,bat. not-tl\ey nal.,_ slIye: ·, . "A ""ell,-jenow,n '· ellstero . , Tpose, wh9' lire st1n. ' y()~ng , inq'" ·1 'h.o grllin .c:rop of .191,18 ', wi." z:!et many. 'Wllnl .the ,Ir "Ide working of 1Jl1s " and guide 'cUillns that the ¥edgehog . J'a,,\, ~obust are likely ·to _ ol(e~lo()k 010, f~ct . ".(' farm~ro ~2Q;OO In $2S.00 .pcr acre. Grain. t.Jl at-yOU ,!ouldn't . unqerstnnd7 ' passed by Oie legjslature" fQ,~r,.' years f:alsl'ld , mixed fajmlng aOO ,dairying. an h ' t Is ' " I I I d ' .h h that, as dropvin.g , water ·~m ''Wllar,.·. a ., tljc.. pnn!=1pnr in,duslries. , Climate Is eXcel. t e1 ra a gr ..t n~, anc?, .'" 10. ~ g. le. p.-'!o ll-D~ repealed l!lst . ~ en80n ' Ill! ' ad 8~on'e away at .IllSt, so wlll the Uile or , fent;-50ci:() conditions the'beati railwaY .ad. A gleam of. seriousness .came Into the Indirect 'elrect Qt,·g.lvJng the . part~ . b'eavy, .gr,eaay/ 'r'oh fooet flb'tilly cause ,,~ v antages l;I,heoltilled;sc;bO<!Is, chl.1'che8.ll,nd the bp.ll vily' IIdded,:;blue eyes.. ,,' , rld ges .a .ch8ljce to ,muli.tllly. ., 1:Ws' law Io'sl Q1 appetite and. lndlgeBlIon; " .' mark ... ts close 'at .hand.. Land maya:80 be ' " It. Beems." ..she .s ald, sl(lwly, ",as If alolthorlzed the ' payment ~f a', .b ounty ', .Fortunately., . many,~.,are t thought(o,l .pu·t!=h·asedfrolD ra,ilwllyl\n:cJ.landc:ompallfes. ~etl . 111«1, you, anll. otl!ors, wlio n~e' :In on hedgehogs;,..'alta ' wliiUe ' '1,t .W8S j ~p I" anough to, studt tl;lem8elvea altd note . , " V"O ;'La~t · ~..twnt~,~an\~hlet·.;~~pa ... n~ the midst o~ Ih,ls great life,; would free· force r suited In liUlln&,~oll ,tb~, PQrou vtuicJ ptli ' :ofCj\u!lo aod Ellect I i~" , i.MQrJ!' utlon u;'lo 'bow I I' ••• ure lo~e.t ;011· Iy I{lyo 3; lltt!e ,o f their Imo.wlcd!;e to vine alml'!lt. ~.. the .. p,ql,n r of ,I , '~,l'!~~''''I '' (lolly foed: ,Ii.. N.· t. young wom• .'; .' :'~\I~~!eOt~~!':' ·~Jl~':.':!t~~~o~l~:~~u~~':l:~ a <!'onlau~ '\!h9 cnnnot. lMrn the!le tlon. This Trian 61tyS tbnt-c tbP.' \n ',vrltee.:her·:expo·J;lence th,u s: l . . . ':." Canll.dfoJl QpY~rnmeaU'~,ent: , ;thln ~: ea.yo, through the expei'len,ce of ho~ . ¢at the "eggs ' :9f 'I.h!l' ."Sometime ago r had a lot Qf'tro.uble· H M ' WlL ' U.&WI ·· · o~hors , " . . , ,," ·tind no'w thaHhere afe IlO tew,of IndIgestion, caus'ed by ,too· rloh BubtUIa'i' . • why do .'women bothnr 'w lth mallY more eggs, have : a a :vreth': a'ud_' elrect1ve': I "~ gpt ·so: I w'l8 om,ble ~ : dlSDoh tbln~~ 1 .WJj,y can't' the, ,all be ' hatr;h':' . .and e~slry made. To suggest dllnens~ons WQuid .~t> :e8t. • ca~celY anytblns, anti m~cJn_ ,{' sweet mid gay? : Why!'\ e'H:lnlmedj as Uie sl~e and shllP.c' will, pf . cQu,rBeH~iIepend "ullon. ~he, 'lVllsll-staiJd I8qmed useless, ' . ' ). " \ .. "[ hnve had more gen uine ,pleas.ure . ' ''ravel. . .. fol', but a ~ew Word" ' desc~n))ng' '~he v.:!l-r.' ln W,hIOh.·U . t8:,cop " , "A friend tldvlBOd ' ~e 't", '.17 ,GraJl&'~ 'ta:lklllg~ '{rilis' :and furbeiow~" bllbln<1 .. "Don't 'Y('u ' , Illnk travel broadon~ ~h,oul~be of sllrvJce. ': " , .'. .. ' . • , ~utlt . rOod; pl'al~IDC It. I1'ghlt, ·.~d ~ ...' " . ,; '. . i , . ' 'j.'h'l11 Jja ru"po <:a~ be !iought very cbeap1r. and 'ln 'al!UoB.t any length ·that ~a~ 'thls I;lUrta,in ' ~ere with . :l'ou. to:nlgbt: ,one ?'! I last reaort'I trIed It. ' J am. tbl!llll(\1l .. lhlln levor bad In all iDy life taUelng ' ''Yesl . Aflllr ' ma's · trip to · Ma~sa, ,be,l'eQulred, ana, In this Insta,!lce.the bamboQ 's bould be " little .lllng~r. Ulan .thr •, '!llU', ~iia~ G~~pe.N,.,t8 not ~mI7. .... ' with' one ' of thOS8 learned, ·baohetor cbtlsetts. ahl' dldn t bavtl a, thing han, wldt.h ,of t.he' waB~.~tandJ' a~d 'Bl1ould be ·i)hig,e.!l a." .. both: 1Ilda; with wOO!l a~( ,levell, me .~r lily' trouble, but buIlt' 111&1 ' w:omon." · '. If thal sll.e'colIld Well:!' . . And Jilps';ari" then ... f:lnl'!lJed .olf. by bavln'g , two sm.~n braes· balla sc~~ed I~. In' tlie sam tip 1U1~ 'stl'Ollg\.h.enl!\'l GIl dlifttJ,___01'" . '!T'ben YOll tblr,k , a woman's mlild 80 unfashh·natlle now, too."-Chloagl .LUannor ,tbat ' an brdlnary bamboo curtain !)Ole.. .a trG8l!ld; 'I'itro little' bra•.. ~nl 10. lblat I c~ DOW: eat ,utth'lo. 1 ought not ' to rise abov" tb,o rume of her' Recora-He) 1I1d. . 'I.' hooke (illusltated by A) aJ'e ' lUllled on to .the ~all to ~\.\lIport end 0 ' dellre.. But.' j ~.uc1t to Ompe.Nuta." a-ettlcoat 1". ' tt. .:ane, Tho drapery can t~lIJ1 be ·ar.ranged In tbe, slinple way ilhoWn In tb • ',,",ero's a neaillOft." . He ruade, no, answer aod .be, She ' ~'Cli4ld ~e.ver RI."" ·SK,.ICh, With lhi. QUO ~ ' tllro,slh ~ upper part 'ot' I~or It clo'be ~ • Name liveD br ~1"iDl Co o..u. went on. "I henrd lo·day Miss B~n~'s St.... ranr.ed more elabOrately.lf d8llired, In featoon., and decoratei IWLtit~naJ8 wltl 'Oreek, Mlell. Read "TIl.,IloAtl cO 'Y'~ bbWs ~.rlbboD. The cOlor I,)t thellra~' sho~d' be ~MI; clIolGII ... . . "Tb~~ .a\ltbor.,s 10n Bpeak of .. a t~ther.," bakf)r.~' . '., r'Oln[te~. ~, sbe ~Id T'~ ''!i" muit, tr;ive. been 'lBnnonl%e 01' cont*t 'WIth ~ watl .pall",. ~d when thII .. 'wel1tloiae 1, ... ,:t1l~;" '" . . ' "·Yes," empbailcaJtT. . "Why do .rou 110 . lUll" • .cre-~t c1~t.o - - ~ ~.oa. 11Iqcea . :~iifli~ ,"ThO paJ)er .I~ ~" QI ~l,. IIshe Is · 80 Jl"\7,"--!~I:Il:1t "~ _~.,. ,._.,-,.:.' ~
... ...
........... .
; '
-·f.:.~ ~.;.. ."B~lt
chancf~ ~
w~sh1Iltlln'a drlu'l~lrV.
The IDeransed u~e of "Torls" tor lame back and rheulOatJlDl Is causIng f'.()ns ldorable dllJl:USSl"A among tbe It.(ulloal fraternity, It 11, an almost Infallible cure witen m;'.\!lI\ wttbcertaln other Ingredients and inken properly. The tollowlng formuln la elfeotive : '''ro onc-hnlt pint ,Dt good wlliskey add one l'unco at Torls Com· pound and on C)l!nce Syrup Sarsapa· r llla. Compoun d. Taite In tablesPoon· ful dOlles. b eforEI each meal and before r etiring," Torls compoun,d Is 8. product of the laboratories of. the Globe Pharlljaceutical Co.. Chicago, bnt It ns weil as the otber Ingredients ann be had trom any good druggist.
E.. .tern Journal Make. • Few Com· menta on the Po.sltlon of the Average' Wife-Works fo r Board and Clothes.
A Multiplicity of F.t"..... Arclyce had been learning to elDI!! "America." at scbool and was trying
to teach It to brother 'Vayne. One morning bIs father heard him IIbout~ Ing: "Land where my papa died, land . wbere my papa died." Ardyce Interru ptEod: " Ob, no, Wayne, not that way. It f. 'Land where our' fathers dlea."" Warne's expresBlon could not be described as he tJp)'led bls b-ead BId&wise and In a very Burprlsed . tone grav~.. y aaked: "Two ,o f 'em 1"-Dei Uneator,
A . young m;lI1 not many Y81lr9, ago "Got Up, Jack, You mustn't cry beg/HI .calllng all a girl;. he kent ber nut 0,0 the front J)Orclr late at nlgbts; like a . baby ! You're quite a man now, You know If 'r fell down I shouldn't IT WAS ATRIP TO INVEST. 'Ie made II re 0. lormen t Cal' bel' H she cry, I should merely sny-" looked at nny other mnn; anll 'flnaHy "Yes, I, pn ; but t ben-t go to GATE ANO ' BUY FRUI.:r 'Ie married her. ·Sunday school-and you. don't." Ha Is poor und hpr futher Is In fair· AND TRUCK FARMS, . Iy good circumstances, so tbat for ilie AMONGST THE TORTURED SIX MO~TH8 fJrst time In her li fe she began to It I. Reported Th'a t 114 FarmD of Ten tas te prlvallon and ' selt,denlal. Sh e By TClrrlblo Itohln\l Eczema"':.Baby'. Acres Each Were Purchased by the ,'ooks for him, clenns, sews. menlls 8ufferlng Waa Terrible - Soon Investigators After Carefully Golna and slnves (01' him aull their two chll' Entirely Cured by Cutlcura, ,lren. Over the. L ~ nd, " ahd Making Seleo "Eczema appel/red 'on my son's face, Why bus tills man put this woman tlbltD for Themaeillea. al;!d TheI r In n pOBltlo/.! whore s he 'must exp!'!rl, Wo went to a doctor wbo treated hIm Friend., ence s uch hardships In ut!Jlllon to hie tor th ree months: Tben be was so bad Ihut his face and head were nothing Th ere must' be somOlblIlg lIlore flt. tyrrany? bllt 'oue sore and bls ears looked as If Because be loves ber. ~~ tractive about or thern Florida in late ThIs Is 8. commOD illtp.r t)l'etntioD of. L11f'Y wero gOing to fall orr, so we tried Lazy ' Larry- Woof! November than' its wnrm sunny dOys. love, the s weetest word In the Inn- another 40ctor ror ,four months, th" wftQ all this wa ~ted (fort, I blooming I'oses, and the rich, luxu· haby never getb:lg any b~tter, HIs have' woo the Marathon rac('! rlant green of the plue aud pulmetto guage. Becnuse he loves ber, mnny a mnn band and legs bad ' big sores on them to ' Cftlllle a halt hnndr d !;lUbs ta nllal LachrymoBe. bltelllglllll fanner.s, busIness nnd pro hM brought many a woman down to " nd the poor mUe' tellow suttered 80 "Pa. ~lJry's upstairs crying ogaln." bell wbldh sbe has loyally striven to tllr rl bly t.hat be could Dot sleep. Arter feaa\onal me n ot 'the North to invest "What's th mat.ter this time, he had suffered six mOhths we tried In trom olle to (Ilree ten,acre tarms turn Into a beaven. WOlDan is so constituted that so .. set of the 'Cutlcura Remedies 'Md ma?" eaob,' an.d ODe DIan bou gbt tou farm a. long ~ she beUeves herself loved aDd tho Orst treatment let blm , sleep and , "I can't just JIDAlte alit wheth\!r [t'B Tbese men went ·to HlIllard to fi nd nppreclated sbe can forg ive anything 'rest wen ; In one week the /jores were because IIhe's IlJrald Jim won't ask out 101' them selves nucl ' their friends and enduro noythlng and s tili be gone and In two moptlla be bad 8. clear bel' to go to the thellter to·nlght or wh~tb er tM clai'm s made In the print· bnJlPy· fllce. Now .he Is two years and haa 'Y"hetber she Jlasn't ,anything fit to ed mat ter sent out by a luud compar,y A wife Is the only laborer on earth never had eczema again. MI'8. Louis wear, It he illlould."-Delri>lt Free , were all t"fue:' Many or these men Ilavl who works ror her board and clothes R, F. D. a. San AntonIo, Tex" Press. not yet roturned to their homes In lhf and II! expected to be grnteful tor tho Apr. 15, 1907," Ol1e Thing That Will Live, Forever, 'North, b\lt taken ndvantage 01 prlvUege. _ _ _ _-:-_....."... PE'l"'XI'l~ EYE bALVE, first box sold in tbe 21-day time · limit on thefr home Why He Remembe,r ed •. Bilt even. she appreciates a trIp and . 18Oi, l OG yellfi! ngo, salCll increnKe yt!ll.f-h'. 'leekers' tickets to see something a day olr now 'and then. Ely Bome Bhuffilng of the·, social .A 11 druggists or Ho\\'a~dBros., Buffalo, N . Y . the stllte ot Florida, paying visits to -----'- irbe bus bnnd wbo doesn't econo, cards tbe clergyman anll the dog fa,n ' the lliOO,acre poenn, orl\nge, grape mlze on xpresslons of aUeetlon or cler were at the same atterDo.on , tea. Good temper, Us tllte a sunn y daytrnit and semlJI'Op,ical nursery of tbe stint bis wlttl on praise may do ' as lIe The wanderIng talk' unexpectedly reo It abeds Its 'brl@thtne81 everywhera.- Grlmng Brotbel'$, Company at Mac, will without friction or argument ' . solved Itself Into th,e question. Wlto .,aseal. clenny, 40 , miles BOUth of Hilliard, and 80 long as be doesn't sluk the 10YeJ- 'll'ere the 12 sons of J acob? Evea tlJe visItIng some ot.1he old fruit and , veg· 'n' the hUsband he n eed"fear rlva : elel'le with . tbe reversed . colhir bad etahle trucking liectlonll that ' H I) 'may forget ever~ -other rule, but , forgo tten, but the doggy ' m an reeled made' North F10rldn falnous aa th," It be' remembera this nil will be wun. ' 011' the names 'wJthout error, from gl'eate' t of "~n)l!I'lca's WInter Oar· , Even' when tbe steak Is ,eather Dud Reuben down, to Benjainln. dens;" the bread ' a cinder ~e must merely The. #clergyman looked $urprleed. The)' found tllat Lhe land withIn r emark t bat t;he meal Isn't quite up to "Ob, I'm not great shakeil ' on ScripeIght 10 tea miles 01 the old estab, her usual high staIidard at perfee· ture," saId the man Wltb the tox ter· IIsh9(\, ' ''1lcltlng districts bas, for many 'Ion-and It doesn't happen-again, rlers, ~" but those are the names which ,years, i>..E'n held at lIucb hIgh prices u Every woman Is an Idealist, and she lome chnp gave to a dozen puppletl f100 to ,b_ ,Oper acre Cor uncleared will break her Deck trying to live liP rm.willing to sell." l!lnd, ,wblch 1.1- ,es a' small tortune f9' to . what she thinks a 10,'lug husl1and a maD to' get .a "tart. B ut even nt the .expects of her. ,~ ~ '' klck~ hJgh prices, the- Ihr ome every 'y ear 01 There nre .worse ililngs ttian work. Harry . Po,yn ~ Wbltney 'tbe day -~18 $100 to $6UO an acre .\'nlslng strawberIt is 'generally the lonllly" hun~y, own 'and other noted ' borsemen s rlea and vegetables. a mnn mnke~ On hearted women , wbo nre tr'ylng to racers we.te shipped troin Lo.ndon on to t~eDty tImes what he CM raising amuse themselves- and feed , tbel~ the 1I1.1nneJ1aha, said of the death of oats an9 OOJ1l In the Northe.ll states. starved ' lives' on the froth of parties raclns In New ,Yprk: . -. The 'se'verni, men wbo have : n'-an,itt · ' and the dry huska of club JUlpets. "A 'good mnny jockeys- hnv~ been r-eturned ' from ,- tb e Florida trip nre SittIng alone lit nlgbt waiting tor a bard bit. A-jockey told me last week congratulating themselves on tbelr husband to come hoine does'n 't tJlrl.ll a a very sad tale of misfortune. ,I Us~ pd fortune or being able to secure woman a bit lUore tban ' it would a tened sympalbellctlIJy." . .. 'Ab, Joe: said I, 'when a man Is truck farm land within two to Dn miles ot that s ubstantia l lltUe town. Ib'.:~t an y wqman can be 'b roken of down, few hands are exte,nded to blm.'. Hilliard, on llie inaln line ot, tbe At· the club' bablt by a husband who wlll "Tho Jockoy as he cb~wed a s6'aw, lanUC? <toast Un.e Rallway, at' '21 , aD stay In of evenIngS a'nd t l'Y to enter- amil/i'd bItterly. ' acre, . Btated tbal thIs railway taln her In Ii. spjrlt 'Of love anythIng ., 'Few' hands-yeB-that's right,' ~s more passenger nnd (telgbt tra!ns, II'ke that ot courtship days.-Phlladel.' said. ' ~l1t think of the ree~.' !: . an.d' car~eB inore p,e ople' lQ and out ,oi phla 'l'elegraph. Ifow~s This? F1onda, tban all other roads entering We 011 ... Ooe Hundrocl DoIIaJa Reward _ lew · IID'1 Florida ' .,ut 't9gether, , . .~ Artiflolal Clouds: . ~~ , ~Wrb ilia' ....I>II~ be cuM ' ''' ,B all'. It II reported by three or the well , D. 'L, 'Murphy, United states con aut who visIted Hilliard tita t' all conell· at Bordeaux, reports the Inventl n' -ol tiona are better, ' very much bette~, M, Lestout, 0. Frencb grape grower, Ulan they expected to' find, and tbe I,t· of n process for prqduclng 'arUllclal erature sent tbem by the CornWall ,clouds for the protecUon ot vineyards r FaI1Jl Lund Compnny, owneni of the tram ·trosts ,and "the heat of the "sun, North Florida Fruit ruid Truck Farm. The repqrt aays ..,t·. baa been tested at HillIard, docs not' ln any way over under va\ious QondlUons and prdv"ed, \I.JI'. 4 ~~~_ draw . the facts as they found them; 0. pract,lcal .auccesB. ' It conslats of 81.1:' ~o DeC,ep(I;;n. . and 'some, or ' the truck farmerl, they 1ng sm~1l wooden boxes, open at the taiked wllb av'oke' of crops rai8ed::and ' ~op, -with In,8ammable cOD\poBltloll, reo , :'l bought some 'boo,lII, 10tB II!- a Clout mon~Y ' rt!allzed (iom vegetables larg~" duced to a fine 'lowder an~ pressed town, Feller w.rote me the' land mlg~t 11 In excess of tjle stntements In tlie Into a compact mails. ,Wben this com· all M gODe In a week if I didn't ·buy. 'qUIck." . C1~OUP land company's descriptive hooka. poslUon, whJch conslats of equal parts "Tbat's "an old Ilodge." They alao learned tbat ·wlnter grown of reslnouB ~Dd earthy . matter, .Is Bet " Elut he told the exact truth. The .egetables command' prlcea that, 81 alight,. a de!lse . clqud of smoke , Is Rated by one, " made their eyes open," produced, banging over ~he vlneya,ro ocean Is carrying It au In chunltll,"there i8 1110 quicker, eurer ~hat there Is a demond ,to!, eV\l1'1 ,ong enough to protect the plaI11s :tram 8. LOull Republic, reme"y known than pr, D: · box• .bnilket, '~ampe.r and barrel of lbe the April sun rays, anll 'gIve tbllbl a : IIJ'Ip"o""'-rta ~ nt-t-o-M-ot-h-_ '. Ja.yne'. Expectorant. ' , Four Ilrodllct{J -Qf the ..s·O.II · Qr North Florida chance to reCuperate ' trom 'the' dan .. • ExamIne carefu!Jy - every botUe of· 'cerieratioiiil of chlldren,have the year a'roun12, 'largely In' excess , 9f geroua' effects .of the frost. The ' In· OAST9tuA, Ii .I!afe' and' ~ure remedy for been re1ie"ed and cmd b" the present" ptod\ICHon, ., ' ~entOr 'claims· lhe.t b)" bls ~e.thOd 60 InflUlts and clilldren, and see that it "...his oldancl ~.b'emcdicl8e. tie qll.mnte, tbe PJlfG' and' ,abundant. acres ' m~~ ,'be ,prot4!cted,\t a cost ot Be~' tbe" /1J1 :, ~~~~ 'ri water, and " t be ' goneral , healthfulness about. ~w'o' dollars, -, , ,,' , ~gnatHr?, Of~~ : of the . &1lllard dlstrlcllDi'>prelsed tbem, IJ1 Use ' For, Over· 30 Years. ', ~d &8- one 'dootdr, In' the p~rtr stated: The:Klnd ,You ,Have Always · Bought: r • • • '''There 8eems to be little cblmce. tor ' ," bas 'beell ,Iueeeaarull,. em-, . , . men In my . pr6feBslon~" Iett no doubt , . ', wllgnty, . 'ploYed "for oyer 78 >:eara in In .the minds of those w,hose ,fi r's t COD' "He Is what I call a massive think· c:oqntlesa cues of Croup, , " slderatlon ' i8 for. the health of their Wboopi~1t Cough,' Colda• .r. " .' (amtllcs. ;" , be haa io run" his trll1n..ot Brollcbi.tia, Inflam1D,,~on of the Lunga, .n~ Cheat, Pl~u. . in s8cilonl,"-Kans8.8 CitJ TIle land · company ' made ' Iln agree· rl!'y, and .imU~ ailllient.. ment. to cred1lpte round trip r!lllroad , POt ,the aake ' fare rate of N'ovember 25th tlle pu~, . i>aatrle'~' ar,e pro· .. bott.e c4aac-.or',a ,ten-acre ,farm, ;.A11 ,. ~h08e I Souders' Oream or ' who · w~nt to ~ l\Iar,d, and wbo could , and rSou()~rs" tOok advantage oW, and,as tiler. 'WIlI good:~roeerlel, lid' expense ,to 'lh~ buyera' at Lhe.'bead ~~-,----,--,' .:..:.. ,.' '. , quar.t~ra ~f ' the .'lI'nil:, coiil~a~y, wlillil , ' there' the .triP was Inexpensive, Inter-, . :. e.tln·g, iuid . certainly shoiddprove.' -' llfofrtable: . ' -" ,,' " . :', .' :" It Is understood tbat , tbe Cornwail hrm' Land 'Company, First N~Uonal Sank Bldg. OhlC8gO, mak~1I an offet ' p~y, the ~h.:qa~ fare "t.a ,· ~I!'a~, • re- , tundl~ 1~ Qt:~ ~~ pl»'men~8: to /Lnr. "bo 'bu",s one .ten·acre farm any , dunng thO ,month of ',Dece~ber, ·'rroin .: ~lJ · tQYJiIl :" ~~ : Olilo~ 1MI,n&,: ~ ~ tU9~,' ~ew , YQJllC, 'r!!nn,sYlvanla . . , '. ' ' Tenneasee.. ThoB'e' 'Wbo ~.nt to " N~w' ·V:.rl.ty. ' :(j ; " '" ' tl'gate "bould' Fead . the" advertllemeilt " . "!'ou " h~ve ' deceived" me." :"grQwted . 'ot thl. company on ' all.otl1er, pago ',or tho mal\ 'wbo had ' bought a b~~o" · ~i.. ,P!lper;atid ,writ e t!Jr, the terms ' 'In the suburba. "How eo sir?" askeCl tI~e , ~_d lIternturc~,.;., •. tODg~'!Cl r~l-elitate agel)t. .' \ , , .,. . "WhY'. when ' were ne'gotla~nR A Qi'eai. Difference. ,"Oil sAt!l ' there were 'no C~~O!, ~.. . , "~.~t,' It ~a'" _~~ry naugJl~y sips ttl thla netgb"orb~d. , , )'ou .to, m~ke ,such. a . ru~ you ~~Id '., "ADd I IIpoke the truth,. sir, rl\ bp-,._· YOlJ , hew ' dolU~ ypu d .re aU unC;om~on, Yoll 'coul~'t tp the ' dcint~t'll ~It-bqu'l a ~urmnr, '. "I ' didn't murmur, muyver. I tbelr ellu81 ,Ill .evQ: It8teB"~ "
. A Death Each Second. , The number or dent hs In the ,",or]d nnnually Is 33,333,333, or 91,954 i?e r ' day, 3,730 per hour, 60 per minute, or cne p r second. 1t Is esUmated tbat the poi;llIlnUon or the earth at the pr sent Ume 'ls beIng Incrensed at the rate of about 16,UOO,OO~ annually,
Are yOlD' aboea going dcnvn hiD? Th~y hav4!q't lived Up to the aaleeman'a aay-so. ' T~e our aai-ao tIda time. . tty~ Whit~ HoUse S~ •
Get .'
They fit &op, tip to ~. . From 'Welt to top face, tIieJ ' ~ gracefUl ~jJ8 of JOUr. . foot,; =:"==~~CI they bold tn.t.haDe. ' ,
, FOR Ml<N. $5.50, $4,00, $' 00 anCI $6,00. , FOR WOMEN. '3,50, $4.00 .... ".00. Butn Browa Blue Ribbon Shoet for,uaK'tcn. A,k itar Maler fer ~
CO., 'Halie~ .
For and Whooping Cough
·'~Ltpptnc!ott'••, •
It's the ~ess head Yeo. throW 'away tbat makes th,ree cigilql ~ ~ "lS '~ " QkI .V~ pus Cheroots ,are an CJg8f:-~ ~, I YOllJ pay ,
you ~" $centSfot,~jn- stead of 1Sc. . · . '. ',' " '. .I J:. ' '"
, ;,'
SOid Ev.r"where , .' ,
. . - - _. - ___ __ i __ -; - ---~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
.$ The
DaYlight 'Store $ J" estmas' do"your Xmas shQPping. ".'Chrl'slm means you must ua Chrl get: busy.. We "have • I Spe'C1'IS -$ .Specla s. gIII. a rked.anddown -Iota of the late buy-
i i
tree, . -
er ,will
LACQUERED GLOVE. ;fEW... EI:.andKERCHrEFBOXES Just a few left.
CliINA SATSUMA VASES. I ~ir at·.... ........... ..98e each 1 arge Vase at........... ~ .. llargeVase at .............."'2,98 Nut Bowls ...... ..... 390 to 59<: CupsAnd Saucers ... 25eto35c Salad Djahes ........2Qc to 12.00
' S ,
CANDY Underwood's ,l>ure Hllrdeut.Mix ... ·............ per Ui9c Putnam Mix .... .. ,.... .. 8e I2c- Cream Mix.. .... " . 10e 18c Cream Mix...... .. 15c l8c Caramels......... .. 16 20c Chocolate Creams j , 15c ' 40C ChQcolate Creams .. 30c Pea!1ut Squ8 res"' ''' L" 12e t t 0f oW- · A nice assormen ney's in % and Jb bOl(8S, " at ......... :·.: ...... .....25cto60c
.. ~
1 Tea' Set ... , .. ................ 1.9S Sugar and Creams ~t...... 75c
i'$ A'~Fi'=~',:o:
From . .'............ '1.25 to $4.98 Nothinc Dicer forwif., mother or 8W'eeth~t.
.S $
S~.ECIAl r
" R:
i ....
$. .'
Dr. D. P. C• •" bu bee~ ;",alk. aftem~b, "" oa air ,ilin08 ' ~onday. It III .. b:oy, ltel'lnc .' . a ~I _nd a DI08 one, iOo. , • nd 1ft;' _ . La m l,Mid' 1ft ofl;ll~'iwlaen his ·'Wife·and da~chter' 'SABBATH sc~;~ E'XERClSES
,Fancy cmbroid4:red, I~ . doi.ln.a f II ' I I I h d .1 Ilnc W Ilc 1II1( P II S a eu bd~. A bar- . c
67 box
gaul :II
Xmas Tree Qrnarnents.
II in x 12in.Wlthgll~m·at • . A!-lsorted suhjccts
6Se eaeh-
Crepe Paper, · Xmas de-
Signs, lOc pkg
. ' .-
~ b wa It t z 's Cb lOa It t' z S' ~C
~ F~R S';LE- "-'- '
Carolina. Sir Virginia. Wlll~er named 'he , WANTED j bloodedfor . '1"1... C. R.hodR 1111 lUIof fl entire region ThIs' ROil. Roosters IlIqalre noke colony vanisbed .and WB'I80P , . Mr• . ".1:3. 'l'bomp!!oo . R. b. 4. pOBed to bl&ve been '~a88aored or WANTED' to Rent-A good or- _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ _~. captured by tbe Iod.iaos. Their deecendaDt~ were di8(love~ 80me
Inquir.e at tiji office .
. . ' .' FOUND yearBago liviDg in a mOIl,n la!n val. SOME 8uffOrpiogt.on Hen or pul lIertn westernNorthCarol!na. let@, st.. te pr'iOfl. Mrs. E. 1:4 bARGE 6At1N1'Urr GLOVE . But it WBS the Ylrginia. colony of Wadsworth W"ynetlvIUe. Ohio. near ~hl\ lmvpr Wilt riot( t.roufh ' ..A 1607 aDd the Plymout,h Rook oolony n. D S' Inquire iLt thill offiOe,' of 1620 tbab etllrted the bi8t{)ry of •. .
. •c" .
.6 -" .
• .
Will White's ,
.W~e~ly .,
Faocy and 10c. .
Mar,ket Letter. " c.:~~W~:~;.' 3 ';", 10,
Christmas Candies
.7c ..:. Can,. 75c e. ,Doze".
bi_lf-to pieCe!! .Friday
. . \'
. THE DEItBY ~i10I:.AitSHJP'
j '" .' ·i. J.'
Jr'. 445 E:. Main; from 9 ~, lii. m~' ,(,.11\ 3 4:p .. m. ' DO,n. Ohio ' Sa " ti ,.,t lon Th , e Rural ~rrr~,'w.m ma~e tbe..l r . ~ 1i.t ~ recent ",leetIDg of th~ Board gaaraD~d" Valley . ~ho~e ~4 . 8 , re,~~r trip ~ D8aal _u~~ t~~4ay: .. otTniSteea 8 gift.ofiProf8ll8Or SaUl- . , . " ... .... ,,,., . AJlmaUtw{1I tie dlipalObed "nd 're · '.,
..' .
. " , :,'./.
t:lt.,', Le .
.b a
uel Carroli Derb~.'of\$500· OO to f!ltab. . . ~URP.R·ISEi> fRIENDS "" cel.8ct 'al US11&l ~ith thi*. ex~ptidn; It8~ a ~)ate}iip ,in m~m:ol7 of Will: ~"~ ' ":: .. ",. ,' '. ; . . . . ' ~ajt . for"' trains ~ 21 .. in~' ~ hi )~e' ter J~n.y anet. ~orotli1 ~Cef) , A.II~'·. IQliPriae ''!~ ':.I!~OO~ ~ !D~;:n'iaaJ .~U~~!,tbe o~QO..a,~ 8..:jOj Derby w~ accepted. Walter Janney ' 'be . f~.eIUl8 . of Mi. ~l1le ,'lC:trotbe, ~Dll'fOr. blu's ~ an4 '~1 ~D 'he ,ev.Derby. WaBa member,o('tbe clUB of wben Ibe aDDouI)Ccld lu~ week. th•• eD~D~ .nr lede - tbe onlloe at 5 :35" '. t~.~ .the t!n,te ~f'lils death,- U';. IIIbe wu ,olD, tOber. bQm~ i ~ celiDa " , .. : ,fiahilt J;I. Jr~, ''p,'){. .. \ .. " 'ci~r tlae"~rma?ffhe gift tbis ' $Ch01- to be mar,ied. . .. '" ',:" ""'., ' :,' . '. ~~l ' ~ . , . arlbip can be awara~ : wh.m ~1J" Mila Grocb~ ~. beeJl' muh~" het i;' , AIT.END~D O[)(]c .n~. income reaehs ~,oo. I~ bome~jvhbllr.lUldlit'8.'r:.'J BrowD ' , . . . . I, " .' will"~ ~tf!d to graduates of the for Ile:"eral J:••n~ a04 'hey . • ~ ,itr. ·~81U8. .1'. 0.· a.~~~. , ~ ~. , College'"9f.A~ Philosophy,.anci Sci- norlint of II~. qrotbe'l 'iI~~l1~nlllj., ~D~DJI L. A. Z~mm'r:mILP! dl(\~pt enee of thiS UDir~ty ·~ maY be . Ba bUlbaad,is Mr. 1'. J.'! BlatD., d,ptlQ',. ~ere I~ . 8Dri~~bo..o u8ecfbytbe' ~ipj_t in at.~y ~t Bar- wbflle bom'. I. '~e&r ObtdllQ••iad ,,~k. an,d .U~d8d· tbe "1{. of P. ~. Ol' 'R!tdclitf&, ' 0. under: ce,rtain ,be Ie 8 proeper01l8 'hUla" ' maD Of loelle.. 'l~ere ' W" work tD t~e lIn' coiaditiO'*' the' trtudent -may litud, tha' plaoe. ' ' :. ' aa4 ~dftDk. :rb.ere~all& JOod 1ibrola4.~bio S~t.e Univel'lrity !'rlends "",, ·1M!eD·r.YIac.d&rd,a "D~ d·. . .ueral. lI1KJ~ ~~e N......,BuUetin. . , from II.... BlalDe. 'w ho ia DOW tD Dj,"ecl by all, _Mpectatr th. vItIt. . .:-. . CbtcaaO.• ' .~,:'. ' ton from bere. TP.LEPHONE .OFFICE CLOSED -: Tbelfale&. . . . . . tbem tIaelr ' .... ' ............._-... ·v.-r=.- - '1111........,... ~ wW be •. -, bel, Wi.h. ~Or _lite aDd bapJil.
;Fancy , Sliver' Pnines, .> .Dried . illS, ~shes, Dried ~prlcOt~; Ral~ .p,runes,. C,..n'a~ts. "
..... .
d Rllis in s at
Cooking Luyer Raislilsl0c.
. The New CentQry Clu'b met ,with ~e , l~est assortment .' eve~ Ml'tI. C. W· Hawke .o~ i Friday the 'shoWj'l 'in town-2O , different 18th kl'nds at IOe a pound. Fan"" u of DeCember. . . , ', .' ..,., ' \~l ~~. AI~~~w~~btoe ve1tY. a.c- ' Chocol~tes; ' Box Candies. Bar-' , . C~Pj' e ero . ~ . 18 ry ~n ....;.b..;.;er__ P.;.ol~El!J~,__~.........~..;:;..__ · 're~ed' ff'9J1l Middletown at 5 . V'cleek-and found him. ,",' '. for the day, first &'lvmg asynopiSJaof . . .ORANOES . .' . . . 'fbe Ortbodox'Sabbatb IOhool wtll the eventa and conditiollJ!! existiD" at A phyticlan was give lbelr Ohridmaa exerolll(ll!l at th t· f' . tI ' h"· h Sweet, Florida Oranges. TheY eel d . ti f d . e Ime 0 our reeeD eft8Or'ts, W IC were never finer. l2e a dozen D mtb°D than uPOuhead~m:L.. °ed o,u..n 'be Red Brltot cboreb. D~ber refreshed our memotiee, This drew to aGc. at e man In'"''t e!i' ht , 27t~"t7P.Dl. EV8rybod)'~loome. 0 t 'dl . . # .h ' I d ----------wqunda with tbe keen edge of. ra.. _ . .u a ~WIII1on 0 ... t e peo~ e an . NUT~.. '. wr twic. &Cl'QSlliis ~roat missing . .h. .,. tlm~ which added interElSt. New Nuts of all kmds-English · ) " :-.l' b . :. Ii . 1'- -;. .~~SON.IC NuTI"E. Mrs. Hatbawe.y read a paper Oll W I P B 'J' AI the lU&1l "~'!'UI 'Y a space ,ID mu;s" • , . " " " J h B .' " , .. , . . a: nuts" ecans. ~Zl s, ' m~ly amaU each time.' . " , . '~ ' . '>: . ' , ' . : • ,. '. 0 n.,., qny~ . prepared. by 'Mrs. monds: Mixed NUts, Peanuts, Twice: ·he bad · Palled. ~ wrist, Pur~ntwlth the ~m~t r*70m • Bra~umt . ,,110 wlI;8, unavoIdably ~~CocoaJlu~~ . C,hestnut/l. · tbere also 'just '"razme ~ .artery I mend.bon . of the ·ltf:08t ',!or/l~lpful se~t. an~ ~rs. W~~ . realil Was~llg'"' FNBh. Ro8.$ted,' Peanuts, JOe aJb .. · 1wice he h~ cut .· gr~t slaahes' ·Gran~ ,~l¥Iter, Wayn.esVllle }JOd~e ton· ~~~Dif 8 ~!~!UI- '. We .we.r,~ APPLES . aar~ hiB abdpmen, laying the fleSh ~o, F & A: M..,'.}Y11l eo~vene In favored. wlth-~me ~xce~lent- ~U81~. 'fancy large Eati~g ~pples,J{ing open a~ each,str_l<e . ." . \ ..' :; 8~1~, ; c~!IJmulcabol1 on·:su~~aY' I M~. qill,n~~. 8 i~l~r;, ~\el1~er8d ~ ':aaldwins, Russets .. Greenings, ' 'Sin'gujal'lY eJlough he'ha!la cllance D~ber .27 at 9145 a m, thence to 1010'. well as assISting 10 ,a qual'- . Bllliflowen. ~ of; reeove~ .. ", ',., ' ' . p~eea_ .to~t~. Mary~phurch~pa~~,. te~ 9'· ladies. ' J,Ieldittlelrjrl. o'-t~ree ORAPES "",'., ~urto.n had been out O~ll WQrl( .f or ~lClpa~ In ' ~e f~tl~~I, o.f S~. John ~~nI aPde;dt~ the pl~ure. o! ,t he ..,' . . BOme time, and w.s unusually ..elan. the .~~1l&'ehBt. ~Journmg, breth; ~(e~oo~ BC?Cl/~I ' hour b .slngmg. 1a , Fancy ' M'a laga Gr~pes, O'nly l5c cn'oly~· dispirited. ·,' ,'" ,re~ mVl~. Fraterp~~ly, ' w httle BOng vel?" s,w~t~~: . " ".,., . a' pOund: " , ,.' He'~i!ntiJl~n8(i.ious, ·t~ough~ery . . .J. O. ~t~ght, ~,' M . . ' PoSTOFFICE 'HOtJRS vMAS DAV ' DATES. ANI)'F.OS weak and r.f~ to make ~y state · ~t~est •• C.. E. 8~tten,. Seey. . . , . : '". ,~ . "' Raney I.aY.~r Figs. Dala Figs in meat i1fhate'ler" or.' repl,. ~ ,any - . • ~. . ' , F.ridj&y, QU't8'maS, all ·~eRArt... ') Ii! pkgs: .Pulled Fhts. Pkg PI~No.'TUNINQ c'" ' ........~..... tll-:be·' . Da,tes. Bulk-pateli q ueetiona ..Mc" wer:e asked hi.m . · . .,.' .men'. "_" ... 0 r."" .. ..e l"""""w,o e '" open. / . £ , . , R[v'erstreet,Franklin,)lterallygubecJ;
, .
shell .fini~h,ea.,:h kd h" 'f Latlie$' Han '~r~ Ie s
, ,~. the United States lUI an E~glll!l1 ~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'""!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~
ElQltT 1'IMES WITH RAZOR , · Qharle"Burto~. qecU6,of North
In amber and tortois\!
tI t Plymouth Rook on the shore of , . ' • ,r ; . . (If hilS been made ' Bince that MI~ will ~ Ineerte4 unll'" LhlH ilP:.lI tor ' hll.lo~ UII,l wbl"" . H. e, ~1': rar 911 , day aod a grlltlt dnal of It . twentY'lhle centll rot three loMltWm • keJ'ili\ll. Ortlgonill . 'V "l11'Y PhOlIH .. '"' .{ was made by tbe8(i PnritaDs und Whell \1B11I1I not more than ''''r 1.lnes. ! th o eirdeeodenents. WhIlD··,· tbe pll .·, .... ••••• ,+ ' • • • • • • • • ~ . . . . . A!:'QU AR6J edl' nl'lo)lI, t",b,,, llll!' H griml' arrived at Plymouth Rook . IlIJ n~. Inquire "I, IblM 0 the,re was already a ttonrfebing j' LOST I TEN flhl~r6HQfl1o. ()hiOCUrlJ .. r'~li n EngliBh oolony in Vlrglniil. ·havlng , Will flell to OAt, tbu ll UrOh ,,8er til Oftdpl~hl,/I;tJ' JamestOwn TOhn lL~tS I HAND tiAT UEL. pooltet~ Il.70 free of t.1I~ luqolre' ot this of. all in t e amee rt vel'. . e yir· boo~ on tnahle BOmewbere be- I ace. Igioill. colony arrived ' tn 1607. but Y i l t 't d W y , . .' . thtlre had boon a'tlother colony tweD. tween ~n ~e ~ ree 8D "'. nOA ABOUT 20 yeatliogll QUa eVf'rA I ty yeus before planted by Sir Will. vUle. FIDtter leave at .the <Juett,e , gllnd IIprinj{ 0"'11 II, 1111 /l ;,.1 . tar Raleigh on' ROlI.ooke . 181~n'd ..In oruetl , I\nd ,re~I7e, ':8w~rd . .b re(lhlfJuire '!f F. fI !'i)!Jrlr\ker Groatan BOnndon .becoll.tO. ~North , ' BIlrveyshl\rll'. OhiO, Phone H" . .
....~~. . .,,~~~"'~"'''''''''~ ,
Pilgrim. !' !
3l,,:k Combs
T'lOse If ' Ch rJ8 . t mas 'rrees . or 5c' yd; 6 ydB, 25c
Merry Widow
Santa Ma8~, .; 3se. Xmas.Bell • _ 3 for 5c 2for5c, 5ceachand 10c each
$ $ $ - ..
_.-.l_.-ng ' you one and' 'all' for yo'ur . . .ery 'liberal Thl&1li\. . , ·patronage ,. the put year, and. hoping ·to merit tile · the fu tqre, '1'" h '" I M E~rry same 11\ WII · e,ery one a tnI .y ' Xiii.. and a p~O'JM.9"OUI and· H appy New YelU; " ... ' c
Copyright Books
:. , lOe a Ib
$ .; , . $ $ S b.'"'" a ..*'.tz's. S .
l(Ie a Ib '
$12 50 $25 $35 and .$ 55 '
$.."0'''0 ,••d,u, 0"'0 $ bt~tory
Fanc.y JllP .~ce, per lib., 5e WORTH tOe The ve.... best ROLLED OATS 'J ' . per lb., 4c
6 fine pie plates............ 43c 6 fine oat meala ....,....... 43c . Meat "latters. Salads, Et~. ·
Of pleasure every ' year. '
and 'Nuts, . any thing you want. Also Celery, . CBbbage,gweetPotatoes. CJ'fln~~h~~" '~d our pl'ice is
365· ·DA YS
order early for we''' don't want ' to disa~point you. We deliver goods any place
ti,=,~~~~~... A;nni::'~!! of ~.;,
useful pr~nts.
And receive
Don't torget to send us your
A very large assort!"ent of ' el~t Clock, a t .1.49 up to ,2.98. , .
JEWEL BOXES. 2fineones
, ff d can t a or to over-
# Pb~nogttaph
.the, ·b enefit.
Colored Balls, asSorted, lOe '8 Ib Regular price. ' $'1. and Jell);' Beans, • - - 10e alb $1 SO. Our price Hoarhound Drops, ' 10e a Ib h' f Pop Com Fritters, 2 pkgs for Sc Ladies' Handkerc Ie s, While tI!ey last, .~(; cnch
$ Ed.'·s""'n ~
- -
Best Candy,
Buy: an.
• • IOcalb <M:oanut Bonbons, lOe alb Fre'nch Cream, mixed. - tOe a Ib Mint Rings. just th~ kind 10 decorate the Xmas
. flTh.. t GoOd Oil.;'. '. 15e tr. gal. :' •
Soc ial , . Fun ctio ns Dur ing Xm as, We ek
&lph Willlam80n, of Rlohtl?-ond. lnd .• Ie spendin g the ~olld8.Ys witb bie fnther, Mr . C. G. n. Word'r eceive d from M,rs. S. e. Allen ~hi» week 'SIlYl' she ie muoh Improv ed by the oJimllt~ of Florido. aDd it Ie the hope ,of her frlende here that 8he will be folly restore d to hel: former health.
Form er Resid ents
'E lvin Fi~e8 l\nd fRmily epent Bun· ----------~ .... d~y wittl Milton Howe and famlly , ' . k 11 A profou nd secret to !lll but Walter Kilbon i8 on t·h e SlO rO. Mr.u.D (1 h8. Will Clar,k Rnd fame Mr. unci Mr~. W. H. Allen gllve' u, MlfI!l8S IilRlen !lud .TQllie Oglesp el imined i te familfe s n.ntil yesterdtho F. e . SohwR ay Uy pent &turda y nl g1Jt and rtz .wlle in Cinoln ntl ti S~D. Cbri ttnll9 ditlDnr t o Mrs. H(~rril1 t ill1d for their guests at dinner , ~. .. , ' day In Oolumbn!l, t:mt- Monday. O'Ne;'l l, Mi RS LtltiLl11 MoRI1Y, Dr \ urd.3y, Mr .. feun Lemmo n Wl1S t~e mt{rrl~genf Wilbur e. ~eU Elvin ~'ir9~ aDd fllPllly spent and dieter tR t"'e and Mlse ~tuby LQree DyE". ~hloh Thill'fjdiLy and Friday with Itud Mn.l::It flh), 0.1' Frl1uklil1 , I l::I ,~ te llu, and Alma Waterh,ouse. .' u Elmer , John D:\vls, of Dayton , was oelebra ted . in 'I.'oronto, Ctl.D., Saars and w,if'! of Dayton. guest of friends her~ . Novem Mr, fl;nd Mrs . wm Welch ·eutM. ber 6th. . Annou noeme nt Mr. nnd Ml' . Beorge Davis were Mr. and Mrs. EltBtl Oglesbee and Mr. and lirs. Frank Zell were 10. t'llined their MUllins. \Ir.ond .:rs· d!lI1ghters Belen /ind J08eph I,lf the marria ge WBS made Christ- ~he guests of Will Morrts ine and Spring Vllnev Tuesda.y. and fame Ed. Dakin CbristUlI1!\ dl"Y, i D hon"r Mrs, .Totia.thll.n Oglesbee a, nd mas Day by Mr . .und Mre. Dye, and lly I:luud~y. daug. Mr. HowlI.rd Troot, of Monroe, CRANE DEVAUL it oaused Intense 8urprls e "amoDg ·Mr. < Ca.rl Ulellver., of of their lion, GllbHl't, WIlli is h omo tar Eliza QDjoyed Chrlstm DaytoD, l\<j with wil In town la8t week. 8everal dCLY9 last week A very pretty weddin witb g WBtl oole. friends ' of tbe youtbful ooup,le .lD spent for the hollelll .VII from Wi lm lngtOD ' Mrs. Mary Upp his mother , Mrs. Maud Cleave r. Warren ' Ec}ward~ is, In D~yton brated at tbe 'houle of Mr. and Mrs. Coll ege ~bis oity. ~r. Zell Ie II. st·uden t At Ueorge Bogan and 80n are vl8i't1ng --for a few do.Ytl tbls week. .. Clareno e CraDe,' un Wedne l'day eve-· the. Ontario. , Veterin ary Mrs J. B. eOleultt.n eerved a.n ele y in eihol.nuo.t! ; MI Lt, 10 1;tewa rt s '3nt Ohrlat. ning, Decem ber the .twenty ,third. Mr. IInti MrM. ({rell I:lIlJ;'lnn. of gRllt 'hrlstm as dinner toO Mr. 0oUege,. tn 10roDt o, und his bride, and Will DUDn Ilnd family !lndEd Bo. se zz. , P . when their Hu.rveYliburg I!lItertlllned the fol :.trs Fre<i Bender son and daoght daught er. Adll,' was wbo was suppos ed by her friendll ga.n and family were . the gueets of ers, mas with rell\tive8 in )Jayton . .' i ' i ' \ t.... 01 d . D here . to . lowing ',u ChrtSlmul'l da.v dl nne .. j Mr. Ilnd . .D. L. Cr~De be spendi ng the WiD tel' at Gao. Bogan and family Ohrlstm lls ven n p:l Iur age. 0 _r. l\U e· and tlon . , . M.r; a~d,. Ml'e • .W~ . Madde n 8peDt .gvaul. ,. At exaotly ,t seveD the home'of ber oDole Mr. and Mrs Ulint Ulenver, M'!'. Ethan aod .Mrs. Louise in Falmou.tb, -'-_ _ .. _ _ - __ WOOll\ly.1 Cbrletm~8 dill' in Clarkev ille. . the Wedding m&roh played by Mi88 'KY'l joined 'bim in the antI Mrs, Ed MoFllrltmrJ, Mr. and Canadl l'n Oreg onia. , . . Mre. Rachel Ij'oy, of uaytol\ 18 the Joeie Deoker soonde d tbroug Mr . Cbas. S.hidu.l!erllnd Mr. Wilscn h the' city wbere thay were wanled , MondllY belUg the birthda y anDl guest of relativ es bel'e for a few rooms aDd in a few w9men ts · the when ehe left Xellia t Harlan vereary of E . ~, Ll!.oy, a numbe r ~f days. he first week MiSB Ruthe Ke~eey, of tbe Botel b Id l t oed db He Coo hiMfrleDde took well filled ba8kets of Novem ber ' Sinton, epent t;aturd ay a.nd Bnnday r a par y, pre, e y Mr. L .' A. Zlmmerml1n and ·hie land' very't. greell.bly surpris ed ~. P- " bim with her parent8 here. 1I4r. Barrv ,M adden was .tbe .Kueet er of the M. E . Churoh mo~her enterttl ined the fullowl ng I , took: their ~'r, Zell i8 .a son of Mr. and Mrs. The Misees Cora and Ru'he Ker. B d ' Tb ' of' Clarksv ille r~Jattves Christ mu pllL08e in II. lovely oorner were ~o. est:fI' OhrlstmtlM dRY Ilt, dinner I ?~ i un u.y. d 0I8 P resen t of tbe par. Ray Zeu, of Xenia, who are wen Helen Ollum, and Mary Kelley Be : day. ' . . , lorwhi nhw&e decora~d ' with 88&- 1i:nown . bere. . . ..... v uaoy aD son, ClareDoe ny· . . on Mias EdnaS penoer Batur. llrs Etta. Printz .md .Joe Printz, of biJIand wlfe' llnd dll.ugh . He . ... ter, W. B. dll.yaft ernoon . Miss K~the,rine .AIsuo< \el" will eon,able deoorat lone. Dayton . Mls8 AcJah Stoke", Waltur Dinwid die aDd family, Mr. .v Cooper ST. MARY'S C'HURCH '. Earl l'bomp son and Urover Cleavand Mra : have 01i1[88 on 8&le, Tbursd ay morn:. then Jread th~ mltrria ge ceremony: El1,ey ",nd WIllie Bl.\ineR. , Jl1o'ob Stron86, Earne8 ' aDd Bowar d ing. er returne d to Dayton Monda y after .' ' an~ a.fter II. ~hort prayer, · lntr~o~ Bunday, eecond after Obrlstm as, ependin g Christm ae at home. -.. Lno;v, Walter Laoy, wife and Mra. liltta Pl'intz and · ~on, 'Joe, edthem torela~iveeand f~ends Mr. and Mrs . Fred . Ir.Iberwood ell- ollildre n Tioe Butoo wife two as J;aDua ry:ijLl tanY,a ermona ndfioly Charll e8peno erandf amll,. ' lIpent liod were II;188ts oJ frlendtl bere Chrl8t- Mr. allid MrtI. Devaul . Oongr. tula- Oomm nnion at 10 :30 A. M. .tertain ed, !l- joll~ 'p"rty Christmllll ohlldre n: .Joshua Chen~wetb, Chrlstm lls with his' brotbe r here • wife ~as day. . tlons' I"nn .best wlabes were then , d~y for dl!}ner, [hose who enJoy. I Rnd daught er Fr dk eook At 7 P. m ., a hymn eervioe. Tbe Mrs. Dor& Kelley .nd ohndr~.. wife and 0 J Ed ~ d .d wife spent ebower ed opon the'!l by all after hymn to be 'dt ,II".. oonslde red .wlll be John Mary '!oDd Tom, of W.ilmin gtoq. a ed trbe, ,D!ler were Rev. RD.d Mrs, daught er, Gny war e an bi h i t Ohenow eth, Mra. ebristm a8 d., t I to. Dayton , tbe gua8t1! w 0 an e egan Helen .nd· Bestrlc e Ull. wo, conrae ap Beory Newm all's "Lead Kindly the MI8888 J . F.Clldwalllld~ r, Dr.and Mrs . Thos Ruohel StraUBe, Frank Rogera of Leb~no n, 8pent Ubitstm ae .~ and of bill motber . supper wae' 88rved. , , Sherwoorl, Misl! L\ZZle Carroll aud wife Daniel CUue and family JJlfht ..,..P8&lm 43, 3, "0 eend out Ker8ey /s,' .A. E. " I .' bill Man, y \lIerol and valuab le pres· Thy light and Thy truth. that tbey Lawren ce ~tier..,ood, of Clevela od. C .' . The Mlseell Luoile Muoo,aD.d Myr' MiA Nina Antr.m lea vee t benowet~, B owar d e' b w,e re, receivOd. enowet b. moral .. may lead me and br'':'g we _ for a Vialt witb ber ,iller ente M . tie Kibler , "he gne,te of "E.•nd d M D I III be . t .. Ll'na ... and Goldie Con~e~, _ ' ' in Darke county . . Mr, and Mr!!. ~i\ ndrew. If Fife St,ronst', Emertlon Conner '" r. nn h 1 rs. aDev"~i~:dl af:r Thy boly hill: and to'l'hy dwelllD Herm&n. ir." ::;:. ; : : . Segale, at Newto nville• . uome t.o t e r m y . . si!l:'ved an eleglllut clinner on Chlllllt· 0 Sanday School M ' Will Ob at Il :30 a. m. Ev. tb J Mrs. Alhe Clarke. Adda KendrICk, Mltrch tbe fi18t, maa do., at their hOUle noar Dllyton, .. ~~nner, dUf' il De_~olwe W' I Will Terry, of Dayton , wu h,ome and, Adra Lewis were shoppi ng in west olr Lebano n.OD tbe Folio farlD . bod t ·t d th ' ery ~ D~l e. ~ • ~ .erv oes. over Christm as, .' am y; . 8 e Ohio to th en . I! f 0 II WlDg W · ' 1 1 goest.s: Mr. .uuoy I t k LIllie an Goehri ng. BetbllDY Oheno ' aynesvi e u ..wee • . -Tho@le Ilnll Mrl!. , Edwl.n CbaDdle.. r 1111.11 wetb. presen t ~ere Mr. and'" Mi"" Edna Spen- r W In Cinotn .... rs. PLAYED SANTA CLAUS nltt! Wedu~y. "" Mi88 ~. Meredit.h 18 spendin g J. B. Wills, Mr .•nd Mr.ll. • ... d " 1..00 Atdaught ers, JUr. · .an . _TIl LewIs , ' ' . , .. t, b e boUd. ,s with P ber 0 parente , IIr. JrIU80 . n " veryen , Mr. and Mrs. bl dey ebandl er and lIt.tle dtl.ugbter, MI ~e ... ,. I nrren, I A. MitlBth ad lots offDn l ... Mabel, loya e afA& r was •• G Sherwo od vtWlecl ven and 'Mr8. Saml. Mered ltb. 1 d her' Mr. and lin, i'rank l:'ence, Mr. and I\ , ,.. ..on. n. ove, t D Be.h day, besides giving a lot Belle DlI.niel anll :diet;! Jennie D .. nlttl, al the home of Mr. an,d Mre. • e, ,. -_ of ob~ldret J her vacatio Ch.rle s Rev. anilMr•. GII1Uand resome d Mrs. Harley WtJl8, Mr. and Mr8. a greas deal of 8Q,tisfaotlon. Mr. One of the most elljOyriblll I~t.urea ~rel~fOr~ 'wo milee Dortb Prot. &,nd lirs: Bor.oe WU8OD 6f8 of Bell· home after . a pleasan t · Obrl8t mu Albert Gray, Mr. and Mrs. . Fr~nk Ma.1iI.t bought the box of orange s, ilpjlnding of tbe din1M!f .~llS Q. genuin e 0111 brook ~..tnrday ,.. Decem ber . thei, vacatio n, "flatun , 26, tbe wU.b 'riena ,ln SprinKfield. ' Venablle; Mr. and Mrs. '!fm. BlOb, ~de a oover over II. box, faShioned plum pUllfllng to ' whl cb OQOII-IIlon heln" ·the oelebra and had nBA' Chioln na". tion of • . , Mr .olil KrtI. DelklD L.ewie, the "UMta did full jaet,lce . and the obildre n dive for the orange e their elgbtll weddin g .nnlve....ry Charle y T.ylor , of Uolnm bua. ~r. and .MrtI. ·Lee . H.wke and .. . ..;. Lang Mr aDd linDr. .. famn, of Wilmin gton spent the"" . , boye and "irl~ visited bisfrie nda here ove" Ohmt at whloh a: t)lree course dinner , . . Clyde ~lne of the 'lar"er . , . . . . , mae . • Or.a ne Mr. and 1trII. Jobn .... r. •• • L WY80n '" Linder .or ee""ved had trouble ·b""'A to. pr-en letting t ..... their oranl8l l were' an d 1111'11. "·r holida A. . . y. with rei tiv~ here. ." w. , .. ......... . d · ·...' .,., ,. • III d ... U' , III._0 ... If d b t. . 1p ta f . D ,0Il,.-r and M~. ~Roy lronll. Muter 80-<8 a~d MrtI .. B.a rry .aD John Spenoe r aDd family lpeltt n'lI. " or u .t.:w~ _ .•• P Murray . L~ f or "u&ffit ~ '. .. .Mrs. ~MQC~e, of V:.n ,wAn, n,h(UI ,'1Ir. a 1Irit. -'Clem ~ with! 1 'lIftI. Or •. "crane troD8, Metisrs. 'P~ul and Levi WY80ng ·v llle; Mr. and Mre. Alfred .' •' . . ' .. in Lebano n, i Weave r, bas been lpendi ng the hol,ida1a ~tb 'a n4 ohlldre n,' 1Ir •. "Dd Ill'll. L , p. were ent,erta tued at tbe ~lIutUlIl Xenhl, and Mr, .nd Mn. B. Jiahn &: 8mitb w1lJ gl!v\l ~ Matine e Ida aQd MarY Dilasuab. Weave r, her mother , Mn.. Ev.Wl ler. Wills and ohildre n, Mr. alld )[rtI. for sobool ohildr~n Friday hOUle pf their: dllugb,tal"8 Ilt I:iplltn~ D'~Y'Qn; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. and , and ~enl'J'and I'IIIIak Bobert e :Mr. and II,.. R. C. ~tarJ1ng. of ~arry 'Emily and lon, Mra. Amand Valley, t-o lin {"leg.nt. Xmal dinner. .nd daogJl ter Mabel, Lebano a 1st Dilatus b, of Lebano n, w. . &he 111mn; Mr. St.Lou i., have been' thlt Ohriltm ae Guttin Mri. Mary Nieb\ll. . Miaeal THe otlier gues\s werll Mr; and Mrs •• nd MrtI. Wm. Rborba ugb, • - • 'i:!i~i~ of Morrie SMddolD ad Mr~ and gQ8IIta O,1)r, .D.d·M n. Hvat.t. . Iva Val~ey. Kary Gray. Josle Decker , Edward W.rd aDd daogb~r, GU8s1e' Mrll. fhomae , lIr•. W. ' llr ~nd Mn ' R B "'mqa a . . .' Monil Brown t, hOlDe from Cin- ~enDie LI?'; Mahel ·Fr~ .nd Ba.r.. of Da-yton, Mrs. John WiIlem\>ul'g, .nd dangbt e,r Nellie, Ml.. The enterta loment In the & ed .t a oimitm..dID*. · . mDD'\tl and .e ojOyiD i blll . vacatio n thll(:Jal~y. Meser, Forest. of M.orrow. Tbe_ d8y ~all deligbt . Kenlp, Mils Bertba Pnrdom !>eaker, hall~"t. Wedn8 edayev ening "as a Mr. 'a nd Mrs. Joe Kene7. 01 , ~(th hie ,pareot s .nd friends . . herber t Loy, Cb.rlle ' Rogers ; Ray grand 8U00888 and II. good fully llpentw Hh mU8rO and after F. Weave", Ha.rper Black, Xenia, were ,vWtiDg h8re .~ T. 'lIIr . and Mre. John Stantoo , of Freeze,..Walter Carey, Joe f,iustin. w~ ren~~red. dinne!' the gueat8 were Invited to ford, Mr. and Mre. Cba8 ~relaf~ ' . the 110~~qa"8. , rd, Fr kUn the gUNtli of· .... and 'earl Cr,ane .nd Rupert Demare ~be parlor, "Herl! waell ~mliB tree of 8dllbro ok. Many valuab le pres~. 'Dbe receipt .. 'w~re alJoot' 'ld Mr. '!'Dd. I(re. ~u. a.... aad M aD 0 Meeks Chri8tm ae 'day. hgbted wltb Ollndl~ and III den witb ents were reoelv'4!d .nd &f~r . • .- • whlcb wlll' be .llpanfi ooa1. so~ to9: din,ner with Mr. '~,lIn•. an-en· re. . . " cORWIN HIOH SCHOOL '6ea,utlflll preeen~ for eaoh gIle!!t. joyab)e day w"8pe nt eaCh " .. ....... ' ~r.~tll1 ' returne d Lawren oo Bherw~od, of Cl~~e1aDd, ' , ~Dta ("'1a08 made a villt ,whloh . the ~.o thelr 'll?mes wl8hin , 'be bOil and FEED GRINDING NOTICE . Y,~ley Step\len8. ~'" retarne d the, Chrlstm ae heliclaY8 wi~h Last Wedne sday 8'Ventn l. ~he Cor ohildre n enjoye d very· Dluob. J . . hORtess many, happy re'urDa. fr:;.Ct~~~::·l.WtJlOn aD 0 lid a ' bis pareDte, Mr. and Mra. Shere .wi~ , H~gb SchoOl held ita Ohrl8tmfl.e W~ hlLve eent ollr feed ro~18 tolthe vl,s~t irom er~ro'her ~~. weod. en&ert ainmen t. . f&otery to ha:'9'8 ~hem sharpen ed, will , , Allen Ktbler and famUy 'Mr, and Mrs. Howar d Graham , The IlOhool.robm was tBtltefu D' SHOOflNO ACCIDENT Uy not be able to grind feed thl8 week 6~da,· with Mr. and A'ITENDED CHURCH Kn:' F10rence Biven. of Harv~ysburg and bea.oti fuU, daooraMd, . C. showin g 1elepb one or w"tob paper next week W"yhes~lle. and Adra G. Lewis 8pent lut week ,till an,d refinem ent 'ID ev*!ry . George Grant, 10. shot his broth· fea· (or notloe. The Muoni o Loelle, No. 163 _. & in Dayton , en&era loment liveD hue tnre. '.L'he prOlJra m whloh wall en· ..., Willie, 7, In the f09t with an air AM, at&ended ~t. M.ry's WaYDeevlJl~ Mtlls. lVI' I b' J!Uded1lPuaaany,ood . . k d B I jOJed 1Iy a1l was perfect . living . . riffe, accidt\ptally on Chdstm aa dlty la~t Snndll.Y, to take 118"" in ." we .toan t~e tee. . M8118re lJ~a&. ~bld: er. an '~en~: eeveral ' sj)iectlonl wb,lob sbowed • ' ., - -'. 'i t lJeUbl'ClOk and the lJltt.r · angel;'ed, tl v(1,1 of t'beir atroD saint ' St. '" . .,Cae8 a .. ~ Creek . , I Mlsl'8l' John EdnA ~mlth. and . Glady. ~f , .rveye ,org. ,. " marJt8c , l degree ........ -"" of . 'a ,Flober t rifle ,and sent a sktlJ on the part& . Ev 11 ~ T.h . • be) t service s Ilt St. Mllry. s obnroh 'Iut f both entert8 :1n~ the 'fol~oWi1l1 i --......... . papila and teacher s. ' . , ·Tbe Ohrietm as trlle and enterta in, tlle aDge S. er:e wer~ -!L n Sooda.y. Saturd ay tlta~t: the 1IlBa0 1f2a" tlll'ough the fie/llWllart of hie tbl! tyof . ment given the Masolls wbo turDed at ~e oburCb onOhrl et. e8 Lena , 'Myers, MaDel, Sherwo od" k hi h llda 'lbe , ouraer y produo tlonl were mIL8 eve WIiB enjoye d »y all preeen brotlle r's ril(ht arm. Neithe r wound out Ilnd epjoye d the service t. LuoUe Muon, Luolllt':NortQD, .LUise ., s. . , W. A. ~en8<} e has liB e ,0 y malt elloolJe Dt in eve,ry III ~rlQUs :, detail, ~Dd Walter Wilson 's 'and John WtJ. JAuFa ~4 Myrtle Kibler. . " . • _... . KUOll~. bl,s 'motber, ~r'. F. F. B~n- the ~bitl'Y 8hown by the.'lUt le The boys are the sone of Mr, and f\)~k& 800'. epent Chrietm ae ,witb 'Zlmri Za.l nraJid A,..~1tage, ·Mesan . CAST YOUR VOTC~ ecte and obis brotber , Ad~lbert, of was something to wonde r at!' r Grov~r . , . . . r... Sever- Bllines · Ohio " AJrit. JOBel?h Gr~t, of Belmo~t:. anel ' . Cleav~~, John ~lierwood. ~ar , , . ~ .' , . . . d T___ . . gawortb . . . .. 1 ael otions desene speohu Earl Tboml "'on, w., spet)elincChrlstttjas with n Je~ Jlalne8 and family an &BOlIo Bo11tn ~ Miami Ce~e&e -:y Auoolll.tlon WlIl Pototf, B~nry ,weDa. ,Bo~er " Mr. aDd Mrs,. S . D. Henkle '. ~Dd l'be'Nu r88ry Rhyme 8, Tbe me~t,o tle Oolored rel,ti,ves; LV spent I~ ' ''' Chrfiltm ae with ~orrls. Deathe rage. ·Charll e .T~110r lind llu.s tRken ht>ld of tbe W8l\tero. Star ohlldre n., of ~banOn"8pe~~ ~ver~1 I Folltafr0!D TenDessee .Dd Old D~. Ogie.b ee.and family. , nea~ ~Ilmber ~)Ie.rt . 8hutts / FO~ MANY YEARS propos ition •. and &ny ODe ba~olC days I"et "eel£ With , M'~. and "I, Mra. F~ter. . . '0'. . ." R. Bunnel l and family ooupon~ wlll pl~"ee le~v.e. at eltber enjoy,e d' ' ~ . .',', W. Be~kle . :' . The ~D.8lcal nnmbe r. w~re ,,!eU- a Christm as dinner with JOIIhup. - 4P.t;Qn, . of Vienna h~ok, and ' they wl11 be oolleo.ted all Barry New :BurJ.~n~on. 9~s. Frye .and famU" . JlIroelt 'reod,e red and , oa\led forth ' ~.o~~ M.u fr •.y 'a nd wife tn, )VaYJ?-e8vln,!. while taldnir 8_bat1\. recel).~ly I ,struck .rll(l1& . . " " , . , ' :", " '\' , . Botter ~or'h. wife and SOD BQl'D~t p~~I~e fIr?m alt . ' , "'h;a L d . near' the .bip upo' n eoma . It if! a good lobeme "nd . .B oraoe OOrpp'on 'e,and MI8e Mary , B :~. ~ vee ,and f.mill' , of all IIboold _pent; Xmas' with Samue l Bu~ ter Tb,e progr. RIOb • . "'l,!UUy . . ' . m , w as olQsed by ,. &:eal Cbllpma~ epent Chri8tmlle .day with mond, Ilid., , . . . . thln.1 8~"~~" ,n~D ' lnv418tlga~~on 8end . aud Will ~,who .._ ',. "I ' d ori ,In tbelr oonponl!, &tJ 8nol) • wor~~ ".Dd W\fe. ' . tb Alloe Walton · . . :. ball·he . ',' . I~!lt • .(,auBe P"~~li'· aorOllll , ~ gln India_ spen' proved . to · b.e · a common s,ewang thing .ie badly needed in the The obildre~:Of RQed Rubart l1ave Chdetmna8worklo .t the 'bo~e ' of A.,w• . onapel" . ~, 8. Howell !lod Frank B~ad400k I'~ ~ th~ beaotlf ul1~ d~o~'-d needle~ ,~r. Liftton .remembprs, O.lIt'yo ur v,?~a (or: tbe pl.n o ,r!,!,l siok wi~h tonsilli tis. '"!, fami'y . ' , \., '.' " . left Mondlty'morn ink ,for K~nmoky, ~ and! pa8eing tp eaoh and • w,ben a hid of his mother !;'!xpressing . Mil. Bernice HawktD sand Ev~e.' ~e • ::-: . , M . . M. of , the , ~Jid.8 , where tbey 8XlJ!'IO' t<>,d o 80me "taU" tbelr treat .nd: i!" tnd f~ratoRei;inelesthe'tuid 8wailowei:l BalD.8tl are home from SCHOOL ENTERTAINME'NT , hOlDeQf ·......1.1'8' 10g·',9'- 8everal ~""l'~, . ~ Merry .~Qla8. . ' · aD~le;f but;fll.l:th"ertDarithis,luiows · ' to spend \b~. bQli~I1oY!,. ' . ., .: - . " • . " . Mr.',an d .. MI'/I. fred a..ruook and llI,ew Year.. . not1'!ina of how t.hfrtee dle happen ed I o~ Wed.uisday afterno oo :'., ,.rbe8a -Ieopi .ny Barner ' on la.8t 'U1e Prl~ Otlae ' Cor..e1l'.nIU amUy, 10&8 ,XIIl&I! Mu~h . praise . w~ Ilve~ btl in his body! ,It 111 prob'able 1ma-ry and Inhlrrq edlate rqo~.. .~o Mtell Tuesda y ~~ qul.~e well a.t;tend~d. OhrislhD\l;,a of l"h V ,a . . .oak aDd famll,; IiJnoolt IIInd Mr enmm inp' on "the ." t • .. . MrtI. tl.ha1!.e.r Bogan an,~ , Ut~l~ ,.: . .' , ih~t, hfl. fl~ , '~rried "'""t . ....,r i~ abppl t!llls tbe , ~tle ~hool. , " '" " f tb he,d tt.elf .rllfi...r Ing &0 JI1ss ~pr'D' \T.Uey, of Or8Ron~ spent . . manag e men. 0 e even • 'm~1 ¥~! RHt haa ~flv~r' _f11~ ~f l ~t,I8~\nlf ~qq ..e"4.ef~ a O~"f1","," Ilr aDd h~r parilnt 8bere. a few rum Bu..ueU b&.e IilV08 Sn,oo\r ,for b~r ~Iohn 101~ aDd ,~ , ill ' e1f~t8i itt "'.88, ·~xtrac~ )¥Jt1:\ proara~ ~on~'I~'n8 , of 1I0AIL', haa rented' th.e' booee nOI. 008D ~nt.. atow Wi&h tbe 1,10118" foi to Mi.. I~mmon . !,nd , ~~1". Wern'z ~~: ' " . , D,'1 fa~'ql atld ~il1 . t.Q~tons etc. 'No .paolal prepar a · ld .~t';; "ow ' fo\,. &~eit .pla1l.o ~ol~. al80 , . t ~ .f . &lon had tHien' made for ' the eller· ~~.ra "7', bQ& mov~ there ln, the spring. ': . ' 8v.~;~::~;: · r~sl.,. " an , . . .. .,bool f' o r the d18pla Iln. . PO~:t. lUlu tb~ ~~~ID,~ ~ri~Y ' bJl.t qUI,t e'a nUlbbe, of ,yifl$Or . .Joho ,aur"." '.•~~~ " ~aa ',BonDeI' ~s 8pelidl og t~ J. ~ I!, ~' &a18n'. '-t ..~ aD~rt ~~• . " ~ !t · ;'~., -. hoi.I~~'~lth 'ri.~de ,n_r'~orr~w'I"ri~i:::ld"' ~41IWIIIIU ~D!l~l~,l:I~~"r• preaen~. Aft" tbe' progra m 'Work I;li. .t~~. ,, , . ~. . " ,; . ~J!W YEAU DAN~E ., - • ~ '" primar y rl16m ret~rn~ to . Mn. C1.~PU"IDN'T DfSAPIJO'~ ~~M , I. . , 1>,... • •• . . '.tHrl·i" (;lia~.:JJIeD.C~nlliaIl , rJJom wbere ••nrp,ri~ . and Mr. . ~~., KiltioD. who ~ IDt'nde d VI : v"nal '., . dH. ~ . d ' Warren . .. . . for _ 'heJr, '&e . acher ' Mias Ill'll . ~-- ~ ...... load Of.. oblldre n .,&<0 'IAbs ¥r .•nd Ilre. Gearle 1111118 «.i. . JCpys ,vtl' ...liv!. select, dlUl~ ~ ~d -.,laoed oq eaQh ' dici ll:'-' d~lIIb"r 'peD"i'.-td~y WI·,II I , ......,.· .. II~ Ii8l week, )jat . ,,..., rs'(.e ..~ 1 . 'd~~D ted, Mrl. p. ~1. '0pM IIl4 ,"rUn . . : . of fl.nd,.· ~n4 a .1 t,"e nooklo l ~~t b. an~ lin, Uaem all a 'reat ...... -, Ibp!5ie ~. JPod 'JhM~ :'opk~ to~ y, W&'y• . lIr. and lin. Georl• .~v;l8 or nuw .. 111.. JIll_be th OIwad· .:'II'1ilh~1el and tam~· . AD,. oti1ltd 'oa1Uq ., · ht• •tore J'8o tasiIed 00 . ' ~·to. :. .. ," ,, Mr. . ' ber .pupu• oaod1 . A. B. TerNll UUhU !aU, 01 _ftC! ••ok of oimdl,' aild "rues t IlanDOD, .. • &Del ~th teach...... .. V.JaDUt lin. 00b~1I 0I8pt1~, ~ who _IW •. tOo, mon IIarr 't;:,~k an: ih:~'11t"1_ nat..... :'of.
' >
New .
Y., .
""" :r iJ;i~~lEI~::rS= ..,..o . ., r 1 1 1 0 . '1'
~~ .
woal4 _y.e . tabD ,to OJea. .. · WI ~ ...,. .UUI1II(I IJ, . ._ bl .••• _.,.
Iqt'_ .;,
. 1II1"~.II!III~."
rhe Mon£ter Also Mild~ Away with a Good Harpoon.
NOah Webster'. Work.
, He ftrst mad A merlcalls a d[etion' at')' na.tlon and bred the noUon, whlcb ex[sts nowh ere Ise In th world, that ,4J('tionarles and not good usage decide th~ pronunciation of words. Utl bOglLD tbe divergence between our apelling :lInd tbat ot England. He creat II tb.e ArnerlclW bablt, a good one, constantly apparent In our courls ot lOW, In our lipeecbes, addresses, arttcles and de· batfB, or beginning ' tbe dllcusslon of Gny .nbJect by citing the lexJcal deflnl. Uon of the words ttiat exp ress ft. To a people spread over a cQullnent thes8 I' a~' e 1Jecn ot a prodigious no.· tlonal senice. It Is due to Noah .Weh. atfr, to his speillug book, hla lexicon . ~d the dlcllunary babltll he created tbat tbls country bas DO such dialects as Duropean la.ndB, declares lhe Phlla, delpbla Press. Over aD area three times ~. large 88 ]Lurope we speak the Kme ' tongue, use l~e same words III tbe same '\\'ay, with substanUallY the 1.lIme utterlWce, hroken by small dlt·· t erences of stress, acoent and vowels, 'dllrerlng tar loss than elsewhere over ,lands the suo of New J.ersey: In a new play on American lite the heroine was made to say: "We are not 'Dative-born AmerlcMs; we hold our '.t roth eternal." The slur at American ,tanlily life did nqt seem just to Presl· dent Roosevelt, and at' bls request th e pl~wrl & ht modified tbe line. At about 'the -same Ume 8.. brilliant Scotch·CMa dian puhllshed in tl~e LondoD Speeta, 'tor a witty and severe castigation of· 'American ' womep. He represented .them as IncUlferent to the great func. Uonl at· motherhOod. The trouble with cn1t1clamll of this sort III that they an) baaed ·upon ll6Wspaper reports of dl· ,...orce and otb.e r· scandalll among the ap. r,lch. In auch reportll the aver· .Amerlcan dees not recognize any· C th&t relelI\bles the home wJlere hi. tathe~ and DiOther brougbt him jOr the bome where he 1a bringtng up ~. chUdren, In \\. same way the ,' Frenchman doell n.t recognize social ilre 0.1 he bowa It In many of the · 110v~11I wrltten· by ,bll own .country. men.
~((]\*ll~e ©J?)) J\ca~~~Ir" ©f eJ12)~~~Jr~~lllQ)g
m~lQ).~ ~IQ)~ (O)~Ib<e1r lllQ)~IeJre~,~lll1'»~ ~«JI~;<eC~~p ll?;~ M~~<&m~~ M~'JrJrno ' .C hr Decorations, xpressl ng' YOUI' best wi shes ror tbo Can YOll suggesl som 0 w wny or little 81 ronge r. decorating (or brl stlOll,S this yenr? We ha ve nlwaj's had a tre , bu t I Ways to Earn Money. .wou ld like II chango It possible and would \lk to know of a te w dlf· illll have the bouse look attrsctiv . rent ways I hat n sc hool ClfiSS ot FLORA. ' ~'ollng ladl s anti nwn c(Juld arn a Itt· ti e money. }lOllIng' to read YOur a)11 s stars and wreaths or holly. sw r soon. A . N . N YER. · cella-r and mistletoe with festoons of :edur and greut sca rl et bows. , Then There. a re mnny wa)'s to m.llke have plenty of camll s. For tb pres· money. !'vi uclt depends 1111.ou lb la l· ~n ts, Ii great red stocking or a Christ· ent nt yo ur cOIDUlund. "P lays," bn · OlliS pie. zars. s UD per at wblch ' tllle IUcn serv . blrtbday alld measur ing. also wulght A Turkey Dinner. parties, 1111 ll rl ng Dlolley lilto lhe treasI have bee n It Iped so much by rend · lI ry. Ing your "h ints to hostesses" that [ 111\1 writing to you [or tbe first time A SOCial Evening. In regard to a dinner I 'want to give I boa t'd In a small rRrnlly hotel and In a few we KB. I am going to' bave would like to entertai n a bout SO turke y, craube rr[es, mashed potatoes guest!! that live ill the house. As · quit and sweet. pota.t.oes, corn and celery, a number do not play ealr.ds. I thought scalloped oysters anll pl. I would you could t II me s ome Olher wnyR. L. T. like to bave a salad, but do not know just 0. soefn l evening. what kind to serve. Will you kindly teU me whe n to serve the !lalad- it It \\Ilthout cards YOU mus t Ila.,e somewould be perm1ssl ble for me to put It thing In wblch all the gu st 1V0uid be at ench person's plate before' the meal equa.lIy Interested. so 1 wOllld sugg sl or If I should serve It at the table ? a "cha'r act r party." .Request eacb ~m you please t ell me It 'm y li st III on to cOme M some famous son, nil right. I would be very UlanUul guess WIIO Is who and award sovernl if you would me any sugg stions, prizes. as I wan t e'Veryth.lng right. I bave a lovely lItue bome. and I do want to Regrets for I nvl'tatlon. bave 8. nice dinner. EVELYN C. Will you klndly 'advtso m e as to tho way to senll r eg rets to aD In vltalloD Your Ideas are good and your dinn er printed on a card as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Sllnllh will ce Wnly be nice. . Here Is the Mias Smith way I would arrange It: First. 0. clear Mr. Frank Millar 8enll~ ~hen the turkey, oyster stumng, req uest the piCIUl'J r at your company mashed ' potatoes, sweet P9tato eto· "',,dneaday evening, NO"ember f ourth nt · IltglH o'clo'ok quettes with tiny sausage balls, Elka' Hall. creamed onlona or tomatoes, celery, Dnn rl ng nt te n 0'010 k 111ARY L. H, jelly, salted nutll, an apple or frutt salad served as a courae with cheese Write a note In third person dewa(ers, Individual pies, wbatever va· Clining the Invitation a.nd send to the rlety y{)u wish, with coae\!. The cran· berries I would serve In an Ice or In add~ss ot the first· hostess. l\fADAl\lE MERR1. 111011.11 molds, one for each person.
Dal1ee for a Friend. We are to give a dance at our hpme Many men have evolved what they for a friend who -Is to be married soon. . sh6uld we Inclose her card or called a "system" for winning money mention her name In the invitation? · at games of cbsnce. The latest to 1Ul: L. M. S. Donnce his Invention Is the earl of Rol8yln. Sir Hirata MllJ:lm, the dis. On your invitations state that the tlnrutshed I ventor and mathematl· partr Is given in \;lonor ot y~ur friend. clan, undertook to demonstrate tbe Do not Inclose her card. . A stationer fAl14cy of that Qr 'a ny other systein, WIll give yoU the ~ropeJ' form. ......... and by agreemllnt, he and the earl Two QUelltion •• testeil .It by playing with counters· rep· Sbould the maid always place the resenting ,50,000, ~d using a roulette wheel eXactly ' like th!J.t used at Monle plate whe.n served at the left of the guest, and In passjng bread or any· c,r.lo, Tlie test was to consist or 5,000 thJpg ~18e .sh.ould It be from 'the right? ' apllis of the "whj:el, but lletore that Please tell me something to say In DQmbel: was rea~ed.-t.lle earl's c;a'pftal answer to Gn announcement ot a birth. of counters was exhausted_ To thOle . WJLBUR. ~ho know enough. of matbemaUcs. to The plate Is placed at Ule rlgbt and ~ ramtllar wl~ ·tbe ,theory of pou[· , IllUttes, no Buch demonstration Wlis tbe di shes pas$ed at the left a.lwo.ys. ~eeeesary, lays the Youth's Compan- When you hea r of s ne w nrrlvllI -I n Ion; but It may BerVe • uae.rul PtVPOS6 this mundane sp.bere slJll,Ply write a' nole of congratulstJon to the mother In convlnqlpg ~eme Cttller young men of wbat every man at learning knows -namely, Wilt In all gambling games the "bank" is mathematically certain to w:ln In tbe end.
Up all¥Jng the torn b rgs of lobe Art) lie a · monst r whule [s c rul s ln~ ~boul
l\'llb ,a harpoo Il11b llded In ble ',hIck bll(lk find 110 ill thing less t Illlil UnIt a I railing mile of stout hempen . rOJ) oft I' him. 'J' b crew of the · Bteam whal r Tb rasher, w~' lc h ret.urtleu unday nl ~ht trom an olght montbs' cruise In tbe Icy north, Ileclnre Ihat "Mlet er \Vhale got al l' that wa. coming to him." "ire gol awny from U9 ," mnUe red th e mate, Ilpltllng vlcloll sly Into tho sCllppcrs, "but. we will g t 111m next senson. Jt W lill good rOpe 'We IIsed, ' lind he 'll get tangled up on something so we ·wlll be one whal e to the good whe n we get back tb .. ,·o. "a was n bad one, tbongl\. You see Slim, the bont steer r, slnng tbe book Jlllo blm wh en we wero . _In open ,,,ater iJ I we 1\ I wo big be rgs. orr he gu s wl.tll ' the sUck In his bac k, and tbe ro po w pt Ollt lIlee a mall tumblin g fro m lhe 10ft Ho duck d and dI ved ulltil one tub (If rope WlIS sone, anll hfl (lid tho s ame wlIll anoth I '. He wall makin g for thll nellrest Iloe und when J e r nched It he up'!t' a lot of watcr ;nlo tho nlr and took 0. de p dive. 'fhe (1,lge of the Ice -cut tlie rope like a l'nlfo and he WM ott for good, wllh •. 000 f et of the Thrash er's \lno and a good harpoon with hlm ....:.....San Fran,. cisco ChronIcle.
'l'bey ,,100 . ellefll DI .. tTflsdrom Dr Pi'v·I ..,I ... dlgo61JOllll'JllToolleart1' Entin.,.. A " erlul .em· edy fut DUl tn."I. Nau-
eat llro\\,t;l nca., Bo4
TIllle ~ th~ Moutla, Coa\ed 'l'uuKUO. l?nt~ 10 ~b.
t;:==~::::...::--::::, 8 I lle, '!'ORPID L1VRRo Tbey regula.LO tile 1I0wol.. J?u.ely Vegeu.ble.
Afl·s. Tbrltty-\VelJ, [f you're thirsty I'll give you a glass of water to d.rlnk. W :lrY WlIly-[ dllre not touch wat r, mum. I've ' ot an Iron const!· t_u~t~lo~l~l~a~il~d=l=t~IV= _ ~I~gl~l~t~r~u~st=1t.===== "
4S to 50
Genuine Must Bear Fac.Simile Signature
Bu~ of Wheat Per Ac~e I
·M~a,DLEI · E ':~:::~ln:~t:!;n~~:~ RF' . _ Mapl~. N'
. a,,11 t"il\"ttsllllf loot> affairs y,ou Ill,.y re.' l'onl ~llt ~vhb
Ii lid" ..... ' "
Too Much for Him,
Dy -HARO, L D ·.MacGMAT·H ,Autbu. af"Tbe JtI~ Oil \I.. Boa" an~ "BaU" JOoaue.'·
The 'LURE 'o f the MASK A new 'long'novel by Harold Mac· Grath-evcry line of if Macqrath· ian- bis unsuTpas&ed humor, his iD· scrutable plots, ~'i5 Tnt;y dialoguo. all veined wilh tho genius that ma.cle "The Man on the 'Box" and "Half II. Rogue" lead,ers in fictlon. . "lfmcO,."th hAS ",,'rht en1notlllnlfmore -C{llclI!}o PosI.' .. 'T)IO Lure or th )I"~k' -;;'11\ hold . lt~
Y dO)1't think the rich lire e.xcoptlon· . . ~o? Know many! Some. Very rich? One 1,0 five mlllloll!l! Ob, but they lead quite a different ' life from the really rich! To be s'Ul:e; -but · still, don't YOU think you can tell just .a.S much about the quality ot molasses from a hogs· head or It 0.8 you clln trom' a IIhlpload? -Life.. .
Girl Who Can Throw.
"Somo of my friends were afraid," said Gov: Burke ot North Dakotl;l, "that MillS Benton would not smash tbe bottle on the bow ot tlie great battle·s·hlp, but I walln't. My fears were that she'd lltave a hole In th~ ship, . I am. lure tliat she liurled that oham.pagUe so' hard that the bottle 11'11,8 Imslbec!' be!fore It bit the bow of tbe Ironclad."
0' ·Harrlet Obalmers Adam. hu tra.... To.Day.
eled 40,(1CJ(J mllea throqh South AM
"4 and ba8 ot1s1n~ blocraph picture.
ff tile canal work 'on the JaCarnua 01 I>anama that are eaJd to lie yery tIDe; quite 'A Dumber of WOIllft haft ..... recorde NOeutl, wltla
froM - bosl9n &,.10.
eo re. to eover.' ,
ally happy.
Women Trave[e,.·
Brown Jug ..
rFttiJAdtlplw. &t:l'JIfl.
It Is anno'u nced tbat ' plails are well towan(p.erteoUoil tor thal big Insur. ,ance, buUdlng In New .york which [I to Cover an entire' block and to be 34 ilto'r iee in ' lhe maIn part, r[lllng to a height of 489 feet, with a tower that The first Is for a girl of 8 to ·10 ycnrs. Jap silk In a dell cat.e shade of pink wtll reacH 909 fee't, -making 'the strUt' 't ure alt~gether t.he Illost Imposing [n III used for It. The ·toot of the tkll't has a narrow frill edged with iace 8,s trim. the metroopl[s . . As ' Ute building will m[ng. TII.c ked net Is used tor the sleev\ls aDd yoke; a net'frlll, edged wltb coat ,'20,000,000 and 'Btand on the ' most I~ce, finishes the llttle sleeve: Tile fqlded fichu Is trimmed with two lace frills; e.ll"'enslve real e/ltate on Manbattan a l\lnk saUn ribbon bow aod ends ' gives a pretty finish III trout.. Mate rials JO' ,requIred': . ~Ive yards silk ;16 lnches ",·Ide, 1lh 'YDrds tucked net., 2'h yards ' · bland,. I ~ certainly will be dn~' of the rlbben, 7· yards lace. · . . 'rhe. second 1.8·.tOr ·a g[rl cif 6 .to 8 ' yesrl!. Cashmere i. chollen for this Blgbts ,of the' great town. ~cldenlally the query will b'e SuggBllt ed: _. Wbere . pretty style, the full. klrt !tw!ono ttimoilng wbatever· "plece . Jacn {orms the I. the' limit, to .b,e fixed on skv.scra,. . yoke and ellauletles. pale blUe 'glaoe silk edges .t hem, lind ~s · 0.180 put along the , IOW61' edge of yoke botb back Dnd ./ront, covered, silk 'buttons are sewn III the PersT -scallops of Ule epaulettes; a sRsh of the silk js worn. ~e sleeve Is slightly tucked and finished with a soft trill. . ?' • A traveler hy tbe night train (rom Materials r qu[red: Three ~'arcts cashmere 46.1nches wld.e, 2%, yards silk 1 yard (Ilece lace. . . , . . ' Peterborough to Grlmsby COm])latocd The third [s tOI' a girl or 10'to 12 yean. Cashmere 'II' uld mak.~ up well [n _ that wblle dozing an animal of B~m. th,ls4ealgn; tbree tucks trim' the skirt, which Is. a circular sbape and fits 80rt bad run ' over hl.1I face. It was dis· tlghtty round the hips. Tha pinafore bodice haa t'l'o tucks on eaC'.h shoulder ~~ered fba.t the train w,a ll Infested and a fancy silk .t tlmmlng, elthe.r to. matcli or of contrasting cellor; Ja put With rat.,. and It· bas been ' taken off eo round tbe opening. of 'Deck and armhole8. Figured silk II used for the undersUp. , . . ' tliat It may be. oleared of t~e pests. . Materials required; 'I'l:tree and ODe-half yarda caallmere, 2~ yards trim. ... mlng. 2 yards silk. Thl royal houae. or Ellrope are bul' . Tbe fourth Is for 0. clrl of 6 to 8 yearl, and I. very dainty: pale blUe Jap ..,.tq to IIl&IT1 tbefr ,.oune lIclons 011 allk would make up very prettily: the material II Joined to the tuc_or abd ....b-. Perba~ the,. ,rear an U'reIIlSU, at Dook by three roWI or gatbers: 1aC8 II uBed for the little material I. draped round It, .. II8IIh la takeu roulld under . In : IIIe .lIaerlcan bnuloa ., th~ &110.. a bow at tbe back: ·the betJ1 ' of the skIrt .. bllbeel by a to walt 1.. .0Ulll to Mate~1l1lI required: l'our'7arda1 aUk IDdiea wide. ~ __. 11 ';;,~~
'TLie LILli
'''Th Lltlle Rro ... n .lUll at' I. tbe \)c.~ ull\tubolaou f_ tioiilon ." QlCIIIJQ JourtL/ll. , , . StrlkJlllll \IIn.tra~d b,.
"Poor f!!!low!" said the , I~d,., who 'balng personally conducted throug/l the asylum. "Popr fello'l\'! He Is 80 handsome! he has such noble features, suoh a splendid brow, BUob an aristocratic bearing.. What a, pity that his mind been wrecked. Was he crossed In love 1" '. .':No,'; replled .the attendant. "He's a poet. It's 0. very -aad case. HIB. friends ' tbou.ght he WItS, going te be the Amerl: ('an . Byron Clr MlHon, or something like that; litJt . one day Jle wrote a poem ' which 'he called..'Unes to a Wa· ter Fowl' and / sent ff to a newqpBller ' or a ma.gazlne or something, nnd when It came out It was hetl ded . 'Lines to ' a Water Bow,: The shock upset him and he aln;t been r.lght slnoe."-Cbl· !=sgo Record·H,erald.
• nru Urrow a.. .
p05mvely cUl'ed b~ (bue Little PlUa.
. have been grown on farm lanu. in MUllt Import, Marrlaoeable Girl •• ,The problem or finding wlv!;!s bat become a serLous one In St. p t e l'S' burg. The mnle population ex cp.dll . th f male hy 124,000 In lhe RussJan Much less 'would be 'tlllilal, aorl Ule authorities are weigh· IIItitfaclory, TIle gen. Ing Illans tor ImpUrtJllg llrosllecllv6 erol average is above brides f ront tbe ·provlnces. The need " yenly bushel,. of wives, Indeed, bas led to tbe mil· ",," ore loullin th.l. king of several fortunes In matitmolll· p Tftl,el of the &:reat croP8 and thRt WQn· a1 agencies, heavy fees being eiacted dcrft)lcount.~ y.It- & • tor pretty girls 8' wives from remote Iracl from ccfK$IXJ,1J!rnc< N.IfOllA I Edllori.' • Association August, 1104. , country places. Tbe m n outnumber tbe womon In all clal1s II In St. PeteraIt is now postlole 10 I«Ufe " 01 160 burg, and at socIal aaairs tbere are acret free and anolher [60 acre. at $3,00 per acre. 'usuall¥ two men tor every wolllan. or Hund!eds ha,'. paid th. cost of their (.rnu (if courlle this· Is a truly delightful sllu- purchased) and Ihen had a balance: 01 from $10.00 to $12.00 pet acre from one crop. Wheal, barley, atlon for Ule ,woman, but It Is one that oats.lIax- all do welL ' Mix.od f.armill8 it a pat I. multiplying jealousies between me n ' lUCCeSa 'and dairyilljl is hiahly pto6table. Excel. and causing "aaalrs" with swords and lent climal., IJlleridid IChool. aod churcbet, rwU. pistols upon the field nf honor. Soc[al wa,. bring mOlt ever, dUtricl within u.y retch actlv[Ues Ill. St. Peterllburg have been of markeL Railwa, "ad I.nd comp...liet have decllhlng In Intorest becaiJse of the lallda for ..10 at low prices and on euy term. scarcity of women, wher>eall tn all tbR -L...t Be.tWcot"pamphlet a anol mapa .e'lt . Iree. For then anol Iflform""on a. to how other large cities In the empire wom to .~ur. lowest railway ratea, apply to To Keep from Inhaling Dust. e n are much more. numeroul than Superintendent of Immi"ratlon, OttOWA. Canad., or the authori.ed Canadian Govern. , It. when you are rendy to do yom mel). ment " •• "t: weekly sW!*lplng, you will place 8 H. l'I. WILLIAMS, small piece of cold cream In each nos· "Fa\ther." Law Build•..,. . Toledo, Ohlo,:_ _A ...:.,_ N___K_._ - _E_,.-:(_19_0_8_ 5_1..:.)__22 _ 6'f _~_ trll yon 'wlll not Inhale any dust In "Wully," said Mrs: MncHlgh to ber the head, DI:\ It will all stlclc to the little son as they e me rged froUl the cold cream , and can be aslly rem oved station at Sliltham·by·the.Soa, "nOD with a handkerchief. . This 18. alse that we nre at tho coast, mind ~nd' ca' good wben r[dlng ~n the dl1st during SOLD BY BROtiIlS. ye r fllither 'papa' when be comes dOon the summer, aud aga.ln In tbe sharp Winter ,w eather, If you 1~ lac!l some 01 for tbe week-eDd. Ye'll no tors-et, wli.lI the co)d ·cream III YOur r~ostrllB before ye?" "Wully," nearIng the big 8e~, felt going out In the all'. It orte n eavea hard cold, and will be aP.llr!lclnted gr.aclously . Inclined to promIse · any· and told his mother he wouldna by any ODe troubled wHb catarrh In thing, forget. . the head. ' , B:F On t.he Saturday morning Mrs. Mac. slttlng on the stan ds ~esille High was Dyeing a White Blouse. . some " swell" Ilea side Ilcqualnlancoe, ,Author "r "Tho nO" I!(! "r a !l'b<lQfland CA!lQIa.... Ti1e girl who has a n e~' fnll suit and watching ' the children playing. Tblnk· I· ltu~trt:ld "tU Cl tl"l"," '4,11)0 l·ort. , , Of l1jaalDIMcD,': ew. " who wanl s a thJn waist to matcl) It Ing to Impress. her ' nel ghbo1'8 she ~1l1 llave trouble In findIng It. .Tlie The LITrLE 8ROWN easier method Is tbls: Buy a well·flt. called out In her best society voloe :' your papa Is coming dOQn the thlg pIal led ecrue net bl'ouse with 8 "Weelle, JUG at KILDARE da y~ . (rlll down front, long s leoves and high "n, nil ollda t'le b e t book ~rar ellt~ , answered "Weellet "Oh, Is he?" NlcbOll!<>1l 11.. Ilj."u liS tiluce 'Tbo! lIoust stock: then. take I ~ to the dye rs with a buSily engaged at a sand castle, Dnd ot tl 'lhuuyt1nd Oo.ut\h:.&•• t~ ~ampl e of the suit. The I' suit Is ex· --:-PtJI.6U19 DISp.tcft, quite forgetful. ot Monday's promise. cell ent. ' "Aim.. 10 Ilwua":-"ud Ie dOel." "An' wull my falthe r be wi' 'Im?"-· • . : -Ott~(ooIt. Tll·Blts. '-If Y"" ",nnt "amplleAtlon. an.! my le.y
I Many estimates have been made of what the p.o pulatlon of the United Statel.will be In 1950. They vary all the way b-om 176,000.000 to 200,000•. Tbelatest. ~~rson to mak~ ari. e!5: ttmate, ho,vever, taJtes qUite '" differ· ent ...Iew. In tbe Atl"ntlc Montbly Mr: W. B. Rossiter, a c~nBu9 expert,: .bowl that the rate '~f Increase In po·p. · ulaUon .Is steadUy declining. From 1870 to 1880 tbe In~rea!e was 31. per cent. From 1880. to 1890, 24 per cent., and trom· that date to 1900, 21 per c~nt. In vIew of this steady decrease In the rate, l\1r~, Rossiter , esUmates th8.'t the p'opulaUon Will not be over lSO,OOO,QOO, and ' aCter that dale tend to beCome stationary.
. . . .., IIlMDMIYr
.. »riDotII
The Miami Gazette
Picture"",. BAI\.RlSO~ nSJtE~ ",,'I KARL
.At Ali BookseDen. e .
To California
'A crQ$s'Salt Lake by ~R~~
. '
.!fbe 'Overland Limited Famoua Hel'e Dud Abroad
Leave's ChlCado Df,llly Composite Qbservati"a Car, Pullman Drawing. room and Compartment Cars, Dining . Cars; all . eleCtric lJghted and WeD ventilated. Library. "Smoking Room.s-everytl?ing p~t-~ your jolmley' cteligbttul. No ezc:caa fare.
VnlonPaclfl~, Southern Pa~lfIc . . . . . . .«1
ectIo...,......... I'VIIII .. k .... "'nie
11M , ...... _ _ la lICIIIIIIM IIr ...... ......,'-"-
~"' • I. dIe"'Of.~""W""· • LL~IJ~~!~
Into the /ler·y. turnan.. And for lh' HAD NOT ALL 1'H" KN9WLEDGE. time bein g the great Image and lhe gllitering ceremonials alld rell ll \lnj! SImple Word wrth Which the Elder were Cor&:o~l eu und (he l' ople slirg t1 SQ)Jelched the Younger M. D, about tbe pia e whel'e the [urn ace IItood. ' A becomln!; modesty Is a desIrable LADIES' FIVE·PIECE SKIRT. 91,,"" eI the Tri.1 ~ D."'er. "".. 'With mprbld eag rneas they watched aid to ad vancerneut In any proressJon Friend.. the bringing of Lbe furnace to the In, Iosect Attacks Buds and Ends oC Branches Cau!.lng Crooked. In a small town In Malne- tbere lived tense wllltl" glo\\,. Brealh lessly th ey .n brusQII old doctor,. wllo. tor all his Irregular Growt.b- By H. A. Gos~~ard. M. S., BY THE "HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" stood a nrl saw the th re men bound ecce ntrlall,y. waB a learned and sklll· Entomologist, Oblo. PREACHER and as Bley were J1 fled antI 31'1'1 d tc ful man. ~r mMY y~~ be b~ the mouth ot tbe fnrnuce nnd lbrowD b en tho sale doctor In town, but-one ICoP7rlrrh l.llIOiI.b7'UUU,U1... W. wllhl n Ibe lealling flamel> 11 cry ot f G'al Three di sti nct- forms ot' Injul'y arc \Vas )( pl SfJi'~lDa Ollt. tho d() pth being dllY tit 1'6 came a rival In the shape n 'lnlcl's B ook Accredlt"d.-We know and borror burst [rom ibe bundrolh of a youll g grad uate. The .y oung M. from J O• .,phU8 that tile JOWl! In Chrlsl's , allli thou ~ ands Or tbl'OlltS, fol' Ihe l'e, chnrg abl to lb larvae ot the' calalpa not mor/) than 'OIlQ-hlllf Incb. and 11 O. ,dId not pny his respects to his was mol sl tied as often os n cessn~y. <la)' recoljnJz5'tI Daniel . M In the canon, wrlth1ng In dOlltb agony on 'the ground midge: Z charlah , Ezra nnd N h mla h retor 10 ' 1. To .the · Ien ves, causing a Corm of fn eurly JulY' adult m id ges a ppea red sc ulor, and the old dootor In l urn com· H . JeH US r t ' r6 10 It In Ilia chnrllolerlg. lay .t he IDen who had borne the vic· Iletely Ignored tl:(e fledgllng. One day, I ar spot. , In lh e cage, tbus proving that Ibo howover, the two were brought to· ~ ti c dcslgmttloll : "81m or M ew ." /lfntl.:!4: tlms of the klog's wro:th to tbel. 2. '}'o the termlual buds and end:! .ot pupal slage Is ol'dJnnl'\ly passed In the 30 (Dnn . 7 : J~) ; nlso ICprl18sly I)y nllm,', I doom. gether at a .cons ul tatlon, and the young g round . 'rh se Dlld g',6 were confined M . O. thereupon essayed to sq ue lch fllld 1!.9 a "p!,o,t>hel."- ln :14,.16 (.r. ~'or the time being everytblllg eillf the branches. t . b t h 1 bl k Mntt. 24 :21, with Dnn. l!! :l. elc.); o.nll In 3. 'fo tb . secds In the pods. 011 I~ atolpa slllls tnllMI trom trees th o m o rn nl tIInl d"chJ ed ll~' IIro (lIlnll. was ' orgotlen. U' W ('n I It' ac · The I\dllll tiles must fil'st apll 1.1.1' III ""own III the Insoctary li nd whl,.h had tile old l\f, D. with the preponderoslty 2r. :G4). or dentil . ",II n the 'hlgh prlt's l ened. missbopen bodies ' bad b ~1l re of Ills knowledge. He rattled orr Latin IIdJured him by tlI 1I\'ll1g G o d . Also. In moved from b1gl1t the king alld people May. since Ihe tillots on Ih ) eave ~ lI c,,'er shown s igns of Infestation. July terms anel French and German l.uke. 1:19-26. "O/l UI'! I" 18 m nlloned. IIga ln turned Ibe lr eyes toward Ule IIPV a r .ln tbat 'month or early lu Jun. J6. Ihr e 01" rour Jarvne were found pbra~es , wbll the old doct9r listened w hoIJn name oc u ra now h e ro e tsu tn On JUIl 22. ]908. la rvae couhl un on tit I Il\'es of one or thes o slips . No ~ rl pture 8Rv e tJ lU\pt ~ r 8:16 ; 9:21. B u. tlery fUI·nace. as If Qu lle "Yes," he mus do' lI l d ~l! t ho r~ r r(:.ncell 10 It In 110 Qlullon. ' ,{Ilh a cry o[ reur and o.S ( ~' lllsbment found In abunda nce on tbe leaves and I:gs o r la l'\'ae o'uld be found In lhe me llltat!vely, " that·s so, tbat's so. But PaUl confirms th ptoph ll<:ol purl or It. Ole .klng lIuddenly aroso froll) his pine, ulso In th termInal buds. .Adults bud of this Slip. A dllrel'ent sill>. thaI whnt do yo u thin k of a cataplasm for ILl! to the J>luRp/IClnous hl ng (Olin. 7: . :!ii : II .1 I 1'1 • II ('auld be SCll n be l' and tlt re on th was Jlllt Into . a jar COlltB hl~n g mIdges J I :36). In :1,. ,or. 6 :2; 2 ·l'htlss. 2:3. ': lhe and, "': t 1 ten se face a llu B In •. nl; n· this case?" "A-a- what ?" e jllcnhiled nnrmtlve I' rI. R8 to I.ho rnlmculous cl ll ' gel', h e poInte d t~ward s th ~ ru rnace. I av 8 and could be cl1plure d In tliat hulch ' tI from , buds OIl J u Iy. 4 , lhe new doctor. compl et Iy dllmfo und· abundnl1c by s wceplng catalpas with lind ne w Jo. r\'a o In I ho bud Ju:y 15 · \Iv e rl\ n o~s from "the. 1I0 1lS" "ml lho Ilre . Bis court otncials quIckly e d. "A calallluljlll," rcp ated lbe old Pa ris P.alte rn No. 26 35, All Seams In H o b. 11 ::13 • . 34. M a lt . ~I : ~~ . .0 '1 111,1 h e I'ound hll1l, !lnd to (hem cr-Ad tbe doctor. " \Ve ll ." stammered the otbel', Allowed.- losing at ~h e lert sid IlDlt 1If, nlgmn. Ir It we ..., nut fo r 1\ ret renc.. 10 Ihe. "Mlnn" thlll smOlO the Im ng~" kin g In al:ll'm ; "1 am not familiar wltli th ut modo baYing IJ. ' habit back nIl s Is a styllsh (Dan. ~ :a1 . 3,~ . 44 .• ri) . 'l'h us tllp, 'N \Y Tea· "Old we not ~aSl tbree in CH bOU!ld of ' I rea l Uienl, allhougb I have se n nnr! se)'vl caul skirt tOI' a seplu'at lUIII nt snnctions ~ hopt c rs 2, 3, G, 7. Into the mid s t of the furn ace '! L(,. I It ndv rU sed. It·s somethIng new, garmenl 0)' as part o[ a tailor suit. It ScrIpt ure authorlty-Danl I. chall' s e roul' men loose wlllklng in t he isn'l It?" " Ob. nol" was the quiet reo may be doveloped· In brollcJcloth, te'r 3. midst ot th nrc. alld til ' y havc no plr . "A cntnl)luRIU mean s slmnly a twoed, Vonetian cloth , S rge, or. In Is not tho four th thc Und , bliUl Ilouilice. Jt always bas m ant a poul, fact. an~' material fll ut s ult~ the waar· ,,«••~ H obl' IVS dOCilll' (1 w a~ a.ble lo Uce a ud probably always wlll." · It ' Is er 's fan C)' . The stitching Is needl ess to Bay th at the yo ung doctor dOll : SERMONETTE. : d 11\' l' the m from the fi ery 1,1l'nllCu'!" In black or self·color d "'rr.ue, it muy be." rejQlnCn Ills oJl1, s traig htway subsIded. allie , nnrt the mo ilel Is very simple In ela ls. . : Tru e faith throwl 9Me unre· cans t ruction. The patteru Is In seve n "!\Ink · has le." shoute d t:le Itln g. • servedly upon . the mercy and • slzt;ls-22 to 34 Incb es 'Wais t measur . Safes with Deadly Gases. ArmIng : care of GOd. : "Call th 01 forlb from the mlc,at or tile A che mical compan y has d viseQ 8 For 20 wa ist the sldrt. made ot mateliery furn a cc." . • Note th ll t It was not a ques,tlon • gr nade 01' glMs receptncle. HlIed with rlul with nop, requires 9:)8 yards 20 Instantly th ofllclals has t,encd to (Ie. ; with the'ie three Hebrew ae rv· • Inches wide, 6 ya rds 36 Inchos wide. IL chc mlcal compouncj, as a m.eans 01 the biddIng of 1he kIn g. nnfl as. he ~ ant~ as to whether or not God 414 yllrds 42 Inches wid , or 3~ OInking It Imposslblo for safeblowers I h ree mcn, Shad rnch. M sh ach ·and • would give them physlca'i dellv· ynril s 64 Inches wide; Wll hout nap, It to rob a safe arter breaking It open. Abe(inego stcppM forlb fl'OIU Ie • erance from the awful peril It Is all Inolre nsJve·lookhig arUcle, need 9 yards 20 'Inches wide, 4JA. midst of lbe ruglug flames the Ile ople : whIch threat,ried them, rather allout ,two Inches In diameter nnd !lve rarde 36 Inches wlde, 4~ yards 42 gave a grea.t sbout wblcb ralrly sho k Dead Tips Due to Midge Larllae WorkIng In Buds and Tender Wood. • did the whole question of conlong. Inside of the exlerlor Inches Wide. or 31AI yards 64 Indheil Inches lbe beavens. And tbe counstlllol'H or : duut hinge upon the one a net. Egg-masses, fresbly laid. cO~l ld Som e adults, that had Issulld some tube are seve n s ma ller ones. eacb wid e ; ] %. yards 20 Inches wide, *lhe klng quickly i>urrounded Ibe three ; though~, _ '~What_ Is the right men and led I hem lowllrds the killg, be found In tbe term inal buds. OUl· lime art er J uly 4. w re stU I 11 vlng In Illl ed with a dltre rent cbemlcjll. Whe n yards 36 Incll es 'W Ide. % yard 42 • thing to doZ" wirl e. or % yard 64 Incbes' who, In his agerness to recei ve them, tings of cataljlu, conlalnlng llundreds the cag at the 11 me of thbJ observa· the door ot the sate Is 'blown, or the Illches • Do right whatever be the con· ot larvae, were sunk Into mOist sand tlon. The avernge lire ot the fly Is safe Is jarred heavily, the grenade ex. wide. e xtra, for !lIas band : width of . tbrew aside his royal ro bes lind cle: se(l.ulmce., I. the uncomprOinl. and ' placed In breeding cages. Adul t probably from thr e to four days to plod es. and the air is filled with the Iqwer edge a bout ' four 'yards. Ijcended to ·the pla~a bl)loV/'. • Ing law of God. proour", this pnttern Bend 10 !)ants flies appeared III these cages July 4. a week or lEm da'y e. deadly fum es. It Is claimed that these toTo"Puttei'n "But where 18 the (ourtb mall, Uly Departmenl." ot lIllB pnper. ; , The man who would attempt tumes, which, so far as errect Is con'and for several days th,ereafter. It Write nnm nnd addreas plulnly,. nnll bl:> companion In till) tur~ace7'" !lrled I he ·Young cull.lvat e!1 groves do not s ltf· ; to bargain wlt'h God, makIng hIs su re to give slz nnd . number ot "batlern. cern ed. are not unlll(e tbe gases from killS', as he reaobed . tbe . apJlroacht ng was cjlfficult 1.0 find a . JURSS of eggs, fer so much, a,s older uncultivated an tis. .. pbedlence to tha 'Divine law con ~ part of which .bad' not hatohed nt the The Inrva nlng t hemselves to ' the the dead ly Chinese "s tl nk pots," are group. "Was II nOL,thy God'f 1 would : tlngent upon God's conferring time ot discovery, thus evidencIng the ground whe n fu ll grown and pupate power[ul cnoug b to make breathing NO. 2636. SIZE ............... ~ •. boW before 11Im." • Upon him certain Immunltlee shortness of the Incubation p rlod. As " ery neal' to lha surfacc. The fragll o Im possible and to force all persons "Thou moyes t Ind eed bow berore ; and blessings, Is the man who : NAME ...... .. ........ .. . ... . ................ . neRrly ae we could determLne from ncar the safe to retreat or be almost • I•• ervlng for the loallel and the .* Wm, but to meet blm familiarly race eggs laid by mIdges In our cages. th e adult fil es MllnOl mal(e lhe ll' way to Instqnt)y sUffocat d. to fa ce Is not vouobsafed to nny man," the surrace, l! plowing hDS burled the 1'OWN . . .... . ..... , ....... .... ... .......... .. fllhe. and who neller know. the : young larvae begin to emerge within Immature stages under Bove rl~1 In cb e ~ The g renllde/l ,are mnde with II. lust· spoke up olle of tbe three mell. deep Joy of doing right for 24 hours or less atter the eggs are STREET AND NO .............. . : . .... .. Ing rr ct of from six to ten hourIS, de"'1' II me of thy God? Is be tba of earlh. PI()wlng ill lo te fnll or early ,'" rIght's laid . As nearly as could be jud ged s pring will accomplish OIost, bu t cultl peudlIlg lIpon the size. ' and are placed same Ood as the God whom Danl I STATE .............. : .. . .... ... . ....... . ... . .. The true lervant of the kIng wOl'llhlps'/ th God wbo reveuleth trom aliI' brp.edtng Work. the life of 'n vatlo n thl'oughout tho summ er will just baolt of the locking m'ecQanlsm of ; of klngl Is neller abalhed be. complet genomllQn 'In mld·summe r Is the sate doors.-popular Mec hanics. h elp. dreams'/" . urged tbe klr)g, ' olmosl • f ore' -:\1e presence, of the klngl DOLL'~ DRESS AND KIMONO. Tbree or fOllv pounds ot kalolt : of the earth. Listen to the words ' : breathlellsly. :'1 thoughl ' to m'nlre Ian glory , fl bollld till all Jmage wllose scattered nnder n tree OVer a cl rcl ' BI} Hadley PolI,ts Out Danger. : of these men a. they place al· ellrlh: I sont Itf'rn lds tbrough all the Pl'oxlmn\l ug 'that of the sprend of . th P resld nt Hadley of Yale writell; ' • leg lance >. to God , b!,fore ellery . laud s over which I hold domlllJon limbs wlll ·.1.I1 · all pl'obabUtlr destroy urn th year 1789 the whole French • earthly claim. "Our God whom conlnluntiing tbat tbere be seu t thos e Ibe larvae ItL lbe soli as well ns stlmu Ileople WaS In a stale ot poll tical e x. : ' we .erlle is able to dellver us,'" who sboul(l, wOl'1l ltlp before the>Image. 10. , the tl·oa. Small trees wlll nOI cltement. Thoy seized eagerly up')n ; but· even thOugh It should not bi [ soug llt thus to mngnlIy 'my name and aeed more than hnlf tllis am6unt. 11 eve rything sensatJonal. A young jour· • hi. will to deliver ua from thy .: my glory. amI behold, now. I •. N bu· may be applied :In May to . prevOlnt the nallst namec1.. OamlJle l,)~smoullnlj ; handl, know thou, oh, king, that chadhezzar. kink ot Babylon. , have first brood from Is suin g and If neces· she,red thi s feellng nnd took advan. • we will ~ot serve t~y goda nor been brought low. Fo'\, imrely wbal ,aary call be rel1eatc d In In to lune to tage ot It. H e wrole 1\ series ot ar. : worshIp the golden Image. I?od Is t~ere Ilke to tily OO}]. wbo clUl calch th large July ho:,chlng. Stir Uclescalled 'Lump Post Talks to the • What a blessing these three lIgbtly Into fh e .5011 wi th a gardel) People or Paris,' In' wblch hll urged Hebrewl would have mloaed If : deliver from (hI) devouring f1 ruu 1" Then spok Ul) ShUdl'llch, saylng.: ralt . Sulpllllcarbonate or potash, al)' thot anybo!ly who was not a rrlend of .. they had feared to have stood "Be It known unto thee. 011. kIng. plied ot tile raLe ot 30 Ice&:s P r aero'. I.h e pel)pie oug ht' .to be' taken .to the : ' with God. They did not /<"OW t bat we worship thl) sarnO" Ood whom' has bee n t:ollnd lteQtlve aguI.nst the nearest lamp post and hanged. He • . It at the time, but that furnace,. (lea r mIdge 'in the soli by Dr. Marchal wns not , hImse lf a bloodthirsty' 'm an. ; heated eo hot that thOle who :- Daniel worllhltl~. for the God of tile Hebrews Ls 'but one Goc1. He It Is w of FrauQe. He chose Ills ' title ,chiefly hecause It • threw the three men Into Its rulelh In th e benvens, who settelh If. In enrly SPring, the leave!!. sounded. so pIcturesque. , After ~ time · : leaping flamel were . IUuck dead : kings ullon tllI'ones and t~k e th ltio'" grass and trash b en ~ a th the tree,. are he saw that they were executing a • by the heat, was to become the ral{ed togethe r fro m a wIde circle great mnny Innocent men and wom'en, : vestibule .· of heaven, and the : dams away. He It III wbo glvelh wls dom 'a nd ca,r oth !or them w,ho put 'the.h around the ' trunks and burned, and and began. to tell men so. . Then they .. tryltlng place where God In the trust In him." theso cleared clrclcs are then drennhed said that he was not a frIend o'f' the ; person of hIs .ble ••ed Son was . "But thou art far from tby I.a nd." ex' with kerosene emulSion diluted wltb tl,e!>pl e any longe r, and ' h~nged him . • . walttng to receille tham. claimed the king. "The land where e ig ht to ten pnrts of wate r, the hlb er- This. story has a moral for us In Arne ... ' ; The fire .of ' Nebuchadnezzar thy God 'hns his dwelling place. Oom', paling stages, of tbe Insect will 'bl! de. ~f1a to·day. It sbows tile dangers that, could burn off the fetter. with 11th he thltber Into 'the ~Id st pf Daby· strayed. I;ome to a poople 'whIch rCllds newspa.· ..' which he had bound the .ec:v: lOll, where· tbe great god .!leI rules 1'" . Porls 'Pstten) ' N~. 2840. All Seams While methods ot ,planting probllbl1 ' pel'!'l for the sake of excitement, In. .; ant. of God, but It c9\11d reach "The great god Bel Is n'o god at 01\ Allow ' d.- A dalnly and cha.rming IIl~ have IItlle 'or no elrect 9n the mul't lpll. sta:ld of for the sake of Informallon. • no fu.rther. 80 with the firea tIe 8 t tor 1\ girl doll Is he re portrayed. caUon Of. th~ mid ge, It s ems to have of paraeoutlon which aa.all the : berore Jebovall·Ood. th ~ God ·of heaven It conslf.ts of a little dress developed a dlr'l!ct re lation to correction Or tn. Chd.Uan. They come •• a reo 'f!J and earth." was tbe bol(l ·T!lB\'lonse. "To What Ba.e U.e .... In baUSle. PerslM or Victoria lawn, Jurlell causeel by the , mldge~ If the flnlng flame .eparatlng more : "He Is everywhere and bls ear Is alBi g Brother (to young sisler who cballls, voll·e. R enrl etta, serge or casb. ways open to the cl'y of his cblldren.' " are planteli not more tban four and more frllm th'e fetters whIch ~as aCQuired on unaccountable· habit "But.. ",by. then. bllth , sucll ' eV,1) me re. The 8Q llare yoke Is ot all·over to e ight teet apart each way. a s~ralght would clrcumecrlb._ and bind .: fallen IIPon a people' who have such sk'ywl\rd growt Is forced and; al. of borrowing his rDZor)-I know you Ince or elll brolile ry. and tlie Mlklldo " . - -LJ,he 'soul In Its fello.wshlp with I!ave bQrrowod, my razor again. it's bands, wblcb may be omitted It 'de· great God . .a God who, I[! ·'.everywhere. thol!~b ' the YO~litg trees shlrt olr 'Wltb ' .: It. Lord. , ' . not where I put It. " , slreC\) are of slmllo.r embroidery.' The and a Qod who III able to denver ' ! " crooked trunks due to au cesslve The soul that darea to stand Youo·g·· Sister (scrambling around In rilJ I 811 Irl Is a ttaclled ' to tbe waist un. f9rkln gs. caused by terminal Injury. "Tbou ballt spo)<en, ~b, 1tlni , of. Isalone for the right very loon be: after a few yea rs t he truQlcs will have fhe, balhroom)-Oh! he re It Iii, Bob- der a bolt.. or til ulllterial. which may rael's roll)'. (or It Is the ;wIckedness ot comea conlclous that he I. not be or Ih(J mbrold ()ry. nnd the arm· become QIlIte straight. Atte r the tre('s just wh re yOU left It, I am slIre! the people, nnd their going a!tflr alone but.'~hat ' there 18 another Big )Jrother-No such thing. An.d bands flnl sblng the sbort pulr sleeves bilye Iltt~ ln.ed an a ge of five , or six "Munge goUs 'Which hl1111 Drought. this . .. ' presence wltl! l:ilm In, the , fiery years allerna to' tre es clln be cut out It thls Is t)le lbl~d time you have ml,8' are made to matcq the ·b elt~ The lit tle :; furnace of affliction. the very:. ev·jJ UPOll UB . The God of Israel bath necossdry, and .tbe .trees may 'be 'J)lac:ocllt . No}v, mlss;.yC>u will tell me klrnQno Is tucllet\ fo'r a sport . dlstnnce • fJj presence of God. 'lit chosen tbee at:! t h!! Ipslrllmellt or hi' ~rusl.ed after. age to grow f\1.l rly wha~ you .use It tor. Wet;e you I'lpplng elth r side of 't he fr'o nt 8O(i Is llnlshe!l : ', The man' who ,fear. to do : wra~h ' and bath given Into tby h ~ n(l, , tbe sleeves or your last win ter's coat? around the sleeves and down the tront StraIght. . bls dlsobedlell, t peopl!!. But he Is abl e wrong II the man who know.. ~ Young Sister (doggedly)- o. You wi til a1\k '01' Oallnel In a .contrastlng net th~. 'fear' ,Of man. : to deliver and hath save!! ttl., servants .. sbRde. Tbls kimono should be of never will forget that! [rom the fle ry turnll.ce." Take Care of Horee'et Feet.-"No alg Brother-Well, w'bat th en? flanne l, Oannelette. cashmere. lans. ~** " Blessed be thy Ood!" exclaimed Ihe foot no horse / ' Is an old saying Ilnd (shaking her by the IIhou.\ders) An. dowl e silk ,?r ·bath.toweling. The pat> TJiE 8TO~Y. king. [ervldly. "tbat . h~th sent his' one tbllt should ' appeal to every man swer me. tern Is In six iilzea-H to 24 Inches angel and delivered his servants that Who owns n. horse. In addition to Young Bister (tearf\1l1 y)-I was just high, measuring from crown ' to 80le . lfJll ''Wonderfill golden Image whlcb trusted In him. ,Now. therefore. i de. having gooa feet, the teeth "ot the splitting 'up a lIUle Ilsbt wood to kJn· the kJng had caused to be , set up cree tbat, every people,' nation and Ian· horse when he' begins .' to gl'ow' old dJ' the fll·e. · and I just think you are a F.or Ii doli 18 Inch es high th" dress re: , ~acl for the' moment heen tor-gotten, guage which IIpeaketh IinytWng amiss should have ~Ittentlon In ul'der'thatthe borrled, lIeUI~'b old thll1g not to want quires l1At yards of material 20· wld e., or % , yard 36 In~hes · Wide';· all and the tbrongs of paople which had , !l.ga1nllt tlie ~lod of Shadracb. Me~hacb.· fl¥ld may', be properly mlisUcated.' to even leno· ,c)~ r t1ilngs~so there! . Illustrated, %' yarcfqf all-over iace "18 , . .when' the t'eofb become rough and un.; l!lcttes ",Ide, ~ yard Of .. losertlo" 'a nd , ' :even. and tb!e' horse cannot g~lnd up %. yard ot edging; the "k(mono needs ' '.. urging about the place whe,r e the fur· hili: for there Is no othe.r 09d, tb~t ~ao' . Large Roya, Faihily: teed, he be com ~s a hard keepel naee had .. been built. and ·In Whlc'h now deuv~r atter thls, lIorl." · ,.' , of-te.n ,th,e owner 'd oei not 'know ' . Prl noe . Fe.rdlnan~'B assumption of' 1 ya~d 20' Inches wide •. or , % yard .36 yard of .COD' , ragln'g fire , burned. It was the same : And lIulUnl tbe action ~o . the ,:\yO~d, the qause ot, tbe ·. trouble. When buy. the , title ot "king of Bulga·rl.a" makeD ' Inch ell wJde. each ' w·lth turnace 'I n which thl! metal for lhe he dillpatche4 heralds at ot;teo tbroug~ Ing a horse always see to ft tbat the U)e 'number of . l'eigrllng 'monarChs be- trastlng material 8 or more 'Inches ' " , 'fteat' lmage had . been IImelted but 0. all that' vallL throng to ' procla.llll the , feet nnd teeth are :In good condition longing to the Saxe·Coburg-Qothe: tam. ~id e. " , procure thIs ·ll'Lttern sen,d' 10 cents rew daYB ,before, and that· day the fire. decree. :And the people took up Horses must live under artlflcl/ll co", lIy four. ' This mos~ prolUlc' ot royal .toTo"Pp.ttern. Department." of tills paper. 4ad' been .kIndled again, not ,to smelt cry. and there, ' before the' gold 'Image. dlUons. Much hi demandetl of ' the races turnl,s bes Kldg Ec;t wa~d or Eng. Write name and 'addrells plafnly. and "" ,aura to gille all!o and number of p'"ttern. Ilore m'etal tor an Imqe, bUt"to burn thougb by way ' 01 , rebuke. they hors~ wrt.hout a corresponding amol,lnt' ' • With 92 living relations. 56 of i he 'hereticlI 'Who dared to defy the shouted: , of care . and attention. Hard ' road. these being. 4h.,t descendanl& ot ," , mandate' ,o f the .Ing and retuse 'to bow' ."Great 'Is the G9d of ShadrRcli. M. .' flrci ql!~tit shoeln~ an~, (rom Queoo Victoria. . , : " . . ', NO. ,2640. SIZ~ .... ; .. , .....·.... Mucil Enlarged A'd,Lllt ·. Mldge. lown to the 'Wonder.ful Image ,.and In shaOh, a!1 d Abednego." ' ove~work antti 'carelessnellB Ij]a.DY.: al1l· If tl;te list be ,ma'de to tnclu'de I dill" . , '. ' .'" ' . ' AboLit One;.8lxteerith of ' ~hom dwelt BPfrtf: of 'thelr god\!. ,', . NA,ME .... ,: .......... , .. ~, .................. ,. mali!' cont.Tact:f1ng bonell, IIldo bones. tant c!luBlns and cODnections by' ' I::o'ng, . . ' ,That day' th,e great ~~pany ot mu· Alriu;.t Iincredible B~utallty; laDlenossandl 'cracks In .tho wall of'lhe rlage, the n.umber.. Qt ·~jlK · l!idwar4'.·' , .TOWl'l' .. : ....... : ... : ...................... .. ,Iclanll bad played . In honor of the France's -Society for ' the' Preve'n tion • throe to four ·weeks. While most hoof or contractod heels. Much. of the relations reaclles ~e lolal · of 288-, STRE~~ ~D NO... , .. ..............,.. . «Olden Image. and at the lIoun!! of of Cruelty to ~nlmal8 hall ,takeq action ,of the l"rvae descended Into the nnd B~oel~g donEI Is not necessary. uti. rati~J)g IJ). rank from .o.apt. Mache)) 'Dulle the 'people had . bowed against a qlnematbgrapb ,co~J)an1 tor to .pqpate. some did bot, but trans· lelll a bOrll!1 IB, to, be worked (wbo married a daughter of Prillee (n adoration aDd wol')lhlp. Even an 8(t 01 unprecedented brutality to a formed wherever they happened to be. paving. on wace tracks ·or' In ' Victor of Hohenlobe), to, the CW, .f · ' - ~ ~ aJ I the RUBllla,lI. ", -. ~ ,: -,' Poor . klnl ·had, with much pomp and cere- hOrM. In senes ,of, plcturel called Som!! mIdges were obtained In each countrY, he w'lIi d9 well without. Richard'. £ 1,000. C,el1tury L,ater.', 'lion),. paid· his oblaOon. ,before tbe "The Lover's 'Revenge" a carriage: ~r ~e glalls tubes. 'contalnlng Do~h· If hili feet al:t! not weak. nr .defectlte.j , This total dOe~ not ' Inelude the' tllr•. One h,uDdred ,and eighteen years ago tmage, and had been followed by his drawn by a borse w., leen' to rush Ing but cuttings harboring the larvae. In having· b~rses shod It paYII to pay IIpr-lng ~morianaUc marriage. of tbe Benjamin Franklin lett to 8o.ton. hi. . brlllllllfcourt reUnue. Th@, from lntt',I' lnY"" the edge of a elltr and be dashed The pupa,' to cisua) observance, the smllh w:bo -understandll , the· bUll. type oontracted by the ·late dllke of native city, a · bequest ' o'r '6.000. ' T~t ,' Ulh throne ·w.bere It 1Iad ~n set up to plsees. !l'he pictures hlld, hot been teemed to dltrer bat little from the ne., and' who makell a Btudy of tb. ' p.m~rldge." . < sum has now grown -to: b& more t~&Il' feet.-Pratrle Farmer, overloOldng th'e great pl~n, he fuod. An 014 blind bone hameSled I...,ae, l111cept that It had become borse and $aOO,oo,O. Andrew ~r.Degie has duo watchell the re~nl and the danolng, to • c&frIale wu reallJ driven over IOmewhat shorter. The larvae wa,e pllcated thlB amount,' and the lIS'Ult I. Worrae Than Lap,rotomy. anll the of the P'IOPle.. the of tIM cU•• nUl'. Boulnpe to 1OfIJ). to d\aeDIBle ~emlleITe. from the ElIl,on-Rl\lloa, dear boy. you look Ibe Frankl!n UnIon Of. BOBton, ,,-h1c~ th. mule " 'tile IIJD&I. obtJhl U\em. ' by theh IerklJll habit aDd drot) fel')' U\l til" momln.. Wbat'i Uie IB an ltidu.trlal ioilOQl prIDo1Palll feW, TIleD hall the ~ .. tile atr· to 'the lround. In the lat~er part. of ~en al1e1 women already a~ ,rcwk.'the layer of allth to tile : __ tJlat or to Gale-half ' bad q1dQIJ
Practical Fashions
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=Dayton's ~
TI~hi~i~~nSP~~~iO~~~,in~~:~~~~' ~~ [;~~p~~~.~ ' ~::I\~~~J:II:h:;~, att~0~1~~:'~~~ . Franklin . I ev. BlI1t~·. J rt.Ir th Pl'esbytelllln chure I an d Ilf Home 'lissions th . I (,eorge l. '. iarm I'. ~ .byt r ian hurdl in lil United St.ate. r.:;lI.rksvil~e, <lnd. Ma:gar.t'l McClure, jji J
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,appointed adniini t ratol' giving bond $1. of $2500 'with Sam Met~ith and Matilda and H. E Hutch inson to Seth Furnas sureties. ' Charles, Siril"son real e tate in " E'state ~f Milton R. Pauly, deceas- Union township, $450. ed. First and final account filed. Eva M. mith et al to Ennis Estate of Mary Jane Pauly: de- Dawson 100 acre ill' Warren county! ceased Charle$ A. pauly appomted ~l . . , d . . t to ' th b d f $300 a mlms ra r WI . on ~ . ' Ennis Dawson to En .M. . rni th, L:. F. Cole~an and Cb~rles t ,. Bene- 83 acres in' Warrim county, *1. dlct sureties. , . ' Esta~fM 'L'M ' I.t d John W. Tufts tile. Martha,' W" .... 0 ary",. , ar. a~, Breeding real estate in Warren' ed eceasd . , ed . ' . M . Ea . ~ b art apWll1t ,a m~- C unty, $625. '. 18trator gIVIng bond of..$-l5.000 WIth J. T. Marlatt and Gyrus M. EarnCommissioners' Proceedings, hart as sureties and J E :. R{)binson M. H. Oswald, burial of· Daniel John B. Pence and Charles Cafferty Brandenburg $75' Ruggles Gale . ' , . " .' ,. .. Co,. blanks for '-probate, $3; Ruggles -appraISers. Estate of W, H. Bone. deceased. Gale Co" record for .clerk, .$21; W.· FirSt ~d final account'. ' . H. Aritram, ' stamps for cl~rk, '5, . tD 'I d ' . Miami Ga;tette blanks for sheriff Estate f H . 0 arne onne e, eceas. ' . ed. First and' final account, . . , and p.robate Judge, ~13 .50, John~ton Ed L Retalrcl.< . d : . t & Watson Co., ~ppll('s for audItor,
an u.arty 2 n d "
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mOl'lling; in a firce that ulldly dumag d th Maple Corn l' school house . . • Ifl CHesarcl'eek tolVllshlp;, 'HuiJPY er t' \vho hom is in Newark, gave an entertainment in I'h cb 01 hou e Wh(.ln<l~d!lY u'l; gll ' and m!lS " ~• n· . . d 1 . h gwen p e1'Jlll ' LOn t p!ln t 1 Illg t in the Luilding. At t he conclu -ion f the ntertainmElnt h e went to the · home of MI'. John 'l'homas, near by . . and talke.d ~vith tb family unLil .af. tel' midnight wh n h I'e u(lnt.>tl to the 'c:hoo! hou~e. . At o'clock 'Thursuay. mO~i1ing the ch I house was discovered to »e A· b . M . on t e y, MI SS aQde Smi th, who g a e the alat'm ~ number of men
Alb er t L a logons. v ntt'l'1 ' lIl:\'e d . oq Ulst
HOlY DIAn,. readers' have h,ard of tbli ' 59 ea t's knl'wn 8" "Hapi Y f~el'L" terrible c'\1aease? It prevlIlls in . 1J!at wns bul'll U tv «!lalh ~h i. '['h ur lay
tar-away oo~try-AtrIc;~_peela111 the Conlo dlltrlet. It Is ' caused by the bite ot the tsetae til'. When. It bites a person, tho Ileeplng symptoms be," . ~d' Ilball,. the suft'erer S18e1)8 unUl death occurl. CODtrut this with. U;e peaceful 11 I I r h ealth 1 th • mT I ee1) 0 . • 21 ere any-' thlDr more wearing than to lie. awlLke at Dight. tossJng ~bout,; D'Brvous, with eold feet, hot head pd mercy' knows what else' Short o( Ie tUng We tse~Be 1Iy blte us we would do almost ' a.nytbJng for reller. How enD w~ ·' prevent 'I t?' Mr. ~orge Hayes, ot ,UI\Jon CIt,:, Pa.., writes: "I had lOst my appetite. was aU run-down, could !lot sleep nights. I had tried everything without reUef. Vlnol was TeeommeDded j and to' my, 8urp-rls&. It belped m. at obce' gave me a spl endid
~ ~
Ha~p, ~
~ ~
Cost. 'a nd Clearance Sale
. Howard P. Early vs Helll'Y Heiss J hn L to William Leave granted EowarJ Bmel~ n. real est.Ht 111 TurLlecl'eek townshl p, ~ administrator. Granted leave tQ $1. ~ tile answer and a general demurrer nlrelia R. ummin to William ~ to the answer and 'c ro -petition of Rapp r al state in villag of ~
' Tn John H $lMary K 'fhompson, to Cyru M. DU8'an · deceased." Ma\"y E. Dugan Earnhart I'eal e tate in I~ebanon,
Our Semi-Annual
3 I
~e~t:~h!~~:~:e;.n:f~:W!:~a=~: Le::~,~n'iJ~lInts
Greatest Dry GoO() s ' aJ )!
17. Fr'anklin . Court ProcC'Cdings. • Real Estate Transfers. Geor&,ia now "s Bv l' I t now. . ~ ;. ivorce, granted . plainti ff ami $10 Ada l:l. MIll t(~ Mal·tha E., r orn· 't' I a I'mit j ny Ii 11 m,,,.... , • . ..J shell. real e::;tale III Wal'l'en Coun Y. Udd IlOna Alton r'. I" row 11 as p'!' secuting ' 1" . . • . atlN ney meo' h h~ bond. I, t) which . ! I.;'ill l,at e .to Cbhu rl :,; ooM dl ck was appro"ed . 111 VI HI;; 0 prlllg oro. $:,1 . ~
chleehauf et al son, and same filed. to Helen Mounts I'enl estale in 'l'be &'r~nrl jury lTla(l ,it.... I' p rt of Warren county. $.1. one indictment filedMab I Beedle to J ames !'d. Wi! iamson . real tate in outh L banon
.. -,..
b~"t'!1 W().~~~a~I,~~'I'U~lkl~:a~:~~., o~~' E.~~~~~ I
' .
vel', ' 6 ,
. Me uilttll .
,"'. I
,.t o have your hogs' killed. .We kill Mp'nday, Wednesday and Friday .. :: '''
... A
Valley ~hone ,-lG3 .
•• ••
•• ••
; M · ·F He a :;U~IS ~- ']350' Lewis oros. & Co, freight .ppetlte, and now.'l Bleep soundly." jot th neighborhood hurl1ied to the ;---~--""---~~~~I111!~---IJ!lIII,lI!II----~'. tor ary. ta IC. .vs 0 n . and damage, t.1; Samuel .:what Vlnol did tor Mr. Hllyes, It will Iburning building and on enteting " Retalhck d al. ~d~l~lBtrator o~- tel', care of vaults at the court do for every run-down. lIervous and were horrified to find the dead al1d dered to sell r~l est&: e at pubhc house , for 190 $40;. W. . Tur- overworked ,person wllo ounot sleep. partly burn.ed bcxly of the ventl'ilo25$_ ~! salln.etwtor one-lt~rdtaJ·caslh'tsthe bba~an~e l'ton. coalfo!' dourt house, f51.02 J •. E. JA~NE.y, Druggist Quist lying in front of the ' school o~: ,lOS meD . r.ay~ ~e·, .~h ... Joe Gilmour, bridge repairs in SalWaynesville. Ob,i o, hOllse stove. The 'fire'had not gained If you Want Anything on, an o years ~espec Ive Y WI em township, '47,lQ; 'Miami I:)to~e , _ _ _ dangerous p~'()Porti0nB and' af.ter th iilte~ ~~ secured. by mor~~e. . and Gravel Co : .124.20; Fred SimpaOOD .. DA V S SHOOT body of' the d~r\ rna'll was remuved , In the W~y of pee.EdWl!-fd~, Retalhck •. adm~m8tra- son. bridge repairs in Salem townthe men extingxished .the blaze, 1ac)es or .lew~lry, tor of William J. Retalhek vs John s'bip $57.75' Lennie Whitacre bridge The shooter,! were ' out' hristma.'l which b~dly damaged the floor and ·W. Retallie~ et 'a l.. Ordered to ~ll repairs ' In 'Salem tOWns~ip,' '3~.40; day, and made some very good shots one side of the Quilding. just «:alJ 'on ~,eetatt; m order to PIlY debts \of Frank . Miller, bridge ·- repairs. in AbeDakin proved to be "it," and in The men ·who. were fllllt on the ~. Same terms ~above. FtankJill township, $50.25; Jacob the fourth event hot five . tr·aigh~. scene do not know what caused the , In. matter of · guardianship of Sltuihaker,bridge repairs in Washing- The SC{)re is as follows: Ih'e un Ie s it was the explll , iI~ n of a Fredericb HouCk alleged imb6c;ne. ~n townaltip, '863; William, . lamp or lanter. Adjudged an' imbecile and it , is or- lumber, $18.85; Central Union TeleFlH r ' EvENT The dead man was Widel y lmown , dered·that aguardiu , be appOinted · phone Company, rents and tolls, . 1 2 3 4 5 throughout ~e rural' distri~t 'as'a • r . Eetate of Emiline Dawson 'Qeceas- $14.95i Valley Telephone Co. rents Thompson, Joe ............ 0 0 1 ~ 0-2 ventriloquist llnd he has often given eel. InventoTy .8.~d ·app:.aisment and ~olls; $15.85; . Charles Stibbs, es- Th(l~pson, George........ 1 1 1 0- 3 entertainments in this seclion. ,He .filed. ' timate on contract;S, $90.00; James Daktn, Abe ................. 0- 1 1 0 I- a fOl1merly lived at Paintel'8ville and Follen, salary as janitor, $fiO.GO;. Cook, Ed .. .. ......... · ....... 1 0 0 1 0- 2 he was al$o a J'esident of Clifton for Marriace licenses. --AN 0---'Raymond HaNlhbarger, a ~istant Ridge. Hugh .............. .0 0 0 0 0- 0 a tIme Don't Miss Visjting . the Fronk p,. Forgy 31 sheriff-elec.t janitor, $40.00. It is understood th'ilthe is sUl";'ived Mose Cohen Establishment ----- • SE'ONV EVENT b if tid th b'ld Franklin and Mary F . Gallaher, 28, Preventics, the new aQdy Void 2 3 4 5 yaw e a' f ,r~e c I ren · . Jewel~r . 1\I'e' said by d rngglsts " No word has lleen l'eceived .1 .h Lebanon. ' Rev. Gowdy 'Unre 'l'lIblete, Thompson, Joe ...... ...... 0 0 1 0 1- 2 A giguotlc X rnl.lS ule' h,uI ,,' Chester. A. Whitteman, 26, car· to have fo~ .8peoitil speoifio I\dYa:~ · Tham on Geor .,.e,....... 1 ·1. 0 1 0-3 jlappy : Bert,s fanhly,' any t .e \ g Q 0 1 0 1 2 body was taken to Woodland ceme- inuugurllt"ilj Iq,d t b ero \11'6 'tbr,il: peJ)ter 'Springporo and Mar~ha E1iza- tages over all ntner remedies forl~ D k' P8Ab ' , beth Wade,' ' 27. Ridgeville. Rev. oold . . Ftre,t;-;-They ooot~in 0.,0 . QUI. ! a 111! _e .... ,... ......... teryand Interred:. .... . . sll,ods of, Mig ,Bu rgH lhM to OhOOM6 frOlI) r will gUllrall'tee sntisfaclion nine .' nothIng , harsh or sickening "H . Dalb , ' Cook, .. . Ed .....................1 ,] 1 1 , appy' R'ert' .. ' weII'-k nQwn and in'· Watch . Repairil'!g, as I hav~ y. ~oo.nd-'1'hey give a,ll!lo!Jt .lnBtllnt RIdge, Hugh ......... '''''.. 0 0 0'0 ' 1- 1 . . ' ." made it a study ' forycars. In Maurice C. KIrk. 21, farmer Leb- relief. Thlrd~pleosl1nt to the taste, I Cook, Morris ... .. .......... 0 0 0 0 0- 0 ~nlversally 1,lked here. , He was . anon, and Ethel Binkl~'y. 18, clerk, like candy. Fourth~A huge box- l • '. ·m November, and gave eeverall!erfiUipg ; for OluSStls can "fit .. ·18 Preventi08-at 25 cents. Also I THIRD EVENT 'formances at Hahn & mith!l;J hall. all oycs s:dlsfadorily • · ." Red.l.llon. ~v. W.A .. Cooper. fineforfflverish"ohildren. l:!old by !' , andwasafavorite· busi~o,urth Fftd L. Russell, 21, farmer. Leb- 1111 dellter/!, I . 1 2 3 4 5 . ! . , . C' ~~~~~~~~~~~~:;=~~====~=;=:~=~== ' 'fhompson, George .. .... O 1 0 1 0- 21 ne ~ of ve~tnloqulsrn • . was a 'genlus "" - - I ' Dakin; Abe .................. 1 1 0 0 J,"':"3 ~nd an a~tist. " ,, ' Day~on, SiI;yerware, ·Wat.c~es, ~----+.' -~.--~~ Thompson. ·Joe .. ......... .O 0 0 1 1- 2 -' I D' k' H . . 1.0 0 1 0- 2 (JOtlgll~ tllfl't IlfQ . tight, or r1i ~ tre$e l ·~!!!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'CloC~S~t Je~elry of all . , .a In, ..... .. ........ ''':.'' i ng tiokling cou..,h", get II U10& tLnd COOK, Ed .............. . " .... 0 0 0 0 1~1 0 rtll.ln helpfr(llll Dr. SlloOpJsOougb ' THE REV;, IRL R.. ~ICKS' ~Ulecl 9 . On tlii aMollnt 'Orug~ t:5 'A ' '1 ' '. d M I ' ., FOURTH ,EvENT .evur.v wherenxellivorin·g {)1: SlIOOJ.lS· ma.n ac ,an · , agaz ' . 1 2 a4 5 Cougb i{tlmecl .v . · r\ is ent,lre.y. ThOmpson G~orge ...... 1 :1 0 i 1~4 fn'e frOId ()I)illtn, .. Chloroform, Ilr Should be In " . any olber Mt' ~lper,Y lfl!{ , drug. Thl) every..home in rhq~pson, }oe ...... : ..... l I) ~ 1 0,-2 · ··.le!~~As qf 1\ lru rruless I~ol\' 'the lanel • . ' His Dakm, Ahe .... ....... "..... 1 .l 11 1-5 hellhtl~ " .\oun.tol,noll!'! ~htnb givo 1,0 weather pred Ic•. .Dc: 811 ) rJ'!l ·lJol1gh l~t\tl\ e <l." itll curu- tionscaIibehiid . .. ·Pratt, Geo ............. :.... 0 :1 1 1 1 .~~derson ...... :............. 0 () 0 0 .0- 1) tlve *,roptl ' '1'll.d >le 11lf1vI " 1;11. ,'Qnly tD.hI"o~ ' , . .' . . . , IIha po'w r. to oillm the nOl!t dh.t:r!i!!s- ' bl! I '" Cook, ......... · .... · .......... 0 .tl). 100'1 10., . "'Oo' u. ~ h IlJI·tl'.• 0 l:!uU .. · tli d b 1 pu, cat .onlbli • .h . i ' ' e, 110 , eu . ..... . m1 ted' ____...-_.....;...;._.....;___~.__ ,t;ha'most.l:lou.fliti VO' \,Ironulll!ll mom . .L~o ·oth'sr pu 8 ~r. 8 ,~r ~ .'to Ther~ wlJl be·1I. mntoh betweeu'two ' brllll~. Mohbl)r!l,!;lI.lOuld. f0t:' ILfot,Y's themlulltDY fo~, eitlier with or ' Don't associate them with oysters you com. ,, ' .' -. slike fllQhe; Ol WlllYS : delUa:illl ,Dl\ ore~It••,BiB 1909Alm~acu.' ~~~=~~~~~~~~~~: monly bay "Seallihipt" are packed with-" ~Aam8 I~m:8dal a.fte),noon, t,h~ IO~r. Hnoop II. 1t. o.Ilnwil,h 1perfect fr ee fonDer.editioniUil,~aI1£' ~ I:: out water in sealed. air-tight, steel containers.. "Seal$:hipt" C~rriers 1O~ sid'e t.o furnish 8n oys't er 8uppel. dotU ll~ /!iven ·to '·e ven 'ilm y!>t'ln value, and &ells for Mcentsj Postpaid. · keep the oysters fresh .and ~rm-not water-soaked. T.lley retain all . ~or the wrnnEira. I?lI.h~e8 : 'jld'e'bt. ft' 011\l ce ly()~melf, lIul\ HI. monthly . magazhie, WORD AND A.~ tbe incomparable tang of the sea. '. . . . .--~ . -' S06. , :) ylt d Merl'!. WORKS, cont8.1ns· hls .. weatl;lar fore.' , You can't get enougb .o f •. Sealshipt.' , More than a surprise-a A Dangerous Operation .. ~- - ' - - .- casts 101' each IDOD~b, togetlie," 'wIth'. Undertaker and Embalmer revelation. Is the removal .of the appebdix by II More than 6.000 p I'sons lU'e bUt'ned vas' amount oflhe besttami1yftadlnr· ' ' lh'Uf housewife will want a .copy of "~alshipt Sense" with the S~Z:~~OD, ~u 00'6 w.ho. t,akel'! Dr. to·death ·in the' Ullited 'Sta~s each and C.08~S " 1. .: lea:r;' one80lm&na01fl~h . y\'itI bli fUtlTi~1 iu ~,he olel clainty new oyster recipes-The following "Sea1shipt" dealers win ' :~lOg S New !,--I~e Pills 1~ ever li!ub- year, 'according to govel7lment fig- eac~ suQBCl'lptl.QD. Everyealtllquake Billlk BU1ldlD~. ol'po!iite &lve you a C'lpy: . #j~!~dW~~k :~l~Ui!'i:~~~~ldO~~~~~~1 ures . and ,sei-ioul 's torm for 20 lean bu III NlLtiolJul.' Bnnk them. Tbey cure" cotllstlPlltlOtl, ---~ .... - - - been predicted bl Prof. Hicks. You Telephone 10 hOIll10Iln" of· Corwin and helidoohe, 'b lliousoess anti' mll·larl!;'. Of the 66,441,275 gallons of aleo- cannot atro~ to be wltboutu.e P~ 6015 WbOl'O I ~n ])8, culled 52 at Fred Cr SQbwottz'sd:rng store. hoi' manufactured in France Ill$t lloatiOD8. A:ddnu all orc1'!...,» day or ilight. Waynesville, .• - - --'y ear, more than 30,000,000 were Teh MI!t ml ~"e, Waylte8\·IIl4l'. o. Valley .l'hon~ 14-2. The genuine "Sealsbipt" Oyalerl are alwaya sold from. The United States proehl ces more White" Porcelain Display CaHe bearing the ' !Sealahipt" trade corn than all the rest of theiVorld maue tro.rn beets. .' . . ., ,,,,,,,,,, SUett, Wa7.lleavill., Ohio. mark in blue. This i. for Jour er«ection-look for it> . put together. . - - -- - -Cf tel ....IIIdIaIe. riIW frail !!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!"~!!!!!!!!!e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!1!!!!!!!! , TIi~ "~\abipt" Carrier System i. patented. Infringe~&I will be proaec:uted to the full c:~nt of the la~. --.-.. , JLL..1Jr~,,,,·."8InbiItai DIt.H.E~it
;1' k
Doing ' -Your. .
Xmas Shopping In
The Optician
, The'
MO' S'E C.O H"E' N
Mat·n ·an·d
,. .
'·. "'M AFF IT,
Walter J. '~ilbon,
...·I·· u.n·!
\.1.I ,d ""
hL If.
GA7-ET'rE I tl.\l l' ; . ",\ I " t ll
·t \ I': l.l': PH O . ~ !·:.
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Rall'li of S Uh ~ alJllillll
:':_ ~~~._ ':" :', ,;_ ;.I ' h\_ 11 1_"'''1_''\1 111_'''/ _ t_'::;
Whe n You Buy Oyst ers Don 't ,Pay For Wate r \Vhy ~h o u1d yon j;;.:t 11 pint of waler , with e"ery qllfl rl r Uyslers? '.Vater i ~ ch "p..-blonl unci blt:a('bes lhe uy~i ' r6puils. it,; l1aluml navor. \" '11 httl·t.! n ~\' c r known II",,,, g uoll 0),'il<:r5 {'I III be unl {:~, you b uvll h ud
f.. lwaIM , l)f' r H ill'
... " ,lI nl;
l.u,·II I". I>l a.l:
f"h hb U\ 11 J\rl M. Hili
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Rf: H' .I\llhm... .. . . ,'
,F,n \.'
The ure Shti -kcd inio Air-tight Sleel CR ns lind shil-lllCcl "ired frollJ th h"" I..tII Ck d wit It icc (/ m ulld th · ('onlainc r. not n CUll lact ",iUt lh l: o)' ~ t(' r~. V" u i{' I 1111 !.c ,lid 1Itl!;'ts. Alii I bow frt'~ h . wllolt$oltlc\ appclizm g And Uclicfously differenl lhl'y Hr • A ' k Cur "Scnl, hipl S Cltl\t! ," It \x>oklt·t conLojning new nnd nllracti\'e way s of prepariltll ysiers, ' U ;yollr oI".dcr uu",su' t se ll "Sealsb ipt. ,. herc aTe sOllie who do: ' ,
W.H.Madden&Co Corwin. Ohio.
Th is Is Worth Rendin g l. Leo F, ~olin8lti. of li Gibson St .• ; Bufl'1I1 ,N, Y., IIIlYB; " 1 cnred the 1110, t ,mnoyi og cold sore I ever hud, ' with Buckle n'S Arniea Su.lve I Il.p pliatl thIs su 1va OileR II> d~y for two )1 (lIl,YS, wll n every traca of the sore was gon . " Heals all sores. t:lold uuderglll~nmteeat F. C. ::;ohwt\rt,~'8 d'tn g store. 25, .
Oy ste rs ,
thirty coaples were in o'ttendl lnee.
Rules uf Advcr li scment s "C ~ d \ .I K
Mr, Up!lher e Wllite' s qlasB met Just FridllY evenin g , and!L very plellslln t time WtlS hu.d bY'lil, About II
Do You Read?
___ __
1,20 0 Ced ar Fen ce Pos ts
We are offering these posis at a big sacrific e. .
If Y00 Do, Read This Column Carefully and You Will Find Something ,You'll Want .
'rhe Xeoili Gtlzett e has the follow .. r We also handle a good line of ing to say in t:egaru to a weddin g I ""~J)l u y A II Ve nl ~ l nl: . 1H'" " ... 1, '. I H I . Buildin g Lumb.e rs, such as th.e re last week : 'rhe first Mormo n weddin g ever FLOOR ING, SIDING, . AND' :o elebrat ed in Xonin (jcourredshort1~l PIECE STUFF~ j\\OUL D. dter !l o'oloak Christm as evenin G II.t Corw in and At tbis lie ilIon of the ,.ear the INOS, SASH AND DOOR:" the h oma of Juoob Qrtlen on We8t Waynesville, ma.n and . woman t,urn their aUeD. Seconu,1 street, Tb e b rl' d e was -UI ss Kl'rCH EN CABIN ETS, Have you noticed anythill g abuut ' , . The genuine ·.'Selll!.4ipt" Oysters are always sold from B to readlDB , aDd readlD L ' Sl II I right Whitt! Porc~lain Display Case bearing-the " Sealsbipt trade PLAST ED A,ND LIME t lilt traction Ilr\C y l'. OUIBe Ie ( on, age d 18 years. a, n d! ,nark in blue. 'fhis is for your prolee:tion- look "for " . Is oheaPflr and beU.e r than it It. the groom WIlS Harry Gr.een , uged ·Tbc "Senlsb ipt" Carrier System is jIM~Dleo1. lntnl1~ 23, onof MI'. tlnd Mrs, Jtt,Oob GreeR. ..," ments will be prosecuted to the full eatenl at lb. Ie.. ever was . 'fhe Gazette fnmilv all \li i~h eac.h Th'" wOlldin'" ceremo ny WIlS por. T R 0 N " S " NATIO AL OY . E CAlUU JU{ C MP&N ·l to, rmed by Elder 'l'olton, of U.o lum-,· '. Call and let us give you the, other a H~llPY New Y a!' - ami \)rosl:very peraon should .take $1'0 South Nonra!It.'Connt cL'cu~.... rigbt kind of figures on anY LI eruUs, a.~ well. or three magazl.Des, beoaul e it . bUB, tlla prel!ide nt of tile hio State Mission s of ~he , Mormo n ohuroh , in thing we have. britig8 them Jnto the ~im!lllgh' of the preseno e of Ilbout forty friends The rains of last we k has d\.lne 'a tl~e world's do\ngs, and keJPI' them NOTIC E TRACl 'lON TALK , great deal of g ood . IL helped cil!" of ~he oontrA ot.iug oouple: Of the up to the tlDlBII., gua ~toj ubout tilteeu were membe rs . t~t'ns and wells qui te a gout! deal, U 'j'he I:!I~J\lkholden. of tbA 'itizens 'l'he work . of constru cting the of th,) MOlm n cbnrcb , whioh h"s Rtln k of Wllvn svf1le. O. will boJd Springn eld aJld Washin llead oareful ly the followi DI gton tractio n twent.y ,two membe rs In thiR olty. Corw in, Ohio. offers, and BBe if you · dOD" want [.hp;'· tlDllU1I1 mEltin g nt their Bonk line has been under way fOr about An · i'e mUll in ]ndiam l la ·t we k One of the leading Dlembe rs of two or 'three or even more mati· III /{ I~ lln ~e. J\londl~y .1uD.tI6ry "th., ten days, fount! a .50. bill ill 1:1 and, the large force' of mElD the IOCl~1 elMI of Mormo ns was L-ind ~:: I,!JO!) , f!'om ~== to:3 :~: p. m ~:: for the := pur- and teams ern.p]oyed have covered e[l(lu ',h to gi ve us can . . How would "sineI'. the iuform utlon .. n()"~ "f e l tiog Oil' otorl! for en. ove r t\VO miles of the grade and tb ic man ~ at'e oon ce rnl;11l !.be nuptlll.l event: aud 1I1IioK yftlU; It 11\0 ~LU eleotin n to Ilvail still pushin g onward toward -----------~--Spring" be stated that th!! weddin'g WII-S not 'furkeYl;I ,w(;lre out r !light In t tbeUl elvef! Qr tha entire provisi ons field. Work was taken up at the "witbin the ohureh beoause the oon .. point where' the n ew .spu)' connee ts trll;otiDg COUilia Ilre not weekl~in fae!.. til re wel' very few of " ({ bu~e Bill M:ia." ~orinons. 'B~' order of Board of Dirforo rs. with the old line Oll tllt! city market s, and weI' worth and the grade car- In otlse they were Mor,mo ns, be I_~ ___ ___ _"";'~"!""~"'!"I Suc.c.ess F. • Bartso o", ried - paralle l with the. Clifton Pike stattl(1, thLlt th y would th iI' weight in gill, t,heD be I Cosmop oUtan u.s blel'. where the J'ight of way has b n sa- ma~r1ed wit:biu t.h e cburch /lod Americ an Mqaln e - - - cur@d. . would tben bo BMletJ on etlrtl1 Itno. in 'Jr , top any p:loiu ln, ~J II 1 I ; I , We'hop e thut Rub. cl'ibers ]iav~ taAmeric an Boy , Fifty 'men and twenty-five teams et~rUlt1 foreyer 1Il0re. Beolms a' ~hey take one of Dr. hI,Jop ~ PlukP~ln lien notice 01 the squib in ~he Gaz,ette ·1 ' "1 . eel I liarper's 8aZv th I' , were uufortu ntltRen ongh oot to 'fl.b1 toR See ~ormulll on the ~ box. are b 11,91 'y . engag a ong e lI~e" lor ih~ blst two · IBSU s, and if their ,\toJ; y'o nr D"ot..r O.r J)ruggi st obout most of Sit Hopkln a . them are e,mployed il'J mak- I~ng to til oburc~, tbey were ouly pa~r (ion't.c oma th y \vill ,kn '>V th , ~/IlBr"rJlllltll. - It It ,n 't· bo ' bet,tere d ing thegl'8 de and a numbe r Mqazl ne of men 81'01 d. nn Alrth" Aod inthe next law has stepped ill and 'pl' .... enLed it W~"UtbJy ~lIina, head pa ins any and teams are 'pla ing the-gr~ vel and world tohey , will bllve to t!i"e Uncle RemUi O!i1tJ , g"h~ , l.DStll'l t, r,,:l~ef. BcI:t:.)~r ·from comil"g. ba\IWjt upon the grade ellllll oel! (lUlling ellch other, Woma n's Home Companion t.Wf'ut.v Pink P ,un l"L1)let~ ..., crIJ 'hed.llto~e . old I;y tin deuler~ Eld tI, tlb Mr. Bakel',' owner of the line, ex... ' ,er .. ,O ll ur.y Ilnl.'Mi ss H e~ t or Delinea tor pressed himself as being very well Sbullz IIcted Ii uttendl OUl'ex chllnge s a:I'e f1111 offatal itie)S lnt~ to the Good Houeekoepln& WANTEU- -AN AGENT pleased with t he progreS s made by bride und groom. occasio ned by th Chds~mlls tree, 'fhey will reside Pictoria l L""-r the men, and hopes to soon have and in the larget,' towns were v.ery to Xenia. ~ston ~1 .School Man 01' woman , tq r'e presen t us i~ spur gr~ded, ballaste d, and raila .!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ disastr.o s ems thatalJ precllufion Cookin l Club Way.n 'ville and vicini.ty. Six to I~id r eady for traffic. The 60 pound ' thrown ' to· th winds al such times , tlollarS Metrop a oUtan day can easily " be rails are already upon. the scene and When it is impera ti've that it ~h~uld 'ADY one of $be.abo .. ,1:00 11.,more 'obse-rve<:! than at all times made. Write Union Sal~CoPl~any:,. the work of laying\. them will com.. I can cure the Ills of .15m.' for ODly Cuyaho ga Bldg,. Clevela nd, OhIO. /iif'Ll 1e y ear mence ¥onday of next week. '" YO\lr watch yery quickly If D HAS RESIO NED ., 'you will bring It to me., I Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, . Day. ~f~er , ton~~l'ow wili b~ JanuThe cou~ty board of commission.. and lessensa mbition ; beauty, will be'at Colema n'S Stove Col " J. L. Smith has resigne d the ers met last week at Xenia. , ary 1st. :fhere wJlI be new Tt!Bolves and re.. vigor 90011 and disappe cheerfulness made on tha~ day; arid newJ\o pes ~erinteJlden'cy of the O. S. and S. ceived an applica tion for ar Store every Wednesday all a hew fran_.. when the kidneys are and aspirat ions }Yill btl considered. 0 , !-tome to take effect March 1st. chis for th'e D. '&, X. Transi day. , . Clocks Cured, also. t compa.. out of order Of dis.. . Let us hope that OUI' :lubscl'ibers w:ilJ He has made an excell~nt 'superin eased. - ny in Greene county . The compan y Kidlleytrollb1ehas not fo'r get to call al1d!iJe us, if t heir tendl'!n t but the Democ racy' is c)am~ wants to follow the right of way, of ,become so prevalent , lIubscr iption it:! due '01' ov·erdu e. on' orou~ and hungry and ' Col. Smith the olt! Ral-oid Transi t division from , that it uncornThe r .watch ' and Clock 'Doctor mon forisIinot knew that 'they ' would in a short time Xenia to a, t'point Just that day. ' child to be The Delineator and ,east of Trebein s born afflicted. with have his o~cia'f head an~ .he pre- where it will connec t with , toe D: &X. . , wt;ak . :'idne>,s. If the Chl'ilit:mas' once mOl'e ' . passed ferred to cCnn' cbildnrinatesto<.often. ifthe e down gracef' llly. Ilrille scaldl with main line. . the IIcsb, or;f, wh~n tbechi,ld reauhes int'o history , and thj! 'p eoPle ar once . •~• The propos ed line· crosses the Pan- age When it shoUlld be able to control un AiDerlc aD .... , .......... ......... Sl 10 the WAL TER MCC LUR E, more wonder ing what in the world Medicirte That .Is Mediciq e himdle and C. H. '& D. railroa ds and passage, ~t is y"t Afflid:ed with Suooe. e Mquh l ......... .... bed-wet 2 10 " l hfl,:ve Suffe red 1\ good deal witb' this will necessi tate the buildin g of till~, they will give next year for Christdepellll up<m it. iheoousc ofthediffiPaoUlo MODthl,. u ...:.... ...... 2 81 mtLtr,l rll. IlDd stoDlac ll oompla tntB, Fune ral Direc d tor. 'd 'lI1QS present s. The day has always ' h lIut 11lllve now fonnd It remedy -that an overhea. brl ge., one- If h cult)' is kidney .'trouble, and t1,le lil'st Ooemo polltau .......... ......... 2, 60 a t. e slep should ~e l<l>'\'nrdJ; t;te ,trcattp,en t of 8uII'gested ·the. 'idea of giving, ~ince k al'l:! U~ese imporlautorgnns. rlus unpleasant ,ua well, on.d ~hu.f. cemed r il! cost 0 f W h 10h t h e ,ral I road corppam Mt. l(tohoJ aI .(De.) .......... : • 60 es trouhle is dill! to a dil!C!alleti COndition of l'ele[lb one - day 'or ~ight~ , Christ ~a!I givtJn tQ ~!IDkind on EII'.ut.rlc Bitt ra; 0 mediol ne tho' II! will have to bear. These On.iDg .......... .... ;........ :: .... S 00 two com.. Ihe kidlley~ all~l blnddt;,r , und III0t to ~ dJy, Ilnd it shOUld 'alwa.ys, (or time Ultldloine fpr stomllc b '.LnCi . liver pimies are 0~p08in Valley ,phoDEI No.7. Long g the hllIJit ns most peupl,? suppose. Broadw ay .:: .~ ......... ........ :8 8~ ' trou llitis! lind ' . for roo. dOWD condi~ Distauc ,Immem orial, 'be ~he thinp:,to do But e No. G9-Sr. , Women as well as men are made misertion"," StlYS W ; (J, ;Kiestle r, of Ba11i~ Pear80D '& ••• :H ..... ' ............ ~ t GO \ able ;with kidne}' anti: bladder troilble, WAYN ESVIL LE, , "t these' times 'the gifQ should ~e . " . OHIO. , LtppiDoOtt'Ii,.... : .......... ....... :i 10 alld (l(1,y bot}1 .A Ileed rk'. Ele~trl the , sUllie o ~I great tter8 remedy. ~urlfy aod The D. L. & .C. ordinan ce is passsd'. 'fhl.: mild :.I lId tlle immediate givel!, with a ' lo~ng ' heart to ' m~ke effect of Branch 'Office; Harve ysb'rg . O. rioh tJJa blood, t-one up the nerVefI, Unole ,R emus ••: .......... ....... lit 60' The ordinan d~gl'an ting a-franc hise Swamp-~oot is 50011 reali,zed . . It is sold them ili'IIil:eciated. and at;ttl tilnes Iwpart vigor und, energy to the Harper 'i M,apzl n......... . 6 ,S5 " . "y 'Irug' g ists, I ' ll 11·ft".. . to 'the , Day wet\k tdn, Lebano . Yonr mOlley will btl refund · n ,& Cincinn should the 'reCipie nt receive them U , J . \ ati cent and pue-dollar Metrop olitan ........... ......... :a '60 WAYN ESVILL E 'CH U,ROHE5. ad jf it, fails \tto belp 'y.1)u; : 6lJp at Railroa d and Termin,,1 . - the same way. Compa ny was si2e bottleS'. YOIl UlIIV ' ~'r cl C, Sehwll rtz's d,·ug .8I,ore. ' given its t hird reading and, passed Ito " tl II 'Sllttlp'le b9tUe . " "': _ -.'.' ~ O~odox"' Frle~d8 Church .. by COuncil Monday night •. the ' meas- bv lIIuil Jr~e_ 111:;;0 a D.,..eofe , . ., . . L Marked for Death ....",,,,IIOOI. t · . p'c4mphJet tel1ill'~ . Ignous cernen ls.cOm1l1 g .ito Rev. fionJ:l1nlD Ra"lClnH. P1l810r. abo.l Il Swamp-Root. ~ . . gen- ure ' receivi ng ,8 votes for passag~ 11\c)lldin g 111011)' o f the UlOusan ds oftesti- . 8:tbba~I' 8.01)001. 9,atl ti.. U'. lteRular ""Three ' yetll'M ' (t'go 1 V.'ON el'al use for roofing In th4!, cliUtel1 ~ VIClnlty of and fiv~ ' vat,e s' being registe red 1II0llial ' It:tters rvice, ~O :30 n. nl. 'Chrl8~ICln Endeavor. r~r death: A grl.vt' Ylu'd (\bUK~ W'\I\ Lyons, France . r ecei"ed from sn.fferers se 7 .:!IOp. m. , against the me.a sure. , . tearing my 1u'ugs 19 pillca!'. ,' Uuotortl , " curecl. 111 writin g Dr.: Kilmer & Co., Harper 's WeeklY ... .. ...... ,.14 00 Billgllltlllton, N . Y .• ~ sure llll)llllentioll fallea' to help Iue, Iwd' b'!l pe h,~d flael .' One tif ,the' ,highes t treea Review Hlcksit in the e of' Reviews.. ......... 3 00 Friends Thus theJ). Church L. & C. raill'oa d . w,ben:m:y' 'husb'll nd ' ''. ' 't Dr Kiil"l~ this \,uper. . Don',l malee nny mislake, I F Il'flt Day MeeUnl{. 10 ,00 11. m. Flh~ 'Day . !tIoCla re'i ' M.Kazl De .... e cjty in' the union '·.station . ,b,Ll'\: rememlJer th e n nme, tiwump. .. e world is the Austral ia!l gum, which enterth : .. ,. 1 60 Root, 0)1001 . ] I ;op, a. 01 . F.( lurLIl D ay Meetlog , . , . New ' DI8o')vAry'," .... Ys MI'H, A. ~. often exceeds a height 'of Dr. Kilmer's SWDIrtl.p -Roql, ' alld !lie ad .. I Il :OO, a. m . 400 f,e et, It will crQss' 'Washi ngton "street by dress, Harper 's Bazar ........... ........ 1 00 'WiIljllms, of BI\C, Ky. "'~IIl" tlr~t BinghlH .' . .. , '__. .. overhe ad or 'e levated crossin'g a, and b(ltlle: ' . nton, ~. Y., 011 Ilvery . t10~~ belp~d nle nud IUI"rov'e~lI\:lnt , kept on uu~1I I h,ul tlllineu &8 pound. ' .l . Christi an' Church . Tbe old f!IBhloried . way b'our for :........ ..t .. :·:····: · II 60 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!! of.dos llH aU oth er streets 'at ,.gra d e. ~ 'i i ht d n '\le'drlJ WII~ fully II. wettk. 1I101U1lOh, or ~tltl1UlU.tlUg ., un~ay ,&011001', 9 :30 a . w. SOCill1 ~eel' '. Our price for .11 ...... /........ h e: . , ~ Yi tl ~, $6. 50 •. un'l'lI ).~ ~I"il e ) Ildl4 th'l' RAurt 011 ,tJUbElYS 18. a·IL wrcng. Ing. 10 ::10 11 m .• anll Ohrl 8 1l~n Endeavo r; ' . ' . . .. rell t Qreu. . . " '. . . " '., Ui 111 1;1\ '<1 1 1 1 :, . ' 'tJr ~llo~ jJ first T)oiDt.ed o~t' t bis 7 ;OU p. n. et: . The tal~ I S stlll gOing on 'all over .world· s teohn~ r CO", ,tOI" COUj.t,I~ "" ' h ' : . .' .' d I" ' b ~ > [hl 'an 00 utt fill (I JL'I,...... .,.;; IIl ld ·t llrt·lllt dIll ' ror ptlOD- t h e' coun't ryl' a ou ~ new l',I n6£', bU t ) k l . i'' 11\Rwhy " i6\ prescrl I di ' ease!' ltl'l' U ~t) PISI)IJeuruoulll t;,)lo [1\ ' , Method ist .EpiS'C9pal Church : : . ' . wop k .,~stOl'tlt ve- 8', ~ec~(I ',' : nary'~ a w~rd ' has ~een ~atd about undef Ilu... runt at 1i'. (J ~obwtLrIZ'~ ,~ Utl r(>ly: ~"tlm cn~iltt of R.c v. w. 'I). GllIllnnd . Palltor . · these ' III 1tne new line from Dayton , 'and that , Ii t : Suutlliy School. II ::10 a. m. lIlornln/{ 8er "Of, .' rl U 00 '.I'. i,t! 'nantH -tliww e k iOl!idll 'or oOJltt.fol.. 'h 'f' h t vice' . , 10 :UO . ,a . In. l';pwonll ' br~~' ~fore. \I , "U ,;' \. U!ugue: ' 1: 00 p • C'; llqg 1l\:l,V\1f:l . H isO 'I. 1<10 diffio~lt I!!S!!,! 'W!!!!!!!Y!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!~!!,!u!!,!r!!,!8!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-k III ., E"Ctilng H~rVlce, 7 :UO p. 11\. Midweek ADY 'kiud' o e !.ea. ~a.Y" Dr.. ethnop. '. tlo .l;Itreog tbeo· a ot .. ooinblD~'loD 'Uaa' l'r Iyer "<ret! ng. '7 :)0 p. ul. . : ' w~ntaDd ltill lue 'you a,..., ",ellk t:ltt:llriuljh, ,BAIlrt. or Kldoe~ .. , -' 'I " " • '.' . ,'\ ifonegI l6t!tlt ' l ~ ·orrllor. /y. Eaoh\o · St. Mary·sEpiSClOpal · Church . . of mouey . ' Tell ,111' :Joar, . ,l~de orfl';1\ hlll!lt~ oont:hll liDg or, .ill . '. , ' ' . . Re'v, Ad J . t'. C~d"alJ8c ' 1 et, Redol:. Ride oe.rv. When , f,J] 6I1e nerVIlf. . wan," ', aDd3w.e will ~ake :Jou prloee Pay In .," , Sunll ~y SCJloo,l .. 9 :00 Ii. III v:an~e, Morning ser· f&11 1 then thOSE) o>1'lJl\ml IIIU<1~ surely ~ vice. rO lao a. III, Eventng l!er Ice. 7 p, m . tbat will ••toDtd· , yoa ~ H"oly (lollll'nunlQh UIU nrst SundBY .of each The dellnc{uent subsC~iber is fa.lter. l'helie vlt~1 ,t ruth .. lire Itjud '~~~~ ~ti[o!;!ij~~~~~~~~~~~ monUl, , g drnggls lli , ev~ry w b'tlrit t.Q . d lllWe oan furnish :Jon a~:J'hIDI bI ~. milling 11t~ visit of his' local pa~ . PllD88 and'lod I'r. t:lbobp'S '~i8 liDe per !pore.or)~ss-:' t!leSe . (Jays . and Rfll\to rat.)ve. Tust, it' Il f!'w da.YlI , at a muoed price, aad :Jou St. 'Augustine's CatboUc Cburth . and see I IllIprov ement, w.ilI prompt~ be maybe wonder ing why, Fatbet' GeOl'lle M(I,eDbo efer, Pastor:' .,. cau 'l ave money by orCler lq dina• . Iy lUI!! ,.MasM evro, second SUIlQay or tbe .moDIIi at Itb,rolDIt:1l ever, the new la~ has now Wen dealers !ltue ly' follow. !:Sold hy a/UI •. o ~o~ a. III . '. --'--- :....- --....-,,long enough In effect to make him D9u 'l in orderin ,. Les u ' .HOME WEEK~ V EP~""ION Iqual, ted with ,conditi ons. ,The hOlD 100 WOOD. ' A4d.... publish "; Qlnnot afford to put a , Editor BaTnes , 'of the Home Weekone cent stamp on each paper, as ly, is workin g tlvertim Ihe ~tmeDt require .. and this maldq prepar atlond e these'd ays or ~e bigges t why the home tlJa.t · kn!IW edition of the tAat baa ever ,.. lie now knows It no bee;n p~bliahed. coiudat III oc foJ!t.
"It \] •
wlu- r,:
l"h -:'l .. at t~
111 .1111 \
r J. K1olbon . . -====================== W alt,e '.
" Ti~e
for R:eading
,1--------------1 'W.H.M!ldden m t. Co
Is Your Watoh Siok? JAok. at
this 'O ffer
I or- I
Women as Well as men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and BIalIder To' r bleo
- - .....-.
SSe eaCh!!.
Rea d tHis Big .
::: ::: ::: := =
Offer .
.. .
.. A 81a Little Off er
We Can '. M.u e Up
'Rh''e'u.' m'atls'm
'.. . .
. '
The Miami Ga.~.
IR,TH ~ .
"Chrlstmas ~ Irr!" to all within as they bear to enoh the family loving cup cO!IJa lnlng the morning b'rog, (\ sip rl'om which noh Is S IIPpeS d to, Galh ring In II. great (Hulng,room, a. hllgo punch bowl, Olled to tbe brim wi th Ule HllolV·capl1od Chrlstmns egg-nag, sr ts tllem. This Is lbe beginning ot the tlay's good cheer. a renkrost oV I', tbe b1ft-glvlng beglna among I,he servants. Jor thoso within the hOuse bud nil d scended In 'the wee: snm' hours to 'sclln the contents or (hoti' sto kings, th\lre to Hnd that which was most ardently desired. When tbe army ot slu\'es arrived on the front lawn gifts Qver whlcb t he mistress and her holpers had labored so UI'duoll61y were brought forth and bestowod, while groceries, extra allowances or provl~lons, sweetmeats and flas ks at egg·nog or splrl~a were Jlassed around, Tllen the housebold mnde ready for chul'ch, ;Which , was followed by t he midday Christmas feast, capf) d by the blazing plum pudding, prepared months ago. And :what telll!ta they wore, to be sure! Roasted tur,k eys, roast 11 geese, rOBst d c'epops, huge sirloins of beef, ,hamEl-cured and a myrIad of good things that only & housewife of long ago could conceive, w,e re heaped upon the snowy table, whl~e at the e nd, In fronl DC (he
. . . ._ . . . . HIUSTl\L\S Is near. Its approach Is heralrled by the thou· sand and abe symbols that ,from bnby,.ood 'WQ h:we learned to .love and IllIsoclnte with the festival of the ntitivlty of Christ: This festl1'al Is joyously, c el e brn ~ed In every coun,try on the glQbe where ' th~ enllghtenl ng rays , of Chrlstialilty and clvUlzalion hal'e penetrated. Children tell us that Christmas Is 110 the air-that' It do~s not require ' a glance at the aimanac ,hanging upon' t~e wall to .apprlse them of the near approach of a sea· so~ which to t,hem Is synonymous witll' feasting, merry· making, the excbanging 01 lltUe gifts with loved oneil, and last but not "' , least, the annual "lslt at tat and jO,lJy old Kris KrtnglE\ itnd ,.Is reindeer
, The succeeding days weI's olles of , mast~rls plate, was placed the piece de reSistance: a suckIlever ceasing delight to the housewlfe ling pig, !'oasted whole, '" glOwing red apple grlppecl , and 'her corps of weU·tral,aed cooks and tightly between its gUstenlng teeth. In the center pr. the . helpers, Cakes by tbe dozen were table burned the state,ly' candles, surrc;lUnded by n bank mixed, baked, and sl!lt awa'y,; cakes the of holly, gleaming with Its scarlet berrlos. On the "Ide reolpes .for. which are. prlcelells to·day I ~bles stood the bowl of was6all, the big pltohers of p,ol'il ~aslry ~f evory description, and I~yarl- ~ and cider, pllites .Of Duls and fruits, and s~eet8 and 1,I"t- ' ably these were made fn sufficient quan- ters ot Chrlstmcs cakes of every description; nQt ' forget" titles to car.ry the family and their tlng the yule dough, those plllfn b?t woll spiced, thin cbok· Bcore lOf guests through' the 'holIday ', leB. mad,e , a~ were the Mel,ent. cakes In tl).e fo~ ~f a season,' for Christmas' alwliy,s exte'n dea human body, with Slit" .(or tbe nose' and mouth. and cur· ' ,over the New Year's day, With prep- ran,ta lor the eyes. Othol: ' evldE'nces ,ttiat the leastinl: eratlons, for Christmas CQ.mplete, the was lo be- conttnued throughout"lhe' day were contained house Is' set In order for Its Influx 'of In the two ll\rge blls ets on either Side of the open fll9guestll. The claolcest linen, spiced ' and p11,\ce, one ft\l~~ ' :wltq ?hestquts, th,!! otber with apJllee" ' snowy In Ita cle~nHne'ss. Is brought forth these. to be, roasted ,a t will on the glOWing coals;, wbl1. tram the great lI~en pr,e sses, and all In .t he corner were the Irons with which to m\1U the Port -, the spare boos In the house made up. and cider. ' , , ' 'J.'hen follows the decoration; In each A cU!'tom of beauty W,as one r ..rely revived nowadays, lIed. And the cblldren are right. For, after 61l, Is It. not. room; lItlni.;:room's ali well ae b"a cham.' While the attennodn . r.~stivltle!i WClte at their height and bers, blazing logs" orackle upon thl) all tbe,b~t·mlllJed lJevero:ges,' ~~re passed ,aroUnd" ,toalte a festival that ,'we groWn-\I[lB. partlclpa.te In wlth the en· thuslasm at the little folks? ' hearth; wlnddws '- are festooned with were freely given.' The guest of bonor, 'with glUs alo(t, Long since the shops have been stocJ;ed to tbolr capa· 'fhen It 'r,n;ant erdless work;, tor mOI~ths the needles r~pe8 o,f Christmas 'g,reens, : ~nd everywhere the , Chrlsl· ' would open the front hall door and from the s}1elter 'of cl(y wll:h ' toys and the myriad ' Of ' ge'll!:aws that go, to flashed ,'In lhe busy housev.:lves' himds. as a gift then ' mill! spirit prevatts._ In the gre!lt ,open ' halls" some so her the pJaz2;a he toasted the , fields ,an'd ·'o rchards. i1!'a t 'the .a ttraot ,tho attenU,on of the . mlllloas (lr shoppers' wllo WIIS almost iD\'lI.rlably hundmade. rolc In proporUo\l as to permit of a , fOllr·ln-hand beln.g bost.,mlght be' ussured, of a succelO8tul $umme~ an'd a rich throng thl!' streets, al\ bent upon one ~mmon mIssion Prepatatlol'\s tor· Christmas In antebellum days gene", therein turned, ' Is set the huge Christmas tree, ' fairly harvest: ' Retu~nllig to the hall, ,a well·pltched voice wou..... -the making, ready ~or Chrlstn)as, A :!sit to the' I~rge ally began early In September, when' milady paid ' her &Toanlng beneath Its burden ot presents, ' for here dis. bU,r st forth Into that dellghtful old carol: , " 'I'''' clUes, small towns, as well liS, to the lltt.s ,counfrY storeli, seml·annual visit tQ the ,nearest City or town and tlfer!'! played are gifts ror, eacb member of the housebold, guests ' ,'\ ' , .al bellPea'k the elise with Which" prepar~tjons t~ r Ohf.IBt- laid In ,her supplies. were p~l rchased 'bY , the ', and house servl'ntl alike, Tbe trees of tboBe days, how") ", ,God rest you, merry gentlemen, ·Let.nQthlng yoU dlamay: " " mas ~ be accomplished ' nowo,days, ,~, O:OInp&red With wholesale, staples for the, field banda, 'and all, the dllll· ever, were illuminated b~ ,myriads ot'Vari-colored tallo",' those of 60 years ag~. , " " " cacles the market adorded for the "great house" an~ the dips, since electric lights \Ve~e as far In' the' dim, dim For Je~UII Chrlst.:'our saviour, " It might be well to pautie awhile In tbls ml'My-mad _ horde of guests who were to invade It, futUte as many of the other , predlctlons of'tbat won.der. ' W4'8 boryl upon thill day; " " .' , a'ge o( cODi~~rcl, allsin. wben ' the pursul'i; ,of the ~,bIlar la . A ~ vlslt ~o tbe dry ' goods 'stores resulted In the pur· , tul old pro~he.te.!f. ' ?rioUier 8lilpton, ,~, '. ' ,,' , ' " , " . , ' , , ' :'''' ' , Promp~ly at ill~ ' o'clock , on Clirlstma~ eve ~he peace , This caTol , usually olosed ' tb., af~rnoon'l diverslollli ; paramount to all else; and go 'baok h'alt n. century ' or so .' cbase of 'cloths, cottons" fla'nnels' a~d silks by tbe bolta. , and recall Christmas as It was celebrated ,In the fair ot course. materials for tancy 'Work were purchased In and quiet at U!e great hall was d/stur\>ed by the me.n Chambe~1 \Vere lIOught. and 'slntal snatched that eyes beneath the ,~Ight, ,be ljrlght 'fqr the, c~WDlng eveilt of the. day, th~ Soutbland beJoro the war. To those who knew the Bouth large quantities, -for every 'soutlle'rn·born 'woman spent' servant. '(If the ~ouse as they staggered before Us, ,broad green fields ' were, crimsoned," with ,the her sp~re' moments at work 'of, this sort:. ArriVing home burden :of ' the yule log, In reality' the massive :trunk of Christmas' baUl ' (,"" Ute biped at Inv,ader and' (i'eiender; a 'Christmas ~(m ''Was the : fall campaign Was mapped out. ' Every ,plantation a ~ell-.&eallOned blckory.', Tbls was set ~pon the' (lare(ullY . , The hUne hallway' waS c1.~~ of tti'\~urilltu'e and tlio' • "1)~k -log,1 'for , th,e' gUltenlng floor'j' waxed unUllte .urface shone 'like, a: mlPo a fcstlval lonEr ~o' he !cm~nibered; the cllmax ot '"patlent bo!l'stlJd of ball a dozen ' or mor.e wome~ and girl" 'amonlil " pollahed .iialrons and served as and arti,uous ll/'eparatlon, the. culmln ..tlon of " months,, ' the slaves, who deillgnated, themselves by, ~he Pl'9u4 cheerful ftre of Christmas eve and ' Ohrlstmas d~y. Sup- 'ror" " Th~ Odlll!lTa tpok up their POII~IOD In 'the, cOnler 01 " o~ jlalnsU!,klug cal'e, yet , With ill a ' I,a bor 'of love. 'Those tlUes of' "seamBters." Each day the '!EleaiDsters" would per over. me~bera of ~he household gatherec;l around, the room 18 carrJagee beg;ui to drlve',ul) laden with ·thei' ' the t~m set apart In the !Dagt~r house tor sew· Chestnutl' and pC!pconi were brought forth: the evening ,youns folk from ,t ile ,couJltig>llld. ror mlItls around, '.,~" wero days ot nevel' joy, ' which fairly breatlied c,ome the IIplrlt of "Peace on earth, good )Viii to 'men," ': Ing anil. under' the watcbful eye ot th,EI mistress 'at th9 ~a8 spent fn roaIU"g. ohestDutll, poppl1\.g ' com and Bpln:Round dane,,1 and Iquare dAncell,' rellia and 'Quadrille. "Christmas gilt, m!stiss.! Chrlslm~1I gilt, marater!'" ' house, sew up the seams of tho garmenta she hQlself had nlng Ohl'latmal yams for the 1\tUe folks, who hovered tollowed' ,In Quick order ubtU tbe faint Itreakll or'dawn ' ' 8S the warde at ,t he slave-holding plantafs gath~fed about cut out. Dressea for th'e smallest bjlb'y '~n the plantatloD, near. 1\s the grandfather clock chlQled out the b,our 11ned ' ~o horl~ni ,the~ came Vll'Iltnla, -reel. 111 'ftbIOIl. " 'the "grea~ house" front ,porpb on ChrJstmas 'mornlng, was' ,aa :;well a's those tor' the little plckanlnnles, haU.groWD I' o~ nine -i ' ,hush' would faU upon ,'the family gr,o up ~d [. old ' 8IuJ' YQUPS partiCipated. and th. ChrtltlD" day haa.: a; Breetln~ none could forget who b!!,heltl the upturned girls, yeung and old 'w,omen alike, W41r'e 'made and' lilld every eal" WIS tltralned to catcb. the Plaintive melody,,_ faded Into the paat. A round o~ layeUee ,;are, crO~ded I.,..' and cageI' blnck faces' of tlie plantation help aa they away for Christmas. Bright prints, gayly checkered call- that floa.ted 'in from without. The, Christmas serenadel'a to the -week, each a replica or -,t \e OQ~ that went- before. ~ame fOl'ward to rer;elve the tradltlona,l gift. , coes ana domestics were the materla,llI em. had atdved. The Be"ants or, ,th~ plentatlon, ' Jrou~d Feas!,ng and me~"maltlni 108' 08 anabated UDt~ Nitwl Qood old days, ~e say? Days that , gone, but the played, aa the negro ever hall''an eye ' about the ftont porch, to the acCompaniment ofa banjo, Year I day hII:- 'b8~D ulhered la: thaa "ate depart 061 memories of 'wblch Ilre 8S green and frosh In our' heartll tal! the women complete, thoBe 1,0r boy. were " would illng the', old plantation melodies until InTited Into ,f! OD~ 'mol;9 the 'household tata 'J!" 118' ro~tl.. .. , to-day as the holly and mlstlatoe we are fJllg~ed in twin· next taken up, so that on Christmaa eacll ,negro the ldtcl1en, wbere liberal potaUona of ,i. little- drap to ' l Where there ~I a leDera. 'Q1!4-e:-,.n"" of the: Cl!rlatm.. . 1~g Into wreaths for the Chrfs,tma. of tCHlay. wbo came to the' ·house' could be of returnln. ' warm them up" W8S se"od. and each w.. uked to drink hoUd." there JOU .,. aure to !Sad Chri ........ aplrlt ... , "Obrl8tmas ·Before. tbe War" had the same Blcnilicanee to hla Quarter wltb arms laden with warm clothl,." to the healt.h of ole mla~ ole mars. the U«le fola and ' .. a ,CIODHqU8IIee pneral, ..,04·fellofthip. 1I'or.-.u. lOr the children ot the Boutb as It has fol" tliOBB or to. InclUding ever.l'thlng from a p8Jr of that "'cl'led" the honae~olcl pesta, This 'cJ0H4 the cere~ODleS tor' ciq hu develoPed ID~ purelJ'" OOClUIOD.:fDr ........,... cla)'. -but ~'Ir much more It meant to tbe mtatreillea. ot' h1a bean'S 'dellgbt to • warm now Or hat, .. hli ,.Chrlstmal eTa. Oudlet! ware- ,..-4 U'OaDd ud W&nll ,el'f of ..n. of lD,o te or .... ,CIOlt.' 1004 ~... .,.,..• . tboIe plantation. wMre a haudred ' or mou, llavel had fIDe), elected. Th18 le~ clrcle ~ bacia there iii dream or Banta CJana U4 the beoaUle CIt thne IIfta aad u a ~. ....... ~ 1M! remembered than It d"U to the grand l\amea of lte oyer a periOd or.-two .. 111 the ICiore o~ Itoolt- .... ott. tdad. . . ." who have bat to ent'!r thell' carriapl, Ylltt lOt_ out Of tbe'
1rI.-.e. .'
DlI~1Ib&I1O wUte"" • tball
!~&~"rt~o~r~~i)iij~ti; :::!"JIIOUUl
' ',' " .'
_." (ciOllr rljfbt, I~. by Ol1l1y Slol·Y Pllb. Co.
Twfce In the month of Septe mber Howu,rd Thornton was a rm roached to betray the Interests of the · Golden Gulch Mining Company. First, one Solomon Peters ap. proached the YOllng. BII(,ertntendeut wllh an off r 'of . erlaln vlllual5le col. laterals If the latter wou"l mt s repre. !lent to hts emilloycrs the valu of t he Colden Glllcl1 holdin gs. Later, one Dick Cummings had doubled the col· laterals. . Thornton'lI answer was as clean cul and pOlished as a dynam it e · ca p. and the t~o scoundrel!! haslll y withdrew. Then one nl gb t 1\ (ourUI (lar ty ,,"us added to the drumalls Jlersonae. 'PhI s fourth ()tirty was a ChJna lUlln. He bor ,he nnme of Cllew LUllg, a nd s lood ne arly sev!!1l f at In hll:! huge mining bools. • !'lo mnn kne w (1'000 where , Chew Lun g had come, but there were sev. e ral who belie ved th e~' know J)r else· l y wllere he '.vas gOing. Only 'l' borntOll had dared ope nl y to xpress tbls be· Jle f. He hnd ca ugllt til . gIa nt Math· en one ulght on forhl dden gr und, and shoving u revolv r In his fa ce hod coull1lnnded: " Rlght a bout to b- !" . hew Luug remembc'retl thl,! Incl· de nt very w 11, nnd patiently yet 1I0t les s bloodily he had bldetl hI s Ume fa r reve nge. That Um h ad now come on golden wings. Cl)ncenJlng In h Is am ple blouse the h e avy 8Jlck o f yeU()'\\I dus t tbat Pet rs IIml Cummings had hnnd dove r tn Mm, he returned to hIs quurters. As oert!lln as the yellow drngon flew oyer tbe Imperial palaCe In the laud of hll ancestors, he would kill Row. ard Thornton. He had sworn It : balf the bloQd·d\lst bad been vald him; be (
The .Com batant. Fought De.perately.
On touch of the yellow skin bnd In tornls d Thornton of his assailant's IdentI ty, and lbe young fe llew knew ~ba t the odds of battle were heavily ugalnst hI 111 . He was outmatched ·In hody and weapon, an e xhausted man or slendel' build pitte d agaillst · an ul'metl giant; yet agalncst hIs g raBS udve rsary hili finer fiber might prove all cteel against IrOIl. ' · A moment be fumbled helplessly, as the ·Cblnamnn crushed blm bac k wl tb s heer w Ighl, th n, treeing his 1·lght ol'm, he swung tor tho yello\v stomach, Th short. hooked jolt loosened tbe glan l's hold on t'be knI fe, wblch fell to the fl oor and was klt:ked out of roacll In the struggle Lh ut succeeded, a nd Thornton · a ttempt d to foll ow up tile blow by se l7.I ug bls antago nls t witb a t t'lck hold. [n vain ! His reach was Inadequate agu lnst the otber's huge bulk, and he that his on ly chance fo r life WUR to keep tra m ' beIng tbrown and his neck 0 1' buck brok n. n was pitch d ark In the room , and as tb e com batan·ts "follgh t des pe rately .t he furnitu re lind parallh ernull a were over turned anti smashed, and tile ri ch snm l,les of are were scattered under· root , Sudde nl y T hornton was aware tllat beneullr· Lhe Chlnaman's blouse thore w as u brol\d /land of som e substance as ha rd as Bteel. .rls hands bad a gain a nd again, t;:Ome Into contact with It, a nd now It flashed over him lhat ·hls a $sallant wore a shlrt at. mull, wblcb eJ(,lended around his body beneath his a dns to his stomllcb. Back and forth, across tbe room and against the shelved walls, the uneaual fight continued, till Thornton telt him· salt grpwlng dellilerately weak. when to the crushIng horror of the giant as· sassln In hili shirt of mall was added t he knowledge tllat the· Ohlnaman haa I'(leo,'ered the dirk. . Howard Thornton felt that. things ~'ere pretty much the devll's way, when Buddenly tbere came to hlrJl one wUd. upUfUng hope, and a young glil'lI white hllnd seemed to fall caress1og· Iy against his cheek. HJs body was be'l ng crushed aga1nst the prlncl(Jal piece of machinery 10 tbe I'oom-a large electric magnet of great power. He had '!lad It Inlltalled· but tbe "week before tor experimental work In sepamUng gold trom iron are. If only he could reach the switch al)d turn on the power. His free band fumbled among the keYI. Be sobbed ns lie felt h-fs heart ,swell like a sponge wHh aOQumulat1og blood. . There Wil,l a rIng ot metal against metal, a tear· ful howl from the Chinaman, and Thonlton staggered: f9rWard headlong, r eleas~d from the' giant's terrible hold, A, ter an · age of paddling about In tbe dar/<, like iI. Ilpent IIwlmmer under wilter. he found Ule swItch·· board and floode d the room wIt h light. OV!lr In . one corner wns the ChLna· 'mnn. He was squJrmln"; 1I11e a spitted cockchafer on the. broad plate ot the b1, el eotrlc magnet. The, machine attrae,ted the steel'on Ills Bhl~t· of mall, and now grlppe4 It with t1f~lc power, holding the murderous giant In a W!lsg iliat len him as heipless to el· cape as an armlesl man Sn bll grave. Thornton picked up u chair 'and, seating 1IImselt, studied the astonish· Ingly cheerful situation. , Arter a 1ft. tie while he began to t~lk. First he complimented .hfmself upon being a fqol in ~Ing about, unapn!!d;' 't hen he told Cbew 'Lung certain tactti which ,the liltter believed were unknown ·even to blsthree-beJlled god. Finally he turned off the light ~nd lett the al8ay room. followed down ilie long hili to bls sleeplug qunrters by the howh. 'o f the giant. ' Tbe evenls of the Bucoeedlng day were kn own only to an entbuslastlc and select p~rty of law·lovlng miners, but Ho"Ward Thornton's . successful management of the 'GoJden ' Chtl~lS, a"d hIs snllseguent ~al;rlage to' ~er, arl) .matters tall}l1lar . "to the many friends of. the fine young fel· low.
Bsked bill 1\ day and \llgh t to tuUlIl the compact of his oath, ' P e ters and, CumminGS were. Jubilant. Wltll Thornton r moved, they f It Lhat . y would have but little difficulty In gaining a . controUlnc Interest In llie Golden Gulch cJalllls. tbe owners ot which JIVed lliousands ol mile!! a way. Tbe unlcrUlluloulj patr would freely bandle bloody moneY, but would leave othera to hllDc}lo bloody weapons. "The Ohlnaman will dirk blm," med· I~ted Peters. _ Cummings gnawlld his linger nails. "He'U make no nt5lse, which way b'e does ' it.'.' ''· ., . ., , Ohs.w LlIng, in ·bls narrow quarters, spoke n(lltber to others nor. ' to him· lelf: He burled the heavy sack ot gold dust beneath hIs ' mattress, nnd van· Illhed Into the · illght. loavlng a threebellJed wooden god grinning on tbe shel( ove~ his Milk. Up at the qoldeh Gulch mill , by the Ugbt··of ·a alngle lncandascent; Thorn· ton was engaged at' nn a ssay. He ; cholle . to work ' secretly, as the apccl· mentl ~Ing tasted were remal'.kabl~ . nch, and UlI,t11 the Interests he repre· sented were better Inforni cd, be dId I\ot wlilb for· any publIcity. Tben, too, . certain. wealthy Investora would 'be Be Your Own Tree Doctor, down lbe 'followIng month, and he Every man should be )lIs own tree "8 iutX10U8 ·tp lay before them · pal· doctor. If prollerly trained he hJls pa,?l~ evidence pt,.the , richness of the been b!!sy all summer. removing suck. GOlden' Gul()b claims. .. ere tram the trees, fighting fungus and :, W,lth .fortune's goldeJ:l charlot rolllnr; dlilcouraglp&" l~sects. Whe» the 'leave~ ·nearer aod '·neilrer every hour. and ,are olr ,be goe!! all over h!s ·'plllot8;tlon, . each successful day's work ·brlnglng diagnosing each tree, shrub and bush. him one Ilell c loser .to He~ natl/te'S, He will flnd Borne ' borers not yet ~cai'l to "tood and sleep had agaIn a.nd k1ned, ~nd · 1hese should . be .thoro~lgbly , .galli, been dlsregarlled, ,bu not until' eradicated from his 'qU[gCM and apples ' the flne young fellow ,actually .tag· belor.e wlnter sets , In. t:1le a f1e:i:lbie ~red at bi. 'labor ,dl.d he realize that wire and a sharp knlfe, and when · ,:.It '","al ,l ong .p"st mhfnlght 'and he WII.S larvae ,'are' kUied, piie coal . . "hlZ}' aDd exbaustea: . ' < l·all'OUlna the tree. ' He wl\l . Suddenly ', Ilome seventh scnse:- In his currant and berry, fields 19Metblng · ' finer th!lD ,the lIcens.ed or· less ~qabes thllt l!ultlvaUon Ilath lIenie, an IntllJ~lon as subtle tI9 loosened . In . tbe aoll. llhese .are Uable Indl)nQable, .IDform~d him that, he ~8JJ to heave out during the winter. lie , ~K watched . . SOD1ewhere tb.e re wal! ·ihould slip' a narrow shovel under the '. tace .pee.rlng ,at h1ml , . lJlan~. draw out the dfrt, and let Olvlng no .11Ji of tlll~ discovery, but busb settle utlUl It I~ w 11 pla~ted. 1Il~nillg drowsily, be l)rollght, hh~ hand Tread heartily, and then, if you hR'''' . ap unUllt came III COJltact wllli ,the In· them ·to .pare, place a sNl~t1e of coPl "lIdeli~lIt'a Ite)'. Ano~hor 'm ement aebes about- each one,-OuUng ¥ ..... gd he bu abut oil' tbe light that es· line. II!)M" ~be . rich lamplel ot ore ~d ACCOrding to Contract. ."ratl utile. alert and angry. 'rbI, :mO'YemeDt ' ,cbapged Inlltant · HOUlle Owner-You ~lIed to .,., 1atD tetrHlc ba~tle Out of the yoUr I'81it ·tut moatb. What are )'ou to do about it? . ~:~,ell there upon . him . the . Or tbe lI~t · Tenant-Gb, 1 auFJOM I'll do u J'O'l.
llttl. Slater'. Error Corrected by SIx. Year·Old A'!ttiorlty,
WIllie Wanted to Be CertaIn HIs Prayer· Had !!Ieen Heard.
Blx·year-old Marjorie and four·yearWilli e hud nc,t been II. ve"y good boy old Josephine were mnklng their first that day". and In consequence at cert l\ln transcontinental trip from New York, Inexcus ahle d rellcUon s be h ad bl! It to Ban Francls co-nnd, of course, en· sont to be d wi th the S lID . Afte r sup· countered new marvels at nlmost per his rl~tb e r c li mb d Ihll stairs to tbo eve ry lurn of t·h e trip. But tbe cre· youll gs tor's room and throw ing blm· scendo of theIr ecstatic outpourlng8 self down au the betl alongside of the was reached when they saw their IIrs t d IInq u nt. began to talk to 111m. IndIan lamlU08-braves, II qUllwS and " WJllIe ." be saId grav Iy, ·'dld you papooses. sny your (lrayers befol'e ,you went to '·Ob·h·h! Ilghed JosephIne, gazing bed ?'" ' wlld·eyed at the moccaslned, gaudily " Yesslr," said Willi e. blanketed squaws; "ain' t· those "A nti did you nsl< lhe Lord· to malte squas hes jUlOt slllendld , though!" YOtl a g ood boy'?" asked tbe \larent. Marjor le'$ equally deep atlmlrntlon "y P." slll d W illIe, "all d J guess It'll was momenlarlly quencbed In her Ceel' wor k tlll H t Ime." Ing of respon.lblJlty a s elder·slste r "GootI ," Ha ld iho fa.lber. 'Too glad monItor. and abe eyed Josepblne se- to heili' thnt." vere ly a s she admonIshed: " Yes," ~ uld \Vlltlp, " but [ don't thi nk "They · ain't squas hes, Josephine; we'tt kilo w befm'e to·mol:row. You 've they're squabs." got to give the Lo rd t Ime, YO Il l(O ow." "A ud wb ut mllli os y O\l think It wlll INVALIO'S SAD PLIGHT• work Utls tim e, my son 1" queri ed l he . an xlQUs (uth er. After Inflammatory RheUmatism, Hair "Why. after the am en I Il ut In a n Came Out, Skin Peeled, and Bed R. S. \ . P: ' explal ued t be bOy.- Hal" Sores Developed-Only Cut!· p r's Weekly. .... tura Proved Suooessful. A H IIGH WIND. .r.;:.~b~ut fo~r ye; ; ; ago I had a very aevere llttock of Inflaillluatory rheumatism . My s kin peeled, and tbe high rever 111ayed havoc wltb my hair, whI ch c(1me out In bunches. I also bad three larg e bed s ores on my baoK. 1 did not gll,ln ve ry ra pidly, and my al/petlle WA S very pOOT. I tried man,y 'sure cnres' but they wc re a ! little help, lind until r- tried CuUcura Re'solvent I had had no rea l. r ell!;!!. Then my com)llexlon clea red and soon I felt be Uer . Th·e bed. sores went very soon after a few ap pJlcaUoris at Cutlcura Ointment, and When I used Out!. cura 'S oap ·and OI.uiment for my· hair Giles-They have \,el'Y 111gh winds .. It began to regain Its form er glossy ap- in Amerlky. pearance. Mrs. Lavina J .. Henderson Drown- Y S, Ihey do. 138 Broad St., Stamford, Conn., ?,farcb GlJes-Thlll'e'EI a bit In the papers 1 6 and 12, 1907.'.' read thi s mOI'nln g about IJ. . safe bei ng blown open t hel'e.-London Mall. A POSER. The jury man who toward tbe 'end of 0. very long trial wished to know ,what.: UI,e te l'mll '·p\alnt.lff" and "de· fen$lanl" slgnlfilld Is 'not alone In his Ignorance. A writer In the Phlladel· phla Press tells or a man wbose coat ·bad !ieen st oleDI. He hod ·olla ge d a suspiclous·looklll g IndivIdual wltb the 00
~O() DROP~
For Infants and ChUc1ren.
ALCOHOt.-3 PER CENT AY~~lablt Preparalion forAs·
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
similatiAg IheFoOdandR~uJa · /he S tomacbs and Bowels of
Promolt'!5 Dlgestion,Cheerfutness and Rcst.Conlains neilher Opium,Morphine nor Minwit
Signature .of
A""",,;' of..,(· IoA'x.:.f'.lfn4 ...",II,S"'b..
A~ i"J.../.
~"",itI -
·I,n Usa
" ~ .rt*J ' ~ CI.,;t;,J.1 J'1I"tJ ,.
- - - ... _-w,""J:!IT'"
Aperfcc t Remedy forConslipa. lion , Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea, Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverishnes s and Loss OF SLEEP.
fat Simile S;cnatuN of
For ,Ovar Thirty· Years
......... ..,.M8Y, ... ~ .....
Mrs. Whlm~You needn't say has no mecllanlcal gertt\ls. I can do anythIng on e arth· ",' lIh only a hair. pin. Mr. Whim-Well, sharpen this lead. pcnell with itt
" You say this man stole your cont?" said the magistrate. "Do ~ unders iand that you prefer charges against him?" "Well, no, your honor," replied the plalntllf. "I pre fer the coat, It it·s tll1 the same to ya,u."-Youth's Coropan·· ion. '
. '$100
R,eward, $LOO.
TIM! readua or tbll paper wID be pl.u.d too INfII IIlat tbuo Is .\ I....n one drtadod d loe¥e lila' ""'.u~ IIu bcell abl. 10 cute' 111 aln .. 1IIoIee. and IlIA. It Oat&rrb. HaU·. caturh CUre Ia tho only paoIU •• (!U1'I! DOW IIDown to tbl!lt rnedteal I'ratomlt,. CA tArrh bdnJ .. ""hamullanal d _ _ !e<l ulnlo a coD8\11u. \IOnal """tmeDlo. naU'I OolArrb 011", 10 laken ID. \AinIAIl" . clll1~ dlrec:l l, upon lhe! blood aBlt muco\l.t , aurf~ or ' the! , I)'Blem. Ulet<lby d<etroy/n( the foUDdatlon or lbe d ~_. and elvlnr 11'0 paUI'I" .tmlJlh by bUllI!lng liP ·lIIe con. II\Ullon and ...110 1IDe nature 111 doll1« Ito wor~. TIle proprtola", b... ., mucb f4lth tn Ita c urative po.... trW that 1hey ofTer One Uundrcd Dollars rar An y CU. t.hat I. IAIII 10 .ute. Send ror lilt ·or \<IlImonlal•. Ad\lr1!ll F. J . 0 1,1 ESI~V '" CO .• '1'010<10. O.
.~ome Joys for -Johnnie • . "johnnIe," sald my hUsband tbe oth· . er evenIng uPQn bll! retnrn trom work, to our ~ree·year,old, "have yeu been a goo~ boy to-day?" "Yes, father," came t/le prompt reply. "Very . well," saId his fond ·parent. "Yo II may go upstairs and bring down 80ld by all Drul!lllaUO. 7~ "' my sJlppeNj." ' TaIIe Hall" F~mIlY, l 'U!a tar conJtIP3llon. When Johnnie bad delightedly ller· tormed this · act of d evotIon , bls tlV ApparatUI to IEmpty Canal So.a tl, Following In s,ome ways the general tber said: "Now, It yOU will proin·. lse to be good to.morrow, you may lines of the car dumpers In ,use on the ,c arry my shoes upstairs and put them Great L a kes, an alll?aratus Is to be awily."-Harper's .Bazar. ' built In Philade lphia for the L ehigh NavIgation Coinlluny wblch will take ahe Spoke ToOo QuIck. hold of· a canal ,boat, elevate It 60 feet Mr. Crlmsonbeak-l. see by ~blB pa· In the Illf, and " empty Its COli tents per that ' women are barred from the e ltber on the wbarf, for conveyance to of Ferdinand dJ! · Noroulia, be· ' a s tc>l1!ge vile, 011' Into tbe hold of all· longing to Brazil. o~her vellse1. ' Mrs. CrlmsonbeaK-Tbat's like the Late for the Show. aelOlh ·men! Don't want the women "Wbat Is the matter, my I!ttle to bave any privileges 1 • "I torgot to say, dear, that tbe "Island man1 U "Eddie's l'oamma went an' whipped II only used ror conVicts!"
, .
{ ·'~nd . you'r~ 'ctyIng J)ecause he ' i., ' rour "little trlend,r: · .: .. \ "Naw; because , she we nt an' done It efore I CQuld get t1;lllre to wa~ch 'er ...·
In all · its formB 'llmong nil ages of as ·well 88 dogs, cured· nnd others stable p·rcvent~d from Itn vinll t be with POHN' m TEMP.I!."lt . ...... ._-',' - - - Every bottle guamntced. O'''lC Not for Him, bottle, Bold lost year. @.50 and , good oruggist, or Bend to ml\nu: Tbe Poet-l understand Y0l! baYe lac'tur'~rIl. Agent~ wnnted. SJ;olm Medical ,. C!,ntagiou8 DiseaseiJ,Gogbcn, lud; furnished rooms for rent? J Tbe Landlady-The only tblng 1 have at present la. a handsomely tu ...· The Golden Age. nlshed SUite on tile first floor. "He's an old newspaper man." Tbe Poet- i' m ilfrnfd that would be . 4'About bow old?"· . " Well, be can remember w~en theT _ little too sweet for me. only Iss qed ex{ra8 when.- someth1ng l'JLE.'1 (JURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. bappened." ' PAZO (ILNT&! IIN'l' Ie lIuGranteNI to .,oro any .....
Delicious cakes and po,strles are pro· duced, by the use of SOlldet's' Cream or Tartar Baklrlg Powder · and ' Sou·ders' FlallOrlng E:ltractB. ·AIJ'good gr~rlell.
There are nearly 88,900,00'0 slieep In Aus tralia and New Zealand; 10,000)oc)~ cat~t: and 1,871,000 borse~: . .... ONLY ' ONE "BROJlIO Q'VI~INE" ·
,va,. . 160.
'~ '.
Sometimes. a "roman II known the ~m~y abe avolcll,
He wbo thInks lo'nly of hlm; ell ba!!n't any too much to think about. !lin. WIndow'. !IoothJnlr S,....p.
For r.btldre.n Hfltblng, IlOttena tbe .. uml, TCduce.
p&IIIi '...... ,,1114
",. lElt
oou.o.· lI6c. bu,UIo
GIve, "some people their pick \he y'l1 pick flaws every time.
l'ba~l. LAXATIVIIi 8110"'0 OtfilSIN,K . J.oolt~or lb 11/I11'""", o~!Il' 'W.llItVVI9, UI<Od tbe World
>vqr 10 (.'uro .. ",,14 In One
u( Jteb IO«, 1lllnd. JlI Ot!Kl i.:" or I'Mfrucllna l'Uo.1o. 600. , I
G tv Ie days or wo~ o,. refunded.
. ,J ;t Vo"", Wbll.. You Wail< Alleo'.Fo<>J.-ltai6 ro.oom. and bunlolJ .. 1lo1o. ......,
... 110.... 111l1li
roe!.. "'" an Vro",_
. The p~porUoD of left-handed Peopi.
II 00. '. . ~
. heads" l' r'
~herefo'" .. ... ,
·,3 ·:for 5 cents Not only e~ good -they ' are
, lVJade ... of absolu!ety (""
.pw:e" ¢l~ tobacco by s1ste~
atic tnethods ·m the ,
. ' .<triggtst, airiest, ~ . , ~quip~ed . ~d clea,n~ est cii?;ar factory in the world. .... .
Pro't:"arit of the ,
~------------------------------~"~--____________ Jl,, ·~~~__.n~~Mm"~".
Schwartz's' Cut Price· Clearance
Mr . 'I' .1. Whit.ej tl\tE\ EVft.Dl{elist for ~outhel'o OhiO, willi preli h at t,be Uhristhm ohurob D IBxt UOclllY morning 8 t 10 ;:10 an.!1 p r oblll.lly 111 th.e oven inK li t 7 o 'olo "k,
W':ay~elville Farmer'l Institute January 8 ana 9, '1909.aahn's Hall Friday !dorning and AfternOl,)n, January 8 .. hoo) Hall Fri~IlY Evening, Saturday Morning and Afternoon
FRIDAY, .JANUARV 8-- 10 Ii. rH. Invocation _. .. .., I .• .' ••. : . • .. '. , •.. , .. ••. • Rev. B. Hawkins . Music- Earnhart Brothers president' Adqress . . .. . .. ,. , ... . ... , .. : .. - . ,So L, Oartwright Reading Minutes of 19() .
1909. AnnOUnCeOlent
...... _. , ... .... : . .. O. D. Sarah, Stark County, Ohio Discussion . . Tobacco ... , . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .... .. , . .. "... .... Harvey ' Burnett . • Discu Ion. ' ,Ftrtility" .. , " ..... Edward . V~nAJstyne, Kinderhook, N. Y. Discussion . Appointment of Corrim i ~tee.s.
llt Iron • .. .• . .. '. "
( ' ut h"Oltl • •. : . . . . . . . . .
•• ,
f\n.I • •.•.••
.. U
h ioOOrl'Or/11i oD'j wh to net. to pur 1l1l!\eJ'
..... u __
""la ' ' 'S Sl::fiad Ads ' -T' ~N~rll~\)fIlU 'WI' Will 11
A- M'rn ~~
to Rtlnt- A g od or'· Inrluil'tl u~ thil;! uflir~
==='='======== gall
• ...--- •• ..-....- ..... --u. ~.70 fre8nftILx:. InfJuireut tbi~of, oe . I LOST ' SQUA . RID extenSiOn t.ILul.e .. o.ot! :_' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
i\<'b. will be h .. ~rLt.,>(] un<1~r LIds head fur IWenl)" ".' ~cnl~ rur Lbrce In~Crll(lIl., \\'b II u~ ln l: not lOorli lbau U\'e lin H.
..,........ ,_____ --.u .......... -v.... FOR. 'S~LE
ItS new .
InqulreILHh.lI\ of6oe. 0 'A'rc" IEL. \\·!th IIOOkfl t. . ~ l' tt()nk ClU III!lhl ,~om wh E1rf! h ... FOUND ,twee n Ynn k fll1 r<tref't. and WOYO",,. ' v1l1e Fin II r '1 ~1l ITO 1I1i thA H~1.~ttj 8QU!-RES of Ualv!lDized LARGE OAUNTLE'f U r..OVE Om(~, flud r iva re wnrd 12 ' " .~D9d5 Pd't Shoe~,roOfllln g Door th~ 10'" r wl1t.erlngtro ogh PA,T..E 'hlue Ailtt a tI rf . . Wrfllll" ,\l 2" to ...>. per 8q ... D sIng ell ) Inq Ulre bt thl mee II I F' 1 $4 76. UutteraDd roum\Rponto.t 6,X o . Ip [~ Ut1J)UPP-I·. Inc Ell' pI"" .. P r ft. 'rholl. Zell. r et nrn to tJbtl o~ioe . saOA'J'S for 1131e. Arelo good WANTED TO REN1" condition . Inquire of . L. . . Ricks . .,. S OME Bull'Urplqgtoo Henl< or Iml ., . . WASHING'fON UJokerels, buff, lett', r<tuto pri()6. .Mr".. E . .~ . I. '!l:Jjl 'nr IlqOl\ .I;I)UII to r nt , . blllCY aud wbi'~. B. B. WIl- Wadsworth. WtlYDtl" VIUe. 011\0 ·u!tltblo fof'... uY lu nd of fllnJlker on , Orego'nll' Valley Phone 2-3 Lt. D. S. . lug. InqUI r E! lit t bl~ ofB oe . ,
Good Gooda are wOlrth their ,market value any timEI but poor goOds are expensive, tot . any prloe. . We heartily thliDkfol to our Onetomers tor the,i f liberal paUODagQ this past year Ilud irwi, our endeavor8 ,will merit a oontiD~a.noe of the 8tt\me. 'We wish one·and all A HAPPY AND P :ROSPER· OPM NEW YEJUi . ·
t , . , . . . .... t
( ' u( (njll ' · .•• , . . . . .
.:::~~~~ 1~;~!~~n!lol:lur~I~::~!~~~
a. m.
lu t tl"()Ul • • • • •••
., ~ --.. .
(,.'11 1 ( !'Iilli .
CUL fl'olU . .. , • •.• •• .
Uhip oor Dried Beef w,i th 1m Enterprise.' Rot&l'Y Beef Shaver , ·and Oot our CheesEI with 1\ Compu$ing Obeese Cutter. Our I!Ddeavor blUl alwaYIl beeu to merit your . pllt ronaRe in every ."!IIlY and 80 eonduot our bosi ne88 ' 80 that. every d ,o )lar yon 8pend will live Yon.. villue re o celued·. To this end we alwllYs
Mulic-Quarleti. .
Piano·Solo-Ml'I. C. A. Burnet.
til r r(hl\'
C III JI'1I11 . .. . ; . . •••
l.o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .... . . . . . . . . . . .... .
~}E:. ~:!~!~t,i~~~~~~::!i
.Piano &t1~MarguElrite ~ompeon. . Devotional. '.. .' . :Vqcal Solo-r-Mrs. T.· Gilliland. . . . ' M~ Home ~ttraCtive tortbe Chilclren. J(rs.Josepblne Dodd: A ffrip 'l'brour~ 1ttaryland ~ . . .. :'. , ', .. .. Edward Van Alltyne 1 Val Duet-Mrs. Alfre<l, Wright~d Mrs. Lester Crane WQrnAn'flnfluencSe'on the Nathlnal Character ... . . : .... .. .. ,.... ; . .... .. , .:.......... ~ : . . , .. .. Mrs. Mont. Roblett How to line Geod ~eirbbol'll ..... . . .- ... . , . .. . .. D. D~ Harsh
whioh 1l1l~ws no dust o'r ' !lirt t.o
, Music. The M~nc of a Man ....... .. ........ " .. .. E, VanAlstYne .
. .Pian'o Di!et- HeleB.'and Sybil Hawke. . , Reaciing- Mi811 L\lcile Cornell.
JJ .. !~I~ .
III 10 .. .• • ......•..•. • .•• . . • •• ..••• . ••• ••••.•••
FRIDAY EVENINO-7:40 Musie-Miss Helen Harris and ·Mrs. Burnett. Why Do Our Boys Leave t he Farm? . .. .. . .... , . 0, D. Harsh Quarte~J. T. E)l1is, H. D. K~lison, W. 0, Ra~r. Rev. Gilliland . ':\' ~tatiQn-MIss Ethlyn JOBes.
d ..
' UI (roU1. _ • , ••• .• '••• ••• , •• • •• •• , •
37c 25c $1.'2 5 to 98c $1.25 to 98c ,z. Post Card Albums $1 .00 to 75c P.ictures~ assorted 48 c to 35 c stJbjects. ~~2.~~..~e.t ~..... .. $3~50 to $2.48 Dolls 30c to 2Sc Dolls 40c' to 30e Dolls 75c to 53c Pictures. aS8or tt!d 6Sc to SOC subject. (',,/ 8·-... ·H · W ' ~A ' .'R .·....;. ....~ ·.....- ·....T. .·"'·Z .~. . . .·. . .,•. -..·. . . . ,.-.,.". ~. . .~-~ . . . .·.~·N . .....·-·].....-~.....~ ~.....~.....~. . .·"'~.....·L...........; .....: .....~.....~. . ·. ....-...........·,..,...-----
l'u C(rom ... . . ... ... ....... . .. ... .
Belt Pins, all latest designs. "UL ( ....J III Collar and Cuff Boxes. ( 'UI rr.. ", '" tl (n I ",r,'" BertY Set S, III", i "."1 I:,
• • . ..• ••.•• • •
' ilL
Violin SOlo .. . . .. .. . , . ... . .,. . .. .. _ .. - . Miss Justina Hartsock Advaptageg of the Fann As a Home .. . . .. ... . D. D. Harsh Music. Paper .... '.. '. .. . . .. . . . , .. , . ..... , ... . , . . ... .. Morns Cornell Violin Solo- Mils Grace Carman. Commerciai' Feed Stuffs.. . . . , ..... ... : .. , ..... E. VanAIJI~e
(:' Ul f [1Jnl . .
Fancy Clocks
$2.50 to $1.50 Ch ildren.'s Writing . , Let. u prove t,o yoo tbllt Desks. 'UI r"'''ll~.·.. . ... $1.25 to 98c OUR GOODS Are U'nexceJled Ladies' Handke'rclliefs OUR PRICES Right . 6 in a box. r""'.I, .. . .. 67c to SOC ooats no more to eu,t the Dest Bread Plates The past yea.r we. h i\ ve made In,," . . .. . .... . .. •. .. .... . . . . . SOC to 35c 80m*, ohlUlRes . We have ~ried Bread Plates 3Sc to 23c to ' \f!x up" !lud 1'0 mellsure feel that w e have suooeedfld . Henty Books for Boys 2Sc to 18c We have .inlltalled one of the lA$es\ Model National 011811 All $1.25 Toilet Sets 98c Register . One tbl\t I' prlnt-e,\ obeck to eltCh 0l18tonler All 1.00 Toilet Sets put,ting amount of each sale on 73c eaoh oheck, inst!llletl Motor , ;of'l'ee Min , thft't outs the Me rry WidoW Back '33c to 25c ooffee, In8teaci of orusbing the Com hs. colfee old fll'Bhtoned lUlls d o. BPI We now measure our, Oil from elt ins, al latest 67 C to 48 Bowser ::!elf Measorlng 011 Ta.nlr d es ig.ns. ' C
. Music. What Hoi' Should t he FllIimer Produce? . ..... . .•. . , '. .
, Music.
Of Merchandise w hich will save you from
'W ill White's
- -' Begins this---"c......o.:
3(a~~~. ~~~ . y~~~~.. MASONIC NOTICE
III extelldi'llg to
our custo m-tln !'red 8mi~ ' is 8D~r""iDiDg Regular ~ommuDIea"OD of Way. ers tbls kindly greetiJ~~ we 810her mOtber~ JIn. RoM, or NorwOOd, 088.0'e Lodp 108 F. & A. M. ·!'neB· cerelv desire to tbalDk you for .' ~. Banel Bumetwaa til Clnoto· dal evening J!'D. 5, 1909. Work in vou~ .plI:tronage durid, g · the year ~ <' _it lad . .\urdJr,y and 81lDda,.; the .J(. M .•d8Rl'e~. Importao,l)1i8lD8I8. ·N ~ of lila, b~other Whittier aaaj80joUrDi.n , brethren t~vited. . that 1S aJ>()L~t , t l!,) end, clnd
~ liatlirefttq famU~; ' Ilr Fred Jnaper~t,:",Dedla8& ~~k
. t'
1 '. ".~. O. Cartwright. W. M
.::~:~:~I~ :~'&~m~::::
9. E.
\E"ert"--:'-- . . ._-':.-......_-,-a
t.rust tbat yo·u ,will' accept our , sincere w.lsbes for
hoaae~ bl' Mr. I~.Jl Vloo ~ho ~ purohas~Dg tlOket 'YlIl' ill Ohio for'BOlite .tilDe. tor the ' Katl... Friday afterooon J .~~'" CIlariu' MulleD ,a nd .faup),. ,wQi receive a' tiMf-. .. & ~ . . . .dl!4 ' the' BOx Social at Bisey Sm\tbl . • , ' lIObool 00 WedDesday 'evening and . . • _ ...-~_ ,. ,;{,: ... ~ , "~ it a epleDdtd 10008lS. J~pan is about ~ make her Ii...... , . He~r.l ·or our folk. wtll8p9Dd the.....:. · . H I 1 ..oltCla,....".,. frOID home Hiss M1~ . ":"",,,,e,nsus. ereto,o~ the poP?I~ ' . rile Kibler' will be '~e gueIIt of her bo" baa been e8timated Oll the bll:t& M~. Joha Bepn at New~ons and deatl reAlms .~•• . Muter . DUr,Warcl , Vice wl~l .. • ,......._ __ . ~le1t wti~ J;larry CJtugner'. at , ith~ ,Sta~ tAJ iJJYe8ti~ .SprlDiboro.... • , ' .: tb . Ran'er lJur.Det:IlDd· family ' lipellt; resources QI . oropo· • ~tm... '~~, the h~,oie of ·F _ E • .B08:.. . ~witzerland would cost. a ...,ea'dprlo,ltOro. AlI!1 W,hitabr I ..UtI family. helped' ·make .-ae,ry "the home of EugeDe Eva'DS tn Leelu. . Oar IOhool gav~", .hor~ C~ri.hnu proan.m 011 . W!IMlneeda,. afHrDOQJ1. MIIt8icnlllUlltIlial It. "fleh ·pond',1 pleaHd tile ' ~ildreD.I ·"~'.~, aDd all , .wlio fished "got a bite." .8ohool wlnbe olOlled for a week.od
.'. all
will _joy a we!1 earued vaca'lon . •
' ..
~.t~"' ;"""""
. .,:rP·totaDt'ohUd of~. aDd ~e· w.ui J:lap~1Iid b,. thlt , .J.' J'~ Cadwallader, ., a&; X.iT'ij haicti Sanda,. , afternooll " .o'olook:
NUW'yltA R· r
During. tbe pld yl~ar we bave fou"1 tbe number of· our c~sto·m. ers grllduaJly Increasi 1Ig" al1d tile inCreaBed . efforts on, ou'.. part bronght us inc.-eased bustness as in other years, anrl ~hile the reo cord of 1908 ma~ell it our BANNER YltAR In b~!lina!l8 vetw~ ar~ .fully determaned to mllke the Nuw YRAR'SECOND TO
o.ur Weeklv t..etters will brietle wl~p p,~rgaiqs.. Many these you wW 'not qe ;~,1)le to dlJplicate anywhere and tbe ,quahty of the goods offered will alwa~s carry r.he forme,l y•
. s~) well and knQwn is our Ann~a_
. Winter ,Sale that the s.irnple s.tat~rn~~t , f1bpve. is . . all'that is ' necessary ·to int~reJt all ', out ,'patton,. .· ". Th,e steady grow-tll ,of busi'neBs, year ' bi year has.given ,t o each ' su~ceeding WiJlte.r·Sale .,reater -Opp~rtunities and add~d i~te!e~t" J:le~~u$e o~r t~e enlarged departments and wla~r chOice. ' '. . . This sa~e is true in a ~a..ked degree .this year, and you will find it of. gre~ter profit than eve~ to bQf freely .during th~ sale. ~ . "'. ' .. ,,".' As ia our eltabhtt~~d custom-. ex'c~pt .the 'few items we are under qontr~6t tQ ' ~en 'f:' t ~ -fix-eel prjce
· " '1
qood Jokes OFFIC E
Ho me LIfe.
Mr. W ilidl - W f'Il. lil Y d" at' , yo u' ,e 'I',h llJotte r-Reten tlve: absorbs a mnde 80 Jtlllc h [11 58 beca use 1 don't !;pc nd illY 'ven lngs at hotil!'. li ke 'n GT at dc'ul. Th Desk- ll t>c 'IIUV , lIymllalh e Uc; gooll h us bnnd anll tatlle r. lhut I liuve l'CslS'llc <l (rnm( he club. DOll'" t hnL II l1ell to h I !IU' tI 00 . T b l u l ·W Il- Elxlremely v rsutlle; s uit you '! Mrs. Wldd l - H '8 ju s L 811lenlllll! CUll write n wroog or wrong a wrIt , ,The Scls Bors- urCl\sll and ma· Now, llUrry thl'u IIgh dilln r an d get 1I011)1!8 : " ry cu ttin g and ver wllilng dress d. so we can gu to M I's. H ighlIP' s baJI ; nnd Lo·morrow 1I1 1~h,t we' II to !le IJnl'at , l'h t>ns te- Pot- P I'BI ,t lit, J)(ll'so ver· go to 'M I'S, I'll lO,I's party; an d t he Inv;; possessos tb e fu c ulty Qf eUcltlng ne xt ni g ht, you InlOW, Mrs. Way up hus n rnu!lloale, ar.d we mus t n't (o rg t to t hin gs, ' Tb tl )ltln- l:inte rrlrl !l ln~, 11mbltlolls; th Globetrotttl l"s r~,e Jltlon he ni ght ever walls to r lin OPllol'tunl ty to make ar~ er.- ~ ew York Wee kl y. Its marl" THE BURNING c./UESTI·ON, Th V,ll..s te·Bnsl\C -~nll'm Jl ra te. Ill:)' b"l'osslve; rre que ntly go II full , nUll Is , fond of IICI:llp S. The Wrlllng· Pailol' - Dlniln ut.lve, qll let; cun eually be covel' " I, Ilud a l· ways renm lns lllut 1011 ry. 'l' he Calc ndar- 'on i emp01'llneous, but huy; n lwllYS UII 10 dille, bllt fre· qu eutly t;,.lws Il m onth ofr. Tbe Re volvin g· b l1 l r-nell·(,g J' e~s l\· ~ but pbllantbroplc; I;Ioes bacltwanl. lHlt If! ulwllY!! really to uo u goull turu.-
D ,rnard f ..wcluds or J acltson street, F or 8""ernl wee ks . IItOo Rnlph had Lon acon lnil, Md .. says : "Hard work enjoyed the use of n Sl1ellund pony, and bea,"y Iil tul!l the prOPCI', ty o r n. horse d~, al~r who ",ealle n d my 1>1t1· was n frie nd of t be famll)". But much ne ys. ' I was tlr d to Ralph's sorrow, th re cam a day v ry mOl'n lng and I rece ntly when tlla pony was sold, and my IlJ1l11S HUft an ~ the delight[ul horseback rid es cam e I!orl;!. Dizzy spells to a sudd n nd . Thc purchase r, a s Ilnd beada hes wel'o I Ralph found out by InquIry, wus a frequent, . and t he little girl of allout hIs own matur kidn ey s cr tions age of five, l:Jver sInce hi s oc:q ulllnt· , m u c h 'dlsol'dered. anee with the pony began, HI.Jph ha d ThIs con tinued for fltteen y aI's and Include d blm In h is bedtime prayer, un til 1 began using DOlin's , KI dney an d "Ood bless tb e pony," was an P ills. Tben [ Impro ved , steadil y un til earn(>st nlgbtly petlllon. The first cured , ,and D ~,t u rall Y, 1 recom mend m'enlng after .the sale or the pony, Rllip h hesliat.ed when he r enehed bls t hem strongly. Sold by a ll dealers, . (iO ceots u box. pet's pla ce III the prayer, Tben nfter F oster·Mllburn Co., B urru.lo, N. Y. a mouie nt's thou ght, 11 contlnu~d : "Pleas o, God, bll!ss th I)Ony just BEYOND' LIMIT OF PATIENCE. tho Bllm e ; but. Odd, don' t you biess tile little girl what's got the pony." Expl a na tion Satisfied Pol iceman That Pun is hment Was Due, GENEALOGICAL.
HI. Gue8s. ak- I SOli' It tOil ot oil b ll ll bl'11II ohlfll:Jeu fronl th · lon gue of It 11 111 ,I wl lflll'. M r. f'd mMonlJellk- I' lI' ll be t It IV IUI a IIl h 1!PU1l wh nll·. J lItlV(' r kn IV a feIII Ip's lon.guc tu Iwed 01 I.- Yonkers rilll MQll b
'SlU(\.'l! 111 IIU .
LIKE MOST Of' THEM, lIeliham-I saw yo u and :r.folHe Wll· Ham:; tulklnl; for all you weI' worth on the stree t this a[ter nuon. What was the burulng lusue ? M I·s. Benham-We ,we re talklag about an old tlame o r m l ne.~ hlcugo News. Cha ngei!lblo Weather. MaIne Man (Il nlshlng 0. sloO')Yes, sIr. I II IJ1 d t haI bear wltls nothln' b ut t.h ls little jack·kntre. C ueBIS YOIl n ver hell Ii l ussle wIth a bear, di d ye '? New York LI ar-O b , yes. 1 WB S ou.t fi s hIn g olle day on St,ntell Island wb e n u big bear lUade' a rus h for me a lld lmocked the llOle [rom my b ll.lld, loovlng lI1e wlthoul even Ulat mean s of t1ere n ~e, Well , ~l r , I grubbed that lieaf'. threw hi m down ; an d bold bllli the re un til he froze to death. Mai ne 1\'1an (gasJll n g)-1 mIght 'a' " Yes, my son 18 very brllUau t. He done tbat mauy II. time mysolf, but the weatbe r li P ' OUI' way dou' t oh a nge b as a poel's drenm." "Ali , yes, t see. Dreams h e la a so (lulclt as It does be r . -New YOI!t WeekJy. poet." DEAR LITTLE BROTHER.
His Little Joke. "The run on th e ba nk
I s n '~ tT"
" 0, yes; It ]letered ont DS 800n as the cr owd snw t be re was mor e money
coming In t ha n was !;olug out!' "Yo u kne w It to be a perrectly sol· ve nt bank , didn't you 1" "or co urse." " The n wb y did YOli jolu III t,h e nlll on It ?" "0, jllst tor fun."-Ohlcago 'rrlbune. Wanted to Give Demonst ration •. "Do you know wbat should be do ne
wIth liquor?" ns ked th e total abs t·l. nonce' Judge to tbe hurd·looklng nian the bar. "No, judge, 1 canlt exa ctly ru: plaln It here," ~eptled tbe, hobo; "but 11 ~ou've got a dIme and will come out· illde wUh me, I think 1 can show you!" - Yonkc ra Statesman.
! , T he Expe rie nce of Mr. Woods Is ' t he DlSilppol Fjted Youngst.e r Dis cr imi na ted Exper ience of Thousands of Othe rs. In Hi ll P,·ayer.
Jllu ~ e.
I i
P ol!ce nia n Knelrem, of tb e TeDllerloIn preCinct, saw an old man bentlng a s'oltlll boy on Seventh ave nue r eo ce ntly In u CashlOI1 ' that r e minde d t he olicer of the bappy days wIlen he used to beat It fl'om lhe llarental beallng. So with a cheer ful smile, b aying child ren of Ills own , th e pollcell1nn appruacbed th e ota man. I "LIs t n," repllcd Ibe mun; " balf au h our ago I II nt IBm\C to tbe dellcates· sen. J ga ve him t wo quarte rs, on e with wb lch to buy bread, tb e otber to liuy Us b. Ami now bo comes back nDd su ys he wan ts 'to Iwow whlcb quarte r Is for tlic fish and whl c.h for t he br nd. f s It eno ugb 'I" " It is," r01llied KnelrelD.-New York World. '
- - - - --
ITCHING HU MOR ON BOY H I, Hoa nds Were a Solid M...., and Diseas e Spread All Over Body -Cured in 4 Days By Cutlcura,
Washington, Mo" Writes,
'~My Wife and
Believers in Pe.rt~-na,'" . f Catarrh and La Grippe.
R ov. Oeo. A. E. Troutm an, Mt. Was bington , Mo" wrltcs : "My wife And 1 aro str ong bollever.1D P oruna.
"Forscv()fl~l yea r s l hn.v been t rou bled wi h 1\ p uc tll!n,r pu , moulc nffect/on, the throat. l lwo ltld su ildo1l1y :md for 1\ f·IV 1l1iltlites I would · ho Ilr. to "peale 'lIudi!) I,'" nn d m y brenth would be Ilrenlly mt.crIel'l·d witb. J WOltld 11 , oblig (1 to gllJ p for bl'eal h . " I 11I1I\Uy cOllc lu d d tbn.t it, WIL!l60m8 catarl'hul nfi'cetio'l wh ioll pr babI.Y excited th o spa ·m . Hint dared with. mv vocuti~n as 1\ prench r, utt.acld'n g 'mu oc 'lls lonn:lIy in th pu l p it. "1 blu\ twnJ'd so m uoh a b out Perunu a s ~ cuttLrrh re med y tha.t I deteJ\lllilleu to try It. Af t I' ta\dnll' t wo bot tl€lfl, m y troublo Ill•• dlsRppea~d. 1 t eel glll'8 that Pertllll\ h as g r ea.tly b e n fI Lte(t.m .•, Rev. P. , E . SWlIonstr om , Swedish ' Baptist P astor, Box 228, Gro.n tsbnrg, "'1,'1 ., writes thl~ t fTom t.h e u se of P e rnna h e is p crfotJUy ,ven, e n ti rely cutCd of chronic diarrhea and catarrh.
Tbe Dull· Pu p-l IIllppOSe this wha t t b y call 0. fam ily tree.
Frank If Not COll1pllmcnt!l ry. H r brotbe r, uged 17, lIad been m ade captain of I\. bl gb school foo t ball team an d conseQue n.t1y had b come BuddenIy populnr with tb e girls In the neIgh· borhood. De j~ u u se of t his the ma ll· a gel' of a skatin g r ink presen te d broth· e r with a season pass. Sister , who I w os cur d or 1.\0 , b acl case o f catarrh Peruna In Tablet form. b ad at tained tbe tr e mendous age o r when DOL11illg else t hnt 1 t rlcd h ad ouy For two years, Dr. Hnrt man h is 20, was trul y fl utt ered wbcn brothe r efi' ct. My wile wns cnred fro m 0. assistau i..'1 hnvc incclfSIlntly laboreif' ~o se l'ere case at Is grippe, Rnd WI') feel ' a sk ed he r, ra ther th an some of tbe cr ~ te P ru na iu t:.ble t form, I\JIdl t~o ir youn ger belles of his ucq unlntnnce, t o that the leo t IVO can do is to gratefully st l'enuous labors h avc just beeD cro wned aclm owledgo th o mer it of l'o rll no.~ with lS UCCC s. P 'ople who object. to share the prI vileges of tbat skatl ng .. 1'(" wHo joins lIle in scndi llg b est liq\lid medicines can Ii0W sccuro l>eruillL li nk pass. B ut brotller's explana tion wisbes for your ..uccess." :raplet s, whichr pr~6ent the mef;Hcina.l r emove d all danger of the Im mediate throat Trouble. , lOg r IIlents of Pe l'Uua. Eacb tl/.l))et ill grow th of sIster's vani ty . " YO Il see," Rev. II. W. 'l'ni.,; Wo Lincoln Avc nue, I'quiva~e ut to o ne "average d ose of h e told her with frank slIj1llllc!ty, "['m Wal nut lI ills, t illcinllllLi, O)lio , \vriLes: Pcruna. not used to Ilkatlng wIth girls. I'll pr actice on you tor a month 0 1' t wo, Ask Your Dru~ist for Free Peruns Almansc for l908. . ' -~ ." and t he n wben I ca n do It rlll\l well I 'll a sk some of t he otber girls."
';One day Wo noUced that our little boy was a ll bro ke n out with ltcblng sores. 'We first noti ced It on h Is IIttlo hands. Bls lIands were not as bad the n, and we did n't think anything serlo uB would r es ul t. , But the next day we heard of the Cutlcnra Re medies being 5 0 goor;! for Itchin g sores. By t,h ls tl me tbe disease b a d s pread all ove r b ls hod y, Bnd hJs ha nds were noth ing but a. solid mass of t his ItcJl' ing disease, I purchased n box of OuUcura So a p aod one bolt of Oullcura Ointment, a nd that night I took the Cutlcurn ' S oap nnd luke warm 'W'ate r and wa sh ed blm well. Th en I dried him and look the Cut.!cura Ointmen t and !lnolnted blm wIth It. I dId thi s Madel Him Nervou.. every e vening and In four n lgh,ts b t' "Wha t in tb e v.:0rld Is the matter" was entirely cured. Mrs . Frank Donahu e .. 20 F re mont St., Kok.omo, Ind., Harold 1" anxiously Inquired th e pretty gIrl, " W hy, you seem too n e r vous to Sept. 16, 19_0_7_.'_' _ _ _ _ _ sit down a mllnute ." It Make. T~ade, ' "You'll ba've t o pardon m e," r eHome r FolksJ Ne w York's noted nu. s ponded Hal'Old Hat band, with an eye thorlty ,on charit y, said the othe r day on the window, "but-er-I just saw or a n a pplica n t for b elp : your father prowltng around with a ·"Ii1s r ecommendation wa s not ve ry I bird gun." antisractory. It r eminded me of ' a "Oh, nonsellls e ! Why, fnUl er llkes woman i h eard about r ece ntly. you. DIdn't I hear him 8&Y tbat you , "Somebody said t o th~ womnn'. were good eno ugh t o eat 1" hus band: "H'm! That's jus t the rea SOD wby .. ' Bq you've ins ur ed In ,tbe Blank be mlgbt try Ito pepper me." compl1J1)" eh? W ho on earth In· I CatarrbCaooot Be Cured dlloed you to choose tIIat of all con· ..11lI LOCAL AP P}, I ATION S, a. tbo, conno~ rt!aQb c erns? ' . tho leal 0' tho '""0...... OO l4l .. b I, .. blCli><l lit con. tI· .. 'My wlte: was tile reply. 'She jUti .01 dl...... iIllCll n onl. r to ait r. II yo u n. uotl4lko Intern al • • ,uodlos. DIlI!'o Oa"'rrh Ouro 10 tatoo !p. lIaYI! the y Issue tho pre ttllest cale.n · temall •• andIUlltU QD til" blood aud mucou l ,Url.CU. BaU', Clltarrll Curo ,. not aqu nck roedJ· dara.' " em.. U wa. pr....,rjb.4 by 0". 01 tb. bell pbYllclonl Important to lVIothere• l~ 1~~;;'~"~'.'ll~H.~~r:,:!~4:~.~ :J;~::'~n~~g~t\::':.i Examln!) carefnlly evel'y bottle of ;.~:..'i!'•••~~~-~i~~~o&,::I;~::e~~:I:~:~I~~ ~~ CASTORlA a snfe and sure remedy fo r t ..o Ingredlen\.I. " bal produ ••• oucb ..ond.rful .... 1n!lln~s and cbl1dren, nnd see that It lUI'" IA c,..1lI1I .,u.r~8~nd '.r '!ill mOnlall, lree. Bears the ~ /tr:: _ ~14 b,. Dr.@~ i.?~~:IC.\:.CO., l rop." Toledo, O. Signature of ~ Tako 11&11'1 .-&mI.!), fml toreoullpatioD.
$jJQvin, 'Curb: or '5 plint .,
In Use For 0 30 ~ JUlt: tho Trouble, Brown- W all ,YoU've got the quaI' l vor tears. b ter ,' IS '''o ur s ls'ter, coming down? The KInd You Have Always Bought, · Edltor- Id YOU get out of that • maglslrate an an!jwe r to the cbarge " [' \,0 arrn nged It beaut Ifull y, ol~ A very s tout pcrGo n that, he lIend£1 tar too rew cases to cluil" 1 told he r It wits .you ; first , and no.Plcd Or(1Y court? ' b. R ell or t er-N 0, sIr, He WaS 11011' s he , said to toll yoil .s he was out, and Wast nsked I Iwli}' I thon T SILld [ was fooling, and tbat It 8 OOu n t 1 8 way. . commltta,l, W IS .h arley ' J ones. a nd you ought to :~ III," Ito rcpUcd, have snen her hus tl o to get Into a mutter of If You S,uffer from Asthma I t l Sbe 'II b e 'I' Ig ht Fill'PI' It 0;' mo..kcs me l or Bronchitls I"'et Immediate relle t by clean sIll I·t \".. 1'.5 " clown ! '-Chjliago JOlirnal. look tuller, they • using Jlro\Vll"s Bronchial Troch es. 53)' !" Contain no 'bllrmful drugs, No Greilt Lou. , In Luck. All growlli Md acblevemen~ depend H e had just been introdut;led to the DenntS-Hinnlsy Is the luckiest very larrely IIIpoq kno ~lng ourselves wl'dow 6f a ma n' who had m ar ri ed for dlv11 that Iver walked. I and bow to apply that ~atrlck-How's tb~t? French. _ _ _'_ _ __ "Wha t kInd of a ma n was the late , Dennis-Faith, an . he promiaed to , A luggcsliQII for' 1908: ':'0.1.0 'Garfiqld Tea Inmcnted ?" he a sked . ' ·'W e ll." was the suggestive reply, pay me the 'five dollnrs be borrowed to cttubli It Dnd mnin tnin a. normnl action ' r "he was ju s t an eXI) ens~." -Chl car.o next week-an he up an' dJ"d yeater. ()f the dillcstivu Orl1tl~, to purify ~he blood, day -Smlth's Magazine c!OOtlSC the aystcm o.nd to brlDi Oogd Dally Np. ws. . . .H ealth. A
FORCE, 'The youth-Do you use anytlling ror your balr? .. The Ancient-No; I just leL It grow ouL '. " , ,, '
n. \
~mtI ~/. '&' . "ll .~ , 0.: ' ''' ( , /
Oothnm-And . yet, so far as ' my mllectlon coes-and It strotcbes awas book ''", a IIttlo red tountrt IIOhriolhou~l'18 bitch I. the Ilrst WOOd I ~mo In contact WIth, 1 be.l18YO.-Y~Dlte.riJ ,StateilDian.
ai5G~~5.~=E aXIl"" ...
Boraee-Wbar. De., D'l1 boy1
-Froud~. _ _ _ _ _ __ ONL'I' ONE "BROMO QU1NlliE" ' 'JIbe' II 'LAXATIVR BltOMO OtlIN1NK. Look ,f or'
CURE;D I~ 8 TO 14 DA'I'& puoPILES OINTMIliNl' I. J(Utlmntee<l 10 t!1I", aOf _ rIllloblalC. Blind, DIN>dlnlC or 1'r0t.ru4ta. Pllet III a to 14 dar. ur woner ...,«uude<l. 6Oc.
ohJldn!D _tb~lIr , oofteD.llbe JIl!"'", rodu_ IJ>. ,1Por IamIil,,, ....,lI1la1'paIa. CIU.. wlQdcou.., lIDo. boWe.
Remember It's a poor that wUl not hold w~ter.
Brains can make maner, but moner can't, make bralus.
The Old "Birch." Cburch-l aee ,1t lB. Bald that Juniper .. aid to be the most durahle of , Wood8.
In comlnon thIngs tbe. law or sacrJllce 'takes ~he torm of posltlve duty.
Br.lng "to bear uDon thyself tile reso- ' ,be allI1J&~uro qr.J!1. W . O~OVl::. OIMlll UI8 W0d4 hatlon of 11 noble mind; thou mayeet .",er~Curoallol1t1IDOPellar• •. be what thou reaolvelt to be,-Mellwm It be , the aame old ,resoluttou cius, wltb a new coat ot varniah? :
Understood Both. hidulgent Jo'atber-My 'son, your ed· ucatlon bas cost me $ZO,OOO. ,1 have apent all I 'have and )lQU mU9~ now go , right , to worJ,t and a livIng at 1I0me tbtng you unders tand . FinIs hed' Son-Well, rather, Whlcb would you ' rather bave me be, a bas("" , ball pltohor or ' a billiard markel'?:Je.w :York Weekly. '
FITS, St. VitUl\ Dunce lind ' aU NervoWl ])iecaaea pennnn ently cured by Dr, Kline'. Great Nerve Restorer. Send' for l'Tee f/l.OO trial ' bQttle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Klin., Ld., 931 Arch St ., Philadelphia. Pa,
"cur fI,ther'. bU8l-
C~ttie."og5 ond 110...1.....-
ia ' unaurp~ssed . , It ~netrate$ and relieves pain ver,r quickly- needs vety mtle rubblnq • ana does not leaVe a ,car or blemish. . An antiseptic remedy for thrush. fistula and any' ab~ce&$. PRICE 2.5 •• Jo·t f, t '.00 ,
I Are Strong /
A QUIOl'Il?URE"SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.~PRICIt .sc. H N COLL.APS IBLE TUBES MADE OP P.URE ,T1N- AT ALL DRUCCIS1's AltO DEALERS, OR BY MAIL. ON, RECEIPT OF IS", IN POSTAC!! STAMPS. , A substitute for lind superior to m ustard or lIny other phlster"alld wUl ~t
bll~ler. the
mosl delicate skin, The pllln~ l Jg,ylng aud curative qu alities of the art.cle are 'Won!ierfuI, , 11 will stop the toolhache Ilt once, and relieve Hoadache lind Sciatica; W. recommend It,as the best and' safest externlll counterh rltant known, also an eXlern:d remedy for palmi In the che:st sDd stomach "ad all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Cculy cO'mplalntc. A trial w,jJl'jlrove what we claIm for It, lind It will be found to be lrivaluable In the hClusehold a nd for 7hUdren, Once used n9 family will be Wllhou! It, MlIny people .~Il:y ",It, Is .Ihe best o~ all your preparations," Accept no preparatlon of' vaseline tonles.. ' , the same carries our label, as otherwise It Is ndt' geaulne.
Sand I/our .dd . . . . . nd we will m.,', our V•••iln. Bookl.t d ••crlb_ng our preparatIon. Whloh wIll Int.... at 1/0\'.
17 Stal.8t.
N. . Y~rk CIty
IIIH, 1\'ln.llow'. 800thlDII 8J'7'1P.
_IIIOE. Oold Water Starch llilUea lllWldry work a pleasure. 10 oz. PW. lOt. 2214, "
If you have ~male ,tro\lbles which need attention, take Cardut. , The ingredients of whkh Cardui is composed. have a strong influence over the womaniy organs and· build up the womanly strength. They are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless. and a scientific manner on woman's vital energies. If sick. you ar~, urged te;, try,
Wine of Cardui '
s. A.
2"11.s 0"(,4. r ~ z sees. lfJ Publl~h ~d
"<!~ ~I~ ' l:
" no:~ \' IU ~,
Qhl ,
MRIUf'f T , Brown , Edlt,or & Mrtnllil r
- _._-----_._' 1 (1)
. , , ..
A. A, McN eil, Auctioneer. ; The Cau ..,~ of Many
Centervi!l('"Ohio. (;uing! C: Cll11 g~! ' 1'1
\I' 11 III I ,
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The Little Miami 01) an Icy RamJ)age We wer "ubjeot to, t lit' ii I'. t TEl.\! winter wPlUb'er of ttfl ~tl'..,!!O of 19(17 -1110 Ittst weAII\ BOrl, In IlrldiGi )n rn two dAYllltncl ni !;lhtM cf wind blow ing at a t errifi ~ rtltP. olu, ing peoplfl to ,remain in.(Jonr~ .. 8 closely al:l po Sible, wber tllo,V ~ hl vered wit,b· In a few feet of l'l!d uot, !It.()ves. t her e was I\, beavy fllll of rllin We dn e~da y night whioh c8u8l'd tue Little MiamI to rise above her b,wk8 and flood the wlde bottom londa and al so ollr sadly dilltlgnred Corwin h venue, Pa8811ge between Corwin Rnd WllyneaviJIe \I\' R8 ent;Jfely out off all day Thursday not only or. Ilecount, of ihe Iftor((e volume of rllpldlv flowinlt wa~eril, LuI owin~ 8,180' to the f!lOt that the Avenlle WRA oovered by the taps of the beautlful' hade treslI, wbioh once were the pride , ' ~nd delight of the public, wha traveled between these Biater villligell, but whioh ~re recently out (town for the ilUPPO!lect Im~' r ove l1lflul, of t,he Aveuue. ' No mail W8il brog~bt in nor til· ken ou' duriug th" day. eX(l8pt whllt w~ .8.lr6&dy on band was de· Ilv"",,, 'tp t~ Tnrlll patron8 on tb9 -west a'd~',of tlJe 1'ive~. but by Friday IQorninlt raftlo WAS resumod 1\8 U8 1lIll, p&88engers golnR to and from 'be railrotUl8tation, treljlht, exprel!s and mlltl delivered on schednle, ,a chool ohlldren agRin in their plaoes and 'be men who llve In Wayu08vl11e and oonduot buiDes!! In Cor. win were on du~y "s If nothing hlid bappenerl.
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i\. MAf.'Flr. ' Sudden ,I?e:~t~~ •.~ UND l~; H'l' Ar ~ H ,
i h<'le I ' g <l 1"I'IISI' ~n('" 11111 111 ibl ~ 1''''II II Y Ill(JStl \UIlt.'''1 'Uf<,b (', 'lsto~o dI!C"I)\1 \,<', . lllI \\' n
c; )h ~!1l
_ --'-
II ,
Dr. John Hyatt ; Vet riOllry S m'fl eon noti Dentist,
l'eJephone No. ,121
', Y "ollover,
" At B ome on ISHtllrd ll Y Afternoon •
A jrxu rlll f' r v lll A
l~ \.) 1'1 1111 ' \' '.L7, Wl l li~ 1II w i ~ t flf L.,I t I.. ,
Wayne viiJe, Ohio.
F,~ br l1t1 l'Y
:!H, l<]lhvllr(\ lio pKin>!, a lIIiI " W I' t t\f 13 lIlIl'on k, ' l'n csUllY, Mnrrh il, Chlld a!! Klmlle, ,;!\ 11th eiu4t of • nter vill e, C'ANDlDATE to'OR ' aUDll'OR OF STATE, REPtJB- .J mils Wedn escla,V, Mllr' h 4, M.r!:! N()rt~ Subscriptions Rer,e ived for ~lusic UCAN STATE CONVENTION, 1908. Hnn es . ' :1 lillIe;! n ll r t-h W ~t of 'en, terv i ll ~ , _ ' all the Leading Magazines I ' ' .Everything 'Known In Musio, !'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!!~!'!'!!!'!'!!!!-!!~~~__!!'!"!"~~~_~_~~--~~~~~~~=~~ 'l'hnr",uny, :\illrc;\t Ii, AI Pl'1l1l0. 2 mil Hell t f Alex" n(lt'rvllle, at the Gazette Office. \ w , lift', Sutton, Prop'r, ' , March 11. John Olt, 1 m ile wesl of Frye Raised )~ arge Cha EI rton, Dayton Journal tr~et, 12, Jo eph Lo,. 2 miles N. Increases in ' Price. pan ish Tobacco. E,Mal'ch of Franklin. ' Match 2G, harles W i s, 3 miles May 11. north 'Ie ,t of Minmis btll:Il, Owln~ to Hla gr Ant IIrlvance in 1111 lJilRrles b~ ry A brOll,'ht I,l) tll t" GtlZ , 01 h r U"tfS 111 ;\1111 ' 'II wi ll \i II o· kinds of ml'ltel'ill l a nd ot her expe nses Ilono 'ed lilt r , conneoted 'wltll the IIlllintennncs of t,te ,ottice I~ few · dll Y8 I\ gn u ,\ , , :VI N h!fL , a. newl!papel', the Dayton On I\y bllod of tohuceo will h be \" _ . Journa1 hos inareRsed Lt8 price of l'ah;l lvl Qn h i.R fnrm IL mIle. we· t ' of sub8criptlon fr~m '2,00 to $2.25 per For Sale. Wedlle~day of each week,' I will be at J. H· Coleman'!! Stove Store A Fortune tn year,. or ,1.2fl for Ailt moo t h!!, , WYI~U6l!lville , Ib wnil hi !the ' plluish B .tt dE ' Subscriptions for the ,10u1'nll1 vu.riety, nnel \VII p l~n tfl( 1 .llliv 3,nn,'! 'l'hrf\e t 11 Ill " IIf :1 veur,(\,11 'mllles; on Main St • ~o t~kc in watch repair work and will return with lame , H~o ,E l~tlf' Y, U er an ggs. tRlcen at tbe Gazette office .. t~e next Wednesdn. All work done in a fit'llt ('lusB manner and grew to lh ~ uno nul !liz!, of ~7 in A large per 'c en t of country Wp k oh 1:' . nncl scem!! to hO of un xt,rn , :{'o I pll on ' fll:illgbc 1'0 l - 2}~ guarant cd one year. Adllre>!H : L l'lIll l1nlJ, R, .Ii , I), Barry )lurray baa been buyioS lies bave al80 nised their 'sub orip . t,t l ~ butteraod egpfrom farmers in this tlon 'price, for the same reason; IIlld qUlllity, 'rhe crop t,his yellr ' ' vicinity for fCJut'kl8n yeara and haul· in reading the' trade jonrnlils, on", has oot b gun to move YE,t however, ~I tbem to D!lyton where he finda finds tbot. tbere are very few (icon alt,)lOll',h t,be price offered i!1 10 per ' E / Emanuel, The Watchmak'er ~t Tiffany Jewelery S~re, ready market IP1 tbem, aud there ill try wee,klles ptt~lished in Obio pound , hut in vi, W of ,tl14 fllct tbllt. , , . .:. p1ao8 OD earlh where a good. "rtl. and Indiana for less, thl\n '1.50 per Expert Optician, ~hro i t is !lO far h low the unpr'e cedenterl ole of food la more app~eolated than , prices of ln Rt, yenr gr owers are 1\ lit· it .. in Dayto~; henOt', the faot ' yea~, ,- -Ue slow in lIocelJting t he !fer, WIlD III' S iJ 11 in WIly'nt'~"i11e iln(l ,rematna, tbat ~be 'farmerll who pro· vi iolty d tll'iu' hu't, Ri mmer intro dnoe lhla bntter may flatter them· A Chief of Police Who 'es B ' oys from Vagrancy The Rose BI'U ·Passed . rlllcell by MI'. M hiLi! el:l· eeh81 tbal It is of first oltl!!s grade tablis n tl bl1l1sIllf ill O"ytlm. 34 Eu:st Sav or, it would not be tD the ,demand by Vote of 24 to 13. ThIrd strt'et, oppONi t 'l the BecJrel Uta. DUTing hl8 life us brakeman Uhief Bou@e, wbere l!e will Ue g lllt:! to Mr, Murray tells the Uazette that ho.d 8eeo hundreds of Ii~tle 'fh tlll, oh t,'lIked of I\.nd , s· o ught. wllil, on his patients, : " for tb~ y~r ending December 31. oot bee!1 fitted I 1007, he pald to the f"rmers in this boys-many of them not more tbllD aftel' county 100111 option billpll sed , Anybody tbn't ' , ' , ' oommunity just '404I1,75,'tor butter eight year olCl,':"'kloked off trAins t~e Senllta lM;t W edoP,!ldtty , 'u fter- 10 le~!:I~81.J~, Mr, ,ElIl~lJuol w,h en can. , . ye~l's~ aDd eggs. wlJ,loh i8 tbe Jargt'8' to fall. I,n to the hands ,o f these·vam. noon by n, v?t,e ,of:N to 13, lind the va~!:llng th~,i! nt Igllborhood clln ,ex. . '.. ','. alQOuot lie baH ever pliid to them pLres or not, just 81.4 chance might oeWS'WI}!! r eoeived whh great' r .. ~hJ"nge t:b~,IT I nSE'8 ,lLoll' no oharg!l!! dlotate , To the uverage tminman joioiog In Wll rre ll coul,lliy, wbere daring 'lletlme he ,hRs been dealing a boy cnr ride r i8 merely a "tougb t here WM un e"pt' illl ioterest la ken • witbthem, kld" for wbom the met):lod of ireut. tn t,h e bill froUl r·IJf\ lJe!~inning. 11 8 Yonng MelJ's CI~b Room. Children Burned to Death. ment is pre8cribeel, Bnt young Me the radult wn IIDxlous,ly awaited Cabe saw thut a la.rge number 0 & so 11.'4 to 'continn (\ bh wn.rfare alA dol!. n young m an of Way o e8' Thil'tJ-six women ,and children '!le8e ,b oys were jU8t normltlly active, relldy i) ~1l0 t exter.n innte the ville 1l11V Il org'\ niz\j(j n, lub f,)r per ' were burned to death in Ohio durina- young\lters who -hud "j umped" '", "Sal oon frolll Lt'bulion und other 10- .s onll,llllld mnl,l1..1 \.Jenelit, and ~I\ye I~t ~earfro,m matches i~iting their ,train ,~s they woulct "Jl1~ch '00\1)" 1\ oulilies in trlle 'COtlnly , .. ' , fitted up the rOoni over ,.J , H, Cole clo~ln~. these '~1i? suffered milk wllgoo /lod hn n been cprrled More thun ~\\'u 1~l1ur!;l wer e giv,e o ~Iln '~Mto've !\tore 1I!l tl pill ce 'of lileet, cloa~s , d~th In th.IS Its most, h~rr~ble form, ' beyoud" t.he pCjfnt wh rl~ thllY h tl d to th e c1uh~lIe , " t li , Ulelll8u~' , An tng~ , ' , ' .' '. SO ~e~ ,chlldren plll>'mg W1,th match- 1n~eDd ~tl t l) J.1rup off j or elBe, ~ \'el'- ~IUlendnleht lit Ihe bill plrOvldes that Consl~eJltblo Qf ,nJ<?ne y and, l,lbor ea "hl~ had been I~ft lymg, a~ut t.m ug iDIl tj vO 'r,elld()rs of dime nov('f~ It/ Io hu 11 nut t,tlk.(.) piT ot until Sep .' h fl v~ 1I1reu,c1y been expanded 1. 0 dec: and 6 wef~ women whose clothmg who had IItUI't.e.rl West to find BOUl t) temblll' 1, ,l90 ' omtmg t he rooTII lind mo.kltlg ,It was fgnl¥ by glowing sticks or pl"ce whl' ro i nt,llrl!sting thing .. still Wayne Vill a is no w free trom It IIttrnotive , apd. tbe ta8te lind skill ftYi~ ~ateh he~s. " happen , H relllizeLi how import!mt s",loon ancl rt ' i" the l)llrpq~e of displlljell woul'd, do ,oredit to /lny 'l111sdoe;snot m~lude five mothers .t WllB thl~t these boys sboull! ue WOl'lt rO! upon ~hi!! , to t!ee thl\t lady's parlor. , from havmg ,their clothes ignited kept from becomin <7 the tools Qf the prodo ti0n ot the iiqnor h'ttltic Her e the young men m,n.yhuve 1\ while trying to save their burning 'crimtnllls aud cun"tlt~tloDl.llullfers shlll\ 'clivej' the l.I~i l' 9 llU t,y , ' cumlortl! \lIe Ilnd gente;>l plnoe to children. ~henum~er ot buildings but until ,be bllcn.~e chief of POIIO~ congregilte" ,r~nd, ~IlWfll1lll'OrS un~1 . fired by chl~dren ' '':Ith , ~atches was he SIlW 110 WRy (Jf doing f1l1,vthiog. ~Iu \:\"zin s f~nd ~pend II SOci ll) hour ~18. but that, co~paratlvely, seems 'l!h~n l huwever, he unnounced thut NOl'HSE ' wqeoev81' j')ley feel 1:10 inolln ed, unimportant:. , ', if he could Help it no runuwU:y boy , ' The fol~oW\n& ar.e tYlJlcal stc?rles should 'tllke the dow nwnrd lilith' ror '1'l1e' Lictl rlll'Y ' wilt: hold 0 Box, . , , ,, of ·these,accidents: w"nt of 1\ re!!trnining 41lnd at Pough ' 'SociuJ lit t,lHl h UUI Il oeM lr, /Lnd , Mrs , Weather Mild "Cleveland Leader:- R{)sa Telack keepsie.-the poiutu.twhicb SO milDY Pu..t, ey Can n o o~ !pHe outh of of 8.181 E. 65th street. died yester- youogsters bad formerly s tll.rted np ~ytle 011 Vu,j mine "pig'ht Flli>, 14, ,:Jay from burns. The ch~ld w~ play~ 0. hobo's Cllroer, 111M, 'Th o Lalli es nrc l' cqlleE'tetl to rl'i1e wO~ ' remuined mild ing with matches she had obtained ' To this end ue orderecl his mell bring U' !lox: ' with someth , in g good t hroughont ' ,'u.oullry, the Wo.rme8t in the abaence of. her,mother, Her never to Jet ,Il strange boy town belng J>7°' oD,the 26~llj l,he 'Quldest 6° . dress was i~ited," go untlppreh",ndecl, bu't to Inrest in It, tn Cllt , on the :jOth, :'fhe rlliufnll lllDountell "Mrs. Alice Heffron, '608 Lite"tary every Y\I,ungster g~ttiug on or ', oil' F~ !'o SnideI', Sec', I to 1.6~ lochel:l ' This is o ver nn 'lbOb' .'. , .. ", . ' ROad, attemp~ to light th'e 'gaso.' tbe tru.ins 01' wandering II!bont t,hc - --~-1e'III! ,tb'u:n th~ ltye·m~~.'for JI~~~a:ry, line iJtove and the 'h ead of the match oit,y , IlDd to brh~g him ,to the police ' A1S0~P N' ATlO)r. ' oil CH.A8, E, M"l 'tlHlNER flew off. She, sat down failing to stlition, There the' ohief tulktld " . notite that the small fire brand had Jdndlyto tite llLd: won . his confi., It 19 provl:ln by' d.ta;tlllticS thllt the nestle. in ,the fol~8 of a cotton cloth den,ce, got ' hi8 Dume ILhd , address, AlDtlri clLll peo,pl e u,se ".lore SOap t,hnD !!!~!!!!!!!!'!'!!~!!!!!!!!'!'!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!~'!!! ~an&ing' on the chair. Her clothing and mude blm ',comfortable in t he lilly oth er n(ltlon II.) th~ world , 'KIng' , Don't keep gllesfjln'g IIbout your ipited. burnirig het'80 h,o rribly that matro~:s . quarters While efforts ' of t.Il,e Laundry t:\oup has contrlbut.ed trees. SprllY :-vfth , ahedied at midnight." . made, to get in touoh with bis pa. , more tUILn It·S shl\r~ til establis h thls •~ rents or guardilinll, Once in the rltct" the unplellea.nt task of VllLsh "ScJ11eci~e" Don.t Sacrifice oblef's clutches no' ltoy leaves the dRY has b~e~ ' overclJ'm e . by Its use, ~n,~ " and be aure, Your Olcl'MwiDK maolllnell. 1 will police station lit Poughkeepsie ex- andtbe cr,ltwal ho~sew Ife ,wno has make tbem .. I~ .. new at your cept In convoy· of Il,blg ~~llceman to tested one' after Ilnot,i),er -the va!'!, h~nds excha~ge Cheapest" !::I.feet Best, _ _~" All work auranteed take boat or ~rliln for home,-Ji'rom o~ ~oal1fJ' Rgrees that of 'the "Bow Pougbkeepsle Deala, with lAuodry baa no equnl. , by \111 M . 0 , II0C0Y, f ..,• ,.n. 00 th In... I" " . . Gutt. Rotel. Tl'IUIJlI8;" 'io the Americall Beview gr ers, ree .... ge or ,en of Reviews for February. .. oentf,
119 G'reen
Xen ia,
0 hip.
, (j~Ottg~
P. Citfany,
South Detroit St..,
Hut'~~bl·ns"n· ~ , ~I·bn'~ ~ ~ U ~y
We whrh to thank our patrons for h . '1' b ' " ,t en' eral patronage for 190'7 the best of our forty-four Weare the Place' for Skirts
January sales will conHist of all Cleak8 reduced in price $2,5 'to $30'for $18.'75 . Many ,at $5.00. Ohil(ll'en's ,c)oa"ks $2.50 $5.00.
R;Ugs aU newly .assorted $5:00 to' $25.00
H,u tcbi'n son.and,(jiti,n~\l'
NfWfffD Milt
I "'hav.e' installed one, ,Q f.the finest feed , inills the ·. market, we gri.'nif feed .' '8i~ days' in week, for cash or toll. ,The capacity is latge and yon will not have to wait very .long. ' ;Fresh White Yellow on to ,or eale. ,finest meal you can, :use. '
'-. ·0.
au:1. Gazette~
\';oUllty Court New s,
i:frl' n k
8 ,d l
I Vi'lI ld \11 ' I ' ,\ . I ~ ~ ; I I,t hanlltJ
HoI1, 0I01H1 Kld..,ld.!'.
'1'\t OtuAI' D\lat,u)<lI , cle l'l'Il ,hlnt , t,l(lI1
I II I f
ll llU I1l
':11 , I,
Clipped from
1 11'I1l61' or , IIUldllljS\JlI,
I'!,! .. , II I " : loll 1)11 ,
IwbUJ'HI' u t' Ll u1 \P\.' .!"ot.I" \ ~j, I~' \ ' ttl\t.r"t
Parcel Shower
Five Pay Days l 'h19 Mo n t h ,
for $ l flO filed h.v IIlnlu ltift' OD I :lu\l'~, Gil, li t I:l" 1'\' (~.v"'t.1t I'u
those 'ales haye . be n priu1t,u t '11h Gazcttcoflicc and hese oticcs are n .. ert,cd of c h
~ul1e nn njoynh le t,ime ,"VII !! fin. t.ini plltPll when Mrfl. CJlem Burnet II!!Bi~ted by MI'!'. F r ed ~ber wood I,s. silud s ixly invi l,II t,ion s tor II »lI rOYI <i h wer on t'lltu r day Fehrnar y J in hunor of Miss li rllcfI Kib. leI' . whos Ulllrri uge to Mr : John 'eg~ ,le will tllke place Il ~ t b o h ome o f her pn,!'en ts tlt hig h noon Februl1 r y 2.0. U)O , but t he da.y turnin'~ on t to !Je !I S ~torOl .y lIS It c11ly' o",uld well be WltA quito II d r l~whllo k , bu t n o~ wlt.b. Rtllnui lJg this fu nt !J~ite a, nU Dlber brllved the stor m lu ul c lime ," ' Mrs , Bu rnet h uu tutiteflllly llocl'rtltoll. Uu\'er!l were luld (or Itll !Lnd It tt rll(~,ti ve scen e W Il S preAented by the d ining room and taple!,! t b e ou1. ur scheme in greeo ond ,white ~in g ctlrriecl ou t III II mOtlt effe oti v e m BD. ne r , T b e \>lnoe card!' bei ng tin y whit e h ea r ts t,i\lu with rib bon of the pr e· va lling color I\n ll b eo r lng the gues ts nn m e !ln d date I)f sh,owe r an d wed . di ng T h e luuch consisted ,)f: sa,u dwioh es,ob eose, pickles • sltlllrl, ooffee, pin k tlnd wb ite cuke, pink nnd white lee oretllD . Miss G rl10e r eoeived q oite II. num. ber of pretty Il nd uee ful p1'f~Sent8, t h e lis t" us follJ ws: Mrs, John G'lrner Imd Mr s" A , B, 'l'almage, ohina frui t ~e t i Mrs . George Davis, Illr'g e s llla d dildl i Mrs . Frank BlI.rt. Book , large co k e 'p ln,t ll, Miss Appbill. Miller h a n,i painted plate ; Miljs Flo~sie, ohina cake plllte j Mrs. Earl B ooke tt, M rs. E rnes t Mllnnon an'd MIss' Mlir y Le vioy, set of silver tea· s poons ; Miss S uah Barnett, salad d ie- b j MisR Lena ' Mye rs VMe i MI3S Lucile ,.Mt\son, i!yrnp.jar i Miss LIH~ ru. Kibler , large .piotnre, Misses Lime a nd Mydle Kibler, d ozen glasses; Mrs. Fred'Sherwood, g ra.u ite s auoepan and oloth!,spl n ' Il.pron wit h olothespins i Besale Bor· n et medallion i Mrs . Ulem 'Bnrnet, pie pllltes i Mis8 May Browley, stund oove}' j Miss Mllbel I:herw~od, pair oftowels ; MillS l\{ary I:!herwood, p otato masher i Mrs, Chas. Bradhe··, ry, lemon sq oeezer ; MI888S Edna and Gladys Speocer, set of linen dolles and M.i!!8 G ertr,nde Kersey, p~ ir bf towels. '
This rnontb will Illi ve five SntllT ' days, If y ou nre fift. yellrs o ld f , J~. 1'1. .rlll~ Il ~' 11' 11'] \I" \ A , .Ioh n , now you nr e ext,r emlll y uoJik Iy to 8pn to (lIlt " I~ :-;'"11', 1-1 /IIH'I:l8 iu wi t ness th e occllrrun O\:l' Ilguiri in ~ j filirlanh,wl\·lilfl:j;Ir. OO your li fetime. T40~a who hnve ,t l'(,C ~Ll'g« H M . Cli ll i' tu Mlln- Iii . (lIllif'. lots heaus for flg ureR mak e out Ihllt ri~ in 1.1111 veyflhuJ'l! , ~ I , . years m us\' Oo m o 1I1'lt1 go \.J6 flll·e this . . ... , can h ll.}lpen IIgHin , 'fh e mont,lt HILt, ." )tlll I.l HlI1 ~' III\ \\ 1l 11llU1 L t.,ra.ham ', ..," ., t a j will olftHfllpuulioau ·tiull fltlll Y' I will i!pll ILL pulth , 1111100 the . Ul eu.r· u ra ll y . COlllO In 0 U· . 1 . VII."lg l1I111 t ·h~ I·(l rI111 AI,d"T, liD trnot In h ' on oll"u It r ullY d II on re. \l en oe on 1)Ie B nJ. Willil\U1 K i llnl n (nrlll .11 ; mil A!! I ' ', .,,,,, 10 '>-00 , ' ~, oompll!! thIS r -BU Iln In furm,2 l," 11111,,1' ;;(Illth we!lt of Bllll. sO llth enst 11 1' r\' n ll'I' I·ll l\. nllll I ;~ re "I I,(H,\, Jl ell'l lOt . .J' Saturday. Mil)', Augu:it lint C 0 · brook , a ll ' lIUrll, 1',',;1 " f "."11", 0 0:::\0 iill Mll rgu r t F., Bllblllt~ IlUU HorllOO her are tlie only olb e'r m ontlis iu FRIDA'~. ]j'EBB J\R Y 28, l\}O', , 1UJilo, OI,d , UIJ OubbiLt to .lerome A1'J d~rson, 40 i008 tha t hll ve fh'e Snturday ea 11. boginning ut 12 o'olock , t~le follo,v . M \ 1 (J~1 a, J:l( I~. n T!}::! ill 'l'urtl ~oreek town::!lnp, $15M. In t,his Fehruury t h er e will b l:! Il l1Ig pJ'(lJif'dy: Oli O five .renr old dmrt UO \1'1' PliO J!:l!:l)l NilS , 'rl.mll " i:!>llli th nn(l F ra nds M, d th b t h e shorte t of lto r 1" , wl'l} Il'ol«m nud g JOU W rlccr Fivo II ILil or 1I 01'I:;e::;, , lO ti buy gH llfl l'ul duys, ItU , , a ug . ' IIny\\'1I ,. I'(' j I,wo h, \\ d qf (,fltt,1 , COll , pUrpl.l8e 11111 1'11 ill fna l t o Ht'(lUH JI '!:t '::l lll ll,h t I l .1 011 11 M. ", oils , I II nor s i n th e.v II r It b tl us lo ng I~ PIlY roll 11 , ,,i~til 'lllIr o ne 'j' " ~,\y miloh oo .v anti blllck h or s e , () IH, bruwn (ll'lIft, Ililire Ub ul'los W etlder t rnll u v!\ \' ilill ge' l\ju ~~i town. hip, ";,100. uu~', Lut it does nu t put any money I nll o ~ 111'IIJiIl "I, h eife!' ; f" I'Ill,l m in f Oil I t,() !:ltn nseli ';< lllHl!k h o l';< , u o f li'rllo kliu. ,Jud gm e n t of ·"n rt. H B . ::ltok ·" I;" 'H,II .lue l !:iurrn c!', iu YO n r pook'et i n the long ron , IJIo'IlI"lit " , (' lm"I~ I1flg of ono Uhvel' sor.1' I g n BI'1 1 PIll'JIO~[ mllll , (I b!lIck i" n fjirm ed nnd <lefflndllll t grllllt,Hl lot i;, LfllJlI ;JIJI1 . :j;t , " !l r,' I l'I'i'I'l kihg II, W, It 'I'i gel'ridiog drufl, colt ~ YUill' uld , II I'I'OWO !lrllft Itmva to r eoover cO!!tsirOIll plnilltlfl' "U. II 1" ,1I'", tl U!' li ve b oe cultiva t or, ool t CQwi1l 1( ' j selH ·;tlt! ; ~Ix h eu d of All ll li Ul I B. K yl:I t,l I!:l!<l:ll b et ll H, 'HI I' (l ' ,1\I,je ~bovl:ll plow, one cutting ou.ttl p,:1 mill! OOW&, , n r' fl·O. b, the S ha \~lUln et ul 'IS J uol, ti t ul. Oil Yell z I, lil t In Wtlyo eJj vi Uf', $/i00. TAl I:! Pi ciure ' (IUe Sombrer o to I !Jus. I,. CO I'Ll Shc l161', one aide work other:; to iJu fre"h In · hlill'oh nud renllunts J obn . und (JeOl'~a UUl' , Dnniel Bl',lIce t ,Ja mes IV , Roher t . b e t axed out of exis t en ce. hllrl" ,"", twu Sl~t!l boggy Ill~rnes!l, u Apr il. IL hmfe l' calr /llId I( !) ull Q'llf to ug h g i ven l ~lI ve t o fll " I1m eud Ad I;'t' t cllf!u l! lioeR, 0 1lllfS nnd bridlefl. comlllg OUO ,Yllnr 0111, n s uckling SOli , lot In H £l r v qy, l:\llrg,$2~5 . We I a r n , u ot wi tho u t g r hf, t h:,t Ill lU pilUl b ox bu gg,\' , II t.eel tlt'e, on e en If ; . tI, h l1uU of h og!', l' h (lutl of Iinswer . .l obo M, We lls to'· p , B. Cleaver, Mexico is \ill I,Y t o h.x I h'~ ,. , 11 11 1, 1" 1l1 ,\'Ion \)ngL:Y ; h , Jt1 sl)h o l ~ goodEl, t oolt b 0t;li<, :l hr uod (1)\\'''' ; furm im. SILmu el PugU v s J IIIIlI II Pogh' e t -(O ',8 uer ," I ' U Mlt"s' l e ·owns hl · '· ) ~'l t f exlstAuo .... 'l'h .. L"!! I!:!I" " ' I'; II-I I,Ing' I') f t W\I" l'iI h"")",oll e cord pie m Il l s, COli . istin g iu ]Hlrt of .'1 ul. Motion w ade by Mllry M . .Pu g b , ~ ~" ..... roou 0 . Of , ,. !'" l , (I ll WIlI UII !, oi l' "' .... , •. one ouk McCormi ok binll 1\ tI "ell fo ot c ut" Il Net.Lie b al ues and Vanlh a Png h to Commissioners' t re of the Sta tu of .111 11. U11 1\ll~ il,' , 1 1 t'~ l;e l' lind WII.;11 ~Iltn(l, Olattrel' B, Brown WHgOD, Bull :va cor u p hlD ~e r. clllrcd it ant1i ~ t~Dce IInrl h"" Il uc rel d 'J ~e t,~ (I f "P l'iD g~, fBU l b I' lJad , cl u oh , new, :2 Oliver !! teel br6uilln g plows, bll m ad e p~rHes in judgmen t i t, b • Proceed i ngs . th!l.t the Mexioun wh o w,'" ~ i lU u .. r ""k c!<lIh' I"Ht'!llld , lnq!:l' ,,,dnnt tuod , Ktnus ri lliu~ OUrll plo lV Bunner l !lg m ad e know n t h l1 t pluintiff is b ave a licllu:;e ' fur ",Ioil" l1 III' I/llH I ~i.~ llini H~{ r oom chnlr~ . xten sloll walking COl'll pl ow, one h or e cu lti . deud . ' BIU!' a ll owed- \'IV. Ubeste l' , ' .' 'tl ' lt "h~, kil orh n ou hllll'l, II soft ou.1 vuto r , 'pilce too th burr o w: II dlt! , a Ir I 1.1<, .. 1111" Sam u el Pug h v s .lump!! P ngb et Iltto r oe fee, $3:' i D. 'l' aud wea r a num ber ed dtil /;!I UfJllIll ,.. !<t ovP, Ollt' Ii holp)< t e1 ra nge top !:'priu g wnl{on, Gl'oy's force f ' ed ou t the Iiceose a n 1)1' IllY. Ill " ", ... 11'· wi th I"'>lt' Y''\'l)i r , ~i'II> ,,(/ i\ I ' bll kll r ; one so d sow er . M t of hny bidder !!, g rav. aI, Sheriff ,Is ordered toO ltd ver tise , com pa,ny. lum bel·, $0 16,0 ' ; F . H , er is ' snbj ect tu 1t1'l'1'~1 JlIl ,I till f' . ('l ltl ll)lI ~to)ve on tjgll ,,(,Jiltl\ stovell nd el b rl. " Stlt,tI o f work hu.rnef!~ , 001. Duk e, lu mbe r ,' $27. 50 i ' . U. l env. Tpe m tiln objeot of till.> In\\' I~ 1(\ 11\' 11,011A ,e WiTlJ;"IUCllill(', six kit?h 1\11' , lulU q l h r Ilrt.lules; .j doze n PROBATl!l OOU rt1 er b r idge repal l', tItU~[j; N .' '1'. I n. , t t l' I' Ih ,. IJ!J'I Il /," qll en i'I.IIIir~ , ~!< wjllg llJtl oh lnt', coukInA' Pl y m llth ft ok ·biokonll. WI)od ' .. F d 8 ~ure peon s n.!:! e 0 ~ l oIINi l!< /I nd eli/dI Al', :!r. ,vlm.!s nll~t helltil~ g stnvu, kitoh en cabinet, new . hlllldgellr , wlnob, 001'11 1·11 wlrh W) 11 , tln~, 50.l'lI l'd " of ru ~ I'IIl'pet. li ullut bentwood cbnrll . ' luge r sowi ng m a. Estate of E mmeline . le(.J nne, de. g rllO!, bl'idg8 r cplIll'!I, .. ll; I'e c Iltlell, S. A . McC'ane, an oxecu to r Sim pson, brid~a rC"VllirK, ~:l7,2ii jEn. aud sil ver a u d six fl!llt, II I' Ill " '" fi f! !' 11 IIf fl'llit: Ihrf10 o ozen chi k oh ino, cr.1ck!l, te rp.ri ~e Pd n tin ~ DIIl Jlun y, publish ac ross t h e b ri m is s ue'x ptHl l:livtl th ,'1 " II;;, t.:"guOI'U IInll Wyundotte; one 0 t-lAHLteS W , K !NO I.H:. ti les sooond iJ.coount .. A , A, M ' Nenl, ,Iuo t ionee l', notice,.~3 i Ellt,e l'\lI'L Il P r lllting COUl· t h e hum ble Me~icao .:>ften workH!~ Hure Bu tch iooul u,l lor, ueeel on ser~. Est llte of G Q.o rge R . nge, de. [)II, IIY , r eceipt hoo k. U i liQ; .J. J , J , E. 1:Iil11 e;o, ':If' l' lc, . .' . f sOD,l ,r oedler!! 11111 1 "oops, auout 100. wb Qle yeu,r to eu r n th e prlc~ 0 on8 , f et f P'()lllt'I',V II . t ing, a nd DlIlUY oeased . E xec utors ' or del'''cl t.o ell Thom pson, ser vi S Uti infirm ar y d i. Th e tLegislat ure or Jallsoo Isof th e oth er Ilrtl, les nOI Ill entiooed, proper ty at private 1.\11 Ie. . Ii:. W : II f>K.IN 8 . reotllr , $00.40; J{. B HO li t.ll, COlli" opini'o n t h ut the. peon mi~bt eusi l,v Estate of Chn r lesE , B O lill ~ r, et (\1, $23. 7G; uo ts' l u I:Itu t.a of Ohio vs spent u year 's w!tges better tb lLD UD ' A . A . McNl' d . IIn r t ioneer : 'I'h., Wll y ue Townsblp 'ob ool m in ore, Seconei' a ccoun t fll " d by M.. Cilarietl ' m ith , $ 10 . ~o ; COl;l t s sta t,e of on e of these gorgeob h uts . 'l'h e -BOil rt1 wi II t.Her fOI' pnl illc Stile on U. F M yer s, olpl'k. tha s t'lllloj g round , kl.lown us t h e W , B ulmer Is oo'nfinned . Obio vs LU\1 ra O 'Neull , :1;4; W , J, nraveler b o wever wi ll h uve h i!; li:elwiu ('; h 111(11 I' Di triot, 2 miles dou bts ~bout this ' 8n .l w il l hop 1 win njypr Ilt public, nle lit Illy w st of, ~V tl .vnes" ill on Esta te of 'E valine Sterlfpg, decea • W rigb t /1.s tu x call ctur " t 37.24, Aocoun ts of Iflltl two depoltories , th lit t he p eon will s tiok to hjs pi rellidence ::I ~ :;- m iles Llortll Of'Wtlyne~" F I1nd flulil IlCOI' un t can · MARCH 0, 1\lU8, ~ '" mile sout,hIwd of WilY, B 11. fi rmed wit h B . W. lvini! h I! admin. of th e L ebll.ooll N,u tio na l bltn k . I1 n d t uresqu e h ilt., payi n g Il ls tux like II ville br ookIlnd , on :Stt, Bellbr ook til fllil o "'I'ng property : tUe b rio k Istr a t or . Citiz n s Nntion!!, h un k for mo ntb m a D a n d wen,rlng hit! n u m l ,Pt' U n vtlle pi k!', lik e n,n nutomobile ,-N. Y , MO DAY , yEBR. ARY 24 190 ', , bool lIuilri iDg, one gnoll bell, 00111 , Estate of' Edwin E. ' B oov6r . .mi. of ,llmnri.r y were, eXllominetl and . t,a,,, 0 . ~hed, lot of now p ost s , l o~ of lioh ool , fo ond ODrl' tlOt.. ' Tribune . Tbe fo ll owing .pro p rty, consi t ing d l: kl:l, und nIl oth l' I)l'oper ty belon g. n T. On applioation of 'l'b omB s E , Flnlln oial s't utem ent s of \lud itor ' (If 3 horslls, one 0 g Oo d br ood loure iD~ to t ile 'obool Bml rd, ' H oo'v<r 81'xth Ilccount is uIJl,orved , 4 Id e db 0" 1111 e " , and t r ea m 'er ebow iug btlliln oes in I yea rs 0 ,on a go 1'.0 u I . r . By oraer of !:loboo1 BOll,rd, Estate of Anna H esler , minor. euoh fun d 811d a occmnt Ilt l)ea inning 1. year ,o ld, both good line mll re!:!, " T . BI~wke, till,tiooeet'. " 1\ goodl ' hpurpose or S6 yours n. good F ir s t and final accouut a pproved on of m Qnth wer e presen ted aud or· TELL YOUR NEIG (j BOR. genel'lI llOr e;Old HI, betld of II pplicatiou of W , .1, ,Wri~ht. , d e red placed on fil e. If you t hink Ki ng of t b e Ln uodry sbon ts r eudy fo r t h e ma r ket; t wo ""~·~te of . -me.s D C1h ert"'\ .d "cea s. i I" e prest un d OlO t co u ornilln l 8E1'~tell cu "' r iage , ,., aood liS n ew', 11 4 I wi ll ofte r fo r a le .on t b( eWSamuel. .,.,. s... u .. ' ineb t r eool i r on wh eel farlJl wagoD ; Pug h fnrm 3 wi les west 0 lly n &!, ed. First and jhitil Rccount IlpprovThe WbatH~bitof the Boy, SOA p 'you ever nseil , why no t, , II cntti n g hox, tobacco plow. n dillg 'vIlla, on th e np per Wa,yne ville Il.nl1 ad on application of Ell~m D onerty . y our n eig hbor , s b a wil l DlJpI' .c.h! te K l'lUlS ('ultlva tor ;. ,Ju Ylle!w illo disc pr in gbor o pi ke, on Wellman. , Estat-e of William H, WlthulIJ', d e. A New York bll:liue s m lln ob· it a s muoh a s yon du. One bu r of COT[} plow, good w heot drill w it.b ATURD A Y , FEI:iRU ARY Hi, 1008, celUled I)econd ac:ioo~nt o f J, Lee ,tllined a. positi 111 fo r h i. ilpn in a, tbiR pure soa p will gO 'fa rth er Ill)d fertili~el' uttlloh m eu t , " Ilcie utjU · t h e fo ll owi n g chllttel proper ty : four .w··omp·son, administrator Is .. con· 'Iarge onm Dlnr OUl 1 2 hsets ' of 100 hnrness b J I , 01d hend of h or Bell, on e 1.1' bu.y geldi n ...<7 2 . n , wifedand son, '1 ' M.caned d • , I , oonce rn It t 8' do better work t ~1l1D Ilny otbel' y I· feed gr inder, MOlle Boge Ii d 1'u t:C n e wa ll ted t h e I lI s p nel 'oost a leQs' Iars , good I togc "00 alll h , 'k () U )OI goo ld .nenr.s ,1 old,8 bl'owulnllre7, on George13oganan famty on a, y ' n OllI1' n"1 ~",l " I·.'" rme . ~ b " .I q • t d• h OW a une ry oa u .." . oorll , tl IOU ~ 8 Q(~ P ro O( e r , II, b r own mure 11 yerll'S old , u br own D' d 'f tit R' h d P E d boy t o s( 1111)(1 IL' UUlll e some C101761' 1lay. 100 su .... UI' c roo k·s, stud oolt l ' m on tb s o ld i (l ,h ea d of wi t Three large bar s for te n cen ts, George aVIs an Wl e spen as e· r outine offioe wo r k nUll to 'learn II large sug-n,r pHn , :-.00 Llo h g rade Cltltole , ' ne 110 j ersey cow 8 yellr!l otd , Wednesday in ijarveysbarg with' Etltat e of 10 Ilr , . f cea sed. Ilc,oount 0 ., 8 Ul self A fe w d,ty!! ngo, a fter r , ,000 stl ks: on e II' ll urham oow y e urs vld d u e 'to h er moth e r, Mrs. Mary Cleaver. F . ohenok, exeou tor; Ilpl!rove , thr:ee w eekH Of ' WOI'1i whloh t il e be.,; Main Street Resi!Jed stall.d , dresser, l'beny d l'OP leuf 011 If in J une, LL cow 6 yell,re M rs . Maude Cleaver and dauJhter "'. ' I t.nble, 2 I ~ tauds,. i'l ph ulI l'(l , disb es old d u e to , clll f In June a durham, d S,aturd aywt'tb Rev" Estate of M,a,r y • .u.nrt!.n e e·. _ i<1 h e liked '·fi rst . r Ule , " h tl WtlS dence for Sale; aud g lassware wll1,1(Jw' lIhude8, cor. oow a years old due to olilf iu June, .s pent ' oellsed. Flrst i md fina l a ccount of ,t old 't hat b e W Ul'! t.h e ,t.llin str et,c h ers, 711 yurds Cttrp At., II. oo w 3 yeurs old \Vith calf 1)y and Mrs. Wtlhs 0 Neall, Edwin C. 14a.rtjn, apJ)roved . r eason given to til e f u,t her in a 10 gallon m il k u lot, of sy rup b er !lide, a durhum bull 3 y ellrs old i ' Miss Flossi e Fires called on M,iss . cialldla. E ,. !Surfaoe, b enefio iary. note wh tc h w,.s ollrl'ied h om e \Vl~ ' The r eside nce pl'oper ty of th e Jute (Ja n , 4 wood li ent iug tove!l, l\lt of 2 merin o ~llol,.s; 25,h eud of hog s.. a Edit h Bogan Sunday afternoon. . Thlr ",eenth ' t o~ HI'rum Eyer" ,','Be ' llas II welJ' develop d Cll e, of 'Mrs. 'Dr: G , W . B en d er son I. Ou"" re d @tove f)ipe, II 2 gu.1pli n e stoves, d 1 ttbig IJol'l' nd ChlD lL bon 1', 3' oh ester whlte ' aoooun . Th • • h an gIng limp, olnrn ILU H1 el' owe due t,r pig first ,week 111 Muy, Mrs . Ernest spent urs. trus tee, 18 oonflrrued. " Wbllt ?· W h 'n h e h i. baen a llred for !lale . worker , t::lotbes I'll ok, aoel ruan y 10 pig!;' ll bou t 2 u lOnthA old. • timothy day af te rnoon with her mother, "'- tn.te .of Abl' nh Wil' ·el·ao.n·, d e· send hin,) I>llO k>. for. we . like hi liJ,' " Inqul' r e o f ·th e heirs . f1 9 otber n,r tioles. ' 11 " iu th e m ow n.bou t 100 b uslJels M G D' " ' " ... • n In cllse elf rain S/Illi w jJ) Qe held in Il.. , • • \'S . eorge aVIs. ce.a8I!d. Thi rd ncoount alt td by Irll. In to t he fathe r . lorge ,s h Nll. ' Mrs George Bogan !lpent Monday F Bigoby ' an er<ecutor ill aplirov ed the m er olnu t Stll(1 t h at the boy, h a d - - - - -., T>unch by (If F Ein y chu rch . iOll)lem cn ts oonsis ting ill part of 2 and Tuesday with her daughter . , ' . the exu8LJIl riltillg htlbi t of a sking L EW1S OT[[l\.lS: br eail m g p lowll, to bncoo a 5 0 Mra. Chauncy Bunne)] . ' Estate of Blanohe 'B ill , m inor. " Who,t?" when anjthil)g Ils ked A. A. McNeil , a Uf'tion eer, t,ooth hurrow, 1111 A hlurow, 3 farm . First and final fl,>oou,n t oODtirmed on o f him . Tbl" WIlS n ot beca,use ~he ~A" ,.~' 6IiiB II 8 L , 'Il,r tw r ighb !Iud A. H . Df'vi!", wa goos. dOllb J Bllov el ph,l\V, bar. l'4r. and Mrs. Geo rge DaVIS enter. application Qf , Gharles . LudlQIll, boy'S' liea,r ing defeoti ve,' but Ole rks. ' pio w, g rtl"el bed,olover !leed' t ained to Sunday dinner Rev. and IIltt1l'dian, beoouse h e was n"s)cl ve t o ,I~ ' habit, ft ~, D '" 'I. ' ,bu n uer, Cll rringe. Iluggy , spring Mt'S. William Dudley and daughter .. . , . I , t h e ulllder signed . will sen at pub· ugo u, m He,tllld l;1ind mowe r, a nd .Mr. and Mrs. of .EtbJyn K. JO'PBS, m i. whloh 'WIlIl u, on }l \loUeDCe, ' I1n4' l'[ M:E" lRD lie a u etipTl a t my fal'ln a' m il es sou t h w h !iy fo r hu k y r ope puel', lleys, land , ·E . rnest-Mannon. ' nor. 'Fonrth 'acc.ount approved preolne,d prv,llIpt n. t te n tlO,n to ordf,lrs: wes t of BHlIbrook and one mile nor th ro ll el' Ollil i vu,t,or, set double w ork Lew Wolf and Wife spent We<lnes. £FF'E01.'I\' El MAn \I :J I. IlolJ7 . t b uggy b111:n eSll, Iln ElEl ,d aywl'th . d Mrs, J 0 h n , W0 If • appUoution of &ra11 E"i~ Jonee-, Thi!l ise.llI'u ble ~11 n, bov, I k now, 10fFel'1'Y(JITl l he Be li b r oo k an' d '" I'eny hal'/) .!!S, 2 sao d.' ' .' and (Ulli I:< u te t h nt ' when yo n 'i n · NOI~TIIUIJ U ND, road on ' Il,nd u l'id le!!,l:mt fl y Dols, workbllDob , " , gll&r 18.n, , . 'Ille ~h" t, rl , c ure Illl S , b een SlaLlnna' No, 1° No, r,o No r,o< FEBRll A R , Y 2,5, 1908. III wn Ill,HVe r" , 20 foot lllddest" r , wheel. form 1\ . A: M. A. M., P ~I : I t 1t lo t of . . Es ht nlnlT , 'ulnor "t rro w, 0 i o.m , of un e 0 f nn9be fi r t £f ., . and 1 ask yo u to sen d John Lclillnou J c.,\ r, 0 0 . l1.aU :, ~~, .. 9 o'clocl,', 10 llead o'f ,hol'ses and htl k t f n. IJ ar r ,IV pob .e"" lot ' t ?' baller.Or. ' In ules, of '," lll'ch :\ are good work ll 0 11 t.s, IIlumhe P Prn, Il :Iu m ' d, on app11 ca back ,h e re b tj will I Il~ su,y 'WbIL Fio'ill account con rOle 7;;~ II "II ~ Ir~., II:I~ nrdpo, wood hea d1',whea.t tiOD of4 B. , B~ Blair, .guardian , -N'e ~ l1 0rk '1'ii!Jl1ntl'. Rosl}'n 1 '( H j lj.~ 1 horses; ol\le ,dri ving horse, 4 d.I'af.t drill. !iCOOl' sh ovel, a iron ket,tle!', • ... '. m _ ... _ 'of' Elton M. , Hadley et ai' Heolpslca,: 7 'lij II ~ tI 5 OIl ,col t and ~~. m ule colts 3 an d tJ Yhea~' lot of loiJao()o s t,ickfi, lot of old iron , . ,.. • '( 4 0 ' ,q 10 Il 0\· old ; 6 h ead of .m ilch oows, 4 fres , 2 m llll nnd wQdge8, uocketll WIre, p ost ,,' """ ••Hoe ' benefioiary: ' ,[hird aoconot /l.pprov. Manol' t,( a:J "It 0 :1 62 will be frE!sh 'by day of sale ;' 2 w heal lliggm't3 bal'rol!', fe noin g hOtl,r dll, ad ' C)P apjillcation W . Chj3"ter A G R l<1 AT 'Lyltc ''i!l7 I l 1i7 H7 d l:ill :.ol1e with fe r t ilizeplttachmen t, gy po les s hu f ts , cilui.n s , fllrm Mil"'l, e,'., tr.,uRt~e: ," ' . " Yellow ~OIlP is 1\ fa vorite in many lJ:dgc\\'ood ' ;,!l 1 ; t ) j~ ·l H breakmg ]plows, h a n'ows, COl'n culU· t '.\1 ~rind s t one wl llrl mill !feed l' ' our . missioll Is to lighten "enable , ;, va tor , corn p lante!' oJ]e hay rake,. 4 potll tO'S Hbo'u t 26 bn!:!hels of _ ,: ' N t' I " '. 's' " H' Kl tcbno,' 17 J tl ; 10 48 spring . w ,,'k ham 5&, COl •• , II:I'''h I'O. 'tt'oclI ,' ' b ouseh old goods ' of Estu.te of ' et Ie , ,e!,r. ,lU .. • tile butdell 0 1 :Dodus. 7 IU 11 0 4' 3</ " hne.l, and many o.tRel V11,; 1Ol;!j l,teside l.IIu ny of her Second and final IiccQun t . Ilpp! o ved u ie' d .Kin'" Of t,lle Lil undry ~onp , If LC!ft Dll t7 ou •J.o, ·)u 4 ~v , artIcles not m entIOn d; , 4 tons tU110· , I' I I " on a.pp1ioo.ti~n,of'r~om.lls .' .. , ' c. ~ Ch I'ISt re u , " b e 1'\IHlvfseu b y milli ons ,w ho' [,ellanoo-L <, :; 00 ' I" ·:lU 4 ::u t liy hay, al so some I'.10Use h 0 Id goo.d , : 1ur 10 e!:! ' 1'lfus. 'S AM UEL P,UOH , ... ... Uft · ' " , ' ' h l I "'I'andu O ' R&D D&':r. ' l' L: 1l, \) , .PERrw. WELLER, SI . V . !:i P UOB , M tlnllger ; g~... .,....n'. . " ," havtl . . A m ll ic e's 0 Illlns" '. : A A M N e I a ctlolle r .,. " Es·ut~ of ' Ama nda' ~" Soh neH , favorite \ u t h e '; w,) rld '!,I oOnles t ,for. ~aylon U 40 ' ' p55 or, ~'~v 'I' ' " :c I " , U . ' ' - : , R, S urfllol) , a uct-lOneer. ' g~ou D ds
thu t mu,re t'uld h i lll by d~ , fendlt ut on p ro!lliae ti lt It she W/;(~ "utlod Il'od', aJ'right itl uu ... founel t il he lum e, a nd n ot wor th :ti2!;, W , It lGluoth Is attorney fo r pltlinr.i~ , Un isy Pend Gries'!', ' 1Jltlillt.ilr VI' Uu r/ Sweeny, xec ut,pl' of cstll ttl of (.JIll Ta W. ,I:)w eeuy. decetls!ld. ' Potl· Iion pled 'by l11t&.iot:iff 1.0 ,r , cuvc,r $7H wh lcn UIllOl,lut h e 0 1111 111 t o be cl ue b lm f . I ' work:. labor. lIu rs ing i'la] "tlrvloes Ildllll n i~t rAt! ' to l,tHl d u· C~llS d .
..,..,U~.. J.
.~ d~rham
J en~ey
fltr~her Ilxl'lu~l~tloO
" ---Etlt~te
HI'nNO~! AN", C'.NCl'NNATI. ft "
~~: i~ t~~eb~~I.~l)I::~::e~o~ o~~~~~~r~
~o . I ~, :,() ', ;.~ ~o ~Ii ;~ :t~
,w~!!l~ua:Y. , ave? yo~
Ch"rl~8 ' Soh~eIl' an~ Uhl\ri ~R ' ,] ~n~!1"
8uple~lao." ,U1It~e "
, :~~,,~,
wllgon~, br.idl~s
"L~·e~~;feM ..c~.r~l;tlrch will sel've 1~~~~l~I's~~~r~:~~~!~~~. '
First ' 8.coount .filed by. SOil»' . from , t h e D l' n oleanes't Bnd b st tn'lIteri"'} a,nd it 's o ' 'l;HBO l1XD lunc;ll. ' . 'soin a !,-lIlj1th~, Sold by 11:11 i\. M, P, ~l; P . ;\1. es eoutors, '".' " f ' d~a.ier£l, 2 Ill rge. bllTS for ten LeB,-e ' ,NO 2 . ~o.o No (1 0 --~ ",:., • 'E9~te' of!' Wmi.m B, . 'Eoltere,t b , r., or. , ~ cents; " J;laY lon : 0 R &. D '. . ~{~~r, Mary R. Fulkereth, gnf\.l~~ian Da v too : D It, X 'I' 800 ' .l! 00 r, 1,)11 'filed first ~count. : , ' , , Lollanoo .1 0. ij ":IO 11 ao G ;sr. , 'E sta " .• ..: of ' Perry Maxwell, ' de. - N{:tice of AppOintment. s,ba~f, orosal ng Ii a:i 1 :," ;; :1'8 - . , fil " , Roslyn t8 37 , H , 40 , _"i, ~-\' C ":,,,-'6d . .: J . D . Miller, exeo';1tor ' es ...... • '. E~ta,tC 6.f AV31?ii l~ F . lllbrlgllt, dl:\qeru;ed., Bomp8~ead ij , ~·1 2 ~u " 4 . invedtory and &ppr~illD)en.t. Cen~.rvJ1le 8411 2 il l. 51; 1 , ' ,. " ' ' The ul1iJer$llloed b l1ll lie"" appol n~d and '8 ' 5~ , 'a 02 "00+ :. EState of B6nka, imbecile. C)OBllIle<I a9.Executor Qf tbe 'Eso.a.te of A va· Manor 9 ~ 0',/ (J Oil , .. .,' - .... A B ' Daliin ap' poin t. rlJla Ii' , 'EbrJgb't, lale. of :>varrel\ . COUOI)', "ytJe • ., ,U p appltoa",on . , , , Oblo. dI:CI:B.aed. , " Eol g~\\'~d '0 0.. t9 11 n11 ' .. ~\ .... '.. ... ' rdtan at ·"00. ' . f, eo, Dated Ibl. 3(1, 'lay of.foebr uary, A. D", lMS. , ' » 0" 'i"U" ~1l' l r, eOa. ' ''' " • Jo1lutOft • DA. n v , Vttoable matter ' of will 'o f t\var\lIa :5'; , :Bxoo.utor of llle ElSlale or KltQbucr -iIi 11 .3 11 to l1 ...l ' d ed Will "admitted ,( , Avarllla.b' .. l!lb:-tgIIL, . l .tJ n , DcdtlS 11) a ~ io .(1 Lli Ebrlgbt, tlQ8ll8 . . " Seth w . ",row!" at~rne~' EAllaod , IU :!l1 . 13 ~8 .0 211 ' , to pr,olJa~: , • , r"'lIaDOn Art Ive n.30' , 3 :15 . !I lIij ,: II , ~,aIAOB LlO!tN~Bt1.,. ,'. Ca ·, r '. ·--d., 0, f Locust "pally exlleP~ Su~"lay ' : SLOP 00 HI" nul .
If you wunt the. 'full piquant flavor. of the choioest oyster,II,. .fresh frotnthe qoo.1 depths ,of the ocean, try the 'delloipus .
........ --.-----~ -----
J. ·5. Hynes.
I, Sealsb'ipt
38 ' farme..
. - II Prater, 3:.J, I ll'adRiel.,r , : to .T, r illeu
' -J
.Tin, Slate and ·Galvanized Roofing• -'""--
Q.e lHiral
~.~': A~\'~blt.non.o :
Repair ' Wo.r'k given , prompt ,attention.
, . ' Traloa pallll {. vlle lUI, follow8'' eeotlred lI~ot,her ear of, tlortbboun4 7 oe,\, Ill, Ii 4;;p, III poem, almllar to ~utbboQnd 0 /th, m. 7 Oap. ,. . ~~,.!:~:~!:,.ll..t ~ear. ' ,'l'bi. la {.. N. ASWA'r.,U ,
of MaID aad .~rth &baets,
, '.t'hey are ·t!lken '.'frQn1 , she1l8, WIHIhed qutckly . '&D4 put into ,a case of )iuJ'e white, " ena.m el, sell led and packed' ,ID Ice. They are not opened till they reaoh the (ie.l ller. 'l1h~ ~ome ont'flesh, tlr~, unbt9k. eb and fnll of th~ ' daU!3iow. salt tang,. ,The @ooret,onheir superiority liee In the' QIHI. Qf the pa.tent · .' . ,,' ' .:
Sealshipt :Carriers
Prol1"am of the
'Waynesville Farmer'I ,.J~ltitute January 8 and,9, If)Q9. ,
.Mr. If','.r. White, tl\te EVl\ugelist for 'outherD Ohio will prett Q Itt t,he ()bristitio churob n xt Bnodny morniDg ·at 10 :30 and pr,ollllbly In tbe ovenin!: lI.t 7 o 'clook.
H~hn's H/il1J Friday ~o rning and Afternoon, January 8 ,
~hOO!. Hall Friday Evening,
turday Mo~ing aJ)d Aft m oon
PROGRAM FRIDAY, JANUARY 8- 10 a. rtl. Invocation ... . ' .. ... .. . , .... , ... . . .... , ., . Rev " B, Hawkins
1909 Announcement
Earnnart Brothers rresident' Address . . , . . .. , . , ',' . , .... , : . . . . . . L, Cartwright . Reading Minute of 1903,
Mullie, ,. 'oiBQussion. tobacco . .. , , , . . , . , " , , , : . , . , ...' . , ... . . , . , : .. Harvey Burnett , 'oiscuasion,
to "OX , up " flnd In a JUeRSUre teel tha.~ we have suoceedfld , We ' have installed one of the Lates~ Model NatioDII.I' Cush Reglstar . One that illsues II. print-e.\ oheok to a8:oh ollstome'r amoont or alloh 8I\le on eaoh oheck, &1so installed u. Motor l ;ofl'ee Mill, that onts the oofl'ee( Jnlltead .of orushing the coffae &8 old ftl-ahl()ned Ml i lis do. We now measure our,OU rrOID,1t. BoWler ~if Meallurmg 011 Tu,nlr which alll1ws no dnllt or ' dirt to
Adjournment, AFTERNOON~ I :30
vioilD Solo .. .. ..... , . . .. ..... .... .... Miss Justin!' Hartsock Advantare of the' Fann As a .Home , . ' ... . . , .p. D. Harsh Music, ' ' Paper . . , . .. . , . . . ... . . . , .. , , . , . : , , . . ... . , , , , . Morris Cornell Violin Solo- Mill! Grace Carman. Commercial Feed Stuffs . .. " .. ... , . ... . . .• . . . E, VanAlstyne
Diacusaion, Mpsic. '
'utlrom .. ...... " .... .... . ..... . -
'Bread Plates t 'U I ( ru i n •. . . . • . •. ' • •• • •
LADIES' SESSION-sATURDAY, JANUARY 9-9 •• m. • Piano Selo-MargU'erite Thompeon, " Devotiqnill. "
Vocal Solo-Mrs. W. T. Gilliland. ' , Ma)dna,H~e Attnctiye for tbe Chi1dren,~I'8.JosephioeDodd A 'T rip'l1uoulrh Maryland,., . . . , . .. . . ildward Van Alatyne Ve.;a1 DQet-¥rs. Alfred' Wright and Mrs. Lester Crane WOllWl'elnfluence on the National Character, , , . , . , , , , ... , .. ', . , , . , , . , , . , , . , . , , , . . . . , , . , . , Mrs. Mont. Hoblett How to Have Geoc! Neighbors .. , . , • , , ... , ' . , . , . . D. D. Ha1'8h Piano ~lo-Ml'I. C. A. Burnet. . .
•• •• •
Henty Books for Boys (' u l rrona \
All $1.25 Toilet Sets f 'n\
~ U~
~ ~a h
37c to 25c to 98c. ,$ 1.25 to 98c $1.25 to 98c to SOC 35c Post Card Albums $1.00 to 7Sc Pictures, as.sorted 35c to 23c sClbjects. 48c to 35c r"II'" 25c to 18c. Toilet Sets '$ 3.50 to $2. 48 tro m . . : ... .. . •. . . . , 98c Dolls 30c .to 2Sc o"t 73c Dolls 40c t030c ' 75c to ,53 c 33c to 25c Dolls Pictures, assorted . 6Sc to 50~ 67c to 48c su bjec ts. ~"'R,..-,.,.a "'-,.,..... ~ Sv...-.. . . . ."'.\-\:........--~.....:". ~". .,.,.;-....;...,~..,.w.~....w . .~.". ~-. ;.~" ~. ,~. ,.....:~.~".. . . . ...,..,..................... u OIl to. .
'<1 07. , UI':\:!I·r I M.
('II I ft,(H'1. •.•• '.
I-'ll ~ (" Oil ' .-, •• ,. , . • ; • • • . , . • •
troltl ..
ut f r(l111 •
, ...
_ ••••• _ ........... _ ...... _.-.- •• All>. " ' III be )nI Ht.ea u ncl ur tIlls heat! (or twe n t Y-liv o ce lll~ (or ~hrce In rU{m.. "' be n' us ln/: not mOr u lb ilU lI yC! line_, v v v ___ v
- - - .. - . . . .
~./: •
I .........
• •• ,
.J ..,
' •• , •• •• •
, •••
( ' ,'l ' 1'()1l) ••• • , . • , • • .. , • • .•
-SOIi W a. .T . -.".' .aZ;. . a
Olassified Ads
.,....... ...... -"'"
Belt Pin s, .all latest des igns. I ' UL ("" I II . • • Collar and Cuff Boxes. ('," (ru m. ,. "" , Berry Sets , ' 9iJ I"II ,I 111111 Ilur y •
'0 . . . . . . . . : .. " " . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . ..
Merry Widow Back Comlls. lit (rom....... .... . B- I PI' I ( I e t · ns, .a atest d esigns. n UL from . . . . .. . . .
-= ~.
l-'() • •• • , • • •• • ••• • ••••••• • • • •• •• • , ••• • • •• • •• ••
All 1.00 Toilet Sets
Enterprise RetaTY Beef Shaver, and Oq$ oor Cheese with a Compottni Oheese CuttElr. Our "ndeavor hilS always been to rnerltYODr , patrODage I'D every way and 80 conduot onr busi D888 80 that every dolla.r you spend will live yon value ' re o To tbill end we alwllYS eel-eel. • Oonsider qnality _88 th!l' prime faotorin I,ying In our 8Iupplie!4 . Good Gooch 8re wort.h their mark'et value any time but poor good, ara expensive bot RUY ~rioe. We are heartily thllnkful to oor .C1l8tomel'8 fOf their liberal pjlsronBie this past YElar II.nd ,rust oor endeavors will 'merit a ooutin'l8ooe of the'sMllle . , We wisb one and all
Music-Miss Helen Harris' and Mrs. Burnett. Why Do Our. BoY8 Leave the Fam:i1 . .• , . , . . . . D. ri, Harsh Quartet- J. T. Ellis. R. D. Kellison, W. Ra~~, Rev. Gillilan'd , Recitation- Miss Ethlyn .Joaes. Piano Duet'7Helea and Sybil Hawke. Reading- MillS Lucile COrnell. . Music. TIle MakinI' of a Man . ..... , .......... . . .. .. E, VanAlstyne , Music-Quartet, ,
.- .
I ••
I 'Ill fl'OII' • .• , , • , •
* ......
l', -, '.
TElN' II~lIIrne~)fnu hlooorpoTltti pn . WAN'rElD to Htlnt- A gouci 01' , WIll M il to net t·h llUrO~tJ~ r gan . fnquire ut t his (,fliet' ~. 70
fl'ee of
t liX .
Inqui re (It tb1!! o f-
'QUA' R '" n, e x t ensi00t ll '-u Ie j!OOd ' 118 ne w, Inquire Ilt tb lll o lllotJ .' i
LOS ND "" 'I' ,~
============ ,HA h oo),
., A
, 11",L"
. with
Will White's Weekly
Market ,Letter. j(af»f»\f
. ~~~ ·~JeaT. - MASONlC NOTICE
Green Briar•
..... Fred 8mUh .. eQter~IDiDg Regti,lar eommontar.tlon of Way. ber m~h8l', Mr... Ron, of Norwood., o.vtlle LocIge 111,3~. & A. M, '1'0811. Kr. Bane, Bunaetwu ill Claoio· day evenlog JaD, 5, l~og. .Work io ' '''inan.''t~y md 8U'Dclair~ the M, M , ,4e~ree. ~mporkD' bualnetl8. . . of' hil br.o'her Whittier- aDd! BOjOUfDiO, brethren tavltect; . IaII tu$erMtiq ,flimU,. • J. 0 , Oartwrlght, W ..M ' • 'Jlr FreClDJ'aper ~turnedl.H week C. E. .BraUe~, 8eo'y~ fr~.l.ortpilh~ "ilit with friendll '
. in Kentuoky. Be WM aooompanied. . • -. , hOlll8 'by, .r• .han ,Yioe who wn~ l!lv&rt ~ purohulDg a tloht "tlii'lo Ohio for'lIODle time. .tor the lIatllMll! Friday afternooD , : Xr. . dba~IN Mullen 'and . 18Jml ly ,\VOl receive a ".eAf.. Ull-hn & . ,.~de4 ibe J:JQx lbSial a~ BIII8Y . :101001 On Wednl!lday eveniog aud • -~'ftport it"., IpleQdi~ 8UOO8II8. ,,, J ' .. b ' :ale h , . 'HeYeral of 'our folka wiJlsPend tha apan lsa out, to 111 e er ilNt _~licl&YI from borneMi88 M1. rweensus" ~eretofore the popularile Kibl., ",til ,1»8 'he Iuea~ of ber. tion hlil been estimated on the birtb .' ~~,. "rl. ?ohn Beganai.Newtons and deatll Ntul7ls ;" "
hi extending to o~r C~8to Inera .f,bis klOdly greetin.g we- 11.10cere)v desire to . tbank VO,u for vour patroDage duriog Hie year tliat IS just Ilbo~'t to end, t r u's t 't h'a t ' ' vou will accept our sincere wishes for, a PRO PEROO'S' Nttw
YEAR, •.
., During the old yeiar we have fount! the numbercf our ,ers grRdually increasirlg' add the increased efforts ' on our part
bronght us increased bUSlneS8 as in other years, and while the reo cord of 1908 QlIIJfes it our BANNER
~ ,aue., ~ter, ~u~a~d. 'Vi~ ",ill • "'. -', • _ '. . y E~R In busin3ss vet III, ar!! rully ~t with Harry CIiDgne~ IJ at For the Unit~ States to' vesti- determJ,ned to ', .m1lke tb~ Ny-w 8priDlboro. .' i • , }n YaAR SECOND ' TO NONlt. Barvey Burnet .aDd family spent ptAa Jt.s wa~r reso~rcesaa ~~Ih' , .
ChrlahDatr,aUhehomeofF. 'E.BoBl.1yu dpeaSwitzerland would cOst , n . ..lea~'~prlnl~'o " As. ' :lO;~AOO : ad ,family helped ma~e . me~ry "", .... _ ': ' '' , tbe b01lJ80f Eugene EvaDe in LealaD. .,'. . . , ," Oar IOhool gave ...hort Chri'~~-8~re ~,!U1"';O:OO,OOO aer~ oj the , proeram on WedDeeday. anerDoap. .bcatBl'ricUl~r81I_and8 in ·the Uhltetl
" :D;~r;~~ PA:~ ~~t o:~~~:!
,. ~
pnp.r,od~c~iye ..b~use
Lett~rs w'ill' Ma'ny 'of . ;" .' . . . tbese you WIll not i)e .»ople ,to du· plicate .anvwhere "and tbe ,q ualHy of the goods , offered · 'will alwa '
O .lJr
bri!!iIle.:wlth pargains.
th~ n~ drainaee. 'formed,. ,,11 "meD .' joy,a·well·ear~, e d vacat~on. Y<' 'nd ::;-".-. ., _ .",. ~, .. '""~~~....~." , ... _ :'. .....-,. , ~""ry, I uatu.1 country in the : .' B~PT'SM ~T ST. ;MkR ....~S w,~rld ex~t t Uwt United ~tata' p. • lOOO'IJ;a. \ ~. ; , " VOkes , pa.~ if not worked Inth. .. of Ca.lifomlaEvl\poraied i1ae'wfanh1dlc) of, Ilr. aDd IIrs, eo.ntry '~tiD&' them. . , '~ , . D 'h , _ d e WIUI baptitled by thfl , ' , ,," ,. - ~ ,~ 1 .' • ." t'C -:ea.e t., Bohool wlll be oloeed' fora week
3. w. 'Cadwallader, '-*, $t. . bo.ob Sonday· af,-rnoon at
.. - -
I /, , 7 i-a a. '•• one pf the. . .....
Qnl~ St;atea takeS almoat all Chma.. ~oo..
impo*,tant ·~~ from that'
. of the empire. ' Bruil'lI;firat illinicnafa from .le: '. _ . "" , ' ....,f ..ilea from Tekio to The enti"'l~m)'X recen~ly. was ·.... ,"rk .. .the ~)road8of'tbe ~Oyed fl'9lll ~ w.omaajn a Baltimore ......tI7. .' boep1tal. Thouah the O\Mfttfon eoet her;...., voice, it .ved her life ,.
1.._ . p"enmMlilt-'-'--""'-
'" . . . •
<. -: So .well and favorably, 'kn(,wn ' i~ , .sur ' ;Annu~l 'Winter Sale that . the simpl~ stateni~n~'.· aJ)Qve ',is ' all 'that 'is necess'a ry to in~~rest 'aU our patrons. '.'T·h e '.tea~y growth- of our"busines$. year 'by year , has .given . to each succeeding Winter Sale:greater . ~pportunities a~~ add~~. '~nt¢!~st~be~~use of th'e enlarg~d departments ana wld~r c;holce. " , This' s,a me 'is - true in a " marked degr~e " this y~ar, and 'you, will find it ,o f ,greater profit.ihan·. ~v~~ ~Q bpy .freely d~ring 'th~ s,le. . ': ' , A8. is o~r e&tabli~~~d ' custom-·'except '~e few . items we ~re ,und~r coritras.t.tq. ~ell afa 'f,iXedpr-i~e I
'. ,
Is, I
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~.~-~~~%~~~~~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~v~~~.~~~%~··~- ~~~ , "
"heBe are put ' u'p in 50 lb R' I ' . . ..,..sel. tC I. rtpe Muir J>eacbea .at the l~we8t pr~Ce8 e,rer krl9';1I-. ' 1._ '
Take a }lint Rnd. lay. j GreelS fruit. are aDd
1-100 et
lIll lJ' tlhle, som wh ere hl't wuen Yun~ etl I\trol1t. !lfi.l W tlyn!l>' vllle Fin\Ili.1' I iLIT nt t.h", (~/;'IIflt,h 8QU~RES of (Jalv.l lnized LARGE GAUNTLE'r O(.OVE Otn Cf' ,BDd r~oeive rAWlird ' " ').6 ,!nd Pd 't She~~,.RoOf1Iing Il\t .n ear thelo~ar Wtll, rill~ t,rou" l~ ~ PALE 1),lue sillt . ollrf \V rRIIJ)II(l .r; '" to". g6 per sq· IU 81 ng e8 Inquire u t this oltloe ' tI F" I f4 76. Gutterond roon(\!Ipoottlt 6 ~ o • , " IJ! a 1 ?fl ')Ullt'l'. 1111 er pie" ... pllr ft. Thos. Zell. f r (ot urn to tllll Gozet.tA otno . B TB f I d WANTED , BUA or 18 e. Ale in goo , TO REN'l' " oondit'i on, Inquire of . L. Rioks . -" SOME 811j1' UrpingtoD Hen Kor 1101 .. ASHING'rON U okerel8, buff, ,letl', ' IIt/lte prica, Mrtl. E. ~. ~(jijID~ of .1;0011 lilllcl t,o rill , blllo\:' all~ whilE!, H. B. Wi 1- Wadtlw,ortb , W,llyne viII, Uuio, suit ibl r OY 'ID,v kln(} of fl1ruv ' ker on., Oregonlll Valley Phone 2-3 J Lt. D, 3, 109. ,lnqulr llt -t,b\ oiHr.e ,
~ .,
to $1.50
Ch ildren's Writing . Desks. . 'u l (l'(,m _. . . . . . $1.25 La dies' Handkerchiefs . 6 I' n a box' . lut from . • . 67c Bread Plates SOC
The Pllst year we h Vll mad~ 80mfl o hlIoDges , We have tried
F.rtility .. .. .. .. , .. ,Edward VanAlstyne, Kinderhook, N, Y.
li t fru UI • • • • , • , •••.• • • • •
OUR GOODS , Are. Unexcelled .OUR PRICES Right It oost8 no.more to e~t t.he best
... .. .. .. .. . .... : , .. D. D. Harsh, Starlt COunty, Ohio
Discussion, t\ppointmen't of Committees,
Fa ncy Clocks
Let. us prove to yon tba t
What HoI'. hould the Farmer froduce ? , , . . , , . . . ... ,
... ...... .. . B,o hw'a rtz's Cut Pr'i ce Cleara'n ce Of Merchandise which to will sa ve you from
Dayton, Ohio.
SOolety Column
After many month!; of suffering . Mrs. R W, Latchem di .."d Saturday 11' Jos(]. BlrRob waa in CinoinOl1ti, . morning, December 12th For many . oe n.y. days it W~L:; apparent she would not ' .MillS Edi~h Mosher iii visitinK in 1ong survive, but whim the announce- Cinoinnat.i. ment came of her death it was heard WorrAn Keys WIl.!! in Dayton . I~st with sorrow. ' W e d nes d aJ· . Mayor Hmith WIiR in eoillmims on She came to Mont~zuma with 'her hUl-Iband in the hitter pat·to( the tifties and made this their home. he bu"ine!lM MunJuy . H. M. CIllrk, of Lytle, Wlil It Da.y pined and held the ~steeln of Ii large . M d ton viSitor on tl.y. circle of friends. . Mr Ilnd Mr8 J h R' wk . 'ted The funeral ,rvices were . Ileld . .' . 0 n a e VISI ,from the home Monday afternoon at in 'Inolnna.ti 1l1st wesk, , , 1;30 o'clock, cunducted bl'l{e\!. O. ~ E . V . Bllrnhllrt m"de Il busine\js Baker. . • to Cl nci nthiti lust Th ursday.
6, 111rf.
Spring Valley.
Lq!!t :rhursuay,.December B1, 1908 The first !3undliy.after EPlllb'l lny, ,.. MissofOlive spentthelntter at 2 :30 • .wr . Ear I W i 11 iamson a~ d 'f"S''1I · " January 10: Morning Prayer and pnrt the Anabee week with friendslu Miss Myrtle Cl1ml)be\l were married . sermon at 10 :30 11. . m .; Evening !3pringfield and Ye lH~w Sprlng8. . at the home of the bride's unole We want to mnl<e lhls eolllOln of t ll ~ Prayer and sermon at 7 '.00 p. m·. " MiRS Kate Sims llnd brother Cild ' . ' .G Oi~e ll,e Q IllaJllIg . r 'ntur e ~bl " willter. • lIn(l • Mr. Doru. Campbell, of CentervIlle. BH!r'our rrlencl< to RUlltl ln 8!1clcty ~ "c lll8, tlllnday Soboolut 9 :30 a. m. Iuspir. Bp nt tbe bolidtt;t s in Inoinnllti. 'fhose ·present were Mrs. James in g musiL: at hoth morning and !IV MI"s Bun'iet Noah vllltted last LI Il t on lin d,.... ' "'~II I 0 f . woek wit.h tlprin"tieldrell1tlves. ..... S8 E'va. Camp.,., Dr.l\nll Mrs , J. '1', ElIl!l. enter. enlng servicE). Cumo !lnd worllhlp .. Uolumblls; Mrs. ebatleR Haines, ~Ined I.It dinner SundliY. W: E, w\t.h \\s. . t Mkrij. dMI·cGreNw eyutertadlned:,~ ~ M R bt Willi M W - -- - ur tJy nner ew elir llY, .... rs. r. o . amBon, r. . ql. O'Neull anrl family anll Mr. and MAYOR'"SIONS ORDINANCE <Jreighton, Mrs. Rillu McGrew and Elliott, wife. and 80n Lawrenoe lind ·!trl!. ChIlB. Ellis. little son Rnd Mr. ILnd Mrs. RIlY MISII Cllrrie Elliott. Eagle. 'fhe D. L, & C. ordinance is signed, 'I'he third Dumber of the leotnre That evening the bride I1nd groom M.r. and Mrs, Upshers White en .Mllyor Burkhart of Dayton op t to th h hi b th 1 t.~ course, a lecture by L. 8 .. Wiokerwen '. e ome w o e Il..,r tert'lined Mr. oDd Mrs. Fra<1 De'n_ proved th d ffi d h ' .. ~ e measure an I\, xa IS ~bum will take place io tbe Town lovingly "sslsted. by his. futher and de,rsoll (md danghtafll at Ilinner signature to the franobi!le ordloll.nce Hall J <lunary th aIBt-er . hud beH,ttl.ngly prepared for NIIW Year 'l! day. . just before noon last Tuesdq,y. Berman EVl1ns left Monday mornliil! wort-hy hrl(]e. 'rhe groom is a . l'he ordlnllnce, whloh wus pRssed Ing ·fo r Columbus where he bas 110- . Emeline H . HoHund Latchem. Dr. A. '1'. Wright \"<1111 in l..ebanon pro~perous young fll.rmer . 'fhe M d M Ii: V B I t h b oepted 110 position 88 Nelghmaater at dauO'hter 'of J e d H h R 1 '1' d t· I b I I~ I I f f ' ... ~ f hi I r. an rs . . . (lrn lilt . ad Y Councn last Monday night, will I.bestock·yards. A . b am Aa~1 ann.1~20' 0 - ues ay on :pro 8SB10na os ness, w...., 0 rc eo. nen .... 0 t . s coup e as ~h8ir gUflSt08 at Nllw Year'B din. become .. luw January 10, t en daY8 an d • was orn prl 1M, 0 ,at Mr . Dod Mr8 " Barton Kellav of join in wishing t,hem a happy, and ner .... "r and M rs J 0h n Uar't wr i g b t Ilfter the first publication , whIoh Miss Anabee was1 the S .Anns d fM r. A d goest Waynesville. Ohio. and depan;ed this Clnclnn!l't\ vll!itoed friend!! bere Mun sucoel!sful future . and d' ht . d M H h over un ay 0 rs . 'Jar n rews, Ufe in the early morninll of December day , •_ Raul{ er an rs. &nnllo will be December 31, of Xenia. 12.10/\8. aged &s years, 7 months and . IMPROVED WONDEoFULLY ugerB. "AMEO[CA" S-U-NO- FIRST Tlll\E Sam Barnett Bond wife are \he par~ MI"s Kut,herloe Alexander will '" " , " 'eots of a little boy. have oakes Oil Ie 'l'hursllay morn· Mre.. Jonll.thBon Oglesbee !tond fam· "0 F h f' J I . B " A little lion arrived Wedne8day Mr. R, G. Barnes, edit-or of . t·he Ily entertained at dinner daring t.he none ourt 0 u yan oston, evening lit the home of Geo. .Benson On May 24 • 1849, at W aynesville. Ing enla , wbo ~ \iolldays. Mrs. AntrlLUl aXid grand- writes ?octor H~le in hil'·"Remini8- 'and Wife. Ohio. she was united ill mltrriage to RODle Weekly at Rentmr \W LatclulOi, who 8urvjves Mr. and M'II. U. M. ar· done so much to brlOg tbat paper dllughter of Xenia Airs M . U · cenceSln Woman sHome Companion Josepb Bawke wife Ilnd daughter her. 'fo this unlo/) were born three rlv!'11 hOll1e 'l.'ue811IiY evening from ul!. to its hi~b stn.njll'rd, and who and Mr.' lind M·r s'. EIi~8 ;)r;1 s:e: for January. 'II- had spent all my al lI).lent the holidays witli James chUdrlln-Albert K.. I who 'died in l4exlco . ' mllde the CbriMtmlls number one to an d d aUR hters. lowance for July and all my 'Iection Hawke W· Rnd Wife, of ·Bellefontalne. July, 1889: James 1!l LatChem, now Mr. loud Mrs; Tbornton C lin, of be re~embe~ed and kept as a. souve . . money' on the Common-possibly llllam BowJIlaster aDd wife are .. resident of Malcom, Iowa, and Rjobmona, Ind:, "re at tue FrIend!! oir for all time, hilS .writt·en us and Mr ' a nd MrA Geor .. e Bl1wke were for a sight. in the camera obscura. thRe pareF nt8 of a little daasht~r. Bo rtli H . : .' . D th h T d h -f I h d ev, ringer began hiB revival Mrs. Katherine A . Light of this city, 110 tlg. OlUe, says. • PORt 110.d 'hoBtess III dinner t:!anday, oug 'I ou",t ~ . a money enough services at the M; E. churoh 801lday Miss Cllira Lisle, of Xeni&, spent I want to compliment 10U 01' the to R. N Mosber or Cn:~J1ington 0 . for th~t-c.rtainly for raw oysters, night. . (n the fall of 1~7. Mrs. Lat.cham with aer husband came lou Montezu. New Year, dll.Y with Rev. and Mrs '. improvement you hlloVe made in the ..Mrs, Edith l1a~;ts, Mra. u8.ur~' M~~' three for a cent if small, .two for a T,awrence W<>lfe and. "Ife are the Ilia. Iowa, where she 'bas resided un- J. F~ e&dwlllJllder. (jlizette sinoe you look chll.rge 01 aber, Mr. I1nd M.r... l!'retl · Hart.sook cent. if large; 'probably half a glass parents ot a little son, t.lldeath claimed her foi'theb~Yl:!nly MitiS Belen Oglesbee after a preas. the paper, You have improved it Ilud Harris Mosher of spruce beer, one cent. and two or A orowd of twanty-four atteaded mansion , . ant Ilollday vaoulon, has returned wonderfully in maJl:e~up, Dews loRd . three checkerberry medals- die now the plu.y .. rho Connsel of Defense" Mrs L/ltcli'em was converted and to ,,', e r 8cbool at: Oxford. . all waYR '' l.1'e,ret that Mr make what. allowance the .Viotoria Wedn~y ,. . . ·the' mer . ' : .' and Mrs. J'" . "". ,J a {lney. ,v ery lost- . and . . you at IilgJ1t, : · . ,tl1eatre '· . Joined the ~urch dQring a revival Mr,and Mrs. 'uw.,r8uce: Cnrtwr. i gbt ohllnt8 of ~he town do oot tlU your ~n. j oyablY entertl&ined . New Yel1r's please for cocoanu ts, sugar cane WUb 'W · 11 . d it . A . ~~ ~ I . .. I ' " ' . . d th f . d I' . ' I · . ur , lion lin weare th e Ileld"t; W.yneaviUe, vhio·, .under the o ~ Dllytoo spent ' Sunday with ·Mr. 00 umn~ to .over .. ow ng with . 1oc~1 dl1:Y ~t dil;lner, ,Jobn MuClur<a and an 0 . e1' orelg,~ e lca.cles, . w~ parents' ofa little son. ministry of JOshoa Boucher 'a nd J. aod ,Mrs. S.l L. Cart.wrlght. advsrtl.\!lng at-A good tllC ure .. They 'family, ~f /:Iprlngboro, Dr. and Mr8. returnmg .penrt~less and had to • - • Hill In the " int~t 'or' 1841-2.. On The . ... di ' 13 IJd f S. M ,certainly-sbo.uld. ,I , T. ElIi8flnd Hon ~Id, Wm -O'Neall pass Par~ Street Me.eting House, Oregonl~. ' . •. l . .... ... ' . h' h . ...... es ~Q ,0 ". llry s • _ • J' when t fn' t . I' t (. ~onlang w ~on""zu~~. sh.e wJt" ,er uhnl'cb, wilt meet Thursday aner~ ' ,n\1 ftlmily and Mr. and' Mrs; Ubn.s. an kent"- :o IS orlc.a Ifnpor - t Mi;)slJorrlne Bpenper, of Lebaoon' l\usband ul'i)ted With the MettiOchst noon with Mrs E V. Barnbart' lOFflCERS ELECTED' Ell Ill. ance too pace . .Long columnsof spent. Saturday and Bunda.y with Episcopal church hate by !ettel', . ' " , .' . . boy!;! and girls Wer. gojng.into meet- J. K. Spencer and.famUy. ;She 'wasa.tirelesuu'ld talthtul wbrkR 'N MOllher\ of Car<1ingt•..D, Ohio The M. E. Sundll.)" &lhool hbld i.ta JLa,st Wednes!1&'y eVtlning in their ing. The spectacle of a Pl'oc~sion The ~isl8s Myrtle Kibler anl1 Lu-er in the church. always at the post hus been t,be..Huest of Mrs. Edith annual eleotl~1l Monday e. "eniDg. \lsul hospitable matlner. Mi'. and ' of children going to meeting on any oUt! MIlSon ~eturDec! home Baturdar ~'! dllt)' 'lotil th~ infirmities of age' BarrlB "nd .fam}ly. , . Tbe following Qffi~ra were flle~ted: ~n. George Hawke entertlliued at day but Sunday ':Yas as wondertul after spencUng ~}1e .week with Mr. keJ)t herathome. • ""-, '. " . )Iihii Bl~noh . l?\i~, of L'jt16; Was :Pt. H.~. ~1aoa,; A~'t, . Supt ••' ·lui .. e1eg"uUQur ~lQr'iie ,~inner, 0,'. tolne as a. volcanic ~uption from et~e~r~. Jo.~u .~g"'le. ~'NOWton. " . After a lo~. faithful and . useful tbe guest of Mr: ·~Iem Bnroe'~ and ' . ' H:E, ~a~,.way:, SeQy., Jenni~ /ltD'~" MriI.A. ;1'. Wll'1ght, 'aD~ lib'•• ,the Blue ..H~1l8 would. have been. ~f Miasli1daa SpeDoer ~.. ID Leb&- " UfeJ· themu~rs&id. "It 11\ en.o\lgh family 8eve,lIldayslll8t.week. coo~, ABBt-. SecY.,. ~n~a B~ln88"li;u~mot ~UY •.llr .. .. nd ,' MrB., ;Toe ' courseIJo!nedtlte th~ong• .sO .~tlS nona'Week. . . '-'Orne Up hillher/~ iU'ld the devoted Mis8 Minnie Dulle. ~fLyt'e, wU! :re~s., Ba~mo~d ,I;>a~ • .Li~ra.r~lIoD, Ub&pm'aD, Mr. aud Mrs. E. V. Bllrn_ that 1 am one of .t~e ht~le company . Mrs. ~nligler dted at ber ' ~e . wife and. mother p&IIlOO frorrt earth's lltll ve 'this week OD an, extended vla- aymon4 ConDor, Ass .t. Lillra'ia~: Bart -aDd Mr. a.Dd· Mn• .0, 'I,.. Urane.· who heard the national hymn sung .b~re I::Ja:turday lI;1orDlng. I, I)Uam80n; Orgflnlttt{ , : 6eld of toil, and aacrifice to heavens it to relattveB in JJ1ip-oiS and Iowa: ~ym~nd . ' .' forthe 'fjrst time: ' TheC. BoaiDeu m~D. W&8 reat and reward - Malcom (Iowa) . l:Jatfield aDd BOnnell ere ship: .Sybll Hawke. Chorlatel', F. B. Fan, Mr. and Mn. Oh.... 8hidaker en: .. '~ry couiitr'y 'tis 01 ~bee. .held at ~tB8 :Mabel 8herwoodll -i _~~_ , •• • Sup'. Cradle Roll, MI'I. F. B. Farl'; ter'&atned at 6 0 olock ' dinner New ' Sweet land of UbeI1y.' nrl)ay eveulng . .~. . ' plDg hplrs from CorWIO Ta8llday, Asa·t 8upt ' Cr.dfe Roll 8 bU. Y • . . . uest Mr. and Mr8. Emmons entertained 11 Mrs. Latc~em was a sister of the for ~~Iob they paid tbe hlgbes. Hawke; Pie~. M~SloDary &Oiot; of V:~~ s night 'b;e f'9 oWing 8 s ; "1 hope I did not join in thesinlling, relntives Sund"y. '
./ Wur Sblda.k~r:, wlfe.a ..d dau~bter, for,at tha~ ti~e do was to me eyen 11:9 Mr. an<\ Un. . WtebklDg lpen' a . ~ . ilmingto~.' Fred Barliln and ~~ ~nd and I!lm ·afraid I should fflwdays .wlth Dr. and lin. Krieg· R~8ide"ts · .. wif!!, Olint. Oleaver a~<1 ~ife., Ed not have ~mproved oft t~e harmomes boft'. " .' M~I Fl\rlalld and Wife. ~erpe Mhida. of the occaaiori " Mr. and Mts. H, E. ·Wilsou .re· , . . ~. , , '. kelr and wife ' . • turnedboJnu from Ulnoi!inati Tbura.PAn R. ~nderaoD, of ~f.'y.,tw: Tbe' Uttla ".daugh&er of Mr. and • , day. " lind., aend8 •Rrqetio88 Ilnd a beauti. Mrs . James Bennett, ot ,Corwi~, nar lib and M.f8. Wilbur Clal'k enterThe Misses .Mabel and ilal7 Bber·· . lOuveu.11' book of tlle oitv of rowly esoaped a horrible death lut talned to Ii' turkuy dinner Cbrlstmal Eveu body hilS' oenainly beeu. on wood retorned home from Bethel LafaJe'~. FrIclR.y by burning. Tbe mother day ' Mr and M rs W C tbe go during the paat holldllYs. Thursday. . had gone out of the house when the an'd 'Bon Ji1 ' ImuB u 'and ID · Wurimll~ny Mr. E J. Oarmony was homa from 14188 Gladys 8peDceupen\ 801lday Mrs. Tbedaily papal'll of IooIUlldllY con· ., ....r . IBm O. W. U. to enjoy holidays o.fternoon with Mlu LnoUe ,Muon. WIlla.. ..... ,of the .. ta'e 8eDo.te ohiJd and lit It. .. of Yankee street:·, au. .0Mrs. ' J essIe B 08Ier was bome ' . • - • " re""' tn-... Th got bold' of a ftmllwh · . Wbeltto .." New __ ,~, oOntlll.. tbe . nRme of e match .set . re to · its little anI:! Mr~, ~a:rl0n Clark and Mr, arid Year's dill'. . , Corwin • .J're(i'ealltet aa Jonrnal Olerk br ibe dreBs, and bad the,mo'her not oo~e Mt1!."Walter Cla .k and family . Mr. Arthur Bamihon'; of Lebllnon .. 8ea~te. Fred is " hustler, and· of in, w?uld hll.v e probably ~J1rned,to ..A,~~tifi1,l . Christmas t ree with was visiting here New Y~al"8 do.y: 'otto Smitb al}d "1(~. of (Jtooinna'he kln(i' Cbat wiil' make 11111 mark d!lllth. , a pir.a sent for alJ who.were there 'was ' Mrs, R. H. Bt. John aull dllu~bter ti visited Rat Smith and family ; .ad1'ln.ilf~. 'l'he p'olltlon n·ot.only Th~ wedd\Dg of Mi8s Ohua B. : Or. . Wright · w,aB ....lmmedla~ely also one or the I1ml,l8ementsfor 'the .Belen were In Lebauon' .f:!atnrday Su~~iI,.~~ . " , ' . ~rrie8 w~th It a good remuoerlltive '~mlth ot :102~ Etti.ot Spring St. a,nd o.,l1ed. ana. ga ye it ~e(uOll.lllttentlon. day. .." aD~ HIl~~! turne'd h~m~r:~ J!~~8a.~m~!y !~ ....1ue. bu.- II .. Iteppinjf I!tone . t:O'a .~r. Grover Tilden M?~edtth'of Wayd The child w... bl&d y burned, but 18 . tain:d a: r . /\n~M!;. ~~ .~~~r~~t::t ter 1\ dellghtfn.l :viii. of a ,,~ek in hiltber poIIltlnn polittoa.lIy .. . The Ua nesvllle 0 was solemniZed . Tuellday ~etting along ~ic .. l. y n,ow. Mr. a.nd Mr8. Tlllmlin Barton enU Pittsburg . a. ' . ' I. . '. t ,t i d t dl . .., d ' , an d d angbter 01ara, ,..wr. aD d "'_ ........s, a P gb witli their . daughter , Mrs. lOtte extend8 too him ite .bes,lI, wlsb!!, Jternoon a~ 4.30 d'ol90k at the el a ne a . .,un ay. Mr. ~. Bar8~ba.rger,. of Lebanon, Mrs. ' ru ". . " In ~iI DeW pOsif,lon. bome ' of tbe officiating mini8ter, . STATE INSTITUTE aDd Mrs. 'Jaoob Lacv. · wife and J ...A • . Frltoh and son George, of MISS Henrlet~a ){cKinsey wae ao· . Rev . S K 'King' 'ou' Wellt State . daughller Eva and son WilbUr .Mr, St. LOuis, Mr. Stlluley Earnhart, of .oompa~ied homa-Thursday evening .'. Th S...~te F ' !nst. ~~ . 'll d ..... ' fr' h ' . H to '1' x . by her nieoesllelen and Buth Bar• ..' e. '.... . 8J:mers ltu"" Wl .\ an .w.~s. os. Laoy, wife and ous n,' e WI. . . rls, of Dayton, ' . . , We ,are ta ~l'oeIpt of copies of 'be street. InlmtICUately after tlie oer~... ~0!8IUber ~ud D6\.'Smber Spectator, mQny the young ocuPle left for me,et ~n C~lumbus. Tuesday and! qangbte~ ildnlL. Mr I1n.d Mrs. Wlllter Mr. Lester .Itenriok and 1!I~0 Mrs, E. V. "Barnha'rt 'was a guest .. ~~UJ'nallpublis~~ \n tlie interest Waynesville to visit' tbe groom'~ Wedn~ay. January 12th and ,13th. Laoy and dallgbt;ere Editband Et6il~ ,(W8en~b1 gtl1 ve 110 d:n~e ;New Yesr 8 of Mrs. Ray Smitb I,-st 'J,'harl!day ~ofthe blJh IOh~l otJohD~~o}V.n.Pa. 'p'rentotl: &f~r whioh they will retutn 'at the Bo~ of'Trade :~uditorium. ~r •.aDd· Mrs .., .R oward L10Y. Mr • .::~: ou 8eve~ y. va were p~eB' : Tb,e l1~tle'fi:Ve ye4r old dlLogh~; 10. 'he , b~Ine.., staff; as a8$i8t'~Jlt: .~!> . Co Qmb~ a~d r:e8ide With ' the: . Thex:e .. w~1 be an abundance of!~11l Arnold. wife aDd so~· R08sel .lIr. lind IIrs. 1'1'6 'flarriil and 80n of', James . .Bennett was Berio~~y: " " he,DAme of Herbert LOng, 80l;lpf. bridii'iI mottler t~i8 winter, takiDg goo.~ spel,l.kers !loll good mUSlc•.and a~d ,da:ughter Carrie May, Mr. , ~vi GeQrge, of CentQrvUt'e, \ vi81ted Mr. bnrne~ whlle playing w:itb: m&~hea. IMr..and !41'1.-rrli.D,1l A. b?nlflt. 8e~n. ~p 'tbeir future ,residsnOe ' hi PIUa anyon~ wiJ) ~ well tepai~ for a'visit Ltley and Bon .Fred, Mr. Frank Cook, 'and: Mrs. Ralph . Ltlwls on Stind~y. Sa,Jolin Ja~es. of Bellbrook, ith 'j)6nt 'The followinl. 8zoerpt iBIl~SO oHPPi'4 burg Pll. 'In tbe ,8p~lng. Althongh COlumb~s.. .' I . • Wl~ an.d daollhter Maucle. , MisB.Eva Lacy entert"ined MIss H:U!::'y and8~nday . Bo~n 'from foo' ball DO&e8:. "1 he 8&&80n t):Ut friendl! of these young peOple There will . also be club meetinga I· ,, LillIe Goebring,of Day ton ,last week. ~iSS B ' l 0 I b ~ ., ~Q8':' eqded baa been 'tbe most soo ' were a ware ' o'f the OOnrlng' eveat of different· kind~ during the two The many friends of Rev; . and. d Mr. and Mdrs, F~ank Smith gave a recently ~;nMI~ e~t~~lllowLe~~b: " 'b b"'" fbi h . b 1 ' 'd , . . h' h ht ·"~· te Mrs. 8enj anceWatul' ayevenlngtoahostof .' . ' . .f 11ll o . e. .... ,t:y 0 , g ,s,! ~ however they we~ taken by oom- ay,s ~lOQ, V( Ie OUIl "" m rest. . • B: aw ki ~s ~ave . th em - friends. . ." Mrs. AI1~MoKlnsey spentWed~es .thla&lCl·• . NotoDly baa, this ,.;e.. r" 'plete lurprl8e wheu tbey. heard of the membe~ of these clubs . genuine surprise last Thuraday ev- lli88 Esta Stacy entertained Mrs , dvy and 'I'hursday with Dr,C1-.cett . tf!em .~ot d!!!~ted but their their marriage "od de~rture fK:om ~- • The tJme WIlS p81!Bed in .in- 1j:1la Earnhart and Miss 8t,Olair. of • - .. • ~l .llne U8 no~ been Ol~. Jt . ColnmhM.-,Co)umbl18 Pret18 Post. FARMER~' INS'FITUTE aoven~ games and 9Onverellotion, an~ Pekin. New 5lJrlin~on. . B~be"~ Lo<qc, ':(l9 pl~~ed ,lert go.a'rd,. .' Mr. G. T. M.etedlt.b ILnd ', bis bride . II: l18~ona ble ' hOur ,refreBhm!&nti SprinO' Branch~ Mrs. 80. . rah LticaB islD poor haa.lth . Don't : for~e' the ' date of tbi8 wWelr~ s~rved • . Tb08e prel!ent . we~e: & . ,iii .n,'b~ ga.~!lII, an'" 18 ~po1i:,e,,'.of' amved. at bll' ouun't:,y b'oDle Wed4_ ... ,lanuary 8 and 9,' 190.9.' E BoKaD and r mil Lillie Compton Is t1;le gOelt .......e p_Jer.. . I neiday morning ·wh!!re t1;ley raoeiv. meeting .. , .. . II, !, Jlld muad.' ·Mr. and Ml'll. H .. C. Dakin and of Mrs. relativeB in New Aiexioo. . ed a warm aDd hearty weloome. On GoOd mq8io aDa good lpeaklng. . Re:t&lllok an~ wife. F, E. Sherwood family had '-s their gUetlta 'a t 8un.. Mra. Mellie ' Reev.811 hu re'qrDed • - • NOTICE . day ·a . 8plendi. turkey Edward VanAIlltYDe and ' D . . D, .niJ family. G. D • .lIme iliad wife, day . din~er, Mr. '~r' Marlatt and from a visit with rel.livest .. D6,y. dl oM t h · f th ~ar,lh be the prin·o l'-18pea.ken JOtl. Bormell aDd family ltober' wife and dllonRluer Ilud Mr. W"lter ton. ~e' large pompkln .., Zimmer- . aDlr WIUI J&.ven n ooor 9 a of th.-e 888110DI. Cre'w and wife, L. F. Eibon and Dakin. and in the afternoon Mr. !lnd W.I oQ& Janua.. _ .. . • Wife, John Wbitaore and . family MrB. Frank Dakin and inter. . .4f01Uld~OODaalD688188d. There ' on: NEW BILLIARD 'HALL PIANOTUNlNO Ja. Kerrick and wife C .... War 88tlDg.ohUdrea. them in the 1088 of their' IDfant Warran . -,. . .. , .... - MI'. and Mrs. Thom.. Laoy and d&QKhter. , ~~ ., 00ft'tIG& I, It J. J. 'J'bompeoD Jr. 44$ Ill. Iblo .od f~UY. / J.I ~arrls and daughter ~Da were entertained by lMk\Dptti~I'bI. Oh.WDg .' - . BOrDlok, QDe of the belt 8t 1A~OD Obi~ BatlefaaatoD Thad Zimmerman. Chrl8tie .l'1llmaD Barton and wife OD Suuday th!-~~~lda~~I: ~:: a1da. ud ,,_ " . J8"haa pool ,f.,en In tb., aWe,. hal l&an, .....~ Mad tv 11 • Pb 5 ,A1tred ~iij8J 'Bobert Mn. Anna Luoaa waa the gU8l' of here• • ~.ellOll'lo W.,1ob fOr' eel a. ~_14 Ind pool room t. ,be ._ran ." 8J one . ' , I'6.ro11no Cbeoo~i., . Mrs, D I •a_. ~ ....... ~Dhl. herd fmottier, II Iaa J. B. Ohanowiah lin, Jane White_ .. h u . ' " aut ...'b buldlDC, ad. moveclln OD Cook, 0, Iil. Bill, ~t ·Sarfa.oe, aD am y on t Tuesday. hOI; lema D6rid and . N... 1Dd wHe. ~. Ib, Boma ..... froJD 'Silverwate maybe kept briaht by Sk)k. Bulb ZiauDeimaa Wood ohopplnp are the order of ..n of IDdlaaa. ' aQd be bold. . ....... Oham, leaving It .tor seven.) hOUri in a lurt""; Deian BOWell and obthe UtaY. Mr.Th · Th~~~1 t.oy gave.. . Wm. loeDhoww rplC}ii.llf'~· . tion of borax. • opp 10D OnNDy. . I ... (I. _...-,;.._ •• ~ • Cook. M~. IIlrli8llt Dakbi od IIOD RU181 iaa!~~~=~~:' wen on lin. DUUa j
ate Reeve HolJ~d o~ this plaee. - - -•• __
prloo ~f tlie esuon. . IIr. aM Mrs Hea.thcoo)r, of !>ayton. Ron_in' lllw IlDd d,u hter of E. E B .b h ~~ii g 'I ' l' . 110 D, a'Ve vvv. very· peasant y t\n~rt4ined dUl'ilil the' holldaye by Misl AD!!a :PhUbps. ' ' Mr. aDd )(1'1. Sherman Dyke spent laet Thursday in tJprinR Valley the g ue9t of Or• Samuel Vyke" .Mrs Jane ,Dyke aDd Miy Blanohe, who had tt~en vlsltiDg · there, retarDed home wlth· ~hem -t. . MEREDITH-SMITH "
S. t:I., lIinnie I:i..tterth waite. :, • _ ..
it . .
~'. ~ry
,l.' m.~!!d ~oaple~
. w--' . •
Ro~~t~~!:l~;n':y'l!':~d ~
Prog1"am of 'the Waynesville Farme~'s Institute January 8 and 9, 19Q9. ·. Hahn's Hall Friday M()rning and Afternoon, January I Hull Friday Ev~~ing., saturday Morning and Art' moon #
PROQ-RAM FRJDAY, JANUARY 8··· 10 a. m. InvocatiQn . . . . .,":...... . . .. : .. , . ... ... , Rev. B, Hawkins Music- Earnhart Brothers Pr~ident'sAddress , . , .. . , , ., . .. .. '., . , • . " .. . L. Cartwright Reading Minute of 190 . Mu~ic.
What HoI' 'hould the' .Far:mer .P roduce? ,...... , ... . . .
. , . ...... .... ... .' .. , D. D. Harsh, tark County. Ohio " ' Piscussion. Tobncco . . , . . . . ......... .. •.. . . , . , ...... . .. . Harvey Burnett Discussion: ~ Fertility . ,:. , ........ Edward VanAlstyne. Kinderhook , N. Y. Djscussion.
Appointm~t of Conimittee8. Adjournment.
FRIDA Y AFfERNOON- 1:30 Violin Solo ...... ... , .... ... ....... . . . MiSs Justina Hartsock Advantages the Farm As a Home . : .. . , .. .. D. D. Harsh . Music. Paper .• ..... , ...... . .. . . , , ., . , . .. ... .. . , . . .. Morris Cornell Violin Solo- Mils Grace Carman. Commercial Feed Stuffs .... '... . . . . ... . I • •• • • • E. VanAlstyne DiscUSIion. Music.
FRIDAY EVENI/I{O-7:40 Mu's ic- Miss Helen Harris and Mnl. Burnett. Why Our Boys Lt>.ave the Farm; ..... •.•. .. D, D. Harsh Quartet+J. T. Ellis, H. D. Kellison, W. O. Raper, Rev: Gilliland
. Recitation- Miss Ethlyn Piano Duet~Hele. and Sybil Hawke: Reading~Mi88 Lu.cile Cornell. Music., Th. MakinI' of a Man ..... , : ... , ..... ...... .. E, VanAlstyne . Mueic-Quartet. ,
Piano SeIO--:-Marguerite .Thompeoh. Devotionai..
Vocal Solo-Mm. W. T. Gilliland. . .
~kinl' Rome Attractive for the Children. Mrs.Josephine· Dodd A Trip Through Maryland . ........ . .. ildw,ard .Van Alstyne V.eal Duet-Mrs. Alfred' Wright and Mrs. Lester Crane Woman'e Influence on' the National Cbaracter .. : . .... . . .. ..... . ... . '.' . ... . ... . , . .. , . , ...... '. Mrs. Mont. HobleH Row to Have Neighbors ... . . , . , . .. . .. .... . D. D. Harsh . Piano Solo-Mril. C. A. Burnet.
Schwartz's Cut Price Clearance
Mr. '1'• •1. \ hit , Stl,h~ F!~VaIlKeIi8t for 'ont,beru Ohio, will preu 11 tlt I,he UhriRtitLll church 11 xt Slmrlny morning lit 10 ::jO aud JJl.'ohll IIlv in the cveni'nlt tl t 70' 10 'k.
-----_._--- -----
Of Merchandise which will . save you from
... ,.,.. ......... ""' ......
1909 Announcem,e nt Let u prove to yo n
8 1l
t the hest
, 'lI t fm lll ..... . . . . . . . . .
The 'J)list year we have mllde ohlmges. We hli ve tried to "OX up " ond in 8. Im8118ure feel thnt we have suooeedAd. We have InstnlJed one of the NatloDR.1
'11 1
from .. . , ... , , .. . .... . .. . , . • •.
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37c $1.25 $1.25 $1.00
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A gMI] 01' ~Vlll ~I\II to tl flt t.ll e pur ~tl,.tlI· an. Inquire lit this ,"l ite ......... _ .•••••• 5.70 fr fl I't tllX. Inq ui r e lit t.hl ~ or. A<l. wilt be InlHtct,l un(l~r UI I. ~~a(J for floe. " I =::Z:'===========::= lwcnlV' ~vu c ' n Ul ttlr lll reo: In s rtllH\~, L>('\U R '" . ' . I LOST . ,,'bon usln u IIOt mure Iha u Ih' " lIoes. ' "' .\:1 A "' exto0810n ttlL le, ~ooll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ liS 0 w. IoquirBlltth ls o1'1:1ot' . ( vo..,...... . _._.".. .............."".....w...,......."".-"'."'.""......'""."'.............,........."'.·"' ·..........,..· 1 A~~nk~~lll'tI:~~~J: ~O~~!~b!';~l~,~~ , _ •••••• --
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QUARE Of~ll.lvl\nized LARGE Gl\UNTI.. E'l ' GLOVE. ,om · , lIudrt'OfIivtI I'tlwurd . and Pd't h e t Roofing lit 1 I ' ,1 13115 '1" 11'1 .nearl I~ o",el'WIi~ rm g t.r(l o.,{ I PALE hln a I1l1k !>c,lrf wrIlJlIIt.(l "5 12 ~. to . per sq In 8 I 0": eR JInqUire ut tbl ulll e hi F" I ,",1.75. Clutternnd rOllndRpont(lt 6 ~ o ' . ". 11,1 It UII Vflpl' r . 1111 er plell ,,.1 per It, 'rhos. z )~' .r rt'l lirn to thll Gtflt,ettfl ol1:loe. :.
fortmJ e; Areio go d 35 SHUA'l'S condition, Inqoire of . L.
,' .. '
TOW"N'" Ili
Ri O)rs, .. . ME BulY rpin ~t~n Be n!! Or IInl . ASHINGTO N (j. okerels buff let!', !It·l\,t o priQl'. Mrs. E. '. ~ UItE~ of 1:0 (1 lunl) to r ut brao" and whit!'!. B . B'. Wi 1: Wadsworth. Wllyne,;viJl. Ubio ' , s{JltIl111rdo'r I' ny 'kinl1 uf f"rttl ~ k er on •.Ot:egooill, Valley.Phoue 2-.-3 E I D. 3. iug, Inqull' I\t tbi~ nUi ,tI .
Will White's Weekly
Lf~tter. ~-' Begins
this- -
Oreen Briar.
In extending to our custo m-tln Bred Smith ta en'er&8.lning Regular eOmm\lDleation of WILY, ber mother, ~ra. Bo@8, of Norwood. neeville Lodse 1113 F. & A. M. '1'nee~ era this klOdly greeting we ' 610lb. Buony Bumetwaa in Ctnotn- day eventng J~n. 5, 1909. Work tn cerelv desire to thouk vou for _" Jut &turday and Sunda,., the "AI.«ree. ~mpo,aDt bualneu. vou~ patronage during the year ~ of htll' brothel' Whitti8l' aod {SOjOUrDinIJ brethren Invited. that lS just nbout tCI end. ~ iD.reatiDI famlly. .J. O. Cartwright'. W ~ M trust 'that you will accept our Ilr Bred Draper returnedla" week: C . E. BraUen 8eo'.y . sincere Wishes for a ,PROSPF.ROOS fr~ to for&ptghw with fdend8 ' .. _~_ _ Nnw YItAR .. to ,KeDtuoky. Be Wal accompanied ~. ' home bl Mr. haD Vioo . who will Every , oGIU! ' purcha81ng a t·loket During the old year we ha villt in Ohfo for some time. for the Matlaee Friday afternoon ,lIr." Ohade. ~l1llen and, family will reoeive.. t;&-SJlf.. .1I8ho & found the number of our custom_,,-ded tbe Box &cial a~ ' ~illey SmUh. ers gradually increasing udd the .,hool 'on Wednesday eveoiog and i _ ....__ increased efforts Oil QU t· ' part ",port it a 8pleodi~ 8UOQ8IIS. ", Japan is about to make her lint bJ'onght liS increased bUSWeS81lS aeveralof our folkl Willspend t,he , holidaya .:7V~7 ft:om h~me Mis8 My- f'W eensu8. Heretofore the popula.- In other vears, and while the re:' . r,le Kibler wlU be t~e gueal of her ti~m haa been eStimated on the birth ci)rd of 1908 ml.l~ el! it our BANNJtR lie"r, Mrl. Joho Began at Me.wioDS deatlt returns viUe. Malter ' DorWArd .Vice will • ' . ~, . YEAR' In businass vct 1Wf: a,:t! tully ' Y"'~ with Barry Cling~er'lI at ,' ,For the U "~.3 Sta.~ ,.~. ti determmed to make the N}I;w ., aprtDlboro. ' hlLeU ..- ,.., mves • YIUR SECOND ' TO NONlF:. Barvey 'BarDetand family llpent pte, its water r~urc~ SA ~oro,IJIh' ChrIetmaa at the home of F. E. 80s; 1y SA does Switzerland would cost •..J D~r Wef;!klv Letters will DaaleaU:4prIDgboro. A8~ Whitaker , : 10.000..000. a .r.Alar. bri!lti1e wltja p,~rgains. Many of and' family helped lDllke merry at · ... -.: ..._-.,;..-' these you will not i)e ~ple duthe home of Engene Evans in Leelap. ' ~ 804001 ga've a IhOl't Chlttatmas ! More IO,OQO,OOO ~res of the plicate anywhere and the ' ,quahty proer&m OD Wednet!d&y afterDOQU. beBtacriculturallands in the Unftecl of the goods offered will alwl&vs It. "tlah 1;IOnd" pleaaed tile ohildren States are unproductive ' because carry f,he sat:Ue and all wbo fisbed "got a bite." they'1l'e ed <lrainage. • fo~merly. " 8oh00l will be aloeed for a weekand . • 11 wtJ~,8DJ~J' a well earned vacation. b J • +-- - ..:-.~- __ .... ~,,~~ industrial collntry in the ..,. ~ world except ' tM United' Stat. ~ 10G0'Ib. ~ BAPTISM AT ST.' MARY'S voices paten~ If not wol7ked In ttl., • of Ca.lifomla Ev~.porated The tnfantohild of Mr . .and Mrs . eo.ntry J'l'IUItiDJr them. . .~ 'P ~ BeDeoke waa bapU8ed by tbfl Rev. .. - . " ~ e~che. ~ .10' Cadwallader•• , St. K.~y,'. Th. United Statetl takes almOlit ~l ~ 7 1-2e a. ~... 'ijohDroh Sund,ay . ftfternooJl at ~ of,~~rth Cb,ina'8 wool; one· of the • ~~~....\f1 00 'otoolE. ' moat important exPort.. from that These • - - '. . IJeCtion of the empire. Brazil's first ..iamilrranta from Ja· . •- • , . pm reeentl,y sailed from TOkio to The entire larnyx recently waS 1'&0 l"ork ... the railroads of the former ~o.ed from a womanjn to Baltitnore Take a hint and lay I hOlPital.Though the operation cost Green fruit. ..count..,. . --_ . _. her her voice, it aved her life and hi«b, .Japa.'lOyernnaent plaIII to " - • - _ _...__...._'"""!!~~"!-~~_ .~=;~a~bill in the coDUria' dlet·~ pi..,. f . New Y.r'. l
So well ,and favorably known '. is our Ann~al' Winter Sale that the simple . statem~nt abQve ,is .all tha:t is necessary to i,nterest aU (,lUr ' patroris.· .The steady growth of our business year .b y year has ,given to ~ach· succeeding Winter Sale gre~ter .0 Pportunities and added ~ntere~~-becau$e of the ' enlarged departments a,n d wi~~r clloice. ' . This same is true in a marked degree this' year, and you will find , it of· profit· than , ever to b~y ·freely during the sale~ . . '.' . . As is our est.blittl)ed cus.t om-except. the' few items we are under contract tq ~ell ,at a fixed price "
.,:mv~rything , Is
by the
,,,. \. Y "i'.: ]iJHVJ] l .J fjJ.
Olassified Ads
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l'nllrhill ..
-<\llt '0 •••••••••••• , ••• ~ •• •• ••••••••• , •• •••• ••• • •
It. Hlt.PP'y AND OU~
.................... ~~ ~~~ ......... .
to 25c to 98c to 98c to .75c flu,,, . ..... .. . : , Pictures, assorted 48c to 35c s,-",bjects. Toilet bets $3.50 to $2.48 Dolls . 30c to 25c Dolls ' 40c to 30c Dolls 75c to 53c . (' nl ', rom .... , .• ,. . Picture ',' assortttd 6Sc to SOC subjects.
........ _ ..... "" ..... .--~
Belt Pins, all latest designs. " 11 1 fl'<II. 1 Collar and Cuff Boxes. " III fl'lI'" I.. I h,I" '!, B e rry S e ts,"hvwi 111111 . ~ d.ll. 1l1''''''·I'I.. (IIIi' f mlll . .. ..Post Card Albunis
' ..... ..
( ; ul fl"\}fll •.•• , .•. , ' . • , •• , .• , . • ..
Register, One that issues IL prlnt-e.l oheok to e80h nnstomer pntting amonnt of ellch sale on elloh oheok, . ILlso instil lied n Motor l ;off~e Mill, that cuts t.he ooffee, instead of oruebing the coffee a1\ old fl1'8bloned Mills do . We now measure our, Oil f rOlD 11 Bow8er ~lf Me88nring II Tlionk which 1l1l('ws DO dust or ' dir t to ge ~ into the 011. We DClW weigh on two of the Latest PaUern DRytoD Computing r>ClIles lind Chip onr Dried Beef with !in Enterprise Retal'Y Beef Shaver, and Out our Oheese with a Computing Cbepse Cutter. Our "ndeavor ba8 alWay8 Ibeen to merit your patronage :in every WilY Dnd so conduct our bu i nellS 'ao that every dollar you ~peDd· will live yon value r e o celved. To this end wei always . oonsider qnality 8S the prime factor in I Lying 10 our I8npplieK . Good Goods Ilre wor l~h their market value any time bot poor goOds are expentlive ht any price. We are heartily thankfnl 1.0 ou.r CWltomers for their 'liberal patronage this past y'ear lind 'rust our· endeavors will merit a oontinl}Bnoo of the sallDe , We wlah one" and aU . .'
,............... w ... w ....... w ... www ......... w~ ...~
to 98c to 50c to 35c Bread Plates 35c to 23c Henty Books for Boys ,2 5c to '18c All $1.25 Toilet Sets tu , ...•. , , .. , .. , .. , ...... • . , . . . . . , , ..• .... . . 98c All 1.00 Toilet ' Sets . 73'c ~%".;s.wi~~Or::,I ~~~~ ... 33c to ' 25c Belt Pins, .alI la test designs. 67 c to 48c
... ........... -
Children' S Writing Desks. ' L'II 1 fl'(1l11 ':'. . . . . . $1.25 Lad ies' Handkerchiefs 6 i n a box. ( 'lI l {"IIII . . . . . . 67c Br.ead Plates 50c
~h ll'
h oosts no more to
-"" ..
~a,~~y . ~~~~. ~.~ .. . '$ 2.50 to $1.50
OUR OOOOS Are U!lcxcelled OUR PRICES Right ·
+ •.i'f.'!" .•
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!Fl." .• !"'.9!";=(.~
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' RIK~-KUMLEB . Dayton,
AND WAVNESVlLLE NIIWa. !E2Z. __ ' _ _ ~
f'IX~'JETI1 YIDAR~_"'7-"_. _' __ ' ____
~uff l'in~.J
~H)Cfl-2 ____ _
I Sooiety Column .
Afi.tll· many months 0;' . . ... " . . Thursduy, .Deoember Sl, 190tl ' Mrs R W.Latchenl di ed .alurday / .Jos HlrKoh 'wUl! In CU)Otnnlltl, at2:30, Mr , Ear,1 Willillmson apl! ~ ;tI!" morning, December ~2th For many ·['ae~day. ' . Miss Myrtle Ollmpbell were married , days it 'w.w; appacent she would not Mi::!R Edltll Mos.her iii visiting lD at the home -of the bride's uncle • Ouzelle We wa rl t ', t o m ake Ibis durnn o f t b e .\ loaJIrIl: fenl ure Lbl w Inte r. and long survive, bULwheb the announce- Ciuolullat.i.· Mr. DorlL OatllpbeJI, of Centerville. ' IlSk: 011 " f rl emlJ< to 50 nil III 60c icLY C\·l· IIL.. ment came of her death it was heard Wnrr~n l{eys WIIS in Dayton JIUlt 'rhose pieRent were Mrs. James with sorrow. WednesllttS . ' Linton Ilnd Miss E~a Campbell, of i Dr. tmrl MrR , J. 'r , Ellis. enter . She came to Muntf:lwma with ht:!r Mayor Hmith ,WIIS In UolnDlbl18 on Uolumbui!; Mrs. Ob&.l'les Haines, tailled tl;t dinner SundlLY, W. E. hu::!band in the lulttlr val·t uf the lif- bU!lille!!~ MunJu.y . Mr .. Robt. Williamson, Mr. Wm, .o'NeaJl u.ncl fo:mi IY ' and Mr. Ilud ties and made this their home. She EIIi~tt, Wife apd Bon Lawrenoe and Mrs. Ohllll. Ellis. Ii., M. I~rk, of ~ytlef WIAIL II Da.y MIBK Oarrie ElJiott. flained and.held tha t!l:Itel:llJ\ of a large . I f frlen ' d s. ton vlslt.or MondiLY. ' ClrC eo ' That evening t·he bride IiOO groom Mr. !lnd Mrs. Upshere Wbite l'n Mr , und Mrs. ,Tohu HlLwke visited weot to·t,he home which the IlLttt?r tert!llned Mr. aDd Ml'(I. Fred Ben. , The funeral , s,rvices w ra held from the home Monday Ilflernoon at In t.;;uoiunati III['t week. loviugly as&lsted by bls fu.ther Bnd derllon' and danghters at dipner l;aO o'cloc.k, conducted by jc,tlv .. 0 : ~ E V. BIirDha.rt ml\de I> bllsiness sis .. er hlld befittingly prepllr~d for New Year'lI dny. Baker. trip to 'Inoi nnttti IIIl!tTbursdIlY , bls wort-hy hrlde:, 'rbe Kroom Is a Emeline' . H. Holland Latch Tn, Dr. A, '1'. Wright WII.S ip Lebanon prosperous young. farmer. 'l'he Mr . ~uu· d Mrs· 11.. '" VB ' IIIlrt ,h a d J 'I' . " , • Ilrn d aUflh tel' of ame and Hannah Hoi· uesdllY 00 profes810nal business. ~ide olrolo of frleD~a of tbls oonple ',s1 h eir gtlest.s at New Year's din. ana, was born April 1t1, 18<!O. at Mr. aDd Mrs. Barton Kell ev , of JOin in wishing t.hem a happy lind ner :'dr. aIld 'Mrs . .lohn Ullrtwright WayneSville. Ohio. lind departed this Cl nolnnllU. visited friends here l:!un- suooel:!sful future . 'lind · dau~hter and Mrs; Hannah life in the early morning of Det:ember d ny . Ru~ers. 12, 19p8. aged 8M y a1'8.7 months and MIllS KlLt,h erine Alexander will IMPROVED WONDERFULLY 24 days. have oakes on s~le 'I'DUrSl1ay Inora. '. 'Mr&'. JOl1lllthan Ogleabee &nd (am' On May 24, 184!J, at Waynesv,ille, Ing Mr. S, ~. _Bllrnes, ~~lt{)r of t,he \ly ontertained at dinnor doring the , Ohio, she was united in marrillge to Borne Weekly a.t .KemlL, .Wbo h,a@ bolidllYfi. Mrs. Ant"aul BMd .. rund_ Mr. lLud &irK. O. M.· ar· d onte ~o mhuiohh t{) bring that paper daughter, of Xeula • Mrs.""' Renear' W. Latcham, who ::lUrvives Mury.. lJpp 'I' th ' rlvf'll home 'I'uesll04Y evening trom . t .d d d b ul!. 0 I 8 . i , s... n a~ , au w 0 .nd ' Mr' . und Mrs. Elills () g l~sbllil h er. 0 is uniorrw4:!re born thretl d exlco. children-Albert: R .• ' who died in made the Ohristmas Dumber one to Pond daugbters, July. 1889; James ~ Latchem, now Mr. and MI"II. 'rhornton O l,i n, of be remembered and kept 8S a. souve . a re~ident of Malcom, lowa', and Rlobmond, Ind., "re at tile Friend!! nlr for all time, hll.s written us ILnd Mr. and Mrll. GeorHe Hawke wera Mrs. Katherine ~. Light of this city. Boardiug tiome. says: b Ollt and ' bostess III dinner 8undllY, In the fall of IM57. Ml'S. Latchem Mi814 liLra Lisla, of ' Xenia, spe~t I want to oompllment you 01\ 'the to, R N lIILosher of barding ton 0 . ,w ith Rer husband came LO Montezu- New 'follo-r,s dliY with Rev . lind Mrs. improvement you h~ve made in the Mrs.'Ed·ith .l:i1N";is . Mrs. uaura' M~~ tl.a. Iowa, where!ilie bas resided un- J. F. Uall",,,Ullder. lia~tte sinoe you took oharge of sher, Mr. III.nd Mrt! . ,,'reu Ba.rl!1ook t.ij death claimvd h\ilr foi' tht!h~wnly MIot8 Belen Oglosbee after a pleas . the paper. YOIl- have improved it IUld Harris Mosher mansion , !tnt holiday vllcatlon. IllS returned wonderfully in Dews aull . Mrs Latchem was converted and to ller sohoolll.t. Oxford. ' . al~ waYII. j .reflret ·tba.t tbe mer· Mr. ~nd ~rB. J. E: Janney very joined. the church during a revival Mr.and Mrs.l.lI.wreooe Cart'wrigbt obunts of ,be town do not fill yoar, enjoyably 'enter~llined ' New Year's h-:t~ at.Wayn~vil1e, Ohio, under the o~ Dayton, spent Sond~i with Mr. oolumn8 to ove~fiowihg with 1000.1 day at dinner .John MoClIlre and m~~IS~IlY of J,?s~tia Bo~Cher and J. andYrs. S. L. Cartwright. advertlsl~g at a good fiKure. They family, of 8pr:ngboro, Dr. and Mrs. Hili m the wmter of 1!:!41-2. On' Tl' • "di ' 0 ' Id f St M . cortainly shenld. ,I. '1' . .Ellis flnd lion ~id ' WU} b'Neall 1e..... es •0 . ILry II ' .' I : .' • • con.I ..... to Montezuma she With her ' m DI • - • and flSmi I'r •.• , Obtllch will t '1d f. ' Ilnd Mr . and Mrs .OhBs " . · d " . . , ee ,uurs ay a ,er· OFFICERS ELECTED 11 . )l: Ill. h usb an umted WIth the Methodist noon with Mra E ' V Ba b t .Episcopal church htu'e by !etter-: . . . ro ar ' . . '. .• ;Sbe was a tirl11ess and !aithtul workR N Mosher, of ClLrdhigt/..n, Ohio the M. E. SnndllY .:\Ohool ~eld Its La t WE,doe8day evening in their .er in th~ chure~. a.lways at the post hitS been tbe guest of Mrs. Edith snnual eleotlon Munday eyening. !,leual boslpl'tllble maflner, Mr. and ~f dllty until the infirmities of a e Hllrris Ilnd f&mlly . . The foll()wlng ~tfioer8 were ale'3ted I Mrs. George Hawke entertained at ~ept ller 'a tbome. / g. Miu ' BhlDon ,DVl{e, of Lytle, Was SQpt. l:f,;-D;'KeHUMm.; A.'l. 8opt., 1Iofi· eJ~.n~ fonr, ,oonrse dinnsr, Dr~ After a lon,g. faithful and useful ~be gQast 'of Mr: Ulem Burnett .and ~r. B. E , ~at~~way, 8eoy., JeDDle and Mf!lIA•. /1'. W,l'lgbt, Mr. and Mrs. life, the muter 8Ilid. ' ''I~ ill enough family sevel1S1 ,d.llysllLSt week. . Cook; AilS t.. ~y., An~a. Hainea; Emmo.rEI.ny:~ Mr. and Mts' ''., Joe come up higher.'" and the devot:ed Mj88 Minnie Duke, of Lytle. w.lll Treas., Ba~m\l~d Dn!" Llhrarian, U1iapman, Mr. ILnd MI'8. E, V, Bllrn. wife~d mother passed from earth's iAlLve tbls week OD an 'e xtelided vle- ,RaymoDd COD,nor; Aa8't~ Librarian; bt.rt aDd Mr. and Mrs. o. L. Orane. ' . , field of toil and sacrifice to heavens 'it to r elativel i~ Illipois and Iowa. ~ymond W)lllamBOn; , Orlrtln1llh Sybil Hawke; Chori.ter F. B Farr M.r and Mr. Ohaa 'Shtd k rest and \ l'eward,-Malcom, (Iowa) l:Iatft,ld ' and Bunnell were 8hip. Supt 'Oradle Roll' Mrs 'F B'F . ~ . ed .' r ' a er en· Lead ' I h t Co . , . .. , arr, tertain 'at 6 0 olook dinn.e r New er, . pog oga rom r"ln Tuesday, A8S't Supt CrlLdle Roll a btl y . , .. Mrs. Latchem was a sister of the ror wbloh they naid the blgbest Ba . P ' . . ' . Y ear 8 nlgb~ the following lueet8: . ..... wke , res. MllUUoDary; Boolety at Wilbur Sbld It If dd Ii jateReeveHolland uf this place. prioooftbeeeason . II . ~ . a er,w ean aog ter, _ _~._.'_... ' . ~. tI., tnnle~&tt-erthwalte. of Wilmington; Fred Sarlan and Mr. ~ncf1\4rs H~thcook, of l>ayton. • - • ' ' f 01 ibt Cleaver and wife, Ed Former ,R~sidents WI e, '.' .. . " l!t..ln-lll·l~w liud dau,g hter of E , E CHILO B~DJ.Y 'BUR~ED . Mc Fluland and wife, Berne I:3bida. BllhD. ba.v e I;!een very plea88ntlyen: ker ~nd w . life. :.o&n' R. ADderaou, of Lilfliy~tttl; terulned ' durlog tbe bol~daY8 by , The Uttle daugbter of Mr . .and' Dd., llend8 Ra:~ting8 aod a ·bea~t1. Mi" .... J Bmes' Benne~t. ot 'Corwin, , ,' DIU' SB nllDIio PhUh .,.PII. .III.rll, All' alld Mrs. 'Wilbur Olark enter-(111 lIoDvellir book of tbe ottv of Mr. aDd llra. Sherman Dyke spent rowly escaped. borrlble deatb la8t talned to 11\ iurk~y dionol' Chrlstmall -LaCa,ette. laet io SprillR Valley, tbe Frldl\Y by burning. Tbe mother day: Mr. a,nd Mn, Wm. Oarmony Tbe dally peporlJ of JoSundllY can. guest of Dr. Samnel Uyke. Mrs. Jane had gone out of tbe honse when the and SOD ElltDus~Mr. /Iond Mra. William klnlog rennP+ .. 'of the state seDate Dyke aDIl Miu Blanoh~. who liad oh1\d and Itt i,t . Wheaton, 'Of Yankee street: ,. Mr. ~..., Th got' hold h ot a Jlmlltoh • ~_ prooeed1Q~, ~0':.ltllin the name of been villiting thore, retarned home e mato set ur~ ,to its littl~ lind Mrs. Marlon 'C1ark and Mr. and Fred Calkey .. ,Ionrnal Clt;lrk uf tbe with them , .., dress, (lnd had the m?ther not OOme Mrs; Walter Olo r.k and family. ' , 88"",.. Fred ·il Il hustler. an~ of ME,REDITH-SMITH in, wO,u ld have ,l>robably bnrned',tQ A. beautifu( Christmae trite 'with •b death ". ~ " ' 1 ·" • e kiDd tbat will make hi!! mllork . , . a present, 'or all wbowere there was .a~IY in ilf~. The 'posltion ';ot only The wedding of Miss 0)1\1'& ,' B. Dt;. W right wa~. :':lmmediately also oDe'or 'be IIomuseme'ots, for the , remunerative Mlllith of 102,8 ElI.!lt SpriDg St . . ;. ... d oalled, !lnd gave It med{oai ~ttentlon. day. _. rrles wtt~ Ii a ,good ..,... Th hUd b dl b ~aiuel but IS;' stepploi ' I\tone t.o ~ M.r.Grover Tilden Meredltb"of W.y., ,e,c waa ,11 y urned, but IS ht"ber po8 lttOD politlcaUy. TbeUa · ne~vlJle O. WIL& soleiDolzed Tuesday I getting, II.long nioply DOW. ~r. and Mrs. Tlllman Borton enI8tte to hl"\ tta basil wis~es et.fteruooo tLt 4.30 o'olock at ,the tertl&lned at dlnn'e r !:lunday'. 'Mr. lD bill new posi,t,ioD. . 'home of tbe offiola.tlng minister, STATE INSTITUTE, and' Mrs: '." Jaoob ' Lao" wife: and Rev: S. K. King . oa West State , '.: . " ' . . d~uRbte~ Eva and ·80n Wilbur, Mr. " , ". Th Sta F I d M s 'rh n. W e ara tn-rt'oel.p t of, ooples of "he street. , ltumeCllattlly aftpr 'he oere •. } e. te arm~rs nstItute , ~,Ill an .f . , o~. Lacy, wife and 'No.,ewberaod ()e.;emberSpe,o tator. mooy' tbe youog couple lef" for mEl;et In Columbus. Tuesda,y ' and da~~bterEd,IiII,Mr ."ndMrs. Walter ,a jo~rDal published tn 'be interest. W:aynosvllie to,'.vislt the groom 's W:ednesda~, Jan~~ ~2t~ a~d .. ~,3th , Laoy .a nd d!t~ghtars Edith aDll Etoil; of tbe, ~I~h .80~OOI ot JoQn8~0'Y.Ii',p.jt.. p~reht8, af&er"wbloh tt.ey return at the Board of TFade Auditorium • .Mr.. aDd Mrs, Roward L:loy, Mr. In,cbe bU8i~el8' staff. Itri- asslllt,\I,Dt. 't.() Co1u~bna and reside, with the ' . Ther:e ' will b~ ' atf ab.un~,ee. of r W~1l Arnold, wife an.d SOD RUtlse} " he name ...of , Berber't LOng. ' 80~ o( 'brid~.'S motb~r , tblli ,·'," tlLtiDg goo:i'speakers apd good. '~~~ ' and ,da.uglite~'Cjj,i'rie May ',.Mr. ~VI I~r" aDd ~r8~ 'r",.~ A. Lon~ tit &e~n~. up t.helr tnt\}re .le&ide!loe In ' Pitta. anyone will b~ w.eU repaid for a ',yJSlt ,Lac,r and 8Qn Fr~~" ~.r. Frank Cook, 'The fol\owi~~ excerpt ISl;liaa ollp~ burg,PH,. 'in the sprIng. Although ~oOoIQmb~s. · ' , ,wl~e .and daughter Mal1de~" " . !from fopt ball ,j,) be lIa1lllon thE! trl,e nds' ot" young PeOPle Will be cl"ub meetings ,I, '.', , . . jD8t end~ "baa·been.the mOllt srio ' were Ilware of tbe 'coming e.veBt' o~ different kinds during the two The ma.ny frle\ld s of Rev. and f:-sfnlin of high tbey were ' taken' by com: days' seSsiOD t to,interest Mrs. glLve them a .tbletl~ .. ,Not only bl&8 ,t~11 year.'t! plete BUl'prile when ' they heard of the ~ember of these .~lubs gel;lu.i ?e, ~rur~rIBe last Tbursday ev "am,no' ~ defeat~ b,UD their their,marriage ,l\nd !1epartlire ..from .. ._- " . Tlletlm~, w,lLspaased ill in. ~ . "oal )loe . bal D~t been · orOMed.," CoIDmlltlll ..-.CQ)umbu8 Press Poat. ' . FARMERS' INSTIT.UTE n~ent game8ll~d oonver8ati.o~j and B"r~r,t ~ligl :p'9'play"M, le.ft gUlI.rd Mr. G. T.' Meredlt.h and his bride , " at IL se~8011ablol)our , retre~bment~ in an ~~aee limell, apd 18.8P9~11 ~t arriv~ a'~ hili c\>unt.ry home , ~n ~ .fol,'ge' t.h,~ d,,~e ,o~. tbla we~e ler:VEII3. , Tb~e pr:el!e~t> were: ... .. "'. ," wbere they ' meettng ,fan nary" 8 . ,9. W. 89"au ,and • . Edmund , . ,- • eel ~ wal'D:l ,.and ' , muslo lind good; . '" Retalliok ~Inli ~lfe. F . E. Shetv{~d NOTIC~ , Obriltmaa day II. ', apl(lndili li!dward VaDAI8tyne and D. D. and f..mllJ7 • .G, D. lilll8 "lid wife, ., ' ,.. .. ' dinner Watt • iveD to honor' of ~"'flh will be ~be Rrlnql~l. speaken JOII. HOrtlD~p an4 family, ' Itobert l'Iie ' 1~le pumpkin .a.t Zlmme~. .' g , of theae S88lioOI ' and wife , L Fi lillbon ' aod , 6J 1 t mlrrledoonple ' " . . . .' " . ,.. , man I ~ry "1& ou. anaa~1' I ' " . ;. .. • , . wife, ;Job.. . Whluore aDd family, , , &.4 fouod to cont~ 688~. ~ere ~. . v NEW ' BILLIARD. HALL JSI.·'KerrlC;k i:nd wife C; E. War. ' ..... onlrS ·oQrr_.,..... Warr'en . ' l l' w{"kand' f.·m ' lly J"'I'B r 'l , >, ;J J '!'bompeon Jr 448 Ie MaiD U ' J " . r S' and DaktJi .....~I.~,.lIdnl m." . ';)!id" Bornick, one ot f,be beat, St'" LebaDon . OhiO' 8atU!faoUOD fa~l1y. Zimmerma~, Cbrl~tle o~ ~d~" , . ...tpUtnl pool ,1..,en III 'bu 'lta'e, b~ I~art. " . , , . , La8btei, Robert ,be .180,,10 *pp- Waklh ror O,IU' .. bt1I~r4' aDd P901 room i. t~e ,urauHec1, Van~ Pbone 64 B, Obenoweth, Phi. ...u 000"", ~DllcUnl, aod. mo'Ved In Gn • - .-: O. Ill.' Bill iIa., 81U'faoe' ' . '- • Mr. Borniok oame from S,lver,ware kept, briaht ' .' RQ~, Zl'riiaierlll&D; A)1'ENTIO'" ~ 9F. V. be b9148 .be'...... oblm. leaving it aevel'lllhoun'hi a . Dean 'a' ell III ""IcIliiIIllip I " lion f boru ~ow ~ JDI.",llWla.. Q'~"_1.0JIIJIII'l',~MI'I',' .. .Ip, poo 0. . ' . • '_ . M
~ot-etl: t,ut'~t,at.ory
. '''
~(Jb'ool' howe~er
" lne8daymorni~g
a~S9 whlch.~~~ht
. ·be
Be~t Ibwkto~
Spring Valley.
'l'he first l:iuullliY after Epiphllny, January 10 :' Morning Prayer Ilnd sermon at 10 :30 fL . m , ; Evening Pruyer And sermon at 7 .' 00' p. m. " a '" 'uodo,y Soh 01 lit 9 :30 a. m. nSI)ir. il,lg muslo ttt botb morning and fl V enlng R~rv l oe. IJDltl uocl worShip' wit.h ns , ----- - - -- - MA YOR, SIGNS OR,DINANCE
Miss Olive Anab e spent t helatt-er pllrt of the week with friends In ~priDgfl eld and Yelll;)w Springs. MiRS Kllte tins I~nd brother OlLr! spenT, hoJidllYs iu Oinoinn ati. l\lI ss Hllrriet Noah vlllited last woe k ~ ith 'llrlugfield relat.i ves.' ,Mrs. Mc(;lraw autertaineu Ilt II. turkuy dinner New ellr IliLy, Mrs, UroifCbto . ~r8. EWIIl McGrew aDd little lion nnd Mr. and Mrs. RILY Ellgle. 'l'be tbir/l nuUl ber of the lecture cour!le, u 'leoture b,v L. B. Wiokerkb$Dl w1l1 take plaoe In tbe Town Ball .Jdnoary tho Herman Evaoslert Monday morn· ing fQr Golumbus where be baa ao ~ oeptlld 1\ position a8 ,yelghmaster II.t the stookytirds . . Mias, Anna. Ano.bee was the guest over SuntlllY, of Mrs , lJu.rl Andrew8, . of Xenia. Sam Barnett and wife are ,he par. ents of 0. li ttle boy. A li ttle son arrived Wednesday evening Ilt the bome of Geo. Benson Imd. Wife. .10 eph Hawke w\fe aDd !laughter IIpent the holidays wit. James H~wke Ilnd Wife, of Bellefontaine. William Bowmaster and wife are the pllrents of n lit~~e Rev. Fringer began his revival servioes at t.he M,' E. oburoh Sunday nig ht. r .I\wrenoe Wolfe and wife are the pl1rents of a lIt.tle son, A orowd. of twenty-four attellded the play "1'be Couusel ot Defense" a.t the VioLorl1l theatre ,Wednesda7 night. . , Wl1bur Wilson aDd wife are tbe pl1rents of II little son,
The .0. L. & C. ordinance is signed, Ma~Ol: Burkhart of Daytou ap proved the measure lLud a,fflxed hi8 BigDa~ure to the frauobi e ordlnalloe just before noon lafit 'ru~d'l'Y. 'rhe ordlnanoe, wllioh WIlS passed by (lounoH last Monda.y night, will beoome a lllw JlnUt4ry 10, ten ' days after the first pnb1ioatlon , whioh wi1l be December 31. "AMERICA" SUNG FIR,ST TIME
"On one Fourth of July in Boston," writes Doctor Hale in hiE' "Remilli8cences ill Woman's H ome Compan ion f or January" " 11..!lad spent a11 my a1 lowance for July and all my 'lect ion mon y' on the Commori-possibly for a sight in the camera obscura, though I doubt ~f I had money enough for th(lt-eertamly for raw oysters, three for a cent if sman , two for a cent if large; probably half a' glass of spruce beer. one cen.t, and two or three checkerberry medals- die now lost- and make what alJo-.yance you please for cocoanuts; sugar c.a ne and other foreign delicaoies. I was ~. returning penniless and had to O,:,egonla.' pass Park Street Meeting House, when an L>v" • f h' t . "I ' t I ' .. n_ 0 IS orlc.. Impol' · M'l.iS ()orr I ne 8 penosr,of Leba non " , . c pia ance. took e Lon. g ~oI umns 0f '\ spent . . c. ,S atu.r day ·.aud Suoday wld! boys and g irls were g01l1g Into meet· J. K. Spenoer ancttaml1y. ' i~g . The spectacle of a procession The Misses Myrtle Kibler and Laof children going to meeting on any aile MaBOn ret\lrDed hOPle SaWNa7 day bllt Sunday was as wonderful after s,pendIPg. tbe 'week wt,h Ilr. toine lIS a vofcanie eruption from ~~11IttrB. ,~Obll Sag,,)e, .of, N.,wton. the Biue !I!l1s would have .been. ~f MI~ ~n. SpepoeJ' wAf" !.n Leba- . course I Jomed the t ht'ong, So ItlB nou B tew da,}s laat week. ~. that '} am on~ of the little company . Mr&. Hlegler · died at ber bpm." who' heard the national. hymn sung here t3aturday mornlag. " for the first ~im~ The C. E. BU8lD~. meeMiJI WU ' held at Alisa Mabel Sherwoodl Sat. .. 'AlY ooUlltry 'tis ot ~1I.oo. nrd&yevenlng. Sweet land of Uberty.' Mr. andMra. Emmon.entertatoeci ','[hope I ~idnotjoln in thesinfling, relutives ijulld4Y. for at thattimedo was tomeeve'nas Mr. and Mis. Wlebkinl lpell'. re and mi, an, d Jam afral'd I eh' ould fawdays wltb Dr. and Mn, Krl-· - .. not have improved On the harmomes hoff , of the occasion .. " . , ' Mr. and Mrs'. H. E , WilBOD reo ..:. ' turned ho)ne froin CiuotDoatl Tbori· ' day. ' . Lytle. . aDd M",q Sbei'· 'l'he Mia~ea Mabel Eve~l'body hilS oertainly been on wood returned bome from Bethel Spenosrapent 8unday O. W. U. to enjoy boUdaya. a.fternoon with MiS!! Lu'Ol)e ,Malon. Mrs • J.essle ' ' Hosier was home New Y8iir'sday. . Corwin'. 'Mr. Artbur Hamilton, of Leb~hon , , . wa.s vlsiUng here N.e w·Year'e day. Otto Smith and Wife: of Ciooinna• Mt R H S " ti vl~ited Ray Smith' aDd famiiy 8.' . . t, .,obu ann daughter Sunday. . Helen welle In Lepanon Satnrday , a.nd '!::Iunday. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W.· W. Arno14 'I'e· Mr. and Mrs , F , H. Duke' enter. turned home,oo New'Y~~ ' O~y af talneu Mr ... nd Mrs. J. M. Earnbart te.r u. delljifl:ltful v~\( pt a ~ee~, ill and daugbtel" Cill ra, ,Mr. !lnd Mrsi Pitt!lbn,r g wi$litb~~. dau!'~ter, Mrs., R. Harshbarger, of , Lebanon, Mrs. H. Prugh. . ; ~ " ., ~. J , ,A. 'Fritch and liOn, George, 'of MISS ~enru~tia )t:pKlneeY"l'1l8'ao. St. LoUie, Mr. 8tILuley Earnhiu't , of oomplLbi~d boiIi~Tbursday erening Bouston ·'1'exall . , by her nieoe~ He1!"b .. and ~Jl~b Bar. , ~ . . r~s, of, Dayton. J, _ M.r. Le~.ter ,Kenrlpk au~ 1!Ia~o ' Mrs.,'E. 'V:&rnbart'·waaagnest :::en~~~:t;:v~:::'fi~~~~r!~~:~~' of Mr8. Ray ~~it~·-.11!8t "'J,'b,ured".v. ent:, ' '.. . , The Ilttle'8:'{e ' y~r:. old daughter Mr. 1Itl,4,Mrs. Ira' HIlTris ,and ,,-on of . ~ames , Bellnen was seriously Geor~e, of Oenterville" ' visited, Sr. ~~rne,d :vr.htle pla;Yiy;tg with ma~ohe~\ Btud .Mrs. Ralph: .b:,~~8 on Snrida.y. ' John' James" o~ Bl)llbrook, ' .e~nt ft!liss EVIL Laoy eDtel'ttilned' Mis8 Sat,urdtl.y a~d 8nnday with Rober,' Lillie Goehring,of Dayton,la8t week'. Ogl6!1bee waa d Mr.::d ~rs. F~anr I:3mith gave 0. tl ' f M' St 1\ La ay even ng to a hO,st pf ~Iss Esta Stao; entertained ~1'S. dvy Ilnd "'b~rsdp.y ~ttb Dr.Olalget.t . J!llla Earnbart.and Mi~8St,01alr"of ., , • • " Pekin . . ' , . ,' " . . . New Bur.ling~on. •
tb~~~:U;~~~:!:~;S!!~I~~::'from Tb~i::~~~dya
a~::BB~leD ~ re:~S.ill:eM:.rinse; s:ant;:;:::~
f~~~~. ~ur
S . '.
' h~
pnng , ran~
··Mr. M,'&; O. Dakin t~mily ~d a8 their 1~8¥t8 at,Sqo. day ' dinner, Mr. Bert , M~rlatt and wlf~ a-nd dauj:Ch\er' and M~. W"lter patin, and in t,b.e afternoon 111'. ~nd u _ F-nk D;'klna d th 't ' ~.n.... n t:ee ~Il er· eeti~g ohildren. dMr'bandEdMrs, Thomu Laoy and ang tar na were en*ertained by l'illman BartloD and.wife OD SUDday Kre. Anna Luoaa .a,·tbe'gaeetor 'mother, M'r a,;), B. ' Obe~!)wUb aDd f~mily on lut Tuelday. ' ' W;~ obopptnl~ are .'be- OJ'11~r of the ky, Mr., Thomas lAcy p~e a obopplag on l'bureday. ' , Mre. Jilra. Dakin anilloll RQ~1 1.:M't!::~u;,~o.a lire, W~ Da&lD
h '
~ra ,
he Luoasls'iDpoor, l'lth . gueat Mrs. MeUle ,Bee:ve. bu re,Q~Jled. f,roui a Visit witb rel"t1vea In Day• ton. '" :" 'rho many' frien Aa ot u_ and U ' _ , - 1I ~' Robert Stanley '" ayu:apa&lWe wttb ·tbem in tbe 1088 of th~lr . Infant daolhter. " Mrs..
• th~a~~rtd:;:t~1tC: ~= ·bere. . '. . , . , Mra. Jane Wblte IJu ~ b e r " ' , ber ~ David and N.te and wife ~IJ or 1D4la_~ ! Wm. Ioa~r Jua4 Tneaclay of la.' week bta family ba.,elllPftCl IOn O.
The Miami Gazette
• . Omo.
A Lovemaking Lessoll
Living Up to YQuth. "How do you )!;eep ~o youthful r' .amebody, says a London corr spond· ent re ently Ilsk d KJng Edward VIr. Tb~rellPlJn hll majesty IB ulleged to JM.vo r plied: "The secret Is, to sur· round your elt with a younger genera· tAon t!Jan YOUl: o",'n, and to live up to Il" Tho story rna)" not be 1l111llen!lo; for royalty, even when genl~1 and pop. war, does not permit Itsel t to be cate"blEed In lUIy sucb tactless, tree-l.Ild· easy fasblon. But the king mIght hal'e made tbe r pi), tl'Utbfully: and It Is a tr-ue saying, wi ether be saId It or not. Two Am rlcno .. of GG odd, friends In earlier years, m~t after long separa· tJon, and one, who was an old man and admitted It, said, almost fretfully, to tbe oth r, " Wby are yOI1 so young?" The otber, wbo bad been f(\r hnlf bls lUe the hend of a public school, looked townrd tbe spl ndld t>ulldlng that shel· '.red a thousand bnys and girls. "With that great wave of youthfulness beat. tnr; up agnlnst me all tbe time, bow can I grow old?" ho answered. Tho .choolmaster would bave been WIlrranted In using the word s attributed to the king. Encompassed by youth, and · Clad to be so, he "llvt!d up to Il" That 'Would mean, perbaps, says tbe you t h's · Companion, llIat he clung to his early entbuslasms, Inc.1udlng many whlcl) aglng :men mlgbt torm 'illusions; that, 'Wlalle he 't .bougbt and Pilote sincerely, lie kept a g(lnerous belief In others.: that he refused to brood over the past, made much of the present, and looked always bopllfnlJy toward the future. I'or living up tu youth mean. cherish· iRe Its spirit; and upon the .plrlt of ~uth T!me hesitates to lay a wither· IDe band.
--A- -
ollyrlllht, b)' Fur(! Pub. Cu.)
'''H's awfully good of you to SOC' ID , ~t1 ~ Murray." . "Not 11 bit of It. To t II you Ill" trllth, H's no t my good n,~s8 at all , but .tane·s." "1- 1 (,~lmc to h aye a chal with Y011. YOU koow, nod I- I'm gll1d to find YOll ulon ," nid Dick. "Y o·es?" " IL's auout my l\('W slory," xplal ned W~rt)\lrton diffidently. "Y('n," co nllnu .cj tll a uthor with In· cr nsln/; con fld cnco, ''It'll be tho bost story I'l'e I'c ry written- If you'll help rna. "I don' t und el·stand ." "Will you collaborate wllh me, Miss Murl'l1Y '! " "I ?" Ethel opened her blu o eyes In well·felgoed IImazem ul. "ReaJly, Mr. Wnrburton ." "Miss 1'>lurrar, you , with th e experl. ence you bave bad, could do so n::uch tor me. You sec, It Is 11110 this," xplalnell '\ al'burton aG' rly, "a ma n has got to o"k a gl rl to be his w!Ce, nnd-" "1 don't sc th o necessity," loter· rupted his com panion. "I am ~p aklng of th e characte rs In my now book," r turn ed the autbor, with some dignity, "but, of coul'se, It you r efuso to treat the subject serl. OUSly-" " I beg your pardon. Please go on; I won't Internlpt again." "Well, then, as 1 snld ·be fore. 'Hie man has got to prollose to the girl, and I wanl your advice as to how he's gOing to do It." . Not • Meddl.lome C·o mmll.lon. Tho girl knit bel' brows In perplex. The tlrllt hearIng of th~ Commls~lon . Ity. "Such a lot depends on how long ~ CounlJ1' LUe, held at ?olle~e Park, "d., senol! to dispel BOme erroneous they've k.nown each othAr," she said aotlor.s al to the , purposes of that at last. "Are they old trlends, and baa sb seen It coming?" • ~dy. Prot. LI H. Balley In an !lddres. "WelJ-l-as to that, J don't think explalned tha't the commission haa no l'vo made up my mind yot." Illea of "lnv08UaaUng" the farmer. "How extrao~dlnnry! Then you've The dealgn Is not ~o go about Inquir- olO'l , Teally begun. the story at all t" Ing oftlclciu81y and offensively 'Into mat. "Oh, yes; that Is, 1-l'm busy col; " ters ,Which are really of a prl'fllte na· leoUng material, thinking out strong lure, but ·to get at facts whlcb can be situations and all that Idnd of thing, asefl1l anti valuable to all conceme4. you know. It's-It's rather dlmcult to ox plaln." . "i'or some reason, says t~e Troy (N. "Oh, 1 see. or coul'se, it's stupid of T,) 'I'fmes, there have b~,? attempta but, you know, 1 dort't· pretend to to create ·the belief that the commls- understand any-thing about wrlUng alon II Ilkely to be meddlesome lind unduly prying. N9Jblng could be farther from (be I;}' en on, and a stat. aient by wa,y of ' explanation (rom a · man of Prot. Balley'll character and .tandlng Il ,qulte suftl.cient to Bet matters right, ' Prot. Bafl~l Is one ot the mo~t succesI(ul ' teachers ot pra~tJcal farming In the coun\ry, and tlloae u· IIOClated wIth him on the comllllsslt1n, are ' worker. along .the ,slune·line. The Nlult ,Of' the eOmn'l188101l;• .efforts 'can. DOt taU' to be highly vaJ!1able to agri. culturlst•. 1I
Lately an educationai expert IIUgma ' j tlzell American 'women the l.west In the world, and as hrlnglng . up their children In tb'e saml! ~ath of slothfu] avoidance ot all ··trouble and 'effort Now a 'w eltern man, speakln'g a,t a Meeting 'ot a. patriotic society, declare!! that . t.h e women of the c'dal have d&terlorated, and that"few would follow their husbauds Into privation and dau. Cilr, as did, the , wl;ves of the ·ploneers of A:merlcan history. It is eas:1 to m~ke thelfe whol!!sale, . superdclal charges and the 'lase, apparently, I. making It a. fashion, but tlie men mak· Ing them would tlnd lf hard to prov~ them: The won'lt:n of the nation, as a whole ate as womanly and as '\Ibol&. 'as they 'ever '. 0 Bome wer.e. It th e en... trary were ~he Cal!e, this Ilou , ntry would
iY--"lf s ll 's a very ordlna:~y sort of IJ 1'1; 011. \'ou seo, It', not so s lmplo aH It sounds \0 r e fuse 1\ ma~." " We l!, u vor nllnd abont the ,f&' fusals. Whllt 1 want to get at 18"'rh n th or 's the case ot' two peo pie wbo !lrc old friends," Mis s Murrny IV nt on 11U1'rl <Ill'. "That makes Q Pl'olloRa l so 1I1U II morc complicated. In tb 'first jlln,c ' It'll tRIIO l/le man much long r to coruo to I~ e point , lind tho g irl will Iwow how to ward oJ! the cris is !n I1I1 ' sor'13 ot ways; nool th e n, whe n he do es come 10 lhe point , she' lI Und It mtller troubl ,somo t o COil vince him that be l' Itns\\' ~ r Is nu ul. or courA ," add e(l tb e speak r thought· fl', ,·thnt applJes to tho ow~ amuvE \t'nug r a s . we ll. Men . III ways ' do s m ha rd to convluce that Ii: ',\'onmll's ')\0' 01 sn 't m enn 'Ye .' ' MIas lIhirrny looked InllocMt mystlfl ed. " You $ee, what 1 am really anxious to know," explained the uuthor, with 110me dltHd ence, " Is how m woman would accept, not reject, all olrer 01 mnrrlage." "Oh! " said ·Et.hel, In he' tone of on e who had never eOllslcl,.. red that ~Ide of the Question, "I'm ufraid ) can't be of muoh ' help to;, You there!" "Don' t say that, Miss Mun ny." . "U you remember, M.r. WllTburton," said his companion slowly, "y<.u asked tor llIe he nefit of my 'large expe~,I. ence;' those were your very words. "1 believe they were," he admitted. . ''Yery well, then," contlnu!ed EllIeJ, -wltb great deliberation, "my experl· ence Is limited 'to .refusI\ls." "You mean YC;>u have never ac· cepted':"''' "Ne ve r," replied Miss firmly "I'm delighted to hear tt!" "Mr, Warburton!" "1-1 mean I'm very som" Indeed." "Oh! Thank you." "1-1 beg your pardon; I dIdn't mean that either. Of counle I-n..t urallY,,I'm disappointed. I: bad bop~a so much from YOUr help. ]Don't YOll think, Miss Murray. you could Imagine an olTe r ot marriage which It would be possIble tor you to accep,t ?" , The author had rillen from his 'chalt 'n nd was looking down upon ~lls com pnnlon with an expression 011 hi!! taee that was l1ew to her. For a moment Ethel returned his gaze, llIen her blue eyes sank ))afore his. "Do YOU think you .could, Imagine such an oWer?" he repeated softly. Ethel's lips parted In a little smile. "It·s very difficult," ~he whIBpet;ed, with crimson c eelts; "it's 'VCry dlffi. cult to 'accep t" an Imag-Ioar)r offer of mn.rrlof;e:" · . , "Ethel!" lie CMBd l seizing I~~ r: handa Impetuously. "Do you meallt-,-do you
Flock to Peculiar Ceremony In Splln,
A t San Mat 'os, a vllJnge of tao Spllnlijh L " an t, the anllual tall' {Ol driving out devils bos Just beon h'Clll, tena of tboUltnnds CIt p Dsallts attund· lu g tho w I~d ceremonies. The little ('hurch. lost 10 the de sert village" ~n8 I,n nn el nt chnpel, famous for Its facilities tor extrlcatlug devils from tbe huma n Crame. When tile tlm o for th n fair arrives "llIe possessed" 110ck thither In largo numb I'S froUl aU pn.rts of Spn ln. This yeal' th grenle r pllrt of the rlevll rid· den, aSltlng for r ell et, we ro eDlleptIcs and s ml-Idlots. 'fhe n tIlere were " ~eat number ot small r.hlldl' n atHlcl ed with st. Vltus danc o, hys te ria. ne rvous ness and similar IIl1meuts. Trndltlon nt th o villas church hna It that thoso POSS :;8eol usuaHy har· bor 801'en devils , This multiplicity 01 salans say the Spaniards, mnk a 11 1 ;II Pos~lbl e 10 cure the affil oted per· SOl1S by m edicine, since the tullen angels lIuc lt U,P every drop of medl· cine ,thnt Is swallowed by the suffere r. Furthemlore tradition has It thE\t demons leave the human bOdy only by Ih fiu gcr Ups. Honce at tbe au· nual fair cords with slip knots were fastened to th d fin gcrs Ilnd toes of tlle possessed. These were ope rated by a monk while the ex rolse wns go. Ing on. Most o( the c hlidren c'rled ultte rly, thou gh tbe pnln caused wne not neccssal'f1y great. Tbls was talleo 0/1 an Indication of the de mon's un. to leave 'their hldlns wlllln"'ness ., places, During th e exercises the posseased on es wore no clothes whatever, I\S th Q demons might cling to 6uch. As soon as a kn ot became loose and sUPiled (rom lhe tlnger all witneases sent up a halloluJa l1, being convinced that one devU at ' least had departed hla earUl. Iy I reside nce. When all the tlngers and toes were free from cords lhe ex, possessed was carried In triumph around tbe church and outside and all rushed to embrace and kiss him, 01' her, whllo congratulating the Indlvld. ual on being free from demons and the s even deathly sins.
PfNSIONS Polqtl lor
Soldiers lind Ssl10rs ,nd Their lIe/rs
Chlcngo. 111. Query-My bus band Is R pensioner 011 Ilccount ot til dellth , In 1I) Kl'rvIc , of his son by II fOrm el' wlf . W e have no othe r In om Xl! lIt this pe n· s lon, b\ll ng un nb l to work und de pl' ll. den t uJl on ellnrlty .. I W lIS llens loLl ~, I at $12 PC1: 1110nth ns 'lhe widow or a civil war soltllel', befo re I IUll rrl cI my , 'I' s· c nl hus band. Thi s wldow'A p nq lon censed at til \ da te of my remni'rI gn. Is th ero lillY WilY that 1 can b > roo ~tor ed lO tb e pens ion rolls'/ 1 know of widows who have bee n restoreci 10 tb e p nslon rolls lifter th eir seco nd mal'l·inge.-Ml's. 80rab J . leD. Answer-You hnve no'title 10 res lOl" aUou ot wldow'l! penslun und er the Ilrol'l slons of IJ'IC aCL of MUreb a, 111 01, ·tor th e re nson tbat your husbund · Is IIvlug and you hill''' n ot b ~ en divorced from him ujlon your OWll o p\lll cnt!on. Balt Imol'O, Md . Query.-Plcns t ell mo llnd~r what law a willow sho uld npply tor peuslon. She mllnl d a soldie r ot the civil wllr In )8!l8 and !Iv d wllh him up fo III time of his death. Sho hal threo chll· dren under the age ot 14 yearll.George T . S. ' Answer-The widow roferred !o sbould make appllcatfoll for wldo'\'O"s. pension u'n d e r the ge ne ral law, provided she can sbow that he r so!dler husband died from ,dl,ILblllty due to service and line of ditty, Sh has no title to pension under tho net of A1>111 19, 1908, for the reason (hat her marriage to said 80ldler occurred subs@)· quent to June 27, 1890. Jt the 80ldler's deatll was not due to service, the wid· ow would not be enUtled !o pensIon under the general law; but the sol· dler's minor children would be enU~led to' pen6100 under the net or Juue . 27, 1890, trom the dale ot Hllng allP)lca· lion undor said act until they sev,era,l·. Iy attain tbe age or 16 years.
ffOT THE THROB OF LOV .. Dear One'l Remlnl.cence 8e.metl . Somehow ·to Lack Romance. ' They sat on the sofa. They bad jusl come to a mutual understanding, and bo had measured hllr finger for the engng m nt ring, and tboy we[" In tb first throes of teuder remln a· cence. .. he said "You do not remember. '. ' In a trembling voice, "you do no~, remem ber when you first SIlW me? "Yes I do." "Did' any thrill or throb toll your heart' thi s happy moment woullS come? No; tbal could not be ex· pectcd." hi ' "Y as 80lllei hlng did seem to 'W a· per th~t we nilght become man and wi fe." "My darling." And hit kissed' be r fondly. " "Yes : I rome mber 1 saw you f.rom the wlndow lenvlng tbo house, and [ lhougla you wcre bandy·logged, aud I thought hnw a\\'fu1 It wO\lld be to murry Il bn1Jdv.leggod man, hut It waa onl y the ll las~ In the window thnt wu lUlevon and mudo you look BO,"
An Encouraging Average. "I bllve heen looklul: over my tlnano
0101 operations," salol Mr. Eastgo, must sny tbey ar., !:lore BUCCOla than usual." "Have you been making 11l'lJ. proftts?" "No. I don't oxpnet anythlnc like tbat." , "But you say you were suco!lssfuJ,.. "Comoaratlv Iy suocessful. Durin. the month 1 have loaned money to flv. friends, and only tpree of them hAn ",llt speaking to mOo"
Both Dolna, TheIl' Duty. A woman reporter attacbed to • New Yor k. newspaper was once sent to obtain an "Interview" with the lato Bishop Potter. She made an apl>Olntment by telephone, liays the New .York Times, but on account or other engagoments, was unabl.e to be on time. However, when sbe arrived, sbe found the bls'lio p re'ldy to reoelve her. He cordially Invited' her to be seated, abel Inquired a9 to the exact nature ot th e desired Information. Then In a clear, direct manner hc !\foUue, 111. dIctated his statement. After the reQuery_1 have a olaim for wl!l~\V's porter had finished writing, sbe courpension pending In tb pension ·~tHo e teously offered to read what she had und er tho' act of' June. 27, 1890. This written. The ' blshop' ln~"sted that ho claim was HIed 'In )906 and 1 have, not knew that It was correct, and allowet' satisHed the oftlclals of my ds,Pen-, It to go without Hearing [l . ilence as required under tbat act. ~ As she rose to take ber leave, ahe have been told by ' a ' claim agent that said, graciously: , [ 'w'I11 have to make application under "r ·thank .. you - very m~ch, ~nd ap' the act of April, 1908, If my' claim /lreclate how muoh It , menDS for a 'flled unde.r tpe act o~ JUlie 27, 1890, ~9 busy per.l!on like yourself to .give your not allowed, but, as l . underBta~d It, t time to reporters/' . . 'l'o.lIi Womall " LYdia Jli. will get a penSion of '12 Jler monlll PatUng her on the shoulder In ,a from . A~rll 19,· 1908, without even np. PlnkbBm"" Vegetable OompoWl4 ,fatherly manner, Blsbop Potter re- plYing, provldod my other claim la ro: .•,wed ber We. Read her letter. mean-II Mrs. T. C. Wilindse~ of MBnningt "The questlou Is," said Ethel . de- plied ' jected. Am ,I .rlght? 1 was married to "My dear womaJl, we J!.re both earn· my lIoldler husband In 1871. He WIUI. Iowa, writes to ~ p;nk~Wll: ' murely-"tbo question Is what do you Ing our lIvlng."-"'Yduth'8 ,Qompanlon. mean?" " l,(lIU1'· t.l'1l1y 8&y that LydIa E. P1n~ In ihe clvll war for three y'ears a,nd reo celved sn ' honorable dlsobarge. He hRID'a Vegetable ~mpound _,Yed my "That 1 love you-that I 'want Y01'o A Slmp'-'" Remedy. . to be my wife! Ethel, . won'~' you was kllled, In a railroad acoldent In Ufe' and 1 cann,o t ext)re&II my gratltude to In warda. For 'yeara I sderecl say 'Yes' this time?" ' ' EdItorial omniscience DO longer ex~ ' 1906.-!\frll. Mary Mc N. wlt.h tho WOrst lonna of female oom- • "For the salte of the story ?~' I'Bts In 1lI0 big city: papers. ~he 8e~. Anlwer-n wfll be necessary tor plaints,' continually doctoring" and "For mv own sake, darlIng! . Bot)l81 era)' depa~t/Ilonis require specIalists you to tile a~ application ' for widow's spendlug" lQta , of 'money fo~ medlelnG tbe story!" . . . ', them, and 'woe tt' pc:nslon ullde~ . the act ot Aprll 19: witl10ut help. .I,wrote YOIl for advice. f to' take. charge or . "For the sake ot the story," she ' re- the man who stops out ot. his .own 1908, In order to obtal.n pensIon there- fOllowed it as dircoted, and took Lydl& peated ·mlschlevously, "DiCk, I've halt narrow fleld. Not lpng a!!,o the wom ' under. 'I'he amount of your Income E. PInkham's VegetableCQmpound and a mind-tor the sl\ke of the "'n,rV._ ,1 an who conducted Lhe page 'devoted t(l has no bealling on your Utle to wId· it has restored me to perfect health. Dad It not been for you ~ should haVl' temlnlne tnteresta was sick, and s 'ow's pension under aaJd act, which been tn my grave to-day. 1 wish eTery you know-to say 'Yes.'" young man. a reporter, was called In pension, It allowed, begina at $1'2 per lu1!eriug ..oman would try it. " . KI~9'1 Theoretical Powe". ' to try his hand. . . month from tbe date of filing of appll· FACTS FOR SICK WOM.,.. King Edward ,of Englllod pos8e88e. ,. He soon dlBtlngulehed himself, A' cation. For thirty yeal'S IQdia. E. ~, Stricti:; letter cam~ in Inquiring' how ~~ase gTeat power, theoretically. bam's Vegetable Compoun~ made and 'legally speaking, tllo w:h,)le or the mIght be's t be rem,o ved from soup.' H.e New ·York. mineraI wealtb of the e1l1plre Is hi. read It hurriedly, no.t lelng onl)' tbat Query-My claim for llimBlon was from roots and herbs, ~ been t~ majesty's property, a8 ' ls 'also; fc;>r that wail an. Inquiry for, th~..removal of dlspol'ed of by rejection In 1905, all the ' stancfurd: ' remedy for female Ws. mntter. every.a·e re of ground ~hat COy. greqse, 'This was his answer: ground t.hat, hav'l ng deserted ' from a and has positivelycumd thoU!!Bnds of ers and contains It. He could empty "Soak a . soft clo,t h ' In gaSOline, and Ilrlor servlc~ In which 1 wns R.. ser- wOmen who have been troubled with every jAil In Britain by a ·stroke of hl.8 I1Ib gently till ·the . gre!lse Is eradl· gel\rit, my two yenrs' sUbseqllent sorv· displ~ents,ln1ln.mmation, ulcera.. pen n.nd keep them ' empty S,) long Rft ea~ed."-Youth'a Companion, Ice while complying wIth all ot the. re- tion; fibroid: 'tumO!'8, .irre'gularities, I' he chose to go on exerclsllllg, to tbe Quirements of the act at· JUly 1. 1902. periodid paln~ ba(::kMhe, that bear. full his prerogative ot pardlllli. -A. wor~ ' wouH!- not make me I)enslonable be· ing.down feeling, ~tulencY,\n~ White Deer .and a Blac.k Fox. from blm and ,the presen.t parllame,\t cause I was a commissioned offieer tn tion,diZziness,01,'nervous ProStl'I,L~ Somethlng unu s ual"~ the animal . 'would . cease to b~. It Is '\S tIle II~' my last 'contract" ot service. ~Il such Why don't you try ~ ? preme hend of the navy alld : army. kingdom ha., just ,been ldlJe~ hy n reJeet(on a Pro~er qne? I know of a Mrs. Plnkhnm invltell all IIlck howeve r, that his autocratl,C power fr. ' PrInce Edward ,bunters .and bro~ht brother officer whose record Is Id.e ntl. wowen to write ber for advice. most apparent, He .can order one or hOlIle. It Is ,a deer pure white In color, cal ' with mine and he' received a pen· Sbe has guided 'thollllBnds 'to both to make war. He can dress hl& .save fo~ twosmalJ black: spots back slon last ,fanuary,;' Please give me full hOOlth.. ~adressJ Lynn, Mosa. . soldiers snd his sailors as ho plel!se~, ot Its ears. 'j'he animal Is , fine look· about .thls matter arm them how he' likes., !ie could dIs. Ing stag. lind welg~1I about 200 pounds. Information. penston column.-Vlc!or M. A. In your. band every regiment, a.nd' seud . to' t~e It has a . magnificent : pall' or ~nllers. , Answer-You should write to the . scrap heap every ship. !?o,IDetlmejl Th~ bunters we~e reticent as to commissioner of pensions. rel1uosting ' Positively cured ~ whICh member. of tho 'camp captured too, he "wields . this pow!!r, up ' to ,.~ cer-' that 'Your plalm ~e 'reconsldered und~r these Lutle 'PII". ta'in point. ' He abol.lshed,Jo~ Instanc!!, 'tbl!1 very u1\lIsual ai>ec~e8, but ~t Is tho' provisions of tbe ,a ct of June 28, 'l'heY'&I84 relllY~ DI~ understood that Grant Sprague ·of Btg the ofll!l8 ot commapder-&iH,hlet. By 190' 6, which amen.d s. seclion 2 of. joint tre..1roIDD:r.peplll.... IQo Island. , w as the lucky shoL The tIie sllllple ClGpedlent ot ~ royal war. I dlgeatloo&odTCIf>Uean,. EaUIOi, A pertec' reJIl' mal was 'roii&d ' In the northern part l'esolutlon' ot July 1, ,1902. Your ~ Jam rant he l,listltuted a sweepl'!g was rejected pdor . ~o tbe passage or edy tor Dlulneu, lI..1I" of Ha,1!llngs or Lennox aud AddJugton. tlon In the wnr otHce. Qu¢eu Vlctorl~ 8ea, Dr<i",.tneii.. 8.4 Anothor unusualklJl made by o~e of 'the act of June 28.' 19~6, which amendby a Ilk/) method, aboltshed the sala Tut.e In thelt(>utb, .. ment covers your case. ed Tontine, Palo til00& ,be th", .liunter,s was a black fox, ·n.1W , a and purchase Of omcers' .commlsslon", very rart:' anl1nal: Whose Ikln II ~er,J' an even ~o~e dras~lc ·step. ' c;~;ii;~;;;:,:s:lld.i Purely' TORPID LrVJtRI • Scranto'n ; Pa. T V..... bl.. vllluable.-PlcLon Correspondenty T~ ·Query......l desire to tI]e a 'cl~m for DOSE, rODI,O Globe, " ' Anclen't EXlmple, ' 11 pension' my . sister's R. Of,!F~~~~~R1i:~~~;;;~~~:: . Caesar tore up ,the blank .telegraJl~ years for otage. Will a chUd[ guardian v. r(lrm 00 ' wblch ho had starte<il W Wrlt~ A PoInt' Spoiled."" ' to bl! apl?.olnted before ~ue~ , a clali~ I~ 80methlng. ":Why," sllouted the orator: polntlpg flied 1 The father of the child was a Taking· another- sh~ot, be 'ivrote the to tbe ' naUonll1 ensIgn, ' ''wh~, ' 1' ssk soldt~r wbo served III the Civil ,war and words; ".Vonl, vldl'\ vicl," . '!Iigned It, yoU, doea that flag ballg ther\!! l received a pension and dled ft've" yeara ant! handed It to the operator. r.o peat, ,w hat II the rea80n that t!!at ago' from the dillease fo" which h~ was "[ was about to make It; 'We ' have lag Is displayed '\lPon these ,w alls? pensioned under the gllneral law,; the beaten 'em to a rr8z~le,'" he IJald,·"but A:s an answer seemed to tie ez. mother of llI'e child wall also a p.entbat woul,l set everybody. to asking {H~oted. tile janitor r08~ ' un, \811y ,Bod sloner 'uP to the Ume of her death In what the deuce a frazzle Is-and tile olxpJalt ed: "'rhe fact ~a. the'( WOUldn't January, 1907.-Davld M. 'Mc, other Is shor~er, anyway,'~ let me drlye nails anywhere' elle lor An.wer-It will not be necessary CauUonln/r tbe report'ers to luppreai! fear .of ~I'lclllng the gluter,". fol' a gua.rdlan to be apJIOlnted In. order all mention at the Incident, l:I'e ~ea to ma\te application for. pen,,19n for away and -Strode haughtily t~to bi. the soldlet's . child, Application for She W.I Next. tent.-Chlcngo Tribune, HIm-·I wa. realllil.l lil the paper (.0- SUch pension can . be "led an~ t~e day where o,n e ~r tb~.o 'OOd.-c:ranlt, · claIm pl'oseout.ed In penon 01' by nw friend; ' I!ut U the pension II allowll4, ")'8 tba~ 11 COUple' can 'JI.e 'Ca~forta. t4P, with nlckel.ln.the-sJot 0111,. on three doll.,. a ..~ak. J)o 'Toll before J)afDleD~ wOJ lilt made a dian' Bluat. be 'dulf You think that J)08IlblaT . , hr elevated ratlrClad and sbautd ,.mufl .. mlllot'II, tlOlJB. The Idea, I, to , Ho"""""o, Archl.... I GOL .,.._ n d U l a w , nJ .... lilt.. 10 ,.,. or ticket IQJlera.
"For 'the Sike ot'the Story_If books.' 'I only asked that que!lllon' be. causo. you see, the way a man pro. poses depends very much on ', whether or no he's ' an old friend ot tlle .Iady'a." "Ye·es?" . " .' , t~ere was d!lfe renllal Inqu.lry In the author's tono and ; lOOk. not to-day be o'c cupylng Its pl'oud po. "Ye s, of course It does.. Now, tor ..Iticin among tbe natlo'Ds ot ~o world, Ihstance, 6upp<lslng. bo's merely a ra: for ever, nation' Is what Its , women' cent acqualnt::lDcc," EllIel we nt on, as make It. It ' ls time to' call a halt ou one propoundtng the wisdom ot ages, these I'Elckless seekers for .rell ef, re- "he's ' almost /lure to Introduce the sub. J;llrdless of trutb. , ject 'wlth' some such remark as: 'Isn,'t It 'strange, Jones, throt yo'u and One at the tea chers I.n the Vevay I seem to be 'Qulte old friends?" or .cliools the other day aBked her class 'Somehow, Miss Jone8, 1 teel · as the origin pf th'e word stateroo.m, though 1 'ha~ Imown YOll all my lite!' . t Of course after that Miss ' JOnes will applied to bertha on steam\Joals, No 'know what to ' expect and can ' aet ~c. 4Ine In the :Class 'could answer the cordlllgly.'" question, and we , doubt Jf there are "Act accordJngly~" many .'people Who cowld. tJ.'he wo~d. . "Now, It .Mlss Jones I. a tl~ld, eays Vevay (Ind.) Reve1lJe, originated . nervous sort "r pcrs')n. and doesn't with tho newsp,a pers many years ago. like to say 'No' point blank, . she'll At th a t tJme a magnificent steamer very ilkely murm.ur something about was built and 36 sleeping were Its b eing ~o sudden-Ihe comic p8per~ made alongside tbe. cabtn. At that are Quite rlgbt' there, you know-and Ur,ue tbere were 35 states In :\he ullion. about never huvlng thought of .hll!l · ln and a room was named, for each state that. II gbt, and al,1 that sort or IlIl'ng, and she'll probably end by asking hIm , Later the state ot Texas WIUI added to glva her time to eonsl.d er; and tbe ulllon, and the Bleeplng apartmeJ1ts , on the followf!lg ' day she'll write him Nt aside for the om cera ot the boat II prc th' lIttl., note to tlll:1 elTect ~bat, dubbed "Texas." deel,ly as It (lalns her. to say It., and' 80 on. ' Tba.t's thl') favortte way ot .do'JIhe EI1£lIsb sutrragettes are now Ing H hecause It's the easiest, On the ·,about to organize a cavalry troop otber .hand, Bhe may ,pre ter to get the amoug themselves,' being tired of atralr over anil done . with at once, In walking and believIng that when . wh i( I, case--" mounted they wllJ have an lIdvantage "Ilut,'; proteRtr.l Warburton, "sup. ewer the IIOllce In their aulrrage par. posing she wants ~I\ccept ' the man?" "In which vase," conUrl11ell Ethel, ades. It ~hey. don't watch out parlla. lIIent and the cabrnet will he captured IgnorIng the LI~errupt!on, " she'll t!l1J him <:Iulte franl!ly and simply that she bodily by tbese aggrelslve laftle. yet. I!IIn't marry hl'oll because sho doeln't lov'! him." "OOlt't (ell me Ibe'il promise to be a aliter to . him!" ezclalmed tho au·' thor appreb('nllvel,.. "Shu mIght·" replied Ethel lUardacl'
. - ..
e~ttol')s? l.~r,e
Small, I:
Tbat #~re
f'\uc~ &1')
. Clever Way In W':'Ieh Two 0011' OCll Their Breakfaet,
ti(:all and Orl')<a-
meotal. I
It was Hntural that with the return WOOlen 'l\'ho do only a little fancy of the con!lulate and dlrcctolre styles n(ledlework are making exquIsite veil Have )'OU heard that eJd Joke tliat of flame you may presently see the In dress the brass bulton would -play cases wblch are bolh practical and or·• used lo croll up yellr aft r year on ' fI""lre of the child, strangel~' (ore· an Important Jlsrt. t I namental . . Many of lb def~I fiug ere r 0' It Is already here.. It Is no all y workers ar planllln~ severa cases. 0 Varnishing day at the o.cademy, shorte ned, wllh th bead toward you, worn on ooats and. skirts, but It even dlrterent coltors and llRttJijillS for gUte, about Culbertson hla not, "Yellow Bnil rayed wltb goltl 80 that It Is' fastens up the simple blouses for wear knowing tbllt the woman does not Ill' ex. Glrl1" No? Afte r'n'nd all, It's wortb difficult to say whether It Is meant to I th 1s t who could fall to a\lpr(I.Clate 'I' relleatlng, but lhe facls llehilld It- be a bally or II star. Tb ~ L an th or 0 ~f under coats. a tr e we. II. perhapa th.ey are. ,: Light Is the funtast Ic .UtI eth o t C U I• 1 II t tnnd tuseful. f I hbe Clls I I ~ gt.h Large ones are used on rOllgh COB 80 dainty are For a man 01 d lstlnct ·1 alllllly, my berlijon chose. . , a·nd smnll ones on gowns 0 mellsa ne, twen y or weo y. our nl: as n en far-nwny cousIn Culbertson ·\vas . sl9 W Wllell the cl'itlcs came to 'write, one IIlso on blouses of trlcote, mesBfllIne, and about tlBn In width. Two straight 6110U';'b to "'et on. He was closo uPQn and all the)" laid IIslde thal stale jok cblrron' cloth .. "nd silk flann el. ]lleces of 's llk by tbe yard or ot ver, thirty. . when, aCter half a dozen fa.l l,·. aboilt 'the "Yellow G!r'1"- 01' pe, 1111 I t of tb.. 0 The American brass bulton, wltb Its whlo ribbon form tho bottom ures. he managed to 'g ef Into Ilurlln.g· they' . did not recognize the wO.:nnn. symbols of "rmy ~ and navy, Is not used. cas e. Ule two sections be ng cu exactton- hOllse, with the pO,Ptralt. or a 8trlk:. Snlne of lhem sa.l, d lhot rellg;ou.8 T h, e fashionable one Is round o.lld Iy alike, OUI) to go . on tbe to)) and onf T I In" girl. To be Bure, •It WIIS skIed ' n.- mania was less offe nsive tnan lhe I1rt· smooth. It looks like a. bullet, and Is on the I boltom, wltll ab tlittle dcotton b t ho small roonl de votod lo undlsco. v- 1st's earlier freaks ,' olhers that 'r ... . . , blfYhly polished. . walld ng and sOnle sac e power e· Tin "• ones are also used on elaborate tween. Tht) ' caso will lie flntter and ered genius" . Culbertso'n was: plealled ' note of power aOlI origlilllllty," etc., en' ou"h t'o ~rag ' me therc":"'mllch etc. " "Is frltlOds wrote "Clllbprtson 19 Indoor gowns, with q uantities of gold I,erl Itl! s hillp Miter If the' s ilk 1.1 b 'i (or 1 hnte beln ... I)ollt~ on the .... way to finding himself." ... .a"l1lust my will, And II' nd s llvel' lace, old gold embroidery, sewed ove r a fOllndatlon of blotting p. .at.. the CXllenso of truth. . ..,,~-,0 . 1, knowing even 0. little of his Innl5.C and melal 80ula. chc. It Is a warlike pI'. 'J'hl s will ret; the .perfume . "There she Is, Ethel," he cried, hIstOry, felt tbat they ""erc rlg~t. . But llnle In d ress. much lODge r tban any other kind ot looking liS If he we re len yeaTS YOI,l.ll"· fllr all tbe beaut" of line aud 'c olor, Not oil ly are bra~s b.ullons revived, filling. cr. "Now be nice tor once. "~ I " for all · tb e sl)lrltunJ lost but all maDner of other wonderful o• • power of tills Tbe uppe:r part or the caee hall two a ones. These are lhe ornaments thal secUons wblch open' from the center· But dIdn't [ Judged kinder picture,ofI was dorulnatl d I'athn ' e played sqch an Important part In tbe like covers. Theile over blot, "Why "ou Itlell her toto ,wbo aah'cold bel'. lIense unrest lind aada. GaB. I,lTYh . arettomade ddl d {.ace?" Then I tried to "et !I. ~decent 8111enflor or light becl\:ue, IL~ \he a~t. en:lplre period. . tlng paper with co n wa ng an Some the now are with of tortoIse edsea al'eBnlsbed sewed light 'o n tbe production.... ';,111 s~e 1st's hand8, almost a tragedy. shell, theof real s!teU,ones Inla.ld small sachet neatly powder. over and'rbe over; then freckled or what?" . ·T·hre-e years Illter, whell t f·:iood be. nd rhinestones o.t the edge. These are with ' II. gilt or fancy oord or with a fore ' a portrait, ot · "Come to the studio to·Qlorro"':: il 1 fel" lI ut on 8plendld 'gowns for theater and F rencb roset rlbbou bindIng. Between 3'011 'shall see," he fiung at m.e like a that he had attatned to tbls . 'suprCl,nt reslaurant wear, . the bottom lIlnd thu top are sIdes made Damascus. of wide saUn ribbon shirred all around -chldl!lnge; and as I always kept an eye achIevement. He bad learnl!tl to .sub .. Olher bu1\onll 011 my cousin's love 'affalra, beIng due the splendor of her ,a,nd They are-olldlzed Bllver and beateD the under aection an!! fastened to tbe '«enulnely anx.louB thBt he should mar· to bring oilt Its signIficance. Th" broilS. 'There are otherB of jade set In upper covers. The two covers should ry well when be did marh, ) broke wbol.e thl11& ,18 br!'wn, but llJrn!ng "to, rlms ,or'l1latlnUm .nd large tUrQuols meet In th'B center, and It they are an engagement to acoeot hIs (nvlta· red, to purple, to . blue, to gfeen, te matrices bedded In brilliants. supplied wHb silk cord , loops and gilt tlon. , } gold. Her magnificent hair Is dull Tbe latter buttons of semi-precious or jeweled the ClUe can be She was already Ib re when I ar· compared with the 'barbarlc_ brown atoDe. are more comnlonplace and ob- closed and lhe vel" kept QuIte neat. rived, trying to enough that he once b Heved It to. her vlaua than those of tortOise shell and The orIginal Idea has been e.n larged thIngs out of Culbertson's odd pleellB eyes are like misty ... ns1llne; her Damascene brass. ' . upon b,. one womlln, who made a set of china and sliver to servo Jor liS smile 18 evanescent, but Inflnltoiy glad Even the largo saUn buttons ussd of saUn-covered partitions a Uttle three. My first thought wlrS bJLl 6.e But the figure rests and thl) faCe It to tasten every of fabric are smaller than the dJm8l\slon8 01' leemed very, . much al hohle. Tben s trong In peace; and I could , not beavlly embrolderd In pl.ln flosl ,and' CAlle to be !Blipped In' between the dlf· Culbertson Introduced us : "Ethll/' lhlnk tho.t thc artist as' well wIth gold and ' silver. DesIgns for color'8 of vellll .nd thu8 keep this 18 Ml1rY·Gold. Mary, Ethe l wants c\>mc to end Of. hili seeking. these arEl laId In the there them separate. Instead of havIng 'to to know why l.0u dldn·t wash your J was not greatly surprised as is great deal at this kInd ot work go through ,all the veils to flnd ·the one ". sho wants, all Bhe needs to do Is to fa/)e ?" stood there, ",lien 'he touched Ole on \lolng done at bome. Th en I satd, quite honest I,n my ad· the shoulder. He was as thin at! ever ; These buttonll are by no meani Inex· look for tbe black, white, gray or blue mlrallon: "And b e callll that yellow and v ry gray·. · His face wRs. C!eltply pensive. Tbey make the price of th. uctlons. an.d there are all her veilS of · splaSh at the academy a portr.alt .C!!. markedj . but wben I loolled frotn, hIs gown amount up to a 8'ood Agure, .al. thIs partieUlI.r color, She you!" . . . ,/ work to his eyes, I fe lt Ulat he ,had tbough It mUlt be said that the utU· , Dainty gold !lowered brocades, ell'''I h us b!>th . come 't hrough the " 'aters. . . mate COllt of 'clotbell has lessened in quJslte' pompadour silo and llIured t's t.'iO' rr""klea, you liee; · ano e,. "She looks ber name:' saM 1 softi,., 'tbe last two weeks. saUDs are ·t hetavorlte materials for won't wash olr. J\nd my ·name. lsn't "the- very genIus of splrltullI ,wealth! " . Whether the shopkeepers !lnd dre,. these ClUles. They are top of Gold, os you I'!l!ght .thln.\:I'-;;-" ,.. . - I could see- that I bad pleo\aed .hlro., makers found out that women would . the long dr'esslng table wIthin eu,. · "No, gold's her nature, Ilnd that's "You are right," said he, and 'adde!1: not PIlY exorbitant prIces or -.yhetber reach_ It' one Is greaUy devoted to than the,t." · the enUre ' cost of things Is on a more 1'el\s two cue8 will be found c»)DveDIwhy I" call her 80," lIald Cllibertiion. ·"1 shall neYer do and hIs face, wben 'he "looked at her, fpun.d It '.i ilmcult to ask Questlon8. "enslble Beale than last year" It II ent, one tor automobile veils lUI\! tbe' gave him away complet4lly. ' W:bon I "And IIliey .. ··, I' stumbled OVCft· · the bard to teU:. But 'thls II tru!l:-that the atb,er tor dreas rYells .. ' went away ftrst, be shut the 'lIQor words. bellt gownl have undergone a' transloqked at me fot "She Is my wire," said he. :'Shall formation In price during the last few. 80fUy behind U8 my oplnwn'. : \ . ." wo elt down a. tow moments?" weeks. · "Of 'coufse," sald, Ii a- little nettled ; And so. wllh peoille pas81ng arid rethat hI' 1!.a~, ~pt bfll~sec:re~ so'. we l.I,_'I~ passing before' tlle work of his handa, 1 The Walttcoat Warm • .1. mny congratulate YOo 1" ._, •. -. . Ii lold me briefly the burden pf . , The pre~ty little plaided silk walat: H 'but : whether he , then lite. ,He .dId not look to seo or to ~ol\!!. Inte'n ded' for wear' beneath the• could not tell the trut h ·or only would' hear whnt v.e opla thougbt of bls workj, jacR1it are destined to help through not saY, ' r do. not lCnow. but he watched.' thc .portralt-' Illl If to tbe cold weather any · number of womIt Is a n'otic-"Ie feature ot 'the I. bini were aUve. · ; . ., e n who purchased Inter suits earl,. ....... the . "Nil," salt! ~o, al'!!l co~ld . ~ot jlul~e ! "I a~ nnoUler Ja' ob," aald .he quIet. .tn the sell&?n I!lmply because they ~rdlas that they all fasten at keel) trall'edy out' c:il ~h'tfj (lIc, .s he s. Iy - " but [ outwalted him. It'has been ,Ipoked smart, forgetting t1!.a t tbe natty alde_ . said It- aud won't. ,But l'v got 1'7 yenrs. A.nd she jov.ed Coo.ts, slslIhed away In frout and wttb ",o .palllt her, yOU See, If-I ~ ~o1':et '1n;: '1\11 tho. whlle. It hilS been a , stran,e only a strap to hold 'them toge~ber and sbe kn?ws that, so sh!ls willing -to Atalanta cbas6 for us from e l\d to ~ver ~he chest, are scarcely suited to suit. be :0 -- " end 0 '( the world. And whene ver-"] a northern winter. The little walstIt 'Is a fancy just 'n ow to Hne fur I shOolt, ~y 'heid .. tlut was afraid to oomCl tcio neaT. s be tbrew me a golden coats are interlined wl.tb chamois an~ coats with brocade In the' shade or the expre,s s my dlsll:pprovol In wOl'ds. Of apple, In tbeWay oHetting me paint have sa.tln backs that exactly m,atchl skin. . '. course, tbe. situation w~s 'Jmposslble: tt picture, You know how we . b~S'I\:n. th e coat linIngs. Some of· them are ' Slngl.e hll1ttop.s.. at prices cnrrent In and I was curious-to ho" It wC,lUld You SI1W the Auhimn? The mystefY mMe with hlgb, snug collars which! 'jewelry delmrtmon,t s are not ·at all un. deve lop, . ' W'IIS very de nse tho'll" but when I waa fasten In lucroyableCO'fashlon about the usual. If .,ev.!JoJlcd Into ' 0. setles of in'oat the Isolde, · curious pictures hl,mg year after year that sword. It cut Into the rJplrlt-we Feathel'l on Hat Crown., jet or In ilnlu! studded with cut jet at the Royal tllik of It. nor or Judas- . One of the popular devices for trlm- beads. . which set tiS 'all to G,uesslng what was Tree. I was Insane tben; and she-:- mlng lal1ge ho.ts Is to use . fouf One fad Is the employment of blnek the 'actual of arrallil, J • poor thlng!-nearly as bad, though '·1 extra thick short plumes, The stems with colored cloth silk Th,a : year aftl'r "'the 'smudge," as' I did not know. 'W o' parted t.n\! 1 went these are weli cut of! and the gowns. nlc)mamed 'h ls firstllccePted picture.' out Into the deaer't"':you know? , I feathers are ' mounted .In the cl)nter Long, ·tul.l wraps tor evenIng '!lnd lUI .Atltumn.....:}lO rilln, tno falllng don't J:emember , how many years It of lbe crown. afternoon IU'e made of old.fashloned I had tt tJ b t eaves, no.. pre , y son meD: u a was; but we were bound ' to meet They fnll to the brim, In an lcq- broca e. d great swirl of, ·passlon.ate color jU8t again. It was the mere p,dl of our mensl! cascade quite covering the The' Rusillan Uara Is shaped frosted by tbe ' nearnesB of 'death. l\\'O natures-aerollS 'the world, 1 sup· crOWD. There Is no other trimming with tiny points, It is The year after 'came NemeBls. I pOse. I In a lIute waYlllde .011 the bat. worn uprigbt llke a crown. belle v, thai I saw SQaroely • favorable village· chul'ch In ItalY-it ooul"n't criticism of the Judal-TI·ee.' although have been more wonderful: and there, r . . 0 . . (CoDyrJ,h!, by: Boblla-MerrJII Co.)
manl!~ ShOPII,"~d
~ept o~
. 1j~al'ly'
a"d~baea st:.~~~l~:~Chb~:;!Y bi:~Bt~::.
frl~nds.I_ .
~oln~ aeademy-plc~urj}s ~on't
sh.emallerpefeelthrOnl· t~e
~ DOgCOlll~f!lCOmeinllnks .of .solld
y. <IDIID.,n~ ' . 1IJ)~..©«}),., r~.<.Ull1 ~ 11-n({))ll1l
neal'ly every ,jl'urna:r-and that waa a .I made her: atop until I h!&4 painted (oM aJgn!.;..J.ile(\medlmpelled to notice, t~e u.tithqrn. '. ' ~. lJiit, "Deca. A-.. ce" loomed In .·..Wh · en' it Wnll dO' ne, -he laid ' her tbelr ' ~t.~~,8.n~,r" . 1 ~~ gr~, lt:was \ per,: ' naud on my , Sh~uld. er-tbe pcarest . ever cQ'me' to me up to haps a '- ma it .Id ea t o·'"' pa lot a wOlIIan liS "she had · a tree; b.l!t' I? ..souie .. 'be , made and ' :Bald: ' 'You ' bavc read · my one could nQt tell tace. You ougbt to lutow that you ate. thll ' thlng 11.0. . wbere tree ber;an anC\ woman endeit, right It wonta be the greatnt thlnl She dre8ae~ In ' ~ome, dark velvety . In the world for me to have. a chlld, ,t hing, bel' bbdy twisted and her arms but there'8 InsanIty. QIl know: In our tlirown ' ,. np une~enly to slmuhite frunny tor ,ge,nenlUonB baCk! What 1 tM brancllJ €!,st tlleBlom ",0. ': and from a obe ,!;ealth d,o? to l ,can't of J)lIt'ple lof could EtMl, J. even )'ou. go In!o I thoughtstOry, she s ber "rall,"htl alia dAngle" ii man-l~~r..' have .trusted me, but she ra'l) . . r away agsin-ran away In,' the nIght, the"'il tlclI ,l tad. th'll . t laugh-not U
' ",T ,
~ b~ ~Im, bqt
~we_. illtt!~tlng.~' . S~'verjl mi ·cioUsII1~. chan~e:' or
before I had finished ,the' picture. ' .1 cord, so that sent ' It as' 'It wae-!and I don't know b,eah on.- tlle earth. '. anyone ever notleed- . ., Jretty ,w or.",;" said '1 to my·IJ stayed on In Hte illace, .but 1 did selr.' . "WlIat baa . lI. bf d,one to blm? 'no painting tor a year or two. . I IlUP' Tb::s . ' pORe I i acqulred some little skill In tim\l8 'dur'lng the yeaT I trlcll thOle had days . .J think I bad feelto see b,ut fate' ff ' r walte,d on .Iong . or bts own will' .pr4! 'ellted .• ;"" ,,,: . IIhe Would c;ome back to me. Jt was I· was not ·g?ea~IY sllrprlsed ·;"'after t,hree " ~eal's , befo'r s she eam.e : ~Illk 'to thnt to learn that. toy cousin had ; . tllat church where we bad iuit and town JLbr~p'UYr,WI~oni . saylng { . ked·; .and. there we sat Dlld tillked ·bY. to Il.rjy. Qne, and was SuptlQse\l to· b~ ~nd I was bitter about the 17 tra\'eJlng)n the far ea~t. ·:· . but .she would . not let.,me It was 'three years befo.I"O· I ~ha~ aDY .~e\Y ~hfl c<?uverse of 'the . deOnite n(Jws or him' and tHat came picture-she y.oas always gol~ ,,' \lnal'. \only: tn 't~e .form of, a:-small" PI~Jure" at 10yed, 'my Mary. . But -sbe dlllde,:~e, ilutiingtoD bousel 'JIhe ' nut 'year be ~~. bow tho" Bte throu~h , whIch we lent notbtilg ·{o .tho acadeaiy' but r ,hnd p·lU!s.e d 1\'as 'the very ' breath' of 8~W a ' DC~trc.e of' a sml!l1 iiOlle~t1oit '~f ,lIt4}. And . ",b~n s~e Bti}>pe.4 jlpEtakllnsd,' hlll ,·etc~D.cs :to be,;8oen (tn. a . I ~at . lhlnklq~/ ?r lh\l "!;1st . gall~r.Y, They. ' were 1\11 stUdlel thO hal mea!lUul~ ' wha~ the. 'Ultl.'IIIII.!!''' • • Syrian desert. and I ·came aw_aY"wltb lnean; bb., al\ t'be tblngs of .: senso oi'esc8pe. ftQJ'll nll tmare... - · deprived. In reality enter :Afte'r 'fliat-It 'eeem, '" IDoredlble:-f aba' IIv.a tbl'lre and give . "(lard nol~lng for . ~u;' .l~rs. :· .:r~lln I W8.~ ~rk.a~d·.'to. ask agnlri: \1houaJ1 ..ame bIll Madonna. h btoucht·. sente I ht!:d J>~en seeW~" so long, ,-. " ~ . " . ' '0' Nil: ' [I atwa,.. stac! ,ot augges~onl' prett;. table de~tJoll8; and there .' IIHO\lkti; thoSe <l'f .....Ul bad ':It ..i\'l\1I ·bel'aelf ' "-Aliit: If ., ,areml!oJ1)' wbo _baye OlllY sImple t4Jng,s Iival.laOJe, who Will be gllW or known 'tbe mM. ' .;1' tattt'lt)~tfY" ~ de- we have, both learnlld hQw'tO'lIve:.:-"nd . this .l iuggestion . as a most elfecUve 4~orllUon Ct.lI be made with a few I!Crlh" .,t~ picture" fortl ,l b.a\(e..\.~u"r i1ave' tou~ht tbe fight to ,th_ e~d-.·\lOWfiowers, 'one glad ~al\e, !l glas,s or cblli. plate. tour ' lltt1~ 'Jug8 in whlcn \ n ._ b 1'd f . U1 t are ~wllIC did ?! It t '(a sold; Juga wltb handles Iho\lld be ch~ilen. They are arranged at met all)'.. on8 ,w.O Cloil , _~~en:~ 41~t),,. , .. WJl . - .' II,.DO e:qual. dlalaDcea round tbe base ot tho large vase/ trom .tbe .necll: of which to liVe' a trut! 1~~lIloh Of It '.In'';tOrdI. a. tbtne tq liut I~ "orda', Btheliiie band18ll.of the Juga hane feIItOOr13 ohtbbone. ' A ple;:e of 4llastlc will holJ It fa ·. round pl~e,·· ·.TIIa CUlJ,alda.Ja But I pondered 'over' all that It :he upPer. endl or the ribbon round the DeCk ot n.~, and a very PMtty "err aark.,-blue-perbapll the ·ak,., but "Bbe. .WU .r1gbt-~ht an v- deooradrin 'C8Il be made b7 twlltlng the Ieavea rouDd and rCiunll ~, el~rl, 'd,ellpatecL The , womaD. pr, r~ly are n We ~..I4.' 1aI:l1 at ,the r1b~ · ...d ,phenth. base .or t!ie .center tile UtUe' juga ' bolda out ber banda t1TfranI the lonker. 1Ut. , . ,. ar. 11I~ With lowera; It mug a 1I'0Dderl1lll,. p tor' the cen. In wbat lit Drat ·. ADa he BJlswerett: "Sh. ill . .' " of. dI .....t&bl.. LttUfI' ....1iDIl ranaa mar be JUS&. as tluls
~a~ Will
~~ _ _ _._ _ __ ~.~~_ _
THE GREE'K CROSS. Sam Loyd Tells ' of Its Mylterlou. PO&lllbllltleo. l;"'llIl llc nt o.rchaeologish; an Ii anti. quurlans 11\(6 La Plongeon, Schll . mann. p ro. '. son' ·nn _.u.' Q'llerb • a show r \"11 that pre historic man lUllst hs\' h.l t UPOII 1IIe crl! d e s Igil 0 f two crossed nlal'ks to Indicate a buman rublom , j us t as Wli In 1111I ny Ill staoces e milloy lleCli II U1' IJranu8 . .' or 1111\1. kIi tor similar purposes. ' "'1 y PI' e, 5 el n obj ect, llowever , If!• to g I\' 0 1\ dl 8CO urse u pon IIIos'" " ancient CIII bl enall w hi CII lIII Ve evol"ed • l ii O .."eoIII ell' I II I propor tl ons 0 r tlIe Gree , k or mllnullll cross, ., .' ' wblcl I fo'I upn'al'd of , y II I'S has "atood for the synlbol 6000 , llgencc , 811d 'Is now rec. of hunllill Illlel ogn Id ze as I'e pres e n UnofY sclencn v and malhemotlcal \, xaclltlldo. 'Tbe symro otricill cross formed {rom Ilve
0111' tlally supply of milk wa~ mlnu!! for lwo or tbree monings-notiling liut the boWe and II. grease·spot lerc on tho porch. "Va 'sought to caloh tb. culprit. Did , too! It proved to be a n 19b bar's Iiltle . fox·lerrlor (terror), Trlxv. I call blm Tricky. We, caugbt him' with tbe. goods on-his nose, e arly .one Sunday morning, wrlles • Ballle Creek (Mich.) woman in De. trolt Free Presa. HIs sclIem to ollen the batt! WIIJ!I to r,a wand roll it. over and over, caus-
squares fOI' IhoUSOII(15 of yenrs ho.s' beeu known 0.8 the Hlndoo problem. I tb ' By cutting It In five P (lcea, 1I1l0 l\ e prlncl\lle of Euclld's forty.seveuth propos ition, It will form a s quare. AI. most nll puzzle bookl! give the selentlflc c lippin g ot Ule four corners us Ilhown by Fig. A to form tbe Tricky Had an Accomplice. equare B. Ing the pflsteboard cover to loosen. When a puzzle, howe ver, can be and the milk to f1ow-tben drink bl. dOlle "a sllorter way," "In fewer fill. Tricky had an accomplice, a h1l&e pieces," or ;'In les8 moves," It is snJd hound who seem'lngly .tood guar41 to be "cooked," or, III puzzle lan- while Tricky opened the bottle; then. gil age, "busted ." Well, when 1 told after Tricky, lapped the leavingB. Tothe head of Harvard college ,t bat the gether t.hey sklrmlsbed the nelghbor- . symbol whleh--wniJ Incorporated In fhe h'ood for . tbelr morning drInk. Like 'Hunrd sea:! could be converted Into Oliver Twlst"Trlcky Will always a IIqual'e by making four pIeces, In- IlIg more. His stealing propensity stead of five, r WaS Informed that the was great. He and his partner in feal was ImpossIble. crime were wont to lunch 'on tbe I used It a8 an advertis ing puz1.le, nelghbor's chickens. offering ,100 for the shortest metbod , t can vouch for the veraolty of Utls of converting the Greek cr08S . Into . a tale, I being one of the victims of the milk-thieves!
~(",. . ABC
. -M.y' B.- 'Mad. 80 I I to B. E.. lly 'Changed from WIndow to Window.
. .'
square. Several hundred thousand answers were received employing five ~en a few plants are kept about til ces, but not one answer thai. ahowed the bouee dUTlng the winter months It how fo !!o It In tour. Fig. C shows . bow Is nepessary to provide a atand or lhe four plec I! should be madE!. shelf near or In a window In, order to I afterward dlscovel:ed tliat there give tnem proper light for growlng_ was nD Inflnlle uumber of 8S The' accomvanylng sketch ShOW8 ~01lf. lhe parallel cut may be mad e to an. to inake a sbelf tbat may bE! cbanged , sy,rer on the ' linell shown. iild tbe pe r. fl'om one .w,lndow to another 'as depeOlllcull1r c'UL at any rlght-8Jlglei:l point ' of Intersection. .' , \ Tbe segments will alway.s tIL to form a perfect square, so lhe puzzle . makers con exerelse their IngenuIty by IntrodUCing conditions or s Up' ulaUolls. W h I.c h bal" out all . otbe r answers ,but the one Intended. ' In the illustrations given It hi nS'k ed to divide a .Oroll8 1n " tour eqnol paris wbloh will fOI'111 a Ll._ _ _ _ _:..;Fu::j:,: . 2:....:..,,....._l.-_-.I 8l1uare. 1n ·u' seqond puzzle ·jl wal! May B8 Moved from WIndow to 881<1 "to plvlde Ii crosB wIth \ lNlndbwJ clips of the scttsso~, In , fOllr ' plec:~s, -" 'whlch will fo rm a square.'" sired. A ooe.lnch board Is C'lIt, as There are numerous other problell;ls show-n Iii ' 1 wUh a :nroJ.ecUon on connected wlLh tjle 'each end ''to Qt IntQ the 111I9.h 'portlons of the Greek cross which and a bracket faslened on the un,der ' make a most valuahle leasoll In the side. If hie' Is to be used oQ a tMory of all cOttlng puzzle8: . wln'dow: ODe placed . " .• beautiful requirement -I II to divIde In 'the center to rest on 'the mldjJle a square In f1,Ve ulecee wblcb will form piece of the sasb, as Bbown In Fig. II. Is all tbat wIll be necessary, Whea " t .' 1 used on 0. one brllck et at eacb end of tIle she)f will be needed.
~yminl'lt",cal llr~
~rooves .
' ~ ..
r o o
• Fig. 1 shows how to pro. "HI'mllelf. duce .flve ple'c es' which will 'f orm two The Handy Boy. Gan Make It . fol' 'lUe"kos ' Ii 'crosses. n e w cross, Tlie and center tbe fo.upiece r ou.t.sldc will lorm another. But lifter lhe 'pll;;' zle had becomo 'famous, I round a sec. Two· cylinders, AA, a~e mounted on ond way In one piece less, Q8 sho.wn In ~ bllse, B, and mirrors, CO. ,are ' fitted Fig. 21 ~.', I Another way to vary the sllpulal on. CIlI\Sas ' fortothll dividIng ..<If a squaTe In . 10 a beautlfnl JPQZ1}~1il , form two crosses.
actultlJ~ banglng "~tb' 11, . knotted
him ' ·Iay··I»r a
. ,
• • aDd ........ '_ ••••
nu ...· Iiit • _
cia, ......184 Ja
~Izes. r.~mulnder
/Ive pleces ,.wlllch \VIII tOl'm two-Cl'osses, . or First different cut out the little,.cross, then dJvll.\e the In tour parts, which will torm .tlle . large crqss. as .bdwn . Tile fourth figure flbows 'tlle puzzle or cu tting Ii crosB In five pieced which will form two Crossell oC e qusl size, and ,ls 'one ot (he most. bcaull(ul Dcttalla of X-Ray M"chlne~ probl oms or tbe ' .. :t Is a most remarkable fact that a at fln nngl!-l of 45 degrells IntO ftte8e cylln!leFs.. CorrespondlDg ' mirrors• EE, are put In Ufe bSl!e ,':larlllleJ. wltb ' those In . 'the cylinde rs. -An opeijlng extends d'ownward from ' D, . o( eac.h cylinder so tha t light en'ta rlng at ona 'eud o f tbe cyll uder Is (', lIected dowll at rl~ht angles I:)y thll · f:lst mirror to the second, trom Ibe G~~ ond , to the, mys\erlOtls uffinlty (0" t:elallo'nsll!p- can . thrrd; from thl) third t il the fou~ be s hown ~f,) exIst between all the all-' ;Whijlh reflects . the IIghl to . the eye• clent slgnll a.nd syqtbols, In that PRch Thus the~Hg\lt nE\v~r pl'PS08 through; one can 'be ' converte d Into anolber by the cylinders and tbe ch~elver d~.e~ some sU'hUe etlan.lil e whlcb constllutes not Bee through, but 1lJ"C"md q.ny oba clever punle. T.h e S;wasUka Qan b.e jel\~ Insel'led Ilt X bepyt!f.n the 'c7Iln·chn.n'ged Into n. squal'e, the squnre Into ders: . a cross, the C1'08:1 Inlo n trillng i . an oblong or sev'ernl CI'oSIlIlS, and from David Was His ./lIQro. ' these we can form a slar, a qreacent, FOII'r·year-old Joe 1" \ ry (ant!." 0(' oval, a mon'ad, and trom that 0. cIrcle, Bible t;totiles ' and evIdent fJ toUowetbe Which looks very much as It the sQuar- exa mple of bls best.·lov(.ftl .her:o· 118 ;1:0 .. Ing of the circle was o~le o.t the mY6' medltllUon "In the nlgb t -",atcliell." terles pertaJnlng to the mY$lIc ' sl~8 H.e wa)cened Ms . uiotb,,~ onc: nlgh~ and symbals.-Good· · Lllerature, after mldl)lgbt; with , ltt~ ll~eat1~~. "Mamm,8., wliere Is DavId now!'" 8hort and Sweet, "In heaven. I gueBs. Jo" :' Mammll-Come, VIolet, . you . must "WIU I go" to beavon w~,en 1 dIe'" . "I bOIl.e · iO. Joe:" IIl7 )'O.u r vrayerll. . V11) I et-I've sold 'eDl, 'mamma. . ..!1amm.·... the IItt11'1 vc;.!4) .u ""17 did you £.11)'7 e,sur l10W. ··do 3'OU .·poa. Violet-l said "Amen."-New ,TOllE ' tbere DJt"ld :'WIU let mt1lO14 . . Berild. DlU.t
fWI."'ot •
9." ..
--'!-i; "'~~;. *i'(H::>~*** **~** *
.'1110'11 0 '
( .~()Ulltr,' -
1 *" *"
These Lhi ~gs lll'e well ollr for di~u8Sion are to be very largelyl.-----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;
reformatories, and ~oldifrrs and sail- those pertaining to the country orphan hUIll ,bu t as upt. Leon- school s. We shoulu be glad to have ai'd,'of Mansfield.s3YS,"U i: too hull ; a t Lhis meeting 8.0.; muny of the patthat a boy hll$ to be a soOn of a vet_l nlllll a s pOl-lSible. , eran or a son of a gun ·in order to '1 --. get this t raining ." Wayn e to~nship teachers meet in I wish to say righ t be r,~ for myselfl all day sessl~n ~8turday . January and teachers that we hav'~ only mad e l30th. , a beginning in this work and that The foUowing pupils were neither we?o not profess t? be ex perts in r tardy n~r ab!lent du ring ' the month agricul tu re. There IS :;0 much tu d~ of Decembet.; al1d so little time in which to do it. But we are doina' our best to make Creen t:lrier, Miss Burnet, tear.her, our schools the best in the state and enrollment ]2. hope to h~ve the coop~~ation of all ,Guy Kibler Howard Whitaker til thi s end. Eugenia Whitaker
HIRS .C H THE BUTCHER To have your hog. killed. . We kill Monday, Wednesday and Friday:: •••• ••••
It was Jrly privilege to 8pend vaca- pring Branch, J~hn Strawn, teachdon in Columbus. attendi9~teacher'i cr, ,enrollment 18. meetings and l«=ctures out the CoI- <leneva' , urtis Bertha Orndorf lege of 'Agricdlture,, "Thle most en- Lester Curtis Earnest Braddock WAYNESVILL.~, OHIO thusiastic meetmg ' held was that of Glenna Hoblit Forest Hoblit Ohio Township ' Superintendents. \ Henry Orndorf Their seSiions seemed to 'a ttract more -'!!!!.!., !!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!"'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!~ notice from .newspapers aJld to draw Sugar Grove, Miss Eva Davis. teach .. ~ ---.I\ttention of .cliool men and the pub- ' er, enrollment 15. ITALV PARALVZED fie ~ple in this School District were wise tw.enty-five years ago, and' lie gen~lly more than Ilny of the ~Ivln Earnhart Madison Earnhart planted trees which they did not neglect. oth.r. associations. There are more Opal Gray Everett Thomas Italy in oat·ion paralyzed, Wit.h . nelW..... '..... 88tim.Uo"D 76,000 dead flf you Want Anything than 400 townships in Ohio that have Roland Harold Thomas ..... r In ,thp'Way of Spec. In the examination giv. n by the man as taugh t by the r ocks beof supervision. In this there 'has been I Thomas Mary Roland I&o!l !l8mi.offioial 1!8vernmeo& Superinte ndent b for t he lloliday ,benefit . Will not the election of a marvelous growth. Supt. Zellars, Uliltetl fllOm euougb districfS to tildes or Jewelr" the.r e was 11 fju e;tiol1 in the Jist n seed and by actual eXnAriment flndOak, Miss May G.ynor, teacher, ~&Iu' it praotlo.l1y certaio tb.t tbe ,i • ..~ comlllissioner elect spoke very hope-' , just call on Agriculture t hat re~d like t his: ing out the best condit ionsforgrowth enrollment 6, ro~ dead ".oaot be leu &ba~ 2t"OOO, "Why do you think that Agric'ult.ure of seeds and plan ts be of benefit? fully of the future of country achools Frazee Lena Stockton with po'J.lbly 88 many more faoinK j)ecaU8e cif supervision Supervision should be taug ht in the country Will not the knowledge by e."<peri. Mervyan Rich de&\,tb from inJuria. ud t1xpotlure. shOUld mean more sYlltem more uniacheols?" The an wers gi ven to this ment that we' can produce by seleci tbat- _ue .wf111081111 of . mat weeki . . f.,rmity, stronger teaching and betHill, Miss McOlure, teacher, A.!. , qllestion by the children were ' in tion whatever charaeteri8tic we de- • di.-wr t. being reve.led. ter schools If it does not then there enrollment 12. • most cas to 'the point and intereSt- sire b@ worth while'! ' ''co add.' tt ' lJC)8,Ulle, to mtll8ry iS,n 't any 'need for it. Ellis Smith ing, But J wonder how the parents ltast year the farmers of Ohio lost of. ~e peOple. Mouot Iij'Da i. tllDit would answer the question. Judg- between thirty llhd fifty million doltill~' lIiaat oloulhl ot blaok ,ulphalinlf by remarks that. come in Crom lars,because of poor seed corn, which 0.1 imoke and .w.UDI echoel some of of th parents the . question loss could have been largely. avoided ott ,tbe mouot.tnl wUh Itl ·de&ooa. should read the r everse and t.hat Ag- by proper tlCleetien and testing of tl~,~&nd ruml-lioCl, wbile" klrrtlDC, -,--AND, _ '_ ric~ltur should not be taught to seed. Isn't it worth while to .teach O~ ,t&ID drlveo berOte a bulns Jiortb country'bo" , and girls in the public the boys of our country schools how w.l.Jl4 baa intensUied a bandred fold achools ' \ , me one of the most as to avoid this loss. Every year farmtbe lwg~iah of tboUAode ot halftonishing things with which we have era lose millions of dollars by keepo~·pro'.viaionleetl . retul"l. to contend in this day of general' ing and feeding cows that are below The lleautUul CitY of Menlo •• OD '''~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ progress is the apparent lack of in- standard in yield of butter fat. tbi; "lIierD of ~icn" iD thl! ) terest of parentsiti' our publi~ ~hools b'nt it worth whiie to teach the boy. i~edlately lorrooDdloK oooo&ry, d I ~iU &uarancee satisfaction ·and the'educational welfare !lftheir and Kirls of rural schools how great " appe.ra :,t 9 ~av. ·beeD lb. moet .ore ;111 Watch Repalrfne, all I have children! And,. if an interest is taken thia'l!l8S i8 by concrete example's and Iy, ,trioken. With a poln~'.t'oo of ~ it • saudy for y~ In it .. often only to criticise or con- how to uSe Ba\lcock milk testers and 160,~OOI .od ooot6lai ul m.ay 01 't:lttlng for Olaues I can fit thoSe efforts thrt are being scales to diBCoveJ; the unprofitable t~ tpOilt ~otabJe I'ruot.o~.. io Hie, ~II eyes .5Itlif.c'~ly. made for ~":'ltncement and "incerely ,Our cQunty has generally a acarci. MeNin. 'a I,,'e 18 wId til .be *wo f , .' inteuded to make for better schools. ty of fruit, .would it not b. a cood word.: "BLOl'l'EO OU'l'.", , r. - - - - - - - - - - , If there i8 any movement.thatsho.ld thing to teach in the country schools iJalf rationa of the eoarsea·t · lIOn ~lIverware, Watcl:le., meet with more z~lou~ and hearty the care and .propap,tion of fruit ~i beinl' liven to the 8urvivors, aupport from country people than trees; the proee.e. of buddinl' and far there. has "'n almost a ~ Clckk8, Jewei'ry aU ~y other, I think. it is"the,' teaching graitina- and to '&rOuse the interest' , . ~ts in , ~• .pfO, or ~icu1ture in the Rural IChools~ of YOUDg A,merica in Agriculture! . have 'arrived. Some k.nd~: ; ~lnI8. Chains tile starvinl' people ' lire Education should be . broader than ' in ahpnwhy .isn't ita lood tltinar All ,New 0 '00II8. eyer before: these day,I, ' of greater ·to arouse in the minds and hearts of di'tlitiq from the rllins is in aucb a demand for trained men and women, our country boys and girls a 'wholeof .decomposition that certaift.:c .' ' . ,not only in' the shops a'nd .'bUSiness some interest and love for the farm followa its conSumption. . ,-:"n,raVinl a Sp!elaltr houses but on the farms 8,S,well. .,' home? of the dead are atill con.It should not only be a traininar Too lonar have . we neglected the ftictiq The ministry of marin. ia •. " .:,' ~' for clilture, fol' knowledge of lan- eornmon thinp which are the most iRclined to think that its estimate, of gu~e, p! histQry and, mathemati~, valuable, T~ 101lg have ~ur schools ye81e'rd.aY 116,000 will not ~ve to )' but sho~ld in.clude ~ t,.ining of'the led tlie bright' 'boY8 and girl8 away be raised unl_ the repOrt 9f ~be • eye; the ' hand and,the.whole berna' 'from " he farm . to city and town, Wh.t ought, ~ ' ~ do;~ 1n des~ction' of the Lipari ill.. 18 coli' '_AYNESVI~ OHIO for uaefu'l, practi~llif8, . l~ving called dullard to plod ,. Arnied. . , ' .. lil~~. - -..- __ . . m.ll ktJowledge,is locked up ·in atongon, the farm. . ". What Ql!ght to be .done in tbeseMtl Holly, Miss McKinsey, teach.r Th. rutill lJiatricta. ia the aff~te4 '.~\.:!:'~~~~~~~~:~~-;: t~e printed, Rages of a ,book it loa8s .. Thesuccessful farmer of thef\1ture communitit!s?' In Wayne. township t fmrollment 00. . . ~ ~o.liave 8uffered almost i&8 muCh " mucli of its life and interest and be- must have brains and a well trained w;e have about J60 pupils with the Emerson Dill Pauline Marlatt .. the cities, Theee , diStricts were . " • '. ,. , comes to a great extent a dead thing, mind. and the, best time to b~n is ellbt t"achers, collect these homes Lester Dill ltma Daughters the ricbest i. all1taly. 'Reports tod rtak d E' bal · but wh@n . we deal with objects of no .... when hi. mind is being 8haped and form a village and every .one Letitia Vaulrhan Adria Cornell MY that .enormous stretch. of n e '~r an m D)er.. nature, with things in the cQncrete, and his'character forming, out in the would vote to have &superintendent. AI~rt Marlatt ' Cynthia Burton the richest farm country have been " Will tie foan~ t,b 'be ' old " , , the subject then is filled with illter- country school .. No tO\yn or city would think of try- Lemi .Marlatt . ~ie r.u~ tranlformed 'i nto a wU"em~, Great Bnl1~iDg. oppoeite." est and life, and the competent teach· ~e busin~ ~en ,and mechanic8 in&"to run ita school~ without 8Up,Elr- Ed~a. Dill .' Martin 'Marlatt. fi88Ut:es ,sea", the land, .a nd. water . ' the N.tloJia' Baok. .., , 81' can. 'do more for the educatjon of .of the cities long ago demanded that vi~ion, '~y, are. no~ .the coun'try Alt!a Burton , ~loyd: paul'htenJ , ~ou~ ~ye ~e.en,c~aed, , ~,yerftow. 'l:elepbo~ ,hi b~till8 Il~d · of ., the boy. ,and girls th~n py sticking their puplicschodl mustdo somethIng children ail Justly entitled to,super.' '" John Myers . m~ J1cb(ara.and frul~ .I~ds. " . aCe Where,I ~ be called . to books alone. . toward the training of their boY8 imd vision as ~~e tow~ children? . And Ha~irion Gr~v~ MisS B~ ' e~t . l.n oth~ ;plac~~pri.n8aaJld .t~ · .day fir nIRM. · , . Where can we finq more or better gir:lsfor the work' and business of the·!iuperv1819n sho~ld be of the ~ind _ Y er ' en;Ollment~.' ..ave d,.~ , ~p: Va1le~s .. ~~ve ~nl '. V.IIIlY ~bo~e 14-2; . " .. material'for ar~~in~ interest or 'for city !lfe, so we see ·the busineaa that really supervises. Thlere IS a An ' F . .' or . W'I ~lIed ~p ~y,al&rlt lan~ahdes, and the Main Stret'&, W.yneevil.. Ohi moyement . backed by some of the CI ~ n 'humbas , . lye I son whole: topograp~y; tWisted and torn.I'· ' . ., _ " ~. .leadmg ' . school men to secure a atil.n \1 ert l(oscoe by' . th.e ,qwa&es, .. _I'Th . a' . Furnas ' . e 'ne t .10 . .. In ,, , . . . -for mandatorY" county , Hill • . Miss . Fea!y,teacher~ commet:cialand aI'ri~u~tu,ralway wi)1 . R. .... . that is, . hay~ one man to s~pervise ..... . enrollme~t wor~.a severe loss to Italy's material all the .8chooil! in the county' and do *port too late ·,fo.r publicatIOn, prestige. • _ • I , ... . .... away largely with close sU~'rvision " C. E, BaA'l'TEN, Supt; G ' t ' t', '~ ·h d' I 8lloJIld· ... .. " . ' . . . : • I _ .., . oVt!rnmen sclen IB... ave ISCOV .. In some stat~s they hav~ : ·thls !lnd ., ered .t hat the ~oco weed' derives its ....~ ~ID many.of the schools do not see the ) . DOn't Get a D~~orce. . . . poisonoull qualities fr';m the barium ~ supermtendent onc~ a ye'a r ~e. .' A Wlll!tern ~'I~gegra.n~..,d~ ,\h in the Iioil on 'which the weed groW8. wi&IIaer~fo. draws ~ big salary sitting up ,in ari on }iOOouot t.'t :111 ,~IUJJer apd _ _ _ .; . , . ' tIoDiGUl.....ac1 office at the county ' s~at to whi(!h he ~:!:~'ha~:;.~~:u:e~~tW LUe · Tbe'fruit of the male fig tree i8 :U~i~1l hi'laon 't a' b · I't' h ' " '. ,r _ _a oaa. more 0ft. en, ' ~ t ms y po I nea t an (JQ~8t\patio~, . causing , b'1&d never.eaten: :' 'No odter ublil. by real merit and 'seldom ' really a~4i 'Liver .'rouble tb~ ill-te~JM!r. I ....., . . . .: .sUa to knows the.schools under his charge; 60111 8 :, baoish beadllobeB, oolfI~ WlUaou'.Nd1... S1119oeAJmUao':. , r O. dobwar.t~ ,. . In t.he b~smesa world ev~ryw:her~ .. ' I ohlll". 25C:t: ~IT 081. alUOI'ID8racUUoll'lA ~-" .im4 bUl!m~ IS conducted wlthollt cl~ , , ... . 1.., ...d ..nalod5 . . . ~ personal. suPervision, ' ShOll~ld ' we N~"ROW ~ArE F~OM· FIRE . ' , Blamoll&bl, ..,ailDi,· WoaD . . not ~e as wise. in training brains I ' . . . . . ..-aMiu. _ . Yla,ol WGIU, eoD&alu ~ weadte. ..... '.. co~r:'1e!!, the trade schools, and man• k' '" . T 16 relldence of A , K. Cieorge bad . '"I .... ale" 'nm-40- ...... 411••11... eute 101' ...... _.. _ ........ *-.L. ...... . I , .' h ' asmma mgmoney f d " ., . . " .. , , - - - -~A, .', ' --"" · WY5.~.....&_a ll~ trammg everyw ere . 0 ....." , OWEllClllpe from .~truf)tton br ~ ,b. uP . 'Work. . .After tI'J1q . . .h.-aODD"Qfthe"'famU1'Mt"DI'. Why 'sho'uld 'n ot the farmer· be Tw h i G B" .d I fire ~maa, wben 1& ~ma~ remtcU. &114 ....tal .• • aa4 ooet8l1. a,.u o....... , eqnally wise'! He pays the most taxes ell H~Isc:, 00 s, ad ' .reen oodl'lerban .•~w- .t o~8I!n~ .of tbe dtnlol' r9.0m~uKhC . J"'~ij~ta~lIut i'tacl,. to PYe uob.u1ilcriP'lO~· .' Ihvr .~....:: "';) t' "d ' ts t'h' aye IJl e a g Clrmmng f' l f' . .' f' ;tb d'l ' d" . ..__r. , I I&W VJaDl 414• t:.. ..... ' , . I'n ..uu pp'or t Af v <:uuca Ion a.. ~ .; e in beautifyin, their ,sChool rOOm8 reo rQm, ~ne o . ,8 o,;,n . ee ,,,? WaM :Y~ at 41C11414 .. to ~ . It, ~ ..r ...u. ,' " .ow • ,..... . . . ' I least And ' WI'II ha ve 'more ,to d0 8000 ablltz8 l!'ortantt.te 71!rtI1, ~Mr~e IIIIil It ' ... ·' 401l. I118r. ....... . a... betDtlNd1di14 b, PNf. BIab. .. y_ . out of , hit. h ' · yet w:e, " h.ear "":'ose .1.1, nl'ctu PI res ' . , . - ..... ..._..... to '-- .......__ f armers rig t e~e m Wayne town-' , ' ht ed ucar ' f tli ' I -ia w.a at, 1l0Dl8, Ilnd witb ,'he me ..... all OUI,. I' ..... _ItIM4. It - - . ~ ..,. .. ........ ship, Warren county, 0hio, 8neer at Itnh~~arany on Iontellor n, e . ~hll b,ren R'nee oUlr, V. ,fS, Tooker, WboM aid ... 'uUt .~ 19t '.1l4 natoNt ., 1Ioa&I0II.. ~ ~I cmIIn.· ... . e can " hIC sc 00 l ~ tU I . hal l' b . ,. effo~ . that are bein~ made to ~II be tile n'ext? ' . ", w"at sQ~mo.aed. ,btl b1l~lolr ' sree 'JOUpr: : . ••: : : . . to : ..",.... . e ~lanil .O~tle, W~"1Je O. meli~ discipline ' than 't hat ' wllich Agriculture 8n their schools! wu 'brOIl' 00&'9f ~be room· l~to . work . . . . . . 1I1UaI." to . , comes under the head of Agl·icnlture . :roo often boY8 and girls that .r. Lowell Hill ach.ool . gave line en~~. paper 00 &be wan • .· ... Ua4 ~ WUeUq" ":-~-: Here ~e study the !IOiI, its .origin, 810w to learn f~om book8 are con- tert~ninent Qne eveninR be~Dre the . 9f 'be rooD. ~. ., ~Iaed •. 'b. .:-.... . . . . VlIlolIa ~ .,.....taII .. kinds; arial~8i. and 'fertili~ . We. , . 118 w~ braIned when , ~y holidays UDder the leadership. of the wqrk " • .t.t ..tered" aDd lraa all ~~t -~ ~. Punera. DIrector. · ~t kno~ledge firllt hand froin seed, Indulltrlal tnunmg they' show that teacher Mias li'ealy, They had ' . to,. Wllldow wu bro~8Il, III ' . . . . . .iI. . . . . ~ ~ ' Plant. leaves, fiowerli and, treee they have superior miDds only wait. social time and cleared over Of 'b~ 6,D~Q' IItaaUoa _ta of eot By.' on,.. aD -GIL · JleN we study the &election and ing to be unlocked., and the key u..t Why not have more of wbloh lor a rew "aUMe, 1'IaoI" 1I~ .. a ~ of'" for beat returns. will unlock more dull, sleepb..... and the township? Mr, o.orp aDd I~Dl.I,. oooara.-laM ..... Iwolt JIDJIa, .................. Here ~ we a~dy the judgin•• are even criminal minds 'to lively. whole. .oa foft1lDaM . . b'" aa. &ad ~na of l~v.e stock .. weU as 80me intereat and them ontbe Wal'l'ell . Deal. . ." ........ aM imprQv. . ., of!ann life in evto learniq tfoa boldl! i~llext; ~.~.. SI~~d".J otber ia . .
.J.' H. OPPJ' The Optician
The Jeweler
e Jeweler
1. . . . . .
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A' MAF''F IT '
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Ma l ll
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D. L. l,;UAN~. FAht,'r
101.1. Illlil
Sir. I
Rates of Subscription •• Ycur jSLrlcLly In aovtillee) . 1.111 "·apl. unpy .111. - -------____ Uates of Advertisementlllj . Oi,e ... adlnl\ L("'lil ~ , l:lCr 1111" lha"'n~ L oou l . , bla ck rue",
1I1l ~
w xcee tl th' ti linus, 'j'brce t IIMcr l 1un" . . .
. IU c
- ~ ltl-=U A(h,. Ott\.
rd or 'I'bank .... ' iIW"oluUous. . . . , , . .cla lfl . et u
W'h e r ~ I · tiar,, ~ I~ Hl iult· Il !! , (X'r 1r10 11
n',play Ad;eril.I Dl"connb
'. :~~
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.d 'Yr. IIOJ I t...'ftn IIU f ' l ·
W";UNJo}!oDAV , 1*1 ·1':.1I11·: n 10. IllU1l .
~====~ ",J=============== Have you 'Seen the new sidewalks the council to be built. yet? Fine weather, Brother Farmer. Hlive you gotten your tobac('o " husk eel" yet. , Only a few short weeks now, and
the blue birds will begin to whistle and ,the cranks to talk base ball. •<
A fOUll, mhn in lndiana who. it
II said hadConsurnption, coughed up • ~in, and is t~erefof4! well now.
Don't lor-get ween your time expires. d.;u N..a4er. and we will be alad to renew your subscription for TelephoneCompany. Motion for new trial overrul~. . ' another year. l:)amueJ:Paua-bman V8. Frank Hart Old youllwear ott last Friday .broth el al. ~l!iam H: Dearta made p.a r· ' er, from .mokillg, chewing and ty d·e f en d'.nt ' . IIwearin&'! B~ sians on pavements Probate Court. . . , here, th'~ has been no resolutions In matter 8f the will of Lydia ClIn. made in ttiis dIreCtion. .... deceased Application to nl· n.;ha • 't·, • • .. admit salhe to probate'set for hearlJ)/J The new 'Year started In In good Decem~r 28. lOa: f'!i. J ' -pe, and it) vas. an i,deal winter's - Est.ateoCJohn'U: Dull'an. rnvenday, ex~t that ther:~ was no snow "d . tfiled an~apP!'8~men . '. ' . on the a-~ild ·Theboys swineina their ska~ ahd having a good time Esta~ofDauleIWefdneIJ~ Imbecile. . . First and fu:lal account fi t:U: • wasindioationohn ideal day . ' Estate' of~atlienne Constable.l~·
Kindred real estate in Franklin township, $38727 . Jeremiah J . Throckmorton to A. New Suits. D. maston real estate in Springboro; Robl!rt Southard vs. Wallace Tib $ bal~ . Petft~on. for damage of,$2.000. liIenry Prater e't al to Mary Prater pla~nt.lff cla~mlng he was struck by real estate in W.aynesville. $1. an Iron rod In .the hands of the ~eAlbert Stacy to ' George A. Scott fen~ant a~d dIsabled from attendma- real estate in Wayne township. $176. to hIS bUSiness fQr two weeks. .E. E. Millie Cornell to C. W Cox. ~. Von Martels,. at~rney for plam. real estate in Warren county, $1. lItf. ., William Hoblet to Albel't HelpFI~rence Martin v.s. Edward rueyer real estate in MlUlSie township, Martin. PetitIOn for dIvorce on $3000. grou~ds.ofgross.neglect and cruelty. James. Weidner to Ida Early et al Plamtlff as\ts for custody of three. real estate 'in Clearcreek township children Hamilt.on & Brown and $1. " • Ch~l·l~s L. Hoppang attorneys for Emma Pray to Albert Constable. plamtlff. real eState in Harlan township, $12.'>. A: J . Malott VB. C. M. Earnhart. Comm~loneri' Proceed In,s. , Colllll!' Earnhart and Elva H. Eam, " Bills Allowed- W. Ant~am. hal·t. Petition for payment in full uf judgmen't in conveyance of certain, $10; Henry ehrlsti~n, brl,d ge real estate. Eltzroth & Maple. at- repa~rs. $6 ..75; Oscar B. Cam, bri.dge torlleys for plaiptiff. repa!rs, $12.60; J. N'"B~reh. brIdge Co~rt ""'oceedln,s. repair:" $8.75; J~ B :sm~th. lum~er, . . . $114.50; Bert, Reed; bridge repairs, .Adalm~ BIl-d .;.'s. Sharple~ C: ~lnl. 521; Philip Nickle, bridge repairs, $3; Divorce grant~ and plambff ~e- Oharles A Du'lim, bridge repairs, ,stored to her: malden name Adahne $26; . John lr~s: bridae repairs. ' ' . $6.45; Oscar B. Cam, con~~ct, $187.Peters Arm!! and Sportltl&' Goods 80; Wi1~iam Scdtt, contract. $26.15; Company ~s, ~te~en.Brub~er etal. Lennie Whitacre,. contract. $74.30; Court o~ers plaintiff to recover. Spencer .~ Bomett, contract. , $185, $H2.06 amoun~ due from de~~dant. Spencer ~ ~on~, lumber, $891 %,; . Alfred W. Willam8 vs. Wilham T. Mrs. Katherine Nunlist. washing. Rober~,:, et aI. Court ord~rs .de f8.40; C. .M:. kuttm,an, painting at fendan~ be sen:ed by p.ubhcation. jail residuce"1.50; .T. C Patterson, Sprai'\1e Cannmg Machmery Com· jail fees. ,57; ~ohn Linder'•. services pany.vs, J, W. Snook et. al Court as infinn,, ,ry director, $~7.30: Leba. su.tams , dem~rrer .and defendant non I~ and eo,I Company, coalfor given to-days an which to, court house. $67; M. A. Burke. reFrancia M. Allen \1&. Ce~tral Unaon. ~airs, at, )ail. $9 2&; L M., Prince, \ COUNTY
supplieS for surveyor, $1.80; - Jo,h n90n & Wataori, court;calendar. $8.50; W. H S~geandcoDJpany. for auditor. 142.40; Ruggles..Gale ks! . ~llIpany,,;bl! _ .~r tl'Q8~rer, ••~. If yo......,·Stom.:,o.b, Heart,' or Kid_ "'! ' II: t t, 1 t , Dey8 ~~ WM. .ry ,a .. . MIl ' a ew dO"1lII0~0'Dr. 8boop sRe8~,jrll.tive In.five "",cen, dllYs oDly~ tbe reault W.ilI surprise you: A few cents Will oover yt;p.II' oO!I!t. . And be~ hi belp OODl~ ii'o' 4uiokJy. ' Ur, doesll.',1Jtull'~tha 8tvlJ)aoh, nor atim. alate til'i Heart ,or KldDey.. lIr
~boop·I ·F~tQ,.tlv·e Moe'"
'0 tbe .~ea~ and . faihng Lob org&D . hes.ltaown '
W,H.Madden &Co
Disastrous earthquakes and vol anie uph eaVl!lIs in recent years w re as follows: No. of .Ictims, Corwin. Ohio. 1861- Melfi , Italy .. . . . . . ... .. 15,000 1857~Kingdom of Naples . .. ,10.000 11.----------""'I!!--11 1859-Quito ....... . .. . . . .. .. 5,000 lS61-Mendo~, S. America . .. ,12.000 ~ur l8G3-Maniia . . ' .. . , ,'.. . , . ... 1.000 . 1869-Peru and &undor . , . . .. 25,000 1872-1nyo valley, alifornia .. 30 08 S 1875-Sant.a,nder. Colombia ., . 14.000 We arc offering these posts at 1878-Cua. Venezuela .. ,... ... aoo a big Sacrifice. ' . . , 1880-Manila .. . ... ... . . . . .. 3,00.0 1881-Scio Illnd villages . .. , .. . 4.000 1 __..;..._____..;;..____1 '" 1883-Islamil of Ischia, Italy .. 2,000 i t 1883-Krakl~toa and other, . , We also handle a good line of vol(:an~es "' : ':'. rhousands BuUaing l.umbers, su 'h as 1884'-Andalullla aud vlclmty . . 1,170 ISBn-P rov. GI·anada. Spain. .. 690 FLOORING, SIDIf\(O, AND 1886- harleston. S. C. ... .. 41 PIECE STUfF, MOULO' At tbis selUlou 01 the year tli. 1887--Riveira and S Europe , . 2,000 INOS, SASfi AND OOPR5, 1891- Japan . ... , .... . , ... .. 4,QOO mn.u and womaU ,'Ufn tbelr·."eD. 1893- Persi.n . ... . , ., .... : .. . . 12.000 KITCHEN, CABINETS, tlOD to readln,;{. aud r ••dtDI. rilht 1894- Japan ., . ......... . ... . 12.000 PLASTER AND 'LI"'E 1895-Florellce. Italy . ... . , . . 3.000 now Is o~e"Pf\r ,and beUer tb~D It 1899-Tiflis, Transcaucasia , ... 1,000 . - -_ _...;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • ev~r W68, ,;.~ " 1902- Martinique .... .. "" .40.000 . Call and let us give you the Every per80u sbould ftalr"'~wo 1902- Andijan. India . , .... , .. 2,500 I k rf or tbree m ......zlile8. beoaDH. " 111 ~ 1903-Tiojo, Colombia .... , . . 100 r ght Ind 0 , Igures . 011 any -1904- Abruzzi .. Italy .•. ". , ... .600 thing we have. brlng8 th~m t~\o the Iim.U,h, ,~r 1905-North India . .. ... .. . .. 35.000 tue world'$ ~oin8e. and k88pli th,m 1905- CalabJria, Italy·.. . . .. .. 500 up to the tiDies, . ;V 1905-Scutari, ,Albllflia . . . . . . . 200 9 1905-Tam8Jmla, Mexico ,.... 100 •• U ' Read OIl.refully 'he f0110"1~ 1906-About: Vesuvi~ .. . ... , 100 Corwin, Ohio.. o.ffer~" and .!:lee if, you dOD't; w~': 1906--&m Funciseo . . . . . . . . . 1.000 I~=::::::::::::,\ w,o , three even more mati- " 1906-Valparaiso and vicinity . 500 "'31~etl. " 1907- KlhPIto1i. Jamaica . . ... 1.700 1907- Kanblgh, Asia ... . . ... · ].600 " ~....I-----~;.;;...;;..-.;.;------~ _~_ _ _ 4._~_
y List of MagaTh iines .Now, for is er will be With• drawn 'the 15th.
1,200 Cedar Fence P t
Time2for Reading
Tbe tebdelr ' lea~es of a hallmle!!tI hllllUDg :'m01lDtatnouM sbrub, to Dr. ~1~oop'MCo1lgh Remedy arvelo1l.8 Sl1lrll.tive properties, or dh.trollltloK ooUgh8 .to t~e heali n ll'.lIO.o th of thlB splendid pre80riptibool,'a l,;ougb Rem~y. ADd It Is so safe' IUld g!)Od for obll dreD ...8well.· ",mt81nlnono opium, v,. ohloroform, or otber harmful drug"" matt-en al,01Jld in sl&fety Illway8 dewand Or: Snoop's. If other reme. ~le8 are dilered. wll t,b~m No I ae yQar owu' juijge ! ~ 801~ by all deal al'II , - - ._ _......__-,.,.-i' , ' . .
Is Your' mato' n hSI'OAIr? ,
' .
Look' at this Offer SuCUS8 'COsmbPQUtaD A . ..t:"._ M ...azin m~n_Jl"~
Am~ ~Y .
·· .H~.
51."110'........: : ~-
11_-'_ 11 ..._-,__
,,~-. "Uncle Remua Womu'. Ii'orne Comp.uilao ,'Ocllneator . ' ",Alus••
0PI~tO...~OUIUblekraryeepl~, '" "" . Bos$oo"CooIdD'SdlooI.
Qlt~ wishes ' to' lay again sa:,.~SecoM~heoun!:~;y h~ If 1::::di~J~:.-.::a~r~~~AOe~lty O~ ~'f ~. '*~eatesi me~aces. to . .. ~(. Club falter. "Thi8 ye& vl~l troth, the immigr&llt girl in this cO\lntry • ________ _-_-oiooI.~[!II Metrop'oUtIn
tb . r an)' ~orreslpondence intend,~ to .: _l ter 0 t . e . . . ' 0 " ,-~ Dugan,. ' dec~. W,dow,. rn~_ - be pubh8l1ed in 'the week, should he knowtl her 'illtention to take under .bandej sep~ i~ on ~ond.ay:•. It is wilt ' ',,' "'. " a1m~t ilWapo88ible to do JU8tl~ to In''' matter of' will ot ·-Horsee P.
. 0learl7 :"11. ~hy .Dr. ~bOOp.' .. Re· . . h ' h ) h A f 'b . bo 00 . . . a$Ora~l~ i. a,9 anlver~lly 8Uooe~ awaats .. at t e yery pace were . DY ODe 0 " e a Y 8 . ':' .' ful. IUClONII11eadlnl.Ldl'ugKlst& she should ~n~ most help-namely, I can cur.~ the ills of ••iDell for O8J,. itunlverllal pre.. the .i~p1~a-rant emplpYm~mt., your watch, very_qulc1dy If : them aniloQne)ves.,we·were forced D ' I rt "' h d ___ ...a . A U-.....i· . B,url'ly IlaYItLliman Beecher Sto~.. In you will b}!lng O l t to me. .1 . '1 . an.o ,~~. pp .... on b~all cJeq th J ' Des' 'Jlh ' b ' . w~k \ ~ , omit ·. some good ' ·~e· tC1Probate setfor hew, ." .... . .i,' e ~\11lJ'1 .• ape~. .' ese U· 1II be t Col n1 ., St neWli, ~\1se It come too late. Bear DeCember 31 at 9a. m. ' WINTdR COURSE IN DAIRV~NO more often thari ,n~t, ,a~e ~un W a ~ an s ove tbia~n; lriind eJear reader. and help '·Eetate'ofWH.Boneet·al.minors. " / ,. ,. ' .,', whoarebo~lgnorantand Sto~ 'everyWednesday all ·.,:. ua~ysendill&'ill your contributions Tlilrd' a'iicount 'fiied. · ' Th,e 6rstoftheTwo-weeksO<>:urses . Tb~. ~aarge a , fee !fay. Clocks Cured, also. ,<, ,GO time. . . .' ." . , will Janu'a ry 11th and ' end .-'s. ~re as they .·can .ex.t ort ' , -,"L·! nu .Es~ e of,~dyMonfo~, 22nd. · This COQrIe will be tbe applicant, for their services NY . ~' ·. II Thedi~tertol.talyjs ·· · First.andfih&l~untfiled. . to the modem' Method!l of fnattemptinlr to place her. She ' . . . , .•.. , " . .. . 1bf any '.: earthquiij(e 'tha~ has been . 'In !"atteb of' will of, Horace P Teetin&' Milk and Milk Products. the lives in the lodging~house 'kept by The Watch and Clock Doctor ~~e: !l~tid__tpr and .known iD the 'world. Not only has Danfprt h • ·deceaaed • . Ordered open-tion of Hand Separators and agentln I:onnection with the bu- ••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• ' .' ~verybody'.• with tthe quakes b.t 't he voleano~ added a cOnuni8ll10ri isaue to Josiah MOrro", Gas and other appliances> reau, and there absorbs ' her ideas of e!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!"!!~ 10 the horror of starv.atlon and pneu· to tlke deposition o~ , Nane, Butter- -Ohio State University. Apltncan Iifel It is not to . the adAmerl.D .......................... 60 alOnia, · .uperinduced by cold, worth and Jane U. B. Foster witneaa. • ~. , vantqe of the ~ent to help her to 1::(' _ Immediate relltf, 8udOiel ~alalllDa ...... ...... t 10 Italy: the,h~th~b .of t~e ~orI4. es ~ .will of Horace P. QanfortD. A Horrible HoI4-Up. secute. a pen'nan.e nt. Position. On ,Dr. Shooo's 11.01", P,,-olfio' MODthl'!......... ...... 3 8G Tb. nations,aN domg their IJe9t to deceued. . ' 11.&ltouUen year8 'ago ~"brot)ler on_ .hand" h", dehberately leads I ' . . 008uiopoUta~ .....~ •• I GO ~~, th,e'r ·~I:~~~riiigs ~'~.ut .w~'e!l ~ U~, '. .wa~ .·~pliJ'llP: ~ ' in hi,S wO~,k, . b,~ltli . to ex~t and "(lemarid, the i~- ,~t. Ntohplal (Dew)...... :.... ,II 10 one1LThks of the awfulloss of life .' " . ~ , ..~d' bppIDeI8 by w:~"t waa bel~eved while on the other he rrua.. ,WAYNESVILLE CHUnCHE5. OUtiDg................ ~ ...... ,..... ;I 00 .. . .'. rn' .. d' . . , Moodie J. Fondersml~, 1~;' t~· to be hopel,,'CoD8umptlon. I' wri~e .. •. "' Broadway ........... ;.. ... ...... 1,'5 , it !*.iM!yqnd h~~~ "" power to 0 anr· ' er o'f ~Lebanon. ' and Rhea Kirk. 17, W. ·R. Llp~mh. of WlU!hiD 8 t !?U, . ~ h.e r ~mployer.her ablh·' PeailaoD's ................ ........ 1 Ii~ ' &b~. ". .... . ~ 1/ ' He - W '.A: ~ . '" N • .C • ."Be took. l&n klnl;l8?f ~~~e. an4qua~11~ctlti?ns. .Th~s~atIl71l)· ~ (>rthodox Friends Cliurch'. Ion. )1. .. '.' ~l' " and treatmeDt; from several ly results ..either m the girl's early , Rev. Benjamin Rawklns. PWlwr• . i.'pplnooU·8 ...................... ;S to ~LLEQED ASSUL T Cla~d p', DevaUl •.. :21, . farme~-:.9~ ·b)lt ' f~uild n9 h~lp till hI) dil!Charge, OJ' in 'h~r leavinr 'dj~ !labbaLil ~OhCl<lI, U ;30 ;1 , iiI. Rc~ular Cburell UDcla R81JlU8 .................... I 1i0 Lebanon and Ada M CaDe 18 &..eOKing s New 1>1800ver~ and ' ~rvlce. 10 ;39 n. m. 'Christian ,E~ldeavor. Harper'. ,M..g .............: Ii S,5 ' W. A• :.-...:.' . •. ' eel ' b y ,. 1 I~ "':.t"tl ~ aust' atfinding the con.ditiops sOfar Robe' t"'J·. " Sou'th' ard.· a local ' news , anon, . Rev. ~, was w b' u11y . our h , :ao p. m.' .' . ___ , . Met~o~lita-:x ..... : .............. 3 10 pape~;~poiter has filea suit ' i.n , the .. Arnold S Coilett $ farmer tie Ie a wen man ;· to-day; . . ' It. ,; of ~e., expectatIons. Shet en HickSIte, Friends ChUrch, .. :eommon pleas court ~inst Wal b" d CasSi' A' · Gf&bam 33 q~lok, to -:eli~ve .. ad ,tbe, •.ures' Qura retu~ .~ t~'~ employment bneau F'irs,t- Day Mcctlnlt. ,lO :o ~ n. Iii. , .Firat ,Da y _ _'"-....:.._.......,.:.:.._ _ _ _ _ __ . b '.;;' .' ":..l'f ' " , f Leb veys u.~g an ,.e , ' . " ' for we.k ,Qr 80!.., IDpg~. "·Be~orr.bli and tells hel!' troubles" the agent Bubool. 11 ;0(1:1, m, ' Fourltt DaY ' Meeting > • Ti .ba... aretart:U arm~:, o , ~no,n Harveysburg. : . Rev.SaqIe~t. lee,Cough."Dd .Uoldl', ·,Br~Dobltll!. , j' todo :better for . her ~o.: oo .a.w. · '101' $2;000, In:thf! 'petltl.on h~ , avers 'Chtl8ter 'lJ. Arehd~ ... 19. paper I,. ~r~l'~, . , A8thm,. . In~.i:l ...UBrtlD- p.~!;I~. ~ , ,'. ' : .. .. . , . ' .1' , ' , J.g , . Ue ·er ';that h'e;w.s·strii~k with ,an ir0r,t rod fi~ish~r. Franldin'.and· Bessie Frybur. oblal ' ai'ff!OtloD8;' .,5qcJ ,'and' ' l.QO. tlml!., labeI8~~r expenen~ed~ s~e, . ~~ri~lan ChUf<;h. . " ." . , . ·.lbeld ~y Mr. Ti~b"ls and, that be ' , ger 21 Fran)(lin." Rev. Kestlt!., ,. F ad c~J!~. tr~f!. ~l?llra~tee,d ' b) PIlYs . ~oth,eI .an~ :, ~~e .,wh? ~ , S~I1~(SChOOI, '0 :11 0 u. Dl , Soolal iDe_ct. . Baf~r"11 W,eekly .... ........ 14 00 1eredIO much'from the "blows thus ' G " . W Berr . m " ·I-.;"ter Tre- f " ~.~~. . ' ' . Process Is·repeat. . ' : ": ,,' , ''.'.g'. l lO :.IO B, JQ ., and .Cbrlil lan Endeavor 'R," y ,''''e~of Rev,lewli ....·....... ,800 . " .' ",. eorge , . y"..... , . ' ~ a'helnter-Mumclpal Rese~rch Com. ,7 .0u p. 01 " . ~T . ~i,:~ thil~: he' was unable, to. ~ montG,lty : Oh~o lind :L\I~y ~ BI~~A R~VI~f.O:NE~SIO~. " '. ' baS 'ai~U4 do';~ , m~ch' ~ . ,' . ., . .', : ~o(JIDrt;l" Ma".aID..... ...... 1 IiO eboul h!8 d~t~ for t.WO '~~k8i '. burn ·'li6. teacher Lebanon'. Rev. W. Teddy' wai .y,IDa, bill:' prayers' a.t ' t'h'~' l' Y::. t-b ' " 1Methodist . ~p!~opot Chur.~~.: . '. f{arper,~8Bazar.~·:...........~ •• 1 ' 00 . . ,' , • - , - . ' , .,) , '.,' " ' \ S ,!,mp o~en ur~u eVI , Rev . W: T, Gilliland, i;'l!.Iltor," ' .. , NO CONTAQIOUS DISEASE A. Coo~r., , lMid'ilDe one lill(bt "Dot .IOJig .MgO. 'illl Penr' Se-Sunday $chool.9' · ~O 'a, 01" Mornlnl\ 'Sflr ., b,our. for .. ;...'.,: .. ; ........... ,"GO, ~', . . .,' . . Fran .. kF,~x.SO. farmer, . K' D~UDOdo'wn.ttii~mother'.· kDe8 . tJ\e, plasSa...e ;Q· f '~ lllw: ther,e ,ilce. 10 :80a. m. 'EPl'~~~~ :Leliifue, 7:00 ,p , , 'ri·.. · ~ ~ U _ ,' ~... ,. . ,.' ' . h ' . d M ' tl 8m'tIl' 22 dome8tie F o r t " " ". . . '., • m. ~venlng 8crvl~!l, • . so p , m." MIdweek Our p ce.aor a . ............... - !IV ' The Leb8noJl.~trlot says t at "no ap .. 'P e I . . ... , ., ' , rna\t~ ·tlie · requil,erti~n~, for!l Pr\ye~ ~ecLlnlr, 7 :30 p. Ul. . l \ , .', ,',' ,.' ; .. one need ~ afl'l\id '~ '~me to bib,. AncleDt. ~v; W. 1\•.~~r. .. ' . .' I. lay me dl)wn &Q ~Ieep. 1 · pray . tJjt\ ' '88 to 'eXclud'" tbe more ,,. .,po(l 'to Clo 'their ~,,8hoPpJng. 'l'h~re . Eman,~el ,N., qlltfo,r d' 29. hankl"" . . P.Utit.d1 agen~, ;~4 wbic.h ~roVides . St. Mary's EpiscOpal .Ch~rcii.. , ~np~n~~u~~i,~h,ere ex· ll~l?orer ii.n<!' F.lorin~,~k, 2O"F,r~k. ' . .ulit ' IDSj)ection.' of e~ploy· s~n:ae;·~b~~~;~:~I~d~, ~~~~nr s~r' . ,c.,a M~e ' .. apt ~'poa~m~e 'jtch':' ,The attA!mpt ', 18 ''' ' .,' . ' '.t , ' ·'1"; alentagen~ieli. "Ice, lU :30 .Q , m. Evening II4lrvlce. 7 ' p , lfn. . ' , harles · ,.,.: .00"r,,k• •~fi., carpenter. .;. .' ~,--'-:::-- - • ,_ Bolf (Jomm4nlun\hll Jlr~t Sunday of, eaclI An ' kind oi" <IOmbiuUOD 'l1ia., . t. lead·pec,pie ·t~ .believe ' th,'e re' ~, ·a. So.Cth "'" d Ul, ~ Viii so~. ,'"20 mO'Dtb u ... '~ ~ , ' cqntqionin ,~~on last week ·so u " Le.......nonan ',"', T\le'e . ill · l~b Qulniale,' . , " , < youwa~~ , aDdatiU .'.n.,701ia~' . tJiat ~~ter An\l'!Un .could .not r..l)Jp~~. ,::, ~ '1,. . ::.t.ev~r hal'sb -~r 8Ioll:,a~lD~ In . ~; Aapstlne's, Catholic' Chu~~ .' . of mODey. Tell u yoOr' aiv'. hi. ann~~ t~~ to th~ c)li d~n ',Per~' 1ri&Tu:n A11en, ~7, ~er. " Dt.1~. ThfllMl ~i,t~le CaD.1\1 ' Fatb~r G~illlle Mavenh6efer: Paator. ' 'd , ... .... ' '. It-. been bit~17' aDdjuetJy condemn ~VllnBuren,;ArR., {and Ina H. amllton. oarehra~18ta I:' as b,. ,:agi~ i A Man evn, eeconc\ SUnda, of the Qloillb an .we ,"Um_A:"" ,.OU .....OM : " '. , ' ' L ban ; .. ' , ' I " rew our.-lIn y,our rea; , U UK 9 :00 a. 111. ", "." . will ', ' ""-D'..-" ,/0•• e4"bY9ur<peopl4!1 ' . " . ,.' e ,ont . ', ._, .1',' . '. , . ,Qpld .. 'hro)EellJ. · ~~dlUlrelDta.te, "" llII& '. ' . . ' . :~ :.. . . ' .! John SMe.h, 8(;,.fann ... ~MaaonaDd , .. ' j J»!'8venti08 pl8!118 .tie obUdreD""7"nd " '. Wa cali faml8h. ',pa ,a aythlq Ia. , PraWent.:Helps, ~""".a. La) u ,M,ay, WiUfUison. ~; MIIW?D. tile" br~Jr the ' •. Budreda,of. m-pb~D' 'i l".v.· . P Na~ 'A. , dillen• .60 ADd tealt' of ilIII1 '~e economy. A, .k . • • A.THA W ~ Y 'h18 'UD8 &~ a t'8d~.prIoe, aDd YO. ~:. bo~_:18 7~eD':ie~~5OeDt8i '~_YU88riUe'. l:;eadIDg Deli",' .Ve,mODe, . ~ o~ 4ina' , belpecl by,be 1»re.ldeDt uf n~ I~. Clarkavil'. ·. '-.,nd· !Annt ~i1eS,. du~l "Mt"~itp~.D·.i·Bo~" &1..--: aeamstn.i, .Clil'ksvil1e.·, . . ~)d' ';~1l dtr..~'er.~· DOW8, , 011108 iD Keyit Bldg Kalil ~.. .,. ~ ~., who .mtAle: ',' W, " ·D....::. &tale' ~ ., , ' ., ' , ' , ' . 'DoD": 4 --,-a.... r ..... _ , oW liUeoario BlUel'il1D -ttill &118,I(u" ~~ ,' , ' " .. ' .1.... _" 1_ III , tl~ f_ DlD.,_n-. : ~a b ... wwoved'a . 'A ndrew to Emma CdIt . bear mill' :rOG .00.. .&.wn. '.' : .lDodUOlUen'''IOiDeCoJr8aomaob · third acre ' in War'ren ' '. LI.-.&D4 Ktdile1*..oablela W. re " one' " . .'
8.5 c each.
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NOT "LWAV8 EASV TO 'MILL rhan '0 knn" that' IbllI Daniel trU ID ;$ favor with Bel61;10 tzar!" he uked, Old Vou Ever Practice Cheerfuln ... I" with n Cl~ rta1u Ul e n~o In bll. voice. N~rrowlng CIn:umllblnc'11 " Bllt be waa not in fnvor with. Bel· because )le sJloke good con· .It I, eomparaUyely easy to be ploaeLADIES' SHIRT WAIST, ~e rll lh g t he kl'n g, but Ill. for he did tell ant and cheer fnl wben o~r bread·andot tby conl l,ng, and b bold Ihou ar' 11.1 butter probl em III lolved. wh n we are rea dy In posses810n of the city,': restrong and It allhy, when wo have har. pll erl I he Ulan earnestly. mOl,l,lou~. com!ortubll) hOIl\es and' 8Y THIl"HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" "A 80nlbsn)'er ?': questJoned DariUll, IN THE . SUBWAV. PREACHER ., money In the bank; but the test at FI'IR Bl'T WOMAN DEFIANT. wllh g rowing Interes t. enamcle r eoml'1l wti n tbere Is a fam. "r 'ay, IDOl' ," eltclllimed the man. "a The Amld ean ~o c l e t y of 1\ los In lh r ~ III>W(lr. oh, m~' IlIl r llnK, . lIy to support, wne n a wlCe and little ( OOPT n.'h " " "' ~I •• ~.~",..... W,a.Io:.I"" ... ) prop h t (It III great God. the God of ' Il t ho rUdh-h"" l'tI "wlt ll )' J;f'. IntI Mil U11 0 )'8 , Imd gone Into ex 'clI ~ lvc WWh ones are looking tu ,UII ,for bread und ,. ' I I tht' He brews." h~ n Ih" pMplo ,I II go . ~lIIll1l hl" g, Tbo llIuj atln chalr Ol(ln Scripture nulhorltT- Book of Dan " " You do In terest me. T II me .more." olothhlg. and lbe wolf 16 pr tty near session. lit II dl)' llrngh illj; 10 IIn,l fro : Chllpl er 5. ' I W I1 . n w" 11 11 ar wall'hln g, ","IU II!\'. tho d oor; wh en we are struggllns lrOge. AIlIlI 'all! or nook of Donlcl,-TII book ' " It wall last nIght while the k ng V'OJ' lilli' ("lIrH, ill lh :'v IlC:4t woe . "W will ' now ha\'o lhe r l' port of against PDQr hooJ t h. n dlaeordBllt of Oanl"r co n 81 ~ t8 of IWO dlHlIm·t vol- 1I'WI In the mldst ot, bls reyelry nnd Wi ll YOll IJlll rne III It [ lonv" y o ... :It commltlee nRlIled to con slrlcr Ihe hom , a dl sbon est purt.oer. It J6 a "Il'es, tile r ro hl'lXllCS of 1110 tall r bol llg WlIS dr in king out of the golde a vessels A ~ 1 did 1I0 t Ivng I\So'/ ve ry dlffioult thin g. to be cheerful und , I gra m from "the Y . M . . A. of iii.." 111'0 1\0\18 wllh B mo of the hlsto rlool which hnd 'been brought [rom tbe H e. I II l h ~ 1I11 11\\,UY, (,11, my tltlrUng. ~~uls ntir rated In tho furm er: 11. 1;. the bre ws' tempI at j e rusale m, that a hopetul when Ii mWJ Is out oC Il job, 3cranton. Pa., d emanding rerormtl In fit'/ti. \'Islon occurred In thO O r~ 1 yoar of Think lIul nlll r r ly ('It III , :he buck·button I).rrau ge menls ot wonl· with , no. money In ' th e bank. and an , ~oI8h ...;' zor (B. C. fJ5(ilt. the 60ccnd In 561: mys terlolls ha nd did app a~ and wrlle II 1 loCI rou In t ho llI r Ol II, Invalid wife lind children dellcntlln,; In's dress; ilie resolutions from the til t hi rd In lhe fi rs t yent' of Dnrhlll on the wllil at the ba nQllut h nll o,'er Ii nti tonlnl( wi ldly 10 bo fr : blm. ul)on 'n,orlcnn MinI sterial association r . t >-Id 11l ~' ,'u r l.'l\nH) r ou nd tho It) w. ( ; tht:' Insl In Ul thlr(\ year of Cyru.. agn lns t the king. And a great terror r hnll W g ~l Il. So07 lli3fl· 'I' he historical IIllrl (Chaptora : •• ·7), fe ll upon the ki n.... and he cllllN (or I It Is comparaUvely easy to be opUm. }IlD!jUng a l'oducUop In the s ize of Tt And I jn hnlclt:'c,; lI.o prophetical In Rabra... " WII" \lest to I"II\'I Y(lu thne. (I all rIprlng hnls; tbe protest from thn S., when the g ranary Is ' full. when IsUo tn th ~ fo r m ~ r Da niel 18 sl'lIkon ot In Ih~ bi ll. wise men to le ll him wbat the ;\ l1yh o w. ' t WitS lJl't4t ( o r In ! there nre no clouds 01; tbe hori zon, bul P. C. A. regni'dlng the lIse of bobo- g,'mol'l'I ll" .tonrnl\1. I hr~ Jl(\r !l'o n. In the ".t ltc r in lho 6rs!. hand \\'rotl!, but the re was none that :'1.0> book' Is g Mrally dh'ld d Into t ... o could do s o. The n II was t hat the ~ very dIfficult tilin g to be hopeful ,un d luks In millinery; the order s igned !'IMrll' /10 \1111 " a r l1l , 'I' IIf. n.." t ot tlleso , AND SO HE QUIT. ch eerful wb en t he cnpitul Is small and >y the Metropolita n pollco lIonrd pro· , l -6) conta ins ch l e n~' historical Incldon\,ll. quecu re mem be re d and reminded Bel· llbitlng the use of hat,p lns; llnel t he busIness poor. It Is hard to be optlm· whllo til( AllCO",1 (7-121 Is entirely n p oCA- shazza r ot Da niel. who yea rs before Istlc when n otf;~ aud bills lire coming ni scellllneolls prot ests ugalns t Lhc dl· f)IcItt c. 'l'hm dl.18100. bo\vcvc r. "ta h e6 no had told lhe dreams of l\~uehadn ez B 'count of the (\Ilfercnoo DC la n gunb~. nor zar. And in haste ,vas IhJs t=- .In Danl I due and t hera Is no money to pay for :ectolre gowlI, t he divIded tl klrt, tc., or ( 11 ohange or !tertlOIl Q ~ Ulo b glngoods 'whlch lie un sotd on tile shelvell. !tc." olll(f ot Cha plor &. It scoms beller t se nt for. a nd the kin g proml s d him It III ens y to smile when we are well The committee r por ted : " We )'our IIM(\o the boo.l( Inte threo fl a rts, The great bonors and riches ·It be would and everytblng 18 coming our but w m'ml,ttee r commend that for tlte .. ~t ol.apt~r' forma an IntrOduction. 'fhe but tell him the menn lng 'of t hat whlrh . . oed al K ·'(:Itapte", ,(Z ,to 11. glvo .. geno rt\~ wben everything .,goes' wrong wi th us,· !omlng 's ea son all gow/1s anel dresses 'II' \V of lhe progrooalvo hL9tory f th o the myst erious hand harl written upon wke n undergoing mlsCorluiles or bard· )e fas tened In the hnck, "'I th at least o \)wers of t.he \vorld, ' I1n~ of lhe, prlnclploK tbe woJl. And behold be did, and ships, ",hen those near to liS arEl s ick' 13 Illvlslble pln' polnted bouKs and <1_ the DIVine tiovornmenl Q.\J seen ill th" scarcely had this Daniel dellarte~ trom and In dlstres8, wbeb pover ty pinches, yes ; that the 01l\elnl sprin g hat of fl'V OIIIII or 't.he lifo of Daniel. The ro- tb banquet hall wearing the s cnrh!t .."a1llder of tho book (B to IJI, trace. In wben tbe lIour js getting low In tho .the association be Ille Marl o Antpln' "nltlllter 118tnll the fortUne. ot the people robes and lhe gold ohain whIch the barrel, and hung,r,.. children look long· !lte, ele phantine mode l, 81:tlo 29, wllh 1)( God. king had pillced upon him when thou Ingly Into one's fuce, 'then I,t Is Dot so !Ight raking plumes; lhat a frin ge --.. ........ ' • • • • • • • • • • • • and thy army desc nded upon the pili· easy to smile, to glv,e th.e ' cordIal hand· ,,'t bobolinks, snowblrdll, bats. orioles ~ • a ce, and the res t thou dost know, how sbake. to be se rene, balanced . and lnll boot owls be used on sll tIIiw hat SERMONETTE. • that Belsha7.71u and man)" ot his lords , Pa ris Pa tlarn No. aUSl. All Seams poised. Buf tbls· Is ,Just tbe Ume thqt DOllels ; and that the new llalpln lip "Weighed and ,ound want· , wbo attempted to escape were alllin. lngl"-T,raglc WOrdl the... and now the clLy III In Oiy. 'hands, even Allowed.-Tbis attrncth'e lillie ' shirt ' reat character, that I\ne tra;!nlng, 'will )f Harve),lze d sleel, two fee t Idng, . Tiley ",ark a culmination of a as Illis Da me l ' s aid sbould come to waIs t. whIch has 'rathl r the appear· _\And one In. good 'stead .':"'OrJsoD polson·lipped an selt·r peating ." ance of a jpmp r, III developed In taupe 'Swett Marden. In S!l~cess Magazine. Erect I1nd wllh , delhlDt 'e yes /iud car~~r. pass. .tnglng chee rll. the aSlloCiadoll ad91lt. T"e period of teltlng hal ! Darius was I5l1ent for many mInutes broadcloth. "Ith the. glJlmp ·like par· ld the report of the commlttee .pa ...d, and now the Judgment. after the wan bad ceaBed speaking, lion of all-o'o'er tucked net, haying an . Cl'lamplon Carrl.r Pigeon.. Puck. 'r ,_. . embroidere d s elr-colored dot. Tbe Ttle deatlny Of • life '1 not de,deep in thought. . B. A, Fogg at Hunt8 1\11 Us. Garland. sl eeves a.rl! .or · slmllall' mate rtal. nn' terfTIlnld by 6ne' aot. " A: band .•wrIUng on 'the wall," be r& Ish d witll 0. frill of cre alll·colored lace. la the pos llessor ot some rare csrrier Faint Heart. T"e 111ft' ,total or a life . II peated, as thougb to blmself. "Tbe pigeons. He. bas one pair of whlcb tbe Whon fo r a kiss t ' pl lUldctl. lind a band 'of light hlue·and·whlte ftlade up of the ~l'Ogre'llvo gods at tb~ Medes wer~ never knOWl' 1n 'doll r clays lonlf (lito, st riped ve lvet., IIlmllar velvet t !In· fllther and moille.; bave a record ot Encourage m '"1 1 need (( ! deedl which .tep by It Of! lead. " to do tbls:' . Oylng trani Mlnne!lPolls, Minn., t o Ball· min." tne top pox:.t.ion. or'the w, a lst !lnd W'hO Il tor a '~I~II I. I'l Rde,l " Wh y dId you ' l\lave your last up to thl ' loglcal and Inevitable Tben, looking up, Darius asked: fon 'ln 60 hours,' For the last thbu8Bnd Your "No" 1 wel1.kly h~ dcdtied around ' the colinI', ftnl8ped beIng pl ace?" conclUIIOn. . ' "DId lhls DanI el claim that It was dId not meon It sO: You miles of their f1"~hi tliey, flew ' agalnst In ' tront In a shott·lo()ped bow. with 'Tbe ' b o~1I sRld som lblng '1, did not "tVl.en tor a kiD , I pi nd Cd ' . _T~I .s.IlhUUt' we see at that bls God who bad put forth h~s' hand ImoHed ends. -The tron~ has a design a . northeast · starI9. arriving with Ice In dear days long ago. like." . "cen~loUI fe ..~ In which dellband written upon the- wall1" 'and snow frozen '\0,. •th~lr , plumage. ot hand·embroldery, wane wIth silver -SImon PUI'e, tn Puck. "Whnt was It ?" orat, IIf'Id ' studied dront I. "Yea, be did cbarge King Belsbazzar This pair had never nap "est 9f jBut. '~He fold lue I " ' 1l11 flred-."-N•• ~ Glvi•• ·to till .... G"oll; the 'with wickedly and willfully dIShonor- cord. The pattern fa In seven sizes fala before, They . partook of no fOOd HEATHEN HPSPITALiTV. - 32 to 44 incheil bust: measurOI , For York He~ald . ~o ha. ~.n. iflg the true God ot tj~..ven and de. 36 bust the ' 'w aist. a8 ~lIustraled, reo on their trip. i\lr. Fogg also ,h as a evolved fnIm ye~ 01 votuptu- • dared tbat the bandwrltlng on the qu1res 114 'yard of mat rloJ 36 Indies pall' of English carriers, the father and H II Strenuo&ll Job. ;ouln... and g.dI .... pl ...ureL wall was God's Judgme nt upon him, mQther bavlng a record pC tlylng over ' ''I late ly passed througb Nutwood. ... Great Itght Itid Ihone upon teillag him plainly . that Ood bad wide, with two yards of tucked ne ~ 18 5,000 miles. Thei!e birds are the same N . J, Say .. but lhat alation agent ' has tllm, great privU~gel . had ' boen weIghed blm In bls balances and bBd Inches wide, 3% yardll o( braid' and l1~ breed as those that' flew ,from the: bal· of edging; , qr ot one ~at e rl;~1 It & lot to tlo! When tbe tratn CO\ll 8 , in . ~II f,O Im~.,. but he . had round him wan ~hig anti thlU. the, kl~g· y'ard needs (our yards 26 Inches wide, tbree loon 'or Andre. the' Norwegian explorer. 'he's got to sell tickets , att~nd to the c1108Of} ' th~ . ba~ , ..thing. ..nd dam bad bee~ give n to tJle 'Medea and yJirds 2'1. Inches ,w~lIe, 2 ~ · ~ard,s . .311 'Who' perished ' In hill ).tte~pt to r,aeh , ·nu1ll, s hift th e" expre8 ~, check, t pe bag~urned awa,/ fro~ ' I~ht. •.and ,the PersIans," . the north pole. He has also 12 home rs Inches wide; or two.. yards 42 'Inches gage. ftx tilO' slg nat ' lights:" put the .bOhold, at 'alt,1hl erf. goea out 1 ~'W<inder~uJ!" ejaculated King Dart. that he has bee~ · fl)'lng from points ··wlde. . da nger lautern at the street crossing, In the br.t:kfte.. 'o(,. nlglit of I'g. us. In amaz,lnent. : "Alid wliy dId not In MaIno, One p~lr < hall a record o( I;lroeurc this lIatte,rrt send :\0 '~ nts flying from the ,Bangor fair grounds post lhe trains on ' th ~ ~ullfltln .board, nomlny and ,a~",.. ,: ", . . ~ Belsbaszar lteel:> such a man 88 one of' toTo'!PaLl rn DepartQ'lent," of tllill paper. operate the tel gra,Pll Instrum i11.s. ,and the COUn8ello~ of bls' kingdom i" " " He ),,~" lIved In c(lntact day Writ nam e nnd I\ddreas IIlnlnly,. and · be :to Garland, :25 miles, 11\ 28' niln~t c8. give IIlzo. ond numb r ot paHern. ,and from Skowhegan, ' 60 mile s, In 60 carry the messages ! ' / bVi'" aY"'wlth the ftlan of God, With e, deprecaUog shrug of th( Burt) to . " " Heavells! ' was lie..dolng all tha t ?" . ~nld1, who held luch eJ(~lted 16hOUlde'rll the man maqe reply as fa! Journal. " No : he WIIS asleIlP."-Judge. ..b1J. f~th.JI'1 kIngdom. lows: , , . ·I,,.ce NO, 2681_ S12IE .. ·, ... . ... . ..... .. ~e had wltneaaed ,the judgment "While Belshazzar wail a mere stripG~lturlng Over ~h. Wire•. Some Slnllter Se,ret,. , : ~AME .... , ..... .,........... , ... .. ;:... . :; ... .. uPO'J h',~ father because h. had, 'llng Daniel, !'4lrvlng In the cO!"rt of "It wall the constunL gesturing Look berore yOU ,' 'l~e p.. . dllhOnDred QOd, and h. had , his tlltlle~•• Ba.d· \n t he 'prophet's spllcl ' TOWN .. . ... .. '. ,:... , .... ;.; ..... , ...... " t .; that tellow at t he other end at 'Tls never too late, to el\d.· heard hi. fath".. tho .king ac· tUde (or the IUtllira ot tbe kingdom be wire that made 1\ so .Infernally bard to Tbe proof of tile a,toYe IB Ib the hoat· ' IcnoWledge . th~ ', ""aJe'1y., and 80,,~h~ to eltert a right Influence over t?T~EET AND NO, . . ... _.. : ... .... ..... . catch Ing. , whnt he said,,' growle", the man , - .power of the true God whon at tho young prince anll to· shield him STATE .. . ..... . .. ;.,....• .. .. " .. . . .. .. .. .... , w)!o had. been wrE!slllng' wIth tbe teleSongs , \I(llhOIl~ ",ords, are good. but fast h." to hll right ' trom ,the corru'pUng ' Influence s witt phone, . \llnners ",Itbout s peeches are be tter. ,mind. again and given back' hll. wblch the cour~ me , was . sur~unded "How In the world could -you tell he Wben f10 yer ty comes In at lhe winthrone. . . , ., .. • ThIs tbe young prInce r~sented, fo~ he was .,m.lI-klnsgest ures?" aa~ed tbe Indow fri ends I>(lB8 by' tbo door. ; RAG DOLL ~N~ SEli Of CLOTHES •. . a'Mt, ~oaf to 1111,' Danl!,! • was 0. strong·wllle~ boy, and when be CannIbal Ohleftahi ' (to :hls oher)credulous listener. ' . No mali ts ' as clcve r a8 his nance& ml1lht .. y, anet ~lInd to all that • came to the throne be forced th,ls mlln . " By ihe jerky 'way 'tbo words cnme ? ut on, your larges t" ketUe.' thInks he Is. might havo ~nvlnced 111m pf Daniel Inlo retirement and had quite , Chef~May I be 80' bold as to as.k over. the ""Ire. Man! peop le ,ge t so .tbo er:ror',!! hll way~" he,plunged r ',forgotlen hIs existence until the IncJ. , ' excited w'ben thnt l he,. tbe ren,son? Taffy• Cln In till downward,.c04ra. until deats o( last night called him forth." A littl e tnlty gesture : as tran tlcally a8 If .they we te Cannlbl(l-I think; If I am lucky at at last the Judgment · day came. "( woUld luiow tbfs man Daniel." Now nnd the II talkIng to a man' iace 'to face. Their :he ,r ame, that 1 shall brIng tbe new claimed the king. "Let him " .be ,",e WIlS P.~t Into Ood'. !laiancol " r3 wha.t the women boil'lletng around, ~nd 8a1\'lng the air :n1,slilon!1ry, home for dinner to~nl gh t.. ,Llko froll\ mlln. . .nll. "tqdnd~Wa tl g.'; . ' ,,, brought hither." 'breaks tbe voice !Uld the sen , - Yonk "' 8lat\'smllB. Coct;ftMlgllfnsr mo," " With an Intensity which marked the Twinkle, TVJlnkle. come ' ove r t~~ wjre ,in fragments. I 'Day after day. Week aft." Inner lDovlllgs 'Of hla Inmost ' heart, r.,.. lnkle, t~lnkl e, lillie ~ tllr. A VEGETARIAN. haye tnlked wltli sd 'many ' people Who, "il lY I wonrt\'r whot rou lire. .M~,~; aft~ ;mon~hl Vear Darills w'a tcbed he tall, 8tat~IY ,u gurs' r .learned, Inter. we'r e dancing a, Jig at i': nrthly die monds' ¥ou 'Hurlui a8, a~er year tJ.!e ~I'OCOfI, or build- ' as It entered the room and advanced the ' otber end at the wire that I al· t t YOU may be pnly gin ..... 'ng' tlie lira. goa 'O'n untlt at .I aat toward ht'm In response to hili beckon. :r by any eh.tnee YPII fe ll, ways can tell when that g es tlculatl God welg"- In the aoul and find. Ing hn.q.d. He never could (orget that fhor's an Unclo who eq uid 1 II . la going on." · ' . ....N e w York }](lrald.' ....Wh.t, Flndl _hat -that life face. 'rhose deep·set eyes, tbat blgb f1al ~fI puttl'.'ll t/Je,. aurlng forebead, the ftrm lines about . the Red. , . ~ ye~'ra ,01, ",~~rd~lp. , mouth. , Jew It was plain to see ,he CO\lra. of JUltlce In the Punjab. "You don't ketch 'rio automoblll.,ts W. are ' detertri'ri~ng, ,,o~lII/hat " was and, despite the natural prejudice In his report on the admlnlstr~tlon hese days," - co~\lhilned tbe nil'llI J '. , God will fthd ~~~t;'.;fle /'1'.lghs us ~hlcb he he ld agaInst that ',race. there , ''Of ·the police the Punjab!n. 11107 , the lalt. . , was an expression In , that tace and ' t.l\~ ,'lle~tenant . g?vernor, s~tes that , . ';No ..! ell~lahled the constable; "lt~., .' ' Ma~ ' we build ¥11th God ' no,w delith of meiming In those which' the ,~OI:e , .a rlous the crl!De ,the greater. )~CuZ thtly ,. see' ' Il)y' bJa()l,t beard a·' 4.n ,order th~.t !No may_ not, be hold hlmllod Wall him, This was the the chance o( escape f~om law. COn· It~cklng out Irom the shnl~bery: : "found wantlng,ln'·thilt 1Iroa~ day ' tDi\n who ,could tell dreams ,and read vlctlons 1I(ere obtained In ' oral), U · per " Well" Peleg. 1 reckon we'll haUe'r . 'er. fIn.l ·tlltlng: . . ' . :' . mYBterlouB ·W!itJ.nge: .he thought ,W cent.. af tbe murder cases, whereas Ire 'sqmebutldy w,~ : whiskers to ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hlmselt, And th~n aloud ' he asked: they '~ere obt~lned In ' 64 ,per cen:t. '01 a,atch the foIlBge." - Puck.. . ,. ,.' . ,. , "Tbou art Daniel?" the attemptJI:,to murder: and In 74, per .' ' ,THE STORY. "Tbou bast said." Hopelul Caee. ' ' cent; of )he caSes of culpa bill homI,,' "W:HP"'a thla ,'D4nl~~ wh<!se 'na~e "Thy rbbes speak of regal :authoi1; 0111-1 lost my silk umbrella yester· cide. The district malillltrate at J!ll. Paris Pattern ,No. 2704, All ~ea\n8 .,,, seeml to be upon every one sty!" Darius nj)lIt sllid, as he let hi. ' ' . lundur statel tliaf Jt I,S getting' harder lay at''tbe club~ . ito,l! . • T~U8 quea~~ed _ Darius, thl) eyes move from the face of 'the ,man AJlowed.-Tbe.: dO,llllsclf should. be de- evepr ye~r to o~laln a convlcUbn In Plckles:-Too bad! But you'll ge~ It relop~d in heav,y. wblte or pream·coJ· -Med!an -kIn,. o~ that ftfllt dILy .a,tter 'berore hIm to the. scarlet robe be' lUll the ,8esisonB , cou ~ t; t~~ plea of 'enmity lack. Won~t 'Yo~? Aren't y.our Initials o(ed linen' and cnretully stuffed ~ army bad. tallen possession at wore. ,. . ." ,,' , rals~d against tM 'prosec~tlon 'bel{l~ ,In ItT cottilIi·bo.ttlng, bran ' or liB wdusf, 'oiiliyt"0D, amI be .and bls chlet captains "Belsbazzar caused it to be put upon , Dill-Well. come to think of!t. there ,ger;terally h.eld to suffice to thro~ , we re seeking to reatoro order and me," waB tbe Quiet re.sponse. . . . little dress ' llI at III n'!! , or blue muil or 1l6ub~ on. .t he statem~nt,a of th!llr wit. Ire 80me InItials ~on It, bul the'y aren't Illwn, trimmed willi. E ;mbrolde fY'.or,Jace 'Qu.\et to ~e city:. Ope .br one, 'a s ' t\le "A lIilng whIch would not commend nine. " ." . nesses.~alcutta State8man. -lords Ij,ud, chl.of m~~ of tho (flly had thee to me," ejaculated ' Darlus, "had J edging, the sleeves' Iln1shed' with ,em· ., broidery.rull beading. The ' cap;' which " Exp'lalned.' ',." , 'boeu brolli;ht before him that he might ' not hp.nrd of th6 handwriting ' on , ~he -Q uestion , them'and I,erirn at t he affnlrs wall, <Iud of thy' InterPietn'Uon 't hereof Is made of Uie samn material a'8: the SM-How 'do ·~ou · mako a: ,Ma,ltese , ' Not· Very UBerul, ' ·or the clLr. the Dlime at . OlUllel had Ill. thc nam~ at thy Ood. Now tbe au dress. 'Is ' trlmnred ?inh wide and. nar· , . A.'man:. w'hO stuttered , badly went ta HOSS? -been I'epea~dly mentioned, until ' at thorlty .1nd bonor with , wblch Belsha~ row edging; The pe tticoat ond 'draw· a spec;loJlat and after ten dlmcull , les- . H&-,By pullIng his tall.-J ~dg.e. nll8L ~~r!UI bad ¥ked t~.e ques,Uon zar did clothe thee I declar", unto tbe,e ers , are of cambric, nainsook . or.. Jac· , sons ' learned to quite distinctly t , , Their U.o~ " :" ,w ith wti1~ our i\to~o"l3nF" and before sball In truth be thille If thou will but onet. trimmed" with', embrplde,ry : or "Peter Piper pIcked ' a peek of pIckled Thl) 'college wllh' tho football tOl\m . hHe's In. clovel' niiw!~ 'lace. , The patttll'll 18 In 'three ." 1''''''_.:1 b08O" ·about him oould ruake answer t1eppers,.",' HI!, frlendl[l Cangr;ltulated serve me." No 'proposlU pn bi·gs : · • for dolls 14, ,IS : and , 22 . inches ,lJlgh " Ye s. hut he. ,made It t~ oats'" b brda,e, out with a setQud qUI:IIUon, W 'h en 1\ elmp h08 f1 ' 1 any bra ins. , ','1 w1li," was 't he gulet respons,e 01 (measuring from crbwn to 80Ie ) . ., , him ullon this ' splen~ld , acblevement. n'lI.)·lng: . , . 'l'h e) ' \ldu a~o ' his l egs. '. , "Yes !" saId: tbe man' doubtfully. "but Daniel. . In ~he" i?ay" .~fthe ~~~.. ., , I . ~tlOU 5 tOit Post. , ':Was b,!l the chlet ndvl or King To . procure th III pattern lIend 10 cellts 4, n.Uld "n h{Lnd. wi th ' thu, march of Um6,' STILL ?W~il , IT, to "Pall rn Deparlment." of this p a p el·. , It·~ 'Ii-ll:such a d,d'dinilledly d.,j·dlfficult eJ shliz"zar!' ~ Com ' lIIany ,!"'coplllg allllnges. rem·rii,ark to w'w·worJ{ Into an 'ordl· Vi'rlto na me and addn;U!8 ' plL>luly. and bll " N'n)" he'hod beeu. {;t'oot!n the days ' , ',A Wom~n'l Apathy. . eure ;Tho IItO VOS Ulllt pl'ohlstorlc ' mun onue, lo gl vo ~,Iz,e "nd .Ilurylber .of ' pat tern. nary c·c·convel's 's·s.a-tlpnl y' know.'~";' , uil'd J:I C Ne buchatlnezzar. Cather ot Ge ls !JII-z' It Is unquestionably true Illat one of' Evarybady's 'r.'iligazlne. \V re .sImply 1I10unml'n range,.,. ' ! .. 1!.nr. but' wh en. the son came to tbe the grea test o bstacles In tbe woman's . NO. 2704. Si ZEl. . . .. , .... .. .. .,.. _ _ _ _ _~':..:'_ -:-.Tlldge. 4J~ne be , sef Daniel aside ," 1·opltE.'d . path of IndustrIal progress hss been' " . W~ero the ,Bralnl Are. '\YOUld ,Not· 'Grasp · ltt'R~adjJy. , one 'of the Cha lrlellfl JOI'dil wbo was ber own apathy. . She Is rEl j)foncbe d by NAlIIE.,. T........ . _.... ~ .... , .. ;.'.:.: , .. ... _:. ~. ,.csetll a t Ut e limo. ' ' , the mon In her trade (or he r lack of AI;pllcant ., (In newBPaper , office)- .. "Mr. ' Plul'!ie:" ' said ,' thE!' Ger~all "But how Is It that tb ey IIny be Is 'tnter ost In t rade unlonls ru; she is ' re' TOW~ ..................................... .. . Ye8, sll' ; r llm ready. to accept' lUIy ~ friend; Inlo Wp"ose sec~lon ~~~ ,ullder, , '!lOW weat lng. lh.e· SCllrlot ·robes ot roy· , proached ,by uie phllnntlm!1>ls t fo~ her )SIWlD-:-from office bqy, to cbhl! edltorl. taker. hM lately , moved 'hl~ 1)usl.neBs, STR E ET ' A:ND NO ........... .... ... < . . .. .' ' '" . ~", '. ,al writer. aJty, Ill! thou gh he wor e rule r III tho lacll of atl'\blliQn~b e r l'eelplng ,wUlhig. "da 'you think , you :wUl grasp tue Ger4'~t1d ! " . asked DarIus. Impatiently. nf;J88. to remain IIDsldiled, and Under Propt'letor-'::The 'e illtMlal i$h~' in. aliin langllage readlly,1,n , nil full at iJ7>""-;;lt: Sorry • .'1' _: . " it wWI ,.onl), Ill1I,t nlgbt . IJJY , lord, ,11 \ld. But In tbll:1 now movel!lent fOI "Hardly." reepo~ded -the jovial un· J- - : " ' - - i, OltLt Ij'ucb hOilor wna conCe. r Hd uliOn tl e franchIse, we have the w.omen Wilt " , AlIP.1l~ut'-:'f{ow ~bout lha~ of oftloe' .. dertaker: slapping , hIs (·~Iend' on the Not Yot. . , L1o,.? ' , fLi m." wns the ropl), . a"e alreadi In the rlUllis ot the sklll~:: back. ' ''Y 611 see. your llll\guage ts not Nem . e apo.Joglzed for the action of "0\1 811Ch a nlg hl nnd suc''n lin. occa, \\or~~~p., lind 'hu h&ve long allle.:.. . P;opriefur~You don't 'know en08gb. ·OI\e!J·-~ohem!an., Mag~ln!,., ·ber ncw baby slster' by Slly!ng'; "YOII .. dead I,I .II _"/", ~. , , r .' 0411110 , '" C(:liOM Darl:f1~. h\ Ilstontlltilnent. 'I.rov<·d their l'J[,.t1acl\y Cl r organlz3~!')n The ·8en"'ng of th._Bough. II. 40th r.ol commend the man to my . tnkil'g another sreat . ste l) forward! !lee'. she hasn't got an y sen,sl! yet." ~he ,Shop. "You ,m u8t l.avc t.1ll 80me very nar. eell,.,ul. , 8elatl~azzar bath \ul"erably Tbel h,\vo at la8t, learned, that their R~r maUler objected 'to Bueb an I!lea. ,tow esc,apea trom :J ..,th dut!ng YOlU' ·{ lh.lldy bad ipollea at abouttwl;'nt)' .pt.'r!sbed amidst the florltOOlill HCCD6S IndulJtrlal regeneratlou Clln CO'lie only and , Nellie : r~plled: "Ob, of oourae. ehe's got , scnse, bu't It Isn~L WorkiDII: 'trullka wtth"ut' tllIdlnc one to ,ber sat, eventful career,': I llUll to the g're"t M' IIJII wicked revelry. Why es caped tbl\Jugh lhelr nwn efforts and the Int· detecUve. . lafactlon. AiL leneth the aalel1ll&li lluedae wela,' lI,'hom !,hll king dcll&ht9(J to P9rtance of this Dew .pirlt of tnde yet." ,:'1 have had ~ few." be admlttecJ. that If ehe ' eould 11", hlm aD. bOllOr OD 'lnfcb OCcaSIOD 1" .' pimdence, thla enlarslnlf of U:e worle· Glady.....My bro~her II jUlt 'lwfUl. m04eatl,. 'Probably ,tIle cl08Qt wu of what sbe 11114 lD mID'\,_ mJ~' ':UIlI. Ute .IuUI; doea not unaenrtoand, Ing . woman'lI 811here ot lICuvlty to .cle IIIIIt Iler. ,. .' tie can't sav.. a CSDt. ,..b!.~, a baa/! of 8ci.ath. American out. elia be not .. apeak," veutured mand a "vlllee 'ln thlJ law. that resutlarolltl-,H e ' ~a. a . ten al'Ot 1.... ,'baapel m!, aD4 W8IIl awa, IAe ...... ball fearfnlb'. lellt It.. ~Id~ late ,h er toU:" be . dlIIlcuJt . J..t . '~ht IIIiJDtIII;- tillto DOt(cbaS tJr., bad IC1lJaa "'. .. ... or ...._ mIIb, oftlllld · tile ~ AaW~ to .. tNe." , . . • - 1 Deed to eadtllltalli .... l:;~~l.!~~;~
The ' Hand-Wriling on the
a , i
1 '
' '!
In severo ('.as ' 9 or grape leaf-hopper In jury. • ;l'be grape leaf-hopper ('l'yplliocybn comes Say) Is a wldely'dbtrlbuted nn tlve A merlcan Insect occurring In the United Stut s practically wh rov r th vine Is jf;ory WIl . It Is fr equ entl y notably Inju rlouR In the grape bellS or Now York und .,91110, a s we ll 3S othel' lells Impo r tant grope 's ectlons In thl ~ country. In Europe this s pe Cies Is r e )Jlucqd hy two olber rclated species '1'yphlocybn fiav escelis and 1'y phlo cybn vltlcola. Tho 101-mer seems tt
a · IIve·year-old .. lIuJ;>ject of King Edward VII., has been thought by Qer parents too young to feel the weight of the rod. and bas heen ruled by moral lIuasiou alone. . Bul wben, tbe otber .day, she ilcllieved dlBobedlence three ' times In fiv e mInutes, more vigorous me4surcs w re called 'for, and her mother took an Ivory ,paperknlto fTom the table Ilnd struck her smartly acrosll her I1tUe bare legs . Kid- Say, ruls :lel', got Muriel look d astoun·ded. ' H er moth- fly doli aI's ? er explained the reason for the blow. Klntl Gentleman- Yes, my boy; her ' Muriel thought (leeply for a moment. it Is_ Thon, turning toward the door with a Kld-Thanks, bos!!; r just. wanted to gtill'e and disapprOVing countenance, sho announcetl In ber clear lillie Eng- see IL I'd kln(\ ~r got to think Ill' dore wasn't dat much mon y In Circulation! lish voice: , 'Too going up-stairs to tell God ABOUT THE LADY DOLPHINS. about llla~ paller· knife. And I shall t e ll J esus. And It that doesn't do, I shall put ftannel on my legsl""- Child'. Inquiry Natural, PerhapI, to One of Her Sex. Ev!!rybody's Magazine.
Grilpe L uf Hopper . Em..rged.
sou Clyde was almost com-
pletely covered wIth eczema. Physlclnns treated hlm for nearly II. year wltbollt helping him any. HIs head, face, Rnd neck were covered with large Bcabs whIch be would rub until they tell oil. Thon blood ' and matter would run (,Iut and that would ·be worse. Friends comjng to see him said tJlat It he got well· he would be dIsfigured tor IlCp. Wilen It seemed as It he coufd possibly stimd it no longer, 1 used some CutIcura Soap, . Cutlcura Ointment, and Cutlcura Resolvent. That ;VIIS the first · nlght for ' nearly ' a year ,thnt he slept. In the mornIng there was :l great change tor the better. In about six weeka he WI\B perfecUy .well. Our lead\Dg physician recommends CutJcura for eczema. . ¥rs. Algy Cockbl!rn. Shlloh, ' O" June 11 • .1907."
be the more lnjurloul> of the UfO, anel LOVE'S SACRIFICE. OCCUL'll throughout all of templlfa.te Eu-' rope and northern Afrlcs t ",hlle' the 1I1Uer Is c,o nllned mostly t .." Italy and the neIghborIng Islands. The most sktiabdory conlrol method tried durIng 'the past two yeaTII was the use ot the' screen cage. This WB8 found to capture nIout 85 10 91i per cent of tJ:!e adult hoppers at ·a tJme In the sprIng before any ' eggs', are d& loalted. Sprayln! tor the nymphs about June 1., or. just beror tne spring brood becOlI!ea . mMure, will kUl a satlsractory 'percelltag~ ot . th~ nYJ1lphs 'or young, "Wat's de matter, ' Reginald, . h.ave but wID not kill 'many adults, or pre' v.a use sworn -off smokln'?'~ 'vent eggs, whIch ar~ present at thIs "Yes. You see, e'llgaged 'now, time, from hatching later. It the cage and my fiancee ohjects to a disagree' method has not been used, or sllt1s!ac'.,l lble breath." ' toHly opCra~ed" -~prnYlng ' for the ~ymphs vim very ",aterlally old III reP.l'lonal ObleN.tlon. Jluclng-~ numbers (\f the ,'tpJilng gen"Boys," sl!old the sweet young 'teacheraUori, ,. ' er: aa ehe smlleii gracIously upon her , Plowing or other f.arm practices :Junday school class. "It seems to me cannot be rellcd UPOh, but when such ,lhat 1thts·lesson teaclles that wllat ope measures are generally pracUced begins another continlies or . comtbro~hout a nelghborhoo!l, tbey may pletes. A.ll work . does , not devolve aid In reduolng the numbers soIl)6- upon anyone person. Can you 1Il1iawhat. • (rate wIth an Incident from your 'own _ _ _ _.:.:"_. _ _ obiervatlon 1'1 . ''I've ''know father t o . be on a tear all night:' timidly Informed uttle Bobb)', "and 'then lJIother would conUnue to rip him lit> the' bnck all next UlOrDlng." ," Mos~ ferns, especIally those offered In greenhouses, are . sJ;rado-loving. tuft or Omo CITT 0-, ToLZDO, lltJetU ,Cmn'TJ'. ." TheIr naUve' homes are ",In , canyons, "ltA"1l J_ CUIl,.ar malt.. ""I _lei or ' under trees In molet places, where portner 01 the IlfDl 01 )', J . CJWOEY .. 00 .• do~ lu.!D_ ID•. tIIe CIty 01 Toledo, OOuot,. .. ood Stale the air Is' Quiet, and. their'. fronda are .(o.-kI. and tbat .ld arm wUI pay tbe aulD or ONE HUNDIlED DOLLARS lor eadI ood evory not 1IIsturbed .. ·MQIlY of them are troiD ..... ot CA......AII .tbat _~ be cured by tile UIO of [ tropical countrle" and quite a number lULL'. C.l1'J.\U1II av.... FRANK J. CHENEY. P-'" . have originated In greenhouses, eltl!- tb~'7:: t7boo~'te':m~,~~{;~a: A. W.OL'EASOY. er as sports 011 trom spores~ 'as theIr J - ' - t NcrrAuT'PUaUCl. seeds are called. Adlantu~s, ,or ma:l. 1 ~ f Ball." o.l&r1b C'lloe 11 talJen hllm...l~cI acto den-hair t~ms, are mor,e ..dlmcutt to ~ 1~~:.r::...I1':::~ aw " 01 lb, mllnage In tho hOUSe, because they Ioki'b7 all D';":tOt!:~lENEy .. 00., ToletJo o. will . not long survive the dry all" of' 'l'UeH&l1'IE'amI17PWaiDrOoolupaUoa. . r.xperl\'llCJ.n tal VI". Uaed In tile Laborll· " " .t'~ry for Obtaining Dala on th.• Llf... rooms, owing to the extreme.~e\l.cllc.y. , , Disease DamilS!el Tla Crop•• , Hlltory of tho Hopper. 'CaIlU U.ed and sma!'1 size "of' their .pll1ollles, ·whIcb A curious disease which has .done for Conflnlng the Inleeta AI'e' Shown are sometimes almost- ,as ,delicate 1M! th L a CI '.' • . . • gauze. , They are sensitive t o dl-ynel\8 much <lamage to . the ..tea. cropa of on e e v , . of the, air, tbougla they will oftElO ' do ' portbenl!t Inliia II kno",n as "red beak bas been Inserted and the green ' well ' ln IIlladed -places outside, hi la~ Mlilt." ~ account of the sp~cles ' ot parts taken ou.t. As tbe fe,e dlng con- bouses: or sbady verandas, and only alga (Cepaleuros vlre's cens) ,. which Uuues these apots become., m.are nu· ,the tew sucoeed wlui them In tbe causes It, . III given by C. M. RutchlnJIIerOU8, 'and thIs pale }'eliow ' ' color houl!e'_ Many other kinds'· are admit· .0n 'lu the "Memoll,'s ot the AgrlcultlJo spreads over the entire ,surface; and ·ably suited tor house culture; among, rai Depu.rtment Ilf indIa." It. attackll BDally the lea.t turns. brown and drops ·the different varieties ot· Nephrolepla, tbe leaves and stema of'lh,e tlla plant, Dlr. . ThIs InjUry has been obserVed as ,of which the Boston fern ·Is one, the tornllng yelloW patcbes. It Is prO~ ' early lUI April or Mny, nnd thus the Asplenium Belangerl, Woodwardla, a agated 'by ' two k'inds ' ot spores, one vln!'! from th~ ' very beglnnlrtg of th~' native CaUlornla terD. and Dlcksonla carried by water apd t'he oth~r bY' air. aeasim ' 18 ,p revented from making· Ita Antarctlc~ StIli Safe. normal growth. A.s tb~ 'bollpers In. Ferns .should not be -placed In halls Hlcks""7rou were . drc'1dfully, IndJInrease In 'numbers the injury Increases. or situations exposed ·to draughta. , 'with , the advah~ement ·o( the season_ They require great care In watering creet to mention that Important elw' ' .!it ·.bJdSummer '(Julte' a large oreiL about People orten' think they. bave watel'Cd of ours to yo~r wlte. Wlcks-Qh.' It's all rlgllt. I' dldll't Ihe 'c rown 'o'f tbe vine will show all their plants wben the 'i\'l\ter 1\08 ortly , the le~ves pale colored ,or comllle.t elt gone over t~e surtace and' aroU!1d .,the tell hew: It w'a s a lIecret. drle'll un, nnd" In severe cas~s; the en-I Bide,S of ·the pots: th~ center ot . th" OSLY ONE "BROMO QUJNI!Ir'E" tire vine If! thuii slIected_ This drying. ball b~,ng ' sUII Qulfe dry. This 18 espe: t'hat 181.A,)U.'l'IYl'J UR!)1I0 QUlNINJ>:. Lo<Ik fa, Lhl! _hlnanH'U nC K; W. OltOVl!;, UItOd tbit· Wur14 up and ,dropping 01I at the leaves ai, c,lall>' the ~~se wben' th,e POtl, art' (JVf~ r to . Cure & Cb14 tn Ono .1M,.. 26c. .' I.o ws th~ . SliD ' ~o bave (ree access to '1 filled with ·roots: It Is necessary that the 'frult a.n d may· causo sunburn, We the liall should be thoroqghly lIOaked. It's awfully hard tor a crooked mQll have J;eel) Ihe fruit thus eXPQsed ruld 'l'.here Is no regular rule' as to 'thi! to keep tn the ·s tr.alght pat,ll. · . badly sunburned as 'earlY 'as 'lh'e mld- , P!Ile t9r waterlng.. Plants in vigor, .' Ti .... TI~'" ;.,~.....;~t.-:.f Youn 'cUe of 'June, The .falllng off 'of the ous growth require more frequent ft· ~ . ALlen'. Jr, dt.\;'..... ,ee . ' . roar 1".. _ , . leavCll' prematyrely also , prevents the , t~ll!~ EVaPoratioli; also; \lM' ~,~uc1i ."r~teA. /l,OImSlA>4. ~ 1101. rI. Y' ,f or _1I1e. berry trcm~ 'ma~urlllg properly. sInce to , do with it. , On drs, .~m days, are al".~1 It Is In tho. l,e aves ot the plant tlint·the when evaporation !11 great. water may BUgar of the berry Is manufilctured. be needed twice a day, while If tlie The grape thus loses m\lch of tta fts' air la cool ' and molat, two or ' thr~e vor and sweetne.E, . ~nd likewIse llJ-e ,days ,ml~ht Intervene ' Wlt.hOlJ~ ,,.water . chl!orllcter,lstlc cojorlng, whloh Is so d e' A lleallby.: vIgorous plant absor.ha IIlrable'ln certain table varletle.. II mIlch, while a. delicate one can not attaloed_ ' The fruit, furt.hermore" absorb 'but lI\tle. The soli :-~'oul!l be' Is badly ilmutted by \ be ex uQallons of examined ,Illways, and If drY, waterfld' the Insects, and this ~el ves asa har· It not, refraln from waterlni;. boring pla,c e fot ·the c(1l1cctlon of dust pot, '1f tilpped. gives a hoUDw and dIrt, and tor the growl.)i ot fubgl .- like a ripe watetmelob. 1thUe one The droppln,; or the le/lVes or any In· la wet ,lli\tlllra dull. ~ea~y lound that terferellC!e with tbelr normal functionl Indlcat~ moisture. . Ukewll.) haa Ita .elrect on the growth of Wlien leave. ehl'l.vel and ' tUrD the 1I'00c1 of the ;ine. The c.'lnea fall· 10., the soil haa been too dryl It thl!J' to ripen normally for ~e unt 1oar's turn yellow, without shrivel..,. u ' wood, and UlIlDY of the bUds tall to de. dlcattlS too much water baa . he... ...,. " .-lOP til til.. following Iprlq. Tile wID.. . In. either . the I'OI'~ 'late th\JII ,be Ulorel... .... 1MIr ..... .of
Tile crop or 1908 tltlll keep. Weeu,n C.I\8d. In Ihe lend, Th" world will ""'0 lbok to It . .
III food-p rodueer.
• 'Tho lhlng wh1ch lT101tt knl'reMftd QS WDft J.lWt m!l¥lI ttntlll ut Lth' eon ntr, wn.t. 1ft :\YUIl~bl o t or
~t~l,~::;:".J,\ ~~.~I'-lVuttona ' £ tULu,..,j
Low f'nnwo.y rate". «ood Kh~oht nntl ehurQ h~ .. marketl conveni ent , price. tbe hig'heot. cllnuu. "e,fect.
- -1\'1"" tbelrehUd.reD
loaM. Aro «or ~In b, 111\1"'''1 .. M Y",nd <k>... ~ ~~':-'l;!~sc~':~I"V:lr~~l\~~~~:~~:~~~1 ~~~{~
Vail Medicine for Colds
811P'!rtnt'(lIl n Ol\I,.n r 1lolllCimtlon\ OtlA."!I-t CnuudlbJ' abo ,",1,."11,,, Utu.uutl .... (Joy.nlmoncA~ .u\ :
Law BuU'::::1.
WlLLlAM~;ledo, Ohio,
it "1n.v",y,.0,, U",h(h , rill, t"-rtonmol1lJ, tllnt Lbe
~~t:r'r!~, l:..o~~ut~~~·jrlt;••,~~ ~'~~C'~~~'I ~;.~~~~:;
l'('fllOdl'd \f not t>:.1I~ rnI1 1Or-r. CONTJNE \ l·tLl~ CO~.·A
Y , Otnc lOI1Rt' , 0 .-
- If:.~~-;:~\:~!: IThompson'. Eye Water -----.-.-
-<llb"r 'L&T~;"~
pr, .., ...
A. N. K.-E
Old' Virginia Cheroots
8chooll for Mllllonarle•. The Immense 1'1prthfteld schools lind colleges for the training ot m188lonarIes and preacbers were ereoteci out· of the profits derived from the 81'>le of Moody and Sanl{ey's "Sacred Songs and Solos." MIss Ada Ellen Bayly ("Edna Lyall") built Sl. Peter'a church, East bourne. Englruid, with part of the lJioney abe received froln "Donovan" and "We Two_" She · also presented a ftne, Ileal l?f be~ls to thl! ' neighboring churoh of St. Sav.lollC and chrlstcned them aller the heroes of her books-Erie, Hugo and Donovan.
If the dealer clipped off the heads of three good 50 cigars lind handed them all three to you for 5 cents;' you would call it a bargain. . That's ~ythe kind oftrade you make wheft ~ pay , cc:Dts fbr three Old Virginia ~
Homeopathic LOll • . Etbelberta Is a doctor'I ' da~hter Just pl1st six, wbJch th(OWB II. sIde 11ght on the story (he Philadelphia Pub11c ' Ledger tells about her. On her sixth birthd!lY llltheJberta'. fath e r gave her a little ring with a tiny Ilearl In It. Not very lonr &tter , that sbe appeared In her father'. office., looking very woebegone. '.. . "0, tlad'd y," 'she safd, "('VII loat ~e UlUe pill out ot my ring I " All . Convellltion. Observed. Wl!e (liusplclously)-Who Ie this ' Kitty you and ,our trlenda talk about ' at your ·club1 II It proper for a young woman to call theTe? ', " Husband (Innocently) - Perfectly Pl'oper, my dear. :rhere -Is an "ant." there to chllper()ne thhi Kitty. .
Important to Moth...
'Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORlA a. sat'e and sure remedy for infants and children. and Bee that It
'-S=~~~h:t~ja;' Use ,For Over '3 0 Years. . . T~3 Kind You Have Always Bought. ,
t . , " . In tba''''-.
The goverrunena oj Caoada now glvn to every actual,et· Iler 160 Dco·e .. o' wheat·tlro,.,., lUod free anj! lIB additional 160 acree
A theatrical manager nt the Players' cl nb Bald of th e school of classical dancing that MIss ISBdora DUDcan conducts : "MIss Duncan hears so me crualnt re marks a s she converses with he r child pupils. Oil#! day, preparatory to nle first I 8S0n In a. dolphin dance. she delivered to her oloss a IIltle lecture au this 6sll, She described the grace or the d()lphln, and afterword slle described It\! hnblls and mode ot life. . "'And, chlldreIn,' she said , 'a aLogle dolphin ~wlll have 2,000 offs prIng.' "A little girl gave a start. .. 'And bow about the wDrrled oncs!' ahe gasDed."
No N ight'a Reet for a Year 'lInd Limit ot His Endurance Seemed Near -Owes Recovery to Cutlcura,
"The Last Best WISr'
The 300,.000 con\enlccI milking Ibeir homea h. W,n~'!n.n (:OrJulda is the beat evidence oj the lIuperiority of thot country. They 8ro becoming rich, growlng from 25 10 50 bushels wheat 10 Ihe acre; 6() 10 no b\lsbcis oats nnLl 45 to 60 buehels barley. be. Bides having splendid berda of cottle raised on the p ra irie grllS& Dallylog Is ·an. important Indostry. .
WIIhn Canada IN , . . . . . . . . .
An Exception'" C....
tlcut woman wbo gave bel' hUilband '26,000 to let her alone," "ThIll II a funny old wor'd. It II the husband who usually glVeB hi. wife' ever)' cent he gots to let him alone_"
lased .P'lSf, Which Causes Much Damage tn "'''tneya~ds-By H. J. Quayle. Assistant J::ntomologlsC., CaUforni.a AgrlculC.ural College.
"Tha neW81lllpers tell of a Conneo-
Llt". 8lnne~ Wa. Provldlnq fo~ FI.Iture Emergenclea.
GRAPE LEAF." The grnp e ' leaf-hopper was ftrst IIRm ed nnd described by 'l'hU1IIUS Say In lh ~ your 1825. Ilccl!mi ns were tllk l'l ll tbat yeur t rom Mi ssouri, und three 01' tour yours later It WIlS rOllortod as lin Itnllo rtanL pesl of tho vlno In lh atat 0 of 1I111 ~ SBch uijct I B, H l\rr ls III Ish Wloto til IJrst omplete nccoun t of th e I uS ct, and tu lI y up11I'eciated the I nMouth. JUI'y causetl by Il, k B' ea, or nutl' vor sin (: e Parts of Grape Ulat time It hus Lea f. Hop .. e 1', I d M h Ehl d OCCUlJ e a very uc arllo. Impor tant placo in tho IIternturo or grupo Inscots In tbls country; Hnrt'ls' account of lhe IIlsect 'remalned the stA ndard for a , lonl;> wlJJle, und no very thorough worl( was done on the lito history of tile Inflect until It .was undertaken by Sling rian'd , In 1901. In CamornJa It bas been reportee! as n 11 st of the vine since 1871i. Wllh ' the exception ot tbe phylloxera, the vine hOl)per Is undoubtedly tile mo~ t deslruct,lve Insect pest ot the vine In secUolla wllore It bD.lJ gained QIlY foothold.Vlneyardi sts In Cal· \!ornla ' are l'art!culal'ly ' concerned' about It, for each year b IIOme parts (If the stato It occurs In' Tery great numberll, lUJif' ln such liecUons It lev· les a hoo.vy t.nx upon 'lhe ' vineyard In. terests. To give ell')lresslon to thIs 10M in money value, fOr example, In one vineyard of 'a bout 1,000 acres nenr .fndera, the' 'o"nor eeUmnted that the damage done last year· by . hopper8 would aggregate apout $10,000. Tbe grap lenr-bopjJer belo,ngs to the closs ot Injurious Insects that oblain their food by Bucking the juices from the plant. Scale Inseots and JJ,Iant IIc ' are other well k:lown pests belonging to, this Brune g hera I group, which obtain their .food hi much the eame way that tbe mosQ.ulto sucks our blood. The sbarp-polnted beak or lIrobOsCla of tbe· hopper. Is thrust Into the tlBSUCS of the grap . leat, IUI"- the liquId paris eltracted ther from. The feedtng Is done mostly on the ' .und~r side ot the leaf, and those leavea , aroulltl tb 'base of the vIne are the once first a,ltacked. The first Indication o.t their work Is n JUottled nppenranc'e of tbe lear, due to thEl pale sJ)pts (ormed where,v er th,e
- -.
..ove 'w.. Bold. \"nn.'en poverty knocked . at .... .... WI l . -p. resume love tllaw out or the . " dow?" "Not ,this tlm(l. Love - stayed wrote a book en,titled "How to on NOlbJn~ a Y4~ar."
"~r ,
will ," , aDd
R;dhell' Dubloul. '" . hear Ooldrox '?ought a , doubt.ful piece ,0 t Plrlol,pcrtYtllitelY that he paid Beiera1 mons 01'. Did he get. good t1tle? ~' "I don't know, 1 am . sure. He bought a duke tor hIs (laughter." DelicIous ' cl;Lkes n"d pastries are prO. duced by the use ()f Souders' Cream ot Ta~tar . Baking p'owder and Souders' FhivQilng Ext ractti. A1rgood grocerIes. The elephnnt s mells, not wltb bll trunk, but with tlhc roof ot hlB mouth, willoh' contaIns a nostril and olfactorY Ile"es, Worth I til .'Welght In GOld. l'ET'l'Jl"S EYE 'liVE 8trengthens old eye., tonic for eye st.roin, .weak, watery ere8. Druglli6t~ 0 1' Howud Bro~., Buffolo, N. Y. '.'
Each bpur haIl lu lesson and Ita I1f~; &Jid If we .mls!! this ,w~ shall Dot find .Its lenon In another.-Klnr. '. ~J'LEII (JU RED, IN 6 TO 14 D4l'8. OINTI\f~NT' 1o .,".nLnh'<'d 1.0 curn an1 .... ut ltc hlnil. Blind. BJecdh11J or l·rmru"Una FUea 1. S ~ a d.,a or mUDe, ,,,,fOIl4ed. ()Q<:, • PA7.D
WOl:k I. only done well' when It. U . done ·wltb • lfIll.:::,Ruakin. JIln.,WIDllow'. RoothlDc 87"1P.
aN' IS C.~t Clg.,. ~Ithout "e~ ,. , Th.~foNf 3 for· .. Centa· , 'SOLD' ' Ev~R,,*"E:RE
t;f!'!lfrCIII,.u..,opa1D,'o_wID4G01111. ... _hIDe, llIe . _.. N<Ioo_ III> ".1IOqIe, · o . otteDa
It', a bad thln le to be known, ,, a
",~eI ' thine:'
T(j Ealilornia' '
Across Salt ~k~ 'b y Ratl , "
The ·O.verland Limited .· Dere ,aDd', AbrOAd
Leaves ~ChIC8"O
Compositc 'Obscrvation'Car, Pullman D~awing.., room and Compartment Cars, Dining cars; all electric lighted and well :ventilated. Li~s:ary, '3moking Rooms-everything pleaBW,l~m.~~s your journey delightfuL No excess fare.
., Union'~acificll ~~.uthern Pac.·bc' Eleg&rlc Bloc:kSllinal' Pro&ecU!'D- .he ••f. troad to 'tr.vel Send t · •• onte In pootolle ror boo" eiatltl«l, "!file o.o''-"d RO\lle to the Road or. ¥TODII.... "
. E, L LOMAX. a.p. 4. .OID.ha•. N.b.
I Th'e' DaY]l· ght Store I £i::;:~:!;~:E:::';;:'!~~ I I : . 'I n yen to.r y Sale I .'. •
OlasslBad AdJi
to 2' ., pet cent., but for the entire
Friday, January IS, 1909. E~flrything will sell Ii i! I hlive rented the farm .' Four nelld of horse , 1 Jersey oow, 35 bead of shoats, 1 spring wl~gon, 1 ollrrlage, plows. mower, dlril
p('riod up to 190 the net g-ain has been about $5,500,OOO.·-From "The Need of Postal uvings-Banks," by eorge V. L . Meyer,in th ~ Am.e d ean Review of R views fo r January.
J\ Lb:
wi ll h e 'n6 ttTl ~ t.t u lllh'r l il l.. hr:a,1 r,jr LWt.' n t v , U\·e at!n l~'4 (Or t hr t' r: 11I ~t' rtlu n . ' wh ell uHl n,' nut m ort' ltl :LII 'h'e IIn~,.. . •
wow ...... ,
..,. ... ,. ...........
FOR SALE · Womanly pains, helld pains, In fli ot au y any where oan be oom· ULL BLUOD Rose-Comb Rhode pilltely stopped in 20 Dlinutes wit h (sland red Cookerels. Mrs. Mutt. one of Dr. Shoop's P ink Pain Tub. """"""""""""""""""""""""""",""""" ~ lete. Ailk yonr Do tor or Drogglst Anderso'D, R. D. :I, '\oYlI.yue!l vllle, O. a.uout tbe form ula . I t is pl'lnted on ~ . ~ RPINO'rON 'lOkerlll!!, hulf: the bo x-Ilnd It o m 't be bettered . bluolt and whi\f' . \:i . 8 . WIlT r. v oue dose s od b e oonvinoed :::.roW8, harness bousehold goods, kerson, Oregonill, V"U('y Phone 2- :$ Box 250. ::laid by ... 11 dealers . ~ Terms- All 8ums ot Sii .OO and un· - - ---+-- - SQU AREtI of Ua l Vtlll ized • del', casb i I\. oredlt of 12'montbs will 00 Rnd l'd't Steel Rooring Ilt The United tates.expor ts oranges Lasting Two Weeks Only. be given over ~bat sum, purobuser worth $1,600,000 a year, main1y to ' 2 2D to 13.95 pill' sq 'rin ebio gl6lt • _. to give note wItb s60urity. Canada, most of the few t hat go to $4.75. (Jutter ond round llpaut at 6X o ~ • Mas. ANNIE S. T RORPJ;: , Europe being shipped to England . P tlf ft. '1'oos . Zell. SBOA,]'S for lUI Ie. Attt io'good Before beginning our annual J . A. 10 Nell, Auot., Brave Fire Laddies. oonditlon . luqnlf" of O. L. Fred HartRook, ' often r otlive severe burn!!, putting Rloks. inventory, we wish to reduce our . Josepb on t flrllll, t·heo ' 0116 Buoklen 's Arnica .TEN lIhar8110f an Ullio oorpol'lUlolI . wm lIel! to net tbe purobluler jjj t tIt 000 T d the Croup posi tivl-Iy 8topped in 20 8a lvll ILnd forget. t hem . It lIoon s <;)c eas , • 0 0 IS ml'nut6s. with Dr . . Sboop s .Cough drivel! out pllin. For Bur De, 8oalda, 5.70 free of tllX. Ioquire \&t t~hl of. ' cRemMy. Onfl testftlone wllisurely Wound". Cute! a Dd Bruillel:l its eartb '8 fioe. · ade some bia redu -0 thle tJutb. No vomiting, no greatest. bellle" , QUiOKly oureA Skin we have m . , ~.. d O . rt;gh...... g A ide Bnd pleasing syrup Ernlltion sbOld 8 (\1'98 , Boils , Uioen, SQU ARE extension tllble, ~ood Felons; est Pile oure made. as Dew. Inquire ut tblH offioe. • bons In severa epartments. n ~ - 500. Sold by all deulers. Relief Is instllu t. 2rio a t F. O. &lhwart.z's. Saturday offer you the very POSTALSAViNOS-BANKS __ _ _ _ • FOUND ~
I*' I I
.. -
Ch&pin!n~ ~lerk8.
best Granulated S u g . a r - n o t beet ~ .. s u g a r - a t Sc per lb In 2S or 00 ~ b b h .. ags; or e barrel.
• I .. " b . ~
y t .
Work . Cl~thing
Outing Flanne)
$2 ,50 Corduroy Pants .. .....i .98 ]. .50 Jeans .. . ......... . ...... I 19 , . (All new,-stock) , • 25 Corduroy· Coats...... a 75 . 3 '50 Cordu~y CQats., .... ·2 75 2 ;25 Duck Coats ...... ... , .. 1 :T9 2' 00 Duck Coats· ....... ···· 1 50
All our 1'2c Flannel reduced to ' lOe per yd. ~1l out Flannelettes reduced to Sc per yd. 15e Dress GoOds, now ........ 'l1e 12,X'c Mercerized Sateens in ' , blue, black and &'l'een figured, per yd;..... ... .. JOe All Amoskeg Apron Ginghame, worth y'~ ...... 7Y.c Al ~ ~ew Bordered CalicOes 6c
Men's ' Shirts All our Gem Work Shirts ... 45c (Worth 50e and 6Oc) . Meti's DresS·Shirts ..... SSe $1' 00 Men's Dress Shirte... 79c , . (TheM ar• . ba~s. All are full-size and t he best. . I t • shirt41 m'a de at'5Oc and $1.) ,'
Fel~ "~ts
Columbia F~lts and Snag, J,>roof Overs ............ $2 50 (Wortil $2.75) $3 00 Duck Overs; and Heavy Felts....... : ......$2 76 Ball Banci. Rubber Boots... 3 .75 If you ,need Felt .. &ots come
Men's' Underwear . Drawers,.per garment ... 39c .M~J)'8 Union Suita- . . .$1 50 fleec..lined.per 8uit..$1 19 I t OO'fl~e~l~ned,per suit:. 7~ .
: .·.Hosiery
: .t;
Unde",~ar Snug, per nit ...... .. ~ ... 89c .. (Worth $1.00) . .~ fleece-lined ;Vests .or . 1?ants, per ·garment ...... .. ' 19c SOC He!lv.Yfl'eeee-liped ..: .. ~ 49c . Misses Vests or Pants..... . 19c Cpildren's Union Suite ...·... 39c '. , . (Wox:th 5Qc the garment')
Ladies; Burton Hose ....... , 21c • Children's·B earBrand, SamSOP, Sandow or Pickininny-the very best hose made, worth 25c.. 1ge Men 'e Woel Sox30C Sox ~ ........... ......... 250 . 25e Sox ......... .... ........ 19c . . 20c' Sox ......... ...... :..... 15c Hea:y.y fleece-lined Sox; 10e
Rubber Overshoes
Men's Gloves
65cLB.dies' Storm Overs.. . 65c,! SOc Ladi8li\' Sandal Overs... 49c 860 Children's Clot h Storm Overs;... ............. .. .. ... 49c (Sizes, U X' to 2) (The 'biggest bargain yet) · Chiidren's'Artics at cost. .Men's Cloth Top Storm Overs worth II 35 ........ .. .... 11 10
3 pairs HeavyCan'vas Gloves, ~5c (SOc per doz ) 4 pairs Medillm .Canvas . Gloves .... ........ ; .......... . . 25c , (6Oc' per doz.) ' . 150 Heavy Tick'Mitts, 2 pr.. 25c 16c Medium Tiek Mitts, pr.. 10e -tOe Medium Tick Mitts, pr.. Be
Sealshipt Oysters
Fresh every week. When you want good oysters send us your order. We have 'sold more oysters this win't er'than ~ver before, just · because '. . they are
Fresh .Rolled Oats, per Ib ... 4c Fancy Jap Rice, per lb ..... .. . 5c Pie Peaches, 8 cane... .. . ... ... 25c Table Peaches, 2 cans .. .. .... 25c .Blue Star Peas, 3 cans .... .. 25c Blue Star Corn, 3 cans .. .... 25c Wayne's 'Victor Corn,2 cans 15c
ed· with .
W e a r e very w .e ll ple. . our business over
'in 1908.
W 'e
more Merchandise in· ·19.oS than we did 'in
1901'. We (hop~ to do ·
eve~ . bett~r
.and 'we'll
continue to .f urlush . the very best· goods obtainable a t
Australia has but a single beast of
PI' y, t he dingo, or wild dog .
LARGE GAUNTLET: GWVE; near be lower W~IAlr1n~ t.roo"h A recent g ovemr:nent e timate Inqulre .. to 'h~s office. 'J placed the PQPula~ion of France at .LOST 4.0,000,009. " --.:...~-4' ~ +-- - t An ~ntJr~ battal~ol! o~ the German ~ACKA(j1!l oontalnlng u pull' a~my. ls bemg t ramed In the use of of glovee, bandkerobi"fs .. lid a IrshIpS. ruoblng between Jaun"y '8 dru,r - - -+ ,tore aDd tbeir boulls. · Finder pl6ll118 Vegetar'a ' 1· th t " lellve lit Janney '. drug 8tore. . In c aim a an acre 0.. and will comfortably ftoed Ii family SOMFWHERE on Main or Tblr~1 qf four persons . atreet.!.. ... glove. Finder pleallll • - •."....- - retarD t.J \:tlllette office. . . Chemi~!ly pure oxid~ of cobalt ·i. HAND SATCdEL.. wUb _ pocket. used to gIVe the famous blue color to . booli On ln8Ule, somewbere 00Sevres porcelain tween Yanll~ lIt:r8et and Wl.lyn811 .. - • ville. . Elnder leave at tbe Gllzstte New York, Maine and Wisconsin offiOl', and receive reward . PALE blue fllIk 80t'rf. wrllpptKl rank in the Qrder named in the production of paper. in a blue ~per. Finder pleull~ ret.tirn to tbe Gazet$(! office.
the very lowhave
traded with us, give us a
..... Than' Whole.ale.
RIGHT And oo~meDce trading wi$b Uti. We have tbe 090DS, and our . PRICES are RIGHT. Bigbee' prioe~ paid for"
g~ve us 'tbe adyantage hI
the price. California Evaporated .Butter a n d Eggs Muir Peaches at t he lowest' p'nce8 ever kOOllwn. 1000 Ibs ·. at 7 ~ c., Sa va. our Oub Begjlter Obeokll.· 690 Ibs. at 9c alb: . 3ellin ig' 10.t s 1'hey are good , for Valnable of them, won't last but ;a few l:'resentsdavs. .' This wholesome arti()le put lip in nice. cle an tine, whIch you drop In het ' water. for ·a . tew minutes and it is ready to
having ohiokenll to A Dyone remember 1 wUl I*Y tbe hlRb • 111'11
est mlU'llet priDe. Marion - .Dah. Pboae l'ily", Lytle, OhiO. JSOMlil' BotfUrpiDlton ~en' or pul lew, ek'e pri~. MI'II. E. M, Wadl'wor'b, WaYDeavtlle, Uhio R . D., S. . . . . ANTED to Rent- A good or. gao. Inquire at this office..
nc~lalcl\lnan'. Yea..t . ,,1 ~ikea .for Se.
Recei ve a fresh suppl.,~ every 'week Ilnd you caD deptend Qn good results. 'in tbe making of bread and buns. ' fOI: buckwheat cakes,
Canned Aprieqt., • a. Cal\. $2~~ a. Dozen.' Our price is low·on .CaHtornia Canned Apricots. ' Pbe .demaDd will be heuvy for this' artacle soon ~nd t~e p~ice wlJlbe big.ber;
"'Jv.aar Cured' Ha:m~.
lle I\. 'Ib . Another lot of tliol" pig Hams, average about ' 10 lbs. eacb and as sweet and aice, al CaD
iu the new Cete.1 C.ll_bd~
. 'OF. Co.lTRSE
Ili *'Dr. SIIatD' ...... relief .... PIl..U . . . Ollltllc& ~I:r
'It ~. in' the 'Packing B<!Bk a juicy sirloin in t~ water cook alld -Ilene it. WOuld it ,tallte ai it should? Neither do o)·ati!ra treated lI'at way. .
tut"rirM~bave all the pe~llar ' . delicacy of. ' oysterS' you g~t at the .hore because 110 ice or- water · touj:bea tbem- no' .prellervative ia . . . tiled or Deeded. . Th~ 'ice ia ~ed around tbe .aled galvaaized ateel · cau•. "Seal.bipt" O.y,1left
.IreIb, tboroagbJ)' palatable, always.
!few ... ,. ,of 'P~rt.. oylltm ' are "0- 10 "Sealablpl'lMuiit_" 1 0 _ '
Ilro!Il< a!.oat ~""" .. Aak. an, oItbe
'}D.W!01£ dealen for a ""IIJ and try a ..~. of : 8ealahlp'" OylteruiidAy. water. ~II eolktmea18.
10 ' time
m~re- ' attractive than If hus ~ver been. New sublK:rJben hid better start al once, and old sublaibers Guahl to renew .In order (0 pt the. new. features that are to cOme.
Rugs, Etc.
$1.00 per DOUIIl •.
be added from time
IlIid our intenUon is .to make it
Graniteware, China ware,
l'be fresh goods . are . and 111gb so thehnned gpltlds are \ielhng hst. We have tb~ finest goods we hllVe seen and the price very low.
New , Features
Sweet rotatoea.
Walter J. Kilbon
AUREM of ttQod land to r~nt., 7S , 8uit" ble for !lny klDd of farming. lnqall'e It.t tbl. amOtt, • • t " ,
~EW ' YEAR '
It. was the large orders that
J qt.. fOlr 2sc.
will W'h ite's
Market Lettt;~r~ ..,
pN THE '
- .- -
Sa.uer Kraut.
+ _ ____ -
Weekly '
. ".
fices. . h I Thus I·t·the money h .will b Ibe kept In t e loca I les w e~e It e ?ngs~ a sourc~ of .advantage ~o . caPltal1 and labor In those commumt les. The national ban~ receivinl~ the dePOsits are to pay the Govermnent a rate of ·i nterest of not less thun 2~ per cent . The Government will pay 2 per cent ~ the deposited in postal BIlvinp-bank. The experience of Englimd has hown that 'oneqUB,J'ter of 1 per cent is s~'fficient' to pay all 'ir1cidental expenses and still leave,a margin Qf profit. The British postal savings-banks . !:'II.t ablished · in 1861. . For' the last five years there been a 'deficiency due to the reduetlon in thera~ of interest on con8<.ls, 1n which thepostals sa~ing are invested.
and . ~ US.. We have them aDiI intend to c108e t~m out
H.-vy fleece-l1ned Shirts aDd
Postal savings-ban~ in foreign countries transfer the savings of a district to the'capital or centrll! office, where the money i'8 inv~ted in the public debt, bu t under the plan proposed (or the United States the Postoffice Depa·r tment merely ~cts as the agent to deposit the money the national banks in the districts where it is!:>rought to' the post of-
Walter J ..Kilbon~
. ~~~.~.~~_::.~~~~~_:.:_~_:.~~~~~~~~~~~~\~VA~Y~N=.~EZ222~ '~r~L~~~lf~".~()~I~lli~(_'~W~J~~'l~IN~~~~_~~~D~A~_Y~~_~.r~~_·~OT~A~I_'~1~3~,~1~~(:)U~'~~~~~__~~~b
,. 1.\;''1'11 :'I'll Y 1,; .\
PEI~SONALMI~NTION. l M ,." . ' Ii . 'Il l'. 11:1
Has a
'J1A ~uI\Y .
CuI l\1('eting La t Week-Halls Inadequate to Scat Those Present---Speakers Were of Highest Grade---All Satisfied.
U. M. Robltze r
'incinllll tl
WIl. 1\
viBltor Friday. D. T~ Crane WILS iu in cinnllloi on business los t Frluoy. 8 e lie l-itOrLU Bn gg y 01111.1.0"111 'l'OP!!flt 'ro8s Bro~, MI !I~ All tlll f:lt.o keJ:l i!:l qi'litlU ,". hI" si tt~,. in Wilmln g t n.
()(Jj.'CI·H ful' 1!hlft I '!'PlIil1(·\ll ........... Wal'l'pII 1( . 'j { (' y t; ,ICe I'TI' !:! .. .... .. .... P. II. :tagl.{~ tt ~ 'l' tal'. " .... ...... I". A. litl.I' ifio 'k rl"~lB\l l·tl l· .. '''' .......... . ::;. '1'. Eluoll
MrEl.W,H . AlI!jounUMillRMn..v Wl1 g b t W"I'Q In 'IDOlunt\.~1 :::;l1tUr~1tly. (;I ut am ' !,rl oes OU F ed fmel orn b fOI'e bu ymg tlh:!ewbere. ' I' n a!' "M ~ () . ( II ' ,e al1u , lID!'" , n :goOIJI 110 'l.'ho tiWO Ut t le HOIlS ll( Mr . nn<l M l's . • n. 'Iomout", are siolr with g riv. D. L. 'l'llno Hnrl family. pent ' uu dtly Itt the howe of E. D. Bu 'nstt nnu fumily .
,.~,-~S. .' -. . .'-,.~I!.:. . 111 1;' omet V COIUillll ' tWI'I'1I ;';,"~«('hlln'l1", /lU ll Uenl lll'.
'I'hlt H ll11T l.J II
B i3. Bowull waS' ill Ci n CID Jl fI i vill e,
. ' u~ _C ·
IImlll f w m ,l II IItOH o~ cl e v !.ion . t,ll en n. v,wIlI Alln . MI·S.,I ()~flpl,iill . Doud 10 111 Il 'J W tf) " Mnk . 1.1\ H0I I1A t . t nll I i va fur I'lea 'hll<lnm " m ','u n l.vR tin A t,Ollk "A 'l'rlp 'I'b 1' ,) I1g"h M U rylo~1I1" whi b wnt! (\ good on e . A VOlllI 1 'U l1!lt Ilmi Mrll EXl!cutiv(! Committee : Ml)[lt S obllt.t. took /I ll h r W.' E Corn II Ella K 1S 1" Wornu 0 'tl 1 11 11. 11. li ce n the Notinn.d F'red Elbon h lam:he Riley ~I Harvey Burn 'l Louella ornell 1 l,; lltrtlflt,"I'," wlno h WII" Il ver y .,"oull ILfIIl ill . t nl " ti vt il"Ilt'I'. A{)nthllt' IJ'tll:nll~ r'" In llf,ltut a Itll~ I'!:J OW to HUVI1 Uood N IJ,!II1.)oI'R," pa~8ed, .ulIl flS 11 uld, It W 'l tl lL grnnu lby O. O. H\IT 11 wn~ tl I:\'O (ll1 topio, ,oeos!' . 'I'he offloers worked h lLrc1 II nu Illltd C:! a geml i mlll'M"ion 111~ &0 thl!! enci, nnd h.Y I.huir hili'll work !Jl;lurerl< . A ft. r n pi n na 1:1010 t110 inmIJ.:1e it SllCO "'lIfnl. . tit.uta udj urued. .
II I \
II" .... \'
I'o~!'thf\t \11 1111 t Il~ tIII.HNl'l1 . hl' IJ
'1 '
f". ! .;,
T<~I 'P' I 'f'
• "f .• '
unc th If cnntlll r!' hurn cI 1('\ thQ \~.~ wan l l'1 l1Iuh 1101 I, ,u n , ,"t . 1-( nll~.,w\ I' '!: ,I,lInt; !I ~ tl\'O til l \ I, V" In .. g roun d'1"d nes r~)" mru 0111 Il'k nllr r'I ~",lIo V) ~I'1I11 lU',,"rk l 1"1·,, 1' Th e lmrn tlud 11 us cOl1tuineel flv . h o r!! s,sti< oattla. hill h o.... , ('otmLtl ' t. (\u9srlny J1I ght tIll h01l\1 i'n~ im ple rn entll, h ay, nlr:, flnllnii of Mr. nu ll 11'• . ,J . ll. (;ulf'lII n WII~ Wl1 ro lonll lllofHl. tho -;OOn(1 I r II v I·.V pl 'JI !\!l IlI,!lO ,I /~I 'I'hOUru'\tllri 'lr~l.rll {l Itllll i ll li n; ll il·nir.whunMr:; .t' IllIIllh,M I''1I'; . 01 :'!' III " b11 til l'l\(11\1 H' W" t·tI Il wlI.k . 11 u.,·u Ilurl II llt l II'. P . L , ( ',·tllll I' ll . , I en . lI a I,lO Ut. :I o· '1 01' 1. h".Y t 11 0 bri ght I01' \111' II /'( I "' 1111\ \41, li 'l~ ' <':n l'(l ('Iub" ' blll 'l.!J, wh on tl', 'l'hIJIlIII!I hlll'rlUU t') uuu th ell'tJ'ienu . 'l'lltll' wefelll ut th lmr'n . Uflll Ue mp lf'd to ton 'e twen tylivo pr81ltmt ll Ud ut u 'i~tlSO U ot' t he h orses ou l" wlleo. in its fr lghl.. Ill),,) hoo l' refr Hhmont!l WeI' orved. 'It Irlok d h im, II n(i with tiitH. oulty t;1 I,t he wll·h h fl'. . IJIIKt. 'rh ursdu,Y Yt·ning 0 l'I 1lt'prlso I I i" v ,., I \-V III'I fr om tll l, t 1 1 ~1· "I' t)" '.' 1' 11Il(1» 11 11 11," • II uO lh,r , ,)f i!:lll Uohlitl Bll ytl ,'. '1'111 111111 W 'I s III t llll.dlv D OIlrl tl 1 ~ I!lOllih IlIt·lhel"y. WHR ' or y l1 hort,. . AlIlK'(l.l:lfnlly c:x outo(l, /loll t,he jolly It W!1" tl SI'lV r e 10 II to Mr, '['hom PlLl' t.y war 'IlLll'lJly u'"' .I t o s urpdsot! tI -10 ling v rything. Ho w tlltl for \lot It !' uucI. ~'Il" hlll\~l1 U~\tlJ tb y baru llt lit· will j11'o\)Ubly n ov I' oponed til twll couf r ont, d bel' . be kuown . Aft l' It whil tiLt! h er 'om -
i ~ WII~ ~CILJ){lU lli~
~~W~ll~~L:E~~U~M:B::E~R~2:9:9:fi New
---.- --..-.~~
~u rlin~ton.
('\111 1'1 I( N Wli ll , <If IUlliu r\l.l pllll~ , I!· .t t'e d 011 'r, Hlpel'ILD ce 10 the
lfrle mi::, chu rch 1) 1) Tlle dllY eveniuf!,' 1t.•1l wtlt'k . . ltovl vnl !:I(\rVICA!:! are in pUlgre s IH t ill< ,\l. E , OhIlTCb. Ml'~ Bierre Keloh,of Chi ollgo. Ill. i. tha glle~t of h er pllreutR, Mr. !\uti MI' . ,1(,) • BJILIr. M ..~. \v I \ III1IlJJjjmel·i('lt,ofUerUltl.n. \:OW nt r,h o ohall. h om a ofBAr har oondl siste1'· II· ~." .\ i~IllIII, t'\ol1·1a t,iI)u'" lIeo.. lI1\ 1:10 s ri ou t.hA.t h er cbUlIrOIl were tlu mmon ed, bu t she ill DJuob batt,er ut llre@ent . MI'. Walton Oompton returned frOlllll vi sit · with in New Mexioo 10Rt 'r11ursday . }l~l'unk B'lfnel' aud Ec1uA Martio who I~re we ll l(I1owo here wet'e mal'· I" d Ill Xen ill'rburslluy vening, hy l:t . AIUOS 'ook. l\1r1:1 .'!4arah Lll('.a.a, I}, lifelong resj· dan t of our ueighborhood, died very 8t\tordl1Y aftsrnoon . t1ha wlla widow of the by lateoDe Ebenezer I. uoll.the ."nd iSliurvived ~ro,n . ,ft
Tbe work t,l\ut WUII crowde(1 III t be IIfte, DUOn the htilt .S,,89 i oO, Mr. ood Mrs. N. L. Buonell ere it is not known wbtlt,lI09 r Il COl' ptllltlre IIud v ry g l' .cAful l.V li S \l llJeu er, (;Ieorge M&nO,6f Spring ValleT. tnto the five wns g Otl( \'\11181\ pttI'tioulflrly good Il e. Al't r in tbe receiving ltneot IOtlUgU ried iu uruno on I,be brll'n r nvt.. I,ll po Itl oll o r h Uf:t Ilnll invIted Funerl.t.l serviMs were beld at tbe tbrough with,lIlt, Il . bit.oh, oncl th, t11tl!!io, r opO' of oommittee' . r IIU . ration Mon<luy . - .- ..- - . : b r gllORt1l to the purl r wher e Frie nds, ol1urob 011 Monday after· lDUllio, (l nolilll1l1t\Ons lulLlr flO K inlt ttntl u. (Inet.. E . nn A lilt"uO All en W . B uloes unu httle ' CANNING COMPA '.Y Ulll . l ' . SOIl 01 f lio Im u gll' lU as were the tlllLture o oon. °OTII to Mr und U'1'S Tohn D~rlo"" were nbovo t11e . to f1 of th a "lmportllonoe of. B umus. " X I . ' 0 t1 vaolDg. A IiHt of cOl)un_ .D ." ru. ••, Dl> n . 'h f' • Af't ". . . . en u, were the guests of All n " tookl d f'l ". r d . SllDdllY Jnn .3rd, IL da.ughter. w e"tl1 t. Wli . n.ld goud,not h . ur I~ Ill. ODin lind IL sott" .rOhll l ... . ' . . . . , ! O r . 0 " 1e wvu,Yue ville "0 1.1111 Wil t; v ry lII110h njoy u: .-..., I .. I I I Y .P u · . uumes, ~r. , nnlluy . UII1 I' "'0 I Id hi J I L . MilfsLotsW hitukerbastheohiok'l Ing W f!'\e ~ l u.t,l f\. 1 ,l';<\Z lllg 1'llin .p!lrl ' . n mUJlngs read It Impel', ",ThH ' • nIl .. oUlpany le t il r IIDnua.1 () 1n emmon r 0 Iving tl, e priZe en 'Pox. of the tillle wbiob u iel u t keep B.ny Ji'llrm e r '8 Fri And!! . Of berman Dyke unel mot11or Mrs . m tltlUg ']'ue c,lllY ut, the PhtllipB fo r the boy"', tlod Elellllor Eu.i nb!l.rt - - -......- -- - of the f'l\toners or .t,Qwnllpelipl n.l. D' D. Barf:lh tll en fnr his J'lne Dyk.e have beeu visiting rela. R ouse, Dilyton , (lUd e l oted tba fol · for t11e gi rl H. Bellbrook. h ome to pio, "'J he aorse for Profit " Af . Uvesltt Eat D, hio. lowing 01~cal'S: Pt'etlidEult , Jllmes in the 'ur!:!o of 1.h e ve nlD g de · As osul\1 t:tJe !j II r"olliti ell tel'ollts lm i. E. D . BUTnett. aud W, B Stoops; vlca presitl Dt.. ,1 . 0 . Wilson: II g?ltful r ofreshment consistiu g of Mrs. D . N;. .is .\vere to sUPllly t1Hl d De t11e beueaie\lou by R ev DIDo\Vlddie tro,uBaoted A \u aeoreto,ry /lnd J . 1 · orMm nud !).:ll\e ol' ve!1I\O,l ' in OI.nolDnat1 this we"k;. " . Van Wort, (lhio; Mrs. De· O. JlItlnd. l:1all WIlA c'oop\ 'I ,T. /i'. 'nnw.nl1t1df'r t ile l' llstl' t llt' l.Jeblu'lOn .Ll\st Friday . F . nook;t.rell!ll1rel',J . N. L tilmon ,' t,l\uso nngp )11\:> IIl1lt ( h' l1 r)I "-' IJI BS voe Mrs , of.1no.Hmes,MIBBBertha , Frldny morn'iug IInu uf.ter'noO Il. bill t1djonrnell until ot'xt Ylltlr . ncle Joe M, Bos!long, of th~ (In. The ofu et's, WiLh .1 . hi u key,I'oy .0htlllO Plll' t llHIt; Ber ry, of Dayton i liISS Viola flow. the ,h vol a 'ill \ II.~ u II 'I' be institute WII a goou one in cinDuti EnquireI', WIIS tL Lnilo ln ~ I rou8 IInu AmJlnda R eed Co mllO!W Mlmy 11irlht.lllV !lO IlV ni l' Itl'd s IlI.ntl, of Wlnobester, hlo, and Mr8. every r t)!Op fl ot., l,nd th fl)l\owlu vl!;itorher lost wee k. .tbe bonrd of t1iteotol·s. \ era gi ven U o\(.lie by b el' friends, Hood, of Spring Valley j were the 11tljanoa of till) timf'. at 100 .. IJl h'l'ldny, II ft I' ra nlution!' xpr !:lt! t be ling o r Mr. Illld Mrs. O. E . Job'ns uod soo, clluse 'rhe '!Omptlny me t in depllf . .A. R.'. Bowlllnd and ' of tl I Dtlytr On be- anu when . til yf I11 it wat with fAmily of. lastMr waek. , (1; i 1e ' Iouven 'auoe or on eltlJr ' '~D d . Dluslo, ' the pr,' al'd Ilt, a 11 t110S11 W~10 Inteud 'of Lytle, IIpe't Bunlil.Y with M.r, r tl .~..1 Illn 10 /I" \'ery. p Ilsau eyen· n.I'h' e next number on the 1eoture I tt Lev . lJQrtwright 11'1 "Ie hi IUlLlLlII I R port of Oowulittel~ on R sol u and Mrs. Burry Johns . 0 le pr n Ipa. tl okholders, J. N. I~g IIollu goUl \Vl lies for ot·hel' huppy course w1ll be Satnrday niRht, JILil· uddrtuts; tl nil it, ' wn /I go li <lDA ill Hon : " Get onr p rioes n Eeed 01.\0. Corn L mmon, wh IS IIOW 11 vlng b ero bll·tlldo.ys. ' 1lI1TY 2:l rd.- Asl). Davis tbe oo.r.oon· ;v6I'y WilY. It i!l Witb IlO . b b bl1ving orgunb: u 1ll,lNol'tu Dayto u ' T ho e wh u flnjoy d the b O!:l pitulity 1st. . "~ efore ' uying elseyl'l1e1' . . R utUng of 11011 mtlsic other r c nrreuce of oo r 1n ' I' nc UI' 0. n d ""c . Obi 0 Buuking' toc Illplil- E w I'e: t rhons, ' the 'rhe W. of ,A. Bellbrook mst , _ n roe, 0 (' ~OUltl, 1 tcompany. d I Th ' I " 'M.I '' A II A 111ltL hom Mrsof Jewell Q°tu daat And D. 0 . t:f,II'sh, of oO'linty. RtHllte, wello tett!l unabated hH rest . . , . . e l's a! 0t> tBSP Iltl OIlil ill 'Wbloh .. llloo r ", II l'ni1l1l' t-, IDlleJl 11 <wood, . e . ! .... .. I Y addrst!!led hhe Quill T\e 00 "Wll ut anli ev n au InoTen 'ed lLttendanc'e Mr . u.nd Mril: W m. rhorpe ler, tbnyextended to Mr . 8uoOk, the Nellie Uk rson, Ada FUl·nILB. LOll- !lof ernooo. . well for tllrfft a.nd day fdor H raodVIJle, WI here wUl mlloaglBr for the Ptlst 'year then' ill!l.Stok , ies r R. Hu.l1ie BII>thuway B g 1l0olel ·tha.E'.. ,m ur Proclne 1" WhlOh liP .bls t OPIO ,. Willi ' ." _. fi\.rmers, . . peo a f ow LLYSW t·hre llltlVdtl . \ th. ~n ks .nd opprooi 1\ti9n ~,01' bls ,r ,.' .. '"'" ~n • adI8CU$ tid ,_pro po Intlllli g no of . ollr lilld uo- D"VI' 1'l1fl1a , 'r. ,:,m rson E tll'n11llrt, ern pOints. . Mr, Jewell beinl{ '[ can fO(1 u.bout .ten 11 hlli l OJ, wben . ~b U' de '/I'e for "reL~ter ~mOlellOY h, . Mesllrs. ~rlln.k Pra,tt. Jltmss Ben. llrlllg (~1Ior ' aod ,energ~ in manllg'- WI\ltel' Whitacre Law.r enoe Farons, ,,:ery n~rvous oondition. Barvey Burn(~tt U1l1() e ILn 1\(ldre~ tbir oho$en vocation in life. ' Of ·h m and ~'Ilifl,m King llttsoded tb ing tbe oomp .'DY 1l.ll!IlDess so !jU O .J ohn L mmon and MI'. and • Irs. Mr. ObRS. Conner ners aDd Mr. O. R, 00 • "{'obn on,' which we ll r _ ull th e . . in!ltitutes . held III Colum.bul:I tbe'PlIat year . Th e E D l'l HiJokett,. PeDflraon tlre of uprtght pi.,· e ow: celved . 'Wnyoesvill , huve hud none b t Uet · .o ur und (Jorll. of tile reportedt ·DO '.T FORGEr ' having been . Erl wf\rd tel' .tb n this I~od as lin . eXpression before , . . I~nll . . . The next speu.ker. wa~ b:ttn g ·elsewhere. ' t t. be 1(1 Il floufl!\hi og~ oondi .tion ' .wt'S . EI Ino Pieroe lion d abild ren are VUD.A.l !itynt', of KindeI'll ok, N,. Y. of Ollr (l,p1>re~iiltlon, .we I!ubm)'t [or t:Spenoel' 11 d Monroe, OregoOlH, Ohl~ pr~BpBc'ts for tbe I utul'EI IQom IlJl • '1'0 see n.nU Slt, rt) e~ .. llottohl prioe visit ing hQr parents at Defia.noe, O. who gave n good tHldres!l on I Ji' rtf] your Ilotiun the to ll owing res.oln' Mrs. O . . • .EI~ore, of L.'inoinnati, brIg ht . on 11.11 kinds of .b~eed Ilnd oro. ' It .MrR .•1. A. Turnbull retUrned. lty: " After a short c1iRou!:Isipn; II IJ ti n baR ret.umed borne after silending OOMMI!iSlONER HURT will 0 rtaiuly pny y . Ilfhir a. weeb visit with . pointmeot ot OOlllmUtee>l 1'1'11" mtlda, . ROIIOlv<lu,--Tbtit our hllnk" are tI fe w days with h'e r puente. ~r . . !:lvouoer & ?\rODroa. r egon itL, Ohio. ~er . dtl.ughter, Mrs. Armstrong,ln' and Bdjburome lAt. for ElluDl r. liue Bud the SltrU tl' are ht'll: eby Qon - Ilod Mr. . J. M. '1'hompson Bnd othel' oun.ty Commis loner E, B . SCARLATI A IN TOWN ' ,,·eola. '. After . dinne el's is sufferi ng from tlie effects of Q Mv. (lnd Falln ll'hrx andwera Ion . r n Vi'l\lU tI I a.nd , veyeel to our . .. stafe . , MesS r . rel!ttivll . ,Jamel!, of New Ja8per., OhiO, "Why Do Our Boys tile f11~ri!h ana VtI.n Alstyne for tneh' roos Bro!!. htLve torm Buggies, fll1l fr um a gravel wllgon thut might 'j'he ohtlc1ron of Mr. I~nd MV8. thl', g uests of A. B. Howland aDd, Fa.rm," by D. D. E:i1.L fSh as the p8tlk,lly strong t1nd. 'h elpl ql uddre • Tops aod 8torm Fronts hit ve pl:oven Ilood probllbly Je . e Burnall , fl mill form of ftlmily Suoday. er. .. es.; for the 00\1l;le8Y , I\.ud 'ordil\li).y to r Buggy'!; just,the thing rOl' o~ld fatuI • . H.e ~!lS driving throllgh o· sOIlI·I,lti n u.. p r . .ElJi, b (LIt h omoer, Mla~ Caule Koble is 'Visi~ing MtIJ8 Morris <..: rriell reAd'R pnpef, ufter manifes ted by them towlLr<l our peo .~u·ther, §ravd bt,nk Oil the ~uTflloa furm, is '. tattin g' n11 . pr oautions (;uin9 t Eva Mil~ llt 'rroy, OhiO, this :week. wbhih Gruee OIL1'C1UU pluyed l'. viol! tI pIe during tqelr bl'iet:&tllf, uJllong. Ull , . t Uolouel C. W. l1ellf . Wa.ynesviUe, \'\Ihen t·he sand the . A,d{\ RnnuQIp'h, of Dayton, 10)0. . and we I,IS8Ure thelU higheAt' esteem Nuti.onal lnspector of gose wt\y bell ath the weight of th reen Briar. :a::e "OommerClal Ee d "'A., lind be. t w.ltll uS for tht,lir fDtllrfl NIltiot1l11 ])li1lt ... ry RomBI' Brooklyn Nilgon thl'owing Mr . R oge rs out OM rs. B ' h: ...erOBI e neds ay. "t ' '. ' t At'" A DC1 tiO, . a II 0,tb r On th a N. Y., lias been the g uest ' ' I i'e t rUIOk th e _81'de b oard tlnd M'lst r t'O\rCJo r"U, WI 'I tn ""61' nn ... J\ 1'8. ert a ...her 0 ure 8D J eoo ". Iln ,I .. yne s flU.'l () , ..,1' 8 " _. of his . t:) M.llson are vltlltlog mOGber Mn. E V I spirited disou"sioD IIOIL tid . .progmm who oODtrlbut c1 to brothers. B. li. and Fred Wads . .the rub block, tnfllotl ng severe bruls. Earl Srlms 1l1·e. 00 tbe siok 11 t. Hll t Held, in Dayton . . es fib ut the bllck; and side, witb.i.ll" to Ne:~ltt :d.~rJllb ()~ ~out)t Ohl\rlesMiss Jl'lol'l)Jloe Myers WII.B the gu~t . • jonrnmant WIlS madu until'tlle veD- tbe s\1cQ(\ !i\ of ~b18 I nstltot .' to the wort,b . .,.....-,......inl{. ' .Pr"8Id~nt imd ' oth,,'i otUoers 'who' . • -~. teJ'nal itljurles. I t .'vas fo r Il Mme Wndo:S~~V~ e Q lOes. le~~ l\Iost of frieona in Oed~rville last, week .
I~nn tlvel'ug(~.
too~ os~ion, misoellllneou~
it'llldequ~t6 'HI~hn '!I
~anurtll UIlU;la~el',
inllugurlL~loJl ~t
~!rd;yarOer~FlJa~r~d~~~dACI' t~eerm!ul~hft
Mondoy~ oe!lI~rully ~\lt'illg
~tloes o~ ~"ed
:I~I~ w::::
~ucoe· ~ ·
plel.~~ur t11~ tut "hl·~. uunu~l
mlDtlte~ ~t.I~rk
~ue~t ~f I~er f;r~nts'l4r, ~
ft\t'tbfU'\I~' ~e~veCl .· \l\l,
\Ver~ B~ld
Prom'Ptly I\t p, ID ,.pe ' lll!:lti. hlv,e,tl9 we 'e." ,_': FOROET , '. I. t hut the injudes vel'Y . Asa 'wbit k er visited wit:11 hhl fft;Rev: I. holding ravlval tute oopv,enen, uud lifter hlUSi press out: Ilppraciat\(in and 'thanl(S , ' To !lee [l'Dd get r oclj:-bottonl lIerlous, but now Ii ·is to be ou t til r onel brothel' io Ullyt\ln ltLHt SIlt. ] mer tlngS m .the AL .. m. by and b t8 ,'D . ·D. &urs11 "tjp0,ku .liD we del,lp(y t\,ppr(i (on.o,!') of Fea ,; uud UQrn . u'rLI dllYl IIlla 8 \llldOV '. . ... bWlolthlie neFi ·xtt,,~pa .' 0Ir; t n e ' , . ' 1 .. . ' " " "kinds • . '. . .' It of .!;1<1.ngeJ;, ' T " • er an r. . of tbe Flirm u.s II. HOUle ." Be ~Jlok . Old, Iml ~e Ifu ttl ~Xpl'ess tbe sluue ,vIII oertaiuly pay yo u , 5T.- MARY'S CH URCH \ . tn a NettlEl ~amB!!pellt: lust w()t>k lnga r , .. . whb : dli'lic'ulty, b twlIl g II . ... evere to .t b , ~"'~:Q~s.vllll) o!lool Bf/M'd pahoer & Jrl.O~I·O " ~regonilt" ,Ollio. . ·B;t~ · M\QS· Uulc1l~ Albrlt;llb, or '.JOW J.I· . Mr. •T, .E. DUl)bllnl bllS sold bjll oolu, bll' his' rl1lnafks . Wel'a t t,be for. u e Q1 l:Il~b $ohool I:lttll, Erldlly'l ~ ., Snuelny. SilO nd after EpilJ!.llI!UY, . ' , ' . fll;rm 1I.0ri be a.n.d hi~ family will reo n et .. . " TEAQHERS A.~OCIA nON.' ,T t1nUtlf y 11 : Morulug 1>ruyer and \rC'J iM thr'.an~\B M [s 't O. d J' .Buil'l !filted tUrn 't o Blifornla the'latter part of \ " point, "Del l~e ,ullc1e qnit,p. Il bit. . A evenl dd ng ' Ilod S"ttl.rdoV . . whioh' 11118 ' . . , d orne tlO IIUl 'r O ll sun' l T unary " .' . quat.tetnextreud.. redmu~io; . tl.I'IlOl I~ cd so muoh to the nom l',lrh IJ-od l At University Chap~), Lebanon, ~er'.llOo at 10:30 , 0..00. , s ubject., day. ., .. ' . ,. . . . . . tattoo', pillno duet pod Il ruadiug, pletll101'e of our l,l uttendlOg Oh J unlllLry 23; 19011 . . ' . ,I .. • it4 Uhrlatill nity . Eveuing , Mis!l Burnet Sit .w llen Van 'Altit.vpe t, ()k ItS .!Sis . . . . Jj pr eno) Oil, 11 lOG .by A!1So.; woi anil sermon it,t .7 ·p . wit h M1', IInu MrH · Allan Gre"" Of' I'dur' ing, brO"l 'ledaysY t S,at y' e , . . . . , . . .. . OlIItlon. llvocatlotl R~v. E Gow. . .' . ., m. · '0 t . : ' .. "" ... ". ~.' . . . $apia, "Tbe M.Lking 'of I~ 1\11In." 'Ris .~ R.e qlv ~.:- rhu~ . tl.l~ ~~ooe!l'; ~f.. dy .j Rou'nll Ta.ble ,-' oonduo·r.p.d by il... !:lnndaY.I:iCllQ'.>1 ~t. 9 :30 . ~~ m. You en .erVll1,~' . . Mrs Oori~. Howli1n(l an~ ' M~sli retil~r'k8 ' were witt,y ', ~ncl . be told tll.t~, and pnst IDtltltu.te:cl abuodlLDtly W, Lyle {Jeblm l,n, Onlo. , are IIlVlted to Lho. e !!U l'VI013S. ¥I . . E . BlIlt, ~.e o ?lIlJed <;>n (ro n Mury ~ lIu:rs were vlsit.lng In Day. eever"l good . II "rtlllt wl1l'l'lint ' u ip . tl.sldnl> t.he The <11 oll!lsiol1 u}) .DON'T Bew!' H o g llve hlilt.n. 'Ihurs(1l\:v liftor· to n Tuesday. .: . . t ' .will be.chiefly . .-FORGET noOl\ pract loal lesson . rnILny 'weut I'ar to II TJd .. . r1l'1 i .. on rUflt1 questi n . ,' Flmucl's 01;1 'I'Vhe. urigin (Uld . of ' . Mrs. H.,>M. IUId, ohHdren him a good bunel. olapplng . :After mllde l o r lin In s titute next 'ollr. · dod Pi!ltlro ns of cl)untry sol1o.o.ltI :::;oil " 'nncl illo. trntetl his with ' her IlDd '.' . .. . espllo II. ,l t , urged. t u.t lend., Prof. '1'0 se~ and get l' oj(· Mttl m prices I r I . fllmllf Uf'ar Kenia Monday musio by t11e.qullrt-tl.t, t,he'. ·,uttJ, . : J. . F. '.'OAnNALTAI)Jcn " A , B Urahllm dntl Cor". . . MI 88 atella Soward of . Ox f or d . . '. ' " " . , .of 0 . . .U., Colum _. _ 00' all k.l· UUS of E "od ~~"' ''' It geo!:i 0" Oil . Sl1e'Jt\lfln . t adJouroed, . Mll!! C. T. a .Awl Ill, ". bu~, 0., will be pret!uu t t~ tuke plI .. t \vi!1 C~l't(l,iDly. pa,y you. ' i) vettll 11 of . ?~l;' ro ps prog.reSslve Ohio, "Bpetlt t11e hollda~ 8 with be; . . •J.AM V A NDI1lRVOOllT I0 t:tound , 'rabl<;l tina. prQbu'b ly Ule fR l i tl !Ill; 1(1 d a nd sister MrM. Willis Blatk altd Mis8 . Tbelndies had t/h eir tu I'U Suturdtty t \I At t ' , . ,·'rUA,"., "n ,,(ldrtlSs. · t:)~encelr &. ¥oor . J Olegoniu, h io. n. e n d et1 Ll1e 'U't.n r InliLltut,e In E' 'i M . .. , i ~orn ng a a. ro . ter I' P an~8010 Uommittee. Afternt1 on,l.30-'MIi!lic. Audretl ---' Wllyiuis,' llle III t ll'l:!dIlY a.nd ~Litur : rll~o S o.r rlS i· . . ' . 'V • "'blnklng, " Prof. t3 . BIRTHDAY t\,V . 'r11 ey .r l.> port 11 lar ge .MJ s Rosalie Hayner, of pstro\t, .. Oll st r Pnrker;Ptbf; Ecl.. Cinolnnatl. ' . '. .~d,ooe uud It . spl~n~tiI, he ip[u1 meat- Mxohigon, WAS ~lUne on friends 10 · '[JiB ·!EAOLE" STORF. C. 8:, .C&RIllY, ·P~eB. ' W e ·un gl ud to announoe that tbe .lOg: ' .Bellbrook Sun~,ay. . " . . .' .~ .LI. Ill. COOR', ac'y , ' Oll~ hUlldreot h ~I.nnlverSltry p C tbe W -.... The FlirlJ)ers Iostltute, of, Bell , Mr. H, ,ft. Wlllds'wortb, wbo is Il ' 'IV OlLl.l Of bur rlladers • .,. " ) birbh Of :Abrl1hll.m Llnooln will be ob. ellman" brook, will be hold Ftlbrutl.tY b ~.! de . of S.lJ of· the . D'ON'T . 16th . . . • . B . MlInOrO~!I, .II! II to the ad , . ' ~ re on .' ' . ..cODOET " served in Wayne ville ~u FebrulI.ry Mrs. Mary Uleuvpr of H llrVflYs- und ' ,' . , , b1;l1fy dA,vS . : tt!·prepn.r roanl\, .,,,qe of tile Q"z tte ' Tti C .. . 'R' .' J.2 , 'J.'he 'r,commlttee' buviDg It 10 spe nll It t witb h er ' 1 MISS Ethel atte!ld$! . a 'ing for tohe bPi:lng trll.dtl! Ilnd hi\!\ 'Tal" IItor'a bu aad e . rosl rOil· .'!.re ge ·. mg m ·a 11 . '11 ' du,n g)lter :M:r!\j 0 orge Dilvis l OUtl" party Ill · home .of M lell birds that 'lIre wibnere. .ontting . t.h!,li r pcio!!" in It UILl1 of OUyer ChiUed .Plow, C unuounq tbe pro'g rom . Mad Mr!l 'fh ' . C te'll ", Nil tt in Duyton during the bOlid", 1'1. II d '1"ee the'o. W'ork'a goods. . They . arer stoekil!g' IL httle od i~''W~b M Ttl. " t.!'~urn.' e.°l · B~...n ;lI ltonmov· TheSngaroreek'l'owosbip Suuday " ' . • .. • . one Scbool assooia.tion w1ll bold 11.000-' ~_-=up with farm mplements twice &S FARMERS' INSTITUTE dllY last wee k. ventioo in the Presbyteri4n Ii b' DEATH .' OF' A PIONEER as. ever before:-iou ·want to. " '. Bert and Edlt,h Boga:Yi Bun.' January BUGOY UPliET . . see them before buymg; .T be F ii.rolers' Illstltut,e, at Leba- d(lr afternoon witJ.l theu slf~ter, Mra. Mr. and Mrs, A. R, Howland 'ris.
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. NATIONAL ' BANK ELECTION ' non. Will beon J noary 18t,b.nnq 19th .. ' . . at tbtl 1.ebliDon Opera Ron:le. · Tile Tbe ·Wu.ynesvllle Nu.t.iooai Bank t k bellllt8 anullanileotiou '.rueB<l& at 8 ate s~eu ~r V(i1.\ bl'L. a. pellcor, ternoon and the old omoera wet! .WILflren, OMo, und A. 1:I . •Tudy, of elected . . Castine. Obh,. ~ . ' A seml-anDual divldeDd of five Tl1esel Bpollker8, togetber t.he oant .wall deolared tbe ofl ' programwt!1mllke theh;s. thoa puttlng the 8toOk OD 8Ucoetll. Laok of space r .. pobUllblnl&bewholepro-
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. lark, .son ot Benry Ilnd Ann Anttllm Clark, died at bis hl)llIe where he 'Wos bQ; (J It If " rn Il,n vad 1111 hi!! I e, 1909, Mr . VJa.rlr ":&8 eIghty years old at. .tbe time of hill death, Rnd wae iDe of an oldfam\1y, 8i remains we", terred. tn Mi'\mt Cemetery .QD Son-
~ January~,
Strhot~1r~ t~l1t
.... _ ______
. Mr: 'aDd Mr", Will met, ",1th what t Ito,ve beeD del .... " "oot ent one IlY llist week , 'I'Y bile returntng from a netghbor'8, they ran IDto &n old "U.,8y lIt11ndiognt 'he 8ide of .tho road, upsetting their b1JlIYaDd throwlDI tbe,m bolh Qut · Mr. (irabam Wil. oonll1dernbly sb"k_ .apbQtK,.:Urab"", ",oapeclvn-
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thl~t the !:;pring Eflll Oil und Gas Co. will oommenQe
Ited rela.tivestn Dayton Friday, Mr, and :Mrs. J. U. Oan.tngham enteft-ulnad on ,Friday, Mr . .J . • . work on NI~tllao Y.~Jbert's furm \his oro'r ner ~Dd famUy Mr.. B. M.'lUrn. week. Tbe machine . arriveu at er and '''lOilr Mr. JDO, TUrner. UllUksvil10 ooe da.y Ia~t week. Jr, and family. Miss 1!:dltli BIlgan been opn, Mrs. ADDa MoOomapa. of ""0finedtoberbomewithohlo.keupox, MT. and 14rlt J .a mes Ure8s"ell __ Bunday. week. ' ..r .. - - ",... ue • rlda ~W& II ",as teen 00 oar.Reete I' Will
.It Is.repor.tAd here
w~~ W~~~ Vt!1l~.AVi8~rd~()t8 r·
Most Mysterious Murder Mystery G.
Philadelphia's History.
prol ested vehemently that he bad I; travoled UI) ilio etate In Bearch 01 notlling to do with the murder of [\nss Oray. By a oortaln humorous aDd Prof, \Vblte, rot grc'(osque coinC idence, the ban.d' I\,ory ""as' sbort In stature.- with orS11ns at thut tlllIe wero grind Ins oat skin sa as antbraclte coal, ane! "Dolly Gray" lIy the ream, and U vory repulsi ve features, Orlmlnole- Donaghy came to the little IItreot gls.:s pronounced him to be tllo low· where tile Dolly Om)' of anothor color eat ' type ' of tho un educated negro, lived, two stroot·lllanol!. on olthor enel Tho detectivee resorted to every of tbe tborough ,' are, struck u~ "Goodde, ice kllown to the profession to bye, Dolly Gray, I'm goIng to leavs force a confession trom lho man , YOll," wltb a vehemence tbat threat· Finally, after lUl bour ot the "sweat· ened to turn an unu sually affectinc IngH he blurted Ollt: tragedy Inlo a 'roRrlng Carce. Dolly, "Well. I done told YOII I was there, howevor. who weighed 301) pounds, Bssldes tbls Donaghy was convinced Wbcn tho last or the prisoners had but It wRsn't me that struck tho blow.H cmlmly washed hor hllnds of SUrUn" tbat th ey were men totally d e~oid of been brougbt In tho work of cllmlua· I hi H was Pllt In a cell and Donaghy and dccHn d to asSist In prov ns a ed ucstion. Ho deducted this from tho' tl on began. Donaghy nnd M.cKenty tact that they bad evI dently not even \Ve ~e Intrustod with this delicate wsk, anq his Ilsioclates slarted out for more alibi . On the very day ot [,ory's arre.t, b\!'lltowed so much as a pas!llng gla.nce Somo of the Buspects were obvloll sly evlaoncc, They obtained a: deso...... "J" on tbo boo!ts In PI'Of. Whato's grosn out of the question. For Instance. tlon of the watch that bad been stolen Donaghy had ta'kell him to the aceue bag, It Is a known ract that 11 Dlon of mula.ttoee were sot aside. ,So were sev· from P'-"'. Wblte, The number or ilio or lhe DlU ', r! r. Tho street whero the I~" education Qr refinemen t Is IlTeslsUbly eral one.eyed persoHs, SO W88 1,\ lame case we.$ 39.875, and tbat of tbe move- body W(UI rO(lOd was 0. Iittle-traTe "'" ,attracted by n book. It a voluma 18 man. And the work kept on until the ·.nimt 911.,938. Theae numbers wero tborQughrar ' and tho foot llrlnts wb~e lying on 1\ table evon lu the bouse of Ilst o( possibilities was reduced to 16, teUegraphed to every pawnbroker and the m n hnd escaped by I aping e ' over; watchmaker in the clly. little Iron rcnee were s tili Tlolble ill f k· a stranger, he can no more resist pc These 16 were lined up with tbslr Tbe response cnme much sooner the soft eartb. Tile right shoe was reIng It up an d go Ing th rQugh th e l)~gell hnts on . and YOllug H.artman was d U h I tban a moth can avoid the dame, The than was anticipated. A negro mnved CroUl Ivory's foot an Ie ee murderers evidently bad not thelll;ght,. broaght Into the room. It was a mot.- named "Buddy" Brown was arrested a nd too fll led .to a nloety Into the tIIot· est curiosity toward the little worl!; In ley ga.therlng. Probably ' 16 ugHsl' . while trying to pledge tbe watch with prints In tho railroad yard, The m..: lui the gieen bag: men had neY~r been assembled before, a pawnbroker In West Phllade lphlo. '1'1' re there as clearly as though t~ 1'hey looked brntal and all of them Brown said the watch was not his, had boen slenclled, The detective's summary, therefore, seemed capable or murder. Could the bllt belong ,ld to a man who bad a ln lhe moantlme evidence was "u. was that the crime bad beEtn commit· boy tell one from ~he other? Could room In his mother's house. He had In g ul' In oUler dlrecUons, Mrs. Mary ted by two or three men; thllt th87 he IdenUfy tbe man who bad a\Jokel . only lived tbere a few days and bnd Boyle, wbn was employed as 'a walt.were negroes; that they wore hrutl\l to bl.m tbe night before' Would he be given "Budil~" the watch to pawn ress la 11 reetaurnnt noar Thlrty·sooonll and Market streets. testified that sbe for him. The stran'l;e negro was promptly 10-, had son'od all three of the men Oil cated and a-rested , He proved to be the .lay of lho crime, Thill WAIt Import· WillIam PEIN"Y or Georgia. Perry was nDt as establishing tho fact that th87 hiB tutorshl~. not very Cf mmunlcaUve at first. but were to eth r. But this was not aD. , On the ~ of the murder all of his fi/lally admitted tbat he wns In the A gnrdenor, named Lutz, said that movements were 'a ocouoted lor frem ,nelghborbOOd of Tblrty·second street earlier In the evel).ing all three ot the :' , the tIme be 8atd goOd,.by at his homo on the nlgbt 'Of the murder. - He said negroes had surrounded him at a point i n the murnlog until the moment he UJat a third man bad bean In his com· Ove or sll( blooks 'from wberethe . lek the 'class-room lor the night . pany. These admiSSions, wbllo Impor· Wblte crime 'was committed. They ' During the afternooQ be bad a iOIl$ tant, \Vero not conclullive. Tbere were did not use )'Iolouce loward him, 81m· talk with ooe of ble associate. con· s tili Hnlts ' to be fitted In tbe cbatn. ply, as he put It, " susplclonsly." ClerniDg a work in whioh the two men At this period ot tJie Investigation a He managed to elude them, howeger, were mutuailT interested. He took new character came on the scene In Rnd thou ght no more of the Incident dJnner alone at a Bmall laotel near the the pera<)n of Jobn Leary, an employe until he read of tbe arrest of tbe 110unlverilQ>, and atter that lecturocl to of the city water worlcs: He had been roes In connection with tho murder the law cl~a under hla charge. He readIng a great deal about tile, of Prof. Wblto. ' was cooDdeat and enthuslaaUc, and Within tbree weeke arter tbe m1ll'" ' and he felt Impelled to sl:~p forward , nevur appeared to bet..tet' advantage. and give his own OXlleriqncl'l on the der Ivory broke down and conressecl A'tout ten o'clock at Illght be lett [or nIght of the murder. He hlUl quit every~bln g, He sllid tha Perry, StlrlbJs bome In GermantOwn. a suburb 'ot work at midnight and was cmfl!llng ' Ing and hlmselt had met at the Bur· ,Philadelphia. He starLe!l In the dl· the Girard avenuo bridge when he met ealo Bill sbow that afternoon abel, comrectlon ,of the Powelton AveouB Btatwo colored men, Tbey stopped, and paring notes, had resolvod to SlIt tion of the Pennsylvania railroad with one of them asked him for a ·match. money III any cost. They oroBsed tbo die IIUr(lose of -hoarding the 111: 16 OnQ o[ theBe men answered the de· Girard -avenue bridge and wont Illong train, . Bcrlptlon o( Ivory, Perry he did not the dver drive IIntll tbey came to Le811 than an h'Jur later a policeman recognize. Thlrty·second street. Tbey hili! Intend, walking along Tblrly·s6COncl street, ad· , Wblle the. authorltfes were browslJlg od llssaultlng Lu lz, the gardener, but Jotnlng tho r,aIlrolld trabkS; 8~umbled over the evidence they had on hantl. wben he ran aWIlY they ,were tOo In· against n hody on the olaewa.jk. It tb ey received word tbat a number of dolent . to rollow him. Tboy IIttht '/\Vao Quill) dark In that Bectiol1-ln eusplcloUB·looklng, negroes who bad dreamed ~at tbo man bad nearly a fa(lt It was afterwords. declared to be been picked up on 'the railroad .near thousand dollnrs In his possosslon, or the ,darkest BlIOt In all ot PbJla.c1elphla. Trenton were now In the Mercer coim· be might have' been tlle victim Inst.elld 'l'he oUicer flashed hi' Ullatern on tbe ty workhouse. . Donagby and Mc· of the unfortunate professor. .FInally Inert mass before bim; ' and was Kenty determined to go to ,the New Stlrll'ng ,,('eked up the Iron bat nearshocked 'to find A' man. mangled and Jersey capital and look at the men. the Pow61ton Avenuo atation. Tb~)' bleeding. Ws bead was Cfllllhed and Tbey took young Hartman and Leary resolved that he should assault tbohe was unconscious. Tho pockets of With, them [or purposes or IdenUlle.. II rat prosperous·looklllg man thlll,. the whl.te veat were turned lruilde out tion. The colo'r ed men were lined up met. Several persons were permlUIld and bla gold watch "88 mJsBlng. The In the work.bouse Just as they had been to pailS unmolooted. At lut Prot. Uttla Kreen ' bag Ul,at he always car· In the city hall In Philadelphia.. One WhIte · was scen comln, along the rled by hIs Bide 1t'1la apattered with of the negroes WM 'a tall, Bhambllng dark street. Stirling tornea to the ' tellow. He WM stoop-shouldered and othtlrs: bls lire blood. It coatalned amollS knock·kneed,· and otherwille laellig In : "1'here's a guy looks as' It be bad otber thln-ga a text·book , on "Plead· tng"-II. book ,from whlOO Prot. White symmetrical bllauty. Both Hartmnn 'moD~Y." bad ,been lecturing' that evenmg. Some and Leary Immediately picked him . They ngreed with bim, and the notcs on''heets of paper which he had out as one of the men they had met three black·hearted sooundrels fol. on tbe night of the tragedy. He hBd 10wI'd tbe unsuspecting teacber. At . : utUlzcd. In hi8 '''Qulz'' clas8 were ,also, tit the bag. " A pocketbook contalnod given the Trenton authorities the favorable opportunity BUrling let tho name of WIlliam Fields, but after- Iron bar come down with a orMb on a life losurMOO poll~,; an Invitation' wards admitted that bls right namo the skull of Roy WilBon WhIte, The to '" class re~ldn . ilnother ataLe, atld a aum of mon.a,- , In greenbacks, was Amos BUrling, .. man Bank to tho sidewalk with a Btirllng was taken from the line and groan . The big brute continued Qslag .\. few yards a'!W8.¥, Imbedded In the BOft euth, was an Iron' bar, quite brought Into a private room. Here bo ~he II'(/n bar until !.be rnce of the vict blck, and about 18 ' lnoh~ long, It WM strlp~ed, and It waS fou nd that Urn was unrecognIzable, TbQn thOr was lIuch 11 thiBg 8,8 Is u,sed on the his underclotbes wer.e' covered with hU., went tbrough his olothes and got II vlal.form8 of frefj;ht cars. man blood. ' , Wlmn hIs aLten,tloD W&I& fe:w doll aI'S In money, ' " rlng, and a' called to ,thIs damagIng fact, "e' sald, gOl~ watcb. The assalslne went to a '£be disfigured corpse was removed . w the unlvorsliY b08l'ltal, lUld the best unconcernedly: ' nl!'arby lot· and divided the thIngs; " . "Oh, tl)at's nothing; my n08e wu wpteh was Perry's sbare or, tho loot. medical and su.rglcal ald summoned. But It was too tate; the vltnl. spark bleedlng.~' Perry . corrobonl:ted tlle contessloa 8tirl!pg wall not ID tbe state wbere of every detall. Stirling ,denied It until had fled, IUld .an that the profesllors the crIme was commItted. Hence legal tbe . last but weakened withIn the and IItudents bad left to them wall the tormal.ltles were ~ necessary" before be abadow of the scaffold. All , three wera lDewor)' ,of lt~)' Wilson :WWte"liI grllcOllld be taken to Philadelphia. Don· tried, convloted and hanged. cl.ous \1(0. ' . Tho_ shooklng naturE) of the', orlme aghy '. made an attempt to break the Their arrest and conviction was a soomB tc have a.roused the author- the foundation on whloh they would and 'Jneducated; 4lnd that ' the mOl{V~ confused? Would the crowd puzzle I."ecord In tbe mattor of ' reQulsltlons. bIg a~compllsbment. Mos~ poople g.).,e was money. How near he was correct llimf H~ took a specl~1 traIn t9 Harrisburg, the credIt tQ Jamell Y. Dona,hy. H, Itil'S Inlc Instant nnd unlv er~ activo' build theIr case. He hastoned back to the city hall. 8h~ preftentfy be Be.en. ' "Ralph:; Bald DonaghY;1"point out went .'to th.e ellOecutlve, mansion and smiles. shakes bls head and BaYs it tty. ' Superintendent of Police Quirk Tbe murder ocourred OIl Saturday the man who spoke to ·you on Thfrty· roused Gov. StQne from a sound sleep was simply good "team work" on the RUII Chief of DetectJ vos MlIIor !laid It Tb e doors of the little private office In order ' to get his slj;nature on tile Dart of the police, . conf\ullnUon to detor mlno wllat sbouHi were IJl0sed, and for a long while Don· night. Between that time and, Sun. second street last night." The boy looked orar ' the row of pllpors·. ,F rom Harrisburg he ba& .. ' be dom)' WbJlEi they weto talking agby. McKe nty and QuIrk bad their day . morning' the ' 30 detec.t lves and. 'North C'arollna's Preolous Gema, J ames A, Donagb,., 11 meml.oer of the heads togeth6~. " As u r esplt. of ibelr 2;000 polioemen-liud Donughy-had negroes fearlessly, H.a glance IIgbte4 tened baok to TreJrtoll, only, to find detel,:tlve sta!!, pa88ed the open door deliberations n most slnSIII:.r order was been Industrious. As the church bells on one and , then anoth'er. Everybody tbat some over-wlllins lawyer had ,'11he state o[ North Oarollnll III .one of the outer .offioo. QlllrJE. 08p'IOO him. telegraphed to every' police ' station .In ·w&re calling tbe people to worship the In the room. felt tho strain. Jlo was Illed an ' (jbj~cUon 'to the removal , of of tho most notable In <the uololl ' for Lhe city ot Pltlla(le!lllJlll.. omcers began to brlog Itl calored /llIen.t-sllent' for what' seemed to be ~he prLsoner. Althougb trivial, It took !.bo production of gemo: partleularl)' '''Hollo, Jim." be Oded , ' . .' It was to 'arrest evory colored man men troni aJl Ila~ts of the' o:lly. Tbey 1I1an,. minutes, bl!t whut, In .reallty, several honn! to, OV~I'COnie. But In dlamonda, emeralds, ' rubles, aquama. It h nd beim ·ralllJ ~g "'cats !lnd !logs" an tho .lliternoon. 1Jonagby entered found iu or near any 'railroad staUon) came frolT,l north and south, [rom enat was only seconds. Presently he went IIplto , of all tbe obstacles, Donai;by rines, beryla,. lildd~nlte, rhrdoute,-amo. I,ho oRlce wuter-soaked 'l'Om ltcn.d to fen:)' bOll se or f.r elght yarq within the and "est, They camo , Singly, they over ,.al}d touched ' a burly Degro on complied with all tLe' formalities an,l thysts and remarkable rock cr)'sllilll. city Iimltll. It was the biggest drag· came Ie pairs, Illey came In squRds, the IIhoulder. ha4 hili prisoner In ,the PWllldelphla These gews bave been (onnd malal, t'Oo~ "That's the man." ''What's Ute matter wltb YOllr' saId net ver spread by the department, and when the ohlef tlnally counted his cI~ bllll In Just a3 :'ours. In tho course of mln11lg operations 'The tellow indicated gave a shudder , Tbree prl80ne.ra W'3re now In CUB- al~hough a rew , syatemaUo searcb~ Donaghy. I.n the lnElo.ntlme, contln~ed prlsonerll he found that h,e had :1.35 ~lll e r . "YOII Oll&ht . to kuo,,":," was the reo his Investigations neal' the Bcene of oolored men~a.1I suspected or tlte mur· and rolled his e),es. ', AU of 1he dthcra todY. Couid they bll proven guilty? Cor them have been made and two . der o[ PrOf. White. Wbat If they we", In the' Une b'e aved a sigh of 'ellef. The Two were silent. BUrling lpudly pro- oompanles are now enpged ei:cluat.,. JolJldcr. "You lIoill mo ddwll to tho ~lIl'der., Several ' oouelus{ons wete forced all minnows, and the big fish had ma.rked man bt3ian to protellt. lIi f'd'ia to get n vioJqlOckaL" t8llted bls Innocence. He, said that If Iy III such work. . he were free he comd prove an allbL - - -_ _ __ .. 'Deed, I aIn't dune ntftbln'," upon hlul. One WM that tbe mw-d!)r. Slipped tprough the net? ' "Old YOII get him?" \ "Sure:' WM the I'ejolnder, "and got was ,c ommuted for mouey and th~t tbe ' Woma~ Sellool 8upl!rlntendlnt. "1'm free," rejoined Donqh1, "and Ralph Hartman, the youth, was on "Who, said ,60 did anythtDg?" aaked 1I0llRed In the bargaIn." Mfa, Allee B. Olark of Garfteld , If' you'll give me the namea of:rour mlirderers were Btarlled and ran away b~nd to assist 10 tb, Ide.ntlDcatiOll. tbe' detective sbal'pl),. "\voll," IIIlJd MlIIt'r. "wo've got before bey lIecurlid all or thelr booty. He :wallo a separate room anll did The man proved to be Henry IvQI')', wltnellsll8, I'll ,work ' It out for:roo. U COODt7. OallforDla, baa jlJllt recelYIIIA _metlJlng bIgger than a ltlckpooket to The footprints 'n the Boft elay- not . see the prlsonerll aa they W01'8 !te bad been arreatltd at dayllsht oa It's any- good, 111 be tile flrat to ad· the Indortj~mellt or tho normal tnlU, 100k fter now; llIIten." ' lal'g~, clumsy, heavy·lookrng footprints brou,ht In the olty ball. Tbe au.. the raUroall Dear Oermanto1t'Jl Juno, mit It." ,-tnte for the omes of ,state laperlntenf. 1)0n~bJ listened. And tho more be "':-Indlcated that.. more than OD8 man ·tbnrtUea . w...·re 'keyeel up a ' high lion, He aU,hJeoted to a leV8re . Th8 D8IJ'O IlDalJ1 MId that a Cl8J'Io ellt of public tnltrnctlon. abe I, DO" ,hl'arc! Die mort! abllorbed. be beCame, bad Hed acrOBS the road leadlng to plt.ell. EVe1')'tblag OD the Cl'OIHumlDatioD, and ' Ilnal.,. admIt- tala 1ad7 of oolor. D&Dled ))0117 Grar., herlecond term .. f t. . . II fl' I-gol nil abont hi. wet. oIothlJ8. t.he rjlllrOad tracke. The dreadful e~peorJm8Dt th81 make, near the lived III . or Inbool" for Gdeltl OD~~ · " ,(II.,ot ~rJtJ!ln~ hut. ~ delltl'6!1 to ner In whicb they bad blutl~ the If It faUed they . . . lii~t~PJ4 ... b1 lb. IIIlIt'ma: Iha. I . ( track of tb~ matt or OMII IIa4f pl'OYfd t.bal tbe, bntes , and the ends of fllllUce dCf~~~tol1, ,l "~'IdI" tG,.JI.Iita!~ alulpm ~D. '
who had so rO\ll1 y murdored an tnolTt' t: stve gentleman. Whit e they Inlkt'd a aewcom r Joln.od tilC gro,up, I t was IWbert J, McK,enty, another m mber of the detective Sla!!, l' Clerwarde marked out to bl' a member. of tbe mayor's eablnet. Donaghy, as a res ult of the confer· ence, tmm ediately started for , the Beene of the murder. It has Blnce been said that the « Iblte trage,(1y was "bls case." He ' protests agalust tbls 'dlstlnction, "U was a caee ot team Tt." work," he eaya, i "'l:b1rty detectives ami over 3,000 pollcemen were en· gaged on the WI'Jto case, and they made good." At any rate, Dona.ghy mMo good boca lls,," less than an hour On the nlg1\t of May UI, 1901), Prot. had elapsed before he 11'11.1 In COn verRoy Wilson W1l1te, a follow of the law sntion with a youth' named Ralph tlhoo l or t1Ie Unlverslt;r of Pennsyl· Hu.~tman, who testified that he bad \lMIII, and 8 lecturer on Roman law ~en two colored Olen near the scene II.t the (amous seat or learning, wa.. of the murder abortiy after ten o'clock, and had talked to one of them. Best \[J7sterlously ant brotally murdered. Prof. White, n1tbougb a man of Illss of nil, young HartmnJl, who had Intel· tba.ll 30 yeare of age, had already' won IIgence b e ~' ond his yeara, was a.ble to an loternaUonld reputation In bis s p&- glvo a v!vld description of the two He WOll mell. Bartmau was employed as a clal branch of studr. Quiet. and unaaaumln{; hi manner, and messeagsr In the Powelton Avenue enjoyed the ceputatlon of being the station of tbe Penl18ylvanla railroad, most popular Instructor · at the , unl· and lmew every Coot of the ground In ' "erelly. So, tnr as known be dJd aot that neighborhood. Donaghy felt In· have an enemy In the world, and tbe st!nctively that the knowled ''v pos· nev.'a or hla. murder came as a ,terriblOr"Sed by this boy would prove to be aboc.k, nilt on., to bls family and . fl'lends. ,but aillo to the tbousunds 01 students Wtth whom be had come Intu ' personal cont..« during tile period of (C()pyrt,;ht. L<QI, _,. W .
(Un pl. J ,lmea 'L llo n nghv, ~I ee or the " Olectlvo bur eau of P hilade lphia. 18 a tine t y po of tho lovel-hon dcd Inv 08 Uglll o", or crlmo of tho oreeenl dl\.Y. Uo 1180S , b eon (11 the d~pl\rl lllenl (or 311 yOtlC8; ha nover W'Ore a Illegullle or any kInd In hi.. life; heo knOW8 . ovory rulo ot tho pmo. a nd baa oocupled oyery separate " ""ll.loo 10 the een 'lcc £fom th a t or ,BUb· p ollrQtnlln up t o Ihe r l!f!poftslblo IIOt!t whlo\l h o no .. ft.1t.I with signal 8UCCClPI. Ko "'lUI lho conspi cuoU8 f11:'1ft'O In t ho f arn ous Whi le murder caae nlHtough he modes.tly dle0lalm8 tile t't'OlSlt, saying that tho g10ry betOllga to the entlra 001100 Corco of 1110 Qu aker CUI', aLury, outeldo of Ita OW1I Intcreal. I. ImpDI'la nt ILS .. Wr il lustration or the uoraman tlc and bUl l1Ic-",,11I,0 nlolhorle riow gooorllUy uaM In tho d otecUon Or criminals in tbo la rge d Uos of t1l6 U nltod StAtal.,
Capt. ' Donaghy Given Credit for BusinessLike Solution of Tangle Which COnvicted and Hanged ~ee Men-Legal Formalities .Overcome.
THE VARIOUS ,METHODS ~ OF LXTRACTING BEESWAX Toaether with Suggestions {or Making an EC'fldent Extractor -Contrived bY' F. C. Allord. , la "low of tbe Intre~slng Interes t III 1Illicullure III Colorado and tbe lack 01 definite Ilitormalion on lIle ' subject ot tb e crtract:on o~ beeswax. an im· portant product ot Ule IDd ustry. F. C. Altord of Ibe Colorado sUllion, hr3 made ~ s tuc1y at 'the relative effici ency ot dllle rcnl metbods ot e xtractlou now 6D use. He 'eXIJerl'monled with 80 lnr extractors. tbose us lllg steam, nnd tho He usIng pressure und er water beat· ed suOlcloD'lIy to mell tbe wax. In tbe latter met bod be us d water alone and water cOllLaJnlng sulphuric acId', 'I'he solnr extrnctor used by Mr. AI· 'ol'd was sllnlile In cons tr uction lind QIln be made by anyolle who Is hnndy with tools, ' 11 cons ists ot a woode n box (bo ut SO Inches 101lg, 16 Inches broac!, and G Inches d ep. This box Is lin e d willi till, and !lenr all. e nd a wl re-':Joth 'Jcreen to allow tbe melL· ed wax to I'UII down Into a pnu nt the lower end of tb e box, The wuste "''Ilx IWd brood o.)mb were placed In tbe- 'up· per rarL or the box, wblcb ' was l et at an Ilngle loward llle SUD and covered .itb glass, prererallly double, Tbe size or the Bolar extraclo r wlll be deler. mIned by the amounl of wax to be ex· trncted. It desIred, a 1nl1111 ' may be !Usod LO Curnlsb additional beat. A bole .bould lie Cllt In tbe bOltom ot the ,box.
Sulphuric Acid and Pre88ure Undel Watcr,-Jl was Lbougbt tbat tb e addl lion at acid to the water In Lhe experl II1 t!Ut might Inc renke the efficiency 01 the methOd, Tbe comb Vias beated In a porcela.1n·lIned tub willi a solu/ Ion ,ut Hva pe r cent. comme rcIal lIulplll1rlr acid. Whe n the wax ' bad m e lled II was poured loto Ihe sa.c k 10 tbe pr esF nod pressure npplled Quickly In ordel ' not to have tbe acid In GOl1laet with tbe metal any longer Lllan 0 ecessary, "Ie wax and water were jrawn of! boiling wate r added, t1u; s lum gu rn, s tlrl'ed, and , PI' ssure D.ppllad again Thle wilte r was drawn olT nOli PUI wltb Lbe rest. As tbls was in exper! ment to de t ermine the efficl e llr,y ot tb. press, a tin can wus u ~e d, bUI III prac tical work It wOllld be nec ~Rsnry to have everyt hing a cid IHoof, 'ns bOI acid, e ven wh en dllul e d. 'Is ve.., de strucUve to mos t substancus rb r can could be made ot woo,1 or por cll1ln·llued ware. This metbod was easy tt mnnlpu Inte and rnpld ' and was Ihe ~O!it em clent of all, tbe metbods lIseG Tbe WIll:. obtllined wltb th e .5l"am ex traclors " did not bllve a gOlld collr, and would bave hau tu be refined be:o re 11 could be used, Tbe wax from tbe SOl!!' extractors was always a better color
Interior of t-ial'aen·. Extracting tlou •••
The &fr«ng<!mont at Ihe extrActing-room the cloth with a heavy oord. TI,. bon Iho__'" In th cnlrrllvlng II the mOllt I.tlll· ey Is skimmed. and then atrlllne4 Int< fOlltot)' Iha l I ho yc ,n"" useU, wrl",. thlt elllractor<an: After the bubbl.,. 01 041'1 H, Hrt neell, at Mad'lon, 'Vllconsln. Air haye risen to tho lurface we run I'he e"t::aclOr II mora Itab:" than 1 havlt the honey dlroolly IntQ pint, mllSon Jars. b~en abl,' 10, have It when placed' on a nnd IInally put on the Illbeis. We do nOI box, furthermore, I nlld II euler to lurn hpllt the honay. lUI our trade doe. nol the mRchine when It III low down, The dt-malld It. In faot. many 'preter It In 'th. position at th~ honry-pall Is a dlendvan- eandled Btllte. Th .. edll',r ot Bee CultUi tllce, but It no,,' 80\190n'S crop . wllrrantll IUlnreats that one better Ilfl'ord to cut. tl10 e):I'CnBe I .hall arurngo to have the 110lli In the noor In which to pUI ~he pall, honey r.onveyed through a pipe directly lind, whon the extracting ~ellSon Is over to vat.' In the ' ce\lnr. The ""trnctor 18 c.over It with a, A beller ar· "tared at th() 'edge ot the trup·door open· , ranaement, ns 8uggested. III to run a tit Ing into the erllor. The hOlloy. ulter , be- I pipe to convey the honey to a tank or Ing drown, I;', rll'1ptlcd Into Inrge Dart hen- a lowet: level, The trouble " 'lib runnln. vare Jors Il l' Into Lin pal la, The ex trnct· the honey dlrel·t Into a ,pa,1 I, thlit onf ~n COIl'1I,loled. we wash th e exLracto',', Ie IlIloly to target and let the honey rll~ pl!CO 0 lorge! pl"re ot ohees('-cloth ovur o\'er and ""aste, Eln~ugh I,a I.ost In thl. lho to~ at tbe extractor·elln, and to'lton ""..,. , to p~y tor a tin pipe In a ahorL tim.... that Ih e beal of tbe l,al'l1P ' ' ,,\,111 strike tb e' lIn lIulng under tt <3 wire sorr en. The lamp should bt' protect. ed troln th wiild. ' Tbe \lse Qf a lamp ' Incre:lse,l'the e ffi ciency ot tbe ,extract· or auoul' one \Je r cen~ ,A ' like .. Increase was oblal ned by 1!0al[lng ' Ihe com b In Wl1l'er for n .veral days ~efore ext mction-II practice followed by some b_e kC'9pers, SoakIng the c,o mb for Ibree days i,n n, five ~er cent. solu· tion or 6111' hllrlc ac!d IIlI;rensed , tbe yie ld ot ,wax ,aboui five I~er cent.. ,' '\'hrt' ' ld /lc\s of team Oxl ractors were tesl din ' tbese eX,llerlments. "I'IlSI ~ wc ,' also \IIade of llreslIlIre u~· ~er wnt er wi th unci wilbout addition of 6v. per /!cnl. ,ot ,sulphur)c acid. pressi ng Under W ater.- The comb, I Lb wltb 80mo wat!!I'. waa pul n a u on the Bl,ove and Ib~ wax allowed ~o melt, l·ul upt to boll. A can , waa IJlaCed under a \lI ~811 and a sll\tled rol· fower placed 10 the boltom of tbl' can. Above t blll 'wall placed a burial" bag a nd thE! hoL wllt"I, melted wall, alld I th b lb comb were poureJ nto e ag, e tQP ot lie bag tolt ,ed over. a slatted follower plaoell 00 ' ,t op and pressure appUed by mtlans Clf ,. acrew. Att,,~ 1001a or I hll wax bad been ,forced alit. the WDwr 'anel wax wero drawn olt the IlI'essure rell uved. tbe "slum gum" .tlned. bot water a~dedl al!d preSBure ' appll~d ag8ln. Tlte call. wblch Ots !Unde~ tbe proaa, hlUl tWIl boles whlc~ lire lItol'l'ed I)y cnrkB, ODe I. at tho ~t'Oll aIld t-,e ulher nel,!" the top. 137, vu , r h h Ie ()uWU tb. cork out ,o t e UpptJ1' 0 the wO. wh.\ch baa ri.en to, Ule top. IItl
can be dian olf. ani ~J
tban th~ fronl the steam ' extractors Tbe WIIX formed by Ilress ure under W& ter was nearly as good 10 color UI the wal trom ,I he Bolar ex tractors, Wax from ol d brood comb Is ttlO dar'k to be used tor com b foundatiOn 80 tbat some sat'lsfnctory method oj bleacblng must be e mployed. Varioul ,methods of blea ching wli. e ' t heretoN! tried. but ', most them eltber d& stroyeo tbe Willi or ~;ere In, themselve. poIsonous. As a 'result these experiments, and' tram his 'experl'e nce In bandllne bees and rendering wa". Mr. AI.(ord eat' presses tbe follOwing opinion: "It 'Is best tor tbe ave~ag:e ' bee keep aT to . bave a large solar wax. extractor. hl'ated by Borne artificial beM, by meanll ot wblcb most of tho wax 10 tbe ' lighter colored combs. capplDgs. and burr combs ,may be easily reno dered: The dark combs may' also b& treated In this' manner"and the alum. gum stored 1;1 ' barrels until' the bee keeper haa time to trellt ' lt. with dilute I b rI acid and p~s tloAe" "'ater su puc , v a " ., " Tbls ,met.hod Is Quick and eMclent. ' II the wax be rel1ned It ,can be done by heating; wblle Inclosed III a canton Dannel lack; with • 80lutlOll contain. Ing aYe per ...t. Qf bydrogen pero&' Ide and two to Ove per cent. at 81l1ph\lrlc acid. Botb ot thele chemical. can be. bought at tile ordlll.ary dmll store. The eozamoll IdDd. commercl&l; Ihould be used. , "In mlxln, ' the acid and UIe, ca'r e should' be .taken toO alw.,. the acId ~lItl' lato the .at~ the water tDlo lh. aaIcL
'-TIle '_~
belo:~al;;~l~~:, ~,Ul~;e'~W;WI':;Tl;~a~.t:;; dae
.~ ClIO.......
All etrength of Ma ~ Could , Lift Mountain.,
Ilnall Wondcr That the Little Molner Was Really Alarme d.
and ,
WlleJi Ii. man goes In 'lwl'tnmlng at the se8.llbOfe and alap/! the water forcibly with hIa hand, or takes • bnek dl\'e from a pier And lnndll " )11 lire I)' 01) bls back. be realizes that tbe unstable liquId otlen DOt a IIttll! realslUDce. Yet It would Burprt BI! al. moat anybody to lICe what water will rio under certa.ln condltlunll, ' A, s'~eam trom a Ilrelf!an's boae will knock a man down. Tb e jet from B Do ~zlo used In ' placer mlnlug In the west ents awtay Go large piece ot land In a ' dl~, toyS with great bowlders WI It lhey ",ere pebbles, nod would sboot ~ man over the country as tbougb he "',-,re a projectile from a caunon. 'rh 're Is a story of an ellstern black, .mlth wllo went west QJld made a bel ' 111\\ be cOllld knock a. bole tbrou~b Lilli jet of one of thess nozzles wltb II 'I edge bawmor.. He IItted his arms, .",·ung tbe sledge, nnd came down 01' he ten·loch atrp.1\DI wltb a torce tbal Vlollid bave den t'ed an anvil . But lbf Jet, geve r penelrate ". whi sked th o l1Iasslve lI ammer OUt of the black ilOIllb 's bands and tossed It several hundred feet away Into lhe debris 01 '~old · b e arlug gravel be ne atb a crum hllng clllt. Arler tbls the blacksmltb lett out Iron , wheD he s poke ot hard ~II bstauces, Tbl}re Is alllO a power plant DelU Durnngo. c.ol.. wb"'re a United Stntlll' cl!.vali'yman one day tbougbt be bnd nn ensy job In cuttlng n two· uub amam with bl' sword, He mad!! a valiant aLlack. The reBult was that bls sword was sblvered In two and his WTlst brokeo. A little tllinoer j ~t of water descend. Ing 1,600 feet to & mnnufactory al Grenoble, Spain, and traveling a.t tbe modl'rate Iipeed of 100 xnrdJI & '\lcond. !racturea the best bladea ot Toletlo. at couMle some people will not belIe"e Bucb Dtorles wltbout ba.v1ng aelln tbe tblng, lind On e r:,nay Ihluk , ~t a proot ot \bct scJentlflc Imag l"Il~loo to say lhat an Incb·tblck s heet of water, provided It bad suffiCient velocity, would ward u,ff bombshell. as well as l plate, , Nevertbele8l. many persons. while trave ling, bave aeen a brakeman put 11 amnII bydraullc jack. ullder one end of a car And 11ft 20 tons or so 'by 8 fe w leis ure ly stroke. at the pump ban· dle; and tbe e,xp ert~nce of riding ever~ day In a bydraUlic elevator ,t ends to remove donbts of tbe meglc llower possessed by water Wtcbed to a ,mil' cblne. SqulrrelB Eat L1mburg,,~ Chuse. Tbe wis~st 'pillr of sqllirrels know!! In Connect-lcllt are two "eds on the rarm of Jobn Oels cblegel, near WlD, Bted. Rec en tly he found and conll". cated their hoard ot cbesll"]t. In a bol. low tree close by bls bedroom wiD' dow. and while sleeping by the open WindOW be wa. atruck wltb a ' green chestnut burr 00 bls bald bead. Looking up Into tb ~ tree be saw tbe two red squirrels gnawing cbestouts aut 01 burrs. The bunting season bot being open, he dldn't dare sboot them. nnd after be had take n out all' tbtl Rrlckly burr out of hlB lICulp be wenl to sleep aga.1I\. ' Next Oelscblegel was awak ened bJ , suffocating cdor apd saw the two red iq ulrrels eatl .. , IImburge r cbeese 011 !he same 11mb. Partlclea of the 11m burger. whlcb was aa !10ft as putly, had dropped on th e sill of bls' bed l'oom willdow. . He keeps bls Um' burger In a tin pall bunging 00 II 11mb ot tbe t'1;!e and tbe squllTcls bad fourd It.-Cbicago Inter Ocean.
BREAD. 8ul d: "J do
tl o.a
nOl care
, ho m"k ~a tile nlltlon·. IIlWB, :1 do no t co.rc a rllP tor th m, And woUld you know tb. cnusc?
More ptop~'rl y the tam. belongs To him who mak es tI .. n tl on's BongS." Now, this I'emark a boul the sonss
cou rse,
A nd I nrn ton'd at . Inglntt 0(\
I sins- until l'm hoarse.
LIttle Mary was really very III, !.I olhe r auld she was tlure It Wl18 an Btl ack of np')lcndlcIUs . but GrandmB W~ el)ulllly s lIre tbe 11lUe one v.'1lIJ lbr nt u d with convulsloos. Th arg um ut wa.led wnrm In Mary's presence, nnd appropriate remodies W I'e uBed. aud tbo II~Xt dl1Y s ilo was be tt e r, _ Coming Inlo ber mother's room dul'lo g b r play sbe stUd : ";\10 00013, tWO ot my doll1ee are very Sick this morni ng:' " Intleed , dear, I (lID very s orry . W)lat Is th e mattor wltb th em ?" "We ll I don't re ally know. mamma, bu t I th ink Gwendolyn bas 'u pl ot o'spld ers' and Marguerite Is gOing to b ave ' nvulslolls,'''
But why t s prn! s ne"' r aunt;" or JJllld . ro he r w ho mtlk cH Un,: nOllun's breDd'
"OOOdness, , SOUDi. 19hat.'. \be trouble1" "Nawtbln'. I jnst wnnted sce U I hOod Clirsottou how to Clry-beo-hool~
Rug I ndulltty' Hal Suffered. P e rsla'R rug Indus t ry bas Buffered mate rially a9 B resllit ot tho clos101 o rtbo bazars at Tnbrlz and other POl' sino clLles. The d llllcult1es of traD& porLallon 00 tbo blghways or Pe rals I1l1d the lesseilod America n demand for luxu ri es have contributed In no small meas ure 10 lhe depresscd COIldillon or lho Pers16n rug trade. Prlcal bave fallon ree nlly by one-third nod ru g exports have [allen olf by 00& hai r. Luhor tbere now comtnandr only b()tween five and 'eo cen\.S • day.
INTOLERABLE ITCHING. Fearful Ecz:ema All Over Baby'. Face -Profe".lonal Treatment Failed,
Por elngln ~'s not eK""n llnl ; 80ng. We nil coulll do ,,!thoul; And lows nrc worso th un uselM8 Sometlm S, II yond n doubl. n ut IIfler a ll Is dOli ,u,d 811 1<1: How 'oulll Ihe worlJ Illspc;nse
A Pertect Cure by Cutlcura_
"Wh en my IIltl t! girl was s ix months old I nolic d .slllall red spots on ber right cbeek, 'fht!y grew so large Ihat About Right. Il l ne (8 to,' h~r w ho m nl'es th bN!a.d. I sent fur tho doclo r bllt. In stead at Brlgg&-What makes you l hlnlil 1'\1 eo \'e my prnl t ll r mothe r. ht'Jplng tbe erulJilon , hla olntlllent LaW8 cllIlnge. IIIllJ lo ve dies with tb~ I'eeme d to mn~ e It worso, Tb en I Poterby gets $!i,aoo 8 ycsr! Gri ggs-Well. he told me be got lowr. went to a secClhel doctor who said It $20,OOO.- Ncw York Hel'ald.. Bllt brend Is 'king the \\'I(le world oveor. was eczema, H also gave Ole an oint· ONE "UROMO, QtJ1,NlNE" . m"nt whlcb did not help 'pllber. 'tbe J'Mt ONt,'" Hel ps In Cake·Maklng. I. I.A X.A~'lVIJ 1I1l\)MO OUlNINK, .....,. . . A New Eng land hOll SE'keellt'r tell ! disease spread all over race and the (l!ocn,lLliro of JI). W. UIIVVIi:. \l ..... Uoo VI.~ :I:k.. how abe always mnnages to have th ~ tbe eyes began to swell. Tbe \tchlng O"cr ,"0 Vuro 1l 0044 lD Uno ri gh t amount or Hour In b er cake grew Inlolerable and It was a terrible He Isn't mucb of a bilker wJto eau. liThe 1\' SY to tell Is to SlOp wben th f sight 10 see, I consulte d doctors for IllI the brend be ltuen.ds. mixture will run from the end of th ( months, but Ih ey we re unllblt> to cure siloo n nnd form a ribbon back aotl tbe bnby. I pllid out trom $20 to $30 rortb. U It ruu s In a bol a It Is too wltbout relief. Ooe evenIng I bega D thin; If It drops In pieces It Is too to use tb e Clltlcura Remedies. The thick. '1'1110 It, If necessary, wltb cClld next mornIng the bnby's tace wae all water, but ndd the Hour 80 s lowly Ulal wblt~ In strad ot rod. t continued unUI tbe eczema Ilntlrely dl sapPl'llred. Mrs. no Ulloolng will be o eeded, " Ovens s be.uld, tor cUp cakes or any P. E. Oumbln . Sbeldon, la" July 13:08," ordinary loeif cake, be Quite hot. nud Pot1m' DI'1lII '" Cbcm. Oorp., 80/0 ProP ... .Ilo1\.OA. tAke extrem,e care 1[1 opening tbe oven , HORRORSI door, This Is the most (reQuen t cauue of cakes "(ulllng," Too HUla flour Is also a caus'e. When a cake Is done, do oat cov(!r It ; this makes the tall spo n'gil Instead ot the t en der crus t wblcb will for m It lert to the air, Beat batter well, and wltb a blg h IIrtlng ot tll e s poon. tha t Lbe air mal' be drIven Into the cake.
let th<> nl mnl' the InW9 und sons". \Vllh crowns, the \'\clilra smother ;
Bolting Egg,. Careful bouse lleeper9 who want everybody's eggs to be tolled as they like tb em, and want Ihem served but, and are ·wllllng to take pains. use /I . c,hallng dIsh al tbe b'r eaktast table. aod put ,t hl! eggs In to cook accordltl g as dllfe rein members ot tbe family come Into brealtrast. Some like tbem cooll ed four minut es', other :09S, and tor eneh "notion" the watchful motb· er bas r espect. Because eggs, bot anrt lIalatBbJe, are nourleblng and we ll worth n bit: of extrn trouble. Too otten cook pre p, res the m all at once, to sui I be l' convelllence, nIl d woe betide thl' h.~ klesB straggler who Is late for br~nkflist! He lUust eat cold, over, don e eggs or , go hungry. And with cblldren tbe latte r alternative Is tb ... common one. So a little Indulge ll1 "coddllng" In this respeCl Is woll worth motber's ",1.Be,
-' -
I clear ~f
"Don't Cllr· than you'r. '
They &1110 relle" m.. t.I-eaa tram DysPCPII... J11" Hla Absent · Mlnded View. nlgt)lLlon .. nil TooBIllIl'\l 'I'be y we re engaged In purchasing Baltnl\" Ii. perfco. ~_ 8hoes tor tbe cblldren. Tb e husband , ed:r 101' Dl.uloeu, N ..... was 11 former ten aber. but Uip wife Drawsln""", D ..~ In Ibe Houtb. 00&_ was a very , IDlelllgcnt aad prnctlclll cd 1'oujf\le. PaiD In , ... person, rolate ~ the bh:ago News, ='='---='-:-~-::-' B Id e. 'l'ORPID L1 VEl\, "For scbool purpo se .. I don ·t · want TIIe1 reguI.~ \he Bowels. l'1l~I:r V"I1I"'ble. and dull kids for tlley roughen 1111 80 easily," said tbe wife to lbe ~ nles· SMALL PILl. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIC~. wODlnn. addlog: "Wbat 40 you tblnk Gnnuil'e Must Bear o r It, dear?" F..·Simil, . "We ll." be said nbse nt·mlnde dly. "I bave known a gond many dull klthl at 8chool, but I ne ver rf' ,;nrded them ae noy rough er than other cblldrell." REFUSE SUBSTITUTEs..
"liS CA
high, "' a high up you cnn. You'ro gullly of tbe tll ln ~ 80
wIU ."... Iy
the ... nOt ' of
toOl I)Ie.kly derinJlo th t wtiole .)·II'l.c1U whoo l nLcrtng u. throUJtb tJl C IOUDOU, lur fAtl'&. f;ucb !U'tlr.l~ IhpulJ n~v'n bo UIP'd e.x .."t'pt on prescrJp-o UO ,. fl'01I1 phyalrlfo••'a. lUI th e damrutt. .he, wUJ tlo Itt teo 1~ltI to tho Kuod l'r,., ..'" P OMlbh' dt"fe from them . Hall'. Calnrr h ~U"' . nl4l1ufQ,4.' tul'td by F, J , Cbeney ,. Co" 1'01000, 0" eon"'I~. no In_," eul'!'. and ' Is taten 1I.lernally...tlno ol .....lIr \lJ1CD U,C blOo4 anti muooUl 8ur(~C!I 0 ' 1hp "},Ktenl. la buylfl, ' HAil'. catarrh ( j'ur" be l ure ) '011 'In\. tilt iJenutne. It til Lakt!n In~ .. l!y anll mn,1 In TOledo. Ohio, by F . J , Cheney k ('_.. 't.. l1mOnl 18 Irl'Cl. 15014.1 by Dru~"l&. rrill', 760, P4'r holt"W..
rn..a 1ia.U'.
J'oJIDUy PU1, tor CUliJttPAtlOU.
Inedible Chicken, trlc~ we ca ll "It doesn't :;tay to raise cblckens III The load of 'Lazy Mlln, 1\ amall way," J'lnld a suburbanite, "tal tbe reasoo thllt )'OU can ooly eat tlll? ·'For 'Lazy Ptfan' alwaY 15 londe up agllB. never tile , chickens themselVes." With eve r)' thln g III once, "But why can't you eat the cblck When geWng wood. he pllea the ellck. ~n9?! ' InquIred tbe man's partner. Up 10 hl.B chin-the dun ee! "Could you eat your canary or YOIU Jog? No. An d tor m\lct: tbe same' res· ~For then, of 'courae, he dropa ~on you can't eat your cblck,ens. For chun~i 8 . And s l rews tile noor with Cllipa. I) e y are p ~ ts. os dogs or canaries are, 1'00 often therc's profanity You have ralselj them, al\d tbey have Upon hili IQ ~ y lips," learnt to know you, they bave namet< lbat lhe'y onllwer to, they follow YOIl So. when I ' tl)-It e too mu ch at ~nce. about ' tbe yurd-In a word. they like For "ere I Bee th,! ·1.o.zy Man, My Mn ~aYII: , " Irnr the rOlldl you, and yoU like th em." ' With Illat snlllo lozy lond." He ,shudde red. "i rememb er wben we kill ed ' anrt Mea~ en Casserole, stewod Mary Jane. Sbe bad' stoppe(. A casserole Is a small bal[lng dish. laying; she was long past tbat slage: tlgMly sealt?d. the principal ufte 01 ~o we murderod bel' and trI ed to eat wblch Is ' ln the prepaJ;atlon of I1rtlcles her. But we tailed, Wo felt IIk t' which rElqulre n long time , or illow cann nials, I1ke gbouls, wben Mar)' , cooking . . To Intensify tb e natural Jo ne's mangled remslns were sel flavor. the meat Is orten , browned 10 smoking' before UB. Sat? Wby. th(l fat before puttIng Ih lhe casse,r ole, very memory half sickens me now." Select chops. or pieces of s t eak CUI tbe rlgb1t size tor Indlvillual serving Add a pint of water which has betlll Losl'lg t\le Uae of One's Legs. A Ft-eocb journ!!1 gloomily prognoB- warmed In tbe fr ying , pan to get ~bl' 1-1(:l\te fl tbat we s hall have lost Ih e use lIavol' of tbe meat, Meanwhile prepare small onions. potatoes, earrot~ ot our legs In a tene~a~lun or two. 1'h t! tende.ncy of I be age Is ,to Inveo,t . (as m an y as will be re quired to means by ' ~hlcb human belnga , UTO Berve). I1THI parl)oll, About 20 min, t'onveyed trom place to pla,~e 118 quick, utes beft)re dinner. add tbe vegetables to tho 'casBerol e .. senson well. put In Iy and ch~ply as poluilble. People ' certaInly walk le8s tban b'alt a c up of s herry or tom~to, It pre, tbey dld .25 yeal's ' ago; 'tbey wlll walk terr-ed. lind r eturT) to the oveo. Some less In ' 1\0 ,ye~rs' tim!!. ,Wb!!n ~ ceq· add II all!!;ht tblckeulng ot flour and tury bns passed, perhaps. RS our water, , Mushrooms, too. are always s Frencb contemporary suggests. we , pleasartl. addition to any meat cooketi ' " ball 'altogether have forgott n bow en C8 MlI'fole. , to walk, 'aod our descelldantB wlll ,bop "Bogey" ,81gnl, like birds wber they are 00 the lev'!l, TW'J rork1.' accidentally l"Oioo4 at a 'and fly wb~nev er they get the chanco.' But what. will become at tbeJr IIv"rs~ pla~e Il ' a sign of dlsappolbtment; two ,\nd' how are tlie poor tblngs ever to knlveJ. ',!f • quarrel; two spoons. of • . ' ~ tbe 4ehgbla ot lootIDi' at the 'weddlnl!i· It your ,apron becomes untied. It II .Iioptl '-LIldr'1l Plfitorl&l,.. a IIJ'Il tllt~t lomebody Is ,speaking good of you; It accidentally put ~t OD wron II HI. Tim. EJlplalned., aide (lull. the goSI'p 1* III. "I thlD~ I'll BO out tor a c1r'.ak .tta TI) the, te~kettle on the ato,. the ~il act." the back .. • "Bubby., 'Qu'd luto. JOU s.,o .. pi I1lte of compan,. tor a ,.r;"';
"but ' '8',O'i':~·I"IIII!tI..
L.. _ __
·~llIr. ,~ ~AU.i~
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury,
LAZY MAN'S LOAD, LWAY8 wb~n Ihlngs From ott. Illble, Mother 8~y8: l'Y, (lear, More dlahes Ilblo,
"~ Dt'S the troubl e. 7Jllmbo?" "I thougbt It was mlsoJlooaries, but I('s a lond of Altruists." .
//~ .
In Use. For OVOI' :10 Years.
' . ,The l{ lneJ You Hnvo Alw:l YS Bought.
Troubled rven 10 Death. "How Is tb'ls ? I thou >; ht you dll· 1IILed ' your moLhe r·I Il·law. u.lld h e ra YU'! a l e cal eyl ug Uowors tu ber ~~rnve!"
"Exactly! She bated ' ·eUl."-,J ourunl, Amusant. Deltclous cakes and pas I rles al'l\llro· duced by tb e u,.e or-Soudors','Cr am of Tarta r Baking Powder and Souders' Flavorlug Extracts. All good gl·ocerles. ,. tore graduates ot all the Britisb tinl.' .~rsHl es e x 'ept Uxford are (ou nd !Ji tli~ Wesleyan, MethodlSL Iliiolstry tbls YI'ar tban In 1907. Aove 'tllty Is tb e' trial ot prinCipiI!. Wilbou{ It ' " mao ' hnrdly know. whetber, be 18 honest or not.-Field: Ing. 1'IL~l CURED l!oJ 0 ,TO 1<1 }),111·S. PAZ\) OtN1I1IfmN'l' t'IfUQrunI M,1 to "n" IIny ClUIO t-t ltA:l1l1n&,o 'lUnd. Rlcoo lrll t.r l 'rolrutllOi . ' 1108 In • "! I .....,. 'If "'''DO. refund",. We.
!"or W1.l1t tbe mind wishes, tbat belle,eB .-He llodorus. tJ ... Aileli'. Fllot-E.... ODratl0e4,a.bIDII, .. ""Un"-'."t ..... IJ'rtaI ~ .... .. , .. ulpl......... ""'. ,., \' •
Anotber 150.000 aetderafrom tbe Unite4 .. States. New 'd ietrlcm opene'd lor selioo .....J~mI dement. 320 ac~ ~nand to each.ettler.-160 free homeatead and 160 at $3.00 per acre. ' MA •• n neh co ..ntry And D ~ntcntedproll- " peroua p~le." -A¥l rf1 rl t:tnr.·./'t,JItd,,,.... ~/ " Ni.llm'kfl Edtt.w, ,.L1It~. CdIl6Adtl, i" ~1"k.61, 11)08. UNlI ... ~"", .·Tid'·fM.
Important to Mothers. Examine' carerully every bollia of C ,STORIA a ea re and slIre r ctuedy for luraots and cblldren, anll · see t,hat It Bearll the
I ne ,nauguratlon. Good p e opl ~ all. of every sorl, give ~ar UlitO ou: song. MII,e this way furo 00 Mal cb 4 anti bri ng your fo:J,s UJn g.-W c:.sblngto11 He ral d. Tbunkt> tor YOllr 10vllnL1o u, Jim; t would \,oIease , U/l to be th e re. Dust LI.u prke In POC,lie! book to pay our f),•• lrolld {Ilre?-Bh'mlug bam Age· Herol..!.
Slgoatu~e Of~~
Wastirn, Oanada {
A. all\Cf,r doesn't well;h bla worell OD dleatual:lalacale ,
Many have pold the enllrevcOat oftheh farms a nd had a balance of from $ $20,00 per acrc pll n reeuh of ODe crop. Spring .... heat, wImer wheat, oate. blld~~.1 flax and PCIW ar~ tbe principal crops, w~ile the wild grosses brlng to perfection the beet ca ttle Ihat ~ave evcr been 80ld 01) the Chicugfl m"rket. SplendId climale. schools Ilnd ehurchel In 1111 localiticlio Raiiw n\, toucl. most of ~le settled dist ricts. and i,rice9 for prGduce 4r: AIWllY5 good. Lnnds may al80 be pur-. cbllStd irom rBilway and land companies. 1' , r pnmphlete. map. o-.d tnformatlon re-
r lH di nv low l'ul1wny rFJes, npply to Suptrln ... tendent ofJmmllTrntioll, Ottn",I", Conad a, or
,llie Ruthl?:1: ed' CnnndiunGovernment A~cn~
, H_ M, WItUAMS. Law Bulldln.,. Toledo,. Ohio. DJi. J\J'CJlliW8~ celabrut4ld ,
i. ctveR lmmodlnU)I·11('t. &itc. iI,. aU truf'Rh:n,' lDISuu.... h. lJn~ Lt oa ler" lLnd 'ond':::¥: dmgal lit;t au Unil Qlt ~.l""'-
~}CC~~~ill'As1'it~W;J' \,pr.'i1.1~~J;t un'1,rltf~"'~
W tL1DU \'~t•• l'hiil"JQIJ1 hlu..l'a" lunnUrU.c\.ut'Crs 01
lnl Jl:fi(lS tLllf'j 801e lulUh!,," u! t nu &,t 6t.UWpea w ~ U J.N1'OSn II 8 uJlp.nrt ot.
--_._---,- --
Band llistrumentsfor Sale '1'IIFongli
th o',Uscontlnni.nN' o't on'r bouae bnnd
we " ill Re ll Cd"·g'lln~ullB NU IIu.scBuro, I two E:b Alto Horn,,_ One Db t:urnet.OlJe VAh& 'l'I·omumu! . naNe uncl ~nnrc Drum, 0.180 se:. era} flOOd Dlno lJnl'nrm8 IOlln he ull<!<l with !>OJ DlIud) aDd", IOL,O' up-tfHIGte mnwc.
'If HOTU'KR8 'fIn!
their "blht....a
Vail Medicine for Colds
II. "In pre'fflUlo IHphtharl., I'Doamont. anG lb. I I'\lIP un.~luvln_, II\In,1 ' ll' de...""",. elf't'ufar, tN.,. or lend u,Il.bO lo r IUO<Ildo..-. "one, rdund ed I r nOL !o,\Ulfa..'Lur,. . CONTJ.NE~'I'AL tJU~II''''Nll. ClaolD_tl, U.
r "'~
' ''The Eagle"
"The Eagle"
.--------_._. .---_..69c Dress Shirts New !"all Pattern!'! ..... .. .... 3421C . Sell ing (Jul Pl'ie $1.00 Dress Shirts Plaited Plain Bosorn 50c Selling OU t Prit t' . .. ....... .... . .
SOc Neckwear 25c 35c Neckwear Bows
l1 1c
And Fou r·ill· Ha nds elling Ou t 'P ri ce .. .... .. . .
3Sc Suspenders Leather E!\ds Sellmg
$1.50 Dress Shir~s' Coat Styles, Plaited or Plains 7Sc Sellini' Out Pl'ic~ .. ........... .. SOc Men's' and Boys'
17 ~ C
ut Price ..... ....... .
'SOc Boys' Kazoo 25 C e lling Out Pric ..... .. .. .. ......
10c Men's and Boys' LINE~i~i~;'¢u~~rice...... ..... .... .. ;.. Sc 35c Silk Lisle Hose All Co~liing. Out Price .. .. ........ .. 1 7 t c 19c Hose 9~c
Black or TIUl, Extra Quality Selling Out Price·.........
15c Men's o
FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS . Selling Out Price ...... ........... .
FANCY WHITE VESTS Selling Out Price .... .. ....... ..
$6.00 Meri's BATH ROBES $3 • 00 Selling Out,Price.;.........
Nothing reserved. :. E.v erything must go. Think of ~he opportunity! $27,000 worth of Fine Clothing ~nd Furnishings for $13,750. . Remember, we do just as we .say :aring this ad with y~u.
75c Silk Reefer MUFF~~: Out Price ...... .. .. ...... 3 7~c ,$I.S0 Silk Reefer MUFF~it~g Out Price.. .... ......... 75c $1.50 Men's UNION Suits 75 Se~ling Out Price ........... ... _ _. _ _ _c_
· t Your choice of all $20 Suits Your choi~e of all $10 SUltS and Overcoats and Overcoats T
Elegantly cut in fashion's new~st model. They must be. sold. Come and get first pick. Selling out U price ........... .
~p5.00 ~
Beautiful ne;" Fall styles. strictly all. wool garments,sellingout X price ......
"Way's." Mufflers . ' Selling Out Price ...... ... .... ..
$1.00 Men's and Boys
50 C
WOOL SWEATERS Selling Out Price ...... ., .... ..
$1·0 00 i .
$1.2S Men's
Your' choice of all $15; Suits. Your choice of all ,$ 25 Suits and Overcoats and Overcoats
MEN'S SOFT or STIFF HATS Selling Out Price ... ........... .
At just half price.
HANDKERCH]EFS Selling Out Price ........ ': .. .....
Fleece·llned 'Underwear, extra qualitY. Selling out X price
Men's Extra Heavy Canvas Gloves. Sellin~ out X prioe
The world's best makes in all the newest models.. Selling out U price
Think of this! Come early; Selling out at X price ......... .. .
10c Men's
Ribbed Fleece Underwear. Go· ing fa.~t. Selling out X .pri'ce '
Natural Wool Underwear. ing out y. price
.Ie w •••• Muat •• Earn.d:
R. Has
ENGLAND'S' MANY DEER PARKS. r A. ,~ MAFFIT, ' , ' , Almanao' and Pllter MUI' E.rth'. 'rllhn,.. ~II dllcull,ln. a aew. Item tbe other Inl.ct or Born.o Toh.t IE xhalea MOlt Four Hundred 0; Them Are Silld to to Do Err,OUY.' Wlrk. d.y. on. wblcb told the public tb.t tbe .Po'wer'~erfume. " . Dot the Little 1.lilnd. Undertaker and Embalmer: private MCr.tar)' of tb •• reateat flnln' l . Will d h II Should be Ie A IIIIDI,t.r tD tbea" Indoor ' d.YI der ot bla time II •• w.omaD who reo Tbe and be lles ot Borneo do "A park wlfbou! a de c." wrote 01111 ID I. ., II ( . . . . ., boIne lD Deed, an tbe open air b. can be«. bor· eeln. '20,000 • year. Tbere w•• 8Dvy Dot have . to distil lIert\llT~ e ro'r t h Ir' Rl chn rB Jelfrl s. "Is like a wall wltb· Bank 8ntlctlog: npPot4lhl the laDd. Uia row or buy. . Coo.ldar a moment. ID t belr yole'l .nd bltterDeea ID tbelr bair Dr ~andk.ercbl er8 . They haye ou t a fllctllref~' a'.ld It Is someLhlDg to N'lt! N"tiontll BlInk · Wea&a.,prec1lo'l'elephoo6 in bOO'Me !tDrlof' .&!oQacaobeliac1 • Tbroueh the week hll prlyller:e will wordl. · and nobody .eemed to grasp only to take a .w.alk, untU tbey "ftnd a know lhat In EnglanCi the re are 400 pa ll blm Into C108e- IIId curtained sick the pith of th. ,tory. wblcb waa a reo mImosa Ie blossom.' O~'lnglng ~o tbe purks cuniuln!ng <I~er ; tbat they aver· fi h 1 Glll,lD hiaoWD . rooml-Ilck . roomi ot tbe soul , most cltal ot tbe,'. dutlea Tbere · f1ower·baU. Is . fOUDd ,~ . Ulugnlficent , ~ge bundreds aDd some ' 01 tbem thou· oe. w ~reOL"t he call~.· . PubUcailoD'. of them; be can nev r co, to .ny good 11'.1 a womu wbo 'bld to be ' on duty beeUe ot brilliant emeraJd greeD ~ba· ' ·. sa nds Qt 8Cr,~8. . ~\Id that, Y~r~sb~r~, / . da.y tlr I"Kilt. , No other ' publlaher to . lIurpole, unlells , II t he clear wIDds ot m.D,. houri. aDd po8ses8 not only a dlug .to 8 bright brollze on the Wing. , 0I01la. stershlre. !?trnIfOrds bll:e. N,or· . Vlille.v ~h1l08 If.,2. . . heav.n and bealth are blltioDed h'eely ,mlrv.loul m.mory. but IDllnlte ' tact cases. and touc bed wltb gold on ~e l thants !,'Ild SUSSIlS bllve more Inclosed I Mi ' St t W i l l Ohl prlDUbemlD aD,. form,eUher .Ub 01' under 111, coat. He ahall bave dally _lid patience. More tbln that a'be bad head. Tblll living jewel e mits a pow· land /l:l ve n 'IIP t o deer lban all ), otber I a n ret' • ayne8V~. o. .1&ho" c'r edl"- Bll,909 AllDaDac uto move &mon, penon II whose ,klell to po..e .. marked esecuUv. abilIty. ertul sceDt of attar 01 rOBles, perlumlDg . cOlin ttes. . , eeltI all former edltioQa lD be..." &D4 lire pe~petu~lIy oyercallt IIlld gny, She h •• p.,rob.bly been ID tratnlng the air for many yards arouDd It. A . Then· Is Ijo methlng peculiarly na· .--- - - nlJ18t and ..U. fo1'lIISoeD~ wbOli. Irrltabllltiea . ct UPOD their tor yearl. aud uDdoub tedly earnB Dumber ot them placed 1m I house will lIonal about our deer parks, for sonn . Bli mODt.h1, m.,.dD8, WOD AJID trl.nd. Uke ., ftne. drizzling rai n \n e.y er.,. peun,. ot her slIlary The I I 11,11 It trom top to bottom wlth delight· utter the C()nQ~eslthe beron" began to . ALTER C LURE • . I WORKS, OODta1DI hll wea~ toreNoye.ber ; be' mUllt somewhere have wbo .nvled ber could not do tbe .:a~k~ ful fra grance. Young gtrls, roll tbil'i Inolose parks wl~hln tbe fOfellts . aud ell" for each IDoDt)a, togeiher with. ' oblel'Yed more lunBblne 'than 11'111 because they were not fttted for ItInsect,1n a b! t of cotlon clQ~b aDd , to l!lc lnde Y/I~pJn Ihem , ~II llie wU~ , F . uneral ,Director. ~ ..,. amou~' ofthebelU~l1rwe~ ' rIpen a ' tbousand atrawberrle8. and an probably tbey would Dot under. 'an y'· braId It In tb.e lr black locks. and~ an llll.a ls Ihllt could J~el). be , lIecured , aDeI 001"11. a,eU', -.I.t.h e YeD.DeSS or' temper t hat ellr!,bl1llllkell . clrcumltanc ••• becIlU•• tbey. were not · yo ung . meD suspend It . around their. OC ,these the .2,500 ac.·e~ ,or psrk at " .. ~ caD'not .bake. Time and agalll be will the hatd.worklft. klDd. All they cOllld necks Hk~ all amulet or aD EgypUun El'ldg!l Is lhe only one menJ loned .111 ' Telepbon,t! ' day or ,night. elob lubIorl'Ptloli~ lhvJ ~artbquak. t han to work with people whose, out· ·, Bee In the ~iory ~al the salary. I!nd scllrab . The . tragl'ao~e /Jl'adUBH)', DomElsday. book 11.15 .contlllnlrlC. deer YAney phone N. ; 7.- I ..o~1l allellllrioul .~rm. for ~ ,~ 'haa 100. I, narrow ·.nd ,theIr IlOrlzon that made them envlou8. . r:rowl talMer ail the be,etle loses It . theD as It: does .no.w. ,'.' . DI ta N ,69-3 ~Il pred1c\ecl' Prof. B1ck.. YOIl I!hor~; he must. aMuehoY/ bave ' gotteD . vitality. and dies wi th It. .•• '" 1n thllt now 1lC:~lrCe}Ook • .' Sblrley's' II o~ 0. . r. i oalUlOt .«ord to ~ wl\bou\&bWe pllbo II 'I'1810a' at dlstance..:...ot rar pros " ect"s 'rhe beetle: Hvell. In cu:pUvl ty onl y a' . F.ngJls~! De.e r Parkll: 48 parka /l(~ WAYNESVIL~I;, - ' - OHIO. ' lio.\lODI. Aclc1rua all orderltG /lnd wide adveDturea ; he nlllst have A GI.~aton • •ull. few bours . and as the scent explt'es mentioned which DO longer contain, BraDch 081ee Ha .h 0 ThM ' c.llmbed • bill with .. trleDd ths l chal· Mr. GladBtoDe wall ODce guilty of an wIth It, DO way has 80 tar been found de er. but sInce that book, was pub. ' , rveYTUr~." ~ '. e • lainlOazette. wit ynes,·llle 0 leD •••• he must h ....e drlgen • canoo amt~lilnc bull ID a debate on lht> ques· to ext.raot or preserve t he l1x'qulslle lI ahed In 18fl7 several ,parks have been -:::=======~!!!!!!"!!!!!.!!"!!!!!I!!~~~!!"!!!!!'!!!!'!!!"!!!~!!"!!!!!"!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!!!,!!,,_ t brougb Imokln! r.plds. he IDUII!.· have \.JOD. or dIsestablishment. Ollatlne on odor. T'h e 8cented beetle IiI}peUI'H only sto&ked which did not. theD contain ' ~ galloped a young liorse 1I01'0H8 green r th~ bpld. h4!'ld on tbe alfect\on of the when the mimosa' Is In .flow er. Neither" deer, an'd tbere ;' are others In whlcb me.dow •.- H . D. Gallaudet hi Ihe ant· \ people by the Church 01 England, .he blrdll Dor IIzarda ' wlil dl~BtrOy It, andl the deer 'b'a ve b~eD glyeD up.-LoDdoQ • 10011 . . , " \ said : . "Whe~ aD EDgJt8ht~an wan ts It III protected even (rom t he vora.' Dally ·Oraphlc. . 10 «et married . 10 wbom does he go ? 'clous woodpecker by Its"powe rful per. ' II To the parlsb , print. Wben be wants tume. • - ~1t a~ilic>, lIi~loin in tce water PAIOR T. O DAY .• , O . F CO ..'Y RIGHT. hla ' cblld baptized. to whom doe! he • . a-to "_-.- eD.......... ..""a , an d aerve 'lt .,,1 To the 'parish IIrl ellt, WheD '1I'e WOtJldtt tu'te I I i .. should? Neltbe; Qqlll.n O'pOl'tunlty Th.t C .... ndr. ..CHARITY OF ' ,. '.. , de» treated Ual . REQUISITEI FO" THE MINIITRY. •
croup 01 feminine W&I'e e.rDer.
in tllfi Packin"
• Xanthippe. Cassandra. Queen Eliza· bQth and · Dido were walkln« .IODp; the Styx one a!ternoDu not long ago and tbe cODvenllLtJon betwe!'n tbe6e eml· ne nt ladle. turned upon propbecy. Wltb the exceptton of Cassandra nODe or tbem learned to "ake bluch 8tock ID 'll. . "T.II me the honellt tru th now : C IlS ' salldr.--could you ·really Ree I.nt.o 'lhe tuture ?" asked DIdo wlU, I ske ptic. I smile at' t h. propheleaa. "1 cOllld. honelltly," ssid e.aij6ILndra. earnelUy. " How tar. Caule1" QUll rhid Qlleen ElIllbetb. ' " All tb. t.r tbere 'f!'111 /" •• Id Cu. lIaDClra. ' "Humpb." said Xan thippe. "Could )'OU aee 'AI f.r aheall .I- Rud yard Klplla,r" " Yep," satd Cassand ..l . "I'd rea(! all XI PII q tell ye.ra hetor. the tal! ot Troy." "Ths all l'Ye .«ot to BaY," Xaatblp,. tartly. "II you we ... ._ aw' rill teol ••' to <:Oil)' \l. ald M.a'" ,ourna."
a.-a ..
• ~ .... e_ .,.. . . ,."......
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t n" I
;~~.,t8 '~~eet~I~~:I:':~!:r::o~~t:o.~o~~ '
. .Onr.lpoked. .
W. ' e
ell , '. .'
.' SI ' He.LITn.:E · lth ,Com ' mla.lon'~" . Ne w York .of ' laught er. .hi whIch Mr. Gladstone himself jolDed. addlDI!: : ";\, I was M.kea MO.~ill of Ilncldent. cODlrasttng' the EDgllsb cburch wIth . . . , t be Irlsb. a bull Illperbaps esculable." . ·:It charity." !laId Healtb Com~la· , sloner Darll Dgt pn' 0 f Ne w. ' uk'" . or .wer ...' '., '. . 1really as line aDd servl.ceable as 'we ,. Bruin Too "o~ct of Crow ....' hicllDe to thInk It Iii., disease would. I A new nr810n 01 eaUDI crow bas almolt ' dlsapear." .' I been ' Iurnlshed ID Center COUDty . H. shook bl8 head and. smiled. on ·the positive gilarante.e· PerlD8ylvanla. On ••vellln, receDtly a ';'1' . ' .. ""- if I d fa ~mer of Curtlil tOWQsblp let. bear ... .0 0 much of our cb~~rltY, he 8~ld{, tliAt t , DeS n~t give tat,;. trap near bl. borne, halUlI1 It with re~emble6 tb.a t or ,!be l~?~walk "'oml 'lsfactiqn we return 'the ~ a piece Ilf meat. all II cu.lomar!' . Aft. an . A pn a gray- an~ t.·ee1:ln t O . f ' er Ihe tr.p had bun let . crow day. pr6scIIl d ' hlmse\r at her back elltireamount'o m~ey ,pald: tempted by the wu caught, ami dO~~. . . ' 'US"o~ It. ' . . . . that nleht a bear hapP.Ded tbat way Madam, • be saId . ,my feet .ar., . k ,.all th' . h .nd at. boUI the crow and the bait. ·Dearly froze. He, POIDted to biB sboes!' ~e ~8 . oee W 0 are The farmer let ' tbe tra. p a,ala. next • tllngle of string and Sllrlps of leather, run-doWD'. nervou., ~ debUif t ' • and holes th 0 h bJ b bl b eYe,nln g , .nd on the following ~orD··f r ug 1! c 8 are ee; tated aged 0 d ID' the bear W.&l In tb. ttap ' bavlDg sbowed . ',HavE! you got•. aD old pall" . . , come dnrln, the Dleht ' fOr an· of booU! YOU could glve ' me, mildlLm? every person suffering from other of crow. "Tbe woma? afler rummaging I.I!. stubborn: coldi ·b.ngin,.on her eloae~. returDed to tbe tr!lmp an~ . he b _.. oI_.-J'p l • lald . feellngl,: ~ - " ~ I , ro~..... or IIMOI ".. P ......... ......."t Cln-h.' w "My lult ca.a 'I• . ItllI Inla<:t. but ' "·Poor ·fellow. 1 know ent CODIUDiptiOD totryVlaol badly scr.tclled." . rer' terrlbl, 'without We undtl'ltaDd."1 "'fbat'l tbe mo.t ea.Jly remedied w.ather. · I bave none . ' ~JD' I tao". Pute 1& lot or I.bell ber. II a palr at my , . " over the ICr.tch..... llt:atea7ou caD baft.' E. JANNIIY, Drualst
lIT '
weD r, , an
- -
W.,...... 0Id0.
~'.S ' ' '~ . I's'h ' "'-Il>'·"p'1'.'
0 ys t era . .
tut' rirAI-have
all tbe · ....cull.r
: 4e1l~1. of oy'lt~• .you ge(;t ·tbe
More 1iecawe DO Ice·· or _tell touchee them-no praervative 18
DIed 01' aftded. ' . ... , . The ~ . ta .,.eked · JrO;~ the aealed plftDlsed . Iteel c;alll " .S eallhtpt" Oyltefa are . clean"': ,
Ask any ofihe
.....••10,Da",IlftIahIPI" 4"'mI .for a c:opy ."d try a 0yol@r.IOday. ' .owater. All oolldm8t • . , · .. , . ,... . .
Walt'e r J Kl·lb'. 0
Wayneaville ·and
Corwin~ Ohio~ , !J'he priaine ,j~lbIpt" Oytten are al_' . IOld rra. a ' • W~ ~~, CaIe'-dqthe trade
,·'01' '..
DIU'k lD blu. T1Ui tI for J'O'If 1II'CItec:ttaa....
'l'be "':'~Ih~u -
Outif.r..Sntemll......... ~ ' \be flab .... ., ......
.. ..,- .... paaICla_ 10
\ I
Owen J. i3urnet to Sarah Burnet AORICULTURE REPORT real estate hi' WayneSville $900. New Suits. ' . Mary Elizabeth Sears to Elizabeth The f'GlIowing eatimates are based " ...·~·lL't; /. ' ~ I_ I .MN B .~llt.ln Slr~~1 Superiol' D~l1I Co. divliiion l'he D . C0 11e tt r ea1 estate in Hurveysbur .. g. on the reports received from the ofPll'eYaI"nc7 of Kldnll7 Dh....... , : • 'II' ( J ~ 1\ 1.1_ N , Il ~ American Seeding Company, plain- $1. ficial crop and live stock correapon- , M?9t people do " \.It rea lize the a!arm. mg Increase and remarka ble pre' l'l~ ll cy tiff VF. A. B Sides, def~ndant Pe-l Zimri Worley to George. Gilmour deDta of the Department : Corwin, Ohio. ----------,-- . , f I " _ 1 to be d real estate in Salem townshIp $1. Corn ..-COndition·in crib compared o(kldnerdi~~i'sc. L 'II,' ~., Erlll 'r llnel Mu' ,ItL!"" tltion or money c almen ue ' . G 1"_ • h Whilekldney dis· ., . on promissory note. C. B. Dechant, , George W. . Larnckto eorge vuns, Wit average year!!, 101 per cent. orders are th e • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.:_ __ ~1 ComoCondition In shock commost comm on W t I attorney for plaintiff, rea estate 10 arren coun y, . diseases that preR8tC~ of Subscrip,t ion Co asI ' Proceed' ' pared with average years, 98 per 'I I •• c \ aul' ($l.rlctly III a,lvunucl , .. , ' .• Lu) ~u.rt Proceedlnl5. ,DUllI oners lOgs. cent. ;I~~dst t ~f,~ ~:s~ 1,2~O ·'ul"le UO()Y , , .OA J t' ' f rt ,,'th ' J. J. Thompson appeared before Ho"'s,-Condition compared with recog ni zed by anuary erm 'o cou open" WI 'th b td d ted h' b d .. palitnt and phy. e oa an presen ,IS on 88 average year~, 93 per cent. 5ician~, ~ho (um • 'J udge Milton Clarl< on the bench . nate, " of Advertiscment Dh Hogs - Number fattenin'" still i n " - - - t e ne tI~e111¥tJt(le~ . ' Infirmary Director in the ' sum of D\J rhleledJurodrs °hf tfhe gr~nd Juryedwere $2500, slped by himself and William f " h 'd • .. flJith. doctol'l'nU /lIe ':D'tJct~, while the "rig: We arc offeri ng these posts at ll .0 , c ca ~n t e o owmg nam per- M Th d J '1Ib A B armers a~ S, 22 per cent, i nu l dj,eale undermines the system. • -ruliu)e, I.un .. ,.... hlu,'h [lh't' , I lr l ' Hilt' a big sacrifice • . 11'" sons answered the call towit: G' • o~pson ~. OSI . ' r~~n Fall pigs,- Numbill' compared Withl What To Do • 'l,~ Ii\nl ,q l". hilL 'A~ C~I ' r ~ rI ltv., 1I1If' ~. 'd as Burettes, Said bond IS certtfied average years 79 per cent There is comron ill lIlt: kllowJ e~ge Sf Mc Mu II en, Dav! '''url'eo I IIMt'P ll) II )o. "l,r A K e II y, J ames d d . . . . orten ex prcssed. that Dr. Kilmer'" 1 .. Mount. J . A. K'II patrlc, . k' E . E . X I'b- anCoapprove. Shee p, -Cond 1t Ion compared WI th Swamp-Root, 1~le lP'eat ~idlley re m~dy , I I III "I 'I ha~" ~ . .2 60 t ts Co t t t ed lI- oO hIlIOIl, •• ,,' ". '0 b P . V , Bone, A • F . 's·Imont on, . , to n 'th rac Th n rae average years fu~fil!s every WIsh I," cUrlng,rheuDlatlsm, We also handle a good 'ine. of .. , c \ y, A Swas I fen er . ' 95 . .per cent. . pnIU lQ the back, kIdneys, liver, pladder ~1'i" 1 ~, bt " .here b u~c I ~ mad ~ ,~nlll' Thomas W F . Belding, V. J, Zent- In . WI b tm°mast . de z ?r newk Cattle.- Condltlon compared With aud every part of the IlrinarYlassoge. Building Lumbers, such as .. , piny Alh erllslng , PI" Inllh. " . Hl e . b t Th e concrete repaIr work averaO'e It correc.ts inn.bil. ity . to. hO,1 . wnter meyer, George H'ld I e ran. S· th at u t en Ian b'd ' Fra ., years, 93 per cent. OJ",co u n b c IC \ \'CU ou un ntruct.. · . I te on IX s ree cana rl ge In n Horse:s- Condition compared with aod 9caldlllg pam 111 pas~lII g It, ~r bud FLOORING, SIDING, AND pane1no t belng comp e court or- r to h' t tl t $S1604 eiTecls followlIl g lise of IIljllor, wille or -----------~- I dered clerk to issue special nnire InCo tWnBt Ip a , este~~ ·e: ' th average years,. 95 per cent. beer. aou overcomes tltnt uuvleasullt nco PIECE STUFF, J\'\OutDWI<lONII: . DAV, .!AN I AltY 11. I!lOll. f r followl'n'" ed n G ae n ,rae was en rt:U In 0 WI As iitated in our last report unless cessity of IJeillg eOlllpelleu to go oHell o Ber t R'Ct:U - -.I f or new Stne owing ' ' th e II ~y, a ll J t 0 g t u p multy INOS, SASH AND DOORS, ... Sh' M • nam H II 'perso F k s: B Ceor. ' wa II marked improvement is shown' IY dunog Imp. ace a, ran • arey, ' b d " f fl'. " m.w times during the night. Tile wild unci KITCH He Re'd b K H 'It O 'lJ to a \Itment an repair 0 oor In fields Will be abandoned In the spring, tbe extraordi nary effect of Swamp.Root EN CABINETS, 00 we II ed /I. town hall'! nry Id 'Art'h . Haml ' l°ton, - "pI e bridge near Ft~ed Hartker's farm on and thiB together with the small is s~o re~lized. It stnnd~ llle Itigh~st PLASTER AND LIME Brown an ur aim n an- H ' I ' t \' ad th f ' . . . for Its wooderful cures of tue most dlsel now complete jury retires appoint- ami ton coun y . me ro. sou 0 acreage ol'lgmally seeded, WllJ cause trcasing cases, If YOII !leed a medIcine . Oh, nOj a town hall would be an ing James McMullen. foreman. Deerfield townshIP at estlm.ate of $58 Ohio's 1909 wheat harvest to fall 4'ar you should h~ve the uest. Sold by drug- 1--___________ Incubus. Sheriff Frank P For""" takes oath Contract w~ entered In~ w1th below an a • gists ill fifty ·cent and one-dollar size~. ' I ' . . "''' Walter S. WhItaker for varIous reverage. You Ulny have a sample botlle and a Cal, and Jet us give you the And still we have to accommodate lof offi~e and appt>mts, James Fol.len pal·.r J'oL-I'n Har'lan t.O'''''''-\aI"p at estl'The condition of co!;n in crib is book that tell s All . . • ht kl d f' S and All R ff d t es.... ...... most excellent, while the same is about~t,bothsentfrce£7 rig n 0 Igure on any big crowds at times. • r., . . en u ~an epu I . mate 1f92 60 ' f h d' . bv mall. Address Dr. iii thing we Ita,ve. Carl Blddmger vs. VII1ag~of Frank...... true 0 It e crop stan mg out III Kilmer & Co., Bing. , . lin. Motion of plaintiff, in error to Bills- Mason Lumber Co., cement. ahock, 'Weather conditions have hamtoo, N, ,\:, \\ lIell Dom•• r 8w ......~ The institute Jut week proved ed t b'll $3 . ' led b $8; J . It. Huater, secy. expenses of been idul f the'n tl · n writing mellriOI1 this parer and doo't that ' we c8.n not accommodate a r utce cos , I IS overru , Warren co' unty Board of ViSitors, I . or ga rl g llil cor wake IIny mislake but rl!member tlte cour . ban G Co f " 1 crep, an~i at this time it is estimated IIpme, Dr, Kil mer!s Swump-Root; Bnll d . h t , crow Wlt ou more room. Karl H. Sweney, executor. vs $3.76; Le on as ., gas orJal, that but: 8 per cent. of same re- _aadr~8, BiIlghamton, N. 'I, . James W, Sweney, et ai , Report of ,2; Mrs. , T. C. Patterson" sewmg mains unhusked. Its quality gener- !!'!'!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!'!! Corwin, Ohio. Were any of the farmers who voted sale of real estate filed Ilnd confirmed for prisoners for four years, $8; The ally is above an average, . but due to i • • • • • • •_ • •_ . _ against the town hall proposition . Western Star, publishing commis- the 10.'" continued drouth the }'I'eld A Mon.t.r Loaf. Probate Court 1fJ::2 ""......:.. W t · Bakerl In Germany are fond of ·mak. standing up to try to hear the • sioner's report, ~ .:,,; Ule es ern is short. Itis estimatad that 78 per In, odd experIments. tbe toliowlD& speaking at the Institute? Wonder Estate of W. H, Dilatush et al. Star, publishing delinquent tax nQ- cent of th. present crop will be fed blllni rllported from Dulsbur& In Wesl. • •_ . _• •_ . . . . .. . what they said? Third accouat filed . tice, 11.50; The W..tem Star, blanks on the f1111l1. phalla. At a child reo'" pBrty recently Eatateof Emily Monfort, deceased for clerk, $5; The Western Star, tee• _ _ held In that town there WIUI ex blblted If fOD Want Anything -.,! f 0 __ rd $23 . and afterward Cllt up and , dilltributed filed The Miami Gazette last week .ta.rt. Ftrat alld final account. 0 rd and enVelopes or.nco;o e r , ; [~-'t Get a Divorce. ' IUD amOD, the youngllters prl/aent.• t.-Ist In the Way of Specad on ita si;dieth year. It hIlS had Estate of John Marshall, deceased The )Veatern -Star-. envelopes for A wAII~rn jndgegranlfldB divoroe l which tor slle.t leaat llaa lurely rare. its 'trials an" disappointments, its S~xth account filed, Prol;late Judge, $2; Johnson & Wat- OD aOOOllDt of ill temper and bad Iy been equaled, WeIghing no lelll tacles or Jwlrr, bad years and days and still it is on Estate of Harnet B Russell, de- son Co., pencils and ~fortreasur. breath Dr . Kin~'8 New Life Pills than 110 pounds, It had a ,\!,eadth ot just call OR top. It is the sam~ oid paper. has,a ceased. Firat and final account filed. er. $6.75; T. C. Pattersol'!, maintain- would have PreveDted it Tbey oure ' 1.70 meters and a length 'Jo t 3.Z0 maJ'ority of its old subscribers who Estate oUohn Conner. deceased. ing horses and vehicles, $27.42.; T. C. CODs"patioDj' caOSiDg bad breath meten, and "'as thull found sulllcleDt and LiVl8r rroob1e tbe tn-temper, I to lIupply a satisfactory afternoon still stay with it 011 account of its Owen S Hlains appointed adminis- Patterson, boarding priso~era, $102. diapel cold,8. banish headaohM, oon collaUon to 118 many as 500 boy. and stability and accuracy of news, but trator givinc bond of- $800.00 with 20; T. C. :patterson, expen1e8 of !her quer ohUls; 250a' Fred C.&hwartz's &trla.-Ba kers Weekly. it intends to be better than ever this C. C. E,ulass as su~ety. Inventol'1 iff. $28.76; Lewis Bros., Coal and lime • - • • _ • year. It will take ' on new feature.. dispensed with. for jail, $24.89; W. H 8tanage and TAMPERING WITH' MAIL ' , '" P dar pad f u_--rd 50 There ' i8 no QuhiiDe" DothlDg that will enable it to be counted 'In matter' of will of, Horace • Co., cal.n or ~ er. wha~ve!; harsb or siok.Ding in Preamong thebest---evep better tha~at Danforth, deceased. Will admitted cent'S; W. H. Stanageand Co .. b~ ,LoreDIII Brown, a 2O-year.ol~ girl, ventios. Tb8lf6 little Candy Uold present and its .ubscriberilcan count to 'Probate. forcoronf)r. '$3.60, W. H. S~and who about a year ago was before the Cure fllbleta aot a8 by magic. A on its bein.r able to stay here sixty, In matter of will of Mary M. Mi118, Co., s¥ppli.. for &beriff, $1; C. C probate court in ' this county on a toewldhoun-aDd your thr~ateniDg . . " -_.... W ' I'11, admlt~ ..._.I to' pro'b ate; CI~ver. b id ' M" erge ha f s tealinl' a cow f rom h t s hrokeD In taste more years, , .d ec~. r ge repairs, (It er o PreveDtloe pleH88CaDdyl1ke the ohildreD-llnd ......".... AND, . . . Eltate of Elizabeth Dunh$l'D, de· ship, $6; E. W. Dumford, brIdge re- uncle near Bellbrook, was arrested they brelllr the fever18hDe88 always Have you read the Gazette for the ceued. First and fin.a l acc:OUllt filed. J)Jirs Turtlecreek township, $6.&j by the. Dayton police, charged And least of all the eoon~my. A~ last few weeks, and noticed the fine In maHer of the guardiaiU!hip of A. D. Shultz, bridge repairs. $28.70; with tampering w:i,th the mail.. The large box-'B PreV8ntic!l-25oents. line of advertising therein. We Fredericka Houck, an imbeclle. John Burnett, bridge repairs, $28.5(; girl ia aecuaed of stealing a letter ARk your druu1st. He knows! mean home advertisinr. Have our William Franz appointed guardian Scqt~, bridge repairs, ~.50; containing a check from Mary Sense:- Sold by aU ~ea!e~, • . advertisers any idea how many pea- with bond of 12500 with Alma Wink· GardeR City'Sand Co., paint for ce- man, a fE~l1ow employee at the Mi.. I d ft It N b . Geo E Y ' . ' . •. ...n n e n e um II'. , ---.I th G tte? We d on It·, b u~ ler and J. S. McFarland 8Ure~ea.. I wi!! guarantee sat~a&:tlon p Ie nmu e aze ment. floor, ~.60; . r&,e . o~ng, ann Valley hospItal. At the time Tllree-year-old Andrew waa In • In Watch Repalrl"" I have there are tbousands of them. We &.tate of Fred.riCka Houck, iJn· expenses, $9:80; Lebanon ·Na:tional she was under arrest in this city rathe'r petulant mood, lind In order to ~ade It a study for years. In ~. can\ for at leut 5,000 people beeHe. In'(e~tory filed, . ; Cank, office rent for prosecutor, $25; much Syrillpathy was felt for the girl reltore hIs .customary good humor his reading -the !Jazette. . O.le f&nlHy of. ,'Estate of Mary . MillS deceased Q. B. Hwrlbert, &'Old duat, $1.50; because o,f her apparently friendle8$ mother promised hIm 80~e preserved Fitting for OIUleS I can lit fi ve ' pel'8O _.lead ,·h ' tte ' h W. C PhUJipe ~JJpOinted ' exec.tor , • P h"Ibp Spence.l'ene ' ral' ' tt228 ' ,eon • ' d' ·Itlon. · She was fi n ed onIy " 10 Itrawberrles If servant, he would all eyes satlsfactorlly. .... r ~ e G~e . eac , IDd ex~, '!' boy, qaWnc a' sbe be Balda : good week here at home, send , it . lIOuth, &'Iving boneS-of $1600 witll ClaraPbil. J. P. Rawles, mdse. '10.36;, P. A. and tOSUiI by the court., The cow "Jennie. plelUle live Andrew about and five ~ore read: i-\l ~nt Weat and lips and Will O. G~tin' lIB sure.t ies Stamps. ~ring prisonel'l', 8h~. she was c;har~ed with stealing was tour strawberrIes." , three more' read it, Several and Oscar J: Edw·a rds. Owen Bllrnett 4O.cents; J. S. Morris, mdse. for sher- driven by her, with the usiatance of Jeon,e proceeded to fulfill the wlah Silverware, WatchetJ, here at home in partnership. Five' 'dCh " I Co e II . iff '110' Sam D. Henklf fees and &'colored IIWl from Bellbrook to of ber mlatress, and .counted out th~ . ' an ar ee 111 as appnuael'l. , • , .. ' • berrIes: "Ooe, two, tbree. four .... Clocks,"Jewelry of all to read ~e. oDe paper, an~ p~rhaPl "On January 2nd. ordered bY. Court ~nses, ..~17.20. , Day~n, where she !Dade an. UIl8UClOr want five," PI'Oteated tbe 'cblld. ' an outJlI~~r or, tlw~. I;>on t OO",?W that 'all ~t'ters pendini~' carried \, • - • ~ul at~pt to dllpose of It.-:-Xt;- - "But your ~ot"er' saId four," aald lOUr neighbOr spaper. buhubacrlbe to Jail ' til f €a ; t ,A' HOrrIble Hold-Up. nla Gazel,te. , Jennie. Kinds, Rings, Chains for a ..ealli~e paper' such 8S +"e Ga over uary rm 0 ' ur. .. About &en yeal'8'1110 my brother " . _ •. ~. "Mamma ••Id 'about tour:" replied , ,.' , . ':" • Estate of MarY : Brininaer ' de- WIll "h.ld up" in bil work, .b8lSltb The tender leaves ot 'a, h.rmlet!i Aodrew.. ' Etc. , All New' O~s. zette: , ' . ceased. ruiport of ~l. of pe;'nal aDd bapt>in.. 1 by wbat W&I beheved lu~g heallhll liio~DtainoQII Ihnb; And be cot the fifth . . This world is full of don'ts Our propertY filed byadminlStrater. to b8'hopel'" CoDsumption,:' wri&el give to Dlr. tlhoop'l CouKb Remedy • _ ~, Engraving a, Speclaltl Eltate o~ Mary Jane Colbert de- W. R. LiJ*>om~. of WUbiDltoD, 1ta marvElloua oaraSive propertle.. If your ~tomaoh, ' Heart, or Kld~ . .' . ' N. CJ. "a,' toolt aU klDd. of reme- TtgM, tUatUDI or dtlltre8lJiDg COUIU n.YI are weak, try at leaat, a tew adVise is: Don't worry. ceued. rrl'OOfofpubh~uon of DO- die. &Dd treatment from several quiokly yield totbe h8loUng,IIOOth dOtleIJonlyotlJr ,Shoop'sRestvratlve Don't knock. tice of appointment o~ Charles A. doctora, but fOUD'd DO help til! h. tng aotiOD 01 th.. ,.pl.odid presorlp. In five or ten daY8 only tbe' f8IIUtt Don't be hasty Pauly filed. . DHd Dr K}ng'. New. .ollOOvery and &Ion-Dr.' ~bool"l CoUlh Remedy, wll1surprf8e yOD. A fe~oeotl WIll ,_ . Don't.ex~t sc';mething for noth- 'Mary E:; Marlatt, deceased, P~f BW.ltWbu~IJllcured tiL ~z ~~tIlf!llt" And it is 80 8af~ ' &Dd good tor ohl! ~o~er the C08t. ADd her. ts why - . -'r ' , . f bl' f ti f P . t " I a we maD ~ay. , S dr.D," w'ell, . th)ntaiDing DO opium, belp oomel 89 qulokly. Ur. Shoop AYNESVII.~, 'iDlr. ' . . ,. 9 pu I~. em o .,no ce 0 a pom - quiok &0 relteve Bod the lureet cure ohlorofor~, or other barmful drug!:', doe8o', dng the 'Sttlmaob, nor stimDon't fo'r get that now is th • .time' me~t",of ~am,ie Earnhart ~Ied. ' tor weak 6r lor~ liIDP, ' aemorrhll ' motpt:'n ..bould ~D lafety always de- ulate the Beart or KidDeys. Pro ~=========:=::~, ,to Subscribe " ' ' Ma~y E~ DUgan. ~mini8trator of 1811, Ooug. aDd Uoldl!, ~roDohl'i8, m.Jld Or".8hoop I. Ir other reme- Shoop'8 Reetoratlve "goea, dlreotly ~ , Don't .forget the price-tfayear Johnll.,Dupnys~ Char.lesA.Dupn. lAGr.p~" 1'IA~thm·IiOo&Dd daUB.lroooD- di8ll ..rea~ered"tell thfom No! Be to the weak and taihpg nervell ,, PI,,~n " u· .. .at ·t ·t·"' · sal f obial ....eol onl. an •• Y,our OWIII jlldle I Sold by '811 dealE, acb organ hIlS its own oo~f.rollinK· WAYNESVILLE CHURCHes. · inadvancel. .,' '" , .' . I"J~,leI!I. pe ~. Iun .&.~ . eo up- Trlal " bottle tree. (iuaranteed by Doh't'for'get that your'time is out. ~:hYlclec:t on~-half lD~rest,~f:deced~nt Fred C. tk>bwart,z. erl, _,....--._. ~:~:~lin':~::~:ee.::.~r:;8 taU, th~ ,: Orthodox ' Friends Chu~h. , Don't ,torget thatit~e9 , money mrealestateantt~les' writtenw:alv- ' .-. ,That Special Seal. Thls, pla1n,1etvttal tr He,v. Benjamin Hawllins, Plllltor, to nIn the 'Paper 8t~ctly up-to-date. ,rs of(~hatles · D~ph et al whereby V'AC.lNT . ~.~. ,PUBLIC LANDS It . uled to be that a specIal aeal clearly tells why Dr. ~hOOP'8, Sabba&b School, B:30 a" m, ReKular obureh Don't ' fqrcet that , the Gazette ~ey cq~t to8lUd ~Ie. . ' ,h., :1.. ___ Go ' 'I d'- waa ';"lerYed for prIvate correspond· ltoratlve ie 80 univel'8ally lucoess. service, 10 ;iO .. , m. Ohr18Llap En4eavor. . does tlU!be*t J'ob work · EIIt& >!of l. J. Null, deceaaed. I Wh:r '1~cth ·anbt "efverndm~~tt. an bill eDce, (or "to secure' package,,' amOll' ful. Itls1lOCA8s1e leadiDII dtugjtistl '7 :30 P•.m, , " .~ , . Fif"U: " ~' t filed " oca ' Wi , ra , esc , np. IOns y Irlen-, " No ' wa' daya boxes come 'tram ever"where to give 1t uDivera"l pref. I:UcksIte Friends Church. ' D,on't:fdiget that WIth 'a n ex~n.. , wl.--..,.. ..n " • . , counties, .: and bow to get It under tbe ,~~18t, ' wedding glfta of .lIver' or eraD~e, A , test wl1\ sQr~iY tel1. · F.l1'It Da, MoeutJ, 10 :00 a. m, Flrn Day · enee 'o f ' tlfirty yeaJ'll in"the .Iartreat ·'In JDa(ter of will of . Agnes B. Mil- Ho'rnesteliil, D~rt, Timber, Coa1 1 ,la.1 cOIlle/tled up 10 dainty ribboned Sold by all ,defilers. 8011001, 11 ;00 iI . m. Founb Day MeetIng concerns ' in th'e country that' the lard, d~. Application to ad· Stone, On, Saline and otller FedeJ!'al boxes, with , end I of ribbon 8ealed • - • 10 :00a. m . ' , ., , . . " " tl ' h ' . ' . t f h '~ 'J 4 Laws. A1aoinformationaboutState to tbe box wltb a ""ax to' match." Gazette ca.' g1V~ you exac;, y W ~t, mlt , 8!l~~ se or earl , an~ary larilla in·Texas. with v~uatile table!! marked wIth the private .aeal ot the A Aural Enoch Arden. Christian Church. you want. , ,a t 10 a.m. and parti~ulars about Irrhration and dealer. "In our lIltle town In a western " ~ ', '. • .;'" , 4· at 10.8'. m. " , Reclama~ion,Wor.k no", in ,' progress Th(1 'Ieallnc \s more, than a tlld. It ,Itate," laId arown, "there was a balf· Suod., $ohOoI'. 1\ :80 a , m, Social meet· 10 ::10 a, 01" and Cbrlsllan Endeavor. ' In inatter of will of Agnes B. Mill- under the Government.~nt to ,BI!Y Inaure. both dealer and buyer agalnllt wilted sort of a fellow named Bill lng, . ~dent, Helps Orpban.. ' , ' " . ., W... • addreaa.for25 cents(stampe received) Wllkel. One day Bill took to the rlLlI- '7 : 0U~.m :,Bundredll of 0r:p~aD" b"ve , batoD ~, deeeased. Will admitted to by The National Tribune , Waabin&,- 1081. road traeks aod never reappeared tor Methodist EplscoMI Church. Ilel~d by the . Pr~l(leDt lIf 'Phe I,n. prObate . ' ," to .DC :, - ., ' If. a package on belog opeDed hlUl about 81.x years. In the meantime biB dua'rJal :lln!1 OrphaD's Q,om', d ,ab." ' , D,. • • Dot It. full c01ltenta · the dIscrepancy Wife, BetUe, ' took In washIng and 8UP-' Rev.' W. T.· Gilliland, Pastor; OEID. 'Ga'" who 'wrlte8: "We have ' Munqe Uc;enaes. II up to tbe atore tbat sent Wout, ported 'the family . One day BlII came Sunday Senool, 9 : 3~ a.m', M,ofnlnlt ler 10 :8!l a, m, EP1Ionb Lea,gue, 1 :00 p naed Eleo, Bitten in this IDstbll" 'bin with DO possIbility of' IhltUoc tbe back. He went arouod to the kItchen vIce, 01, 1!lvenlog lenlee, '7 :SO p, m, Mtdweek , "'OD tor Dtlleyears l& b ... proveda , James Sterrett, 26. mac iat, blame to lIerv.otll or melllen"'er boys, Pnyer J4eeU~ '7 : 30 p. 01, .. .....·.-oe·lleDt.m·... loinllfdr8&omaob Hopki nevI . 'IIe, ' aD' " d N Qra Cook'" '19 • hdoor, lo~tly opened It, ' stuck In bla m ..... .. IN ead and said, ·Boo. Bettie.' Bettie Liver aild K!dne~ 'trouble. \\,e, r. Muon. Rev. E. Spurro~~ , The Dlfftcult Public, turned around from ber washtub. 'Te St. Mary's EplflCOpaJ Cl1urdJ • ..res ~t ~ o..e or', t~e\ 'be!tt fllmlly , ,William F,; Billings, 29. lawyer "YOllf Iludlencel aeemed Ibocked by he,' 'laId BUJ. 'I Bcared ye, didn't I. .Rev: J . 11\ Cadwallader. Rettor. medictn,."n.e!,nh. '. ,'V1,orlteti gl . Nevlda and Elizabeth,1I 'Aithe Ihow'" , Betti!!?' Wherever 1 see a stage hue- Sunda" Sobool. 9 :80 a; ~ M!lrnlnc ~r" · 'he vital Org1lD8, purifiee the bl~" '. -", , , i- , '.' " )y' "At'dlrtlt," .Dlwerlid tbe ·" ~and return to, hIli family I think of, vice, 10 :80 ' •. m, Evenlnr ,&enloe" '7 P. 01, , . ; ~4. ili8eaMo~, o'~II'e. " pP'!ti~~' , 'r" ward, SC), ,' Frankl h,. '~V' 'Ftee "but we 'Bxpur,ated Il" ' ' Bill's ,reetl-nc atter alx years' a-b. . Communion 'b!! tint Sund., of each . , ~lreDlthen aDd " bQUd up t!ltn; pilip, Rohrer. ,lAlld tl~eo?" Illnce: 'Boo, ' Bettie, '1 IIclU"ed ye, mon\h, obllclren :qr rnu clOWD people " , D~. E!...-te ' ........ ......:... didn't I?'" ,it bU' no .. ual aNt ,t or, ftlmll.~ ' ~... .... ~.--"Then they leemed dllf,ppolnted." St. Augustine's Catholic Cb'Urch. ' oompl.b~ta. ODly 1100 at Fred 0 Fred~riek Frie~1'1r to .RaChal Ben. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Father Oeorse MaTeDhoefer, Putot'. Sohw.rtz'a. - thi t al ___ I tate in W Maes'every lIOOond Sunday of,the aG _ _..._ _ _ _ _ _..._ _ _ _ _ _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 :00 a. III, ' moath ' • e' en "a .. .' ~, e. W;~:;;:~~~~~ TVPHQID FEVI;R . ' county, ~150. , ;; . arren l! A Purely Vegetable LaXatlv~ , " ,c,l'WI W. Younce to Ira M. ,Stut. Rt..-;~~Iii!l~~~~__!~ Vernon Surface, aged. thirty, man real.tate in Waahinaton tilwnc..... Cbraaic Co_patton, and All ' DR.H.,E .HATHAWAY died with typhoid ' fever ..t hia home -.hip, fl. . ' ' " LiYer and Kldnq Troublee. " WayueevU1e'. LeadiD, Den~ n .... Lebanon" lut saturdq mo"': Ada C. S~ J~1u) ,to Hanna b in Kqa 81d1. , lIabi !$ .",. The funeral was- conducted by m8I'J., ~I eetate .... TilrtI~ 'Rev. W. A. Cooper at die cllurdl at townahlp, fl,. tae .....a-, Utica Jut Mon"'" IDOrn~... at 11 Roxt. S. JOI* ,t o Ban; C~ RaJm. Kllboo'.. S I ..II, ld Obi tit A* ...., ,t . 4)'c1oCk. ~n.......t ill ,~f c.- ........ ~__ ." " ' , COUNTY COURTS
t'boasands Hne K'idn8y . Trouble and Neyer Su'sp.ct It.
W.O.Madden &Co Cedar Fence ,Posts
t .
J. H. OPPJ, .The Optici,a n ,---
The Jeweler
Opp, the-Jeweler
tr '
Rh eu,m',a',',
The Alpha Chemloal Go.
,. (
"tt-Ill. lu every dominio n lit Ill)' ktna dOll I men tremble and fear ·hefore Ul_ Ood of Daniel: tor he II tliIe "vlnt God. and "tedfna t for eve r, an.1 bl" D, L, CRANE .. kingdom thllt wblch shall a()l be de· TOMB OF LONG·D EAD PRELA l'E , and' bls dODllulon 8ball be SlrOyed 01110 UNCOVERED_ , SVILLE WAYNE Ihe ond. Ii delh'ert lth IlI1d unto 1.0 e"tlU Ccd Hla 10 Loyalb. n.. I"n>pb.t' rescuel h, ao d bo workct h s lgnl IlI1d WODcIrocab a.warde" Earning a PI ..ld Clo .. ". wonder s In haven aud In c.arlh, who Evident ly PI lice of Sepulch er of a ~t colleges And boardIng scbools all bath deliv ered Daniel from 'the ·p ower "tuOHW AY AND BYWA r' THJt BY . BI,hop of the Rom .. n Catholl~ .ver the COUD U7, ctrl. are ' rylnc lo rEIPREACHEa of tbe lIon~." Churoh, But His History the tbrough ed proclaim rds plenllb th eir slender puraes by abam o w' These H~a. Bee" Lost, Darius' o)f elty 'tutor· oil kIn&. far that bOot·bla IItroetll of 'J)Oolnl;. darning , 400Pl n 'h'. . .... b¥L.b ..... 'bor. W . lI.lIdMG j tbe of OU8 af e&r8 tile upon tnc, and otber lIerv!cea. In one 00rell realm Sar lp ture allthor ity-The Book ot Workm en at the mllUlter at BMte, erunest devot ee8 of the g<ld!. of tb t edUCl\ Llonal college a conlplc uous sIgn Dnnlol, ehnpler 6. rlllne!, while Instnilin g a n ew 9wltze hla In tcl'att. Tk valeted ." "Dog. ann Ollocel, The Propl't'd ee at the Book at D8nl~l . Medcs, one of the prles plant a Bhort time sgo, dis· g heatin U)C for nger struggli ng hu - Ch"))t .. r 2 proClk t ~ the COUI'<ICI ot th e ft\·o heaj·t was abelieved ~trnn ~e entranc ea b, wblcb clr ls force gods before covered In an interIor crypt a tomh. the In He truth. ,Ihould ~h "''''J world, Iho <>t • ~ay Inlo tbe 'll'age-earnln« world ar~ c:renl !nplres beUIlved they whlcb hos been made the I!ubject. nI ' "creed enoh olher In 8uprcrnn~ y -vlz. I"~' wbom be served. He lIot Dovelti .. lUI)' more th an their OnbylOnlnn, Peralnl1. Orerlnn, ROl7'an were lile grea t. gOils befor/! wbom no 010 curious Investig ation. hnpler 7 the t .. ur e n· ",arm hearts &ad lug. ambitio ns are AnI! ehrl.tlan. In Ih e ft ot the tOur other gods clluld .stand. And now, ~t was evident that the budy s Undel power, world " was that ot atol')' wolls' e ston WlU! the word frc.rn the tbe tn here close4 bold, be A cbnrmlo i alld cllarllct erlnlc as· r.,I\&,louo ~lr tll In \,jewed t"' Ula. nro '"'ellt DllrlulI, procla.lm ln .,p a high function ary. It waa clad In the ..., the ,. ·slrus· kin &DId b), Mrs. Sarli..b Stuart Robbin . In tl"CL In hl\pl~r 8 Is pr.edlcted theOr 0. Ian amI Poralnn Ihe between 1(1" OnYII." r Andove of Ifotlmher, vestmen ts or B hlahop ot tbe Roman lIer recent booll, "Old pn ...·crs. And the rlae of th e co rrupt In" tbo:! pow<!r IlI1d maltlsty IIkeleton hand Tb. tale dates bacll \0 thl> tlT1It Quar I nnu~n ce ot Antlo~hus Ep'phnn~8 which and an unknow n God, n go<l he called' Catholic church. The crook sym· God. ng" wooden "livI e tbo tb ' w clasped overthro still nnAI Ihe tor woy bero the Ita . pared Pl" t.r of Ihe n"nIHeell~b e~Dlury d. sbepher tbe f th e J ews by 1he Homans . Then fol · ot o bollcal be gOd8," "Our ·go()s are not li ving 'w .. a cerLBln :lule-pln ylng Oermnn low I h~ precise prophecll'8 regarding the Who was the pre!al e burled In tbls hlnlSe l( 08 be pondere d tb jootheolo glte. " atterwa rd a tamous mi. ~l e83Ioh . In leven we ks 14 yenrs). Ihe thougbt g to a· box of stone? InQult:y showed that tb(' pI'ICltun thEI of words the of DlelUllu (134 weeks 62 In ; rebuilt would be I h h I h ~onary : He wna poor but rallclnntJng. city • d d I yeRMI) . Chr1st woultl begi n hi. ministry eep 0 t . oug f e euterel bod)' was that either of BIshop "utold nnd ton. "n .nll tour lillie clrll loved him dearly·. and In th e mtddle ot one w eek (threo tbelr of I., of Arbu rg, wllo died In 1213, or of he ,,"o\llel be cu t olT. tbe tem!,le where the lmnoloes IThe)' ;vantoo to buy blm a clonk, for one·holt 10yenral. eposed. r Dlshop He inrich If., of Thun. wilo died gods the of n oppositio the a c foretell Chnpler ·.e bad no prot.ectJon a,aJDtlI the Illtell "'''.... Ion power to the r •• torotlon ot thv "Can It be that there Is Jne God In 1238. It , Is known, at least. tha: A Lover's descri ption.. QUY. SOLILO T'& FATLE Chapler U li,oro mlnutel)' nnd t~ ese n re no gods at nil?" came tile ope ned tomb contaille t\ the re lAndove r Tbe)' racked thei r Jews; while Perslon four. the of hIstory predl<,t.o the )flas J.1ugge -I don't seo bow It it ( "rains (or wa,. alld mealil. Tbey lold king . tbnt ot Alexander nnd hla IU(;- Lbe vague Quest/o nlngs Into hla h eart mains . of a man who di ed nearly 700. li lp!! 11I118t go.-Fnllhlon's NnLI!. hid·. years ago. . the before stoOll C Ol'a~ t ,,11h t\ e nnd th ..... r\! came he n.IJlI8t alsl t' r rnll ed 10 find rno III tbo 11.8 patchwo Whll" )'our a by Mrs. made Syrln ot The), uest hlers. conq jlampllg ce.8Q~. till Ihe 'd an d s.:one l 1: lit r tile mo\' ~ mcn I 8, tI nd pr~8l0 !-lho of eft d rew is toreeaat d n woo this You sa.ld you would descrlb l by 0 g res rollo,,·.d followin slaUon. creatu I 1 lng. nor,,,. eous · Tbe. proceed IGllllt "blcb brou gh t them three dol· HCln. wny u".'n h 0 t the 8upremnc~ 0 f Ch r Ilit r. :<loked do'wn In meanlnp lesll . . kable. 1\ mod"-l " ' Ull hl{1l es~ . -NcW8 remar at hllr. to we some\\'h wero . growt covery . pecullal . 1UIe! ploua a da, One him, j lars. ' kl nll.dom to Ihe end oC the ...·orld. a good sees th ~ To In.,,,,,. or not to lace, thot Is the Q\le,,· (who with Lover tomb uated open In.C9.I tbe of llph photogr AndD?e r mstron ofteree! tliem 26 cen" • llon' dea l Dlore In Mi ss r.fu ~g than o ther "Surely some great tblng must haVE' body In It was takell with great dlf. :apleoe If the), could come e,ery hoU· ~ happen ed tit Baby lon that th" kina fi culty, for It was almost Im possib le In WhctlH'r "'Us nobler In t.he (leah to . aut· tolks caul-Y es. 1 told her to loolr . NETTE SERMO tel' weeka and ~ alte,'UooD tor sbould have sent out such a decree," that narro,v undergr ound hole to mak'! The p'lIoh 111111 squeezing .t outrogeoWl 'tor a bcnutltu l gIrl . wllb the tnce of a Th. lI~nl ' den II the ' lafeat man resd yew- to 1l81' "M..,n on ·Selt thl~ Is "'''bo . aloud. Madonn a and tile rorm of a aylpb. It'll ed picture Cushion exclahn clear a he bo God If place a man can find UIll>O\,RC &dlre Is III and UpOll I'1l dolVo Irer g sit kin Or the whom er whe mlsscd you.-Ne w Yo.rk to Knowle dge." Moreov er, If tbey wOlild qu exam· Daniel, h For th e purpoee of thoroug there to clqse the liOns' mouths. mNll 'a&Tea to let ber "malle remarka " to wb,ose Ood bath delivere d bJm from Inatlon th e bOlly WBII tnken from It s And, by opposIng, C\J1d tt 7 To gIlSP, to Weokly . It waa not oatenta tioul dll· the raging (ury of the 1I0lls 1" pant 'them CD the book, Ille would . Increase bed of centu rlcs to a room In ' tbe mu· play of hll relig ion \!'Ihlch got EASY ENOUGH, troubl ed by thest seum of lhe city. Tbls was dlmc ult No mor~ , nnd be'ng f~t, to Bny we .. 1ll1 lit· four "Art thou lbe So was ~DtI, . 'their pay &0 51) Daniel Into troUble, It the thousnnd IItltllrul anll o henrtnch Tho tlbow. hili al volce. a asked likethings?" to do, for the IlIghtea t tou ch was • falthful nelS In aBe ret prayer. shoCk a ;tie malden l Ipent their Ionc, preciou l Tbe young prleat slarted Violently, ly to crumble anythI ng In the tomb to The fI ~ h Is heIr tn-'tls n consummntlOG The man who . meets God In lafterno onl wi til Mrs. PortlH' and "Belf· puU, for he ·bod 8upposee! he' wall alvle, IUIII e!usl The examin ation require<! two Devoutly to bo WIsh ell. To tu g, to A hll clolet II not going to be 'If'. 'KDowledj-e," 'aDd earned b, their IIIC' ~e. ' perchan ce to pinch I .. c .qu BU' To hili or face tbe Into look to were turned days, aud then the remains afraid of the cnemle l he meetl t hcr~'9 the rubl irtftce mone, for a lone red plale! cloek. 1lI1' d'10 8urprlse too was perior. He burlee! IIgaln, It II hoped. never more For In t.hls <,hn~ of IIwle what Crea Gut,lde , r'ltb a yolulDlnOIJl CApe, futened with IIwer at tlrst ane! the Quost.lon oWas tnus t rome to b.e dis tu rbed. i the bualest man to lubmlt I pili. ~' e mny nllllity thl" mortal n 8h .• laree ctll cup; an:! this "ca, peoted with fresh emphas is. ' beeg em balmed . but "fa who can be found tohad y attal,.. bcd of The Therc's the Ugbt ~h'e us pauMe. Muat man IItudenl this caJ lng thecloct a concem out know decke41 would "I map' day whelhe ror not DanIel ... chief the procell 'o nly delayed and did no t sleevclI 'be clune Iw~t ~ at ull l Daniel and ·hls God," .... Puritllll Aado,e r, The &irllih man In .. II that vaet kingdom arrest the prot;ess ot decoy. The tomb Thnl mnkc ('nlam!ty of reochlng would bear the grIp of 1I0ne hesitati ng respons e. ~II for earnlne wagel a hundred of 81abs of IItone ce· Por who slcel. ply 11m did not have tremend oUI rod con2f~te . nnd A e!ark look sbone In th e face of· tbe mented togethe r, /lnd the remains III IPonslb llltles, and yet not ·Ont, ago at Ie..t bad the allYlUltage. The ~t'fIlnl; IIteam wlthlq th e TurkISh aald, ball menac· a8.he man elder to laid ry were neceaaa t.. It men ion, find vest not d he Compan ' did 8plendl Youth', their bllth, eelarea the IfUlplt\jf lugl,: make a work day out of the Sabupon a bed ot lIat IIlones placed In po- The rubblnl; of mn8seurs, tho aYln. tIIelr lavento ra no poorer In w.8nder to tbee for well not down were "It time found he cement but day, without bath Itlon mnch De 'lt rat, s nntl· ot wonder .. pilI elf·resp ect. One or powdel'll nnd oC after other gods than thine 0 wn, lest three tlmel a d ..y to leek the The bead hat! been plllowe e! on a The ahun nln.: sweets cmd Ctulnnoeoue be we! for 110m" of tbe moderD the Ill'1lt tblng thou know'~a t thy call· the prayer, In But Cood. Lord , atone scooped out a JlUle. hem". Donan may come too IlIgh. Inc sliall be gone." When Bhe hel'SAlr mlallt her con tenttaskl alwaYI are l Intennl BUllnes that d survive not· had b('1\c! .' m~nt mnl' <! hen tbe, .... .oucht I.-reedll, or &en' "nut what If tile God o,f thIs man made easier by takIng the Lord centurie s. Nothing or It wall In a loose wrnpllcr ? Who would orset. Heven or our tban greater be . Daniel sbould . t lOnall)' ' Into partner ship and holding a weAr round exceptin g Bome handrull l of dust. gods?" Questio ned the young priest. rew rho.! n<'!ther let her walk nor atnod nor a prh,ate confere nce with hI", nnd Jaw lower the of. ·bit small a 1111, "Dare you to Questio n tbe greatne 5' leeth . . '!'be .waken lng of. China. melt 1I0W aeveral tlmea during the day, . . 'lut lhnt tho dr~"d of belnll' out of ItylG, of the gods whose priest ye aro?" deWhat a tOltimo nial that Wal I" accepte d U 811 R'lIuree! and Indeed covered brhJge··w hlstlcls e~stence, trolll r hlll Some or the IIn ~etl were manded the olher. bOI~rne to the char..cter of D.. nlel, when whose . • parOall, . aocomp i!sh'!d ':wL It dll. pl\rob· to turoed had that skin with whom '1 would know of thla Ooe! ' fo lrtl\'cler retu rns. lluzzlcs tho will hll -enemlea were forced to ad. A touoh. a at d !"re wtdel, In man, respect II from the crumble they hut Clara-R ow did tbe fool ball . plnyen \ nd mnkll!o us ratl1 ~r bqnr the Ills we tbe king declare s Is the greates t of ment, mit that they could fln!i no fault . relalped thei r mlist plainly oloths Into Ut e show wI hout pay ing? the la wak8llln& of Japan,. pIII'II), ~ecaUlle get of rew e. respons list earn the wl).s gods," of? II: him eave aa It concern ed hla bu! Chnn nl' to othnr8 thnt we know not desl"'ns ntnl -On n doubl e pass. orname Oharlle and exture Ute differen ce ID lbe manner IUld cll' mlnd,~ thy of folly us "Turn from this r hus fashion do th make cown r<ls of . loyalty to the'law a of hi, God lin he greatcs t care In handlin g t.b em lnte'1se with wmalan c.. or Itl achieve ment and other the ed excl~lm let.had Daniel Early In life An Encoura glno ~ • .e, would e!rop tt' -\nd thUB tbo native girth Clnd aizo and Ipartl, beCaute or t}e radical dllferen cfl voice. "Let well enough alone." And was required or they been I09l<lng Ol'er my I),naDo that question I I to where have tied "I , ess tbn'l 80 .plumpn red Iiii or Ite peollle.· But It la with those words be turn ed Bnd left "Ieoes. All were 'd!scolo 'ID lbe Is sk I nned 0' r with bl1n/la of erushJng clal operatio ns," said Mr. Enslgo. "I ' hll first oblillati on lay, and tho lear tobacco brown like looked tbey . gTlp, the younge r man st:>.ildlng;-alone l&l ItO k!ea real lUI. III likely to prove no whole BUccesa of hll life waa an made or some 0 1 '. nd o nnme (lr fatn ess. Eo,s y. now, must BIl;Y-tb'e y are mor.e aucceBsf A strange resolve had been Iormlng ChemIc al tes's we re ~blln usual." . 1_ alcnlllCllDt .. tbe world. We ma, DIY lh outgro~h of that determi nation Nympb, . ncl' mukcr! Importa .ilrpsa of ll'''Od ;,Iy In the mind of the young priest while' ,the cloth, but nolblng ' ''Have YelU been mnklng large to pU't God flnt and to eteer hi, 4ate It from lhe time of lhe war Mdlrectolre. to him, was discove red. taltkjng been had r superIo . his God'a of Itar De all my CLl t forl:otton! . polar ma,. the ane! by Ilrotlts1 " life tween 'IlIl"la "lUId Jllpan, stall' d's ahepber ornate -Ufe. blghly and now Ibat be Willi alolle he slarte'd • The. "N o. I don't expect anythin g like will. of a8h. lin " credit It larcel), to tIInt war .. one 01 put It Into executio n. Be diveste d bad ~een made 01 pieces . to God hat t I know that." didn't IT. TO Daniel DRIVEN t· r une:tpec mortise d togethe Ita UalnteDded and perhaPI blmself of the robes of bl:. 1Irlestly of· den and oaj( wood, "Dut you say you were succeu rul,... would clolo the 1I0nl' mouth a 10 tbougb ce.nter, ' the to 'rotton now I)ut ~ retlult&. Tllere bad 'be~ ,poradl c ,almple Dce and, ba8t1ly donning the "Compa ratlve'y 8ucces3!Ul. Durlns thlt he would receive no phyal. .crmpto ms of UJlrelt and uprising In clotljlng or a traveler , an,e! placing hll sUII lI~rfect In shape. montb I have loa neu money ' to Ii~ hurt, the ul In. the or 'ryIe most strl!dng ,resultll China before Ulat, but Ilace theD the rew posseSS ions In a bundle, he start· and only three of th m hay frleods True faith and loyalty to God v~8t1gatlon. WIS fhe ' photogr aphs, . ! 1 movem ent Ilal proceed ed at a rate ed forth. qult speakJn g to me."-W lI.lIhlng toD never seeka to bargain with God . embrold and t:loth the 01 , number In "I will not even return home IlI1d let Star, nall, at&rtWnK .. ,boBe who have '1m&. concern ing phyalca l or iJ,aterla l . leather san' the family know of D'\y In"tentlo na lest ery palterll s, ~he tatteTed ot tbe .em. clned tM erlen' to be necesaa rliy 'and bleaalng s. It I, content to do the . Some R;1ther Cau.lic , word reach the cblef of the tem ple and :lals and Ule tomb, esa'farlably eon8en aUve and alow. thing God would have done' and,· ed to broidery pattern s are of·, remalka ble n an d th o lending lady ' exclaim be comoilia The going," my .forbld be conae. · and na to leave condltlo belllllY and Intricac y, tbe Uon' ea r admirin g ohserva lhr-ouch d the In hastene Itood he, al elf,. s blm· quencea with him. . fl%1ng In y dUHcult, great was . \'e T~e scenery the tbe of mreets delerted now dark and NOtl.c e In ' thl' Inclde'n t the pho be might they that tbe ~80 .sllid sandals unset," s 'the l led benulltu a whlcb' "Wba~ city. Ite knew of the r~lod graphic demonl tratlon of the were Uttle more leading ladY, drQllmlly. from bls city toward thEI great Baby· tograph ed, fot they truth of God', word that "The blow w~'d b'reath "Yes," laughed the comedIa n, ..It lon, nnd when be had reac~ed tbe gate than dust that a wrath of man shall prall. th.H ." t,h~ to Iltte~ n bee, bad They away. througb me of your e:tqulalt e compleJ!' Q~lleUy reminds of tbe city he slipped -Plalm 76:10, For not only did feet of a dead, man .nearly 300 years 10n.'1 dark· the IlIIto boldly out struck and . eneml. Danill's .the plot of before Columb us discove red Americ a. "Ab, how 'klne!! Becaulle It Is such , nes8. bring ' added dl.gnlty and honor . W lao weeks many weary and, e besutl rul pink an\! white?" a l;'ootlor mag. a le tlcru· ' to him, but It resulted In e know of thlt re markab . I d d t to ' the mum. t ':No, because It ,Is swiftly radlng ... · nlfylng of' the' name of the true er a . us -covere trave er was seen t,ny that ba8 heen giveo remains of the ancient kings milled lle llley never s Jloke from Kokomo and , ,"nd Bsbylon cif gates the entor to. valt God through out all the thlll Is probabl y ' Egypt: of quee!]s d 'lil eO,-C h l4:a ~o Dolly NeWI. hig ~anKllk wonder ~ the by !led Burroun soori WIlS kingdom of Darius. 'dust of a Chris., people In tbe market place. It WII.8 tbe Ibe IIrst .t{me that the .. subJect ed to He who maintai ns .. cret dally PEflHA PS, Uan . prelate ·has been young .p rlest from tbe far 9ft corner . devotlo nl with God 1& going to Investig ations.' Tbe imoient matter? the .lmUar -What'a strange a ~1yrtle sp~ke He . kingdom DariUS of be conacio ul of an Inflow ing the bodies of d l!o.rge-:-Th e fu.rnace . bas tongue to t.hose In Bap,y lon and the . f1toces~es of preserv p~wer which will he I, In ev~ry those of the :hoked. exc;-el\ed far dend he ' ' heads their lihoo,k him around people life, In ship relation ly shown In . Myrtl e-Grac ious! Has father done as M Slrove to make h.lmBolt under· Ohrls/l an era a8 I!I striking to inythln g so· despera te as , that? attempt e th · tot case, present th,e to ~eemed word o!le stood. At last ' . ttl" THE SrORY . catc.h tbelr ear ane! th ey repeate d alter nrellerv e the ,bod y (jrom 0 a ~ecay ut ' . ~he Modern ' t-ai<:e. NTO the far cornH ot the vast do. blm ' question ingly , "Dallllel?" ' te rly tolled. , , ., ' sa id tbe' ~lnlllY old gentle"WIllI~: , . his over oke Ur minions Of the great King Darius joy Qf A great light g • - ' a . hearin worl. ard you ruay be you ~day .·'lf one · man" ger .messen aly. came a fllce and he sbook hi!! hEla,.d vlgorou the Unlt¢i't . States ,some Away. .of dent ~ilvC\~ . presI Secreti .. State . tidin gs, th e like of which tbey had the spo'ke Daniel," see to "He wonls . .'.. ~ Preside nt PO'lsev elt baa a.ccepted an ne ~ er berorE) heardl That the lJ]~sen' Judge Mo~~rmer · l£~ wI8· l':lves.' ~he day." and· with v-iqllng eage,rn ess !,8 precodo the . ed answer "Well," g: Invltatio G to ' artdreas tbe Royal Gee. ger cnme from the kl~g was cerlaln, people, followIn .the t!" r th!1y ' had SOOIi guided him to lhe pal· rhym ing raco .n~a' n rea ding Ii: g reat de,al 'cravhlc al 8OcI8l)' In London on bill "e- for he bore the. klng'a creden II nls, 11D!1 ":rbese. C~t'la~J;ha9 adngs YOU read youtll, "I've bee . ' Ilce.' the prtl llident does, "Of brought what t Ilqo St. July, hot In back. ·w~; w~lt U1rD from his . African hunt/ng trip. H. the prqclam allon wblch b e ~er~. ~ trom Daniel ~se a trav.e ler ' liard, but or far"Would Valen tln!!'S dny songs were ' writ be- course I'm willing to worK Is ope ot the nlnv bonorar y 'llember~ was liealed with th) great seal ott provlnce~" Star. nglpn -Washl hord."-' 'Is tbal that 'lot alld sk~, state. el"s 01 the loclety, Bnd the ~ l1ly one ot "Surely ," spake . DanlEII himself, and nea th Novemb s. the' king bad Thank trom of write message the should H poet the why for er t when l, Interpre Probab an ·royal. dge, round he had 80'on them wbo 18 Dot , His Supply .of Knowle been Doe demarid lnll lin hicrease d 10,,(' the young priest aod· wus listenin g at· glv~ng ' cheer wblle He Is good and ' "Why," sold Ihe .boa!j(ful' gne. ''I'V.R lie mah. Ide M~re.. there will be 'here' be rs, or It ha d been to l! cottt tlm ' royal good 'the 1l11 ' for':(hat to hunlrry , ' tban , y.o~ ever knew." more Il'lPuiar (Ur105111 and Inter..t a clI lI for the railling of an army to go lentlv ely to bl8 story. while one'~ r.. rrrotten more the-' modest mall. "Thy journey bBli not beea In vain," one deals out country Idyls ·replled " calOlnot, "I til 'the e~·pl'ellldeut and America n cltl. fortb and tight for the kIng. th ere city of ·tii:le. .1. think ~d, wl;e'o tbe youug Im'inured, In town ' and signs Is say resflPD~ you Daniel what "deny aDd y bonorar M1l ~ III all hll otber would have been 1I1t'e. wond er ca~8e d , man had finish ed, 'nnd' he wen I on 10 1,lensure s where the leaves are drift. I mny Eufely 8ay, howeve r, 't hat ~yoll ev1al (lOomem bers put t oglltber . for s uch demnlle!s W'Jre bei ng mad e tell th e young m~ all' the wonderf ul Ing down: 'tis In this absel1,t treat. bave never been, ill a .. positIon to for· . hi · f ent upon t bem from t1r.Je to time, but story of .hls devotio n til Ihe true God and get very much at oile t1me.;'-' Clilcag o way . e 8 nt;s 9 ,everyth ing, m Mme. Co.l.~e, tile greal .s lnger, ad. when the royal mcs'1enger came pro. ot beaven and of bls mllraculpus dellv. 90 Iblnk he ought to have Record· Herald. not do I . ". . . t _ young w/)men gut to be &mbl. claimin g th e maJeSI) and pow er of erance (i'om lhe moutlll3 of the lions. to rllie and sing of good Thanksg lvln l\ The Patient : (~avlng e8oa~ed trom not brim ",""us tor BIage fame, but to marry and some new and living God . /I, God : eager ' Int tlnsl ty the day when be Is Illlec! up to lhebrown s~ralned With not chalr):-I thl!lk: · Pe rhlllls, I'll 'call God tbe a aod ol,e, gravy lie hapilY. BUI the wlee advice ot thOle made of wood or al young Ulan lis tened. drln·kln g. In 'e very with pumpki n pie ' and ~kelob. to-D:lorrow.,-The' 80 I hat he . I hand Did at near him. but for olr dl~d arar )hat ·~urk lire ; . nnd · know and Interpre .... j who bave trI ed. all "'aya, e word lUI, Danlei sPQke and the th betore wondel'S don't mlgbty I " ed pleT n perform pumpki the spenk of '. Butto'nrHook Called For, Uld the futlllt, of Ita amblUo nl to sat. ler repeate d It In bill own tongue, .IIlutrl)d ,si}' plum lIaUon, then · wus there a great sU,. and :-ah--corue bUltoD 'my i!tto(!!!' Theil he snt In Bll enCl~ fpr aome -mIn· know If. I did, but I'm ."J~~e~Isfy ceneral ly talla lIat OD YO~tbful ueBtlonlng among the people as to up the Ifd.sill,it t he lightwe ight comedia n -alt. utes ·and then, rl slp!:, he pointed UI" rall of that It's pushlog earl. Eacb one clalnls the rlghl to whllt It could mean. .. 6n the III age, wnrds and then ~oward his own hearl, A.tlanta Constit ution &d out wbat la anhappl ;leel In hll or Who Willi this man : Danlel wh08e and tIloo, lookli\g 0111 lID lhe · dlreotlo n .. "But, your highnes s, ' I 'wll( neea ber o..n W8,. God was being' set above every god In whl.oh hi s foa:- di stant horDe lay, ht: WIIlatanl!e,'" replied Jamel! the ~ aome by ed worshIp ntereat. I H OYi to .' whloh had before beE'1l valet. pointed thltbor. saying ; Tbe prelent Btralneli relaHon . be- che Medes and the Persian s? And what . "And, mntber, " bClCe~' tbe \ debutvoice from ~. go ba<;l( and toll.'" "I'll ·came hQo,,!" de "Get· .. antI!, ·"wlll YOII not tench me ),ot,ll' art weeD England and German , sh\l. wondert ul thing had happene d thai tbe gallery. -Yonke ra .SIs.-.eaman. Plea for FI.. ngea on R.n •. Rene! ollt such convers ing llftenes &gly f..' of, bow weak ue tamlly lies when no dbottld move the kin!; to Amerl, the of meetln!~ recent tbo which At . , n decree Dllinter eiteif, ,'t! .11 ,aIDlPld .:m,. d~r,'1 tepl~d the tlonal plLIIelonli are !nOamed. And 11 a wonderf ul dfcree, r sounded like an Inshlt to the mlghtt can 8tr~t and InterUlrba!l I!)nglnee DJd you ever notice ho~ d .... ·',\U' )' d do' BacoD7" matron. nced oxperle the Q'uarrel la anally preclpll .ated, " new goda of the Persian s who bad made Ing 8s8l>clatlon of Atlantic Cit)·; R uae the word latel'e8t ed he Bellms to look wbe.n he;1 will be worse on account of tbOle- Dat:lUll 80 great a king flnd extende d system of st~et rallw 2ty conll ruction Is to m!lk:e It a . point talkln. to· hlmaelt ? 'r" word tile thaD o~eallr ',ou' &1ea, for everyb0 4y kuOlvs tbat lb. bll king 10m to the IItmOst boundi ot Was propooe d. The Idtla 1\'89 to form E'~rt-ol,. yea; be's probabl , 11,,_ wont snd IlIllst Irreconc lloble of all the· ellrtb? the car wheels wlt.hoult ftan,lfes, hUI . hlmaelt . lome Bdvlce .-yODt .. hie . ., GODllcta are tOUllly Qunrn}ls . ~tfl!lDl~. qucll wt'r" the. QuestJo nrnrs wluch lnatea~, to place the Bnges on Ibt' &NBe 10 the mlae!s or tile pOt,ple, os ralls, The l;Iell' coaat'" ctlon waa .. bll arrlllD nlll the) /lslened to the proclalD atiob present cd aDd maDY • were t,rought rorwant UII al" which the herald' 'IJUIollnced: Un I 1Ht!'loriltY of .-aoh • "Peace be mUlti
The Miami Gaz ette
of .
lP- --- ---
Wnl:7~OV O~ rd~~.s Ne~clIGif~s
By WM. K. LANDON (Cop)'rl&bl; b7 lfonl
They were sltth1g In a ditch, or rather, Teddy. was sitting. and Pby11la was stre tched luxuriously at full length. with her plilny bronze toes pressed bard against a tree at the bottom of the bank, and her back propped agalnl!t a moss·covered trunl, at the top. Teddy. on the other hand, looked dE>oldedly , uncomfortable. T eddy W88 an ordinary olean.looklng · boy. He w.a s just drifting tbrough the second year of hla happy·go·lucky career at college. Pbyllls 'bad alway a been accustomed to a wlllJng army of male slaves and admirers. and found undilu ted femininity rather oppressing at Umes. 80 · she welcomed · an occasional meeUng with Teddy and kindred undergraduate splrtls. · T eddy was In a 'decldedly bad temper. He knew that Phyllis bad bad ber Jlhoto laken recently; he bad. In fact, lIeen tbe proofs, which were charming, nnd of course. he bad ex~cled one to put on his mantelpiece, there to create an Impression amoug tis rrlellds. ''Why the deuce she won't give me one beats me." he .thought gloomily to himself. , PhylIIa had relapsed Iota silence. and was nlmlnaUng on things In genoral, Everyone had alwaY8 considered (bat Teddy and Dorothea, Phylllo' yoon'g er Sister, had hoen cut out for each olher · [rom the cradle. Since their nu rsery days tb'JY had ' roamed .bout tbe co~tr'ysld e, blrds·nestlng,
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at blm. "Look here; Phyl." he wenl on, "do you think yoU will ever lIkf me well eMugh- I've been ' In lovt with you Cor months, well"- ralher sheeplshly-"for weeks, at any rate" -Teddy stopped sbort, conscious that he was bungling the thing horribly. Pby1Jls relaxed the ten ilion of hel limbs and alld rapidly to the bottom or the dltcb. Her dress bunched UI round her, and hilI' chip, on a level with Teddy's,rested oil ber twr hands. Her braIn workcd rapidly_ She must tide Over tbJs phaae of Teddy's till he SIlW Dolly agaIn; tileD she w('uld bring ott something dell· nlt e. -ad It would come nil righ t. Phyllis endeavored to make her IOf! blue tlyes look hard; she failed ulter 13". however, from wllnt of p'racticf She aillo tried to smooth out her dim pies, which s he bad frequently beer. told .....ere be\vltchlng, but sbe only succeeded, although ahe did not know It, In pursing liP h er red lips Into theIJ most InvlUng sbape. . Disaster must Inevitably IIa'V6 fot lowed. bad not sometblng Inside be.r s uddenl!o' given way. Her wblte teeth showed tbemselves In a smile, and tben peal ofter peal of 11ppllng laughter broke from her, uil ber sides ached and tears stood In her eyes. Now, dlsdaluful eyeJl, even absence of dimples, Is no barrier to 10ve'B ardor; but a lover, particularly If he be very youtblul, can uever survive ridl· cnle. ' Teddy s udde nly felt he bad made a fool of blmself. Awful enough at aoy lime, but In tbe presence of a girl-above all, of PhylliS, He ,was rUI'lous wltb bUlIself, .furlous with lIer, he became more and mOJ;e crimson. "Teddy, dear," Phyllis at last managlld to gssp out, "rm really awfully sorry; ( wasn't la\l8hlng' at you, ' but-" "Perhaps you'd rather be getting back as you seem to flnd my pre&~nce 10 odlous"-& Bcra" ot eloq\lence from the "Footlights," !l college play, In ;"'!llth he waa to . act In the' ap. proachlng commenccment-caine to tlie aid of Injured dignity. Phyllis rose" shook o~~ her crumplell skirt '{lnd settled ber Panama , hat. "Oh. Teddy. you ale funny." she sald, trying hard to recover har gravity. Teddy belped her out of the ditch, and strod'e o'tf. If one can be' Jlald to ' strIde In 'patent-Ieather pumps rather down' at'the heels. '
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Water Is the most esal>ntlal elemellt ot plant f !)Cd, and water and atr are two.' tblngs tbat overy plant requires, yet there are no set rtllea that can be ~ven w)Jen these thIngs should be applied. Generally speaking, howol'er, a plant should only be watered when It Is dry, and should then be wstered ~ufficlently to wet It thoroughly. SomeImes Ills necessary to water plants ' wo or three times a day In sunny weather, and again, In cloudy weather, onct! a week may be often enough. Plants s hould receive, good ·alr. It ts , 9I'ell to opcn a wln (low for a: few moo rp.ents e ve ry brlgbt, sunny day, even ,n wlcter. Dust frequently cloga tbe, [lares. For this reasoq It Is beat to s prinkle the foliage plants by taking Lhem to the kitchen sink or to ilie bathtub at least once or t wice a week. Lt thi s Is not practicable, dusting with '\ duster or washing corlaceous leaves with a sponge Is advisable. Where the' nlants can be properly sprayed they ue not likely to be trOUbled very much with Insecta. In case a si ngle plant Is covered ",'!t h "green fly." place a paper bag over It, have Bome trlend Ivho smokes puff the cigar s1Uoke Into lhe bag. A tew ti mes will remedy the trouble. Scale InMcts, If they once get hold. can only be removed by washing off wltb a Btlll brush, or, If near a Ilorlst, bave blm glvo the bydrocyanlc gll8 'treatme;lt. pyrelhrum or tobacco dust Is also valuable, but is ' generally too objectionable to llave In a IIvlu g room. l'be best llreventlve Is to always keep the plants In perfect bealth and growing. The pots or window boxes should be turlle4 frequently 80 as to nave the plants develop .ymmetrlcallr_ After all, the secrot of the grealest ~ u ccesa with the window garden Is the Innate lovo for. !Iowerli by tbe one wbo r:aree tor tbom, worked out by coming lu daily contact with the plants.tbemlelvel and thull learning tbe lDdlv:ldo~1 'leeds of each plant. , The environments of no two window I,;IlrdenB are exactly alike and tbus , each one cldls for different treatment. However, It you s tudy plnnts a.nd ful-, 1m their wants, they will nearly always enUrely tulllll youi' wishes tn )beerlng and your scboolroom or home.
to n~ri~e~"'!1lds I\ad~ 11) M~v l!.B)d Pr~tty
At a n .cellt wedding the bride hit on a Dovel way IOf presenllng tbe souvoolrs to her bridesmaIds. tbat added much to the Interest of the occa· slon. After much looking slle (onnd In II Rusalan art etore a number of fascl nat· Ing old silver bclt. bu ck les, such as arp worn by I,he peasauts In Russia. The one drawback was that eight buckles s1llte were not to be flU.., chaset!. But the girl hit 'on the llnPPJ plan of maktng lbe bridesmaids dra" for theIr own gl(ta. Each buckle wA!! done Ull daintily In a ,box used for the wcddlog clike, with ' the m9nogram of tbo brid and groom on tall. Thesc were put In the cen ter of a wedding boll, of wblte gar· den chrysa nthemums. and a white rib b'on with a small heart; cut from s ll· ver paper, was attached to each package. The bell wus a hom e-made afl'alr. made fro m fin wire, wttb the flowers stuck in through the m ~s h cs , Each stom was wrllppcd In damp Illlhagnum moss to keep It fr,esh. Tbe boxes were concesled In the to p of the bell a bove t.he cinpiler. A Wire shelf W88 run n.cross, 'with an opening all one side, througb wh ich the hoxfls were slipped. The shelf WJl8 hidden by being wooud wl tJl greens. Each beart bad a number on t~ e ww.on~ side. wblch was rSI)eated en tbe box 10 Q vohl mlstJll.kes, At the Ci090 of tbe wedding aUPIl r the bride roso and said: " I will now ask my 111'ld esmal(ls to Wish mo good Inck by ringing my marMage bell." Each girl was tlJien directed to take holi! of tbc first rib bon IIhe could reach and pull the bell Igently sevon Umes. In order not to briag bell , boxcs and all down on the table t be pulllog was very light. ' . . At the close of Ule ringing, eacb girl was told to genUy draw bel' ribbon to· ward ber, one lit ~ time. This took the small boxeJl from the s helf ",1thout posslblll ty of hrealkage. The boxeB when opened were found to conta.ln, In addition to an o~d buckle, s mall !!ard, wltb the ·dat.e of the wedding, the Initials of the bride !lnd groom and a: merry jingle allP~ prlate to the oCCBl!.lon.
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She will er/lrore at uT time ' Th e Lllnd of Derrint~Do. 'file ladder into DreeooaAII dllII6 All day with J'OU,
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With Joy tTl. lursrMT' f«tft eo fa , T~ Never-Nner Land I You'll love ~r best WMft ,.. aN ... HlIye Peter·PIIlIItCd.
• But thue', oqe Ie. for *ltIci 1'fII/IU ' find
Her feet are nuer .hod, One ~ountTT I18ftr to Iter II1I/I6-. 7'he Land of Nad, V.IL Pr+' _.
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,Combat. Between Ono of the "Bald" SpecIes and a Monster of tlto Dee.,.
C'eature That I. One of the , Chllracte,.. latici of the Se.lon_ '
To !fairr Sell and ef,fn Coatt\ And Citadel ot Pea,-' You /lilly quite eullT ucorf, ,My little girl_
• 'Comblnatlon of softest tones til one • )f tbo sellson's charaqterlstics. At a Tbe, eaTrlng Is sHII pronounced, large recent .function . a beautiful costumE! .pearls and soml-t:lr'~louB stones being lVas of dark gray crepe de chine richly freely worn. .m~roldere" witb a Japanese . design Jumpers are modlUled Into·the dlrec. lOd worn wltb 'a ruff of Allee blue and loire walstcoat of lace lliJ.~n WOfn "Who'a TeddY-;;;dolnh got up, I 'gray bat trImmed WIth, a blue under coats: say oM nla.n '; two fair glrla and a ·eath~r. It was really wond,llrful ar- . Gorsets are blgh In the bUBt, small perUy mamma 11' rangement, and tbe fair wea ,-ef 11"88 and round ' In the waist and very long . The speaker. a youth of blalle a~ :he cynosure' of all eyes. . troln the walsl down. ' peBranco. iounsed on the wIndow seat , . Anotber beautJful dresa was ,ln Ute . Bius comes first In rail colors, and of a room, gracet 111 buoyed up' b'y tirectolre .style, of. ' nattler' blue, mar- the dark rich tOne, navy wUl be em. . w~ · scan- "• ,I'U'"'''''' made over . a foundation of played' I·n m.a ny sm,ftrt ..- gowns. . , numberless 'cusblon8. · He lil.n s the brllll811t kaletsloscope of als · >alest mlluTe. The hat . WIlS Or ,blue, TOlles nets when embrolderecf In ·tors. . colisin! and un(lergraduate& :rtmmed .w lth a cloud Qf mauve chltron pastel colors are very rich for entire , •sUl;1!-mer at· Ind a blue Ouft ' of ' marabout. walets. Tbe embroidery need not be , _ wending tl!elr way I~.light A pretty black. gown de va'" . tire and slaady hate about .th e. cam· b d of crepe If ' J elaborate. ' ,bine was made wit a eep gu mile a The variation at .the usual plerrot pus, were t also. ruff ' Is one compo'lIcd or white and . Th.. othel' occupajlt of the room; ~old lace; whileh tbe haleeves ti ' picking out an ')f the' lace, wit ' a s or overs who 'was laboriously . eeve 0d gravJ mallne from · t:he collar o.t' .",bICb fTOOf , olack. Tho crep;e waa dr!1l)ed spring minute tat.l s o,t brown fur . . air on 'a banjo.. ce.ased · hla absorbing • klrt roun I the lUng C;"' bead work Is fQund , upon. occupation and came over to the win' the figure 'b'and I th 11ayersr th . knee -, dow. Contrary to hIs cuatdm, hi, ;mcefully e ow e ne 0 e . very dreeer. evening froeks, hut tbe wJ1lled enth uslastlc. 15tyle ' Iii not'·so well rec.e lved as aaU,. . Piping the Brim., ' fiower deCorations, Persian bandlngl "Wh,)", tbey're the Mllllle. Bletch 'One of the ,new touches hl mlllineri are I188d under slasbed waillt seams. ' wood\ of COUT,se, Lhe prettiest girls 00 'II tbl! tiny piping of color put at the lhe cam'pus at the present moment, or ~dge of the brIm of a black hat. This . Odd Necklace.. I'm no judge of fluft. TeddY'8 sweet Is run In between the over and under 011"18 are now ' wearing neoklaces on the mUa one, and their people ex- lldes an4 glves a mere Une of color' made of rose quarta beads, onyX and R Idl pect lthem to make match It. :.Mound th o e tace. The barpln, a match cyrslal beads. of lapis lazuli beads, of . d rke ap y. ' ' Her Brain W9 Jave l'd give something to be of to his, 't., Uusually It Is choBen ~o carry out cut coral, a~d of 'plaln Bmbtlr, mlxeii nilllng or' sllatlng,' and ,getUllg Into-a "boes." , . ' 'lome' cofor; scbeme In. tl!e ,costlime... with ' turqUol!!~: 'thl!bsan1! acrapes togetber. Teddy. IIi "Ob: so that's tbe matter." ,. " . " hIs boyllih way, was Dolly's devoted . Teddy, IlB host of two such pretty ..dorer: 'and ahe bad nenrly weilt her glrls, fOlind blmaelf the bero ot the · 'eyel 'Qut whep he went to school for hour. .Thlrd·year men. oven aenlorS. ~he , first time_ She ~118 , a lovely gir,l hsd sud<\enly become unbending 'a nd of is when the youog miln came from. liftable. HIs own set vied botly with' • .CaUege '~or 'hIs flrlt vl\catlon, an,d 'even .each other In Invitations. and . \1tten' Tedd'y, .the ' uosenUme~la~! telt a SUd., tlons. Teddy's manne,r waa becomln~ den thrUi wh~fi he saw her a gain ~tter tinged' with the 8u~rlorlly born 'of ,: • c9nslderable. lapse at time. With succeJls.· ' 'the advent ot manhood bls deytion hod It. wae the dBT of the 8OphC?moril tncr~a8ed, Hili succeeding . vocaUons dance. and hie fiQkle allegiance re-. bad been spent In' Europ~ or with col- tor,ned In :full forCI! . . Teddy's beJ; ieg~ frllmdll." anel ConBOqUent~ Teddy illlvtor during 'the -atternoon '. ' had 'not aeeu much' of Dolly, 'while be em·p lary. He devoted ' !tllnself, ~o aDd,'P.byllls had met lit all klnda 'Bletcb,\\,ood', arranging ber . cUllhJonl!'J 001leg8 ' iu~cUonB and and .aBsurbig ' her they' Were not In 1m· ~Xlmlty la:',an aU-po'Yer(ul. ln!luenco mlnent dapser Of . twIgs aud ' spiders; ,wt~ a - yoU:Og .man' of TeddY'1! ,\u,oop. "How 'college doe8 Illillrov~ a youns ,tlbfei ale, nnd Phyma, thInking .over man' s ' llianners!" she :remllrked al!; lifS"mimner to ,IIClr ot'tate, came to provlngly to Doroth.ea. ' · . ,. ' ..,116Iulllon that .It was decidedly un- .. Howmucb a few weelra' can acpom· ~'; . pllsb In 11. . ypuna m.a n's e, aucati~n oro th er' I'y.. . ., . , , .. "·Bless the bOI... Ihe said to her- COUld , haye been gathere4 .from . the :' lieU .11 boPe he' ·IBD'~. going to fall In adroit manner In which be broached : rov~ with me" It all comes 'of our be- 11 cer,t atn tQplo. ' .. . · tng :1o'IDuch;.ilke; 1 suppose. I'm. cer. .- Dolly :was ,.gazlng, plaltly Jnto 11er ' . talnly .I1.ot gping' to' ,apprqprlate .001ly:s billowy paraeol wl1en; aflel',. pr~· ~r:o'p.eJ\~)', and I IJh~n't let 'I'eddy bre,a.k longed ab9uuoo. the,. joined thel;' tier ' lieart., ·elthe ~ . He's go~ about aa . . ' , mllllb mind as ·a cblUD~teo-o; but If ,he COUld. baye aald." , Ted~y " Can't make It' iip' for ' hImself., l sball, 'himself \ wlt~ consillerable, fOr :~Iin:~ , ' 1', I,.,••,·..,·."",pu!;', 'as hl! was 'settling his tie , ' ;lI'4'-ye to ~Q . . So when, Tell,lt ~ggecl Cor Der new for '''NohOdy oould haVE Jlh~to~ wltb a 'liolt In • hie eyel ~wblcb eald r didn't taka tM thing (.'OO\1y." 'Pby11lil"had neve, ' seen there before! The ob'ly approach tO ' 1l hltoh In thf! wIth , qUick ' taclfui Intultlo~. she said, proceedings, occufI:t!d when she .. ~.hortly:· :'No•• I ~p't, Teddf," . and 'tlot)u'gh mer~ly' fot t'h ~ sake' of npt . a~ .took. rli\fugo In a h1i1t-real,·, paarlttg tine" hIm have "It all bl.s own qonchalanOe, while ,thun,der lettled ~n WI1<Y, h~d aald dllmUrely-- , . "An! 10U qU{l" ,lItare rou wan;. me; Ted4Y'I Btlldolil.rumed brow. · · . . 1118 'B1~llay 8t~1I, u~':ODaclou, o~ the Teddy" Somytlmea ,r.' have faneled , · .stom she waa arouslnl In the young t~'at you we rill fonder of Phyma... man·. 1treast . . "Pb1I11a." crlecl Teddy. "Of oou",e noweyer, site merelY. luppoaed that I've alwl7I liked Ph)'}~_ She'll be a ., .;., to breal tbe corkingalswr>:ln·law." ... "-e' ah DOt at a,I1 tc . " yailbl." IODietbll .. mUM ~ dope . "' aU6na. and- auu Teddy back to 1004 'btllllOr. 10' 1116 beiaD caeuallJ: purrecl Dolly to PhyUla111,at nJlht aft '"l "0"'., -.:l1u .DcJ1lJ'~ ~I juat er the ball, "Mamma Waa ollr, 14 acnr.f"
-- . '
.It baughty 'Amerlcan eagle at ~~ specIes known q.s "bald,!' 18 the latest acqUisition of the park board of, Balt.Imore. · ' This magnlftcent. bird, measuring more than six hiet from wlng Up to wing tip, looks as it he mlgbt bay~ ftepped ,out' of our oaiJonal coat of. arms. But In fact he Watl pulled out of tbe . wate~a dripping, bedraggled, humbled· monarch of the all', He has heen put on exhibitIon In the Zoological garden ' ln Druid Hili parle, the largest 'park In the Monume.n t city. The ' eagle'. capture was unique, perhf!.PB, In the hlstar,)" 'or eagle hunting, ·for be was Loken wblle ·In a Oerce ' wlng,to·ftn combot with a fargo ahar.k In Accohannock Creek, which dlyldes Accomac and Northampton b ount ~s, Vlrglnla.,. and LltteU G. McClung tells the 'IItOry of Its capture In the New York Herald. ·as ·tollow.: . Several days ago, ' while Capt. Charles ' J. Henderaon or tbe . Ta/lgler, a steamboat, was Btandlng In" the pilat hO'UIlCl or hIs vessel; directing bel' courso up AccohBnnock creek, he Buddenly saw an eagle awooplng through lbe alr half a mile In front of the veJlBel. A moment afterward ,he saw anotber eagle-:- vlden~ly· l\le mate tbo,rcUng abO\'e. far up In the , clQuds. :, . . " .' , Th'e ' fl rSt eagle hovered ' over the 'w ater ·for. a momont. and then plunged dbw n Into .the wsve!!, like a teln'. Almost at 0I1ce the shiny fins of a hlg /lsh &.I)p~ared aboye the trurface. . engle's' claws' ~ere ··fixed · 1.0 lte body, alid th ~re was a .f urlous slr.uggle. n eli ling hIs wings, the bird tried to rise In' the nlr with bls .prey, but hili effortB were tutlle, Instead at ~n ordinary rlvor flsb, lile eagle bad BUnk his talonB Into a sbark. '. " Back" under ' thll surfa ce" went fish Rnd bl~d. But In a moment they reap. peartid, . tbe battle chu-mlng the waleI' around tbem to foam and throwing slray high . Into the ,air. The shark .must have" ellllgbt the eagle by , his feathers, fQr 1)7er and over tbey plunged Oond roUea. ono .m oment on . the surrace and agaln out Of slf/ht. Tb~ crew 'ot .llle ateambo'D.t ortlwcleCi Ie the forward dec1i, absorbed In the fterco battle ~e~w~n the lord ot 'tllu air !\JIll the terror at tho sea. Not for a second d fd the ot=uggle slackon. Meanwhile tbe olhel' cogle CIrcled overhead wat.chlng lI le conlHct. Botb fighlcl's seemed oblivious to t1! e· app roach , ot the· vessel. . At Capt. Hen'd eraon's ord ers the TnJi glor was steored up ~g~lnst a wbarf . just below where the eagle and the s har~ ' were sl rl1ggling . As 80llD as , tbe rOlles were ~hrown out a boat wal lowered and mltnned. and t.he crew pulled vlgorCl.ualy for the scen e .of tho conflict. , FQr awHile It lOOKed III if the s hark were. getting , the best ')f It, ror he was dragging the engle down tinder the water. and boldlng him there for leyeTaI SOCOIlOS "(t a plung\). each liDle Ihtl power fill bird, ullog bla ~l lng!l liS propell ol'!!, torced hlmself-to ',bo lIurfaC8. II)!' hl'eath. Jft*t a:s tbq ttOllt came up the eaglo .r"ncbed loose from the s hark, . anc2 struck out 'r~ r tho .hore. roftdc2l1ns 111m. till )110111' wilh hi. wIng", Once ... he 'ram
150~lted to be , of any ue for a,i.IIs. When the boat ·W. alO!!P1!1e I'D of : the mon "cached oat a paddle, ..... laying It ·acfo. ' the ~lle'.' ~:' lIhoyed him UDder the water: AnoUuJr . reached over and selled bl. r~ lUll bead. Then bls C8ptorl, boldine tall wtnga to his II des to keep IlIm f~m struggling. drew him ' Into the ,ltoat. . He stili sbowed nght., a.ut he "as ~ exha.utll.ed 't hat -hlia etrorts te 'free til.. ,self were InetrecU ... e. , HIli mate came dowll elOfe, .but ·dk not venture, within attack Iii,' dlstaiu. of tbe men. I .. ater, gf'Viug up her 0Ga80rt 811 lost. abe vanJ.1Ied Into clouds. ' '. ' , The ' bll e.ag1e 11'88 atufted Into .... large b,&I. the top of wblch ,.raa Ue4
The Eagle', Claw. WI!" Fixed' In Ita Body. about hIli neck. OR aho ... a big "all was prricure.d. and, being pu t l-oto th,J .. he was taken aboard the Tangter and taken to Bailimore. ' , . Arter his featbers were drl8ll the eagle ,seem'e d wllllng to make the best at the sltuaUu- And ·ate beartily the ' , moat glveo him . An examination I!howed lhal be bore no scars trom ~Ia battle With the sha·rIE. but une ' of hia oyes was gone, evidently having .bee·1t Tlut out' In BOme prevloU!3 flgbt wlt.h a br,w'k or another engle. HIs beac!, breast and back ",er,e ",bite • .:whUe thlll {est of his body was ~"" . Next morulng . Capt. Henderson'. ' wal.keel Into the omces at the steam~hlp company In Baltimore and, ~s)ted . the omcera I.f the7 eould supply ac,· cOll1modaUons 'or a "canary , bird" he had caugbt: - They r~plled that the, could get a cage without much trou· ble, but wbcn tbey b!l W, thllt . the "oanary" wall an ImmenlJ ' bald eaglff, thet ' de cld~d . that the city IlIlgh~ be' able to ' take 'bel ter caTe ot blm. SO he was "rven to the park board for ' tbe zoological collection. ApologIzing for ttte Baby, NelHe npologlled tor th.u. actioD o• her -new baby sister by ..,Inl: "Yoll" aee ahe bun't ,ot an,. 8l1li88 )et," . H~ motber objected to allek an I..... and Nellie replied: '"011•. of
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• .. ,.<
. Groceries
F.t:~h Rolled Oats, per lb. ;'. 4c , Fahey Jap Rice, Per lb.: .... .. 5c, Pie Pea,ches, 3 cans......... ... 25c Table Peaches, 2 cans ...... .. 2.50 Blue Star Peas, 8 calls...... 25c Blue Star Corn, 8 e'ans ....... 25c Wayt)e's, VictorCorn,2 cans. 15~
W~ ,will continue
to ·
sell the ,best ' Granulated : Sugar
25' Ibs
"""""'",,"" .
W e pay 30c for Eggs.
25 ancl 50c hIli 1/1' ' . d
It is Soot hing 'and H ealing . , 25c a' Bottl e at
To make t hi ' Wi nt
Ev ning-s
Short and
75c' . .
You sh uld huy un
.... .. ..... ....... Mrs, Joh n Br own e ll i1d at Sobool" ... ............. ..
$12.50, $25 and $35
65c and $1~OO, .at
'S c h 'w artz's 8 c h w ~l.r t z ~ s' Waynesville, Ohio;
Waynesville, Ohio~
,.,_ ........... """"' . . . . . . . . ww
Shaat Music VOCAL and
:J,Oc a. Pound -
lOe a Copy ,
Use Schwartz's
To Rem'ov Those Tl'Oll bl/?. ,some and Aching .Corn
Corn Remover
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~ = ........., . . FRANKLIN ANNIVERsArtV
Brave Fire Laddie!! •. often r pCliii v Mve re burn~ , putting out fire!!. t-b 11 D:!H Bu kJtm 's Arnleo t:$i\lvtl und (orA t '.halO . I t . 0 n driv 8 Oll t pll!ll . E\ir Bnrn!\. MOUld" Wonud'l. (Ju t" Iln<1 Brul lI~ Its l'Iut,h: iI W6atcst bet1IAr . Qui oklY Quru kill ErootioD!!l Uld .' '' r ~ , Botlll. UtOBI... . F I nil i 0 , t Pile cure mR clfl. R ~ II f is. iD llt.llut,. ~fi Il t. I". U "'_" "" ••• wart.v. 8. , _.:.-_
W ' ~re In' reoeipt. of IIll iu vitatlon to IIttend Ii bonquf!t, gi ven by Spring. fi eld 'fy})o nioD N n. U 7 , . ~rion d"y, , YJeekJy .ll1unary 1 t h o lit, tb e Bookwlllter IiQtol. 8'BI dl y /l. . Y IlT ptl8Se8 bllt t.bltl union does sOlD et,bln~ to OUlr!lem rll.t.e (11' I 1. b a·.... m, 0 f F rlLn kil o. .. . Woml1nly. 1J!i'ins b belld pains, ill --. 'b n' RYE R I>·E S Good New·s. · fl10t ltn'S PI~I[) au y~... erAOllD e 00 1 .ME R , A-\ R V, u "LL, ' ,plately stopped In. 20 tn inl1tes with ' "J alwa .v ~ 'wllt c h 'rOI' your one of Dr. hop' ,P Ink Illiin Tltl - ' At da,ybt~ak .V ~litartlltY tl\ wee kly Ie ·ten;, " wa lile Ule~s"l!: c lets. Ailk yonr Qootor or lJru gglst . (d' b ') 1 ' t h :,t 't h r d '1 I ' k 1 about t.he 'fofmul . It i!1 printed on' cou e I 0.1'( nn e ., ree ts e OUII III pllr lIlal til l'.. wetl • anc ~he bo:c"':and \t, 0 ,n 't be b tliElr'ed . jingle ohlei b be!l~, 1H.\llnl1 throo~ h. mall V M her s b a \'1" teg ti fi t'11 ttl .Try , olle • dose Rn u be oonvin erl'he aB}" tb oll having ~leigb8 took Ihln t druwiug rIUillilH'~. Box 250. ::3</,,1 by I\JI dealers. {!u)vaotn::-c\ of th(t 'hsll v y lII1 0W thtl't j G' ' G W. C. T:J." MEETINO ~oll Moo.flll'v night nnd ·t'llesnuv I .oln~. . '~~e. • morning . . Ql1It? ·,u 'n,ng w AA flU the j 'rh e . ecltlld lot .,o f Fallcv Tha .•1Ilol1ll r monthly meet-ing of It~reflts,. aul v ' l'neEoilIl Y• au r,Din g" ,1C,tli fOTDla M lIi~. 'Pea' 'he s Ii t 7 ! , c t)1~ W: c,'. '1', U: . ·willlllf16t.w.ith MrR. ~o:vellOg ( 1)' t.hed1nOw. · " \yc ut out In a hhrrv . Exp"ct allJ. A: ..F~nke~ ",~~t:idILY u.ftflirD6~~. lilt , . (' ol;b ' r lot of l.~ Ibs. ·' f lt l .~ ek ~ 2 p. m . . 'A gQml nl~etlng 8 ,· 1\11 "1,0 . ~ null \\' her1 tlrCiU' /lr ' I!~)t)e, 110 ...... ' .. Mil'l8 CArline E1l10tt J)iLt Rud alll!~.(lllld attend. . IUtlrc: ~t tli pri . nm"..". ./iRural Ad"l1ntlLges and • _ • .
Disadvatltagell of the Preseot ' PIANO TUNING and Past" ..... .. .. Nl\te L. Moffitt . M . DisoQ88ion J . •J. Th ompson .Jr. 443 E. IlID Adjournment . • St., LebAnon, Ohio. I\tj"faction t .. _ . _ gOln!lin~ee.fl. Vlllley Pbone . !i4 ·.B . 'C roup pOstt~v"11 I stopp. ed in 20 minute8, with Dr , Slioo'~ls Uobgh' S bs · ' ··b ' f . th"e~. Ga~~tte Remedy - . One test a19ne wUl8prely. u , cr) ~ ·tb,is tJUth. No vomiting, qo ' 't . diAtre'Is" . :' A ·sa·fe·and "P1eas,lngsyrnp.'· '0' '1 ' ' a ss " iBe ' .d . Ads . Q Id b II d ' 1 ,.,0 . ya ell-et:s. ·· I
?r .
--!:.o ........ . _ _ _-
Will White's
.. .; .....
~ . . . . . . . ...:. .: ..... :. .........
be InSCI.'lcd ,;n'(lcr ~ht. be ttll (o r ' I.w(o nlv · tI ~e cen,ts lo r tbree tD~"rllo n". ' wlte n us ln l! n ot mor th n n 11 \·c.l!ne.,.
New Cere.. ) Depar'menl. II k live . 'You tu Cl II a vee"
ali thb di s plav? Thercls Oatmeal, J a n u a r,Y <:. p .e .c iil.l s ,., ~oH II OlltS. Jl uck~ll\!B't Flour lit .4\:. ' a Ill." ll' anna, .8e,w LI~lla Be<\II!i,. Navv,lurruwhill;od Red .. ; Seasonable Goods the' . '. ..,. Rilt ht Pricel'l " t{idu e v Beans at U • Fanoy', 1 Ie 'Pure.. Buckwheat. ' . . " lfu d. .P !1~r1 'J".C;\pio 1I ( ti t 8c, NC:! w" 10 Ib sllck , 40c ' .HOI~illy,N wC()!'u":\J l'ar.tL 2' Ii II~ • ..,
.:;JrKU::yBB::~·~ ·. :::·:~: : · ~~:~
Qt Jal' MU8tard ............... .. lOc . Qt Jar Picklcs ... .. :, ; .... .... . luc Qt Bottle Cataup ,...... .. ...... 15c lib Puil Bakiug Powder.;. 1'5~ Seedless najsjns, 4 pkgs ... 25c \ ;Rolled ~at. s ,..... .... " .. . ...... 40Ib ·. .... " . .'
Coffee. Coffee.
bu siltl'~ is prOllr '1 II i' d b I willsell'atmy residence in Fer. ' --.; .......... ' V u.........;......-~ l~at W laV tl Ie .(IUB lty an uy , fouf miles northwes~of Way;nes; . ;, \. FOR SALE r1J.t IH. ~('ga.rdle'l;S of whose clof. vilJe,oD . '. . . l you ' ~!!e. ' try asalnple of Frittay, .January 22, .1909. ' I £:JLL BLUOD R08e.Cowb Ri~ode l C.hll~e and San horn'!! CoJfllt!s. 'lO'oolop!dhefoliowing ~rtiole8: I I a de' ok telA Mrs Mllt.t r. SJ)eClal 'Saleon,the.~mestLlIieof old.,ollly h('re at lou. ,17c . IBc . (:leneral .pqrposA horse, 1 spring Ande!~~Re DJ~i ~Vtiy'uf,l!lVijJ'e" O ': . Chl!ol'! , 9anto"~ ' ~<?od, ~ .Jv~l' .: " 200 i50 'Bud 30c a' lb ' '. ' ",a'goD andhar.ness,'lot Of. bOllseh'old . ' . ' 0' N" 'k l ' b"' ~ ~r.°aWn·dn.mGowl.p{R·.n;al:bmbonS"~aql1l'~ ... ', ,... . , • ..: ' . ." . . .... . .' -. OR-PING'l' 'C 10 ere 8 Uu, L, . '" . .... C ' dA 15 . g~pd8! e.uoh a~ b~t:oom!.8t~t\Og-room , bltlCl V alIa ·whWI. a. ' B . ~H_St~l\a. , Cala .® xtra Fanay-': a.~~e sparag~s, · e &.. can • . ~B~ kItchen , 'fl;lrp.ftu~e. 1 Rlohmond ke.rAon,.Oteg 'nill, Vlllley Phone 2.--8 . T.he Bes~ .PackE!d. " ,'J'I.l e "Holl v .~V reath' Bran.rl an~, good fl.S De'Y, ol1r~e~~ etc. . , ,. , ' ', ' ;; Per Caii:· is a sill enrl id artl Ie [Ifr the' wOlley. Teruls-AU BUW8 \If '$5 OOollDd UD· SQUARES of Halvlll;lIzed Rain's Horn LCmon Cling F. h 11 ', ' dlt ' (12 th 11 Ilnd;l:'d"'tSteel ,Roo ~lng I~t . Peaches' :................... 23c .. ,res' l1spllragu Of! tOll s t Ilt allY d er, OilS ,It ore . 0 ,mOD s WI Ii 25 .t 'J3.96 per sq , ''l'in shtngle8 Gold Ribbon Lemon Cling ' , t.hue. ue given over th~t 8nPl, '15urobllser M,:75..l.tutterand roun(}lIpo,utB·t ll.!4o .... Peaches, .liced ... .... ...... . 23c to give note fi'ith seonhty. Ptlt: ft. l'oos. Zell. . Stella'Lemo" Cling Peaches .O"d D.i.hc:a.
Ccu gb Syrup
........ w ................... .
t 'Ulll:h
. Se~18~ipt·· Oyster.s
I,'nl' Thnl
MillS Marie Wtl ll el' "The Child a t 1Iome " ,... .. ..... ....... .
._- -
Fol' Ch app d Hands til 1" i. N 01. h ing 11(1 tP t' th:m
SSe Ladies' Storm Overs .. . 55c SOc Ladies' Sandal Overs .•. 49c SOc Children's Cloth Storm Overa ..... ............ ....... 4ge (Sizes, llY. to 2) (The bi~est bargain yet) Cbildten's Artics at cost. . , Men's.QIothTop $tortJl Overs . woi1;h 11> ;35 ... .' .. · :~ ... ,.I1 ·l0 •
2., 1I1l1l1'~
I __.»!
,. Rubber ' Overshoes
Mouun)' . .Iul\ l1 ry 1. t il-II ::I(J 1\ . UI. · [ovo IIt.i CIll .: . .. . Ril v. \V . D . E u g\! ~ h R Ill/Irks by Pr sid n t .. '.' .. ..... .. ... .. ... .... .. . .... .... 'hlll\. IBtl/lt d Wtty Addrotll:'." t )OIcmerCilll F rlillizs r-s" ... .. .... :: .. .. ... Edwll rd nn A,lstyne .' Disous. iOtl Rending ....... . .. .. ... .. lierl,lliln. Wood AnnOnn Cfl meut o f 'ommitte Atltlres!i.' Con ervu tion of Moisture" .......... ........ .... Nilt IJ. Mollltt DisOlll:l8ion _'\djol1rn for P IIlI1 r Mondti y , .Jllllullry 1 t·h, L adie ' /:le. lon- 1 p . rn. 'Ml1l$io ( Pinn a ' 01 0 .. .... .. . .. .... . .. ..... . ..... , .. .. ..... Mi s ,Tnditlil Ui tbOD8 Paper : "Music I\t Bowe !md in t he &ibool " .. . ~ii BS B sleflenderson Reoitation .... .. ... .... .. : .. . Plo Duet (Plllno) .. .... Mi8 Edlll\ K I'I ey,
.. .. .... ... . .. .... Miss Besl;io Wil ey DisouSRion Men's and Boys Shoes a t flat _. Vocal /:)010 .. ....... ... :\1188 1M' Ma·noel . . 'cost~ , , . Paper : .• ~ ntller Burbank, the Won. del' Wor'ker· · . . . Mi~ A,dll. Potter Duet (Piano Rnd Violin ·'drs. 1J.0hu Pennewit, Eugene PenDewit Addre S , 1\ trR.wberl'ies " ., ..... .. .. .. .. , ..... .... .. .... Edw~rd Van Al styne Duet ( PiIlUO) .... .. Mi s M41Il'Y ar t, .~~ ' --------------------Mi ss Ethel' 6ilbert Work Clothing Outing Flannel Monday Evenin~...:..7'!15 . $2 50 Corduroy Panta· .... ·"1 98 All our '12c Flannel reduced to 1 50 Jeans .. ........... ...... 1 19 IOc per yd. . .... ... .. . , Mrs. J ohn J'onnewH , (All new IJtoCk) '. All oyr Flannelettes ,ed ucElP to Engene Pennewit 1 " 25 CorduJ'QY oats .... .. 3:T5 8c per yd. Reading .. ...... . Mls8 C'ArliM E\II6tt 3 50 Corduroy Coats...... . 2 75 15c Dress Good s~ now .... .. .. H c 'Thebiatlon 'a Sope" Na.te L. Moffit,t 2 25 Duck Coats...... .. .. .. 1 79 12Yv'c Mercerizea Sateens in :>. 00 Duck Coats .. .. . ; •..... 1 50 blue, black and green Vocal Bolo, f~of .Arthn,r HenderSQn , figured , per yd.. ....... .. lOe Reading ....... .. Miss (). ArlfJl6 Elliott All Amoskeg Apron Ging"Tpe Milking of a Man' ... :.. ........ .. hams, worth g c...... 7)1.;c .. ... .... ...... Edwllrd Van AI tyne All new Bordered !llicoes 6c Men's Shirts ToesdllY .Janpilry 19, 9 ;.10 n. m All our Gem Work.Shirts" . 46c (Worth ~ and.60c) Inv~atlOn .• " •.•.. .. , ... ...... ~ .. ... ~ ...... . ·Rev. John 8. Benden'on, D. D. . 50c Men's DrtsS ShIrts..... 39c ,Felt Boots , $1 00 Men's Dress Sbir.t!.\.. . 79c .. .. .. .r, ... MISS b. Ar)ilile Elliott Columbia Felts and Snag(These are bargains. All Address, "P.ol.atlon of,' 'Crops and I?roof. Ovet:s, .. .... .. ... $2 50 are ful1-l!ize and ·the bes t Mlxetl Farming .. .Nnte L. M.9ffltt (Wo,rth $2.75) shirts made at 5~ and $1.) t)leoUMion $3 00 Duck O,vers and Heavy Felts.... .. ........ $2 75 Mt18lo .. .. .. ... Miss Ethel Puderbliu)otu , ·Ball 'Band Rubber Boots... 3 75 Miss .Alioe .Allen Men·s Underwear If you need Felt Boots come Paper : "The American Pu1il1' and ' !lee us. We have them Heavy lleeee-lined Shirts and Sabools" Prof,A.D. PU.derbnogh ~d Intend to close t..em·out Drawers, per garment.. . 39c ReadiDg .. ....... Mi88 C. Ar Iine Elli ott Men's Union Suits''Failure and Sucoe~ s witlh Al,falfs " ' $1 50 fteece-Uned ;pel1 suit~$l 19 ,.!..... ~......Edwl\>rd Vlln Als tyne , 1 00 fteece-lin.IId.~r suit.. 79c Hosiery Diflot18sion . Adjournment for pinner . ~dies'.BurtOn Hose ... ..... 21c 1 'D' Tuesday -1·:00 Pi 1111 . Children'S Bear Brand, Sam- . Ladies" ': Underwear .. . son, 'Sandow or PickiMustO ................ .. Mi8S M'l1ry Neible Jlinny-rthe very .best Set Snug, per sllit ........ ; ... . 9c Que8tion Bo)[ . .' ~ , hose made, worth 250.. l~e (Worth $1.(0) . . Addrell.ll •• 1A Trip Through MJl.rYlaod M'en'e Wool Sox25c fteecl?lined . Vests or SOc Sox ........... .......... 250 Pants. per garm~nt........ 19c ..... .. ~ ...... .. Edward VII.:n Alstyne 25c Sox .. -...... :.. -........ 19c SOc Heavy fl!t6Ce-lined .. .... 4.9c Re!ldiDg ..... :: ,.MI~ U. Ar bne Elliott 200 SOx ........... .. ........ 16c Misses' Vests or Pants ... ... 19c Addre88. T~e Boy and ihe (.:iirlP.robHeavy fleeC~lined $ox. IDc Childr~n's Union Suits ...... 39c ' . 'leUJ" ...... Judge Ch~8. w. Da.l~ (Worth5Qc'tbe garment), , ' Report~.o~~ec:mttt.jje.. and ~1,eoti9n
IJI,t HlU ,
This '~
week we offer our best Elk Skin
, . Shoes a t
Y ou •
Oll~ )UI' re
ISAAO ROSENTHAL. 'l'he'ul1dertu'g ned will 8ell nt. p~blio au.oUoD o~ the premlses'2U miles . 8,c utheast ~f WaynesvHle,
A SQUARE e:rt-e[)~ii:lO t;llble" good R~;.~~H~r~· \y~il~;·c;~~;: ~~c' '
.. a8 <D~w.
)~qulre~t,t~l~ office. . , WST
'A P~OKA:(JE oo~iaining
,90nsISt!ug · o~ , :V~~etB1J)o .' " forit ........ ...............::..... 19c " Dlsb,es With anj.., ~Itho,~t cllvers, ', Gold ·Rlb~nPeele.~.Aprlc~~s ,27c , GUPtI, Pickle Dj'd letl, Pie 'PhH s. Stella ~eeled · Aprlco~s ...... 251;:.. t . f . ' . Ram'. ·. Horn 'Royal ~nn . etc." ~ J\lslon ·hn) pnce. ".
Ram~:e~:r~·~·~~·~ G'~~~
'. Friday, 15, '11909., " i a. plitr ' .. 25c' . Everytbing Will eel! illS I lillve of gloves, ban'dkerohief8 and" Plums ...................... " 170 ren~d the farm, ' ruohing between JBno~y 's drult Carquines Apricots .. . ......... 19c Four head of bor6es.1 de:rsey DOW' atorealidtheir house. Flnder please Marine '} Ir.nd ApJ'lcot$ ...... 15c ~5 head of shoats, 1 spring ' wagon: lena lit JanDey's drug store. Roaillne Yellow Peaches., . 15c 1 oarr,ege, plows, mower. drills, S0M.FWHlilRE o~ Mllln or Third 'harrow!! 'harot)ss hpnsehold goods stiee't, 0. glove. Findet: plea!!" Notl'lte Our Window eto . · . l ' return toG8111ett"eoftloe'. " Terms- All8ums of ' be 8toalb vell ;over &hatof .13 a. credit WANTED to Ilive note WUb ". Anlllrtt.,v . ! . JlRa. AlgJIC 8. 'IIill!ORPII!. AD:voDe bavtDg ' ohiokeDa ~ lell J~ A. Mo NeUt Aoot., remember 1 will pay tbe 11lgh. 're4.Bartllooll:, t · . 88t Ibark., price. lIar)oD Duke, Joelpb Ob.pmaD,~ VllII'l<a~. PhODa 11~, Lj\la, OJUo. ...- .
New Cotton MOPM, isc e Large, ful) ~·ize. · lull ""eight mops, made frOfll No~ 1.
we \'I
twisted COLlOII.
Mar.hmallow Cooki.e~,~Sc
Nlcelv Resorted. Rplentlicl for ,rrlm"e dlffurent kinds. tell and IUllches.
I .Society
... ilHWill•• ~."1II"'1II411t~ oI!.40 !!. • Mrt< , 'hIm LAWI!l hOI! puvotlised /I . XENIA MAN DEAD THE BIBLE CLASS Corwin. nltw ~rll"hllpIiOIlP. ' . Eli MIllen, who died lust Friday Whilo cOIII:IGing !;;uDllay au the The Billie el/lSBmet in regular see. MI .... fl;loi~e :-mll" '" nil t lie "10k ' M,·".. r". W 1;1 8tl,1 VhriMty MILd· /]orwin Hill How urd ~herwood JUet si<:l n Friday evening with a goodly ; d tm Idft, MondH v flvADitl., for '1'IIIedo, at the age uf 9.. , was one of the most ~ l Ii ~~ wit·h J1 puinfol acoident. He had Dumber in' attendance. All wemto tllte tlfl tlll; Lumberml'ln 'IICooven publiO-I'pirlted ehizens of Xenia and Levi Lokem. I.. V81'Y III wit,1I pnnu· tlon W'll'oh the benefllotor of many nlen now We wanl 10 make IhlK column (I[ lhf his nhkle broken. ' . bers plellso be a~ prompt tt.Sl108l1lblemonll&: " "nVeDel! Tuesday and ' O~zou.e .. 16aollnll feulure \ 111 wlUlel' unel J. N , Lemmon und, famllv en~er . rhe next lesson ",Ill be LeSion i5 WEldutlsduy ,n Ib e !:Iecor hotel in prominent lu t·he busiDess 11fl'l&irs of &Ilk our frlc! nds to sen!llu Hocle~y e\'e nl~, talned Rev. t;argept, of G ranVIlle, tI " L ' f P I " Mi !!~ Blunoh Oykt! ill I'iok \vlIh III t,hut pIIlOU , the oit,y . 16 Ige 0 au . OhiO, Saturday a nd 8ulldllY . qnloys. . , , J b A '" k t h d 8e WIlS a Sollth Carolinian by tl'ollowing their unnutl! oustom ... II "UD Ay or t e seoon . , ' Mr, and Mrs. Luther Sellars, of Mr.l'.G . Wlllhllll~olll ". ill(·lrI" II t h '" d' birlhand oilmetoXenlllKttbeage Mra.,AnuIlU. ONeal1t1Dddnughter Day ton , und Dr, Lu ng. of KentUCky, THIRD PRIZ E , mt! t; ue" tl " 11M r epre ente the ' ' ~n all 1r ruchitJ~'" t I ' d b "'h f t ,of 19. Here he livea Illl She remllln· Miss Martha O'Neall, dined Sundll Y wer e g uelitl! or RILY ~ nllt, h un(1 film · wo 111" ~t't4t. 1100 est", oe 80 aries, . . , ily iaRt week . Mrll. l(llOlifll Krowil i ~ r lll ·...vt'l·ill'" ' Th e Dam U ' 11 '1'he «.ose Uomb Rhode [shmd Red .. cut I,IIt! l,rlCIlIl on ton d el' of IllS life.. Muoh of his w61llth with their aunt,. Mrs . ' Elblfl. Hainet!' Mrl!. Mt1rloll Oortlon untl sao, uf fro lll the .."I·IIJ. B d B Sh " d ho put in 1'001 81!tate aod was the It beiug t,lle o.nnl vel'SUY of h oc birth rown lin rown oe ,-0 gran ' • ' Harveysbu rg, spent t::lnnday with Cooke rel , owned by Mrs. M&tt. Anderson , was awarded third prize at; .Tobn. 'IJ.Jltwright, btl ~ lJtlfm .qulte mllktlB tlnd out prloell on the Red largest property owner In Xenia" Mra . Lydia Gord ou. MlolL /with grill, Bllll Bllnd Felt!l lHhl Overs. Il~d was one of the men who oon· Las,t Wednesday beln~ the birth· Mr8. Vlolu l:iarll.l.n is s pending 8 the Oinoinnati pODltry show last ____ _ I trlbuted to tbe fuud that secured day of !liirs , Louisllo Woolley , her few day!! in the oountry with ber week. Mrs. W , IS. Urnbllolll I'P ~ '1t Woo· - --PAPER MlbL BURNED I the location . '~r the Soldiers' and dauKhter, Ml'S. J. H. Coleml.l.n cOll!lin ,Mrs. i!4oBryant, near Waynes nesday in XeDlu . l!:!anor8' Orphans ' Bome i he donated planned 81 little surprise f or her by vill e. SLEDDING IS FINE Stled grinaiul!: ('UOSd 'I'yII, '1'lloril. Mutt MoKlUsey, 'Of DuytoD, is vis · 'rho plant of the Xenia Board and t·he ground for the Y. M. C. A , and Inviting ]r1r. an~ Mrs. Fl'ed Honder· . days 'lind SlItnrtl"YII. Wtlynl1"ville Paper CompI.I.nY locllted on North for thirty years prior to the erection .on and ohild ren and Mr. und Mrs. iting rellltl ves here. ' , 'rbe boys with their bob sleds had 1 Mi ss Adtl Snook spont ' unda y a,t IL good time ooft8tingoD North !troot Mills. We~t Iltreet, WKIt t,otally destroyed of the t.'a.rnegle library he gave tbe D. L. CfIl,llle :\nd 80n Ethan to dinner. her home i n South Lebanon. late!:lllturday evening. The sledS Miss Annie I:SI'O n t<p, 'nU;durcluy by fire lit an Hurty qour Monday olty free ulle of ODe of 'Ills town Mrs. Alvin 8eJl/lrs ,Isited her and Sunday a.t h'Hne. morning. 'l'he blllze wall nol dIS buildings for that pDrpose. , . On ijollday Mr. IlDd Mrs. J,' M. daDghl,er, Mrs. Chllrles Reynolds were able ~ go over theJittle bl'idp. Dr. Hilltt: !Dade tI prllfef'sionll l viI!- oovered nnt,1I it hlld gai!led Bach The funeral was beld l3uDday Key. entE,rtained at aD elegant tur. taf:1t week . --- -terri flo helAdway thllt the firemeD mornIng Ilt 10 o'olook,-Dayto~i key dinner In bo.n or of their daugh. ENTERPRISING FIRM it to Jllmestown SuudlOY. • _. tel', MI88 E\1a's birthday. - 'l'he fol· Or8en Briar. W~fter thrDe'" Wilt. 1\ but<\I'neBe oould do liule tuward sllvirig the big Barllid. Look at the display ad of SpeDcer struoturellDdll<svalullblewaohinery I. O. O. F. INSTALL OFFICERS 10wiDg gU68tS were 1)reflent : The vi8itor in Daytllll IlUIt week. & Monroe on ,he lilst page, ....'bey A. A . MoNeil, ot lJentervl.lle, made Tbe "Iarm wll8ll0unded Ilt" :5Qa . m ., two Mrs Coburn hnd Mi8S pladys All are busy stripping tobaooo. are pushers aDd will trelit everybody us a plellsant 0t11l E'ridKY dternoon. and ",lIen tbe two fire departmentll The offi('erll of the [. O. 0 , 1:. lodge Ooborn, of ZIlDesville i C , T. Hawke Mrs. Charles Mullen entertainod just the same. Try their flour, and aUlved the loterior of the big mao were ,iDstl&lIed'l'l)ul'tldllY eveDlng ae and faml\'v, Benjamin Hawkins aDd her oousin Roy Belt~, of Frl.l.nklin, t;eed grinding tJ.'oei!dl&y~. 'fhur8- obi De rOODl, where the' mo!!t vlllu,," fo\1o"'l: N . G, Charles t!.tterth- falony &n41 George I:ll\wke and fBm . Il18t week. see for yourselves. dilYI Ilnd S"t.orsuYfI. Wayne8viIJe ble ma ohinery of the plant Is looa ted , waite i V . G., O. L. Tewel i 1'. !:!eo;, ily. - --- --~----. Harvey Burnet and family were ltills. . WIl8 ,. seething mue \If delmes. Frank Prlltt; R . I"eo., S. 6 . Joy iW , tbe I:!unday guestsot F. E , .1toBnllgle A SERIAL STORY , W Z II" . Adra. Lev. is gave a kltoben 8hower am) tamily, of Springboro. Messrs; JI18. Stoop!'. Frllok Snook l'he plont. whioh is ,oontrolled ilr m . a ;Con., urant Lew18 iChelp., Fred Draper and Dur~ard Vioe and Roy Irons .ue iu U{tluwbull to- ~he BeverIdge Paper CompaDY, or Laife NioholllOn i R , Snp., Ueorge Thursday ,afternoon in bonor of oalled at the home of Allen Kibler One of the first thingl of the new · d!toY. [ndlllnapoU8, is valu8\\ lit $125.000 Harteook ; L . HDp. , EllIsOD Iwbin- Belittle LrUlY (Dee Newton). Thirty t::Sunday. ' year will be a serial Itory to be ltart· Mr . and Mrs . .!.aa Whitaker and ed in t,he G~ZQite Ihortly. Wa~h Mr. H. V . l'roUl" of Monroo, bas The 100S will amount to fuily .on; I. Unld'., Frank Smith; . 0 lomeprellonts were received. Those 'been .the gue:lt ,'f frleods near 1100,000, ' Ilnd Is oovered by '58,000 GD&r, M. lit Adams; R. S . '\T. G ., preseDt ~lI'ere ; Mesdamea Walter Mr . Hurvey Burnet attended the tor it, a8it wi11 be iDteDsely iDtenlll" ' Ohal. Hartlook; L., 13. V, G. Harry Kenrlok, Margllret JohDs, B~rry Fllrmers' Institute in Le~Don Man Ing . . Waynesville. The Intere8t ountlnoell .t the M. M~pt,. Raue, w the statemeDt AlOUIDDlsi 'J.'r..I .• Lafe Niohollon, MOGinniS, Wellington OorneU, Wm , day. . II' Oh h d h "OU" MY ' ulornill" oll-t I. wal b'e R ~D, 8 , SamDel Smith; L BeD .S, (Jrelllhton " Perry Wilde. Walter LIlAilen Kibler and William Taylor PUBLIC SALES "". oro all t, ., me6~(DIfH lire \U .,.M • II... I • were in Columbus to IIttend tbe well attended. oplDion thllt tbe (lIIlD~ would be reo H . H. KinK oy, Jane Dyke, OItt.r/\ Lewifj. Ueorge Inaugural oeremon·les. They wertl Mr. and ~r... 'rillmlln Barton buil t. Be Il!lid be had no autbority FARMElis:-I~STITUTE , Davis,Effi.EIG·rllha.m, Oaoar Mowery, entertll1ned by. CbJl.rles Taylor, a The undersigned wr.t offer tor Mle gave '" danOt! OlltOl,dllY night tor ror Ituoh II udemen.t beyund hili Levi <ire'a thonae, Vern Hough, Graen. Brilll' boy, who is "making at publlo auotion on Monday, 'F ebruary I, 1909 'heir friends. own jud ' ment. The pilln't hal beeD The iDIUtu\e a' Centervllle wal George tioott, Emma Llloy, Misses good" In the oa.pltoll)lty. a J'Ilylng conoern /Iond Mr. Baney well '\t\ended Mooday and Tuelldav . Imo and Mable. Foolks; Butohering seems to be in &rder at 10 o'oloak a. m. U,OD the premil' '-. _ just DOW. Last Wednesday ABa ~ grinelln" TU .. 8U&YI:I, l'borsBald It was situated on a sltt! Willi The tlpeAkera were Edward Van For' m er Res ldents Whitaker's killed five fiDe 'Ip'o rk!lrs" eelln North Lytle, Warren OOOD'Y, d"~8 and BlUurtlnYIl. W..yn6Hvllle Jldapted for tbe purposl!. Alstyne, wbo, wa.. he,e. Bil lub 'l'hey were ASllisted by Mr. Jl.Dd Ohio, the real estate of whloh Mary Mill/! , oM Tbe burning of the paper mill; jeotll were different from' the onel Aaron Woollard of HagerstOWD Mrs. B. 'I'. Vice Ilod daughter IreDe, M. Mills died eeized. &lId property , , Mr. and Mrt!. Allen Kibler anG Mr.: Luther Sllllarl', of ' Ilayton is Whl0~ wa. one of XeDla'e leading he had here, aQd he ~ an Interen Ind ., whl) was a vlllitorhere .Jast fall, daughter Lillie Ilnd Mr. Jl.nd Mr8 . oonslsts of aboDt four <"') aoree ot tbe ,o88t of Mr "nol Mr.; Ru-y ludUltrlflfl tblOWI 68 meD out of IDg a8 ever. 'rhe other speaker was!lll UI al foHowl: As it takes R. M. Bornet 80d daogbter Catha .land with" Hood a,roomed 'fRllle Smith. emplo,ment.t a ~ ..on of the y~r Na\e L, Mo~t'. of New York. Be money'to I'un the DeWSpelper bUlli rlne. . . hOUle, lummer kltotieD. IQloiteboale ,Tobn FllDkeY '1i t:!h1l6 lind Robber wbeo .,bey Clan leallt a«oro SO be WGII an iD\eI'8l~g lpeaker.Dd held 116$1,1 wm send in my dollar, for I •. - • boggy Ihed , tobaooo Ihed.nd ,labJe toIIle il golDg on every tlilV . 60 and idle Thill .eature of the dtaalter t. hil .Odi8ll08 all through. IDrely enjoy hea.riDg from both New Burlington. thereon; I1lso plenty of water .Dd bay IfQOd Shoes The bellt ~1l0t!1! at. ODe thllt III by no means the mOlt in .The ohUd reader and voealilli, O. pl'el8nt an,l former reiidonts. 1 at. some frutt. tlald property' h .. beea .....piD .lglilftollnt......Xenl. Gl1zet.'e. Arline illliott, w.. well received, tended tbe reuDioD of the 180.h 0 P roth' D' H 'I BIlSrne_s , 8uVPerllintetoudent appraised at tbe IDm of $1000.00 aDd IIJ t be Id f I · , a f so 00 Is n prlUg a ey wn M1'. Lee Ullmpton, of Xenia, wall an d the relit of 'be prOffram WIUI V. 1., Itt Lhqa In, Ootober. 'I'here sblp. made his seml-Inonthly visits w DO eo or 8U thaD two. the IDest of Mr, anU Mrll. Upsbere NOTHING DAUNTS HER . well oarrled out m.llktDI It II good were forty two present. 1 was tbe ,to our sohools on Wed'nesday. thirds of .,ud . • ppraleed 1'alu. ___, _ intltitute.. _ • only one from Comptlny B. W. H. Some of onr demooratlo ' oitl7.en8 Terms of sllle; ooe-third ouboa clay Wbite lall~ week. L"8t~unday MI88 Nellie Woollard, DEATH OF MRS SIMMONS Blakley, of Oomplloy D; was tbe on. a.tttlnded the In~uguratlon lit Colum- of 8ale, ODe-third iD ODe and oae.. Mr. John Hartlloolt, of Springfield • Iy offioer. Will mootatWllyneRfield bus IMt MondIlY. . third in two yean from dAy ot _Ie, J'Ilued through Wllyoes~iIIe 'l'u8s· who II' a greA,t orlppl~, Wlltl deter , 'h d h Iittl h ' ' Mrs .- B. H . Kelob r eturoed to her "eterred p!Lymen" t bea I · - t : da;v en roate to IAhal10n on bUlline./!. m IDe j tha.1 ean er . eo arge, Mrs. CordellatUmo;aonsdied'l'hur8 next year . home il' ChlOl\go on F r l d a . y . " • 0 r a .... _ evenlDg, JaDuary 14, .~ tbe MTS Ohas. Mendenhall Is confined Bnd be secured by UPOD Mr. Lou Woollard, 01 Leet!burg, Florence ~onard, wbom Ihe, pilots The bUl!inele, wblob for the PRBt, to her home by iIln88s. the premises sold. '''. . ·Oblo, bas beeu vllllt:luK hi} b~otberl! to HnndllY I.'Ohool, .bonld not miss a home of her; Mrs. N. O. day. and was gainEr to try th. u eUp Hltob, in Byd~. Park; CiD01nn.ti, and '16 months, bu.heen mO!lt succellsful Some of theladiee of our vioiDlty' The uDderaliDed will allO offer Dan and Henry during the plllIt w8dk pery strpets, but her ' fatber took was buried In the family lot in ly. oonduo~,d under tbe name of the atteoded 110 surprise on Mrs. Walter for 8ale at the laq:te t.l91e aDd p1aoe, MesSrs. Henry WOdllurd ftnd Hllr them both on the lIl8{t.. • 8prlDg Urove Cemetery Saturday ul\opital Rea,lty and I.nsurllnoe Com· Wilson lilst +,ue8dIlY. , one trunk, ODe lot of dllb't; aDd rJ.' Willi"mloo made a bU!lion!!1I trIp J)Iluy ., bas, oot of o~mpnment to tbe Miss Berilice Hawkins wbo is at 1100 tobacco latb. T"rml; cub. • _ .. . afternoon. . ' to Lebanon ODe dll1 Illst wilek. COLO WAVE IN WA~HINGTON Mrs. SimmoDlwatlallriterof Mi88 veryemoiellt manager, Oalvln W . tsontdlndiJ Wdmd~Rtodtl cotllhege, spent W. O. Pan.IiIP8, Don't fail to boy ~b 'leli whUe MOrtOD taken the firm nnme of II. ,ur a.yan ",un a.y a ome. Exeoutor of Mary M MIlII deoeued , HeleD Kelley, who for years was ' • , _. John A. Funkey I.. clOliing onl t,he The people In the state of Wub. t.he faitbful' care taker of tbe late "MortoD AI{eooy Company. I t large Itook of tJaml1ton & , Brown In~tori· hllVe been experien!liDg the A\1n EDgle, aod dUl'lng her visits to , 'l'be~bjeo~of tllellgeol1Y under the Spring ·Branch . 1 wilJ sell at my r8l1deDoe ID I'ar.nd BrowD Wbce Co • oolde ..t wedhllr tbllY have b.1l for her sister Iln'd her sojonrn of lIeveral new bllme uuohanged ry, four miles Dor'hwetltof Wa7DM-
.. - ..
Ilr. Ilnd lira. ..llld, SOOOPil ,a.od IIlxteen years, Tht! meroury dropped mont.hl! in Waynesville in the Past The ~eneraillnsurllnoe bUl!ines ll, coal W, L Lloes, of. Lafon. aine, Ind. ville, \.: , frAnk Snook were in ' atttlndall08 ut t 0 s Ix .de p: re \I barIIW zero. A Iarge two yellrs, formed many ' warm' ti.nd tImber land brokerage busi ne!!s and .Mr were and Mrs. Nixon,en of·: Friday ' . . LebaDoD, very Nell pleflsant,ly ,. ~ .January . 22' 1909 . ' . ' tbe S~te Csnners' As@ooiat.ioD portion,'o f t,he frnit Is frozen , frleDdahiptl by her h\gh stu.Ddard' of' oonduot,ed lber~lofore, will be oon·, tertamed by Natbun ,AustiD. and at 100 olook the followlDg artiol_. whloh oODvened IIf, Toledo l1l"t • _ +; hooor Ind obrle"lln integrlt.i. ,' rtinned by the Morton Agency Coan. fllmlly SaturdbY ~igbt. . ' Ueneral pUrpolfl ' horae, 1 'prin, week, . BATILRSHIP .SLED Besides her daughter Mrs 81m pauy. ' There wereservlceli at Middle Run wa~on and harnesl, lot ofhoneebold Do r ou need 'llbObI4 Rubbers Felts " 'm ' ivied b ' , . , This agollOY is attraoting. muoh l3aturdllY afternoon and '!:Ionday by goods, suoh al OOdroom, slttlnlr-room , , . , . onl s 8ur v y one sou, I . W L Lines' 'fhere will be preaoh d k ST M"RY. 'S- C.HUR attention flrom the publlo by the \ ing Monday ' night Ilnd 'TueldllY at a~ Itohedn furDiture, 1 RummoDd • or aDything in Ov,ert.'boos; Otilr Ilnd. Dawn in the fourt.h ward, the · lootbe lClrge.aM80ttmtlnt of t~e 8~m . hOllle of the bJ't.tleshlp bobsled, built ' . n " CH number of large tire insuranoe coan· 10 :3Q o'oloo.k by Geo rge A. Bretz, of ,P, JI.~O, gou as new, oarpete etc. mOD & Brown or the Brown ~hOt' by MtI~ter Eddie Woollar4, coaetlng Pllnle. that; are newly plaolng, or Inc1itlnllo. 'Ierma-A~llluml 01 tG.oo JUld 'un00. line. All are uttered tor one i8 beiDg enjl)yed on BarneWe hill: Sonday, t~e thIrd "'ter Epipb!;,oy, changing their aienoy to this firm, ,Mrs . Ju.me8 Chen'o weth and fam . der, oash ; a oredit at 12.monthe wIll mQDth at .great bSrj(llin8 a.t ,JohO' A eV6~ t.o IIome of 'bo married ladies Jllnuary24.~n: ~orning Prllyer and and DO fire oomDJl.ny Is now reprll. tly bl.l.d IlB their g u('s~ last !:;onday' be glven over thf\t lum, PD1!Q~aI8I' I'unkey's. RDd meo. lermon at 10 :80 It. m. ;Iubjeo~, ·'The· seuted by ·tbem with: less thlln WlIliaDl Albright who hitS been vis· to give note witb aeoul1,y. . ' . • _ '" Potter and 8te Marred V88881 " .12,000,000 Iltlt.ets, and the III oarried l ting other rela~ives in this vicinity. ~SAAO RoeIlKTBAL. . D. L .. O~ane was in .~p~lntcflold ~INCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Evening , wor.blp a.d . ermon'at in tbeir omon Ilrtl .~oke~ by over Mr and Mrs. Wa.lter DaklD aDd , • - • MODdar at'endiDg~· blloq~e' I 7p.m ''subject, "CoDversloD'aN!!w famllyenterta.hied,· Edwa.rd , . stopped ID 20 b night T tr N .. , , . .kO,OOOOOO ."" US8e t s. wife and dJl.ughter. Gl llnna to (Jook Sun. Oroop poeJtlvf'lly RiveD 1. ypo ' :I~O" ~ 117 1'h~ ThR committee in oharge of. tbe BeglDniDg, " Besides till'e Insurjlnoe, this IlRen day dinner. minDtes, with Dr. Shoop'l CoDgh ~I Ion "'~ t e ann. venll':Y of Llnooln oeDtennlal anniversary 're Hundar;' Scbool at 9 :~O a. m'. oy alflo .reprollentlllomeoOhe Ja~"est Mr,s . Adll Dakin entertained her Remedy .' ODR teet alone will lurely BenJ.mln Franklln'lt bIrth " , in . You are Inv I~-" ~th e88 ser vi 088 , 'and '. ltron~rl!8' perlonal aoo. ldt'nt, .. prove this truth.' No vo~i"iDg port t, h llt, tlJey are lettiDg along ..... IIU oousln, Charlte Gordon, or dlstres, '... • eyrup , . DO ,.....t U Ki f 0 M B II Mrfil, 1 k s , A sde and pleaeing -..~ ..0 Dley.o ayton, vlilitcd good s~aipe lind w.ill have a gQ·o d ,. - • , healtb; bonding, casualty aDd l\abllt . 0 y, 1st wee . -~Oo. Sold by all deJl.lers.!I. here. lallt, week. M~tt ~1l8 ' program , In' all probi,\blllty ' the \ ., .SLEDQINO ,ACCIDENT ity oompaniiea In those brllDohes, of MI8ses A:Uoe Cbenow eth and Ber. • _ • purohased 10 IIlld (]Ide' malt? Howard 8herwOQd fel! eft' a bob- insurance, giving t,he agency tbe FURNACE WOULDN'T WORK ,tbat , 100"11 lUI though he tnt.endl!' l~ ItS 1D1tiai IIpp8llra~oe In patriotiO ; eledSundlloY aftai-Doo'll on tbe' Oor means of ooverlng any Inlurable In:. Mr. Gladman EJli8 bud the ,mis· oatIDlthere~rD1aDen.tly.. , plecel! ;Letev,e ryoneturDoDtaDd'\ wlnbill,aDd brolusasmall bOneiD ·terest . ~ .' fortun~' to' loseaborse last wlek . Thefurna.oeat theM.E. Obaroh , Come !lnd leteot Sboel, the beat, .m l\ke it il ICrllnd' 8UOOQRe. bill antle. ,Til. bo" were lolli, , Tb, 1'~lth~ldenluelllnong .som~ Mrs. J~mes Chenoweth spent Fri· :falled to work Sonday morDID"and mak611 gu.~nteed, ~t ~ rtlduotion . • - '" .' d,9.vD, wheu they aU lot r.ttled by .~f t.'barlest()n s moet representative 'dllY very plea!l~ntly with Mi88ea the Qongre,atioD weDt to tbe o&her ' 'l'b. Bed Ball . B&ud ~eh.. 800tll, ,IIoU AFTERNOON CARD CLUB ,. heallilg a trllin whiilt1e and I8veral . bDII.n e"" mlm. The Iloti:ve maDage· Alioe Ohenoweth and ·Berth", Smitb. ohu~ohee to wOl'8hlp. 'rhe farnace kindl' of OverllhD?!!' a reduotion ' · " " . ' tErll off the Ilfld Bow• IiQ"~ver meDt oftbe .pDOr is ID ~hl\ffCe of .. - • was.6xed fD time for eveplD,lervioe. Co~e while, they IJlII~, JobnA Th~Ladle. , Aftern~n Card91~'~ get~ing 'tbewtl;'to't~ iUI ln~n"': Calvio W. MOrtOD, a88isteiliDtbe B~DLY ",URT • _. hate., will wU.h '&,rll: E. V. BilrDhut . . . along nieely now • ~ -" 0 ftloe b·y". · OY lte r H . D • ..~i D, calhi ell, h·" po. i01, t D ". . meet . ' . IllIettlnK althougb . . . W oman I'1 po.IDS,eDU IIr,Roy IroDs and falDily ret.u'roed Thursday afterDoon. . very paiDful, I aDd J: B, Danleli, s\llloltor. " , As ltttle Mary ,S~ulsbn~y, da~gbt· filet auy paiD anywhere caD ~om. ,rom Lebanon ,' MOD day . 'lbe,7 hlUJ' • -- .. • _ • . 'l'he OmOtl, 'of the agenoy il oonvtitn. es:,of ~lr"and Mrs. W. P. ~u~bury, p,1etely ltopped iD 20 mlnnte, with AN CHARLES HARVEY DIES • Dr. your Shoop'l ,~Ink T.bbeeD .down to hill fatber'. llllfi.tluK ' OLD SUBSCRIBER ,ltlD'ly locat~.d ,on the l1800nd door of of Spring Valley, wae ooming ODe lets.of Ailk Doctor orPaiD Drallilt with tbe work, as they all were . tbe CWl8liOD National BaDk 'b aild bo~e from soboo'l, soma boys, start. about the formula. It 18 priDad OD down with tbe grippe ,Nat,haD Jones 'Ot1me ID week Mt:. Obu, Barvey, wbo );lad beeD .ia,. " ed to snow h~r, ' and sl1eran ·o~. the bo~-and it 0'0" be beUeftid. . . . , . . • ' alld I'eliewed ' htl lIutillori ptloD for hi Oaltforllta for tix yean In eearob 'The ManoD Age~oy Company to Bl1rper.'e ~roh where s.h e· feU Try ODe dOle aDd be ooDviDoed. Rev. Rnd ,Mrs. O-.dw.ll",der leuvl? , .noth er lear . . M·r . JoneS lIay• .he of, b_"h, died &$ the home ofbt8 oommeDdl {tie,t to tbe pnblio by burSl~ her, spi.e:· Ktnd haDels oar. Box ~60. 1::Io1d by aU dealerl. &ada, ,01' G,ordoD, ' ~rkl! 00., 0'111"; h .. 1 "'ken "be G • ..,t", linee lOme brQthltr Fralik tu LabaDOD 1I0~d&1, the promlDelD' .knding ot it. 'Qftl- rled ber into the hOUle, and Ihe did .. - ~ where to~orr?w «(harilla, Jilnua. time in fohe .8mee, when tt vr,1 ~he \Tbe IQDenlwiU be beld aUneholD(! cen; the uOQlullr high oia. ot DOt know, a-Pythiog uDtil ' Tbeeday. PlANotUNINO rr II,,) Mr. (;atl\i.1l1l14er wtll 801. lIiaQli VI.llor. There are 18.eral qf ~at t:Jhldak8l', io a~n",'b..... OOJDpalltee repfMeDted; aad 'htl ntaht, The ' doo,t ore OIlDDO' &ell .).. J. TbODlpaoa Jr. 448 .. IIalD alllo*" " he maui .... uf' au.. ·'NInia on tbe lilt woo have beeD ,ubllorib.\ Tbanday lD~tn. a' 10. 0 alock. proIDP' ~, .-Tioe llyeD ,rhat'wUl be the oUQme of the,ta· 8t. 1 lAbaDoa, Ohio. Satltfaotloa AnRam ~ Ill', Cieoree aarttook. .,. (or JAr" . IIat;Ir,aaea~.~ ~14 - , . hi Jar,. I1WUI~~ Van., ~ .....
1' .wlt~n.~vlll'"
ba~d w~ll
The Miami Gazette
Our Oeccivlng S cnaee.
r"alIeni no doubt {U'B famili ar y raluo or tbo 11 10<100 1.' g," I111 t' Intlns t ho Ill1preSt110119 or tho Ix bliud Clen who \\ I' llt to · Sl'e Wo elerh nnt ; bU I rew probllhly r nd It \I\'lI h so mUllh as a palislng .hough t to tbu grprtt r !11m at menia l I'tJenum na a.t wbl('h It hlnl s, The Orsl, It will be 10 fall rem 'nben'd, . happ nlng at:aln!!I the elephnn t's sille. pronou nr.ed hIm IIliB a wall; the s rondo f ' ling of bls lusk. Ibougbt blm like a penr: tbe third, Inking. his IIQulrlllin trlln \< In bls hands, roun(l him to b~ " ery like a slIRke; Rnd 60 the fourth, IHtll aod sh UI . j"dglug trom bls lpg;. £'ar al\d t RIl . ncb In tUrD Inslsled Ihal h'e was llktl R Ire . a flln and' a rope. A little rf!ftec 1l0n will show. or course. that the dUll ulty with the six bllod meo was oat Inaccurat e perception, ' It tl! re reall y be sucb Il tblng: but Insufficl en l obs rvat:o n (01 a correct gen rallza. tlon. says Tecl u!cal World Magnzln . 111 051. It not nil of our knowledge of e external wr·r1d Is gain d Lhrou h tho scnse organ s; and since Cew sublec ts In that c ternal wo rld aro or elementary slmpIL:lty. It follows thaI tb o Ideas of mo!<t things are more or ,less logical assrl'gal1ons or all I be pereep· lions to wblc;p It has given rise. Thus the pencil J hold In my hand manlfas'ts Itself 10 me In manlCold ways. J s e Its Corml Its size, Its col ors, II~ Indlvld· ual peculiarities or surtace. I Ceel Its I mootb noss In places, Its rOllghness In oth ers. I\s (orm also. nnd even dlstln· gulsh between tbe wood and tbe graph. Ite; 'I hert It In my han'd or on my tlnger; I smell tbe odor of the cedar, and (do I?) taste It also, In the same way perhaps getting also a sensation differing trom the others, from the graphitll; and then I tap It with another pencil and hoar the Bound prodllced. ,.Now all lhese. and many more, percepts, each more <ir less dIstinct fTom the otherS, go to make up the Idea of pencIl. Many
Il·ouy,.l!; hI.
What Can Do Done With a Small Outlay of Ml'oey-By S. T. Maynard. l\'lossachusetts.
WhC'n the Xl r M!llInn aet 01(> do wn ' u Ma, I r's ol1i('e. I was do~- lIr(ld 11IlIi !'ros nnd bnn .y, but tll!,! minute .\illstPr lilted mil OUI of my blIX. I
(ll'ery hi I'k . until li t last t repl InLU o ar a-wilY IIUlI. shiv ring. curled liP Th rarmClr who would 1113 k hi s wll h triangular zinc taclrll of Itugn 10 t ry and sl I'fl. crofls of v~ g toble. 111 at profitahlo, or HI7. , or tbe dou\)l ·polnt ..l tacks Bright sUlIshlue ha n Clll morning lit'! ma ll 'llI'd ncr' who wOllld h!l v~ whlcb arc so benl as to prev III g l o u~ knew I W!lS going to love him an <l sornewhtll rhl I' d' h." .JP; 'but tb ar· Iln early ISlIpply of arl ~' \' seta bl s (or (('a m sli pping down. ' would grow Into a prover good dog, ror rI val or the milkmno b"o llghL a new b me use or mark et must mplo)' Gluzlng sbould !Ie done dUl lng th e '1e had the "touch." ter ror; h Ilk d my' 1:10 •.S and w OIIIIl .10'0 k;"u of glnsl! slrnelur 8 to busten Slimmer or early fu ll , as t\ully will He b Id 111 up and lookea me 1n the have carrlc me off htl!! 1 noL snarltld II)"RE' crops. 'l'h bol bed or c,o ld. soon become 10089 If frozen bctoi·.t' rnce good Rnd haro.l. 80 T growlcd ami dar l d dow n lhe s r t. . . I f ? me have b (' n much [n usc In th " \ \\'£'11 hanl qned. . just from mbnrrossment. silly tbat ( I found a gnrbage, ca~ , ~nd t rl d to [l1l ., I. but the ('OSl at sash, sblltters aud ' 10 bulld[ng there should he no mol' was, (or he shook his h ad slowly- extract a lillie bre:l.kfa st {rom It, but I' "IS Is ileaI'll' as much Bli tLl n\Rtc· IIs s. bul all JOints he mad!' by' l('oln g a nd stilI mar e! 3'l1'ly pron ounced my had no Ilpprt\le. I. k pt t\llnkl n or rl ais needed for a permanont slru . In with lo og, elend r na il s: All w\lorl· doom, " 1 Ilbllll call yo u 'Tbe \V r ck r; Mllsl er Ilnd tho broa.k last \\ al Ing ror lure. whll the labor of caring for cold work should be thoroughly ')alut d be ..1 0 YOII hear. you IHUe bull terrIer me at ho me. frames aT hotbeds Is often mllc" more ror fitting, and all jOints fill d ' wilh (lug?-' Tbo 'Wrecker' because you'r Il was a long, sad day. I I> '.tTaCted Ihan that of the small g l'eenbouso. In i wh ite lead paint. Afte r.1I Is II \I 'ull de of ficrce and quaTr leomo stllrt a good deal or attention, but a~olded t,he latlcr one may work wi th comfort the frnme should be (l.ud wi ll be an encmy to .every. one IJelng picked III' . no rna te r whUl the weather may be fore tlle glnss Is Pllt In. lIu t me and my special fr iends. We're 'fhe most Imporlllnt nud OJflEl nH lvl' 1\ly second nlg}lt .out lort me SIll'! outside. It r · Qui r 5 much more skill :;nl ng to be great Pills, Wrecker: you, and IIncom[orl.:I!Jle Ilild d l s,:olln.. g~d. to ru n ho tbeds BUr.C ssfully. foature oC the small F enho.use Is Ih th wr ell r of other's llroperty, and t , hut I could not thInk of r tllrnlng lO Small gree rihouses may be built baling. It one bn~ n )IOt wllle'r or Ibe wr cker of my (lwn." 1Ilasler; he sn-l d thaI I had ruined nls [I~alns t the sQu th side of the house or steam. h atar In the bouse, to IVh[ch I d'!d my bl'st to protest; I wiggled hajlplness. nod I would mI ller dl o! lbllil sta ble, Figs. 1 atld !!. or tl\ y may he tho glass hOllSC Is at .a ched. It \\ 'li b and jllmped and y Ipe1l , a.nd t I'l d by gO hack. I had to resort to thurt to buill entlr ly awe y Cram other build· a v ry sim ple matter to COITY Illp!!' l\·run n. Ilr llg ... . .ltllubUR.Ollio. l1'" ... :-[ cun .", rflllly r comevery gentle art I knew a show what obtain roo ll, but I t ook It. from a dOll Ings. hilt the ot larger build· throu l!'h, IlS at a, a, F'. !lS, 1 and 2. IJ I m("llll .nll l'I'I'I' lI l~ nr. U ll efl'ective CU.lOS fca . a loving. kindly oalllrq l possessed. ror h igs~r th·a·u ruYlleJr. J am haprlY to say. Ings on the north or west will be all' may' also be Jul 1110 sucb hOl,H(':. cOIIl{hs and colds. I felt that I simply could not e uter lI(e nl'o IInl,h'H'izNl to use my ph •.to I wal ko and wal ked, and finally fou od of greal advantage. It one hos or a small kerosene h I\~o r Itl I' ll!') w itYou h LelSLiL11u ll i:~ l i'I'nuy puhliclltlon, so wron gly \abA letl. reached a beaullful-Iooklng place clll1~a ?l11·s . •TpsI' ph 111111 hose, Llf jogg tl alon g uneventfully a park, and was strOlling along lu a SO<l TcnLh t .. WUll lllulI'Lon, D. 0, ('nollc h unll1 'fhe Day. J speak ot It lU(>d!tatlvc mood wb n suddenly I Could Not Smell Nor lIellr. In tbat way because It was the fa- he,a rd sarno one say : "Why. h;n' t tbal Mrs. A. L. W ~LZ ' ,1023 0h[oSt.,Terro mous day tbat r hav~ heard every dog 01 k Sargeant's do,g ?" and another nIL,,' , Incl ., wrile : hOIl som e ti me durIng hIs i1fe, hap- Voice Bald: " It surely Is ." I looked "Who! u 1 b g Ull to tnluS yourmedfeln., ~Iu.. PLAT£ pe ned tllis wa y : . arollnd. rcady to I'un, but stop red I cuilld 1I0t \;l\I c ll, nor h llllr 1\ church b 11 ring. Now 1 ca.n both smell and Mastor was 10 tb club la e In the Rhort. tor I saw a man and a 10v'!ly It 'u r, artern Aon. and on orrh'lns at ou r QUllr· lady. 1 snarled, rOI' 1 felt pretty slIre "When T b\'p'on yonr tr n.tmobt my -ters h e dropped In to his big easy cLlalr the ladY, In spite of her 10vellneSH, hOI\11 wns ter r i blc.• I hrul buurne- Bnd and, pulffn g out a leller, hecame .ap- was th e calise of all my 't rouble, ar.d ehil'plo/.(' lJ ol:II'S III my lH'ud. parently lost In lie contents. ".1 'J\lllow~·il ~' ''Ul· aelvleu faithfully and r dldn't ( 'e l very kindly toward her. Once 1 thougbt I hea rd him murIt P \1II1Il ·os Y u told IUe. Now J 00 It's a queer thIng, but. tbe lov elfe ~ 1111ghtsn.y 1 DIU well. mill'. "KalharluQ," but r couldn't be ladlEf!!. are, the mo re disturbance they ~===;:::!JI...:~::!!:.d.. .~'~~~~:'i?. "1 wailt til go noel visIt my mother s ure. I hung about fond tried lu vari- seem, to create. "g_1 fi9.2 ~n" liP the do '1.01' who snli! t was no' ous wa ys to divert bim, but waft unlong fortJlis \,'orld. I willlell him ~t "at In spite Qf my bad mRnners, how· Details of Construction or a Small Greenhou5e. succcssful. until , leanin g back In bls PerunlJ tJlDt (;lIred me," ever, she ame straight to me. "Don 't It was my opport unIty and r selzed P rllna. ill mllo!1fac~ured by .T he !l basem ent to the house or stable, a cold weather muy be used, If th toucb him," warned the man, ralMlng It. I was a bit Irritated anyway at lean·to hOllse may be built, and h eat hOllse Is built op enl ~g In\o the \) lIl1r . Peruno. Dnl g Mfg. Co., Collu.'nhus, Ohio. his cane; "he's awful savage, lhey havin g been neglected so long. so 1 Ask YOllr DrllJ(f(/st (or IJ F~ Pel'UlI. (rom the open ce llnr In a large measVentilators must be localed jllst grabb d that piece or paper and say ; ,. but the Indy leM ed over and pat· ure 'wllf heal the j;reenhouse In the Alman~c for J909. shown 10 Figs. 1 and 2 at b b. ry tore It In to tiny shreds and th 'n ' 1 led me on the bead, and said In tbe mild w" ather of fall and sprIng. small structuTes may be TUO w!th,lI'lI qu[etly lay down and went to sleep, sweetest, dear Pllt voice: "Poor IItOe 1\. cheap aud· efficlebt house may be much ' heat If openlug tnlo cell(l.nt , I chap-Is he a tired, lost doggle?-wen: bEngry,. tired anli burt. I'll take hIm home wIth me, nnd let mnde b)' sottlng chestnut or c dar other heBlthl r ooms by h(["IT.g sh ntte r_ 1 bave no Idea as to h9W long 1 bls ma ter know right awa,Y," and wl!.h L10sls In the g round, covering the sLdes or curtains to draw do\)'n 1'1'. nigbt and slept, but I shall never forget my rllde tbat she picked 'me uP ' In her ' arm.8 wIth linIn g boards, Uten two lhl k- In very cold, cloudy wea l he~. Houses or small Size may be mad(' lin.\! held me CIOBEI. rIght agaInst a nesses or tarred building paper and There a"'r=e=Bo=m=e=g=ro=u=n=d:"S~f'or graUft· big bunch of vtolclll on her breast, nor sheathing outside. Fig. 3. Cement, by blll1(11ng a frame upon which bal· - -< would sbe allow me to get down again, stone or brlok will be cheaper in the hed sasb s mrlY be scrcw d. !t M caUon In the report made by the' InterHAD AN EYE TO a'UIlINES&. though I gave a faInt wIggle Jllst to be nd. Tbe durabll[ty of glass ' struo- has the sash t.his Is B cheap way or Itat.e comm~ce conunu!lon as to the tures will depend milch upon the form bulldlrll;, and suoh a house bas the Romance ., Clearly. H ad. Little to DO poUte. Jlumber at railroad easualUes during 1t the materIals. Clear cypress Is now 'advantage that the slUlh rna)' be en Oil., the ' p ence and reElt just to be In with Sffa~' Marriage. the flscal year ended with J~ne lal!t. It more use~ than any other material. Urely removed durLng the SllmllleT, her arms; ( was so .tlred and she appears that withIn the period Ulen· knew Master, Lbat was tbe best ot It, :;lIIs sboultl be (It tbe fortU. shown In bul It is very difficult lo make II. clost' Presion Kendall, the actor, teUe a t!one4 1,'764 pe'rsons were killed and IIto ry at a ne'er-do-well In a mUe N.w and would take me home to, hIm. I \i'ig. f. Plates may be made of plab! hOllse W\tll 8l1'l\ sn~h. 68,lI!!9 Injured, whlcb Is a decrease at Hcked her little gloved hands and as In FIg. 3, or as 10 Fig. 5. Sash bara . T1I.e wnodwork of greenhousP8 and England' town, wllere he has ofteb 1,2!& kllled Illlc! 3,21)7 .lnJured as com· reached ul! and Ilclled her pln.k oheek, 'should have grooves along the sIdes hotbed eash should have a coat or l.,bJlt hIs summers. "I was walkins pared with the p,l'1!cedlng year. Tbe a.nd I thought ~ sa:~v tears In her l1eau· to catch the drip from the glasB. Prs In thlll linseed all paint every second down the maIn ' street one day... wd yea,r_ Much of the suc ess to' hob· Kendall, "when I Baw old Silas grtn' .bowlng Is .bad enough, but lhe r~turnB Utul eyes, and I'm sure ahe mlll' Fig. 6. The glass for ordln.a1')' work may be tained from sr.y glass structure w1ll nlng from ear, to ear. I 'hardl7 'thought luggeat better ·condltlons. It Is alllO mured on my neck: "Dear Dick." Doted that durIng the last quarter of She mode. the man call a hansom, No. 2 double lhlck, large sIzes, 16x20 depend upon the skIll at the operator. thnt he waa that glad to Ilee me. So. anll wLen he had put liS In .It, he Inches or 20x24 Indies, being mucb and !.he Ulermomet r. both oUl slrl u stter sp aldng to hIm. I IIaId: 'W1i)' the tate flscal year 13 passengen were raIsed his hat an.d saJd he had an used. Smaller sizes will be cheaper and In. must be watched ve,.y closely. til IIml\e tllat won't com~ ot!, Bll~! tlll.i 1J1 train accIdents. the amallest engagement and ' wI~uldn't have time ta In prIce, but more sash bars will be Tbo .tcmperature should be maintained Wha~ hO' happened to make you , 110 .UDlb</r record for that length at drIve ho'm e witb us, and lhe lovely needed. amI they cut air muoh of the as nearly as pose~ble like ' that In tll II happy this mornIng?' 'I'y., been .glttime. Ma.y the Impr~vement oon· , lady ·sald: "Oh, that's too .bad;" but sunli ght. Tile glass sbould be put In open ' alr under whlen the plQ.nlll tin' marrIed thIs mornIng,' was tbe UII· tJnue. J 'was glad, for be 'Iooked IIQ cross' as Ii "'Ilh Plltty, made with abou t one-third G'!'own thrIve the besL-Farm anll expected Nlply. 'Married! You? I dog tbat has -bad bls pet bOI•.., stolen. white lead In ito and firmly tackQd Home. exclaimed. ·Why. SIIII8, wbllt on eartb It aeems tbat .t he new pOstage lIave you done. Ibat fo.r? y 'ou ' lmQw We drove dowlD the avenue, . tbe Itimpl ' which PODtmasler General lady's hand on m~r head. my nose In known all the ory:acetylene ,blow·plpe . you can't even support youl'llelf tia It .. )le7tr Is abont to IS8ue will be someber lap, and finally drove up before By bllrnlng acetylene In.1\11 atmospbelll fa.' 'Wdll: lald,"SlIas. 'you lIee; It' .. tblng In the nature of a 1'eatoration at a big house. We hurrIed In. and the of pure oxygen, the highest tompCO,h thIs Will': I ken purty near support aJl old desIgn, rather than an entirely lovely lady wenl stral ghl to II tele· ture In ohemlstry Is evolved, pracll . myself, an' I lUnd of figured out thai' new one. There II occaSion for popuphone In a cozy room ful.1 ot books, '1 cally equaling the eleotrlc nrc. A pen· lI~e could finish liP the job.''' .. lar congratulation that the fine old close at her hoels. Her voice trem· A reprint and revIsion of 'bllVeUn cll of flame two or three Inc~eB 10011 , HIS IDEA OF GETTING WORK. bled when she gav'e the num'ber, "1749 No. 67 at the state department of ago and no larger than the barrel of 11 Roudon' profile at Washlnglon, whloh and :her Cheeks got very ~Iculture at Peons ylvan[a has been Is· fountllln pen, can b . drawn acrolls II a. the best and most distinguished ever The Lady'l Hand on My Head, My Grammercy." pink .wben sbe nsked: "Is Mr. Sar. sued by the department of . chemistry pIece of ·sheet metal,' and IIteralIT produ~ed, s to eome back atter 1h'e . Nose In Her Lap. geant. there?" bu~ her voice was, or the Pennsylvanl'Q stnte college, un· melts the metal In; two. The procet\' ,ean ot retirement to reoccupy the chair, he closed his eyes and the letter or, so sweet and gentle: wben, Ir. del' the authorsblp of George Gilbert CRn be reversed and sbeet' mel ai, ·Iron. pOslUo~ It held for half a century. It he had · been readlng dropped to the a few minutes I heard .her say: "Dick, Poo.d, Ph,D. The whole subject of brass, copper, alumInum, and, In facl, lloea back not . only to the two·cenl Iloor. It Is ~, Katbarlne; yea It Is really I;" oal!!+um carbide and aedlylene Is co.,- any of the ord,l'Jary melals can be III , tJtamp, but on the nIne other higher awakening. A hnnd al my throat, a lhen a IItlie pallsl3; I suppose Master ered most thoroughly wltbout the use e.roJ.J)' melted together \\Dd, curiOUSl), denomlnatlona, leavlog tbe profi'le o~ violent shake, and Master's voIce, wns sayIng something, tor her eyes at technical langupge, and the book the joInt Is so perfecUy tormed that .' Franklin on the one-I!ent stamp, when. hoarse' wltb rage-"You little brute," grew hrlght with tears and there contaIns complete and authoritative m~ will not disclose the poInt ot frla(. It haa remained tram !.he first. he sold between closed teet'h; "YOU were tears In her 'volce, too, when she Intor~atlon, so simply told tbat the ture. Bridl'tl girden have been cui bave destroyed my one chance of hap- said: "Yea, yel, ,Indeed, DIck. but I .ubUc generally will find the book not wltb great rapidIty, &lid It Is lit ate ~ The old·fashloned covered wooden plness; do you bear. my one chance of thought. you didn't care." At tble only instructive 'hut extremel7 Inter- that thll simple pencil of flame .prOD . bridge' across the Connecticut river at bapplness? That letter-oh, she pOlpt I licked' her hand; .for 1 waa eating. . , Ises a rew,luUon In , the metbods o.f Xlod Ole] Lady-Have JOQ ' ~u Hartford has been" replaced by a would have believed It and forgiven anxlou8 to be liltl'oduced Into the con· . The use of acet),lene commercially ml!!tal workIng establlabmet.ts. m~de an effort to get work? Anoth~t curIous phase (,t the sut', beauUf~1 .granlte atructure describe!! me. It waJl a conCession, clln't you versaUon; , ahe la~tghed down' at m~ Is an evoluUon covering ten or .Beggar-Yes, m&:aID. · Lallt ' month I .. the largest stone · bridge In !.he understand 1-a contesslon tram a "And Dick," sb~ . continued. ,"I have twelve years. The rapid strldel 'whlob ject III \I.e fact-tliat Cll'lclu'trf carbide p.t rot work for two melt\~era of my ' famwoman who had told her lies about your dog, Wrecll:er, , h ere with me. tbe new lIIumlnant ilaa made, especertain temperaturea has .. the power i,t world. _Both the Carlsburcke ' acrosl Ily; but neither of. Utem woUld .take it: the Mordau at Prague and the Watel' me, and thls woman Is dead and can .plcked him ' up In the. park, but t .clnlly In country homes, III making It ftxlng tb.e nitrogen of tite air and In never speak agaIn, and Katharlne will don't care to give him back unless the a (ot:mlda~le compe~tor tor favor thIs way will ' llrOc1uce . a forUJhillr Whit .It Waa. 100 bridge over the Thames at London never, oever . kllOw the truth." H[s reward Is sufficlE~nt; wm you come wherever lIlumlnaUon Is required. callEld cyanam,~e. wblch Is fOUnd eQual wu visIting a Ohlnese .resta"" She are .lo!lger, but they do not· approach Irand relaxed Its hold and be turnod up and talk It ove:r?" . , The spectral anal~lllI. of, the light ~o ' the ·Ctl1.lIan nttratl'l. F,ew peollill ran t for tbe first time, and llaa. Of'> the 82.feet width "of the .Hartford from me wltb a .groan. ''I'm mad:-' be A Queer little Bound came over the shows It to be a practical duplication realtze that . '16,000,000 worth of Chll- d~.l'ed among 'olher tblngs OmeleL Itntctilre.- 'Whatever may be' said' 01 moaned, "you've ruined me; you're wIre, It almost sounded like a so.b, nnd at sunlight, so that colors have' their lall .nltrates have be'eD Imported. Into Atler ' sampling th'e " succulent' chop the advaotages or Iroo or steel bridge. lIothlng but II ' dog, but you've ruined Katharine said: "Yee, come ~Ight 'r~e ' value when · lIlumlnat.ed by thIs 'llila COU1)(ryand, used by the 'farmer~ suey and ,'he BPPIlUzlng chow melll, brIlliant gaB. Recently the Use 9f here during !.he paat Yl1ar. the7 do not producl) the resUul 1m· me, and you don't even kuow Il." away." sbe l\lmed her attentiob . what Then ' we ..walled togethflr cn a bl!! acetyle~e for .the hea<Ulghts ,of ~ul()o Calolum carbide Is a rock like lIull- 'aeemed, a dlsb or pamiakes. · Puullnl pres610n of atrenglh nnd permanence With that he threw himself on tbe couch, and In just a little while ' "Mr .,lotilles, lis adoption by the sovern· stance produo~d. by rpelting 'together over the comblnaUon or bam. onioll ' wblch Is one o( "the great attraction. couch, face down . op, how I loved him, Sargean.l" was alGnounced. and l{ath- merit for b eacon lights, . lighthouses, lime lind 'coke In- tbe electrIc furnace. and other .Ingredlents, ahe ' Btldd6nl, , I loved him, of . a ,stone brIdge. bllt he had heen orllel and unjus t to arlno pIcked me up In her atms nnd rorts and Indfan . s.chools, hilI! given' It Is n(lt affected by any sUhstance e.x- .exclalmed , to 'her \!ompanlon: "Wh:,. ===== ." " cept water. anQ. when brought in can. there's egg In tlila." Emperor Wllllam, has raIsed hI. me: How could I tel l that that flartlc. went straIght to hl1n, and Master, acetylene new Impetus. ' "Sllre; n'l the . onielet.I " he repUf!4. ..Prot. Pond has shown tbat ·t be dwell· tact wIth watel' It gives off fapldly 'thtl daugbter·ln-Iaw. the crown prIncess, ular piece of paper was so · different witbout 'a word, put hIs arms around ~~.' to the rank at colonel of the regiment from. any other pIece of paper, and us both, and I shall ' dTeam alw::)' .. ot ar In 't he collntry home can eecure thIs gas known aa . acC!tylene. TI:fEN AND NOW bad he not always la ughed at my an. the look In his eyes wh en he bent IlxceJlent- lIIumloant at a cost whl1:b The 'bulletJu .on caiclum c~rblde of which her busband 18 only thE L1cs with scraps of paper? . nno kissed ~he lo,vely lad'y Katliarlne !ompnres, . to the adv.antl\ge of acety- and t(cetylen.e. can .b e ..hadfr-ee by np. .Complete .R~covery 'f~m COffde III,.. ' f , major. Many a hllsband readll7 ad· 1 wauted Ii) cr.ouch by . h[s sIde and I I gave them ~ach one wild I!olt and wltb cIty gu :wh,en burned In the' .p~lcaUon, a~compa:nled by six -centa mia that at bome he Is the second 10 lick his hand, QS any co'mmon ' d'og jumped to tbe .floo.r, but I wasn't ' Io~~ lene, "AMui t;.ne years ag'o daugbter, . )peo flariie, bur~el' 'cosUn\{ 'a dollar per postage, to lhe Department or,. Cheinls. command, but what did the 'k alser WOUld . have, but I am .a. pedigreed dog, forgotten. Mastclr bent over mil an,d ,·.i)o6 cubic feet. , '. .. • . tl')', tbe _ Stato College. ft:om cO,ffee drip kIng; was on, tho- yor.e mean when he gave the prhlcess high· and blood will tell so I crept out in took my head In both his hands. The 'board of engineers of' the.' nil- ~tate CoII~ge; Pa. '. . of nerVous prostration," wrItes Ii Lliul .. er mlmary rank than that at bls son? tbe hall and watcbed tor my cha.nce "Wrecker," h? /!!ll\l, "you bave brought . tlonal board of fire uraderwrltel'll bave, "Ule lady. "She was confined for the to slip awny. Yes. [ had . determIned ~e the only ~ood thing life haa ever arter, a .Yearl .examlnatlon' ot the ' s1JbCare of Seed COl'n.-8eed · corp at IDoat part to hl)r home. " .. The allah, bav!ng' tI red . of experl· to ' leave Master; leave him never to held for me; · I .owe this beautiful lad, jeet, declared Hiat ,acetylene, when In· picking time hilS S' 'hlgh conlen\ of . "Wben "be attempted a ·trlp down . mentlng with constitutions. may all return. It was Quite late wben at to you. and .1 (~"e you to h.erl srnce 'stalled wltb: ~pproved' apparatus, Is ·D\ols.lur,e.. Soin'~~lmell Jt Is dried by ar .. town .,lie 'was Qften brougblbom& In well be p'repared. for tests of bombs, last Master got Ull and put · on his sbe found you, here .l protested wltb later than the iilum!ballts whIch It.ra-' Uncial heat, "·but thIs' Is dangerouB, c~b aII'd "ouid be .· prostrated for ditJl' > ' . ., ". 'd aggers and like devices for ' brlngiog coat and hat. Wben he saw me he a growl, but Master hc-IJ nul IIrmly. plnees, an.a the. ,national board or fire The ·.cbances are that tbe germ will. lIrt.flrwa.rda.. "Op. the advice of ber ph7,elclan IIbe home to a monarch Ws own ,unpopu· 'tooped and palled me on Ihe head ·"Ho[d on, Wrecker, I've not ftnl!!bed; under" rUers lIaa re,vlsed Its rules '.In stan Ito gro'it". T'ne ImpOrtant thinSl! ~nd spoke quite gtlntly: "I'm sorry I I hav~ given y!lU t.o ~athllrlne, thll .suoh a manner··1UI to encourage Jts are ventilation, a dry atmosphere and gave up' oollee IUJd tea, drank. POStu.u larlty.' tur.t you, Wrtlcke.r, old boy," he said; lady, and .she has . glve~ hElrsolf tp me, more rapId Introduction. Calclum ·car. , an eVt!~ 'tem.p erature: CC'r!l sUB.Pended arid ate Gnpe-Nut" for breakfast. J ' ,. "I dldn't 'mean [,t; and you're only a so you ~e we all· ~o eaCh. other i'Sbe liked ".Posturil tram the ' veft The s~pond or the uew White Sta, bow· wow, anyway." I had bean almost You ran away ·[rom ~e once because. bIde,. wh!cb hal Ili 60Uie quarter!! been on a wIre In a we)l,vcntIJo.t:M granary rr.igarded as II . dapgeroll~ aubstance,. or shed In such a wily ttlat there I. . beginning and we Brion·.. aB'\\' improye;. line 6Q,OOP-ton ' ateamshlps has been ready to forgive you unlli he a\lrleq r was II bTltte to you. but Ir you ev.el has been' lnveatlgated !lnd d~clll..,r~d to ~ree . cli'cul&U?n: of ' a.1r abo'\lt' eaqh eat. meQt. To-,t1a~ ebe la In. " erfect' he-altho approprtately named the Titanic. those words, "only a bow·wow!" My 'filD away agaIn It will b~ hc~nul!e you ue wHhol ~ hn:z:ard ,by the fire under- · Is ar very favorable way: Corn that 1& the Ir.other ot fivQ children. Illi of nre tired of he[ng pelled." Theg the wrltera. TheBe facta will come In the tJloroughly dr,. C&II.Ilot be lnju,ed by a "hom are tODd of Postum. Some Idea of the sIze at modern shlpf. very so1l1 cringed. I foll nwed hIm for a !)Iock or eo lovely lady klBsedlDe on the " toP . Q' nature uf a grIlBt-eurpr[se to many freeze. mal' be formed If one re~lBlls that tbe "Sbe ha.; recovered, Ie a member of ~rce chnrl~f QrganlZl!ollona and .. e:lab. tonnage or tbe whole Spanish Armadll, until he eame to a dimly, ligHted side m)' W'btte bead. . 1 dldn't QlIlte undel' ... bo bave regllrded acel~lene aa dan· Do 'Your Belt.-A resolUtion Ibat la- 'holdlng ':D office In each. We gI. . wblcb was wrecked olf the coast 01 atreet ' nnd then wltb one farewell' look stand It lUI. but· I ' WBS very happy, ,erouS. In Mallng wltb thIs phasfl 0 Ireland, .aa leu than tbat of the n's. and ;. loudly b~atllig heart, I turned and (lurled up .at Master's teet nnd lJle' ,1I111ect, Prof. POuli hQS gIven if.nrlalll~. lea~s, to at least partial aue- PostuUl and Grape-Nuta .the 'credJt for an" r~n as bard as I could away from Vlent"to Bleep.. 1 was yel')' th'lod. thorough Information '88 to tbe' eafe ""S8 on the farm 18 to perfQrm evel7 !wr rer.arery," Ihlp. ma .~ler. Since that 1 bome the ua.e of acetylene !lnd the pr8l)autiODs t~sk with paln8ta~ care. "There'. a Reucu." 'l 'hst lint night J will not. attempt name of .. but I haye wltlcb muat be takbn wllb tbl. sub. Name BIven by Poatam Co., Battle lIere·• . a COod Idea. Ban. tellen to describe_ Homestck. hungry, frlgbt- long since to bave to pIa, the ranee. thO" Baal!! as ~',Ith · &II)' other IIHlm.-Keep your eyes OD the Creek, IIlcb, Read. "TIle lloa4to are to alamp "" 012 all bad aned, Insu}ted on every side by rude part. lumlnut. .. mall ~bo rellea tile mast craib per, WeJJvlJJe," In pkge, . 1I1ll. pr:elCDted to thtllD. nat will lind jealous , dolil, who jeere4 ..t my , Muter aara . An' ibnlteallnR ! f!n'le or tbe 8UbJect acrt', tath.-r thaD' on the lIlaD ' ''~ ...... _ . .-op _klDd 01 e4J... CIhala 11 &be ' reallar1Rl~· u.e 01 what I. •.... &be Ill.... ...... _ • •~ U ... ~..;~:.-~' IIlIe collar a Icrap or II(\me IdDcI em completel,.
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A SURE WORD OF PROPHECY Dude. Search.. for Cod', p..,..u. Concemln. Ior•• t
BY THE "HIGHWAY 'AND BYWAY" PREACHER (OoPJ'rta,n,lW¥. bl elle .\.uLbur. 'Y. 6. Jo.:,b~u . )
Scripture allLh\ll'lty-Tbe Hook of Daniel, chapte r 9. · SCI,lIIB nnel 'nnuence or Onnl I'. Prollheel N.-Th SCOI,e or Dnnt ul'a Ilropll elcH 18 trom I he dOlVnrull at the theouracy ilL the ""ptlvlty lIIl lio 011111 rI'HlorMlon, y t futu ro- lho p rlod ot the dOllllnlon of til worlll-powQrs, riot H t 8sld by , hr10('8 IIrsl \:ollllllg (Jolin t :3Ih; t or to ho.'Io hlken tll eorl h I<t n,;dom Ih n, , oult! ItnY., be n 10' tnl e It from Satan'. honel. (Mnlt. . :8-10). but to be Bu!'urs ded by his ulIlveulIl und everl A8tllll: ktngdom al hlH • econd cOnllng (H ev. 11. 1M, Thus Ih" gen ' rol Burv'lY of tho dU\I,'IOplII lit nml ' Onnl (I BlinY of the worlll p o w rH (C hot)· tera 2-7), lit 1I ngly precf'd eH I h" (lioclooure. n8 to the hnmedltlto rUlIIre (ellUl), terti 8-12). The baal' at Oanl I nnds Its culmlnotlon In- the book or R evelation, and 13 In tfult the key whl h unlocl<s the mysl',rl • or the Intter book. Thu bnnlt or D\l nlel hila cxerclsod tnr "renl er. lnll ueoco on hrlaUall tl1 'uloCY than lillY utller writing or the 0 101 'I' Htnmelll, d plctlng, as.l l does, not merely lho ndvent or the MesBlah. but Iho .Neot and Influence or hl.- · hUlllll n exl.tcnco upon the 1IIhoio future ot Ule human rae"" ,SERMONETTE, The faith of the believer I, needed to mike God'i proml,,!, potenL God by hll prophet Jeremiah had fixed the tlme-of the return of the Jewl to Jeruaalem, but It needed a Daniel to .earch out the.e promllOl and hi' faith to make the fultllJment of thOle promisee pOlilble. The Bib le Ie packed from lid , to lid with God'. promise., only waltlne for the believer to preBent fait.,.. claim and demand payment. No draft whote claim I. based 0 Upon God'. promise. I. ever d l. honored at the bank of , heav. n. , Daniel meant butlne.. when he went to God In prayer concerning thl. mltter of the restoratlon ' al foretold by Jeremiah, as note the Itrong ~xprel. .Ionl uled: '" .et my Il1ce," "to leek," "faatlne, and 1I0l(cloth, and a.hee.'~ God 'Illway. wante u. to pray . aa tllough we were In dead ejlrnelt. Danle' prefaced hi. prayer with I .confee,lon. " Old Iconi. muet be cleared up before fre.h draft. can· be made upon God'. love and mercy. ' There II • beautlfut aplrlt manlfett In Dlnlel'. prlyer. He lubmergel lelf In tho Intereatl ~nd need. of hi. brethren. He , taku upon hlmlelf the burden , a"d aln of hla nation and then reache. up In faith to claim the help which they needed. II It not true alwaYI that we muat bring ourlelve. to • •ym- . pathetic ' appreciation of t~e need. of·othe,. and must 'IY our live •• their lI.vea If we woul.d 11ft up to God? 't I. the way Chrlet did. It II the way we muat do. "For we do not 'prele"t our .",ppllqatlon. before thee for our ,, but for thy gr-eat . m'e rele••" Hllre I. the elSence of the · aplrlt true prayer. ' Dlnlel h.a reached the condition of heart wl1lch link. him with God and' give. him alluranee of anawer to hi. petition_ God doOi not l1ea,. and answer prayer bec.u .. of our worth Inea., becauae of , ,Ighteoulnea. "found In. UI, 'but 'r ather bec;au •• ,of ,hll great merele.. Let "I ' . al~aya leek him. In that aplrlt.
be bod been born, tlnd while be wu famillur with his nutlon'!, 1II,' IWry, &.S Daniel dl 'covered by questioning him, there was 110 dllllire In bls beart to reo tU I'll to J I·u salem. "Why, tlte J e ws havo made a pJqce ror tb emselves Il cre;" be had ex· claimed wben Daniel bad expressl?d II llope lbllt sqme day the Jews would see Jerusalem resloreil and the naUon , /lnd a bome tbere again. "We ore prosllerous bere In baby' lon, and our peo ple are united," bE' went on to add, "wby should we ...,.nl lo go back 1" . And wb en tbe young man had gone Danl I b ad snt aa one slunne d . . "Could It be," he Dliited hl1ll5ell "that tb e J ewII were fOl'S lliag tbell beloved Jerus al III and w ere losln!! tb elr desire to r turn thither?" And tb on huo com over him tht' rea Jlzln ~ sensa I bill he wus I:Towlng old. . "Yes, 69 yoars la a long thnt, and ber we tJnd lbat u genei'atlou bap grown Ull Which nev r saw J erur.ulell' and WhO~1l love for national lire tb ert haa llIlver bcen kindled." Anti lit tbtthoughl Dalliel nrose uueas lly I41d be gall to pace back olld forth. "SL~m J will b e gone," be exclaimed, as ,be ran his fin gers lhl'o\lgh tbe a bundanl while Jocks wh lcb fell abont his bE'nd "Soon tbere will be none left ot tbo~t' wbo came ant ot Jerusalem. And WhOl, they o:\re gone' wb e re shall we look tor tbose Who love thy gales, O' Jeru!'lulem, and who long to return thlther?" It lIIas almost a Bob wltb , whlcb Daniel ended the words, but be wue not one to give up to helpless, hopelese foreboding. Rather. wben he became conscious ot a thretltonlng condl , lion, . dlil. he set blmseiC re!!OIUlely to llrovl<llug for the , contingency alld overcoming tbe ullficulty. "It cunnot, It must nol b e," he ex: claimed, as he seated blm self again. "Nay, there are the promises at God wblcb speok of tbe return to J erusa. lem. We must bes tir ourselv es and Quicken tbe people with lhe words of tbe propbets: Yea, was It not bravo old Jel'emiflll who wrote of the 1'. . turn 1" he exclaimed, after a long 81lenca In whIch he sat deep In tbought. In obedi ence to the luslJlration. he arose and, aCter a 8 lU-ch through his cabinet, he drew forth a l>ntcbment Toll now yellow with age; IlDd sE'at Ing hlwseif where th e light came through tlJe window and fe ll u\)On tbe scroll In his band, he b gun to unroll and to reud. . Hour' Mter bour he sat there porlnlJ over tbe roll, ~gel'ly s earcblng for some word regnrdlng lb~ relul'n of the J ews to Jerusalem, wbJcb he felt su re was t.bere. Tbe evening shadows begrUl to gatber and be bent clos.e r over lhe writIng, wbiob the failing light IDode IncreaSingly hard to reM. A.nd at laat. when be could no longer see, he I t tbe roU fall Into his lap and gave blrpsel! up to med.llaUon, That w blch be had J)een reading had been tbu portion of Jeremiah. where the propbet.crled out against the InIquities of J erusalem and warned tbe city: of the. certa,ln judglUe~t ot Ood for Ita sill. "Ah, Israel hath Indeed sinned. Can It be t.bat God can forgi ve? Can It be thal he has not oaSl orr his peopl,e for. ever?" So the aged DanIel Queslloned, and then, seizing the roll again. and oalllng a servant to bring a light, he sealed himself at hIs table and con· tInued 'h ls 8tudy of the Writings o( Jeremiah. , ' "Jt Is here, ) know It , Is Iie re." he exolalm ed over nnd over to hJinself. Fatigue of hOelY and tbe need or sleep were 'forgotten In the hltense eagerness to find In t~ e roll the prom·, Ise which woUld reassure his hearl concernIng his peQvle. S.o passed the long bours of the nIght and stili the I\ged man sat there poring over the scroll before him, ' The light began to break In the east and tinge the · sky wIth rosy promIse of day. And then the 'gray s(re~ks 'of dawn beg~n , to creep Into the r~oin. Stili Da~Ji!l read eagerly on and on., .Suddenly a great light broke over, the, face of tlie man and he sprang to bls ·teet, while 'a cr, of joy )Jurat from . bls lips. . "Here It Is! He~e It III,! Here It Is'" he exclaimed over and , over ,again. And be read aloud: ." '. "For tbus salth lhe Lord, that affer 8e~enty yepi-s be accompl!shed at. Babylon I will visit you and perform my gOod w6rd toward y~u, In c;auslng thla place, For 1 know· you to return the ' thougbts ..l think towards YOU,slllth tbe Lord, thoughts o( peace. lind not oj eVil,. to give. you an expected end, Then shal! y,e .call upon me, ,and' . ye shall go and, pray unto b;le, 'and I wllJ bear ken unto you. And ye BbaU ' see1i me and ftpd me,' when' ye 'shall, search for lPe with .illl YOllr Ileart. And. I will 'bEl fOUnd of ~ou, salth tb.e Lordi and I, wUJ tllrn away you~' captivity, and 1 will gatber you "from all naUons, and f~om' all the. p1ace, wlilther I havf driven you; 'salth' the Lord: and. I wll tiring you again Into the place whenct .1 caused fOU to be carried away ~aJ) ttve." "Sevehlx years?" Daniel. muaed after' he bad fi nished ·,re,ading. Ant then b e fell t'o 'flgul'lng, ilUd lhe : lpe~ sage which . tbe fil'illres brought 't o hI t; caused him to IUt bls eyes In 8udde exultation. afj be, exClaimed, ~erv enUy , "Thll tIIne Is at blind. ,Jel'usalec will yet 'rfng with the pralae of th' Jews to' their- God, who Is ever falthfu l and whoBe promises never' fall. ~ -Sly Game' Fee.. : 111, the German possessions In Afrlc. a 'p ermlt t~ shoot cosls 1205; . specla permission la ' re.Q1ll~d to.' kill mor, than nfO glralres, four rhln~!lrolfjt and six zebr.... rn the cae" oC elt pbant aboollq, ' the autborlUea mos he glvell olle tUlk from eacb. anJm[ kaled. Tile hunter l'8CIel"!18 a ama p&rment If he Iboola a 1IOll,. paothel wlld"boar, or . A to kl
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,.:~ -THE STORY.
t..NIEiL waa getUng old. ~t came D over hlm with overwhelming fOlce .Qne da), ,as b~sat In Ills a)lIirtments In
the pa'ace. .Not that his ' phl'lllcal frame telt the enfeebling 'force of bls · over eighty" years'; not th~t hIs ~Ind was 10Blnglt& grip upon th.e affairs ot atate and " was no ' longer keen In , ;'inanagln~ the details. . ,',<, _ ' '. . '. ·It WQ8 .not that whlcb had suddenly ',' made him sit ~p' a~d'thlnk. ot .th~ )png, Ion« year8 lie, had' ~p~nt 10 BabYlo~. It was now quIte 69 yoorll since tlie aol!lle~B of!'lepuchadnezzar ~I\d ' 8Wel)t through ' tbEl e~reou ~f Jeru8alem an,!!' " bad carried him olr . with the .0 tOOr .. ;Jewlsii' 'c aptlves to 'tbat far olf la,rid, to , the east. And tlle ' years, wh.lch " hod . Pllssed since then l1ad beeJl marvelous. years, b\lsy years, lIseful Y!lafS. ,L inked , a~ bls life 'b~d been','wlth thal, of ~.~ '" II· o~ God:. c~n scloua. as he h\ld been ,tl.. J t be was In !;Jabylon, for a purpoae, ,and I.hat 'he ' ",ould there serve ,his' na· tlon 'a nd bls Ood taltbt\llly ev~n wbll e .tie I,lervod:,be.tore the 'klng .- wt\o bad , brouglit rUin upon Jerusalem, he had not had time ·to IhLDk of the yeats as they passo(J Ot to be conscIous, that b looks were' whitening ' and he ,was ~I'o\ylng old . .' No, the Incident whloh ' suddenly brought him' f.ace 'to face ",Uh tbe _~hou gbt of ilIa welghf of years, wat! en: Urel), apot't froll) hlml:lel" . 1t chanc~ tliat thete had com!! Into bla presence that mor'illng a you 19· . Hebrew \V.ho ",as enga,'nl In IOnl ~ maltera '01 atale which reQul,d bls :onil~erat~on, and after the Mattera ot b~slness had been dlllJ)Oa8ir of DaIII.l !1~ tallen Into converation with blm. He learned that be was the 8Gn f pareDta wbo bad .... bOna In oapU'IltJ. and , ~ blm '.~.llllll ,del 1and of: the
eldlgli Il')~ of ('roch efte~ R..~~e Us .Jlu s~
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T ells of af tbe J¥\0 i 0 lPiiUBS
Pillow Cilses edged wltll tld,fl1 s h fn the Ihat placc, and SIIGh.kln·s oned crooheled lace aro takl:.Jg th b,l'Ondly , rOUl;b t lV ds Bre quite de. " lace, lo some ext nt, o~ lhe h em lIocic. SClys fl Paris' lell r, 'I'h y nrc 31 llched finish. When lhe lace II! IWl.dt . II " r)' IHII for "the olCluntaiu or the .Jt (a lrly stroug thread and tile PII.LLcru moor." but Uwy WClI't do ut nil for lhe .1 8ub~lIultial oue tbe e<lglug will out lowil . All th~1 foshionabl lwc ' ds IIrc Iyear th e lin en or muslin COl'e r. An s mooth· rar t! slll'fncc, nntl are vcry ~ rreclive tlYo·lnch eds ln:; Is made III fi ne In lext ure, with rich, durk err cts the followl" !: way. besi llnlu.g \\Illh u or culor und stripe. S l l'!p(' ~ are as row uf wb ols \\' bleh fO rlll lh e cenl r popillar as 0\'(,.; sum dlagu nal, sam!) P Ull I'll of lhe lrlmwln/f: Take me(\[ulTJ cbev roo, hIll most of Ihel l two.loned 'Iz e calla n thread, wbich comes e~lle- a nd ombre. V ry few la rt ulJ!i Il)'e to clally rOI' this !JUrl'O S . and ma ke be 6(>on, though 1 h 'ar t"t.y are stil i riugs hy winding the co ~lon 15 lim es very fa ahlonable. Th e ('oldl' and c lolh ar ound a lu rge woodell knitting Il eedl e of a dr 5" Is, however, uot of so u)uch 0 1' poncll, t1wn crochet 211 doubl Im po rtance a3 that Il should be slIpp le stitch es In tbe ring; join anu make nnd Boft. 'J;hllt Is t he most Important three chulns and crochet a treble cbaln hill!;; llccallse of t he sort draplh gs ot Inlo eacb of tbe ring doullle crocheis; the <lir ctoire s l)'le or gow n , All dress. lhen croc het six cbuills Bntl clltcll tlle es are cllnglJl g and sllpple, wllether sixt h willI a dOUble crocbe l sUtch Into thoy are mad e of tw ~cd or cashm ero. Lbo 8 COull tre bl e stllcb; conUuue tbls Striped wlnce,YI; are very popular, too. Ilround Ille ring. and so servl eeable : tb ey s tand all 'I'll Is. Uluk II 14 cbaln loo))s around sorts o'f rough wear. and come liP smll. each rlnll, After a sufficient number Ing after bclng out In the heaviest of whe III are made In tbls manner rains. I waF; S'c!llg to say being sonked tbey 8h,,"I«1 b JOined together by filS- wltb Tit!:: , bill most or tb ern ue water. tenlng LJ. mIddle stltcll of each of two proof and can't ge t bCr.\\'!!: lI.ntl thore chain 10 0 11. to two adjacent loops of 1a a lo vely ruhrlc for "PCl:ly rrOI~ti, another wbeel, and 110 on. , TWs will wblch Is a n \\' pale mirror velnl~"n, leave tou.r chaIn loops of each wheel a perfectly Inl,mltab lf3 Imllatlon of mlr. aUached to otber wheels and ten chnln 1'01' velvel;' bUl t, or .course, n ot ntarl, loops loose. so costly, and you don 't need 10 be Now wben a yard and a balf or more, told how s plendidly It will make up In. of the wheels are joined togetber, to lIo y of the modern styles. Equa) In enough to trim tPI! edge of a pillow bElftuty and uElp. rulness with thfs 18 lhe case, tasten the thread Into tbe fourth "Charmeuse liUUn," wrllcb Is so very loop from the end and make tbree limp and clinging, and has been In. cbalns and I/, double · chain Into the vented on purpose to sull tbe present next chain loop, five chaIns and one day dress.satin. Direclolre Is another Ir ble chalo hilo the next cbaln loop, of the same t,exture. Tllose who .wIsh one ' long treble chain (plltllng the to be very smart, hl\\'e skin-tight un. thread twice over lbe needle) Into' the dersklrts, mad or ail e or otber or noxt, one trIple cbaln (tbree times tbese eatins over whlcb Is a veiling over tbe needle) In to tb e two chlWns of some tra~ lspnrent gauze or ellftl'on JoinIng tlle lwo wbeels; then one long ' fabric. Tbe " ncll r es ult" or "hlcll becbalu luto the flrat chain loop on the lng , th at very little of the Hgure Is I rt ue xt wbeel and one treble Into tbe to .Ihe 100agll-aUon! . next loop. Thl'ee chains and a double Some of the new bord er d Illnons arc croch~t Into the next Joop n~d three a perfect dre~Lm! s l)ecla ll y those with chains and a double croobet' lnto tile crepe de cblne bord e rs; th'e ), drape 60 next bring the thread to the top beaut1fully ' and wear really very w II, egaln. considering the ir delicate texture. Th e This makes the top of tbe edging newest soft s a lina bave I'(l lvet bord 1'6, Ill,m ost straight. 'Th'e n comes a. row of oriental patterns. and so~e of the of double crochets. with two chaIns be- face clotbs are ornamented with s il k tween, B. row above this ol two treble . bordcrlngs, whicb give a very dr essy crochets In to tb space between the etrect; bllt 1 found, on c losely exanl.ln, dlvisle;IDS , of the prev~ous rc;>w, then Ing tbem, tb:a t lhese borde rs ' wer two treble aroch'e ts and miss one for sometimes Insertion of colored silk or lhe next row and tbe top row Is two chene\le emb roIdery on a nel ground, treble crochets tnto each space ot that laid on to lhe edge ot the ddain e pr cashmere \Vltb wblch t bey were worn, row. , For tbe edge make two double chains, four chains ~ nd two double chains Into the first space, then two doubl cbalns, four chaIns and two double chains into the' next spRce, and BO on around the 8callops 'j oining the wheels.
H ere Is a c harming IUlIe ex per" me ot wIth whic h you can e nt ertain a party uf fri ends ror. a good half bour , !In ,1 which you will tlnd tull 01' Inlerost for )'Qu rse lt. All yo u n ell Is a 8])001, a pencil . a THE BAD CHILD. k.n.IIUIII; n "d lt=, sun(e th r('nd , II cork Com~, Lltllo Uatl ll SS , Il lle! climb to my and IL umb le r or wMa r-Lhlngs 'whlcll any o C our r ea(\l)r s cLln Mslly tln d l{IH"C'l PUI you r head duwn hera and ory on about tbe hou ~o , with the po.ssltl le exm y sh6u lt1 (l r .• cepLioll of lhe Imllllng ne dIe, which F r b<ldn~HM In you Is ) 11(0 badness In me, yo u cnn r~p luc e by n h:ltpln . f[ you Only lilY ';)\\' 11 Is th" old"r. wish, unci If YOUI' big shil r Is not H yn u W,'re 11 pl\pn on" w or .. hIgh hl1l, w or l n~ her ~ . I w\o nrJ'~ r Ir you would bo lalky ll.nd Fill lhE' lUlllbl.r with wntor, uenrl 1 bossy, And I h ,·" \\'I,Cn y ur 1I.l1l" girl II.n9Wer 11 to tho bl"m. ' Sll pk th IH'llc it, point first, inlo the s pool nurl stand th e Ilk" Ihnl. ~' Q III,1 YOU say she was ugly nnll tlCol b:' thc ' lass , Trim fh" top ,of' 61111CY? th p IIcll Wl lh YOllr Jac k knife, so It YOH w(' re (\. tnOIlU'lltL ll nd wore 0. long th:n I Lfi top Is n halt In h high r than sl(lrl, . th rim or lhe tUllIll l r . I wond r It you would IrfO W wellry at Get a ca rd or n bl l o r pAslehoard, 6 prvir' . Ane! IIwn w ll~ n you scolded an ll lIl ade uOll from It cU l a Irlan gulnr piece with sides each l',VO In 'Ii('s long, 10 h ~ I' rrocl hurt. Would you say sho IVa. "llIlllglllY" or ea ch corne r make a pin holl), alld pass "nervous 7"
It you we rp l ho BtrOnll' one and I were
tlle ":~Il l(, Wh en YOII I)u nlshcd m e, the n would I thu nk you ~ And wll n I WIUI -:rylng, too sobby to BP nk. "\\'nllldn't, 1 long 10 spank YOll 9 -Ed nlulld Vllnce o( k , In A pplclon·s. ELEPHANT NURSE.
Wonderful Falthrulnes8 and Fidelity of the Great Creature. One year when my husband wos at a. station In Bengal, says a writer, bls work kept blm (lul ncarly all <lay and, beIng III. I used to Jle for hours In a long gard n chaIr on the verauda, too wenk to read or to enjoy any moro exciting am'useme nt thun my eyes supplied to me:. We had three elepbants for our tents and boggag ; and one used to reed from my hll,nds every day, and seem d ,as gentle as any dog OJ' cat. On e of our governme nt cbaprasls was particularly d vOled ~o her, nnd Invariably shared hIll meul ot ["ult or Hour-cakes. with bls dumb , [rlend. On
New Hair Ornaments. 'ro ' he worn w1tb the new spangled roblls and tbe fine messallne, chltron und soft satin gowns are beautiful ball' ornaments In odd sbapes , Many lire go.uze hutterflles covered with spong les, "'hlch nestle on tbe ~alr and glitter under the electric IIgbts. They come In bronze, steel. silver and gold etrects and otten match the tint or tb e:: gown. The Little Girl Comes Into Hl!r Own. The reign of tbe ,t all girl Is not over, bllt IIlUe woman Is coming Into her own agahi. Tbere Is a growing, request for ' ber. because t he rashlon: of the moment In IIl1ts tends to give ber a dimInutive appea'rance wblch Is l)osltlvel~ tasclnatlng.-Lady's Pictorial.
Flillgrile sllvel' butterflies are q uit In s tyle 101' oolerure adornmeut. Vying with t.he net wal sl 13 a sbeer fln e, moussell.ue, much like cloth. Embroideries are rich, but are spur· Ingly used O~I the finest costumes. Baum marten Is t~ leading fur on the other sidEI of the ocean this wlnt r . , Skirts are' llometimes edged with fu r bands. re vl\'IIDg a' fashion CIt long a go. , Woolen gloves tbat 'reacb to lhe e l· boW are nn ecbo of the short eleev reign. Tbe POlllllulrlty of saUn has ~rougbt In Its lraln many new and ex'!-ulslt weaves. In mallY costumes the tunic Is s ug· gesttld by In sertion or by brO~dlng In soutacbe.
How You Can OISl:ovcr the Surfaci , Tensiort of a GlaBB of Wa te r.
Gracefully Waved It Over the Slum· berlne Child .
a. particularly hot day, tbe cbaprasl, to my sur prise, placed bls III tie cblld of six months at ihe ele llhanl's feet, warning her 6.'<llrcssl"ely thal tbe In' rant was In h e r cbarge. and was 10 bo carcd for till bls I ",turll. I wan an eye-wItness of h r wOuder· ful sagacity. Large banana·trees and fig·tre es grew around, and, to my sur· prise, tbe elepball l brok e otr oue of the ronner's silreadfng I aves, held It. lIIie a fan In her t runk, Ulld , from time to time gracefully waved It ove r the s)'umberln.g child , whetber to temper the beat 01 the atm,OSI)ltere or to keep orr flies, I am unable to s ay. The gentle way In wh ich she moved her feet ove r tbe child, and across to eacb side, astonished me. I sent for a wb.lte loaf s nd some oranges, and calling ber by nume (she was never 'chalne/)), tried In vain to Lempt hel' 10 my side on tbe low vel'llnda. N,othlng would Induce her to le ave her charge. Tbe warm all' nnd t~e ml)notOllou8 wave> or tbe swingi ng tan overpowe red me wIth 'drOWSiness, to which I yield· e d ; and, acter a sleep of some dura· tllln ' I was awukened . by quiet, sub· d1led enorts beside me. To my s urprise, I found tbll;t the cbaprasl ' bad Just returned to ,h is ofl'sprlng, and that tb e elephant stoou near tb e ver· anda beside rue, patiently waiting and , gently Bsklng tor th e temllling daln· Ues ao bravely withstood for more than two hours.
For a Loaf, All Right, As the tramp looked lit Mrs. God· ard lie felt a tb rill of hope. ~·er.fl was surely an easy and beneVolen tly Inclined ' per~ on . "Could you··,glmme a dl'm e to .buy a loaf of bread?" he whined. . . . Mrs. Godard's g uileless soul looked out at hlro throu gh her n ea r'slghtoo eyes, and she fingered b er purSe hopefully, . ;' J have only a quarter here:! she said, "and I'm really too tired to walk bonie." "Sure I can change It for you," aald the tra~p, clteerfully. as be took ou ~ a ' dime and ' a Illokel;' nnd not until Mra. ·Godard · was ha lf-WilY home on tbe. car <lid It OCl'ul' to h er tha~ 'WOB au,'tblng unusual In the transaction. ' '.
0' Experiment.
the end ' of a piece of thread tb roun ear.h hole. Now, Ilnot the othe r enda of the thrcad tOg thor. SlIcl, 0110 clld of your hatpln Into lh~ side or lb cork n nr the top, and lay tbe kolllln g needle , across the top of th e ·pe ncll, with tbe bottom of the cork resting on the surfll(,O of the water In lbe glass. You wou ld better have a lIny groove In the top of the pencil . On th e other end of the knitting nee<lle s uspend lhe. triang ular btt of pa st board ns the picture shows. Now, says Good Lit mture, you are r ad, for )' our xJlerlmciIt. Ask each of yo ur friends to guesl bow mally matcbes can be laid on lhe pas le board \vlthoul ove rbalancing ' the needlo SlId drawing the cork trom the water. '1 hcy will guess ahsurdl, low numbers- lwo, lhree, four, etc., for !.he weight of the' card alone will malt" the cork bob up and down and look as Ir It mi ght. be urted from the water at any moment.. NolV pile match after match on the cardbosrd an'd you will lind that a good sized pile w~1I be required b&fore tbe cor n can b il lUt ed trom tbe water; a pile weighing mucb more than tbe cork. Tbls hi du e to a (\uaUty or the water called "s urface tl3nslon," which holds ou to Ullngs WIUl a very real rorce, and by weighing first tbe cork and thea lbe matches on a small Bcale YOIl can find oul jus t wllnt Is the su~ face tensio n at th o ,wa t r In th o glass ; I will ,he jus t tho dltl'er nce In weight betw een t he cork o.ud th e matches. . A KNOTTY QUESTION. ,
How ,You Can Mystify Your Frlenda with a Handkerchief. This Is a very l1[lluslug and decel)Uve trick . You alllr an,. one for a bandkerc blef, ,and, tie tbo end s .firmly
How Knot 18 :Tled. togetber In a dOUble knot, allowln3 him to feel It, or pull tho!! ends as ti ght as be pleases. You the n lhrow the center of ~he handkerchief over the kn ot, ond 'ask tbe person to ' riold It' tight betlVe~n h'll; ~ng(lr and thumb. V<>u ask him If the knoUs sli ll tbere, to 'wblob be will answer In ~he affirmative. Yo~ !.ben Lake bOld or ,any 'part of the handkerchl e r, and dI rect tbe hold er to drop the hllndke rchl ef at the word "three." You co unt : "One, two, three,", at which word he loosens his hold of t.he hillldkerobler, a nti there Is ,n o vestige left of the knot. . Tbe me l hod of mnnaglnp; Ihls trick Is .as follows : Take Ihe han dk crchlef , nnd · tie ' lhe entls In a slm !"lIe knot, kecplng one end li ght a ud th e 01 her end loose, ' We . will call l he tight ud A and 'the loose one e, K eep A al ways In tbe ri ght liund, and on I he stre lch horlzonlally, and Lhe htHlti kt: rchlef wilt' look as In the cli t. 00 lhi s ,when you IIc It lbe sccond (I mo, aud drnlv 13. tig ht, which will th \I (arm a 'double lie r oun d A, but will nul h.l'l d I~ fi ~Dl . When you thro w 1110 hall(lkerchief ovel' lbe knot, you draw OQt A with the fin 'er nUlf lhuml> or lhe I ft baud., ond tbe knol will a\)[l ul'ontly v&main firm, allhoug b In I'('a! lty It Is notulng but a double lw ls l of silk, which. or cour e. hulll loose wben th4t handkerchIef Is dropped.
. '. ,This collar' Is woriilld ''wIth No. 100 linen thTe/ld lind a very llne book' 13 !In wIth the Mild trefoil forms. Maire 13 ch, lurn" ca tr:h ,Into 7t11 ch: rI 01 l d c ,ln 2d, st of the ring th us fM'u;ed, 7 ch. mi ss 2 eh, 1 d, c, 7 ch, mlsl! f !It t d o. , Now Inlo each o~ th~ .. hrel1 Sl1ac s wo:rk 1 d c, 7 tre, I, C , bon 1 d c into each ·. of tbe ch IdL over; tills ro/rns a ste m; 7 eh, .I. 0, \ ri 'center of brst IIcallop, 12 ch, t d c In.. center o! next scallop, tw: c, 1! The Walrus' Defentes. h. oatch Into the ent! of lhe stem. Into t\:le circlE! thus formed arol!!ld th A (ull'grown wnlrmi. will welltb l\S retoil ,york 5 ah, 1 d c Inlo every tNrd st, then 6 ch, 1 P c i.nto cente~ 01 ev r much t.B 2,000 pounds; a mountainous , eh In previous row; ' tasten o If. Work each sucN!edlng wbe I In U~e 6Iilll ' mass of muscle nnd blubber. sayJ 'tho vay. catching them to~etber, so all 10 leave fO\lr I OOI~S bN \\'een (loch al the 1.0 1 at. NI«holaa. fr e Is armed with 'tusl!~ eking care t hat the SlemlJ point de1wnwarlJ. When en,o ugh wheels are mall o fit the size of t1le ,', neck make Ilome more, Ca9 lenlng aeh one betwetlll tlJ , of Ivory, sometimes Iwo feet III lenglh, nod wbe n from ,his UI'l' ared bulk ;heels already connected, as slJow,n in ilie drawl n,g. A tblrd row of wb eels t 'these ,formidable weapons are plunged lien caught to the top row, and to, lhoso on ,elther slid<J, leaving one clmlr 100 lelween each two loops that are ::cnnecled. , dO'lfnward upon an enemy, they are Next begin at the:-upper right hand corner wltb ~, ch. J. s st Into ~he cent. as resistless as Ihe drop of a gUilloIf each loop along the top, malting 7 eh Instead 'of 4, bfltweenach· " ' he More Sealonable. tine. Such a thick Inyer of blubber 'onUnue lIIltb 6 ch. 1 • at In course of eacb loop. the sides and lowe "Yoti have spring hl.'o'li on your Ilea tltlCtlr the skin that he Is pracUccrge 01 the coli", making a ch only between Tbls complete Idly dr.l In an nrmor IqajfeJIVloua to ahees, bnven't you. dear?" said a laclr onUnue along the top' only wltb 1I eh, 1 tre In stitch. "er 11'19 la' teeth ar,d clawa alike. So, unless the to "Flossie, aged four years. ow With • :I ch, 1 tre In cebter or a ell. 1 d c Into first al "Yea" wu tbp reply: "but I 'bear 18 greatly favored by luck, be b S' oh, 1 II aU Into 1 cI c loto center or nl' baa mOe ehlUlO8 to overthrow hili It'l tI~" .nnw for mtl to bav. , • aU U.e ran tJle lOp msl Wltll willie. 11.,.11 _ 'aa>t~· 61Itaa-Wlt.
2= '.2 .- .. Et
• ' ___ 2
Fuhlon Set by H .. nl~lbal H .. mlln Not Whel'e \'acant GC)\'el'nmenl lamJ is Infrequentl y Followed , l illcatetl, \vith bl'i f Ut:lIt'!'i IJLions b it --r--' • 'ull nWetl, and huw t it und I' 1'h& 1) \11 eu\\' 811),S ' tha L "pollllr" Hum . teau, l esel't, Timu r, oul. l makes ~tran8e bf'CW' llows." and It III I 'tone, Oil, Saline und otn \. Fed 1'al ' likewIse a fAct that th prorcHHlonnl !-Laws . Also informati nab ul Stat , po liti Ian Is freQ ue nlly lIl uve(\ by tbe lands in 'rexa~. with valuabl table< I "cll igencieft of th~ elise," to Mia, thllt I and PIlI't'iculars abuut I nigaLion' and ' wIlt not IHIUld cloSI 9cl'ullny . 'Nql I R{!clatnuLion Wa1'l, now ill ' p rogr e i-l alotlo hi I)II~ SO III Ihl' P I' sellt duy . under the L, Ivt'rnlllt:llt.. h ' · lIt to !lny but ~ l wa~ 110 "In th,e duys of thl! fa· adu re!:<s f li!' 2rd:t!nt.s(~talllp~ I'ect!iveti) Iht!rll." Wll e ll HanuillCll liUlIllln III'SL by 'ril e Natlllllal Triuullt:!. WaSh ing· beean hIs political cure r h was one lun, .U. . at a Cllu(ms In Hampdl'n \ the Dilly st- - - __ - - -tendanl b sIdell hl1ll8Plf bl:llnl a cItiThe Value Of Book. zen of "pry 11111 stature lind pondt'I'A youn g Ill rl once n ~ k E' d ous build. Mr. Humi ln bad Home l'esTwa in If hI' Itkf'rt hnnk s fOI' olutlons to pas. which be ~l\ 1\ by l'eJjr mas gtr,~ . sentln! Ihal they. wen! prl'~""1 d to a " Well . thn t d pen ds." drAwled ttle "large and re.s pecta bl .. ·' gal II rIng or Yoters, and he prQI:e.I~ ci e d to r ad und e;rlla t bumorlsl. " It II bnok has a leather covel' It Is really "II IUllbll' Re a " yote" lhem onto the recurd!! or III rAzor strop, H It Is R b.'le r, ('o nrl ~ e eaucua, ,,'ork, ~lI~h 08 t hI' 'F rench wl'lle. It II "Hold on!" crIed fhe ulhCl- mall , userul 10 pul undf'r Ih e short It'g of a "We can't pasl lhat, tor It ain't t'·lIe." wlilJlJl y laill. . II old·ru ti ht.lIIt'c1 book "W hat Isn·t true ?" deLUund ell Ihe wit h a c lll ~ JI ('lIlft he belli li S 1\ mlssl wily Hamlin. 10 h url af 1\ d()~ . fllld II lal'(\ , hOOk'. Ilk "Il alo 'l a la rge and respectable a g og ra ph)' , 18 li S g llQ(1 I\ ~ . a pi ece at caucus." objected th e olllnr III mber tin to lIull O\'E' I', :t brok " pu ne or of the assembly. "There's only two ,;11\8 s ." YQU of UI." - - -. - - - - "That's all right. bro) h r, Ihal 's 1111 The teu() r 1011 ell ~t It h l\ rm l e1<~ right," assured Hamlin .' " 11 1:0 S liB In n 1Il0?Ut!I1U0Ilfl tlhrnU. read . Jus t you ke p stili, 'l'hls Is a !-tiv 10 Dr. hoop fI ~,oll~ h R,e lll ~(jy large and respectable caucus. ull right, :t.~ ml\r\'tllOll~ cllrl\l,1VfI IJI'opertlt'8. You're large and I 1111:1 reSllPctllh t. ,.. rl g ht.. t.lIC~liug rtr dt"trfl""lng of'llghs And the, resolution " passed" wllhout quickl y YlIlId to tllll h euling' ",oo~ b . tu rtber demur, log 1l01 10n ~f I,hlt! s l>l endirl pr 110rl\J- ' Unn-D r. ~boop'!i Vo ugh R llIerly . ADd it is BO ade lAnd good for c h,l . '1'here it! n o Quinine, nothing PECULIAR STATUIES O~ K1NGS. dren,us w,,11 .mtnininIC no opiu m . wbatever harsh or siokenlng tn pre· oh Io I' fo rlU , or ot.ber bllfm f nl dru~ ... , ventics. These little Candy VoId Rulera of Dahome Repreaented In Olot.l'eril "honld In afet,V IllwaY!l d ". Cure rll.ble\8 aot as by magic. A Gull. of Seaat., I"lnnd Dr_ h OO p 'M . If o ther reme. few houre-and your tbreateniug flit'S liT olfered. tIll th .. 111 No I Ba old is hroken, Vandylike in taste, In Man' PrOf, J _ G. Fraz r dis U981'S Yr'Jurownjlldgel Sold by (III d eul Preventi08 pletlse the ohildren-Itnd thr!!e remarkable atstues of klDgS o t "1'11 . they bre"Jr the feverishness, tl.lways_ Dallome no'l' deposlt,ed In the Tro<:~ ' And least of all the eoonolDY'_ A ' dero mU Beum, Th e lIi;ures ar sy mbol. Why and Wherefore. ht.rge ' box-48 Preven\ic8-25oentft . . bollcal, each king being represen led In A mhdslpl' on till Y rUllllt! a lillie AAk your druggist. He knows I tbe guise of an ani mill\' . ThuR, G Il f\ZO. boy In leRrs and C]nesllonert him u!\ to Sold by all dealers. who reigned rrom IlnS to 1858, and Ihe cuuse or his rlls trel:lR. 'I'hC' yonng. was known &8 "the cock," Is r fJrese.nt- Sf r replied thut hi s falh el' hn.1 pnn. ed by a mM covered with reatll rs; Ished him for bpln~ noughly. flntl he THE UGLY RHINO Guelele (t86S·89). " the 11011 ," as a lion WaR mlgh lY !tIM thlll hi s nlOlhCr rampant , Behanzln , HuccesNor, who If the Gt>niu8 9f Bell ' used up all waa IInaH)' deposed by the F'rE'nch, hodn't don II. " Why eto yO\1 IIref r to 1I0\' his mental enei;~y making a devil known aa "the shark." appears SR a ther whlll you?" C)uC'Klll,lnl-!d Ihl' Ililu. for the animal kiDgdom he oo~ld not docfish graced wllh the arms and sup· Is~"r , " Is It b a Ui; he Is Itl ~!I ~I'vel'e have oreated -.. more uncertain, IDa· ported by human legs" The "reathers" tban y,olll' mot it er ," whklb once coyered tlle tll.tlle or ",'10," I' pllE'd IIII' !.JoY . "hili when liolou8 aDd ugly brute than the rhi· Ouelo 81'11 no t hing but metal plat S'\ he licks 111 rna Rny~ h(;'s fI hrut IIncl n~r08. Thl8 "nimal hila burled llalls, gimlets and scraps' or old Iron . always gIves 10 mOIlf'Y 10 bU)' ('umly," more hunters tbtin all other big Prot. Fr.azer obAervels that the t- - Ba rpt- I"s Wee kly. ellee of these IItatue~1 seellls io prov game oo~bined _ It I!eams to be the hireilaeaasllin of 'he jungle. It.II that certalll klllgs of Oahome habit. Just to Make Sure_ uallT ' posed &8 ce.rtalln fterce anImals 8ta008ll1 all a homioide II! nbt dne foo or &JI blrd8_ They pOlslbly In te nd ed An old ra.rn'l r, who by hurd 'he. faot that It seeke ttll viotim, but by. tbls means to lIerve SODle mllglcal and tllI·Jrt y habits hud gu' 10;.w1l1l'r a beolAllle its viotlm fanll over it. U purpose, At any ratil. they cannot be ' YlIlull rOl'tlll1 . tJ ~cld d Ihat lh lim e waa tbe rhino knowl that there is an eD - totem a hereditary In the mAle line h ~d at length arrived when h since they dIffered In three soc eS8l v~ JIIstll1ed In ord rin g a fomily ' (,11 ,'ringe, . emy ab.o nt, it will try to ge' away generaUolll trace d from fath er to son , H , went to a carrluj!;e build er a nd The fellow who claims that the without being 8een. If, on the other ' del! rlDed In detail the ki nd or \'t'hl('le devil is a blo,pde evidently takes into hand, i$ thlnh tba$ by keeping still he wished to buv _ c n'd t- th f t th t fi d ' SuperIority to All Law, ":-/ow . .1 sUPPOSe YOU want rllb ber 0.81 era Ion e ac a re an it will be PIl8800 unnoticed, it !ltlAY!'! There II somelhlng eervtle In, the Or s"" said the ' arrlag bill I" t, a bnmlltone are great bleachers. \ IlS ellent and motionl""'l1 ~a u 1' br..ltar ' habIt .. "" ...,.." ma : t lIeekl nR a rt el~ a Iaw wh Ich we " ]'\0, sit·." relJll pd Ihe old rUnller In -itl! little hog eye8 wat.6hioi the dly bey_ W. ma y Itudy la w8 of fon es or resQntmenl. "My r()l k ~ ain't WOMAN PULLS HEAVIEST LOAD. reotion of the noise and its nose matt.r at and tor our convenIence. bu t thaI Idud . When chpv're rIding Ihey snitllng the air . Shonld an euemy a lucce .. tul life knO'' '8 110 law. It Is '!I'ant to know It." . Pel". of View WhIch I. aeldom Give" a~ unfortunate dlsoovery ce rtainl y: Adequate Con.lderatlon. show up I!uddenly in the juogle the tbat of a law "bleb bInds us wbere we • - ..- - rhino cbarllN like a flash t:n08edown did ~ot know before we we re bound , A Horrible Hold. Up. For centurlel woman hu been, with and horos leveled like ewordll for Live tree, child of tbe mlsl- and wUh .. A bont ten ye'a r8 II go my broth~r Almanac and comJ,at'atlnlr rew exceptions. a play· · . respect (0 knowledge w~ are p.1I ch ild. Wilt! "held up" in his work, health tblng or drud&e; oyerlndul&ed In the thrust, Its buge bul~ ornllblDg , ren of the mi st. Tho man Who lakes Il,nd hhppinep!! by' whtLt WIlS believed Undertaker and E.mbalmer. plealure ud Idlene... or curaed with throngh the brush like an expresll tbe liberty to live Is superior to all the to b e h opeless VOn!lUmption," write!! Will \)H iQ ll;l~l-1t, Ill" .. Id Should be III • burden whOle welA'bt few men can 'raiD, It III alwaya a fl:,&ht to the lawI, by virlue of hie relation ,to the W. R. Lipllcomb, or Washinglon, B eYer1 home In IIltk BIlIILlin". " 1'lJCl!!lft'l th e 1aD d • IIi a colleel.e. A IYltem that places upon de~th for a rhinooerol! once in fight Iawmak er_ "Th lit I B I!cllv/!N duty," says ' • V. " 8 e.took III! kinels of r e me. " woman', llaouldera three-quarte ... or ",ios ~r die8 and It mostly wins it' tIle Vishnu Purana, "which Is not rur dies uml tre ut,merit from lIavftrlll Ihll NuUlluul Hlluk weat.bel'precHoo tbe burdell II Inet1tably delradln&,. A . ' ., our bondage; that la knowledge whlcb doctor!!, hut fonucl n o litl1p till 1J., 1'elophl.JDA in h\lll\"M Hilt! nf tlonaoaobehad' ~.n recel.e. or.dit lor aupportiDC hI, ' It 18 ~ot ~oDfroDted with a.n exp' e88 Is for our liberation; all other dut.y Is uBed Dr Ki n~'M Ne w OiSOovery lI,n(l tim, whfl,,(, L (111.:\ Itu C'II I It III onl1 10 hi. o . ramliT e ...n when t h!, ,wire, by work· rifie.1D the hands Qf a cool, ~ood tlhut, good only unto wea,rlnes8; all other was wrlCllly (lurM by "!Ix ho~tle!4 c])t.v .. r r';l{llto, publica tl on 8. In. "Irly and late contrl ...., to turn ·It was the express'in "):Ie hands of knowledge Is only the clevernElSs Of aD J:ifl Is a, well 1I18,n to.()Lty . " Jt,'M No otber' publllher II 10 hll . .rlllaCI Into ~ value treble that 11.0001 ahot that 8&v8d the uglV rbl. attllt.n- Henry D_ Thoreau, quick to relieve fmu t.he Nurllst oure Vullr,y .1~hllllH l4-~. prlnt'Ulem In allY form, either With or tta. orlctnal amount. The difference no.-Hampton's Magazine for Feb. for we"k or sor ,l longs, l:I e m o rrbl\ · Muin Stret't, Waynesvill~, Ohio. wIthout oredlt.- HII 1909 Almanac u. In the .alue of .. barrel of l'Iour a. It Attitude In Faoe of Death. gell, (Jpogb8 lind ()()Id!'. Brclnchlt,is, II purchaled and after It b&l been roary, -'--- . A Brltlsb medical man thus leila bls rJIl Grippe, As\hm •• lind 1111 Hrlln. cell &11 former edlUonlin beamJ u4 mad. Into bread h.. been recko.ed uperlence of 1I0w UleD and women obla.J aifeotion!l. 500 UDd $1.0n. - - J val\le, and lOlls for 35centa, postpaid. mall,. time_but "tbe man," and not WENT DELIBERATELV TO DEATH. race death ; Tell the man <if bl&he r 'fria). b ottle H e". HUl\rant~ ed by ~V AL , TER . OLURE IIIII mOIlt.bly marazhie, WOaD A1m t he woman, "sllpporte tb. family ," tYP,e and greater Intelligence. be says, ,Fred ,l:!cbwlI.rtz, • WORKS, contaloo hla weatb.. foreNor I. a woma.'1 worlt done when an Clrcumltancel or Ca.. All Point to that be 18 facIng death. and he begins. • - casta for each month, together with. Income b.u beeD. Bt retciled to Us 11m· Suicide, of Elep,hant. . to fight, demandll 'a' ctlJns~ltotlon. talks Sporting Tjllent; " F~neral Director. j vaa$ amount oftbebeatf&mf11ftadIIlC It. Jt a mone)' .all1e could be placed about ,olllg to Bpec latls~lI and tlgl\tlii , " \yell; s ir;' 80ld lhe, old genl!e lllan , aDd COlt.S '1. a 1 e ar, oDealmlUl&Owlth UpOll her "Work as molher and wlfe. An Agra (India) corres pondent grimly to the flnlllh_. Tell a WOman ' Indlgno nlly _ "wh~t ,Ill' you d/>Ing I each,8ub8crlptIOD. Everyeaitliquake 1I0t tbat all"one ,vlijbel to do euoh a ae.nds II remarkuble story concerning the same facts. and ahe lIe'" back to TOuml hert' guln? J thQught thal de ll. ,.' le pltone fillY 01' ni!!ht, ' It would ' Villi ey J> b one. N '" ... L Oil'! 1Io1l~ 8erlou8 'storm fol' 20 ....... t "I .. alIndeed be clear that wbat IIJ declared 10 be the deliberate await her fate. All 'women "are ratal. , en Ie hi nt , I ga\'e you wIt 1I my boot jUijl "vow·8. baa tb. womu pulla tbe h'8Ylel!t plrt or 'lIulclde, of an elephant, ' I,ta. On the other hand tell 'a man as you left the fron t U or IIISL IIlghl Dlst,o ll ca ~o. Oil-'ll'. been predloted by Prof. IIlokL Ya the'load. That Buch a condlUon should The creat ennual mela or fair a't that b. hall Olle. chance In a thous nd wOll ld glv.e you 1.0 ulld·er~tand· that . 1 _ . oanDot ",fiord to be wlUlouUh.,.. pllbo carry with It 1t1l antitheBlllln the ..wm. Batesar In the northwelt provlncea III to recover It he will u'nd~rgo ah B don't IIlle you~won't have YOII-·com· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. licIIotiODS, AddreS8 ~Uord8r• • ' . op· Ilg , Branch an 11' h 0 I• a d rone an d a ra.ttl e bra In held on the baok of the Jumllo, which er.atlon, and , he will trust lo bf8'[' ~wn I ., I I"n"e" '" , ' om ce, H.arveys b urg, ... ,.. . The Miami Gazelte.' ,WaynosrlJle, O. I. bllt na{urll.-{)olller·l , Weekly_ I. ~bere cJ'ossed by a bridge ot boats. strength alld endurance rather th II did. saId lhe young mlln who Ai. the' II de of the river opposite tlle underg<.l the k.nlfe, The womlln w~~; wa s " af1 1'" Ihe daughtel'. as a look of !!-~.!'!!.!'!!..!!!~~~~~T!!!!!'!~~~~~!'!'!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d ' nlln gl d pai n und admlt'llllon Ilume ... . WhereIn GIrl. Are Superlol' to .0YI. fa:h,·.th.e re 1. a Ilope d01Vn wblch ·the cb008e tbe thOUSBndtb chabc At an early ace Ihe boy be,ln. to elepbantl brln«lng ylllltorl to the .ubmlt .to the oper'a tlon 'w lth a~tolin:d . ' ovt'r hi li .ra(:~; "bllt. ,~ . ~hOllgbt I wou ld .. comp and usll },Ollpractice 011 th. oulllide ' world with . hll' ,bridle allde Into the river and .' 8wlm Ing· calmness. ' I "A~k what?" hand and ere, arid whll. he III tlirow- a?ro,.; A young elephan't" making tbe . I "U .\'011""oulan't like ,to 'joln our Pdc~i"g 10" cutun'I, ' ~ammerln&'," caloulaUnc trip for the IIrst time, trumpeted ,an. ' Fee<;lln'lI People. ; 'foq t 1)011 Illui.t:·'-"': l'denl!. dlilance and playlnl compptltlve ' C~IIT Whlll hll trapP'Dg. were Btrlpped Soak. s ' juicy sirloin in fce water When a 'woman 'wls hes ' to entertain . «amel tbe «11'1 Is IlIthlA' at ho'me :In a trpm .. ll,lm pr.p.a ratorr to . his swIm, a wee'k-then cook lind serve it but .... q oiber elephantll oros~lng «uestll ' at dlilOer !llle sets everYlhlng ~~~~~~~~~====== . WouJdit taslc as itsbolllrl? N ellhf:~ pretty frock ' But In a U.,I\l el not r. do 0)'11e1Y treated Ihnt way' lIulrlnc Ireat Ilren,tll 'andllpeed the Ute .tream illead 01 . him · .. e I'llIn ~ed : inovable In the houl/e out on Ihi:- front III followed.. " porch, She drags out tbe I'ugs alld '; , boy II Dot luperlor: The fasteel typllt , WIIea he reached , the opposite hlres a. bOy to beat them, . She bas tbe III IIi. world II ~o-d lIy a 'lfO)'Dan; ·the Jlas strength Restored record for roplnA' .teerl (a f~at , wh~'" batik, howeyer, be Iweryed around woodwor" JI&lnted · alld the walls pa' and Iwam back . a,aln, ' The . maoollt per!!d, 8~e ' sweeps. $¢, was' h es the '. Vinol tbe horle doel fhe l,Ieayy' work'). la beleS by II woman : lind allY one who , sougbt '!9 force him around, &8 a ln , wlndow8. dU8ts ~ does up' ,the lace cur· 1 will watcb clrle DlaklnK chance before but without reSDll r 4t"lId whell within a ' tiIOl, chancea the beds, oil. tbe lIoors' . Mrs. Mlchnel moom ot LewIstown, yard or two or the bank the eiephant, an~ th. turnlture" bakesi 'boll II. rO&8ta .Pa" who Is 80 years ,of age, says: "For tbe pneUmatic tllbeM In tbe ' Kreat d. 'atter Irumpetln.g again, ,plunged down Ind . ltews ror ttiree daya. When tbe '~Iong t,lme I hav~ been eo feeble tbat Jlllrtmellt ltoru ab')lIt Chrl8tnJas tIme Into the river. .Tu8t in 'the nick 01 dInner comea olr belr' head ', acb eir 80 ' I have . ~ad to, be 'wheeled ' around la,,~ nK9t;""hav,e 1\11 the peculiar wll! experlence . lhe same wonder on. time the' mahout was resciled by hard tbat Ihe. can't see across :tlle ,an Invalid's cl!alr. I had' nQ strengtb · deh~I\C:Y of oysters );'OU get at 'tlte ~eell on IIr.t I!eeln~ a prote'IBlon~ table. and took cold at the SI.lghteBt ,prOYo,ca'llihore .'because no Ice or' water . tl hi h I I'" b I , touche. them- no preser,vBttve ia .ambler IhutrllnJ[ cardl.-Amel'lcaa, means of a 10D, bamboo, but tile ele· pha.nt 'l'aa' drowned, to all 'sppearance Wben a man WB!ltl l to ' t .eed people 00, . w C nv~r " . Iy I!!!tt ed on rIi't ; a!l!;il-or lIeeded, .......lIlne. by hlB own deliberate. act_ be tall'el them 10 a reBta.ural\t.-New· · lUngel' and a cO\J'th,. WOUld ,result. M7 ' . The ice ·is' packed fll'ou,id the : ~ arlr (N, J .) New/!. Ion earned of he cod )Iver prep- . lea led gal vall ized steel' c IceUand'• .-atron SI,nt. aratlon called Vfnol, ",nd procured a ' "Seai.blpt" Oysters are ' c-Jeoa:~ A GeometrIcal Fillacy? botu t . It .b u11t .up my Itrenglll , ...... ·-·h tJi Wby WII St. Andrew cbolen .. tb. Good 80y. Naullhtv 8ervant_ , e or me. , oroughly palatable\uliuQ),s. patron salbt of Scotland T TblB que. The lomewbat lotoxlcated gentle8h . ' rapIdly, and .~er taking three bottles dl-!flW wa.y• or prepurhur oy.INA are e bad ~ecome l!nga&,ed for the 'I am able to do most of my work and rnve~~ ·'~al.hfPI. ~~n .e'l_an Interest· . lion ha. been allked mallY tlmee, bllt, man was making toward the doo.r ot r:~O""DR~de~:~'~~~'n ~~y a!'I~do:~~,: Ihe arcblleacoa of wbom Dean HoI. hll \tOme wltl1 mueb dlftleulty. o-ver llral l!m. Gil tbe prevl.ou!l anHl lqg, and I caD walk & qual'ter ot. a ' mile e~BUT or '\8eal~hipl" Oysrer. liMlII), ' telll may be conaldered 10 haTe ,and over agaIn he stopped, ' ftxed 'bill ', Io'l'e'l ' )'OUll< dream wrapped , Itself Jihrery qed .or' weak p~rBon wh~ r;' 0 ~ale. .. !,lIl1OlId nlcal4, dlMCOyered tb. mo.t .atllfactory '0111,' eye ca,.etu'!y on tbe door in qneBt.ion, around her, lIoul ,w,ltb ,tbe .tblcknell . Of ,qulrei strength ~hoUld tr;r ~ln'oI. I am lIolI of the problem, "Gentlemell;" ran his eye solemnly along the dis· all .Iderdown quilt. But sbe waa bash. delighted with what it has. dOlle for . 'WayneaviDe ' and , " .. aald he {he Will Ipeakllli at 'l\ St. An· lance Inte"enlng between blm ,and It, ,~UI, :~d bf)Ulhed had Itarted · Uktl ~ me." and ltarted afre,h, oilly to Dnd hlmBelr r.m awn ~ enlly'er tbe nalQ/I o • .. Aa a body builder ud ,atrenitb 'ere&' ~orwin,. drew'l day banquet It tbe , lime), ". tor for old people, . dellC.te chlJd~ baY. 81Ye~ dil • .dlllcult lubJpct m, once more tacklllg trom aide to aIde, lIer. loyer ' .aa 1Dentlolllict.. The genuine "Seal.bipt" O.yalen are . all"11 BOld from a At lut her little bCi'Jher Ipoke: ",eak, run-down per.on.. aiul ' after ' "'oll.bUul coDal deration, and 1 ha..- like II Ihl.p adrift 011 the ocup. White Porcelain Displa, Caaebeariugtbe I'Seallblpt" trade At lut h. Itopped, ~boroul~11 ds,a· "I wanted 10 mueh tp peep throue, 1 I .leImeaa, Vlnol .. ua8ZOlll1ed. If It COIH to tile eOllchilloll tbat lilt. Aa· lIIu.rk •..- blue. Tbii ~ lor JOur Protec!tl,m-l60k for tI. the lle7hole lalt wblll 7011 were falla tb -live .UIfIcUOu ... will ~, ........ ebot.. to be palrea' CU.led. The "ae.Iablpt' , CarrIer 878tem II ...,..,.... "I'd lib to Ilnow," he 'loIIIOQulsecI, , In U.e parlor wlUl I'llpllop." 'turD Jour ..Iat of beCfa.. lie 41. will be .pn.c:lltiIcI to Ibe f1ID ...... 'Of . . III• "wh·wbat old fool '.hald .btratpt "Bat like a aoo4 boT 1011 . oonred ... lad ....0 Jaa. the Ua.'.lIbortel' dl.taDM ~lW'" nro- dId.'t, .141011''' ' '. J• ~IDtll" ~ _ _ "Xe; tINt · .........1''-
( 't IIl1 I I IRllIt.. frnm lunny pllrSlll>', ttlltl th ... Itll'''Oll!l pro\,"!,1I1 rill' i ll ~l e I",\> Il1l1klU!( lll"Irlll, I.IIlll ill lirA Ih1ll· ~tlrll c(\ul1l\;I~llr.v In ()h hl, Itrl'l not Il ~ ll, Illd rPLJntl~tt' I"r.llll t ' li '1.I{lrS for Ihp 11l~l'oll~ . IlIlIkl'll rtt~!oIi rlll )ltl lh 6 pnllirC';1{ jOIl ot 'l lIA l oll .. wlll~ fflll!"' ; 'I'll H,el'd III w tlllll ~ed hl.'tt w\ot.ur I'rllVitlA~. I.bllt I hI! "til I II til' IIUH!lhRI ,dllli l pr(widl!" le~"lIiJ (1 11 tiro \I"n tl;ert! for ell h wee k (11" t,he lllllXilll\l!l\ ' h ool ytlllr ; I hilt, I,he IItl\l,1! i!C'l!ool cnPlmi 8~itll\ 6r IIbull h'I\,t'llh III prin l . ed Ann hlill diinrl hur.e t,hem O IW II' eaoh t ea uhsi' iu pt IJI11'. ~rl\'llttl Ilod plLI'ochiul '80boolll III whIch al' 1m. plls between th altes of 91x Il Dd fo nr. te61l yearll . \V iIflll n eglect of A teache r to u se til lesson s il! pun ish. able by It fiDe of five twen l,y cto l. hus , H bappened thnt the R,e ed bill dId not reAoh tI. vote malil too I"t.e to I!et into the,general appropriation bill. a. provision for the expense of send. fng ou t lesson~ 'fbe cost of el[pre~ • ing paokages of books to 2.1I00 olerks of 8011001 bOtlrds ill ooosi dert\ble, Tberefore they were sent· to t he' oounty auditors with req nest that they be distributed , A result i@ ·t hat many teaohers at II> distance f rom ~ ke ooonty I!ea.t, lire not nsi'ni the lessons, The pllmphlet 8ent onto con~ll.jns 16 ,lessons needed for use belare the Ohrlstma8 boll day . There being n o lessons of this sort in Clny language it lleemed desirable ihata few le8110ns be ieened In cheap form , 80 that the irlells of teaohel'M liS to bow the 8ub. ject. could best be llresepted might be l!6Onred before printing th!!lm in book form 'l'be' general expresllon from teaohere wbo hllvl;' been using, them ia that the form of presenta Hon is good and the ohildren appre. oiate the essentials of information given. The 24 additional 1688<'ns n6068sary to havinr one for eaoh week of the IOhool year are now ready for the printer, So PQpnlar' l, this lort of eduoa· tion that bills ptovidln'g lor it will be introduced ,In .t ho legtslaturea of at leaat fonr sta$ell thill winter. W ·. 8. R CGItIl8, Idtate Fire Marehal ,
\ -111\ Ilrtl ('IHIP' 11 I
w\)"t uhoioe of t·hft y"l~ug peollta of YOllr hlHl!! Iwlt! 11111 Ite, Yon 00 1I0t o pen whll! M.I dour to tho~t: whoee speeoh aud b huvlOr betrHY i ll breedinl( aut! la x lIIor,,18, Ara you Ill! oare ful t o sl1ut it. Kl!\'ulnllt bouks "nd periodl. (,)!IiI! thllt present yulgar and deruoTtili Zlll1( pioture!! of lift" lind i ts )Jur. 1>0lle1 .Perbuptl YO ll "rtlaUlOug t,lI ose whu I.1llvtj found t1l1lt 'l ' lI a Youth 's 'OOlPl'Dioll ooonples the StiUl A place III t.he tami ly l' ud lD g thl\t the bigh. · ulIlllled .vol1ng man o r womlln holds ' HliOU/( sour ft~sOOitite8. Tbe VomptiulOn I good wit·hout bAing "goad. S.goody." It ill enterttiining, it is i nformiu g . ]n its stories \t depiots )ife truly, bu t it c hoose~ t,hose phas. es of life In whioh duty, honM, loy, a ty ale the guiding motives , A full d'e£lorlption of the curren t volDme will be sen t witb sample copies of the paper to a.ny addres8 on req uest, The new subsoriber whv Ilt onoe sends $l. 75 for a yellr's Subscription r eoeive free Tbe Oompa nion 's De ' 'alendar for 1!l09, "In urIlndmother's Garden." litho graphed in thirteen oolors. The Yontb'l Companion, IH Berke lev 8treoJt, Boston, Mlts f rl ~llIl ..
Do You Int'end .t o Have
U Ie a e Tbis Spring?
If are contemplating a sale" it will be wise to consul t us before gOing elsewhere. We can put you up a good, bill as cJteap and a~ attractive as you can get any where else. ,Besides, we wiil carry the sale ad in the paper until the day on which the sale occurs. Come In and we'U ' talk it over. Others · say our bills and our ~rices are t~e ." real ~hing."
---.-._- -
.. - .'- --
Miami Gazette
It.'• .'in 'the:
"Sealshipt" O,y ste'..s
'W al' . . K' 1"l.._'b',on,' . J"
T~H~E---M-l-A-M---l~~-'A-Z-E-'T~T-~~+~---C-'(-)U-N-T-Y-C-·O-U~:-;Ms-----~I-~K~ar~I'~-H-.s~w~e~ne~y~tO~F~r~an~k~M~.~~--U-lh~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~-~~-~-~-~~-~-~--~~_ AGAJN I ~ .. THE LEAD _1_________ "
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.. .""'lI I1U.·.
TIlt' fuul' ihdict'llent~ fou1ld by the { I'alltl jury ill l\.;~i 11 la~t wt!ek have .., 11'1,. <1 til 1l,IW l";"11 nHide publlt.. 'rhey are (:; fulhhv<l: l1~hol1Y , ok,horse steHl,ng; ' h:.u·l e.-; Nixon, as.~ u lt and bat.l!ry; Ihr l'Y IL, lI i,,', ass,lUl l a nd b~t ct! ry; H,u·vl:!. N aI'Ll, , .. iminal assault . All Ii e II I to1 .! cUliLml'y of Lhe tlhe i'i ff I , .vil It t ill' ':X~': (11 ill 1\ \J f Wa rd.
and Eva~. South, t5005. I . M. L .. Harris and Dora J-i ffrl'ill Lo Richard ami Mary Michener r al es. taLe in L -banon lH and other COllsiderations Jemlie McC!lrdy et al to James and Nannie I"ires real estate in Turtlecr eek township ~il and other conside ratioml,
HARE FOR ENGLISH JURYMEN II ught to be e pec:ially gl·alify· ---lng to AmeJ'icans hI learn thatllffi:l Hunted In Morning, Served at Evening l'ountry led all the rest of th world According to Old. Custom, in the matter of aiding the earth- Tho Quaint custom of hunllng the quake sufferers in outhern Italy . hl1re In the mOrntn/:. to be s rVl;ld lin Our amb!lS5ador. and consuls were for Iho jury'e dInner a tile annual the first to reach the stricken district ourL barou, 110s JUBI be n r vlved al with tangible aid Our people have bard, says th e London Slllndard, . The cu~tOl11 has u("'n dISC(\I'lIE'd rnr ·ontl'lbuted. as a whot\! mOl'e · lib pt·- Ihe ISHt 4() yeul's, ll11t III th~ old lill1 It ally than any other pe pel. ex<:ll<td :l gr at d al 'o l Inter IiL . AI,,· Jt ~a::l become the cus tom for our 'ti l I lIck of I{ollllds IIsed III hllnl lile f or eign critics. to call us a " m oney- I mallor land!! 111 lhe mornln.g. allli Ih mad" firM r hare WitS s or bn'k to the • na t'Ion. TIley say .we h ave e,n- I cbi hotelkilled tor the dinner or Ih lu I' shrmed the dollar and worship It ' l at Ih(' C'ourt haron. . ' Y They t!~l1 in their books of riticlsm, It 18 salt!. Ihu't auntl101' tonlilr/' ot and in their r eviews, how we are Lhe dlnn r was an 110rmOIl1\ IJU\\'I of cI'ushing each other t death (-0 gain nUll ,h. UI coni ntR of whlc'h wonll[ I II ' , II! lllli 'h aN elghl pOllnll s ~( £ol'lill wea. t I , alld POint uut that we art! a ' 'I' ll ~\l1ln~ 1':111'1 I'uult.o ll . wl10 I.. 111 .. natIOn of mamm Ul1 wOl'shipt:l's. I lul'd I'Ir II, .. 11111 IItl I: C.r (·iI!]ltl. III'ungiIL I AmI ~yut when distl'eS>1 comes to Ii Il ill' lIie Ht'h\'llIt;ttJ II pal'! or Iil,IUlI.!" section of t h· world wo are inval'ia- 1111" w .. Ie I1lltl Illb I"!l ytlr \lr!'M"I1I,'d I1IH bly the, firPlt to r 3cb tl f IUl'ds hln with Ii golll'11l011 11l ed IIl1nlllll; d' " Ie, cene 0 CI'Op as Il.' sOll v(,lIlr of the occasion' WIth r elief. We sen d hi'ead Later In I hft day Ole court bal'oll d(1I to the hungry arid bandages to the ner WIIS h Id an d the hunted hal'e Will! woundt~d, and medicines to the ~ick, served liP with all Ihe honUl'9. and comfort in various forms to the Jutlge IJ I't's!ol'd held lIi(' 1I101llhly d' t i N . h sllllug of Ibe ':O\lllly l'I)lI rl 111 the IS resse( . ever a..'1 the re I)een l1\01'1I1ul( a11d ill l..lIIOI' f Ille 01,1 'UK want but W' have ru shed tu th e I;eli ef 10 111 decltlt!d to IJl'gll,Olltl JlIllgm lit of those who w()re miH I'aule, and al- MllillillOIl "tJtI till til· n('x l t'O lll't 111 ord el ways it is the case that while the thal thare mt!; ht b 110 commitment at other nations are going through Ii. c~ae8blloOnl'.8 to p1'l~1>n on Illat 1I1ISpi cO llH oc-
W.H. Madden &Co Corwin. Ohio.
.1~200 Cedar
.John Truss to WalL r McClintick cw Suits. real estateitJ Franklin towlishi'p , t150 Stal.e of t)hio V::I. 'ndl'les Strouse . Clark!lon . Ke lly to Eug ne '. rl'ansc ript frOm court of magistrate Dunham real !'.state in Rochesle r , \ c are offering th~se posts at to d \!'llargmg ' d e f e n- \17 a talllllK 1.1.e-a·IH, tlHr lIu o' .\, '0.~' 'TI . A. J a'mesun fi' Ie, ,yarren coun t y, '"1200 co , a big sacrjfjcc . _-a(l\ulI I• • al_. IH .. ck 111I·c. I'~r lIu " ,I" . dalllwilh lh\slarlly. ~. 'lIil;UIt;cl '\ Il~. I)"~ too eXI"',,1 I"',, 1I1\~8 . Commissio.n ers' Proceedings•. ~:" J ,lmes W. Rogers vs . . D. Daw'i'brlle 1"" '1'11 0)0' .2:,u son. Petition for money only, amount Bills- E. C ThompsoJl, medical . ,..I fir l 'llltnk .. ,,~.ollllt,,", . .. , .roo.. c luimed _250 on promil<sory not.e. services to prisoners', ~2.50', J. W. We also handle a good line of !\41 lal •. ~ l " . whl'r,' C'llltrv" I I1I f"II' .. ~,. tlllilding I.umheu, SII hall "'~I I "y 1\111'P"II. llI g, I)"" III"'; . ~t)l W. H. Stubul.l VS. Jol,n '1'. Kassel- Lingo, mdse~ and upplies for COlll:t man and Mal'ia B.1<a.'~selman. Plain- house and jail , 122.S) ; W, D. Whit , FLOORII'(O , ' IOINU J ANI) LiN' filed his· bill of particulars and gold dustfol' jail, '.3; 'I'rus t ees of uttidavit in attachment. Puulic Affa irs, water at court hous PIECE STUFF, MOU,"-O., W I>ONB'iIM Y.•1ANI It II Y ·;u. 1111111 . INGS, SASH AND DOORS, Court Proceedings. and jail , *17.99; light at jail, *14.59; Ex parte: Charles Henderson Alex light at court house, f.20,10; auditor's ~=============== KITCHEN CA8INETS, Are you IItill hauling wate r, neigh- C. Murphy et al. Trustees ~f the ~ee fund, index ing commissioner's PLASTER A~D LIME b ? 81 f21640 R I9G I C 01'. Ardcan Methodisc Epi~copal church, Journ, . ; ugg e • .a e omof Lebanon Ohio. Court authorizes pany, sehool record for a ,ldltor, $25; What kind of a ha~ ar:e ynu wear. trustees to' encumber by mortgage W . .1", Eltzroth, ' defending Zimri in~'! Huts will go up now , ?ecame real estat desc ribed in petition to Stubbs, '50; Johnson & ~a~on Call and let us give you the ' .Company, record for probate Jud~e, 18,000 hutt l':'IIU· ... on a s trik 'm Nl:'w extend of flOOO. right kind of figures on any Y k thing we have. or , Daisy Pearl Griest vs. Karl H . L9.50; .' arren count)' Times, blanks Sweeney, e xecutor. Cause is settled, for aUditor, ~; blanks for treasurer, 'I . . .The year 1909; IS the centenmal an- compromised and dismissed without fa.50; stamped envelopes for treas- series of formalities our agent.\! and ' mvel'EarYOfa~um\;leroftheworld's record. ' urer,~2374;LewisBros.&Company, representatives are flying to the HISS IS ' IN NATURE OF BLlfFF ~reat men -L,l1lc.oln ; Tenn y son. Poe, James W. weeney, vs. Karl H. sewer pipe ~~3.24; Lewis .Bros. & scene of disordp.I' or distress . . Perhaps t h mo t striking exam- Sound Emitted by Cat as I Protection . I-Iohnes, Cho~ll), Men~elssuhn, Glad- Sweeney, executor. Cause is settled, Company, freight and drayage , 55 Corwin, Ohio. $tcme, ijamhn, Da rwlIl and others. . . d d d' . ed cen ts· Rev Floyd Poe Ileligiou ser pi that ever look place was durAga inst Enemies. , comprollll!!C an IstnlSS • , . , , th B ____ Htate of Ohio vs. Ch~rles Nixon . vices at infirmary, ~12.-50; W. H. mg e oxel' upri 'ing in' China, "Do ynu kllOW why 1\ cat hlssPS Stanage & Company calendar pad fOI when thousartds of people were mo· wli n III I'a~e or an" I' ?" 811 1et Il natul' "",!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!,!!!!,!!~ ", . The Westervill . Ohio, Public Opin. De f en d ant, when arrainged upon in. ' mentarily thl'eatened with death. 81ull III. "Well. Il l;. ahA hlsK '8 IlII a , '1 .50; penc,ll sharpener Many powers had their armie in Chi. t1 ylll~ crlmillal Pllts on 1\'~lggll> I1I\d (\ !~ I'on says that an e lec·trl·c' wl' re I'S use. dictmen.t pleads not guilty and is ra- ftreasurer, 0 Oh10 Co rrugated 't A st o rlea' or record er,"S.5; e 'ed at .200• . . na. All had agreed to act in concert ta I1111 bear d.' \VI'h \ ' Ihnt hls8 1111 rles 1ess WI' th ou t th e curren. without adverti ing is the same kind 8tate df Ohio VB. ilarry Habig. Qulvert Co., sewer pipe, '18.40; Va~- for the Irelief of the thl'eatened city. ~~~!~CtlyeIY 10 dlsglll~e Iw l's If 1.11 a If you Want Anything· of propositIOn . When arrainged upon lndictmt!nt de- ley. TGelePthone dcomPfany H4.95; M.lFi d h """e te m se or s 6 rst one power an t en anothel' "Old YO ll e" er, 1I01l"e th markings In the Way of Specfendant pleads not guilty and is re- ami - , • urveyor,; ,. leased on .200 bood. Dan P. Bone, clerk fees, *101.74; asked foOr a few days ti me before on Il CUI'S tall 't Th ey ar trnnsvt'I'B, tacles or Jwlry, B Reed 8 Th ,t aking up the march. " I like a stin k 's mRI·klngs. Th prlml Instead of giving Cin inllati a coal In matLer of the examination of ert , contract, '5; omas A Finally an American ottice!' gl'Ow- Ilve cal 111 the wllc.l KLate lived In rawjust call on ' , er tail gI'OSS. \\Ih 11 c(nng('r RP deal the Ohio river g~Lve her a "colo" Co mmissioner's Report. It is h~re- Selz.. contract, 1316.04; Walter S , . . by ordered that lo "rank C. Anderson Whitacre, contract, $92.50; A. mg ImpatIent at the d lay, told the ! Ilron lied h hlltsed, aml Ilt Ihe snme 'It is said that not a ton of coal has been delive l'ed in 'iJicinnati dur and Horace B. Stokes be and they are StilwelJ, 21 days service, $63; . H. B other officers a few things they will : time !lilt lIll hi s la ll aud wav d It slo wAnderson, 21 days service, $63; E B neve r forget. He said in s ubstance, I Iy. Th oncom r h I1l'd Ihlll seq len lng December, tht> fil' t time in sixty hereby appointed to examine with Ro that at n certain hour next morning I tin blss; he sa w tbe tail- and ouly Prosecuting Attorney, the report of gers; 21 days se~c~ , $63; J. M. h l:l b . h h P k' the tali- which wnv",d In ominous ser· years. ---- . the County Commissioners for year Keever, 21 days serVice, $63. e wou c egm t e m~rc to e In, I pentlne manner ; he said, ' Dak'e III There has not been. a smgle show d' A 3. 1 1908 Contracts-Contract was entered and anybody who wanted to go along 11he grIl8~' and wltllllrew. • d . ts'd f h en 109 ugust" . . . for re- mig . ht d 0 so. H e d 1'd not care w h eth' ~rlI e re IS season, ·an o~ l eo , t e S te f Oh' A h Co k moo WIth John K ' Spencer at of LO-cltly, hl aslng b01'rlbly h th Lectur Co a d t1" . , til 0 10 Vij, nt ony o. er any' of the other troops were ready ancl waving La I\nd fl'O his r cled tall .. e h urse. n lC! hmovmg pIC· Defendant 'pleads not guilty to in~ pairs Iltcrib at Oregonia above river follows a 1 t i d I J h tures t ere IS no ot e l' form of d'Ictment an d'13 k he proposed to start With the , him not at I CPS Ill'ece en.. elps ept 'In custody of bridge near Oregonl'a MI'lls I'n Wash - or not· .', all ,I'aII vertllel S~ lie talways amusement f or t h e people un Iess t h ey h 'ff M C D k ed ington towlUIhip at the estimate Umted States troops, and he started does It. thlnklfl !.\' It thIS 1'Ight thing ---AND-......-1'0 away for it, and vtlry time one s erl. " ra e employ as Ifl 6 5 ' at the minute he said he would. Tlie Is not nlllll sOlll etl m ~ like the cat In , counsel. 'I'~!I, or t,!"oor three go away for amuseHAC . Aa B Ch The report of the viewersonlocat- others trailed alonk, and it was an tbls respllct ?" I·' 1I!3 to 1I!10 tak enry. 'few vs. ron. anA' Id' h fi I d h -----men t means f rom '" 'I' en dl rd' Co M K ' . iog the bounrlary lineS of Dayton merlcan so ler worst sea e t e out ftowp,~ and w~'JI his? Sirn:: I~...eradgu~ , ,:a~. , ra c ayappomt- and Lebanon pike was formally wallsof'thetroubled ·city. American Towerl of Babel. ply because we I a IlO hall to tru mlDh,tratmc. ' . We are open to criticism in a great In n Rlngl block In New York there modate sh~ws ~U:~ lIS woul;::o:~ State of Ohio vs. Zimri Stubbs. It brougtcdht befTohre thde'tbo~ ad~d wed as many respects in the mann~H' of our f~e B~.4~?b~reOI;~t!I'eomr~,Oredllshtahnlctt \Vnoa,ttlholnrnd~ ' Ilall for them. to appearing to. the court that public in- accep • e ~u I or was t' Irectth daily IiVE!8 and the methods we use to 8S maJlY nntll" bam Irlsb In Boston I will guarantee satisfactIon ere we had a · t k f ' d if h sb • terest requires' another counsel to 0 ma e a copy 0 sal repor m e get rich. tHe are destroying OUI'- a6 III lho co pllal clly, Dublin. With in Watch Repalri"", I ha~e ow m. aid prosecuting attorney in trying road record at, 11lII'e Irlsb _ __ selves in our greed for gain, to a c!,!r- theil' children. ll1alnl"J made it a study for years. In -S appo' ted bloOd, they make UOHlon IndubltalJly George E . Young I Do we need a town. hall?.... Thi,l i scase a ' 't m , Fitting for (ilasaes I ~ fit t If your t.l'·· wlloh, B' enrL, or KI'd'- tainexte,n t,pertiaps. We do not get tile leadIng 11'Isli city In the world burning question and the lack of as asslS an . <,uv .. • as much out of life ' as we might if New Yurk Is a larger Jtoltan city taall eyes satisfactOrily. Dey" IIro weak, try Ilt lellst, a few Pra ba Ie Court. room at the last institute . proves do .. ell ollly of Dr ~boop's Rest.:>rlLtlvtl we, took ' thmgs more sedately and day than Rom, buvlng .6001000 Hlillun this conclusivelY. At least twen ,E3tate of Elizabeth Thompson, de- In five nr ten <taY8 only, the result. went ahead at a less rapid pace, and colonists. a contulns no 1008 than ' h " k h will 8Uf l l rille yciu. A rew oente WII) d d fl 1100,000 Je ws, walnly trOOl RUHsla. sat own oftener. an r ected m ore 'I'IHl s ' It Is also nle tor most J wish t y_fi ve person!! aV'e RPO en to t e ceased. Inventory and apPl·aisement... Silverware, Watches, ' Ias t wee. k an d a II are Ii led. oovllr the o08t. And here ie wby f requent i Y. B ut . It.IS not true t h at cIty to I h .w.orld . PlttB1JUrg, the ceoGaze tte SlDce belp onme~ so quickly : Ur Sboop wantIng a hall large enough to. ac Estate of Elizabath Thompson doesu't drug the t!lumach, nor stlm- we are money-mad to-the extent that ter at aliI' Iron lilld ate I Industry. Is Clocks, Jewelry of all commodate the crowd at .le;lSt once f'irst :and final account tiled ulute t.he llellrt or KioDeytl. Ur we have fQrg6tten the humariities. r tow r or !Jahel. It Is sa l,'1 to '1' . '1 'D_ " dl I If d f coota.ln tUOl" or Ihllt out-ot·tile, way a year. Th e Ffarmers. nstltute IS a Estate of Frank Clark, imbecile to ~ lOOp II nostorlltlve goe,. . reot· y Kinds, Rings. Chains . r,be ' wel1k 8.od fl,iIJD" nerv ell. ' we were as money-ma as our or- lJeOI)l ~. I h Sel'vlanll. Ihllll the capital lTeato' th mg or a communlty - es- Firet accouct lilt!<! ... elgn critics accuse 'us of beiJ:lg, we of ~ I'vla Itslllt.-'-Atiautlc ~4outlilu . . II ' f . . . Ellob ' orglln h/lll itll own courrollIDu .1,; , Etc. All New Ooods. pecla ya arming cQmmunity-nnd Estate 0" A"'"'es B' Ml'llard ,nerve 'd epo would not always be tho.,. first to. di~.... When these ner.vlll' lilli, thp .. we ought to be able to have a place ceased. Roy Millard appointed ex- ,Iep-,udiog llrg11ue Dlllst of nAcel!~lfY vide a IO~Lf with, the hungry oi other Fame, Engraving a Speclaltl large enough to accommodate the acutor InventorY dispen8ed with. (alt·er. Tbill' pllllD, .g et vltlll trutb, countries, or to contribute millions A wt>II ·luown up I'utl c 'oudu tor crowd8 that come to them l!:state 01 Frank Clark dece~ ' CI!flatly t·ells why Dr: l:Ibooj.i'.. Re: to a peop'le we never saw.- DaytotJ ollce turm d oue ot a lIeleot 'oachlng __ ~toralivG i .. 110 unl versa.lIy eucce!!!!. N party al'ran!; iI by nn Eugllsb friend WILL GO TO DAY rON Cora McKay appointed administra- fal He IIUOO'\1I8 hi leanior( rlru~",istll eWB. _ _ __ __ _.,... tor II tl'lp to Sll·ultol'tI,on,Avoll. trix with bond 'o f "3,000. W. H. AI- everywhere tog\ve ItulliVerl'l~1 pret. It had been observ d troD) tile first 8rave Fire laddies. Barri Juhos Inl,I\I\lI~ 1,0 rem 'v .. I, Ien. and J. M. Co ok 8uretles and Ed- '" rIlDOO 'A WHt· will 8ur~ly tel\. that the musl h1l) evtnce(( no worm Dayton ~tt. b hi:l til Illlly I ~ho r .. b, ward Chandler, S Lev; Cartwright ould by 11.11 de'lIerl'. of teD reollive severe bllro8, puttipg Illterest In th e obJecLs at -the town ' · • - ••- - - - out fi~el!;. then use BuckleD's Al'oiCl~ aS80ciuted wltll tho menlOry or Lbe WAYN'ESVlLLE OBI d J V S d wllliro toto tbo ~r"'lllry blllilne".. al} • " an ervo~t appraisers, 8lilvb IIud' forget- , thaw'. It 8000 gl'ea t drllluatldl. · , .0 ,- - -_._ . Estate of ~genettaPence,d,eeeasStllendll': urives out, p~ln . .. F~r 8 ,u rns, 1'3ca14!t, "!?halles\lea.l'e. Oh , yes, Shake- . .JIII!II. . ... . . . . . . . . . . President Helps Orpnans, ed. H. M.. Hatfield appointed'adm,inis"Tbat's a flne 'looking' malt! you hll ve WOUUdfl, (jutll a:Dl18rulll8S its earth 'Il Hpeare," nlll1·mllr.e d thfj Italian , weu l'Jly. '!~!!'!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~ , now. dear." . , ' Hon~r8d1l ot ur"bltllt! h't.vl1 !ttlAI' trator with bond of ¥loo,OOO. Ed C'. gr6!\t!ltltlle~leT. Quiplitly oure!! Bgiu tWherellvoll all" or lhe purty , volunWAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. r "Yes, she's a darling" and sbe cama helped by th.. PI"'~ IIll'ut " \ Tlut 111 Ptmce and all other children 8ureties to me ,highly recommeuded." Erul1ttool~, Uld ,S ores, HOils" U1oert!, eered a hin t. dWltria1ILnd OrJ,lhll'rI'1I H', lm . Itt. MII- Inventory' dl'spensed WI'tl-. ' , hitest styles at Feloo!! i bel!t .PIle cure made. '''You l' colljJct, maestro, 'A 1I1ItlllO' '\Knows all IIbout the : Orthodox . Friends Church. DElD, Gil •• who .y""h,etl: .. Wa hu.\.tH.eliet il~ IDlltltot. 2fio at .Ii': 0 ~nd' R omeo e Olullella 1'" U8~ 1Ilieccrio altum, in tbls IUrllll11- . Jamea W. Ward vs. Mary Clement.\! maldlng, 1'SUPP08e?" !:lob Wltl t.z, 's. . "Yes, YUB, 1 undel'stalld," repli ed tile Hev. BenJainln Hawkins, Paalor 1 'lon for nhleyearll It hll~ ur tv,.d" etal. Ordered to notify heirs ten "qh, 80 fil l' as knowing. lb 11 11 109 - - -_.. _ - - - - , muslcht.n. "Ze lIbretUlitl"-Ba.rper'1I RalobnLh Subool , g ; ~O a. m. Re~lll.r~bureh . . _ot a maid 'goes, I dou't sUPPo'se slla . ... . We' <-I 8'~~vlu6 , 10 iaO Il. IU. Cbrl8\lan EDd~avor, 7 " fO p . Ul. . mO!lt>8xoolleot ·m ro .Olntlf'\I· tH." nlllOb days j)eforethe,23rd day-of January knows a tbln·g." · j'n Old-World "lock. ."1. Llver"lLnd KldnM' trclub)ell We re of the application to sell'real estate "~ut sho 'came I)lghly recommend d, qne of the ' moat remarkable Bur· ' Don't Get a Divorce. prd . I~ ,88 ooe 'of tho bellt tllOltly b h d th d ' . you said?" . vlvals '01 primitive .Um·a-measurlng Rp · HickMte Friends Churc·h. , med[cIDell .. n.~arr.,h.',vl~"la .o. to e ear ' a.t ay. . . pllances In Engl".nd may be r"unc l In.. A western jndgegrantlldn.dlvorce .. c ' "Yeil, she broke the Jawor th e IRst '" ~ u,.., ' f II . ltD ' :00 Il. m. Flnt Day the vital O-IiDR, J,lllrl8" ..It. Iht! bl""d" Marrt.... I\ccount temper L'~nd bad School, . ra 11ay;O{lMI eel ... _ e LI'cen'""" __ m'a n who t·rfed,·to kl8s her...~HousL"n day among th'e Oh,t . kna'llPers 'o( BI'u"'~ on breatb D 0K' I 'N f PilI a. pl11 .1('.10 FOUrLh Day Meetlnc alde d 16 88Uon, C' t1/1't;~ uPP"lIt.,,: 'r e' . .'. Post. ' , don. It consJsts of a candle st uck lJito . r. !nil: s ?W l e 8 111 :00 iI. w . • &reDgtb8D !lnel bUild ulJ MHO, p,1l1p, Edward.A. Har.tpo~k, · 26, farmer, " • candle stick, otten made or. a. lump would bave preven~etllt They cnre weak.ohlldren or 11ll! flllwn I e'111 =,pring ' Valley, to Alma Knocken. or chalk" or of a piece at perCorated Con8tlpation, oltoslng bad Christian Church. c "liaa 00 equ~1 B"lIt, ' lur .e ,... It hauer, 24, Foster. Rev. .Brown, Inte~natlonllthe ill-temper, Pa, t~. S . ure,' and In' Crlti S · not'l8m. Ian' d t~e1 cir~ught 1l . brlok. Into the candle ' are snd diepel,Liver colds 1'.rooble banillil head h Suntluy School. D ;00 a. w, Soulal meet, ' oompIatut8. 0 11 I." • 1i00 lit- (;" .. d ,(J Maineville. ' . ~ xed tiny splinterS' of fIIpt - R.t Inter:, . 110 es, , co~ . 1118', lO '::JO u m., and Cbrl81tan Endeavor Schwartz'II ' murder tbe styles enUr Iy. ""..ala, ascertained by.experle'nc· e, of one' qQ,. er chill!!. 2liollt:.!red C.t:!,c bwartz 8 7 ;OU " . tn '.' . . • .. _ " . ' ·.·Ray ~. Brown, 24, farmer, Spring. 13J'ldget-SUl'e. nnd how ' . do tbey bour's bUrning duration, so tbat when • ..' y CHILD'S 'CONFI[iC:NC E' IN DADDV. boro and Cosey M. Brehm, 20, !!ipring- do It. Ii splinter drops, the knaJ)per knOW8 he w· Wb Heeled a Sheep 101' Ckharlt . , Me~hodJst E.plsCopal Church. . 1, 'lit " ~n tl rc IY, ' . an d so' on, "and · eu [l young .'. oro. " ReV n"J' M H erman ,. . Put:- Who ' ,JO,, they're' . , h as wark e d one"'h our, , oJ .woman as ed a'rarm. Rev. W. '1'., Gilliland. PaRtor. b W~nted Papa to ' Emul~te 'the HI.torlo . ' . ' .. _. . II thus ' able to ascetlaln how "many ell at Sha,lng,on, near Market DraY- , . !';unduy SChOOI', 9 :30 11. m. MOrlllnll' Aer Act of Moaea. A:rthur. Hoff, 35, farmer, Foster, cun flints he turns out In Ii given 'time ton. Englalld. tor 11 f:ontrlbuUqn to~ard vICe. ~O ,80 a. m. ·Epworth -Lellgut , 7 :00 p . _ _I . to Edna .Blong, 22, Twenty-Mile. , .. . ' , ' . . a bazar 10 lJ o .beld al tlle ' village or ul. 1£"en ll1K .ervlce. 7::10 p. ~. M.hJnek 'I'he Sunday 8,C.h.;l01 lessoll Hlat day l:itand~ Rev. Wood, M. &SOri. . . alVe rhall all SaturdJl.y next he lJrottJ· Pnyer M eLlng, 7 :3U p. m. . h d b b M I 1I1 h . Wonlt Catch Anything. ,. . ' .. 18oil to KIVe ber a )lve-sbeep on ·condl· .--'C:lJdre:e~f ~S~:!I th~~~I~h ~~~ I~ilie: . - ReaJ' Estate . Tr'uwers. . ,', "YQu have .'the alarm c~ock I gaye tlon she .pusbed lt In 0. wheethar· S,t . Mari's Episcopal Church. ne8S (0 Ibe Promlstld Land, and' IIttie Mary R. Shumaker W Wilhelmina ' R " . , ... ., '. ,. '. YOU?" · row tro'm Sha.Vlng,~on·· to Calvo~hall, a Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. Rector, o'bb h d b tl I I I ,. ' ed N 1 .. , ........... or ...... "Yes, Emlt/' answered Mr. I Erastus ,dl slance ot"Deai-I,y three miles. ' unday Scbool. 9 :80 ... ·in Mornln· s'''r· y ,Incident ~ . een par cu ar y D1>:ress ea e real estate in Hal veysburg, . ~OrNu-;."_D_ PI ' . " B byo t,be 01 ~be \l~Ollhet . Itrlk. tl000' . ,. III~:!!'I_Icit::k.J,ear& taaDQlbtumm.; lJimcfi0e4 ... III ' nkl ey. The offer ~as pr01hptly,. accepte/!, v'lco, 10 :80.a. m. 'E"entoll' aerv.lee, 7 . p... ,m. , " "I b ,. " 1&' " alIDoa' aJftn • ":.\nd Yj)U sel It every nhrht'" alld In' ,th'e pre·ell~e ot a .I'a rge "rowd Holr Communion tne first Sunday of nell ,111g the to!)k w th Is Italr and causing 1IIi, uWe ~ u.& r.D, .. 'UIlUatllt. "Y h " Q" month , the ,w'a ter to guati forth, .A tter ' SlIn, Joseph C. Carr~II to Ma, ry , R, S~u- .......OblaaftD~m CaftUae..qr Bear& N_ .eS, 81J • Blit talil' fW l1S~ . . ( \leen the womll-n wheeled a, sheep weighing day 11011001 be took a .w!!lk with hIs mak . errealt!lltatemMassle ,townshl P , ~~eoa=:tba ti=\.FcDO_~~ seltln' Il ,. regla,r foh twu weeki all' 1 90 pound\! from' one village to the . ' -11IIoaI'&\IU'''.' --- !lIn' cot lied numn" yell'" o,tber and tbus WOIl tbe. wa"er., St. AuguatIne'. Catholic: Churdl. . . father. and . could talk oluolhlnll' else. f4000. . eo -l1li4"&be ~"'!'- II~ mCllllUllltll .. t . Now," Bobhy hal '\\n overwhelming drri,e Walter to E. A. 'Pllilips 100 '. . . . .. aIIo .." _ ___ at li, .. a~ respect ror ' ~18 tatbe!"1 prowell. whlob 2)/ '1 t V:oo a.1I1. ..' WI1Sllot even overlha,dowed by th~ ,re- acres , /'a m, as west 0 . ~banon t500 'ftrtk lll4 i!larkable aoblevement ot MOIOII. Ife, cash and '50 . labor 011 the farm. ==~ ,~-,t • 'A Pu I V . I H~THA.WAY was tlioroughly Imbued wltb the Idea Mary A. Michehel' to .Queenie T. re y ,egetab 'e ,that tberewalln;t ~ thinK In the world Mardineal estate in Lebanon '1 and ~ _ ~~ C~ Chronic Conlltl1::!tion, and All Wfly ue8vtn~'. '~lInIDeD"" hi. tatb(lr CO\lldD t do . If that IblDI .other I'nnsideratlona ....l: ..,~-.;;.;: . .Liver and Kidney TrOD ).... . , ill Key. Bldg; 1Ialil· 8t 7 ' ..... were at an possible of accomplllh", I
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JOSt'llh Dllml"~ WOB born 1n 1840 nn'd he entered the prlosthood In his nillet enth yonr. Long be,for e ho had oomplel d bls ed ucation fl8 a Tlrlest lI e r elVed a C<'lll to tuke up \vork In tl)o Islands In the Pacific. p to tllat tim. only t. mllorary splrltll ul aid hlld been administered to the lepers on Molol((l.l . but upon hellrlng th e bls hol~ IBment the fucl that he could not 8 nd a mon aWIlY to die amoU ' the diseased colonlats. Fathor Domlen oft't'red his servlce- . wi thout n moment's hesitation. and took \lfJ the r;ork wh.ich broul:ht 011 end to ble life. For 12 yllara btl eacall d th drond dll!e Q a~ bllt finolly h e fell unller IIbadow of It, Dud even when begged to 'leave lh e Island In order that hla life might be IlrolQnged he refused, but. st.ay ed on the Isll1nd a mi PIl8S~ away there.His good ooed8 were 'chanted In every corner of Ille globe and bl_ Is one or t.h too rew cases ot giving up lite tbat others might. bel bettel'6d by hla knowledge._ Another nnd more recent 'Instanoe or martyrdom • acted for the hopeless cause of the dlsellseo race Is thnt f Sister Marcelln of St. Jose pb's hos pltol, Pbllad elphla, who recently lett. lucraUv e cmplor mllot to devote the remnlnder of her life to the care of I pel's at the New Orleans colooy. . There are now 66 lepers In tbe place, who are attended by six sisters or charity, whose mothE/r house Is at Emmltsburc, Md " and by Rev . •A. V. Keenan, the chaplain. RecenUy one of tho slslers was taken III. Anotber wls needed B.Ild Sister Marcella olfered bel' servlcs. . . Interesting experhneuta have been made among the lepers In tbe colony ILDd five have been greatly benefitl'd, and, In fact, It Is believed have been cured of tbl s suppos d Incurable dlsenl\e . . Among these Is a woman of Kentucky, 11'.110 a few ·years ago was promtnent In Louisville Ilnd tbe plue grass region. Many yellrs ago thla woman'. husband, a mao of large means and a lIlerchnnt, committed suicide by sboot· Ing. Tbe reason for his suicide, wbleb occurr d In Frankfort, WIlS never known save to a rew frlenlle. It was learned later, bowever, tbot he had been told by physicians In IndlB.llapoUs be bad leprosy_ The renson for hl8 suicide was never tbld to the wire and daughtera. They were well supplied wltb money. A few yeara late r. when tbe daugblerB had srown Into womanhood sod attained a prominent place In the social life of Kenllicky, tbo ~othei d\lvelopeq whnt was thougbt to I)e an ecz~ma on !.be hands and Ongers. 'She ~I\s trenled by the best tlo.c tora In t~e state. but without result. Then It was developed sbe hnd lepr08Y. " The fact tbnt tbe widow ~!1 motber of the two bandsome &lr18 wee a
..'-, . - - - . HERE Is [lot 11 City o f Ill' a t size In tbe 'ountry that hos not a aoz n or J1l ore l ~ rJers wa lkin s about with Ulmost fr edom. 1'h re IS no t a stat In lll e union that bas not Its Ic:pers. Ther e Is no WilY to det ect til 01 and th ey will not s lve themselves up. And who COD blarue lhem? A ruurderer Is nQt more hou nd d than n leper. A burglar 19 trented Wllh far more consid eration than a man wbo has I 'prosy. Tbese 6.000 or mol' Innocent men are keeiling the awflll secret of tbelr di sease wi thin Lhelr own hearts b ause nowbere h. t he land It> th I' a d cent as ylum where they can go and receive a whILe man's :u·c. !'jew York hos a leper war$1 on Blackwell 's Island . An American would lind It worse t;huh u medieval nUDgeon. Louisiana ha s ber I.a znrette a nd an ave rage mail should be pardon d ·tor shOoting himseJf , athe r than go lh ere. EV'ery other part of ~he couotry ""111 dt'lve the leller from spot to 8pot like a dog. Yet leprosy Is not u' grewsome disease. Til e tAl es tbat are . t old In fiction and lbe lralUUons tha t have bee n handed dow1l from onclont times are responsible for the Ignornnce ond dreod one has for the disease. Yet, lo be a leper to·day, Is to be on outcas t froUl the world. On Blackwell'S Isln1ld In New York the re are rour lellers. Thev en. joy n sort of liberty. Th ey. are wl lhlo 50 reet of n grent hosllilal. \~bere 1.300 sIck are cored for. They see hundreds of people every uay lIud Il~ wall Is built about Iht!m. Tbey cun wull( abou t the Island as ·they wi s h, and they are well ·treated. For them It Ie all' right. But they are three Cblnamen and a Pole. They all sl eep In one room; they 011 cat III one room . . What would become of an American If he had to shai'e that same room with ' ' tb em for the rest of hIs lire? Yet tb 're Is no ot'her plsce. Early. tbe Philippine veteran. Is living In a tent on the banks ot the Po. tomac, shunned by everyon e ax('c pl his wife. Old Gen. Wnrd 11 and his wife were driven across two slates and could not find s beller to rest lhelr beads. No t long a~o a mon was driven from plnce to place lhrougb rain aUd wind , and finally di ed of the exposure, n 111' Ballimore. No one would take tb In and the re was no l'\alio/l al bome lhat held out a welcome for th e&e Inoocent ontCll sts from th e world . It Is not generally IInown l hat we caD live wl tb an ordi nary leper for a Jltellme and. Dot contract the dl seos . There Is a kc'efJer on £.IIuckwell·s Isllllld who sIts In th'e on e small room with th.e m, lIut he would be sUI'fJriSlld
If anyon!! were to tell bi'lIl lilat be was brave or that he was taking a risk. Tb l;! doct ors .v ls~l the IInl! nl s evp l'Y day and think no mOl'e ot It than they d O·.".....I! ol'dlntJry s kin dll! Ii~S. Th e only way a person can con trupt le prosy Is by lla vl I1l,' r;,'J •.clJ) n cuL and allowing that cut to cume ill oontact with the skln ,of the I per: ..... . ... . , "" . . . There forUl s of the dlseiuie 1~ I\·t)joh tl)e vlctlm'R fingers and IImba drop olf but they are vcry I'ure. Tbere arc ' O~I'.Y· (0 1'1'1,8 In Which nolatlme lIuS flows and ill yare' \'ery daljgerous. hut this fOl'm Is even more rare than the otller. !n 99 nses out of' 100, tbere Is . even I ss danger In gOing near Ii lelWr than til rQ Is In going near a consumptive. Yet 111 all Ule wei I bere 18 no place ""here a leper may be !lure of a decent pla.:e to la7 111. bea.d. No one has eyer been able to do more than estimate tbe 1:..1I12bet' or "~1'8 there are In thl8 country. Natural17. tbose who ban It are Dot 10"
. Ing to advertise the fact aTl~ until the flnl\l stages · of the disease Ilon e but an expert can .detect It. T)1e wl'ller has seen caE;es that look to be only a slight skIn utreetion and If B doctor had not accident· ally, In treating tbe .cases for an enlirely dltrerent complaint. . dis· co\'ered the d·lseose, I bey wOllld still be at Liberty and proba bly Ignorant themlje.lves of tbelr amle· t1.on. Nor:weglans, Swedes .·oud tbe Oblnes6 are tbe greatest surter· ers. In all these : countries there 'are large colonies of lepers. .. But the case of Lieut. Early brin gs the disease horue to Amerl· cans. He contracted It In lbe Pbl.l. Ipplnes . and tbe question Is' bnw maoy othel' solrllers are going to carry It home them, or rath· er how many have. unknowingly, al;eady brought'lt bome? But until · there Is lIome fit ploce to care for tbem, these Innocent victims ot the world's most dreaded disease 'cannot be blamed ror keeping secret their awful af· t1lctlotl. Untll (hey are a!;lSllred they will not be driven about froD spot to spot. like dogs, tbey will go on livIng am'o ngst olber people and endangering nil witb wbom they come In r.on tllct. ' ,' . , - The re Is now 'some feeble talk of the government s starUng a lazarette. States cannot do It for tbere are not enou gh known coses. but It Is predicted lbat If the govel'n~ ent' weI' to ollen an asylum bundreds at I pel's would flock to It as a refuge where they could lind some r lIet from the pain tb6¥ Buffer and where they could" die In compal'Dtlvc Ileace. For die they. must. Th ere Is r.o known cure' ror leprosy. That Is tbe I)lty of It. TI~ey are con· -dcmned, yet st:rlck n ' aa they· are, and hopeless, they have not even a place where ·thllY can iny their beads. . It was I\nck In 186fi ' when the HJI,wallan leper colony was estapllshed on the Island of Molokal. Tile !;ettleme~t Is I(lcated on the rim'tb end of the Island. a p nlnsulll of 3,090 ' screa pelng set apn.rt ,for the diseased colony. Provlous to tbat.. ye'a r the )<,Ing of lIkwull became alarmed at the condl· tlons wblch prevailed througbout his real Ill. Able American aud European pby~lcI!ln s, who were biB Ildyjsers, :\vllrned him that the people. were tar too lenient with the disease. At that Um", the acquisition o-f a leper In a family was not shunned apd If one of the menlbers caught the dl!leRlJe there was no eft'orl to secure treatment, but tbe I!i'sE:ased person ate and lived just as If tbere was nO disease. Of ·course coudltions .were shielded from tbe eyes of the law. Wh.e n the leper colony plan Wll~ de'Cldell npon the -p\lllcemen were ordered to act as health offiCial'S and weG'l~ Instructed 10 the signs' which told of toe dread' disease. .Houise 'to houtlp. canvasses were made tbl'oue hout HawaII and the lepers wer~~ to~ from t,he ,,01l8ehold8 In wblcb t~e)' belonged and bundled off to t.!Ie lep 'r settlemont. Ot course t:'e)' are pra Ucall), J):'laonerB on Molokal, but tbe), baY! treatmcnl whl'c h' Lile , ~I!Bt trained nur8ll. 'Jan give tbem and they don't ba.,e to w.o rk much. Tbe martyr ot lepros1 .:.rJl\. ~u will be told, lIhould )'011 aTer vlBlt Molokal, ·atiel havlq HCijJnwl a CO"~II~ ·I'fta:mlt ·to .do eo. IB Father. Damian. & prleat. who . .\JUt the YlcUm. ~th· av:-too. ~ from lb. dlseaI8 . • . .. - ,
leper ' was 1tept secret. Tbe woman was hurrIed from her homa to ,t be lepe• . setUem'e nt In Louisiana and tbe lWO gtrls' were taken .to Europe on a Ion. ~~
The motber and daughters lived In a splendid home In one nf tbe prlnelplIl towns' In K"eiltucky. After thtl daughters lett fo~ J1;urope and the motber for the leper colony tbe ' b~me ,.... s closed, and It Ie stili closed and bQarded up. The bouse was dismantled and the fllrnlsblngs 801d to second·hand dealers. ' Tbese dealers practically have been forced ,out of bUII~ ness. . , ,Reports trom H.e leper colony received 'recently say that all 81gn8 . of leprosy bave lett tbls woman, but that before ehe was sllccessfully treated bel' ears had .dropped ort an4 sbe was scarred about the fnce and II without balr.. • . I y,.! :
"'0 ,,;., FCc,:'" c,,,. .. ~
10,T MO,N .E·Y WITH . I 'NTEQ~ST Fllh Story That 'I Offered with . The big pickerel, wrencblng Itself free IIP;'C!0f" of Ve~aclty;
from the .book, and attracted by .tb. shining coin, swung under the boat. Tbe great jaws opened and the cnln dlsllppenred before Rosenstein!. verr eyes. " . ' A few daY8 ·ago Rosenstein 'wa. again 0:.1 Lake '!:lorlDldjl and made a fa\r1y good .'day's cateb. TrQlllng back. toward the clock In tbe evenIng he te'lt a :i!trli[e, and a.l'ter a furious , ten.ruJnute hat,tle Innded nn eoormquB plckerel, Jt looked fnmlllar, but wilen he reached the dock and tiegan· to strl" his catch, what was bliJ surprise on splitting the big pickerel to find tba '10 piece los.t Jas! ra.ll . . Rosenaleln poked around wlthtbe ·k.n tre and uncovered 68 cents in 811laU sllyer coins and pennl!l8. It was InterSlIt at the lega.! rate on the loat t) gold piece. Rosenstein's "pickerel oollk" haa 81reruly become a part of the clanJa lor. 01 the Lake Rermldjl anglers, TbeT proudly 8bo~ the .pot wbere the blS pickerel wall tlleaned In proof the veracit)' of thlB acoou~t.
Few more remarkable experiences bave ever berallen a flsberman thau those or Nathan -Rosenstein of St. Pau'!. who last August wene. fisblng In 'beauU[ul Lake Berml!ljl: Be~ns~eln caugbt seven sunfiell· and a perch and 'was about to give up and quit wheu ' an enQrmous pickerel made a furious dash at his bait. Rosensfeln had just placed his pipe between his teeth and wos exploring his trousers .pockets· for a match. -The suddenness of tbe "strike'" startled him and he jerked hls pole with bla free bB.lld, wblle Involuntarily tugging at tbe other to get It tree (rom bIll, poc~et. All woul'd have gone well, but (or tbe .pocket fiap, wblcb c~ugbt Mil band and beld It. for a aeco~d. . . Another vlclou~ tug freed the tork mlUllpulator, but as It came loose a ' .lQ gold piece Blipped . out ot the pueket and rolled toward the gun. wale. Rolen_teln dropped the pole and ",abbed for the ooln, but It BUd overboard anel with a dull "ChlqJ" IUppec! S9Dt11 dowllward tbroulb the If men IlI8Dt u much time courtalear water. ~clD&ted by tbe Ia. their wlv.... tbeT do tbel, .wee~ IlolMlldteln could bIlt 11ft antl watch. ~eart. the dlToroe laWJer woaJd b. . 'l'1NID a eutIo. · tIdDc 'aiJpea6cL drly... ou or
KldneYI Badly Injured Ind Health 8erlously ImpaIred.
"l\faggle," s aid Mrs. Hartford shal' ply , "this mea Is not llroperly <look d. My hus band BUYS It Is not fI t tor 0. pis." "lJut, Mrs. Hal'trord-" "Now do not answer back, Maggie. I do uot C{lre to' argue with You. I weul to the butche'r myself ye st erday . and ho ught tbe stcak. so I know It Is all rlgbl.·' "It' yo U-" " Do not be Imp11dent with me. I have warned yo u sevel'al Unles about tJ-ylng to correct me. You have mnde a dismal fa ilu re of·s dlno r. Mr. HattCord Is thoro Ighly dl ~~ lI l1l d with yo ll'r cooking and jusL le rt tor the cure to get som ething to quiet hla a p· pe llte." By t hlll tl mo poor Maggie was In . tea rs. "There Is no uee ' cryln!? nbout Il," conUn ued 1\1 ra. Hnrlford With ou t the lea st display or sympathy. "1 have r Dlons traled wll h yo u about your f\e g· led of dut)' long nou gb. Rem e mber DOW, Jf thi s occurs again I shall cer· taln ly dlschal'ge yo ll wi thout a moment's n lice." . But )lfrs. Ha rtford awoke with a ludden s tart a nd sbllklug ber husband ' violcinlly said : "George, I just hud the mosl lroposalbic drea m."-New York Hera ld.
WIllia m White, R. R. man, 201 Con.t&Gtlne Street, Th ree Rive rs, Mlc\.l. , S8YS: " I n 0. rai lroa d c01ll slon my kidneys m ust have been hurt, as I passed bloody CHARGE OF THE FAIR BRIGADE. urine wltb pain for 0. (WI th a.poloG'lea to Lho shade of Lord long tlme a.Iler , was Tennyson.) weak and L!Jln ILOd Hillt " step, hnlC a Btc p, so l ' could not work. lI a lt n 8t'j) 0 11 ward I Two yenrs afte r 1 O" or tllel'C the bllrglli ns li s On th (JUIIl ' re p1I d 8 0 hl&b. wenl to the - - has· L url ng Ih o u nnumberod. pltal a nd remained a l· F o r word ttle ralr brlgndo ! "Chnrso t h r ou g h thl: "Is lcs !" they crt ed most six months, but my case seemed rfhr 0 kn \\' wha t t li~y wllOt t o buyhope less. The urine ,passerl Involun· Anxloua unnmn b er d!) tarlly. Two months ago 1 began to.k· ing Doan' s Kidney Pills and lhe 1m· Bo r g'lln s t o ri gh t ot th m: BIlr g al11 8 t o leU Of Ih ol11 ; provement has been wonderfnl. Fou r Hnrgalns In ftom or t hem. boxes have done me more good than 'rh e r o to h e IJluntl c r e,1. all the doctorin g of seveu years. I Btorm they with rl J(h L good- will : 80 ldl y • hey pURh und well; gained so much tha t my fr iends won· I nt o Ihe Ja ws or (I n t h. der at It." W h ro t he b .at bn rsn.lnl aell , Sold by al l dealers. 60c a. box. Fos· Push Lho unnllmbc r otlt ter-Milburn Co., Bul!alo, N. Y.
Importal\ t. Tbe man was s uing I~ souther n rail· road for damnge.s, owing to a delay whlcb made h Im Il)lss a n appointment. ordinar y prelhnlnllry ques· a nd 10 tlons were b in g put to him. "Age. plense1" asked t he j udge. " Well. your honor." said the plain· tift. "do you want DIY age when I got on lhe t rain or when I got otr ?"Yonkers .Statesman. NOT MUCH.
"Hello. old chap! What are you dohi, In a drug store'" 1'1 want Bomethlng for my h ead." ,IH'm. How much do you t hink ,"o.'ll get!"-PhllaUelr hla Telegra ph. . Ahlliaya Avallabl". "What Is the ~ubl e ?" Bsked the Wife the brilliant essay,lst. . "I bav~ received ah olrel' of $300 .from the ecUlor 9f one of ,be maga· linea tor a 2,OOO·word a r ticle on nny lubJect I may cboose. but the re Isn't a thi ng I can t hink of to write about. bovery matter or any con setlu ~ nce aeerna receatly to' bave been thorough· Iy ~ e -over ." "What's the matter with Napoleon 1" "B y love!. ' Qf course. Wby couldn 't l have. tbolight of blm myselt7"-Chi· cago Record· Her~ld . .
W hen wil l th eir cOllrllge f alle? Ob . Lho wild cha rge t hey madol A II tile mon wondor d, Yel "honored" nil Ih e chnrges mad e. As otl b ~ roro t h~ ,'d p .d d F-or th e ll' wl\'es' plundpr. F rward t he r"lr brl",(ulo!
H eppy
ear. Mrs. Exe-:-Wby, he'd be out more than ever then. Mrs. Wye-Ob, dear, no! Mrs. DaSher tells me her husband bought a motor '8 tew ·dll~' s a go. and the doclor I&ys' ~ewon't ' b e ou.t for six weeks. A JOB-PERHAPS. '
All Thln os Cons idered, .He Had Some Excuse for Anger.
8~ory I "-1; o~k e rs ~tatesman.
PROOF. ~ .
_ -":
. tIr, . .......
., I
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hava· Always Bought
AYegd,lble Prepara lion for ~S· simillll ing 'heFoot1andRe~ula · ling Ihl' tomnchs and Bowels of
Promotes Diges tion/Chee rful-
Bears the
ncssancl Res\ Conlains neither Olliultl,1>lorphi ne nor ~lill(: ra l NOT NARC OTIC
In Usa
'rhe Increased lise oC "Torls" for lam e ba ck anti rh cttlnnt Ism Is ca using consld ruL1, d l ~ 'u;osion nmoas t he medIcal fra lf' rn ity. It-I s an nhnoll t in· f:,!lli ble c u r'~ whe n mixed \\,1I;l ce r· tnln oth I' lu:;n 'di" II IS IIl1d tu lccn nrOl r ol'l~· . 'fhe ['c ilow ln" fUl'llIuia Is troc· · live : "To on '·11111( flint 0(" guqd whlRkoy add an a l l1l1 eO uf Torl3 om· pound and ono 011111'0 Sy rup Sarsapa· rlii a Coml1oulld . Takc In tahl 81100n· rill doses he for e euch meal anll before reUrlns-." Torls couwotlnd ts a product of tbe labo rato rlrs of th e Glo b Phnrm uceuUcal Co .. ("hl cagc , hut It as w Ii as the other In gr Ill em s cnn be had froIU any good drull"b'is l.
"Why, professor ! Why are weari ng enl' murro on the 's treet hol day 11k,s t his 1" "0. I torgol to take them olr! baby makes s uch a noise a.1I the at home! "
AP rfr I II medy f or 'on IiPl" lioll .. our Sto mac h.Diilrrho('il.
Worm . orwul ions .Fe\"cri5h·
you on a Our time
Waiting for HI. LIttle Airship. The birds ..... ere fiylng south. Pres· ently they espied a lone robin perched ooJ a lofty 11 m b. "Come on," they cried, "and join the buncb," But tile robin per\{ed h.11I bead 'OD one side and shook It vigorously. "What I10lre you waiting tor?" tbey cried. "I'm walUng," repli ed the robin . "ror one oj~ t hes e daay lItUe airship chnpples to blow along and then mebby 1 can Bneak a ride."
For Over Thi.rty Years
ness Lind Los s OF SLEEP f ole SUl1ilc S;~nalure of
~ n CO · IP.'\NY, NEW YOR K .
. ' '''
• ~a
PI'epa~'e d for the Wors t . <rov. Job n A. Joh nson ot Minnesota, who had lO a ll Y slIPporters fo r tile De m· ocra tlc nom ln nllon for pr s ldant. wal as k d what his attilude on t hli mat ter was. " v, by" be ilald " I can best explain my IllU'tnd ·by te .ling yon ubout a man I kn ew out \ ~ st who went to lown one ni ght Dn (1 Imblb'ed ver y tree. Iy n.t the var io us bars. " H II wo s weaving on uUl;e rtaln way hom word olong '.he rood wil eD he Ill· most ran Inlo a large ra ~ esnake tbat was coiled I~ tbe road and rattled om· Inously . He looked a l t he suake for a moment and t hlm dre w bl mself up u well as be cou ld. 'Ir yo u are gOing 10 strike. atl'lke, drill ye,' be sold . ' Yo ll will never' find me b tte r pr parlld.''' -S&tu! day E vening Post.
-_. , . -",
.. -
. "It would t oke t ime to E\t.lml1a t c t he revel .... t io n ~ t hnt n Vl tt h to the g re n t em t'lire l yinsr to
t h e North of
unrolded a t every
t Uln ,· \ -
CcrHs".,..d" u 0 / oJ N II/OtI AI EiUor, ""'" 'IIlsU.., C..n~d.. ln kJg usI.. 1904.
Land. may elao be pUfch.,ecj.fT~m railway aDd land companica at low price. and on easy term. F or p-;'ml1hlet8, maps Dnd inform a ti o n •• to l ow rn llw u y rut ell, o"",,ly t o Superintendent
01 Imrnfarotio l1 t Ottnwn-t C nndA. or tbe
."thot bed Conodlu.n Gover nmen \ "cent:
TQlecIO.O .....
How's This? _
W. olf., One Rundrod Dol"'... n .wJJ<l tor ..., or C&la\Tb, Ul&t .. nnot tG eure<l b, lJ,1,Il..
11'. J . OR.:NE Y ok CO., ToI..... O. . Wo, lIIo und,onIItnod. I.,.v. known F. J . Ch.n. ,. ~ tho tan 15 >'..... and bollave hIm. pert...t ly hon. orable In a!J t wtiUM\ t",nearUonl and ftnanclAU, able to carry cu\ lUll' . bll.... UOII • •nade by 1111 IIrm. · W .U ..ol ND. l< . NH,AN dt MA RVIN.
. Hall', C.\.tUTb
WhDI_l o DnIlO,"'IlI: T ol. 1l0. O.
dlr. etly upon II •• blood and muooiJa
a t lln.
ot tho
' '''\em. TtllInl0nlalll fM!n t rreo. Pr1ce"'' ' « nUl per IIottl.. Sold by .. U DrunlllL ,
_,. .
It I~ an Int e rmIt Ing tact tha t tho two IItudl 6 or 1l1;l han cti c nnll gco ~rall hy s e lit to be dlam I.-Ienliy 0PllO fi '(1 to eu c h IJlh r I,D Ihe air lions o f :('hool chil dre n. Pu pils \vho a re pal'llc:u lllrly profir tl.'nt In one nrc (lilt to !JO !Jac k· \,;a rd In Ih(' olh r. A s lory Is tol d of ' a lil li e bo y wh o "'ns slo lV . n nr ll.hme1I • nn ll \\'11 ('se ;\1'1'1\ 1'011\ SI UI)l dl ty In thi s II I d was a gr ' R L SOUl ce of grl f to his (olhe r. wh o had be !.> l a mathema ticia n. On day. when the fathe r and son were wa lk ln!; 0111, they passed a plnce Wh e r a " I!' aru ed Illg" was on exhlbl· tl on, and the fot her tllok lbe boy to Bec thi s 110rcine pro di gy. "Ju ~ l loo k at t hu t," r.a ld tile fath er. " Why. tIlcrl: 's a n l~ I ha ~ ('an cuunl nn d a(ld up numbers ! DOII 't you wish yo u \\' .1' as smflr t as h ·?" " lIn! " DI1!IWl!l'ed lhe boy "Jus t I t m'" a sic him a r w Illll!slions 1.0 geog· rU lIhy ! " -lo.l eu s.
your·oster w all Conf,dcnt of Atl l"I.y to "Stum p" HilT!.
Oha rl es E. Wells, who bas been call ed the grOundhog sen",tor ot West . ROM E AND ROAM. Virginia, be ause he once Introduced 110 bill advocating t be changlns of gro undhog day rrom February 2 to Ju ly ., was stA)'lng over nl ghl at tbe Grand hotel of a bud(JIng West Vir· gln ln ,"III age nol Jong s go. He was awakened In the morni ng by b envy pounding on his door, and tbe voice of tbe old man night clerk say· Ins "Five o'cLock ! Better s et up or you'l1 miss your trai n." Mr. Wells dldn 't Intend to catch a mo rn in g t rain and badn 't given a ny Ins tr ucllons that he shoul d be called at tbe uneartbly bour ot fi ve o'clock, BO be paid no a tte ntion to the ol d ma n's ea rly morning greeting and was asleep a gain almost Immed iately. In about 15 minutes he was again awakened by the pounding on bls door and beard the voice of the old ma n tlaylng apologeti cally : "Don·t get up. I rapped on the wrong door."- L1ppLn· "Do nll roads lead t.o Rome, oott·s. Weary?" HANDS RAW AND SCALY. "Well. I never see on' that led me to do anythlng eIse."-New York Her Itched and Burned Terrlbly-Could aid. ' .. Not Move Thumba Without Flelh Cracklng-8leep Impolilble• . Mortifying. Sbe begllD, dutifully enough, with Cutlcura 800n Cured His Eczema. haUng man very ' bitterly indeed. But man. ....Ith characterlaUc obstinacy, "An Itohlng humor covered both my omitted to reciprocate, and thll made hands and got up over· my wrists and her position dlffi culL Indeed. It wu .ven up to the eibowi. The itching no long time until the best ahe could do for her cberillhed prtnclple s .... u to and burnlng were terrible. My hands sot all scaly and when 1 scratched. the hate tbe ProvidenCe wblch had made surface would be covered wlth blisman 110, wretchedly Indlllpe~sable. ters and then get raw. The eczema A.tte.r that sbe hate d hereeIr for a got BO bad that r could not move my while. thumbs without deep cracks appearing. Then, greatly to her chagrin, she [ went 'to my doctor. but hIs medicine discovered that she hated nobody. could only atop the Itching. At night which left her DO alternatiYe but to t sul!ered so tearfully' that I could not Uve .happlly ever atter.-;-Puck, · aleep. I could DOtc bear to touoh my handa with water. Thltl went on tor Something Sayed. "Can you help me, ma'am?" asked three mon ths and I was fairly worn the ltneral\t e,t the dOOr. "I wall out. At last I got the Cutlcura Remeburned out last night, and 10Bt every· dlell and In a month I was cured. Walter .H. Cox, 16 Somerset St., Boston,. thing." Mus., Sept. 25, 1908.", . "Lost everything'" ........r DnI. a m o.... Corp., 80te Prop", _ _ "Yes, everything, ma'am." "Well, you don't Beem to have losl A PUZZLE ~OR PA. your nerve. You were aronnd here last week and told me the samB on ger . In J udge.
- M l' r l le
Kow to Tie Him Up. -. Mrs. . I'm SOtTy my bUBblnd len't In. 1 wish I ,ltnew somo way ot keeping . him at home a little , more. . , MI'II·. Wye-Let him bny a motor
unn Il1l11J ~ re d!
TUo Hall', FamUy PUll for oolllllp&lIo..
- - - -- -- -"-" .
~ ----
R~S POJltlvely cured by tbese Little rills. T hey ",t80 reli eve DI...
Falrly Warne~. I~E tr~"" rr.'DDY "I."p.ln ,'D· ~I Jr~6l1. ll unol·roO 1I~ .. r ty A.n old Quaker, not careful of the Ea.tlng. A perfec t. rem. Tommy-Papa; what did the dead teachings of hie fa ltb, w~ discovr D Jzl l llc~8 , Nau.... die of? · ered by his wife kissing tbe cook bePI LtS• ed8 a.}", foDrowlSl n otl8. B n cl ~ -----hind tbe door. But the Quaker wal . Tn..t.. I n.t h e~l nutll, CO ..1io He Wanted to Get I Fair atlrt. ed Toogue. 1'..10 In tile not dlsturbl!d. . , . , S l d" , /l'ORPID L IVER. An old cltlJ.en. who had been ben· '''Wife,'' tmld . he, genU,., ."It Illee ~====..-_.J Tb ~)I r egul ..te ·the Bowet s. Purely V0lr.tu bl .. peclced. al\'b ~!!I lite, was about to die: doe6n't quit t hy spying, thee wllllL&ke His wlCe felt .It her duty to ol!er him tro.uble .lh the family." SMAll Pill. SMAll DOSE, SMAl.l PRICE. luch oonlolatlon. u sbe mlghtl and Genuine Must · Bear 811014.:. "John. you are about to .gC?, bat Good Work. I filii follow you." . Fae·Simile Signature : 'Hls brains earn him hIs IIvlag." "I IlIppose 110. Manda," sald the old "Rats! I've read his stult In all the man, weakly. " but 110 flir 811 I am con· magtizines, and tbere's no sense In any PILLS. /~~ A cerned. you don't need to be In any of it." . ftEFUSE SUBSTITUTES. blamed hurry about It."-Argonaut. "1 know it, but thlnk how smart he> Ia to get It In all tht> mllgazlnes 1" It HOTII E RS gt .. e their chllilren Quick .a Wink. If your eyes-ache with a smartingl bumLike an Army. lng scoBlltion uee PET'1'lT'8 EYE SALVE. Patience-She keeps an army of cJo- It " IILpre.,nnt. Ull.hllI8rhl •.l"nltufnonl(\ 1 ~ ll\J the All drullilisteor H~.wQrdBro8 •• Buffalo, N. Y; lIlestfcs, doesn't she ? ~~~·jtl~. /~':,~U :I~I~~fl~'! '.filU ~:'~U~\~~ ~:.JKl~I~~~~ Long before a womnn acqulrell any · Pat rice-Well, yes; tbey s eem like rft f undud It not I).l li afl\I'l.ur,. ClQloITIl'E NTAI, (J O~ LPANI£. O . "He's kInd to bls wlfej when shlJ lewela sbe likes to worry for fear they &1\ army; ·they·re Blwjl.ys I!ghUng!Yonkera Statusman. gives hlni cold cotree In the ·mornlng may be .tolen. -~-----he warms It over hlmselt."-Chlcago . ONLY ONE "BROHO I)UININE" Dellctous cakes and past ries are pro· Journal. Tbat I, LA.XA.TIYBI IIH8MO O.OIN1NJIl. ' .ook for duced by the uSIl of Eloude rs' Cream of th ol8n ... ,, 1'0 of & W. KOVR. Uoed ,lie World 01'9' ... ou ..... Cold 111 ODe va,. ~ Throat and Lugs Cbmp":lona Are Odioul. ·Ta.r tar BaIting POVfder and 'Soutl.e rs' ...od i •• llh. Jml\ecti"" a.aintl·cold Flavoring Extracts. All sood groceries. Mrs. " Chrlm80nbea)l- Thts , paper . nd cfueue ihat it ob..ined from lisny a maD with whe! ls thln\!.B he says that abou~ twice as mucb powet piJo·. Cure. U l'OG h... a .....t. or ccW. allahl or ~rlOGI, beain tak. It II better to desire the things tbat Is requIred 10 stop an express train II the whole political maobine. ing Pito", C ure today .OO cocuinua we have, tban to have tbe t blngs thai to at art ooe. U'lll1 ya ll Ira well. Cure .he couch w~.I. il i. hah. wf,,,, • lew d_ ....e desln..-Henrr vaa Dyke. . Mr. Orlmsonbeak-Very likely, bu~ el Pioe" C.,. m .,. be .!I thall''''' tbat dbes not gfve us auy adequate ' wiD....,!. F• .,..... I.. h. ll a ..... FILm! CURED :rN 0 TO 14. OATS. IU';. PI.... ntt. F.... 1_ Idea. of · 't he addltlQnal (lower 'n eede,C1 To plead that anYlhlng III excusable P.AZO OINT)! E NT t, @U D",ntcro '" Cllro a]11 .... opial.. and harmful inVtedi...u: to ' BtOP 8 woman talking all ,compared II to aIlmtt that It I. *rolll'.-Tlssot ~t ll<:.·bln~, Blind. 'Blce<t' 'I! ur 1· ...' 11111111" PlI.. lo At ell dnaaaiota'. eta. ,\0 16 day, or, rorunde<l , 600. y.'ltb ~bat Iii req!llrcd to 8~rt' bol'.Yonker:a Statesman. ' . It'l always the ' open leaaon ior bUDO' IDe trouble. . Wlfey Cooked. Bacon-Do you b&ve any trouble with yonr cook~ . hlgbett..,...I certainly do. · ~ Does. ebe talk back to you'" "[ndecd, yes," ... "L B)louldn't think you'd a1lo .... It .. "You couldn't belp It If ·you were parried to 'her, u I aml"-y.,nkers ~tutesU1au. '
Vail Medicine for Colds
- -.- -----
Sad. Hlppl-They tell ' me Tortolee )lal Foremall ·(to applicant "for work)-Sore an' there wu only olle paaeed away. What wu the trouble? . Boa-He died of chasrln. After ya~cy at pre. ent, ad that's tilled: but the man we've got bere to-day boldlng the apeed boob,. prbea for ban·t. . tlU'lled IIp-t1O If be. doen't Jean With unQueatlcmed lI1ll"'emaq. CIO. . ·to-motTC)w we lbaD &eDd blm lOIbe 811"'0'" rt~ _allied ~ lido matcb race .l~ • Pyerrs.etat co.. ~ wldch-b·J. . . . . 1.~-l'Jlc~
••h0O!'M!', a~ ro tnrm. ,1<1\',. Oon<! lIS"EI '. nf:nr l owll \; 1r'rllj~.
t h,..o-""""
(t tte r , nGt
farm s. M C'G 1LA'! ' U. H Uillulu ' to", lJowo l Co ... lIo.
"., .. , .. f nr torruu ln ... O" ..... SEND 110 Hfl(r:ohd (i h'ck cn Oholcl'D Cure," lI.&II.e It , o U,Jlelf. ~x. ~ Selmll, Al(lhU ~a .
u:.~=:~~ 1Thompsan'. Efl Witir (1909-2)
... . 4 _ __
Olassified Ads
Aesop Up to D.te.
- ThInk i ng It wa~ Il elfl h. th ' j un ele . G d L e IIporl s dec ided to rei ,~t t h l' rab bit. Pal'. Ali m ent a ran argo lortol l'le race where ttl y' I'oll.hl get n f or a Small Ma ll . 1I00 d audleoce. I I o they re· Mnrl\lhoned It. gI vin g f\ A (,hl ro)1;o p h .\'l<lr-iall !I:\ \'S tlHlt tI .· large p urse to t he wi nner and 11 811/:,bt . WII ~ once ellllo(\ lu \' Illit 1\ RIC'k lI1 0n ly sm all r one to t h 10s"I·. Th~ hal'<' IIIlJnecft 11111'11. !lrllig In .1\ tent'llIl'n t. I did b at t or t h i S t I m an d t h res\! It W ~ 8 J IIllt b!pro l' the dOl'IOr took hlN .,,, I, .reversed. pa l't ll re n IIl1l1lhpr or , Iu' r eald IIt a of And 80 both got Y n lld cv~ ll E' n l;:agp. t h.' plnce <jl'llppPcl In to b ar lv e . er· ments. fo r both weI' champion s. And di d. . nobody took mllc h Int t tin elLher or " \\' e'll. IIII' rl'l'lIrl~ . " sal rl ;\11· 8 . . ('\I11eo. them atter t hat. w i th 1111 lIl,' or' III Ool l'BI. 1l'l llll1ph , " thP M:oral- Tb I'll e Is 1I0t III ways to do!'1 ht'r hprp aUYH I 'fit hR ~ lin aUnckt the awl ft. but the boodl g00 8 to l be or pillra\ PII 11I1I01l1n. ' nort her,' says profes"lollals. I tn him . 'al n'l ) ' 011 I'XfiJ;!gern II 0 ' a roll1l'. rm . to nl \\,fI)' or Ihl nk ln ' P al I" t"o 8hml,11 n mall for 'hot. Ringle The B ird In H an d. I IlrlPllnlollla . I' h('lnvp. Is nl! I her,,'d b e Loony IlY, let's pl'oml e to man,- 1'(10111 ~ n hlro ror: , lIach olher ..'hell wu grow 1111. " Hilt t he doct her sta nds by h i s decl· I Oracl e- O b. no. 1 ml gbt Ilk> !<O lll t.'- Rloll . Sure . .It ·s a gl'II,nd . Inl' ~ft dlspase body el se bett!"r then . for !l ll.~ h. 8 shma 1\ ma ti as Pnt.·, l.on ll y- M e. 100. .\ nll Ih womn n's ai lli nd sho we(! Oracte ( h nsltlYl-Oh . yes, I<'t 's do th " ~()II. ·c lons pl'I<1 t hat ~ h e r It.- II· , hl sll'alPd Sun day Mn ~a7.ln e, \ pro mise.
:s:± _
_ _ __.
t \H' ul\' .. II\' •• "1"'11 ' __ r.t! Ihrl "· 1I''''' ll t l ' ll b \\'11\\11 11'(1 11 )' !lot !llu"" 111 :"1 11\' ,' 1111 ' '"
Watch for the new· Serial that will. be ' . commenced soon In the Gazette.
I ::W·:'~ I ht' 1'; tlll\:t:- lltl~ ~, h~I· ":.
You will find tht'
OREGONIA M'ILLS Hlledqullrt~ rs f rn All J{imh IIf
1.. ~whnhF~f~w~~~~
I ------------------~
p ~,N
.f 1\ 111' 1',\ ' 1." 01., .\ ' .v\'~'" I,,' iI ,t.! " " ·!''' I .1 It ' I " .,' . . :'II'W'''.
I Lumber and u 1... 1... U I.\J- J f l 1.. 1,,".( Mill Feed F An d It U
l )II ill
1·~ tI'
O RPINBTON 11 11·1
.Sucrene Feed The Famolls DaifY Food.
Corn, Seed Oats, .Coal and Cement. If yo u want ,ood Bread , use
w" ..
........ . . . , . " .... .- - -
.................. ",................................
PA t..: KA(:l 1!; OloUItIl " 'U I:l Ii. 1J1i1l' or g lll v~" 11ll " d~" I'I'l i1/'l f" und .I UII I"· ;V ·!-\
be tW tlll 1l
made an entir~ new stock possible
.T hat's the ·purpose of this sale
- - - - - - - - - - - - ~---- -
- ----- - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'It,.,.* . . . . . . . . . . .
I'I~I >< I J
A llY Ine We also have a lot of I- inch L UMBER cheap. Oet our prices before buying
bl1 VIf' ''l
11l i' kl'lI "
~f' 1I
l'I1 W t\uflte l' 1 WIll pnN Ib .. h i ~h . t't!~ DIRrk M prie,'. ~ l' rlf lll. L1nk ll , Pb o n e 5 1 ~ , Ly lil', Obi ...
I ~~~~~~--~
Will White's
Market' Letter. Those rig Ht'lms, . Ile a lb.
Valley Phone 237· 3 rings
A \. a b" rg a i 11 !I ll n' . 'r h O~e Itllv lr ip(\ Iil em stl v lit e ' never a t b~ lI er mea t. l~ v .. ry oll Sh arp Eyes. gliarun'l et! I. II I wei g h ~ 10 10 IlI'l'RO Il S S ~ m to ha ve op li ed Ibs.
Som mo re ~' p" t h un Otll pl'.9. they Ilee w i t h 1\1\ It tOtl·p li nd <l 1~ tl l1l\ln ss: t il II' The Last v ision 114'1\ I I'ates t h tiln'l ll Rnd QI). scul'lI y wher el bn totolher stu lls Ilk Fill: cit 'up C al 'fh l'lll ll Oricel II spent or Imllot ent b ull et . H o w JIl any Ir llI L'St! had \l o t IW Il II e~'es di rt 011 bert WI1H opto n? li ow xtrn quality W it " 'ullid II IlV t' r IlII1 I1 Y did li en ry Thor ea n ? H ow III lI ny , ( did Audu bon ? How mlln)' d,o S Ihe hnn ~' I1t /'lV e lJ o~ghl 4U o f ~h (,\<e 50 Ill. er. mllt chlng his si ght agn lnst lhe k on ('OKIl!; tor o u.r t ruel . . \ I! a re " ~iI! a nd aler t 8ense of II deer or Il moose. II ' I 7 ,,,, . or fox or a w ol t? ~o l outwllrd eyes. 0 e r1ujC l I til at '2 C .
bllt t~·ward. W e open another eye Flour ole When we aee beyond the first g n ral . J • .f !lture or outllne8 of ' t,hln gll-when· . The old fashion d .Ial'k, evcr w e grnsp the speci al d t ails and . mar.k ln gll · t hllt t his it rlclly plt r e k inti , Ii 1( 1' you r c baraclc l'lsU c IUlI sk co ver s. S clt'nce. con fe r!.! ne w mother 1151:'\ tI, _ _ . , powers of visi on. When ever you ho ve l earned to discrimInat e tb e bi r ds. or Navy Beans. 7Sc peck. ' th e plant s. or t he geolog ical t e4hlres Nice, c h: liu hahll plckl:!d o t & country, It Is a8 If n ew and k ener eye 8 w ere added.- John Ourrq ug hs. !leall s, s ure to be hlgb~r. Havtl
CHILDREN'S OVERCOAT ' AND REEFER,:i TO YEARS $5 ' AND V.H. IT E , N W ......... .... : ... .. . , " .
$'3 .50
. . . . . -'
ABOUT 60 SUITS. 8 TO 17 YEARS, $6 AND $7, VALUES NOW ... ....... ..
$4.98 $3.50 $1.98
BOYS' SHORT PANTS 50c and ()()c.. values, now .. .. ..... .. . ",' .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. 43c . 75C and 85«: values. now ......... :-..... ..... .......... .. . 67c ·"$1 and $1.25 values, now ............... ... ... ...... .... .. 8ge $1.50 and $2 values. now .. ; ... ... .. ......... .... .. ... .... .. $1.24
W'ILSON BROS. lln((GRIFFON SHIRTS . ·$1.00 and $1.25 ... .. ....... .. .......................... :........ ... 89c "Famous . " vvc 1':1\- an d 65c :va Iues " .. ~............... .. '. ...... ......, 4fi,lC
. . . . . . . . . . .
......, .........
ME~~5l~~U~5~~~~V.~~.~~~~ .. ~~.:~? ·
ME~;~5l~~u~~~~,~~~~~ ...:~~...~?
ME~~D TIi~RS~~'....~ ~.~~~. ..~.~:~.~
. A sp~cial.line 'of Swe~t·Orr Trousers, n.50 .values, now!,l8c.·
. A discount 'o f ,:20 per c~n1t on black '· and . staple Cravenettes. Rlflin Coats ~nd ' Suits., Many new models for spnng in this collection. UNDl:RWEAR
$3.00 valu~, now .. ..... :. ~ .. ... .. ; .. .. ........... .. .. t ·. . . . . . . .. $1.9 '200 values. now .. :............. .........; ......... . ;, .. ... ....... 1.4 ~1.00 v\llues, now .·............ .... l ............. , .... ............ . . . 89 50c arid 65c values....... . ... ........ ....... .. .. ...... ........... .45
, CAP.S *1 .50 .'capg, now ;.. ..... ....: .••, ....... .... :: ... :, ..: .... .....: .. .. . .98 :fl 00 caps now .. .... ..... .. .. .. .. .. ... ..... .. .. ..... .. ...... ... . . 75 .50 ' .39
. '.~ E~:~E:• :·:.: ;; : ::. ::... :
$2.50 and $3 ·valuClS.,,~· .. :.... .... .... ..... : .. :... .... .. .......... "1.98
. 'H ANDKERCHiHFS " , ,'
Zinimerman's .
Good Things
fi ANCY · and
~1;25 silk hos.e ...
HOSIt:~R\, ··
::;~ :3:J
:~ ~~:: ~~: : ::: :::::::::::::~. : ::::::::::~ :.'::: · '.1 6 .. .
.This Sale · Closes February 1st, 1909.
R. 5.' Kingsbu
we lJought
Dairy Ther~ometer. 10c:. Alway s I tl!:lt yo~r cream be· fore oh'ur.I.l ing. SIIVU!:I half :.lhe la bur.
Ca.ndlea, 8 for IOc. .
Not the old fashilllleu tallow candle, but Ii nice, delilJ ~penll calldill.
ORANGES, sweet Florltll~ . APPLES, fliney Red Bald win8 LEMONS, juicy lind Ihln rind' BANANAS. fanny flit, .JumboR CA8BAGE, Rolitl Dllnlsh. POTATOES, fa.ncy white,no rot
Ca.nned Pea.••
bflrries . .
O}iolIONS, Bermuda "nd Yeftuw D ,tnvers .
P ARSNlfS, fine with 'fre",h pork . , FISH, penny w4ite fisb . RAISINS, lieeded and Closters. CURR'ANTS, tannv reo leaned. EVAPORATED APPLES, fan '..
Bllldwin And clelln . .
Canned Goods Cala P6IIohes, Aprioottlj Plamil. Cberri es. ASptlragll8, Stra w 'ber'riee, Pioe Apple, Kraut, Bowiny, SploBcb, Lima Bealls, Mtriog Belln!!, Tow".
Be/\\ll!, Sweet Potatoes, !3~I . moo, LobstAr,SbriulPltlciur8, . :Sardine~•. Cond~~8ed Milk. Cer,elll~· . . ..
Po~t T088terll, Cream ,o f ·Wheat. ,
Eggosee, ' SdOD Shreded Wbeat 'BllICotts, Grape .Nut.a Ib"&. VIta, MllzaU, Ptl~ed RIce, Wheat ' Berri8l'"Oa~, Flake ·Hominy, CraoJttid Hominy, Rllltlton's Break faat FoOd, Baol:wbeat.
Many other good · th\ng~ too numerous to mention!·' . . Let have' y,our .orders, we 'have the goods. , . "
'rhe fuwou!I. "WlscolIsi'n Gen' ,; Plla~" c .are , 'aK~nls ' f~r ' tltil IIbove brand,guarauteed to . be th., b1l9~ 011 t'lIe lIIark c·t • . Price 10-:-, 1'5 'cIt l'lea .CIIU.
Wheat Berrie•• Sc
DR.ED PEACHES, fancy Mti ' . . . irA , . DRtED APRICOrs. br~ght and . htuoy. ..'
, .''' ..... : . . : ... " . . : . .. '.
s ill ' ~
10t. ~
OYSTERS, solid ml'a8Ure no . wlltAr. CELERY, fOli O\, ClI.ltforni/\ CRANBERRIES. fanoy, solid
25c initiai-'and fancy ;, ...........:~ ................. ,... . '.15 ] 5c v.alues ... . . .... . . .. '. : .... !' . . ..• , . .. ........ : • •: . •• .08 J (lc values . ...... .·i ,' . •' .•. • • . • .. : . ': ... . ... . . . . , • • . •• . .04 ~1.00
al.readv .. dvanced this
ME~~~ Jg~~~~~~ ..~~,~~~~...~.~ .??
V~lues up to $4 .... ......... ... .:...... .............. :,.. .. .......... ' "1.98 t"
7- "-~t
75c and '1.00 Ties ..... .... ......... ....... .. ... .... .. .... .. ... 50c . 50c Ties 35c, 3 f-or ............... ....... ............ ....... .. ... 11.00 25c Ties, now ....... .. .. .. .................. ,.. ... .. .... . :.. ... . J9c
DrC~ Suit Case~ and Traveling. Bags, 20 per c~nt
Men's ·Trollsers
$2 values .. .. .. ... ... ............... :.. ...... ...... ... .... .. ...... ·$1.50 values ....... ;......... .. ..... .......... .. :. .. .. ... .. .. ......
G lIlWI., .. ,
A !SMALL LINE OF BOYS ' OV ERCOAT . 9 TO 13 YEARS, 110. VALU ES, NOW ....... ... .. .... : ..... ... . ... .. .
.SUITS. VALUES TO $5, NOW ......
i\>l lI in or Thi r d
IlIVI' .
Try Our "'ill Rnn Peed for Hogs
Oregonia, Ohio.
A SPLENDID Al:!t;ORTMENT OF ·BOYS' OVERCOAT 112 AND *t4 VALUES. NOW ,.. ...... .... ...... . ........ .
--.-..I. .
Boys' Knee Pants Suits 50 SUITS, $5 AND $6 V ALmS, A SPLENDID LINE. NOW .. : .... .....
. . . . . . .
- -
ABOUT THIRTY BOYS ' SID1'S. 31 1'0 35, .ALL . W O OL AN I) WELL 'fAILORED, VALrES ~ () ' l ~ NOW .
~ " r eo t II.
ERE .. S· OMFWB g vi ria t" \li n. "
Acme Flour
W ..........W"""_
MEN'I::\ BUrl'S AND OVERCO ATS, H AND'l'AILO RE D. PL ~lN AND FAFCY, AT. 0 R AVEN ETTE , V./\LUEt; UP'1'O $l&, .NOW .. .. ..... ........... ......... .
each season.
.llIoney 'lI tlrUi! .. I " r t).
.. ......... ~............. w ~· ........
ME N' S 8 rTS AND OVERCOA'r BLA 'I{ AN D F AN_ OY, VALU ES U P T() '~ i!O NO W ........... .... ..... ...... .
'~* ''** ~
along. "up·to·date" lines' unless we
li t
urOI( .
/4' " ,II e r plell!:le
We couldn't conduct this store
l!la v a
huff .
I' ' (' k tl r pl~,
hl lll" w l li < ~ . H B ' .... ' 1. 111"'1:" 111. t)rpll' 11 111. \ 1I 1 ~ I'Y Pholll;' 2-·;J
When ' Clearance Is
Ii .. • ... l ·. 11111 " hlltl ", :·, ,, ·. 1.. 1" ' 1" .\1 .. >, . ill urt :\ W it .' 11I'~ v'IIt1, ' •
!:Itorellod theil' b O U ~t1
We Don't Count the Cost
Ne.w Rice. , Se A " viH;j WlI'ole'